Anfernee Williamson
Rock and a Hard Place
'Fuck this,' Carl thought. The husky black man glanced back out to the street. He was pretty sure he was out of sight down the alley, but wasn't taking any chances. The car was still there, attracting about as much attention as he probably was. Gangbangers had a tendency to stand out this far from the city. Carl could see that the battered, low-slung car had pulled off the street, stopping near a hardware store. Carl steeled himself, stepping out from beside the building. He began to walk purposefully towards the car, his right hand moving towards his pistol. Its hefty weight pressed snug against the small of his back, where he had pushed it down the back of his sweatpants. Its cold metal felt hard against his skin, and made the adrenaline-fueled sweat there feel so much more obvious. The gangbanger in the driver's seat looked distracted, talking to another homeboy in the passenger's seat. Carl knew he had his chance to take them by surprise. 'No more running,' Carl thought, as he began to cross the street towards the car. 'No more fuckin' around. Fuckin' Grove Street live or die...' Each quick step took him closer towards the driver's window. Carl felt his big form tightening up as the rush pumped through him. It was a feeling that he thrived on, letting it charge him as he prepared to take care of business. Carl's eyes fixed on his target, who was still talking to his homeboy. He took a grip of the pistol at his back, closing his fingers tightly about it. The gangbanger's braids looked very well done, falling about the length of his hard jawline. They stood out, almost as much as his green flannel shirt. It made Carl pause, pause that deadly moment as the gangbanger turned his head to see him looming over the car's window. Carl recognized that shade of green, and cursed himself for not having noticed it sooner. "Fuckin' Carl Johnson," the gangbanger remarked in a hard tone. Carl stared down at him, his husky form shadowing the younger black man. "Who the fuck are you, homie," Carl replied, fingers locked about his pistol. He hesitated pulling it free. It was hidden under the length of his white t-shirt, but he didn't need an exposed pistol to get the attention of the people who were glancing over their way. "You best start talking quick. Put them fucking hands up on the steering wheel where I can see 'em." The gangbanger's eyes hardened, something that was rivaled only by the hardness in his face. He did what he was told, slowly, "Damn, CJ. Fuckin' chill, already." "You're probably street enough to know what I got in my hand right now. You or your homeboy try any shit and some drama 'bout to go down up in here. Now talk." The gangbanger was looking slowly about the street, obviously checking out his options. The streets were already busy, despite the early hour of the morning. Plenty of witnesses. Carl could see the gangbanger's homeboy sitting still. He didn't trust him or his friend. "You in the shotgun. Put your hands somewhere where I can trust them." "Do what he says, Will," the gangbanger remarked. He looked angry, his dark eyes flashing. His hands were still loosely on the steering wheel. "Fuck this shit." Carl waited until he was a little more comfortable with the situation, more confident that he was in control. Whether these niggas were decked out in Grove Street green or not, he didn't trust anything. "Time to start talking, homie. Who are you." "Orlando. My niggas on Grove Street call me O. This here is Will." Carl couldn't see much of Will, just that his hands were up near the glove compartment. Orlando looked like almost every hardcore gangsta on the street. His face was young, yet hardened by a lust for death, and an eagerness to impress. His dark scowl portrayed a deep-set cruelty that made Carl pause now that he noticed it. Orlando looked proud, prominent features more than handsome. Under his green flannel shirt, a white tank top stretched tight over a taut form. "I ain't heard of either you, homie!" "You doubtin' we Grove Street? Fuck, I grew up on Grove, man. I watched you playin' ball up at Big Smoke's place since I was a fuckin' kid! I seen the way you wasted that nigga fuckin' game after game!" Carl's fingers stayed tight about his pistol, as he watched Orlando's passionate explanation. That much was true though, he had played plenty of basketball on Grove. Smoke never was good at that game. The fat fuck. Carl felt his mind hardening to someone he had once trusted like a brother. "Grove Street is purple now, nigga. Fuckin' Ballaz runnin' the whole place. We some of the few of the fam that got the fuck outta there before Smoke and Ryder finished everything." Carl felt the pain of things again, the sickening reminder of how things had turned so quickly over the last few days. Orlando was staring back at him, his expression hateful. He recognized the pain that he saw there. For a moment, his grip relaxed. Carl forced himself not to trust so easily. Not after what had happened. His whole body was still tight with adrenaline, ready to explode into action at the slightest movement. "That still don't explain how you tracked me down, homie. Start telling me shit I don't know before I put a fuckin' pistol up in your face and see how well you talk then!" "I know Ceese," Orlando explained. The youth was hard in the face of threats, resentful. "I know his family. I visited his fam out in Vinewood. Your sister told me Ceese was heading out this way to pick you up. We been tryin' to find you two since last night." "Kendl? You talked with Kendl?" "Yeah, nigga. What I just tell you?" Carl's breaths ran ragged in his lungs as he tightened his grip again. His fingers were starting to ache with the tension. His head spun with the thought that someone had got that close to Kendl when Cesar had told him she was hidden. Fuck this. Fuck Cesar. Why the fuck wasn't he back there with her, watching her back? "Look, nigga. We ain't got no place else to go. We rather be up here with you than runnin' fuckin' scared. I don't do that shit. We figured we find you, that you would know what to do about the Ballaz." "Grove Street is down, homie." "Yeah, but that ain't mean I ain't still fuckin' down wit' Grove Street. Fuckin' live or die, nigga. This shit ain't gonna turn me into a bitch. I ain't ditchin' my fuckin' colors." Carl felt an admiration, seeing Orlando, seeing the passion in the youth's eyes. He knew gangbangers like him. They burnt bright and burnt fast. Orlando was the sort who would go down in a hail of bullets when his time came. But in his mind there was nothing worth dying for more than his gang. "We all that's fuckin' left, CJ. But Grove Street ain't down. Fuck that shit. As long as we alive, Grove Street ain't down. WE fuckin' Grove Street." "Yeah, homie. You got that right," Carl replied, subdued. "So get the hell up in here, nigga. These fuckin' hicks got me on edge. I'm sick of bein' stared at." Carl waited a breath or two longer before finally letting go of his pistol. Orlando's words touched him in a place where pride burnt brighter than life. He was right, despite everything that happened, Grove Street wasn't dead. Not while they were still alive. Three homeboys. At least it was a start. Carl pulled his hand out from under his t-shirt and pulled open one of the back doors. He thought that he almost spied a look of relief on Orlando's usually hard expression. Sliding into the back seat, Carl finally got a look at Will. The kid looked younger than even Orlando, who himself looked to have just made it into his twenties. He wore an oversized hoodie in a Grove Street shade of green. His hair was done in cornrows, but just barely. They looked long since needing redoing. Carl thought he looked like the sort of kid who wouldn't survive long on the streets. His face was boyish, maybe a shade lighter than his homeboys. They looked like an odd pair, total opposites. Orlando started the car again, the stereo bursting to life. The skillful guitar playing of Lenny Kravitz filled the car as Orlando pulled back out onto the street. "Are you gonna go my way?" Carl didn't think he had much of a choice but to trust. The paranoia that had haunted him over Cesar made him feel the same way about Orlando and Will. "So where we headed?" Orlando asked. His was driving at that same slow, lazy pace that would hold up traffic anywhere else. "Was fuckin' hard enough trackin' you down, nigga. Probably woulda just gone up the coast to San Fierro if we hadn't found you today." "Just turn right up here. Me and Ceese holed up in some place of his that he bought a while back." Carl felt his foot hit against something on the floor, looking down. It was a well-worn backpack, and something clinked inside as he pushed it a bit further away from him. He got a look from Will, who glanced down behind the seat towards the pack. Carl ignored it, sitting back, dead center. This way he could get a good view of everything. He gave Will a stare that made the kid face the front again."You didn't tell me," Carl said. "How you know Ceese." "Me and Ceese go way back, nigga. I know his fam. I used to do Sunday dinners up in his families' place. Ain't never seen a guy with so much fuckin' family." Carl used the moment to pry a bit more. He reminded himself that he had Kendl's best interests at heart anyway. "So this place you said my sister's up at. Where is it?" "Nigga's place in Vinewood? It's the wrong side of the hills. Lil' shack. One of his brothers owns it or some shit." "Kendl was all good, right?" "Yeah, nigga. She doin' ok from what I can see." Carl didn't worry so much about the two anymore. He figured that he could get them back to Cesar, and if he didn't vouch for Orlando's story, then he could take care of both of them. He tapped Orlando on the shoulder and pointed over towards the prefab complex that was coming up on their right. "I know how you are with yo' sister, CJ. Think about everyone on Grove Street knew not to even look at her wrong while you was out." "Better believe it," Carl muttered. "So chill the fuck already, nigga. I ain't have to tell you Ceese is a good man. He believes in that honor shit. Your sister's aiight. Cesar ain't gonna turn like some niggas we know..." Carl took a heavy breath, neither of them had to speak names. "Best believe that too..." The car bounced a little as they pulled into the rough soiled area of the prefabs. Carl prepared himself again, mentally. Time to see how shit checked out. He found that it was easy to slip back into old patterns of taking care of business. It kept his mind off shit, and kept his mind off the fact it had been weeks since he had last got laid. "Park us over there, homie." "Aiight." Carl got out of the car as soon as it stopped, his big body tightening as he let his right hand linger back again. Part of him argued with his sense of mistrust. But Carl couldn't help it when two of his closest had turned against him so easily. What did it take to sell out your whole damn crew like that? After how many years? Carl put his hand closer to his pistol. 'Grove Street is Grove Street man, what the fuck are you thinking? These boys are legit. You got the last of Grove Street up in here.' The two of them got out of the car. Carl just wanted to wait and see Cesar's reaction. That done, he would trust and try and chill on all the paranoia he had been feeling the last few days. Then maybe they could build something to put things back where they belonged. He knew he was going to need people for that. Loyal people. "Yo Ceese! Come out here a minute!" Carl called. He motioned over at Orlando. "You two hold up a minute, aiight?" "What? What's up?" "Let me get my homie to vouch for you." "Fuck this, CJ." "Nah, chill your fuckin' self. We Grove Street? You do shit my way." Carl closed his hand about the pistol and this time pulled it out, letting it hang lightly at his side. He liked the way that shut Orlando up, and made the homeboy fear just a little. Will had pulled his hood up over his head, hanging back near the car like he didn't want to be here. The door of the prefab opened, and Cesar stepped cautiously onto the veranda. His expression was guarded as he stared at Orlando, but it wasn't an initial reaction. Carl guessed he had already checked them out through the window before coming out. The tall Hispanic stayed back, silent and staring at Orlando with that look of surprise. Carl didn't like it at all. Certainly not the way you would treat an old homeboy. "Sup, Ceese? Remember me?" Carl kept his grip firm on the pistol, but still let it hang relaxed at his side. "You know this nigga, homie?" "Si, I know him, homes. What's up? Where you find him?" "Find him snooping around Hicksville with his homeboy here. He says he's from Grove Street and he knows you and your family." "Yeah, dude, he does," Cesar replied, still standing near the door. "We used to chill." "What about now? You still chill these days?" asked Carl. "You vouching for him, homie?" "Si, usted puede confiarlo en. He's cool." Orlando finally gave a smile, glancing over at Carl with a rather vindicated look. He swaggered over towards Cesar, and gave him a staunch street hug, one-armed and straight forward. He muttered quietly to the Hispanic. Carl frowned, noticing the way Cesar seemed so hesitant. He barely responded to Orlando's greeting. It was like he didn't even want to touch him. Orlando pulled back, staring Cesar over. "I guess you two got plenty shit you want to catch up on, but right now, we got to figure out what to do from here." Carl shoved the pistol back in his pants. "Sorry if I acted like I ain't trust you O." Carl motioned the smaller gangbanger over, and then gave him a hug, one like Orlando had tried to give Cesar. He felt the hardness of Orlando's body against his for the moment, he gave off a heat. Orlando kept close, muttering to Carl. "It's all good, nigga. Ain't like shit like this happens every day. I ain't blame you for bein' so fuckin' tight 'bout all this." Carl pulled back, giving Orlando a hard look. Damn, the nigga had a mouth on him. He could see him getting beat on for shooting off so much back on Grove Street. Orlando barely gave it any mind, seeming to let that be the last of the matter. "Figured you two was gonna go back to your brothers, nigga," Orlando remarked to Cesar, heading up into the prefab. "What with Kendl being back there an' all." Cesar still seemed a little shell-shocked for some reason. "Yeah, that was the plan, ese." "It was?" Carl asked. He pushed Will in passed him, the younger homeboy still lingering back. Carl was starting to recognize that hesitant, standoffish nature that he had seen in Cesar last night. The Hispanic shrugged. "Figure it as good as any, dude, plus I know how you worrying about your sister." Carl headed inside and took a seat on one of the many that lined the wall of the lounge area. There might have been plenty of places for all of them to sit, but there was no way the four of them were going to be able to crash here for much longer than a night. Orlando took up a place opposite him, his manner relaxed since he had seen Cesar. He slouched, low and wide-legged. "All I wanna know right now is what happened back on Grove Street," Carl said. "I wanna know where shit's standing. Ceese tipped me off about my brother Sweet getting ambushed by Ballaz." "You know Ryder and Smokes behind all that shit," Orlando remarked, with that passionate, hateful fire in his eyes again. "Because they rolled on up to Grove Street wit' a grip of Ballaz, ready to start bustin'. They fuckin' struck his colors. Way they was talkin' you an' Sweet was already dead. But Will here heard shit a little different. He heard you got out and Sweet got arrested." "Yeah, that's sorta true, homie." Carl couldn't help but sense the feeling between them. It was like all the times he had huckered down and planned his next move. Except then it had been with his brother, and Ryder and Smoke. He still couldn't get over what had gone down. But bit by bit, all the pieces were coming together, and there was little other course but to accept it and move on as best he could. He had to try and pick up the pieces of this mess. "This some ol' heavy planned shit, nigga," Orlando continued. He was back up on his feet. "Ballaz's moved in on all Grove Street turf in one big hit. But wit' Ryder and Smoke on their side, ain't no way they could fail. They knew all our secrets. When the time comes, and they layin' face down, best believe I'm gonna piss on their backs..." "I appreciate your loyalty, man," Carl said. "We gonna need soldiers like you if we going to do anything about this." He glanced up at Cesar who had been stolidly silent throughout, "You down, ain't you homie? You gonna ride with us?" Carl noticed everyone's eyes were on Cesar, and yet he was still as hesitant and unfocussed as he always was of late. Carl wondered if perhaps losing his crew had fucked him up more than it had fucked up him. He had two niggas on his side now. Cesar had no one other than him. Cesar hadn't acted as messed up as he had over the last few days. The Hispanic stayed leaning up against the counter, "'Course, homes. You know I'm always down to help you out." Carl noticed how he was still sharing glances with Orlando. The braided gangbanger hardly appeared worried about it. "Whatever we do, we gonna need a larger place than this," Carl asked. "Ceese, you got a place closer to Los Santos? Like near where Kendl's at?" Cesar shook his head, distracted. Carl pulled himself up to his feet and walked over to him. "Ceese, snap out of this shit, homie. We need to keep our minds on this and sort it out." "Ay, I'm sorry, homes." Cesar avoided his eye, sighing quietly. "I just need a bit of air." "Huh...?" "If we goin' anywhere I'm gonna need more fuel in my tank, nigga," Orlando remarked. "Why don't you and Will go take care that shit. We can sort out what to do when you get back." "Whatever." Carl was more preoccupied with Cesar and his continue strange moods. It was beginning to fuck him off. The Hispanic had more mood swings than a damn bitch. He caught his hard thoughts, rubbing his hand back over his short shaved head. He wanted to give Cesar a break, but it was hard when he was acting like this. He watched as he headed out of the prefab. "Forget that nigga," Orlando said. "Take care of my car, CJ. We don't need to rush this shit. Ain't like Ryder and Smoke goin' anywhere. Fuckers are sittin' pretty up in Grove now. They ain't moving." "Yeah..." Carl barely heard Orlando, heading out after Cesar. What the fuck had come over him? He quickly spied the Hispanic leaning up against the prefab, further along the battered wooden exterior. He headed over towards him, a look of concern etched into his dark features. "What the fucks going on, Ceese? You bugging out." "Ay, I'm cool, homes."I ain't never seen you act like you've been the last few days, man." Carl kept close to the Hispanic, preferring to keep his voice down. He glanced back towards the door, but it looked as if their two new allies were staying inside. "This got something to do with that nigga Orlando?" "Si, homes, but not how you think." "I thought you said you two were cool?" "We are. I just haven't seen him in a while, Carl. It's a bit of a surprise." Carl frowned, still keeping close to the Hispanic, "You two have a falling out or something?" "Nothing like that, homes," Cesar said. He finally turned to face Carl, looking him in the eyes for the first time in a while. "We two used to be close. Cйrrese como hermanos, like you and me are now. But then I met your sister..." "Yeah, girls change things like that sometimes," Carl replied. Things were starting to make a little more sense. He kicked at the hard, dirt ground. "He don't look like the sort that be too cool with a change like that." Cesar looked at him strangely for a moment, but then shrugged. "Nah, dude, he wasn't. But I swear, things are cool ok?" He put a hand on Carl's shoulder, just staring at his eyes for a few very long moments. Carl started to feel uncomfortable in the silence, but Cesar broke it with an almost soft remark, "We hermanos, right?" "Of course, Ceese. Why you think that shit's going to change?" "I don't, but shit gets twisted up sometimes," Cesar replied. There was a resignation about his expression. "I'm just glad we homeboys, ese. I'm happy with that." "Yeah, I'm glad we homeboys too." Cesar looked past him, and Carl glanced back over his shoulder to see Will standing near the door. The young black held up a set of keys before tossing them over in Carl's direction. He grabbed them effortlessly, and grunted, looking obviously put out by the suggestion. "I better take care of this. I guess we ain't gonna get that chance to chill by ourselves for a few days yet, Ceese." Carl was surprised that the Hispanic chuckled, smiling back at him. His mood seemed better, some of the weight that was resting on his soul lifted. "Ay, it's cool, homes. We get our chance." "C'mon then, homeboy," Carl remarked, trudging over towards the car, and motioning to Will. "Let's go take care of this shit. You can tell me a lil' about yourself on the way." Carl got into the car, waited for Will before starting it on the first try, and reversing out slowly. He noticed Orlando standing near the door, watching, before he turned the car about and headed back out onto the street. It would feel good to get back into things, Carl considered. It was hard sitting still, even if it had only been a day. The thought of doing nothing, laying low for so long intimidated Carl. He looked over at Will, sitting slouched in the passenger's seat. The young homeboy's hood was still pulled down over his head, shadowing his face. He seemed almost totally oblivious to what was going on around him, his hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie. Carl turned the stereo off, hoping it might encourage the youth into talking. He wasn't surprised when it didn't. "So how long you known O?" Carl asked casually, trying to remember if he had spotted a gas station anywhere in his time out of the prefab. Will shrugged, answering with little more than a grunt. "You been down with Grove Street long? I ain't seen you around." "You been out of town the last few years." Carl frowned, feeling the obviousness of the remark drive home the point. Grove Street had been great once, and up until the last few days, it had been great again. But it was becoming more and more obvious that it had been Carl and his brothers' hand that had ensured that. He really had been gone a long time if Grove Street could come to this, friends betraying friends, family not even recognizing family. "Well I'm not leaving Grove Street again," Carl remarked, quietly. "Things gonna be different this time around, homie." The comment elicited little from Will. Carl glanced over, seeing the homeboy staring out at the buildings they passed. Distant and silent. Carl grunted, annoyed. He decided not to push the youth, happy that he spotted a gas station not too much further up the main stretch. The suspension groaned as Carl pulled up into the bay. Cesar could probably work wonders with this car, he thought. Carl got out of the car and proceeded to fill it up, his mind already going through the options. With two cars, they could head back towards Vinewood and hole up there. Maybe there was a back way that Cesar knew about. Maybe they could rent a couple of motel rooms, find out whether there were any other survivors of Grove Street. Carl ignored the stares that he got from the old man attending the office. For some reason he started wondering about Tenpenny, and his brother. Carl wasted little time paying for the gas and heading back to the prefab. He ignored Will for his thoughts as he finalized the plan. Carl felt the charge of action again, revitalized by the thought and reality of a new direction. Things were going to be looking up from here. With Cesar at his back, along with the other two from Grove Street, he had a solid way ahead. Carl found himself admitting begrudgingly to himself, Orlando was right. As long as they were alive, Grove Street was alive. Carl pulled the car around and parked near the entranceway, in preparation for a quick leaving. He figured an hour's tops was all they needed to stay here. Getting out of the car, he noticed Will fall in stride with him, and felt somewhat hard about his feelings towards the youth. It seemed strange that the future of Grove Street was partly in the hands of two gangsters so vastly different, Orlando and Will. The prefab felt empty as Carl headed back up inside, a cursory glance not revealing either Orlando or Cesar. Carl heard the sound of voices from the bedroom, recognizing O's harder tone. He headed towards them, eager to get them underway and out of this tiny hideout. It was time to get towards bigger and better things. "I'm just sayin', nigga, for old times' sake. Stop bein' a fuckin' bitch 'bout it." Cesar's voice carried more lightly on the air, making Carl stop in his tracks, "Homes, I'm not joking. I don't suck cock anymore. I told you, ese, I'm going to marry Kendl. That part of my life is over. No hago eso más." What the fuck?! Carl paused near the blanket that kept the bedroom separate from the living area. He didn't believe he could have heard that right. "That ain't what yo' dick sayin' right now, Ceese. I see how yo' still lookin' at me. So why you ain't get down on yo' knees fo' me, give a nigga a lil' love." "I'm serious, homes. I can't do it." Cesar's voice sounded harder. "Homes... don't do that." Carl felt his big chest tighten, his mind rioting at the reality of what he was hearing. Disbelief swamped him, and he started the few brief steps towards the door. He had to put shit straight, he had to see this for himself. There was no way that Cesar had just said what he had. 'My fuckin' homeboy doesn't suck cock!' Carl felt something on his arm, glancing back annoyed in his growing anxiousness to see what was going on. He saw Will, holding onto his arm, the youth's face deadly serious, yet still shadowed by his hood. Will shook his head slowly, as if warning off against what Carl meant to do. The big black tugged his arm away fiercely and turned to shove back the blanket. "Just go down, nigga." Carl saw the shock in Cesar's eyes, the look of horror on his light features. It struck Carl almost as immediately as how close Orlando was to the Hispanic. That and the fact that the black's sagging cargos were down around his ankles, exposing those long, sinuous legs and dark boxers. He had Cesar backed up hard against the only wall space in the bedroom, trapped with an arm hard up against a wall. Carl thought how it looked almost like Orlando was in front of a urinal, ready to take a piss. There was no way what Carl heard could have been wrong. Carl could see it all too easily. Cesar was all but ready to drop to his knees and suck Orlando's dick. The thought of it made Carl's mind reel in disgust and disbelief, hearing those words off Cesar's tongue. His own fucking homeboy! Everything began to hit home, with the force of a baseball bat to the head. Being in bed with Cesar. Discovering that porn tape. The way Cesar had lingered those few times. Carl shook his head, anger mixing with disgust on his dark features. He saw the effect it had on Cesar, the way the Hispanic's eyes reached out, how they panicked within. He saw Orlando's cocky smirk as the gangbanger glanced back towards him. Carl let his expression harden, before turning away from the bedroom. "Homes! CJ!" Carl ignored Cesar, hearing the Hispanic raise his voice in Spanish in the bedroom, then something that sounded like a thump. Carl just knew he couldn't be here as he pushed past Will and headed outside, he couldn't be near Cesar or Orlando. This changed everything, and there was no way in fuck Carl could let himself stay.
DARKSIDE: The United States of Anarchy; "Coming to Take Me Away..."
'They're coming to take me away, Hah Hah! They're coming to take me away. Ho Ho, Hee Hee, Hah Hah! To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time, And I'll be happy to see those nice young men In their clean white coats, and They're coming to take me away, Hah Hah!' -- by Napoleon the XIVth. [Willowdale Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia.] [Case History: Patient - Carmichael, Phillip Owen. I.D. # 000-87-1842] [Height - 5'8". Weight - 168. Caucasian. Hair - Brown. Eyes - Hazel.] This man was seventeen when he attempted to rob a Federal bank. His weapon of choice was his hand, bent into a pistol, a fact which was revealed after he received the money his note demanded. He pulled his 'gun' from his jacket pocket and pretended to fire several bullets into the ceiling as he backed to the exit, making the appropriate sound effects vocally. Observing that the subject was, in fact, unarmed, a security guard apprehended him. Throughout his arraignment and trial, the subject maintained that he possessed a 'real' weapon. A gun that he could make appear with a suitable gesture and banish by opening his hand. He was found mentally incompetent and sentenced to a maximum of ten years in a subsidized psychiatric hospital. The patient's motive for the attempted robbery was reportedly that he 'was out of money to buy bubble gum and comic books.' During the past year, several experts have tried to show that Phillip was faking his incompetence to avoid incarceration. However, his symptoms have proved convincing to the facility staff. He has proved to be cooperative, but has of yet shown little signs of improving his condition. Phillip smiled as he put his case folder away. He'd tried to make his commitment entertaining. Even with the dry clinical language they used here, some of the humor showed through. He'd got himself committed because he was tired of living on the streets, and even now he couldn't believe how close he'd come to getting away with the money. But that wasn't the point, so he'd 'shot at the ceiling'. The file didn't mention his knack for getting into places that he shouldn't, but his appointment as a trustee helped there. He knew he wasn't supposed to be in the patient files, but that never stopped him before. He wondered what his friend's file said. His buddy Rex was a good-looking big man, with the mind of a child. Phillip never did find out how he got here. He pulled the file and sat back in the Institute Director's leather chair, his feet on the walnut desk. [Willowdale Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia.] [Case History: Patient - Timmons, Rex Harrison. I.D. # 000-41-6954] [Height - 6'5". Weight - 290. Caucasian. Hair - Blonde. Eyes - Blue.] A varsity Junior in a college football team, this patient was a star Center in contention for the Heisman Trophy. Known for his fearless charges and aggressive playing style, his team was in the first game of the Playoffs, when he was critically injured. He'd gone literally head-to-head with a defensive lineman at crushing speeds. (See video footage, and photos.) The defensive man's neck was broken, and he remains paralyzed. The patient's helmet split, and a piece of it drove into his brain. Rushed to the hospital, they managed to remove the foreign object. He lay in a coma, while his parents negotiated a substantial monetary settlement from the helmet manufacturer. Eventually he awoke, but he wasn't the same. His mind had regressed to his childhood. His parents couldn't deal with a 'six-foot preschooler' (their term) who could inadvertently injure them while playing. Regretfully, they committed him to the Institute, where he could be cared for adequately, and watched for any sign of return of his adult mentality. So far, the prognosis for such a recovery has been very poor. Wow. Phillip frowned. He thought of the crayon picture his friend had drawn for him. Rex said it was puppies and flowers, and Phillip could just about make that out. It was crudely drawn, but painstakingly colored with much effort and concentration from the bigger man. Now it was Phillip's prize possession and hung above his bunk in a place of honor. Rex wasn't a screw up, like himself. He'd had a good life, before he was hurt. It was a shame. If only he could help.... Phillip shrugged. His friend had plenty of food and clothing, and the maid service couldn't be beat. He wouldn't be hurt anymore, and he didn't have to work for a living. Since that condition was Phillip's main ambition in life to achieve, he couldn't imagine that Rex would want anything else. But still.... A knock on the door made him jump up and straighten the files and quietly close the cabinet, retrieving his wire lock pick. Rex's signal meant someone was coming. He scanned the room, making sure it was in order. Phillip took the small bag of waste paper and left the office, locking the door as he did so. His peripheral vision told him the intruder was Nurse Kratchen, the nastiest nurse at the institution. She was one of the few staffers he hadn't been able to charm. He thought she was a prune-faced, dried-up old spinster harridan, and she didn't like him much either. "Come on, come on," she said impatiently. "You have two more corridors to finish before dinner or you won't get those privileges you wanted." Rex turned a frown to Phillip, his big hands tightening anxiously on his mop. Phillip shrugged back. She didn't have the authority to break their agreement with the floor's head doctor, but she could make a complaint if they didn't appear to hop to her directions, as senior nurse. As trustees, they didn't have to do any janitorial work, but they did it to earn time in the computer lab. Phillip liked shoot'emups, and diplomacy games, while Rex avoided anything that seemed to be confrontational. The big man liked simple puzzle games and simulations, as anything complex gave him a headache. Ms. Kratchen watched them work for a while, then went about her duties. Phillip nodded at Rex, and went into her office to tidy up. Before he took her trash out to the cart, he hit the catch of her hidden stash of psychoactive medicines. He already knew they weren't accounted for on any inventory in the institute. He used the pills to buy favors from the staff and patients. He had no idea what she used them for. Much the same as he did, he supposed. The handle of Rex's mop hit the office door, and Phillip cleared out of the secret cabinet in seconds, hiding the bottle he'd taken just as quickly. That was the signal for someone coming so quickly his friend couldn't knock to warn him. He was reaching for the door with the bag of trash when Nurse Kratchen jerked the door open. She scowled at him, as her eyes raked past him to see if anything was out of place. "Hurry up and get out, you," she grumbled. "I have to make a phone call." Phillip smiled docilely, and slipped out of her way. As her door clicked shut, the two continued with their chores without further incident. Later that night, after they'd enjoyed their computer time, he made the exchange with Bob, the orderly. Thirty Valium pills were traded for one over-the-counter bottle of chewable Vitamin C for him, and a bottle of Flintstone's Vitamins for Rex. Phillip could have gotten cigarettes, alcohol, or porno for the stuff, but he considered it a good trade. Anything he could do to make his big friend happy was worth it to him. Phillip started hearing the Congressional hearings about the Debt Crises after he'd been at Willowdale for almost a year. The facility was State funded, and quiet rumors of cutbacks and cost-cutting ran rampant among the staff. The patients were mostly upset that their cartoons and Soaps weren't on. When the Atlanta Riots hit the news along with graphic footage of the Trucker's death, the day room TV's cable feed was disconnected. They only saw videos after that. He had a bad feeling about the way things were going. Phillip understood the news more than most of the patients.According to the newspapers he 'borrowed' from the trash, Congress was frantically trying to create a special funding bill to at least pay the outstanding interest of the debt the U.S. owed to friend and foe alike, to keep the country's credit good. But it was mid-Spring, with another scorching Summer forecast, and following a wickedly cold Winter that had killed thousands across the country. FEMA was stretched to the limit, and the projected taxes that were only now trickling in were insufficient. There weren't enough liquid funds in the government to make the budget's frayed ends meet. Nation after nation turned down humble U.S. requests for loans. They were all being hit hard to pay their own debt, and were demanding that their creditors pay in turn. It was a cycle that proved endless. No country could completely clear their debt to offer help to any other. Wars were threatened, and crippling special taxes levied, but taxpayers the world over rebelled. Whole armies and police forces began to vanish when their pay disappeared. The Atlanta Riots were the first domestic sign of just how bad it was going to get. When Congress ended the session early without resolving the situation, Phillip began to quietly prepare to leave. It was harder than it used to be, because he had to consider Rex. Phillip knew how to live on the road, but his giant buddy was as naive as a child. Some staff members stopped showing up after the second IOU in lieu of a paycheck. Others came back just long enough to steal things, like the computers and the televisions from the day rooms. The rest of the staff grimly hung on, surviving on the supplies they shared with the patients. As long as living here was easier than the outside, Phillip would stay. He and Rex were almost invisible to the tense staff, and Phillip liked it that way. They helped clean the place and didn't make any trouble. He was surprised, though, to see a new face with everything that was going on. Doctor Berger was wheeling in a pretty girl to the women's ward a few days after the facility's Director cleared out his desk and left. The girl, a Miss Christina Spencer, was a transfer from a private facility across town that had shut down. Doctor Berger wanted to keep her under treatment, it seemed. It looked to Phillip like the man was a little too possessive of the vacant-faced girl. Still, it wasn't any of his business. Nurse Kratchen came up behind Phillip while he was distracted from his sweeping, slapping his elbow, and making him jump. "Get busy, you slacker," she said. No one had ever struck him here before, and he didn't like it. He didn't let it show on his face, though. The missing Director had a strict policy of not using any force on the patients beyond what was absolutely necessary. It looked like that policy left when he did. Along with the food getting progressively worse, it was just another thing encouraging him to leave. Over the next few weeks, as he and Rex did their chores they saw difficult patients strapped to their beds, or cuffed into line. Tranquilizer doses were increased in some cases, and a nightly lock-down was instituted for everyone but staff. Phillip stopped most of his usual extracurricular activities, and concentrated on getting the equipment and supplies for his planned escape. In the day room one day, an orderly Phillip did 'business' with took him aside. "Look, Phillip," Bob said, "Steve and I are going into town to Sammy's Market. We need the food, and there's an attached Pharmacy." "That's a small store, isn't it?" Phillip said. "What about the bigger..." "Those are already looted," the orderly said. "The cases are broken and anything frozen or fridged is spoiled. Sammy's is out of the way, and it was still locked last night. Those just going through the area must have missed it. We need a big group though, so we want you and Rex along." "You know Rex won't fight," Phillip said dubiously. "Yeah, but he won't need to," Bob said. "He's big enough to scare 'em. You two are reliable, and you're a good scrounger. This will help you too, Phillip. What do you say?" "We'll be there," Phillip said. He figured getting a look outside was a good idea. "Maybe I can get him to frown at anybody coming near." They both laughed at the idea of raiders fleeing from the gentle man's scowl. The raid on Sammy's went perfectly. Phillip opened the doors, and the team loaded up the big flatbed. On the way back was when trouble struck. A makeshift barricade that wasn't there the first time brought the truck to a halt. Several ragged men stepped around it to face them, some of them with guns. "Leave the truck and go," one of them said, as the others shuffled nervously. "Not a chance," said Bob, raising his own pistol. Phillip gingerly fingered the trank gun Steve shoved into his hands. The orderly glared at Rex for refusing to take one. The blonde giant flinched at the look. "Rex, old buddy," Phillip whispered, "we just need you to pretend to be mad at them. If you don't do something, they could hurt us... hurt me." "Hurt you?" Rex's blue eyes widened, then narrowed in a frown. "No. I won't let them." His great paw wrapped around a baseball bat next to Phillip, and he climbed down to face the men. They jumped at the apparition of the towering All-State linebacker, and all but one of them broke and ran. The last one swung a knife at Rex, cutting the big man's knuckles slightly, until Rex knocked the blade away with the bat. Phillip fired the trank gun, catching the bandit in the shoulder. As Rex raised his weapon over his head, the man collapsed. Rex paused, and looked confused. He looked at the unconscious man, and then at his bloodied hands holding the aluminum bat. It dropped from Rex's nerveless fingers, and he whimpered suddenly. Rex groped back to the truck-bed, ashen faced, rubbing his hands together. "Don't leave anything behind, Phillip," Bob said. Phillip hopped down and retrieved the bat, the knife, and even the trank dart. On the ride back to Willowdale, Rex kept rubbing his hands against his pants, tears flowing down his face. "What's the matter, buddy?" Phillip said. "I didn't want to hurt him, Phillip," Rex said, with a sniffle. "But, I didn't want him to hurt you, or me... Oh, I don't want to hurt anyone!" Phillip could hear the anguish in his friend's voice. "It's ok, Rex," Phillip said. "You won't have to. I promise." Phillip was quiet for the rest of the evening. He'd come to this place to avoid responsibility, but it was time he faced facts; he had one. All six feet five, two hundred and ninety pounds of him. Sleep that night was difficult for both of them. Rex tossed in the grip of nightmares, and Phillip could hardly sleep. At one point he could have sworn he saw a black shadow flow through the walls and seep into both of them. In the morning he shook his head at the memory. He had dreamed it, or this place was finally getting to him, and he really was going crazy. They were both gripped in a sudden fever the next day. A few of the others were sick, but none as bad as they were. Rex seemed calmer after the fever broke the day after, and Phillip felt strangely more confident. He prepared for an immediate departure, putting the hunting knife he'd taken in his secret stash of supplies. He concealed his stash again, and turned to see Nurse Kratchen standing silently behind him. She had a look of pure 'gotcha' on her face. Acting crazy was an old habit that was hard to break, Phillip realized. He straightened imperiously, and waggled his fingers at her. "You don't see anything unusual," he intoned, with his best fake-British accent. "These aren't the 'Droids you're looking for." The harridan blinked, and swayed briefly. Phillip's head blossomed suddenly with a spike of pure pain, as he focused all his gift of 'convincing' people into the command. He forced himself to continue when he sensed her confusion. "There's no one here," he insisted in his normal voice. "No one here," Kratchen repeated dully. "You have important things to do," he said firmly, trying to stem the flow of blood from his nose. "Important things..." she muttered, and wandered away down the hall. Phillip ran to the bathroom and cleaned up. His 'Old Jedi mind trick' had really worked! After he came to terms with that, he began to think how he would use it. The first thing to do would be to avoid the curfew, and see what was going on at night. Rex agreed to pretend his friend was with him, as a game. Phillip locked eyes with the nurse who came to lock them in. She obligingly showed him where the spare set of keys were, and went back to locking doors. Phillip prowled the halls, telling anyone he met that he wasn't there. Near the women's ward, he saw an exchange made between a young intern and a stranger. The man gave the doctor six cans of food, and the intern let him into one of the women's rooms. From the way the guy was unbuckling his pants as he went in, Phillip could guess what he'd purchased. It wasn't right, though, he thought. Then he wondered where he'd grown a conscious from. To be sure though, he came in after the stranger, to find him busy fucking the girl in the room. She was bound hand and foot to the bed, totally nude. An open tube of K-Y jelly had been thoughtfully placed on the bed stand, and from the smell the guy had used it, just as he was using the girl. The animalistic grunting, the primal thrusting motions of the man's hairy flanks, and the wet noises of his balls slapping against her had an effect on Phillip. His cock swelled, and he stroked it. He was tempted to tell the guy to move over, so he could dip his own wick in her now juicy cunt.He moved over to see her better and started in shock. He knew the girl. She was an autistic. Phillip had never gotten her to talk or even to smile in all the time he'd been there, and he'd certainly tried. She was a Jane Doe at the institute, with no one to miss her and no one to turn to. She didn't make complaining noises as the man roughly twisted and bit her nipples. Jane just stared up at the ceiling, a trickle of drool running from her slack mouth. She was panting from the pounding she was getting, and Phillip thought he saw a hint of tension around her eyes. Her hands were clenched on her pillow, and suddenly he had enough. He made eye contact with the man. "Pull out, dude. Go sit on the floor." The man slowed down, his face contorting in a grimace. He started to pull back, but his reluctance made him very slow. Phillip barked, "Now!" The guy did what he was told. Phillip rubbed his spiking headache and felt another warm trickle on his lip. Just a trace of blood, this time. The girl's breathing quieted, and the tension, if he'd really seen any, faded, as her hands relaxed. Phillip still had an aching cock, and the guy was still there. He had to make this look good. "Sorry, Jane," he said. He unzipped and masturbated quickly, bringing himself to climax. He sprayed some on her cunt and then shot on the man's groin. Catching his breath, he looked at the guy and caught his attention. "You just had a good time with her," he said, "and you feel relaxed. Now get outta here." The man stood up and wiped up on a provided towel. Then he put on his clothing and left. Phillip wiped up also. He wished he could help her... but no. Jane was a lot of work to handle, and there was no way he and Rex could take care of her on the road. They had to leave her, unfortunately. Back in the hall, the man was talking to the intern again. "So, how much to get her from you, for good?" he said. The intern, to his credit, shook his head. "I don't think you appreciate how much trouble it is to care for an autistic. Dressing, bathing, meals, bathroom; you have to help her with everything." Cynically, Phillip thought his show of concern was touching. "Don't care," the man said. "I want her. I got a whole case of stew and a bottle of something good for you, Doc." Furious, Phillip grabbed the guy's chin, relying on his standing command to prevent the intern from noticing. "Listen, you. I think you'll leave now and give him all that stuff anyway. Don't come back. In fact..." and Phillip pushed here with everything he had, " just suddenly realized you're gay, and you need to come out to all your friends." The guy turned pasty white, and Phillip didn't feel any better. He felt like his brains were going to leak out of his ears any minute now. It was definitely time to leave the place. Phillip got his stash, then woke up Rex and got him dressed. As he turned out the lights, he spotted Rex's crayon drawing. Carefully, he took it off the wall and tucked it into the bag his friend was carrying. "Come on, big guy," he said. "It's time to leave." It was getting hard for Phillip to keep people from noticing. His head pounded terribly, and he felt his energy draining. Still, he had to get them out of there. It wasn't safe anymore. They were almost to the exit when a room burst open, and a naked girl ran sobbing into Rex. The big man stared in shock. She was naked! Then he registered that she was crying, and patted her head with one enormous hand. "It's ok," he rumbled. "Why are you sad?" She froze for a moment, staring up at him. Then, apparently deciding he was no threat, she clung to him, still crying so hard she couldn't speak. "Ditch her, Rex," Phillip hissed. "We can't help everyone here. We've got to look out for ourselves." "No," Rex said. He used that soft, deep tone that Phillip knew there was no arguing with. The door opened again, and a disheveled Dr. Berger stood there, glaring. He had scratches on his face and a darkening bruise under one eye. His pants were unzipped, half revealing his shrinking penis. The girl 'eeked', and scrambled to hide behind Rex. Rex frowned at him. "You there," the doctor snapped. "Bring her back in here... say, you're patients. What are you doing out of your rooms?" He raised his voice, "Orderlies!" "Quiet!" Phillip said. Fear allowed him to tap resources he didn't know he still had. "Sit down. Forget us. You're having a nightmare. You must be asleep." The doctor's eyes closed, and he slumped over. Rex was still patting the girl gently, and she was trying to articulate something to him. "Help... he... pictures... drugs...." Phillip sighed and went into the room. There were the usual shackles on the bed, but the room also had an expensive camera on a nice tripod. There were film canisters and piles of negatives and developed pictures of the naked girl. Tucked in the camera case was a large manila envelope with more pictures, nasty ones. The envelope said 'Happy Father's Day, Senator Spenser'. It was addressed to Boston, Mass. Phillip shrugged, it was as good a place as any. A journal was next to the envelope, and Phillip skimmed it. It detailed the drugs that kept the girl docile for the doctor's obsession, and for his planned blackmail against her father. She had seen him abuse another female patient, while being treated by him for 'nerves'. It was unfortunate that she'd suddenly 'collapsed', requiring the doctor's constant care. Phillip collected all the evidence, including the camera equipment. He pulled more film rolls from the doctor's pocket. He even woke the man up and made him open the safe in his office next door to get the last of it. In the hall, Rex had wrapped the doctor's lab coat around the girl. "Come on," Phillip said. "We'll get her some clothes from the nurse's lockers." They turned back into the Institute. "She coming with us?" "She wants to go home, Phillip," Rex said. "We can take her." "She's from Boston, Rex," Phillip said, only half arguing. "Do you know how far away that is?" The truth was, Phillip had a very good idea that Senator Spenser would be glad to see his daughter again. "No, but we can try," Rex said. He looked anxious that his friend agree with him. "Yeah, we can try, old buddy," Phillip said. Rex's smile made it worth it. It didn't take long to gather some clothes for Christina, and they finally left the institute. By dawn they were holed up in an empty house across the city. By the end of the week, they were ready to head out of state. They stayed long enough to scrounge the rest of the supplies they'd need for the trip. Phillip didn't think they would get much hospitality. It was only a thumb's length journey on the map Phillip picked up a month later. He'd found it on the littered floor of a looted mini-mart near their hideout 'du jour'. Only a thumb's length, but that translated to a little less than 200 miles between Philadelphia and Boston. He'd gotten a groggy debutante and a super-sized preschooler over most of that distance. He worked out a little bottle of Bayer's wedged behind the lower shelf of the minimal medicine section. He seemed to have a headache all the time now. He'd already grabbed everything else useful, so he slipped out the back to meet up with his companions. Rex had cut his foot walking barefoot in camp a couple of days ago. Luckily Christina didn't need the big guy to carry her anymore, as the drug-cocktail Dr. Berger fed her gradually left her system. She was mostly coherent, but her temper was fragile. Phillip didn't know if it was because of the lingering chemicals, or just a newly learned distrust of people. Whatever the reason, Phillip was more concerned with keeping Rex's bandage clean. When he got back, Rex was watching Chris cautiously pet a gaunt, half grown puppy drinking water from a hubcap. It turned and lunged at him when he approached, snarling viciously. Instinctively, Phillip dropped to one knee and locked eyes with the dog. "Easy," he said softly. "We're no threat to you, but I'm boss here." Cringing back, it lay down, exposing its belly. A female, he noted. He cemented his words by grasping her throat briefly. He divided some stale beef jerky from the mini-mart between the humans, leaving the last piece for the dog. She wagged her tail as she devoured the scrap, then turned back to the water. Phillip's headache was back, so he took some of the aspirin. Briefly, Phillip considered a way to tell Rex that keeping the animal was a bad idea. But as he watched them, his friend smiled joyfully as he used his brush on the dog, and even Chris seemed more relaxed. The pup wriggled over to Phillip and submissively licked his hand. He sighed. Like with the girl, he seemed to have gained more responsibility. "The puppy is cute, Phillip," Rex said. "Now all we need are some flowers." Phillip gave him a curious look. Rex could hardly remember what happened a few days ago, but it sounded like he was referring to the drawing, from months ago. He was shaking his head at the thought when the pup yelped. Immediately a big pair of hands scooped her up like she was newborn. Rex looked her over and found where she had sliced open a paw on something sharp. "Poor girl," the big man rumbled, "hurt feet are no fun." He rubbed his hands over her again, and Christina gasped. Rex's hands were glowing. They were surrounded by a softly pulsing golden light. The light clung to the injured foot, and when Rex put her down again, she didn't limp. His face intent, Rex took off his shoe and unwrapped his bandage. The fading glow picked up again, and as they watched, the cut healed.Rex absently brushed off the dried scab. "I can make hurts better," he said. He rubbed the scar on his temple, and the glow became too brilliant to bear. It faded after several minutes, and Phillip looked up to see an unfamiliar clarity in his friend's eyes. Rex smiled and took Phillip's hand. Through the golden nimbus, Phillip felt the band of pain that had been with him day and night since they left the institute snap away. He sobbed in relief. Rex turned to Christina, and he framed her face with his big hands. He frowned slightly. "Those were bad drugs," he said. "I can help, but it will take time. I can help anybody." The big man sat back, closing his eyes. He laughed ruefully. "I can't believe I used to *like* football." "Rex!" Phillip said, holding Rex's shoulder. "My head feels so much better. But you... you remember." "A little," Rex said. "Bits and pieces. My brain was pretty badly damaged. I've been remembering stuff for a few days now. It's like it all happened to someone else, but that's okay. I'm a different person now. "But..." his voice sounded bemused, "I remember most of my schooling, but not my college major. I remember my parents and my room, but not what color the house was. Things like that. I'll probably be able to get most of it back, but some things are gone forever." "I'm just glad you're okay," Phillip said. He had a queasy feeling in his stomach, but he didn't let it show. If Rex was okay, would they still be friends? So much of his life lately had been wrapped up in caring for the bigger man. If things were different, Phillip didn't know what he'd do. He should have known better. Rex knew him too well. Before he could react, he was pulled into an economy-sized embrace. "It's okay, Phillip," Rex said in his ear. "You're still my friend, and you always will be. I just don't need you to be 'daddy' anymore. We'll look out for each other." Tears welled up in Phillip's street-hardened eyes, and he hugged his friend back. He had never had a place to belong since he ran away from his unhappy home years ago. Now, he had a family again. Two weeks later, two men, a girl, and a dog made their way into Boston. Eagerly, Christina led them to an expensive home. Her reunion with her father in his study was tearful on her part, suspicious on his. "How much do you want for bringing her back to me?" the Senator said, with narrowed eyes. The two men were scruffy looking; desperately in need of a change and some grooming. "We don't want any money, sir," Phillip said. "Not that it's worth much now. It was just the right thing to do." He ignored Rex's raised eyebrow and smile. He was negotiating. "We don't even want anything for this," he continued. He handed him a bag with Dr. Berger's journal, the film, and pictures. The Senator sat down heavily as he looked over the items, cursing steadily. He turned as if to throw it all into the fire, when Phillip restrained him. "We left him alive, sir," Phillip explained. "If a set of laws comes back to the country, you'll need evidence of his wrongdoing to get him punished. Put it in your safe, and wait." "That makes sense," the Senator admitted. "But what am I going to do with you two?" He looked at them appraisingly. "We are not without skills, sir," Phillip said. "My friend here can heal people, so he can work at a clinic." Phillip had a small scratch on his hand, that his friend took care of in front of the Senator. "As for me, I can do counseling and behavior modification. For example, Chris told me you smoked." As he said it, the Senator was putting a cigarette in his mouth. "I'm trying to quit," the Senator said distractedly, fumbling for a lighter. Phillip slapped his hands down loudly on the big desk. Startled, Christina's father looked up, and Phillip had him. Once their eyes locked, the other man could not look away until Phillip allowed him to. "When you light that," he said, "it will smell and taste like everything nasty and disgusting you have ever seen, felt, or imagined being set on fire in front of your nose. You'll put it out immediately, of course. After that, whenever you get a craving for tobacco, you'll remember that smell clearly. Even the shakes won't be so bad in comparison." Smiling, Phillip handed the Senator his lighter. The man lit the cigarette with a skeptical look. He drew in some smoke and started choking. Half retching, he stubbed it out quickly. His hands automatically drew out another, but he paused with it halfway to his mouth. He stared at the cigarette, wrinkling his nose at some odor only he could smell. Slowly, he put it back in the pack. "Just put them in your drawer until you're sure you want to get rid of them," Phillip said. "When you've made the mental adjustment and don't need them anymore, throw them away. Now, can you see how I can help people?" The Senator nodded, accepting the suggestions. Soon Rex and Phillip were working at a Boston hospital, performing wonders.
Chapter 17. "They're Coming to Take Me Away."
Burnt Feathers
The Shopper's Orgy, Or, The Saturnalia Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the malls, Crowds piled to the rafters and massed in the halls, As bags crammed with gifts swung from fierce clutching hands, In a hope to fulfill family Christmas demands. For all of the hoopla through preceding weeks Changed everyone's kids into toy-lusting freaks. While Pop's gleaming bonus and Mom's Christmas fund Had been beaten, and eaten, and long been outrun. I bought the last present, my money had taken flight. "Christmas shopping is over!" I cried with delight. And then as I pictured them under the tree, I discovered I hadn't got something for me! A sound from an alley behind opaque glass Proved the Adult Toy Shoppe was having a blast! Away to that alley I lunged with a rush, Pushed open their entrance and joined the mad crush. And there in the midst of consumer elation, Stood a nook of resources for sex recreation, With buxom assistants to show, lest you scoff, Demonstrating their wares, also how to get off. So just as I entered, briefly pausing to gape, A salesgirl swooped down, before I could escape. With a hand on my arm the girl drew me aside, And made me an offer I never had tried. On one displayed breast the girl rouged up her teat With a peach-flavored blush, so I sampled this treat. When what to my wandering eyes should appear But her alternate nipple and its flavor - beer! Those sweet little salesgirls, so ready to play In a twink... please excuse me, I thought they were gay! More rapid than Ronco, calling sex aids by name, Demonstrating each feature, as customers came. "Try Anal Beads! Rumble balls, Clit Clamps - they're scary! Or Beat-Me & Eat-Me-Whips, licorice or cherry." From the top of the shelf, and from under the counter Came arcane devices to blow him, or mount her. Artificial vaginas, cock enlargers and rings, Cybernetic sex dollies, and other man-things. Butt plugs and dildos - heads: single or double Nipple clamps, Ben Wa, or a Gimp Mask for trouble. The customers crowded the counters and shelves, To admire the goods - activate on themselves. They assisted each other, sometimes without asking, And soon were compelled to commence multitasking. Till they roused like a dirty old man with a virgin Or that celibate, sworn to be rid of her burden As the shoppers around this seductive display Were clasped in a fog of aphrodisiac spray. And then, with a flaring of each straining nostril, The customers turned into Spartans who'd lost will. And before I could cover my breasts or my rear, The hem of my skirt had been yanked past my ear. And all I could see was this wee chubby elf Who lifted my dress while he kneaded himself. Before I could flee from this obscene abuse He grabbed me, and held me - would not turn me loose. His hand at my loins made a mess of my pussy, But I, sniffing spray too, was no longer fussy. He ripped off my panties - pantyhose hung in tatters Then bunged in his cock with a slap and a splatter. His saucer-shaped eyes staring up were quite glassy, As his one hand grasped ass, and the other my chassis. The drool from his mouth dribbled all down his tie To mix with our love juice, sometime, by and by. My taut swollen nipple he held 'twixt his teeth, While his dick burrowed upwards from somewhere beneath. His hand on my ass, I could not feel distincter, I thought, till he entered his thumb in my sphincter. He was chubby and short, but he really could jump, As his dick 'gainst my cervix went bumpity-bump. The bright crimson glow on his glistening bald pate, Soon gave me to know he'd been desperate to mate. He splayed me and played from under my chin As he poked up, fell out, and jumped upward again. Then I - crouching lower - my knees turned to jelly, Felt his heat as he massaged his chest with my belly. He spoke not a word, neither grunting nor groaning Just silently gave me a masterful boning. Then hooking a leg behind - and pressing fore, Till I tripped, and we fell - and then screwed on the floor. And wrapping thick fingers all 'round my soft neck He gradually choked me - exciting, by heck! And jumping aboard me he hammered away, While the milling crowd moved on, or watched our display. His eyes, how they glittered, his nostrils were flaring, His hips swiveled 'rounded like 'twere made with ball bearings. In a flash or a twinkle, he twice made me cum Him alone first - and once when they stepped on his bum. Then, "Hark!" As betwixt my thighs I heard a whistle, He exploded inside, like a Tomahawk missile. But I heard him declare, just before I blacked out, "I come only at Christmas, and there's never no doubt!"
Authors/Burnt_Feathers/[Poem] The Shopper's Orgy, Or, The Saturnalia Before Christmas.txt
'You are going to visit my mother, and I don't want to hear anything else,' Naila shouted. Normally, I wouldn't mind visiting my in-laws, but the trouble was that they had recently separated. Together, they were bearable, but after the separation, it was hard to spend two minutes with them. To be fair, I had only met Naila's mother once since then, and that too for a couple of minutes at the airport. I had been on an official tour, and surprisingly, she was leaving within 20 minutes of my arrival at the airport. On our way home, Naila had been very gloomy. Being the only child of a recently separated couple wasn't easy, and I hadn't been able to give her much comfort because of my frequent official touring. When Naila found out that I had to go to Hastings on my next business trip, she had been after my life. She was adamant that I visit her mother since she was so lonely after the separation. I had remained non-committal, but after she started crying, I grudgingly agreed. My flight was delayed due to foggy weather, and I reached Hastings around ten at night. My mother-in-law, Salma, welcomed me with a big smile and a big peck on the cheek. After having chicken and ham pie, we retired to the sitting room and talked for half an hour or so. She didn't bore me with her broken marriage talk, and I was grateful. No sooner had she shown me the room I would be sleeping in that I changed into pajamas and fell on the bed. I was tired, but strangely, sleep was miles away. After tossing and turning for a few minutes, I switched on the TV. The screen came alive, and so did Donald Duck. A flick of a button later, I was subjected to a horrific laughter show. I ran through the channels like Marion Jones, and my progress was eventually halted by a naked lady. I had chanced upon a pornographic movie. I wasn't a huge sucker for these kinds of movies, but the girl in the film was one of the sexiest women I had ever seen. Soon, I was engrossed in her fiery red hair, her luscious lips, her angelic face, and her perfect breasts. My penis had woken up from its slumber and had quickly attained its seven-inch pinnacle. I wasn't even aware of my pajama bottoms slipping off, and my hand running through my shaft like a well-oiled piston. I didn't even hear the soft knock on the door and came to my senses only when I saw Salma walking into the room with a glass of milk in her hand (My wife had apparently told her mother that I had recently been in the habit of drinking a hot glass of chocolate milk before going to sleep.) I was mortified as she witnessed the awkward scene. Her eyes did a double take as she looked at my penis, and after a few seconds, an amused smile broke on her lips. She giggled, and I looked at her embarrassed. It was a disarming laugh, and even though I had never been close to her, I thought that her laughter was to make me feel comfortable. And that is why her next sentence shocked me like a bolt of 440 volts of electricity running through my body. 'You are a very naughty boy, watching such dirty movies and masturbating on top of that,' she said. 'I must say Naila is very lucky, you are quite well hung. Let me check how hard it really is...' She put the glass down on the side-table and sat on the bed. She reached out and grabbed my cock without any visible inhibitions. To say that I was dumbstruck by her actions would be a gross understatement. I was dumbstruck at the ease and confidence with which she was feeling my penis. As my shock wore off, another kind of feeling started to cloud my mind. I was getting aroused for the second time, but this time it was under the expert hands of my mother-in-law. As she slid her hand back and forth, my penis felt harder and bigger than ever before. Almost mechanically, I started to thrust the lower part of my body as if her grip was a pussy of a real woman. I don't know how long this continued, but I felt I was in heaven and wasn't even aware that I was moaning. I was just about to explode when she abruptly removed her hand. Almost instantly, the spell was broken as I stared at Salma's eyes. She was still smiling in an amused manner. 'It's been years since I have felt as hard a penis.' I remained silent. This was an uncharted territory. Salma Khan, even at the age of 52, was quite a beauty. She had aged sexily. She was 5'10" with a sultry complexion and rich, green eyes with sharp, chiseled features. From what I had heard from my wife, Salma was a regular at the gym. For the first time, I had really seen her for the woman that she was, not as my mother-in-law. I think she could clearly see the lust in my eyes as she spoke again. 'If what I'm thinking is correct, then I should be angry since my son-in-law is thinking about cheating on my daughter. But I am not, I am far from being angry. I am, I am...' The smile had disappeared from her face. I could sense her mind working furiously, weighing the pros and cons of such a combustible situation. I continued looking at her, waiting for my sentence when she smiled again and said, 'You are as guilty as I am.' Unable to hide my desperation, I got off the bed and said in a romantic tone, 'I plead guilty and would love to be punished by you.' She looked at me in surprise, and then a truly happy smile broke off on her angelic face. 'Remove your shirt.' Since the shirt was the only thing that was on my body, I accomplished that task in about five seconds. It was so awkward, but I stood resolutely still, my mind overflowing with lust. She gave my body an appraising look and said, 'Let's go to my bedroom.' Her bedroom was large and tastefully furnished with a large bed. She motioned me to retire on the bed and opened a cupboard. Standing on tiptoes to reach the top rack, my attention was sharply moved to her exposed calves, beneath her skirt, as they exploded with jagged diamond-shaped muscle. She threw a condom, which she had extracted from the cupboard, on the bed. Her fingers slid caressingly under my chin. She smiled as her hand left my face and made its way to my chest, massaging it, rubbing my nipples in a sensuous manner. I could see that she was unable to take her eyes off my erection. She put her hands under my armpits and guided me to a standing position. Taking my hand, she led me to a large leather chair. She plopped on the big chair and ordered me to remain standing. Reaching out, my mother-in-law wrapped the fingers of her right hand around my large erection. Leaning forward, she began to run her tongue over my engorged cockhead. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me appraisingly. 'Why don't you do something for me first?' She said. On my nodding acquiescence, she asked me to accompany her to her bed. We plopped down on the soft mattress. 'Lick my feet!' She ordered. Blinded by lust, I immediately fell on all fours and started licking her feet and sucking her toes. I was alarmed at first by the size of her feet. They were at least 11 inches long and quite broad as well. I had never seen such large feet on a woman. I got a little thrill at the thought of wearing her sandals and noticing that they were too big for me. While I was sucking and licking her feet, Salma had removed her shirt, and her huge breasts were threatening to jump out of her blue bra. I wanted to release those tits, but I was afraid to take the initiative. After her skirt had come off, displaying long, lean yet wiry thighs, she sat up and, taking my hand, pulled me into a sitting position as well. Then she took me by the shoulder and turned me the other way so that my ass was snugly placed on her thighs. I was surprised at how hard her thighs felt, but I thought none of it anymore because my bare back was gently squeezing her boobs. Suddenly, she inserted her middle finger right up my asshole. I jumped up, but she held me tight. 'Don't worry, I won't hurt you,' she cooed in my ear, nibbling it tenderly. With her other hand, she started toying with my cock. Her expert handling soon had me begging for release. She gave a last quick squeeze to my cock before getting off the bed and making me lie down. She was standing there like a Greek goddess, clad in a blue bra and matching panty. 'You are a copy of Naila,' I exclaimed. 'No, you are wrong, Naila is a copy, I am the original.' Unable to fight my desire any more, I leapt on her and tore off her bra. Her big yet firm breasts jumped out of her 38C bra. She had large pinkish-brown nipples. As I started sucking her boobs like a maniac, Salma heaved a sigh of relief. 'Oh Rehan, it's been so long since my boobs were pumped and sucked.' She moaned with delight, grabbed my hair, and pulled down my head in the direction of her pussy, which was by now hot like a fireball out of hell. "Lick my cunt!" she whispered hoarsely. In less than five seconds, her panties came off. Her golden-black pubic bush was dense; her clit hidden behind the thick jungle of hair. I wasn't thrilled with the prospect of licking her cunt and made my displeasure felt. 'Err... Salma, I'm not sure I want to do that,' I said haltingly. She smiled incredulously and said, 'I'm not sure you are in a position to argue!' Before I could comprehend what she meant, her hands grabbed my hair and pushed me down on my back. I was caught unaware, but as she sat up on my chest, straddling my neck with her legs, I thought 'what the hell! A man's got to start sometime.'Even while I was making up my mind, she sifted forward so her thighs were around my ears and my face mashed against her wet cunt. I was shocked to see that my head was entirely lost in her thighs. Her thighs had not appeared so thick, but now that she was straining, they seemed to have bulked up considerably. "Get going, sonny!" she said. Reluctantly, I started licking her pussy. It was easier said than done as she started grinding my face in her hairy pussy as her clit started to thrust against my teeth. "Oh, yeah, baby, that's it, keep doing it... unh!" she screamed. I uttered a scream too as she muscled in on my head with her hard, beefed-up thighs. With her right hand, she started working my cock, making it hard in her educated hands. Her hand job was remarkable, and I wondered if I'd last more than a minute. But then she grabbed my nuts, squeezing them in her strong, sturdy fingers. I screamed again as she took both my balls and squeezed them in her rough palm. I thought they were going to burst if she applied even a little bit of extra pressure. Thankfully, after a few moments, she slid down to maneuver my ready-to-burst erection inside her incredibly hot cunt. She purred, actually she growled, as she impaled herself on my throbbing penis and started working her tight cunt on my dick. She leaned forward, taking my hands in hers, pinning them, and began thrusting up and down. I noticed the striations in her upper arms as she supported her weight on them. They were lean but vascular; her upper arms swelling and thick veins forming around her forearms. I had never realized how muscular her lean build was. Her shoulders were narrow and thin but quite muscular and wiry. Her skin gleamed and shimmered with sweat, which made her stringy body look even more glamorous. Beads of sweat rolled off the top of her back, down her veiny neck, and dripped on my face. I was pleasantly surprised how easily she was able to move me along with her. She started riding me hard now, and I felt as if I was on a roller coaster. Her body writhed and strained with each wave, and before I knew it, I was being tossed around. It was awesome having sex with a woman who was so strong, so experienced, thin, and yet so muscular. I felt wonderful surrendering myself, succumbing to the horny assault of a stronger female as I came, pumping wave after wave of my semen into her dripping pussy. She came hard herself, drenching my penis with a humongous amount of her love juices. She kept at it long after I had ejaculated until it started to hurt me. I pleaded for her to stop, but she wasn't listening. I tried to push her off, but that was easier said than done considering my hands were pinned. After what seemed like hours, she slowed down to a halt and rolled over, throwing her body on the bed next to me. She was sweaty all over and looked hot as she laid there resting. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back to my wife.
Nick Scramble
Here Kitty Kitty
'Here, Kitty Kitty,' crooned the neighbor again, like he did every night. Katie rolled her eyes while she sat on the back porch, texting a friend about that very thing. 'There's the cat called again by the dope next door.' Katie had just turned 12, and like most girls her age in the neighborhood, she was bored senseless this summer. The usual trip to the resort with the family had just ended, and now she just had chores, summer sports, and trying to get out of the house to hang with her friends. She had her long black hair, just a few inches down her back, in a ponytail, and its end always flicked around to her nose when she turned her head quickly. She had pale skin that she learned to keep out of the sun, and not a freckle or mole on it. She kept her almost 5-foot frame trim and tidy, participating in most sports from field hockey to climbing, although she always hated swimming. Tonight, the sun was setting in the front of the house, turning the back garden into blues and purples. The neighbor called again, although lately his voice was funny, like he had a cold or was speaking through a fan. He'd been over a few times, once as part of his job recording their stories about a nearby tragedy for a radio program, which despite staying up to listen to, wasn't used. 'Edited out for time,' he said. His black cat finally slunk over the other fence, and as usual, took a detour to get a stroke from her. She reached out and did so as it tilted its head for a scratch. 'Ugh,' she grimaced, hand returned all wet, and instinctively raised her hand and smelled. Some sort of incense, not anything really nasty, but still sticky. 'Mr. Doppler, um, Doppler,' she called out. 'I think your cat fell into a pool or something!' 'What's that? I'll get you something to wipe it off with,' he came over to the fence then down to the bottom of his garden, opening his gate and then standing at hers. 'Come here, Katie.' And she stood up and went to the gate, holding up her hand. 'See?' The cat leaped over the fence behind them and in for its supper. Mr. Doppler stood about a foot above Katie, and was old, like 40 or something, his dark hair graying at the temples, and an unkempt goatee on his otherwise shaven face. He was nice enough, and had a fit body (Katie had seen him in just shorts on warm days around his garden, but not like she really was looking), but was, well, dopey, and with thick lenses on his glasses, seemed to always be looking dopily at her. 'Yes, it was good of you to come here, Katie. I'll wipe it off.' He had some cloth that he spent some time rubbing her hand with, and she stood there for a couple of minutes, not minding the attention. Some sort of music, a beat like a heart chiming, came from his shirt pocket. 'What's that sound?' she asked, as he rubbed her wrist. 'Oh, must've forgot to turn it off.' He pulled out a device like an old flip mobile, and pressed a button. Out came the call, 'Here, Kitty, Kitty!' She jumped, hand away, then laughed, and Mr. Doppler laughed as well. 'See, I got so tired of calling the damn cat, I decided to record it.' 'Doesn't sound right, though,' she replied, not quite realizing she'd put her hand back into his, without the cloth, and feeling him massaging her wrist gave her tingles. 'Ah, good girl, you noticed. Has to be distorted to be ambient enough for the cat to hear it far enough away,' he grinned. Katie nodded and felt a rush of butterflies in her stomach as he complimented her, then disappointment as he let go of her hand and wished her a good night. A few moments later, she was heading inside, texting her friend about the wet cat and the dopey neighbor. And, a few minutes later, she was saying good night to her parents and stripping off her clothes, putting on light cotton pajamas, hopping into bed, switching off her light, and then tugging down her pajama bottoms and rubbing her hand on herself until the rush of butterflies returned and flew around her.
Authors/NickScramble/Here Kitty Kitty.txt
My Dirty Santa
'Twas the night of the party, and all through the club, All the people were staring at Big Bob and his sub. The shackles were hung on the pole with great care, The attendants were hoping Big Bob just might share. The Masters were clustered all snug in big beds, While visions of whippings danced in their heads. With my Dom in his leathers, and I stripped to the skin, The revelers were waiting for the show to begin. When out of the darkness, a spotlight shone down To find me hung from my wrists, toes just touching the ground. Turning away from my suffering, my Master drew back To pull a few objects from his red silken sack. The sweat on my breasts gave my tattoo a glow, My excitement was building, making my pussy juice flow. Then what to my wondering eyes should appear But a big rubber butt plug aimed towards my rear. With the help of some KY, he pushed it in quick, Then I knew in that moment, my thighs must be slick. More rapid than most females, all watched as I came, And gasped in their awe as I screamed out his name. "Oh, Master! Oh, Santa! Oh, Husband! My Love! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Give that butt plug a shove!" From the top of my head to the tip of my toes, I wiggled and moaned in lust's blissful throes. The sobs of my passion filled the room with great sighs, Then they all watched my sweet Dom look deep in my eyes. When up swept his right arm, the whip strands they flew In rapid succession, he hit me One! Two! And then, in a twinkling, I heard in the dark A low muffled growl, a big throaty bark! As I drew up my head and was looking around, Into the room came the biggest black hound! He was as big as a horse from his feet to his head, He pulled and he fought from the leash he was led. When a shudder of fear ran straight up my back, My Big Dirty Santa pulled cuffs from his pack. His they sparkled. His chuckle depraved. So this was the secret my Santa had saved! My breathing was ragged, my legs felt like mush. My Master was pure as the old driven slush! The stump of a cigar he held tight in his teeth, The smoke filled the room, I couldn't breathe. He turned to the crowd and gave them a shock. He opened his pants and drew out his cock. He had a throbbing dirty old elf. And I groaned when I saw it, in spite of myself. With a nod of his head, I was let to the floor, But the show wasn't over...oh no, there was more! He spoke not a word, but went right to his work. Cuffed me bent over, pulled my head back with a jerk. Then bringing the hound to position in place, He shoved his dick down my throat, started fucking my face. The dog mounted my back and knotted me good, While my Dirty Ol' Santa gave me his wood. Then I heard him exclaim as I started shaking... "GET IN LINE EVERYBODY.....SHE'S YOURS FOR THE TAKING!" My tribute to you, my Dirty Santa from your slightly warped knutz. I love you, husband.
Buffy's Bad Bet
'It was just a stupid little bet!' Buffy incredulously thought for the umpteenth time as Faith led her into the crowded Bronze. But the dark slayer had taken their little wager very seriously and already taken things MUCH further than she had ever expected. 'Yet here I am, wearing a freakin' collar and being led around in public on a leash! Faith is literally making me her bitch!!' The tiny slayer blushed as she noticed the numerous strange and lustful looks they were getting. Even in Sunnydale, USA's capital of weirdness, it's kind of unusual to see a beautiful young blonde wearing a collar and a very slutty outfit being meekly led around on a leash by a stern-looking, stunning brunette dressed in an incredibly sexy, black leather dominatrix outfit. ~~~~~a few hours earlier~~~~~ Not wasting any time to assert her newly won dominance over her friend-slash-adversary, Faith insisted on picking out Buffy's outfit for the little victory party she'd already planned at the Bronze. And naturally the wicked brunette made it a personal challenge to put together the sluttiest ensemble she could. The first item Faith selected made the dark slayer snicker the moment she spotted it: a bright red, very tight, tiny tank top with BITCH written on it in big sparkly golden letters-a quite recent and somewhat unexpected gag gift from Willow. "Now that shirt just screams you, B," Faith commented with a grin as she held it up in front of her sullen sister slayer. "I've seen a matching one with SLUT written on it that really suits you, F," Buffy wryly retorted, earning her a chuckle from the unusually good-humored brunette. Picking the right underwear for the occasion took a bit more time. Buffy looked on annoyed as the dark slayer gleefully dug through her underwear drawer, scattering panties and bras all over her room. "Cheer up, B. Look on the bright side: I could be making you go commando," Faith teasingly told the scowling blonde. And after dismissing most of B's underwear as too plain, she was actually starting to give that option some serious thought, but then she came across a small paper bag that contained a set of very sexy black lace underwear. "Nice! And still brand sparkling new. What's up with that?" After a little prodding, Buffy sighed and explained that she ordered the underwear from a Victoria's Secret catalogue about a month after she'd started dating Riley, but simply hadn't gotten around to wearing it yet. "With all that Initiative stuff we had to deal with, I kinda forgot about it." "Tsk, you should always make time for romance, B." "Why, thank you, Dear Abby," Buffy dryly responded. "Even when a crazy scientist and her Frankenstein pet-gone-wild is trying to kill me and my boyfriend is going through some kind of weird 'roid rage?" "Especially then," Faith over-earnestly said, earning her a small smile from the blonde, which she cheerfully returned. Looking at the sexy underwear and then back at Buffy, the dark slayer's dazzling smile suddenly turned decidedly mischievous. "Who knows, maybe tonight's the night that soldier boy will finally get to see you wear this," she muttered under her breath. Buffy's slayer hearing picked up on that and she shot the younger slayer a suspicious look. 'What the Hell kinda party does she plan on throwing? It's at the Bronze and you can't get much more public than that, so she can't be planning anything too crazy... right?' she anxiously tried to reassure herself. Seemingly unaware of the unease her offhand remark had caused, Faith was once again digging through Buffy's closet for an appropriately slutty skirt for her new slave girl. Without much success it seemed, because the dark slayer suddenly declared that none of these did it for her. "But, luckily, I remember seeing a wicked lil skirt back home in your old closet that's pretty much perfect." "What? Are you blind? There are already like four gorgeous mini skirts hanging right there in front of you!" Buffy pointed out. Faith pursed her lips as she shot another glance at the cute little skirts and stubbornly shook her head. "Nah, those won't do, I'm looking for something shorter and sexier." "Like what? A freakin' BELT?" the exasperated blonde called out. "Not a bad idea, B, let's keep that as a backup plan in case that skirt at Casa del Summers doesn't pan out," Faith grinned. "Seriously? You want us to go halfway around town just to make me wear a skirt that's a tad shorter and sluttier?" Faith just smiled innocently and shrugged. "Hey, you gotta be willing to put in some effort if ya wanna look good, right? Besides, I'm in charge, so whatever I say goes." "You're seriously quoting Cordelia Chase now?" Grumbling to herself, Buffy helped Faith pack up the clothes she'd already selected and followed the infuriating brunette out the door. For the finishing touch, Faith brought along a gorgeous pair of black leather thigh-high boots with stiletto heels for her to wear. Buffy really loved these boots, but knew that in combination with that slutty top and a mini skirt she could easily be mistaken for a hooker. 'Which is probably Faith's intent,' she figured with a sense of foreboding. *************************************************************************** As Buffy had feared, the sexy little skirt that Faith had in mind turned out to be her former favorite mini skirt, which had shrunk to indecent proportions after an unfortunate laundry mishap. That's why she left it at home when she moved into the dorms. Sure, she liked dressing sexy, but that skirt didn't even completely cover her butt anymore! "Oh, c'mon! I can't wear that!" Buffy protested. "I'll be arrested for public indecency!" "Nah, once it gets dark there's never a cop to be found in Sunnydale." That didn't exactly make Buffy feel much better about walking around in public with her ass hanging out, but it was pretty obvious that Faith wouldn't change her mind about the skirt, at least not without some serious begging. 'And I'm NOT gonna give her the satisfaction of making me beg.' As if wanting to dress her up like a freakin' prostitute wasn't twisted enough already, Faith then casually informed her that she was gonna stay and watch while Buffy changed into her slutwear. "I meant clubwear ... Heh. Sorry, B." Now normally Buffy wouldn't consider changing clothes in front of her sister slayer to be such a big deal, but the shift in power between them had added a strong sexual vibe to the situation which made the whole nakedness part of it a tad uncomfortable.However, she didn't want to be a stick in the mud and welsh on their bet, so she grudgingly obeyed the dark slayer's cheerful demand to see her in the buff. But, as a small act of rebellion, Buffy kept her back to the brunette while taking her clothes off. Unfortunately, this meant having to endure a lot of mocking throughout her disrobing, including some inappropriate comments about her "cute little bubble butt" the moment she took down her panties. Still, it was worth it to deny Faith the chance to ogle her goodies; she definitely didn't want the brunette seeing her snatch and discover the special grooming job she'd done after the Dracula affair. Completely naked now, Buffy took a moment to try and figure out how to swiftly dress in the "clubwear" Faith had selected for her without flashing the avidly watching brunette any of her naughty parts. She stiffened when she suddenly sensed the dark slayer approaching her from behind. 'Uh-oh... knowing Faith, she could be planning anything from tickling my sides to sticking a finger up my ass.' But what she didn't expect was for the other girl to put a collar around her neck. "What the fuck, Faith?!" Buffy exclaimed as she swiftly turned to confront the impudent brunette, remembering just in time to place her arm in front of her breasts and a hand in front of her slit. "You lost our bet, so you have to be my obedient little slave girl for the next 48 hours, remember?" Faith explained with a smirk. "And slave girls should wear a collar." Buffy's mouth dropped open at the other girl's unbelievable audacity. Trying hard to think of the right words to properly express her outrage, the only thing she could come up with at the moment was, "What?! Are you freaking KIDDING me?!" "Oh relax, sweet-cheeks. It's no biggie," Faith waved away the blonde's outrage. "There are plenty of cute Goth girls who wear collars as a fashion statement, so you won't even stand out much." "Oh really, ya think so? 'Cause last time I checked, I'm like the freaking opposite of Goth!" Catching sight of herself in the mirror, Buffy discovered that not only had Faith the nerve to fit her with a collar, it even had an ownership tag hanging from one of its four metal rings. Just like a dog! Her indignation exceeding her modesty, the irate blonde moved her arm away from her boobs and grabbed the weirdly shaped, shiny tag, pulling it closer to her eyes. 'What the F-it says "Buffy"?!' "It has my name on it!" she yelped wide-eyed. "And on the other side it says... "Property of Faith"?! You got me a personalized dog collar declaring me your property?! What the HELL, Faith?!?!" "Well, you ARE pretty much my bitch now, B," Faith grinned, obviously enjoying her time in charge to its fullest. "And you shouldn't have made the bet if you didn't want to be my pet." 'OK, I really should be kicking her ass right about now,' Buffy thought to herself as she glared at the infuriating smirking brunette. 'But... I don't know... I guess the bitch does have a point... I did promise to be her slave for two days if I lost the bet we made... And Giles always told me that it's very important for a Slayer to always stay true to her word, even when dealing with the demonic underworld, which I guess includes Faith as well. So I suppose I actually have to honor this stupid bet... SHIT!! What was I thinking?!' Pouting adorably, Buffy shifted her glare from Faith to the degrading dog tag again. "You certainly managed to get this done pretty damn fast." "Bought it and had it engraved right after we made the bet," Faith smugly declared. "Wow, aren't you little Miss Confidence all of a sudden... And why exactly is this tag in the form of a pentagram?" Buffy questioned as she suddenly recognized the tag's odd shape. "This is Sunnydale," Faith said with a shrug, knowing those three words basically explain anything weird in this town, "they even sell pentagram shaped cereal in the supermarkets. And it seemed kinda fitting considering the supernatural theme of our bet... Alas, they didn't have one shaped like a stake." Suddenly noticing that the brunette was checking out her bare boobies, Buffy let go of the tag and quickly placed her arm across her stiff pink nipples again, but this time Faith wasn't gonna let the other girl's modesty ruin her fun. "Nuh-uh, B, no more covering up your naughty Buffy bits. Seeing you act all shy was fun at first, but now I wanna inspect the goodies I won with our little bet." Buffy hesitated... Part of her, probably her common sense, was telling her that she should simply scoff at the brunette's crude demand and get dressed as quickly as she could, but another more forceful voice (her sense of honor perhaps?) insisted that she had to keep her word and therefore do what Faith tells her to, no matter how stupid or twisted it may be. 'Oh what the Hell,' Buffy decided, fed up with agonizing about a bit of nudity. 'I'll just show Voyeur-girl my boobs again and hopefully that'll do.' Following intent with action, Buffy lowered her right arm to her side, revealing her pink-tipped titties once again to the brunette's eager eyes. "OK, so here they are again. Satisfied?" "Uhm, no. I want the full Buffy, not just your tits-nice as they are." "Oh, c'mon!" Buffy pouted, sending her friend a pleading look. "Isn't this enough for now? You've seen me naked before." "Yeah, exactly... You know that I've occasionally peeked at you in the shower and already seen that the carpet matches the drapes, so why the sudden modesty, B?" 'Occasionally peeked at me? All that was missing were a pair of opera glasses and a subscription to Nude Buffy Daily,' the blonde wryly considered, remembering the long lustful looks the bi-curious brunette would direct at her during their showers after slayer practice. Being proud of her well-trained, tight sexy form, she never really minded Faith's suggestive stares and casual flirting, though. Especially since the other slayer's admiring looks would always result in a pleasant tingling sensation in her lower belly. Truth be told, she'd snuck some peeks at the Bostonian babe's fabulous body as well. But Buffy had a special reason to be feeling shy right now, something she knew Faith would tease her mercilessly with if she found out. "Uh... I just think this situation is awkward enough as it is without rating it up from R to NC-17." "Oh, poor, sweet, naïve B," Faith chuckled. "You made a bet with me where the loser becomes the winner's SLAVE GIRL for 48 hours, and you lost big time! What did ya think was gonna happen? Now I know that if you had won, you'd probably have me doing your laundry or something equally lame. But with me as the winner: slave girl equals lots of NC-17 fun-that's pretty much a given." 'She's right, well except about me losing "big time". But what DID I think was gonna happen? Well, I thought I'd beat her, of course, but still... why make that stupid bet in the first place?!' Buffy wondered, once again pondering her folly. 'Because you were goaded into it, you dumb bitch,' she wryly answered her own question.But, as it turned out, our "impartial" referee looked at it a bit differently and wasted little time in declaring Faith the victor. Because, as she so "logically" explained: "The bet's about who the best Vampire Slayer is, and Faith slayed six more vampires than you. So... I'm afraid that means you're gonna have to be Faith's bitch for the next 48 hours, Buffy." Though trying to appear sad about this, the excitement in Willow's voice as she declared me Faith's bitch was pretty darn obvious, and erased whatever doubt I had left that my once trusty BFF just royally screwed me over. Not only did she turn out to be about as unbiased a judge as a turkey doing a report on Thanksgiving, but I'm also fairly sure it's her and not Faith who came up with the idea of this kinky little wager. Despite the redhead's repeated reassurances that we're "A-OK", Willow's obviously still harboring plenty of resentment about my somewhat undiplomatic opinion concerning her level of gayness. She probably thinks I'm homophobic or something. And since Will is well aware of Faith's crush on me, tricking me into becoming my sister slayer's slave girl must've seemed like a pretty good way to get back at me. The witch's parting words as an impatient Faith practically dragged me to my dorm room pretty much confirmed this, "Now I'm not sure what Faith has planned, Buffy, but if she ends up getting handsy with you, then just think of it as a bit of college experimentation." Replaying it all over in her head, Buffy still couldn't quite figure out how she'd let herself get baited so easily. 'Part of me suspected I was being set up pretty much from the start, so why--' "Hello? Earth to Buffy?" Faith's mocking voice interrupted her contemplations. "We don't have all night, B: there's a party waiting for us at the Bronze. And besides, this ain't rocket science: ya lost the bet making you my slave girl, so when I say I wanna see your naughty Buffy bits, you go ahead and flash me your tits AND your pussy-pronto!" Biting her bottom lip, Buffy desperately tried to think of something to spare herself this latest humiliation, but she couldn't think of anything. In fact, the only thought that appeared in her head was that annoyingly insistent voice, which kept reminding her, 'You have to keep your word.' Unable to think of a good excuse to get out of this, Buffy sighed in defeat and allowed the hand that had been shielding her snatch to drop to her side, surrendering her final vestige of modesty to her victor. Buffy inwardly cringed when she saw a look of utter delight appear on Faith's face as the dark slayer discovered why she had been so reluctant to reveal her pussy: her golden pubes had been neatly shaped to form a crucifix-something she'd come up with after Count Dracula had seduced her with some vampire mind-control mojo. "Oh, B, so you've done a bit of landscaping," Faith snickered as she stared at the blushing blonde's snatch with rapt fascination. "That's just... priceless." Buffy's eyes widened when Faith suddenly squatted down in front of her with her face only inches away from her pussy, and let out a tiny gasp when the bold brunette tenderly petted her pubes. "Mmmm, soft," Faith purred in a way that made her legs quiver. "So tell me, my sweet little slave girl," the dark slayer huskily questioned, "did you get this 'do for that good Christian boy-toy you're dating, or is it meant for lil ole me?" "Uhh neither," Buffy replied, licking her suddenly dry lips as she stared down at the beautiful brunette's smiling face, so very close to her pussy, breathlessly wondering if Faith was gonna do anything else besides pet it. "It's sort of meant as a last line of defense against horny vamps." 'She does have a very nice laugh,' Buffy absently noted as the brunette's delighted laughter filled the room. "I wonder if this would actually work?" Faith speculated out loud while tenderly tracing the blonde's cross-shaped pubes with her index finger. Buffy let out another gasp as she suddenly felt Faith's finger rub across her clit, triggering a tiny explosion of pleasure from the swollen little nerve-bundle. 'OH!!! Sweet Holy Mother of Muppets!! I'm not actually enjoying this, am I?!' she thought mortified. Trying hard to hide her growing arousal from her sister slayer's supernatural senses, Buffy fixed an annoyed glare on her face and called out, "OK, so you've seen my tits AND my pussy-are ya happy now?" "Almost, but I think there's still some room for improvement," Faith answered; a blissful smile on her face as she gracefully rose up and slowly circled around her longtime crush-so disappointedly unapproachable in the past but oh so deliciously at her mercy in the present. "Whenever I'm inspecting you, B, I want you to pose for me like a proper slave girl, so there'll be no doubt who owns that cute lil bubble butt," the brunette cheerfully explained while affectionately slapping aforementioned ass, eliciting an outraged yelp from the naked blonde. "You're REALLY pushing it here, Faith," Buffy growled through clenched teeth, although her menacing expression kinda lost its impact when she childishly rubbed her tender backside with both hands. "You ain't seen nothin' yet, B," Faith responded with a wicked grin. "Oh, and from now on you should start calling me Ma'am or Mistress." Her grin grew bigger upon seeing Buffy's adorable expression of disbelief. "Now let's teach you the standard "slave girl standing for inspection" pose..." The implication that there were more "slave poses" to be learned worried Buffy, as did the sudden realization how much thought and preparation Faith had obviously put into this stupid slave girl bet. "Fold your hands behind your neck and place your feet further apart... No, a lot further than that-I wanna see you spread wide, B." 'Have. To. Keep. My. Word.' Buffy once again thought as she spread her legs so far that her pussy-lips spread open as well, which she knew was what Faith wanted to see. "That's a good girl," Faith patronizingly praised while hungrily eyeing her sister slayer's golden snatch, taking a good long moment to savor this wonderful sight before sliding her gaze upwards across the tiny blonde's tight abs to those well-formed firm B-cups capped with the cutest looking pink nips she'd ever seen. "Now arch your back and stick out those perky tits for me," Faith excitedly commanded next. Buffy blushingly obeyed, which earned her a satisfied "Atta girl," from her "Mistress". "THIS is how you're gonna present yourself from now on whenever I wanna inspect you, B," Faith seductively whispered in her slave girl's ear while once again circling her prey like a horny wolf. Sensing the other girl's rising lust, as well as her own, Buffy swallowed nervously before bravely replying, "From now till about 47 hours later when this dumb bet is over, you mean. After that, I'll present my foot to your ass whenever you wanna "inspect me"." "We'll see," the brunette chuckled from behind her. 'What's that suppose to mean,' Buffy somewhat suspiciously wondered. "Uhm, excuse me... "Ma'am", but you do realize there is no way in Hell I'm gonna be your freakin' slave girl for a second longer than the agreed upon time, do you?" "Oh, I dunno, B," Faith answered, smiling seductively as she once again faced the now uncertain looking blonde. "Who knows what'll happen in the next two days... perhaps you'll enjoy being my obedient little slave girl so much that you don't want it to end." "Wha-you think I enjoy letting you order me around and humiliate me?!" Buffy replied, trying to sound outraged at the mere notion of it. "We're just getting started, B: the real fun hasn't even begun," the dark slayer chuckled in response. "Plenty of time to change your mind... Besides, judging from the way those cute pink nips have been saluting me since ya got naked, I'd say you're not hating this as much as you pretend... Ain't that right, my lovely slayer slave?" Faith huskily questioned while impishly tweaking Buffy's stiff nipples. "No! They're just... really sensitive to the cold," Buffy lamely denied while instinctively lowering her hands to cover her tender teats, trying very hard to hide that she's indeed turned on already. 'But I'm sure it's just the whole being naked thing that's getting me aroused! NOT the Faith ordering me around part-it... it just can't be that?!' "I didn't say you could move your hands!" Faith admonished her friend with a stern expression on her face as she swiftly delivered a couple of hard spanks unto the blonde's cute ass, eliciting an adorable little yelp from the petite college girl. It also made Buffy's hands swiftly migrate down to her blushing backside again. "Now you better get back in the proper position, slave girl," the brunette haughtily demanded, smiling impishly as she wagged her finger at the glaring blonde. "Or you'll be getting a proper spanking from me." To soothe her bruised pride, Buffy tried to summon the satisfying mental imagery of her giving Faith the much deserved ass-kicking of a lifetime, but for some reason the mental picture that came to mind instead was of herself lying bare-assed naked across the dark slayer's lap getting the spanking of a lifetime. Not wanting to give her "Mistress" any excuse to make that disconcerting mental image come true, Buffy let out a sigh and obediently folded her hands behind her neck again while thrusting out her tits. Catching the look of triumph in Faith's eyes, the blonde's infamous pout made a reappearance. 'I can't believe the kind of dumb, twisted stuff I'm forced to do here! I've never felt more humiliated! Stupid bet!!Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, followed by Dawn's voice calling out, "Hey, Faith, can Janice and I come in? We wanna run something by you." Looking at Faith with a wide-eyed, panicky expression, Buffy's desperate hope that the brunette wouldn't be so mean as to reveal her humiliating slave girl status to her bratty kid sister and her equally bratty friend Janice was quickly dashed when she caught the look of wicked delight on the dark slayer's beautiful face. Despite having promised herself earlier that she wouldn't plead for leniency, Buffy frantically shook her head while softly mouthing, "Please, no!" Unfortunately, the only noticeable effect her pathetic plea for mercy had on the mischievous brunette was that it made her insufferable smirk grow even bigger. "Faith?" When Dawn knocked again, Buffy was ready to offer the dark slayer to go down on her right then and there if only she'd tell Dawn and her friend to skedaddle, but as she opened her mouth to make this mortifying proposal, it was already too late. "Sure, come on in, girls!" Faith gleefully called out.
F/F, D/s, humil, mc, voyeur
1 - Losing a Bet
Authors/Oric13/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Buffy's Bad Bet/01 - Losing a Bet.txt
King Jakob
'SMS Scharnhorst' made landfall in the early morning of September 14th, 1914 on a point of land called Faleapuna. Von Spee chose to close the coast of the island of 'Upolu, Western Samoa so he might approach Apia from the East, that is with the sun breaking behind him. It also had the added advantage that any warship anchored in the harbour would have to fire overland. As it was, the German Armoured Cruiser arrived at Samoa completely undetected. The Admiral sailed along the sparsely inhabited stretch of coast between Solosolo and Apia close inshore, perhaps no more than 1 kilometre from the beach. It was a skillful exhibition of seamanship to navigate a 16,500-ton vessel so close to the rocks and reefs. That night, von Spee had ordered the crew to change into clean linen. He expected casualties and believed fresh underwear would prevent the infection of wounds. He ordered that all orders were to be passed silently, with no shouting or the blowing of whistles. Lights were extinguished as he approached the coast. When the sky began to lighten, he ordered the port main guns swung out and trained to the shore, the fore-turret on the headland of distant Apia. 5 'ready' rounds were stacked ready for use together with their brass propellant cartridges. At 5:35 am, the 8.3 and 5.9 inch guns were all loaded and ready to fire. Somewhere to the East of Apia, 'SMS Gneisenau' joined the flagship. Having sailed Southeast across the harbour entrance at night 'dragging her shirtails,' she reported that there was no sign of any warships at anchor in the harbour. Spee ordered her to take station behind the 'Scharnhorst' and continued to creep up the coast. At 5:50 am, the strange ships were sighted from Telegraph Hill by a party of Naval Communications personnel who were attempting to repair the radio. The German Operator, Stadler, had smashed the transmission valve and poured battery acid into the circuits. For this 'shocking vandalism,' Colonel Logan had Stadler removed from the island for internment in New Zealand. This was despite the Radioman being an employee of the German communications company, AEG Telefunken, rather than a holder of any civic or military position. Logan's force had brought no radio themselves, so with the ships departed, he had no means of communication with Wellington. The report of the sighting sent Colonel Logan and the headquarters staff of the 2000-man New Zealand occupation force into something approaching a blind panic. He immediately ordered the soldiers camped in town to man the shallow trenches that Hoffmann's men had dug. Additionally, he alerted the camp at Vailima and ordered the troops there to Apia as fast as they could run. The Colonel had convinced himself he was about to be invaded by the Germans. The 'Scharnhorst' and 'Gneisenau' swung into Apia Harbour and came to a complete stop. The warships' turrets were all swung towards the town as were the casemented guns on their central 'zitadellen' and the hull sides. Twelve 8.3 and six 5.9 inch guns were now trained on the milling soldiers at point-blank range. Just then, Logan's soldiers from Vailima arrived across the Vaisigano bridge, fully exposed to the 'Gneisenau's' guns. Apparently, no one had told them why they'd been ordered to Apia. A desperate Logan ran to them, telling them to disperse. Their Captain reportedly asked him if the warships were French. Logan's answer, alas, has not been recorded for posterity. With no weapon heavier than a Vickers Machine Gun, the soldiers waited nervously for the maelstrom to descend on them. Jakob Herzberg had been roused complaining by an excited servant, Yu. He and Gretchen climbed onto the roof of the house for a better view. Over at Apia, they could see the streams of townsfolk running into the bush out of the town. He thought his worst nightmare was becoming a reality. His idyllic island home was about to be blasted to matchwood. Speechless, he could think of nothing better to do than to hold Gretchen's hand and whisper a silent prayer. Suddenly, the water behind 'Scharnhorst' began to churn as her propellers started to revolve. With a slight bow wave, it began to move at a dead slow back out to sea. Jakob could see a small flag fluttering from her signal mast. Obediently, 'Gneisenau' too followed her sister out past the point and down the coast past Jakob's house. As the flagship drew level with Herzberg manor, a large flag ran up the foremast to the crosstree. The wind caught it, and it unfurled. It was the blue St Andrew's Cross of the Russian Navy. As Jakob watched, the flag dipped in salute before being brought back down. Jakob laughed so hard that Gretchen had to hang onto his shirt lest he tumble from the roof. Below on the coast road, a line of soldiers ran past, keeping pace with the slow-moving vessels. Logan was still convinced Spee was about to land soldiers. Somewhere opposite a place called, Luelomoega, the warships stopped once more, and a man in a small boat rowed out to them. After half an hour, the rowboat returned to shore to the waiting soldiers, and the man was promptly arrested. It was Hoffmann, and he would spend the rest of the war in an internment camp in New Zealand. From Samoa, von Spee headed to a point near the Marquesas to rendezvous with the rest of the squadron. He then made course for the coast of South America. Meanwhile, the soldiers on Samoa had been badly shaken by their experience. After a while, it began to dawn on them how close they had come to obliteration. They were confused too as to why von Spee had not opened fire on them. Colonel Logan was the worst shaken of the lot. Alone, vulnerable, and without radio communications, he began to see traitors and spies everywhere. He grew fixated about combinations of Germans, Sa Malitoa Samoans, and Chinese descending on his badly outnumbered soldiers and driving them back into the sea. It wasn't long before his paranoia descended on that enigmatic character Jakob Herzberg. That afternoon, a party of soldiers arrived at Herzberg Manor. Unceremoniously, they began to search the house. Apparently, Logan was looking for an illegal radio or some evidence of communication with the Germans. Jakob's files were boxed up and shipped to Logan's headquarters. Fortunately, his forged 'commission' and 'orders from Berlin' had long since been burnt. Nevertheless, Jakob felt he had been violated. The next day, both he and Gretchen were taken to headquarters for questioning. They were shown into a windowless storeroom that had been converted into an interview room. A bewhiskered Captain sat at a desk reading through a pile of papers. He barely acknowledged the pair as they were brought in. An army guard stood stiffly by the door, and a Naval rating stood beside the Captain. "Mr Herzberg," he began, "this man is a German speaker. He will translate for us." He tipped his head towards the seaman. "Now, sir," he began, "I understand you are some kind of retired merchant and that you're of Russian nationality?" Jakob nodded. "I also understand you have a reputation as something of a ladies' man?" The man twitched his nose as if encountering a bad smell. "I'm not interested, sir, in your morals but your allegiances. You have been on Samoa for how long?" "Nine years," Jakob replied. "And you have a boat? May I ask where it is now?" "I believe it's at Pago Pago," Jakob told the man, "where your thieves can not get their hands on it." The Captain looked up suddenly. "You'll do well not to be so... cocky, Herzberg. Under martial law, we can do whatever we please," he told Jakob, "we're at war, sir, and while millions of your fellow countrymen are at this moment serving your Tsar, you are skulking here among the Hun. Why have you not returned to Russia to do your duty?" Stung, Jakob rose from his chair. Gretchen put a hand on his arm. "He could not leave, Captain," she said hurriedly, "he remained here to see that Samoa was turned over to you English without bloodshed. He served us all," her voice turned sharp, "British and German." "Quite!" the Captain retorted, "some kind of go-between was he? Well out of harm's way too, I suspect." "And you, sir!" Jakob replied, evenly, "will no doubt be anxious to go to France with your army?" "I, sir, will go wherever my senior Officers direct," the Captain told Jakob, barely concealing his anger, "once we have rooted out traitors, troublemakers and Boche sympathisers from these islands. Which one are you, Herzberg?" "I have sympathy for no one," Jakob told the man, "who chooses to place country over common sense and humanity.I merely wish to be left alone with my friends and family. "Not practical," the Captain said, a smug smile on his face, "and damned treasonous if you ask me. Tell me, Herzberg, why does that fellow Spaete call you 'Oberst' do you suppose? Administrator Schapinski believes it some sort of ruse to control the more... 'patriotic' settlers. But then he might be trying to protect you, mightn't he?" "Schapinski protecting me?" laughed Jakob, "why should he do that? He doesn't even like me." "Yes," smirked the Captain, "clearly a shrewd judge of character. We shall be keeping an eye on you, Herzberg. If I were you, I would not put a foot wrong. At the earliest, we will be checking with the Russians just who you are and what you are doing here. There is something not right about you, and I intend to find out. You may go." Jakob and Gretchen walked back slowly to Herzberg Manor. "I must get away from here," he told her, "they intend to ship me off to prison once they have their 'evidence'." "How? Where to?" Gretchen asked, "all the boats are under their control." "To Pago Pago perhaps? By canoe?" "What will you do with the house? You can't give property away at the moment, everyone wants to leave. I hear Logan wants to ship all the Chinese out. That will destroy the economy here for the settlers. They won't be able to work the plantations without labor." "Yes, I believe you are right, Gretchen dear. Logan wants to drive out all the Germans and replace them with his own people. Anyone too that worked with Germans will be marginalized and forced to leave. Even among the Samoans, he is replacing the Sa Malietoa with his own candidates on the 'Fono.' Clearly, Samoa is to become a New Zealand colony after the war. I see no future for me here anymore." "If only we could get a message to the 'Borodino'," Gretchen said, "she could meet us out to sea. But how can we do that?" "Of course!" Jakob stopped dead in his tracks, "we could ask one of Luakasione's fishermen to carry a message to Pago Pago. We'd need to be careful, though, if Logan or that weasel of a Captain should find out, he'd have us in irons." "We're not 'communicating with an enemy'," Gretchen said, "what would be wrong with sending a message to an American Colony?" "Ah, but there's a German Consul in Pago Pago, is there not? Logan may well decide we are trying to contact him. In any case, he has forbidden 'unauthorized' contact with even American Samoa. Everything must pass through his office." "Logan, Logan," Gretchen rolled her eyes, "next he'll be telling us who or who not we are to sleep with." "'Morality laws!'" Jakob replied, "already he has decreed that Chinese may not enter the house of a Samoan. Even if they are married, a Chinese and a Samoan may no longer live in the same house together. I hear they have arrested Mr. Ah Khoi for 'immorality.' They say he is to be sent into exile back to Quangdong." "But they cannot do that," Gretchen replied, outraged, "he and his wife have seven children to support. They have been married for years. He even joined his wife's church for Christ's sake!" "Yes, and he is also the editor of the 'Samoan Times.' Perhaps that has something to do with it. Logan wants to silence the Press, discreetly. Even though he censors the paper, I think he is afraid it may be used for sending messages in code to 'foreign agents'." "So he breaks up a happy family?" "He may do precisely what he likes at the moment. He merely justifies what he does to Wellington in terms of 'war emergency measures'." "We must get to Pago Pago and tell the New Zealand government what is going on here." "Ah Gretchen. I doubt they'll be at all interested. They will not want to 'undermine' Logan here, and I suspect they have bigger fish to fry at the moment." "Such as?" "Such as Russia's defeat at a place called Tannenburg and the French fighting for their existence on the Marne river. The war is not going well for them at the moment. 'The war will be over by Christmas' they said, but I wonder what year they were meaning?" In Samoa, the villages all lay strung out along the coast. The interior is dominated by highlands covered with dense bush. The villages vary in size from small towns to half a dozen fales. Most of them are linked in some way to family or tribal affiliations. The head of the family is called the 'Matai' who also acts as an advisor to the Chief. Decisions are often made by a process of discussion and consensus. A person's opinion, however, is weighted by his personal 'mana'. 'Mana' is determined by a person's 'good sense,' his ability as an orator and, most importantly, his lineage. Luakasione's position was hereditary, for instance, but his ability to command the Sa Malietoa had as much to do with his common sense as anything else. A foolish chief soon loses his mana and may be deposed by his people. The Sa Malietoa did not fight the NZ army because it was Luakasione's opinion that it would be pointless to do so. The cost of that decision, however, meant that the position of the Sa Malietoa, once the most powerful tribal grouping in all of Samoa, was on the wane. Under Logan, the Savai'i tribes of the 'Gaga'emauga' and the 'Fa'asaleleaga' would come to dominate the Advisory Council and so be the dominant voice of the Samoan people. The less developed Northern island of Savai'i was always restless under German rule. Mt Silisili is a dormant volcano, and much of the island consists of barren lava fields. The soil is poorer and less conducive to commercial exploitation; therefore, the people of Savai'i tended to be not as 'polluted' by European ideas. The rigors of survival had bred an independence of spirit and self-sufficiency. They also played the political game hard. The arrival of the Savai'i clans to 'Upolu began to cause fractures in the tribal political landscape. Some villages pledged their allegiance to the newcomers in hopes of sharing official patronage. Jakob knew he had to be careful on his journey to see Luakasione. The old chief could be in any number of villages, however, he was uncertain which of the villages still supported the Sa Malietoa. Logan's new 'policemen' were everywhere. Jakob set out early with his servant Yu by cart. He flatly refused to go by horseback. The recent rains had rutted the tracks and caused washouts. The journey was arduous. At the town of Vaitele, he received some reliable information that Luakasione was at his home village of Fasito'outa further around the coast. Many of the smaller villages along the way, though, were under the control of Logan's policemen. It would be well to stay off the Coast Road and go inland. Jakob felt the handle of the ancient 1870 pattern 38 caliber Jeste 5-shot revolver the settler had given him. It was uncomfortable thrust in his belt. He hoped he didn't have to use it. Logan's Policemen sported Lee-Enfield rifles borrowed from the army. The Colonel was still expecting some kind of insurrection by the Chinese coolies. He'd even handed back weapons confiscated from the settlers, 'for their own protection from the Chinamen.' Rounding a bend, Jakob encountered a simple log barrier manned by two policemen. Thinking quickly, Jakob pulled his revolver and pushed it into Yu's ribs. "'Mogamoga togafiti,' (plotting cockroach)" Jakob told them, grinning broadly. It worked, they allowed them through. It took them almost a whole day to reach Fasito'outa, the going being so hard. Tired and exhausted, Jakob presented himself to the old Chief who offered him refreshments and a place to rest. Sometime late in the evening, Jakob was roused by a young warrior who shook his arm urgently. "Soldiers!" he whispered, "you go, now!" Jakob dressed quickly and followed the warrior in a circuitous route around the back of the fales to the beach. There he was met by four men with two outrigger canoes. Yu was there before him, an anxious expression on his face. Behind them came the sharp crack of a rifle shot, sounding fearfully loud in the still night. The warriors jumped at the sound and frantically pushed the canoes into the surf. "Come, come!" one said in near panic, "big trouble!" Jakob and Yu scrambled into the canoes, and the warriors paddled them quickly through the breakers out into the bay. Both Yu and Jakob were wet through instantly. Back on the beach, they could see torches and men running. Another shot rang out haphazardly, and all in the canoes ducked instinctively. They knew they could never return. From the island of 'Upolu, Western Samoa to Tutuila, American Samoa is about a three and a half to four-hour trip depending on sea and wind conditions. The Sa Malietoa always maintained some contact with the other half of the Samoan islands using their big, outrigger, sail-driven canoes. Although they may be as long as 30 metres, the journey was near the limit for ocean sailing with these craft. Their shallow draft, limited capacity for provisions, and exposure to the elements made it unsafe to venture too far. Once beyond the surf, the sailors hoisted a single triangular sail on two poles lashed together. The poles could be moved individually along cleats fixed to the floor of the boat, enabling them to angle the sail into the wind. A block wedge held the poles up, keeping the sail taut. It was a crude method, but it worked well. They had no fixed rudder, just a crewman with a steering paddle at the stern. No keel, just an outrigger for stability, an idea copied by Westerners who called it the 'Catamaran.' It took a great deal of skill and experience to control these craft, but every Samoan boy learns how to sail as soon as they can walk.Ocean journeys in these craft were very wet affairs, and they shipped a great deal of water. Very buoyant, they were next to impossible to sink. They will, however, capsize in inexperienced hands. Jakob and Yu were quickly assigned bailing duties, a constant chore on the high seas. It was just after midnight when they sailed into the excellent, deep-water harbor at Pago Pago. Essentially an American Naval Coaling Station, nevertheless a thriving town had grown up around it. The US Navy maintained a small squadron there, surely one of the more pleasant assignments for a young Naval rating. An old, ram-bow cruiser was anchored in mid-stream. Jakob recognized her as the USS Newark, he'd seen her many times. Unlike Apia, Pago Pago was full of shipping, all aglow with lighting. Some German merchantmen had elected to be interned there rather than go into captivity at some allied port, probably a sensible decision. It was next to impossible to spot the 'Borodino,' so the Samoans decided to put their passengers ashore. Once there, Jakob asked some late-night reveling Americans if they knew of the schooner. They did, it was tied up to a jetty in the civilian harbor. The 'Borodino' was showing a single masthead light but was otherwise in darkness when Jakob finally found her. He tiptoed down the gangway and finally set foot on the teak deck of his precious yacht. It seemed deserted and forlorn. There was no sound except the faint creaking of timbers. Walking quietly past the engine hatch, he felt a faint wave of heat. Clearly, the boiler had been lit recently, he heard the pinging of the slowly cooling boiler. Under his feet, he felt the crunch of coal dust; someone had been maintaining her in his absence. Jakob stepped down the ladder to the main cabin and opened the door. A single electric light showed an orderly, well-kept scene with clean white doilies still decorating the highly-polished, oak dining table. He stepped through to the corridor that led to the cabins. He was about to open the door to the master cabin when he heard a noise from one of the others. He tiptoed quietly down the corridor and put his ear to the door. He heard a muffled woman's cry and the unmistakable sounds of lovemaking. Perhaps one of his mistresses had not missed him as much as he expected? Curious, he pushed the door open a fraction and looked in. There, by the light of a dim, flickering, electric light, he saw the expanse of a woman's naked back. Underneath were the outstretched legs of a man. As Jakob watched, the woman rose up and down, clenching and unclenching her bottom. He recognized that bottom anywhere. It was the perfect white peach of his mistress Julia Bentine! But who was this man she was so lustily squirming on top of? The smear of coal dust on the soles of his feet provided irrefutable proof. No wonder the boiler has been so well maintained; it was none other than his faithful engineer Waisake! 'Damn!' Jakob thought, 'good engineers are so hard to find in these parts.' He felt a jab of jealousy, but the scene was so powerfully erotic he couldn't turn his face away. An odd feeling, he should be outraged but... Julia pumped Waisake faster and faster; Jakob could clearly see her stuffed full of his meat. She gasped and moaned unrestrained, the dim light reflecting the beads of sweat on their nude bodies. Fascinated by the so familiar body of Julia in the throes of ecstasy, Jakob was excited and felt the familiar stirring in his pants. He wished it was he underneath the grunting, groaning Englishwoman. Reluctantly, he closed the door and retreated back down to the door of his own cabin. Entering it, he found his bed occupied by a sleeping Asmira and Qing Li. In the balmy evening, they slept naked on top of the covers. They lay on their side, Asmira behind her friend with her arm around the Chinese girl's rounded tummy. Jakob eased off his clothes and got onto the bed behind his Indian mistress. She snuffled as he put his arm over her onto her breast, pressed his erection against her bottom. "Wha...!" she awoke startled, "m,master!" Asmira said, excited, "you home?" "Me home!" Jakob agreed, "I see some things have changed!" he nodded towards the next room. "Julia!" Asmira whispered, "she cheat Master. She no patience. She hungry for cock. I'm sorry Master, I tell her no but she not listen. She had love fever." "Love fever?" he asked her, amused, "like lust?" "Yes lust, Master, I sorry." "Like this?" he told her, pressing harder against her bottom. "Oh yes, Master Jakob! Asmira is happy you home!" She rolled towards him and accepted his open lips to hers. Jakob massaged her big breasts, squeezing the nipples between thumb and forefinger. As he came up for air, he looked across to see Qing Li had rolled onto her back with a big smile on her face. As he watched, she opened her legs and drew her hand up between her thighs. Jakob took the hint and rolled over Asmira to trail his tongue over Qing's tummy to her sex. Her pussy twitched as Jakob sought her gash within the sparse black curly hair. Licking her, he felt the warm lips of Asmira close over his rock-hard cock. "Oooh," came the muffled cry from next door. Jakob pushed his tongue harder against Qing Li's clitoris, eliciting a gasp and a grind of her pelvis. In the stillness of the night, they could clearly hear the creak of the bed springs as Julia frantically pleased Waisake, and no doubt herself. Qing Li turned over onto all-fours and presented her arse to Jakob's attack. He obliged with fingers and tongue before dislodging Asmira from his prick and getting in behind the pregnant Chinese nanny. He gave her a few sharp, lustful stabs, luxuriating in the still-tight-pussy. Asmira, however, had got on all-fours beside them and presented her more experienced sex for Jakob's attention. Pulling out of Qing Li, Jakob inserted himself into Asmira, replacing his cock with his fingers in his Chinese mistress. Concentrating, he tried to keep the same rhythm with both the women and was pleased to see them sliding against each other and moaning with excitement. Exchanging mistresses a couple of more times ensured Jakob lasted as long as possible. However, it was Qing Li in whom he elected to spend his seed. At least, he reasoned, he could not get her pregnant at this time, unlike Asmira. Lying within the arms of his two faithful mistresses, Jakob heard the springs start up again next door. 'Waisake has,' he thought, 'if nothing else, tons of stamina!' Pressing his ear to the wall, he heard Julia whispering, "Yes... like that... uh... good boy! Come, from behind... quickly! Oooh!" There followed a furious banging, no doubt the bed head on the cabin wall. Julia's cries rose in crescendo as she apparently reached her peak quickly. A deep grunting from Waisake indicated that he was filling her wanting pussy with another load. Straddling Asmira, Jakob attended to his voyeuristically-fueled erection between her soft breasts. Asmira stretched her tongue down and stimulated him also with her hand till he splashed her chin with his now-depleted semen. In the morning, Julia went white as a sheet when she saw Jakob. Waisake quickly disengaged his arm from around her waist and swallowed. He told Jakob he had a boiler to attend to and bolted for the engine hatch. "So," Jakob smiled evilly, "what have you been up to since I last saw you?" "I can explain!" she babbled, quickly catching Jakob's drift, "I didn't think I'd see you again and..." "Spare it, Julia!" Jakob said sternly, "clearly your libido has been overstimulated, I take that as a compliment. I'm more concerned with losing an experienced Engineer. Do you realize how difficult it would be to replace Waisake?" "You wouldn't send him away?" she cried, alarmed. "Of course not," he told her, "but Waisake might feel it's the only honorable thing to do!" "Oh, I see," she considered, "I suppose you are correct. Waisake is a very, um, proud man!" "And clearly well-endowed," Jakob added. Julia blushed red and chided him for being rude. "You must convince him to stay," Jakob said, "no doubt your powers of persuasion over him exceeds my own. And tell him," he called after her, "to kindly move cabins nearer the bow. If you wish to continue rutting then I don't desire to be a nightly witness!" "You need not be so vulgar!" she replied, haughtily. "On my own boat, I shall be precisely what I want to be!" he told her. The 'Borodino' had been well-provisioned during his absence thanks to his agent. He assembled the crew from shore and announced to them his intention of taking the schooner into the Dutch East Indies. There, he decided, he would be far enough away from the war and the attentions of suspicious officialdom. There were many islands there, he could lose himself for years. Those, he told him, that don't wish to embark on a voyage of adventure had better leave now. All, he was glad to see, chose to sign on for the duration. Some of the crew had picked up local women, and Jakob consented for them to accompany them. He also found that, rather than his fortune dwindling, he'd actually made a great deal of money from investments. The fighting armies needed more of everything, and industry was running at full speed. Ironically, the war Jakob so-hated was providing the means of his escape from it. Waisake elected to stay on board, after he'd talked to Jakob. Jakob knew it was pointless to break up the affair with Julia. He would just leave the boat and take Julia with him. In any case, Jakob had Asmira, Qing Li, and the children.He managed to contact Westermann through the German Consul in Pago Pago, who told him that Katalin was now a war widow. Her Uhlan husband had been killed on the Marne by a French shell that came through the roof of the house he was hiding in. He never even saw a fighting Frenchman, let alone killed any himself. EPILOGUE Von Spee reached South America by the 1st of November and promptly ran into the British Cruiser squadron of Rear-Admiral Christopher Cradock. The British force consisted of the outdated HMS Monmouth and HMS Good Hope, together with the speedy modern light cruiser HMS Glasgow. Spee's more-modern ships overwhelmed the British armored cruisers, and only the Glasgow escaped annihilation. However, his whereabouts were now known, as was his probable course. The British Admiralty promptly sent out Vice Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee with two of the Grand Fleet's Battle Cruisers to block his progress into the South Atlantic. HMS Invincible and HMS Inflexible caught the South Seas Squadron south of the Falkland Islands and, in a long drawn-out battle, finally sank the SMS Gneisenau and the SMS Scharnhorst. Leipzig and Nürnberg were run down by British light cruisers, and the Dresden was finally trapped in Chile and scuttled. The Emden and Captain von Müller's exploits are legend, and I could not do them adequate justice here. She was finally caught near the Cocos/Keeling islands after one of the most successful and audacious careers of any German surface raider. Of the rest of von Spee's command, the SMS Prinz Eitel Friedrich and the sloop of war, SMS Cormoran (Kormorant), gave themselves over to internment in neutral ports. Although colorful, the German raiders had a minimal impact on the course of the war. They did, though, tie up a lot of warships in their hunt for them. The most successful was the disguised raider Möwe, the former SS Pungo, who sank a total of 34 allied merchant ships. Her mines, however, accounted for the likes of the old Battleship HMS King Edward VII. The most romantic, though, was Count von Luckner's Seeadler, the former sailing ship Pass of Balmaha. It's worth another story! Alas, the magnificent SS Cap Trafalgar was armed in Brazil from an old gunboat and set out into the Atlantic. There she ran into the armed British liner SS Carpathia, and in the ensuing fight, the Cap was sunk, and the Carpathia set on fire. A scandalous ill-use for these magnificent vessels, in my humble opinion. Much of the events surrounding the takeover of German Samoa by New Zealand troops is fact, although some things have been exaggerated. Patey, Logan, and Church are real people, as is Mr. Ah Khoi. The Chinese gentleman, whose crime was to fall in love and marry a Samoan woman, spent long years in exile before he was able to return to his family. Many of his descendants memorialize the family name today on the Rugby fields of the South Pacific. Logan ruined the settler economy of Samoa with his program against the Chinese laborers. Once, too, the Samoans realized they were not to be given independence, they formed the movement, the 'Mau'. A sad catalogue of injustices by a succession of NZ Governors culminated in the machine-gunning of a crowd of protesters and the slaying of the spiritual leader Tupua Tamasese IV. This led to the unedifying sight of RNZAF fighter planes chasing ill-armed warriors through the interior of 'Upolu. But bygones be bygones, and now more Western Samoans live in New Zealand than in their island home. They've mostly forgiven us. I hope so!
Part 11
Authors/katzmarek/King Jakob11.txt
The Curse
'Entertain' was the last hit in the alternative charts for Sleater-Kinney, who announced a 'permanent hiatus' soon after in July 2006. It was a hard-driving indictment of the business with a difficult skip beat and a great power riff on the bridge. It ended with a chant, sung over scratchy and discordant guitars. It was a personal favorite of Karen's, who'd used Janet Weiss's drumming as a practice piece. Mick thought The Curse's cover of the song had a number of things going for it. It fitted their sound perfectly - Carrie Brownstein, Sleater-Kinney's singer and lead guitarist, was openly gay, and that inference might play into Anna's onstage sexual ambiguity. Most of all, though, it was fun to play. The original version hadn't had much airplay here, and Flyblown thought it would be a shrewd marketing ploy to release the single before the expected CD. 'Entertain' was recorded in two live takes at the University with an invited audience. The gig was shot on video with a couple of Handycams, enhancing the whole, downmarket, do-it-yourself atmosphere. Mick saw it as reconnecting with their fans - perhaps the last flick of the tail of The Curse's original sound. It was a cozy and relaxed session. Anna was dressed in denim, although with her usual boots, and Mick wore a pair of beach shorts, a Chevrolet T-shirt, and a Wellington Lions cap. The lead singer shook and danced about, spurred by an excellent display of power drumming from Karen. The audience danced along with Anna, and even Rangi, who had little to do among the well-behaved crowd, swung his vast bulk along with them. It was a party atmosphere, and the band mingled with the audience afterwards for beer and snacks. Mick was shouting the loyal Rangi and his new Japanese girlfriend to Los Angeles with them for the Grammy Awards show. Costs had prevented them taking him along on their American tour, and the band felt a little guilty. Afterwards, Mick went home alone as the girls said they were entertaining. Once the stage lights went out, Mick felt a strange kind of emptiness. Normally, he and Freddie would have a few drinks, but his friend was on the wagon, and it just wasn't the same. Freddie was morose these days, and Mick found his company tiring. It was difficult for someone in his position to form normal relationships. Most people he met were aware he was a star and mostly in awe of meeting him. That might be fine for the ego, but not if he wanted to make that person a friend. Otherwise, most everyone he knew were connected to The Curse, and sometimes Mick wanted a night off. The girls sometimes stayed the weekend, and they all slept together. Sometimes he'd make love to Michelle while Anna watched, but nothing more intimate had developed between him and the lead singer. He couldn't get out of his head that he was being gratified to ensure he wouldn't bail on The Curse, as he'd been instructed by Sabra to 'keep the girls happy.' The emotional turmoil was wearing him down, and his consumption of marijuana was increasing. What seemed like a spotty schoolboy's wet dream was turning into a nightmare for him. This was Michelle, and he loved her, but Anna was likely to always be part of the setup. He resented the time Michelle spent with her girlfriend, but, at the same time, he was worried about Anna's ability to cope for even one night alone. It was a classic Catch-22. He felt his only 'out' of the situation was Sabra, but was slowly waking up to the fact she wasn't going to leave America. Going to live there himself would mean parting from his two daughters, Karen and Emily, and he wasn't yet prepared to make that sacrifice. As far as The Curse was concerned, he'd taken a lot of the creative responsibility upon himself. Their record company had assumed he was the brains of the band and was treating him accordingly. They'd displayed for him graphs and charts outlining Flyblown/Sony's suggested marketing strategy, and it was all facts and figures, demographics, promotional opportunities, projected sales, blah - it was cynical, in his mind, and utter bullshit. He was a musician, an artist, not a fucking accountant. They liked the song 'Sabra' but insisted it wasn't a band song and better left to a Mick Johnson solo CD someday. It wasn't a 'hit,' and the band would have to pay royalties to the songwriter. Flyblown could see little point in including it in The Curse's CD. Michelle's love song to Anna was 'filler' - they wanted more 'Entertain' songs, but, of course, 'it was Mick and the girls' decision.' It may've seemed easy for Mick to dismiss record company 'suggestions,' but he felt more pressured - as if the success or failure of the CD was going to rest with him. If the album bombed, it would be Mick's 'intransigence' that ruined The Curse's career. He really needed to see Sabra face to face to bounce around ideas. He didn't have even Freddie anymore to chew the fat over a beer. Freddie always had a shrewd sense of proportion and the balls to tell the fuckers to stuff it. Mick missed his advice terribly. Mick needed company tonight, so he jumped in the Camaro and went cruising. To be recognized wherever he went was sometimes a curse, sometimes an advantage. He just needed someone to take his mind off things, and he told himself that didn't necessarily involve sex, although he knew it would. At this time of night, any talent downtown was likely drunk, and that didn't auger well for meaningful conversations. He came upon a trolley bus that had had a fender bender with a boy racer. The bus driver was a woman - short and big-breasted with orange hair cut to a frizz. Likely she was heading off shift when this guy had run into her, and she was pissed as hell. Mick stopped and asked if he could help. "Did you see that?" she yelled at him. "Did you see that fucker cut in front?" Mick insisted he had and offered his name and address as a witness. Of course, he hadn't seen a thing, having come along after the accident had happened. The driver of the car was drunk and abusive but calmed down when he recognized Mick Johnson of The Curse. His car had some scrapes, and Mick quietly suggested he send the bill to him, and he'd take care of it - 'as a favor to a fan.' Happy, the guy smiled at Mick's business card and got back into his car. There was even less damage to the bus - a scrape on the bumper that had clearly been scraped many times in the past - and the driver wasn't interested in spending the rest of the night filling in accident reports. Mick chatted to her a little as she got underway again and organized to pick her up from the depot after work. The bus depot was all but deserted, and he waited outside for the woman to come out. Finally, she emerged and hurried over. "Hi," she said, "flash car!" Her name was Donna, 26, had taken a 'little' break from university to do something 'different' - liked the job and stayed three years. She'd been in a relationship with a woman, but had broken up two months ago. Yes, she was bi, and, no, she didn't have anyone, male or female, at present. All this Mick discovered while 'saving her the taxi fare home.' She kind of liked The Curse, but wasn't a fan, and told him she thought the band was being 'overhyped.' This was refreshing to Mick. He'd finally hooked up with someone who had no agenda and could talk honestly and openly with him. He felt they could become good friends. Donna was her own woman who hated 'possessiveness' and 'pretension.' She scorned the whole 'subservience bullshit' and if she was ever to get married, it had to be with someone who'd let her be her 'own person.' "I just hate the dependent thing, y'know?" 'Y'know' was an affectation she used frequently, and Mick found it mildly irritating. But if that was all that annoyed him about her, he thought it a good bargain. She was short with an impish face she claimed came from her Cockney heritage. Yes, she was born in England but arrived out here when she was 7. Her boobs exceeded Sabra's in size, he thought, and were a wee bit out of proportion to the rest of her. Her signals were mixed, and, even as she invited Mick in for coffee, he still wasn't sure whether they'd sleep together. The flat was a little run down, but Donna had decorated it with wall hangings and original prints. Both her mother and brother were artists, it turned out, and most of the work around the room was theirs. "Hey, Mick, you want some wine instead?" she called from the tiny kitchen. "Sure," he replied. "Say? You smoke dope?" Her head appeared around the door. "You got some?" she smiled. Mick rolled them a joint, and they smoked it, washing it down with some cheap cask wine. "It's good," she said, leaning on his shoulder. "I'm really floating. It's so hard to get good shit these days." "Not that hard if you know who to call," Mick told her. "Yeah, well, you're a musician, aren't you?" "True!" "Y'want some music - I feel like something, y'know, bluesy and slow. Y'don't mind?""Sure, love the blues." "Delta blues?" "Oh, man!" Mick grinned, "just perfect!" "Yeah!" she gushed. "Y'got flatmates?" "Nah! Last girl moved out a couple of weeks ago. Might have to get someone else in, but I kinda like being here by myself. Why?" "Just curious." "Y'want to stay the night?" "Yeah - too stoned to drive." "Too fucked to fuck?" she grinned. "Not a chance, baby," Mick dropped his voice in imitation of some Hollywood smooth guy. "Not that I'm offering," she teased back. "Course not," he feigned shock. "Anycase," she said, "you guys'll have all the teen bimbos chasing you down the street." "Oh, sure," he laughed. "Road romances, groupies - fucking action all the time." "True?" "Wish! Too fucked to fuck, mostly. Y'gotta remember how tight those schedules are and how exhausting - eat, sleep, shit, play, eat again, talk to the fucking press..." "Hard life," she said sarcastically. "Not complaining," Mick added. "Sure! And you can afford a flash car like that? Sounds tough to me." "Ok!" He put up his hands. "We got a few good paydays but we worked our butts off for it and it could've gone either way. The public don't like what we do, we're fucked." "I think it's all about marketing," she told him. "Y'gotta have something to market?" Mick replied. "Why don't you just play and be damned?" "That's what I'm trying to do if the fuckers'll leave me the Hell alone." "Hey, sorry Mick. I was being a bitch." "Not at all," he smiled. "It's what most people think. That it's all about getting up on stage and playing. They don't know the other half - the main half - all the crap that goes with doing that." Donna came and knelt on the floor in front of him, putting her hands on his legs. "Hey," she said, "I can see you're stressed. I can't imagine what it must be like to be that far out in the public eye, y'know? Actually, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." "Yes, you would," he smiled. "Fitting revenge!" "Haha - yah, I guess I would! Like the medieval stocks or something, y'know?" Mick lifted his hands and lightly stroked Donna's face. "Mick," she said, softly, "I never said you could do that." "Sorry." "No, actually, it's nice. I just like to be asked, y'know?" "Ok. May I have a kiss?" "Um, Mick, ah, can I ask something first?" "Yeah?" "Can I play with your balls? I can see them right down there through your jeans." "Play with anything you like," he told her. "Just your balls," she replied. She ran her hands up the length of Mick's legs and lightly palmed his crotch. "I really like the feel of them," she explained. "Best part of a guy." "What else do you like?" "Blowjobs!" "Yeah?" "Yeah. Something about giving head - hmm - really love it." "Don't let me stop you." "Hold on," she grinned. "My flat, my rules." "That sounds suspicious," Mick said. "What ya want to do? Tie me up and beat me with whippy sticks?" Donna roared out laughing. She told him she liked guys with a sense of humour. She then leaned forward and kissed his balls over his jeans, giving his cock a little rub for good measure. "Whippy stick?" she laughed. Mick was enjoying this. Donna was great fun to be with and they shared a sense of the absurd. There was another rub and a kiss before commencing to massage Mick's cock with the palm of her hand. "Just want to get one thing clear," she said. "I'm not looking for a boyfriend." "Me neither!" "Funny! But honestly, I don't want a relationship." "And I've got too many." "Alright then," she nodded. "But, ah, a friend would be nice. Like, someone totally away from the business? Maybe one with privileges now and then?" "A friend with occasional privileges?" she considered. "Hmm. How occasional?" "Negotiable!" "Like, 'when you're feeling horny' negotiable?" "More like 'time out from this fucking hectic world' negotiable." "Yeah? I can say no and you won't get shitty?" "Sure. And if I don't call you for weeks you won't get shitty either?" "Depends," she grinned, "on how horny I am." "I'll bring some more dope." "You will?" she grinned. "You're a tough negotiator! Look, Mick," she said, suddenly serious, "I don't know how this will go or what you want of me. You can sleep with me tonight and - well, maybe give me a call and see, y'know? If it gets too heavy..." "It won't." "Good, cos I can't stand needy people, y'know?" "Donna? Just fucking hang, okay. I'm not going to be pounding on your door every night. Let's just roll another joint and jump into that bed of yours. You promised a blowjob, remember?" "Hey, I didn't! I just said I liked giving them. I didn't promise," she said, grinning. "Alright. But, I'll promise to give you some tongue." "You will? Now that *does* sound interesting!" Donna took Mick's hand and led him through into the bedroom. In bed Donna's world-wise 'schtick' was revealed as a bit hollow. Her blowjob wasn't that great - a little clumsy and uncoordinated - but Mick appreciated effort and enthusiasm. He treated her in turn to a thorough licking but he had trouble finding the right spot and she alternately giggled and complained she was too sensitive. Such uncertainty was to be expected first time out and, in any case, it was a lot of fun. Mick screwed her slowly with time out to suck on those pillows lying on her chest. Her breasts were huge in the flesh - full, with large nipples, which stood out prouder than he'd ever seen before - and he spent much of the happy night playing with them. But Donna, whether it was the mood she was in, or some physical issue, was difficult to push towards orgasm. Mick formed the opinion she wasn't that experienced with men, or had male lovers that were impatient or inconsiderate. He persisted till he found her trigger. That turned out to be her clitoris, which was smaller and a little higher than normal. Once Mick worked it out, he moved his finger to the spot and carefully manipulated it. Donna immediately began to pant loudly and looked into his face with a mixture of surprise and arousal. She grabbed his dick and squeezed - she seemed to like the feel of a man's appendage - then writhed, twisted, and pushed against his finger. Soon, she burst in a series of spasms accompanied by loud cries and her arm shot around Mick's back and held him down till she subsided. "Mick!" she said, after a long time catching her breath. "That was wonderful! I - I - no-one's done that to me before..." "Done what?" "Made me come, just..." "Huh?" "I guess they don't find it," she breathed. "What makes you so special?" She smiled in a kind of admiration and contentment. "I don't know," he shrugged. "Just had a little fiddle around. Had to be there somewhere." "Oh, haha, you're so fucking modest," she laughed. "Hmm, this is such a good night. We going to do some more later?" "Sure, I guess. When do you start work?" "Two." "I can give you till 12, then I need to be somewhere." "Oh, thank you," she laughed, "most generous. You got an ordinary cigarette?" "Yep." "I want to share one with you - symbolic." "Of course," he smiled. "Don't get all subservient on me?" "Cheeky shit!" she giggled. "You're a lot of fun, Mick, I really like that." "Yeah, so are you - drag?" He offered her a Lucky Strike and she had a series of shallow puffs. "Don't really smoke," she admitted, "but, this is nice. You going to call soon?" "I haven't left yet." "Smartarse! You know what I mean." "We'll see, Donna, we'll see." Donna looked away and screwed up her eyes. They were starting to water and she didn't want Mick to see. She knew she was in for a rough ride with this guy and felt a pang of self-pity. After lunch, Donna jumped into the shower and Mick grabbed himself a quick kiss before telling her he was going. She flashed him a look that was unmistakable as the rivulets ran down her big breasts. He walked quickly down to his car with that look fixed in his mind. He knew he was going to feel guilt over this and wasn't looking forward to it. Five days later, Mick, Michelle, Anna and Emily, accompanied by Rangi and his girlfriend, met at the airport for their trip to the States. Everyone was downbeat and a little quiet. Mick was apprehensive about meeting Sabra - Michelle, about Mick - and Anna, about her costume for the big night. Mick had not been himself the week and Michelle wondered at the cause. He continued to get stoned every night and that was worrying her. He looked drawn and she didn't think he was eating properly. A moody and depressed Mick was a hard act. On the plane he dozed and read. When he did hold a conversation he was civil and kind but he lacked the sparkle she was used to. It was as if part of him had shut down. When they arrived in Los Angeles they went straight to the hotel to rest and get rid of the jet lag. Sabra had decided she didn't have the room for Mick after all and he was staying at the hotel with the others. Sabra had booked adjoining suites for them and one featured a king-size bed - evidently requested by their manager. No doubt, she was ensuring that 'Mick kept The Curse happy,' although he wished their manager wasn't so efficient sometimes. The next day, Sabra had a tight schedule arranged consisting of meetings with company people, accountants, lawyers and the show's organisers. There'd be little time for Mick to have Sabra to himself and he was certain it was deliberate. She hadn't met them at the airport and took a whole day before finally showing up in the hotel lobby. She was tactful and civil and ensured Mick didn't engage her without the girls present, it seemed to him.Consequently, his mood darkened even more. Blue Rembrandt were the likely winners in their category, thanks to the solid work they'd put in during The Curse's absence from America. Being 'foreign,' that was likely going to be the case unless they based themselves in the States. They'd also been nominated for the 'Best Song by a Foreign Group,' and Sabra reckoned they had a good chance of claiming that. Mick knew it was a consolation prize, but it was something to take back home. The Grammys was a shmoozefest and the industry's equivalent of the trading floor at a merchant bank. Here was where deals were negotiated, artists courted and signed, and honchos sussed out their rivals' marketing strategies. Just how much intel was gathered at these shows was anyone's guess, but there were gatherings everywhere, anytime, in the week leading up to the big night. The market was contracting, and the rivalry intense between the recording empires to shore up their market shares. There'd never been such a time for share brutality in the industry, and an artist that didn't make enough money faced being dropped from their label with indecent haste. Fair dealing with the talent was a sore point at this time, and the talk at many an industry gathering. Many established artists were rightly fed up by the way they were being treated by their labels, and a few were going it alone, and quite successfully. Mick thought about doing that himself, but The Curse would need to be US-based if they were to stand any chance. Mick reminded himself that these award shows had long been captured by the recording companies for no higher purpose than to promote their products and make a lot of money. But there were some fantastic parties, and, despite it all, there was plenty to enjoy, despite the bullshit. There was a reception for the nominees in each category, for instance. Although, logically, it should be all about rivalry, the bands themselves got on remarkably well. Whether that mood persisted past the show was doubtful, but, before, there was a lot of hand-shaking and congratulations just for being nominated in the first place. Dwight Cooney of Blue Rembrandt got a smooch and a hug from Anna Kuznetsova of The Curse, and the event was recorded for posterity by a dozen photographers. Mick found the tokers out back and shared a joint or two with a mixed group of band members and hangers-on. His absence was noticed, and Michelle and Sabra formed a united front to track him down. Mick got a stern lecture about responsibility from his manager and a blast from Michelle about telling someone where he was going. Mick felt chided like a child, but he was too stoned to care. All in all, it was just another day at the office.
Chapter Eighteen
Authors/katzmarek/The Curse18.txt
Joanna and the Sea Devil
'Tickety tick, tick, tick, tick.' The Morse stream from the earphone was barely audible. The two men leaned closer to the radio set, frowns on their faces. "What do you make of it?" asked the taller of the men to the harried Radioman. "The hand's not experienced, like amateur," he replied in halting Norwegian. "The signal's faint... I think running low on battery power, maybe?" "Where are they?" asked the bearded, stooping, older man. "I think no more than 12 kilometres to the Northeast of us. Drifting, they say... engine stopped." "Identification?" "MV Senator, is American... Private yacht," the radioman explained, "200 registered tonnage." "That's big for a yacht!" remarked the tall man. "Sir," the third man spoke, drawing the other man aside, "perhaps we should ignore it? It could be a ruse?" "Possibly," the tall man considered, "but I think she's too near American territorial waters for a trick. I think we should check it out. Perhaps they might have information, newspapers. I think it's worth the risk." "Should we start the motors?" "No, under canvas. There's a good breeze so why should we waste fuel? Lay in a course." "Yes, Skipper." Their boots rang on the metal of the ladder as they went back topside. The sky was clear and blue, the warm wind filled the billowing sails and sang through the rigging. Underneath, the ship creaked in the fashion of all wooden sailing ships. The white hull gleamed in the strong sunlight like some picture postcard. The skipper squinted at the top of the mainmast and observed the triangular red flag and blue cross of Norway's Merchant Marine. He took one long look along the deck. Everything seemed innocuous; the stacks of timber deck-cargo fore and aft, the crew casually dressed in striped shirts and Bermuda shorts. Some had tied the flaps of their trousers tight with cord. Many had bare feet, the better for climbing the rigging. Beards were 'de rigueur' among the crew. Straw boaters or woollen fisherman's hats the preferred headwear. The ship lurched under the helm as she swung onto the new bearing. Crew vigorously wound the sheets of the square-rigged foremast tighter. The Skipper instinctively watched the big boom of the mainsail as it was adjusted to the wind. Many an inexperienced crewman had been knocked off their feet, or even worse, by the metal-banded, foot thick length of wood. "Olaf!" yelled the Skipper, "get up top and see what you can see!" "Aye, Sir," answered a seaman. The SV Stavanger's Second Officer came back forward, having given the sailing instructions to the helm. "What do we do with them?" he asked. "Whatever's practical," shrugged the Skipper, "if they have engine failure, maybe the Engineer can get it going for them." "Won't they be suspicious of an Engineer on a sailing ship?" "It's not uncommon for vessels of our type to have an auxiliary motor, Theo. Stay relaxed, they won't suspect anything." "If you think so," muttered the 2nd Officer. Eventually, from atop the mainmast, the lookout bellowed, "mast top, off starboard bow!" "Bear on it," ordered the Skipper, "nice navigation, Theo!" "Thank you, Sir." "Oh, don't be so formal!" Gradually the vessel revealed itself over the curvature of the Earth. First, its single mast, then its black hull. It was rolling heavily in the freshening swell. Plainly it was adrift in the current, being carried slowly down to the Baja Californian coast. Pointlessly, the yacht fired a distress flare. The Stavanger's crew watched it hang in the sky before slowly plummeting to the sea. The big Schooner, at nearly 1800 tons, was considerably larger than the American Yacht. It had to maneuver carefully to avoid swamping or even striking the smaller craft. The Stavanger's crew, however, were skilled, and the Schooner came to a stop off the Yacht's lee. The square sails were backed, the fore and aft, triangular mainsail dropped. Five figures on the deck of the American waved enthusiastically at the Stavanger. A man called out to them in English. "Get Peters," ordered the Stavanger's Skipper. He closely observed the other vessel with his binoculars and waited for the English speaker to arrive. The crewman hurried to the Skipper's side. "Ask them what's the trouble." He waited patiently while an unintelligible exchange continued with the foreign crew of the American. Eventually, Peters turned to his Captain and translated the Yacht's requests. "Sir," said Peters, "they say their motor has broken down and they're taking water. It's up to two feet in their bilges, sir. Their battery power is low, their radio's failing and they're low on fresh water and food." "Their bilge pump?" "Runs off engine power, sir." "That's stupid! Haven't they hand pumps?" "Yes, but they say the water's gaining on them. They're exhausted and fear the boat will founder in a matter of hours." "Sir," cried the Second Officer in alarm, "we can't have them on board!" "Are you saying we should let them drown? Are we barbarians?" the Skipper snapped back, "no. We'll see what we can do over there and, if we can't get their motor going, we will have to rescue them." The Skipper decided to check on the vessel personally and had himself and his translator, Peters, rowed over in the little skiff. He legged himself over the side as one long-experienced at sea and stood on the teak deck of the American. He saw it was a well-built vessel, the main saloon was built with fine mahogany and the whole displayed excellent workmanship. If the crew was correct, there was no saving the ship and he thought it a pity. And his experience told him it was true, the ship was doomed. It lifted reluctantly in the swell, he could feel the heavy, wallowing motion of the roll, evidence there were tons of seawater down below. He had to check, though, and confirmed that the engine compartment was partly flooded. His Engineer wouldn't be able to get the pumps working. There were five people on the Yacht, three men and two women. Two of the men appeared to be the crew. The other man and the women appeared to be a family; man, wife and daughter. Through Peters, he introduced himself. "I am Lars Gundersson, Master of the SV Stavanger, this is Ivar Peters. We are Norwegian." "American, sir," said the older man, "Robert Begg, my wife Margaret and daughter Joanna. These two are my crew," he indicated the other men, "Hiram and Rufe. I thank you for coming." "I see your ship will sink shortly. I'm sorry, but I fear you will have to accompany us on board my vessel." The Americans looked exhausted and hungry. Clearly they'd experienced an unpleasant couple of days on board the wallowing vessel. Particularly the women, seemed overjoyed to be getting off the thing. Lars watched them being rowed over to the Stavanger two at a time. He sent Peters back with the last crewman then went down to the saloon for a look around. Robert Begg had taken all the ship's papers and log, however, scattered about were other things of interest. When the skiff returned he had a box of stuff waiting. "Where are the Americans?" he asked the crewman. "We took them down to the mess, Skipper, they were very hungry." "Good. Come with me, let's have another look around." In the cabins there was a scattering of personal items. They put some of these in a sack to take back for the Americans. However, in the main cabin he found what he was looking for, a newspaper. "Schopf, do you see this?" the Skipper said, holding up a copy of the 'San Diego Chronicle,' "is this what I think it is?" "Sir!" said the crewman in shock, "America has declared war!" Immediately upon returning to the Stavanger, the Skipper called for the Senior Officers to attend a meeting in his cabin. Five of them trooped in, the Engineer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Navigator and Sailing Master. He had them all sit down in the small cabin, on whatever they could find to sit on. "Gentlemen," he started, "the situation has changed. The Americans have declared war on Germany." There were general exclamations of shock and surprise. This had not entered their calculations. Obviously, some kind of plan of action had to be worked out. "Any suggestions?" asked the Skipper. "American harbors are obviously out," Theo said. "We will need to replenish supplies before the end of the month," commented the 3rd Officer, Erik Thorvald. "Perhaps a supply ship got out before the declaration?" suggested the Engineer, "we should sail to the grid reference just in case." "What if they were interned?" said Theo, "how long should we wait for it out there. We will run out of fresh water before...""South America, we should go to a South American port for supplies. That would be the safest option," suggested the Engineer. "But we'll be inspected by their Customs," protested the 2nd Officer, "they're sure to discover..." "Yes," the Skipper agreed, "they'll discover that we're not what we seem. We'll have to take what we need, from prizes." "This must include American ships from now on," the Engineer said. "Yes, you're correct, Engineer. In the absence of official notification, I think we can assume that American vessels are now fair game." "What about our Guests, Skipper, are we going to tell them?" Theo asked. "I will," he said. Standing up, he kicked the panel under his bed. It flicked open, and he reached in and retrieved a uniform jacket and cap. Donning these, he left the cabin and went down the passageway to the mess. Entering, he stood stiffly at attention before the startled Americans. He spied Peters acting as host to the famished crew of the Yacht. "Peters," he said, "you will translate, please. Ladies and Gentlemen," he announced, "welcome to Seine Majestat's Schiffe 'Seeteufel'. We are a ship of war of the German Kaiser." The Americans looked at Lars Gundersson, their mouths hanging open in shock. "My name is Kapitan zur See Count von Seydlitz. I regret the deception." With that, he spun on his heels and left them to absorb the news. Joanna Begg sat with her back against the forward capstan, writing. There was nothing much else to do on the Seeteufel except grumble. That task was being ably accomplished by her Mother and Father and their two crewmen. She decided to keep a record of their captivity, as she was tired of listening to the others' complaints. At first, her Father couldn't believe that the Germans would use a windjammer as a warship. He didn't know for what purpose such a vessel could be employed. He could only think of landing spies and saboteurs somewhere down the American coast. Joanna overheard the others talking last night. They were thinking of ways they could alert a passing ship. Her Mother said that they should think of the ladies. That if they antagonized the Germans, then they might harm the women. She thought it best to go along with everything they said and perhaps they'd put them on a passing ship or on Hawaii. "You seriously think," her Father had said, "that the Krauts are going to put us ashore on American territory? They're in disguise, for Christ's sake. They ain't going to let us go to spill the beans." Her Mother had complained about him blaspheming. Her Father had told her that that was the least of their worries. It ended in an argument, and Hiram and Rufe came and sat with Joanna. 'Dear diary,' she began, 'what I hate worst is the smell. The men can go topside and wash. The Germans rig a shower in the rigging, and all the men get naked and stand under it in turns. We women have to wait down below.' 'After a day on the Seeteufel, the Germans let us up on deck for a few hours during the daytime. A crewman stands guard by us at all times, armed with a pistol in his belt. Daddy has funny nicknames for each of them.' 'We are only allowed between the bows and the foremast. The Germans put up a rope across the deck to stop us going aft. They are very serious about it, as Daddy found out.' 'Yesterday, he walked aft to the rope and put his leg over. The guard went berserk at him and pointed his pistol. Daddy told us there was something strange about the deck cargo. He said he spotted a shiny piece of metal on it and went to have a look. He said he thought it was part of a hinge. What do you suppose they'd have a hinge on a stack of timber for? He asked us. I don't know, Daddy's the builder, I don't know about such things.' Joanna looked up as they relieved the guard. It was the guy her Father called 'Boggles.' He always had his head in a book. 'Boggles' knew some English. Joanna thought he understood more words than he could speak. Her Father had urged her to talk to him, to find out anything she could. Her Mother disapproved, but then she always disapproved of everything she did. "What are you reading?" Joanna asked him as clearly as she could. "Geschichte... ah... History, Yes?" he answered. "What is your name?" "Rupert, as in Prinz Rupert von der Rhein, yes?" "Who?" "Is big leader in English Civil War, he capture Bristol for English King. He came from Heidelberg, same as me." "You were named after him?" "Prinz Rupert, ja!" he beamed in pleasure. Later, when she told her Father all that she'd discovered, he shrugged his shoulders. "So, I'm the Goddam Queen of Sheba!" he told her, "ask him where the Hell we're going, for Christ's sake!" The Beggs had left San Diego 10 days ago for a cruise among the Channel Islands before heading down to Tijuana. A self-made millionaire, Robert Begg had made a fortune constructing low-cost housing until he now ran one of the biggest construction companies on the West Coast. The price of all this wealth had been heavy. He barely knew his daughter, his family was all but alienated from him, as he worked more than 12 hours a day building up the company. He'd decided to buy the MV Senator, go for cruises with his wife and daughter, and recapture some sort of family life. However, a sudden squall off San Diego had sprung some timbers on the Yacht, and water had contaminated the Diesel oil. They'd been drifting for three days before being rescued by the Seeteufel. Von Sedlitz/Gunderson watched Olaf swinging from high in the rigging of the mainmast. The man was like a monkey with the eyes of an eagle, he thought. He held onto the ratline with one hand while pressing his binoculars to his face. Apparently satisfied with his observation, he let go of the binoculars to let them dangle from his neck, then slid down the rope to the maindeck. "Sir," he told his Captain, "too much smoke for a single ship. They look to be a small squadron of some sort... or a convoy." "Warships!" von Seydlitz told the man, "there'll be no convoys this far to the East. The Americans are still 'single sailing'. Theo!" he called, "lower the sails. Summon the Engineer... start engines. Helm, port 90, come about!" He strode quickly aft, calling out orders. "Alarm, alarm, everyone topside, now!" The hatches flew open as men tumbled out from down below. Quickly they ran to the masts to bring the canvas in. This was a well-practiced routine. Down in the engine room, the Engineer sent his Mechanics down the banks of cylinders, lighting the spirit preheaters for the two big, 1000 horsepower, M.A.N, submarine-type, Diesel engines. He fitted the two crank handles into their recesses on the massive crankcases, and two men each began to wind on them. At the top of the mizzen mast, puffs of dense white smoke emerged from the exhaust concealed alongside the thick length of Baltic pinewood. The engines began to rock, emitting a slow, dull thudding. The Engineer walked down the catwalk between and opened the vent-piece on each cylinder in turn. With a wheel fixed onto each injector, he carefully adjusted the fuel flow until he was satisfied with the color of the flame. At last, he announced he was happy with the running of the engines and rang the telegraph. Watching the dial, he saw it curl into the 'full ahead' zone. With a wave of his hands, he ordered the engines to be run up to full speed. Topside, the ship vibrated, heeling over as the helm was swung frantically to port. Waves rose up over the bows and crashed onto the fo'c'sle to drain away through the scuppers. "Quick!" 'Boggles' said to the Beggs, "down below, down below." Joanna stumbled and fell as the family sprinted for the hatch. 'Boggles' stopped and helped her to her feet. Before she followed the family down the steps, she saw a group of the crew run to the stack of timber on the deck. Like magic, a secret door opened, and the men disappeared inside. Before 'Boggles' escorted her down the ladder, she saw a large, black, cylindrical object inside. "A gun!" her Father said in astonishment when she told him later, "this ship is armed!" HMS Sussex was a County Class cruiser of the Royal Navy armed with 6-inch guns. Her Captain was Commander Alexander Debenham, a Regular Naval Officer of long experience. Four Counties, HMS Sussex, HMS Suffolk, HMS Northampton, and HMS Cornwall, were on their way to coal at San Diego before continuing down into the Atlantic on their voyage home. They had been operating out of Hong Kong for the last 6 months. The crews were happy to be going home. Debenham had no idea that there was a disguised German raider loose off the West Coast of North America. He was, though, ordered to keep watch on neutral shipping and to examine suspicious vessels. Therefore, he was interested when the lookout spotted the masts of a sailing ship well to the South of them. He was further interested when the vessel took in its sails. "He's gone," the lookout reported via the telephone, "sir, he was there and now he's gone." "Well, he couldn't have vanished into thin air," he told the lookout, irritated, "look again!" "He dropped his sails, sir, then turned away!" "Captain, perhaps we should check it out?" his 1st Officer suggested, "it's very suspicious, don't you think?" The Commander of the squadron was Rear Admiral Arthur. At this time, he was in his cabin on the flagship, HMS Suffolk. Commander Debenham decided to report the sighting to the leader of the Squadron. The Admiral detached Northampton because it had the largest reserve of coal.Consequently, it bore off from the rear of the squadron and gradually worked up to full speed, giving chase. On board the Seeteufel, the lookout gave the terrible news. After 20 minutes on their new bearing, it was obvious that one of the warships was pursuing them. The crew was at action stations, the two 88mm Krupp guns loaded, and their 'timber cargo' disguise ready to fall away. Below, the magazine and shell room crews were anxiously waiting. Olaf was swinging from the mainmast reporting their pursuer's position. Despite its aggressive pretensions, the Seeteufel still only had a wooden hull. It was just a sailing ship with a couple of naval guns grafted onto it. It was no more capable of a stand-up seafight than flying. Although it was fitted with a couple of powerful Diesels, in a long chase, it couldn't possibly outrun a cruiser such as the Northampton. Von Seydlitz was well aware of the precarious situation. He was the younger of two brothers in a family steeped in military and Naval service. From Königsberg, the capital of Royal Prussia, seat of the Knights of the Sword, von Seydlitz had behind him centuries of tradition that said that to strike one's colors was unthinkable. In the flag locker, ready to raise at a moment's notice, was the huge battle ensign of the Imperial German Navy. As well, von Seydlitz had a personal pennant, a white flag emblazoned with the coat of arms of the von Seydlitz family, featuring the black cross of the Teutonic Knights, the Knights of the Sword. Von Seydlitz, though, had one possible trump card. Below the waterline, the Imperial Dockyards in the Jade River had fitted her with torpedo tubes, one on each side of the ship. All he needed was for the British cruiser to stop close on his broadside, and he could hit it with a torpedo before she could react. "Load fish," he ordered down the voice tube, "open outer doors and pressurize tubes... then stand by." Grimly, he ordered the Seeteufel to slow and come about to await the British. 'Dear Diary,' wrote Joanna Begg, 'we are back in our corner of the mess room. The Germans have closed the shutters over the windows, so it is quite dark.' 'Rupert is sitting at the table. For once he's not reading. Instead, he's looking around him nervously.' 'There was a lot of banging and shouting from up top. Now it's deathly quiet, even the booming from the engines has stopped. I don't know what's worse, the noise or the silence.' 'Hiram said he thought it was just another drill. He used to be in the Navy, so he knows about such things. Daddy argued with him; he said this was different from the other drills. He said the Germans seemed in a panic, as if a Navy ship was chasing them.' 'I do hope the Navy has found us. Hiram said this ship is no match for even the smallest American warship. He said the hull is wooden, and they wouldn't dare get into a fight.' 'Daddy, Hiram, and Rufe are making plans. They say they'll try and signal the Navy to let them know we're here in case they fire on us.' "What are you writing?" Rupert asked Joanna, "always you writing, what are you writing?" His voice was not interrogative. Rather, Joanna thought, he sounded frightened and wanted to take his mind off what was happening on the deck above. "A diary, I'm writing a diary," she replied. "Can I see?" he asked. "No, you can't!" she told him, alarmed. "Oh," he looked disappointed, "secret?" "Yes, secret!" "Ah!" "Can you tell us what's happening?" "Not sure," he said, dropping his voice, "I think a ship is coming. I think it's the British Navy. It's not good for us." "What is to happen to *us*?" she asked. "Um, not sure. Maybe we'll fool them, ja? Maybe we won't have to fight them!" "Fight them? How?" Joanna asked, shocked. "With cannons. It's all right, we'll fool them, you'll see." Rupert didn't inspire confidence, however. The distant ship resolved itself into a four-funneled, British cruiser. Her Morse lamp began flashing, asking the Seeteufel to heave to. That was pointless as the sailing ship had been stopped for 25 minutes. But instead of approaching the Seeteufel on her port side, it approached her on her port forequarter, coming to a stop across her bows. This was tactically the worst possible position for the German ship. Because of the foremast, the Seeteufel could not fire her guns dead ahead. The torpedo tube was fixed, not trainable, so it wasn't possible to aim it at the British ship. Lastly, because the German raider was stopped, she was unable to maneuver in any way. She was helpless. Von Seydlitz was alarmed. There was no choice but to bluff their way through. The Northampton's lamp began flashing again. 2nd Officer Theo Seekt translated the signal for the Captain. "'Norwegian vessel, please identify... last and next ports of call... cargo'." "Okay, signal, repeat, 'SV Stavanger, Oslo, from San Diego to Suva, timber,' see if they accept that." Soon the reply came back from the British warship. "'Bon voyage, Stavanger'," repeated the 2nd Officer. "'Bon voyage'?" asked the Captain in surprise. "Yes, sir, it's French." "I know it's French," Von Seydlitz snapped, "they chase us halfway across the Pacific to say, 'bon voyage'?" "Apparently, these English are very friendly." "Are you trying to be amusing?" "Of course not, sir," said the 2nd Officer, smiling. Commander Mortlock of HMS Northampton had followed his instructions to the letter. The flagship had ordered him to intercept a vessel to the South of the Squadron and identify. It was not explained why; he was not briefed as to its strange behavior. Mortlock merely assumed it was a routine check of a neutral vessel. Happily, he signaled the sailing ship's identification back to the flagship. 'Flag to Northampton,' the reply came back, 'suggest you examine Stavanger's papers and interview Master.' "What?" said Mortlock, aghast. The Northampton was already steaming hard to catch up with the rest of the Squadron. He read the signal again. "Examine papers? Interview Master? What in blazes for?" "Perhaps it's a U-boat in disguise?" said his 1st Officer, chuckling. "A very good disguise, Wilson," he told the Officer, "very well, let's turn around and have another look." Meanwhile, the Seeteufel had restarted her engines and was motoring hard to the Southwest. Von Seydlitz was surprised by his luck but was taking no further chances. The ship was under full power, exceeding her design speed of 16 knots. Gone was any hope of making the 'Mid-Ocean Meeting Point,' that grid in the Central Pacific of about 100 square kilometers where German raiders could expect to meet supply ships, called 'Milk Cows.' Instead, he decided to head for the Marquesas, where he could replenish their fresh water. Perhaps too, he might find an island trader and capture it for supplies. By the time Northampton resumed the pursuit, Seeteufel was over the horizon on a diverging course. Reluctantly, Mortlock had to signal the flagship that he'd lost sight of the sailing ship. He was ordered to return to the Squadron; he'd burned up enough coal. Down below in the mess hall, Joanna was feeling a little seasick. The ship was pitching and rolling in the manner of all sailing ships under auxiliary power and without sails. She sat at a mess table, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of it for support. Above, the shutters were opened, allowing light to once again filter in. It was stifling hot, all the portholes were shut to prevent water from coming in as the vessel pounded South towards the Marquesas. Rupert had taken off his shirt, his torso was shining with perspiration. He was sitting opposite her. She watched his silver dog tags swinging to and fro across his chest in fascination. His body was lean and sinewy, skin well-toned from months at sea. Joanna became aware of his very maleness. She also became aware of her blouse soaking wet and clinging to her skin. She felt dirty and smelly, her hair ratty and tangled. Idly, she wondered what Rupert was thinking of her. Strange, such things now seemed to be important to her. Her Mother looked ill and miserable. She was slumped in a corner with a pillow behind her that someone had found for her. The men talked quietly among themselves in the other corner. Joanna supposed they were plotting something. She suspected her Father wanted her to keep Rupert occupied and out of the way so they could talk. "We'll fool the British," Rupert explained, "we're going now to get supplies. Maybe the Captain will let you go?" "Do you think so?" she brightened. "Yes, prisoners are a burden," he told her, "they use supplies... will be in the way if we have to fight. It's not safe for you here." "Where are we going?" she asked. "They didn't tell me. I think, maybe, we'll go to meet a supply ship somewhere. Or go to French Polynesia to capture ships, get water from an island, ja? If we meet a ship, they will put you aboard and take you to South America, maybe. Maybe leave you on an island to be rescued by the French? These are possibilities, I think." Later, she passed on all she'd learned to her Father. He nodded and looked slyly at Hiram and Rufe. Joanna had had little to do with boys during her schooling except in a strictly confined setting. At St Mary's Diocesan Residential High School, they held four Balls a year to which boys from the nearby Catholic Boys Boarding School were invited. The Sisters and Brothers stalked the dance floor like a school of prowling sharks.If a couple seemed to be getting too close, they'd strike, separating the offending couple or insisting they return to opposite sides of the hall. There, they'd try and peek at one another through the crowds of dancers for the rest of the evening. Despite the strictures, love did blossom, and many a couple went to extraordinary lengths to meet each other alone. For Joanna, though, no-one had caught her eye, or indeed, no boy had sought to slip her a single rose. No poem had been pressed into her palm by a giggling go-between. She worked hard at her lessons, absorbing herself in Greek and Latin, the Classics. Her dream was of one day bonding in love and marriage, spiritually and with the blessing of the Church. The boy would have to be special and she was sure she'd know the instant they met. Her body she would offer to her husband on their wedding night. It was a precious gift, she believed, for the sanctity of the marriage bed. 'Dear Diary. The German Captain, von Seydlitz, came to see us this afternoon and told us we were heading for the Marquesas in French Polynesia. He told us we'd be there within seven days.' 'We are now back under sail. The Germans have stopped the engines. I'm glad, because the noise and the vibration were starting to get us all down. The Germans let us all back on deck. Mother is looking much better now she has some fresh air. It's very hot as we're now well into the tropics. We women still haven't had a decent wash, although the Germans rigged a screen of sailcloth so Mother and I could at least sponge ourselves down. We took turns, with Mother standing guard for me like a Mother Superior.' 'All the Germans, though, are behaving themselves impeccably around us. Some of our guards are not very talkative and just scowl at us. Some, like Rupert, chat to me as best they can. Only the one they call Peters can speak English really well. Many of the others have some English but they're hard to understand. I can understand Rupert, though, even if he does get some of his sentences around the wrong way.' 'Rupert brought me some clean clothes to change into so we could launder ours. I had to wash Mother's, she's not used to doing laundry. The clothes he brought were one size too big and I feel like a clown at the circus. The linen shirt is rough on my skin and the short trousers baggy. They feel cool in the heat, however, much cooler than our own clothes. Instead of a bonnet, Rupert brought me a straw hat. Mother said I looked like a boy. I replied that at least I wouldn't have any of the crew bothering me in that case. She shut up, but had an evil look on her face.' 'Mother told me that Rupert was being too attentive. She said I mustn't encourage him but Father said I should get as much out of him as I could. He insists that I tell him everything we talk about, no matter how trivial. He and Mother argue about it. She told him that he was whoring his own daughter. He was very angry about that and they didn't speak to each other for a whole day. Father whispered to me that I should get even friendlier with Rupert. I'm not sure what he expects me to do, let him kiss and touch me? I'm not sure I could go through with that.' Von Seydlitz peered through the binoculars at the thin black streak on the horizon. Sea birds now squawked and swooped around the Seeteufel and schools of dolphins kept them company. He turned to Theo similarly occupied. "There is a landing on the other side. Streams run from the top of the island but dry out quickly if there hasn't been any rain." "Inhabitants?" asked the 2nd Officer. "There are campsites. Locals from the bigger island to the Southwest, Eiao, collect eggs, shellfish etcetera. They stay for a week, perhaps, then return. There is not a big enough permanent source of fresh water for year-round habitation." "So, you think there's anyone there now?" "Who knows? In any case, we are a Norwegian timber carrier stopping for fresh water and fruit." "Should we go to the bigger island, perhaps? We might replenish completely?" "Too dangerous! There's a French Resident with a radio. It's better if we have no contact at all with any of the locals. In the North anchorage we should be safe enough. The water is deep enough for us to anchor beneath the cliffs." Forward, Joanna and Rupert stood together watching the tiny island draw closer. "What is it called," she asked the young German sailor. "Hatutu," he replied, "is not very big... no peoples." Two other crewmen yelled something at Rupert who turned away, red-faced with embarrassment. "What did they say?" she asked him, curious. "It's nothing," he shrugged. She pressed him, however, and he reluctantly told her that it was nothing he could tell a lady. "Go on!" she urged, laughing, "I've heard worse things!" "They say... things," he told her, plainly uncomfortable, "bad things about... you and me. I can't tell." "What?" she continued, "give me a hint?" After a long pause he said, "they say that you and I... that you and I should find someplace on the island to... to..." "Oh, I see," she replied. Now she shared his embarrassment and stood silently staring with him out to sea at the island. She felt a riot of emotions, it disturbed her. She was too aware of the young man standing beside her, aware that went beyond mere acquaintance or even companionship. She went and sat with her parents. "What did he say to you?" her Mother asked, scowling at her daughter. "Nothing, nothing at all," she replied, hastily. "Maybe," her Father said quietly, "if they let us go to the island you could take him for a long walk?" "Robert!" her Mother said, aghast. "Hiram's going to make a run for it," he continued, "keep Boggles off our backs. Hiram's going to see if he can find a canoe or something. There's a bigger island nearby, he says, with a radio. He's knows these islands real well. Visited them a couple of times when he was in the Navy." "Robert, you can't ask her to do that," her Mother complained. "Margaret, we're at war with them for Christ's sake! She'll be all right. That Boggles is besotted, he wouldn't do anything..." "That's what I'm afraid of," his wife told him, "that German *has* a crush on her and for all we know our daughter has a crush on *him*." "That right, Honey? You fancy that Kraut?" her Father asked. "No," Joanna retorted, "of course not. How can you say those things? I'm not going to go walking with him. You can't ask me to do those things!" "You'll do as you're told!" her Father replied, "it's your Goddam duty as an American." "It's not!" she cried, "I'm a civilian." She got up and ran crying to the rope barrier. Rupert hurried over, concern on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Go away!" she yelled. Tears streaked her face. Rupert retreated, confused. "We'll send each Watch over in turn," von Seydlitz told 2nd Officer Theo Seekt, "I want to be able to get underway immediately if we are discovered. Those on shore will have to wait behind until we can return for them." "What about the prisoners?" "Ah! We may leave them here, I haven't decided. If we do, we'll have to make sure they have enough water and food to last until they're rescued. In any case, send them ashore with the first Watch." "Perhaps we should separate the women and men?" "For why? Where are they going to run to? Set that young Heidelburg lad to watch over them." "Unteroffizier Rupert Sachsenburger? Yes, I don't think he'll find the duty too onerous," Theo laughingly agreed. "Yes, let the crew have some fun and relax." The Seeteufel anchored close inshore and an armed party lowered a boat immediately and went ashore. There was a tense hour or so while they combed the island. Eventually, they signaled from the beach that the island was uninhabited. Upon hearing the news, the crew relaxed and the first men of Gold Watch began to go ashore for rest and recreation. Lastly, Rupert announced to the prisoners that they were allowed to go ashore. Joanna was sullen as they rowed to the beach. She felt Rupert's eyes on her, still with the same confusion he'd displayed when she'd sent him away earlier. A team was already carrying water casks back to the beach as the prisoners landed. They explained there was plenty of water not far inland. There was a pool, they said, where they could bathe. Upon hearing this, Joanna perked up. It had been so long since she had a decent wash. Her Parents and the their American crewmen agreed to accompany her with Rupert tagging along as guard. They trooped up into the dense bush, following the directions given by the water party. Eventually, they found it, a pool surrounded by ferns with the carved image of a Polynesian God watching over it. The men waited down the track to give the ladies some privacy. Rupert watched the little exchanges between the Americans, a wink, an inclination of the head, that put him on alert. He touched the pistol in his belt for comfort. The cool water was invigorating. Joanna sat hunched under a trickling waterfall wearing just her cotton blouse. On the rocks she had a change of clothes, the shirt and trousers that Rupert had given her. Reluctantly, the women got out to allow the men to have a turn. Joanna dressed in her borrowed clothes and went back down the track to the men. Her Father, Hiram and Rufe trooped back up the track. Before he left, her Father said, "Say, why don't you take Boggles for a stroll, somewhere?" She scowled at her grinning Father. Rupert looked on, still confused. "Joanna, you don't have to do this?"What is wrong?" she told her daughter. She sat in silence, her emotions, again, running riot. "What is wrong?" asked Rupert, concerned. Margaret Begg moved away, herself worried about the whole situation. "Nothing!" Joanna mumbled. "Is there something I said?" he continued, "I'm sorry if I offend." Joanna shook her head. He reached into his pocket. He brought out a wooden object and gave it to her. "Here," he said, "this is for you!" It was a carved wooden clown with strings attached. The arms and legs were hinged, and when Joanna pulled the strings, the limbs moved. The clown's face had big eyes and a red smiling face. She began to cry. "What is wrong?" he repeated, "Did I make a mistake?" "No!" she squeaked through her tears, "it's nice!" "I made it," he continued, "for you." Joanna collapsed in tears, burying her face in her hands. Rupert looked at her mother, frightened. "I did nothing," he told her, "I swear!" Margaret shook her head slowly. Joanna watched the trickle of water over the basalt rock as it made its way down to the sea. Gradually she made up her mind. She stared at the young German, looked into his wide innocent eyes. 'How can anyone be so stupid?' she thought. 'A blond, blue-eyed, devastatingly handsome, 21-year-old Junior Officer, and as thick-headed as two short planks of cut timber!' "Come," she said to his sweet, guileless face, "let's go for a walk." They picked their way slowly down the rough track to the beach. Some of the German crew were cavorting naked in the surf. Some appeared to be drinking. Rupert hurried Joanna down the beach and over a rock outcrop. Some of his comrades jeered, thankfully they were unintelligible to her. They walked for kilometers around the small island. Each time Rupert suggested they stop, Joanna urged him to keep going. She wanted to put as much distance between the others as possible. Eventually they arrived at a cliff, it dropped precipitously to the sea below. Seabirds circled, Gannets and Albatrosses, shrieking against the intrusion. There was a rookery further along the cliff. Joanna didn't want to disturb the chicks, so she suggested they stop. Joanna's legs throbbed with the effort. Rupert set himself against a rock and took in the cool breeze on his face. He smiled, then fished into his pocket and brought out a Meerschaum pipe. He fumbled with a tobacco pouch and pressed a plug into the pipe, lighting it with a brass Ronson. The blue smoke was carried instantly away in the sea breeze. He had a contented smile on his face. Sitting beside him, she asked what he did before the war. It was the only question she could think of. "Navy," he told her, "school, then Navy. I left Gymnasium in 1914. War was declared, so I joined the Navy. My friends joined the Navy. I wanted to be with my friends. They sent me to Cadet School in Kiel, made me an Officer. My mother is Norwegian. I served in the Hochseeflotte... how do you say, Battlefleet, yes? I was an Unteroffizier, how you say in the American Navy, 'Ensign,' yes? I was on the Linienshiff Kaiserin when Von Seydlitz came and asked who spoke Norwegian. I knew a few words from my mother, so he said, 'okay, you must come and serve on Seeteufel.' We trained for a long time to be like Norwegians. Von Seydlitz said we must think and act Norwegian at all times. We must fool the English, he said." Joanna smiled at his quaint use of English. She thought his way of speaking was cute, almost like a child's. "Why a sailing ship?" she asked. "It's not something the British think of. A wooden ship is stupid for a warship, yes? Wood catches fire, goes boom!" "Yes," she agreed, "if you get discovered, your ship will be sunk." "Yes, sunk! The British will sink us. You know?" he continued, "that Britisher, we have torpedoes. We could sink a British Cruiser like that," he snapped his fingers. "Why didn't you?" "Ah, the Cruiser stopped in the wrong place. It's bad luck." "There were probably hundreds of men on that ship!" Her voice had more than a hint of reproach. "Yes," Rupert agreed, "and 50 men on Seeteufel. It's war, yes?" "Yes," she aped. He was right, of course, war is war. "Yes," she repeated, sadly, "that's true!" As the sun began to dip, they decided to head back to the beach. Light was visibly fading when they returned. They both stared in horror at the wide blue bay. Right under the far cliffs, where the Seeteufel had anchored that morning, the sea ran unhindered onto the rocks. The ship had gone. It had been noon when the Radioman ran up to the wheelhouse to find the Skipper. Von Seydlitz had found a deckchair and was peacefully dozing in it when the crewman stood over him. "What's the matter?" he asked. "Intercepted message, Sir, shall I read it?" The Skipper nodded. "SS Nantucket Respect to Papeete Radio. Position 9'31"S by 155'6"E..." "That's close!" von Seydlitz remarked, "American?" "Yes, a whale factory ship. She's on her way home from the Antarctic. Apparently she wants to coal at Tahiti." "Does she now?" Von Seydlitz thought for a minute. "Theo!" he called, "get the crew back, we're going hunting." "What are we to do? Where are my parents?" Joanna cried, "they've left us here." "I think that maybe they spotted a ship and went to investigate. Or maybe they ran away?" he shrugged, "she will return for us, you'll see!" "For you," she corrected, "they'll return for you. Remember they're going to leave us prisoners here to be rescued." Rupert nodded grudgingly, clearly unenthusiastic about the idea. Joanna thought of Hiram and wondered if he'd got away. Perhaps he was now paddling to that nearby island to summon help. "Do you suppose the French have a warship nearby?" she asked. "I don't know," he shrugged, "it's possible. The French have a base at Tahiti, it's maybe 4 or 5 days away." "And how long do you think the Seeteufel will be?" Again he shrugged. "Depends." Joanna wondered what to do. Should she pass on the news that Hiram may shortly alert the French that there was a German raider in the vicinity? Should she say nothing and maybe let the Seeteufel fall into a trap? Would the German ship return in any case? For all they knew it was now battling a French Squadron over the horizon somewhere. She thought suddenly that her parents may be on board. On board a wooden warship in a seafight against modern guns. She shivered. "You cold?" the ever-attentive Rupert asked. "Here," he said, pulling a jacket out of his pack. Carefully he draped it over her shoulders. Delicately, he put his arm around her. Reluctantly she leaned against him as fatigue began to overcome her. They sat down against a boulder. Rupert pulled out some sandwiches and passed one to her. Together they ate in silence, staring out at the empty sea. On the other side of the island, Hiram collapsed in exhaustion. Half the day he'd searched for a canoe or something and had drawn a blank. He'd found the fishermen's camp, but there'd been slim pickings there. The other island looked tantalisingly close, but he knew it was maybe four or five miles away across shark-infested waters. At last, he thought he'd make a fire on the beach. Hopefully, someone may spot it and come to investigate. Dragging his tired body upright, he began to search for firewood. "Radio?" von Seydlitz asked. "Clear, sir," came the reply. "Lookout?" "Nothing, sir, all clear." "Come about on her lee, Theo. Guns?" "Loaded and ready, sir." "Run up the flag, Theo. Unmask the guns!" The walls of the 'timber deck cargo' collapsed outwards with a crash. The two 88mm guns swiveled rapidly around to point at the American ship. Above, the big German ensign was run quickly up the Mizzen to unfurl like a great sheet. Von Seydlitz's personal pennant broke out on top of the mainmast. "Ahoy American vessel," Peters shouted, "heave to!" At first, there was no response from the startled crew of the whaler. "Do not attempt to use your radio," Peters continued. "Fire across their bows," the Skipper ordered. 'Crash,' the ship shuddered and heeled slightly with the recoil of the big gun. Brown smoke drifted behind them. "Sir!" yelled the radioman, "they're sending!" "Number two, fire!" von Seydlitz barked. This time the gun was aimed at a point behind the American vessel's bridge, where the radio shack was located. With brutal efficiency, the shell struck its mark, blowing pieces of timber and metal high into the sky. The American's crew could now be seen running around on deck waving and shouting. Several jumped into the sea. "That's got their attention!" The Captain said with satisfaction. Hiram had a good pile of firewood on the beach. He went back into the dense undergrowth for one last piece he'd seen sticking out earlier. He seized the wood in both hands and pulled. Reluctantly it slid a little way out from its blanket of scrub. When he saw what he was holding, he fell back in laughter. It was the prow of a canoe. On the other side of the island, Rupert and Joanna settled down amongst the dunes. Rupert had made a crude lean-to of woven palm leaves, and this offered them a little shelter. He made a fire, and they boiled water in an old tin they found discarded in the sands. Rupert had a little coffee, and they drank it hot and black. She accepted his arm around her again and cuddled him to sleep.
Authors/katzmarek/Joanna and the Sea Devil.txt
King Jakob
'Captain' Hoffmann drilled his militia on the spacious and well-irrigated lawn behind Government House, Apia. His 'soldiers' were all local German settlers, a good few of them clearly not in prime physical fitness for such an important task. They were the shock troops of the Samoan Defence League, their self-appointed duty the protection of the colony. 'Captain' Hoffmann had been a sergeant in a Bavarian Regiment of Railway troops. That, however, had been a good many years ago. Jakob Herzberg, the 'Count Politovsky' alias was steadily falling into disuse, watched them from the cable station. He regularly visited the station on Sunday afternoons when everything was quiet. One of the operators, Jozef Stadler often had the Sunday shift that had proved a veritable goldmine for him in bribes. "Idiots!" he said in disgust, "look at them, will you Stadler." "What's wrong with them?" Stadler asked, "makes them feel important." "There must be, what? Six modern rifles in the whole of Samoa?" "Seven, I've got one. Von Goeltz gave it to the station. Fat lot of use though. As soon as the English come, I'm heading into the bush." "Ho! At last, a sensible man. What's the latest from Europe?" "Oh right! Yeah, big news! Apparently some idiot Serbian shot Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife. Some place called Sarajevo, heard of it?" "Sarajevo? No, where the hell is it?" Jakob shook his head, his brow furrowed. "Tch, your geography... It's... here," Stadler showed him on the wall map. "Croatia. The Austrians are accusing the Serbian Government of complicity." "Another squabble? Another conference? More sabre-rattling, what do the English call it, Jingoism?" "Exactly! The Serbs will say sorry, Austria will demand a slice of territory and reparations, end of story. Message from Westermann for you, by the way. He says Katalin's getting married to some guy called... Ritter Konrad von Eisenstaufen bei Nordlingen. Heard of him?" "Good God, that telegram must have cost a fortune just for the guy's name. Do you always read my mail?" Jakob asked. "I read everybody's. Von Goeltz is not returning either. Apparently Schapinski's in line for the top job." "What's happened to the old bastard?" "I don't know," said Stadler shaking his head, "a puzzle that one. He's only served half the normal term. Something's kept him home. Maybe his wife's having an affair with the Kaiser?" "Yech! I would have thought even Willy had more taste than that!" "Ah, discrimination? Coming from you?" Stadler said raising his eyebrows. "What are you meaning?" Jakob grinned as he set off down the hill track. He walked down past the 'parade ground,' the 'Captain' was still barking orders at the 23 men under his 'command'. "Herzberg!" Jakob looked around startled, he still hadn't got used to his own name. It was the Interim Colonial Administrator Schapinski. "Not joined up?" he asked, hurrying after Jakob, "and you a military man?" he sneered. Jakob turned around. The Administrator came puffing up the walkway from Government House. "What, you're going to fight the 'Australia' with 3 bayonets and half a dozen hunting rifles?" Jakob asked, amused. "Not my idea," he dropped his voice, "Hoffmann's. If war comes we're fucked, I know that. Have you heard they've done for the old Archduke? You spend all your time, 'up there'." He told Jakob indicating the cable station, a hint of accusation in his voice. "It's against regulations, y'know. I could throw you in jail." "Spare me, Schapinski! What did you want?" He pulled Jakob aside, his voice dropped as if the sparrows could hear above the noise of the part-time soldiers. "Things could get very serious," he explained, "I've had warnings from Berlin. Nobody's going to back down, the Austrians, Russians... There could be a war!" "So? Let them fight!" "What are we to do?" "Nothing! What do you suggest, join up? With who against what?" "I'm not a military man," he faltered, "I'm an accountant. What we need are clear-headed leaders. The people need someone to take charge, tell them what to do. If war comes, they won't follow me, I'm only an interim colonial..." "Yes, yes, What's your point?" "Hoffmann's a fool, he'll get everyone killed. The people need someone like you..." "Hell, no way! I'm getting on my boat and... Not a chance Schapinski!" Jakob told him, aghast. "You think about it," Schapinski said to Jakob's fleeing back. 'A storm in a teacup,' Jakob thought to himself, 'how could all that nonsense possibly affect them way out here.' Besides, this Sunday afternoon he had more interesting fish to fry. Leaving the waterfront he stopped by a Europeanised native 'fale' and knocked on the door. Mrs Julia Bentine hailed from Middlesex in England. Her husband was some kind of anthropologist who was presently doing scientific study on one of the outer islands. She was in her early twenties, her husband rather older. She was fresh as a daisy, bored and missing home. Jakob met her one day on the beach as he was preparing to go out to the 'Borodino.' She was interested in the yacht but demurred when he suggested she go on board. Apparently Jakob's reputation had preceded him. The dark-eyed beauty opened the door, her long reddish hair tied up at the back. She wore a simple white blouse and a skirt that brushed her feet. "Mr Herzberg?" she said, puzzled. "Madam," replied Jakob in his most 'gentlemanly' voice. "Pardon my intrusion, I've just called to say I have dealt with your small problem with the Trading Company." "You have?" she looked confused, "I mean, my problem?" "Yes madam. Your difficulty with credit. I understand you have, shall we say, exceeded your husband's worth by a factor of four." "Oh, my goodness, um, surely an oversight... Um a factor of four, you say? And you have, ah, 'dealt with it' you say?" The woman blushed furiously. Clearly embarrassed, she reminded Jakob of a startled deer. "Actually, I've paid it madam. May I suggest you take more care in future. You must endeavour to live within your means." Her body jolted at Jakob's remark. She adopted a haughty tone. "Sir, you take too much upon yourself. How dare you instruct me on how to manage the cheque book!" "I'm sorry, madam. Perhaps I should speak with your husband upon his return?" Her demeanour suddenly changed. Something approaching panic replaced her previous outrage. "No, don't!" she said quickly, "I'm, sorry. Of course, sir, I shall be more careful in future." Jakob tipped his hat and left, well-pleased with the interview. He'd met Mrs. Bentine's kind before, bored rigid, sheltered, ill-equipped to handle the most basic of budgeting, trying to fill the void with expensive luxuries from Europe. He was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to keep her word. He had her hooked, was allowing the line to run, and soon he will start to reel her in, slowly. As the weeks dragged on, very few, except the nervous Schapinski, believed the international situation unfolding in Europe would affect them. News was slow to arrive. It told of the Kaiser's proposal to mediate between Serbia, Russia and Austria-Hungary. It was firmly rejected by Russia. Another proposal by the British was rejected by Austria-Hungary. The French weighed in with support for her ally Russia, Germany similarly for her's, Austria-Hungary. In Samoa, far from events, there was a feeling of blissful unreality. As the big powers hurled threats, the sun shone a new day, the palm trees waved, Hoffmann barked orders at the militia, life went on. And Jakob started to reel in his fish. Mrs. Julia Bentine was singularly incapable of forgoing her fine linen, China tea and French perfume. The office of Pacific Trading Company AG was on the waterfront of Apia. Jakob called in often during the week. It was a long-standing habit and, despite no-longer being an active participant in the company, he couldn't break it. The 'old man' sat in the office and checked over the book-keeping, taking careful note of tardy debtors. If he sniffed an opportunity to apply a bit of 'leverage' to his advantage, the debtor's list had provided rich pickings over the years. "Sun Hee!" he called to his Chinese manager, "set this one aside will you. I'll deal with it." "Ah, Mrs. Julia, the lingerie lady!" he answered. "Pardon?" "She always buy lingerie, always French... very expensive!" "The hell you say!" "20 item in past month. Want to see catalogues?" "Yes. Show me what her tastes are," he smiled maliciously.Jakob returned that evening to Herzberg Manor, as it was now dubbed. Gretchen was playing the piano in the parlor, Asmira, Qing Li, and the children were playing on the front lawn. His oldest, Laila, was now 5 going on 6. She had her mother's dark complexion and pretty eyes. She was destined, thought Jakob, to break hearts. Gretchen merely looked up when he entered and continued playing. Jakob stole a kiss from her, and she smiled briefly. "What is the latest news?" she asked. "Nothing much," he told her, "they're still bickering. Austria is demanding that she send police into Serbia to hunt for the conspirators. Apparently, Serbia agreed to 12 of the 14 Austrian demands. They will go to mediation, I think, some time soon, I hope. It's making everyone nervous. Schapinski's certain there'll be a war, and Germany will come in because Austria can't fight the Russians on her own. Especially now that the French are backing them up." "What of Britain?" Gretchen asked. "Splendid isolation, thank God! They say she's not obliged to join with France, but Schapinski claims she cannot stay out of it. The Royal Navy must guarantee the English Channel because the French fleet is mostly based in the Mediterranean. She will not tolerate a German blockade of the French coast. This is something the German Admiralty will have to consider. I hope they don't provoke the English; it will be the worse for us here, I think." "And what of you, Jakob?" Gretchen asked, turning to watch him, "are you Russian or German?" "Neither," he grinned, "I'm a Herzberg. The Tsar and the Kaiser are well suited. Wilhelm is a blustering idiot, and the Tsar... well, he's just an idiot." "What of Westermann, your friend, and your children in Germany? Don't you owe something, some allegiance?" "Gretchen," he told her, "if it was within my power, I'd gather all my friends and children together on the 'Borodino' and sail off to... Java, or China, somewhere to get lost in. That is my 'allegiance' to my friends and family. But Westermann and my ex-wife have minds of their own. I can only ask, no more." "And have you asked?" "Yes. Westermann has found 'duty' in the Foreign Ministry, trying, he said, to bring some sanity. I wish him luck. Katalin does not speak to me, but her Father said she wears a flag for underwear. He says her new husband wants to kill some 'frog munchers.' Westermann said he's never seen so many damned patriotic parades. It's like the whole country is going mad." "I heard the French and English representatives are advising their nationals to leave Samoa on the next boat?" "The devil you say? Damn! Some of them are our best customers! When is the next ship due? I think an English copra ship next week, the 'SS Clan MacKay' from memory. I'd better get Sun Hee to call in their accounts!" Of particular concern, however, was the 'lingerie lady'. It seemed his fish was about to slip the hook. Jakob went out onto the front lawn to play with his children. He saw smoke from Apia harbor and looked over. The Gunboat 'Luchs', the 'watchship' in Apia, was slowly steaming out towards the heads. An antique built in 1899, nevertheless, the sight filled him with foreboding. He braved a smile for Asmira, Qing Li, and picked up a ball. The two women looked at him, smiling, pensive, as if they had something to tell him. Qing Li could no longer contain herself and started rubbing her tummy. Jakob held out his arms, and she came and embraced him. She cried tears of happiness into his chest, Asmira looking on like a proud Aunt. By the big windows of the front parlor, Gretchen watched the little scene and frowned. She would, she thought, have some big decisions to make soon. Would she have the strength? "Mrs. Julia Bentine," Jakob wrote, "Despite our discussion regarding exceeding your available credit, it appears the issue has not been resolved. Therefore, I feel obliged to close your account forthwith and to seek immediate payment of 840 Marks, being the sum outstanding. I feel compelled to discuss the situation with your husband upon his return. I hope an early resolution of this problem might be forthcoming." Signed... "Yu!" he shouted, "take this to little Miss Knickers, pronto. Wait for a reply." "Miss Knick..." Yu struggled. "On the envelope, there, see?" "Ah, Mr Herzberg master! You fry fish?" "Something like that," Jakob grinned. "Do you know where Dr. Bentine has his camp?" he asked Yu. "Tolofa'a'sofua Island," his servant told him, "120 kilometers off the North coast of Savai'i. Very far," he grinned, "no steamer for 2 weeks." "Excellent! No canoes?" "Too far, Samoans not go there, not from Upolu. Say natives there not Christian, very bad fellows." "Even better!" Jakob clapped his hands. "Hop to it, Yu. Get my driver to take you." His servant bowed low and left, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey!" Jakob called after him, "where's the 'Luchs' going? Have you heard?" "Tsingtao, so they say. To join the squadron. Navy bringing all ships to one place. Say afraid of Japanese." "What? What the blazes has anything to do with the Japs?" "They say English have a treaty. If England fights Germans, Japs attack Tsingtao, so they say." "Oh, rubbish!" Jakob told his servant. "Really, there's too much speculation going on. People have far too little to do and far too much to say for themselves." Jakob made a mental note to hurry with the provisioning and crewing of the 'Borodino.' Qing Li's condition was a complication, and he wrestled with the issue. He would have liked to have taken both Qing Li and Asmira. However, with Qing Li pregnant and Asmira unlikely to want to leave her friend... The reply from Mrs. Julia Bentine wasn't long in coming. "Mr. Herzberg. Thank you for your patience regarding this problem. There's no need to discuss this with Dr. Bentine; I'm sure this matter can be worked out to everyone's satisfaction. Might I suggest perhaps an afternoon tea at some place at your convenience." Signed... "Reeled! Now we bring her to shore," Jakob told Yu, clapping his hands in satisfaction. "Tonight at eight on the 'Borodino'. My servant will row you out. He will meet you by the clock tower beside the town hall." "Take that back with no negotiation," he explained. "She cannot refuse, Yu my old mercenary." "No master. You use gaffe and swing catch aboard?" he grinned a wide row of teeth. Jakob announced to Gretchen he would be staying the night on the boat. He told her he had some affairs to settle. She gave him one of her 'old-fashioned' looks. He went on board at seven and raised some steam for the generator. He showered off the coal dust and dressed casually in canvas pants and an open shirt. It had nearly gone nine by the time he heard the dinghy bump into the stern ladder. It didn't surprise him; he knew there'd be an internal debate in the head of Julia before she made up her mind. Perhaps even a little cognac courage? He adopted a stern demeanor when he heard voices above the cabin steps. She came down to the cabin slightly wet from the voyage in the dinghy and breathless with fear, masked by outrage. "How dare you..." she blustered, "you are no gentleman." "No," Jakob told her, "you may go, Yu." "No, stay!" she insisted. Yu ignored her and disappeared, grinning. "Where is that man going?" she yelled at Jakob, "this is outrageous!" Wide-eyed, she paced the deck, studying her hands, clearly panicking. "Settle down," Jakob told her, "sit down, have a sherry." She snatched the glass from the table and gulped the contents down. "My husband..." "...Need not know a thing, if you're sensible," Jakob said, "now take a seat, let's discuss how you are to settle your account." "Yes, if I'm sensible," she repeated, breathing hard. She threw herself onto the sofa, folding her body into one end. She was trembling, her hands shook as she retrieved a lace handkerchief from her purse to dab her eyes. Jakob sat across the cabin on the other sofa. He studied her for a few moments, watched the sherry take a little of the tension from her. "Better?" he asked her. She nodded quickly. "I presume, madam, that you have no money to offer me in settlement?" She shook her head, slowly. "No purchases that you could return?" Again, she shook her head. "Then, madam, I see little choice but that you should engage yourself in my employ. Until, of course, the debt is paid." "And what," she swallowed, "would be my duties?" "You might start, Julia, by not being quite so haughty in manner. You carry yourself as a well-bred woman, yet you cannot keep your agreements. You appreciate the finer things of life, yet you cannot pay for them. You're a fraud, madam, and a liar. You look down your nose on those who can pay their bills and believe yourself to be superior. Clearly, you need a sharp lesson, which may enhance your maturity." Julia's jaw dropped in astonishment. Doubtless, no one had ever spoken to her that way before. Her mouth worked, but nothing came out. "Next, you may remove that un-paid-for dress... and stop blubbering like a child or I'll treat you as one." "I'll... I..." she gasped. "Then you will display for me that over-priced set of French lingerie that I apparently have paid for. I wish to inspect the stock that I've purchased," he grinned. Julia spent a long time making up her mind. Jakob could almost see the gears turning with the conflict. Her head was bowed, her hands covered her face. Jakob gave her just enough time to make up her mind before pressing the advantage."Madam, it is that or I shall lay a complaint with the Constable and inform your husband," he said quietly. "You're a beast," she said miserably. "I know what I am," he replied, "and I know what you are. Shall we proceed?" Trembling, she asked if there was somewhere to undress. "Here!" he told her. Slowly she began to undo the buttons of her dress. "This won't be the end..." she started to say. "I sincerely hope not!" Jakob replied. Eventually Julia allowed her dress to fall to the floor. She stood shivering, one arm covering her breasts, the other concealing the front of her silk and blue lace panties. Jakob looked her up and down with an expert's eye for a woman's beauty. She was very fine indeed, with a peaches and cream complexion contrasting with her dark eyes and reddish hair. Tiny freckles covering her shoulders added character, in his opinion. Quite a common phenomenon for pale Europeans under the antipodean sun. "Are you satisfied, sir?" she said, her tone resentful and haughty. The anger rose in Jakob. Clearly the lesson had not been learned. "No, I am not satisfied yet," he told her. "You will go through there into my cabin and lay on my bed." "I will not be treated as a common whore. I'm a married..." she exploded. Jakob stood up and took the distance to her in one stride. Grabbing her before she could react, he spun around and sat on the sofa, pulling her down across his knee. Trapping her legs in his, he administered a sharp slap across her pretty buttocks. "What? OW!" she hollered. Jakob was on the third blow before she started to struggle. She wriggled and twisted, punched such of his leg that she could reach, but still Jakob rained blows on the woman's bottom. "NO! OW! Oh, stop it, OUCH!" she howled in protest until on the tenth blow Jakob stopped. Julia sobbed uncontrollably. She squirmed in his lap and reached behind to rub the sore spots. "Now will you do as you are told?" Jakob said in a quiet, menacing tone. Silently, Julia nodded, defeated. He allowed her a few minutes in the cabin to collect herself before entering. She was lying on the big bed, feet together, hands by her side as rigid as a log of wood. She had a distracted, faraway look on her face, which was tear-stained. Clearly, thought Jakob, she was thinking of England. He shed his clothes quickly. "Madam," he said, "open wide." "What?" she replied, confused. Her voice a little girl's. "Your mouth, madam, open it!" Wide-eyed, she protested that she didn't do those things. "Ah, but you will learn. And Madam? No teeth!" Jakob coaxed her mouth open and pushed his cock between her lips. She grimaced at the taste, but he held the back of her head and pushed it slowly in and out of her. With his other hand, he explored her body. "You wish to make a whore of me?" she squeaked between blubbering. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand while looking at Jakob's weapon, inches from her face. "No-one is bought who doesn't wish to be bought. Unless, of course, they are a child and have no control over their affairs. Are you a child, Madam?" Julia shook her head. "Then my cock needs attention. With your hand, if you please." "I do not 'please.' I am compelled," she told him as Jakob placed her hand on his erection. He pulled her little lace number down to expose one of her creamy white, apple-sized tits. She sighed heavily as he tweaked the nipple and smoothed his hand over the soft texture. Bending down, he kissed her on the mouth before she could react. He remained locked to her lips until he felt her beginning to soften. Her hand came up, not to push his head away but to hold it in place. He withdrew to observe his handiwork. She looked up at him, startled, her chest rising and falling quickly. Jakob felt he could drown in those brown eyes, moist, he thought, and darkly mysterious. "Please," she said, her voice barely a whisper, "please don't be cruel to me." "Julia," he replied, "I'm never cruel. I see you only for what you are." "And what am I?" she asked. "A heart, Madam," he grinned, "a heart." "A heart?" she smiled, "do you always speak nonsense?" Jakob smiled and kissed her again. His hand eased its way inside the front of her panties. Her body jerked at the intrusion, however she quickly relaxed as Jakob started to stroke her pussy. She shut her eyes, her lips parted. She made small humming noises as Jakob manipulated her. She didn't resist as Jakob pulled her panties down to her feet. All the while she held his cock in her hand, like a drowning person to a rope. He seized her bottom and pulled her onto her side. Her leg he pulled over his body then slickly aimed himself at her waiting entrance. She took him with scarcely a murmur, merely opening her mouth a little wider. Her breath came in gusts as he thrust into her until she emitted a sharp note of urgency. He stopped then, allowing himself to rest inside her, teasing her. She buried her face in his chest, waiting patiently for him to continue. Her husband had not treated her like this. To him she was a precious piece of bone china. He was gentle, always gentle, but almost in fear that she'd break. Jakob, however, teased and tantalised, bit and suckled, drove her to new heights of sensation. So much so, she thought she would die of it. Julia came as Jakob rubbed her clitoris. He was behind her at that point, slowly working himself in and out. She was scarcely aware of the passage of time. It seemed dawn would break before he was going to release her, that he would keep her in limbo, hovering on the verge of a crisis but not quite getting there. When he 'allowed' her her orgasm, it was spectacular, starting from her pussy and coursing through her whole body. She threw herself backwards onto his cock, tried to take as much of him inside as she could. She felt him pulsing deep within her, it drove her to even greater heights of pleasure. She lay exhausted afterwards, sobbing quietly with the emotion of it all. She didn't think it was possible to desire someone that much. He stretched out beside her and put his arm around her protectively. He pulled her into an embrace that lasted an eternity. But still dawn hadn't arrived. She listened to him breathing, unable to sleep. She never felt so alive. 'Could he be my true soulmate?' she thought, 'this most untrustworthy, lying, cheating, inconstant Russian? A man who has spread his progeny and his infidelities all over Samoa? A man who knows no loyalty to any country? A man who hides behind his "special status" like a shield? But a most practiced lover who plays at a woman like a finely tuned instrument. How could she possibly abandon her marriage vows for such a man, and such a wretched existence as one of the "Politovsky women?"' She listened to his measured breathing, felt his gentle embrace till the porthole curtains lightened with the morning. She hadn't slept a wink, but Jakob couldn't be roused. She eased herself out of bed slowly lest she disturb him and dressed. Making her way on deck, she greeted the sunrise peeping over Telegraph Hill, sat in a chair on the 'Borodino's' half-deck and waited for the little Chinaman to row out to fetch her.The morning was clear and bright, as usual for this time of year. On Apia's waterfront, the German flag flapped fitfully in the weak breeze, and the beach was doing a brisk trade in early morning bathers. Some small boats were on the water, some ferrying last-minute provisions to the schooner. The Dutch 'SS Straat Molucca' was raising steam, having loaded up with copra. Several families of German settlers had taken passage on her and were lining the deck, taking a last look at their island paradise. Hoffmann's militia had been whittled down to 15 as a result. And a patriotic bunch they were. They assembled outside the town hall to sing patriotic songs and salute the flag. Hoffmann made a speech describing Germany's noble destiny. He referred to the Russians as 'peasantry with weak wills' and said they would 'melt before our brave soldiers and hard steel.' The only Russian within spitting distance had no intention of melting before anyone's steel. Just when everything appeared ready for sailing, the weather played its hand. 'Strong North-Easterlies were blowing up,' reported the Dutch merchantman. Although the 'Borodino' could handle such weather, Jakob fretted over her coal supplies. His Samoan crew warned him about the possibility of storms, and he was forced to defer to their local knowledge. What harm, he thought, to wait just a couple of more days? By the time the weather cleared, however, Germany was at war with not only Russia, but France and England. The news came via Schapinski, who rowed out to the 'Borodino' bare-headed and desperate. He stumbled up the stern ladder, slipped, and had to be hauled on board by a couple of crewmen. The man looked as if he hadn't slept for a week. Probably he hadn't. "Herzberg!" he cried, "the English have declared war!" "On who?" Jakob asked, shocked. "On us, who do you think? We're fucked! The 'Australia' will come and blow us all to hell!" "Firstly," replied Jakob, "there are ladies present, I thank you to moderate your language. Secondly, the English won't bombard a defenceless town, unless you give them cause." Jakob pondered for a second, scratched his jaw, "you have Hoffmann under control, haven't you?" he asked. Schapinski slowly shook his head. "What is the idiot up to?" "About a dozen of them," Schapinski began, "are planning to take a few rifles with them and..." "And what, seriously? What can they do?" "Dig positions up on Telegraph Hill and cover the beach from there. They'd have a good view of any landing sites. They could cause a few casualties among an occupation force." Jakob shook his head, "So. The English will blast them off, is that what you're saying? Hoffmann will provoke them to fire on Apia?" Schapinski nodded. "Does this Hoffmann know what a 12 inch artillery shell can do, exploding so close to a populated town?" The administrator shrugged. "Does he realise the Samoan fales will be shredded with fragments? The blast will shatter every window for miles, showering everyone with glass, including, God forbid, my house? Does the fool know what he's doing? There will be deaths and casualties, for Christ's sake!" "See?" Scapinski looked triumphant, "you need to talk them out of it. They're having a meeting tonight in the town hall and..." "Oh fuck them!" Jakob spat, "take a few policemen with those fancy Mannlichers and throw them in jail." "Your ladies?" Schapinski grinned, "but I tried that anyway. They threatened to shoot the first Policeman who..." Jakob sighed. "Schapinski, you're the administrator, it's your problem, I'm leaving!" He spun on his heels and left the man to find his own way back to the dinghy. Jakob went down to the main cabin, stopped on the steps and yelled, "weigh anchor! Waisake, start the bloody engine and let's get going!" with that he slammed the door. The 'Borodino' butted into a sea still restless from the recent storm. It was some miles out sea before she raised sail. All the passengers, except the seasick, stood on the deck to watch the huge mainsail unfurl on the mast. The wind, now fine on the starboard beam, allowed them to hoist the topsails. They watched two crew skim up the ratlines like monkeys. By noon she had a full spread, mizzen, mizzen-top, main and topsail, foresail and fore-top, and two jibs. Under full sail, she plowed out into the Pacific at a brisk 14 knots. By evening they had made the outer islands and anchored offshore of Talofa'a'sofua Island. Literally translated, the name of the island means, 'goodbye with peace,' or more properly, 'go in peace.' It's the last thing you see of Samoa before a voyager disappears into the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. It is nothing more than an extinct volcano densely covered in bush. At the foot of this forbidding mountain are a few scattered villages. Considerable skill is needed to land there. There are few beaches, and these are liberally studded with volcanic rock that will tear the bottom out of a boat. The Samoan crew thought it better to wait for the experienced islanders to come out in their canoes rather than try to make landfall. Jakob suspected they didn't want to land for other reasons. Night fell, and there was no sign of a canoe. Gradually the passengers retreated into the main cabin for a meal, or to their own cabins for whatever. Jakob ate sparingly among the diners in the main cabin before retreating into his cabin. He'd had a vast bed especially built that encompassed half the available deck space. He threw himself in the middle of the bed and read until Julia entered. She had been tense since leaving Apia, whether it was the unknown, the presence of the 'Politovsky women' on board, or anxiety about her husband, Jakob couldn't tell. Maybe all three? She came and laid on the bed beside Jakob. "The Samoans say they will not go ashore. They say they are bad people. What do you suppose they mean? They're not cannibals are they?" she asked. "No," Jakob laughed, "not at all. It's because they are not 'missionary.' They probably have mass orgies on the beaches, deflowering ceremonies, multiple wives and husbands..." "Stop kidding..." she dug his ribs. "... No wonder the good Doctor doesn't want to leave. He's probably holed up in a fale fucking himself senseless." "You're awful!" she chided, "if he was," she added, "it would make my life simpler. I fear you have quite ruined me for him." She looked into his face with her dark eyes, soft and moist. Jakob felt a twitching in his canvas trousers. He leaned over and kissed her passionately. "I wish to make love," she told him, her voice like a little girl's. They helped each other with their clothes and laid back down to resume kissing and caressing. Julia had just taken him in her mouth when she heard the door open. Looking up, she saw Qing Li and Asmira, naked. The two women strolled into the room smiling and laid down on the other side of Jakob. She was suddenly self-conscious and looked up at Jakob. "Keep going!" he smiled and brushed her face with the back of his hand. "I guess it seems appropriate to have a little orgy of our own." "Jakob," she said, "I can't... not with..." "Oh nonsense," he told her, "just close those pretty eyes and don't worry about whose tongue it is!" "You're despicable!" she replied. "True! Now if you don't mind..." he said, waving his cock in her face. Julia closed her eyes and resumed sucking.
Part 7
Authors/katzmarek/King Jakob7.txt
Business Studies 07
'How old is this woman?' I ask myself, 'she must be 25 at least, and here she is looking for all the world like a 4-year-old wanting to jump into mummy and daddy's bed!' Nick's ex-wife Rachael is sitting on his side of the bed, totally nude and wanting to hop in, hop in with Nick and his lover, me. I'm absolutely blown away with the sheer cheek of it, waiting for Nick to tell her to go away. I mean, she is SO pathetic, pretending to be drunk just to make Nick feel sorry for her. "Rachael," Nick says, "you've got to stop this!" (So how many times has it happened before? Perhaps while I've been going out with him?) "You won't notice I'm here, please Nick! You can stay over there with that... that friend of yours, there's plenty of room!" "Get something on!" "What?" I can't contain myself, "she's... she's getting in with us?" "It's alright, it's..." he starts to say. "It's NOT alright!" Meanwhile, Rachael is rustling through Nick's drawers, finding something to wear. "Where do you keep those baggy T-shirts, Nick?" (Boy! She's brightened up!) "2nd drawer... Tee, it'll be ok, I promise!" I start to get up, but Nick puts his arms around me. "Don't go, don't go..." he whispers, and I can feel myself weaken. I don't REALLY want to leave, it's just a weird situation. The bed bounces as Rachael gets in. Nick hugs me tighter, one arm curls under me and rests on my left breast, the other parks itself between my legs. It's our normal cuddling position. With strength of willpower, I block all thoughts of Rachael lying on the other side of Nick; instead, it's just him and me. We made love, we're having a cuddle afterwards, that's all! I can feel that Nick is hard. His penis nestles in the crack of my bottom, I squirm a little against it, then re-arrange it between my legs. I've sometimes wondered what it would feel like to have one of those things dangling in front or sticking up, all hard and urgent. I must have dozed for a while, the first thing I notice is that I'm suddenly cold. Nick's comforting, warm body is no longer behind me. I turn over, the bed is empty! Sleep-fogged, it takes me a minute or so to understand this little fact. I become aware of noises, indefinable, but not coming from this room. It sounds like a woman crying, perhaps, or maybe a dog whining to go outside. My hearing is on alert. In the otherwise silent house, the slightest movement sounds like a bomb going off. Another cry, definitely a woman this time. Where is Nick? There's a thump, it appears to come from the next room, the spare one where Rachael was supposed to be sleeping off her drink. I hear a man's voice, harsh and angry, another thump, and the woman's cry again. I'm confused, it sounds like they're fighting, my Nick and his ex-wife. What'll I do? Has Nick lost his temper and is hitting her? I don't want Nick to get into trouble, I decide to see what's happening before he does something stupid. I get out of bed and throw on my panties and T-shirt. Outside, the spare room door's shut, I put my ear to it. Rachael appears to be sobbing, perhaps I'm too late and Nick's already hit her. More thumping, I've got to stop this! I open the door a little and peer around. I'm shocked speechless, I cannot move! Rachael and Nick are both naked. She's spread across the bed on her stomach with her knees on the floor, and Nick is behind her. He has her by the hips and is savagely stabbing himself into her. His face is not the loving face I know, but vicious and angry. Rachael's bottom looks red and raw, and I can see handprints on it, as plain as day. Nick's pounding her flesh that ripples with each thrust, and her face is buried in the cover, stifling her cries. My first thought is, 'rape,' but I realize he's not raping her. She looks up and gasps, "Oh baby... harder..." Not exactly the cries of a rape victim! Nick kind of growls and slaps her hard over her bottom cheeks. He then starts in on her in a higher gear. I watch the muscles in his arse clench in response. I back out and ease the door closed. I don't know what to do. Common sense tells me to get dressed and leave, but I can't leave him to her. Not at least without some explanation. Is he back with her? Perhaps she'd teased him until he couldn't take anymore and he snapped. I need Nick to tell me now, and I don't want to wait till morning. I sit on the sofa in my T-shirt and panties. The door to the spare bedroom remains closed for ages, the noises eventually dying down. I am a confusion of feelings, anger and jealousy, sure, but something else as well. I actually felt turned on watching them! I guess we all have these feelings about being 'taken,' and dominated, and to see Nick... raging... pounding into her, well God, it was a sexy sight! I give myself a little stroke just thinking about it. I've never really had a boyfriend before. I'm unprepared for the hurt of betrayal and I simply don't know what to do. Ok, common sense tells me to leave, but my heart just won't leave me alone. It tells me there must be an explanation and Nick wouldn't do this unless... unless... I don't know! So I wait and wait, knowing that Nick, at least, will have to empty his bladder sometime. Eventually, the door opens and Nick appears, still naked. He immediately looks at the little pool of light over the sofa and sees me. His face flashes guilt at me for a millisecond before he composes himself. "Hi, I thought you were asleep?" I don't answer. I think Nick is trying to work out how long I've been here and whether I'd heard anything. "I just took Rachael back to the spare bed... so we can be alone," he tries to grin, "got to take a leak... be right back." 'Lying bastard,' I say to myself as I wait, 'I'm going to make him dangle a bit.' He comes back and approaches the sofa, smiling. He must have decided he's going to brass it out. "Are you coming back to bed?" he asks, "y'know, you look real sexy there in your panties and T-shirt." He bends down and gives me a brief kiss. I stare blankly back at him. When I make no move, he sits next to me. His arm goes around my shoulder, I allow myself to be pulled against him. After a while, he asks, "How long have you been sitting here?" He looks a little nervous. "About an hour," I tell him, "I woke up and you were gone, so I went to look for you." "Oh... umm I was in there all the time... she was a bit upset... took a while to calm her down." "Oh, and did you?" My voice is hard with sarcasm. Nick's no fool, and I see him understanding, adding everything up. "I see..." he says, "she's asleep now... Beatie... I want you to know that I'd never cheat on you..." "Oh yeah?" I reply, "not even with Rachael?" He knows he's been found out, I can tell! "Rachael and me... we have a history... I want you to understand..." "I KNOW that, Nick, but why did you have to do it with her right under my nose? Are you just an animal with no free will? Or does it get you going to have two women in one night? Is it a first with you or do you do it all the time?" "Calm down, you'll wake her." "I don't care! Just tell me what's going on? Am I just a bit on the side for you?" He has that 'little boy lost' look. "No... shit! I spend this last year working my arse off, living like a priest and now..." He's talking more to himself. "And now what? Two women are chasing you? Wow, that must be a big problem, perhaps if there was only one..." I get up to leave. "NO... sit down... I... I don't want to lose you..." He pulls me back onto the sofa with his strong arms. I'm nearly in tears. I don't want to be. 'Please let me be strong now,' I tell myself. I want to get up, but he's holding me down. I'm filled with frustration and anger, and the tears come, I can't stop them any longer. "Please Tee," he says softly, "I love you, but... with Rachael... I guess we can't let each other go." "So, make a choice, Nick," I sob, "her or me." "I can't... can't choose..." He's practically sobbing too. "Maybe... maybe we can work something out," he suggests, clutching at straws. "Perhaps alternate nights, Nick... or one after the other... like tonight," comes Rachael's voice behind us. We turn to look at her. She's leaning on the door post, totally naked. "No, don't get up," she continues, "I'm interested in what plans you have for me." "Just a minute Rach'," Nick starts to say. "You haven't introduced me to your little friend. My, she's young, isn't she? I guess you've always liked them young, Nick. Are you still at school, love?" She directs her question at me. "Just finishing... I'm going to university next year." I feel like I should defend him, I don't know why. "Uni? Smart too, Nick. I guess you've got the best of both worlds. C'mon, shove over." She squeezes into the sofa on the other side of Nick. Grabbing his other arm, she pulls it around her own shoulders. "Comfortable?" she asks, "I'm Rachael, by the way, Nick's wife, and you are?" "Beatie," I tell her. This is becoming SO weird! "Beatie, odd name, you're not Greek?" I shake my head."Nick always used to say Greek girls don't know how to fuck, that's right, Nick?" Nick doesn't answer, he's looking straight ahead, swallowing. I remember Mom telling me how he'd run and hide! "So tell me, Nick, how'd you want us? Different nights or both on the same day. Perhaps Beatie and I could top and tail you, you'd like that, wouldn't you, Nick?" Again, he doesn't answer. Rachael's stroking his leg as she's speaking. "Nick has a fantasy about two women, Beatie, one on his prick and one on his tongue..." "Rachael, stop it," says Nick, red-faced with embarrassment. "Which would you fancy? Or maybe we could swap?" she goes on. "Rachael..." "Say something, you're such a wimp, Nick." "Rachael, no. Beatie's not a slut, she's a nice girl and..." "Aw, c'mon, Nick! You know, Tee? Nick and I used to get up to all kinds of things, didn't we?" "She doesn't want to know..." "Of course she does... don't you, Tee?" "Beatie," I tell her, "or Tee." "Sorry, love... Tee. So what do you want to know about our lover?" Rachael puts her hand around Nick's cock. He tries to pull it off him, but she grips tighter. "Has he got you to play dress-ups yet?" I shake my head. Actually, this whole thing is getting interesting, strangely. "His favorite is a school uniform, perhaps you could use one of yours?" "I don't have..." I start to say automatically. "Pity, still! Some tights and a short, short skirt... Oh look, he likes the idea." I look and he IS getting hard. "Remember that time when I was stacking dishes in the kitchen wearing nothing but an apron?" "Rach'... No!" "We did it standing up with me bent over the sink, remember that? Oh yes, I think you DO remember..." she giggles, still holding his rising cock. "Nick, I'm going..." I've decided I've had enough of this. Rachael's trying to make a fool of me and I'm not going to play her game. I stand up and head for the door. Rachael stands up also and makes to show me out. Nick is silent, his head in his hands. "It's a pity you're going, we could have SO much fun," Rachael says to me. "My pants..." I suddenly remember. "I'll get them," she says, hurrying off. When she returns, I put on my jeans. "You know, you could lose a bit of weight. You're nice up top but you're a little too hippy," she says. "I'm fine, Rachael," I reply, "have a nice life." I wish I could think of something more cutting, but I just want to get the heck out of here. "Sweet dreams," she calls as I bolt through the door. I really should listen to my mother more. She DID tell me that Nick would let me get carved up, either by Rachael or the Apostolakis's. I make my way next door, and home, bristling with anger and hurt. My tears are coming once again, and I hope Mom and Dad have gone to bed. As I tiptoe through our front door, I notice the kitchen light's on. I try and make it into my bedroom, but Mom intercepts me at the end of the passage. "Hello, dear, everything alright?" The answer's pretty obvious, and soon I'm sobbing into Mom's shoulder. She sits me down at the kitchen table and fixes me a coffee. I notice she puts a drop of liqueur into it. I sip the coffee, I can feel every drop of the warming liquid descending down my throat. Mom sits opposite, waiting. "You were right, Mom," I say eventually. Happily, Mom doesn't say, 'I told you so.' "Right? About what?" "About Nick being... spineless..." "I never said that." "You told me that he wouldn't support me against Rachael and..." "Ah," Mom's penny drops, "you had a visitor?" I nod my head. "That must have been horrible, I'm sorry..." "Funny thing is," I tell Mom, "I got this strange feeling that she really wanted to sleep with both Nick and me, weird!" Mom grins. "You think so? I don't know enough about her sexual... ah... preferences. I'd guess that it's the size of the wallet that attracts Rachael the most. No..." Mom considers, "I wouldn't put it past her to sleep with a woman. I gather she's pretty adventurous, according to Nick." "God, that would be TOO strange, Nick, Rachael and me!" "Sounds like a Greek peasant boy's fantasy," says Mom, "I'd rather think Nick wouldn't be averse to the idea..." she chuckles. "Mom!" I pretend shock, "it's maybe alright for him, but what does the other do when they're waiting for... y'know, their turn?" Mom and I are both laughing, it's good tonic. "Watch, hell, I don't know..." "She suggested top and tailing." "What does she mean... oh, I get it! Top and tailing... hmm both sitting on him... one on his... y'know... and the other over his mouth..." "Mom, is it proper for mothers to discuss such things?" "Why not?" she shrugs, "are you embarrassed?" "No," I confess. "Good! So, are you going to see Nick again?" "I don't plan on it," I tell her. "A ménage à trois might get you over the problem with Rachael," Mom says, "you wouldn't need to look over your shoulder?" "Mom, I couldn't, not with her!" "Just testing," Mom says, grinning. The next morning, Angela rings me at 9 o'clock! I've had a wretched night's sleep and I'm still sleep-fogged. "Tee, Tee, you were wrong about Jorge," she bubbles, "we went to that Motel on the other side of the park." "What? What park... oh, you mean the sports ground..." I reply, trying to piece the story together. "Yeah, yeah, that one. He suggested this one in town, but I told him that story, about it having bad memories and stuff..." "Ok, ok, Ange', so he didn't mind?" "Nope, he said anywhere was fine for his little angel..." "Yuck, talk about corny!" "Then he offers me $500 if I'd stay the night..." "500 BUCKS?," I say in astonishment, "where the hell is his wife while all this is going on?" "Recife, visiting her mother. That's like in Brazil." "I gathered that. So the cat's away..." "Yes, and he was SO nice to me. He asked me if I would shower with him. He watched me undress until I got to my panties and do you know what he said?" "Let me guess," I tell her, "this is for the man to do." Angela gasps over the phone. "How'd you know?" "I think Nick's read the same script," I reply. "Isn't that funny," she laughs, "so macho! Anyway, he wanted me to suck him off, so I got on my knees..." "Angela, you're not going to give me a blow-by-blow account, are you?" I'm SO not ready to hear this. "What's wrong with you?" she asks, "things not go well with you and Nick?" "Not exactly... the sex was great... but afterwards..." "You had a fight?" "Kind of... I'm not going to see him again." "That's too bad," she says, "things seem to be going so well." "Tell me, Ange', have you ever had a... threesome?" "What? Like two guys?" "A guy and a woman, have you ever..." "This sounds interesting," Angela coos, "did Nick suggest you do it with another woman?" I had to explain what happened last night. "Cool! With his ex? Has she... like... got a nice body? Is she pretty?" "I guess," I tell her. "Gosh, I didn't think you were... y'know... bisexual!" "I'm not," I reply, "well, at least I didn't think I was." "Sounds like you're turned on to the idea," she suggests. "Well! I DID have this dream... it was so weird... and afterwards I was feeling kind of... fruity." "Like you wanted to fuck?" "Yes." "You horny bitch!" "Jeez, Ange' YOU can talk!" She giggles down the phone. "I suppose I DID have this thing, once when I was about 13," she explains, "remember Chrissy?" I didn't. "Well, she was in my class and we got on really well, best friends for a while. It was when you went up a class..." "Yeah, yeah. So are you telling me that you had an affair with her?" "Not really an affair, as such. We sort of fiddled around a bit..." "Fiddled?" "Y'know... with each other's snatch, it was kind of fun." "Did you get turned on?" I ask her. "Hell yeah... I mean, fingers are fingers, aren't they?" "I suppose at least girls know where everything is," I suggest. "Yeah, ok, so they don't come with a dick, but I suppose at least you can't get pregnant!" "True," I concede. "So, are you going to do it with her, them?" "Dunno," I tell her, "I haven't decided whether I'm going to see him again." "I thought you said you weren't?" she says, triumphantly. "Yeah, well, maybe I might change my mind..." Angela's laughing as she rings off. Looking out our lounge window, I notice Rachael's car's gone. I breathe a sigh of relief. At least she hasn't moved back in, yet! Nick leaves about ten, he has the kids in the car. I guess they're going out for the day. About noon, I catch the bus into town, I need to get away for a while. I go for a walk along the waterfront, it's so relaxing, the sea. The fishing boats are offloading their catches, and there's a lot of traffic on the docks. It's kind of interesting, watching the boats. I notice they still have names like, 'San Marino,' and 'Sorrento,' Still very much an Italian preserve. They may have dark Mediterranean looks, but I notice the crew's accents are entirely local. "Hey, lady! Watch the pallet!" one calls out. I dodge quickly out of the way as a pallet of fish crates is swung dockside on a winch. "You don't wanna stand there," the guy continues, "dangerous! You might fall between the pier and the boat." I start to move away, but the guy is still calling to me. "Hey, you wanna come aboard, lady? I've just brewed some coffee." I am about to say, 'no thank you,' but some instinct stops me. In surprise, I hear myself nodding, and I step towards the narrow gangway. A hand is extended and guides me carefully onto the boat.This Italian guy, maybe in his mid-twenties, indicates the door to the cabin, and he's beaming a bright smile. I feel myself tingling all over, something like fear, but not quite. The guy looks completely harmless. The cabin is tiny. At the little table, an old man is sitting. He's wearing an old black jumper, threadbare in places, and he's missing a few front teeth. "This is Gianni, my grandfather," the young guy says. The grandfather lifts his hand in greeting and indicates the pot of coffee. "His English is not good," my guide tells me, "the old Italians never learned the language much." He extends his hand to me. "They call me Jonno," he says, "my father and I, we own this boat." Well, it's quite pleasant sitting here, if it wasn't for the all-pervasive smell of fish. But you get used to it after a while. Jonno talks amiably about fishing, his family, and interprets for the grandfather who wants to know all about me. After a while, I'm telling him all about Nick, my family, and even Angela. They understand all about familial ties. "I think I know him," Jonno says, "I think my sister went to school with his brother. Greeks and Italians, they're like that," he says, clasping his hands together. As I'm about to leave, Jonno asks me for my phone number, and I give it to him. He promises to give me a call sometime. I guess I'm just a sucker for dark eyes and tight T-shirts. After dinner, I get a call from Nick. He tells me he's really sorry about Friday night and wants to make it up to me. It's funny, but knowing that I can interest other men gives me a feeling of more power, that I CAN set some conditions in this relationship, and if he doesn't like it, well, there's always Jonno! I agree to go over and see him. Mum shakes her head, oh well! "Where are the children?" I ask him. "Rachael," he answers. I flinch at her mention. "Are you going to continue seeing her?" I say, "be honest!" Nick shrugs his shoulders. It's all the answer I'm going to get, apparently. "So you want to sleep with the both of us?" He swallows, looking sheepish. "... And you want me to dress up in a school uniform?" I say, teasing. He tries to contain a smile, unsuccessfully. "Look, don't take anything Rachael says seriously. She was just... teasing you and..." he tells me. "So you don't want me to wash the dishes in the nude?" Nick coughs in a futile attempt at seriousness. "Um, well..." "Or both of us? Top and tailing, she called it..." "No... um... well..." I'm on a roll, I have him on the defensive. I press my advantage. "You want me to make out with Rachael?" He looks shocked. "You'd... you'd do that?" he asks in surprise. "Maybe! What would you do in return?" "I don't know..." he mumbles, "what... what would you like? Are you putting me on?" "Let me see..." I raise my eyes to the ceiling, "two babes... it's going to cost you!" "Cost me what?" Nick says, the smile gone from his face. "University is going to be very expensive," I tell him, "there'll be books, tuition fees..." "You want me to pay for you to go to University!" he burst out, "are you kidding me?" "Well, I was going to take out a loan, but I'll probably won't be able to pay it off for about 20 years..." "Yes, but do you know how much money that'll be?" "Roughly... do you want to see the figures?" "Jesus!" he says, gobsmacked, "it'd be a fortune!" "Oh well," I tell him, "I guess you won't be getting your cookies..." I make deliberately towards the door. Nick rushes over and blocks my way. "Now wait! Maybe I could help you a little." "A lot!" "Tee, you surprise me. I didn't think you were like... this." "Like what, Nick? I didn't think you'd screw your ex-wife right in front of me either, so the world is full of surprises." "Are you being serious?" "Very, and another thing, I reserve the right to date other guys, agreed?" "Sure," he shrugs, "I guess that's fair." "So!" I say, unbuttoning my jeans, "do you want me to stack the dishes?
(Part 7)
Authors/katzmarek/Business Studies 07.txt
The Curse
'Since when is it a crime to invite a woman down to my car?' Mal thought, 'she's over 16 and I never forced her?' But this scene was looking bad for him, and he knew he needed to talk fast and convincingly. Already he could hear people coming down the driveway and a voice calling out for Anna. "Hey!" he yelled, "down here! I need some help here!" Someone came running. He saw it was Mick and not far behind, the cute little bass player from The Curse. Several more people were coming, including that huge Maori and Anna's friend, Dimitru. "Where is she?" Mick panted. "Here," Mal said desperately. "I don't know what happened, she flaked, and..." "What's she doing here?" Michelle asked, suspiciously. Mal explained they'd only come down here to fetch some vodka from his car. He added he never touched her. "She's out cold," Mick declared. "Rangi, can you help me get her back to the house?" Dimitru stood staring at Mal, his eyes narrowed. Mal knew that look - he'd seen it before - and no way was he going to remain with him while the others took Anna back up. Rangi picked her up in his arms and transported her effortlessly up the drive. Mal remained close to Mick, keeping a watchful eye on the Rumanian. "Nothing happened, Mick," Mal desperately told him. "So you said," Mick replied. "Hey, I've heard you get around a bit," Mal continued. "You know how it is." "I'd thought once was enough, Mal," Mick said. "You're one for punishment, that's for sure." "Y'blame me? I've heard you've been there." "I have? Where?" "You know. I figured you for someone with a good eye. I heard you knocked her up?" "You did?" Mick raised his eyebrows. "What the fuck are you on about? She tell you she was pregnant?" "C'mon, Mick? I know about the baby. Y'can't keep all the action to yourself." "Mal?" Mick stopped. Dimitru hurried past as Mal moved a little closer to the tall guitarist. "How much have you drunk, tonight? Y'sure you're not on anything else? Anna is a dyke - no, she *really* is a lesbian. She's never slept with anyone except girls." "What about the baby?" "Well, the only baby I know about is Emily and she's mine and Michelle's daughter. Anna's never been pregnant to my knowledge. You've sure got your wires crossed." "She told me she had a baby," Mal insisted. "Is she just a compulsive liar or is she whacko?" "You do the math, pal. Let me have your opinion, cos, I sure as Hell haven't figured that one out." "You saying you've never fucked her?" "Never!" "And your manager?" "Ah, well, that's a private matter." "Ok," Mal shook his head. "Tell me?" Mick asked, "why do you do it? I mean, what are you trying to prove? You wife is up there bombed, and you're off trying to whore yourself around?" "Hey, coming from you isn't that kinda hypocritical?" "It might seem that way," Mick conceded, "but, when I took up with our manager in the States, I'd broken up with Michelle. Sabra and I go back a long way. Michelle, well, she's yet to make up her mind. I never purposefully cheated on any of them. That'd might not always have been so in the past, but, I spent long years alone regretting that. You need to think about that, Mal, before you're left with nothing - not even your pride." "Renee and I haven't been getting on that well for years," he told Mick. "She's an alcoholic, I..." "Get her some help, Mal, or get out of the situation. The way you're going you're just leaving chaos behind you. Sometime, it's going to all blow up in your face." "You tell me what to do? My marriage is not a marriage. I get pressure from everywhere. Shit, if I spit on the footpath it gets reported all over the fucking place..." "Hey, you telling me this? You get paid shitloads for the inconvenience. Obscurity is fine but it doesn't get you a Mercedes and a mansion in the hills. You groove on it - it gets you girls, attention and money. You don't like it, fine, get a job at the supermarket and stop whining." "Hey?" Mal called after, "we're both the same, you and I - just a couple of inadequate jerks who're defined by public acclamation. Off the stage we're nothing - just empty vessels waiting for cues." "Y'think?" Mick turned. "Yeah! Fucking's what makes us feel real." "Don't need the cheap psychoanalysis, Mouton. Why don't you fetch your missus and take her home, huh? Married to an arsehole like you I'm not surprised she drinks. I'd want to be drunk waking up next to you." "Fuck you!" Mick gave him the big finger before hurrying back up to the house. When Mick arrived, Rangi had taken her through and put her on the bed. Michelle was sitting beside her trying to get a response. "Do we need the doctor?" he asked. "She's coming 'round," Michelle said. "Just had a blackout." "She gets many of those?" he asked. "Now and then," she shrugged. "It's a nervous thing, I think. She'll snap out of it and she'll be fine." "Is she on anything?" "Just the normal medication she takes every day. Unless Mouton slipped her something?" "Possible, I suppose. After the last time, and for what he had in mind, I wouldn't have thought he'd risk it, though." "Breathing's ok," Michelle said, "and pulse is fine. I see a little light back in her eyes." "You wanna take her home, or should she stay where she is?" "Leave her," she replied. "I'll check in now and again. I've got to go to Emily." "Sure, go!" Everyone had gone by nine except Michelle, Anna and, of course, Emily. Michelle brought her out for Mick to have a hold and smiled as he did the coochie thing. They hung out for a while in Mick's lounge, watched a bit of TV and talked. Later, they insinuated themselves in the bed beside Anna to sleep. Michelle adopted the spoon position and Mick had his arms around her - just like days of old. He couldn't sleep, though, and began turning over the things Mouton had said. Did 'fucking make him feel real?' Perhaps there was something in what he said, although he was loath to admit it. Allowing someone the likes of Mal 'The Man' Mouton to get the better of him was intolerable. But the guy wasn't a complete idiot, Mick thought, you don't rise to be a top show host by being stupid. Take this woman pressed up against him, he wondered. She wasn't prepared to fully enter a relationship with him the way he wanted and had herself an emotional alternative. Sabra, too, was reluctant to commit herself and used the 'pressing business at home' argument. What were these women telling him in their separate ways? 'Mick, I don't trust you enough to completely give you my heart'? Was 'sex the most important thing to you' a true statement? He wouldn't have thought so, but, clearly, something was putting these wonderful women off. Michelle's wonderful butt was stimulating him. Idly, he moved his hand down to cup her panty covered sex and began to rub. She soon stirred, turned towards him and smiled. "What're you after?" she whispered softly. "Can't," he whispered back. "Not with your friend here." "She's asleep," she considered. "If we're careful..." "Really?" he grinned back in delight. "Sure! Just don't rock too much - nice and slow, huh?" Michelle's eyes were soft and doelike. Clearly, she'd been thinking similar thoughts to Mick. She turned on her back and maneuvered under him as Mick lifted his body up to accommodate. With the dexterity that only women seemed to possess, she slid off her panties while Mick lay on top of her kissing. She guided him into her slowly then smoothed her hands over his arse. Cheek to cheek, they undulated together carefully, anxious not to wake Anna. They paused for a long, smoochy kiss and that was when Mick felt another hand on his arse. He looked over at Anna as the hand slid up his back. She had her eyes open and was watching him - her mouth stretched in a smile. "It's ok," Anna grinned. "Is nice!" "Sorry, Anna, we..." Michelle started to say. "No, no, you continue!" Mick sighed and looked down at Michelle. "Shall we?" "You still want to?" she replied. "She doesn't seem to mind?" "Mmm," she stroked his arse with her fingertips, "not as if you've never done it before?" "Not usually with a spectator," he kissed her before thrusting smoothly into her. "Uh - you love it!" Anna turned onto her side and caressed Mick's back as he moved up and down. "Nice muscles," she said. "Mich, I..." "Huh? Uh, I - oh, I'm a little busy, Anna, oh." "Mich?" Her were eyes soft. She parted her lips and moved towards Michelle's mouth. Gently, they kissed, and Mick watched their loving expressions. "Touch me?" Anna told Michelle in a small voice. "Uh," she sighed, "I need Mick right now, Anna." "Sure, sure, I..." "Mick, can you - uh, touch her? Anna - oh, is that..." "Fine!"Anna said. "Eh? Where?" Mick asked. "Don't you know?" Michelle chuckled. "Ok, sure!" "Good - now, keep going!" Michelle ordered. As Mick resumed thrusting into his girlfriend, he reached out with his free hand and felt down Anna's body to her crotch. Anna captured it and pushed it into her panties. Michelle bounced back at him, gasping and moaning, as he shook his fingers over Anna's hot pussy. Michelle came loudly, and Mick shot soon after, giving his girlfriend a deep kiss as he came. Anna then moved into the frame, panting, and he kissed her too until she gasped for air. For good measure, he pulled up Anna's top and feasted on her too-perfect boobs as she bumped and ground against his fingers. "That was new," he smiled at the two women. "Lucky you!" Michelle grinned. "Is nice!" Anna panted. He then rolled in between them and accepted their embraces. Anna and Michelle held hands across his chest, and it made him mildly uncomfortable. He couldn't dismiss the idea that he'd been manipulated somehow. This was turning into a situation he thought might lead to The Curse's destruction. He couldn't see how this tripartite setup was going to work, but, right at this moment, he had to concede it was a lot of fun. So typical rock and roll to live in the moment and not care about the future. The future was for regret, while the present for enjoyment. He somehow thought Mal had scored another point over him, and it made him furious. The girls made him breakfast and brought it and Emily back to bed. Michelle fed her while she, Mick, and Anna did the two mums and a dad gig. Around noon, they emerged into the summer day to view the destruction from last night. Thankfully, there was little damage, only some rubbish to pick up. The Oldsmobile Cutlass Mick had acquired from the States was a 1971 model, fully restored, from the golden age of the muscle car. It was a two-door convertible with a big block, Rocket 455, seven and a half litre V8, topping 400hp, under the 'hood'. Exxon Mobile may well be rubbing their hands in glee because it was a thirsty beast, but Mick could well afford the gas. Like American cars of the period, the suspension was way too soft, and the brakes indifferent. Mick had Lockheed drilled disks installed all round, but it was still a heavy car to pull up in a hurry. The Cutlass had a heart-stopping understeer and was certainly not a car you'd like to throw around a mountain road. But it got attention and beat everyone in a stoplight grand prix. The engine torque was enough to get an ore train rolling, and Mick adored every highly polished piece of his red and cream beauty. It simply looked the business, and a car like that deserved to have two beautiful blonde babes as accessories on a summer day. Top down, with the girls in summery halters ensconced in the front seat, was pure California, and Mick made the most of it. He felt like a King, like Elvis before he'd swallowed so many pills and hamburgers. Around the entire waterfront with the V8 grumbling contentedly to itself, Mick rarely felt better. Every time they stopped, they'd attract a small crowd of admirers, with Mick fielding questions. The problem was, you couldn't leave it anywhere on the street, or some loser would likely key it. Optimists may well try and line their Nissan Silvias up against it at every traffic light, but Mick wasn't into acquiring speeding tickets. He passed on every invitation, and it must've made the boy racers furious. 'I know I can, so why bother?' he told a grinning Michelle as they watched another Japanese coupe speed away all alone. They called around and picked up Junior and Karen before heading out into the country for a picnic. Emily was safely bundled in her baby seat in the back - a reminder to Karen of what she had to look forward to. Mick took them up to his plot - there was a river, a swimming hole, and an old barn that'd survived when the land was subdivided from a large farm. They found a nice spot, then spread out the blankets and laid out the food. "Hey, Mick?" Michelle asked, "you decided about the Grammys?" "Yeah, I'll go, I think. I always thought not showing up was a little ungracious." "Yeah," agreed Michelle. "Anna and I were thinking of joining you," she said. "Karen?" "I'll pass," said their drummer. "The baby's giving me Hell." "Puking?" "Practically every morning." "It'll pass, you'll see." This wasn't what Mick had in mind. He wanted to sort things out with Sabra, and the girls might seriously cramp his style. But, if he argued with them, it was bound to sound suspicious. Michelle knew of his plans to stay with Sabra for the week, and he couldn't help thinking that was part of their decision to go. "You staying with Sabra?" Karen asked. He looked up at his daughter and wondered at her timing. Was it deliberate, and she was tossing a stone into the still pond? Mick decided to put his cards on the table. To lie at this point would likely rebound on him. "Yeah," he said. "She has an apartment - I'll be staying there." "What happens to us?" Michelle asked. "Where will we stay?" Here it comes, thought Mick. "I suppose a hotel. I'm not sure whether Sabra has the room." Michelle's expression hardened, and he saw the warning signals. "The Hotel Intercontinental?" suggested Anna, typically one step behind the subtext of the discussion. "It's really nice there." "Perhaps we can talk about it later?" Michelle said, deferring the argument till a more advantageous time. "I'm going for a swim," declared Anna, and she whipped off her halter to reveal a bikini top that'd make every fan of The Curse scream. Certainly, it left little to the imagination, and, if his daughter hadn't been there, he might've made a little more of the situation now they were all 'friends.' Michelle watched her go as she shed her wrap-around, eyeing her cute arse, which her bottoms barely covered but half. "Careful you don't lose your swimsuit, Anna," Michelle laughed. Mick rolled away onto his front. It was barely more than he could stand. Later, Mick dropped the girls off before going home. He was 100 bucks the poorer but thought the day well worth the gas. The Curse were getting on together well and into a working mood. The day had become an informal planning session with ideas thrown around for their third CD. The CD following a hit was always problematic. Should the band stick to the same formula that worked in the past or change tack? A more sophisticated sound, perhaps, now they could chisel a good working budget? Or maybe they should stick to what they know and risk the public wouldn't tire of the same old shit? Logic suggests if the public liked their previous CD, why would they want a copy? Mick was for more acoustic work. He liked simple arrangements of well-crafted songs. He opined that many a weak song was disguised by over-engineering and lavish layering. A corny lyric could be drowned out or rendered unimportant by the use of standard pop hooks. Anna had the pipes to carry the song - she didn't need the full orchestra. But where were these wonderful songs going to come from? They'd been flat out working, and the songwriting team had little time for composition? An album could be fleshed out with outtakes from previous sessions, sure, but they needed a good 5 or 6 new numbers to build around. Mick had a song he wanted to sing, but it wasn't original. It was by an Irish folk singer called Andy Irvine, and it was called 'Sabra'. Sabra is the name of a hardy cactus that grows in the Negev desert. It was a song of desire, of loss and of mourning. The song was both pretty and soulful, but Michelle didn't like it on principle. She hit back with a song called 'My Fragile Rose' she determined to sing herself. It didn't take a great leap of the imagination who the rose was, and Mick was unimpressed. She talked him into accompanying her on guitar, providing Anna play keyboard for him on his song. But The Curse wouldn't be The Curse without a little rage and thunder. Mick had a riff, and Karen another, with which to build a song. Four songs in total, but at least it was a start. Mick was relaxed. Smash hits were sometimes constructed from even less, and Deep Purple, in particular, had the reputation of coming up with songs within five minutes of recording. He saw little reason why The Curse couldn't come up with stuff in the studio, now they had the luxury of a bit of time. This was to be the swan song to their present recording contract. A good album was clearly going to impact on any future negotiations, and Mick insisted they put as much effort into it as possible. By the state of today's industry, two years at the top was reckoned to be the life expectancy of a band. Mick wanted to break that expectation and push The Curse's career out another two years. But much depended on how well the band worked together and whether internal tensions would boil over. Flyblown/Sony had made enough out of the band to give them the artistic freedom they requested. To make things difficult for The Curse may see them talking to a rival company, so they were sweet, very sweet. Mick got his way, and the band recorded 'Sabra' the song. Mick and Anna doubled on keyboards, with Mick laying down the melody while Anna devised a descant. To this, Mick added some fingerpicking acoustic guitar, and Karen, later, some work with the brushes. On the original, Irvine used a tin whistle, but none of The Curse were competent on this difficult instrument. Similarly, the original uilleann pipes had to be discarded in favour of a Korg. There was no-one who could play the Irish bagpipes. The recording session was relaxed, with Flyblown happy to allow The Curse to work around their other commitments.Mick suspected the boys at Sony had no great expectations, in any case, believing, perhaps, that the band had little more to give. He wondered, too, what pressure was being exerted behind his back to persuade Anna to go solo and ditch the other members. He knew it was bound to come, but whether she'd want to leave Michelle for a career was anyone's guess. These blackouts she has were a worry, and he wondered at the underlying cause. He'd checked the internet the night following the picnic and came up with a form of epilepsy. It all seemed to fit together and would explain a lot of things. But Anna had gone through exhausting tours with The Curse and she'd been fine. The trouble seemed to occur when she was parted from Michelle for some reason. It had to be stress-related, he thought, coupled with alcohol or drugs. They would need to identify her triggers and make sure she didn't flip on them in the future - providing, of course, they had a future. A good slice of The Curse's fans would ditch them overnight in preference to a new sensation - that was simply the business. Of the rest, perhaps half liked what they were doing, and the other half were concert junkies who'd turn up to any show. Mick reckoned they had a solid fan base who ought to provide them with a living regardless, but they shouldn't expect to be making the sort of money they were growing used to. Now was the time to consolidate and not get too used to the lavish lifestyle. And each of them needed other options, just in case everything disintegrated. He spoke to Sabra that night and discussed all their options. Yes, she was aware of interest in Anna as a solo performer, a future star in her own right, and it only made sense for her to seriously consider that. Frankly, she couldn't see The Curse going on without her - their music wasn't that exceptional, as far as the market was concerned, with a lot of bands doing the same thing. Mick told her of his suspicions about epilepsy, and she agreed it fitted some of the known facts. She also asked him how he was getting along with the girls, and that moved the conversation into risky territory. But if there was to be any future at all with Sabra, he needed to be honest. He explained about the BBQ and the picnic the next day. She was quiet, but surprisingly understanding. "They want to come to the Grammys," he told her. "Ah," she chuckled, "to keep an eye on you?" "Yes and no. Anna wants to make the scene..." "And Michelle wants to keep you in their bed?" "Yep." "Whereas you, on the other hand, fancied a little skinny dipping with your ex?" "Something like that." "I'm not fighting over you, Mick. You keep The Curse happy, it'll make things easier." "But..." "But nothing, Mick. I'm actually relaxed about this. Maybe I'm finally getting over you, huh? I figure there're lots of spunky toyboys around, so..." "Hey?" "Hey, what, Mick? When you slept with the girls, were you thinking of me?" "Actually, I was, Sabra, I..." "Damn, Mick, and here's me thinking you were finally becoming open and honest. Obviously, you've still a long way to go." "I was..." "See you in LA next month, Mick, bye." Mick threw the phone across the room and went for his stash. Opening the tin, he found it was empty - he'd smoked all his dope. Retrieving the phone again, he began to call around people he knew would be able to sell him some more.
Chapter Seventeen
Authors/katzmarek/The Curse17.txt
Butterfly and Falcon
'Oz's' group came down from the high pass before nightfall to find some shelter. They found a deep gully with a fast-flowing stream that ran down towards the Llobregat. The comrades found ledges and hollows along the rock face of the cliff and tried to rest. It was growing colder still, and they huddled together to keep warm. To make things more uncomfortable, a shower swept down on them, freezing, sludgy rain heavy with ice. 'Oz' had wedged himself into a hollow in the rockface. The wind swept past him, freezing and bitingly cold, and he could feel his body heat being sucked out into the Pyrenees. He couldn't remember feeling so miserable before in his life. Something scraped, and another body tumbled into his hideaway. It was Catalina. She put her arms around him and pressed herself to his body. 'Oz' could feel her shivering, her face was bluish, and he pulled her against his chest. She left the merest hint of warmth where she breathed into the comfort of his body. Eventually, she stopped shaking and dozed. He himself slept fitfully, woke, and checked that Catalina was still breathing. She was, and he relaxed a little. Captain Chernagovka came and fetched John in the morning in a military car. He farewelled Benin with a long, lingering embrace. She told him, smiling, that he should not leave the aeroplanes waiting too long. She waved as the car sped off towards the Air Force's facility. She looked down the phone list provided by the RAFTRWI Welfare Office, part of the package of materiel provided to them by the Air Force. She found the Medical Service and dialed the number. This was time to practice her newly acquired Russian phrases. She'd practiced the night before. John was driven to a large hangar, something of a centrepiece in the Aircraft Testing area of the complex. A group of uniformed people had been lined up as a sort of reception committee. They all had their pilot's brevet proudly displayed on their chests and wore the short khaki quilted jacket permitted for air force personnel. The Captain explained that these were the cream of the Air Force's test pilots, the very best, and they were all anxious to meet him. "Why?" John asked, bemused. "Because you've been in combat," he replied, "and this," he smiled like a cheetah. In his hand was a copy of the 'Red Star,' the Air Force's newspaper. On the front page was a photo of him, in Spanish Uniform, standing proudly in front of an I16 Mosca. He barely remembered when the photo was taken. Maybe 2 years ago, he thought, when the squadron received its first Mk 10. "You're a star, yes, like Hollywood film!" the Captain laughed. The Captain introduced each Officer, who warmly shook John's hand. When the formality was over, they mobbed him, firing questions at him that totally defeated John's limited understanding of the language. John stood among them, embarrassed and confused by the adulation. The Captain laughingly told everyone to ask questions one at a time, and he would translate. "Perhaps," he said, "we should make ourselves more comfortable? Over tea and some breakfast?" John readily agreed, he was finding it hard to cope. In the dining room, they all sat at a large table, upon which was placed a samovar. The Captain poured for John. He was growing accustomed to Russian tea, strong, black, and sweet. "You fight Messerschmitt?" asked a woman, in English. She was blond and pretty, perhaps in her late twenties, and wore the ribbon of the Order of the Red Star. "Yes," John told her, "some 'C' and 'D' models. The 'E' hadn't arrived by the time our squadron disbanded." "Ah! And you shoot one down?" "No," he replied, sadly, "I didn't get the pleasure." They all laughed at that, especially after the Captain translated for the non-English speakers. Another asked a question in Russian. "Lieutenant Smilovich wants to know whether you can turn inside a Messerschmitt in an I16?" "Yes," John explained, "but they can outclimb and outdive you. They will not turn if you get on the tail of one. Instead, they'll roll over and dive straight down or go up in a loop. If you try to follow, they'll come down on top of you." "An Immelmann turn?" suggested the woman as the Captain translated for the others. "Sometimes," he agreed, "but mostly a basic loop or a split 'S'" "Ah!" "Formation?" the Captain asked, "what's their basic formation in combat?" "The 'Kette,' a man and his wingman, behind and slightly above, in a loose formation of four." "Ah!" The conversation wound on for an hour as more tea arrived. They all wanted to know about the Messerschmitt Bf 109. Apparently, all of the Red Air Force's combat fighter pilots were spooked by the new German fighter. Designers and technicians had been working overtime to develop a response to the challenge. It dawned on John just why he'd been 'invited' to the facility, perhaps why he and Benin had been brought to Russia in the first place? He was one of only a handful of pilots that had encountered, and fought, the '109.' Later, the group led him through to the hangar. There, in the centre of the cavernous building, was an aircraft, a single-engined monoplane. The engine panels were open, and a mechanic was working on it, standing on a scaffold. Several other technicians smiled when they saw John. They were clearly proud of their baby. John looked up at the open engine compartment. It was an inline, a V12, liquid-cooled, and on the right cylinder head, he could see stamped, 'Hispano-Suiza' and below it 'France.' It was an engine John was familiar with, the latest 'Moteur-Canon' version of the H-S 12Y. The Captain told him Russia had obtained the production license, and it was going to be the standard in-line engine for Soviet fighter aircraft. "Good!" he told them. It was a very reliable and powerful engine, although not particularly efficient at high altitude. John assumed the Russians would have known that. He continued to walk around the aircraft, studying its lines, imagining it in combat, and its aerobatic potential. As he continued to study it, John became disappointed, then alarmed. He didn't care about crushing the egos of the technicians, standing so proud and waiting for John's nod. He was alarmed for the young pilots that would have to fly it in combat against the best fighter in the World. John thought it was a dog, and he had to tell them so. Firstly, the motor; it was short-winded at the altitude the Messerschmitt prefers. An enemy flying the '109' just needed to climb, and this aircraft would be at a severe disadvantage. Secondly, the design itself, and here, John mused, is why pilots should be consulted by designers before any metal is cut. The nose was too long, and the cockpit was set too far back for forward vision. The pilot sat almost level with the trailing edge of the wing and thus had no view downwards. The wings were short, not a bad thing in an aerobatic aircraft, but it meant the landing speed would have to be very high. That, coupled with the extremely limited forward view, meant that it would be highly dangerous to land in perfect conditions. The presence of any crosswinds, battle damage, or a rough improvised landing strip, and the aircraft would be positively lethal for even an experienced pilot. "It was designed by a team led by a young, new designer called Mikoyan," the Captain explained. "he was assisted by an old hand, a fellow called Dr Gurevich. We call it the MiG 3. What do you think?" "They should be shot!" John told him. The Captain's face froze. The woman Doctor returned smiling. She pulled back the curtain behind which Benin was putting her clothes back on. The Doctor's smile was all Benin needed. She grinned back. "When?" Benin asked. "On or about the middle of August," she replied. Benin counted back the days in her head. She thought it must have been on the 'Tchervonya Ukrainiya.' She smiled at the thought. 'John had been so tender, so considerate.' She wished he could've been here instead of buzzing around in the aeroplanes he so loved. She hoped it wouldn't always be so, that she'd take second place to a machine. "You wish to send a message to your husband?" the Doctor asked. 'Husband,' Benin thought. Yes, she supposed convention would mean marriage. It would certainly be less complicated in the long run, but she wasn't sure whether she was ready. It meant readjusting her whole political outlook, to take on an institution she once swore would never be her destiny. 'A form of bondage,' she recalled, 'a bourgeois property contract'! At least, she thought, the Russians do it in a civil ceremony in front of a State-appointed official. She couldn't see herself in a church, bowing in front of the altar, while a robed priest droned on in Latin. "Madam?" "Sure," Benin replied, "by all means. Send a message to my 'husband'" 'Oz' woke with a start.The sun filtered into the gully, sending bright gold shafts of light onto the sparkling, clear waters of the stream. Catalina stirred beside him. She wiped her face on his jacket before looking up, bleary-eyed and smiling. "It's morning?" she said. 'Oz' nodded. "We survived!" she added. John nodded again. He hoped the rest of them were in the same condition. Outside, they heard the stirrings of life as the rest of their friends stumbled out from their shelters. Someone urinated into the stream just outside, muttering. A man stumbled past looking for firewood. Beni appeared and beamed at them. "That's all of us!" he said, delighted. No breakfast was forthcoming, as the last of their food had been eaten. They were all fatigued, cold, and wet from the previous night's shower, yet Catalina still found the energy to start singing. 'Oz' thought she was the most remarkable woman he had ever met. Just then, there was a shower of stones, and two men slid down the cliff above them. They wore heavy snow suits and felt boots, with an ice axe vying with ammunition pouches on their belts. On their heads, they wore woolen balaclavas, and over their shoulders, short, repeating carbines. The comrades scrambled for their weapons or ducked for cover. The two newcomers, however, put up their hands and called for calm. Their accents were strange to 'Oz's ears. Catalina whispered to him that they were Basques, and no friends of Franco. "Where y'goin'?" one of the men asked. "France," Beni answered. "How?" Beni shrugged. He admitted he had no idea. The man whistled through his teeth. Catalina explained, quietly, that the Basques do that all the time. "Y'come, I show!" the man said. They hastily grabbed their belongings and stumbled after the fast-moving Basque guerillas as best they could. John had raised a hornet's nest. In the near distance, behind a closed door, he could hear angry voices, raised and agitated. He had been left standing in the middle of the hangar in front of the aircraft he instantly loathed, and had bluntly criticized in front of its proud technicians. Reputations must have been riding on his approval, John thought, because the Russians, technical and operations alike, had flown into a frenzy when he made his pronouncement. A figure came up alongside him. It was the woman, the blonde test pilot he had talked to in the dining hall. She was grinning evilly. "You told them the MiG 3 is a piece of shit?" she said. "Yes," he answered. "I tell them," she chuckled, "we all say the same thing, but they not listen. Maybe they listen now?" "I hope so," John said, "because, if I was a squadron commander, I wouldn't want to send my boys up in one." "Nor me," she agreed, "or girls either." John grinned at the mild reproach. "I'm Jana Ivanova, in case you forgot," she told him, "senior pilot here." John shook her hand. He had forgotten her name. Unknown to John, Jana Ivanova was as near a star as was possible in Stalin's Russia. She had been an aerobatic and display pilot before being assigned to RAFTRWI. She had travelled throughout Russia, exciting crowds with her feats of aerial dexterity, in a kind of road show to display Soviet aviation to the masses. She had also toured in the West, had starred for the Russian team at air displays in France and Germany. And, when all was said and done, she looked like a Hollywood film star with her long blonde hair and favorable genes. She was something of a poster girl for the new Russia, the attractive face of the Soviet system to display to the West. "You see," she explained, "here in Russia, it's all about friends and arse-licking. Mikoyan, he's liked in the Ministry, and he goes out of his way to suck up. He made some very good aerobatic machines for the team in France. The Ministry liked the, how you say, 'praise' the foreigners gave to the Russian team. The bureaucrats all got medals for doing a good job and showing Russia is top in aviation. But it's all bullshit. We had the best pilots, and we could have won the competitions with a better plane. But Mikoyan, he praised the plane and blamed the pilots." "Where'd you come in the competitions?" "Third, behind Germans and British. Is unforgivable to come behind the Germans," she smiled. "I got sacked from the team and posted here. Is good, I'm sick of bullshit." "Looks like it's followed you," John said, nodding towards the shouting. "Yes," she sighed, "but now, at least, they'll turn on you!" "Thanks!" "You're safe," she said, "you've fought Messerschmitts, they need you. They can't say you know nothing because you've proved in Spain that you do. How many Fascists you shoot down?" "5 or 6. 1 unconfirmed." "There! Under Red Air Force criteria, that makes you an ace. They can't dismiss your opinion or they make themselves look stupid. You're good for us," she added, "you give authority to all of us pilots because you say the same thing that we do. We want the Yak 1, it's a much better aircraft, but Dr Yakovlev, its designer, does not have the same influence at the Ministry as Mikoyan. It's also the LaGG 3, a much better plane too, but we don't have a suitable engine for it in Russia." "Ah, the Hispano-Suiza?" "Exactly. We want the American Pratt and Whitney or British Bristol." "Radials?" "Yes, you see, liquid-cooled inlines are fine, but they require lots of maintenance by skilled mechanics. In Russia, we mostly fly from dispersal strips, most often in the middle of nowhere. It's the way we intend to fight the Germans when they come. Radials, they don't need so much attention, are air-cooled, so no radiators to worry about in combat." "True," John agreed, "but they're bulky?" "Yes, but who gives a shit when they can turn up over 1200 horsepower? It's brutal, maybe, but thrilling!" she smiled excitedly. John laughed. 'What a woman!' he thought. By the time they had made their way out of the gully where they had spent the night, the comrades had straggled out into a running, stumbling rabble desperately trying to keep up with the two Basques. Even Catalina was panting like a steam train behind 'Oz', kicked against a rock and cannoned into him, nearly knocking him down. 'Oz' turned and grabbed her, hauling her back onto her feet. She smiled a thank you and kept on running. At last, they saw those ahead had stopped. They gathered below a large fissure in the rock wall. As 'Oz' and Catalina arrived, a rope dropped down the fissure, and the first of the comrades began to climb. 'Oz' looked up and saw one of the Basques, the rope wound around his waist, urging the climbers to hurry. Thankfully, they only had to climb up the fissure about 30 metres. 'Oz' followed Catalina. She wasn't that confident a climber on the rope, but she was determined to get to the top. The comrades, those at the top as well as those on the bottom, cheered her on. When she finally stumbled to the top, she grinned and bowed to cheers and claps. 'Oz,' lean, but with good upper body strength, sprang up the rope as if he had been doing it all his life. Catalina gave him an admiring look. At the top was a flat ridge with a beaten path winding along the top of it. On either side, the ground fell steeply away into deep gullies. If someone fell off the path, they were history. The Basques were well out of sight as the comrades stumbled along the ridge. Some took off their guns and packs and slung them into the gully so they could move more easily. One of the Basques appeared ahead and urged them faster and faster. At last, 'Oz' and Catalina rounded a bend and ran straight into a group of the comrades, stopped and staring. Ahead, the track ran down in easy stages into a broad, green valley. It was beautiful and peaceful, like a picture postcard, with fields, farmhouses, a distant road, and a little village perched on the flank of a mountain. The comrades sat down or leaned against the rock to catch their breath. Some hugged each other. Catalina came and put her arm around 'Oz' as casually as if they were man and wife. 'Oz' circled her waist, and she leaned against him, still huffing from the exertion. "There!" one of the Basques pointed at the village, "Mont St Louis. You go to cousin of mine in big house by mill." "Where are we?" someone asked. "Tet valley," the man said, "that road leads down to Perpignan." "France?" "Yes, of course, France." The comrades all cheered again. There were more hugs and kisses, and Catalina began singing again. 'Oz' kissed her on the mouth. He said to shut her up. John had to explain, for perhaps the third time, his opinion of the MiG 3. Another group of technicians arrived at the meeting room, and, again, he had to go through all his points. He was growing tired and frustrated. This wasn't what he had expected when he left the Pravda that morning. Eventually, they broke for lunch, and he fled to the dining hall. The test pilots gravitated to his table. He felt like part of a leper colony as the scientists, draftsmen, and technicians became locked into animated discussions around them. Jana wore a permanent grin on her face and whispered jokes to the others in Russian. Now and then, they'd break out in laughter to the annoyance of the tables around them. She was obviously enjoying herself. "That's him," Jana nudged John's elbow, "Mikoyan. He's not happy." John followed her eyes and spotted a man in a suit with a scowl on his face. He looked briefly at them before joining a table at the far side of the room. "I wonder what the discussion's about at their table?" John asked. There were hoots of laughter from the pilots after Jana translated. Things improved in the afternoon.Chernagovka took John out to a testing field and showed him a Yak 1. It was more conventional in design than the MiG but was a clean design and practical. Yakovlev had powered it with an M105P V12, a Soviet development by Dr. Mikhunin of an earlier version of the Hispano-Suiza 12Y 'Moteur Canon.' Aero engines were a headache for the Ministry of Aircraft Procurement in Moscow during the period of rearmament before World War 2. For years, their high-performance aircraft relied on developments of the American Wright Cyclone Radial, the M25 series, but that engine had reached the end of its potential as far as Soviet engine designers were concerned. It couldn't produce the power necessary for modern fighter aircraft. Two important deals had been done during the thirties with the French Companies of Hispano-Suiza and Gnome et Rhone. The Hispano-Suiza became the basis for the M100 series; Gnome-Rhone, the M82 radials. Neither engine was completely satisfactory as far as power delivery, especially at high altitude, and it wasn't until new Western technology arrived, via the Murmansk convoys from 1941, did Russia find the power it needed. The LaGG 3 was grafted to an immense American radial, the Pratt and Whitney Double Wasp of over 2000hp and became the Lavochkin La5, perhaps the best fighter aircraft on the Eastern front in 1944. John got his chance to fly, and he came home happy. Back in the 11th century, a Franco-Norman army led by one Duc Roland, probably a Norman, and consisting of the 'Brotherhood of the 12 Peers,' was making its way over the Pyrenees to join a crusade against the Moors of Spain. Somewhere near the valley of Roncenvalles, it was comprehensively crushed by a Basque army; the 'twelve peers,' as well as Roland, were all slain. No doubt the Basques were looking for plunder, an early medieval pastime, but also they were probably defending themselves against a scavenging army of mercenaries noted for their taste for sadistic brutality (i.e., Crusaders). The origins of the Basques are shrouded in mystery and speculation. Their language is unique, totally unlike anything in the Indo-European group. But, they've defended their turf for hundreds of years against numerous invaders. They introduced the term 'guerilla' to the English language when, during the Peninsular War of 1809, they tied up French forces 10 times their size with hit-and-run tactics. Nobody can teach a Basque anything about 'irregular warfare' because they wrote the manual. As 'Oz' and the comrades made their way slowly down the mountain, people started to appear as if from nowhere. In some ways, coming down was harder than going up, and they stumbled and fell, picked themselves up, and pressed on. An old woman was standing by the roadside. She gave each of them a kiss as they passed. Two girls came and offered them bread, cheese, and thick chunks of greasy mutton. The food they scoffed as they marched on. A Gendarme came towards them, driving a donkey cart. He stopped and asked them for their weapons. These he had them stack in his cart before he trotted off. Further on, 7 black-clad figures stood in a line, clapping and waving the red and black banner. 'Land and Liberty!' they shouted as the group arrived. 'Peace and Justice!' the group yelled back. Then came something 'Oz' most feared but saw as inevitable. Catalina burst into song. They were greeted enthusiastically and emotionally by the community of Mont Louis. Mont Louis was a Basque community, and the Basques in this part of the Pyrenees were solidly Anarcho-Syndicalist. To the Basques, the French/Spanish border was irrelevant. This was their country, and they'll go wherever they like in it. They were led to a large barn, the one belonging to the cousin of their rescuer, and were offered it as accommodation. More food arrived in baskets, and clothing, freshly laundered, came carried by women appearing as old as the mountains. As they tucked into their first straight meal in a week, the cart pulled up with their weapons. These the men of the village handed back to their owners. Some comrades elected to donate their guns to their hosts, while others chose to hang on to them in the meantime. 'Oz' gave his PPD to a mustachioed man. He grinned broadly at 'Oz' and crushed him in an embrace. 'Oz' offered to show him how to operate it, but there was no need. Nobody needed to explain to a Basque about weapons. Later, 'Oz' and Catalina shared a carafe of wine with the comrades as they sat around a brazier in the barn. Some men from the village lingered to share news and get drunk with their visitors. He asked her why Anarchists didn't salute each other as the other militias did. "The Communists clench their fists," he said, "the Fascists extend their arms. And as for the military..." "It's anti-libertarian," she said, something the worse for drink, "it's subservience to bourgeois centrism." 'Oz,' shaking his head, regretted asking the question. When John arrived home to the Pravda, he was still on a high from his flight in the Yak. When he burst through the door, Benin was waiting for him, grinning broadly. She'd just had a bath, she had her hair wrapped in a towel, and she wore a long dressing gown tied at the waist. Benin opened her mouth, but John didn't give her a chance to speak. He picked her up and carried her through to the bedroom, giggling. Depositing her on the bed, he lay on her. This time, however, he was careful to support his own weight on his elbows. He then gave her a long, lingering, passionate kiss, which she returned with equal ferocity. He pulled apart her gown and kissed and sucked his way to her bare breasts. Her nipples puckered, and her chest heaved as John lapped her chest. Benin dragged at his jacket, and he obliged by standing up and pulling it off. He released his tie, shirt, and dropped his trousers desperately. Benin, bemused, untied her gown and eased herself out of it. When John had finished undressing, she was waiting expectantly. Finally, both naked, Benin made a place for him on the bed, and he laid himself beside her. Taking her in his arms, he continued to kiss and touch. Slowly, he worked his way on top once again, and Benin lifted her legs to greet him. She took his cock and placed it in the familiar notch between her legs. Sighing, she felt him slide slowly into her, and she locked her feet over the back of his strong thighs. "Did you have a good day?" she whispered to him. "The best!" he grinned, "you?" "Oh yes, baby, oh yes!"
Part 15
Authors/katzmarek/Butterfly and Falcon15.txt
Lane Novak
Full-Bodied Babe
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," the disembodied voice of the M.C. announced in the darkness, "and welcome to Club Cato. Tonight, we are pleased to introduce five young ladies with a bad reputation. Will you please welcome the hottest band the law will allow-Babe!" Applause, hoots, hollers and whistles greeted the five shapely silhouettes that appeared on stage. Suddenly, a red spotlight illuminated a glimmering electric guitar that erupted in a blaze of hard rock music. The deafening intro was followed by the rumble of a bass drum thumping out the beat. Then came the vibrations of a bass line and the bluesy refrain of a sassy keyboard, each musician commanding her own spotlight. Finally, a hot white light caught the image of the lead singer, a statuesque redhead in a skin-tight black leotard and high-heeled leather boots. Caressing the microphone between her breasts and running her wet pink tongue over her dark red lips, she flung herself into the song: "Never had to worry, never had to cry, Never needed anyone to keep me satisfied. It don't take much to find a boy willing to be true, But I want more than tenderness and I've got my eye on you. A hard man is good to find, Show me yours and I'll show you mine. In any place, at any time, a hard man is good to find." Offstage, lingering in the shadows, Mike Murphy puffed on a fat cigar and watched as Babe McKay, the lead singer, held the audience enthralled. As owner of the club, Murphy had been skeptical about booking an all-girl band, but apparently it had been a wise decision in more ways than one. Initially, Murphy had no intention of hiring the group, but Babe promised him that if he allowed them to take the stage tonight she would personally demonstrate her gratitude in the privacy of his office after the show. Now, as Babe seduced her audience in a torrid spotlight, Murphy explored her body with his leering eyes. Her voice was raw and sultry, her movements sensuously serpentine. She was using the microphone stand as a phallic symbol, grinding and pumping her pelvis against its long, hard shaft, thrusting her full, firm breasts and wiggling her shapely ass. The bitch was hot and Murphy couldn't wait to sink his throbbing prick deep into her juicy slit. "Don't want a man who's gentle, Don't want a man who begs, I see you've got potential by the bulge between your legs. So take me in your lovin' arms and let me feel the heat. We'll rock and roll the night away and never miss a beat. A hard man is good to find, Show me yours and I'll show you mine. In any place, at any time, a hard man is good to find." At the end of their song, the group received a tumultuous ovation. It took a few minutes for the noise to die down and when it did, Babe addressed the audience. "Thank you, thank you. How's everybody feeling tonight?" she asked. The crowd hollered back any number of responses, some of them profane. "Sounds good to me," Babe laughed. "Before we continue, I'd just like to introduce the band. On guitar . . ." She pointed to the attractive strawberry blonde to her right Kiki James! On bass . . ." She motioned to the raven-haired fox to her left. " . . . Suzy Simmons! On keyboard . . ." She turned to the sleek, black beauty behind Kiki. ". . . Julie Paris. And on drums . . ." She smiled at the cute, moptop brunette behind her Candy Collins!" "What's your name, darlin'," someone shouted out. "Elizabeth Maryann McKay," she shot back. "But you can call me Babe." Buoyed by the cheers of the crowd, the band launched its next number and as Babe belted out the lyrics to "Anyway You Want Me," Mike Murphy retired to his office to eagerly await his grateful employee.Murphy fell to his knees, as if in adoration of her exquisite body, his mouth watering at the sight of the sparse, red pubic hair shrouding her wet, pink, gaping gash. Placing his hands on her creamy white thighs, he leaned forward for a taste of her scrumptious snatch, parting her tender rose petals with his lips and sliding his tongue along the moist crack of her cunt. "M-m-m . . . Sweeter than honey," he remarked, savoring her warm nectar. Babe quivered to his touch as Murphy probed her inner recesses and tantalized her excitable clit. "Eat me!" she begged. "Suck my juicy pussy!" Murphy's tongue proved to be an experienced and nimble tool. He flicked it, twirled it, twisted and flapped it up and down, in and out, drenching his face in her cream, teasing and pleasing his demanding mistress. In no time at all, he had her grinding her hips and clawing his back, a bitch in heat if ever he ate one. Just when it seemed that Babe was about to come, Murphy stood up and swiftly impaled her cunt with his firm phallus. She gasped as he forced his hard cock deep into her hot, horny love hole, penetrating her until his balls were flushed against her slit. "Unh!" he grunted. "Just the way I like pussy-tight as a fist and simmering like hot gravy!" "Oh-h! Drive it home!" cried Babe. "Fuck me good and hard!" She reclined on the desk, lifted her legs and wrapped them around his bulging waist. Murphy planted the palms of his hands on Babe's buxom boobs and began humping her in long, slow strokes. His broad hips swiveled and slid back and forth, driving his dick deep into Babe's gaping gash, sparking her ecstasy with the friction of hard flesh surging within her. As his potent prong plowed her throbbing pussy, Murphy massaged Babe's bountiful breasts and yanked her bullet-shaped nipples. The combination of pain and pleasure, titillation and tenderness, made her whimper like a puppy. Engulfed in a tide of desperate desire, she clawed his ribs with her fingernails and entwined her long, shapely legs like serpents around his flexing buttocks. Relishing his conquest, Murphy prodded her with his prick faster and faster, the momentum of his thrusts calculated to raise their torrid passion to a fever pitch. Again and again, his spear pierced the creamy lips of her scintillating slit and plunged to the core to her hungry cunt which greedily accommodated every inch of his manhood. Murphy had fucked many an aspiring performer, but this one definitely had star quality. Babe, too, was enjoying the ride. As far as she was concerned, nothing, not even rock and roll, was better than sex. And if putting out for a club owner meant landing a job, so much the better. If she had to fuck her way to the top of the heap, she was going to love every minute of it. Impetuously, she unwrapped her legs, hoisted them high and rested her ankles on Murphy's brawny shoulders. Her maneuver enabled him to delve even deeper into her tantalizing twat while running his hands over all her riveted body, raking her breasts, clutching her waist, stroking her smooth, shapely thighs as they pressed against her belly. Lecherously gloating, Murphy clutched her calves against his bare chest and vigorously churned his raw cock in and out of her luscious love box. "Oh-h-h! Ah-h-h!" Babe moaned incessantly, writhing between him, squeezing her own breasts in delirious ecstasy as Murphy's muscle of lust savagely skewered her succulent sweatmeat. "Don't stop! Gimme all you've got! Oh-h-h! I want your hot cock! Yeah! Oh-h-h!" "Don't worry, Babe," he assured her with lascivious glee. "I haven't even begun to fuck you! Now roll over on your belly and spread your legs!" Murphy momentarily withdrew his jutting joystick and Babe obediently turned over on his desk, setting her legs wide apart. Lifting and separating the firm cheeks of her beautiful buttocks, he guided his trusty tool back into the gratifying grip of her juicy crack. Then, clutching her hips, Murphy rammed his rod full speed ahead. Babe flinched, then wept with rapture as he gored her throbbing pleasure pit. "Ah-h! Ah-h! Ah-h!" he gasped, slamming his belly against her ass, grinding his meat in her snug, saucy slot. His groaning and grunting punctuated each jab of his relentless cock, which demanded more and more and more of her slick, submissive squeezebox. Squealing and squirming to the perpetual prodding of his prick, Babe propped herself up on her hands, allowing Murphy to fondle her dangling tits. His rough, greedy hands grappled with her ripe melons and tugged on her taut nipples as he shoved his glistening shaft in and out of her yawning orifice. "Sing for me," Murphy suddenly demanded. Babe glanced over her shoulder. "Huh?" "That dirty little song of yours. The one you opened the show with tonight. Sing it to be, Babe. Let me hear that chorus again." "A hard man ... is good to find," she breathlessly crooned to the tempo of Murphy's persistent penetration. "Show me yours ... and I'll ... show you mine. Oh-h! In anyplace ... at any ... time. .. a hard man . . . is good to find. .." "Again!" he commanded, taking Babe's curly red mane in both fists and pulled her head back. While she sang, Murphy slowed the pace of his copulating cock. Every inch of his throbbing love muscle slithered back and forth, in and out of her torrid twat, fanning the flames of passion, guiding her slowly but surely to the brink of ultimate ecstasy. With their mutual satisfaction in mind, Babe flexed her sugar walls to tighten her grip around his plunging prong. It became a duel between them, each one trying to hold out as long as possible but determined to make the other one come first. "Uh-h-h-, fuck me!" Babe implored. "Shoot your hot come into my cunt! Come inside me!" "Not until I'm good and ready, honey!" he replied. "Better brace yourself because I'm heading into the homestretch! Here comes some furious fucking!" Murphy drilled her like a jackhammer, his darting dick running her sex socket ragged. The faster his blade ripped into her love nest, the louder Babe cried out with undeniable pleasure. "AH! AH! AH!" she gasped, quivering within and without, surging toward climax. "AH! You bastard! AH! Fuck me! Fuck me! AH-H-H-H!" Just as Babe exploded with ecstasy, Murphy thrust his pleasure tool hard and deep into her luscious pussy and came with a growl of supreme gratification. He withdrew his cock from Babe's red hot snatch and anointed her battered buttocks with its spewing residue. He collapsed in his chair, panting like a frisky dog, semen oozing from his petrified pecker. Shivering in the ebbing tide of passion fulfilled, Babe fell to her knees between his gaping thighs and orally administered to his raw manhood. Her lapping tongue hungrily devoured every drop of his seeping seed and cleansed his cock from bottom to top. "M-m-m . . . " she moaned, not only savoring his hot sauce but the warm, wonderful feeling he left between her legs. "Damn!" Murphy exclaimed when he finally caught his breath. "That was the best piece of pussy I ever had!" "There's more where that came from," Babe promised, cuddling his testicles with her big tits and tickling the tip of his tool with her wicked tongue. Murphy grinned and stroked her cheek. "Name your price." "A week's engagement." Murphy considered the proposition. No one had ever played Club Cato for a whole week, especially not a girl group. Babe was asking for quite a lot. Then again, she had quite a lot to offer. "Provided you make it worth my while each and every night," he insisted. Babe rested her cheek against his thigh and smiled. "You've got a deal."While the commercial ran on tape, Reno leaned back in his swivel chair, away from the console, and reached into his shirt pocket for another cigarette. He paused when he suddenly noticed the foxy-looking lady smiling at him through the plate glass window. He motioned her to come inside the broadcast booth and when she opened the door, he put his finger to his lips to caution silence. The commercial over, Reno cued up his first record. "Okay," he announced into the mouthpiece of his headset, "it's nine, seventeen. Let's get into a half an hour of nonstop music right here at your number one radio station, WXLV." As soon as the song began, Reno switched off his microphone, removed his headset and turned his attention to his attractive visitor. She was dressed in a sheer, pink see-through blouse sans bra, a long black skirt that buttoned up the side, and black leather, high-heeled boots. "Well," Reno grinned, eyeing her thinly-veiled breasts. "Nice to see you again, ah . . . what was your name?" "Babe," she replied. "Babe McKay." "Right, right. Babe ... what an appropriate name." "I hope I'm not disturbing you, Mr. Reno," said Babe innocently. "Call me Jay," he insisted. Babe flashed a friendly smile. "Tell me, Jay, did you get a chance to listen to the demo I gave you." "The demo?" "'I Want It And I Want It Now.'" Reno stared at her with dull surprise. "I beg your pardon?" "The name of the song," Babe elaborated. "Oh! Oh, yeah! Yeah, I listened to it." "Well? What did you think of it?" asked Babe. "Great song. The best thing I've heard in ages." "Then you'll play it on the air?" "Ah-h ... I'm afraid not," said Reno. "Why not?" "It's a little too ... passionate for radio," Reno explained. "What do you mean?" "I mean, the lyrics are pretty explicit." "Explicit?" "I've got the FCC, the PMRC and all the sponsors to worry about," he claimed. "They'd throw a fit if I played something that raw on the air." "Oh, come on," Babe scoffed. "The lyrics are well within the boundaries of local standards. It's just a matter of interpretation. Sure, there are plenty of double entendres, but all the great rock songs have them." "Yeah, well ... I'm afraid I left your demo at home," said Reno, grasping for excuses. "That's okay," Babe replied, reaching into her handbag. "I have another copy right here." "You're certainly a determined young woman, aren't you?" Reno remarked, accepting the record. "Very." "Look, I wish I could bend the rules for you, but..." "I'll make it worth your while," Babe offered. Reno raised his hands. "Hey ... I don't take payola." "Of course you don't. I was thinking of something of a more .... intimate nature." Her proposition piqued Reno's interest. "Oh? Where and when?" "Here and now," she boldly suggested. "In the booth?" "Off mike. While you play the record. We are alone, aren't we?" "Yes, but . . ." "You only have to play it once." "Only once?" "Unless, of course, you're flooded with requests for an encore." "Which is unlikely." Babe shrugged. "You never know. What do you say? Is it a deal?" Reno scrutinized her breasts through the sheer blouse. "You won't breathe a word of it, will you?" "Not a single soul," Babe promised, crossing her heart. Reno swallowed hard. The record on the air was fading out. He clicked on his mike. "We interrupt this music marathon," he announced, "to bring you a special recording we just got our hands on. It's a single by a local band that calls itself Babe. I think you're going to enjoy this. It's called, `I Want It And I Want It Now.' A world premiere, right here, on the place to be .. WXLV..." As Candy's spirited drumbeat began to pound over the airwaves, followed by Suzy's bass and Kiki's guitar, Babe sashayed toward the accommodating disk jockey. "I think you're going to enjoy this," she predicted with a sultry smile. Reno sat up straight in his chair and Babe slid onto his lap. "I'm a present," she said. "Unwrap me." "I want it ... and I want it now... I need it ... got to get it somehow..." went the song. While the record was spinning, Reno was slowly stripping her. He started by unbuttoning her blouse and sliding his hands inside to cup her full, firm breasts. Babe's nipples automatically sprouted at the mere touch of his skin, protruding through his fingers as he gently massaged her tits. He lifted her boobs to his lips and swabbed her jutting pink buttons with his nimble tongue. Instantly tantalized, Babe bit her lip and cradled his head in her bosom. As Reno lusciously sucked her tits, he began unfastening the skirt, peeling away the garment that cloaked her shapely legs. He was pleased to discover that she wore nothing beneath the skirt but a black garter belt and sheer nylon stockings. He ran his hand over her soft and silky thighs, then stroked her fluffy bush before plunging his middle finger deep into her warm, moist slit. Babe gasped as he tugged on her nipples with his lips and probed her tight tunnel with his stiff finger. Babe squirmed as Reno intimately penetrated her. With a shrug her blouse slid down her arms and fell to the floor. She then set about the task of undressing Reno. She unbuttoned his shirt and raked his hairy chest with her fingernails, sending chills through his body. Reno retaliated by rubbing her clit with his thumb while his middle finger continued to pump in and out of her saucy slot. Babe whimpered with pleasure and tried to close her legs, but Reno's hands remained firmly wedged in her crotch, stirring her love juices and inflaming her passion. She pressed her lips against his chest and began licking his thickly-matted flesh. Reno relented his grip on her pussy, allowing her to slide off his lap and kneel between his legs. Babe's tongue wandered down to his belly as she hastily unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. Reno rose to his feet and let his pants fall to his knees. His briefs barely concealed his bulging cock which Babe gently stroked and squeezed. Finally, she tugged down his underwear and Reno's rigid rod sprang like a switchblade in her face. Extending her long, wet tongue, Babe tenderly tickled his testicles. Reno's dick throbbed with anticipation, flexing uncontrollably as she toyed with his dangling balls. Then, as she caressed his trembling thighs with her soft hands, Babe lusciously lapped his looming lance, sliding her drooling, pink tongue up and down his shaft and twirling the tip around its plump head. Then, while Reno held her head between his hands, Babe proceeded to give the DJ a BJ, feasting on his firm phallus while the record provided a suitable soundtrack for their lustful interlude: "Don't care where it comes from, As long as there's enough, I got a sweet tooth, baby, For you candy cane of love. I said, I want it ... and I want it now,I need it ... gotta get it somehow." While Reno forced his passion pole down Babe's throat, she held his flexing buttocks in her hands and clawed his ass with her fingernails. "Ah-h-h..." he moaned as his hips rocked back and forth, driving his slick dick in and out of her sucking mouth. Every so often he'd roll his rod around and around her tongue, grinding his crotch into her submissive face, then piercing her tight lips to shove his shaft deeper into her gulping gullet. "Suck it, baby!" he gleefully commanded. "Suck my big dick! Mmm! Yeah!" Babe swayed her head back and forth, devouring every inch of his jutting manhood, immersing his taut tool in the warm, wet orifice that was her mouth. She sucked him slowly, she sucked him fast, she sucked him deeper and harder than anyone had ever sucked him before. But just when Reno was getting ready to fire his hot pistol, he heard the record fading out. "Oh, shit!" he exclaimed, reluctantly withdrawing his cock and stumbling to the console. Thinking fast, he jammed a tape into a slot and pressed a button. "Instant repla-a-a-a-y-y-y . . ." belched a robot-like voice and Reno played the record again from the very beginning. "There now," he smiled, lifting one leg at a time to remove his pants. He turned to Babe. "Where were we?" She stood up and walked over to the console. Then she hopped onto Reno's desk and spread her stockinged legs. "I have a request for my DJ," she said with a playful grin. "What's it called?" Reno chuckled. "Fuck me," she replied. Reno glanced at her inviting cunt, then muttered slyly, "I'll try to fit it in." As Reno stepped between her parted thighs, Babe guided his stiff prick between the moist, pink lips of her throbbing pussy. Once he had penetrated her narrow slit, Reno plunged his prong deep into her tight, tantalizing twat. Babe wrapped her legs around his waist to absorb the full magnitude of his magnificent manhood. Overwhelmed with passion, Reno grasped the cheeks of her ass and lifted Babe off the desk. Impaled on his long lance, she clung to his neck as he bounced her up and down, fucking her in mid-air. Babe wailed with delight as she rode his greasy pole, lunging up and sliding down again and again. Then Reno set her down on a narrow ledge against a plate of glass between the broadcast booth and an outside corridor. As Reno skewered Babe's saturated snatch, her bare back and buttocks pressed against the thick, transparent pane. He kept slamming into her to the driving beat of the record: "You've got the kind of muscle I've been longing for, When you put it to me boy, It makes me beg for more. I want it ... and I want it now, I need it ... gotta get it somehow ..." As Reno was ramming his tool into Babe's juicy crack, his replacement, "Slim," Jim Joplin walked into the station earlier than usual.He was walking down the hall past the broadcast booth and happened to glance at the window. He did a double-take and stopped dead in his tracks. He gaped at the naked woman who didn't notice him because her back was turned and he waved until he caught Reno's attention. Without missing a stroke, Reno gave him a thumbs up sign and went right on fucking Babe. Rather than leave, Joplin stood there and watched, intrigued and aroused. Finally, Reno withdrew from Babe's hot box and forced her to turn around. Kneeling on the ledge with the front of her body pressed against the glass, Babe shuddered with ecstasy as Reno penetrated her pussy from behind. Moments later, with her favorite DJ prodding her succulent socket with his riveting prick, Babe opened her eyes and was startled to see "Slim" Jim standing right before her. But instead of covering herself or running away in shame, Babe found herself curiously titillated. She decided to incorporate Joplin in a most unusual menage a trois. Babe pressed her tits against the glass and beckoned him forward. At first, Joplin merely gazed at her in astonishment. His voyeurism aroused Babe even more. Judging by the enormous bulge in his pants, he was equally tantalized by the situation. Timidly, he reached out and touched the spot on the glass where Babe's right nipple rested. He traced circles around her flaming red areolas and flattened his palms to cover her boobs. Babe licked the glass with her tongue, encouraging Joplin to move closer. They pressed their lips against the glass as if to kiss and placed the tips of their tongues at the same spot. Then Joplin bent down to lick her breasts, never actually touching her flesh, but thrilling Babe and himself just the same. He wandered lower and lower, until he was on his knees, lapping the glass where Babe seemed to press her crotch against his face. He got a close-up view of Reno's cock as it pumped itself in and out of her gaping pussy. Horny as all hell, Joplin straightened up, unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. Babe's eyes widened with admiration as Joplin's enormous organ rose like a drawbridge. She bent down, thrusting her rump against Reno's hairy belly and sliding her cunt all the way down his embedded shaft. Joplin pressed his cock against the windowpane and watched as Babe ran her tongue up and down the transparent barrier. It appeared as if she was licking his prick. In fact, Joplin could almost feel it. He groaned ecstatically as Babe's lapping tongue squeaked against the glass. Spurred on by this kinky spectacle, Reno clutched Babe's garter straps and screwed her hot honey pot with the speed and force of a jackhammer. The sound of the records's grinding guitar punctuated his savage, staccato thrusts as he and Babe surged toward an incredible orgasm. He plundered her pussy with all the power he possessed, jabbing and stabbing her luscious love hole until both of them howled with pleasure. Just as Reno filled Babe's quivering twat with his creamy load, Joplin ejaculated, splattering the window with his manly ooze. The three of them not only came together, but they came at the climax of the record. As the song faded out, Reno withdrew from Babe's throbbing cunt and staggered to the console. "Whew!" he exclaimed on the air. "That song," he panted, "left me ... breathless! Let's get back to ... the music marathon while I ... I recover." After making the announcement and cuing the tapes, Reno turned around to gather his clothing and was surprised to see that Babe had disappeared. While the disk jockey slipped into his pants, Joplin trudged into the booth, trying to buckle his belt. "Where's the girl?" asked Reno. "Gone," said Joplin. "She just grabbed her clothes and ran out of the studio. Who was she, anyway? I wanted to thank her." "Just some slut trying to get a little airplay," Reno cynically replied. "Well, she sure knew who to turn to," Joplin remarked. "Look who's talking. She got you off without putting a finger on you. By the way, would you mind wiping that stain off the glass." Joplin pointed to the console. "Hey, look. The phone lines are all lit up." Reno pressed down one of the six flashing buttons and lifted the telephone receiver. "Hello, WXLV ... That last record? It's called `I Want It And I Want It Now' by Babe. Sure, I'll play it again a little later in the show. Right." He pressed down another button. "WXLV . . You want to hear the Babe record again? We already played it twice . . Okay, okay. We'll play it again later ... Yeah, I promise." Each time Reno switched to another line, the line he had just answered lit up again. "WXLV ... You want to hear `I Want It And I Want It Now' and you want to hear it now? Whatever you say, pal." The calls kept coming and every single one was a request for Babe's record. "Do you believe this?" Joplin marveled. "You've created a monster." "A monster hit," Reno replied. "I've got to get a hold of that chick." "You already did," quipped Joplin. "She's gonna' go a long way." "She already has."But it's only fair to warn you, whatever happens between us doesn't constitute a binding agreement. Babe shrugged. "Then let's just do it for the fun of it." She began stroking his leg, arousing him. "Even if I were willing to invest some of my valuable time to consider you as a client, I doubt I could convince The Boys that your band ought to be their opening act." "Bet I could convince them," Babe grinned. "Yeah, I bet you could," Henderson agreed, taking one of her breasts in his hand. "Where would I find them?" Babe inquired. "They're sequestered at Derek's suburban estate. They're rehearsing for the tour. They don't want to be disturbed. The place is heavily guarded. They don't even want to hear from me." "I find that hard to believe," Babe scoffed. "I'm sure you could do something on my behalf... especially if I do something for you." "You have a lot to learn, young lady," smirked Henderson. "You can't get ahead in this business simply by spreading your legs." Testing his calm, Babe placed her hand on his crotch and gave it a gentle squeeze. "On the other hand," said Henderson, "it's a great way to make friends." "I have a feeling this is the beginning of a long, productive friendship," Babe predicted, unzipping his fly. As she yanked it out of his pants, Henderson's cock swelled in her grasp. Babe knelt between his legs and began sliding her wet lips up and down his shaft, gliding her mouth around and around its bulbous head before consuming the entire bulk of his throbbing tool. As she sucked his dick, Henderson leaned his head back and closed his eyes, savoring the moist warmth of her luscious mouth. Her head bobbed slowly, her hands meticulously unbuckling his belt and loosening his trousers, stripping him below the waist without missing a stroke. When Henderson opened his eyes, he noticed Sergio watching them in the rear view mirror. "Hey, Serge. Keep your eyes on the road," he suggested. "But we're not moving, boss," the chauffeur replied. He was right. They were still stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. In fact, that made things all the more interesting. Concealed behind tinted glass, Henderson and Babe were visible only to Sergio although surrounded by motorists. "Just don't get into an accident," Henderson warned. Sergio tipped his cap and went right on watching as Babe whittled away on Henderson's meat whistle. Suddenly, she paused. Hastily, she removed what little clothing she was wearing and remarked, "This is gonna be good!" Then she resumed, squeezing her tits together and wedging Henderson's cock between them. She moved up and down and each time his taut member prodded her chin, Babe would hang her head and tease the tip of his prick with her drooling tongue. "O-o-o-o!" Henderson shuddered, pumping his pecker through her bosom. "You are a hot little honey!" "Wanna' suck my pussy?" she bluntly asked. "I want to suck it and fuck it," he just as crudely replied. Babe reclined on the seat facing Henderson's, spread her legs wide and slid her gaping crotch toward him. Henderson stared in awe at her tempting pink gash, sparsely garnished with her fluffy fleece of pubic hair. Falling to his knees, he wrapped his arms around her thighs and lowered his lips to her luscious slit. He traced the tender petals of her pussy with the tip of his tongue and tasted the bittersweet nectar of her succulent cunt. Then he gently licked her throbbing clitoris, sparking Babe's desire. She moaned softly as he twirled his tongue around her lovebutton, plunged into her hole and vigorously lapped her creamy mound. "Oh-h-h-h, that's so-o-o-o good!" she gasped. "Don't let up! Eat me! Eat my pussy!" While he tamed her twat with his wicked tongue, Henderson squeezed and teased Babe's writhing tits, taking her hard nipples between his fingertips and tugging. Tingling from the sensation, Babe placed her hands on the back of his head and smothered his face in her juicy crack, grinding her horny clit against his upper lip as his tongue slithered like a snake deep into her warm, vibrant vagina. "Uh-h! Uh-h!" she panted. "That's the way I like it! M-m-m! Uh-h!" After working her into a frenzy with his wet whip of a tongue, Henderson came up for air. "Oh-h, don't stop!" Babe implored. "You know what I want and you know where I want it!" "Yeah," Henderson grinned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "You want a stiff cock and that's just what I intend to give you." He reached down, took his dick in his hand and guided it into Babe's eager beaver. Her cunt was so saturated that all eight inches of Henderson's manhood penetrated her like a hot knife slicing through butter. "Uh-h-h-h!" cried Babe as she absorbed his lovepole. "A perfect fit! Now fuck me! Fuck me deep and slow!" Prying her thighs even farther apart with his big hands, Henderson pumped his prick in and out of Babe's smooth orifice. After several hearty strokes, he glanced up and caught Sergio watching them in the rear view mirror. "Eat your heart out," said Henderson. "Damn it, boss," Sergio muttered, squirming in his seat. "You're a real cockteaser, you know that?" "Hey, when was the last time you had a piece of ass like this one?" Henderson asked. "Shit, I can't remember when," Sergio admitted. Pitying the horny bastard, Henderson came up with a suggestion. "Why don't you get off at the nearest exit, park the car and join us? I'm sure the young lady wouldn't mind taking care of both of us. Would you, sweetheart?" "The more the merrier," purred Babe, raking Henderson's buttocks with her fingernails as he continued to prod her pussy with his potent prong. Sergio jockeyed his way through the stagnant traffic and managed to drive the limo down a deserted backstreet. There, he came to a stop, switched off the ignition and removed his driver's cap. Then he transferred to the back of the car and stripped as fast as he could. "Good grief!" Babe exclaimed when she got a look at this extraordinarily muscular torso and his huge hunk of trouser meat. "You've got the biggest cock I've ever seen!" "Well, you know what they say, it's quality, not quantity," Sergio modestly maintained. "Bullshit," said Babe, estimating his taut tool at fourteen inches in length, twice the size she was accustomed to, "it's both!" To accommodate the two of them, Babe got on all fours. While Henderson stashed his slick dick in her gash from behind, Sergio slipped his monumental member into her hot, hungry mouth. "M-m-m..." Babe moaned, savoring Sergio's stiff meat while Henderson skewered her scintillating slit. At first, she could only consume the bulging knob of Sergio's cock, then a few inches. He was a patient lover, however, stroking her hair and her face as he slowly pierced her tight lips and slid his prick over her drooling tongue toward the back of her throat. As she sucked, Babe massaged his dangling balls and raked his flexing buttocks with her sharp fingernails. As his passion intensified, Sergio forced more and more of his mammoth manhood into her mouth. His hips rocked back and forth, faster and faster, plunging his demanding dick deeper and deeper down Babe's warm, delicious throat. Competing for her pleasure, Henderson drove his pole of a prick into her throbbing pussy with relentless fury. As he rammed his rod harder and harder into her saucy, submissive slot, he reached forward and clutched her tits, pinching her pert nipples. He then slid his hands along her writhing rib cage, around her waist and pried apart the cheeks of her ass. He slammed his hips against the back of her thighs again and again, jamming her juicy joy box with his jutting javelin. "I'm gonna come soon," Henderson warned. "Me, too!" gasped Sergio. Babe abruptly withdrew from both of them. Instead, she took their cocks in each of her hands and jerked them off. "Let me know when you're ready," she said. "I want both of you to come in my mouth!" With each of them kneeling on the seat on either side of her face, Babe yanked their cranks with her fists until Henderson and Sergio were about to erupt. At the last second they both gave the word, Babe opened her mouth wide and received their spurting seed. Greedily, she swallowed every squirt of their hot cream and licked their cocks clean. Henderson collapsed on the floor, panting with exhaustion and ecstasy. But Sergio was still hard as a rock. "Ready for seconds?" asked Babe hopefully. "Go for it!" he enthusiastically replied. Babe encouraged him to lie on his back while she mounted him and rode his sturdy lance. Babe worked her way up from a slow bounce to a furious gallop, flapping her tits, sliding her saturated snatch up and down the entire length of Sergio's horn of plenty. While her cunt was busy conquering the biggest piece of hardware she had ever encountered, her hands were busy exploring his incredibly muscular physique, clawing his bulging shoulders and chest, pressing against his hard, rippling belly. Suddenly, Sergio grasped her wrists, sat up and forced Babe backwards. In a split second, he assumed the superior position, pinning Babe to the seat and hovering over her, his broad hips wedged between her gaping thighs and his rod of iron buried to the hilt in her tight tantalizing tool box. "Fuck me!" Babe demanded. "Fuck my pussy, you animal!" Sergio spared her nothing. He balled her mercilessly, repeatedly thrusting his fleshpole into her helpless honey pot, gouging and grinding, driving her to tears of joy. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried. "Ah-h! I'm... I'm gonna come! Oh! Oh! You fucking bastard! Give it to me! Oh!" As she soared toward climax, Babe lifted her legs and wrapped them around Sergio's buttocks.His lips came down on her mouth and she sucked on his tongue, crushed beneath the weight of his powerful body, his flesh burning into hers. Then Babe began thrashing her head from side to side, riding the crest of a devastating orgasm. "Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h!" she screamed. "Ah-h-h-h-h!" Sergio withdrew, then came crashing down upon her like a tidal wave, exploding inside of her, filling her with his manly essence. When Babe finally opened her eyes, she saw Henderson staring down at her. Sergio had collapsed in her arms and was unable to move. "So," said Babe, untangling herself from his listless limbs, "about the gig with The Boys" "Oh, yes, the business at hand," Henderson smirked. " As I told you ... people come to see The Boys. It doesn't matter to them or me who's the opening act. I'm not the one you've got to convince. It's The Boys." "Fine. When can you arrange for me to see them?" Henderson shook his head. "I can't. When The Boys are in rehearsal, they won't see anybody. Not even me. Not even the President of the United States. I'm afraid you're on your own." "Thanks a lot," said Babe sarcastically, pushing Sergio off of her. The chauffeur tumbled to the floor with a thud. Henderson shrugged. "Can we drop you off anywhere?" "Right here will be fine," Babe replied. She was barely dressed when she got out of the car. As she was leaving, Henderson said, "Good luck." "Thanks for your time," she grudgingly remarked. "Oh, by the way," said Henderson. "What did you say your name was?" Babe glared at him. Henderson smiled. "I was only kidding." The gate to Derek Andersen's estate was an intimidating barrier-iron bars that rose to a height of about twelve feet, the only entrance to twenty acres of property completely surrounded by brick walls, security devices and several burly bodyguards. When Babe saw the obstacle her heart sank. But her determination and imagination provided her with a means of entry. She approached the check point and responded to the guard's stoic expression with a big grin. "Hi. I'm Tracy Evans from Music Mania magazine. I'm here to interview The Boys." The tall, husky guard scrutinized her from head to toe, then smirked, "Sure you are." "No, really," Babe insisted, consulting her wristwatch. "I have an eleven o'clock appointment." "I don't know anything about an appointment," he replied. "Of course you don't," Babe giggled. "I'm not here to interview you." The guard was not amused. "Very funny. Got any I.D.?" "Oh, dear. I seem to have forgotten my purse." "Just as I thought." "You can check with my editor," Babe bluffed. "I don't have to check with anybody. No I.D., no entry." Unperturbed, Babe tried another approach. "Say, aren't you Derek's bodyguard?" "Yeah," he smugly confirmed. "What of it?" "You're some hunk of machinery," she said, admiring his biceps. "The better to keep intruders out of here." "Hmm. Maybe I ought to skip the interview with The Boys and do a story on you." "Me?" he scoffed. "Who'd be interested in a story about me?" "Any woman who knows a real man when she sees one," said Babe. The guard grinned and nodded his head. "Maybe you've got something there." "Looks like you've got something there," Babe observed, glancing at his crotch. "What's your name?" "Jeff Kroeger. But they call me, `Bull.'" "I'll bet they do," Babe flirtatiously muttered. Aroused by the prospect of scoring some trim as well as a little notoriety of his own, Bull relaxed his guard. "Maybe you'd like to find out why." "Maybe I would," Babe replied. "Why don't you let me in so that we can get better acquainted." "Gee ... I don't know," he hesitated. Babe reached through the bars and caressed the lump in his pants. "Don't tease me, Bull. I'm so horny, I can't think straight." "Hot damn!" he gulped and without further ado, Bull unlocked the gate and ushered Babe inside. "Is there any place where we can be alone?" she asked. "Well . . . our best bet's one of the guest rooms in the house," said Bull. They hurried up the gravel path leading to the mansion but instead of using the front door, where another guard was posted, Bull suggested a detour through a garden and onto a veranda behind the house. They entered through the sliding glass doors of an atrium and proceeded through a succession of unfurnished rooms until they reached a carpeted staircase that led to the bedrooms upstairs. "Just keep it quiet, okay?" Bull whispered over his shoulder as he crept up the stairs. Babe didn't say a word as she followed close behind. She did, however, take notice of her surroundings, memorizing the layout of the place. "Here we are," said Bull, taking her by the hand and slipping into one of the guest rooms. Once inside, he locked the door. "Well, how's this for privacy?" "Perfect," Babe agreed, noticing that the bathroom adjoined the bedroom next door. "Why don't you get undressed while I freshen up?" she suggested. "I'll only be a minute." "Sure," grinned Bull, peeling off his T-shirt. "Don't start without me," winked Babe as she disappeared into the bathroom. As soon as she had closed the door, she stepped into the next bedroom and back out into the second floor corridor. She tip-toed from room to room, quietly opening and closing doors in search of any of The Boys. Finding no one, she went downstairs. There, she came upon a huge ballroom containing the group's musical instruments and sound equipment, but not one member of the band was present and accounted for. Obviously, this was where they rehearsed, but from the look of things not much practicing had been going on. A drumset was collecting dust and when Babe tried strumming a few chords on one of the guitars, she found two strings out of tune. "Looking for something?" asked a male voice behind her. Babe wheeled around and found herself face-to-face with Ace Corkran, the group's drummer. With his long brown hair, blue eyes and boyish features, he was even cuter in person than in all the fan magazines. "Actually, I'm looking for someone," she clarified. "Anyone in particular?" he casually inquired. "You'll do." Amused, Ace circled her, assessing his discovery. "And who might you be?" "My name is Babe McKay." "Babe?" "The one and only." "Well, how do you do? I'm the one and only ..." "Ace Corkran," Babe interjected, barely able to contain herself. "Oh, a fan." "A devoted one," she gushed. Ace smiled. "Those are the best kind. Pretty, too," he observed. "Thanks." "Wait, don't tell me, you just happened to be in the neighborhood and decided to drop by." "Actually, I've gone to a great deal of trouble to see you," Babe admitted. "I'm flattered." "Well, it's business as well as pleasure." "Which should we conduct first?" asked Ace. Babe smiled and caressed his cheek with the back of her hand. "Oh, I always before pleasure before business." "What a coincidence," Ace murmured, lowering his mouth to Babe's parted lips. They kissed softly, innocently. But as the kiss lingered, passion began to transform innocence into desire and desire into lust. Ace wound his arms around Babe's waist and she ran her hands through his long brown hair. Their bodies pressed against each other and their tongues mingled. Soon they were fondling and groping. Babe's hands were all over him and Ace, who could juggle a mean pair of drumsticks, wasn't shy or clumsy about exploring her body. He squeezed her tits through her silky blouse, lifted her skirt to palm the round cheeks of her ass and slide his lean fingers up and down the damp crotch of her panties. As they continued to neck, Ace slipped Babe's panties a few inches down her stockinged thighs and gently stroked her hairy pubic mound. Babe sighed in his ear and as he traced the creamy lips of her slit with his fingertips. Eventually, he inserted his middle finger into her warm hole and churned her love juices. "Oh-h-h," Babe whimpered. "You're getting me hot!" "That's the idea," Ace replied, sinking to his knees. While Babe held the hem of her skirt up to her waist, Ace stroked her legs and buried his face in her luscious pussy. He licked her cunt as if it were an ice cream cone, but the treat was on Babe. She slowly swayed her hips as Ace plunged his drooling tongue into her savory snatch, twirling it like a corkscrew in her honey pot and flicking it like a whip against her throbbing clit.Then, as if performing a ritual, she gently and sensuously sucked his dick, closing her juicy lips around the knob of his manhood and sliding her mouth up and down the rigid shaft. As she gobbled his golden rod, Ace lovingly caressed her face and ran his fingers through her curly hair. His surging cock repeatedly pierced her lips, depressed her tongue and grazed the smooth tunnel of her throat, savoring its wet, exquisite warmth. He leaned back and looked down so he could watch as his cock slowly entered and reentered her mouth. "M-m-m ... m-m-m . . ." Babe kept moaning as she feasted on his firm phallus. Her passion sent shivers through Ace's body. Lusting for her wanton mouth, he locked his fingers behind her head and jerked his hips back and forth, faster and faster, feverishly forcing his fleshpole deeper and deeper down her gulping gullet, his throbbing balls lapping against her jutting chin. Suddenly, the door opened and in stormed Bull. Ace scarcely glanced over his shoulder, indifferent to the intrusion. "Don't you ever knock?" he dryly admonished, hardly missing a stroke as he kept on plunging his prick into Babe's hungry mouth. Bull was momentarily speechless, gawking at the two of them. "Well?" Ace demanded impatiently. "She isn't supposed to be here," Bull blurted. "She crashed the gate." "It's all right," said Ace. "She's a friend of mine." "But ... but my orders were to ..." "Your orders are to get out of here and close the door behind you!" Ace shouted. "For Pete's sake! Can't a man get a little privacy around here?" "Whatever you say, Mr. Corkran," Bull muttered with a mixture of anger and envy. The big bodyguard lumbered off, shutting the door as he left the room. "Alone at last," quipped Ace, sliding his hard wet cock out of Babe's mouth. He knelt down beside her and tenderly caressed her face. As he leaned forward and kissed Babe's lips, Ace dropped his hands to her shoulders and tugged the straps of her bra down her arms. Babe reached behind her to unfasten the clasps, unleashing her big, bountiful breasts. Ace filled his hands with her golden nuggets, twisting her pert nipples until they throbbed. "Suck my tits," Babe breathlessly implored, cradling his head in her bosom. Ace slid his tongue up and down between her heaving hooters, then nursed on her luscious mounds, his teeth tugging on her raw, pink nipples. Babe rolled her head around and around, gasping and writhing with ecstasy. Hankering for a helping of her saucy slit, Ace slashed her belly with his hot tongue, forcing Babe to lie on her back while he delved into the delectable honeycomb between her gaping thighs. "Uh-h-h . . ." Babe moaned, stroking his head as it squirmed in her crotch. "Do me, baby ... Eat my pussy ... Yeah-h-h . . . " She lifted her hips off the floor to meet the thrust of his lustful tongue. Ace shoved his hands beneath her ass so that he could feast on her mouth-watering muff. As Babe's stockinged legs rubbed against his ribs, he buried his face in her cunt. His lips sucked gently on her glistening clit, savoring the nectar that seeped from her torrid twat. To intensify her pleasure, Ace inserted his thumb into Babe's vagina and his middle finger into her anus while his tongue twirled around her tender lovebutton. As he licked her luscious jewel, he pumped his nimble digits in and out of her two hot holes, fanning the flames of her mounting passion. "Oh-h-h-h! Yes! Oh-h-h-h!" she whimpered, grinding her pelvis. If there was anything Babe relished it was a combination of cunnilingus and finger-fucking. As Ace flicked Babe's clit, he forced his fingers deeper and deeper into her throbbing orifices. When they were embedded to the knuckles, he stirred them around and around like propellers, driving Babe wild. "Ah-h-h-h!" she shuddered, tugging his hair and rocking her hips from side to side. "I love it! Uh!" But as good as it was, it was only foreplay. Babe wanted more. She wanted the big payoff. "Fuck me!" she demanded, lifting Ace's face from her saturated snatch. "Stick your cock in my cunt and fuck me good!" Just as hot for some first-rate pussy, Ace mounted her and effortlessly guided his stiff tool into Babe's juicy slit. As his cock slid through her tight tunnel of love, he wrapped his fingers around each of her tits and anointed her jutting nipples with his wet tongue. "All the way in!" Babe breathlessly implored, raking his ribs with her fingernails and winding her long, stockinged legs around his waist to absorb every inch of his hard meat. "Show me what a good fucking is all about!" Ace did just that, pumping his prick slowly in and out of her lovenest while lavishing her face, her neck, her tits with luscious kisses and stroking her writhing flesh with his big, strong hands. Babe's groans of pleasure punctuated each thrust of his cock. He was a meticulous lover, not at all impetuous, a connoisseur of carnal indulgence. "I could fuck like this forever," Babe blissfully declared. "I don't think I could keep it up for that long," Ace quipped, adding with a smile, "but I'll try." Babe made the most of the stiff shaft tucked snugly in her insatiable snatch. As Ace drove his spike to the core of her desire, she arched the small of her back to consume the maximum bulk of his riveting manhood. Unable to restrain his lust indefinitely, Ace prodded her harder and faster, taking hold of her ankles and holding her legs up in a gaping V so he could watch his dick penetrating her succulent cunt. "M-m-m-m-m . . . " Babe moaned, massaging her own breasts, aroused herself by the sight of her idol clutching her legs and pounding his prick into her hot honey pot. "Gimme cock!" she snarled. "Yeah! Fuck my pussy!" "Are you always this soft-spoken?" Ace facetitiously inquired. "I like to talk dirty," she admitted. "Especially when it's being put to me right. Don't you approve?" "I'm just not used to it. In fact, I've never met a woman as uninhibited as you." "How do you like it?" asked Babe. "I don't," he replied. "You don't?" "No ... I love it." "In that case," said Babe, embracing him, "shut up and fuck me!" Ace released Babe's legs, withdrew his rod momentarily and coaxed her to roll over on her belly. Intuitively, she propped herself up on her hands and knees, assuming the doggie position. Ace knelt between her parted thighs, pried apart the plump cheeks of her ass and reinserted his love lance into the warm, wet sheath of her tantalizing cunt. Swollen from its initial penetration, Babe's twat was tighter than ever but twice as satisfying. Ace set his body in motion, jerking his pelvis back and forth, slamming his hips against Babe's beautiful butt and ramming his pleasure pole deep into her gaping gash. His partner in lust responded to each exquisite thrust with a gratified grunt, practically begging for more. As he plundered Babe's red hot pussy, Ace caressed every reachable inch of her quivering body. He took special delight in digging his fingers into her shoulder blades as his dick dug into her sizzling sexhole. He squeezed and tugged at her dangling tits, twirled curls with his fingers in her damp pubic hair, and stroked her thighs beneath her clinging nylon stockings. "Give it to me, Ace!" Babe cried, glancing over her shoulder. "I can't get enough of your sweet stuff!" He relentlessly banged her joy box, thoroughly balling the bitch until she was fit to be tied. "Any final requests?" he asked, eager to bring this session to a fulfilling finale. "Yeah," said Babe, nowhere near the finish line. "Spank me!" "What?" laughed Ace. "You heard me! Spank my ass! Then fuck it and come inside of me!" At that point, Ace was game for anything. He disengaged himself from Babe's saucy slit and began slapping her buttocks. "Ow!" she flinched. "How's that?" he asked. "Again!" she insisted. "Harder!" Ace whacked her hide as hard as he could. The sting made Babe clench her teeth. "Again!" she screamed. "Keep doing it! Don't stop." As he repeatedly paddled her rosy red rump, Ace got a perverse thrill out of inflicting pain. He also succumbed to her perverse sense of humor as he soon found himself spanking Babe to the beat of The Boys' hit song, "Bad Girl." As if playing a pair of bongos, he pounded out the rhythm. Before long, he couldn't help singing the song: "You're a bad girl, you have no shame, A bad girl, don't even know your name, But it doesn't matter who you are, You're in hot pursuit of a shooting star, You're a bad girl, what can I say, A bad girl, and I like it that way." "Bravo!" raved Babe, her raw derriere burning crimson. "Now pork me!" Ace spread her tender cheeks and drilled his cock into her tiny crevice. Babe cried out in pain and pleasure. "Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h-h! Oh! It hurts so good!" Grasping the flexing straps of her garter belt as if taking the reins of a runaway chariot, Ace leaned back and began driving his sex pistol in and out of Babe's horny holster. Her anus was as tight as a vise but quickly adapted to the bloated dimensions of his darting dick. Soon Babe was writhing like a bitch in heat. "Uh! Uh! Oh-h-h-h, baby! You're my Ace in the hole!" she wallowed. "Don't hold back! Gimme all your cream! Ah-h! Pump some juice into my caboose!" Spurred by her passionate mouthings, Ace drilled her like a jackhammer. His relentless rod pierced her narrow backdoor again and again, savagely savoring her sweet socket until his passion was so intense he couldn't stop himself from coming. When he did, Ace wrapped his arms around her waist and jammed his cock as far up her asshole as it would go. Then his hot cream spewed as if shot from a cannon. "Yes-s-s-s!" hissed Babe, absorbing the dewy deluge in the deep recesses of her aching anus.. "Fill 'er up!" she cried. "Ah-h! Ah-h! Ah-h!," Ace grunted, trembling with ecstasy. Then he fell forward, collapsing on top of Babe who was pinned to the floor. When he was through, Ace rolled off her back and took a deep breath. "Oh-h-h-h, man ..." he sighed. Babe turned over to lay beside him and stroke his overworked organ, gradually shrivelling to half its size. "Hey," she said, "how about an encore?" Ace groaned. "Don't tell me you didn't get off on that." "Close, but no cigar," Babe admitted. "I won't be able to get it up again for awhile," he told her. "What's a girl to do?" Babe pouted, caressing his balls. Ace sat up and cast a mischievous glance her way. " Hm-m-m. I've got an idea." Babe put her hands behind her head and smiled. "I'll try anything." Ace fetched his drumsticks, then knelt between Babe's gaping thighs. "What have you got in mind?" she asked anxiously. Ace twirled the sticks in his magic fingers. "Something different," he told her. "Now, close your eyes." No sooner were Babe's baby blues sealed tight than Ace began brushing the drumsticks along her inner thighs. "O-o-o," she cooed, tantalized by the touch of hard, smooth wood against her tender flesh. Ace ran the tips of the sticks around the edges of her pubic mound, up across her flat belly, to the twin peaks of her sloping breasts. Delicately, he drew circles around her throbbing nipples, titillating her beyond her endurance. Babe moaned with yearning, swaying her hips from side to side, lusting for satisfaction. Coming to her rescue, Ace slid the drumsticks down her writhing torso, into the damp forest of her curly pubic hair and grazed the moist fringe of her gaping slit. While gently prodding her juicy pink lovebutton with one stick, he inserted the other into her creamy hole. Babe's immediate response was one of exquisite and unbearable pleasure. "Oh-h-h!" she gasped as the hard, lean instrument penetrated her cunt. "Oh! Shove it in deep! Uh-h-h! That feels incredible!" "How about this?" he asked, cranking the embedded stick like an organ grinder. "Ah-h-h!" Babe shuddered, rotating her hips counterclockwise to the churning motion of the wooden phallus. "That's wonderful! M-m-m-! Stir it up, baby! Yeah!" With the skill of a virtuoso, Ace was able to whip Babe's clitoris into a frenzy with one stick while he twisted and plunged the other quickly in and out of her sultry snatch. He did so without irritating her, thoroughly and tenderly administering to her wanton lust. To Babe, it felt as if she had both a cock and a tongue at work within her. The sensation was so intense, so richly satisfying that she anticipated both a vaginal and clitoral orgasm. Her flesh was covered with goosebumps, yet a soothing heat simmered between her legs. She caresses her own breasts, taking her taut nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, pinching them until they tingled, kneading and squeezing her flesh melons until she was fit to burst with rapture. "Guess what?" Ace whispered. Babe opened her eyes and noticed that she was not the only one stimulated. Ace's cock had regained its rigidity. "Ain't nothing like the real thing," she said with a smile. Ace discarded the drumsticks and reclined. Babe mounted him and eased his erect meat missile into her drooling twat. Impaled comfortably on his shaft, she rode him like a pony, bobbing up and down on the saddle of his crotch, pumping her pussy on his stiff horn. "Ah-h! Ah-h! Ah-h!" Babe moaned, humping the hell out of his hard hunk of cock. "Make me come, damn it! I want to come!" While she bounced on his pole, Ace reached up and clutched her jiggling jugs. It was more than enough to send Babe into convulsions of ecstasy. Gritting her teeth and grinding her gash, she scaled the heights of ultimate pleasure. At the pinnacle, she pounded her pussy up and down the entire length of his prick, harder and harder, faster and faster, again and again and again until something wonderful exploded inside of her. And when it happened, 'she cried out with joy, "Oh-h! Oh-h! Ah-h! Ah-h! Ah-h-h-h!" Then Babe melted in his embrace, clinging to him as the storm within subsided. And so another fantasy had been realized. But there were many more she had yet to enjoy."Oh-h-h!" Babe gasped as Chris simultaneously prodded her asshole and sucked on her husky hooters. Eventually, a third and fourth finger were inserted into her backdoor while he stretched his thumb forward to finger her cunt. "Ah-h-h!" she cried as he plundered her twin orifices. "That feels so good! Just for that, you deserve a reward." Babe unlocked her legs and let her feet touch the bottom of the tub. Chris withdrew his hand and stood up straight facing her, anticipation twinkling in his light blue eyes. "Hop up," she instructed. "Sit on the edge of the tub with your legs apart. I want to suck your cock." Chris eagerly complied, jumping up and spreading his thighs. His prick was poised like a warrior's lance. Babe moved closer, her face flush against his firm phallus. As she stroked his legs, she pressed her lips against his swollen shaft. Softly, she rubbed his throbbing penis against each of her cheeks, occasionally nibbling on the crown and licking his entire dick until it was as hard as a statue. She did not neglect his hairy sac, taking both balls into her mouth and sucking them as if they were sweet candy. "Oh-h-h-h, yeah!" Chris exclaimed, squirming as she tongue-lashed his rigid rod. Then Babe guided his succulent tool into her drooling mouth, sliding up and down, up and down every juicy inch of his savory meat. "Oh-h!" Chris groaned. "I must be dreaming!" He looked down and watched Babe's bobbing head, amazed by the finesse with which she serviced his potent pleasure pole. Her puckered lips formed a tight ring around his cock but glided lusciously from the bulging tip to the thick base, pumping his prick deep into her warm, moist throat. As Babe sucked harder and faster, Chris placed his hands on the top of her head, forcing her mouth up and down, thrusting his manhood into her pretty face. He was tempted to come in her mouth, but he knew that if he did that, he would deprive himself the pleasure of the only piece of ass available to him in several weeks. Chris endured as much of her luscious cocksucking as he could take, then withdrew his saturated manhood from her mouth. "Your turn," he told her with a smile, hankering for a taste of her succulent cunt. Chris and Babe switched places. He slipped back into the tub and helped her to climb out. Babe sat on the edge, her calves in the water, her thighs spread wide apart, then laid back, thrusting her delectable pussy into his face. Without hesitation, Chris wound his strong arms around her thighs and brought his lips within inches of Babe's raw cunt. First, she felt his warm breath on her creamy snatch and quivered with anticipation. Then she felt his soft lips pressing against her pubic mound. Then his salivating tongue pierced her tender slit and delved into her passion pit, immediately locating her clitoris, flicking, licking and prodding her volatile love button. "Uh-h-h-h, yeah! Bulls eye!" cried Babe, crossing her arms behind her neck. "Lick my clit! Suck my pussy! Eat me out!" Chris twirled his tongue within her sugar walls, swabbed her sweet meat and scoured her juicy jewel box. Her clit was as hard as a pink pearl, tantalized by the intimate touch of his drooling muscle. As Chris continued gnawing on her gaping gash, Babe cradled her breasts, squeezed them together, twisted her throbbing nipples with her fingertips and squirmed with unquenchable ecstasy. "Oh-h-h-h . . . " she whimpered. "I want you to fuck me! I want you to stab my hot pussy with your big, hard cock!" Chris lifted his face from her crotch and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He planted his palms on the edge of the tub and sprang up. Suspended between Babe's thighs, he swung his hips back and forth, poking her pussy with his wet prick. "Uh! Uh! Uh!" Babe grunted as his darting dick penetrated her horny hole. "Come on, fuck me, boy!" she demanded, arching her back to meet the rapid thrusts of his jabbing cock. Chris kept it up as long as he could, but soon his arms grew weary. "Let's finish this in the tub," he suggested. "Yeah!" Babe enthusiastically agreed. Chris withdrew and plunged backwards into the warm, soothing water. Babe slithered into the tub after him, sliding into his embrace. They kissed and spun around and around until Babe's back was against the wall. Holding the edge of the tub over his shoulders, she stretched out her legs, let them float to the surface, then spread them apart. Chris waded toward her, guiding his cock like a torpedo toward its target. As he injected her with his love tool, Babe crossed her legs behind his buttocks to absorb the entire length of his stiff shaft. "Drive it in deep!" she gasped. "That's it! Oh! Now fuck me!" Chris wrapped his fingers around her floating tits and began to pump his meat missile in and out of her underwater cavern. Immersed in the steamy, swirling whirlpool, Babe and Chris fucked slowly, deeply, savoring each and every rapturous stroke. "Oh-h, Babe!" Chris gasped as his cock pierced and plunged into the fluid depths of her yawning slit. "I know," she replied breathlessly. "It's better than great. It's ... it's . . . " "Fuckin' fabulous!" he blurted, wedging his wad even deeper into her cunt. Passion overtook Chris. He reached under to clutch the cheeks of Babe's ass and dug his dick harder and faster into her love funnel. Although she wanted to prolong their ecstasy as long as possible, Babe didn't mind. In fact, she provoked his lust by contracting her vaginal muscles, tightening her grip on his embedded rod. "I can't hold out much longer," he warned her. "Try!" she insisted, practically begging for more. "The longer you hold out, the better it'll be when you finally come!" Chris bit his teeth and managed to quell his overanxious desire. He slowed the rhythm of his thrusts so that every inch of his potent manhood slid in and out of Babe's torrid twat again and again and again. "A-a-h-h, that's it!" she cried. "Now suck my tits while you fuck my pussy!" `Yeah!" Chris chuckled with wicked glee, grinding his meat into her horny honeycomb and raising her scrumptuous boobs out of the water, squeezing them until her nipples were two hard points tantalized by the tip of his flapping tongue. Bending down, Chris nibbled on her pink nuggets while he kept right on plugging her porthole. "M-m-m . . . m-m-m ..." Babe moaned in lascivious luxury, licking her lips and writhing weightlessly in the swirling pool of passion. Her cunt was a cauldron of insatiable desire, hungry for pleasure. "M-m-m, gimme that dick!" she crudely demanded. "Make me squeal! Make me come! " Chris did both, forcing his hips back and forth, driving his hot tool hard and fast into Babe's scintillating snatch. Their violent motion made huge waves, splashing water in all directions as if tossed in a tempest. It was more than even Babe could stand. She wallowed and whimpered as his merciless manhood ripped into her like a bayonet. Babe was losing her grip on the edge of the tub, so she snapped her body upward like a whip and clutched the back of Chris' neck with her two hands. Impaled on his flesh rod, she rode his throbbing pole, sliding up and down, striving to reach the summit of satisfaction. "Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h!" she wailed, thrashing her head from side to side, her limbs clinging to his neck and waist, her plundering pussy relentlessly devouring every hard inch of his vaulting prick. "Oh-h, I'm almost there!" she cried. "Me, too, baby!" Chris gasped. "Me, too!" "Oh-h, any second n ow! Oh-h, let me come first!" "Any way you want it, honey!" "Just keep it coming! Keep it coming! Yeah! Oh-h-h!" The tub practically boiled over as Chris hoisted his love anchor into Babe's luscious bowels. "Oh-h-h-h! Oh-h-h!" she wept with ecstasy. "I'm coming! Oh-h! Oh-h! OH-HH-H!" Babe's entire body shuddered violently as the first wave of a powerful orgasm washed over her. "Don't let up!" she shouted. "Fuck me as hard as you can! Fuck me until you come! I want your cream, baby! I want all your hot love juice! Shoot it up my cunt! Uh! Come on! Come on!" "Oh, yeah," grunted Chris, pumping his potent pleasure prong up and into her quivering twat. "Here it comes, Babe! Gonna' fill you up! Oh-h-h-h! Gonna' cream you! Yeah!" Clutching her buttocks, Chris crammed her to the hilt and fired his sex pistol. Searing bullets of semen spewed forth, injecting her to the core, triggering Babe's second orgasm. Finally, Chris buried his face in her tits, sank his fingers into the crack of her ass and stirred his ejaculating cock in Babe's overflowing honey pot, ignited another orgasm and another and another until she was overwhelmed by the tidal waves of ecstasy. "Ah-h-h-h . . ." she whimpered, feeling herself melting, melting, withering away in his tender embrace. When the last of his seed swam forth, Chris carefully withdrew his instrument of pleasure from Babe's throbbing slit and released her. As her feet landed gently on the floor of the tub, Chris wound his arms around Babe's waist. Like dancers in a listless ballet, the two lovers spun in lazy circles, their lips gratefully mingling in a deep, lingering kiss."Oh," said Chris, looking very disappointed. "Now I understand." "No, you don't," laughed Babe, slapping his chest. "What happened here was chemistry." "Chemistry?" "Yeah. You don't think I would screw you just to get a gig, do you?" "Perish the thought," he shuddered sarcastically. "I brought a tape for you to listen to. If you like what you hear and want us on the tour, great. If you don't ..." "If I don't?" Babe dipped her hand into the water and stroked his cock. "Well, then. I guess I'll never see you again." Chris quivered. "Yeah, well ... I'm sure the tape will meet with my... satisfaction. The only problem is that the group makes decisions by unanimous vote. All five of us have to be in agreement." "Two down, three to go," muttered Babe. "Huh?" "Oh, nothing. Where would I find Jo-Jo and Billy?" Chris shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. The five of us inhabit this house like lost souls. We rarely see each other and, to tell the truth, we haven't done a hell of a lot of rehearsing." "But they are somewhere in the house, right?" "Right." "Then I'll find them," said Babe confidently, lifting herself out of the tub. "Good luck," Chris smirked. "Even if you locate all four of my business associates, they may not be as agreeable as I." "Don't underestimate my powers of persuasion," said Babe, fetching a towel from a nearby closet. Chris took one last look at her scrumptious body before she wrapped herself in the towel. "After what we just did," he replied, "I wouldn't dare." Babe blew him a kiss and headed for the door. Her search for the rest of The Boys proved to be a piece of cake. No sooner had she left Chris than she found both Jo-Jo and Billy pumping iron in the gymnasium. At first, the keyboard player and the bassist didn't notice her standing there in her wraparound. Each of them was preoccupied with lifting weights, exercising their upper body muscles, dressed in red warm-up suits and wearing sweat bands that kept their shaggy brown hair in place. Hands on her hips, Babe slowly approached them. "Well, hello," she pleasantly greeted. Jo-Jo practically dropped fifty pounds of iron on his foot. Billy slowly lowered his weights to the mat. "Well, hello yourself," he replied. "Keeping in shape?" asked Babe, putting her hands behind her back and swaying to the left and right. Jo-Jo stared at her cleavage, brimming from the top of her towel. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" "I'm your fairy godmother," she answered playfully. "I'm here to grant your every wish." Jo-Jo glanced at Billy who shrugged with amusement. "What can I do for you boys?" asked Babe. "Hmm," Billy considered, playing along. "Anything at all?" "Name it." "How about lending me your towel?" he said with a facetious grin. Without a second's hesitation, Babe peeled off the terry cloth and tossed it over. Jo-Jo and Billy stood side by side, staring in awe at Babe's naked body. She noticed the sudden bulge in the crotch of their sweat pants and sucked in her cheeks. "It appears you gentlemen are in need of some assistance," she casually observed. Jo-Jo and Billy again exchanged disbelieving glances. "It appears so," Jo-Jo anxiously concurred. "I'll take care of that," Babe cheerfully assured them, kneeling down before her two admirers and reaching for their drawstrings. As she pulled out the knots, both of their sweat pants fell to their ankles, exposing them from the waist down. Both Jo-Jo and Billy had enormous hard-ons. Babe took one in her left hand and one in her right and began sliding her fists up and down their stiff shafts. "My!" she exclaimed. "But you two are big. Is that what pumping iron does to you?" she wondered, acquainting herself with the substantial dimensions of their throbbing members. "Do they taste as good as they look?" she asked. Jo-Jo swallowed hard. "W-why don't you find out for yourself?" he suggested. Babe giggled, then licked his cock as if it were a candy cane. Jo-Jo took a deep breath and moaned softly. "M-m-m-m," said Babe. "Delicious!" "Mine's even better," chimed Billy. Babe wrapped her wet lips around the knob of his prick and sampled his meat treat. "Ah-h," she determined. "Sweetest meat a girl could eat." Babe leaned back and used her fingers to juggle their dangling balls. Jo-Jo and Billy squirmed with delight, their taut tentacles of lust bobbing uncontrollably with titillation. Then, while she yanked one tool, she sucked the other, alternating every few minutes. One moment she'd be tugging on Jo-Jo's hard rod while her mouth devoured Billy's swollen beefstick. The next moment she would be greasing Jo-Jo's pole while jerking off Billy. By now, both of her partners were well into the spirit of things, improvising their own pleasure. They had Babe stretch out on one of the mats and began exploring her body with their hands and mouths. While Jo-Jo Frenchkissed her, he groped her jugs and twisted her hard nipples between his fingertips. In the meantime, Billy acquainted himself with Babe's charms below the waist. He sucked her toes, then slowly slid his tongue up her shapely legs, licking her inner thighs before diving head-first into her alluring snatch. He used his thumbs to spread the tender pink petals of Babe's pussy, inserted his tongue and generously lapped her luscious, raw clit. Squeezing her ripe flesh melons, Jo-Jo made her nipples protrude, then bent down and sucked them one at a time. Babe used one free hand to reach up and stroke his dangling shaft, while the other hand pressed down on the back of Billy's head, forcing his face into her torrid crotch. They made a hot combo of entwined limbs and writhing flesh. After conquering two members of the band just a short while ago, Babe was beginning to feel that familiar yearning in her loins all over again. In the course of their ménage à trois, the trio adjusted their positions. At one point, Babe was on all fours with Jo-Jo kneeling before her, his cock in her mouth, and Billy kneeling behind her, balling her doggie-style. As Babe slid her tight, wet lips along his extended prick, Jo-Jo held her head in his two hands and pumped his hips, driving his slick dick down her gulping throat. Billy brought up the rear by clutching the cheeks of Babe's beautiful ass and hammering her honey pot with his horny hardware. Babe feasted on Jo-Jo's phallus with incomparable flair. When she wasn't lapping his balls with her nimble tongue, she was grazing his sinewy shaft with her glossy, puckered lips. She'd nibble gently on the bulbous crown of his cock, then close her mouth like a vise around its rim and force herself to consume the entire length of his swollen member in long, lingering strokes. "Oh-h-h-h, you suck a mean cock, lady," he moaned, grasping her by the scruff of the neck and plunging his pleasure tool down her warm gullet. Billy was equally pleased with Babe's snug but smooth love socket. Swiveling his hips, he stroked her thighs and skewered her saucy snatch. It was the best piece of pussy he had had in weeks. It was the only piece of pussy he had had in weeks and he intended to make the most of it. "Oh-h, man!" he exclaimed. "I could use some of this every hour of the day!" "Save some for me, man," Jo-Jo chuckled. "You seem to be doing just fine on your end" "Oh-h, yeah," Jo-Jo agreed as Babe sucked harder. "But I'm a greedy son of a bitch. I want it all!" Babe momentarily withdrew her mouth from Jo-Jo's meat whistle. "I've got an idea," she said. "How about an endurance contest?" Jo-Jo and Billy exchanged bewildered glances. "I'll do my best to make you guys come," Babe elaborated. "The one who holds out gets to have me all to himself." "I'm game," said Billy, confident of his stamina. "May the best man win," agreed Jo-Jo, anticipating victory. Then Babe took charge. She made Billy lie down on his back while she straddled his hips and had Jo-Jo stand astride Billy with his crotch in Babe's face. She guided Billy's cock into her cunt and once again enveloped Jo-Jo's prick with her luscious mouth. Babe did her best to tantalize both of them. While riding up and down on Billy's pillar of pleasure, she bobbed her head, sliding her stiff, rounded lips from the base to the crown of Jo-Jo's throbbing pecker, fucking and sucking with her usual finesse. Neither of her lovers reacted to her intimate performance, trying hard to restrain their passions. But it didn't matter. Babe knew she could get both of them off with or without their cooperation. She humped Billy in long, slow strokes, raking his chest with her fingernails as she pumped her juicy joybox from the tip of his towering tool to its hairy base, expanding and contracting her vaginal muscles in a deliberate attempt to get his rocks off prematurely. Babe was just as merciless with Jo-Jo, sucking his cock hard and fast, gobbling every inch of his meaty manhood, gliding her fingers up and down the back of his thighs, toying with his testicles and clawing his flexing buttocks. "Uh! Uh-h-h!" Jo-Jo grunted and groaned, gritting his teeth and struggling to hold back the climax that was building like a volcano in the pit of his groin. He tried to think of the least arousing things he could imagine, but all he could visualize was what he felt between his legs -Babe's hot mouth, thoroughly pleasuring his throbbing shaft. Sensing that Jo-Jo was in trouble and wouldn't last, Billy relaxed and allowed himself to enjoy the ride as Babe whittled his wang with her tight, titillating twat. Suddenly she seized his hands and pressed them against her breasts. A spark of excitation compelled Billy to keep his fingers wrapped around her jiggling jugs.In the meantime, Babe pinched his nipples and bore down on his looming rod. It was more than poor Billy could endure. He came with a violent shudder, gasping and cursing at the top of his lungs. A geyser of hot jizz erupted in Babe's grinding gash and didn't stop until Billy was completely satisfied. "Guess it's just you and me, stud," Babe said to Jo-Jo. "Think you can go the distance?" "Like the man said, `you ain't seen nothin' yet,'" he replied. Jo-Jo offered his hand and helped Babe to her feet. While Billy lay sprawled on the mat, limp as a fish out of water, Jo-Jo led Babe to the high bar. "I want you to reach up and get a good grip," he told her. Babe stretched her arms upward. "I can't quite reach," she said. Jo-Jo placed his hands on her waist and lifted her. When Babe had her hands wrapped around the metal bar, he let go, suspending her a foot off the floor. "Now what?" she asked. "Chin ups?" Jo-Jo grinned, then moved closer, his naked body flush with hers. He wound his arms around Babe's thighs, spread them apart and hoisted her several inches. He then lowered her gaping pussy onto his prick, injecting her with his mighty missile of lust. "Pump it, baby!" he commanded. "Let's see you flex your muscles!" With an occasional boost from her partner, Babe did her chin-ups, tightening her vaginal muscles as she slid up and down Jo-Jo's jutting javelin of a cock. Her big breasts became hard as a pair of boulders, her nipples sharp as a pair of bullets, her belly flat and taut, strained as she raised and lowered herself. "O-o-o-o," cooed Babe as she descended, absorbing all eight inches of Jo-Jo's rigid rod. "I never knew exercise could feel so good!" As her tits bounced in front of his face, Jo-Jo flicked his tongue like a lizard and licked her nipples. His dick was drenched with Babe's warm love juices, smoothly slicing into her velvety slit as she rose and plunged again and again. "Keep pumpin', honey!" cried Jo-Jo, clutching the cheeks of her ass and ramming his stiff spike deeper than ever into her creamy cunt. "Gimme that hot stuff, sweetheart!" "Uh!" Babe grunted, grinding her gash. "I can't hold on much longer. My arms are getting tired." "Then let go," he told her. "But I'll fall." "I've got you." "Okay ..." Babe took her hands off the bar and wrapped her arms around Jo-Jo's neck, cradling his face in her bosom. He hungrily feasted on her bulging boobs while she continued to ride his rigid rod, more securely embedded in her snug, succulent snatch. "Ah-h-h-h!" she gasped, leaning back, thrusting her ripe nipples into his nibbling lips, writhing as he pierced her bush with his red hot pecker. "Fuck me, you horny bastard! Split me in two with that big dick of yours! Uh-h-h!" Jo-Jo slowly sank to his knees and lowered Babe gracefully onto the mat. He fucked her in the good old missionary position, running his hands all over her body and pounding his hips between her gaping thighs, forcing his firm phallus into her hot honey pot. Babe clawed his back like a wild beast until he seized her wrists and pinned them to the mat. In gleeful retaliation, Jo-Jo sank his teeth into one of her tits and sucked hard on her helpless nipple. "Oh-h-h-h, you fucking, animal!" Babe cursed, shivering with ecstasy. Jo-Jo chuckled and ran his tongue up her long, writhing neck. He licked her face and drooled in her ear, whispering, "Before I get through with you, you'll be beggin' for mercy!" "Oh, yeah?" she scoffed. "Prove it!" Jo-Jo abruptly withdrew his cock. "Roll over on your belly," he demanded. Babe obediently flipped onto her stomach, her legs wide apart. Jo-Jo wasted no time. As he massaged the back of her thighs, he pressed his lips against the full, firm cheeks of her ass. Babe's cunt tingled with anticipation as he proceeded to lick her crack, his tongue thoroughly lubricating her anus. For good measure, he swabbed the saucy slit of her cunt, savoring her bittersweet love juices as they seeped from her raw, pink gash. Shuddering with delight, Babe raised her crotch off the floor, lusting for his bold tongue. As he alternated between lapping her saucy snatch and scouring her asshole, she squirmed like a bitch in heat. Babe didn't know which hole he intended to fuck, but when Jo-Jo placed his hands on her butt and pried apart her plump cheeks, she braced herself for what promised to be at first a painful penetration. But instead of forcing his cock into her narrow anus, Jo-Jo inserted his left pinkie. Babe flinched, then sighed with pleasure as he pumped his finger in and out of her tender socket. Wrapping his right arm around her waist, Jo Jo lifted Babe off the mat and made her assume the doggie position. Then, while his finger continued plugging her asshole, he guided his prick into her eager beaver, slowly sliding every firm inch of his manhood to the hilt. "Ah-h-h-h, yeah!" Babe gasped as he filled her with his throbbing tool. "Full speed ahead!" Jo-Jo porked her pussy and fingered her orifice with the synchronicity of a locomotive. As his dick shoved in, his pinkie pulled out. As his plinkie plunged forward, his dick withdrew. He was even able to grope her tits and twist her nipples with his free hand without missing a stroke. "Oh-h! You filthy fucker!" cried Babe, loving every minute of it. It was like getting it from three different partners at one time. Jo-Jo turned up the heat by slipping his ring finger into Babe's tight backdoor. With two digits digging into her hot hole, and Jo-Jo's stiff shaft slicing into her sweetmeat, she was beside herself with ecstasy. What made it even more enjoyable was that Jo-Jo was in no hurry. He screwed her slowly, deeply, grinding his rod into her creamy, pink cavern and rolling his fingers in her warm, wet hole. "M-m-m-m, you're a wicked man!" she moaned, rocking back and forth into his deep thrusts. "Are you beggin' for mercy?" he asked. "Hell, no!" she emphatically replied. "You aren't even close to exciting me." "Ha!" he chuckled, knowing she was lying through her teeth. "Then I'd better do some thing about that." What Jo-Jo did was move his right hand along Babe's belly and into her damp crotch. He curled her pubic hair in his fingers, plucking a few strands, then delved into her gaping slit and pressed his middle finger against her juicy clit. "Ah-h-h-h!" she cried, tantalized by his intimate touch. "O-o-o-o, yeah! Rub my clit! Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h!" While he stroked her love button and plowed her passion pit, Jo-Jo also squeezed another finger into Babe's anus. In full command he mercilessly manipulated her raging desire, teasing and pleasing her with savage delight. Faster and faster he plunged his prick into her quivering twat, cramming her bum hole with yet a fourth finger and whipping her hard, throbbing clit into an emotional frenzy. "Ready to come?" he asked. "M-m-m-m, yeah!" Babe exclaimed. "No way," he scoffed, slowing down the pace. Babe looked over her shoulder. "Huh?" "No way I'm gonna let you come unless you beg for mercy," he insisted. Babe bit her lip in frustration. She was ready to explode but knew she couldn't reach orgasm unless he drove her to it. "Okay,"she conceded. "Mercy." "You call that beggin'?" he laughed. "Try again. Louder." "Mercy!" Babe shouted. "Again!" he demanded. "Beg for it,bitch!" "Oh-h-h! Have mercy! Uh-h! Give it to me good! Fuck my cunt! Rub my clit! Stick your fingers up my ass! O-oh! Please! Please! I'm begging you!" "That's more like it," Jo-Jo snickered, driving all five of his fingers into Babe's yawning trap. "Now you'll get the fucking you richly deserve!" He began pounding his hips against the cheeks of her ass, drilling his tool deeply into her drooling gash, his right hand saturated as he ground his knuckles against her torrid clit. As if Babe didn't have enough to handle, Billy suddenly knelt before her, brandishing a fresh hard-on in her face. "I hate to see a beautiful mouth go to waste," he smiled, guiding his stiff pole between her parted lips. Babe willingly accepted his cock, rolling her tongue around its bloated head before gobbling his solid stem down to the balls. Billy rested his hands on the top of her head and pumped his plump pecker down her gulping throat. Meanwhile, Jo-Jo kept jamming his fingers into Babe's mineshaft, humped her hot honey pot and pinched her pink pearl of a clit while grunting, "Uh-h! Uh-h! Uh-h! What a cunt! O-o- o! Ah-h-h-h!" The harder he fucked her, the faster Babe feasted on Billy's delectable dick. Savoring her sweet sucking, he reached under her arms to clutch her dangling tits and yank her nipples. "Oh-h-h-h!" Billy groaned. "Suck that cock! Oh-h, baby, yeah! Eat me! Chew that bone, bitch! Ah-h-h-h! I wanna' come in your hot mouth! M-m-m!" Babe fucked and sucked with a vengeance, racing toward an awesome climax. Both cocks slid in and out, in and out at opposite ends of her body. Her asshole burned with pleasure, her clit a powder keg about to ignite. Billy was the first to come, grabbing Babe by the scruff of the neck, thrusting his cock as far into her mouth as it would go and unleashing a deluge of warm cream that she hungrily swallowed. The taste of his rich essence was enough to trigger Babe's orgasm. She became as rigid as a statue, flexing every muscle in her body, her snatch tightening its grip on Jo-Jo's jabbing joystick, absorbing every inch. Then she quivered and quaked, digging her nails into the mat, her flesh moist with a cold sweat. Jo-Jo took one last stab at her slit, forcing his hard meat deep into her succulent cavern, injecting his white juice into her luscious love canal.He grunted and groaned, writhing in absolute ecstasy, grinding his cock in her velvety vise until every drop of his bittersweet sap had filled her to the core. At the pinnacle of pleasure, Babe felt herself losing consciousness. Her head began to spin, her body felt electrified, black spots appeared before her eyes. She collapsed like a rag doll, the side of her face pressed against the mat, her mind sliding away into darkness. When Babe came to, she saw Jo-Jo and Billy hovering over her with relieved expressions. A cold, wet cloth had been applied to her forehead and she was covered with someone's warm-up jacket. "Are you okay?" asked Billy. "Mm, what happened?" she moaned. "You passed out," said Jo-Jo. "Really?" Babe seemed surprised. "That never happened to me before. That was some workout!" "I guess it got a little out of hand," said Billy apologetically. "Are you kidding?" said Babe. "It was great! A little intense, but great." "Can we get you anything?" asked Jo-Jo. "A drink, perhaps?" "No, thanks," said Babe, sitting up with the jacket against her chest. "Mind if I slip into this?" Jo-Jo shrugged. "By all means." "Ah... this may sound a little weird," said Billy, "but we haven't been introduced." "I'm Babe McKay," she told him. "Babe McKay? Hm-m. Sounds familiar." "I'm in the business." "A singer?" Babe nodded proudly. "Lead vocal in an all girl band." "No shit," grinned Billy. "Yeah. That's why I'm here. I heard you guys are looking for an opening act." "We're looking for our own act," smirked Jo-Jo. "What do you mean?" "I mean, we're trying to get our shit together." "What's the problem?" "His Royal Highness is on Cloud Nine." "Who? What?" "Derek. We call him His Royal Highness. He's stoned out of his mind twenty-four hours a day." "Derek's a junkie?" gasped Babe. "Worse," sighed Billy. "He's an alcoholic. His bloodstream's ninety proof." "He sits around the house all day talking to himself," said Jo-Jo. "He won't practice, he won't sober up. We thought that announcing a tour would pull us together, but instead we're on the brink of a breakup." "Haven't the rest of you tried to help him?" asked Babe. "Of course we have. But Derek won't listen to anybody. The guy's bent on self-destruction." "This is terrible!" Babe shuddered. "Why is he doing this to himself?" "He can't handle life in the fast lane," Jo-Jo assumed. "The fame, the fortune, the whole rat race of getting to the top and staying there." "Where is he, anyway?" asked Babe. "The attic." "Where?" "Upstairs. In his own ivory tower. It's his hiding place from the world. He just sits up there and drinks all day." "Can I see him?" "If you like, but I have to warn you, he doesn't like visitors." "Well, that's too bad," said Babe, rising to her feet. "I'm going up there right now and I'm not coming down until he comes with me." "Good luck," muttered Billy, casting a skeptic glance at Jo-Jo. Babe marched upstairs, determined to bring Derek to his senses. When she reached the attic at the top of a narrow flight of steps, however, she found the door locked. She rapped gently. No response. She knocked harder. No answer. She pounded on the door. "Who's there?" A gruffy voice demanded. "A friend," she replied. "I don't have any," Derek shot back. "Go away!" "Open up," Babe insisted. "I need to see you." "I don't want to see anybody, friend or foe!" Babe sighed and tried a different tact. "I brought you something." "I'm not hungry." "Something to drink," she said. There was a moment of silence, then Derek unlocked the door. As he opened it, Babe barged in. "Hey! Who the hell are you, anyway?" Derek grumbled, garbed only in a black silk robe and holding an empty glass in his hand. His spiky brown hair was disheveled, his eyes at half-mast and his face shrouded with two-day's growth of beard. "My name is Babe McKay," she introduced herself. "Where's the booze?" he asked. "You don't need anymore of that," said Babe, slamming the door shut. "That's what you think," Derek muttered. "My God," Babe shuddered. "Look at yourself." "I'd rather not, thank you very much," he quipped, staggering around the attic, tripping over an assortment of accumulated junk. "Well, how do you like the place? I'd have tidied up if I knew you were coming." He tried to catch one more drop of whiskey on the tip of his tongue, but when he realized the glass was dry, he tossed it aside, smashing it against the wall. "This room is a replica of the inside of my brain," he rambled. "Note the clutter." "Perhaps if you'd stop drinking, your mind would be clear," Babe suggested. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Listen, I've got some scotch. Care for a sip?" Babe gaped in disbelief as Derek reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a small bottle of whiskey. Impulsively, she snatched the booze from his hand and smashed the bottle against the wall. "Are you crazy?" shouted Derek. "That was my last bottle!" "Good," said Babe. "Now you can start sobering up." "Why?" "There's work to be done." "Ah, work, work, work," Derek grimaced. "You've got a tour to prepare for," Babe reminded him. "Fuck it. I resign. I don't want to be a rock star anymore. It sucks. Besides, I don't really have any talent." "How can you say that?" gasped Babe, failing to her knees before him. "I worship you." "Oh, yeah?" Derek belched. He reached into his robe and whipped out his cock. "Worship this." He was trying to shock her, but it was Derek who was shocked when Babe gladly wrapped her lips around his drooping appendage and tried to suck life into it. After a few minutes without success, Babe withdrew his mouth and looked up at him. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing," Derek replied. "I just can't get it up anymore." "You mean..." "I'm impotent," Derek admitted. "Don't be silly," Babe scoffed. "It's just all the liquor you've been drinking." "I wish it were," he sighed wistfully, "but the truth of the matter is that I went limp long before I became an alcoholic. That's one of the reasons I drown my sorrow." "Were you ever able to have an erection?" "Sure. In fact, I used to pop chicks around the clock, five or six of them a day. Maybe I wore my dick out. Anyway, when the groupies come by, I send them to Jo-Jo or Billy or Chris or Ace." "You poor thing!" cried Babe sympathetically, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing Derek's head against her bosom. "You're the lead singer of the world's hottest rock band and you can't even get it up." "Yeah," he groaned. "What I wouldn't do to be able to perform again... on stage and in bed." Babe pushed his head away. "What would you do?" she asked curiously. "Huh?" "Suppose I could get you off. How would you repay me?" Derek shrugged. "Name your price." "How about a gig as the opening act on your next tour." "You?" "And my band." "Are you any good?" Babe smiled and ran her fingernails along the lapel of his robe. "The best you'll ever have." "No, I meant your band," said Derek. "We're the best," claimed Babe. "Next to The Boys, of course." "Of course," he immodestly agreed. "So it is a deal?" Derek frowned doubtfully. "Don't waste your time. If the highest-priced hookers haven't been able to cure me, I doubt you'll have any success." "It's worth a try," Babe murmured, slipping her hand into his robe and rubbing his chest. "As you wish," shrugged Derek. Babe tugged on the belt of his robe and unloosened the knot. As she slipped the silk garment off his shoulders, it fell silently to the floor. Totally naked, Derek just stood there and watched as Babe unzipped her warm-up jacket and unveiled her irresistible charms. He admired the voluptuous beauty of her body, but it had no immediate effect on his limp penis. Undaunted, Babe reached out and grazed his chest with her long fingernails, sliding her hands along the sides of his slender torso. She noticed a mattress conveniently tucked in a corner of the room. "I want you to lie down," she told Derek. The light-headed rock star flashed a silly grin, then trudged obediently to the mattress. As he reclined, Babe knelt beside him and began massaging his thighs. "Just relax," she murmured. "Close your eyes and relax. I'll take care of everything." Babe explored his body with her soothing hands, kneading his weary muscles, pampering his flesh, keeping a watchful eye on his flaccid phallus. After a few moments of her tender caresses, Derek was fast asleep, but that didn't discourage Babe. She knew he was more likely to respond to her intimate touch in a state of total relaxation. She bowed her head and let her curly mane of hair brush across his chest, down his belly and around his crotch and inner thighs. Then, while she rolled his testicles in the palm of her hand, she nibbled gently on his nipples, flicking her tongue and pressing her lips against his hard chest. Soon she was licking his belly, sliding her drooling tongue in and out of his belly button, skirting the fringes of his pubic hair, momentarily avoiding the cock to swab his bulging thighs. Derek stirred in his sleep, but his prick was as soft as ever. Babe decided to apply intensive stimulation.- She began by rolling his flexible phallus between the palms of her hands, as if molding clay. She made a fist around the shaft and gently jerked his lazy member. She used her tongue to tickle his balls and tease the tender crown of his tool, igniting the first spark. Derek's dick started to bloom in her hand, expanding slowly, rising to a partial erection.Pushing his love lever back against his belly, Babe licked its underside like a lollipop, in long, luscious strokes. Her talented tongue slid smoothly from his bloated sac to the bulbous head of his swelling manhood. Soon, Derek's cock was as vertical as a flagpole and Babe couldn't resist savoring its succulent mass. She spread her juicy lips and devoured his delectable dick, sliding her moist mouth up and down the rigid shaft of his throbbing pillar of pleasure. Derek stirred again, this time flexing the taut muscles in his thighs, obviously responding to Babe's passionate cock sucking. She pumped his prick slowly, nibbling the knob, plunging her drooling mouth down the solid stem, drenching his raw meat with her warm saliva. And as she siphoned his hard hunk of beef, Babe bobbled his balls with her dainty fingers, titillating his testicles as she tantalized his tool. Babe worked wonders with her swirling tongue, gaping lips and hungry mouth, alternating between sucking his rod in deep, lingering strokes and licking the entire length and breadth of his towering dick, amused as Derek squirmed half-asleep, half-awake, definitely aroused. "O-o-o-o, you're so huge," she murmured softly, sensuously, stroking his ego as she stroked his manhood. "No wonder all the girls want to get into your zipper. You're packing the biggest sex pistol I've ever seen!" Which was a slight exaggeration, but Derek was buying it. He groaned in his semi-consciousness and smiled blissfully. "M-m-m-m ..." moaned Babe as she closed her lips tightly around his jutting joystick and bobbed her head up and down, up and down. As she stuffed her face with his succulent cock, she clawed his gaping thighs and curled his pubic hair with her twirling fingertips. Derek's groaning grew louder and louder, his hips now writhing as Babe feasted on his looming love muscle from top to bottom. After romancing his bone for what seemed like hours, she paused to admire his firm phallus, drenched and glistening, pink and potent. Hot for some cock between her legs, Babe decided to mount his lusty lance and ride it for all it was worth. She straddled Derek's hips, pried apart her juicy pussy lips with her fingertips and lowered her scintillating snatch onto her horny quarry. As Derek's bulging boner penetrated her saucy squeezebox, Babe gasped with ecstasy, slowly sliding down his stiff shaft, impaled on his pulsating pleasure pole. Securely in the saddle, she set her love machine in motion, springing off her knees, rising and falling on Derek's rigid rocket. While she greased his pole, Babe leaned forward and slid her fingertips up his chest to his broad shoulders. Then, as she slowly clawed his flesh in a downward motion, the sensation woke Derek from his restless sleep. He opened his eyes and gazed up at Babe's smiling face. Then, when he peered down and saw her gaping gash bounding up and down on his hard cock, his lips spread into a big grin. "You did it!" he exclaimed. "I'm . . . I'm cured!" "Shut up and fuck me," Babe demanded, grinding her pussy against his firm, phallic filet. As Derek pumped his pecker up and into Babe's slick socket, he reached for her tits. He clutched her full, firm mounds and pinched her pert, pink nipples until they resembled a pair of eraser tips. Responding to his passionate touch, Babe leaned forward and dangled her boobs over his face. Derek flicked his tongue at her swaying nipples, lunged his head to nibble on her scrumptious nuggets and took turns sucking each of her mouthwatering mammas. Eluding his clutches, Babe leaned back and let him get a good look at her wet, yawning slit as it slid up and down his slick prick. She performed like an erotic belly dancer, her torso writhing, her hips jerking in and out, up and down, gyrating round and round, churning his husky flesh harpoon in her red hot, pleasure slot. "Oh-h-h-h, Babe!" Derek sighed. "That feels so-o-o good!" "You're not gonna come, are you?" she wondered anxiously. "Oh, no, not yet," he assured her. "It's been so long . . . I don't even want to come. I just want to keep it up for as long as I can!" "Good. That's the way I like my fuckin' . . . hard, deep and endless!" "M-m-m ... you're incredible," said Derek. "M-m-m . . . you're damned right I am," Babe agreed. "So does this mean we get the gig?" "What gig?" Babe abruptly stopped moving. "Only teasing! Only teasing!" laughed Derek. "You'd better be," she warned. "I like getting fucked, but I don't like getting screwed. You know what they say about a woman's scorn." "Hell hath no fury?" "You'd better believe it, sweetheart. So, are we or are we not your opening act?" "That depends." "On what?" "On whether you perform encores." "Honey," Babe replied, "you promise me that gig and I'll guarantee you get your own private encore each and every night." It was a proposition Derek could hardly refuse. "It's a deal," he agreed, extending his hand. When Babe reached to shake it, Derek grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her on top of him. They embraced tightly, sealing the deal with a passionate kiss. Then Derek impetuously rolled Babe onto her back, assuming the missionary position. He tore his lips away from hers and declared, "Now let's really get down to business!" Pinning her wrists to the mattress, Derek balled Babe in long, grinding strokes, burying his bone to the balls in her deep, damp tunnel of lust. Riveted beneath him, Babe spread her legs wide apart, welcoming his eager blade into the snug slot of her torrid twat. "O-o-o, yeah!" gasped Derek as he spread her sweet, saucy snatch. "Uh! Give it to me! Give it to me good!" cried Babe, spurring him on. "Drive that dick in deep!" Derek's prowess surprised Babe. For a man who hadn't been able to get it up, let alone keep it up, for so long, he sure put this erection to good use. Despite his impulsive passion, Derek was in complete control of his lustful emotions. There didn't seem to be any danger of his coming prematurely. In fact, Babe wondered if she could hold out as long as he obviously intended. Derek released her wrists so that he could fill his hands with Babe's sumptuous breasts. He stroked and squeezed her luscious tits, licking their stubby nipples with his long, slippery tongue. As he sucked hard on her pink flesh melons, Derek swiveled his pelvis, winding his hips between her creamy, thighs and goring her gaping gash. His hard meat simmered in her love gravy and delved into the deepest recesses of her vibrant cunt. As Derek feasted on her jutting jugs, Babe buried her fingers in his thick brown hair and lifted her hips to meet the thrusts of his lunging love weapon. "Uh! Uh!" she grunted each time he pierced her sugar lips and filled her honey hole with his throbbing manhood. The heat between them kept getting more and more intense. Babe hoisted her legs and locked her ankles against the small of his back in a desperate effort to accept more of his cock than he could spare. Derek kept right on pounding his power tool into her tight box, his balls lapping against her crotch as he entered and reentered her juicy crack. He was insatiable in his desire, reveling in his sexual reawakening. Inspired by his potency and vigor, Derek forced Babe to untangle her legs, then took hold of her ankles and lifted her lower limbs off the mattress. He rested Babe's shapely calves against his chest and, kneeling before her, harpooned her drooling beaver with his darting dick. "Oh-h-h! Oh-h-h!" Babe shuddered, massaging her breasts and rolling her head from side to side in absolute ecstasy. While he skewered her succulent snatch, Derek ran his hands up and down Babe's legs and sank his teeth into one of her ankles. She squirmed with pain and pleasure, but begged for more. "Oh- h-h, yeah! Yeah, baby! You're the king! M-m-m! You're number one with a bullet! Uh-h! Uh-h! Prove it to me, baby! Take it to the limit! Oh-h-h!" "So much for the A side," quipped Derek, gently lowering Babe's legs. "Let's try the flip side." He rolled her over onto her stomach and had her assume the doggie position. Kneeling behind her, Derek reinserted his flesh torpedo into Babe's hot little honey pot. Clutching her waist, he slammed his hips against the firm cheeks on her ass, jamming his rigid ramrod harder and deeper than ever into her quivering twat. Babe bit her lips and pressed her fingernails into the mattress as she savored the sweet sensation of Derek's bulging prick plunging again and again into her tight, titillated orifice. She felt like an animal, a submissive bitch dominated by a beast in heat, overpowered by a lust that knew no shame or inhibition, a slave of her own wanton desire. Derek's hands were all over even as he relentlessly prodded her helpless pussy. His fingers raked her arching back, pried apart her bulging buttocks, clutched her waist and reached for her dangling tits. As he groped her jugs, Derek furiously jerked his hips back and forth, repeatedly injecting his stiff shaft into her sultry slit. Babe wailed with delight, writhing in his grasp, trembling with ecstasy. Like a racer aboard a streaking chariot, Derek wrapped hanks of her hair in his fists and leaned back, bumping and grinding his sweaty groin against her moist gash, grunts and groans punctuating his savage thrusts. "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Mm! Oh! Ah!" "Oh-h! Faster! Faster!" Babe pleaded. "Uh-h! Come on, baby! Uh-h! I want your cock! Mm, yeah!" Derek gleefully obliged, drilling her hole as if he had a jackhammer between his legs. He let go of Babe's hair so that he could clutch her thighs, bracing himself as he mercilessly banged her tender joybox. He could feel Babe's willpower weakening.She was close to coming and had he continued the fevered pace of his lustful indulgence, Babe wouldn't have lasted another minute. So he gradually slowed down to a near standstill. "Oh, come on!" Babe squirmed in frustration. "Don't tease me!" "Patience, luv. I aim to please, not tease," Derek reassured her. To prove it, he stroked her thighs and slipped one of his hands into her crotch. While he remained firmly embedded in her cunt, smoothly sliding his instrument of pleasure in and out, Derek delicately fingered Babe's excitable clit. "Ah-h-h!" she gasped, straightening up so that her back was against his chest. She placed one hand on his hip and wound her other arm around his neck, twisting her head around to kiss him. As he forced his tongue into Babe's gaping mouth, Derek cupped one of her breasts and continued rubbing her throbbing love button, his cock churning in her creamy snatch. Their passion ebbed and flowed like the waves on a calm but vast sea of emotion, up and down, in and out, through and through. Salty tears of rapture streamed down Babe's face, trickling into both of their mouths. "What's the matter?" asked Derek. "Nothing," wept Babe. "It just feels so good!" He chuckled, then licked the tears off her cheeks and resumed their intimacies. He twisted her hard nipples between his fingertips, rolled her juicy clit with his middle finger and pumped his raw prick up her tantalizing twat, more determined than ever to treat her to a finale she would never forget. "Time out," said Derek, withdrawing his trusty tool. "What's next?" asked Babe. "I want you to sit on my face," he told her, reclining on the mattress. "I want to eat your pussy." "Now you're talkin'," Babe enthusiastically consented. "Better yet ... you do me and I'll do you," she suggested. "A la 69." Derek smacked his lips in approval. "Babe, you're a girl after my own heart." In no time flat, Babe had her cunt parked in Derek's face while her own mouth was buried in his crotch. Laying on his back with Babe on top, clutching the cheeks of her ass, Derek scoured her luscious pink slit with his curling, swirling tongue, savoring the bittersweet nectar that seeped from her scrumptious twat. Babe was just as hungry for his cock, licking his looming love pole into shape, then exploring its dimensions with her drooling lips. Her mouth opened wide to receive his towering tool and richly sucked his crimson rod from head to scrotum, sliding smoothly and swiftly up and down its sinewy shaft. Derek's tongue snapped like a whip, lashing Babe's luscious labia and titillating her sensitive clitoris. He probed and prodded her pink pearl, gluttonously smothering his lips in her saucy snatch, wallowing in her wet womb, raking her flexing buttocks as he feasted on her furry fissure. Babe countered by grazing his cock with her teeth and clawing his gaping thighs. She tugged hard on the knob of his manhood with her puckered lips and massaged his bloated balls, sending shivers of ecstasy throughout Derek's writhing body. Her head bobbed faster and faster as she worked her mouth all the way up and down his throbbing member. She wanted him to come in her mouth. She wanted to taste his creamy essence. Sensing that the end was near, Derek pulled out all the stops and drove his tongue deeper into Babe's grinding gash. He flicked and fluttered his drooling muscle, thoroughly tantalizing her burning clit. "Mmm! Mmm!" moaned Babe, sucking harder and harder on his stiff dick, helplessly hurtling toward a powerful climax, desperate to make Derek come at the same time. Racing to the finish line, Derek pressed his tongue against Babe's volatile love button and ignited her orgasm. Her cunt quivered in his grasp, creaming his face with her hot juice. "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmm!" she groaned, stuffing Derek's hard meat down her throat and squeezing his balls. "Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h!" Derek gasped, stiffening his legs and firing his white hot paste into Babe's mouth. "AHHHHHH!" Babe swallowed the first ejaculation, then removed her mouth from his prick and watched it bubble over like a volcano. As Derek's jizz oozed from its cannon, Babe licked it like an ice cream cone. She wrapped her fist around the shaft and pumped until every drop of cum had been extracted and devoured. When she was finished, Babe wiped her lips with her tongue and released Derek's shriveling cock. Smiling contentedly, she cuddled in his embrace. "How was that for an audition?" she asked. Utterly exhausted but utterly satisfied, Derek could think of nothing else to say except, "Bravo."Babe was the first to come, squealing with delight as Jo-Jo jammed his joystick fast and hard into her creamy crevice, filling her to the brim with his sizzling sap. When he finally withdrew, Babe crawled over to where she had discarded her clothes and started to dress. "Where are you going?" asked Jo-Jo, stretched out on the floor. "I'm tired," she replied. "I'm gonna take a shower and get some rest." "Party-pooper," Jo-Jo remarked. "You're not leaving, are you?" said Candy, looking up from beneath Chris' hovering body. "I'll see you all tomorrow," Babe announced. "Have fun." "Good night," somebody moaned. As she was walking out the door, Babe glanced back and noticed that everybody had converged into one pile of writhing flesh, groping and grinding, sucking and fucking. She smiled approvingly and closed the door behind her. Babe trudged half way down the hotel corridor and let herself into her room. Once inside, she tossed the key onto the bed and undressed again en route to the bathroom. The plan was to shower, slip into something comfortable and get at least eight hours of sleep. Her mind was reeling from the band's triumphant concert appearance, but she had to unwind and prepare herself for the rest of what promised to be a grueling tour. She clicked on the television for companionship and shed the last of her undergarments, then entered the bathroom. She brushed her teeth while listening to rock videos and gargled in tune with a familiar song. The shower rejuvenated Babe. Cleansing herself in the soothing hot spray, she imaged she was standing beneath a tropical waterfall. She slid a bar of soap against her smooth flesh, lathering her breasts, her belly and her inner thighs, scrubbing away the grime of a hard night's work and a hard night's pleasure. Her nipples grew hard as frothy suds streamed down her body, settling like sea foam in her pubic hair and dripping through the groove of her pouting pussy lips. Invigorated by the sensation, she leaned back against the blue tile walls and spread her legs, allowing the shower spray to pour on her gaping slit. While the tingling warm water tantalized her twat, Babe lathered her hands, then applied her sudsy fingers to her throbbing clitoris. She massaged her volatile lovebutton in slow, circular motions, titillating herself to the point of no return. Lust dictated that she masturbate to climax, drenching herself in waves of ecstasy. But just as Babe was about to explode, she suddenly paused, realizing that something wasn't right. She turned off the water and listened carefully. There was no sound coming from the other room. She reached for a towel and wrapped it around her, then quietly, cautiously, stepped out of the bathtub. Babe moved slowly to the doorway and peeked outside. The TV set had been turned off, but there wasn't anyone in the room. "Anybody there?" she asked nervously. There was no reply. She inched her way into the room, sidestepping to the night table beside the bed and reaching for the telephone. Suddenly a huge figure leaped out from behind the drawn window curtain. "Boo!" Babe nearly jumped out of her skin. "Omigosh!" she gasped. It was Bull, grinning from ear to ear. "Surprise!" "How the hell did you get in here?" Babe angrily demanded to know. The husky bodyguard flashed a credit card. "My little backstage pass." "Well, get out!" she ordered. "Oh, come on, Babe," Bull pouted. "That's no way to treat a guest." "I don't want you here," Babe insisted. "Would you please leave? Or do I have to call security?" "But I am security." "That does it," she said, heading for the phone. As she reached for the receiver, Bull seized her wrist. Babe tugged her arm away from his grip. "Allow me," he said, picking up the entire phone single-handedly. With one swift jerk, he pulled the wire out of the wall and tossed the equipment aside. Babe gaped at him in surprise and fear. "What do you want?" she asked. Bull snickered, his lecherous eyes scrutinizing her from head to toe. "I think you know," he said ominously. "Remember how you left me high and dry at the mansion? You owe me something and I'm here to collect." "You must be crazy," Babe scoffed. "Do you actually think I'd allow a lowlife like you to lay his filthy hands on me?" "Why not?" he laughed. "You've already fucked everybody else." Babe slapped his face so hard that the palm of her hand stung. But the blow merely amused Bull. Defiantly, he moved closer. "I've been thinking about that pussy of yours for a long time, thinking about how good it's gonna feel when I fuck you." He suddenly reached out and tore the towel away, exposing Babe's nude body. She tried to cover her breasts and crotch with her hands and arms, but there was no hiding from Bull's leering eyes. "Nice tits," he smirked. Babe slapped him again, even harder. "Ha!" he taunted. "Like you don't want it." She tried to slap him again, but Bull seized her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back. "Ow! You're hurting me," she complained. "See? I can play rough, too," he told her. Babe tried to claw his face with her other hand, but Bull easily subdued her. She was helpless in his grasp, naked and vulnerable. "I'll ... I'll scream!" she warned. "Oh, I know you will," he assured her, running his tongue up her long neck and into her ear, sending shivers through her body. "Especially when I shove my big hard cock into your cunt!" But Babe did not scream. In fact, she hardly resisted. She wanted this as much as he did, perhaps more so. She had never been with a man this strong, this bold, this capable of satisfying her most lustful desires. Anyway, it was useless to struggle. Babe was like a puppet in his clutches. She had no choice but to do whatever he wanted. "Oh, yeah!" he groaned, tightening his grip on her arms, forcing her to thrust her big beautiful boobs in his face. Babe closed her eyes and leaned back as Bull nibbled on her bountiful nuggets. He licked and bit her pert pink nipples until they resembled a pair of ripe cherries. Then he gluttonously sucked each sumptuous mound of flesh, making her swoon with ecstasy. "M-m-m-m . . ." he moaned, milking her jugs with his salivating lips, grinding his groin against her belly, his stiff meat threatening to burst from his tight jeans. "Think you're too good for me, huh?" Bull bitterly sneered, running his tongue up her chest and along her neck. "You only fuck rock stars, right? Well, I'm gonna show you what a real man is like!" Bull covered her lips with his gaping mouth and jammed his tongue down her throat. He gradually released her wrists and used his hands to explore her body. He clutched and kneaded the firm but tender cheeks of her ass, stroked her smooth, shapely back and inserted his stubby fingers into her wet cunt. Hot for his flesh, Babe unzipped his fly and reached inside his jeans, fumbling for his rigid rod. Bull shoved her away, sending her sprawling backwards onto the bed. "It's my party!" he growled. Babe laid still while he stripped off his T-shirt, exposing his monolithic torso with its rippling muscles. She quivered with lust as she watched him unbuckle his belt and pull down his jeans, admiring his body as he stood naked above her, gazing in awe at his broad shoulders, flexing pectorals, slender waist and towering tool. He stared down at her cunt, hungrily wetting his lips with his tongue. "I'll bet you've got a real tasty pussy," he said. "Yeah. I'll bet it tastes just fine!" With a strength that astounded her, Bull squatted, wrapped his arms around Babe's thighs and lifted her right off the bed. She hung upside down, her legs spread apart, and her slit within inches of his mouth. As she dangled over the bed, Bull feasted on Babe's gaping gash. "M-m-m-m, the flavor I savor!" he remarked, lapping her luscious labia, plunging his tongue into the creamy depths of her snatch, his whole mouth immersed in her muff as if sucking the juice out of an exotic fruit. Babe moaned with undeniable pleasure, folding her arms and cradling her breasts, the blood rushing to her head. She felt as if she were weightless, floating in space, her calves draped over Bull's shoulders, his huge hands wrapped around her slender waist, holding her up. His wicked tongue toyed with Babe's throbbing clit, flicking her tender lovebutton as if it were a switch, swabbing it in long, drooling strokes, prodding her pink pearl until she twitched and trembled. He thoroughly tantalized her succulent snatch, but deliberately stopped just shy of an orgasm. His purpose was to get her worked up for greater pleasures to follow, to make her hunger for more that he had in store. He lowered Babe gently onto the bed and let her lay there for a few moments, writhing in frustration. "Oh-h-h-h!" she groaned, rubbing her cunt, shuddering as Bull looked on smugly. Then, standing at the edge of the bed, brandishing his long, thick manhood, he coldly issued his command. "Get up, bitch! Get over here and suck my cock!" Obediently, Babe rolled onto her side, then crawled on all fours to the edge of the bed, her face level with his crotch. "That's right," Bull snickered, guiding his taut tool to Babe's parted lips. "Now lick my dick!" She extended her tongue and glided its moist tip around the bloated head of his hefty hardon. "O-o-o-o!" sighed Bull. "That sure feels nice!" As Babe continued to lap his sinewy shaft, he grinned contentedly. "Good girl. Lick it real good. Yeah! Don't neglect my balls. Lick them, too! Lick 'em and take 'em in your mouth!" Babe complied, lapping then sucking his sagging sac, running her thick lips up and down the solid straight stem of his looming lance. "Okay, Babe," he said."Now open your pretty little mouth and eat my meat!" Subservient to his request, Babe enveloped his flesh pole with her luscious lips and slowly devoured his prick to the ball. Bull placed his hands on each side of her head and began moving back and forth, pumping his passion prong in and out of her mouth. "Oh-h, yeah!" he gasped. "Suck that dick!" Bull's hands felt like a vise pressing against her skull, holding her head captive as he forced his phallus up and down her gullet. "O-o-o-o, that feels so good! M-m-m-m!" he taunted. "You sure know how to suck cock, Babe! Yeah, I'll bet you love to eat dick!" Indeed she did. In fact, giving head to Bull was as gratifying for Babe as having her pussy licked. His prick was so long and thick that the sensation of it sliding in and out of her mouth got her hotter by the minute. "I'll bet you'd like me to come in your mouth, wouldn't you?" Bull chuckled, lunging into her gaping lips, grinding his hair crotch in her face. "O-o-o-o, yeah! Make you swallow my hot jizz! M-m-m!" He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back, his cock slipping out of her mouth. "You want to suck me some more? Huh?" "Yes!" Babe breathlessly replied. "Then lie back," he commanded. Babe reclined on the bed and Bull mounted her. He took her breasts in his two big hands and pushed them together, then wedged his saturated member between them and pumped. Babe looked down and watched as his taut torpedo slid back and forth between her tits, surging toward her face, then retreating. As the head of his prick rushed forward, she'd greet it with a flick of her tongue on its bulging, pink tip. "Ah-h-h-h, yeah!" cried Bull, harpooning the tight space between her firm jugs. Then he moved up to straddle Babe's shoulders, resting his buttocks on her breasts. He took his cock in hand and rubbed it against her face, stroking her cheeks and slowly gliding its moist head along her forehead, down her nose and around the soft rim of her lips. Then, leaning forward, he guided his meat missile back into Babe's mouth. "Eat it!" he gleefully demanded. "Suck that bone dry!" Babe stroked his thighs as she sucked in her cheeks and siphoned his plunging shaft. Bull swiveled and jerked his hips, driving his dick deep into her gulping throat. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" he grunted as his rigid ramrod darted faster and faster, in and out of Babe's drooling orifice. But just when it seemed that he was determined to come, Bull withdrew his wet wad and hopped off the bed. "Not bad," he arrogantly declared, "but you can do better." Babe said nothing, submissively awaiting instructions, willing to honor any desire. "What you need, my sweet little pet, is discipline," he decided. "Roll onto your belly." Tingling with anticipation, Babe flipped over. "Now lift that gorgeous butt of yours," he commanded. Babe drew her knees up to her chest, hoisting her ass in the air. "Good," said Bull, admiring her delightful derriere. Without warning, he slapped her bottom. "Ow!" cried Babe. The blow left a red handprint on the right cheek of her raw rump. Babe quivered with a combination of fear and titillation. "You deserve a spanking, you little bitch!" Bull snapped. "Got to teach you a lesson. That one was for teasing me to get into the mansion." "I-I'm sorry," Babe apologized. "Shut up!" he shouted, spanking her again. "Ah!" she flinched, the sting of his slap burning on the other cheek. "That was for tricking me just to get at the Boys. This one," he said with another slap, "is for looking down your snotty little nose at me. And this one," he declared, hitting her harder than ever, "is just for the hell of it." Babe shuddered as the stings diminished. She expected another slap, but mercifully none was forthcoming. "From now on, your ass is mine!" Bull insisted. "Understand?" "Yes," Babe agreed. "Whatever you say." "You're damn right, whatever I say. And you know what I say now? I say, I want to fuck your ass! You hear me?" "Y-Yes, Bull." "Then what are you waiting for, slut? Spread those gorgeous cheeks!" With the side of her face pressing down on the bed, Babe reached behind her and pried apart her aching buttocks, revealing her tiny anus. Immediately aroused, Bull fell to his knees at the edge of the bed, leaned forward and stuck his tongue in her tight crack. "Ah-h-h . . . " Babe moaned as he licked and lubricated her hot slot. The pain of Bull's spanking was replaced by the pleasure of his naughty mouthpiece. As he oiled her backdoor, Bull slipped a finger into her moist cunt and stirred her simmering juices until both orifices were sopping wet. Then, as Babe held apart her tender buns, Bull stood up and directed his throbbing rod toward its tempting target. Babe whimpered as he gently pressed the tip of his tool against her narrow porthole. Bull reached down and clutched her hips. Then with a swift, brutal thrust, he pierced her asshole and drove his spike deep into her snug socket. Babe squealed like a sow, clenching her fists in anguish and ecstasy. Bull proceeded to plug her delicate little hole, inch by inch, until pleasure began to outweigh pain. "Oh-h-h-h!" he groaned. "I love it when it's tight!" Relishing his conquest, he ran his hands up and down Babe's sloping back, grinding his hips as he gored her throbbing anus. "How do you like it, Babe? How do you like getting your ass fucked?" "M-m-m-m," she moaned in reply. "I love it!" Bull chuckled with delight. "Yeah, I'll bet you do, you little tramp. I'll bet you love hard cock!" "Every fuckin' inch of it!" she replied. Babe's enthusiastic vulgarity amused and excited Bull. It provoked his lust and spurred his deep, savage thrusts. "Uh! Uh!" he grunted as he entered and reentered her horny hatch. "Ohh-h-h! Gimme that hole!" Each time he penetrated Babe's tight little tunnel, sharp charges of ecstasy flashed like lightning to various pleasure points throughout her body. Her twat tingled, her nipples throbbed, her limbs quivered as if jolted with electricity. It was more than she could bear, yet she hoped it would last forever. "Now you know why they call me Bull," he boasted. "Not because I'm big and strong, but because I fuck like an animal!" "You are an animal!" Babe exclaimed, writhing against his potent plunger. "A real stud!" "That gets you hot, doesn't it?" "Yeah!" Babe admitted. "Takin' it in your mouth and up your ass. . "Yes! Yes!" "Where else?" "M-m-m-m, in my pussy!" "Is that where you want me to fuck you next?" "Oh-h-h-h, yes!" "You've got to beg for it, first!" "Oh-h-h-h! Fuck my pussy! Please!" "Huh? What was that?" "Please ... fuck my pussy!" "Again!" "Ah-h-h-h!" she cried as he drilled his dick into her swelling anus. "Please! Please! Stick your cock in my cunt and fuck the shit out of me!" "Well," said Bull dryly. "If you insist ..." He slowly withdrew his stiff pole from Babe's yawning rectum and reinserted it in her seething snatch. As his swollen rod slid smoothly into her gaping slit, Babe propped herself up on her hands and knees, quivering and shuddering as she absorbed his entire manhood. "Ah-h-h-h, that's better!" Bull remarked approvingly. "Not too tight, not too loose. Hot and juicy!" He placed his hands on Babe's hips and began pumping his power tool in and out of her creamy cunthole. He started with slow, grinding strokes that got faster and faster, harder and harder. Soon enough, Bull was battering her joy box, pounding his hard, muscular belly against the plump, rosy cheeks of Babe's lovely ass. "Uh! Uh! Ah! Oh-h-h!" she gasped as he repeatedly prodded her pussy. Her flesh was aflame with desire, shivering as his rough hands roamed from one end of her body to another, squeezing her dangling tits, raking her ribs, clutching her waist as he slammed his stiff meat deeper and deeper into her wet womb. Bull took his pleasure with vengeful glee. Too many times he had been passed over while Derek and the rest of The Boys got all the choice groupies, just because they were rich and famous. It was he who had the good looks, the great body and the kind of raw passion that could make any woman come like she never came before. Bull took out all his frustrations on Babe, skewering her succulent sweetmeat with his relentless rod of iron, ravishing her flesh and fulfilling her deepest desires. "Come here!" he commanded, grabbing her by the hair and forcing her to rise to a kneeling position. As he continued to drive his hard dick up and into her hot slit, Bull wrapped one arm around her waist and fondled her breasts with his other hand. "M-m-m-m ..." Babe kept moaning as he juggled her jugs, pinched her nipples and ran his wet lips along her shoulder and up her neck. She reached back and caressed his jerking hips as he pricked her pussy again and again. "Oh-h-h-h! Stick it to me, Bull!" she fretfully demanded. "Gimme that cock! Yeah! Fuck me good!" "Easy, Babe," he cautioned, nibbling on her earlobe. "Got to make it last. We've got a lot more fuckin' to do!" "Oh-h, yeah!" Babe agreed, writhing in his intimate embrace. "Now lie down on your back," said Bull, withdrawing his cock. "I want to watch your face while I'm fuckin' your sweet pussy!" Babe hit the bedspread and rolled over. Slowly, she parted her legs, exposing her moist beaver in all its gaping glory. Bull gazed admiringly at her wet pink slit fringed with curly tufts of pubic hair, his cock flexing with eagerness. He reached down and firmly grasped each of her ankles, then lifted her legs and held them straight up, wide apart. "Stick it in," he told Babe, who gladly took his prick in hand and guided it into her deep cavern of lust.Bull wedged every single inch of his manhood in Babe's luscious cunt. Clutching her ankles, he pumped his pelvis back and forth, jabbing her tender twat with his trusty tool. Babe watched as his pillar of solid meat slid in and out, in and out of her love hole, his thick shaft glistening with her juices. She also got a titillating view of Bull's dynamic physique. As he plowed her, his bulging muscles flexed, shimmering with sweat. He was a hunk in every sense of the word, the stuff that Babe's wet dreams were made of. If she could just quell his anger, bring out the gentler side of him, she could pretend to be his little sex pet when, in fact, Bull would be the one at End of Babe's leash. "Oh-h! You're the best!" she raved, biting her lip as Bull slipped her the big one. "The best you've ever had?" he asked. "Nobody else comes close!" "That's more like it," he said, bearing down on her insatiable cunt. Bull rested Babe's legs against his body and ran his hands up and down her thighs and calves. Leaning forward, he was able to reach her tits, squeezing her firm mounds until her nipples jutted like twin mountain peaks, pink and hard to the touch. Then he separated her legs, forcing them wide apart as he wedged his crotch between her thighs and rammed his pulsing phallus harder and harder into the exquisite vise of her vibrant vagina. Clutching her waist, he pushed and pulled at the same time, savagely screwing her sweet, scintillating snatch until they both worked up a sweltering sweat. As Babe wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, Bull lifted her off the bed and fucked her standing up. She bobbed up and down, impaled on his pole, entwined like a snake in his powerful embrace. After pumping iron for most of his life, Bull considered Babe as light as a feather. Their tongues mingled in a passionate, lingering kiss. Babe ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed her tits against his mighty chest, her hot pussy squirming atop his towering joystick. Bull waltzed her around the room, then pinned her to a wall and nailed her nasty little lovenest with his hammer-hard cock. "Oh-h-h-h! Oh-h-h!" she cried, her back to the wall, her ass cradled in his large, lascivious hands, his blunt instrument of pleasure relentlessly riveting her raw gash. "Oh-h-h-h! You're so big! So hard! It feels so good inside me!" "It gets better and better!" bragged Bull, moving backward toward the bed. He momentarily released his grip on Babe's buttocks, practically relying on the awesome strength of his embedded cock to carry her. Impaled on his shaft, Babe had but to lock her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist to keep from falling. Bull fell backward onto the bed, allowing Babe to assume the superior position. "Ride me, Babe!" he told her, relaxing while she did the work. "Ride the bull!" Quivering with delight, Babe set her pelvis in motion, rising up and down, sliding her slick slit from the knob of his manhood to the base of its long, throbbing stem. As she pleasured his prick, Babe pleasured herself by caressing and clawing his bulging muscles, raking his chest and belly with her fingernails while he fondled her tits. "Fuck that cock!" Bull demanded, pinching her ripe, jutting nipples and pumping his hips to meet the steady, grinding strokes of her creamy cunt. "Gimme that pussy, nice and easy!" Writhing with ecstasy, Babe leaned back and fingered her clit while Bull's big dick surged in and out of her tight, juicy twat. The combination got her so hot that she panted like a beast in heat. She rubbed her throbbing love button with one hand and squeezed her tits with the other, humping Bull's longhorn with a passion. The bodacious bodyguard was just as turned on as Babe. It took all his strength and discipline to stave off the sweet satisfaction of coming then and there. The sight of Babe's gaping slit devouring his huge love muscle drove him wild, as did the aroma of her sex as it glistened on her fingers and drenched his hairy crotch. Bull was ready to pull out all the stops and give Babe the balling of her life. Acting swiftly, he sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist. Before Babe knew what was happening, Bull pulled her down on top of him. He held her tightly for a while, kissing her tempestuously, groping for her ass. Then Bull rolled over, assuming the missionary position, pinning Babe beneath him. He raised himself slightly and grinning down at Babe warned, "I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before!" She spread her legs as wide as possible to accommodate him. As Bull propelled his meat rocket, Babe lifted her breasts and offered her hard, protruding nipples to his hovering mouth. Bull sucked hard on each scrumptuous tit as he prodded her plush pleasure pit with his potent prong. "Oh-h, fuck me, Bull!" cried Babe, jerking her hips to the rhythm of his deep, grinding thrust. "M-m-m! M-m-m! Split me in two! Uhh-h!" Bull banged her box with the force of a locomotive, plunging his prick in and out, in and out of her luscious love canal, his big hands gripping the firm, flexing cheeks of her ass, his hot tongue licking his writhing flesh and slithering deep into her gaping mouth. Delirious with lust, Babe clawed his back and hoisted her legs, providing maximum penetration. Her cunt burned with the friction of his relentless rod as it lunged back and forth within her. Her tender twat began to swell, becoming tighter and tighter. But the tighter it got, the better it felt for both of them. "Ah-h-h-h, baby!" Bull groaned. "I-I can't hold back much longer!" "Me, neither!" Babe shuddered. "Just a little longer! Uh-h! Gimme all you've got! M-m-m! I want your cock so bad! Oh-h-h-h! We'll come together! M-m-m! Yeah, baby! Oh-h-h! Ohhh!" "Here we go!" said Bull, taking a deep breath, then forging ahead. He put it to her harder, faster, deeper than ever, his hips snapping back and forth, up and down, in and out. Babe lowered her legs and planted the heels of her feet on the bed, lifting her groin to absorb every hard inch of his darting love muscle. She squealed and grunted like an animal as the overwhelming sensation of his forceful thrusts sent her hurtling closer and closer toward orgasm. "Ah-h-h!" she wailed. "Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h! Ahh-h! Oh-h-h! Uh-h-h! M-m-m-m!" Bull's cock churned her quivering honey pot, mercilessly delving into her creamy depths again and again and again, each jab of his meat harpoon more devastating than the one before it. The action got so intense that Babe began to convulse, desperately thrashing her head from side to side, flailing her arms and slapping Bull on the sides of his head. "Uh-h-h-h!" she screamed. "Fuck me, you bastard! Fuck me! Uh-h-h-! Uh-h-h-h!" Bull grabbed Babe's wrists to restrain her and pinned them to the bed. Then he put her out of her ecstasy by driving his stiff dick to the hilt of her sweet, saucy snatch. Babe was catapulted to the summit of absolute rapture, transcending the realm of her senses, achieving the ultimate pleasure. Her body stiffened, stars exploded before her eyes and the sound of utter satisfaction rose from her gasping gullet. "Ah-h! Ah-h! AH-H! AH-H-H!" Bull climaxed simultaneously, his cock firing like a cannon within the warm, wet walls of her womb. As his rich, white love cream flowed into her, Babe begged him for a taste. "Hit my mouth!" she breathlessly implored. "Let me have your cum! Let me lick you clean!" Bull hastily withdrew his gushing organ from her gaping gash and crawled forward, spilling his seed on her belly and breasts before he was able to stash his shaft in her drooling mouth. Babe sucked, savored and swallowed the rest of his bittersweet ooze before releasing his raw meat from the tender clutches of her sensuous lips. Bull collapsed beside her, struggling to catch his breath and comprehend what had just happened. After a long silence, both of them burst out laughing and when she found the strength, Babe scooted into the bathroom to cleanse herself. Babe and Bull spent the rest of the night cuddling in bed, flipping channels on the television set with a remote control switch. At one point, they tuned in a video of The Boys' latest single. "Turn off that crap," said Bull disdainfully. "But, honey," said Babe. "Those are your employers." "Fuck 'em," Bull remarked. "I already have," quipped Babe. Bull held her tightly and grinned. "Sweetheart, you've fucked just about everybody." "But not as good as I fucked you," she replied. "I'll vouch for that," Bull conceded, giving her an appreciative kiss on the forehead. "Now that you're a big star, you don't have to fuck anybody to get ahead." "No, I don't," she agreed. "Now I can fuck anybody just for fun." "You don't intend to put out for The Boys anymore, do you?" "Well, Bull," she teased, "I may not be able to keep them at arms distance. You know what they say, `boys will be boys.'" "Yeah, well, now that you have your own personal bodyguard, it should be easy to separate the men from The Boys." "Baby," she smiled, "you already have." They kissed passionately, exploring each other's bodies with their hands. In all the renewed excitement, Bull's cock got hard again. While Babe stroked it, he clicked off the TV. "Enough of that wimp music," said Bull. "I'd rather hear you sing." "Oh, Bull," Babe hesitated. "After that concert tonight, I've got to rest my voice." "Aw, come on, Babe," he coaxed. "Just one encore." She glanced at him slyly. "So, it's an encore you want?" "Yeah," he leered. Babe pulled down the bed sheet, exposing Bull's naked body.Then, taking his stiff shaft into her fist as if it were a microphone, Babe lowered her lips to its swollen head and softly sang: "A hard man is good to find, Show me yours and I'll show you mine. In any place, at any time, A hard man is good to find." As the last note faded, Babe took Bull's manhood into her mouth and gave a command performance he'd never forget. "Ah-h-h-h!" sighed Bull. "There's no business like show business!"
Chapter One
David Lasher
Randy Sis Cindi
"That pussy feels good, baby," John Allison laughed, his voice carrying clearly across the wide swimming pool. "Well, play with it some more, honey!" Wendy Allison giggled, pushing her bikini halter at his chest. She had large, shapely breasts. Cindi Allison, peeking from her second-floor bedroom window down into the pool and patio area, shivered with terrible envy. Her handsome father was sure enjoying his new young wife! She was only twenty-three to John's thirty-five, but he really didn't look that old. Oh, he was so terribly sexy and virile, he deserved a pretty with-it bed-mate. Oh, I wish John wasn't my father! Cindi thought, as she had dozens of times. I'm eighteen and plenty old enough to fuck, and I want to fuck HIM! It's awful, craving him this way. It's all wrong, but I can't help it. I've had this thing about him since I first started playing with my pussy! She was wearing a bikini herself, and had planned to join John and Wendy in the pool. But the way things looked, they would soon be in the master bedroom, getting a little before dinner, even. Cindi's crotch ached; her nipples tingled. It was just agony watching John fool around with Wendy. And it appeared she had her hand in his swim trunks. "Ohhh, don't make me come right out here!" Wendy laughed, struggling a little. But oh, how she loved it! "Okay. Inside," John chuckled. Wendy giggled and swam toward the chromed pool ladder nearest the house. John was right after her. Cindi trembled and ran quickly from her own room, down the hall to the spare bedroom right next to the boudoir where she knew John would take Wendy for their fun. Entering and locking the door, she put her ear to the dividing wall. She had done this before. Faintly, Cindi heard Wendy's giggly laugh. The master bedroom door closed, then a long silence followed. They were kissing and feeling each other, of course. Cindi picked up the drinking glass she used for better listening and placed it against the wall, her ear touching the base of the glass. Much better! "I hope nobody hears us out there," Wendy said. "Ellen's the only one home I know of," John answered. "She's fixing dinner." Ellen was a cousin of John's. She was their live-in housekeeper and cook and had been with the family for over two years. She was about forty-two and very friendly. She was also quite attractive for her age, obviously adoring John. Most women did! "It's been two whole days, honey," came Wendy's flirtatious voice. "I really need some of that nice big cock!" John was a stockbroker at Santa Barbara. He had taken a plane up to San Francisco on business, staying overnight, so Wendy had missed her regular fucking. She sure talked filthy. John liked it. And he also liked his new wife's beautiful body. They had been married only three months. Cindi's mother, Laura, had died five years earlier of cancer, and John had played the field until sultry Wendy had come along. That her elderly father Dean Sawyer was a very wealthy landholder had influenced John somewhat. "Get out of that bikini and let's fuck," John laughed. Cindi shook with need. This was simply torture! Her pussy was already wet. Her clit burned sweetly. Several previous eaves droppings had convinced Cindi her father had a tremendous penis. He was so big and blond and good looking! He was Cindi's love idol, her dream man. He was simply too much! Dotti Fancher, Cindi's best girl chum who lived next door, also thought John was terrific. Cindi had a hard time acting casual about her secret forbidden lust for her own father. Dotti was a very pretty brunette, with big titties for a girl, and she liked to flirt with John when she came over to swim with Cindi. Dotti claimed she was putting out to guys, making them wear condoms, but Cindi really doubted that. "Want me to suck it for you first, honey?" came Wendy's pleased giggle. "Sure, baby," he chuckled. "Provided I can eat some of that pussy." "Neat!" Wendy laughed. "I love a turn-around with you, stud." Oh, that slut! Cindi thought, her free hand gliding down to her tingling bikini-covered cunt. I never heard this before! I almost hate her for getting all that fun with him! I want him so much I just hurt all over. Sure, couples have oral sex. It's really the in thing. Cindi slipped her right hand inside the bikini panty and held her damp, swollen pussy. Oh, her little girl spike was really up there today! After school she and Dotti had walked to a popular Coke spot and flirted a little with some of the guys they went to class with. Cindi knew she had a lot going for her: long legs, a narrow ass, and a budding pair of tits that were kind of small--but they stuck away out there. She was a cheerleader, was on the girls' soccer team, and was popular, but already guys were calling her a cocktease. She wouldn't fuck. She refused to go steady. A few attractive chicks had made passes at her, too; she was not sure about that stuff. One of the newer things around school was two chicks dating one guy. There were so damn few really handsome, virile studs and so damn many girls. Only last week she had slipped into the girls' locker room and caught two chicks kissing and feeling around--and they had not even acted very guilty about it. It was a way to screw and not get knocked up. Girls didn't talk so much, either. Guys were always bragging about who they had fucked. I'm so hot for my own father I don't want anybody else fooling around! Cindi thought. But I do play with my pussy too much. When I first started it was only about twice a week, and now I gotta have the goodies almost every day. And I always imagine John is doing it for me! "Ohhh, you got a big hardon today, honey!" Wendy gurgled. Cindi trembled, pressed her pussy, and imagined John and his new young wife on the bed, straddled out, his mouth on her cunt and Wendy holding his prick, ready to take it in her mouth. What they were doing was right, normal. Talking sexy made it more fun. What made listening even more exciting was the way they fooled around so long before they started fucking. The first time Cindi had eavesdropped and heard Wendy come she had been sure John's cock had been in her. But later conversation indicated he had climaxed her with his fingers. And even when they did fuck, it was obvious he drew his cock out now and then to sort of build the suspense, and Wendy usually went off five or six times before he did! After Laura's death, John had traveled a lot in Europe and the Far East. He had even talked about settling down in West Germany. Then he had met Wendy and decided he could make more money around Santa Barbara than he could in some other country. And he had surely fucked a lot of girls while abroad. Oh, when I think about his big hard cock sliding into Wendy's cunt and going deep, I just about flip! Cindi said to herself. I can't wait any longer. I gotta have one myself! The last time I listened in I climaxed three wonderful, sweet hard ones! Ohhhh, damn! Cindi slipped away from the wall, placed the glass down very quietly and sank down on the carpeted floor. Using the spare bed would give it all away, because when she got really into her fun she just had to wiggle her ass. She loosened her mini halter and slid the bikini panties down her legs and away. Might as well be comfortable, so she bunched a throw rug beneath her head for a pillow, opened her long thighs, and began her self-pleasuring--left hand on her titties, right hand on her pussy. Her crevice was real drippy. She was just over her period, and that was when she needed this oftener. Ohhh, her clit seemed thicker and longer than ever! She remembered vividly the first time she had tried it a few months ago. She had been riding her bicycle in the park, noticing young couples necking, and then she had spotted a hot guy humping his date. The furious movements of his ass started a definite tingle in her crotch. Suddenly the bike seat seemed real groovy against her pussy. She had angled her hips slightly to press down harder and ... Now, with Wendy and John doing their thing in the next room, Cindi could look back and see how kiddish her first orgasm had been. Really, it had not been all that great. It was only the first. And the event had started her reaching and playing for better ones. Once she was sure she could make it, she began to drag it out more, trying not to hurry to the crest. Her clitoris had developed, and her titties had filled out. Her ass had turned round and pretty. She had begun having periods, and some days, when she was really turned on after a romantic movie or listening to a couple fuck, she could climax three or four times! The only trouble was, very often her wrist got so sore she had to stop. Nothing was better than coming! "Ohhhh, yes!" came Wendy's excited laugh. "Get it in me, honey!" "Climb up on, baby, fuck me, "John chuckled. Cindi was sure she would be good on top, once she learned how to take cock. Several illustrations of a girl astraddle in her father's book gave her tingles. That way the guy could fondle the girl's titties and see her better. Cindi had a pretty face, a nice full mouth, and big blue eyes plus long blonde hair. She was even thinking about going to a modeling school in the summer. Now the bed next door began to sigh. Their words were not as clear as before. His prick was way up in her. They were finally screwing. Cindi could picture her beautiful young stepmother rocking her ass, pushing her shapely tits out for her father's delectation. The pleased giggles were so vivid! She's getting what I want more than anything, Cindi thought, shivering. I'm so jealous I could scream! Oh, my elk's really hard, I gotta have one! Wendy'll play around on him a while before she comes. Watching them out in the pool got to me. I sure wish I could watch them fuck! Cindi moved her hand faster. The tingles sharpened sweetly. She heard the bed sounds quicken, then Wendy's familiar wail of girlish delight. "Eeeee--ohhh--ohhh! Oh, John!" "Come, baby, come!"he urged loudly. She's going off on his prick, and I'm coming too! Cindi thought, feeling the tantalizing pangs of her need sweep up her legs to her clitoris.She's getting one sooner than usual. It must have been that finger fucking out in the pool! Ohhh, mine is really good! It's always better when I eavesdrop. All of her pent-up longing for her father, all of her thoughts about him, simply shot from her girl-cock! Those sweet pulses were getting heavier each time she did her finger thing. Today was so heavenly she almost shouted. Now she held the heel of her palm on her clit and pressed her whole pussy, hunching up on it. Oh, those waves of relief! Now, if she could just feel his prick throb in her cunt and know his squirt of jism was flooding her deeps! It was safe jism, too. He'd had one of those operations so he couldn't fix a girl. She had overheard him telling a man friend of his at a party. Somehow this sure knowledge made her more eager than ever. Cindi softened, breathing hard, her left hand stroking her titties. They were growing a little, and she had heard that fondling them and exercising them helped development. A chick without a good set was clearly out of it. Her pink nipples were still kind of stiff and tingly; the feeling in them was improving. Someday, somehow, if John ever did fuck her, she wanted to be just the best he ever had! And pretty tits were so important. She rested a moment, sighed, and crawled to her feet, returning to the dividing wall, the water glass again pressed tightly to her ear. "Oh, I sure needed that, honey," Wendy cooed. How smug and satisfied she sounded! The bitch! "Gooood cuuuuunt," John chuckled. "Did I tighten it better this time?" she giggled. "Hey, you're improving," he laughed. "Bastard," she giggled. "I didn't know I could till you asked me. Sure makes my pussy climax harder." Cindi staggered and left the wall, sinking into a chair, her legs weak. They had never talked about that. It was not even mentioned in the book. Her own cunt mouth kind of twitched a little when she went off, right when the goodies were the very best. But the idea of a girl moving her inner flesh around a cock was positively obscene! The way Cindi understood it, the sliding was what a man loved, the pumping and poking. Now John expected his wife to clamp her vagina! Still, if she liked it too, if it made her climaxes better ... Cindi realized suddenly that she really didn't know much about fucking at all! And it sounded like Wendy hadn't either till John had got his hands on her and his prick into her cunt. E Cindi had heard enough for one day. Hiding the water glass, she slipped her bikini back on and crept very quietly from the spare bedroom. Safely in her own room down the hallway, she fell backward on her bed and cupped her pussy mound again. She would not have to worry about that tightening stuff till she had a steady and got some practice. The hell of it was, not one guy she knew interested her that much. She compared them all with her father, and they always came out losers. Maybe she masturbated too much. But the experts said that wasn't possible; the nerves would backfire when a person overdid it. Oh, this sex business was so damned confusing! But she did need at least one more. In some ways, having her fun in her own familiar room was better. She could relax and not worry about the bed sounds. Cindi could even turn on her stereo and squeal a little when the goodies came. Fingers inside the bikini panty, she slid the halter from her titties and closed her eyes. She had a very favorite fantasy about herself and John, but of course he was not her father when the dream pleasure happened ...John now did a startling thing. He bent way over and took his cockhead in his mouth! He was a fine athlete, very limber. Ohhh, what a way to go! Ellen knew oral sex was going on, but stupid Earl hadn't. Also, the thought of taking his little thing in her mouth was disgusting. But suddenly Ellen knew she would love to suck on John. Now he leaned back again, drew the foreskin down, and tensed his knob once more. God! When was he going to shoot his jism? His saliva-wet cockhead, the big shaft standing high, the fucking movements of his hips--it was too much! Ellen felt her clit flex, and the stinging rage of her sinful need pulsed from her cunt! She heard herself moan, but she was too far along to care. She was having the best climax of her entire life! "Hey, what the fuck?" came John's voice, invading her obsessive thrall. She swam up out of her concentration, staggered, and ran to the door of the tack room. Opening it quickly, she so startled young John he didn't even try to haul up his pants and shorts. "Oh, John, don't tell!" Ellen breathed, knowing her face was flaming with embarrassment and lust. His prick was shrinking. What a terrible sight! A strange expression came into John's face. He relaxed and leaned back on the shed wall again. His beautiful cock began to swell, and a sly grin touched his lips. "You been outside watching me, Sis?" "Yesss, and it's awful, I couldn't resist. Oh, I know you want me, and I want you, honey. Earl isn't taking care of me." "Well, sonofabitch," he muttered. He seemed so very grown up, like sixteen or even older. He was in charge of the situation, having that kind of strong personality. Ellen reached for her blouse, a tight one that showed every line of her breasts. She knew why she had put it on, too. A sweet fever possessed her. She could not turn back now; she was caught in her younger brother's sex trap. His stiffening prick and the hard craving in his eyes said he had to finish it, too! "What'd you do, Sis? Stand out there an' watch me and get yourself off?" "Yesss!" Her face was hot with shame. "Jeeeee-sus!" he muttered thickly. "Let's go up in the hay now. I sure do need some cunt." Ellen could never remember going up into the hayloft, but every minute detail and every word that followed would live in her mind as long as she existed. It seemed much more like her wedding day than the thing with Earl had ever been. John's rough country language didn't bother her one bit. She often used it to herself when she masturbated. They were peas out of the same pod. Resting comfortably in the fragrant hay, John sat across from his sister and held his huge stiff cock in his right hand. She spread her legs so he could see her thin, red panties and reached for her blouse again. "Okay, get your tits out," he said. "Oh, don't you want to come over here and play around and kiss me, honey?" He stared between her thighs, his prick flexed. A batch of clear juice oozed out on the head. His face was very taut. "Not this time," he breathed. "You got it off once and I ain't had mine yet. I gotta fuck!" "Yesss!" she gasped, undoing her blouse very quickly. "That's such a big, beautiful prick, honey!" He trembled as he watched her remove the blouse and reveal her tight pink bra. It was lace trimmed, like her panties, and she knew why she had worn it. I've been craving this for over a year or more! He knows it and he's been wanting my cunt the same way! We're two animals! "I'm so glad you didn't shoot your stuff!" she breathed. "I want it!" "You got some of that jelly to put up in there?" "Nooo! I can't get knocked, honey. I'm sterile. You can shoot me all day long and it's okay." "Jeeeeee-sus!" he breathed. "Fuck! My own sister!" "Oh, don't you ever, breathe a word!" she gasped. "Shit, no! They'd have us both in jail. Doesn't Earl ever fuck you?" "He just gets it in a few minutes and then it's all over." "That shitass! He don't look too smart," John said. "I can tell you really need it, the way you wiggle around." "I've been horny a long time for you, honey," she giggle. Now that they were into it, she wanted to make things not so tense and uptight. A good fuck should be a fun thing. They couldn't get serious about it! "Jeeees, I been wanting to fuck you for years," he muttered. Then his grin came out. He was becoming more relaxed. It was more as if they weren't related at all and out on a sneaky hayloft date. "You cocky little shit!" she laughed. "All that jism on the sheets." They both laughed. "One time I heard your bed jiggling and you was in there all alone," he smiled. "I didn't know girls jacked off till this chick in town told me." "Well, that isn't the word for it, but it's fun!" she giggled. She unhooked her bra and let her big boobs hang free. Oh, how he stared! His prick tensed, and his hips lifted in a coital thrust. Suddenly they weren't laughing. Ellen squirmed out of her skirt, yanked her panties along her legs, lay down on the hay, and opened her thighs very wide. John got out of his pants with jerky movements. He gazed at her blonde-haired cunt, his eyes kind of glazed. Shaking with awful need, Ellen steered her brother's prick to her burning, flooded cunt-mouth. The first touch of his forbidden cockhead between her swollen labia was like a negative pole touching a positive terminal. Her flesh was spreading as it never had! The wild flame of his huge knob snuggled deeper. He moaned. She cried out, hunched upward, and felt the tear of her hymen. At long last! And then that huge thing was filling her cunt! "Uhhhh!" he growled at her fiercely. "Uhhhh--fuuuuuck! That's good cuuuuuunt!" Then an amazing thing happened. Ellen's vagina clenched on John's wonderful huge prick! A deep zone that Earl had never touched was responding to her brother's youth and strength. The surges of delight that racked her pelvis were pure heaven. Coming on her fingers simply couldn't compare with this! His tremendous cock belonged in her cunt! "Oh! Ohhhh!" she cried fiercely. "Ram it to me, I'm cummmming!" John's hips jerked, and Ellen's legs shook. Her tits swelled; he groaned and stroked his cock swiftly in and out. It was a love piston sliding in her cunt cylinder that was just made for fucking, his kind of fucking. Oh, how he was straining and panting! His big nuts hit up against her slushy cunt mouth, and he shouted wildly. Then his huge member throbbed in her deeps! That semen that had always excited her, that man stuff she craved. It was spurting in her spasming cunt. Her whole pelvis was heaving and churning and exploding. Her flesh was clutching in quick rhythm on his driving cock. Oh! Those last heavy, hard lunges in her depths were so good, she shouted again! "Uhhhh. Uhhh! Uhhhh!" he moaned, finally softening between her quaking thighs, his sweaty chest pillowed on her peaked high breasts. But his dreamy cock was still moving slowly in her fluttering cunt. His mouth found her waiting lips. They had their first sexual kiss, their tongues blading and squirming as the twinges of aftermath fed Ellen's lusts, filling her with an awful wonder. Now, above all, no heavy "love" stuff. She unglued her mouth at last and hugged him with all her strength, panting in his ear. "Oh, you're good fucking, honey. We'll have this whenever we can get together!" "Yeahhhh!" he panted, his cock still as hard as ever. "I sure never had cunt like yours." "Oh, I never went off so hard in my life!" she giggled. "Did you know you picked my cherry?" "Damn, I thought it was real tight there. Doesn't Earl get it in you?" "Oh, he's got a real little short cock, honey. He kept going right past it. But don't you worry now. He'll never know the diff." "Jeeeee-sus! I always wanted to be in here first. Your cherry!" "I'm so glad you don't come fast," she giggled. "After all the playing with it, too." "I gotta pump a long time to jack out a load," he chuckled. "I bet those girls in town sure love that!" she purred. "Well, this one dame about twenty-five sure goes for it," he said. "Pops about four times before I get it off." "Oh, I'm so jealous!" she breathed. "Save all that jism for me, honey."The quick, lusty bucking of her ass, the twist of her face, her heaving tits and quaking legs showed Cindi how a mature woman enjoyed teasing and play with everything she had. Ellen's mouth broke free, and her right hand shot down to cover John's. She lunged at the two hands with her busy cunt. "Oh, oh, ohhhh! Ohhhh! I'm coming HARD!" she wailed fiercely. "Ohhh! John, ohhhhhh!" Cindi caught her breath, sagged against the railing, and feasted her senses on the erotic vision. She was so filled with envy that she felt tears forming in her eyes. It just was not fair! Her father was cheating on Wendy, and Ellen didn't have to get all of it. And every week, from the way it sounded. "Ohhh, you devil!" Ellen breathed, falling back softly on the sofa and panting jerkily. Her fingers returned to John's wet-headed cock, and her fingertips fluttered lovingly up and down its tumid shaft. The look of adoration filled Cindi with more bittersweet envy. "Terrific," John grinned, doodling with Ellen's beautiful tits again. How long, pink, and sexy her nipples were. The crotch of her panties was soaked with woman goo. "Oh, it gets better every time, darling!" Ellen giggled. "Can I please suck it now?" "I think I'd rather go in the bedroom and fuck," he smiled. "You go freshen up and I'll undress." "I know," she gurgled, looking down at her panties. "I sure do get wet." John smiled, and squeezed an alluring tit peak. Ellen patted his prick, wiggled to the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. Instantly, John moved to the living room door and went out swiftly. Cindi tried to stand. She staggered and caught at the balcony railing. Suddenly, John's big tall silhouette was right in front of her. She had been caught!She must be getting steady prick somewhere. Just imagine. She's never had a girl fuck! I'll pick her cherry and show her how two cunts can groove. Ellen's arms glided around Wendy's neck. Ellen's lips opened, and a tremor ran up her robust figure. It was almost like her feeling for John, she had sensed this for a long time. Ellen was waiting to be tested, explored, and enjoyed. Wendy had not been this excited about a pussy for ages. Or maybe the sensations were so enervating because she had denied herself since the marriage. One big thing in favor of making it with an attractive and willing chick was the unspoken understanding that there was no hurry. Damn few men realized this. A sensitive chick was a delicate instrument who needed oodles of playing and teasing before the prick went in. Wendy recalled a chick at college she had dated. They had fooled around for over two hours before the girl got off. Beautiful! Feeling a girl climax was something special; and, usually, one was just a starter. Unless a man was very young and virile, that first big spurt took the fun out of it for the girl. Nothing was worse than a limp cock! Wendy had gone home disappointed after a lot of dates, having to finish her goodies up with her own fingers. But John could really fuck. He could screw for half an evening and not shoot his wad. Naturally, his prick wasn't in all that time, because he knew how to employ his hands and mouth. When his big dick did finally throb out the load, it was an emotional experience! Nobody, girl or man, had ever twanged Wendy's fun strings so adeptly. And she was now learning to clench her cunt around his beautiful huge prong. Well, he would not be back in her for a few days--he was not Superman, so Ellen would do very nicely. Wendy stabbed her tongue in and out of Ellen's mouth and pushed her tits into Ellen's pillowy boobs, hunching her cunt mound at the older woman's crotch. Ellen trembled. Her own tongue began to flirt, and her lips spread wider. She was really going for it! ... Some fuck talk, a couple of drinks, a posh motel setup, and a little persuasion. Wendy remembered how the cute cocktail waitress in the lounge had stared at Ellen's bulging tits. "Yes, they're real, honey," Wendy remarked. "Yeah, you'd know," the girl said archly. "Go fuck yourself with a candle, sweetie," Wendy giggled. "You're just jealous." "Well, piss on you, baby," the girl sneered. "I go for prick." "Buzz off before I call the manager," Wendy smiled. When the girl flounced away, Ellen giggled. "Some conversation!" "Oh, I was in here about two weeks ago, and she said she'd spread out for me for fifty bucks. Cheap whore." "I didn't know so much of that was going on," Ellen said. "You just never know who's humping who these days," Wendy said. They both laughed. Now, feeling Ellen's resilient ass in her hands and her tongue squirming in her mouth, Wendy knew she had it made. The rest would be like picking ripe grapes. Ellen was a fine, eager, sensuous piece. Things at home would be much more titillating, and just maybe John would go for a threesome. Ellen was beginning to adore this young, fragrant pussy. Her clit was rising, her nipples erecting, and cozy thrills were fanning out from her cunt. With a new man she would be terribly uncertain, John had spoiled her, because he was so damned wonderful. She could even imagine he was caressing her and drawing the fun from her body. Even after all these years, the memory of Earl pumping away between her legs with his inadequate little cock that had not even punctured her hymen was the big reason she had not tried other men. A smooth, pretty, and knowing girl was a whole new game. Because John was fucking Wendy all the time, it seemed to make this more provocative. Wendy's mouth swerved aside. She breathed in Ellen's ear. "Oh, this is gonna be good, honey. I can tell." "When do we start fucking?" Ellen whispered. "Nnnnnnn!" Wendy giggled. "Already?" "I think I was ready at the house and wouldn't admit it." "Well, let's get these damn clothes off and groooove," Wendy purred. Ellen felt a sweet, warm glow that was caused partly by the drinks and partly the sexy motel atmosphere. Wendy had been right not to do this at home in the middle of the day. Helene Fancher, the attractive divorcee from next door, had a habit of dropping by, or the phone would ring. Also, John and Cindi might return too soon. Wendy stepped back and began to unfasten her blouse. Her dark eyes were shiny, and a faint flush was on her throat. It was easy to see why John enjoyed her well-structured body. It was daintily curved and pouted in all the right places. She was centerfold material with a bit of extra padding. He had never cared for skinny girls. Ellen didn't like undressing in front of anybody, even John. But this was a horse of another color. She wanted to show Wendy she had an attractive bod herself. As her pants top came away, Wendy smiled. "Those are something, honey." "What do they say--a girl without tits goes without?" Ellen giggled. The view of Wendy's boobs in the lacy black bra gave her a twinge in the pussy. She was enjoying it. Maybe it explained why women liked to see strip shows, why girls were always the decorative element in night clubs, not men. "Will you please get some modish clothes to wear at home?" Wendy said. "John likes to look, even if he doesn't touch." "Okay," Ellen laughed. "What would you say if he did touch?" "I wouldn't get too jealous, honey," Wendy purred. "Some men do keep two women, you know." Wendy shook with excitement. Ellen's figure was all the pants suit had promised--and more. Her big-coned tits jutted out. She had dressed for fun; the matching red panties were as sexy as the bra. The dark nylons made her full legs mouthwatering, and her cunt hair was blonde, not auburn. "Are you saying John can give me a little?" Ellen said, her voice trembling. "He's crazy if he hasn't already," Wendy giggled. Ellen flushed. Wendy knew damn well he had been there. Ellen's "plain" image around the house had not fooled a stud like John. I should be sore. Most brides would be. But if I get her, too, I can't knock it! I wonder if she'd go for a threesome? "Well, he needs a young girl like you, Wendy," Ellen breathed. "Oh, let's have our fun and work out from there, honey," Wendy giggled, catching Ellen around the waist again. She steered the lush redhead to the love-seat and they both sat, Ellen on the left. Their mouths joined again. Wendy reached for Ellen's bulging tits and fondled their lacy-cupped peaks. Ellen whined, her tongue leaping into Wendy's mouth and her rich thighs opening wide. Her nipples stiffened in the scented bra cups. Talk about an eager beaver! Feeling a sensual woman respond so swiftly and hungrily shot rippling tingles through Wendy's loins. It would not take long to pop Ellen's fun gun. Not long at all! Ellen soaked in the dreamy thrills as if she were a sponge. Somehow, this satisfied a new hunger in her being--a little bit like masturbating, but much sweeter. Sharing sex was so much better! Maybe she had been a latent lesbian all her life, Wendy was just bringing it out. She would not have to think about John at all. She loved every caress and tongue jab from Wendy. Ellen reached her right hand down to Wendy's black bikini panties and the brunette spread her legs. Ellen cupped the dainty cunt swell, and felt wetness on her palm. It was something to hold another girl's sex. Wendy shivered. Her hips lifted on Ellen's fingers, and their tongues did a frenzied, sensuous dance, their lips writhing and mashing. "Uhhhh!" Wendy breathed, breaking the kiss. "Get these panties off and let's fuck!" "Yessss!" Ellen gasped, shaking with lust. "God, I need it!" As they stood, undies flew right and left. They kicked off their sandals and rushed to the bed. Ellen felt the warm, silky body glide between her opening thighs. She tipped her cunt upward, and Wendy's bare pussy squished down and in. Ellen's cute ass bucked. How strange and wonderful it was having a girl. "Ohhhh, that's good cunt!" Wendy panted, grinding her butt. The sticky, slippery joining was hot and velvety. Feeling Wendy's shapely tits caressing her high, peaked breasts, was a heavenly variation of regular sex for Wendy. Ellen's clit tensed, and furious pangs of need gripped her crotch. Her cunt mouth twitched the way it did around John's huge cockhead! "Uhhh! Ohhh! I gotta break one, honey!" Wendy panted, hunching faster. "Ohhh, yesss!" Ellen moaned, gripping the busy assflesh and bucking upward. She missed the plunge of a cock or her dildo, but it was fun coming this way. A whole unique experience, getting it off with a girl! Ellen floated to the crest of her need and fell into a frothy, shivery anus-twitching orgasm! She was in dreamland. She was nowhere. "Eeeeee! Ohhhh! Fuuuuuck!" came Wendy's quavery cry, far in the distance. Ellen felt the tiny spike of Wendy's sex quiver as she went off. What a kicky new kind of response! Her own clitoris was answering with tensings that were simply delicious! It was as if their cunts were tuned to each other. Wendy felt the honey of her desire pulse from her aching clit. This was very special cunt! It was grabbing at Wendy's pussy. The violent shaking of Ellen's legs, her nipples as stiff as finger-ends, her hands digging into Wendy's ass, the heavy panting and whimpering, her lively up-hunching ... it was a hot girl's fantasy come true. I'll bet she goes ape on John's long cock! Wendy thought, as the elixir of her aftermath shivered her whole body. He wants me to learn to tighten my cunt on his dong. I'm doing better, but Ellen already knows how! Jesus, she comes harder than I do! She is something else. Ellen softened, her hands dropped, and she coasted along in the rosy thrall of relief, her cunt still glued to Wendy's pussy. The wonder of it was that she could climax so thoroughly with a girl between her legs and without a plunging prick. It was like discovering a whole new outlet for her daily needs. She could look back now and see missed opportunities, attractive girls who had practically asked her for a date, and she had turned them down. Better late than never. Ellen had been so obsessed with John she had not realized her full capabilities. She did notice cute chicks, older women, too, who had a little something special. But she had grown up in a square community. She had missed out on lots of fun. Maybe she did need a boyfriend. Once a week with John was simply not enough. "Oh, we really groove, honey," Wendy breathed, kissing Ellen's throat. "You know what? I almost wish John was here, too." "You dirty young thing!" Ellen giggled. But a shiver of the shapely body said Wendy had hit the nail on the head. "I don't know if I could--three of us!" "Well, at least we could take turns in different rooms," Wendy said slyly. Ellen's arms gripped very hard, and her hips arched upward. "You don't know what you're saying, honey!" "I tried it at college a few times," Wendy said. "Neat. You know what gets a man up faster than anything?" "New pussy, I suppose," Ellen giggled. "I know how men are, believe me." "Sure, but watching two girls make out really makes the bone hard." "Filthy!" Ellen breathed. It's happening! Ellen thought, shuddering. She does want a party. She wants me to fuck him in front of her! I won't have to wait a week and slip around and feel guilty--except about the same old guilt. John won't tell her, and I sure as hell never will! And then there's Cindi. We couldn't do it at home. "Well, it's up to you, honey," Ellen said. "And John?" "Oh, he'll go for it," Wendy laughed. "Ever hear of a stud who didn't want a harem?" They both giggled. "Are you going to tell him we got a little today?" Ellen said. "Oh, let's keep that a secret, huh?" Wendy purred. "When he goes out of town, we won't get lonesome." "You're so good to me!" Ellen breathed. "Because you're such good fucking, honey." She rolled away and looked at Ellen's soppy, swollen cunt. "Blonde, huh? I'd let it show more. You sure have the complexion. Let's take a shower and have more goodies."Lots of girls said they wouldn't fuck, so had Dotti before he'd shown her his trusty condoms. Get one hot enough and she'd take cock, all right, he thought. His last really good fuck had been with Dotti's swinging mother, Helene. There was some piece of ass, man. The young man had dropped by to see Dotti one day. She was out, but Helene had invited him in. A couple of drinks of wine, some kissing and tit play, and they had gone to her bedroom. No rubbers wanted with her! She liked the feel of raw cock. She got four loads out of him, and he was not sure how many times she went off. Three fuck dates with Helene had taught Carl a lot about making out he had never known before. He also learned some good bedroom manners that were now paying off with the young stuff. If Dotti could suck cock like her mother, he might even consider going steady with her. She had a pretty tight little cunt. Sometimes you never knew when a young chick went off, because they did a lot of acting. He squeezed Cindi's sweet, firm tit. Her lips opened wide. The tongue snaking inside felt as if she really was turned on. He'd been horsing around with Dotti for nearly an hour and had been close to getting his cock in her when Cindi had called. She was coming on strong today. Now if he could get this steady! Cindi's unrequited hunger for a man to touch her flooded through her body. To hell with John! Carl was handsome enough. His mouth tasted real good, and he was about the right age for her. Dotti's presence somehow made the scene even more exciting. She had watched Carl run his prick in Dotti when they had grooved, and now she would groove with him, too. My first tittie caress, my first real sex kiss, and I love it! Cindi thought, feeling his tongue play around hers. I gotta hold his cock! Dotti can still play it around on her tits. Oh, my clit's really stiff! I hope he knows how to play with a pussy, too! Hanging onto Carl's mouth with her eager lips, Cindi dropped her left hand to his prick, closed her fingers around the tumid, hot man thing, and shuddered with lust. It was not as big as John's cock, but it felt utterly dreamy. Some of Carl's eager juice wet her fingers, and her pussy ached. Now she felt Dotti's silky breasts intrude; she was pressing them on his cock. Just for the hell of it, Cindi cupped a bulging tittie. "Right on!" Dotti giggled. How strange to be fondling Dotti and Carl at the same time. Cindi stroked her tongue in and out, in and out of Carl's mouth. His tumid prick flexed in her hold as she clasped his meat and Dotti's tit. Suddenly, Carl's mouth swerved aside. He shuddered. He was nearly ready to come. "Ohhhh, shoot it between my tits, stud!" Dotti exclaimed. Carl had not intended to bust a load so soon, but the way this blonde vixen was gobbling his mouth and gripping his cock was too much. Fooling around with Dotti had charged his nuts. He had really figured on dumping a blast in her cunt for starters. "Uhhhhh!" he moaned, feeling the stinging surges of his passion throb his prick. Dotti gasped, pressing her jugs around his cock. Cindi's fingers drew back and a white burst of jism splashed up on Dotti's chin. Cindi fell back on the sofa, watching the man stuff pulse from Carl's knob. The hunch of his hips, the strained look on his face, the dribble of white cream down on Dotti's tit mounds--it was so stimulating! She wanted to seize her cunt mound and get off herself. Dotti caressed Carl's cock with her breasts and fingers. As he leaned back, breathing hard, she gave his cock a few more squeezes and looked over at Cindi. "Honey, you look like you're about to get one yourself!" Dotti giggled. "Ohhh, I am!" Cindi breathed, her hips lifting in coital thrusts. "Well, slide your ass over and I'll do it for you!" Dotti said, rising. Cindi hardly remembered the next thing. She was moving over to make room for Dotti and tipping her mouth for a kiss when the brunette's mouth touched her. As the tongue bladed sweetly inward and Dotti's fingers cupped her cunt mound, the first burning stabs of Cindi's need began to stream achingly from her clit! Cindi grabbed Dotti around the neck while her hips jiggled up and down and her tongue was leaping into Dotti's mouth! She was coming with a girl! But it didn't matter. The beats of her climax were too sharp and neat. She had held her first cock, and she had seen it spurt. It was not that she and Dotti were making out. Dotti was just finishing the fun for her. Damn, I sure needed this! Cindi thought, as the twinges of aftermath trembled her loins. It's so much better than masturbating! It's sharing, and it's heavier than hell. I'm gonna have a whole lot more of it! John bad his easy pussy, and I'm getting mine! "Oh, you sure come hard, honey!" Dotti giggled, opening Cindi's halter. "Nice pretty tits. Carl, baby, you care if we do some more making out? Will that get your prick up again?" "Yeah," Carl chuckled. "Let's go to my room and get things going," Dotti gurgled. She whispered in Cindi's ear. "When he isn't around, we can fuck, honey."She was not going to let Cindi take Carl away from her! Carl was also making it! "Ughhhh! Fuuuuuck!" he moaned, jolting in so hard Dotti's ass slipped along the bedspread. "Ohhhh, I'm coming!" Dotti cried. The tingles were good. Sometimes she had to fool around with her pussy for half an hour or more to make it come. She could not understand how Cindi could get hers off twice in a row. Older women could, she knew, because she had overheard Helene tell a woman friend one day that three orgasms were just starters for her. Carl finished with shudders and moans, breathing like a steam engine. Dotti panted fast, too. She looked over at Cindi. Her blonde friend was recovering, slumped in the chair like a rag doll, her hips still shifting. Suddenly, Cindi's eyes opened. She flushed and leaped from the chair. Grabbing up her halter and shorts, she ran from the bedroom. Helene Fancher was bored stiff. Driving around the city had not produced anything interesting. She had not had a good fuck for a week, and one of her now-and-then dates was out of town. She had stopped in one cocktail lounge and two chicks had I invited her up to their pad for a girl-party, but today she craved prick. The damned place was teeming with chicks on the make. While she occasionally went for it, it was not really her bag. Sometimes a woman her age needed good, hard pumping cock, the feel of a man, the gush of semen. Cruising on a side street she saw a car she recognized: John Allison's big sedan. It was pulled up in front of the Santa Rosa Bar, and she quickly found a parking spot. Now there was a stud she could really go for! Married ones suited her better. She wanted no close ties--as long as she collected all that nice alimony from her ex. Helene loved variety. In the cozy twilight of the lounge, she spotted John at the bar and felt a twinge in the clit. Heads turned as she swayed up and sat beside him. She wore a tight skirt and a peasant blouse that gave her tits a chance to show off--with minimal undies. "Look who's here," she murmured, nudging John's left leg with a nyloned knee. "Big John--all alone." "Hi, neighbor," he said, looking at the cleft between her boobs. "Are you horsing or just teasing?" "Both," she giggled. "Interested?" "Didn't know you cared," he grinned. He'd had quite a few. "But I'm beat. I'm drained." "I'll bet I can get it up," she purred in his ear, letting her left breast cushion into his arm. A sweet itch warmed her clit. Half drunk or not, his masculinity was like a warm hand on her cunt. She knew his reputation, how he usually chased young stuff; he had even married one. The well-padded girl behind the bar wiggled up in front of Helene. "You buying or selling, honey?" "Well, fuck you, too, baby," Helene smiled pleasantly. "At least, mine are real." "What is this, a tit contest?" the girl offered. "Don't bother the paying customers." "Let's get out of here, doll," John said, finishing his drink. "Hey, I was kidding," the girl protested. A few moments later, they were in Helene's car. She leaned back in the seat and let her skirt slither up to her crotch. John dropped his left hand into the V of Helene's nyloned thighs. She opened them, turning halfway toward him. He cupped her pantied cunt and she lifted it encouragingly. Drained or not, that lump in his pants was just terrific. Two weeks earlier, Helene had been invited to a cocktail party at the Allison's, and she had decided then she wanted to fuck with John. He had that kind of effect on women. They looked at him and knew he was a panther. "Does it do anything for you, horse?" she giggled. "It sure does for me." "Never let it be said I didn't try," John chuckled. He drew his left hand away and replaced it with his right, gazing down inside her blouse. He gave Helene's cunt a squeeze, she felt tingles fanning out through her pelvis. Those two martinis she had downed earlier were working overtime. "Well, don't finger fuck me right here," she giggled. "Let's go someplace." "You pick the spot," he said. Helene suddenly recalled she had the key to a woman friend's apartment. Beth was in Europe with a young screenwriter ten years her junior. Beth was a rich widow; she and Helene had got it on a couple of times using a two-pronged dildo. Shivering, Helene started the motor, a heady surge of need bunching in her groin. John kept his hand on her pussy, and she managed to drive with her legs open. She was so excited, she almost ran a red light. John might prefer young cunt, but he was sure going for hers. John was recovering from the emptiness he had felt after bringing Cindi home. He had really hurt her. Maybe he should have fucked his daughter. Booze loosens the morals, so he had purposely not taken any liquor to the picnic. He could worry about incest tomorrow. The classy divorcee from next door wanted a fuck, and his cock was getting up. He didn't ask questions about the extravagant apartment with a fine view of Santa Rosa Island, but it obviously belonged to a woman of good taste, since the decorations were very sensual. He had not been this drunk for a long time. Another easy lay, and the pussy he wanted most he couldn't touch. "Drink first?" Helene cooed, gliding against him, her tits riding hard on his chest, her rich thighs opened, and her cunt flattened to his basket. "At intermission," John chuckled, gripping her resilient ass, and lifting her skirt behind. He ran a finger across her fine warm thighs between the stocking tops and panties. "Oh, shit, you feel good," she breathed in his ear. "Isn't Wendy doing her homework?" "I'm just teaching her how to be a good fuck," he grinned. "You dirty animal--but I love it!" she said. Her lips coursed along his cheek as she found his mouth and opened her mouth wide. He burrowed into the clinging softness, his cockhead beginning to swell. Her tongue flicked and flirted, while a soft whine came up in her throat. He touched her panty-hugged cunt and she trembled, giving him more tongue. Her slit was already juiced, and he played along it as she back tipped her ass. No matter how hungry a pussy was, he always gave it plenty of fingers and mouth, exploring and re-exploring. Making the woman come was the mark of a good craftsman. The rest was pure delight. John tickled Helen's cunt and nibbled around on her lips till she gasped and buried her face against his shoulder. Her short, dark wavy hair smelled great, and her arms gripped as if she were starved for cock. She was a grown-up image of Dotti, her twitchy-assed daughter. That dainty little cunt needed fucking, too. "Let's get these clothes off, honey," she breathed, "unless you want me to come right here!" "I heard once that French girls are good at humping," he murmured. "Oh, you've been in Europe, you probably already know that," she said, shivering. "I want you to know right now, whenever you want a little on the side, just call." "It depends on how good it is," he laughed. Helene felt a high, sweet glow she had not experienced for ages. Whoever had fucked with John earlier had not taken all of his strength. Helene had the Continental outlook on sex, even though she had not been born in France, as many people thought. Her ex, Henri, had taught her that. Her father was working in the embassy at Paris when Henri had spotted her at eighteen. A typical provincial American, Helene had not known much about sex. Henri had even picked her cherry, though he waited almost a month after the marriage to tear it. But he had sure enjoyed her body from one end to the other; he had broken her in before his big moment, finally easing his cock into her cunt. Two years later, Helene had learned why he went off so infrequently with her. He had been keeping a middle-aged concubine the whole time. She was already pregnant with Dotti, by then, so she went along with it. But after they moved to the States and he had built up a good income, she had cut the string. The idea of a horse like John getting pussy on the sly was not offensive to Helene. Girls could be polygamous, too. Henri had awakened her to her basic, natural desires, and she had learned that just owning a cunt didn't mean a girl got fun out of it. She had even learned to masturbate proficiently, and even that took practice and know how. "I'll bet I'm better than your average fuck, honey," Helene said. He grinned and released her. John was smoother than silk and had had lots of experience. He removed his clothes almost casually, watching Helene do her own bedroom strip. Tits first--she took the blouse away slowly. Her bra was designed to lift and shape. Her nipples were bare. Having them stand out against the blouse fabric gave her added allure. "Ummm," John smiled, a spot of color on each side of his throat. "Good boobs. I like those long nipples." Helene giggled, left the bra in place, and unfastened her skirt. John's shirt came away. He got out of the trousers and shoes but left his socks on. A married man at home removes his socks, a lover leaves them on. His briefs were white and tight. The mountain inside them was almost scary. After Dotti was born I had my vagina snugged by surgery, she remembered. Henri has only six inches, and my current halfway steady isn't well endowed. But God! This animal has a monster! My cunt is just streaming. Wendy is a very lucky little twat. Her skirt dropped, and she stepped out of it, leaving her heels and nylons and panties. John grinned. Suddenly, the head of his cock swelled up past the band of his briefs. Helene felt a wave of dizziness. That glands, still untouched by a surgeon's knife, like Henri's, was three inches thick! "You are built like a horse," she breathed. All that stuff about what a man did with his cock being more important than the size was pure shit. Even a few minutes of such a tool would be worth an hour of ordinary prick! "Good body," he smiled, his blue eyes shiny. Something about wide-shouldered, blond men excited Helene. It was to be another conquest of Brittany by the Vikings. John's savage appeal hit her in the cunt like a hammer. One girl would never satisfy a stud like him. "The bedroom's over here," she said, parading ahead of him. John sniffed the delicate aroma of cunt, watching the twist of Helene's ass in the black mini-panties. Maybe he could muster up another big gush of semen.Neil's hand swept along her opened thighs. Caressing the inner planes, he worked teasingly inward toward her stinging pussy. His cock wasn't even out yet, and he was not shaking with lust but wanting to push his cock in, intent on his pleasure. He was giving her tingle after tingle, enjoying her body with sure, loving touches. Helene was horsing around him, but he wanted me, the young stuff, Cindi thought dreamily. I hope he takes me out again! And John better not say a word, either. Ohhh, now Neil's getting in my bikini panty, holding my pussy! I'm so glad I saved it for a sophisticated guy like him. A finger moved deftly along her itchy crevice, tickling inward. He was finding out whether she really was a virgin. As he slid the finger in farther, he trembled, and his tongue stroked faster! He knew it for sure now. Drawing the digit out, he found her clitoris and trembled again. "Ohhh!" she gasped, freeing her swollen lips from his. "Ohhh, that's really neat!" "Fine little girl clit," he murmured. "I want you to like everything about my pussy!" she gasped, arching her crotch higher. Neil was really shaken. She had more clit than a lot of older women! The cherry was there, and her cunt would be very snug around his prick. This was almost too good to be true. A lively young vixen wild to be initiated, and her choice had been him. How gratifying to the male ego! "Ohhhh, do it!" she breathed, her pretty face showing strain. "Make me come!" "Okay, sweetie," he murmured, fastening his hand on her pussy. "Ride up now. Wiggle your cute little ass!" She gasped, her butt lifted, her long legs spread way out, and she hunched swiftly on his palm. For Neil, one of life's best entertainments was watching the look on a girl's face when she went off. Some appeared to be in pain, some turned glassy-eyed, some swung the head back and forth. But Cindi's expression was utterly beautiful: a wide smile, a look of rapt wonder, a tautening of her throat muscles, then her mouth flew wide open. "Ohh, please. Ohhh! Ohhh! OHHHH!" she cried shrilly. Her busy ass lifts creaked on the bed as her fingers dug at his neck. Her legs jerked, and a squeal of total girlish delight rang around the room. The vivid shivers of her slender body and her frantic hunches fed the beast lust inside him. Her puffy, wet cunt mouth actually twitched on his fingers! Cindi felt the twinges in her pussy and heard herself squealing again. She was coming so very hard! She was not thinking about John, either! She was coming for her new lover, her prince charming. She was letting it all out just for him! Somehow, the pangs of her climax always had a hint of the day's activities. When she was not feeling well, they were kind of dull. When she was feeling high, they were sweet and quick and hot. This one was spreading from her clit to her legs and titties and even the top of her head, like it was going to explode! She was coming inside, too. Her whole pelvis was moving in sensuous rhythm. No wonder! She was coming off with a man, not by herself. It was like discovering a whole new way to come! The craving for cock, to be entered and fucked, was a wild compulsion. Neil watched Cindi's face relax and felt her pretty body tremble in the aftermath shivers. Her neat little ass stopped lifting as she panted happily. Her arms relaxed, her eyes opened, and she looked up at him adoringly. The new flow of her juices sopped his holding fingers. She'd obviously had plenty of practice coming on her own hand. He had learned not to expect too much when he did get his prick in there. The center of her fun was her clit, like most girls, and getting the vagina into the act sometimes took months of manipulations. "Ohhhh, you sure got me good, honey!" Cindi breathed. "Gooooood hot pussy!" he chuckled. She sighed, running her fingers through his hair, lifting playfully on his cupping hand. He kissed her throat, slid his lips lower, and kissed his way up the slope of a swollen pink-crested tittie. As he drew the dainty spire into his mouth, she trembled and up-hunched again. "Ohhh, I love that!" she whispered. "When do I get to see your cock?" He moved his head to the other tittie, mouthed its peak, and felt her shivers of appreciation. She pushed her boobs higher, breathing faster. He tongued the perky nipple, drawing it deep, then let it out again. "Wow!" she breathed. Her fingers caught in his hair, and she began to up-fuck again. The ride of her clit on the heel of his hand was delightful. He was tempted to bring her to climax again, but there was plenty of time, and she did want to see his cock, hold it, and get used to it."I wish it was the best one you ever had!" she breathed. He just smiled, and she knew damn well it wasn't. She was a teenager, and he was well into manhood. He had laid countless cunts. In these days of easy pussy, a handsome stud like him had all kinds of hot, eager stuff. All she could do was get as much of his cock as he'd put out. Not getting serious was the best way to keep him coming back. "Fun and more funnn!" she gasped, riding smoothly. "I want to suck your nice big cock, too!" "Hey, we're gonna have more dates, aren't we?" "Ohh, I hope so," she breathed. Don't lay it on real thick. Just be his play girl. "My pussy says yes, yes, yes!" He laughed. "So does my prick." She hunched faster. She was almost into it, but couldn't hold her goodies back any longer. The feel of him, the man aroma, was seeping into her being like a drug. His grip on her titties, and the way he lifted his hips for more of her stroking, said she was not bad. This time she had to come off really big and hard! She would give it everything she had. "Uhhh! Ohhhh!" she panted, coasting into her first sugary pangs. "Ohhh, Neil! Ohhhh, I'm coming! I'm coming!" "Yeahhhh," he muttered. "Go after it, sweetie." Now! she thought, dizzily. Now is what separates a poor lay from a good one. I want him to remember every hunch! Ohhhh, my pussy is doing that sweet far-in thing again! I'm coming like crazy! My God! It's tearing my cunt apart! Neil felt the flutters of her snug little cunt, watched her expression of intense concentration. The twinges of her climax quickened as she lunged furiously on his rigid cock. Her face twisted with delightful thrall, and he knew he'd be after a lot more of this--John be damned. Any chick who tried this hard deserved a lot of prick. After a few weeks of initiation, she would be a sensational piece of ass. On the other hand, he sensed her emotional involvement. It was highly flattering and also a little unsettling. At least in the bedroom a man wanted total giving, but girls in the States got the love thing tangled up in their heads. Maybe she was adult enough to separate sex from the love bit. If not, she could be deeply hurt. Cindi's fierce squeal of triumph blotted out Neil's thoughts. She was getting it off with real gusto this time.Cindi turned immediately and bellied against him, pushing her cunt at his crotch, shivery with excitement. His foxy young sister drifted to a wide sofa, sat down with her skirt pulled back to her ass, and watched with obvious interest. He knew leggy Lori had been hot for him before his years in London, and he had figured she would be over it when he returned. But now, she was all grown up. Her young-girl crush seemed to have developed into a full-blown craving. They had even talked about it. He recalled the mother and daughter he had humped in England who had not been upset by it at all. They had fooled around with each other at intermissions. He could accept incest, but he still had his doubts about Lori. He had been away so long she did not seem related, and it appeared that Cindi had invited Lori, not vice-versa. If these two chicks wanted a party, they would damn well get one. His sexy sister was old enough to know better, and this might temper his growing emotional attachment for Cindi. Anything permanent was out. There was too much pussy out there waiting! "Cindi said I could watch you two get it on, Neil," Lori giggled. "I hope you won't mind." He didn't answer. He was sipping at Cindi's eager lips, lifting her skirt, and caressing her half-naked ass. Her tiny panties were very sheer. As he held his right leg forward, she hugged it with her thighs, her cute ass thrusting and giving him a provocative dry fuck. Last night I had my first cock and tonight I get my first pussy! Cindy thought. If they want to fuck, I couldn't be jealous of Lori. I know how strong the incest urge can be. This is gonna be a real fun evening! As soon as I can, I'm gonna get on the pill. I'm too young to be serious about anybody. And Neil will be chasing new stuff next week. I know how men are! She drew out of Neil's embrace. "Lori and I will go in your bedroom and put on some fancy outfits, huh?" "Cool," he smiled, his hardon pushing his pants out. "I'll mix drinks." The moment the bedroom door closed behind them, Lori slid her arms around Cindi. Their bodies flowed together as if they had done this a dozen times. Cindi felt a shiver in her pussy and her clit tingled. She liked it--really new and different sensation! "This could grow into something, honey," Lori breathed, her hands working beneath Cindi's skirt. "You're sexy!" "Neato!" Cindi whispered, urging her cunt forward. Their heads tipped, their lips engaged, and Lori's tongue wiggled and flirted. Lori had the same appeal Neil possessed; the vibes were just delicious. Cindi had wanted this in the cafe rest room. She was sure it could never replace the feel of prick, but it would certainly beat having her goodies alone! Cindi gripped the pretty brunette around the neck. Their covered tits pressed thrillingly. Lori ran a finger between Cindi's thighs and touched the panty-hugged pussy. Their tongue-play quickened as their lips burned together. Cindi knew instantly why some chicks enjoyed each other. It could be fun; it had a certain novel intimacy. I'm gonna fuck Dotti Fancher, too, Cindi thought, shivering. That little twat's been asking for it. I've been sitting on my cunt too much. From now on, I'm gonna use it. Ohhh! As much as she was enjoying Lori's mouth and hands, Cindi ended the kiss. After all, Neil was out there waiting, and he had something no girl could match. She and Lori could date when no prick was available. First things first. "Oh, shit!" Lori whispered. "Let's get Neil in here right now. I'm ready!" "Right on," Cindi giggled. She reached down and slid her hand under the brunette's skirt, cupping the warm panty-sheathed pussy. Lori hunched. "Nnnnnn!" Lori giggled. "You sure you haven't been playing games with some other chick?" "I guess this just comes naturally," Cindi laughed. Neil entered his bedroom wearing only his briefs, looked at his sister and Cindi, and grinned. His cock was as hard and big as a lamppost. Both girls still wore their nylons, heels, and panties. Lori's pink lacy bra still cradled her titties, but Cindi had worn no bra. Her cute hard boobs didn't need support. "Fine," he chuckled, steering Cindi to the bed. Their mouths were puffed. Cindi's rosy nipples were stiff, and Lori had a line of wetness on her go-go panties. Neil knew damn well they had been fondling each other, sucking tongues. He knew he could never touch his sister if just the two of them were here, in spite of his continental outlook, but Cindi was bringing it all together. He eased Cindi down, and she gurgled cozily, spreading her long sweet thighs and lifting her fresh young mouth for a kiss. Pussy fragrance touched his nostrils; his cockhead was already dribbling screw juice. "We'll put on some of your sexy undies later, honey," Cindi purred. "We want things to happen now!" "I like it," he grinned, sliding his hand between the blonde's nyloned shanks. "How about kissing a nipple first?" "Oh, whatever you want, stud!" Cindi giggled. "Go ahead, Lori, do your thing, like you promised." "I need some feels, damn it," she said, her voice trembling. "Would it really be okay, Neil?" "It's your choice, sweetie," he smiled. Lori shivered with awful need. Fooling around with Cindi, dreaming about her handsome brother who was going to pour the cock into Cindi, and watching him play with Cindi's pussy were driving her up the wall! She rushed over in front of her brother, sank to her knees between his legs, and drew his elastic briefs down until his beautiful forbidden prick stood up and out. It was the most cock she had ever seen! Touching it was like nothing else had ever been!He knew Neil had been first, but he had let Neil date her, knowing full well a handsome young guy like Neil would steal her prize. John's fingers slid inside and he trembled. Her pussy flesh twitched! "Neil used a rubber," she whispered. "I've never had a bare prick!" "Yeah!" he muttered thickly. "It's all right. Most girls get it sooner than you did. Damn, that's real tight cunt!" "Should be real fun for you, huh?" she giggled, hunching up on his finger. "Don't get serious, John. Just work me over good, and fuck me, and we won't think about anything else." "Right," he said, holding her pussy like it was made of diamonds. She turned her head, offering her mouth, and he closed his lips on hers, flicking his tongue in and out while he pressed her cunt very snugly. It was all she had ever anticipated and more. The vibes were deep and sweet and right! John would keep her from losing her head over Neil. She needed experience, several different boyfriends. Ellen and Wendy didn't have to get all of his passion--or Helene Fancher, either. Now his hand went up to her tingling titties. He fondled them and tweaked her tender nipples, his cock ridged in her clasping fingers, his tongue diving and diving into her hungry mouth. Neil was good, but John had a certain smoothness, more experience! The thrills were happening so close together she was already dizzy with need. Her pussy shouted for his cock! The sexy mirrors, the satin sheets, his strong body close, his hand exploring back to her pussy again, circling her clit zone with a finger ... it was sheer magic! The hunger for Neil had represented a deeper hunger for John. And she would taste some new stuff, too. Dotti Fancher and lots of girls were enjoying prick. She had waited long enough! John's mouth lifted as Cindi hunched against his hand and arched her titties high. She was not going to just lie on her ass and let the guy do all the thrusting, like Dotti. She loved to hunch. She had got in some hot practice with Neil, and she would show John how good she was on top. I'll do a threesome with Neil and Lori if they want it! she thought. I want to fuck Lori. She really is something! Oh, if John runs his finger up in me one more time, I'm gonna come! Suddenly, he was between her legs! His face twisted and the head of his prick felt huge! He didn't want her going off on his finger. He wanted the first one with his beautiful big cock. "Yess, yes!" Cindi panted, tipping her crotch high. "Get it in there!" Feverishly, she watched her father's prick lower toward her pussy. She drew her legs way back, and he braced himself on his hands and knees as the knob of his sex finally touched her labia! Feeling Neil go in that very first time had been sheer delight. But somehow, as her flesh spread and spread, this was even better! Sting after sting of rapture fanned out from her cunt. His glands was opening her farther and farther. It was going in! And she was going offfff! Her pussy mouth opened even more as his huge hard knob started into her eager cunt flesh. Suddenly, the twinges of her lust turned into a storm of erotic palpitations! Just as he horsed his solid cock smoothly into her deeps, she squealed her joy! Her meat-stuffed pussy grabbed at his prick! Her clitoris pulsed, her nipples peaked, and the sensations spread from her girlie cock all through her body! It was so wonderful she squealed again. She was coming harder and faster than she had with Neil. Her pussy just wouldn't quit! She was bucking and kicking her legs, clawing at his chest. She was going totally apeshit! All of her dammed-up passion for her father was flooding from her cunt and throughout her whole body. She was up-fucking as that huge magic wand jabbed at her deeps! John had put his stinger in a few wildcats (one English girl had popped off like this), but he had never dreamed Cindi would blow so hard. Her snug little cunt clutched at his cock. Her delicious shakes and shivers of delight reminded him of Ellen when she had been young and hot and foxy. Nobody could fuck like his older sister. She could come time after time. Her active cunt was the absolute best, and nobody sucked cock with such enthusiasm. John crouched there and let Cindi finish her young-girl goodies, watching the expression of thrall on her pretty flushed face, each tremble of her body and pussy reflected there like an erotic barometer. That Neil was a lucky fucker! He picked her cherry and enjoyed all these treats, and Cindi had needed someone steady, experienced. He had done a fine job on Cindi. Maybe Neil deserved a raise in salary. "Ohhhh! Ohhhh--wow!" Cindi breathed, opening her eyes, her long legs stretched flat on the bed. "That's the most fun I ever had!" "Sweeet pusssssy!" he grinned. "It comes real goooood." "I just kept on coming!" she giggled. "Oh, I scratched your chest." "Forget that, sweetie. You want more like this, or you want to top-fuck?" "On top!" she breathed. "That way you can hold my titties when I go off!" He laughed. It was going along just fine with no mention of their real situation. She was Cindi, he was John. When a girl was this horny, only one thing mattered--popping her little fun-gun till it wouldn't shoot anymore. Cindi watched his pussy-slick cock emerge from her cunt, and it was hard to believe so much prick-meat had been inside her! Lucky a cunt stretches! He looked down at her swollen slit, his tongue wiggled out, and she knew she was going to get head before she got any more cock. "Yesss!" she breathed, shivering wildly. "Can I please suck yours?" "I do better this way, sweet stuff. I have to hold this shot for a long time." "Any way you want it!" she giggled. "But you promised I could top ride. I do know a little about that." "We have lots of time, baby," he smiled, crouching and sliding his hands beneath her ass. Now she would find out if he knew as much about eating cunt as Neil did. Older men love nibbling fresh young pussy! John gazed down at the fresh bloom of Cindi's fragrant young cunt, the dainty petals waiting for his tongue and lips. He remembered all the times he had seen her in bikinis, the sweet flexings and posturings of her pretty long-legged body, the delightful curvatures of her mouth and titties, her manner when no one else was around. He knew this had been inevitable right from the moment she had filled out and turned into a girl with an awareness of sex. Ellen had told him how often Cindi played with herself. A housekeeper would know: pussy stains on her pillows and sheets and in her panties. He might never get it again. His conscience or hers might prevent it, so he had to give this cute pussy everything he had. Shuddering with new craving, he brought his mouth down to her up-tilted cunt and kissed the delicate upper crevice, feeling her little girl-cock tense between his lips. Her legs trembled, her ass quivered, and she uttered a little cry of pure pleasure. "Ohh! Oh, oh, ohh!" Cindi panted, loving his lips on her clit. Her father was more knowing and experienced with her tender sex bud. His capable hands held her ass very tightly, coaxing more thrills from it. Now he began to burrow into her pussy mouth, suctioning the juice of her need, and a finger was teasing the lower reach of her crevice! John moaned into his daughter's cunt. The thrills were starting to gather in her pelvis. She was not far away from another climax, and her craving for more of his huge prick shook her like a storm. "Ohhh, let me fuck you now, honey!" she cried. "Please!" His head lifted, he nodded, and he dropped over on his back. She scrambled quickly above him, swung her hips high, and without any assistance at all she fastened her twitching cunt opening around his virile glands. Ohhh, the luscious squeeze of it in her cunny! Head was wonderful, but cock was her thing! It seemed to fill her even fuller than before! Slowly, sweetly his sex emblem inched deeper! His hands cuddled her tits just the way she had dreamed he would. Her legs drew in as she leaned forward and started her fuck. Sock, sock, lunge! Her nerves begged for an orgasm! "Damn, damn!" John gasped, lifting his hips. "That's beautiful cuuuuunt!" "Ohhh! Ohhhh!"Cindi cried. "I'm coming!" "Get it off, baby!" he groaned. "Fuck me till your eyeballs pop out!" It's so much better without a sheath! she thought hazily. Raw meat in my naked cunt! This is the way a fuck should be! Before long, I'll be riding Neil's cock again. I'll be safe so I can take his squirts. But right now I'm gonna get my first spray of hot jism! He can't hold back. My pussy is too good for him! John's eyes glazed, and his huge cock tensed. Cindi hunched and bounced in a rosy mist of total delight. She could drag it out next time. This was a wild compulsive drive to the finish. Those slidings, that heavy pounding at her deeps! Ohhhh, fucking him seemed less wrong all the time. This had been ordained. There was no reason why she couldn't have her fucking at home and on dates with Neil, too! This was no worse than what her father had been doing with Ellen for years and years. Cindi was a big girl now. She could have a lot of fun with her pussy, the best funnnn in the whole world. "Ughhhh!" John moaned fiercely. His prick tensed and began to throb! His virility was gushing up into Cindi's clasping cunt, and she felt the answering pounds of her need in every corner of her being! She stroked and stroked, faster and faster, and suddenly her pussy flesh knew a whole different kind of response. She was exploding around his pulsing cock! Cindi screamed! Her entire pelvis churned in voluptuous rhythm. Her anus tightened, her cunt tightened, and her nipples seemed to bore into John's hands. The family lust was throbbing from her cunt. Her clitoris was a repeating fun-gun, shooting heaven at his prick. She was coming offff, offff, OFFFFF! Oh, I bet Ellen comes like this. That's why he can't resist her cunt! I just knew John could bang me harder than anybody. I can see him the way he is. I'm not in love with him anymore. I'm just fucking for fun! John knew this was not the end of his incestuous association with Cindi. It was just the beginning. Her snug little box was pulling every drop of his lust. His nuts were like cannon balls at the root of his cock. For John, it was almost like that first wild fuck with Ellen! She had started this thing years before, and now he was tasting more forbidden treats. There could be no offspring. He could spray his seed in Cindi's dainty fresh cunt any time she needed it! He and Cindi and Ellen could slip away someplace out of town and they could all three drink the forbidden juice. Cindi finished her panting ride on his prick and dropped her titties to his heaving chest. The heavenly pangs of aftermath deep inside her were all she wanted! They were two animals, sweaty and spent. Her cunt was flooded with his load, and she could feel it oozing down--around his balls as her pussy lips clasped in a sweet last spasm. Wow! "Ohhh, John!" she breathed unevenly. "It can't be wrong when it's this good!" "You hated me when you found out about Ellen and me," he muttered, his hands gripping her ass. "I was just jealous!" she whispered. "I wanted your prick in me!" "Are you jealous now, sweetie?" "Ohhh, no," she breathed. "I adore Ellen. I understand how it is. Could the three of us have a party sometime?" "Why, you little clever twat," he chuckled. "I was thinking the same thing." Cindi relaxed happily. So many wonderful things lay ahead for her: Lori Lester, Ellen, and even Dotti Fancher--but the best would be John and Neil. Throbbing, gushing prick was where she was really at. A girl had to have that. Nothing else would ever be so wonderful for Cindi since she had finally grown up.
Hannah Bronto
Lovers in Paradise
"Oh... it's building nicely," Valerie Marple moaned. She began to bite her lower lip. Her body was moving rapidly now, driving up and down, sliding the moist sleeve of her cunt around and across the throbbing length of my erect cock. A wet, squishing noise echoed up from between her thighs, and I knew it was the sound of her cunt as it kissed itself sloppily against my driving belly. She moaned again. "It's good, Mal... very good." I leaned down upon her, pressing my body's weight up into her tent. My knees strained against the slickness of the sheets under us as I sought even more leverage with which to drill my cock in and out of her gripping passageway. As if in protest, the bed squeaked under our combined weight as Valerie began to buck wildly. "Oh... it's good, lover," she moaned. Her head rolled from side to side as her rekindled, passion began to mount. "Oh, it's good! Fuck me, Mal... Please -- fuck me!" I lowered myself carefully onto her slender, tensed body, relaxing my arms until I was balanced on my elbows and knees. Valerie's breasts were crushed under the pressing weight of my chest, and I could feel the hard tickle of her nipples as they rubbed back and forth. They were hot and burning, like the ends of smoldering ashes. Valerie slithered her hands around my hips and grabbed onto my hard, driving ass. With her crimson-tipped fingernails, she dug into the muscles, squeezing the knotted cheeks as though her orgasm were somewhere inside of me, and she were trying to force it out into her body. "Oh, fuck me, Malachi!" she cried. Her hands gripped me tightly. Her arms were like steel bands which joined us in our mutual pleasure. "Fuck me, Mal... fuck me. Fill me up with your cock!" I bent forward and kissed her on the mouth. It was open and wet, waiting eagerly for my lips. I sunk my tongue inside of her, exploring the damp cavern beyond her teeth. I rolled my tongue over her own dormant tongue, searching out the secret pockets of sweetness which lay between her soft inner cheeks and down in the honeyed depths of her throat. My tongue stabbed hard into her mouth, and she sucked upon it furiously, as though it were perhaps my cock, and she were trying to dram it of sperm; as if she were trying to pull it out by its root so that she might swallow it, wiggling still, deep into her belly. The touch of my mouth awakened Valerie's tongue from its momentary slumber, and she lashed it viciously against the wet invader between her lips. She pushed me back into my own mouth, shoving me stiffly, sensually, with the spongy hardness of her driving, licking tongue. I captured the soft piece of flesh between my lips, and bit down into it, grinding my teeth gently back and forth, sawing into the darting, spear-like tip. Excitedly, Valerie broke the kiss off. Her mouth began to go wild all over my face, licking me, kissing me, spreading saliva against my mouth until I dripped with her slippery wet passion. "Oh, fuck me, Mal!" she cried. She lifted her legs from the mattress, and suspended them in the air, one on either side of my hunching body. Her unanchored legs jerked helplessly up and down, like a puppet dangling from the end of a string, as I drove my cock mercilessly in and out of the tight, squeezing hole of her cunt. "Fuck me, Mal -- I'm going to come!" I slid my mouth down the side of her face, exploring first the tight funnel of her ear, and then I tickled her neck with the tip of my tongue, pushing further down until I was gliding over the hard ridge of her chest. My mouth slid up the firm cone of her breast. I closed my lips over the erect nipple. "Oh God -- yes!" she cried. "Suck them, Mal... please! My breasts...! Suck them, suck them... fuck me!" The flesh of her breast was hard under the pinch of my fingers, and the nipple was stiff and hot in my mouth. I lashed the throbbing nub with my tongue, flitting it back and forth, rubbing it until it trembled with pleasure. Suction from my drawn-in breath caused the button-like nipple to ooze up into my mouth, and I pursed my lips around it, sucking it until it was long and distended. Saliva dribbled from my mouth, trickling down her hard, swollen hill of flesh until I could feel it spreading stickily between my pinching fingers. "I'm... going to... come!" Valerie moaned. "Oh, my God... oh, my God!" I lifted myself slowly now, away from the clutching tug of her writhing body. I extended my arms, until rd returned to the position rd been in before: above her body, looking down at her. My elbows were locked out, my arms were stiff, and my body was at an incline over her nakedness. I could see her small firm breasts once more. The nipples were erect and pointed at the ceiling, like twin rockets ready to soar off into the cosmos. Her right breast was wet and drippy, with a thick colorless film of saliva dribbling down her squirming body. "Fuck me..." Valerie moaned, working her hips up and down. She used her cuntal muscles like a vise, squeezing the velvet channel powerfully around the swollen rigidity of my thrusting cock. "Fuck me... fuck me... I'm going to come... soon... soon!" Looking down at her, her cunt appeared swollen and huge; I could see the clitoris throbbing between the lips of her quivering pussy. At the base of my belly I could see the thick white wedge of my driving cock, moving in and out of her gushing, creaming cunt. My belly was coated with all the sloppy discharges of her sexual excitement, and my balls were slapping dully between her open thighs. "I can feel it... inside of me!" Valerie moaned, almost incoherent in her passion. "Your cock, Malachi. Your wonderful cock...! Fuck me with it... fuck me...! I'm going to... come!" Without losing a single stroke of my cock as it moved in and out of her, I pulled even further back from her grabbing body. I lifted my arms from the mattress, one at a time, and I placed them on the far side of Valerie's bobbing, dangling thighs so that her body was almost bent in half. Her calves rested against my chest, and her naked feet jerked rhythmically up and down as they curved over the muscular ridges of my shoulders. I was driving straight down into her now, and Valerie's cunt was turned up, openly greeting the stab of my cock. I leaned over her, pressing her body into an S-shape, with her breasts crushed against the top of her own thighs. Her cunt was inches away from her open, moaning mouth. The smell of oozing cunt filled the air. "So... deep!" she cried, squirming in pleasure. "Oh, God... you're in so deep... so... deep!" I pushed down with my body, bending her even further over, almost in half. My arms strained against the back of her legs as I pressed her down with the weight of my shoulders. My cock was hammering deeply in and out of her cunt, driving it in until it could go no further; then I pulled it out until it almost disengaged. In and out, in and out, I drove it in and out, pressing belly against belly, cock against cunt, intermingling the sweaty hairs of our crotches. I could see my cock as it quivered in the puddle of her melting twat, all wet and juicy with the dripping excitement of her budding orgasm. I was beginning to enjoy the full pleasure of our fucking. With a grunting determination, I rocked myself in and out of her body. Valerie was very close to coming and I wanted to bring myself to orgasm before she came for the second time. "I'm going to come -- now!" she screamed. Spasmodically the lips of her cunt tightened around my cock. "Now, baby... NOW!" I grunted and thrust deeply into her. Her cunt began to climb hungrily around the length of my plunging cock. Each time I drove my cock all the way into her, I could feel the hard nub of her clit against my heaving belly. Her cunt was oozing with wetness, as it spilled like a waterfalls over the crown of her belly, and down into the valley between the curve of her ass. "I'm... coming!" Valerie screamed. "Fuck me, Mal... I'm coming!" As I drove all the way into her, Valerie suddenly opened her eyes. She stared with wild disbelief between her widely parted thighs, looking up at the swollen softness of her own coming cunt. It was suspended in the air, just inches above her face. Her jaw fell slack, and her eyes seemed to glaze over as she stared at the incredible sight of herself getting fucked. "Ooohhh -- I love it!" she groaned, still soaring at the height of her orgasm. "I can see your cock... going in and out of my... pussy. Fucking me... fucking me -- oh, my God I'm coming!" I could feel my own orgasm now, briming near the base of my spine, like a tight ball of prickly pleasures. I thrust in and out of Valerie's oozing, juicing tint, feeling the softly pleasurable friction of my cockhead as it rubbed against the clinging lining of her vaginal tunnel. All kinds of secretions were sweating down around the shaft of my cock so that it made a dull whooshing sound as I parted the moist folds of her tender flesh. "Oh, Jesus... God!" she cried, her deep blue-eyes all wide and white with staring excitement. "It's fantastic... fantastic!" I was grunting now, and sweat was running freely down my back. That ball of pleasure inside of me began to grow, and I was suddenly very aware of my own building orgasm. My thighs trembled, and my cock was rock-hard with a strained rigidity. I slammed my weight against Valerie's bent, supplicating body, pressing myself deeply into her cunt, reaching my cock after that elusive tickle of sensation that would bring me to climax. "Get ready for me," I grunted at her. I pounded my hips savagely against her up-turned cunt, meeting the undulations of her thighs with the stinging slap of my forward driving thrusts. My cock was like a knife, cutting through the soft, mushy butter of her orgasm. "Get ready for me!" "Oh, God!" Valerie moaned. The color had drained from her face until she seemed to be in pain from coming so powerfully. "Oh... oh... oh..." Wave after wave of burning sensation began to wash across my drilling middle. I tightened down inside of me, pressing my flesh around the growing hardness of my orgasm, squeezing my muscles around it so that I could somehow prevent it and, at the same time, somehow heighten it. I thrust forward, viciously, anxiously, in and out of Valerie's sucking, draining cunt. "Soon..." I announced. My hips worked like a piston driving the shaft of my cock deep into the channel of her cunt. "I'm going to come any second!" Valerie thrashed wildly, kicking her feet up and down on either side of my head. Her cunt was like a slack, quivering mouth around the bluntness of my hammering cock, straining to mumble out her strident pleasure. There were almost tears in her eyes as she grated herself against me, greedily trying to bring herself to yet another orgasm. She clawed her breasts, digging her fingernails into the tender mounds of flesh until her knuckles were white, and there were red marks on her swollen breasts. "Oh, God!" she moaned, digging her nails into her body until she broke the flesh and began to bleed. "I'm coming... I'm coming -- again!" Her cunt was on fire, and it felt as though my cock were going to shrivel up inside of her from the intense heat of her passion. It was like driving through a solid wall of molten lava. Gritting my teeth against the throbbing sensation, I grabbed her ass cheeks between my fingers, and I rammed myself all the way into her. "Jesus!" I cried. "Jesus..." Valerie's cunt felt like a pair of hands wrapping themselves around the end of my cock, finger by finger. In this position her cunt was narrow and constricted, incredibly tight. Excitedly, I pushed myself through the moist flap of her clinging flesh, as if I were drilling the entrance hole myself, with the searing tip of my knifelike cock. I began to come. Thick, hot surges of pleasure coursed down the length of my flesh-encased cock as I began to pump the sticky, rich fluid of my orgasm into the swollen depths of her body. Through the haze of my excitement, I could feel my balls swelling up and growing tight under the buried shaft of my cock as I sprayed out the sweet fullness of my bubbling sperm. "Oh... God!" Valerie cried, feeling the hot, swirling gush of my sperm enter her cunt. "I'm coming again...! I'm coming again...! I'm coming again!" I grunted and held back, tightening down around my cock so that the sperm would jet from me in an intensely powerful stream. My balls were emptying, and I could feel my whole body draining as I opened myself to the flood of the orgasm. Quivering spasms of release rippled up from my groin, and I felt my cock draw back, then drive forward, like the recoiling of a gun. Bullets of sperm were exploding from the muzzle of my cock as I shot the sperm deeply, hotly, powerfully into the swallowing softness of her cunt, until she was oozing in my come. "I'm still coming!" she moaned, delirious with her pleasure. "My God... I'm still coming!" Her cunt began to quiver around my blunt, exploding cock, as though she were drowning from the rushing flood which bubbled into her. Her pussy was an insatiable mouth, sucking out the thick hot richness of my sperm as though she were some insane sexual glutton. We dueled like that for a long time, the spewing hardness of my cock trying to match itself against the velvet squeeze of her oozing cunt. I felt myself beginning to deflate inside of her, just as I sensed the steel-like grip of her cuntal muscles relaxing their tenacious hold on my organ. I hunched forward once more, driving my limp cock into the puddle between her thighs, and Valerie ground her cunt against me, squeezing my shrinking shaft with a weak, last cuntal caress. Exhausted, I fell heavily against her. She collapsed under the strain of my body's weight. For a long while I just lay on top of her, breathing, heavily. My cock was just barely in her cunt: sperm oozed from the open mouth of her vagina, and I could feel the thick, runny discharge seeping down her body spreading all across the mattress. And then my communicator buzzed softly. I cursed it fitfully in my exhaustion. Valerie began to laugh. "What's so funny, Miss Marple?" I asked, wheezing a I tried to catch my breath.Besides, there's never a line for handjobs. I'll be back in a second. "Leave the lights flashing," I said, calling through the door opening on the driver's side. "I don't feel like getting a ticket for illegal parking." Holmes grinned as he leaned through the opening. "Don't worry, sir," he said. He switched on the overhead lights. They began to pulse on and off. "I'm so horny I can almost taste it." A moment later he was gone, lost in the crowd on the busy walk paths. Valerie turned to me. "Malachi, what was he talking about? What's an Eroti... whatever it was he said?" "An Erotiserie," I said. "Don't you have them on Ganymede?" "I'm not sure. What are they?" "Sex shops," I explained. "Businesses which deal in every form of sexual behavior. Someone once suggested that they were sexual 'luncheonettes', and I guess that describes them just as well as anything. They're businesses where any person can go to satisfy his sexual appetite, regardless of what it might be, whenever the mood strikes him." "Oh, houses of prostitution..." "Well, not quite. Nothing as elaborate as that, although we do, of course, have houses as well as Erotiseries. No, they're more geared to the mass market, much like a cafeteria would be in relation to an expensive restaurant. A person pays his money, gets on whatever line he wants -- for a blow-job, for a quick fuck, or for just a hand-job like Holmes wants -- goes into the cubicle, does his thing, and then he's out. Quick and efficient, one-two-three." "That's very practical," Valerie observed. "Leave it to Earth to come up with something like that. It's a very good idea, though. I have to admit that." "Do you have them back home?" "Are you kidding? Ganymede is a hick moon in comparison to the Earth," she said. "Oh, I mean, we do have our porno theatres and live sex shows, and standard three-dee color sex stations on our wall screens, but nothing even remotely like an Erotiserie." "Hum, that's something." A business plan flashed through my thoughts. "Someone should open one up out there. He'd really clean up. Erotiseries are making a fortune here on Earth." Valerie laughed. "Maybe we could go into business." "Why not," I suggested, half-seriously. "Just as soon as you're all readjusted psychologically, come back and let me know. Maybe we could work something out. There's a lot of money to be made in quick sex..." "Oh, look at that!" On the walk paths, coming toward us, was a thick-muscled, broad-shouldered workman striding briskly down the street. He had a tunic blouse on, but he was naked from the waist down. His cock was erect, and attached to the end of his shaft was a silver and plastic electronic masturbatory pump. "How gauche," I said, shaking my head, looking upon the man with utter disdain. "If there is one thing that I really find offensive, it's masturbating in public. It's so uncouth. It just indicates a total lack of class." Valerie sighed. "I know what you mean, Mal." "Do you have much of that..." -- I indicated the masturbating man -- "back home?" "Not too much. On Ganymede, people generally try to keep that sort of thing off the street, but there are always some people who have absolutely no regard for the rights of others." "It's a matter of education," I said. "No matter how advanced a civilization may be, there will always be someone like that around. No class. None at all." Holmes returned shortly after, and I observed that the thickness -- which previously characterized his crotch -- was now noticeably absent. He grinned from ear to ear. When Valerie politely asked him how it was, he said: "Great. A real pick-me-up." The tunnel was now clear, and we shot across town in a matter of minutes. True to form, the moment we materialized in front of police headquarters, the City Planning Computer came through with the authorization which would have permitted us to take another, clear level. "It figures," I muttered. With Miss Marple in hand, we stepped into one of the antigrav shafts and floated up to Commissioner Moran's office. CHAPTER THREE: The Problem Sitting just outside Commissioner Moran's door, in his usual place behind his massive desk, was Sergeant Mycroft. He was an absolutely corpulent man, but his face, though massive, had preserved something of a sharpness of expression. His eyes, which were of a peculiarly light, watery gray, seemed to always retain a faraway, introspective look. "Malachi Browne," he said, making no effort to move. Certainly Sergeant Mycroft was one of the laziest men I have ever known. He had no ambition, and absolutely no energy. He put out a broad, fat hand, like the flipper of a seal. "You certainly took your time in getting over here. What would you have done if this were a real emergency? Arrive tomorrow?" I shook his hand, well familiar with his kidding banter. "Sometimes, Sergeant, its easier to get clear out to Titan than it is to get across town." "Don't I know it," he sympathized. "Don't I know it." Valerie stood at my side, clearly feeling uncertain. She looked furtively around the office, the sense of being trapped welling up in her eyes. She studied Sergeant Mycroft. He was in full uniform, and as such, his mere presence must have brought home the realization that she had indeed been arrested. "This," I said, bowing gallantly, "is my captive, Miss Valerie Marple. I trust, Sergeant, I can leave her in your capable hands." "Wait a minute," Sergeant Mycroft muttered. "Wait a minute. You know you've got to sign for her." He searched through the papers on his desk, finding at last the necessary form. He shoved the paper at me. Without reading it, I signed it. "Bringing her in," he mumbled under his breath, reading over the signed form. He dropped it into the Out file. "I'll bet you were bringing her in." I laughed. "Was that what I told you over the communicator?" "Well, I didn't make that up. Don't you remember?" "You must have called at a good time." Sergeant Mycroft gave Valerie a careful once-over with his pale eyes. "I'll just bet that I called at a good time." There was a row of buttons embedded in the right-hand corner of the bright yellow plasteel desk, and Sergeant Mycroft pressed one. "Send in Policewoman Drew," he growled. Valerie pressed herself against my side. Her body was trembling. "Mal, I'm frightened..." "There's no need to be," I assured her. "This is all perfectly routine. You'll be photographed, a voice print match will be made, and then you'll be brought to a room where you can bathe and rest. If you're hungry you can order something to eat. Then, a little later, a psychiatrist will come and interview you. There's nothing to be afraid of." "But what if..." "Would you like me to stop down and visit with you a little later?" I asked. Valerie's face softened with hope. "Oh, would you? I'd appreciate that so much." "Of course." Policewoman Drew appeared at the door. "Miss Marple," she said softly, smiling. "Mal..." "Go ahead. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be down there a little later."Commissioner Moran commanded, his anger hardly contained. His hand was trembling as he stroked it through what little hair that remained on his head. I sat down and smiled. Commissioner Moran settled himself back in his chair. For a moment he said nothing. He simply sat there, with his elbows on the top of his desk, his fingers laced together in front of his face, the knuckles white. He continued to glare at me from behind his glasses. "Malachi Browne," he snapped, "if you ever..." I waved off his anger. "Oh, come on now, Spens. Don't get your balls in an uproar..." "Don't you tell me how to act! This is my office, and you work for me!" I stared back at him and frowned. "What's the matter with you, Spens? I've never seen you react like this before. Christ, if after all these years you're not used to the way I behave... what's come over you? Are you worried about something?" He exhaled heavily and shook his head. "You're lucky that you're my best man, Mal, or I never would have put up with you..." "Something is bothering you. What is it, Spens? Does it have anything to do with Miss Wolfe?" "In a way... yes." He continued to shake his head, staring blankly down at his desktop. "And you're right: something is bothering me. Ha -- that's an understatement. It's got me baffled. Everything's in flux. I've got the Mayor on my back, the City Council, and I've got to worry about the newspapers and television finding out." He sighed mightily. "Ah, Mal, I tell you, sometimes it's just not worth it." "Jesus Christ, Spencer, are you going to tell me or do I have to guess? Among his many virtues, the foremost of which was putting up with me, Commissioner Moran had one really bad habit -- he was the most oblique, long-winded son-of-a-bitch in the world. If he had his way he would keep me dangling all day long. I said: "What's up, Commissioner? From the way you're reacting, it must be big." "Big... I'll say it's big. Bigger than anything I've ever had to deal with in all my years as a policeman. That's why I've called you in on this. We've got to solve this, Mal, and solve it fast." "Solve what? Jesus!" Looking preoccupied, he removed his glasses and cleaned the lenses absently. "Perhaps I should begin at the beginning," he said, holding the glasses up above him, squinting as he stared through the lenses. "Bravo!" "Now, I don't want any interruptions from you," he warned me. "I know how impatient you get with me, but I won't stand for it this time..." "Jesus, get on with it!" "See! That's exactly what I'm talking about." "Oh, my God." "I'm going to tell this in my own way. Do you understand that? In my own way." I sighed and nodded. "Good." He nodded once to affirm his victory. Then he sat back in his chair, lacing his fingers across his chest, and he spoke to me while fixing his eyes on a spot somewhere above us on the ceiling. He said: "Over the centuries, mankind has learned to deal reasonably well with his sexual drives. This, as I'm sure you're well aware, was not always the case. There was a time in our past when -- generally speaking -- men and women were ashamed of their nude bodies, and they abhorred and denied their sexual feelings. They were obsessed with outmoded ideas like personal fidelity, and despite all the readily available evidence, they chose to believe that man was not fundamentally a promiscuous being..." I groaned. His eyes dropped from their lofty angle, and he glared at me. "However," he continued, clearing his throat, "today we no longer suppress our sexual drives, nor are we ashamed of or by them. In this present world in which we live, sexual experience is looked upon much in the same way we look upon... eating." I remembered suddenly who it was who'd made the analogy between an Erotiserie and a luncheonette. He pursued the metaphor. "Yes -- eating. As a biological necessity, as a fact of life to be faced openly and realistically and maturely. Our culture has a very mature, intelligent, and quite sophisticated outlook toward sex in relation to the generations that have passed before us. In our world, nothing is repressed sexually; in fact, everything is out in the open. Our lifestyle is one of total uninhibition." I shifted in my chair to show my impatience. He went on, unaffected. "Sexual interplay," he observed, pressing his fingers together as if in prayer, "between strangers, friends, neighbors, and even members of the same family is looked upon as normal in our culture. The petty sexual jealousies of another age have long ago been laid to rest, just as personal possessiveness on a sexual level no longer exists. So much so, in fact, there had not been a single sex-related crime in over one hundred years... until now!" I opened my eyes. "What did you say?" He smiled and went on, confident now that he had my undivided attention. "And why should there be sexual crimes in our world? We have everything available sexually; nothing is repressed, nothing is considered perverse. Every form of sexual interaction -- from pornography to live sex shows to Erotiseries -- is readily available to every member of our sexually liberated culture whenever the mood strikes him to satisfy his erotic appetite." "Don't stop now, you long-winded son-of-a-bitch!" I cried. "Get to the point!" Commissioner Moran leaned forward across his desk. He spoke in a harsh whisper. "Malachi, something very unusual and very frightening is happening in our city. Someone, apparently the same person, has committed a vicious and brutal series of rapes..." "Rape!" "That's right. It's a frightening word, isn't it: rape. And what's even more frightening is the fact that there has not been a single case of rape reported anywhere in over one hundred years." "My God..." "Needless to say, the necessity of solving this despicable crime at once is of the utmost urgency. Mal, the city is in turmoil -- panic is about to break loose. Thank God public awareness of these brutal attacks has been kept to a minimum; there have been no official releases. But there have been leaks. The city is rampant with rumor. I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this a secret." A chill ran up my spine, and I shuddered involuntarily. The very idea of rape was repugnant; it was so completely alien to my way of thinking, to my way of feeling, that it physically made me feel ill. "He's sick," I said, shaking my head. "Whoever is doing this is a sick, sick person." "Clearly. But your reaction, Mal," observed Commissioner Moran, "touches exactly the core of the problem that faces us. We, as a society, and as individuals, no longer know how to deal with this form of antisocial behavior; it's far, far too threatening to us. My God, we don't even know how or why something like this can be happening, much less find the one responsible for the crimes. It's absurd, it's bizarre, it's... perverted. Why in the name of God should any man rape when free and open sexual intercourse exists for all members of our society? Why?" I didn't know the answer to that question. Yet. "You've got to find him, Mal, and stop him," Commissioner Moran told me. "You've got to restore sanity before one man's sickness awakens that same kind of sickness in others. And if that happens, we'll be faced with an epidemic that quite literally could destroy us.""I'm going to begin with some general questions, and then we'll get to the details of the... attack." Miss Chan, nodded nervously, but didn't speak. "Would you state your full name and address, date of birth and occupation..." She did, indicating that she was indeed a student. "What are you majoring in?" "Alien psychology..." Jocelyn cut in. "Oh, really? How fascinating. I minored in that. Where are you studying?" Miss Chan warmed to Jocelyn. "Did you really? Not too many people are interested in that subject. That's really nice... Oh, yes: where am I studying? Right here at Harvard. At the Symposium." Two points for Jocelyn, I thought, observing her technique. Maybe she does have some police qualities. "You're not originally from Bos-Wash, are you?" she went on, gently pumping the young woman. "No, I'm not." Miss Chan smiled and visibly seemed to relax in her chair. "I'm from Hawaii originally. I'm only in the city because of school." "Do you come from a large family?" "Do I?" Miss Chan laughed. "I have thirteen -- no, make that fourteen -- brothers and sisters. Mom's had another since I began school. I'm the number three daughter: third oldest." Skillfully, Jocelyn went on like that, eliciting bits and pieces of information, building up Miss Chan's background, until it was time for me to take over. I began asking her questions about the rape. "Now, Miss Chan, in your own words, could you please tell us what happened..." "Well, I went down to the lobby -- I got a call, and when I got back..." "Just a second. You said you got a call. From whom?" "I don't know. A man called over the downstairs speaker saying that he had a package for me. He said he didn't want to bring it all the way up, so he was going to leave it in the lobby. I said all right, and then I went down to get it. Only it wasn't there. I looked all over but there was no package. So I went back upstairs to my apartment. He was in the apartment when I got here. He was hiding in the bedroom..." "Wait a second. Can we go back a bit. When you left the apartment to go downstairs, did you lock your apartment door?" "Yes I did. I always do. Besides, it has an automatic lock. Even if I would have left it wide open, the roboserv mechanism would have swung it shut." "I see. Does anyone else have a voice card? Is the lock programmed for any other voices?" Her head shook solemnly. "No, I am all alone. I have brought up an occasional man, but that has only been for sex. No one but I has ever lived here. That's what frightens me: how could he have gotten in?" I laughed cynically. "That's easy enough: a forged voice card. He must have made an unsuspecting recording of your voice, pressed himself a transposed voice print, and impressed it on the card. Unfortunately, it's done every day." "Is there anything I can do?" The girl looked sincerely frightened. I was going to shrug helplessly when Jocelyn cut in. "There is something new on the market. Of course it's still experimental, but it seems to work quite effectively. It's a mechanism that's attached to the inside of your apartment door. A piece of metal which only you have is inserted into the mechanism, and that throws some tumblers, and a metal bar clicks into a housing in the doorjamb. The door is locked. A heavy metal bar holds the door shut. No one can get in unless he has an identical metal insert like the one you have. It's almost foolproof. I'm thinking of getting one myself." I waited while Miss Chan took down the information, then I went on with my questions. "Tell me again what happened from the time you decided to return to your apartment?" "Well, I came up when I couldn't find a package..." "Did you see any one going in or out of the antigrav shaft? Either the up or down side?" "No one." Jocelyn said: "He probably took the elevator." I nodded. "Then what happened?" "I walked down the hall to my apartment, I opened the door, and I walked in. I remember that I was very angry. At first I thought that someone had stolen the package, but then I realized it must have been a hoax. I was angry because I had been studying. I had an examination the following day in Conversational Turiops Truncatus." She paused. "Well, anyhow, he was waiting for me when I went into the bedroom..." "Can you describe him?" Jocelyn quickly cut in. She leaned forward intently. "No... I never saw him. He told me not to turn around. But I heard his voice. I would remember that I ever heard it again." Miss Chan shuddered. "I don't think I'll ever forget that voice." "What did he say to you?" "I don't remember his exact words: He said something about not turning around. He said he would harm me if I did. His being there terrified me, so I did as he asked. I didn't think to question him." "What did he ask you to do?" Jocelyn wanted to know. "First he told me he was going to rape me. I asked him what he meant. I had heard the word before, but wasn't sure exactly what it meant. He told me it was an old-American word, pretty much obsolete now because it had fallen out of use. He told me it meant fucking -- but forced fucking." Miss Chan shuddered again, then shut and opened her eyes. "I said that I didn't understand that: how could fucking be forced? It was something that two consenting people did together: how could that be forced? He said that the man would insist on fucking, even if the woman didn't want to, and that he would make her do it even if, he had to hurt her. That's silly, I said. No man would insist that a woman fuck him. If she said no, he would go away. No one would be that rude..." She shuddered again. "I guess I just didn't understand..." "What happened then?" I asked. "He threw something to me and told me to put it over my head. It was a leather sack. A small black leather sack with a drawstring around the opening. He told me to put it over my head. I did. Then he told me to pull the drawstring tight so I couldn't see out. There was a hole for my mouth so I could breathe, and holes near my ears so that I could hear him, but it was quite terrifying to wear that... thing. It was like a death-mask." "My God..." Jocelyn said softly. "So I put it on," said Miss Chan, "and I pulled the string. He came up to me and tied the string in a knot so that I couldn't take the mask off." "Then what happened?" "He told me to strip. He told me to take my clothing off -- all my clothing off. What a strange request, I remember thinking. If he wanted to see me naked, he could have easily met me in the street somewhere and told me honestly and openly. I am not a prude. If he were nice-looking maybe we could have fucked. Why did he have to do it this way? It was so... sick!" "The world is full of sick people," Jocelyn said, her voice quivering with bitterness. "Go on, please." "So I undressed... feeling foolish and frightened at the same time. When I was naked, he told me to play with myself. You know... to masturbate. But, I cried out through the mask, if you want to fuck me why not do it the right way? Let me take off the mask. He said masturbate, so I did." "Did he tell you to do anything specific?" "No, he just said masturbate. To do myself the way I do when I want to come. So I began to play with myself. I rubbed my cunt and pinched my clitoris and played with my breasts. Well, you know how it is with sex: once you start you naturally begin to enjoy it, and I began to get wet. I began to finger my cunt, shoving up one, two, three fingers -- while I'm standing there, with my legs wide open..." "Did he touch you at all?" I asked. "No, not while I was masturbating." "Go on." "I began to enjoy it a lot after awhile, and I guess I forgot where I was and what was really, happening to me. I began to masturbate as if I really wanted to come. I have this thing -- this way of masturbating -- that is really great and really works for me. When I started to get hot I began to do it to myself. What it is, is that I separate the lips of my cunt so that my clitoris is exposed, and then, instead of rubbing it or rolling it, I take my fingernail of my index finger -- that's why I keep it so long, see?" She stopped to show us her fingernail. "Anyhow, I scrape the fingernail across my erect clit very rapidly, very roughly. Usually it brings me to orgasm within minutes..." "Did you come from masturbating?" I asked. "No, I didn't. I was building toward it, and thinking about it, and I suddenly realized how sick the whole thing was. I mean, this man must have been crazy to ask me to do such a normal thing in such a perverted situation. I mean it would have been just as absurd if he would have forced me -- under threat of physical pain to eat my dinner. More than anything else, it was the normalcy of his request that frightened me. God, if he only had asked me to do anything else, I would have understood. But to force me to masturbate, to tell me that he was going to fuck me -- only a madman would have forced me to do what I readily would have done without being forced!" "And then what happened?" "I stopped masturbating and I told him to leave me alone. I told him I was going to scream. He got angry and yelled at me. Then I heard him walk closer, and he sprayed something at me. I remember it smelled funny, and then I don't remember anything. The spray, whatever it was, must have caused me to fall unconscious." "Or it was an amnesia inducing chemical," I offered, "and you've just forgotten what happened. Go on." "Then I woke. He was gone. And I... I was raped. I knew then what the word meant." I thought for a moment. "If you were unconscious, how do you know you were raped?" Miss Chan snorted in disbelief. "Are you kidding? This maniac must have had a cock a foot in length and at least four inches across. My cunt was all bloody. I was ripped wide open. I couldn't walk for a week. Even now, I still can't fuck without some pain." Jocelyn shook her head. "The despicable animal. Some woman should fuck him and then he would know how it felt. Someone should shove a cock like that up his ass and then..." I gave Jocelyn a long hard, look. She knew what the look said: she was thinking with her emotions and not her intellect. "And you're sure you can't identify him?" I continued. "No, I'm sorry." "Might he be someone you might know?" Miss Chan shook her head. "I just don't know." "And his voice -- did it sound, even remotely, like the voice of anyone else with whom you're familiar? Even if there's just the slightest similarity?" "No." I sighed. "All right. Now can we go over this just one more time. From the top..."In no way implies any suspicion of me on your part. It's strictly routine. "Yes... that's so." Mrs. Hudson sighed. "I watch all the programs. I'm something of a mystery buff myself. Actually, if it weren't for the damn rape, this would be positively fascinating. It still is, I guess, in its own way." "All right..." I said, simply because I didn't know how else to respond. "Let's begin. Just for the record, would you please state your full name and address, date of birth, and occupation..." Mrs. Hudson replied, answering the questions fully. "Ah, yes, one point of clarification," I said. "Again, for the record, you state that your name is Nora Peel Hudson, but your husband's legal name is John Clay. Could you clarify that, please?" "Well, that should be obvious. We have different legal names. I never adopted his when we married." The ancient practice of a wife legally changing her surname to that of her husband's upon marriage had long ago been abandoned generally, but in the last few years many women had revived the fad. I just wanted to make sure. "This is just routine, ma'am," I said, turning to my next question. "You state that you're in the hotel business. In what way?" "I'm sole owner of the Stamford Hotel." "All right, then. Now would you please, in your own words, tell us what happened to you on the night of January eleventh..." "It was a Monday," Mrs. Hudson, began. "That's important because John -- my husband -- is only out of the module on Monday nights -- business meetings -- so I find that an interesting 'coincidence'. If, indeed, it was a coincidence. Personally, I believe it indicates that the criminal must have been someone who knew my routine." I interrupted her. "Are you speaking about any one in particular?" "Good heavens, no. No one in particular, but there are, of course, any number of possible suspects." "Ma'am?" "Well," she said, shrugging magnificently, "one does not achieve as much as I have in her life without making some enemies..." "Could you be a little more specific?" "All right, for example, there's Zeck Roland. He used to be my husband's partner. And then there's..." "We'll take a full list from you a little later. Now, if you don't mind, can we get back to the... attack." "Very well. Where was I?" "It was a Monday night..." "Yes, and I was home alone. I remember I was watching the screen, when I received a call from the lobby wall-screen. Curious, too, that the visual was distorted..." "Ma'am?" "The picture didn't come through. Something was wrong with the vertical reception. All I got was a bunch of lines..." "A distorter," Jocelyn said. I nodded to her in agreement. "Go on." "Mr. Ohls, the security man down in the lobby -- that's Cramer Ohls: he's a very nice man -- said that some man had delivered a package for me. He said he was Mr. Ohls, but I soon found out that was another ruse... but I'm getting ahead of myself. The man impersonating Mr. Ohls said he had a package for me. I questioned him why he didn't send it up, but he said he couldn't leave his post. Clearly, all he wanted was to get me out of my module... And I fell for it. I said I would gladly come down and pick up the package." "Did you go down immediately after the call?" Jocelyn asked. "Yes. I closed off and went directly down." "By shaft?" "Well, of course." "There are no elevators in this building?" I asked. Mrs. Hudson looked scandalized. "Don't be absurd!" "How many shafts are there in the building?" "There's the large one at the front of the building: it has six separate channels, three up and three down, and there's a smaller, private shaft in the rear. Only that one is locked. Only tenants have voice cards." "Did you pass anyone in the shaft?" Jocelyn asked. "Going either up or down?" Mrs. Hudson thought for a moment. "No... I don't think so -- wait! I think I did. Yes... yes, I did pass someone: a man, going up..." I became excited. "Did you recognize him? Can you describe him?" "No, I can't," Mrs. Hudson confessed, looking perplexed. "He was wearing one of those portable viewers: you know the kind that slips over the wearer's head..." I exchanged a knowing glance with Jocelyn. "I don't understand," Mrs. Hudson said. "What does this all mean? What are you getting at?" "In all probability," I explained, "the man you passed in the antigrav shaft was the attacker, on his way up to your apartment." "My God..." "Are you sure you can't identify him?" Jocelyn pressed. "Perhaps his size, his type of build?" "My God -- I never thought... No, no, I can't describe what he looked like for the simple fact that I didn't look at him. I mean, I saw him, but I didn't look at him. He was just a man. But young, old, short, tall, thin, fat -- I just don't know." I realized I had been holding my breath. I let it out slowly. "That's quite all right, Mrs. Hudson. Please continue with your explanation." "Well, I got down in the lobby, and I began to look for Mr. Ohls. When I found him he said he knew nothing of a package, and insisted he had not spoken to me. Needless to say I was furious... poor man: I certainly tore into him. I accused him of irresponsibility, of being intoxicated on duty... everything. I even threatened to have him discharged." She looked at me very confidently and nodded. "I have that power, you know." "Continue, please." "I came up in a huff -- angry, sputtering, talking to myself in the antigrav shaft. I walked down the hallway to my apartment, unlocked the door..." "You're sure you unlocked it?" Jocelyn asked. "It wasn't open?" Mrs. Hudson glared at her. "I unlocked the door to my apartment, and walked in. I stormed into the living room, intending to fix myself a drink at the bar to calm my nerves, when he -- the rapist -- called out to me from somewhere behind me." "What did he say?" Mrs. Hudson thought for a moment. "He said: Don't move! Don't turn around I've got you covered with this blaster..." I glanced at Jocelyn. "Are you sure those were his precise words?" Mrs. Hudson assured me they were. "I'll never forget them as long as I live. I've got you covered with this blaster, he said. And then to prove it -- he shoved the muzzle of his gat into the small of my back." Jocelyn's face was pained. "Are you certain those were his words? That he did exactly what you said?" "My dear young woman..." I cut in. "Would you continue, please, Mrs. Hudson. Then what happened?" She smiled smugly at Jocelyn. "After he shoved the gun in my back, I knew he meant business. Naturally, I thought he was after my jewels." Then she quickly amended: "Not that I keep any here... I just thought that was what he might be after. You don't know my relief when he said he was interested only in me." "Relief?" Jocelyn questioned. "Well, of course. I mean, I like fucking as much as the next woman. More perhaps. After all, what happened to me was nothing really serious, albeit it was an inconvenience. But can you imagine how I would have felt if he truly were after my jewels? Why, they'd be gone forever perhaps! As it was all I really suffered was a little pain, and that will pass soon enough..." Jocelyn's face turned scarlet, but she said nothing. Mrs. Hudson continued: "He threw me a hooded mask to put over my head, and then he told me to strip. I did as he asked, taking off every stitch of my clothing. I have a wonderful body still, you know. I do. It's quite remarkable. Very youthful. Why I look..." "What happened then?" I asked. "He threw me a dildo and told me to make love to it. It was quite a nice one too: very long and very, very thick. Made of a nice soft, but firm flestex. I hoped he was going to leave it behind, but he didn't. It was a shame: it was some rubber cock." "And?" "And I made love to myself, using the dildo. I started off very slowly, you know -- just running the tip of the shaft between my legs, getting my cunt used to it. I pushed the head against my clitty and rubbed it hard back and forth, setting up the most glorious sensation." She sighed, as if in passing memory. "Then, when I got loose and wet, and held the cock parallel to my cunt, spreading the lips around the sides of the shaft, and I pumped it up and down, humping myself with it. It was quite nice." Jocelyn said nothing. Her lips were pressed tightly together, stretched tautly across her clenched lips. Mrs. Hudson's husband didn't say anything either. "Then I began to open up all the way, and I just tipped the cock up, and it slid into my pussy just as neat as you please. Let me tell you -- that was some cock. I was really filled up: from the lips of my cunt all the way up into my belly. And then, when I began to move it, you know, push it in and out of me -- well, I tell you, I was in ecstasy, regardless of the circumstances." I shattered her reverie. "And then what happened?" Mrs. Hudson flushed slightly. "I have a small confession to make." She leaned forward and spoke in a low, confidential tone. "I have a slight sex problem -- I have a tendency to over-sex. Once I get started, I sometimes don't know when to stop. My doctors tell me that it might be glandular. But, whatever the case, I do have this propensity for over-sexing, and that time was no exception. I was really enjoying it, building nicely toward what seemed to be a shattering orgasm, and then... and then..." "Yes?" "And then that -- beast! -- asked me to do something unnatural. He simply ruined it." I looked at her curiously. "What did he ask you to do, Mrs. Hudson?" She gulped, but held her chin out bravely. "He forced me to..." her lips quivered as she spoke "... to insert the dildo into my... into my..." "Rectum!" her husband, John Clay, said, speaking up for his only contribution. He said it smugly, firmly, as if his only reason for being there was to say that one word. And perhaps it was. "Yes, that's where he made me put it. I didn't like it at all. I'm a very sexually well adjusted woman, but there are limits!" "Of course," I said. "And then?" "And then it was over. He sprayed this misty thing at me, and I went out, just like that." She snapped her finger. "When I woke up, he was gone. He took the dildo with him." "You know, of course, you were raped for certain?" "Of course. My poor little cunny was all sore and bloody. Oh, it ached so bad. He must have had some cock, that man." She shook her head and sighed. "And I have a very wide cunt. I can take a cock as big as -- here, let me show you." She began to lift her dress. I held up my hand. "No -- that's quite all right. We don't doubt your word." Mrs. Hudson smiled. "Thank you." "And you're positive you can't identify him?" "No. I can't." "Shit!" Jocelyn exploded.There is a lot more detail, she said, but I don't think it's necessary to go over it now. Its all down in the transcript of the quadcorder tape. I have the tape as well, if you'd like to view it. That won't be necessary. The transcript is good enough. Continue, please. After Miss Archer made three calls, our man moved in to do his work. From here on it's the same as the others: he put a blindfold over her head, sprayed her with that substance, whatever it was, and when she woke up she was raped. Apparently, she'd fared better than the other two women because she suffered no blood loss. But her cunt was quite bruised and battered. I saw her physician's report, a copy is included in her file, and the results are quite brutal. She was attacked, make no mistake about that. Commissioner Moran sucked on his pipe. Hum... what about identification? Did she know him? Does she have any ideas? Negative, sir. Just like all the others. Was there any mention of a weapon? A blaster, in particular. No, there wasn't. I'll attribute that, and that incredible piece of dialogue she reported the rapist to have said to Mrs. Hudson's obvious lurid imagination. I agree, Commissioner Moran said. What do you say, Mal? Yes. Clearly the woman watches too much wall screen; too many old neo-renaissance films. Commissioner Moran nodded, pressing his finger-tips together again. His chin was resting on his chest, and he was looking at me over the top of his glasses. Now, he said, sucking on his pipe, will someone please explain to me what any of this evidence has to do with Plain-clothes Detective Malachi Browne? Jocelyn began to giggle again, but I glared her down crossly. Our Miss Archer, she said, was one hot-blooded woman. After the rape she was so bruised she couldn't have any sex. And I mean no sex. She couldn't even masturbate, so you can imagine, how horny she was. Well, all it took was for her to get one long look at Mal's cock, and she got an immediate case of the hots for him. Miss Archer was climbing all over him, touching him, caressing him, telling him how she hadn't been fucked in weeks... Thank you, Miss Wolfe. I think I have the picture. He looked at me, arched one eyebrow, then sucked on his pipe. All right, now where do we stand? We know all three rapes were committed by the same man, I said. I realized how insignificant this piece of evidence was when weighed against the mountain of evidence it would require to track the rapist down. Still, it was one of the only hard facts we had about this case. I said: Not only is his M.O. the same in all three attacks, but Crime Lab had established conclusively that all three women were penetrated by the same brutally large cock. The probability percentage of it not being the same man in all three cases is so small that the computer reads it out as insignificant. So, for what it's worth, we're only looking for one man. And thank God for that, Commissioner Moran agreed. All that's needed to make this case any more complicated is for us to find out there are two rapists. No thank you, one is more than enough. What else do we have? We know the rapist was someone who knew the routine of the three women, Jocelyn said. In every case they were alone when he attacked them. What does that tell us? Commissioner Moran asked. It tells us that the rapist was someone who could find that kind of information out about people, or it says he had that kind of information available to him. What type of person does that suggest? I've all ready put it through the computer. It's sorting them out now. We'll have someone tracking down any possible leads we turn up, first thing in the morning. Good, he said, nodding with approval at Jocelyn. What else do we have? Lists have been taken from all three women, I said, of their friends and relatives: husbands, boy friends, lovers, bosses, and anyone else who might possibly have a grudge against them. The whole mass of data has been fed into the computer, and has been checked, rechecked, cross-checked, even randomly-checked. Nothing. No leads, no results, nothing. Not even for Mrs. Hudson, and believe me, she does have a lot of enemies. But everything checks out. And, worst of all: no possible connection exists between the three victims. In short, they were all strangers to each other. Commissioner Moran frowned. He pulled the pipe from his lips, tamped down the tobacco with a stick match, then struck the match and lit his pipe. He puffed out some smoke. Summarize what we have, he said. Conclusion: we're dealing with one man, Jocelyn said. One man whose identity we do not yet know. Something in my unconscious mind reached out and stung me. What did you say? Say that again? Jocelyn looked surprised. All I said was that we were dealing with one man... That's it: one man! Now Jocelyn looked confused. I don't...? Commissioner Moran pulled the pipe from his mouth. Do you have something, Mal! he asked, sitting forward, placing his elbows on the desk. I just realized were making the most fundamental kind of mistake. I'm surprised we didn't see this before. Aren't we making a mistake by limiting our investigation to men only. I realize it sounds farfetched, but think about it: isn't it possible that the three women were not raped by a man, but by a -- woman! Jocelyn blinked twice, and then, as if the idea were physically repugnant to her, her lips twisted into a sour frown, and she pulled back away from me. Are you crazy? she demanded. That's the most... Shhh! Wait, Commissioner Moran interjected excitedly. He physically silenced Jocelyn with an impatient wave of his hand. At least hear him out. Make your point, Mal. I collected my thoughts. Let's re-establish the facts in light of my hypothesis and see what we come up with. One: All three women were unconscious when the rapes took place; therefore, no one can say without reasonable doubt that they were definitely raped by men. Not even the victims themselves can say that. Two: We have assumed all along that the reason for the hooded mask was to keep the victims from identifying the rapist. But what if there was another reason? What if the three women were blindfolded to hide from them the fact that the rapist was a woman? Three: The only time the rapist might have been seen was when Mrs. Hudson passed a man on the shafts. But that man was wearing a viewer which hid his head. I submit: couldn't the head inside that viewer have been a woman's head? Four: The Gynecological Reports on all three women each say that the victims were attacked by a cock of enormous size and thickness, and used with a vicious brutality. But suppose that wasn't a real cock. Suppose that it was a dildo. Five-and-Final: The Gynecological Reports again all state that the rapist deposited no sperm into the bodies of the three women. Again: Could not it have been a dildo and not an actual cock which forced penetration? There was a momentary silence, and I used it to study the faces of my two colleagues. Jocelyn was clearly unconvinced, almost violently so, while Commissioner Moran was clearly interested. I don't know, he said. I think maybe the damn idea has possibilities. I think maybe you've hit upon something. I'm not saying I think the rapist is a woman, I expounded. I'm only saying can we overlook the possibility that he might be a woman? Commissioner Moran nodded. You're right, of course, Mal. We have no choice but to investigate that as a possibility. Run everything you have back through the computer for a woman this time and see what kind of results you get. And get new lists from each woman -- lists of women who might be suspects. There's also the possibility, I saw, that if the rapist is a woman, the attacks might have been made by a known lesbian. Maybe we've been looking for the wrong kind of deviant all along! Jocelyn, who had been sitting by listening with her mouth opening progressively wider with each new step we took, suddenly exploded. Have you two lost your senses? she wanted to know. That idea is positively stupid, not to mention totally sexist. You're both expressing a typically male prejudice by even suggesting that a woman might have done it. No woman could have done that to another woman. Only a man knows how to hurt that deeply. Her voice was rising shrilly until it seemed to catch her attention. She stopped to listen to it, and then she stopped altogether. Her eyes fluttered, as if she were looking inwardly at her own pain. Or a sick woman, I said softly. Jocelyn stung back at me. How about a sick man? And how about the fact that not one of the women even implied that the rapist was anything but a man? And how about the fact that every one of those women distinctly heard a man's voice? Disguising your voice is a relatively easy thing to do, I pointed out. It could have been done any number of ways. By tape recordings of a man's voice telling each of the women what to do. There are also devices that you can put in your mouth that will make you sound like the Commissioner, and he could be made to sound like you. It can be done. The weight of evidence, if not reason, must have been frustrating for her. Jocelyn threw up her hands, as if in disgust. All right, she conceded. You stick to your theories, and I'll stick to mine. And mine tell me that the rapist is a man. I stared back at her a very long time before I answered. And mine tell me we haven't got enough evidence yet for you to be that sure, this early.Her ruby lips stretched wide, her teeth flashed, her tongue snaked out, and the swollen, pinkish column of Philip Watson's cock disappeared into her open, supplicating mouth. "Oooohhh -- yes!" Philip moaned, his eyes closing for a split second as their flesh made contact. The sound of his cock going into her mouth was like a soft wet whisper: a sudden sucking intake of breath. "Oh... suck it! Suck it, Irene -- suck my cock!" Irene's mouth went all the way down on Philip's cock, until her lips were pressed into his belly, and his balls were pushed up under her chin. Her cheeks were drawn in, and the ring of her mouth was all wrinkled and puckered with the pressure of holding her lips around the throbbing column of his cock shaft. Philip's belly undulated up and down as he moved himself around inside of her mouth. I watched in fascination as the bristling black hairs around the base of his cock rubbed back and forth under Irene's nose. "Oh, that's good," Philip moaned. He lifted one thigh, and turned slightly to his side so that his cock would go in deeper. Then he pulled back, and his cock slid from between her lips, about an inch and a half of the shaft reappearing. It was dripping wetly with her warm saliva. "Oh, that's wonderful... wonderful!" A wet sucking sound echoed hollowly from inside of Irene's mouth. The flush of her passion spread all across her cheeks, and I could see her tongue moving inside as the thickness of Philip's cock pushed from one side of her mouth to the other. She began to draw her head back so that her lips slid wetly along the smooth shaft of his plunging cock stem. Further and further she pulled up from his belly, so that more and more of his cock appeared, until five or six inches were visible. Colorless trickles of saliva oozed down from her pursed lips, rolling in thick trickling streams until her sloppy wetness clotted in Philip's pubic hair. "Oh -- Jesus!" Philip moaned, closing his eyes to absorb the pleasure of her wet expert sucking. "Irene, baby, you have some mouth. Suck me off, baby. Suck me off!" Irene's lips were almost to the end of his cock, and I could see the stiff ridge of his glans sneaking out from under her top lip. Her tongue came down, pushing out of her mouth, and it curled under the cockhead. Irene licked him back and forth, swishing her tongue all over his cock. Then she tightened her mouth in a sudden swift surprising movement, pulled back her tongue, and slid her lips all the way down the rest of his cock shaft, taking the full-length of his cock once again inside of her. Philip moaned, then began to hump his dripping cock in and out of the ragged hole of Irene's sucking mouth. He pulled almost all the way out, then jackknifed his knees, and drove himself all the way in again. In and out, in and out, until his cock was making a slurping sound across her straining lips, and saliva was trickling down Irene's bobbing chin. "Enough... enough," Philip moaned. He pushed Irene away from his crotch with an open hand. Like a marionette without any life other than that which was channeled into her, Irene fell over on her side. Her mouth was still open, as if an invisible dick were yet between her lips. Philip's cock stood stiffly in the air, its natural redness made to appear even more vivid by the thick coating of saliva which dripped from it. The head of his cock seemed to have swollen to twice its previous size. He said: "We're being selfish. Here we are giving me pleasure, while we've forgotten all about Mal. Why don't you go and give him a little pleasure while I watch." I watched as Irene rolled over and, on her hands and knees, she crawled toward the edge of the mattress, toward me. Saliva was smeared all across the bottom of her face, and her breasts hung, down pendulously between her stiff arms as she waddled forward. "Come closer, Mal," she whispered. Her eyes were glassy, and I knew from past experiences with her that Irene was very, very excited. Any form of sex play generally turned her on, and anything extraordinary or exotic practically reduced her to a mass of quivering female flesh. "Give me your cock, Mal. Give me your cock!" Dazed with mounting passion, I stepped toward her. I felt my knees bang softly into the edge of the mattress. The sheets were cool against my burning flesh. I watched with a instant passion as Irene crawled up to my crotch. Her hair brushed against my naked belly. "Give it to him, Irene baby," Philip said, obviously excited by the exhibition. His fingers were wrapped around the pole of his erect cock, and he was stroking the shaft slowly up and down. "Give it to Mal, baby. Suck his cock for him the same way you sucked mine." I could feel the hot kiss of her breath on my belly. The head of my cock was on the same level as her mouth was. Irene's lips parted and her tongue slid forward. She licked the head of my cock. "Oh, that's nice to see," Philip said. His hand moved more rapidly against his stiff middle as he jerked himself off. "Lick it for me, baby... lick it!" Irene pulled her tongue back into her mouth, and then she brought her hand up, and she grasped my cock. I felt her fingers wrap themselves around the rigid shaft as she pulled me toward her mouth. I could feel the wet sliding of her lips as they opened over the head of my cock, and the moist billow of hot air as it breathed from her open wet mouth. Her tongue moved forward again, and wrapped itself under the head of my cock. Then it slid back into her mouth, taking with it the shaft of my cock. "Suck it, baby," Philip cried excitedly. He stood up on his knees to get a better look. His hand worked in and out now, and his cock throbbed up and down under the pressure of his pulling fist. "Suck his cock, Irene. Give Mal a deep, wet blow-job." Irene's lips reclosed, and she began to suck on me. The head of my cock was hot and wet, and I could feel her tongue exploring the hardness of my shaft as if it were the first time she had even taken it into her mouth. Her tongue moved slowly over my cockhead, then slid underneath, and slid back and forth against the bottom part of the shaft. I could feel her teeth gently grating into me as she moved her mouth from side to side. Her lips pressed down hard, and I could feel a subtle, drawing, sucking pressure building against the rigid hardness of my cock. "Oohhh!" I moaned, excited despite my strangely detached emotionality. I stared down at her licking face, attached like something obscene to the end of my very stiff cock. I watched her nostrils flare as she sucked in air, and her lips seemed incredibly extended and puckered around the column of my cock. It was a deeply, deeply erotic sight, and I discovered myself sucking in my belly so that I would have a clearer view of what her mouth was doing to me. I lifted my hands from my sides, and I placed them on Irene's small sloping shoulders. I could feel the gentle rub of her hair as it brushed up and down against my forearms. She twisted her head from side to side, and caused my cock to roll across her tongue. As a throbbing wash of pleasure gripped me, my fingers tightened into her shoulders. "Suck him good, baby," Philip said, encouraging Irene who rarely ever needed encouragement. Philip wobbled forward, his cock still in his hand, and he came around the curve of Irene's ass, so that he was kneeling just to my right. He stared down at her mouth, baring his teeth excitedly as his lips curled back. He was watching how she sucked my cock. "Oohhh, suck that cock, baby! Suck it!" I watched, my stomach quivering in excited passion, as Irene's mouth slid all the way down the length of my erection. I felt her tongue licking me all over, and I felt her teeth scraping gently, erotically against the sides of my shaft. The head of my cock was pressed gently into the back of her throat. The heavy weight of my balls dangled against the rolling point of her chin. I began to stroke myself in and out, fucking my cock through the tight hole of her lips. I could feel the rubbing friction coursing pleasantly down the stiffness of my cock, and I could feel the soft wet caress of her tongue and cheeks as I humped into her. The pleasure of her sucking was excitingly powerful. The draining rush of her saliva rushing over the thickness of my cock was like gushing, pressurized water. It felt as if she were trying to swallow my cock, balls and all. "Suck that cock!" Philip cried. He placed his hand on her bobbing ass, then slipped his fingers down between the cheeks. I saw his hand push forward, and Irene stiffened, tightening her lips around the shaft of my cock. "Suck it, baby! Suck that cock!" A wild flood of pleasure made me groan, and I took my hands from Irene's shoulders, and placed them on top of her head. I stretched up, as if I were somehow trying to rise over the swell of pleasure, and I pushed her down with my hands. Her back bent low, and I could see over her ass. I could see Philip's fingers in the slit of her cunt. He moved his hand rapidly in and out, driving his fingers hard against her cunt. His hand was dripping with the wetness which oozed from her. Irene began to moan, and I knew that Philip's hand was getting through to her. I could feel the excited frenzy of her tongue rolling rapidly over the head of my cock, and the sucking draw of her lips made my cock stiffer with excitement. She began to move her mouth rapidly up and down, turning her face from right to left as she attempted to touch every part of my cock. She began to moan loudly, sucking frantically, and she climbed up, placing her hands on my hips. She pushed me back, then pulled me forward, moving her head in reverse so that my cock went all the way into her mouth, and then pulled all the way out. In and out, in and out, in and out, until my cock was a dripping wet blur extended from her lips. "Take it, Irene, baby -- take it!" Philip said. He stroked himself with one hand, and he drove the other one in and out of Irene's dripping pussy. I could hear the squish of her cunt as she tightened her vaginal muscles around the piston-like probe of Philip's fingers. "Suck cock! Suck cock! Take it, baby... take it!" Irene began to moan out loud. Her mouth tightened around me spasmodically, and I felt her teeth biting into my rigid cock. Her tongue went berserk against the head of my cock, fluttering wildly in a frenzy of sensation. She sucked up hard, as hard as she could, drawing with all her strength on my cock. She violently crushed her cunt back against Philip's hand. "She's coming!" Philip shouted excitedly. Irene's cunt was like a closed fist, and as he drove his fingers savagely in and out of her, she squirted her wetness all over his hand. Cunt juice dripped down her own thighs. "I can feel her coming, Mal! Her cunt's getting tight... tighter! I can feel her pussy just creaming all over my fingers!" "Oh... oh... oh!" Irene sobbed, her mouth still fastened securely to the length of my cock. The words oozed up around her pursed lips, bubbling out like her saliva. She sucked me desperately, hard and deep, using her lips and tongue and teeth and cheeks, drawing upon me with all her determination as she tried to suck the sperm up from my balls. "Oooohhh!" I moved my hands around to the side of her face, and I held her tenderly between my fingers. Irene's eyes were closed, and sweat was running freely down her face. I pressed my hands softly into her hair, against her ears, and I held her in place as I drove myself in and out of her. I could feel the humming vibrations of her moaning cries against the head of my cock as her throat quivered. Her mouth was so warm and soft that I found myself moaning right along with her. Philip pulled his fingers from her convulsing cunt. He wiped the wet discharge all over the swollen head of his cock, and then he brought the fingers up under his nose. He sniffed her wetness deeply. "That smells good," he said, jerking himself off. His tongue snaked from between his lips, and he licked his fingers clean. "I think I want to eat her." Irene was still coming when Philip dropped down behind her. Her orgasm must have been on its way down, because the tight grip of her lips had loosened around the rigid pole of my cock, and the maddening twirl of her rolling tongue had slowed. But the moment she felt Philip's tongue slipping into her cunt, Irene's body stiffened, and defensively she tried to pull away from the overwhelmingly new sensation. She groaned sharply, as if in pain, and then she forced her widely-parted thighs back, and crushed her cunt into his face. Philip grabbed onto the cheeks of her ass and pulled them widely open as his head bobbed wetly up and down. Thick wet licking sounds oozed up into the sweaty air. The moment Philip's tongue drove itself all the way into Irene's cunt, she began to come again. This new orgasm tagged itself to the end of the old one, and began soaring skyward in a sudden surge of sexual power. Irene's back bent down low, her thighs spread even further apart, and she sealed her cunt tightly against Philip's licking tongue. She began to massage my swollen cock with her teeth as the sensations of orgasm filled her body. But Philip wasn't satisfied. He pulled his face away from her cunt. Irene pushed back against him with a groan of disappointment, almost pulling my cock from her lips. Philip straightened, then drove his stiff cock all the way into her cunt. Irene began to come for a third time. "God!" she cried. "Aaaahhhh!" Her jaw dropped loose as the pleasurable shock of penetration spread her cunt wide open. The color drained from her face, and then, in an instant, she brought her lips firmly again around my driving cock. Irene began to suck and lick my erection with a frantic excitement that indicated this was the best of all orgasms. I stared across Irene's naked, coming body. I could clearly see what Philip was doing to her. He had his hands on her hips, and sweat was lolling down his face as he drilled his cock in and out of her pussy. I could see the dark tufts of hair around the base of his cock over the twin slopes of Irene's quivering ass cheeks. Philip was moaning and smiling at me, humping himself in and out of her hot, gripping body. "I'm gonna... come!" he grunted, his face a mask of pleasure. I could see the stub of his wet cock going in and out of her cunt. The lips of her pussy clung like glue around his drilling shaft. "I'm... coming! Oh, my God -- I'm coming!" I didn't wait: I began to come. The orgasm which still gripped Irene was causing her to tighten her body so much that I could actually feel the hard edges of her teeth chewing themselves into my cock. And when the sperm pumped up into my shaft, I could feel the downward press of her hold causing the passageway to constrict into a tiny, narrow opening.My sperm exploded into her mouth, like a volcano erupting, gushing out so forcefully that I had to hold her head against my belly as Irene defensively tried to escape from the burning flood of my pressurized discharge. I could feel the wet throbs of my sperm splashing thickly into her open throat, and I could feel her tongue rolling back in her mouth as she swallowed greedily. "Oh, yes..." I moaned, colors flashing before my eyes. I could barely breathe, for my orgasm was draining my entire body. It was as if there were a hole somewhere in me, and my insides were running out, spilling hotly into Irene's open mouth. "I'm coming... I'm coming!" When it was all finally over, no one moved for a very long time. We just lay there, my shriveled cock still between Irene's lips, and Philip's exhausted prick, slipping wetly from her scummy cunt. The bed under us was drenched in sweat, saliva and sperm. I was in the bathroom, washing up, feeling relaxed and contented, when the call came over my communicator. It was from Central Dispatch, and when I questioned what it was about, I was just told again to report, on the double, to a certain address in the Manhattan section of Bos-Wash: West Thirty-fifth Street, between Ninth and Tenth Avenues. And old brownstone, 221B. I was fully dressed when I came out of the bathroom. Irene and Philip were still in bed, and they looked like they were building toward another bout. "I've got to go now, darling," I said. Irene, who's always in her best mood after she has come, smiled sexily at me, licking her tongue around the rim of her mouth. "What's afoot, Mal? Not another woman I hope?" I grinned at her. I would have loved to stay; my cock was hard already. "Irene, darling," I said, leaning over the bed and kissing her cheek, "as far as I've concerned. You know that you'll always be the woman in my life. The only woman." Twenty minutes later I was on West Thirty-fifth Street. Standing outside the building was Commissioner Moran, Jocelyn Wolfe, and Sergeant Mycroft. Two police cars were parked in front of the ancient brownstone, their overhead lights flashing steadily. An ambulance was vanishing into the corridor a little way down the street, its wailing siren sending echoes rippling into time itself. All eyes were on the ambulance. Everyone was grim and silent. "What's up?" I asked, sensing it was something big. There were tears welling up in Jocelyn's eyes. She turned abruptly away and walked rapidly down the walk path, heading toward Ninth Avenue. "Oh, my God," I said. "Another rape?" Commissioner Moran heaved a sigh. "Worse." I drew back. "Worse? I don't..." "Murder," he snapped angrily. "Not only did he rape this one, he slaughtered her as well. It's the first damn murder we've bad in almost two centuries!"I decided to take the elevator down so that I'd have some privacy. The moment the elevator doors closed, I snapped open my communicator to Commissioner Moran. "Spens, I think I have something. Effie Spade was a lesbian. She was also a member of a psychotherapy group guided by a Dr. Gideon. And there is a good possibility that one of the group members might be our murderer." "Mal, I don't quite know how to tell you this..." His voice was soft, almost sad. "There has been another rape and -- another murder. I guess I don't have to tell you what that means." He didn't have to tell me: I knew what it meant. It meant that my theory about Dr. Gideon's group just went right out the window. Jocelyn was late. Commissioner Moran was alone in his office when I walked in, studying the latest development in the case on the portable viewer that was angled toward him in the corner of his desk. He looked up when he saw me, mumbled something, then reached across the desk and snapped the viewer off. "Have a seat, Mal," he said. I dropped heavily into the chair. "Jesus, I'm tired," I said. I stretched until the bones in my shoulder "popped", then I yawned. "I've got to take some more energy pills. My ass is dragging." "Why don't you try sleeping at night," Commissioner Moran suggested. "A normal good night's sleep will do you a world of good more than any chemicals you pump into your body. Energy pills -- junk." "Where's Jocelyn?" "On her way here. She was checking something out over at Effie Spade's apartment building. She thinks she may be on to something." I laughed. "Well, let's hope her theories prove a little more substantial than mine did." "I'd like to talk to you about -- that, Mal." He was falling into his fatherly role with me, and I realized that much of our relationship was characterized by exactly that feeling between us. Commissioner Moran was almost like my father, and he treated me very much like the son he had never had. "Perhaps its fortunate that Miss Wolfe isn't here. We can be frank about things, if you know what I mean." I nodded. "I think I follow you." "First let me say this, Mal -- I'm very much aware of the kind of relationship you have with Miss Wolfe. I feel responsible for it in some way, and I'm sorry for the extra burdens it places on you. But they are necessary, as I'm sure by now you can well attest." I nodded. "Yes, Jocelyn is a damn fine policewoman. A little obsessive at times, but I guess that's understandable in light of her background. But you're right: she should be saved regardless of the price. You just don't throw away that kind of raw material." "That's very gracious of you, Mal. You truly are a professional. I realize that this case has become something personal between the two of you -- mostly because of Miss Wolfe -- and you had a chance just then of sabotaging her. You didn't, which says something about your character. I doubt, I sincerely doubt whether Miss Wolfe in a similar circumstance would have said the same about you." I shrugged. "Maybe you're being too hard on her. She's had her good moments." "Nevertheless, Mal," he continued, "what happened at Dr. Gideon's need not come out. I'm not going to give her any new ammunition with which to shoot you down. As far as I'm concerned, Dr. Gideon and your theory about his group never existed. Simply, they were leads which failed to work out. You'll continue the case as if it never happened. It's bad enough that she'll have something to say about your original theory that Effie Spade was murdered by someone she knew; I don't want to see you humiliated in front of her. I'm not about to allow her to rebuild her ego at your expense." I was grateful, of course, and for a moment my mood perked up. It was depression, I realized in a sudden per sonal insight, and not fatigue that was working on me physically. "Do you think that's wise, Spens?" I asked, knowing the question had to be asked. "Do you think it's a smart move to keep any of the details of this case from her?" "Look, it was a dead end, you know that as well as I do. I'm not going to let her humiliate you with it. I at least owe you that much." I shrugged. "Well, if you think so." "I do. And not another word about it, is that clean. Good." He smiled. "Mal, what do you say when this is all over, just you and I go out together and get good and drunk?" "Spens, I think that's one of the finest ideas you've ever had in your life." The communicator on his desk buzzed, and Commissioner Moran reached across and flipped a switch. "Yes?" "Policewoman Wolfe is out here, sir." "Thank you, Mycroft. Send her in, please." He closed the communicator. "And none too soon. Remember what I told you, Mal." The door of the office opened inwardly, and in walked Jocelyn Wolfe. Instead of the standard uniform she usually wore, she had on a short, tight-fitting orchid-colored dress that fit her like her flesh did. The skirt was short and it flounced against her well-shaped thighs. Her breasts were high and firm, and under the thin gauzy material, her nipples were erect. "Good afternoon, everyone," she announced. Jocelyn was in an exceptionally good mood. "And how is every one today?" "Hum," I snorted cynically. "Murder must agree with you: I've never seen you so congenial. What would you do if there were another murder? Begin giggling?" She dropped into the empty chair across from me. "Ha-ha, very funny. You're hysterical. But I'm not going to let you bother me: I'm in too good a mood." "Oh, really. Why?" Jocelyn looked at me levelly. "Because this second murder proves all your theories are wrong. It's all a bunch of hot air. And, what I've been saying all along is right after all. Besides, I have a good solid line on the murderer." Commissioner Moran frowned at her gloating;. "Oh, is that so? Tell us about it, Miss Wolfe." "I will," she quipped, "in due time. But first let's discuss everything else. I want to save the best for last. I love surprises." "All right," I said coming to grips with her challenge, "let's discuss all my theories. Where would you like to begin?" "How about beginning with the latest murder?" she suggested. "Let's see what the murder of Shelley Charles does to your typically male prejudices." "All right, I admit that my idea about the murder being the turning point in this case was wrong. Clearly, Effie Spade was not murdered because she knew her attacker as someone she could identify. Shelley Charles' murder proves that without any doubt. These acts of murder were the beginning of a newly emerging behavior for pattern for our rapist/killer. It would be stretching probability to the limits of reason for me, or for anyone for that matter to suggest that Shelley Charles knew of could have recognized her attacker." "There are a couple of other points," Jocelyn interjected. "Like for instance, what the computer says about the two women. No link -- I'll repeat that -- no link whatsoever has been found to tie the two murdered worrier together. They were strangers; consequentially, the murderer could not have killed them because he knew them. There was no way for him to know them both: they had nothing at all in common. Effie Spade and Shelley Charles never worked in the same places, never lived in the same places, didn't know the same people, never went to the same schools, and so on. What it comes down to is this: Effie Spade and Shelley Charles lived two separate, never overlapping lives. The man who raped and murdered them was a stranger to the both of them." "I noticed," Commissioner Moran said, "you've made it a point to stress that the murderer was a man. Is this more rejoicing on your part, or do you have a reason for being so positive." "I always have a reason for what I say find do," Jocelyn said, smiling sweetly. "The both of you should know that by now." "I'd like to hear that proof," I said. "Well," she said, "in my discussions with her neighbors, the people who lived in her building, as well as the people in her general neighborhood, I learned something very interesting about Miss Effie Spade." She paused dramatically, just to make sure she had our rapt attention. She did. "Effie Spade was a lesbian." I smiled. When no one reacted, Jocelyn looked confused. "I don't understand. I thought you'd see..." "We already know that," Commissioner Moran explained. Even he looked pleased. "Mal brought that to my attention earlier in the day." "He did?" Jocelyn's face sagged with disappointment for an instant. She looked over at me, warily holding something back. "How did you find out about that? I thought it was a deep dark secret." "From a friend of hers," I said. "A sometime lover. Her name was Michelle Poirot." "Oh." For a moment Jocelyn considered this. "Well, did you also know that Effie Spade never went out with men? I mean never, not even on dates." "Yes; we knew that as well," I said. "Mal also found that out from Miss Spade's friend, Michelle Poirot," Commissioner Moran lied deftly. "None of this comes as a surprise." Jocelyn smiled, like the cat who had secretly swallowed a canary. "Oh, well, by itself those facts are not really important. They only become important when weighed against what I found out about Shelley Charles, the second murdered woman." "And what is that?" "Only that Shelley Charles was not a lesbian. From what I found out about her, she was anything but a lesbian. Even in our free-thinking culture, Shelley Charles would have been considered promiscuous. According to her neighbors, she would fuck with any man who had a cock, regardless of what he looked like, and how he made the suggestion to her." "Interesting," Commissioner Moran said. "Develop the hypothesis." "First of all, we know that Shelley Charles wasn't a lesbian, so that the probability that she was murdered by a female lover is quite remote. Granted she might have been, but I think a male lover would have been more in character for her. Second, she probably would have been open to any suggestion of fucking, regardless of how that suggestion was made. Again, that seemed to suggest she was indeed with a male rapist. Third, if Shelley Charles probably was not murdered by a woman, then logically neither could Effie Spade have been murdered by a woman. Unless, of course, you want to subscribe to the uncertain theory that there are indeed two rapists and murderers on the loose?" "One is still enough," Commissioner Moran said dryly. "Go on. I still haven't heard anything I would consider conclusive proof. It still sounds awfully speculative." "My fourth and final point," she said casually, "has something again to do with Effie Spade, the first murdered woman. Several of her neighbors maintain they heard someone in the apartment a little while before she was found murdered. According to them, it was a male visitor." The words dropped like a bombshell. I glanced at Commissioner Moran, but he was concentrating on Jocelyn. He was very interested. "Are you -- sure?" he asked. "Her neighbors were fairly certain." "But can they identify him?" Jocelyn shook her head. "The ones I spoke with couldn't, unfortunately, because all they heard was his voice through the paper-thin plasteel walls separating their apartments. Thank God for shoddy constriction materials; it's a good thing they don't build things like they used to." "They thought they heard a man's voice," I pointed out. "But they might have been mistaken. They could have heard a woman's voice." Jocelyn smiled. "Oh no, it was a man. Someone saw him." "Saw him?" Commissioner Moran's eyes glittered. "The landlord of the apartment building," she explained. "A man by the name of Hammer. Archie Hammer. I haven't spoken to him yet because he's been out of town on business. But before he left he mentioned to some of the people in the building that there had been a visitor to Miss Spade's apartment. A male visitor." "Have you tried to trace this man down?" the Commissioner asked. "This landlord fellow." "He'll be back sometime this evening. With any luck this case will be wrapped up by morning." "You will, of course, speak to him the moment he gets in tonight." Jocelyn frowned and rubbed her forehead. "Would it be possible for Mal to handle that?" she asked. "I'm not feeling all that well. Besides, it should be a matter of routine from here on in." "Of course he will," Commissioner Moran assured. Then they both looked at me. "Of course I will," I answered evenly. Underneath, however, it was another matter. The bitter realization welled up inside me that if this did work out, then Jocelyn essentially would have solved the case. Already our positions had somehow reversed themselves. Just as she had planned it, her "illness" not withstanding. Jocelyn was on her way home, while I, almost like her junior partner, was reduced to running down leads late into the night. It was dark by the time I got to west Thirty-fifth Street. Located in one of the oldest sections of Bos-Wash, in an area once called Manhattan, the neighborhood was quite run down. During daylight hours the section must have seemed quaint with its small and impractical brownstones, the largest of which would barely contain ten or twelve modules, even when utilized to capacity. At night there was something positively sinister about it. The square old-fashioned doorways were swallowed in inky pools of shadow, and the long narrow windows which lined the face of the buildings reminded me of blank, dead-staring eyes. I left my tube car sitting at the side of the walk path -- here they were called sidewalks -- and I climbed the old stone stairway which led up to the front door. The door itself was a novelty, made out of wood and real glass so that you could look into a small hallway beyond. There was another door at the end of the hallway, this one made from heavy-duty plasteel, the building's one concession to security. All the buildings in this area of the city remained exactly as they originally had been built. Except where absolutely necessary, no improvements were ever made on the buildings, and every replaced part first had to be approved, and then refitted exactly to ancient specifications. Almost a century ago a wave of nostalgia had swept over the City Council, and these buildings had been salvaged as landmarks representative of Bos-Wash's long and glorious past. Since then, however, very little had been done with or to the buildings, and they were left to deteriorate. Perhaps after another century had gone by the buildings would be remembered again the next time the cry for their demolition was raised against them. In the meantime, they were eyesores: small, dirty, over-crowded, and incredibly neglected.Because they were landmarks, and therefore were without any of our society's technological advancements, only the fringe members of our culture lived in them: the artists, the malcontents, the criminal elements -- people who were content to look backward toward a simpler and, in their opinion, better life style. I peered in through the dirty glass of the door. The hallway was lit by a small round globe attached to the ceiling, and the light it cast out was sagging and muted. I pushed open the door, it protested squeakily, and I stepped into the hallway. It reeked of urine. I tried the plasteel door, but it wouldn't budge. I stepped back. "Police. Open up." The door didn't move. I repeated the command. Again nothing happened. "Hmm," I said aloud. Strange. It doesn't work by voice control. And there doesn't seem to be any place to insert a voice card. I wonder how the hell it opens? I looked around the hallway. It was finished in large porcelain rectangles, now cracked and filthy with age, going up the walls to a certain point, and then the rest of the wall was bare. It was painted a dingy green up and across the peeling ceiling. On the opposite wall was a flat metal square, divided into six evenly-spaced metal rectangles placed one against each other. There was a slot at the bottom of each, and in one or two were slips of paper on which names were written. Each rectangle also contained a little round black button. A directory? I wondered. I pushed one of the buttons. "Hello?" I called out, looking for a speaker in which to talk. Something buzzed behind me, and I whirled. No one was there. It was the door that seemed to be buzzing. After a moment it stopped. Nothing happened. "I wonder...?" I pushed another bell. Nothing at all happened. I pushed the first one again. The plasteel door buzzed. I jumped at it and twisted the handle -- it turned! -- and I stepped inside. "What the fuck ya playin' with the bells for?" someone out of sight screamed. There was a long narrow corridor, and against one side of it a steeply sloping wooden stairway. The voice seemed to be coming from there. "Police," I said, looking up. All the way up above, looking out over the railing of a banister, was a face. "What the fuck do you want?" "I'm looking for Mr. Archie Hammer. Which is his module?" "He's in the basement." The face began to withdraw. "Wait!" I cried. "What did you say?" "The basement... the basement!" "What's a basement?" I asked. "Jesus Christ!" the face exploded. "Downstairs, under the ground, for Christ's sake!" Why would anyone want to live under the ground? I wondered. I said: "How do I get down there?" "Out the door, down the stairs, turn sharp left, and go back under the stairs. You'll see a door there. That's his apartment." I followed the instructions, and found myself facing a warped, gritty-looking solid wooden door painted jet black. I looked around for a buzzer or a bell to ring, but there was none. I didn't know what to do, so I banged on the door with my curled fist, reasoning it to be a reasonable way of attracting the attention of anyone inside. The only response I received was a loud barking sound, followed closely by growling and yapping. Apparently Hammer kept an animal. I wondered what kind it might be. Probably a dog. I saw a dog once in the zoo. I continued to hammer the door, and the dog continued to bark at me. No one else came to it so I shrugged and assumed I was too early. Mr. Hammer had not retained yet. I left my card in the door. I walked back to my car and got in. I punched out my authorization, and put the car on auto drive, snoozing my way across town. When I got to my apartment, I undressed, fixed myself a drink, and while I sipped it, took a shower. I was standing under the blowers, luxuriating under the soft fingers of warm air caressing my body, when my wall screen hummed to life. Shit. I wrapped a towel around my middle and walked into the living room, feeling the air around me rising in temperature in compensation for my nakedness. "Yes?" I said. Like an eye opening, my wall screen expanded in a pool of light, depth and color. A grubby-looking man with a broken nose glared at me. "You Browne?" he demanded. "I am, sir. You must be..." "Hammer," he said. He put a cigarette between his thick lips, struck a multi-match with his thumbnail, and lit the cigarette. It wasn't a vita-cig either, judging from the faint smell wafting through the sensors. He exhaled at the screen. "What's this all about, pal?" "Are you at home, Mr. Hammer?" "Near to it. I ain't got a wall screen. Don't believe in 'em. I'm at a -- shall we say, friend's house." "All right, I'm on my way over now. I'll be at your apartment in twenty minutes." "Wait! What's this all about, bub?" "I'll explain to you when I get there." I terminated. I turned back toward my bedroom, cursing to myself. All I could think of was Spens' suggestion: get a good night's sleep. I had a feeling it was going to be a long night. Seventeen minutes later I was standing again in front of that warped, gritty black door. "Hammer!" I shouted. "Open up! It's me, Detective Browne." The animal began to yap and bark. From inside I heard: "Shaddup!" The door snapped suddenly open, and peering out at me, another cigarette dangling from his lips, was Archie Hammer. "What the fuck you yelling about?" he demanded. He stepped outside and carefully looked around, squinting into the darkness. Apparently satisfied, he moved back inside. "Why don't ya knock, fer Christ's sakes! Where were you brought up? A barn?" I wanted to ask him what knocking and a barn were, but I reconsidered and didn't. This wasn't the time for broadening my vocabulary, as archaic as the words might have been. I followed him into the apartment. Something small and white ran at me, growling loudly and barking. I froze in terror, not knowing how to react. "Quiet, Blackie -- quiet!" Hammer demanded. The animal growled once, then made a purring sound, and rolled over on its back, all four-legs pointing at the ceiling. Hammer bent down and stroked the animal. "Good boy, Blackie... good boy. Good dog." A dog, I thought. Seeing it as submissive as it was, watching Hammer stroke it affectionately, some of my fear of animals lessened. After all, it did look harmless enough; although those teeth... Why would anyone keep an animal in a city? Animals belonged in zoos. "Is he dangerous?" I asked tentatively. "Who, Blackie here?" Hammer laughed. "He'd rip your arm off if I told him to. But don't worry; as long as I'm here you've got nothing to be afraid of." That was reassuring. Still holding myself back, away from the dog, I asked: "What kind of dog is he?" "Blackie is a bulldog. He's a good of dog, he is. Me and him been together a lot of years." He petted Blackie's belly. "I used to have a Boston Terrier, but he died. Now all I got is my Blackie." I looked at Blackie's mug-like face, and I studied Hammer's pushed in, stubble-darkened face, and I realized they had a lot in common. They were both incredibly ugly. I think I liked the dog better. "If we can get down to my questions," I suggested, inching into the apartment, edging past the lazy but fierce-looking dog. "I realize it's late..." "Right," Hammer said. He straightened. "Inside now, Blackie. Good doggie. Inside." The dog ran off deep into the apartment. Hammer turned toward me. "Now what's this all about?" "Effie Spade." He blinked. "Effie? The lez from upstairs?" He sounded surprised. "The one what croaked?" "Yes. We're having some difficulty in locating her family," I lied. No sense in telling him she was murdered. The fewer people who knew the better. "Something was wrong with her name card. We think that Effie Spade might not be her real name." "Effie," he said. He laughed. "Why didn't you say so right off?" He thought for a moment. "Not her real name, you say? As far as I always knew..." "Could we go inside?" I suggested. "Sure... sure." He took me by my arm and led me into the apartment. We sat at a kitchen table, Hammer on one side, me on the other. Blackie was in the corner, Hammer said: "I'd offer you a drink, but I don't drink anything but milk." He patted his broad belly. "Ulcers." "That's quite all right. Actually, all I want are a few answers and I'll be on my way." "Shoot." He poured himself a glass of milk. "Some of the other people upstairs," I made a generalized gesture toward the ceiling, "mentioned something about her having had a visitor before she died. Do you know anything about that?" He sipped his milk, then wiped the foam from his top lip with the back of his hand. "Sure I do. I saw him." "Him. Then her visitor was a male." "Sure. I recognized him from her group therapy meetings." The casualness with which he'd said that last sentence was electrifying. Her visitor, the man who was the last known person to see Effie Spade before she was found murdered, was a member of her group! What did that mean? Was I right after all? Was there a connection between the two murdered women? But what could it be? The revelation, I suddenly saw, said something even more disconcerting: all of a sudden, Archie Hammer knew an awful lot about Effie Spade. I shook my head. "I don't understand," I said. "How do you know the man you saw visiting Miss Spade was in her therapy group? Are you one of its members?" "Me?" Hammer questioned with rising incredulity. He began to laugh. "I ain't no psycho from the loony-bin! Not by a longshot." "Well, then, how do you know?" "I recognize the guy. You see, sometimes the group used to meet in Effie's apartment. It's a very progressive group, or so Effie tells me. They like to get away from the doctor's office for their meetings, you know what I mean? It's a very casual, loose group." "You've seen him then, coming and going?" "That and I saw him in her apartment. Sometimes they got a little loud, and the rest of the tenants began to complain about all those nuts up there. So I had to go up once or twice." "Can you recognize him?" I pressed. "Do you know who he was?" "Sure I recognized him. He's a good-looking son of a bitch too. Young." Archie Hammer drained his glass of milk. "He's the guy who runs that group. What's his name again? Dr... I got it. Doctor Gideon."Behind one of the pictures on the walls: it was not uncommon. I sat in his chair behind the desk. First I checked out the top of the desk: a picture of a pretty dark-haired, dark-eyed woman, probably his wife, in a double frame. The other picture was of a little girl in a pair of red sleepers. She looked like Gideon. Probably his daughter. A desk calendar, a tape box for correspondence, a decorative blotter, and a desk viewer, probably so that he can talk with, good old Miss Gethryn. I removed the pictures from the frame, checking to see whether there was anything behind them. There wasn't. I felt the edges of the pictures themselves, and inspected the backings, just to make sure something wasn't attached there. There wasn't. I returned the pictures into the frame, then placed it again on the edge of the desk where I'd gotten it from. Next the calendar. I went through each page carefully, beginning on the first of the year. I read every note, every memo, every appointment, right up to today. Nothing. Several times there were notations about a group, and I wondered if that was the same group Miss Spade was a member of. Probably, but maybe not. I decided to check the rest of the pages for the balance of the year. Except for appointments which would come in the next two weeks, there was nothing. I checked the calendar base and frame, looking underneath and around the sides for -- what? Something. I pulled over the tape box, dumping out the crystals onto the blotter. Six tape crystals in all. I left them on the blotter and inspected the box itself. I checked for false bottoms and secret walls. Nothing: solid plasteel. I put it back and studied the crystals. There should be a player somewhere, probably in one of the desk drawers. I was lucky: the first drawer I tried was not only unlocked, the player was in there. I lifted it carefully out and sat it down in the middle of the blotter. It was a very fancy model, and it took me a moment or two to figure it out. Finally I snapped one of the crystals into it, and turned the machine on. It began to play. I listened to all six tape crystals: nothing. Just notes on various patients, none of whom helped my case, but were nevertheless fascinating. Psychiatrists certainly had some fucked up patients. I was amazed that rape and murder wasn't more prevalent. The rest of the crystals dealt with various other things: instructions to Miss Gethryn, letters to any number of people, and personal memos: again nothing except something of an insight into Gideon's mind. Even that didn't help. I put the crystals back into the tape box and returned the box to its place on the desk. Then I shut the player and put it back in the drawer out of which I got it. I reclosed the drawer. All that was left to check out was the blotter and then I would be finished with the top of the desk. The light ball flickered and went out. I sat in the darkness and listened to the silence. Then I sprayed out a small burst, and it sat above the desk like a glowing cloud. There was nothing under the blotter but an unpaid liquor bill. Either Dr. Gideon entertained a lot, or he had a drinking problem. The bill, which was clearly for only one month's purchases, was astronomical. I tucked that fact away for future use; it was hard to tell how something like that might eventually fit into all this confusion. And perhaps it didn't. I opened the middle drawer of the desk. It was a wide but shallow drawer, and in the front were some pens, a couple of paper clips, and a knot of rubber bands. In a small cup was some loose change: less than a quarter of a credit. I pulled the drawer a little further out. On the left was a folder full of papers, and on top of it was an envelope. Something was scribbed across the envelope. I turned my head and read it: Darling! I yanked the envelope out of the drawer, my pulse quickening as I sensed significance. My stomach tightened into a knot as my fingers fumbled with the flap. I pulled it out. It was a single sheet of plasper, very expensive judging by the rich texture, folded in half. I opened the sheet and read: Auggie, Please, darling, don't forget! Tonight is the night we go to Anne and Martin's dinner party! And we don't want to be late, do we, darling, as we were last time? So please! Don't schedule any last minute "emergencies". They'd be terribly hurt if we disappointed them again. Anne is such a dear friend. Until tonight, darling, remember I love you. Love, Margot Then I read it again, just to make sure. I glanced back up at the dark-haired, dark-eyed woman in the picture in the corner of the desk. The same handwriting and signature appeared written across the picture: Love, Margot. So much for hunches, I thought. I shoved the letter back into the envelope and dropped it on the desk I pulled out the folder of papers. It turned out that they were letters, but business letters. I ruffled through them, looking for a name or address that might mean something, but saw none. With a resigned sigh, I turned to the top of the pile and began to read them. It wasn't until I'd read through the third letter that I cursed out loud, and banged my fist on the desk top. "Son-of-a-bitch!" I cried. I reached again for the letter written by Gideon's wife. I re-read the salutation: "Auggie." Something clicked in the back of my brain. That name meant something to me. Where had I heard it before? "Auggie..." I said aloud. "Auggie... Dr. C. Auguste Gideon... Dr. Auggie Gideon... Auggie -- good God! Could he be the same one?" I jumped up quickly, knocking the chair back behind me, my hand inadvertently shattering the dimming globe of light. There were a few frantic moments when I clumsily fumbled with the condenser, and then, when I finally did find the nozzle, I sprayed too much. The room lit up like a Christmas crystal. My eyes darted around the four corners of the room. Where were they? Then, with plodding awareness, I realized they must be inside. In the front office. Yes! Behind Miss Gethryn's desk! I shattered the foggy bubble of light with a willful jab of my fist, and the light broke into a billion shimmering crystalline pieces. In the darkness it looked like iridescent snow. I literally ran into the front room, the condenser held readily in my hand. The blood was racing in my ears, but this time I forced myself to be calm and take things slowly. I sprayed a small burst. Too small, too dim. I squirted out another blast. Too much this time, but the hell with it -- it would have to do. I ran my fingers up and down the file drawers. L-P-R-U-W! I pulled on the drawer. Son-of-a-bitch! It was locked. Wasting no time, I inserted the tonal lever into the voice card slot. An instant later, the W drawer popped open. The name jumped out at me: Wolfe, Jocelyn. My hand was actually trembling as I pulled the file from the drawer. I flipped the folder open and was stopped cold. Staring back up at me was Jocelyn's picture.Holding my breath, I listened, and for a moment I thought I heard something in the room. The sound of a heel scraping across a plasteel floor. "Jocelyn..." I called out. My voice sounded hollow against the silence. "Jose..." With the tips of my fingers along the edge of the door, I slid it inward slowly. The rollers creaked noisily, and the ribbon of darkness gradually widened. Then the darkness was gone, and a flash of daylight illuminated the room in a blinding white explosion. Then came the thunder. KA-RACK! Blaster! my brain screamed. Something exploded near my face, and I felt the searing whistle of the beam scream hotly past my ear. The plasteel door shattered into a fountain of splinters, and the slamming blaster impact rocked the door violently back against my fingers. I didn't have time to think: I jumped and rolled away from the door. My left shoulder hit the floor, and I winced in pain. I continued to roll until I was on the opposite side of the door. I quickly stood, pressing my back tightly against the safety of the thick wall. My body tensed for the next shot, and in anticipation, I could feel my ears screwing down in order to screen out the concussion. The impact of the blaster beam had rolled the door all the way shut. In the center of the door, about chest level, was a hole at least six inches across. Splinters of raw, untinted plasteel made the hole look like a bleeding wound. Tensely I waited until I suddenly realized the second shot was not coming. I cursed myself for having refused the blaster, and then, in the same breath, I saw the wisdom of the decision. I was angry enough to kill someone. I spun quickly around until I was again in front of the door. A flash of darkness winked at me through the obscenely gaping blaster hole. I grabbed onto the overhead post of the door frame, squeezing tightly for support. Lifting both legs off the ground, I kicked forward with all my strength. The impact of my kick smashed the door open, ripping it right off its track. I dropped down on the tips of my toes and leaped for the safety of the wall. Still no second blast rang out. I looked into Jocelyn's apartment. It was as though someone had strung a curtain of darkness across the doorway. I could see nothing through the shadows. For a split-second I held my breath, and then I plunged into the apartment. With each step I took I expected to feel the fiery sting of the blaster as it burned itself through my flesh. But it didn't happen that way. Out of the corner of my eye, even through the darkness, I saw a blur of movement. I went to scream, but the end of the blaster came down squarely on the crown of my head. I crumpled and then everything got dark. I was unconscious before I hit the floor. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Telling It All Consciousness seemed to come slowly, in bits and pieces, like fragments of a confused puzzle. My head was pressed down against my chest, and for a long time I couldn't understand what I was looking at. I finally realized it was my legs. When I tried to move, panic touched me as my limbs failed to respond. I tried again, straining with all my strength, but the most I seemed capable of doing was rolling my head from side to side. "Ah, he's coming around," a voice said. It was a familiar voice, but for the life of me I couldn't place it. "See, I told you he wasn't dead. All he was was unconscious, that's all." I lifted my splitting head and rocked it back, toward a direction that seemed behind me. Orientation was difficult. The pain of movement was excruciating, and it exploded behind my eyeballs and hammered across the straight ahead. My surroundings were a smear of fuzzy colors and irregular and misshapen forms. I squinted into the muddled mass, trying to make sense out of it. "Mal..." another voice called at me. Through a long and involved mental process I figured out who owned the voice. It was Jocelyn. "Mal..." Like a slowly resolving camera lens, the world beyond my eyes began to focus. The first thing I was aware of was that I was sitting erect in a chair, with my head tipped down, which explained why I had been looking at my legs. Another revelation filtered down into my consciousness, bringing with it something of a relief and consolation, if that indeed were possible in the kind of circumstance in which I found myself. Thin but incredibly powerful cords of spun plasteel were wound around my lower legs and thighs, and then wrapped around the legs and seat of the chair in which I was sitting. A little higher up, across my arms and chest, were another set of identical cords, wrapped tightly around me, disappearing somewhere behind me. Probably tied to the back of the chair. At least, I thought, I'm not paralyzed. Grunting from the effort, I forced my head to move from side to side as I tried to comprehend what else there was outside of my skull. I was in a room, a room that was somehow familiar to me. I could see the walls and part of the ceiling, and what looked like the edge of a dresser or bureau. By moving my head the other way I saw a long low flat blue and lumpy pink thing. It took me a very long time to figure out that the blue thing was a bed, and the pink lumpy thing was a person. Jocelyn was that person. "Mal!" she cried. "Are you all right?" I grunted something. My throat seemed constricted, and my mouth was very dry. "I... y-yes."It's funny, but I can't remember what it was. Something silly, I think. Something Effie misunderstood. Women are always doing that, you know. Misunderstanding your good and honest intentions. Anyhow, she began to scream -- the stupid bitch. I told her to stop but she wouldn't. She began to scream louder... so I hit her. Not to hurt her, you understand, but just to, make her stop. Effie fell down... and her skirt went up above her waist. She had nothing on under the skirt, and she was sprawled there on that floor, with her legs wide open, and her cunt hanging out. His voice was rising, and he realized it, and consciously softened it. He shrugged helplessly, then continued: "And then something -- snapped in my head. The next thing I knew I was on the floor, between her thighs, and I was fucking her. She continued to scream and hit me, so I hit her again to make her quiet. She got very still -- like those other three women did -- like she used to, as if to say I was no good, that I really couldn't satisfy her." He shrugged again. "I got off of her. There would have been no purpose in remaining on top of her. She wasn't enjoying it and neither was I. I sat and thought for a long time, wondering what to do, knowing I had to do something. I realized there was only one solution: she had to die. So I killed her." He picked up the blaster again, stroking it almost sensually. "I killed her with this." I strained against the cords. "But why did you kill the second woman? Why did you kill Shelley Charles?" He laughed again. "You made me do that, Mal," he said. "It was your fault that I had to kill her too." "Me? Why me?" "It was your suspicion that the murder might have something to do with Effie knowing her killer." He nodded. "That was very perceptive of you, Mal, I have to give you that. Of course it was most unfortunate for poor Miss Charles. I didn't know her at all. I merely picked her at random, followed her to her apartment, and did what I had to do. I murdered her. She was my sacrificial goat. I killed her as a way of throwing you of the track. I reasoned that your theory would fall apart if there was another murder. And I was right: it did fall apart. We even convinced you to abandon the idea. I thought it worked out rather well... for awhile. I must have slipped up somewhere, however, or you wouldn't be here now. I bet it was that damned psychiatrist. That's where I messed up, isn't it?" "That's right, Spens. That's where you messed up." "Oh, well, never mind. It's not really important, is it? I mean, whatever mistakes I made will be erased shortly. None of us will leave this room alive. It's a shame really. I liked you, Mal. I really did." "I like you, too, Spens. I still do, in my own way." My wrists were bleeding where the friction rub of the plasteel cords were chewing into my flesh. "Tell me one thing, though. What started all of this? What made you begin raping the women in the first place?" "She did." He pointed at Jocelyn with the tip of the blaster. "Jocelyn?" I shook my head. "I don't believe that. What does Jocelyn have to do with this?" "Jocelyn?" For a moment he seemed confused, as if he never heard the name before. "Oh, no... not Joce -- not Miss Wolfe. But someone like her. Someone very much like her." "Is that the other woman you were talking about before?" I asked. "Yes..." "Who is she?" "My mother." Commissioner Moran slumped against the edge of the dresser. "I loved her, the bitch." "Tell me about her, Spencer," I said. The blood was running hotly down my hands, making my fingers sticky. "I want to know. I want to understand." His eyes got misty, and he seemed to be looking far away somewhere. "She was a beautiful woman, Mal. Striking, breathtaking, exciting! She was a powerful woman, too, and forceful. Very, very demanding. She had a mind of her own, and no one told her what to think or how to act. She was a taker, Mal. Some women are like that: they take what they want from life. They don't wait or ask -- they take. The bitch... the hateful bitch!" "What did she take, Spens? What did she take from you?" He sobbed. "She took my manhood. She took it from me... she stole it from me. I was no good after her. I had no confidence left. I couldn't believe in myself as a man. She made me... impotent." "Tell us about it, Spencer," I urged softly. "Tell us. We want to hear about it. We want to understand what she did to you." "I was thirteen when my father died." He shook his head. "I don't remember him very much. It's almost as if he never really existed. Maybe he -- no." He shook the thought off. "Anyhow, he died. My mother took his death very badly. Somehow in her mind I took his place. Me, a boy of thirteen. She depended on me, she leaned on me, she called me her 'little man'. God, I hated that term: her little man... Anyway, soon after my father's death I was sleeping with my mother, satisfying her insatiable sexual desires. I matured very early, probably because of her help, and I learned all about sex from her. I did everything to her, and she did everything back to me. To me: her son. A boy of thirteen. I loved her... I loved her desperately, until..." His voice choked off. "Until what?" He shrugged. "She remarried. A new husband. Our relationship ended. Forever. As if it had never happened. She loved her new husband and she abandoned me. She didn't even treat me nice any more. I never forgave her for that. Never." "And so, through these other women, you were getting back at her," I suggested. "Yes... yes! That's what I was doing. I was punishing her for what she had done to me. I hated her for what she had done to me: that's why she had to be punished I punished my mother through those other women: through Effie Spade, and Miss Chan, and all the others. The punishment took the form of rape because rape was such a terrible crime in our culture... and I wanted to make her suffer! I wanted to humiliate her -- the way she had humiliated me! -- for what she had done to me." He stopped and shook his head, as if that thought he had tried to push away before was somehow hanging tenaciously on. He continued: "But I got... confused. Like I did before with Miss Wolfe. I began to see my mother all over... in every woman who looked like her." He began to giggle in a silly, high-pitched titter. "That was something you never caught on to, Mal -- the physical similarities between all the victims. Think about that: with the exception of the first two, probably because the pattern hadn't solidified in my own thinking yet, all the women looked alike. Even poor Miss Charles looked like her: memories of my mother." He giggled again. "In fact, if you look very closely, Mal, even Miss Wolfe rather fits into that same image, don't be think?" I looked at Jocelyn. She shuddered visibly. "Actually," he continued, "that was the reason I put her on the case with you, Mal. The real reason. You see, Miss Wolfe is going to be my neat victim. My next rape and murder victim." "Oh my God..." I said softly. "And so we have come to the end of this discussion. Once again it is time for actions to speak." He put the blaster down on the dresser again and began to undress, "I think I'll allow you to watch, Mal, and then I'll kill you. I've never had an audience." In numbing fascination, I watched as Commissioner Moran stripped all his clothing off. He stood stark naked, except for his rimless eyeglasses, in the middle of the bedroom floor. In a final fitting irony I watched his cock rise from flaccidness to the longest and thickest erection I have ever seen in my life. I remembered the Gynecological Reports on all the women: "a cock of enormous size and thickness, used with blunted brutality." The shaft was at least ten inches long, and as thick as my wrist around. The cock of a giant on a man who would never be older than a thirteen year old boy. He began to advance upon the bed. "No -- stop!" I cried. I strained against my bonds, feeling the inflexible cords cutting deeply, painfully into my flesh. "Spens, stop! My God, Spencer -- don't do it!" There was a look of helplessness in his eyes when he turned toward me. "I can't," he said, his voice strained with genuine agony. "I have to do this, Mal. I must rape Miss Wolfe. Don't you understand?" He turned toward Jocelyn. "You understand this don't you?" "Yes!" Jocelyn cried, her voice ringing loudly through-out the room. Her eyes were blazing with raw sexual passion as she gazed upon his huge cock. "Yes... yes! I understand. For the first time, Spencer -- I understand!" I shook my head. "No, Jocelyn... don't..." "Fuck me, Spencer," she begged, her voice cooing and purring sensually. "Oh, my God... please... please fuck me, Spencer. Fuck me hard and deep... fuck me with that wonderful cock of yours. Help me forget!" I rocked from side to side on my chair, gritting my teeth from the blinding pain. "Oh, God, Jocelyn... don't give in to him. Don't let his illness become your illness. Don't..." "Shut up!" Commissioner Moran roared. He spun on his heels and trained the blaster on me. "Your time has come, Mal. Goodbye." "Don't, Spencer -- don't!" Jocelyn yelled at him. "Forget about him... come and fuck me! Forget about everyone but me. I understand you, Spencer. I am like you. We do have something in common: my father and your mother..." Spencer turned and looked at her. "What... what did you say?" "You're like my father," she cried. "I need a father just as you need a mother. We're both orphans, Spencer. The both of us: abandoned by those we loved the most. I remember the pain... I can feel the pain again! Help me to forget it, Spencer! Help me forget my father -- my husband! -- and I will help you forget your mother. Come and fuck me, Spencer... fuck me!" The blaster trembled in his hand. "Yes... yes!" he cried. "All my life I've looked for you... all my life! And now I've found you. Fuck you... yes... yes! I will fuck you!" He dropped the blaster and ran toward the bed, that long thick shaft of his cock bobbing like a sexual metronome. He climbed onto the mattress, crawling up between her eager thighs. "Untie me, Spencer!" Jocelyn begged. "Set me free! I want to fuck you back. I want to wrap my legs around you. I want to claw your back with my nails when I feel your cock grinding up into me. I've not like the others: I'll not lay passive under you. I want your cock -- I need your cock. Fill me up with it." Her mouth quivered with passion, and in a last, desperate need, she ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of her hungry lips, communicating with him physically, saying with her body what her words could not convey. "Untie me, Spencer..." He sobbed. "Yes, Mother... yes. Anything you say, Mommy..." He untied her legs. "And now my hands, Spencer," she begged. "Set my hands free. I want to run my fingers up and down your cock. I want to pull it into my mouth. I want to spread the lips of my pussy so that I can push it up inside of me. Oh, God, Spencer -- help me. I'm in agony!" Tears were streaming down his face. "Yes, Mother... I will. I love you..." The rest happened very quickly. The moment her hands were free, Jocelyn struck him savagely with the edge of her palm across his throat. Spencer crumbled helplessly onto the mattress. The nightmare was finally over.
Chapter One: Mal Brings Her In
Roger Hurtwell
Her Driving Desires
"Look at those lips," one of the cameramen said, swinging the camera around and centering it on Velvet's face. The woman looked up and saw herself on the television monitor. She knew better than to make any comment. She'd be on the air live any second now. Velvet shivered in disgust as the other camera-man zoomed in on her and said, "I bet she gives the best head in town. With sensuous lips like hers clamped around your prick, she could get you off in nothing flat." "Yeah," agreed the first man. "It makes me horny just wondering how good she actually is. All these college chicks learn to give dynamite blowjobs, at least that's what I've heard." "Hey, Velvet," cried out the first. "Why not come over here and start sucking on my cock? Just show me how good you are with some mouth-love. I bet you can't get me off in less than five minutes." "You son-of-a . . ." The dark-haired woman's eyes widened slightly in surprise as she saw the red light on the front of the camera blink on. They wanted her to make a complete and total fool of herself on the air. She swallowed hard and fought to get a smile onto her lips. "Good evening," she said, choking back the flood of anger she felt toward the two men. "I'm Velvet Larkin and this is how the weather looks tonight." She fought to keep her slender hand from shaking with impotent rage. The men's comments had been just loud enough for her to understand but not so loud that her microphone picked them up. She doubted that even the director in the booth heard what they were saying. The girl was no prude, but their suggestions disgusted her thoroughly. They hadn't liked her from the first day she'd come to work at the station. They had a basic hatred of anyone who had gone to college, and she had just graduated. But their dislike of her went even deeper. They had both propositioned her crudely within the first week and she had coldly informed them that she didn't play around with her coworkers. Larry, the bigger of the pair, had said, "Well, fuck you, Miss High-and-Mighty!" "Don't worry," she'd replied, grinning wickedly. "Fucking me is the last thing you'll ever do." That had made things really bad and Larry had gone out of his way to be nasty. He had put itching powder on the seat of her chair behind the big desk and then commented that all those college coeds had hot pants and just lived to have a real man get into them. She had put up with that; she had even put up with the man exposing himself to her while she was delivering the weather report for the Rocky Mountain West. She had just started on the campgrounds, telling of imminent rain showers over Rocks and Rattlesnakes Monument, when the man pulled out his prick and began jerking off. She had stuttered a little at the sight of his huge dork held in his meaty grip, but she had finished. And it had almost finished her with the station. But Velvet hung on grimly, vowing not to let those crude men drive her away. That would be giving in to them and giving them exactly what they wanted. If they couldn't fuck her, they would be content with fucking her over. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the red light on the camera winked off. The raven-haired beauty sighed and leaned forward, her hands clenched in fists; she felt her tits rising and falling heavily, threatening to spill out the low-scoop neck of her blouse. "Larry, don't ever do anything like that to me again. You slimy bastard, I'll cut your balls off - if I can find them - and stuff them down your throat if you do." "What'd I do?" he said innocently. "Did I do anything?" he asked, turning to his friend. "Christ, she must be having her period or something. But then all these college kids are touchy. Aren't you, kid?" "I'm not a kid," she said coldly, trying to contain her anger. She knew it would do no good to get mad at Larry. He would only turn her anger against her. "And you may call me Ms. Larkin from now on out. I deserve some respect around here." "Well, sorry, Mizz Larkin," he said sarcastically. "Let's go get a beer, Ted, and let the bitch cool off. She'll learn the ropes one of these days. But it'll be long after we've died from old age." Velvet closed her vivid blue eyes and felt rivers of sweat running down her face. She didn't know if it was from the hot lights or the strain of holding back her fiery temper. She hated being in a position where she couldn't lash out and say what she felt but it wouldn't do her any good now. She'd be fired. Those two were thicker than thieves with the station manager. But not with Ben Carlton. Ben had hired her and had some small control over the others. After all, he was the program director, deciding what went on the air and what didn't. She pushed her papers into a neat stack and swung off for the man's office, wanting to get this matter of harassment on the job settled once and for all.When his hips began swinging to and fro in a mock-fucking rhythm, she cradled his prick with her tongue. This caused the roughness to stroke over the most delicate part of his cock. He face-fucked her with long, powerful strokes now and she didn't even try to slow him down. She was being turned on again in a big way. The woman could hardly control her own runaway emotions. The feel of his wet, probing tongue all over her cunt lips and clit and pussy was more than she could handle. And with his tasty fuck stick resting hotly between her own lips, she was lost in a carnal paradise. "More," she gasped out. "Give me more of that fucking tongue of yours. Ream me out good. My pussy needs it allll!" Another shudder earthquaked through her loins. She felt the hot fires of lust blazing brightly inside her now. It wouldn't be long before she really got off on the man's tongue-fucking. Every time the tip of his tongue brushed along her turgid cunt lips, she moaned. The least touch of his throbbing, hard-fucking, cock-hard tongue into her cunt made her sob with ill-suppressed lust. "Tongue-fuck meeee!" Her entire body felt as it if had blasted apart. His tongue drove into the soft folds of her pussy and stroked along the satin-slick walls. She arched her back and ground her crotch down into the man's face. This got his tongue an extra half-inch into her twat and it was divine torture for her. She came again. Her entire body was responding now. Her tits felt as if they would pop from the aroused blood hammering into them. The nipples capping those mountainous boobs throbbed with a life that the girl hadn't believed possible. As the fiery winds of orgasm died in her body, she applied all her skills to really sucking on the cock pulsating against her velvety lips. She clamped down and sucked for a few seconds, then moved her head rapidly on his shaft until she felt it convulsively jerk and dance. The huge cock swelled and filled her entire mouth. The girl used her tongue against the tiny hole at the end of his fuck stick, trying to drive all the way down it. This wasn't possible but it aroused both of them still more. The man gasped and then shoved powerfully with his hips. Velvet took that thrust and sucked as hard as she could. The hot rush of his manseed filled her mouth. She sucked harder, licking and lapping at the jism as it spurted from the end of his cock. When he finally went limp, she sagged back to the desk, her legs dangling over the edges. The cool breeze from the air conditioner across her wet pussy made her shiver, but the warm, contented feeling inside was worth the momentary discomfort. Ben got off the desk and tossed her panties to her, saying, "Here, you dropped these, Ms. Larkin." She smiled and licked some of the gooey come off her lips, then pulled her panties on and smoothed out the wrinkles in her thin dress. "That was good, Ben!" "I know," he answered tiredly. "Too good. I don't want to get involved in any office affairs. I've got problems enough at home." "I've heard," the dark-haired beauty said, still trying to calm her racing heart. Finally, breathing returned to normal, she asked, "Can I get something better than weather to do around here?" "Soon," he promised. "Not yet. But soon!" His smile convinced her that he was telling her the truth. She left, happier than she had been since getting the job.And she had to admit it excited her. Almost as much as the feel of his prick lightly brushing back and forth on her cunt lips. He hadn't thrust all the way into her humid interior. The man seemed to realize he could turn her into a quivering blob of sex-starved protoplasm by denying her his prick for a little longer. She reached down, intent on getting that prick into her hot cunt. Velvet wasn't really sure why she was doing this. Perhaps she could justify it by thinking that the sooner he got his rocks off, the sooner he would stop abusing her. Velvet had to admit also that the aching hunger she felt inside was for cock. And cock was at hand. The oral sex with Ben had been fun and a much needed release of tension, but it had only whetted her real sexual appetite. She had been given the hors d'oeuvre of having Ben's tongue fucking into her pussy. It had primed her for his prick. And it hadn't come. Now she was ready for a cock, any cock. Even Walt Williamson's. "Goddamn, baby, you've got the finest pussy fur I ever felt. All damp and crinkly. Sort of teases and tickles my pecker. Great stuff. And I bet you're tight inside. Bet you got the tightest pussy ever." "Oh, please, don't," she said, his words forcing her back to reality. As much as her body wanted to feel his cock driving hard and fast into it, she knew it would never work out. She would become his sex slave, having to put out whenever the man snapped his fingers. She didn't want that to happen. "Don't?" he scoffed. "Hell, kid, you want my cock, don't you? Bet not too many studs have ever fucked you. You college types are all alike. Cockteasers. You waggle your ass and get a guy hard and then turn him off. Not this guy, you won't. No way, bitch!" His hands tightened like steel bands on her rump. He forced apart the white, quivering half-moons of her ass as he spun her around so that she faced away from him. Velvet hardly knew what he was doing to her. When the top of the chair bit into her stomach, she realized he had bent her forward. She braced herself by placing her hands on the chair seat. Her cheek rested on the cool, hard wood. She wiggled and tried to get free but the position was too awkward for her. And it got worse when she felt the man's thick fingers stroking along the insides of her thighs, forcing her legs wide apart. "Damn, but I love it when chicks wear a garter belt to hold up their stockings. Turns me on in a big way." His hands stroked over the naked flesh of her thighs just above the tops of her stockings. His hand brushed against her trembling cunt lips and sent a shiver of desire blasting into her loins. "No, don't, please don't do this!" she pleaded. Even as the words escaped her lips, she knew she was lost. He was going to fuck her and there wasn't a thing in the world she could do about it. Bent double as she was, Velvet found movement almost impossible. The cruel wood back cut into her stomach and the man's hands kept her legs pulled wide open. Her cunt was wantonly exposed to his prick. When she felt the blunted nosecone of his pecker nudging into her pussy lips, she sobbed convulsively and began to cry. Salty tears tracked down her cheeks. This was too degrading for her. But she needed the job. Williamson could fire her in a split second if she didn't allow him to fuck her. And then all thoughts of being fired left her mind. His prick pushed between the purple-tinged cunt lips and rested in the hot chamber of her pussy. The bulbous head of his cock throbbed with virile life. She gasped as he sank another inch into her cunt. The entire length of her satiny twat convulsed and tried to squeeze down powerfully on his cock. "Fuck me!" she gasped out. "If you're going to do it, get it over with. I need it fucking me! Your cock, use your cock!" His harsh laugh made her cry even more. Sobs earthquaked through her tender young body. She hated herself and Williamson and the whole world, but there was nothing she could do about it. The girl felt his prick sink into her pussy from behind. Another inch and another and another until the man's balls wetly slapped against her cunt lips. "God, you are tight! Damned tight. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a card-carrying virgin. But you didn't have a cherry. God, and hot, too!" She felt the entire length of the man's fuck pole quiver and dance in the tight berth of her pussy. Tensing and relaxing made her cunt drool even more. The thick fuck juices leaked out around the plug of his prick and ran down the insides of her thighs. The juices tickled and made her even hornier. While the man's cock simply rested inside her, she could control her emotions. But when he began pulling out, she went berserk. The huge cock filled her pussy completely. A powerful vacuum formed inside her as he retreated. She thought he was going to pull her guts out along with the thick-knobbed head of his cock. A lewd sucking noise echoed through the room as his cock left her clinging cunt. And then he rammed back into her. In the bent double position, his prick traced through a path inside her belly that stimulated the woman more than she'd thought possible. His cock stroked and rubbed and warmed with its fucking friction. Nerves deeply hidden in her cunt sang with joy at the feel of a cock. "More, more!" she begged. "Fuck me faster. Burn me up with that prick of yours! I need it so baaad!" "I thought you did, bitch," laughed the man. His hands clamped onto her buttocks for balance as he powerfully stroked in and out of her cunt. She felt those fingers leaving red welts behind but this only turned her on more. The blood rushed into her ass and warmed her entire crotch. The feel of his hairy legs rubbing into the softness of her bottom made her even hornier, even more needy of his virile, throbbingly alive cock. He fucked faster and faster, burning her up inside with the friction of his fucking. The huge shaft drilled deeply into her guts, paused for a moment, then slowly retreated. It was the withdrawal that turned Velvet into an animal in rut. The feel of his cock racing up her cunt was great; the sensations generated in her trim body when it pulled back drove her insane with lust. As long as he held her over the chair back, she couldn't move in the ways that would give her the best possible response. But it hardly mattered. Her cunt walls trembled at the touch of his well-greased cock. The way her pussy was slobbering out its thick juices, he could have been ramming a chair leg up her pussy. But it wasn't anything as cold and inanimate as that repeatedly entering her. It was cock; manly, hard, hot prick. She felt tiny tremors mounting inside her. When the man's prick began to swell, she almost came. And then Williamson's hips went crazy with need. He fucked harder and faster and deeper. She felt the legs of the chair rocking up off the floor with every thrust into her cunt. The back of the wood chair cut into her body but she didn't even notice the slight discomfort now. She was impaled on his cock and loving every hard-fucking inch of it. He slammed forward, ground his crotch into her rump and slowly pulled out, using a controlled corkscrewing motion. It took only a few more thrusts before all control fled. She felt his cock grow larger and larger until it threatened to rip her apart with its huge girth. His strokes grew uneven and ragged as he powerfully surged in and out of her clinging, hot pussy. When his prick exploded and whitewashed the walls of her cunt, she was lost in the wonderland of orgasm. She soared as the spurts of his come filled her pussy. Even after she had gasped and relaxed in post-orgasmic relief, she felt his cock moving inside her. It didn't take much longer before his once steel-hard erection melted in the clutches of her twat. His prick slipped limp and dead from her body amid a flow of fuck oils and his own come. "Baby, that was super," Williamson said. "That Carlton can really pick 'em. Just you keep your mouth shut - and your legs open for me and you'll go far around here. You catch my drift?" She did. Velvet said nothing as she pulled down her skirt and wiped some of the sweat off her forehead. She didn't even bother putting on her ripped panties. The sight of her climbing back into the ripped garment would only give Williamson a cheap thrill. What mattered the most to her was getting out of here and forgetting all about it. If she could.His hot breath sensitized the already tender earlobe. The wet, rough tongue circled around her shell-like ear, then teased at the earlobe until she was a quaking mass of desire. "Fuck me now! I need you fucking my cunt! Rape me, Tony! Do it!" Her hands fumbled at his crotch. Although she was working behind her back, she managed to get the zipper and run it down with a metallic hiss. Her hand suddenly filled with round, hot, hard prick. His cock bucked and danced in the circle of her fingers, assuring her that he wanted her as badly as she needed him. "This! Shove it all the way into my pussy!" "God, are you ever a horny bitch! What got you turned on so much?" "You, Tony. You're so strong. I feel it. And it's not just physical strength. There's more to you than most men and I want to experience it all!" He spun her around. She hastily changed her grip on his cock. Not wanting to let it go, yet having to for a split second, Velvet pulled it hard into her belly. The feel of that pillar of quivering manhood so close sent shivers up and down her spine. Energy flowed into her body and made her come totally alive. "Take me, Tony! Hurry! I'm burning up inside! I can hardly believe you do this to me - but you do! I want you more than I've ever wanted any man." "I bet you say that to all the guys," he said, smiling. But he didn't stop his downward movement with his mouth. He was already foraging through the deep-necked blouse and heading for the scrumptious white mounds of titflesh. His pink tongue darted out and left behind a saliva trail that cooled the woman's superheated flesh. She shivered in wonder at how hot she was. Velvet hardly realized it was happening, but her skirt was being hiked upward. When the thick bunching of the fabric cut into her stomach she realized cool air was flowing between her legs and across her sopping wet cunt lips. Her panties were already soaked clear through with the thick juices leaking from her lusting interior. A hand stroked along her agitated cunt lips and sent a bolt of carnal lightning ripping into her belly. Her legs turned rubbery and she sagged against Tony's strong body. This shoved one of her tits up and out of her blouse. His mouth pounced on the coppery-rimmed nipple. As he sucked it into his mouth and played with it, using his tongue, she almost came. Her voice sounded distant, as if it belonged to someone else as she said, "Fuck me. My cunt's ready. Ohhh, so gooood! Your mouth's so damned good on my boobs. But fuck me. I've got to have that cock in me, fucking me, making me a complete woman!" "Baby," he breathed heavily, "you're as complete a woman as I've ever had. You're a dream come true. And I bet your pussy's tight as you are hot." "Yes, yes!" she sobbed out. Her entire body quivered now. The woman could no longer control herself. She felt her hips moving in a rolling motion, but there wasn't a prick inside her to give the needed stimulation. The hollow feeling mounted and threatened to drive her out of her mind. The man sensed this. His hand stroked over her pantie-clad crotch and then forced her legs farther apart. She eagerly obeyed the silent command. The dark-haired beauty wanted nothing more than the cock she held so tightly in her hand to be transferred to her pussy. And would she ever hold it tight then! But Tony didn't try slipping off her panties. For a moment, this confused her. Then she was lost in the wonderland of orgasm. He had moved his prick to a spot directly under her cunt hole, then fucked upward with a powerful stroke. The blunted head of his cock rammed into the fabric of her panties, then sunk a half-inch into her seething hot hole. There wasn't any way his cock could penetrate into her cunt, but the compression on her pussy lips caused by her panties made her come. Her clit was crushed down erotically and the pressure all through her gash was sheer heaven for her. The throbbing nearness of his cock promised so much more to come, too. She hardly controlled her voice as she begged, "Off, get them off. And get that cock into me. Please, ohhh, please!" "I've waited all my life to fuck a chick that looked half as good as you," he said. "I'm not going to rush it. Shit, I'm right on the edge of shooting my wad now. This is going to be good, dammit, good!" Tony felt the tightening in his balls and fought to keep back the fiery tide of jism. He wasn't going to come like some teenaged kid getting his first piece of ass. He might be quiet and not have all that much to do with women, but he wasn't any virgin. And he wanted this to be as good for both of them as possible. He moved his hands around to Velvet's rear. His hands cupped the fleshy half-moons he found there. Pulling and tugging at them, he started rotating the globes of assflesh until she was gasping in pleasure. Every single movement drove her crotch more forcefully into his prick. It became harder for him to keep from coming. She was driving her pussy down into his cock in a vain attempt to get even more of him inside her superheated furnace of lust. The panties kept him from sinking more than an inch into her cunt. The more he massaged and gripped at her ass, the more fervent her attempts to really fuck herself became. "Don't toy with me," she panted hotly. "Fuck me! God, Tony, I never wanted it more than I do now." "It gets better," he promised. "Just wait and see." He set about making it better. His hand slipped down between the girl's panties and her soft flesh. A finger shot out and dived into the humid canyon between her asscheeks. When he found the puckered ring of her asshole, he started fucking his finger in and out. Velvet thought the top of her head was going to go into orbit. The orgasm was even better than the first. Velvet sobbed and clung even tighter to the man's powerful body. She needed that cock and he wasn't giving it to her. He tormented her with it. She felt its manly heat through the fabric of her panties, but she couldn't feel its nakedness pressing into her juicy cunt walls. The way his fingers worked all over her buttocks turned her on but the finger driving in and out of her asshole caused her to gasp in joy every time it lashed out and sank three knuckles into her back passage. Velvet hardly knew if this was anything more than simple lust seizing control of her. Tony seemed a sympathetic person, yet there was more than simple friendship involved in this. They both turned each other on. She loved his silent strength, the way he sized up situations and saw through to the real person lurking under the social mask everyone wore. He saw her frustration and anger and hurt and knew how to soothe it. Her fingers gripped like talons into his shoulders and back. She was as unaware of the ragged, bloody tracks her fingernails left as he was. They were too busy driving their crotches together to notice minor things like that. "I can hardly stand it," he grunted. "I gotta get my cock all the way into your pussy. I just have to!" "Yes, yes, yes!" she cried in joy. They both wanted the same thing. She hardly realized one of her slender legs had lifted off the floor and had snaked around his waist. She held them close together this way, but she'd have to relax a little and get those damned panties off so her naked cunt could open for him. He was too turned on to wait even for this minor act. His hips swung forward with a heavy thrust. A ripping sound echoed through the musty room. He pulled back, grunted at the momentary pain in his rigid cock, then fucked forward again. This time a louder ripping noise sounded. Her juice-soaked panties gave way under the battering ram of his huge prick. He blasted through the panties and found the humid cavern of her cunt. His cock slipped easily into the well-lubricated tunnel. For a second, all time stood still for Velvet. She had been empty and filled with longing. Then she was filled to overflowing with cock and needed nothing else in the whole goddamn world. His cock stirred powerfully, buried to the hilt in her softly gripping cunt. The juices leaking from her pussy dribbled around his thick stem and dripped onto his balls, tickling and further stimulating him. When he began pulling out of her gripping twat, they both gasped in joy and desire. She felt the thick piston of his cock moving inside her, a powerful vacuum forming in her guts. Her cunt walls had tensed around his cock to the point where a lewd smocking noise sounded as his prick momentarily slid free of her body. "In! Get it back in!" she cried. But she could have saved her breath. He was already running smoothly back into her cunt. Their crotches smashed together again and ground hungrily. The way his cock stirred inside her tight pussy almost got her off again. His hands still clung to her asscheeks and his finger-fucking had stopped. They were both too occupied with the twitching movements of his cock hidden deeply in her pussy. "Can't hold back much longer," he panted. "I knew this would happen. The most beautiful woman I ever met, I get a chance to fuck her and I come too soon. Oh, damn!" "Hurry, then," she said hotly in his ear. "Make me burn up with the friction of your cock fucking me. I need it, Tony, I really do. And you're so big inside me. So great big and swollen, I can hardly stand it." He began moving slowly inside her. She tried to hang on to his prick by tensing her cunt muscles. She succeeded for a second, then her own body betrayed her. The thick oils leaking from her excited interior made his cock too slick to hold. He pulled free until only the thick knob of his glans remained between her labia. But he didn't stay here for long. The man instantly shoved upward and drove his cock hard into her eagerly awaiting cunt. Her legs tensed around his waist. Velvet precariously balanced on the other leg, but the effort was worth it. Raising up on her toes tightened her pussy and the leg circling the man's waist held them close together. It made fucking standing up the most fun possible. He began swinging to and fro harder, with more assurance. He sank balls-deep each time into her cunt, moved his hips in a grinding circular motion that she matched in the other direction, then slowly pulled out. She felt the carnal pressures mounting in her taut, trim belly. The friction of his cock sliding so fast along her aroused cunt burned at her twitching nerve endings. The lewd sucking noises of his prick reaming her out made her even hotter. But most of all, the thick root of his cock stretching her to the breaking point made her shiver and gasp with total desire. She came. She came hard. Her cunt convulsively smashed down on his hidden length. This added pressure all around his pecker was enough to rob him totally of his control. His balls tightened even more and the fierce white-hot tide of his jism blasted the length of his prick. He spewed forth his creamy come into her eagerly sucking cunt. They pumped and moved and ground their bodies together in the most intimate embrace possible. His cock continued to fuck hard and fast along her rippling pussy walls until he began to deflate. He sobbed in frustration but there wasn't any cure for it. His prick turned flaccid and leaked from her cunt. She clung weakly to his strong body and sighed, "It was great, Tony. We're great together." "The earth moved for you?" he asked, bitterness in his voice. Surprised at his tone, she looked up, her vivid blue eyes wide. "Yes," she said. "It did. You were great. God, man, what is it with you? You don't have any confidence - and you should. You were great!" "I was?" he said, smiling broadly this time, actually believing it. "Hell, I guess I was. And so were you!" They stared into one another's eyes and nothing more needed to be said.Velvet hadn't said much but she felt the load lifting. She had spoken her piece and been heard. "I'm not cut out to be the weatherperson. Let me take a crack at doing some reporting. I'm good at it. I spent four years learning." "Book learning," said Ben, shaking his head. "You and Tony are the junior members around here and are on sufferance. Williamson wants to can Tony and kick you upstairs." "He wants you for a secretary. It's no big secret why." Velvet felt herself blushing. Then the humiliation turned to anger. "I'll cut the bastard's balls off! I'll . . ." "Cool it," said Ben sharply. "I know what's happening. He won't get you for any secretarial job while I'm in charge of programming. But he is the boss." She stood and started pacing around the room. She felt his eyes following her and didn't care. The woman knew she had a good body and rather enjoyed having a man watch her - a man she approved of. Velvet tried to figure out the real difference between the way Ben and Tony watched her move and the way Williamson did. The best she could figure was that they appreciated her as a woman while Williamson saw her as an object, a conquest for his sexual lusts and nothing more. She turned and stood with her hands on her flaring, womanly hips. Velvet realized the light behind her shone through her thin skirt and outlined her body. The way Ben stared at her now more than thrilled her. It made her so damned horny she could hardly stand it. "God, Velvet, with you silhouetted like that," he muttered, his mouth cottony and his hands shaking slightly. He couldn't keep his eyes off the slender legs hidden in the shadow cast by the strong light behind her. He saw every single contour of her voluptuous body. Her tits bobbed around slightly in front of her chest, the nipples prominent against the thinness of her blouse. The trim waist boldly surged out to hips that made his prick hard as he considered them. The slender, supple thighs he barely saw through the woman's skirt caused his cock to attempt to turn cartwheels in his pants. He almost came just staring at her. "I know. It's quite a sight, isn't it?" He said nothing as she reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse. He wanted to protest, to tell her to stop, but he couldn't. Things hadn't been right between him and his wife for some time. He wasn't getting enough and here was a lovely, willing, totally wanton woman offering herself to him. He couldn't turn her down. It wouldn't be right. And the man knew he would never be able to forgive himself later. His cock pained him terribly and the need raging in his loins had to be sated or it would drive him out of his mind. "There," Velvet said, smiling broadly. "It's all off." She held her blouse between thumb and forefinger, then lightly dropped it to the floor. Naked to the waist, she left little to his imagination. Her tits were firm and steady now, filling with excited blood. He saw the throbbing of her nipples as they expanded and knew she was as turned on as he was. Still, he had to ask the question burning in his mind. "Velvet, are you doing this to get the reporting assignment? Or are you doing it for other reasons?" "Ben," she said, her voice soft and sexy, "I'm doing it because I want you. I want your prick inside me, fucking me, giving me pleasure. You're so different from that toad Williamson. You're a man. What woman wouldn't want that in a lover?" "The assignment," he repeated dully, his senses churning from the way she walked toward him. She pulled off her skirt as she came. By the time Velvet reached his desk, she had stepped from her skirt and was clad only in a pair of shocking pink bikini briefs. "Screw the assignment," she said in a husky voice. "I want you to screw me!" Her hands reached out and grabbed fiercely at the sides of the man's head. She pulled his face forward to meet hers. Their lips crushed in a passionate kiss. Velvet had lost control of herself. The knowledge that Ben had been seeing her outline and was getting turned on by it had caused her to give vent to all her pent-up feelings. She raged inwardly against the station manager. Williamson demanded sex from her because he had the power to force her. He cared little for her as a woman. Ben cared. He lusted after her and was a little scared of it. But his feelings were legitimate. He was a real man and Velvet responded powerfully to that. Fucking Ben would be good because it was something they both wanted with all their hearts and souls. Fucking with Williamson didn't even give her the emotional release of masturbation. If anything, fingering her own clit got her off better than letting him plunge his filthy cock all the way up her pussy. Still, Velvet knew the way those things worked. If she wanted the job, she had to put out. But with Ben, she could be herself. She meant it when she told him it didn't matter if he gave her the reporting assignment. She wasn't using sex as a weapon to get what she wanted. She just wanted his cock filling her tight little pussy to overflowing. That was good enough for her. He broke the heavy kiss and gasped out. "Shit, you're a hot one. And I can barely wait to get it in you!" "Don't talk," she said, whispering hotly in his ear. "Do it! Show me exactly what you want to do!" She crushed her lips to his again, this time parting them slightly. The dark-haired woman felt his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. She resisted. Her tongue pressed into the tip of his, dueling with it. But the pressure forced her back. Soon they were frolicking and dancing around, their tongues massaging and stroking against one another until they were covered with sweat and gasping heavily for air. Velvet broke off the passionate kiss this time. Her face was hot and flushed and she felt the way her heart hammered beneath her breast. The mounds of titflesh had swelled and quivered with her lust now. She had to have more. Her pink bikini panties were drenched with her cunt oils and she realized she couldn't take much more of this without getting off. The woman wanted her orgasm to come when the man's prick jabbed hard and deep into her cunt, not an instant before. "Wet," he said, his hand running between her thighs. She tensed her muscles and pressed her legs tightly together. The feel of his hand working along the length of her sex gash sent tremors throughout her body. This was nice; it would be better soon. "For you, Ben darling," she said. Her hands stroked through the man's hair as she straddled his waist. This wasn't the most comfortable position since it spread her legs almost painfully wide. Also, her damned panties were still between his prick and her needy, dripping pussy. His hands worked down the naked woman's flanks, tracing out each and every rib, then moving up under her boobs. He took one jug in each hand, then squeezed. Velvet thought she was going to lose her mind as the carnal sensations wracked her body. The feel of his fingers against her soft, creamy titflesh made her think he had dipped his hands in acid. But he'd done nothing of the sort. She was just so powerfully turned on, every single touch was magnified a dozen times. In spite of herself, she felt her hips thrusting and moving back and forth on the man's lap. His prick was still hidden behind his fly. She had to change that. But her hands trembled so much, she moved instead to the easier task of getting Ben's shirt off. She ended up stripping it apart, sending buttons flying like tiny tops to all parts of the room. It was crude but it worked. "Move over a little," he urged. His hands worked across her waist and lifted her so that she was straddling only one of his legs. The impact of his upper thigh against her crotch was almost more than she could stand. Velvet began moving to and fro, trying to imitate a good fucking rhythm, as she ground her pussy down powerfully into his leg. She left behind a long wet spot, but neither noticed. Ben quickly freed his cock and Velvet immediately felt that hot, hard shaft of cockflesh pressing into her thigh. Reaching down, she grabbed it just under the purpled head. Never had a cock felt nicer to her. She couldn't wait to get it inside her where it would do her even more good. "Those panties have got to go," said Ben. The sweat poured from his face as he bent forward and kissed at her jiggling knockers. His tongue reached out and played with one of her turgid nipples. A lightning bolt of delight lanced into her chest. She leaned back under that oral assault and would have fallen if he hadn't caught her. His teasing, tormenting mouth went lower. She felt the coolness where his saliva evaporated from her superheated flesh. When his lips reached the top of her furred pussy mound, she gasped. His teeth cut into her most sensitive areas. His chin banged hard against her hidden cunt lips. And his teeth finally secured a grip on the top of her panties. He pushed her to her feet, then tossed his head. With a single yank, he managed to get her panties pulled down over the ripe, lush curves of her buttocks. He tossed his head again and got the flimsy fabric down over her thighs. Gravity did the work from then on. The panties dropped around her ankles and Velvet kicked free of the unwanted garment. "It's yours, Ben. Go on, tongue-fuck my pussy!" She wantonly spread her legs as wide as she could, her ass resting on the edge of his desk. Her crotch was at the same level as his face. The fragrant odor of an aroused cunt came to the man, making his mouth water even more. But this wasn't what he had in mind. Standing, he moved into the vee of her legs. The head of his cock prodded into her trembling cunt lips. She sobbed and sagged down so that the head of his prick entered her. "Fuck me. Ohhh, Ben darling, this is even better. Do it to me! I need you all the way up my poor little cunny!" "It's little," he gasped out, "but it's not poor. It's the best goddamn cunt I ever felt. I'm not even all the way in and already you're trying to mash me flat!" He thrust upward and sank a full six inches into her cunt. The shock of entry made both of them stiffen. Her pussy walls collapsed powerfully around his hidden length, squeezing and caressing, lubricating and sweetly torturing him. The man's arms circled Velvet's trim waist, then grabbed at her curvy asscheeks. The feel of that warm flesh against the palms of his hands turned him on more than he'd thought. He could drop down on top of her and fuck her in the time-honored missionary position, but he knew it would rob him of the sight of her tits bouncing and jiggling. He loved the feel of the hard points of her nipples trying to poke into his chest so much he refused to give it up. Using his grip on her ass, he whirled her around and fell onto his back on the desktop. He pulled Velvet along with him, his prick never leaving the blue-black nest of her pussy. She quickly positioned herself over his waist, her legs on either side of his body. "Go on, Velvet, fuck yourself. You set the speed and tempo and I'll do the rest." "Just stay hard inside me, Ben. God, you fill me up like no other man ever has." And she meant every word of it. The swollen cock in the tight berth of her cunt throbbed with a virile life that turned her into a sex-crazed maniac. She had to sample all that prick had to offer and she had to do it right away. Rising up slowly, she felt the lovely agony of his dick leaving her belly. The vacuum wasn't too bad but the hollow feeling as his cock slipped free bothered her the most. When only the knobbed end of his fuck stick remained in the erotically kissing embrace of her labia, she wiggled her hips from side to side and prepared for her next move. It was simple. The woman relaxed and let gravity do the work for her. She rocketed down, taking his pole into her slackened cunt with ease. The friction of the passage warmed her up just a little more and made her all the more eager to repeat the process. Rising again, dropping heavily, she started the up and down fucking and kept it going until she was almost at the point of coming. His hands moved restlessly over her ass, kneading the soft flesh and trying to reform it into new and wondrously erotic creations. Whenever he released the half-moons, they resiliently snapped back into their original delightful shapes. And then he changed his tactics. She felt his hands circling around her body again and cupping her tits. He guided her in the rhythm he wanted. She could do nothing but obey the silent command given by those gripping, tormenting hands. His thumbs and forefingers captured her rock-hard nipples and rolled them in tiny circles. As their passions mounted and she fucked herself faster and faster on his upright cock, the tiny circles he moved her nipples in became big ones. By the time she was fucking herself all out, she thought he was going to rip her boobs off her chest. "God, oh sweet Jesus, it's too much," she sobbed out. She had closed her eyes and tossed her head, sending a cascade of black hair flying about her face. The feel of his hands moving against her tits was almost enough to make her come. So could feel his cock reaming out her pussy. The freedom she had in the fucking pushed her nearer the edge of her orgasm. When she reached down between her legs and stroked lightly over her own clit, she did come. Hard. Never in her life had Velvet experienced a more potent climax. She soared on the kaleidoscopic winds of ecstasy, floating and diving, twisting and turning and relishing every single instant of the ultimate in human sensation. "God, Ben, it's too much. I can't take any more. I love it so much but my body won't take it!" "Bullshit," he grunted. "This is just getting good. Try to relax just a bit, then let yourself go. That'll be a real come, one you'll remember for years!" Velvet tried to follow his instructions but it was difficult. The friction of his cock fucking so strongly in and out of her pussy warmed her loins and set tiny watchfires burning in her guts. Without too much effort those tiny fires could turn into conflagrations threatening to totally consume her body. She fucked herself faster in response to the man's hand movements on her tits. The way her boobs expanded with more and more blood being pumped from her heart, she thought they would explode. The lewd squashing sound of his cock racing in and out of her tight pussy reached her ears and the sweat and sex odors from the fucking expanded her nostrils. Velvet felt the telltale tensions mounting inside her body again. She had relaxed only for an instant. Being only flesh and blood, she simply couldn't relax all the way with that hard and hot virile cock inside her pussy.He was shoving his prick between the legband of her panties and her flesh. The hot, stiff length of cock surged up and stroked along her hot, humid gash. She sobbed and felt the tides of passion washing over her. She didn't care what he did to her as long as she got that cock buried up her cunt. "Fuck me now. Do it now! Oh, I need it in me so baaaaad!" His hips swung forward and granted her wish. She felt the huge glans parting her trembling cunt lips. The puffy ridges of aroused flesh hardly slowed down the swiftly moving cock. He banged into her cunt lips and then plunged into the seething hot closeness of her cunt. Velvet screamed in agony. His prick was huge, too big to easily slip into her tiny cunt. The head of his prick seemed to hang up just inside the clinging, pinkly dripping cunt hole. He twisted his hips, got his hands under her ass and lifted, then lunged forward again. This time he got past the hangup in her pussy tunnel. The monstrous cock rushed all the way into her, filling her completely with pulsating manmeat. She thought she would lose her mind with desire then. The pain had vanished. He had snugly fit himself into her most intimate passage. And he was hung like an elephant. The mighty girth of his prick forced her cunt walls to stretch to accommodate him. She felt like she was a virgin again, getting laid for the very first time. That was the only other time she'd felt such intense joy and such an incredibly filled feeling. Her young cunt slowly expanded to take the thick cock. The slight discomfort she'd felt then totally vanished. Nothing was left but complete arousal. "Fuck me! God, you're so big inside me. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeee!" She clawed at the man's back to urge him on. She felt the bags of money beneath her give slightly as the man started a rotary motion to drive his pecker even deeper into her steamy hot interior. She hadn't thought it was possible to get in any deeper. She was wrong. The man's cock sank into her passion pit another inch. She came. There was no way she could hold back. Everything collapsed on her like a ton of bricks. The setting. The money under her body. The tremendous dork inside her, quivering and dancing and stimulating her to the point of no return. She came hard and her entire body shook like a leaf in a high wind. "Ohhh," she sobbed out. "Fuck me. Don't just let it rest. Move it fast. I have to feel it all over my poor little pussy." "Little is right," he grunted. "Never felt any chick this tight around me before. God, you're crushing me flat. But I gotta do it. I just gotta. Never seen a chick as pretty as you. Oh, shiiit!" He began fucking with long, slow strokes that pushed both of their passions to the breaking point. But Velvet hung back just enough to keep from suffocating herself with the overpowering emotions assaulting her. The woman wanted to hoard those wondrous feelings until she could release them all in one huge orgasm. She was stalking the Big O, the perfect come. And she knew she just might get it. The cock was like a fleshy piston in her well-oiled slit. The way he pushed past the legband of her panties also turned her on and stimulated her more than she would have thought possible. The idea that he was so hot for her that he couldn't wait did things to her head and body. The sexual tensions mounting in her belly approached the breaking point. She gasped and moaned and no longer noticed anything around her. All that counted was between her legs, moving slowly and inexorably. His balls wetly slapped against her upturned ass with every inward thrust, then vanished again as he retreated from the hot, clutching confines of her pussy. "Bankers do it with interest," the man gasped, smiling down into her face. "But there's a penalty for early withdrawal," she told him. "I want this to last forever." "Let's work on it," he said. Velvet thought it might last for an eternity. He didn't hurry. Every single stroke went directly into her cunt. She was moaning every time his prick left, too. The huge cavity left behind caused her pussy to try and tighten up. This only made his next inward fucking stroke all the more delicious. The woman's pussy drooled out its sluggish sauce to lubricate her for the fucking. She lifted her slender legs up and locked them firmly around the man's waist, but this wasn't good enough for him. One of his arms reached down and pulled her left leg up and over his shoulder. She felt like a pretzel - and she felt as if he were ripping her apart. In this position, with her leg draped over his shoulder, her pussy tightened up even more. With a normally sized man, it would have been wonderful. With a cock in her the size of a man's wrist, she was pushed to the brink of orgasm and beyond. She came again. Velvet felt like a schoolgirl being seduced and fucked for the very first time. Tremors of desire raced up and down her spine but she also felt a delicious surge of fear. The man was so large he might actually rip her pussy up with his fucking. But the sheer size made it worth the risk. Fear of injury. Awe at the man's size. The turn-on provided by fucking in a bank vault on top of sacks of money. The harsh, metallic sounds of the fucking echoing around the vault. The idea of someone walking in and seeing them. The huge cock. The huge, huge cock. All that got her off in a big way. She wiggled and twitched and tried to get even more of his cock into her pussy. Velvet gasped and moaned incoherently, the words jumbling up in her throat. She had thought she was a woman of the world, having experienced just about everything life had to offer. But that was before this man and his bludgeoning cock. The fucking rhythm picked up as the man's excitement mounted. He lifted her ass up and off the money bags every time he rammed forward. She gasped and moaned as he sank balls-deep in her gash. He speeded up. The friction of cock-flesh against her oily twat walls mounted. The fires of desire burned inside her until she couldn't control them any longer. She came and came and came. She was like a string of Fourth of July firecrackers going off. She twisted and moaned and clawed at the man, all the time wishing he would fuck her harder, deeper, faster. He did. His prick slid in and out of her cunt with a swiftness she'd have thought impossible except she was feeling it. He spread her inhumanly wide and then totally plugged her hole up with his fleshy prick. She felt every contour of that tremendous fuck stick as it pulsated and throbbed against her tender pussy walls. As she came again, she felt his cock swell to heroic proportions inside her. When he spilled his jism into her agitated cunt, she came again. Together, they moaned and rocked through a mutual, all-consuming orgasm. Even after his prick began to turn flaccid, she could hardly believe its size. He got her off one more time with his cock hardly more than a dead, fat worm. "God, you're great," she sighed, lounging back on the money. The look on the man's face told the story. He thought she was something, too.The agile tip of her darting pink oral digit found the tiny triangular flap of skin under the cleft head. This was the most sensitive portion of his cock. She teased and toyed with it until he was jumping from foot to foot with excitement. A tiny, bitter drop of preseminal fluid beaded at the head of his cock. Her tongue swirled it away. She made a wry face around the thick plug of cock in her mouth but kept sucking. Her cheeks went concave under the suction she exerted. The dark-haired beauty hoped that she could get the man to come quickly. That would free her of the need to be in his presence and cool down his berserk desires to fuck her. It didn't work out that way, though. She sucked hard and used her tongue all over the end of his cock the best she could. Kissing and licking down the side of the shaft to his balls got the man to moan constantly with pleasure. It also convinced him that his prick would be better off stuffed somewhere else. "On your hands and knees, bitch. I'm going to fuck you like a bitch in heat." "Wh-what?" she stammered, surprised at the turn of events. The musky tang of the man's prick still lingered on her lips. She licked it off and looked up at him in wonder. He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around so fast she lost her balance. The girl dropped to hands and knees, just the position the man wanted her in. Before Velvet could protest, she felt his hands lifting her skirt and his body moving in behind her. He skinned off her panties and pulled them down around her knees, effectively preventing her from crawling away. And then all strength raced from her body. The heavy end of his male bludgeon smashed into her cunt lips from behind. She felt the thick shaft plunging down between her asscheeks, caressing the puffy labia and then surging all the way into her dry pussy. "God, dry humping. Get that cunt of yours working, bitch. Get it nice and wet and slick for me to fuck you like an animal in rut!" Velvet recovered some of her strength after the quick, hot entry all the way up her pussy and tried to escape. Strong hands gripped her waist and held her firmly in position. She felt the man's hairy upper thighs rubbing against her tender buttocks. There was no escaping now. "Don't do this. I'm a human being, a person, a woman! You're treating me like an animal." "An animal is all you are," he snapped. "I got to teach you to have respect for authority. You think you're so much better'n the rest of us because you have a college education. You're not. And I'm going to show you what experience can do." His hips began moving slowly, stirring his prick around in the tight hot confines of her pussy. She moaned and felt hot flashes throughout her belly. But in spite of her resolve not to respond to the man's crude lovemaking, she felt her body turning traitor. Thick fuck juices began sluggishly flowing to grease his pillar of man-meat. "That's more like it," he gloated. "You really want it now, don't you? Don't you?" "Oh, ohhh!" was all she could moan out. The woman's senses were being stripped away and all that was left behind was a raw nerve ending. Every single thrust of his cock sent agonizing waves through her body. But the oils from her twat slackened his cock and made every thrust easier to take. Even her pussy walls seemed to expand enough to take his girth. In different circumstances, Velvet could have gotten off in a big way on fucking like this. But not with the station manager. He was the animal; she was only a victim of circumstance. If she'd been rich or in any kind of a position to tell Williamson to stuff it she would have. But she was powerless, a victim to be exploited by the man. "Yeah, baby, that's the way I like pussy. Good and juicy for me. Shit, you got the best cunt for fucking ever. And taking you like a bitch is fun!" It wasn't fun for Velvet, but it wasn't the total turn-off she thought it would be. Closing her eyes and letting her body respond, she was able to get some pleasure out of the fucking. This was a lusty position, one that allowed her tits to swing free. Every single thrust into her pussy caused a shock to surge into her, making her knockers sway back and forth. Also, the blood drained down into her nipples, hardening them and making them super-sensitive. As if the man had read her mind, he reached around and grabbed one of her jugs. Taking the mushroom-like nubbin of her nipple between thumb and forefinger, he teased and tweaked it. She came. The sensations in her body didn't leave her any other choice. The tidal waves of desire pouring into her guts from the fucking smashed into the lances of pure fire blasting into her chest from the way he handled her tits. Velvet found herself ramming her hips back into the man's groin to get even more of his prick into her. She ground her hips in a circular motion and felt his pecker stirring against her most sensitive flesh. She gasped and almost came again. Holding back, she wanted to save up all the delicious feelings and release them in one great big come. "Now we're cooking," the man grunted. "You chicks are all alike. Cockteasers. But get a taste of a real prick and you go wild." "Please, more, ohhh!" She hadn't wanted to say that. It gave the man too much satisfaction. His power over her was almost complete. He held her impaled on the thick sword of flesh rammed into her cunt. His hands controlled her movements so that she could do little but let him have his will. Velvet crossed her forearms in front of her on the floor and placed her forehead on them. This shoved her ass up into the air. The jutting white target was more than the man could pass up. He started fucking with long, quick strokes. The friction in her cunt threatened to burn her up. She hadn't been truly aroused up to this point. Her pussy had been lubricating and she had gasped and moaned as she'd almost gotten off, but now that changed. Everything about the fucking got to her and sent earthquaking tremors through her body. Waves of delight spread into her belly caused by the friction of the fucking. The swift movement of his cockflesh against her tight inner passage lit a fuse that she couldn't extinguish. The warmth spread slowly, like melted butter, but soon she felt the edges of the warmth pulsating and threatening to engulf her. "More, fuck me more!" she demanded. The girl's ass rammed back powerfully into his groin. They fit together now like pieces of some erotic jigsaw puzzle. And all Velvet knew was that she had to have more of that hard, hot, virile cock. Lots more. The lewd squashing noises from the hard cock entering and leaving her aroused cunt filled the room. She felt the rivers of sweat pouring off her body and dripping off the points of her tits. Her entire body had come alive and she needed more of that prick to get off. The molten lead lump in her belly suddenly exploded and filled her with ecstasy. "Aieeeeee!" she shrieked out. Her hips went berserk, cramming back into the man's crotch and getting his prick to dig in as deeply as possible. Her pussy convulsed around the thick spike of cock. She felt every single contour of his dick and this pushed her arousal even higher. The heavy arrow-shaped head of his cock expanded and rubbed passionately against her cunt walls. The throbbing veins and arteries along the shaft pulsed and fed her come. The sexual energy charging her body reached the point where she couldn't control any of it. She came even harder. She shuddered and moaned, feeling the hot flush rising in her tits and neck. And still this wasn't the end of it. She knew her pussy was gushing out frothy juices from the way they ran down the insides of her thighs. "Damn, baby, this is almost more'n I can handle," he grunted out. "You smash down on my cock like that again and you'll mash the fucker flat!" He continued poling in and out of her pussy with his long, demanding strokes. She hardly relaxed before another climax began building in her loin's. Velvet both loved and hated the feeling. The sexual and emotional release was nice, but why did it have to come with a pig like Williamson? She felt as if she betrayed herself. And yet she needed this fucking. She needed the warmth and the feelings racing through her and surging into her cunt, making her into a complete woman. She needed it as she needed food and water and air. "Tight, you're getting even tighter around me," he panted harshly. His fingers gripped down on her waist, pulling her back powerfully with every inward fucking stroke. The tiny fires of lust burning inside her turned into flames that would have done a blast furnace proud. Out of control, she sobbed and begged him for more. When he gave it to her, she came again. Short, quick strokes fed the carnal fires in her body to the point where she was being consumed by them. The man reached around and made a fork out of his index and middle fingers. Pressing one finger on each side of his prick, he pressed down into her turgid cunt lips. The action tightened her labia around his cock. She gasped at the electric tensions short-circuiting into her body now. The pressure around his prick caused her to come again. She had lost all control and could only respond when the man willed her to. But she couldn't complain. This was too intense, too good, exactly what she had been needing. "Gotta fuck more, more, more!" the man chanted. He slammed repeatedly into her cunt, his balls swinging forward and wetly slapping against her puffy, blue-tinged cunt lips. The action of that hairy little bag, his fingers, and most of all his cock, set her off one more time. As her cunt collapsed like a mineshaft around his cock, he blew his wad. His cock fountained out a steady spurt of jism that whitewashed her cunt walls. The feel of him coming inside her caused Velvet to gasp and moan through another come. The intense sexual high quickly died, however, and left her panting and crying, her ass jutting up in the air and the man's limp prick dribbling from her twat. The hot juices leaking from her insides ran down her legs and reminded her exactly what had happened. She hardly believed she had allowed the man to fuck her without putting up more of a fight. Still, she had to be realistic. She needed the job badly. Without it, she would lose everything - especially her own pride. Letting him use her as a sex toy was easier than admitting she couldn't make it in the business world. "Yeah, baby, that was good. You've got a hell of a hot cunt. Educated pussy, you might say." Williamson laughed at his own crude joke and slapped her on the butt. "Get decent. This is a business office." "Are you going to let me continue doing some reporting?" she asked, hardly trusting either her voice or his answer. He thought it over for a minute, then said, "Yeah, I guess so. Any cunt who'll do what you do deserves a chance to prove herself. Now get your ass out of here. I have business to do." She left, not knowing if she felt good or not.There's not. "You would say that." "And I mean it. Look, Ben's the only nice guy with any authority around the station. All I get is . . . hassled by the others." "What do you mean hassled?" "I think you know how it is in business," said Velvet grimly. "And I can cry on Ben's shoulder about it. He can't do anything because it's the station manager insisting on his 'rights' with me, but Ben listens and is sympathetic." "So there's nothing sexual between you two?" asked Janet, surprised. Velvet hardly knew how to respond. She decided honesty was the only policy. "I'd be lying if I said that. We've made it a couple times. We both needed someone there who cared. It was just one of those things. But he doesn't demand it from me. When we fucked, it was good for both of us." Janet sat down on the bed and simply stared at Velvet. Velvet hardly knew what to say next. The sight of the other woman disturbed her. Janet's tits were small, firm and apple-sized. The way they pressed into the fabric of her blouse made the woman look almost adolescent, but there was nothing budding about the womanly hips and the wonderfully curved ass. Velvet shook herself. She was getting hot over another woman. That was something that had never happened before and she couldn't figure out why it should happen to her now, of all times. "You're honest, at least. But you don't love Ben?" "I like him a great deal and, unlike most of the men at the station, I respect him. And sex is great with him. But no, I don't love him - not in the way you mean." "Sex was good with Ben," Janet said, her voice dreamy. "It might be again, if only . . ." Her voice softened to a whisper and tears beaded at the corners of her eyes. Velvet reached over and dabbed gently at them. One of the tears fell between the woman's ripe breasts and trickled down the deep canyon. Without thinking, Velvet reached to dab at that wetness, too. And then she wasn't at all sure what happened. Janet's fingers were working on her blouse, getting her naked, just as her own fingers worked on resisting buttons. In less time than a heartbeat, both women were naked to the waist. "God, your breasts are fantastic!" cried Janet. "No wonder Ben wanted you so much." "I wish mine were as firm as yours," said Velvet, her fingers lightly moving over the small cones, stroking and teasing, finding their way to the very crest. She took one of the ruddy-colored buttons between her fingers and tweaked hard. Janet's expression turned from one of wonder to one of intense joy. Her hands pressed down on top of Velvet's, mashing her tits flat against her chest. "So nice, so damned nice. Keep doing that. Please, I need it so. It's been so long since anyone did this for me." Velvet couldn't refuse. And strangely enough, she was turned on by the satin feel of the woman's creamy titflesh under her fingers. She stroked and manipulated those boobs until she felt her pussy beginning to dampen. After that, all hell broke loose. Velvet passionately kissed Janet full on the lips. When the other woman responded totally, her tongue thrusting between Velvet's ruby lips, the kiss was all-consuming. Their tongues dueled and played hide and seek, darting from one mouth to the other. And soon, even this wasn't enough for Velvet's illicit passions. She broke off the deep kiss and worked her mouth down across Janet's slender, swanlike throat. Her tongue tormenting the other woman's flesh, Velvet came to the deep crease between Janet's tits. She raked the soft skin with the tip of her pink, knowing tongue until Janet collapsed weakly onto the bed. Her legs spread of their own will. And this was all the invitation Velvet needed to dive even lower. She quickly stripped off the woman's dress and panties, revealing a coppery nest of fleecy pubic hair. Velvet's tongue thrust into the center of this delightful bush and probed downward, spreading the pink, trembling cunt lips. "Oh, yes, yes, I need it. Give me all your mouth love. Tongue-fuck my little cunny!" cried out Janet. "Only if you'll do the same for me," said a breathless Velvet. She had never made love to another woman before. The idea had crossed her mind many times, but the opportunity had never arisen. Now that it had, she couldn't back off. She had to try it. Besides, she was too turned on by the prospect of her mouth erotically kissing the other woman's sex lips. She felt Janet fumbling to get her skirt off, then came a gust of hot breath as she licked and kissed across Velvet's aroused pussy lips. Velvet almost came. There was no denying the thrill she got from the raking tongue as it plunged all the way up her cunt. The frothing juices boiling from her interior were quickly licked up, noisily sucked into Janet's mouth. The wet, demanding mouth caused her to dive back into Janet's crotch to give at least as much as she was getting. Licking the entire length of the cunt lips caused those puffy flaps to tremble and shake as if they had some sort of carnal palsy. But the payoff came when Velvet found the meek little clit poking up from its sheath of protective flesh. She pounced on it, sucking it fully into her mouth. Her satin lips caressed the tiny bud, coaxing it and stimulating. The salty, acrid tang of Janet's cunt oils made her mouth water. She used some of her spit to further lubricate the clit. When she both sucked and lightly bit down on the go-button, Janet screeched and tensed all over. As her thighs clamped shut on either side of Velvet's head, the girl found herself both blind and deaf. But it didn't matter. She still had her sense of feel. And feel she did. Her tongue lashed across the tip of the clitoris and then worked back to the gushing cunt hole. She started tongue-fucking that convulsing slit and kept Janet peaked on the orgasm until she finally sobbed in exhaustion. But Velvet wasn't finished. Her own cunt still needed careful, thoughtful attention. And a thought occurred to her how to best get it. "Let's scissor our legs together," she called out to Janet, hoping the other woman would understand what she wanted to do. When Janet responded immediately, Velvet was surprised. For her this was all new and excitingly different. Janet took to it like a duck takes to water, however, readily doing whatever Velvet wanted. As their legs meshed together, their gashes were pressed tightly against one another. Velvet gasped as the other woman's crinkly bush stimulated her own trembling cunt lips. Rocking back and forth gave her the most intense stimulation she could get without a cock reaming out her pussy. "Oh, this is too much," she sighed, grabbing hold of Janet's foot and pulling the ankle firmly between her breasts. "I never thought it could be this good with another woman." "It can be better," said Janet. And Velvet found out what the woman meant. Janet's toes curled around one of her tits, squeezing down on the rock-hard nipple. Velvet moaned softly, feeling the sensations mounting slowly in her belly. When a man fucked her, the excitement was intense and came in slamming, demanding pulses. It didn't happen this way with Janet. The arousal was less intense but there was no slackening of passion. Everything built toward one huge orgasm. "Where'd you learn to play with nipples using your toes?" asked Velvet, not caring. "I know all sorts of things." Velvet tried to duplicate the toe-fondling on Janet's breasts but didn't have enough limber toes for it. Rather than let the other woman do all the giving, Velvet reached down and grabbed firmly on the foot, pulling it to her mouth. Sucking loudly on Janet's toes produced an unexpected result. The other woman came - hard. Her entire body tensed as she sobbed out her joy. Then her hips went berserk, rocking back and forth, grinding her sex lips into Velvet's. The stimulation at her pussy was almost enough to get Velvet off, but she clung tenaciously to the other woman's foot, sucking and licking the toes wiggling in her mouth. Janet came again, then relaxed. She panted out, "I never had that done before. It was great! Where'd you learn that?" "Just something that came to me," Velvet admitted. "Whenever I climax, my toes always curl up. I figured it might work the other way. If I got your toes to curl up by stimulating them, maybe you'd come. It worked." "I'll say it did!" Velvet felt the other woman's mouth moving on her toes. The sucking produced the same result in her. She felt the tensing in her belly, the quivering, electrical shocks from her cunt lips and then the roaring sensations racing all the way up her legs, through her ass and pussy, up her spine and ending in her brain. Fireworks went off. She gasped and sobbed, crying openly, feeling the salty tears leaving tracks down her cheeks. Rolling over and over on the bed caused their pussies to slip and slide across one another. This added to their arousal. The coppery strands of Janet's bush tickled and teased at Velvet's tiny clit. This was enough to make her come again. It seemed to the woman that everything was getting her off. She tried to cool down a little and figure out why. It might have been the sheer perverted kinkiness of making love to another woman. It turned out to be more fun than she had guessed, even in her wildest, least inhibited fantasies. Janet was a perfect partner, always seeming to understand what she needed - and when - and giving it to her. And she understood Janet's sexual needs. They were both women and both knew intimately what turned a woman on. They had themselves to use as a guide to getting each other hot. Velvet started humping herself, feeling the slippery cunt oils leaking from both their pussies mingle and grease her crotch. The way her cunt lips parted and erotically kissed the other woman's sex lips was dirty, perverted, and so lewd she could hardly stand it. She came again. "I need more," she gasped as soon as she was able. Fire leaked into her lungs with every breath. She had seldom been this turned on by any man. She clung fiercely to Janet's slender calf and kept the foot close in between her tits. When Janet began diddling her nipples again with her toes, Velvet let loose all the pent-up emotions she had locked inside her and had one of the most intense comes of her life. Everything blotted itself out for her. The woman's entire body tensed and she shook as if she had been caught in a paint mixer. She didn't even remember letting go of Janet's foot, but when that foot reappeared at her pussy, the big toe dipping into her cunt hole, she knew this was even better. Janet fucked her with her big toe until Velvet thought she would lose her mind from the intense sensations ripping through her. It was a different sort of orgasm she got from this woman. Not like that from a man's cock in her cunt at all. She tried to compare them and finally gave up. Her mind was too confused with sex, too jumbled and chaotic for clear thought. She got a different type of orgasm from Janet. But it was only different, not better. She loved both and the different feelings they sent churning through her entire body. A man's cock in her cunt fucking her was sheer heaven. There wasn't anything to compare with it. Not this, not anything. And having the soft, feminine attentions Janet gave her convinced Velvet she had been missing a lot in her fucking. This was good, too, damned good. "No more, please, no more," she panted, sweat dripping from her naked body and being absorbed by the bedspread. "I've about had it, too," admitted Janet. "I hadn't intended for anything like this to happen, but it did." "It did and I'm not sorry," said Velvet, looking at the woman. "I've never done anything like this before. But it's great!" Both turned, startled, when the door opened. Ben stood there, a key in his hand. The expression on his face was unreadable. For a long ten seconds, no one said anything. Velvet finally gasped out, "Ben, it's not what you think." "I know what it is. She got to you, too. Just like she did to the other women." Shocked Velvet turned and looked at a guilty Janet. Then she understood."She never asked," he said lamely. "And because you didn't have the balls to ask her, you almost broke up your marriage. What a crock of shit. I'm surprised at both of you," exclaimed Velvet. "You're supposed to be able to talk these things out. More! You're supposed to be able to work them out." For a long time they simply stared at one another. Then Velvet saw that her self-fondling was having the effect on Ben she'd figured it would. He was getting nervous and the bulge at the man's crotch was growing. She guessed his cock was trying to turn cartwheels inside there now, lurching and tumbling around, wanting to bury itself in her lewdly exposed cunt. She spread her legs a bit farther apart to give the man the invitation. He wasn't stupid. He had to take her up on the offer. Velvet was going to show these two that their jealousies were all due to lack of communication. And she'd be their translator! "If you see something you like, ask for it," she said, her fingers working down her body and moving to her twat. Spreading her pink-hued cunt lips so that the man could see her damp cunt hole, she leaned back, supporting herself on her elbows. "Please pass the pussy," Ben said, smiling. Guiltily, he glanced up at his wife. Janet smiled broadly and indicated that he should help himself to that which was so freely offered. Ben didn't hesitate. One instant Velvet was doing everything she possibly could to get him to loosen up and the next second she felt the blunt tip of his glans prodding between her puffy cunt lips. She sobbed as he stroked forward. She felt herself going weak and rubbery and loved the sensation. "Oh, yes, Ben darling, that's where I want your fuck stick. All the way up my cunt!" He gasped as she squeezed down powerfully on the very tip of his prick, then moved himself forward enough to sink into her pussy another few inches. They were moving together now, their hips grinding and fitting closer and closer. "Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" asked Janet. "Wh-what are you going to do?" asked Ben, dazed at the immensity of what was happening. Velvet picked up immediately on what should happen. She called out, "Go on and let him eat your pussy out, Janet. That's going to keep him quiet and let him concentrate on more important things than talking." "A good idea," the woman said. She stood and straddled Velvet's trim body on the bed, her legs on either side of the woman's hips. Janet thrust her bush forward so that Ben was able to get the fragrant, crinkly, coppery nest shoved into his face. "Ummm, good!" he cried out. "Shut up and lick my cunt, damn you. Oh, yes, that's the way I love it. You always did do this right, Ben. And don't stop fucking Velvet. She's the one who deserves all we can give her." Velvet wasn't complaining. She was in no position to complain. She had fallen flat onto her back and lifted her ass up off the bed to allow Ben to really get going with the fucking. The smooth, even strokes in and out of her twat were driving her right over the edge of orgasm. And all she had to do was look up and see the wide-spread crotch of the other woman so wantonly presented for the man's taste treat. The way his pink, darting tongue surged back and forth across the trembly cunt lips made Velvet even more excited. She was thrilled with the feel of his thick manroot deep inside her, but the sight of him eating out Janet at the same time added new dimensions to fucking. Sight, sound, feel, everything came together for her. "Ummm, oh, I can't take it anymore! This is too fucking much for meeee!" she shrieked. Never had she gotten off this fast on a man's cock. He hadn't been fucking her all that long, but she was coming and coming and coming. Velvet realized part of it had to do with the fact that there were three of them taking part. This was something different for her, too. Just as fucking another woman had been exciting, so was this. Only this seemed more arousing to her because it was both familiar and wildly stimulating. She shuddered and reached down to fondle the man's balls when she heard the door opening again. Ben hadn't locked it behind him when he'd come in. Either that or more than one person had keys to the house. "Shit," came the low exclamation, "have I ever got into the wrong room." Velvet cried out, "No, Tony, no! Don't leave! Join us. Please, oh sweet Jesus, please join us. We need you in here, too!" "An orgy," the young man mused. "God, I've never been involved in one. I don't think I should." "We want you," said Janet, gasping. "I need you," cried Velvet. But it was Ben's "Get that damned ass of yours in here," that got Tony moving in the right direction. Velvet was lost in a wonderland of sexual desires and couldn't figure out how Tony got naked so fast. It might have taken him hours for all she knew - or seconds. Whichever it was, she saw a man standing right beside her, his half-erect cock less than a foot away from her mouth. She gave up trying to stimulate Ben's balls in favor of reaching out and grabbing Tony's half-limp prick. She pulled the organ toward her mouth and stuffed its flaccid length in as far as it would go. Then she sucked for all she was worth. Velvet's tongue danced over the quivering cock until she was gasping with desire simply from that. The fucking going on down lower still got her hot and pushed her desires to the breaking point, but having a man's prick in her mouth while the fucking went on thrilled her more than she would have thought possible. Sucking harder produced the effect she wanted. His cock hardened into a steely pillar of pulsating lust. She felt the throbbing cock hot and hard against her lips. When she started raking her pearly teeth over the sides of his shaft, the man yelped and moaned loudly. "You . . . you're going to make me get my rocks off too fast! Don't do it like that. Let me enjoy your sucking mouth a while longer. God, Velvet, you give the best head of any chick I ever found!" "If you're wanting something to take your mind off your cock, why not tongue-fuck my ass," groaned out Janet. "I get off so damn fast on that you wouldn't believe." "I wouldn't believe any of this if someone told me," said Tony. "And I'd never have believed I'd be taking part in a real orgy. But I am, so dammit, I might as well go the whole way!" He moved forward enough so that his prick still rested between Velvet's satin, sucking lips, but could also reach the curving white half-moons of Janet's asscheeks. His tongue flashed out pink and hot and dipped down into the humid canyon between those meaty globes. The woman shrieked and came. She had a cunt full of tongue fucking her and now another tongue dived down toward her tightly clenched anus. When Tony's tongue penetrated her tightest passage and began fucking up her asshole, she couldn't control herself. Janet had to support her weight on Ben's shoulders. This pushed the man down into the bed, which caused him to enter Velvet's pussy at a slightly different angle. This got the widespread woman off again, her orgasm causing the entire bed to shake. As she gasped and moaned, she sucked harder on Tony's cock. They had formed a chain where anything happening to one affected all of them. And it was the most delightful chain reaction in history. Velvet's tongue cradled Tony's incoming cock so that the most sensitive portion of his prick rubbed along her rough, demanding tongue. His hips had become too restless to simply allow him to remain motionless. He was slowly, carefully fucking Velvet's face, trying not to lose control and ram his cock all the way down her throat. But that's exactly what did happen to the young man. Everything he did and saw and felt and heard came crashing down on his senses and robbed him of his iron control. The idea of tongue-fucking a woman's butt was new to him. The feel of his pink, wet tongue sliding up Janet's clinging asshole turned him on more than he would have thought possible. And the feel of her silken-smooth asscheeks pressing into his face as he burrowed down to tongue-fuck her butt was almost as much of a turn-on for him. The real thrill came at the tip of his prick. Velvet's tongue tried to force its way down the piss-slit. They both knew this wasn't possible, but the attempt got them both so hot neither could stop now. Tony's hips took control and began the ages-old fucking rhythm, driving his prick in and out of her mouth with more force than he wanted to use. As a result, he felt the rubbery tip of his cock bounce off the roof of her mouth and surge down her throat. Velvet felt the thrust coming and swallowed, ready for the thick plug of prick. The glans of his swollen cock passed her tonsils and dived down her throat. She felt it lodged there, pulsing and quivering with carnal need. "Oh shiiit," the man grunted out. "This is too fucking much. I can't take more of it." "Then shut up and get back to tongue-fucking my behind," commanded Janet. "I've got Ben's tongue up my pussy and I need yours up my back if I'm really going to get off in a big way." Velvet guessed Tony returned to his tongue-fucking ways because he shut up. But she was too lost in the sensations ripping through her own body. Ben had begun fucking her with quicker strokes now, parting her pussy and entering at different angles. She was so turned on by the changing direction of his incoming cock that she would have gotten off in a big way except for the attention she lavished on Tony's prick. She was distracted a little from the intense sexual pressures mounting in her belly from the fucking. Velvet felt the man's cock turning and twisting in her throat. As she swallowed, her Adam's apple bobbed up and down on the cleft underside of his prick. This was the part that got the man the hottest the fastest. She felt his cock swelling up even more in her air passage. Cut off from breathing, she had to turn her head away. His cock slipped from her throat but his hips jammed it back into her mouth. There wasn't any way she could keep him from face-fucking her. And she didn't want to try! Everything made her hotter and hotter about this. The feel of Ben's cock alone would have gotten her off eventually. Having Tony's prick placed so near her face made it natural for her to give him a blowjob. And with Janet standing astraddle over her waist, Velvet could see both men's tongues working on the other woman's cunt and asshole. The sights and feelings made her come - hard. She shivered and quaked like a bowl of jello caught in an earth tremor. Her cunt twitched and tightened around the thick cock inside it and her lips similarly tensed into a perfect "O" ring around the other man's prick. She sucked and twitched and twisted her hips at the same time. The motion was all it took to get Tony off. His prick danced and jerked hard, then erupted, a creamy white spurt of jism blasting into the woman's tonsils. She missed the first gout of come. She pressed her tongue greedily against his spewing cock to make sure she smeared all the tasty manseed she could over her tastebuds. Velvet savored the musky, salty taste, wallowing in the sheer decadent joy of sucking off a man. All too soon, his prick refused to fountain out any more of the come she so desperately wanted. No amount of sucking could get him hard again. His prick limply leaked from between her lips, a tiny trail of come dripping across her chin. And then she wasn't thinking about Tony anymore. She was concentrating on her own desires, her own lusts. The way Ben fucked her had changed drastically. He had been fucking smoothly, easily, shoving his prick in balls-deep and immediately retreating. He now shoved forward as hard as he could, as if trying to rip her apart all the way to the chin. This lifted Velvet up and off the bed. Her cunt lips were spread lewdly around his incoming cock giving that thick pole the most erotic kiss possible. She felt her own juices leaking from her twat and running into her crack. "Faster, Ben darling, fuck me faster!" she cried out. "I . . . I'm so close. Don't stop now. Don't make me waaaaaaait!" He picked up the tempo again. Every single thrust into her softly yielding cunt lifted her fully off the bed. He ground their crotches together into an erotic stew, then pulled back quickly, only to repeat as fast as he could. The woman vaguely guessed that Ben was close to coming but she was too engrossed in her own emotions. A puddle of molten lead formed in her belly. She was trembling as if she had some sort of erotically inspired palsy. And best of all, her cunt burned and throbbed with lust for the man's cock. The fucking was about to get her off. "More, oh, mooooore!" she begged. Then the words jumbled in her throat and only incoherent trapped animal sounds came forth. Velvet felt a wet, demanding mouth on her tits. She opened her sex-fogged eyes and saw Tony sucking at her tits, licking across her nipples and making her lungs feel as if filled with liquid fire. She started to say how much she loved the feel of his sucking mouth on her nipples and then she exploded in orgasm. The young woman surged and soared on the hot winds of ecstasy blowing across her senses. She arched her back and rotated her cunt so that she could get even more of the man's prick into her convulsing twat. He fucked fast enough to keep her poised on the pinnacle of ultimate human desire longer than ever before. But not even the combined efforts of the two men made it last forever. Velvet sobbed and collapsed, almost exhausted. She wasn't so tired, though, that she couldn't tense her pussy muscles around the huge prick still fucking avidly into her pussy. And this was all it took to get Ben off. She felt the hot, sweet surge of his liquid come into her cunt. It almost got her off again, but she was too drained emotionally and physically for that to happen. She contented herself with knowing that Ben's prick spewed forth its creamy load longer than it ever had before. That meant she literally drained his balls of their lead-heavy load. She relaxed as soon as his prick dribbled from her cunt. Looking up, she saw Janet's legs beginning to buckle. Velvet reached up in time to grab a double handful of resilient assflesh. She guided the other woman down so that Ben's mouth never left her pussy. Lewd sucking noises sounded as the man hungrily ate out his wife's pussy, and then she stiffened and gasped out in climax. She clutched fiercely at his head, pulling his face in even more so that he wouldn't leave her in her moment of orgasm. When they had finished the four exchanged glances. Ben licked some of Janet's cunt oils off his lips.Velvet rubbed across her still warm snatch, remembering what a great fucking it had been. And she let the tip of her tongue snake out to trap the tiny, drying droplet of come from Tony's prick. "It was something new for all of us," said Velvet slowly. "And I think you all agree that this is too good to simply do once and then give up on. I'm all in favor of keeping this foursome together and as sexually active as possible." "I'll second that!" said Tony, his eyes sparkling. Janet only smiled and Ben nodded slowly. Velvet lay back on the bed and felt the warm afterglow of a good fucking possess her totally. It had been a great evening. Not only had she gotten all the sex she could handle, but Ben and Janet were back together, their differences erased now. It was a good feeling, damned good. The announcer said, "Tonight introduces a new format for our station. The evening news will be presented by co-anchor persons Velvet Larkin and Tony Sims." The screen faded down and came up with the news logo, then faded again to Velvet's smiling face. "Welcome to the news at six. At the top is . . ." She read through the news competently and well, getting her cues just right and passing it along to Tony, who was a little more nervous, never having been in front of the camera in this way before. But Velvet worked well with him and her small experience as a weather reporter helped them both. When the broadcast was over, Tony came over and kissed her square on the lips. "Wow, that's worth all the nervous strain to get!" she exclaimed. "It's worth it. God, were we ever great! This is going to push the news ratings right up through the ceiling." "The hell it will!" bellowed Williamson, storming over to stand in front of them. He glared at the now not-so-happy couple, turned and motioned away all the stage crew. The cameramen smirked as they left. With Tony on the set, they didn't dare bait Velvet like they had before. Now they knew that both Tony and Velvet were going to be in for a world of trouble. "I never authorized this!" shouted Williamson. "Where the hell's that shithead Carlton? Ben, get your ass out here!" Ben came out from the control booth, staring at the station manager. "What's wrong with you, Walt?" he asked. "Why've you got a hair up your ass all of a sudden?" "All of a sudden I find my star newscaster has been fired and these two upstarts put in his place. That's what's got me so damned upset. Where do you get off firing Jim Elliot?" "He showed up for work drunk once too often. I complained a dozen times about it to you. And you said for me to take care of it, so I did. I canned him this morning." "And you put these two in his place? Hell, man, it'd take a dozen of them to even come close to replacing an experienced man like that." "I doubt it. I got a rating off our service. We went up three percentage points, gaining off both other stations. If this trend keeps up, we'll have a show the sponsors will put commercials on again." "Don't give me any lip, you shithead." "Don't call me names, Walt. I'm doing my job and doing it well. I've got to be responsible for the programming and directing and . . ." "And you're fired. Out, dammit, out!" Ben stood for a moment staring at the infuriated man, then spun and stalked off without another word. "Now wait a goddamn minute," blazed Tony. "It's true he put us on without telling you, but he didn't have to. And we proved ourselves tonight. Just because you hate my guts and are raping Velvet doesn't mean you can put your own feelings ahead of the good of the station." Williamson exploded. "You're both fired! Goddammit, you'll never find jobs anywhere again." "You can't fire us, Mr. Williamson," said Velvet slowly, her mind racing. She thought she had the details all straight. "We signed a contract this morning when we were hired. It requires us to put in no fewer than three months on the anchor position. If you fire us, you have to pay us regardless!" "Bullshit. I never signed any such paper." "Ben did. And he was still working here then. He was empowered to sign contracts for the station - and he did," said Tony, rubbing it in. Williamson's eyes narrowed as he said, "I know the type of contract. If you read the fine print, it says I can't fire you, but it doesn't say anything about leaving you on as anchor for the news. I'll have you cleaning toilets the whole time till I can fire your ass!" "Fine," said Velvet. "We'll be the highest paid toilet cleaners in the city. That contract is for a lot." "How much?" When Velvet told him, Williamson went pale. "I . . ." he began, then sank down to support himself on the desk. "All right," he said finally getting a rein on his emotions. "I'll have you out on the streets reporting. And if you don't perform the duties to my satisfaction, you're fired for nonperformance. How's that grab you?" "Fine," said Tony before Velvet could stop him. "We can deliver any goddamn story you want." "The city manager is going to go up on trial for misappropriation of city funds. Get the dope on it and be ready to present it tomorrow night for the news. If you don't, don't bother even coming back. I'll mail your paycheck to you. And your severance, too." Williamson stomped off in the direction of his office, leaving the pair on the now deserted set. "He sure handed us a stacked deck," said Velvet. "That's an impossible story. The District Attorney doesn't dare give out his evidence before he takes the case to trial. It'd ruin his whole case if it gets out." "Yeah," said Tony, dejected. "Maybe I stuck my foot in our mouths. There's no way we can deliver. And if we do, the city manager will probably get off scot free. I want to see that clown up the river for a long time for what he's done to the city." "Let's get on it. We might be able to do something." "What?" "I don't know. But I know where we can get some first rate advice," Velvet said, smiling at her idea. "He'll be more than willing to help us out. Come on." "So," said Ben, "it's not all that bad. The DA has to take his case in tomorrow, but the defense probably knows most of it anyway. There aren't going to be any surprises. You just go on and get the story. Show that bastard you can deliver." "Thanks for the advice, Ben," said Tony. "But we need more." "I don't work for the station anymore. He fired me." "I know, Ben," said Velvet, her slender fingers imploringly clutching at his sleeve. "We need you. Williamson's going to can us as soon as he can find a good reason. Whether it's this story or the next, it doesn't matter. But he'll get us." "But you want to go out in a blaze of glory, is that it?" chuckled Ben. "All right. I'll use my connections to get you an appointment with the DA. That's the least I can do. But I'd love to see Williamson's face when you air the news tonight. God, would I ever!" "We'll have it videotaped for you," promised Tony. Ben didn't hear. He was already speaking urgently on the phone, his voice low. Then a slow smile spread across his lips and he said to Velvet, "Get that perky ass of yours up to the DA's office right now. You can squeeze in a few minutes. And good luck!" Tony and Velvet made it to the District Attorney's office in record time and immediately ran into a snag. The secretary seemed to think they should wait. Sitting and chafing at the delay, Velvet leaned over and spoke to Tony quietly. "Remember how we worked it with the bank president and the cashier?" "Sure!" "Same thing'll go here. Except you can get into the act. That poor girl is simply starved for affection. Go lavish some on her. Who knows? You might get lucky." "Being with you is luck enough," he said, rising and going to the woman. Velvet watched for a few minutes as the secretary blushed, then smiled shyly. Within another five, Tony and the secretary left, mumbling something about getting a cup of coffee. Velvet didn't hesitate. She was through the door and into the DA's office in a flash. The man looked up, startled. He put down the dictating microphone and asked, "Who the hell are you?" "I'm Velvet Larkin. Ben called and said you'd see me." "When I was ready. Not instantly. Hell, you're not . . ." The man's voice trailed off as Velvet came across the room. She had unbuttoned one of the buttons on her blouse. As she swung across the room another came undone. Her lavish tits swelled up white and delectable, threatening to come tumbling out at any instant. That caught the man's eye. Velvet perched on the edge of the desk, one of her slender, well-formed legs swinging so that he could see it clearly. As she crossed her legs, she gave him a glimpse all the way up to her crotch. The way he swallowed hard told her the battle was half-won. Now all she needed to do was melt his resolve a little more. "The case against the city manager is going to be a big one politically. There's no reason why you shouldn't get all the coverage possible on it." "And you want an, uh, an exclusive?" the man mumbled, obviously more interested in seeing if Velvet would recross her legs in the other direction. She did. "It won't hurt. The defense knows what you've got. You always prepare a good case. And the public should know what a great job you're doing. It is election year, after all, and this could be a real boost to you for reelection." "Yeah, it could," said the DA. "Uh, look, Miss, uh . . ." "Just call me Velvet." "Velvet," he said, allowing the name to roll off his tongue. His eyes darted back and forth from her stocking-clad legs to her tits, still bobbling about and almost ready to come bursting forth from her blouse. "I shouldn't give it to just anyone." "I'm not just anyone," she said, leaning forward. This time her tits did come spilling out. "Oh, my!" she said with coy alarm. "Would you help me? I seem to be in some trouble." "Help?" he said dully. She reached out and took his hands and pulled them to her tits. The feel of his hands closing on her boobs sent shivers of delight through her chest. She sighed deeply and moved closer to the DA. "So nice," she cooed. "I could spend the rest of the day like this. But I can't, not really." "Why not?" "Because my poor little pussy is so hungry. It needs to be fed." "Your pussy? Your pet?" Velvet laughed and moved even closer, her feet resting on either arm of the man's chair. She kept his hands moving all over her tits, fondling them, crushing the life out of them, making them quiver with the promise of more to come. "Not my pet. My pussy. My pussy needs to be fed. And it's carnivorous. It only likes meat, manmeat, and lots of it. I bet you could feed it, couldn't you?" She opened her legs even more causing her skirt to hike up. She wiggled on the desk and got the fabric under her ass. This wantonly exposed her snatch to the man. He couldn't take his eyes off the bikini briefs she wore. They were bright red and made from flimsy nylon material that could be seen through. Her dark furry bush poked above the top and her pink, damp pussy lips were outlined by the thin fabric. "God, for that I'd give away any secret in my safe!" the man exclaimed. "I only want what you're going to be making public tomorrow. Nothing more," she said softly. "Why don't you just get those nasty old panties out of the way? We'd both like that a lot, wouldn't we?" "Hell, yes!" the man exclaimed. He pulled one of his hands free from the warm, white tit it had been clutching and grabbed a pair of scissors from the desk. Velvet shivered as he ran the cold metallic edge along the soft inside of her thigh. She gasped as he snipped and took the fabric between the blades. Another snip and her pussy was exposed totally. She bent forward, keeping her feet on the arms of his chair, and got his zipper yanked down. His prick stood up at attention, proud and eager for the challenge. Velvet didn't hesitate. Her legs slipped down on either side of the man's hips and she knelt on his chair, her pussy brushing the tip of his jutting prick. "Go on, put it in. I want to feel it inside me," she urged. He reached down and got hold of his prick, maneuvered it into the right place and then said, "Down. You've got to lower yourself down onto it. I need . . . oh my God!" Velvet would have cried out, too, but the shock of feeling that prick surge into her wet, seething hot pussy was almost too much for her. She was robbed of speech, but it didn't matter. Her pussy was saying all the things she wanted to say. And the man's cock was speaking for him. They wanted each other. That was obvious. She felt his cock trembling and dancing lustily inside the tightness of her dripping pussy. Her cunt walls tensed and gripped down feverishly on him until she thought she could just sit there straddling the man's waist and get off. But this wasn't enough for the DA. "Move, dammit," he urged. "Fuck yourself. I can't move my hips as long as you've got me pinned in this chair." She leaned forward even more, shoving her tit into his mouth. She didn't want him talking, not now. She wanted the most stimulation he was capable of giving her. When he started sucking on her tit, she gasped and almost came. The feel of his mighty cock pulsating in her pussy and the wet, sucking mouth moving all over the crest of her jug made her shake like a leaf in a high wind. Velvet knew she was blushing, but it didn't matter. They were both too far gone in the throes of their own desire to let anything stop them.His tongue tormented her, licking and rolling the tiny buttons of her nipples in erotic circles. His hands reached around and pulled her ass-cheeks apart. And his cock! It thrust boldly all the way up into her twat giving her a feeling of completeness. "Fuck yourself," he grated out around a mouthful of titflesh. "You're the one able to move. So move, dammit, move and get it on!" His finger probed up into her asshole to urge her along. The way his prick jerked and danced in the tight berth of her pussy was more than enough to make her hips lift up and away from his groin. She shuddered as his cock left. The vacuum formed behind that piston of manflesh was almost dragging her guts out. She couldn't wait to get his prick back inside her where it belonged. Tiny fires danced along the entire length of her fuck tunnel and she had to stroke them, build them, get them going into raging conflagrations. As soon as only the purple-knobbed tip of his cock remained between the damp lips of her pussy, she paused, got her hips back into position and then lunged downward again. She cried out as his prick forced its way up into her deepest recesses. The folds of her pussy straightened under the impact of his racing prick. She felt her resilient cunt walls straining to expand to take the huge rod. And then she relaxed a little and felt nothing but the pulsating warmth from his virile cock. She repeated the process. Lifting off his crotch, feeling his prick slip from her cunt, then tease and torment her cunt lips. When she jammed her hips down again, she felt the fires she had been carefully nurturing come totally alive. They burned with a frantic need now. She had to stroke those carnal blazes until they consumed her. Nothing less would do. Velvet pumped up and down on the man's fuck pole, stroking and twisting her hips and turning every way she could for the maximum stimulation. The man's mouth continued to nurse greedily at her tits and his hands fondled her buttocks and guided her so that the fucking was even more potent than if she had been doing it solely on her own. "Now, oh yes, nooooow!" she moaned out. His fingers tightened like steel bands on her ass as she came. The entire length of his prick was safely berthed in her hot sheath of female flesh as she came. She felt every single contour of that cock as her pussy walls collapsed around it. Straining, struggling to breathe, lost in the throes of intense orgasm, she exploded. Fucking herself as fast as she could, the girl couldn't get enough. Her demanding cunt sucked and pulled at his prick. She felt his entire length begin to stiffen even more, expanding to the point where she was sure he would spew out his jizz at any second. The man's control was as solid as a rock. Even though he was on the brink of coming, he held off. This allowed her to fuck herself even more. Velvet stayed balanced on the knife edge of orgasm longer than she would have thought possible. Her wild movements caused the swivel chair to squeak ominously but being thrown to the floor didn't enter her mind. "My balls," he panted. "They feel like a pressure cooker. A cooker without a safety valve! God, I'm going to explode!" "Not yet!" she begged. "Hang on for a while longer. Oh, I need this, I need it so baaaaad!" She came. Her world spun crazily as the ice and iron grip of climax smashed down on her tender young body. She felt the man's mouth pulling her nipple deeper into his mouth, teasing it with the tip of his rough, wet tongue. The sensations from that lanced down into her chest and slowly sifted down to her belly. The manhandling he gave her buttocks produced a different sort of arousal for her. It was more gentle, more seductive, more insidious. She hardly realized it was stimulating her at all until the feelings wormed their way up her spine and settled like melted butterscotch in her stomach. And the thickness of his cock spread her cunt walls to the breaking point. Her juices slackened his cock enough so that there was only excitement as she fucked herself on his cock, but the sensations ripping into her belly were sharp, intense. She felt as if every electric surge of entry was tearing her apart. All these met in her belly and planted an atomic bomb. When she tossed her head back and felt her lustrous hair flowing around her bare shoulders, stroking and tantalizing her, she came again. There was no holding back the intensity of her feelings now. "Aieeeee!" "Not so damned loud," he panted. "My secretary will hear." "No, she won't," Velvet told him. But she couldn't explain why not. That was too complex for her right now. She was reduced to animal level responses. Total joy seized her body and held it in a vise-grip. And she loved every instant of it. She began tightening her cunt muscles to clamp down firmly on his mighty piston of cock-flesh. There was an immediate response. The man gasped and began fucking upwards into her twat, actually lifting her off the chair with every powerful thrust. "Can't hang on any longer. Just can't," he complained. He fucked faster and deep and then spilled his seed into her eagerly awaiting loins. Her pussy clutched even harder at his buried prick, milking it and sucking hard at the juices fountaining out. She came again just as the last of his jism pumped into her cunt. She sagged forward, the man's face buried between her tits. He licked slowly up the deep canyon and then kissed her full on the lips. "This is a hell of a trade," he said finally. "The fuck of my life for something that'll be public knowledge tomorrow anyway." "Screw the information. Let's do it again," she said breathlessly. And Velvet meant it. Her pussy hummed with desire now, begging for another fucking like the one she'd just gotten. The DA laughed. "A fuck like that in a week keeps me happy now. But God, do I ever wish I could oblige you."Her pussy was churning now, turning her crotch sopping wet with the cunt sauce leaking from her insides. They got up and went back to the men's restroom. A furtive glance to see if anyone noticed and then they were inside. Tony latched the door and immediately kissed her, his hands trying to stroke over every single square inch of her flesh all at once. "God, Tony, I'm hot. I'm burning up inside wanting you. Finger-fuck me and then really fuck me with your cock. Oh, ummmm, yeah, that's what I need!" His hands had lifted her skirt up around her waist. Pulling down her panties had taken just an instant. She kicked free of them and widened her stance so that he could get either finger or cock into her seething hot fuck channel. His finger reamed her out. By the time his hand was drenched in her oily juices, she was ready for anything. And so was Tony. "I'm not going to fuck that tight little cunt of yours," he told her. "I've got a better idea?" "Huh?" She was so lost in the wonderland of sensation coursing through her that she hardly understood what he was saying. He spun her around so fast she lost her balance. She reached out and grabbed the edge of the wash basin, bent into an L-shape, her ass jutting backwards. As the man's hands spread her asscheeks and she felt his hot, thick cylinder of lust plunging into that deep canyon, she knew what he was going to do. "No , Tony, don't fuck me up the asshole! I . . . I've never had a man up there before. It . . . ummm, ohhhh!" He didn't ram all the way up into her rectum. The glans of his prong edged into the anus and banged away gently, trying to open it up before surging all the way up her back. Even with this gentle approach, she felt some pain. But the way he had greased his prick with her own thick lubricants allowed him to inch into her tightest passage. She felt her anal sphincter muscle slowly expanding. Then it gave up the battle altogether. He sank a couple more inches into her bowels. She shrieked and moaned, sweat pouring off her body. But there wasn't any pain now. It had been replaced by a stark, raw animal lust that she'd never experienced before. The feel of his cock resting against the walls of her shit chute made her feel lusty, strong, totally feminine and wanton at the same time. "Fuck me good," she begged now. "Ram it in. I can take it. Really I can!" His hands gripped her around the waist. He pulled her backwards slightly as his hips levered forward. Inch after tantalizing inch of his prick sank into her hot, clinging asshole. When she felt his balls wetly swinging against her cunt lips, she knew he was buried to the hilt up her rear. The way his cock danced and throbbed inside her asshole made her think millions of fire-ants had invaded her body and nipped at her most delicate flesh. But it wasn't painful. It aroused her more and more. She clutched fiercely at the porcelain wash basin for support. "Fuck me now. Don't just let it rest there. Tear me up with that fuck stick of yours!" The entry had given her a little pain. As the man retreated from the hot, tight berth, Velvet thought she would go out of her skull. The vacuum formed in her guts threatened to pull her inside out. A lewd sucking noise sounded as the head of his cock left her ring of clinging anal muscle. He didn't hesitate. He rammed back into her, faster than the first insertion. And he rotated his hips slightly to give her a corkscrewing motion. She felt her rectal walls try to hang on to that twisting, turning prick. He stirred her up inside more and more, then pulled out again. His hands stroked over the cool half-moons of her asscheeks. He reached down and pulled at the doughy mounds, trying to get a better shot at her asshole. This caused her rectum to shrink in size around his cock. They both gasped as he pushed her asscheeks apart. She felt every single tremble of his pillar now. The broad arrowhead-shaped glans spread even wider, pressing into her tight tunnel. The big blue vein on the top of his cock pulsed with feverish need. "Can't hang on. Damn, never fucked a chick like this before. Too damned exciting. Taking too much out of me." "Give me the sexiest enema ever!" she moaned out. "Come up my ass. Give me one hell of a fuck and then come up my asshole!" She jammed her hips backwards into the curve of his body. They fit together perfectly, like pieces out of a picture puzzle. He pulled back and then stuffed himself back into her rectum with all the speed and desire locked up in his loins. Before either of them realized what was happening, they were fucking fast and furious. He greeked her with long, demanding strokes. Every single thrust up her back produced enough carnal friction to make them both gasp and want more, lots more. Velvet bent even further forward, her head lower than her hands now. This tightened up her asshole around his column of cock better than anything else she'd done. "Bugger me. Give me every goddamn inch of that sweet prick of yours." "Oh, damn, damn," he grunted. His balls had tensed up and he knew he was seconds away from coming. He wanted to make this last all day long but he didn't have the control for it. She felt his cock swelling even more in her tight ass. When his fucking rhythm turned jerky, she knew it would only be seconds before he came. And she was right. The first hot squirt of jism into her bowels left her quivering and ready for more. The second robbed her of her strength. As the third gout spewed into her sucking asshole, she came. Their bodies wetly smashed together, grinding and turning, getting his prick as deep up her asshole as possible. And all too soon for both of them, his cock deflated and dribbled from her butt. She dropped to her knees, putting her sweating forehead against the coolness of the wash basin. "That was great, Tony. I never thought it would be so good." "I've never cornholed a chick before," he said, still stunned from the intensity of his feeling. "But damn if I didn't love it!"She stammered through her story and pleadingly looked over at Tony, hoping he would be able to take some of the strain off her. He didn't. Janet's mouth was too firmly fixed on the end of his cock for that. She sucked so hard that her cheeks went hollow under the strain. Velvet could see her jaws working and knew she was using her tongue against the tip of his prick, teasing the tiny flap of flesh dangling under the head and maybe even trying to stuff her oral organ down the tiny hole at the end of his cock. No matter what she did with her tongue, she turned the man on a lot. "Keep reading," came Ben's stern voice from her snatch. "You're on the air. You don't want millions of people to know you're getting your pussy eaten out, do you?" She didn't. And yet she could hardly restrain the feelings rampaging through her body. The feel of his rough tongue slipping in and out of her cunt hole was almost enough to make her come. She fought down that intense tide of passion. If she got off on the air, she couldn't hide it. She'd scream and moan and say something that would have the FCC down on her in a flash. Velvet couldn't even tell Ben to stop. How could she possibly say, "Get that fucking tongue out of my cunt" when her microphone picked up every single word? Ben's mouth pressed even closer. His nose dueled with her clit while this tongue fucked in and out of her slackened cunt. He touched all the right spots along her fuck tunnel. She felt the sexual tensions mounting inside her until she felt like a string pulled so taut it would snap at any second. Just as she gasped out something lewd and not for the air, they switched her mike off and went back to Tony. She panted harshly. That alone would have sent static over the airwaves. But she gasped and moaned aloud now, not caring if the man's microphone picked it up. She had to cry out her passions. She had to! And she couldn't. She didn't dare do it. Ben licked from the fluid opening of her cunt up to her clit. He teased that tiny little organ until it was straining and erect. Sucking it into his mouth, he tormented it until she did come. She stifled the loud cries she normally shrieked at the top of her lungs, then decided the only way to get back at the man was to fight fire with fire. Kicking off one of her shoes, she moved her foot to his crotch. "Get your cock out," she said in a low whisper. He obeyed her, joining in with her idea of revenge. She curled her toes around his prick and began stroking up and down its turgid length. Velvet thought of how she'd tweaked Janet's nipples using her toes, and how the other woman had done that in turn for her. The thick stem of Ben's cock was easier to move against. She got her other shoe off and held his cock firmly between her toes. The throbbing, virile warmth of his cock sent shivers up and down her spine. And with his head in her lap, his face buried in the fragrant nest of her bush, they were both lost in an erotic playground. Tony was giving another story now. She saw that he had taken her silent lead and was toe-fucking Janet's naked cunt. The silvery froth from that overflowing pussy dribbled down the sides of the man's foot and greased the entry for his big toe. Janet was smiling around the thick stalk of manmeat jutting from her mouth. All four of them were giving as much as they were getting. But the strain was definitely on both Tony and Velvet. She had never thought her first night back in the co-anchor spot would seem this long. She'd been uptight over it, but only from nerves. Those were long forgotten. Now all she hoped for was to get through the news without saying something - or doing anything on the air - that would get her tossed in jail. Live Action Sex News. She could see that as a headline for the newspapers if the cameras ever swung around to the side and showed Janet sucking so avidly on Tony's cock and Ben eating out her cunt. She gasped again as the man's tongue swirled around her go-button, surged up the side of the clit, toyed with it for a second and then worked back along her fluttering sex lips. He didn't tongue-fuck her this time, though. He pushed lower, across her ridged perineum and to her asshole. "Not there!" she cried out loud. The camera crew jumped, thinking she was talking to them. A hurried consultation among the men caused the cameras to be repositioned. She was too lost to stop them. Ben's tongue probed and pushed into her asshole. Velvet had never felt hornier than she did now. Oral sex got her hot for cock. But she wouldn't get any more cock than was twitching powerfully between her toes. She moved her feet quickly, getting the man harder and harder even as his tongue reamed out her ass. The sudden spurt of hot jism all over her feet made her come. She'd gotten him off. Velvet had to fight down the obvious effects of her own orgasm. She saw Tony shaking as his prick spurted out come into Janet's sucking mouth. She came again just a second before the camera swung back to cover her. The tongue buried up her asshole was almost more than she could stand. Now that she was back on the camera, there wasn't a way in hell she could stop Ben. "We try to get to the bottom of the news," she said slowly, forcing the words to come out right. "Stay tuned to this station for the lowdown on all that's happening, no matter where, no matter to whom. Just remember, we deliver more than just word of mouth!" The camera light winked off and Velvet shrieked out loud. Her entire body was wracked by her orgasm. Left weak and drained, she slipped down in her chair, draping her legs over Ben's shoulders so he could get his mouth back onto her snatch. "Go on, you son of a bitch. Eat!" she said. But Velvet wouldn't have had it any other way. She and Tony had made it. She and Tony and Ben and Janet. The four of them were a team now and that team was unstoppable. Whether it was reporting the news or far-out sex, they delivered!
Chapter 1
Wet & Ready
"What made you decide to work for Aubern College?" Todd asked as he casually pulled out a gold card to pay for our dinner. We were on our first date. Actually, this was even more than that. It was my first real date with a guy. Todd was older. He was a college senior, just a few weeks from a business degree. He was easy to talk to. That, or I was just babbling. Either way, I told him the story of my life. I had to take a job somewhere. My parents never got along, and they put me into a religious school after separating. The nuns pushed me into nursing even before I was in high school. I was a candy stripper, then an assistant. I had a year's worth of credits toward my practical nursing degree when I was 16. I got my degree at 18. When this job opened, I jumped at it. For the first time, I wasn't under the thumb of some stodgy head nurse who was also a nun. I was working for a liberal college, which needed a nurse who was willing to work for very little money. As the staff nurse for the college's swimming and diving teams, my hours were short, and my duties were easy. While I worked, I could also complete my RN degree. Tuition was free, and I had a housing allowance or a room at the dorm. Like I said, I jumped at it. The past three weeks had been the hardest and busiest time in my life. No, not the work. That was easy, just as advertised. I was fully prepared. The nuns taught me everything about how to be a good nurse, but they skipped right over the real important areas—the areas that were bothering me. This part of my story I didn't tell Todd. I was 19. Even without being told, I knew that I was pretty. I was only 5' 2", but the mirror convinced me that my tiny frame was put together just right. By 18, men were looking at me. But, I'd never been alone with a guy. I'd never had the chance to try out my sexy, young body. I'd always gone to all-girl schools. The nursing school was run by nuns, and they didn't let us around the local boys at all. Then I took this job. Suddenly, I was in the real world. A real world brimming with men. The nuns hadn't taught me how to act around hard-bodies, handsome, horny males dressed in very skimpy swimming trunks. Swimming trunks so tight and thin that I could see the entire outline of each guy's cock and balls. So thin I could see the swollen veins pumping over those tubes of throbbing prick flesh. What the women wore in practice was even worse. Their swimsuits were see-through. When the guys and gals were in the pool together, it was unbearable. They played in a sexual way. Naturally, the young women got excited. I know damn well that I did, and I was just watching. Hard, crinkled nipples poked through suits. The guys got horny, too, their cocks growing and thickening so nicely. Many times, I was the only one in the pool complex who was fully dressed. It was driving me nuts. My pussy was so hot and creamy inside all the time. Something inside me was fighting to get out, but I didn't know what to do. You see, when I took this job, I was still a virgin. I'd never seen a man's prick all hard and throbbing before. Even with the material of a swimsuit blocking a full view, I couldn't tear my amazed eyes from the sight of so many good-looking men walking around with so much hard cock. I also didn't tell Todd that I'd been coming home exhausted each day, then finger-fucking myself to sleep in my lonely bed. It was getting so bad that I was even masturbating during the day to relieve some of the tension that built up inside my hot, young body. It didn't help. I had to resort to a few minutes of sinful delight with my vibrator before I met Todd that night. I'd been getting plenty of use out of that natural-looking, cock-shaped vibrator lately. I wanted to look nice for Todd—and it seems I did. I was wearing a flowery sun dress. There was no way I could wear a bra, so my nipples were all crinkled up, making obvious dents in the dress. I don't like pantyhose, so I wore the new thigh-high stockings. While I waited for Todd, I closed my eyes, dreaming about his hands on my naked skin. My pussy was wet again under a pair of naughty, tie-side panties when Todd knocked on the door of my dorm room. As Todd closed the door for me, his thigh brushed against mine. A little shiver went through my body. His hand went behind my back, gently guiding me out into the cool evening air. We walked to his car, and he held my hand as he eased me into the passenger seat. The whole evening was like that. He touched me every chance he could, and I was so hot my nipples were aching. I could feel pussy juices running down my thighs when, under the table at dinner, his knees rested against mine. And when he put his hand under the table, placed it on my thigh and slid his middle finger back and forth suggestively, I thought I'd scream out right at dinner. I managed to keep my excitement down, though, and by the time Todd walked me back to my dorm, my legs were trembling. Alone in the hall, I unlocked my door and turned to say goodnight. As I turned, his strong arms circled my waist. His mouth came closer, and as I tilted my head, he kissed me. It was like a scene from a movie. My lips parted, and Todd's sweet tongue slipped inside, finding my tongue and flicking so wonderfully against my hot flesh. I groaned, feeling my body shudder against his. That's when I felt it. That jerking, thick bulge at his waist, pushing and bumping into my belly. Todd reached up and cupped one of my breasts. The top of my dress rolled down, and suddenly Todd rolled my aching nipple between his finger and thumb. "God, Jessica," he groaned. "Can we go inside for a second, baby?" "I don't know," I moaned back, so confused by what my body was feeling. "Please?" he begged, taking my hand and forcing me to feel the throbbing need of his cock. Before I knew it, we were inside. The door was locked. I was on the bed, my sun dress was on the floor, and Todd was standing over me. All I had on was those thigh-high stockings and a pair of soaking wet, pink panties that were held together only by bows on each side. Todd stood at the side of my single bed and looked into my eyes. I squirmed, wanting him to come back to me. He was teasing, slowly driving me wild as he unbuttoned his shirt. As each button fell away, more and more of his muscular chest appeared. Even though I'd seen Todd daily with only a pair of thin swimming trunks, this strip show was exciting me. He pulled off his jeans. His bikini shorts were stretched to their limit. For the first time in my life, a prick was hard and jerking and ready for me. Todd's hard cock was all tangled in his shorts, and at the tip, a circle of wetness showed through the nylon material. The head of his fully erect cock poked against his tight shorts. I knew Todd was the backstroke swimmer on the team, but I never realized how massive his chest and shoulders were. Down below, he had a tiny waist that flared back into thighs as big around as my body. God, he was beautiful and all mine. "Now for you," he said. "What?" I groaned. "I want to get you nice and hot," he said. I didn't have any idea what he was talking about. If I got any hotter, I was going to explode. Todd came back to the bed. He kissed me gently and slowly. He took his time, and even though I was anxious, I loved the way his kisses made my pussy quiver up inside. His lips pulled away, caressing the side of my neck. Then he started down my body. Over my throat. Down to the center of my breasts. "Ooooh," I moaned, biting my lower lip. He found my breasts. Holding one quivering mound, Todd kissed the other globe. He licked across my crinkled nipple, flicking the moist tip of his tongue around the brown circle capping my breast, and then sucked the aching bud between his lips. "Beautiful tits," he whispered. I shivered under him, my body trembling as erotic bolts of passion ran wild through my nerves. He was right. Todd was making me even more excited. "You liked that, didn't you, Jessie?" he whispered, his white teeth scraping back and forth over my nipple. "God, yes!" came my hissing reply. "How about this?" he teased. Todd sucked my nipple back into his mouth, sucking back and forth as he rolled his naughty tongue over my sensitive bud. I thought my nipples were hard before, but Todd's oral attention made them stick out like two little spurs. He caught them both, rolling the swollen nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, making them even harder and longer. When they were harder than I'd ever seen them before, Todd started licking again, but this time to keep my nipples slick for his exploring fingers. He pulled out the rubbery flesh, keeping his fingers tightly pinching until my nipples snapped out of his grip. "What do you want to do?" he asked. I didn't know what to say. I wanted it all. "Tell me," he insisted, his teasing tongue making goosebumps of passion pop out all over my body. Suddenly, my mind was filled with the picture of that big cock of his stretching out all long and hard. I groaned. Todd was smiling confidently over me, driving me crazy as he switched to the other nipple and lewdly sucked, licked and nibbled. His moist breath against my flesh thrilled me. "What have you always wanted to do?" he asked. "I want to feel it," I panted. "Feel what?" he said with a grin. "You know," I moaned. "You've got to tell me." "I want to feel him," came my gasping cry."Your thing. I want to feel him." "No," Todd said. "You have to really tell me what you want, baby. Don't be afraid. Say it. If you can't say it, you can't do it." "Jesus!" I hissed, my body twisting with need. "I want to feel it. Don't make me beg for it, Todd. I want to feel your cock! Oooh, God. I want you to fuck me." For the first time in my life, I was saying aloud those lustful words. Todd twisted both of my sensitive nipples. As the words passed my lips, my body thrashed into an orgasm. When I opened my eyes again, Todd was naked. He stood by the bed. His cock was bare, hard and big. It bobbed as I watched. I looked, unable to tear my eyes from that wickedly wonderful thing. He took my hand, guiding me to that huge hunk of cock meat standing up all hard and firm against his belly. My finger touched it, and his hand pulled away. I felt a deep jerking inside the thick tube. As my fingers circled Todd's prick, it was his turn to groan. "Mmmmm," came my own soft sigh. I'd lived this so many times in my lewd dreams. I was touching a real cock for the first time. This was so much nicer than my lusty dreams, or my cock-shaped vibrator. I cupped his low hanging balls, slowly touching every inch of the cock in my hands. I wanted to feel every inch of his cock. I knew that I was going to feel this huge organ up inside me, too, very quickly. I loved the way handling Todd's big cock made me feel. My hand moved up and down gently, somehow instinctively knowing what would feel good to him. Todd's groans were as urgent and full of passion as mine had been seconds earlier. His cock felt so wonderful. It was like a steel rod wrapped in velvet. Every time I moved, his prick jerked in response. I felt as if I were in total command of his huge, hard cock. I could do as I wished, and Todd was in my power. I stroked. He moaned. His prick jerked. This was really fun. As my fist tightened around the vein-marked shaft, a shiny bubble appeared at the little piss slit. My thumb went up, and I rubbed that surprisingly slippery drop of juice over the head of his cock. Todd's hips raised, fucking his cock through my fingers. "You liked that, didn't you, Todd?" I teased back at him as he had done before. "Yes," he groaned. "What do you want to do?" I asked. "I want to fuck you, Jessica," he said. "I've wanted to fuck you from the first second I saw you at the swim-team practice." "Undress me," I said, my words so soft that I thought at first he hadn't heard them. There wasn't much left to take off. All I had on was that pair of panties. Todd reached down, tugging first at one side, then the other. The two bows came apart. My panties fell away, leaving me dressed only in the pair of thigh-high stockings. Todd didn't try to take them off. He didn't need to. The good parts were already bare. My aching titties were exposed, and my furry cunt was totally naked and willing. "Fuck me," I whispered. His hand cupped my naked pussy. I felt his fingers spread my oozing lips, then dip inside. This time, though, the fingers weren't mine. This time, it was a man finger-fucking me. "Mmmmm," I mewled. I separated my legs, giving Todd plenty of room to explore. As I jacked up and down over his meaty prick, he thrilled me with his own hand action on my overheated cunt. His forefinger slipped up and down over my clit making me shiver all up inside again. He knew what to do. His long strokes started deep inside my gripping cunt and ended up with a rapid swirl around my hard little clitty. Within no time at all, he had me close to cumming again. "Easy," he warned. "Am I doing it wrong?" I asked. "No," he laughed. "You're doing it just right. But you're going to make me cum if you keep doing that." "Oh," I said, blushing as Todd looked up at me. "Is that what you want?" he asked. "We can get each other off this way, if you like." "No," I protested. "You really want me to fuck you?" I didn't answer. I took his hand from my soaking wet crotch and pulled him over my trembling body. Todd raised up over me. His hands guided me into position. My thighs parted. His hips forced them even wider. He drew my legs up, bending my knees, and he came closer. The head of his monster cock bumped into my thigh, leaving a smear of his love juice on my skin. I didn't know what to do. All I wanted was for him to shove that big thing up in me, but Todd seemed unable to find my pussy. He shoved forward again, once more missing the slippery gash of my oozing pussy. "Please," I begged. "Put him in for me, baby," he said. "I don't know what to do," I said. I reached between our bucking bodies, finding that thick shaft. Without having to think about it, I suddenly realized that I was wrong. I did know what to do. I aimed the pre-cum-covered head of his big boner to the hot slash of my open pussy-lips. I humped my hips up an inch, mating his throbbing cock with my eager pussy. As he touched my fiery flesh, I groaned aloud. "Yes!" I hissed. "Right there." Todd pushed forward. I gasped as the thick head parted my swollen pussy-lips. It felt enormous. His thick monster filled me. God, did it fill me. He slowly rocked back and forth, feeding his entire cock into me, inch by amazing inch. I was doing it. Finally, I was getting fucked. So this is what everyone always talks about, I thought. "This is your first time," he said. "Yes, baby," I admitted. "Jesus, Jessica," he whispered, pulling back. "I didn't know." "Fuck me, Todd," I begged, grinding my hips up as I tried to get more of his thick prick up into my shivering young body. "Please baby. I want it so bad. I've wanted to do this for so long. Fuck me." He did. He fucked me. Todd pushed up, raising his chest from my aching titties. I gasped with delight as he thrust into me. Big and hard and throbbing. His big cock slipped in deeper, penetrating my secret places, filling me with his jerking thickness. He was gentle with me. I felt it all. Every wonderful inch of cock. "Ooooh, my god!" I moaned. Todd made my finger-fucking seem like a casual handshake. His big boner pushed all the way in, bottoming-out inside me, and my legs wrapped around his driving ass. Todd came back down on me, his chest crushing my titties. His hands went under my pillow. He drove into me. That big prick sank up into me. Over and over and over again. I don't know how long it lasted. It could have been forever. I was in a dreamland of pure delight. It couldn't have been very long because Todd was hot, too. He was groaning as he fucked me. All I remember was frantically squirming and twisting under his welcomed weight, fucking my hips up and down as I tried to screw my entire young body up over that deeply embedded tube of cock meat. "I can't hold it back," he groaned. At first, I didn't know what he meant. But then I realized he was going to cum. Todd was going to squirt his hot cum into my belly. "Yes!" I screamed, the sound echoing in the small room. "Do it, baby. Cum in me!" My hips opened wider somehow. Another fraction of an inch of Todd's jerking hardness slipped up inside me. I had it all. My heels were drumming on his ass, urging Todd to drive into me. Harder. Faster. Deeper. "Cum," I moaned. That did it. He grunted into my ear, his entire muscular body tightening in a wild spasm. The cock inside my hot pussy grew even bigger, throbbing and bucking. Todd gave out one last thrust, burying the head as deeply as he could in my churning cunt. "Here it comes," he moaned. I felt it all. Todd's cock throbbed again, but this time it was different. This throbbing came up from his balls. Suddenly, I felt Todd's prick open up. Hot jets of creamy cum shot out, splashing over the tight walls of my climaxing pussy. I kept my legs wrapped tightly around Todd's ass. His cum was quickly over, but mine held on for almost a minute. Each jerk of his cock inside my climaxing cunt would bring on another body-shuddering spasm. When he collapsed on top of me, I held Todd's head against my breasts. I've done it, I thought to myself. Now, I'm a woman. "Well," he said, pushing up to look into my eyes. "What do you think of fucking, now?" "Mmm," I purred as we snuggled in the afterglow of that marvelous fuck. "I loved doing that with you, Todd." "Me, too," he whispered. "Are you sure that was your first time, Jessica." "Of course," I said, thinking that he didn't believe me. "You must be a natural, then," he said, looking into my eyes so I'd be sure to catch his meaning. "You really fuck great, baby." "Thanks," I giggled. "All hot and tight and wet, just like I like 'em," he joked. "I'm probably tight because your cock is so big, Todd," I said. "I was afraid at first. You know. Afraid that you wouldn't be able to get him inside me." "I hate to tell you this," he laughed, "but I'm not all that big, Jessica. I've got a little more than six inches. That's about normal. There's lots of guys out there with bigger dicks than mine." "There is?" I asked, my innocence making Todd laugh once more. "I didn't know that!" I was showering about 20 minutes later, after Todd kissed me goodbye at the door. What he had said stuck in my mind. I'd never thought about size during my lusty dreams about getting fucked. I loved the way Todd's prick felt inside me. But, Todd said that there were lots of guys with pricks bigger than his. I was going to have to look into that, I thought. CHAPTER TWO After Todd left, I slept like a baby. When I woke, my whole outlook on life had changed. Whenever I walked from the dorm toward the swimming and diving facility, I felt eyes clicking to check me out. I still was properly dressed as a nurse, but my old, oversized dresses were gone forever. I had replaced them all! Now, I was wearing a size 7, white minidress and white thigh-high stockings. The top elastic on the stockings were lace.On top, a new 34B demi-cup bra was pushing up my breasts so they would show nicely through the gap I left in the top of the dress. I left the top three buttons open on the dress, just enough to show the inner curves of my breasts. I was a new woman indeed. I even had my hair frosted and styled at a beauty shop near the campus. When I walked into the front offices on the Monday morning, after my weekend with Todd, Coach Martin, the head coach, stopped talking to the other coaches as I passed. His jaw hung open, and the other two coaches—Bill Robertson the swimming coach and Rob Dunn the diving coach—turned around in their chairs to watch my wiggling backside as I passed. "Good morning, guys," I called. "Jesus!" I heard the head coach say. "Is that Nurse Perry?" gasped one of the other men. "If it is, I'm going to find a way of getting sick real quick," answered Coach Martin. I went straight to my office. This was so new to me. It had taken all of my willpower to totally change my look and attitude. I felt so wicked, yet the sexy way this dress made me feel was too arousing to stop. I liked having them look at me. I liked being sexy. I was so wet inside I could hear myself squishing as I closed the door behind my quivering backside. The way the three men had talked about me was so exciting. Just knowing that I could turn on three guys who were so different from each other was a wild experience. Coach Martin was over 40 and balding a little on top, but he was such a nice man. Robert Dunn was younger, but still in his early 30s. He was a hairy-chested, cocky, handsome man in great shape. Once, they told me, he was the best diver in the country. The third man, Billy Robertson, was the best looking of the three. He was on the Olympic water-polo team only a few years ago. At 26, he was in the prime of his life. All the girls on the team were in love with the shy Coach Robertson. After I made it inside my office, I was able to relax and go to work. I got men out of my mind—at least for a while—as I lost myself in my work. No one was going to walk in and disturb me because the door to the nurse's station locks automatically. I have to carry my copy of the electronic key attached to my identification badge. The only other copy of the key is locked in a safe in the athletic director's office, along with every other department nurse's key. This tight security was not unusual, and like other colleges stemmed from drug testing, which incidentally was my main function here. When I hired, I was told that drug testing would be my main job at the college. Yes, I had to be near the pool during practices, to take care of any injury or water accident, but my main job was to monitor, give and record the various drug-testing programs. I did have a young doctor above me who was in charge of the nursing staff, but I hadn't seen him yet. The athletic director here is serious about keeping his department clean. No drug use is allowed by anyone on the team. I even have a long list of prescription and over-the-counter medicines that are banned by one organization or another. Any athlete who is on one of these medicines has to be on record in my office, and in most cases, he or she has to take the medicine in my presence before a competition. The morning practice for divers was over before I caught up on the paperwork from the last series of drug tests. As usual, the swimming and diving team had a perfect testing result. All negative. I went out to tell Coach Martin the good news, but the pool area was filled with swimmers. Coaches Martin and Robertson were busy getting the new kids ready for the team trials. I stood for a few seconds, looking out over the huge expanse of blue water, and then figured the good news could wait. I had plenty of filing to do so I returned to my office. I settled down in my chair, and suddenly heard this strange sound. I looked around, not sure what the noises were and decided they were coming from next door. "Aaauugh," the sound came again. It was a low, squealing cry, like an animal in pain. The cries got louder, then they faded. The next thing I heard was a giggle, quickly followed by a deeper groaning that had to be coming from a man. I turned completely around to the air vent in the wall that connected to the storage room next door. Curious, I figured if I stood on the table, I could get my eye up to the vent. I did and was shocked at what I saw. "Yeah, baby," Coach Dunn, moaned. "Suck me. Yes! Suck on my cock, Pam." The hairy-chested diving coach was stretched out on another table like the one I was standing on. He was naked and sticking up from his waist was his huge penis. I could tell it was bigger than Todd's, as the woman he was with interrupted my gaze. "You licked my pussy real nice, Coach," the young woman said. "I'm gonna suck your big ol' cock just as nice." The blonde leaned over the coach's beautiful penis, raised her face and smiled at him. I knew Pam, but I couldn't believe she had the coach's penis in her hands, and was slowly stroking up and down over his rock-hard shaft. And from the way the good ol' coach was groaning, I knew he was enjoying the hand-job. Pam was a freshman, just 18 years old who was trying for one of the openings on the diving team. She'd been a great diver in high school, but in the last two years her figure had changed. Her slim-diver body was different now—as I could plainly see. She was about as tall as I was, but while I was thin and nicely shaped, Pam was full-figured and voluptuous. Her breasts had to be a size D, her hips were wide, her tummy was small, and she had these big breasts, which at the moment were swaying and brushing up and down over the coach's bare thighs. As Pam squirmed up on the table and crawled between his open legs, she opened her legs, and I noticed her lightly furred crotch was blonde, too. I was very interested in what she was going to do. "You ready, baby?" she teased, her hand moving up and down over the pretty penis. "Are you ready for a nice blowjob?" As I watched in awe, Pam lowered her pretty face and blew lightly over Rob's naked, twitching erection. Her lips parted, and her pink tongue flicked over the head of his penis. "Mmmm," he groaned. She was actually licking Coach Dunn's penis! I was about to fall through the vent. I'd heard girls giggling about this but I'd always thought they were just making it up. Pam had said something earlier about the coach licking her sweet pussy, but I thought I'd heard wrong. I guess I heard right, though. Not only was she slobbering all over his pretty penis, but it looked as if little Pam was having as much fun sucking his big penis as the coach was in receiving the blonde diver's naughty kisses. She was grinning and panting as she kissed the thick tip of his hard penis and he was smiling back at her. "It's too bad we don't have a cocksucking team," he said, teasing Pam who was between his open legs. "Damn. You'd make that team for sure, honey! I guarantee it." Pam's soft-looking lips parted. She centered the tip of his penis between her lips and moaned softly. As I watched, Pam started to suck Rob's penis into her mouth. She took about half of the thick hardness, then started swirling her mouth around in little, tight, wet circles. "Oooooh, God," he groaned. Her mouth came up again. She kept her moist lips right against his jerking penis, vibrating them so close to his thick erection as she spoke. "I wish you did, too," she purred. "I truly love sucking on a guy's penis, Coach. Your penis especially. It's almost too big for me to take, though. You're gonna have to get me real hot before I'm gonna get him all down my throat." Pam's fist pumped again. She forced up a glistening drop of pre-cum just as I had on Saturday night. But, instead of using it to lubricate his penis, this wild little woman licked her sweet tongue out and slurped up the gooey drop. "Mmmmm," she moaned. As the clear fluid oozed from her lower lip, Pam moved her angelic face back away from his penis, slowly stretching the rope of pre-cum still attached to the head of his erection. Finally, it broke. Pam licked up the fluid from his hairy belly, and then went back to working her mouth over his jerking hard-on. I stood on the table, watching the naughty show little Pam was putting on for me. My legs were open now, and my panties were down around my knees. I had one hand buried between my thighs, masturbating wildly over my dripping pussy as I watched the blonde diver sucking over the magnificent hunk of penis she was holding in both hands. Pam was taking it. I gasped as another inch of his meaty thickness disappeared into her mouth. As she moaned steadily, the coach pinched both of her heavy nipples, rolling the slightly darker-pink flesh sticking out from her soft breasts and encouraging her to even wilder mouth action. The harder he rolled her nipples, the more Pam moaned. And the more she moaned, the deeper that big penis sank between her sucking lips. Pam was working her jaws like a snake swallowing a meal after a long fast, slowly working her mouth and throat around the shaft of Coach Dunn's swollen penis. "Yes, Pam," he groaned. "That's it. Take it all. Ooooh, God, yes! Use that sweet tongue, baby." I fought to keep my eyes open, wanting to see every naughty thing that Pam did to Rob Dunn. My fingers had my hot pussy spread open and I had both hands in action now. I held the furry outer lips of my throbbing crotch open with the fingers of my left hand, while the middle finger of my right hand flicked up and down over the shaft of my quivering clitoris. I could feel my own nipples all hard and swollen inside my new demi-bra. Pam pulled his penis from her mouth. She started licking it, working her way from the crinkly sac holding his balls, and sliding ever so sexily up to the dripping tip of his purple monster. She bathed it all, licking over every inch of that pretty thing."God, I love watching you do that," he groaned. "You're a dream come true for a dirty old man like me." "It's fun sucking your cock, honey," she agreed. "You moan so nice when I do something naughty like this." Pam bobbed her mouth again, dropping down swiftly to take the head of his prick back down into her throat once more. I could see her gulping over the head, milking it somehow inside her mouth and throat. The little sounds she had been making didn't stop, but they were muffled by the mouthful of cock meat she swallowed. And she sure got the moaning she was looking for. Coach Dunn grabbed her long blonde hair, fucking his hard cock into her mouth. After a few strokes, he released his grip so she could come back up and start that sexy licking all around his prick once more. Her groaning didn't stop as she changed techniques. She ran her thumb up the thick tube buried in the front of his cock, and licked up the sweet drops as they appeared. After each lick, the coach would groan, place his hands back on Pam's nipples again, and bring on some higher-pitched groans from her. "You gonna cum in my mouth this time, Coach?" she asked, the words making him shudder. "I know you wanted to last time, but I needed to feel it shooting up in me." "Sure, honey," she purred. "I owe you a nice blowjob for trying to help me with my diving." I flicked harder over my clitty. I felt that heavy sensation starting deep in my guts. I eased up just a fraction, then rolled my finger over the entire length of my clitty to get myself off. For a second, my eyes closed as I shuddered through a nice climax. The thought of a man shooting his cum into my mouth brought on my own cunt-spasming orgasm. I'd never dreamed about doing something this wicked, but now the idea was enticing. Pam obviously loved it. Maybe I would, too. I opened my eyes as the last quivers of my orgasm passed. But I hadn't missed that much. Pam was still working her sweet tongue around the head of the coach's throbbing boner. She was moving it back and forth, flicking her tongue over an inch or so just under his piss-slit. She looked up into his eyes and smiled. "I know I promised you a blowjob this time, honey," she said coyly, "but I've got to feel this big thing inside me again. Do you mind if we fuck a little?" "Shit, no!" he laughed. "Goodie," she giggled. In seconds, they changed places. Pam was on her back on a mat. Coach Dunn was over her. But, then got into a weird position. I moved to the other side of the bent and watched as he reached under her legs, propping the big-titted woman up as his elbows fit into the bends of her knees. He pushed forward, and his big prick slipped up into the hot, wet gash I could clearly see beneath that thin covering of blonde cunt fur. I straightened my middle finger, sliding it up into my own tight pussy. As Coach Dunn stroked into little Pam's cunt-hole, I finger-fucked myself in perfect timing with the panting couple. "God, you're wet," he whispered. "Stick that big ol' horse cock in me," she was groaning, fighting to keep her voice low. "This has got to be the biggest prick I've ever seen, Coach. Fuck me with it. Ram him in me. You know how I like it, Rob. Fuck me hard and fast. "I still want to cum in your mouth," he groaned. "Just tell me in time," she answered in a low, growling moan. "If you pull it out, I'll take your cum, baby." Coach Dunn started fucking. This was nothing like the gentle screw that I had enjoyed so much on Saturday night. She begged him to fuck her hard and fast and that's exactly what he started to do. He leaned forward, his chest over her huge pair of creamy tits, and as he fucked into her this time, he rammed his big boner all the way inside her hot cunt. Instantly, he pulled back and slammed it home repeatedly. The soft mat they were fucking on was bouncing Pam's ass back after each hard thrust. The coach timed it out perfectly, bouncing Pam's hot body between his hips and the springy mat. She slammed back and forth, her squirming wetness sliding up and down, taking Rob's thick prick fully into her body on each stroke. I had two fingers in my creaming cunt now, trying to keep up with their wild pace. Soon my own panting cries echoed in the closed office, but Pam and Rob were too busy to hear my pants. I reached up a little higher to get a better view of them but from my angle, I couldn't see the spot where his cock was riding in and out of her tight pussy. Yet, I could certainly see what that wicked junction was doing to both of them. Rob had his head thrown back, his beautiful body arched as he drove harder and faster and deeper into little Pam. He fucked on and on and on, and seemed capable of keeping up his driving pace for hours. "Ooooh," I moaned, trying to keep my own lust sounds low. Suddenly, though, Pam's cry matched mine. The big-titted blonde diver was right in the middle of cumming. She bit back screams of pure delight as the coach trapped her arms now, pinning her to the mat. There was nothing Pam could do to stop this amazing ravaging, even is she wanted to. But I could plainly see that Pam was enjoying every wild stroke. "I'm getting close," he groaned, his face twisted with lust. "Can I pull him out, Pam?" "Jesus, baby!" she cried. "Don't stop now. Just a little more. Fuck me a little more. I'm cumming so nice." She wasn't the only one. I was rubbing the pad of my middle finger directly on the tip of my hard little joy-button. I'd been cumming steadily ever since I started watching these two. My knees were quivering and weakening as I stood in this cramped position, but I didn't want to stop watching. I'd never seen anything like this before in my life, and I wanted to see what they'd do next. The coach leaned forward, hunching his hips faster. Only about half of his cock was inside her now. His face was buried in the sweaty valley between her huge tits as he chewed at her nipples savagely. Her nipples grew as the coach chewed and pulled on them with his teeth. "Oooh, that's it!" Pam screamed. "Bite 'em. Bite my nipples hard." His mouth came free as he switched to the other side, and Pam moaned, "Fuck me, Coach. Just a little more. Oooh, baby. I'm gonna cum again!" I raised one hand, pushing down into my bar to capture one of my own aching nipples. I twisted and pinched the hot little bud, remembering how Todd had thrilled me that way during my own first fuck. My right hand dug between my clenched thighs, and my middle finger slid between my puffy cuntlips. I bunched my forefinger with it and I could feel the suction drawing my fingers in deeper. I needed more, and I added my ring finger to the bunched fingers inside my fiery cunt, but what I really needed inside me was that big prick I watched down below. I needed it up inside my horny little fuck-hole. "Now!" Pam suddenly groaned. And I realized that Coach Dunn must have been right on the edge of cumming, too. He jerked out his throbbing prick, and for just a second, I got a good look at the long, hard thing. His prick was all shiny with the cunt juices from little Pam's cunt, the head was almost purple. As he tried to crawl up over her, his long shaft bobbing up and down, I could even see the slit in the tip gaping open spastically. Coach Dunn stumbled as he tried to get his cock up to Pam's face before his orgasm hit. But he didn't make it. "Ooooh," grunted Coach Dunn, his warning just a split second too late to do any good. His prick opened up, spewing an arching jet of hot cum. Pam was sitting half upright, propping herself up on one elbow as she fought to get her mouth back over his cock. Rob was crouching over her chest, his balls resting on those big tits as he shoved his cock out as far as he could. But, despite both their efforts, there was a gap of about four inches between her soft lips and the rubbery head of his cock. As I watched, my eyes wide with amazement, hot cock-cream flew out and hit Pam right in the face. She moaned, grabbing for his exploding prick. She opened her mouth, getting some of the next spurt before finally closing her lips around his still-belching boner. "Mmm," she yelled. Pam sucked the rest of his orgasm into her mouth, gulping as she swallowed his cream. She nursed on the big hard-on, and when she finally let his empty prick escape her sucking mouth, it was soft again. Pam looked up at Coach Dunn and grinned, when she turned her face, I could see cum dripping from her chin. The white cream was all over her tits and neck. Rob had cum a gallon, and most of it was on Pam's face and skin. "I think I missed," he laughed. "I guess so, honey," big-titted Pam giggled, wiping up his cum with her fingers, and then seductively licking off the pearls of jism as she sucked at her slimy fingers. "God, you turn me on," he said. "I really wish there was some way for you to make the diving team." "I know," she said a little sadly. "I'm gonna try, but I don't think I'm gonna make it, either." Coach Dunn took Pam in his arms, cum and all, and kissed her sweetly on her open lips. I wanted to watch more, but I heard footsteps approaching my office. Then someone knocked at the door. I hopped down quickly, ripping off my soaking wet panties. I wiped some of the pussy juice from my hands and threw the panties under my desk. I took a quick look in the mirror, straightening my dress and composure before I answered the door. "Nurse Perry!" an excited young man said. "Come quick. Carter has a bad cramp in his leg." CHAPTER THREE I ran with the young man to the pool and saw Coach Martin in the water, holding up another guy. Coach Robertson was directing the others to the shallow end, and he was swimming across the pool. "I'm sorry, Coach," the young man in the water was saying. "I don't believe this. My leg just cramped up." "We're going to do it my way, Carter," the head coach said sternly."You wait until we're ready, then we'll lift you out of the water. Once we're sure you're okay, then you can try the leg." I saw what they were going to do, so I squatted at the edge of the pool to help. I reached across Coach Robertson, pulling the young man up as the two men pushed. Together, we guided him up onto the smooth tiles at the side of the pool. "Go ahead and dismiss the rest of them," Coach Martin said. "We'll call it a day." I was checking Carter out, making sure that there wasn't a real injury masking itself as a cramp, when I noticed that Coach Martin hadn't moved yet. The younger coach was halfway across the pool, swimming steadily and smoothly toward the rest of the team, but the head coach was still in the water below me. Then I looked over at him. The bald spot on the top of his head was as red as the rest of his face. His eyes didn't meet mine. He was looking lower, much lower. At first, I couldn't figure out what was holding his attention so fervently. Then I remembered that I'd tossed my panties under the desk before running out to the pool. Coach Martin was staring right up under my nursing uniform. My legs were parted to hold my balance as I squatted at the side of the pool, and he was staring right up into the slippery gash of my wide-open, wet pussy. I knew my pussy was probably as hot and wet and feverish as my orgasm was only seconds earlier. Coach Martin was staring right at my swollen, wet pussy, and there was absolutely nothing I could say or do. Finally, he looked up, locking onto my eyes. I saw immediately that he was embarrassed, and also embarrassed myself, I started to cover up. Then I changed my mind. I'd liked it when the three men were looking at me earlier and this was an even better look. It was up close and personal, and it made me feel sexy and bold. I squatted a little deeper, opening my thighs further apart. His eyes dropped between my legs again, not moving a muscle. "What do you think, Coach?" I asked. "I, uh," he stammered, tearing his eyes from my snatch. "Let's, uh, yeah. Let's see if he can stand." The coach came up out of the pool in one rush. He stood at my side and together, we got the young man upright. As he put weight on his right side, the muscle cramped up again tightly. "Whirlpool," said Coach Martin. He pointed at two of the younger swimmers and told them to help Carter into the training room. Just before he walked away, I got a good look at Coach Martin's crotch, and saw that his prick was making a tent in his long swimming trunks. "Make sure that he checks with me before you let him go, Coach," I said. "I want to examine him, just in case." "He needs 20 minutes in the whirlpool, first," he said, his eyes avoiding mine. "Fine," I said, wondering why he looked away. "I'll wait in my office. You come get me when you're ready." I went back to my office, and by the time the younger coach came in and told me that they were ready to leave, I was furious. I didn't know why Coach Martin had acted like that. I didn't flash my pussy on purpose, and he didn't have to look as if he found it so disgusting. "Fine," I told Billy Robertson. "I'll be right in the training room." Carter was still sitting in the whirlpool when I arrived. The timer said that he had five minutes to go. We were alone, and I got up and locked the outside door because whenever staff was at the swimming facility after hours, that's what I was supposed to do. The young man talked to me as we waited. Carter was the long-distance specialist on the swimming team, and seemed embarrassed about during practice. We talked about it until the timer went off. He wanted to go back to the dorm, but I insisted on checking out his leg first. "Out," I ordered. "I'm not going to release you for practice until I'm sure you're all right." "I don't have anything on," he finally said. I handed him a towel, turning my back as he climbed out and covered his waist. He toweled off quickly and wrapped the damp towel around him, certain he was safe from my gaze. But I had cheated. I watched his reflection in one of the mirrors over the sinks. When he crawled out of the whirlpool, his prick was stiff as a board. He tried to hide it from me, but I got a look when he turned to wrap the towel. Yes. I'd been right. Big and hard, just as I was learning to appreciate. It was as if I'd developed a radar for hard-ons now that I was no longer a virgin. Everywhere I turned, I saw men with boners. I waited until he was covered, then turned and walked out of the training room. Carter followed me back to the nurses station. I closed my door securely behind us, making sure that we wouldn't be disturbed, and he hopped up on the examination table. When I started checking out his leg, I felt my pussy start to dampen again. "Where does it hurt?" I asked. "Up high on the inside," he said. I checked, already knowing what was wrong. I pushed in on the area of his groin tendon, and he jerked. When his leg cramped, he'd pulled the tendon too far. It was a fairly common injury, and I didn't really need to explore further, but I didn't tell him that. "Let's see," I said, trying to sound medical. I moved the towel up higher over his belly. As I felt the inside of his thigh, I moved his legs apart. His hairy balls rolled down as his thighs parted. My hand ran along his inner thigh. His balls moved as I touched them, squirming and sliding as my fingers wormed their way underneath. Under the towel, I saw a bulge throbbing. "Well," I said, "it's either a groin pull or something in your lower abdomen causing the pain. Let's check it out." I pulled the towel up higher, and it came unhooked. His cock fell out in my view, and Carter blushed again. I pushed on his lower abdomen, knowing nothing was wrong. I really wanted to get a good look at that pretty thing sticking up from his crotch. Of course, I wasn't a connoisseur of cocks yet, only having seen two hard ones, but his balls amazed me. They were as big as lemons, and his cock was nice too. My mind was definitely not at my work. All I could think of when I saw Carter's big balls and stiff cock was how much cum would shoot out of nuts that big. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your belly," I said. "But we're going to have to do something about that swelling." "My leg?" he asked, seeming a little concerned about something really being wrong. "Yeah," I said, wrapping my fingers around his throbbing cock. "Your middle one." I reached up with my free hand, unbuttoning my nursing uniform, and with my other hand I rippled my fingers up and down over that stiff length of cock meat. I went slowly, giving Carter plenty of time to stop me if he objected. He didn't, so I jacked up and down over his cock. "I don't believe this," he said. "I'm a trained nurse," I said with a smile. "You're going to have to trust me on this, Mr. Carter. I know just what to do in cases like this. It's simple therapy that won't hurt you a bit." He just gawked up at me, his prick twitching nicely against my palm. Then I released one of my firm tits and his eyes locked on my nipple. I let go of his prick, stripping off my white dress and tossing it over onto my desk. I left my bra and stockings on, knowing how naughty I looked. I came closer. Carter started to sit up, reaching for me. "No," I said. "Rest. That's an order, Mr. Carter. You really did pull your groin, honey. You're going to have to take it real easy for a couple of weeks. Starting now. Relax. Let me do all the work." Pushing him onto his back, I crawled up over the prone swimmer. I'd never done this before, but the position seemed natural. I threw one leg across his hips, settling down over his rock-hard prick. "I don't believe this," he moaned again, but I noticed that he was pointing his prick up for me. I held still, not sure what to do. Carter must have done this before. The young man moved his prick, sliding that thick head back and forth through my puffy cunt lips. It sank in just enough to pick up my wetness, and by the time I started to drop down, he was slick and ready. My pussy was so hot. I pushed up, feeling Carter's fingers pointing his hard-on up into my pussy. As I felt back down, I sank slowly around his twitching cock. "Mmmm," I moaned softly. Fine, I thought as his prick filled my hot pussy. If Coach Martin doesn't want me, I can find other men who do. I knew I'd seduced this young man to prove that point, but right then I didn't care. All I wanted was the feel of this stiff boner inside my steamy cunt. I eased down farther. That hard tube of cock filled me, and I took it all. I was so horny for cock—especially after my view of the fucking couple in the supply room. The shaft of his prick sawed back and forth against my inflamed clit. "Ooooh, yeah," I moaned softly, loving this new feeling of being in control. There wasn't any room on the examination table for me to rest on my knees, so I raised up on the balls of my feet, and flexed my thighs. My hot pussy dragged up over the long-distance swimmer's cock until just the head remained between my oozing cunt lips. I watched Carter's face, eager to see if he was enjoying what I was doing. He didn't say a word, but his eyes were half closed when I sank down again, this time squeezing the head of his prick inside my gripping pussy as I lowered myself, Carter's eyes rolled up into his head. Obvious approval, I thought as I moved the wet heat of my pussy up and down over his cock. The cock of a man whose first name I didn't even know. It was so depraved and so naughty, the nuns would be scandalized. The young swimmer finally moved. His hand came up, folding down the cups of my demi-bra to expose my aching nipples, and he tweaked once. Quickly he lowered his hand down to where his prick was fully embedded in my soaking wet snatch. "Ooooh," I groaned with delight as his thumb found my swollen clitty and flicked over the slippery tip.I could feel his huge balls squished under my ass. As he tortured my clitoris, I opened wider and sank down a little more. His hand went behind my shoulders and pulled me forward. As I moved my hands past his head, I figured out what Carter was after. My breasts hung right over his face, which was held high by the covered pillow on the examination table. As I scooted up, my ass rose up, dragging some of that wonderful hardness from my overheated cunt, but putting more pressure from his cock across my hard little joy-button. My naked nipples were only inches from his lips. I tried moving again, this time lifting my ass and cunt back and forth instead of up and down. This was much nicer. And as Carter bucked under me, he drove his hard-on up into my slippery cunt-hole. "Yes," I panted. Instinctively, I guess that I learned how to fuck a man from the top. I plunged my cunt back and forth, dragging that hunk of twitching cock meat in and out between my pussy lips. I could feel it so well this way. Every bump and ridge of his prick rippled across my fiery flesh, and my entire body quivered with excitement. Carter still said nothing but that didn't keep me quiet. "God, I love doing this," I groaned, enthralled by the delicious feelings washing over my body. "I love fucking! I should have started years ago." Trembling with pleasure, I fucked this quiet, young man long and hard. As he humped up, I sank down around him and every now and then, I looked down. Between my legs, a hunk of cock was sliding in and out of my grinding cunt-hole. And as his prick came out of my juicy hole, my outer pussy-lips stretched and spread as if my passion-slickened cunt didn't want to let the luscious hard prick out of its grip. And where he fucked back into my sucking wetness, I was wide open, totally defenseless for his relentless upward thrusts. My legs flailed as I sank down another fraction of an inch, impaled on the thick pole of his throbbing hard-on. Carter's hands urged me to move, lifting up on my ass, and I pushed up, resting my hands on his smooth chest. "Yes," I moaned again. I raised up, keeping just the plum-like head of the young man's boner inside my gripping pussy-lips. Then I sank down again, feeling as if I was stuffed with hard prick meat. The next time I pulled my trembling body up and back, I squeezed inside all around Carter's thick rod. To my surprise, I was discovering fuck muscles that I didn't know existed. I tightened and held him, milking all around the jerking length of heavenly cock inside my hungry pussy. "I really don't believe that!" he grunted, his smoky brown eyes again rolling back into his head. "You mean this?" I purred. I moved again, sliding my cunt up and down, back and forth, quickly learning to control my inner charms as I rocked thrillingly over Carter's steel-like prick. A smile crossed my face. I'd been worried about not doing it right, and here I was pleasing the young swimmer. "Is this what you like, baby?" I teased, stimulating both of us with my naughty words and rhythmically grinding body. "You like my tight, little pussy?" I turned my head, catching the reflection of the two of us in the mirror behind the locked door. For just a split-second, I didn't recognize myself. The woman in the mirror was beautiful. Her sexy body glistened with a sheen of sweat, and her face glowed with sexual fulfillment. That's me, I thought. I've turned into a cock-loving, sinful woman. "Do it," I urged him. "Fuck up into me, baby. Slide that big hard cock into me, Carter. Harder. Oooh, yes. That's it. Fuck it to me! Fuck me with that big cock." I felt an orgasm starting deep in my belly. As he fucked up into me, pounding relentlessly into my cock-hungry cunt, and I started to cum. "Oooh, baby," I groaned. "Your cock feels so nice up in me. Fuck me. Make me cum, Carter. Please! Make me cum hard!" Carter leaned up, sucking at my breasts. His hands drifted behind me. He spread the cheeks of my ass, probing into the crack between those tight buns. One finger dipped into the back of my grinding pussy, then moved wetly to my asshole. "What are you doing?" I groaned. Without answering, Carter kept searching for the center of my backdoor. He found it. His finger circled, getting me wet and again he went to my gushing cunt, transferring more of my slick juices. The slimy feel made me shiver. I knew what was coming. I just didn't believe it. "Mmmmmm," I sighed as a brand-new, delightful thrill overwhelmed my senses. He did it. He pushed his fingers slowly up into my crinkled asshole. One smooth, steady push, and he was in me. With his finger inside my butt, he pushed his cock deep into my eager cunt. He fucked his finger in and out in time with that heavenly hard cock, slipping deeper and deeper up inside me at both ends. "Ooooh, you naughty boy," I gasped, grinding my quivering butt-hole back until his penetrating finger sank up palm-deep into my asshole. His huge balls were squirming under me, and I knew he was getting close to filling me with cream. My moans echoed in the small room as he worked his wriggling finger around and around inside me, stretching the hot flesh of my asshole. I loved it. His pulsating hard prick stroking deep inside my quivering cunt, and his naughty finger up inside my tightly clutching asshole and his mouth over my rock-hard nipples. "Oooh, here comes a nice one," I squealed, riding up and down over both his long hard cock and that rigid middle finger. "I'm gonna make it again!" The young swimmer's mouth sucked my nipples harder and faster, and his hard fucking strokes jabbed up into me, rocking my entire body. I responded, arching my back and swirling my smoldering cunt. I moved too quickly, though. The finger in my ass came out with a plopping sound. "Nooo," I complained, but it was too late. Now, both of his hands were on my ass, making me ride him faster and faster. His strong fingers dug into my tender flesh, cupping both cheeks of my creamy butt. I fell forward, my mouth finding Carter's. My lips opened as his slippery tongue snaked between them, and his lips closed around my mouth sucking so seductively over my pink tongue. As I undulated over Carter and his beautiful boner, I tongue-fucked his lips. My cunt was ablaze, and nothing mattered any longer except making that incredible cock inside me explode. Suddenly, his cock swelled larger and his pounding strokes ended. Carter pushed up so high, his ass arched off the examination table. I milked my cunt once more, keeping him right on the edge, and then started a frantic fucking motion as a choking cry passed his lips. "Yes!" I screamed, jerking my mouth from his. "Oooh, God. That's it. Fuck me, baby. Cum. Cum for me." He climaxed with me. I felt his prick bucking inside my hot cunt. Thick cum shot out, boiling up from those huge balls. He kept his back arched up, letting me use my inner muscles to bring him through the body-shaking seconds of his orgasm. As he screamed, wave after wave of hot jism splattered up into my climaxing fuck-hole. The slippery cum filled my tight pussy and seeped back out around his deeply embedded cock. I didn't have to wonder any longer about those huge balls. Carter's muscles all seemed to relax at once. I sank down, and our skin slipped together, both of us covered with sweat. Cum trickled back out over his balls. "How did you like my treatment?" I asked after we'd both recovered enough breath to speak. "Nice," he whispered, kissing me gently along my neck. "Did you?" "Did I what?" I purred, enjoying the tickling feel. "Did you cum?" "God, yes!" I laughed, looking into his eyes, realizing at that moment that my sexual desires were growing with each passing day. I was going to need others, hopefully others who fucked like this young swimmer. "How's the leg?" I asked, squirming to let him know I wanted up. "Okay," he said, surprised. "See," I said. "I told you I was a trained nurse." We dressed. I told him how to treat his leg, advising him to see the doctor in the morning. By the time he was up and dressed, I was back in my nursing mode. I ushered him out the door, locked up and walked back to my dorm room. For a Monday, this had turned out to be a really great day!The big ring holding up the zipper, though, wasn't up at the top. In fact, it was down just below the curves of my breasts. My sensitive breasts were pushed up in a lacy bra, and as I leaned over, Coach Martin had a free glimpse down into my dress. He looked, and I could tell that he liked what he saw. But, as soon as I looked up, he jerked his eyes away and turned all red again. "Coach?" I said. "Yes, Miss Perry," he answered formally. "Don't you like me?" "Of course, I like you," he said. "You don't act like it," I said, pouting as I leaned further over the desk, and pushing my arms in around my chest. "I'm, uh," he stammered, finally getting the words out. "I-I'm not always comfortable talking to members of the staff." "Bullshit!" I said harshly. "What?" he gasped, shocked to hear this once-quiet nurse using words like that. "I said bullshit, Coach Martin," I said. "I've seen you looking at me. I even heard you joking with the other guys about my body." "Well," he said, blushing again. "I guess." "I didn't mean to flash my pussy at you yesterday. It just happened. But you looked. I saw you. I saw you get a hard-on, too." "Miss Perry!" he gasped again. "So why do you act as if you're afraid of me?" I asked. At first, he wouldn't answer me. I waited, seeing his eyes flashing up to peek at my breasts once again. "If I minded you looking," I whispered, pulling the ring down another inch. "I'd cover up. I like you looking, coach. Talk to me." "I don't think a beautiful, young woman like you would be interested in having some bald old man hitting on her," he said, hanging his head. "I like you, Coach Martin," I said, understanding the problem now. "You're nice." He smiled, this time looking up at me, and then he dropped his eyes to look at my exposed breasts. When his eyes came back up to mine, he wasn't trying to hide what he'd seen. "I think you're kinda cute, too," I giggled. "Really?" he said. "And I know you like looking at girls," I said. "Go ahead. Look. I don't mind. I like having a man look at me. I love it when a guy gets hard over me. My pussy was all wet when you saw it, wasn't it?" "Jesus," he moaned softly as I pulled down the zipper on the front of my dress. My door was locked, and I let the dress fall to the floor. His eyes followed my hands as I found the front clasp to my new bra. He leaned forward, anticipating what I was going to show him. "You wanna see my tits?" I asked, teasing him as my fingers toyed with the clasp. He nodded, unable to speak. I flipped, letting my nicely shaped breasts come into view. My nipples were crinkled up and hard. I rolled them between my fingers, naughtily licking my lips as that warm feeling I loved started to heat up in my belly. My hands went down to my panties. Today, I had on a pair of French-cut, bikini style panties. I hooked my thumbs in the top and waited, teasing Coach Martin. "Ask me," I said. "Ask to see my hot, little pussy, baby." My hand slipped down inside my panties. I watched his eyes as I opened my cunt, flicking into the wet pool inside my creaming fuck hole. I stroked up to my clitoris, groaning as the feelings got hotter. "God, Jessica," he panted. "Please. Let me see your pussy again." I dragged off the damp panties. I was all wet inside, and I wanted to show my wet cunt to the coach. To really show it to him. I hopped up on my empty desk, opening my legs wide. "Take a good look, Coach," I whispered, spreading my legs for him. I closed my eyes, the naughty thrill of exposing myself so openly to this man was almost enough to bring on an orgasm without even being touched. I heard the chair Coach Martin was sitting in roll closer to the desk. His strong hands touched my knees. Then something incredible touched the folds of my furry pussy. A moist, warm, wriggling mass separated my swollen labia, sliding right up to the stiff tip of my clitoris. "Ooooh, my God," I groaned. "What are you doing to me?" "I'm just licking your pretty pussy," he said. "Jesus, that's so wonderful," I gasped. "No one has ever gone down on you?" he asked, amazed again by my lack of sexual experience. "No," I said. "Never. But don't stop. Please, Coach. Do that again." My body writhed and squirmed on the hard desktop as he leaned in close again. His fingers rubbed over my hot pussy, spreading my labia wide open again. A single finger penetrated my juicy depths, sliding inside and swirling excitedly up to my aching clitoris. "Mmmm," I moaned in protest, pinching my own nipples, knowing fully well that he was watching me slide feverishly over the top of my own desk. "No. Lick me. Do that nasty thing with your tongue again, Coach. Oooh, please?" Coach Martin was holding my cunt open and torturing me with his fingers. I could feel his warm breath. I groaned, humping up until my bare pussy touched his chin. That got him started. That marvelous moist tongue flicked out again. He licked me between my oozing labia and flicked around in a tight little circle around the tip of my joy-button. "Yes!" I hissed. "That's it. More of that." My senses filled with utter delight. I was being eaten by a man and eaten so nicely. And as he licked on my hot little cunt, I pinched down hard on my sensitive nipples. Coach Martin shoved a finger back up into my clutching cunt-hole. I was dripping all over his hands and face, as he sucked my clitoris, gently. "Oooh, that's nice," I managed. "S-So nice." "Your pussy tastes sweet, Jessica," he moaned, the words, almost lost as my thighs closed around his head. "I like hearing you say that," I whispered, spreading my thighs so he could look up at me. "My pussy. It makes me hot to hear that. Talk dirty to me. Eat me and talk dirty to me, Coach." "I'm licking your snatch, you prick-teasing, little bitch," he said, his eyes locked on the winking, wet hole that was squirming only inches from his mouth. "God, your pussy is so beautiful. I haven't seen anything like this in years. So young and wet and hot. Let me lick it. Let me eat your hot cunt, Jessica." He dove back in, unable to stop himself. I didn't care. Those wonderful feelings were back again. He wormed his tongue up between my labia, making one long, wet slurping motion and covering every inch of my naked cunt. His tongue twisted across my clitoris, I clamped again with my moist thighs to show him exactly where I wanted him to lick. All I could see was that bald spot on the back of his head. I was crushing that head, not caring if I was cutting off his air. Surging with lust, I wanted more. I wanted to do it all. I wanted Coach Martin's cock. I wanted to try what he was doing. I wanted to use my mouth on his angrily swollen cock. To let him put it in my mouth, my cunt, even my ass. But most of all, I wanted more of his hot tongue. "Eat me," I ordered as he sucked at my hard joy-button. "Oooh, baby. Suck it. Suck my pussy!" His face was buried in my hairy cunt, Coach Martin started rocking his head back and forth. He was driving his tongue up into me, and my pussy sucked at it, gripping around the slimy mass. I was breathless, over this first-time oral orgy, and I could feel my wetness smearing on his cheeks now as I humped up and down against his driving tongue. As he was stabbing me with his tongue, our timing got off a little. I humped up as he was licking and pushing down. His eager tongue slipped out of my hot pussy, and landed right in the center of my puckering asshole. "Ooooh, Coach," I groaned, mewling as his tongue swirled across the crinkled rings of my ass. "You like that?" he asked, pulling away for just a second. "It's so naughty," I groaned, "but I loved it." Placing his hands high on my thighs, Coach Martin pushed me up, exposing my trembling asshole, and then kissed my puckered hole, slobbering over the crack of my ass. "Ooooh, baby," I sobbed. His tongue stiffened again. He pushed forward, driving that absolutely amazing thing up my ass. I held my breath, willing him not to stop. His tongue slipped up past the tight rings guarding my shitter, and he fucked my virgin asshole as I mewled and squirmed toward his slick face. "That's so nasty, Coach," I grunted, pushing up on my heels to give him all the room I could. "Tongue me. Oooh, yes! Fuck me in the ass with that hot tongue, baby." He stabbed his tongue in and out of my trembling asshole, his chin pressed tightly to my hot crotch. I sobbed, drenching his face with the cunt oils that were pouring from my tight pussy, and I felt my flowering labia sucking at his nose. I humped up, pushing my throbbing clitoris against the tip of his nose, and he slid up and down, stroking his nose over my aching bud. Here I come, I thought to myself. He must have known I was right on the verge of cumming because he pulled his sweet tongue out of my wriggling ass, and quickly wrapped his lips around my aching clitoris. He sucked with the tip of his tongue feverishly flicking across the length of my distended clit. He moaned something unintelligible and rammed two fingers up into my quaking cunt. I climaxed, grinding and bucking against the face between my legs. I know I screamed, but I was too far gone to realize what I was yelling. My juices flowed into his mouth, and as I twisted my nipples, Coach Martin sucked me through the wonderful moment, overpowering me with his tender mouth and tongue. He eased the pressure on my clitoris, licking and kissing over my hot cunt as I came back to my senses. "That was fantastic, Coach," I whispered. I looked down, seeing my flat stomach rippling from the sensations he gave me, and I wanted to return the thrills. I wanted him to cum, too—just as nice as I had. He looked up at me, his juice-covered face peeking up from between my quivering thighs. I lifted my knees up against my breasts, opened my legs and hooked my heels back on the edge of the desk. "I want you," I purred, wriggling my finger for him to come closer. "I want you to fuck me." "Jesus!""Yes," I told him again to make sure he believed me. "I want to do something nice for you, too. I'm going to let you fuck me, Coach. Right now. Right on top of this desk." He stood, ripping off his belt and fighting with the hooks on his pants. He pulled them down, then stripped down his huge boxer shorts. He was hard. His cock was swollen up tightly, pointing right at me. I reached down, running my hand over my cunt, and Coach Martin came closer. I put my soft hand over his jerking prick, caressing his cock to full hardness, and working my slimy fingers around his mature hard-on until he was steaming hot and as anxious as I was for our first fuck. "See how wet you made me, Coach," I sighed. "When you put your naughty tongue up my asshole, I just about died." "Me, too," he groaned. "Put your finger in me," I ordered. He did as I asked. I squeezed down, milking my inner muscles over his slippery middle finger as he stroked in and out of my cock-loving cunt. "Feel how tight my pussy is?" I asked. "God!" he groaned. The cock in my hand jerked. I squeezed down, then slid my slippery hand under his balls. I rolled them, watching his eyes, and he slipped his finger in me deeper, finding a spot way up inside me that drove me wild. As he rubbed, my hand slid down under his balls, and I placed one finger up into the crack of his ass. I wanted to finger-fuck his butt, but I wasn't quite ready for that yet. "Fuck me," I said softly. "Fuck me right now." He stood up in front of my spread legs. I watched him take his own cock in his hand, sliding it up until the tip was bumping against my wanton pussy-lips. Then he nudged the head of his cock up against the slippery opening of my juicy cunt. I sucked in my belly, watching with delight as the coach fucked forward. That stiff, thick prick slipped up into the moist warmth of my slippery pussy. When the entire length of his cock had disappeared up into my body, I locked my legs around his hips, screwing up around the base of his boner. The more I used my body sexually, the more I was able to enjoy the feelings my sexy young body was capable of bringing me. I humped up, squeezing my legs around his ass to make sure I had every inch of Coach Martin's magnificent prick in the smoldering grip of my pulsing pussy. "Fuck," I said. His hands locked on the edge of the desk. Pushing up, he started pumping his prick into me. My earlier toying had his prick fully hard now and his steel-hard shaft rippled along my clitty. Each stroke seemed to take forever, but I didn't hurry him, loving each stimulating second of the steady, slow-motion thrusts. "Deep," I gasped. "Nice and deep, Coach." I twisted my head back and forth, loving the way this older man fucked. The way his pounding, steady rhythm beat into my hot cunt. He didn't seem to be in the same hurry to shoot me full of cum that the younger guys had been. He was enjoying all of me, watching my tits swaying, feeling my young body responding to his, listening to my groaning cries, making me beg for him to keep fucking my melting cunt. And his balls were swinging back and forth, nuzzling against my still slippery asshole. "Jessica," he whispered, as if he still wasn't sure it was me. "God, I love this," I answered. "Having you lick my pussy was nice, but there's nothing like the feel of a nice cock in me. Fuck me, Coach. Fuck me just like that. Oooh, yeah. Just like that." Coach Martin's beautiful cock pumped in and out of my hot, slippery pussy, stretching my cunt so wide. I timed his strokes, squeezing down with my fuck muscles, holding over his sliding prick as it slithered inside me and making my pussy explode as I increased my internal pressure at just the right time. "Harder," I screamed. Coach Martin fucked in and out of my pussy, gathering speed and intensity with each stroke. He hammered me, driving his prick deeper into my trembling pussy. My nerves awakened at this change. Without realizing it, I was moving with him, fucking my hips upward as hard as he was fucking down into me. I slammed my groin up to his, forcing as much of that now-throbbing cock as I could into my cunt. "Are you close, baby?" I asked. "Harder. Oooh. I felt that! He's really throbbing now. You're gonna cum for me." "Yes," he panted. "Don't worry. I'll pull out." "No," I sobbed. "Cum in me." Coach Martin stiffened as I gobbled up his hard cock with the velvety prison of my sweet cunt. My hands went around his waist, locking him close to me. There was no way I was going to let him pull out. I wasn't going to let his load of cum go to waste. I wanted to feel his hot cum spilling into my belly. "Now you can cum," I gasped. I held on tightly, grinding my cunt over his jerking prick. I fought, holding off my own climax until he was there. His strokes slowed. He pushed in hard and deep, letting me tighten all around him before pulling back. I worked my inner magic, voraciously sucking at his cock with my writhing pussy. My hands went down to his ass, and I clutched tightly, pulling in time with his slow strokes. "Feel it, baby," I groaned, the erotic spasms of his prick plugging into me. "Feel how wet my pussy is for you, Coach. I'm gonna make you cum. I'm gonna make you cum so nice, honey." He was close. I looked into his eyes. I could see that he was almost there. "Stay inside me," I whispered. "Let me feel your cum, baby. Let me feel that big cock spurting up inside my hot pussy." It jerked, and I waited until I felt a deep throbbing inside his sliding hard-on. I waited until that first hot, wet, thrilling jet of cock cream squirted up into my milking depths. By waiting, I got to feel it all. Coach Martin kept moving, slowly fucking his big prick deep into me even as he shot me full of cum. The burning of that hot cock juice triggered a wild orgasm that shook my whole body. His face buried in my tits. I held him tightly, letting him know that I was cumming right along with him. I hugged him tightly, loving the luscious tingling inside my well-fucked body. "Coach Martin?" I said. "What, honey?" "Do you have a first name?" I asked. "I've never heard anyone call you anything but coach." "Yes," he said, nuzzling against my naked tits with his lips. "Well," I laughed. "What is it?" "Doug," he said. "Do you think I know you well enough now to call you by your first name?" I asked, feeling his lovely cock softening quickly inside my cum-filled pussy. "Yes," he answered. "Well, Doug," I whispered into his ear. "I want you to know something." "What?" "I still think you're a nice guy, and you're cute. But now I also know that you're one hell of a good fuck," I said, turning his head so I could give him a big, wet kiss right on the bare spot on top. "A girl could do a lot worse than having this bald old man hitting on her.""Is that a problem?" I asked, blushing this time myself. "It sure is," he gasped. "You started rubbing your breasts on my arm when you took that blood sample. My cock just jumped up hard. Then when you locked the door and winked at me, I started thinking about you. About when we had sex. Now the damn thing won't go down!" "You can't urinate like that?" "No way!" he said. "If I could, you'd have to put the cups up on the ceiling." I laughed, but, even as I giggled, I couldn't tear my eyes from his rock-hard erection. I reached out and gently caressed Todd's cock. "Maybe I can help," I whispered. "Is Coach still here?" he gasped, looking over my shoulder worriedly. "He's gone," I said, stroking over the now-twitching length of his penis. "What can I do to make it go down, baby?" "Well," he said, "I'll bet a blowjob would do the trick." I smiled, licking my lips as I felt my heart skipping a beat. As he spoke, his cock jumped wildly. "There's only one problem," I cooed, moving closer to his naked young body. "I've never done that. You'd have to show me what to do, Todd. Would you mind? Would you show me how to suck your cock?" Within about two seconds, I was sitting on the bench in the dressing room, and Todd was standing in front of me. He took my soft hands and wrapped one around the thick base of his beautiful erection, my fingers pointed slightly down toward my salivating mouth. The feel of his hot, hard cock made my pussy drip. "What should I do first?" I asked, my voice croaking. "Kiss it," he whispered. "Lick it all over, baby. Just get used to it before you start sucking." I leaned closer. The tip of his penis was inches from my mouth. I moved my fist up over the towering shaft of cock meat and drew in the clean scent of his musky crotch. As my fist closed tightly, a glistening drop appeared out of the little piss-slit in the tip of his penis head. My lips touched first, kissing the side of his meaty thickness, and as I moved my face, caressing against the velvety hardness of Todd's penis, it twitched. I moaned, rubbing my cheeks against the silky flesh of his erection, my moist lips leaving a damp trail around the lower half of his dick. Each time I touched it, Todd's cock jerked in response. "Mmmm," I sighed, feeling my nipples hardening inside my jumpsuit. "I think he likes me." My mouth filled with hot saliva, and I had to swallow before I could open. I let my tongue peek out, touching his cock flesh. I started licking, bathing around and around, my mouth sliding up higher as I lashed over Todd's fat cock. I felt him shudder with pleasure. As I reached the hard ridge marking the edge of Todd's penis head, I let my tongue explore. It rode up over the crown, feeling the spongy flesh above, and I leaned up to kiss the very tip. My lips touched. That shiny bubble of pre-cum was still quivering as it burst against my lips. It spread, coating my lips slippery, and without thinking, I moved my tongue out and licked the fluid from my lips. "Oooo, baby," I groaned, shuddering against his cock. And I eagerly lapped up Todd's dripping oils. When I'd milked out the last little taste, I pulled down tightly on his throbbing shaft and drilled my tongue into the little gap of his piss-slit. I felt his knees weakening, and Todd leaned against the wall to keep from collapsing into a trembling heap of passion. "Oooh, God Jessica!" he groaned, his hands digging into the short hair on my head. "Am I doing good?" I panted, looking up into his eyes. "Yes!" he hissed. I stood quickly, spinning with Todd in the small room. I put him on the bench, kneeled in front of him, snuggling between his open knees and took that jerking length of tongue-bathed cock in my hands again. I licked over the crown once more, this time, my eyes locking with his as I naughtily caressed Todd's hard-on with my sweet tongue. "Now what?" I purred. "Suck it," he panted. "Tell me," I whispered. "Tell me what to do." "Open your mouth," he growled softly. "Take it. Take my cock in your mouth. Just a little. I promise not to shove it in. Just take a little. Please!" Todd whimpered as my mouth opened and his hands went back to my head. My nursing cap was in his way. Todd fumbled, finding the pins holding the white, squared-off hat and he tore it loose. With a low, growing sob, he gripped my head and thrust his penis into me. He shoved it right into my mouth. I eagerly rode him, letting my lips soften as the head of this horny young man's penis entered my mouth, and I decided right then and there that I wanted to learn to be the best cocksucker that had ever been. "Try to take a little more," Todd said. I opened wide, remembering the way Pam had looked as she sucked on Coach Dunn's much bigger cock. Todd's dick sank in deeper, but when the tip hit the back of my throat, I felt myself tensing. I was burning hot, and I wanted more. I wanted to feel Todd's big cock - every fucking inch of that lovely thing. I needed Todd's hands on me. Keeping his jerking penis in my mouth, I unbuttoned the top of my jumpsuit. This time I wore nothing underneath, and I reached up, guiding his hands to my breasts. "Pinch them," I said, dragging my mouth free for just a second. "Pinch my nipples while I suck your cock." Todd reached inside the top of my jumpsuit and grabbed for my nipples which were already hard. As he pinched down on them, I rolled my tongue around the head of his meaty penis. I sucked his big cock back into my mouth, and he thrust forward, fucking my face. I took his cock deeper, my soft, moist lips nibbling down his long shaft. The rubbery tip of his erection bumped against the back of my throat, but this time I only moaned deep in my throat, making soft, vibrating sounds of delight. Todd slid forward, perching right on the edge of the little bench. I found his swinging balls, cupping and fondling with one hand over the squirming globes. "God, Jessie," he hissed. "Suck it. Suck my cock, honey." I could tell that he loved what I was doing. When I touched his balls, Todd jerked wildly on the bench. Then suddenly, I had a naughty idea. I pulled free, kissing and slobbering over his juicy cock, working my way down to the hairy sac. "Can I kiss them?" I whispered. "Jesus!" Todd groaned. Todd's balls were hanging freely, and his big erection was poking up past my forehead. I rubbed my nose against his balls, feeling the loose globes running around inside each crinkled sac. His penis was all slippery from my mouth, and I wrapped one fist around it. I moved my hand, rippling my fingers over the sensitive flesh and I nuzzled under the base of his erection, feeling the kinky hairs tickling my nose. I drew in a heady breath of his musky male scent. His strong scent excited me, and I began sucking at his balls hanging in front of my face. I opened wide, letting one of the cum-filled globes slide between my lips. Todd cried out, and I sucked in and out, switching from one ball to the other. As Todd pinched down on both nipples, I exploded into a thousand pieces. My pussy clamped down around nothing, cumming like crazy. "You're fantastic!" he moaned above me. "Mmmm," I responded, pulling up from the gorgeous thrill of his crotch. "You made me cum, honey. Ooooh, that was nice." I ran my sweet tongue up, rippling along that thick tube, and when I got to the tip, it jerked against my teasing, moist flesh. "If you don't watch out," he said, half-laughing, "I'm gonna cum, too." "I hope so," I said, smiling up at Todd. I had to have his cock in my mouth again. Quickly, I kissed my way back to the dripping tip of Todd's big erection and centered it against the softness of my lips. My body shivered. I was going to do it this time. I squeezed my thighs together, mewled through a 10 second-long orgasm, and in one wild motion that I couldn't control, I sucked it all the way into my bruised mouth. I sucked every inch of that bloated, blue-veined, big, beautiful cock right down to the thick base. "Jesus!" Todd gasped. "Mmmmmm," I moaned as my mouth was totally filled with the throbbing excitement of a man's penis for the first time. Suddenly, I felt the head lodge in my throat, and I came up, afraid of choking. But only for a second. I gobbled Todd's cock again, caressing it with my lips, swirling all I could reach with my tongue and making it throb wildly again. When I had it all, I held his pulsating penis in my sucking mouth and locked my hands around his balls. I climaxed again, this time just from the feel of Todd's big erection jerking and throbbing deep in my throat. When I couldn't stand it for another split second, I pulled my mouth up. Todd picked up my rhythm on the first cycle, thrusting up into my sweet mouth as I bobbed my head over his lap. He fucked my face, sliding his cock slowly back into my mouth, and right down my throat, ball deep. "Suck it," he groaned, caressing my breasts more feverishly. As he rolled both nipples tightly, my tongue feverishly slithered up and down the underside of his tasty cock, concentrating on that little spot just under Todd's piss-slit. "Ooh, God. Ooh, God!" Todd groaned over and over again nearing a climax. I wanted him to cum in my mouth; to feel the taste the blast of hot cum spitting into my mouth and down my throat. I twisted my head as Todd drove up into me again. I could tell that he was going to cum. His penis was jerking, and I tickled his balls in my hands, feeling them drawing up tightly in his hairy sac. Todd tried to pull out, but I wouldn't let him. I wanted my mouth and throat fucked deep and hard. I wanted to take his cock all the way down into my belly. "I'm gonna cum!" he gasped. I suctioned my lips, vacuuming around every inch of Todd's pulsating cock, caressing his swollen flesh with my moist tongue. His balls started to tingle, and I pulled my blocking fist away, giving Todd full reign to drive his cock straight down my throat.The first jet splashed the back of my throat and slid down my gullet. I didn't even taste it. I felt cheated. Quickly, I rocked forward to get my mouth in position for the next spurt of cum. And I made it just in time. The second huge blast of hot cum rocketed across my tongue, filling my mouth with his thick, salty seed. I swallowed, cherishing the flavor of the thick hot jism even as another cunt-shuddering wad splattered out from his belching prick. "Aauuugh!" Todd grunted. "Take it. Eat my cum, Jessica. God! Swallow my juice, baby." His orgasm slowed, but I couldn't let go. I sucked, swallowing until my mouth was free of the sticky juice Todd was feeding me. His cock kept jerking softly, slowly growing less stiff and less thick as I mouthed and kissed over the shrinking tube. I kept him locked between my lips, whimpering quietly as my own fuck-fluid dripped down my thighs. It took me five minutes before I could stand, and when I did get up, it was my turn to have weak knees. Remembering why we were really there, I locked Todd back in the bathroom. I heard the sound of his piss hitting the cups as I closed the top of my jumpsuit. My memorable day over, I left shortly after Todd. And that evening, I was so bushed that I didn't even eat before I fell into a sound sleep. CHAPTER SIX Next day the try-outs for openings on the swim and diving teams went well. The male squads finished by 10 a.m., and the girls were scheduled for two o'clock in the afternoon. I took an early, short lunch, and when I got back at noon, I heard voices and the sound of water splashing from the pool. I looked out. The diving coach, Rob Dunn, was yelling. "No," I heard him call out. "You've got to arch your back more. When your hands hit the water, your head was already past vertical." I leaned around the corner. A pretty blonde woman ducked under the water, then smoothed her hair as she came up from the pool. It was Pam, looking quite differently than she did on Monday when I peeked into the storage room. Coach Dunn looked at his watch, then said, "Give it one more try, Pam. Then I've really got to get ready for the afternoon trials." Pam dove again and came down the same way. Her dive was graceful and smooth until she started to tuck and roll, when she came out awkwardly. She entered the water too short this time, hitting with a splash. They talked for a second. Pam's head dropped. Rob Dunn put his hand on her shoulder, then walked out. I saw Pam sitting by herself. I locked my purse in the office, then went back out to the pool. "Hi," I said. "Hello, Nurse Perry," she said in that sweet country accent. There was something about Pam that I really liked. She was a year younger than me, but she seemed so much older sexually. Her body was fantastic, I knew, especially when it was naked and quivering with desire. Just thinking about the way Pam looked as she sucked on Rob's huge cock was making my own nipples crinkle up tightly. I told Pam that I'd been watching her work all week, and I wished her good luck in the trials. She looked up at me, and her pretty blue eyes started to well up with water. "Aren't you going to try out for the diving team?" I asked. "No sense trying," she said, her voice quivering. "Come back to my office," I suggested. "We can talk there." Pam followed me. I opened the door, closing it behind us. I sat on the couch, motioning for her to sit by me. "I'm not going to make the diving team," she sobbed. I opened my arms, and Pam came to me. As I hugged this big-breasted beauty, she broke into open sobs. She cried for two or three minutes, and then looked up at me, her eyes puffy. "I so wanted to make it," she said. "There's other things in life, Pam," I said. "You've won lots of diving matches in high school. You're just going to have to move on. Find some other interests. Besides, you can still dive for fun." "It's these damn tits!" she hissed. "If it wasn't for them, I'd make the team easily." I looked down at Pam, her full tits against mine. Through the thin diving suit, I could see the outline of her nipples and the bumpy circles around them. "Lots of girls would kill for boobs like yours," I laughed. "Me, for example." Pam looked down at my much smaller titties. I knew that my nipples were rock-hard under my white dress and push-up bra. I took a peek, seeing that my aroused nipples were obvious even through the bra and dress. As I watched, Pam's nipples started to harden too. I'd never thought about another girl in a sexual manner before, and I was amazed to find that looking at her was turning me on now. The thin suit hid nothing about her growing arousal either. I watched as Pam's big tits swelled, the tips hardening up into inch-long spurs of pure passion. "I like the way your body looks, Nurse Perry," she said. "You always look so perfect. All I've got going for me is these tits. I think the damn things are still growing! I bought a 38D bra last time, and it's getting tight on me." "My breasts are only 34B's," I said. "You've got great legs, though," Pam said. "I saw you in the pool a while back. You got one perfect ass, too." "What's a perfect ass?" I laughed. "A heart-shaped one," she explained. While we were talking, we were still loosely wrapped in each other's arms. As Pam started to get hot, the closeness of her sexy young body was getting to me. Her hard nipples touched mine. "How can a girl's ass be heart-shaped?" I asked. "I'll show you," she said. I got a hand mirror from my desk, and Pam stood behind me as I bent over the couch. I flipped up my short skirt, looking in the mirror to see my ass in the long mirror on the back of the door. "These will have to come off," she said, tugging at my panties gently. I let her pull off my damp panties, and when my bottom was naked, I looked in the mirror. Pam dropped to her knees behind me, guiding me until my legs were straight and closed. "See?" she said, her fingers touching my skin at the top of my ass crack, where a covering of feathery down grew. Pam's fingers parted, coming up over the clenched muscles of my tight ass cheeks. I watched. She was right. Her fingers came up, then arched down into a graceful curve that joined where my thighs came together. "A perfect heart," she said. Pam's demonstration was through, but her fingers lingered on my damp thighs. I groaned softly, feeling my pussy gushing inside. I knew she wasn't a man, but my cunt was hornier by the instant. I stood still, not really wanting Pam to stop caressing my thighs. When I looked at her, her face and chest were flushed. Her eyes were still a little puffy, but they were now glazed without a trace of sadness. "All I've got going for me are these," she said, pointing to her own boobs. "They are beautiful," I admitted. "Wanna see them?" she asked with a free-spirited tone. "I already have," I said before I realized what I was saying. "Naked, you look even more beautiful." Pam stopped and immediately asked how I knew what she looked like naked. When I told her about peeking at her and Coach Dunn, she wasn't embarrassed at all. She just giggled, telling me that she wished she knew I'd been watching her. It would have made her even more horny, she happily admitted. When I told Pam that I played with myself as I watched, she looked into my eyes. There was no mistaking that look. Pam was as horny as I was at that moment. "Since you've already seen me naked," she said, saying no more. And in one motion, Pam stripped off her wet diving suit and stood naked in front of me. "Like I said," I whispered. "Beautiful." Pam's fingers joined with mine as we worked off my clothes together. Both nude, we faced one another and our lips seemed to come together. I tilted my face to the right, and when her hot lips touched mine, her sweet tongue peeked out, joining my tongue in my mouth. "Nurse Perry?" Pam started to ask. "Jessica," I said. "Jessica," she went on, smiling. "Have you ever made it with a woman?" "No," I said. "Me, neither," she confessed. "But I've really got the urge to try it with you right now. I know it's bad, but I can't help it." Pam's full breasts fit my hands so well, her heavy melons, solid and fleshy. As I stretched my fingers over each hard nipple, I felt a tingle surge through my cunt. My hands were on that huge set of tits, and Pam's were behind me, cupping and squeezing the cheeks of my ass. She pulled in tightly, her wet pussy rubbing against my own juicy one. We ground our hips together, and slithered our tongues in and out of each other's mouths. As much as I was enjoying her kisses, I needed more. I wanted to taste those tits in my mouth. Pam must have been thinking the same thought because we moved as one, turning on the couch. I ended up on the bottom, my feet just off the end of the couch. Pam was up by my head. Her kisses were upside down, and the flat, smooth bottom of her tongue felt weird as I sucked it. She broke away, licking and kissing down past my chin toward my aching titties. Pam's big tits came swaying over my face as her lips sucked moistly around my right nipple. "Yes," I moaned as Pam sucked in gently, and used her teeth playfully to scrape over my sensitive nipple. "I love that. I love to have my titties kissed." "Do me, Jessie," Pam gushed. I reached above my head. As I tilted to catch one swaying tit, I ran my hand along her rounded belly and down to her cunt hair. My long middle finger rubbed down into the juicy crack between her pussylips, and Pam's juices coated my finger. I curled my hand, sinking deeply into the sucking wetness of her hot pussy. I was moving my face, letting the heavy fullness of Pam's huge tits brush back and forth over my mouth. I loved it, and licked at her hard nipples as they centered on my lips. My motion set her nipples into a trembling, quivering rhythm that swelled in time with my flicking tongue.Pam's technique was totally different, but it was making my hot pussy cream like crazy. She sucked at my nipples, chewing delicately as she stretched the rubbery nubs out to their fullest. As quickly as my aching flesh snapped free, she captured it in her mouth again, licking my sensitive brown buds with her tongue and nipping at them with her teeth. "I think that's about all the tit action I can stand," she groaned. "Let's try something else, honey." "Like what?" I asked. "I could lick this thing a little," she whispered, touching my hot cunt. "And I could kiss your pussy at the same time," I offered. We looked into each other's lust-glazed eyes, and immediately Pam crawled down, dragging her heavy tits across my trembling boobs, then over my belly. Her kisses led the way, leaving a moist trail that stopped for a second at my belly-button, and then into the line of cunt-fur just below. Her face hovered over my hot cunt as her thighs straddled my face. "Ooh, what a pretty pussy," she moaned as I felt her fingers exploring my pink flesh. "It's all open like a flower. I can see how wet you are, Jessica. God, you're hot!" Hers wasn't too bad either, I thought. I stroked at Pam's tight-lipped pussy, opened it and ran my middle finger up through her cunt lips again, watching as her flesh squirmed from my touch. I pushed inside a little, and her wet hole sucked in my finger. She spread her legs another inch apart, and her pussy juice dripped onto my face. As her little droplets of passion oozed out of her, my own cunt drooled in anticipation of what we'd do next. Pam opened me wide with her fingers, and I could feel her gaze locking on my juicy cunt flesh. Suddenly I felt her breath close to my pussy, and her cool breath became a hot blast. Her sweet tongue licked me through and through, caressing up through the folds of my meaty fuck-hole. "Jesus!" I hissed. It was awesome. Just the idea of having another girl lick over my horny pussy was something I would never have dreamed of before taking this nursing job. But it was happening. "Oooh, pretty pussy," I heard Pam say softly. I thrust out my tongue, and Pam groaned as my tongue sliced up through the tight lips of her wet pussy. I slid my tongue up the cuntal slit until I penetrated into her tight love-hole. She squirmed over me, her own face plowing into my pussy. Pam's tongue licked me up and down through my puffy cuntlips, and then she curled her tongue, making me draw in a hissing breath. I began to move my tongue even faster inside her juicy wetness, and Pam probed her tongue up a couple of inches. I held my breath in anticipation. Pam seemed to know exactly what to do. She used her thumbs to spread apart my cuntlips and drove her stiffened tongue deeply into my sucking fuck hole. I groaned, and she pulled up from my eager twat just as she had me panting and squirming to suck in my engorged clitty. This blonde beauty was sucking my clitty like a tiny cock. Her lips surrounded my most sensitive flesh, sucking and rolling the tip of my trembling joy-button with her sweet tongue. She rose me, her sucking mouth moving up and down just as it had when she gave the coach a blowjob a few days ago. That's what she was doing to me. She was giving my hard little clitty a blowjob. "Ooooh, Pam," I moaned aloud. "God, I love it when you suck me like that. Ooh, yeah! Just like that." The velvet-like slipperiness of Pam's sweet tongue fucking in and out of my hot box, and then the urgent, sucking feel of her baby-soft lips attacking my clitty were more than I could take. Her gentle, soft tongue caressed me so completely that in seconds, I was cumming. My bubbling juices flowed out onto her lips. I tried then to give her as much pleasure as she gave me. Pam was slick and juicy up inside, and I tongued away at her pink flesh. She tasted fantastic, her cunt-syrup dripping into my mouth. I lashed over her swollen clitty, and felt the tensing in her rounded belly. Since my hands were free, I reached between our bodies and started rolling Pam's nipples again. My tongue and fingers moved quickly in a sort of unison, and the combination made her squirm and shudder. Even after she came in one sweeping jolt, I licked her hard little joy-button, quivering my tongue over it as it quivered back. The delicate little bud swelled and fell with each orgasm. I watched it from about an inch away, seeing Pam's pink clit push up from the sheath of slippery tissue around it. "Do you like it when I do this?" I asked. I licked up the small shaft, then twirled my tongue across the button-like tip. Pam moaned. More of her tangy aroma filled my nostrils. "Mmmm," came her soft reply. Her clitty got harder and harder, pushing down against my flicking tongue in humping cycles as my tongue brought my new friend up to another body-shuddering climax. Both of us were cumming so frequently I couldn't resist trying new ways to make her cum. "How about this?" I asked again. I stiffened my tongue, sliding it up into Pam's tight little fuck-hole. My fingers pinched down hard on her swollen nipples, and I could feel Pam's tongue thrilling my clitty once again. She was humping up and down, making little squeals of delight as she fucked my tongue. We were both building for a dual cum. As I tongue-fucked her pussy, she lapped softly and delicately all around my dripping cunt. She licked up my oozing juices, sliding in her tongue so deeply that my gripping cuntlips were sucking over her mouth. Her hands weren't spreading my fleshy cunt to keep it out of the way any longer. Pam was just diving into my pussy, trying to force as much of her face into my slick crotch as she could. "Yes," I panted. Suddenly her hands found the cheeks of my ass. She gripped tightly and buried her fingers deeply in the crack of my ass. With each licking flick from her sweet tongue, Pam pulled me up tightly against her mouth. As I prodded deeply into her tight cunt, she licked up one side of my fully erect clitty and down the other. She stayed away from my super-sensitive tip, teasing and flicking her tongue over the base and sides of my aching clit. Pam had been flicking her tongue over my clitty now for over five minutes, teasing me and keeping me right on the edge as she built for one last orgasm. But I couldn't wait. I moved my hand away from her tits, down to her dripping snatch. Using my forefinger lightly and rapidly, I tortured her swollen clitty as I face-fucked her hot pussy with my stiff tongue. I wanted her to cum. Pam's entire body shimmied on top of me. She rode my tongue, waiting until she was at the peak of her own wild climax, and then her baby-soft lips surrounded my aching cunt one last time. She sucked hard, squealing as her luscious pussy oozed out cream onto my chin. I wanted to give her even more pleasure, and as she clamped down on my climaxing clitty, I pushed one stiffened finger between the muscular cheeks of her ass. She was all buttery-smooth inside, and my probing finger brought Pam over the edge. She screamed, and I fucked her dripping pussy with my tongue and reamed out her tight little asshole with my finger. At this, we both climaxed, cumming in a moaning, squishing, frenzied rush that left us breathless and weak. We remained wrapped in a 69 position for a while before Pam finally managed to move. I looked into her blue eyes and saw only satisfaction and sexual fulfillment. Pam had enjoyed herself. So had I. We both looked at each other, then kissed sweetly. "We were bad," she giggled. "No," I cooed. "That was too nice to be bad." "It was more than nice, honey," Pam said. "God, you cum like a house on fire, don't you?" "I do when I get the right kind of help." I kissed Pam again, enjoying the feel of her naked, sweaty embrace. We were still there when a light knocking sound came on the locked door. "Damn," I whispered. "Again?" We exchanged smiles, and did not make a sound. CHAPTER SEVEN Pam and I froze as a second knock came at the door. "Y-Yes," I called as firmly as possible. "Nurse Perry?" a male voice asked. "Yes?" I repeated. "This is Coach Robertson," he said. "I'm looking for one of the girls trying out for the diving team. She didn't sign up for the trials, and I'm worried about her. Maybe you've seen her?" "What's her name?" I asked. "Her name's Pam. Have you seen her?" I looked over to the naked blonde at my side. She grinned, blushing for the first time. "Do you know Billy Robertson?" I whispered into Pam's ear so he couldn't hear us. "Well," she whispered back. "Maybe a little." "Did you and Billy..." I asked. "A couple of times," she giggled softly. Pam had gotten around, I thought. First Coach Dunn, then me and now Coach Robertson, the swimming team leader. An active young woman, I thought. "What should I do?" I whispered to Pam, hoping he wouldn't get suspicious. "Nurse Perry?" he called again. "I don't know," she said. I looked at Pam. I couldn't believe it. This horny little beauty was getting excited again. We'd just finished with a body-to-body explosion, and here she was with hard nipples again, and a "fuck-me" look on her face. "Should I let him in?" I suggested sarcastically. Pam missed the meaning of my question. "Far out," she said. "A threesome." I realized at her answer that Pam meant the two of us could take on Billy. Two girls and one guy. I looked into her eager blue eyes. Suddenly, the idea excited me too. I motioned for Pam to go back into the dressing room and hide. I took one of the robes we use during the drug testing, wrapping my naked body, and I reached for the locked door. "Come in, Coach," I said, keeping off to the side as I opened the door. "Have you see Pam, Nurse Perry?" he asked, his voice a little impatient. I let the door close quickly behind the 26-year-old, ex-water polo star. As the door shut, and the lock caught, Pam stepped out of the dressing room—still naked! "Jesus, Pam!""What are you doing in here like that?" gasped Billy Robertson. "Having fun," Pam answered. Her sexy young body glowed as she came out into my office. "Having one hell of a good ol' time with Nurse Perry. We were muff-diving." Billy turned just in time to see me open my robe, and within seconds there were two naked girls in the room with one handsome, startled man. I could see Pam's mind working as we both moved closer to Billy. I knew what she was thinking, because I was starting to think the same way too. We both jumped on the young coach. We had him flat on his back in about 16 seconds, and naked even quicker than that. "How do you wanna do this?" Pam asked as she tugged at the last leg of the man's pants. She wasn't talking to Billy. His opinion was taking a back seat to mine. "I've never been in a threesome before," I said, feeling my pussy heating up as his long, thin cock sprang out. "How about we throw him a two-girl blow-job?" Pam suggested, shocking Coach Robertson as much as she did me. "Jesus!" he hissed. "Are you two serious?" "Yup," I said, mimicking Pam's sweet accent. "Winner gets first fuck," added Pam, adding a little more spice to an already spicy situation. "We can all go to Billy's apartment. It's neat." "I'm going to lose my job," sighed Billy. We ignored him. "How do we tell who wins?" I asked. "The one with her mouth full of cum." Pam grinned before she dove for his waiting prick. "Don't swallow. Winner has to kiss the other woman to prove it." Pam didn't wait for any starting signal in our little contest. She opened her pouting mouth and slid down steadily around his long, thick prick. Billy Robertson's eyes were on my naked body—that is, until they rolled back in his head from the erotic sensations he was receiving as Pam engulfed the long stalk of his cock. Each of us kneeled on either side of the hard-cocked coach. I watched Pam as she wrapped her fingers around the base of that long thin prick. She didn't fool around. She brought her pretty face very close to his long hunk of prick meat, and then stuck out her tongue and wet the tip. Pam opened wide and dipped her face until her wriggling lips were mashed against the curly hairs surrounding the base of Billy's long hard-on. "Ooooh, Jesus!" panted the handsome coach. I looked up at Billy, seeing that he was really enjoying what Pam was doing with her mouth. He fondled her big tits with one hand, and moved his other hand in little circles on my upper thigh. He was groaning, and his face was flushed. As Pam's sucking mouth came up, he shivered with total pleasure and pinched down on the same sensitive nipple I'd just finished sucking. "Next," said Pam with a naughty grin. "God, this is great," Billy said. I knew I'd managed to take all of Todd's thicker hard-on when I sucked him off, so I could probably do a deep-throat on Billy's prick. Yet, there was no way I was going to be able to keep up with Pam when it came to sword-swallowing. Pam really could handle the deep stuff. So I decided to use my prick-licking tongue to win. I dropped my face, swirling my moist tongue swiftly all around the already-wet surface of his jerking cock. My fist tightened, milking up a slippery drop of that heavenly liquid that I'd become addicted to in such a short time. My lips touched the quivering bubble of pre-cum. It broke. Sweet. Just like my first time. "Mmmm," I purred. I pulled back, stringing out the shiny fluid from my lips to his cock. "Twenty seconds each," said Pam just as I was getting into the fun of sucking on Billy's cock. I quickly licked out, getting all the flavor of his pre-cum before letting Pam take over once again. "God, you girls suck cock nice," Billy whispered as his fingers slipped up into my dripping pussy. "Go for it, Pam. Suck his cock, baby. Suck it good." I shivered with excitement myself as Billy's finger curled up into me. His cock felt so nice in my mouth, all throbbing and jerking so hard. Billy's nostrils were flaring now, and he was panting faster. I pushed back, arching to bring my clitty up over his flicking finger. Soon I seemed to lose control. Watching Pam sucking cock while my own hot little pussy was getting finger-fucked had turned me into a sex-crazed monster. I jumped back on the upright prick we'd been sharing, and with my naughty tongue bathed up and down the outside of his long prick, sucking at his balls, then swiping up in one steady motion until I reached the tip. No it was my turn to take his rock-hard prick into my mouth. I opened wide, taking about half on the first try. I bobbed my face quickly, aware of the time limit. My prick-licking tongue lashed around the swollen head of Billy's prick, as my fist milked up more of that delicious pre-cum. When Pam tapped my shoulder to tell me my time was up, I opened wide and let the head of his cock slip down into my throat for two or three seconds of pure oral passion. "God!" he groaned. Billy pulled me up to his face and kissed me passionately. Pam was busy, eagerly sliding her hot, juicy mouth up and down all around Billy's long prick. Naughty, wet, exciting sounds emanated from her. "You like this, baby?" I cooed softly. "Feel my cock and tell me what you think," he said. "I did, and I think you're loving it," I giggled. "Just think," I whispered, using my innocent sounding voice to torture him more. "When you cum, the woman who sucks you off is going to fuck you first. Oooh, doesn't that sound nice, baby? You're gonna get to fuck me before the night's over, Billy. You're going to fuck both of us." Pam pulled her mouth free, bringing up those massive tits to hand over his face as I took over the cocksucking duties. "Billy's my baby," she moaned, dragging her tits over his chest and then his face. "He's gonna cum in my mouth so I get to ride him first. You show her, Billy. You cum in my mouth, you handsome devil, you." "Just suck my cock, somebody!" he groaned. His wish was my command. I swung one leg over his, letting my wet pussy drag up over his knee. As I dry-humped him like a dog in heat, I gently rolled the long shaft between both of my soft hands. A low moan escaped my lips, thrilled by the feel of his rock-hard cock in both hands, and I bobbed my head again. Slowly at first, then building as I felt a jerk starting deep in the center of his prick. He's hot, pulsing rod was fucking up into my mouth, matching my rhythm perfectly. I could feel his big, heavy balls starting to draw up, ready to shoot their creamy load of tasty jism. Suddenly it dawned on me that this turn had been a long one. My mouth came up. I opened my eyes, and I peeked to see what Pam and Billy were doing. "That's cheating," I complained. Pam was sitting up over Billy's head, her legs wide. He had tilted his face back, and he was licking across that pink, open slash of wet heat between her open legs. Pam's pretty face was twisted with lust. Her hands were on her own titties, pinching away at those inch-long, sensitive nipples. "No fair," I said. "You don't get to cum before I do, Pam." "Spoil sport," she giggled as she moved down to take her turn at cocksucking. I could tell Pam had sucked cock before, and she totally enjoyed it. As she sucked hard on Coach Robertson's cock, I suddenly, got a wicked idea. "Since you cheated, Pam," I said, "you lose. We're not going to finish the contest." "Why?" she pouted. "Because I've got another idea," I said. Pam and I conspired. We put our heads together, not letting anxious Coach Robertson in on our plans. "Yeah," giggled Pam after hearing what I had in mind, "that should make him cum, all right." Pam leaned back on the couch with her pretty face hung slightly off the end. Billy was kneeling over her, with one hand holding the back of the couch, and his other hand free to roam over her lovely soft tits. He slid his long prick back in her mouth. In this position, Billy could stroke all the way into Pam's mouth. He was fucking ball-deep, sliding in and out of her throat, and I got behind him, my hand on the tight globes of his ass. "Pam is going to suck you off," I purred, licking up through the hairy crack as I nuzzled his balls with my fingertips. "I'm going to play back here. You suck him off good, Pam." "I'll still let you win the bet, honey," I said teasing, "if you kiss me with a mouthful of cum." "God!" Billy yelped. I rubbed my naked titties all over Billy's back, watching Pam work her lips around the base of his long hard-on. He was really fucking it to her, driving his throbbing prick right down her throat. I could head the panting breath coming for both of them. Here in little gasps as his cock pulled free for a split-second, and his in huge, gasping spasms as she thrilled his every sense. Reaching underneath his driving ass, I cupped the balls swinging up over Pam's forehead. Gently squeezing them, I felt a deep throbbing right at the base of Billy's long prick. "Ooh, his balls feel full. You're going to get a nice mouthful of hot cum, Pam. Make sure to save some for me." "Mmm," she groaned again. Peeking around his hip, I saw beautiful, young Pam. Her cheeks hollowed as they puffed in and out from the silky sucking she gave Billy as pumped his cock down her throat. Pam was whimpering softly, one hand buried in her own pussy. As Pam sucked him good, I put my little pan to work. Tenderly stroking the base of his cock and fondling his hanging balls, I leaned closer, pursed my lips and blew out a cool blast of air along the tight crack of his ass. "Oooh, my God," he moaned. My hands came up to his hairy cheeks, rubbing and caressing until he relaxed. I gently separated his muscular globes, and for the first time saw a man's exposed asshole staring right up at me. The sight thrilled me. My pussy clenched tightly, squirting out a little dribble of cunt juice that trickled down my thighs.My nipples, already hard from sucking cock and rubbing on Billy's smooth back, crinkled up so hard they hurt. It was time. If my plan was going to work, I had to get going. My face touched Billy's butt, I drew in a heady breath of air and let my hands drift. My entire body shuddered as one finger touched the tight ring of his asshole—and so did his. I purred softly as my fingertip circled his brown, crinkled hole. My mind was whirling. I'd so enjoyed it when my hot little ass had been finger-fucked, and I was wondering what it would feel like to let some guy butt-fuck me with his big throbbing cock. The thought brought on a jolting orgasm that washed through me like a tidal wave. My face dropped into that hairy crack. I made a soft, sobbing sound as my tongue flicked out against Billy's musky asshole. I didn't stop, swirling my sweet tongue around and around over the crinkled, brown circle. "Jesus!" Billy screamed. "She's licking my ass." Remembering what had felt so nice for me, I licked from the base of his cock up to his asshole in long, broad swipes. At the end of each cycle, I pointed my hot tongue on the center of his shitter. I swirled wetly, and then pushed into the tight pucker with the tip of my moist tongue. "Oooh," Billy wailed as he drove his cock into Pam's throat. "Now she's got her tongue up my asshole!" I really didn't, but at hearing that, I suddenly stiffened my tongue into a moist, tongue-cock and rammed it straight up into his asshole. I worked my tongue and hands furiously, licking and stabbing at Billy's butt hole as I fondled that pair of low-hanging nuts he was slapping off Pam's forehead. I slid one hand down under his driving ass, letting my hand feel along until I'd found Pam's face. My fingertips rested on her throat. I could actually feel the head of his cock as he shoved it down her throat on each stroke. "Jesus," cried Billy. "Shove it up my ass, Nurse Perry. Ooooh, baby! Shove your sweet tongue up my ass." My tongue skewered into this handsome young man's tight asshole, and I didn't have to move. He was fucking back and forth, sliding his prick into Pam's clenching throat, and then pulling his cock out of her heavenly mouth with such a furious backward motion, that his asshole puckered over my stiffened tongue. "Mmmm," I groaned, my naked body twisting into an overpowering orgasm. I couldn't help it. I had two fingers buried in my own wet cunt, sliding in and out with the same rhythm that I tongue-fucked Billy. "You two are going to make me cum," Billy grunted, shuddering between us. "Ooh, God. Suck it, Pam. Suck my cock. No, baby! Don't stop what you're doing, Jessica. Fuck my ass with your tongue. Yes! Make me cum. God, make me cum!" I pulled out, swirling in hot circles around Billy's crinkled asshole. When he groaned, I pushed it back inside. Pam was squealing orgasmically in front of me. Billy was pounding his prick down her throat. His groans got higher and more frantic. I felt Pam pulling away. She turned, spinning on the couch gracefully, eager and hungry for her mouthful of hot cum. Then Pam whipped her body around, not losing her oral grip on that long hard-on. She ended up on her knees, bent low over his crotch, her mouth flying up and down over his throbbing prick. "Yes!" he shouted. "Make me cum!" I cupped his nuts, squeezing gently, as my tongue swished in and out of his burning asshole. Suddenly Billy was cumming. I felt a throbbing against my fingers as his asshole clenched down on my embedded tongue, forcing my moist flesh back outside. I kept licking, circling the winking core of his ass, my hand squeezing down around his emptying balls. "Take it!" he grunted, fighting to keep his voice down. "Take my cum, Pam. Oooh, take it!" I pushed a finger deep in the crack of his ass, and it sank home in one shove, burying up to my palm. It was as if I had a cock, and I was fucking Billy's ass with it. I found a throbbing place way up inside his ass, and as I rubbed on the hard bud, Billy exploded. We were all locked in a three-way orgasm. My fingers, slimy with my own juices, were deep inside my pussy. Pam was cumming from having her mouth creamed by Billy's belching boner as she finger-fucked herself. And Billy was just cumming. He had too many sensations hitting him from all sides. The last throb finally came, and I felt his hard body relax in front of me. I gave the exposed circle of his asshole one last wet kiss, and then pulled away to let Billy get up from the couch. "God," he panted. "I've never done anything as wild as that. You two are something else." Pam wasn't speaking. She had a grin on her pretty face, and I watched as she crawled up off the couch to me. I realized what she was doing when a little trickle of white liquid dripped out of the corner of her closed mouth. "You got something for me, baby?" I asked. Pam nodded, trying to get her mouth up to mine, but I kept moving my head. "Is it what I think it is?" I teased. Pam smiled again, and another drip of cum escaped her clenched lips. "Let me see," I whispered, finally stopping my tease. I tilted my face up to Pam's and her lips touched mine. As we kissed, my mouth opened and my tongue flicking at her lips to urge her to part them. Now, the little cocksucker was making me wait. She moved her slippery, baby-soft lips over mine, and I tasted cum on her. I licked, forcing my tongue into the crack of her tightly pursed lips. "Mmmm" I moaned. As her mouth opened, her sweet tongue I entered my mouth. But that wasn't all that entered my mouth. As Pam's lips parted, warm cum trickled into my mouth and she used her tongue to slide the slimy wads of Billy's cum into my mouth. My cunt rippled as the proof of this handsome young man's climax filled my mouth. Even secondhand, I loved the taste of cum. "Mmmmm," I moaned. We trenched the cum back and forth, laughing as we got the creamy stuff all over each other's faces. As Billy looked on, shaking his head at our playfulness, Pam and I giggled and licked cum off our chins, lips and fingers. "I think we're both going to win before we're through tonight," I whispered, rubbing my naked body on Pam's. We agreed to keep this party going all night, and decided to finish our fun in Billy's big bed. But first, I had something I had to do. "You two go ahead," I said when we were all dressed. "I've got to hang around for another hour." I didn't say what we all knew I meant. I had to stay for the women's diving trials. That was part of my job, and I couldn't avoid them just because Pam was no longer trying out for the diving team. We both looked at the pretty blonde, worried about her feelings. Pam just smiled, her hand drifting to Billy's crotch. "Will you be okay?" I asked. "Sure," she said. "You can wait here for me," I offered. "If you want us all to go together." "I'll be fine," she insisted. "Keep her busy, Billy," I ordered. "I'll save some of this for you," Pam said, her hand stroking over Billy's prick. "I hope so," I laughed. "I'll be there by five. Don't wear it out, guys, It would be nice if he can still get it up when I arrive. I want Billy to fuck me before the night is over." And boy, did I get my wish. Twice!"I did reach one member, the President. She said that if we can't match that offer, the college will give you a release from your contract. We'll let you go, but reluctantly." Coach Martin looked sheepishly over to me, then thanked the athletic director. After he hurried off, I turned back to Doug. "What's going on, Coach?" I asked. "I wanted to talk to you," he started. "I'm sorry you heard it like that." "You don't need to check with me before making decisions," I laughed. "I'm just the team's nurse." "No!" he said very sharply. "You're much more than that to me, Jessica. Much more." We started to talk, but the noise was too loud. I could tell that he didn't want to yell, so I suggested that we take a walk. We went outside. I could tell that he was nervous so I reached for his hand. We walked like two kids on a date, angling along on the sidewalk that led to the swimming and diving complex. Our head coach had made a name for himself over the past four years. He'd been offered the job as head swimming and diving coach, plus assistant athletic director, with a major college. He was flying out in the morning to take a look at the facilities and to have a personal talk with his new boss. He wouldn't be rich, but he'd make a lot of money. Then Doug told me that there was nothing holding him back—me. I was shocked, and flattered. He started telling me how much he liked me, and that he didn't want to leave after finally meeting me. We stopped walking. Coach reached for me. I melted into his arms, feeling his strong embrace as our mouths met. His tongue was soft and enticing as it entered my mouth, then eager as I caught it and sucked gently over the slippery flesh. The kiss broke. I looked around to see if we were being watched. I saw several people in the area. Then I noticed that we had stopped right in front of the water sports building. I giggled at Doug. He took out a key ring, swinging them as he grinned back at me. "Why, Coach Martin," I said. "I do believe that you're trying to take advantage of me. You plan to whisk me away and have your manly way with me where no one will hear my screams." "Exactly that, madam," he answered. We went inside. The entire building was black. Doug started to put on the lights, and I made him stop when I saw the pool lights come on. It was so romantic with only the underwater lights on in a totally black sky. It was as if we were in our own private water world with some warm, tropical lagoon at our disposal. With Doug watching my every move, I stepped to the side of the pool. I kicked off my shoes. With my dress tied around my neck, I opened the top, holding it in place around my breasts for a few seconds to tease him, then I dropped the material away. "God, you're so beautiful, Jessica," Coach Martin said. "There's more," I whispered. I stepped out of the dress, standing naked in the dim pool light. Coach Martin reached for me, but I twisted and escaped. "Catch me!" I yelled, jumping into the pool. I swam away in the softly lit water, my feet touching as I passed the middle of the pool. This pool was dark from the inside. I paddled as quietly as I could over to the edge of the pool, bouncing on my tiptoes to keep my mouth and nose above the water line. He was fast for a man of 42. Even now, he could out-swim half the kids on the swimming team in the shorter dashes when he wanted to. In his younger days, he must have been something. He came at me like a shark, with powerful strokes that I felt even before I saw him. He took me like an animal, bobbing up out of the dark water and holding me with his strong arms in a way that allowed no chance of escape. My naked wet breasts crushed into his chest. Doug's bare prick prodded into my belly. His tongue pushed into my mouth, and his hand dug into my quivering ass. We were too excited to play or hold back. I felt his need. His urgency. He wanted me, and he wanted me now. My legs wrapped around his waist. I hooked my hands into the overflow lip at poolside, hanging on to stay upright as Doug drove his enlarged cock into my pussy. There was just one shove, no guiding the swollen prick in and out gently to get me ready. Neither of us needed those niceties. He just reached back and drove that stiff boner home, instantly filling me with the hot hardness of his luscious cock meat. I love it. "Ooooh, yes!" I screamed, my voice echoing in the huge, empty building. "Fuck me. Oooooh, fuck me, darling!" Doug locked around my floating body, gripping my breasts tightly as I arched my back instinctively, presenting my hot pussy for his throbbing prick. As that lovely hardness ripped through my tender tissues, I again locked my legs behind his driving ass. "Yes," I groaned. "Hard and fast. Fuck me, Doug. Really fuck me, baby. I wanna cum. Oooooh, yes! I wanna cum now!" The wet splashing of the water around our naked bodies in the dark building was so exciting. I wiggled, trying to enhance our water fuck, but there wasn't much I could do other than hang on and keep my head from banging against the side of the pool. There was nothing I could do on the outside, that is. On the inside, I was working every muscle I could control to make my hot cunt tight and slippery over that wildly fucking prick. My cunt grabbed at his hard-on with warm, wet squeezes of my own. I felt my cunt walls expanding, stretching as they molded to fit Doug's invading cock. He was moving slowly because of the water, jabbing his lovely hard-on deep into my oozing cunt. Then he held it there, buried to the hilt in my fur-ringed trap for several glorious seconds, before he yanked his jerking prick back out for another body-shuddering thrust. He was fully in control of me, his full-length, pounding strokes causing sizzling sensations that started in my creaming cunt and surged through my floating body. He picked up the pace, hammering in and out of my juicy wetness, bringing me up higher and higher with a head-spinning dizzying speed. I was defenseless. I felt my pussy clenching and clamping around Doug's wonderful hard cock. "Ooooh, baby," I groaned as the gut-wrenching orgasm hit. "I'm cumming, Doug. Oooh, you're making me cum, Coach!" I rolled up as the awesome climax took over, curling into his arms. We were in the water up to our bellies. My aching nipples were tight against his chest as we kissed again. That gorgeous throbbing cock was still deep within my belly, still thrilling me as I started to put a little action into my half of this amazing fuck. Doug took a few steps back as we kissed, I guess, because the water was now up to my shoulders. It splashed as my tits heaved up and down. He held me upright, the water taking most of my weight. He was able to pick me up, actually raising and lowering my entire naked body using only hands under my clenching ass. "This is wild," I whispered, the first climax washing away all the tension I'd been feeling. "God, I love the way you fuck, Coach." "Not bad for an old, balding man?" he joked. "I told you to stop that, you old shit," I said, kissing Doug fully on his lips. "I really like you, Doug. Age doesn't bother me." "I wish I could have met you when we were both young," he said, nuzzling between my titties as he spoke. "We might have made quite a team, Jessica." "I wouldn't have been able to keep up with you, baby," I said, pushing back with my arms loosely locked around his neck. My breathing was under control. It was time to get back to some serious fucking, I thought. Back to working my inner charms around Doug's beautifully shaped, rock-hard cock. With my arms draped over his strong shoulders, I let Doug set the pace for now. I locked my fingers behind his neck, arching my back to push my tits up into his face. Doug kept pumping, sliding up into me as he raised and lowered my hot pussy like it was a sex-toy doll. This toy was alive, though. Alive, and very happy to fuck back with each thrust. "Mmm," I purred, as he lowered me fully around his jerking prick. "Nice, baby. I want to do something for you. Hold still for just a second. Let me work my pussy for you." My legs were tensed, gripping around his upper thighs. His hands were just touching my ass now and I clenched, milking down tightly with fuck muscles. The same lack of weight that had bothered me earlier when Doug fucked me against the side of the pool was now working to my advantage. I slowly moved, wanting this to be special, and the big, empty building was suddenly very silent. I looked deeply into his eyes. All I could hear was a soft pump working, and water gently running into the pool. That, and the sound of my heart pounding in my ears as my excitement built. "Feel me?" I whispered. "God, yes!" he hissed. "Feel my pussy?" I moaned ever so softly. I rocked and humped up and down around Doug's embedded hard-on. The slow-motion fucking was overwhelming. I squeezed with my entire body. I had to pull myself down over his prick. There was no weight to just let me fall back over Coach's thick prick. I had to work to take the throbbing thing back into my soaking-wet cunt. Then I used my thighs to slowly drag up over each fraction of an inch of meaty delight, fully aware of every bump and ridge as my sensitive flesh wormed back and forth. "Can you feel how hot and wet I am up inside, Coach?" I asked. "How nice my pussy is for you, baby?" "You're killing me," he managed. I was trying to fuck him to death, at the very least. I gave it my best effort, using my grasping cunt over the glistening hardness of a man old enough to be my daddy. Two inches out, then an inch and a half back inside me. Back and forth, just barely making progress. The upstroke took forever. My hot twat gripped, the outer lips of my talented pussy squirming around the tip. Then I started an equally slow stroke back into my whimpering young body."You're not going to die, Coach," I whispered, my tongue wet in his ear behind the words. "I want you to live for a long time, so you can keep fucking me." "Jessica," he whispered, wanting to say more but stopping as I spoke again. "I'm just gonna make you feel like you're dying," I whispered, not stopping my naughty internal movements. "I'm gonna milk my tight little pussy over your big cock until you beg me to let you cum, then I'm going to make you wait just a little more." "Then what happens?" he groaned. "You're gonna like that part." "I am?" he moaned. "That's when I want you to cum way up inside me," I panted as his hand tightened over the cheeks of my ass again. "I want to feel your big cock spurting. I want you to fill me with your hot cum, Coach." This was so beautiful. I felt like some fluorescent sea creature, my body aglow with sexual passion, breeding in the depths of some ancient ocean of a lost era. Doug let me ride him as long as he could, then he started fucking his cock deeper and deeper into my hot cunt. My own gasping hunger was driving me into contortions, making my lust-swollen pussy grind wetly, sucking at the very tip of his prick-knob. "You feel so good inside me, Doug," I whispered, grinding my cunt tightly. "So big. Fuck me. Fuck me so nice, baby." My breasts were jiggling right over his dazed face, and his eyes froze at the sight of my hard nipples bouncing up and down through the surface of the pool. My hair was wet, plastered to my head. The perfume I'd so carefully placed was washed away long ago with my pretty dress. None of the preparations I'd made were necessary now as I was getting better loving than I'd ever dreamed. I groaned again as the cock buried in my belly throbbed almost out of control. For just a second, he rocked on the edge. I knew that he was trying to make it last, wanting to make sure that I was totally satisfied. I was. "No," I whispered. "It's your turn to cum, now, Coach." My naked ass was in his strong hands again, bouncing up and down faster, making splashing sounds as I ground with each stroke to maximize Doug's pleasure. He was stabbing up into me, pounding his cock desperately into me as his orgasm got closer and closer. My nails dug into his arms, bringing his eyes back to mine. "Oooh, that's it," I cooed, looking right into his eyes, knowing that my horny, wicked words would thrill him. "Build me a nice load, Coach. Let me really feel your cum. Fill me with enough juice so I'll be leaking cum for a week." I pushed my tits into his face and slid my naked thighs along his hips and ribs. Doug's hands were locked around my tiny waist now. He was rocking me up and down, totally controlling the action. I didn't need to hold on. I let my legs caress along his sides and my head fell back as I felt his mouth capturing one of my stiff nipples. "Yes, baby," I kept up the naughty monologue. "My pussy is so hot, Doug. It wants cum. Your cum. Mmmm, I feel him throbbing. Your cock. All big and hard and throbbing, just the way I love it. Give me some cum, Coach. Give my hot little pussy some cum." I wasn't just saying that to turn on Doug; my pussy was really hot. I was creaming so heavily and Doug's big prick kept bringing up more and more of my slippery juices, keeping our coupling as slick and sensual as it could possibly be. My legs were wide open, scissored straight past his hips with the head of his cock bottoming-out way up inside me. He was fucking me. God, was Doug fucking me. Each long, smooth, deep stroke set off another wave of rippling delight through my body. The rough ridge of his hard-on rubbed directly over the tip of my joy-button. I watched his eyes, seeing the passion in them as Doug rhythmically plunged the hard thickness of his glistening prick up into my belly. "Cum," I whispered as I felt Coach Martin racing toward an explosive climax. "Cum inside me, baby." And that's exactly what he did. With a low hoarse groan he pushed his prick out for me. Curling up, I milked down, dragging my hot cunt up and down with lightning speed. I felt his prick throb, then swell until I was afraid it would split. I rippled my inner fuck muscles, gyrating my well-lubricated cunt over the Doug's heavenly cock. "Jessica," he whispered. "Cum," I moaned. "Cum, baby." A hot blast of juicy liquid splashed into my pussy. First a little one, then the full force of his climax. The sizzling flood of fiery jism triggered a clit-swelling cum in my own body. I hung on blissfully, riding gently over the belching boner to bring him back. Doug nuzzled against my face as he rocked through the passionate seconds. Right at the peak, he moaned into my ear. At first, I wasn't sure I'd heard him right, but then he whispered into my ear again. "I love you," he said, his body shivering as the last tremor spurted one last wad of hot cum through my body."Ooooh, God," I groaned softly, bringing my mouth up from the glistening prick-head to look into his face. "Are you still pissed at Pam?" he laughed. "No," I panted. "How old are you, Nurse Perry?" "Twenty next month," I shuddered, nuzzling my cheek softly. "Have you ever seen a cock like mine?" he teased, moving his hand over that foreskin again to draw out his prick head. I grabbed the heavy shaft of his erect cock and started jacking my hand over it, massaging up and down and sliding that silky outer skin back and forth over the head. Each time I peeled back his foreskin, my tongue swirled madly around the smooth, purple ball capping this nasty-looking thing. "Yeah, Nurse," he groaned. "Suck it. Get my prick nice and hard so I can fuck your hot little ass with it." As I dove down over Dr. Young's big hard-on, he dipped into the top of my dress. He started fucking my mouth, slowly and gently arching his hips in time with my bobbing mouth. Then he found both my nipples, and with one between each thumb and forefinger, he pinched hard. My body shook as a grinding jolt devoured what was left of my resistance. I moaned over the cock buried in my mouth, thrilled by the way he was squeezing and rolling my nipples. As my cunt oozed out cream over my thighs, I sunk down deeper over Dr. Young's uncut prick. My mouth softened as my pussy's juices gushed out strongly. The hard, hot surface of his cockhead touched the back of my throat. When he fucked forward the next time, I took it into my gulping throat. Another wave hit my hot cunt, blasting me into orgasm. The only sound I could make to celebrate my frantic cumming was a little squeal that gurgled out around his embedded cockhead. "That's it, Nurse," he groaned. "Take it. Swallow my prick right down your throat." The top of my dress was down around my waist now. Dr. Young had my bra off and was fondling my naked breasts and rolling my aching buds, then pulling them out until I thought my nipples were going to snap right off. He tweaked my tits awhile, then raised his hands and dug harshly into my hair, guiding my mouth back and forth as he fucked my throat with his throbbing prick. He pulled it all the way out, letting my lips and tongue thrill his cockhead before sliding the mighty boner right back into my tight, gulping throat. It jerked. The throbbing center of his hard-on quivered rhythmically. I rolled my tongue, groaning as I prepared myself for the hot rush of his orgasm. But just as I thought he was going to cum, Dr. Young pulled his prick totally out of my mouth. He took my hand, jerking me upright. "I want your ass, Nurse Perry," he panted, turning me and bending me over one of those soft chairs. "Jesus!" I hissed. "You're serious." "Yes," he said. "Doctor's orders, Nurse. An internal, anal massage." He pinned me over the top of one chair, and my white uniform dress flipped up over my hips. I felt his hands on my panties, as one finger slipped under the elastic and glided right up into the sloppy wetness of my dripping fuck hole. He ripped off my panties, kissing and rubbing over my trembling ass. I felt him shudder as he drew in my scent. "God, your ass is just the way Pam described it," he sighed. "Perfect. Beautiful. An angel's ass." He rubbed his hands over my creaming cunt and up between my thighs, and then he reached into his jacket and took out a small bottle of oil. I moaned as the oil trickled down the crack of my ass, melting into the crinkled opening to my soul. He moved steadily and expertly, sliding his fingers over my slick ass, probing in and out of my hairless crack until my muscles stopped clenching against his prodding. He rubbed firmly right over the winking bud until I could feel the rings guarding my butthole actually relaxing. Soon, one finger was inside me. He pushed in, drawing it out slowly, and then glided two fingers inside my churning butthole. He worked slowly, not rushing me, and as I shuddered, he flicked over my climaxing clitty and inserted a third finger into my shitter. He knew I was ready. I felt his invading fingers pull out, and more warm oil drip onto my asshole. As his hands moved at my hips, twisting my body slightly, I felt his cock close behind me. Suddenly the thick head of his prick pushed between the cheeks of my ass. I tried not to tighten, and didn't as the young doctor reached around and flicked over my clitty again. I groaned into another wave of hot cumming as he hunched forward, sliding his slippery prick into my ass. "Ooooh!" I groaned. Several inches of hot fuck meat slithered up into my asshole as Dr. Young put one hand on my breasts and one down on my dripping cunt. His hands kept me cumming as he slowly eased more and more of his cock into my gripping asshole. Slowly, inch by wonderful inch, Dr. Young stretched out my tight little ass and filled me with his hard cock. "Can you take it?" he grunted. I knew this was my first time, but I could tell from how far his belly was away from the cheeks of my ass that only a tiny portion of that meaty hard-on was up inside my slithering back door. I'd thought we were already butt-fucking, but it turned out that we were playing a game. It was all part of an act he was playing out. The handsome young doctor fucking the innocent young nurse up the ass. He had me spread out across a chair, my uniform bunched across my belly, my tits exposed and my bottom up, leaving my hot cunt and ass all bare. But, I was still wearing my little nursing cap, shoes and white stockings. I was still very much a nurse. "Can you take it, Nurse?" he grunted again. "Yes," I hissed, clenching my teeth. "Yes, Doctor." He spread the trembling cheeks of my ass and pulled back. My cunt was on fire, and my ass was voraciously nipping at the head of his wonderful cock. I was ready for him to start fucking my tight little ass, and I held my breath. My back was arched to its fullest, and I could feel the head of his prick just inside my asshole. I was working my muscles, sucking at his invading hardness, urging him to fuck me and to drive his cock all the way up into my wanton asshole. But he wouldn't move. I waited, my face turning blue from the lack of air. "Jesus!" the pent-up air came out in a hissing moan. "Please. Put him in me. Fuck me. Fuck me up the ass, Doctor!" The prick flesh just inside my trembling butt jerked again, but he still wouldn't move. I groaned, wriggling back, and an inch of meaty cock slipped into me. Another groaning shove, and I took more. "Butt fuck me, Doctor," I begged. That was exactly what he'd been waiting for me to do. He wanted me to beg, grind and worm my way back over his sword-like cock. I did, and finally he started ass-fucking me. My tight asshole gripped all around Dr. Young's stiff prick. He fucked his cock forward, pumping his throbbing thickness into my welcoming butthole until his hairy belly was tightly against my muscular ass-cheeks. He was all the way in my asshole, pumping all of his rigid prick into me. "How is it?" he moaned loudly. "Ooooh, Doctor," I groaned. "Is it starting to feel good, Nurse?" he asked. "It feels fantastic!" I hissed, almost screaming out loud for this conceited doctor to shut up and butt fuck me. "Fuck me. Yes. Fuck me up the ass, Doctor." With his hands digging into my hips, I started to sway in time with his ass-stretching strokes. My eager asshole pinched down around the base of his driving hard-on, and he started fucking faster. I grunted, squeezing down around the entire length of his prick, and trapping him in my butthole. "Yes!" I wailed. I rammed my naked ass back, gripping all around Dr. Young's meaty prick. My hand slipped down past my quivering belly. I was cumming again, and I cupped my hot cunt, pushing two fingers up into the sopping wetness. The back of my hand brushed his swinging balls. "Oooh, Nurse," he groaned. I turned my hand and squeezed his balls tightly, the tips of my fingers touching the base of his throbbing boner. "Yes, Nurse," he said. "Play with my balls." The strokes pounding my ass were tiny now, and I dug my other hand into my hot pussy. Deep, pulsing waves of passion were shimmering through my naked frame, filling me with a quivering joy that I'd never felt before. "I hope you're ready, Nurse," he said. "Yes, baby," I gushed. "Do it, Doctor. Cum in my hot ass!" "I'm cumming!" he gasped. The first spurting jet of cum shot out into my ass, and his balls swelled, riding up until I almost lost them in the hairy sac. I gripped his balls tighter as the throbbing core of his prick slammed into my ass, pumping hot jism right up into my soul. "Ooooh!" I screamed. "It burns. It burns so fucking nice!" I fell over the chair, and Dr. Young held his wonderfully exploding cock deep in my body, grinding in tight circles as he strained for the last thrill of his wonderful ass fuck. When the final twitches stopped in my asshole, I slowly released the grip I had on his balls. He fell away, leaning against the wall, and his prick drooped, sinking back up into the sheath of foreskin. "What are you going to tell Pam?" he asked, still panting heavily. He was still playing his little game—the big, important doctor and the little nurses. "I'm going to tell her that you're not a very nice man," I said, reaching out and wrapping my fingers around his slimy, soft prick. "Basically, that you're an asshole who just happens to have a fantastic cock." "Nurse!" he protested. "Oh," I went on. "Don't worry. Pam is a pretty smart woman. I'm sure she already knows." "I'll have you know that I'm also your boss," he shouted. "Look, Doctor," I said. "You're just a piece of meat. If you didn't have that cock, you'd be nothing. You don't really think women let you fuck them because of your sparkling personality, do you?" He just sputtered, not believing that any woman would talk to him like this.After all, he was a wealthy and prominent man in this small college town. "I might be back," I said, still holding his deflated prick. "You might get lucky again, unless I can find some other guy with an uncut prick as pretty as this. If I do come back, Doctor, it'll be to suck this nasty cock. And do us both a favor, and don't try to talk to me while I'm busy next time?" CHAPTER TEN I left my office and went straight to Pam's place. Her roommate said she was out on a date, so I left a message for her to call me. We had to talk. Even though I enjoyed Dr. Young and his kinky cock, I didn't want Pam setting me up with any other men - at least before she checked with me first. Pam wasn't at her dorm room when I checked later that evening, and I was going to leave a message with her class advisor the next day, but I suddenly got real busy. The swimming complex was like a zoo with people running in and out. Coach Martin was still away, and the athletic director was using Doug's office to set up appointments for a replacement for him. Doug sent word that he would be back for the swim meet on Friday, and from what I could tell, he was in for a rather sweet deal at this new university. He did tell the secretary who took his call that he had one more thing to check on before making his decision. There wasn't a practice schedule for Tuesday afternoon, so I left early and walked over to Pam's dorm again. She was still out, and I thought of one more place I could try: Billy Robertson's place, of course. I rode the bus to the north side of town and found Coach Robertson's apartment right away. He was on the top floor, with a private entrance that wound up a set of stairs. When I knocked, I heard a stereo playing inside the apartment, and moments later Pam looked out of the curtains in a window about 10 feet from where I was standing. Then she opened the door, keeping it open about a foot, and sticking her head out to talk. "Hi, Jessie," she said. "Don't 'Hi' me, Pam," I said. "I didn't think you'd be all that mad at me," she said in a low voice. "Didn't you just love that rascal's cock? Hot damn! Like sucking on a snake, wasn't it? Talk about radical." "Yes," I admitted with a smile. "I liked it. But you can't keep on doing that to me, Pam." "Doing what?" she asked. "Telling some man that I want to fuck," I said. "Telling that smug doctor that I wanted it up my ass wasn't very nice." "How was it?" giggled Pam. It was hard to stay mad at her. "Fantastic," I gushed out. "I thought it was going to come out my mouth." "Yeah," she said. "I know the feeling. I love it up my backside, when the mood is right." "That doesn't matter right now," I said, trying to be serious again. "You were bad, Pam. I don't ever want you setting me up again. I don't want you assuming that I'll let any man fuck me." "I'm sorry," she said. "I'll decide if and when I get fucked. I'm serious," I said, suddenly wondering what Pam was doing in the coach's apartment. "I promise," she said. "I'll never set you up again." "That's better," I said. Pam then opened the door the rest of the way and stood behind the door until I was inside. She was naked - and not alone. I could see Billy Robertson and Rob Dunn standing in the hallway leading to the bedroom. The two coaches were laughing, and they were as naked as she. I stopped midway into the room and stared at the two big hard-ons sticking up in the air. "I lied," Pam giggled. "I told the guys you'd be over to join us in bed. Pick your cock, and let's get fucked." Suddenly the two coaches lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom, planting my body in the middle of the king-sized bed. They smothered me with kisses and caresses, and in record time, my nurse's uniform was off. Something thick, very hard, and leaking pushed into my hand, and I knew at once that it wasn't Billy's cock that my fingers were touching. I couldn't even close my fist around the base of the thickness of this amazing prick. "What y'all think of that one, Jessie?" I heard Pam snicker as she rolled over to give us room. "That's 10-1/2 inches of prime, Texas tube-steak, sweetie." I turned to look down at Coach Dunn's monster hard-on. I remembered how big it had looked when I peeked through the vent to the storage room, and right now it was still huge. No way, I thought. There's no way I could ever stretch enough to get this king-sized cock up inside me. My pussy was too tight to fuck the handsome diving coach. "Ever see anything like that in your life?" giggled Pam. "Go for it, honey. Jump on that big ol' horse-cock." "How?" I gasped. "It'll tear me in two." "Get on top," Rob suggested. He was rubbing his middle finger up through my puffy cunt lips, making my mind all fuzzy. "That way you can control it. Take as much as you want." Rob rolled over, and his eager cock pointed up in the air, twitching for my pussy. As I straddled his hips, Rob reached for my breasts with both hands, drawing me down for a quick kiss on each nipple before pushing me back upright. "You want to give it a try?" Rob asked. "Yes," I whispered. I wanted to dive down and swallow this huge thing up in one swooping thrust, but I was afraid. As Rob urged me on, his hands all over my tits, I reached down and tightly gripped that tower of cock meat, guiding it to my oozing pussy lips. "Oooh," I groaned. It felt like the fat end of a baseball bat throbbing against the sensitive outer lips of my eager cunt. I wrapped my fingers firmly around his thick prick about halfway up, and slowly rubbed his heavy prick head back and forth along my dripping slash. I had to reach between us with my other hand to part my swollen cunt lips so his throbbing cock head could slide between them. When I looked down, I saw my hot fuck hole gaping open, sucking over his huge cock. And I wasn't the only one watching either. Pam was moving her hand slowly over Billy's long, thin prick, and both of them were eyeing me, waiting to see if I could get this overwhelming fuck-muscle up into my hot cunt. My pussy juice oozed out all over his blunt tip, and I curled my fingers, letting my flowering outer lips surround Rob's cock head. He was cupping the cheeks of my ass, and I sat upright, my feet under me, and pulled up over his prick, moving my hands out of the way. "Go, Jessie," urged Pam and Billy. I lowered my fur-lined cunt, and his cock slid its way up into my tight pussy. I slowly sank, and I was so wet I didn't need to move back and forth to keep his prick lubricated. I'd oozed enough cunt-cream over that thick hardness to let it slide smoothly into my clenching pussy. I closed my eyes, throwing back my head. Things like this didn't happen to me, I thought. It had only been a little over a week since my first sexual encounter, and now everything was happening so fast. Yet, I wanted more. It was hard for me to believe I was a shy virgin when I took the nursing job with this college. And now I was being impaled by the biggest prick I'd ever seen. I rested my hands on Rob's chest and felt his cock about halfway inside me. I moved one hand to my flat tummy, and as I pushed in gently, I could feel the sliding and pumping of that tremendously hard cock as it advanced another inch into depths no man had ever probed before. I rolled my hips, sinking down further, and felt my insides moving and adjusting to take more of Rob inside me. As the others watched, I felt my ass touching Rob's balls. "Yes!" I hissed, raising myself up and settling down once more to assure myself that I really was totally around Rob's beautiful boner. "I did it. He's in me. The whole fucking thing's in me!" The sound of Pam and Billy cheering and clapping me on came to me in the fog my mind was thrashing through. I wasn't even aware of them any longer. My every thought was on the log-like cock I was going to fuck. "Now," Rob said. I wanted to feel my tight cunt fucking over his stiff hard-on as much as Rob did. I rode him like that, with my feet tucked up under me to control how much cock I was letting him feed into my hungry pussy hole. I surged up, sliding my wet heat over his meaty thickness. Up and down, sliding my tight, newly educated cunt. It was heavenly. Long, smooth strokes. Rob let me do all the fucking, just working his fingers over my nipples occasionally to give me added stimulation. I gripped with the slippery, contracting walls of my hot pussy, using my inner fuck muscles and opened my eyes, looking down into Rob's. He smiled, pointing with his chin over to Pam and Billy. Pam was on her back, and Billy was astride her chest, his long, thin cock sliding back and forth between the tightly squeezed mounds of Pam's creamy breasts. He was fucking her tits, and as I watched, I could see the purple head of his prick slipping out of her gripping softness. He held it there, pushing up high toward her face, and Pam bent her neck, licking across the tip with her moist tongue. She left a glistening smear of her spit on the swollen cock head. "That's wild, isn't it?" Rob whispered. And getting better, I thought. Pam had both of her hands pushing in on the big, soft pillows of her boobs, and Billy was pushing in tighter over her hands, driving that long prick of his through her tit-pussy. Her hot blue eyes were locked on the head of his cock as it peeked out on each stroke. Billy's head was upright, and he looked as if he was on the verge of a wonderful climax. "Cum, baby," she said. "Cum for little Pam." My eyes were locked on the sight of Billy's long hard-on splitting between Pam's massive tits. I saw Pam pinch her own nipples, and I heard her urging him to cum. To shower her face with his hot cum. Her eyes, too, were glazed with lust. Suddenly, that long prick jerked and shoved as far forward as Billy could get it. He groaned, and Pam moaned with him, arching her neck to get her face in front of Billy's stiff prick.Billy's hot juice spilled out in gut-wrenching spurts and splashed up over Pam's upturned face. In seconds, she had a ring of hot cum circling her throat, the pooling cock-cream looking like a necklace of pearls. "Oooh, God," I panted again. We both watched as Billy climaxed between Pam's quivering breasts. I don't know why, but what Pam did next shocked me. She scooped up a little of the spent cum with her fingers, slurping and sucking them. Then she rubbed the rest of Billy's cum over her breasts and belly. I groaned at the sight of her as Rob's big boner throbbed up inside me. Watching Pam and Billy had made my pussy melt so that now I could fully accept his huge size. My pussy was moving over him easily now, and I decided to try something else. "Fuck me like you did Pam," I said. "Do it the way you did in the storage room." "How did you see me fuck Pam?" he asked. "I peeked from my office," I groaned, just wanting him to do it. Without breaking our body connection, Rob wrapped his arms around me and rolled me over on my back. His arms pushed up, and squirming, he wriggled one arm under each of my legs as I pulled them up. "Just like you fucked her," I moaned, my body wrenching in anticipation. "Hard and fast and dirty, baby. Fuck the shit out of me!" Rob shoved his arms under my spread legs, leaving my pussy totally exposed for his huge, hard cock. He wiggled, getting the thick weapon exactly where he wanted it, and then drove it into my belly. All in one attack thrust, his prick hit bottom, and I cried out through my clenched teeth. "Okay?" Rob asked. "Deeper," I answered. "You've got it all, Jessica." "Then harder," I pleaded. I could tell that he wanted to hammer his thick cock into my sexy young body, so I screwed myself up over his hard-on, begging him to do just that. Rob pushed up higher, his hands slipped under my trembling ass, and my legs slipped up his arms and then over his shoulders. My ankles were against his neck, and my legs were stretched in a wide bow, allowing him all the room he needed to fuck me hard and deep and fast. "Ooooh, yes!" I wailed as his deep lunging thrusts pounded the air out of my lungs. Hot blasts of pure delight ran through my body as Rob threw this body-rocking fuck into me. My orange-size breasts were dancing rhythmically on my chest from the force of his steel-stiff cock, and suddenly I felt hands covering my aching breasts. Billy chewed at the nipple on my right side, as Pam's teasing tongue flicked over the swollen bud on the other side. Without opening my eyes, I reached out with both hands, finding a soft, flaccid prick on one side and a slippery, hot pussy on the other. I played with both. Rob was fucking me just the way I'd dreamed. Deep, hard and quick. Hands were all over me, my nipples were being sucked, and my hot pussy was being voraciously pounded. Rob stretched it wide open, as his huge hard-on brought me closer and closer to orgasm. As the cock in my hand hardened, Pam slipped to that side and took the prick from my fingers. She and Billy rose up over me, his prick right above my face. I watched as she sucked and licked over the long, thin rod, and my cunt tightened, grasping around Rob's throbbing cock. I knew he was going to cum. "Pull out," I groaned. "Oooh, God, Robbie. Pull that beautiful cock out when you cum. Squirt it up on my belly. I wanna see you cum, baby. I want you to cum all over my body." "Is that what you want?" he panted, pushing up higher. "Yes!" I screamed. Pam had bragged about how fast she could make a guy cum, even if she had just fucked him, and now was a good time to find out if she could get Billy to shoot his hot cum again quickly. "Get him off for me," I begged her. "Please, Pam. Make him shoot off on me. Make him cum all over me!" I slowed my frantic humping over Rob's prick, and Pam sucked faster. We were in a race, and I wanted both Rob and Billy to cover my hot young body with cum at the same instant. "Hurry," gasped Rob. I watched, unable to stop the muscles clenching orgasmically inside my silky pussy. Pam's face was twisted with lust, and she sucked madly, her tight fist pumping up and down over the long shaft of Billy's prick. "Put a finger up his ass!" I screamed. Pam's fingers found the crack in Billy's ass, she pushed in deeply and Billy arched his back, screaming out. Pam jerked her mouth free, pumping frantically with her slippery fist. "He's gonna cum," she groaned. "Now," I screamed. "Both at the same time!" I got my wish. Rob's huge hard-on plopped out of my orgasmic cunt, and spewed hot cum up on my stomach and breasts. It bobbed for an eternally long second, slapping between his belly and mine, then it shook one final time and erupted. Before Rob's big boner spasmed again, Billy was cumming too. Pam's hand directed his long prick toward me, and it jetted, splattering his fiery love-juice from my breasts up to my neck. "Yes!" I screamed, as Billy collapsed. Cum was still quivering on my belly when Rob rolled off me, and Pam and I didn't let it go to waste. While the two guys rested, we 69'd. The hot cum from the two men was sliding between us naughtily, thrilling us as we tongued each other through orgasm after orgasm. CHAPTER ELEVEN The sound of the shower woke me. This wasn't my room at the dorm, I thought, looking around sleepily. Then I remembered what had happened between the four of us last night. My body remembered, too. It was sore all over. Blinking away sleep, I saw that I was in the middle of the big bed with a naked man on either side. Pam was in the shower, and as I glanced at the clock, I could see I had about an hour and a half before I was due at work. Plenty of time, I thought as I snuggled against the body behind me. I felt a hard-cock sticking into my ass, and I reached around in front of me until I found the softness of another cock. I fondled Bill's dick, which wasn't soft for long, and wriggled my ass, clenching my tight buns over Rob's hard-on. Slowly, they awoke—we hadn't killed them, after all, I thought. I rolled over onto my back, one hand on each hard cock, and stroked them both, feeling my pussy grow all wet and slick inside. "Wake up, sleepy head," I whispered, using my thumbs to rub pre-cum into the sensitive spots just under each guy's piss-slit. Rob's cock twitched in my hand and Billy's grew even stiffer, poking out of my fingers as I ran them up and down his long, thin shaft. "What do you want?" asked Rob. "I've got what I want," I joked, gripping tightly around both rock-hard cocks. "I just need to find somewhere to put 'em." "I think we created a monster," said Billy. "That's right," I said, "and if you two don't wake up and do something, I'm gonna bite both of you on the neck." I kissed them both awake, spending more time on the two upright pricks than anywhere else. Then I scooted away from the groping hands, rolling Rob over beside Billy. Hip to hip, I pointed a prick toward the center. "Yeah," I said in triumph. They just reached. With a cock in each hand, I pushed the twin towers of prick-flesh close together and lashed my moist tongue over both of these wonderful tubes. Two hard-ons dribbled sweet honey into my tastebuds. The breakfast of champions. This beats the shit out of orange juice, I thought as I milked over each prick to get more of my special treat. That seemed to get their attention, so I slipped up over Rob's narrow waist. I quickly swallowed his huge hard-on with my slick pussy, right down to the hilt. My mouth had wet his dick nicely, and the slippery juices soaking my pussy walls did the rest. I stretched out over him. "Didn't you get enough last night?" he asked. "Never," I said. "That's not what you were moaning last night," added Billy. "That was yesterday," I said with a laugh. "It's time for today's fuck, Billy, and you're next." I kissed Billy full on the mouth, trembling as my insides molded around Rob's lovely hard prick. Billy pulled back, giving us room to fuck, and Rob raised his legs, pushing up my hips in a way that trapped them in place. The move separated our crotches, and Rob filled the gap as he slowly stroked his huge hard-on up into me. Rob's gentle fucking was so stimulating. I soaked his deeply thrusting cock with the molten cream from inside my hot cunt. I pushed up enough to raise my aching nipples over his face, and he caught one, chewing it with his teeth as he kept up that steady, rocking rhythm. Rob fucked me in a deep, slow, sensual pattern—as if he had no plans to cum. He was just sliding that beautiful hard-on into me for my own pleasure. I thrust my hips against him, pushing up just enough to get the steaming knob of my clitty over his sawing cock shaft. I was fully aware of what was happening to me. The muscles in my thighs and ass and inside my hot pussy hardened and gripped in time with Rob's stroking. "Yes, baby," I whispered. "Just a little more. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum so nice." "Here it is, Jessie," he panted back, fucking my gyrating cunt. Billy rolled over on his side and watched, seemingly content, as Rob rolled my nipples and worked that huge cock of his in and out. He humped me in little inch-long strokes until I was begging for it and then slammed up a full-length stroke that split me in two. As he shoved all the way up into me, I blasted off in a glorious cum, and my scalding pussy rippled over Rob's deeply embedded prick. "You done?" he asked, his voice revealing that he wanted me to keep going. "No," I purred. "How about me?" called Billy, stroking up my thigh seductively. "You said I was next." I looked over. Billy had his prick in his hand and was stroking the long, thin boner while he watched me fucking Rob. "You don't have to wait," I said, looking back over my shoulder. "I think we can find some place for you. Get something to lube me up, and stick that pretty prick up my ass, Billy."I'd never seen a man move so fast as he reached for the tube of K-Y Jelly in a drawer in the nightstand. I knew that I wasn't the only girl to figure out that Billy's lovely, thin prick was just about perfect for ass-fucking. "Yeah, baby," I groaned as his hand pulled apart the cheeks of my ass. "Get in me. Put your cock up my ass, Billy." Billy massaged and opened my back-door hole, my butt sucking and squishing as he finger-fucked me into action. It didn't take me long. With a prick already throbbing inside my dripping cunt, Billy found my ass-rings relaxed and supple. "Do it," I whispered. Billy's cockhead slipped between my asscheeks, pressing in then pulling back. I pulled up off the cock buried in my tight cunt, holding it just inside cunt-lips, and the second hard-on nudged up into my asshole. Both men were soft and gentle with me. As Billy's long hard-on pushed in, I felt his balls hanging down over the bottom of my cunt. He pulled back this time all the way, and slid into me deeply as I undulated over Rob's hard body. I was being fucked by two men at the same time, and I loved feeling so full, so totally full of prick flesh. With a low groan, I squeezed down and ground my cunt over Rob's thick hard-on. Then I pulled back, forcing Billy's prick into my churning asshole, trapping my body with a bone-hard cock at both ends. Seeing my spasming delight, the two men picked up the next stroke of my hips, working in perfect rhythm. I rocked my hips to swallow up Rob's huge hard-on, long and deep inside me, and then I pulled back to suck in the prick between the cheeks of my trembling ass. Billy stroked his thin cock up into my asshole as Rob pulled out of my cunt. Both men were long-cocking me. They were pulling out until just the jerking head of their prick was being sucked by my cunt or ass. The only time I had them both inside me was when they passed inside my shuddering body, and a thin membrane of tissue separated their two throbbing cocks. "Oooooh, my God!" I moaned, smoldering from this wild double-penetrating fuck. I rocked back and forth, pushing up on Rob's chest. But as I tried to move up, my timing got all messed up. "Noo," I groaned. The guys tried to pick it up again, but unfortunately, both of them tried at the same time. They both drove a surging prick into me, and instead of that steady in-and-out prick stretching, everything changed. They both fucked into me at the same instant, and I was stretched between two raging cocks, banging into each other and tearing through my tender flesh. "Oooooh, yes!" I screamed. Billy and Rob pulled back as one, leaving me with only the tips of two lovely pricks teasing my asshole and pussy. Then again, slamming into me together, they magnificently attacked my defenseless body and fucked me to rapture. At some point in this rocking rhythm, they paused. They felt me squirming between them, but neither man slammed his prick back into me. I waited, whimpering, my pussy and asshole begging for cock. "Fuck me!" I screamed, "Please. Someone fuck me!" My young body arched into a bow. I wanted to fuck each of them, to ripple my tight cunt and tighter butt over each hard prick that was thrilling me. But if I moved toward one, I would be pulling back from the other. All I could do was undulate between them, letting them fuck me at their pace. I squeezed with everything I had as Billy and Rob dual-dicked me, and it seemed as if all I did was cum and cum and cum. "Don't stop," I groaned. "Both of you keep fucking me like that. Fuck me hard!" Both men bottomed out against each other, the two knobby cockheads tearing me in two as they hammered into me together. Rob's hands were on my ribs, holding me upright, locked between the two cocks. Billy's chest was pressing heavily on my back, his arms circling my waist, and there were hands everywhere on my tits. "Nice of y'all to wait," said Pam, bringing me out of my orgasmic daze. Never one to be left out of the action, Pam unwrapped a blue, damp towel from her wet hair and started towards us. As I closed my eyes again, I felt Pam crawl up over Rob's face. She straddled the big coach's head, playfully grinding over his face and sliding her cunt over his upraised tongue. "Hi," I said. "Are we having fun yet?" she asked, shoving her big soft tits into my face. With Pam suddenly here, it seemed our fucking pace picked up. Billy's thin boner slapped between my asscheeks, driving fully into my gripping asshole and Rob's huge hard-on was stretching my cunt so far I knew I couldn't take another fraction of an inch. As Pam fondled my breasts, I looked down. She smiled at me, her eyes filled with lust. "Yes," she whispered. "We are. We havin' fun, ain't we?" I couldn't agree more. I reached for Pam's tits, and as I caught one inch-long bud with my soft lips, the man reaming out my asshole groaned. "Ooooh, sweet Jesus," moaned Pam, as she bucked up against Rob's face. "I can't hold it," yelled Billy. We were all so close, and I sucked Pam's nipple even harder. Suddenly, she squirmed out of control against my face and slipped up, bringing her hot cunt off Rob's face. I looked straight down, seeing all of her dripping cuntal slash as Rob tongue-fucked her, driving his stiffened tongue faster up into her asshole. "Sweet Jesus! "Pam screamed. "I'm cumming. Oooh, tongue it. Tongue my hot little ass, darling. Make me cum hard." Like some uncontrollable force, it hit. Pam's cumming set us all off. The cock in my burning asshole throbbed and plowed my butt harder. Then I screamed, biting down hard on Pam's super-sensitive nipple. "Jesus, Jessie!" wailed Pam. My face came up, and Pam's lips mashed into mine. We kissed, sucking and tonguing, and her arms went around me, holding me upright as the two men drove for the final few strokes that would bring them off. "Cum!" Pam groaned. "Both of y'all. Cum!" Rob's cock slammed up and down in me like a runaway freight train as he feverishly ate out Pam's dripping pussy. In seconds, both cocks buried in my climaxing young body twitched, and shot out hot cum. Nothing could compare to what I was feeling at that moment. Lightning bolts of sexual electricity flashed through all four of us as our bodies writhed and shook on the bed. "Yes!" I screamed, and my body seemed to float. I guess I passed out a little, and I know I was on fire. The desire that had been building ever since I'd discovered the joys of sex burst into a burning cone of fire right in the center of my belly. I'd been turned into a fucking, sucking, cock-loving beast. Wave after wonderful wave of pleasure surged through me. All I needed now was a third prick for my mouth, I suddenly thought. That would make everything perfect. A cock burning in my ass, a cock in my pussy, and one more sliding deeply into my throat. That amazingly wicked thought swirled around in my numb brain, and then it all faded. I felt light-headed. "Jessica, honey?" I heard Pam say. "You okay, sweetie?" I was only out for a few seconds. But when my eyes opened again, my cunt and asshole were still undulating in climactic twitches around two slowly drooping pricks. Cum was dripping out of both my holes, and I smiled into Pam's pretty face. "Mmmm," I groaned, raising up to kiss her lips gently. "I'm fine, baby. Just fine." By the time we all could manage to struggle up from the big bed, we realized the morning had slipped away from us. I was the only one who had to work today, but I knew I wouldn't make it. It took all three of them just to drag me off the bed. Pam and I stood under the warm water of the shower, and she soaped my naked body. Feeling her soapy skin against mine brought me back to life. Pam dried my hair as Rob ran over to my dorm to get a clean white jumpsuit for me. After Pam brought me back to life, it looked as if I'd be able to make it to work after all. CHAPTER TWELVE The rest of the week was really busy. Everyone scheduled to compete in the big swimming and diving tournament passed the drug tests. I hired two off-duty EMT guys with advanced lifesaving training to work around the diving tank, and by the time they arrived on Friday afternoon, everything else was set. I had about an hour to relax. Or so I thought. Right at that moment, Coach Martin arrived, and was accepting congratulations about the new job from everyone when he caught my eye. He pointed back to my office, and I arrived first, propping my door open until we were both inside. The first thing he did was to kiss me. Then he described the new university and the job they offered him. He said that everything was set, except for one very important detail. "It sounds lovely," I said. "I hate to see you go, but I'm happy for you, Doug. You deserve it." "I'm not going to take the job," he said. "What?" I gasped. "Why? It sounds perfect for you." "It is," he admitted. "Then why not?" I asked. "What's keeping you here?" "You," he said, shocking me. We talked, and I realized he was serious. "The only way I'll leave is if you go with me, Jessica," he said. "I can't just run off with you, Doug," I protested. "I'm not asking you to run off," he said. "Marry me, Jessica. We can start a new life together." "I don't know what to say," I stammered. "Take your time," he said. "Just remember one thing, honey." "What's that?" I asked. "I love you." I was in my office 15 minutes later, still mulling over Doug's offer when Todd knocked on the door. I was still warm from Doug's kiss when Todd kissed me and told me about the deal his father was setting up in California. Todd would be a vice-president in a public relations firm. It was a real cushy job, and Todd would be producing public-service commercials and short spots on TV. I was picturing him hobnobbing with celebrities when I got my second shock of the day. "Come out to California with me," he said. "We make a good team, Jessica." "Are you asking me to marry you?" I gasped."Well," he said smoothly. "Not right away. I thought I'd set you up in a nice condo by the bay. I'll cover all expenses, of course." The shy young man I'd fucked a week ago seemed different—much more assured and confident. He was no longer the same swimmer I'd fucked, but then I wasn't the same either. "Think about it," he said, convincingly. "We're great in bed together. Come on out with me. Give it a shot. Shit. I'll put you in some of our commercials. As pretty as you are, you'll probably be discovered in no time." "Jesus, Todd," I said, confused by all that was happening to me. "I've got to run," he said, looking up at the clock. "I'm in the second race. Watch me. You don't have to decide right now. Tell me later." "Good luck," I said. "You'll think about it?" "Yes." "I'll check back with you in about an hour," he said. "I'll let you know how I did." Alone in my office, I tried to think. I liked Todd. After all, he was my first, but I really liked Doug too. I was going to have to make a choice, between a life here with Doug, and one with Todd in California. Todd was young and on his way to being rich, I thought. He was tall, built like a Greek god, and real handsome. With his daddy's influence, I could probably make the right connections and meet the right people. Doug, on the other hand, was a middle-aged swimming and diving coach who would probably never make more money than he was being offered right now. He was balding on top and a little flabby around the middle. But, Doug loved me. Once I made myself accept this fact, I realized that I loved him, too. I made my decision and went out to watch the first races. When Todd came out, he waved at me as they introduced him. As he leaped into the pool, I could see the athletic grace that made him such a good swimmer. His backstroke was much stronger than the others in the pool, and he eased ahead at the first turn. By the third pass in the water, Todd was in control. He won easily, just missing the university record by three-tenths of a second. As the next race began, I watched Doug as he talked to the diving coach at the diving end. I went back to my office, leaving the door propped open again. Todd came to me less than two minutes later, fresh from a shower. "How about a kiss for the winner?" he said, kicking the door shut behind him. I came into his arms, opening my mouth as his soft lips touched mine. As our tongues rolled together, Todd pushed his crotch tightly against me, and I felt his hard cock. "Todd," I said, breaking the kiss. "What?" he whispered back, his fingers pulling down on the ring attached to the front zipper of my dress. "I need to tell you something," I groaned as he cupped my naked breasts. Todd's fingers rolled my nipples, bringing on a little shiver of passion up inside my belly. "Mmm, baby," I tried again. "We need to talk." Todd picked me up, putting my ass on the empty desktop, and rocked me back, lifting my dress. His hands found my panties, and he shoved his fingers deeply up into the gushing slit of my cunt. "What did you want to say?" he said. "It's about what you said," I panted. "California." Todd found my clitoris and rubbed it firmly. "What did I ask you again?" he teased. "Ooh, you bastard," I groaned as a shiver ran through my hot cunt. "I can't remember." I fell back, spreading my legs. Todd stripped off his pants, and pulled out his hard cock. He stared down at me, looking at my widely open cunt. "Can I?" he asked. I knew what he meant as his face came down toward my hot pussy. "Sure, baby," I whispered. "I don't know any girl who'd turn down getting her pussy licked." Todd dove right in, sliding his stiff tongue into my steaming fuck hole. He worked his greedy tongue up and down through my hot cuntlips, and wrapped his lips around my swollen button. I groaned loudly as he sucked, and when his tongue flicked out over the very tip, I nearly died. But, as he started licking, I felt myself pulling back. I was so horny that his tongue only irritated me, holding me back from what I really wanted. "Ooooh!" I groaned. "I'm sorry. I can't stand that, Todd. No, honey. Bring that big thing up here. I'm too horny." "What should I do?" he groaned. "Fuck me," I whispered. "Fuck me with that big thing, Todd." I reached down, wrapping my hand around Todd's stiffened prick, and I rippled my fingers, checking to make sure it was firm and ready. My hand turned, guiding his hard prick into my pussy. He slammed home, filling me with his pulsing prick meat. "Ooh, Todd," I groaned. "I'm sure glad you fucked me, baby. Do it to me again. Fuck me nice." I had a lot to show Todd. Since our first fuck, I'd learned quite a bit. As he pumped his prick hard and fast into my slippery love-channel, I squeezed down and rolled my hips to delight him. His powerful cock, eager and throbbing, slammed into my dripping cunt. "Slowly," I urged him, using my hands to slow his frantic strokes. "Let me work my pussy for you, honey. Let me milk your pretty prick with my cunt. Feel that? Yes. Just like that, baby. Nice and deep." I rippled my inner magic, slamming my hips up with each stroke, my groin raising to meet Todd's as we fucked on top of my desk. "Let me go on top," I whispered, knowing that I could control the fuck better if I was riding Todd. The desk was too hard, so I quickly rolled Todd over onto the carpeted floor. I stripped out of my dress, leaving my nursing hat and stockings on. I shivered with total joy as I slowly raised and lowered my small frame over Todd's muscular body, sliding my cream-coated pussy down over his steel-hard cock. I trembled from the heavenly pleasure of having his prick back inside me. "Mmmm," I purred. "I'm so glad you took my cherry, baby. You were my first. My first cock." When his big throbbing boner was fully buried, I sat upright and looked down at Todd, seeing the hungry look on his face. I sat perfectly still for a few seconds, pushing down on his flat tummy to stop him from stroking up into me. The glorious sensations grew as I concentrated on the rippling grip I'd practiced for two weeks. "Ooooh," he groaned, trying to drive his cock up into me as my talented cunt came alive around him, all tight and lurching over his prick. "No," I whispered. "Let me." I rode his cock shaft slowly, using everything I'd learned, and I carefully didn't let him cum when I felt a hard jerking. "Jesus, Jessica!" Todd hissed. His face twisted with lust as my milking wetness stroked all the way up to the very tip of his throbbing hard-on and then fell back in one swooping, rippling drop. "Here," I whispered. "Do something with your hands." I drew his shaking hands back to my naked breasts and picked up the beat a little, giving an extra grind at the bottom of each stroke as I swirled my hot cunt around his pretty prick. Todd answered with hard thrusts of his own. "You like the way I'm fucking you, Todd?" I moaned. "Oooh," he groaned as that deep throbbing started once more. "God, you fuck nice, Jessica." "You started me," I whispered. "This pretty prick did it to me. God, I love this. I love fucking." Todd was getting close again. I milked down, easing my external motion until he was back under control again. Inside, I rippled just enough to drive him absolutely wild. Each time he was about to explode, I kept him from cumming. The long, thrilling fuck went on and on. Both of us were getting more excited. I'd cum three times, and Todd was so close to getting off that his face turned blue. I slowed just enough to keep the blast of hot cum inside his balls, and he pinched down hard on my nipples, bringing on another quick cum that rocked through me. As I recovered, I pushed up to his chest, wriggling until I'd relaxed enough to slide up. "Where are you going?" he groaned. I pulled off, not wanting him to cum too quickly, and his wet cock slapped up on his belly. "Don't worry," I giggled. "You're gonna love it." My mouth was salivating, and I dove down, licking up my own juices as I slurped over Todd's raging boner. "Aaaah," I groaned, keeping my lips to the head of his jerking prick as I naughtily teased him. "He's so big and hard for me, baby. Your cock's like a rock, Todd. Like a fucking rock." "God!" he panted. "I just want a little taste of him," I whispered. "You're gonna get to fuck more, baby. Don't worry. I'm not going to let you cum, though. Not yet. Not 'til I'm ready." "Please?" he begged. "Fuck me doggie-style," I whispered lewdly, running my fist up over the entire length of my lover's cock. "One more kiss, then get behind me, baby. Put your pretty prick up me from behind." I picked up Todd's pretty prick, tightening my fingers into a fist as I ran my moist tongue all over the glistening length of his meaty cock. Clear liquid trickled out of his piss-slit as I squeezed, and I licked off his cock honey and looked into his eyes. "Fuck me from the rear," I said. "Now." Quickly spinning around, I pushed my naked ass up to Todd, and his hands gripped my hips. I felt the head of his prick bumping into my thigh, then centering as I shifted. He shoved again, this time sinking right up into my wet fuck hole. The thick head of Todd's boner pushed between my sucking cunt lips. "Ooooh, that's the spot," I groaned. "I've never done it like this," he admitted, panting wildly behind me as I squirmed back tightly. "You're doing great, honey. Just fucking great!" "I am?" he asked. "Is that all you're gonna give me?" I groaned, circling my hips seductively. "I need more than just the head, honey." Todd answered by ramming his lovely hard cock up into my cunt. Deeper and deeper he drove, and I twisted my ass, swirling my hot cunt over his dick. "Yes!" I hissed. "Oooh, I love it like this. I can feel him. Nice and deep. Fuck it to me, baby. Go real deep in me. Fuck me nice, Todd." Todd was panting wildly, and I reached around and placed his hand on my breast.As I moaned with desire, I felt his heavy balls swinging back and forth against my cunt. "You're so wet, Jessica," he groaned. "All for you," I panted back, the tightness of my cunt making his thick prick force its way through my pussy-lips each time he pulled all the way out of my sucking heat. "Keep fucking me. Oooh, God. I'm gonna cum. Keep fucking me!" Todd feverishly lunged back and forth, his flat belly slapping against my asscheeks as he fucked me right through an awesome climax. As his hand cupped my breasts and then moved to my cuntal slit, I felt another throbbing. Todd's prick was getting too close again. "Easy," I groaned. "Don't cum yet, baby. I wanna suck it. I want your pretty prick in my mouth when you cum, Todd." "Jesus!" he gasped again. "Yes," I cooed, torturing him. "You'd like that. Cumming in my mouth. But don't cum until I can taste it." I reached back, catching his balls on the next stroke, squeezed over his hairy globes and rolled Todd's nuts, feeling them sliding around inside my fingers. "You've got to stop," he panted hoarsely. "Why?" I teased. "I'm gonna cum if you don't!" he gasped. "I think it's time for me to suck cock," I said, sliding forward to unhook us as Todd stood. I shoved him into my chair, knowing that he was too weak to stand, and I dropped to my knees in front of him. His shiny prick was jerking and bobbing up and down. I slid my hands under his squirming globes and raised my mouth, flicking and licking across the smooth surface of his cock. I tasted my cunt all over him, and with a low moan, I opened my mouth and let my lips slide along the dripping, purple head of Todd's cock. "Ooooh, Jessie!" he groaned. "I'm gonna suck you off now," I whispered, looking right up into Todd's eyes as I spoke. "Cum for me, baby. Fuck my mouth. Fill me up with your sweet cum." I kissed the fiery head of his cock, feeling a jerking throb in response. Then I swirled my tongue slowly, ringing the sensitive flesh of the crown. "Suck it," he groaned. I opened my mouth, taking the bulb-like head between my lips, and scraping my teeth gently over the spongy flesh. He throbbed against my lips, and I knew he was going to cum. I didn't want to stop him this time, and I bobbed down, letting the thick head of Todd's jerking boner slide down into the depths of my clutching throat, and then I rode back up until I was holding about half of his meaty thickness inside my moist mouth. "Christ!" he was panting. "What a cock-sucker." I was so turned on by blowing Todd that I started to cum. I licked around the crown, feeling the deeply centered jerking getting stronger. My face twisted, as I sucked in his bulging cock. "I'm cumming!" he groaned. Wild spurts filled my mouth. I didn't swallow, and Todd shot out again, another wad of his love juice, coating my tongue. "Mmmm," I moaned again. As Todd's prick started to droop, I turned my face up, letting his prick slip away from my gripping lips. I looked up into Todd's eyes, my mouth full of his cum, I tilted my face and swallowed the whole mouthful. "Now we need to talk," I said several minutes later. "Can I assume that you're going with me?" he said, dressing. "No," I said. "I'm sorry, Todd. I'm not going to California with you. I've got a better offer." "Well," he asked again. "What was this, then?" "This was our good-bye fuck," I said sadly. We won the meet and everyone from the school cheered and screamed when the scores were read. Finally, the crowd left, and Doug called all of our teams together. He talked to the male and female members on our team, and congratulated them on the big win. When he finished speaking, the team and the assistant coaches remained. No one really wanted to leave until they found out what Doug was going to do. He kept saying he had to wait for more information, and at that I walked up to him. He wouldn't look at me, and just hung his face, certain that I would turn him down. "Will you marry me?" he asked again, the words so soft that I knew they were directed only to my ears. "How do you feel about letting your wife work?" I asked loudly so my words rang out in the big swimming facility. "I think it's up to her," he said. "I should be able to get on as the team's nurse," I said, grinning. "After all, I'm going to know the new head coach and assistant athletic director pretty well after we get married." Doug laughed. "I love you," he said, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "I love you so much, Jessica." I know, I thought, smiling into his loving eyes.
Mack Tavish
Student's Bedroom Demonstration
"Beautiful, huh, Miss Avalon?" Sally Avalon looked up from the display case of rare coins with words of polite agreement on her lips -- words which died unspoken when she discovered that Willy Jessel's pale blue eyes were focused not on the exhibit in front of him, but on the generous mounds of her sweater-covered breasts. Willy was a troublemaker. A disruptive influence. She wasn't at all clear as to why he stayed on at school past the minimum required age. Certainly, he was by no means a good student and spent most of his time, in her classes anyway, staring at the ceiling or murmuring wisecracks -- or fixing her with an unblinking gaze while patently paying no mind to what she was saying. Now his eyes met hers insolently, then they flickered away over the coins. "That right, Miss Avalon -- worth a whole million?" he asked. "That's what the guys say." "I believe so," she responded, tight-lipped, and started to walk away. He was at her side. "Uh -- Miss Avalon..." "Yes?" "I -- uh -- seem to be having some kind of trouble with that last assignment -- you guess I could talk to you about it? I can't seem to -- uh --" "Well?" she asked mistrustfully. "Uh -- could we go back to the classroom so I can show where I seem to -- uh --" Duty struggled with inclination, and won. "Well, I suppose so," she conceded. "Just for a few minutes, though -- I have an appointment very soon." "Oh, sure, Miss Avalon," he reassured her eagerly. "It won't take that long. It's just a... uh..." They left the assembly hall, Sally nodding politely to the guard who stood by the doorway watching over the extremely valuable display of rare coins and stamps that Peter had lent to enhance the hobbies and handcraft exhibition. She couldn't smother a tiny private smile at the thought of Peter's impetuous, tender marriage proposal last night, his strong hands tilting her face up to his to kiss her soft, wide mouth while he stroked the silky tresses of her shoulder-length blonde hair. Dear Peter! She had been thinking about it every spare moment since. Or not so much thinking about it as unable to keep it away from her mind. Peter was so handsome, so capable and intelligent. She knew that he was a notorious seducer of willing women -- yet when she had been true to the principles of her rather rigid upbringing, instead of breaking off the relationship, he had asked her to marry him. Moreover, he claimed that he was delighted by the idea of having a bride who had never slept with any other man -- who would still be a virgin on the night of their wedding. Her happiness was slightly clouded just now, though, by the hulking presence of Willy beside her. His big, muscular, eighteen-year-old body seemed just a little too close, radiating a kind of animalistic warmth, a primitive emanation of sensuality that encroached on her space uncomfortably. She wondered fleetingly if she could convincingly find a reason to cancel the few minutes she had promised him -- but then she pulled herself together. After all, there would be people around the school for a long time yet, especially with the exhibition attracting various visitors. "Well, now," she said briskly as they arrived in the classroom, "why don't you bring --" "Hold it right there," said a flat-toned voice, and she turned toward the windows. The fire-escape door was open and a short, stocky man stood there. He had a gun in his hand. Aimed directly at her chest. "Shut your mouth an' keep it that way, see," the man went on. His eyes were a cold, unwavering grayness like an arctic sea. "One peep out of you and them pretty knockers gonna get a couple spare holes in 'em." She started to turn to Willy for help, but froze when his snicker sounded through the humming of blood in her ears. "Okay," the man commanded, "just come over here -- nobody's gonna hurt you long as you just keep quiet and do like I tell you." She stood paralyzed with fear, unable to move, until Willy goosed her with a blunt forefinger, when she gasped in outrage and stumbled forward suddenly, her eyes fixed upon the barrel of the gun like a mesmerized rabbit's. "Right down the fire escape. That's it." The gun was pressed against her back, and he was clutching her upper arm in a grip that was just short of downright painful. They descended to the ground and he guided her toward the main gates, where a large car stood with doors open, engine running, a man poised in readiness behind the wheel. Slowly the man with the icy gray eyes raised the gun, and the chilly metal pressed against her temple. She fainted. She heard a voice through the swirling darkness that enfolded her. "Easy as fallin' off a log." Her eyelids felt as though they had been glued shut. "One look at Jake with that gun against her head and they just opened up them glass cases and handed over all them coins without a murmur," the voice went on exultantly. "But what you have ta go bringin' her along for?" grumbled another voice. "That's a fuckin' kidnappin' rap." "Look, I told ya, if the cops find us while we're waitin' for Miles to show, we're gonna need a hostage to bargain. They ain't gonna risk gettin' her killed. Don't be so fuckin' dumb, Jerry. Shit, they'd be chasin' us right now if we didn't have her along with us." They were talking about her, she realized incredulously. They had kidnapped her; they had stolen Peter's coins and stamps and they were holding her as a hostage -- No, oh, no! This was ridiculous! It was like one of those idiotic television shows! Things like this didn't happen in real life! She would just open her eyes... she would wake up from this absurd, uncomfortable dream at once. She tried to move, but there was no strength in her body. Her arms were tucked uncomfortably behind her, but when she tried to move them, they refused to obey. With great difficulty, she forced her eyelids apart, and was suddenly aware that she was in a fast-moving car. There was somebody on either side of her, and cord was bound around her wrists behind her, and around her ankles, too. She made an inarticulate sound, and the men turned to look at her. One was Willy Jessel, the other was the stocky, gray-eyed gunman -- Jake, she thought, recalling the earlier conversation. "Hey, welcome back, teach," Willy grinned triumphantly, baring his healthy white teeth. "Bit of a change from teachin' history, huh?" His light blue eyes were malicious, lecherous, traveling over her face and then downward. Once again his gaze was fixed upon her breasts, and the tip of his broad pink tongue passed slowly and deliberately over his lower lip. She shuddered very slightly, and his grin turned into a positive leer. "Wassmatter, Miss Avalon? Feelin' the cold?" "Ah, knock it off," Jake muttered impatiently. His eyes also appraised her, and somehow his evident lack of interest was even more scary than Willy's lustful scrutiny. "Aw, don't I get to have a little fun?" Willy protested. "Huh?" Jake grimaced, following Willy's gaze to her breasts. Then he shrugged. "Just don't go thrashin' around too much -- there ain't that much room in this damn car." "Plenty of room where we're goin', huh?" Willy slowly raised one big, blunt-fingered hand with its short-bitten nails, and it hovered over her right breast. She watched, appalled, as it crept closer, a fraction of an inch at a time, like a predator stalking its terrified prey. "I been about achin' to find out if them boobs feel as good as they look all year," Willy said, almost conversationally. "I been watchin' in class. They really stand out the way you got your hands behind you, know that -- Miss Avalon?" He drawled the syllables of her name mockingly, relishing the juxtaposition of the formal address with the slow approach of his hand to the cringing mound beneath her white sweater. "Biggest tits of any teacher in the school," he breathed. "An' I tell you what, Miss Avalon -- I got the biggest you-know-what of any guy there, includin' the faculty. You wanna take a look at it, huh?" She shook her head fervently. "Okay, no rush," he chuckled tolerantly. "You're gonna see it plenty soon enough -- an' --" He closed his cupped hand on her breast. She gasped and tried to pull away from him, but there was nowhere to go. Jake was right beside her, watching the scene with sardonic amusement. "Wearin' a bra," Willy said, sounding disappointed. "What d'ya think?" Jake said. "If she didn't they'd be heavin' around like a couple plates loose jello." "Hey, what you guys doin'?" The man sitting beside the driver turned around and his damp-looking brown eyes widened. He had a plump moonface and his lips glistened from being constantly moistened with a nervous tongue. "Checkin' her out in the jug department," Willy sniggered. "Like ta get your hands on that pair, Jerry?" "Yeah!" The brown eyes glowed. "How's it feel, Willy? Nice an' firm, huh?" "Got a fuckin' bra on," Willy grumbled. "Let's take a look at it, huh?" He released her breast, and with one swift movement he grabbed the hem of her white sweater and jerked it up under her armpits, exposing the lacy brassiere that lay beneath. "Oh please," she moaned. "Please leave me alone!" "Stick your finger in one of the cups, Willy," Jerry urged."See if she's got padding in there, or if they're real." She tried once again to shrink away, as unsuccessfully as before, and Willy relentlessly thrust his large finger into the left cup and probed about and around the warm flesh which cringed beneath his touch. "All real, sure enough," he proclaimed exultantly. "Real nice and smooth, like silk." He forced the rest of his hand into the cup, which made the back strap cut into her painfully, and squeezed. His palm enfolded her nipple, which responded reflexively. "Hey, she's got nips the size of a goddamn cigarette butt," Willy reported. "Knock it off," growled the guy at the wheel. "How am I supposed to drive with all that goddamn yackety-yak?" The others ignored him. "Take it off of her, Willy," Jerry begged. "Let's get a look. I ain't seen knockers that big in months." She shut her eyes and turned her face away as Willy's thick fingers fumbled beneath her sweater, groping for the back fastening. He slipped it open, but couldn't get the bra off because of her tied hands, so he slid the shoulder straps down her upper arms. The flimsy garment dangled uselessly, and her breasts spilled forth beneath the rolled-up sweater. "Oh, Jesus," Jerry croaked. "Like cream or something... that real white skin you can see the blue veins in, and them nipples all pink -- look at them standing up there! Oh Jesus!" Sally's cheeks were aflame, and she felt the flush of embarrassment and shame turning her neck crimson too. The air-conditioned interior of the car had erected both nipples and was keeping them taut, although she tried fervently to force them to relax. "I'm gonna cream, never mind her tits," Willy muttered. Then she opened her eyes, afraid to keep them closed lest he take her by surprise, though there was nothing she could do about whatever entered his head. Nothing... nothing she could do about it... He was fumbling with his fly. "Take a look down here, Miss Avalon." She didn't want to, but her eyes were drawn with irresistible fascination. He tugged open the zipper and dragged it down with a metallic hiss, and groped inside to wrestle free a thick, purple-headed shaft that jutted aggressively up from his lap. She flinched inwardly at the sight: it looked almost wrist-thick, and must have been a good eight inches long. And it was the first time she had ever seen one hard... "How'd'ya like that, huh?" he demanded proudly. "Told you I got the biggest one around, huh, didn't I? Bet you never had one this big before, did you, Miss Avalon?" She stared in horrified wonder. "Turns you on, don't it?" She tried to shake her head, but couldn't move. Nothing she could do about it... nothing, nothing, nothing. "Look," he went on, stroking its mushroom head with the tip of a finger to spread the drop of juice that oozed from the slit. "You sure turn him on, teach. Look at all that jism leaking out there! Needs it, too -- ain't easy getting this big dork up a broad's twat unless it's good and juicy. Some of 'em just take a look at him and the juice comes dripping right out of their panties. They can't wait to get it rammed up their hole. And some of 'em run screaming -- only they mostly don't get the chance to run far. I don't give up easy once a chick gets me going. What kind are you, teach? You wanna try running -- or are you sitting there with your twat dripping and ready for it?" She wrenched her eyes away. "You're disgusting," she snapped. "Oh yeah?" Willy rumbled sullenly, dangerously, and she was suddenly aware how stupid such a remark had been. Helpless. Mustn't antagonize them! Nothing... nothing. "I --" she began, but could think of nothing to say. "That ain't disgusting, teach." He grasped the monstrous organ below its broad head and started to work the skin up and down. The movement dragged her gaze back to it. "Pure pleasure that is -- how many cocks you had up you in your life, Miss Avalon?" The swollen shaft incredibly seemed to expand even more as he pumped it with slow, deliberate strokes. Jerry's breathing was harsh and hard as his eyes flickered between Willy's working hand and Sally's naked breasts. Jake watched with detached, cold amusement. "How many, huh?" Jerry hitched himself up in his seat and craned over the back, reaching out a groping hand. "Lemme get a feel of them things," he breathed. "Hey, can't you shift her a bit nearer me? Jake, can't you --" "I ain't climbing around when we're driving," Jake announced flatly. "Aw -- look, Willy, suppose you put her on your lap then she'd be near enough that I could cop a feel." Willy looked at him stonily for a moment, then suddenly he grinned widely. "Yeah," he agreed. "Okay." He slid one arm behind her and heaved her forward, stopping her from pitching against the front seats by grabbing one of her breasts as a handhold. Holding her awkwardly half-standing, half-crouching, he squirmed along the seat behind her, thrusting one leg behind hers so that she was poised between them. She felt something hard prodding at the tightly stretched seat of her skirt, and realized with a surge of dismay that it was his thrusting, rock-hard penis. He pulled her back onto his lap, the jutting phallus a rigid tube beneath her buttocks, and grabbed for the hem of her skirt. "Okay," he said to Jerry. "You do what you want with her jugs - I'm gonna take a look and see if her legs match up to the rest of her." He started to work the skirt up her thighs while Jerry, draped over the back of his seat, grasped her breasts none too gently and started to knead them like dough. She tried to struggle, unable to sit still and tolerate these outrageous liberties they were taking with her virginal body, but at the back of her mind there still beat that relentless nothing you can do... nothing... nothing... Willy chuckled. "Hey that feels real good on the old dork, Miss Avalon," he told her. "You wriggle around all you want." After that she tried to keep still, but couldn't repress her starts of nervousness as he continued to edge her skirt upwards, the heat of his fingers very tangible through the sheer nylon of her stockings. Jerry had a look of almost idiotic pleasure on his face as he pulled at her breasts and hefted them in his hands. "Look at them, just look at these knockers!" he kept saying. "Oh Jesus, I can't wait to get my tongue round those nips! Look at them, Jake, will ya?" "Jugs are jugs," said Jake indifferently. Willy had tugged her skirt up above the level of her stocking tops by then. "Look, that's sexy," he said approvingly. "A real garterbelt like they wear in pictures -- be even better if it was black, teach. You remember that for next time, huh?" He snapped one of the elastic tabs and she jumped as it stung her skin. Snickering, he snapped each of the others in turn, and the brushing of his meaty fingers over the bared skin of her thighs sent little shudders of tension quivering throughout her body -- odd little shudders, that somehow seemed to center themselves deep in her belly... He grabbed hold of the skirt hem again and gave it a sharp, deft tug that dragged it up in back so that suddenly only her panties separated her roundly curved bottom from the worn denim of his jeans -- and from the feverish, throbbing rod of flesh that was suddenly nestling into the crack of her ass. Only that wispy barrier of nylon held it at bay. It seemed to be burning into her flesh like a red-hot brand. "White panties too," Willy commented coolly, peering down over her shoulder. "Can't see through them, neither -- gonna have to get them down before we see if you're a genuine blonde, huh, Miss Avalon? Huh?" She moaned softly, despairingly. "Yeah, take 'em off her!" Jerry almost choked with excitement at the prospect, and for the moment he relaxed his efforts at her breasts to fill his eyes with the sight of her panty-covered crotch. Willy made another dexterous movement, and suddenly his jutting shaft was poking up between her thighs, obscenely rearing up from the vee of her crotch. Jerry guffawed loudly. Jake sneered. "Hey," Willy said in mock-astonishment, "Just take a look at Miss Avalon's cock, will ya? It's nearly as big as mine, only not so long." He reached a finger down between his shaft and her panties and rubbed it along her nylon-covered labia. She gave a violent, uncontrollable jerk of protest as a great throb of fear -- was it fear? -- pounded in her belly. "Is she wet, huh?" Jerry gasped. "Nah. Not the way she oughtta be." Willy took his hand away and pressed his cock backwards, so that the shaft was jammed against her venus mound. The driver said: "We're gonna be there in a minute, you horny clowns." "Okay, Miss Avalon," said Willy cheerfully. "I'm gonna jerk your cock for you. Only next time you're gonna have to take care of it on your own, so you better pay attention. Hear me? I want you to take real good care of this every time you see it's getting hard and hot." He grasped his thick shaft once again and began to massage it with swift strokes, his fist slapping her thighs on every downstroke. Jerry released her breasts finally and sat back a little to watch with hot, eager eyes. The car made a turn into a driveway, and Willy increased the pace of his hand action. Sally watched. She tried to look away, but she had to watch. She had never seen a man's penis erect before -- had scarcely even seen one soft -- let alone one that was -- That was -- That was suddenly spurting white fluid from the slit in the tip of the flaming purple head. White fluid that was shooting upwards and striking her breasts, then dropping back in gobbets that covered his hand and her thighs with nacreous slime. The car drew to a stop. "Here." Willy suddenly wiped his slime-covered hand over her face, covering her cheeks and lips with the fresh semen. "They say it's real good for the complexion, teach!" She choked back the need to retch."Better if she swallowed it," Jerry panted. "You good at sucking cock, lady?" "Yeah, you never answered what I asked you before," Willy recalled. "How many men you been with in your life, huh?" Jake opened the door. "C'mon, get her outta there," he urged. "How many, huh?" Willy reached up and squeezed her breast painfully. "Huh?" "None!" she cried out frantically. "Oh, please leave me alone! Please!" "None?" Willy repeated. "Hey," Jerry croaked, "we got ourselves a real live cherry! This is gonna be real fun, huh? Real fun!" Chapter 2 She hardly heard what he said, for a spasm of terror gripped her at the sight of a razor in Jake's hand. But he bent swiftly and slashed through the cord binding her ankles, and grabbed her roughly by the arm, hauling her off Willy's lap and sending her stumbling out of the car onto a crumbling driveway, hands still secured behind her, sweater rolled up beneath her arms and bra dangling, skirt nicked up about her hips. She glanced around quickly: a somewhat ramshackle frame house was before her, and seemed to be thickly surrounded by wildly growing woods and underbrush. No hope of being seen from the road by a passing rescuer... As she stood getting her balance and her bearings, the door of the house opened, and her heart gave a throb of relief at the sight of a woman. Surely this would mean defense and protection! She gazed longingly at the approaching figure, at the tall, rather slender brunette whose firm, high breasts moved unrestrainedly beneath a loose denim work-shirt. Her long legs were accentuated by tight-fitting faded jeans and she was barefoot. "Hi, Doris," Willy called. "We got 'em! And our hostage. Get a load of her boobs, huh?" The woman came towards them, unhurriedly. She did not return Sally's timid attempt at a smile, but looked at her poker-faced, the way Jake had done. "Hey, Doris," Willy tried again. "Bet you'd like to get a feel of them tits, huh? You like tits, don't you? Huh?" She drawled: "You're not likely to find out what I like, kid." Her voice was cynical, hard. She didn't look much more than thirty, if that. "I know what I like," Willy announced lasciviously. "Nookie. Hot, wet, juicy nookie." He suddenly cupped one of Sally's buttocks in his hand and squeezed. "She's got the greatest ass," he proclaimed. Jerry came scurrying up on the other side. Sally could see the bulge at the front of his pants, and once again that deep throbbing of fear gathered in her belly. She said to the woman: "Please, make them -- leave me alone! Please!" Jerry giggled: "No good askin' Doris the dyke, lady. She'll have you laid out with your legs spread as fast as any of us. Jesus, I can't wait to get you spread out, honeypot!" Doris made a slight grimace and turned away, and Jake snapped: "Get in the house, for chrissake!" "Yeah, let's get inside," Jerry leered. With his hand still on her buttock, Willy gave her a slight shove forward, and in helpless obedience, she climbed the steps to the opened door and went inside. It smelled a bit musty, as though nobody had lived there for a long time: an impression heightened by the film of dust that lay over things not in immediate use. The room into which she was propelled was furnished with a motley assortment of armchairs grouped around a portable television set and a rickety coffee table, piled with used paper cups and empty cans of beer. Jake pushed her into one of the chairs and stood looking down into her frightened eyes for a moment. Then he turned his head and gave a sharp, summoning whistle. There was a clatter of claws, and a pair of Dobermans came running from somewhere in the house and bounded over to Jake. He pointed at Sally and said: "Guard her." The dogs sniffed at her, and turned away. Jake explained casually: "They've done this before. They've been trained to watch you -- to watch anyone they're told to guard. If you try to get out of any room without me -- well, you can give it a try if you wanna know what happens." Sally sat staring at the two dogs in horror. She had no doubt whatever that Jake was telling the truth. "Outside," Jake said to the dogs, and to her relief they ran out of the room. "They're very alert -- superb watchdogs," Jake added meaningly. "They've never let me down yet." Willy and Jerry stood watching the little scene with evident enjoyment, and now another man came in: Sally recognized the pale brown hair of the man who had been driving. "All okay, Tod?" Jake asked. "Uh-huh." Tod's eyes were an indeterminate color, a sort of fishy gray-green. He looked at her now with a kind of neutral interest, as though she were a specimen of animal he had never seen before. She said tremulously: "Please, I -- I need to -- " Four pairs of eyes were focused on her. "You'll have to raise your hand, teacher," Willy teased her, and she blushed. Jake said: "I'll let your hands loose, but remember the dogs, and don't go tryin' nothin' dumb." He pulled her to her feet and once again wielded the razor, and she rubbed her wrists with relief, then tugged her bra and sweater back into place. "Soon have 'em out again," Willy assured her. "Soon as you take your leak or crap or whatever." "Across the hall," Jake told her. She was disproportionately thankful to find that the small bathroom was recently cleaned. She washed her face clean of the dried semen Willy had smeared there, and cleaned it off her thighs. She was reluctant to emerge from that illusory haven, but a sharp rap at the door summoned her forth. She dared not disobey. The four men were lounging in the chairs around the television when she emerged, refreshing themselves with cans of beer. Willy held one out to her, and, because she was thirsty, she accepted it. "Thank you," she said, thinking that perhaps she could establish some kind of sympathetic communication by acting as though this were a usual, civilized situation. "You're welcome, teach." He watched her pop open the top and take a long swallow. "Maybe I'll come watch you next time you take a leak, huh? Bet you look real cute." Doris came in carrying a plate of sandwiches which she set on the shaky table. She said: "Since I'm the only one of you slobs that knows how to cook, I'll do it; but you'll clear up after me and do the dishes, or the deal's off. Work it out how you like." She slumped down into one of the chairs and reached for one of the sandwiches. Sally stood nervously where she was, clutching her beer can, wondering if she should sit down too. She was horribly conscious of Willy's pale blue eyes raking over her body, and of Jerry's avid moist-brown gaze. Doris glanced at her once, and jerked her head towards an empty chair, and Sally sank down into it, trying to make herself inconspicuous. Without success. The two pairs of eyes never left her, and Tod and Doris and Jake checked her out from time to time. Sally sat with her eyes riveted to the screen, but saw nothing. Jake finished his beer and sandwich and reached forward to flick off the set. He twisted round in his chair and looked directly at Sally with that icy gray gaze. There was a gathering of breath among the others, a silent expectation. Jake said: "We're gonna be here a day or two, schoolteacher. Then we're leavin' the country. We ain't gonna be around for no rap--kidnap or any other kind." She sat holding her breath. "It won't make no difference to us if we leave you here well an' healthy to be picked up by the cops, or chewed up dead by the dogs. We won't be here. Get that?" He waited in cold silence until she managed a tiny nod of terrified comprehension. "You give any trouble, like tryin' to get away, and it won't be well and healthy they find you," he said flatly. "And since cunt makes trouble if it ain't free for all, you damn well better put out for anyone who wants you while we're waiting. Or I'll fix you so there won't be nothin' to cause trouble over. See?" Again the long, silent, menacing stare. Again the tiny nod of compliance. He shrugged, and flicked the television back on. For a couple of minutes the only sound in the room was the enthusiastic sales pitch for Junk-o's, The Marshmallow Cereal With Tongue-Tip Tingle. Then Willy's voice: "Miss Avalon." Slowly, reluctantly, she turned her face to him. "Why don't you take off your sweater and bra, huh? Then those of us that don't like what's on TV can have somethin' real nice to look at." She sat paralyzed. Until Jake fixed on her his wintry stare, and she forced her hands into action. Slowly, as slowly as she dared, she peeled her white sweater off over her head. And even more slowly, she groped behind her back and unfastened her brassiere, and slipped the shoulder straps down her arms, and off... "Sit back Miss Avalon, so we can see 'em," Willy urged. She sank back against the cushions of the chair, a tide of crimson shame staining her face and neck and her very breasts themselves. Nothing... nothing... nothing... The seconds crawled by, each one a blessed reprieve from some more outrageous demand, yet each an eternity of fear of what the next thing would be. The knot of tension in her belly sent tendrils all through her body, making her almost lightheaded. "Teacher's tits," Jerry gulped. "She ever do that in class, Willy?" "Nab. Woulda been more interestin' than all that history garbage. Hey, Miss Avalon, make your nips stand up. Play with 'em some, huh?" Slowly her hands rose to her breasts. Uncertainly, she touched their tips with her fingers, coaxing the pale pink nipples into little towers of hardness. "Push 'em together," Willy ordered hoarsely, and meekly she gathered the twin masses in her hands and forced them into an exaggerated cleavage. "Yeah," Willy breathed. "Jerry, you ever fuck a broad between the tits?" "Real big tits like the ones on her, it's somethin' else, man, I'm tellin' you." "Yeah?" "Go on--go give it a try." "Yeah?"Jerry looked around uncertainly, then gave a giggle of bravado and heaved himself out of his chair, strutting across to where she was sitting. The bulge in his pants swelled visibly as he walked. He stood in front of her and motioned to his fly. "Fish it out for me, huh?" She swallowed hard, then reached for the tab of his zipper and pulled downward. The woolen cloth of his pants contrasted violently with the soft-skinned, heated tube of flesh that flopped out of the opening. It was twitching into hardness as her fascinated eyes stared at it: shorter and thinner than Willy's, with a head shaped more like an arrow than a mushroom; but to her eyes, and to her reluctant fingers, it felt enormous. "There's the ole joystick," Jerry said excitedly. His crotch was about level with her breasts as he stood in front of her chair, and his organ was far too close to her face for comfort. She moved her head back, flinching. Jerry gave an evil grin. "It's your jugs I'm gonna screw right now, lady," he said, "but it's gonna get a heap closer to your pretty face before we're much older." Inwardly, she shuddered with disgust. The smell of his was drifting up to her nostrils: sweaty, funky. "Now," Jerry went on, "what you gotta do, see, is kinda lean forward a bit." She leant forward, her skin breaking out into gooseflesh when the hot head of his now rigid weapon brushed against one of her nipples, depositing a tiny drop of clear fluid. "Yeah," he breathed. "Now--squeeze 'em together, like they was before." With mechanical obedience, she pushed the fleshy globes back into that inches-deep cleavage, and he thrust his cock between them, the tip pushing into the wall of her chest. The material of his jacket and shirt brushed against her face. "Squeeze 'em harder," he urged huskily. "Tighter. Get 'em tight as you can round my whang ..." She crushed them harder, and he made a slight pumping motion, back and forth, for a few seconds, never very far. Then he stepped back from her, and for a wild moment she thought he had finished, but he said: "It's kinda hard that way--you're gonna have to lay down so's I can shove it up 'n down between 'em, see?" She stared at him. "Onna floor's good as anywhere," he said matter-of-factly. "The ... floor?" "Yeah. Lay down onna floor." She threw a hunted glance around the room. All eyes were watching without pity. Slowly she rose from the chair and looked at the rug for a reasonably clean patch. She knelt down, then twisted into a sitting position, and then she stretched herself out on her back. Nothing ... nothing... nothing ... She crossed her ankles and folded her arms across her breasts. She had never felt so totally vulnerable in her life. Jerry was stripping off his pants and jacket and his undershorts. He stood above her, ungainly in shirt and socks and tie. He straddled her body, his jutting shaft poking at the front of his shirt's long tails, and she glimpsed the wrinkled sack that hung tautly behind. As though following her glance, Jerry reached between his legs and scratched vigorously. "Balls get to itchin', this warm weather," he commented amiably, then lowered himself to his knees, then rested his rather plump, sweaty buttocks on her middle. "Get 'em squeezed up, like before," he commanded, and, mutely, she did so. He supported himself with his hands and began to shove his steel-hard, fire-hot phallus through the slippery, open-ended mammary canal. He set her teeth. He was heavy, resting on her body, and she loathed the touch of him--the fear-tension in her belly was worse than ever--but at least he wasn't hurting her... "Hey, Miss Avalon," she heard Willy call, as from a great distance, "whyn'cha spread them pretty legs an' bend 'em up so's we can take a look at them virgin-white panties you got on?" She cocked up her knees and parted her legs. The throbbing in her belly grew almost unbearable as she felt those four watchers gazing at her nylon-covered private parts, and as Jerry grunted and heaved and sweated ... She thought that she might pass out, or scream--the tension was too much, too much... Jerry suddenly stiffened and let out a series of strangled grunts, and hot droplets of fluid were spattering her neck and chin and shoulders. For a few moments he let the whole weight of his body rest on her middle, then he exhaled deeply and climbed off, groping for his pants. She lay there, curiously drained of energy, breasts still pushed into that fleshy tunnel, legs still wide parted and bent to the gaze of the eyes. Fearing that somebody would descend upon her, attack her, tear her apart... Waiting... "Ain't there nothin' more interestin' on that damn TV?" she heard a voice, and somebody started to click the channel selector around the dial. Slowly, almost painfully, she relaxed her hands' grip on her breasts and pushed herself up from the floor. Semen trickled down her upper body, its thick sliminess now clammy and cool. Feeling bruised, battered, she sank back into her chair and mindlessly focused her gaze on the television. She hardly cared anymore about sitting there with her breasts exposed. Chapter 3 They made the six o'clock news. Numbly, she listened to the story of how attractive, twenty-three-year-old Sally Avalon had been taken as a hostage during the course of the theft of a coin and stamp collection worth over a million dollars. Her fiancée, Peter Laighton, who had lent the collection, stated that he didn't care what happened to the coins, he just wanted his future wife back, safe and sound. "He'll get the insurance," Tod remarked placidly. "She ain't insured," Willy sniggered. His eyes raked over her bare breasts, but by now she was so accustomed to that, it made no impression. "When's Miles gonna show up?" Jerry demanded uneasily. Jake shrugged. "Day. Maybe two. Go play with the cunt and stop worrying." "Yeah." Willy rubbed one big paw over the front of his jeans. "That's a good idea. Gettin' horny again." He rubbed the bulge at his crotch leisurely, surveying her though half-closed eyes. Considering what to do with her, she thought, the tension in her belly knotting up again. She found herself holding her breath as he scrutinized her, and it was almost a relief when he beckoned her with a jerk of his head. "Come along, teach," he grinned. "I got a little problem for you to work for the rest of the class." Her breasts swayed heavily as she walked, and even though the room was, if anything, too warm, her nipples crinkled and hardened into rosy turrets. She noticed this with surprise, and concluded it was all part of the tension that was once more building inside her until she thought she might faint or choke or fly into violent hysterics... Willy motioned her to stand beside his chair, and reached up a hand to caress one of her nipples lightly. A shudder of--something--ran through her body. "See," he said, glancing around at the others, "I dunno if you guys feel the same way, but I figure sometimes the best way to get the most outta some-thin' is to leave the best bit till last. An' when you got a broad, the cunt's the best bit of her, right? Right." He smirked. "Now, this one, she's not only got a cunt, like all broads, exceptin' maybe Doris here--" Doris raised a bored eyebrow. "--but she says she's got a cherry too!" He paused, and slowly licked his lips. "Man," he said softly, a faraway expression spreading over his face, "if there's one thing I like to do, it's poppin' cherries ... Ain't nothin' like it." "Yeah, well," Jerry broke in belligerently, "you ain't the only one, huh? You think you're the only one with a cock or somethin'? Think you--" "Knock it off," Jake ordered. "You can draw lots for it or somethin'." Willy scowled. "Yeah, well," he said, but evidently didn't care to argue with Jake. "Anyway, like I was sayin', why don't we leave the best bit till last--I figure she's got as good a mouth and asshole as any other broad." Mouth? Asshole? Sally couldn't repress a tiny moan of despair. Willy squeezed her breast. "Turns you on, huh?" he asked perversely. "Like havin' a big dork pluggin' into your coalshute, huh? Like gettin' your mouth filled up with raw meat, huh, teach? Like drinkin' down the spunk fresh from the faucet?" He grabbed her other breast, leaving the nipple of the first one almost painful in its tingling tautness. "I need to get my dork in a hole," he told her. "You choose which one, okay? I wouldn't wanna push you into anythin' you didn't like--yet." He grinned up at her lecherously. "An' I guess you'd rather one than the other. What's your favorite, huh, teach? Like suckin' dick, huh?" Weakly, she murmured: "I never have..." Willy snapped his fingers. "What's the words from that dumb movie about Yul Brynner--that song she's singin' to all them gook kids in China or somewheres? ..." Doris exhaled, exasperated. "What piece of profundity are we to be treated to?" she asked. "I assume you mean The King and I?" "I assume I do." Willy mimicked her style of speech. "She's tellin' these dinks, see, that if you teach, you get taught things by the kids--" Doris raised her eyes to the ceiling, shook her head slightly, and closed her eyes. "So," Willy went on, undaunted, "I guess I'm gonna teach Miss Avalon, here, how to go about givin' a real good blowjob." "With any luck she'll bite it off," Doris murmured. "Then you could shove it up your twat like a dildo," Jerry giggled. "The dogs got sharper teeth, if she don't." The prospect seemed to afford Jerry entertainment, for he giggled again. "Ready for class, teach?" Willy asked, ignoring Jerry. "Or do you want to get your bottom plugged this time?Her mind flickered from one prospect to the other--the idea of taking his penis into her mouth was nauseating, but the other alternative sounded positively agonizing. And maybe, just maybe, if she could stall them long enough, the police would come and rescue her before anything too terrible happened. "All right," she said, in a voice that was hardly above a whisper. "I'll--" She groped through her mind for the proper term. "I'll--perform--fellatio," she managed to get out. "Fell--ay--shee--o," Willy drawled. "Shit, teach, I want my cock sucked, that's all." Jake was suddenly staring at them, and a prickle of gooseflesh ran up her spine. "She makes it sound like she was gonna do you a big favor, Willy," he said slowly. "Huh?" Willy turned to him questioningly. "A big favor. But the way I see it," Jake went on deliberately, and now there was something other than iciness in his fixed gray gaze, "it's a privilege for a dumb-ass schoolteacher to get to suck off a handsome young stud like you." "Huh?" Willy's face was blank for a few seconds, then slowly a grin spread across it. "Hey," he exclaimed, "you're right, Jake! A privilege for her, just like you say!" "So..." There was a glitter in Jake's eyes that reminded her more than ever of a snake--a hungry snake, relishing the prospect of a meal to come, and relishing at least as much the pitiless procedure of transfixing and dispatching its prey. "So make her ask for it. Nicely." From Jerry came a choking splutter of gleeful giggling. Doris wrinkled her nose slightly. Tad licked his lips nervously. Willy's breathing speeded up audibly. "Okay, Miss Avalon," he almost whispered. "You heard what the man said." She stared at him, speechless. Jake slowly got to his feet and approached her menacingly. In a flat-toned voice, he told her: "You just get down on your knees, lady, and ask Willy real nice for the favor of lettin' you suck his cock. Or I'll string you up by the wrists an' take all the skin off of your fat ass with the whip I use for the dogs, an' then see what we can find around the place to ram up your asshole an' down your throat that you'll like a hell of a lot less than Willy's meat. An' then the dogs can finish you off." Stiffly, she sank to her knees, oddly conscious of the weight of her breasts flopping with the movement, and surprised to see that once more the pink nipples were rock-hard. "Ask him. Beg him." She didn't look up at Take, but fixed her eyes on the straining bulge at the crotch of Willy's jeans. She remembered her earlier sight of the thing--huge, heavily veined, leaking tears of clear juice from its purple mushroom of a head. Oh, it was unbearable, the pounding tension that wracked her belly and sent strange quivers through her thighs... She forced her lips and tongue to shape the demeaning syllables she was forced to utter. "Please... let... me..." "Yeah? Yeah?" Willy croaked. "...s-s-suck..." Her throat was suddenly parched dry. The waiting silence in the room was almost tangible. "...your cock," she finally forced out between lips that were almost numb. And yet tingling with curious apprehension. Anticipation...? "Sure," Willy chuckled, "since you ask so nice, teach--you just fish it out an' get your cute mouth wrapped around the or dork an' lick it up good an' hard, an' see what Santa Claus gonna give you for bein' a good cunt!" Her hands seemed to belong to somebody else as they reached for the zipped fly and began to manipulate the tab downward with difficult over the strained bulge. It squirmed and heaved beneath her fingers like a little animal endeavoring to escape. Somebody else's hands... but she felt every tiny sensation rippling from her fingertips up along her arms, shuddering down to her belly... Sweating now with the fear and tension... Her armpits were wet, and a trickle of moisture coursed down the valley between her breasts. And the secret place between her legs was so drenched in perspiration that her white nylon panties were saturated, clinging with disgusting, soggy clamminess to her flesh... With a metallic rustle, the zipper moved along its track, and the two edges of cloth sprang apart as the great rod of flesh came surging out of captivity. "That what you want, teach?" She forced herself to nod. To rest her palms lightly on either side of it, feeling the pulsating heat as the blood surged through its tissues. To stare down at the angry-lipped hole that was already oozing colorless liquid. To wrap her hands gently around its frightening girth... (Such tender, satiny skin, like the petals of a rose; such exquisite skin to cover such a ravening, hideous monstrosity as this...) To bend her head slowly, slowly, until the phallic mushroom was only an inch below her virginal lips. To push her tongue out between them, and with its reluctant, quivering tip, to taste the skin that (petal-soft) covered the purple head... It tasted like--Skin. The butterfly-gentle touch of her tongue was enough to turn the droplet-ooze into a sudden tiny stream, and the flow trickled onto her tongue before she realized what was happening. Startled, she drew back, her mind expecting the pungent foulness of heavily concentrated urine-- But her tastebuds discovered only a bland, almost nothing-flavor that was no more offensive than her own saliva. She ducked her head back down and tasted once again, more boldly this time, running her tongue across the width of the cockhead, lapping up the pre-coital fluid. Willy's harsh, choking inhalation, his tense quivering, assured her that she was doing the right thing. Strange, how strange that such a tiny caress had the power to reduce this hulking male almost to helplessness! She let the cockhead slide between her lips--hard, hard, yet at the same time vulnerable, the softness of cell-tissue underlying the hardness, the fragility of flesh curiously intrusive. It was, somehow, almost lovable... Her lips slid down below the corona, and tightened. He was her captive. Her willing, shuddering-with-pleasure captive. She let her head drop further, until her lips touched her curving fingers. She inched them back down along the shaft, her lips following, the hot, throbbing flesh filling more and more of the wet cave of her mouth until it reached the barrier of her throat, and she could accept no more... And with a curious reluctance, she paused, and held it, and then slid her lips back up along the shaft, and back over the head, and let it stand free, glistening with her saliva. "Doin' fine, teach," Willy hissed. "Natural-born cocksucker, that's for sure." She scarcely heard him. She was contemplating his rigid, gleaming phallus with a strange feeling of possessiveness. "Dig the balls out, Miss Avalon, the command came, and mechanically her fingers delved into his fly for the soft, wrinkled scrotal bag, coaxing it out of the parted fly, holding at last in her hands, even more vulnerable than his penis. "Squeeze 'em a bit, huh? Not too hard." Willy's tone was almost pleading now that she had him in the grip of pleasure, and she delicately tightened her hold on his balls, alert for his sharply-drawn breath of pleasure, and for the first hint of sound or tension that would alert her to the fact that she was approaching the edge of pain. Fondling, tenderly squeezing his balls, she captured the soaring cockhead between her lips once again and ran the moist embrace of her mouth down the pulsing-veined shaft. It went a little deeper this time. Somehow her throat seemed to open before the invading head, and for a peculiarly triumphant moment she felt it slipping past the barrier, before she thought about what she was doing and reflex took over, and she had to pull back again, choking slightly. This time, before she enclosed the weapon with her lips again, she ran her tongue voluptuously all around the head, discovering its shape, the little cleft below where her tongue tip naturally lingered, bringing a whine and shudder of response from Willy. She explored the tip, too, poking her tongue at the little slit, then boldly thrusting inside for a fraction of an inch, bringing the bland honey welling forth. His balls seemed to writhe in her hands as she sank her lips down towards the base of his shaft once again. His hips gave a convulsive thrust, forcing his cockhead past those throat barriers, and she could endure it better this time. He thrust again, and then she had to pull away for breath. And again she plunged back down, and took his thrusts, and again, and all the time the tension in her belly was racking her nerves, and the slimy sweat in her crotch ran faster and faster, and made her itch, so that she wished she had a free hand to scratch herself. Not that she would, of course, with them watching... Would she? As from a great distance, she heard Jerry's high-pitched voice excitedly exclaiming: "Jeeze, look at her go! Look how she's eatin' that thing! That's what I want next time--how 'bout you, Ted, huh? You wanna feel them juicy lips of hers wrapped round your dong? How 'bout you, Jake? Jeeze, her tits were terrific, but I bet her mouth is the livin' end!" It was almost like the background cheering of the crowd of fans during a football game... Willy's pubic hair scraped coarsely against her lips and chin as she absorbed the last pulsating inch into the velvety-warm depths of her throat. The musky smell of him filled her nostrils, a sexual incense. "All the way down, teach!" he gasped blissfully. "Christ, that feels so fuckin' good! Suck it, baby eat it good... ah, jesus!She slid her lips slowly back, releasing the steel-hard weapon fraction of an inch by fraction of an inch at a time, gasping slightly for the breath she had scarcely realized she needed, until once again only the mushroom head remained in the warm cavern formed by her mouth. And again she swirled her tongue around over the satiny skin, and probed with her tongue tip into the little oozing slit to taste the bland freshet of juice that welled forth to her summons. So strong, the shaft that throbbed and made tiny movements as the blood pulsed through it, and the sensations she gave the head with her tantalizing tongue made the nerves jump with little tingles of excitement. (Strange the little nerve spasms that shot through her belly and down into her crotch, as though in sympathy, increasing the itching, the sweating, until she felt she could not bear it a moment longer, that she had to do something to relieve it.) She glimpsed her breasts, nipples tight and hard, and she suddenly became aware that they were almost painful in their angry tautness. Tension... Fear... "How 'bout kissin' my balls a little, baby," Willy commanded breathlessly. Obediently she let the cockhead free, and it slapped up against his belly, almost reaching his navel. He spread his thighs wider, and she nuzzled the hanging weights in their crinkle-skinned, hair-bespattered sack, finding again that sexual incense, that rich, musky fragrance. They seemed to heave responsively, churning beneath the caresses of her tongue. Tenderly she mouthed them for almost a minute, then licked her way back along veins engorged nearly to the point of bursting to the eagerly waiting mushroom-head that pulsed in the air. Once again she let it slide between her moist, hot lips, pressing it with her tongue and the linings of her cheeks. His breath was rasping with almost intolerable arousal, and his hands started to roam over her naked back and shoulders. His touch sent a whole new wave of shudders through her belly, and she felt lightheaded, as though she would faint. Then one hand worked down and around and grasped one of her breasts, the palm closing over her straining nipple and rubbing it around in a circular motion that was just too much for her to take. She pushed his hand away convulsively, and to her surprise he made no protest, but caught the back of her head in both hands and pressed, urging her downward, to take his full length back into her throaty cavern. His choppy breathing grew harsher and faster than ever, and she realized that he must be about to come. He was going to shoot that slimy stuff into her mouth this time, and-- She lashed at the broad head with her tongue as it slid in and out between her lips, almost pulling free, then plunging back into the furthest recesses it could reach. She started to work her own head back and forth, tightening her lips so that he had trouble getting through them, and suddenly she felt his body stiffen, and his fingers grabbed her shoulders and dug in painfully. His breath exploded into a series of gasping grunts, and her mouth was suddenly full of salty, slightly bitter fluid that she found herself gulping down, almost hungrily, until his cock was drained and empty. He slumped back in his chair, his softening prick slipping from her mouth and keeling over onto his thigh. She sat back on her heels, feeling weak and slightly nauseated now that it was over. "Oh man," Willy gasped, groping for a handkerchief and wiping sweat from his face, "that was one hell of a blowjob for a virgin, teach! You sure you ain't never done that before?" She shook her head. "So now how about thankin' him for the privilege?" came Jake's steely voice. She turned her head and looked at him, at his cruel gray eyes that fixed her own like a snake... She turned back to Willy. "Thank you," she murmured. "What for?" Jake's voice pursued relentlessly. "For letting me suck your cock," she added meekly. "Pleasure, teach," he leered exhaustedly. "Give you a lot more chances at it, too." "Okay, knock it off," Jake said. "Get up and come over here, cunt, and let's take a look at you." Slowly she rose to her feet, her legs cramped from kneeling, and went across the room to stand beside his chair. He looked at her coolly, cold gray eyes raking over her flushed face, her disordered hair lying in golden tresses about her shoulders, her high, firm, naked breasts, whose milky flesh was enhanced by the rosy circles of her now relaxed nipples. Her nude upper half was in lascivious contrast to her somewhat crumpled but still concealing skirt and stockings and shoes. He said: "Lift your skirt up. Let's get a look at your legs all the way." Reluctantly she gathered the material of her skirt in her fingers and tugged upwards. It slid up over the nylon of her stockings with a whisper of electricity, and cleared their tops, exposing the tabs of her garterbelt and the creamy skin of her well-shaped upper thighs. She stopped while her panties were still concealed, and stood meekly while his eyes appraised her legs, and flickered up to her breasts, and then to her face, and down to her legs again. After what she had been through with Willy, she could scarcely have believed herself capable of blushing again just through being looked at, but blush she did, the angry blood staining her face and neck and creeping down to her breasts. There was something about Jake... "Put your feet apart," he ordered. She moved them about ten inches away from each other, and he reached out a hand and ran it up her left thigh, as far as her stocking top. His fingertips probed under the band and her flesh cringed a little. "You did a good job on Willy, there, huh?" he asked. What was she supposed to reply to that? "Did it turn you on?" he demanded. She stared down at him wordlessly. He moved his hand abruptly, cupping her panty-covered crotch. She started and cried out and tried to back away, but he had curled his fingers so that they dug into the soft flesh where her buttocks rose from the cleft of her sex, painfully enough to make her submit and stand quivering where he wanted her. "Your goddamn drawers are soaked," Jake announced coldly. "Sure it turned you on." She tried to protest that it was no such thing, that she had been sweating because she was so frightened, but the words wouldn't come, and she could only manage an inarticulate little moan. "Fuckin' hypocrites, you broads," Jake muttered. "Always actin' so snooty, an' mosta the time runnin' round all wet an' funky like a bitch in heat." The pressure of his palm against her crotch had started the slimy perspiration flowing again, and her legs felt oddly weak. Yet it was not entirely unpleasant -- the pressure relieved the strange itching a little -- Or did it make it worse? Without warning, he pulled his hand away. "Turn around," he instructed her. "Hike your skirt up in back an' let's get a look at that fat ass." She swiveled around, and met Doris' steady gaze. The woman's face was expressionless, but her breathing was a little faster than normal. Doris the dyke, Jerry had said. Doris' eyes gazed back at her, and Sally averted her own. "Hike your skirt up," Jake repeated menacingly, and she groped behind her and tugged upward. "Higher," Jake snapped, and she dragged the garment up around her waist in back, exposing the plump globes of her buttocks beneath the tightly-fitting white panties. Jake's fingers hooked into the elastic waistband and yanked down, and the flimsy underwear slid away, leaving the satin-skinned creamy hemispheres fully displayed. "Not bad." Jake ran his hand lightly over their surfaces, and the quivers of tension were renewed with such force that she thought she would collapse to the floor. Then he insinuated his index finger into the cleft between her legs and pressed against the secret opening to her body, where no hand but her own had ever ventured since early childhood -- and then only for absolutely necessary purposes, since her mother had warned her of the dangers of unnecessary contact with that area, of the terrible damage it could do so that no decent man would ever want to marry her... Unable to help herself, she staggered forward, away from him, hampered by the panties clinging around the middle of her thighs. Alarmed, she swiveled around to face him, and was more frightened by his chilly smile than she would have been by an expression of outright anger. He looked down at his finger, then said: "It's stinkin' with your juice, you bitch in heat. Come here an' lick it clean." Reluctantly she returned to his side. "Lick," he repeated inexorably, holding his finger up to her face, and she bent her head and took his finger between her lips, licking hurriedly, trying not to taste... "Never tasted cunt before, huh?" Jerry giggled. "What do you think of it?" Jake asked, pulling his finger away and regarding her narrowly. She shook her head slightly. "Don't know if you like it, huh?" he interpreted. "Stick your finger in that swamp patch and get some more -- get a good mouthful of it, teacher." He grabbed the front of her skirt and whisked it upward, tucking it into her waistband. "Get outta them goddamn drawers," he growled, and she tugged them off over her feet. "Toss 'em over here," Jerry called, and she looked at him dubiously, but he held out his hand, so she threw them in his direction. He caught them neatly and dangled them, then raised them to his face and sniffed deeply. "Hot cunt," he said. "Jeeze, ain't nothin' turns me on like the smell of juice out of a pussy in heat!" "I'll send her over so you can smell it close up," Jake offered casually, but Jerry shook his head, and inhaled the odor of the panties once again. "Nah," he said, "I can wait. I wanna see her stick her finger up her cunt an' suck it." "So do it, bitch," Jake snapped at her.The finger she lowered to her sex brushed over the crisply curling blonde pubic hairs and skimmed lightly over the inflamed cleft of her outer labia. Timidly, she rested it against the inner lips, and was shocked to discover that the area seemed to be bathed in wet jelly. Her own touch released another little glob, which came trickling down out of her secret canal and flowed over her finger. "Lick it clean, now," Jake ordered, and she raised her finger to her mouth, and, gagging slightly, sucked it, and gulped. It wasn't so bad... Jake reached for her again, fingertips and palm holding her, pressing against the whole sensitive region. The itching became worse than ever, and involuntarily she squirmed against him, desperate for relief, rubbing her hair-covered lips and jelly-bathed slit against his hand. A raging heat spread through her, and again that incredible weakness at the knees, so that she swayed and whimpered, and Jake suddenly grabbed her by the arms and tugged her around and down. She sprawled across his lap, helpless on her back, shoulders wedged against one chair-arm, hips tilted against the other, legs awkwardly splayed and dangling over the side. Her sex was opened wide now, displayed to all the eager watchers in the room, but in a few moments Jake's hand was back there, his fingers thrusting roughly into the bush of hair covering her Venus mound. Sally flinched a little, but the touch was still a relief, and she found herself pushing forward for more contact. "She wants it -- oh man, look how she wants it!" Willy commented gleefully. With his index and middle finger, Jake traced along the twin valleys that ran between her outer and inner lips, separating the folds of coral flesh even more widely, so that they gaped open and defenseless. He ran his fingers, together now, back along the center ridge, almost to the point where the lips first began to divide, and paused, and pressed slightly, and suddenly the intolerable heat consuming her body turned into a wild explosion, centered where his fingers pressed and vibrated, ripping through her belly, and she shrieked and thrashed and tried to fight him away, because it was just too much to bear, too much, too much, too much... There was a blackness swirling around her for a few moments, then she found herself still sprawled across Jake, panting for breath, the itching, the heat, the tension miraculously relieved, and her belly full of a warm throbbing that slowly died away and left her curiously at peace. Jake heaved her roughly off his lap, and she staggered to her feet, her disheveled skirt pulling loose from where he had tucked it around her waist and falling to hide her lower torso and thighs. She sank down into one of the chairs, exhausted. She closed her eyes and rested her head back against the chair, longing for sleep. And when none of them disturbed her, she fell into unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. The eleven o'clock news was just beginning when she emerged from the hazy depths of slumber, her head heavy and confused, her body covered with gooseflesh now that the evening had grown cooler. She wanted her sweater, but was afraid to move, to draw attention to herself. She did nothing more than open her eyes and slightly ease her cramped neck, than she sat staring mindlessly at the television screen, feeling that her own strange situation was scarcely more real than the political maneuverings being displayed there. In the aftermath of some scandal earnest declarations were being made of the commencement of a new era of openness and integrity and true concern for democracy... "Seems to me I've heard that song before," Doris said wryly, getting out of her chair. She saw that Sally was awake. "You want something to eat, chickie?" Her tone was friendly enough now, Sally thought, and forced a smile of response to her lips. "Come in the kitchen, then, and we'll see what we can find. Here." She fished Sally's sweater from the floor by one of the chairs. "Better put this on -- you'll catch cold." The men seemed uninterested in her at the moment. There were empty scotch bottles on the table, and Sally thought they must have been drinking quite heavily. Doris followed the direction of her gaze and winked, then beckoned with her head for Sally to follow into the kitchen. Doris took a plate of cold chicken and a quart of milk from the refrigerator and set them on the table with paper plates and napkins. The two women sat down and Doris reached for a chicken leg. Sally took a piece too, not really wanting it until she started to nibble at the meat, when she found that she was quite ravenously hungry. "Take some more," Doris said, pushing the platter towards her. "You'll need to keep your strength up with that mob of horny hoods panting after you." Sally looked at her wonderingly. Doris shrugged. "Sorry, chickie," she said. "Fuck-all I can do about it. Except -- well, if it's any consolation, we drew lots a while ago for who gets you tonight." She took another leg of chicken and bit into it. "I won," she added, with her mouth full. "Ever made it with another woman before?" Chapter 5 Sally stared at her numbly. "No, huh?" Doris concluded. Sally shook her head. "Well, you just relax and do as I say, and you'll find that you'll like it." "But I--" "Listen, if you really hate the idea," Doris said, narrowing her eyes in sudden hostility, "I'll turn you over to Willy -- he's spent half the evening telling us how he plans sticking that oversized meat stick of his up your asshole the first chance he gets -- if you'd rather spend the night that way, I won't stand in your way." Sally swallowed and shook her head again. "What's that mean?" Doris demanded. "I -- no -- I - I'd rather stay with you--" "Well, gee, thanks a whole lot." Doris was really annoyed, Sally realized, her heart sinking. "Please," she said, her voice as conciliatory as she could make it, "I only -- I've never -- I didn't mean--" "Oh, forget it," Doris said moodily. "I don't give a shit if you want to make it with me or not -- you're going to, and I'm going to enjoy it, that's all there is about it." But she didn't look as though she would enjoy anything, Sally thought anxiously. She tried to think of something to say that would restore the former more friendly atmosphere, but found herself bereft of words. She would have smiled if Doris had looked at her, but the woman kept her eyes averted while she finished eating, then she stood up, and still not looking at Sally, said: "Come on." Sally followed her out of the kitchen and up the creaking stairs, into a bedroom with a double bed. It was hardly luxurious, she thought, but it seemed to be clean. Doris shut the door and turned the key in the lock. "Okay," she said, swiftly stripping off her shirt and jeans while Sally watched, "you're going to eat me, chickie, and you're going to make a good job of it, whether you like it or not. You coped with that lout Willy, and you're going to do as good for me. Get those dumb clothes off." She stalked to the bed and sprawled down on it, spreading her legs and bending them upwards and out, so that the crimson inner flesh of her sex was spread between the black coat of pubic hair. She caressed her own breasts, the brownish nipples standing high to tip the conical mounds. Sally pulled off her sweater, then unfastened her skirt and slipped out of it. She undid the tabs of her garter belt and rolled her stockings off, then tugged the garter belt over her hips and stepped out of it. Doris' eyes were fixed on her, but she didn't look at Sally's face. "Come on over here and get your face between my legs," she ordered harshly. Sally knelt on the edge of the bed and crawled into what she assumed to be the right position. She clenched her teeth slightly, and moved her face towards that demanding spread sex that awaited her ministrations. She found herself staring in fascination. She had really never seen female genitals in detail before, other than in the impersonal biology diagrams that had come her way in the course of hygiene classes. She had never felt the urge to examine that part of herself in a mirror -- indeed, she had always assumed it was better not seen, any more than one would want to look at anything dirty or disgusting. But now she moved her face to within an inch of the open pussy, gazing with intrigued attention at its intricate structure: at the grooved central ridge with the tiny slit of the urethra; at the little inner lips that were the entrance to the vagina, and at the shadowy cleft behind that vanished in shadow. She could smell it, too -- not an unfamiliar smell. It was the same scent that had been on her finger when Jake had forced her to probe herself, and so presumably the taste would be the same as her own, musky, very slightly like very fresh fish... "Go on," Doris urged her, voice husky with anticipation. Slowly Sally advanced the tip of her tongue to make the tentative connection with the moist, hot, slippery flesh -- this was territory utterly unknown. She had always assumed that some day she would be initiated into the mysteries of sexuality with a man, but such intimate contact with another of her own sex had never occurred to her before today as anything but a strange aberration of certain people who were -- different. Doris sucked in a long, shuddering breath between her teeth as Sally's tonguetip brushed over her eagerly waiting flesh, then suddenly she pulled herself away convulsively and rolled over, and sat up cross-legged on the bed, shaking her head as though dazed from a sudden blow. Sally, alarmed, pushed herself up and sat back on her heels, and asked anxiously: "Did I hurt you?" "Hurt me?" Doris said bemusedly, then gave an odd, dry laugh. "No, chickie. No. It's just -- I find I don't have the temperament for rape, that's all.There was a long silence, during which Sally kept perfectly still, watching as Doris sat with fingers clenching and unclenching, her breath hissing in and out between her teeth in a rigidly controlled cadence, as though she were bearing the pitiless attack of some physical agony. "I was falling into that goddamned trap," Doris said at last, "of trying to rival them in -- piggery. Sexual obnoxiousness. Show them a woman can be every bit as crude as a man." She laughed again, bitterly. "I was raped once -- that was enough. You'd think I'd have learned better, wouldn't you?" Sally said nothing. "Now it's happening to you," Doris went on. "I thought I'd like to see it happen to somebody else. Join in -- get my share of the action." She shrugged. "Well, I can't do much to protect you, but I guess I can claim my share of you and give you the pleasure of being left alone once in a while." She swung herself off the bed and stood with her hands on her hips, her slim, high-breasted figure straight and proud. "The bathroom's through there," she said, gesturing at a door in one wall. "You could probably use a shower or something." She reached for a robe and wrapped it around herself. "See you later -- I need a drink." Sally found herself alone. Her brain felt totally fatigued. Only Doris' suggestion about the shower really stayed with her, and she went to the bathroom. There were towels that looked clean, and a shower cap she could use, and soap -- and when she tried the faucet, the water flowed through hot and soothing. She took a deep breath, set the shower cap in place over her bundled-up hair, and stepped beneath the wonderfully cleansing warm spray. She reached for the soap and a washcloth, and made a generous lather of foamy white suds, spreading them over every inch of her body, over her breasts that had been violated by Willy and Jerry, over her sex where Jake's hand had worked and filled her with that curious flood of sensation that had knocked her right out of the world for a few hectic moments. Suddenly she ceased all movement as a thought struck her -- had that been orgasm? She had thought that it was just the sudden ending of tensions, of fear, of that dreadful hot itching -- but -- She resumed washing herself, but carefully avoided her sex now, wondering profoundly. Her upbringing had so thoroughly prohibited any genital exploration with the twin threats of dirtiness and of damage to her "maidenhood" that she had never had any chance to discover for herself what that mysterious sensation was like. Had she enjoyed what he had done to her? She had enjoyed the relief -- but the thing itself had been more frightening than pleasurable. But-- Now her curiosity was intensely aroused, and in view of what had happened to her already, and what was going to happen in the course of the waiting for the mysterious Miles to put in an appearance, there didn't seem any point now in restraining herself from finding out! She came out of the shower and dried herself, then went out into the bedroom. Doris had returned, and was in bed. She gave Sally a wry smile. "I won't molest you," she said. Sally took a deep breath. "I hardly know anything at all about sex -- really about it," she told Doris. "You are really a virgin, hm?" "Yes..." Sally got into bed and leaned back against the pillows. She turned to face Doris who was looking at her quizzically. "I was very strictly brought up, you see," she said. Doris replied: "I didn't think it was because you weren't attractive to men!" "I wanted to -- stay a virgin till I was married." "Well, I guess you're out of luck." But Doris' tone was not unsympathetic. "Shit, I'd get you out of this if I could -- but there's no way. I can't control those dogs of Jake's -- and anyway, I'm in it as deep as they are, now." "How -- I mean -- why..." "How did a nice girl like me get mixed up in anything like this?" Sally couldn't repress a tiny nervous giggle. "Stupidity, chickie," Doris said somberly. "Never mind the details -- you put one foot wrong, and if there's guys like Jake around, you get deeper and deeper, trying to wipe out your first mistake. I thought I'd shaken him off, but he needed a place to hole up -- and my house was it." "This is your house?" "Yup. Mine and Tod's. He's my brother. That's how I got tangled up with them in the first place." "It's kind of lonely -- do you live here all the time?" "On and off. Not for a while. I wanted to try to set up a kind of commune here -- only it looks as if I'm going to spend the next few years keeping out of the clutches of the FBI," she concluded bitterly. "Couldn't you -- tell them you were forced into it?" "Sure I could -- and they'd all swear I was the brains of the outfit. Anyway..." There was a silence, then Doris said: "Well, I guess we might as well go to sleep." Sally said: "I wish you'd -- tell me about sex, Doris." "Huh?" "I told you -- I just don't know anything -- and I'd rather -- be prepared if --" "Oh." Doris grimaced. "Well -- what can I tell you? I assume you know where babies come from!" "You see, I've never -- nobody's ever touched me -- I've hardly ever even touched myself --" "Mm." "I don't know if I -- had an orgasm -- before?" "With Jake, you mean?" "Yes," she replied, embarrassed. "Well, you certainly looked as though you were!" Doris told her. "Didn't you enjoy it?" "I -- I don't know..." Doris assumed a thoughtful expression. "You know," she said slowly, "the first couple of times I ever masturbated -- trying out things I'd heard about -- I seem to remember that it was just sensations, without any special pleasure attached -- it took a time or two before it started to feel positively good -- if that was really the first time for you, maybe..." "Do you think he'll do it again?" "Who knows? Jake's a nasty sonofabitch. Do you want him to?" Doris asked curiously. "I -- I don't know..." After a pause: "Would you like me to?" Doris suggested. "You don't have to do anything you don't want." Sally looked at her, then slowly nodded. "But I will, if you want me to," she said seriously. "Well, we'll see," Doris said. "No need to rush things. We have the whole night ahead of us." She reached out and switched off the lamp by the bed, plunging them into unrelieved darkness. No filtering streetlights. For a moment Sally wondered what on earth she was doing. Her whole head seemed to have been turned around, at least regarding Doris, while she was hardly aware of what was happening. It was as if some other will than her own had taken control of her. Doris moved closer to her -- and Sally jumped slightly as the other woman's hand lightly caressed one of her breasts. "Relax, relax," Doris whispered. "Believe me, chickie, I'm not going to do a thing to you that you won't like." The feathery fingertips coaxed the nipple into a little peak of hardness, then Doris moved again, and Sally felt the warm wetness of her mouth closing about the tiny tower of flesh, the beginning of long minutes of gentle, ceaseless sucking. Sally lay passive, wondering, until she discovered that a slow pulse of pleasure was beginning to beat through her belly. She realized this pleasure was akin to the sensations that had tormented her before, when she had assumed that they were simply the results of the tension of fear and revulsion. Doris reached across to finger the other nipple while she still mouthed the first, and then her hand began to wander in ever-widening circles around the outer areas of Sally's breasts, and to touch delicately on her abdomen, then her thighs, sending tiny shivers of tactile pleasure through Sally's body. The tension had begun to grow again, as it had before, only now it was without fear. And again came that sense of moistness around the lips of her sex... She found that she was waiting now for Doris' fingers to make contact with that most intimate region; that she was disappointed when the other woman's hand avoided it, and continued to caress her thighs, her breasts, her belly, pleasant though that was. Then, at last, when Sally was almost ready to beg for that favor, Doris' exploring fingertips brushed very lightly over the crisp curls of her pubic hair, so delicately that it was scarcely more than a breath of displaced air passing -- but it was enough to send a deep shudder through Sally's body. Doris teasingly caught a tuft of hair between her finger and thumb and tugged very gently. Sally whimpered. Taking pity on her, Doris gently worked a finger between the inflamed lips of Sally's sex. Sally jerked involuntarily at the touch, unsure whether she liked it or not. Doris moved the finger slightly, running its tip over that same area where Jake had zeroed in during his handling of her, and another uncontrollable shudder seized Sally's body. Pleasure or not, she didn't want it to stop! "What --" she managed to gasp, "what is it you're touching?" She knew that it wasn't the entrance to her inner canal. "That's your clitoris, baby," Doris sounded amused. "Oh." Sally had encountered the word in those diagrams, but had never really understood what it meant. "That's the little key to the whole thing," Doris told her, gently vibrating her fingertip. "Feel how hard it is? Put your own finger there -- feel it." Sally moved her hand down, and Doris guided it into position, and Sally found that she was rolling a little object that felt like a tiny marble -- and which was sending strange little spasms through her every moment. "That's about the most important thing a woman has," Doris said, sliding her own hand back between Sally's legs and starting to finger her moist vulva. "The clit is just loaded with nerves -- it's the same thing that a man's cock develops from, in the embryo.Only a woman has sensations all around, too -- you'll find out -- when you're really hot, you can come over and over again, while a man just gets one shot, then he has to wait till he's charged up again. She began to push her middle finger between the tight lips of Sally's vulva, while Sally continued dreamily rolling her newly discovered clitoris beneath her finger. "You'll find there are different kinds of coming." Doris' voice was becoming breathless now. "It can be triggered off from inside -- or around the outside -- or from directly rubbing your clit -- the nerves are all in a network ... sometimes it's just a little feeling, other times it can blow you through the roof." Her penetrating finger was well inside now, very slightly painful, but that pain was quickly swallowed by the crescendo of pleasure that was overtaking Sally's senses. Doris pushed Sally's hand away and caressed the bare little pleasure nubbin with her thumb, her index finger gently massaging the area between. Her lips came back to Sally's breast, and Sally's head started to spin with the intensity of feeling that was building so inexorably. She started to gasp and moan. Relentlessly, Doris continued that multiple friction with mouth and fingers and thumb, and suddenly Sally found herself going into ecstatic convulsions. There was no question now about the pleasure -- it shook her from head to feet, sending her arching and writhing and bucking against Doris' hand, crying out and feeling the whirling blackness suck her into a mindless vortex for interminable moments, until she lay panting and exhausted, slowly returning to her senses. "Well," she heard Doris' amused voice saying, "do you think that you enjoyed that?" "Oh," Sally murmured, drifting towards sleep, "it was absolutely wonderful!" She felt Doris' lips caress her cheek. "Good night, chickie. Maybe it won't be so bad for you after all." Chapter 6 Sally was awakened by a hand softly stroking her body -- a light caress that slipped gently down her side, undemandingly, not overtly sexual as yet. Doris, she thought, her mind sleepily recalling the events of the past night -- and then the earlier happenings. For a moment a wave of panic threatened to overcome her, but the touch of Doris' affectionate hand was very soothing, and she was still drowsy, so she surrendered to the sensual pleasure of it. She reached out her own hand, and returned the caress, letting her fingers glide over the other woman's silky skin with a curious thrill of pleasure. Doris' arm stretched across her body and encircled her, pulling her close, so that their breasts pressed against each other, and their thighs rubbed together, and the curly bushes of their pubic hair -- the blonde and the dark -- tangled. Then Sally felt Doris' breath against her neck, and the soft touch of her lips tracing the line of her jaw, upwards; a warm, wet tongue flickered against her ear and darted inside, making her squirm and giggle. It was ticklish -- and very arousing. The lips traveled over her cheek, and the tongue tip flickered out and darted into the corner of Sally's mouth. Then Doris laid her lips upon Sally's, and her tongue moved gently along the line between upper and lower lips, coaxing for entrance, and after a moment Sally's lips parted to permit the entrance of the soft, moist invader. Doris' caressing hand moved over Sally's ass, and Sally clung to her, their breasts crushed even closer than before. She whimpered slightly against Doris' mouth as the stroking fingers aroused the quivers of need, and she could feel the first trickles of new moisture dampening the lips of her sex -- wetness that she now knew was not perspiration at all! Doris drew away from her mouth, cupping the back of Sally's head with her free hand. She pressed downward, very slightly, and whispered: "Would you like to suck my tits, baby?" Sally moaned her acquiescence, and fastened her lips around Doris' breast, cupping the other in her hand. She was astonished how pleasant it was, and delightedly teased the pebbly-textured nipple into urgent hardness, feeling the surrounding area contracting into tautness as the blood engorged the erectile tissue of the dark pink tip. "Oh, baby, that feels so beautiful," Doris sighed, stroking Sally's hair. She ran the blonde strands through her fingers dreamily. "Oh, it's so good ... Your mouth is so warm and wet and sweet ..." Her words increased the moisture flow from Sally's sex, and she shifted her head to take the other breast, working tenderly yet determinedly, tiny contractions of responsive pleasure shooting through her belly every time the other woman moaned her joyful thanks for the sensations the avidly sucking lips and flailing tongue bestowed on her. Doris' other hand continued to massage Sally's buttocks, whose skin seemed generously endowed with tactile sensation. Her fingertips slipped into the cleft after a while, and one rested very lightly against Sally's asshole. Sally started in surprise when that happened, and withdrew her mouth from Doris' breast, alert for what would happen next. That was another very taboo area according to the way she had been raised -- but she could not deny that the touch felt extraordinarily pleasant. Doris took her hand away and returned to stroking the firm flesh of the plump asscheeks, and Sally filled her mouth once more with the succulent flesh of Doris' breast. "Are you getting hot, Sally?" Doris asked mischievously after a minute, knowing full well how unnecessary such a question was, not wanting to hear the answer. Sally did not want to let go of the sweet flesh that filled her mouth, but she moaned in the back of her throat: it could only be assent. Doris squirmed beneath her. "Why don't you try lying on top of me for a while," she suggested urgently. Sally shifted around, still not letting go of the other woman's hard-nippled breast, and was enfolded tightly in the ardent embrace of Doris' arms and thighs and calves. She could feel the rough patch of pubic hair against her belly, and she writhed a little upwards so that it rubbed against her own. "Oh yes, oh yes," Doris moaned. "Come where I can kiss you again, sweetheart!" With a final avid caress of the firm, tight-tipped breast, Sally reluctantly took her lips away and set them upon Doris' open mouth. This time it was her tongue that made the eager inward excursion, urgently searching the other woman's fragrant mouth, exploring the softness of her tongue and the flesh that lined her lips, and the hardness of her teeth, the velvet of her cheek linings, the bland taste of saliva other than her own. Doris' arms crushed her ever tighter, so that their breasts mashed almost painfully together. Her hips thrust upwards, increasing the pressure of Venus mound upon Venus mound. She pulled her lips away from Sally's and gasped with eager anxiety: "I want to eat your pussy, Sally -- let me! Now!" The words almost sent Sally into orgasm, so powerful, so lascivious was the promise they held. But she fought it down, and let Doris roll her over so that she was lying on her back, waiting with eager submission. Doris crawled down the bed and urged Sally's thighs apart. She slid her hands beneath them, and raised them so that they rested on her shoulders. "Relax," she gasped. "Just relax and -- let me -- " Sally shut her eyes tightly, quivering with anticipation, that jerked violently when the silken dagger of Doris' tongue tip probed her tight inner lips, then swept upwards along the little valley and flicked almost unbearably over her swollen and throbbing clitoris. "Ohhh," she moaned sweetly. Her whole body tensed, ready to explode in ecstasy. But Doris was by no means ready to let her reach her climax so easily and so soon! Maddeningly, the moist, soft-hard probe flickered away from Sally's pussy and wetly explored the crevices where her thighs joined her body. Sally squirmed, whimpering uncontrollably at the sensuous tickling. "Nooo ..." she gasped. Doris ducked her head and started to nibble the richly swelling hemispheres of Sally's buttocks. "Ohh -- you're driving me crazy!" Sally whimpered, "I -- I can't stand it!" Doris' exploring tongue slid into the deep cleft of Sally's ass crack and tickled the sensitive lining. Sally jerked and thrashed on the bed, unable to take any more, and thrust her crotch beseechingly against Doris' face. Doris' hands caressed her thighs. "Easy, easy, baby," her soft voice murmured. "No rush, just take it easy and enjoy ..." Doris parted the hair-covered lips with her fingers, and blew onto the exposed lining. "Oooooh!" "Let's see if your peehole likes to be loved!" Doris teased her, and Sally jerked wildly again as the questing tongue tip shaped itself into a point and thrust against the tiny opening. The feeling was incredible! "Doris! Ohh -- it's -- too -- ohh -- " "It'll get better yet, chickie," Doris promised her, a smug tone in her voice. She licked up and around Sally's clitoris now, vibrating her tongue tip over the straining little organ, then sweeping tantalizingly away just before Sally's orgasm could break. Then like a tiny cock it thrust into the tight, virginal bud of Sally's vulva, lapping up the lubricating juice that was now welling copiously out of the pulsating inner channel, then back up again to the throbbing nubbin of flesh, and again, just too soon, retreating... "Oh, please! please!" Doris' fingers dug almost painfully into Sally's buttocks, and as though echoing her actions, Sally cupped her own breasts and squeezed them just short of cruelty, while Doris' relentless tongue swept down her furrow and once again gathered up the other woman's overflowing juices. The sensations from Sally's breasts met the tremors of ecstasy from her pussy and seemed to tie a knot of the most delicious tension deep in her belly.In her womb, she thought hazily, and at that instant Doris' tongue began to vibrate on her clitoris again. And this time it stayed right there, working over and over the desperately engorged nub of tissue until the nerve endings erupted into a volcanic shower of molten lava; her womb contracted in response, radiating deep, slow waves of wonderful sensation throughout the whole network of the nerves of her body. "Good?" Doris asked, smiling down at her fondly when she at last managed to open her eyes. "Oh," Sally gasped weakly. "It was just wonderful." "You're very responsive, you know," Doris told her. Sally smiled up at her wordlessly. Then someone pounded on the door. "Hey, aren't you two broads ever gonna get up?" Willy's voice demanded. "Us guys are gettin' horny -- not to mention hungry." He snickered. "An' do I have somethin' hot for Miss Avalon to eat this morning!" "Shit," Doris said savagely. "C'mon, will ya? Jake says to get your asses moving and stop goofing off." His footsteps retreated away down the stairs. Doris shrugged. "Well, I guess that's it for the moment," she said resignedly, and climbed off the bed. "I guess I'll take a shower and start fixing breakfast while you get dressed. You can use any of my stuff you want -- there's a hairbrush I don't use in the dresser drawer, and you can borrow any of my clothes that'll fit you, if you want a change. I brought your underwear for you, but I guess you'll need some clean panties, anyway." She frowned thoughtfully. "Better wear them, but you'll probably be more comfortable if you don't bother about a bra. Your breasts are likely to get quite a lot of handling and there's no use getting yourself all tangled up in straps and stuff. Wear panties, though -- these guys are all old-fashioned enough to get a kick out of taking them off you, and you may as well give them all the harmless pleasure you can, in case they think of anything else." "Doris -- " "I know, chickie, but there's nothing I can do! Just try to swing with it -- you're a sexy little number once you get going, and maybe you can get some fun out of it." "Fun -- ?" "Sure, why not? I don't go for men, but you do, don't you?" "I -- I guess so -- but they're so -- " "Yeah. I know. Well -- " She shrugged again helplessly, and vanished into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sally found the hairbrush Doris had mentioned and sat down at the vanity and started to take the tangles out of her hair. Fear started to knot her belly again. How could she get any fun out of it? Yet... There had been that strange pleasure she had experienced when she had been sucking Willy's cock yesterday -- that curious sense of power as she had caressed the pulsating organ with the sensitive tip of her tongue, and had let it slide deep into the warm clutch of her throat. The strange pleasure of feeling him reduced to helplessness as her mouth and hands had given him ecstasy. If only... If only they wouldn't do anything to hurt her! If only they would be content with that kind of oral ministration, she thought she could bear it. But there were the things Willy had said -- about where he planned to penetrate her -- And the way they had discussed who was to have the privilege of deflowering her -- And the threats Jake had made, with that hard, cruel look in his stone-cold gray eyes -- And the thought of those vicious dogs outside -- And suppose they decided to kill her after all? Would Doris let them? Could Doris stop them? Doris came out of the bathroom, swiftly dressed, patted her on the shoulder, and left the room. Moving like a zombie, Sally showered and dressed, taking a pair of Doris' clean panties, but putting on her own skirt and sweater. She couldn't find any stockings, and didn't want to put her own on unwashed, so she slipped her bare feet into her shoes and went downstairs to face the day's ordeals. Chapter 7 The men were sitting around the kitchen table, eating eggs and bacon and drinking coffee. Doris was cooking at the stove; she flashed a glance of greeting to Sally, then looked away, as though reluctant to reveal their friendship. "Hey, you're late this morning, teach," Willy called through a mouthful of toast. "Reckon Doris gave her a pretty hard time last night, huh?" Jerry snickered. "How'd'ya like eatin' pussy, schoolteacher, huh? Me, I like it fine, sometimes -- maybe I'll have me a mouthful of yours if you treat me good!" "Hope you ain't forgotten how to suck a cock, Miss Avalon," Willy said, "cause mine could sure use a little tender lovin' care as soon as I'm done eatin' here." Jake said: "She can attend to mine while I'm eating." They all turned to look at him, but his face showed nothing. He said: "She can get under the table and suck me off while I'm eatin' my breakfast." Sally stood in silence, wondering if he were serious. "Well, whaddya think you're waitin' for, cunt?" he demanded. "Get your fat ass under the table and fish my cock out and do a fuckin' good job on it." Doris did not look round from the stove to see her humiliation, but the other three men fixed their eyes on her with grins of unsympathetic amusement. Sally looked for the easiest way to get under the table -- one of them would have to move to let her by. She said to Willy: "May I come by your chair, please?" "Why, certainly, Miss Avalon -- a real pleasure," he declared with an elaborate flourish. "Only before you do, how about rollin' up that sweater some and givin' me a nice refreshin' eyeful of them great big boobies?" Cheeks flaming, she reluctantly pulled the sweater upwards. She couldn't tell why she was ashamed -- they had seen her breasts yesterday -- but the inhibitions were far from dead yet. "Mm-mm," Willy said, shaking his head. "It'd be a lucky baby that got his breakfast outta them!" "Hey," Jerry said excitedly, "c'mon over here a minute, teach -- I got an idea!" Dubiously, she glanced at Jake. "You heard what the feller said," he told her. "Get over there before I whip your fat ass." Sally moved around the table to Jerry. "Look," he said, and stuck his fork into a fried egg, so that the liquid yolk gushed out. "What you gotta do is dip your tits in that, see -- then I can lick it right off of them." Tod, so silent until now, burst into raucous laughter. "Say," he guffawed, "I'll try that too -- Doris, baby, you fry me another egg, okay?" "Here." Jerry picked up the plate. "Go ahead." Revolted, she leaned over until the tip of one nipple was touching the pool of egg yolk. Jerry shoved the plate up a little, smearing her areola with the gummy yellow substance. "Okay," he said, setting the plate down. "Breakfast. C'mon over here, momma." "Ain't you gonna put no salt on?" Willy asked. "Nah -- tit goes good with egg." He opened his mouth wide. "Sock it to me, momma." She edged her breast towards his mouth, and his lips closed over it, sucking almost savagely, so that she flinched a little in discomfort. He slipped one hand up beneath her skirt as he mouthed her nipple, and worked his fingers into one leg of her panties, groping for the cleft of her ass. "Hoo boy," he panted, releasing her breast. "That's some mouthful, sugar!" He squeezed the handful of buttock he was clutching. "And that's some butt you got there." "Gonna check into that today," Willy reminded him. "Gonna stick my dick up that little back hole -- man, bet it's tight an' hot! Bet she yells her head off!" "What they call a piece of ass, huh?" Tod put in. "You gonna have a crack at it too?" Willy asked. "Hell, it ain't gonna wear out -- there's enough for us all!" "Get under the table and suck my dick, cunt," Jake ordered, his icy voice cutting across Willy's exuberant tones. Willy shifted his chair back, and Sally crouched down, going to her hands and knees to crawl under the table. Willy grabbed her by the hem of her skirt and yanked it up around her waist. "Sure is a pretty rear end," he said, and swatted it briskly with the flat of his palm. Sally squealed with surprise, and Tod and Jerry and Willy laughed. Jake said: "I'm waitin', bitch." She crawled over to him and reached up, awkward in the cramped space beneath the table, to his fly. He parted his legs a little, but that was all the help he gave. She worked the zipper down and timidly groped inside, finding that his cock was quite soft. She drew it out and crouched holding it for a moment, wondering, then bent her head and ran her tongue over the head. There seemed to be no response, and she waited, expecting some further instruction, but none came, so she licked it again, and again. Still nothing. "Work for it, cunt," Jake said. Behind her, she heard Willy squirming in his chair, and the sound of a shoe dropping to the floor. The next moment his bare toes were nudging at her ass, trying to hook into the waistband of her panties. She tried the maneuver of thrusting the tip of her tongue against the slit of Jake's cockhead, which had seemed to evoke an enthusiastic response from Willy, and at last there was a slight stirring in the limp flesh that rested in her mouth. Willy's toenails scraped at the exposed flesh of her back above her panties. She pressed her lips around the corona of Jake's cockhead, and there was a further stiffening of the recalcitrant organ, much to her relief. Willy managed to tangle his big toe in the band of the panties, and started to work them downwards. She ducked her head slightly to work Jake's cock towards the back of her throat. It slid over her tongue, pulsing slightly as the blood further expanded its tissues. Jake grunted slightly, and Willy tugged sharply at her panties. His toe slipped out of the band, and the elastic snapped sharply back against her skin. She gasped and choked slightly, which sent a still more powerful rush of blood through the cock that filled her mouth.Willy's groping toe returned for a new onslaught, and she steeled herself to ignore it, to concentrate on sliding the now hard cock back and forth between her lips. She felt none of the sensuous pleasure that had unexpectedly overtaken her when she had been performing this service for Willy yesterday. He had abandoned himself to the pleasure of her mouth, once it was fairly underway; she felt there was nothing in the least uncontrolled about Jake, and she dared not relax her guard. Willy was successful this time in dragging the panties down around her thighs; he then entertained himself by working the big toe of his exploring foot into the crack of her ass until it found the tight little hole, where he let it rest, wriggling it slightly from time to time. Jake's cock began to leak the clear fluid that told her she was having her effect on him, and she renewed her efforts. She was getting very cramped, crouched there under the table, and her neck and jaw were growing painfully fatigued. Willy's toe poked more demandingly against her asshole, and now seemed intent on working its way inward. Involuntarily, she clenched against it, and heard his sly chuckle. Jake suddenly pulled out of her mouth. "You've got plenty to learn yet, cunt," he said. "I guess Willy doesn't have the same high standard for a blow job that I do. Get out from under there." He stuffed his swollen cock back into his pants as she wriggled out from beneath the table, puzzled by his abrupt cutting short of the act. But there was no denying that the relief, however temporary, was welcome. "Didn't make him come, huh?" Willy grinned down at her. "Well, never mind, teach -- you're gonna make me come, just as soon as I get another cup of coffee." "Come over here," Tod called to her, and she obediently made her way around the table to him, tugging her panties back around her waist as she went. He shoved his chair away from the table and pulled her down onto his lap. Once again her sweater was rolled up beneath her armpits, and Tod buried his face between the luscious mounds of her breasts. "Nice," he breathed. "So nice ... you're going to be nice to me, aren't you?" He nuzzled into her cleavage, holding her around the waist with one arm, while his other hand caressed her thigh. "Nice," he whispered again, and took one of her breasts into his mouth, sucking at the nipple as Jerry had earlier, but much more gently. Sally wondered whether he had something in common with his sister, as far as sexual attitudes were concerned. "Hey," Jerry called, "why don't you fuck those tits, like I did yesterday? I tell you, it's real nice, sliding your dong through them things." Tod ignored him. He slipped his hand beneath her skirt and worked it up into her crotch. As Willy had, he groped beneath one of the leg openings, but his touch was not brutal. His fingers squirmed into her crotch, and nestled against the hair-covered lips of her sex, slowly working their way into the moist warm crack that lay between them. A shiver of response took hold of her, and her breathing quickened. His mouth on her nipple brought little currents of electrical pleasure to life, and his fingers working over her pussy roused similar little sparks there. She spread her legs wider, unthinkingly. "Hey," Willy crowed, "she's a hot bitch, huh? Look at her opening up there!" Sally flinched slightly, but the sensations were too strong to be negated by embarrassment. Tod had settled a finger against her clitoris now, and was rolling the little knob of flesh around, while his thumb caressed the tight lips guarding her virginal inner channel, which was starting to ooze forth its slippery juice in automatic response. "Yeah," Jerry said. "Get her good and wet, Tod -- plenty of that good pussy juice flowing to spread around her asshole when we start plowing it -- knew a fella once, tried it when the broad's hole was too dry and tight, damn near took the skin right off of his dick!" Tod raised his head. "Leave me alone, huh?" "Aw," Willy protested, "you don't like to have any fun. Is she getting good and wet?" Impatiently, Tod pushed her off his lap. "Hell," he said, stalking out of the kitchen, "find out for yourselves." "Jeez," Jerry commented wonderingly as the door slammed, "what's the matter with that guy?" "Let's go in the living room," Willy said. "I need to get my dick in one of her holes -- I don't give a shit what problems anyone else's got." He swatted Sally's ass again. "Get moving, teach," he said briskly. "Busy busy busy! We've got a lot to learn today, you know." Obediently, she headed for the living room, Jerry and Jake following. Now fear was building again, conflicting with the remains of the arousal Tod's caresses had started to build in her, and she found herself clenching her teeth as she waited for their next moves. Jake threw himself down into one of the armchairs and caught her eye. He ordered: "Take those clothes off, cunt -- you don't need them." She had not been completely naked before them yet -- now, as she slowly peeled off her clothes, she felt that she was losing a flimsy defense. Willy gave a long whistle as the full impact of her voluptuous body struck him. "Ain't she something?" Jerry contributed: "Like they used to say in them old detective books: She's a natural blonde!" "I'll say she is -- and man, them tits knock me out every time I see them!" "We gonna break in her asshole now?" Jerry asked. "I want a blowjob first," Willy declared. He snapped his fingers at Sally and pointed to the floor in front of him, fumbling his fly open as she meekly knelt in the indicated place. The cock that burst forth from confinement was hard and ready to go. It reached out to her, pulsing through the length of its prominent veins, the head and upper part of the shaft dyed angry purple with engorged blood. "You like that, teach?" he demanded. To please him -- only to please him? -- she nodded. "It tasted real good last time, huh? Go on, give it a good lick with that cute pink tongue." She ducked her head towards it and took a deep breath. She poked out her tongue and touched the tautly stretched skin of the mushroom crown. It throbbed responsively, alive and warm, and she found herself vividly recalling the power she had discovered to bring pleasure to this strange thing... She swept her tongue in a broad track of moisture around the dome, then pulled back a little to contemplate the wet gleam upon the fiery flesh. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her face into his crotch. "Suck the hell out of it, baby," he panted in a hoarse, urgent voice. "Get your mouth around it and suck it real good, like you did before." She curled her hand around his jutting cock and guided it back between her lips, closing her lips over the purple crown and sliding her mouth all the way down to the base, recalling her recently acquired expertise at relaxing her throat muscles to admit the intruder. Willy groaned and inhaled, and she pulled her head back and away, once again looking at the gleaming wetness. Then she started to lick her way around the spit-shining head like a child with an ice cream cone, thrusting her tongue into the fluid welling out of the hole and lapping it up with a relish that surprised her, then tickling the underside of the supersensitive ridge with little darting thrusts of her pointed pink tongue. Willy's body started to jerk as the pleasure took over his senses. His face contorted with ecstasy, and he clutched at Sally's shoulders for support. He started to thrust with his hips, driving his cock into her throat again and again, no longer wanting her activity, demanding only that she remain passive and open to him while he plowed into her. It became hard to sustain; she started to be afraid that he would choke her, for some of his thrusts were so long-lasting that she had difficulty getting her breath. She caught at his hips with some vague notion of controlling him, but he was like a wild thing now, and grabbed her head, forcing her face against his groin while he made his last few violent pumping motions, and suddenly flooded her throat with hot sperm while she choked and spluttered. Then abruptly he pushed her away, and staggered backwards to collapse into a chair, while she coughed and panted and swallowed, crumpled on the floor. "Man," he gasped, "that was something!" Sally looked up, wiping away the tears that choking had forced to her eyes, and saw that Jake was beckoning to her. "You've got some unfinished business here, cunt," he said. "Dig it out and try again." He unzipped his fly and waited. Chapter 8 Once again she probed inside his fly and brought out his cock. She was surprised to find it slightly tumescent this time, and as she slid it into her mouth and began to work her tongue around its ridged head, she hoped that now he would let her bring him to climax, and then maybe he wouldn't be so determined on frightening her so much. "Sure does turn a guy on," Jerry said hoarsely, "seeing a big-titted blonde kneeling between a guy's legs with his dong going in and out of her mouth that way." "Shit," Willy chuckled, "everything turns you on, you horny son of a bitch." "Yeah," Jerry agreed complacently. "Say, you never did finish telling us about that broad on the bus -- that was turning me on, and no mistake. Tell me the whole thing now, huh -- while we watch little Miss Tits there making a pig of herself on Jake's schwanz. Jeez, just watching her do that and looking at that cute ass of hers and thinking about getting plugged in there -- go on, Willy, tell us right from the start." "Well," Willy said slowly, "like I said, it was on the Greyhound -- I was sitting there, minding my own business, looking at the pictures in Gallery, and we get to one of the stops, and this woman gets on."She's maybe thirty, you know, but a real knockout -- dressed all in high heels and a micromini and one of those clingy, thin tops where you can see her nipples like a couple of dark quarters, you know? "So, like I told you before, there aren't many people on the bus. Empty seats. There's me sitting in one of the back seats -- I mean, she had practically the whole fucking bus to choose from, but she comes swinging her tail down the aisle and those nice bouncy boobs are kind of heaving around -- just like the teacher's here, when she isn't wearing a bra -- and I take a good look, like any guy would, and what with them and the gash I'd been looking at in Gallery, the old dork is getting kind of restless -- you know? "So I kind of reach down to adjust it a little, and damned if the broad doesn't watch what I'm doing -- and she goes on watching while I, you know, ease it around some so it's more comfortable -- so I look up at her and catch her eye and sort of run my tongue over my lips, like it was her pussy -- always gives me a charge when broads get all snooty and turn their heads away -- and you know they're gonna be thinking about it the rest of the day, and maybe sticking their fingers up their gash dreaming about it at night. "But this broad, Jesus, she just takes a great big breath that makes her tits stand out like a couple of cantaloupes, and she comes right over to where I'm sitting and she says: "'I beg your pardon, but is this seat taken?' "So what can I do except shake my head, and damned if she doesn't sit herself right down there beside me!" Jake's cock was twitching reluctantly into full hardness, and Sally moved her head forward to slide it into the recesses of her throat, the smell of his crotch rising to her nostrils; and once again that treacherous little spark of fiery sensation began to make itself felt in her pussy. "So then the bus gets going again, and she pulls this magazine out of her shoulder bag and starts looking at it -- and it's one of those Playgirl things they do for broads these days-dumb pictures of guys bare-ass, with no hardon. "She looks at it for a couple of minutes, and I take a look too, and then I take a look at her tits, and they're a hell of a lot more interesting -- her nipples are standing up like pencil erasers, poking that top she's wearing out in front. And the way she's sitting -- you can damn near see right up to her crotch. It's the sort of view you like best when it's opposite you -- only sitting right next to it is even better, even if you don't see quite as good. "And then -- oh, Jesus! -- she turns her head, slow and meaning that I shouldn't miss it, and she looks down in my crotch, and then she looks back at this guy in the magazine, and then she looks back at my crotch -- and then she shuts the magazine and she puts it away, and she twists round in the seat a bit so she's facing me, and she says: "'I beg your pardon, but would you allow me to take a look at your penis?' All refined, you know, like she was asking me what time it was. Only she was talking quiet. "So I figure, what the fuck? "I reach down and unzip my pants -- going careful, cause her asking that on top of everything else-well, I ain't kidding, it was raring up so hard you'd think it was trying to bust out right through the front. "And it comes ramming up, all big and purple, you know the way it gets, and she kind of gasps, and says: 'Oh, my, that's really magnificent!' She knew a good dork when she saw one, that broad, I tell ya!" Sally thought back to the scene in the car on their way here, and wondered whether this had really happened to Willy, or if it was just one of his cherished fantasies. No matter -- she was curiously eager to hear more! "So I say: 'You wanna cop a feel, lady, go right ahead.' "And she does just that -- she puts her hand round it, under the head, like she knows what's what, and she gives it a nice squeeze. "And then, you know what this crazy gash says to me?" "What?" Jerry's breathing was heavy with excitement. "She says: 'Would you let me sit on it while we ride?' "No shit!" Jerry panted. "Yeah. So -- well, Jesus, like I said, we're at the back of the bus, and not too many people about, so what am I gonna turn down some nooky for -- when it's being dumped right in my lap," he added with a snicker. Jake grunted and started to jerk his pelvis slightly. Sally glanced up at his face for a moment and saw that his teeth were clenched, his eyes almost shut in tight, tense slits. She had the sudden overwhelming urge to see him lose that tightly preserved self-control, to hear him moaning with delight and gasping helplessly as orgasm overcame him. She redoubled her efforts. "Yeah, so then what?" Jerry hissed urgently. "So then -- shit, just trying it on, you know? I say: 'What's it worth to you, lady?' "And damn if she don't say, cool as you like: 'Would twenty dollars pay for your trouble?' "Well, it kind of knocks me back, and then I think I oughta see how high I can get her to go, but what the fuck, I'm getting hot as all hell there, and I never expected her to pay me -- so I say: 'Okay, lady, twenty bucks is fine,' and this crazy gash, she reaches for her pocketbook and pulls out her wallet and hands over twenty bucks, just like that. "Then, with me sitting there holding it, she gets up and edges along so she's standing in front of me, and she hikes up her skirt -- Jesus, it was nearly as high as her twat already -- and you know, she's wearing a pair of those panties like you see in the ads at the back of the magazines, with the crotch cut out!" "Oh, man!" Jerry breathed. "Oh, jeeze, this is making me so fucking horny -- !" "Hear that, teach?" Willy called. "There's a real hot dick waiting for you when you've done with Jake -- and mine's getting ready for seconds any minute!" Sally went on flailing the head and shaft of Jake's rod with her tongue, as though she had not heard, but a tremor of anticipation -- fear? excitement? -- shot through her pussy once again. "Go on! Go on!" Jerry urged. "So she kind of backs into me, and she reaches her hand down and takes hold of my dick in her hand, and she holds it steady and kind of just sits down, real slow, feeding it up her gash -- and jeeze, she had a twat that was so tight and hot and juicy, I had to start thinking of ice water showers just to keep from shooting my whole wad right that minute! "So she gets the whole of my dork shoved up her hole, and she ends up sitting on my lap, facing front, with her legs spread wide open, and I reach round and stroke her real nice, smooth thighs, and she leans back against me, and she whispers: "'Wouldn't you like to play with my tits a little?' "So I shove my hands up under her top, and get my hands full of her jugs, with these gorgeous hard nipples, and I can start to smell her now, like a bitch on heat, and her juice is trickling down on my thighs and my balls -- that pussy was like a hot swamp, I tell you! "And then she puts her hand down in her crotch, and she starts playing with her twat -- diddling herself, rubbing her clit, all slow and dreamy, and she kind of rocks herself around a bit, and she sort of humps up and down a few times, just a little bit, you know, and I'm kneading these beautiful jugs -- and the old dork is about going crazy up her twat, and I wanna come the worst way, but I can't stand to finish it -- "And then the bus hits a rough patch in the road, and starts jolting up and down for a few feet -- and that was it! I shot off like a fucking fountain, and she starts coming too, and she's kind of shrieking, only in a whisper -- never heard nothing like it in my life before!" "Oh, wow," Jerry moaned. "And then -- she kind of lays back against me, and I wait for my dick to slide out of her -- only it don't! It stays right there, and I guess it just didn't wanna come out of there -- it never even got soft! "And after a minute, when she's got her breath back, she sees what's happened, and says: 'Do you think you can do it again?' So I say: 'Sure feels that way, don't it?' "Then she kind of clears her throat a bit, and says: "'I'd like to try it behind.'" "You mean up the ass, lady?' I ask her, and she nods. "So she stands up, and my dick comes sliding out with a kind of squelchy noise, and this smell of hot gash like you wouldn't believe, and she sort of sticks out her cute butt and says: 'Will you guide it, please.' "So I nudge it up against her bottom and she reaches back and pulls her asscheeks apart, and there's her asshole, all puckered up and sort of pinky-brown, kind of cute if you like assholes -- " "Oh, I like 'em, when they're in a pretty broad's butt," Jerry leered. "Well, I tell you, this butt was pretty as they come. And the old dork was all over come and pussy juice, and when I get it lined up and she starts to squat down on it, it just slides up her poopshute like a hot knife in butter." "Tight, huh?" "Tight! You better believe it! Jeeze, her twat was hot and tight, but her shithole was like having a big soft hand grabbing your dick and squeezing till you couldn't see straight!" "Wowee!" "Yeah, that's about what I said! So I stick one hand back up under her top to get me some more action with them bouncing jugs, and she whispers: "'I wish you'd play with me here, too,' and she takes my other hand and shoves it against her pussy." "A real nympho, huh?" Jerry sighed ecstatically."So I kind of work my fingers around for a minute -- all sloshy and juicy, you know -- and she says: "'Please, put your fingers right inside me.' "So I kind of bunch my fingers together and I shove them right up her cunt hole, and she sort of props up her feet against the back of the seat in front of us, and it's wild, see, I can feel my own dick in her coal chute rubbing against my fingers in her twat -- I could have nearly jerked myself off! "And then she starts diddling her clit again, slow, and I work my fingers up and down in her hot sloshy hole, and she kind of squeezes my dick with her insides, and her nipples are like a pair of rocks, they're so hard -- "And then, oh, Jesus, these two kids that got on the same stop she did decided to take a walk and they come strolling back -- two kids, about sixteen, maybe -- and they get there without me realizing, I'm so kind of knocked out by what I'm doing to this crazy nympho gash and what that coal chute of hers is doing to my cock -- and there they are, all of a sudden, with their mouths hanging open and their eyes big as plates -- " "Go on, for fuck's sake!" "Well, I was so turned on, I wasn't gonna stop for nothing, and the broad, she just looked at them, and then she beckoned to them, and one of them came stumbling over, like in a dream, and she reaches for his pants and unzips him and she fished out his dick and starts jerking him -- and she tells the other one to kneel on the seat, and she gets his out, too, and kind of leans over sideways and starts sucking him off -- jerking one, sucking the other one -- and I still got one hand on her tits and the other one halfway up her twat, and she keeps on squeezing my dick, and -- oh, Jesus, it was the weirdest tangle I ever been in! "And the kid she's sucking shoots, and then the one she's jerking shoots -- young kids, no staying power -- and I start giving her clit some action with my thumb since she took her hand off to jerk the kid -- and, man, if the first time was wild, when she came the second time, it was like getting your dick caught in a vacuum cleaner or something -- thought I was gonna die coming, it was so fucking incredible -- " "Yeah?" "Well, then the kids kind of zipped up and sneaked off back where they came, like they was scared -- and the broad heaves herself up off my lap, and shoves a wad of Kleenex up into her gash to sop up the juice, and she wipes off my dick with a piece, then she leans over and gives it a big, juicy kiss. "'That was very nice,' she says. "And a minute later, the bus pulls in at the next stop, and she throws all the Kleenex under the seat, and she's up out of the seat without another word -- doesn't look back or nothing, and she gets off the bus, and I watch out the window -- and Jesus, there's this guy comes to meet her, and he's a preacher! Dog collar and all! I reckon she was married to him -- but I've never figured it out, wearing them slit panties and all -- Jesus, it was the weirdest thing ever happened to me!" "Jeez, that's something, ain't it," Jerry mused. "You ain't kidding. And she paid me twenty fucking dollars for the pleasure of plowing her cunt and asshole -- shit, I'd have almost paid her!" Jake suddenly stiffened, then lunged forward at the hips, driving his cock deeply into Sally's throat, as mercilessly, and more so, as Willy before, and I grabbed her head to hold her immobile while his sperm pulsed out and filled her throat with its salty bitterness, then he released her, choking, and slumped back, watching her as she slowly recovered. "Hey, you done?" Jerry demanded. "Yeah," Jake growled. "Oh, man -- then I'm gonna get my dong up her ass-hole, right now! I'm hotter than a red hot poker!" Chapter 9 Sally stood up, wiping her mouth, and eyed Jerry with considerable apprehension. He was licking his lips as he came towards her, and she felt more than ever like a creature being mercilessly hunted down. He reached out his hands and fondled her breasts for a moment, his breath rasping with excitement. "What you gonna do?" Willy asked curiously. "She needs something to lean over, huh?" "You can lay her flat on the floor." "Nah," Jerry answered definitely. "When I screw a dame in the ass, I like to have it stuck up good where I can get at it without having to scrunch around -- I like to be standing up, so's I can really go at it." "Put her over the arm of a chair, then," Jake suggested, busy rezipping his fly. "Yeah, I guess that'd do," Jerry agreed. "Or over the table in the kitchen -- even better. Just the right height, the table, I reckon." "C'mon, then," Willy said impatiently. "Let's go in the kitchen and get started. I wanna watch you do it to her, Jerry, then I'm gonna go in after you." He opened the door. "After you, Miss Avalon," he said. And, naked and helpless, she went into the kitchen. Tod was sitting there, and Doris was working at the table, cutting up stewing meat. "Hey, Doris, baby, we have to borrow the table," Jerry told her brusquely. "What for?" She looked at him with dislike, and sliced a piece of beef into four pieces with a quick, neat movement. He giggled. "Need it for teacher. It'd just the right height for her to bend over while I plug into her butt." "You'll have to wait," Doris told him firmly. "I have things to do, and I want to get this stew started. You'll want dinner tonight, won't you?" "Yeah, but -- " "Never mind but. If I cook, I do it when I choose. It's my fucking house." "Tod's, too," Willy reminded her. "Tod agrees with me, don't you?" Tod nodded. "Leave her alone," he said. "She cooks best when she isn't getting hassled." "Guess we gotta find someplace else, then," Jerry grumbled. "Jeez, fucking broads ain't nothing but trouble!" Doris stepped from behind the table, and with a swift flash of her arm, twisted him around and planted her foot against his ass, and sent him hurtling across the room. He crashed into the door and staggered, dazed, while Willy and Tod guffawed at his discomfiture. "Hey," he protested, "what the fuck -- ?" "Nobody calls me a fucking broad," Doris told him calmly. She returned to her work, and when Jerry started towards her, she hefted the knife meaningfully in her hand. "And don't forget I'm a brown belt," she added, "in good practice, too." A pity karate was no use against a couple of savage dobermans, Sally mused. "Hit my goddamn head," Jerry complained petulantly. "I gotta go sit down a minute." Doris said: "Tod wants Sally for a while -- you guys have all had a share of her. Why don't you leave her here and clear out?" "But we're getting ready to screw her in the ass," Willy protested. "Well, you can wait," Doris snapped. "Let poor Jerry get over his headache." "She ain't kidding," Jerry said ruefully. "You got any aspirin in this joint?" "Bathroom," Doris said. "Go on, piss off." Rather to Sally's surprise, they did, leaving her alone with the brother and sister. Tod held out a hand to Sally, and she went to him, and he drew her down onto his lap, as he had before, and once again he nuzzled his face into her breasts. "Beautiful," he muttered, "lovely, sweet soft tits -- " His hand went to her crotch, and once again he began to caress her, gently parting her plump labia and insinuating his fingertips into the warm, moist crack. Sally relaxed in his embrace; she felt that he would not treat her roughly, and she gave herself over to the enjoyment of his stroking of her pussy, his ardent suckling of her breasts. He seemed content with this for a long time, then he said softly: "Sally, how'd you like me to do what they said they're going to do?" Sally looked at him, taken aback. Tod's eyes were pleading. "I'd do it carefully," he said. "The first time -- you don't want it rough, the first time, do you?" "No," she said, almost inaudibly. Doris looked round and said: "You can trust him, Sally. It would be a lot better for you." "Well -- okay," Sally agreed helplessly. If somebody had to invade her virginal asshole, it might as well be the more civilized Tod, she supposed. "Why don't you go upstairs and use my room," Doris suggested. "It's about the most comfortable place." Tod hesitated, then said: "Will you come too, Doris?" "You want me to?" "Mm." "Okay," she said tolerantly. "When I've got the stew done. It won't be long now." Tod sighed, Sally thought with relief, and returned to mouthing her breast. She was puzzled: why would a man want his sister in the same room where he would be having sex? But she ceased to wonder as Tod's fingers sought out her clitoris with renewed enthusiasm, and the delicious little sparks of ecstasy began to leap through her body. The slow, sweet tide of sensation mounted and churned through the lips of her pussy and lapped at her belly; his suckling mouth sent lascivious messages of lustful anticipation crackling along her nerves. She found herself coming closer to the edge of release, her wildly inflamed clitoris a red hot coal burning between the lips of her cunt setting all the surrounding tissues on fire, and his unceasing caress was like a steady stream of fuel played upon it, until the moment came when the final combustion point was reached and passed, and the fire exploded into a brilliant burst of sensuous ecstasy that sent her head spinning and her body into wild spasms of quivering passion. Then, as she slowly drifted back towards reality, she heard Doris say: "Okay, the stew's done; let's go upstairs." Tod gently pushed Sally off his lap and onto her feet, and with Doris leading the way, they went upstairs to the bedroom where she and Sally had spent the preceding night. Doris briskly seized the bed pillows and arranged them in a heap in the middle of the mattress. "Sprawl yourself down over those, chickie," she instructed Sally, "and just relax, okay?" Doris took her hand and looked into her eyes intently. "Don't worry, huh? Tod's a sweet guy -- he isn't going to hurt you.""So," Doris said, "come lie down." She settled Sally face-down on the bed, her hips resting on the pillows so that her buttocks were thrust up into the air, inviting and very vulnerable. She closed her eyes and tried to follow Doris' instructions to relax, feeling the shaking of the bed as Tod crawled into a position behind her. She involuntarily stiffened in expectation of pain, but instead she felt a tiny stream of warm air, which she realized was his breath when he began to lavish dozens of tiny kisses on the silky white skin of her voluptuous ass cheeks. Her flesh prickled in response: the touches of his lips were so delicate that it raised goosebumps all over her, and to her astonishment she found that the sensual fire was building up once again inside her belly. Was she insatiable? she wondered guiltily. After a few delicious minutes, her flesh began to crave a firmer stimulus, and she found herself squirming her hips slightly, pushing backwards just a little. The movement stirred the lips of her pussy against the pillows, she found, and she repeated it, enjoying the sensation. Shamelessly, then there started a nibbling. A sensation that hovered on the edge of pain, as it had done when Doris had so delicately chewed on them earlier -- the tension of the almost-pain, she discovered, somehow heightened the pleasure that was steadily surging through her body. And then she shuddered with shame and delight as the warmly probing, saliva-wet blunt-pointed dagger of his tongue slid along the crevice between her buttocks and invaded the tightness of the rear valley, licking up and down the oddly textured lining and finally probing gently but insistently into the tightly folded rosette of her virginal asshole. There was a movement beside her, and Doris knelt on the bed. Sally smiled up at her, and Doris stroked her hair. "Okay, chickie?" she whispered. Sally nodded. Doris turned to her brother. "Tod, baby," she said, "work your hand underneath her and give her some clit action -- the way you do for me." The words drifted into Sally's brain, but she was too preoccupied with the pleasures of her body to give them any analytical thought just then. Tod worked one hand beneath her, seeking through the dew-moist folds of her outer labia, working over the engorged tissues until his fingertips homed in on the pulsating morsel of her blood-filled clitoris. The delightful friction wove its elusive yet very tangible magic until she heard herself moaning helplessly, all too willing to abandon herself to whatever this man, this stranger, this one of her kidnappers, chose to do with her. She found her nipples growing achingly hard with eager response, and a slow, steady throbbing made itself evident in the inflamed lips of her pussy. He ducked his face down to lap along their musky plumpness as far as he could reach, and to dart his tongue, like a searching bee, into the welling nectar. Then she heard him gasp: "Do you have the oil there, Doris?" "Mm-hmm. Shall I do it?" "Yeah. Let me watch you..." "You want to watch me get her ready for you, hmm?" "Christ, yes!" She heard the slight grating sound of the cap of a bottle being unscrewed, and then she started slightly as Doris' warm, knowing fingers, slick with baby oil, probed gently into her ass cleft, and one of them penetrated the tightly clutching sphincter muscle. Again, that odd pain-swallowed-in-pleasure feeling... "You want me to put a little on your cock, baby?" Doris crooned throatily. "Yes...please..." The sound of other flesh than her own being anointed came to Sally's ears, but her mind was still too hazy to think. Then there was a little pause, during which she lay waiting, throbbing with expectation, her pussy oozing a steady trickle of juice that made her remember that there was another penetration to come when this one was over. Suppose it were to happen right now... Would it feel as good as her burning pussy told her it ought to feel...? Then he was sliding his hands around her hips to hold her steady, and she wished that he had not taken his fingers away from her pussy. His cockhead, hot and oily and determined, was sliding through the waiting valley, far more formidable than the tongue and the finger that had explored there before. Big... It pressed against the asshole, and she tensed, suddenly giving way to alarm. His hand stroked her hair and down the length of her back, a caress that was affectionate and reassuring, and she let herself go limp with a conscious effort, taking a deep breath of air, trying to help him by relaxing as fully as possible. Slowly his cock sank in, nudging its way into the interior darkness of her rectum. She found herself holding her breath, despite her resolution to relax, and couldn't let it go for several seconds. Her fingers clutched anxiously at the sheet beneath her: she felt bloated and filled intolerably. But the piercing shaft's invasion of her body was smooth and oddly sweet; It plunged inward until she felt his balls swing softly against her thighs, and then a brush of prickliness as his pubic hair rubbed against the backs of her ass cheeks. The penetration made her gasp in surprise and a little stinging pain, but it was as though a warm poker had been thrust into her entrails, bringing in its wake a delicious heat that began to radiate out into her belly, and to saturate her pussy with new waves of the marvelous sex-tingles. Then he lay still for a few moments to let her get accustomed to the hard fullness stuffing her rear passage, and she contracted her muscles experimentally, and with delighted surprise felt the responsive leap of his cock. He whispered: "Get up -- on your hands and knees -- okay?" Obediently she heaved herself into the position he wanted, and Doris, still kneeling on the bed, reached to caress her rubbery-hard nipples, then slid her hand down between Sally's thighs and dug between her fleshy labia to strum her vibrating clitoris. Ted's cock slid slowly out of her, until only its head remained, and then it made an equally slow return, to the deepest point it could reach. This time the sensation of its passage seemed to inflame the walls of her anal canal with fiery friction, and the heat was conducted through her flesh to the lips of her cunt, to the knob of her clitoris, stoking yet more fuel into the ecstatic flame that filled her belly. Then he began pumping into her, like a dog screwing a bitch in heat. And she felt like a bitch in heat, her thoughts lewd and open and eager and shameless -- she thrust back at him, gasping at the stinging, delicious pleasure pain, and somehow that combined with Doris' searching fingers on her cunt, Doris' hand delving into the musky, juicy, passion-swollen lips where her clitoris strained and throbbed, as hard as a little fingertip in its tiny hood, was bringing her to the edge of the chasm of oblivious ecstasy faster than she could possibly control. Alerted to her imminent climax by her ever-louder moans and spasms, he suddenly thrust her back down over the pillows, so that her breasts were crushed against the sheet; Doris' hand trapped beneath her, still undauntedly fondling Sally's cunt. Her hips were thrust upward into the air, and his pounding attack became almost ferocious, his loins, slapping noisily against the fleshy cheeks of her ass, his balls swinging forward with every stroke, his fingers digging into her hips almost painfully as he rammed in and out like a power-driven piston. With a guttural, animal cry, he came, and the sound of the passion in his voice, the convulsions of his body, the sudden extra hardening of his cock and its throbbing as it spurted white fire deep up into the dark canal of her gut sent Sally hurtling into orbit. That orgasm seemed to last for hours, and by the time she was aware of the world again, Jerry had pulled out of her, and was sprawled on the bed next to her, avidly eating the cunt of the now naked Doris -- His sister. "It's -- incest," Sally said hesitantly. Doris set a plateful of eggs and toast in front of her. "Eat," she said. "Jerry's prowling around looking as though his headache's gone. Better eat while you have the chance." Meekly Sally scooped up a forkful of eggs, took a bite of toast, finding she was very hungry. "But," she said, a few bites later, "Doris, you and -- your brother --" Doris poured freshly made coffee into two cups. "Do you take sugar and cream?" "Just black, please..." Doris set one cup beside Sally's plate and sat down across the table with the other. "Incest," Sally said weakly. "Technically, I suppose," Doris agreed. "Or maybe not technically -- it depends how you look at it." "I don't -- understand." Doris said levelly: "I don't let him fuck me. I don't let any man fuck me. Even without getting raped that time, I don't like to make it with men. Doing other things -- is that incest?" "I --" "You know the only real argument against incest, other than moral taboos? It's the possibility of concentrating unfavorable genes in the children. If there's family weakness, then a sibling mating may mean that both parents are contributing the same gene that carries the weakness, and if that gene is usually recessive, getting it from both sides increases the chances of the weakness showing up. That's all. No fucking, no kids. Didn't you play around with your brother?" Sally shook her head. "Don't have one." "Mm. Well -- Tod and I have always been -- close. In fact -- well, we were brought up kind of isolated, slap in the middle of one of the biggest cattle ranches in the country -- had private tutors, and no one much to mix with -- so we mixed with each other when our adolescent juices started flowing. Only I couldn't stand to be flicked, even then -- he tried it once, and I couldn't stand it!""And he -- shit, I don't know the ins and outs of it, but he has trouble getting it up if I'm not around..." Sally stared, trying to comprehend. "You know, I hardly ever saw another woman, another girl, till I left the ranch. Our father had this weird idea about kids contaminating each other or something -- that's why we never went to school or anything. But what I saw on TV really turned me on -- I mean, I knew that what I wanted was to make it with others of my own sex. But there were none around, except for our housekeeper who was maybe sixty and weighed about two hundred pounds -- and Tod was there, and horny -- hell, we just sort of drifted into things, and never really drifted out! "Then when we were nearly twenty -- I was nineteen, he was eighteen -- the old man kicked off, and we got what money there was -- seemed he'd been playing games with the tax people for the last few years, so they came in and grabbed quite a lot of it -- we headed for life in the big city. "I got raped the second night -- not used to being on my guard. Hadn't gotten through my head I couldn't walk through a park at night alone. But that just kind of fixed it -- if I'd ever thought I'd try to make it with men, that just about wiped it out completely." She grinned at Sally. "I went and took karate lessons, instead. Then went to art school -- a painter is what I am when I'm not frying eggs for crazy hoods -- and -- well, Tod and I just stayed together, pretty much -- only he kept getting into the dumbest kind of trouble, and I kept getting involved because I tried to fish him out -- and christ, this one's a real beauty," she added. "I'm damned if I want to take off to South America for the rest of my life the way they plan!" "But can't you tell them that you're not doing this of your own free will? If you don't go with them -- " Doris sighed. "You know, I've been turning that over and over in my head... At times it seems quite reasonable. Then other times, I think about the fuzz mad as hell because the others have gotten away, so they decide to throw the whole works at me -- bail I couldn't make, for a start, and I can't stand the idea of being shut up in some stinking prison -- anyway, there's Tod. Sally stared at her more intently. "Could he get past the dogs?" she asked. "I guess so." Doris shrugged. "They're not guarding any of us, only you." "Then -- if Tod doesn't want to go along with them -- if he went and gave himself up -- said he'd turn state's evidence -- told them you were involved against your will -- " Doris was silent. Then she said: "I wonder if that would work? I'm pretty sure Tod would like to get out of this -- and if the other three make their getaway as they've planned, they can't implicate him in any of the things they've threatened to make him go along this far... It's the house, you see," she explained. "They wanted to be able to hole up here while they wait for the chopper to get them out -- so Tod and I had to be involved. I didn't realize they were kidnapping along with the robbery," she added ruefully. "Originally I think they just planned to leave you there after they'd threatened to kill you to get the coins and things handed over -- but then Jake, I guess, realized that he needed the added security. So -- here you are." Sally swallowed the last of her eggs. "I can be a witness too," she said. "I guess they'd believe me if I said you and Tod were being -- well, pressured." "Maybe. I'll talk to Tod and see -- " The kitchen door burst open. "Okay," Jerry yapped, "so that sneakin' fuckin' Tod got at you before I did -- I'm gonna bust his skull open when I catch up with him, but right now, teacher baby, you're comin' in the other room an' I'm gonna plow your ass but good! I ain't takin' no more of this motherfuckin' stalin' an playin' around." He grabbed Sally's arm and roughly jerked her to her feet. "An' you keep out of it, dyke, or I'll shove a bullet through you," he snarled. He shook Sally's arm and steered her towards the door and through into the living room. "Hey," Willy greeted them, "here she comes, huh? Hey, Miss Avalon, Tod tells us he'd saved us the trouble of bustin' your asshole open -- so now you're real nice an' loose for us, huh? We can really get down to some serious butt-pluggin', huh?" "That sneaky shit," Jerry was muttering. "Jeeze, I was lookin' forward to gettin' it all nice an' tight an' never been used before -- " "Ah, quit moanin'," Jake said. "He can't have loosened her that much." He snapped his fingers. "Bring that fat ass over here, cunt, an' let me take a look." Reluctantly, Sally went to where he sat and he crudely shoved a finger into her assecrack, found the puckered hole, and jammed his finger inside. She cried out at the rough pain. "Nah," Jake said. "She's still plenty tight, Jerry. She'll give that rod of yours a good hot ride." "Hey," Willy said, "when we gonna get her cherry? Oughta do it tonight, in case Miles shows up tomorrow, huh?" "Yeah," Jerry said. "An' if he don't -- well, we got ourselves three holes to keep us happy. Don't do to save things for too long, huh, Willy? Use 'em while you got 'em!" "Guess we draw lots again, huh?" Willy suggested. "Only without that fuckin' dyke this time," Jerry declared positively. "So get on an' luck her ass if you're gouna," Jake said, and turned up the volume of the television. "Yeah. Oh yeah," Jerry said, licking his lips. "C'm'on over here, teach, an' let's take a look at what we're gonna do with that cute little rear end, huh?" "You like havin' Tod ream you out?" Willy asked as Jerry started to fondle her buttocks. "He ain't hung much, huh? Man, when you finally get my ole dork stuck in you, you'll really know you're gettin' screwed! An' it's all ready, just as soon's Jerry's got his rocks off!" Could it possibly feel good? Sally wondered. Could she enjoy it without the preparatory care that Tod and Doris had lavished upon her? Maybe. It was surprising, she thought wryly, just what did seem to be feeling good to her in the last twenty-four hours -- things that would never have occurred to her before! "You still wanna use the table inna kitchen?" Willy asked. "Nah -- that dyke's hangin' around In there. Wouldn't mind puttin' it to her before we get outta this joint" "She's comm' with us, ain't she?" "Jeeze! You mean we're stuck with that the rest of the way to South America?" "Maybe she'll come round to you, Jerry," Willy teased him. "You never know your luck, huh?" "Teach," said Jerry, "you're gonna come an' kneel on this chair, see?" She went to the chair he indicated. "Facin' the back of it," he said. She knelt as he instructed. "Now -- you gotta kinda scrunch down in front an' stick yet ass up in back, real nice an' high so I can get at it" It was cramped and uncomfortable. She had to turn her head sideways and press her cheek against the back of the chair, and her breasts were crushed against her folded supporting arms before she was arranged to his liking. "Jeeze, gives me a hard-on just lookin' at it," she heard Willy say. "I got one without lookin'," Jerry grunted, and she heard the sounds of him stripping off his pants. "Look how her pussy comes peekin' out," Willy went on, "all pink an' yeller-haired." "Gonna bust it open tonight, huh?" Jerry said gleefully. "Man, I hope I win that lottery!" "An' I hope I do," Willy sniggered. "The feelin' of a tight little cherry poppin' when I ram my big ole dork up a cunt that ain't been screwed before -- nothin' like it in the world! Better'n almost anythin' you c'n name." She felt Jerry's hands on her buttocks again, kneading the plump flesh which her position stretched tightly, the muscles fully extended. "You gonna grease her up?" Willy asked. "Guess I should, huh? What is there?" Willy chuckled, and said: "Two things right here -- spit an' pussy juice. Get her heated up some, she'll give you all the juice you want. You seen how hot she gets when you play with her cunt." "I can't wait for her to get hot -- my dick's killin' me, it's been waitin' so long. An' spit ain't no good -- " "Maybe there's butter inna kitchen," Willy suggested, "like in that MarIon Brando movie." "You wanna go take a look" "Okay." Jerry rubbed his rigid cock against the cheeks of her ass, butting its head against the plump cushions of flesh. "It's a real nice ass, teach," he said dreamily. "If you just been usin' it to sit on all these years, it's a fuckin' waste, I tell you." He nudged the cockhead into the crevice between the cheeks and worked it up and down, up and down, until she felt the beginnings of response begin to stir, though she didn't think that was why he was doing it. "Hey, you started already?" Willy called. "Nah, just feelin' around some -- you get the butter?" "The dyke said no -- made me take margarine." "Guess that's okay -- ain't so bad for the heart as butter, the health nuts say." "Shee-it," Willy laughed, "your dong ain't long enough to get up to her heart!" "It's kinda messy," Jerry said doubtfully. "So get Miss Avalon t'do it -- she ain't wearin' no clothes to mess up. "Hey, that's a good idea! Teach, get up a minute an' come grease me up, huh?" Glad to get out of her cramped position, Sally climbed off the chair and took the stick of margarine Jerry held out to her: it had already been opened. He stood in front of her, his rigid cock pulsating, angry-headed. "Smear It on, teach," he encouraged her cheerfully. She scooped off a glob of the slippery margarine and let it melt on her fingers for a moment, then she curled her hand around the shaft of his cock below the head and smeared the greasiness there, and up over the crown. Then she took some more, and yet more, deciding that the more slippery she could get it, the less painful it was likely to be if he was rough. He obviously enjoyed her handling -- after the third application he pushed her fingers away."You're gonna make me come, doin' that," he said, "and I don't wanna come till I'm plugged into that nice tight poopshute you got hot and waitin'." "Have her stick some up her ass -- I'd like to see Miss Avalon shoving margarine up her asshole," Jake suggested, having lost interest in the television for the moment. Sally knew better than to object. She took a further glob of margarine and worked her middle finger into her anus with it, trying to prepare the tight little rosette for the assault that was ready to be made. "Okay," Jerry said excitedly. "Now, get back like you were before, with your butt stuck up real nice and high." Sally resumed the awkward position, her face pressed against the chair back. Jerry's hands cupped her asscheeks and pulled them apart, and she felt the blunt arrowhead of his cock snubbed up against the closed pucker. "Hang on to your tits, teacher -- comin' through!" he gasped, and slammed in with one vigorous stroke. Sally yelped in shock, and some pain. "Cunt knows she's got a cock stuck in her," Willy announced gleefully. "Jee-zuz! She's sure tight!" Jerry gulped. "Told you she would be," Jake said. "So ream her out and have done with it -- I may take a crack at her butt myself in a little while." Jerry started a slow, luxurious in-and-out sliding, and the pain passed off, eased by the ample lubrication that spread a slick surface over her inner membranes and his sliding prick. She had to absorb the shock of his thrusts, however, and her cramped position was very uncomfortable -- she found that she was experiencing very little sexual arousal, and could only hope that he would get it over fast. But he was enjoying himself immensely. Every time his breathing reached the speed and hoarseness that suggested he was getting ready to come, he would slow down, stop with his prick motionless inside the hot clutch of her body, and wait until the immediate urgency had passed. Then he would begin again, and she was reaching the point of near collapse. Then she recalled suddenly how excited Tod had been when she had squeezed his cock with her inner muscles. The next time Jerry started to gasp and pant, hands tightening their grip on her hips, she waited until he had made one of his deep thrusts right into her, then she clamped down with her rectal muscles and squeezed several times, as quickly and strongly as she could. It worked! "YYEEEEOOWW!" he squealed -- and went into convulsions. "That good, huh?" Willy asked when he had calmed down a little, gasping for breath. "Fuckin' broad milked it right outta me," Jerry said, sounding awed. "Never felt nothin' like it -- jeeze!" He pulled out of her abruptly, and she felt an oily warm trickle running down the backs of her thighs. "Time for sloppy seconds," Willy said gleefully. "Let's see if she can pull the same trick on me!" Chapter 11 "You want the margarine?" Jerry asked. "Nah." Willy thrust a big finger into Sally's asshole and wiggled it. "She's slippery enough to get a Cadillac up there, I bet." She heard the unzipping of his fly, and then, before she had a moment to brace herself, he had grabbed her by the hips and plunged the mushroom head of his cock through her asshole and had pistoned the shaft crotch-deep. The rough denim of his pants scraped against the cheeks of her ass. She gasped and whimpered -- his cock was much thicker than Jerry's, and was uncomfortable for the first few pounding strokes, but then she managed to relax and accommodate her inner channel to its bulk, and wondered if she should try the squeezing trick on him. Before she could make up her mind, he was saying: "I want you to stand up, teach -- back off the chair, huh?" Awkwardly, impaled by his thick, rigid weapon, she managed to work first one foot, then the other to the floor, and levered herself up with her arms. He grabbed her around the chest, holding her breasts in a firm grasp, making her stand on tiptoes; then he caught her about the waist and lifted her, holding her suspended so that her asshole was at the same level as his cock. "Nah," he said. "It ain't gonna work." He carried her suspended to one of the chairs in front of the television and sat down with her on his lap, which seemed to drive the invading cock deeper still. "See," he said to Jerry, "this is the way I had that broad in the bus. Kinda restful, huh?" He fondled Sally's breasts casually. "Wanna see me make her come?" "Sure." Jerry sat down in another of the chairs and fastened his eyes on them eagerly. Willy dropped one hand down to Sally's crotch -- then took it away again and said: "Nah -- you can do that, teach. Let's see you diddle yourself, huh? Make yourself come." Sally found herself blushing. Somehow the idea of doing that in front of them was difficult to take. But obediently she put her right hand against her pussy and worked her index finger between the hair-covered labia. Her own touch excited her more than she had expected. As her fingertip grazed against her clitoris, a sweet spark of sensation zipped through it, and the little knob leapt into hardness. Willy's hands kneaded her breasts, massaging her nipples with his palms, his touch strong and sure. Twin threads of sensation ran from her nipples down to that dark place in her belly where the sex tension seemed to build, meeting the sparks of electricity her finger stirred in her clit, and the massive, filled feeling of her rear canal. She wriggled her finger, and a more demanding spasm flashed across her pussy. Her toes curled for a moment. Glancing at her breasts, she saw that beneath Willy's fingers, the little pink towers of her nipples stood erect and demanding. Experimentally, she touched one with her unoccupied hand, her fingers brushing against Willy's in a curious unity of purpose. Then she returned her attention to the more urgent needs of her rapidly inflaming pussy. She started to rub her forefinger gently along one side of the deep groove between the outer lips, for a moment she pressed luxuriously against the hardness of her clitoris, then when the sensation threatened to overwhelm her, she went to the other side of the groove. She ran her fingertip down to the tight entrance between the inner lips, only a tiny distance away from the spot where Willy's huge pole impaled the tautly stretched ring of her stuffed asshole. Dreamily, she fondled the base of the invading shaft, and he gave a grunt of pleasure. She thrust one of her breasts more firmly against his hand, and his big palm circled deliciously upon the upthrust nubbin of excited tissue. She insinuated her exploring forefinger between the palpitating inner lips, just a little way, "She can't wait to get the real thing shoved up that juicy pussy," Jerry said eagerly. "Look how she's tryin' to ram her finger up it -- she'll pop her own cherry in a minute!" Willy chuckled. "That'd be somethin', huh?" "Shit, it'd be a fuckin' waste, that's what!" "Man," Willy murmured, "it sure feels good, havin' a broad squattin' on yer dick -- lettin' it soak in all that good warm greasy hole -- " "Bet she likes it too," Jerry said. "A good hot dick fillin' her up." "Sure she likes it. Cunt juice runnin' down all over my balls," Willy announced. "Damned if I -- " "Yeah? What's on yer mind, Jerry?" "Damned if I don't come over there an' take a taste of that juice -- lickin' a broad's twat when another guy's cock is shoved up her ass -- that oughta make her come like the Fourth of July, huh? Jeeze - I'm gonna try it!" He came scurrying across and crouched down in front of them. Willy spread his legs wide so that he could get between, and Jerry caught Sally's thighs and rested them over his shoulders, slipping his hands beneath them to tilt her slightly backwards. "Okay," he muttered, "get ready for somethin' real nice, teach. I'm gonna make you blow the top of your fuckin' head off, you're gonna come so fuckin' hard!" He took a deep breath. "Open it up for me," he ordered. "Pull those juicy lips wide as they'll go, huh?" Sally felt a curious shiver of anticipation wrack her body as she obediently set her fingertips on her plump labia and drew them apart. This man, who had made her lie on the floor while he fucked her between the tits, who had forced her to hike her ass up high while he screwed into her, was now abjectly kneeling before her, all his attention concentrated on giving her pleasure, on making her come... His tongue swept in a broad stroke over the exposed inner lining, like a dog affectionately licking; then he had shaped it into a bluntly pointed probe and began eagerly searching for every crevice, digging into every recess of the outer structure. "Oooh," Sally moaned blissfully. The velvety dagger of his questing tongue invaded the inner lips, then swept upward along the little valley, and she jerked violently as it flickered unbearably over her tightly engorged clitoris. Almost she came, but not quite, for he pulled away just in time. Then the maddening, wet, hard-soft explorer flicked away from her pussy and moistly explored the inner surfaces of her thighs, again licking with broad tongue-sweeps, all over the delicate white skin, even down as far as the folds of her knee joints, which made her squirm with ticklishness. Willy was panting; her reactions to Jerry's stimulation of her body was sending waves of sensuous motion through his deeply embedded cock. "Ooohh," Sally moaned again. Willy pinched her nipples, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to send deep shudders through her. "Oooh ... ahh," she cooed blissfully. "Keep that twat spread for me," Jerry told her, and a moment later he was puffing warm air onto the delicate inner membranes, and the incredibly delicate sensation made her skin prickle and rise up into goosebumps. "Please," she begged. He drew his head back and looked up at her, eyes gleaming with triumph. "Whatcher want, huh?" he demanded. "Tell me whatcher beggin' for, huh?"Make me -- " she heard herself pleading. "Make me come -- please make me come -- " She jerked wildly as the tormenting tongue tip thrust itself against her blazing clitoris. "She's nearly there," Willy said gleefully. "Bring her off anytime you want, Jerry -- I'm ready to shoot my wad right up her any time!" Jerry licked over and around it, vibrating his tongue upon the straining little nubbin, quivering over the throbbing area, then just at the crucial moment, once again leaving it deserted and desperately craving. "Please," she begged helplessly. "Oh please, please make me come -- let me come --" His fingers supporting her thighs dug in brutally, and Willy's hands tightened on her breasts, and amidst the sudden jolts of pain, she was transfixed by his tongue once again stabbing at her clitoris, and this time it stayed there, and all her nerves exploded in a shower of unbearably intense and wonderful convulsions; her womb contracted in response, radiating deeper, slower waves of ecstasy through her body that was still, incredibly, that of a virgin. Willy was bucking and heaving beneath her, snorting and yelping, emptying his sperm into her rear canal, while Jerry hung on grimly, licking at her cunt until the last crazy tremors had died away, and they both lay back limply, and Jerry let go of her thighs and sat back on his heels, wiping his mouth. "She sure comes, for a virgin, don't she," he remarked with wonder in his voice, strangely echoing her own thoughts of a few seconds earlier. "Whoowee," Willy agreed weakly. Chapter 12 "You wanna crack at her butt, Jake?" Willy asked, sliding his hands under Sally's buttocks and heaving her upwards so that his cock slid out of her with a sticky squelching noise. "Nah. Have her go take a shower and a nap, or something, so she can really bounce it around tonight," Jake said. "Tonight, tonight," Jerry warbled, "we pop her wide tonight -- heh heh heh." "Jesus," Willy moaned, "you wouldn't think I could get horny right off after coming like that -- but just thinking about getting in that tight pussy -- " "Tonight," Jake said. "Go wash that juice off, cunt, so it's fit to have a cock plow it." Shakily, Sally made her way upstairs. Doris was in the bedroom, looking out of the window. "Tod's gone," she said in a low, conspiratorial voice. "Only neither of us knows a thing about it, right?" Sally nodded speechlessly. "Oh, my," Doris said, taking a good look at her. "That was a real rough session, huh?" Sally nodded again. "Are you hurt?" Doris asked tensely. "No -- I -- Just -- so tired!" Doris took her hand and led her to the bed. "You just stretch out, chickie," she said soothingly. "I'll get a nice wet washcloth and clean you up, then you can go to sleep for a while, okay?" "A shower," Sally murmured, collapsing blissfully. "Later, later," Doris reassured her. Sally was almost asleep when Doris returned a minute later and began to wipe her thighs gently with a warm, soft, damp cloth. Sally spread her legs for the deliciously soothing, cleansing washrag that mopped away the stickiness and sweat and left her feeling relaxed and comforted. And incredibly, aroused once again. But it was not intense this time, and when Doris left her to sleep, she caressed herself gently into a delicious euphoric state that never did reach climax before her overstrained body drifted away into slumber. She awoke feeling surprisingly good. For a little while she lay pondering over what had happened to her, and the profound changes that had clearly taken place in her during these strange experiences. Would Peter have aroused her dormant sensuality so rapidly, she wondered, or had the shock treatment been necessary to bring her to this sudden high pitch of awareness of the marvelous potential for pleasure her body held? And she was still a virgin -- And tonight she wouldn't be. Was the prospect alarming -- Or alluring? They were such a strange mixture, those three men remaining. Jake so brutal, so icy -- but it had been he who had initiated her inexperienced pussy into the first tumult of orgasm. Willy, so gleefully bragging of his prowess, so fond of verbalizing every sexual thought that crossed his mind -- yet with such a skilled touch upon her breasts -- And Jerry, lecherous, lascivious, inconsiderate -- yet how superb had been the work of his tongue upon her open, vulnerable pussy. Maybe, maybe... Yes, it had felt good, being so filled -- And wouldn't it feel better, being filled in the place that nature had intended? She writhed on the bed, voluptuously, feeling nerve currents of body awareness that had never awoken before, then she heaved herself up and stretched luxuriously, and went to take a long, hot shower. She was hungry again, and as she opened the bedroom door the appetizing odor of beef stew assailed her nostrils. She went back into the bedroom and looked at the clothes available -- then, with an odd little smile on her lips, she brushed her hair, ran a comb through her pubic hair to fluff it up into a crisp golden mass of curls, slipped her shoes on, and went down to the kitchen naked. Willy and Jerry greeted her with a barrage of whistles and handclaps that were not unfriendly. Jake eyed her without expression, but seemed, she thought, slightly disconcerted. Doris gave her a broad wink, set a chair for her, and ladled out a generous portion of the excellent beef stew. "Hey," Jerry said, "she's sitting down -- guess your ass-hole ain't too sore, teach, huh?" "How's your twat feeling?" Willy asked. "Ready for the big bust?" "She's got a big bust already," Jerry snickered pointlessly. "Where's that dumb ass brother of yours got to?" Jake demanded of Doris. She shrugged. "Said he was going for a walk," she replied nonchalantly. "He's gonna miss the great cherry-picking contest if he don't get back pretty soon," Jerry said. "He's gonna miss the chopper, is what," Jake growled. "Miles is as likely to show up tomorrow morning as the day after -- and I ain't hanging round for nobody!" "Oh, I guess he'll be back before then," Doris reassured him. "But he was always fond of these woods -- he's probably gone to sleep somewhere." "Likely wandered off into town and got picked up by the fuzz," Jake muttered. "They won't come here, huh?" Willy demanded. "Not while we got her, huh?" "They ain't gonna risk getting no holes shot in her," Jake said positively. "But listen -- if they're watching this place, ain't they gonna see the chopper land -- maybe shoot it down when it takes off?" Jerry asked anxiously. "Nah -- 'cause they think we're gonna have her with us. What I told them is, we'll set her down someplace nice and safe if they leave us alone till I send 'em a message." "Yeah -- but suppose they decide to try some of that shoot-out stuff," Jerry persisted. Jake shrugged. "That's the risk you take," he said. "But they ain't gonna, don't you worry." "An' what's the message you send them?" "I ain't gonna send 'em no message. We leave here, she can take care of herself." "We taking the dogs along?" "Sure. I ain't leaving my dogs behind," Jake said, with more animation than he had yet shown about anything. "Anyway, there's times a dog's more persuasive than a gun -- somebody tells you, don't move or I shoot, maybe there's nothing you can do. But you got a dog with you, that ain't impressed by no guns, and he goes and tears out that guy's throat that's threatening you -- even if he shoots the dog, it gives you a chance to get outta trouble while he's doing it." "Well, they better be housetrained, is all," Willy said. "I don't wanna be shut up in a chopper with a pile of dog crap for the time it takes to get to the airfield." "Better housetrained than you, wouldn't wonder," Jake said acidly. "It still gets me, though," Jerry said wonderingly, "that any guy would come up with all that money just for some lousy stamps and old coins." "Well, if Miles is sucker enough to do it, what the fuck," Willy said cheerfully. "Eat up your stew, Miss Avalon -- got something hot to go in the other end pretty soon now." "We gonna draw cards again?" Jerry asked. Jake nodded. "Do I get to draw too?" Doris asked mildly. "This is for cherry-busting," Willy said. "You ain't got the equipment, baby -- or do you have one of them dildoes stashed away for the nights you need your twat filled up?" "Fingers I have," she told him. "You think I couldn't do as good a job with my fingers as you could with that oversized piss hose you're so proud of?" "So what the fuck?" Jerry shrugged. "If she wins, it'd be a gas to watch, huh?" "Ah -- broads is getting their fingers bloody all the time," Jake said. "Groping up their twats for tampons every month and all that filthy crap." Doris smiled at him sweetly. "You just don't really like women, do you, Jake?" she asked, batting her eyelashes at him. "Below the waist only," he snarled. "And preferably below the knees," Doris added under her breath. Conversation lapsed while they finished the stew. Sally found that she was much more relaxed than she expected. She was even looking forward to the events that were to come -- after all, everything else had turned out to be quite enjoyable, once she had got used to the idea... "Aces high?" Willy asked when they had moved into the living room and he had picked up a rather worn pack of cards. Nobody disagreed. Jake snorted with impatience when Doris insisted on drawing, then sneered when she revealed a three of clubs. Jerry produced a six of hearts. Willy got the king, and a broad grin of lecherous anticipation spread over his face -- to vanish abruptly when Jake tossed his card onto the table: the ace of diamonds. "You shoulda said aces low," Jerry jeered at him. "Ah, shaddap," Willy snarled. "We gonna warm her up some first?" Jerry suggested. Jake shrugged. "She's got a real nice eating pussy," Jerry went on dreamily."And I wouldn't mind a slice for dessert." "So eat her," Jake said. "Just keep your prick out of her cunt, that's all." "She likes getting her butt plugged too," Willy put in. "You didn't try that, Jake." "I got her cunt, Willy -- you ain't gonna talk me out of that," Jake said coldly. "Shove your own cock up her asshole again if you want." "Save it for that twat," Willy said. "I guess I get to go second, huh -- with the king." "Go on and eat her, Jerry, if you're going to," Jake said. "Don't get her too steamed up, though -- I want her to feel this cock slicing in there-if she's dry she'll feel it a lot more than if you go getting her all dripping with that slippery cunt juice." "Shit, if you want her dry," Willy said, "you better not lay a finger on her -- she's gotten so fucking raunchy since we started teaching her about sex education, she starts dripping if you even look at her juicy little twat." Sally began to feel alarmed. Jake said: "Okay. I want her dry." "Ain't much fun in that," Jerry said dubiously. "Having a broad squealing and jumping around when you shove it in her is what makes it so good." "She'll squeal and jump if it goes in dry," Jake said with quiet certainty. "She's got it coming to her. You two can make it all up afterwards -- get her as dripping, juicy as you like. I'm gonna give her something she'll really remember." "How you gonna do it?" Willy asked, his eyes alight with lewd speculation. "I'm thinking about it," Jake told him. "Cunt, get up and walk around, some -- let's take a good look at you." Sally meekly stood up, and self-consciously began to pace the length of the room, while the three men surveyed her with lecherous concentration. Doris watched with a pensive expression, as though trying to work out a way to lessen the ordeal planned for Sally. "Her tits jiggle about so nice," Jerry commented. "So do her butt cheeks -- and that cute patch of hers is all so fluffed up and soft-looking!" "Her skin's so white," Willy said, as though noticing it for the first time. "You never go in the sun much, huh, teach?" "I burn easily," she said. "I don't tan -- I just get red and sore and start peeling." Jake licked his lips nervously. "You'd like it if we warmed you up before you get your twat split, huh?" he asked suddenly. "I -- well -- yes," she said hesitantly, mistrustingly. "Okay." He stood up, "Wait right here," he said, and went out of the room. They all waited in silence, mystified. When he returned, he carried four pieces of the thin rope that had been used to tie Sally's hands and feet when they had first put her into the car. "Oh, no!" she cried, in sudden panic. "Don't tie me up -- please don't tie me up!" "No, huh?" "Please!" she begged. "If I don't -- will you do just what I want you to do-just what I say?" he demanded. "I -- I -- y-yes -- " "Okay." He tossed the ropes onto the coffee table. "But you'd better stick to that." She nodded. The thought of being tied up while he subjected her to whatever he had in mind filled her with a panic that was worse than the prospect of pain. "Okay, cunt," Jake said briskly. "You remember how Jerry had you in that chair when he was fucking your ass?" She nodded. "Go and get yourself in that way again." Obediently she went to the armchair and crawled onto it, assuming the cramped position with her buttocks presented as a high, vulnerable target. Was he going to penetrate her from behind? she wondered. Or did he intend to use her rear hole first, after all? Why had he wanted to tie her up? She heard the rustling as he unfastened his pants, and she tensed a little, expecting to feel his rigid cock plunging into one of her unprepared holes. She tried to get her juices going by rapidly recalling some of the enjoyable things that had been done to her -- There was a whistling, swishing sound, and she shrieked with pain as a streak of fire slashed across the cheeks of her buttocks. She scrambled upright in the chair and swiveled to face him. He stood with narrowed eyes, dangling his belt from one hand. "You said you wanted to be warmed up, cunt," he said, with a tight, humorless grin. "Now get your ass back up there, or I'll tie you down and really let you have it -- more places than just your fat butt." Trembling, flinching, she shuffled back into place, and waited fearfully for the next stroke. It whistled down, even harder, and tears squeezed out of her eyes as she moaned with pain. And again. And again. "Looks like you've been sunbathing in front of a venetian blind," he sneered. "All red and sore, huh -- that's the way, huh? I'm in a nice mood, so I'll leave the skin on you -- if you do what I say without any more stalling, huh?" "Y-y-yes," she sobbed. "Okay -- then get out of that chair and come here." She scrambled hastily to the floor, clutching at her flaming buttock cheeks to try to ease the pain. "Get down and get my cock hard with your mouth," was his next command, and she fumbled quickly for his fly and coaxed the half-hard flesh tube out into the open, and encircled it with lips that trembled with her pain. She labored for several minutes to bring it to complete hardness. She sensed that he was fighting her, doing his best to keep it from reaching that state, and by the time she had managed to get it functionally rigid, her mouth and jaw ached with the effort, and her knees felt bruised. And the fiery pain in her ass, though it had subsided a little as regards intensity, was a burning ache that seemed to have sunk through the plump flesh pillows to the bone. "Okay," he said grudgingly. "Now, we're gonna try Willy's favorite stunt of you sitting on my lap." He threw himself back into the chair and put his legs together, his cock jutting up weapon-like, menacing. It was not as big as Willy's, by any means, but it seemed somehow to partake of its owner's malice towards her. "Now you come here," he ordered. She went to him, trembling. "Turn around," he said, "let's see how your butt's doing." She turned, and flinched as he ran his hand over the four flaming welts. "Not bad," he said. "Think you could use a couple more?" "Oh, no!" she cried. "Please -- no!" "Then come here... now, kneel across me -- one knee each side of me -- put your hands on the chair arms -- that's it. Hold it that way." She crouched, suspended, her face only a few inches from his, her eyes meeting his ice gray stare and not daring to look away, even when she felt his hand groping between her legs and feeling the lips of her vulva. "It's pretty dry," he said with a savage grin. He took his steel-hard cock in his hand and she felt the head brushing against the tender inner lips of her cunt. He worked it against the entrance until the tip was lodged firmly within the tight little nether mouth. "Okay," he said. "It's all aimed for you. You feel it there, waiting?" "Y-yes." "Then all you gotta do is sit down on it -- good and fast, okay?" She gulped. "Go on. Do it." She gritted her teeth and started to sink down -- but she had to stop, for she felt as though she were being torn open. "Go on!" She tried again, and the broad cockhead slipped past her lips and lodged immovable, a bolt of white-hot agony. "Go on!" "I -- can't." "Go on or I'll take all the skin off of your fat ass!" She squeezed her eyes shut, clenched her teeth until they hurt, sucked in a deep breath -- And she couldn't do it. Jake said: "Take your hands off of the chair arms." She did, and was left supported only by her cramped kneeling position and by the rigid cock lodged in the entryway of her pussy. If he would just give her a moment to get used to it, she thought, perhaps she could -- He grabbed her around the waist and rammed her downward, and she screamed in agony as the rigid pole of flesh sliced through her hymen and slammed through her virginal tissues, and came to a crashing halt against her cervix. "Okay, schoolteacher," he said, "now you can climb off of it and get back down there and finish sucking me off." Chapter 13 "How're you doing, chickie?" Doris asked. Sally shook her head, dazedly. "Okay, I guess," she said weakly. Her memory of the previous evening was somewhat hazy. She dimly remembered Doris threatening to dismember anyone who tried to lay a hand on Sally after she had struggled, aching and bleeding, from her impalement on Jake's cock. And she recalled Doris putting her into a tub of hot water, where she had lain until the raw ache had subsided somewhat, and then Doris had gently anointed her battered pussy and welted ass with some herb-smelling salve she claimed never to be without, and had tucked her into bed. And, Sally thought, had stayed on guard the rest of the night. Doris pulled the covers off her gently. "Let me take a look," she said. Sally parted her legs and Doris peered clinically at the area revealed. "Looks fine," she said cheerfully. "Comfrey and a few other secret ingredients -- fix anything short of a bullet in the brain! Now tell me if this hurts." She moistened a finger at her lips, and ran it gently over the lips of Sally's vulva. "Okay?" Sally nodded. "Okay -- let's see what it's like inside." Sally tensed slightly as the slim finger worked its way through the tight lips -- then relaxed. "It's okay," she said gratefully. "Well," Doris said, "the chopper is going to be here today -- listen, chickie: they aren't going to force anything on you now. Even Jake isn't crazy enough to kill you just for the sake of it; and I showed them enough of my karate to convince them they'd better not any more rape." "You really did?" "Uh-huh." Doris grinned reminiscently. "I should have called their bluff before -- only I didn't know if I could. Oh, that's another reason Jake isn't going to try anything -- he's suffering from a slight case of broken arm and badly kicked balls ... It made quite an impression on those other two tearaways."I hope there's a competent doctor where they're going -- Jake's going to need it!" "Doris -- " "A pleasure, I assure you. Only there's this: I may be wrong, but I think what you should do now is have sex." "Have -- " "Like horse-riding. You get right back on after a bad experience." She grimaced. "Well, I never managed it myself, but then I don't turn on to men anyway. But I think you ought to -- well, jump right back on -- and enjoy it. That Willy seems to know what he's doing, wouldn't you say?" Sally thought -- and recalled her unexpected eagerness for the experience of being fucked before Jake's viciousness had ended all enjoyment -- She recalled the curious pleasantness of being stuffed full when they had used her rear canal -- And somewhere in the back of her mind was a tiny spark of a recollection of a fleeting kind of pleasure somewhere deep under the pain as she had levered herself up off Jake's cock -- as it had slid out of her, there had been something that had not been entirely agonizing... "Yes," she said. "I -- guess maybe I should... before I start thinking I can't... if they won't hurt me..." "Oh, they won't hurt you," Doris said grimly. A few minutes later, Willy came into the room. "Hi, teach," he said jauntily -- but she had a definite impression that his arrogance had been shaken. Doris followed him in. "Now," she said brightly, like a teacher employing positive suggestions to get good results from a troublesome pupil, Sally thought, "Willy's going to show us just how good he is at really making a woman enjoy being fucked -- aren't you, Willy?" He gave her a sidelong glance of respect. "That what you want, teach?" he asked. She smiled up at him sweetly. He really was very good-looking, she thought. "Yes, I'd like that, Willy," she said. "Why don't you -- take your clothes off and come into bed with me?" Doris smiled. "Call if you need anything," she said, and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Willy stood looking down at Sally. He said: "Look -- I -- I'm sorry -- about -- you really wanna make it now, huh? I -- I can do it pretty good -- If you really wanna --" "Yes, I do," she assured him again. He undid his shirt; and suddenly he relaxed, and grinned down at her, no longer playing the role of hunter toying with helpless prey. "I always wanted you," he said, "but I knew it wasn't no good askin' -- that's why I said they should take you when they wanted somebody to be a hostage -- I figured I could make it with you that way..." He stripped off his pants and stood at the bedside, a tan-skinned, muscular stud whose cock was pulsing into hardness at the sight of her. And he was right, of course. It wouldn't have done him any good to ask. She held out a hand to him. "Make love to me," she said. He lowered himself to the bed, and stretched out beside her. He said: "It ain't so easy for a guy, wants a broad, knows she'll just turn him down flat, maybe make trouble for him --" "I'm not turning you down now," she said, and ran her hand caressingly down his body. He leaned over and buried his lips in the hollow of her throat, then nibbled at one of her earlobes. Pleasurable gooseflesh shuddered along her spine. He licked down the side of her neck to the throat hollow again, then with a series of tiny kisses he outlined the side of her jaw, traveling inward along her cheekbone; then his lips lightly touched her eyes. Then his lips descended onto hers, his tongue, a warm, wet probe, coaxed insistently until her lips parted, when it slid into her mouth, and her own went to meet it. The kiss was long and languid, as with unhurried eagerness they explored each other, tasted each other. With one hand he stroked her hair, with a tenderness she found strangely moving. Her nipples had risen into engorged little towers, and when his hand eventually left her hair and roamed on downward, the quietly rising and falling hillocks were alive and almost achingly ready for the touch of his fingers. He lingered on the creamy mounds of her warm breasts for several minutes, cupping them, gently squeezing them, tracing with the tips of his fingers the contours of her rubbery-textured nipples and the surrounding areoles. She began to feel a sweet warm softness inside her belly, as though something there were warmly melting. At last his hand strayed away from her breasts and moved in a still leisurely trail over the very slight mound of her belly. His fingertips spanned her abdomen, and his thumb rested for a moment at the top of her pubic triangle, then stroked the bushy curls downward, brushing the outer lips of her pussy with a maddeningly light caress. She gave a little moan of excitement as his delicate manipulations sent a pulsing throb of sexual heat radiating through her loins, and the slick honey of her juices began to flow, saturating the tight entrance of her cunt. The tip of his index finger moved further down, parting the swollen outer lips and spreading the moisture from her inner channel lavishly over the slick membranes. Her body jerked uncontrollably as his fingers brushed the magical nubbin of her engorged and ready clitoris. She reached for his cock, wrapping her fingers lovingly around the pulsating diameter of his hard, silken, hot-fleshed massiveness. The thin, slightly sticky precoital fluid leaking from its inflamed tip trickled over her fingers, and she worked her grip up and down the shaft a little, spreading the lubrication lavishly as she did so. With a moan of pleasure, he buried his face in the white valley between her breasts, nuzzling against the warm cushions of flesh, inhaling the scent of her skin. He licked his way up to one nipple peak, encircling the tiny cylinder with his avid tongue. He teased it to a point of aching desire, then cruelly abandoned it, the wet heat of his tongue following the trail his fingers had already blazed, licking a path of fire down her quivering belly. His tantalizing tongue tip dipped for a moment into her navel, then brushed on down to the thick pubic nest, and homed in on the fiery ember of her aching clitoris. Almost unconsciously reacting to the renewed jolt of pleasure, the embrace of her fingers around his prick tightened, and he whimpered his ecstasy against the moist flesh of her cunt, sending a vibration of intense delight resounding throughout her entire trembling body. Then he was maneuvering his body into position atop hers, and she spread her thighs. The tip of his huge, straining cock nuzzled at the dew-soaked entrance of her pussy, and for a moment she tensed. Would it be all right? Would that tearing agony rip through her again? "Go on!" she gasped, and thrust her hips upwards slightly, and the rigid shaft slid inwards... "Ahhh..." she moaned, and she knew that It was more than all right, and always would be! She thrust her hips towards him again, engulfing the welcome invader, sucking him into the liquid-seeming depths of her passionate heat. Her velvety inner walls contracted to enfold him in their snug embrace, and he penetrated until every inch of his throbbing sex shaft lay nestled in the warm canal. Her legs rose, and she clasped them firmly about his hips, and began a slow gyrating, circling motion with her pelvis to complement the slow, steady, in-and-out thrust of his potent, rock-hard piston of flesh. "Oooohhhh," she panted in pleasure, and the sound of her enjoyment spurred him on. The friction of their ardent fucking was generating waves of electrical excitement, and sparks of pleasure seemed to crackle between them. The rapidly accelerating movements of his slippery, sliding cock inside her was rapidly carrying her to the heights of ecstasy. Faster and faster he pumped, and tighter and tighter her arms and legs embraced him as her first orgasm from real fucking overwhelmed her, and the clutching contractions of her cunt seemed to be trying to drag the sperm by force from his congested balls. He hung on almost desperately, his fingers clenching on the sheet, and when the first wave of her climax had passed over, he still remained hard like an indomitable breakwater inside her. She lay gasping beneath him, and he ceased all movement, looking down at her fondly. He bent his head and kissed her on the mouth, affectionately. Then, to her delight, his hips began their thrusting once again, and after a few moments she recommenced the circling pattern of her pelvis, sweating now, her cunt incredibly wet with the copious outpouring of lubricating juices. But its embrace around his iron cock lost none of its snugness. Indeed, she now started to discover that she could contract inner muscles, as she had during the ass-fucking sessions, and the delicious pressure forced uncontrollable gasps and grunts from Willy's lips. Then the come was boiling up in his balls, and with a kind of desperate frenzy he speeded up the driving and pounding of his hips, determined not to climax until he had forced her to surrender to ecstasy once again. Faster and faster his body flailed, slamming his phallic thickness deep into the molten core of her being. At last, just when she thought he would never make it for those last few vital seconds, the volcano inside her blew once again, and she convulsed with a helpless shriek, and he poured out his pent-up semen into the living furnace of her belly. Panting with exhaustion, they lay in each other's arms, and she was glad that Doris had seen so clearly what she needed to wipe out the lingering trauma of the brutal manner of last night's defloration. "Was that good?" he asked eventually, as though he genuinely wanted to know, and was not simply demanding reassurance for his machismo. "It was wonderful," she answered sincerely. "You -- you don't feel like comm' along with us, huh?" he asked hopefully. She smiled, and shook her head. "I don't think South America would suit me too well," she said."You were quite right, Doris," Sally said gratefully. "I'm glad," the other woman said sincerely. "I hated to think that sonofabitch had messed up your whole sex life just to gratify his sadism!" "What's happening now?" Sally asked. "Well, they're waiting for the helicopter to show up. That takes them to a private airport somewhere -- I don't know where -- and there they get a chartered private plane that smuggles them out to South America." "Do they know you're not going along?" "Yes. They don't care -- the price of the stamps and stuff is more, split just among the three of them." She gave Sally her cheerful smile. "What they don't know is that I did a little larceny on my own account while they were busy consoling Jake for his broken arm and mashed-up balls -- and they don't have quite what they think is in that suitcase. I know which the really valuable ones are, and what was just trimming -- and I've got the good stuff stashed where they won't find it." "But suppose they look before they take off?" "Well, if they do, they do -- but in that case I tell them that Ted must have gone off with it -- and they aren't going to waste time trying to hunt him down, the way the cops are going to be on the lookout for them! I think it's just going to be a nice little surprise for them and Mr. Miles when they get to Argentina or wherever it is they're headed!" "And do you think Tod went to the police?" "Sure he did! I went down to the highway and called them -- they've got a hotline on the case, you know: they announced it on the radio. I told them to keep away for at least an hour after the chopper takes off, because they'd kill you if they thought they were in any danger -- and me, too," she added as an afterthought. "I did a nice hysterical female number for them, and I think I pulled it off." "Do you think they'll try to follow the helicopter?" Sally asked curiously. Doris shrugged. "If they do, I guess there's not much to stop them," she said. "In which case we'll just have to hope the cops will be convinced that Ted and I really weren't involved, since we've been so cooperative at this stage of the game." "I guess you getting back the valuable part of the collection will help," Sally suggested. Sally stretched. "You know," she said, "I think I'm getting horny again, if you can believe that!" "Insatiable little thing, aren't you!" Doris teased her with an affectionate kiss. "Do you think I should make it with Jerry, too?" "Well," said Doris thoughtfully, "I personally can't stand him -- but if you feel you ought to, I'd be the last one to stand in your way! Shall I send him up?" "Why don't you?" Sally, left alone, went into the bathroom and found the bottle of baby oil that they had used when Tod had fucked her in the ass for the first time. When Jerry arrived, panting and eager, she held it up. "Could you fancy a little trip up the poopshute?" she asked him sweetly. "Oh, baby, could I ever!" he responded avidly, eyes gleaming in anticipation. She reached for the pillows and heaped them on the bed, and sprawled herself over them, face-down. "Come on in, then," she said lewdly. She heard him uncap the bottle and smear the oil on his cock, and then his fingers worked more of the oil into her tight rectal opening. She sighed and writhed slightly in the sweet anticipation. Then a thought occurred to her. "Do you think Willy could get it up once more?" she asked. "Huh?" he responded, disappointed. "Jeez, I -- " "No, I still want you," she assured him. "But I was just wondering -- how would it feel to have both of you at once? You remember what Willy was telling us about the woman on the bus, who made him put his fingers in her when he had his cock in her asshole? Well, if she liked to have both places full at once -- maybe I would too." "Hey -- " he breathed. "Hey, wait right here, doll! I'll go see if he -- hell, he's horny all the time! He'll do it!" And a few minutes later Sally was stretching out on the bed, lying on her side, while Willy slid his once again hard and eager cock into her newly opened pussy, and Jerry dug his way into her oil-slick asshole. It was an incredible sensation -- full to the point of somehow choking her, even though her lungs were far from the scene of the action. Yet it was intensely satisfying -- she felt ready to climax just from the double penetration alone, which seemed to be filling her sexual nerves with violent heat that permeated the whole of her lower body. The slightest movement either of them made was enough to send violent shudders of near-orgasmic earthquake crashing through her belly. And then they started to move, in a kind of see-sawing rhythm: as Willy's cock drew outward from her cunt, Jerry's would plunge to its fullest length into her ass; and when Jerry started his withdrawing stroke, Willy's prick would come plunging back into her depths. She was doubly impaled, doubly filled, doubly driven towards the highest peaks of ecstasy. Thought was crushed out of her brain; she could not move independently; her whole being seemed to be reduced to a mass of blazing sensation that flowed over her being and washed away every last remaining fragment of inhibition that could possibly be lingering in her nature. Opened, opened forever, was the only idea that could find any expression in her mind now, and with the concept the climax started to break -- wave after wave, like the crashing surf of an incoming tide, tossing her back and forth like a helpless piece of driftwood, battering her between two relentless rocks, hurling her from one orgasm to another until it was all consumed in a fiery red mist that danced before her eyes and engulfed every last remnant of her consciousness, dropping her at last into a welcoming blackness of utter and complete satiety. "Wake up, chickle -- the chopper's just coming in," Doris said. "Do you want to see them off?" "Oh -- yes, I guess so," Sally yawned, and slid off the bed, reaching for the clothes that Doris put within her reach. She pulled on the clean panties and the same sweater and skirt -- she had not been able to find anything that fitted her comfortably in Doris' wardrobe -- and the two women went down to the front of the house where the helicopter was settling down onto the wide driveway. Willy came hurrying past them with a suitcase, which he passed up into the cockpit, where he had an urgent conversation with the pilot, who came clambering out after him, and followed him into the house. "I guess they'll have to carry Jake out," Doris commented calmly. "That kick in the balls really doubled him up." "Oh, gee," said Sally, "you really did hurt him, huh?" "He asked for it!" Doris said curtly. A minute later the pilot and Jerry and Willy came out again, Jake carried among them. He glared venomously at the two women watching, and Sally was glad that he was, indeed, disabled. The dogs were called, and went bounding into the helicopter when Jake had been settled. Then the others climbed in and the door was slammed. Doris and Sally backed into the shelter of the doorway as the great vanes started to turn again, sending a blast of air towards them, and then lifted the ungainly fuselage into the air. "Oh," said Sally weakly. "Yup," Doris said. 'There they go!" "I -- oh, thank goodness!" Sally exclaimed. "I -- I was so afraid that something was going to go wrong -- I was so afraid that they'd make us go with them or -- or something!" She gave a deep, thankful sigh. "Well," said Doris, watching the last glimpse of the helicopter vanishing into the sky, "I guess that's the last we'll see of them in a while. Forever, I hope!" She turned to Sally and grimaced. "I sure hope you can convince the fuzz that I was just an innocent bystander," she added grimly. "You know I'll do my very best, Doris," Sally assured her earnestly, "and I know Peter will do all he can." "Ah well," Doris said philosophically, "they say plea-bargaining is alive and well in New York -- and I never did plan to run for public office, even if my record stayed spotless!" "How long do you think it'll be before the police come?" Sally asked. "If they keep the deadline, it should be an hour at the earliest;" Doris estimated. Sally said softly: "You know, I never did get to thank you properly for -- for what you did for me that first morning -- " Doris looked at her, and grinned. "You want to try a little pussy-eating on your own account, huh, chickie?" "I like you very much, Doris, you know that -- and I guess it's about all I need now to round out what you might call a very educational experience," Sally replied demurely. Doris reached for her hand. "Let's go in the house, then, just in case anyone shows up unexpectedly. I was never that keen on sex in the great outdoors, at the best of times!" They went into the house, hand-in-hand, and up into the bedroom where Sally and Doris had spent the first night together. Hands still joined, they turned to face each other -- then Doris drew Sally into her arms and kissed her, pressing her lips hard upon the other woman's mouth. Their tongues flickered out, met, battled briefly, then they drew apart slightly. Sally reached for the front of Doris' shirt and began to undo the buttons slowly, releasing the firm, high-standing breasts. She bent her head and kissed each one on the nipple, then drew the shirt off Doris' shoulders and down over her arms, tossing it onto a chair. "Take your sweater off," Doris said huskily, her nipples crinkling into hardness. Compliantly, Sally peeled the garment off over her head, her own nipples rising even as she did so, not needing any other stimulus. "Beautiful," Doris whispered. "You have the most beautiful breasts I ever saw." Her fingers went to the waist of her jeans and she skinned them down, stepped out of them, and stood clad only in her blue cotton panties. "You want to take these off?" she asked huskily.Sally nodded and stepped forward again to hook her fingers into the elastic band around Doris' slim waist and tug gently downward so that the flimsy underwear slid to the floor, revealing the lush dark triangle of pubic hair. Sally dropped to her knees and pressed her lips against the brunette's thicket. The fresh, faintly musky smell drifted into her nostrils, and she sat back on her heels, fumbling with the waistband of her skirt, pulling it off along with her own panties as she stood up again, smiling into Doris' eyes. "Let's go to bed," she proposed. They lay down and enfolded each other with their arms. Their breasts mashed together, and their thighs pressed close, the way they had that first time. Their lips met once again, and Doris let Sally's tongue invade her mouth while she stroked the nape of Sally's neck, expertly seeking out the places that would send chills of response through the other woman's flesh. They lay there for long minutes, sharing a kiss that grew gradually more and more impassioned. The heat of each other's body seemed to become burning in intensity, until at last Doris pulled away for breath. "Sally, oh, Sally, I'm so hot for you," she whispered, trailing her fingers tantalizingly down the length of her spine and stroking the warm spheres of her buttocks, arousing in Sally the wild need for more intimate contact. "Do you want me too, Sally? Do you? Do you want to make love with me?" "You know I do..." Doris' fingertips moved across Sally's hip and round to the front of her body. They worked their way between Sally's legs, into the warm, hairy moistness of her cunt. The tip of one finger grazed Sally's clitoris, and the girl shuddered with pleasure at the sensation. Doris worked a finger into the honey-dripping channel of Sally's body, then another, working the two fingers gently back and forth, covering them with the abundant juices while Sally moaned softly in ecstasy. Pulling out her fingers, slippery and gleaming, Doris reached around to Sally's asscrack and ran her fingertips down it. She found the tight little hole and gently but firmly pushed with the middle finger until it slipped inside. Sally groaned at the slight pain, and even more at the fiery pleasure of the penetration. Doris clamped her lips over Sally's once again, and this time it was her tongue that aggressively ravished Sally's mouth, while her finger squirmed wonderfully in Sally's asshole, filling her with quivers of excitement. When they parted for breath again, Sally bent her head and fastened her lips around one of Doris' breasts, teasing the dark nipple to its utmost capacity of hardness. "Ahh, Sally, Sally, you do that so well..." Sally took the other one, and Doris writhed in pleasure as she worked. Then she raised her head and panted: "I want to eat you, Sally!" Her hands pushed at Sally urgently, rolling her over onto her back, then Doris shifted herself downward on the bed, and Sally felt the warmth of her breath stirring her rich mass of golden, pubic hair, and light touch of her lips grazing over the plump venus mound. And -- "Let me do it to you, too," Sally gasped. "I said I -- I want to do it --" Doris raised her head, looking at Sally with mingled lust and tenderness shining from her dark eyes. "Are you sure you want to?" "Yes," Sally panted. "Oh yes -- only -- will you show me -- teach me what to do?" Doris moved again on the bed, reversing her position so that her dark-haired pussy lay only a few inches away from Sally's face. She caressed Sally's hip lightly, then worked one arm beneath the other woman indicating for her to turn onto her side, then with her hand tugging at Sally's uppermost leg so that she bent it at the knee, upward and out. Doris took the same position, which widely separated the brown-haired lips of her moistened cunt, revealing to Sally's eager eyes the scarlet lining of the sensitive labia. Sally moved her face closer to that offered pussy, recalling how she had done this the first time, when Doris had decided she couldn't go through with it. She studied with eager attention the folds of tissue, the oozing droplets of honey, the excited little flushed pearl of the clitoris. And she knew that Doris was seeing the same thing between her opened legs. Again the scent of Doris' cunt filled her nostrils, that warm, musky, slightly fresh-fishy odor. As she stared in fascination at the delicate structure before her eyes, she felt a breath of warm air against her own pussy from Doris' mouth. Following that lead, she blew into the other woman's spread valley, aiming the tiny air stream at the engorged little mound of her clitoris. A moment later she felt the soft shock of Doris' tongue tip stabbing the entrance of her inner channel, and with a sense of taking an enormous step into an alien country, Sally shot out her own tongue to make that hot, wet contact. Doris' deep moan of pleasure encouraged her, and Sally felt a deep shudder of joy as Doris began to work her tongue around the feverish area of her clitoris. Quickly she followed her example, relishing the odd, slightly metallic flavor of Doris' pussy juice as it began to seep against her tongue with renewed excitement. "Oh yes, oh yes," Doris gasped, pausing in her efforts for a moment to encourage her partner. "That's just perfect, chickie -- that's -- that feels so -- oooohh!" She buried her face between Sally's thighs again. Enchanted to find she was giving Doris so much pleasure, Sally renewed her endeavors, and her hands began to rove over the soft, satiny skin of Doris' ass and thighs and belly. Her breasts were pressed firmly against the other woman's trembling body. And then Doris pulled Sally's legs even wider apart; pushing her face so closely against Sally's pussy that it was a miracle she could breathe. The hot, wet dagger of her tongue started to probe and flicker deeply into the inner channel, pushing past the outer lips into the velvety depths like a tiny, versatile cock, racking Sally with helpless shudders of ecstasy. And then Doris pulled her head away -- and the next moment was back again, only this time that maddening tongue tip was digging its way into the tight ring of Sally's asshole! Sally's lubricating juice was almost a flood now, welling out of her cunt and trickling wetly down her thigh; she found that Doris' pussy was similarly oozing, and she lapped up the moisture with lascivious satisfaction. She strained her head forward, but before her tongue could make contact with Doris' asshole, a sudden spasm of incipient orgasm tore through her, and for a moment she forgot what she was doing. It was like trying to concentrate with an earthquake going on beneath her! Doris' hands clasped the ripe mounds of her buttocks and pulled Sally even closer. Her tongue abandoned the tight back hole to concentrate on sending more and more sparks of orgasmic electricity through Sally's pulsating cunt. But she worked a finger into Sally's asshole as she had done before, and again there was a moment's pain, and again discomfort was rapidly absorbed into the great mass of sensation that Sally's nerves had become. Then Doris stopped licking and tongue stabbing Sally's cunt for a minute, and instead she concentrated on very gently chewing and nibbling along the sensitive edges of her outer pussy lips, sucking the flesh up into her mouth and letting go, sucking it up and letting go, until Sally's nerve endings were filled with impulses that began as pain and ended as renewed and almost intolerable pleasure. Now she brought her attention back to Doris, trying to give the other woman the same delight she was feeling. She did not feel sure enough of her skill to try this subtle use of her teeth, so instead she concentrated again on licking Doris' pussy, drinking down her overflowing liquor. She was delighted to feel Doris trembling in response, and then Doris was working on her again with that marvelously knowing tongue, caressing the inner lips with long, flat, broad, wet sweeps, then homing in on the quivering morsel of Sally's engorged clitoris to stab and nudge and titillate the tiny, potent nubbin to the edge of madness. Sally started to writhe and convulse as the currents of hot ecstasy and release shivered and pulsed in her belly and cunt and finger-impaled asshole, centering in her throbbing clitoris and radiating back to her womb, her breasts, her whole shuddering, convulsing body... In triumph, she sensed a similar spasm seizing Doris' body, and heard her frantic moaning as the climax overcame her, and for long moments the two women were spinning helplessly in a vortex of feminine passion, their thighs clenching about each other's mouth so that neither could breathe or even wanted to breathe as they clutched and quivered and mouthed each other through the wild delight of their simultaneous orgasmic ecstasy. Then, exhausted, they rolled away from each other and lay gasping and panting, recovering their equilibrium, relishing the fading tremors of bliss that sighed along their nerves, fading at last into a deep, quiet contentment. "Oh, wow," Doris murmured eventually. "That was really something, chickie." "I'd never have believed it could be so good," Sally whispered with tender sincerity. "Mmm." Doris leaned over and kissed her cheek lightly. "But now I guess we'd better get cleaned up -- any moment now those cops are going to show up to rescue you." "I guess so." Sally stretched and yawned, then, a little dazed, sat up and ran her fingers through her tousled hair. "I guess I'll take a quick shower," she said. Doris smiled up at her. "I'll come and scrub your back," she offered. Chapter 15 "Oh, Sally, baby, it's so good to have you alone at last," Peter exclaimed as the door closed behind the last of the troop of police and FBI men who had been questioning her almost nonstop for hours. She smiled at him, exhausted."I've been so worried about you," he went on tenderly, sitting down on the couch beside her and taking her hand. "I was so afraid that they'd hurt you." Her smile faded. "Peter," she began hesitantly. "Mm?" He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips, then turned her hand and pressed his lips against the tiny pulse of her wrist. "Oh, Peter -- please -- I have to -- talk to you." "I'm listening, my precious." "They -- oh, darling ... I'm afraid you -- " "Afraid what?" He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You -- I -- " "Hmm?" "I'm not a -- a -- " He let go of her hand and cupped her chin in one hand, turning her face up to him. He kissed her quickly on the lips. "Are you trying to say, my little wife-to-be, that you happen not to have that entirely useless membrane known as the hymen still intact?" She lowered her eyes. "Yes," she whispered. He hugged her close. "Frankly, my dear," he said, "I don't give a damn!" "Oh, Peter!" A great tide of incredulous relief swept through her. "Do you really mean that?" "Of course I do!" "But you said -- you said you wanted to marry a virgin! You said you -- " "Correction, my precious: I may have said I was happy you were -- but the cherry is only an extra on top of the cake, you know. It's nice to have, but it doesn't really mean that much. It's how we both feel about each other that's the important thing -- and I do love you, my little Sally!" "Oh, Peter -- and I love you, too!" "Did they -- hurt you, Sally?" he asked anxiously. She thought about it. "I guess -- I guess not too much." "Did you -- enjoy it?" She looked into his eyes, and replied honestly: "Some of it. A lot." "I'm glad." "You are?" "Of course!" "I -- seem to be more highly sexed than I ever thought I could be, Peter," she confessed. "Oh, I knew you would be, once you let yourself go," he told her confidently. "You weren't aware of it, I know -- but I'm something of an expert in these matters." She looked up at him again. "Are you going to be faithful to me?" she asked bluntly. "Well." He released her chin and took her hand again. "That's really a matter of definition." "It is?" "You see," he said slowly, "in marrying you, I make a special commitment to you. The way I've lived my life before is no longer valid as a guide to the future: we have to work out between ourselves just how our relationship functions." "I don't think I -- understand what you're saying." "Well, let me put it this way: I've been a swinger for most of my sexually active lifetime. I like variety; I like to make it with different women. But that doesn't mean that I've become emotionally involved with them. Friends with many, yes. Some tenderness, affection -- but that's not the same as my involvement with you. From now on, you have the first claim on me. And I on you." "Claim..." "Maybe we'll decide on a strictly monogamous lifestyle. But if we agree to swing, then each of us is still the most important to the other. Anything else is -- just a nice experience on the side, like going out for a meal from time to time instead of eating regular home cooking." "And if I -- don't want to swing?" "Then we try monogamy." He grimaced slightly. "I don't know how much of a success I'd be at it, but if it'll make you happy, I'll do my damnedest, Sally." "May I -- think about it?" "Of course," he laughed. She took a deep breath. "Peter," she said, "I want to -- make love with you." His grip on her hand tightened. "Now?" he asked softly. "Now," she responded definitely. "Oh, Sally!" Their lips met in a long, deep, burning kiss that set a fire blazing in her mouth and seemed to shower sparks down into the very depths of her body. Her arms clasped around his neck, almost desperately, as though she could never bear to let him go, even for a moment. "Oh, my darling," he said, pulling away a little and sucking in a deep breath. "I -- oh, I love you," she murmured. He pulled her to her feet, then swept her up into his arms and carried her through the apartment into the bedroom. He set her down on the bed and went back to close the door. Not really necessary, since they were alone in the apartment, but a symbol of the intimacy they were about to explore. She watched him with hungry eyes, appraising his lithe, well-made body. He smiled lovingly in response as he came back to the bed and sat down on the edge. "We'll be married very soon, now," he said. "It doesn't matter," she assured him, and his arms enfolded her in another deep, sweet, burning kiss. He stood up and unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off his broad shoulders to reveal a deep, powerfully muscled chest that tapered to a slim waist. Without fuss, he unfastened his pants and stripped them off, turning a little away from her, then facing her in complete nakedness. Her eyes went to the hanging length between his thighs: it was not such a hefty monster as Willy's, but it was certainly impressive. Her pussy gave a little clutch of response at the sight and began to ooze its sweet dew of preparation for the delights of which she was now sure. She reached for the hem of her sweater and drew it off over her head, then reached behind her to unfasten her bra, which she had resumed when she had dressed after her wonderful session of lovemaking with Doris. She shrugged it off, and Peter drew a deep breath of appreciation as the generous, white-skinned mounds of her beautiful breasts swung free, rosy nipples already hard and taut with her excitement. She wriggled out of her skirt and climbed off the bed, standing in front of him. "Take my panties off, darling," she murmured provocatively, lowering her eyes as though in modesty. As he hooked his fingers into the waistband and tugged downwards, his cock, which had been gradually pulsing into fullness, surged to its complete hardness in a swift series of tiny jerks as the blood poured into its spongy tissues. By the time she was completely naked, it stood straight out from his body, aiming itself directly at her crotch. She reached out a timid hand and delicately touched its velvet-skinned head. A silver string of precoltal fluid fell away from the tiny pulsing slit and tangled itself in the masculine hairiness of his strong thigh. "It's all for you," he said, and she encircled it in a firmer, surer grasp. And without even thinking, she dropped down to her knees and embraced the hot, arrow-shaped head with her pink, moist lips, relishing the salty taste of his flesh. Her hands grasped his thighs for a moment, then ventured further to caress his small, tight, hair-spattered ass as the iron-hard shaft slowly made its way into the dark, hot cave of her mouth, and pressed deeply into the fiery darkness of her velvet-walled furnace of a lovingly welcoming throat. She held him there for as long as she could, until she was forced to pull away to get her breath. She was reluctant to let him go, and she smiled up at him. They shared the knowledge that the union they craved was only weakly echoed by the contact of mouth and cock. "Fuck me," she said softly. "Oh, Peter, please fuck me now. I can't wait any longer!" He took her hands and drew her back up into his arms for another long kiss that set her senses flaming with renewed desire. His hard chest scraped its mass of hair across her throbbing nipples, crushing the yielding hillocks of her plentiful breasts against his hard, masculine torso. The pulsating mass of his impatient cock thrust itself against her belly, and she reached a hand down between them and guided it between her legs to fit into the rapidly moistening groove of her outer pussy lips, and rub deliciously against the inflamed knob of her sensitized clitoris. His hands gathered up the bouncy flesh of her beautiful ass and squeezed, then he pulled her hips even closer to his own, so that the pubic hair ground against hers, and their thighs seemed almost to be welded to each other. They clung together in that long, deep, wet kiss, their bodies brimming with the white-hot fluids of lust, until Sally began to feel lightheaded and had to pull away a little to get her breath. Peter laughed softly, caught her up in his arms, and tossed her effortlessly onto the bed. She lay sprawled as she had fallen, gazing at him with blue eyes full of eager adoration, eyes flicking from his handsome face to the broad swell of his arm and shoulder muscles; his powerful chest with its swirls of dark hair studded by the two tiny nipples; his trim waist and flat belly and deep navel, his narrow hips and sturdy thighs and muscular calves and well-shaped feet and ankles -- and the focal point of it all, as far as her immediate desire was concerned: the meaty, throbbing lance of flushed and pulsing flesh that jutted out like an iron spear from the tangle of dark pubic hair that decorated his loins. But it was his cock she wanted. If it had belonged to any other man, perhaps she would still have wanted it -- but not with quite the same special hunger that possessed her now. He strode swiftly to the bed and knelt on the edge. With one hand he lightly stroked down the length of her silk-skinned body, trailing little flames of need along her flesh so that she quivered and moaned helplessly. His fingertips gently massaged one of her hard nipples, bringing it to almost aching tightness. Her pussy was damp and itching; again she longed for fulfillment, but she would let him set the pace. Let him do whatever he liked best -- this time! "You are so beautiful, Sally," he whispered, stretching himself out next to her, leaning on his side on one elbow. His fingertips continued their feather light caresses, but she could almost feel the heat from his avid eyes. Rather timidly, she reached out her own fingers and stroked his chest, astonished and delighted when his nipples hardened beneath her touch. She played with them for a moment, and ruffled the hair on his chest.He stroked the hair tenderly back from her face and kissed her again. As their tongues explored and struggled together, he rolled over onto her, letting most of his weight rest on her body. Automatically, she spread her thighs wide apart, delighting in the feeling of the rigid length of his hot, steel-like cock pulsating between their bellies. She curled her legs up around his hips to pull him even closer, and felt the touch of his balls brushing against her ass cheeks. Again, he pulled free of her embrace and crawled away backwards. She was puzzled for a moment, then moaned softly with delicious anticipation when he crouched between her thighs, taking her knees in his hands and setting her legs up over his shoulders. Then his tongue was flickering into the nectar chamber of her trickling pussy, sipping at the sexual honeydew that welled out like a tiny spring. After a few moments, he made a tiny excursion along the central ridge of the inner lips, along one side of the groove, darted his tongue briefly against her pounding clitoris, and was away down the other groove and back to her quivering vulva before she knew what was happening. Then it was a sort of delayed reaction, sending a slow shockwave of almost orgasmic response shuddering through her super-excited body. Languidly, she gazed down at the brown-haired head working between her thighs, and reached down to stroke his hair lovingly with one hand, sensuously caressing the nape of his neck and his wide shoulders. "Let me suck you too," she suggested, but he went on with his marvelous tongue-stabbing work as though he hadn't even heard what she proposed. She recalled her determination to let him do it his way, and relaxed, lying back and giving herself up in complete abandonment to the delicious, almost overpowering enjoyment of the arrows of sexual sensation that his probing, flicking tongue was aiming at her vulnerable nerve endings. Her nipples now stood as hard as tiny cocks, she saw, and her clitoris felt as though it might explode at any moment. Deep within her belly, she could feel her womb coming alive with the dark, secret sensations of joyous response that she knew was the very center of her complete femininity. She brought her own hands up to her breasts to give some tactile comfort to her throbbing nipples, fingering them, flicking them back and forth. She could not make them any harder than they already were: they seemed to be gorged to the very utmost of their blood-holding capacity. Quivers of excitement rippled through her belly. She could not tell whether they were visible to him, but to her they felt like a veritable earthquake. She was going to come; any moment now she was going to come and come and come and -- Then he sat up, leaving her hovering on the very brink of the precipice of orgasm, her cunt seething like a volcano just ready to blow. He was moving up the bed, straddling her chest; his thrusting, red-flushed cock was only a fraction of an inch from her welcoming, passion-wet lips. "Suck me," he said; the words were a command, almost arrogant, but their message was softened and subdued by the tenderness that glowed in his eyes. His trim buttocks were cushioned against the pillows of her white breasts, and she could feel the soft-haired weight of his dangling balls resting in the valley between them. The musky male perfume she was beginning to know and adore drifted to her nostrils: the incredibly arousing smell of man, of sexual man -- of her man, her lover -- Her husband. She encircled his hips with her arms, her hands on her buttocks, and urged him forward just a fraction to bring the silken-textured head of his rock-hard cock into the willing harbor of her rosy lips. At once, her tongue sought out the tiny hole at the tip where the preparatory fluid welled out, so much like the little spring that flowed from the depths of her own sex, making ready the way and covering all the slick surfaces and sensitive mucous membranes with sweet slippery balm. Her mouth filled with warm saliva, and she closed her eyes and started to suck as well as she could -- it was more a pressing of her tongue and the roof of her mouth around his invading shaft -- and, fraction by fraction, he pressed in deeper. She relaxed those strange muscles of her dark, velvety throat to accept him, and at last she felt the prickly brush of his pubic hair against her lips, and the soft slap of his balls as they swung to rest against her chin. And then again, he left her, drawing his cock out of her hot, wet oral embrace, and shifting on the bed so that he was again kneeling beside her. He pressed one hand between her thighs, covering the whole burning area of her outer cunt with that one warm, large hand. Involuntarily, she thrust her pelvis up against the firm pressure of his palm, aching for renewed friction. He took his hand away, but a second later had slipped a finger deep into the fluid channel of her pussy; she found herself quaking, gasping and trembling with joy. He worked the finger in and out a couple of times, then pulled it right out, but before she had a chance to feel in any way deprived, he had pushed back in again, this time with two fingers side by side. She couldn't understand why she hadn't already climaxed half a dozen times, just from the stimulation of what he had been doing to her, but she had not; perhaps her subconscious was holding her back, holding the forces of release in check just enough for the real moment to arrive... He pulled out the fingers, and yet again, she was left forlorn and empty. She began to whimper: "Oh please, please darling! Fuck me! Fuck me now! I'm so hot I can't stand it -- I want you so much --" And at last, he was ready. He moved between her legs and urged her, with his hands, to cock her legs up, bending her knees and spreading them wide. He kissed her again, then positioned his cockhead carefully at the juicy mouth of her wet, heated, excitement-pulsating, cock-craving pussy. He rocked forward, and she felt the rigidity pressing against her nether lips. It felt immense! She gasped and made a little thrust upwards with her hips; he pushed down, and then in one surge, he was all the way inside her, and her cunt was filled to capacity with his hardness. It took her breath away. He looked down into her face, a concerned smile on his lips. "Okay?" he asked. She nodded. "O-ooh--kay," she sighed blissfully. He moved his hips a little, so that his huge cock slid out of her an inch or so, and then back in. The walls of her inner cunt seemed to flutter and contract, clutching at the scarcely yielding bulk of the phallic invader in a velvety, yearning, unstintingly welcoming embrace. She could feel the end of his cock pressing against her cervix now. It was not a nerve-end sensation of tingling delight like her clitoris, but it gave her great pleasure. She discovered she possessed muscles she had scarcely known about, deep inside her, and she contracted them, squeezing his cock with a sort of milking movement that brought a grunt of pleased response. Then he began to slide his cock in and out of her, just a little way at first, until she had started to pick up his rhythm with her own hips and pelvis. And the dizzying waves of pleasure began to consume her. She could hear, excitingly, the liquid sloshing, slurping sounds as his rigid piston drove into her cunt, almost swampy now, so much lubricating honey had she poured forth. The whole lining of her cunt seemed to be on fire, and the stroking of his cock was simultaneously a soothing presence and a refueler of the consuming flames. And now she found that the movement of his cock in and out exerted a kind of tugging pressure on the lips of her outer cunt, sending impulses on up to her clitoris, which joined in the fire. She could imagine it like a little glowing ember. But as he speeded up the pace, she lost the sense of her clitoris, or any other individual spot. Every inch down there seemed to be consumed in that wonderful fire. She could not make out where the pleasure was centered, but all that mattered was that every thrust in and out fanned the flames yet higher. Her toes started to tingle, and her belly felt soft and open. She seemed to start floating, her head spinning as she clamped her legs desperately around his pumping hips and -- She could hear herself screaming, and felt her body go into wild, convulsing spasms, but all her being was concentrated in that furnace between her thighs, and in the great throbbing waves of incredible ecstasy that flowed and pulsed through her cunt, through her belly, through every inch of her thrashing, flailing body. When at last it died, she lay supine in a glow of indescribably deep contentment. "Okay?" he asked when she opened her eyes. "Oh, yes," she breathed. "Very okay!" He kissed her. "You know," he said, "If you do decide on monogamy, I guess it won't be the worst fate a man could suffer." She reached up to caress his hair gently. "Not for me, either," she said, and stretched her arms out luxuriously. "How long will it take you to be ready to try fucking me in the ass?" "Not long at all," he replied with a smile of confidence that he soon proved to be fully justified.
Chapter 1
Connie Bedford
Private Duty Nurse
"Mr. Blazer, will you come in here, please," said Miss Bloom, the supervisor of nurses. It was a crisp and no-nonsense voice that called Blazer into the little examination room. Blazer obeyed. He was just an orderly, and she was his boss. Besides, he knew what she wanted, and his cock began to rise. He watched her walk briskly ahead of him. The low-heeled nurses' oxfords emphasized her fat legs, and even her starched white uniform could not hide her healthy big ass, thought Blazer. Into the room they went. Inside, she closed and locked the door. Then she eyed the big red-haired young man who was looking back at her expectantly. She was only thirty-nine years old, and her miles of walking as a nurse had kept her muscles firm and her skin tones healthy. "I want to suck your cock, Mr. Blazer." She was a very proper woman, and she addressed all her subordinates with respect. "But first I want to get naked, and I want you to also." She unbuttoned her uniform and stepped out of it, and she hung it neatly on a coat hanger. Blazer automatically unbuttoned his shirt. He never took his eyes off Miss Bloom. Now she was pulling her slip over her head. He saw her white panties and her garter belt. He saw her fleshy white thighs overflowing her white stockings. Her big titties were encased in a large cotton bra which also covered her midriff, but even while he was watching, this came off, and her nipples were free and beckoning him to come suck. He whipped his undershirt over his head quickly so as not to miss any more than was necessary. He watched her remove her stockings, then she unhooked her garter belt and pulled it out of her panties. He dropped his pants and underpants to the floor. His cock stood out, reaching for her. It was an angry red, hard as a ten-pin, and, she felt, about the same size. She came over to him and grasped it with both hands. And again she marveled at the redness of his cock hairs, and how they were a different red from the red-purple color of his turned-on cock. Reverently, she caressed it. He watched her staring at it while she stroked it. He saw her lips moving as if in prayer. Then she murmured, "Goddamn, you son of a bitch, you've got a good cock..." She reached between his legs and hefted his balls with one hand while she pulled more urgently now on his big shaft with the other. He closed his eyes and began panting through his open mouth as she tickled the hairs growing between his two big sacs. He could still hear her litany as she played with him, "...big juicy cherry picker...asshole reamer...pussy king..." He put his hand down between her legs and found that her panties were so wet that they clung to her pussy like Saran wrap. He rubbed his hands in the hot wetness, and she rotated herself on his fingers. The thing that fascinated him was that she was so reserved and unapproachable, and yet when she wanted to fuck, she was lewd; indeed, more lewd than most other women he had screwed. But even in the throes of her ecstasy, there was still a token of her reserve--she still called him "Mister." "Shit, shit, shit, Mr. Blazer, your big hammer turns me on. Slip my panties down. Help me, please. I can't let go of this big cock." He moved one wet hand from her crotch, and he placed it on her hip and down inside her panties. He already had the other hand on her other hip, so slowly he pulled the panties down. Now she had both hands on his cock shaft. He was circumcised, and she enjoyed twisting the big cockhead one way with one hand while rotating the massive shaft the opposite direction with her other hand. She moved one hand to the big nut and started twisting and pulling at it. She looked up into his face and saw him grinding his teeth. He had her panties down off her hips, but the crotch was still clinging to her sopping pussy. He tried to reach behind her and in between the cheeks of her ass to pull the clinging cloth away, but her backside was too large for him to reach around. Then he tried to reach between her legs from the front, but her two arms and his own big prick were in the way. Suddenly she seemed to realize what he was trying to do and she helped him. She took the head of his cock and guided it between her legs. He felt the bottom of his sensitive head meet the wet cloth of her panties at the same time that he felt the top of his cock slide up against the wet lips of her flowing cunt. With his cock, she probed at her panties and separated the cloth from her pussy. The heat along the top of his dick, which was being caressed by her slot, was almost too much to bear, especially since it contrasted with the coolness along the bottom of his cock where the wet cloth was now clinging. The heat and the coolness made him slobber like a baby, and his knees began to sag. Finally, the panties were separated, but he just stood there, entranced, with the top of his tool slipping along her slot. "Take them all the way off," her voice was strained. She knew that, for him to obey, they would have to break their delicious contact. They stood there locked together by their primary desires. They kissed and fondled each other. His cock grew harder, and it tended to burrow its way into her pussy, which encouraged it, trying to suck it in. They held their breaths, not daring to move even to fill their lungs. But breathing was not important now. Their genitals had complete control, and they waited to see what would happen. His dick was sucked up into her cunt. The lips of her pussy laved the purple head of his sensitive cock. He bent his knees to improve the angle of penetration. She tried to open her fat legs wider, but the panties held them together. "Take my panties off," she stage-whispered in his ear. And impatiently, quickly, like a man taking leave of a loved one before a long journey, he removed himself from her and dropped to his knees. He pulled the panties down with him. To her ankles they came, and she stepped out of them while digging her fingernails into the flesh of his shoulders. Her pussy was there right in front of his nose. He saw the thick, kinky brown hairs that were the roof of her candy factory. And among the brown hairs was a bright red one, his own, a strand that had abandoned its own home for the fields of paradise when their cock and cunt were kissing each other. And he continued to stare, and he saw some grey among her browns, and he knew that this was a woman, a full-fledged, hot-boxed woman who would never be satisfied with a mere thirty-second hump. He knew that she demanded satisfaction and that she would accept anything that would help make her come, and even at his tender age he had a code: no gentleman fucks a woman without making her come. He caressed the inside of her thighs, he felt the wetness flowing down them, and he dabbled his fingers in it and then into his mouth. He licked her thighs, first one and then the other. He raised each of her feet, one at a time, tenderly, and kissed her toes, and then again, he licked her from knee to crotch on both thighs. She was being thrown off balance, and she hopped, and he walked on his knees over to the examining table, where she could lean against it while he continued his worshiping. Now she was able to rest a thigh on one of his shoulders and dig her elbows into the examining table. Gently he bit the inside of the thigh resting on his shoulder, then he caressed each tiny reddened love bite with his soft warm tongue. Up her thigh he went, sucking, biting, licking, kissing, and then he came to her pussy. Down he hunched until his rigid, blood-stiffened tool almost stabbed him in the chest. He held his head back like a man sucking grapes from a high vine, and he licked at her pussy tenderly. When she felt his tongue, she yelped as only a female can when her pleasure becomes more than mere excruciating. She jammed her eyes shut: no need for sight at a time like this. She gritted her teeth together; no need for food at a time like this. His tongue probed deeper. She threw her head from side to side violently as she was caught in the spasm of lust. Hairpins fell out of her head, and her hair shook loose, coming down over her naked shoulders and then caressing her bare back and adding to her unbearable pleasure.Now he was so low and so far under her that even the leg which was over his shoulder was almost touching the floor. He pressed harder against her pussy with his mouth until the weight left the foot that she was standing on, and she was riding his face as if it were a bicycle seat. His tongue whirled inside her cunt. From one sweet wall to the other, he licked, and all her weight bore down on his mouth while she wrung her hips back and forth like a dancer in a cheap burlesque house. But the weight finally proved too much for him, and he let her off his face abruptly and began to lick her hairs thoroughly. He licked them until they were pasted to her belly with his spit, and then he trailed a river of saliva up to her navel and he tickled it with his educated tongue. No words were spoken, but he bade her to turn, and she did. The cheeks of her beautiful ass were presented for him to feast on. He grasped them with his eager hands and he squeezed them together. He moved them up and down, and then he bent forward and gently bit one, and then the other. And then he licked the bites. She wiggled them in his face, and she leaned forward on the table gratefully. This action on her part exposed more of her intimate flesh to him, and immediately he added the offering to his dessert. Into the crack of her ass he dove tongue first. The warmth, the fantastic heat, almost made him faint. He went up and down her joint, wetting her thoroughly, and then he spread her cheeks apart with his hands and chin and reamed her anus as deeply as he could. She gave it all to him, and she came several times, and on the floor between her legs there was a pool of his spittle and her cream. She was past screaming now, and she could only grunt as he humped her with his tongue. But his tongue grew fatigued and his jaw began to hurt, and so he sat back admiring her ass before he finally got up. She had come, but he had not. His cock was harder than ever now. He stood up, and his dick was so big and heavy that he had to support it with both hands because the weight of it was beginning to hurt his abdominal muscles. He rested his cock along her spine since she still had her back to him and was leaning over the examination table recovering from a swoon. His balls he placed in the crack of her ass, and the heat soothed them and quieted the pain in them that he only became aware of when it was gone. His red and purple cock stretched itself along her white back, it nested in the furrow of her spine like a fat sausage in a hot dog bun. Slowly, he began to slide his dick up and down that furrow, back and forth, over her delicious white skin. She felt his stroking, and she opened her eyes, remembering where she was. She felt the weight and heat of his cock on her back. She felt his balls caressing the cheeks of her ass and almost hanging down in between her own legs. She dilated her asshole and made her ass cheeks relax, and by working certain muscles she was able to squeeze his balls with her ass. But it wasn't enough for her, she wanted more contact with his overheated tool and large bags. So she butted him away and turned around. At first, she handled his dingus as if it were a sacred thing, and indeed, at this moment it was to her. Some people thought of her as a proper, snotty old maid. But as a matter of fact, she wasn't as old as these people thought, and the men who had felt Miss Bloom dance on the end of their cocks had to revise their idea of what a "proper old maid" was. Or else they were forced to conclude that Miss Bloom simply wasn't what she appeared to be. She loved cocks. Generally, she never cared to whom the cocks were attached. She didn't analyze the man, she didn't care if he were socially acceptable, she didn't care if he could order food in a foreign language, she only wanted him to have a nice, fat, hard dick. Just like the one she was holding now. She stroked Blazer quietly and felt her pussy rapidly recovering from its series of climaxes due to Blazer's sucking. She ran a finger along the underside of his tool from the base to the tip. Then she wet the thumb and forefinger of her right hand with spit, and with them, she rhythmically began to pinch and roll the highly sensitive area on the bottom side of his glands. With her left hand, she pulled and squeezed the base of his cock right where the cock meat joined the balls. She felt him go limp as she knew he would, and she felt through her fingers more blood rush into this beautiful cock, making it harder and hotter. Blazer's knees were sagging, and he was emitting a long, helpless moan. He was about to collapse to the floor when she stopped handling him. She moved around him away from the table, and he turned with her. He was like a zombie. He was an unseeing, unreasoning thing whose complete soul and being now resided in the angry, red yardstick that stood out in front of him like a flagpole on the front of a building. She pushed him back on the table, and he leaned back just as she had done and rested on his elbows. She squatted in front of him, her knees out at an angle and her perfect ass almost touching the floor. This way, her pussy was stretched open, and it was so sensitive that even the minute currents of air in the room made her feel good. But all this was far in the back of her mind. Right now, it was the big sausage that was the center of her world. She put the cock on her shoulder and rubbed her cheek along it. She kissed and bit it as she went along, then she put it on the other shoulder and she did the same thing. She sank the head of it under her chin and held it between her chin and collar bone, and she opened her mouth and worked her jaw against it, squeezing it in the nape of her neck. She was moving faster now, frantically, without any reason or order. She was singing one long, soft, cooing note as she rollicked with Blazer's cock. And he held his breath, measuring each gasp to make sure he didn't cry out like an animal being tortured. Then she sat back. She seemed to have regained some of her composure now. There was a small puddle on the floor under her. She stared at the prick. Blazer was breathing regularly now. Then she slapped his cock. She slapped it again. She swung at it from the floor. Where her blows struck, it grew white and then much redder than before. It swung lazily back and forth with her blows. Presently her hands began to hurt, it was like hitting an elephant on the leg. Blazer had his head turned up to the ceiling. The blows to him were mere caresses, something that was happening far away, something that was remotely pleasurable. Now she sat back on her haunches, panting from her exertion. She still eyed the cock before her. Next, she twisted herself under him and buried her nose in his balls. She had to hold her breath because she could not breathe, but she licked and sucked and pulled at the hairs she found there, and then she dragged her open mouth along the underside of his tool. Then she came to the end of it. She knew from experience that she could never get it all in her mouth, but it was exciting to try anyway. She crammed the massive head into her mouth. Her lips were pushed back as if she were sucking the juice through a small hole in an orange, and indeed, her tongue was lapping the sticky pre-fuck fluid that oozed from his cock. Gently she cupped his balls with one hand and pulled them forward, and she tickled them, she scratched them, she rolled them in the palm of her hand. With her other hand, she jacked his cock back and forth, working the juices deep inside his massive shaft toward her mouth. His hips started working with every stroke of her hand, and he began to moan. It was a low, unmasculine sound; it was the sound of surrender, a plea for mercy. Through her hands and lips, she felt his cock become warmer. She felt the balls she held in her hand churn as if they were live animals themselves. She felt his tool begin to grow even more stiff. She bit the head of his cock and ran her tongue along the ridge of his glands. He began to slump, threatening to fall to the floor. Then she stopped sucking him. She squeezed his shaft tightly and she held on for a full minute until the crisis was over. He did not come, but she brought him right to the edge of the mountain. Above her, she could hear him take in a deep breath, and she could feel the strength returning to his legs. Finally, she let go of his cock. Now she stood up, "I want that load in my pussy," she said, and, "Let's get up on the table." In a daze, he turned and watched her clamber up on the table. She lay there with her legs open, waiting. Like a dumb animal, he tried to mount her from the side of the table, but it was too awkward. The table moved, and he almost pulled her to the floor. "Goddammit," she gritted, "come up on the end." And he went down to the end of the table and began to climb up. Her pussy was there glistening like the mouth of a salivating, hungry animal. Even when he had climbed up too far to be able to see it, she could still tell where it was because he could feel the heat of it. His body was over hers now. He could look down on her face. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was parted, and he could feel the warmth from her breath over his face like a hot summer breeze. His cock rubbed against the inside of one of her thighs. He was still suspended over her, supporting himself only by his toes and his elbows. She caught his dick between her fat thighs and she massaged it. Up and down she went and from side to side she rolled. She opened her eyes and looked directly into his face, and she smiled at him. It was almost as if, for the first time that they had been together, she realized she was not alone. It was as if she were greeting a friend in a railway station.And the smile brought him back to his senses, and he realized that his balls were aching. The dull, persistent pain went from the base of his cock to his asshole. He had been excited for so long that now he wondered if he could actually cream when the time came. She was still smiling up at him when she said evenly, "Fuck me, you sonofabitch." She released his dick from her thighs, and he lowered his hips. His cock went in quickly and deeply. He lay on her full-weight with his big ramrod stuffed deeply in her burning, wet pussy. His chin was just above her right shoulder, and his lips were close to her right ear. His mouth hung slack like that of an idiot, and saliva in long strands hung from his mouth and fell on the sheet of the table. The warm, moist pussy which totally encased his cock had again made an unthinking animal out of him. Only instinct made him raise his hips. Only the sucking of her pussy on his cock as it withdrew made him drop his hips again. Out came his dick again. Now she rolled her hips in a circle, and the lips of her pussy lapped the end of his dick. "Fuck," she ordered. She put her legs around his waist and locked her ankles together. When he pulled up, she came with him, but she came down just before he did and pulled hard on his cock with her pussy. She was rubbing her clit on his shaft. She was flipping his cock up and down in her slit. She was under him, but she was fucking him. She had taken over, and her pussy was manipulating his tool expertly. Her legs climbed high on his body, driving his cock deeper into her, and when she whipped her pussy down on his shaft, it felt as if she would tear it from its socket. There was no pain as such, but there was the thought that there ought to be pain. With each downstroke, she delivered a grunt, and the grunts grew louder as her clit, which she rubbed along the man's cock, became harder. Again, he was singing his moaning song of lust. Now he had some feeling back in his cock; he felt that he could come, in fact, that he could not help but come. He felt it coming up from his toes. His cock had found a secret place in her pussy, and as she came up to him, that secret place nipped the head of his cock. It was hotter than the rest of her pussy, it was tighter than the rest of her pussy, it was a pussy within a pussy, and it inflamed the end of his cock. He wanted more of it. He drove deeper into her, looking for it. He fucked her madly; she could no longer keep up with him. He broke her rhythm, but it mattered not to her. She had begun her long come. Now she was fucking purely from reflex. Her asshole was opening, everything within her was slowly giving way, her cream was coming down by the quart. It was like taking a piss after being forced to hold it all day; it was coming slowly, but she knew that it would come faster and faster until it would be just too good to bear. He felt his balls flip, the big knot that had kept his asshole closed became untied and dissolved. He was loose, the come was coming. He rode her like a cyclone, he rode her so hard that the table began walking across the room, he was bouncing it with every stroke. And then, his balls let go. His nuts cracked open, and the cream shot into her pussy. They became immobile. His balls were emptying themselves into her cunt. It was a steady stream, thick and hot. And she could not stop creaming either. Everything inside her seemed to be slowly collapsing. It was like the air being slowly let out of a balloon. Still, his semen spurted. It welled up out of her pussy and ran in a stream down the crack of her ass. And then, slowly, it was over. He collapsed on her, his cock peacefully soft at last. The pain in his balls was gone, and she was unconscious of his weight because she had creamed so long that she had passed out blissfully. They both almost had their clothes back on when there came a knock at the door. It was a polite, apologetic knock. "Oh Jesus," said Bloom, "I hope that's not Rand!" Nurse Rand was a good-looking woman who had somehow never discovered the joys of fucking. In fact, she had made it well known that even sex within the bounds of marriage was not acceptable. Now she was advocating procreation by artificial means with the woman being heavily anesthetized as if she were undergoing major surgery. Nurse Rand, it was thought, now suspected that some persons in the hospital were enjoying "sexual congress," and she vowed that if she ever found out who they were, she would expose them herself. Although she was Bloom's subordinate, Bloom had to be wary of her because Bloom dearly loved to fuck. But Nurse Bloom managed to muster up some authority in her voice and she enquired through the door as to who was knocking and what they wanted. And a small female voice answered on the other side. It was Carol Hooks, a high school nursing student who worked in the hospital as part of her nursing course. In spite of the fucking Blazer had just done, his pecker began to rise when he heard the girl's voice. By now, he and Nurse Bloom had gotten their clothes on, and Bloom ordered him to open the door. Carol Hooks stood there waiting. She was a blonde. She had green eyes and a nose that was, perhaps, a little too large for her face. She had thin lips which covered small teeth. Her mouth was wide, however, but her teeth, in addition to being small, were set back so that it was hard to see whether she had any teeth at all. Except when she smiled. Then her teeth were beautiful, white, and even. She wore a tight uniform which stopped several inches above her knees, exposing her small but shapely legs. Blazer had never seen her in anything but her uniform, and he longed to see her in regular clothes with nylons and heels. In fact, he dreamed about her constantly with clothes on and without, and in his favorite dream, she only wore a pair of bikini panties made of lace. She came into the room, and the soreness in his dick from its recent abuse turned into excitement. She started to say something and then stopped, and Blazer then realized how the room must smell to someone coming into it from the outside. The girl seemed to take a deep breath, and Blazer wondered if she recognized the smell; if she could guess what they had been doing. He hoped that she did because then she would be easier to make. He had not approached her yet because he was afraid of being turned down, and not only that, he didn't want to ruin things between them by being too crass and jeopardize any subsequent opportunity he might have with her. In short, she was a really young girl, and he didn't know how to approach her. She ignored him as she talked to Miss Bloom, "They've been paging you all over the hospital, Miss Bloom. Couldn't you hear it in here? You're wanted upstairs for a meeting." "All right, Hooks," Nurse Bloom said, then she turned to Blazer and said, "Thank you, Mr. Blazer, for your help." And she left. When she left, she closed the door behind her, and Blazer was alone in the warm presence of Miss Hooks. He didn't look at her because he was afraid to. But he could feel her near him like one feels a hot stove in a small room. He pushed the table back against the wall. She didn't say anything, but he could feel her watching him. He saw that his shoes were untied, and he kneeled to tie them. He saw the product of his and Nurse Bloom's fucking on the floor, and he got some paper towels and cleaned that up. The young Miss Hooks was standing near the examination table. "It's awful wet here," she said, looking at the table. "It needs changing." And she ripped the old cover from the table and got another one from the locker and efficiently put it on. Blazer helped. "Someone was in such a hurry that they forgot to put the paper on," she said, meaning the paper used for each patient on the table. She was looking him straight in the eye. "Well, you know, sometimes people get in a hurry," was all Blazer could say. She sat up on the table while Blazer busied himself around the room. He had nothing to do in there really, but he didn't want to leave her. He had never been this close to her and alone with her at the same time. He turned and looked at her. She was sitting there on the table with her legs crossed. He could see where her stockings stopped and where a garter belt strap came down the paradise of her thighs to hook into the welt of one of them. He felt the warmth between his own legs grow more intense, and he knew that he was swelling. "Men never grow up," she said, "they're always like little boys." "Why do you say that?" he asked. "Look at you, Blazer. You're just like my little brother, your pants are open, and you have to go to the bathroom. Shame on you!" And he looked down and saw that, indeed, his fly was still open, but he couldn't close it just then. He gathered up the old sheet and rushed off out of the room. Blazer could have just dropped the soiled linen off at the nearest laundry drop, but instead, he went all the way down to the laundry itself. It was a big place, and the air in there was always moist and warm. There were big commercial stainless steel washing machines which could hold over a hundred pounds of clothes or sheets at one time. There were large dryers which threw off heat like furnaces. There were long tables for folding sheets and commercial versions of the regular household iron, that is, they were heavier and more rugged and had no eye appeal whatsoever. Not everybody in the hospital came to the laundry. It wasn't a place fit for professionals. Once in a while, one of the girls working there would faint from the heat and humidity, and an intern would come down. But the last three times they had a fainting case, no one at all came down, and the girls were revived with ammonia inhalants.In fact, it was hard to realize that the laundry was an important part of the hospital at all or even located near one. But Blazer went to the laundry regularly. He had first been taken down there by another orderly, Ram, a black about the same age as himself. Most of the girls in the laundry were young black girls fresh out of the South. They were naive, sexy, and very friendly, and he and Ram spent a lot of time down there. Since it was so humid and hot in the place, a lot of the girls stripped down to their panties and bras while working. The only men who ever came in there were a couple of older men who maintained the equipment and Ram and Blazer. He went into the big room and dropped his sheet into a hamper. The place looked and felt like a sauna. There was heavy steam in the air, and he could not see much more than six feet away. The machines hummed, howled, and clanked, and through the mist, he could see figures gliding almost as if in a dream. It was a beautiful dream. Directly in front of him was a girl standing there; she had removed her bra, and her breasts stuck out from her chest proudly. Blazer could see that the tips of her tits were a lighter brown than the rest of her. She saw him coming, and she made no move to cover herself, but, instead, watched him boldly, watched him as if she were used to mesmerizing men with her titties. On he came, closer, unable and unwilling to take his eyes off them. Indeed, he saw that the skin around the nipples was also lighter than the rest of her, and it was smoother and seemed to glow with a light on its own. Her nipples were big, like juicy cranberries, and just as hard. He had reached out without even remembering having decided to do so and mashed a nipple in the palm of each hand, and now his fingers were digging into the top and sides of the beautiful black skin while his thumb massaged the underside of the black girl's melons. His hands simply were not big enough to cover all of the girl's breast. His fingers gave up trying to touch her chest and nipples at the same time. "It's feedin' time, honey. Yo'all want some of my milk?" she drawled. Her voice was like thick hot syrup, and it flowed down over him, bringing him ease, peace, and contentment. "C'mon, boy," he heard her say, "lap me some. I need it." For just an instant before he lowered his head to her breast, he managed to look her over through the mist. She was young, no doubt about that, but he couldn't see her face too well. But when she smiled at him, he could tell that she had a generous mouth and that her front teeth were all in and even. The steam had ruined any hairstyle that she would have had, and so now her hair fuzzed out from her head, and the whole effect he thought wasn't at all unattractive. He saw that she had a narrow waist and that she had on white panties, bikini panties, which he could see very well against her black skin. Her thighs disappeared down through the mist, and he couldn't really get a true picture of what kind of legs she had. But her thighs were full. Now he sucked a hard nipple through her lips, trying to give her as much friction as he could. He teased the hard piece of flesh with his teeth and then he roughed it with his tongue. She had been leaning with the small of her back against a table, and now that he was sucking her so well, she leaned back more, bringing his whole body closer to hers. She grunted, and said softly, "Suck it, motherfucker." He went to the other breast and opened his mouth as wide as he could and took as much of her sweet meat in as he could. He let his saliva flow, and soon her titty was wet and slippery enough for him to manipulate it freely. He sucked and bit and rolled the tit around in his face. He slid his hands down into her panties and raked her ass with his fingernails. His cock was swollen against his zipper, and he began humping like a dog, but he was bent over too far to be able to touch her body. He sucked her titties and fucked the air until he felt her grab his dick and squeeze it hard. With the palm of her hand, she rubbed the hard knot in his crotch. He continued to blow her titties, and he tried to undo his pants. The zipper would not come down because there was too much pressure inside, and she wasn't helping things any by her frantic rubbing. He tried to pull away from her so he could straighten up and undo his pants, but when she felt him cease to suck her, she cried out loudly, "Goddammit, fucker, don't stop. Shit, no, don't stop now." And so, he went back to his delightful task. He heard a moan gurgle its way up out of her throat, and she rubbed his cock faster, and his hips followed her, and then with a wild yell, she squeezed his cock tightly and held it while his balls emptied into his underwear. Now they broke apart, "You done messed in yo' pants," she giggled, "Jus' look how wet you are." He didn't have to look. He could feel the wet, sticky product of his own body trapped in his clothes. He looked at her and saw where her panties were clinging to her. "You didn't do so bad yourself, bitch," he replied, and he laughed with her. "You're lucky this is a laundry," she said, "Take off your pants an' drawers and I'll run them through for you." So he took off his things, and she disappeared in the steam with them. The only problem now was that he only had on a cotton tee shirt since he had left his orderly jacket up in the examination room because he had been too flustered by Carol Hooks. The tee shirt didn't come down very far, and his red pubic hair was simply not enough to cover his cock. Even in the dense steam, it could be seen plainly. As he wandered around, the girls stopped whatever they were doing and stared at him, and some even whistled. Every once in a while, a hand would dart out of the mist and yank on his pecker. Or else someone would run a finger between his legs from the rear. And once, a girl, light brown as a pay envelope, stood in front of him and dropped her panties to her knees, showing him the black patch at the top of her thighs. And with all the mostly black girls around him, and all the lewd remarks they made, and the feelings and rubbings they were giving him, his cock began to stand out away from his body. He thought that he had better stop wandering around in the mist or else he might walk into something and hurt himself. He found a modest-sized room piled high with soiled linen. He didn't think at all about the hygienic problem; he was only glad that he had found a soft place to rest. He had crawled well up on the pile before he saw Ram and the girl through the mist. Even through the mist, their bodies were clearly visible, since they were lying on a bed of white. The place was too small for them not to see him, and the girl squealed first when she saw him. Ram just rolled his eyes over in their sockets toward him and grunted a greeting of neither surprise nor alarm. He was on his back, and he had a magnificent hard-on. His black cock was standing straight up, and the girl had a small brown hand around it at the base. She was sitting between his legs and facing him, and the gigantic cockhead she held was glistening in the light; it was covered with spit. Obviously, she had been blowing him. "Shit, baby, go on," he told her. "You've seen that mother before." And the girl obediently lowered her head again to the big black cock. Blazer watched her intently. He knew that she was one of the smallest girls who worked down there in the laundry. She had a small sexy body with an ass that seemed designed for a much larger girl. But she carried it well, and she looked neither vulgar nor wanton. It was a supple ass, which really came to life when she walked. Blazer had followed her around one day watching her ass work in the white panties she had on. He had told her that he intended to put his tongue between those beautiful cheeks, but that was as far as it had gotten. Now, he watched her sucking on Ram's cock. Her small mouth was stretched open wide, and she had most of her black man's cockhead inside of her. Blazer could see from her throat movements that her tongue was lapping at it. Unlike most cocksuckers, she didn't bow her head up and down, but, instead, depended on her lips and tongue to thrill with. Blazer liked that; he knew that she must be giving maximum friction right at the glands at all times in contrast with the more common up and down method which allowed the cockhead to lose contact with either lips or cheeks and to merely just float in the moist cavern of the mouth. He lay on his stomach and watched the girl work out, and his own cock forced its way into the sheet beneath him. Ram, who seemed to have been enjoying himself, suddenly sat up, pulling his dick out of the girl's mouth. It came out with a loud "plop," and she, with her eyes still closed, began to reach frantically for it. "Nah, baby," said Ram. "I want some of that ass today." She sat back and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then picked a hair from her lips. She glanced over at Blazer but said nothing to him. But to Ram, she said, "I want to see the stage show tomorrow night. Will you take me?" "You give me that ass, baby, and I'll take you anywhere you want," replied Ram urgently. "You lying, Ram," she retorted, "I know you." "No shit, babe, I'll do it, honest." She looked over at Blazer as she replied to Ram. "I don't believe you, but I need a good fucking anyway." Ram scampered around. He began to pile up a big mound of sheets. He worked hurriedly with his big cock sticking out and sometimes getting in his way. While he was piling the sheets, Blazer crawled over to the girl who was kneeling in the same fashion as one does at an altar, and he tongued one cheek of her backside.She said nothing, nor did she turn around to see who it was, for she already knew. Still on his stomach, Blazer raised himself higher and kissed the dimpled spot at the base of her spine. Now she leaned forward with her hands sinking up to their wrists in the soiled sheets, and Blazer buried his whole face into her hot behind. He had trouble reaching the bottom of her trench, but he was well on the way when he heard Ram say, "Goddammit, Blaze, quit eatin' up my fuckins. I don't want to get my dick dirty fuckin' around in your spit." And Ram pulled the girl away from Blazer and laid her, stomach down, in the pile of sheets he had made. Then he crawled around behind her and gazed at the delightful hill of flesh before him. She was a smooth brown, much lighter than the man who was about to "bung" her, and Blazer could see that she had, just where her thigh met her right ass cheek, a birthmark. It was a red rash and it looked like a small universe exploding and swirling in the infinite space which made up her beautiful body. Now Ram rubbed his cock over her skin; he was like a connoisseur tasting the food, loath to swallow it, for then it would be destroyed, and yet knowing that he must eat, that he must make this delicious morsel a part of himself. Ram's dick had lost some of its tension since she had stopped sucking it, and it bent a little as he caressed her ass with it. He began rubbing it harder against her skin and into the separation that parted her cheeks. "Goddam," exploded Ram, "Her ass is as hot as a motherfucker!" And Blazer could see the black cock stiffening out. Blazer also wondered what they would use for lubrication because the girl was small and Ram's cock rather large. Blazer was about to offer to go and find some Vaseline from the medical chest when he saw Ram's dick glowing as if it had already been greased. And indeed it had, for by rubbing his cock through the furrow of the girl's ass, he had coated his cock with the oils from her skin much as the pipe smoker shines his pipe by rubbing it along the side of his nose. Then Ram grasped the child by the bottom part of her cheeks and spread them open. He placed his cockhead well between them and removed his hands. Blazer could see that close to half of the long dick had gone from sight. "Oh shit, keep still now, bitch," gritted Ram as he took the base of his cock between his fingers, "Let me find yo' hole and then you can shake it all you want to." Already the girl was moaning, "Come on, man, come on! Too high, baby, too high!" Blazer could see what an effort it was for her to keep from waving her big ass around, but she did keep still after arching herself up off the pile of sheets. Suddenly she grunted, "That's it, baby, wow!" And Ram cried, "Hot damn, bitch. You're tearin' the skin off my cock. Oh shit! What a nut cracker!" She was moving her ass around like a hula dancer. Ram was becoming incoherent. He babbled and slobbered but he managed to walk on his knees behind the girl in order to keep his big dong stuffed into her big hot ass. But after a while they got winded. As they rested, Blazer could see no more of Ram's dick because it was all in the girl's ass. Ram had fallen forward over the girl's back, and they both rested on the big pile of sheets. But Blazer could see that, even though they were not moving around very much, something was happening between them. He could see the girl's haunches moving, and then he realized that she was rhythmically squeezing her ass muscles around Ram's cock. And even as he watched, he saw Ram, who was sprawled out over the girl's back, had buried his lips into the back of her neck and was gently sucking and biting her nape. She had her face buried in the sheet and Blazer wondered how was she able to breathe. But suddenly she raised her head up just like a swimmer coming up for air. She had tears coming out of her eyes and her lower lip carried the indentation of her upper teeth, and she screamed, "Ah, fuck it, baby. Go, go, go!" And Ram withdrew his cock and jammed it home again, but he seemed too weak to move vigorously. Then the girl began clawing at the sheets under her. She pulled them all away so she could have room to move, and when she was through, she was on her knees and her stomach was free to move. First, she rotated her ass slowly in several wide circles, and then she went faster, always grunting when Ram's cock hit a certain spot inside her. Next, she began hunching back and forth, back and forth, slamming her big soft ass against Ram's groin and letting it swallow up all of his extremely hard dick. Blazer saw that Ram was utterly helpless and that he was just gritting his teeth and holding on. The girl was like a bronco, she twisted and turned, and she pulled and jammed under him. They both were sweating now and the water from their bodies was actually running down the girl's sides, and Blazer saw one drop collect at her nipple before she shook it off in her frantic movements. Then Ram began to yell. It was a long exclamation. It was as if he were being tortured, and so he was, in a delightful way. "Oh, you bitch," he said, "I'm coming! You're making me cream, baby. Oh!" She whipped him harder now. "Come on, come, bust your nuts, nigger. I want all your juice." Ram yelled again, and Blazer heard the squish of his juice, and the girl continued to rub her saturated asshole against his blowing cock. She continued to move until his dick was too soft to give her any friction, and then she stopped. They lay still for a long time, it seemed to Blazer, before Ram pulled his limp peter from her. He pulled for a long time before he could retrieve it all, since she still clutched it tightly in her ass, but finally it came plopping out. It was obvious that she was not satisfied. Ram propped himself up against a wall and sat there looking at his limp organ, which lay peacefully along his thigh. "Man," he said, "she makes you cream from your toes." And then he just concentrated on his breathing. The girl lay there watching him, "You sure carry a lot of it around with you, baby. Feels like somebody pissed up my ass. But you ain't got no control, honey, I didn't get my gun yet." Then she looked at Blazer and she said, "I still need a man." Her eyes were on his hard cock, but she said nothing else. Blazer knew from watching Ram screw other girls that Ram had excellent control, and that he rarely came before the girl had climaxed at least twice. They used to have contests and he and Blazer were just about equal. So, as much as Blazer wanted the brown girl's big ass, he didn't want her to tell him also that he didn't satisfy her. And from the way his own cock felt, he didn't know whether he would last as long as Ram had up in her warm hole. But he considered that he had creamed already several times that day, and that, perhaps, would help him hold off. She was still on her stomach, and he moved around behind and over her. She said nothing, nor did she move. He felt that she was testing him, seeing just what he knew. He felt like an actor auditioning for an important part. He kneeled between her thighs and rested his dick on the crack of her ass. She wasn't in position and she wasn't moving. He placed his hands on her hips and gently pulled her backside up and back toward him. He let go of her to adjust his cock and she fell back down on her stomach. He cursed and he thought he heard her giggling. Again he pulled her back, but now he held her in place with one hand while he aimed his dick with the other. He found her asshole on the first try, and he began stuffing his huge cock in. He had forgotten about lubrication until just then and by now it was too late. Her hole was nibbling well on his cock now, and the pleasure was too excruciating for him to stop. Besides, she wasn't complaining, and if it hurt it would hurt her more than him. Then he remembered. Ram had furnished enough lubrication for several penetrations. And now Blazer thought that it was the first time he had ever screwed in another man's semen, but again, it was too late to stop. Now the girl was cooperating. She came back willingly, impaling herself on the big cock. Blazer could see now why Ram had gone off so soon. The girl's ass was fantastic. First there was a semi-hard ring right inside her hole that squeezed and massaged his cock. His whole dick had to go through that ring. It was like running a gauntlet. It was most sublime when he first put his cock in and the ring squeezed around it. Now his cockhead was well into her, and was enjoying the warm moistness of her insides. But even deep up inside her she had more ridges that closed around his cockhead and the long meaty shaft that followed it, and she could move those ridges and draw his cock in more. Now he had all of his cock inside her and the rings were squeezing the base, the middle and the head of it. Then she began to move her body, just a little, just enough to move that ring from the base of his cock up a little way and then back again, rhythmically. She did this for a long time, and Blazer began tightening his own asshole to try to keep from coming. Now, she began rotating as well as pulling, and Blazer's cock grew harder and stretched further up her ass. She was moaning now, and Blazer began reciting his multiplication tables, "Eight times one is eight, eight times two is sixteen, eight times three is twenty-four, eight times four is ... goddamn!" He had his head thrown back as if in prayer and he didn't hear Ram laughing, nor did he see the tears running down the black face. But he continued to recite, "Six times one if twelve ..." Her ass was a wondrous thing. With it she pulled, squeezed and bent his truncheon as she rubbed that magic spot somewhere deep inside her ass. Now the multiplication tables were fading from Blazer's lips.Every ounce of blood he had in his body was rushing to his cock, every bit of sweat he had was rushing to his cock, anything and everything that was wet in his body was rushing to his cock, and he knew that it was all going to be shot out into the girl's demanding ass. Any second now. "Goddamn, motherfucker, not yet, not yet!" he heard her scream. He wasn't moving at all of his own accord. He was frozen as stiff as a marble statue. His neck was constricted, he wasn't breathing. His eyes were jammed shut and his lips drawn back in a death-like grimace. Faster she went, showing him no mercy, telling him not to come and making him come at the same time. Then she snorted. She said something, but it was incoherent. She jammed his cock deeper into her ass than it had ever been before, and she froze as he let his juice go. Every muscle in his body collapsed at once and the cream shot from his cock into her rectum like the blast from a shotgun. Still she didn't move, and his come kept running out and the walls of her ass continued to milk him steadily. He was still coming when she said, "Shit!" and began to collapse onto her stomach. He fell on top of her; he was still coming a little, and he thought it must be blood. There can't be any more come left in me. "Shit, that was good," she said to him, although she now had her mouth buried against the dirty sheets. They lay there because they were too weak to do anything else, and he felt his dick withdrawing itself from her as it began to shrivel. He felt her ass caress it, milk it throughout its farewell journey. He lay in the examination room. He had the door closed and the lights out. It was after lunch and he had eaten like a starving dog, and now he lay there and he could still feel the inside of the girl's ass rubbing his cock. He was bone tired and he felt that he could sleep forever. But the door opened and Miss Bloom came into the room. She turned the lights on and she stood there with her hands on her hips until he opened his eyes and looked up at her. "You're supposed to be working, Mr. Blazer." "I'm tired, Miss Bloom, I can't move, honest. I feel like someone's turned my balls inside out." "Blazer, that little exercise we had this morning shouldn't affect you like that. Not a young man like you." "But... I mean I'm sorry, Miss Bloom." "You need a checkup. You ought to see a doctor. Meanwhile, I'll get you some vitamins. You can stay here and rest awhile, but, Blazer..." "Yesm'm?" "Be fresh tomorrow morning, dear." CHAPTER II The next morning Blazer had indeed recovered. In fact, right now he was sitting at one of the nurse's stations watching two girls, who were standing a little way down the hall talking. He would feel his life complete if he could fuck either one of them. One was the young Miss Carol Hooks who spotted his open fly after his set-to with Miss Bloom in the examination room, and the other was a woman, a little older, the mysterious nurse Rand. Miss Rand, he thought, was in her twenties. She never wore any make-up even when off duty. Blazer knew this because he had followed her home several times. But she didn't need anything on her face because it was naturally beautiful. As he looked at her, he appraised her beauty again. Her beauty wasn't of the commercial type; she wasn't a movie star or a model. She had large splotches on her cheeks and forehead, but they only made the rest of her skin whiter and purer. And she glowed; she was a brilliant pink and white woman full of life and, maybe, love. But her attitude about sex puzzled him. He could see, perhaps, her not wanting to participate herself, but she had let it be known that she didn't think anyone should ever have sex. That and the fact that she wasn't an old dried-up woman made Blazer's dick rise whenever she was around. It really bugged him because she was so good looking and untouched. And where in the hell did she come from? Nobody knew. She was a registered nurse, she was a good nurse, but she never talked about her past, or other hospitals where she had worked. She had a good body, her legs were small and shapely. Her hips were pronounced by her small waist, and her abdomen puffed out just enough to announce to the knowledgeable man that it was soft and comfortable. Her breasts were small, but he had no doubt that she was a woman. One of the other nurses had vouched for that after some prompting by him. But he had watched her for weeks and he had never seen her with either man or woman in any situation which might lead to screwing. And so, he wanted her because she was a good looking woman and because she piqued him. And then there was the rumor that she was an ex-nun. That excited him. The other girl went on down the corridor and Miss Rand, the ex-nun, came toward him. She entered the little cubicle of desks which comprised the nurse's station for that ward. She stood there at the counter reading reports and doctors' orders, and Blazer, who sat less than three feet away, could feel the heat of her body. He could see the faint line of her panties through the uniform. He could see that she did not have on a plain slip, but she wore one with lace around the bottom of it. It was a short slip and it stopped half way down her thigh. He could see, if he concentrated, where her stocking hooked onto her garter belt and his dick began to rise. He wanted to get closer to her, so he got up and stood behind her. He pretended to look over her shoulder at the reports. He looked down and saw his cock pushing out of his pants toward her ass. He took a deep breath of her clean womanly smell and then he said, "Anything serious on the ward? Miss Rand." She laughed, but she did not turn around, thank goodness, and she said, "They're all serious, Blazer, or they wouldn't be here. You always remember that, no matter what the doctors tell you." He stood a little closer. "Is there anything I can help you with?" "I don't think so," she replied pleasantly, "Why don't you just relax. It never pays to get excited." And then she pushed herself away from the counter, and in doing so, buried her ass against Blazer's stiff dick, excused herself, and was gone. Blazer stood there alone feeling cold; his dick was still hard, but his sweat had turned to ice water when she had left. She must have felt my cock, he thought. God, what a soft ass she had. Damn her, damn her anyway. He was ducking Miss Bloom because she would put him to work and because he didn't feel like any more examination room exercises with her right now. His encounter with nurse Rand had put him in the mood for something younger. He headed for the laundry room. But he didn't get there. He was passing the supply room when he heard a big crash come from inside. He went in and found Nellie Klutz in the distilled water again. "Nellie," he said, using a voice he thought sounded like a stern but fond disciplinarian, "are you cutting that medicinal alcohol with distilled water again?" Nellie Klutz was a hospital helper, which meant that she did any kind of work that was dirty or unpopular. She was a young girl of about twenty, but big, an Amazon, shapely with gigantic breasts, long brown hair and a retarded mind. When she was a child, she had stuck her hand into an empty lamp socket. They managed to save her life, but her brain was damaged, and in a little while, her body marched right along. Her mother was a showgirl, long legged with big titties, and she passed all this on to her little girl, who was now protected by the state and allowed to work in the hospital during the day and then back to the home for the retarded at night. She was well taken care of, the powers-that-be had provided for her every need, except sex. And she loved sex. It was the only time she made sense. She also loved the one hundred-and-ninety proof medicinal alcohol, and after a few swallows of that, she loved sex even more. One time, Blazer recalled, as he watched Nellie drinking out of the beaker she had mixed the alcohol and water in, she had gotten her fill of liquor and floated into the room of a cardiac patient, a man of about fifty years, and when the man's nurse went into the room, there was Nellie astride the man's cock, twisting and pulling it with her fabulous pussy. The nurse had to call Blazer, who had to actually lift Nellie off the man forcibly because she didn't want to get off and the man didn't want to let her off. The old boy almost died that night. His doctor was mad as hell, but the patient was rich, and he gave the hospital some equipment on the condition that Nellie not be fired or disciplined. Now he saw that she was through drinking, and she seemed to see him for the first time. She held the beaker out toward him. "Drink?" "No thanks. What else have you got to offer?" "Pussy? Ass? Piss? Fuck? Suck" She opened the top of her uniform. Her bra fastened in the front. She unhooked it. He saw her beautiful tits exposed, and she stood there waiting, her arms out toward him, and he saw that her young titties, the titties of an Amazon, now unconfined, reached beyond the elbow joint of her outstretched arms. "Suck..." She was pleading with him now, and her voice took on an enticing, pleading tone that made her sound as if she had more sense than most other women Blazer knew. He went over and locked the door and again reminded himself how shrewd he was to have put a lock on the inside of the supply room door. Then he walked back toward her. "Let's get undressed," he said. She stood there with her head cocked quizzically and then he said, firmly, "Naked, bitch, naked." And the fight returned to her eyes and she began pulling her clothes off. Now he stood in his white socks watching her removing her panties.His cock stood out, red and angry like the inflamed cock of a heated stud dog. His thick, luxuriant crop of pubic hair came almost up to his navel and even grew somewhat down the length of his dick, and only his balls were not fully covered, but a thick strand of kinky red stuff grew in the channel that separated his balls and in between his legs and around his asshole. His balls were too big to simply nestle in between his legs, so they hung proudly in front, just under the massive stiff cock which they fed. And in anticipation, they began to churn and pump as he saw the unkempt hairs of Nellie's pussy come from under the cover of her brief panties. He supported her as she stepped out of her panties; with one hand, he held her under an elbow and with the other, he stroked the crevice between the cheeks of her ass, while she bent over to remove the panties from around her foot. Then she kicked the panties away and stood up, and at the same time she grasped his cock. She was a big woman, and she did have big hands and was able to encircle his cock, but just barely. She was strong too. She squeezed it and he could feel the pressure dully, and he thanked God that he had a full hard-on, or else she would have crushed his poor cock. She dipped beneath him slightly, so that her upper thigh rubbed along the bottom of his balls, and now her breasts were just at the level of his mouth. "Suck... shit," she grunted. She was holding him now as if he weighed nothing, he knew that he was off balance, but he did not fall, he could not fall. She held him to her and he wondered if he could get away if he wanted to, but it was merely an academic question which required no answer. In between her breasts he pursed his mouth, sucking and biting at her chest. He reached back behind his ears and found the hard nipples, and he palmed them as a child would an apple he is about to steal. Then he began to kiss the side of her breasts, and he felt himself being carried over toward a wall. She leaned against that wall and held him to her, and he felt her pussy rubbing against his thigh, while a thigh of hers was generating heated friction against his balls. He put one of the nipples into his mouth and sucked it mightily, and she grunted and rubbed her pussy against his thigh faster. He bit down on the nipple and she cried out and wet his thigh with the juices from her cunt. Meanwhile his dick was being squeezed between their two bodies and was lying flat against their stomachs. Having his stiff dick pushed up like that in an unnatural bent was beginning to pain him, but when she creamed, she released him somewhat and he was able to back off and allow his cock to assume a more comfortable position. He continued to massage her breasts; he rolled them both at the same time. He pulled and caressed and rolled them against each other. He squeezed them together, bringing the nipples so close together that he could lick each one with a simple side to side swing of his head. "Suck. Suck. Shit!" she moaned, and she began to sink toward the floor. He could not hold her up because she was just too heavy for him, and so, when she sat down on the floor, her breasts pulled away from his mouth. He leaned over to continue sucking them, but the position was uncomfortable, and so, he had to straighten himself up. When he did so, he found that he had buried his big cock deep between her big breasts. The heat was terrific there, especially when she reached out and squeezed her breasts together so that his cock rubbing between them could feel more friction. He tangled his fingers in her hair as he worked his hips and thrust his cock in between her fat breasts. Then he felt the pressure against his cock lessen somewhat, and he opened his eyes and looked down at her. She was no longer holding her breasts together against his cock, and for the first time, he heard her begging quietly, "Suck, suck suck..." She held a cheek of his ass in each of her big hands, and as she leaned back, his big red cock popped up from between her breasts, and the head of it, the big purple nut with the deep slit in it oozing pre-fuck juices, hit the underside of her chin with a dull thump. She squealed and came forward again and buried the hot cockhead into the hollow of her neck just under her chin. She clasped his ass cheeks tightly; she used them as handles, and she pulled him toward or away from her as she desired. She rolled his cock between her chin and neck, and then between her cheek and shoulder. She played with his cock joyously, like an animal with its favorite plaything. And then she pulled him back, way back, freeing his cock completely. She watched it wave stiffly there right at the tip of her nose, and she said, "Cock, good, suck." And she nuzzled the angry glands with her nose, then she licked the deep oozing slit with her tongue and then, again with her tongue, she wet the whole head; and all the while she was squeezing and caressing his ass. She opened her mouth slightly, and she nodded her head forward and took the big head of his cock inside her. Now she rocked back away from his cock, watching it bounce slowly there in front of her, then she came forward again and took the head of it into her mouth again. The fingers of her right hand were touching those of her left in the crack of his ass and they roamed along the smelly trench like prostitutes working a dark street. "More," he heard her say, and he felt her slide his whole cock into her mouth. She closed her mouth tightly around his organ and puffed her cheeks out with air, and she rode her mouth up and down the length of his cock. Even though he already had a hard-on, her sucking made his cock grow even bigger, and now even she, the horny Amazon, could not get it all in her mouth. She no longer controlled the movements of his ass. Now he fucked her in the mouth of his own accord. He held her by the shoulders and swung his hips back and forth while he watched his cock pistoning in and out of her mouth. He rose up on his toes and shoved it in when he wanted it deep into her throat, and he bent his knees and flicked his hips upward when he wanted it to rub against the roof of her mouth. He felt one of her hands leave his ass, then he felt that same hand reposition itself between his legs. She held his balls with that hand while he oscillated back and forth, slipping his blood-filled, purple-red, big, hard cock in and almost out of her hot greedy mouth. He heard her moan, and he looked down and saw the saliva oozing out of her mouth, lubricating her lips, and covering his shaft with a glistening coat. He saw the spit run down her cheeks and drip onto her heavy breasts, and his cock in her mouth made a gushing sound while it grew harder. Her fingers now busied themselves around his asshole. The hand between his legs had left his balls and her two index fingers were probing and pulling at his anus. She pulled and stretched his anus as if it were made of rubber. Then she seized him with all her strength, and gripped his ass with her strong hands and clamping down on his cock with her lips and teeth until he could no longer fuck in and out of her mouth, she held him immobile. And when she knew that he had ceased his struggling, she still held on to his dick with her mouth, but she released his ass and began to molest his anus again. With two fingers of one hand she spread the anus apart and slowly worked the index finger of the other hand into his clinched rectum. In her finger went. He threw his head back in agony and ecstasy. Her finger probed deeply, well past the second joint. His cock grew too hard for her to hold with her teeth. But now he didn't move, there was no desire for him to move. There was no strength for him to move. His brain was overloaded with too much pleasure; he no longer had any reason or rationale. He was no longer a human being. He was only an animal, and at this moment the half-wit girl, whose mouth was full of his cock, was his intellectual, as well as physical, superior. She rotated her finger deep in his rectum. Around and around it went, touching a vital spot inside him. He felt her mouth leave him and he automatically looked down, his mindless eyes seeking the cause of her desertion. But she had not left him. Her mouth was only a fraction of an inch away from his cockhead, and she held it open, breathing on his gigantic glands. He could feel the hot breath from her throat. Behind him, her fingers searched inside his ass, and then one stopped on that sensitive spot. Somewhere deep inside his mind-what was left of it-cursed. How did she know of this spot? What betrayed him? Her finger caressed that spot unrelentingly, and each time she flicked it, hot flashes invaded his whole body. Each time she flicked it, every muscle he had collapsed and then valiantly regained strength until her finger came back again. He felt her panting on his cock tip. Now the strokes inside his ass were coming faster, and his muscles were being given less and less time to rebuild their strength. And the crisis was upon him. He whimpered and made incoherent pleas, and then he caved in. There was instantaneous blackness and excruciating pleasure as his cock fire-hosed gallon after gallon of pure come into her open mouth. Too much of it came for her to swallow at once. It gurgled back out of her mouth and fell on her breasts and stomach. It shot into her face and in her hair before she could get the rampaging cock under control, but she managed to grab it and direct it back to her mouth, and when that was full, she pulled herself up from the floor enough to spread her legs wide and she aimed the still spurting dick at her pussy and drenched her pubic hairs and cunt with the delicious juice.Blazer was coming back to his senses now, his balls were still churning out the come, and he saw her there with her legs open and her pussy agape. Her hand was jerking him off, and big globs of come hit her pussy like bullets. His asshole was still burning from her finger exercises, but he still had feeling in his cock. Now he wanted the warm haven of her cunt. He fell to his knees and pulled her hand away from his dick. He guided his cock to her pussy and sank it in. There was warmth and comfort there no sucking or jerking could ever offer. He stayed in her deeply, feeling his cock build up its strength again. It went from cartilage to bone; it now filled her pussy completely, and she hooked her legs over his shoulders. He fucked her steadily and without comment. All the comes he had had would be nothing to the one he was working up to. He knew that there was no substance left in him to give to her, but somewhere inside him there was one muscle that hadn't let go yet. But it was coming. She began to fuck back. She tossed his dick up and down the length of her pussy. His toes began to curl, it was coming. She bit down on his shoulder, she moaned, she cried, she came. And so did he. He pistoned his cock in and out at an incredible speed, and her greedy cunt scoured his balls and found enough come to drench her pussy very well. He felt himself spurting with every plunge of his cock, and he called her a bitch and a whore for draining him so. But he was relieved, and everything inside him relaxed. He became rapidly weak and slowly settled onto her lush Amazon body. And in her weakness, all she could do was cradle him. Not long after his adventure in the supply room, Blazer sat in the snack room and weakly held a hot cup of machine-made coffee in his hands. Nellie Klutz had completely emptied him. He felt like a hollow man, a cheap china doll. There was no substance within him; he consisted only of the thin, fragile outer covering which enclosed nothing. Even in his mind, there was neither contentment nor discontent, but only a grey mixture in which his mind soaked while his brain and his body recovered from their recent excesses. The cup trembled in his hands as he sipped from it. And then he looked up, and there stood Miss Bloom. Her eyes were sparkling, her lips wet, and she had Ram clutched by the sleeve. He stood towering over her like a black exclamation point. "Come, Mr. Blazer, I've been looking all over for you," she said. "I have something special I want you to do for me." Blazer got slowly to his feet and swayed there. Miss Bloom and Ram started off, and when she realized that he was not following, she stopped and turned and said, "Mr. Blazer, please hurry. I need you now." And hollow, weak, and limp, he meekly came along. There was a nurse's lounge on the same floor as the snack bar, but it was kept closed and locked because it was scheduled to be incorporated along with two other adjoining rooms as an examination station for outpatients. The nurses had a brand new lounge in the next wing, but Miss Bloom had a key to this one. As she approached the door, she already had the key segregated from the many others hanging from her waist, and she held it in front of her aiming for the keyhole as if she would win a prize if she succeeded in slipping the key into the tiny hole on the first try. And, indeed, Blazer saw that she was biting her lower lip as she jiggled the key in the lock, and he knew from past observations that it was her anticipation that was making her do that. She always did that when she was hauling him off somewhere to fuck. Then the door was open, he blinked once, and she had disappeared through it, and behind her, Ram shuffled into the room. When Blazer got into the room, she had already sat down on the leather-covered sofa with her dress well up past the tops of her stockings, and her fat, ivory-white thighs curving out of the white cotton hosiery and around the straps of her garter belt. Blazer came through the door and plodded over to the sofa, and he heard her say, "Close the door, Mr. Blazer. Please!" And he turned, like a low-grade idiot, and began to plod back toward the door. Then he heard her exasperated voice say, "Oh Ram, close the door for him. He'll be forever getting back over there." He saw a black blur, and the door was closed. "Lock it," she commanded, and he heard the click of the lock. Over toward the nice soft sofa he limped. "Look like that one Blaze what ain't got much heat," drawled Ram. "You just mind your own black ass business, Ram. C'mon Blazer, honey, Nurse Bloom'll fix you up. Did you lock that door, Whitewash?" "I locked it," replied Ram. "Well, undress me then. Blazer, take off your clothes, dear." Blazer sighed and arose from the couch where he had gratefully eased himself down just a few seconds ago. Mechanically he began to remove his clothes, and absent-mindedly, he watched Ram undress Miss Bloom. First, Ram took off her shoes. He was down on his knees, and she held her shapely legs open while he worked at her feet, not watching what he was doing, but instead, keeping his eyes hypnotically on the thin strip of nylon that just barely covered her pussy. Next, Ram began removing her stockings. With both hands, he gently grasped one leg at the ankle and slowly he moved his hands up toward the top of her stocking. His hands were forced further apart by the gradually increasing curvaceous wealth of her thighs, and when the back of his black knuckles touched her naked white thigh skin, she raised her ass off the sofa and sucked her breath in loudly. Ram fumbled with the stocking clasp. "Oh, don't you wish you could get some of this hot white pussy?" she taunted him. "Ah sho do," replied Ram automatically. "Well, if you be a nice nigger, I might give you some of my pee to drink." "Yesm'm." Ram dragged the stocking off and started on the other leg. "Goddamn," Miss Bloom grunted, "Blazer, bring your sweet cock over here." Blazer walked over. He was completely naked and he stood to one side of her so that Ram could unbutton her uniform, which was secured by a series of buttons that ran from her neck just under her chin, down between her full breasts, and there was one naughty button right at her navel. And the last button, which Ram had trouble with because it was in the hem of her uniform which was hiked up to her crotch, and which he couldn't undo without burying his knuckle into her pussy, which, in turn, caused her to moan and twist, making him lose the button again. But he did manage to get it undone. Now she had hold of Blazer's limp peter. She pulled on it like a bell rope while Ram unsnapped her bra, which had clasps in the front. After her titties were free, she pulled Blazer over close to her, making him kneel down on the couch next to her. She took his uncharged fire hose and rubbed it over both of her naked breasts. She rubbed the underside of it against her red nipples, and they grew hard and bigger. Ram tugged at her panties, and she raised herself from the sofa so that he could pull them from her ass. She reached out and cupped Blazer's empty, but still big, balls. Ram worked the panties down over her thighs and finally extricated each foot from its silky folds. Then he licked the bottom of her right foot, and then in between her toes while she rubbed Blazer's un-enthusiastic cock under her chin. Ram sucked on her big toe. She rubbed Blazer's cock along the cheeks of her face. Ram licked the insides of her leg. She put Blazer's machine into her mouth. Up toward her pussy, Ram came along a wet, warm path. She sucked on Blazer's cock, but then she stopped and said, "Assholes for niggers, Ram. Suck my ass." She put both of her feet up on Ram's shoulders and rested herself on her spine so that her brown button was available to him, and then she went back to licking and sucking Blazer's bent pipe. Ram puckered his lips to match the puckered hole facing him. Gently he applied his mouth to her shit hole and began to eat. Blazer could not get any feelings into his cock in spite of Miss Bloom's ministrations. He had tried and now he had given up. She stopped blowing him and looked quizzically at his peter as it flopped around in her fist. "Blazer," she said, "there's something wrong with you." "No there ain't, Miss Bloom," he replied. "The hell you say. I can suck a rag doll up, but you're as limp as an empty stocking. Have you been fucking that Nellie Klutz again? If you have, I'll have that crazy-witted bitch sent to a home somewhere." "No ma'm, I ain't seen Nellie for a week." "Well, then you're sick, goddammit, you're sick! Jesus, what am I going to do? Oh, Ram! You're biting me." She examined Blazer's cock closer. "Yes," she said, "you need an examination. I'll make an appointment for you to see a doctor. But I need a fucking and there's no one around to give me one. Oh! Ram, dammit, you bit me again!" Ram stopped his sucking and stood up. His cock stood out like a large flag pole from a small building; it was a blood-filled, black, gigantic, battle-scarred weapon, and it waved there just inches from Miss Bloom's breasts, and slowly she released Blazer's flabby tool. Unbelievingly she stared at Ram's dong. "Oh shit, he's going to rape me," she cried. "No I ain't," said Ram. "Save me, Blazer," she yelled. "Don't rape her," said Blazer listlessly. "Ah won't," replied Ram. "Ram, don't you hit him, you ape. You'll kill him." She put her arms out to protect Blazer. "Ah ain't gonna hit nobody," Ram explained. "Blazer, you can't handle him without a gun. He's a nigger, he's not all human. I'll give him what he wants. Oh, the white woman's burden!" She reached out and grabbed Ram's cock. With both hands she pulled it toward her.Ram, unbalanced, fell forward on her, and his cock went into her pussy with a loud slurp. For a full minute, they lay immobile, unable to move because of the ecstasy of the sudden contact. "Oh, Jesus," she cried. "Hot damn," moaned Ram. They twisted sideways and lay along the couch; she had one foot flat on the floor while the other one was flung over the back of the couch. Ram had both knees on the couch and they were parted enough so that Blazer could see the big, thick, black spade handle being gobbled by Miss Bloom's greedy, joyfully stretched white cunt. At first, because Ram was on his knees while Miss Bloom was flat on her back, they couldn't reciprocate up and down in the traditional way, but instead, Miss Bloom rotated her warm moist cunt around as much of Ram's cock as she could get into her. Blazer could see through Ram's legs that she was vainly trying to engorge more of the big cock into her pussy by trying to rise up, but the way she was positioned she simply could not do it. But all the while she was yelling, "Oh, he's killing me. Oh shit, he's too goddamned big! I can't stand it!" She flung her arms out and clenched and unclenched her fists. She tossed her head from side to side and her face became a mask of pseudo-pain. Blazer could see Ram's massive ball sacs churn and he could see the cheeks of Ram's ass tighten. "Oh, I'm coming," Miss Bloom cried, and with a mighty superhuman effort, she pulled herself up along Ram's black cock, using her leg which she had over the back of the couch as a lever to hoist her whole body. Now she pumped him rapidly, and Blazer could see, as her pussy pistoned up and down, the part of Ram's cock that she was able to conquer, the glistening milk-like product of her cunt coating the black cock like thick saliva. And in the midst of her spasms Ram grunted one single low sound and with a sudden powerful thrust he pinioned Miss Bloom's up-and-down ass right to the couch. She shot both legs straight up into the classical vee of sexual surrender and all three of them in the room held their breaths as, Blazer could see, Ram's balls began to shoot scalding thick juice into Miss Bloom's cunt. Blazer could see it coming down inside Ram's cock like a snake regurgitating, wave after wave it came. Then he saw her inundated pussy, filled to capacity, overflow. The stuff came out in explosive spurts, thick, rich, white. Thick globules of it clung to both pairs of thighs. It ran like melted wax down out of her pussy and along the channel of her ass. It lay in a viscous pool on the couch. Now Blazer's own cock stood up. He waited for Ram to get off, but instead the black orderly reached down and grabbed Miss Bloom by the cheeks of her happy ass and, leaning back on his knees, he pulled her ass up off the couch so that only her shoulders touched it. Like a bullet leaving a gun barrel, his cock rammed into her pussy. Ahead of it was pushed a great mass of air which made a vulgar sound, and the air pushed out more juice. It came out like shotgun pellets, it splattered Ram's stomach, and some of it flew between his legs and sprayed Blazer and the wall behind him; the whole movement was so fast and unexpected that Miss Bloom could only manage a weak, delighted "Oooh!" Now Ram's cock was buried up to the hilt. His balls rested against Miss Bloom's soft warm ass. She threw her arms overhead and pressed herself up against him even tighter. Silently they deep-fucked that way for a long time. Then Ram got up to his knees. He leaned back and rested her ass on his thighs while still keeping his cock buried deeply in her pussy. In this position she could no longer comfortably keep her leg on the back of the couch, so she laid it along the sofa itself, between the back and his kneeling body. With her shoulders on the sofa, her big soft ass on his fore-thighs, her pussy, loaded with his hot dick, was positioned up in the air and at his mercy. With both hands he grasped her at the waist and held her firmly. Now he began a fantastic, hoochy-koochy movement of his pelvis which pistoned his cock back and forth in her fiery pussy at a rapid rate. She tried to move, but he held her mid-section immobile. With each thrust, her pussy got hotter, with each thrust his cock became harder, with each thrust his dick went in a little deeper, with each thrust he pumped her a little higher and she knew that whatever it was that he was building in her was bound to burst soon. She tried to scream out her joy, but no sound came except the weak regular grunt each time he reached the bottom of her inflamed cock. Blazer had never seen nurse Bloom treated like this before. She usually had her wits about her, and had some command of the situation, but now, here she was as helpless as if she really was being raped. He watched Ram's black cock engorge the raised pussy; he saw the copious amounts of fluid which flowed where cunt swallowed cock. He saw how the brown hairs of her pussy were drenched with it; he saw how the black kinky hairs of Ram glistened and dripped with the pearly essence of fuck juice. And Ram fucked on. Miss Bloom shuddered and creamed, her eyes rolled back in her head and then closed. Ram raised up on his knees a little to get a better shot into her. Her eyes popped open; she watched him without blinking once. She knew what was happening, she could feel his cock burning hotter, getting harder, she could hear the moan rising up out of him. She tightened her asshole, which made her pussy suck the black dick harder; she felt his grip weakening on her waist, and she managed to thrust her pussy down on him, rubbing her clit hard against his moving cock. And she found her voice, "Oh you black sonofabitch, fuck me! Sock it to me! Oh Lord, I want it all ..." And she felt his dick jump, and he stopped moving but held his dick head against the back wall of her grinding, sucking pussy, and with a hoarse shout, he came. It was just one thick, hot stream of semen which made her respond with a frightening climax of her own. And then they both went into a well-earned stupor with their wet bodies still entwined, their sweat mingling and collecting in little rivulets on the leather couch. But even as Blazer was putting on his clothes, he saw Ram's backside begin a weak but steady grind, and he saw Miss Bloom respond. With some difficulty, Blazer managed to zip up his pants and he left the room, closing the door quietly on the two mating animals. CHAPTER III Blazer's cock was hard. It pushed painfully against his trousers, and he wondered around the halls of the hospital trying to cool off. He had just gotten things under control when he found himself in the intensive care section for heart patients. He had never made a habit of coming over here because there simply was no reason for him to do so. The nurses over here were strictly for business, and the patients were mostly men and they were immobile and monitored electronically. Ironically, most of the money for setting up this ward came from the patient who was attacked by Nellie Klutz. Here the halls were quiet and the nurses stayed at the monitoring station, and only an occasional visitor was seen in the hall. Blazer rounded a corner and found his dick jammed into the soft ass cheeks of a young woman who was bent over, walking backwards, and pulling a large chair. They collided with some force, and he had to grab her by her ample hips to keep her from being knocked headfirst into the seat of the soft chair she was dragging. It was obvious to him that through her dress, slip and nylon panties that she had felt his alert cock harden in the crevice of her buns. Blazer pulled himself away from her reluctantly and apologized. She turned and faced him, her eyes scanning his face, then his crotch, and back to his face again. She was a platinum blond, well cared for, and Blazer guessed, about in her late twenties. She wore expensive clothes and only enough make-up to be in style. "There's no chair in my husband's room," she laughed, "and I was just trying to drag this monster in there. I stole it from another room. I hope you won't turn me in." "Oh no, ma'am," said Blazer. "In fact, I'll help." "It's heavy," she said, "Maybe we both ought to work together. I'll pull and you push." Then she turned and bent over to take the chair by the arms again. And in doing so, the back of her hand touched Blazer's semi-hard dick, and when she bent over to the chair, her hip brushed against him. He got behind the chair and began to push while she pulled. Being bent over as she was, he could see right down the front of her dress, which hung away from her beautiful body. She wore a lacy, pale blue half-bra which only managed to cover the lower half of her breast and the nipples. But even so, he could see the top half of each of her dark aureoles. Blazer felt that she must have been aware of his staring at her because she looked up into his face and then down at what he was staring at, and she made no attempt to cover herself. But too soon, they reached the room and she had to straighten up to open the door. "In here," she whispered, and she smiled at him. Inside, there was a man lying under an oxygen tent. He didn't move when they came in, and the tent, made of clear plastic, was misted over inside with water vapor. She went over and looked down at her husband. "He's in a slight coma. But he'll be all right." "You seem very calm," whispered Blazer. "Oh, we've been through this before." "Gee, I can't see him too good through the mist, but he sure looks real young to be having heart trouble." "The poor dear was born with it. We were trying to decide whether or not he should have an operation, but now I suppose there's no question about it. Now we have to get him strong enough to travel to Sweden for it." "Poor guy."Oh, it's not as bad as it seems. We're sure that the operation is going to be a success, and he's definitely not poor. We both have a little money, that is, our families do." "I still feel sorry for him." "You have a nice, soft heart. But you're not soft all over, are you?" She sat down in the chair and kicked her shoes off. She folded her legs under her, and her dress rose up to mid-thigh. "You feel sorry for him, but don't I get any compassion? After all, having a sick husband does pose a certain delicate problem for the wife, especially if the man can't exert himself and hasn't been able to do so for months." She rubbed her legs, apparently absent-mindedly, as she talked, and Blazer stood over her watching, feeling his cock grow. "I... I feel sorry for you too," he stammered. She unfolded her legs and crossed them. "Of course you do," she said. Then she got up, and in her stocking feet, walked over to the small toilet that was set like a closet in one wall of the room. The mirror and sink of the toilet faced the open door, and she stood there in front of the mirror with her back to him and began to tamper with her hair. She stood wide-legged, and the tight dress tightened more around her young body. "Did you like what you saw when I was pulling the chair?" "Yes." "What did you see?" "What do you mean?" "What was it that you were staring at when I looked up at you?" "You know." "Tell me, and I'll show them to you." "Your titties..." "You want to see them badly, don't you?" She was laughing. "Yeah..." She walked out of his sight toward the commode, which was hidden behind the wall to the right of the doorway. She said nothing, and all he heard was the blood rushing in his ears. His cock poked against his pants. He stood there waiting. "Come here," he heard her say softly. He went into the toilet. She stood there just to the side of the commode; she had piled her clothes neatly on the commode tank and now she was completely naked. She fixed her eyes on his and held a breast in the palm of each hand. Still watching him, she slowly caressed the undersides of her beautiful melons. She teased her own nipples until they stood out red and angry like bee stings. He went to her, his mouth watering, and bent to her and took a hard nipple into his hungry mouth. While he was sucking her, he felt her small hands capture his stiff cock through his pants. She stroked him methodically while he sucked. He put a hand between her legs and began to stroke gently. He treated her like an expensive, delicate creature. She was obviously rich and used to the better things of life, and he was determined that she would not consider him some lower-class animal. He heard her whisper in his ear for him to take his clothes off, and immediately, he obeyed. There was a shower right opposite the commode, and while he was undressing, she disappeared into the shower stall. He was thinking, when he saw her go in, that how perfectly natural for a rich girl like her to want to be clean before exposing herself to her man. He had decided while entering the shower right behind her that he too would cleanse himself just for her. She turned to face him as he entered. "I don't know what to say," she said. "Just turn the water on," he replied. "Not yet. You see, I have a little hang-up about sex. I don't always get to indulge myself as I like to, but I thought that you being associated with the medical field, you would understand. And also being so gentlemanly, you'd cater to a lady's whims." "You're so beautiful, I'd do anything for you." "Come closer." He did so, and she hefted his cock and balls in her hands. "Oh, that's a pisser, that's really a pisser," she said. Then she told him to sit down on the floor. And he sat down on the cold shower floor and propped himself against the frigid tile wall, but he was so excited that he hardly noticed any discomfort. Still standing over him, she turned her back to him. He watched her beautiful ass as she squatted down toward him. His dick reached out for her body. Now she reached between her bent legs and grasped his blood-hardened tool. While holding his stiff cock against her crotch, she rubbed the shaft of his dick between her legs, splitting her wet trench with it. She began to moan, "Yes... yes... it makes me want to do it. Can I do it, baby?" And he replied agonizingly, "Yes, you beautiful bitch, you can do anything you want to." "Oh shit. It's coming!" He threw his head back against the hard wall as he felt what she was doing to him. "Hotdamn," he cried, "your piss feels good." She was peeing on the head of his cock, and the piss ran down onto his abdomen and dribbled off his balls. It ran like heated wine, and all the while she was pinching rhythmically the underside of his cockhead with her fingers, playing in her own water. His balls began to churn, and he nearly shot his load, but he regained control of himself. She raised up from him a little. "Lie flat on the floor," she requested, and he managed to do so, but his legs stuck out of the shower stall. "Do you like me?" she asked. "I love you." "Am I beautiful?" "Gorgeous." "You could eat me up, couldn't you?" "Oh, yes, ma'am." "You've never had a rich piece like me before, have you?" "No..." She went to her knees in front of him. Her hair clung to her shoulders as she grasped his cockhead into her mouth. She sucked it briefly and then said, "Give me some pee." "I'll try," he said. "Please," she begged, and she tilted her head downward and pushed the top of it against his abdomen while she fondled his tool and brushed the shaft against her kissing lips. He made his muscles relax, and the nectar she wanted so badly began to come. It seemed to catch her by surprise, for when she felt it wetting her fingers, she fumbled frantically to get the spouting head into her mouth. She swallowed what she wanted, and the rest forced its way between lips and cock and flowed down onto her breast and thighs. She sat back from him and rubbed the piss all over the front of herself. She rubbed it well between her legs, and then she made a small outcry and collapsed against his legs. Gently, he picked her up and turned on the shower. A girl like her, he thought, likes to be clean. The next morning, Nurse Bloom told him, rather coldly, that she had made an appointment for him with the resident doctor. She herself didn't know who the doctor was, but whoever it was, Blazer was to report and explain his problem; otherwise, she said she would have to see about terminating his job because he was not healthy enough to work around sick people. So that morning he sat around waiting for his hour of appointment to come. He sat in the nurse's station and read a magazine from the day room. Carol Hooks, the high school student nurse, came in. She had a small package in her hand as she flopped down in the chair next to him. "What are you doing? Goofing off?" she asked. "Naw, I got an appointment to see the doctor," he mumbled. "S'matter, you sick?" "Naw, Bloom wants me to." "She ought to know that there's nothing wrong with you. You're probably just exhausted, that's all." "Why in the hell do you say that?" "Oh, never mind." Abruptly she extended a leg out and pulled her uniform well up on her thigh. "Tore my stocking," she said. "Lucky I had some money to buy some more." She began taking her new stockings from the bag, but then she paused, "I'd better not change them here. Some poor guy might come along and go ape. I'll be in the storeroom." She got up and went into the small shelf-lined room next to the nurse's station. She only closed the door partially, and he could see her shadow as she moved just behind the door. He sat there for a few moments and then almost automatically he got up and went to the little room she was in. He stepped around the door and stood there boldly and watched her. And she, just as boldly, went on with what she was doing. She had the hem of her uniform tucked under her chin. Her slip fitted so tightly that it just stayed there where she had pulled it, around her small waist. Her panties were brief and pink but with a lacy overlay of very dark red, which allowed the pink to show through as if it were her very own skin. White, silky garter belt suspenders came from under her panties and latched on to the straining welt of her overloaded stockings. The stockings squeezed her thighs almost like a tourniquet, and as he stood there, she unfastened the last snap of the torn stocking and began to roll it down her leg. He could see a red reproduction of garter belt fastener and the strap itself printed on her full white thigh. She already had her shoes off, so leaning against the shelving, she bent her leg and yanked the stocking off her foot. He watched it float through the air toward him, and as slow as it went, he didn't try, nor was he sure that he could, get out of its way. It landed lazily on the top of his head, and the exhausted welt, still warm from the heat of her upper thigh, settled ever so lightly against his nose and mouth. One eye was obscured by the stocking, but with the other, he could see her massaging the red indentations in her meat. "Oh, goddamn," she said. "I'll be marked for life. My thighs are so fat. I bet you didn't know I had such big legs up here, did you, Blazer? C'mere, see if you can get these marks off of me." When she looked up from her legs, all she saw was her stocking floating down to the floor, but she felt Blazer's hands on her thigh. He kneaded her gently. "Oh, you are a gentleman, Blazer. I can tell. I bet some men would attack me like a dog after a piece of raw meat. That feels good, Blazer, so good.Blazer continued to rub. He knew she was a young girl. She probably hadn't had too many experiences, if any at all, and she certainly never had gone this far with a man without having to fight the guy off. She needed a man to become frantic before she would cut him off. She never realized that a pro like Blazer never got frantic, that he would work her up methodically until she was too hot to want him to stop. The tips of his fingers were under her panties now. "You need a little moisture to get these marks out," he said. "Moisture? What do you mean, Blazer?" she sounded far away, like she was speaking absent-mindedly. "I'll show you," he said, and he planted his mouth over and around the little red circle in her flesh. He licked and he sucked while his right hand caressed her backside and the fingers of his left entangled themselves in her moist hairs. She was breathing hard now, and he heard her puffing grow louder as he slowly rotated her around to face him squarely. Now, with a slight toss of his head, he could cover both thighs with his tongue, and after feasting in this manner for a while, he tilted his head back slightly, opened his mouth wide, and placed it against her silken-covered crotch. He breathed through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. His warm, moist breath penetrated her thin panties, wilted her pubic hairs like boiling water does a noodle, and opened her pussy like a steamed clam shell. He heard her gasp and felt more of her weight against his face. He opened and closed his mouth, massaging her cunt with his lips. Her panties were sopping wet from his spit and her juices. "God, Blazer, God!" he heard her cry out somewhere far above him. He removed his hands from her body and unfastened his pants, and his cock leaped out like a jack-in-the-box, its hungry purple head rubbed against her leg, mid-calf. Up his hands went again, this time to the waistband of her panties, and he peeled her panties down to her ankles, where she impatiently stepped out of them. Now he stood up, dragging his gigantic cock along the length of her writhing body. Her legs opened and then closed, as best they could, around his fire hose. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and she sucked on it and caressed it with her own tongue. Her wet pussy slopped along the base of his blood-hardened cock. This was a dream come true for him, here was the youngest nurse in the hospital, a girl not out of high school yet, twisting herself against him and rubbing her naked cunt over the shaft of his tool. "Stop it!" someone screamed, and screamed again when they continued to go at each other. He pulled his tongue from the girl's mouth and jerked his head around and saw Miss Rand, the ex-nun, standing indignantly in the door. "You animals," she cried, "You dirty, filthy, rutting pigs!" Tears rolled down her cheeks, "How can you profane yourselves in such a manner? How can you do this!" Nurse Hooks pulled away from Blazer. Her uniform came down, although her slip stayed somewhere around her waist and her panties remained on the floor. Blazer turned, and his big, purple-red cock pointed at Miss Rand like a loaded gun. It waved and bounced stiffly right there in front of her, and her eyes widened when she saw it. Her voice failed in mid-sentence, she put her hand to her open mouth and then, with the same hand, she started to reach for the delicious piece of meat dangling in front of her, but instead, put her hand back to her mouth. "God!" she said and turned and fled. "That bitch'll report us," said Hooks as she scrambled into her panties, "Oh, God, I'm ruined!" Blazer wanted to continue where they had been interrupted, he reached out for a tentative caress, but the young girl brushed him off and was gone before he knew it. He arrived in plenty of time for the appointment that Nurse Bloom had set up for him. The office consisted of two rooms. One, which contained only a small steel desk and two chairs, was entered right off the hall; the other, the examining room, was entered through a door which opened into the first room. When Blazer got there, he simply sat down in the chair beside the desk since the doctor had not gotten there yet. He reflected on how he hated physical examinations, how undignified he felt with another person probing and feeling and asking a lot of intimate questions. And then, there was always that hidden, unspoken possibility of something really being wrong, some rare uncontrollable disease that would arrest his young, happy life. He would rather have died peacefully ignorant instead of going through the torture of tests and consultations, and finally, residence in a terminal ward where death shops for life like housewives for food in a supermarket. The doctor came in finally, and arrested his thoughts. She was a young Oriental, short but well-formed, stocky, except that she was too curvaceous to be called that. Her ankles were small, and her calves fat, her knees swelled out in her short skirt into ample thighs. Her waist was exceedingly small, and her breasts just the right size. Her mouth was small, but her lips were full, her teeth white as plaster, and they protruded just enough to keep her mouth enticingly agape. Her eyes, of course, were slanted, and her hair was pulled back and twisted into a long, beautiful, blacker than black strand which stopped just at the small of her back. She mumbled a greeting and smiled apologetically at him as she sat down very self-consciously behind the desk, which was a place of authority, and where she had been taught that no woman should ever be. But she was here for the benefit of her people, and she was ashamed of her discomfort, but it was there nonetheless. In this situation of doctor and patient, with the patient seeking help, making a supplication to another human being to save him from the vagaries of nature and the treason of his own body, an American intern, or resident, would quickly assure the patient of the inferiority of all patients, and by communication of tone of voice, abruptness of manner, chastise the patient for taking up so much of his valuable time. But she had entered the profession out of compassion, and try as it could, medical school had not managed to wring this noble characteristic out of her. She loved life and everything that contributed to it. She pulled her glasses out of the breast pocket of her smock and took a blank form from a box on the desk and began to ask Blazer the necessary questions to fill it out. Her voice was tiny, her accent slight and delightful. Blazer had to listen carefully to understand what she was saying, but he found it a pleasant task. "Do you have fainting spells?" "No, ma'am." "Heart trouble?" "No..." They went through all the childhood diseases, most of which Blazer had had, TB, which he hadn't, epilepsy, and even athlete's feet. When the form was completed, she said, "Well, what is your complaint?" "Miss, I mean, Nurse Bloom sent me here. She thinks I'm, eh, run down." "How do you feel?" "Fine." "Why would she think that you're run down?" "I don't know, but she is a nurse." "Of course. Shall I examine you? Or would you rather have a male doctor?" "I ain't bashful if you're not." "I'm bashful about some things but not that." "Let's go then." She led him into the examining room and waited for him to enter, and then she closed the door. "Well, since you're in the profession, I guess we don't have to be so formal," she said, pulling her stethoscope out of her pocket. He sat slump-shouldered on the examination table, and she put a thermometer into his mouth, and the pungent sterilizing fluid under his tongue made his saliva flow. She put the ear pieces of the stethoscope to her ears and gently unbuttoned his shirt. She did it casually, and he straightened his back for her so that she could get to the buttons easier. She looked into his face for a moment, and their eyes met. But he couldn't be certain whether she was looking at him or to see that he was holding the thermometer under his tongue. She pulled his shirt apart, and the tips of her fingers lightly touched his chest. Then she put the cold stethoscope cup to his skin and listened intently at various spots along his chest. Then she stood back a little and again, looking him straight in the eyes, she grasped his shirt at the waist firmly and pulled it out from his trousers, then she walked behind the table and listened to his back. "Why are you breathing so hard?" she asked, and he, not realizing that he had, indeed, begun breathing hard, hummed an "I don't know," through the thermometer. Then, she was back in front of him, smiling, and she took the thermometer out of his mouth. She hardly glanced at it before she put it away. Then she looked with an instrument into his eyes, nose, and ears. "You seem to be perfectly healthy to me," she said as she turned his hands palms up and looked at them. She ran a finger down the life line of his palm, and then back up again, and then circled it around and around in the center of his palm. Her touch was perfect, and Blazer began to be aware of a warmth coming from her body and of the smell of her hair which was less than an inch from his nose as she looked down into his palm. His cock stirred and began to glow warmly. "I can't see why Nurse Bloom sent you here," She released his hands, "If there is something wrong with you, I'll have to give you a more thorough examination to uncover what it is. However, I do know Nurse Bloom fairly well, and perhaps we'd better make a few more checks. OK?" "I guess so." "Take off your trousers." While he struggled his pants off, she sat down and watched him with interest. His cock was turgid, and she neither turned nor hesitated when he pulled his undershorts off, giving her a full view of his tool.He put his clothes on the table, and she arose and came over to him. "I am supposed to wear rubber gloves for this, but I won't this time unless you want me to." "Oh no," he murmured, "I don't mind, I guess." He leaned against the table, and she grasped his cock and turned the head up and looked directly at it. She was bent over so she could get a better view, and she watched the head turn from white to red, and she felt the shaft defying the grip of her hand as his cock began to swell tremendously. Soon it stood erect, and she released it, and she marveled at its size and rigidity. "Your reactions are very good," she said. She pulled the chair over to where he was standing, and she sat down. She could see his balls now, and she reached out and cupped them in the palms of her hands. "These must set some kind of record," she said. "I wish I had a scale." She continued to cradle his balls, and one of her fingers scratched at the very sensitive spot between his legs, behind his balls, and just under his asshole. "I want a sample of your emission," she said, "Will you let me have some?" He assented, and she quickly got up and found a beaker. "Put it all in here," she said. The subtlety of her voice failed to hide her excitement. "Get up on the table on your hands and knees," she told him, and pushing his clothes off on the floor, he did so. His big balls hung straight down, and his stiff dong pointed toward his upper body. She placed the beaker on the table under the head of his big cock. "Shoot it all in here," she told him. "I can't. It just won't come out." "I know. I'll help you." He felt her fingertips on the small of his raised back, and the fingers of her other hand around his cock. With her cock hand, she pumped his tool gently, and the other hand left the small of his back and began to travel through the furry, damp crease of his ass. Methodically, she pumped his cock, lightly she teased the hair around his asshole. Then, he felt her open mouth on his hip. She tongued him along his side, and then she bit lightly along the outside of his thigh. She pushed her finger to the opening of his ass and slowly, in rhythm with her pumping of his cock, she massaged it around and around, each time putting her finger in a little deeper. It felt good, but still he didn't feel the need to shoot his load. She sensed this and prepared to take other measures. "You're too tense," she said, "let us relax and enjoy it." Her hands left him then, and he raised up off the palms of his hands and knelt straight up on the table. She went around to the front of the table and stood there and unbuttoned her clothes. Under her white smock, she wore a tight-fitting dress, which she unbuttoned as far as it would go, that is, down to her waist. She pulled the dress off her shoulders, and the top half of it collapsed around her substantial hips. She had on a half slip, so only her bra stood between Blazer's bulging eyes and the meat of her breasts. She folded her arms behind her, and soon the bra lost its form and became just a piece of cloth as she let it fall away from her magnificent titties. She looked at him, and she cupped and squeezed her melons. His tempered tool became harder and gained an inch. Now she came over to him, and with his kneeling there, her breasts came right up to his hungry cock. She stood there in front of him and by swaying from side to side, she batted her tits against the hard purple head of his dick. Then she stopped and placed his cock between her boobies and, squeezing them tightly together, she rubbed his prick between them. She closed her eyes for a while and then said, "The heat is fantastic. It's unbelievable. I wish I had some way of measuring it." "How does it feel?" he managed to ask. "Wonderful. But I want your come in this jar, not running down my stomach. So we'd better do something else." Abruptly she stepped away from him. "Get it back over the beaker," she said. He went back down onto the palms of his hands and stuck his ass back up in her air. She checked the beaker under his cock and softly went around behind him. "Empty your balls for me," she whispered. He felt her reach between his legs and grasp his cock, all that she could that extended beyond his giant hanging balls, and she gripped it firmly and squeezed it and rotated her closed hand around it. And then, he felt it. It was a warm, wet, almost ethereal sensation at first. The lightness of its touch forced him to concentrate all his attention on it, but then it became more pronounced, and he could relax somewhat and enjoy it, yes, her tongue was tickling his asshole. Through her hand around his cock, she could feel him responding, through her ears she could hear him moaning, and knowing that she was bringing him off, she pushed her nose, chin, and mouth deeper into his crack and sucked, blew, licked, and nibbled at his asshole. Her right hand milked his cock, and her left hand cradled and rubbed his balls. She heard him grunt and felt his anus dilate, and her tongue plunged into the hot passage. She felt his balls tighten and his cock jerk, and she knew that he was coming. Quickly, she left her station at his backside and ran around to make sure that he was ejaculating into the beaker. She got there just before the mess began to flow, she saw his cock jerk madly just like an unmanned firehose with a full head of water coming from the nozzle. She grabbed it and aimed it toward the beaker. She held it tight lest it jump from her grip. He gave a short howl and began to come. It shot from his dick in a pencil-thick stream, it hit the inside of the beaker and splashed out over her hand which held the beaker. It was hot, almost scalding, instantly she aimed the shooting cock down farther in an effort to catch all she could. The bottom of the beaker was covered, and still out his come came. Now it was coming rapidly up the sides of the glass. "I'll have to get another beaker," she said aloud. Soon, however, the stream of come had reduced to a thinner stream, and she could feel his cock deflating somewhat. The beaker was almost full, and the come inside was so thick that it didn't slush but, instead, it lazily rolled around like heavy cream. Blazer's dick was now dripping come into the beaker. "Is that all? Do you have any more?" she asked, and she pulled on his softening cock, and Blazer responded with three strong explosive shots into the glass. She took her hand away, and Blazer collapsed on his stomach. He lay there and watched her through glazed eyes as she hefted the beaker in her hand, "So much of it!" she marveled, "Never have I seen so much. Back home we made a bull elephant..." Her voice trailed off into unintelligible mutterings as she examined the contents of the beaker. She looked at it closely, she smelled it, and finally, she dipped a finger into the white fluid and from there put it into her mouth. Then she glanced at Blazer just before she put the whole beaker to her lips. Blazer's cock began to grow warm again as he watched the young Oriental girl drink his thick cream. She didn't drink it all because, she said, she still wanted to have it examined in the laboratory. She set the beaker down on the desk, and when she came toward Blazer, he could see that the thick stuff was covering her upper lip. She saw him looking at it and she tongued it off slowly so as to prolong the taste, and Blazer's dick got harder. So hard it became that he rolled over on his back. She still had her breasts bared, and when she leaned over him, looking into his face, they hung ripely down near his chest, and he could feel the hairs on his own breast reaching out for them. "Do you always come that much?" "I don't know. I've never caught it in a cup like that before." "In my country, they would make you a priest, and all the women in the village would come to you at least once a month. And all the young girls would enter your hut as children and leave as women. Men would drink your urine to keep themselves potent. You would be the most important, most respected man for miles around." "I don't get it. Why?" "Because of this." She reached behind her and grasped his cock. Immediately, it grew harder, and she couldn't bring herself to let it go. She held it as she continued to talk, "Your come would be mixed with blood and sprinkled on the land to make the crops grow. Artists would copy your erect cock in jade. You would give some of your come to your favorite women so that they could rub it onto their skin and thus always stay soft and young looking. Haven't you ever heard of a 'comely' woman? Mothers would mix your come in their baby's milk or rub their own breast before suckling their young to insure that the children would grow up to be fertile. And when you died, you'd be a God; women would come and impale themselves on a stone replica of your cock." "That all sounds like fun," he said, and he reached out for her titties. She leaned over farther so that he could reach them in comfort. "Will you fuck me, Blazer?" she asked. She was rubbing his balls now, and his cock, full hard now, rubbed along the length of her forearm and well past her elbow. "Jesus yes!" he grunted. She stepped away from him and pulled her clothes down over her hips. Everything except garter belt and stockings went in one downward push. Blazer saw that her waist was indeed tiny. He saw her navel was a deep, dark inviting dimple, and that a thick line of hair gathered up from her pussy and disappeared in the dimple. She came over to him in garter belt and stockings. He was still on his back, but his head lolled over so that he could watch her. She gently took his hand and put it between her legs. It was almost like putting on a glove.He watched in amazement as he saw his whole hand disappear in the soft bush. Then, somewhere deep down inside the Eastern jungle, he found her pearl. His finger probed it, and she made sucking noises with her mouth. As his finger went deep, she seemed beyond mere words, but she did manage to crack, "See, you've been lied to. It doesn't go sideways." "Get up on the table," he said. "I will, but look, we've got to do this my way. I'll get on top and I'll face the other way, toward your feet. OK?" "Yeah, yeah, but let's fuck." "Oh, we'll fuck, Blazer, my pussy is gonna suck come through your cock like soda through a straw." She went up on the table and settled exactly in the position she had said she would. Her ass rested on his stomach, and he could feel both her hands in between his legs. He saw the beautiful curve of her back and watched her delightful buttocks settle on his stomach. He marveled because there was not a mole, a blemish, uneven pigmentation, or a flaw of any kind on that sexy back of hers. She was stroking him now between the legs with her fingertips. Now gently, she attacked the sensitive spot between his balls and anus. Now she gently teased the big sacs themselves. With her fingernails, she scratched his lust-hardened cock, she ground the big head of it into her navel, and he could feel moisture from her pussy running down over his stomach. Frantically, he tried to finger her cunt by trying to force his hand between her backside and his stomach, but she only sat down on him harder, preventing him from getting his hand between them. He ran his hands up her side, hoping to reach her tits, but she leaned forward and put them farther out of his range. He had contented himself with caressing the outside of her thighs when she raised up from his stomach. His eyes had been closed some time now as he enjoyed the feel of her pulling, tickling, and rubbing his sex tools, while he, in turn, hypnotically rubbed his fingertips over as much of her soft skin as he could reach. But now, at her movement, his eyes popped open. He could look down and he saw that she had grasped his huge cock just below the big purple nut-head, and that just over the head of his cock hovered her wet, hungry pussy. Everything came to a standstill for him as he watched her dripping pussy swallow his big, standing cock. He felt his tool plow through the hot, moist fields of her insides, his balls began to churn, and he knew that there simply was no way for him to keep her pussy from sucking him dry if she wanted to. He wanted to make it last, but there was no use. She was complete mistress of the situation, and he relaxed and resigned himself to his fate. And when he relaxed, his balls quieted down, and he relaxed more and lost all apprehension. Her pussy had by now made several trips up and down his cock. Her ass came down on his abdomen, completely hiding his pubic hairs, and then it rose again almost to the tip of his shaft, and he could see his thick, red-purple white cock connecting their two bodies like some kind of feeding tube, while she rotated her cunt around on the very tip of his dick before swallowing it up again into her golden Oriental body. Then she stopped her up and down travels and kept his cock buried deep in her. She spread her legs wider now, and he could feel more of her weight on him, and he felt his cock charter new depths of her cunt. She was sitting up straight, and her head was thrown back, her closed eyes faced the ceiling of their private little love room. She rotated herself slowly on his fully imbedded tool, and he could hear the moaning coming from her lips, or was she offering up some pagan prayer to an obscure village sex god? Suddenly, she made a short yelp, and then the helpless, pitiful sounds of a woman in full climax. Now she was no longer poised in her prayerful attitude, her head was no longer turned toward the ceiling, but instead, was bent down, her eyes were no longer closed in ecstasy but instead looked like an expression akin to horror down between her legs at the big cock embedded in her pussy. Her hands were placed on each of his upper thighs, and she tried to push herself up and away from the fleshy instrument that was the cause of her excruciating ecstasy and alarming discomfort. He felt her fingernails digging into his thighs, and he saw the shaft of his cock come back into view as her pussy hurriedly disgorged its meal of dick meat. But she had only arisen halfway up her long journey when her come finally forced its way past the tight-fitting meat stopper and broke free like hot beer from a well-shaken bottle. He saw her fluid inundate his hairs and coat his dick like hot melted wax. And with the pressure within her relieved, her discomfiture went away, and only the wonderful, undistilled pleasure remained, and she settled happily back down on his tool again. And she sighed happily as she resumed her slow rotation on the big red cock that was engorged in her deep, hot, succulent cunt. And then she stopped her movements. He could feel all of her weight rest completely on him. His cock went even deeper, and her pussy relaxed, wrapping every sensitive centimeter of his tool in warm pussy flesh. After a few moments of relaxation, during which his dick soaked in the warm environment of her love tunnel, she again began her erotic games. Without lifting her weight from him or moving her body, she reached down and gently lifted his balls from the table. She caressed, tickled, scratched, and rotated them. She leaned over and let spit from her warm mouth fall on them and mixed it with the come from her own cunt and rubbed the sex lotion into his balls and along his upper inside thighs. His cock pulsed like a heartbeat, and her pussy responded like the hands of a milkmaid on a cow's teats. She worked a hand under his balls and began exploring the sweat and come-drenched valley of his hairy ass. Up until now, he had lain rather inert, but now as her finger teased his asshole, he started to buck spasmatically, lifting the full weight of her up from the table whenever she touched certain spots. She remembered these spots and touched them often. She heard him moan, and she felt his cock swell. She worked her finger into his shit hole and rotated it around and around and deeper and deeper, and with her other hand, she felt his balls churn and flow like two snakes in a silk shopping bag. Relentlessly she probed and rotated. He was almost screaming now and bucking like an exercise machine. And then, with the air of a man pulling the pin from a hand grenade, she jerked her finger away from his asshole, and with a hoarse cry, he arched up from the table carrying her with him, and a big knot of come distended his thick cock as it made its way from his collapsing, happy prostate to the deep insides of her sucking pussy. And she felt her own nectar flow again, mixing with his thick cream like rum with egg nog. They both had their clothes on now. She leaned over the desk and wrote something on a prescription pad. He was tying up his shoe. She tore the slip of paper from the pad and sealed it in an envelope, and then she scrawled a name across it. "You are something unusual, especially in the copious amounts of semen you are able to produce," and her voice dropped a little and became more female than neuter, "And with such force!" She handed him the envelope. Her voice went official again, "I want another doctor to examine you. The results will be sent to me. I'll make you an appointment, and you just hand over this envelope. OK?" So he took the envelope and left the room and his first piece of Oriental womanhood. CHAPTER IV It was a few days later, and he had managed to duck Miss Bloom by the simple expedient of staying home one day and by volunteering to clean laboratory test equipment the next. That way, he stayed out of the halls and Miss Bloom's sight. But on the third day, she caught him. "Well, Blazer, where have you been? I need you." "Well, uh, Miss Bloom, I can't help you out today, ma'am." "Is that so? Why?" "The doctor, she... eh, he put me on a diet." "A diet!" "I mean on a restriction." "What kind of restriction, Blazer?" "No sex, that's what he said, no sex." "Well, for how long?" "I don't know. Until I see the other doctor, I guess." "You have to see another doctor?" "Yes, ma'am." "Well, I was right. There is something wrong with you!" "I guess so." "The doctors will straighten you out. Don't worry about a thing. By the way, have you seen Ram around?" "No, ma'am..." "Go find him. I can never keep track of that boy. Those people are so lazy." "What do you want him for?" "Oh, I just have some cleaning I want him to do, but that's none of your business. You're sick, and I have to have somebody to do my cleaning. Go find Ram." Ram was hard to find, but finally, one of the maids said that she thought that Ram had been called to the "office." The term "office" was a euphemism for the top six stories of one wing of the hospital devoted to the administrative and business portion of the operation of the organization. It was a Mount Olympus where Blazer hesitated to go, and it was only an overwhelming curiosity about Ram's going there that drove him on. He had never been there before. It was a new world to him. Up here, there wasn't a hospital smell or sound around. There wasn't a white uniform or stethoscope in sight. The corridor stretched out before him, the floor a plush orange carpet, the walls were covered with gold-veined wallpaper, and from the ceiling, orange globes of lights hung like an orderly collection of evening suns. And toward him came a young blonde girl in a miniskirt.He thought that she might have been a messenger, a guide of some sort to show him around. But she merely smiled at him as she glided past, and when he turned, finally, to watch her go, she had disappeared. There were doors lining the corridor; most were closed, but some were open. He came to an intersecting hall, and it seemed to stretch beyond the horizon in both directions. A man passed him in the hall. The man had on a necktie and a suit. He was immaculate, and he glanced at Blazer curiously as they met and passed. Blazer dared not turn around and look because he knew the man was looking back at him. Blazer suddenly felt like a tramp traveling through a rich neighborhood. He knew that he didn't belong here and that he, most likely, wasn't welcome, and that pretty soon the local cops would come and beat him up and kick him out of the area. Now he began to feel the rise of panic crawl up the nape of his neck. He didn't see any stairways or elevators, and he didn't have the slightest idea how to flee this place and return to the hospital below. And then a voice said, "Are you looking for the other boy?" It was the man who had passed. He was standing a few feet down the hall, watching Blazer suspiciously. Blazer nodded, unable to speak. "I think you'll find him in the Administrator's office, right down there at the end of the hall. Just open the door and go in. They're probably moving some furniture or something around in there." Blazer went to the door indicated, but it wouldn't open. He was about to knock after considering whether he should or not, when the door opened slowly, and Ram's black face peered out from within. "Hey, mother, what are you doing up here?" Ram whispered as he opened the door. It was as if it was the door to his own apartment. "Bloom sent me looking for you. I think she wants to get raped again," Blazer replied, almost absent-mindedly, as he entered the office and looked around like a tourist in his first big town. "Man," said Ram, "I ain't fooling around with that poor-assed bitch today. I'm on to something. Keep quiet." Again he made Blazer be quiet as they went into another room, and there was a woman peeking through a keyhole into still another room. The woman turned just as they approached, and for a moment, she seemed startled by Blazer's appearance. And then she smiled and said, "Good, you got another witness..." They're still at it, look." Ram went up to the door and peeked through a crack. And Blazer took a good look at the woman who had turned and gone over to a bar installed in the wall and poured herself a drink. Then, she turned and held the bottle out toward Blazer in a mute offering. She was a woman, not a girl, or even a young lady, but in her late forties. She was, as the description goes, well preserved. Her hair was brown, too brown for her age, and every strand was exactly as the hairdresser had left it. Her makeup was calculated and precise without a flaw in its application. It gave the impression of a mask that goes with a Goldilocks Halloween costume. Her breasts were there, but de-emphasized by the expensive materials that covered them. Her waistline was thicker than it had been, but still attractive since it accented the beautiful swell of her mature hips, which allowed no slack in any of the material which covered them. Her legs were small, but her ankles smaller, which made everything all right. Her knees were fleshy as her thighs swelled to meet the fullness of her hips and ass. She came back over to the door, she had two drinks in her hands, and she stood silently beside Ram, looking at him as he continued to peek through the crack. She eyed him up and down, but her eyes stopped where Ram was rubbing his cock slowly through his clothes. With the hand holding the extra drink, she bumped Ram twice before she could get his attention, and on the second bump, half of the drink spilled out and down Ram's arm. But finally, he turned from the door and took the drink and downed it in one drag. And when he turned, Blazer could see his cock poking out the front of his pants, and Blazer wanted very much to see what was going on in the other room. Ram went over to the bar and poured himself another drink. The woman and Blazer stayed near the door. The woman glanced through the keyhole and then said to Blazer, "See how hard my husband works to support me and his family." She stepped aside and allowed Blazer to look through the door. The room inside was a large office with one enormous desk and a large table and several upholstered chairs. On the floor was a deep carpet, and on the carpet, there were a man and a woman. The woman was young, about twenty, and she was on her knees. Her dress and slip were bunched up around her waist, and she had no panties on. She was posed with a concave arch in her back, rather like a sway-backed horse, which made her beautiful, naked white backside seem the biggest, most delicious part of her ass, indeed, the man kneeling behind her obviously thought since he was greedily licking between her cheeks. He was a stout man, much older than she, and as he almost doubled over to get at her backside, his fat stomach was squeezed against his naked upper thighs like a big balloon about to burst. As Blazer watched him lick, the girl waved her ass around and pushed back against the man's face, her mouth dropped open, and then her head dropped between her shoulders. "The bastard's made her come," he heard the woman say, and he realized that she had managed to watch the action along with him through the crack near the hinges of the door. "That's my husband and his latest secretary. She's a good-looking girl. Not much older than our daughter." The man now ceased his meal of young ass and leaned back, and his cock came into view. It was a short, thick member hampered by the expanse of stomach that it had to extend out from under. "Look at that," the woman said, "I haven't seen it that hard in twenty-five years, the sonofabitch!" Blazer felt his own dick stiffen up. Now the woman, entranced by the sight of her husband's stiff dong nearing the young girl's ass, squeezed between Blazer and the door, trying to get a better view by looking through the keyhole. But Blazer did not give way easily because he also wanted to see what was going on. As a consequence of all this, their bodies met. Her soft, well-formed, well-ripened ass pushed back against his young, hard, eager cock. In the other room, the husband's cock was disappearing between his young secretary's legs. He grasped her by her naked hips and pulled her back toward him, and he, at the same time, rested back on his haunches. He said something to her, and she began to grind her hips around and up and down slowly. "That's him all right, he's making her do all the work," the woman said. Blazer felt her reach behind and caress his cock and squeeze his balls. Ram came over and announced that he wanted to see what was going on, and after a moment, the woman said, "Let the black boy look some," and she went away from the keyhole, and Blazer followed, his stiff cock chilled where her warm hand had been. "I'm not going to let him get away with this," she said, watching Ram rub himself while looking through the door. "I only came up here to give him his birthday present. I asked Ram to carry it up here for me since it's rather heavy, and since Ram occasionally does work for us at home. And we walk in here and there he is, sucking that bitch's pussy. Damn him, he always liked unusual presents. Oh, if I only had my lawyer here, or a photographer. But, come to think of it, I'm glad now that I don't. I can get back at him a better way than divorcing him. Come on. Let's break the party up!" And after saying this, she pushed Ram away from the door and burst into the room. "Happy birthday," she yelled, and the girl was up and behind the desk in an instant, leaving the man still down on his knees. The girl watched the woman intently, not sure what was going to happen. There was no way out since the invading party was between her and the door. "Ah, my dear," said the man, grunting his way up from the floor, "Your suspicions are confirmed." She replied, "I didn't come up here to catch you, otherwise I should have brought better witnesses and a photographer, dear." The man went over to a closet and brought out a silk robe. He put it on. The girl stayed behind the desk, immobile as a piece of furniture. The man went around and sat behind the desk, and he casually reached up and began caressing the girl's backside. "I am glad that you and I are too civilized for primitive animosities concerning informal sex, my dear," he said, and, "I assure you that this girl and others like her have made me a happier man and a better husband than I could ever have been without them." "Indeed, I believe you. In fact, I just remarked to these two gentlemen how rejuvenated you were while you were dipping into your beautiful fountain of youth. She is a lovely girl, you know. Come here, child, come from behind that desk and let me appraise you critically as I already have emotionally. You see, I am always interested in what my husband is interested in. That's how our marriage has been so successful." The man pushed the girl gently away from him, "Go," he said. "She has a genuine, motherly interest in you. Show her what I like." "Yes," said the woman, "there's always Christmas. Maybe Santa Claus will bring you another one, dear." The man smiled, and the girl came from behind the desk. She stood in front of it like a slave on the block. "Pull up your dress, my dear," said the woman. The girl hesitated, and the woman continued, "Oh, these two gentlemen have already seen your wares and how you use them, so there'll be no revelation to them. Only an encore.Right now, I am pleasantly disposed to you, but I hate hypocrites. You've bared your ass before, and you obviously love to fuck, so don't be demure now. We're all animals until sated. In other words, cooperate or you'll be in trouble. There are three men here and only two of us. We can't help from having a good time." She addressed the man, "Can we, dear?" The man answered, realizing for the first time what his wife had in mind. "The black too?" "Oh, him especially. I've had too much salt in my diet for years. Time to try a little pepper, although I suspect that he isn't so little. But pull up your dress, my dear, and we'll see how little you are." The girl looked desperately at the man behind the desk, and he merely said, "Go on, my dear, the experience will be good for you." "Yes," said the woman, "I think you ought to strip down completely. Only silly schoolgirls ruin their dresses by bunching them up around the waist." And the man said, "Precisely." The girl began to take off her clothes. Needless to say, Blazer watched her intently. She was a tall girl with small hips and very long legs. Her breasts were not small, but nor were they bulbous. Instead, they were shaped somewhat like a plum pudding, complete with a cherry on top. Blazer had never seen tits like those before, and he wanted to suck them even more than he wanted to fuck the girl. His cock pushed against his pants; it was a pleasant sensation. The girl was completely naked. The woman asked her to turn around, and she did, several times, warming up to the game. And then the woman said, "Let's see what kind of effect you have on the men, my dear. Husband, you're first, since you're the oldest. Stand up and undo your robe." The man stood up like a prize student showing off his knowledge for the visiting school board. His stubby little cock stood out straight from his pubic hairs. It was a cherry red, but he couldn't see it because of his stomach. "Very good," said the woman, and then she turned to Blazer, "You're next, young man." Blazer unzipped his pants and pushed them and his underpants down past his enormous hard-on. He stood there with it waving about stiffly, like a hungry serpent sticking out of a hole in a wall waiting for something edible to come by. The girl leaned back against the desk, her thighs came apart just a little, and Blazer could see that her pussy was watering. The woman spoke again to the girl, "I want you to open the next package, my dear. Go pull the nigger's cock out." The girl left the desk and went over to Ram, and throughout the journey, her eyes never left the hump in his pants. "Be careful," said the woman, "don't get the zipper caught in it. Zippers are hard to repair." First, the girl explored the hump with her hands. It was as if she were trying to decide the best approach to the problem of uncovering the meaty monster. And while she was exploring him, Ram palmed and pulled her titties. Blazer could stay idle no more. He went over to the fondling couple and stood behind the girl with his long cock almost touching her ass cheeks. Ram had her breast monopolized, so Blazer went for her snatch. He sunk one hand, from the rear, between her legs and with a "sop" plunged three fingers into her excited, well-lubricated fun hole. She purred her satisfaction at his activities, and she began to unfasten Ram's clothes. To remove Ram's trousers, she had to bend down slightly, and this made her more accessible to Blazer's fingering. After a struggle, she managed to free the big black hose that Ram called his "bald-headed champ" from the confines of Ram's pants and underwear. For a moment, the woman lost her dignity and exclaimed, "Oh my God, look at that!" But the girl was beyond vocal appreciation. She merely dropped to her knees, ignoring Blazer's fingers, and began to rub Ram's big, purple-black cockhead against her forehead, closed eyelids, nose, cheeks, chin, and finally, parted lips. By this time, Blazer too was on his knees behind the girl; he introduced his dick between the upturned soles of her feet, between which suspended her dripping cunt, and when she felt his probing, she made things a little easier for him by rising up a little, but never unmouthing Ram's sugar cane. The position was uncomfortable, but Blazer managed to get a portion of his cock into the girl's hot cunt, and he fucked her while she mouthed Ram's tool. Presently, Blazer felt a pair of cool hands on his shoulders. He looked around and saw the woman, naked, standing behind him watching the girl feasting, and when he turned to look up at the woman, she bent down and placed her lips on his and buried her small, lively hot tongue into his mouth. She explored him from wisdom to incisors and by her sucking invited him to do the same to her. And so he did, and with his cock surrounded by warm, moist young pussy. The kiss broke, and the woman dropped to her knees beside the girl, and with her nose only inches away from the girl's mouth, and the black cock that was engorging it, she watched with sparkling eyes the girl enjoying her nigger steak. And then, without warning, she grabbed the girl by her hair and pulled her violently away from the cock. There was a loud sound when cock and mouth parted. The girl's face was turned toward the ceiling by the woman's grip, and the black, saliva-covered cockhead stretched there alone in space. The girl's body came back with her head, driving her pussy down on Blazer's dick more, and her upturned face and lips were met by those of the fat older man, the woman's husband, and his tongue replaced Ram's cock. Meanwhile, the older woman took the abandoned black cock into her own mouth and worked more expertly than the girl had and made Ram moan almost immediately. This was proof that she was no virgin at sucking cock, and that she dearly loved the one she had in her mouth at the time. Somehow Blazer found his head against the older man's fat stomach, and the little, stubby, hard cock was rubbing rhythmically against the nape of his neck. The girl's tits came to mind, and he reached for them, but he could only use one hand without falling over backwards. The whole main disadvantage to his own position was that he needed to suck on something, but there was nothing he could reach, even the woman's breasts were too low for him to get to, and so, instinctively, without thinking, he took the little stubby stick of the man's into his mouth and prayed he wasn't turning queer. But he gave it a good sucking. Too good: the man started coming right away. Blazer's own cock swelled. The man shot a load into Blazer's mouth which ran down Blazer's cheek and chin and onto the floor. And Blazer's own cock flooded the girl, and she screamed and came too. The man removed his limp dick from Blazer's mouth. The girl fell over to one side, exhausted. Blazer knelt there spitting on the floor, trying not to remember what he had just done. That left the woman Ram with their juices intact. Now the woman had Ram all to herself, and she moaned happily as she managed to stuff more of his hefty dong into her mouth. It was rather like a sparrow eating an anaconda. But she held the black cockhead in her mouth and lashed the underside of it with her tongue, and while one hand jerked and pulled at the massive shaft, the other tickled and scratched at the hairy sacs between his legs. Ram, for his part, managed to completely destroy the expensive hairstyle of the woman by rubbing and twisting his hands over her scalp in the throes of his ecstasy. And then, with her hair a hydra-like mass, and her makeup, especially her lipstick, gone or smeared, the woman stood up, and she lightly kissed Ram on the lips and, taking him by the cock, she pulled him over to her husband who was sitting on the floor with his back against the desk. She and Ram both towered over the exhausted man, and he looked up at them with the wariness of a recalcitrant prisoner beholding a guard with a rubber hose in his hand standing over him. And, indeed, the woman did have a hose, but it wasn't rubber. "Oh, how lucky you are, my dear," the woman said, "How many men have ever had the thrill of touching the cock that was about to fuck their own wives. But what I have in mind is a little contest. In three minutes, Ram and I will screw, that is, if he is able to. What I am saying, darling, is that if you manage to somehow make him lose this magnificent hard-on, he and I shan't be able to do anything. Will we? So, it's a contest between you and Ram. Ram, if you stay hard, you get my pussy; husband, if you make him shoot within three minutes, you won't have to suffer the anguish of seeing your wife of twenty-five years sliding deliriously up and down this beautiful black pole." She let go of Ram's prick and stepped aside, and with a flourish, said, "Let the contest begin." The girl recovered from her exhaustion and she crawled over to Blazer, and they both sat on the carpeted rug and propped themselves against the wall, and her hand fell casually between his legs while they watched the game which the woman laughingly suggested they call "Cock and Mouth." At first, the fat old man sat on the floor gazing reproachfully at the soot-covered sinew dangling so insistently there in front of his nose. And the woman finally said, "Dear, are you trying to hypnotize it? Or has it charmed you? It won't disappear, darling, and I assure you it isn't an illusion. Touch it and see." And as if on command, the man reached out and felt the gigantic cock. He snatched his hand back quickly. "It's hot," he said. "Oh yes, wonderfully so," she sighed. He reached out again, and this time his caress was longer. The woman was down on her knees beside him, her face close to his, but he didn't look at her--his eyes stayed steadily on the object he was holding.She shouted in his face, her saliva spraying his face as she talked. "It's yours," she shouted, "It's all yours! Go on, take it. If you make him come, I will miss a good fucking, but it might be worth it to see you suck his juices out. Go on!" She put her hand behind her husband's head and pressed gently forward, chanting, "Suck it. Suck it. Suck it." The cock and mouth met, and her eyes were only inches away as she saw her husband's lips part and take in the big, juicy dick. As her husband's lips worked, so did hers; she sucked her phantom dick when he sucked the real one, she bit when he bit, and when he tongued, so did she. And Ram had them both by the back of their heads. His eyes were closed, and it's doubtful whether he actually knew which one of the two had encased him. Suddenly, the husband stopped his ministrations and pushed Ram away, and the wife was startled out of her ecstasy. She sat, or was pushed, down on the floor. The husband got up and, with a measured appraisal of Ram's spit-covered cock, he turned and flopped over the desk top, leaving his fat backside up in the air. Then he pushed back, and after a few preliminary wriggles, he had Ram's fat, wet cockhead where he wanted it, and then he shoved back so violently that it would have knocked Ram down, except that now the man had a grip on Ram so tight that the black orderly couldn't fall down if he wanted to. The friction was terrific, and Ram felt his balls begin to churn. He began to fuck the man's ass. But the woman leaped up from the floor and screamed foul. And then she insisted that the time was up, that three minutes had passed, but still Ram remained locked in the man's asshole. The man humped and twisted his big buttocks, pulling Ram in deeper and deeper, and where the temperature was going from warm to hot, and where there was more moisture. The woman was frantic now, she screamed and tried to pull the men apart, but they continued to fuck. Blazer felt sorry for her and he wanted to help, but now the girl was sitting athwart him and had his re-stiffened cock between her white thighs and was plucking at the head with first one hand, then the other. Now the woman was running around the two men in a circle. She was like a mother ground bird chased out of her nest by a snake who was now eating the eggs. She found herself behind the desk near her husband's head. She grabbed him by the hair and pulled, but they still fucked. She began banging his head against the desk, but he didn't seem to mind, for he felt Ram crawling into him inch by inch, getting closer and closer to that sensitive spot. And then the woman, out of a unique mixture of desperation and malice, picked up a glass paperweight and cuffed her husband beside his head, and the man collapsed out cold on the desk. Now he was an unseeing, unfeeling hunk of flesh, but Ram hadn't noticed, he was still plugging away. Now the woman ran around behind Ram and tried to pull him away from her inactive husband. But Ram was too far gone to stop. He was no longer a rational human being; all his thoughts and actions were controlled by instinct which, in turn, was only concerned with receiving the important signal from the ass-encased cock to spew forth the thick white juice of love. After finding that she could not pull Ram away, the woman just stood there and cursed him soundly, calling him all kinds of black things and telling him what a horrible pervert he was. But Ram worked on. The girl got off Blazer's lap and laid her head against his stomach. She fingered the underside of his cock while she nibbled lightly at the base. They both watched, and they saw the woman do something peculiar. Her husband, still unconscious, was still sprawled face down across the desk. True, his knees had buckled, but he was impaled on Ram's machine and could not fall to the floor. Now the woman crawled up on the desk and, facing Ram, she straddled her husband and squatted down on his upper buttocks. Like a big white frog, she eased herself closer to the sweating Ram. Soon, she was sitting on her husband's upper buttocks, and her pubic hairs were invading Ram's navel. And then, she slid downward off her husband's backside and worked her way between him and the humping Ram. Downward she came between the two men. Ram could no longer pump, in fact, as her weight bore down on him, his cock was being pulled from the man's big ass. Soon, she was astraddle the big cock like a naked maid on a barebacked stallion. She bounced up and down on it, and finally, with one big bounce, she succeeded in removing the big dong from her husband's anus. There was a sound like a cork being pulled from a bottle. Ram grunted, the woman yelled in triumph, and the man collapsed on the floor. "I smell shit," said the woman, and she felt between her legs where she held the base of Ram's cock, and her finger came up brown. She put it in her mouth and tasted it, and then said thoughtfully, "It is shit!" She looked into Ram's face, "Your cock's covered with it. No wonder you were going so strong, boy," she said. She slid off his dong and pushed him back from the desk and her prostrate husband. She fell to her knees and looked at Ram's cock closely, "Brown on black," she cried, then she got up again and went across the room and got the girl's panties. She came back to Ram and wiped his cock clean. "Usually," she said, "I would lick it clean, but you've had enough excitement. I want you to cream in my pussy, not in my face." And she rubbed Ram with the silken panties of the young girl. Then she said to him, "Cool off." Next, she went over to the man and tried to roll him over on his back, but he was too heavy. She called over to Blazer and the girl, who now had most of Blazer's cock in her mouth, "C'mon, you two. Help me bring him to." And the girl stopped her feeding, and she and Blazer went over to the unconscious man and his naked wife. Then they, mostly Blazer, rolled the man over on his back. He looked like a great albino walrus lying there. His dick had shriveled up to nothing, and his mouth had gaped open. The woman slapped at his face several times. He only moaned and licked his lips and never came completely awake. After much slapping and shaking, they all stood around and looked down at him, trying to decide what to do next, and then the woman had an idea. She told the girl, "Suck his cock, dear, and I'll piss in his face. That ought to bring him around." The girl went to her knees between the man's limp legs and she took his soft peter into her mouth. She swished it around from one side of the mouth to the other, she bit at it gently, and sucked on the head, and presently, it began to grow firm, and she felt her pussy heating up. The woman, by watching the girl's attentions closely, saw the cock getting hard, and she went around to her husband's head and, after straddling him, she squatted down. She rubbed his nose in her cunt, forcing him to breathe through his mouth, and then she moved forward a little and pissed right between his eyes. It ran down both sides of his face, his neck, and around his mouth, and it soaked the rug under his head. She pissed a long time. And now, the girl could not cover all of the man's cock with her mouth because it had grown too big. But she rode her lips up and down as much of it as she could. The man coughed once on the piss and then ran his tongue out to catch more; he reached down and caught the girl by the back of her head, and the wife got up. "Welcome back," she said, "I only brought you to so you could watch me get it from the black boy." And then she went around and grabbed the girl working over her husband's cock by her hair and yanked her mouth away from the stiff tool. Mouth and cock separated with the usual sound, and the woman said, "That's enough, bitch, he's had his creamings for this month," and the girl crawled over to Blazer and resumed her slobbering on his tool. Now Ram was sitting down in a stiff-backed, armless chair idly rubbing the girl's silky panties, which were smeared with the man's shit, over his cock, which had deflated somewhat. The woman came over and snatched the smelly cloth from him and ill-temperedly ground it in his face like some people put their dog's nose in dog mess when the animal defecates in the wrong part of the yard. "What are you? Some kind of pervert?" she snarled, and then she flung the panties away. Then she grabbed his cock amid-shaft, and she shook it like a big, black baby rattle, and since it was soft now, the giant meat danced above her fist as she flung it from one of his thighs to the other. In her playing, she found that the cock made a delightful weapon, and she began slapping his thighs and his stomach with it, laughing at the peculiar noise that it produced when flesh struck flesh. She leaned forward, and the slight sag of her breasts disappeared as they extended downward toward Ram's groin, and she beat his big cockhead against her titties, and Ram sat there watching her tits turn dead white where his cock had struck against them, and then the same place turned blood flush just a second or two later. But under her abuse, his cock grew hard again, and the shaft she was holding lost its resiliency and soon it was like striking herself with a poker rather than a rubber hose. She gave herself a good one beside the face, and it nearly knocked her out, but she recovered quickly and quit playing with the now deadly weapon. The cock now stood up defiantly from the junction of Ram's thighs and his stomach as if daring her to abuse it again. She understood and responded. She fell to her knees before it and began kissing it and mumbled how sorry she was that she had been so mean to it. She leaned forward again and maneuvered her breasts around the big dick.She rubbed the cock gently between them, going down until the big head hit her under the chin and up until it was deep down between her breasts, which she was squeezing together to make the friction greater. Soon, she had Ram's ass rising from the chair following her movements. And then she stopped. Her husband was sprawled out on the floor with just his head propped up against the wall. He looked rather like a rag doll some careless child had thrown down. However, his short, thick cock stood up under his fat stomach. He was watching his wife with steady eyes. The girl was resting from her feast on Blazer's dong, and now she was sitting back beside him against the wall and Blazer had one arm around her shoulder, with that hand caressing a convenient breast, and the other hand rhythmically rubbing the fur between her legs. She was limp against him and her head rested on his shoulder. Now the woman stood before the sitting Ram and looked down with righteous satisfaction at the velvet black column that angled up at her. He had his legs askew as she had just recently been sitting between them. But now, she reached down and slammed them shut like the cover of an offensive book, and he merely looked up at her, his mouth agape, his eyes dulled with sex. She straddled his knees and took his cock in hand. She rose up on her toes and with the free hand she used two fingers to part the lips of her pussy as wide as she could. The room was absolutely quiet. No one was moving, no one was breathing; the husband lay inert, Blazer's fingers were motionless inside the girl's sopping pussy and she had stopped her writhing on them. The woman put the gigantic meat between the two fingers holding her cunt open. She placed the cockhead against the moist inner lips of her pussy. She removed the fingers, letting the big glands hold her cunt open. She placed both hands on Ram's shoulder and she cautiously came slowly down off her toes and slid her pussy's mouth down past the tremendous cockhead and down onto the fat cock shaft. Slowly, with sighs and moans and tears, she went down to mid-shaft, where she was forced to stop for a second to catch her breath, and then resuming, on down she went, the big cock shooting off sparks inside her now. Her toes curled, she bit her lips, her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, now toward the base of the cock her pussy nipped. Now pussy hair met cock hair. Her knees were bent now. She was full on, and she let out a loud, happy sigh, and so did everyone else in the room. The husband reached for his own tool, which he knew was somewhere under his stomach, and Blazer gesticulated in the girl's snatch while she whacked his cock up and down. And now the woman rode up and down on Ram's cock, slowly at first, but then faster and faster. She screamed and slobbered and cried. The chair and Ram began hopping across the floor. Faster and faster she went. Her ass was a blur, and now Ram was yelling. And they both howled in a frantic duet of lust, and the big cock, plunging in and out of the dripping pussy, made sopping and farting sounds. Ram fucked back, trying to gain some control over the situation, but the woman was too far gone. She hopped and twisted and slammed. She scratched and squeezed and pulled, and he felt every drop of come, from his head to his toes, collect in his cock and rush toward the woman's demanding cunt. The man pulled his own peter, his fist moving fast, and Blazer whirled his fingers inside the screaming girl's cunt while she twisted and rubbed his tool. Now the chair had been hopped up against the wall and Ram yelled and came forward out of the chair. The woman went over backwards, but Ram was holding her fast to himself. She landed on the floor on her back with Ram atop her. She clenched her legs around his waist and he rammed and she slammed. They twisted and turned on the floor until Ram's rooting, outstretched legs were extended there right in front of Blazer and the girl. They could see Ram's tight little ass, his big balls, and his wet, hard cock being swallowed and spat out by the woman's unsated cunt. They could see the source of each delightfully vulgar sound. The squirts, the slaps, the escaping air, the grunts, and the cries filled the room. But then the woman's legs unwrapped themselves from around Ram and formed a perfect vee high in the air, and with a pitiful cry, she held them there and went into a spasm of completion. Blazer and the girl saw the come well up out of the woman's pussy and around the still pumping cock. It ran down the crack of her ass and onto the expensive office rug. Then they saw Ram's balls contract, writhe and twist. They saw his tool slurp deep into the creaming cunt, they heard him and the woman scream again together, they saw the woman rise up on her shoulder blades, lifting Ram with her in an effort to get more of the shooting black cock deep inside her. They saw the come shoot out of the engorged cunt like water out of a rundown fire hydrant. The girl screamed and she creamed over Blazer's fingers, and she pissed in the rug. Blazer's cockhead was enclosed in the palm of her crushing hand when he shot, and the come squirted between her closed fingers like juice from a crushed grape and it went everywhere. It was on them, or the other couple, and it dripped slowly from the walls and ceiling. But the fat man lay with a small pool of his very own between his legs. After it was all over, Blazer had told Ram that nurse Bloom wanted him, but Ram wasn't in the mood or condition to allow Bloom to catch up with him and so he kept busy in another part of the hospital working for another nurse. But one of the boys had to cover Bloom's section and Blazer did it because he had a good alibi for keeping the horny nurse out of his pants. CHAPTER V "Are you still under doctor's orders?" nurse Bloom snapped at Blazer later that week. "Yes'm," he replied innocently. "Well, where is that goddamned Ram?" she practically screamed. And he told her that Ram had been given another assignment under another nurse. She merely cursed again and walked off, and he went to the nurse's station where Carol Hooks was sitting reading a magazine. "Hey," he said, "Did Rand say anything about us in the store room?" "Naw," she crossed her legs after facing him, "and I can't understand it. She was pretty upset." "So was I, but not like she was." "Well, I am sorry, Blazer. I understand that it hurts when it gets up like that, and when you can't get it back down naturally." "Oh yeh, yeh, very painful." "Oh, I am sorry." "It still hurts." "Still? But that was yesterday!" "I couldn't sleep last night." "Well, if she just hadn't come in there..." "I know. I know. It's not your fault." "Well, maybe next time..." "How about right now?" "Oh Blazer, I can't leave the station right now. I got to answer the telephone and the patient's buzzers. The girl down the hall at the other station went somewhere." "But I'm in awful pain." "Why don't you just masturbate or something?" "Hell, even to do that I've got to have some inspiration." "Oh shit, Blazer, I feel awful about getting you so upset like this, but we can't do anything out here. And I just can't get up and leave." "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to suffer." Then Blazer fell down on the floor and writhed in pain. "Oh, ow, ow...!" "Blazer, what's the matter?" "I'll be all right, but it gets me sometimes right in the left nut." "Oh, God, I have to do something." Now Blazer stood up. "Let's go into the cleaning closet across the hall. You can hear the phone and buzzers from there. And if anybody comes up you can just walk out of the closet with a mop or something in your hand." "We can't do much in there. There's no room." "Well, this is an emergency. We don't have to be comfortable." "Maybe I could just help you masturbate." "Yes, that's it. C'mon." She got up and went to the utility closet, with him following close enough behind to rub his cock against her backside. Once inside the closet she said, "Don't close the door. I won't be able to hear the phone." And Blazer said, "But we gotta close it. We can't do anything with the door open. Close it a little bit," he said. The closet was small. It contained a sink, some mops and a bucket. Inside the small confines the heat from her body flowed through him and concentrated in the tip of his cock, which stretched out toward her along the invisible lines of sex which flowed between their two bodies. She faced him. "What do I do, Blazer? Does it still hurt?" she asked. "Yeh, you gotta examine it." "Take it out?" "Yeh, baby, take it out." She unzipped his pants and reached inside. She fumbled among his underwear, trying to find the opening. Blazer leaned against the door in almost a faint and the door slammed shut. Her hand fumbling inside his pants almost made him cream, but he gritted his teeth, and at last he felt her warm hand on the shaft of his hose. She pulled, but it wouldn't bend. His cock was extended along his left leg trapped by its own stiffness. "I can't get it out," she whispered frantically. And she pulled harder, using both hands. "Ow, wait a minute, baby, you're pulling it out by the roots." "Oh, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to suffer anymore." "Well, take my pants down." He had such a bone on that even with his belt unfastened and his fly opened all the way she still had trouble getting his cock loose. As it was, she had to push it back against his leg and hold it down while she worked his underpants down over it. Blazer helped some by bending forward, but it still was a struggle. "God! Next time we'll have to cut your clothes away. Does this happen often?" she exclaimed."No, baby, you have a special effect on me." "Aw, liar..." But his cock was free, and the strain on his abdominal muscles was gone. "Ahh, it feels good to be free." He leaned back against the door, and his cock waved around in front of him. She stepped back to be able to look at it from a different perspective. "Damn," she said, and she settled against the sink, which was low and hit her at the back of her thighs. "What do I do now?" she breathed. "C'mon, now, you've jacked a guy off before, haven't you?" "Yeah, but nothing like this." "You've been used to boys. Now you've got a man's cock to play with." He went over to her, ignoring the pants around his ankles. She reached out and pulled his dick toward her. The skin was tight, but it slid along the shaft like a silken petticoat over a woman's thighs. Now she pushed while gripping the enormous shaft tighter. Blazer told her she was doing right. She grabbed his tool with both hands. She buried one hand in the hairs around the base of his cock, and she gripped him tightly there. With the other hand, she pulled and tickled his shaft. The skin became tighter as she massaged more blood into his sausage. Now she was sitting on the rim of the low sink, and he was towering over her with the palms of his hands flat against the wall behind the sink. "Wait," she said, "If you come, it'll be all over my uniform." "Take it off, then." "Suppose the phone rings, or something." "Goddammit, if you hurry up we can get it over with. C'mon, I'm hurting." He backed away as she was unbuttoning the back of her uniform. She stood up and pulled it over her head. Now she slid the straps of her slip off her shoulders. It was a coarse linen slip made to obscure and not enhance, and it easily slipped down past her hips and onto the floor. Once she was down to bra, panties, garter belt and stockings, her whole attitude seemed to change. She hung the uniform on a mop peg and the slip over it. "Make sure that door is closed tight," she ordered. "Don't you want to be able to hear the phone?" "Damn the phone. I'm ready to do something nasty." She stepped out of her panties, and then she attacked Blazer's peter. One hand of hers grasped him at midshaft while the other one palmed the head of his cock. She squeezed and twisted the head of his cock. It felt so good that Blazer began to see beautiful colors through his closed eyelids. Pre-fuck juice began to well up out of his shaft and into the palm of her rubbing hand. But that juice dried quickly, and when it did, it became too sticky for her to rub freely, but when that happened she spat in the palm of that hand and the slippery friction that was just right was restored. Soon, however, she was holding his cockhead in both hands and spitting down on it and rubbing the spit into it. "Oh, Blazer," she cried, "don't let me suck it. It's nasty to suck cocks. I don't want to be a cocksucker, Blazer. Please help me..." And Blazer began pushing her head downward toward his dick. Still she pleaded: "Sucking cocks is nasty. Men piss out of their cocks. I don't want to taste their piss in my mouth. Help me, Blazer." Blazer grunted and pushed harder. Her mouth was at cock level now. He could feel her hot breath on it as she moaned, "So good, so nasty, so good, nasty, nasty, nasty." He shoved his meat forward and her words changed to a hum as he stuffed her mouth. He worked a few strokes into her mouth and then she took over. She sucked him as if she were trying to draw a lemon seed through a drinking straw. She shook her head from side to side and up and down like a hungry wild animal tearing meat from a kill. Blazer's asshole began to suction up, his toes began to curl, a bolt of lightning struck his balls. He hit the wall with his fist and broke his skin, but he did not know it. In her frantic motions, she lost his cock. It plopped from her mouth and, somehow, Blazer got twisted up in his pants which were still around his ankles and he lost his balance and fell up against the wall. For seconds he was a panting, unseeing thing. Finally, he could hear her breathing, and he opened his eyes. She was on her knees with her head hung low between her shoulders. She was moaning, and he struggled over to her. "Give it back to me," she pleaded. And then they heard the phone ring. "Oh, hell," she said, "I can't get my clothes on in time to answer it." The phone continued to ring. Finally, Blazer pulled up his pants. He rushed out into the hall still zipping them up, and he caught the phone. It was a break, in a way, because it was the nurse down at the other side of the ward who had left her station for a while, and who was calling to see if anything had happened while she was gone. Blazer told her that everything was all right, and that he was watching the station for Miss Hooks who had to go on an errand for a patient. But he added quickly that he had to do some cleaning and he asked the nurse to answer any calls. Back in the closet, he told Carol, and she sighed and said that now they really could relax. He closed the door and by putting a mop handle between the door and the doorknob he found that he could keep it from being opened from the outside. He had his back to her while he was locking the door, and when he turned around again she was completely naked. She handed her panties to him. "Look what you did to my panties," she said. "I don't see anything wrong with them." "Feel the crotch," she purred. And he felt the sticky liquid that had come from her pussy while she had been sucking him off. He handed them back to her and bent down to remove his shoes, and she rubbed the wet panty crotch into his face and giggled. The sticky stuff was in his eyebrows and on his lips. She was now laughing out loud as he struggled with the other shoe and finally began slipping his pants off. Naked, they stood toe to toe. She looked up at him and told him that he had girl come all over his face. Now his cock was only semi-hard. The interruption by the phone had cooled them both off somewhat, and knowing that they probably wouldn't be interrupted again made them relax, and things seemed less urgent. He licked his lips and tasted her juice. She watched him intently. Then, he put two fingers to her cunt while he put his other arm around her waist. With two fingers he scissored her pussy open and closed. He worked his other hand down from her waist to the back of her ass. He laid a finger of that hand along her back trench. She sat on it like a bicycle seat. In front, his two fingers squashed around up to the first joint. She sighed and laid her face against his chest. She licked out her tongue and tasted his skin. He took his fingers from her pussy and stuck them deep into his mouth. Again she watched him eat her juice. "You shouldn't eat with your hands," she said evenly, "That's unsanitary. Get it directly." He released her and she leaned against the sink. He lowered himself in front of her and tongued her navel, and then he licked circles around it and then down along one hip onto an upper thigh and then over into her bush. Her hairs were soft and not really thick, and he laved them down with generous amounts of spit and they stuck to her skin all shiny and wet. She eased herself up higher on the sink, bringing her pussy against his mouth. She opened her legs wider and her pussy kissed his lips. Automatically, his tongue went in. "Wow, wow, wow," she chanted to the same beat that she was rubbing her pussy against his mouth. She almost sounded like a police siren. She was riding him now. His head was cocked back, and he was actually under her and between her legs and she only had one toe on the floor. He licked and lipped her cunt, and then shielding his teeth with his lips, he took hold of her clit and shook his head like a pussy shaking a toy, and she crooned, "It's coming down, it's coming down. Oh shit! Jesus God! It's coming!" And she stiffened so that he could no longer move her. All of a sudden she weighed a ton. He was trapped under her with his mouth welded to her pussy. He felt the come filling his mouth. He couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. Panic struck him. He would be drowned in come. But then, just in time, she collapsed and released him. He worked his way from under her and she turned and leaned over the sink. He struggled up to his feet. He couldn't seem to straighten out his neck and his vision was blurred. He wrapped his fingers around a mop hook and just hung there until things cleared up. When things began to feel normal again, he felt her warm mouth around his cock. She had the whole piece in her mouth because it had gone completely down. He looked down on her and started to say something, but her eyes were closed and she just didn't seem to be aware of anything but his cock. She pulled and sucked at the limp meat. He wanted to tell her to stop, that there was no feeling for him, that a man can't get a hard-on after almost being killed. But she worked on quietly, contentedly, as though it made no difference to her at all whether he ever got another hard-on again. She chewed his limp dick like chewing gum. Feelings of life began to creep back into his body. A warmth started to glow somewhere deep inside of him, and unknown to him, she could feel his cock grow warm inside her mouth. That's when she pulled her mouth from it, flopped it up against her knuckle and bit it right below the pee hole. Blazer yelped. First pain and then anger. He grabbed the girl's hair and tried to pull out handfuls of it. He cursed her and twisted her ears, but she clamped onto his hard dick with her mouth and held on. He jammed it to her and she rode him down until his anger was gone. Now his cock was too hard to hurt.Now even his neck felt all right. He fucked her steadily. He slid his cock against the roof of her mouth, and then from one cheek to the other, and then down flat against her tongue. He felt his balls churning when she stopped. She turned around and turned on the hot water faucet. She let the water run down into her hands and then brought them back to his cock, and his cock jumped harder. She stroked him until her hand cooled off, and then she turned to the sink again and cupped her hands and took a mouthful of the very warm water. She held it in her mouth while she resumed stroking his log, and then she spat the water out and applied her fantastically hot mouth to his cock and squeezed his balls at the same time. Blazer's heels left the floor, his eyes closed and he saw the blazing sun. The hard knot that was his asshole turned to butter and splattered itself against the back of her throat. He pulled a mop hook from the concrete wall. He crushed her hand between his thighs. He grabbed her by the ears and fucked her at a hundred miles an hour. The reason Blazer had to wait so long for the appointment with the doctor who the Oriental female resident wanted to examine him, was that the guy was a psychiatrist. It was a few days later when Blazer found out, as he walked into the doctor's office. The sign on the door said that the doctor would be back in two hours, but being on the hospital staff, Blazer went in anyway. He had a master key. But he was surprised because he heard voices inside the office. As usual, there was a small office and then the examining room farther on inside. The voices came from the inner room. Blazer peeked in. He saw a very young girl sitting on a couch, and crying. A man, the doctor, he supposed, was pacing the floor and talking. "You steal, Ann," the man was saying, "And you know it's wrong to do so. So why do you do it? Why do you keep swiping things from department stores, supermarkets, drugstores, fruit stands, anywhere?" The girl continued to cry and sob that she didn't know why she did these things. Suddenly, the doctor wheeled on her. "I know why," he shouted, "It's because you are a bum! A goddamned bum. Look, look at this record." He waved a sheet of paper around, but not really so she could see it even if she were paying attention to it. He went on, "Father's an alcoholic. Mother running around with all kinds of men. Rich and immoral, that's the land of background you come from. You're just a bitch, that's all." The girl cried louder. Now the doctor was down on his knees in front of the girl. "Now, don't cry. Don't cry. We can't help what we are. We've got to learn to live with it, that's all. You're fifteen years old now, you're pretty, you've got a good body. But you've got to stop that stealing. You want to do something wrong, and stealing is wrong. So now, you've got to change that something wrong for something else that's wrong. Think of something wrong you'd like to do." The girl stopped crying and looked up for the first time, and Blazer could see that she was, indeed, very pretty. The doctor got up and sat on the couch beside her. Her mini skirt was more than halfway up her thighs. She had long full legs which really contrasted with her girlish face. Blazer watched the doctor place his hand on the girl's thighs. "Can't you think of anything wrong to do?" the doctor asked again. His hand rubbed higher on the girl's leg. "No, I don't think so," the girl murmured. "What did that old gardener do to you last month?" the doctor asked. "I don't remember." "Ah, you told me. C'mon. What did he do?" "He ran his hand up my leg." And the doctor did the same thing. "Like this?" he asked. "Yes, and he felt my panties." "Like this?" The doctor started feeling the girl between her legs. Since the girl and the doctor were sitting facing Blazer, he could see that the doctor had pushed the girl's dress up past her panties and had his hand flat against her pussy. He saw the doctor squeeze and rub and the girl began to sag. And the doctor said, "Now, didn't you like that? And don't you like this?" And the girl said that she did. So the doctor said, "Well, why don't you fuck instead of steal?" "I don't know how to fuck," she said. "Easiest thing in the world. Want me to show you how?" "Yes, please." "But," he said, "first you've got to get my dick hard." "What do I have to do to do that?" "I'll show you." The doctor got up and took off his pants and underwear. The girl watched him passively. Already he had a semi-hard on, but Blazer noted that his cock wasn't very large. The doctor sat back down next to the girl. "Pull your dress up over your rump, dear," he told the girl. Blazer watched as she got up and lifted her dress and slip high past her waist. She stood there until the doctor motioned and then she sat back down beside him. Her dress settled around her panty-covered hips. Now the doctor's cock was full up. It wavered around like a baby bird in a nest wanting to be fed. The couch was against the wall, and the two people rested back and the doctor began kissing the girl on the mouth. She wiggled and moaned while he was running his tongue around inside her mouth and, at the same time, he rubbed her snatch rhythmically through her panties. Then they stopped kissing and Blazer could not hear what was being said, but the girl reached out and took the man's cock in her hand and began to rub it. Now he settled back flat against the wall while she leaned forward, but he could still talk to her without Blazer's being able to hear. He said something to her and she smiled and began to work his dick up and down rapidly. He said something else to her, and she leaned forward and lightly put the tip of his tool into her mouth. He gritted his teeth and rose up off the couch and his cock went in deeper inside her mouth. He oscillated into her mouth for several moments before she stopped sucking him and rearranged herself on the couch. Now she knelt next to him and she could suck his cock more comfortably. She drew it well into her mouth and Blazer could see that her lips were hidden by the hairs at the base of his cock. She was swishing his cock from side to side in her mouth, and when she had it on the side nearest Blazer, he could see the outline of it through her teenaged skin. Meanwhile, the doctor had pulled her panties down from the back of her ass, which was waving around as she sucked him on her knees. He was fingering her snatch and asshole, and by contorting himself, he was able to lick her thigh and hip. He was trying desperately to get his head between her legs, but they were in the wrong position, and also her panties were in the way. She was apparently unconscious of his efforts because she didn't try to help him in any way, and neither did she slow up on what she was doing to his cock. But suddenly, he twisted off the couch and pulled his dick out of her mouth. "I have oral desires too," he explained. "You must give me a chance to taste you. C'mon, take off those panties." "What are you going to do?" she asked. He had pulled the panties down to her knees which was as far as they could go since she was still kneeling. Then he grabbed her by the ankles and pulled. Her knees went out from under her and she fell flat on the couch. But even before she landed, he had her panties down below her knees. As she lay there, he worked them off her ankles. Now she wore only a bra. "What are you going to do?" she repeated. "Suck your sweet pussy, and lick your young, hot ass," he said and he buried his face between the down-covered cheeks of her buttocks. Blazer could see the man's jaws working there deeply in the girl's rear ditch, and as he watched, she turned her face toward him. For a while she just blinked her eyes contentedly without giving any indication that she was being tongue-reamed up the ass at all. But then, slowly, she began biting her lips. She turned her head away from Blazer again, and then back his way once more. Now her eyes were clenched tightly shut. She had her knees hard against the couch now, and she was raising her ass up against her lover's face. Harder against him she pushed, working her young ass up and down. Now her upper torso came off the couch also. She only touched the couch at her knees and elbows. She began to moan and cry and to work her turned-up, rounded white buns from side to side. He grasped her by the hips and started eating her deeper. Blazer could tell that he had his mouth wide open like a greedy boy trying to take a bite out of a playmate's apple. She was fully on her knees now, crying and humping against his face. "Suck it, suck it you dirty old bastard!" she grunted. And now he was no longer in her ass but had slipped down farther and was licking her hanging snatch. "Oh, you rotten dirty sonofabitch," she crooned, and she added, "You suck better than he did. Oh you suck much better than that dirty ol' gardener." Finally, he stopped. "You young tender sweet bitch," he said. "I'm going to fuck you. I'm gonna bust my nuts against your cherry." "Yes, yes! Bust the sonofabitch. I want it busted. Spread my cherry all over your dirty old cock!" He stood behind her and she scooted back along the couch until he could reach her with his pecker. But she waved her pussy around too fast for him to make an entry. They both howled in frustration as they tried to couple but couldn't. Then he seized her by the hips, digging into her with his fingers, bruising her, and finally he managed to hold her still and ease his tool into her cunt. The coupling soothed them. They both sighed and stayed motionless, and then she dropped her head and began to moan. He bent his knees to angle his dick up into her.She yelped, and he began fucking her slowly. He had released her hips now, and the only place their bodies were touching was in the cock-cunt area. But suddenly, she began to stiffen. "Oh, stop! You're hurting me..." But he began to fuck faster. "Oh please, please. It hurts," she cried, and she tried to fall flat. She actually managed to pull away from him somewhat. But he crawled up on the couch behind her without missing a stroke. His teeth were bared, and he looked like some sort of maniac whose victim was trying to get away. Roughly, he grabbed her and pulled her back to him. Now her pussy was over his cock, and he was pumping up at her so violently that her knees left the couch every time he stroked upward. She began to scream, but she couldn't do so very loudly because each upward stroke of his knocked the wind out of her. He was holding her down with the palms of his hands while knocking his cock against her hymen. "Got to, got to, got to break that motherfucker..." he chanted. She began scrambling away from him again, but he fell forward onto her, and now he tried to drive her through the couch. She crawled forward, and he followed, driving his dick in and out of her. She crawled to the end of the couch, and her hands reached for the floor. Then she was half on and half off the couch with her hands flat against the floor, her legs spread on either side of him. His mouth was at the nape of her neck, and instinctively, he bit down. She bucked her ass up to him at the same time that his dick was plunging deep into her pussy. Then he felt something give way, and then grab his cock. What was left of her cherry now formed a tight ring around his cockhead. The hot flesh pulled at him like a hot mouth. The girl managed to work her legs under him and squeeze them together. She caught his dick in an exotic vise, and now her mood had changed. She was no longer trying to get away. The pain inside her pussy had changed to searing pleasure. It was like an irresistible itch, and she rubbed her sore, hot, itchy pussy against his prodding cock. She crossed her ankles. She wanted more friction. She found that she had fucking muscles she never knew about. And she used them. She sucked in her pussy. She sucked in her asshole. She used every muscle in her body to pull on his cock. Now it was his turn to scream. She had his whole cock in her, and her young body was threatening to pull it out by the roots. Blazer could see her whole body working now. He could see the muscles in her ass hollow out and expand. Now she no longer had the couch under her stomach, so she could pull down on his cock with immense force. She was only grunting now, and she was working at a fantastic rate. Her ass was just a white blur. And the doctor could only moan helplessly with his head thrown back. Then suddenly, he let out a rough scream. Immediately, she stopped with her ass pushed up tightly against him. She grunted as if she were trying to shit, and then she jerked down on his cock, and then back up once again, and Blazer could see the come juice falling to the floor under them. She sighed, and they both seemed to melt, and they fell off the couch with a thud. Blazer watched until the doctor rolled over on his back. His dick was covered with blood. After that, neither he nor the girl moved. Blazer knew that the doctor wouldn't be ready for him for a while, so he quietly left the office. CHAPTER VI Once out in the hall again, he realized that not only was he drenched with sweat but also that he had a terrific hard-on. He went into a toilet and washed his face in cold water. He tried to piss, but he couldn't. He needed some pussy, and he needed it quick. He was headed for the laundry when he remembered that the day was Wednesday, and the laundry was closed on Wednesdays. He even went to a phone and tried to call Nurse Bloom, but she didn't answer the page. He wandered around rather aimlessly, trying to walk the hard down without much success. He ended up in the part of the hospital which was concerned mostly with research. There were no patients over here except those like the state prisoners who had volunteered to be guinea pigs. He saw a door marked SEMEN BANK, and for some reason, he went right in. It was a good choice. A gong went off when he opened the door. Inside, there was a plastic settee and a desk and two chairs. There was a rack with literature on it, and he was wandering over to it when a woman came into the room from behind the desk. She was a tall, stately woman, a matron. He couldn't really tell whether her hair was graying or blond. She had a deep, mature voice, and she wore a white smock which hung open, revealing a tight skirt and a frilly blouse. "Hello," she said, "May I help you?" Blazer stuttered and tried to hide his erection. Abruptly, he sat down at the desk. "Oh, I work here," he said, "I mean, in the hospital. And I had some time to kill... and what in the hell is a semen bank?" She laughed and studied him closely before she sat down at the desk. "Well," she said, "you're in the medical field. Don't you know what semen is?" "Yeah, it's, it's..." "It's male reproductive matter," she completed. "Yeah, that's right," he agreed. She went on, "Here we accept donations from men who want their sperm frozen for future use. We're most especially interested in geniuses and good physical specimens of manhood. Later, we may get to implant this sperm into a female who is also a genius or an exceptional physical specimen, and thereby produce an exceptional offspring." "That's fascinating," he said. "Also," she continued, "we even have some from men who wish to have their sperm implanted in one of their female offspring several generations from now." "You mean a guy could end up being his own great-grandfather!" She laughed, "Well, not quite, but almost." "I'll be damned," was all he could say. And again, she laughed. Then he said, "You mean anybody could put come, I mean, sperm into this bank?" "Well, most everybody," she replied. Then she explained, "What we do is to make an examination of your sperm. And if it is all right, we tell you. Then you come around and give us all your family history and so on, and give us the sperm, and that's it." "How 'bout that?" he marveled. "Do you want to leave us a sample? You are a good physical specimen." "Me? Yeah, but I didn't bring any with me." "Oh, come now. I'm sure you always carry some around everywhere you go." "Yeah, but, but..." "We have cubicles in the back and, also, sterilized containers. Go back and squeeze us some out." She had gotten up and was waiting for him in the doorway. Dumbly, he followed her into the back room. She led him to a small compartment, opened the door, and told him to enter. "Let me know when you're through," she said cheerfully, and then she left. Inside the compartment was a chair. On a shelf were several empty jars. He dropped his pants and sat down. He tried beating his meat. But it was no use. He just couldn't seem to find the right combination of strokes to set himself off. And after a half hour, he gave up, pulled up his pants, and left the cubicle. The woman was busy at a lab table when he walked up to her. "Where is it?" she asked. "Don't have any," he said. "What? You've been in there a half hour. You could've had gallons by now." "I must not have any." "Oh bull," she said, "I can see it coming out of your eyeballs." "Well, I'm sorry. Maybe some other time." She sighed, "They just don't make young men like they used to." "No ma'am," he hung his head. "Maybe you just need some help." "What kind of help?" "Oh, what the hell kind of help do you think I'm talking about? Come over here." He stood before her, and she felt his cock through his pants. "You're hard as a goddamn rock. And you're going to tell me that you can't get it off?" "No, ma'am." "All right, I get the picture. If I want anything from you, I'm going to have to get it myself. Right?" "I guess so." "You young people think you're so goddamned clever. Let me lock the front door." She went and locked the door, and when she got back, she already had her blouse unbuttoned. "You're just about the same age as my son. He got married the other day. Married some young big-tittied bitch. I can't understand why he wanted a big tit woman. I don't have big knockers, do I?" "I can't see 'em. You still got your bra on." "Now," she said, "I'm not going to undress for you. You ought to be able to get your nuts off without my having to strip down like some night club performer. But I will take off my bra." He stood there watching her as she removed her blouse. "Come on, unfasten me." She turned her back to him, and he went over and buried his knuckles in her back and unhooked her bra. He tried to rub his hard cock against her rump, but she moved away. "Now," she said, "I want to put my blouse back on. I feel chilly." And keeping her back to him, she got back into her blouse and buttoned it completely to the neck. Then she turned and faced him. Her breasts were completely hidden under the ruffles and high collar. She smiled as she saw the expression on his face. "Aww," she mocked, "did mommy's baby want some titty? Poor thing. Mommy is mean." She came over to him and felt his cock. "Ohh, you've got to wee wee. C'mon, let mommy take you to the bathroom." She clamped down on his dick with an irresistible grip and led him to the toilet. Inside the toilet, she unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor. Next, she pried his underwear from around his erect cock. "Oh, my goodness," she cried, "I think you have to do something else besides wee wee. Look at that!"She plucked his stiff limb, and it made a dull sound as if someone had tapped a barrel full of wine. 'Naughty, naughty, naughty, you've been thinking about sex again. Just look at your tom-tom.' She had been standing beside him in front of the commode, but now she stepped between him and the commode, forcing him to step back, and she gripped his cock. Looking down on it, she shook it vigorously. 'Naughty, naughty, naughty,' she said again. Then she said, 'Well, since we're in here, I may as well use the toilet. I don't think you're going to get anything through anything as hard as that. Move back some, Mommy has to pee.' Dumbly, he stepped back as she released his waving dong and reached for the hem of her skirt. She pulled the skirt up well past her hips, and she pulled down her panties. Blazer looked at her body. He saw a glimpse of her pussy thatch just before she sat down. And he also saw something he had never seen before. Her stockings were rolled tightly against her thighs like they were held there by a rubber band. She was the first woman he had ever seen wearing garters instead of a belt or pantyhose. He looked at the tight garters cutting into her thighs as she sat there, and his dick grew harder. 'Get down on your knees,' she said, 'I want to try something.' He got down. 'Slip my panties off, dear.' She had worked them down past her knees, and now he worked them around her shoes as she raised each foot. Now she could spread her legs, and she told him to come in closer. When he did, she reached down and tried to pull up his cock, but it kept hitting against the front of the commode, so he had to move back somewhat until she could get the head of it on to the seat between her legs. 'Now, dear,' she grunted, 'I want you to put the head of your peter right under my pee hole. I want to urinate on it.' Luckily the commode was a newer model and was built rather close to the floor. By kneeling straight up, he could get his dick close to where she wanted it. He felt the cool porcelain against his hot meat near the base of his shaft where it rested on the toilet seat, while the head of his cock was suspended in the coolness of the bowl just above the water, and just below her hot bottom. She wrapped her legs around him as best she could and slid forward. Like a bell clapper, his dick head began hitting against her ass. He discovered that he could make his cockhead hit against the bottom of her ass by tightening up on his ass muscles, and, fascinated, he beat his dick against her ass. 'Oh, that's nasty, that's good and nasty!' she crooned. Then, 'Mommy's going to pee now. Oh yes, Mommy's going to piss!' She tensed, and so did he. He kept his ass muscles tight, and his cockhead stayed against her bottom, and then he felt it. Warm wax began to flow over his cock. He heard water dripping into the commode. She moaned now, and he felt the force of her piss against the top of his dick. It clung to his shaft like hot honey. It ran down into his pubic hairs. It dribbled off his churning balls and dripped to the floor between his knees. 'Oh, oh, that feels so good. I had so much piss for you, darling. You want some tittie now?' She unbuttoned her blouse. 'Here, Mommy's got something for you to suck on.' She cupped the bottom of one of her breasts, and she fed it to him. Quietly she told him what to do. 'Suck it deep,' she whispered, then, 'Bite it a little. Now pull it, honey. Oh, come on, pull it harder!' Now he could feel her rubbing her open pussy along the top of his piss-drenched shaft. She was doing it in rhythm with his sucking. Then she let out a screech, and he felt more, a different kind of wetness flow over his dick shaft. 'Oh, Mommy's coming,' she moaned. 'Mommy's coming good.' Her come spread along his shaft in both directions, some running down into his cock hairs, but also, some of it was carried along by her oscillating pussy to his cockhead. And there it triggered a reaction over which he had no control. Her pussy juice was acid hot. It burned into the ridge of his meat like hot tar. It irritated his pee hole like ice cold vinegar. Roughly he withdrew his cock almost from beneath her. He threw her back against the wall. 'No, no, honey, Mommy's through,' she cried. He slid his hands under her and lifted her ass from the toilet seat. 'No, honey, behave,' she cried. He aimed his aching, burning, gigantic cock right into her wet piss and cream-covered pussy. She tried to shake him off, but that just made it better for him. 'Oh shit!' she yelled, 'You're fucking me!'"His growing cock made her fuck faster, which squeezed his balls tighter, which made his fuck tube bigger, and soon they were bouncing and grunting furiously. He tried to warn her that he was going to come, but he couldn't get the words out. They had fucked their way back into the toilet again, and with her head at a crazy angle against the base of the commode, he douched her with the sap from his balls, which were between the contracted cheeks of her red-hot ass. She wouldn't let him leave until she had gotten all her clothes back on and her hair arranged properly. She told him to come back soon, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. And after he left, Blazer began to wonder seriously if a person could be accused of embezzlement from a sperm bank. CHAPTER VII Nurse Bloom had them both now. Blazer and Ram cowered in the privacy of an examination room. Bloom stood with her back against the door. "You two bastards have been ducking me for weeks," she said, and, "You've been avoiding your responsibilities, shirking in your duties, and refusing to assert your manhood." "I've been sick," explained Blazer weakly. "Bullshit," Bloom shot back, "I know what you've been doing. The administrator knows what you've been doing, every goddamned body knows what's been going on around here. And you know how? Well, I'll tell you. Miss Rand. That's right, Miss Rand has written a letter to the administrator telling him all about your adventures with that young high school girl, Hooks. And if she knows about that, she probably knows about us. And you, Ram, you black spasm, she probably knows about you going over to C wing and working for that big German bitch over there instead of being here where I need you. Trying to get a piece of that big knockwurst ass, weren't you?" "Yes, ma'am. I mean no, ma'am," Ram stumbled. "Oh shit," Miss Bloom cried, "I just don't know what to do. I'm so upset, and you dirty bastards haven't been screwing me. Everything's just all fucked up. You guys just don't know how hot I've been." She walked over to Blazer and put her arm around him. She rubbed her snatch against his rising dong, and he buried his hands into her ass. "Was that young high school pussy better than mine?" she asked him. "No, ma'am," he replied, "just different." "Did she suck your dick?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am." "Did she do it good?" "Kinda." "But not as good as me?" "No, ma'am!" "Well, I'm glad experience counts for something nowadays." She stepped back from him and began feeling his cock. Then she pulled him by it over to a straight chair, and she sat down. Then she unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. She pushed his underwear down, and his cock was free. She talked, and she began licking and nibbling at it all the while, "You've got a nice, young, hard, fresh cock, Blazer. I love to feel it slipping in and out of my mouth. I love to lick my tongue around your meat. I love to nibble on your shaft. I love to feel your cockhead against the roof of my mouth." Soon she had it thoroughly wet with her spit. His dick had sprung full grown now, and it wavered stiffly about as she pushed it from side to side with her cheeks while she licked at the base, getting his hairs sopping wet. Suddenly, she plunged the whole thing into her mouth. She managed to swallow most of it on the first plunge. Then she was still, her mouth engorged for a moment, as if trying to gather herself together to do something stupendous. And then she plunged her head forward along his shaft, and she forced the head of his cock deep into her throat. Blazer had never felt anything like it before. It was tighter than pussy, even tighter than ass. And the heat was terrific. He felt his balls churning. He tried to move, but she wouldn't let him. He looked down at her, and she was rotating her head around his peter as if it were a threaded screw and her mouth a lubricated nut. Her mouth was opened so wide that it looked disjointed. She was turning red, and he realized that she wasn't breathing, but he could feel her mouth muscles working along his cock. He could feel her lips sucking it. He could feel her throat clipping his dick head. He could feel himself beginning to come. He yelled a warning, "I'm going to come!" And she chortled and hummed loudly, and he knew that she wanted him to. Up it came, by the gallons. When his cock spat, she began to croon loudly. His balls burst like water-filled balloons. The thick stream of his come poured into her throat. She felt it, like warm honey, ooze against her membranes. The heat started from that spot deep inside her throat. It spread in all directions. Into her stomach it flowed, down to her thighs, her backside, her toes. And wherever it went, it relaxed every muscle it touched. She felt the warmth from her own body flow through her pants, through her uniform and puddle in the chair she was sitting on. Blazer had been letting out a series of grunts. And with each grunt, he shot out a long blob of semen. Each blob that left him made him weaker, and now his knees were beginning to sag. Nurse Bloom was now allowing his cock to leave her mouth. Now she was breathing around it, drawing great drafts of cold air along his shaft and deep into her lungs. Finally, he staggered back, and his cock plopped out of her slack mouth, trailing spit and semen down her chin and onto the breast of her uniform. For the first time, he noticed that Carol Hooks was in the room also. She was watching them bug-eyed. She and Ram were leaning against the examination table, and she was absent-mindedly jacking off Ram's big dong. Carol was not in uniform. She was wearing her school clothes, which was a simple mini-skirt, and no stockings. Ram had her skirt up and was caressing her legs, and now she began to rub his hard muscle along the side of her thigh. Now he positioned her directly in front of himself and scooted down somewhat while she raised her backside, and soon the head of his dick poked itself between her legs and up against her panty-covered crotch. She reached down and began fingering the underside of the big cockhead between her legs. She pushed it up hard against her cunt. He reached around to the front of her and slipped his hands down the waistband of her panties. Blazer could see the big knuckles inside the silky material as the unseen fingertips parted the lips of the young girl's pussy. Carol began to sigh and she squeezed her legs together around Ram's cock as she tickled it faster with her soft fingers. Ram started a panting moan and gently let his fingers slide into the opening, wet cave of the girl. Slowly, he began to grind his pelvis back and forth, massaging his dick between her thighs while pushing her pussy harder against his hand. His other hand found its way down her blouse and under her bra. He found a tit nipple and he began to squeeze and pull on it. She threw her head back against his shoulder, and he began licking her temple and then her cheek. Finally, she turned her head enough so that he could put his tongue into her mouth. Now Ram's cock extended far enough between the girl's legs for her to be able to grasp it in her fist. She did so while they were still kissing, and she pulled upward, making the hard cockshaft push up against his fingers which pushed harder against her clit, which nearly drove her mad. She screamed in Ram's mouth and frantically worked her pussy along Ram's limb. At the same time, she was jerking on his cock at a rapid rate. Her tongue was swirling around and around inside his mouth rather like a dog chasing his own tail. Ram began to buck faster. His fingers were well up into Carol's cunt, and he was reaching that magical spot. And then he did. She pulled her mouth from his and screamed with her head jammed hard against his shoulder. Ram felt her pussy clamp around his fingers. When she creamed, she tightened her fist around his cock for an instant, and then she began to jack him furiously. His toes began to curl under, and he grunted just as Blazer had done. And a thick garden hose-size stream of rich white come squirted across the room and onto the opposite wall, where it began to flow down like the insides of a smashed egg. Nurse Bloom had recovered somewhat from her excesses with Blazer. And when she saw Ram's come flowing down the wall, she told him that he didn't have to be so messy, and she got up, removed her wet panties and went over to the wall and used them to catch up Ram's come. Then she threw the sopping panties into the sink. Next, she started to take off the rest of her clothes. "Let's all get naked and screw our troubles away," she laughed. And soon, all four of them were stripped down. Miss Bloom was lying on the examination table face down, and Ram was kissing her between the cheeks of her ass. While at the same time, Carol was squeezing the hunched-over Ram's balls and watching his mouth work down in the white valley of Bloom's backside. Her mouth was moving along with Ram's, and she hoped he would stop soon so she could take his place. She felt Blazer's cock against her own soft buttocks, and he was also licking her, behind her right ear, and squeezing her breasts. Abruptly, an insistent knock came at the door. All four persons inside the examination room froze. The knock came again. Harder this time. And, finally, a voice whispered loudly through the door. "I know you're in there. Open up. Open up or I'll have someone come and knock this door in!" Bloom was the first to regain her voice. "My God, it's Rand!" And nurse Rand again pounded on the door. There was a tentative scramble for clothes, but Bloom told them that there was no way they could straighten themselves out before Rand brought the whole hospital down on them. She ordered the door opened.Blazer did so, and Nurse Rand gasped in indignation at the completely naked man standing there before her with his purple-red cock sagging only somewhat. "Close the door," Bloom ordered, and Nurse Rand automatically stepped inside with her eyes and mouth both agape. Wordlessly, Nurse Rand looked around the room at the four totally naked people. Bloom was still lying on the table, and Ram still had one of his hands on each of her buttocks. His whole face was wet with saliva, and Nurse Rand could see that same saliva coating the valley of Nurse Bloom's white buns. She could see Carol, looking younger than she had ever looked before, trying to hide behind the strapping young black boy whose cock she had, until recently, been pulling on. And then there was Blazer, standing between her and the door. His oversized, fleshy man-tool leaning out of his orange-red jungle of dick hairs, which climbed up his body and onto his chest like some kind of red ivy. Was he standing there menacingly? Would he step aside to let her out? For the first time, she considered that maybe she had gone too far. But she just had to see for herself. She couldn't believe that such things actually happened. That human beings could behave like animals, that they could actually be naked in front of each other, that they could actually touch each other. Now she saw it was true. Stories of the black mass flooded up through her mind. The rumors, the whispers in the night at the convent. She looked at Blazer again. He was red, so red. And she gasped and almost fainted when, for a second, she thought she saw horns on Blazer's forehead and a tail switching back and forth behind him. But that was too much. She closed her eyes and then opened them, and the apparition was gone. She spoke, "What are you all doing in here?" Her voice was calm, and after she had asked the question, she realized how silly it sounded. She was a witness to something she didn't want to see. And now seeing it, she was a part of it. It was like watching a very private murder in which no one would know the details except the victim, the murderer, and herself. And now she felt as guilty as if she had committed the observed act herself. Strangely, she began to relax. It was as if something that had to be done was finally finished. She had heard of orgies. She had condemned them, if they existed, as works of a devil cult. She didn't really believe in them, but here she was right in the midst of one, although interrupted by her presence. It was like walking through the woods and finding little men, with pointed hats, bowling. She thought of that and she laughed. She looked at Blazer and saw the perplexed look on his face. A big red-headed kid with half an erection, standing there naked and looked quizzically at her. She laughed harder. She could hear herself. She sounded younger than she thought she should. She felt lighter than she thought she should. Blazer was coming closer, or was she going to him? She reached out and grasped his cock. "What's wrong with her?" whispered Carol Hooks, still cowering behind Ram. "She's hysterical. She's cracked up," replied Bloom, barely above a whisper. "Look at her go after that meat!" breathed Ram. He was watching Nurse Rand, who had fallen to her knees in front of Blazer and who was holding his reawakening cock in both hands and staring up at it unblinkingly. Now Nurse Bloom sat up on the table. She watched Nurse Rand intently. Somebody inquired what Rand was going to do. And Bloom whispered to the kneeling, mesmerized woman on the floor, "Suck it. Go ahead, Rand, suck it!" Someone started to say something, but Bloom hushed them with a wave of her hand. She slid from the table and knelt down beside Nurse Rand. Again, this time into the woman's ear, she said urgently, "Suck it, goddamn it." Rand's mouth began to move as if she were talking, but nothing came out. Still, she held the gigantic prick aloft, but she didn't move. Nurse Bloom kissed her on the ear. She licked deep and then tickled lightly with the tip of her tongue. "You want me to kiss you?" Bloom murmured. She trailed her tongue along the other woman's cheek, she licked at the corner of the other woman's mouth. She put her hand up between the other woman's legs. She squeezed the other woman's cunt. And then she got her head between the woman and Blazer's cock and French kissed her. They both toppled backward on the floor. When Bloom kissed Nurse Rand, Rand let go of Blazer's dick and put her arms around the woman who was tonguing her. With a muffled screech, she began to scrape Bloom's feminine skin with her fingernails. She forced her own tongue into Bloom's mouth. She reached down between their bodies and she found Bloom's pussy. Deftly she slipped a finger into Bloom's cunt, and unerringly, she found the right spots, and Bloom realized belatedly that she was, in fact, being raped by another woman. The other three stood amazed as they watched the spectacle before them. Bloom was now spread-eagled on the floor. Over her hovered a demonic Nurse Rand, sucking her titties, licking at her belly, and finally, burying her nose and mouth between Bloom's outstretched legs. Bloom howled. She rocked up against the other woman's mouth. She scooted along the floor trying to escape the voracious mouth. But there was no escape. Nurse Rand, her white stockings torn and dirty, her uniform askew, crawled everywhere after her, sucking, licking and blowing into her pussy. Blazer, Ram, and Carol took refuge on the examination table since the two women, in their passion, covered all the floor space at one time or another. On the table, Carol sat between Ram's legs. Now the surprised entrance of Nurse Rand, and the even more surprising scene taking place on the floor had, ironically enough, taken the three table-bound lovers' minds off their own sexual pleasures. But now Bloom had weakened. She had put up a good fight, but now she lay there in the middle of the floor and let Rand contentedly feast on her cunt. She had long passed the stage of mere enjoyment. The pleasure had become so intense that it was painful. Now she had been transported beyond any pain. Now there was only intense pleasure, pleasure that bypassed all her voluntary reflexes. Pleasure that controlled her as effectively as any pain the body can endure. There was no thinking for her, no reflections. There was no seeing, no tasting, and no feeling except the retching, spasmodic pleasure that made her body jump like electric current was flowing through it. Every muscle in her body, she felt, was contracted as tightly as it could be, and the licking at her pussy was going to release them soon. She knew that she would not only cream, but that she would also pee, and maybe even shit. And she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to be embarrassed like that. Somewhere, someplace, the civilized portion of her mind was screaming. But in vain. Ram watched Nurse Bloom getting her pussy sucked out by Nurse Rand. Now Bloom's shoulders were the only part of her body touching the floor. She had the back of her knees hooked over Rand's shoulders. Rand was kneeling now. Ram could see the wide-open mouth of the sucking woman working on the upturned pussy. Ram's cock began to grow again. It swelled enough to reach out and touch the soft white backside of the young girl sitting between his legs. Unthinkingly, he pulled her back against him. But there was a hand between her legs. Blazer's fingers had buried themselves into her cunt hairs. Now he was parting the lips of her young gash. She settled against the big black man whose cock she was, by now, sitting on, and whose hands were again stroking her breasts and, also, she enjoyed the finger penetration of the red-haired man who sat next to them on the table. All three saw Nurse Bloom get her gun. She felt it coming. It was almost as if someone had cut away the bottom half of her body and now everything was draining out. It was not an unpleasant sensation. It was a great release of tension. Even her mind no longer fought the inevitable. Nurse Rand was sucking her like she had never been sucked before. Nurse Rand was an expert. Nurse Rand had done this before. Naughty Nurse Rand. Bloom was thinking all this as her climax started to flow upward from her toes, and forward from her ass. Now her cunt muscles began to push. Now her pussy began to expel. With three great convulsions, Nurse Bloom emptied her pussy into Nurse Rand's hot mouth. The first convulsion arched her body out like a bow, her stomach reaching for the ceiling. The second convulsion slammed her ass toward the floor violently. On the third, her shoulders left the floor. She climbed up Nurse Rand and somehow managed to be sitting on the other woman's shoulder with her fingers tangled in the sucking woman's hair. Then her feet were on the floor, and in her spasm, she actually leapfrogged over her lover's head. They lost contact with a big "smack" and Bloom was walking around in a fit, pulling her own hair with her still-spasming pussy spitting out clots of woman juice onto the floor. She made it over to the examination table just before she fainted. Nurse Rand, still clothed but dirty and disheveled, sat back on her haunches. She was staring at the wall as if she were expecting someone to walk through it. Blazer, Ram, and Carol stretched Bloom out on the table. They got a sheet and covered her there, and then they went over to investigate Nurse Rand. They walked around her, examining, but she never really seemed to take any notice of them. They called her name, and she responded properly enough, but no more. It was Carol who suggested that maybe she would be more comfortable with her clothes off. So they laid her out on the floor and removed her clothes.In the process of doing this, both men got big hard-ons again. Nurse Rand had a beautiful body. Blazer had the job of pulling down her panties. After Ram had raised her torso off the floor and Carol had unsnapped her bra, Blazer straddled the woman's body with his long cock falling against her naked white thighs, and he pulled her panties down, raising her rump from the floor with no help from the others. On his knees, he walked his way down her body and finally unhooked her panties from her feet. Here, before him, naked and hot, was the woman he'd always wanted to fuck. Like a gourmet loath to touch a beautiful meal, he looked at her a long time. He saw that her body looked younger than her face. He noticed that, even flat on her back, her breasts rose up like stiff dicks under a bed sheet. He saw her waistline was so small that the skin was compressed into a darker line of flesh that encircled it. Her legs were womanly, not lean like a girl. But the biggest surprise of all was that Nurse Rand was a blonde. Her pussy was buried under a lush golden silken thatch of beautiful blonde hairs. And then, for the first time, he noticed that she was looking at him. Frankly and openly, she was staring at him straight in the face as he knelt there at her feet. His cock had grown to an enormous erection, and he knew that she had seen it. For the first time, she spoke to him. "Give it to me," she said quietly, "Please give it to me." Inexplicably, he was flooded with compassion for this woman lying before him. Tenderness pervaded his whole being, and for the first time in his life, he considered a woman as something other than a cunt. "Do you," he stammered, "have you ever..." "No," she interrupted, "you'll be the first one. You'll be my first real man." She opened her legs slightly and turned her head away. Slowly he crawled to her. He handled her gently, almost as if he was afraid he would break her. He spread her legs farther. Under the blonde hairs, he could see her open gash. It was moist and ready, lewd and yet so innocent. Carefully he pressed his cock to her entrance, and she began biting her lower lip. He hesitated again. Was he hurting her? Slowly he began rubbing his swollen cockhead up and down her wet trench. He was hovering over her, supporting himself with one palm flat against the floor. With the other hand, he continued to move his dick against her pussy. It felt so good, so goddamned good. Slowly his back and leg muscles began to relax and his body lowered itself toward her. And his cock eased deeper into her warm hole. Her pussy sucked him in. Abruptly, she turned her head and banged her cheek against the floor. He thought he had heard her moan. He pulled out of her a little, but it was hard to do. The suction was terrific, and he knew that he could never pull completely away from her because she had something inside her that he had never had before. He didn't know what it was, but as his dick went into her, the pleasure became unbearable. And so, it was for his own sake as well as hers, that he allowed his cock to retreat somewhat. But now, after a second or two, he was ready to continue his lascivious journey. Down his body fell, deeper into her went his red cock. Now the meat was completely in, now the first part of the long shaft, and now, just a little more. She growled like an animal, and then she crooned. He was carefully watching his dick disappearing into her body. He watched as her cunt spread and ate the tremendous meal he was feeding her. He watched her take it all. And then, he looked up into her face and saw that again she was watching him with her eyes wide open. There was something in her eyes. He thought it was hatred at first, but then he realized that it was more like defiance, a challenge. And then she spoke. "Get it, get it, you nasty bastard. Fuck it! Give it to me." It wasn't a taunt. She said it evenly, coolly, almost as if she were giving him instructions on how to inject drugs into a patient's vein. He let his hips drop, and his cock sank almost the full length into her cunt. She raised her own hips and began to rotate around it. Her eyes were closed now, and she had the back of her head firmly against the floor. And then, she relaxed. "That's it," she breathed, "Give me more. I want more." He slipped his hands under her buttocks and pulled her up to him. He ground his stomach into hers, and when their pubic hairs met, they began fucking like mad. Steadily they screwed, not making any sound except for an occasional grunt. Inside her pussy, he could feel his shaft unbending, being worked up and down. There was a firm spot in there somewhere and every once in a while, his dickhead would hit against it, giving him unlimited pleasure. With his cock, and on every stroke, he searched for that spot. And she was trying to help him find it. Each time he hit that spot, she could feel his cock rubbing harder against the walls of her cunt, swelling, increasing the pressure, increasing the friction and making her scream deep down inside her throat. CHAPTER VIII Carol Hooks had never fucked in a hard-backed chair before. But now Ram was sitting there with his cock up at, as she remembered from geometry class, a forty-five-degree angle. He was watching the couple on the floor and he was jacking himself off. He was taking slow strokes up and down his long black pole. Without a word, Carol approached him and knocked his masturbating hand away. Understandingly, he closed up his legs so that she could straddle him. She had hold of his meat and she hefted it experimentally, and then she applied it to her sopping pussy. Now she eased herself down on it while holding her breath and gritting her teeth. Ram raised his ass off the chair and jammed his dick into her. She made a grunting sound because his attack knocked the wind out of her momentarily. "Easy, honey, easy," she soothed him. He sat back down in the chair. "That's right," she told him, "Don't hurt me. I'll give you all you want, but let me ride it for a while." Ram settled down and Carol leaned back from him. She arched her back and with her arms outstretched, she placed the palms of her hands on his shoulders. Before him, he could see her small luscious breasts bouncing as she rocked her pussy around his black dick. He leaned forward and caught one in his mouth. She sucked in her breath. He licked and sucked one nipple, pulling at it with his lips, scraping it with his teeth, and then removing his mouth from it entirely and just letting his tongue flip it up and down and side to side. His sucking was making her hotter. He could feel it. She ground down on him tighter now, and she moved a little faster. She began to whimper. Now she began to fuck him madly. She was babbling in time with her movements. She was rising from the knees. She was digging her nails into his shoulders. She was crying, "Oh," and, "Ah," and making other helpless sounds. She was throwing it to him so hard that the chair they were fucking in began to bounce across the floor. Ram grabbed her hips and tried to hold her down. "No, don't, don't!" she cried. Still, he tried to hold her. He wanted to get his dick deep into her and keep it there. He wanted to deep fuck. Finally, he succeeded and she let her head fall on his shoulder. She began pleading into his ear. "Ohh, let me fuck. Please let me fuck you. Oh, baby, it feels so good. Oh, shit, you're killing me now. Oh, God!" He had a wrist lock on her hips and all she could do was rotate around his blood-gorged cock. He started working his ass muscles, which made his dick jump inside her pussy. He was teaching her something. It was just as good, or better, this way than with the frantic humping she was trying to do. Soon he knew she would prefer it. "Jeez, I've never had it like this before. Oh, hell! What are you doing to me? Stop it. Stop it please. Please..." And she began to cry. But Ram kept up his deep fucking. He could feel her pussy closing in on his cock, and he knew that she was learning to use muscles she never knew she had. "All right, you bastard, all right... Go ahead, just kill me. Go ahead, fuck me, fuck me. That's right, fuck... goddamn, shit. Oh, shit, shit, shit...!" And she squeezed her pussy around his jumping dick. On the floor, Nurse Rand had doubled herself up, and now her knees were under Blazer's shoulders. This position put Blazer's hot red pole right against her clit constantly, and he now rubbed it going up and coming down. Her pussy spasmed and pulled at the cock fucking it. She became hotter and tighter. Now she worked harder to rub her pussy button against the invading blood sausage. "Oh, so good, so good, so damned good," she uttered. Her pussy was hot, but Blazer felt that he had things under control, thanks to Nurse Bloom's throat massage. And so, he relaxed and methodically fucked the girl under him. Nurse Bloom came to. She pulled herself up from the examination table and staggered over to the sink. Using her own panties, she soaked her face in cold water, and then, using more cold water, she again wet the panties and held them between her legs. Two things disturbed her. One was that her two men were busily engaged in screwing two other women, and the other was that she knew they all had been away from their hospital work too long. Soon someone would start looking for them. She had to break the party up. She knew that the only way she could do that was to make sure everybody got their guns, and quickly. She went over and thrust her tongue down Ram's mouth. At the same time, she reached around and applied a finger to Carol's asshole. Carol jumped, but Ram was holding her down. He had no idea what Bloom was doing.Nurse Bloom stopped kissing him, but she kept working her finger on his partner's backside. "She's going to come, Ram," Bloom whispered to him, "Do you feel her pussy getting tighter?" At the same time, she moved her finger up into Carol's ass. Carol was babbling. She had no control over her speech. Her head hung limp on Ram's shoulder. Bloom could feel Ram's cock through the thin membranes of Carol's insides. She pushed against it. The pressure was terrific. Slowly, Carol pulled her fingernails up Ram's back. The skin curled up from his back like wood shavings from a knife. Blood filled the love wounds and mixed with the sweat of the humping black man. Ram felt Bloom's finger through Carol's ass push tightly up against the base of his cock. This made his cock so hard that it actually became insensate. He could feel nothing but that delicious pressure against his dick roots. It rubbed against his dick string, it pulled against his prostate, it made his balls rise and fall like a yo-yo. His cock swelled and Carol's glands exploded. She creamed. She didn't make a sound, but she just collapsed. Suddenly, she became dead weight on Ram, but he didn't notice. Someone had poured gasoline up his ass, and now they lit it. The fire came pouring out of his cock. He yelled as boiling hot semen burned his tube and he filled the young girl's pussy with thick gobs of steaming come. Next, Nurse Bloom went to Blazer and Nurse Rand. She lay out on the floor and pushed her tongue into Nurse Rand's mouth. Rand kissed her back, and at the same time, she began to fuck Blazer harder. Still, Blazer was cool. Nurse Bloom left Rand's mouth slowly. She licked her fellow nurse on the lips and pecked her on the chin, and then sat back and watched the two fucking for a while. Then she crawled around behind them and reached in between Blazer's legs and grabbed his nuts. Blazer no longer was cool. Bloom cradled his nuts in one hand and placed the other on one of his shoulders. She squeezed his fruit sacks rhythmically. Her efforts immediately set Blazer's balls afire. The fire spread and heated his ass. He felt as though he were sitting in a tub of hot water. Now he could feel the heat in the tip of his cock deep inside Nurse Rand's cunny. His tool became harder still. Nurse Rand felt the effect of Bloom's manipulations. She felt Blazer's dick grow hotter and larger inside her. It swelled suddenly and it stretched the walls of her virgin cunt. Now she felt every pore on the skin of his big red dick as it rubbed her insides. She raised her legs higher. His dick was growing. It was getting fatter and longer. It was going deeper inside her. She cried out, "Wonderful. What are you doing now? Oh, so... It's so... Oh shit!" She rode him harder. Animal instinct drove her on. Only her lust told her that by squeezing and pulling, and twisting her pussy on this man's cock could she find the ultimate and supreme pleasure. And then, Blazer stiffened. He wasn't moving, but he was making horrible noises in his throat. He stretched above her with his body so taut and his arms at full length and his palms flat against the floor so that she could wrap her legs around him and pull herself up clear off the floor. And with her ass off the floor, she could really work her cunt up and down his fantastically-hard cock. She fucked him frantically. Grunting, cursing, and crying, she sucked on his dick with her hungry pussy. Behind him, Nurse Bloom had her mouth deep into the crack of his ass. His tightened backside muscles were no match for her chin. She had buried her tongue into his crack, and she had tried to force it into his shit hole. But she couldn't do it because it was closed too tightly. The heat was almost unbearable there, and she loved what she was doing. She bit down on his tight brown exit, she licked at it with her tongue. Using her hands, she managed to pry open his cheeks somewhat, and she licked him from balls to spine along his deep crack. He wasn't moving at all now. He didn't need to, he was being fucked in front and getting sucked behind. Blazer's mind was a red haze of lust. He couldn't move. If he moved just one muscle, he would blow apart like a hand grenade. But, still, he knew he would blow. Goddammit, Nurse Rand wouldn't keep still. She was ramming and rotating her greedy pussy along and around his hard cock. And that bitch Bloom was eating his ass. He could actually feel her teeth nipping at his hole. He was begging them to stop, but even he knew that what was coming out of his mouth was unintelligible. And then, he felt it. That good spot Nurse Rand had inside her pussy. She was rubbing it against his cockhead. One hit, two hits, and again... He felt her shift herself around a little. There! She did it again! Oh shit, and again. And now every time. Rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing. He felt something leave his balls. Inch by inch it was being coaxed out along his cock. Each time she hit that good spot it came forward like thick syrup being sucked through a straw. He tried to hold it back because if it came it would kill him. But the two women were merciless. Nurse Bloom clamped her mouth and teeth on his asshole and Nurse Rand rubbed her pelvis bone, coated with pussy flesh, against his cockhead. And he lost control. It felt like piss. It poured from him in a long steady stream. Nurse Rand was screaming, her heels were kicking him in the small of his back. Nurse Bloom was squeezing his balls again. She was talking to him soothingly, "That's right, that's right, let it all come out. Give it all to her. Cream her good." He heard splattering sounds on the floor. Nurse Bloom reached under them and bathed her hand in the pool of semen which dripped from their bodies. She applied her soaked palm to Blazer's hanging balls. The stuff made his sacs slippery, and she squeezed them through her fingers and made him come some more. She did this until he collapsed. Of course, when the hospital administrator received Nurse Rand's letter, he immediately recognized Blazer and Ram from his own adventures with them and his own wife and secretary. He was trying to consider just what to do when Nurse Rand came to him and insisted on withdrawing her letter, saying that it was all just a silly joke. Sensing something amiss, he sternly refused to allow her to do so. He accused her of trying to ruin the reputation of two good boys, a student nurse, and others as well as of the hospital itself. However, he would allow her letter to be returned if she would only show some sign of contriteness. They discussed the matter for a while and, finally, in his office, on her knees, she happily paid for her misdeed.
Midge Gette
The More the Sexier
"Did you read about the people down in Dade County, Mother?" Sharon asked. "No, dear," said the beautiful little woman, "what about them?" "They're rioting and some of them are dead. No money, no jobs, no food. And just look at us. We have all this, and for what?" Sharon looked down from atop the massive staircase. "I've heard of people showing off—five-hundred-dollar millionaires, they call them—but this is insane! If the Washington economists are searching for where all the money in the country has suddenly disappeared to, they ought to look right here! It's disgusting and ridiculous." "Everything to you lately is ridiculous, Sharon. Isn't it beautiful, though?" It was beautiful. Gorgeous, in fact, Sharon had to admit. Gorgeous and gaudy. The huge reception hall of their house, spreading out below them, was like something out of The Student Prince. All it needed was the opera star, Pavarotti, standing in its center, wearing knee-length britches and singing his heart out. Sharon's own life had become something like a fairytale opera since Uncle Nate had moved them all into this beautiful monster of a house. Uncle Nate. Sharon rolled her eyes in helpless disgust. She could not bear to look at the little man who, after many years of wandering the face of the earth, his existence all but forgotten, had returned to the bosom of his family with more money than sense, in Sharon's considered opinion; and the dimensions of his family having with the passing years been reduced to one member, her mother, he had proceeded to turn that little woman into a complete idiot with his seemingly inexhaustible largesse. Sharon's wide mouth settled into the sardonic lines that were becoming a habit of late. Below her the great hall was empty and not a sound of life could be detected anywhere. Behind and around her, all the doors to bedrooms and sitting rooms were discreetly closed, except her own. The wide stairway looked cold and endless and the front door a mile away. She was tempted to give a shout and stir up echoes from the great domed ceiling, but resisted. She had tried it before and almost created bedlam among her mother and sister and the entire staff of servants. She had enjoyed it, but at the moment was not in the mood for such childish pranks. After two months' residence in this mausoleum of a house, her sense of humor failed her at times. "Ridiculous," she repeated aloud, and suiting protest to action, she ran down the long stairway, skidded across the gleaming rotunda floor and escaped through the front door. Manicured lawns with decorous shrubbery and precisely spaced trees did nothing to ease her restless mood. Disgruntled, she wished herself back where so short a time ago they had lived in more or less contented sanity, instead of making great fools of themselves up here on Skyline Drive, where only the very best people of the town dared to breathe. Ungrateful. It was her mother's most persistent definition of Sharon now, and the girl did not refute it, but no amount of argument could change her attitude toward the whole thing. It was ridiculous. The Parkers did not belong on Skyline Drive. High above the town, it lay against gentle hills in a quarter-moon curve that accommodated less than a dozen beautiful mansions in immaculate quiet. It was the quiet, more than anything, that made Sharon feel frantic. It was almost impossible to believe that behind the blank facade of these fine houses any life—breathing, thinking, moving life—existed at all. Even the Talmadge mansion at the north end of the curve, where her brother and sister-in-law lived, bore no evidence of youth within its stately walls. Sharon scuffed her feet to destroy for a moment the perfection of grass too green and too preciously untrodden, and thought about her sister-in-law Lorraine, who was the real reason why she was here, and not happy as a lark on old Tiger Tail Road. Ever since her brother Dwayne had married Lorraine and moved into the Talmadge mansion, her mother had died a thousand deaths of frustration and jealousy, until Uncle Nate had appeared on the scene and with a wave of his magic wand transported the rest of the Parkers to the hill. Uncle Nate. Again the thought of him made her roll her eyes helplessly. She had as little to do with him as possible, but he did rather haunt her mind. In some ways he seemed as much a victim of all this as she was herself, but that did not change the fact that, along with Lorraine, he had ruined her life. "Sharon, for heaven's sake!" Behind her, the front door opened a few inches and her sister's voice hissed out at her. "Sharon, get in here—this minute!" Sharon did not bother to turn. "What's up?" she shouted. "Sh—" The door closed sharply. Sharon's laughter echoed down the quiet drive. She just had to say it again, loud and clear. "Ridiculous!" And in her mind she could see her sister Debbie scuttling away from the front door, terrified that the butler would appear out of nowhere and catch her opening her own front door. If only, Sharon thought, her mother and Debbie could see how ridiculous it was. There was always something both pitiful and contemptible about social climbing. If one were not a Lorraine Talmadge Parker, born to Skyline Drive and all it typified, there surely could be little happiness in coveting a like position. While it was true that Skyline Drive in recent years had seen a small influx of families not born to the cloth, as it were, it had to be obvious to all such intruders that they never quite made it. The Talmadges, Roths, Huntleys, and Kingsleys—the four first families—remained aloof, and all that was left to the intruders was to band together in false pretense that no line separated the two factions. A rueful little smile touched Sharon's lips. Her brother's marriage to a Talmadge had started the whole thing, and yet it was not fair to blame Lorraine, who was, in Sharon's opinion, not a bad sort. Sharon liked her, but with certain reservations. Anyone who could have so blindly married Dwayne Parker just had to be suspect in the brain department. Sharon had no illusions about her brother. Shallow, vain, and circumventive, Dwayne had married Lorraine because he was tainted by social ambitions and the Talmadges were the first family of Brookings. Lorraine loved Dwayne. To Sharon, this was the mystery of the century, and had quite convinced her that love was wholly blind and for herself a thing to be carefully avoided. Not that she had much to worry about on that score. At nineteen, Sharon was not besieged by suitors and had, in fact, never had any boy or man interested in her past a first or second date. She scared them off, her mother said. She just did not have what it took, her always popular and now married sister declared. Sharon shrugged. Nothing about marriages of either her sister or brother was particularly conducive to envy on her part. She liked her brother-in-law Hermie, but considered him a weak character to have let Debbie talk him into moving into the Skyline mansion. Sharon did, on the whole, find her in-laws much more likable than any member of her own family. Lorraine was rather fond of her, she believed, and Hermie, at least, had no foolish social ambitions. Bored by the monotony of her thoughts and surroundings, Sharon listlessly returned to the house, climbed the great stairway and sought her own suite of rooms. Once there, she stood looking about her with a sadness of appreciation. The very best decorators available had wrought their skill upon every inch of the house and there was no denying the flawless results. It was perhaps the very flawless aspect of it all that moved Sharon to protest. From time to time, she tried to bring life into her own quarters by scattering her belongings, knocking cushions to the floor, moving a chair or kicking a rug, but the moment her back was turned one of the innumerable servants restored order, and had done so now in her brief absence. She went to a window and stood looking down at the parklike design of the rear gardens, at the curved edge of the still-life swimming pool, and far down to where the grounds sloped in an almost imperceptible hollow at the foot of the gentle rise of hills. Her eyes came to rest upon the brick chimney of the gardener's cottage that nestled in the hollow, and a great yearning went through her. Just so had the chimney of the old house on Tiger Tail Road blended its faded brick-red with the green of fine old trees. A movement caught her eye, and she pulled open the window and leaned forward. There was no mistaking the short, stout build of Uncle Nate, but just where was he headed? Well, I'll be, she thought in surprise. So that's where he disappears to from time to time! Wouldn't Mother and Debbie just die if they knew their roly-poly benefactor was consorting with the hired help? Animation did wonderful things for Sharon Parker's face. More handsome than pretty, in repose her face looked plain and almost ill-natured, for she had a pronounced scowl and a stubborn chin; but now her fine gray eyes and mischievous grin lit her features with unexpected warmth and beauty. Since Uncle Nate took no part in the domestic order of the house, leaving all such affairs to his sister and the worthy housekeeper, Mrs. Upstead, the beeline he was making to the gardener's cottage deserved investigation. Never one slow to act, Sharon moved swiftly now and without plan.Leaving the window and the door to her room open, she raced down the wide stairway and ducked under the balcony. Searching by a circuitous route to find the house's rear entrance, Sharon passed through the big kitchen and gave a quick wave to the servants—Brownie, Rosie, and Sally. Fortunately, all were too busy for a chat, and Sharon was able to continue on her way. The beautiful brunette went out the back way and began to stroll through the woods. "Wonder what Uncle Nate was doing sneaking around in the woods," Sharon giggled. "Maybe he was heading for a romantic rendezvous?" The young girl giggled some more, unable to picture her uncle as a bed-hopping bachelor. For one thing, he was almost middle-aged. "Give me a young man every time," the teenager murmured. "They can go the distance." As Sharon sat down by the edge of a sparkling, secluded pond, a recollection flooded her mind that contradicted what she'd just said. She remembered Mr. Stone, the family lawyer who was in his late forties. He certainly hadn't lost any of his manly potency. "That's for sure," Sharon whispered, blushing. "In fact, he just about wore me out!" The girl stretched out on the grassy bank, allowing the memory to return. A year ago, soon past her eighteenth birthday, Sharon had to go into town to see Justin Stone in order to find out how certain money matters affected her now that she was no longer a minor. It had been a curious meeting. She was aware of the lawyer's avid interest in her physical features—and she noticed what a handsome, husky man he was—yet there wasn't the hint of a pass. Until two weeks later, that is. Stone had called, asking her to return, there were a few details he'd forgotten. In a frisky mood that day, the voluptuous teenager decided to wear a skirt slit up the thigh and a low-cut blouse. As events were to prove, the girl had not fully estimated the handsome man's virility. The business they had to deal with took only a few minutes. Sharon was confused because it didn't seem there was enough to do to warrant her coming. Instead, she entertained herself with thoughts of Stone's sexual prowess. To her surprise, she found herself getting turned on by the husky lawyer. "Well, I guess I'll go now," she said, standing up and feeling a blush spread over her face, caused by unexpected desire. Stone stood up and came around to the front of his desk. "There's no need to hurry off, Sharon," the lawyer said. Then his voice grew slightly hoarse. "I must confess that since our last meeting I've thought of nothing else but you." "Wh-what do you mean?" the girl stammered. "I'll tell you," he replied in a gruff voice with a hint of pleading in it. "Maybe you don't know that my wife is frigid. She dislikes sex, thinks it's sinful. And for a healthy man like myself, that's torture. Now do you get my meaning?" "I... I guess I do." Sharon was shocked by his implication, yet a stirring in her loins told her she wasn't too shocked to leave. "I'm sorry about your situation." "Maybe you could be more than sorry," the lawyer said, stepping close to her. "Maybe you'd like to help me out." Sharon's generous heart went out to the handsome man—and as her sympathy increased, so did the vibrant stirring between her legs. She nodded slightly, mesmerized by his virile presence, and he threw his strong arms around her. "You're so beautiful," he breathed. "I've got to have you or I'll go mad. Don't deny me!" "No, no, of course not!" the teenager cried, filled with sympathy and increasing desire. "I want you ... I want you to take me... right here!" Throwing her inhibitions to the winds, Sharon pressed up against the shuddering, powerful man. Searing jolts of heat lightning went through her trembling body as she pushed her barely concealed breasts into his sturdy chest. The recently ignited fire between her thighs became a blaze of consuming passion. "Oh, Mr. Stone, yes ... yes, I'll do whatever you want... oh, you're so strong," she cooed. The curvaceous girl kicked her shoes off and got up on her toes to rub her crotch against the expanding bulge between his muscular legs. The lawyer's hands reached down and hitched up her skirt, and at this signal Sharon hopped up and wrapped her long, slender legs around his hips. "Oh, Jesus, Sharon, you're a hot little wildcat!" Stone groaned. Spurred on by this compliment, the teenager bounced up and down, crushing her moistening mound against his throbbing manhood. She gyrated faster and faster, finding herself overwhelmed by the sudden arousal. With a grunt, he broke free. "Not so ... fast ... I haven't ... done anything in so long!" "Yes, I understand." Sharon stood on weak legs and a mischievous grin crossed her pretty face. "Don't worry, we'll go nice and slow." Without hesitation, the shuddering lawyer began to disrobe. Sharon cooed with joy as more of his muscular build was revealed. When he was naked, her knees almost caved in at the sight of his long, rigid pecker. It pointed at her, thickening and lurching with vibrant potency. "My God, Mr. Stone!" she exclaimed. "It's so big and ... shit, I want all of it!" "You can have it, baby!" he suddenly roared. "Take your fucking clothes off!" Fully releasing her body to take its own course, the flushed brunette practically tore her blouse off her back, revealing her large, heaving breasts. They were swelling and aching with need. She reached up and cupped the bulging orbs, tweaking the stiffening nipples between thumb and forefinger. "More, damn it!" Stone bellowed. "Take it all off ... I want to see you naked!" Releasing her boobs, Sharon readily complied with this urgent request. She slipped her skirt to the floor, and her damp panties instantly followed. She stepped out of the pile of garments and turned to drape them on the lawyer's desk. The oozing ache in her pussy made her head swim. "Oh, Sharon... lovely!" Before the teenager could turn around, the husky lawyer was against her, pressing her against the desk. His hot, trembling hands came around to enclose her swollen jugs, his palms sensuously rubbing the stiff, rosy buds. "Jesus, Sharon, you're more luscious than I dreamed," the lawyer cried hoarsely. "Two weeks ago, when I saw you ... I knew I had to have your body!" "Yes, Mr. Stone, you have it now," the girl crooned, proud of her power to turn this dignified member of the community into a babbling idiot. "It's all yours ... do what you want!" His hot, panting breath bathed her ear as his tongue licked her smooth white neck. Sharon gasped with awe as she felt his large, pulsing phallus rubbing between her slender thighs. "You make me feel like an animal!" Stone roared. Sharon felt herself being turned into a beast of lust as well, and she loved every second of it. She spread her quivering thighs, allowing the lawyer's hot pecker to advance until it throbbed against her pink, steaming slit. He moved his spear back and forth, massaging the drooling portal. "Ohhhhh ... Ahhhh!" she moaned, jolts of intense pleasure frazzling her nerve endings. "I'm getting so hot ... so fucking hot!" Stone's expert manipulations quickly drove her into a frenzy. He moved his large prick back from her dribbling twat to slowly crawl along the damp crack between her soft ass cheeks. Meanwhile, his frantic massage of her swollen tits increased until she thought he would tear them from her chest! "That's it, Mr. Stone!" she howled. "Pull my titties ... squeeze them hard!" His fingers crawled forward until they took her two red, stiff nipples and lifted up her bulging breasts. Sharon nearly fainted with pleasure. Her knockers ached so much that she wished he had ten hands to massage them. "God, Mr. Stone, do everything to me!" the lusty teenager shrieked. She threw her hands down on the desk to brace herself as she began to ram her inflamed cunt back and forth along the length of his purple-veined shaft. His iron-hard nuts slapped her smooth ass cheeks. She glanced down, watching the purple cockhead appearing between her legs again and again. She desperately yearned to have the big piece of man-meat in her mouth—but the pounding heat of her pussy was her first priority. "Put your dick in me!" she squealed. "Do it... fuck me silly!" "Can't," the lawyer grunted. "I'll come right away ... got to make this ... take longer!" "Do something, goddammit!" the girl screamed in a frenzy of need. "Use your fuck finger! Stick your finger in ... mmmeeeee!" Stone released one swollen boob and stuck his hand between the girl's smooth, juice-coated legs. First he stroked her drooling slit, fully lubricating the long digit with syrupy fluid, then he moved his finger back until it touched the tiny, rubbery circle of her clenched asshole. Sharon yelped with pleasure as he rubbed the tiny orifice. "That's it... oh, God!" Sharon gasped. "Play with me... shit, I love it!" After another few seconds of lusty manipulation, the lawyer left her steaming anus to return his finger to her dripping twat. He slowly rubbed her slippery cunt lips, squeezing them together then prying them apart. Then he shoved his fingers into her hole, finding her engorged clit. "Oooowweeeee!" Sharon squealed, her hands clawing at the desk. "Oh, my pussy...Ohhhh!" With three thick fingers embedded in her burning pussy, the teenager began to babble incoherently. Pressure mounted in her womb at an astronomical rate as she humped her cunt onto the fibrillating fingers. "Yes, fuck me ... fuck me with your finger ... I'm going to ... oh, please, I'm so close..." But the expert lawyer didn't want the young girl to come just yet. He withdrew his juice-coated fingers and they agonizingly returned to her steaming asshole. Since they were so well lubricated, he had no trouble inserting them into her rear canal. "Ohhhh, Jeeesus!" Sharon howled. "In my ass? God, never ... oh, shit ... more, more!The frantic teenager thrust her ass cheeks back and upward, swallowing his invading digits to the knuckles. She rammed her ass back again and again, repeatedly fucking herself with his stiffened fingers. Her fingers dug into the desk's hard surface, and her red, lust-contorted face swung from side to side. Then, to her intense disappointment, she felt the lawyer remove his prods. "No... oh, please... don't stop!" she begged. "I've got to have more!" "Don't worry, baby," the husky man grunted. "You're going to get a lot more... right now!" His meaning quickly became apparent as his fingers were replaced by his throbbing tool against her quivering anus. Very slowly, Stone inserted his hard, dribbling tip into her tiny shit chute. "Oh, my God... it's so big!" Sharon screamed. "It'll never fit... so big... Ohhhh!" "I'll make it fit, bitch!" Stone roared, beside himself with lust. "I'm going to stick it up your ass until it comes out your mouth!" "Holy fuck!" the girl shouted. Then she threw herself at the lawyer's mercy. "Yes, shove your prod in... let it come out my mouth... then I can blow it while you hump me!" Pleased by her quick acceptance of the situation, Stone's trembling hands parted the soft, lovely ass cheeks to fully expose her little opening. Sharon fell forward, crushing her large aching tits against the desk as she flung her long legs out behind her. Stone lined up his long spear, loving the way her rubbery opening grasped at his cockhead. "Please, Mr. Stone... don't wait!" Sharon howled. "Fuck my asshole!" With steady, gradual motions, the powerful lawyer complied. He heaved forward, feeding inch after agonizing inch of pulsing dork into the teenager's ass. Sharon spread her legs wider and hitched her hips up to take in as much as he had to give. Her dripping pussy writhed against the desk's hard surface as her moist anus swallowed up every inch of his thick, throbbing meat. "Eeeeeeeee!" she squealed, her asshole now fully filled with cock. "Eeeeeaahhh!!!" "Yes, bitch. I'm going to fuck your asshole!" Stone bellowed. "Fuck... fuck...Fuck!" With an increasingly frantic rhythm, the older man heaved back and forth, battering the tiny orifice with his thick rod. The sound of his cum-filled balls slapping against the girl's creamy ass cheeks reverberated through the office. "Uuuunghgh! Ohhhhheeeehhhhh!" Sharon cawed like a crow as Stone impaled her against the desk. "Oh, fuck... oh, shit... oh, hump me!" Driven beyond reason by the frantic ass-fucking, the voluptuous teenager screamed obscenities as Stone's prick ravaged her inner depths. Pressure mounted to an excruciating level, and she thrashed her ass up and down to increase the lewd friction. Suddenly, Stone cried, "Oh, God... Oh, Jeeeesus... I'm coming... I..." That signal also detonated Sharon's body. "Me, too... me fucking toooo!" Stone clutched the girl's hips and with one final lunge he buried his dick to the hilt in her ass. An instant later, a flaming torrent of spunk raced out of his embedded tool into the battered asshole. "Goddddd! Aaarrrghghgh!!!" he howled. Feeling her tiny hole inundated with hot, spewing cum, Sharon was swept away by her own red-misted orgasm. "Fuckmeeeee... Eeeeeaaahhhhh!!!!!" The two lovers thrashed against each other as their bodies spun in a universe of total climax. Stone drained his nuts into the exploding girl, roaring his release to echo Sharon's orgasmic squeals. Finally, their bodies spent and cum dripping down the girl's inner thighs, Stone withdrew his flaccid member, and they collapsed to the floor, moaning with sexual contentment. Now, a year later, sitting by the pond, Sharon quickly removed her panties and began to masturbate. Only the birds heard her ecstatic cries of release as she repeated the joy she'd felt in the lawyer's office. CHAPTER TWO Sharon had not run directly to the cottage. Not plagued with shyness, she nevertheless found herself slowing to a stop as she approached the cottage grounds. She stood nicely shielded by high shrubbery, in a small quandary of indecision. She had no wish to embarrass her uncle or intrude upon the Harrows, and now the invisible line between mistress and servants held her in troubled abeyance. No matter how furiously she sought to ignore and deny it, the line was there. The Harrows would not refuse her admittance to the cottage, but might they not in their hearts resent her? She tried to bring the couple to mind, but realized with a pang that she had never had any conversation with either John Harrow or his wife Beth. John was the head gardener, and his wife, Sharon thought, had something to do with linens or general cleaning of the big house. John was tall and thin-looking; Beth was of medium height and rather plump. Further than this, Sharon's mind could not go. Oh, botheration, she thought. I can't just go barging in! I wonder how Uncle Nate managed it? She kicked at the grass at her feet and felt lonely. The move to Skyline Drive had alienated her from her old friends in a subtle way she could not pinpoint. No matter how they tried or she tried, the specter of wealth interceded, and of late Sharon had begun to stay away from Tiger Tail Road. She felt herself a little lost between two worlds, a misplaced person through no fault of her own. Now standing forlorn and helpless, she was on the point of retreat when Beth Harrow spied her and came toward her, at first frowning and then smiling. "Hello," she said. "Are you looking for your Uncle Nate?" "Yes—" Sharon bit down on her lower lip, angry with herself for seizing upon this pretext for her presence. "No, I'm not," she added bluntly. "I guess I'm just snooping. I saw him go into your house and I got curious." Beth Harrow laughed softly. "Well, why not?" she asked. "Most of the staff are eaten with curiosity, too, Sharon. You don't mind if I call you Sharon, do you? Your uncle talks so much about you I feel I know you." "He does? No, I don't mind at all. He does?" Sharon stared at the pleasant-faced woman, measuring her in swift appraisal. "I can't imagine why," she said. "He hardly knows me." "Perhaps he'd like to." Beth took the girl's arm, turned her toward the cottage. "Do come in for a while, Sharon. John and I love company and have very little here. Have you ever seen inside the cottage? It's surprisingly roomy, and so comfortable." Sharon let herself be guided, her mind busy with the thought that here at last was one servant who accepted her as an equal. "It's a pretty place, I think," she said, gesturing toward the cottage. "Reminds me a little of our old place on Tiger Tail Road." Beth Harrow's eyes narrowed perceptibly, but she made no comment. "John and Nate are at their eternal chess," she said, "so let's go in the back way. They hate being disturbed." "Chess?" Sharon's eyes widened. "Uncle Nate?" Immediately, she felt silly parroting questions. "Oh darn," she said, "I must sound like an idiot. I don't know the first thing about Uncle Nate, Mrs. Harrow, and you might as well know it." The woman's smile was not unsympathetic, but her tone held a trace of reproach. "He's well worth knowing," she said. "John and I have grown very fond of him." Sharon gave her a sharp look. Some people did find it easy to be fond of anybody with money to burn. She felt oddly on the edge of tears, for her nature was not suspicious, and she was hungry for understanding. "Do you like it here?" she asked wistfully. "Oh, very much. The work is pleasant and the cottage—well, Sharon, we feel terribly lucky. My husband's health isn't what it should be, so there are not too many jobs he can handle, but here in this beautiful place and not having much more than supervising to do, John is just in his glory. And I'm happy, too." She squeezed the girl's arm. "It's been a little lonesome without our son, Sharon, but things are picking up—first Nate and now you." They were entering the cottage, and Sharon glanced about the pleasant kitchen. "Mmm—nice," she said, then cocked her head at a sound from another room. "Is that Uncle Nate laughing?" "Doesn't he have the most infectious laugh—more like a chuckle? He's a darling, Sharon, and"—Beth met the clear gray eyes and held them—"he's lonesome. He wouldn't admit it, but he is, and it does seem a shame." "Mrs. Harrow"—a scowl darkened Sharon's face, and she looked away from the friendly brown eyes watching her—"Maybe you don't understand him. He's the one who—I mean, all this belongs to him. And, I for one didn't ask for it—or want it." Having now said what she had been longing to scream up and down Skyline Drive for too long, Sharon felt no relief, but instead felt herself lowered in the eyes of Beth Harrow. Mrs. Harrow had managed to wipe away the invisible line, but now it was back between them, or so Sharon thought, because it was plain that Beth Harrow was pretending not to have heard. "We're expecting a visit from our son this coming week," she said blandly. "It's been over two months since we've seen him, so naturally we're excited. He's interning at the Alexander Fleming Memorial Hospital in Park City," she added in explanation. "I've heard of it," Sharon said, not really listening. "Yes, it's a fine hospital. We lived in Park City before we came here, to be near John, and that's why we're here—to be near him when he finishes at Fleming and starts to practice here in Brookings." Beth moved about, preparing lunch with a casual air. "I hated leaving him so soon, but we got the chance at this job. A medical education costs so much, Sharon, but it will be worth it all when our Johnny is finally launched." Sharon's interest was stirred, and she began to think that Mrs. Harrow had been discreet and not censorious in ignoring her remark. "I think it's wonderful of you to help your son," she said, and stared down at her scuffed shoes."Is the work—I mean, does old Uppity work you very hard, Mrs. Harrow? It doesn't seem right that you should have to—" Beth Harrow laughed. "Oh dear, you sound just like young John. 'My mother a cleaning woman,' he wails! I try to tell him there's nothing wrong with being a cleaning woman and I'm glad to be able to help. You see, Sharon"—she smiled companionably at the girl—"neither Mr. Harrow nor I have had much education and have felt the lack of it. The idea of our son becoming a doctor—already being a doctor—is a dream come true for us. And he's worked like a Trojan all these years. Such a good boy! We've been more than happy to help all we could." She laughed again. "I guess you can tell our son is our pride and joy, Sharon. I hope he gets to meet you when he comes next week. I think you'll like him, and he—you." Sharon's expression bordered on the sardonic. She could not work up much interest in this wonderful son of Beth's, but the idea that he would like her was rather farfetched. Men just didn't. She was too opinionated, too quick to argue and outwit them. "When is he arriving?" she asked, for something to say. "Tuesday. Your Uncle Nate is coming to dinner to meet him, Sharon. I'd be pleased if you'd come, too. I've arranged with Mrs. Upstead for Tuesday and Wednesday off, which I appreciate. She's really a very nice woman once you get to know her." Sharon grimaced. "She hates me," she said. Beth tipped her head a little to one side, let her eyes run over the stubborn young face. "You're not very happy, are you, dear?" she asked. Then seeing Sharon's mouth grow vulnerable, she made a comical face and smiled. "You know, Sharon, you're really very like your Uncle Nate," she told the surprised girl. Beth's tone had touched Sharon oddly and made her mind swing for a moment to her own mother, who was nothing like this gentle, humorous, and sensible woman. Now Sharon came to stand beside the woman and peer into her face. "I like you, Mrs. Harrow," she said earnestly. "I don't blame Uncle Nate for coming down here every chance he gets. Do you really think I'm like him? In what way? I don't really know him, you know." Sharon sighed briefly. "Can I help?" she asked. "Why, yes, you can set the table. We eat here in the kitchen." "We always did, too, at home." Sharon smiled as she moved to obey. "I mean back on Tiger Tail Road, of course. I can't get used to the idea that that big old mausoleum is home." "To tell the truth, Sharon, I'd rather have this cottage myself, but then, I'm a pretty ordinary housewife." "I don't think you're ordinary at all, and that business about you not being educated—you don't talk at all like Brownie and her crew." Beth laughed warmly. "Well, thank you, Sharon. My husband and I have worked hard to learn our grammar for our son's sake. We just couldn't let our boy be ashamed of his old ma and pa." "He'd be a real kook if he were. I think he's lucky to have a mother like you. I wish I did—" Sharon frowned. It was just too easy to talk to this woman. "My mother's all right," she added quickly, not wanting to incur Mrs. Harrow's disapproval. "I'm really the bad one of our family," she confessed. "I just don't seem to know how to like the rest of them." Beth was silent for a moment, then she sighed softly. "You are like your uncle," she said at last. "I hope you two become better acquainted, Sharon"—she turned a troubled gaze on the girl. "He isn't very happy either. Things have not worked out as he hoped." "What things?" Sharon's rancor for her uncle stirred. "Do you mean he's sorry he made a fool of us?" Beth Harrow set a bowl of salad on the table with unnecessary force. "I've said more than I should already," she said snappishly. "Oh, gosh," Sharon sat down abruptly. "Me and my big mouth," she mourned. "Don't be mad at me, Mrs. Harrow. I'm just kind of mixed-up anyhow." "I'll call the men to lunch," Mrs. Harrow said, but her tone softened and she gave Sharon a troubled smile, patting her shoulder. "You poor child," she said, and left the kitchen. Sharon sat slouched, half-tempted to rise and leave, but held by the hope of understanding in Beth Harrow's tone and eyes. And she really did not want to leave this kitchen, this cottage, that smelled of sweet domesticity and was snug in the warmth of human kindness. She felt lost and angry and at odds with herself, and most of all, she wanted to be liked by Beth Harrow and feel at home again somewhere. Uncle Nate came into the kitchen behind the Harrows, beaming to find her there. "Well, well, Sharon," he said, "what a nice surprise." "Hi, Uncle Nate." She got to her feet awkwardly, wondering why she had never noticed how blue his eyes were. "Mrs. Harrow asked me to lunch," she said like a child. John Harrow laughed gently. "I wondered how long it would take Mother to lure some young one to our door," he said, his own blue eyes twinkling. Sharon tilted her head toward the tall man, deciding she liked him. "She didn't lure me," she said with a grin. "I just butted in." Her uncle chuckled. "Ah, yes," he nodded, "it's what I did myself, Sharon, but these good folks don't hold it against us." "Sit, sit, all of you," Beth Harrow ordered. "Nate, you old rascal, you know we love having you any time—and Sharon, too." "Now Mother will have an ally against the two of us, eh, Nate?" John Harrow laughed. "This uncle of yours," he told Sharon, "is quite a chess master. Keeps me on my toes!" "I never could understand the game," remarked Beth. "And what gets me, Sharon, is that their games never seem to end." Sharon was amazed at how quickly comfortable she was with them and with what ease the conversation flowed. Beth Harrow kept the talk quite cleverly away from the personal. Sharon decided that, education or no education, Mrs. Harrow certainly did not lack intelligence. The girl kept stealing looks at her uncle, although she avoided addressing him directly. Uncle Nate was a rather comical-looking little man and yet rather handsome, she decided presently. His high color, and hair that stood up on his head in white tufts, stressed in an eye-catching way the hurting blue of his eyes. He had deep dimples in his otherwise amazingly unlined face. He's like a rosy cherub, she thought, or a roly-poly Santa Claus. This latter thought made her frown. After all, he was the cause of her disrupted life. Still, it was interesting to be looking at him and really seeing him after months of going out of her way to avoid acknowledging his existence. And she liked the Harrows and they liked him. Sharon prided herself in her fair-mindedness. It was just possible that she would have to revise her opinion of Uncle Nate. She talked and laughed and thoroughly enjoyed the lunch, but all the while her mind hummed with unanswered questions. Mrs. Harrow had said Uncle Nate was lonesome, and that things had not worked out as he hoped. What had he hoped for? And why did he talk to the Harrows about her? Did he think her the ingrate her mother insisted she was? Why was he here in the gardener's cottage when he could be anywhere in the world he wished? And for that matter, why was she here? And why, why was she feeling the first little ripplings of happiness and hope she had not felt for too long? Sharon was not one to let well enough alone. She had to have answers, but at the moment could not devise a method of approach to this little man she had, she supposed, treated with open contempt. Beth Harrow solved her problem neatly. "John and I have to get back to work," she announced when the meal ended. "Your uncle always insists upon doing the dishes, Sharon. Would you like to stay and help him?" Sharon hesitated, surprised to find herself shy, but John Harrow bridged the moment with laughter. "You'll get used to Mother before long, Sharon," he said. "In this house everyone sings for his supper, as Nate here has found out." "Now, Dad, you stop that. Half the time Nate pushes me out of my own kitchen. He's quite a cook, did you know that, Sharon?" Sharon shook her head, bothered by a small thrust of jealousy at her uncle's obvious popularity. To be liked by the Harrows became very important. "I'll sing for my supper any time you let me," she said, and for a moment her glance met Uncle Nate's eyes. "Do you want me to stay and help?" she asked. He dabbed at his lips with his napkin while above its whiteness his blue eyes danced. "I'll wash, you dry," he said. "And you two run along. Together Sharon and I will have these dishes done up in no time." Sharon's heart gave an odd leap. What a nice word that was—together. And what a nice way he was looking at her—almost as if he liked her. "Well, let's get at it," she said gruffly. The Harrows left laughing, and the two behind them did not see the quick, pleased look they exchanged. "I tell you, Dad," Beth Harrow said when they were alone, "that girl could be just what Nate needs, if she'd let herself." "You're a very conniving woman, Beth Harrow." Beth laughed. "Oh, some people just need a little push," she replied in an offhand manner. "And I like Sharon. I don't think she's ever had any real mothering, the poor little thing." "Well, you'll remedy that or my name's not John Harrow." She made a face at his sly, teasing tone. "Oh, go tend your roses," she said. "I don't know which of you is the worse tease—you or your son!" And although all she went forward to was endless cleaning of what she felt was a loveless house, she walked with the light step of a happy woman.She had stopped in at her mother's room to be admired before leaving, and the talk had turned to Sharon's strange behavior. "It does seem odd that she's become so suddenly chummy with Nate," her mother said in answer, "but it's better than walking about glowering at everybody." "I can't help feeling she's up to something," Debbie said. "You know she's full of tricks, Mother. Sometimes I think she just goes out of her way to embarrass us." The mother sighed. Her younger daughter was an enigma to her, and she had long ago given up trying to understand or control the girl. "Just don't worry about it, dear," she said. "It's better to have the two of them interested in each other than always underfoot. I get quite weary of Nate at times." "I wish he didn't have such a common look about him." "Common? Debbie, how can you say such a thing? The Dugalls are not and never have been common! My mother was a Lowell, remember?" "I remember. Just the same, Uncle Nate isn't anything like you. No one would ever take him for your brother." "Perhaps not. I'm more Lowell, I know, but we mustn't forget how good he's been to us. After all, dear--" "Oh, I know, I know. I just wish he'd look like a millionaire!" "We're not sure he is," her mother reminded her. "Oh, I know people think so, but we're not sure. In any case, people accept him as an eccentric." She sighed again. "Eccentric millionaires are not uncommon, but like you, Debbie, I could wish he were more interested in cultural pursuits." "Well, he's not going to improve by hanging around with Sharon!" "You ready?" Herman Carlson knocked and entered. "It's after eight o'clock," he informed his wife. Debbie laughed. "Hermie can't seem to understand that you just don't arrive on time at these affairs, Mother," she remarked, and gave her husband an inspective look. "You didn't get a haircut," she accused him. "I don't need one. Come on, honey, let's get the show on the road." He stood, awkward in height and harassed of face, a decent young man in his late twenties who, after six years of marriage, nursed a bruised love for his wife that had turned once-merry brown eyes into tired orbs of hunger and disillusionment. "Aren't you going out tonight, Mother Parker?" he asked. "Not tonight. I'm expecting Dwayne and Lorraine over later." "She turned down Gloria's invitation to the party tonight," Debbie said sharply. "I wish you'd say something to Dwayne, Mother. It's the second invitation in a row she's refused." "I will, dear. I hope he comes alone tonight. Lorraine did tell Gloria that she isn't feeling well, didn't she?" "So Gloria said, but she doesn't believe it, and neither do I. I think it's rotten of her and mean of Dwayne not to make her accept." "I'll speak to him, dear. I'm sure he probably doesn't even know they were invited at all. Lorraine can be quite sneaky at times." Not wanting an argument, Mrs. Parker quickly shooed the two out of her room. Finally alone, she thought fondly of her son—maybe too fondly, because a familiar aching in her loins soon preoccupied her. "Wish he would hurry up and get here," the attractive woman murmured. "And if his wife's not with him... it'll be like old times!" She remembered those old times—exciting times that mother and son shared together. It was their secret, their hidden pleasure to enjoy each other fully. It was when the servants had begun to gossip that Dwayne had married Lorraine and moved away. Still, whenever they could get together... Mrs. Parker parted her robe, glad she had put nothing else on after her shower. She saw herself in a full-length mirror on the wall: she looked like a sister of Dwayne, not a mother with her full, firm breasts; slender legs, and smooth torso leading down to a delectably bushy mound. That mound was now aching with need, and the hungry woman covered it with her hand and began a sensuous massage. "Ooooh, Dwayne... hurry, darling!" she gasped, her fingers becoming wet with flowing juices. She tossed her robe open to fully expose her attractive, heaving body. Her legs crawled apart, offering her pink, dribbling slit to her twitching fingers. "What if he's delayed?" she gasped. "I can't wait... I need to come! Damn, I better masturbate or I'll be too far gone when he shows up!" Thus resolved, the pretty mother went to work on her hot, aching cunt. One hand pried open her juice-soaked pussy lips while three fingers of the other hand slid up into her inflamed canal. They journeyed farther and farther up the well-trodden path until the probing digits filled up Mrs. Parker's womb. "God, that's what I need!" she moaned. "I need to come so bad... and my lovely fuck-fingers should do the trick!" She bent her knees, digging her heels into the chair, and raised her hips up. As she did so, she managed to press another inch of fingers into her burning cuntal passageway. "Oh, Lord, I'm so fucking hot! Dwayne! Dwayne!" Mrs. Parker mewled in a frenzy, imagining with lust the long, thick meat of her son's prick. She began to thrust her hips up and down, repeatedly swallowing her stiff fingers. Syrupy juice flowed out of her drenched sex furnace and onto her hand, making it gleam in the lamplight. Her entire arm trembled and quaked from the increasing convulsions of her lust-ridden body. "Ahhhhh... Ohhhhh!" she moaned deliriously, her senses reeling in the face of coital pressure. "It's happening so fast... can't stop...." Frantic with the approaching orgasm, Mrs. Parker renewed her attack on her inflamed pussy while the middle finger of her other hand reached around to gently massage the rubbery entrance of her asshole. Soon her digits were attacking both openings with a steady rhythm, and she stuck her tongue out in frequently successful attempts to lick her stiff nipples. "Here I... God, another few seconds... can't control myself... Eeeee!" Just as satisfaction was about to be hers, a knock sounded at the door. Flustered, the older woman quickly tossed her robe together. "C-come... in!" she gasped. Her face broke into a flushed grin when her handsome son entered the room. And a mischievous grin spread across his features when he recognized with familiarity his mother's condition. Mrs. Parker couldn't waste time. "Oh, Dwayne, I tried to... to wait for you... but I couldn't... I got so horny just thinking of you!" "No problem, Mom, your dutiful son is here!" he called, advancing on the casually concealed woman. She flung open her robe and spread her legs, offering her dripping, pink pussy to her son's feasting eyes. "Thank God!" Mrs. Parker yelped. "Hurry, Dwayne... get down here and lick your mother's twat!" Though this development was rather sudden and he thought his mother was being randomly indiscreet, the young man realized she was at a stage where her intense need couldn't be denied. He kneeled down between her upraised legs and lowered his head until his nostrils were filled with the heady musk scent of flowing female juice. "Hmmmm... you do seem pretty hot," he whispered. "Shit, don't tease me!" Mrs. Parker howled. "Stick your tongue inside my pussy!" Dwayne happily complied. His long licker rolled out and immediately loud slurping noises echoed in the room as he lapped up her warm, syrupy fluid. He rubbed his tongue lovingly along the shuddering twat lips, pausing occasionally to nibble at the succulent flesh. His lewd actions quickly drove the older woman into a frenzy of uncontrolled lust. "Oh, Christ! Feels so good... need it so bad!" his mother babbled. "More... lick me more... I'm almost there!" Realizing that his mother was rapidly approaching the point of no return, Dwayne pried apart her grasping cunt lips and drove half his face into the steaming womb from whence he came, nibbling and licking as he advanced. "Oooowweeee!" the mother shrieked, her face contorted and her eyes rolling in their sockets. "That's it... eat me... Eat me!" Dwayne grabbed her widespread legs and forced his wet prod between her clenched cunt walls. His tongue invaded her inner recesses with rapid circular motions and he joyously drank in her cascading juices. His teeth ravaged the tender cunt meat until, for the coup de grace, he stiffened his member and began to bob his head back and forth. "Oh, sweet Jesus!" his mother screamed. "I'm going to... oh, God... Aaaaiieeeeee!!!" His pistoning activity had the desired effect as Mrs. Parker's pussy exploded. She thrashed and writhed helplessly as her body convulsed with climax. She wrapped her smooth legs around her son's head and humped his bucking face until she fell into limp exhaustion. "Ohhhhhh Goddddd..." the older woman moaned, her twisted face gradually relaxing into a mask of contentment. "I was so hot... so horny for you, Dwayne... I couldn't help it." "No problem, Mom. That's what family is for!" the handsome young man laughed. He extricated himself from between his mother's firm, juicy thighs and stood up, his wet face gleaming in the lamplight. He became aware of the large bulge of his crotch. As usual, attending to his mother's needs had created a need within him. His mother lay naked before him and he wanted... no, he couldn't, because... But Mrs. Parker had no excuses to thwart her reawakening desires. When she spied the twitching, throbbing movement between her son's legs, she sat up and licked her full, red lips. "I'm glad you still come... to your mother when you need help," she cooed, reaching up and touching the potent bulge. Slowly, she drew his zipper down. "Oh, Lord, honey, it's been so long since you... since I... had your dick in my mouth!" "Mother... no... we can't!" Dwayne groaned, in an agony of conflicting emotions. Soon the situation was straightened out for him as his large, pulsing phallus was released into the air and straightened out to its almost legendary proportions."Dwayne, my darling, you've still got the biggest cock I've ever seen!" Mrs. Parker crowed. "Seen... or sucked!" With this, the hungry woman flicked her tongue out and lightly touched his throbbing cockhead. As though he had stuck it into a wall socket, Dwayne jerked and writhed as thousands of jolts of hot pleasure shot through his nervous system. "Ohhhh, Mother!" he moaned, gazing down at the manipulations of her tongue and the large, swollen jugs that were starting to rub against his legs. "No one... sucks me off... like you do!" A mischievous grin lit up the beautiful older woman's face as her tongue began to slowly, agonizingly, rim the bulging head of his purple-veined member. There wasn't much in the world that thrilled her more than the heady taste of her son's prick, and he had plenty to offer for her feast. Saliva coursed out of her mouth and bathed the red pole with glistening wetness. "Mother... better not..." her son groaned, though he didn't resist her advancing lips. Mrs. Parker realized that maybe her son was hotter than she thought and that's why he was hesitating. She decided there was nothing wrong with that... let him come right away if he wanted to! Thus resolved, the woman pressed her face forward, gobbling up all of his tasty meat. "Ohhhhhhh!" Dwayne groaned as he lodged the length of his dick into his mother's face. "Feels so good... love to get blown!" Quickly, the young man was beside himself with lust-crazed madness. Occasionally he managed to get his timid wife to eat his wang, but it was nothing compared to the expert treatment his mother gave him. He reached down, grabbed the sides of her pretty head, and pumped his hard tip against the back of her throat. "Guuullffff!" Mrs. Parker spluttered, swallowing up his oozing pre-cum. "That's it, Mom!" Dwayne shouted. "Suck it... eat my cock!" This was more like it as far as the older woman was concerned. She clamped her drooling orifice around the embedded rod and vigorously sucked. Her smooth cheeks formed two inverted semi-circles and slurping noises filled the room. She kept her mouth clamped tight as her son's hips moved back and forth, withdrawing and inserting his pulsating pecker in a rapidly increasing rhythm. "Yeah, Mom-bitch!" Dwayne bellowed, his breathing hoarse and labored. "Not much longer... oh, Jesus, I'm getting there!" He certainly was, as evidenced by the quick bucking of his hips that was soon a blur of lewd motion. He felt the hot, pent-up jism in his hard nuts swirling at rocket speed, making his groin ache with the profound need for a violent release of sperm. "Let it go, honey!" Mrs. Parker cried. "Fuck my mouth... shoot your load in my face!" She reached around and grabbed his taut ass to add more force to his bucking hips. Her flushed face was battered by the merciless onslaught of his throbbing pork. Again and again and again Dwayne shoved all he had into his mother's accepting mouth. "God, Mom... oh, God... oh, shit... I'm going to... can't hold back!" he screamed. Mother and son were so occupied with their wanton activity that they didn't see the door open and Dwayne's wife enter the room. Lorraine stood transfixed, not believing what her eyes told her. "Good heavens!" the young woman gasped. "This can't be happening... Dwayne getting blown by his mother! And... he looks like he's about to come... right in her mouth!" Yet in the next few seconds the pretty girl had no choice but to believe the astonishing sight. She was so shocked by this perversity that she couldn't move—with lewd, blushing fascination, she watched the spectacle. And despite her modest inhibitions, she found herself... getting hot! "I must be just as depraved as they are!" Lorraine moaned. "Why... didn't I ever blow Dwayne like that? Mrs. Parker sure seems to know the right way!" This conclusion was confirmed several seconds later when Dwayne roared past the breaking point. His hips writhed and bucked out of control and he bellowed his release toward the ceiling. "Mother... oh, Jeeeesus... I'm coming!" he howled. "Here I... Aaaarrrgggg!!!" A microsecond later, he pumped his hips forward, completely burying his exploding tool, and blew a long, hot wad of cum into his mother's sucking mouth. His aching testicles spasmed again and again, sending long streams of flaming juice out of his spewing cockhead. "Godddd... coming... can't stop coming!" Dwayne roared. Mrs. Parker swallowed furiously, greedily drinking up all the lovely man-juice her son had to give. It raced down her throat like a lava flow, filling her mouth and dribbling past her clamped lips to course down her chin and neck, coating her heaving tits. When her son was finally drained of jism, she reluctantly allowed him to withdraw his raw member. "Mom, that was great," the spent man moaned with satisfaction. "I don't have an ounce of cum left in me." Mrs. Parker acknowledged the compliment as she licked stray droplets of glistening scum off her smooth cheeks and chin. Then she gasped, suddenly catching sight of her daughter-in-law. "Dwayne! I thought your wife wasn't coming! How long have you been standing there, Lorraine?" Both mother and son gaped at the intruder, who answered, "Long enough. I... I'm sorry... I didn't know... oh, God, I saw what you two did!" Dwayne smiled sheepishly at his mother. "That's why I hesitated before... but it felt so good I couldn't stop you, Mom." Without covering her nakedness, Mrs. Parker went to the young girl and drew her into the room. She saw the girl's flushed face, and with a grin guessed the nature of Lorraine's emotion. "Hope you enjoyed the show," the older woman murmured. "Maybe you'd like to join in?" "Mother!" Dwayne gasped, jealous. "Listen, dolt!" Mrs. Parker whispered furiously. "You want her to tell the world about the fun we have together? The way to prevent that is to make her just as depraved as we are." Dwayne grinned broadly, understanding the gist of his mother's words. "Yes, Lorraine, I bet you've never had an opportunity like this." "My Lord, never!" the girl gasped. She was shocked by her husband's implication, and by the throbbing between her legs in response to the implication. "Dwayne, maybe if it was just you and I in here..." "Nonsense, my dear," Mrs. Parker crooned, slipping her robe off and displaying her nude figure. "I bet you need to have your pussy licked... and who cares if the tongue belongs to a man... or a woman?" "Well, Mom, maybe she can have both!" Dwayne exclaimed. Lorraine was helpless before the brazen advances of the two powerful sex partners. She closed her eyes, wondering if all of this was a dream. She didn't resist when she felt her dress being lifted off. Then she was stretched out on a couch... and without pause her damp panties were tugged off. Lorraine, despite her misgivings, realized she was very wet and hot. "My dear, that's one of the most delectable twats I've ever seen," Mrs. Parker said admiringly. "It tastes good, too, Mom!" Dwayne added. "Let's find out for sure." Lorraine kept her eyes closed, unwilling to fully join in the perverse activity. She felt her long legs being spread apart, fingers rubbing and prying open her slippery pussy lips, then two streams of warm breath made her cunt throb with fresh desire. "Ohhhhh...she moaned. "Yes, I'm horny... please lick me... gently...." Her husky plea was immediately answered as two tongues worked the length of her pink, dripping slit. She peeked down and saw her husband's and mother-in-law's heads side by side between her quivering thighs. The sight was so unbelievably blaze of passion. "Yes, do it!" she suddenly shrieked. "Eat my pussy... lick my cunt... hurry!" The pair of tongues expertly worked her inflamed vagina, laving the warm pussy lips, then advancing inward to manipulate her clenched cunt walls. It wasn't long before Lorraine was beside herself with lust. The icing on the cake was when warm hands crawled up and massaged her heaving, swollen boobs. "Please... faster... harder!" she screamed, her hips pumping into the licking faces. "I'm getting there... I'm... Ooowweee!" Without further ado, the two lickers forced their way in. The two heads bobbed as Lorraine's cunt was vigorously tongue-fucked. The girl's legs and arms flailed the air as a blazing orgasm began to overwhelm her senses. "Here I... harder... eat mmmeeeee... oh, God... I... Aaaaaiieeeee!!!!" She exploded, battering their faces with her hot, soppy twat. The two cunt-eaters hung on as the young girl squirmed and thrashed, wave after wave of brilliant pressure being released through her vagina. Her screams of joy filled the room. Later, as Lorraine's motions subsided, her mother-in-law and husband grinned at their success. CHAPTER FOUR The next day, Sharon succeeded in following her Uncle Nate to the Harrows' cottage. No one was home, and before Sharon could retreat, her uncle emerged, spotted her, and beckoned for her to enter. "Well, Sharon," he said kindly. "I don't often get to speak to you alone." "No, Uncle Nate," the teenager replied, impressed by her uncle's gentle tone. "And it's so peaceful here. Wish I had a cottage like this." "That can be arranged," her uncle said, a twinkle in his eyes. "Gosh, you mean it?" Sharon gasped. "Sure. I've wanted the same thing. Maybe we... it would be like having a family." "Don't say it just to be—" Sharon put a hand to her throat. "Oh, Uncle Nate, could we? Would you mind?" She leaned forward. "I'd try not to get in your way." "We'd have to discuss it with your mother." "Oh, no. She wouldn't care. Oh, let it be our secret, Uncle Nate, at least till we have the place built. Have you thought about it—made any definite plans?" "I've had some blueprints made up. You might like to look them over and make some changes."And by the way, Sharon, that chauffeur fellow of your mother's makes me nervous. I've been thinking I'd like to get myself a car, but I don't drive. You do, I know. What do you think? A car of our own?" Her eyes, gray as doves, gleamed with excitement. "My gosh," she cried. "Of course! We don't want to have anything more to do with the big house than we have to. What kind of car do you want?" "I don't know that much about cars. It's just past two o'clock. We could take a run downtown and look around today, if you'd like." "Like? I'd love it. I'll call a cab. Where's the phone around here?" "In the living room. I'm sure the Harrows won't mind." She caught at his shoulders, giving him a little twirl. "Imagine," she cried. "Just when I was ready to walk west till my hat floated, this happens! Oh, Uncle Nate, for the first time I'm not sorry you're rich!" She let him go, raced to the telephone, then swung around to face him as he followed her. "One thing," she said, "no servants in our cottage. I'll keep house for you and even learn to cook, but no servants mucking about!" "Just the two of us mucking," he twinkled. "And I'll do the cooking, if you please. I refuse to have my digestion ruined at this late date." Her laughter was sweet to hear. "Oh, we'll have a lovely life together," she promised. He went to stand by a window. "It's a beautiful spot," he remarked when she had finished at the telephone. "I suppose what I should do is separate the property. Give your mother the big house and most of it, and keep what we need — and this cottage — in both our names." She came to stand beside him, her face sobering. "Are you very rich, Uncle Nate?" she asked. "I'm afraid so," he said with a sigh. "It's a great burden to me." "Don't worry; I'll help you. But let's take it easy. Let's not — I mean don't you do anything impulsively anymore. I guess you think I have a lot of nerve telling you what to do," she added. "We shook hands. We're partners now. Anything we do we'll talk over first. It's the way a family should be." She blinked back a rise of tears. "I think I love you, Uncle Nate," she told him. "In a way, all I've ever wanted was a real family." She hugged his arm. "I'll stay with you always and never marry, or anything like that. It will just be you and me — and we'll be happy. Happy. I don't think I ever have been, not deep down. Oh, Uncle Nate, will it really happen?" "We'll try to make it happen. Is the taxi coming?" "They said fifteen minutes; as soon as they could. Uncle Nate —" She turned him to face her. "You won't send me away, will you? I mean, get tired of having me around and start talking about sending me off to school? I'm supposed to be very — difficult. I'll try not to get in your way —" He felt a sense of anger, directed at her mother, but he kept his tone even. "I'll never send you away, Sharon," he told her. "Never." His tone turned playful. "But one of these days I expect I'll lose you to some young fellow. A pretty girl like you will never escape the eye of some lad." She shook her head. "No, never. Boys — men — don't like me, Uncle Nate. And I don't care. Just so long as you do. You're all the family — anything I need." He did not argue. "We'd better start walking out toward the street," he said. "Or will the taxi come here?" "I guess I did give them the other address." She took his arm and walked him out, taller than him by a head, her attitude protective. She kept glancing at him as if she expected him to disappear at any moment. "I'll take good care of you," she said, tightening her hold on his arm. "I won't let anyone take advantage of you." "That's fine. A great relief." His eyes danced. "The burden is only half as heavy when shared." "You mean the burden of wealth. I really think it's too bad you have so much. Maybe you could get rid of some of it. Give it to some worthy cause, and just keep enough to be comfortable." Her eyebrows came down. "I'll get some kind of job," she added. "One of the worst things has been just living in that big house and doing nothing. I had a pretty good job as a typist in the accounting department of Talmadge's before you came. Mother made me quit. Actually, she got Dwayne to use his influence to have me let out because she thought it wasn't dignified — me working and us living on Skyline Drive. I was so mad! I don't want to live on your money anymore, Uncle Nate." "Well, you must do what makes you happiest, my dear, but at least for the present, I'll really need you. Much to be done about getting the cottage furnished and all, once it's built." "That's right. Well, just so you understand." She smiled at him happily. "Funny how I always get along better with old people than young," she remarked. "I think all this must be fate." "You'll have to help me straighten out other mistakes, my dear," he told her, vastly amused. "I've been worried about Hermie." "Oh gosh, yes. Poor Hermie. Well, just cut off Debbie's charge accounts and that will help a little." "You think so?" "I know so." "Well, we'll see," he said. "Nothing impulsive, remember?" "I really believe I'm going to be a big help to you," she told him. "I'm supposed to have a very good head for business." "That's a blessing," Uncle Nate said. After Nate and Sharon had gone, the Harrows settled in on their couch to enjoy a cup of tea. "You know," Beth began, "Nate is such a good man. It's too bad he has such a strange family to look after." "Oh, Beth, I wouldn't call them strange," John replied, patting her on the knee. "They're just a little...a little..." "Strange," Beth said again. John laughed and set down his teacup. Then he pulled Beth into his arms and gave her a long, deep kiss. When he was done, Beth looked at him quizzically, as if to say, Is that all? Then she smiled and nodded toward the bedroom. John laughed a deep, hearty laugh. Then he picked his wife up off the couch and carried her across the room. When they had reached their large bed, he tossed her down playfully and set about removing his clothes. "There, dear, not so fast," Beth said, rolling toward him with her arm outstretched. "Take your time. Here, let me help you." Sitting up on the edge of the bed, Beth wrapped her arms around John's waist. With her cheek nuzzling against his belly, she sighed deeply. Then she leaned over slightly and bit the edge of his jeans, yanking open the button of his fly. Biting the edge of his undershorts, she pulled downward until John's big cock was standing free. Pulling his pants down by hand, Beth paused to stare at her husband's huge prick. She admired the way the network of blue veins surrounded his shaft. And she delighted in the way his cocktip almost glowed a deep purple. Grabbing his shaft, she could feel his meat being pumped with fresh blood. It thrilled her to feel so much life in something that moments ago was just a limp little tube of skin. And now it was so powerful, an engine of desire. It was so thick, so pungent, so delicious. She could hardly wait to feel it reaming out her cunt, driving between her legs savagely as stroke after stroke filled her with pleasure. She wanted it so bad. She wanted it jammed in balls-deep, unleashing its thick load of creamy sperm, filling her with that special heat that made her so happy. "Now!" Beth sighed. "Oh, John, I want it now. Please, take off my clothes and let me have it. But be gentle — at first!" John smiled knowingly. He remembered how in the beginning of their marriage that Beth only liked sex slow and easy, treating their lovemaking like they were sitting down to a box of chocolates. Too dainty. Too restrained. And then he thought about how she had changed over the years. He thought about how she learned to love her sex rising to an excruciating crescendo after a slow and fulfilling build-up. He remembered, too, that at first he had been unable to last long enough to satisfy his wife's desire for hot, savage sex. He would always come just before she went over the edge, no matter how hard he tried to restrain himself. Admittedly, his orgasms were satisfying. But only for him. But through the years, with patience and a lot of love, they managed to learn how to please one another, and please one another totally. No longer was it a process of two people fucking. No, their lovemaking had become almost an entity in itself, something they gladly sacrificed themselves to each time they fucked. John joined his wife on the bed and proceeded to carefully take off her clothes. He savored every moment, enjoying seeing more and more of her body, thinking about the moment when he would thrust his cock into her wet cunt, feeling his meat surrounded with that special warmth that only a woman could provide. "You're beautiful," he gasped, stripping his wife bare. "And this is going to be so good..." "Oh, John, do it. Please, do it now. Ohhhhh!" Spreading her plump legs wide, John stared down at her pink pussy. The lips were puffy and wet and he could almost see her delicious little fuck-hole. Her clitoris was erect, however, and he chose to stroke it gently before easing his cock inside her. "Yes," she squealed. "Keep doing that. Ohhhhh, just a little that. Oh, John, that feels so good!" Working on her clit until he thought she was sufficiently aroused, John then prepared to mount her. He scooted up on his knees between her widespread legs and aimed his red cocktip at her hole. Beth smacked her lips and tossed her head from side to side. Looking down through her cleavage, all she could see was the tip of her husband's penis, and she desperately wanted it to disappear — deep into her cunt! Gripping his shaft, John guided his penis into her. She was so wet that he was in to the hilt on the first stroke.Then he began pumping slowly, working up the rhythm bit by bit, trying to gauge his wife's urgency against his own until they were locked into the timeless bliss of mindless fucking. When John finally came, he drenched his wife's cunt with an overflowing load of his jism. Feeling so much of his cum sizzling into her snatch, Beth gave herself up to her orgasm and came two times before collapsing beneath him. Then they slipped into the satisfying sleep that follows only the most pleasurable of climaxes. CHAPTER FIVE Sharon made no secret of her sudden attachment to her uncle, but she could not be drawn out in any explanation, and with admitted malice she enjoyed worrying her mother and sister by it. Plans for another cottage, to be occupied by Sharon and her uncle, were set in motion. Uncle Nate thought his sister should be notified and consulted, but Sharon demurred. "Not yet, Uncle Nate," she begged. "Anyway, Mother will be glad to have me out of the house. There's nothing to worry about on that score. I just wish we weren't going to Lorraine's tonight. Why did you go and accept, anyway?" The frankness that had characterized their first conversation in the Harrow cottage had been maintained. They had small spats, usually good-humored, and if Sharon was learning that her seemingly easily influenced uncle had a mind of his own, he in turn was learning that most of the girl's headstrong half-rudeness was merely a veneer she had acquired over lonely years to protect her innately tender susceptibilities. On the whole, they got along well and had a healthy respect for each other. And part of Sharon's hunger for affection, acknowledged and demonstrated, was appeased in her relationship with the chuckling little man. "Well, I'll tell you," he said now, "I may be, as I have told you, a little disappointed about much I've seen in the family, Sharon, but I do like Lorraine. She's a very kind person." "Oh, yes, Rainey is okay. But tonight we'll have to put up with the rest of them. Mother doesn't really like Rainey, but she loves the idea of dining at the Talmadge place. I don't like hypocrisy." "You needn't go, you know." "Don't be silly. Do you think I'd throw you to that den of wolves without being there to protect you?" Having managed without her protection for over seventy years, Uncle Nate was justly touched nevertheless. The love Sharon had for him meant much to him and he could not doubt its genuineness. She alone cared nothing for his wealth, and in all probability would have preferred him without it. "You're hard on your family," he reproved her now. "They're not all bad, my girl. No one is." "Oh, all right." They were driving back from the lake where they had spent the morning fishing, and Sharon was in high spirits. She loved driving the new, flashy car and they had discovered a mutual liking for outdoor life. Sharon was no longer the discontented young woman she had been a short time before. "We're getting darn social ourselves, you know it?" She grinned across at him. "Dinner at the Talmadge mansion tonight and dinner at the Harrow's tomorrow night. I guess you know which I think the more attractive invitation!" "I'm anxious to meet young John." "Mmm." Sharon did not argue the point, but having become a favorite with the Harrows and at home in their cottage, she was not looking forward to the arrival of their son, who more than likely would dislike her and spoil everything. However, that evening, dining with her family at the Talmadge home, she decided that half a dozen Harrow sons would be better than this. Lorraine was an easy and natural hostess, a lady to the manner born, but her husband brought an electric quality to every occasion that grated on his younger sister's nerves. Sharon sensed avidity in his every move and gesture, and glowered because there was no denying his good looks. With his mother on his right and Debbie on his left, Sharon felt he knew what a striking picture they made. The Golden Parkers, she thought savagely. At the other end of the table, it was as though Lorraine sat in a shadow, although bouncy little Uncle Nate on her right did rather draw the eye. Hermie on her left and she, Sharon, tucked carelessly next to her mother, were both, she felt, necessary evils in an otherwise exquisite setting. Mrs. Parker preened herself, thinking how right it was that she and her beautiful twins should be thus seated in an almost regal triad. She loved her role of Queen Mother and hardly took her eyes off her beautiful son. "Wonderful," she would murmur, and "How clever of you, darling." Sharon sat wreathed in scowling darkness and vied with her brother for attention. "I read Ship of Fools because you recommended it, Rainey," she said stridently. "I didn't like it. Now Jean Christophe by Rolland—that was a book! I was glad you lent it to me. Some of these modern writers should go back and read Rolland and some of those other good old authors. They might learn something. Ship of Fools left a bad taste in my mouth." Since no other member of her family ever opened a book, Sharon invariably showed off her private compatibility with Lorraine, who was very well read, to taunt her family. Her eyes sparked now to see the faintly drawn frowns they turned upon her, but she could have wished Lorraine less tactful with her guests. Lorraine merely nodded and smiled her winsome smile. Lorraine's lips, Sharon thought, seemed permanently set in that same smile, a mere curve of the lips without her teeth showing. "Sharon thinks she knows so much." Debbie spoke petulantly. "Thinks she's too smart for college." "Well, it's a cinch you weren't smart enough," said Sharon. Mrs. Parker peered down at Nate. "Debbie wanted so to go," she told him. "But money, you know. It costs so much—and then, of course, Hermie stole her away from me." Sharon made a rude sound. "If I wanted to go, I'd earn my way. I don't want anything handed to me on a silver platter." "That's a good-looking car you're driving these days," her brother remarked pointedly. "It's not mine! It's Uncle Nate's," Sharon shot back. Dwayne laughed, and the sound enraged Sharon, but she caught her uncle's eye on her and was quiet. The conversation proceeded without her, but she listened and writhed. Dwayne always managed to turn the subject to money in Uncle Nate's presence. Sharon thought that her sister-in-law moved uncomfortably. Talmadges did not speak of money, just crass, pushy Parkers, she thought disgustedly. She had no doubt that Dwayne was itching to get his hands on a fat lump of Uncle Nate's money. Well, she'd put a barrier in his way if he tried. Sharon chose to walk the short distance home after the dinner party with her uncle. "I wish we had our cottage and were free of them," she sighed. "I certainly agree," her uncle murmured. "But, for the moment, we'll carry on as best we can." Sharon was filled with love for this kind man and his understanding disposition. And there was another feeling—no, it couldn't be! Wonder if it's incest... to be in love with your uncle, a voice in her mind said. Gee, he's not really old, and he is rather handsome... oh, come on, Shawn, none of this! However, the pretty teenager continued to brood as they reached the house. She couldn't deny the strong feeling she had for Uncle Nate—yet she wasn't sure what that feeling was. They said goodnight and Uncle Nate went upstairs. Sharon felt a bit nervous, because a look her uncle had given her made her wonder if he knew what she was feeling. Maybe he feels the same way, she mused to herself. Oh, rot! He's too proper for that! After a few more minutes of idle thought, Sharon went up to her room. The odd sensation was still upon her, though she tried to ignore it. And the more she tried to ignore it, the more fervent it became. She decided the best thing to do would be to hop into bed and try to fall asleep right away. In the pitch-dark bedroom, Sharon quickly threw off her clothes. Unable to prevent it, her mind was flooded with an image of her and Uncle Nate... naked... rolling around on the bed... doing what she'd done with another older man, Justin Stone. Contemplating this image, she didn't realize that her fingers had crawled downward until they were gently caressing her soft, bushy mound. The feeling of moisture snapped her out of the trance. I shouldn't be doing this! her mind warned. But, I'm... getting pretty hot. Maybe there's no harm done... especially if it will allow me to get to sleep. Her fingers slowly penetrated the dark bush until they were rubbing her dampening pussy lips. Her entire twat began to tingle, making her ache with need. She allowed the digits to stroke her dribbling slit, loving the way her vaginal labia grasped for them. Damn, I'm hot as a firecracker! she moaned inwardly. I'd better masturbate or I'll never relax! Resolved to this course of action, the pretty brunette made her fingers go stiff, then she inched her hips forward. Her burning, wet cunt took in the hard digits, inch after inch. Thrill waves of agonizing pleasure spread through her voluptuous body as her pussy ate up the welcome invaders. "Oh, shit, I can't believe how much I want cock!" she whispered hoarsely. Her breathing was now a series of quick gasps. "My fingers... will have to do... I'll have to finger-fuck myself!" The lust-embroiled teenager stretched out on the bed, then rolled onto her stomach. She intended to hump her pussy up and down on her upraised fingers. Suddenly, she came into contact with warm, naked skin! In a startled whisper, she asked, "Who's there?" "Why, it's your Uncle Nate, dear," came a low, husky reply. "My God! This... must be a dream!" Her uncle chuckled. With her body partially draped over him, Sharon realized Uncle Nate was as naked as she was. She felt his thin, muscular build...and more importantly, the hard, thick object twitching against her smooth thigh. Now that she had recovered her composure, Sharon decided that dream or not, this is what she was longing for—her kindly uncle in bed with her. Incest or not, she intended to take advantage of the situation. Her hand reached down and closed around the long, jutting tool. "Uncle Nate, it's ... so big!" Her uncle laughed out loud. "Of course! Just because I'm your gentle uncle doesn't mean I can't have a big schlong!" "No, I guess not," his niece agreed sheepishly. "Gosh, and it's getting bigger!" Sure enough, Nate's prick had still not achieved its full dimensions, but the touch of the teenager's soft fingers was quickly bringing that about. "Stroke it, Sharon," he hoarsely suggested. The man's skin grew warm in contact with his niece's soft flesh and the pressure of her swelling tits against his chest. He snaked a finger down to her pussy. It was hot and wet to the touch as a result of her recent attempt at masturbation. "Yes, Sharon," he groaned. "You stroke me ... while I finger your cunt." "We can do better than that, Uncle Nate!" the teenager cried enthusiastically. And to prove her claim, Sharon shifted her left leg across the older man's torso. This resulted in her dripping slit opening up over the thick staff. "Gee, I've never felt such an enormous prick!" Sharon gasped in awe. "I don't know if I can fit it in, but..." "Yes?" her uncle said patiently. Suddenly, the young girl threw caution to the winds. "Oh, shit, Uncle Nate, I need it bad! Please, give it to me good!" "You bet, honey!" Nate groaned ecstatically. "I'll give you all I've got!" He began to move his hips, dragging his huge tool along the length of his niece's warm, wet slit. His excitement grew by leaps and bounds as his purpling cockhead massaged the drooling cunt meat. Sharon kept her hand on the thick pork, and as it treated her burning pussy to pleasure, she began to jerk it off with slow, sensuous strokes. Each time her hand reached the throbbing cockhead she pressed it harder against her steaming portal. "Let's not wait, Uncle Nate!" She whined. "Now . . . right now . . . stick it in my hot twat!" "God, yes!" Nate moaned. "Put it in your hole!" With this the frisky girl readily complied. Nate felt his molten jism swirl at tornado force as Sharon began to insert his tip between her grasping pussy lips. To distract himself, he brought a stiff nipple up to his mouth and began to tease it with his tongue and teeth. Then, with a sudden motion, Sharon rolled over, dragging her uncle on top of her. "This is what I want!" she squealed, holding the thick phallus at her dribbling entrance. "Now! Right now ... stick it in me!" Delirious at their lewd activity, Nate didn't hesitate for an instant. With the teenager guiding him in, Uncle Nate pushed his long, throbbing pecker into the clammy hole. Inch after pulsing inch passed between the slippery cunt lips, and he groaned as his rod forced its way between the girl's inner walls. "More ... God, more!" Sharon yelped, opening her thighs wider. "Give it to mmmeeeeeee!" The frantic girl swung her legs around her uncle's torso until she could dig her heels into his back. Unbelievably, more cock was pressed into her canal, and she didn't know how she could fit it inside. Then she didn't care. All she wanted was to wrap her cunt around the gigantic bat and fuck it silly! "Ooooohhh ... Ooowweeee!" she squealed, feeling herself tearing in two. "Fuck me ... fuck me in and out ... Fuck me!" With a final heave, Nate buried his dick deep into his niece's raging sex furnace. There was no room to move as her wet pussy was clamped tightly around his embedded love log, yet somehow he managed to draw his dork out until his dribbling cockhead was poised at her sloppy entrance. With a groan of lust, he again fed every inch he had into the delectable teenager's pussy. "Eeeeeeee!" Sharon whined, filling up with pulsing pork. "Uuuunnnghgh!" Her trembling hands reached past her upraised legs to take hold of her uncle's taut ass. She began to drag his hips back and forth, organizing a steady fucking rhythm. She mashed her aching boobs into her uncle's face, loving the way he popped each hard nipple into his drooling mouth. Despite the weight upon her, she managed to lift her ass off the bed to meet his every powerful thrust. "Christ, yes! Fuck yes! Oh, shit, yes!" Sharon babbled, her senses shattered by the rampaging pecker deep inside her pussy. Uncle Nate was lost in a world of lust. He banged away like crazy, pinning the girl to the bed, ravaging her insatiable hole. Suddenly, he realized his churning load couldn't be denied. With one final, desperate lunge, he shoveled all he had into the girl's belly. "Sharon ... oh, Sharon ... can't hold back ... I'm ... comiiiiingng!" "Me, too! Fuck fuck fuck me!!!" Sharon shrieked, her world exploding around the spewing dick. They came simultaneously, their cries echoing in the small dark room: "Eeeeeeeaaaaa-aayyyaaahhhh!!!!!" They rocked and thrashed and humped together like two wildcats, utterly in the throes of orgasm. Nate shot wad after boiling wad into the teenager's blazing cunt as Sharon dug her fingers into his back. Their insane climaxes rolled on and on until they collapsed in total exhaustion. The servants watched the growing relationship between the Harrows and Nate Dugall and his niece with mixed reactions. Debbie Carlson's new personal maid, a haughty young woman with a tight, deceitful face, considered it a good joke on Mrs. Carlson, whom she thought little of but served well. Diane, pleased to be well paid for little work, refused to be drawn into the kitchen gossip. But Brownie and her two young friends continued to take a personal and delightful interest in all developments. "Well, you've got to hand it to Sharon," Sally stated. "She doesn't make any bones about it. She and old Nate like the Harrows, and that's that." "I never knew it to happen before," Brownie opined dubiously. "But if Beth ain't embarrassed, I don't know why I should feel funny about it." "It's like Sharon says—it's still a free country. She don't believe in classes. She don't try to pretend she's any Lorraine Talmadge." "It's tough on Uppity," Brownie said. "I guess she remembers the old days when this house was different. Sometimes I wonder why her and Andrews came back to work here for the Parkers at all." "This is home to her and Andrews. They was thirty years with the first people, or so I heard." Sally laughed. "I sure wouldn't want to be thirty years with Mrs. Parker. I'm gettin' sick of hearin' what a great guy that Dwayne is." "She'll bust up that marriage, if she can." "I don't know, Brownie. After all, look how he got to be a big shot at Talmadge's by marrying her." Sally sighed. "Boy, would I love to be able to buy my clothes there. Them sweaters they have in the window just now. Cheapest is sixty bucks! Tracy's Department Store has them for fourteen ninety-five, but of course they ain't the same." "Sharon don't shop there," said Rose. "She don't shop anyplace, looks like. Outside of that dress she's wearing to the Harrows' tonight, she hasn't worn anything new since I've been here." "She don't dress up much. She sure looked nice, didn't she?" "It about killed Uppity, them comin' through the kitchen to go out the back door." Brownie laughed. "I guess Sharon figured it was the shortest way to the garages." "Funny they drove down that little way." "She loves drivin' that car. I bet she paid plenty for that dress, Rose. Sure was dressed up just to go down there." "Don't forget Beth's son is home." "Yeah, how about him?" Sally wanted to know. "Mrs. Parker spotted him from her bedroom window and asked me who he was. She got a funny look on her face when I told her he was a doctor." "Be funny if Sharon married him." Brownie laughed. "The way things is goin' around here, nothin' would surprise me. But I'll say this much for Beth. She don't put on any airs just 'cause Mr. Dugall and Sharon took a shine to her and John. Uppity don't like it, but there's nothin' she can do about it." "It kind of spoils things in a way," remarked Rose. "It just don't seem right. Workin' up here isn't anything like I thought it would be." "I wish they'd entertain more," said Brownie. "I like big dinner parties, but all that Debbie ever has is those cocktail parties, and always the same people. Old Skyline Drive ain't what it used to be, I guess." "Debbie complains all the time about how Dwayne's wife sort of high-hats her," Sally informed them. "You still eavesdropping on the Carlsons?" Brownie demanded. "You better not let Diane catch you at it." "I can't stand her. You ought to hear how she butters up to the Duchess." Sally looked angrily jealous. "Debbie gave her a linen suit but hardly worn. She never gave me anything." "You got to learn to keep your mouth shut around them." "Me and Mrs. Parker talk all the time." Sally laughed. "I get a kick out of the way I can pump her. She acts like I'm not human half the time." "She'd die if she knew you ran down and told us everything she says." "Well, I figure it's her hard luck. I look for a big bust-up with the Carlsons any day now," Sally said expansively. "You see, Mr. Carlson just has an ordinary job and his wife and Mrs. Parker don't think it's high-toned enough for them. Dwayne, he wants Mr. Carlson to go to work at Talmadge's, but old skinny Hermie, he ain't havin' any." "He's a good, honest fellow," Brownie said. "I knew his folks." "I like him," Rose said. "He's not good-looking, but he's nice. Sharon likes him, too." "Poor guy. He looks bad," added motherly Brownie. "And, you know, I kinda blame Mrs. Parker. Debbie always was a snippy thing, but her and Hermie was happy enough till they moved here.Hermie makes pretty good money, and they had one of those modern apartments over on the North side. She's spoiled, that's all, just spoiled, and I blame her mother. "Sharon sure ain't spoiled, but she's got them all worried now she's so chummy with the old man." "Well, Sally, one thing. Sharon ain't after his money like the rest of them. And that old man ain't so dumb as he looks." Diane came in, sniffed at the obvious gossip going on. "You through for the night?" Brownie asked her. "I'm free for a few hours. Mrs. Carlson doesn't expect to be late tonight." She looked unusually upset. "What's the matter, Di? The Duchess getting you down?" Sally inquired slyly. "I can handle Mrs. Carlson," was the abrupt response. "But I don't take anything off anyone," she added. "Oh, come on, Diane, give. What did she do—accuse you of using her perfume? She was always on to me about it." Diane sat down, rubbing the bridge of her sharp nose. Suddenly she laughed harshly. "Funny thing about it was, it was her new skin conditioner I tried." This confession made her one of them now and accepted. "Have some coffee," invited Brownie. Diane accepted, her lip curling. "Nouveau riche," she remarked, but since this went over the heads of her companions and did not seem to be directed at them, they ignored it. "Are you going to quit, Diane?" Rose asked. The woman shrugged. "I know how to handle Mrs. Carlson," she repeated, and laughed. "I've got my eye on a dress and a few other things she has before I quit, if I do." Sally frowned, "How do you figure to get them—steal them?" she asked jealously. "Don't be silly. When you've been in this business as long as I have you'll learn a few tricks. And with her, it's like taking candy from a baby." "Don't you go putting wrong ideas in Sally's head," Brownie remonstrated. "I want to know how," Sally objected. "Go ahead, Diane, tell how you do it?" Diane looked smug. "Nothing to it, if you know how. You have to develop finesse, or they catch on. Like, for instance, this dress I mentioned. Next time she wears it I'll just kind of frown. Not say anything, just kind of give it little looks. Subtle like. Pretty soon she'll ask do I think it's wrong for her and I'll say, 'Oh, no,' but act embarrassed. First thing you know, she'll quit wearing it, and presto!—it's mine!" "Say, you're pretty slick." Sally laughed, then groaned. "And I'm stuck with old-lady Parker!" "What about Sharon?" Rose suggested, a little shocked but nevertheless intrigued. Wait till she told her friends about this! "Too bad she don't let you do for her, Sally." "I helped her dress tonight," Sally replied, and shook her head briefly. "You know, when she tries, she's darned good-looking." Rose nodded. "I love her hair. Almost black, ain't it?" "What I did was have her part it in the middle, and she let me trim her bangs." Sally looked pleased herself. "If she gets anywhere with Beth's son, part of the credit is mine." She laughed. "Funny thing—the way she was so anxious to look good. It must be Beth's son she's after." Diane felt the conversation had left her hands. "I never trust the type that gets chummy with the help," she said. "All I've got to say is, Miss Sharon better not let her sister catch on." "Those two are not at all alike, and for my money," Brownie put in, "I'll take Sharon. I hope she's having a real good time tonight. As good as she is to her uncle these days, she deserves to have some fun. Just hanging around older folks ain't normal for a young girl. Yes, sir, I sure do hope she's enjoying herself and her and young John Harrow hit it off." Sharon Parker would have appreciated Brownie's kind thoughts, but with wryness at their futility. She sat opposite John Harrow at the dinner table and looked at him as little as possible. She had at first been pleasantly relieved to see that John Harrow had the same ease of manner that characterized his mother, and she had not felt awkward in his presence. She did not expect him to like her, but at least he was neither too attentive nor too disinterested. She had approved, at first, of his manner, with Uncle Nate, which had been respectful, yet full of humor. Now she had begun to suspect this man's motives. And, too, she felt overdressed for the simple occasion and angry with herself for having taken such pains with her appearance. She surely hadn't wanted to impress him, had she? His eyes kept flicking toward her and away as he talked to Uncle Nate about a project that absorbed him. Poor Uncle Nate, she thought. No doubt the Harrows had informed their son of his wealth and that was why all this talk about a medical clinic. It seemed John Harrow and three of his colleagues had ambitions of opening a medical clinic here in Brookings, combining in it their separate specialties. They were looking for a likely prospect to build their clinic and rent out space to them. Sharon felt a little sick, and it was with increasing difficulty that she kept her expression from revealing her inward thoughts. "Brookings has a fine hospital," she said, entering the conversation for the first time. "And any number of doctors in private practice—in medical centers, too. I mean," she added sharply, for they were all looking at her. "I just don't see the need of another medical center in Brookings." "No?" John Harrow's eyes looked amused, but his tone was politely serious. "There's a crying need for more doctors all over the country, Sharon," he told her. "I spent a few weeks here in Brookings this spring and was given an altogether different impression. I understand that there are some areas—on the South Side, for instance—that have no medical services quickly available at all." She affected a shrug. "I used to live on the South Side," she replied. "I don't remember any crying need, as you put it." Uncle Nate chuckled. "As healthy a specimen as you are, my dear, I don't wonder," he said, and turned back to the young man. "Sharon and I are rather interested in supporting good causes," he told him. "But she's a cautious one, John." He chuckled, adding, "My self-appointed guardian angel." "And a very nice one," Beth Harrow said, smiling at the girl. "We're going to be very happy when we're real neighbors, aren't we, Sharon?" "Yes." Sharon had no idea that the look she turned on Beth Harrow held a trace of pleading in it. Don't just like Uncle Nate and me for what we could do for your son, Mrs. Harrow, her eyes begged. And for the first time the reality of her uncle's wealth as a real burden touched her. "Now, no more talk of business," Beth said, a little sharply. "Let's move into the living room and have our coffee there. Will you play for us, Sharon?" She turned to her son. "The piano in this cottage is really wasted on us unmusical Harrows"—she smiled—"but Sharon plays beautifully." "A very talented young lady all around," murmured her son. Sharon gave him one of her typically direct looks. "Hardly," she said. "I'm the practical type, not the artistic." "She plays the piano real well," Uncle Nate said proudly. "I used to myself when I was young. Come along and give us a tune, my dear." And in an undertone, Sharon heard him murmur, "We'll talk more tomorrow about the building, John. I'm very much interested." Sharon sat on the piano bench, her back very straight, and thumped the keys a bit to ease her inner exasperation. "I guess I'm playing for my supper, all right, huh, Mr. Harrow?" It caused a little laughter, but Sharon felt her tone had created a puzzled air of tension in her listeners. She played very badly, and hardly cared. Her mind was wrestling with suspicion and some anger toward her uncle. It was quite obvious to her that the talk of the medical clinic was not news to him, and she resented his betrayal of their partnership. "Oh, that's enough," she said suddenly, and left the piano to go to sit beside her uncle on the divan. "I'm a lousy pianist, anyway," she added, to soften her rudeness. Beth Harrow smiled at her, thinking her shy in John's presence. "I've almost finished the book you lent me, Sharon," she said, and began to discuss the book to ease the girl's embarrassment. Sharon felt like a guest, and blamed the son of the house. She did not sprawl in her usual relaxed fashion in this house, but sat primly and kept her expression polite. She refused to admit that young Harrow was attractive, well informed on many subjects, and a good conversationalist. She saw him as an opportunist and ignored him as much as possible. She was glad when the evening ended. Young John walked them to the sporty car, and she saw how his eyes narrowed upon it—and her. She gave him a proud, disdainful look, but Uncle Nate shook his hand, beaming. "Don't forget," he said. "We'll pick you up around six. It's almost an hour's drive to the lake, so we don't want to get too late a start." "I'll be ready." Sharon stared from one to the other. "You're going fishing in the morning?" she demanded. "Yes. We arranged it this afternoon," her uncle replied. "But if you don't think you can get up so early," he added innocently, "don't worry about it. Johnny can drive me." Her eyes flared. "I prefer to do the driving of this car," she said coldly to John. "Good night, Dr. Harrow," she rasped. And he had to step back quickly from the car as she roared away. John Harrow stood watching the speed at which she drove the winding cement roadway to the big house and felt torn between amusement and anger. Nothing his mother had written him concerning Sharon Parker coincided with what he had seen of her this evening. He had expected to meet a jolly, harum-scarum kid, and instead had been confronted by a beautifully dressed, imperious young woman with lovely but hostile eyes. "Coming in, dear?" his mother called from the doorway. "In a minute. You and Dad go on to bed. I feel like stretching my legs." "All right. Good night, son.The grounds are lovely in the moonlight. No one will mind if you explore them. He had no desire to explore the grounds. He lit a cigarette and stood staring toward the big house that gleamed whitely through the trees. His rather squarish face wore a hard look. He knew he should be feeling buoyed up by the interest Nate Dougall was showing in the medical center, but the attitude of the girl kept getting in the way. His mother, John reflected, was inclined to be a bit naive in her assessment of people. This Sharon Parker was not easily dismissed as merely old Nate's devoted niece. John Harrow had no particular conceit, but it came as rather a shock to realize that the girl had taken a dislike to him. Why? Before dinner, she had been easy enough to talk to, a little stiff at first, but friendly. The medical center, he decided. For some reason, she froze up after it was mentioned. Her uncle claimed for her a good business head, and it was possible that she had much influence over his decisions. John dropped his cigarette and ground it out with a heel. He felt suddenly tired. The long struggle to reach the threshold of his profession, on which he now stood, had not been easy. If he was ambitious, he was also sensitive, and he had been against the taking of the job here by his mother. His father was an experienced gardener, and for him the work here was ideally suited to his physical condition, but John Harrow knew that both his parents were tired. His own struggle had been theirs, too, and he would never be able to repay them for all they had done for him. And, now, tonight, when the end of work for his parents was in view, when hope for the medical center had been kindled by Nate Dugall, it did not seem fair to have to concern himself with the whims of an arrogant young woman. And he could not rid himself of the feeling that Sharon Parker, young as she was, could turn her uncle against him. Oh well, he thought. There will be other prospects. It was almost too much to hope that completion of internship and the medical center could happen at the same time. And if Nate Dugall personified hope for such an event, his niece was a strong reminder that nothing comes easily and giving way to too much hope merely courts disappointment. His mother peered out at him and, seeing how still he stood, with no evidence of leg-stretching, she came out to stand beside him, laughing softly. "I can't seem to settle down for the night, either," she said. "I feel so excited, son. Nate is very interested. I have a feeling you will go back to the hospital with good news for your partners." He put a careless arm about her shoulders. "Don't get your hopes up too much, Mom. I'm not." "But, Johnny, just this afternoon you were all excited yourself!" She twisted to peer up at his face. "It's not like you to start doubting just when everything seems to be working out so well. What is it, dear? Your dad feels so sure Nate will build the clinic." "Look, Mom, it's no use counting your chickens before they're hatched. Nate is a fine old fellow. I like him. I just don't feel we should count on anything." "You're tired," his mother declared. "That's all in the world that's the matter with you. Come on in and get to bed, dear. Everything will seem brighter when you've had some rest." "Yeah, maybe." He let her turn him toward the door. "Now don't you bother getting up early, hear me? I can fix myself something to eat. You're the tired one, Mom." He held the door open for her, his eyes very young. "It won't be long now. Clinic or no clinic, once I get any kind of practice built up you're going to quit work and take it easy. You and Dad both. Just as soon as I'm able." She rose on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Honey, your dad and I have been glad and proud to help, and you've done it mostly yourself. You're tired, Johnny. Go to bed, son." She pushed him into the house. "As a matter of fact," she added with a laugh, "I'll be very sorry to leave here. The work isn't hard and I just love this house. Nate would hate to lose us as neighbors, too, when he and Sharon get their cottage built." "Well, he'll just have to get used to it. One of these days, you're going to have someone to wait on you!" His dark eyes, so like her own, held angry hurt. "That's what I want most," he said fiercely. "To make up to you and Dad for all you've done—all you've gone without—for me." "Go to bed," she said, near tears. "When you have a family of your own, dear, you'll understand. You've always been a blessing, son, never a burden." His mouth twisted in a smile. "You're all the family I'll ever want or need," he said. "I'm going to be an old bachelor like Nate." "Yes, yes," she said. "I've heard that before. Now off with you and no more talk. And tomorrow just have fun, for a change." With that girl along? his mind questioned. Fat chance. CHAPTER SEVEN Sharon had difficulty in getting to sleep. It troubled her that she had been so quick to doubt the purity of motives in the Harrows tonight, to have suspected them of ulterior motives in their extension of friendship to her and her uncle. They were not that kind of people, she acknowledged now. No matter how great was their desire to further their son's ambitions, they would not stoop to subterfuge in their dealings with others. As for their son, she supposed now that there was nothing wrong with his seeking support for his project, and certainly Uncle Nate had given him every encouragement. It hurt a little to think that her uncle had known of the project even before John Harrow arrived and said nothing to her, although he had more or less apologized for this neglect when they reached home. "I thought I'd just wait till we had a chance to see him for ourselves. I really had no doubts we would like him. I do, immensely, don't you?" Uncle Nate had said. "He's all right, I guess," she had replied. "But, really, Uncle Nate, you're not doing what we agreed on at all. I hope you haven't made him any rash promises behind my back." "Oh, no. It will be a shared decision, but I can think of no reason for objection. A wholly worthwhile project and a good investment. That last part bothers me, though. The idea isn't to make more money but to get rid of what we've got." "Yes. But you can't just go around giving medical centers away to every young doctor with big ideas!" "I thought we might make them a present of a well-equipped laboratory," he had said coaxingly. She could not explain even to herself now, lying sleepless, why she had expressed herself so strongly against such a gift. She felt miserably confused. It was one thing to talk about giving money away but quite another to do it, she reflected. And it frightened her that being so involved in her uncle's wealth might be changing her, too. It was just possible she was no more unaffected by it than her family, when it came right down to it. She thrashed about, wishing once again that the Harrows had not had a son. The evening had ended up with him not liking her, which was nothing new in her experience but not very helpful in her present dilemma. She could, of course, just wash her hands of any interest in Uncle Nate's financial dealings. All she wanted was the new cottage and a nice, comfortable life with him, with no John Harrows or any greedy others to be always worrying about. She still felt angry about the trouble she had gone to, to look her best. Had she started changing in that moment when she saw the dress downtown and let Uncle Nate buy it for her? It was beautiful and expensive. Sally had just raved about it and how she, Sharon, looked in it. All she'd wanted to do, she told herself, was to achieve a sense of well-being to offset the awkwardness that always attended any meeting of young men. He had, she remembered, looked at her with interest at first. Almost as though he felt awkward—no, not awkward, but nervously aware of her. It had made her feel very adult, almost sophisticated. But not for long. The minute he started the talk about what he wanted, all the looks he had given her had been sharp and almost defiant—antagonistic. Well, she thought, if he had any sense he would not antagonize her! After all, if she were against the investment, young Dr. John might very well find himself out in the cold! She rolled over on her stomach and buried her face in her arms, shocked at herself. Wave upon wave of sick shame burned through her. Oh, God, she pleaded, thoroughly frightened, don't let me be like that. Don't let the money change me into another Debbie. Let him have his old clinic—anything, just so I can stay free of this awful feeling. There were unaccustomed tears on her cheeks when sleep claimed her at last, but she had survived her first battle with corrupting power, and was able to look herself in the eye when she awoke to the shrill summons of the alarm clock. For a moment she could not remember why she had set it for such an early hour, and then, remembering swiftly, lay wondering if she should redeem herself for her unworthy thoughts of the night before by letting John Harrow drive off in the wonderful new automobile. She was repentant, but not that repentant, she decided. And Uncle Nate did need her along for—well, protection. She dressed carelessly to play down the care she had taken the previous night, and to prove to herself that impressing John Harrow was the last thing in her mind. The hair Sally had so beautifully arranged was tied back with a length of red ribbon, and the jeans she donned were old and faded, the shirttail flapping, one she had once swiped from Dwayne. Scuffed loafers completed her outfit. She went downstairs on the run, headed for the kitchen and food. "Well, all ready, I see," Uncle Nate greeted her from the big kitchen range, where he had breakfast started. The electric percolator made a bright morning sound."How would you like your eggs?" he asked. "Morning," she smiled. "Let me help." "No, just sit, my dear. This is the first real chance I've had to try out this range. It's a beauty. I told Mrs. Upstead last night we'd be going out early and not to bother Brownie, so we have the kitchen to ourselves." "Gee, won't it be great when we have our own place?" She straddled a chair, watched his deft movements. "I can hardly wait," she sighed. "Well, it won't be long. The workmen should start laying the foundation tomorrow." "Uncle Nate," she said, scowling, "are you mad at me?" He swung around, spatula in midair. "Perish the thought! Should I be?" "I was a pain in the neck last night," she told him. "All mixed up again. You go ahead and do what you want about the lab—about everything. The sooner we quit being rich, the better I'll feel." "Bothers you, does it?" "Scares me. Power corrupts," she said darkly. He choked on a bit of bacon he was sampling. "I suppose it does," he managed. He brought their breakfast plates to the table. "It's going to be another lovely day," he remarked. "And there's nothing like fishing to take our minds off material things, so eat up and let's be on our way." She wished they were going alone, but refrained from saying so. "Whatever you do," she said, "don't forget your hat. You know how easily you burn. And it wouldn't hurt to take along a sweater. It won't really be a lovely day till the sun gets higher." "A hat and sweater, I'll remember," he said obediently. "You're getting a nice tan already, my dear." "Oh, I'll be brown as an Indian before summer's over. I always am." Dr. Harrow took one look at Sharon and decided he must have been just tired the night before. Why, she was nothing but a kid, and a kind of cute one at that! He piled fishing gear and a huge picnic basket onto the back seat and climbed into the front beside Uncle Nate. "I haven't been fishing in years," he told them, and waved to his parents, who watched from the doorway. "Have a good time," his mother called. Sharon grinned, waved, and peeled out and away with her usual enjoyment of the noise, laughing when the two men were jerked back in their seat. "Did you bring along any bait?" she yelled at the doctor. "It's Dad's gear," he answered. "He said there are some flies and a couple of lures in the tackle box." "No good," she told him. "Salmon eggs are the only thing right now, but don't worry. I brought along a couple of jars." He smiled at her tone and Uncle Nate gave him a sly wink. Sharon caught it and frowned, then shrugged. She was determined not to let him spoil her day. "Kill him with kindness, that's the way," she decided. Uncle Nate frowned slightly at her strange expression. "Sharon's a real fisherman," he said. "Got me beat hollow." The praise evoked her generosity. "Oh, you're pretty good, Uncle Nate," she conceded. "It's just that I've had so much experience. I've been fishing the lake ever since I was a kid." John looked away to conceal his laughter. It was hard to believe she was the same girl he had seen the night before. "These young girls nowadays," he thought. "Can't tell them from their big sisters when they get all dolled up." "I wish Dad could have come," he said as the city was being left behind for open countryside. "Next to chess, he loves to fish." "We'll have to have another little jaunt on Thursday, his day off. Or can you stay on through the weekend, John?" "I shouldn't, Uncle Nate," John replied. "I could get one of the other interns to pinch-hit for me, I suppose, but I am due back Saturday morning." "Well, we'll plan on Thursday, then." Sharon frowned briefly, but said nothing. At least he was not going to be around permanently. She hummed softly. The feel of the steering wheel under her hands and the smooth purr of the engine were joys still so new they outweighed less happy thoughts. And young Doctor John was rather pleasant company. At the lake, she took command, arranging for the rental of a specific motor-boat she favored, and becoming its pilot. Because he was so pleased at every evidence of teenage carelessness in her, John Harrow was merely amused by her bossy little ways. "She looks like a careless boy despite the feminine curves of her slim figure," he thought, and decided that pale eyes in a smooth tanned face were a very attractive combination. He began to affect an avuncular attitude, and Sharon responded with ease. "We'll head for the north end of the lake," she announced. "Thank goodness we got here early," she added. "We ought to get in a good hour's fishing before it gets crowded. You can get out the salmon eggs, Doc," she told him. He laughed out loud. "Danged sassy kid you've got here, Uncle Nate," he said. "I don't know how I ever managed to survive seventy-two years without her," responded the old man, a twinkle in his eye. Her head turned. "That's pretty old, Uncle Nate," she said in a worried tone. "Button up your sweater. That breeze is cold." "He doesn't look his age, Sharon," John told her. "And I have a hunch he's putting us on. As a medical man, I'd say he's a good ten years younger than that physically." Sharon flicked him a grateful look. "Are you a good doctor?" "The best," he grinned. "Just ask my mother, if you don't believe me." "Okay, Doc," she replied, grinning, and cut the motor. "We'll troll here," she said. The lake had a metallic sheen and the sudden silence was broken only by the clear, pure call of a bird in one of the trees that lined the banks. For a moment John watched the girl as she moved deftly, checking her reel and digging brown fingers into the salmon-egg jar for bait, her face rapt and concentrated. John glanced at Uncle Nate, who, having already cast out, sat smoking his pipe contentedly. Catching John's eyes, the old man gave a brief nod and smiled, as if to say, "No more chatter out of her now." And it was true. Sharon became absorbed in fishing, the true fisherman's silence wrapping around her like an invisible shield. "What a strong, beautiful profile she has," the young doctor thought, its lines cleanly exposed by the pulled-back hair. He felt an odd sort of tenderness move in him. Just this morning, while frying chicken for the picnic basket, his mother had remarked about a lonely quality she sensed in this girl and told him a little bit about her background. Unable, now, to keep from glancing at her often, John saw what his mother meant. "In repose the girl's face is very young and vulnerable," he thought. "I'd like to help her," was his thought, which struck him as slightly ridiculous, but persisted. The sun was high when, driven by hunger, Sharon decided to call a halt. Their combined catch was nothing to brag about, but the hours spent were counted no loss. "Gee, I'm glad your mother was so thoughtful," Sharon declared. "I'm famished." And she let John pilot them to shore. "Fishing always has the power to subdue her frustrations and rebellions," she said. "I know a dandy picnic spot," she said. "Uncle Nate, why didn't we ever think of bringing along a picnic lunch before? Your mother's a darling, Doc." "Well, I'll tell you, kid," he replied. "I've had her for darned near twenty-eight years and no complaint so far. Of course, she's inclined to be a bit too bossy, like some other people I've noticed around here, but I guess it's just one of those incurable feminine traits we poor men have to put up with. Eh, Uncle Nate?" Uncle Nate chuckled. "I'm afraid so," he agreed. "But we'd be lost without our little women to nag us into behaving ourselves." Sharon enjoyed the teasing. "In a way it's a great waste of talent that I've decided not to marry," she told them. "I really think I'd make a great mother." "Oh? You've got something against marriage?" "I don't think it's all it's cracked up to be, Doc. I notice you're not wearing any ring on your finger." "That's right. I just haven't had time to give marriage much thought. I expect I'll end up like you, Uncle Nate, and be none the worse for it." "I don't know," Sharon said, studying him. "Your mother wants grandchildren. I think he ought to get married, don't you, Uncle Nate?—Doctors that aren't married can get into a lot of trouble with their patients, and then there are all those nurses—" For some reason the thought bothered her. "Well, here we are," she said, dropping the subject abruptly. "I'll go get the picnic basket while you tie up the boat, Doc," she said, and was first out of the boat and away, running. "She's a nice kid," John told the old man. "Yes, I think a lot of her, John. I'm glad you two hit it off so well today. She needs to be with young people more." He let John help him from the boat, stood a moment studying the young man's face. "John, I've decided to build your medical center and won't keep you wondering. There's just one thing I'd like to ask you to do for me. Interest Sharon in the project. It won't make any difference in the long run, but she needs to have other interests than those of an old man. Do you understand?" The night before, John would not have understood; today he had experienced a protective moment for Sharon. "Does she know you have decided?" he asked. "She said this morning—" His old eyes were touched for a moment with sadness. "She reminded me that power corrupts, John, and it was a very significant remark to me. She's very young, but almost painfully honest. And just child enough to be jealous of anything I do that does not include her." He laughed. "I'll bring up the subject of the clinic at lunch, John. For the moment, just follow my lead. More than anything in this world I want her happiness." John was not sure what was expected of him, but the singing joy within him overrode doubts. "I should thank you, Uncle Nate. I'm afraid I can't find words—" "Not needed, not needed. Here she comes. We'll thrash it all out another time.""Wow, this thing is heavy," Sharon told them, and let John relieve her of the basket's weight. "I peeked," she added. "Lordy, lordy, Uncle Nate. Fried chicken, chocolate cake, and I don't know what all. Even lemonade! Come on, let's hurry, before someone finds my picnic place first!" The picnic basket was considerably lighter when Uncle Nate lay back on the spread blanket and covered his face with his hat, flushed with a healthy appetite more than appeased. "I don't know about you two," he said, "but I'm half asleep." Sharon sighed, wiped her mouth, and sat back against a huge log. "God bless Mrs. Harrow," she said. "I'm stuffed." "I know what you mean," John replied. "Funny thing, I don't feel a bit hungry now." She laughed. He had been full of fun all during the meal, and she liked him, thoroughly liked him. "Hey, Doc," she began, grinning, "Uncle Nate's going to build your darned old clinic. Did he tell you?" "Uncle Nate spoke quickly. "I was just about to when I felt too sleepy to bother," he remarked. "Why, Uncle Nate! That's a very selfish attitude, when Doc is bound to have been wondering." Her eyes flicked away from the brightness of John's gaze upon her. "I hope you're glad," she said, a little shyly for her. "I don't know what to say, Sharon. It's a tremendous thing." "I suppose it is." She got up, found an apple in the basket and bit into it, then came back and straddled the log where he was sitting. "It must be nice to have a goal—something that means something," she said wistfully. "Your uncle tells me you made some very good suggestions about the plans for your cottage," he told her. "Would you like to take a look at the rough sketches I have for the clinic? Maybe you could bring your feminine taste to bear on the reception room. We'd want it to be pleasant, you know, attractively furnished." Her eyes glistened even as she frowned. "Uncle Nate is going to include a complete laboratory. I don't see why he can't just furnish it throughout. How about it, Uncle Nate?" "Whatever you think, my dear. Just let me sleep," said Uncle Nate, who had no intention of sleeping at all. Again he adjusted his hat over his eyes; smothering chuckles had dislodged it. "You two work it out between you. You'll want to decide on many things before we turn it all over to an architect." John eyed the old man covertly. He had dreamed of the medical center with his colleagues too many years not to know almost to the last detail what was needed and desired, but he had no objection to letting Sharon expand her views, which she did now at great length. "Hold on," he said at last. "Look, kid, this isn't the Taj Mahal we're building. Just an efficient, modest group of doctors' offices with a well-equipped lab. Not a hospital, either." "Well, you don't want it to be drab." "No, just a decent medical center in a decent middle-class neighborhood. You see, honey, if it's too grand we're liable to scare patients away." Her ears picked up the endearment, but her mind ignored it. "You mentioned the south side of town. Just where over there?" "Well, the street that took my fancy, where I'd like to see it built, has an odd name—Tiger something. What's the matter? You know the one I mean?" "Tiger Tail Road! Do I know it? I was born on it!" "Well, now," he declared, "I'd say that's a good omen. Imagine that! It's a nice street, Sharon, if some of those houses could just be bought up." "The Linquists," she said. "Mr. and Mrs. Linquist—at the corner of Tiger Tail and Sutton Boulevard! Their family is all grown up and gone and Mrs. Linquist was always talking about having a smaller place. Doc, it's a huge corner lot—" "I bet I know the house you mean. A big, old three-story monstrosity. Say, kid, you're going to be a real help in this." Her gray eyes shone. "Did you hear that, Uncle Nate? Doc says—" She broke off to stare at the young doctor. "Does it bother you to be called Doc? I won't, if it does." "Ordinarily, I don't care much for it, but I don't mind it from you. You're a pretty nice gal, Miss Parker. Almost as nice as old Sleepyhead." For a moment she was aware of him as a man and felt tongue-tied. To overcome this miserable condition, she usually resorted to sarcasm. Now she just looked away, and the awkwardness evaporated. "I think we'd better start for home," she said. "That ground is kind of damp under that blanket." She hopped off the log, went to her uncle. "Hey you," she said, prodding him with her foot, "time to go home." As he stirred, she turned back to her new friend. "Will you really let me see the sketches you have?" "Sure thing. If you'll let me drive home. I'd like a shot at that high-powered crate of yours." "It's not mine, it's Uncle Nate's, but you can drive," she told him, and he read in her eyes that he was accepted. "Come on, Uncle Nate, get a move on," he urged with exaggerated anxiety, "before my little pal changes her mind!" Sharon laughed. Her heart gave a ripple of warmth. My little pal! She loved the way it sounded. "You know something, Doc?" she demanded. "If I get sick, I'll bring my business to you." He accepted the accolade with a mock bow. And he felt curiously young, almost wishing himself more her age. When she threw back her head that way and laughed, a fellow could hardly resist hugging her! When they returned to the cottage, Nate politely excused himself, realizing that John and Sharon wanted desperately to be alone. Fortunately for the two young people, John's parents were out, having left a note declaring their plans to be home later that evening. "Would you like to come in for a while?" John asked Sharon. "How long is a while?" she asked, smiling at him impishly. John took the lovely brunette in his arms. "Who cares? Anyway, it's quality, not quantity." "But I'm all for quantity, too," Sharon whispered, giving him a mischievous grin.Without hesitation, he began to stroke his throbbing meat. "Oh, baby," he moaned, "this is the hottest thing I've ever seen. I can't believe I'm watching my own sister getting eaten out... while I'm pulling my pud!" He decided on a lewd plan. He would jerk off in time with John's cunt-eating, then shoot his load as his sister orgasmed. "Wow, it'll be like screwing my own sister!" he crowed. "I better catch up, though. Looks like she's not far from going over the edge!" His observation was quite accurate. The pretty teenager was panting hard, and with each quick breath, a shrill moan escaped from her lips. Her smooth legs clamped her lover's head close to her mound. "More... do more... please..." she begged. "Eat me... Eat me!" John realized that any further foreplay would be torture for the lust-crazed brunette. His fingers pried apart the warm, slippery pussy lips, then he buried half his face in the slobbering flesh. "Oooowwweeeee!" Sharon squealed, her eyes rolling like billiard balls after the break. "Like this, baby? Guulllff!" John spluttered with his mouth enclosed by drooling cunt flesh. "Yes... shit, yes!" the teenager shrieked, her swollen tits heaving like a mountain range during an earthquake. John expertly nibbled on the hot, dripping cunt-meat as he sucked in more of the girl's cascading juices. Then he stiffened his tongue and forcefully drove it past her clenched cunt walls, embedding his warm prod deep into her blazing womb. "Oh, fucking Christ!" Sharon yelped. "You're doing it... almost there!" Me, too, Sis! Dwayne inwardly shouted. Just hold on a minute longer! His hands were a blur of motion now as they vigorously stroked his aching, throbbing pecker. Dribbles of pre-cum oozed from his purple tip, helping to lubricate his masturbation. His wide eyes were fixed on his sister's widespread limbs, and he tried to time his quick strokes to the pistoning of John's tongue. The handsome student was now going all out, full speed ahead. His head rapidly bobbed back and forth, repeatedly shoving his stiffened prod into Sharon's inflamed inner depths. His fingers rubbed the pried-apart pussy lips, and his upper body shook from the vibration of Sharon's soft, taut ass-cheeks bouncing off the floor. "Eeeeeeeaahhh!" Sharon suddenly shrieked hysterically. "Can't hold back... can't..." Ignoring her cries, John renewed his cunnilingal attack. He thought that if he pushed his head in any deeper, Sharon's wide-open twat would swallow it up. He felt her body convulse uncontrollably. "Oh, fucking pussy!" the teenager screamed obscenely. "Coming... I... Yyyyaaaahhhhaahhhh!!!!!" With that high-pitched scream of feminine release, the voluptuous brunette was overwhelmed by an orgasmic tidal wave. Her hips bucked in a frenzy, mashing John's embedded face, thrashing and writhing against the hard floor, almost upending the two of them. John held on for dear life until the groaning girl's convulsions began to subside. "Lord... that was so great... Ohhhhh..." Sharon moaned contentedly. Her hidden brother was anything but content. "Damn it, she came too fast!" he grunted with frustration. "Shit, I don't care! I want a piece of that!" he cried, entering the room. John stood up. "Okay, honey," he murmured at the satisfied girl. "Now it's my... what the hell!" The naked man was startled by the entry of Sharon's brother... and both he and Sharon were further startled by the sight of his long, red pecker flailing the air before him. "What the fuck do you want?" John demanded. "The same as you," Dwayne growled. "I want Sharon to suck my cock!" "Oh, my God!" the shocked teenager gasped. "My brother... this is so perverse!" Yes, it was perverse. Yet the young girl felt a strong, throbbing desire awakening as her eyes shifted from John's jerking, thick dick to her brother's potent club. She realized now that Dwayne must have been spying on them, and the vibrant pulsing of his member told her he was in a desperate condition. But John looked like he was pretty hot, too, and after all, he'd just eaten her out... but Dwayne was her brother... what to do? "Sorry, fella, she's got all the prick she needs already," John said. "Oh yeah?" Dwayne replied menacingly. "We'll see who she takes on!" "Hold it, you two!" Sharon shouted, getting up on her knees as the men advanced on each other. "No need to come to blows. Let's compromise." "What do you mean?" John said in a shocked whisper. Sharon licked her full, red lips with obvious meaning. "I'm taking charge of this situation," she announced, "I'll take you both on!" "Thatta girl, Sis!" Dwayne cried joyously. He stepped next to her, his large rod surging against her smooth chin. "Put it there, kid!" The frisky girl flicked out her tongue and licked the throbbing cockhead. "You better get over here," she called to John, "or you'll miss out!" Though struck with confused amazement at the strange situation, the medical student realized his needs couldn't be denied at this stage. He had no choice but to step beside Dwayne and offer his lurching phallus. "Mmmmm... that's better," Sharon cooed. "Christ, I can't believe this is happening!" John exclaimed. "Well, believe this, honey." And with that, Sharon again flicked out her tongue and rubbed it slowly back and forth across the handsome man's rock-hard tip. He moaned, then moaned louder as the girl rimmed his cockhead with agonizingly slow circular motions. "Wow, Sharon!" Dwayne shouted. "I never knew you were such an expert!" "Jump out of your clothes, and I'll really show you what an expert I am!" his sister challenged. Her brother did just that. In seconds he had shed his clothes and was again offering his throbbing pork to his sister's smiling face. "Here I am, Sis! Now wrap your fat lips around this pole!" he demanded. Reluctantly, Sharon left off licking John's engorged pecker and turned her attention to her brother's pulsing tool. She did as he requested, moistening her lips and then clamping his purpling cockhead between them. Within her mouth, her warm, wet tongue lapped up his oozing pre-cum as her lips gently nibbled on his bulging dick meat. "Oh, baby! Oh, shit! Yeah, do it!" Dwayne groaned in ecstasy. "Suck my dick!" Obligingly, Sharon's smooth cheeks went concave as she sucked his cockhead with increasing pressure. She didn't neglect John, though. She reached up and wrapped her soft fingers around his thick shaft. As she sucked her brother, she began to gently jerk off the panting medical student. "Ohhhh Godddd!" John heaved. "Never had it like this before... yeah, honey, beat my meat!" Sharon realized it was a good thing John had eaten her pussy just a few minutes before, because with the erotic excitement of this brazen situation it would be impossible to concentrate on anything other than her own aroused, aching desires. Two cocks at once! her mind reeled. Never thought I'd be doing this... but I love it! Shit, I want cock all over and in my face! She allowed Dwayne's cockhead to slip out of her mouth, and replaced it with John's burning spear. Her other hand took hold of Dwayne's lubricated pecker and began to give it steady strokes. She leaned forward, mashing her swollen boobs into their legs, loving the delicious friction of her aching, erect nipples digging into their warm flesh. "Go, Sharon, go!" John shouted, beside himself with lust. "Lick my prick!" He heaved his hips forward, and Sharon gulped as inch after throbbing inch of man-meat passed between her lips and deep into her face. A moment later, his dribbling tip banged up against the back of her throat. She clamped her mouth tightly around the buried rod and slurping noises inundated the room as she furiously sucked it. "Hey, what about me?" her brother protested. "I want my prick sucked, too!" Sharon pulled her head back, her eyes flashing. "What's the matter? Don't you think I can handle this? Don't you think I can take you both on at once? Come on, you bastards, I'll give you both head at the same fucking time!" The two men were mesmerized by the pretty teenager's erotic power. She reached around, firmly grabbed their taut, tensed asses, and drew their hips forward. Their erect peckers advanced on her face like two spears. "That's it, come on!" she urged, her face flushing with lewd hunger. "I'll blow you both!" And true to her word, the lusty girl opened her drooling mouth as wide as possible and accepted the thrusting phalluses. Both men were totally astonished by the wanton spectacle before their eyes. They stared as their thick, throbbing pricks, side by side, passed between the girl's wet lips into her mouth. They pushed in, sending their meat into her flushed face. Soon their curly hairs tickled her nose as their cocks were buried to the hilt in the sucking orifice. "Holy shit, I don't believe it!" John groaned. "Me, neither," Dwayne added hoarsely. "Jesus, Sis, you're too much... yeah, suck us both!" Sharon gulped and wheezed, overwhelmed by the sensation of having her face completely filled with pulsating pork. Her tongue struggled to lick both shafts, and the back of her throat grew tender from the constant onslaught of the two bulging cock-heads. "God, this is so wild... I don't think I can hold back much longer!" "Shit, neither can I!" John screamed, echoing the other man's grunting exclamation. "Grab her head, Dwayne, and let's fuck it!" The two men securely took hold of the teenager's pretty head. Sharon was now helpless before the two men's surging needs. Their arms, legs, and torsos enclosed her, nearly smothering her with man-flesh. A flow of warm, sticky pre-cum oozed down her throat. Though there wasn't much room to maneuver inside her clamped mouth, the two men simultaneously began to pump their hips, sending their inflamed rods repeatedly in and out of her ravaged mouth. "Oh, my God...""Can't stand it... this is too much!" John howled. "Fuck yeah... oh, fuck... oh, shit!" Dwayne babbled, his nuts aching like over-inflated balloons. Neither man gave a shit any longer—they pounded their hips back and forth, mercilessly battering the young girl's warm, wet orifice. The lusty threesome thrashed together, Sharon's head rocking and shuddering with the increasingly frantic onslaught. Suddenly, Dwayne screamed, "Oh, fucking shit, I can't hold it in... I'm coming!" "Me, too... me, too... me, too!" John shouted, nearly incoherent as his desire overwhelmed him. "Here it comes, my load!" "And mine! And... and... Arrrrghghgh!!!" "Here it... gggrraaahhhgggg!!!!!" Suddenly, Sharon's senses reeled as her mouth was inundated by wad after wad of spewing spunk. It blasted against the back of her throat and coursed inward like a raging river. Swallowing was futile—there was too much cum to deal with. It filled her mouth, burst out past her lips, formed rivulets to course down her chest and bunched-up tits, splashed hotly against her cheeks, chin, eyes, into her hair... Sharon moaned inwardly as she nearly drowned in spurting jism. Somehow, she remained conscious. Good thing, too, because after she fell back, the two spent men, to show their gratitude, crawled between her legs.... Back at the house, the servants were in a tizzy. Mrs. Parker had fainted, and Diane demanded that Sally tell her what happened. Sally was too frustrated to be cooperative. She pulled away and ran downstairs. "Big excitement," she announced in the kitchen. "Nothing of the sort," said Diane, following her in. "Sally's just mad because Debbie wouldn't let her in Mrs. Parker's room." "I notice you got thrown out pretty fast!" "What happened?" demanded Brownie. "Are they having a fight?" Giving Diane a nasty look, Sally related what she knew. "Mrs. Parker was in the library with Mr. Dugall a long time. I know, because I was supposed to remind her she had a dental appointment at two, and Andrews wouldn't let me go in and tell her. They weren't to be disturbed, he said. And it was right after she came out of the library she had her fainting spell. It has to be something old Nate said to her." "Whatever it is," Diane put in, "they don't want anyone to know about it. I did catch something Mrs. Parker said before she sent me out. Something about Sharon spoiling something." "It can't be about Sharon moving out with the old man," Rosie said. "Mrs. Parker found out about that yesterday. You said so yourself, Sally. You said Nate told her." "You be careful you don't call him Nate to his face." Brownie voiced the admonishment idly, her mind on this newest development in the household. "Maybe it's something to do with Mr. Carlson," she suggested. "He was away on business, but I know better. I heard the fight they had before he walked out on her." "I wish I'd heard it. It's getting so I hate to take my days off for fear I'll miss something around here," complained Sally. They laughed at her. "Poor old Uppity," said Brownie. "I look for her to have a nervous breakdown any time. Debbie told her this morning the big party is off—postponed, she said. The poor soul don't know what to make of these people, and you can't blame her." "You know what I think?" Sally asked. "I think Sharon is the real boss around here, and those two upstairs are just finding it out." She sat back in her chair and folded her arms. "It would serve them right, if you ask me. They treat her like a stepchild or something. But Mr. Dugall likes her, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if anything she wants she gets around here now." "That business about them going to live together sure seems funny," Rose agreed. "I just hope she doesn't decide to get rid of this house. We'd all be out on our ear." "I don't look for anything like that to happen," Brownie said. "Old Nate is a fair man, and Mrs. Parker is his sister, don't forget." "I don't like it," declared Diane. "I am going to start looking around for another job. There's something too unsettled about this place." "You can say that again," Sally said. And reflected in each face was a vague worry over the atmosphere of impermanence that existed in this fine mansion. Trouble was in the air. And change. CHAPTER NINE Sharon sat quietly by the young doctor's side as he drove. Five nights and five days, she was thinking. And I feel as if I've known him all my life. She knew with sighing wonder that the past days had been the happiest she had ever known, and she was secretly delighted that their three elders had been content with farewells said at home. She wished Doc would drive slower. Another fifteen minutes and they would be at the airport, and he on a plane for Park City. He had extended his visit, but now on this warm summer evening, with church bells echoing in the distance, it was all but over. "I've never been on a plane," she remarked. "Imagine, Doc, almost twenty years old and I've never been anywhere." "I'll be glad when I can stop catching planes and just settle down in dear old Brookings." He would be back. It was all that saved her from feeling completely maudlin about his departure. They had had such fun. Even the times they had been alone together had been without any constraint. They had gone to a movie one night, and swimming twice. She smiled to remember with what reluctance he had consented to use the pool at the big house. And he had absolutely refused to enter the house itself. She had no idea why this had made her appreciate him more. "Don't forget to let me know about any luck the real-estate broker has," he remarked. Her heart gave a small jump. "Don't worry," she said. "I won't forget to write." She bent forward, hugging herself in laughter. "Dear Doc," she recited. "Hurry home. We've bought out the whole block." He laughed, turning his head to enjoy the sight of her. He was surprised at how much he wanted to kiss her. A little worried, too. His feelings for her were mixed. The passing of days—and nights—had seriously changed his first avuncular attitude toward her, and he took less pleasure than before in regarding her as just a kid. He could not afford to let himself think about her too much. He did not fancy marrying a rich young woman; with Uncle Nate in the background, it was impossible to consider Sharon anything else. Sharon stole quick looks at him, wondering if he were quiet because he, too, hated the moment of parting ahead. She did not like to think of him going back to that big hospital with all those nurses—she scowled. Doctors always seemed to marry nurses. "Doc, do you suppose there would be any kind of job for me in the clinic when it's finished?" she asked. He heard the wistfulness behind her words. "Hard to tell, Sharon. But why should you want a job, honey? You don't need to work." "Maybe I do. I told Uncle Nate I wasn't just going to let him keep me—I mean, after we get settled in the cottage. John—" She was not aware that she had dropped the familiar "Doc" at that moment. "You know I've already told you how it is. Uncle Nate's being rich is just an accident. He doesn't like it any better than I do. We're just stuck with it." Since she was all child for the moment, he found it easy to laugh at her. "Well, we'll see," he comforted her. "It's too bad you've neglected your education." "I can type. I've worked before. I'm just not college material, Doc," she replied stubbornly. "It seems silly to go to college without some definite aim in mind, and I don't have any aim. I may take some courses this fall—Oh, shoot, I'm just a no-talent flop, I guess." "What about all that talent for motherhood?" he teased. It was unexpectedly difficult to laugh. "Oh, that's out," she muttered. "You've got to figure on getting to be a wife before you start the motherhood bit." "I think you'll make it all right," he said. "I think you'd make some young fellow a very nice wife." Some young fellow. Sharon stared out at the passing scene, and the silence returned between them. At the airport, he slid from beneath the steering wheel and reached into the back seat for his luggage. "Don't wait, Sharon," he said. "My plane; about due, anyway." He stood watching her as she moved behind the wheel, and he smiled a little crookedly. She looked so solemn, and so darned young. "Goodbye, kid," he said. "Don't forget to write." "I won't." She stared up at him, her mouth vulnerable. He found himself staring at it. "Be good," he muttered, and bent forward, kissed the trembling lips briefly. "See you in a few weeks," he added, and hurried away. She put her fingers against her lips, swallowed hard; then, with a horrible grinding of gears, she put the car in motion and roared away, blind to the indignant glances cast her way by outraged drivers. She was hardly in a receptive mood when, upon arriving at home, she was confronted with a summons from her mother's room. "Okay, Andrews," she said to the butler, but without interest. She could not help feeling that John's kiss had been a casual gesture. Goodbye, kid. Be good. Well, she had acted like a silly kid, getting all choked up just because he was leaving. He probably thought of her as a little sister, not a grown woman like those darned nurses who were probably all after him. "What do you want?" she demanded when she entered her mother's bedroom without knocking. "What's the matter, Mother?" she added. "How come you're in bed? Are you sick?" "If she is, it's your fault," said Debbie, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Now, Debbie dear," her mother cautioned. "No quarrel, please. Debbie doesn't mean that, Sharon. Come in and sit down." Sharon moved to the foot of the bed, but remained on her feet. She waited, her face sullen and her eyes on her mother, ignoring Debbie. Mrs. Parker moved restlessly against her pillows.She was in bed because it had seemed wiser to feign illness for the servants' sake. "I had a talk with Uncle Nate today," she began, frowning faintly at her inability to avoid Sharon's eyes. "We—we wanted to talk to you about him. Debbie called Dwayne and he should be along any minute." She looked toward Debbie a little helplessly. "Perhaps we should wait for him," she said falteringly. Sharon's eyes had narrowed. A family conference in which she was included was unheard of. So Mother had had a talk with Uncle Nate, had she? Her expression became sardonic. If they had any idea of thwarting her life with Uncle Nate, they'd just better not try. Uncle Nate would never let her down, no matter what. "I wish you'd sit down, dear," her mother said. Sharon complied to the extent of resting a hip on the polished carved bar between the bed posters. She remained silent. "Oh, for heaven's sake!" Debbie exploded. "Get that silly look off your face! If you could see yourself—" "Debbie, please. Don't antagonize her." Sharon's eyebrows winged. What is this? she wondered, and broke her silence. "Look," she said brusquely, "if you have something to say to me, say it and get it over with. I'm busy." "Busy, she says," scoffed Debbie. "Monkey business, that's what she's been up to!" "Oh, thank goodness you're here—" Mrs. Parker raised herself to extend arms to her son. "Dwayne, you talk to Sharon—you explain—" "I wish somebody would," Sharon said, shrugging. Dwayne wasted no words, having been apprised of the situation by telephone. "What's this about you and Uncle Nate being partners?" he demanded of Sharon. "Just what's your game?" Sharon removed herself from her perch, but her mind was racing. She took a few steps away from them and turned; studying their faces individually, she saw the fear in their eyes. "Oh, dear," her mother was saying, "Dwayne, I don't think that's the way to—" Sharon laughed. "Now, look here," her brother shouted, but his mother's white face restrained him. "Look here, Sharon," he began again in a more conciliatory tone. "It's just that Uncle Nate could do me a big favor, and it seems you'll have something to do with his decision." "Yes, yes," his mother approved. "We just wanted to ask you not to—not to do anything—" "Not to put your oar in and ruin everything," Debbie finished for her mother. "Shut up, Sis," Dwayne said. "Let me handle this." Sharon grinned. "Yes, don't antagonize me, Debbie." "Oh, Sharon, dear, please try to understand. Debbie is just upset for her brother." It did not escape Sharon's notice that her mother did not think of Dwayne as her brother, too. She felt the old sense of being outside the magic circle, but the old whimpering pain of it seemed attenuated. For a moment she wondered if it were over. She had a curious sense of power, but no joy in it. Being Uncle Nate's partner had no basis in fact. It was a warm touch of his hand, a wink exchanged, a flash of pride in his trust—a token of his love. She had eschewed influence over the clinic incident to retain her own self-respect, and now, knowing Doc, she did not want to brandish a flaming sword of revenge even in fun. She watched the three argue among themselves now as though she were not present, but they kept glancing at her, and it was clear she was very important to the issue. It bothered her that she could not enjoy it. Hadn't she all her life wanted to feel important to these three? "Look," she said suddenly, and their eyes swung to her. "I take it that Dwayne wants Uncle Nate to give him a pretty large sum of money, and you think I can put the kibosh on the deal. Well, I—" She found herself hesitating on the verge of assuring them she would do nothing to interfere. It was the expression in their eyes, so full of greed and—something else—hate? Hate of her? Yet all she had ever wanted of them was to be loved. "Just go ahead and stew about it!" she said cuttingly. "At the moment, if I don't get out of here, I may throw up all over your lovely carpet, Mother—" She fled, hardly hearing their cries of protest and anger. And quite to her surprise, when she reached her own room, she was rather violently sick all over the front of the good summer print she had worn for John Harrow's departure. She stood under the biting sting of a cold shower presently, her eyes squeezed shut against the needles of cold upon her face, and she gritted her teeth against the agony of sobs that ripped through her throat. She wept helplessly, completely, without reason—or knowledge of reason. She wept as only a girl, verging on womanhood, can weep—for everything, for nothing. And even as her body bent beneath the spray, racked by sobs, a part of her stood off and was amazed at the spectacle; so flexible is youth and so enraptured of itself. And it seemed to her, when the strange experience was over, that part of herself had been washed down the drain, so that she felt lighter and stronger for the loss. She felt subdued and yet curiously more alive. She hummed as she dressed, and before she went to the far end of the balcony to seek out her uncle in his room, she stood for a long time examining her face for evidence of change. The face that looked back at her was very disappointing, it being the same as always except for a redness about her eyelids. At her uncle's door she tapped lightly, feeling out of breath. And when he called out "Come in," she entered with a new awareness. She had been in his room only once before and then for an unseeing moment. Now she took in the sparseness of furnishings with a new appreciation. Uncle Nate had no such suite of rooms as the Parkers occupied. This one squarish room with bath sufficed him; and his bed, a dresser, a deep armchair, a heavy desk with swivel chair, and a low two-shelved cabinet that held books were all there was to see. He was at his desk now, his back to her, and saying, "Be with you in a minute, my dear. Make yourself at home." Sharon moved about quietly until she stood over the cabinet, then with frowning curiosity knelt to examine the books. Slowly, her eyes wide and astonished, she turned to stare at his back. "Why, Uncle Nate," she said softly. "Poetry—it's all poetry." "What's that, my dear?" He turned a little in his chair. "Oh, my books. Yes, yes, I'm afraid it's a weakness of mine. I'll be through here in a minute." She felt she did not know him at all, but here in her hands now was a clue to his being. She counted off the poets to herself, beginning to smile: Housman, Tagore, Omar Khayyam, Frost, Browning (both Robert and Elizabeth Barrett), Whitman, Shakespeare, Ficke— Why, Uncle Nate, she repeated silently. "Well, now, that's that." He swung around, his blue eyes full of welcome. "Is this just a little visit, or is there something important that brings you to my little den?" he asked. She set his Bible back on the shelf, but remained kneeling. She supposed she had come to talk to him on a serious matter, but it did not seem important now. "Just a visit," she said. "Are you catching a cold? You sound thick in the throat." She cleared her throat impatiently. "I just had a shower. Guess I swallowed some of it. I never catch colds." His eyes did not fail to note the reddened eyelids, but he was the soul of tact. "Well, did you see our young doctor safely on his way?" "Oh, yes." She frowned without reason. She did not want to talk about Doc. "Why didn't you tell me you read poetry?" she asked instead, and looked around the room, not waiting for an answer. "I like this room," she told him. "When we move, let's furnish our whole place like this. You know, simply—no unnecessary clutter." "I'm afraid my tastes are a bit stoical, my dear, but I do intend to take along what I have here for my room. You must suit yourself about the rest of the house." "I'm stoical, too," she said. "On Tiger Tail Road my room was the plainest in the house." "I had a call from the real-estate broker just now," he remarked. "Very encouraging. It looks as if we'll be able to give John some good news of your old street before long." "Really?" Her heart leaped. She could write to Doc this very night! "Gee, that's fast work. Doc will be delighted." He smiled, "I've just been writing to my banker in the East, arranging a transfer of funds. It's going to be a very costly project, Sharon, but well worthwhile." The mention of money somersaulted Sharon's mind to the family conference she had fled from a short time before. "Uncle Nate," she said, getting to her feet. "There was something I came to talk to you about. I hate to, but I guess I have to." She crossed to his side, propped a hip on his desk. "It's about Dwayne. About something that happened this afternoon." He thought the evidence of tears had involved John Harrow's departure. Now he wondered as his eyes narrowed slightly. "You saw your brother this afternoon?" Her throat rasped in clearing. "I saw—" She took a deep breath. "Mother called me in. They all talked to me. Oh, Uncle Nate, we're terrible people!" He reached out and took one of her hands, squeezed it, and sighed inwardly. "Now, now," he comforted. "No need to tell me, my dear. I think I know. Your mother approached me on the subject earlier." She bent forward. "You told her we were partners. You let her think your answer depended upon me. Uncle Nate, I don't want anything to do with it. I—I—I got sick just thinking about it." "Oh, my dear." "It's all right now. I don't care. But I don't want anything to do with it," she repeated. His face hardened. "Don't worry yourself about it at all," he said. "I'm having some inquiries made. I'm quite willing to help your brother, if the need is justified. However, I'd have been better pleased if he had come to me with his proposition himself." She found herself laughing. "Oh, Uncle Nate, you just don't know him," she cried."He always gets what he wants by devious methods. He's not really very brave at all. But then," she added, curiously tolerant, "it's not all his fault. Mother had always liked being the one to get things for him. She's a very possessive person. At least about the twins." "So I've noticed." He looked tired for a moment, but brightened. "Well, we won't worry about it. I thought I'd take a walk and see how the work on our cottage is going. Want to come along?" "Gosh, yes. Another thing. I was thinking Mr. and Mrs. Harrow might be feeling lonely tonight with Doc gone. Maybe they would like some company." "I meant to tell you. Beth wants us for dinner." "Great! All right, let's go." She whirled away, came to a halt by the bookshelves. "Would you mind if I borrowed one?" she asked. "Help yourself. You like poetry, too?" "Love it." She chose a volume, held it up. "This Arthur Davison Ficke is new to me. All right?" "Of course. He's not a new poet, my dear. And not read as much as he deserves. A great favorite of mine. Take it along. I'll just wash up a bit and be right with you." She carried the slim volume along to her own room, opening it to the flyleaf as she went. "To dear Nate," she read. "With heartfelt gratitude and love. Louise." Sharon stared at the delicate, spidery handwriting. Who was Louise? The woman Uncle Nate had loved: She turned the pages, was caught by two lines underlined, and read: My humors and my madness, fierce or cold, I have told you all: my love I have not told. A little shiver went through her. But it was not of Uncle Nate or the stranger, Louise, that she thought. Winging into her mind without warning came a face, startlingly clear, squarish, and brown-eyed. She put the book down quickly. "Gosh, Doc," she thought. CHAPTER TEN Lorraine Talmadge Parker looked away from the thin, harassed face of Herman Carlson, who sat across the room from her with tortured eyes that begged her for help. "I had to talk to someone, Lorraine," he had said in explaining his unexpected visit. "And since your husband is my wife's twin brother, I thought you might understand--" She understood all too well, but she did not wish to be drawn into it. Even thinking about it hurt; it brought home to her too sharply her own position. It was better not to think about things too much, better to just let the days flow over one, and accept what could not be changed. But now Hermie had told her something too shocking to be believed. She could not escape it. For if Hermie was distraught, he was also incapable of dissembling. "I figured you didn't know," he said a little sternly. "Lorraine, do you understand what it means? I know you love Dwayne just as I love my wife, but even more than I, you have been shutting your eyes to some pretty harsh truths." "He loves me, Hermie; I know he does. Don't ask me to believe Dwayne would be so cruel. He knows anything I have is his for the asking." Hermie took no pleasure in hurting her. He had come here, after long deliberation, to help her as much as to be helped. "But," he told her, "what he wants you have no power to give, Lorraine. Oh, you could forbid the sale of the stock you hold. You could do that, I suppose, but if the corporation that holds the controlling interest in Talmadge's should decide to sell out, and Dwayne raises the necessary funds to buy, you must see that he would then be in a position to turn his back on you. Lorraine, I don't want to hurt you, but I know about this. My wife told me. I'm breaking a promise to her in telling you, but things have come to such a pass in my own marriage that I just can't go on pretending I don't see what is happening. I like you. I think you deserve better at your husband's hands. As for my own marriage--" his thin, rather high-pitched voice broke a little--"I'm doing the only thing I know how to bring Debbie to her senses--or lose her completely." For all his appearance of hollow-eyed suffering, he was, Lorraine felt, much stronger than she was. "I love him," she said helplessly. "I know he loves me." Hermie ran his fingers through his long dark hair, his mind picking up the idle thought that he had not yet remembered to get a haircut. "Well, I had to tell you. I'm sorry to have hurt you, Lorraine, but it didn't seem fair to leave you in the dark and unprepared if Dwayne manages to enlist Uncle Nate's help." Her tiredness weighed upon her. She did not want to believe him, but too many little things had been happening of late for a flat denial. The odd way Dwayne looked at her at times, even the way he kissed her. She had always tried to deny to herself a certain coldness about him and the impossibility of really reaching him. Oh, she was so dreadfully tired. The doctor said anemia, but it was more than that. The moments of breathlessness did not worry her so much as the moments of painless inertia in her very soul. "It can't be," she said faintly. "I can't lose him. He's all I have. Without him, I just couldn't--couldn't live." Her pallor and the great tragic eyes smote Hermie's conscience. He had felt she should know what he himself had known for some time. Now he wondered if he had been wrong to make her face the truth about Dwayne Parker. He stood up and went to her. "Are you all right?" he asked, troubled. "Should I call your maid? You look ill, Lorraine." She smiled, and it was worse, he thought, than if she had broken down in sobs. "I'm just tired," she said. "If you'll excuse me now, Hermie, I think I'll lie down." Her eyes roved over his face as she got to her feet. "Don't feel bad," she said. "I understand. You're a kind man, Hermie, and I know it wasn't easy for you--" She turned away, then back. "Why do we love them?" she asked. "Why, Hermie?" He shook his head. "I don't know. They're not bad. In a way--I've sometimes thought--they have been victimized by Mrs. Parker. And she herself often seems a victim of her own strange worship of them. I don't know, Lorraine. I just know I can't live with it anymore--and have any self-respect left. For over six years I've drifted--even at our happiest, there was always Mrs. Parker. The unbreakable trinity." He laughed bitterly. "I'm getting out before it breaks me." "Oh, no. Debbie needs you." A spark of life flared for a moment in her eyes. "Dwayne needs me. Don't you see, Hermie? We mustn't let go. We must keep believing it will all come out right." His pity for her overwhelmed him. "Let me call Mattie," he begged, frightened at the way she looked. "You're ill, Lorraine. Have you seen a doctor?" "Oh, yes, it's nothing. Just go now, Hermie. And thank you. I know you meant well. I appreciate--" She turned as a stout, matronly-looking woman came in without knocking. "Oh, Mattie," Lorraine smiled. "Mr. Carlson is just leaving. She takes such good care of me, Hermie, and scolds me--" "It's time for your nap," the woman said as though to a naughty child, but her eyes examined the pallor, saw the trembling of the hands, then lifted sharply to the man. "She must rest, Mr. Carlson," she snapped. "Yes, I agree." Hermie frowned at Mattie worriedly. "I had no idea," he said. "Does Dwayne realize?" "Goodbye, Hermie," Lorraine said sharply. Mattie shook her head at him briefly behind Lorraine's back as she led her mistress away, and signaled him to wait. Hermie moved restlessly about the room, not sure he had read her signal right, but reluctant to leave without easing his own sense of nagging guilt. Mattie came back presently. "Mr. Carlson, she's lying down. I wanted to talk to you--someone in the family--about her. I'm very worried about her, and for all her look of compliance, she has a stubborn streak where her husband is concerned. She refuses to allow me to talk to him. Dr. Welles has wanted to consult with Mr. Parker for some time, but she will not permit it. Oh, Mr. Carlson, it just breaks my heart the way she taxes her strength to appear well for her husband. And he's so blind--" Hermie looked angry. "Nobody could be that blind! Just what's wrong with her, Mattie? She looks terrible." "Well, this is one of her bad days. Pernicious anemia," Mattie told him. "As you probably know, the disease comes and goes, but it's more than just that. The doctor is concerned for her heart now." She hesitated, as though wondering if she were saying too much, but Hermie Carlson had such a kind face. "She's very clever about appearing well to her husband," she went on, "so in a way he can't be blamed. I hope you'll respect my confidence, Mr. Carlson. She'd never forgive me if she knew I was talking to a member of the family this way, but I'm so worried. She's had so much illness--and now, recently, the disappointment of not being able to have the child her husband wants so much--" Hermie almost laughed at this. Dwayne Parker hungered for fatherhood? Oh, brother, he thought, but he merely sought now to assure worried Mattie that he himself was trustworthy; and after a moment or two more of listening to her troubled voice, he escaped. He was not at all sorry he had exposed Dwayne to Lorraine, although sorry to have hurt her. Her health and happiness surely would be better served if she faced up to a few truths, as he himself had recently had to do. Still, he felt troubled. Almost without volition, Sharon entered his mind, and back at his office he obeyed an impulse and telephoned her. "Sure," she answered him. "I'll meet you, but I don't know what I can do about your crazy wife. It isn't? Lorraine?" Her voice quickened. "Okay, Hermie. I'll be right there." And to Uncle Nate she said, "You won't want the car for anything for a while, will you? I've just had the oddest call from Hermie. He wants me to meet him downtown. What do you think?" "Meet him, of course." "Yes, but--Uncle Nate, maybe you'd better come with me." "Did he ask you to?" "No, but it's something about Lorraine."Why would Hermie want to talk to me about her? I certainly don't want any more of that family-conference business!" "I doubt if Hermie would plead your brother's case or Lorraine enlist his help in doing so. But you won't know if you don't run along and find out. Just watch your temper, my dear. I'm here if you need me." Sharon found Hermie waiting for her in the small cafe he had designated as the meeting place, and she forgot everything else in surprise at the change in him. He looked very tired and drawn, but older, more mature—and oddly, more attractive. And, too, Sharon decided she must like him more than she thought for she had missed him. "Well?" she demanded brightly. "What's on your mind, Hermie? Nice to see you again." He had been rather regretting his impulse, but now, seeing Sharon's bright, honest face, he smiled. "I guess I've just missed you," he said. "Nice to see you, too." Then, frowning, "Sharon, I've been to see Lorraine—" Quickly he related the meeting. Sharon sat back, her eyes sick. "I've never trusted Dwayne particularly, but I didn't think him capable of such a scurvy plan. And you say Mother knows?" He nodded. "It was she who told Debbie—or hinted at it so broadly that Debbie couldn't help putting two and two together. I don't think Debbie meant to tell me. It just slipped out when we were arguing. And it was what really decided the whole thing for me, Sharon." "I don't understand all this business about stocks and bonds, Hermie, but I know Dwayne is smart. And I guess I've known all along that he just married Lorraine to get a foothold in Talmadge's. But"—she brightened—"Uncle Nate hasn't decided yet, and he likes Lorraine. When I tell him, I'm sure he won't help Dwayne." "I wish I hadn't told Lorraine. I tell you, Sharon, Lorraine is ill. That maid of hers, Mattie, is worried about her—" "I haven't been to see her for some time. Are you sure, Hermie? Rainey always looks pale and tired—" "Sharon, she's ill. She told me herself she's been to a doctor and Mattie said the doctor wanted to talk with Dwayne and Lorraine won't permit it." "Dwayne hates ill health. He can't stand to be around anybody who's the least bit sickly." Sharon turned away from him. "Hermie," she said at last, "don't feel bad about telling her. Even if Uncle Nate refuses to help Dwayne and nothing comes of his plan, it's better that she knows him for what he is. Maybe now she'll leave him." His eyes looked tired. "I'm afraid not," he said. "It isn't so easy to kill love, Sharon." She frowned at him. "I suppose that means you still love Debbie," she said. "I don't understand it. How can you respect her? And what good is love without respect? I don't mean to make you feel bad, Hermie. I really don't understand." "It wasn't all Debbie's fault," he said. He looked at Sharon with a twisted hint of a smile. "You know, Sharon, you should be glad you are not your mother's favorite child. In a lot of ways you are better off than Debbie ever was." He saw her face change, grow very young and vulnerable, and he understood how his words fell upon barren soil. "I really mean it," he told her. "My mother-in-law," he added, "is a very possessive woman." Sharon was not ready to see any advantage in having never been thought worth possessing by her mother. "I suppose you'll go crawling back to Debbie any day now," she said. He smiled genuinely for the first time. "You know, Sharon, I've always liked you and wished my wife had more of your independence. It's just recently that I've rediscovered my own." To be told she was liked never failed to move Sharon. "You mean, you're not going back to her?" He shook his head. "Oh, no. I mean, yes, I mean that, but I haven't completely given up that she will find her way back to me. It's either that or it's all over for us." Without thought, Sharon said quickly, "Mother will never let her." Her eyes widened. "Oh—is that what you mean about me being better off than Debbie?" "Oh, yes. You see, Sharon, you can grow up. Debbie can't. Or at least as long as your mother has anything to say about it." Sharon shrugged. "You've always acted as if you liked Mother." He looked away. "For six years I tried to get along with everybody. The eternal optimist, I guess. I love Debbie, Sharon, and I just kept hoping something would happen—" He laughed shortly. "Like Lorraine, I guess, I kept fooling myself it would all come out all right if I were patient. Then this move to Skyline Drive happened." "Why didn't you just put your foot down about it?" "I don't know. Tired, I guess. But once we were there, Sharon, something started happening to me. Pride—and anger and—" He gestured with sudden impatience. "But it's Lorraine I asked you to meet me about. I'm not really sorry I told her, and yet I am. Maybe I just wanted someone—you—to reassure me." "It's what I'd have done myself," Sharon admitted. "If Lorraine just weren't ill! But it's better to be prepared, and ill or not, she's intelligent. Gosh, love isn't really blind, is it?" "Well, it certainly can work havoc with the emotions," he said, and smiled at her. "I can't imagine anything blinding you for long, though, Sharon." "Uncle Nate says we all have our blind spots." Hermie frowned. "Well, there's nothing I can do about Lorraine now, I guess. But you will tell Uncle Nate about it, won't you?" "You bet. We don't have any secrets." "I probably should have gone to him myself," he said, "but after practically throwing his money in his face and stomping out of his house, I didn't think he'd care to see me." "Oh, you're wrong! He's not like that at all. He'd even cut off all Debbie's charge accounts if he thought it would help." "No, don't let him do that, Sharon. I don't want my wife back for any reason but—well, the only reason that matters." "You're a good guy, Hermie. Debbie doesn't know how lucky she is. For your sake, I hope she grows up soon." He sighed. "We'll see. Meanwhile, go to see Lorraine, will you?" "You bet. I really should have gone long ago. I've just been so busy." "You and Uncle Nate," he said, smiling. "I really like that little man, Sharon. It's just too bad—" He broke off. "Well, I've got to get back to the office. Keep in touch." "Sure. Are you living at home now?" "No, I have a room near the office. My folks wanted me to move back home, but I think it's better this way. Parents have a way of taking sides, you know." She nodded. "Do you want me to let Debbie know where you are staying?" "She knows." He slid from the booth. "She knows where to find me, if she wants to," he added. Sharon thought he sounded sad. "Good luck, Hermie," she said as they parted. "If it helps any, Debbie doesn't look too happy herself these days. Doing an awful lot of bawling by the look of her," she added, and left him, pleased to have aroused a glint of hope in his tired eyes. On the way back to his shabby little room, Hermie felt suddenly very much in need of a woman. "Yes, that's what I'll do," he told himself, "to show up Debbie. I'll get another woman." In his attempt to satisfy his newly developed urges, Hermie went to a little bar down the street from where he was staying. He joined a fairly attractive woman at the bar, bought her a few drinks, and got what he thought to be a nice conversation going. At times, she even reached out to touch his leg, something he found very exciting. When he mentioned that it was getting late and that he had a room nearby, the woman all but agreed to accompany Hermie. But as he helped her put on her coat, Hermie heard her ask for money. And then he realized what he had stepped into. Had Debbie driven him this far, to the point of picking up prostitutes? He paused for a moment, and then he answered, "Yes! So be it." And off they went. Hermie told himself, while they were getting undressed, that all he wanted was some good, quick sex. Something Debbie had been good at, true. But he was eager to see what a woman who had been around the block could do to compare with his wife. Sure, Debbie could give a great blow-job, he thought. But then again, he had never received a blow-job from any woman besides Debbie. After the woman told Hermie how much her services cost, he decided to go for the whole thing. In fact, he even offered her enough to spend the entire night. "What the hell?" he thought. "If you're going to pay for it, you might as well get the works." The young woman, a sultry blonde who called herself Nancy, began by giving Hermie what she called "Around-the-World." She began by licking his feet and toes, ever so gently. Her tongue felt so good he could hardly believe it. He thought he would start laughing, thinking her tongue against his foot would be ticklish. But the feeling was far from ticklish. That was obvious from the way his cock was standing straight up. Slowly, Nancy made her way up his legs, pausing just long enough to make the edge of his excitement that much keener. Hermie was growing hotter and hotter just anticipating how good it was going to feel when she finally got to his cock. "Yeah, Debbie," he sighed inwardly. "Eat your heart out!" Nancy eventually reached his crotch, but not before Hermie was pumping his hips up and down, eagerly awaiting the first touch of her lips on his cock. "Easy, now," she said. "You paid for the whole night. You don't want to lose it all at once, do you?" "Don't worry, honey," he groaned. "You keep doing it like you're doing it, and I guarantee there'll be plenty more where that came from." "Where what came from?" she asked, teasing him. "My cum, honey," he gasped. "My cum!" Just a few seconds later, Hermie shot his load. Nancy tried valiantly to lick up his madly spewing drops of jism, but to no avail. Hermie was packing too much cum for her to get it all down. After a few more spurts, white globs of sperm lay all over Hermie's belly and thighs."Ooh, it's so nice," she cooed, dipping her finger into his cum and spreading it around his legs. "And I hope you have more, honey. Lots more!" After patiently caressing and licking Hermie's spent cock, the skillful prostitute managed to get his cock hard again. She was actually feeling a bit horny when Hermie sprouted his new erection, and she eagerly straddled him, jamming his penis into her wet pussy. "There," she groaned. "Now let's see if you can't last a little longer this time, okay, honey?" "Sure, baby," he replied. "Oh, that's good. Man, my wife never fucked me like this before!" "Oh, so you're a married man," Nancy giggled. "Don't you know it's naughty for a married man to be out fucking with strange women?" "Honey, you're not strange. Not strange in the least. Now why don't you lean over so I can suck some of that good titty. Yeah, like that. Ohhhh... mmmmmpff..." While Hermie bit into Nancy's hanging titflesh, he pumped as hard as he could into her cunt. He could tell that his next orgasm would be a long time coming, but he was prepared to wait. In fact, he was going to enjoy every second of the wait. Nate Dugall said very little when Sharon went to him with a full report of the meeting with Hermie. He stood with his back to her in her sitting room, and a little breeze stirred the tufts of his white hair at the open window. "Well, Uncle Nate?" Frowning, Sharon went to stand at the window beside him and put an arm about his shoulders. "I have a feeling you think Hermie did wrong." "He meant well." "It's only right that Lorraine should have a chance to do something about Dwayne now, before he really humiliates her," Sharon insisted. "Uncle Nate, she's too good for him, and she's ill. She has a kind of pride, even if she does let him walk all over her." "Well, my dear, it is possible Dwayne may be able to raise the money he needs elsewhere, but I doubt it. And since I have already decided against helping him, it's possible that Hermie has upset Lorraine unnecessarily." "But would you want her to go on living in a fool's paradise?" cried Sharon. "If it is any kind of Paradise," she added, muttering. "Better that she finds out what Dwayne is now than later, when she might be really ill." Uncle Nate gave her a slanting glance. "It's just possible that Lorraine prefers not to know. I even doubt that she believed Hermie today," he said dryly. Sharon scowled. "Hermie did say that she said something about how Dwayne wouldn't do such a thing. Uncle Nate, how can she not see what he is?" He turned away from the window. "My dear, most of us believe only what suits us, and Lorraine has led a sheltered life. The reality of her husband might be too much for her." "Uncle Nate, you make me feel awful. And poor Hermie. Now that he sees his mistakes with Debbie, he only wanted to make Lorraine see, too, I guess." "Yes, yes." He patted her arm, sighed, and went to the door. "At least one thing I can tell you, Sharon, from now on, this money I never asked for will do no more mischief at my hands. I've turned over our affairs to a competent firm that will handle all our business and advise about investments, donations, and outright gifts. I've made a mess of it, and you are too young to have the burden of responsibility on your shoulders." His sad face and his grave tone made Sharon want to run to him comfortingly, but it was not the time for impulsive action. She walked over to him and bent her head toward him. "I'm glad," she said. "All the gold in the world isn't worth one moment of your looking like you do right now. Uncle Nate, you're the best person who ever lived, and none of this is your fault. Everybody just has to wake up and fly right." She took his arm and drew him back into the room. "Look, Uncle Nate, I've thought a lot about money lately because I've had to see what it can do and can't do." She turned away from his now steady gaze. "I guess it was Doc who started me thinking about it. Uncle Nate, it's a wonderful thing not to have to worry about money, to have enough for your needs and a little left over, but look at the Harrows. Life would certainly have been easier for them if they had had money, but as Mrs. Harrow says, she and Dad Harrow would never have felt the satisfaction of knowing, whenever Doc saves a life, that a little of them went into making it possible. Uncle Nate, whatever you do, don't ever give them anything. I mean, anything big." She gave a tuft of his hair a little tug. "And don't tell me you haven't been fooling around with the idea of giving them their cottage for good." His somber air had disappeared as she talked. His heart swelled with pride and love of her, this child of his heart, who was learning so fast and always must declare herself with passion. He chuckled, and hearing the infectious sound, Sharon hugged him, laughing. "You have, haven't you?" she insisted. "No, not really," he defended himself. "I just hate to think of them leaving when John is established." She stared over his head. "Yeah," she said. "But that won't be for some time yet, and they will still be here in Blockings," he told her consolingly. "And right now, I must get along, my dear. I'm not looking forward to telling your mother that Dwayne must do without my help." "Just tell her you're doing it for his own good." Sharon grinned. "To save her golden boy from a life of shame and deceit." She struck a pose. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave - Hey, Uncle Nate, tell her no matter how pretty he'd look in it, we just must save her darling from being lost in a web of gold!" He went away, still chuckling. A web of gold, he thought. And the world seemed more and more to value the glitter and put it above everything else. But for himself and for Sharon, the gold of sunshine, with a few coppers for bread and some silver for laughter, would do nicely. And, too, he added, enjoying his fancy, a handful of love for him from a laughing girl, all for himself, until a world of love for another burst into full bloom from the bud he so clearly saw within her - but she did not yet see for herself. Later that evening, Uncle Nate felt an overwhelming desire to be alone. He excused himself early from dinner and went to his study. After reading a few of his favorite books of poetry over a few drinks of his favorite brandy, he drifted into thought. At first, his mind was filled with daydreams and casual remembrances. But then deeper, more pressing and important thoughts began assaulting him. Yes, he had to do something. Things were getting out of hand, and he knew that unless he intervened, things might get chaotic and nasty. So he spent the remainder of the evening devising what he thought would be an effective plan of action. Early the next morning, Uncle Nate sought out John Harrow. They sat across from one another with the chessboard between them in John's living room. As John began setting up the pieces, Nate reached out and stopped the old gardener. No, Nate had not come to play chess and share casual conversation. Nate had important business to discuss with his friend Harrow. And it wasn't long before the two men were talking in earnest. At first, Nate had been hesitant about his plan, wondering if he weren't being too cruel. But after talking with John, he realized that his plan was perfect for the situation. And Nate wasted no time putting his plan into action. Two days later, moving vans were lined up in front of his house. Nate's relatives bustled about making last-minute attempts to clear out their closets and get their things in order. Because for all intents and purposes, Nate Dugall had evicted everyone in the house. He promised the servants that he would continue to pay them their salaries until he could rent the place out to some more agreeable tenants. But everyone else had to go. And his word was final. He knew that it would take a long, long time - if at all - for his relatives to see the worth and value of his decision. But after all, he had invited them there and they had turned into unreasonable guests. He was only giving them what they deserved - and perhaps even more than that. Because out from under his protective wing, Nate's relatives would have to fend for themselves. And he knew that they would be better off for it in the long run. Yet he made different arrangements for his niece Sharon. Nate made it plain that she was free to accompany her relatives, but that he would be overjoyed if she would agree to stay with him in the new cottage until he had rented out his home. Sharon agreed readily, happy to be alone with her uncle at last without the negative influences of her family. After the initial excitement had worn off, Sharon got to thinking about John. She knew he would be returning in a short while, and she hoped that he would still find her attractive and agreeable. For she was certain that she was falling in love with him. When John did return later that month, Nate presented the young doctor with a special proposition. Nate made his announcement at a dinner gathering over at the Harrow's modest cottage. "I've decided," he told everyone, "to subsidize John's plans for the medical center. I've worked out a plan with my financial experts and have decided to buy the lot on Tiger Tail Road. John and I can discuss the terms of the lease later." Everyone was overjoyed. The news was almost too good for both John and Sharon to believe. And after dinner they went for a short walk to talk about their feelings. Stopping under a tall oak tree, John took Sharon into his arms and studied the way the moonlight highlighted her smooth skin. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she watched him say, "You know, darling, I love you very much." "Yes, John?" she replied expectantly, intuitively understanding that he had much more to tell her."Well, when we get the medical center off the ground, I want you to work there, for me, in the office." "That would be wonderful, John," she said, wondering if things could possibly get any better. John then looked away, as if gathering the courage to continue speaking. Taking a deep breath, he blurted out, "And I also want you to be my wife." "Oh, John!" she cried. "That would be wonderful!" She moved forward and kissed John deeply, holding him as tight as she could. Never before had she felt so thrilled, and yet so at peace with the world. "But there's only one problem," John said quietly, pulling away from Sharon. "While trying to pay off the mortgage for the center, I don't know if we'll have enough for a house. Or even an apartment." "I think Nate took care of that, too," Sharon said. "The other day he told me he might be taking off for an extended vacation through Europe. He said I could have the cottage." As John held her tightly, Sharon felt extremely happy and content. But she also realized that her life was just beginning, and that she would be taking on a whole new set of responsibilities. She felt a brief moment of anxiety, but then she thought about her family and her in-laws and all the problems they had created—and the way they had eventually paid for their foolishness. Having learned one important lesson from her family's failure, she knew that if she and John put their minds to it they couldn't help but succeed. "We'll be making camp in about an hour or so." "Oh? So early in the day?" Gloria Cramer leaned forward on the driver's seat of the big wagon to catch her husband's words more clearly. He had clattered up beside her with the news, having just returned from a conference with Ben Magee, the leader of the four-wagon freight train. "We'll be at the crossing tomorrow," Henry Cramer explained. "They don't want to camp too close to it tonight, just in case there are Indians about. Magee says there's a small creek up ahead where we can stop." "That will be nice," Gloria said, looking about to make sure that no one else was within earshot. Seeing no rider or wagon closer than a hundred yards, she felt freer to speak openly. "Perhaps you'll accompany me upstream—I'd like to bathe in something besides a bucket for once!" Her husband's eyes flashed darkly and a knowing smile creased his face. Gloria answered with a knowing look of her own. That was all they needed; although they had been married less than four weeks they already knew each other well enough to be able to form an accurate mental picture of how their sojourn up the creek, if it happened, would end. Henry lifted his big, sun-browned hand in an affectionate salute and galloped away, off to take up his post on the right wing of the small caravan. Gloria slapped the reins across the rumps of the mules pulling their wagon and settled back for the last hour's drive. "Yes, my darling husband, it will indeed be nice to be alone with you for even an hour," she said to herself as she watched him ride away. "Ah, this blasted wagon train—what a place to spend a honeymoon! Thank God we had those few days alone before setting out on this trip! Yes, Henry, I'll take you up that creek with me and when we're out of sight of those others, then we'll see!" She stirred uncomfortably on the wagon seat as her pussy began to come alive with feeling. The mere thought of being alone with her husband had a strange and compelling power, as she well knew, and she blushed slightly to find herself thinking exactly how they could spend their time together. Gloria had been a virgin when she had made her vows to Henry back in San Antonio, but she had gladly surrendered her hymeneal membrane, along with her freedom, to him on that memorable night when he had taught her things the existence of which she had never even suspected. And ever since that night, whether during the week that they had had for a honeymoon or in stolen, furtive moments snatched from the cares of driving a wagon train west to Tombstone, in the Arizona Territory, he had continued to further her education in the sensual arts. The result of this relentless pursuit of knowledge, as it might be called, was that Gloria now had a fierce and definitely physical hunger for the length of muscle growing from the base of her husband's belly. She also had a heightened appreciation for the overwhelming power of the hair-fringed slit running between her own long, firm thighs, an appreciation which was a direct result of Henry's teaching. Yes, my pussy, she thought, though even now she blushed even when saying the fascinating word to herself. Mmm, to get my pussy around that cock of yours, my darling Henry, and then to fuck until we're both delirious with happiness! Until your big balls are shooting that precious fluid so deep into my cunt I'll never be able to get it all out! They had left San Antonio on May 28, 1872, bound for the Arizona Territory and Tombstone, where Henry's brother, Jed, was building up a freighting business. She calculated for a moment and realized that today was June 13; in eight days they would have been married exactly one month. For a time they had talked about going it alone with the wagonload of supplies Jed had ordered, but after hearing stories of the occasional band of marauding Indians they had seized the opportunity to throw their wagon in with a small train headed up by the more experienced Ben Magee. "It won't be much of a treat for you," Henry had said when they were discussing the possibility of joining Magee's group, "but at least it'll be a lot safer. Which would you rather have? Privacy or safety?" "Naturally I'd prefer both," she had said, giving him a look that had suggested a great deal, "but since I've grown so fond of you in the last few days I'll choose safety. But only because I want to enjoy so many more days—and nights!—with you, you understand!" Thus she found herself alone with five other men on the barren, desolate Texas prairies less than a dozen miles from the Pecos River. For eleven days they had not seen another human being; for the past four they had had to camp beside foul-smelling creeks or waterholes barely deserving the name. The chance of seeing running water, water that might be able to be drunk without retching, had a strong appeal to her. Even more appealing, however, was the prospect of being alone with her husband, alone and assured of enough privacy that she could give vent to her urge to cry out aloud when he pierced her with that incomparable spear rising out of his loins. At first she had been shocked and ashamed of herself for the scandalous way she had groaned and shrieked when he had thrust the bolt home, bringing shudders of joy to her big-boned body, but he had taught her to express herself freely and without any restraint whatever. This lesson, which she had found so contrary to all the rules of decorum and behavior she had learned from her mother and aunts, had now backfired: when he came to her in the night, under the wagon, she had not dared to utter even a groan, due to the four other men lying in their blankets only a few feet away. "If it weren't so blessed good," she had said shortly after they had first made love under the wagon, "I wouldn't even bother with it! Oh, Henry, to feel you going into me and not being able to urge you on the way you've taught me to do, that's sheer torture! And as for not being able to hold up a lamp and look at that lovely cock of yours as I bring it to life, well!" The truth was simple: though Gloria had been reared in the atmosphere of stifling propriety which characterized the mid-nineteenth century middle class in America, she had also been blessed with a highly responsive body and an open, inquiring mind. She had taken her wedding vows seriously and in fact had willingly endowed Henry with all her worldly possessions, including her superbly fashioned body. A brunette and exceptionally tall, she carried herself with a proud, erect bearing which added even more to her overwhelming physical presence. She had naturally been reluctant to display her body to him after the ceremony but had given in to his repeated requests. Upon finding that the sight of her naked flesh had a dramatic effect on him, one which she greatly enjoyed creating, she lost most of her maidenly reserve and now openly searched for ways in which she might flaunt her abundant physical charms before him. "Yes, we'll find ourselves a secluded spot and then I'll undress for you," she said to herself as the mules mechanically plodded ahead. "Yes, I'll take everything off! The sun will still be up and you'll be able to see all of me, my darling Henry; you'll be able to undress and I'll see all of you! Ah, to have that cock of yours in my hand! To rub it over my thighs and belly, or over my nipples! To feel your eyes on my pussy, probing deep and looking into every part of me! Yes, Henry, we must definitely take this opportunity!" Gloria occupied herself with these and similar thoughts for the rest of the day's drive. The result was that when they came to the small creek and Magee had signaled for them to pull the four wagons into the rough square they formed when making camp, she was thoroughly excited and could hardly bear to help unharness the mules."There's a nice little pool about a half-mile up the creek, ma'am," Magee told her after the mules and other animals had been staked out for the night, "in case you were thinking about taking a bath or something like that, I mean." "Yes, thank you, Mr. Magee, I would certainly appreciate that," Gloria replied. "I'm afraid that travel and good looks don't fit too well together." "Ma'am, you'll always be the queen of this here wagon train or any other I ever seen," Magee assured her. "Now, about that pool—you just head upstream till you find it. I ain't seen no sign of Indians so it ought to be safe enough and anyway, I'm gonna hunt off to the north and your mister, he'll be hunting off to the northeast, so there'll be enough protection, don't you worry your head none about that!" "I won't worry," she promised. "But do you think there is really a danger of Indians? I had understood the army had them under control, or very nearly so." "Yep, almost. It's that 'nearly,' though—every once in a while a band of them devils'll slip through and go on a rampage. It ain't likely, not at this time of the year, but then again it don't pay to go bein' careless." "I'll be sure and not go too far," Gloria assured the grizzled old frontiersman. "And I mustn't be gone too long either—now that we have some extra time I might try my hand at cooking up something special for us tonight!" "That'd sure be fine, ma'am. I tell you, a body sure gets tired of jerked beef and cold bread day in 'n day out." Gloria rummaged through one of her trunks and brought out a towel and a fresh dress, along with a change of underclothes. Gathering these up, together with a bar of soap, she looked around for her husband. Henry was coming toward her, having completed staking out the team. "Mr. Magee says that you have a little hunting trip planned," she said, smiling coquettishly. "I'm going up the creek to that little pool he mentioned and have myself a bath." "I'll look in on you," Henry promised. "This is one time I'll have better luck at hunting than that old rascal does!" Gloria smiled again and set off up the creek. Henry took a different route, angling back nearly along the path they had followed with the wagons, and disappeared into the brush. She felt her skin crinkle and tingle with anticipation as she walked along; the thought of having him in a situation where they could throw caution and restraint aside had already created a fierce hunger within her loins. She felt the tops of her thighs rubbing against the inflamed lips of her pussy as she walked, adding to her excitement and constantly reminding her of the eagerness with which she looked forward to having him. The pool was exactly where Magee had said it would be. A huge jumble of rocks against the far bank marked the site of a small spring which gurgled happily, adding its supply of water to the creek. A few clumps of bushes, absurdly green in the otherwise tan and grey landscape, gave the setting a vaguely idyllic tone. Gloria looked around, found a level, open spot which would be suitable for a dressing room, and carefully placed her fresh clothing and towel on a nearby bush. She began undressing and soon had stripped down to the skin. The sun was not so low that it could not fill the area with heat and light; she turned to it and opened herself to the sun. Its warmth made her skin even more alive with feeling. She stepped into the pool, carrying the bar of soap, and began working up a lather. The accumulated grime and sweat of travel dissolved and slid away, leaving her ivory-hued flesh in its naturally clean condition. She made sure that she lathered the dark, bushy vee between her thighs especially well and that the soap's creamy foam was worked into the painfully tender slit between her thighs. She gasped with pleasure as her fingers worked over the puffy, swollen lips; the overheated condition of her pussy made it respond even to this chaste gesture. "Mmm, so hot and moist inside!" she thought, allowing her fingers to probe into the taut, muscle-rimmed opening. "Ahh, Henry will love getting his cock into that! And I will love it too—the spreading, full sensation, the excitement of having my legs around him, the joy of feeling his cock fill my cunt with love!" She looked around, hearing a noise in the bushes behind, then smiled when she saw her husband coming toward her. He paused beside her clothing, still holding his shotgun, and looked at her with open hunger. She rose to her feet, turning toward him, and proudly faced him. "Your eyes, they're making me want you even more!" she murmured, coming toward him as he began undressing. "Ahh, Henry, this will be beautiful, I know it will!" "You'll never know how I've been looking forward to this," he muttered as his fingers flew up and down his buttons. "The waiting was awful but I'd almost say that it was worthwhile! You look lovelier than ever!" "And to think that I once thought it was bad to let a man see me this way!" she marveled. "Not that I'd let any other man see me, of course, but just think what Mother would say if she knew how I loved to parade myself before you!" "Your mother is a fine woman," Henry said, "but she knows nothing of things like this. And what she doesn't know won't hurt her a bit." "Mmm, so hard, so big!" she whispered, going to him and taking his cock in her hand when he was completely undressed. "I wonder if all wives take their husbands like this? Do they all love to have this incredible tool in their hands? Do all husbands love to be fondled and petted the way you do?" "I don't know about anyone else, my dear, but I certainly love it," Henry said. "Yes, touch it to your thighs—up there too, that's wonderful!" Gloria had moved closer to him and was now brushing the tip of the tool against the inner parts of her thighs. Sighing with delight, she spread her feet wider apart and then pressed the thick, bulbous cock between them. She was almost as tall as her husband and his prick jutted straight out and into the pocket between her thighs and pussy. She pressed closer to him and rubbed herself back and forth against the hot, hard instrument as he lifted his hands to her breasts. "Mmm, rub them harder!" she purred, throwing her arms around his neck and twisting her shoulders to press the large, well-shaped globes into his palms. "Yes, like that—it makes me want you all the harder!" "How do you want me?" he asked, smiling with pleasure as she rubbed against him. "What do you want me to do? Tell me, Gloria; I love hearing you say it!" "Ohh, I want you in my cunt!" she muttered hoarsely. "I want you on me and in me, fucking me, making me come; I want you to come too! I want to feel your cock and balls shooting come into my cunt!" "Let's do it!" he urged, tweaking her nipples in a way that made her shudder with sensual agony. "Here, spread your dress; I'll fuck you on it!" She spread her discarded dress on the sandy clearing and fell back on it, bringing her knees up and spreading them wide. He knelt between her thighs and examined her pussy for a moment as she manipulated the lips in the way he had taught her. A full-lipped slit, dark and glistening with passionate arousal, it beckoned him inward like a magnet attracting steel. He extended himself over her body and held his weight on his hands and knees as she reached down to take his cock in her hand. "This is the part I like best," she whispered, arching her neck to give herself a clear view of the swollen tool. "Yes, I like to watch it in my fingers while I'm preparing it for love!" She grasped the rod between her thumb and forefinger and slowly forced the foreskin back so as to expose the lavender-colored head completely. It slid into view as her fingers pressed the covering skin further back. "There, that looks ever so much more exciting," she purred. "Really, Henry, you must teach me to do it to you the way you did it to yourself when you were a boy! What did you call that?" "Jacking off," he said, enjoying the feel of her hand on his prick. "I'll teach you but it will be difficult; when I get in a state like this I want to have your cunt around me, not your hand!" "And I want it in my cunt, not my hand," she replied. "But I rather fancy the idea of fucking you with my hand sometime. Promise me you'll teach me how to do it." "Of course I will," he said. "Ugghh! Your pussy's like fire!" "Indeed it is," she agreed, rubbing the naked head of his prick against the lips of her pussy and mashing them flat with the tool. "I've been thinking all day about how I could get you by yourself. Sitting there on the driver's seat, it gives me a lot of time to daydream about how we could be doing all these marvelous things." "Put it in!" he hissed. "Put it in your cunt and fuck me! I won't be able to hold it long; I'll come as soon as I feel you going around me!" "And I too," she muttered. "Very well; I can't put it off any longer either. Ooohh, Henry, I love you so!" With that she shoved his prick down until it was firmly seated in the taut, tingling mouth of her cunt. He shoved inward when he felt the rim of her cunt close around the head of his cock; she tightened the grip of her thighs and lifted her hips off the ground to meet his thrust with a quick, energetic wriggle of her loins. "Ahhh! Ooohh!" she groaned as his prick sliced into her cunt. "Owww! Unngghh! Henry, do it now! Come, darling, come! Fuck me, fuck me harder! Deeper! Mmm, it's making me come! Oohh, shoot, Henry, shoot now! Aiiee!" Her loins circled him completely, weaving ecstatic patterns against his body as she rubbed herself against his prick. She had already discovered that strenuous participation heightened her enjoyment and also ensured that his response would be all the more ardent; now she sought to employ the skills she had learned and to excite him to the utmost.When she knotted the muscles of her abdomen and clenched her buttocks and thighs hard, she forced the ring of firm flesh around her cunt to tighten appreciably and to fasten a firmer grip upon his plunging rod. "Agghh!" Henry gasped, pulling her against him even more insistently and ramming his prick home with fierce urgency. "Fuck me, Gloria, fuck me now! Ooohh, I can't hold it back any longer! I've got to come!" "Do it, Henry, do it to me!" she panted between gasps and moans. "Uhh! Ahh! Owww! You're deeper than ever; you're fucking my heart out!" Her cries began coming quicker now that she felt him working in and out with the quick, jerky strokes signaling his climax. She recognized them for what they were and answered with rolling, weaving thrusts of her hips, forcing the head of his prick to rub harder against the tender, inflamed walls of her cunt. When he pulled out full length and paused there, trembling, she lifted her legs even higher around his body and elevated her cunt to receive the final thrust. "Ooohh! You're coming!" she gasped when she felt his cock begin spurting a thick stream of hot sperm into her cunt. "You're shooting me full of it; your balls are drowning me with come! Ugghh! Again! More! Don't stop coming; I want to feel it forever!" She was not to be granted her wish, however. Even though Henry Cramer was only twenty-five and in the full prime of his manhood, he could not make his climax last long enough to satisfy her completely. No man could have done so; her hungers were insatiable. Happily she recognized that Henry had done his best and she was content with that, though she hated the moment when he would have to pull his prick from her body and disappear into the brush. "Oh, if only we had a day to ourselves!" she murmured, stretching her legs full length and twisting against him. "You're still hard and I know I could make you do that again if only we had the time! Mmm, Henry, I'll never get enough of your wonderful cock!" "If you don't it won't be because I don't try giving it to you," he promised. "Once we arrive in Arizona, Gloria, and have a house to ourselves, I intend to spend a week in bed with you! I'll fuck you then until you can't even walk!" "Ah, in Arizona!" she murmured. "But you must hurry off now, I suppose; if I dally too long here they will come looking for me. And it wouldn't do for them to find us like this!" Her mention of the others was enough to spur him into action. He lifted himself off slowly, giving her time to reach between them and fasten her fingers around his prick as it emerged from her cunt. She welcomed the hot, wet tool and shuddered weakly as it slid through her hand. Henry could not understand her strong fascination with his prick after it had fucked her into a frenzy but he was sufficiently in love with her to allow her the treat if she wanted it. He stood up beside her and began dressing as she cupped her hand over her pussy, catching the flow of sperm as it emerged from her cunt and spreading it over her warm, tingling slit. "It feels so good," she said, noticing the way he was watching her. "I don't know why but it feels like it's connected with you; it's another way of keeping you closer to me after you've gone. Do you think I'm an awful woman, to want to bathe my fingers in your come?" "I think you're the most wonderful woman in the world," he said, buttoning up his shirt and hefting his shotgun. "But I'll have no reputation at all as a hunter unless I get to my business. Goodbye, my dear; I'll see you later." Gloria continued to lie on the dress and to finger her pussy for a few minutes after he had gone. When she was quite satisfied that he was out of sight she sat up and moved her right hand from her pussy, bringing it up in front of her face. She contemplated the sperm-smeared fingers for a moment and then popped them into her mouth. "Ahh, what a lovely taste!" she thought to herself. "There's nothing that tastes quite like sex! Mmm, I wonder what Henry would say if he knew. . . . Some day I'm going to suck it directly from his cock!" She sucked her fingers for a moment more and then got to her feet. She dressed quickly, rolled the towel and discarded clothing into a compact bundle and picked up the soap before leaving the small clearing. She made her way back to the wagons without difficulty and began preparing an evening meal. Two of the mule drivers were already laying a fire and bringing out the pots she would need; she thanked them for their cooperation and promised them each an extra helping of the pie she was planning to bake. "Pie? Out here in the middle of nowhere?" one of them marveled. "Pie," she firmly stated. "I'll use up the last of the dried apples and we'll have a deep-dish apple pie. That will be my contribution to our celebration for having reached the Pecos River." She thought to herself that, since the dish was one of Henry's favorites, it would also be a nice way of repaying him for the shuddering, blood-boiling pleasure he had given her back beside the pool. The memory of that passionate encounter lent an added sureness to her hands and enlivened her thoughts as she bustled around the campfire that afternoon. Shortly after sunup the next morning they were on their way again. Gloria sat comfortably on the box of her wagon and thought of her husband as she allowed the mules to pick their own way. She had found it difficult to keep her hands off him as they had lain under the wagon the night before, rolled in their blankets; it had been almost as difficult to keep from thrusting her hands between her own thighs as desire gnawed at her flesh. "I don't know whether it's better to grab a chance like the one we had yesterday or not," she mused as the mules followed the other wagons along. "I always wake up the next morning wanting it so much more! It will be different in Arizona—there I'll be able to enjoy a good fuck in the morning. Perhaps one before breakfast and one after, too!" The thought, and others like it, conspired to put added life into her hot-lipped pussy and she edged around on the wagon seat in an effort to find a more comfortable posture. By leaning forward, she knew all too well, she could press that tingling organ almost down to the seat of the wagon and bring it into contact with the bunched up material of her dress. More than once she had done this with astounding success, rubbing herself until she felt that fatal explosion which left her weak and gasping. Alternatively, as she also knew, she could cross her legs and tighten her thighs, forcing them to squeeze her pussy more tightly; that would also produce a satisfying blast of sensual delight in short order. Neither of those alternatives appealed to her that morning. For one thing, the memory of Henry's massive prick was too fresh in her mind; she felt somehow disloyal each time she gave in to her body's demands and satisfied herself. She had to keep reminding herself that she was a grown, married woman now and that she must put aside her childish ways, including the devices she had discovered for dealing sexual pleasure to herself. She resolutely spread her knees slightly and leaned back on the seat as she set herself the task of ignoring the tingling flesh at the base of her belly. Due to their early start they reached the crossing shortly after midmorning. The wagons pulled up at the bank, giving Magee time to explore the bottom of the river and to check the opposite side. Gloria pulled the mules up beside the other teams, wrapped the reins around the brake and stood up. Looking around, she saw a broad, sweeping plain dotted with brush. A long line of hills, hazy in the distance, lay to the north; farther off, to the southwest, another blue mass lay against the horizon. "And this is that famous crossing we've been hearing about?" she said to Henry, who had ridden up beside her. "It certainly doesn't look like much!" "Magee says people have been using this almost as long as there have been people," Henry stated. "It's supposed to be the safest way to get across this river. You can see that it's used frequently; see how the grass and bushes are beaten down all around?" Gloria now noticed a definite difference in the landscape. For perhaps a mile in almost any direction on either side of the crossing there was very little vegetation to be seen. The wind erased all signs of tracks but now that she looked more closely she saw dotted piles of animal dung here and there. "Just drive right in and on across," Magee called out, riding back across the river, which was no more than knee-deep on his horse. "Good bottom all the way and an easy pull on the other side!" He rode up beside the Cramers as he watched the first wagon edge down the steep slope. "Nothin' to it, ma'am," he said. "That's why this is so good a place to get across. It's a good, hard bottom, easy to get into and out of. That river'd have to be kicking up a storm before you couldn't get across here!" "I suppose it's a favorite Indian crossing too?" she asked. "It's everybody's favorite," he said. "But it ain't likely we'll see a redskin this time of year. Now was it August or September, you'd be likely to find a herd o' Comanches, that's sure enough; they come down this way on their way into Mexico, you see. But right now they're more likely to be chasing the buffalo up north. Still, that's not to say ye oughtn't to keep both eyes open and not stray too far from the rest of us, ye understand!" "I'm not going anywhere," she said with a shiver. "Er, are those really mountains over there to the southwest?" "Sure enough," the wagonmaster replied. "Them's the Davis mountains, ma'am, and we're gonna cut right through 'em. It's an easy run now that they've got the road. We'll spend a few days at Fort Davis, resting up and getting the wagons in shape, and then we'll push on through the mountains.Then it's out into the flats, over to the river and right on up to El Paso. Gloria marveled at the matter-of-fact way he stated the route, as if he might be describing the path from a farmhouse to the barn. She knew that they were a good three hundred miles from El Paso and that much of the route would be traveling of the hardest, driest sort, yet he made it sound easy and uneventful. She waited until the third wagon was safely across the river before slapping her own team into action. Having seen the other wagons make the pull, she now felt easier about it, although Henry had offered to drive; the mules took the water without hesitation, and the crossing was far easier than she had imagined. They pulled out on the other side and, after a quick check to make sure that nothing had come loose, set out again. It happened barely an hour after they had crossed the river. A shot rang out, puncturing the desolation with an angry report. She looked around, thinking at first that one of the outriders had spotted game, but then she saw one of the teamsters on a wagon ahead crumple to the ground. At the same time, a series of blood-curdling whoops rang out to the side; looking in that direction, she saw a group of ponies dashing toward them. At first, they appeared to be riderless, but then she saw the dark shapes clinging to the sides of the hurtling mounts. "Indians!" Magee bellowed, spurring his own horse toward them at a rush. Gloria looked anxiously to her left, where Henry was riding; she saw him set the spurs to his big Morgan gelding and guide the animal toward the advancing attackers, shotgun at the ready. She whipped the mules harshly, aiming them toward the other wagons as Magee had taught her to do in time of trouble. One of the teamsters had already pulled to a halt and was bringing his rifle up; she saw an Indian rise out of the brush at his side and hurl a long, steel-tipped lance. The weapon lifted the teamster clear of the wagon and threw him to the ground. Magee and Henry now began firing, again attracting her attention as she whipped the mules even harder. The boom of Henry's shotgun echoed across the plain, and an Indian and his pony went rolling; another, however, closed and loosed an arrow into his chest at the same moment he fired the second barrel. Both he and his killer—for Gloria did not doubt that the arrow had struck home—tumbled to the ground. Magee disappeared into a cloud of dust, firing rapidly. Gloria drew up beside the one wagon with a teamster in it; he was already crouched behind the box with his rifle at the ready. She pulled the mules up short, wrapped the reins around the brake, and got her own rifle out. Her heart ached for Henry, but her instinct for survival was even stronger. There was nothing to be seen for a moment, then the Indians appeared from another quarter. There were three of them, and they were no more than fifty yards away. She triggered off a shot with no effect, then another that hit the pony and knocked him sprawling; the rider remained crumpled on the ground where he had fallen. Her fellow teamster shot another as they rode their shaggy little ponies up to the very edge of the wagons, but the third leaped into the wagon, brandishing a stone-headed axe. He caught Gloria squarely on the chin with a backhanded swipe of his free hand, then brained the remaining teamster. She fell on top of the pile of goods, ears ringing and groggy; she weakly searched for her rifle but could not make her fingers obey her brain's command. Then she succumbed completely, sinking into a black pit of unconsciousness. When she came to, she was first conscious of a dull, throbbing pain in her head and a certain numbness in her jaw, where the Indian's iron fist had caught her. Then, trying to put a hand to her forehead, she discovered that she could not move. Opening her eyes and looking about, she found that her hands had been circled with a strip of rawhide and made fast to the wheel of a wagon. They extended above her head as she lay flat upon the ground. "Huhh!" Looking up at the harsh grunt, she saw a squat, thick-chested Indian at the tail of the wagon. He was going through her trunks, flinging dresses and underclothing aside with careless disdain. She swiveled her head around but could see no one else; they appeared to be the only survivors of the impromptu raid. She felt a sinking sensation, a mixture of fear, terror, and despair, and closed her eyes. "Huhh!" the Indian again grunted, punctuating his growl with the toe of his moccasin-clad foot. She looked up at the man. He barked at her, short, sharp sounds which might have been either Spanish or an Indian tongue. She shook her head, showing incomprehension, and the Indian stalked away. She looked more closely at him as he scuffled around the wagon. He wore a pair of moccasins with attached leggings which came up almost to his knees. A leather thong circled his waist, catching up the flaps of skin which hung down, front and rear. Apart from these and a battered hat that might have come from the U.S. Army, he wore nothing. His war club hung from a wrist, attached by a rawhide lace; a tattered knife peeped from a sheath hanging on his waist string. He looked to be of medium height and was powerfully built. Gloria wondered why she had been spared; it was quite clear that every other member of her train had been killed, though she could see no bodies. The Indian stalked around the wagon, muttering under his breath and rustling through boxes and trunks before coming back to her side. Then it became clear why she too had not been killed: the Indian unfastened the thong around his waist and dropped his breechclout aside. Gloria gasped aloud when she saw his cock, already half-erect and thoroughly menacing. The Indian grinned, a cold expression without humor, and reached down to tear the skirt from her dress. She attempted to lift a foot and kick him in the groin, but he anticipated the move; he caught her ankle and pressed her foot down to the ground, dropping a knee across her shins as he ripped the clothing from her body. When she was completely naked from the waist down, except for the heavy shoes she wore while on the trail, he stepped back to survey his achievement. Gloria's face turned scarlet, and her heart pounded heavily. She pressed her thighs together, though she knew that she could hardly prevent him from doing whatever he chose; she could not tear her gaze away from the rapidly stiffening prick at the base of his belly. It was the first time she had ever seen an Indian's sexual equipment, naturally, and she could not help remarking to herself how similar it was to Henry's tool. To be sure, the coloring was not the same, but otherwise there was very little difference. If anything, the Indian's cock was larger, and certainly his balls were constructed on a more massive scale; they looked to be the size of hen eggs and hung down several inches. The Indian grunted, obviously elated at her frightened reaction, and came toward her. Again she drew back a foot to kick him, but he evaded the blow with ease, catching her ankle and holding it with a grip like a bear trap. He mounted her, forced her knees apart with his own, and aimed the head of his prick into the mouth of her cunt. "Oh, no! Please don't!" she moaned, closing her eyes and throwing her head from side to side. "Oh, don't do it to me, you can't!" Her words counted for nothing, of course; she later came to realize that he had understood nothing she had said. He pressed down upon her, relentless and powerful. She tried to shrink away from his prick, but there was nowhere to go—she could not prevent him from sheathing the coppery projectile in the mouth of her cunt. He grunted, a sound of animal lust, when he felt her cunt close around him. Although she was far from aroused, the opening retained enough of the natural lubricant she had generated earlier in the morning, when she had tormented herself with thoughts of Henry, and he slipped easily into the tunnel leading up into her body. "Agghh! Don't! You're killing me!" she moaned. "Oh, no, you can't be doing this to me!" Seeing that her struggles were having no effect, she willed herself to relax. If she could not resist him, she told herself, she would show her displeasure by feigning unconsciousness. This tactic worked no better than resistance, however. To her shocked dismay, she discovered that her body was responding to the Indian's brutal assault! She refused to believe it at first, but there was no mistaking the symptoms; her pussy was gaining in feeling, and her clitoris was beginning to swell angrily as the Indian's cock pistoned back and forth in her cunt. "No, it can't be!" she told herself, horrified. "Why, he killed your husband! You can't be wanting to fuck him now!" Although she did not know whether this Indian was the one who had killed Henry or not, she did not distinguish them in her mind; they were all savages and killers to her. This made it all the more incomprehensible when she felt her body heating up and answering the fierce, driving thrusts that brought the swollen head of his prick spearing into the mouth of her womb. "Agghh!" she groaned, feeling her clitoris tingle with all the urgency and insistence it had ever showed when Henry had been driving his own cock into her cunt. "Unngghh! Ooohh!" Gloria writhed beneath the Indian, still trying to get away from him; her efforts to escape his brutal thrusts only succeeded in heightening her response to his assault. The reek of stale sweat, woodsmoke, and stale animal grease radiated from his body, and she found the gorge rising in her throat. Fighting down the impulse to retch, she struggled all the harder against him. Gradually, however, her writhing efforts to escape took on a rather different character.First, she clutched at his thick, muscular thighs with her knees, holding him between them; then she began answering his steady thrusts with tentative movements of her hips. As her body grew ever more responsive to his attack, the movements became quicker and stronger until, at last, she was rubbing her pussy against his loins with abandon. Bound and helpless though she was, she could not keep her lithe, hungry body from growing ever hotter and more finely attuned to the Indian's relentless motions. Shrieking out a despairing cry, she locked her heels together behind his knees and flung her hips upward, driving the mouth of her cunt down the shaft of his prick until her clitoris scraped his belly and slid into the bristly hair growing around the base of his cock. "Agghh! Aiieee!" she wailed, twitching convulsively and tossing her hips from side to side as her passion mounted inside, knotting her belly into a solid mass of sexual tension. The Indian paid no attention to her cries, of course. Nor did he seem to be fucking with her benefit in mind. Rather, he simply drove his prick into her cunt again and again, pistoning the meaty rod back and forth in an effort to give himself pleasure. Despite his lack of concern, she felt her loins growing warmer and warmer; she felt the hard knot of tension growing ever tighter until it seemed that a gigantic spring was being tightened within her midsection. Suddenly, the Indian grunted and lurched forward, driving his prick even further into her body. He snarled out a guttural phrase and held himself close against her; she felt his thick, muscular body quiver, and then his cock began spurting out a thick stream of hot gruel. Her mind registered shame and consternation at finding herself able to achieve such fierce pleasure with a murderous savage, but her body knew nothing of shame; her physical self knew only the jolting, pulsating pleasure which exploded within her belly and spread outward in long, rolling waves that left her whimpering weakly. The Indian held himself within her until his prick and balls had ceased to move, then extracted the tool quickly. He wiped the moisture off on her belly, grunting softly as he did so. She looked down, saw the sperm-dampened rod moving over her belly, and felt another shudder of pleasure. "Huhh! Fuck good!" the Indian muttered, nodding his head energetically. "What? You speak English?" she gasped, startled to hear the words. "No English," he growled, shaking his head. "Fuck good! 'Sta bueno!" Gloria had already picked up enough Spanish to understand the approval carried in that phrase. She found it no comfort, however; she was immediately overwhelmed with a vast sense of shame at what she had done. "Oh, you utter bastard!" she whispered, her voice twisted with loathing and self-contempt. "You've killed my husband and all these men, and then you've raped me! And what's worse, you made me come—oohh, I'll look forward to seeing you dead!" The Indian ignored her as he fastened the breechclout around his waist and settled the sheathed knife into place. Her heart nearly leaped into her mouth when she saw his fingers touch the heavy, fringed scabbard; she exhaled gratefully when she understood that he was merely adjusting its hang. He moved away and whistled for his horse. The shaggy pony came up to him, and he leaped onto its back with a single, easy bound. He caught up the rawhide thong trailing from the animal's lower jaw, dug his heels into its flanks, and clattered away. Gloria twisted around in an attempt to determine what he was doing, but could not follow his path once he had disappeared behind the wagon. She eased herself back onto the ground, conscious now of the Indian's sperm trickling out of her pussy. Though it reminded her of the shame which had been forced upon her, she could not help remembering the way her belly and thighs had reverberated with her own pleasure. Though it tore at her conscience to admit it, she could not hide the truth: she had come with a full, mighty rush of feeling, exactly as she had done when it had been her own husband between her thighs! "How could you?" she asked herself, shaking her head in wonder. "A brute, a savage, and you allowed yourself to come just as though it had been Henry! Are you so complete a whore that you can come with any man? Have you no shame at all?" She was not given a great deal of time in which to contemplate her 'fatal' weakness. The Indian soon returned, herding several horses in front of him; she recognized the big Morgan Henry had ridden, along with the sturdy bay gelding belonging to Magee. When the Indian swung down from his own pony, she saw that he had Magee's pistol and rifle, as well as two bows and a quiver full of arrows. He dumped these into a pile and rode off again. When he returned the second time, he carried Henry's shotgun as well as the silver-mounted revolver which had been given him as a wedding present; her heart throbbed piteously when she recognized the weapons and knew that Henry was indeed dead. The Indian now went around the wagons, picking out all the weapons and a few other articles which he fancied. Finally, he dumped them all into a pile and began fashioning them into a pack. When he had the bundle securely lashed with a rope he had taken from a wagon, he threw it onto a mule, tied it down as tightly as possible, and surveyed the scene one last time. It was only then that Gloria saw the scalps hanging from his waist thong: they were only small patches of hair with a piece of bloody skin attached, but she recognized them for what they were. Looking closer, she saw that one of them was undoubtedly Henry's; her heart sank even lower when she recognized the rich, curling chestnut hair. "Wh-what are you going to do?" she murmured when the Indian came toward her, drawing the knife from its scabbard. "Oh no, not...!" Instead of plunging it into her heart, as she had feared, he slashed the thongs binding her hands to the wagon wheel and motioned for her to get onto her feet. Replacing the knife in its sheath, he motioned toward the horses, obviously intending her to mount one of them. She took a tentative step toward the Morgan belonging to her husband and, seeing the Indian's nod, felt a surge of joy. "Wait a moment," she said, "I must repair the damage you've done." He growled impatiently, but she went to the rear of the wagon and selected another stout cotton dress, rolling it into a compact bundle, and picked out a stout woolen skirt, which she stepped into and fastened around her waist. Having thus covered her naked legs, she went to the Morgan and swung into the saddle. The voluminous skirt made it difficult for her to straddle the mount, but she tucked up the skirts so that they afforded her thighs a minimal amount of protection. The Indian nodded and again pointed to the south, kicking his pony forward as he did so. They set off at a fast trot, then changed into a gallop. The Indian drove the extra horses before him; he had gathered all the mules and horses into a bunch, along with the ponies his companions had ridden. Gloria followed him for a time and then gradually allowed the Morgan to fall behind and edge to one side. Her shift was quickly noticed, however, and brought its own retribution: the Indian steered his pony back toward her, brandished his stone-headed club in a menacing fashion, and pointed toward the herd of horses. Gloria nodded meekly, all too aware of his meaning, and kicked the Morgan into a faster pace. The Indian grunted approval when she was again close to the galloping herd. They rode for the rest of the day, keeping to a generally southerly direction. The Indian made one long detour back to the east; Gloria suspected that this change was to take them well away from Comanche Springs, the nearest settlement. Otherwise, they kept their backs to the debacle they left behind. Gloria soon discovered that her skirt was not designed for riding astride; it persisted in hiking up around her thighs, and by midafternoon, she could feel the beginnings of a sunburn. The saddle chafed the insides of her thighs. Since she had not taken the time to don any underclothing, her naked flesh rubbed against the leather and soon began to complain. Furthermore, the load of sperm which the Indian had deposited in her cunt continued to dribble forth, inundating the seat of the saddle and setting up an added irritation. She dared not complain, much less stop. The Indian drove the horses before him with ease and occasionally looked over to make sure that she was keeping up. By late afternoon, they could see a line of peaks rising far to the south. At first, Gloria had thought them to be storm clouds, but as they covered mile after mile across the rolling prairie, the sharp, jagged outline became clearer. They shortly altered course again, heading back to the west, and dropped down into a broad sink. A clump of green bushes in the center of the bowl indicated water, and they rode toward it. The Indian approached cautiously, but once he had assured himself that no one else was nearby, he rode up boldly. He dismounted and filled the canteens he had taken from the wagon train; Gloria's stomach turned when she saw the green slime covering the pool of water in the center of the bushes. Once the canteens were full, the Indian led the horses up and let them drink their fill. "Pa-yah!" the Indian grunted, motioning to the big Morgan and jerking his hand further to the south. Gloria sighed heavily at the signal but obediently climbed back into the saddle. She had taken advantage of the respite to squat in the shallow part of the pool, with her skirt hiked around her waist, and to splash up handfuls of water onto her pussy and thighs. The warm water eased the burning sensations somewhat, but as soon as they were mounted and riding again, she found that the relief had only been temporary. They rode until almost sundown.The Indian signaled her to a halt, gathered up the horses and mules, and began hobbling them for the night. He twisted short lengths of rawhide around their forefeet with a few dexterous turns of his fingers and unsaddled his own animal. Gloria tugged at the saddle on the big Morgan, finally getting it off; the horse whinnied his pleasure at being relieved of the burden. "Ko-may," the Indian grunted, reaching into a saddlebag and bringing out a greasy buckskin pouch. He reached into it and brought out a strip of dried meat, covered with corn meal, then tossed the bag to Gloria. She nearly retched again when she beheld the greasy, filthy condition of their food sack, but her hunger was strong enough to overcome her repugnance. The meat was surprisingly good, though stringy and tough, and the meal, she found, was pinole—a mixture of corn meal, pinon nuts, and sugar. Alternately chewing and sipping water from her canteen, she ate until the Indian reclaimed the food sack and put it away in his saddlebag. "Doh-mit-ka!" the Indian muttered. Gloria looked blankly at him, but when he began unfastening the thong holding the flaps of his breechclout, she understood the meaning of his words. He dropped the garment aside and seized his prick, working the foreskin back and forth over the turnip-shaped head. She shuddered, but one scowl from his evil face was enough to set her fingers to work unfastening the front of her blouse and the fastenings of her skirt. The Indian's face creased into something resembling a smile when she had disrobed and stood before him meekly. He came toward her and nodded approvingly as he reached out to run a hand over her full, red-tipped breasts. Gloria shuddered and could not disguise the feeling of revulsion which swept over her at that moment, but he paid no attention. He continued to feel her breasts, cupping them and squeezing the big nipples; despite her disgust, the contact sent tiny darts of sensual feeling racing through her body. The Indian caught her right hand and moved it down, to his cock; he grinned and nodded happily when she grasped it. The feeling of the man's cock in her hands worked a slow but definite change in Gloria. Even though she hated herself for feeling anything but disgust and hatred for the one who had killed her husband, or who had certainly helped to do so, his rapidly stiffening cock caused her pussy to grow warmer and wetter. It was almost as though she had no control at all over her body's responses in sexual matters. Perhaps, she thought, as she fingered the Indian's prick, Henry had taught her all too well! Perhaps he had unleashed forces in her animal nature which even she could not now control! The Indian grunted out another guttural phrase and pointed to the pile of blankets. She understood what he meant and spread one upon the thick grass; as soon as she had done so, she fell upon it and lay on her back. The Indian pounced upon her and hurried to stuff his cock into her pussy. Gloria closed her eyes and shuddered when she caught a whiff of his strong scent, but the feeling of sickness soon passed, leaving her with a definite hunger located between her spreading thighs. She grunted aloud with pleasure when she felt the man's thick cock scrape against the lips of her pussy. "Oohh! My God, it can't be happening again!" she moaned. It was happening again, there could be no doubt of that. The feel of the Indian's cock sent strong thrills of unearthly joy pulsing through her body, and she tilted her hips upward as he burrowed into her cunt. His cock spread the tender orifice wide, forming it into a perfect circle; she quivered excitedly when he pushed inward and sent the head of his prick slithering into the opening of her cunt. "Unngghh! You're tearing me apart!" she muttered. Despite all she could do, Gloria could not prevent her thighs from reaching out to grip the Indian's muscular flanks and gather him closer. She clawed at the blanket beneath her in an effort to keep her hands from encircling his back, but nothing she could do was enough to prevent her pussy from throbbing joyously when his cock bored deep inside. "Mmmm, not so deep!" she gasped when he tried to sheathe all his prick at the first stroke. "Omigod, you're fucking me too fast! Don't give it all to me at once! Unngghh, you're fucking me to death!" The Indian continued to hump and drive his cock into her waiting cunt. He pressed her shoulders to the blanket and worked his prick further and further into her body. The suddenness of his climax took her by surprise; within a minute, she felt his distended, swollen tool begin spurting a thick stream of hot sperm. "Ooohh, don't come yet!" she wailed. "You can't come now; I want to make it last longer! Ooohh, don't let it come!" Her words had no effect, of course; the Indian continued to pump his cock in and out of her cunt and to shoot his come into her body. Finally, he tired of the sport and rolled off her. She was still highly aroused, however, and could not prevent her hands from reaching down over her pussy. Her fingers snaked into the brimming mouth of her cunt, hooked into the rim, and spread the opening wide once more. She ignored the flood of sticky sperm which gushed out and concentrated on fingerfucking herself to completion. "Mmmm! Ahhh!" she moaned, writhing and twisting as her fingers carried her closer to release. "Come! Come! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck!" The words seemed to help, and she continued working her fingers in and out of her frothy cuntal opening. When she felt the orgasmic explosion surge outward from her womb, she cried aloud with joy and lifted her hips high in the air. The Indian watched, amused by her frantic need, and chuckled heartily at her energetic gyrations. Gloria fucked herself through the climax until finally she fell back onto the blanket, whimpering and panting as the last flickers of sexual joy passed out through her cunt. The Indian took her once more before going to sleep that night. This time he managed to bring her to an orgasm before his balls exploded with furious energy. Gloria could no more restrain her lustful impulses on this occasion than on the former ones, when the Indian had taken her so brutally, and she shrieked with pleasure as her cunt contracted with powerful spasms of sensual agony. When he rolled off her with a hearty grunt of approval, she collapsed against the blanket. Overwhelmed by a sense of self-disgust after the shameful way she had allowed her body to welcome his brutal thrusts, she began to sob quietly. The Indian paid her no attention. Rolling into a blanket, he dropped off to sleep and ignored her. She did not dare to try leaving; the unknown terrors of the wilderness around their rude camp were even more frightening than her captivity. They were riding again the next morning when the sun came up over the low range of hills to the east. The Indian halted several times during the morning's ride to look behind him. Gloria searched the terrain too but could see no sign of life or movement of any kind. The country they traveled was covered with a thick stand of buffalo grass, with a few low bushes growing here and there. The mountains in front of them grew larger, and gradually she began to make out a notch between two of them. They appeared to be making for that notch. After another hard day's ride, they camped beside a low, swampy patch of ground just north of the notch, which had now taken on the appearance of a pass. When the Indian passed her his buckskin food pouch this time, she paid less attention to its greasy condition; her attention was riveted only upon the dried meat and pinole it contained. Her body ached all over, due to the new strains which riding astride had put upon her, and she could barely find the strength to chew the tough strands of meat. As soon as the Indian had finished his meal, he took back the sack and stuffed it away in his saddlebag. He motioned for her to unroll a blanket and spread it upon the ground. When she straightened up from this task, he had removed his breechclout and was again fondling his heavy prick. He made another gesture with his hand, which she took to mean a command to undress; she haltingly lifted a hand to her blouse, and he nodded happily. She took off her blouse and skirt and lay down on the blanket she had spread. "Hah-Io-pay!" the Indian grunted, gesturing for her to rise. Gloria struggled back to her knees, uncertain of his intention. He seized her by her long, matted hair and forced her face toward his cock. She struggled for a moment but found herself powerless in his grip. He had tremendous strength in his hands and arms, and he easily brought her face until it brushed against his prick. She tried to turn away but could not; the stiffened length of hot meat brushed against her lips. "Oh, no! You can't mean that!" she gasped in horror. The Indian persisted and made his meaning perfectly clear: Gloria was to suck his cock! She stubbornly held her lips closed for a moment, but a ringing blow from the Indian's rough hand dazed her. When she had recovered her senses, she found that he had forced the head of his prick into her lips and was fucking her mouth. "Mmmm! Glllbbb!" she grunted as she tried to force the tool from her lips. The scent of sweat and grease was overpowering, but there was another scent which was even more effective. Gloria quickly recognized it as the same aroma which wafted up from between her own thighs after a night of lusty exercise with her husband: it was the scent of dried come and pussy juices! This discovery brought her near to retching, but she managed to quell the impulse. Gradually the revulsion left her, to her surprise, and she found a different feeling taking its place.The scent of sex, together with the salty, cunty flavor of his prick—it was not so very different from Henry's sperm, after it had dripped from her cunt—inflamed her brain with sexual desire and she began lapping him wildly. Her tongue curled around the big shaft, digging into the groove between the head and the shaft, and she began working her head back and forth along the tool. "Hunnhh!" the Indian grunted. "Mah-kee-loh!" His words were evidently exhortations to continue, judging from the way he grasped her head and began fucking himself in and out of her mouth. His cock speared deep into her throat as his passion mounted higher. Suddenly he stiffened his entire body and thrust deep, rising onto the balls of his feet as he did so. Gloria felt his cock swell suddenly and then expel a thick jet of scalding come. At first she wanted to spit the wad of salty gruel out but his prick was in the way; she could do nothing with the come but swallow it. To her surprise, she found that the distinctive taste fired her own lusts even higher and she began drinking it eagerly. The Indian's balls quivered in their sack as they continued to pump out streams of sperm. Gloria sucked him to the last and would have continued except that he pulled his prick from her mouth and stepped back. "No, you can't take it away!" she blurted out. "I want it; I need it! I've got to come too!" The Indian ignored her pleas, which he did not understand, and left her alone. She fell back onto the blanket and clapped her hands to her pussy. Writhing in sexual anguish, she worked her fingers deep into her hot, juicy cunt and began fingerfucking at a speedy pace. She cupped one hand over her lovemound, bringing her palm down hard against her clitoris, and began humping with a quick, driving rhythm. Panting and moaning, she worked her way to the climax. "Ahhhh! Ooohh! I'm coming again!" she wailed. The Indian went to sleep shortly afterward. Gloria dozed for a while and then lay awake for an hour. She tried to comprehend all that had happened to her since they had crossed the Pecos, but her dazed brain could not encompass all those drastic changes in situation. More than anything else, she could not understand how she could have become such a depraved, whorish creature. To have knelt before a murderous, filthy savage, even if pressed to do so, and to have sucked his prick until his sperm was washing down her throat, was something she could hardly believe she had done. Yet there was the salty aftertaste of the man's come in her mouth; there was no getting around that harsh fact. And the way she had thrilled deep inside when he had spread his body over hers and shoved his cock deep into her cunt—that also mystified her. "I couldn't have done all that," she told herself. "But I did! And what's more, I came! I'll swear it was almost as good as when Henry did it to me! Oh, how could I have done such things!" She finally gave up trying to understand herself and her reactions to her captor. Turning onto her side, she pulled the blanket over her naked body and drifted off to sleep. The Indian had them up and moving early the next morning. They worked their way through the broad pass and came out onto a broad, flat plain. Another range of mountains loomed up far to the south. The Indian gestured with his hand and nodded approvingly. "Mejico!" he grunted. Gloria's heart fell even lower within her breast. She had supposed that they were making for that country, and she knew that many tribes habitually wandered back and forth between Mexico and the United States. A Mexican journey had not been part of her itinerary, however, and she emphatically did not want to go with this savage. Just as they were ready to gig their horses down the slope leading out onto the plain, she heard a sharp, popping noise and then a thud. The Indian gurgled deep in his broad chest and clapped a hand to his throat, where a fountain of blood had magically appeared. The crack of a rifle followed hard upon the heels of the popping noise. Gloria sat rooted to her horse, unable to move for a moment. Before she could make up her mind what to do, she heard a voice. "Just sit there, ma'am, I'll be there in a minute!" It took her more than a few seconds to realize that the voice had spoken in English—it had been almost three days since she had heard her native tongue spoken aloud. She continued to sit her horse and looked about. The Indian fell from his mount, tumbling to the ground in a limp heap without moving. Finally, Gloria saw a movement in the rocks off to the left front. Straining her eyes, she saw a man moving down the rocks, rifle in hand. Then she realized that she had been rescued, that her ordeal was finished. "Howdy, ma'am," her savior said when he had ridden his horse up to where she sat. "Dick Logan's the name. I reckon you're from that wagon train that got hit back at the Horsehead Crossing, eh?" "Y-y-yes, that's right," she said, fighting to keep back the tears of relief. "I... I'm Gloria Cramer." "I come up on the wreck a while after it had all happened," Logan said. "It was pretty clear from the sign; I could tell that one of the Indians had taken a captive off to the south, probably a woman. I took time out to bury the ones I found and then I took out after you two. I'd have gotten you sooner, but I had to ride around and get in front—pretty hard to sneak up on an Indian from the rear like that." "And you were waiting here for us?" she asked, scarcely comprehending all that he had said. "You knew we'd be coming through here?" "Wasn't hardly no other way you could have come," the man said with a grin. "Unless you wanted a real hard ride, and that didn't seem likely, since the Indian was in something of a hurry. I figured that if I lay out there about two hundred yards off the trail, I'd get a pretty good shot. Nice I had this old Spencer along; it made it pretty easy." Gloria noticed the short but heavy .56 caliber Army carbine he carried; it certainly had a lethal look about it. Gradually, she began to realize that she had been rescued by an exceptionally handsome man, at least in comparison to her most recent travelling companion. Logan stood about six feet tall, she guessed, or somewhat taller than her late husband; he was powerfully built and exceptionally thick through the chest and shoulders. His dress was a mixture of frontier and army; the trousers were out of a stout gray material and the shirt was a dark blue cavalry flannel. He wore an army hat, considerably the worse for the wear, and a Navy Colt was holstered at his side, along with a heavy knife in a beaded sheath. "We were on our way to Tombstone, Arizona," she said. "M-my husband was going out to join his brother there; they wanted to set up a freighting business. And then... and then the Indians came and..." She finally dissolved into a crying spell, tumbling down from her horse and leaning against the big Morgan as she shook with relief. Logan dismounted and came around to her. He stood awkwardly beside her and patted her shoulder; he appeared to be a capable enough frontiersman, but nothing in his rough career had prepared him to cope with an hysterical woman. "I'll be all right," she finally said. "It's just such a relief to know that I'm going to be safe, that I can get back to civilization again! Tell me, how far are we from Fort Davis? Can we get there today?" "Uh, that's kind of a problem," Logan muttered. "We ain't going to Fort Davis, least not me." "But I've got to get there!" Gloria exclaimed. "Can't I take a stage from there and get on out to Arizona?" "Yes'm, you could do that," Logan admitted. "But I ain't going to Fort Davis. Fact is, I was just heading away from there when I came up on what was left of your wagon train." "B-b-but I don't understand," she wailed incredulously. "Why can't we go to Fort Davis?" "Well, I was working there, signed on to do a turn of scouting," Logan explained. "But me and this captain, we come to a parting of the ways. The argument got a little rough and... well, I decked him at the end. I ain't sure but what I might have broke his neck. Whichever way it is, I ain't about to go back there and pull no stockade time!" "But what am I going to do?" "You said you were going on to Tombstone?" "That's right; my brother-in-law is setting up a business there." "Well, ma'am, I'd as soon go that way as any other," Logan drawled. "A little rather, in fact—less chance of running into some lawman that might want to send me back to Fort Davis. Why couldn't we just take over them horses and stuff that Indian plundered from your train and head off through Mexico? We could get a pretty good price for them animals down in Chihuahua and then strike out for Tombstone." "How far is it to Fort Davis?" she asked. "Oh, must be a hundred miles at least. Two, three days of good, hard riding, that's for sure, even if you knew the way and didn't get lost or run into Indians." "Indians?" "The Mescaleros travel through here a good bit," Logan said. "And the Lipans, there's still some of them that wander over from Mexico. You might run into a cavalry patrol along the way somewheres; that'd make it a lot easier for you. But then you might not." "Suddenly your proposal sounds a lot better," she remarked with a wry grimace. "I don't suppose I could persuade you to take me close to the fort?" "Ma'am, I'm just as close to that fort as I ever want to be," Logan vowed. "They'll have patrols out looking for me and it's a risk I'm not gonna take. Tell you what—we can head down to the Rio Grande and ease along the south bank to Ojinaga. Maybe I could put you across the river there; Fort Leaton's only a couple miles upstream. That's about the best I can do for you." "Well, it's certainly better than risking it on my own," she said. "All right, Mr. Logan, let's do it your way!"They left the Indian where he had fallen, taking only the knife from his belt. Logan added the dead man's horse to the collection and drove them all before him. They went straight across the plain, travelling almost due south, and made an early camp on the side of a mountain. "I figured I'd take the pack off that horse there and drive 'em all down to the sump off yonder," he said. "Might be that you'll be wanting some time to yourself or something." Gloria was touched at his thoughtfulness but found that there was nothing to do. She stretched a blanket over a bush, making a hasty shelter from the sun, and sat down to ponder the fate which had brought her thus far. There could be no doubt that she was much better off with Logan than with the Indian. For one thing, Logan seemed to possess somewhat more of a cultivated air than most of the rough, brawling men she had seen on the frontier. And certainly he did not seem to expect to avail himself of her body, at least not openly. "It's just as well he doesn't," she said to herself as she watched his herding the horses toward a small clump of greenery down on the valley floor. "The way he's built, he'd probably have a ... a cock so big it would tear me in two! That Indian was bad enough, heavens knows!" Even though she felt a definite sense of relief at knowing that she would not be raped again, she also became aware of a gnawing undercurrent of dissatisfaction. Was it possible, she wondered, that she had become accustomed to the rough, brutal treatment she had experienced at the Indian's hands? She grimaced expressively, remembering the way his prick had felt when he had thrust it into her mouth, the heady aroma and taste, and the savage thrill she had felt when he had begun to shoot his come deep into her throat. Gloria relived that moment but then, catching herself, upbraided herself for succumbing to lewd, lustful thoughts. "You've going to have to start acting like a widow," she sternly reminded herself. "But oh! How are you going to do that? You didn't even have time to learn how to begin acting like a wife!" When Logan returned he hobbled the horses and turned them out to graze. He opened the pack the Indian had thrown together and began sorting out the various items. "How about looking through this stuff?" he asked, giving her a tender smile. "We'll be down by Boquillas village tomorrow; probably we can trade off most of it for food and stuff. You ought to look through and keep whatever you want, or what belongs to you." She came over to the pile and looked down at the collection. "That nickel-plated pistol, that was my husband's," she said. "Maybe I ought to keep that." He brought out the pistol and handed it to her, together with its belt and holster. Rummaging further, he found a .44 Henry repeater which he took up and set aside. "Always wanted me one of these," he said. "My old Spencer, she'll reach out right smartly but she don't carry but one round. That little Henry there, you can load 'er up on Sunday and shoot all week!" "This country where we're going, is it dangerous?" "Oh, it's about like anywhere else, I reckon: dangerous if you don't keep an eye peeled. There's some Indians and some bandidos, too, but generally you can ride around 'em if you know they're there. We won't have no trouble, I'm pretty sure of that." "You sound as though you know what you're about." "I've ridden over most of that country," Logan said. "One way or another, I've covered about all of it." "What line of work are you in? I mean, can a person be a scout all his life?" "Sure, except that scouts' lives generally ain't that long," he said with an easy chuckle. "I've done a turn or two at it but mostly I've been working with wagons and mules. Teamster, wagonboss, scouting, even done a little cowboying in my time. I've taken three wagon trains from El Paso to Chihuahua in my time." He pulled out a foodsack from his saddlebag, apologizing for the lack of variety; his menu was the same as the Indian's—jerked meat and pinole. His foodsack was as greasy and filthy as the Indian's too, Gloria noticed, but her hunger was strong enough to overcome any repugnance. "Once we get down to Boquillas village, I'll scout around and see if I can't find somebody to sell us a home cooked meal," he promised. "Be a nice change from this stuff." "This is what the Indian had," she said through a mouthful of meat. "Better get used to it," he advised. "Long as we're out of a town this is going to be it till we get to Tombstone. You won't starve but then again you likely won't put on much weight either!" They curled up in their blankets as soon as the sun had set. Gloria found it only slightly difficult to get used to sleeping alone and was grateful that he had pitched his own bedroom a discreet distance from her own. He was already up and had his blankets rolled and cinched up when she awoke the next morning. "I'll run the horses on down to the sump," he said. "I left the foodsack out there for you; you can eat and start getting ready." They were on their way in less than an hour and spent all day riding over a level prairie. It was late afternoon when he pulled up beside her and indicated a line of mountains to the left and front of them. "Sierra del Carmens," he said. "And right in the middle of them is the biggest canyon, almost, you ever saw. That's where the old Rio Grande cuts through. There on the other side, that's all Mexico. You just be sure and stick close to me now; we'll ride down to the river and cross. I know of a pretty little camp spot on the other side." "We're not going to stay in ... in that village you mentioned?" "Aw, it's just a few little adobes and huts," he said. "All of 'em so full of kids and goats and chickens you can't hardly get into 'em. We'd do better to keep to ourselves down the river a piece." "Whatever you say," she agreed. They came to the river, a broad but shallow stream, and crossed. Logan led the way up the bank on the south shore and came out into another grassy meadow. "There's been many an Indian camped here," he told her. "Right nice spot. I'll gather in the stock and then I'm going in to the village. You'd better stay around here till I see what's happening in there—might be some bandidos about, though God only knows what they'd be doing around here!" "Er, do you think you might ask around and see if there's any soap?" Gloria asked. "I didn't have a chance to get any when ... when we left the wagon train. Frankly, I'd love to have a bath in the river!" "Sure, I expect I can rustle up a bar or two," he said. "And I'll see if I can't find some woman to cook us up a bait of something besides pinole and jerky!" Gloria let herself down from her horse and unsaddled while he hobbled the animals. She spread her bedroll on a level spot and sat down to await his return. He did not take long and he had a broad grin on his face when he arrived. "We must have been living right," he exclaimed. "A family up there's barbecuing a couple of goats. And here's you a bar of soap too." He brought out a yellow slab of homemade laundry soap. Gloria inwardly winced at the thought of subjecting her skin to its harshness but laundry soap, she told herself, was far better than no soap. She accepted it and set off for the river, where she stripped and waded out into a kneedeep pool. She took her time and lathered herself thoroughly, even including her hair; when she emerged from the pool she felt immensely cleaner. "I should have asked him if he couldn't find me a dress," she thought when she looked down at her skirt and blouse, now dusty and grimy from travel and hard usage. "Oh well, perhaps tomorrow." "I'm going down and try some of that myself," he announced when she returned. "Ain't likely there'll be anybody to bother you so you can rest easy. I won't be gone too long." Gloria lay back on her bedroll and tried to relax. She almost dropped off to sleep when a sound aroused her, bringing her quickly to her feet. Taking up the pistol she had put beside her bedroll, she looked about, but saw nothing. Far from being reassured, she became even more alarmed, and ran from the camp, heading toward the river. She made her way down the faint path she had earlier taken and approached the pool where she had bathed. Coming to a halt just before bursting out into the open, she peered through the willows. Logan stood in the same pool, lathering himself briskly. His clothes lay in a pile near her. Startled to see him naked, she could not help taking in the beauty of his body. He was thickly muscled but the feature which most attracted her attention was the mammoth prick dangling from the base of his belly. It seemed that the tool stretched halfway to his knees, though she knew that this was absurd. Regardless, it was far and away the largest such instrument she had ever seen; it far surpassed Henry's cock, which had seemed enormous to her, and it also dwarfed the dead Indian's prick. As she watched, Logan took the prick in his hand and skinned it back, revealing the lavender-hued tip. Gloria sucked in a quick breath of air; she could not help but remember doing the same thing to her late Henry and recalling the vast pleasure it had given them both. Logan lathered the prick thoroughly, rubbed the thick suds into the space behind the prick's head and worked more lather into the hair surrounding the huge tool. She saw that his balls were of a size to match the cock; she shuddered inwardly when she imagined the store of sperm they must contain. "Oh, God, he's a stallion!" she murmured softly. "Mrnm, what a man!" She dared not burst in upon his bath and, after pausing in place, decided that she could risk going back to the camp. The sight of Logan's cock had struck a deeply responsive chord in her own body, however, and she could feel her thighs rubbing against her sensitive pussy as she trudged up the path.Finally, when she could stand the pressure no longer, she stepped off the path and wandered into a small, open space. "I can't be doing this!" she thought as her hands pressed in upon her pussy, rubbing the inflamed slit through the thick cloth. "Just seeing him, it's made me want it so badly! Ooh, that's good, so blessed good!" Her fingers further aroused her, and before she well knew what she was doing, she had seated herself upon the grass and had pulled her skirt up around her waist. Her pussy was thus exposed—she still had no underclothing—and she attacked it with both hands. Her fingers pressed in upon the thick, puffy lips and squeezed them together, bringing a gasp of strangled delight to her throat. She spread the lips apart, rubbed the tip of one finger over her clitoris—it had already swollen up to an alarming size and had all the hard consistency of a pebble—and again sighed joyously. "I don't know what's happening to me!" she thought. "Even with that dreadful savage I felt like this! And I know that if Logan were to point to his blankets, I would share them with him! Mmm, that's so good, that's what I've been needing all day!" She thrust two fingers into the mouth of her cunt, which was already coated with a thick, warm oil, and quivered strongly. The fingers probed deep and struck a responsive nerve; she arched her broad, powerful hips upward and groaned with delight. Again she pushed the fingers hard with a quick fucking motion; again her cunt answered with a powerful thrill of utter abandon. "All right, come out of them bushes with your hands up!" she suddenly heard a gruff, masculine voice order. "Or I'll come in and throw enough lead to make you wish you'd never been born!" Before she could pull her hands away from her pussy and bring her skirt back down to a respectable level, Logan burst into the clearing, his pistol leveled before him. "What the...!" he blurted out. "It's you!" Gloria struggled up to a sitting position, blushing fiercely and averting her eyes. "I... I couldn't help it," she whispered. "I thought I heard someone at the camp and... and I ran down to the river. I saw you bathing and... well, it just came over me! I didn't mean to spy on you, or to startle you, honest I didn't!" "Why, that's all right, ma'am," he replied. "I heard a noise in the bushes and I thought that maybe somebody was nosing around and seeing what he could steal. So I just grabbed up my clothes and came a-running!" Gloria realized that he had not bothered to dress; he held his clothes and boots in one hand and the pistol in the other. Otherwise, he was as naked as he had been when she had seen him in the pool. He realized his nudity at the same instant and started to cover his prick with the bundle of clothes. Then, seeing something in her eyes—she was gazing at that huge tool with fascination—he put the clothes down beside him. "You don't have to use your fingers, you know," he murmured. "I mean, I ain't going to force it on you but... well, if you're willing, I sure am!" He read the assent in her dark eyes and extended a hand after stuffing his pistol back into its holster. She took the hand, pulled herself up, and followed him back up to the camp. He walked before her, barefooted and naked; she watched the action of his buttocks as he walked and felt her pussy growing hotter and more sensitive by the second. Even though she scolded herself for succumbing so easily to him, when her husband had not been dead a week, she knew that no power on earth could prevent her from taking him between her legs and stuffing that prick into her cunt. "Please be gentle with me," she whispered as she removed her clothing and sat down on her bedroll. "I've never had a man as large as you—I don't know how much damage that thing will do to me, but I can't help it, I've got to have you inside me!" "It won't be no trouble," he assured her, running his eyes over her lush, voluptuously curved body with high interest. "You'll see; it'll go in as easy as pie!" His cock quickly rose to the horizontal, becoming even larger as the sight of her nakedness aroused him. Logan knelt between her opened thighs, and she reached down to grasp him; her fingers quickly exposed the head and pulled the foreskin back taut. She groaned with happiness when she felt his warm, hard cock, but the groans turned into gasps of pleasure when she rubbed the shiny, purple tip over the lips of her pussy. "Omigod, it's so good!" she gasped. "Ooohh, it's so good!" "You just get it planted, and then we'll see if it won't slip in easy enough," he murmured. "I bet you're gonna be surprised at how easy it is!" As he had promised, she managed to get the mouth of her cunt around the huge shaft with surprising ease. She felt herself being stretched tremendously, to be sure, but the sensations were not painful. In truth, she felt only a tremendous joy surging through her overheated loins when his cock spread the cuntal opening wide and eased inside. "Ooohh, I'm so full!" she gasped, locking her heels together behind his thighs and lifting her hips slightly to meet his gentle but persistent thrust. "You're filling me so full of it! Mmm, it's wonderful, I never knew it could be so good!" "Sure, you're taking it just fine," he said, reaching down to massage her right breast. "A woman built like you, she could take any kind of a cock and get a lot of good out of it!" "Mmm, it makes me feel good to hear you say that," Gloria muttered. "I want to make it good for you; I want it to be as good for you as it is for me!" "You'll make it plenty good," he answered. "Just relax and let your ass do the talking for you!" Logan had a peculiar way of fucking, she quickly discovered. Instead of leaping upon her and attempting to sink the whole of his prick into her cunt at once, he kept himself slightly above her, supporting all his weight on his hands and knees. Their bellies touched lightly, but she had plenty of room in which to swing her hips. She held back for a moment, but when he did not attempt to drive his meaty rod home, she lifted her hips up to him and forced more of her cunt around his prick. "You... you're making me do it to you!" she panted hoarsely. "You want me to do all the work!" "It's the kind of work nobody minds doing," he replied. "There, don't you like to reach out and grab it? Yeah, that's some kind of hip action you've got down there!" It was true, she quickly realized. He was offering her his cock but not forcing it upon her; by keeping his unusual position and maintaining his distance, he afforded her plenty of room in which to maneuver her hips and loins and to rub her pussy against the big tool. She soon discovered that she could press the head of his cock into every corner of her tender cunt and that doing so gave her more pleasure than she had ever known before with any man. "Oh! It's all over me inside!" she gasped. "Mmmm! It's making me want to come! Unngghh, it's tearing me up!" "Let it come," he grunted. "Do it, honey, let your cunt go!" Gloria fucked even harder, bearing down with all her might and gripping him as tightly as she could. His hand continued to massage her breast, working its nipple between his fingers; she quivered with delight at the multiple sensations which surged over her body. When Logan bent down and touched his lips to the nipple, she felt a powerful blast of emotion loose itself deep in her cunt and cascade throughout the rest of her body. "Agghh! Owwww!" she howled, bucking up and down. "I'm coming! You're making me come! Ooohh! Aurrgghh!" Logan concentrated on the nipple and still refused to shove his prick deep into her cunt. He sucked the ripe, red tip up into his mouth, caressed it with his tongue, gnashed it with his teeth; Gloria's sensual spasms multiplied rapidly. Every beat of her heart, it seemed, caused another blinding flash of sexual joy to roar outward from her cunt. She continued to work her hips up and down and to shake them from side to side; by doing so, she learned, she could make the orgasmic convulsions even stronger and more violent. "Ooohh, you're fucking me to death!" she whimpered. "My tit, you're sucking my tit off! Mmm, don't stop, don't stop doing it; I want to come forever! I want to fuck forever!" Her climax soon ran its course, however, and nothing she could do would prolong it beyond a certain point. When she finally fell back onto the blanket, gasping and panting feverishly, she had fucked herself through a tremendous climax and had very nearly exhausted herself in the process. "Omigod, it was never so good!" she whispered in surprised delight. "There's still a lot more," he told her, grinning happily. "I sure do like the way you throw that ass around; it's been a long time since I've had a woman like you!" "I'm so awful!" she blurted out. "I don't know what's come over me, honest I don't! Here I am a widow for not even a week and I'm behaving like a... like a common whore!" "Lady, I've run across a few of them in my time, and there ain't nothing common about you," Logan grunted. "Hell, just because you're a widow that don't mean that you dry up inside, does it? I mean, you got to keep on living, keep on wanting the good things out of life." "Mmm, this is one of the best things," she whispered happily, rubbing her cunt up and down the shaft of his prick. "And you didn't even come! Good heavens, what were you waiting for?" "I was just enjoying the way you did it," he told her. "I always like to feel a woman come; that's one of the best parts of it. And you sure did!" "Oohh, did I ever!" she exclaimed. "I thought it would never end! But don't you want to come?" "Of course I do," he assured her. "And I'm gonna do it in a little while, don't you worry none about that! Unless you want me to get off you, that is." "No! Don't you dare!" she muttered, throwing her arms around him and holding him tightly."I want to feel you come! I love to feel a man shooting his come into me; that's one of the best parts! Oh no, I want to feel it!" "You're gonna feel it," he promised. "Just as soon as I get some more of my cock into you, I'm gonna drill that tight little cunt of yours out and irrigate you with come!" "My God!" she exclaimed when she had reached between them and felt his prick. "There's at least a handful of your prick outside me! I've got all that much more of it to go!" Logan lifted himself up slightly and looked between their bodies. As she had said, there were a good four or five inches of his cock still outside her cunt's grasp. The sight of the thick, pink rod spearing into the whiskered lips of her pussy filled her with new enthusiasm, and she lifted her head up to get a better view. "I never saw anything like that before in my life!" she muttered, licking her lips with excitement. "Ooh, it's so exciting to look down there and see that big thing going in me!" "Here, lift your butt up higher and you can see it better," he told her. "Yeah, that's the way, just bring them knees back till they're right beside your titties—see there? How's that for a fine sight?" By drawing her legs far back, she managed to bring her pussy into clearer view. She saw the broad, flaring lips, now maroon and flushed with passion, encircling his cock. He worked the tool in and out of her for a moment, pulling it almost all the way out and then driving it deeper. She gasped with surprise when she saw the way the in-and-out action made the lips of her pussy sink and then pull out as they followed his prick's driving action. "I always wondered what it would look like, a man going into me," she muttered. "And now I know! Mmm, it makes me hot all over!" "I've got a mirror over in my saddlebags," he said. "Maybe sometime we can get it out so you can have a better look. I'm beginning to think you might really like that!" "It makes me shiver all over," she whispered. "But not now, I want to keep you in me. Mmm, it feels a lot different this way!" "Yeah, it seems to go in deeper," he agreed. "And that's what you want, isn't it? To get all of it inside you?" "That's exactly what I want! Hurry, give it all to me!" She pulled him closer and grunted with savage, animal-like pleasure as he sank deeper into her hot, tight cunt. "Ooh, God, it's good!" she moaned. "Am I really good for you? Do I do it right? Am I as good as other women?" "You're as good as any woman I ever had," he told her. "And that cunt of yours, it's as tight as any I ever felt! Whooo-eee, it gets better all the time! It's not gonna be long, I can tell you that!" "Just let it come!" she pleaded. "I'll come again when I feel your cock going off, I know I will! Mmm, that's what I want to feel, your big, hard cock shooting me full of hot come! I love it, I love it!" Her mounting excitement transferred itself to Logan, and soon he was fucking her at a furious pace. Each brutal thrust of his cock brought a whimper of agonized pleasure to her throat and an answering flurry of movement from her hips. His cock speared deep, sinking to the hilt and nosing into the mouth of her womb; she shrieked with joy when she felt the big tool nudge into the tenderest parts of her cunt. Logan pressed down upon her and ground the wiry, bristly fur surrounding the base of his prick into the lips of her pussy and her clitoris—she whipped and jerked about in agony at the contact and scraped her clitoris against the base of his belly. "Oooh! Owww! Ungh!" she screamed. "Fuck me, fuck me harder! Oh, my cunt, my pussy! You're fucking me to death; I'll never be able to do it again! Ugh! Oww! You're fucking me all the way! I'm coming, I'm coming again! Shove your cock in deep and come!" She completely lost control of herself and let her primitive, animal nature speak. Gripped by emotions and forces far more powerful than any she had ever felt before, she gave herself completely to them and threw her loins up to Logan with total, uninhibited abandon. He accepted the gift gratefully and plowed deep into her tingling cunt. His balls, heavy and packed with hot sperm, rubbed against her asshole, delivering an additional morsel of pleasure. "Yeah, you're gonna make me shoot my nuts off!" he grunted. "Get ready, honey! Uh! Ah!" The first spurt of scalding semen took her by surprise. It gushed into her cunt and washed over the tender tissue. She gasped with delight and gripped him even harder in an effort to get his cock deeper into her cunt. The long, swelling gusts of passion spat into her cunt and filled her with joy of a sort she had not even known existed. "There it is!" she panted hoarsely. "You're coming now, you're making me come even more! Ooh, it's so good, so fucking good! Don't stop; I want it to go on forever!" Even her most heartfelt pleas could not accomplish the impossible, of course, and eventually Logan's balls were emptied of sperm. He kept his cock in her, however, and continued to rock back and forth even though he had emptied his balls. "Ooh, what a wonderful fuck!" Gloria exclaimed breathlessly. "I thought you were going to come forever!" "Getting into a cunt like yours, it makes me want to do it forever," he replied. "You can really work that thing!" "Do you think I'm so terrible?" she asked after a moment. "I mean, behaving like this with you, enjoying it so much, saying all the terrible things I said, and I've not been a widow a week?" "No, it's like I said before," he repeated, "your husband might be dead but that pussy of yours is still alive!" "Mm, is it ever! I'm afraid I got carried away there for a while. When I said some of the things I did, I mean." "Huh." "You know, talking like a common tramp, using all those words," she said. "Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with saying what's on your mind," he told her. "I sort of like it, in fact. You ought not to feel sorry for wanting it. I've always sort of admired women who knew what they wanted and had the gall to reach out and grab it. There's no harm in that." "Are you sure?" she persisted. "I know that a lot of people would think I was awful but when...when I get to feeling that certain way I can't help myself and the words just come tumbling out." "Aw, a lot of women are that way," he said. "You know, most of the time they act like sugar wouldn't melt in their mouth, but when you get right down to business they get real excited when you start talking about 'cocks' and 'pussies' and stuff like that. I told you, I sort of like it. And I'd a lot rather you were like that than some stuck-up preacher's wife!" "Then I won't feel so badly about it," she answered. "And I'll have to admit that I get a real thrill deep down inside when I say words like 'prick' or 'cunt' to a man. Oh, this is so much better now that that Indian is gone!" "It was pretty bad with him, I reckon." "Ugh! It was awful! He made some things I'd never even heard about before." "Maybe he picked up some tricks from a white woman somewhere," Logan suggested. "Some of them have some pretty wild ideas, I've heard." "Actually the one thing he made me do which was new was something I'd thought about," she went on, feeling a strange and very strong compulsion to tell him everything. "I mean...well, he made me do it with my mouth!" "Hey, that's not so wild," he told her. "Lots of people do that!" "Even...even white people?" "Sure, and not just the common riffraff either," he said. "The first time I ever heard about it, well, it was with this lady that was a captain's wife at a little fort where I was setting up a wagon outfit. She took a shine to me and I'm here to tell you, she learned me a lot about the ways of men and women! A real, high-class lady she was, from Pennsylvania. Been to finishing school and all, but she really had a fire for the men!" "And...and she did it to you with her mouth?" Gloria whispered, growing more excited by the minute. "Sure did. And showed me how to do it to her too!" "What? You mean you...down there? With your mouth?" "Yeah, didn't I just! I ate that little pussy of hers till she was fit to be tied! Hey, didn't you never have a man nuzzle around 'tween your legs? Honey, that's a dish fit for a king!" "I...I was thinking that I'd like to try that with you," she faltered. "Getting my mouth on your...your cock, I mean." "Great! You just swing your ass around and get on top of me," he said, "and you can feed me some of that pussy of yours. We'll eat each other till we can't either one of us see straight!" "But...but there's all that come in me," she muttered, even though her heart raced madly at the prospect of having his face against her pussy. "I'll be a perfect mess down there!" "Aw, a little come never hurt nobody," he said. "I couldn't rightly expect you to suck me off if I balked at licking a wet pussy, could I now? You just get squared around here, Gloria, and I'll show you what kind of a pussy muncher I am!" "I'm dying to try it, I really am," she said as he got off her and pulled his mammoth prick from her cunt. "Nobody's ever done it to me before and I've never done it to anybody either, except for that Indian." "Did you suck him all the way? Till he shot his nuts off, I mean?" "Yes. At first I thought it was perfectly awful but...well, after a little while I've got to admit that I was finding it much more exciting! But I don't think it was nearly as good as this is going to be!" Logan showed her how to arrange herself so as to bring her pussy to bear upon his face at the same time that she was devouring his cock. The rod was still hard and was thoroughly coated with a mixture of sperm and cunt juices. A heady, sensual, musky aroma wafted up from it, and she trembled with eager haste as she bent over it.The first taste confirmed her expectations: she felt a thrill of lusty anticipation run through her body as the taste and smell of the ripe, well-fucked prick inflamed her senses. Most of Logan's come had already dripped from her cunt when she got her body poised above him. The creamy gruel had coursed between her buttocks—she having been on her back when he had removed his prick—and as she had shifted positions, the salty cream ran down her thighs. When she got into position, a thin trickle of sperm was oozing from the lips of her pussy and snaking down into the rich brush of dark brown fur surrounding the apex of those lips. He lifted his face and extended his tongue, intercepting that rivulet of semen, and lapped it eagerly. "Ooohh, that's marvelous!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. "I never knew it could be so good!" Logan said nothing, preferring to let his lips and tongue do his talking in their own way. He worked the tip of his tongue over her clitoris, down between the lips of her pussy and into the rim of her cunt. He scoured the big lips carefully, sucked them into his mouth and gently crushed them between his teeth, drawing another ecstatic groan from her. He even lifted up his mouth and darted his tongue toward her asshole, covering it and forcing the tip into that tiny, puckered opening. "Unngghh! Mmmmm!" she moaned. Gloria had not wasted much time in getting her mouth around Logan's cock. She found it a very decided mouthful and could barely open wide enough to encompass the massive head. Once it was inside, however, it nestled against her tongue and filled her mouth very comfortably. The feel and taste of his cock, together with the knowledge that she was using her mouth as she had only moments before used her cunt, were enough to send hot flashes of sexual feeling throughout her body. These, together with Logan's use of his tongue, were enough to heat her loins rapidly and soon she felt a familiar, delicious knot of tension begin taking shape deep inside her cunt. She quickly learned how to intensify the sensations imparted by Logan's sucking and tonguing; she tightened her buttocks into hard knots of muscle and ground the lips of her pussy against his mouth. She learned how to lift her pussy upwards and rub it back and forth, how to bring her clitoris into his chin, how to do everything that heightened her feeling and brought her closer to the climax. Then it struck—a sudden lightning bolt of violent, agonizing joy that burst forth with almost no warning—and she was fucking herself into his mouth as hard as possible. "Mmm! Nnngg! Gllbb!" she groaned, never taking her mouth off his prick and continuing to suck furiously. She was not able to make him come again but the pleasure of having his cock in her mouth was almost as good. She continued to press her pussy against his face, to revel in the way his tongue slithered deep into her cunt, until finally she could stand it no longer. "If I do it any more I'll die!" she panted as she rolled off him and turned to fasten her lips to his. "Mmm, you've got come all over your face—I want to kiss you now, when you're covered with your come and mine!" When Gloria at last rolled off Logan, it was nearly time for them to visit the village and get the meal he had bargained for. "I wouldn't have believed it yesterday," she said as she stood up and dressed, "but right now a hot meal doesn't sound all that good! I really think I'd almost as soon stay here and do all these things some more!" "There'll be plenty of time for all this later on," he told her. "It's going to be a while before we get to where we're going. You'll be able to get most of that out of your system." "I'll never get it out of my system!" she retorted. "I don't think I'll ever be able to look at you again without thinking about the way I felt when you ran that... that cock of yours up me! Or when I had it in my mouth, or the way you were doing me with your mouth and tongue!" "That's good," he said. "I reckon you won't hardly see me but what you have a nice feeling, then." "Tell me, Mr. Logan, or may I call you Dick? I guess I can; we're certainly intimate enough! Tell me, Dick, surely you've been with... well, with women who take pay for doing all this?" "Yep, I've spent more'n a little money on them fillies," he admitted. "Why?" "I was just wondering about it," she said. "It's a different life and I know nothing about it. Will they... really do anything for money? Or let the man do anything for money?" "Sure as there's a sun," he said. "Anywhere that old tool'll fit, they'll put it there for the right fee." "You've said something like that before," she mused as they caught up their horses and began to saddle them. "Anywhere it would fit, I mean. But haven't we pretty well covered the field? I mean, you've had it in my cunt and in my mouth; what else is there?" "Well, you got another hole between your legs," he reminded her. "Some women, they take to having it there right well." Gloria paused, stiffened into immobility by his words. A chill ran over her body when she considered having a man's prick in her asshole. She had never explored that opening's sensual potentialities, not even to the point of putting a finger into it, but Logan's words sent tremors running over her body. "And there's some that likes to get the rod between their boobies," he continued. "I heard of one feller in San Antonio what liked to work it in and out of a woman's armpit. And then a girl can always jerk a guy off. You know, do it with her hand." "Ahh, there's a whole world of lewdness waiting for me!" Gloria exclaimed. "I've thought of that; the hand part, I mean. There's something about the idea of a man's come shooting out onto my body, drenching me with that hot cream, that's always made me absolutely wild inside!" "Ran across a girl like that up in the Tetons once," he grunted. "I was helping out with a hunting party; some wild Englishman. His wife was that way—she loved to hump along for a while and then when it was time for the finish she'd have you pull out and she'd end it with her hand. Really went wild when it was shooting all over her tits and belly!" "Someday you're going to have to tell me about all the women you've fucked and sucked," Gloria said. "I love hearing about things like that!" "Sounds like you might be cut from the same pattern as that English woman," Logan observed. "She was something! A countess, I think it was; some kind of title anyway. She had it fixed up with her maid so that they could take turn about with their men—one watching and the other under the gun, you might say. Seemed to make 'em both all the hotter!" "What? You mean they both shared a lover?" "Something like that," Logan said. "Lady Evans, that was her name, she'd get on me and ride a while and then she'd get off so that Kathleen, her maid, could have a lick and a suck. Or maybe it'd be the other way around. And when they wore me down they'd take in after each other! Ever time I'd pop one off in that Kathleen's cunt—and a right hot little thing she was!—that Lady Evans, she'd be right there to lick it out of her!" "My God, licking a man's come from another woman's cunt!" Gloria whispered. "I wouldn't have believed that people could do such things!" "I don't know that I'd recommend it for everybody," Logan said, "but they seemed to take to it well enough. They weren't a bit jealous about any of it." Gloria silently mounted and followed him into the town. The description of Lady Evans's lascivious appetites stirred her powerfully and she tried to visualize them being worked out in practice. "Do women very often do things like that?" she asked. "To each other, I mean?" "Oh, I reckon a fair number of 'em do," he replied. "The girls in the whorehouses, they're real bad about it. Kinda odd; they make their living by screwing men but like as not when they really want something good they'll take another woman. Or maybe it's just the change of pace, I don't know. They'll get in there and suck each other off, or maybe use some little gadget shaped something like what a man's got between his legs. Either way, they'll fair ruffle the sheets!" "I can see that I'm going to get an education if I stay with you very long," she said, giving him a warm smile. "And I guess that's going to be quite a while!" "I don't know," he told her. "I've been thinking about that. Seems to me that we ought to be able to head right up the south bank of the river towards Presidio. That's a little town seventy, a hundred miles upriver. Fort Leaton's right across the river; I could drop you off there and you could get a stage up to Fort Davis or one of them towns up that way. That might be a lot safer and it'd sure be easier riding. The way we're going, it'll be straight across country and some of it's going to be rough." "Well, whatever you think is best," she agreed. "But no matter how rough the country is, being with you will make up for almost any of it!" They rode into Boquillas and found the adobe hut where Logan had bargained for a meal. The lady ladled them out big plates full of barbecued goat meat, beans and rice, handed them a platter of hot tortillas and gestured to a rude bench. Carrying their dishes over, they set to work and cleaned them in short order. Both accepted second helpings and again cleaned their plates. Logan settled his accounts with the lady, adding enough to cover a bottle of homemade mescal, and walked back to Gloria. "This'll be good for cold mornings," he said, brandishing the yellowish liquid. "Now, we'll go over and see that man that's getting the jerky and pinole together—he's supposed to be rustling up something that you could wear instead of that dress while you're riding." They found the man and he said that he would not have collected enough meat and meal before the next morning.He did, however, bring out a shirt and a pair of rough miner's trousers which looked as though they might fit Gloria. She accepted them gratefully, and they headed back to camp. "All that for one of them old rifles I took off that Indian," he told her. "You're a bargain hunter," she agreed. When they got back to their camp, an hour before total darkness, only one thing was on their minds. They looked at each other, saw the excitement, and quickly began undressing. Gloria flung off her blouse and skirt, bent down to unfasten her shoes, and removed them, along with her stockings. "Where's that mirror?" she asked when she was completely naked. "Can we use it this time? I'd love to be able to see all that happens down there!" Logan grinned and went over to his saddlebags as soon as he had undressed. Gloria watched the big cock, already stiff and dark with lusty fever, swing to and fro as he walked; the sight made her pussy's lips moisten and swell until they seemed almost ready to drop off. "How do we do it?" she eagerly asked when he had brought out the mirror and had dusted it off. "How do you want me to be?" "Uh, get down on the blanket and lay on your side," he told her. "Yeah, the left side, like that. Now pull your knees way up high, as far as you can. That's the way; now I'll just scoot here beside you and snuggle up close. Now open your legs up a little and hold that mirror down so you can get a sight of your pussy!" Gloria did as she was told. Logan's cock, fully grown and burning with heat, nestled against her ass as she opened her thighs and held the mirror down. She gasped with surprised delight when she saw her own pussy. The thick-lipped slit, dark and angry with sensual arousal, glared at her, framed by a dark, curling beard. It was the first time she had ever looked at her pussy with sexual intent, and the sight immediately set her blood boiling with desire. She fingered the opening with her free hand, working the lips this way and that, and shivered as her fingers delivered additional shocks of stimulation to her nervous system. "Yeah, you like to look at it," Logan chortled. "And now, I'll just stick my old cock up there and you'll have something else to look at!" He inserted his prick between her thighs and laid it along the slit she had been examining. Gloria immediately exclaimed delightedly and began pressing the tool against the lips of her pussy. She forced the skin off the head, peeling it all the way back, and rubbed the head over her tortured clitoris. "Ahh, it's wonderful!" she sighed. "My God, this makes me want to do everything with you!" "You feel like you've got a forest fire burning in your cunt," he muttered. "I guess I'm going to have to put a hose in and wet it down for you!" "I was hoping that we could have some time to do each other with our mouths," she said, "but now I don't want to do anything but get that prick of yours up my cunt! Dick? Can you put it in me like this? I mean, so I could hold the mirror and see it going into my pussy? I think I'd nearly die with pleasure if I could see it happening at the same time that I was feeling it!" "Sure, it'll go in this way," he told her. "You feel slick enough; it ought not to be any trouble." "When I get like this," she said, "I simply gush that wet, slick stuff! It runs down my legs and ruins my underclothes if I'm dressed. Are all women that way?" "No, just the best ones," he told her. "It's a sign that you're extra ready for a good fuck and that you're wanting it special!" "Huh! I don't have to touch my pussy to know that!" she grunted. Logan moved down the blanket slightly to give himself a better angle to penetrate her cuntal opening. He moved the massive rod up and down her well-oiled furrow a few times, generously lubricating the broad head; Gloria's heart pounded even faster when she saw the way the tool forced her pussy's lips apart and homed into the inner opening. "Unngghh! I can already feel myself getting ready to come!" she moaned when he settled the head of the tool in the mouth of her cunt. "Oohh, hurry, darling, I know I can't wait long!" "Do it to yourself!" he urged. "Reach down there and tickle your love-button a little; you can make yourself come while I'm right outside!" Impelled by the demons working within her hot, hungry loins, she capitulated and brought her free hand down. The sight of Logan's cock nestled within the lips of her pussy inflamed her senses with sexual feeling, and the warm, big presence of the tool aroused her even more. Her finger sought out the taut, swollen tip of her clitoris, closed upon it; she grunted audibly and quivered mightily when she touched the most tender part of her being. "Agghh! Ooohh! It's here!" she cried out. "I can't help it; I can't stop it! Unngghh! I'm coming! Ooohh! Oww! Mmm, I'm coming all over!" Fingering her clitoris and watching intently, she trembled and groaned as the climax burst within her cunt and poured out in long, spasmodic waves of sensual pleasure. The come oozed from her cunt, bathing the head of Logan's cock and the lips of her pussy with a clear, musky oil before it dribbled down onto her lower thigh. Once Logan nearly succumbed to temptation and started to thrust his immense, swollen prick into her waiting cunt. She sensed the move and hunched down with her hips, welcoming the stroke, but he gained control of his impulses and conquered the feeling. When Gloria's climax had ebbed away, his cock was still poised in the mouth of her cunt. "Mmm, why didn't you fuck it up me?" she whispered when at last she could speak. "I was ready for it; I'd have come even more if only I'd had your cock going up me!" "I guess you would," he admitted, "but I was holding back for something better. I got some more ideas about how you might like it and I wanted to try one of them." "I can't wait!" she purred, twisting slightly and rubbing her cuntal opening against his waiting prick. "What kind of goodies do you have waiting for me?" "I thought I'd show you how we could have us a little combination," he said. "You know, a half-fuck and half-hand job. How's that sound to you?" "It sounds like the sexiest thing in the world!" she murmured. "I can't imagine how we're going to do it, but I'm certainly willing to try. And I guess you won't mind teaching me, will you?" "Not a bit," he said with a soft chuckle. "A woman with a cunt like yours, it's a pleasure to do anything!" They lay together for a few minutes more, enjoying their closeness and allowing Gloria to gather her strength for the next session of sensuality. Logan continued to work his prick up and down her pussy and to bathe it in the warm, sweet oils which continued to pour from her cunt. "I think I'm ready now," she said after another moment. "What do you want me to do?" "About what you're doing now," he said. "I'll run it up your pussy on one stroke and you can rub it all over, wherever you want to feel it. And on the next stroke, after I draw back, you can guide it in your hole and I'll fuck it up your cunt. How's that sound to you?" "It sounds like nothing I'd ever heard about or imagined!" she muttered hoarsely. "It sounds like something that I'm going to remember for the rest of my life!" "Then let's get to it," he said. "Here, I'll shove it up your cunt first and get it good 'n wet—that'll make it slide back and forth in your hands nice 'n easy. I think you're going to like this." "I'm going to love it, I know it!" she corrected him. "But wait—let me get this mirror fixed just so; I want to see it going in me!" She held the mirror at the proper angle and watched closely. She saw his huge prick settle into place, neatly framed by the big lips of her pussy; the sight was already bringing her to a high degree of sexual tension. When he tensed his muscles and started the inward drive, she gasped with pleasure and trembled heavily. "My God, it's incredible!" she breathed. "Mmm, it's forcing all of me inward; it's caving my pussy in! Ahh, I feel it going in, though, it's heading up my cunt! Unngghh, Dick, it's filling me up; it's making me want to come all over again!" He thrust half his immense prick into her cunt and left it there for a moment. Gloria's body quickly adjusted to its big presence, and she thrilled at the sight of a man's cock stuck into her cunt. She trembled with awed delight when she felt the huge rod spreading the cuntal tunnel wider and forcing it into a perfect tubular pattern. "Now for the second part," he muttered. He withdrew his cock, taking it all the way out, and it emerged thickly coated with her cunt's abundant oils. The huge shaft glistened wetly in the fading sunlight. When the head had popped free from her cunt, he surged forward; the well-oiled tool easily slipped along her pussy and rubbed against the lips and clitoris. Gloria immediately clapped a hand over it and held it against her body. "Mmm, I love this!" she cried out. "It's like nothing I ever felt! Oohh, do it again, Dick; I love to feel it going into my cunt! You make it so good!" The short interval during which he had run his cock up and down her pussy's furrow had been enough to let her cunt recede to nearly the normal size, and thus she felt him with acute pleasure when he again speared the big rod up into her body. This time he drove even deeper; Gloria's fingers roamed over her pussy and rubbed the tender, aching lips against the hard, unyielding shaft as it split her meat. When he pulled out this time, she was waiting and, cupping her hand, made a little pocket so that the tool was caught between her fingers and pussy as he pressed it forward. "Ooohh, I know what's going to happen!" she muttered tensely. "When you come, you're going to shoot it all over my hands and my pussy! I'll be able to feel it shooting out! Ahh, I'm going to love this; it's going to make me want to come more than ever!"Her agile fingers pressed firmly against the cunt-smeared prick as it slithered back and forth against her pussy, alternately spearing into her cunt and then scraping the lips and clitoris. Each lunging thrust up her cunt brought a gasp of anguished joy to her throat; Logan soon heightened these delightful sensations by reaching up to caress her right breast. She twisted around slightly, bringing her shoulders about, and shuddered as his strong fingers manipulated the full globe and scraped over her taut, dark nipple. "Suck it!" she muttered feverishly. "Suck my nipple; it'll make me feel it all the more! It's making me feel it like never before! Ah, fuck me, Dick, fuck me all the way! I love your cock! Mm, come on me, come on my pussy! I want to feel it shooting over my pussy!" "Rub it harder!" he gasped, taking his mouth off her nipple for a moment. "Jack me off! That's the way; you'll get the come out of my balls yet! I'm gonna shoot it up your cunt and over your pussy; you'll have come down to your knees! Ugh! Your cunt's as hot as fire! Ah, that's the way, honey; you've got it now! Just keep it up and you'll get the cream to spurting!" Thus encouraged by his directions and exhortations, she fingered his prick all the harder. His constant prodding had enlarged the mouth of her cunt so that the thick rod easily slipped inside, guided by only a slight nudge from her fingers. On several occasions she slipped a finger inside the tender, sensitive opening at the same time that his cock drove into it—the extra dimension brought howls of anguished pleasure to her lips. Logan was fucking faster now, since he could feel his balls tingling and tightening as they prepared a full, steaming load of sperm for her. He shoved the tool home, deep in her cunt, and withdrew to lunge forward and scour the deep, moist furrow between the lips of her pussy. The first orgasmic spasm clutched him at the zenith of one of his inward strokes; he immediately tried to plunge even deeper into her hot cunt. "Ah! Now!" he muttered deep in his throat. "Now I've got it; now I'm coming! Ah, get it, honey, work it with your fingers!" "Ooh, you're making me come too!" she cried out. "Give it to me, give it all to me! I want your prick, I want your come! Aagh, fuck me again, fuck me! Come!" His dick was spurting thick streams of scalding semen when it emerged from her cunt. The creamy gruel shot over the lips of her pussy, deluging the tender flesh and her fingers with its liquid warmth. Gloria rubbed it frantically and pressed the huge, swollen rod against her clitoris. The sticky cream flowed over her fur and her fingers massaged it into every pore, matting the hair and bathing her clitoris in masculine oils. When Logan once more sheathed his cock in her cunt she received the full brunt of his climax and her ultra-sensitive cunt responded with a tremendous, clutching orgasm. "Aieee! Oww!" she gurgled ecstatically. "I feel it all over my body! You're coming all over me! I love it; I love to feel it! Mm, I can't stop coming; your prick's killing me! You're fucking me crazy!" They continued to hump and drive against each other until long after his balls had ceased to pump out the warm liquid which delighted her so much. When at last Logan lay quiet, his prick was once again deep in her cunt and she was holding his balls in her hands. She cupped the big eggs, now drained of their venom, and rubbed them idly against the lips of her pussy. Her fingers, thickly coated with sperm, transferred that creamy gruel to the sack. "Do you know what I'm going to do?" she whispered. "I'm going to rub your come all over your balls! And then I'll go over them with my lips and tongue! I'll lick every drop of that precious cream off them; I'll get it off your cock too! Maybe after I've done that you'll be ready to give me another fuck—maybe not like the one we just had but another way." Mm, feeling your balls makes me want to fuck all night! I don't think I'll ever want to stop fucking you! Fucking you. Fucking. Mm, I even love to say the word!" "That's the girl," he told her approvingly. "You're getting the taste for it, well enough; by the time I get you to a stage station you're going to have to find yourself a man." "That's the truth," she agreed. "Oh, I can't imagine going even a single day without having more of this delicious feeling! But what if the man I chose were one of those straitlaced Baptists. The kind of man who didn't like for his woman to ... well, to enjoy it as much as I do? Whatever would I do?" "You mean the kind of man your husband was?" Logan asked. "That's not fair!" she instantly retorted. "Well, not quite fair, to say the least. All right, Henry didn't know all these wonderful, marvelous things that you know about. And I suppose that he wouldn't really have approved of all the things we're doing. But he was a fine man and I did love him, truly I did!" "I didn't mean to say you didn't," he told her. "It's just that it sounds like he wasn't quite the man to do all the things that you wanted doing." "You might be right," she had to admit. "But you never can tell. He liked to fuck well enough, that's for sure. We had a beautiful fuck the day before the attack, did you know that? I went up a little creek to bathe and he met me there. Oh, I came and came and came! I don't know what he'd have said, though, if he'd known that I'd already gotten into the habit of ... well, of using my fingers to feel of my pussy after he'd fucked me. I'd run them up into my cunt and lick the come off them—delicious! But not as good as getting it straight from a man's cock, I'll bet! Oh, I know, I did it that way to that Indian but that was different—I'm talking about sucking it from your prick. Do you think we could do it that way soon? Mm, I'm dying to try it that way! What do you call it, doing it like that?" "Oh, some people call it going French," he told her. "Or when you're sucking each other at the same time, that's sixty-nine. Or cocksucking, or getting a blow job, any of those." "Cocksucking, that's a nice word," she murmured thoughtfully. "Yes, I like the sound of it. Would you like me any the less if I were a cocksucker? Would you like to make me into a cocksucker?" "I'd like you just as well," he assured her. "Or, even better, in fact—I like a woman who's not afraid to lick a little prick now and then. Tell you what: suppose we try this straight fucking for just a while longer, so I can get my balls pumped back up and then we'll switch around and try sucking each other off? A little sixty-nine. How'd that suit you?" "It would suit me extravagantly well," she purred. "But heavens, I'm such a mess down there! I mean, I came so much I thought I was melting and running out my pussy, almost, and then you shot off a tremendous load too and I rubbed it all over. Are you sure you want to kiss and suck around on that kind of a pussy?" "You'll find out," he promised her. "I'm sure not gonna back off, that's for sure! A little come scattered around, or even a lot, hell, that just makes it all the tastier! It's a lot better eating than one of them pussies that's just fresh washed!" "All right, you've convinced me," she said with a giggle of elation. "Now what?" "Uh, you even been on a man? Riding him from the top?" "Heavens, no! Always with Henry, he was the one who got on top," she said. "All right, we'll show you how a woman can ride herself into a nice come, one that'll get you feeling it right smartly," he promised. "Just let me get my cock out of you and then you can mount up." He extracted the big tool and rolled onto his back. Following his directions, Gloria squatted over him and guided his prick into the battered lips of her pussy. "Sometimes doing it this way makes it a little harder to get it in," he mentioned. "All the better!" she crowed, fingering his love-slick cock and holding it between the lips of her pussy. "I love the feeling when it goes in for the first time; it's almost like the first time I ever did it!" The long, arduous fuck they had previously enjoyed, however, had considerably loosened Gloria's cunt muscles and she easily took his massive cock. The well-greased rod slid up into her cunt, equally slick and highly receptive, with ease; she groaned with primitive delight when the thick muscle parted her cunt and slipped inside. "Ooh, I can feel it so well!" she told him. "I know it's going to be marvelous this way; I love being able to fuck from side to side!" She wasted little time in mastering the intricacies of the new position. Logan showed her how she could lean far back, reclining until her back was nearly resting on his shins; this forced his iron-stiff cock into the front wall of her cunt, the more sensitive portion of the hot, slick tunnel. When he reached out to glide a fingertip over her exposed clitoris she let out a howl of sensual joy. "Ooh! Ah!" she moaned, thrashing from side to side. "You're fucking another come out of me! I can't stop coming!" By lying far back she forced her taut, muscular cunt to put tremendous pressure on Logan's prick. The excitement of feeling her climax added to his arousal and, when she had resumed her upright position, he told her he was ready to come. "Oh, that's what I've been waiting for," she purred happily. "Let me get squared around here and then we'll suck each other. That's what you want, isn't it? To shoot off your balls in my mouth? To have me drink the come out of your cock? Mm, I'm dying to try it!" She quickly uncunted his prick and switched positions, settling her pussy over his face. As she had said, her thighs and crotch were covered with his come, which had begun to dry; her own orgasmic effusions also coated the lips of her pussy and trickled down onto her thighs.The messiness of the sensual morsel made it all the more appealing to Logan's tastes, and he began licking her thighs eagerly. "Just pretend your mouth's a cunt," he advised her. "Suck hard and let your tongue do most of the work - it'll come out just fine. Meantime, I'm gonna have myself another little snack back here!" He did so, licking her thoroughly. His big hands cupped the cheeks of her ass and spread them wide so that the lips of her pussy fell apart and exposed the inner flesh to his questing tongue. Gloria's mouth closed over his cock like a wild thing, sucking and caressing with abandon, and she took as much of the big rod as she could. When Logan felt his balls preparing to loose another big load of sperm, he cautiously slid a finger into her cunt and wetted it thoroughly. He had already explored her asshole with his tongue and had noted that she twitched wildly whenever his tongue slid over that brown, puckered opening. Just before his prick began to spurt, he jabbed his cunt-slickened finger into her asshole, shoving it up to the second knuckle; Gloria answered with a long, shuddering moan and convulsively clenched her sphincter around the probing finger. "Anngghh! Owwww!" she howled. "It's killing me!" When she lifted her mouth off his strained cock to speak, his come shot forth unexpectedly. The first jet took her squarely in the face; her fingers still held the rod and inadvertently aimed it toward her mouth. Feeling the deluge of hot, reeking sperm, she fell upon him with a gasping shudder and popped her mouth over the gushing head. The successive spurts went into her mouth and she greedily swallowed the thick cream, savoring the salty flavor and quivering with unearthly joy. Her hips pressed her pussy hard against Logan's face and her cunt pumped out massive waves of climactic pleasure. He lapped her come, running his tongue deep and sucking in the sweet, musky oils; his finger continued to pump in and out of her asshole. He fucked her mouth with quick, jerky strokes until he had shot the last of his come into her throat, then slowly relaxed and settled back onto the blankets. He continued, however, to run his tongue in and out of her cunt and over her twitching clitoris until at last she gave one last convulsive shake and rolled off him. "Ohhh! I love cocksucking!" she whispered, lying on her back close beside him and looking up at the dark sky with wonder. "It's better than anything I'd ever imagined it would be! Oohh, Dick, I'm so glad you showed me how to do it! Mmm, my poor cunt - I thought sure you were going to suck it right out of my body! And that finger up my ass - it was the final touch, all I needed to turn me into a raving maniac!" "I was wondering if you might not like that," he said. "Whenever I hit you there with my tongue you seemed to take to it right smartly, so I figured you might like a finger too!" "I knew you were doing it with your tongue and I was hoping you'd keep it up," she murmured. "But I didn't dare ask you to do it - I thought it would be too much; I didn't want to seem like a total whore!" "Bullshit, there ain't nothing whorish about it," he scoffed, "Lots of women like it up the ass, no reason why you shouldn't take to it too!" "Are you going to do it with your prick some time?" she wondered aloud. "Are you really going to fuck me in the ass? Shoot your come in there? Do it all to me? Oh, I hope so, Dick; I want to do everything! Every way that any woman has ever been fucked, I want to try it all!" "We've got two or three days before we get to Presidio," he told her. "No reason in the world why we couldn't try it all out in that time. I'm sure gonna bust a gut trying!" They were up early the next morning, despite their strenuous lovemaking the night before. Logan was too much of a frontiersman ever to sleep late, no matter what the provocation or cause, and he had them ready to ride out of Boquillas by seven o'clock. He watched humorously as Gloria made her first acquaintance with men's trousers: she stepped into them awkwardly but since they were cut extra large, easily got them up around her large, well-formed hips. She added the rough workshirt and donned the straw hat Logan had picked up for her. "Yeah, you're not built quite like the last feller that wore them pants," he said with a chuckle, "but I'm damned if I don't think you look a lot better!" "I'm just glad I don't have to wear this all the time," she said. "They're so tight around my pussy! I'm nearly raw down there, you know; you almost wore blisters on it last night!" "Aw, you just need to work it a little more," he told her. "I reckon we can do that without much trouble!" "I can see right now that they'll be a hindrance to lovemaking," she observed. "They're going to have to come all the way off!" "Oh, that don't always have to be," he told her. "Hell, you could drop them down around your knees and bend over good, I could shove it up you from the rear. You know, just like the dogs and cows and horses do!" "That would be fitting, to fuck like the animals," she said with a smile. "There are times, you know, when I think of that cock of yours and how it makes my pussy sing with joy and I think that I'm an animal myself!" "Aw, hell, there's a little animal in all of us," he replied. "Ain't no harm in facing up to it!" They loaded their gear onto a pair of pack horses and headed off. Logan carried the rifle he intended trading for the supplies he had bargained for, and they drove the horses through the village. He stopped off, exchanged the rifle for two stout sacks of jerky and pinole, and they were on their way. They rode slowly over the rough, barren country, following indistinct trails, and saw nothing the rest of the day. At noon, when they stopped to water the animals at a small pool beside the Rio Grande, Gloria looked at Logan in a knowing way. He returned the look and without a word they began undressing. Gloria did not remove her clothes completely; she acted upon his earlier suggestion and simply lowered her trousers to her knees and bent over at the waist. "Ah, you want it dog fashion, do you?" he muttered, holding his rapidly stiffening cock and slowly masturbating as he looked at the whiskered eye of her pussy when it appeared between the backs of her thighs. "That's what you call it like this, you know, fucking dog fashion." "Yes, fuck me dog fashion!" she muttered hoarsely, almost shaking with excitement. "I want to be your bitch! I've been thinking about it all morning, ever since you mentioned doing it this way!" "If you've been thinking about it all morning then that pussy of yours must be ripe for eating," he said as he dropped to a knee behind her. "Here, let me lick it up for you - that'll make it all the better when I get the dick shoved up you!" He did so and found her warm and extremely ripe. The prolonged period of sexual arousal had heated her cunt to a high degree and the juices, mixed with the remnants of his sperm, gave off a rich, succulent odor of sex. Logan's tongue sliced between the lips of her pussy, scouring the furrow, and roamed from cuntal opening to clitoris. Gloria gasped and moaned as he licked her into a semi-frenzy. "Omigod, you're making me hot!" she whimpered. "So fucking hot! Mmm, I want it already; I want to feel your cock way up my cunt! Ahh, your tongue's making me want it more than ever! Ooohh, hurry and fuck me, hurry and give me your cock! I'm dying to feel you deep inside my cunt!" Logan licked her pussy and tongued her cunt until she was near the breaking point. Finally he too was ready for stronger fare and he rose to his feet. His fly was already open and his cock jutted out alarmingly; he approached her rump and skinned the tool back as he settled into position behind her waiting buttocks. The head of his prick, as big as an eggplant and nearly as dark, glared menacingly at the target. He shoved the big, flaring head into the puffy, swollen lips and moved it up and down. "Ahh, just right!" she moaned hungrily. "Just what I've been thinking about all morning! Oh, Dick, I want it so; I want to be fucked like a bitch dog in heat! Don't worry about making me come; just put it in and fuck!" "All right, here it is!" he grunted. With that he lurched toward her and broached the mouth of her cunt in one brutal stroke. She cried out in pained delight as the big tool spread the opening wide and then popped inside. Being bent far over at an extreme angle, the opening was relatively smaller than usual but Logan's powerful thrust sent his cock slithering deep at the first push. Four inches of stiff, hard prick sliced into her cunt and brought a wavering cry of joy from her throat. "Anngghh! Owwww!" she called out as she leaned against him and quaked with erotic ecstasy. "My God, you're twice as big as you were before! You'll tear my cunt all apart! Ugghh! Again! Deeper! Ooohh, I love it, I love this fucking feeling! Do it to me, damn you, get it deep and make it come!" Logan did exactly as he was told. Her quick, lewd acceptance of him fired his balls with fury and stoked the fires within his loins. He fucked her almost as though she were an inanimate object, giving no thought to her pleasure, seeking only his own fulfillment. His prick glistened wetly when he withdrew it - looking down, he could easily see the huge rod emerge from between the tightly clenched cheeks of her ass - and he leaned forward again. In and out he worked the massive tool until finally his balls could stand the torture no longer. In the process of fucking himself into an uproar, he naturally brought her to a frenzied state, and by the time his cock began shooting another flood of semen into her cunt she was aflame from head to foot with orgasmic delight. "Yes, that's the way I want it!" she cried out when he was pistoning his prick in and out at the fastest rate she had ever felt. "Fuck me harder!"All of it, fuck it all up me! Ugghh! Oh, you're killing me, you're fucking me to death! Ahhh, I can't stop coming! Oooohh, my cunt's melting; it's coming apart! You're killing me!" "Keep on coming," he grunted harshly as he thrust into her for the last time. "That cunt of yours is milking my prick! Aurrgghh! You're sucking my balls off with your cunt!" When he plunged into her for the last time, shoving every inch of the big tool up her sweating, love-slickened cunt, his balls flapped against her clitoris. Gloria reached between her own legs and grasped the huge sack and the two big eggs; she pressed them hard against her clitoris and rubbed them over the lips of her pussy. She clearly felt the balls twitch and jerk as they propelled massive jolts of hot, scalding come up into his prick; she felt the big rod give answering jerks as it squirted the load of sperm into her cunt. The steaming gruel spattered over the tenderest parts of the tunnel and sprayed up into her womb, eliciting savage cries of joy from her throat. She continued to massage the heavy eggs until long after they had emptied themselves. Finally, when Logan sighed and lowered himself—he had risen onto the balls of his feet at the height of his ecstasy—she released her grip upon the sack and slowly sank down to her knees. The flood of come soon gushed from her frothy slit, cascading down into the patch of hair covering the apex of the lips and then dribbling down both her thighs. "Good God in heaven!" she muttered weakly. "I can't even move! You've fucked me into a dead faint!" "I wouldn't have been able to do it so good if that cunt of yours wasn't the best I ever felt," he told her. "No lie, girl, I been inside some hot, tight, active little pussies but yours has 'em all beat nine ways to Sunday! I thought I'd fucked some high grade cunts in my time but I see now I've got to put in a new classification for you!" "You can't imagine how good it makes me feel to hear you say that," she told him. "I guess there was a time when I'd have been outraged if anyone had dared say such things to me. Now, I can only feel happy about them!" "That's because you're learning how to be a woman," he told her. "And a woman who's a real woman, she ain't ashamed of being able to fuck and do it well!" "If I'm learning that it's because you're teaching me," she vowed. "And the lessons! Well, they're easily the best I've ever had! Mmm, I feel your come seeping out of my cunt, running down my legs. I'm going to let it get all over me until I'm covered with it. Then, tonight when we camp, I'll be ripe and smelly for you!" "That's just the kind of eating I like best," he told her. They pulled their clothing together and were soon on their way. They took their time, more intent upon enjoying the passage than in covering ground, and when they made camp that first evening they were no more than twenty miles from Boquillas village. Gloria thought constantly of the evening as she rode and of the joys that would be waiting for her. At the same time, she kept up a steady stream of conversation with the wonderful man she had found so unexpectedly. Naturally sex and lovemaking featured prominently in her talk. "If you really like your women to be forward and to speak their minds, perhaps you won't object if I propose something I'd like to do tonight," she said at one point in the afternoon. "Ask away," he said. "If it's got to do with fucking or sucking, you won't find me afraid to give it a try." "Well, you seem to be able to come almost whenever you want to," she told him. "So, I was wondering if perhaps you'd try this scheme I've been thinking about. I'd like, first, for you to get on me, between my legs, and fuck me into a really good come but to hold back your own come. Then, after you'd done that, after you'd fucked me until I was silly, then take it out of my cunt and let me try doing it to you with my hand. I know it's silly but I've got this terrible longing to hold a man's cock in my hand when he's coming, to see it shooting out and to feel it spraying over my naked body. Is that so awful a thing to want to do?" "Huh, ain't nothing awful about that!" he told her. "In fact, it sounds like a damned good idea! Yeah, we'll do it that way if you want to." They pitched their camp in late afternoon. Gloria unrolled their blankets, spreading them upon a tarpaulin Logan had supplied, and began undressing while he watered the horses and hobbled them. She revelled in the freedom of being naked; the sun played over her lush, ripe body and warmed her into a feverish state. Logan was watching her as she moved around the campsite, getting out their foodsacks and arranging canteens so they would remain cool; she liked knowing that he was watching her naked body and drawing excitement from her. When he had finished his chores and moved toward her she could see the big, promising bulge in the front of his trousers. The outline of his prick stirred her deeply and she spread her thighs so that she could run her fingers over her hot-lipped pussy as she watched him undress. He moved around so he could watch her playing with herself and for the first time in her life she did not feel ashamed of masturbating. "I believe you like to watch me do it to myself," she murmured wonderingly. "Of course I do," he said, throwing off his clothes and standing between her feet as he toyed with his cock. "Don't you like to watch me doing it to myself? Don't it make you hotter, seeing me fuck my fist?" "Fistfucking, that's another good word," she whispered. Her eyes remained locked on his prick and she licked her lips hungrily as she saw him work the foreskin back and forth over the head of his prick. "You're making me so hot, just by doing that!" "This is what your cunt does to my cock when I'm fucking you," he muttered. "It grabs me tight, like this, and when I push in hard it strips the skin off the head. And when I pull back, it pulls the skin back over the head!" "I'm glad my cunt can do nice things to you," she whispered, licking her lips and watching even more intently. "Oohh, God, you're making me want to fuck so bad; I can't think of anything else but getting your cock shoved way up my cunt! I want it more than anything in the whole world!" She continued to tease the lips of her pussy and to stroke her swollen, angry clitoris with the tips of her fingers. The feverish slit throbbed and ached with feeling; the tips of her nipples, flushed with excitement, tingled strongly as her body's tension mounted higher and higher. Logan masturbated for another minute and then got between her thighs. She held the lips of her pussy open for him and he guided his prong between them. "Ugghh! In, all the way in!" she panted as she swung her legs up and gathered him closer. "Fuck me right down to the core! Quick, I can feel the come already! And then I'll jack you off, I'll make your come shoot all over my body! I want to feel it shooting over my tits!" "Here it is," Logan grunted. "Now come, damn you!" He surprised her by the sudden, brutal ferocity of his charge. He fucked her with a quick strength that she had never seen in him before but, under the circumstances, the change of pace was exactly what she needed in order to make her satisfaction more complete. "Omigod, you're tearing me in two!" she screamed with delight as she threw up her hips to meet his long, swooping stroke. "Anngghhh! Ooohh! It's so big! I'm so hot! Owwww, it's making me come! Agghh! Ugghh! Ooohh!" She had begun to come almost as soon as the big rod had forced its way inside her hot, slick hole. Logan plunged deep, bringing frantic thrusts and wiggles to her butt; she lunged upward to crush her swollen nipples against his chest. Their lips met and he shot his tongue into her mouth; she met it with her own. They tongue-fucked each other's mouth as his cock continued to plunge in and out of her dripping cunt. Gloria's orgasmic tremors shook her entire body but Logan continued to fuck deep, driving in to the hilt and crushing the lips of her pussy against his pelvic bone. She ground her clitoris into the mass of wiry, bristling fur at the base of his belly and shuddered as the waves of pleasure cascaded from her cunt. "Oooohh, that's the way a woman ought to be fucked!" she purred when he finally stopped shoving his prick into her body. "Oohh, Dick, you nearly ruined me that time! I thought for sure that I was going to faint! Oh, how you can fuck that cunt of mine!" "A cunt like yours, it's just going around begging to come," he said with a tender smile. "I didn't see any reason why it shouldn't have just what it wanted, so I gave it to you." "Mmm, did you ever," she purred. "But I haven't forgotten what's coming next; I'm still going to jack you off and make you shoot your come all over my belly! I'm going to bathe in that sweet stuff! Just as soon as I get my strength back, then I'll give you a fistfucking you won't forget very soon!" "You never gave a hand job to a feller?" "Never! But I'm going to this time, you can count on it!" He suggested that she lift her head and shoulders up somewhat in order to see the operation better and shoved his saddlebags under her back when she had elevated herself. She then settled back and looked down between their closely coupled bodies. Logan's pubic hair, almost the same shade as her own dark fur, was intertwined with hers; she could barely see the very base of his cock as it peeped from between the lips of her pussy. "It'll be slick and wet," she whispered, licking her lips with anticipation. "I'll grab you hard and my hand will slide back and forth almost like you were still in my cunt! Oh, Dick, this is going to be so wonderful!" He slowly pulled his cock from her cunt. As she had guessed, the tool emerged almost dripping with her cunt oils. She gasped with delight when she saw the thick rod and eagerly reached down to grasp it.Her strong, capable fingers closed over the juicy prong, and she began pumping slowly. Logan came up her body slightly, bringing the tool closer until the head was only a few inches from her big breasts. "You're sure doing it the right way," he muttered tensely. "You've got the touch, no doubt about that!" "Am I doing it exactly right?" she whispered, intently watching her hand slide up and down the shaft of his cock. "I want it to be the best ever for you; I want it to be so good you'll come and come and come!" "You've got it just right," he assured her. "You just keep stretching that skin back tight and working over the head—that's the tenderest part, the rim of the head—and it won't be very long. Damn, I was almost ready to shoot off a load when I was in your cunt! You were so hot, so tight, and when I felt you coming so strong, I nearly let go with it!" "Mmm, I'm so glad you didn't come then," she panted. "I love to feel your cock shooting the come into my cunt, you know, but just this once I wanted you to save it so I could have it this way. You're a dear, you really are, to keep it back just for me!" "It wasn't just for you," he told her. "I thought I'd like for you to jack me off too! I'm gonna get some fun outta this too, don't forget!" "I hope you are," she whispered. "I'll certainly try to see to it!" She fistfucked him with one hand and masturbated with the other, using her left hand to dig two fingers into the juicy mouth of her cunt. Logan's knees were now outside her hips, and she closed her thighs over her hand so that she could force her fingers even deeper and bring her clitoris into closer contact with the palm of her hand. "I can't help it," she panted hoarsely. "I'm so hot, I've just got to do it to myself! Oh, Dick, I feel so excited; this is making me want to come all over again! Mmm, I love the feel of your big hot cock in my hand; it's almost as good as when it was in my cunt!" "Just keep it up like that," he told her. "It won't be long, honey, and I'll be shooting come all over you!" She fistfucked him faster now, feeling that his come was closer, and he grunted his approval. Her hips worked convulsively as her fingers dug and clawed within her cunt. Suddenly Logan stiffened his entire body and growled out an incoherent oath. Gloria's hand pumped even faster, and suddenly it happened: the first jet of steaming sperm rocketed up and spattered high up on her throat, almost gushing into her face. "You're coming!" she gasped in awed delight. "Ahh, you're shooting come now! It's shooting all over me; it's on my tits, my throat! Ooohh, shoot it, Dick, shoot it all! Empty your balls, give it all to me!" "Aurrgghh! Fuck me!" he groaned. "Don't stop; keep on jacking me off! Your hand's pulling it out of me; it's making me come so much! Unngghh! Ooohh!" She continued to work her fist up and down his prick and directed the steady flow of sperm over her body. Logan surged forward, and she touched the head of his cock to her nipples whenever she could; the spurting semen bathed the burgundy-hued cones with creamy gruel. When the peak of his climax had passed, she continued jacking him off, and the last dribbles of come oozed out the tip of his cock and onto her knuckles. Some of the sticky goo went into her palm, and she used it to lubricate the shaft and glans, which had dried off, so that she could continue pumping. "Great Godamighty!" Logan groaned at last. "Girl, for somebody who never jerked a man off before, you've sure picked up the knack in a hurry!" "Here, let me rub the head of your cock into your own come," she whispered. "I'll bathe your prick in that sweet stuff, and then I'll suck you! I still haven't made myself come, but I'll bet I can make it happen with your dick in my mouth! Especially if it's covered with your cream!" Logan laughed indulgently but allowed her to do exactly as she wished. She touched his prick to her nipples, smearing the come over them and coating the tool's head with the sticky cream. Then she dipped it into the puddle which had formed at her navel. When she had thoroughly inundated the tool with semen, Logan moved forward and shoved it into her mouth. Her left hand remained locked in place over her pussy, and she humped herself into it harder than ever. The taste of Logan's cock gave her immense pleasure, and she sucked at it tenderly, running her tongue over every part of the big tool as she continued masturbating. It was not long before she uttered a muffled groan and twisted about on the blanket, as if in the grip of a powerful emotion; she sucked even harder as her cunt churned out a long, fluttering orgasm. "Ooohh, that was even better than I'd dare hope," she panted when at last he removed his cock from her mouth and fell back limply. "Tasting my cunt on it, that made it ever so much more tasty, and when you started letting go with your balls, well! Oh, Dick, I love to fuck; I wish we could stay here and fuck and suck each other forever!" They lay together in the fading sunlight and munched on food from the sacks beside them. From time to time, Gloria reached over to him and ran her fingers over the limp prick that lay sprawled across his belly, as if to reassure herself that it had not disappeared. Once, acting on Logan's whispered suggestion, she stuffed a piece of jerked venison into her pussy and left it there for several minutes. "If anything can make that dried stuff tender and chewy, that cunt of yours'll do it," he said with a chuckle. "Hell, I'll bet it's gonna taste almost good by the time you let it set down there a while!" "Are you going to help me eat it?" she asked, writhing with anticipation. "Mmm, the spices in it are acting up! They're making my pussy itch and burn! You're really going to have to fuck me after this; I won't be able to go to sleep without another long come!" "You'll have it," he told her. "I'll get my prick in your cunt and a finger in your asshole—that'll make you lift right up off'n this blanket!" "My God, the very thought's enough to make me start coming almost," she murmured. "And speaking of my asshole, when are you going to fuck me there? I've been thinking about it, and the more I consider it, the more I like the idea of having your prick in my ass!" "I figured I'd work on you a time or two more with my finger," he said. "You know, just to exercise it and loosen it up a little more, that's all. Lord knows, I'd love to shove it up you today!" "I'll wait if you really think I should," she told him. "Frankly, I'm a little scared to try letting you put that big dick of yours in my ass—I don't know what it's going to do to me." "It won't do nothing but make you feel real good," he assured her. "Here, let's try that piece of jerky now." He pulled the long finger of dark, dried meat from her cunt. Upon testing it, they found that her cunt's abundant juices had given it an excellent musky flavor, but had done nothing whatever to soften it. The spices and seasoning with which it had been laced, however, had left her cunt in a deplorable condition, and Logan fell to work making it feel better. First, he thoroughly tongued her, lapping deep and sucking the lips of her pussy up into his mouth. Gloria fucked herself against his face and tongue with avidity and succeeded in bringing herself to yet another climax. Even so, she was still in a very horny mood when he removed his face from between her thighs. "By sucking my cunt you got yourself all hard again," she said, taking his stiff prick into her hands and rolling it between them. "Looks as though I'm going to have to give you another fucking!" She did just that, mounting him and riding him to a furious orgasm. He heaved, strained and humped, finally shooting another generous load of come far into her cunt and making her howl with sensual ecstasy. She stayed in place, riding him until his prick had shrunk to such an extent that it would no longer stay in her cunt. Then she slipped off him and lay at his side, fingering her cunt and spreading the oozing semen over her pussy and lower belly. Just before dropping off to sleep, she slipped her spermy fingers into her mouth and sighed with pleasure; Logan's come was as tasty as ever and gave her the final satisfaction of the day. That day set the pattern for the next two, during which they covered the hundred miles to Presidio and its sister town on the Mexico side of the river, Ojinaga. They left early, taking advantage of the cool mornings to cover as much ground as possible, and then dawdled until making an early camp. Each time, when they stopped at noon or thereabouts to water the horses, Gloria would lower her trousers and wait for Logan to penetrate her from the rear. "Your bitch is needing some stud service," she would say, laughing at his eagerness to get his big cock into her, as well as at her own readiness to have it thrust deep. The nights were erotic dreams, and Gloria took him in every way possible. She became more insistent that he experiment with her asshole, but he steadily refused to put his prick into the tiny opening, contenting himself with merely fingering the aperture. That alone was enough to bring the woman to a high degree of sensual pleasure; she was rapidly developing a taste for anal sex and became ever more impatient to have him in that manner. "You're not ever going to fuck me in the ass!" she wailed on the evening of the third day. "You're just teasing me along with your finger!" "Sure, I'm gonna give it to you back there," he promised. "But not till I'm sure you're good 'n ready for it!" Nothing she could do would change his mind. Her impatience and frustration were not strong enough, to be sure, to interfere with her pleasure obtained in other ways, and she continued to love to have his prick deep in her throat and even deeper in her cunt.His orgasms, as strong as ever, gave her infinite pleasure, and she became ever more pleased when he wanted to shoot off in her mouth. "Ahhh!" she moaned one evening when he had deposited an especially big load of come in her mouth. "I could almost do without having you fuck my cunt any more, ever, if only you'd keep fucking my mouth like that! Mmm, I can't imagine any woman not wanting to suck her man off that way! It's the most marvelous way to fuck that I've ever dreamed of!" "Well, there are those that like it and those that don't," Logan observed. "I'm just mighty pleased that you're one of the kind that does." They received a nasty shock on the morning of the fourth day. An hour after leaving their camp, which Logan had estimated was about ten miles from the river crossing on which the twin towns sat, they heard a sharp popping in the distance. "Hey, that's gunfire!" he muttered, looking worriedly at her. "Ain't no reason for anything like that to be going on, not that I know of." He drove the horses into a small canyon and posed Gloria at the mouth, telling her to keep her rifle handy and to stay out of sight as much as possible while he went to scout the situation. He rode off and followed a narrow track until he came to a small hut flanked by corn patches. Upon discussing the gunfire with the peasant, who was hoeing his corn, he learned that a band of rebels had seized the town of Ojinaga, or were trying to seize it—the peasant was not sure of the exact situation—and that steady firing had been heard for the last two days. "So that's the way it is," he told Gloria when he had ridden back to the box canyon and outlined the report to her. "It sure sounds like one hell of a lot of shooting, so there must be plenty of them. Nothing that we need to ride into the middle of." "What do we do now? Cross the river somewhere else?" she asked. "Uh, it's twenty miles upstream to the nearest safe crossing that I know about," he said. "Time we make a circle around the town and fighting, it'll be forty, fifty miles from here. And I sure don't want to ride over into Texas—can't never tell but what I'd run up onto a troop from Fort Davis and then it'd be off to jail for sure!" "We can't have that," Gloria said. "Well, suppose we do it the other way? Go on to Chihuahua, I mean?" "I reckon that's about the easiest and safest way out," Logan admitted. "And it has the further advantage of giving me more time to enjoy you!" she added. "That means a lot to me, believe me! And maybe now I'll be able to convince you that I really want to try getting your prick up my asshole!" They agreed to try to make Chihuahua and swung off to the south, making a very wide loop around the fighting in and near Ojinaga. Late that afternoon they came upon a hacienda, where Logan bargained away another of their rifles for a night's hospitality and a couple of big meals, together with more sacks of jerky and pinole. The patron of the hacienda assumed that they were man and wife, nor did they attempt to correct his misapprehension. That night, when they had been shown to the small adobe house which was to serve as a guesthouse, Logan left her for a moment and dashed off to the hacienda's kitchen. He returned bearing a cup filled with something. "That's what's going to make it easier to get into that asshole of yours!" he chortled when Gloria inquired about the cup's contents. "I saw that pitcher of fresh milk and I sweet-talked the cook into dipping me out a cup of cream right off the top. It's gonna slick up that prick of mine so it'll slide into your ass like a hot knife going into butter!" Gloria gasped with delight upon hearing the good news. She quickly undressed and sponged off at the basin beside the bed, then hopped up onto the mattress. "Dip your finger into your cunt," he directed her as he quickly pulled off his own clothes. "Get it slicked up good with pussy drip and then rub it into your asshole—that's to make this cock of mine slide in even easier." She did so, gasping with pleasure as her finger rimmed the taut opening and then plunged inside, spreading the natural lubricant around the inner walls of her bowel. "How are we going to do it?" she asked as she continued wetting her finger and spreading the cunty juices over her asshole. "What position will we be using?" "Well, we could go dog fashion or you could just lie back like that and lift your legs way up," he told her, dipping his cock into the cup and spreading the rich, yellow cream over the head and shaft of the swollen tool. "It's damned good either way so I guess it's just whichever way you want it." "Then I'll be on my back," she decided. "I want to see the expression on your face when you feel my asshole closing tight around the head of your cock. I want you to be able to see me when I feel it going in. I want to watch you when you begin to shoot that lovely come up me. I want us to be able to see everything!" "That's the way it'll be," he agreed. "You about ready there?" "Mmm, I'm almost making myself come," she purred happily. "I never realized that I could make myself feel so good! I may start fingerfucking this way all the time, I don't know." Logan got between her knees and she lifted them higher, bringing her ass up to the mark. He aimed the cream-slick head of his prick down into the crack of her ass, bisecting the big, plump cheeks, and touched it to the brown, puckered eye marking the target. "Ooohh! Unngghh!" Gloria moaned. "My God, I can feel it already and you're not even in yet! This is going to be wonderful, I know it is!" "You just try to relax everything down there," he advised her. "If you get all tensed up and tight, it'll be a lot harder to get it in you." She willed herself to relax and succeeded partially, enough to remove most of the pain when he surged forward and forced the head of his prick into the taut, tiny opening. Even so, she startled violently and would have screamed aloud with pain had she not clamped her strong white teeth down upon the edge of the pillow. Her eyes grew big and round as he forced more and more of his prick into her asshole. Finally, when he had sheathed a good four inches of the tool in her body, he eased off and waited. "Yeah, you're taking it just fine," he murmured tenderly. "It'll hurt for a minute but after a time you'll find that the hurt ain't nothing, compared to the other things you're gonna be feeling." "I feel them already," she gasped, writhing gently and looking up at him with passion-glazed eyes. "My God, I feel every bump, every wrinkle on your dick! The head feels like it's a foot across! Unngghh, Dick, it's the best ever; it's so good, so fucking good!" More and more obscenities tumbled from her twisted, strained lips as her lusts mounted higher and higher. Logan guided her right hand down to her pussy and she began masturbating frantically. She drove two fingers deep into her cunt and flicked her thumb over her acorn-like clitoris, shuddering and grunting furiously as she did so. He began driving in and out with a slow, deliberate stroke that brought spasmodic convulsions rippling through her body. She clawed feverishly at her cunt and twisted her head and shoulders from side to side as his cock speared deeper. "Ooohh! Anngghhh!" she wailed. "My ass! Oohh, my fucking ass! You're like a hot sword, you're in so deep! Ooohh! I'm coming, I'm coming! Ohhh, shoot off, honey, shoot off now! Let me be your whore; I want your come in my ass! Aurrgghh! Don't stop fucking me like that!" Her powerful convulsions were of course transmitted to her anal sphincter and the strong muscle clipped and bit at his prick in time with the climactic spasms. He withdrew his cock until only the head remained lodged in her ass, then lurched from side to side. Gloria gasped with additional delight as the twisting motions forced the head of his cock to dig deep into the walls of the anal canal; he skewered her with a slow, driving thrust that turned her gasps into incoherent grunts of pure animal joy. "Hunnhh!" he grunted savagely. "Fuck yourself, honey, fuck your cunt and I'll fuck your asshole! Ugghh! I'll shoot come so far up you you'll taste it; you're building me up for a big one! Ahhh! You feel that, don't you? You feel it now; you like a cock up your asshole! You buttfucker, shake your ass! Milk my cock, milk it with your asshole! Oh, shit, honey, I'm coming too; I can't hold it back any more!" His prick, swollen and bulging with passionate arousal, pumped furiously as his balls spat forth their entire load of sperm. Gloria stiffened from head to foot when she felt the huge rod begin spurting come into her bowel; the sensations were exquisitely acute and the hot sperm gushed over her tender membranes like liquid fire. "Owww, do I ever feel it!" she muttered hoarsely. "My God, you're flooding me with come; you've never come this much before! Mmm, Dick, you're shooting hot come all over my asshole! Ahhh, it's heaven, it's heaven! Fuck me, darling, fuck me in the asshole some more! I'll never get enough of it!" Neither of them could maintain that high peak of exertion for very long. Logan soon collapsed on her with a long sigh of exhaustion; Gloria locked her legs around him and, removing her hand from her cunt, rubbed her pussy and clitoris into his belly. "Mmmm, darling, you've made a believer out of me," she moaned as the last waves of orgasmic pleasure ran through her loins. "I thought I'd been fucked before but that was child's play compared to this! Oooohh, I thought I would die when I felt your big dick begin shooting that hot cream up my ass! It wasn't like anything I'd ever felt, not ever in my whole life!" "I figured you'd like it that way," he told her. "Damn, I've fucked some tight, hot little assholes in my time but I'll swear I never had anything like yours! Gloria, you're a caution, you are—you'll be the death of me yet!"Oooh, it's getting soft," she cried out in despair. "It's slipping out of my asshole! Oh well, I guess a thing that good ought not to last very long or else I'd surely fuck myself to death with it!" "There ain't many women that could whip my cock down from a stiff with just one fuck," he muttered as he pressed his loins into her waiting pussy, "but you sure did it. Honey, I don't think I'll ever be able to get it hard again! You just might have given me my last fuck!" "I don't believe it," she scoffed. "We'll just curl up here and have ourselves a little nap and after a while, when we've both got all our strength back, then I'll bet we can get that love pole hard again! Oh, Dick, I'm so happy you showed me how to fuck this way! I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't come along that day!" She overestimated their recuperative powers, however, and they slept until sunrise the next morning. Gloria awoke with a very tender ass but had as compensation an exceedingly vivid and fond memory of the night before. Logan grinned happily when she reached out to caress his prick as they were getting dressed. "There'll be some more of that for you tonight," he told her. "Yes, but not in the ass, I'm afraid; it feels as though someone had branded me square on the asshole," she told him. "How long will it be before I've recovered enough to try it again like that? You know, you just might have fucked my cunt for the last time!" "I don't know how long it'll take to get you back in shape to try it again," he said, "but whenever you feel up to it we'll give it a good go." They ate a hearty breakfast and gathered their horse herd before them. The next four days saw them angling across a barren, hot wasteland, heading always to the southwest and making fairly good time. Waterholes were few but they managed to get through without serious difficulty. On the fifth day they encountered a fellow American driving a big string of horses to the Chihuahua market. He had two vaqueros helping him control the big herd and a supply wagon; Logan and Gloria took advantage of his hospitality to have a cooked meal, which was salt pork and beans. Before leaving the horse dealer, they sold him all but two of their horses, which they intended keeping for pack animals, and all of the extra rifles left from the Indian's booty. When they left the horse trader they had an extra two hundred dollars. "He rooked us a little," Logan said when they rode away from the horse herd. "We might have gotten closer to four-hundred dollars for all that stuff in Chihuahua. But we'd have had to ride there to get it, so I reckon we're ahead. Now we've got to do some figuring about what to do with you." "I've been thinking about that too," Gloria said. "I know, I could wait at one of those way stations and get a stage to El Paso, or maybe take up with a wagon train. But why can't we simply head to the northwest and ride to Tombstone? If we've made it this far, aren't the chances pretty good that we could make it the rest of the way?" "Yep, pretty good," he agreed. "But not real good. See, out there, that's Apache country. They spend a lot of time ranging down south into the Sierra Madres and we just might run into something bad. But then again we might not. Let's head northwest for a few days and feel it out, see what the situation looks like. We don't have to make up our minds right away." "And meanwhile we can keep on having each other to ourselves," she added. "I think my asshole is completely well now; I've been wondering if it isn't time I took you again that way!" "We'll see about it when we make camp tonight," he promised. "But for right now, let's make some tracks!" "Hey, the trail's going this way!" Logan called out as he rode up beside Gloria. They had left the horse trader three hours before and Gloria had fallen into something approaching a trance, a deep study which completely absorbed her. The horse had sensed that her attention was wandering and had taken it upon himself to angle off toward a distant patch of grass that looked especially promising. "What? Oh, I was daydreaming!" Gloria said when she realized that Logan had called out to her. "It must have been powerful interesting to get you that wrapped up in it," he suggested. "It was—I was thinking about you and me!" "Oh?" "Yes, I was thinking about how much I love feeling your lips and tongue on my pussy," she said, "and also how I love the feel of your cock sliding up my cunt. I was thinking, what a shame that I can't have both feelings at the same time! I'll bet that would be almost unbearably good." "Hey, you're wanting a two-on-one party!" Logan exclaimed. "We need to have somebody else here for that." "One woman and two men," Gloria mused. "It seems... well, sort of extra lewd and sensual." "Wouldn't have to be a second man," he told her. "A woman could do the sucking part of it just as well." "I don't know what's coming over me," Gloria said, shaking her head in wonder. "Two weeks ago I'd have been shocked to hear myself saying the things I say all the time now but the very thought of doing anything with another woman, that would never have entered my mind!" "And now, when you set down and think about it, you've decided that maybe it wouldn't be very bad at all," he suggested. "You're right," she said with a rueful smile. "Tell me, Dick, am I really losing my mind? Am I turning into some kind of monster? I honestly believe that I could make love with another woman! And the thought of having two men at once, that's positively hair raising! What all could one woman and two men do together?" "All the things that we've done by ourselves," he said. "You think about it a while and see what kind of combinations you can come up with." "I've already thought about it," she told him. "As soon as you mentioned a third person do you know what flashed into my mind? I saw myself—I felt myself!—getting fucked by one and sucking another one! I actually felt the prick in my cunt and another in my mouth!" "Or you could get one feller in your cunt and another up your ass," he said, deliberately testing her and watching for her reaction. "How's that sound to you? Or maybe you could get one in your ass and the other in your mouth; that'd work too. Or, if we had a woman with us, you might could suck my cock while she was eating your pussy. Or I could fuck your cunt, or your asshole, while you ate her pussy. How about that, Gloria? Think you might like to try licking out a ripe, hot pussy? Feeling a woman come in your mouth?" "Oh, God, it's so exciting!" she groaned, shaking her head in despair. "Oh, Dick, let's get off the horses and fuck! I'm so hot, so worked up, I think I'm going to come in my pants if I don't get your dick up my cunt!" Logan was only too ready to satisfy that whim. They dismounted, tied their horses and undressed. Gloria stripped completely; she explained, as she whipped off her clothing, that she wanted to ride him to a climax, that a dog fashion fuck, with her trousers dropped to her knees, would not give her the complete satisfaction she wanted that time. "I want to feel your hands on my tits," she muttered as she waited for him to complete his undressing. "I'll finger my clitty myself and fuck myself on that wonderful cock of yours! Oohh, I want it so; I want it all the way up my cunt!" Logan spread out on the thick grass and she knelt over him, guiding his stiff cock up into place. She groaned with pleasure when the burly tool pierced the lips of her pussy and settled into the mouth of her cunt. She leaned back on him and forced his prick up into the hot, wet tunnel leading deep into her body. "Ahhh! Talking about all that stuff, it's made me want it more than ever!" she panted. "Prick! Cock! A fucking, that's what you've made me want! I want it deep in my cunt! I'll make you come, you stallion, I'll squeeze the come out of your cock and milk your balls!" By this time she had mounted him often enough to have a complete and consummate mastery of the superior position. She snapped her hips back and forth with energy, knowing that this was the way her cunt delivered the most stimulation to Logan's prick; it was also the way in which she most effectively excited herself. She settled down until almost all the big rod was buried in her cunt and then she reached down between her thighs so that her hands could do their work too. She fingered the lips of her pussy and pressed them hard against the iron-stiff shaft of Logan's cock; she touched her swollen clitoris, shuddering with pleasure at the contact. He reached up to grasp her big breasts in his palms and to squeeze the ruby-like nipples between his fingers. "You're sure doing it!" he muttered. "That cunt of yours, it fits me like a glove! Come on, honey, work that thing! Shake it, work it!" "I'm trying!" she gasped. "Ooohh, it's incredible! It's so fucking good, so good to fuck! Unngghh, I... ahhh! Come! I'm coming! Oh, hurry up and shoot your come, Dick, I can't wait! Ahhhh!" Her excitement had been even stronger than she had believed and she quickly reached a climax. Logan was not yet ready to come but he loyally fucked her for all she was worth. She came prodigiously but lacked the final satisfaction of feeling her lover's prick shoot come deep into her churning cunt. Her climax had hardly ended when she rolled off him and onto her back. "Get between my legs and jack yourself off," she panted hoarsely. "I want to see you fuck yourself! And when you start coming, then you can start fucking me again and shoot off inside my cunt! Mmm, do it that way, Dick, I want to see it!" Logan was nothing if not agreeable. He knelt between her widespread knees and grasped his prick; the tool was slippery with her pussy drip. His fist slipped up and down the shaft easily and he began masturbating at a frantic pace.Gloria leaned upward to watch; her dark eyes glittered with excitement as she watched him fistfuck. "Mmm, just watching you is making me hot again," she cried out. "Ahh, sweet sex, I love it all! Ooohh, my pussy, it's getting tender again; I can feel another orgasm getting ready inside my belly! Dick, I'll come again when you get inside me, I know I will!" Her excitement and her words inflamed him with emotion, and he soon had his balls tingling with anticipation. When he felt the preliminary warnings and knew that the orgasm was close at hand, he guided his cock into the mouth of her cunt and shoved it home with a quick, slashing thrust. Over half the massive shaft sliced into her at once, bringing a howl of animal delight to her lips and a shudder of joy to her body. "Aiiieee! Owwww!" she cried. "Omigod, you're ripping my cunt apart! Ooohh, get it all in, honey, fuck me deeper! Don't hold back, give it all to me, all the way in so I can feel your balls against my asshole!" "You're getting it," he snarled, fucking as hard as he had ever fucked. "God damn, that cunt of yours is so tight it's like fucking a cherry all over again! Unngghh! I'll get it in you; you just get ready for my come!" She did not have to wait long to get the load of scalding semen. It gushed forth like water from a powerful spring, hot and thick; she screamed wildly when the flood burst into her cunt and washed over every surface of that tender canal. Locking her legs around him and pulling him down to meet her lips, she heaved upward with her thighs and met his thrusts with corkscrew fucking movements which made her cunt grip him in a bewildering variety of ways. Logan panted and groaned as she worked her cunt around his prick and joined him in a long, shuddering orgasm. "Now, just a little, short suck and I'll be ready to ride on," she said when they had recovered their breath. "Mmm, I can already taste that prick of yours, so wet with your come and mine! Dick, I can't imagine that I'm doing this and yet I can't conceive of ever doing anything else! Isn't that absurd of me? And once I thought I was a nice, proper young lady!" "You're still that," he said with a short laugh. "Except that now you've learned to like fucking and sucking." "No, I've learned to love it," she corrected him. Logan soon pulled his prick from her cunt and brought it up her body so that she could mouth it as she masturbated. This had become almost a ritual in their lovemaking; it was a rare thing when she did not suck him clean after a rousing fuck. And always, when she took his cock into her mouth, her hands made their way down to her pussy, unless he had appropriated that juicy, tasty slit himself. They resumed their ride after a short interlude and continued to head northwest. In late afternoon, when Logan rode up to the top of a small hill to survey the country ahead, he noticed a small pack train coming toward them. "It ain't Indians," he said. "Looks like two people, both whites, and a couple of pack horses. Looks like we might have some company for dinner tonight." "I'd rather have you to myself," she said fondly. "Yeah, I'd rather it be that way too," he agreed, "but if they've come from the country where we're going then we ought to have a talk so we can see what lies ahead." They met the travellers but discovered that one was an Apache girl. Logan identified her from a distance, uttering a grunt of bewilderment; when they got closer to the travellers, they saw that the girl's hands were bound with strips of rawhide and then fastened to the horn of her saddle. "Santos Alba, a su servicio," the man with the girl said, grinning widely and doffing his hat. Logan introduced himself and Gloria, speaking in Spanish; he passed Gloria off as his wife again. He explained that they were travelling to Tombstone and expressed a wish to confer about the difficulties of the trail ahead. Gloria watched the Indian girl while the men talked: she had never seen an Indian woman before and she was puzzled why the girl would have her hands tied. She looked to be seventeen or eighteen and, under the grime of travel and the big bruise on her left cheek, she might have been exceedingly beautiful. She wore a pair of leggings and a voluminous skirt which would have fallen to mid-thigh had she not been astride a horse. Her eyes, large and dark, measured Gloria with interest. "Looks like we've got company for the night," Logan said after a short conversation with Alba. "They've come from Sonora, almost, and Senor Alba's gonna tell me all about the trail." They made a dry camp there beside the track. Alba released the Indian girl's wrists and gestured toward the pack animals; she went over to unload the packs and hobble the animals. "She's a little skittish yet, that's why I've got to keep her tied up while we're riding," Alba explained. "Found her up in the foothills of the Sierra Madres. I know a feller down in Monterrey who'd give a pretty sack of pesos for something like her, once she's all cleaned up and made to look decent. He's got a real sweet tooth for young Indian girls, that man has. He's going to like this little wildcat!" They lay back against their saddles as they ate their jerky and pinole. Logan produced the remnants of the mescal he had traded for in Boquillas; he and Alba shared it with gusto. The Indian girl ate readily and once, when Gloria looked over, she glanced up with a glimmering of warmth in her dark, expressive eyes. Gloria smiled tentatively and the girl returned the smile. After they had stowed away their foodsacks, Logan said something to the girl, switching into a soft, guttural language. The Indian looked up in surprise but spoke in return. Alba's dark eyes narrowed and a grimace of disgust creased his broad, whiskered face. "You speak their language!" he grunted. "What does she have to say?" "I was just asking her where her tribe was, where she came from," Logan replied. "Her father's Nacho, a Chiricahua sub-chief. I've heard of that bunch; they're a tough lot." "I found her wandering through the hills," Alba said. "No other Apaches within miles that I could see. I would appreciate it, Senor, if you would not speak to her except in Spanish. She understands that well enough." "Can't see it was doing any harm," Logan mildly objected. "Neither was it doing any good," Alba told him. "She is my property and I will not have it." "I don't hold with one man owning another," Logan said. "I reckon I'll talk when I want and how I want!" Alba snarled out an oath and reached under his coat, but Logan had anticipated the move. He drew his .44 and thumbed off a shot before Alba had even brought his own pistol into the open. Alba pitched over backward and lay crumpled, not making a sound. Gloria watched it all dumbly; it happened too quickly for her to comprehend the rapid sequence of events. "H-h-he's dead!" she gasped. "He'd better be," Logan drawled, punching out the empty shell and reloading. "I aimed for his gizzard and I reckon I got in a pretty good shot. But I reckon he'd have done the same to me if I hadn't got him first, so it's about even, I guess." "But why?" she asked. "Why would he want to kill us?" "Not us, me," Logan corrected her. "I've heard of him, it seems to me; he's been up to a good bit of mischief along the border for the past four or five years. He'd have shot me, then taken you and the Indian girl both down to Monterrey, the way I figure it. I guess he'd have gotten a real pretty price for the pair of you." "You mean he'd have sold us? Like slaves?" "That's about the size of it. It's just as well he made his move then. I sure wasn't liking the idea of sitting up all night and I'd sure never have closed an eye as long as he was around. And besides, I think we've just gotten ourselves a ticket to Tombstone, going first class all the way." "Eh? What do you mean by that?" she demanded. Logan ignored her question and directed a volley of Apache at the girl. She replied in kind, plainly grateful that Alba was now dead. Logan listened carefully. His face gradually broke out into a broad smile and when he turned back to Gloria, she could see the elation in his eyes. "I couldn't have wished for anything better," he crowed happily. "Listen to this. Nacho's her daddy, like I said, and he's some kind of power amongst them Chiricahuas. But she got married last year, took up with a young buck named Bravo. Seems that Bravo and her, they fell in with a hunting party and headed off down into the Sierra Madres, down in Mexico. They met up with a band of Warm Springs Apaches there and settled down to winter. "Well, this Bravo, he didn't prove to be quite the buck that Lita—which is her name, by the way—had expected and she wasn't getting nearly the amount of loving she wanted or needed. Instead of slipping off into the bushes with some other buck, the way a dissatisfied wife would generally do, she started making time with a young girl who'd been made a widow. Yeah, them two Indian girls was sucking each other to a faretheewell! So old Bravo, he waltzes into the midst of 'em one afternoon when they was sucking up a storm and it just about wrecked him to see his own wife eating another woman's pussy and getting her own slit tongued out at the same time!" "Good heavens!" Gloria exclaimed. "I didn't know Indian women did that!" "It's kinda rare amongst the Apaches," Logan said, "but I've heard of a case or two. Anyway, it put them Apaches up a stump. If a wife's caught screwing another man, they'll cut her nose off and turn her into a kind of slave. But they just flat didn't know what to do with a case like that, so they turned Lita out, sent her off and had done with her. She was trying to get back to Chiricahua country when Alba surprised her one morning." "But how is this going to be to our advantage?" Gloria asked. "Easy. First, she already knows the country," Logan explained."And you just can't beat an Apache, man or woman, for knowing the lay of the land. She can guide us to all the waterholes, help us avoid company we don't want. And the second thing is, should we stumble across some Apaches, she might be able to stand up for us and tell 'em how we kept her from being sold as a whore. I got a feeling that she just might be worth a whole lot to us. She can guide us toward Tombstone, and then we'll give her a hand back to her own people." "I see," Gloria said with a nod of approval. "In other words, we'll be doing her a favor and protecting ourselves as well!" "That's about the size of it," Logan said. "Now I reckon I'd better see about burying our bad man here." There were no shovels in their equipment, so he had to be satisfied with dropping Alba's body in a gully and piling stones over the corpse. He rifled the man's pockets, finding a small bag of gold coins and another of gold dust, which he added to their collection of valuables and appropriated Alba's pistol and knife. When he rejoined the two women, he presented Lita with the pistol and knife. She strapped the big Colt around her waist, settled the knife into the beaded sheath at her hip, and smiled happily. "She says she's a real pistolero now," Logan explained after she had made a short speech. "I think we've convinced her that we're going to help her. I'll tell her what's on our mind." He explained their intent to the girl, who listened quietly and nodded happily when he had finished. She returned the volley of guttural Apache. "She says she'll guide us, and if we can get into Chiricahua country, she'll make sure that Nacho treats us like kings," Logan explained. "We won't have to worry about her none!" Neither Gloria nor Logan felt in the mood for sensual endeavors that night, and they soon curled up in their blankets, Lita at their side. The sudden death, the explosion of violence, had altered their sensibilities, and they were in no mood for levity, not even of the sensual kind they had grown to love so well. They set out early the next morning and added Alba's pack horses and saddle horses to their own. "We meet up with some Apaches that don't want to fight, we could use them for trading or presents," Logan explained. He began giving them both lessons in Spanish as they rode. Lita's command of the language was as limited as Gloria's, but they faithfully repeated the words he taught them. In midafternoon, they came upon a small creek. Finding a deep pool in one portion, they decided to make camp there and avail themselves of the opportunity for a good wash. Lita threw off her smock without a trace of shame, displaying a pair of exquisitely sculpted breasts which Gloria found herself envying. They were small but as firm as apples; the nipples were dark brown cones sitting atop large maroon circles that covered nearly all the breast. The leggings came up almost to the tops of her thighs and looped over a thong circling her waist. A small patch of jet black hair, almost straight, covered her pussy. "They ain't much for covering up," Logan said as he watched with frank interest. "Indians figure that nature made 'em that way, so they shouldn't be ashamed of it." Gloria undressed too, and, strangely enough, found that she did not mind exhibiting her naked body in front of a stranger. Lita's eyes grew big and round with curiosity when she saw the big breasts swinging from Gloria's ribcage; she had never seen a white woman before, and obviously she found the experience very interesting. When Gloria reached into a saddlebag and brought out the bar of laundry soap they had acquired in Boquillas, Lita's dark eyes glowed with appreciation. Logan also stripped, and they walked down to the pool together. "I think she's rather taken with that cock of yours," Gloria told him as they waded into the pool. "So I guess she hasn't entirely given up the hope of making love with men!" "She was giving you the eye pretty good too," Logan pointed out. "I'd bet that she'd be glad to head in between your legs without much encouragement!" Gloria blushed at that, but she could not get the thought out of her mind. When she imagined the Indian girl's lips roaming over her belly and thighs, firing her cunt with rabid desire as Logan loved to do, and then proceeding to the highly inflamed slit and lapping up the moist oils from the juicy furrow, she quivered with delight. When she lathered her loins and ran her fingers over the lips of her pussy, they responded with strong signals of readiness. The feeling of eagerness mounted even higher when she saw Lita squat in the shallows, lather her pussy into a rich foam, and then begin working the suds into the mouth of her cunt with two fingers. The girl washed herself thoroughly and then sank lower in the water, rinsing off the soap and allowing it to wash up into her cunt, which she held open with the two fingers. She looked up at Gloria and Logan and muttered a phrase in her native tongue. Logan chuckled appreciatively and turned to Gloria. "She says she's trying to get rid of all of Alba's come," he said. "Seems he wanted to test her out before he got her down to Monterrey. She didn't like it a bit, even though it had been weeks since she'd had a fuck with anything but her tamer." "Her what?" Gloria asked. "Oh, it's a little gadget a lot of Apache women use," he explained. "They call it the 'woman tamer.' It's just a strip or two of rawhide, braided together with a knot in the end. It looks sort of like a prick, and they use it on themselves when they ain't getting enough from their men. Get one of them up you, and you can have a wild time of it for sure!" "My God, you make her sound almost as bad as me!" Gloria exclaimed. "I believe that you have a positive talent for finding the most depraved, immoral women in the whole world, Dick Logan!" "If half of what she told me is true," he said, "then she might be in a class with you, I'll agree with that much of what you said!" "Do you know, this might turn out to be a very interesting trip," Gloria murmured thoughtfully. "You remember when we were talking about a third party? Someone else to help us do all those things that made me so excited? I was assuming that the third person would be a man, but now I'm beginning to alter my thinking! I wonder if she'd want to cooperate with us in making some of those dreams come true?" "I know a good way to find out," he said, and he launched off into another harangue in Apache. Gloria's barely suppressed excitement had transmitted itself to Logan, and, as he talked to the girl, his prick began to lengthen and swell. Gloria watched the tool transform itself and gather sensual strength; her own pussy throbbed and ached unmercifully as she watched him get harder and bigger. Unable to restrain herself, she waded closer to him and began caressing the big tool. Her hand caught on the foreskin, and she lathered him thoroughly, making it much easier to slide her fist up and down the prick's swelling shaft. Logan continued to talk with Lita while Gloria fistfucked him into a huge erection. Lita's black eyes were riveted to his cock, and it was plain to see that she too was becoming more and more affected by the display of blatant, raw sexuality. When she and Logan had finished their dialogue, his cock stood out proudly and had reached its full, immense length and girth. "She says that she's had plenty of fucks with men and that she's gotten real fond of eating pussy," Logan interpreted, "but never both at the same time. She's all for giving it a try, though; she says she'd really love to try sucking a white woman's pussy! So I guess you've got yourself a partner if you're really interested in trying it out!" "My God, it's actually happening!" Gloria muttered. "All those things we talked about, they're coming true! Oh, Dick, I'm so excited I don't know what to do! Mmm, I want to fuck and suck and do everything all at once!" "We've got lots of time," he told her. "And I think she's about like you - she's ready to try almost anything. Suppose we get all this soap off of us and get up on the blankets. We'll just spend the afternoon here and see what all kinds of mischief we can get into!" Gloria felt a small tug at her heart when she realized that she would, in effect, be sharing her man with another woman. But then she told herself that Logan was not "her" man, that they were only travelling companions and had made no permanent arrangements. "I can see that I'm going to have to share you," she said, "but curiously enough that doesn't bother me so much. Odd; I'd have been mad with jealousy if Henry had so much as looked at another woman! Now, on the other hand, I can imagine you fucking her, shooting come into her cunt, and I think I'd actually revel in sucking you after you'd taken your cock out of her! Mmm, or maybe if I were to lick your come out of her pussy! My God, Dick, I think I could do almost anything! Would you ask her if she'd like to suck my pussy? I think I'd like that, especially if you were to fuck me in the mouth at the same time! Oohh, what a wild, wonderful idea!" Logan put the question to Lita and got a decided grunt of approval from her. She added a few phrases in Apache, and Logan laughed with delight. "She says she'd love to suck you off," he said, "and she'll show you how to use her tamer too. Looks like you've made yourself a new friend!" Gloria went over to Lita, tentative but determined; they embraced and kissed. Lita's trim, almost boyish figure was a dramatic contrast to Gloria's voluptuous opulence. She was short, and the top of her head barely came up to Gloria's shoulder. By flexing her knees only slightly, Lita was able to get her lips onto Gloria's nipples, and she began kissing the fiery cones into even more fervent life. "Omigod, she's really making me hot!" Gloria marveled."Mmm, I can feel my pussy throbbing; when she starts sucking me, I'll come right off, I know I'll come right away!" She lowered herself to the blanket, and Lita followed her down. The Indian girl slowly worked her lips from Gloria's breasts down to her belly, then lower still. She kissed her way around the patch of curly brown hair and covered Gloria's thighs with wet, smacking kisses. Gloria writhed about on the blanket, obviously ready to be eaten. Logan knelt at her head and offered her the head of his cock; she readily accepted it and began sucking at a furious pace. Lita looked up in surprise and uttered a question. Logan gave a short reply and laughed. "She wanted to know if I was really going to fuck you in the mouth," he said. "She's never heard of doing it this way. I told her that you were, that you really liked the taste of come." "Mmm-mmm!" Gloria enthusiastically grunted. Lita watched her suck Logan's prick for a moment and then bent her face down between Gloria's thighs. She put her lips to the woman's pussy, already dripping wet and flame-hot with lustful fever, and sucked up the loose flesh. Her teeth closed over the lips of Gloria's pussy and gently bit the highly inflamed flaps, bringing convulsive grunts and explosive hip-movements to the woman's body. "Agggh! She's sucking my cunt out!" Gloria cried out, temporarily releasing her grasp of Logan's cock and tossing her head from side to side as the feeling mounted higher in her loins. "She's tonguing me so deep I can't hold it back; I've got to come! Owwww! Aiiieee!" Logan watched in wonder as Lita sucked the climax from her cunt. Gloria reached down to press the girl's head tighter against her pussy, and she began humping her loins into the girl's face with quick, jerky motions. She grunted loudly and clenched her thighs around Lita's head. "Unngghh! Oooohh! She's fucking me with her tongue; she's got it in my cunt, in my asshole; she's all over me! Owww, she's biting my clitty! Ahhh! I'm coming, I'm coming now! I can't stop coming; she's making me come all over and I'll never stop coming!" Gloria was flinging her head from side to side in her deep agony, and Logan dared not try putting his cock back into her mouth under those conditions. He contented himself with watching Lita suck her into a long, howling climax. When the storms had at last worked their way out of her cunt, she fell back with a hearty sigh. Lita, greedy and determined, continued to lick and suck at her exhausted pussy. "Ooohh, stop, I can't take it any more," Gloria whimpered, reaching down to pull the girl's head up. "Lie next to me, darling; let me kiss my cunt and come off your lips! Mmm, you're covered with it!" Lita's handsome face was indeed covered with her climactic juices, and Gloria kissed her hungrily. They continued to kiss and rub their bodies against each other, and gradually Gloria felt her desire awakening anew. She moved down slightly, enough to bring her lips to bear on the girl's breasts; Lita was only too willing to thrust one of the firm, hot-tipped mounds into her mouth. At the same time, Gloria darted a hand between the girl's thighs and began manipulating the lips of her pussy. "Wah-ki-toh!" Lita sighed, arching her back so as to press her pussy even harder against Gloria's hand. "She says that's good," Logan muttered. "She likes the way you fingerfuck!" "Mmm, I only hope I can eat pussy well enough to please her," Gloria panted. "But I suppose if I do to her what you do to me, that ought to do the trick, wouldn't you think?" "I don't see why not," Logan said. "Why don't you bend over her and get started? I'll see if I can't work my cock into that cunt of yours!" "Ahh, to be fucked while I'm getting my first taste of pussy," Gloria said with relish. "That's enough to guarantee that I'll love it! All right, Dick, as soon as I get between her legs, you shove that cock up my cunt—we'll have it every way possible!" He explained to Lita what he intended doing, and the girl flashed him a lewd, excited grin. When Gloria knelt between her thighs, the Indian swung her legs high, lifting them and pulling them back until her knees were rubbing into her nipples. This elevated her rump and brought her pussy into full view. It was a small-lipped organ, exquisitely shaped and dark with lusty passion. Traces of wetness glinted in the small, petal-like lips. Gloria sniffed the slit, inhaling deeply, and found that the scent of fresh, hot pussy was extremely invigorating. When she bent forward and touched her lips to the hot gash, she moaned with pleasure, just as did Lita. "Looks like she's prime meat," Logan said as he got behind her and pointed the head of his cock up into her pussy. "I swear, I'm sure glad I don't have to make a choice between the two of you! It's nice being able to have both." He shoved inward and easily pierced the ring of muscle guarding the entrance to Gloria's hot cunt. The sucking she had received from Lita had satisfied her temporarily, but since the Indian's tongue had not been able to penetrate very far, the canal's walls were somewhat swollen together. Logan grunted with pleasure at the extra tightness this imparted to her cunt and began fucking with a slow, deliberate rhythm. Gloria sobbed out an oath, muffled against Lita's pussy, and buried her head even more fervently against the hot, juicy slit nestled against her mouth. Lita grasped the back of her knees and began rocking back and forth slightly, enough to move her pussy up and down against Gloria's mouth. Gloria shot her tongue deep into the girl's cunt, bringing a gasp of savage pleasure and a muttered phrase in Apache to the girl's lips. She flicked her tongue over the proffered clitoris, evoking another volley of the guttural language, but when she altered the angle of her head a trifle and licked over the girl's asshole, her effort brought a longer speech. Though it was all unintelligible to Gloria, the tone was unmistakable: Lita had a highly sensitive anus and loved having it stimulated! "She says she always tried to get her girlfriends to lick her on the asshole but they wouldn't," Logan interpreted as he continued to fuck with the same deliberate pace. "And she's always wanted some man to fuck her in the ass, too, but the Apaches think that's bad medicine. Maybe I'll have to show her how wrong they really were! But that'll come after I've fucked this cunt of yours, honey; it's better fucking now than it's ever been!" Gloria leaned back against him and answered with a grinding, twisting of her hips that brought the lips of her pussy up flush against his pubic area. She continued to suck Lita's pussy with complete dedication and considerable skill, considering that she had never given herself over to that work before. The Indian girl was coming; her cunt churned out a steady flow of sweet, musky oils, heated almost to the boiling point by her high degree of arousal, and Gloria sucked them up hungrily. "Eeekk-lo-wahhh!" Lita moaned deliriously. Logan set himself for one last surge and plunged deep into Gloria's hot, waiting cunt. He pounded his cock home and held her tightly against him as his balls finally released their pent-up sperm; the hot geyser burst deep inside her cunt and saturated her womb with his creamy spray. The squirting stream of come, powerful as ever and totally sensual, inspired Gloria's tongue and lips into one final flurry of activity. She finished up by lavishing hot kisses and long strokes of her tongue upon the Indian girl's pussy and cunt, a display that brought further shouts of abandoned joy to Lita's lips. "I wouldn't have believed it," Gloria murmured. "If anyone had tried to tell me exactly how marvelous it was to do a thing like that, I simply would not have believed them. Oh, Dick, when I felt her pussy and cunt begin quivering and then you started shooting your balls off! The pure, simply joy of knowing that I was making two people come at once, that was incredibly satisfying!" "Yep, I had a little feeling that you might take to pussy licking," Logan said with a satisfied smile. "It struck me that anybody who loved fucking and sucking as much as you, they'd just naturally warm up to a little muff diving." They were lying side by side, Logan between the two women, on their blankets in the late afternoon sun. Gloria had her hands clapped to her pussy, of course, and was spreading the rich flow of semen over her pussy and thighs. Lita had given a hearty sigh of satisfaction when Gloria had removed her face from her loins; it was amply clear that she too had received great pleasure from Gloria's work. Suddenly the Indian girl sat up and looked down to observe Gloria's fingers at work. She watched for a moment, then directed a question at Logan. He laughed and made a short reply. "She can't believe what you're doing," he said to Gloria. "But she's got an idea that she thinks you might like." "Ahh, tell her that I'm game for anything," Gloria purred. "After a come like the one I just had, I don't think I'd say no to any proposal, however indecent or immoral it might be!" Lita moved around on the blankets until she was positioned between Gloria's knees. She motioned for her to draw her legs up, elevating her rump, and she did so, eager to see what the Indian girl had in mind. When she found out the girl's scheme, she giggled with delight. Lita leaned over her loins—by adopting the unusual position she had brought her pussy into almost a horizontal position, between her thighs—and touched the tip of her right breast to the well-fucked furrow. She spread the lips of Gloria's pussy wide and dug her nipple into the inner flesh, smearing thick sperm over the proud, strawberry-shaped cone; Gloria's lips made an "oh!" of surprised delight. Lita removed her right breast and rubbed the left nipple through the furrow, coating it too with the same creamy soup.When she straightened up, both her nipples glistened brightly with his sperm. "My God, what a wonderful sensation that was!" Gloria exclaimed. "I've got to lick it off her tit; that looks too good to pass up!" Gloria straightened up and took the girl's left breast into her mouth, grunting with pleasure as she did so. Logan, not to be outdone, attacked the right breast and began licking his own come off Lita's stiff, hot nipple. The Indian girl pressed their faces to her breasts and moved her torso about, grinding hard into their mouths. Lita exclaimed with pleasure and announced her total satisfaction at what they were doing to her. "She can't believe that we both like the taste of come so much," Logan said when he had sucked her nipple clean and removed his face. "She says she's always wondered what come tastes like but never had the nerve to try it before." "I guess she can tell from the way I sucked her that I like it well enough," Gloria replied. "Why don't you ask her if she wants to try it too?" You could run your cock up my cunt and get it wet; there's still some of that delicious stuff deep inside me. God, you must have shot off a week's load that time! It felt like the biggest come you've ever given me!" "I had a pretty good head of steam worked up," Logan admitted. "All right, I'll ask her if she wants to give it a try." He put the question to the Indian girl and received an enthusiastic nod in reply. Gloria lay back, spreading her legs wide and offering him her pussy; he mounted her and shoved his cock deep. She groaned with delight at the new penetration. "Ooohh, that's still so good!" she groaned. "Mmm, I almost hate for you to take it out!" They were determined, however, to give Lita a full initiation into all the mysteries of human sexuality and Logan pulled his prick from her cunt. The tool emerged with a thick, wet coating of sperm; the rich cream clung to his flesh and a few ropy strands hung down from the head. Gloria looked at it hungrily but managed to forego the pleasure. Lita touched the prick with her fingers in wonder. Her big, black eyes glittered with excitement as she beheld its full glory. She bent forward, sniffed at it experimentally, and then touched the very tip of her tongue to the head of his cock. The taste must have pleased her because she immediately plunged her mouth down over the head and began sucking furiously. Her tongue, so active when it had been playing over Gloria's pussy and probing her cunt, proved equally adept at loving a cock: she curled it around the shaft of his prick, worked it up and down the thick shaft and swirled it around the head with long, tender strokes. She brought her mouth far down over the tool until it was probing the back of her throat. Unable to get all of the massive instrument into her mouth, she released it and applied her lips and tongue to the portions she could not engorge. Her lips and tongue worked over the base of his cock, dug into the semen-coated hair surrounding it, even dipped down to cover his balls. Logan grunted approvingly and gave himself over to full enjoyment of her enthusiastic caresses. "Whooo-boy, she's really taking to it!" he muttered. "She might not have tried it before but I bet we've made a believer out of her for sure!" "We've done just that," Gloria concurred. "Nobody would suck a prick like that unless they really loved it. My, I'd love to see the expression on her face when you fuck her in the mouth the first time! I'll bet that really makes her a convert!" "It's too bad I can't let go with another wad right now," he said. "I'd do it, but damn it, Gloria, you just took it all out of me!" "That's exactly what I wanted to do," she said with a pleased smile. "I know it's greedy of me but I wanted to have every bit of your come that time! My, I don't know what's happening to me, but I certainly love it!" Lita sucked him until she had completely cleansed his prick and balls of every trace of sperm and cunt juice. When she finally released him, she looked up with satisfaction and delivered a short speech. Logan explained that she was expressing her pleasure at the new experience and added that she was all in favor of sucking him to a climax. She was also, he said, extremely grateful to Gloria for sharing her man and was willing now to introduce her to the use of the "woman tamer." "Maybe you'd like to play games with her for a while," he proposed. "I saw some antelope around here; maybe I could go out and try shooting us some fresh meat while you two are making friends with one another, huh? And by the time I get back, maybe my balls will be back to normal and I can let her have what she wants too!" "That sounds good to me," Gloria agreed. "I'm enthralled with the notion of trying her little gadget!" Logan told Lita what he was going to do and she nodded. While he dressed, she went over to her saddle and fished around through the saddlebags. Upon returning, she held the tamer in her right hand. Logan grunted with pleasure upon seeing it; he had little doubt that the tool would be able to take the edge off Gloria's fierce sensual appetite. He completed dressing, took up his rifle and mounted his horse, riding off bareback. The "woman tamer" was nothing more than three strips of rawhide, woven together to make a small handle. The hide had been formed when wet and pliable; upon drying it had settled into a stiff shape and now had a slight flexibility, so that it had almost the consistency of a man's sexual weapon. The edges of the rawhide straps, each of which were nearly an inch wide, curled and gave the gadget a dangerous look. The straps had been woven into a Turk's Head knot at one end so that it had a bulbous knob. The total effect was amazingly prick-like and Gloria felt her flesh crawl with anticipation when she saw it. The tool was perhaps six inches long and nearly two fingers thick. Lita handed the tamer over and watched while Gloria familiarized herself with it. They sat tailor-fashion on the blanket, face to face. Gloria fondled the tool and felt her pussy grow warmer and more alive with feeling by the minute as her fingers caressed the sensual, obscene tool's surface. After a moment the Indian girl reached out to reclaim her toy. Lying back on the blanket and spreading her thighs wide, she brought the tamer's head against the lips of her pussy. She rubbed the leather knob over her flesh and gradually worked it between the lips, bringing it up against the mouth of her cunt. Gloria's pussy throbbed harder as she watched the girl begin fucking herself; she unconsciously slipped a hand down between her own thighs and began rubbing the lips of her pussy. Lita was sufficiently aroused for her pussy to have generated a generous flow of lubricant and the knobby tip of the gadget easily slipped into place, though she uttered a low moan of pleasure when it forced its way into her cunt. Gloria felt a surge of her sexuality upon seeing the tool shoved into place; her own cunt began throbbing sympathetically and she used her fingers more tellingly. Lita's hands worked the tool in and out slowly but gradually shoved it deeper and deeper. Suddenly she eased the tamer out of her cunt and handed it to Gloria. The message was plain: they were to use it together! Gloria was quick to accept the gift, wet with the Indian girl's cunty oils: it was warm and sensual against her fingers. Lying back on the blanket, she held the gadget against her pussy lips. The touch had almost the sensual power of Logan's cock, she found, and she began teasing herself with it. Working the tool up and down her furrow, she quickly brought herself to a high pitch and convinced herself that it would do a very effective job of administering the satisfaction she wanted. Before she could get the tool planted in the mouth of her cunt, however, Lita reached out and grasped her right hand, stopping her movement. She could understand that the Indian wanted her to wait for a moment and she did so, keeping the tamer clasped against the lips of her pussy as the girl went back to her saddlebags. This time she returned with a couple of long leather thongs. Taking the tamer, she worked the thongs into its base and then fastened them around her body. One of the thongs circled her waist and she passed the other between her thighs, cinching it to the waistband. When she had finished the tamer was now positioned over her love-mound and had more than a slight resemblance to a prick. Indeed, had it not been for the beautifully formed breasts adorning her chest, Lita might almost have passed for a boy. Gloria felt another surge of powerful emotion when she understood what the girl intended. Smiling broadly, she opened her thighs and extended her arms full length, gathering the girl to her body. "Ahh, I see it now," she purred as Lita reached down to guide the tamer into position at the mouth of her cunt. "You want to pretend that you're a man! All right, my dear, I'm perfectly willing to play the whore for you as well as for Logan! And I adore the way your breasts rub against mine; that's the final touch!" When Lita had placed the knobby head of the tool in Gloria's cunt and thrust it into place, bringing a moan of animal pleasure to her lips, she extended herself up Gloria's body. By stretching to the utmost she was able to press her own nipples to Gloria's; she found the unusual contact quite as exciting as Logan's chest and pressed hard against them. Lita could not maintain her extended position for long and soon slipped back down to a more comfortable spot on Gloria's body. This change brought her lips close to Gloria's big, swollen nipples and she began kissing them gently. "Ahhh, let me get my legs around you!" Gloria purred delightedly. "Mmm, I'll give you a fuck; I'll work my cunt around that gadget and fuck myself silly, I swear I will!"Oooohh, I love the way you kiss my breasts; you're making me want to come already!" Gloria locked her legs behind the Indian girl's ass and began throwing her pussy up to meet the probing dildo. Getting the tool in and out of her cunt was not as easy as fucking herself on Logan's cock; the thongs did not hold the device tightly, and it tended to slip slightly from side to side. Nevertheless, she managed to get it well planted in her cunt, and then she began rubbing her clitoris into the base of Lita's belly. The tool's rawhide straps were certainly rougher than the satiny surface of Logan's penis, but she found that this only heightened the stimulation and increased her pleasure as she worked her pussy and cunt around the tool. "Unngghhh! Owwww!" she groaned. "My God, you can fuck just like a man! Mmmm, I wish you could shoot come like Dick does; that's all it would take to make this complete! Ahh, Lita, fuck me, fuck me harder! I love the way you fuck my cunt! Oh, sweet Jesus, get that tool in me and fuck! Agghh! Ooohh! Deeper! Harder! I love it; I love to feel you fuck me! Aurrgghh!" She dug her fingers into Lita's naked back and threw her loins up at the rawhide dildo. Despite the absence of the deep in-and-out thrusting at which Logan excelled, she found that she could achieve almost the same effects simply by rubbing her clitoris against Lita's belly and pressing the lips of her pussy into the girl's pubic hair. Gloria strained upward and tightened her thighs around the girl's hips; she contracted her abdominal muscles as much as possible. The added sensations provided her with exactly the spark she needed, and she felt a violent spasm of sensual release burst within her loins. "Anngghh! Aiiieeee!" she howled. "Omigod, I'm coming now, you're fucking the come out of my cunt! Unngghh! It's all over my cunt, it's melting me inside! Ooohh, fuck me, Lita, fuck me harder! Don't stop fucking, honey, keep on working it in my cunt! Ugghh!" Lita recognized what was happening and did her best to make Gloria's first homosexual fuck a memorable one. She buried her face in the woman's large breast and mouthed the nipple savagely. She reached down to gather up her tightly clenched buttocks, holding her against her loins, and pressed hard with the dildo. The rawhide strap slipped even deeper, and the wiry black hair surrounding her slit dug hard into Gloria's convulsively throbbing pussy. She continued fucking hard until Gloria gave a long, shuddering sigh of completion and fell back, limp. Then she eased the ferocity of her attack and lay upon her, caressing her flanks with her fingertips and murmuring soft, sibilant phrases in Apache. When they separated themselves, they smiled with a new friendship. Gloria felt strongly attracted to the girl and patted her shoulder affectionately. She thought at once of the ritual she had perfected with Logan, the act whereby she sucked his penis clean after he had fucked her, and wanted to apply the same rite with the Indian girl. Lita found it difficult to understand what she wanted, but by dint of much grunting and some tugging and pulling, she finally understood Gloria's intention. She then smiled delightedly and quickly moved up her body, pausing when the rawhide dildo was just in front of her lips. "You know what I'm aiming for," Gloria murmured as she caressed the artificial penis with her fingers; it was very wet, and a few blobs of Logan's semen dotted its surface. "I want to do everything with you that I do with him! Oohh, I'd even like for you to fuck me in the asshole with that tool, I really believe I would! But this will do for the moment, my dear, this will give me all the pleasure I can stand for, right now." She opened her mouth and guided the gadget into place. It had a strong, cunty flavor—undoubtedly it had never been washed, and retained the taste of more than one cunt—but Gloria relished it all the more for that very reason. It was not as easy to suck as Logan's cock, because of the irregularity of the surface, but nevertheless it reminded her of the male organ. She clasped both hands over her pussy as she began to suck, and she did not stop until she had worked herself into the grip of another small climax. When at last she fell back, gasping and moaning with delight, she had fully satisfied her desires, at least for the moment. "I know, I'm a perfect pig," Gloria muttered when Lita looked back and stared with surprise at the work her fingers were doing. "But darling, I've never wanted to come so badly! Or so often! I can't seem to stop; it's all I can think about lately. But now it's your turn, Lita, and I'll take your gadget and fuck you with it so that you'll come too!" She demonstrated her intention by plucking at the dildo and pointing at the girl's pussy. Lita quickly caught on to what was expected of her, and she unfastened the thongs holding the tool in place. Gloria considered trying to strap it around her own waist but quickly discarded the idea; for the style of pleasure she wanted to administer, the tool would be more effective in her hand. "You just lie back here, honey, and let me get over you," she said. "I may not know very much about making love with women, but I've got a feeling that I can give you a nice come; I'll just do what I've thought about having you and Dick do to me!" She lay beside the girl and guided the tip of the dildo into the lips of her pussy. The slit, thoroughly drenched with slippery cunt oils, easily opened to admit the tool. Gloria pressed gently and inserted the tip; Lita let out a sigh of pure pleasure. She then bent over the girl's loins and touched the tip of her tongue to the Indian's clitoris; the tiny cone of feeling was almost hidden by the pussy-lips, but she found it by searching with her tongue. Feeling the hardness and heat of the small, pea-shaped knob, she licked carefully with her tongue and brought a grunt of delight from the girl's throat. Gloria began licking steadily and at the same time gradually worked more and more of the tool into the waiting cunt. After a time, when most of the dildo had been thrust into Lita's hole, Gloria changed her tactics slightly. She ran the middle finger of her right hand up and down the juicy furrow, thoroughly coating it with pussy drip, and then aimed it into the rim of the girl's asshole! Lita tensed herself for a moment, muttered something in Apache, and then reached down to spread the cheeks of her ass with both hands. Gloria properly took this for a sign of encouragement and pressed the pussy-coated finger into the girl's ass. Lita's anal sphincter grudgingly opened to admit the finger, but the whimpers of pleasure which poured from her lips left no doubt as to her true feelings. "Ahh, you love to be fucked in the asshole," she purred between licks of the swollen little clitoris. "Yes, you love it as much as I do! I'll loosen you up, my dear, and prepare you for Logan's big cock! And one of these days, when we think your asshole's big enough, then we'll let him try fucking you in the asshole! You'll go wild, I know you will; you'll scream and cry out for joy when you feel his big cock tearing your asshole wide open and shooting hot come far up inside you! Mmm, come, damn you, I want to feel you come!" She fucked Lita in both the asshole and the cunt, wielding the dildo with the same dexterity she showed in manipulating her finger, and continued to lick the girl's clitoris. No woman on earth could have long withstood that three-pronged assault, and Lita, far more responsive than most women, had no intention of doing anything but allow her body to have its own way. She reached between Gloria's thighs, sank two of her fingers into her cunt and placed her other hand on the woman's head. Her trim, boyish little hips knotted into compact balls of hard muscle as she lifted herself off the blanket and humped into the tongue, dildo and finger; within minutes she was howling with delight and tossing about in a mad frenzy of erotic joy. Gloria sucked and fucked her to completion and then stretched out beside her. They curled up in each other's arms, each murmuring endearments in her own language, and drifted off to sleep. They were still locked in a tight embrace and sound asleep when Logan rode up an hour later with the dressed carcass of an antelope flung over his mount's withers. "Not too hard to see what those two have been doing," he said to himself as he slid down from the horse. "Looks like they've plumb fucked and sucked themselves right to sleep!" He strung up the carcass of the antelope and cut off a generous portion of the ribs and front shoulders, dropping the meat into a small pot which he had found in Alba's pack. He then filled the pot with water from his canteen and began building a fire. When Gloria and Lita awoke a short time later, he had a stew well under way and was toasting a strip of antelope flank over the coals. The aroma of fresh meat cooking, a scent which none of them had smelled for several days, filled the air and brought them awake in a hurry. "We'll have us a little snack here," Logan said, nodding toward the strip of cooking meat, "and then maybe Lita can show us some wild herbs and stuff to spice up the stew a little. Damn, I wish we had a potato and a carrot or two!" They divided the meat between them, and Lita readily agreed to help them search for wild plants with which to season the stew. The rawhide dildo was still in her cunt when she awoke, and Logan laughed heartily when she pulled it out with a burst of Apache praise. "She says you came close to killing her with all the stuff you was doing," he said, "You must have really worked her over!" "I did," Gloria told him. "First she got that thing tied around her waist; it looked so much like a cock I couldn't believe my eyes. And then she fucked me with it! Yes, she got right between my legs and did she ever give me a ride!After that, I took it off her and used it on her. I was shoving it up her cunt with one hand and licking her clitoris and fingerfucking her in the asshole all at the same time—everything I could think of. She seemed to enjoy it a lot! "She did," Logan agreed. "Told me that you done it to her at least as well as any other woman she'd ever had, a lot better than most." Lita rose from the blanket after eating her portion of the meat and led them around the campsite in a search for wild plants with which to liven up Logan's pot of antelope stew. She and Gloria were both naked, and Logan thought they made an exceptionally pretty sight as they wandered through the grass and bushes, both stark naked and lovelier than any pair of women he had ever seen. Watching them cavort through the grass had a predictable effect on him, and by the time they had gathered back at the campfire, his trousers were bulging with his erection. Gloria and Lita quickly noticed his condition and pointed it out to each other, giggling with pleasure. Lita washed the plants she had selected and dropped them into the simmering mixture. After she had thoroughly stirred them into the stew, she joined Gloria in leading Logan over to the blanket. They pressed him down and began undressing him, each exclaiming lewdly in her own tongue. When they had removed his boots and trousers, they jointly attacked his cock with their mouths. "Mmm, I can kiss her and suck you at the same time!" Gloria delightedly exclaimed. "This is better than ever!" They slid their lips and tongues up and down the shaft of his cock, caressing him and each other simultaneously. They took turns going down on the big, passion-inflamed rod. They fused their lips together around the tender head of his prick, swirling their tongues madly over its surface and bringing a fierce desire to a boil within his loins. "What are you two planning?" he asked when finally he could stand it no longer. "Are you both going to suck me off at the same time? You'd better make up your minds in a hurry; I can't stand much more of this!" Gloria pulled back for a moment, considering all the many schemes which had been running through her inventive mind ever since she had discovered exactly how lewd and sensual the Indian girl really was. She considered a number of alternatives, but one in particular stood out in her mind. "No, I was thinking more along a different line," she told him. "I was thinking that perhaps we could both have you at the same time but in a somewhat different way." "Any way you want it, that's the way you'll have it," he promised. "But let's not fart around all day making up our minds, huh? I'm about to pop my nuts right now!" Gloria looked over at Lita, who had been watching curiously as they talked; she could see the lust burning in the girl's eyes, and she knew that whatever she proposed, Lita would accept. "All right, suppose we put Lita next to you," she said. "With her back to your belly, so that you can put your cock between her legs and get it going up into her cunt. You know, the way you were doing it to me that time that you shot off into my hand and made me feel so wonderful. I'll bet I could almost come just by watching you put your prick in that sweet, hot little cunt of hers! And maybe I'll add some more flourishes of my own!" Logan explained the proposal to Lita, who was only too ready to help put it into practice. She quickly got into the proper position and exclaimed loudly when she moved down and felt Logan's big cock rubbing against the lips of her pussy. She was fully aroused, of course, and the slit between her thighs was dark with passion. "Let me play with both of you for a moment," Gloria panted, slipping down so that she was in excellent position for handling their organs and seeing their sensual interaction. "Mmm, I'm beginning to think now that pussies are every bit as exciting to look at as cocks! Oh, Dick, your balls are positively huge! You must have them filled with come!" "I reckon I've got enough to douse you both pretty well," he grunted. Gloria had deliberately not put the head of his prick into the girl's cunt. Instead, she rubbed the head and shaft of the tool over her flesh, digging deep and touching it to every part of Lita's loins. When she could stand the suspense no longer, she bent over them and brought her mouth into play; she kissed his cock and, by pressing hard, was able to bring her lips to bear on Lita's hot little pussy at the same time. Her tongue curled over his rod and snaked down to dig into the girl's slit, to roam over her clitoris, and even at times to tease the mouth of her cunt. Lita's cries of delight mounted higher and higher, while Logan's sighs and grunts multiplied in intensity. "All right, I'll let you have each other," she finally said, after she had worked them both into a state of extreme sexual tension. "But how about doing it like this? Suppose you start fucking her, Dick, and you alternate one thrust up into her cunt and the other into my mouth? I'll guide you in and out and play with your balls at the same time—maybe I'll even get extra ambitious and finger-fuck you in the asshole!" "Get to it!" he snapped. "Damn it to hell, you've got my balls into the worst uproar they've even been in! Ugghh! Shove it up her cunt; I'm dying to shoot come all over the place!" Lita could tell what was about to happen, and she tensed herself in preparation for the telling thrust. Gloria seized his prick, dripping wet with both her saliva and Lita's hot, musky pussy drip, and rammed it hard into the mouth of the girl's cunt. She widened her eyes with delight when she saw the way the big rod pierced the tiny opening; the flesh bulged inward as he drove the thick weapon home. Lita let out a gasping sob of joy and quivered from head to foot. "Ooohh, fuck her!" Gloria muttered tensely. "My God, it's fantastic to see you fuck her! Your cock's spreading her pussy; it's in her, it's all the way in her! Ahh, I see the pussy drip on it now; she must really be hot and wet inside! Mmm, give it to her again, Dick, fuck her again!" "She's hotter'n a pistol," he grunted. "And tight too! It's all that horseback riding, it makes their cunts tighter than what most white women have!" Lita's cries of abandoned joy left no doubt in anyone's mind as to her feelings in the matter. Even though Gloria understood not a word of Apache, she could tell that Logan's huge cock was giving her incredible pleasures and that she loved being fucked by the big tool. Logan shoved it into her cunt several times, going deeper at each stroke, and Gloria watched with mounting excitement. Finally, she could stand it no longer. "Now pull it out and fuck my mouth!" she cried, moving her lips down onto Lita's pussy. She ran her tongue over the girl's clitoris as she waited; she darted her tongue down to scrape it along Logan's cock as he pulled it from her cunt. "Mmm, I'm going to love sucking you now!" Her hand caught his cock when it emerged from the girl's cunt, and she directed it toward her waiting lips. Logan thrust forward again, and she altered the angle just enough for the tool to miss the opening. It slid up the furrow between the lips of Lita's pussy, scraped over her swollen little clitoris, and then nosed into Gloria's waiting mouth. She greeted the wet, cunty prick with her tongue and curled it around the head, lavishing the most sensual caresses within her power upon its wet, hot surface. "Aurrgghh! You're sucking like a demon!" Logan groaned. "My God, you'll have me shooting off in a minute!" He withdrew to direct another stallion-like thrust into her mouth, but this time she directed his cock back into the mouth of Lita's cunt. The opening, somewhat enlarged by the prick's previous thrusts and jelly-slick with cunty oils, easily admitted the huge tool. Lita shrieked with frantic delight when he rammed a good six inches of the rod into her waiting cunt. Gloria intensified the sensations by sucking hard at her clitoris and pressing her tongue against the lips of her pussy as Logan shoved his bulging cock between them. They quickly fell into this exciting pattern: one thrust up Lita's hot, tingling cunt and another into Gloria's equally hot mouth. He fucked faster and faster, feeling his balls growing bigger every second. Lita's orgasm began soon after they had adopted this pattern, and her lusty cries of wild joy made him even more intent upon shooting his come into her cunt. "Anngghh!" he groaned as Gloria's tongue dug deep into the groove between the head and shaft of his cock. "I can't hold it back, I'm gonna shoot off! Ugghh! Work it harder; get me creaming!" Gloria suddenly reached her hand around his balls and probed at the rim of his asshole. Her finger was amply moistened with her saliva and Lita's hot love-oils, and it easily slipped into the opening. Logan lurched harder, and Gloria guided his prick into the girl's cunt with her lips and tongue. He drove the hot tool home, lurching into her with a savage, humping drive, and Gloria's lips felt the big vein running up the base of his prick begin to pump. Knowing that he was beginning to expel the vast load of semen which his mighty balls had built up, she fucked harder with her finger and rubbed her palm over his sack. She attacked Lita's pussy with her lips and tongue and did everything in her power to make the girl's climax a more memorable one. "Oooohh! Ahhhh!" Logan grunted as his cock spat forth a mighty gust of scalding sperm. "Unngghh, she's taking it all!" Animated by the fierce sensations running through his prick and loins, he withdrew the rod to give the girl another thrust. Gloria caught it, however, and sucked the meaty geyser up into her own mouth. The prick was thoroughly drenched with sperm, naturally, and she took four mighty jets of smoking come into her mouth before he withdrew to direct another thrust.This time she forced his cock back into Lita's cunt; again the Indian girl trembled mightily and shrieked out her pleasure as the prick, shooting come madly, speared the opening and drove deep into her body. Gloria quickly swallowed the mouthful of come Logan had given her and began lavishly kissing Lita's pussy, which had also been drenched by a couple of stout spurts before she had gotten it pointed into the convulsively quivering opening. Logan finished his orgasm inside Lita's cunt. His prick was rapidly losing its stiffness when he finally pulled it out of the tight little gap and only a weak dribble of sperm oozed from the slit in the head of the tool. Gloria was not about to deny herself any pleasure and of course she sucked up his prick into her mouth; she groaned with delight as she ran her lips and tongue over it and licked off the rich, exciting mixture of sperm and cunty oil which covered it. She felt a small twinge of regret when she felt the mighty tool going soft even as she cleansed it but, in compensation, realized that her efforts had helped both Logan and Lita to a truly memorable experience. She slowly withdrew her finger from his asshole and finished off the bout by kissing Lita's pussy and loins clean. When she finished her lewd work and lay back with a hearty sigh, there was not a trace of sperm or pussy drip on either Logan or Lita. "Good God, you've sucked me dead!" Logan muttered weakly. "I'll never get my cock hard again; my balls have shrunk up to nothing!" Lita also expressed her boundless gratitude for the long session of fierce lovemaking. According to Logan, she swore that no woman had ever felt the sensations which had wracked her body and she promised that she would do everything in her power, when she had recovered her strength, to see that Gloria had an equally satisfying and thrilling experience. "I'll hold her to that promise," Gloria weakly murmured, "but not right away! God, I don't think I'll ever be able to move again! You were coming so strong, both of you, that I had one too, and I never even had to touch my pussy! Did you ever hear of a woman having a come without even so much as touching herself?" "Oh, I've run across one or two that could do it," Logan told her. "But they weren't none of them half as pretty as you!" Their sexual appetites temporarily assuaged, they lay together on the blanket. From time to time one of them would get up to add a chunk of wood to the fire or to throw another dash of water into the stew. Its rich aroma wafted across to them and helped keep their minds off one another's bodies for a time. After they had emptied the pot and washed it, Logan looked over to the girls expectantly. Neither, however, showed the slightest interest in lovemaking. He shrugged and lay back on his blankets. In truth, he was just as glad that they did not want further servicing; the strenuous way he had fucked Gloria and Lita simultaneously had seriously depleted his strength and he was only too ready to go to sleep. They were in their saddles and riding by the time the sun had cleared the eastern horizon the next day and covered nearly thirty miles before coming to another suitable campsite. They had ridden slowly, taking plenty of time to spy out the trail ahead and to be on the lookout for signs of riders. They spent the entire day, however, without seeing any sign of a human being. "Just because we didn't see anybody don't start to thinking that it'll always be that way," Logan advised Gloria. "We're probably pretty safe from Apaches; they wouldn't likely attack unless they were close and if they were that close they'd see Lita. But there's a fair number of bandits and tough nuts that hang out in these hills and we'd sure better not run into any of them; they'd chew us up 'n spit us out for the dogs!" "What if we met the band that threw Lita out?" Gloria suggested. "Well, now, that just might make the cheese a little more binding," he admitted. "Let's just hope they decide to stay up in the Sierra Madres!" They dined that evening on cold strips of roasted antelope, left over from the night before, and pinole. Lita gathered some berries from bushes growing beside the creek running by their campsite. As soon as the meal was over, the girls looked at each other and then at Logan. He interpreted their look correctly and began undressing. "Seems to me that you two haven't quite had your fill," he said with a grin. "Maybe you need something a little more substantial, huh?" "Since we gave the special treatment to Lita the last time," Gloria said, "I think it's my turn to have the goodies, don't you?" "That sounds good to me," Logan agreed. "What have you got in mind?" "Something I've been thinking about ever since noon," she told him. "I'd like to prove to Lita that a woman can take a man's prick in her asshole. But I'd also like for her to fuck me with that tamer of hers. I think I've figured out a way where I can have both at the same time. Are you willing to go along with that?" "Good Lord, you'll fuck yourself into a greasy spot!" Logan said with a low chuckle. "But if you think you can stand it, I'm game enough. Sure, let's try it out and see what happens. Have you figured out how you want to get, so we can both screw you at the same time?" "I've thought of a way," she said. "I'm not entirely sure it'll work but I'd certainly like to try it and find out." Lita had been watching them during this conversation. She had already removed her smock and leggings and was fingering her pussy as they talked. When Logan explained Gloria's plan, her dark eyes lighted up with an unholy glee and she scurried away to dig her woman tamer out of her saddlebag. She returned, threading the leather thongs into its base as she approached, and fitted it around her waist. When she had it cinched up tight, even Logan had to admit that she had an amazingly masculine appearance. "All except them titties of hers," he pointed out. "She is built a little like a skinny kid, you know, all except for them boobies—hot damn, they're just as cute as a set of twin puppies!" "The first thing," Gloria explained, "is for us to get ourselves ready for the real thing—for putting your cock up my asshole. If I kneel over you, would you spread some of my pussy's drip over my ass? You know, you could finger me a little while I'm getting your cock wet enough to slide in!" "Haw, you just mount up there," Logan told her. "I'll do the rest, don't you worry your pretty little twat none about that!" She knelt over his loins, facing his feet, and spread her thighs as wide as possible. Logan reached under her and cupped his hand over her pussy. The slit, already as hot as fire and extremely wet, exuded a thin but steady flow of the clear, slippery substance which so facilitated his prick's path up her cunt. Lita squatted on the blanket at his feet, her finger under the thongs holding the dildo in place over her lovemound, and fingered her pussy as she watched them prepare for the beginning phase. "You keep that pussy of yours on the boil," Logan said in Apache, "and as soon as I get her asshole fixed around my prick good, then you can start boring into her cunt. You 'n me together, Lita, we'll make her sing a song she'll never forget!" The Indian girl excitedly muttered her agreement with this promise. Logan slipped his fingers into Gloria's cunt, thoroughly saturated them with the hot oils he found there and then spread the substance over her anus. "Ahhh! That's already as good as anything ever was!" she gasped when his thick finger probed the mouth of her asshole and dipped inside. "Now let me get your prick up my cunt—I'll get it so slippery I won't even know when it goes up my ass!" She grasped his thick, swollen cock and guided it up into the mouth of her cunt. Lita gasped out an oath in Apache and fingered herself more diligently as she saw the enormous prick rise up and pierce the lips of Gloria's pussy. Gloria lowered herself upon the tool, impaling herself with hearty sighs and grunts of pleasure, and ran her cunt far down its length. When virtually all the big tool was buried inside her body, she twisted her hips from side to side and ground her cunt around the big pole. "God, I'm going to have to get you out of there in a hurry!" she gasped. "If you stay in there much longer I know I'll never be able to let you take it out! Oohh, Dick, I've been wanting your prick all day, ever since we left camp this morning! Mmmm, I can almost taste your come, I want it so badly! Tell her to guide it up into my asshole, will you? I can't see down there to get it placed properly." She reluctantly lifted herself off his cock and leaned far back. The prick fell onto Logan's belly with a wet plopping sound. She reached back with her hands, to support herself, and Lita came forward to insert his cock. Logan reached under her ass and took the big, plump cheeks into his hands; he spread them wide to expose the tiny, puckered eye. Lita aimed his prick directly into that eye. When he lifted his hips, the head of his cock touched the rim of Gloria's anus. She quivered uncontrollably at the contact. "Oohh, Dick, I feel it against my asshole!" she moaned. "You're so hot, so hard! Mmmm, go ahead and put it in me; fuck me in the ass! I want to get it all the way in and then let her put her tool in my cunt; I want to fuck both of you at the same time!" Logan responded with a driving thrust which breached the anal sphincter. The head and a couple of inches of the shaft of his dick speared her ass, bringing a wailing cry of joy to her lips; Lita exclaimed heartily upon seeing the big tool disappear into the girl's ass. Gloria held herself as still as possible as Logan shoved more of the hard rod into her body and soon nearly six inches of cock had been sheathed in her rectum. "Omigod, you're bigger than ever!" she panted breathlessly."You're filling me so full of cock I'll never get over it!" "Sure you will," he told her. "Now you just lay back on my belly here; I can hold you easy, don't worry about that. We'll let that little asshole of yours get used to having my dick inside it and then we'll get Lita on you and she can start fucking your cunt. Don't you worry none, girl, we're both gonna fuck you silly!" Lita was not content to sit back and watch as Logan worked his cock deeper into Gloria's asshole. She was fingerfucking her own hot little pussy but she wanted stronger stimulation than that. Scrambling over their intertwined bodies, she brought her lips down to Gloria's pussy and began kissing and sucking the hot slit. She moved her lips down and planted hot kisses on Logan's balls; he shuddered and surged further into Gloria's ass. "Ugghh! She's licking my balls!" he grunted. "And she's sucking my pussy!" Gloria answered. "My God, I feel like I'm getting ready to explode inside!" "I reckon she'd better hurry up and get that tamer of her rammed up your cunt," Logan said. "Between the two of us, we're gonna give you a fucking you'll remember for a mighty long time!" "Tell her to be careful," Gloria urged. "I feel as though I were already so full I couldn't even get a broomstraw up my cunt!" Logan gave Lita the message and the Indian girl scrambled over their bodies. She reached down to guide the tip of her dildo into Gloria's waiting pussy. The slit was generously lubricated and the small knob of the rawhide gadget easily slipped between the lips. The actual entrance, the penetration of the mouth of Gloria's cunt, was somewhat more difficult, but Lita accomplished the feat and soon had her tool spearing up her friend's cunt. She gently inserted the tool as far as it would go and then looked down at Gloria with a tender, loving smile. "We're fixed," Logan announced. "Now for the fucking! Get ready, honey; we're gonna give it all to you!" Lita bent over and lavished a series of kisses on Gloria's nipples, which her awkward position had brought into prominent display. She jigged back and forth, making the dildo slip in and out of Gloria's cunt, and Logan began flexing his own hips and making his cock work back and forth in her asshole insofar as this was possible. By having Gloria's full weight resting on his torso his mobility had become somewhat restricted but still he could move his cock back and forth in her ass for a couple of inches. That was sufficient, as the experiment soon proved. Gloria shuddered, a powerful wave of sensual feeling, and then exploded into a long paroxysm of sexual triumph. Heavy tremors ran outward from her asshole and cunt, spread over her entire body, and she moaned deep in her throat as the sensations rapidly mounted to a powerful climax. "Unnngghhh! Aiiieee!" she wailed, pressing her breasts into Lita's mouth and moving her rump from side to side. "You're fucking me to death! Annngghh-owwwww! It's killing me; I'm coming in my ass! In my cunt! In my tits! Ahhh, I'm coming all over! Oooohh, she's fucking my cunt off; that thing is tearing me in two! Ugghh! Ahhhh!" Lita worked hard at making her rawhide prick into the real article and fucked with quick, jerky little motions. One of the thongs holding the dildo in place caught against Gloria's clitoris, scraping it harshly, and she screamed aloud at the savage thrill which the leather string delivered. Logan fucked harder. He felt Lita's tool pressing against his cock—only a tissue-thin membrane separated the two passages which they were simultaneously fucking—and the massive sensual spasms which wracked Gloria's entire midsection were of course transmitted to his cock. "I can't come yet," he gasped. "I'm gonna have to fuck it up you some more!" "No, no! Please don't fuck me any more!" Gloria cried out deliriously. "You've already made me come too much; I can't stand it any more! Ahhh, Dick, I can't come any more!" She had misjudged her own sensual capacities, however. Logan had the bit between his teeth and he was not to be headed away from his goal of shooting the contents of his balls up into her asshole. He ignored her frantic pleas and continued to fuck as hard as he could. Lita too was fully inflamed and determined to pound away at her cunt as long as possible, and she continued to work the dildo into Gloria's pussy. She sucked up Gloria's nipples and held them between her teeth as she caressed the fiery tips with her tongue. Gloria felt her body being turned into an inferno. The first storm of orgasmic power passed, only to be replaced by another of even greater intensity. Even though she felt a vast, all-pervading limpness sweep over her body when the first climax had ebbed away, somewhere she found the strength to meet the second rising tide of sensuality and to convert it into an even more violent climax. She was somewhat more relaxed now and some of the tightness in her ass had dissipated, washed away in the floods of 'orgiastic feeling which had overwhelmed her. This new feeling of freedom allowed her to rub her pussy against Lita's lovemound and the penetrating dildo; the same movements caused Logan's prick to move about in her asshole and to deliver even more incredibly stimulating strokes to that tender tunnel. "Ugghh! Ooohh!" she grunted. "I'm going to come again! I can't believe it; you're fucking another come out of me! Ooohh, shoot it, Dick, shoot the come up my ass! Ahh, Lita, you fuck like a dream! Unngghh, get that thing up my cunt; come, darling, let your come drip over my pussy! I want to feel everything; I want us all to come together!" "It won't be long," Logan grated. "My God, that asshole of yours is gripping me like it was your hand! Aurrghhh! Shake it, honey, shake that ass and milk my cock down! I'll irrigate your ass with come!" Knowing that his climax was not far away, he fucked her all the harder. His frantic efforts signalled to Lita and Gloria that he was near and they worked in near-perfect unison to hasten their own climaxes. Lita's lips flew from one of Gloria's taut nipples to the other, tonguing and caressing in a feverish display of erotic zeal, and Gloria strained against the leather prong spearing into her cunt. "Ugghh! Fuck me, Lita, fuck me with your cock!" Gloria moaned. "Screw me in the cunt! Ahh, his cock's killing me; it's all over my asshole! I can't stop coming; I'm doing it again!" "Eee-kah-tset!" Lita panted hoarsely. Together they worked themselves into a frenzy of lusty joy. When Logan's big cock began spurting out another limitless stream of hot sperm Gloria felt it as she had never before felt a man's orgasm. It seemed that every nerve in her strong, lively body was perfectly attuned to his cock's action and she felt every drop of come as it burst forth into her bowel. Her wailing, incoherent cries of lusty satisfaction soon infected Lita with a similar response and the Indian girl pressed her loins even closer to her pussy, working the rawhide dildo a fraction deeper as she began to come. "Anngjhh! You're both coming!" Gloria gasped as her own cunt began to unfold in a long series of dramatically pleasing contractions of pure joy. "I know you're coming, Lita; I feel the come dripping out of your pussy! Ooohh, Dick, you're shooting it all over my asshole; I'll be dripping come for a month! Ahhh, my cunt! My pussy! Owwww!" They continued to work against each other until they had exhausted every vestige of sensual feeling. When Lita finally lifted herself off Gloria's body neither of them had any sensitivity at all in their midsections. Gloria fell off Logan weakly; his prick, rapidly losing all its power, weakly slipped from her asshole and flopped against his thigh with a tired "smack!" She lay on her side and ignored the thick stream of sperm which leaked from her red, raw anus, dripping down over the cheek of her ass and falling onto the blanket. Lita lay on the other side of Logan and slept. After a time Logan reached down to pull a blanket over them and he too drifted off to sleep. They lay quietly, hardly moving, until dawn began to break the next morning. "It couldn't have been much better even if she'd been a man," Gloria said when Logan asked her opinion of doublefucking. "Well, I guess it would have been a little better if she'd been able to shoot a big load of hot come up my cunt; that would have been nice, except I don't know if perhaps it wouldn't have been a bit too much. I might have fainted dead away and died on the spot." "But you don't think that you're going to want to give up on that way of doing it, though?" Logan asked. "Heavens no!" she blurted out. "Under no circumstances! Well, I probably couldn't manage to do it again like that this morning, for example; I'm sure I'd have to have a day or two to rest up. And my ass is really rather sore—your prick is so damned big, I'm not certain I'll ever get used to it. But one of these days I'm going to want to try something like that again, you may be sure of that!" They trooped down to the pool in the creek and washed themselves thoroughly. Then they dressed and got their gear assembled for the day's ride. Later that morning, when they came in sight of a prominent and unusually eroded cliff, Lita pointed toward it and said something to Logan. "Two days from Tinajas Alias," he said to Gloria. "That means we're about three or four days from Tombstone. It won't be long now. If we're going to see any Apaches, it'll probably be today or tomorrow—we're getting right into the middle of their territory." They watched very closely for signs but could see no trace of any recent travellers. Lita led them to a lovely campsite, a high meadow watered by a small spring, and they dismounted with loud sighs of pleasure at midafternoon.Logan had continued their education in Spanish, and as soon as he had watered and hobbled their horses, she marched up to Logan and displayed her command of the rudimentary Spanish he had taught her. "I want to suck and fuck," she boldly announced. "I want to be fucked in the asshole!" "By God, it looks like I've taught her too much," he said with a broad grin. "What do you think of that, Gloria?" "I like it!" she responded. "When I got up this morning, I thought I'd be three or four days before I wanted any more sex, but I'm damned if I don't think I could almost repeat yesterday's performance!" Lita's Spanish was not up to a full, detailed explanation of exactly how she wanted to "suck-fuck," but she made several gestures which, together with her elementary words, sufficed to demonstrate exactly how she wanted her pleasure. "Ahh, she wants us to suck each other," Gloria said when she understood the girl's intentions. "And then you'll come over her from the rear and shove it up her ass! Mmm, that sounds marvelous to me!" Lita had already begun undressing and was now lying flat on the blanket, fingering her pussy with uninhibited zeal as she watched Logan and Gloria disrobe. Logan's prick hung down at half-mast, not yet fully erect, and Lita signaled that she wanted to suck him up to a full hard-on. He willingly acceded to that request and knelt over her, dangling his meaty rod in front of her lips. Gloria finished removing her clothing and lay beside the girl; she began covering Lita's thighs and lower belly with kisses and working her lips ever closer to the tiny patch of black hair framing the lusciously moist slit. "She's turning into a real cocksucker!" Logan announced when the Indian girl's lips and tongue had succeeded in bringing his prick to the same consistency as the barrel of his pistol. "She's taking to it like a duck takes to water, damned if she ain't!" "Any woman who's a woman at all would take to sucking that big cock of yours," Gloria told him. "Maybe I'd better get her on me - she might decide that she likes it so well she'd forego getting fucked in the ass!" "Good idea," Logan agreed, pulling away from her. "Get down on your back and let her get astride of you - I'll get around to her ass and moisten my dick a little." "I certainly won't have to suck her to get her pussy wet," Gloria announced. "I can see it now, and smell it too, and she's ready for a real fucking!" Lita scrambled into place, lying over Gloria in a reversed position that placed her pussy directly above her mouth. At the same time, she pulled Gloria's thighs up and spread them wide, cupping her hands under the woman's full buttocks so that she could tease her asshole with a finger while she ran her hot little tongue up and down the full-lipped slit and probed her cunt. "You know how to get her asshole ready for a fucking, don't you?" Logan asked, receiving a fervent nod of agreement for a reply. "Then go ahead and get her slick - I'll set back here and watch." "I'm going to use my tongue first," Gloria announced. "Maybe that'll make her extra ready to feel your prick!" She did exactly that, scraping the hot oils from Lita's pussy with her tongue and smearing them over the girl's asshole. Lita grunted excitedly and sucked even harder at Gloria's pussy. After a moment, Gloria used her finger to run another dollop of the cunt-warmed lubricant into the interior of the girl's asshole; Lita grunted loudly and shoved her tongue far up Gloria's cunt in response. "Now I'll just dip my wick into her cunt," Logan said, "and then we'll be ready. You want to run it up into the hole, honey?" "Mmm, do I ever!" Gloria murmured. "This is going to be the best part of it, almost!" She seized Logan's cock when it came near and aimed it into the lips of Lita's pussy. She was using the fingers of one hand to spread the tiny flaps wide and to expose the small, crescent-shaped opening; her other hand guided the huge, swollen rod squarely into that slit. Logan surged forward and forced his way into her cunt. Lita let out a long, shuddering wail of joy upon feeling the thick meat penetrate her tenderest part. Gloria ran her fingers over the girl's clitoris while he plunged deeper and deeper; Lita's wails turned into cries of delighted pleasure as the prick speared the very mouth of her womb. "Ahh, she's hot for you," Gloria heatedly exclaimed. "She's so hot for a fuck, so ready for it! Ohh, take it out, darling, take it out and shove it up her asshole! She's going to love this, I know she will!" Logan did not let his prick remain in the girl's pussy for very long. He knew that she might easily get so excited about a cuntal fuck that she would forget about her desire to have her asshole penetrated, and that was something he did not want to happen. She muttered a short, sharp phrase in Apache when he pulled his cock out, but he was not to be denied. "Yeah, she'd just as soon settle for a straight cunt fuck," he grunted. "But once I get it going in her ass, you'll have a lot more room to lick on her pussy - you'll be able to make her come from both holes at once!" "That's exactly what I want," Gloria muttered as she took his cock into her fingers and lifted it up to aim it into the tiny brown eye marking the entrance to the girl's ass. "I want to make her come so much she'll never forget it! I'll shove my tongue up that sweet little cunt of hers till she begs for mercy!" Lita stopped sucking on Gloria's pussy when she felt Logan's prick being brought into contact with her asshole; she wanted to enjoy the feeling, to be fully aware of it, and so she temporarily gave up the pleasure of licking her friend's pussy. Logan reached down to grasp her flanks for the penetrating stroke. He knew that her virginal ass would stoutly resist his cock, even though the opening had already been probed by his finger and Gloria's, and he wanted to be in as solid a position as possible. "I'm going in," he muttered. "You keep it in place till it starts opening her ass up!" "Give it to her!" Gloria gasped, almost overcome by the rampant sensuality of the moment. "Oh, fuck her in the ass, Dick; I want to see you shove it all the way home! Just like you did with me, darling, give her all of your lovely hot cock!" She laid her head back and watched with pleasure. Logan pressed against the Indian's rump. His cock bowed slightly, though it had seemed iron-hard, as he increased the pressure. A low, keening gasp of agonized pleasure escaped from Lita's lips as she felt her asshole being breached. Logan's cock, slippery and bright with her cuntal oils, continued to press against the exquisitely tender flesh. It slowly bulged the girl's anus into a larger opening and gradually the head penetrated the inner sanctum. "Aiiieee!" Lita groaned, almost split in two by the tremendous rod. "Agghh-owwww!" "It's going in!" Gloria breathlessly reported. "Omi-god, Dick, you're fucking her now; you've got your prick up her asshole! Ooohh, do it to her, honey, do it to her good! Fuck her hard and make sure she remembers how good it is to be fucked in the asshole!" She reached up with her lips to plant them firmly upon the throbbing, scarlet slit running down the base of Lita's belly. The pussy, fiery hot and literally dripping with the oils of abandoned excitement, felt like a piece of boiling hot meat, but she extended her tongue to explore its inner caverns. At the same time, Lita bent her own head down and attacked Gloria's frantically aching pussy. She sucked up the big lips, gnashed them with her teeth and then plunged her tongue deep into Gloria's cunt. Her fingers tore at her asshole and slid inside, delivering additional powerful jolts of sexual energy to the woman's nervous system. "Great day in the morning!" Logan grunted out. "She's got an ass like I never felt on anybody! Ugghh! She's hotter'n fire and twice as good! Unngghh, suck her, honey, suck that little pussy and I'll fuck her like I never fucked before! Aurrgghh! I won't last long at this rate!" He was overcome with his own lusty excitement and shoved his cock deep. The big tool, bulging with passionate life and hotter than it had ever been, sliced the girl's rectum and slid deep. Lita soon forgot about the sheet of searing, blinding pain which had swept through her midsection when he had first pierced her; she was only conscious of the delicious joy his prick was giving her and she did everything in her power to intensify those sensations. She tightened her abdominal muscles, making her bowel clutch even more strongly at his prick as he worked it back and forth in her ass. Gloria tilted her lips upward and gave herself over completely to her enjoyment of Lita's hot, twitching pussy. She ran her tongue over the girl's clitoris, bringing an answering jerk from her loins, and then extended her tongue to lap at the tiny lips guarding the entrance to her cunt. Because of Logan's prick, spearing into the girl just above the cuntal mouth, she could not drive her tongue deep into that jellied opening, but she found that she could lick its rim and probe deeper with her fingers. Once, leaning back for a breath of air, she felt Logan's heavy balls brush her forehead, and she twisted about to plant a hot, steamy kiss upon them. She loved the big, egg-filled sack with tongue-darting kisses and then returned to her work. Lita, meanwhile, had gone wild with sensual glee. She had a finger shoved deep into Gloria's asshole and was licking her clitoris with long, curling strokes; alternately she bent down to send her hot, stiff tongue shooting deep into her friend's cunt. She clutched hard at Gloria's buttock with her free hand. Gloria heaved her loins upward and scrubbed her pussy over the girl's mouth, shuddering with delight as she pressed hard against the welcoming tongue.Both Lita and Gloria were in the throes of forceful orgasmic tremors, but neither slowed her activity for a moment. Gloria found that the more violently she kissed and sucked at the girl's pussy, the more her own loins hummed and vibrated with orgiastic fervor, and she intensified her attack. Logan could feel the Indian girl's asshole clutching spasmodically at his prick and knew that she too was coming. He worked harder, sending his massive prick shooting deep at every stroke; the taut rim of Lita's anus gripped him hard and even pressed the foreskin over the flange of his prick's head when he withdrew to the utmost. "Hunnhh!" he snorted as his balls suddenly twitched and began jerking about in their big, hairy sack. "Yeah, I feel it down there! I feel it now! Get ready, you two, I'm gonna shoot a stream of come so far up your ass it'll never get through dripping out!" His piston-like strokes multiplied until he was fucking like a madman. Lita howled and whimpered against Gloria's pussy as his prodigiously inflated tool whipped in and out of her asshole. Gloria attempted to keep her mouth over Lita's pussy, but the force of Logan's thrusts made her rump rock back and forth; she could hardly maintain the sensual contact she loved so well. Suddenly Lita lifted her head from between Gloria's thighs and shrieked. Looking up, Gloria saw the big vein running the length of Logan's cock begin to swell with quick, rhythmic gusts. "Ahhh, you're coming!" she exclaimed. "You're shooting the come up her now! Ooohh, shoot it in her, Logan, shoot that come up her asshole!" Gloria lay there, transfixed with joy, and watched him empty his balls into Lita's ass. She could see the answering gasps of muscular contraction, forcing the girl's anus to grip his prick convulsively; she also heard the strangled, whimpering cries of joy bubbling from the girl's throat. Logan kept up his pumping and lurching until he had utterly exhausted his balls. Then, gasping for breath, he leaned over Lita and rested on her back. She continued to work her ass in small circles, making her anus slide up and down his prick, but Gloria knew that she was only working out the last remnants of her pleasure; she was already fucked out, for all practical purposes. At last Logan disengaged himself and fell down beside her with a hearty grunt of pure pleasure. Lita stretched herself full length on Gloria's body and then slipped off her with catlike grace to curl up on her other side. Gloria reached between her thighs to catch the semen oozing from her ass; she dipped her fingers in the rich, creamy glue and began spreading it over the girl's pussy. "Now that was some fucking!" Logan finally exclaimed. "And it was pretty fine sucking too," Gloria added. Lita began babbling in Apache; she was almost incoherent, but Logan understood enough to understand that she was expressing her wonder and gratitude to them both for what she claimed was the most exhilarating and satisfying sexual encounter she had ever had. "Maybe that was her problem," he said when he had finished interpreting for Gloria. "Maybe she just needed to have a man and a woman at the same time!" "Ask her what she thinks about my idea," Gloria suggested. "You know, of having two men at once." Logan put the question to the girl and found that she agreed with Gloria. The mere idea of having two men at once, she said, was nearly enough to make her faint with pleasure. "I suppose that's your influence on me," Gloria said. "Ever since I mentioned that to you I haven't been able to think of much else. Would you think I was such a horrid, whorish creature if I said that I really wanted to try that? To have two men shooting come into me at once?" "No, not as long as I was one of 'em," he said with a laugh. "You wouldn't mind sharing me with someone?" she persisted. "Suppose the other man had me first—would you object to putting your prick into my cunt when I was dripping with another man's come?" "Hell no!" he promptly replied. "I've tried that before and it ain't no bad way to screw. You just find you that other man, honey, and I'll prove it to you!" "Do you realize how long it's been since we've seen another man?" she asked. "It was that dreadful Alba creature, the one you shot back there. Not that I'd want to let him within a mile of me, you understand." Lita, who had been following their words with blank incomprehension, spoke up and Logan explained what they had been talking about. She immediately broke into a broad smile and rattled off a long stream of Apache. "Says she's done it with three men in a row," Logan explained when she had finished. "It was at one of their tulapai parties—you know, where they get together to drink up their home-made liquor. Real whingdings they are, sometimes. She says she went off into the bushes with three bucks and they all mounted her, one after the other." "What did she think about it?" Gloria asked, intrigued by the prospect. "Says it was damned good," Logan told her. "They were just drunk enough to be real loose and easy and so they could ride her through most any kind of a storm. Quick as one shot his nuts off, the next one would get into the saddle and start giving her a gallop. Says she really got a good workout that day." "Three men in a row!" Gloria exclaimed. "My God, I know it's depraved and wicked of me to say it, but I can't help wondering what something like that would do to you! I can almost feel my pussy tingling now!" She was much too exhausted to be capable of responding immediately, no matter how strong the stimulus. She lay back on the blanket with a weak sigh. After a while they went down to the creek to wash the sperm and sweat off their bodies, but none had any appetite for further displays of erotic investigation that evening. It was a different story when they awoke the next morning. Lita squirmed about, stretching and murmuring softly as she worked her fingers over the lips of her pussy and massaged her asshole. She would willingly have accepted any kind of treatment Logan had been in the mood to give, but he was set upon moving further that day. Gloria managed to persuade him to let her satisfy the girl with her mouth, but he gave in only after considerable discussion. He gathered up the horses and put the packs together while they turned to each other with hungry desire. When he had completed his tasks, he stood beside them on the blanket and watched Gloria dive between the Indian girl's wide-spread thighs, licking her from clitoris to asshole. Lita had her face held closely to Gloria's hot little slit as well, and together they sucked each other to a rousing finish. "Look at that!" Gloria exclaimed, raising her pussy-smeared face to his and smiling in delight. "Look at that harden you've raised up! Don't tell me you wouldn't like to sink that cock of yours into one of us!" "Of course I'd like to," he admitted readily enough. "But damn it, I think we ought to get moving." They recognized the determination in his voice and reluctantly gave in. They dressed quickly, exchanging fond glances, and mounted up. Lita brought out her own food sack, and she and Gloria ate their breakfast, the regular standby of jerky and pinole, as they set out on the trail. Lita halted them an hour after noon that day. She had ridden ahead to a low ridge looking down into a jumble of cliffs and canyons. Logan stiffened when he saw her hand signal, and Gloria immediately knew that danger lay ahead. "I think they're from Cochise's band," Lita said when she rode back to join them. "They don't look like a war party." "What are you going to do?" Logan asked. "Make smoke," she said, dismounting and gathering firewood. "Cut some limbs off that juniper there; we need something green too." Gloria felt more than a little worried about the advisability of signaling to any band of Apaches, no matter how well Lita might know them, but when she found Logan willingly complying with the girl's requests, she felt somewhat better about the plan. They soon had a small fire built, and Lita then added an armful of green wood. A billow of smoke rose up, and the girl snatched off her saddle blanket. Manipulating it over the fire, she sent up several balls of smoke, of differing sizes, and then kicked the fire apart, effectively quenching it. "That will be enough to bring them to us," she explained to Logan, who in turn relayed the message to Gloria. "I only hope she knows what she's doing," Gloria muttered prayerfully. "She's pretty sure of it," Logan said. "Remember, there are some Apaches that wouldn't look very kindly on her anyway. This must be a group she knows and trusts pretty well." His prediction proved to be very accurate. Lita rode out from their fire and soon returned, followed by half a dozen braves. They approached warily, even though Logan had ostentatiously hung his pistol belt from his saddle horn and moved some distance from it. Lita soon had them all at ease, however, and Gloria marveled to find herself standing easily in the midst of a small group of warriors as fierce as any the southwest had ever known. "They're from Cochise's band, all right," Logan explained to her. "They're out on a hunting party. Lita's giving them the lowdown on how we rescued her from a feller that was going to sell her off as a slave—that'll put them on our side for sure." Again his prediction proved to be remarkably accurate. At length, when the girl had fully explained her predicament and how she had been rescued from it, the six braves grunted solemnly and filed forward to give Logan's right hand a prodigious pumping. They also stopped in front of Gloria and similarly mauled her hand, grunting and exclaiming all the while. "Yep, they think we're some punkins," Logan said with a big grin. "I reckon we could have just about anything we wanted, that's how pleased they are!""I believe I'd settle just for a safe passage to Tombstone," Gloria said with a big sigh of relief. "Wouldn't that be the best solution for us?" "I reckon it would," Logan agreed. "Might not do to get caught up in one of their celebrations—they're awful fond of stewed dog and that's a dish I just can't abide." "Ugh! I'd sooner eat this jerky and pinole for another week!" Gloria exclaimed, wrinkling her nose in disgust. Logan began palavering with the braves, and Gloria took advantage of the conversation to measure her first Apache braves. They were all short men, not one coming up to five and a half feet tall, but two of them had enormously broad shoulders and deep, powerful chests. One man had an ancient army carbine; the others carried bow and arrows. "They say they'll ride along with us almost all the way," Logan finally told her. "I had to do some powerful arguing to keep us from being invited to a dog-eating contest, but they gave in after a while. They say we can get there late tonight if we ride real hard and don't meet up with any trouble, or we can take it easy and get there tomorrow morning." They mounted and rode off, following their Apache escort. Gloria rode beside Lita, who seemed much happier now, and they exchanged coy glances as they jogged along. In late afternoon, they came across the tracks of a recent cavalry patrol, and that sighting effectively ended their chances of getting to Tombstone that night. They made camp in a deep canyon beside a small spring. The evening was a chaste one; all the braves were married, Lita said, and to have attempted a sexual episode with any of them would have greatly damaged her chances of being taken back into the tribe. Under those circumstances, Gloria felt that it would be unkind of her to avail herself of Logan's magnificent prick. Thus, she curled up beside him but resolutely closed her mind to all thoughts of the joys she could have had. It was the most uncomfortable night she had spent since he had rescued her from the Comanche, so many miles away. By the middle of the following morning, they had reached a point where the Apache escort was obviously becoming nervous. They said something to Logan, who answered, and then turned to Gloria. "This is as far as they go," he said. "Tombstone's about ten miles off in that direction." "Would you tell Lita something for me, please?" Gloria said, looking over at the girl with affection. "Tell her that I'll always remember all the things that she showed me. And that if it's ever possible for her to visit me in town, I would love to see her some time." Logan relayed the message and got a fervent reply. "She says she doesn't know how she'll arrange it," he said, "but she's going to make sure that we all get together again some time!" "I'll look forward to that," Gloria said, eyeing the girl fondly and sighing as she remembered the exquisite thrills they had experienced together. "I really will!" The Apaches wheeled their horses back, Lita with them, and disappeared into a thick patch of brush to the right. Logan and Gloria kicked their horses forward and began the last leg of their long trek. They arrived in Tombstone at three-twenty that afternoon. One of the first buildings she saw as they rode into the dusty, sun-baked town was a low, rambling adobe carrying a crudely painted sign which proclaimed, "Empire Mercantile & Freight Co., J. Cramer, Prop." "That must be Jed's place!" she exclaimed. "Oh, what luck! Come on, Dick, let's see if it isn't the place we're looking for!" They dismounted in front of the store, hitching their horses to the rail which ran the length of the building's front, and went inside. Gloria had to squint to pierce the gloom, which was all the darker in contrast to the brilliant sunshine outside, but she easily recognized her brother-in-law behind the counter. She went over to him and introduced herself. For a moment, Cramer could not bring himself to believe her; he had received word via Army telegraph that the wagon train which she and her husband had accompanied had been completely wiped out by an Indian attack. "It was just about wiped out," she said. "One of the Indians was left; he was carrying me off to Mexico when Logan here caught up with us and killed him." She went on to give a capsule version of their travels from that point on. She omitted all mention of the exciting and gratifying sexual experiences she had shared with Logan, of course, and also glossed over the exact reasons he had not conducted her back through Texas. "I can't believe it!" Cramer finally exclaimed. "We'd done given you up for dead and here you are, safe and sound!" After a moment, though, he had regained his composure enough to invite them back into his living quarters. He and his wife, a thin, mousey little woman who looked to be much older than his thirty years, had an apartment behind the store, and they insisted that Logan and Gloria avail themselves of their hospitality. "What are we going to tell them?" Gloria asked Logan when they had a moment alone together. "I'm not going to sleep by myself for very long, not after all the things we've had together!" "Why, I was sort of hoping that you 'n me might get hitched up and make a pair," he told her, bringing a gasp of happy delight to her lips. "I've got a little stake socked away in my saddlebags and them horses we brought through, they ought to help a little more. Maybe I could throw in with your brother-in-law; didn't you say once that your husband had been intending to go into the business with him?" "Yes, Jed had written inviting him to become a partner," she said. "He's been having a lot of trouble finding dependable people to boss the freight wagons. It seems that every man with a bit of gumption has decided to go into the hills and become a miner." "Thanks, I'd rather stick to horses and mules," Logan said. "Seems to me that the chances of making a living are a lot better. I can't see digging in the ground for a living, unless maybe it's to farm. Yeah, maybe old Jed would like to have an experienced hand around. There'll be a fortune to be made here, shipping goods out to them prospectors and miners." "And we'll tell them that we're planning to get married," she urged. "Yep, just as soon as it's decent, we'll tie the knot," Logan confirmed. Cramer greeted their news with much more equanimity than either of them had dared hope. He mourned his dead brother, naturally, but as he said to Gloria, the times were too tense to allow for the protracted period of mourning which eastern customs would dictate. "You could wear black dresses and a long face for ten years," he told them, "and it wouldn't do a blessed thing toward bringing Henry back. And I know you miss him, so what's the point of all that mourning? It's a thing I never held much with anyway. No, I say find you a preacher as soon as you want. And Logan, if you've got even a tenth of the experience you say you have—not that I'm doubting your word for a minute, you understand—then you're just exactly the man I've been looking for. Tell you what: if you throw in them horses of yours with mine and buy one more wagon, then I'll make you a proposition which ought to have us both rolling in money inside of a year. I'm telling you, these hills around here are full of miners and there ain't a one of 'em that won't buy almost anything I can get from the east. Guns, ammunition, tools, food, supplies, clothes, you name it and we can get rid of it. At a handsome price too." "That's the way with mining," Logan observed. "Every field I ever saw or heard tell of, there was a few that made money prospecting but a lot more that made money by selling things to them that was trying to prospect." "That's it exactly," Cramer said. "And especially now—everybody's out looking for gold and we'll have the freight and mercantile business all to ourselves!" The prospects were every bit as good as Cramer had depicted them, Logan soon learned. The miners around Tombstone had an unquenchable desire for manufactured goods, and Cramer had all he could do to satisfy those wants. Logan and Gloria found themselves a minister and were married in short order, but the pressing demands of the business were such that he had to go from the church straight to the small but comfortable house they had taken and change into his working clothes, then go back to the store and supervise the loading of a wagonload of mining supplies. Cramer had accumulated a massive backlog of orders during the period when he had been shorthanded, and Logan had to work frantically in order to catch up with the work. After the first month, however, they found themselves more in command of the situation. "Want to take off tomorrow and go up into the hills for a couple or three days?" he said to Gloria one night when they sat down to a late dinner. "We could find a nice mountain valley, do some fishing and maybe some hunting. It'd be nice, all to ourselves and not a thing to worry about. And there just might be another little surprise waiting, too." "That sounds marvelous," she said. "I haven't seen nearly enough of you lately. But what kind of surprise do you mean? You've got that look in your eye; you're up to something!" He refused to explain his meaning, no matter how she coaxed and pleaded. They packed up the next day, carrying an ample load of supplies, and rode out of town to the northeast. Logan led her over the rough roads with which he had lately become so familiar and, about ten miles out of town, cut off the dirt trail to head up into the mountains. "I found this place about two weeks ago," he explained. "One of the prettiest little spots ever I saw. I think you'll really like it." They rode through a narrow, rocky notch and came out into a small meadow framed by steeply rising cliffs.Halfway across the meadow, Gloria saw two scruffy little ponies grazing in the deep grass; they had ropes around their necks and looked to be picketed. "Someone has already found the place!" she exclaimed in disappointment. "Look, they've already put up a ramada! And there's someone under it!" When they got closer, she could see that there were two figures under the brush-covered sunshade. She looked over at Logan anxiously; the thought of Indians at once sprang into her mind. Logan seemed totally unconcerned, however, and was boldly riding straight for the ramada. "It's Lita!" Gloria cried out when she had gotten close enough to be able to see the features of the people. "As I live and breathe, it's Lita!" "I thought you might like this," Logan said with an infectious grin. "I met them along the road a couple of days ago and we got this all fixed up. She's hooked up with another man; that's Lolo." Gloria jumped down from her horse and ran over to Lita, who had come out from under the ramada and waved excitedly. They embraced fervently and loudly proclaimed their pleasure at seeing each other once again. Lola, a strongly built brave, very tall for an Apache, came out as well; he wore only a breechcloth and greeted Logan with a broad smile and a ribald gesture. Logan unsaddled their horses quickly and stacked their gear beside the ramada. "Is he... well, I mean, does he know about all the things Lita likes to do?" Gloria excitedly asked. "Is that why you got me up here? So that we could do all the things we'd talked about?" "That's one of the reasons," Logan admitted. "You haven't changed your mind and gone respectable, have you?" Gloria sucked in a deep breath and looked the three of them over carefully before answering. "I was beginning to wonder if respectability might not have been forced upon me," she said. "But no, I haven't forgotten all those wonderful things we did; I still remember them. And I remember some of the other things we talked about too!" Lita had been wearing only a brief smock, the top to her leggings, and she now began removing that. The bright, savage glint in her black eyes left little doubt of her readiness to begin their pleasure where they had left off. Lolo looked about, shrugged and pulled off his breechcloth, revealing a very handsomely proportioned prick and balls. Gloria frankly looked him over and saw that he had plenty of the right equipment. "He's a stallion!" she exclaimed. "Try out your Spanish," Logan said, reminding her that she had become much more proficient in that language since they had arrived in Tombstone. "Lita's gotten a lot better at it too—Lolo talks it real good." "Yes, it is only fitting that we should all speak together if we are to do these other things together," Lolo said. "In my own band, as a child, we spoke as much Spanish as Apache. My mother was a Mexican, you see." Lita had come over to him and had dropped her hand down over his prick; she began working the foreskin back and forth over the turnip-shaped head and soon had him fully aroused. Gloria undressed as quickly as she could. The sight of Lolo's magnificent body, together with the blatant sensuality of his cock and the excitement of seeing Lita pump it into erect life, had filled her loins with fierce sexual hungers. As soon as she had stripped off the last of her clothing she turned to Logan, who was also naked by that time, and took his massive cock in her hands. "Lolo had known nothing of cocksucking until I showed him my skills," Lita proudly announced as she dropped to her knees in front of him. "Now, I am happy to say that he has become a true convert to this way of lovemaking!" She took his swollen cock into her mouth and went down on it quickly, shoving almost the whole of the big tool into her throat. Gloria's pussy sprang into even more heated life when she saw that; she brought Logan over to a position where she could do the same to him and also watch Lita out of the corner of her eye. They both knelt before their men, loving them extravagantly, and exchanged sly, knowing looks. "Let's fuck them both at the same time," Lita proposed, removing her mouth from Lolo's cock and rubbing it against her throat with fond appreciation. "We can do it so we'll both be able to see everything—how does that sound to you?" "It sounds like the most exciting proposal I've had since... since I don't know when!" Gloria muttered. "But how can we arrange it?" Their rampant desire soon uncovered a technique which allowed them to accomplish Lita's goal. Gloria lay on her back and took Logan between her thighs, fitting his stiff cock into her pussy with a grunt of satisfaction. Lita mounted Lolo, who lay with his head pointing toward Gloria's and Logan's feet; when the girl shifted her rump over her man, Gloria saw her incomparably lovely pussy come into view. "Ahh, it's beautiful!" she cried out. "Let me put his prick in your cunt, love; I want to send it home!" "Do it!" Lita urged in a low, husky tone. "Put his cock in me! I want to feel your hand on my pussy!" Gloria reached out and ran her fingers over the girl's hot little slit. The lips felt as hot and moist as ever. Lolo's prick throbbed with passionate warmth. She took it in her fist, skinned it back to expose the big, purple head—his prick was several shades darker than Logan's, she noticed—and pressed the tip between the lips of Lita's pussy. She rubbed the tool up and down the furrow for a moment, taking care to touch all the sensitive parts, and then held it in the mouth of the girl's cunt. "There, he's ready now," she whispered. "Ugghh! His cock is coated with your pussy drip! It's the loveliest sight ever!" "Ahhhh!" Lita moaned as the man sheathed half his cock with one bull-like thrust. "My God, he's big, he's hard, he's hot! Ooooh, lift your legs up, Gloria; let me see Logan's prick working in and out of your cunt!" Gloria brought her legs up until her ankles were resting on Logan's shoulders. He lay over her, clearing her thighs and buttocks by several inches, and Lita could look into the open space and see his big, thick tool spearing into the hot-lipped orifice. "Let's frig each other while they're fucking us!" Gloria exclaimed in a fit of overpowering passion. "Can you reach my pussy, darling? Can you stroke my clitty while he's boring my cunt out?" Lita's education had not extended to the word "frig" but she soon caught on to the meaning when Gloria reached out to drag the tips of her fingers over her pussy. "Ahh, that's good!" Lita exclaimed heatedly. "We'll fingerfuck each other and screw our men at the same time! Ooohh, Gloria, what a wonderful mind you have! Ahhh, he's in so deep! Your fingers are making it better than ever! Ugghh! Oooohh!" Lita's fingers traced exciting patterns over Gloria's pussy. She caught up the big, swollen lip and pressed them hard against the stiff shaft of Logan's cock, bringing squeals of pleasure to her friend's throat; she stroked the pea-sized clitoris with devilish skill and even ran her fingertip over the mouth of Gloria's asshole. "Owww! You're making me want to come!" Gloria cried out. "Aiieee! I can't control it; it's bursting in me!" Logan felt her cunt clench up into a hard ball of sensual power and then explode with unparalleled ferocity. Recognizing that the moment for fast and uninhibited fucking had arrived, he began pounding his cock in and out of her cunt with long, sweeping strokes. Lita's fingers were more active than ever and added immeasurably to her friend's vast pleasure. Gloria lifted her ass off the blanket on which they lay, pressing her pussy against Logan's loins and trapping Lita's hand between their bodies; she grabbed Lolo's big cock in a death grip and moved it around inside Lita's hot little cunt. "Agghh! Fuck me, Dick, fuck me harder!" she cried out. "My God, you're up in my belly! Your cock's a foot long, I swear it is! Ooohh, don't stop fucking me, honey; I love to feel it going in so deep! Harder! Faster, damn you, fuck me faster!" Her abandoned cries mounted higher and trailed off into gibberish as she strained to heighten the feelings of sexual joy which pulsed outward from her cunt. She tossed her buttocks from side to side, lifted them up and down, did everything in her power to make her cunt caress his pistoning cock from as many angles as possible. Despite her best efforts she could not make him come and while she berated him for holding back the seminal blast the deprivation did not seem to affect the strength of her response. Lita was also experiencing the heights of sexual pleasure. Clenching her trim little buttocks into hard balls of muscle, she whipped back and forth on Lolo's thick cock and brought her clitoris down hard against his belly. Gloria's hand remained on her pussy and she rubbed herself against the fingers, muttering coarse phrases in Apache—due to the extent of her pleasure she had lapsed back into her native tongue—as she fucked back and forth. Gloria slipped her hand out and grasped the man's big balls; she brought them up and rubbed them over Lita's asshole. "Ooohh, we really fucked ourselves then," Lita murmured when finally she could work no longer. "Gloria, I'm in love with this double fucking!" "And I'm in love with it too," Gloria proclaimed. "Mmm, I loved the feel of Lolo's prick while it was going up into your cunt; he feels like a real man. He didn't come, did he?" "No, he's just like Dick," the girl said. "When he doesn't want to, you can't get the come out of his balls for anything!" "Maybe Gloria would like to try working him off," Logan suggested. "He might like to try some white pussy for a change of pace!" Gloria sucked in a quick, startled breath when she heard her husband's suggestion.The very thought of making love with Lolo when his cock was still hot and wet with her friend's come sent shivers of erotic delight flashing over her entire body. "Yes, that might be a very good thing to try," Lita agreed. "I've already told Lolo about the way you and I used to fuck Dick; he agrees that it would be a fine thing for us all to fuck each other. Mmm, I'm dying to taste his cock after he's had it up your cunt and shot his load; I'll bet that would be something I'd remember for a long time!"
Chapter One
Dorothy Taylor
Sex With The Neighbors
"Oooooooh!" Jassy moaned in ecstasy, totally consumed now by the fires of unimaginable passion. Amanda lowered her pussy directly onto Jassy's mouth, and she had no choice but to lick and taste it. Finding the torridly erected bud of the other woman's clit, she brushed her tongue lightly over it and was both shocked and fascinated by it. Amanda began to drive her tongue downward into Jassy's own helpless pussy. The two women licked, slurped, and drank each other's cunt juices. Scott walked in unexpectedly--and all of this time he thought Jassy was a virgin! Was she saving her cherry for a woman or did she lie--he was going to find out... "Aaaaaammmm..." Jassy gasped as he pressed his finger obscenely at her asshole. "Stick your ass up," he ordered. He wormed his finger into the tight little opening--he prodded and then forced it in even further. Then, suddenly, he pulled his finger out and aimed his huge cock straight at the hole--he would save her pussy for another day! CHAPTER: LATE NIGHT LIBRARY Amanda Woods stirred restlessly on the bed, her voluptuous body twisting sensuously on the mattress as the blankets slipped slowly off her naked body. Finally, realizing that she would get no sleep in her present restless state, she turned on her back and opened her eyes. She should have known better than try to sleep when she was so keyed up. Her thoughts kept returning to the conversation she had had with her boyfriend's father, Randall Thorpe. Randall Thorpe was a big man in Pennsylvania. He owned a few mines and various other businesses and was considered one of the most powerful men in the state. A man like him, especially if he had any political aspirations, couldn't afford scandals. But, he knew he would have one soon if he didn't do something about his son Scott, the most notorious wastrel in the state. Scott was what Thorpe's private conversation with her had been about. Long ago, the two of them had come to an understanding regarding his son, one that was beneficial to both of them and unknown to Scott. Amanda had started going out with Scott because he was rich and entertaining. Soon, however, she had realized just what a bastard he really was and was just on the verge of leaving him. That was when his father had stepped in and offered her a deal. He would pay her a salary if she would stay with his son, keeping him interested, entertained, and out of trouble. She had jumped at the deal, for though she didn't really like Scott, for the kind of money she was being offered, she would have put up with anything. Scott had a wild imagination and a strange sense of fun--one she found generally unamusing--but she stayed and stayed all for the sake of some good easy money. She had never considered leaving Scott either, or at least she hadn't until this afternoon, that is, when she had heard his father's latest plan to turn his no-good son into a responsible citizen. The batty old man was planning to send Scott up to some godforsaken mining town called Beaulea where he would learn all about coal mines and the way less fortunate people lived. If that wasn't bad enough, the old man wanted Amanda to go with him and be there, in some two-bit shanty town for the whole fucking time! The guy had balls! But she had to admit one thing, she was looking forward to Scott's reaction, that would be a show to sell tickets for! Shit, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all he had promised to up her salary while she was there. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Probably Scott himself to tell me the good news, she thought wearily, and throwing on her near transparent negligee she walked through the apartment, turning on a few lights as she went, before she opened the door. Scott was standing at the front door, and next to him stood another young man, about the same age as Scott. He was tall, with dark hair and dark eyes. He looked at Amanda as if he were appraising a whore in a whore house. "Howdy, Amanda honey, hear the good news from daddy dear?" he looked at her and smiled sarcastically. "Yes, are you going to do it?" she asked as casually as she could, while casting a questioning glance at the dark-haired man standing at his side. "Oh, I have to, or should I say," he smiled wickedly, "we have to. After all, we do want to inherit his money, don't we?" "Naturally," she returned. "Can we come in?" Scott spoke with just a hint of sardonic humor. "What? Oh, yes. Of course. I just..." "This is Amanda, my girl. She and I have a little understanding." "Understanding?" Amanda hadn't quite caught onto what Scott was up to. She was still rather groggy. "You've been talking about me, to him?" "Yeah, of course I have. I guess because you're something pretty special." Amanda was flattered by the cryptic compliment, but was somewhat taken aback by the fact that Scott had brought this friend along. He was up to no good though, she could realize that much. It was after they had all walked into the apartment that Chuck said, still eyeing her up and down. "Scott, you rich asses get all the luck with the chicks." A lustful smile grew on his face. The perplexed redhead found herself looking from one to the other of them, tense and curious. Obviously, Scott had told this fellow something about her. But had he told Chuck the more intimate details of their relationship? The nerve! She would be furious if Chuck knew all about her sex life with Scott. Moreover, she didn't know what Scott had in mind. There was an awkward silence as the two young men studied Amanda's sensuous figure, her soft, billowing tits fully visible under the sheer negligee, the soft tufts of her pussyhairs. It was Scott who spoke first. "Chuck here is one of my old college buddies." "Oh." Scott, hooked his thumb in his belt and seemed very serious. "Well, you see, Chuck just arrived in town and he doesn't know anyone here, so I thought I'd bring him along to share the fun. You know, we can all have a little fun together." Amanda was too stunned to reply. Perhaps she hadn't heard him right, perhaps. "What? Scott, what are you suggesting?" She had done a lot of things with Scott that were new and exciting, and insanely pleasurable. But she had never thought he would suggest anything like this. Party? What he meant was an orgy with her as the object. And after this, would he bring still more friends over at his whim? A gang-bang? She had heard about them, of course, fantasized, even, but never dreamed.... "I... I..." Her face was white and her hands were shaking. "N... No... no! I won't... I..." Her voice was so small and so frightened that Scott could hardly hear her protests. Chuck turned to Scott. "All talk and no show, huh? You were talking real big back at the bar." "Now wait a minute. I told you she would want to fuck us both, and she will. It doesn't take much to get her hot. Listen," Then he turned to Amanda, leveled a finger at her as if in accusation, and said. "It's all or nothing, Amanda. Either both of us, or neither of us ever!" Amanda looked at Scott as if she were in a dazed trance. Goddamn little bastard, he had her and he knew it. She sometimes wondered if he didn't know that his father paid her to stay with him to keep him out of trouble. He kept taunting her with things, throwing her faults up at her, making a fool of her, as though he were daring her to leave. And she would have long ago if she hadn't liked the money so well, but tonight! He had never gone this far before, asking her to act like a bawdy house-whore with a perfect, stranger! Letting both of them fuck her however they pleased? Both of them fucking her at the same time? It was a horrible thought. And yet, at the same time a very thrilling one. Amanda had never been much of a prude, and she couldn't not admit that she was excited at the obscene idea. "I know how to make it a little easier," said Scott. "How about a little drink?" "A drink?" replied Amanda. "C'mon, that always loosens you up." He reached down into a brown paper bag and removed a large bottle of Southern Comfort. Amanda shook her head and stepped back. She turned her head from one side to the other as if looking for an escape. Scott became annoyed. "C'mon, you know you love the stuff. What's the big deal?" "I don't want..." "Just like I said," Chuck interrupted. "All talk and no pussy. Man, what a braggart. Let's get the hell out of here. We can find our pussy somewhere else." Amanda was stung by his remark. He was treating her just like a tramp, a whore, but more than that, he was acting so condescending! If there was one thing she would not tolerate, it was being condescended to. She had a voice, she had a brain, and a personality! As angry as she was, she still managed to say."Oh, I'll have a drink, in fact, I'd like to have one, Scott, darling, but just a small one." Scott smiled, grinning first at her and then at Chuck. He took a deep swig out of the bottle and then passed it over to Chuck, who did the same and then in turn handed it to Amanda. She took the deepest drink of all, her breasts swelling out as she drank. Both the young men eyed her with great appreciation and anticipation. The liquor tasted sweet as she felt it going all the way to her stomach. She took a few more before handing the near-empty bottle back to Scott. She looked at the two young men and saw their lazy grins and glazed eyes, lids drooping almost to a half-close. Amanda could tell that the two men were in the same preoccupied stupor that she herself felt. Their glazed eyes were fixed on some point in mid-air, their minds fixed on some distant memory. They looked almost comical. In fact, they looked downright funny. A giggle surged up into her throat, but she tried to suppress it. She sat trying desperately not to laugh. But she couldn't stop herself. Her shrill laugh brought Scott and Chuck back from their preoccupied thoughts, and they eyed her suspiciously. "What's so funny?" "Nothing! Everything! You! Me! Everyone." As quickly as her laughter came, so it went suddenly. The room grew quiet and stuffy, and she just wanted to get Scott's little idea of fun over with. "Take off your nightgown." It was Scott who had spoken, quietly, but with a distinct tone of command. Amanda opened the front of her negligee, revealing her exquisitely ballooning breasts. Taking one sensuous stride backwards, she let it drop off one shoulder, then off the other. As it slid down her graceful, voluptuous body, over one shapely leg and then the other, she looked at them and smiled. It was almost as if she were an entirely different person, standing brazenly and enticingly naked in front of two men, and she was enjoying it. Her eyes were glazed, her mouth was dry, and she longed for something cool and sweet to wet her parched throat. Chuck and Scott were staring at her, open-mouthed and slightly dazed, as she walked very slowly, one long sensuous step after another, towards them. Slowly, her smoothly curved buttocks came into view. She turned to face them and saw the lustful, hungry look in their eyes as they watched her, transfixed. Her softly rounded breasts danced and jiggled with every licentious step she took, and she shrugged her shoulders to increase this effect. Grinning lewdly, she stood swaying in a drunken haze with her hands brazenly, almost daringly, holding her huge breasts up in the air as though she wanted them to become as large as they could be. The rapid breathing of the two young men was heavy in the quiet room until Scott said reverently, "God damn! What a set of tits!" Both men were wide-eyed, and their mouths began to water in eagerness as they silently studied every curve, every line and feature of her nakedly enticing body. The apartment seemed to grow hotter--they could see a large drop of wetness clinging to the crevice between her huge, lewdly held breasts. Her body began to glisten already with sweat, which only made her obscene pose all the more lewd and irresistible! She flirted with them in a provocatively tempting way, her whitely trembling breasts bouncing back and forth as she moved a little to expose the pinkly glistening lips of her pussy to the two panting men with a frank lewd desire, and her hotly throbbing clitoris was exposed, naked and inviting. God, was she horny! Hornier than she could ever remember being! "You really know how to pick women, Scott," Chuck hissed with awe. "Just look at that pussy!" Amanda smiled, a lust-ridden, depraved smile. Slowly her fingers moved from her breasts to move across her softly rounded belly, down to her downy pubic hair where they played languorously for a minute before caressing her clitoris, sending a fabulous electric shock through her entire naked body. Scott and Chuck jumped off the chairs and were out of their clothes before Amanda knew what had happened. "Oh? Let me at that pussy! Give me a little piece of that," Chuck growled, frantically trying to get out of his clothes. Scott always used vulgar words when he was having sex with her, but these words coming from a stranger thrilled her even more. She couldn't stop trembling with anticipation at the thought of being fucked by both of them. Her lushly naked body fairly screamed out to be tortured with humiliation, with agony and with pleasure. She would do whatever they wanted, act as lewdly and obscenely as they could make her, and she thrilled with her own power and with their power over her. She looked at their muscular, naked bodies with an animalistic craving, look at those two huge cocks! So nice and big! Stiff and long cocks--and they were all hers! And she was going to be fucked by both of them, right now! She was nearly crazy with an insane excitement as she watched the two men slowly approach her. "I get the first fuck with this doll!" Chuck said flatly. "No, wait a minute. She's my woman and I pay her bills, so I call the shots. We'll both fuck her at the same time." "Hey, great! Sounds like a blast!" Turning to Amanda, Scott ordered, "Get down on your knees, Amanda." But Amanda was still in a daze and didn't react quickly enough for them. Grabbing her by the arms and wrists, they pushed her down to her knees. Kneeling in front of Scott, she gazed longingly at the hugely pulsing cock that hung down in front of her, it was so delicious looking. She saw it jerk lustfully as though it could escape her ravenous stare and was ready. Still with the same dazed, drugged, dreamy expression on her face, she opened her mouth slowly, invitingly. But Scott didn't move. So she stretched her hands up and took the thickly throbbing hardness in her fingers, working them back and forth slowly, sensuously as her cruel boyfriend thrust his naked, glistening hips back and forth in rhythm. "Close your eyes," Scott hissed. She obeyed, opening her wetly ovaled lips in eager anticipation. He guided his huge, lust-swollen cock-head into her mouth, then reached down with one hand and began massaging one of her sensuously quaking breasts. "Suck my cock, baby!" he moaned, and Amanda obeyed, closing her velvety soft mouth tightly around the jerking head. Then she started sucking, very gently at first, but soon with gluttonous passion and obscene abandon. Eyes closed in luscious rapture, Amanda felt hands pulling her fingers away from Scott's penis and placing them on another. Her mouth still locked tightly around Scott's cock, she continued her voracious sucking while her fingers now closed tightly over Chuck's hotly swelling pole, stroking it into a hot pulsing hardness. It jerked with desire in her hands as the liquor-crazed young redhead took as much of Scott's cock as she could in her mouth, bobbing with her lips at it. Suddenly, Chuck crudely pulled her head to one side, tearing her away from Scott's heatedly throbbing shaft with a wetly lewd sound. She opened her mouth wide and then closed it again, this time around Chuck's penis. She opened her eyes briefly, looking up at the salacious grinning young man as he fucked her in the mouth, hips swinging back and forth. Amanda felt Scott grab both her hands and wrap her fingers around his own shaft, wet with her saliva. Immediately she began madly, passionately, caressing it, up and down, up and down. Then she felt two hands, one on each hotly quivering breast, massaging crazily. She could tell that they were the hands of two different men, and the thought of this drove her to feverish heights of excitement. Instinctively, they both began to squeeze her pink, inviting nipples until they tingled uncontrollably. The scene became wilder and wilder as they crouched over Amanda's nakedly voluptuous body. They were mesmerized by her milky, naked flesh as she sucked with wanton abandon first at one pulsating cock and then the other. Soon there were four hands roaming over her body, cupping her whitely trembling buttocks, massaging her soft fuzzy pussy, squeezing her nipples into rampant life. Her entire body was dripping wet now, little droplets of perspiration slipping down her neck and face. They were all breathing heavily, panting with lust, as she continued to suck with wetly ovaled lips, trying desperately to please herself and the two men. Her hands were constantly grasped around their hotly throbbing penises, and she stroked and pulled and stroked as hard as she could. Amanda was tossed around, pushed and pulled this way and that, while her wetly excited vagina and anus were probed and caressed by mauling, massive hands. She felt her passion rising to the boiling point, as she sucked and stroked with all her might, hoping that one or the other--or both--of them would cum in her mouth. She wanted them both desperately, unashamedly, wanted them to cover her naked body with cum. She knew there was plenty of time, that they would both probably cum at least twice. She was theirs, completely and obscenely theirs, and she would do anything they asked. She felt a bolt of excitement course through her body when Scott picked her up, his hands under her armpits, and carried her into her bedroom and placed her on the bed. She lay still for a moment in breathless anticipation, spreading her legs wide apart to expose her cock-hungry vagina. The two men looked down at her, burning with mad abandoned passion, their massive penises glistening with her warm saliva. Then they looked at each other as if they were animals poised for the kill. "I've got first fuck," Scott groaned. Without waiting for Chuck's reply, he fell heavily on top of her with a force that nearly took her breath away.For a moment, she was stunned, looking around first at one, then at the other of them, as though wondering what they were going to do next. Scott began running his hands all over her body, down to her glistening slit. Then, he placed his cock-head over it and drew it back and forth, smiling in a depraved and lewd way. Amanda smiled back at him, unable to speak. The tip of his huge shaft separated her softly working pussy lips and smoothed down against the thin furrow of pinkly throbbing flesh, and she bent her knees up in response, impatiently, revealing her soft little pussy. Chuck watched as if in a trance, as Scott plunged his massive, hot spear into her eagerly quivering pussy. "You like that, huh?" Scott hissed. Amanda could only groan ecstatically in response. Her hips began to gyrate and undulate as soon as his thickly pulsing shaft had slid into her ravenously devouring pussy hole. He fucked her with slow, tantalizing, sensuous strokes as she moaned and groaned, tossing her head from side to side, her legs spread obscenely apart, inviting more and more long, sensuous strokes. Her tits quaked ecstatically as Scott's fingers worked over their white softness. Amanda's head fell over the edge of the bed in her wild abandon, her neck exposed and her mouth gaping open, moaning and crying each time Scott fucked his enormous cock all the way home. Through half-open eyes, she saw Scott's friend come around to stand by her head, his naked torso gleaming with sweat, his massively throbbing shaft in his hand. She watched with open eyes now as he slowly drew the foreskin back, revealing his thickly pulsating head in all its glory. Amanda opened her mouth wider, begging silently with wetly parted lips. Crouching above her head, Chuck held his dick for her to see, then very slowly, very sensuously, slid its hotness into her hungry, greedy mouth. Now, the two men were fucking her simultaneously in the mouth and in the cunt. Within a couple of minutes, they fell into the same sensuous rhythm, grinning salaciously as they thrust each time. Scott fucked deep into her wetly throbbing pussy while, at the same time, Chuck sank his hotly jerking shaft deep into the hot, velvety warmth of her mouth, as far as it would go. They both withdrew at the same time, pulling their cocks out until just the heads were in her hungry cunt and her warm, willing mouth. They would pause for a moment before swooping down again, and this time they fucked her with a slowly but steadily increasing rhythm that nearly drove her wild. She knew what they were doing and was enjoying it, as her nakedly voluptuous body undulated and writhed with each deep fuck; her huge tits dancing up and down with an obscene motion. Scott's damp, hot fingers pinched her nipples to erectness, pinching them harder and harder until it was almost painful, while Chuck held her head down, screwing in and out of her willing mouth with wanton abandon. She could feel her cunt clasping Scott's hardness and could feel him beginning to cum inside her. He threw his head back, let out an obscene moan, spewing his scalding hot juices deep up into the very depths of her pussy. He screwed his thickly jerking cock in and out at a frantic pace while his cum-laden balls slapped up against her defenselessly exposed ass. She felt the surge of his cum, felt his wildly quaking prick already beginning to go limp. But she didn't try to hang onto him, because Chuck would be next and she wanted him very badly. Chuck slid his wetly glistening shaft from her warm, smooth mouth, and without a word, he grabbed her by the waist, and turned her over on her belly so that her rounded white ass cheeks were exposed. "Ass up, cunt!" Without questioning, Amanda scrambled to her knees while her tits dangled quivering underneath her. She arched her back lewdly, offering her twin ass cheeks to the man who was kneeling on the bed behind her. "Spread wide," Chuck commanded, and she obediently spread her thighs so that he could see the wet, cum-drenched hole of her cunt. Grinning with salacious pleasure, he grabbed her by the waist and put the head of his huge cock on the warmly inviting hole and began to press forward. Meanwhile, Scott walked around to her head, standing in front of her so she could have a good look at his newly swelling cock. She gazed at him with a lewdly hungry expression, parting her lips in invitation. At the same time, she felt Chuck's massive shaft spread her fuzzy pussy and begin to bury his prick into her ravenous cunt. She undulated backward, obscenely rotating her ass cheeks as he slipped his dick eagerly into the slippery confines of her pussy. Amanda's passion was rising and rising until she thought she would go mad. Bucking back and up as her boyfriend's friend, Chuck, began fucking her, her loins ripped lewdly as she took all of his massive prick deep within her greedily clasping cunt. She could feel ripples of lust running in waves through her nakedness and she wanted to cum. She would burst if she didn't cum soon! Scott was still standing there, watching her huge titties dancing and swaying underneath her. Roughly, he grabbed ahold of her coppery hair with one hand, jerked her head up and slid his anxiously throbbing cock into her open and willing mouth. Immediately, she began a greedy, hungry sucking, hugging his hard maleness with her soft, moist lips. Again, the wantonly kneeling redhead was being fucked by two men at once. God, she loved every lewd second of it! She felt an obscene thrill ripple through her entire body. Scott watched her suck, her cheeks hollowing, her lips ovaled and tight. He watched her naked hips undulating wildly, straining to cum as his massively pulsing cock grew harder and harder. Amanda could feel Chuck's heatedly throbbing cock fucking in and out of her at a frantic tempo, and she could feel her own impatient cum building, smoldering, begging for release. She wanted to throw her head from side to side, but Scott held it firm as he pumped in and out with a steadily growing tempo. Amanda's mind-erupting cum slammed into her almost without warning, although it had been building relentlessly all through the dual fucking. She came as Chuck held her by the hips while Scott held her head in place, and they continued fucking her wildly writhing, nakedly flying body with merciless abandon as they felt her body shudder in spasms of reckless delight. Her sobbing moans turned to gurgles around Scott's lust-hardened cock, and her hot, juicy pussy twitched and tightened around Chuck's deeply fucking shaft. Sweat poured out of every pore. She writhed and jerked back and forth as the men intensified their efforts to prolong her cum. She was powerless as the two young men battered her back and forth, ravaging her helpless naked body. Chuck came, his scalding white cum spilling into her greedily milking cunt. Then, he pulled out his bucking, pulsating cock and shot his lust fuel all over her hotly quivering ass cheeks. Amanda felt a lewd pleasure at this obscene action. Still, she sucked harder and harder on Scott's prick, until, with a low moan, he began to cum in her mouth. Amanda's cheeks ballooned with each burst of white hot juice, and she swallowed all of it, gasping for air. But Scott kept on ramming, driving his swollen shaft as far back into her mouth as it would go with each new jet. And Amanda kept on sucking, greedily, madly licking his cock until she had gotten every drop of the boiling cum. The three of them collapsed, exhausted on the bed, panting, sweating in the aftermath of their salacious orgy. "Amanda," Scott gasped in between pants. "Are we going to have a fucking time there up at the coal mine?" "You think so?" "Sure! Now you know that I'm the greatest fucker in the world, and you have the best cunt, well then, it just stands to reason that by the time we leave that place, we'll have the whole damn town fucking like crazy and doing it better than anyone else in the world." "And what makes you think those turkeys up there in Beaulea are going to want lessons from us?" she asked him, smiling in spite of herself at the crazy images he was conjuring up in her mind of a town gone wild and fucking in the streets and the mines. "Yeah," Chuck spoke up for the first time. "What makes you think that they're going to listen to you just because your father's the big-shit around the place?" "Because he is the big-shit," he said smugly. "And when the big-shit's son says fuck, people do!" CHAPTER TWO Amanda was getting seasick. She had been maneuvering the little sports car around turns and grades for what seemed like hours. She had never seen such a wilderness of trees and winding roads and mountains in her life, and she never wanted to again. She had no idea how she was ever going to be able to bear staying up in Beaulea for however long Scott was going to have to stay there. She looked over at Scott sitting next to her in the car, and had to laugh to herself, he looked even more miserable than she felt. Poor guy, he was going to miss the big city even more than she would. "Hey, watch how much you drink there? We're almost there, and you can't show up smelling like a brewery!" she cried, taking her eyes off the road as the young Thorpe took another drink from his pocket flask. "Man, I need all the fortification I can get to make it through the next few months," he laughed half-heartedly. "I mean, where did my crazy old man get the idea that I had to start at the bottom in order to work at the top?" "He did." "Shit, you sounded just like my dad. Do that one more time, and I'll leave you in Beaulea when I split." She laughed. "All right, I promise, I'll promise anything!" "You know what I'd like right now?" "Umm, what?" "A nice interesting fuck!""I'll have you know that you're in the company of one of the most interesting fucks in the world. At least that's what I've been told," the ravishing woman said, patting a stray lock of her curly red hair into place. "Oh, come on now, baby, you know what I mean," the rich, dark-haired man replied, a glint of lewd interest flickering in his deep brown eyes. He sat up to get a cigarette out for his companion. Taking one himself, he lit both. He handed it to Amanda, placing it between the voluptuous redhead's scarlet-painted lips. He let his thumb rub sensually against her full lower lip, then dropped his hand down to the deep cleft between her hugely billowing breasts, where they showed tantalizingly white and soft at the top of her softly clinging peach silk blouse. For a moment, his curious fingers played there, grazing suggestively against the smoothness of her cream-like skin, and then suddenly they darted down and across, smoothing against the supple swell of Amanda's inviting breasts, naked beneath the material of her thin blouse. Taking the soft bud of her rapidly hardening nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he began to squeeze it obscenely. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh Scottie," the redhead cooed. "Feel nice, Mandy?" Scott asked, as he continued to squeeze and roll the sensitive button of her nipple between his fingers, feeling it growing harder by the minute. "It certainly does," she replied, keeping a sharp eye on the road. After all, she didn't want to accidentally careen off one of these hairpin turns and end up in a smashed pile at the bottom of one of these wild ravines. But she did manage to guide her right hand unerringly towards Scott Thorpe's hotly throbbing dick. Her tapered fingers then began to caress the cloth-covered, stiffening bulge at the front of his pants, feeling the rigid hardness give a little jerk of desire beneath the thin material and grow harder still. "Mmmmmmmmmnnnnn," she purred, "you certainly are ready for pussy." "Why don't you drive up the next dirt road," Scott suggested. He loved the way Amanda fingered his cock, and his loins throbbed with steadily rising lust. "Hell, why don't you just pull over to the side of the road and suck me off." "Scottie," the sultry female said, her green eyes glittering with mischief, "you are a real jerk sometimes, you know that? I have my rights too, you know, and I like to get my cunt licked too." "Okay, then, drive up the next dirt road," Scottie replied a little sulkily. He didn't like it at all when Amanda was so damn smart. It made him feel like a damn kid with his mother. So unlike the adoring and sex-starved social-climbers who were eager and ready to do anything with the rich handsome son of Randall Thorpe. Still, for all her annoying independence, he had to admit that Amanda had interested him more than any other woman. Somehow she had managed to keep him interested and entertained so that no matter how often he screwed other women, he always came back to Amanda. The fact that she had that kind of effect on him amazed him. "Why don't we just wait, honey," Amanda suggested. Yet despite her desire to keep going, the redheaded beauty was squirming on the car seat in mounting excitement. Scott's fingers were still roving maddeningly over her sensuously rounded breasts, making her tingle excitedly all over. She could feel a light film of perspiration breaking out over her ravishingly endowed body, especially up between her warmly quivering thighs. "We're almost to Beaulea. Let's just go on into town, find that dump we'll be staying in, and then maybe we can have a quickie." Amanda loved a good fuck, but she did have a job keeping him out of trouble and to stop now might create some. If the son of the owner of the Beaulea Mine were caught, by the locals fucking his girlfriend on the side of the road, there would be hell to pay. Shit, she could just imagine what the papers would say. "Amanda, sometimes I think you're just a goddamn cock-tease." "Oh yeah?" The amused redhead shifted easily into a lower gear as she prepared to turn the car up the last steep winding grade before the town. "Listen, lover, I'm the best friend your little ol' cock ever had." Scott was silent, once more staring sulkily out the window. He missed her hand touching him down there, but decided to let Amanda have her own way. After all, it was never very long before the handsome heir found female companionship, and he'd soon be rolling around in bed with some nice, eager pussy, be it Amanda or some miner's daughter. "Listen, Scottie," the green-eyed woman said, attempting to soothe his distress. "If you're real good up at Beaulea, and don't get nasty with the miners and get mixed up with their daughters, and if you just play your little part like daddy wants you to, then maybe father will stop trying to make you responsible and let you inherit his money without bothering you anymore, how about it?" Scott said nothing, feigning disinterest. But he had to admit that Amanda was probably right. She seemed to know his father even better than he did himself and he respected her judgment when it came to her opinion of just how his old man thought. Every time he took Amanda's advice it always turned out to be the best thing to do and though he would never admit to her or anyone else how much he listened to her, he listened nonetheless. He removed his hand from the warm interior of Amanda's silk blouse and began to drum his fingers lightly on the window. Yeah, Amanda was something else alright, almost too good to be true, and she'd been keeping him out of trouble ever since they'd met. Fuck, she'd put up with more shit from him and still stayed with him, than anyone he had ever known, his father included. Scott knew he was a no-good, conceited bastard, but he didn't care, he was the spoiled rich son of a millionaire, and he could afford to be an asshole, and he knew it and he knew he could get away with it because it was expected of him. The rich were the traditional asses of society, so after all, wasn't he just living up to the image? He laughed quietly, because he knew he would have started the idea if it hadn't already been created. He used his father's power and money to get himself everything he wanted, and he used it ruthlessly without feeling for those he trampled along the way. His father hated him, hated him for the way he took for granted all the things it had taken him his life to build. The money, the power, had all come after years and years of hard, backbreaking labor and Scott took and used it all as though it were owed him and not something to be grateful for. Scott didn't feel sorry for the old man, he was his father's son, and he had made his son what he was today. If the end product didn't suit his fancy, tough shit, he was still the only son he had, and he would never abandon him. He was stuck with him just as Scott was with his father. Some critics would even say they deserved each other and he had to agree. Absorbed deeply in his thoughts, Scott was only vaguely aware that the scenery was rapidly changing outside the car. No longer were the trees thick along the side of the road, but they were thinning now. And off in the distance he could see the ugly scar of the mine cut into the mountain. The buildings surrounding the mineshaft and the building built over the shaft itself all stood out like great dusty blemishes against the brown-like dirt of the surrounding area. The cage-tower, full of its cables and pulleys that operated the cage-like elevator that took the miners down into the mines, stood out grotesquely from the rest. Below the mine, the miners' dwellings lay scattered about haphazardly around the mine buildings. Even from the road, all Amanda could see was the few pitiful attempts they had made on some of the homes to make them look more like normal houses, instead of the homes the company had built for its employees, but the attempt had been futile. The mine itself was too hideous to let anything too close look beautiful. Amanda shuddered as they got closer to the village of Beaulea, and realized that this was to be her home for the next couple of months. Damn good thing Mr. Thorpe was paying her extra, or she would have turned back and gone to the city. "Would you get a load of that place?" Scott said suddenly, incredulously, at her side, "Holy shit, dad sure threw one at me this time. The bastard, he really knows how to make me pay for my sins." "Scott, would you take a look at the map Rogers drew for us back in town and find out which one of these shacks we'll be staying in?" Amanda pointed to the dashboard, and a small piece of paper. Scott picked it up for a moment and studied it, then looked back up to the village itself. "It's the blue house, the big one on the edge of town, just as you come into the place." The sun had gone behind the mountain by the time they finally drove into Beaulea and followed the pitted road to the blue boarding house where they would be staying. The house was run by a miner's daughter named Jassy Newquay. Jassy came from a long line of miners. Her great-great-grandfather had worked the copper mines in Cornwall, England until the copper had run out and after that, he had worked in the tin mines until in the mid 1800's when he had immigrated to the United States with his family. All of his sons had been miners too, and their sons, and theirs. Jassy's father had mined the Beaulea mine for twenty years before it finally killed him in the disastrous cave-in of '74. Twelve miners had been killed in that disaster, buried forever in the bowels of the earth crushed beneath tons and tons of rock. Jassy had been only one of the many who mourned that day.She had had to get a job herself after her father had died, and since she had never lived in any other place but Beaulea, she had stayed. The miners had laughed at the idea that she get a job as a miner, but they gave her a job, though it was not in the mine itself. Jassy was a counter; it was she who kept track of the amount of coal removed from the mine each day, and she did her job well. Aside from her work at the mine, she had also opened her home to boarders. She did own the largest and most elegant house in the village, considering the rest of the houses, and she treated her boarders well, when she had them. Her only real permanent resident was the crew eight foreman, Dirk Mulligan. The Mulligan men had been miners from way back, and they looked the part - big, brawny, and with eyes as black as the very coal they mined. Dirk Mulligan was a hard man, but he had one weakness: Jassy Newquay. He found her frustrating and unpredictable, but one of the most fascinating women he had ever met. He was sometimes sorry that he couldn't quite think of her in any other terms than that of a sister, but he couldn't. Maybe he had known her too long and known her father as one of his best friends. Whatever the reason, he knew that she considered him as her family, for she had no other, and he was happy to leave it at that. Aside from Dirk, and a few short contract miners or visitors, the boarding house remained nearly empty. But it paid for itself, because it was the only house in town where a newcomer could stay, and now it would be getting two new guests, Amanda Woods and Scott Thorpe. But Amanda and Scott didn't know all of this when they drove up in front of the house and sat in silence as they surveyed the somewhat run-down home where they would be living for the next few months. "Not bad," Scott finally said. "No offense, or anything, but I sure hope they have some good-looking women around here to keep me happy." "Thanks for the insult," Amanda laughed, but then turned serious. "Just remember what we talked about, about staying out of trouble." "Yeah, yeah. I won't forget it, and I know you won't let me, will you?" "No, I probably won't," she said truthfully. "I didn't think so," he looked at her with mock anger and turned to get out of the car and began to survey the grounds. Amanda remained in the car momentarily to check out her appearance in the rear-view mirror. Not bad, she thought, arranging a few curls of her coppery tresses, not bad at all. Although she was rapidly approaching thirty, the ravishing beauty knew she was a beautiful woman and made most men know it. She readied herself now to turn on the charm with the miners of Beaulea. Easing out of the car, she saw Scott standing in front of the house, looking crisp as ever in his tailored shirt and slacks. He had his hands on his hips, and was scrutinizing the large house before him, and for a moment Amanda felt her heart skip a beat in spite of her occasional dislike of Scott's egocentric personality. There's no question about it, he's a good-looking man. Too damn good-looking. "Doesn't look like anybody's home," Scott said. "There's got to be. It's a boarding house, and Jassy Newquay's expecting us. Come on." As they headed up the wide, wooden front stairs of the house, however, the front door was opened by a tall, handsome man in his late twenties, with thick, sandy-colored hair and penetrating coal-black eyes. His muscular body was clad in a red-plaid logging shirt and jeans, but the red-haired woman was quick to notice that the man who came forward with the appealing smile to greet them, though hardly an intellectual type, was exceptionally attractive and exuded a calm maturity that was a refreshing change from the dark surliness of Scott Thorpe. "Hi," the man said, greeting them warmly. "I'm Dirk Mulligan. Jassy couldn't come out yet, so she asked me to greet you for her." A few moments later, they sat in the spacious living room, drinking coffee. "What a beautiful house this is. Do you live here too, Mr. Mulligan? May I call you Dirk?" the vivacious redhead asked sweetly. "Do call me Amanda, it's so much friendlier, don't you think? You have no idea how pleased we are to be staying here. Scott so wanted to learn more about mining and the Beaulea mine in particular. Are you a miner?" "Yes... yes, as a matter of fact. I am," he replied somewhat awkwardly. He didn't know why it was that every time his eyes made contact with the flame-haired beauty, he felt himself blushing like a schoolboy. "Been working in the mines since I finished high school." "You must like your work. But your wife must hate it. It's a dangerous job, isn't it?" she replied. "Yes, it is dangerous, but I don't have to worry about worrying a family. I'm not married." "What a shame," Amanda smiled, delighted to discover that this handsome miner was single, for the experienced woman found herself growing more and more drawn to the handsome man. Scott, meanwhile, was lounging in a big easy chair, trying to keep from showing his intense boredom. As far as he was concerned, Dirk Mulligan was a bore, and he would have preferred to be exploring a few discos and picking up a few hot dates back home in the city. "Awfully big house for this place, I mean town, isn't it?" he inquired finally. "Oh, it wasn't built by the company," Dirk replied, turning his attention away from the green-eyed female. "It was built by Jassy Newquay's grandfather, he did it himself." "Jassy?" Scott asked, forgetting what Amanda had told him in the car. "She lives here too, does she?" "Yes, all her life. In fact, I don't know what's keeping her now," the handsome miner replied with a smile. "She usually isn't this late in greeting her new guests." "Well, it'd be nice to meet her," Scott replied, trying to restrain his intense curiosity about what this Jassy Newquay would look like. Dirk turned irresistibly back to Amanda, who sat next to him on the large over-stuffed sofa, a vision of sophisticated perfection. Her skin was amazingly clear, almost translucent, and the color of peaches and cream. Dirk found himself unconsciously staring down at the exposed upper part of her softly ballooning breasts, and was somewhat startled to realize that she wasn't wearing a stitch of lingerie under the thin silk blouse. Aware of the handsome man's attention, Amanda languidly crossed her legs, giving him a glimpse of the sleek taper of her limbs. Inwardly she wondered if he would be shocked to discover that she wore no panties beneath her skirt, yet she held back from revealing that much leg to him. "I suppose we can wait until tomorrow morning before you meet the manager," Dirk said, struggling to keep the conversation going. "He intended to be here to meet you when you came, but something came up and he won't be able to. He told me to make his apologies. He doesn't like not being able to welcome you himself." Amanda was about to answer when there came the sudden sound of someone coughing. Turning, she saw Jassy Newquay standing in the doorway to the living room as if making a preplanned entrance. "Oh, hello, there!" she said in mock surprise. "I didn't realize you all had arrived." Dirk gulped and almost spilled his coffee down the front of his shirt as he caught sight of the young girl. She was dressed in one of the skimpiest pair of shorts he had ever seen her wear. He wasn't even aware she owned shorts as revealing as that. Her T-shirt was no better. It looked as though it were at least two sizes too small and it outlined her sensuous breasts as though it were not even there, and her pale shimmering hair was studiously brushed and shining, hanging just so to her shoulders. "This is Jassy Newquay," Dirk stammered. He could feel the blood rushing to his ears, and vowed that when he got Jassy alone he was going to turn her over his knee, even if she were his real sister. These two were important people, and she knew better than to embarrass herself and the village by showing up in a tiny get-up like that. Jassy entered the room slowly, her eyes glued to Scott Thorpe's. The disturbed miner saw, as she got closer, that she was wearing mascara and eyeliner. She never usually wore makeup. A far cry from her usual look in blue jeans and overalls. "Oh, hello," she said again as Scott Thorpe stood up eagerly to shake her hand. His dark eyes glistened with lewd interest and roved almost shamelessly over the scantily dressed girl's appetizing body. "I just came from the garden in the back," she indicated with a toss of her head. Dirk had never felt so powerless with this headstrong girl. Obviously, she was now willing to go to any lengths to annoy him, and it enraged him inwardly to see the way Thorpe's spoiled son was ogling her. God, he was almost undressing her with his eyes. Not that Jassy hadn't invited him to do so! Although he struggled not to show it, Dirk could feel his blood pressure mounting dangerously. Yet somehow he managed to get through the introductions without exploding. "Do you work in the mine?" Thorpe asked the blonde. "Oh, yes," Jassy replied eagerly. Dirk thought resentfully of the fact that Jassy was showing so much interest in the big-shot city slicker when she never even so much as smiled at the local boys. Meanwhile, Scott Thorpe was struggling not to reveal too much of his obscene reaction to the arrival of the enticing young blonde. There was a steadily mounting pulse of lewd heat burning now in his loins, and he couldn't keep his eyes from roving lovingly along the firm contours of the twenty-year-old's voluptuous body. Christ, he thought to himself, what a pair of breasts she's got!His prick began to lurch hungrily in his trousers, and he quickly sat down, not wanting to betray his feelings to anyone else. He could see Amanda smiling knowingly at him, but he didn't care about her. He didn't care about anything but the appetizing vision of the scantily dressed blonde girl. "If ever I saw virgin pussy," he mused lewdly, eyeing the tight little 'vee' that nestled between Jassy's firm white thighs, "this is it!" Amanda could easily see that Dirk was the protective sort and was reacting with barely concealed anger, and to ease the situation, she decided it was time to act. She placed her hand on the handsome miner's arm and squeezed it, a little bit. Feeling the pressure, Dirk turned to the attractive redhead and was once more caught in her voluptuous spell. There was something about her that seemed to absolutely hypnotize him. "You have a lovely house here, Jassy," she cooed softly. "You must be very proud." "Well... uh, yes, yes I am." "It must be difficult to take care of it all alone." "Yes, I must admit that sometimes it is. Oh, dear," she covered her pretty mouth with her delicate fingers. "I have completely forgotten my manners. Would any of you like some more coffee?" "Sure," Dirk replied, now considerably calmed thanks to Amanda's artful charm. "I'd love some." Turning, the young blonde ambled slowly out of the room, and at that moment, every eye seemed to focus on the prominent, sensually swaying ass cheeks of the unpredictable woman-child. Once more, Dirk felt a throbbing anger rising in his brain, and it was a relief to him when his Jassy finally departed. It was going to be one hell of a two months if Jassy was going to act like a cock-starved whore. Jassy didn't go to the kitchen immediately. First she ducked into her room for a few minutes to calm the excitement that had run through her ever since she had seen Scott Thorpe sitting there in her very own living room. She knew she was too old to be feeling such euphoria over meeting the boss' son, so to speak, but she felt like a little girl with her first crush. "Oh, God," she said aloud, unable to contain herself, "the way he looked at me!" She threw herself down on the bed and shivered deliciously, nudging the tips of her hugely billowing tits into the mattress until she could feel a warm tingling excitement catching fire in her pussy. Shit, she had never met a man like him before. Cool, handsome, sophisticated and rich. My god, what more could a woman ask for in a man? Scott Thorpe was like someone out of one of the romantic novels she was always reading. The kind of man she would never meet in a mining town like Beaulea. The kind of man who would fall in love with her and take her away from all the dirt and dust of the mines to go live happily ever after on his yacht or in his mansion. There was no mistaking that gleam of desire that she'd spotted in his darkly flashing eyes when she made her entrance in the skimpiest clothes she could find. He was definitely interested in her, she could tell that much! The wildly happy blonde took a deep breath and closed her eyes tight, reliving every moment of the tension-charred meeting that had taken place only moments before. Then she tried to relax herself, for she did have to go back to the living room and bring them their coffee but she had to do something first and she had just enough time! Slowly, she turned over on her back and parted her long, whitely tapering legs just slightly. Then, with the slender fingers that had recently touched Scott Thorpe's hand, she touched the soft down-covered skin of her belly, then moved them slowly toward the top of her microscopic shorts. Jassy's full pink lips quivered in excitement, and she let her tongue make a lazy wet trail across them. Her golden-blonde hair lay in a disheveled froth about her head, as her thoughts centered on the handsome man she had just met. "Oh, Scott..." she moaned lovingly. "Scott..." It was not the first time she had called a man's name in a romantic fantasy, but this time, the daydreaming girl was able to make herself really feel that the man she was calling was with her, actually able to make herself really feel that Scott was with her, actually in the bedroom. In fact, in her mind it was his hand touching her, not her own delicate fingers. His hand was unzipping the top of her shorts and insinuating itself downward to touch the soft little mound of her virginal pussy, grazing the pale silken hair that covered it. "Oh, Scott... you shouldn't touch my cunt... we shouldn't," she mewled dreamily, lost completely in her dream-life. Her thighs, already slightly parted, parted a little further. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and she could feel the blood racing hotly through her veins. Her body quivered as a heated sensation of desire filled her belly, a desire made all the more acute because it had never actually been fulfilled. Oh, how much she wanted a man like Scott, needed him. Her finger moved slowly down into the tendrils of golden blonde hairs until she reached the tight little cleft of her innocent cunt. There her sensitive pussylips pulsed with a slowly rising wetness as she began to imagine what it would be like the first time she was alone with Scott Thorpe. Her back arched slightly off the bed as her fingers searched downwards into the folds of her softly hidden cunt flesh. With a rapturous sigh of lust, she found the hotly throbbing tip of her clit, and a sharp hot thrill rushed up her spine as the tender wet surface was exposed to the hungry fingering of her cunt. Then, the romantically dreaming blonde began a steady back and forth motion with her outstretched middle finger, rubbing the satiny tissues of her virgin pussy and making them respond with sizzling ripples of pleasure that coursed upward to every part of her slender young body. "Oh, Scott, darling... darling," she chanted as lurid sensations of erotic hotness churned shamelessly in her cunt. "Oh, how much I want you to fuck me!" Soon the mounting flashes of desire became almost overwhelming, as she continued to greedily rub her lust-swollen clit, all the while imagining that it was Scott Thorpe who was teasing her blondely furred pussy with his own strong masculine fingers. Irresistible torrents of forbidden pleasure shot through her thrashing limbs, and a wonderfully pleasurable radiance seemed to surround her like a magic cloud. Deep in her heart she knew that what she only imagined, would soon be real, she would make it real, and soon she would be in Scott Thorpe's arms, moaning to him just as she moaned to herself in the seclusion of her bedroom. At that moment, an aching, billowing sensations overwhelmed her and she knew she had reached the apex of self-induced cum. "Uuuuuuunnnnnnngghhhhhh," she groaned rapturously as the waves of her cum swept over her wildly writhing body, "Uuuuuuummggggggghhhhh! Scott... Scott... Scotttttttttt!" The young girl lay still for a few minutes gathering her breath and then she rose stiffly from the bed, zipping up her pants at the same time. She wished it had been Scott Thorpe's cock fucking her instead of her own fingers, but she was going to make sure that someday soon his prick did screw her pussy. She wanted him to like her, maybe even love her, and take her away from this place! It wasn't that she didn't love Beaulea, she really did, it was just that she felt as though it were swallowing her up, as though life were passing her by. She wanted to get out of the mountains if even just for a little while. She had never had the chance before now, but she might have found it with Scott Thorpe, he might be the ticket she needed to make her getaway. She knew that he liked her, he certainly looked at her as if he did, and she was going to use that for all she could. His girl friend might pose a problem though, but somehow, she didn't think so. Amanda Woods was beautiful and charming, but somehow Jassy didn't think that she loved Scott or he loved her. They had a strange relationship, she could tell that even in the short time she had known them, not at all like two lovers, but more, like some kind of partnership. If Scott made a play for her, Jassy wasn't going to stop him. For some reason she didn't think that Amanda would care, and not only that, but if Scott really loved her in the first place he wouldn't make a pass at another woman, would he? Yep, if the chance came along, she was going to grab it no matter what! Her only real problem in that respect was going to be Dirk Mulligan. He had appointed himself her guardian the day her father had died, and she had accepted his help and friendship because she had needed it, but she had her own life to live now and she didn't need his help anymore. If she could make him understand that then she would have no more problems. She would go away with Scott when he left and that was that. The pretty young blonde pulled her T-shirt down over her voluptuous tits and reached for the door knob. The first thing she had to do to make Scott like her was to get him the coffee she promised him, then, she would work on getting him to screw her. She could hardly wait! The next morning was Sunday and Scott and Amanda were formally met by the Beaulea Mine manager and the other members of the town for a giant pancake breakfast after church. Then, with a select group of men, the two newcomers were given a tour of the main shaft and different levels of the mine. Amanda and Scott listened attentively as the various workings of the mine were explained to them and the structure and names of the parts of the mine were explained.As far as Amanda was concerned, she smiled and appeared to be listening, but actually the words went in one ear and out the other. Stope, adit, gallery, hell, she didn't care what they were called; to her, they all added up to the same thing - a tunnel, a cave, a mine, a hole in the ground with tons and tons of dirt and rock between it and the sky. All she knew was that she wanted to get the hell out of it as soon as she could. She could tell that Scott felt that way too, but he was behaving himself well so far. However, she knew he wanted the 'grand' tour to end soon, especially because he might then get a chance to be alone with pretty little Jassy Newquay. She'd seen the way the blonde had been giving Scott the eye, and she knew it too. Apparently, the girl didn't care whether Scott had brought his girlfriend along or not, and that was just to Amanda's liking. That left her to make up some sort of lie about the relationship between her and Scott to Dirk that would go over well enough with him so that he would feel no moral restraint when she let him fuck her. And he was going to, as soon as she could get him alone. The ravishing redhead remembered sitting next to Dirk at breakfast that morning. Through all the welcoming speeches, through the cold pancakes and the undercooked bacon, Amanda had let her leg rub persistently against Dirk's knee. Not crudely, of course, but in such a way that she knew the handsome miner would wonder if it was happening on purpose. At the same time, nothing in her sophisticated manner or conversation revealed for a moment that she was making subtle contact under the table. "I think Dirk Mulligan's been with these country girls for much too long," she mused to herself as the claustrophobic mine tour continued. "Such a waste. Such a strong, good-looking man, with that lovely thick sandy hair. I'll bet he's got a terrific cock, too!" The voluptuous redhead ambled slowly down the dark gallery, as the tunnels were called, easing her way through the crowd toward Dirk and Jassy Newquay. She felt particularly good that morning and felt it quite a challenge to her potent charms to insinuate herself closer to the rather withdrawn miner. As she got nearer to the tall, introspective man, she felt a little telltale tremor in the pit of her belly. "Mmmmmmmmm," she thought, "little Amanda could sure use some nice hard fucking." She laughed inwardly at her own promiscuity, recalling that Scott had fucked her earlier that morning before they left for church. "Good, but not as good as Dirk would be now," she mused, as the sultry beauty took Dirk's arm in a friendly manner and smiled brightly up at him. "Must take a strong man to work down here, don't you think so, Jassy?" she asked, leaning over to whisper to the blonde girl, and at the same time letting her fingers sink into the unsuspecting miner's firm biceps. "Oh, yes," Jassy replied, breathlessly. "A very strong man." Yet, at the same time, she had begun to wonder just what the relationship between Randall Thorpe's son and his voluptuously self-assured girlfriend was. Were they just good friends, as Scott had explained to her last night at dinner? Or were they more than that? After all, how could any woman not be attracted to the lean, dark-haired millionaire? How could any woman not want him? She glanced somewhat resentfully at Dirk, still smarting from the "little talks" he'd been having with her since her appearance in her short shorts the previous afternoon. "How dare he treat me like a child?" she thought. "He has no right to treat me that way. He's not even related to me. And even if he were, I'm old enough to take care of myself without his stupid interference. Just because he was an old friend of my father's before he had been killed, gives him no right to think he can boss me around. I'm going to do exactly what I want to, and he can just sit on it and twirl!" At that moment, a burst of conversation indicated to all of them that the tour was over, and soon after, Scott broke free from the manager and made his way through the crowd towards them, self-confidence radiating from every pore. "Greetings, folks," he said, allowing his special twinkle to be directed toward Jassy. "Enjoy the tour?" Dirk asked with apparent sincerity. Yet the young man could detect an undertone in the older man's voice that distinctly said: Stay away from Jassy Newquay. There was no question that Dirk was eager for Scott, the city-slicker, and Jassy to stay as far apart as possible, but as far as Scott was concerned, that was merely an extra, intriguing challenge to be overcome. Nothing was going to stop him from slipping his hot cock up into that pretty blonde's nice, tight little virgin cunt. And he knew that Amanda was only too eager to help him out, having her own designs on Dirk Mulligan. "Dirk, let's go on up in the gig or elevator, or whatever you miners call it with the manager," Amanda said, as if instinctively following Scott's train of thought. "There are a few questions I'd like to ask if I may." "Sure," he replied. He followed the vivacious redhead dutifully over to the lift, yet paused momentarily to shoot a backward warning glance to Jassy. "I'll see you up top." "Sure," she replied sweetly. As soon as they were gone, Scott took her by the hand. "I asked the manager to let you show me a little more of the mine. He said you could do it as well as any miner here. So, what do you say? Are you ready, beautiful? I can't wait to see the sights." "Yes... yes, of course," she breathed, and taking his hand, she grabbed a lantern and led the way away from the miner's waiting area to go up in the lift and down to the lower level. Dirk had become furious when he discovered Jassy was taking Scott Thorpe on a private tour of the mine, and it took every ounce of Amanda's charms to convince him that he had nothing to fear. Now she hoped that the strong drinks she was making would help soothe him even further. He was in the living room, back at the boarding house, patiently waiting for Jassy and cooling his heels. The voluptuous redhead added the last cubes of ice to the drinks, placed the drinks on a tray, and headed into the living room. She saw Dirk slumped dejectedly in a chair, a defeated look on his face. "Hi there! Look, I've brought us a little bracer before lunch." Dirk looked up and gratefully took the tall frosty drink. "Cheer up, Dirk honey," the attractive redhead bubbled, sitting directly across from him with her own drink. "Listen, I told you that Scott's a gentleman. Wouldn't hurt a fly. And I just have a feeling that Jassy is not the type of girl who'd do anything that wasn't proper for a lady." Dirk sighed and straightened up a bit. "I hope you're right," he said. "Listen, of course, I'm right. You just listen to me. I never did meet a man who was so concerned over some woman who isn't even related. Not that I don't think it's admirable, mind you. But I do think you ought to relax. She is over twenty. Anyway, I'd rather have a little fun just talking about us." Dirk could feel his head clearing as he looked up at the ravishing, scarlet-haired young woman across from him. He realized he'd been much too overly concerned about Jassy, and decided that Amanda was right. In reality, he very much wanted to talk with the voluptuous creature who sat so gracefully near--in fact, except for his almost neurotic concern about Jassy, he'd thought about little else since they had arrived. It had seemed to him that there was unusually intimate contact between him and the ravishing female at breakfast, and more than once he had experienced an aching pulsation in his loins when her knee had brushed against his under the table. "I'm glad that we have this little time alone, frankly," Amanda said, sipping her drink languidly. Her soft silk dress seemed to billow around her like a silvery cloud as she crossed her long shapely legs, and Dirk was surprised to find that he was able to see a portion of her naked, hair-trimmed pussy! She wasn't wearing any panties! A sharp stab of lust rocketed suddenly through the miner's gut, and his prick became involuntarily stiff in the confines of his trousers. Seeing that Dirk Mulligan had noticed her naked cunt, Amanda winked with just a trace of lewdness. "You know, Dirk, I think you're an awfully handsome man. I don't often meet such real men in my line of work." "I... uh... thank you," he stammered, never having met a woman like Amanda before. He wondered if she was able to see the raging hardness of his lust-stiffened cock, and he shifted slightly in his seat. His brain reeled with wild emotions, wondering if the provocatively clad redhead was aware that he'd gotten a tantalizing glimpse of her naked pussy. Damn, there hadn't been a woman as incredibly desirable as Amanda in his life in a long time, and to make it even better, Amanda had made a pass at him. She was so fantastically beautiful, with a softness about her that made him somewhat unsure that she was actually encouraging his lustful feelings. Yet overriding his thoughts was one clear feeling: he wanted to fuck Amanda Woods more than any woman he had ever met. "You know, Dirk," she continued in a low, silky voice, "I can see that you like me too." She let her eyes glance down to rest directly on the thick bulge of his excitedly throbbing cock. "I... I don't know what to say, Amanda..." "You don't have to say a word." She stood up, graceful as a panther, and walked over to take his hand. "Come on... I think we'd be much more comfortable in my bedroom..." Silently, Dirk followed her, inhaling her sweetly scented perfume, looking at the pale and delicate nape of her neck beneath her copper curls.He carried along his drink, and when Amanda had installed herself on the bed, reclining lazily, he sat down beside her and took a long swallow of his drink. The softness of the sultry woman's dress rode up over her thighs, now completely exposing the soft silky tendrils of her pubic hair, a more subdued red than the shimmering mass of curls on her head. Her smooth white belly glistened above as Amanda sighed and spoke again. "You know, it's not very often that I see a man and know that I want him to screw me at the same time. I feel as if I know you, Dirk, even though in reality I know very little about you. Do you feel the same way about me?" The handsome miner was surprised to realize that the drink had suddenly made him feel far less inhibited than usual. Irresistibly, he reached over with one hand and began tracing small lines along the revealed whiteness of Amanda's skin. Somehow, he wasn't as terribly shocked by her as he had been a few moments before. The tantalizing redhead shivered for a moment at the contact of Mulligan's fingers against the softness of her flesh. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, you're more outgoing than I thought. For a while there, I thought you'd never even touch me." "That was this morning," he said warmly, smiling down at her and feeling flushed and stimulated by the nearness of her radiant body and the potency of the drink. He glanced at the pink, hair-trimmed lips of her vulva, clearly visible between her slightly parted legs, staring hard at the spot, and as she opened her legs a little wider, he smiled. He could see that she was already excited, for there were little glistening drops of pussy juices rising between her legs, shining in the narrow little slit of her vagina as she exposed herself to him. Dirk could feel the heat in his own body rising rapidly. Slowly, while he watched in spellbound fascination, she began to undo the small buttons that lined the front of her silvery-grey silk dress. Bit by bit, he was treated to more and more of Amanda's voluptuously curved body. The dress fell away with a whisper, and the nakedly trembling mounds of her huge breasts, tipped with softly throbbing pink nipples, pulsed sensuously beneath his lustful gaze. "My God, you're beautiful!" he exclaimed, staring down at her lewdly revealed nakedness. It was all he could do to keep from throwing himself down on her and fucking his cock into her brutally at that very moment. But he knew that she did not want to be fucked that way. She would want some real attention. "Ooooooooooooohhhh, I love the way you say that!" she beamed up at him, her eyes somewhat glazed with the urgent desire that was building up inside of her. "Why don't you put that drink down, Dirk? So we can get to know each other better..." Immediately, Dirk did as he was told and noticed, as he placed his drink on the table, that his hand was trembling. He turned back to her, and the cock-hungry redhead reached up and pulled him down over her half-naked body. One of his legs eased between her open thighs, and he could feel the supple softness of her lush young body beneath him as she breathed deeply, almost as if she wanted to take him into her completely. Her soft thigh moved up against his lust-swollen cock, bringing it to a full and painful hardness. With mounting desire, Dirk thrust his tongue deep into her open mouth, and she sucked gently on it, nibbling expertly until he felt chills running up and down his spine. His painfully aching prick was wet with his pre-cum juices, and the wildly excited miner knew he would have to take off his pants or go crazy. Gasping for air, he pulled his head away to escape the teasing sensation of her torrid kiss, that was even more fiery than the first, and he realized she was quivering beneath him as her thighs moved obscenely against his loins. "Oh, I want you to fuck me, Dirk," she breathed up at him. He broke into a hot sweat, and his heavily jerking cock surged with aching hardness. "Do you want to fuck me, too?" she asked urgently. "Do you?" "Oh yes... yes, God yes!" "Then tell me about it, darling, I want to know how you want to fuck me... please..." Dirk was tongue-tied for a moment. He had never met anyone like the red-haired beauty he held in his arms. Some of these mountain girls were wild, but nothing like this woman. He knew then what he wanted to say. "I want to fuck you 'til you go crazy," he growled in a thick, passion-filled voice. "I want to fuck you so wild you'll be screaming for it." The unfamiliar language rolled from his lips, making him feel incredibly potent, somehow more of a man than before. And it was true. What he was saying was absolutely true. "Then, God, let's take our clothes off, honey, before I burn up!" Quickly she eased him away with her arms, and soon Dirk found himself squirming out of his shirt and T-shirt, then going hurriedly on to his belt buckle. Standing up, he saw that Amanda had swiftly thrown her dress to the floor, and he gasped as he saw her lying in total cream-white nakedness on the bedspread. He was a little self-conscious with her steady gaze on him as he undid his pants and stepped out of them. His straining cock was tenting his shorts in lewd promise of the good fucking to come, and the handsome miner had a moment of difficulty in removing them. "Oh my!" Amanda murmured, and Dirk instinctively knew that she approved of the sight of his nakedly throbbing prick at last released and ready for action. How long has it been, he wondered ruefully, how long has it been since I've wanted to fuck so badly? Too damn long! He moved back to her and lay down on the bed beside the white silken form of the redhead, taking her into his arms with one strong motion. One hand moved down to cup the supple smoothness of her well-rounded ass cheeks. Her body was warm and soft against him as she raised her face to his, locking her mouth tightly against his lips, her hands moving down quickly between their panting bodies to grasp the raging hardness of his cock. He found himself consumed by hot spasms of lust at her touch, and growing wildly aroused by the almost obscene scent of her perfume mixed with her natural female bodily scents. Her lips were soft and gave way willingly beneath the harsh pressure of his teeth and tongue as he explored every crevice of her mouth. Beneath him, Amanda arched her entire body up off the bed, crushing herself against him, grinding her hotly tingling pussy tightly up to his as she opened her legs wide to take him between them. "Oh, honey," the hotly aroused redhead groaned, "fuck me now! Fuck your big hard cock up into me right now!" She was moaning into Dirk's mouth, her green eyes shut tight, her nakedly trembling loins grinding lasciviously upward. The insanely aroused miner couldn't hold back another second, and he flicked his hips forward with a sudden cruel thrust that drove his lust-hardened prick high up into the tender confines of the writhing redhead's hungrily flowering pussy. "Aaaarrrrmmmmmmmmm," she moaned in pleasure beneath him as the hot, juicy walls of her clasping vagina slipped wetly over Dirk's cock. His crazily jerking rod raced far up into her quivering hair-fringed pussy. "Oh Christ!" He gasped as he pinned the voluptuous creature to the mattress, his cum-swollen balls slapping lewdly against the upturned cheeks of her ass. He knew this was not going to be enough, that he was going to have to have her more than once, for the lust that now overwhelmed him would not be satisfied so quickly with just one fast fuck. "Oooooohhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh," the redhead screamed beneath Dirk's hungry thrusts, and she began to twist her hips with shameless abandon, screwing her nakedly aroused loins tighter against his. He heard her groan obscenely once more. And looking down at her delicate features, saw them contorted with agonizing pleasure. Then he began to fuck her slowly, with long, smooth strokes, listening while she mewled ceaselessly beneath his hard-thrusting loins, opening and closing her lithe, tapered legs around his hips as she worked up and down, meeting him thrust for wild, lust-charged thrust. Her mouth gaped open wide as she tried to suck in air, and the tempestuous creature's curly red hair tossed from side to side on the bed in wild abandon. "Oh, Dirk, Ooooooooh, it's good, sooooo gooooood!" she breathed huskily. "Oh God what a good fuck you are!" Mulligan smiled and, inspired, he wormed his hands beneath her wildly gyrating pelvis and clung to her dancing ass cheeks as he increased the tempo of his lewd assault, fucking his raging cock deep, deep into the heated wetness of her hungrily devouring vagina. By cupping her ass cheeks, he could manipulate Amanda's loins any way he wanted, and now he bore down into her with renewed excitement. His upthrusting cock was growing more massive inside her passion-drenched pussy until it felt as if it was going to burst from the exquisite pleasure building in his loins. His cum-laden balls slapped heavily against the split of her cream-white ass as though marking time. He knew it wouldn't be long before he had to cum, and he wanted her to have her release with him as well. Furiously, the muscular, sandy-haired miner began to fuck into her with longer and harder strokes. Within a few moments, he could tell she was near cumming, for the lust-driven redhead gripped him tightly between her tensed thighs, opening and closing them in perfect time to his vagina-plumbing lunges.He knew he had to bring her even closer now, for his own release was only seconds away. He had to make it happen for her before it was over for him! "Oooooooooooooh fuck me, lover! Fuck me more! More!" she cried up at him, beginning to chant all the obscene words that came into her head as though she were losing her mind. She groaned unashamedly as her heels pounded against his heaving back, and her knees pressed back hard against her ecstatically quivering tits, offering him the full area of her hotly upturned, cum-drenched pussy. "I'm cumming," she gasped suddenly. "I'm cuuuuummminnngggg!" The feverishly aroused redhead began a lewd jiggling dance upward against Dirk, spreading her trembling legs wider still, and then squeezing them tight around his fast-pumping loins. He battered against her open pelvis now with every bit of strength he possessed, looking down into her unseeing eyes as he rode her hotly writhing body like a cowboy on a bucking horse. Then Amanda uttered a long, low cry that chilled Dirk through and through and forced the cum upward from the depths of his madly churning balls. Deep within her greedily milking cunt, he could feel the hot, juicy channel widening and then sucking wildly at his huge prick. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, and he throbbed the muscles of his cock deep up into her as she screwed herself up onto his deeply thrusting shaft and held on tight, letting her loins jerk spasmodically against his tense, taut belly. Great swirls of lewd, aching heat were building deep in his painfully aching balls as he watched her lust-twisted face below him. The muscles of his belly tightened until he thought they would snap, and he groaned crazily over and over again. His lips worked feverishly, as if he were talking to himself like a madman, and the lust-inflamed hardness of his cock seemed to expand beyond the limits of reality. In the next moment, the pleasure-drenched miner reached his apex of passion, and it was unlike any moment that he had ever known before. Gone were all thoughts of the willful young Jassy, gone was any sense of reason or morality. The only thing that mattered now was the present and the phenomenal sense of savage excitement that the shameless redhead called up from the deepest recesses of his mind and loins. A guttural groan started from somewhere deep inside him, and an acute sensation in his balls told him that his cum had started the mad journey from his balls towards the highest point of Amanda's wetly clasping pussy. His breath was coming in short, desperate gasps now, and suddenly he was there! "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... arrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh!" Jets of white-hot cum shot like bullets out of his throbbing cock-head and traveled far up into the depths of Amanda's softly quivering belly. He could feel both their cums mingling in an obscene wet pool of bliss, a bliss of sheer pleasure that the sex-denied miner had never known existed. On and on the tempestuous cum came until finally they drained their torrid passion to the dregs. A few minutes later, they lay together on the wide bed, breathing softly in weariness, and Mulligan knew instinctively that what had just happened between him and the sultry Scott Thorpe's girlfriend had changed his life completely, and most definitely for the better. "Oh, Dirk," Amanda sighed pleasantly, "that was just marvelous. Really marvelous. But you know what they say, don't you?" "What's that?" Dirk inquired with an amused smile. Amanda let her slim hand travel down to grasp the shaft of Mulligan's now-limp prick, and immediately at her provocative touch, it began to throb once more with a lewd life of its own. "They say that once is not enough..." "Funny," the handsome miner replied, pleased to feel his cock beginning to harden with excitement once more. "I was just thinking the same thing myself..."Slowly Scott tugged at the brief panties, exultant in the knowledge that this blonde beauty was surrendering to his eager seduction. His prick, stiff with aching lust, pulsated wildly inside the tight confines of his trousers. He wanted desperately to release it so that he could fuck her and have relief from this sweet torture, but he was afraid of frightening the naive girl by moving too quickly. No, things were going too well for him to take a chance on going too fast with the naive miner's daughter. A trickle of perspiration ran down the side of his neck as he distracted Jassy with a series of passionate kisses. Meanwhile, he deftly eased her flimsy white panties down further, until finally, they were all the way off. "Scott... Scott, no, we've got to stop, now," Jassy whispered anxiously as she realized her panties had been removed. "Please!" But the lust-driven man had no intention of stopping now. He was too close to the victory he'd been thinking about from the minute he'd arrived in Beaulea. He moved away from her a bit, and then knelt up over her, leaning in toward the partially naked girl. Hungrily his eyes took in the golden "vee" of her naked young pussy. Jassy was shivering in both fear and desire as Thorpe continued to regard the most intimate part of her body. No one had ever looked at her pussy before, ever, except in her dream world, and the shocking reality of it made the bewildered Jassy want to scramble away from this stranger and run home. Dirk was probably furious at that very moment, for by now surely he knew she had gone off with Scott regardless of his advice. For the first time, she truly regretted what she'd done, for what had seemed so simple before, now became frighteningly complicated. "Scott... you mustn't," she pleaded, her eyes growing round with fear. But he hushed her as though he were talking to a baby, his voice soft and persuasive. "You're so beautiful, such a beautiful cunt! Let me look at you! Oh please, you're so beautiful." His soothing words seemed to calm the anxious girl and carefully Scott placed his palms flat against the inside of her whitely trembling thighs, his thumbs resting on the soft, fleshy lips of her virginal pussy. Then he drew the hair-fringed lips slowly apart, with a torturing outward movement of his thumbs until the entire moist, pink crevice of her cunt was at the mercy of his gaze. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh," Jassy moaned as a ripple of helpless desire sizzled in her loins. Scott watched the pulsating pussy flesh greedily for a moment and then, with a groan of lust that seemed to echo through the gallery, he suddenly dropped his head and buried the full length of his long slippery tongue into the warm, throbbing walls of her juicy young cunt. Jassy jerked back in surprise, a soul-searing moan escaping her lips as she ground her nakedly exposed ass down into the cool tarp beneath her, trying to escape the maddening assault on her pussy. This was something she had never even heard of! But it was shockingly real: her cunt was really being licked by the famous son of Randall Thorpe! "No! Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh! Nooooooooooooo," she whimpered beneath his depraved attack. Quickly her hands reached down to grasp his dark hair, and she began to push and pull at it in an attempt to remove the wet presence of Scott's tongue from her naked pussy flesh. But it was no use, for the agile tongue kept working insistently at the young girl's defenselessly spread cunt, working its way in and out of the hotly spasming hole and slipping back and forth over her youthful throbbing clit. Tears streamed down Jassy's cheeks, smearing the mascara she had patiently applied earlier that day to make herself look more sophisticated. With a shudder of fear, she knew she would never, ever, be the same. Scott Thorpe was doing something horribly perverse to her, shattering her romantic fantasies completely. It wasn't like this in her books! Horrified, she watched as Scott's head bobbed darkly up and down, ignoring her tugs at his hair and continuing the lewd wriggling between her helplessly spread legs. Once more she wished she had listened to Dirk's warning words of advice, for now she had unwittingly let herself in for the lewdest imaginable fuck, just as he had predicted. It was horrible! Her belly trembled anxiously as these fearful thoughts surged in her brain. Yet, at the same time, the scintillating flashes of sheer pleasure that had been insinuating themselves in her defenselessly pinioned young body began to grow, rising within her like an inexorable tide of passion, a torrent of lust that threatened to drown her in a flood of wild sensuality. "Aaaaaaaannnnnnngggggggggg..." she mewled in confusion. Scott could sense the fact that his obscene seduction was working, for Jassy's sweet young body now began to surrender to his lewd assault, her muscles growing slack and her hands loosening on his hair. Without releasing her ravaged pussy from his unrelenting tongue-fucking, he raised his eyes in time to see the blonde's sparkling blue eyes roll back as a violent shudder overtook her. Her trembling legs drew up and flailed helplessly in almost complete surrender. Slowly, Jassy's humiliation and shame began to ebb completely, replaced by an incredible sensation of animal wantonness. A forbidden heat quivered in her shuddering loins that was impossible to resist and overwhelming ripples of hot pleasure traversed every inch of her half-naked body. Now Scott increased his lewd tongue-fucking, doubling his long flat strokes against Jassy's tight, widespread pussy. He would show her the kind of pleasure she could get from him, and before he was through with her she would be begging him to lick her cunt, and more besides! He knew from past experience that once he'd shown her the heights of ecstasy, she would do anything he asked. Then he could shove his aching cock up into that tight unfucked little hole of hers without a single whimper on her part. Caught now in a whirlpool of ecstasy, Jassy began to push her pelvis upwards, thrusting her wetly glistening pussy towards Scott's hungry mouth as though she wanted to get inside. "Mmmmmmnmmmmmmm... mmmmnnnnnnnnnn," she moaned over and over, as tiny goosepimples formed on the exposed surface of her skin. She sobbed and trembled now, completely out of control, caught in a raging fire of passion that threatened to devour her. Her pale white thighs jerked up instinctively until they rested on Scott's shoulders, pulling his wagging head still closer to the heated turmoil in her newly-awakened pussy, like a mad-woman caught in the thrall of berserk passion. All thoughts of Dirk were gone now as the licking flames that rose in her shamelessly aroused body reached a new peak. Wantonly she bucked her hips up into the wonderful piercing pleasure that she craved now more than anything in the world. Scott, meanwhile, could feel the soft, silky cunt hairs grazing tantalizingly against the tip of his nose and the sides of his cheeks as Jassy ground her naked ass in a slow hypnotic rhythm up against his face. He knew definitely now that she was his, and he gloated in triumph, watching the pained and pleasurable contortions on the blonde's angelic face while he let his tongue nudge and lick greedily, writhing in wild lewd spasms inside the wetly aroused arena of her hot juicy cunt hole. Jassy's heated pussy slipped wetly around his extended tongue as the walls opened and closed in a desperate sucking motion of their own. "Oooooooohhhhhh darling... oooooohhhhhhh Scott!" she sighed. This was reality now; no fantasy could remotely compare to it. Her love for him was a living thing inside her. The subjugated woman's legs opened and closed around the tormenting head slavering up between them and the cords of her neck stood out as she pulled with all her strength against the tangled hair of his head. Only this time she was pulling him closer, not trying to force him away. And then there came a rushing in her ears and she felt like she was choking. The gallery ceiling seemed to cave in over her and the mine floor gave way beneath her wildly writhing form. She cried out as sweet, unbelievable sensations of joy swept through her, filling her with an intolerable delight as every inch of her sexually awakened body prepared for the most insane cum of her life. This was nothing at all like what she could do with her own fingers. This was a maddeningly total experience, and she wanted it to go on forever, and never, never stop. "Yeah... give me your cream, honey! Give your cream up to old Scott!" the jaded mine owner's son growled lewdly into Jassy's wildly gyrating loins. And tonight I'll fuck you right in your own little bed! he thought lasciviously. "Aaaaaaaiiieeeeeeeeeeee!" Jassy cried as her cum suddenly exploded through her with a rushing force and she felt herself tumbling into a bottomless void of absolute scalding pleasure. She could feel the seething wetness of her cunt pulsing against his lewdly working mouth and a trickling rivulet of pussy juices running wetly down the crevice of her hotly jerking ass cheeks, down on the tarp below her. She gave one last gasping moan and collapsed against the ground, letting her legs splay limply to each side of her. She could not move, but lay there absolutely still, feeling Scott still resting between her legs, his head now using her wildly tingling cunt as a plush pillow. After a long moment, of silence, during which only the sound of their tortured breathing could be heard echoing through the mine, Scott crawled up and pressed his open mouth tightly against hers. She could taste the hot wetness of her cum juices on his lips as he thrust his tongue deeply into her mouth. She pushed her tongue back sleepily in a gesture of grateful thanks.Despite her initial fear, the newly sated young woman knew that the arrogant rich man had given her one of the most overwhelming moments of her entire young life. Maybe, if she played it right, she would get even more from him than a tongue-fucking! "Dirk, you have no right telling me what to do!" Jassy spat out as Dirk gave her the third degree for going off alone with Scott Thorpe. "You've been telling me what to do nearly all my life, almost like I was your own sister. Well, I'm not and I'm old enough to take care of myself, so you just leave me alone!" Dirk looked at her, not knowing what to say. She was right, and they both knew it. He had been treating her like a child for years, and he really had no right to. He would have to learn that he could no longer boss her around. She was her own woman, even the way she stood told him that. Jassy stood defensively in the middle of her bedroom, her fists tensed, and her whole body trembling. She was clad only in her nightgown, preparatory to going to bed, and the outline of her trim young figure was clearly visible to Dirk since the light was glowing from behind her. Dirk could feel a vein on his forehead throbbing as he looked at her. The fact that Jassy had turned into an incredibly voluptuous young woman was particularly disturbing to him. He had never really noticed it before, probably because he thought of her still as the little tow-headed nine-year-old she had been when they had first met. "I didn't run off with him!" Jassy cried. "I just took him on a tour of the mine. The manager asked me to show it to him. After all, his father is the owner." The pouting blonde was particularly upset because she had thought she would be able to go to bed without this irritating confrontation with Dirk. She was getting tired of him and wanted nothing more than to climb into her bed and think about Scott, to relive every single moment of her first lewdly exciting tongue-fuck down in the mine today. She had been encouraged by the fact that no one seemed to be at the house when she and Scott returned from the mine, and leaving the handsome man with a burning kiss, she had run straight to her bedroom. It was such a relief that Dirk had not been waiting for her that Jassy was totally unprepared to have him come pounding on her door after dinner that evening. "Scott Thorpe wanted to see the mine. I think he wanted to see a little more than that." "Dirk, you are really a bastard!" Jassy yelled in outrage. "Would you please leave my room and from now on mind your own business." Dirk left, he didn't want a scene, and after all, she did have a right to her privacy. He didn't deny that, and he really wasn't trying to meddle, he just didn't want to see her hurt. She had never been exposed to a sophisticated man like Scott Thorpe. She didn't know how to handle him. It took a woman like Amanda to handle a bastard like Thorpe. At the thought of the cock-hungry redhead, Dirk felt his prick jerk longingly. "Oh God, Jassy," he whispered into his empty room. "I just want to protect you! Don't you understand? I don't want you to be hurt!" But he couldn't blame her for the way she felt about Scott Thorpe. He was a pretty sharp looking man, the kind that really got the ladies' juices up, and he knew that Jassy had never met anyone like him before and she was blinded by him. Just as he was infatuated with Amanda Woods, he mused, remembering the torrid fuck that he and Amanda had indulged themselves in earlier that afternoon. "Christ, I could certainly go for a little more of that!" he murmured to himself, his cock aching painfully at the memory of her voluptuously rounded nakedness spread out white and inviting beneath him on the bed. Even though he knew he couldn't offer Amanda the kind of life he assumed she was used to in the city, he wanted her to stay in Beaulea with him as long as she could. One afternoon of wild passionate fucking had made his life up in Beaulea seem a little less wonderful than it had been before she came. "What a chick!" Scott chuckled. He couldn't wait until he got his cock into that little blonde virgin's cunt, and Amanda was helping him right now by screwing with the watchdog miner. She'd helped him spread a lot of pretty young legs when he wanted someplace new to put his cock, and Jassy was only the latest in the series. Amanda was some woman, not many girlfriends would help their boyfriends hunt for new pussy to fuck. He smiled to himself as he walked downstairs to Jassy's room. He knew he would be safe with her because Dirk would be busy upstairs fucking the mind out of Amanda. Scott felt the exhilaration he always felt when he knew he was about to get something he wanted. God, there was nothing better than knowing you were going to win. It was almost better than the winning itself! The house was dark and slightly musty as he walked through the downstairs, as though there was no one living in it. Like an old house, just the kind of place Jassy would live in, he thought. The taste of her sweet little hair-trimmed pussy was still on his lips as he hurried down the hall and knocked softly on the door he knew to be hers. "Who is it?" Jassy asked sleepily. And then she was wide awake, for she knew who it was. It had to be Scott! "It's Scott, baby, who else?" His voice came through the door to her, and then the knob was turning, and as Jassy sat up in bed, the self-centered mine owner's son moved into the room and glided rapidly to the bed. He kissed her long and hard, letting his hands roam beneath her soft cotton nightgown, along the silken flesh that quivered nakedly at his brazen touch. Jassy could feel him lean and hard next to her as he sank down onto the bed. There was something about him tonight that frightened her, and she didn't quite know whether it was the liquor on his breath or his hurried manner. Dirk's words of warning still weighed on her mind because she knew in her heart that he was probably right. She whispered, "No... no, we mustn't. Amanda or Dirk might hear us!" "Nobody's going to hear us together, sweetheart, don't you worry," Scott reassured her. His hand was on her huge tit, squeezing it hard, and Jassy felt shivers of lurid excitement course through her nearly naked body despite her fear. "Here, get a handful of this!" Scott urged, pulling her small hand down to touch the hardness of his throbbing prick where it pulsed impatiently beneath his trousers. Her hand jerked backward from it, as though she'd been burned, but Scott insistently drew it back, at the same time unzipping his fly to release the painfully aching cock-pole. "Oh!" Jassy tried desperately to get her hand away from the too-intimate touch of Scott's naked shaft, but the amoral rich man only grinned lasciviously at her and held her hand firmly in place. "Oh baby," he whispered, almost sadistically as he observed Jassy's confusion and reluctance. "I can hardly wait to feel those two beautiful legs of yours up around my neck, and dickie here ramming straight up into your tight little cunt!" "No... no, Scott. I couldn't possibly... I... I've never..." "I know you've never. That's why I want to fuck you. Otherwise I might not be so interested." "No! I could never do that to Dirk!" Jassy cried, suddenly getting a glimmer of what her Dirk might have meant about not wanting her to be hurt. "I couldn't..." "Hah!" Scott couldn't control his liquor-loosened tongue. "You've got to be kidding. If it is Dirk you're worried about, he is probably slipping a little hard cock to Amanda right at this very moment. So why shouldn't you have a little fun, too?" Jassy stared at him in disbelief. "Dirk and your girl friend?" "Yeah, he's probably fuckin' her ragged right now, or vice-versa!" "You're lying!" Jassy gasped. "He wouldn't do such a thing!" His revelation shocked her. She'd never even thought of anything like that. She'd never even thought of Dirk as a man who needed to fuck. "Yeah? Well, come on, little girl. If you don't believe me, I'll take you on upstairs. That's where they're going at it tonight. Want to go?" Scott was already zipping up his fly, having returned his somewhat deflated prick to the confines of his pants when he saw that things weren't going to move as swiftly as he'd thought they would. Stunned, Jassy climbed out of bed and began to get dressed, in case Scott was wrong and somebody saw her. She shivered as Scott sat on the bed watching her, nonchalantly whistling a tune, but taking in every inch of her sensuous cream-white curves as she hurriedly pulled on a pair of panties and a lightweight housedress, all the while trying to convince herself that it wasn't true, that Dirk couldn't possibly be such a hypocrite. Scott could feel himself getting sober as he headed up the stairs to Amanda's room, with Jassy silently along beside him, lost in thought. This whole thing wasn't quite the good time he'd expected. Still, if his suspicions about what was going on in Amanda's room were right, he thought he might still get some fun out of this naive blonde before the evening was over. Jassy, tight-lipped and silent, walked quietly beside Scott as he led her to Amanda's bedroom. If what Scott said was true, she thought, maybe it would be better if she didn't know for sure. But she said nothing, and a few seconds later, they were standing a short distance from the closet door of Amanda's bedroom. They approached the door and Jassy could see that there was a light coming from under the door. "She's probably just reading a book," she said with determination, more to convince herself than Scott. "Yeah, and I know just the kind of reading material Amanda likes!" her companion replied lewdly.Scott put his hand on the knob and turned it slowly so as not to make any noise and disturb the couple inside. He pushed the door open quickly and after peeking in, he stepped inside, half pulling Jassy with him. Jassy began to pull back, but Scott pulled her strongly forward. Numbly, she peered into the room she had rented to Amanda Woods. The blonde could barely restrain a cry of anguish at the obscene sight that met her eyes. A tightening sensation caught in her belly and she blinked her eyes to get the tears out. She had to be sure she was actually seeing correctly, for at first glance it seemed to the shocked miner's daughter unbelievable, impossible. There, up on the bed, was Amanda Woods, totally naked, and kneeling up so that her whitely rounded ass cheeks were clearly visible from the doorway. Scott and Jassy had evidently arrived just in time, for Dirk, also completely naked, was just lowering himself onto the mattress behind the lewdly wriggling redhead, his thickly pulsing prick held in his hand, bloated with lust, as he approached the widespread crevice so temptingly exposed to his lusty gaze. They didn't even notice the two intruders, they were so carried away by their own salacious tableau. "Fuck me like a bitch," Amanda cooed. "Fuck me from behind, just like a dog! I love to be fucked from behind!" "I'll fuck you any way you want, Amanda," Dirk replied, his voice thick with mounting passion. "Any way you want!" The horrible scene was beyond belief, and Jassy took a step backward out into the hall as though she'd been struck across the face. Scott stepped up behind her and put his arms around her, holding her securely in place, his fingers roaming lazily over her thinly covered titties. His lips at her ear, he whispered, "I told you so. Now watch. Watch Amanda and you'll see some real fucking. You can learn a lot from that little lady." Jassy tried to clear her head, to think straight. She fought the urge to stop them from fucking, to run in and scream at them and tear them apart! How could Dirk betray her like that? How could he possibly be in there, naked with that woman? But the horrified blonde remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her eyes away from the lewd sight, the most obscene thing she had ever seen in all her life. As she watched, Dirk moved forward and positioned his hotly quivering cock right at the entrance to Amanda's wetly glistening cunt. The red-furred cuntlips showed clearly in the light from the bedside lamp, and Jassy saw them stretch to circle the miner's upward-worming cock. "Mmmmmmnnnnngggghhhhh! Ooooohhhhhh sssuuggaarrrrrr!" Amanda moaned. "Oooohhhhhhh, it's soooo hard!" Dirk grunted forward, his eyes locked on the hypnotic sight of his huge pussy-splitting cock-head burying itself in the tightly gripping hole of her cunt beneath the gleaming white ass cheeks that jiggled and gyrated with increasing speed. He could feel his inward-surging shaft being wetly and heatedly massaged by the naked redhead's tenderly clasping cunt, and he gritted his teeth with pleasure. "Oh God, Amanda," he growled animalistically. "Oooooooommmmm." Jassy watched the lewd scene unfolding as if she were hypnotized. Scott's arm tightened around her waist and once more she felt his fingers inching upward toward her heaving tits, but she was too mesmerized by what she was seeing to stop him. It was horrible to see Dirk grunting like an animal, while Amanda groaned and wiggled her naked ass cheeks back at his advancing cock. And yet Scott's fingers created a strange, light quivering deep between her legs. Tears of anger, shame and hurt burned down the blonde's cheeks, and she let the older man finger her tit at will. Bitterly she remembered Dirk's words to her. Well, he certainly didn't practice what he preached, did he? He didn't practice it at all. What difference did it make now what Scott did to her? Now let him fuck her, she no longer cared. Inside the room, unaware that Jassy Newquay and the arrogant mine owner's son from whom he was anxious to protect her, were watching his lewd debauch, Dirk quickened his pace, fucking forward into the pussyhole that seemed to suck his lust-swollen cock upward with hungry, slippery contractions. Dirk closed his eyes tightly now, his, lips peeling back over his teeth as the sensations went racing out of control through his lean body. Beneath him, Amanda flailed her curl-covered head back and forth, beginning to whine with a high-pitched passion that sounded curiously inhuman. Dirk drove into her, moving suddenly into longer, smoother strokes that drew his prick nearly out of the writhing young woman's clasping pussy on the backstroke, and then plunging forward into her again until he felt the harsh slap of his belly against the hotly trembling cheeks of her ass. Then he quickened his thrust as though he could take no more of that excruciatingly slow excitation that was bringing the shaft of his tingling cock to the boiling point. The redhead thrashed beneath him in a tormented agony of pleasure, feeling his swollen hardness pulsating deeply inside her. Again he quickened his stroke, grunting as the top of his prick ground hard and deep, boring up into the hidden recesses of the writhing female's wetly welcoming cunt. As Jassy watched numbly from the doorway, she was vaguely aware of Scott's hands roaming unchecked over her tingling flesh, pulling the zipper of her house dress part way down and slipping inside to touch her smooth, naked back. Jassy was almost oblivious to his actions, being consumed at the moment with blind hatred for Dirk and the woman who was with him, as well as with a haunting sadness at seeing him so lewdly exposed and totally rapt by the obscene fucking, like a dog, just as Amanda had said. Her mixed feelings conspired to put the blonde into a state of utter shock and confusion, so that she hardly cared what Scott Thorpe was doing. Behind her, he squirmed and wriggled his slim hips against her, rubbing the hard staff of his lust-thickened cock tight against the split of her ass through her thin clothing. "Man, look at them fucking like crazy," he whispered in her ear, "You and I are going to fuck like that! We're going to do everything. I'll take you one step at a time, Jassy, until you know how to fuck and suck as well as the best of them!" Jassy's subconscious mind registered the lewd words, but her mind was too preoccupied with the rising pitch of excitement taking place inside the bedroom to respond. "Ooooooohhhhhh, oh, oooohhhhh!" the nakedly kneeling redhead began to chant, her face occasionally visible from the doorway as she twisted and turned in abandon on the bed, contorted almost beyond recognition. This is it! This is it! Dirk thought exultantly as he slammed against the softly undulating flesh that arched back to receive his every upward thrust. He could sense that she was going to cum soon, and he knew that he himself couldn't hold back much longer. He pushed against her, his fingers digging hard into the lush, full nakedness of her hips, dragging Amanda upward from the mattress so that her knees were raised into the air. He began to urge her on verbally to her climax. "Come on! Come on! Cum for me, cum for me!" he hissed, spreading her lithe, shapely legs wide apart now, feeling her gasp in pain as his hugely throbbing prick fucked still deeper inside the tightly clasping hole of her pussy. The lust-crazed redhead began to gasp and grunt beneath him as she struggled to maintain some kind of balance with her hands upon the mattress. "Ooooohhhh, yyyeeesssss, lover, fuck meeeeeee!" This was good fucking, she thought dazedly, congratulating herself briefly for knowing how to spot a really quality stud. Then her thoughts stopped and she was panting and writhing, listening to Dirk's uneven breathing behind her. His lewdly spiraling cock was unrelenting inside her pussy turning her into one throbbing mass of pleasure from the tips of her toes to the nape of her lovely neck. Even as she felt her cum spreading throughout her obscenely positioned body with nerve-shattering force and she jerked and bucked back against him, she felt his deeply fucking shaft grow huge within her and begin to pump a flood of hot scalding juices far up into her softly quivering loins. Standing at the partially open door, Jassy gaped as Dirk's head snapped back and he fucked lewdly forward into the widespread furrow between Amanda's thighs. Behind her, Scott began to tug her backward, just as the moans from the two nakedly fucking lovers in the bedroom mounted to a crescendo of lustful agony. "Come on," the hotly aroused man urged. There's no point in letting them see us at least not yet. Let's get out of here." Jassy allowed herself to be drawn away and tiptoed after Scott back down the stairs to her room. When they got back to the bedroom, Scott waited until she had entered and then he shut the door behind them. Jassy walked over to her bed and sat down, silent and brooding. Jassy had been shocked to the very roots of her being by what she had seen taking place in the upstairs bedroom. Dirk Mulligan shamelessly fucking Amanda Woods! She couldn't believe it! How dare he act so obscenely when he had been so prudish and old-fashioned about her? And he didn't even have a right to be so damned nosy and high and mighty with her. Particularly in regard to Scott Thorpe, when he had acted that way with Amanda, Scott's: "girl friend." Jassy saw him as a complete hypocrite, telling her one thing and then behaving like an animal himself, and she was consumed with the desire for revenge. As far as she was concerned, the lewd fucking she had witnessed was reason enough for her to do anything she pleased now, with anybody at all.Nothing she could do could possibly be worse than what Dirk and Amanda had just done. She'd show him now, she'd have her revenge! One thing she had learned, though, and was amazed to realize, was that as well as being shocked and disgusted with him for fucking Amanda Woods, the confused blonde dimly realized that somehow she resented the red-haired temptress as well, almost as if she were jealous of this rival for Dirk's affections. Despite her agony at seeing the lewd fucking, another aspect troubled her in a way that totally surprised her. It was the first time she had seen Dirk completely naked, let alone as a lover, and as well as being shocked, she was also extremely fascinated by what she had seen. In fact, she had to admit that he was extremely handsome and muscular, more so even than Scott Thorpe was, and Jassy discovered at that moment, to her bewilderment, that she almost desired him! Yes, somewhere deep inside, she wished Dirk would look at her, not as a nine-year-old kid anymore, but as a desirable, sensual woman, like Amanda. Jassy shuddered in agony over this thought. She could not start thinking of him that way when he still thought of her like a sister. Still, the thought came back to her over and over, confusing her until she didn't know what to feel. At least not until she calmed down and could put everything into perspective. Finally, she forced everything out of her head except one thing: to have revenge on Dirk for betraying her like he did, by letting Scott Thorpe fuck her silly. She would give him her virginity. "Scott..." Jassy said after a long pause, staring straight ahead unseeingly, "Scott, I want you to fuck me now. I don't want to be a virgin anymore! Screw me right now." Her small voice pleased the arrogant man as they sat in the silence of her dimly lit bedroom. Scott sat quiet for a while, then turned to the blonde. "Well, I tell you what," he paused momentarily. "I have an even better idea. Remember this morning?" the blond nodded, smiling warmly as she remembered how thrilled she had been when the handsome man had licked her pussy to unbelievable heights of ecstasy. "How about it?" "How about it? You mean, you want to lick my cunt again?" Scott had to suppress a snicker. Shit, this girl was dense. "No, not quite. It's just that I'd like you to return the favor. I want you to suck my cock." "You want me to...?" "Suck my cock." To her horror, Jassy saw that Scott had already silently released his prick and held it in his hand like an obscene offering. It was lurching lewdly, already thick and hard. "I... I couldn't..." she stuttered anxiously. "I mean, I don't think I can do it!" "Of course you can," Scott said confidently, "anybody can." His hand went out and cupped behind Jassy's head, pulling her firmly sideways and pressing her down until the young girl was forced to bring her lips close to his hotly pulsating cock. "No... no," Jassy protested, "Scott, I just can't!" It had never occurred to the blonde that he would ask her to do anything like suck his dick. In her mind, she was going to give him the precious gift of her cherry and he would fuck her in the "normal" way. The fact that he had tongue-fucked her earlier in the day in a perverted manner did not help at all, for the very idea of taking his thickly throbbing shaft into her mouth terrified the naive girl. It just didn't seem possible that anyone could do such a thing. She opened her mouth to protest again, but Scott pushed down on the back of her head and upward with his hips, deftly shoving the lust-swollen head of his prick into the warm, wet confines of her mouth, and making sure her head stayed down with just enough pressure. "You see," he whispered softly, "it's not so bad as all that now, is it? You just suck on it like it's an ice cream cone." Jassy had never felt so debased and humiliated in her entire life, for despite her protests, Scott had actually forced her into taking his huge cock into her mouth! Despite her desire to get back at Dirk Mulligan for his behavior, she certainly hadn't expected Scott would be so rough with her. Now, incredibly, he continued to shove his thickly distended dick further into her tightly resistant mouth, all the while keeping her head firmly in place with his hand. For the first time, Jassy began to think that perhaps Scott, too, was only using her for his own lustful ends. Maybe he had been leading her along, playing on her adoration for him, just to get her to let him fuck her pussy. Were all men alike? Were the charming Scott Thorpe and the brawny Dirk Mulligan really alike under the skin, liars and hypocrites, saying one thing and doing something else? Using anything available to confuse and seduce a woman? Hot tears of anguish formed in the corners of her eyes as the full thickness of the amoral man's lewdly swollen prick was pressed insistently into her mouth. "Oh, yeah, baby, suck on it. That's it, just close your lips around it gently and I'll do all the work for you. Just suck real nice. Oooooohhhh, real nice!" With a miserable sinking feeling, Jassy realized she had no choice but to go through with what he commanded. After all, she and she alone had gotten herself into this, and it was useless to speculate on the why's and wherefore's of the situation. She was under Scott's control now, and she had no one to blame but herself. The tears trickled down her cheeks again as Scott began to thrust his naked shaft in and out of her fearfully ovaled mouth. Shutting her eyes, she tried to do as he asked, letting her lips close around the massive intruder, and trying not to gag as its bulky hotness filled her constricted throat. After all, she did want to have him do this to her, didn't she? No matter what she thought about the man who was doing this to her now, first and foremost were Dirk's selfish unreasonable concerns over her. Nothing mattered now, did it? If she was forced into sucking Scott's cock like a whore, like a whore, like a prostitute, wasn't it Dirk who was really to blame? Consumed once again with the desire to have revenge, the miner's daughter began to consciously suck on the fuck-hungry rich man's prick with more enthusiasm, finding, as she relaxed, that it wasn't so difficult to encompass the hotly swollen bulk within her mouth and let it travel lewdly down her throat as Scott bucked and fucked into her clasping mouth. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by the obscene spectacle of Scott's thickly pulsing cock disappearing past her nose and into her open mouth, like a dark, vicious monster. The obscene image seemed to create a kind of perverse response in the innocent blonde, triggering a strange chain reaction of sensuality deep in her loins. Instinctively, she began to bring her head forward to meet his thrusts, spurred on by the knowledge that she was getting back at Dirk for his cruel deception, and finding her young body growing more and more wildly aroused by the minute. Deeper and deeper his hotly fucking shaft drove into her mouth, rasping down the back of her wetly contracting throat. The lewd pleasure in her loins grew and grew, making the newly awakened girl feel like a wanton, sensual creature. Strange sensations of lewdness, as if she actually was a whore, surged through her voluptuous body, and she reveled in the shameless feelings. Maybe Dirk would think more of her if she was a prostitute, someone like the kind of immoral woman Amanda Woods must be. In that moment, she knew she was no longer an innocent little mountain girl anymore. She was a grown-up woman, for wasn't she actually sucking Scott Thorpe's cock? This obscene new fantasy thrilled her even more, and she redoubled her intense sucking on the jaded millionaire's violently thrusting prick, her cheeks expanding and hollowing excitedly, as if she knew by instinct exactly what to do to please her licentious lover. Scott reached his hands around her bent-over body and began to softly massage her ecstatically quivering titties, until he could feel the nipples grow hard and stiff with desire beneath the thin cotton dress she wore. Responding with mounting sensuality, Jassy began to squirm shamelessly, giving herself over to the thrilling sensations of debasement that were rippling through every part of her hotly tingling body. Greedily, she started to swirl her tongue around the heavily throbbing tip of Scott's lust-swollen cock-head, feeling it grow harder as it quivered in obscene response. "You sure learn fast, baby," he murmured encouragingly. "Oh, yeah, baby, you sure learn fast. And soon I'm gonna cum gorgeous, yeah, I'm gonna cum in your sweet fucking mouth!" The temporarily abated love she had felt for the handsome city man now returned with even greater force as her young body became filled with overwhelmingly erotic sensations. Despite her initial resistance to his request, the more she slaved at his hotly naked prick, feeling its hard caress on the inside of her mouth, the more she loved it, craved it. The shamelessly awakened woman instinctively let her tongue swipe at his lust-stiffened staff with more and more expertise, and, tentatively, she touched the wide base of it with one hand, feeling it quiver until she was sure it was near the bursting point. Thrilled by its massive girth, Jassy took almost all of the lust-throbbing shaft deep into her throat, ignoring the choking feeling as she proudly, lovingly continued her obscene sucking. Great swirls of heat were building deep inside of Scott's cum-filled balls now, and he smiled and grunted in smug satisfaction. This inexperienced little miner's daughter, at his command, was giving him one of the most exciting blow-jobs of his life.He realized that almost any man he knew would give his eye-teeth to have a sexy little chick like Jassy suck him in her very own bedroom, and the thought thrilled him and filled his ego even more than Amanda could. The muscles of his belly tightened in unbearable excitement now, and he groaned and thrust his loins forward with jerky, involuntary movements as the clinging wetness of Jassy's ovaled lips closed repeatedly over the throbbing sensitivity of his prick. The hungrily sucking blonde's tongue on the outstroke was taking nerve-tingling licks that made his sensitive cock-head jerk and twitch obscenely. "Suck it, baby, suck it good!" he hissed. Despite the fact that he had initially wanted to fuck the innocent girl, the fact that he had changed his mind at the last minute had been a stroke of genius. He had two more months left in which to fuck her. Meanwhile, the greedily slavering girl, still sucking in total submission, began to be filled with a strangely blissful sensation. There was a distinct wetness growing in the confines of her never-fucked pussyhole, and she unconsciously began to rub her thighs together, pressing them tight so that the small mound of her hair-trimmed cunt was squeezed and rubbed lewdly by her panties and thighs, increasing the obscene pleasure she felt. Inwardly now, she felt she was mistaken to have mistrusted both Scott and Dirk. Scott, though strangely harsh with her, it was true, had shown her the delights and pleasures a man could offer her. The smitten blonde knew that he was only doing it to break through her naïveté, so that they could share the full joys of love. For Dirk, however, she still only felt the deepest contempt. Scott moved one arm around Jassy's trembling body, and by stretching a bit was able to slip his hand up under her short house-dress. His fingers edged toward the wet, panty-covered triangle of her blondely furred cunt, and slipped unerringly up beneath the tight elastic legband until they touched the damp nakedness of Jassy's hotly excited pussy. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... mmmmmmmmmmmmm," she moaned into the heavily pulsating hardness of Scott's cock. The tip of his extended fingers slipped easily into the already cum-drenched wetness of Jassy's cunt, worming slowly up between her sensitive pussylips to find the tingling bud of nerve-endings that formed her clit, flicking and rubbing there until the young blonde thought she would go out of her mind with pleasure. She squirmed and wriggled, parting her legs as much as was possible. Thorpe's fingers twisted and turned as he felt Jassy's hot, slippery pussy flesh, throbbing beneath them. Back and forth they slid, creating a heated friction up between the blonde's quivering legs that caused a wicked, forbidden excitation there. The wildly aroused girl felt her loins begin to rage with a smoldering fire that threatened to make her melt in its obscene heat. Then, as Scott began to call to her with an intense fervor in his voice, Jassy felt a strange masochistic wildness take hold of her body as she lay with his thickly jerking cock stuffed in her mouth and his fingers playing salaciously with her streaming hot cunt. She began to grunt excitedly with each worming probe of his finger against her tingling pussy flesh, and at that moment, nothing else existed in the world but her and the lewdly working mine owner's son as they writhed and twisted on the bed with galvanic desire. "Hot little bitch!" Scott growled obscenely. "I knew you were a hot little bitch right from the start!" He was lost, too, in the blind passion of bringing this tender young beauty to cum, trying to time it with his own, which he knew was only seconds away. Grinning in the dimness, the unscrupulous man moved his finger downward and suddenly found and penetrated the tight, warm virgin hole of Jassy's cunt, feeling the un-stretched circle of pussy flesh give way reluctantly to his searching fingers. The blonde mountain girl groaned and jerked forward against him, pressing the soft resiliency of her thighs tight against his hand in a spasmodic opening and closing. Her head began to rise and fall more quickly, her mouth gaping wide and then closing firmly around the massively swollen hardness of his raging cock. Her tongue lashed with swirling fury against his tender flesh, creating a tumultuous response deep inside Scott's heavy cum-bloated balls. He knew she was on the brink of cumming and he thrust his fingers higher still, wriggling them around against the tight slippery inner walls of her virgin pussy. He heard her utter a low guttural moan that was cut off at the last minute by a long, soulful gasp as Scott jerked his hips rapidly upward into her mouth. The moment had arrived! His hot scalding juice began its mad race upward from the sanctity of his softly dangling balls, streaming wildly toward the top of his pulsating shaft. Suddenly white hot streams of it spurted into the helplessly sucking girl's open mouth. He let his free hand tangle cruelly in her golden hair, ensuring that her head stayed down on his throbbing loins as he pushed his wildly pumping cock all the way to the back of her straining mouth. Jassy went on sucking him wildly as his boiling cum-juice emptied lewdly into the wetness of her mouth. She was so torridly aroused that the presence of the scalding cum did not shock her in the slightest, rather it was just one more fantastic thrill that blended incredibly with the torrent of obscene sensuality that held her mind and body in its sway. Her own cum started deep in her finger-filled belly and rose in a flood that engulfed her body completely. It seemed to be everywhere at once, in the tingling contractions of her insanely clasping pussy, in her own fingers that gripped the hotly spurting shaft of Scott's thickly jerking prick, and in her mouth that now received his lewd cum willingly, wantonly! After an eternity of pleasure, Scott sighed softly as he squeezed the last drops from his fully sated cock into Jassy's gulping throat. She had sucked him completely dry and he had never felt so satisfied in his life. "Not bad for a beginner," he said finally. "Not bad at all." Jassy sat up with a little difficulty. Her body still trembled from head to foot, and she was surprised when she gained full consciousness and remembered where she was. How wonderful it had been, how incredible! In her mouth she could still taste the bitter-sweet tang of his cock-fluid lingering on her tongue. How oddly good it tasted! Scott Thorpe, she knew, had awakened her to the full joys of life, and she would always love him for it. Later that night, long after Scott had cum in Jassy's greedily sucking mouth and Amanda and Dirk had fucked one more time, Amanda and Dirk went down to the kitchen to have a brandy and coffee before going to sleep. "Here's to us," she said, raising her brandy in toast, "and thanks for giving an unbearable two months some hope." "My pleasure," he replied, clinking his glass lightly with hers, then taking a sip of the potent drink. "You know, Amanda, I really hadn't been looking forward to you and Scott coming at all. I thought you two would be real city jerks, but I was wrong. You are all right." "Meaning me, but not Scott, I gather." "Well, I've never met a woman like you before, and I must say you've done wonders for me. I feel like a new man." "Thanks, honey. As a matter of fact, the feeling is mutual. It's been marvelous for me, too." Surprisingly, the seductive female realized that her words were not altogether untrue. Amanda found herself growing rather fond of the somewhat naive, handsome miner seated next to her at the kitchen table. He had proven himself to be a formidable lover, satisfying her deeply, and his sincerity and integrity had touched the jaded redhead in a way that was vaguely disturbing. Particularly after the immature petulance she always encountered with Scott, Dirk Mulligan was a refreshing change of pace. "Perhaps I'll visit here sometime," she said softly, pressing her voluptuous body against his shoulder with intimate closeness. "Maybe when I get enough saved up, I'll pay you a visit in the city." Amanda found herself somewhat at a loss for words, and realized to her dismay that she had allowed herself to become somewhat emotionally involved with the miner in just a couple of short days. And that was something she had always sworn would never happen. The sultry female also knew that if Dirk realized what Scott was up to with the innocent girls of the village, his feelings about her would change drastically. And suddenly she was afraid of that change.She saw the looks they gave each other, the way Scott's eyes followed Jassy's sensuously swaying hips when she walked or her huge luscious breasts when Jassy served them dinner at night, and she was worried. She had never seen Scott so enthralled by a woman before. Had the rather quaint miner's daughter been able to do what every other woman he'd ever met had failed in? Had she captured his heart? It couldn't be, Scott was much too selfish to ever fall in love. But still the evidence was a little too damning to just laugh it off. She had tried finding out from Scott himself, but he would just mumble and turn away. Amanda was worried. If Scott really had fallen for the little blonde, and decided to marry her, heaven forbid, then old Amanda here would be out of a job. She liked her job keeping Scott Thorpe out of trouble too much to let him ruin it for her. She was going to have to make sure that he didn't. And she had a plan. She was going to discredit the little virgin right in front of Scott right on the spot where he had licked the bitch's cunt. Amanda looked at the mine entrance for the umpteenth time and shivered. She'd been waiting here for Jassy for fifteen minutes now and she was getting impatient. She had asked the girl to meet her there saying that last weekend she had dropped a ring in the mine and needed to find it. The "ring" had belonged to Scott's mother and he would be furious if he found out that she had lost it. Of course there really was no ring, but Jassy didn't know that so she had agreed to meet her at the adit shack and take her down in the mine to help her find it. Poor little idiot. Actually, Amanda was rather looking forward to her little plan, and the girl had a luscious body and Amanda had plans to use it! Amanda heard the sound of footsteps coming lightly up the road and she whirled to see who it was. It was Jassy Newquay, her blonde hair glistening in the sunlight, her figure swaying with that particular sensuous walk of hers. She smiled as she saw Amanda looking at her and hurried up to where she was standing. "Morning, Amanda," she smiled politely. She wasn't yet sure that she liked the red-headed woman and she didn't quite know how to treat her. "We really shouldn't be down in the mine when it's deserted like it is today." "I know," Amanda sighed. "But I really do need that ring. It'll be okay, this once, won't it?" "Yeah, I think so," Jassy said reassuringly. "Come on, let's go find that ring of yours." They rode the cage-like elevator in silence, staring at the surrounding rock walls of the shaft, each lost in her own thoughts. It wasn't until they had already entered the main gallery and were walking down the step-like slope to a lower level, that Amanda started the wheels of her lascivious plan. "Scott told me that he licked your pussy here after we all left the mine last week," she said quietly. Jassy stopped dead in her tracks, a flush spreading on her surprised face. How had Amanda found out about that? Had Scott really told her? Had he told her what else they had done? "Yeah, he said you had a real sweet cunt. Real sweet!" she repeated, enjoying the effect she knew she was having on the blonde girl. "What are you talking about?" Jassy turned suddenly to face her. "That you liked having your pussy licked. Scott has a most talented tongue. I've enjoyed it many times myself." Jassy put her hand against the cold rock wall to steady herself as Amanda came closer to her, a licentious gleam in her eyes. "But you know, Jassy, a woman has never really been licked until she has had the tongue of another woman fucking into her pussy!" Amanda reached up and with deliberate, mesmerizing slowness, she removed her own clothes before she began to unbutton the front of Jassy's dress. Jassy was powerless to move, she just stood there as if in a dream and watched as Amanda finished unbuttoning her dress and before she could stop her had slipped it off her shoulders to the mine floor. As the cold air of the mine touched her near naked skin, she came to her senses. She tried to make a run for it, but Amanda saw it coming and grabbed her by the top of her skimpy nylon panties. Jassy felt them rip from her hips but she didn't care. She wanted to get out of there! "Jassy, what's the town going to say when you go running through with no clothes on?" Jassy stopped. Amanda was right. She would never be able to face anyone ever again. She heard Amanda coming up behind her, and gently, Amanda reached out with her slender white arms and took Jassy's soft, vulnerably quaking body into a comforting embrace, drawing the girl close so that their naked bodies touched intimately, and the tips of their hugely thrusting breasts rubbed sensuously together. Then the experienced redhead began to cover Jassy's face with delicate soft kisses while her curious hands began to wander freely over the sloping curve of the blonde's naked back. Jassy shook in automatic response. She didn't stop her though, she couldn't. She would just have to bear it through to the end, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out in an agony of shame as Amanda kissed her neck with warm wet kisses and blew teasing wisps of air into her ear. Then, without warning, she kissed the confused girl fully on the lips, and she stiffened, her trembling body in rigid shock. Yet, even as she shook in shameful horrification, a little ripple of pleasure ran unexpectedly through her. The softness of Amanda's lips on hers was strangely sensual, and in spite of herself, she was totally surprised to experience hints of involuntary pleasure. How can this be? she thought in confusion, as Amanda pushed her down against the cold mine floor and continued her lewd seduction. How can I possibly find anything pleasurable in a woman's kiss? Instinctively, the naked blonde pressed her lips up against the older woman's ovaled mouth and was completely startled to feel herself again begin to tingle with excitement, this strange, unexplainable excitement. Starting from deep in her pussy, a delicious pulsing heat seemed to come from nowhere to fill every part of her with desire. It was an incredible sensation and unconsciously the miner's daughter pressed her curious mouth harder against Amanda's, even allowing her slender arms to encircle the naked shoulders of the voluptuous city woman. She was surprised at the velvety texture of Amanda's skin under her fingers, and now Jassy's mind spun with a mixture of confusion and steadily increasing pleasure. How was it possible that under these particular circumstances she could actually like being made love to by a woman? It was wrong to allow herself ever to have these feelings, wasn't it? Yet, her body seemed to be functioning out of her conscious control now, forcing her to enjoy, even want the salacious touch of this worldly redhead. Amanda could feel Jassy beginning to accept the pleasure she was experiencing and drew her into a more lewd embrace and soon their naked flesh was stimulated with steadily mounting passion, as their aroused bodies shimmered with irresistible, torrid excitement and they mixed their tongues in long and deep French kisses. They were fast losing themselves in the fantastic bliss they were finding in each other's naked body. Jassy would never have thought it was possible that she could respond like this with the brazen woman whom she had seen being so wildly fucked by her friend. She hated Amanda! How then, could she feel so wonderful? Yet these disturbing thoughts were brushed aside as Amanda bent down and began to suck intimately on the girl's firm little nipples, losing herself contentedly in the sweet supple flesh and letting her eager mouth move freely over one sensuous breast and then the other. Then she began to lick downwards with her lewdly searching tongue making a wetly glistening trail down the curving plane of Jassy's whitely trembling belly until it touched the soft golden triangle of her pubic hair that surrounded the hotly twitching hole of Jassy's cunt. "Pleaseeee, stopppppppppp!" the tormented blonde protested suddenly coming to her senses at the sensations of Amanda's mouth and tongue probing lewdly at her pussy, and once more she struggled in resistance, closing her legs and struggling to rise but in the next second, Amanda darted out her tongue, and it touched hotly on the petal-like folds of Jassy's defenseless pussy. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm," the startled blonde moaned. The touch of the older woman's spearing tongue on her trembling cunt flesh was like being jolted with a cattle prod and a wave of ecstasy burned in every inch of her naked body, obliterating her doubts in its wake. A radiant heat of pleasure simmered in her loins as the amorous redhead traveled the entire length of her cunt-split with her expertly lapping tongue. "Mmmmmmmmoooooaaaaaaaaaa!" Jassy moaned as her tiny clit began to throb with overpowering waves of obscene pleasure. Her sense of shame was gone now, and she could only surrender to the overwhelming sensations of torrid lust that Amanda was causing with her slippery working tongue. Moments later, the hungrily sucking redhead darted her tongue into Jassy's still-unfucked pussy, making her cry out again with unwanted arousal. Jolting flashes of unbearable sensual heat surged through the squirming blonde's hotly throbbing body, and she gave herself up to the wetly probing tongue, spreading her legs wider to receive more of the ravishing ecstasy that she had no strength or will to refuse. Suddenly, the wildly licking redhead removed her face from Jassy's cum-drenched pussy and straddling the gasping blonde, placed her hungrily twitching cunt right over Jassy's mouth.Then, supported on her elbows, the sex-driven redhead bent down and immediately began to lick hungrily once more at the wetly quivering pussy-flesh and at the same time moved her own cunt ever closer to Jassy's mouth. Jassy moved her head away in sudden repulsion. How could she bring herself to lick another woman's cunt? It seemed impossible, but in the next instant Amanda lowered her pussy directly onto Jassy's mouth, and the shame-racked blonde had no choice but to lick her pussy. The pungent aroma of Amanda's cunt drifted up into her nostrils, and timidly, struggling to repress her deep sense of revulsion, she pushed her tongue out onto the older woman's cum-glistening pussy flesh. At first, the tormented blonde grimaced from the tartness she tasted, but then, as Amanda's frenzied tongue-fucking made fresh ripples of lust surge through her own frame, she began to explore the older woman's cunt, rimming her tongue around the delicate strands of rust-colored pussy hairs that lined the softly pulsing cleft. Finding the torridly erected bud of Amanda's clit, she brushed her tongue lightly over it and was both shocked and fascinated by it as it responded with visible little twitches of pleasure. She could hear the shameless redhead begin to moan in pleasure as well, and this stimulated her into probing even further with her inexperienced tongue. Charged with wild sexual desire, Amanda began to drive her tongue downward into Jassy's helplessly responding pussy, nearly out of her mind with pleasure now that the blonde was returning the lurid tongue-fuck. She whirled her tongue in and out, and up and down, driving her to unexpected and totally irresistible heights of pleasure. Pleasure she had never known existed. "Oooooohhhhhhh!" Jassy moaned in ecstasy, totally consumed now by the fires of unimaginable passion. Every inch of her body was blazing with uncontrollable lust, wilder even than when Scott had eaten her pussy, and now she became consumed with desire, and she began flicking her tongue upwards into Amanda's hungrily clasping pussy, reveling obscenely as her mouth pressed into the redhead's luscious cunt. Nothing mattered now, all she cared about was the cum, spreading like wildfire through her loins. Jassy drove her extended tongue upwards into Amanda's greedily clutching cunt with savage intensity, exploring every inch of the tongue-fucking redhead's hot juicy pussyhole. Amanda, meanwhile, moaned ceaselessly in shameless delight as the throbbing walls of her cunt began to expand and contract with increased pleasure. Excruciating spasms of desire began to jolt through her wantonly twisting body, and she knew she was going to cum soon. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." she sighed into Jassy's hot cunt, redoubling her frantic sucking and plunging her lewdly darting tongue into every available corner of the blonde's wetly pulsing hole. Suddenly, Amanda began to groan with an almost insane intensity as her insanely throbbing cunt walls sizzled with flashes of unbearable pleasure. Her cum was close, and she redoubled her efforts by plunging her greedy tongue deep into Jassy's wetly clutching pussy flesh. "Nnnnnnnnnnaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhh!" the wildly cumming redhead grunted as her mind-shattering release began to shudder through her. At the same time, Jassy mewled as she undulated her own nakedly gleaming body up and down in frantic pleading on the mine floor, her cunt on fire with uncontrollable lust. She felt as if she was being buried under tons of lust, consumed by a raging fire of lust! She was cumming, cumming, cumming out of her mind! Afterwards, Jassy lay on her belly on the mine floor, not even feeling the cold, so completely exhausted and unable to move was she. Her breath came in short gasps as she tried to get her mind to focus on reality. Despite the overwhelming pleasure she had just experienced with Amanda Woods, sensations so thrilling that she was surprised to find herself even liking the wanton redhead, Jassy wanted desperately to get away from her. She was just about to move when a voice coming from the direction of the main gallery stopped her. "No wonder little blondie here was so dumb about making it with a man. She likes going down on the ladies," the cruel voice of Scott Thorpe said, and both women looked up as he stepped from behind the support timber and faced them. "Scott!" Jassy said, fear cracking her voice. Beside her the redhead's eyes gleamed triumphantly--her plan to have Scott find the two of them making it together had worked! "You bitch! I really thought you were something. For the first time in my life, I was beginning to like a woman almost better than myself and all that time you were servicing Amanda's hot little cunt." The hate in his eyes terrified the young blonde. "I don't like people who make fools out of me. And you can believe that I make them pay for it." Scott moved towards them again, this time removing his clothes as he went, so that by the time he stood over the two naked women, he too was without clothes. "Amanda, get out of the way, this is between Jassy here and me." "Please, Scott," Jassy moaned piteously, "let me explain. Please!" "Now, Jassy," he leered, still fondling his achingly erect prick, "I want to pay you back for what you did to me." "But you're wrong," she sobbed into the floor, "terribly, terribly wrong." "Listen sweetheart," Scott sneered as he stood nakedly over her, his hugely pulsing cock swaying frighteningly before him. "We've just gotten started. You are a hot little cunt, aren't you? Well, it's time we started in on some real fucking!" He sat down beside her and reached out once more to stroke her whitely trembling flesh. His hands ran up and down her long slender legs, coming to rest in the soft crack between her ass cheeks. "But you want to save your cherry for the ladies," he murmured, half to himself as the tip of his finger touched Jassy's puckered ass circle. "Aaaaaaaammmmmmmmm..." Jassy gasped as his finger pressed obscenely at the tiny hole. "Scott, what are you doing?" But Scott had no intention of explaining his actions to her. His mind became filled with lewd ideas as he pressed his finger curiously at her asshole. It had been a long time since he'd fucked a woman in the ass, and he could think of no better way of getting even with the little blonde. "Stick your ass up," he ordered. "What?" Jassy asked, not understanding what he meant. "I said put your ass in the air!" Puzzled still, Jassy Newquay tried to do as he asked, too weary to question him any longer. Slowly, she drew her knees up under herself until her ass cheeks were waving obscenely in the air, inches from Scott's leering grin. She rested her face on the cool ground and found to her surprise that the position was actually comfortable. But why was he asking her to do this? It made no sense. In the next moment, however, she felt his hands pressing at her trembling ass cheeks, roughly spreading them apart. "Scott, why are you doing that? Why?" Panic-stricken, the trembling blonde felt him begin to probe in between her widespread ass. His fingers now moved obscenely over the open split, teasing and exploring her sensitive nether flesh. Her dazed mind sensed in horror that he was going to do something unthinkable to her, and then, even as she began to dimly comprehend, his middle finger was pressing experimentally once more at her tiny puckered asshole, spreading it, teasing it. Then suddenly, with a sharp jab, he thrust it cruelly up to the first knuckle into the virginal hole. "Stopppppppp!" she screamed in agonized torment. "Oh no! Nooooooo, pleassssseeeeeeeeeeee!" But the lust-driven man was not about to stop. Savagely he wormed his finger in further, forcing the tight little opening to expand unwillingly at the insistent pressure. Jassy grimaced in pain and cried out over and over, but her cries for mercy only caused him to move his finger around still further in the dark, defensively clenching confines. The rubbery outer lips yielded a little beneath his obscene prodding and, encouraged, he forced his finger in even further. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" she screamed in agony, trying desperately to scramble from the ground to escape the unbearable torture, but Scott held her firmly with his free hand on the small of her back and continued his pitiless attack with his cruelly worming middle finger. Jassy tried moving about in some way to alleviate the pain, but nothing seemed to help. She had never felt anything so painful in her life: she did not know how much more she could bear. Wave after wave of shame washed over her nakedly trembling body, and fresh tears sprang to her eyes as he forced another finger up inside beside the first. This was worse than anything that had happened so far, for her entire ass was spread open, and the lust-hungry Scott was fucking his fingers in and out of her obscenely stretched asshole. Finally, Scott pulled his fingers backward until they popped out. Jassy's still-clenching ass closed up again behind the withdrawal, and a blissful relief seemed to spread through her, but now that they were gone, she was surprised to feel a strange kind of pleasure in her loins. There was something about her position that was causing it, something about the way she was so obscenely positioned. The curl-fringed lips of her pussy were also spread apart, thanks to the kneeling position she was in, and she felt completely at the mercy of whatever the mine owner's son had in mind for her. In spite of her shame, Jassy wondered if the moment hadn't arrived when Scott was finally going to fuck her, and even though he had behaved brutally to her, she suddenly began to look forward to the feel of his cock in her pussy.All her misgivings seemed to flee once more before the prospect of finally getting fucked in the cunt. Her tensely throbbing pussy felt open and empty, and she longed to feel his huge prick itself in her at last, even from behind. In fact, she thought she would go crazy with frustration now if he didn't. "Ooooohhhhh! Fuck my pussy now, Scott! Please fuck my pussy now!" she screamed out and wiggled her ass cheeks in salacious invitation. Scott moved up behind her with mounting excitement as she invitingly, lewdly, rotated her trembling white ass cheeks in obscene encouragement. He knew now, in triumph, that he had accomplished one of his goals--to turn the innocent little virgin into a writhing mass of fuck-hungry flesh. Driven half-mad with desire, Jassy reached behind her blindly and grabbed onto the massive shaft of his prick. It was huge! So thick! Shivering with anticipation, she held on to the massive shaft and tried to position her hungrily yearning hole so that he could fuck up into her quickly and easily. She had to have it inside her! She had to! "Hold on, Jassy," Scott growled down at her, prying her fingers loose. "I'm going to save your pussy for another day." Holding his hotly throbbing prick in his hand, he prided it into the soft crevice between her asscheeks and placed the huge tip at the brown puckered hole of her ass. When Jassy realized in terror what he had in mind, she froze. "No, Scott! You can't! You can't!" "Sorry, kid, but I can do anything I want." Leering up like a madman, he watched as his cock took up a big space in the soft yielding crevice, working its way into the tightness of her virginal asshole. Jassy began to plead desperately beneath him, but he only laughed derisively at her protests. The whitely ballooning cheeks of her ass remained perfectly positioned for his cock, while he pressed hard against the tiny, tightly resisting circle. His balls ached with hot excitement, and his prick was tingling lewdly all along the shaft. In the next second, he pushed with all his strength, and his thickly pulsing shaft surged forward, the swollen red tip popping inside her clenching asshole with a sudden, brutal thrust! "Nnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jassy wailed in pain, her face contorted in pain, pain that spread to every part of her nakedly quivering body. Ignoring her cries of pain, Scott threw himself forward so that his cock sped inward, halfway at first, then finally ramming all the way into the tight dark passage, pushing the resistantly clenched flesh in waves ahead of it until suddenly, with an ass-flattening halt, he had plunged in as far as he could possibly go. Jassy shrieked in pain as the massively pulsing shaft lay buried all the way up in her pain-filled asshole. It seemed to fill her insides completely, she imagined she could even feel his cock all the way up into her throat! She felt completely impaled, and her muscles contracted wildly in torture around it. Scott moaned with pleasure, letting his heavily throbbing hardness pulse in triumph in the painful depths of her body. He closed his eyes and abandoned himself to the luxurious sensation of her tightly clasping asslips, rippling rhythmically around his prick. He began to fuck into her slowly at first, then with increasing speed, sawed mercilessly into the writhing hotness of her cock-stretched asshole. Biting her lip to keep from crying out, Jassy knew she would never be the same again. Scott Thorpe had taken her to the lowest possible level of human degradation, and no amount of pleading or begging, she knew, would get him to stop this terrible ass-fucking he was subjecting her to. But she knew somewhere deep inside herself that it was all her fault. She got herself into this, now she had to take the consequences. She was here because she wanted to be here. She had started the affair with Scott Thorpe and she would have to see it through. Maybe, she thought, maybe if I relax and cooperate with him, it'll be all over sooner and won't hurt so much. Sucking in a breath of air and making a grimace, she began grinding her wide-split asscheeks back toward him, thrusting back into the pain instead of away from it. "All right, Jassy, way to do it!" Scott shouted. "Fuck me back! Fuck me back!" Charged with lust, he watched the puckered skin of her little round asshole draw back with his cock, clutching it as if it didn't want him to come out. At first, the pressure had been almost unbearable, but now it was exhilarating. Scott watched obscenely as his brutally fucking prick disappeared into her backward-thrusting ass, all the way in up to the hilt and then out again. Surges of savage passion rocked his lean, athletic body as he increased the tempo of his brutal fucking, and his mind reeled with obscene thoughts and images, and he had been worried about finding a good fuck in Beaulea! Suddenly, Jassy felt the pain in her asshole easing up a little. The searing white flashes were gone now, and as Scott continued to screw her mercilessly with his brutally thrusting prick, a strange kind of pleasure began to grow deep inside her. It wasn't like the other sensations she had come to know in the past week, but equally as pleasurable. "Oooohhhhhhhh, ooooooohhhhhhh," she crooned, as tiny, sharp rippling bursts of passion began shooting through her. "Oh, yes... yes. Fuck my asshole. Yesssssss, fuck my asssssssss!" Pounding furiously into her tightly clutching ass-circle, Scott was exhilarated by his dominant position. Sharp flashes of lewd desire spiraled through his mercilessly driving prick as he drove it in and out of her tight ass with ever-increasing fury, and he ground his hips back and forth, up and down. His hotly swinging balls ached obscenely and his lurchingly swollen cock tingled with a thousand sizzling sparks of pleasure while Jassy moaned incoherently before him, grinding her asscheeks back to meet his brutal thrusts. "You are the hottest little cunt!" he cried in triumph. "Fuck you!" Scott, nearly out of his mind with pleasure, knew he couldn't hold back his cum much longer, and he began to screw furiously into Jassy's violently squirming asshole, battering her hotly quaking ass with his hands, digging his fingers hard and cruelly into her naked flesh. His breath came in short bursts as he pulled her already wide-spread ass cheeks further apart with his thumbs and fucked her even more. "I'm cumming... Aaaaaaaaaoooorrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!" Thrusting like a madman, the delirious mine owner's son squirted wave after wave of boiling cum deep into the twisting blonde's forever-stretched asshole. Jassy screamed out in pleasure as sensuous thrills ravaged every part of her ass as well as her strangely responding pussy. She was cumming too, wildly, unbelievable, her cunt walls palpitating while the climaxing man above her jetted endless streams of scalding hot juices deep into her wildly clenching asshole. When it was done, they both collapsed against each other, his prick still buried lewdly in her still-milking asshole. Finally, he withdrew it, and lay panting on the floor of the mine. Jassy too, lay panting at his side. She closed her eyes wearily for a moment and must have gone to sleep. Later, she was vaguely aware of movements around her and when she awoke, she was alone. Amanda and Scott had left her lying naked on the floor of the mine. Sadly, she gathered her clothes together and after putting them on, she left the scene of her shame and went back up to the surface. It was like heaven, she thought, looking up at the sky and smiling, the cool fresh air, and the mine where she had been fucked so heartlessly, was hell. CHAPTER SEVEN Jassy had managed to stumble home without anyone seeing her in town. The house seemed deserted when she first stepped in, but then she heard the sound of Dirk's snoring coming from upstairs as she tiptoed to her room. She needed a shower, she felt so dirty that she walked straight through her room to the bathroom, not even looking at herself in the mirror. When she did though, she had to laugh because though her face was clean, the rest of her body was covered with coal dust! The water in the shower was warm, and it beat down hard on Jassy's bruised, coal-dust covered flesh. Every tingling drop, as it cascaded off her sore aching body, only served to remind the girl of what seemed to be other, deeper, although invisible wounds. She had washed and washed, but still she felt dirty. Great shudders of rampant self-disgust swept through her, and she felt as though she'd aged ten years since she left the house earlier that day. How trusting she'd been when Amanda had asked for her help, she remembered, hating herself now for her own foolishness. Each minute had seemed like an hour. Resentfully, she also remembered Scott and the way he had ordered her about, as though she weren't even a person at all, just an object to satisfy his perverted sexual whims. In fact, now that she was safely at home and at a distance from the lewd acts she had been forced to perform with Amanda and Scott, Jassy found herself remembering that if it hadn't been for Amanda and what she had seen Dirk doing to her in her bedroom last week, there was a good possibility she would never have had to go through this. But she couldn't really convince herself of that. If nothing else, the rude events of the past few hours had forced the naive blonde to be totally honest with herself. Even though she'd submitted to their lewd seduction, unwillingly at first, her own body soon began to respond to their lustful touches of its own accord, indeed even to crave them. And that was the worst of it. Jassy had never dreamed that there could be any separation between love and fucking.Because Scott had made her feel so good the first time she was alone with him in the mine, she assumed she was in love with him. How could she have been so foolish? How could she have convinced herself, for whatever reasons, that she could ever be happy with a man as different from her as Scott Thorpe? It didn't seem possible. Thorpe had made an utter fool of her, he and Amanda. For the first time, it occurred to the young miner's daughter that Amanda had also wronged Dirk Mulligan, and had possibly been as cruel to him as Scott had been to her. As she turned slowly beneath the stinging spray of water, Jassy tried to think of Dirk as a human being rather than the somewhat stern man who had appointed himself her guardian after her father's death. Instead of seeing him as someone who was just trying to protect her from hurt, as he knew her father would if he were alive, for the first time, she saw him as he truly was: a gentle man who had sincerely wanted to help her and was concerned about her. The blonde, in a flash of revelation, suddenly saw herself more clearly as well, a willful and somewhat rude young woman who had taken Dirk's freely offered concern for granted and never even bothered showing him how much she really did appreciate all the things he did for her. It was shocking to think of how much trouble she must have caused him. Why, looking after her the way he did, he had really cheated himself out of the kind of wonderful life he deserved, but he hadn't cared, he had stood with her anyway. She would never be able to give up that much for an ass like her. Dirk was truly wonderful. Jassy began to cry again, only this time it wasn't for herself, it was for Dirk and perhaps for the whole human race of which she suddenly felt herself undeniably a part. She cried until her tears felt a part of the cascading shower water around her, and when the blonde could cry no more, she stepped out of the shower. Her nakedly shining flesh shivered in the comparative cool of the bathroom after the warm shower, and Jassy reached for a towel to dry herself. The soft, thick terrycloth rubbed against her flushed skin as she looked at herself curiously in the full-length mirror. There were several black and blue marks on her arms and thighs, and her blue eyes looked overly large with fatigue. Her long blonde hair hung wetly to her cheeks and the tops of her shoulders as she carefully examined herself. She looked for all the traces of the debauchery that Scott and his red-haired companion had inflicted upon her, and was surprised to note that most of the changes were interior. The bruises, she knew, would go away in time, but the memory of her seduction in the mine would be forever etched darkly in her memory. With a deep sigh, she wrapped and tied a big orange towel around her curving nakedness and left the bathroom, stepping into her adjoining bedroom. For a moment, she was taken aback to see the sleeping form of Dirk sprawled upon her bed. He must have heard her come in and gotten up to find out where she had been all day. She had been in the shower so long, he must have fallen asleep waiting for her. She went to stand beside her bed, looking down at the sleeping man. "Poor Dirk," she whispered to him. "Thank you for being so good to me. I'm sorry I've been such an ass." Jassy felt that she even realized how much more there was of life yet for her to understand, and she sensed for the first time that perhaps nobody really ever understood it all. Yet this thought made her feel terribly alone, and the sad figure of the handsome miner, lying pale and exhausted on her bed, made her feel even more strangely melancholic. He was all alone too, wasn't he? Slowly, the pretty young blonde lay down beside him as the last light of the day was slowly filtering in through the window. It was warm and familiarly comfortable in her own bed, and Jassy eased her aching body, sighing deeply. It was wonderful to be back home now in her little room, with Dirk right there beside her. She turned on her side and gazed with curiosity at his face. He looked younger to her somehow, with his features relaxed in sleep. From time to time, apparently dreaming, his expression would change and Jassy watched attentively as he muttered and called her name. "No, Jassy! No!" he cried in his sleep, and then he began to thrash around restlessly so that Jassy had to move to her side of the bed to keep from being struck. Oh Dirk, she thought sadly. Have I ruined your life for you? Tenderly, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. What a wonderful friend he'd been to her, and how she'd abused his friendship, instead of fighting his concern, she should have trusted him, particularly about Scott Thorpe. How simple everything would have been if she'd only listened to him. Soothingly, the young girl patted Dirk's shirt-sleeved arm. But to her surprise, the sleeping man suddenly enfolded her small form in his arms and began to shower kisses on her face! "Dirk, wake up!" she said, trying to pull away from him. But Dirk, caught up in the thrall of his dream, and operating from a completely unconscious level, continued to kiss Jassy's soft cheeks. Then incredibly, his searching tongue found Jassy's parted lips and slipped inside, probing fervently beyond her clenched teeth, seeking her own tongue and swirling heatedly within until the startled young blonde began to moan helplessly. The towel that covered her creamy white nakedness came undone as Dirk pulled her closer and closer to him. Although Jassy at first tried to resist his unconscious caresses, she was soon surprised and delighted to find that his embrace was having an overwhelmingly soothing effect on her, and a strange magical aura seemed to shimmer around her as his hands moved along the silken surfaces of Jassy's naked skin. The blonde miner's daughter felt the sweetest kind of desire overtaking her exhausted body, as though beneath the raw lust that she had experienced with Amanda and Scott, there was something else, something that had to do with love and protection. Willingly, her tongue began to probe back at his, as she allowed him to hold her close to his hard, muscular body, while his hands and fingers touched her everywhere, each caress erasing the awful shame that Scott had roused within her. She was being made whole again by Dirk's gentle desire-filled touches. His touch was healing her wounds like a blessing from heaven. If the outside world had nothing better to offer than Scott and Amanda, and their kind of degrading passion, then what she wanted was something more, something at once completely strange yet utterly familiar. She wanted Dirk Mulligan! As she began to respond with more intensity, Dirk came to his full senses. This was no extension of one of his dreams, this was real! It was really Jassy, that he was kissing so openly like this! Her real, and not imagined, nakedness rubbing sensuously up against him, her open lips trembling softly against his own! For an instant, he shrank away at his own actions, but Jassy pulled him right back. "It's all right, Dirk!" she murmured softly. "Really, it's all right. I want you to love me!" For a long moment, the miner and Jassy clung to each other in a paroxysm of desire that swept through their two bodies like an electric current. The blonde's arms wound up around the brawny miner and she began to push her sensuously curved form against his. A shudder of undeniable passion ricocheted through them as both felt the rock-hard bulge of his imprisoned cock pulsating heavily against her belly. Dirk's tongue was fire in Jassy's mouth as it surged backward toward the arch of her throat. "Ohhhhhhh!" she gasped. "Ooooooohhh, Dirkkkk!" "Jassy!" the love-incited man whispered back, his hands moving over the satiny softness of Jassy's ass, squeezing and kneading the sensuous mounds in his hands. He could sense her expectancy and, her body taut and eager, she waited for what he would do next! Cautiously, he slid one hand around to her thigh, and as he moved it hotly upward, his blonde ward trembled against him. "Oh, Jassy, I've got to touch you like this! Let me touch your pussy!" Dirk heard himself speaking as if from a great distance, as though his brain refused to encompass what his body was doing with a will of its own. "Yes, yes, touch my cunt!" Jassy moaned into his mouth. Dirk's fingers moved slowly upward toward the smoothest flesh of all on the inside of the beautiful girl's thigh, and then he was touching the softly curling hairs of her still-virginal cunt. He groaned as the tip of his middle finger surged upward, slipping sensuously into the wetness of the small opening. "Oh God, why have I wasted so many years? I love you!" he cried. "I think I've always loved you!" Dirk sucked in his breath, as his finger wormed its way upward between her slightly open thighs, and he felt sweat begin to pour from his body as the wetness of her hotly trembling pussy enveloped his twitching finger. Her nakedly quivering beauty seemed the personification of all that was young and lovely in the world as she lay quivering and unresisting against him. There was a dull throbbing at his temples as he continued to thrust his tongue into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. Her hands were in his hair now, and Dirk tried desperately to collect his thoughts, but her soft sensual caresses left him dizzy, with only one thought, uppermost in his mind. He wanted to fuck her, he wanted to fuck her more than anything in the world. "Dirk," Jassy whispered uncertainly, "there's something I have to tell you, something you have to know." "What? What is it?" The young miner asked, already afraid to know for fear it would mean he could no longer have her close to him like this."I'm still a virgin in my pussy," Jassy admitted softly. "You mean Scott hasn't... you mean...?" "Yes," the blue-eyed blonde replied. Then she clung to him tightly again. "Oh, Dirk. I want you to screw me so badly. Why has it taken us so long to realize how much we want and need each other?" Dirk gulped, his heart heating like a cannon. "Are you sure, Jassy?" he whispered. "I've never been more sure of anything!" she replied lovingly. Jassy suddenly felt Dirk's fingers move away from the tight little opening of her cunt, and then he was going away from her. She opened her eyes in questioning unhappiness, and was about to protest, when she suddenly realized that her fears were groundless, for he was merely taking his clothes off, not refusing her. Momentarily, alone in the bed, Jassy closed her eyes contentedly. She heard the rustling sound of his clothes as they slipped from his handsome muscular body to the floor. It was a happy sound, a good sound. Standing beside the bed as he took off his clothes, Dirk Mulligan gazed down on the ripely budding curves of Jassy Newquay's naked, cream-white body. She was made to be loved beautifully, he thought. It was a welcome task, one he couldn't assign to anyone else. The fact that Scott hadn't already fucked her cherry away seemed to the young miner nothing short of a miracle. His prick throbbing with love, he slid his lean body down next to hers on the bed, and felt the tingling electricity that happened every time they touched, intensified now by the fact that for the first time, their two bodies were touching each other completely naked! He rolled halfway onto her prone body, sparing her his entire weight, but letting the thick shaft of his hotly throbbing cock pulse hungrily against the flesh of her tender thigh. His fingers moved once more to that tender hair-lined slit he had touched before, only this time he felt more certain, for he knew that in a matter of minutes, even seconds, he would make the hot juicy heat of Jassy's cunt, a haven for his prick. "Oh!" Jassy cried out as she felt his probing middle finger wiggle back up inside her gently nibbling pussy. Simultaneously his lips were pressing hard against hers, and she wanted to die from the happiness that was kindled both in her mouth and her insanely tingling cunt. She felt a delicious glowing desire stirring within her belly and she held onto Dirk for dear life, her sensuous body quivering with passion and--now that it was actually going to happen--with a certain fear, too, as she waited, ready to be fucked by the man she really loved. The thought that she hadn't given herself to Scott Thorpe, but rather had inadvertently waited for this moment when Dirk, the man who had been like a brother to her for so long, would teach her everything she needed to know, brought a new swelling of desire and happiness to her body, almost as though some of the terrible shame and unhappiness she had felt earlier was being taken away by the waves of love and arousal she now felt in his arms. Her loins smoldered under the sensual probing of his fingers, and she moaned weakly, tensing every muscle and spreading her legs a little wider. Dirk brushed the entire palm of his big hand against Jassy's cunt, cupping it tenderly, feeling the wet little split with its smooth delicate inner flesh pulsing warmly against his hand. His mouth went down to her ecstatically quivering tits, taking one luringly rounded nipple between his lips and sucking hard. In time with his sucking, his middle finger once more slipped into Jassy's sensitive, throbbing pussy with slowly rising pressure. Jassy sighed, softly. How natural it all felt, how fine! Dirk Mulligan's probing finger worked teasingly in and out as her huge tits trembled sensuously on her chest, each receiving the ardent sucking of her loving Dirk's lips. She could feel the heavily throbbing shaft of his cock resting against her, nudging into the soft, firm flesh of her upper leg, while his fingers readied her virginal cunt for its first fuck. "Do you want me to fuck you, do you really?" Dirk panted, suddenly uncertain again. At first Jassy could only moan her response. The building fires in her body were sending white-hot flashes of heat striking through her virginal flesh. Her eyes were glazed with lust and half-closed, and her naked thighs were trembling as her tight young pussylips opened and closed around his circling, probing finger. This waiting was the most divine torture that Jassy could imagine. "Oh, yes, Dirk, honey," she murmured breathlessly. "Yes! I want you to screw me more than anything in the world! I... I love you." Dirk thought he would come to a raging climax right then and there against Jassy's softly squirming thigh. But he couldn't. Not yet! Strange bewildering thoughts flickered through his spinning brain: how would it be afterward? Did they really love one another or were they carried away by the moment? Could they have really known each other for so long and yet not really seen each other until now? But all this confused self-questioning was purely academic. There was nothing else for Dirk to do but go through with fucking her. With utmost care, and precision, Dirk lifted himself up, bracing himself with his hands on either side of young Jassy's nakedly writhing body. He allowed the huge tip of his eagerly throbbing cock to part her sparse blonde pussyhairs as he pushed forward against the wide-open split of her hungrily waiting cunt. He knew that the breadth of his prick was far larger than the size of her unstretched pussyhole and that it might hurt her a little at first, and so he edged in slowly, carefully guiding his massive shaft into the small pink mouth of her cum-slick pussy. The soft inner flesh of her full white thighs jerked spasmodically as he wormed his way inward. The tip of his cock-head struck against the protective hymen and paused, caught in an ageless moment. Jassy too, lay as if poised for a ritual moment in some ancient pagan celebration. The moment had come at last, she was going to lose her cherry, but not to Scott Thorpe: she was going to give her most precious gift to the man she had loved so long without realizing it. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest, and a light anticipatory perspiration broke out on her forehead. "Now, Dirk," she whispered, " fuck meeeeeeeeee!" At that moment, Dirk Mulligan flicked his hips forward and was suddenly inside, completely through the flimsy little membrane that separates the girl from the true woman. "Uuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggg," she half-laughed, half-wept, as a simultaneous sting of pleasure and pain bloomed in her no-longer-innocent pussy. Dirk was there! His cock was actually inside her pussy. He pushed a little harder inside Jassy's hotly quivering belly, allowing her hot juicy cunt walls to expand tenderly as his lust-swollen prick traveled slowly but firmly deeper and deeper up into her hungrily welcoming pussy. Then it was finished, as with a last eager lunge, his thickly throbbing cock pressed all the way up inside her tightly gripping cunt. "Dirk!" she cried out in utter pleasure, "Oooooohhhh, your dick feels soooooo goooddddd! It's better than I dreamed!" Her lust-provoking words sent spasms of lewd fire surging through the miner's rampantly aroused flesh, and he began to move, slowly sliding his huge prick in and out of her greedily clasping pussy fucking it far up into the lovely young blonde's writhing belly, retreating almost completely, then driving in again, slowly and rhythmically while the pressure in his cum-bloated balls raged out of control. The head of his massive cock pressed tight against the softly cushioned tip of her cervix, while the hot, wet walls of her cunt wrapped lovingly around his thick shaft. Jassy wriggled happily beneath him, consumed with a torrid passion that was vastly better than anything she had experienced with the amoral Scott Thorpe. Dirk Mulligan was actually fucking her, and his massively swollen prick made her wide-stretched cunt quiver magically with an odd combination of hot desire and faint twinges of pain. But this pain, she knew, the last vestiges of her childhood, would soon fade, leaving only the exquisite pleasure of their love. "Mmmmmmmmmnnnnnnn," she groaned, making tiny, almost, silent sounds as Dirk began to sway in and out of her rapidly stretching pussy. He began to toy with her pulsing nipples as well, feeling the little buds of sensitive flesh become harder the more he fucked in and out of her hungrily devouring cunt. Jassy's heart beat with the frenzy of her love as the miner began to stroke into her now with increased fervor, driving his cock far up into the excitedly pulsing flesh of her pussy. His cum-laden balls slapped against the smooth, quivering crevice of her ass cheeks, with lewd, wet noises that filled their ears as he withdrew his prick and then plunged forward again and again, the beautiful blonde heaving and thrashing in eager encouragement beneath him. The savagely aroused miner was charged with a kind of energy he had never known before, particularly as Jassy Newquay was embracing his fucking with total abandon, her thighs clamping tightly around his thrusting hips as he screwed up into the tight, wet heat of her tightly clasping pussy. "Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, Dirrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk!" Jassy wailed. "Your prick feels so nice and hard inside my cunt! Oh, I love you Dirk! I'll never leave you... never!" No man, she knew at that moment, would ever make her feel the way she felt right now. There would be no use in turning to her books and dreams for a man to love. She had the one man that was right for her in her arms. He had been under her roof all along and she had never noticed it before.Hungrily, Jassy searched for his lips once more, and this time their soul-kiss lasted for a long while, as their bodies rubbed tirelessly and sensuously together in rapturous happiness. Dirk had never felt more joyously fulfilled than at this moment of his life. Dirk Mulligan's hugely jerking prick fucked deep up into Jassy's ravenous pussy with abandoned happiness, and at the same time, every inch of her body felt alive and tingling with pleasureful heat. Suddenly, she felt a volcanic sensation begin to ripple in her loins, a pulsing wetness seemed to explode inside her, and the sensation was more tumultuous and wonderful than anything she had remotely experienced before. She knew in that instant that she was going to cum, cum really for the first time! "Oh, oooooohhhh! I'm going to cum soon... cum with me, pleeeassssssseeeeeeeee!" Dirk increased his pace even more, grinding lewdly into her cum-drenched pussy, while Jassy's legs twitched around his hips in shameless excitement. He watched her hugely billowing tits heaving and quivering as a result of his torrid fucks and saw her toss her blonde head wildly from side to side as she thrashed. "Aaarrrggghhhhhhhhhooooo!" she cried. "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jassy's curvaceous young body was spasming wildly underneath him now, as she surrendered to the mind-blowing cum that took full possession of her helpless body. The mouth of her cock-stretched cunt was sucking voraciously at his deeply fucking prick, making him go nearly mad with pleasure. Then, in the next moment, he knew he was cumming as well. "Jassy!" he gasped, as his shuddering balls released a hot raging load of juices in rapid little streams. "Ooooooooohhhhh... bbaaaaaaaabbbbbyyyyyyyy... Ohhhhh... uuunnnngggggghhhhh!" A riverload of hotly scalding juices shot out from the tiny opening at the tip of his violently jerking cock and exploded deep up into her greedily milking cunt, making her moan with husky cries of rapture as his cum-juice mixed with her own. Gush after gush of slippery boiling cum erupted from the desire-possessed miner's loins and shot like an untamed river into his Jassy's wetly sucking pussy. Finally, after an eternity of insane pleasure, their passion ebbed until at last, they lay next to each other on Jassy's bed. "Oh, Dirk... Dirk, that was so wonderful," Jassy sighed. "For me too, darling. It was so good...!" In his heart, Dirk knew, words couldn't describe the wonder of what he had experienced in her arms. "I'd like to do it again and again..." He was surprised, moments later, to feel Jassy's slim little hand travel across his belly and down to grasp the softly pulsing flesh of his naked cock. Instantly, it jerked alive and became eagerly sensual under her tender caress. "Then why don't we?" she whispered softly, lovingly in his ear. "Why don't we fuck? We don't have to leave the house until Monday, we have almost the entire weekend to fuck ourselves crazy!" Jassy snuggled closer to Dirk. It was strange the way everything had turned out, she had started out wanting Scott, and ended up with Dirk. She had known him for so long that she had not even looked at him as a man, but now she had, and she knew that she had probably loved him all along! Now all that was left for her to do was to make up to Amanda and Scott, but she didn't think that she would have any problems along that line. She didn't have any doubt about that at all, in fact, for she knew the way to make them forgive her, she would get them where they felt it the most, when they fucked! CHAPTER EIGHT Jassy woke a few hours later to strange sounds coming from the living room next to her bedroom. She knew what the sound was, she had heard it often enough this past week! Amanda and Scott had finally come back to the house after the orgy in the mine earlier in the afternoon, and were in the living room now fucking up a storm! Jassy rose carefully from the bed so as not to disturb Dirk and, not even bothering to put her clothes on, she padded out of her room down the hall to the living room to get a glimpse of what they were doing. The excited miner's daughter pushed the living room door open and looked inside. Lifting her head slightly to see over the back of the couch, she saw a tangle of naked arms and legs. Clothes lay scattered all over the living room floor starting from the front door. She could see the redheaded Amanda nakedly rubbing herself against Scott's hugely pulsating shaft. She was kissing it and calling to him, encouraging him, while his strong forearms moved against her creamy white back, his fingers sliding down to cup her whitely trembling mounds of her naked ass cheeks. "Ooooohhhhh, Scott, I love sucking your cock. You have vintage cum, you know. Must be your classy background." She was thrusting her little tongue between his open lips so that he too could taste the lingering drops of his juice. Scott groaned and arched his lust-swollen cock upward against the flat white plane of his girlfriend's belly. Never had he felt anything like it. She was still the most sensuous lover he had ever known, and it all came naturally to her! He could not resist her. Indeed, he no longer had any intention of trying. He felt as if this magical fire of lust between them could go on forever. He had to feel his aching cock inside that tight, hungry cunt again! Jassy had waited as long as she could, and then she had been able to wait no longer. Aroused beyond thought by the loud lewd sounds between Scott and Amanda, she had suddenly, and impulsively chosen the only course of action that to her confused mind seemed natural. When she walked in, they were lying there quietly, having only minutes before cum in a violent, mind-shattering climax. Jassy had felt as though she had been fucked too, her pussy hot and juicy, and her legs felt too weak to stand. She needed to be screwed! "Now, you bastard!" she intoned in a seductive voice, stepping into the room. "Let me show you a thing or two! Both of you!" Scott gasped in astonishment as he saw the blonde standing in the doorway stark naked, looking as though she would eat the first prick she saw. She had really become a little nympho! "Oh, don't, bother to get up!" she cried, moving well into the room. "You think you've got something pretty hot there with Amanda!" she asked, "but she's nothing compared to me!" She stared down at the mine owner's son who was sitting bolt upright now. She knew what he was thinking and she didn't care, she had become a wanton, just like Amanda, and she wanted them to know it, she didn't want any hard feelings between them over the way they had fucked her in the mine. Amanda could hardly believe what the pretty blonde was doing, but deep down inside she felt a spark of admiration for the younger girl. She had really misjudged her from the start. Now, for the first time, she was seeing who she really was! "What do you think of this?" Jassy asked, grinning in obscene invitation as she pushed her soft, voluptuous ass cheeks out provocatively, and began to walk slowly, seductively, around in front of the obscene couple. She kept both hands on her hips and threw her hair back as she walked; her hips swaying enticingly. "Well, very good," Amanda cried, clapping her hands lightly at her seductive performance. "Why thank you, Amanda!" she replied, smiling to take the sting out of her next remark. "Coming from a cunt like you, I'll consider that a compliment." They all laughed, pleased at the way they had made up with each other over the fucking in the mine. They hadn't actually said anything, but they all knew the incident was forgotten now. Jassy advanced toward Scott, cupping her huge whitely ballooning tits in her palms, lewdly thrusting out the roseate little nipples. "How do these compare with Amanda's? Do you like them, Scott? Are they as nice as the other women's you've fucked?" Scott choked back a gasp of astonishment at the obscene words spewing from the young blonde's lips. Man, did he love the change from sweet little girl to wanton blonde! The miner's daughter watched with satisfaction as Scott and Amanda's eyes darted to the glossy wisps of pussyhairs nestled up between her legs as she teasingly revealed them to the two of them. Scott couldn't keep his eyes off her cunt. He looked at it as though he were seeing it for the first time. "It gets hotter and wetter than Amanda's. Doesn't it?" she queried lewdly. Scott was silent, raising his eyes guiltily to Amanda. "Doesn't it, darling?" she teased again, parting the soft silken cunt curls with her fingers on either side of it and spreading the pinkly glistening lips to his hotly burning gaze. "Jassy... I can't believe it!" he began numbly. "Well, it doesn't matter whether you can or not, Scott Thorpe!" she teased again, her voice low and sexy, "because I'm here! And I'm ready to be fucked crazy by as many cocks as I can find. Dirk's fucked it, but you never have, Scott. And I'm going to let him fuck it again, you hear? But what about you, don't you want to fuck my pussy?" Unseen outside the door, Dirk watched in silence, his ears burning at the reference to himself. My God, he thought, they've all gone crazy! He wasn't going to let them know he was there watching. But he still had to stay to see what would happen. He'd never seen anything like it. Scott leaped to his feet. "Don't say another word, I'm ready. I've been wanting to screw my cock in you for a week now!" He got up from the couch and came over to stand beside her. Scott's lips sought Jassy's, brushing away all her words, and he crushed his mouth against hers, feeling a vibrant response to her. He knew what he wanted to do! He wanted to fuck her silly! He'd fucked her everywhere but her cunt and now was the time.Dirk Mulligan had never seen anything quite so lewd in his life. He watched in fascination as Jassy and Scott fucked like animals without a care as to who saw them. Grudgingly, he had to admit that Scott Thorpe was pretty good, but he was through looking. He wanted to get in on a little of the action himself. To his amazement, he saw Jassy's nakedly gyrating form begin to twist and turn wildly beneath the mine owner's son's throbbing prick skewering up into her hungrily spread cunt. They had rolled off the couch and were now on the lushly carpeted floor. Boldly, he stepped forward into the room. Amanda looked up and saw him, and though her eyes were widened, she said nothing. Jassy and Scott rolled over and over as they went at each other in every manner imaginable, lovingly exploring and touching each other as though they were the only couple on earth. Dirk took another step forward just as Jassy was on all fours over Scott, bouncing lewdly and joyfully up and down on his deeply thrusting cock from her straddling position above him. Her smooth, white ass cheeks were open and inviting from behind. Scott's eyes were glazed with lust, and as he looked up over Jassy's shoulder, he saw Dirk Mulligan standing behind her nakedly grinding ass cheeks. Instead of the jealousy he might have expected to feel, Dirk was filled with a completely new feeling for Jassy. "Come on, come on," Scott said to Dirk. "Jassy likes your fucking too. Let's give her a little double pleasure... she needs it!" Amanda sat watching on the couch, her own legs parted as she squirmed her fingers lewdly up into the hot juicy slit between her thighs, parting the thin, blonde pussy fuzz and feeling her worming fingers slithering hotly up into her desire-drenched pussy. "Oooooohhhhhhhh..." she crooned, as much at the feel of her own fingers as at the lewd sight of Dirk parting Jassy's nakedly curved ass cheeks from the back and thrusting the huge pulsing tip of his cock up between them. Amanda knew that Scott was already fucking up inside her pussyhole from below, and she wished that she was in Jassy's place. "Oh yes! Yes! The two of you! I want both of you to fuck me. One in my cunt and one in my asshole! Ooooooohhhhh!" God, she wanted both of them. Suddenly Jassy felt the tiny circle of her ass pop open and slip hotly back up over the huge throbbing head of the miner's prick, and the hungrily nibbling walls of her ass-circle sucked it willingly up inside. Dirk's thick hard cock drove smoothly up into the naked split of her ass cheeks, never pausing for a second on its lewd journey as it sought to sink itself all the way up inside the tiny hairless opening. The relentlessly burrowing head split the small tightly puckered circle wide, stretching it almost beyond endurance. Jassy jerked forward from the dual fucking in between her thighs. It felt as though she were being split in two, and yet she wanted their cocks in her, wanted them so badly. Scott's heavily throbbing shaft that still churned deep up inside her hungrily grasping pussy seemed to meet Dirk's fucking ceaselessly upward into her wide-stretched asshole. Inside somewhere, the two pulsing shafts were rubbing sensuously against each other, separated by the thin partition of tight elastic flesh dividing her cunt and ass. She groaned out her ecstasy, holding onto Scott's broad shoulders for dear life as she tried to grow accustomed to Dirk's huge dick. The helpless young blonde had never felt in all her life anything remotely resembling this incredible double-fucking she was receiving. Her loins were ceaselessly being filled, impaled in both cunt and asshole. She could feel Dirk's hard driving pelvis flattening her ass cheeks up against her hip bones as he strained himself forward and upward between her trembling white ass cheeks, and below, the massive base of Scott's cock, stretching her hot juicy pussy hole to its utmost width as his loins fucked hard up against the wide-open split of her hungrily grinding cunt. Both the cock-stretched holes down between her thighs were now being fucked wildly. Her clit rubbed unmercifully against Scott's soft, silky pubic hairs as Dirk's thickly throbbing shaft ground ever deeper and harder up into her cock-stretched ass-hole, reaching the farthest depths of her belly with its heavily probing bluntness. For a moment, Jassy thought she might faint dead away, but Scott's mouth covered hers and his hands voraciously worked at her ecstatically trembling titties from below. She was completely filled with hard male flesh! "Fuck them, Jassy, fuck them... fuck them good!" Amanda's voice drifted over to the lewdly intertwined threesome. Dirk's mouth hung open ape-like, the feeling of his lust-swollen prick incredible to himself as he heard Jassy's low moans of ecstasy beneath him. With long smooth strokes, he lunged the full length of his cock in a steady rhythm of debauchery far into Jassy's helpless exposed asshole, while between the two, Jassy's naked body jerked and quivered wildly about as she too, heard the sounds of pleasure emanating from her two lustfully aroused lovers. With superhuman effort, she ground her ass cheeks back up into Dirk's ass-flattening pelvis, meeting head-on the miner's furiously fucking cock. The pain crashed around deep up inside her for long moments, but then she pushed back again... then again... and then again. Maddeningly, she squirmed her lewdly stuffed ass toward him as hard as she could in an indecent invitation to him to continue his lewd ravishment of her ass, for him to quicken his pace of fucking her there. But she had not reckoned with the expertise of Scott's screwing her from below, and with each hard backward thrust she made with her body, her hotly clinging pussy massaged his upwardly surging shaft with an unprecedented force from beneath. "Oh baby!" Dirk Mulligan moaned. "Oh shit... fuck us... fuck us good... oh shit... oh fuck!" And suddenly he was bucking and churning, his giant cock slipping and sliding, impaling her hotly clasping pussy with renewed determination. He grunted and groaned aloud as his hotly boiling cum poured hose-like up into her greedily milking asshole. Then Jassy felt herself beginning to respond to Dirk's cock sunk far up inside her hungrily devouring asshole, as, at the same time, deep in her churning pussy, the spark grew and doubled itself. Frantically, she caught Scott's hair, her head flung back, her mouth open and gaping, her eyes rolling back in their sockets. Dirk fucked jerkily into her ass as Scott's hotly driving shaft continued to spurt out thick hot jets of cum deep into Jassy's greedy hole. Her golden blonde hair flew from side to side as her head flailed crazily about, covering Scott's face with its long silken length. She bucked herself and churned, while words of obscene encouragement spewed out continuously from her open lips. "Yesssssssss!" she cried out, and then, "Aaaaaaagggghhhhhh... yes... yes... yessssss... yesssssssssssssssssss!" The two men, overwhelmed by her crazed response, squeezed and fingered at her tender, sweat-slickened flesh in the final convulsive state of their sensuous double-fucking. Four male hands pulled greedily at her nakedly jerking ass cheeks, and her pussy and Scott's cock where it was fucking into her were kneaded thirstily from behind as Dirk slipped his fingers in between the three obscenely joined bodies. Happily, he surged forward with one last mighty asshole reaming in-fuck, feeling Jassy's still hotly clinging ass walls contracting wildly around his hard-driving prick. She was cumming in her asshole too! "Oh, that's good! Oh!" he cried out in the hot wet air of the small room and with that, released wave after wave of his thick viscous cum deep up into the burning channel of her asshole. His cum-laden balls smacked down hard against the cock fucking up into her cunt from below and with a last jerking tremble he ground his pelvis right up between her wide-split ass cheeks, filling her ass till to the bursting point with the hot white fluid of his cum. Exhausted and delighted, he let himself lean forward over onto her still nakedly shuddering body, his cum-drained cock still imbedded in a half-erect state far up inside the soft white swell of her trembling ass cheeks. Beneath her, Scott fucked his cock one last time deep up into her greedily milking pussy, setting off another cum, minor compared to the one she'd just had, but sweet... just as sweet. Jassy lay obscenely sandwiched between the two men. As she looked dazedly to the side, she could see Amanda reach a wildly groaning cum caused by her own upwardly screwing fingers in the widely flaring slit of her widespread pussy. The well-fucked blonde felt consumed by love for both Scott and Dirk and surprisingly, for Amanda as well! The feel of the two men fucking her and cumming deep within her at the same time was the most fulfilling thing that had happened to her in her life, and Jassy knew that she would no longer wonder whether life held any excitement for her. She had experienced and would experience in the future the most mind-expanding love that was possible! She didn't need to go out into the world to find excitement, she could find it right here in her own home with Scott, Amanda and Dirk. And after Scott and Amanda left, if they even wanted to when their two months were up, then she would be just as happy with Dirk, her Dirk. She knew from her standpoint anyway, that the two city dwellers would be welcomed up in Beaulea at her house any time the big city began to get them down, and she hoped that the invitation would go both ways. She didn't doubt that it would though, for she knew them well by now and knew that it went against their basic natures to let go of a good thing.The orgies in Beaulea were the best in the world.
Paul Mall
The Tough Get Coming
"So what do you wanna do, Gwen?" Alan grinned to the beautiful blonde girl sitting on the rumpled bed next to him. Gwen Bristol grinned back just as lustfully at the young man beside her. Ever since she'd first met Alan Watson when she got to Lindale College that past August, there had been no question at all about what it was that attracted them to each other. Pure, undiluted lust! Gwen's roommate was out of town for the weekend, and she knew they wouldn't be disturbed in her small dorm room. "Alan, honey," she sighed, curling up next to him and leaning in close, her lush body moving sensuously under the tight-fitting blouse and jeans. "Make me happy, baby." "Anything for you, sweetmeat," he smiled. As she rolled into him, she could feel the weight of her firm breasts brush against the side of his chest, and through them her fast-beating heart, the signal that this lusty blonde was ready for another of their sexual free-for-alls. He had never before met a girl who was so hot for fucking and sucking all the time. Gwen never seemed to be able to get enough hard cock slipped into her. Alan let his fingertips slide gently down the back of her silky blouse, tracing the curve of her spine. Gwen trembled slightly and melted into his arms, her luscious red lips nipping at his neck, the wet tongue leaving a warm glistening trail on his skin. He pressed his hand under the waistband of her tight jeans and slowly eased it down to continue tracing her spine, moving into the moist slit between her curving asscheeks. Gwen never wore panties when she was dressed in her tight-fitting designer jeans, and had once told him it was because she got off on the fabric rubbing on her pussy and asshole when she moved. The jeans fit almost like a second skin, and Alan had to push to get his hand down farther, but with little whimpers of pleasure Gwen shifted her ass around, helping him until he had shoved his hand completely down the back of her jeans, his fingers splayed out across her lush buttocks, with the long middle finger teasingly stroking at the very bottom of her wet, heated pussy lips. "OOOH!" Gwen gasped as she felt the first touch of his finger on her sensitive cunt. She dropped her hands to undo the waistband of her jeans, opening them so Alan could move his hand still farther in from behind. She felt his finger farther forward and up higher now, slipping into her juicy twat until he had the palm of his hand flat on her pert behind. "Oh! Mmmmm," she sighed and moaned. Christ, but he could turn her on so! But then, she grinned to herself, just about any man could. She was always so hot for fucking. She'd had so many lovers this first year of college, all in an effort to try and forget her one true need, but it had been to no avail. Her mind brought up the image of her father, just as it did everytime she began to make love to another man. Her father was the one man she wanted more than any other, but could never have. She had lusted after him since the first awakenings of her sexuality, but had never done anything but yearn for him, wanting to feel his arms around her as a lover rather than a parent, wanting to feel his daddy-cock cramming her pussy full again and again. A lustful shiver rippled through her entire body at the thought of her father wildly fucking her. "You like that?" Alan asked, feeling her erotic trembling as he slowly finger-fucked her juicing twat, thinking he was the total reason for her passionate responses. "Oh, yesss," she hissed lightly, looking at him with shining eyes. She knew she would enjoy making love to Alan, just as she had with all the other men in her life. But she also knew that it would never be a complete fulfillment with that image of her father always in the back of her mind. Oh, Daddy! she cried, I need you so! She shifted on the narrow dorm bed, pulling her legs wider and guiding Alan's free hand to the front of her jeans. "Do me, baby!" she cooed, squirming on the mattress, thrusting her burning groin toward him. Alan hurriedly lowered the zipper of her pants and slid his hand into the soft curls of her twat, already damp from her juices. With his other hand he continued to finger-fuck steadily in and out of her hot cunt hole from the back. Slipping down farther in front, he used the tip of one finger to tease apart the flushed folds of her pussy lips at the top of her crack, bringing her clit up to throbbing arousal. Gwen started pumping her rolling hips back and forth in time with his long finger-fucking. "Oh, shit! That's it! Yeah!!" she cried. She reached up for his face and pulled it down to hers for a long, wet kiss, their mouths sucking and sighing around one another. "Fuck me, darling, fuck me!" she whispered fiercely into his wet mouth, curling his shaggy dark hair around her fingers as she held his face to hers a moment longer. "Then let's get naked and get to it, gorgeous!" he laughed, pulling his hands from the tight confines of her jeans. On a sudden impulse Gwen grabbed for the hand he'd been gently frigging her cunt with, then held it up to her face. His middle finger was wet and gleaming with the oily juices of her turned-on pussy. Never taking her eyes off his face, she slowly licked his finger clean, savoring the taste of her own tangy sex fluids, while watching the arousal in his face grow. "Oh, man ..." Alan whispered in awe as he watched her make such an erotic move. He had never seen any woman do such a thing before and it was an incredible turn-on. And her big blue eyes looking at him almost as hungrily as she licked and sucked his finger got his cock throbbing in eager anticipation in his own tight jeans. When she had completely licked his finger clean of her twat juice, Gwen giggled and darted forward to lightly kiss his lips, giving him a slight taste of her tangy young cunt. Alan knew he'd have to get to the real thing soon or burst! "Lay back, Gwen, you've got me hungry now!" he growled, sliding off the bed to sit on the floor between her legs. Gwen quickly leaned back on the bed with her legs over the side, then raised her legs and hips so Alan could slide her tight slacks down her slender thighs and off her feet. She settled back with her naked rump on the edge of the mattress, the low dorm bed leaving her hot young twat only inches from his face. "Goddamnit, baby-doll," Alan sighed in pleasure at the sight. "You've got to have the tastiest-looking cunt in the whole world!"Gwen squirmed in almost uncontrollable pleasure as he reamed out her hot pussy again and again with his fat cock, sending more subtle shivers of pleasure through her with his sucking mouth. "More! Oh, harder!! God, yesss!" Gwen was almost screaming now, pressing her entire naked young body up to the hard-fucking man on top of her, thrusting her fur-rimmed pussy hungrily upward to engulf as much of his hard-driving cock as she could. Alan felt himself losing control of his actions, his long, even fucking strokes becoming more and more urgent and brutal as he neared his climax. His wild, deeply penetrating thrusts brought moan after moan of lewd pleasure from Gwen's lips. She shifted her long legs and wrapped them around his nakedly pumping buttocks, pulling him into her with each move. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, leaving long red furrows as she clawed at him like an animal in heat. "Oh!! AaaahhhggggHHHHHHHHHH!! More!" she panted, tossing her head from side to side, her mouth wide-open. "Fuck me, darling ... fuck me forever!" "I wish I could!" Alan grunted back, lost in the hot pleasure of her giving female body. "Oh, ugh! Yeah, so fucking goooodddd!" he sighed. Gwen felt him speed up the tempo of his thrusts, cramming his thick, incredibly hard prick with more and more energy into her juicy hole, grinding her pert buttocks into the hard mattress beneath her. Her greedy little cunt couldn't get enough of him, riding up and down on his pulsing dick, grasping and sucking on the meat shaft. Alan knew of no woman who gave herself over so totally to fucking, to the complete sensual fulfillment of unrestrained screwing. "AAIIIEEE!" A guttural, gurgling scream escaped from her throat as a new tremor of sensual pleasure raked over her lusty bod. She knew it would only be a few minutes before the big one came, and she humped at his cock harder, eager for that supreme moment of orgasmic pleasure. This sudden increase in her frenzied fucking moves sent new spasms of joy up Alan's hot cock as her cunt clutched and twisted around him, and he felt his own driving need for release coming nearer as the hot jizz in his balls churned and frothed, ready to blast forth into her hot pussy. Gwen was crying out with uncontrollable passion now under the constant assault of his heavy prick pistoning in and out of her clutching twat. The lewd sound and feel of his hairy nuts slapping and bruising her upturned asscheeks was driving her wilder and wilder. She could even feel the wiry hairs of his balls tickling at the puckered ring of her asshole, a sensation she knew could always send her into a frenzied climax. "Yes, yessssss," she hissed through clenched teeth, "So goooodddd!!" "Damn, you've got the ... tightest ... hottest little pussy in ... the whole friggin' world, baby!" Alan moaned back between gasps for air, feeling her thigh muscles suddenly tighten up around his hips as she lunged upward to literally impale herself on every hard-driving thrust he made into her steamy snatch. He felt the wet warmth of her quivering twat hole as it slid back and forth over his rock-hard prick, her talented cunt muscles nibbling along the heavy shaft. Suddenly her tightly clasping vaginal passage started to swell and grow slicker around his cock, the spasming lining gripping him so tightly he had to fight not to blow his load right then. The beautiful blonde was only seconds away from paying off to her fuck-frenzy, to the pussy-splitting power of his ramming tool. "AAAAAAGGGHHHH!! OH, Daddy!!!! Gwen screamed, "I ... I'm comminnnGGGG!!!" And as happened every time before, Gwen's mind locked on the image of her father's face as she hit her orgasm. In her mind and thus to her body, the heavy cock buried in her cunt and giving her such mind-blowing pleasure was his. She jerked her hips upward so violently that she almost threw the unbalanced Alan off the bed. Gurgles and moans escaped from her throat as she tossed about wildly, locking her legs like a vise behind his ass, forcing his cock as deep as possible into her spasming pussy with a strength born of pure sexual need that Alan was powerless to fight, even if he had wanted to. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" she cried over and over, tears of pleasure running down her soft cheeks from beneath tightly shut eyelids. Alan thought it was just a nickname she had made up for him since the first time they'd fucked, and thought nothing of it. But to Gwen her intense pleasure was now all due to her father. The wild frantic sensations of her orgasm were enough to push Alan over the brink as well, and Gwen felt his wildly throbbing cock suddenly jerk and spasm in her cunt as he spurted gob after steaming gob of his white cum deep into her twat. His semen-bloated testicles exploded, sending their entire hot load geysering into her eager muff. "Jesus-God!!" he shouted as he came, the sweat now pouring off his body just as his rich, thick seed poured into her pussy. "Oh! So good! Gwen!! So damn GOOD!!" "Baby, yesss! Fill me with your hot jizz! Oh, Daddy!" Gwen squealed as she felt his cock spasming deep within her. Their wet bodies locked together at the groin, their flesh almost fused into one as they pushed and strained at one another in the throes of their orgasms. Then, finally, slowly, Gwen's thighs relaxed their viselike grip just as she felt his digit slowly soften. Alan fell down full on her body, his arms tight around her shoulders as they both gasped for breath. For only a few minutes, but what seemed like hours, they both lay in sweat-soaked exhaustion, their bodies tightly glued together, his cock still deep in her creaming cunt. For Gwen this was always the time to come down not only from the height of her climax, but to return to the reality of her partner. The images of her father slowly faded, and she opened her eyes to see Alan's grinning, sweaty face gazing down at her. She smiled back, then raised her head slightly and gently kissed both his eyes. She liked Alan tremendously, and he was one of the best fucks she had yet come across, but she knew sadly that that would be as far as it could go. She had fallen in love with her father, just as a thousand other little girls always fell in love with their fathers. But in her case, that little-girl crush had never gone away, but had instead raged into a passionate, hungry yearning as she grew older.Her mother had been bent over looking into a storage closet when they walked in, and she straightened up and hurried to gather Gwen in her arms, squeezing her tightly and kissing her cheek. They pulled back from each other and Gwen saw tears starting to well up in her mother's dark-green eyes. "Oh, baby, it's so good to see you again! We've missed having you around here for so long - why didn't you call us to let us know you were coming!" Carol pretended to scold her, but couldn't keep the warmth and motherly concern from her voice. Carol Bristol stood an inch taller than her young daughter, but even at almost twice Gwen's age she'd maintained a truly outrageous figure. With her measurements stretching the tape at an impressively curvy 41-24-36, her husband called her his own bunny of the year. Although Gwen was proud of her own build, she had always hoped she might inherit her mother's figure more completely. Gwen smiled and tried to keep the sudden tears of happiness from welling up in her own eyes at the reunion. "I wasn't sure when I'd get in, or even if I could, so I didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing." "How long are you going to be home, honey?" she asked, brushing a stray strand of golden hair from her face. "All week, Mom!" Bill jumped in happily. "What's wrong, Mom?" Gwen inquired. Carol looked back up to see the worry in her daughter's pretty face. "Oh, it's nothing really too troublesome, honey. It's just, well, I don't know where you're going to sleep." "What?" she gasped, half-laughing. "Don't tell me I've been gone so long that you rented out my room?" "Worse than that," Bill grinned, slipping past them to rummage in the refrigerator. "They made it into a sewing room." Carol grabbed her daughter's hands in her own. "Now Gwen, don't get upset. It was so long since you'd been home, we figured that if you came back for a while we could rearrange things to give you a place to stay. We didn't change it into the sewing room until we found you weren't coming home for Christmas. If we'd known you were coming now ..." "That's okay, Mom. It's not that big of a deal! And I wrote and told you why I couldn't come home for Christmas." Gwen nodded thanks to her brother as he tossed her a can of cola from the fridge and dropped his tall frame onto a counter stool. For a second she was again struck by his uncanny resemblance to their father. "It was a good chance for me to get some extra credit in my biology lab by helping the professor over the holidays. I knew I'd probably be able to get home for this Spring vacation week." What she hadn't written to tell them was the work she did to get that extra credit had involved flying to the coast for the month's vacation with her professor for some private biology lessons at a lakeside cottage. The first semester of college she'd done everything she could to shake the overwhelming presence of her father in her mind, but had been unable to, even after a succession of almost a dozen horny young lovers. A psychology-class lecture had given her the idea that it might be some kind of fixation with the image of an older man, so she had half-seduced, half-allowed herself to be seduced by her biology professor. But, even though for a man in his mid-forties he had been able to keep up with the hot young girl stroke for stroke the entire month, it had done no good. She realized then that it was only her father whom she yearned for, and no surrogate lover could take his place in her mind or her body. "So anyway," her mother was saying, "your old room is pretty much crammed full now with boxes and old furniture and everything else that was in the way around the house. We moved your bed into Bill's room, and he's been using it as extra space to spread out his schoolwork and books." Although she heard everything her mother had said, Gwen's mind locked only on the statement that her bed was now in her brother's room, and she suddenly felt weak in the knees. She coughed to clear her throat. "Well, it's no problem then," she said, happy to hear she was able to keep the nervous quaver out of her voice. "I didn't come home to lock myself in a room all by myself. All I need is a place to sleep at night - you don't mind sharing your room with me at night, do you, Billy?" she asked. Bill looked up at his sister, ready to give a flippant reply, although he really didn't care one way or the other, and then their eyes locked. Bill was stunned at what he thought he saw smoldering in his sister's eyes, and for the first time since she'd gotten home he really looked at her. With Gwen dressed in a college t-shirt that fit boldly around her swelling breasts, Bill realized she wore no bra under it, her nipples lightly outlined in the dark material. Tight-fitting jeans molded to the curves of her hips and long, shapely legs, ending in dark, soft-leather boots with high heels. But his eyes kept flashing back up to her own bright blue ones, and the unmistakable message of sensuality there. "I ... uh ... no problem ..." he finally managed to croak out, then turned away from them and swallowed half his soda in one bolt to try and moisten his dry throat. Jesus, what am I thinking of! he thought wildly. My luck with girls has finally changed this last year of school now that I've gotten rid of that damn acne. What the hell am I getting excited about my own sister for, for crying out loud! Gwen had seen the confusion in Bill's face, and then, watching his gaze suddenly shooting up and down her body, followed by his quickly turning away, told her all she needed to know. She grinned to herself - My little brother is horny, too! And Lord, does he ever look like our father! Her father! Gwen suddenly turned back to her mother. "Guess that's settled then. But where's Daddy? I thought he'd be home from work by now." "He is, honey. He's working in the backyard." Carol walked over to the kitchen window and shouted out to the backyard. "Ken, honey? Can you come inside for a minute?" She turned back and grinned at Gwen. "Here he comes - he's really going to be surprised to see you, honey. I think he's missed you more than anyone. You know how fathers are when their little girls go away!" Gwen's heart skipped a beat at the news. She knew she was probably clutching at whatever straws she could get, but after the positive reaction from her brother, she was more firm than ever in her resolve to make it in the sack with her father. She heard steps moving up onto the back porch, and then the kitchen door swung open and her father strolled in, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Okay, what's the ... Gwen?" He stopped and a wide smile split his handsome face. "Gwen, baby?" Gwen could barely contain herself at his appearance. He had obviously been working in the backyard for some time, as he wore an old faded pair of blue jeans and work boots. He wore no shirt, and his hairy and muscular torso gleamed with sweat, deeply tanned by the sun. She glanced back and forth from father to son and it was like seeing twins with twenty years between them! Her father was still ruggedly handsome at 42 years old and, except for some slight thinning back on his forehead, still had a full head of sandy hair, while flashing the same deep-blue eyes he shared with both his children. "Daddy! Oh, Daddy!" she suddenly cried and rushed across the short space to throw her arms around him, pressing her face to his sweaty chest. The musky, manly smell of his body filled her nostrils like perfume, and she knew there would never be anything about her father that she didn't like. She encircled his waist with her arms, squeezing tightly, holding on almost more to keep herself upright as her knees were shaking slightly, being so close to him. Being away for eight months had affected her feelings for him alright - whereas before she had been an infatuated little virgin, she was now a sexually experienced young lady who was more in love than ever with the thought of having her father make love to her. Ken reached down and stroked his daughter's golden hair, his eyes watering just as his wife's had at first sight of their long-absent daughter. He hooked a thumb under her chin and pulled her head up to face him, then kissed her gently on the forehead. "I've missed you, baby-doll," he grinned, squeezing her shoulders in his large hands. "Oh, and I've missed you, too, Daddy," Gwen said, hugging him tightly. "I've missed you all," she added, turning to smile back at her mother and brother. "But now we've got a whole week to catch up on things." The rest of the afternoon and evening were spent in loud conversation that often broke down into bursts of uncontrollable laughter as the family gathered around the dinner table to talk about things that had happened both at home and with Gwen at school in the long months since they'd last seen one another. Gwen found herself at ease the whole time, so much to talk about that she was able to put aside her thoughts of seduction and just relax in the warm glow of her family's presence again. But finally her father rose from the table and stretched, his body cracking slightly as he bent backward. "Ahhh, all this sitting and talking has worn me out more than working all day. I hate to retire so early, but I'm afraid you'll have to carry me to bed if I stay up any longer. You coming, Carol?" "Yes," she replied, also rising from the table and starting to gather up the empty glasses they collected throughout the evening. "I'll be up in a minute." "Great to have you home again, baby," Ken said as he leaned over Gwen's chair, again resting his hands on her shoulders. As he bent down to kiss her cheek goodnight, Gwen suddenly moved her head slightly and their lips met. Ken simply thought of it as a fatherly kiss, but to Gwen it was like an electric shock had shot up her spine as their lips brushed briefly. "Goodnight, Daddy," she sighed as he moved back. "'Night, baby, you sleep well. You, too, junior!" he grinned and tousled Bill's hair as he walked by his son's chair. After their mother had also said goodnight, both brother and sister stayed up a few more hours, now talking over old secrets they remembered sharing when growing up, and Bill revealed a growing confidence with girls. Gwen had never seen him going out on a date the whole time she was living at home. But with the changes in his physical appearance had come a new confidence in himself that girls seemed to notice, and he had been making up for lost time. Eventually both Gwen and Bill started to feel tired, and glancing at the old mantle clock Gwen was surprised to see it was only eleven. "Been a busy day, so much happening that it seems to have lasted longer," Bill observed as they rose and headed up the stairs. "I feel worn-out." When they entered his bedroom there was an awkward moment of silence as both of them contemplated the two beds, sitting only three feet away from each other at one side of the room. "Uh," Bill cleared his throat, then went to the closet and pulled out a bathrobe, "I'll take my shower first, then you can have the bathroom after I'm finished." "How come you always get to use the bathroom first?" she laughed, pulling off her boots and pretending to throw one at him. "Some things never change." Bill grinned from around the door to the small bathroom he had to himself. His eyes once again ran over his sister's lush body, and he said quietly, "I don't know. I think some things change a lot." Gwen lay back on the bed and listened as he started running the shower, then after a moment heard the door of the shower open and shut and the splash of water as he began to wash up. All the repressed sexuality of her self-imposed celibacy suddenly burst on her as she realized that there was a virile young man totally nude in the room right next to her. "To hell with subtlety!" she laughed aloud to herself. Pulling open one of her suitcases, she rummaged through the contents and pulled out a short terry-cloth robe. Quickly stripping off her clothing, she tied the short robe loosely around her waist. The hem came to a halt well up her shapely thighs, and by belting it loose and pulling back the shoulders, gave it a plunging open front, revealing the curve of her deep cleavage. Pulling a brush out of her smaller bag, she used the inside of the darkened window as a mirror and brushed her flowing blonde hair into a shimmering mass of waves about her beautiful face. Just then she heard the water stop and the shower door clang open. She sat on the edge of her bed and crossed her legs, facing the bathroom door. After a moment her brother walked into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist while he scrubbed at his wet hair with another. "Okay, Sis, your turn. I think you've got about two minutes of hot water left in -" He suddenly stopped short, his mouth open wide as he saw her reclining on the bed. She took a deep breath and his eyes flitted back and forth from the half-hidden mounds of her swelling breasts to the display of her long slender legs. He thought he could catch a glimpse of a soft golden pelt between her thighs under the robe, but was too embarrassed to stare, and quickly turned his side to her as though moving toward the bureau. "I don't think I'm going to take a shower tonight," Gwen sighed seductively, rising and walking to stand behind her brother. She reached up as she passed him and lightly ran her fingertips down his naked spine, then quickly darted into the bathroom and slammed the door. "Be out in a minute," she called. Bill turned and stared at the closed bathroom door, his mind going in a hundred directions at once, but his cock moving in only one - up, long and hard. The towel around his waist began to tent out over his groin, and he looked down as if it were caused by something other than his own body. Jesus! he thought. What the hell is going on? I've never seen a girl who looked like that - but she's my sister! What the hell am I thinking of? He angrily whipped the towel from around his waist and stared at his throbbing erection, as if willing it to go down. But the huge inflamed cock still stuck out proud and strong, eight inches of hard male meat. Bill quickly crawled into his bed, pulling the sheets up tightly around his neck. He could still feel the path her fingertips had trailed on his back. He was damned if that was a sisterly touch. But what else could it have been? Confused and upset with the strange situation, the teenaged boy rolled over onto his side, facing the window. After a few minutes he heard the bathroom door open, then rolled back over as his sister walked in. He sucked in a sudden breath at the sight, for if anything Gwen now had her robe almost completely undone.Not knowing where to look, he stared at the bathroom door. "I thought you said you weren't going to use the bathroom," he tried to joke. "I only said I wasn't going to take a shower, silly," Gwen smiled, leaning over to pull down the sheets on her bed. The motion made her robe ride up the back of her firm thighs and Bill was treated to a view of the delectable bottoms of her firm buttocks only two feet from his face. "What-" he croaked, coughed, and tried again. "What else is there to do in a bathroom?" "Well, you've got a dirty little mind!" she giggled, turning to face him with hands on hips. "I was doing woman-things that you have no business sticking your nose into ..." Then she leaned forward slightly, looking down into his eyes and added, very softly, "... although that might be kind of fun." Bill's cock gave a lurch at the blatant invitation in her eyes, but he swallowed hard yet again and rolled over with his back to her. "Turn out the light when you're ready," he gasped. "Okay," Gwen said, turning back to her bed and starting to unbelt the robe. She knew she had him just where she wanted him. She had seen the sudden fluttering of the sheets over his groin just before he turned away. This was going to be even easier than her biology professor had been! "I've started sleeping in the nude since I went off to college," she said in a casual tone. "Hope that doesn't bother you." Bill's eyes opened wide with surprise, and small beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He looked up toward the dark window and watched as if in a mirror while his sister undid the tie on her robe. "Uh, no ... no problem. I ... I sleep in the raw, too. It's pretty hot at this end of the house in the Spring." "Yeah, I remember," she said. Knowing he was watching her in the window, she let the belt fall to the floor, then with a slight movement of her shoulders shrugged off the robe, suddenly revealing her entire body. She had to suppress a sudden giggle when she saw his whole form stiffen under the sheets and heard his sharp gasp. Just the kind of reaction she always got from men! Bill watched with wide eyes as Gwen proceeded to stretch her arms high over her head, pulling her lush breasts up with the motion so that they hung full and firm on her torso, the dark nipples pointing toward the ceiling as well. His eyes darted all over her exposed body as it was dimly reflected in the darkened window, his cock continuing to throb and jerk uncontrollably at the sight of his sister's bare body. When she brought her hands down and lightly stroked her tits, then pinched the nipples up hard with her eyes closed in ecstasy, Bill thought he was going to blow his wad right there. Gwen figured she had posed long enough without making it too obvious that she knew he was watching. She leaned over to give him a last shot at her pert ass as she turned off the lamp between their beds, then slid under the sheets of her own bed. Bill squirmed uncomfortably in his bed, tossing and turning, his huge erection throbbing unmercifully, but also afraid to jerk off for fear his sister would hear him. God! he thought, she's incredible-looking! In his mind's eye he could still see her beautiful body, the proud, rounded tits and long legs of this gorgeous young woman, totally nude in a bed not three feet away from him, and totally beyond his reach. It was his own sister, he berated himself over and over. He had to stop thinking about her this way - but still his cock throbbed its reminder. Finally, after a fitful hour of shifting in his bed, Bill drifted off into a troubled sleep, his youthful cock still holding its painful erection. He was dreaming of women, all kinds of women, begging him to fuck them, throwing themselves at his feet. But everytime he reached for them, their faces would shift and melt, then change into Gwen's. He woke up suddenly, confused and disoriented. Something felt strange. He moved one stiff leg slightly, then suddenly froze. The pressure of warm soft flesh pressed along his thigh, and then he became aware of that same feeling pressing all along the side of his body. The room was pitch-black, but he could smell the sweet perfume of her hair, and feel a few stray strands tickling his face. Am I still dreaming? he wondered in panic. He couldn't see a thing, but he was now aware as well of her gentle breathing but inches away. He gasped slightly at the full realization that his sister was in bed with him, totally nude and virtually in his arms. His cock, which had finally begun to droop as he slept, leaped back to full, pulsing erection. "Are you awake, Billy?" she asked softly, raising one hand and gently touching his cheek. "I didn't mean to wake you," she whispered. "I really feel kind of silly, but I ... I had a nightmare, and ... well ... can I hold on to you for a while? Just hug me and I'll feel okay. It's not cold, but I feel cold." Gwen held her breath, waiting for his reaction. She had gone as far as she could now, and if he rejected her she would be crushed. "Okay," he said, so softly that she almost missed it; then she felt his arms come up and move around her back, pulling her closer. Gwen wanted to cry out in triumph with her brother's arms now holding her nude body. She wanted to dive immediately for his cock, get her hands and her lips on his massive prick, but knew she had to keep moving slowly, not wanting to ruin it at all just at the last moment. Bill's heart was beating a mile a minute as he held his naked sister. She was trembling slightly, and smelled so sweet. Her large breasts pressed against his chest, her head resting on the pillow so close that he could feel her warm breath on his face. He felt a shiver pass through him as she moved her legs and her incredibly soft pubic hair grazed over his thigh. She just wants comforting from me, he figured sternly to himself, but his cock was stirring, and a heavy, surging pressure was building in his balls. Gwen kept making small, seemingly accidental brushes of her cunt hairs over his muscular thighs, knowing that her creaming pussy so close to his cock was an incredible turn-on. She kept her stomach back so as not to touch his cock, still slowly letting the seduction move along, not wanting to rush him. But she could feel little drops of sweat breaking out on her brow as she held back, her body shivering with sexual frustration. Bill moved his hands slowly over her back and arms, feeling her shiver. Maybe she really is cold, he thought. He tried to hold his breath and think of other things, willing his cock to shrink, but it did no good. There was no way to ignore the sweet, female scent of her skin and hair, and as she snuggled in closer to him, he felt a slight dampness on his legs where her muff gently touched. He prayed she couldn't press in too close and feel his heavy prick, find out he was aroused. Prayed she wouldn't, but at the same time had to admit he hoped she might! "Are ... are you feeling better now, Sis?" he whispered in a voice that was more of a croak from his dry throat. "Oh, yes," she sighed happily. "I feel nice and warm now." She hugged in even closer to him, resting one hand lightly on his stomach as if by accident while she moved to get more comfortable. "In fact," she cooed, "I'm almost burning up!" And then, throwing all caution to the wind, Gwen reached straight for her brother's groin, wrapping her hand tightly around his throbbing cock. "Oh, God, it feels so big!" she moaned, pulling on his long meat shaft. A gasp of pleasure burst from Bill's mouth as he felt her expertly jerk and tug on his cock. His mind was filled with nothing now but the thought of sex, his head with the smell and feel of this luscious female in his arms. Sister or not, he had to fuck her! His trembling hands grasped at her breasts, soft and lush, the nipples growing hard under his fingertips. But even as he squeezed the hot flesh he knew she needed a stronger caress. Gwen was rubbing her wet cunt against his thighs, her moist pubic hairs scrubbing his skin. "Feel me, too, Billy!" she moaned, humping at him eagerly with her snatch. He slid his hand down to feel the soft bush of her muff, and she spread her long legs for him, pushing her groin upward. And then, Bill was fingering his sister's hot, wet pussy-flesh for the first time, playing with the forbidden portals of her cunt. Gwen moaned and pushed up against his stroking hand, and he thrust two fingers straight into her dripping twat hole. "Fuck me! Fuck me!!" she begged him, rolling her head from side to side, riding his fucking fingers. "I'm so fucking hot I can't stand it! Fuck me, Billy!!" They were both so hot and turned-on that there was no need for any foreplay. Bill's cock was close to exploding already, while Gwen's cunt was drenched with her own juices, ready for his first penetration. Bill lifted her upper leg and they rolled to face each other, his fingers sinking into her flesh, pulling her closer. Gwen tightened her grip on her brother's cock and guided the stiff, pulsing pole of meat into her wet cunt. The fat crown of his prick pried swiftly through her juicy twat lips and dug deep into her clasping pussy. "Yeah! Oh, yeah!" Bill sighed as his cock was enveloped in his sister's hot snatch. He reached around her body and grabbed her asscheeks, pulling her in tightly to him as he slid his prick into her hot hole. In seconds he was urgently ramming his entire eight inches of hard cock deeply in and out, and Gwen was writhing in ecstasy as her brother reamed her itchy cunt again and again. "Oh God, Billy! Billy! You're great!" Gwen mewled, raining kisses on his face. "OH! AAHH! I love your cock! Oh, harder, baby, HARDER!" Bill shoved his hand down into the hairy wetness where their wildly fucking bodies met. He pressed his fingers into the hot squashing lips of her twat, digging in for her clit. He pinched the hard little nubbin in his fingertips, and Gwen began to squirm and pant with renewed vigor, and Bill could feel her velvety box tighten around his near-to-bursting cock. He rammed it into her, still digging and prodding with his fingers in a double assault on her simmering cunt as her oily juices poured out around his shaft. Gwen began to gasp and sigh, her mouth working noiselessly, eyes wide, and then her cunt was spasming, gripping him like a fist, clenching and unclenching around his cock as she climaxed powerfully in his arms. "My God! My GOD!!!" she cried, her arms tight around him, biting his shoulder in pure ecstasy as she peaked in splendid orgasm. "Oh, Billy! OHHH! Aaaaahhhhh! YESSSSS!!!" Bill drove his prick harder and harder, hips whipping back and forth, feeling his own suppressed climax building in his churning balls. Just before he felt he was going to explode, he pulled back his head and mashed his wide-open mouth down onto his sister's panting mouth, sucking hungrily at her moist lips as he came like a madman in her equally juicy cunt. "Gwen!! Oh, yeah!! Commminnnnggggg!!" he panted into her sucking mouth as he blasted into her twat, sending jet after burning jet of his youthful male-milk deep into his sister's still-pulsating pussy. Humping and pumping his hips into hers, Bill finally came to the end of his climax, his heart beating wildly. Brother and sister lay sweating and gasping, entwined in one another's arms and legs, Bill's cock still trapped in the syrupy sweetness of his sister's snatch, still hard and ready for more. "Oh, Billy..." she purred, moving against him, her still-erect nipples digging into his sweaty chest. "That felt so good, so incredible!" After so many weeks of using her finger, she had almost forgotten how totally satisfying it could be to have a real man's cock crammed fully into her body. She wiggled her hips around a bit, feeling his cock still stuffed up tight in her twat, stiff and quietly pulsing. She grinned and squeezed her pussy around it, feeling the erotic shivers shoot through her brother's body in response. "God, Sis, I'd never even dreamed ..." Bill started to say, but Gwen put her fingers lightly on his mouth, then moved them and gently kissed his lips, just letting her tongue lightly flick out and brush over them. "I'll give you something to dream about for the rest of your life, little brother," she beamed. "That was a great quickie, and you'll never know how much I really needed it. But now I want to make it, really make it with you - all night!" "Oh, yeah!" he growled in reply. "I could live in your cunt, Sis!" Gwen rolled over onto her back, pulling Bill along with her, keeping the exquisite connection of his cock still deeply implanted in her pussy. Raising her knees she spread her limber legs wide apart and Bill settled himself comfortably down beneath her firm thighs, letting his weight press her body deep into the mattress. They lay quietly together for a moment, lightly kissing each other, letting their heavy breathing calm slightly before starting up again. Gwen was in pure heaven, finally having fucked her handsome brother, and, with a sigh, realizing she had fucked him completely without her thoughts moving to her father. But then, in a way, she almost had her father in Bill. She rolled her ass under him, reveling in the feel of his giant cock still hot in her cunt. Bill now began to pick up the fucking motions again, beginning to slowly slide his prick in and out of his sister's juicy hole, moving like a hot knife through warm, slick butter in her creamy slot. "Oooooh, that's so damn good!" Gwen sighed, swiveling her hips around to corkscrew up and down slowly and luxuriously on his long shaft. Bill moved up to his knees, keeping his cock slurping and sliding in her humid box, and Gwen swung her long legs up onto his shoulders to get him deeper into her. Bill felt like he could fuck her fabulous body forever, loving the feel of her hot cunt, her unbridled responses as her whole body paid off to him in climax. In the darkened bedroom they could still not see each other beyond shadows in the darkness, but the feel and smell of their fucking bodies was all they needed. As his long prick reamed in and out of her sweet twat, the squishing noises filled their ears, and their combined sex sauces ran out of Gwen's slippery hole to soak into the sheets beneath her ass. "OOOOHHH!" she cried, humping her hips up to meet his thrusts. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck fuck fuck - fuckfuckfuck!!" Gwen was going crazy with lust as her brother screwed her harder and harder once again. "I love it!" "Uhh! MMMM!" Bill grunted and moaned as he slammed into her, gyrating his hips at the end of each cock-burying stroke so that the kinky hairs of his groin tickled her sensitive twat lips.Gwen wiggled up into him in an answering circular motion, around and around as he crammed in and out, his hot cock scraping and reaming every inch of her creaming pussy hole. "God, you have a gorgeous cunt!" he hissed between his teeth. "Take it all, Sis! Grab my cock with your gorgeous cunt and suck it dry!!" "Shit, yessss," Gwen hissed back with gusto, moaning and shaking her entire body beneath him. She could feel the heat of her passion-flushed face, feel her heart pounding in her rib cage. Her pussy was throbbing to the same beat, which only intensified her desire for her brother. His fat cock plowing her cunt pushed her closer and closer again to that ultimate sexual peak. Gwen finally had achieved a part of her dream, and now she wanted it all, babbling her desires in incoherent little grunts and cries. The sweat was pouring off the both of them, mingling at their groins, mixing with their sticky love juices from their first orgasmic spasms. The smell of pungent come creams was heavy in the dark room, and it heightened the tremendous sensual pleasure of their fucking. Gwen ground her hips up to her brother with more pressure, begging for still more cock to be stuffed into her hungry pussy. She wanted him to ream her out for as long as he could keep it up, to fuck and fuck until she came again and again. Bill kept stroking slowly and surely into his hot sister, knowing he was driving her insane with pleasure and passion with his slow, deliberate strokes. He didn't want to come too soon this second time, but wanted to revel in the feel of her sucking wet cunt, hot and tight around his pole, to hear her cries and moans, his nose filled with the smell of pure sex. His actions were taking their toll on Gwen as she jerked about underneath him, always hungry for more. She wanted it all, wanted it right now. "God, Billy - Fuck ME!!" she sighed, grabbing his shoulders, trying to force him down harder onto her sweating, voluptuous body. In the darkness, Gwen let one hand slide down his slick chest, lightly tracing around one nipple, then slipping over his heaving stomach and down to where their bodies mashed and banged together in their incestuous fuck. She felt his sticky-wet cock as it pulled back from her pussy. She explored it with her fingers, feeling the slippery smoothness of the tightly stretched skin, the sleekness and the heat of it. Her fingers quickly became slick, coated with their combined fuck creams, and she rubbed her hand along the length of his wet, fucking cock, her fist forming into an extra tunnel of warm flesh that he sawed through, into her twat. Bill grunted with pleasure as she milked his prick with both clasping hand and sucking twat, and sawed in and out of her dripping pussy a little faster, more urgently. Gwen let her hand dip down farther as he reamed her out, and reached down between his thighs, caressing his fat nuts. "Ohhh, yeah!!" Bill moaned through his teeth as his sister began playing with his hairy sac, working the walnut-sized balls between her fingers. She knew how to fuck like no woman he'd ever met before! Gwen loved playing with his testicles, feeling the little convulsions that ran through them as she did. She knew they contained the precious hot load that would once again be spilling into her itching twat, putting out that itch, at least for a while. She sighed and cried with her longing for that moment, caressing his heavy, hairy balls, grabbing them now in her whole hand, almost as though trying to shove his nuts into her cunt, along with his cunt-expanding prick. "Oh, Billy, you know how to fuck so gooooddddd!" she whimpered. "You're the best I've ever had, the best, you fuck so good!" Gwen was lost in her own voice now, saying all the things that raced through her passion-blazing mind. "Your cock feels so hot and hard, so strong! I love your cock - my hot pussy loves your cock, Billy baby! Oh, God!! Keep fucking me with your beautiful cock - make me come again!" Bill was thrilled at the sense of power he felt from her words, his own sister worshipping his cock as he fucked her wildly in his bed. Gwen could feel the muscles in her thighs starting to quiver, and the small hairs on the nape of her neck were standing on end, as pin-pricks of pleasure started erupting all over her body. She was almost at her orgasm for the second time, pushed there by her own brother's steel-hard cock. "Fuck me!!" she muttered over and over, gritting her teeth and slamming her hips up hard, impaling her juicy twat on his long cock. "I've got to come again! Oh, shit, make me come, Billy!" "That's it ... come for me, Sis," he grunted as he thrust his hard prick deep into her body again, sending waves of pleasure rippling down both their spines like electricity. He was holding her down on the bed by her twisting shoulders as she squirmed and kicked under him, striving to reach up and plaster her lush tits to his chest, flatten them out as she crushed her body into his and paid off to his massive cock with her climax once again. Her creams were pouring out of her hot pussy now, making his dork ride on a slick wave of juice as he pulled out and pushed in again and again, in and out, reaming out his sister's twat with almost maniacal sexual power. He lowered himself down on her jerking body now, mashing her with his weight, grunting into her ear with frenzied obscenities. "Fuck! Fuck your cunt, Gwen!! You're so hot, so wet! Oh, shit, I'm gonna fill you with my jizz any second! Ahhhhh, fuck me, Sis - FUCK!!!!" Bill could feel her powerful cunt muscles begin to contract and expand around the fat sides of his demanding cock as he shoved into her twat time and again, literally forcing the orgasm onto both of them. The bed rocked and bounced with their frenzied moves now as he pounded his sister's ass into the mattress. The sheets were soaked with both their mixed sweat and sexual juices. Gwen had to bite into his shoulder to stifle the sudden scream of pleasure that threatened to erupt in her throat. Her climaxing spasms were starting for real now, and the pleasure was close to unbearable - although for Gwen no amount of pleasure could be too much! Bill's cock felt so big to her that she thought it was going to rip her open with each long, hard stroke. Her erect clit vibrated and burst with sparks of pleasure that flew in all directions. Gwen was totally out of control, and her motions became spastic and frenzied as she drove her lush bod into her brother's. Their bodies plastered together with sweat and cum, the thick juice pooling under her ass, it all felt so good, so fucking good! Gwen pressed her head hard into the pillows, arching her back up taut like a bowstring, riding his pistoning cock for all she was worth. She felt like she would have been able to literally fly away on the waves of her tremendous orgasm if her brother's hot, pumping body hadn't been pressing her down, pinning her to the earth with a crotch full of hard cock. "Oh! Oh, God!! OHHHHH, BILLLEEEEEE!!" she moaned and cried, snarled and whimpered, locking her hands over his pistoning ass as she came and came and came. The tremendous spasms of her cunt around his super-aroused cock were all it took to send Bill over the edge of pleasure as well for the second time that night, and he dropped his mouth back down to hers to smother both her loud cries and his own sobbing gasps of pleasure as he shot his hot wad. Gwen felt the first fiery gob of his jizz splash into her throbbing cunt, her hungry twat lapping it up greedily. Wad after wad of her brother's incestuous spunk poured into her, almost as if he had not already unloaded his testicles once before into her eager body. With each shuddering blast of his balls, Bill thought he would die of sheer sexual delirium. Tears of joy ran down his face and dripped onto Gwen's cheeks as he hungrily licked and sucked at her mouth, while continuing to pump with powerful bursts of his steaming cum into her pussy. Then, with a final strangled moan, he drove into her one last, hard time, then froze as if paralyzed, and collapsed on top of her, his sexual energy finally spent for the moment.She sighed and wiggled her hips about on the bed at his touch, pushing her legs apart to give him more room to reach her dripping twat. "It'll be your ass if they ever find out about this," she whispered, closing her eyes and letting her head roll back on her shoulders as little tremors of delight ran up and down her spine. She leaned farther back, supporting herself with her elbows, grinding her ass in rhythm to his slow, easy finger-fucking. "That's nothing," Bill went on, now slipping his index finger into the moist channel of her box, speeding up the motion of his finger-fuck. "If they knew I had the hots for Mom they'd both really freak out!" "Mom!?" Gwen asked, her eyes snapping open. "Yeah, I - oh, shit!" Bill snarled, suddenly realizing just how much he had revealed to her. "I shouldn't have told you that!" "Ha! Are you kidding?" Gwen giggled, slipping one hand quickly over her rounded hip to capture his frigging hand at her cunt. "You've just fucked your own sister twice, and now you've got your hand up her pussy, but you're nervous about admitting you have the hots for Mom?" Placing her other soft hand on his shoulder she pulled herself back up into a sitting position next to him, then put her pouty lips to his ear. "If it'll make you feel any better, baby brother, I'll make a confession, too. I really and truly would love to fuck the hell out of Daddy!" Bill turned his head to his sister, and Gwen kept her face still so that their lips were less than an inch apart. She felt him quietly add a second finger to the first hard-working digit between her legs. "Damn! You're kidding!" he said, that same wide grin again spreading over his face. "Horny as hell, aren't we?" she snickered back, then brought both her hands up to capture his head between them, and hungrily mashed her open mouth to his, sucking on his lips and mouth in a passionate kiss. "I've got an idea!" she suddenly said, breaking their kiss with a wet smack. Her eyes shone with lustful little gleams as an erotic notion took root in her mind. She pulled his sticky fingers from her pussy and guided him back to the peep-hole, removing the plug herself this time. Pressing her eye to the hole, she again sucked in a deep breath. Her mother was still sucking in much more than a breath. Carol had by this time managed to get her husband's cock completely down her throat now, and was slurping and gasping into the hairy base of his pubes, working her head up and down as though she'd had nothing to eat for a month and Ken's huge cock was the most satisfying meal in the world. Both her hands were busy playing with his balls, squeezing and milking them as she twisted and turned her mouth around his shaft. Then she started pulling her mouth back up to get another breath, and Gwen gasped again as she watched her father's long tool slide out of those wildly working lips. Her mother's hungry mouth was leaving behind a glistening coating of drool as she slid up the hard meat shaft, and the long prick was rubbed red from the loving friction of her lips and throat, gleaming and throbbing. "Good God, Billy!" she whispered, turning back to her brother. "With parents like that, no wonder we're so horny!" She turned and placed her back to the cool wall, then slowly bent her knees and slid down until she was squatting just under the peep-hole, her face level with her brother's groin. Once again her eyes were drawn to his waving prick, hard to see in the dim light, but so close to her face that she could smell its musky odor as the crown dribbled a small drop of pre-cum juice. "I want you to watch them and describe everything Mom does to his cock while she's sucking him off, and I'll do you!" She reached out and grasped his cock, thrilling to the touch of his sticky shaft, thick with the combined juices of both his last climax and hers. Bill felt a similar shiver of pleasure run through his body as her cool hand circled lightly around his prick, jerking on it delicately as she pulled him to her. "Oh, YEAH!" he grinned, scooting forward until he had his face to the eye-hole and his groin right in his sister's face, his cock rubbing over her cheeks. "Mom usually goes down on him for a while, and then they fuck like crazy! When they change, you can watch and tell me, and I'll fuck your gorgeous cunt again." Gwen gave no reply as she was too busy with his hard cock. She ovalled her lips and dipped her head down, flicking her tongue over the rubbery surface of his cock-crown, licking up that gleaming pearl of pre-seminal fluid from the thin slit in the tip. Although she had meant to slowly work him back up in passion again, the moment Gwen had her first taste of the slightly salty juice of his cock she went over the edge again herself. Too much had happened that night for her to go through all the preliminary build-up she liked to do with her cock-sucking. She stretched her lips open wide and closed them around the fat tip of her brother's dick, capturing the entire bloated crown in the wet cavity of her mouth, then pushed her head forward, letting her lips slide tightly down the slick, slightly sticky skin of his long shaft, cramming as much of his hot meat as she could get into her mouth. "God ... oh, God! Gwen, what a mouth..." Bill was moaning. But remembering that he had a part to play, too, he leaned forward and pressed his eye back to the peep-hole. His toes curled up in pleasure as his sister worked frantically on his straining schlong, while he watched his voluptuous mother going after his father's cock with the same sensual intensity. "Gwen ... oh! ... she ... Mom's got both of her hands on his balls ... and she's squeezing them ... do that!" His voice came out in ragged little bursts, the double strain of trying to concentrate on describing the action in their parents' bedroom and letting his sister suck him off making his breath come harder and harder. Gwen eagerly did as he suggested, reaching up to grasp his dangling balls in their lightly-haired sac. She kept her mouth tight around his cock, sucking and slurping, a thin line of drool running from the corner of her mouth now as she salivated hungrily around her mouthful. She hefted his balls with both hands, liking the feel of his goose-eggs in her palms, then brought her hands together gently to rub and stroke them between her palms, sending shocks both through his spine and down the whole length of his cock. She could feel it jerk about more urgently inside her warm mouth, and a larger dollop of semen oozed out of the head to run over her palate. She sighed with pleasure at the taste and redoubled her sucking. Bill had to close his eyes for a second as a wave of pleasure shuddered all over him, then snapped them back open to resume watching his parents. No matter how many times he had seen them making love, the sight never failed to turn him on. "You feel as good as Mom looks, Gwen..." he sighed, reaching down with one hand to grasp her head and gently but urgently move her face more quickly up and down on his pulsing cock, fucking her beautiful countenance. "Dad's got both hands on Mom's hair ... he's rolling his head around on the pillows, I think he's gonna come in a minute...!" "Shit! Mom's cheeks are puffing in and out like she was drowning, she's sucking him off so fast!" Bill began thrusting his hips forward more frantically now, and his second hand joined the first in an unconscious imitation of his father, holding his sister's face to his groin and shoving his cock powerfully down her close-clasping throat. Gwen didn't mind his taking over; she found she couldn't get enough of his fat, hot cock in her mouth and throat. She concentrated on taking a quick breath on each out-stroke, leaving her throat muscles relaxed so that his long cock slid easily into her close-clasping throat as if it was the softest, juiciest cunt in the world. She kept working on his churning nuts with her fingers, feeling them wiggle and jerk as his orgasm neared, getting ready to pour his third load of spunk that night into her stomach. Bill saw his father suddenly make a grimace that looked like one of pain, but Bill knew it was really pure ecstasy as his father was caught up in orgasm. "Christ, he's coming, Gwen!" Bill said, his voice getting dangerously loud in his excitement. "He ... he's holding her head down and pumping his hips up hard. I can see cum leaking out around Mom's ... around her ... mouth ...! Oh, shit! Here it comes!!!" This last statement was a shout as he gave a last hard shove of his hips into his sister's face, cramming his cock balls-deep into her throat and pumping gob after gob of his thick jism deep into her throat. Tears of pleasure streamed down his cheeks as his nuts erupted in her hands, unloading the stinging hot load of cum juice. Gwen gave herself over totally to an orgy of cock-sucking, slurping and moaning around his wildly spasming prick, loving the taste of his tangy cream oozing down her throat. It filled her mouth, oiled it, making his spasming cock slip and slide faster as he pumped in and out, pistoning into her oral cavity, dropping an incredible load so soon after their frenzied fucking sessions. For almost a full minute Bill held her head to his groin, keeping his dork buried deep in her throat, while she happily pursed her lips around the base and kept working his balls, milking him of every last drop. Yet even with this latest seemingly ball-draining orgasm, Bill's unstoppable cock softened only slightly, his youthful sexual energy undiluted. And Gwen's continued sucking pressure was quickly bringing him back up to full rock-hardness. Bill watched quietly, his breath slowly coming back under control, as his mother pulled her lips back up off his father's cock and began to lick the long shiny shaft clean of his cum, nibbling the heavy ridge along the bottom with her lips, and looking up at him with pure lust in her eyes. Ken reached down to stroke her cheek, saying something Bill couldn't hear, but which caused Carol to laugh and giggle, then plant a kiss on the gleaming red crown of his cock and start to clamber up between his legs, his cock sticking straight up, hard and wet, brushing along her heavy, hanging tits as she moved. Bill released his hard grasp on his sister's head and stepped back, slipping his rigid prick out of her mouth. Gwen whimpered with displeasure as the hot meat slid out of her grasp - she had been so wrapped up in sucking him off that she'd forgotten all about their parents in the other room. "Come on, Sis," Bill grunted as he reached down to help his gasping sister rise shakily to her feet. The entire lower half of her lovely face gleamed with his spent semen, and sticky white streamers hung from her chin and dripped onto her heaving breasts. They were both feeling hot and wet, covered with a film of sexual sweat, as what was turning out to be a night of endless sexual variations rolled on and on. Slowly regaining her senses, Gwen realized what was going on again, and turned to the wall to put her face to the peep-hole. Bill saw her go up on her tiptoes again to see through, and realized that might make it difficult to carry out his part of the plan. Looking around quickly, he recalled a large suitcase in his closet, and while Gwen pushed herself against the wall, trying to keep her eye at the hole, he brought it out and placed it under her. "Step up on this, Gwen. It'll make things easier for both of us." Shifting around, Gwen found she could now comfortably look into the hole, while bending slightly at the waist and thrusting her deliciously rounded ass backwards toward her brother. Her twat was throbbing mercilessly now, eager for some kind of loving caress after she had worked to bring her brother's rocks off so strongly. She let one hand drop down to diddle her inflamed clit, gasping and moaning as she watched the next act in the sexual play unfolding on her parents' wide bed. "Mom's going to sit on his cock while he lies on the bed," she whispered, watching her mother swing her slender legs up to straddle Ken's thighs. Carol reached down and wrapped both hands around his stiff, wet cock, rubbing the fat crown back and forth in the flushed folds of her pussy lips. She was smiling, her tongue licking over her full lips as she masturbated her clit with his cock, and Ken reached up to sink his fingers deep into her heavy, hanging tits, kneading the pliant flesh, his thumbs rubbing the big nipples around and around. "Oh, God ... he's so big..." she murmured, her eyes locking on the massive piece of daddy-cock as it was expertly manipulated by her mother's slender hands. Gwen shifted her hips back slightly, wiggling her ass seductively back at her brother. "Fuck me, Billy!" she growled urgently from deep in her throat. "God, I need a cock in me so bad! Fuck me again, little brother!" Bill let his hands roam freely over her curving, silky-smooth asscheeks, massaging the slick sweat into her skin, and running his finger lightly along the moist crack of her ass. He let his digit dip slightly into her puckered little asshole, working it in all the way to the first knuckle, past the tight opening, while he gripped one of her out-thrusting hips in his other hand. "UH! Oh, Billy! Shit, yeah!!!" Gwen moaned at the feeling of his nimble fingertip invading her tight anus. She wiggled her hips in delight, but didn't take her eye away from the peep-hole. Her mother was now really getting down to business. Ever so slowly she was impaling herself on the massive prick in her hands. Gwen watched in awe as her father's long, shining prick slid easily and smoothly into her mother's tiny twat, splitting her pussy lips wide-open with its impressive width. Carol moaned and tossed her head in ecstasy as she took inch after glorious inch deeper into her cunt. Her huge tits were heaving up and down as her breath quickened, making Ken dig his fingers deeper into that incredible flesh to maintain his grip. "They're starting to work it out now ... OH! Mom's sliding up and down on his cock ... God, that looks so good!" Gwen's words were coming out in short little bursts now as she became more excited watching the erotic show, just as Bill had gotten caught up in it. Again she jiggled and pushed her ass back at him, riding on the fingertip in her rectum. "Fuck me, Billy! Oh, please, cram your beautiful cock back up my cunt! I want to feel you in me while I watch Daddy fuck Mom!" Bill was more than eager to slip his pulsing dick back into his sister's juicy muff hole. The swollen red lips of her twat flowered out below her asshole, framing the hot depths of her pussy, and he popped his finger out of her butt to continue stroking down to her wet snatch.Gwen moaned with ecstasy as his hands worked at her cunt, fingers sliding along the fleshy lips, then digging into the juicy hole itself, his other hand stroking and pinching higher up on her inflamed clit. She spread her fine legs wider apart on the suitcase, spreading herself completely open to her brother, straining backwards and waiting for him to shove his swollen cock up her quim, relieving the deep-set itching lust she felt there. Meanwhile, her mother was going crazy as her own burning cunt was being reamed again and again by her tireless husband's long cock. Her mouth was open wide as she panted and gasped in pleasure, sliding up and down, up and down, in long, piston-smooth strokes. Filling her cunt to the brim, she'd sit down and rub her puffy pubes around against Ken's groin, mingling their curly fuck mats together, squeezing his fat nuts up under her tightly clenched asscheeks. Then, with a long sigh of pleasure, she rose up so that his prodigious cock slid back out almost to the tip, the suction of his tight-fitting prick in her glove-tight hole sent shocks of joy all over her body. Gwen could see her mother's thighs tremble, the toned muscles standing out in sharp lines as she pushed herself up and down over the prone, sweating form of her muscular husband. Gwen's father also appeared to be getting close to getting his rocks off in his wife's hot, gorgeous snatch. His whole body shook and rolled as he pumped his hips up and down in time with Carol's movements, meeting each of her slowly sinking moves as she slid downward on his cock with a hard up-swing of his hips, driving his dick as deep as he could get it into her moist box. Gwen knew that with their frantic, hard-driving bodies slamming together with every stroke, and the gleaming juices shining on their matted pubic hairs, that the room must be full of their gasps and slapping wet bodies, but she could hear nothing save her own ragged breathing, and that of her brother as he fitted his prick-head to her own swollen pussy. Bill nestled his burning cock-head into the inflamed lips of his older sister's twat, then grabbed her by the hips and slowly leaned forward, slipping once more into the glorious hot wetness of her cunt. He moved slowly but steadily, enjoying the feel as his cock continued to slide in and out, stopping only when his balls were nestling up to her hair-fringed cunt. Even then he wished he could continue moving forward into that incredibly tight warmth, cramming even his groaning balls into her slot, fucking her like she'd never been fucked before. But failing that, he began to saw in and out, shifting his hands slightly on her rounded hips to get a better grip as his strokes into her cunt became more and more urgent. Gwen was having a hard time keeping her eye to the tiny peep-hole, as with each hard-driving thrust, her brother rammed deep into her steamy cunt, making her whole body shake, and threatening with each move to smash her into the wall. She sighed and grunted ecstatically as he reamed her out time and again, the feeling of his long hot cock stuffing her pussy to the brim even better now than it had been the whole evening. Much of that was due to both Bill's frenzied fucking action, and the image from the peep-hole of her father's cock still plowing powerfully in and out of her mother's twat. Although she dearly loved her brother, now more than ever before after their shared secrets and passions, her father was still her ultimate goal. Watching him fucking away wildly while her own hungry twat was alternately filled and emptied, she could almost imagine that he was already fucking her, making her come with a cunt full of daddy-cock. She had given up any effort at talking, concentrating on the feelings running rampant through her passion-wracked body. As far as Bill was concerned, it made no difference. He had watched his mother and father making love hundreds of times, and was now completely involved in the feeling of his sister's gorgeous pussy clasping tightly around his cock. It all seemed still vaguely unreal to him as he humped harder and harder, feeling himself nearing a climax once again. In the dim half-light of the room, his sister's face turned away from him, and their hushed, heavy breathing in his ears, it was all like some fantastic wet dream. Bill was afraid he was going to wake up the next morning and it all really would turn out to be a dream. But the hot, insistent throbbing of his sister's tight cunt around his jerking cock, her low moans and sighs of pleasure, and the hotly gyrating hips in his hands were all as real as anything could be. "Oh, God, harder ... harder, yessss!!" Gwen was crying passionately now, and she kept raising one hand to her mouth, biting down on one finger to keep from crying out too loudly as she peaked, her glorious climax running in wave after glorious wave throughout her entire body. Her legs felt as if they were turning to water, barely able to support her as she bent over. Laying against the wall, she was held up only by the pressure of her sweat-soaked forehead on the hard wall, and her brother's fat cock anchored deep and hard within her spasming twat. "Oh shit ... yesssSSSSSS!!!" It all came out as just one long hiss around her finger, her lips curled back and her eyes shut tightly as she let herself go, forgetting everything in the world but the feeling of her delirious orgasm. For Bill it was like he was suddenly fucking a wild mare as his sister began slamming her butt around, her whole form wiggling and trembling as she climaxed around his prick. His hands started to slip on her slippery flesh, but he dug in tighter and slammed forward hard with his hips, again cramming his cock into her dripping cunt, nuts-deep. "Sis, SisssSSSS!" Bill's voice started to match hers, the sound like two frantic snakes mating as they let only the slightest whisper of sound escape through their clenched teeth. Trying to hold back his screams of pleasure as he felt his balls begin to unload their burning ocean of jizz was the hardest thing Bill had ever done. He wanted to yell out her name, to simply shout his joy as his lengthy cock jerked and throbbed uncontrollably, spewing gob after gob of white-hot cum deep into his wanton sister's pussy. Bill's madly humping hips pressed Gwen's face into the wall, and she turned her cheek to it, looking back over her shoulder at him. The dim light behind him from the desk made his body gleam, coated in sweat, his chest heaving in the shadows. She couldn't make out his face, and it suddenly seemed as if it could be anyone driving his long prick deep into her twat - even her father! Gwen moaned and smiled as the thought took her mind, and she clamped her cunt harder around the lurching, spasming cock, milking it of every last drop of burning semen she could squeeze out. Then both brother and sister seemed to come down from their orgasmic highs at the same time, and the sudden relaxation of all their powerfully tensed muscles had them sliding to the floor, Gwen on her stomach, while Bill fell across her back, his cock still held in the grip of her creaming cunt. Both were gasping for air, and one of Gwen's arms still trailed up the wall, looking as if she was trying to claw her way out. But nothing was farther from her mind - his cock, now finally growing limp, felt good as it pulsed and throbbed gently in the warmth of her syrupy socket. After a moment, Bill eased his finally shrinking prick from his sister's cunt, and Gwen twisted around to lie on her back on the floor, while he moved to her side. With their arms around each other, they brought their mouths together in a hungry kiss, tasting the sweat and saliva, relaxing in the mellow afterglow of their fucked-out young bodies. "Maybe ... maybe I should have told you about this when I did it..." Bill gasped out quietly. "This sure as hell ... beats just watching!" Gwen giggled, gasping around the laughter, her breasts bouncing on her chest, moving with both her laughter and choking breath. She stroked her brother's flushed face, tracing the line of his jaw with a fingertip. Bill lowered his head slightly and kissed the tip of her finger, then sucked on it gently. Gwen felt a new shiver run through her at this move, suddenly seeming to be the most erotic thing that had happened all night for some reason, simply because of its quietness. "I wish you had told me, Billy," she sighed, slipping her finger slowly from his mouth, tracing it along his lower lip before leaning over to again kiss his lips, but more softly this time. "You were just incredible! I've made love to a lot of different men at school, but now I find out that my own brother is one of the best!" He lifted one hand from around her waist and laid it over the soft, up-thrusting mound of her right breast, encircling her extended nipple with his fingers, teasing the little bud without actually touching it. "Was it just me, or was it because you were watching Dad, too?" he asked, remembering her earlier confession. Gwen didn't speak for a few seconds, then, softly, "Probably a little of both, Billy. I mean, Daddy has always been my secret fantasy lover, but with you tonight, it really was just you I wanted when I got in your bed. Then, watching Mom and Daddy the last time made it even better." "Mom and Dad," he said, looking at her with bright eyes. "Do you think there's ever a chance that we could really ... you know ... ?" His voice trailed off, as though he were afraid to say it aloud. "Screw them?" she finished for him, grinning. "I don't know about you, but I sure as hell plan to give it my best shot with Daddy - and I'm going to do it this week!" "You're kidding! How are you even going to approach him about something like that?" His fingers tightened around her tit as he grinned sheepishly. "I mean, I was easy - you had me horny as hell, naked in the same room and virtually in the same bed! But I've never seen Dad give any kind of indication that he might feel that way about you." "Oh, I have my ways ..." Gwen said, sliding one hand from her brother's waist and back down between his thighs, lightly cupping his balls and shrunken cock in her palm. She was delighted to feel them give a jerk of life as she held them. Even after two massive orgasms, she could feel his prick starting to slowly stretch out again, striving for a full, hard erection. She had thought they were finally finished for the night, but now began a gentle and insistent stroking along the shaft, urging him up once again. Bill's breath was starting to become ragged again, and he moved his head over to kiss her neck, while kneading and stroking her breast with more urgency and renewed interest. "Tell me what you're going to do with him," he said, his voice muffled as he gently bit the soft skin on her neck. Gwen smiled and let her head drop back, resting against the wall as her brother moved around on top of her, cupping her luscious out-thrusting boobs in both hands and sucking in a mouthful of tit-flesh. She kept stroking and jerking on his seemingly unstoppable cock and felt it filling out in her hand, solidifying and lengthening. What would she do? Gwen mulled it over in her mind, laying her plans for the seduction of her father even as her brother slid his hips up, moving between her spreading legs once more and reaching down to guide his pulsing cock back into the sweet, syrupy warmth of her cunt.Gwen had boldly laid her hand directly over the fat bulge in his jeans and was gently squeezing and stroking his cock through the material. "Gwen! What are you ...?" he started to say in a croaking whisper, but as he turned to her he found himself looking into her eyes only inches from his face. Gwen had turned in her seat and leaned in toward him as her hand had slipped lower into his lap, and before he could say another word she had covered the space between them and planted her moist lips on his in a hard, passionate kiss. Ken's mind reeled at the dual assault on his body. His own daughter was rubbing his cock and kissing him wide-mouthed. On Gwen's own part, she could barely keep her whole body from trembling and throwing her out of the chair in her excitement. Her father tasted better to her than any man she had ever kissed, and she slurped hungrily at his mouth, bringing her other hand up to curl her fingers in the hair on the back of his head and hold his face tightly to hers as she slipped her tongue between his lips. With a moan of surrender, Ken gave up trying to work out the right or wrong of the situation in his churning brain, and let the burning, pulsing need of his cock lead him now. He slid his arms around his daughter's lush body and pulled her tighter, opening his mouth wide and sucking on her tongue, their hot saliva mixing and flowing between them. After a long, hot moment of sucking and nipping at each other, Gwen broke the wet kiss and, with a wide smile and a last look into her father's now lust-filled eyes, she slid out of her chair and down to the floor in front of him. She never once released her grip on his cock, now grown to its full incredible length and throbbing unmercifully in the tight confines of his clothing. Ken could only sag back limply in the chair as his beautiful young daughter spread his knees apart and crawled between them in the tight confines between seats, zeroing in on the target of her long-suppressed desires. Opening her mouth wide, she pressed her pouty lips to the bulge at his crotch, kissing her father's cock passionately through the heavy fabric of his jeans, her hands now moving down to stroke the insides of his thighs. The heat of her wet mouth as her drool soaked through to his cock made him grunt in sensual pleasure, and a few sticky drops of pre-cum juice dribbled from the slot, staining the inside of his pants. "Oh, God ..." Ken sighed, his hands moving to hurriedly rip at his belt and zipper. "Oh, Gwen ... Gwen ..." he moaned as he felt her hands join his in the frenzied attempt to free his dick for both their pleasures. Both father and daughter struggled with his pants, succeeding in ripping both his jeans and shorts down to mid-thigh, and his hard cock flipped up and out, bobbing in the air, the strange half-light of the movie screen gleaming on a gooey-white line of juice oozing down the long shaft from the fat, gleaming cock-crown. "Ooooohh, yes! Yes!" Gwen was almost sobbing with passion now, tearing frantically at his pants to get them down to his ankles and out of her way as she pushed her supple body back between his legs. Her hot lips locked around the base of his cock as it thumped up against his stomach, and she lashed out with her tongue as she slid her mouth up his long shaft, lapping hungrily at the line of pre-jizz drool, moving closer and closer to the source. When her blazing lips finally slid over his fat cock-head, Ken thought he was going to explode right there. The sight of his beautiful young daughter's lips sliding over the flaming head of his own prick, watching her nostrils flaring and dilating as she breathed deeply of his man-musk, and then feeling the ecstatic warmth as she slipped the entire crown into the wet cavity of her sweetly sucking mouth, all had his passions afire. Gwen slashed her tongue back and forth in her father's dribbling cock-slot as she held him captive in her mouth, licking and slurping up every tiny gooey drop, eager for his great flow of daddy-jizz, but wanting to prolong the moment as long as she could. Her cheeks fell in concave as she began sucking in earnest, shifting her head from side to side, lashing her tongue around, and all the time working more and more of his long hard meat into her mouth. Her tightly stretched lips flared wider and wider as she pushed her face farther down on his long prick. She mumbled around her mouthful of cock, moist words of love for her daddy-lover. Ken was shocked by how much of his penis she was able to swallow. Inch by fat inch she was forcing the entire joint down her wet throat, all the while keeping up the incredible suction action. When her pert nose finally ground into the coarse hairs at the base of her father's thick cock, and her stretched lower lip nuzzled wetly into the great sac of his balls, Gwen stopped her delicious gobbling and set up a fast in-and-out suction of her cheeks, keeping the hot cock completely submerged in her face. After a few seconds, huffing and puffing for breath, she slowly let his fabulously long schlong slip back out of the warm, wet depths of her throat, watching as the gleaming red shaft, dripping with her saliva, slowly slid out from between her lips. She twisted and turned her head around as she withdrew, wringing his long cock for all she was worth, giving her father all the sensual pleasure a cock-loving daughter could. Reaching the top of his cock again, Gwen let the crimson crown pop out of her mouth, and his lengthy prick flopped back to smack into his stomach, the heavy veins marbling the shaft throbbing with pleasure. "Oh, Daddy, Daddy..." Gwen sighed, licking her lips, then leaning forward to lay her face on his trembling prick, rubbing the juicy shaft into her cheeks, smearing the soft flesh of her face with the combination of sticky drool and cum on its length. Then, grabbing the long cock in both hands, she lifted it up from his stomach, pointing the fat head straight up again, fighting the incredible stiffness of his erection as she tightly stroked and jerked the long shaft. As her hands worked loving wonders, her pouty lips showered the hairy skin of his nuts with wet kisses, sending new thrills throughout his body. Her pink tongue lovingly whipped around each of his churning balls, and then one at a time she plopped them into her mouth and sucked urgently. While working on his balls, Gwen kept rubbing the greasy shaft of his cock around and around over her nose and forehead, mashing his prick between her hands and face. After giving her father's bloated ball-sac a last lustful kiss, Gwen turned her head sideways and placed her lips just under the flaring head of his cock, sucking and nipping gently at the nerve bundle. "Oh, shit," Ken groaned with pleasure, reaching out to grab his daughter's head and flipping his hips in reflex to the tremendous rush of ecstasy. Gwen grinned to herself at the reaction she was able to get from him, then returned her attentions to his cock-head, smacking and slurping the smooth skin, and swiping her tongue over the slot every few seconds to sweep away each blob of oozing pre-cum. She sped up her efforts now, working her mouth all over her father's gorgeous cock, making love to him with her mouth, lips and tongue. She slipped her lips down the bottom ridge of his long cock, slurping and cooing as she slid up and down from crown to balls, her fingers all still busy jerking and pulling wherever her mouth wasn't busy. She would nip out with her teeth slightly every once in a while - not enough to cause pain, but to add different sensations to his lust-hardened shaft. Again and again, the talented young girl drew her father up to the very brink of orgasm, only to move her mouth away for a few seconds and allow him to cool off, her eyes lighting up at the sight of his proudly gleaming shaft, hard and wet and all she'd ever dreamed it would be. Gwen knew that the longer she was able to stimulate him without letting him come, the more chance of getting still another sweet drop as his fatherly-jizz built up. Slipping both hands around the wide base, she let the fat bulb at the top bounce against her cheek once again, smearing hot gunk all over her beautiful face. "Oh, baby, please ..." Ken said, whispering through clenched teeth. "Take it all in! Get my rocks off!!" Gwen smiled up sweetly at the sweat-stained face of her adoring father, then licked up another thick gob of spunk before it could drool down the shaft. Then, taking a deep breath, she leaned over the top of his achingly rigid cock, looked up one last time at his face, then dropped her head down onto his prick. Her ovalled lips, slimy with spit and spunk, slipped quickly down and over the wide head, squeezing tightly as she sank quickly all the way down the long shaft in one motion, deep-throating him like he'd never been taken before. Ken felt it all come to a head as his daughter suddenly engulfed his stiff prick. In the throes of his own passionate release he tightened his grasp on her head and shoved upward with his hips, slamming every last inch of his dork down into her bulging throat. Gwen closed her eyes tightly and took it all happily, her cheeks fluttering as she sucked, lustfully loving every gullet-bursting lunge her father made with his steel-hard cock. Her beautiful lips spread wide, bashed against the wide root of his cock, making a slopping, spurty wet sound as she sucked hungrily, feeling the tremors in his shaft that told her he was about to make the pay-off to her with a load of daddy-cum. As the first steaming gob of jism exploded from his cock, Ken locked his daughter's face into his heaving groin, rubbing his wiry bush into her cheeks, eyes and nose, his bouncing balls slamming into her chin as they unloaded their hot wad of baby-makers. He rotated his hips and shoved up at the same time, feeding the girl what she was starving for - hot daddy-jizz! Gwen whinnied ecstatically through her nose as the first thick blast washed over her throat, and she clamped her lips tightly around his cock-root, not wanting to lose one precious drop. Her throat bobbed wildly as she sucked and swallowed every thick steamy gob. Blind and deaf to all but his burning release into the taboo body of his own daughter, Ken felt as if he was literally coming in buckets. He leaned forward over Gwen's head, snapping his hips into her face as spurt after spurt sent steaming goo into her stomach. Gwen's lips were a perfect oval of pink flesh, sealing mouth to cock as she slid her lips up and down his orgasming shaft, wanting to catch some of his hot blasts in her mouth so she could savor the full flavor of his daddy-jizz. She suddenly coughed as she tried to take a breath and swallow the hot flow at the same time, and a thick stream of slobber-and-cum mixture welled up from around her cock-stuffed lips before she could clamp them back tight. "Mmmmuuurrr!" she half-gurgled, half-puffed as she felt the warm sticky mass drool over her chin, streaming down the front of her still hard-swallowing throat, and then trickle in white rivulets down into her expansive cleavage, leaving dark wet spots on her blouse as it soaked through from within. Ken was still pumping his hips, but the almost mindless rutting edge of his orgasm was fading, and he let himself slip back into the seat, relaxing his grip on his daughter's head. His entire body was tingling in the fabulous afterglow of an outstanding climax. Gwen let his dwindling cock slip from her gooey lips, and lay her head in her father's lap as she gasped for breath, one hand still lovingly stroking the sticky length of his prick. She let her other hand slide up and undo the top button of her blouse, then slipped inside to rub the sticky stream of sperm into the flesh of her soft tits. "Oh, Daddy, Daddy..." she cooed softly into his lap. "You taste so beautiful!" Ken absentmindedly stroked her golden hair, his head back and his eyes shut as he slowly came down to earth from his shattering orgasmic high. He was suddenly puzzled to hear music, and opening his eyes realized they were still in the theater, the soundtrack of the film having intruded back into his passion-bloated mind. He was suddenly all too clearly aware of their surroundings, and looked around nervously to see if their frenzied actions had drawn any attention, but none of the other patrons appeared to have noticed. Looking down at his lap, he watched as his daughter slowly and lovingly lifted his now-spent cock in both hands and tenderly wiped it clean with her tongue, then did the same thing to his sticky stomach and thighs, like an erotically transformed pussycat. Ken's mind was a jumble of conflicting emotions as he watched her. That was his own daughter down there, lapping up the last of his jizz after having sucked his cock into full spurting life. My own daughter! Ken felt dizzy and nauseous, and hurriedly began trying to pull his pants back up, leaning over to reach them, bringing his face close to Gwen's. "We ... I ..." He stumbled over the words, not really knowing what he could say to her, and then just pulling her up and to the side as he fumbled with his clothing, pulling and jerking it back into place. Gwen's face had been glowing with pleasure the whole time, sure she had finally achieved her dream at long last, that this was just the beginning. But the haunted look of doubt in her father's eyes, the way he mumbled and wouldn't look at her as they got up to leave, all cast a pall of gloom over the event. The entire way home he wouldn't look at her or speak to her, staring instead steadfastly out the front window of the car. "Daddy, please ... talk to me!" she said in a halting voice, reaching out to touch him, then pulling her hand away as though burned when he shrugged his shoulder to throw her touch away. "Oh, Daddy!" she cried, tears starting to trickle down her flushed cheeks. "I ... I love you, Daddy! Don't turn away from me like this!! Please, say something ... say anything!" Gwen felt she would even prefer that he rant and rave at her for performing such an act on her own father, that he do anything at all to show he felt some kind of response to what they had both so recently experienced. His cold silence was more frightening and nerve-wracking than anything else could have been. Gwen couldn't tell if she had finally broken through to him, and that they might be able to continue their new-found sexual closeness, or if at any second he would throw her from his life completely. The rest of the trip home was spent in stony silence, save the muffled sobs of the confused young girl, confused and frightened because she felt she had forever cut herself off from her one great love.When Ken and Gwen had left home, Carol decided she really should spend some time in her flower garden. But after only half an hour of stooping and digging in the hot sun, she felt ready for a cool bath. She hadn't seen anything of Bill since the others had left, but didn't think too much about it as she climbed the stairs to the second landing and headed for the bathroom at the end of the hall. But almost at the door she stopped, tilting her head to one side to listen. Coming from behind the partially shut door of the bathroom were unmistakable low moans and sighs, and an erratic squeaking noise which she recognized as the rusty hinges on the toilet seat she'd been trying to get Ken to replace. But she couldn't understand why the squeaking was so loud and continuous - almost as though someone were bouncing up and down on the seat. And the moans and sighs were like the hushed cries of passion that Ken made whenever they made love. She stepped closer to the door, moving quietly, wondering what was going on. She was just about ready to knock on the door when she suddenly realized exactly what must be happening. The continual squeaking noise, the sighs and moans - Bill had to be in there, jerking off! Lowering her hand, she very carefully put her head next to the edge of the partially open door, peeking with one eye around the corner, and had to quickly pull back and put a hand over her mouth to stifle an outcry at what she saw. Her son was seated on the toilet, completely naked, his clothes in a heap on the floor. In one hand he held a magazine close to his face and, although she hadn't been able to make it out, she knew it must be some sort of porno magazine. But what Carol's eyes had locked on and burned into her brain was the sight of his other hand hurriedly jerking up and down on a raging erection. The image was burned into her mind's eye: her son's thick, crimson-flushed cock jerking about in his fist, gleaming in the bright fluorescent light of the bathroom with his spit. Carol hurried quietly back down the hall and into her room, quietly closing the door and then leaning against it for support, her legs suddenly trembling and weak underneath her. Try as she might, she couldn't get that image of Bill's young, thick cock out of her mind. What confused and dismayed her was not that she had seen her own son jerking off, but that the sight had so aroused her! Her twat was creaming, dribbling moisture down her trembling legs. She had never ever thought of her own son in such a sexual way before, but now suddenly she could not rid herself of the lewd thoughts she was forming in her brain. She looked across the room at the unmade king-size bed that she and her husband shared every night, the still-crumpled sheets a mute testimony to their frenzied lovemaking that very night before. But in her mind's eye, she saw not her husband Ken, but her son Bill stretched out naked before her there, his cock jutting up immense and heavy from his groin, a powerful instrument of pleasure waiting for her to make use of it. Carol's mouth watered at the thought of how it would feel to explore such forbidden lusts. With a ragged cry, she moved away from the door to the dresser, leaning forward to stare at herself in the mirror. What am I thinking of! My own son! But ... so hard, so beautiful! I ... I can't get it out of my mind! Maybe, maybe if I just go back he'll be finished ... we can talk ... Unconsciously, she had slipped one hand off the dresser and into the front of her short robe, a long finger rubbing and stroking her inflamed clit. The throbbing desire in her cunt grew hotter and hotter as she stared into her own lustful reflection, seeing not her face but once again the image of her son, smiling back at her, his hand wrapped around his fat cock, offering it to her for her pleasure. "I've got to face this ..." she sobbed, focusing back in on her own image and gasping in shocked surprise when she saw the pure lust radiating from her eyes. Hurrying from the bedroom, she strode purposefully back down the hall and, without pausing, pushed open the bathroom door and walked boldly in, although all her nerves felt on end and sweat began to coat her as she did so. But she knew she had to face these feelings and conquer them, one way or the other. "Mom!" Bill shouted in surprise as the door suddenly burst open. He had been only a few seconds from coming, but the surprise of his mother's entrance wilted his thick erection like a splash of cold water, and he quickly dropped the magazine into his lap to hide his cock. "I ... ah ... Jeez, Mom! You could knock or something ..." he coughed out, squirming uncomfortably on the toilet seat, unable to look at her. Emboldened by his nervousness, Carol thrust out one hand, pointing to the magazine he clutched in his lap. "Just what is that you have there, young man?" she asked, her voice firm, but trembling just a bit at the end, betraying ever so slightly her own nervousness as well. "I ... nothing, Mom," Bill mumbled, wanting to hide the incriminating sex magazine, but unable to move it without revealing his flaccid penis. He looked up at her for the first time and his eyes widened in surprise. In her hurried rush into the bathroom, his mother's robe had started to fall open, already loosened from her frantic gropings in the bedroom. Bill found himself staring up into the incredibly deep cleavage of her huge tits, now half-exposed to his eyes. His cock suddenly jerked back to life beneath the covering magazine. "Hand it over," Carol ordered, keeping her hand extended toward him. She had noticed the magazine jump slightly, even though both of his hands were on top of it, and her mouth grew dry when she realized the only thing that could have caused it. "Aw, gee, Mom, I ... I can't!" Bill half-cried, both embarrassed by being caught beating off, and unable to take his eyes off his mother's half-bare body. Carol remained silent, her hand outstretched to him and a disapproving frown on her face. With an embarrassed sigh, Bill handed her the magazine and then quickly dropped both his hands back to cover his groin - no easy task now that his long cock was almost to its full length. "Can't I put on my pants, Mom?" "You just sit right there and be quiet, young man," Carol admonished with faked anger. Her heart was pounding furiously as she glanced through the slick pages of the magazine. It was filled with dozens of sharp clear photos of a handsome couple fucking and sucking. Carol felt her pussy creaming as she looked at photos of the man's long thick cock being shoved into the woman's pussy, mouth or ass. Near the back of the magazine she came across a full-page photo of the girl's face, her features twisted up in exquisite ecstasy. The sheer sensual power of that photo shocked Carol more than any of the more graphic ones had. "She certainly is a beautiful woman," Carol said, folding the magazine and crossing her arms under her massive breasts, looking down at her son still squirming uncomfortably before her. "You'd like to make love to a woman like her, wouldn't you, Billy?" "I ... I guess so ..." he said, staring at the tile floor. "Have you been masturbating in here, Bill?" "Oh, Mom!" Bill started to complain, his cheeks growing bright-red. "I ... sometimes I just ... I can't help it, Mom!" Carol licked her lips in lustful anticipation of what she was about to do, and got down to her knees in front of Bill. The magazine had helped her decide that it was time to go for broke. Placing one hand lightly on his knee, she put the other under his chin and lifted his face to look at her. "Billy, honey, listen. I hate to know you're abusing yourself this way. Sex is something beautiful and wonderful between two people, and not something you should do furtively and sneakily." Bill was trembling all over at his mother's gentle touch, her two hands only lightly resting on his skin, but making his cock turn into a white-hot steel bar under his protective hands. He couldn't remember ever being so turned-on before, not even in his recent heavy fucking session with Gwen. That had been a surprise, but this was something he had dreamed of for years. Although he tried not to, he couldn't keep from staring now at his mother's tits, now falling half out of her robe. His mouth watered at the sight of her luscious, heavy tits only inches away from him. "I know you weren't able to ... to relieve yourself before I found you in here ..." Carol took a deep breath and then the final plunge. "It really makes me sad to think of you in here, all alone like this ... would you ... would you like me to do it for you?" Once started, she found the words coming in a flood. "Would you like me to finish what got started by this pretty lady in here? Would you like that, Billy?" As she spoke she was slowly sliding her hand up onto his thigh. "Mom! I ... what do you ...?" Billy couldn't believe the words he was hearing, the look of lust now blazing powerfully in his mother's eyes. As her hand stroked his muscular thigh, all he could say was, "Do ... do you mean it?" "Of course, honey. I know how it is for a young man, all that passion with no release ..." Carol inched her hand ever farther up his thigh, her eyes locked on her son's. "I'm just as pretty as that lady in the pictures, aren't I, Billy?" "Yes," he managed to croak through his suddenly dry throat. He was now aware of her hands on top of his. She gently but firmly grasped him by the wrists. "So, there's no reason you should have to do this all by yourself, is there? Let mother help you." She pulled his hands away, and as his fully erect cock sprang up long and hard, Carol's eyes opened wide. "Oh, Billy," she cooed almost breathlessly, "what a marvelous cock you have, darling boy!" She dropped his wrists and instantly wrapped both her hands around his hot, thick prick. Her pussy gave a spasm of arousal at finally making contact, and Carol felt a trickle of her juices run down her inner thighs. "Oh, God! Oh, God!" Bill moaned, spreading his legs apart, unconsciously starting to thrust his hips forward in a silent offering of his hard raging prick to his mother's skillful hands. Carol began a slow, tender caress of his steel-hard pole of youthful flesh. She slid her tightly clasping digits slowly up and down the long, throbbing shaft, watching her son squirm with pleasure as she worked wonders on his young penis. "You've got such a nice, long cock, Billy. Just like your father," she grinned. "I do this for him, too, you know." Bill could hardly believe how things were turning out. He had hardly expected things to turn out like this, yet here he was, his own mother lovingly stroking his dick, slowly bringing him to a fever pitch of passion. "I know how hard it is for a man once he gets an erection if he doesn't find relief somehow. And this is such a big, heavy erection," she sighed, letting her head drop a little lower into his lap so that her breath flowed warmly over his belly, her eyes intently studying the bloated red crown of his cock. "Oh, yeah," Bill sighed. "I want to come so bad I can taste it!" "Do you want me to leave you alone so you can finish, Billy?" she asked him, suddenly releasing his cock and letting her hands drop away. His unrestrained prick bobbed about freely in the air, standing up like a third leg from his groin. "Mom, please!" he said with a grimace of pain on his face as she moved back. "Grab it again! It feels so good when you do it!" "Mothers always know best, dear," she laughed. "I should probably hate myself for this, but I just can't resist your gorgeous cock!" Reaching up between his legs again, she grabbed his bulky prick and began to jerk more vigorously on the shaft, making his breath come in rapid-fire bursts as he got hotter and hotter. "Oh, Mom, Mom..." Bill moaned, sliding his hips up and down now, pushing his cock through her tight fingers, working faster and faster. "You're one hell of a prick-handler, Mom!" Carol just smiled and continued massaging his flailing meat, aroused by both the feel and smell of her own aroused son, fully in her control, his youthful prick ramming back and forth in her hand as she pumped on his inflated meat shaft. The bloated crown was glowing darker now, and she could see his fat balls churning with their hot load. Bill could stand it no longer, his lifelong dream was coming true, and he could control the end no more. "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna come!" he shouted, gripping the sides of the toilet tightly in his fists, and bouncing his hips up and down on the squealing seat to drive his cock into her fingers, fucking his mother's fist. "Yessss," Carol hissed excitedly, her eyes never leaving the head of his cock. "Come for me, my little man! Shoot your gorgeous hot cum all over my hand!" "Here it comes, Mom!" he screamed and, with a last convulsion of his hips, sent the burning load of his youthful balls barreling into his cock. Carol squeezed with delight as the first hot, heavy stream of jizz burst into view, her wildly jerking hand sending it flying everywhere in the bathroom in gleaming droplets. Thick gobs fell onto her exposed breasts, oozing down her silken skin to leave gleaming cum tracks. "Come for me, Billy, come for momma ..." she giggled as she kept beating his hot meat shaft, coaxing out jet after hot jet of jism. Bill watched in awe as she lowered her head and pointed his pumping cock at her own face, taking his cum juice onto her facial features and into her wide-open mouth, drinking her son's sperm. "Hot and sweet," she cooed as his cock finally came to a shuddering halt. The room and both their bodies were sprayed with droplets of his steamy semen, and never releasing her grip on his still-erect cock, Carol leaned forward and happily licked every drop of juice off her scion's belly. Digging her tongue into his navel, she scooped up one last thick dollop of his salty jizz, then smacked her lips with pleasure. "You're your father's son, all right! That was a hell of a load, and sweet to eat!" Bill was still amazed to hear his own mother talking so openly about sex, but the effect was great. She let her free hand roam over her own thighs as she knelt between Bill's legs, still gently pumping his thick cock. Her pussy was pulsing unmercifully now, demanding her attention. She untied the belt of her robe and let it drop to the floor. Cool air wafted over her naked flesh, but did nothing to soothe the fiercely pounding blood coursing through her veins, the burning in her cunt. What she really needed to put out her lustful fire was the fleshy hose of her own horny son. Looking up, she could see her own face in the huge wall mirror behind the sink.Her beautiful face, flushed and damp with perspiration and sperm, reflected her own inner turmoil. She had just jerked off her own son, had licked up his hot cum juices, and loved every second of it! In a way, she felt guilty because she actually felt no guilt over what she had done. She felt it had been something beautiful and fulfilling. She started to slowly rise to her feet now, letting her robe drop away completely from her lush body. Bill watched in awe as his mother stood up in front of him, totally nude, every curve and valley of her luscious body only inches from his face. She had to release his cock as she stood, and the still-erect sex organ pointed up proudly toward the center of her long limber legs, to the thick growth of dark hair on her love mound, and higher still to the erotically out-thrusting globes of her huge breasts. Bill's eyes locked on the swollen lips of her pussy, gleaming wet and slippery with the juices of her arousal. Carol moaned softly, and her right hand slid across her thigh to bury itself in that dripping mound. "Mmmm, I'm so hot, Billy! So hot!" Bill was hypnotized by the sight of his mother thrusting one long finger again and again into her steamy cunt, frigging herself only inches from his face. "I've gotta have you, Mom!" he cried out, reaching forward and throwing his arms around her waist, pulling her toward him hungrily. Carol let herself be dragged forward, slipping her wet digits from her snatch to grab his strong shoulders, and opening her thighs wide as she settled down onto his lap. His thick cock was trapped between their hot bodies, the long length of the jerking shaft nestling into the wet lips of her fur-framed cunt. Mother and son clung together tightly, squirming and panting in frenzied passion. "Oh yes, yes," Carol murmured. "Fuck me, Billy! Fuck your loving mother!" The fevered slit of her quim sucked at his cock like a nether mouth, covering the shaft with her warm womanly juices. Carol sucked in a sudden sharp breath as the crown of his prick suddenly grazed over the stiff, swollen bud of her clit. "AAAAHH!" she breathed loudly, tensing her hips and grinding harder into him as the electric shock of pure pleasure radiated out from her nubbin. Her head rolled about weakly in passion, and both mother and son gave little sighs and moans of incestuous lust. Carol raised herself up slightly, pushing up from his lap so that his long cock slid down over her greasy slit, gradually sliding lower in the lips and nearing the tender, tight opening leading up into her hot fuck channel. Her mouth formed into a silent "O" of passion as his thick prick caressed through the sensitive flesh, but she knew she couldn't long deny the piercing thrusts deep within her greedy snatch. "Unngh!" Bill moaned as he felt his cock slide into the slippery hole of her pussy slot, then rammed forward to drive hard and strong into his mother's cunt. "Oh, Christ! Mom!! Yeah!!" "So good - so good!" Carol was moaning as he crammed her full of hard cock, her hands clawing feverishly at his head. His stiff pecker pried farther into her, the firm, educated flesh of her cunt sucking and dragging on it, and the small bathroom filled with the wet sucking sounds of their wildly hot fucking. Bill buried his face in her giant tits as he fucked upward for all he was worth, stuffing his mother to bursting with his monster cock. Licking and sucking on the warm, smooth flesh of her mammoth tits, the thought that he was actually fucking his own mother was almost enough to make him blow his balls right then and there. She was so hot around his prick, so warm, so incredibly wet! "OOoohh!! Aaahh!" she sighed, working her hips in circles and bouncing up and down on his powerful thighs, pressing her aching flesh even more forcefully against his young prick. "Oh, Billy!! Do it to me!! Oh my sweet, sweet baby! Give it all to your loving momma!!" Bill was eagerly cramming her as full as he could, his cock buried balls-deep now, jerking and thrusting about in her hot snatch. With his mouth sucking hungrily on one throbbing nipple and his cock buried in her thrilling cunt, Bill could have died happily right there. Carol's mind focused on the image of the beautifully sculpted cock she had held just moments before, and she could imagine that bloated purple cockhead buried deep inside her cunt. Her own loving son was rubbing that blazing tip of his cock into her most intimate flesh. The exciting image was intoxicating enough to send still another electric charge of pleasure throughout her body. The tremors seemed to flow upward to her nipples, and the cherry-red tips hardened and throbbed between Bill's sucking, slippery lips. "MMMM!!" she moaned, thrusting her hips down hard, wanting to have him totally in her snatch, digging his balls into her splayed labia. "Oh, darling! Darling Billy, fuck me! I've got to have you - I can't help myself! Aiee! Yes! Yes!!" Bill let one hand drop from her ripe breasts and squeezed it between their bumping, sweating bodies, his hand closing in on the ripe, tingling bud of her clitoris as his cock continued sawing in and out of her snatch. As he worked at her stiff button of lust with his fingers, his mother stiffened every muscle in her body and thrust forward again. Massive tremors shook her from head to foot, and she crushed his head into her wildly jumping breasts as her breath whistled through passion-twisted lips. "Unngh! I'm coming ... COMING!" she panted. "Ohhh, sweet, sweeetttt cummmmMMMMMMM!!!" Bill felt her pussy spasming around his burning cock shaft as she suddenly broke into a tidal wave of orgasmic pleasure, and the rippling woman-flesh squeezing and kneading his already over-excited prick sent him back into the throes of ecstasy as well. "Yeah! Oh Mom, MOM!" he shouted into her breasts, suddenly whipping both his hands around to brutally grasp her thrusting asscheeks and hold her down onto his jerking cock. "I'm coming in you! Fuck!! FucckkkkKKKKKK!!" Carol held herself in the strained position, every muscle stretched to the limit as she felt his cock blasting forth its load of white-hot cum, flooding her snatch with love juice. Bill's shouts into her tits sent little after-tremors of pleasure through her as she came down off her orgasmic high. Bill was thrashing about wildly as he spent his seed inside her, caught up in the joy of fucking his own mother, and his elbow accidentally struck the flush lever of the toilet. Somehow the loud sound of the sudden rushing water, coupled with her son's youthful, incestuous cock pumping her full of his gooey jizz, sent Carol suddenly back again over the brink and into yet a second bone-busting orgasm! As the last tingles of delight slowly ebbed from her cunt, she slumped forward limply into his arms. "Oh Billy, Bill ..." she sighed, catching her breath. "I know we shouldn't have, but now that it's done, I'm not sorry." Bill gently kneaded the firm flesh of his mother's ass, his cock still lying warm and tingling in her syrupy hole. He had finally done it! Finally gotten into his mother's burning snatch. And where there was a first time, there would have to be many, many more!A small triangle of the same sheer black silk fit snugly into her crotch, cupping her pussy mound and molding itself to her crack just as it had to her tits. Gwen suddenly wondered if this particular outfit had ever been tried on before, if it had snuggled up so lovingly to any other females, caressing their cunt lips with its cool slickness. The thought sent an erotic shiver up her spine, and she pulled up on the sides, not much more than strings, higher on her hips to nestle her burning twat tighter into the smooth silk. But try as she might, she couldn't get the panties to sit comfortably on her well-rounded buttocks, the material in the rear bunching up in her crack whenever she moved. A soft knocking at the door of the dressing stall made her look up. "Gwen honey, are you dressed yet?" her mother asked from outside the door. "Just about, Mom," she said, returning to her efforts to twist the uncooperative panties into place. The constant tugging and pulling of the tightly stretched fabric over the lips of her twat was starting to turn her on. "Everything fits fine except for the panties. I think they may have put the wrong size in with the top." "Open the door and let me see if I can help," Carol offered from outside. Gwen undid the latch and stepped back in the tiny dressing stall to let the door swing inward. When her mother walked in, Gwen thought for sure her eyes would pop out of her head at the sight. She'd never seen her mother look so beautiful, or so sexy. The gauzy black floor-length gown flowed about Carol's voluptuous body like a shifting dark mist, both totally revealing and yet teasingly concealing. The neckline scooped low, and a subtle use of elastic at the bodice brought Carol's huge tits up and pressed together, forming two ripe, perfect globes of flesh. Her flushed, smooth skin showed up brightly against the shimmering black of the gown, and held together formed an incredibly deep erotic cleavage. Gwen realized with a start that her mouth was literally watering at the view of her mother's magnificent tits presented so erotically, the twin fat nipples etched boldly in the black silk. It was an even greater shock when, stepping farther back to give her mother room to enter, that Gwen felt her cunt juices start to dribble down the inside of her thigh. She was hot! Carol shut the door behind her and replaced the latch, then turned to her daughter. Her own body cried out to her just as Gwen's was as she ran her eyes over her daughter's lush body clad in the barest of coverings. She watched with fascination as Gwen's young, full breasts bounced up and down with the young beauty's quickening breath. Mother and daughter looked up at one another, eyes locking. Carol felt a tremor of sexual tension shoot up her back, then tried to keep her voice steady when she spoke. "You said you were having trouble, honey?" she managed to ask, her voice hoarse with passion. "It's these panties, they just don't fit right," Gwen grimaced as she tugged at the tiny strip of silk cloth, trying to settle it comfortably over her lush rounded buttocks. This sudden arousal she felt at the sight and closeness of her own mother had her confused, and she kept her eyes lowered, concentrating on the garment. "Turn around," Carol said, studying the way the tiny panties fit. "No wonder, you're trying to spread them too far." Carol felt yet another tremor as she feasted on the sight of her daughter's gorgeous thrusting buttocks, firm and proud globes of woman-flesh. "What do you mean?" Gwen asked, turning back to face her. Again she felt almost uncomfortably aware of her mother's nearly nude body in the small room, aware of the scent of her body. And then with a start, she realized what that scent was - arousal! Carol continued, fighting for control, "I've seen these before; they're meant to fit your rear like one of those 'lift and separate' type bras." Gwen screwed her face up in a laughing frown. "A bra for your butt?" "Almost!" her mother laughed. "You've got to let it slip between your cheeks to pull them up. I told you these were very sexy nighties!" Moving forward she put her arms around Gwen's waist. "Here, let me help you with it, honey." Their faces were only a scant few inches away from each other now, and Gwen found she was holding her breath as she felt her mother's cool hands slide down over her hips and gently move across her trembling asscheeks, smoothing out the scanty panties and tucking them into her moist crack. Carol grinned at her daughter and lightly cupped a thrusting ass cheek in each hand. "Just like a pair of tits," she tenderly whispered, not moving her hands away, but leaning in even closer to the girl. Gwen looked deep into her mother's sparkling eyes, saw her red lips open slightly, and could feel her fingers digging slightly into the warm flesh of her behind. The scent of her lightly perfumed body, the warmth of her touch, all were too much for the girl. As her mother leaned in even closer, their breasts brushed over each other's, and Gwen's nipples shot out like twin bullets, fully aroused. She moved her head forward, then quickly closed her eyes and pressed her mouth lightly to her mother's. Carol closed her own eyes, tightening her grip on her daughter's firm ass as she returned the first hesitant kiss. For a moment they held it, their lips only pressed together gently. Then Gwen pulled back her head. "Mom ..." she began, her voice barely a whisper, her moist lips only an inch from her mother's. "I ... I don't know..." "It's all right, baby," Carol cooed gently, kissing Gwen on the tip of her nose. She pulled her hands in slightly, pressing their groins together, and saw a little tremble pass over her daughter's gorgeous face. "Go with the feelings, Gwen." Again their lips came together, but this time Carol opened her mouth and kissed her daughter voraciously, thrusting her tongue into the young girl's mouth. With a moan of unreleased passion, Gwen put her arms around her mother's shoulders and returned the hungry kiss, opening her mouth wide. Sighing and gasping, the two women sucked and licked at each other, while pressing their fabulous bodies tightly together. "Oh Gwen, Gwen ..." Carol sighed as she moved her mouth away from her young daughter's mouth to trail her lips down her neck. "You're such a beautiful young lady..." Gwen shut her eyes and let her head fall back as her mother's lips worked at the silky flesh of her throat, raising goosebumps all over her flesh. She felt like she was caught up in the ultimate erotic dream. She had come home determined to seduce her father, but seemed to have bungled that completely, and now she was ending up making love with both her brother and her mother! It was all too strange to think about, especially with her mother's hot lips and tongue moving over her flesh. Now that she had finally made the first big move, Carol could barely contain her passions. She quickly shrugged off her own negligee, bumping into the walls of the tiny dressing stall as she struggled to free her body completely. Gwen stared as though in a trance at her mother's huge, heaving tits bouncing so close to her, and her mouth watered at those giant melons. She knew she had to hold them, taste them. She'd never thought of a woman as a sexual partner before, but suddenly it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to be seduced by her own mother. Carol meanwhile was now reaching out for Gwen, stripping off her baby-doll nightie, and in her eagerness to remove the tight-fitting g-string panties had torn the thin side-straps. "Going to have to buy these after all," she giggled under her breath as she let the ripped garment fall to the floor. She ran her hands all over her daughter's trembling body, exploring the young flesh, cupping both firm, out-thrusting, youthful tits and squeezing, bringing a moan of pleasure from Gwen. "Oh, God, Mom ..." Gwen moaned, and threw her arms around her mother. The feel of her own breasts mashing into her mother's huge tit mounds sent more tremors through her, and then Carol pressed her hips forward, and their furry cunts were grinding slowly and sensuously together. Carol grinned as she felt the warm, wet juices flowing down from her daughter's twat, mingling with her own as they bumped their snatches together. She sought her daughter's pouting mouth again with a passionate kiss, and Gwen returned it eagerly, darting her tongue into her mother's hot oral cavern. For a long time they stood clutching at each other in the tight stall, breathing heavily and making little sighs and moans around each other's sucking lips, while grinding their bodies together, straining to make as much contact of hot flesh to hot flesh as humanly possible. Their boobs mashed and heaved around one another, the nipples locking in an erotic fencing match, and their groins twisting and mashing together. Gwen lifted up one long leg and threw it around her mother's driving hips, bringing their dripping twats into even closer contact. "I've got to taste you, baby!" Carol gasped as she broke their kiss with a wet smack. Gwen's eyes were bright with arousal as she realized what her mother wanted. She's going to eat my pussy! My own mother wants to go down on me! There was barely room to move in the tiny room, and as Gwen moved back, her knees hit the small stool set against the wall, and she fell backwards with a thud into the wall. This position caused her legs to spread so that she could keep her balance, while thrusting her hips up and out as her back and shoulders leaned against the wall. Her mother licked her lips and dived downward onto Gwen's body, her mouth latching onto the young girl's tits, sucking like a sex maniac at the hard nubbins of her nipples. "Oh, so good, so gooodddd ..." Gwen hissed through clenched teeth as her mother sucked and drooled on her tits, her hands squeezing the firm young flesh, pressing the mounds together as she licked the hot skin. Carol was in seventh heaven as she feasted on her beautiful daughter's body. Her firm, unblemished bosom tasted slightly salty from the thin sheen of sex-sweat that had broken out on the aroused girl. It was a taste Carol loved almost as much as that of cock or pussy! With a grin, she dropped to her knees, heading for her ultimate goal of Gwen's warm, juicy twat. On her knees with her own back to the wall, her feet cramped up under her, Carol's daughter's pungent cunt was only inches from her panting mouth. She put her hands on Gwen's hips, then leaned forward and sucked in a mouthful of her dripping labia. "Oh MOM!" Gwen cried out in passion as her mother sucked frantically on her hot cunt. She was doing it, actually eating out her twat! The thought that it was her own mother's talented tongue and mouth lapping at her twat was almost as big of a turn-on as what she was doing. Carol hummed and slobbered happily at her female offspring's fragrant pussy, lashing the inflamed sex slit with her wet tongue, then digging it deep inside the hot hole to lap up Gwen's juicy sexual ooze. Gwen found herself heaving and tossing her hips forward into her beautiful mother's face, mashing her cunt hard to her demanding mouth. She raised her hands and gripped her mother's head, holding her tightly to her groin. Rolling her head back and forth against the wall, she could only moan and groan in undisguised joy as her mother munched on her twat with all the gusto and skill of a real muff-lover. No man had ever been able to bring her to such a peak so quickly with his mouth. Gwen could feel the delicious spasms starting that signaled a surging orgasm on the way, and she spread her legs wider apart, now humping her hips back and forth, fucking herself onto her mother's tireless tongue. "MMmmmmm, Gwen, mmmumph ... good ..." Carol's muffled voice sounded from her daughter's cunt. She lapped hungrily at the young woman-flesh, slurping up the girl's hot creams, sucking on her inflamed clit, lashing it with the tip of her tongue, then dropping back down to slide her lips all over the flushed twat lips in a soulful lesbian kiss. There was a sudden sharp rapping on the door behind them, and both women froze in sudden panic. Gwen's eyes opened wide and fell on the door latch, which hung unhooked. She suddenly felt as though her heart was going to break out of her chest as it sped up in panic. "Excuse me, Miss?" came a muffled voice from outside the dressing room. "Are you all right in there? I thought I heard a thud." Carol raised her head to look up at her daughter, who was staring down at her in panic. Carol could see her chest heaving, the girl's full breasts bouncing up and down above her in her alarm. Quickly rising to her feet she put one hand over Gwen's mouth and moved her own wet lips next to her daughter's ear. "Don't panic, baby," she whispered. "They don't know I'm in here. Tell her you dropped your purse." Gwen's eyes were still wide with fear as she stared at her mother, but she shook her head in acknowledgment. Carol took away her hand and the young girl took a quick gulp of air, trying to halt the hammering of her heart, sure it must be audible throughout the entire store. "I ..." she squeaked out, then coughed and continued in a normal, although slightly hoarse, voice. "I'm fine, thanks. I ... I just dropped my purse." There were a few seconds of silence, with both Gwen and Carol literally holding their breath, and then the voice outside replied, "All right, Miss. Hope I didn't bother you." Mother and daughter remained pressed together noiselessly, listening to the salesgirl's muffled footfalls moving away. When they could no longer hear them, Gwen reached up and collapsed into her mother's arms with a loud gasp. "Jesus!" she sighed, her head on the woman's shoulders. "I thought that was it for sure!" With her panic subsiding, she was again becoming aware of her mother's naked body, pressed so tightly to hers. She had fallen away from her orgasmic peak and now felt frustrated and incredibly horny. She grinned to herself as she recalled the blatant come-on the salesgirl had made earlier. Gwen had been shocked then, but now here she was getting it on with her own mother! "We can't move in here, baby," Carol whispered in her ear, letting one hand stroke down her daughter's back and slip into the caress of her ass crack. Gwen shivered with pleasure at the light touch. "Hurry up and get dressed and let's get back home," Carol suggested. She lifted Gwen's head off her shoulder and held her face between both hands, staring into her daughter's eyes. "I've got a lot of things to show you, baby ... things you've never dreamed of!"Both mother and daughter mashed their mouths together again in a long, sucking, frenzied kiss. Gwen's heart was still racing, but from arousal now rather than fear. Carol quickly gathered up her own gown and tugged it on. Then, with a light touch of her palm to Gwen's cheek, she smiled and slipped out of the stall to return to her own dressing stall. Gwen stood staring at the closed door for a moment after her mother had left, then slowly sank down into the stall, her mind in a whirl. My mother! I've just made it with my own mother! She had never even thought about lesbian sex before, and here she was, not only making it with another woman, and not only making it with her mother - but she was eagerly looking forward to getting back home to privacy to continue this incestuous Sapphic match! She wanted to taste her mother's body just as Carol had feasted on her own. She glanced toward the mirror at herself, and saw a creature of pure animal passion looking back. Her lithe body, even collapsed onto the stool, radiated sexuality, her whole body flushed with passion. Her beautiful blonde hair was in wild disarray, while the smaller pelt of blonde curls at her groin glimmered moistly, framing her bright-pink fully aroused cunt. But it was her eyes that really gave her away. Looking into their bright-blue depths she saw only the need and want of sex, sex and more sex. Gwen now realized that she had been born to make love, to use her body as a real instrument of pleasure. She wasn't going to give up on her father - she knew now that she'd never be satisfied until she had him just as she had had all the other men in her life. And women, she laughed inwardly, slipping one hand down to stroke her juicy cunt lips. After a little shiver of pleasure passed over her, she stood up and quickly began slipping back into her own clothing. In the car on the way home - packages in back containing the two nightgowns, the tears carefully hidden when purchased - Gwen was overcome with curiosity to find out how her mother had been first turned-on to lesbian lovemaking. "It wasn't that long ago, Gwen," her mother grinned, dropping one hand from the wheel to momentarily run it over her daughter's exposed thigh. "Who was it who ... well, who turned you on?" Gwen asked, her eyes open wide. "Eileen Linke," Carol said with a smile. "Eileen?" Gwen gasped. "You mean our next-door neighbor? But ... but she's been married for years - she has three kids!" Carol threw back her head and laughed loudly at her daughter's reaction. She turned and smiled, "If you'll think about it for a second, that has very little to do with it, baby-doll!" "What? I ... oh, yeah..." Gwen suddenly realized what her mother meant and blushed in embarrassment. "I'm not a lesbian, Gwen," her mother continued. "And I don't think you're one, either. Since Eileen introduced me to sex with a woman I've enjoyed making it with women as much as with men, but I don't think any more so. I'm a bi-sexual honey - I love everyone!" "Yeah," Gwen said again, thinking back to the first night when she'd watched her parents making such passionate love. "But how did it happen that first time, Mom?" she pressed on, eager for all the details so she could compare them to her own experience. "Well, for a couple of months before we actually did anything, I noticed that Eileen was inviting me over more and more often during the day when both our husbands were at work and all the kids at school."I kept rubbing up and down on her creaming pussy, circling around and around her throbbing clit, then prying my finger with fast jabs into her convulsing cunt hole. She still hadn't stopped working on my pussy, even after I had orgasmed, and I suddenly squealed with pleasure as I felt a second wave of orgasmic spasms grip my twat. My cunt quivered and the juices flooded out as Eileen's fingers pried deeply into my twitching hole. Then she suddenly pulled them out and slid her fingers up my heaving twat to my clitoris, and pinched it! There's no way to tell you the incredible feelings that it sent blasting through my well-turned-on body! I jerked and convulsed in the bathtub, splashing what little water was left in it now out onto the soaking floor of the bathroom. We thrashed together wetly, our breasts pressed tit-to-tit, the nipples bloated with passion. Both our orgasms mounted to a fever pitch that had us both squealing and jerking wildly with pleasure. When my second climax had finally peaked, and the searing hot waves of passion had stopped reverberating through my body, I shivered in the aftermath and started to come down. Eileen took my hand away from her cunt and pulled it up to my face. I stared at my fingers, white and dripping with her woman-juice, and saw her eyes gleaming brightly as she stared over them at me. 'Taste me, Carol,' she sighed so low I could barely hear her. Without a moment's hesitation I stuck my hand in my mouth and sucked all her gleaming juice off my fingers, loving the hot, tangy taste of her cunt. I slurped noisily as I sucked, staring deep into her eyes. 'This is only the beginning, darling,' she sighed as she put her arms around me and hugged me close. And since that day, we've made love at least once a week. Your father doesn't know anything about it, and neither does her husband. But now that you know, it'll be just a secret for us girls! Gwen and her mother were so hot from their frustrated first Sapphic contact and Carol's erotic tale that the front door of the house was hardly shut behind them before they were frantically tearing at each other's clothing, leaving a trail of garments into her parents' bedroom. Carol watched her beautiful daughter climb into the bed, a bed used to the lovemaking of husband and wife, but now to serve the hot lesbian urges of the incestuous mother and daughter. Her eyes swept over Gwen, taking in the young, thrusting breasts eager to be sucked and caressed. Gwen lay back on the sheets and spread her legs, slipping one hand down to fluff the softly curling blonde hair that framed her wetly pink cunt lips. As she lowered herself to the large bed, Carol's tongue flicked across the fullness of her lower lip in lewd anticipation of once more feasting on her daughter's creamy snatch. She climbed onto the bed, her slender fingers reaching out to caress Gwen's tits, causing the young girl to close her eyes and moan in joyful lust. "Oh, Mom, Mom ..." she sighed over and over. Gwen had never considered having sex with another woman, but after that first earth-moving orgasm she'd experienced from her mother's talented tongue, she knew she was hooked. She arched her body up to the gentle touch of her mother, skillful fingers kneading her firm breasts, bringing her nipples up hard and aroused, then sliding down over her trembling stomach and finally sliding over her dripping box. "Oh, yes!! Do me again!" Gwen murmured as Carol pulled her luscious daughter's thighs farther apart and climbed between them, crushing their cunts tightly together. She felt her mother's massive tits press hotly into her own full, aching breasts, their nipples rubbing together erotically. "You're so beautiful, baby," Carol whispered into her daughter's ear. She raised her head, her dark green eyes gazing down hotly into Gwen's blue ones. "I'm going to make love to you like no man has ever made love to you before!" Gwen's entire body shivered in lewd anticipation at hearing her mother make such a lascivious statement. She lay absolutely still as Carol slowly began to rub her hot lips over the girl's tender body. Her pink tongue was like a cool, wet fire as she lashed it over every inch of Gwen's excited flesh. Gwen felt every nerve-ending in her body tingling with just the light touch of her mother's lips and hair over her smooth flesh. What had been frenzied, forceful lust in the close confines of the dressing room was now almost torturously slow, sensual lovemaking. In fact, Gwen suddenly realized that something she had once heard really was true. Only a woman really knew how to make love to another woman, knew all the places to touch and stroke instinctively to bring a lusty female to orgasmic heights. And that was exactly what her mother was doing to her with all the talent at her command. Carol had now worked her way down Gwen's twisting torso, leaving a trail of kisses and the wetness of her tongue on both tits and over trembling stomach. She heard Gwen moan low in her throat and spread her legs wider as Carol neared her goal. "Oh, darling," Carol sighed as she bent over the girl, moving her face in so that she was only inches from Gwen's steamy wet twat. "You're so pretty here, darling. So yummy." With a gentle touch, Carol opened the flushed lips of her daughter's honey-sweet cunt, the beautiful slot surrounded by curly blonde hairs that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Gwen was a natural blonde, even if she was about to engage in what some people might consider to be an unnatural act! Holding the gleaming-wet pussy lips open, Carol let her warm breath gently blow over Gwen's cunt as she bent her head lower, letting her pink tongue-tip move moistly and softly up and down the sensitive inner flesh of her trembling thighs. The contact caused the young girl to buck her hips upward ecstatically, eager to feel the direct touch of her mother's talented lips on her aching cunt again. "Oh, please, suck me, Mom! Eat my pussy again!!" "No hurry, baby-girl," Carol whispered. "I want this to be so good for you that you'll want us to do it again and again!" She nuzzled her cheek into her daughter's groin, keeping the cunt lips spread and smearing her cheek with the wet juices now oozing from the hot cleft. Raising her head, she kept her face only an inch above her daughter's cunt, tracing the lips and folds of Gwen's pussy with the tip of her finger before pressing her mouth down again for a quick erotic kiss. Blowing her warm breath across the delicate furrow of her cunt, Carol giggled as Gwen writhed and moaned, raising her hips up at every gentle touch, eager for still more. Carol could smell the rich aroma of Gwen's cunt juices as her pussy got wetter and wetter with arousal, and see the glistening droplets oozing from the moistened entrance. With a sudden movement she stopped her teasing caresses and dived forward, fastening her soft lips tightly to the young girl's dripping twat and sucking hungrily, even as she sent her long tongue sweeping up the length of the quivering pussy-slit. She was instantly rewarded by feeling her daughter's smooth, hot thighs closing around her head and Gwen's hands pulling her more tightly into her seething cunt. "Oh, oh yes, YES!!" Gwen cried, rocking her head back and forth on the pillows, her eyes shut tightly, her entire being concentrating on the incredible pleasure centered on her steamy twat hole. She was bucking her hips upward to meet every touch of her mother's lesbian tongue-fucking, twisting her body eagerly about in a spasm of pleasure. Carol slurped and sucked at the blonde cunt as though she'd been starving for pussy juice for weeks. With practiced moves she found the spots and motions that would send the sensual young lady into still-higher areas of sexual ecstasy. With her face pushed into her daughter's box and her mouth working hungrily, she released her hold on Gwen's twat lips and slid her hands up the depraved girl's torso to grab her heaving, tossing breasts. Even as she munched and licked with greater frenzy on the juicing pussy, Carol grasped her daughter's fat nipples between pussy-juice-slickened thumbs and forefingers and began rolling them around and around, adding further stimulation to the girl's lust-wracked body. "That's incredible, Mom!" Gwen sighed in helpless surrender to this total sexual assault on her young body. The way her mother was kissing and licking and sucking her pussy, her hands roaming all over her flesh, it was far better than she had ever experienced before. Carol kept up her oral assault of the now wantonly shivering girl, using her whole face, mouth, tongue and nose to stimulate her daughter's lurching twat. With her longer experience at bi-love, she was able to judge perfectly the level of Gwen's mounting passions. She could feel the girl's stomach muscles rolling under her hands, and the sharp gasps of pleasure she heard told her that Gwen had almost reached the point of no return. Lifting her lust-contorted, juice-slickened face, Carol slid two digits deep into her daughter's spasming snatch and grinned up at Gwen's sweat-streaked face. "I think it's time we learned just what you can do as well, baby-doll," she said with a licentious grin on her sex-sauce-smeared lips. "You do want to lick my pussy, too, don't you, Gwen?" "Oh yes, yes!!" Gwen mumbled through a haze of sexual pleasure, still ramming her hips up to feel her mother's fingers deep in her hot twat. "Let's eat each other at the same time! I want to taste your pussy while you make me come!!" With a grace born of long practice, Carol raised herself up and swung her body around over Gwen, still keeping her fingers pistoning in and out of her juicy cunt slot, wriggling around on the wrinkled sheets until she was straddling Gwen's head with her legs. Rocking slightly back and forth on her knees, she looked down past her heavily swinging tits to see Gwen staring up, her tongue licking back and forth across her lips, eyes wide and eagerly watching her mother's gleaming twat descending delectably toward her. Gwen watched with hungry anticipation as her mother lowered her pussy with its frizzy blonde hair toward her waiting mouth. The heady aroma of Carol's pussy filled her nostrils, and with a lustful sigh she reached up and pulled the thrusting globes of her mother's buttocks downward. Gwen had never been so close to another woman's cunt before, and she watched fascinated as it moved closer and closer. Her mother's pussy lips were spreading wide, revealing the pale pink inner flesh, gleaming with the wetness oozing there. Gwen raised her head, mouth open and tongue out in anticipation. When Carol, still looking down, saw the obvious desire her daughter had for her cunt, she abruptly thrust her pelvis downward, cramming her pulsing hole to Gwen's eagerly awaiting mouth. Gwen was surprised for only a second at the sudden contact, but the overpowering feel, taste and smell of pure womanhood quickly had her urgently spearing the hot tip of her tongue as far up into her mother's lust-swollen pussy as she could, trying to lick and suck the woman to an earth-shattering orgasm. "Oh!! MMMMMMMMMM!!!" Gwen purred deep in her throat as, for the first time in her life, she feasted on the tangy sweetness of another female's cunt. She snaked her long tongue far into the exposed pussy folds, then let just the tip slide through her mother's quivering vaginal channel until she found the erected nubbin of her clit. Knowing how she always reacted to a man's touch on that hot button, Gwen sucked her mother's erect clit into her mouth and began nursing it, sucking as though it was a tiny prick she was trying to get to come in her mouth. "Oh!! OH, YES!! DO ME BABY!!! SUCK MY CLITTY!!" Carol yelled in pleasure, both from the fabulous feelings the hot lips sucking on her clit gave her and also in the knowledge that she had turned her own daughter on so completely to the joys of female sex. With her whole body shaking, she lowered her own head back down between her daughter's thrashing legs and resumed her sucking, slurping attack on the juicy cunt there, mashing her face into the blonde curls and sending her own tongue searching in the juicy folds of Gwen's clit. And all the while Gwen kept sucking and sucking on her mother's twat, rocketing the older woman into a frenzy of delight. Gwen could hardly believe how good it tasted to eat pussy! It was totally different from going down on a cock, yet both had the heady, meaty taste of pure sexual abandonment, and she found she really didn't care which she had, all sex was wonderful! She thrilled at the response she was getting from her mother as the wanton older woman jerked about and ground her hot cunt downward in frantic response to every lashing stroke of Gwen's tongue or each hot contact of her sucking lips. Gwen lapped hungrily at the thickly flowing creams oozing from her mother's pussy, lapping like a contented kitten at the tangy sex food. The two women flipped and rolled wildly about on the bed, locked together with twin lapping mouths glued in deep lesbian soul-kisses to twin blonde-furred cunts. Gasping, sucking and licking, they were almost savagely devouring each other's sweating body, both so close to peaking in climax that all gentle lovemaking had gone, replaced by animalistic striving for release. As Gwen huffed and slurped up into her mother's trembling pussy, sucking and licking at the pink flesh, Carol returned the action by burying her face in the sticky creaminess of Gwen's slit, her white teeth lightly clamped onto the girl's clit, her lips holding tightly as she sucked for all she was worth. Their hands slid all over one another's figure, slipping about in the squirming mass of sweat-covered female flesh, grasping tits, stomachs, buttocks and legs, but never releasing their oral holds on their delicious cunts. With her greater experience, Carol held back her own release, concentrating on bringing her daughter to a colossal climax. She brought her hands up to cup Gwen's shaking buttocks and pull her cunt up harder into her mouth, her tongue lashing deeply into her pussy hole, then out along the pouty lips and around the screamingly aroused clit, and back into the dripping slot. And then Gwen's entire body started to tremble wildly under her, and the young girl's twat was crammed up to her mother's hungry, slurping mouth. "OH! Uh-uh-UHHHHHH!" Gwen moaned and sobbed into her mother's snatch as her own orgasm swept over her, a totally fulfilling climax brought on by the lustful lesbian kisses of her own mother!!As Gwen's spasming pussy oozed forth its final sweet fluids into her sucking mouth, Carol let her own body have its way and her own final climactic release wracked her body, spilling thick droplets of her own pussy juice down her cuntal channel and into her daughter's greedily slurping mouth. Gwen thrust her face up into her mother's jerking box, smearing the hot juices all over her face and lashing out with her tongue, trying to be everywhere at once. With her beautiful face still buried deep in Gwen's pussy, Carol came down slowly from her climax, still sending her wet tongue lashing into her daughter's spasming snatch, licking up every glistening drop she could get. She felt contented to just lie in the afterglow of their first full lesbian love session, but she could feel Gwen's mouth already starting to work back eagerly on her twat. "Oh, Mom!" Gwen sighed breathlessly between planting wet kisses on her mother's dripping twat meat. "That was fabulous!! I haven't come that heavy in a long time. Let's do it some more!" Carol laughed and rolled off Gwen's body and onto her back beside the girl, giggling at her daughter's cry of disappointment as she pulled her luscious cunt from the girl's eager mouth. "I'm too tired to stay up like this much longer, baby-doll," she laughed, stretching leg muscles that had started to cramp from trying to support her over the pussy-sucking girl. "If you still want to try some more female lovemaking, let's do something a little different." Carol felt like she'd fallen into the ultimate sexual fantasy. Not only did she have a husband who could fuck her into a frenzy every night, and a bi-sexual neighbor willing to eat her out every day if she wanted, but now, within almost twenty-four hours, she had made it with both her own stud of a son and her hot-cunted daughter! Gwen rose up on one elbow and reached over to stroke her mother's hot snatch, running her fingers up and down the pouting wet lips. The two looked at each other and sparks leaped in their eyes as they both readied for still more lesbian love. "I want to relax this time, so you'll have to be on top," Carol gasped, letting her head flop back onto the bed and stretching her arms out over her head, pulling a pillow up under it. Gwen quickly got up on her hands and knees and started to crawl over the slender form of her mother into a new sixty-nine position, but Carol raised up one hand to gently stop her. "No, baby. Lie down on me like I did to you when we first got into the bed. We can fuck pussy - you'll love it!" Gwen crawled eagerly on top of her mother's lush body, wanting to feel every inch of woman-flesh that she could pressed into her own warm wet skin. Her mother spread her long legs open wide, and Gwen settled down between them, mounting her mother like her lovers had mounted her so many times. She humped her blonde muff into her mother's bushy cunt, massaging her pussy mound with long, luxurious circles of her groin. Their soft tits were pressing into each other, and Gwen could feel her nipples puckering back up once again with excitement as she pressed her chest down, her mother's heavy tits flattening out into large round globes under their own weight as she lay back. "Gwen, Gwen, you're such a deliciously lewd girl!" her mother sighed, looking up into her daughter's bright eyes as the lascivious girl quickened the tempo of her pussy-grinding motions. Carol's puckered-up nipples, fat and thick, pressed into and slid over her daughter's silky smooth tit-flesh, and it created delicious, shivery feelings that ran through both their bodies, making goosebumps break out on their skin. Their twin spread legs had opened up wide the outer lips of both their dripping cunts so that the soft red meat popped out, swollen and gleaming with their flowing juices. The room was filled with the strong odor of cunt cream as the incestuous mother-and-daughter fuck once again picked up steam. They lapped and sucked at one another's mouth voraciously, just as they had been attacking one another's wet cunt only moments before. Each high-strung woman could taste the tangy residue of her own pussy juice on the other, and it served only to make them all the hotter. They were humping and writhing all over the bed, sheets and blankets tangled and kicked about around them, the mattress warm and slightly moist from contact with their sexually aroused figures. Her mother was moaning almost continuously now in pleasure, running her hands up and down her daughter's back, and Gwen's own breathing was getting shallower, more like a panting animal in heat as she kept mashing her cunt into Carol's hot twat. Their thick pussy juices were mixing together, making a wet, sticky mess at their groins that just turned both women on more and more. "God, Mom," Gwen moaned into her mother's ear, "I never ... uh ... oh! I never dreamed it could be so fantastic! Uh!! OH, YEAH!!" She fucked her hot little cunt harder into her mother's muff, and as Carol returned the grinding, fucking motion with equal force upwards, the two would grind the wet, sticky, oily red pussy meat of their twin twats around and around in an erotic lesbian kiss. "Wow! Oh, right there, baby! You hit the button!" Carol suddenly laughed and sighed loudly as their erect clits slipped together in the wet meat. She slid her arms up and around her blonde daughter's neck and pulled her mouth back down to hers. They kissed long and deep, Carol's educated tongue snaking between her daughter's parted teeth, their tongues wrestled together as they kept humping and fucking madly. Gwen sent her own tongue around her mother's pink wet probe, then snaked it into her mouth, flicking it hotly around the roof of her mouth. Gwen was moaning into their tightly clasping, sucking mouths as she felt the shivers of searing-hot pleasure mounting. Behind her tightly closed eyelids she could see sparks going off like firecrackers as her mind melted into the totally erotic play she was engaged in. A lesbian fuck with her own mother - that alone had her at the brink of orgasm! She could feel all the muscles in her body starting to tense, and tiny beads of aroused sweat broke out all over her squirming young body, adding to the erotically wet coating already there. Her mother was moaning and sighing into her mouth, and her tongue was really going crazy. She was flicking it over every inch of the inside of the young girl's mouth. Their freely flowing saliva was mixing as furiously as their cunt creams were oozing together. Gwen suddenly bit down lightly on her mother's tongue, trapping it in her mouth and sucking on it like a tiny cock, and the sudden erotic oral caress sent her mother into a new frenzy of hip-fucking, pushing her feet into the mattress, grinding her pussy up harder and harder into her daughter's muff, almost throwing her off her body. Gwen reached down between them and grabbed the sides of her mother's huge tits, squeezing and kneading the hot, pliant flesh and squirming her own torso around so that her nipples dug deeply into the sensitive mounds. She could feel her own ass contracting and relaxing as she undulated around on her mother's lovely, wet pussy. Gwen didn't know if she was going crazy or what, but she was loving every minute of it. It was absolutely incredible to fuck with a man, to feel a fat, throbbing cock plowing in and out of her quivering twat. But somehow having all this incredibly sexy woman at her beck and call, and the erotic feel of tits and cunt, of wet, sticky pussy meat sucking at her own steamy quim, was totally blowing her mind. Her cunt was starting to convulse now as the heat rose in her body. Her ears started to ring with a sudden pressure building up inside. Her honey poured out of her throbbing cunt in floods, drenching her golden pussy hairs even more, and dripping onto her mother's already soaking-wet cunt lips. Mother and daughter clutched at each other frantically now. Gwen could feel her mother's body stiffen, and knew that she was about to come fiercely, too. Carol humped her hips up furiously onto her daughter's down-driving loins, mashing the steamy pussy meat wide-open, causing her clit to tingle with fiery hot signals of hotter and higher pleasure. "Oh, Gwen, baby! OOOOhhh, fuck me! Fuck me hard, girl!" Carol cried. And then Gwen was squealing insanely as the fire in her cunt turned into a raging holocaust roaring through her whole body, making her clutch convulsively at her mother, her fingers sinking deep into the slick tit-flesh to stay on top of her. "OOOOH!! AAAAAHHHHH! I'm commmingggggg!! Oh, sweet God, YESSSS!!!" She shouted and moaned, her words hissing out at the end through teeth clenched tightly as she peaked in her orgasm, grinding her cunt down as hard as she could to her mother's now-palpitating pussy lips, sending shock after shock through her erected clit. Carol battered back up hungrily into her daughter's twat, watching her face as she came, hair flowing wildly as she twisted her head from side to side. She arched her back up as she cried out, lifting her firm young tits from her mother's body. As Carol looked at her daughter crying out in orgasm, she could suddenly see Billy's face before her eyes, the memory of almost that same expression of ultimate pleasure was on her son's face the day before as he had pumped her full of his jizz. As her own orgasm took hold of her body, Carol reached up and grabbed the luscious young tits bobbing and weaving before her, pinching at the hard nipples ecstatically. "Yesss!! I'm coming, too! Oh, darling! Baby-doll!! ComminngggGGGG!!" For another moment they were a shaking, crying, squirming mass of woman-flesh sprawled on the bed, the room filled with sounds of passion and the wet, sucking kisses of their twin cunts. Then slowly, beautifully slowly, their orgasms peaked and washed away. As they came down from the jerky, battering thrusts of their climax, their movements returned to a softer and more sensual motion. Carol started grinding her ass in slow undulations on the wet sheets, keeping her sticky-wet pussy sucking gently at her daughter's dripping gash. Gwen fell gasping back to her mother's chest, pressing their sweat-covered boobs together. Carol reached up and gently stroked Gwen's blonde hair and kissed her sweat-salty cheek. "Well, this vacation has certainly been full of firsts for you, my darling little girl..." "Well, one anyway..." Gwen giggled, grinding her own hips down in lazy circles, enjoying the warm feeling as she came down from her second bone-shaking orgasm. "No, more than one," Carol said. She put her hands on Gwen's cheeks and lifted her head up so that they could look directly at each other. Gwen suddenly knew what was coming, her eyes growing wider, but she said nothing, waiting to hear the words from her mother. "I know all about you and your father yesterday, Gwen!" "But ... but how?" Gwen asked. She felt her face suddenly grow hot and she knew she was blushing. The bizarreness of that wasn't lost on her. Here she was, totally nude, still grinding her pussy into her mother's twat after they'd both eaten each other out in a frenzied lesbian session, and yet somehow she could still be embarrassed that her mother knew about her trying to make it with her father. "It was just last night. I was going down on him," she grinned as Gwen again flushed red, then went on. "When he was about to come, I heard him moaning in almost a whisper, 'Gwen! Gwen, so nice.' I was shocked at first and stopped sucking him, demanding to know just what was going on." Carol shifted her hips under Gwen, swinging her legs up to bring her twat back into better contact with Gwen's creamy crotch, taking advantage of the resumed action of Gwen's hips. Embarrassed or not, Gwen was one hell of a horny girl! "He told me all about what happened at that theater. Said things just got out of his control, and you were so insistent. He said he was upset about it all, but admitted he was also turned-on by it, too. You've really put a guilt complex into that man, honey!" She laughed and kissed her daughter full on the mouth, sucking on her wet tongue for a passionate moment, then breaking the kiss with a wet smack. "I never realized I had such a sexy daughter before, but it seems you're ready to take on just about anybody, even your own father and mother!" "What did you do then?" Gwen asked, putting her head back on her mother's shoulder, eyes closed and concentrating on the feelings of pleasure once more welling up in her hot young cunt. "What could I do?" Carol laughed, hugging the young girl tighter to her lush body. "I told him it didn't matter, that he shouldn't feel any guilt since he had not pushed it, that in fact I thought the whole thing was incredibly sweet that his own daughter loved him so much that she wanted to give him such physical pleasure. And then we made love like we never had before! Your old man just about fucked me through the mattress!" The memory of that incredible session of lovemaking, flashing back through her mind, had Carol shoving her hips back up to smash into Gwen's, just as she had taken thrust after deep-fucking thrust from Ken's heavy cock that night. As for Gwen, she thought she would cry with frustration. "Oh, Mom! Why can't I make it with Daddy as easily as we've gotten together? I want him so much!" Gwen buried her head farther into her mother's shoulder, tears of frustration running down her cheeks even as the fires of sexual arousal were being reignited with Carol's new sexual advances. "I think he's more willing than he'll admit," Carol said. "You really turned him on, Gwen - I think he's been cultivating more than the normal fatherly love for you as well. But your father is still basically an old-fashioned man in some ways, and he's confused by both your advances toward him and his own enjoyment of them. I think all he needs is one more little push." "Oh wow, really?" Gwen asked. She was now starting to get more and more turned back on, both by the fabulous stimulation on her pussy and by the idea of her own mother helping her in her plot to ball her father! She pulled her knees up slightly and spread her legs more, and now both women were rocking back and forth, their cunts slurping and sliding together and around each other, clits stroking into electric blasts of pleasure. Carol knew that any second she would no longer even be able to think straight as the lesbian love-lust flowed over her again, so she spoke more quickly. "I think you just need to make him an offer he can't refuse, baby. Oh, UH!" Her clit sent blasts up her spine to explode in her brain, momentarily blocking out all other thoughts.She bit lightly at Gwen's ear in uncontrolled passion before continuing. "I've got an idea on what to do, honey..." Chapter 10 When Ken arrived home that evening, he walked into a surprisingly quiet house. He had to check his watch, thinking he might have gotten there even later than he thought, but it was still early. "Carol, honey? You home?" he called out as he walked from the dining room to the living room, but only the muted ticking of their antique grandfather clock broke the stillness. Ken actually felt a bit relieved. If his family was gone it meant he wouldn't have to face Gwen for a bit longer. All day long he had been unable to concentrate at all on his work, just shuffling papers around to keep up the appearance of being busy. His mind had kept going back to that darkened theater the day before, and the fabulous feeling of Gwen's mouth as she furiously sucked him off. Every time he closed his eyes he again saw the incredible sight of his gorgeous daughter's face, dimly lit and gleaming moistly, her lovely lips stretched tightly around his hard cock. And then the tremendous release as he'd unloaded his steamy sperm down her throat - and she had wanted it so, had so greedily slurped it all down! His own daughter had seduced him, and had been so hot for him that she even licked the cum off his body after he had spent himself. Ken had made three trips to the washroom during the course of the day to try and relieve the aching erections that his thoughts caused. Three times he had locked himself into a stall and jerked off to the memory of Gwen's mouth and hands. Three times he'd climaxed, struggling to keep from crying out at the pleasure, thinking of fucking each load into her face. Three times, and still he could not put it out of his mind. As the day wore on he had begun to wonder why he had turned her down so quickly - why reject her? Of course, at first, it was his gut reaction to the incident, all of the societal taboos suddenly bursting in his head making him feel ashamed of what they had done. But as he mulled it over, most of the reasons why incest became taboo no longer applied, both in this modern time and in his own unique situation. Gwen was certainly no longer a child. She was emotionally, physically and legally an adult, fully capable of understanding what they were doing, and making up her own mind about it. Making up her own mind? Hell, she was the one who had put all the moves on him! As far as the old fears of the results of inbreeding, it was certainly hard to become pregnant from oral sex! But even beyond that, he had had a vasectomy several years before when he and Carol had decided that their two children were enough. So even if they had fucked, there would have been no pregnancy risk. It was when he had thought of this last line of reasoning that Ken's thoughts had started wondering what it would be like to actually fuck his hot young daughter, to watch her squirm and pant under him in pleasure as he rammed his cock deep into her tight pussy. Ken was still turning these thoughts over and over in his mind as he climbed the stairs and headed for his bedroom. This late in the evening the room was already in shadows, and he had to grope just inside the door for the light switch. As the lamps on either side of the bed came to life, Ken froze in shocked surprise in the doorway, staring at the bed. "Hello, Daddy," Gwen cooed as she stretched out under the sheets of the bed. "I've been waiting for you to get home." "Gwen ... I ... what the hell is going on?" Ken managed to stammer out. She had the sheets pulled up to just below her chin, but had left her clothes in an obvious pile at the foot of the bed, and he knew his daughter was totally naked. "You and I have some unfinished business, Daddy," Gwen answered his question, keeping the little-girl tone in her voice, but licking her full pouting lips and flashing her dark eyes at him with all the seductiveness she could manage. "Gwen ... your mother, your brother ... what if they should walk in on this?" he queried, stepping into the room and shutting the door. He leaned back against it, afraid to move any closer to the bed. His eyes ran over her body, the lush curves muffled slightly by the folds of the sheets covering her. Ken found his mind moving under those sheets, imagining the warm naked flesh there, all waiting for him. "They're both gone, Daddy - won't be back for hours. We've got the whole place to ourselves, even though we only need the bed!" Carol had said she'd use some excuse to get Bill out of the house to let Gwen be alone with her father. But what she hadn't told her daughter was that she and Bill would be fucking like crazy in a hotel even as Gwen pulled out all the stops in her efforts to bed her dad! "Please, Gwen ... you need help! I'm your father, honey! Your father! What ... what do you want from me?" He knew damn well what she wanted, and knew as well even as he spoke that he wanted it, too. He could feel his cock stretch and harden for the fourth time that day as his mind again flooded with memories of her mouth lovingly sucking on his prick. "I want you to love me, Daddy," she said, sitting upright in the bed, but still holding the sheets up to keep her body covered. "I do love you, Gwen," he said, taking a step toward the large bed and sitting on the edge. He placed one hand gently on the blankets covering her feet. He could still feel the uncomfortable stiffness as his now fully-erect cock was cramped in the confines of his pants. Three erections, three climaxes, and she was still getting him hot again! "You're my daughter. I've watched you grow up, helped you with your problems and been proud of everything you've done. I'll always love you, honey, and I want to help you now." He grinned and gave her foot what he hoped was a fatherly squeeze. "I don't know how you got these ... these feelings for me. What happened the other day never should have, but we can still get help for you ..." Even as he spoke, though, he was unconsciously stroking lightly up and down on her feet. "Oh, Daddy!" Gwen cried out, tears welling up in her blue eyes as she turned her head from him, burying her face in the pillows. The movement caused the sheets to slip down, revealing her smooth, soft, naked back to his gaze. His cock gave another lustful jerk as he again realized she was totally nude under the sheets before him. "You don't really love me!" she sobbed, her voice muffled as she pressed her face into the pillow. "Why don't you ... you say it! You think I'm crazy because I love you!" "Honey, honey..." he said, moving up to sit on the edge of the bed and put his hands on her shaking shoulders to try and comfort her. "I ... I'll admit that I enjoyed it, honey. You're a beautiful young girl, and if you weren't my own daughter..." Gwen turned her face around from the pillow to look at him. Ken's heart started beating faster as he looked at her. Her disheveled hair fell in golden waves around her face, and her big eyes were gleaming with tears. Her skin suddenly felt hotter under his hands and his grip tightened involuntarily. "What does it matter if I'm your daughter?" she said quietly, giving little sniffs as she worked to hold back her tears. "I love you! And if you really love me like you said, nothing would be too intimate for us!" "But Gwen, I don't ..." his voice trailed off, his eyes locking on his daughter's. God, but she's so incredibly beautiful, he thought. He watched her mouth trembling as she tried not to cry, her full lips pouting and extremely sensual. He found now that it was impossible to shake the image of those fabulous sensations with her mouth sliding up and down on his cock. "Gwen ..." he said very quietly, leaning in closer to her. "Daddy, please ..." she whispered back, raising her face to meet his. Their lips touched gently, and Ken suddenly pulled his back again at the electric touch, his whole body trembling slightly. "We can't ... can't ..." he stammered, shutting his eyes. "Yes we can, Daddy," Gwen whispered, raising one hand to lightly stroke his cheek, then pulled his face back to hers, pressing her lips to his. She nibbled gently at his mouth, and with a sigh of surrender her father began to return her oral caress, working his tongue into her mouth. "Gwen, baby," he mumbled as he finally surrendered to his own unrestrained passions. Right or wrong no longer meant anything. All he wanted to do now was to feel his daughter's warm, lush body melting into his arms. Gwen turned around in the bed to face him fully again as they hungrily kissed and licked at each other, their tongues entwining like pink snakes. The covers fell away from her young body and Ken reached up to grab one of her beautifully full tits, his fingers sinking into the warm flesh. "Oh, Daddy! Yessss ..." she hissed into his mouth as he manipulated her breasts, squeezing and kneading the firm mounds. Her father's heart beat faster as he let his hands now roam over his daughter's young bod. It was so soft and yet so firm at the same time, and Ken knew he couldn't stop himself now, even if he wanted to. He had to fuck his daughter, fill her with his juices, just as he had filled her mother to first give Gwen life. As they broke their kiss, he swung his legs up onto the bed, and Gwen glanced down to his crotch to see the huge bulge growing there. His hard-on was clearly outlined in his pants, sticking up and to the left in the tightly stretched cloth. Gwen's mouth opened in a wide, lustful smile, her teeth flashing. Her long pink tongue curled out, and she slurped it moistly along her lips. She reached toward him and started tearing at his clothing, breaking one of the buttons off his shirt as she pulled it away from his muscular frame. Ken had kicked off his shoes, and now fumbled at his belt to try and relieve the pressure of his pent-up cock. He quickly pulled down the zipper and wiggled about on his ass to squirm out of his pants. With him now clad only in his tight underwear, both father and daughter tugged at this last barrier, Gwen's hands groping along his lengthy cock and fat balls through the cloth as they tugged them off. With a jerk, his huge boner flopped free of the confining material, bouncing about and pointing up stiff and long from his hairy groin. Gwen sucked in a breath of joy as her eyes widened at the sight. In the dark theater, and staring through the tiny peep-hole in Bill's room, she had not fully realized what a beautiful cock her father had. The huge shaft of meat was marbled with pulsing veins, the whole imposing rod full of sexual energy, and all ready for her own pleasure now. "God, Daddy, you're so big!" she whispered. Her slender hands circled his long cock shaft, jerking and pulling on it, loving the feel of her father's hot meat captured in her palms. "Pe-nis!" she giggled in a little-girl voice. Keeping her head down to watch his cock jerking and throbbing in her hands, Gwen looked up at him from under her dark lashes. "Does Daddy still love his little Gwen?" she giggled as she ran her fingers lightly up and down his cock. "Christ! Yes! YES!" Ken moaned, his whole body on fire as his beautiful daughter stroked and pulled on his hot prick. The tension-filled build-up to this moment, and his total, all-consuming lust for his daughter now, made him want to come almost immediately. But he knew he wanted much more than her hands now. "Oh, shit! I'm gonna come any second!" he moaned, rising to his knees on the rumpled bed, swaying before the young girl who still kept a tight grasp on his prick. "I've got to fuck you, baby! Now!" He started to lean forward to push her down, while trying to drag the sheets back from her body, but he lost his balance and fell onto his back with a whoosh of air. His cock popped out of Gwen's grip and waved about in the air over his groin, flushed a violent red and looking to burst any second. Gwen's whole body was getting hot and sweaty, and she too was eager to fuck, finally realizing her goal. As her father propped himself up on his elbows, she wiggled out from under the sheets and hurried to straddle his legs, her knees spread wide and her pussy glimmering with her hot love juices. Ken's eyes widened as he stared at his nude daughter kneeling over him, reaching down now to again grab his cock and aim it at her cunt. He could see a thin trickle of fluid seeping down the inside of one thigh from her hot twat. "Daddy, I want you inside of me so much - want you to fuck me and fuck me and fuck me with your beautiful big daddy-cock!" "Yes! Do it, baby!" he said, grabbing her hips, pulling her down to his crotch. There would be time to make love later, time to touch and stroke and play with each other. Right now he was so hot that all he could think of was fucking, and fucking now! Gwen tried to settle down slowly onto her father's towering cock, wanting to savor this, the moment of her triumph. But her own body was so eager for the relief of sex that it took only seconds for her to slide all the way down onto his hard cock, her pussy hairs grinding into his. She had never been so filled before, Ken's long, fat cock spreading her pussy channel wide, sending brand-new sensations of sexual joy rocketing into her brain. "Oh! We're doing it, Daddy! We're fucking!! I love you, Daddy!" she cried out. She could feel her cuntal muscles clenching along the thrusting shaft which had plowed into her hot twat with one easy, liquid move. Father and daughter, now joined together in the ultimate act of loving, turning into the perfect fucking machine. Gwen squirmed around on his hot shaft, just drinking in her triumph as she felt her father's dick throbbing deeply in her young pussy. All her dreams were finally going to come true this night. Ken gasped as her slick young cunt whipped around his prick. His need for climax now was so urgent that he couldn't hold back as his daughter could. He flexed his hips upward, driving his long cock into the soft, warm slot, and he began to fuck her firmly, steadily. He raised his hands and captured an out-thrusting tit in each, massaging the firm globes and letting his fingers play over her fat, hard, up-standing nipples. "You're so tight, Gwen honey!" Ken sighed in pleasure. "So damn good and tight." Gwen snuggled closer to him, grinding her pussy down to meet his thrusts, moving with her father now as they fucked away madly. She put her hands on his broad shoulders, swaying over him with each twat-bursting thrust, little grunts of ecstasy escaping from between her lips. Although she usually closed her eyes whenever she balled, this time Gwen kept them wide-open.She wanted to watch him, to know that this was really her own father who was shoving his beautiful fat cock deep into her hot snatch. Ken's face was a mask of pure lust in the dim light of the bed lamps, and his body seemed to gleam with a thin layer of sexual sweat. Every muscle and tendon stood out in sharp relief as he fucked her with a frenzy she'd never before experienced. Compared to the sure, powerful fucking of her father, Gwen looked back on most of her past lovers as clumsy amateurs. Gwen felt her cunt melting around his prick as her pussy juices started to flow freely, lubricating her father's thick cock, easing its glorious passage in and out of her tight twat. "Fuck me, Daddy! Oh, fuck me forever!!" she sighed and moaned. Her eyes moved downward over his hairy chest and the heaving of his stomach as he fucked her, and finally came to rest at his groin, watching as their pubic hairs mashed together on each stroke. His thick, wiry black hairs mingled with her slight blonde muff-fluff, both gleaming with the combined juices of their fucking. She watched as his long cock was exposed each time he pulled it out, slick and bright-red and looking like he could screw her all night long. She thought she would swoon with the excitement of this fabulous fuck. Her father's hands were all over her body now. Squeezing and playing with her dangling tits for a moment, then sliding down the trembling sides of her twisting torso, sending delicious shivers up her spine, and then sliding around her back to grab and squeeze her out-thrusting asscheeks, pulling her up and down on his hard-driving prick. Gwen kept her eyes lowered to watch as his massive cock slipped in and out of her spasming pussy like a well-oiled piston. And it was very well-oiled as her pussy oozed more of her tangy creams than ever before. Gwen had to gasp for air every time the long, mammoth shaft disappeared back into the widespread lips of her twat, spearing into her cunt and prying her vaginal walls wide. Ken's whole body was trembling, his muscles all locked into tension as he fucked harder and harder into his daughter's snatch. Each thrust of his cock bashed into her, making them both grunt at the sharp contact of groin to groin, as well as the exquisite thrills of pleasure coursing through them both. He rolled his head from side to side, his mouth wide-open and panting, his hands tight around his daughter's gorgeous ass as they fucked wildly. Her snatch was like a wet velvet glove around his cock, squeezing and milking him, urging him on to a blistering orgasm. But before his own release could hit him, Ken felt his daughter's cunt suddenly start to spasm around his deeply imbedded cock. She was coming, his own daughter was coming with his cock up her hot and juicy snatch. Gwen's orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave. The combined effects of her father's massive cock plowing deeply into her, and the knowledge that all her secret dreams were finally being fulfilled, were more than enough to send her into the most soul-satisfying orgasm of her young sensual life. "OH!! Oh, God! Daddy, DADDY!! I'm cccooommmiinNNNNGGGGG!!" Gwen screamed, throwing her head about while her entire body shook and trembled uncontrollably. "Oh, YEESSSSS!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Her wild orgasmic convulsions were almost enough to knock them both off the bed as they flailed around, tangled up in the sheets, her cunt locked as tight around his prick now as a fleshy vise. Her orgasm flooded her entire body, every sense alive with pleasure, blood rocketing throughout her system. The juices swelled up in her snatch and poured out of her, slurping around her father's still wildly pistoning cock as it plowed tirelessly in and out of her quivering quim. "Daddy! Daddy, oh you sweet, sweet fucker! Daddy!!" she kept mumbling and sobbing, tears of pleasure streaming down her cheeks, still quaking on his cock-shaft, still trying to wring every last moment of ultimate release that she could from their incestuous fuck. She thought she might faint in pure pleasure as she felt the orgasmic spasms chase one after the other around her body. Ken's fingers slipped and dug deeper in to grip the now sweat-streaked cheeks of her ass. Her body was undulating beneath his digits as she peaked, her whole body convulsing with delicious joy. With a final tensing of her muscles, Gwen felt herself dropping from her climactic high, and in its wake fell into an almost drugged relaxation. She didn't feel sleepy, but rather like she could do anything now, though it would all be in slow motion, her ultra-relaxed muscles moving slowly. Her whole being had been taken to a sexual pinnacle she'd never before reached, or even knew that she could. "Oh Daddy, I love you so," she sobbed happily, leaning forward and mashing her yielding breasts into his chest, while dropping her mouth hungrily over his, sucking and slurping at his mouth. Ken was still busy pumping away into her snatch as she kissed him. He felt like he'd gotten his own second wind now. The urgency in his balls was gone, seemingly drawn away with Gwen's own violent orgasm. He felt like he could fuck his daughter's tight little twat for hours yet before he himself climaxed. "You're beautiful, baby, just beautiful," he whispered into her mouth, then sent his tongue snaking out to fence playfully with her smaller pink one. "Are you ready to come, too, Daddy?" Gwen asked, lifting her head and looking at him with brightly gleaming blue eyes. She kept wiggling her hips around, sliding her legs out so that she was not lying on top of him as he fucked up into her with long, cunt-filling thrusts. "I could fuck you all night, honey," he grinned, kissing her pouty lips gently, then lapping at her entire face with his tongue, tasting her warm, salty, wet skin. Gwen shuddered with delight at the erotic touch of his rough tongue on her face, while still trembling in pleasure with each hard-driving thrust of his cock. But she had one more thing to do to make her fantasy triumph totally complete. "Daddy, I've always loved you," she whispered into his ear, then bit his neck gently. "I haven't been a virgin for a long time, but I've saved myself for you in one way." Gwen lifted her face again and stared deep into his eyes. "Just for you. I want you to be the first to fuck me in the ass, Daddy!" Ken's eyes widened in surprise and undisguised delight at the delicious request. His hands tightened their grip on her bouncing ass, letting one finger move in and lightly graze over the puckered hole of her untried asshole. The light stroke brought a moan of delight in response from his lustful daughter. "You are one hell of a surprising daughter, Gwen!" he grinned at her. Gwen grinned back and squeezed her asscheeks together tightly for a second, trapping his finger in her warm ass crack. "I couldn't save my pussy cherry for you, but I haven't let anyone do me in the rear. A couple of guys have wanted to, but I always hoped you would be the first." Their lips came together again in a kiss more frenzied and passionate than any yet. Ken's mind was aflame with the idea of taking his own daughter up the ass. It was a sexual act he had never tried before. In fact, that he had never even considered. The incredibly erotic aspects of the situation, both the incestuous nature and the bizarre type of sex act, sent shivers all the way from head to cock, and Gwen moaned into his mouth as he suddenly redoubled his fucking effort into her twat. Breaking their kiss with a wet smack, Gwen raised her hips and let his long cock slide out of her cunt with another juicy slurp. The entire length was blood-red and throbbing violently, the pulsing progress of the blood in his veins visible in the throbbing. Ken started to rise from the bed as well, but Gwen quickly shifted around on the bed beside him and dived down onto his cock, squeezing and stroking the slick shaft with both hands, then bringing her hot mouth down on it, trying to swallow the entire throbbing length of meat. Ken went rigid at the touch of her mouth on his prick and reached down to grasp her head, pushing her harder into his groin. Gwen drove her mouth up and down hard on the shaft for a moment, keeping her lips tight around the hot flesh-pole, slurping up her own pussy juices, then mingling that with her saliva and coating his shaft with the wet mixture. Both her hands were busy squeezing and juggling his fat hairy balls, the churning jizz inside them building rapidly to the boiling point. Her lips and cheeks moved convulsively as she sucked her father, working the shaft completely, mixing the golden drops of her own twat fluid with her saliva. She worked to slicken the entire long, throbbing shaft, getting him ready for an easy entry into her tight anus. My ass! Gwen shivered in wicked delight at the thought. She didn't know what it would be like to have such a huge cock shoved into her tiny asshole, but she couldn't wait to find out. She let his tremendous sword slide from her mouth with a last loving kiss, her eyes wide as she watched his massive shaft waving in the air over his groin, incredibly long and rock-hard. A slight twinge of fear shook her as she ran her eyes over the entire thick pole of his cock, and then thought of that same rod plunging into her asshole. But the fear passed, carried away by waves of excitement at the erotic aspects of the act. Rolling over onto her stomach beside him, Gwen brought her knees up under her and thrust her beautiful round asscheeks into the air, offering her virginal hole to him for his - and her - pleasure. "Fuck me, Daddy! I want you to come in my ass, my virgin ass - just for you and that gorgeous prick of yours!" "Don't you need something? Grease or something?" Ken asked, suddenly concerned that he might hurt her. Her puckered asshole showed up pink and incredibly small between her spread ass cheeks. Gwen reached down to dip one hand into her own dripping twat and brought it out wet and gooey. Sticking her long index finger up her ass an inch, she wiggled it around, coating the lips and entry of her shit chute with her wet twat juices. Even the slight pressure of her slender finger up her back-door hole made her tremble in lustful anticipation. "Do me, Daddy!" she smiled, popping her digit out of her butt-hole. "Your beautiful cock is all wet and ready, and so am I. I know it might hurt a little at first, but you're taking my cherry, Daddy - it's okay!" Ken rose to his knees and quickly shuffled up behind his gorgeously sexy daughter, his cock weaving about in front of him like a battering ram, dripping with saliva and twat juice. "I'm not sure how to do this," he said with a frown, reaching up and taking one thrusting ass globe in each hand. "I've never done this before - I'm really worried that I might hurt you, baby." "It'll be okay, Daddy. Just put it in and keep pumping. I want to feel your whole long, gorgeous cock in me. Fuck me, Daddy!!" Gwen wiggled her ass at him, legs spread apart. Ken sank his fingers into the warm skin, gripping her and spreading her silky buttocks apart. Shuffling forward on his knees, he flopped his long cock down to rest along her crack. "Oh, mmmm!" Gwen suddenly sighed at the feel of his hot cock resting just outside her virgin rectum. This was it, there was no turning back! Ken pulled back his hips gently, letting the long length of his shaft slowly move down her crack, the fat, bloated head of his cock coming to rest at her tightly puckered hole. Gwen could feel the wide crown fitting into her tight hole and she gritted her teeth and reared back into her father, forcing herself to relax her anal opening. She wanted him so badly to take her like this, to be the very first! "Now, Daddy!" she cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as, with a loud grunt, Ken shoved forward and the fat head of his cock suddenly broke past her sphincter and burst into her tight nether channel. Gwen gasped and raised up higher on her knees, heaving back hard against him. He felt even bigger than he had looked, or had felt when he was pummeling her cunt, but she was sure she could take him completely up her ass - had to do it! For a moment she felt like she was being torn apart as his long, fat cock slowly slid into her hot hole, inch by stretching inch. Ken stopped for a second halfway into her, going slowly out of his mind at the incredible feel of her tight hole, but Gwen reached back and grabbed his hip, urging him forward. "Don't stop, Daddy!" she gasped hoarsely. "Put it all the way in right now, hurry! Let me get used to it all at once." Digging his fingers deeper into her asscheeks, Ken pushed forward again, slowly sliding the rest of his cock into her hole, his eyes wide as he watched the tightly stretched ring of flesh around her butt-hole scrape along the shaft, tighter than any mouth or cunt he'd ever been in. Gwen kept her eyes shut tightly, teeth clenched, hands curled up into fists as she let his long, hard cock slide into her tender butt-channel. Finally, she could feel his hairy nut-sac flattening into the base of her ass, the wiry hairs tickling slightly at the base of her still-creaming twat lips. At that touch, Gwen suddenly realized with a start that her pussy was creaming again, without even being touched, even as her father now began to slowly move his cock in and out of her asshole. Her clit was tingling with renewed intensity, and the burning itch in her asshole was turning to a fiery pleasure that rippled all through her gut. "Aaaahhhhh! Butt-fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me hard!" she cried out, clenching her fists into the pillows and rotating her ass backwards into her father's groin. Ken kept a viselike grip on her slippery asscheeks as he pushed in and out of her, slowly and gently at first, the unbelievably sensual feel of her tightly clasping asshole squeezing his cock like a virgin twat. She had said she wanted him to take her cherry, and by God she was giving him one hell of a virgin hole, Ken thought with a grin. He could feel the sex-sweat starting to flow again on his body in his excitement. As the tight pressure began to lessen slightly with repeated passages of his cock through her rectal channel, Ken leaned forward over her body and reached beneath to cup her dangling tits, squeezing them up hard to her chest, pulling her whole body up to his as he fucked. Her hard nipples dug into his palms, and he gripped harder, his own fingers sinking into the firm flesh as he increased the force of his ass-fucking. Gwen's breathing was becoming more and more ragged and faster as her father's long hot cock picked up speed in its reaming out of her rear hole. "My God, this is so fine, so good!"Ken grunted as he fucked her ass. Leaning farther forward on her sweaty back, Ken buried his face in the mounds of soft blonde hair on her head while, pulling up hard on her tits, he held her entire body to his. "Oh yeah, give me your cherry-ass, baby! Fuck me!" Gwen swung her head from side to side, eyes shut and a wide smile on her face as her father reamed her virgin asshole with more and more powerful strokes. Her puckered-up nipples sent little shocks of bliss through her as he manhandled her tits, and the initial pain of his deeply-penetrating cock was completely gone, replaced by an incredibly new sensation of erotic joy. She humped her ass backwards to meet each of his thrusts now, seeking to drive more of his massive cock into her bowels. She could feel her stomach doing flip-flops, churning in joy as his incestuous cock pried deeper and deeper into her ass. "Oh, Daddy! It's wonderful!" I love your beautiful big cock up my ass!" she cried joyfully. "Fuck me, Daddy! Shoot all your hot jizz up my ass!" Hearing his daughter shouting out her joy at being ass-fucked ignited Ken into even harder thrusts. He felt his balls slapping into the base of her dripping twat with each ass-filling thrust, and suddenly slid one hand off a trembling breast, snaking it down over her churning stomach and into the wet nest of her curling twat hairs, seeking out and zeroing in on her straining clit. "Oh, yes!! DADDY!" Gwen cried at his sudden touch. She felt the burning fire in her clitoris spreading out in wider circles from her twat, mixing with the pleasure of his hot prick ramming on and on into her ass. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream of ecstasy as the intense pleasure rippled through her, causing her to shiver as if tossed into a pool of ice. Gwen could feel his thickly furred balls tickling her as they made wet, hard contact with her slot. Her body convulsed suddenly as she lost all control and for the second time fell into the hot embraces of a fantastic climax. "Oh, not again! Oh, Daddy, you've made me come AGAIN!!! Ohhh, Daddddyyyyyy!!!" she screamed. For a long minute her orgasm rocked her, splitting her open as though her father's cock had literally broken her in two, filling her with waves of liquid fires of ecstasy. Ken was now grunting furiously as he rammed in and out of her quaking body, watching the muscles of her back ripple as she convulsed into her second fabulous orgasm. Her spine seemed to run to water for a moment as she twisted and turned, still split on his cock up her ass. Her pussy sucked hungrily at his fingers as he slipped them into her moist twat, finger-fucking her from the front while still reaming out her luscious young ass. Gwen's orgasm peaked and started to dwindle downward again as her father moved both hands back around to grasp her hips, putting all of his energy into shoving into her now greedily clasping butt-hole. Gwen gasped in pure pleasure as she felt the hot progress of his cock up her nether hole, all pain gone, and she found herself eager for each new inward stroke. Coming down from her orgasm she collapsed forward, keeping her ass up and held to him, but mashing her face down into the pillows, her billowing tits resting on the sweat-stained sheets beneath her body. Gwen had always been fascinated to think of what it would be like to fuck her father, but the reality of the moment was better than any of her wildest wet dreams had ever been. His cock seemed to be never-tiring, and he was like a rutting, raging stallion, reaming out her bruised ass time and again. Her last cherry was gone, and her father's passionately fucking daddy-cock had taken it impressively. She moaned and sighed, squeezing her eyes shut and watching the colors burst behind her eyelids. She felt drained from her two rapid orgasms, and let her father fuck away at her ass, loving the feel and sensual impact of his cock as it reamed deeply into her body again and again. Ken's body was coated with sweat now, and it flew off his nose as he grunted and pumped harder and harder into his daughter's luscious backside. Her asscheeks were flushed red from his continual, almost brutal, pounding into her as he drove relentlessly downward. Her asshole was total heaven around his cock, and he fought to finally break through to his long-denied climax. He could hear little moans and sighs, muffled by the pillow under her face, as his daughter took every inch of his cock and yearned for more. "So good, so good, so good ..." she kept sighing over and over. Then the pressure of her tightly clasping ass made his balls boil and he sent his first load of cum into her hole, gasping as his body was raked with sweet fire. "I'm coming!!! Oh, you sweet little bitch of a daughter!" he cried, his fingers suddenly sinking so deeply into the skin of her ass that Gwen flinched in surprised pain. Ken spewed wad after burning wad of jism into her tight asshole, his cock jerking and throbbing about as he came, unloading his nuts in a long volley of thick heavy spunk into her belly. He leaned into her, grinding his groin into her butt as he pumped his daughter's ass full of his boiling semen. He collapsed over her, panting heavily as he finally shot the last of his wad. Gwen could still feel his cock, slowly halting after its frantic, uncontrolled orgasm, but still hard and throbbing. The massive thickness of his cock kept her ass stretched open wide as they both lay pressed into the bed, fighting to regain their breath. Ken let his head wiggle around to the side of her face and he whispered into her ear. "Want more, baby girl?" he gasped. "Yes, Daddy, yes!!" she sighed back happily, tensing her ass cheeks around his deeply buried cock.Behind her Bill moved into the room, and both Gwen and Ken saw he was sporting a massive erection. As her brother and mother moved to join them on the mattress, Gwen grinned back down at her father, and he returned the look, shrugging his shoulders in mock surrender. Gwen lay back on the pillows, stretched her arms wide, and giggled as her entire family crawled into her naked arms, turning into a squirming mass of aroused flesh. She had not only fulfilled her life-long fantasy, but it seemed several she had never even dreamed of!
Chapter 1
Eileen Over
Eager To Bed Bunny
"How do you like my new string bikini?" The girl taking a pose like a swimmer on a diving board was a stunning creature. Hugh stretched along his sofa thinking it was a good thing they were in his apartment and not in a pool; otherwise Louise would be leaving every male swimmer awe-struck. "Beautiful, like everything else you buy." "Correction. You buy. It's your money, after all." Hugh, naked except for shorts, propped himself up on an elbow, a good-looking, sun browned man in his early thirties with shaggy, wheat-colored hair that took on glints of gold or silver according to the light. Slit-eyed, he watched Louise move about, showing what there was, which wasn't a hell of a lot, of the new bikini. He enjoyed that rippling fleshed body, so femininely shaped, and the bouncing breasts that, while rich, were disciplined by a perfect roundness. A maddeningly curved body for whom some men in this town would offer a king's ransom for one night. This beautiful girl with the face more suited for films than ordinary life was his, part of him, and men envied him because he kept all at a distance, allowing no one even to approach Louise. Sure, he was still young and he had money and they all thought he was class here in London, born of wealthy parents, expensively educated and once holding an officer's commission. No one knew that he had gotten his cash the hard way, from working as a waiter, clerking in a pants store, running a lousy dry -cleaning service, hustling as a room clerk and breaking his back in the mines, first in Pennsylvania and then down there in South Africa. No one knew and if any suspected maybe they did not give a damn. His money concerned them, and this beautiful blonde who had come across the seas from America to visit Hugh here concerned them more. They wanted her and he had her, was sleeping with her not only nightly but daily too. They would hate him even more if they knew the true score, knew Hugh and Louise, who were perfect bedmates, were in fact brother and sister. He left the couch to reach for her but Louise was elusive as quicksilver, sliding right through his grasp, tiptoeing backwards over the rug in a tormenting dance. She struck seductive poses, stepping near enough for him to be impressed by the gracious kick of her thighs and the honeyed odor floating up from her loins. "How many times have you slept with me, dear brother?" "You've been here seven days." This was ridiculous, his standing there naked as the day he entered this lousy world and his penis shooting out like a broomstick. "I'm talking about the number of time we've fornicated. I record it somewhere near fifty screws." Louise was near him, her hands exploring his privates, her fingers tickling the formidable penis that was so thick at the base and bulbous at the end. "You want to stop to count it's okay with me." On his part Hugh busily explored her inviting contours, playing with the long, extremely round but compact body. Her curves were so delectable as to make him feel damned lascivious and capable of rape. His sister had that ability to provoke him into a bestial passion every time, so that he always craved her flesh. He winced as her inch-long fingernails dug into his bar. But he noticed too that the steady fondling of his penis had not only quickened her breathing but caused the nipples on her big tits to enlarge. It was incest, with this kid whom he had last seen as a little, curly-headed blond tot, his woman. He had a fiancée, a girl he intended to marry and with whom he had never slept, but he ceased thinking of her the day Louise re-entered his life. He planned to get over to France and live there a while, and his sister was the most logical person to take over his opulently furnished flat here in London. But God, he had been unprepared for this beautiful girl! He squeezed her breasts, causing moans to issue from her tightened throat Then, willingly, because she always requested it, he went through the passionate ritual of kissing her ears, pasting soft kisses on her closed eyelids and cheeks, and then on the shapely, pulsing mouth. The girl alternated between cries and the croons of a happy bird, catching her breath occasionally to kiss him back roughly. Her teeth did a job on his lips and he had to tear his mouth away. While he held her writhing hips she twisted her head from side to side, seemingly having difficulty breathing. "Ahhh, ahhh, ahhhh! Wait ... oh, wait, please wait!" Eyes closed tight, she was a woman possessed, her desires brimming over. His hand rested on the thick bush covering her mons veneris, so soft and downy. The hairs were somewhat damp, and thinking of the rasping friction against his pubic mound during intercourse had him ripping the panties off her, actually tearing them down her long thighs. With her blond hair flying about she ceased taunting him and became the aggressor, her demands greater than his. She forced her luscious, curved body against his and begged him to enter her. But Hugh insisted on comfort and he yanked Louise down the hall to the huge bedroom and sent her spinning inside. While she twisted about on the wide bed he mounted her, filling his hands with the delicious flesh of her breasts. "You're insane, Louise." "Oh, darling, darling, don't talk ... oohhhh!" She bared her teeth, "Get into me!" He went between her legs to rub the tip of his penis slowly along her vaginal lips and build sensation within her. A short moan of pleasure opened her mouth as she lifted the finely carved cheeks off the bed. Beads of fluid dribbled along his instrument, seeping from her opening as he entered. "Ooooooo!" Her revolving buttocks wrinkled up the bedspread in a fiercely rhythmic motion. He was not yet fully in the palpitating slit, for her insides actually created some hurt. The walls were closing in, the muscles in use, wringing the hell out of his manhood, tearing it off. "Be still, sweetheart ... just a moment ... lie there still. Now!" "Eeeeeeee!" The girl was too rapacious, her posterior spinning around and around, her breath hot and panting. His withdrawal, while easing the hurt for him, brought her moment: "I am there!" She cried out and enveloped him strongly with her shapely limbs, sheltering the leaping penis within her fluttering vagina. A plateau of sensual madness was reached and she shuddered atop it. What a female animal! He held fast even though he was deafened by her strident sounds. "Girlie, girlie, you're still coming!" "Ooooo, am I climaxing!" He had to know it because he could easily feel her insides snapping like the sails of a boat against his tool. But he rose and fell, taking the climaxing creature calmly, almost dispassionately, trying to maintain his control. His passions were at their height, but no emotion registered on his face. Louise's orgasms always affected her in a strange manner. Her long body was on the verge of a fit as she started to shake. She gasped from a sudden sting in her loins and tried to shove him off, as if desirous of being free. Then he was brought back and again tightly grasped. "Ooooh, oh, heavens, it's so wonderful ... to think that my brother gives me the best I've had!" He was jealous if she talked about others and did not want to hear it, especially now. "Your girlfriend Jennifer won't be this good, will she?" Hugh ground against her. "I ... don't ... know!" "Ahhh, there, there, it passed, finally. Ohhh, man was that a come!" Louise blinked her slanting eyes. "You do know. Jennifer will be a dud compared to me." He did not want to think about the girl due to enter his life again nor did he want an end to this sexual frenzy with his sister. He glided his hands over her full, curving hips in a circling motion. "Did you move!" She twisted under him, rubbing her hot stomach to his, her breasts hard and fiery. The rounded rear that he adored went on rolling smoothly and rhythmically. Now it was his turn to try for an orgasm and he went up and down, ramming all that he had up her crack, shoving until the rounded tip touched something at the end of the soaking wet opening. "Nooooo, not like that ... aaahhh, not so wild, ohh, you devil!" He was taking her rapidly, possessing her again, disregarding her cries. A staunch bed partner, she worked under him, enjoying the swift but nonetheless rhythmic thrusts of his penis. "Are you on your way yet, darling?" "I am going ... I can't hold out, the way that bottom of yours keeps ... turning." "A good bottom, isn't it ... good for you, my love!" She sent the lower part of her body around and around, the undulations of her hindquarters so swift that each of his thrusts was matched in intensity. Her legs went straight up and locked around his waist. With a sharp cry he came, spilling his seed the moment that her climax began. But he remained in her, enabling her to reach her peak and pass it, coming violently. "Yeeeeoooowwww, ow, ow, owwwww! Ahh, darling, ohh, my darling!" He slept and dreamed a wonderful dream in which he and Louise explored a world that never existed, romping and laughing like children without any problems. But when he woke he faced some real problems; for an affair like this was against all the rules laid down by men.The other side of the bed was empty. His first stop was the kitchen, where he sighted a prepared salad heaped in a bowl. The door of his luxuriously appointed bathroom was open and he heard the rasp of a towel drawn across a wet body. Louise blew him a kiss. Her blond hair was piled atop her head. The bobbing breasts, freshly scrubbed and glistening, caught his eye, those splendid breasts that had doomed him from the start. Remorse caught him now and Hugh turned away, saying he was hungry. In the living room he paced the length of the carpet, recreating in exact detail the prelude to this act of incest. It had been shortly after her arrival and Louise, hot and sweating, was in the guest room Hugh had prepared for her. He had not realized his sister was naked and had entered without knocking. He had stared with undisguised admiration at the curvaceous body of this young girl. "Come in," Louise had said, completely uninhibited. Hugh was stunned by the spherical breasts. Speechless, he watched a ball of perspiration dribble between the epic-sized globes and glisten down the slope of the domed, dimpled belly, to be absorbed by the snarled mat of yellowish hair. Ashamed, yet in a state of awe, he again swept his eyes over his sister's buoyant breasts and Louise, aware of her brother's sudden turmoil, had caressed the quivering spheres. "They are beautiful, aren't they? I sometimes wear a bra, but I don't have to. Touch them, see how firm they are." He looked at the rounded feminine thighs adorned by the yellow patch, at the dimpled belly, and his hands went to the sumptuous, jutting globes. They were breathtakingly perfect and melon firm, but they were the breasts of his sister. With his fingertips and palms burning Hugh fled. They went out to eat that evening and afterwards he showed her London by night, not the dives of Soho, nor the luxury of Mayfair, but the gone-to-seed streets of Chelsea and a club along Fulham Road where Louise danced seductively, with her leg between his and her belly and breasts pasted to him. They danced non-stop that night, leaving their drinks untouched, and he accepted her not as his sister but as a very desirable woman. One of his hands was clamped against her shoulder blade and the other glided over the forbidden area of her thrusting rump. His arousal was obvious, but instead of drawing back Louise bore in. She locked her arms about his neck and twisted her hips from side to side. As they left the club her hand, patting his waist affectionately, slid down; the fingers, straight together as if to deliver a karate chop, brushed his genitals. It was the true touch of a coquette hurting his erected member. "Oh, oh, what has happened to my brother?" "Louise ...!" She had drawn near, bringing her hot mouth close. "Don't say anything and don't think, otherwise we're lost. Now let's get home." He handled his car, a new Aston Martin which he was always reluctant to drive in London's dense traffic, like an untrained driver. He was afraid of the moment ahead. Once home he poured half a glass full of scotch to steady himself. But Louise was calm, humming as she stripped, leaving her dress and stockings on an armchair and strolling pantie-clad to the bedroom. He drank, swearing he would not touch her, but when she called out, "Come to me," Hugh undressed and went to lie down next to her. With urgency throttling them both, the usual foreplay had to be passed over. But while he tweaked her already erected nipples and massaged the great, round breasts, she clutched his head and kissed him hard, searching within his mouth with her probing tongue. The way their hearts pounded and their combined gasps reverberated, each knew the game could be over too quickly. It was unnecessary to whisper 'slow down' for she understood and willed him to lie on his side facing her. As their breathing took on a more natural tone their fingers explored. She crooned over the hardness of his phallus and he titillated the vaginal lips and flicked his forefinger at the small, rigid clitoris. There was too much strength in her fingers and with her wrist jerking he sensed he could easily climax and shoot his stuff all over their bodies. Gently he pried her fingers away from his staff and climbed over her. Underneath, she waited, silent, only her rotund buttocks rasping against the sheet. Her legs came up and went out just as the tip of his hardness began to bore between the fluttering vaginal lips. "Ahh, there, there!" "Easy now, don't move!" "Ooohhh," she groaned as he shoved his way in, pushing through the creamed wetness clogging the top of her small passageway. Entering her was so exciting that a sharp thrill raced from the tip of his instrument along its length to the root, cutting through his stomach and tearing burningly up and down his spine. Gasping in that searing moment of pain he rammed all the way in, hard, bull-like, stretching her. She wrapped her legs about his waist and brought her rotating ass up off the bed, slamming her pelvis into his and - coming! "Oh, no, no, not so quick! Ahhh, no, I wanted it to last! Aghhhh!" While the spasms twisted her, nearly unseating him, he gripped her strongly, waiting until a final whoosh of breath indicated the passage of her orgasm. He remained motionless, not moving, feeling the vise-like tightening of her insides. Her arms slid away, her round buttocks flattened from her relaxed weight, and she looked up at him with shining eyes. He kissed her softly, then arched, pulling most of his length out and sinking it in to the hilt, speeding up as he repeated the maneuver. She twisted under him, not so wild this time, so that each could savor the act. "I never came that fast before, you know. Man, I was hot!" "I barely got into you." "But it was that feeling of all of you, just forcing in. Ohhh!" She closed her eyes dreamily and gently sent her ass around and around. Another climax was building up within her but he had to control himself or else he would be coming along with her. Her experienced vagina had a sureness of grasp that brought on the burning sensation again. The walls of her insides flapped like the sails of a ship against his tool. He was aware of heat, of bubbling cream and muscular tension. "Oh, oh, oh!" Each time she sank back upon the bed her vagina tightened, tearing the skin on his cock in a downward stroke. Then she arched, digging her feet into the bed, taking his weight and hers on her shoulders, bringing the revolving buttocks up, the vaginal lips sliding up the length of his shaft. "No, no, not like that! Darling," he called this girl who was his sister, "not like that!" "I am going to come! Ohh, brother, darling I am going to come. Ahhh, dearest, I am ... coining!" He sent his hands under the oscillating ass to still the twisting cheeks, but she was thrusting up violently under him as the climax caught her. "Eeeeeooowwwww!" she shouted in his ear, and then he was shouting too as he exploded, his come detonating within her cunt and shattering the walls. She was still moving, still flinging that ass around and squeezing, squeezing until another orgasm was squeezed out of that juicy opening. "Eeeee, Im off again!" He was finished, if still hard, but her muscular writhings were so strenuous that they hurt. His penis was gripped and wrenched, the tip especially caught in a narrow passageway of velvet-covered steel. He screamed, for the pain was making him shrivel instantly, but she would not stop rubbing the length of her thighs up and down his flanks nor halt the revolutions of that mad ass. "Stop, stop!" She rose up in a coughing fit and then she fell back, a hand pressed to her mouth and her lovely eyes rimmed with tears. "That was a good one!" "A finisher." On his knees, he looked down at his smarting, mangled penis. They remained naked all the time, eating, drinking, sleeping, occasionally talking, but mostly screwing. As the days passed, he stopped seeing friends and acquaintances and seldom went out. Still he considered the thing he was doing with his sister wrong and the shadow of Jennifer, the girl he was to marry, hung like a dark cloud over them. One evening after a round of sex Louise and he spoke about Jennifer. Louise raised herself on one elbow, threw back her hair and took a deep breath. Her magnificent, voluptuous body shivered, her eyes seemed deep and fathomless, and a hoarse breath is-sued from her lips. "Boy, are you good for me! What a shame it's got to be incest." "We are forgetting Jennifer. She's coming in tomorrow and will head straight here. She's been here before and she's got a key. If we're still active it's possible for her to barge right in and catch us." "So we've got this night and part of tomorrow morning, is that it?" "That's it." Louise stretched her long body lazily and watched him, like a cat, through slitted eyes. Hugh looked at the smooth sweep of his sister's thighs and the flare of her generous buttocks. He started to run his hand up from her ankle to her hip in a sweeping stroke. "Ooohhh, my brother is getting hard, I can see it rising!" "This is getting to be a goddamn habit with us." "Not a damn thing wrong with that except ... except for your future bride. Ahh, come on, let's have these last few hours to ourselves." There was a thumping clutch of lust within his loins, producing a hardness that froze all sanity. He stared at her breasts, those buoyant and resilient globes, with rapturous anticipation. Her hands glided over his shoulders as she writhed against him and nipped at his ears with sharp teeth. He felt the pressure of her breasts, the tightness in her belly, and his hands enjoyed the succulence of her magnificent buttocks, so satin-smooth, hard but always quivering. "Aghhhhh!" With a tortured groan Hugh gripped his sister's big ass and brought her to him. "No, no, not like this, no so rough, you'll split me open!She was a woman aroused and squirming, but she urged him to control himself. Louise leaned back in her brother's arms, accentuating the thrust of her powerful breasts. Her stomach scalded his, making his breath short, but he made her cry out too when his head dipped. He licked her opulent melons, tonguing the coral tips. Louise's cry was plaintive. "Quick ... my darling, take me!" In bed she was a mad animal that should be shot, a choleric beast foaming at the mouth, her eyes wild, her long, shapely body bucking spasmodically, feverishly, in an orgiastic rhythm, the rotund ass bouncing like two balls. Hugh pinched his pole of a penis with thumb and forefinger, readying it for an assault on that lovely, over-juiced vagina. This was going to be, if not the final, at least the next-to-final screw with his sister. She was moaning while he poised above her to play with her breasts, stroke her belly or slip a hand between the thighs he had come to know so well. But Louise, not to be delayed, reared up, her long legs mingling with his, her pubic bush scraping his groin, and the sharply pointed tits, two big globes, trailing through the matted hair on his chest. "Fuck me!" She made urgent motions with her pelvis. "Now ... I am in agony!" Her pussy was so appealing that he took some seconds off to test the bushy hairs, work a finger along the slit and tease the tumescent clitoris. His sister started to plead. But he was running his tongue over the curling hair, shooting it deep between the fleece into the slight chasm. Now she was wet and squishy and coining. "Quick! With your prick!" He was pulled into the valley of her arching thighs and into her vagina with her already moving convulsively in the slow rhythm of the act. When he sank to the root and his groin went flush with hers she screamed and climaxed. "Ohhh, it was swift, ahh, so swift and please, ohh, please give me another one!" Her orgasm left a strong odor rising like fumes from her tortured, writhing body, and it put a flame to his bridled passion. Now he went in and out of her abruptly, with short strokes, brutally determined to make her climax again, make her moan and wince and cry out. She surged up, "Can we ... make it together?" "I ... I don't ... know." "Try, please try!" She was too frenzied, the vaginal lips a tight ring encircling his penis, the tiny clitoris a scraping nub and damn it, he was stiffening, muscle spasms were sending him into a weird rhythm, bringing his moment on. "You're too wild ... I can't last." "Last, please ... last!" Her breathing was more ragged, for his quickened lunges again had her right there, at the brink of rapture. And as she started to make it Louise shouted and rose, bringing every muscle in her unbelievably shaped body into play. She was at once both tormented and grateful. "Try, try, trrryyyyyy!" "Aghhhh!" Roughly, his hands forced their sweating way past the curved but nonetheless hefty thighs to latch on to the silky - smooth rounds of her swollen ass. His head burst, his temples throbbed and, molding his body to hers, he came. His outpour met hers as it seeped through the fluttering vaginal walls and gushed up. "Wheeewwww!" "Yeah, yeah, yeahhhhh!" He was a dead man on top of a worn-out girl. Still joined, his joint soaking, they slept. It was a typical London day, raining. The rain came down at an angle, tapping steadily against the glass fronts of stores on Park Lane and Marble Arch Road. With traffic snarled near the Playboy Club, people on the corners had a difficult time trying to cross. Hugh stood with his sister, Louise, under the striped awning of a shop where they had just purchased gifts for his fiancée, Jennifer. They stepped out and the full force of the rain hit them. A gust of wind lifted Louise's skirt to the level of her supple, always swaying hips. One look at the seductive symmetrically shaped thighs and the sleek legs brought on a fit of lust. "You know what I'm thinking?" He had the fervent wish to take her home and into bed. He ran a hand down her side to rest it on the swell of her hips. Louise leaned to press her pelvis into his groin. "No, no, you've got to go and buy flowers for your intended." "Can't we step into a hotel for a quickie?" She took his arm, walking with him in the downpour, her delicious hindquarters swinging. His thoughts were filled with sex. Her walk, so fluid, excited him tremendously, keeping him hard. There were stops, too many to suit him, in Harrods department store on Brompton Road, then across the street at Scotch House, further down at Harvey Nichols; and all the while they were two hot animals, clothing sticking to their skin, carrying too many parcels. "Do you feel any guilt about us?" "I do," he admitted, "a terrible guilt, but you disturb me so sexually that all I can think about is fucking you." "Well, with her around I don't think there's going to be a chance." Louise hailed a taxi and as it pulled to the curb she promised Hugh, "It's not over with us yet, not altogether, and maybe we can wring one more screw out of the deal." He walked off in the rain, his hands now free of all packages, thinking how it had to be over between him and his sister. There had not been a minute's worth of conversation, just hours of screwing. Ahh shit, now he had to go buy flowers and get his sister off his mind. His fiancée was a beauty, equally shapely, and maybe if he pitched in right away with her, got things going between them in bed, that would end the deal with Louise. Clutching the bouquet of flowers, Hugh left his car, ran through the slanting rain and entered the apartment building, swinging his arms, shaking the wet from his clothing. He rode the elevator in a nervous state, fearing that some sign in his place could be picked up by Jennifer as a clue. Louise probably wouldn't talk, but could he count on that? How well did he know his sister other than to say that she was a fantastic lay? He opened the door on an apartment blanketed by shadows. Down the hall a woman awaited him. He mouthed the name, Jennifer. No, this girl was bigger, heavier. It was his sister, glossy-haired, lusty - bodied, offering a smile. "Jennifer arrived a few minutes ago; she's inside." He just stood there, the flowers dangling from his wet hand, watching his sister shift her weight from one leg to the other, flaunting her sumptuous body. Her hair was twisted in coils about her head, her eyes slanted, her nostrils flared and that luscious mouth shone too sensuously. Louise leaned forward, offering him that mouth and a sharp-tasting tongue, and the promises to avoid her went flying. Automatically, it seemed, his free hand reached to grab one of those bowl - shaped breasts. But she was already twisting away. "Later. Not now!" He moved after her, inhaling the strong perfume lingering in her wake, eyeing the swinging, always provocative rump. Every lamp in the living room was on, and the change from darkness was so abrupt that he threw up a hand to shield his eyes. Louise seized the chance to increase his excitement by peppering his face with hot kisses. "Crissakes," he hissed, "cut it out! What're you trying to do, plant evidence for her?" "No, just warming you up so that tonight you'll show her a damned good time." She strolled off, leaving him with a rising erection. He moved about in nervous silence, fighting the urge to flee the trouble building up in his own house. If Jennifer ever found out! God! Marrying Jennifer was a mistake, he knew, one hell of a mistake. A pretty girl, decent, educated, certainly intelligent; but man, had she been frigid! He remembered previous occasions when, mistaking the warmth in her eyes, he had palmed her breasts. Once she had even allowed him to remove her brassiere. The sight of her naked boobs had roused him into stiffness. Jennifer had a healthy pair, but, covered, they seemed to be a handful, nothing more. It struck him that she had deliberately bound them, flattened them, seeking to reduce their enormity. But were those things big! Even that time he had been allowed only a pinch of her nipples; then the brassiere was drawn up to hide the wealth of those unbelievable mounds from his sight. "Hugh!" In the few seconds before they embraced he studied the girl he would marry. Twenty-six years old, with slick dark hair, cut short to her ears, violet eyes set wide apart, a retroussé nose, a round dimpled chin and a generous mouth. Her flawless skin, normally ivory-white, was now tanned olive. Her figure, though slender, was long and perfectly proportioned. The breasts were surprisingly big, the hips rounded, the buttocks compact, and the legs long, full-calved. Now, as usual, she wore a loose-fitting sweater to mask the size of her bosom. But the tight skirt revealed the very girlish waist and tightly curved bottom. Then she was in his arms, breathless and eager, her mouth soft and sweet, the fragrance of her skin refreshing. Somehow Hugh knew it was going to be all right. At least he hoped it would be all right. This time when he pulled her to him his hand sought her breasts. He encompassed one of the huge globes and-he drew in his breath. She was not wearing a bra! Nor did she show any inclination to pull away. In fact she was gyrating her belly, letting him know the strength of her slim thighs. He tossed the flowers aside. They clung to each other, kissing wildly, their hands searching, hers as eager as his. He was both surprised and frightened by her sudden passion. She was giving herself so willingly to the embrace that the fires started by his sister became an inferno. "Quick, quick, let's get into the bedroom." "No! Louise!" "The hell with her. We're engaged! Come on!" "Later." "Will you-this time?" "Yes. I promise."Now let me get out of this room because you're running a hell of a temperature and, truthfully, the size of that thing is frightening. She gave him her mouth for the last time that night and as he kissed her his hands, ever busy, explored the contours of her girlish torso. He arched up, scraping the length of his penis against her coarse pubic hairs, but by bringing her buttocks up Jennifer prevented a merging. But he had reached her, sent her senses in a turmoil; for her protests now were weak and she could barely gasp, "No, no!" He parted the slender columns of her thighs and, straining, reached the coveted goal. His knob easily separated the soft vaginal lips, entering about one eighth of an inch. The burning heat encircling his tip sent a fire along the length of his instrument all the way to his scrotum and the tightly packed nest of balls. "Man! Jennifer!" "Ow!" She dug her sharp fingernails into his arms and twisted her hips to escape the too-large flaming torch. He had ignited her, but even though her loins were now ablaze, she rolled off him. "You vicious son of a bitch! Ohhh," She squeezed her legs together. "It hurts! You broke something in-side me! Ohhh!" "I broke nothing! There was no damned membrane, what the hell're you squawking about?" "You bastard!" "What the flick, we're going to be married." Her breasts, still high and full as she lay on her back, gleamed so whitely that he attacked them, in a fury of emotion, parting them to widen the deep chasm. "If you touch me!" "Touch you? I'm going to fuck the very ass off you!" "Noooo!" Jennifer's body jerked as he pulled up the torn nightgown and bared her slender, well-molded legs. "Come on, cooperate. It'll be better for you." He aroused her with his hands and mouth, stimulating the erogenous zones. His finger slipping into her cunt found it well juiced and deep enough to take his full length! With his body angled between the long, quivering columns of those inviting thighs he rested the heavy tool on the whorls of pubic hair. Then he drove forward, splitting her evenly. "Oooohhhh ... oh ... ohhhh!" Jennifer groaned. Her head rolled back and forth over the pillow and her fingers clutched handfuls of the sheet. He was deep in the core of her being, so big, so hurting. But when he rose up, pulling most of the dreadful penis out, she swiftly swung one leg up over his shoulders and broke the contact. Hugh caught her and, ignoring her whimpering, slammed her back down, face forward, upon the bed. He pressed his knees between her legs, surprised that they parted so easily, and held her there, on hand flattened on the small of her back at the point where her saucy ass took shape. "You cunt!" "Mmmmm," she sobbed, "oohhh, mmmmm!" It was exciting to him, taking a woman this way, holding her while she writhed, slower now but always rhythmically. Finding no resistance, he bent to rain kisses down her smooth back all the way to the tiny hairs growing at the base of her small, compact ass. As his hands slid under her, his fingers piercing the taut flesh of her great breasts, she punched up with her hard buttocks, nearly unseating him. "Don't! Please don't!" Much as Jennifer pleaded, she did nothing to obstruct him. For a moment, breathless, she was aware of his rising penis shooting between her thighs as he pulled her up into position. She shuddered, awaiting his entry, and stiffened her ass cheeks as he again slid his length into her vagina. It hurt even more, the impact stunning her senses, and she bent forward, screaming into the pillow. He was pulling in and out, throwing himself into an unstoppable rhythm. And his penis! My God, not only was it hard as cement, but unbelievably long! The knob especially scorched her insides and left her nerve ends all raw and throbbing. "You're tight ... ahh, baby, you're tight, skinning the flesh off me!" "OOOOOO!" She squirmed underneath her lover, feverishly trying to rid her hole of the scraping torment. But soon she realized that the more she vibrated her small but lovely ass the more frenzied he became. If I remain still, she told herself, it will soon be over. But ohh, was he killing her, was this degenerate murdering her! Hugh maintained a steady and rhythmic pace, not once breaking the action to judge her enjoyment. Her coming was not his main concern, for what he wished was to acquaint her thoroughly with his penis, make her accept that her body was not going to be a gift but his rightful due. "There, baby, there. Good, isn't it? Sometimes it's too small, but right now it's big and stiff especially for you." He was going to come, but as he approached the peak of his climax Hugh restrained himself and rose and fell more slowly, taking his time, controlling his release. "You're dripping in me, dripping and it burns!" "But you love it now." "No, nooooo!" He thrust into her all the more violently and, holding back a scream, Jennifer trembled in a last fit of surrender and soon found herself eagerly pushing her ass up at him, using muscles she never knew existed in her vagina to grab at the penis sliding in her slime. She was going to have an orgasm! Oh, no, no, she did not want to! "Yeahhhhh!" Sensation rose like a swollen river overflowing the banks and Hugh came. He grabbed the elusive, hot-fleshed buttocks, driving his weapon deeper, thrusting more vigorously as he ejaculated. And it was while he lay still, pasted to her back, that Jennifer experienced an orgasm. She twisted and contorted, her velvet rump grinding as she received the greatest pleasure possible. When long minutes had passed and they separated, Hugh slumping but Jennifer rapidly recovering her energies, she left the bed. She used the ruined nightgown to mop the perspiration from her quivering body. "Hugh, like I said before, you're a son of a bitch!" "Ahh, shut up!" He was aching all over. "You came, so shut up!" It wasn't so bad with her, he acknowledged, but he needed a woman who knew her way around beds, someone more sexually experienced, like his sister. Matter of fact, although it was rotten to consider it since he had just dropped a wad into Jennifer, he would not be displeased if she went back to where she came from. If all those protests were a sample of what married life would be like then he would rather marry someone else. Alone now, Hugh sat up and edged away from the small pool of wetness soaking through the sheets. He had to consider it, consider breaking the engagement. He was too lusty a man to put up with a whining girl like Jennifer. The bitch climaxed and she still called him names! "The way you two screamed I thought he was murdering you." Louise's hand encircled Jennifer's slim wrist. "Come on, let's wash all that mess off you." Jennifer, sobbing, allowed herself to be guided into the bathroom and under the shower. "He should not have hurt me so. He's too big and I'm all sore!" Strangely enough she experienced no surprise when the younger but definitely more sexually learned and heavier girl entered the tub and slipped inside the plastic curtains with her. The hands gliding a fragrant bar of soap over the slender, curving body were soothing. "I don't take the pill; there was no need to before. Suppose something happens?" "Oh, stop, Jennifer, all women get laid." She pressed her mouth to the girl's cheek in a comforting kiss. "And you two will be married anyway." "I don't know if I want to now .... a man who thinks only of sex, what kind of life will that be?" "He can't be so bad ... in bed." The girl's hands were doing such wonderful things to Jennifer's breasts, those breasts that were overly large for her body. The great, pouting-tipped boobs were massaged, separated, shaped under the spray of the needle-sharp shower until the tips stung. "I don't ... ohhh, Louise, not so hard!" "Did he bring you to climax?" "Yes." "Thrilling? Hmmmm? Did he make your vagina open up so wide and then close ever so tight?" "Worse things than that happened. Ooohhh, leave my tits alone, Louise, please!" "Some men never get a girl to come and others are such brutes that often a girl's tender body can only be trusted to another girl." Louise knelt in the tub, rested her face against the slender girl's flat belly and caressingly soaped the long, well-curved legs. Occasionally she licked away soap with her tongue, bringing her chin and her mouth closer to that most hurting part of Jennifer. "He pained me so, Louise, that even if he is your brother he is not the man for me. He was a beast, I tell you." Jennifer looked down at the sleek head bobbing below her breasts as the tall girl soaped her parted thighs with foam. "There, darling, we're getting you all nice and clean." "You have been around quite a bit, haven't you, Louise?" "Now please stop carrying on. You entered a man's room and climbed into his bed and allowed him into your body. It was not rape and if you popped off then you had fun." "That's enough." Jennifer turned off the shower. The gentle touch of the girl who might or might not be her future sister-in-law, while soothing, had created such a tumultuous flow within that the breath was leaving her body. Louise fetched a rough-ribbed towel "Come, you catch hold of one end and we'll wrap ourselves in this and get to bed." "You're sleeping with me?" The younger girl's eyes were level, meeting Jennifer's. "Of course. Don't you want me to?" Jennifer tensed, felt the warm touch of Louise's hand rest lightly on the swell of her hip. A hefty leg slid intimately between her suddenly stiffened thighs. "I ... yes, I want you to." Locked in the towel with the plump 'hips and thighs of Louise mashed against her own, Jennifer laughingly opened her hand on one of the fruit-like, heavy-fleshed ass cheeks. An exquisite yet prickling tremor hurried over her thighs and groin. Her breasts expanded as she discovered an emotion that was not only new but stirring."Oooohhh, Louise, I hurt all over, like when he touched me, only more so." "I shall soon take care of all that hurt." In the darkened hallway they were silent, listening for some sound from Hugh's room. Tip-toeing like burglars, they went into Louise's bedroom, their movements restricted by the towel. Then Jennifer pirouetted free, her jutting breasts bouncing, her hips undulating gracefully. Louise, the all-purpose sex girl, feasting her eyes on the loveliness of the slender Jennifer, found it difficult to stem the roaring tide of lust that churned into foam in her groin. "Jennifer, you are a dish!" "I wish I could be beautiful like you. Ohh, that figure, and your face!" Completely confused, unable to think, Jennifer was a lamb surrendering herself to the slaughter. She could not cope with this moment. When Louise's mouth fastened on hers and those smooth hands fondled her heaving bosom and stimulated the soft skin of her squirming thighs, the girl giggled somewhat hysterically and even blushed. A lesbian act was sinful! But - Jennifer was beginning to realize that by condemning the lusts of the flesh she had missed a lot, too much, in fact, and a quarter of her life was over. "Did my brother suck on you here?" Louise was passing her tongue between the huge, swelling mounds, seeking the depth of the valley, licking every residue remaining from the shower. "Yes ... no, I, don't remember." "Then I shall do it." Louise's hand found its way down into the once - closed area. Jennifer encouraged its roamings and opened her thighs, eager to accommodate any exploration that would increase the desire, the burning desire creeping over her. The shower - wet hair shaped into a V over the core of the girl's being became entangled as Louise's long finger insinuated itself between the tight vaginal lips and started a series of lascivious movements. The tiny clitoris snapped up, getting harder, bigger, and the walls parted to allow two fingers to penetrate. "No, Louise, oh, no, no!" Jennifer's slender arms tightened about the other girl's broad back. "Sooon, real soooooon!" "Your fingers, ohhh!" Jennifer worked the lower part of her torso, gasping, while she explained: "His penis was too big, a real cock, touching every part of my insides ... Oh, he hurt me!" "I'll have you all soothed, soon!" "He ... turned me ... over!" "What? He gave it to you in the ass-hole?" "No, not the rectum, but from the rear." "Dog fashion. Sometimes that position affords the best penetration because it allows every bit of the man to reach the woman." "Oh, you are so aware of everything." Not wishing Jennifer to say any more, Louise silenced her with an open-mouthed kiss. Her tongue darted between the other girl's trembling lips, savoring the hot wetness found inside the mouth. Jennifer threw her head back, fusing her loins to the other girl's. With a choking, almost agonized cry she became more mobile, more animated. She poked the fleshy buttocks of the heavier girl, not caring that her manner of response was not only raw but brutal. Louise, on the other hand, knew just how to madden the conscience-stricken girl. First she feasted herself on the deep-clefted bosom, licking and kissing and suckling and biting those big globes. The dimpled belly came in for a share, then the dark-tufted love mound was tongue-lashed, followed by a traveling-mouthed visit along each of the furnace-hot thighs. Beyond all control, Jennifer sank to the floor, huddling in a heap on the rug, her heart and loins pounding furiously. The ache she now felt was- the same as when Hugh had made her climax. Louise leaned over the tortured girl, swinging her breasts so that her stiffened tips swept back, and forth like dueling swords across Jennifer's swollen nipples. The latter strained upward, fighting to hold the position, the muscles on her slender thighs bulging. Slowly, teasingly, Jennifer's limbs entwined with her partner's. She held her breath and moved gently at first, remembering Hugh's motions, imitating the pause and the break. She thought that Louise's body, large, yet very curved, was fantastic. The motions of that big body were of a wildness that lashed her into sensuality. When the two fingers again entered her, Jennifer squeezed her thighs together, crushing Louise's 'hand, and came! The two girls dove into the foaming pool of lust, searching for, and finding, raw passion. Stripped of their senses, bestial, sticky-fingered, with come smeared over their thighs, their breasts, their buttocks, they willingly allowed themselves to be tossed about in a crescendo of violence. Their mouths blended, their legs and thighs held fast. Louise shifted about, moving upwards, positioning herself so that Jennifer's face was trapped between the boiling heat of her big, sweating thighs. The beautiful girl's groin reeked of come and lust. The pubic hairs were a tangled mass, but Jennifer's tongue separated each one until the lips of the girl's vagina were completely exposed. "I am going to eat your cunt out!" "Yessssssss!" Jennifer raised her head slightly, stretched her tongue, and penetrated the humid cave, searching in there until the big girl screamed and twisted about. Louise rolled off, still climaxing, and lay in a daze, moaning. Then the slender girl straddled the prone girl, shoving her small ass against Louise's face while she bent over the slit tightened split-seconds before by orgasm. In this sixty-nine position the two girls lay, one younger, larger, vastly experienced and the other, older, slender now acquiring her first sexual experience. Jennifer's outspread thighs twitched as lust circulated like boiling lava through her bloodstream. The warm lips made contact with her cunt, the tongue sneaked in like an uninvited visitor, and with a cry she buried her face between Louise's long, big-calved legs in the sticky wet crotch. Hugh, who had seen and done far too many things in his lifetime, was shocked, not because his sister was indulging in a lesbian act because hell, he knew that Louise would not stop at mere incest. Nor was he surprised by Jennifer's participation. But he could not get over the fact that Jennifer, acting the perfect virgin in his bed, was a wild lesbian in his sister's room. He had heard them moaning and groaning and gone to stand in the black hallway, ease the bedroom door slightly open and watch them grappling like wrestlers on the floor, eating each other out, taking all positions, measuring and squeezing asses and tits and licking and biting and blowing air into all the openings on a female's body. Well, he was getting out. The trip he had considered to the Continent was to be a reality, beginning early in the morning. Now, while his sister and his fiancée lesbianized themselves into exhaustion, he would pack. When they were sleeping he'd flee, leaving them to figure out why. As for their plans, they probably had a couple lined up. Success only resulted in confusion, he realized. The fortune he had earned turned him into a playboy and non-thinker. Well, he would seek work again, backbreaking work, and pretend his bank accounts and stocks did not exist. Elsewhere, he would find himself and leave those two dykes to screw themselves ragged.His hair was lank and plastered against his pasty-white forehead, his eyes glazed and his dinner jacket wrinkled. "Don't you hear the brawl, man? We are raising pure hell in there. A super party! Why don't you join us?" Hugh moved away from the man's outstretched hand. "No, I'm not dressed. But thanks all the same for the invitation." "Ahh, crap! My daughter's asking for you. She wants to have at least one dance with you, man." The image of Jane Baldwin dashed fleetingly across the screen of his mind and Hugh thought he would like to do more than dance with the girl whose innocent face was placed on top of a luscious body. "Some other time." "A couple of hot girls in there. A guy like you, single, still young and good-looking ... ohh, man it would be a picnic." "Well, give me a moment and perhaps later I'll look in." Somehow he got the man out and closed the door. Young Jane was ripe for an affair, but even as ordinary lust would urge him toward her common sense warned Hugh to keep his distance. During the entire trip, whenever her parents turned their backs, she would brazenly display some part of her anatomy in an attempt at seduction. Hugh stretched across his bunk and stared off into space. He remembered when he had first seen Jane on the boat, smiling, rosy-cheeked and alive, swinging her shapely bottom. The sight of her, youthful, energetic, made him all too aware of himself, made him regret all his lost years. With a sigh he got up, undressed and donned the bottom of his pajamas. Then knuckles rapped on the door and Jane stepped into his cabin. "Hello, Hugh!" "Ah, now come on, little girl! I told your father no, so what in hell're you doing here?" "If you can't dance with me in there, then you can dance with me here. The music's loud enough for us to hear." He stared at the tall girl, almost as tall as he, whose beauty was flawless. The sight of her partly hidden breasts excited him, creating both temptation and shame. Rationally he told himself that she was not a shy girl eager to make friends, but a young strumpet whose tightly belted dress emphasized her blooming body. "I have an idea of what you want, young lady, and it is no deal. I just left a load of trouble behind me and I'm not looking for more." "You're dying to sleep with me, Hugh. I know it and you know it, but you're afraid. Of what? Making me pregnant? I take the pill!" "You've said enough for the time being." Hugh's fingers curled around the door knob. "Take a walk." "Wait!" Surprised, he sought her eyes for an answer, but they were half-closed and the innocent face was now filled with depravity. She kicked off the shoes that had created so much height and, bare-footed, whirled around as if on a turning pedestal, to show her voluptuous torso, so youthful and superbly proportioned. "Look! Your parents. ..." "See these!" Her fingers fumbled with the brassiere catch and the exuberant breasts burst free, melon - shaped and upright. Hugh's breathing was labored and his legs shook. The girl was a vivacious creature, her expression now not lewd but beatific, her body alluring. And those breasts, high-set, closely spaced; their aureoles and ripe tips were a shade of pink. "You ..." Hugh licked his dry lips and swallowed. "You've got me going, but ... I've never handled a virgin before." A provocative smile played on her lips. "Who says I am a virgin?" She grasped his arms and pulled him flush against the hot mass of her bared breasts and belly. The first kiss was strong, her swiftly moving tongue wiping all resistance from his soul. When they broke free he buried his face in the wealth of her long, russet hair, filling his nostrils with the clean and intoxicating scent. "We'll have to be quick. I don't want your father bursting in upon us." Her hands roamed over his bare shoulders. "Lock the door and don't open it for anyone." He obeyed, watching her roll the silken panties down over the protruding rounds of her spectacular backside. She strolled toward the bunk, the flimsy undergarment dangling from her finger. When they were together, kissing and squirming in the narrow bunk, the girl's hand move toward his penis, tugging it in the right direction. She had such a light yet torturous touch! He pressed his chest into her bunched-together breasts. His parted lips brushed her smooth cheek and worked lower around to her red mouth. Her eyes closed as they kissed, and she continued to thrill him with the hot taste of her slippery tongue. The girl's thumb pressed against the tip of his manhood and her fingers slid along its length down to the outline of his balls. She titillated his privates by firmly clasping and then releasing the shaft. At last she leaned back, misty-eyed, her position now enhancing the spherical shape and size of her pink-tipped pillows. He rose up, putting his weight on his knees while her thighs opened wider, then came slapping against his legs. He was staring down at the big ball of fur that was at the summit of those long thighs. Then - he bent down, offering her cunnilingus, shoving his head between the parted thighs, shooting his tongue past the vaginal lips into the sensuous area. His tongue slid in and out and her hips began to respond to the thrilling action. When his tongue rhythm quickened, causing her to reach the danger point, she dug her hands into his hair and jerked her shoulders. Silently, not saying one word, the girl had her pleasure. As he straightened up she gasped and shivered. "Ahhhh, aaaaaaa!" This girl is on fire, he told himself, really blazing hot! She let out a groan as he entered her and rose up, stiffening the muscles in her buttocks. She sank back into the bunk, but again rose so swiftly that part of him, all coated with her cream, emerged from the sheath. "Ooooo, oooo, oooo!" Jane was wrestling as if trying to get the heavy, hard penis out of her. Her shapely behind, rotating like all hell, pushed up at him, carrying him high. He grabbed at that crazy behind, holding the firm cheeks securely and burying his penis even deeper, making certain that it was in her to remain until his orgasm. Her vagina certainly was trained for it, was doing all sorts of wild things to his joint, the walls contracting, the clitoris hardening. And young Jane came! The tight lips of her vagina gripped his rigid staff, even hurting it a bit. She writhed in his arms, the silken-skinned, round as feeling pliable in his palms. But he thrust harder into her and pulled her body up to meet his descent. "Ohh, my dearest, my darling. It is heaven, it gives me so much pleasure, oooo, I adore it!" Her body slammed up again ... and again ... and again. The last of the orgasm drained out, but Jane close her eyes, lay back weakly, then started to move once hore, her breasts and belly rolling. He could feel air swirl about him as she opened her trembling thighs wider. Then she snapped them together again and arched. "Within the next few minutes, darling ... you will have to come.., do you hear me? I cannot keep this up! Ohhhh!" The girl's rear end, ever so solid yet quite resilient, pumped furiously under him. Her desires, stirred beyond all belief, caused her lovemaking to become ferocious and she bounded up eagerly, wishing that there was more of his hardness to take. His fingers went to trace the curving line of her body. He became acquainted with the undulating hips, the shivering belly, the blooming breasts, and last of all the revolving buttocks. "Ahhh, Jane, Jane, Jane!" His penis jabbed in and out of the moist warmth, causing the various currents of lust to course through her. The girl screamed. The cords in her neck stretched tight as her body once more bucked in orgasm. "Noooo, oh no, Hugh, no, no!" Her torso twisted and turned. Yet even as she screamed she was still screwing under him, still a participant in the game, swinging her ass up at him while he forced her back. "Girlie ... I am going to ... explode!" "Hold off, hold off!" She was fighting for more orgasms, forcing him to feed it to her harder. There was a determined strength in her arms as she clung to him, rising swifter now, grinding her rump more rapidly. Hugh knew at the rate the girl was going that he had to climax, and now! His mind swiftly went toward other matters, mathematical equations, the constant war in the Middle East, the fall of the dollar on the European market, the type of house he might one day live in. "Yeeeeoooow! Oh, how you can last ... how you control yourself ... how you outscrew me!" "Girlie, I can screw the tail off you!" "Don't I ... know ... it!" "Yeaaahhhhh!" "Oooo I am tired ... ahhh, I can not keep on circling my ass like this ... to ... make you ... come!" His passion grew, his penis enlarged, his bails be-came swollen, and suddenly there was not much time left, not much time at all. She was hopping up like a horse and he was riding her, but that damned behind of hers, so lovely, so bitable, would not cease revolving. Jane bent her back, carrying him up, not caring that his hard-tipped penis struck her thoroughly, so that her flesh was impaled to it. He had her breasts and was digging his fingers into them, but she did not care, she welcomed everything. Hugh was coming! She could tell from the look in his eyes, the look of a madman, and she gasped when she felt it happening. There were his gasps, his shouts, and a lot of come, so creamy, so boiling hot, a full litre of it pouring into her. "Uggghhhh!" He groaned, releasing her breasts, and went stiff, falling altogether limp. But in that moment Jane's release was gained. As she went back her lovely mouth twisted into 'an ugly shape and she gurgled. Her bottom, flattening on the bed, heaved for the last time. Hugh was much too tired to move, much too weak to pull what was left of his strength out.Like that, he slept atop her, and as he snored his instrument, still dripping, fell out of the wet opening, splattering stuff on her thighs and on the bunk. She too was asleep, and so his weight did not matter. Her parents found them like that, the following morning when the boat pulled into the harbor of Cannes and ended the voyage. There were shouts and cries, with Jane being slapped about by both her mother and father. Fat Baldwin shook his fist in Hugh's face and threatened him with the police. "My daughter is well past the age of consent, but that doesn't mean you are free to sleep with her, you scoundrel." The Captain of the ship, a Frenchman wise in the ways of these matters, was summoned. He looked at the two naked people and at the enraged parents and sighed, bored, because it was an old story. "It is love, madame et monsieur, pure love and nothing, neither man nor God, can stop love." "She's my daughter!" "Oui, but now she has a lover." The Captain was eager to be away and see to the unloading of his vessel. "Get the police!" "The gendarmes, I fear, shall do nothing. A man in love breaks no laws. Perhaps, they wish to make their love legal and lasting." "That's it, you bastard, you'll have to marry poor Jane!" Baldwin shouted into Hugh's face. The mother, a big woman with a tremendous bust and a backside like two boulders stuck together, agreed. "Using her previously untouched body like any whore's. My daughter!" Jane squealed and leaped up and down, her breasts bouncing, and wrapped her arms about Hugh's neck. "Ohh, I just know he will make a wonderful husband!" The Captain thought that perhaps the fellow was lucky after all. Such an exciting looking girl, that flamboyant figure, those opulent breasts, that sinuous derriere. Ahh, she was an Aphrodite, possessing all the beauty any girl needed. "Congratulations, monsieur! And now I must leave you all." He shook Hugh's hand and left. Hugh stood there, his mouth wide open, his hand still hurting from the Captain's hard grip. "God above, what is happening to me?" He rented a house in Juan-les-Pins, a large unpainted, badly furnished place, because Mrs. Baldwin insisted upon it. There they lived, the father in one room, the mother in the best room and Hugh squeezed together with Jane in a tiny bedroom. Within three days he thought he was a perfect candidate for the lunatic asylum. Daily, almost on the hour, the parents questioned him about his background and finances. When it was discovered that he was wealthy, the invisible chains the parents had wrapped about Hugh tightened. A wealthy son-in-law! Who could ask for anything more? Baldwin even talked about expanding his used-car business, opening branches throughout London, while the mother discussed the purchase of a country house where they all might live, somewhere in the region of Reigate. Jane constantly nagged that she wished to be taken to Cannes where there were costly jewelers catering to the rich, so that she might select an engagement ring. Although she and Hugh slept in the same bed, he was unable to work up any enthusiasm for her luscious body, or for her, for that matter. He only knew he was caught in a terrible trap. Jane certainly was not as innocent as she pretended, and he was inclined to believe that he was just one man of many in her experience. Come to think of it, her parents had tried to force them together on the boat. Perhaps this was all a prearranged thing with the Baldwins setting out on that cruise to find Jane a husband. Three days in the hot sun browned her, darkening the snowy complexion, making her breasts appear more erotic, and her supple hips take on an exciting sheen. But he would look at that fabulous body, so burnished, at the russet hair tumbling about her shoulders, at her fine-featured face with its beguiling eyes, classic nose and dimpled chin and turn away, knowing he was looking at a female devil. He had to get away. There were advertisements in the newspapers, asking for ditch-diggers, truck drivers, chauffeurs, waiters, and he considered that this might be a way to escape. He had come here to work, not to screw around with some silly bitch and get engaged. The small summer resort was too crowded and the sun created an atmosphere that was like a fire. It pasted an unbelievable heat upon the cottages and villas and white-washed buildings, as if a boiling paint had been smeared on. To escape, most tourists wearing the new-styled string bikinis fled into the azure waters, remaining there for hours. Hugh was much too upset to go swimming, but the Baldwins and their bewitching daughter spent most of the day there. Hugh would walk through the small village, past dwellings of baked brick, up cobblestone roads and down unpaved dirt streets. Like a tourist he looked at monuments and churches and the different stores, feeling he had never sweated before in his life like this. Man, it was hot! He wore only sandals and jeans and a cotton, short-sleeved shirt, but light as these garments were his sweat seeped through and they stuck to his back as if glued. Beautiful girls were everywhere. Sometimes they were too heavy but still curvy and exciting; others were tall and full-bodied, some maddeningly slender and shapely, others short but with well-contoured busts and buttocks. But Hugh wanted no woman. He was stunned by the situation he was involved in, surprised by his easy acceptance of it. It was blackmail and the Baldwin's were forcing his hand. Lack of sleep left him shaking, and he walked about totally confused. He spoke excellent French, but the language seemed too strange, as if he had never heard it before. Near the small railroad station he sat in a café, considering the promise he had made to himself to find work. An Arab came by, annoying him, trying to sell transistor radios. A youth offered French-made shoes. A girl shoved a newspaper under his nose, reminding him that 'he must keep up with the situation in the world today, so buy one, s'il vous plaît. As he sat there the whores parked at other tables took an interest in him, eyeing him like the vultures they were, ready to pick his pockets. The waiters also watched, one sneering as he picked his nose and wiped the findings on the doorframe, the other picking his teeth and spitting out the results. It was too squalid here, almost dirty, in one of the world's most expensive areas, and he had no desire to remain. Hugh picked himself up and drifted back down toward the house, determined to have it out with the Baldwin's. Beautiful as Jane was, he had no intention of being forced into an unwanted marriage. Halfway there a plan came to him. Fighting the Baldwin's would tip them of to his move. Better to just walk out, without warning, leaving them to wonder about his destination. Sure, that was the best idea, and when the real estate agent came for the rent, because after all he had just left a small deposit, the Baldwin's would have to pay the bill. They used up gas, electricity and water without consideration even though it was all extra. Let them worry now about the payment. Along the main street there was noise created by music, men and machines. Scooters raced along with snarling rear - engined Volkswagens, roaring Fiats, pounding Cadillac or Lincoln limousines, and just about every bicycle turned out by the factory. He listened to brakes squealing, to shouts of joy or anger, to rapid conversations, children screaming and the music, the endless music from hand-carried or car radios. People here, it appeared, lived for music. A half-naked girl caught his eye, a thrilling beauty with burnished wet hair clinging to her browned neck and shoulders and eyes that shone like polished coins. Her bikini top was a joke, showing ninety percent of her tits, which were unbelievably round and more than a handful. Her crotch was covered, although many pubic hairs escaped to tantalize passing males, and this part of the bikini, actually smaller than a handkerchief, was held up by a string encircling her waist. The law would state that she wore a bathing costume, but most would agree that this dream of a girl was naked. "Don't you recognize your own woman?" He came to with a start, shocked to see that all along he had been admiring Jane. "You! What are you wearing?" "A Brazilian bikini. I just bought it. Lovely, isn't it?" She pivoted on her toes, not caring that men and women passing by stopped to take in the awesome sight of her browned, fruit-shaped behind. Jane took his arm, chattering all the way to the house like a parrot who had been taught a full set of words. Most of it had to do with his lack of interest in sex. "Is something wrong?" "No." "Well, don't I appeal to you anymore?" "You're beautiful. All the men look at you." "I am not interested in all the men; I'm interested in you. Honestly, Hugh, that time on the ship you made love to me like a sex-starved man just let out of prison. But these past few nights you've let me alone. Is it because my parents are nearby?" "Something like that." "Come on, we are engaged. They know what a man and woman alone in a bed together do. I need my loving." He managed to change the subject by remarking on the heat, and when her parents were met he was temporarily reprieved. But that night after dinner in an expensive restaurant with Hugh paying the bill, naturally, Jane started in again. "Wait until I get you in bed tonight," she whispered in his ear. "I do not want to sleep with you." Her mother, reading, looked up; her father, watching sports on the rented television set, also looked up. Jane donned a false smile for their benefit, but there was no mirth in her eyes. They waited for Hugh's explanation, but he marched directly into the bedroom, undressed and slipped between the sheets. One hour later she came into the bedroom. The table lamp was snapped on and she removed her clothing, flaunting her breasts before him.What was all this in aid of? Was she determined to arouse him with the body he no longer desired? She switched off the light and got into the bed. But she kept away from him, sleeping almost on the edge. Now and then he heard her muttering, calling him a dirty son of a bitch. Some time later, during the night, when all was quiet, the two people shifting about and changing positions found themselves close together, too close for normal comfort. He felt the nipples of her breasts tickling the hairs on his chest. His penis, curled in softness, pressed against her thigh. "Do you know you are a rat?" she murmured. He wanted to turn over, get as far away from her as he could, but his hands itched to grasp her lovely breasts. No, he warned himself, one screw will only end the distance I have placed between us and prevent my escape. He did not answer her. Jane's breath was warm against his face and he could feel the nipples hardening. "Did you hear me, you bastard?" "Leave me alone, will you," he said. "I am tired and I want to sleep." But even as the words left his mouth his penis had reacted and was straightening out, lengthening, becoming a stick that rested on her firm thigh. Her fingers were drawn to it and a fondling started. She shaped it, rolling the tip between her thumb and forefinger. "I am still angry with you but I need this, so give it to me." He was gone, grabbed by lust; he played with her young vagina, tickled the growth of pubic hairs and the pouting lips. She wanted him to put his head there and he did, without offering any arguments, licking the prominent clitoris, feeling it harden, and knowing as the bed sheets twisted that the girl's beautiful ass was revolving. "You're trapping me, Jane, trying to ruin my life, but oohhh, am I wild for you now!" His head went between her long, curving thighs and his nose rested in the soft downy hair. He flattened his hands on her out-thrust hips and did his work, licking her privates clean, shooting his tongue into the soft cave. As he expected she soon became insane and her fingers threaded into his hair to hold him securely. Some noises left her mouth as the climax built up. She called his name, jerked spasmodically, went completely stiff and climaxed. "Ahhhhhh, ooooooh, you ... yes you ... dirty man ... eating me like that! Aaaaaa!" Hugh thought that there were fires burning under her skin, for she was terribly hot, as if she had lain out in the heat of the Sahara Desert and her pussy was steaming. The water coming out of that opening was boiling. But he brought her through another orgasm and rose up, satisfied that he was a man who had done a damned good job of cunnilingus. "I thought I was going to die ... I thought I should not live anymore. Oooo, don't fight with me, don't fight with me again, just bang me always." "I am going to bang you now." "Please! O please, please!" "There is more to this game, so just relax for a bit." He pushed her back, holding her until she was still, and swiftly pushed his face against her long, extremely rounded thighs. Her magnificent behind bounced as his tongue found the little button and dabbed at it. The clitoris, thus laved, grew, and again the vaginal lips parted. A drop more secretion oozed out and the girl, truly tired, started to gasp and roll all over the bed. "Aaaahhhh, no! Oooooo, no! One moment, that's all I ask ... ooooo stop, stop!" The orgasm tossed her about, possessing her like a narcotic, making her gasp and beat the bed and twist from side to side. He got to his knees, looking down at the poor tortured creature, so ruined by cunnilingus, so near the verge of insanity. He seized his hard penis and aimed it at the slit he had just devoured. On target! The instrument was engulfed in her boiling vagina, penetrated deeply despite the tightness that followed the orgasm. A deep push and he gained more ground. He seized her breasts and squeezed them as he leaned his weight atop her. "Ahhh, all right, now I am giving it back to you!" The girl moved even though she said she was fatigued. Her rump heaved against his downward motions, convulsing and twisting, her body arching violently under his. She started to shriek from agony and call for help. "Quiet, girlie! Your parents!" "Noooooo!" He rode her in earnest, not caring that her body was awash with perspiration, dripping out of every pore, making her difficult to hold. "I am tired now, darling. Oh! Oh! I do not think I can keep this up all night. One was all I wanted, one orgasm, not one hundred! Oh ... ah - rrrrr - please stop it! Ahhh, my man, my strong man, stop!" "Don't you want me to have pleasure too?" Then come, man, come!" The harder he tried the more elusive was his climax. He held tightly to her twisting buttocks and kept on with his vigorous strokes, keeping up a rhythm that should have been banned by any government concerned with sex. "I ... might. ..just ... make ... it!" "Man, make it for heaven's sake! Ahhh, pity me, pity me! I am going to die in this bed!" His lusts were suffocating but this young girl was too much to handle. It was difficult due to the manner of her agonizing twisting and writing. That marvelous body was soaking wet and too slippery. Ahhh, damn it, damn it! As he drove between her thighs he told himself that he had to come! It was time for him to be sleeping so that he could rise early on the morrow and hunt for work and not thrust any more into this hot hole. "Girlie ... you do not know how I am trying." "Ahhhhhhh, man, man! I am going to come again." Her juicy young quim was wounded and her bottom became red. But she thrust her trembling legs up, heaving to meet each of his thrusts, gluing her loins to his, her rapid actions spurring him on. His plunges were swift in his determination to arrive at the apex of glory. But she was the one who climaxed. Her vagina tightened deliciously around his hard tool until the skin was almost peeled off. He twisted his face from the hurt as that tight organ of hers contracted, the walls pressing against his bar. And at last he came! The sensations of delight and pleasure derived from an orgasm left him worn-out, exhausted. And, still inserted in the girl, he lay on top of her, his face resting in her russet hair, his heart hammering. "Get up!" "I can't, I just can't." "Man, do you think I intend to sleep like this the rest of the night, with your heavy weight pressing me down?" "Can't you wait until I recover?" "I've had more orgasms than you and I have recovered, so come on now." She gave him a nudge. "Besides, having your thing in me can get me excited all over again." Oh, no, oh, no! Another round of sex was something he could not manage. Swiftly, Hugh pulled his penis out. A moment later he was snoring. Chapter 7 Once was not enough as far as Jane was concerned, and the night was not for sleeping but fornicating. At the hour when the sun was just climbing over the horizon she tackled Hugh again, grasping his manhood, squeezing and jerking it into stiffness. She whispered in his ear what she wished. His genitals were alive and burning but his mind was groggy. "Huh? Now?" "Yes." She ran her tongue under his ear. "You are hard enough." The matter was taken out of his hands so he sort of absently fingered the crotch that was already dripping wet. He felt the bed bounce and dip first on one side, then the other, as she contorted herself; and suddenly he was jolted. The bitch had slammed her ass right into his face, double-punching him with the thrusting cheeks. Hugh blinked, his lashes batting against the smooth, hot-fleshed balls. He felt the wet bulge of hair brush against his chin. The odor flowing into his nostrils burned and he had to palm the cheeks, ease them away. In that moment his instrument was engulfed by hot wetness and her slurping tongue curled right around the base, cutting off the upward flow of blood. Sixty-nining at six in the morning! Her teeth could scrape and nip, her tongue pm-pointed certain zones accurately and his knob was by turns flooded in saliva and wiped dry. Hugh did his share, treating the female parts like dessert. Ravenously he ate the girl's pussy, feeling as he nibbled at the clitoris her balled ass gyrating in his f ace. Jane moaned, feeling the conception of an orgasm. His tongue wallowing in her opening further developed the climax. She raised her head to catch some air, threw back her hair, gasped and bent, squashing her breasts against his thighs as she resumed devouring his organ. Her weight had been on her knees, but now she shoved them back, working her thighs along his shoulders and locking her ankles, trapping his head. She was going to give birth to the orgasm and she sucked and licked on the candied bar, wetting just the base, wiping it clean, nibbling the length, drying that off with the back of her tongue, then rolling the balled top along her teeth. "ARGHHH!" His climax was sudden, unexpected, and he ejaculated. The first spurts splattered burningly against the roof of the girl's mouth, but, undeterred, she coaxed the rest of the juice out. Moaning, Jane milked the shaft, keeping the bubbling cream in one corner of her mouth. Jane released the taut tool, spat the stuff out, caught her breath and came! "NOOOooooo!" Hugh increased the tempo of his tongue flicks, tapping in steady rhythm on the little clitoris while the twin balls shuddered and rotated against his face. Her wetness dribbled down his chin for fully thirty seconds. When he leaned back for air it coagulated in a sticky mass. The girl, ever active due to youth, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Now let's go at it properly." "Properly! Let me get some rest, you damned nympho! Wasn't last night enough for you? Man!" They breakfasted at a café rather than at home because Mrs. Baldwin was not up to cooking. "I'm worn out from lack of sleep. You two and all that screaming the entire night!Baldwin, sipping his café au lait like a dog slurping soup, agreed. "You're a randy cock, m'lad. All that sex. Our daughter is a human being, after all." Jane grinned but remained silent, her lovely eyes dancing merrily. But Hugh was surprised by their reaction. Why take him to task when their precious daughter had started it? "Look, maybe if you just leave the two of us alone we'll survive without any difficulty. I am not a young boy and Jane is not a child either." Mrs. Baldwin looked horrified. "Are you suggesting that we leave this town?" "Exactly. Stay here if you want but rent your own place. Look. I didn't bargain for this set-up. I went off on a cruise from England to the Riviera alone simply because I wanted to be alone." "Then," Baldwin slurped a little more coffee, "you should have left your hands off my daughter, my lad." There was no arguing with these types. They saw a good thing in him and were not letting go. The girl was beautiful and she was being used as a meal ticket, a means of securing their futures. If it had not been him their eyes would be searching for some other young guy with more money than he could handle. Hugh had no taste for breakfast, not with these two, dressed real touristy in striped Basque shirts, cotton shorts and rope-soled shoes. Mrs. Baldwin had varicose veins on her wobbly thighs and Baldwin had toothpicks for legs, but they both displayed that part of their anatomy, horrible as it was. Before them was a parade of tourists, American women in fur jackets and tight-fitting slacks, bald-headed men carrying cameras, and homosexuals from the four corners of the earth, their wrists laden with jeweled watches and gold bracelets, each dragging a poodle on a leash. Hugh viewed the entire mob with hatred. He was annoyed with himself, annoyed not only because he was railroaded into an engagement he did not want, but also because he took so much trouble from this trio and - worse yet - paid for it! He sat there, tense, attempting to restrain himself, feeling the urge to lash out with his fists and knock the three of them, man, woman and beautiful daughter, cold. Mrs. Baldwin swallowed a mouthful of coffee and grimaced. "Ohh, it is so strong it went right down to the pit of my stomach." She fastened her blood-shot eyes on a tall, peroxide-blond boy who was dragging a huge white poodle along. "Just look at that boy, worse than a woman. And can you smell him! Stinks like a cheap whore!" The boy, his bleached hair flying in the breeze as he turned, fixed the entire table with a baleful look. Hugh spoke out of the corner of his mouth. "Careful, he heard you." "Damned queer!" Baldwin snorted and stared at the boy. "If he comes over here to start anything you rap him hard in the mouth, Hugh." "Don't count on that. I just don't get into fistfights for no reason." Mrs. Baldwin made a rude noise with her lips. "Our daughter, Jane, sitting here, and you wouldn't fight for her? What sort of a man are you?" "You are being damned ridiculous and now I'm getting more than a little tired of your shit." "Apologize at once to my wife!" Baldwin was leaning over the table, shaking his fist. "Take it easy, fatso. Everyone in this café is looking at us." "I don't give a damn. I demand your apologies immediately." "Ahh, sit down, you fat pig!" Jane apparently delighted in controversy and was smiling steadily, looking from one face to another, hoping the argument would continue. Baldwin's face was the color of a tomato. He shook his fat finger in Hugh's face. "Find a girl like our Jane, my lad, try to find her on the streets of this dirty French town. Can't be done. She is a jewel, a rare jewel, and we are not willing to let just any man have her. Consider yourself lucky. So instead of spouting your vulgar words just be thankful we are taking you into the family." Hugh clenched his fists and looked away. This was all so unreal that he felt like a spectator in a theater watching someone else portray him. Never before had he become so involved with such types. Never. The one thing he had prided himself on was the easy avoidance of bad situations. He was a self-made man who could stand on his own two feet. "You know," Mrs. Baldwin changed the subject, "I think I should like a dog, perhaps a poodle." "Yeah," sneered Hugh, "your fat husband can dye what's left of his hair yellow and then he can look like those queens sauntering along. Why not a jeweled wrist watch and a gold slave bracelet to complete the picture?" He got up and left the table before they could answer, going into the interior of the café. Here it was dark and cool and the waiter was leaning against the zinc counter engrossed. in conversation with the bartender. Upon Hugh's approach they ceased talking and began to appraise him. Jealousy, he knew. They view that marvelously constructed young girl out there and hate me for screwing her. She is a rarity, but she's also trouble, and getting into her body is like stepping into a prison cell. I'll be trapped for life. A news vendor was selling papers. Sizing Hugh up as a tourist he waved a copy of the international edition of the Herald Tribune under his nose. Hugh paid and at once scanned the help - wanted columns. He ran his finger down the list, pausing to read a request for an English-speaking chauffeur. There was no mention of salary, only a number to be called. Outside the Baldwin's sat, waiting for his return. They glared in unison, the woman trying to get the words out, but the man succeeding. "Your behavior this morning has been abominable. Not only did you cause our poor daughter to scream last night but now you insult us without any care. Pay the bill and let's get back to the house. We have some talking to do, my lad." It was the last straw. Without thinking, without considering the people in the café or his awkward position, Hugh drew back his fist and threw it across the table. It was a good punch, catching Baldwin right on the chin and sending the fat man sprawling. "Ow!" Baldwin sat on his backside, legs stuck out at crazy angles, yelling his head off. The waiter and several customers came running, but no one, not even his wife, made a move to assist him. "Call the police, call the police!" He began to scream and strike the ground with his clenched fists. Hugh looked down at him and walked out of the café. He went straight to the small villa, packed his suitcase and marched into another café, where he made a telephone call. He asked for the party who had placed the ad in the morning's Tribune. A girl got on the wire and told Hugh to come up to an apartment building called the Beaux Arts, situated just off the beach, at his convenience. He knew the building, a squat, two-storied place not far from one of the luxurious hotels. Saying that he was free to be interviewed at any time he asked if he could come over now. The girl agreed. His bag was left at the café and, squaring his shoulders, Hugh went off for what was to be his first interview in years. He tried to pretend he was one of the world's unemployed, tried to put himself in the position of a man seeking work. How should he act? Meek, servile or self-assured? He wasn't so filled with confidence; the encounter with the Baldwin's had proved that he could be easily intimidated. But still he had to make a try, and this was the first.The girl nodded and told Hugh to follow her. They went out into the garden and down a path to the garage. At no time did she attempt any conversation. Hugh, occasionally stealing a glance at her, saw that the redhead possessed a magnificent body. She led him to the garage, weaving her way through automobiles of various sizes and makes to stop before a huge Mercedes Benz 2805E. It was black with white leather and apparently new. "How old is this car?" "Less than one month so you better be careful with it." She opened a door and pointed at the ignition key resting in the switch. "Will you test it?" "No, I am familiar with these models. It will be no problem at all." Now a tall man, young, heavily built, with thick curling hair and a face streaked with oil stepped out of the inner depths of the garage. He nodded at the maid and spoke to Hugh. "New chauffeur, eh?" "Yes." The man snickered. "Poor fellow." "Why?" "The things that are going to happen to you, that's why." The maid yelled "Keep your dirty mouth closed." The garage mechanic shouted at her in a language which Hugh recognized as Italian. "Hey, what is this all about?" "She knows, this girl" The mechanic was angry as he spoke. "Tell that bastard, your new boss, to haul this Mercedes out of here by tonight or we'll push it out onto the street. You know, you might be a good sort, so I am going to give you some advice." "Shut up, you pig." The maid's eyes were narrowed, her fists tightly clenched and her rounded bosom heaving. 'This pig attempted to force himself on me and when I refused he spread filthy rumors.' "Rumors!" The mechanic pointed to the rear of the garage. "Twice I had you back there. Once in the back seat of an old car and once on the floor. Your bottom got all dirty." "Liar!" Her reply was somewhat half-hearted and Hugh began to believe the mechanic. "She was so fed up with that Maurier," the mechanic explained, "that she was glad of the opportunity to have a real man, even though I am generally evil-smelling and dirty." The girl fled from the garage. Hugh looked after her and shrugged his shoulders. "Not my business what you two did. She's a beauty and going after her for a screw is to be expected." "Do you need a job that badly or are you one of them?" "One of what?" "One of those immoral types like Maurier." "Look, friend, whatever difficulties you're having with my new boss is not my affair." He started to walk out of the garage. The man yelled after him: "Get this car out by nightfall if you don't want it wrecked." In the street the maid was waiting. She gave him the name of a tailoring establishment adding, 'They outfit all chauffeurs so there should be a uniform in your size.' "Does the color make any difference? I don't want to wear something so ridiculous as white." "Just make certain it's lightweight, for your own comfort." She paused, "Listen, that pig back there, do you believe him?" "I told him it's none of my business." "So you do believe him!" "Ahh, hell, look, I just want to chauffeur a damned car." Without a word the maid marched off. Hugh stood there watching her, his eyes centering on her twisting buttocks, two lovely balls grinding beneath the thin fabric of her skirt. It did not make sense to him, a delicious, well-built girl like that throwing herself at the foul-mouthed mechanic. And all that talk about Maurier. It just did not make any sense. He took a seat in a café directly across the way from Maurier's apartment building, reflecting on the worth of the job. Trouble was in the offing, and he wanted no part of it. But the alternative was to return to London and the lazy life. No other positions were available. A waiter took his order, then shortly afterwards placed a glass of rosé before him. Hugh paid and raised the glass aloft, thinking, well, I am on my way. The café was large, catering to all types, the rich, those who hoped to appear rich, and some indifferent souls, mostly young, who did not seem to care one way or another. They laughed, shouted, drank, smoked and listened to the sound of raucous rock coming from the speakers of the enormous jukebox. Hugh glanced around, disinterested in the older people, surveying only the young boys and girls while his mind whirled with events of the past. His eyes fastened on a shapely brunette sitting by herself. A type similar to Jennifer. The girl returned Hugh's gaze and slowly, almost deliberately, he knew, crossed her extremely long legs, giving him a flash of tanned thigh under the denim skirt. He examined her, looking up from the luxurious legs with their round calves past the curved hips and slender waist to the full breasts. She was truly a dream, the sight of her making his breath catch in his throat. The brunette looked in his eyes, smiled slowly and slid the tip of her tongue along her heavy lower lip. No more than nineteen years of age, he figured, and in another second she would be here. Some women needed a neon sign to advertise their profession, but not this kid. She had plastered her well-developed teen-aged body with a tight blue shirt, and any man with a hundred francs in his pocket knew the score. A whore. She had to be one. Sorry, I can not accommodate you, baby, Hugh said to himself, I've got a man waiting for me and he has first crack at my time because he is holding the money. He abruptly stood up, gave the dream girl a final look and left. Maybe chauffeuring won't be so bad, he hoped. At any rate that voluptuous maid will be around to make things more pleasant. With him on the scene she wouldn't have to run to garage mechanics for her pleasure. With the uniform of his choice, a pale blue mohair, boxed and under his arm, Hugh left the tailor shop and strolled down the winding, cobble-stoned street, past a nightclub now shuttered, where he had once spent too much time and money. Those days are past, he knew, long past, and now I am a working stiff. It would be strange to be in this town where he had played so hard, taking all the fun of a lifetime in a few weeks, working as a chauffeur. He wondered how many people with whom he had associated would see him. Well, he would just look the other way, making them think they had confused him with someone else. Hugh, the renowned playboy, chauffeuring people about! Oh, no, it can't be him. "Hello!" "Huh!" It was the brunette from the café, the kid from the café leaning against a wall with her out-thrust hip. "What're you doing here?" "I followed you. Don't you remember me?" He looked at her, searching his memory, and shook his head. "Frankly, I don't. I saw you for the first time about a half-hour ago." The girl smiled and mentioned the name of a man Hugh was acquainted with. "There was a big party here last year on his yacht. I was one of the girls invited." "Wait a minute." He stared at her, recalling now a slender blonde he had spent the night with. "It is me." She slapped a rounded thigh. "Of course I have added a little weight since then. After all, I am still a growing girl." "Your hair...." "Dyed. Straight out of the bottle. Now it's natural again. Looks much better this way, don't you think?" "You must excuse me. Sometimes my memory is bad." "You've had far too many girls, that's why." "Yes, well..." he did not know what else to say. "And you are back here now, on vacation?" "I live here. You really don't have a memory. Don't you know What sort of work I do?" He had guessed it back there in the café, but decency prevented him from saying he was well acquainted with her profession. "So there are no more parties, eh?" "No. Money is tight, even in this part of the world. The yachts are still there but those who own them are not interested in girls like me. C'est la vie!" "A shame. But, that's the way things go. Now I really must be getting along." "Of course. With me." She took the boxed uniform from him and started off, presumably in the direction of her place. In a daze he followed her, seeing how her rounded bottom, deliciously round and firm-looking, swung from side to side, each lovely cheek grinding away beneath the short denim skirt. Man, she had not waited for his answer, had not even discussed a price, in fact. She was taking him for granted simply because she knew what men were like. Then he thought of the Baldwin's, that conniving trio, the fat bastard, his horrible wife and that beautiful but dangerous daughter. And Hugh hurried after the whore, determined to screw that terrific ass off her. On the stairs she allowed him a fast feel because he was a buyer who rightfully should squeeze up the goods. But her apartment was an oven and he recoiled. "Hot as hell in here. Wow!" "It always is, but let me open the windows and maybe some fresh air will clear the heat" She moved about like a ballerina, easy, happy, whistling, startling slender and proud. He was trying to remember the past, remember a girl like this was straight out of a dream; but the past was too elusive. Her smell came swimming in thick waves of perfume and woman's odor and hot apartment air, sweeping away everything presently troubling him, and Hugh knew that shortly her lovely body would be thrusting up, twisting in upward jerks, the rounded thighs wide apart, her wet mouth open, her pretty head rolling and her bottom making slow and wide circles. He thought about it and was so exhilarated that the tingling in his loins made him too sharply aware of everything, of senses, of touch, of desire. Even before his manhood reached the state of erection he wanted desperately to be in the girl's body. Some of the sun trickled feebly through the closed windows, laying a partly white, partly yellow bar across the floor.Slowly he looked around the room at the badly papered walls, the cheap woven rug, the old chandelier, so art deco with but a single dusty bulb in the center, the hard stare of film star Charles Bronson on a poster covering part of the wall and, most of all, the strong odor of a woman in the hot air. The space between these two people, the man who was fleeing trouble and a strange girl, perhaps a whore, was filled with passion as it was flowing from her body to his. He kept thinking she was like a dancer, strong, steel-sharp and supple, capable of all strength and smooth movement. The windows were opened, a transistor radio switched on, the covers peeled back from her bed. The girl was ready for business. She had such a carefree manner, but he acted like a shocked parson, unable to accept the situation. The girl opened her blouse and her breasts, bared, were dazzling, perfectly shaped like tanned gourds tipped by coral nipples. As she unhooked the skirt to reveal womanly thighs her red lips moved in warm phrases, murmuring about the yacht party and his performance as a lover. "I still remember; you were fantastic." Her light eyes, as if fueled by lust, were melting. He looked at her insinuating pose and knew he ought to forget everything and abandon himself to passion for a few moments. His shoes went flying, his trousers dropped and then he was naked, his fingers stretching to grasp the sensuous breasts and roving thighs. She held him off at first with three swift kisses and then was away, her hips writhing and her liberated buttocks rotating. "Oooh, someone I know is very excited." The breasts were sizeable, but not the shape he had imagined. No sir, those things were fantastic! Uncovered, they were out-thrust, soaring in the air. At once his manhood rose, blood rushing along it, swelling it to the proper portion. He leaned over her as she slid along the bed, smiling up at him. Her robust thighs were there for him to stroke, but when he attempted to part them she shook her head. "Wait a bit." Fear of being chafed had the young brunette begging him to delay his entrance. "I am too dry inside, I think." The only thing then was to pet and kiss and clutch each other in a hungry embrace. The girl twisted, teasing him, shifting her curved torso in such a manner that the balloons swung against his chest. "You have marvelous breasts." "That is one thing I know. Lovely, aren't they?" It was torture for him and the knob of his manhood trailed across her round, firmly fleshed thighs. She offered him her full mouth as his hands eagerly caressed the teen-aged curvaceous body. "How could I have forgotten you?" She was a dream, this girl, he kept telling himself. All silken and hard with that solid steel behind and those round, ripe breasts. Man, oh man, what an unbelievable body! At last, after a long kiss, the girl gasped and told him she was ready. Her hand felt his pole, the fingers curled about it, the nails gouged the skin. She masturbated him slowly, to rid him of the first, hasty ejaculation. "Then you shall be able to ride me well and for long." "Stop that!" He pried her fingers away. "I am not a kid. Hell, girlie, I know how to control myself! You'll get your ride, and a long one it shall be." "All right then, let us see." A last hot passionate exchange of kisses, and his hands were traveling rapidly along her smooth shoulders, down to her slender waist, around to her buttocks, cupping the solid cheeks. He pulled her closer and allowed her fingers to guide his joint between the slightly opened legs. He was only partially in when he heard her moan and felt the wetness of her slit on the tip of his penis. "Ahhhhhhh" "What?" "Sometimes ... sometimes it is this way. Ahhhhh!" Already her backside was in action, those shapely tanned cheeks revolving. Then he angled his body cushioning his face in her quite overwhelming breasts, and bore down. "Now!" "Ooobhh, not so hard!" There was a slushing sound as his tool, invading the narrow passageway, drove whatever juice was there out. Man, did it feel good as those vaginal lips closed over the root of his penis! "Baby, you are not only tight but hot!" He lowered himself even more, going down into the well of her privates where the oils bubbled. Then he could dig no more. He was completely sheathed. Now the fun starts! He gripped her rear end, spreading the cheeks apart as he started to rise up a bit. "I should have remembered a girl with a body like yours." "Yes, you should but ooooo!" The girl, so resembling a student with her flowing brown locks, unblemished cheeks and round light eyes, sighed. She closed her mouth over his shoulder, sinking her teeth into the flesh. "Ow!" "Ahhh, sorry, sorry. But sometimes I do not consider this work and then ... I come! Often I feel nothing, no pleasure but you ... ahhh, eeeee! That thing of yours, it fits into me so well ... I know I shall come!" She was talking on and on but he did not hear her. He was gone, completely out of this world, sent there by the writhing of her shapely young body. Both of them now were in a savage state, uttering obscenities, working together, becoming halves of the same thing. A long kiss was held while she worked with her loins and he slid powerfully in and out of her. The teenager climaxed first. She came, squealing like a pig racing around in the mud of a farm. He rode her all the more fiercely and as the first climax faded the second built up and she let out more squeals of raw, undiluted happiness. "Move, move, girlie, because I am moving, do you hear?" "I hear and ... ooohhh, I feel!" He sent his shaft steadily into the velvety well, letting her know the full power, stretching the walls of her insides. She screamed and screamed and could not stop screaming. Her soft lips were all over his face. Her mouth pecked at his ears, cheek, eyes, her wet quivering tongue rasping on his neck. When the final thrust approached he went into an awful stroke, giving it to her without let-up. "There, there, the finish, baby, I am approaching the finish line, so take it!" The brunette did take it. She had no other choice. She continued to buck in spasmodic release, curving her shapely torso, blending completely with him as he increased his rhythm. Then, out of control, she hooked violently upon the waves of the last orgasm. "NO! Noooo! Ohhhh, noooo!" He was going to come, even as she was coming. His hands, holding the silken, high-rising buttocks, felt them clench and unclench. Then hot cream bathed his tool and trickled along both of her squirming thighs to the wrinkled bed. Still squealing, she sent her long, round-calved legs up and around his waist to tighten the hold on him as he climaxed, shooting into her. Hugh panted and jerked and convulsed and was finally stilled. Afterwards he thought of his new job and realized that Maurier and the maid must have wondered what had happened to him. He left the bed, washed up at the basin and started to get into his clothing. "I wish I could stay longer." The girl smiled but kept her eyes closed. "It is all right. We may meet again some other time." "Look, ahh ..." Now came the embarrassing part. "The one thing we did not discuss was price." "I don't charge for a game I enjoy so much." She opened her eyes and began to laugh at him. "You took me for a professional and I am not. I broke up with my boy friend two days ago and since then I've had no one to sleep with." "You're not. ..." "A whore? No." "Did I meet you last year, aboard a yacht?" "You did, but we did not sleep together. You went off with a skinny blonde who resembles me somewhat. I fooled you all along." There was a promise to meet again and a somewhat confused Hugh left the laughing, beautiful girl behind. He staggered along the street holding his uniform, thinking life was controlling him instead of the other way around.That bastard in the garage, that mechanic knows what they are like. It's true, he did have me twice. Hugh sneered. "I can hardly wait my turn. I took this job because of you." "Tell me another joke." "Where are you from, Claudia?" "Down the lower part of Italy, near the Adriatic. Foggia. Why?" "You're beautiful." "Don't flatter me, friend, because I have nothing to give you. At least not so soon." "No, I mean it, you're beautiful ... and you've got a mad body. But if you did win a beauty contest what in hell are you doing here working as a maid?" "None of your business." "Maybe you are as weird as that mechanic says Maurier is. How about it, girlie, what are Maurier's sex habits like?" She smiled, showing a dazzling set of teeth. "That, my friend is for me to know and you to find out." Claudia leaned forward, the action straining the fabric of her maid's costume almost to bursting point. Hugh was amazed by the rotundity of her breasts with the nipples penetrating almost haughtily. "One thing, you don't have to wear brassiere." The smile remained on her face while she began to clear the plates from the table. "How come you don't do something else down here, gigolo off the rich old women for example? You are as good looking as those lads here making a living from it." "No, it's not a real man's game." He watched her as she stood before the sink, washing the dishes. Her skirt, black and straight-fitting, left nothing to the imagination. It revealed a pair of buttocks of womanly width and roundness. And each time she leaned over the sink he saw the line of her panties and the white, luscious flesh of her long thighs. "Don't just sit there looking, talk." She turned to gather the rest of the kitchen utensils and her generous breasts went quivering like two balls floating on a moving stream. "Now it's easy to understand." Claudia looked at him, a puzzled expression on her pretty face. "Understand what?" "How those breasts won you first prize in a beauty contest." She smiled. "Maybe I will be good to you, just one time." Hugh rose and reached for her, but she avoided his grasp. "Why not?" "No, not now." "Then when?" "Later. Later, when the boss is asleep." Hugh's hands opened and closed as the desire, satisfied early that afternoon, gathered force and charged through his body. No matter what she thought of him he was going to take this big redheaded girl to bed. He was going to take her and satisfy her in such a way as to leave her gasping. The entire apartment was quiet, the only sound that of alley cats prowling in the garden. Hugh sat in the small room assigned him and considered his lot in life. On a closet door directly before him hung the chauffeur's uniform that he would soon be wearing. It was a musical comedy costume, straight out of a Lehar operetta with epaulettes, brass buttons, pleated pockets and a leather belt. All that was needed, he reflected, was a silver mounted revolver and holster and a couple of medals. Just as he decided to ready himself for bed came the knock on the door. Frowning, he opened it and found Claudia standing out there in the darkness. Well now, he did expect her to visit, but not so soon. "May I come in?" she whispered. Hugh, noting that she carried a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, nodded, admitting her. She set the bottle on the small night table, making room by moving the lamp to one side. "Good stuff we are going to drink." He studied the label, seeing that it was twenty-one-year-old Ballantine's scotch. "If the best is good enough for the boss, then it ought to be for us. No?" "No argument from me, girlie." She poured generous amounts into both glasses and handed his over. "Cheers." It went down smoothly but too quickly, bringing tears to his eyes, but Claudia swallowed her whiskey without flinching. "You know how to handle it, don't you?" "'I should. I have worked often as a bar maid and in those places the customers always offer free drinks. I used to be drunk all the time, but after a while I got used to it." She sat on the bed, leaving him to lean against the wall with a refilled glass while she began to tell him about her past. Hugh saw no necessity for this and told her so. "I take people as they are, always from the present time. Your past is your business." "It will help to explain the type of household you have taken employment in." He shrugged, knowing that some people always have to have a good listener around. "Okay, go ahead." Claudia was really a beautiful girl. She had long reddish hair that, when undone, flowed past her shoulders all the way down to the sculptured hips. Her eyes were hazel in color and slanted, her nose tilted and her mouth generous, the full lips a natural red. Her movements were always graceful and she knew how to dress well without displaying any of the vulgarity of coarse mannerisms of most low-class girls who made their way in life as house-maids. On her days off Claudia would don silk dresses, wear earrings with false diamonds and smoke black Sobranie cigarettes through a delicately carved holder in the hope of creating an air of sophistication. But few people were taken in by this act. Less than three months before Claudia had won first price in a beauty contest in her native village of Foggia. The judges and the audience had agreed that her face and figure were faultless. At one meter seventy-five she was perhaps too tall, but her carriage was splendid, her walk excellent, and her body amazing. Some of the other contestants screamed at the decision. The judges put it down to pure envy and stood by their verdict. Claudia's buttocks were well-matched, they stated, and shapelier than country pears. Besides, the other breasts they had viewed fell, even if slightly, while hers thrust straight out. Claudia knew that a body like hers had no place in Foggia. The next morning she said goodbye to her family and departed for Rome, a city where she would be thoroughly appreciated. A little later she discovered to her shock that Rome was filled with girls of spectacular proportions. Her body was duplicated a dozen times along any street in that city. When she was almost on the edge of starvation she took a job as a waitress in a dump on the Via Margutta. It was either that or taking to the streets. The latter was something Claudia wanted to postpone as long as possible. One day as she stood behind the bar of the café a tall, slender and aristocratic foreigner entered. Almost immediately he began to pay attention to her and Claudia developed ideas. She had glimpsed the long black Mercedes Benz parked outside and sensed that the owner had more than his share of money. The aristocratic man ordered scotch and stared at her as he drank. Claudia was somewhat apprehensive because the boss of the café, a fat, rough-faced man of sixty had advised her to pay a visit to the storeroom when the place closed. He wanted a chance at her body and Claudia, nervous because of the oncoming situation, worked with one eye on the clock and the other on the customers. Well, she had mused, the boss has been after me ever since I was hired. She shrugged and looked down at her breasts. All those two things had done for her was to win her a chromium-plated statuette and get her into trouble. Not one man among all those she met in Rome could keep his hands off them. Worse, of the men she had gone with not one was an honest fellow. They were all liars who promised her roles in non-existent films. For instance the boy who had taken her virginity was too young to even sweep the floor of a film studio, much less produce a film, and yet she had fallen for his tale. Someone yelled for a coffee and Claudia went over to the gleaming Gaggia machine. She adjusted the wooden knob, yanked on the lever and listened to the huge mechanism hiss and spurt. The foreigner was eyeing her and when he beckoned Claudia asked if he wished another scotch. "No," he spoke rapidly. "My name is Maurier and in a few minutes I intend to drive out of Italy up to France, to the Riviera, to be exact, where I reside. You are far too beautiful to be working in a place of this sort." "Ah hah, another film producer." "Wrong. A successful businessman, and there is place for you in my employ." Claudia's heart had leaped. "How much time do I have to decide?" Maurier glanced at his gold wrist watch. "Five minutes. No more, no less." Fat Alberto, the boss who yearned to sleep with her had yelled: "Claudia, you lazy thing. I am waiting for that order and not standing here to watch you flirt with foreign customers." Claudia filled two small cups with espresso and placed them before Alberto. "You can go to hell with my permission." "Basta! Enough, before I forget myself. Cosa che? What is the matter with you? Make sure you are in the storeroom promptly tonight. And when I come to you let there be fire in your heart and warmth in your loins." "Figlio di putana!' Claudia rolled her apron into a bundle, tossed it on a shelf, screwed a fresh Sobranie into her cigarette holder and strutted out from behind the bar. Maurier led her before the surprised ex-employer out to his car. That night, in a swank hotel far up on the Italian Riviera Claudia undressed and waited for her new man to come to her. Just when she was on the verge of falling asleep Maurier, completely nude, left the bathroom and entered the darkened bedroom. He seated himself on the edge of the bed and slid a hand between the girl's well-rounded thighs. She shifted and opened her long legs, showing him the furry bush carpeting her femaleness. Maurier moved his hand up to play with her breasts instead. Moonlight seeped into the room, gleaming on the lush body. Claudia, in a state of heat, squirmed and moaned as Maurier's hands worked her rounded, well-developed breasts. "Come into me, now, now," she had whispered. "I never thought I could be so on fire."Fluid leaked out of her boiling hot opening and her breath was ragged. Still the man delayed taking her. He had, in fact, avoided her as she offered the warm, extremely exciting body. She begged him while twisting over the bed, sending her hips into swelling curves, rounding out the contours of her miraculous body. But when he fell upon her in a savage embrace, Claudia cried out. The man was built like a donkey! "Aiiiieeeeeee!" "Ahhh, yes, ahhh, my beauty, ahhh, my sweet, ahhh, my prizewinner!" Claudia forgot the size of the instrument penetrating her and responded like an animal in heat, fitting herself to Maurier, rising up to meet his downward thrusts, keeping every part of her strong body in motion. She came, again, and again, and again, until after what must have been the twentieth orgasm she lay back, not only exhausted but about to faint. The past now receded and the present returned. Hugh, drinking his whiskey thought any man who could make a dish like Claudia come twenty times without climaxing himself had the durability of a statue and should be envied. Claudia searched within the voluminous pockets of her robe and brought out a rubber instrument. "Here, this is how he made me pop off twenty times." "A false penis! A rubber dildo!" "Exactly. I hope I shall get the real thing from you." "Is he impotent or what?" "Too small. He shoves the little that nature gifted him with into this thing. He possesses many dildos, all different shapes." She got up, tossed down the remains of her whiskey. "I shall leave the bottle with you. Sweet dreams." "Hey, wait!" He reached for her, gaining a fast feel of the fabulous breasts and making a swift sweat pass over the bursting ass. She kissed him hotly, allowed him to tweak the nipples of her breast and open her robe. Hugh, encountering hot nakedness was immediately, excited. He dipped lower, trying to shove her strong legs apart and bring his penis up into her bush-covered slit. He had barely gotten it in when the girl gave a wrench of her ass. "Later." She was gone, blending into the darkness of the empty hallway. "Shit!"I am a healthy woman and with you next to me I would not have to go seeking others in garages or bars or on the beaches. "Then pack your things and, leave this joint with me." "What? How would you support us? I would end up again as a waitress in a dirty café with my ass pinched by evil men with bad-smelling breath." Hugh sat on the bed with his hands resting on the knees. He could not tell her he was rich enough to support her in great style for the rest of his life. He had sworn to work, to live on what he earned and not reach into a bank account. "I don't know, girlie, I just don't know." She closed the door. "I am a sport, I'm willing to gamble." "I'm listening." "If I make you happy, then you stay on the job; otherwise you leave the first thing in the morning with no bad feelings on my part." "Some odds. You know damned well you can satisfy me. I saw the way you screw." "All right, I know I am good in bed. But liking me is another matter. Perhaps you will like me well enough too." "And what do you get out of this?" "I get you." Claudia untied the robe and it fell away, showing her luxurious body, appointed richly with the dome-like stomach, the rounded thighs so sleek and shining, the womanly hips and, above all, the amazing breasts standing straight out. "Come, get undressed and put out the light. We have wasted too much time talking." "You just came straight from Maurier." Even as he spoke Hugh was undressing. "Yes, but he did not give me any satisfaction. Also, I did not give myself to him the way I intend to now. I offer you a total passion, a woman's true lust now." Claudia sat on the bed, helping him to undress. Her fingers caressed the hard muscles of his arms and shoulders and as she encountered his flat stomach he heard the intake of her breath. "Oh. no, never," she said, "I can not let you go." As she explored his body, expressing delight, his hands searched hers, feeling up the curved sun-tanned flesh of her thighs, touching tenderly the swelling belly, feeling desire flood his loins. Then Claudia's tongue was darting into his ear and she was whispering: "Presto, presto, caro mia!" His hardened penis, surprised, creating an unexpected sensation of delight and she was willing to express the new-found pleasure of finding a man who was built like a man instead of an undeveloped boy. Hugh straddled Claudia, his knees resting between her sweating armpits, and he lowered his thing into her mouth. She fellated him quickly, her lips encircling the penis, her tongue darting. Whining he stiffened and bore down, sending what he had deeper into her mouth. The juice was bubbling in his sac of eggs and he did not want to come. He put his hands to her head while Claudia raised herself up from the bed, swallowing every millimeter of the instrument. Her tongue sucked away, speeding up, making his penis harder, and he had to yell that it was enough. He rolled his penis all over her twisting body until she rolled around on her stomach, drew up her knees and presented her curving buttocks to him. "Take me from the rear." Hugh watched how that beautiful ass widened, becoming more large, definitely more rounded. Then, gloating in triumph, he gripped the smooth cheeks and knifed neatly underneath, entering the slightly puffy-lipped vagina. His shaft delivered an unexpected excitement, causing jagged streaks of pleasure to tear into Claudia's curvaceous body. "Mama mia!" "Aaaahhhh. girlie!" Hugh attached himself to Claudia, blending more, fastening his chest to her back, his loins to her rotund and always squirming buttocks. His manhood was completely sheathed in the wet, velvet-lined hole. "I ... am ... ready now!" She was timing his action, ready to start a perfect synchronization so that the partnership would be complete. He retreated and pushed forward, easily bringing her to orgasm. As she squealed from happiness he admired her smoothly muscled shoulders, her hard bosom and her rippling thighs. The peculiar tingling, too seldom brought on before, went through her arms and legs. Spasm after spasm caused her body to twist and she nearly screamed out. She fell forward, flinging her limbs out, her buttocks still humping as the climax passed. Hugh, his penis smeared with her oils, simply looked down at the poor maid. That was that, he figured, there would be nothing more for him. He was wrong. Lust had brightened and sputtered and leaped in the blazing white fire of passion that night and the game between himself and Claudia was far from over. It was his turn to add more fuel to the flame and this time he let his tongue and hands do the job. Each of her lovely breasts was measured and treasured. The strapping ass, so thrusting and resilient, was washed clean with spittle. The soft belly was laved, the rounded hips stroked, the full thighs and long legs rubbed with his penis and mouth. "Can you still go on?" "All night," she answered. Two of his fingers slipped into the pelt covering her vagina and fondled the slight protuberance. Electricity scorched the girl's loins as a tongue went where the finger had been. The lips of the vagina quivered, the button within throbbed and a murky juice flowed. "Nooooo!" Claudia's fingernails were like claws, digging into his arms and shoulders. He enjoyed this night, sucking the girl clean, washing her body with his ever-busy tongue. "Man, are you beautiful! This prizewinning body! Ohh, Claudia, there is just one like you in this world." "You can keep on all night without coming, can't you? It seems that way." "Not always, just now." Claudia could only lie limply with just her curving hips mobile, always in action, agitated by her new lover's caresses. "You are wonderful! Where has a man like you been all my life?" "Looking for you, maybe." He really busied himself. He brushed the beautifully taut thighs with his tongue, scraped the pubic hairs with his teeth and introduced his tongue to the slit. It was the ecstasy that the prizewinning housemaid had always sought in bed and seldom found. She tossed her hips up with an easy effort, slung her long legs over his bobbing shoulders and groaned as the long-awaited penis again entered her. "Divine man!" Hugh was amazed by the happenings. The girl's ass just went wild. It was not just rhythmic but perfectly rhythmic, so swiftly moving, so crazily rapid that he knew his orgasm was not far off. "Girlie, I am going to go off like a traffic light. Slow that rump down!" "I cannot, can not! It is not under my control. Come if you so desire because I cannot stop!" Hugh thrust in deeply and looked down at his new girlfriend, seeing the sweat dribbling in the crevice of her sunburned breasts. For the last time now he summoned his energies to take her with still more heated passion. She fought it out with him, welcoming his every hard thrust, not caring how swift, knowing he was quickening in order to bring her to climax before he shot his load. "Ahhhh, si, si, my lover! In! Out!" "In! Out! I'm, going, I am trying ... aaaahhh!" Claudia slid under Hugh, vibrating as he plunged deeper, flowering too as he gushed like a flood. "Aaaaa, you came, my lover!" "Ugh, ugh. uhhhhh!" Hugh pushed her legs wider apart and bent forward, holding his face against the somewhat' brownish melons of her breasts. And then ... it was over for both of them. Claudia left the bed, thinking that perhaps she could go and wash. But the poor battered girl took just two steps, stiffened, and reeled right around, falling across Hugh's prone body in a near faint. "Such a man!" "And what a woman you are!" "I could do no more even if I desired. I know now what it feels like to be dead." Hugh tried to answer but for the moment no words came. He even lacked the strength to talk. Claudia opened her eyes. "Well?" "You do not have to ask, do you?" "Then the answer is yes?" "Definitely yes. But you must stay here in this bed all night." "Crazy man." She pressed her hot, pulsing lips against his cheek. "From now on, caro mio, I shall warm your bed every night and during the day also, if you want me to."Silver, red and purple-blue seafoods gave off the fragrance of the deep sea, while piled-up vegetables and fruit still damp from the morning dew reminded him how beautiful this land could be. No two ways about it, he was going to enjoy Italy. He sat, thinking of the herbs from warm mountain slopes that mingled their scent with the marvelous cheeses and the spicy odors of dark-smoked hams and garlic-filled sausages. "Man, I am hungry!" "Do not act like a boor," warned Maurier. "You are in the company of a gentleman. Myself. Act that way if you are alone with Claudia." Throughout the splendid meal Maurier was silent, totally aloof, but under the table Claudia's full-fleshed legs opened and closed upon Hugh's leg, imprisoning it. Only when she guessed that she had completely aroused him was his leg released. On the way back to the car she whispered: "You have got it bad for me, haven't you?" He looked at her lovely red hair, checked out the almost wanton lurch of her grinding buttocks and admitted aloud that for the moment he did have it quite bad for her. Just before they entered the Mercedes, when Maurier was studying the distant sun-painted hills, Claudia wove her fingers into Hugh's hair and kissed him hard on the mouth. Her lips were moist and warm, her breath sweet-smelling from wine, and when Hugh kissed her back hard, determinedly, his senses reeled. "Wait, we better stop this if I'm to keep my mind on the driving." She looked so amazingly beautiful standing there, bare-armed and bare-legged under the hot sun. For a moment Hugh was forced to caution himself not to fall in love with her. It was late when they pulled into San Remo and drove up to the pink-stuccoed, two-storied villa that Maurier had rented. Hugh waited until the two people left, each taking luggage; then he backed the car into the attached garage. His rear bumper banged against metal. Hugh jammed on the brakes and twisted about to view an Alfa Romeo sports convertible. Easing forward, he twisted the steering wheel slightly and managed to back up this time without locking bumpers with the seemingly new, white car. That done, he picked up the remaining luggage and went up a wide, pebbled path and into the villa. He entered a large room, the floor tiled in ceramic but sparsely furnished with cheap summer stuff. One wall held a dead fireplace. The other three walls had six-paned windows that opened out on the garden and further beyond the sea. Hugh deposited the bags on the floor and went looking for Claudia. He found her in a small, whitewashed room. Her suitcase was opened on the bed and she was already hanging things in the closet. "How do you like it?" "Not bad so far. Where's his highness?" Without turning she said: "He's taking a shower and preparing to go into the town and give the local fellows a look at real nobility." "Then we will be left alone." "Sex on your mind again, eh? Ahh, you naughty, naughty man." "Where am I to sleep?" "There." Claudia turned and winked. "Next door to your loved one, namely me. Come." She crossed the tiny foyer and shoved open the door. Hugh followed her into a room no larger than hers and just as badly furnished, containing a bed, a closet, a chair, a table and nothing else. "Home, sweet home! Well, I could do worse." He unbuttoned the tunic. "I am boiling alive in this outfit. I'm going to change into jeans and a light shirt." Just then Maurier, wet-haired and dressed in a linen suit and an open-collared silk shirt, passed by. He had a long cigarette screwed into a holder. "Getting yourselves settled? That's good. I'll dine by myself in the town. Out there in the kitchen I came upon some eggs and fruit which you two may eat." Claudia placed her hands on her hips. "Just how old are those eggs?" "They appear to be fresh.. Perhaps the renting agent left them." "There must be someone else living here," offered Hugh. "I saw a new Alfa Romeo sports car in the garage." "A white one?" "Yes." "Ahh, then my lady friend is here." Maurier's lips stretched into a smile. "The partying starts." After he left Claudia shrugged. "Good for me that bitch is here. He won't be coming to me at night while she's around." "Who the hell're you talking about?" "An aging bitch, collects men like some people collect stamps. Somewhere in her forties I think, but what a cunt! Wait until she sets eyes on you." Their dinner consisted of omelets, bread and wine, and once hunger was satisfied Hugh's thoughts turned to sex. Claudia was so earthy. Her opened blouse displayed the generous and shapely bosom. Her arms were rounded and tanned, the hairs already golden. Her red hair, drawn smoothly back, heightened the effect of her marble-surfaced skin, her large eyes and full, beautifully curved lips. "Can't have enough of me, can you?" "Let's get into bed right now." That he desired her filled Claudia with an intense and burning pleasure. "Immediately?" "Now. I want to play with those tits, I want to stroke that ass. I want to put my face between those long legs and afterwards I want to put my stiff manhood in the place where it belongs." "But it's been a long trip. We should rest, especially you, since you had to do the driving." "We will rest. In bed." "Well. I am here to serve you and since I want the same thing, come on." She got up from the table and threw her shoulders back, causing her bosom to gouge her blouse into many fine wrinkles. "My sexual power over you must indeed be strong." Claudia unbuttoned her blouse, yanked it out of her skirt and right there, in the kitchen, began to disrobe. He tried to embrace her but she fended him off expertly, avoiding his arms. "Let me get undressed first." Hugh was laughing like a child. "One kiss." "Very well. But just one." Claudia's fingers hooked into his shirt; she pulled him roughly against her, pressed her lips to his and slid her tongue into Hugh's mouth. Her tongue went in deep, its tip sliding along his teeth, and tapped against the roof of his mouth until Hugh became wild and desperate. Slowly, they sank to the floor and there, on the linoleum covering, he tried to take her. "Not here, in the kitchen," pleaded Claudia. But when she felt his stiffened penis and saw the hungry look she experienced his full desire and relented. With a yielding sigh Claudia allowed her new lover to have his way. Still clothed he entered her, shoving his hard staff deep into the warm depths. Her long body rose and she moved in a way that was now familiar but still extremely stimulating to him. He was too eager, his orgasm already building up and on the way. But his abrupt movements soon had the girl frenzied and she held tightly, pulling him to her struggling body while she twisted her head from side to side. Her buttocks bounced on the cold floor, her long hair played out and her belly spasmed within minutes. At the final moment, when joy was an explosion, Claudia listened to his manly gasps and dug her nails into the muscles lining his back, surrendering herself fully to the act. Wine was drunk, talk exchanged and then they washed, went into her bedroom and slept. His watch read eleven and, fully refreshed, Hugh was ready for another round of pleasant lovemaking. The girl left the bed, pulled on her panties and went to the kitchen, searching for more wine. The new bottle was opened and half finished when they knew, without passing a word, that it was time again to take one another. The woman stretched luxuriously in the bed, obviously in a state of delirium. Her nipples were sharp points, darker than the skin of her sizable, ball-shaped breasts. Thin panties held her curving buttocks and through them could be seen the thick dark muff of pubic hair. Now he stroked his penis which had hardened so that it was like a staff, encouraging the girl to come and touch him. She needed no further encouragement. In a moment she was all trembling, her breasts shaking like jelly. "Oooh, it is so stiff!" The embrace was tight. The man's weapon shot between her closing thighs and he palmed her twisting backside. She murmured as she caressed his back, telling him he could not penetrate while she wore the clinging panties. She lay back waiting, her eyes filmed over, a beautiful and passionate woman waiting to be loved, and he peeled the panties down her long legs. "A dream of a girl!" "Can't you... put yourself into me ... now!" She spoke even as she wriggled her buttocks, all gasps, eager to be free of the protective panties. Then she put her arms about her lover's neck. He cupped her buttocks with one spread hand, bringing her up closer to him. His other hand followed the path of his phallus which was pointed in a direct line at her slit. They kissed again, breaking only to draw in air, the man whimpering and the woman sobbing. He moved his opened mouth down her neck, biting it. With a cry she threw her head back, the long shining hair streaming past her shoulders, her loins pushing against his rigid manhood. She let out such a frightening scream that he drew back, withdrawing his instrument But she pleaded with him to enter her again. "Please, please, it did not hurt but I have to make that scream! Ohhh, I have to, I have to!" Sinuously, she crawled about the bed, the globes of her breasts rolling, her backside twisting and rounding to complete fullness. Now he was ready once more, licking his lips, shaking the heavy penis a few times, flinging beads of wetness from it. Then he went after her. "Aggghhhh!" He was atop her, propping himself up by flattening his hands on the bed. Muscles stood out on his thick forearms. She threshed beneath him, mouthing little cries. Her eyes were now tightly closed and her hand went to search for the stiff penis. "Ooooo! Mine, all mine, every millimeter of it is mine!" She stroked the aching weapon; winding her fingers about the fat base. Her legs fluttered and her arms beat the bed. "Easy now ... I am going into you."He wedged a hand under her rounded bottom, bringing it up simultaneously as his body was lowered. "Easy ... easy ... I am almost in, almost all ... the way.., into you!" His tool was partially in. Then he gave a slight wriggle, encouraging her to swing her legs up, then down. The motion was swift, and the rigid penis was in, causing the girl to gasp and sigh and scream, all from an unbelieved pleasure. "Man! You are squeezing me!" He started off immediately, giving it to her, pasting himself so close that his pubic hairs and her muff were as one. She whined as he placed a hand on either side of her twisting hips and went at her swiftly, using the strength of his hips and thighs. The woman groaned, her face contorted with lust, her nostrils flaring and spittle flying out of her mouth. "Oooohh, no, ohhh no, no, no, noooo!" He rammed her hard and she loved it. She squirmed, spread her legs wide apart, pulled them up high, bent them at the knees and urged him to make her happy. He did. And a shrill sound emerged from her mouth. Her fluid bubbled up out of the opened slit, washing around the probing tool, soaking his hairs and even the sac of balls. "I came," she shouted, "ohhh, did I come!" When he finally reached the state of orgasm he sounded like a bull. He made the girl scream and climax again, for he was really screwing her primitively, like someone out of a dark jungle who thrust her hard and harder and burst her apart. "Gee, gee, geeeoooooow!" She yelled. "Ugh, ugh, ugh," the man fought to hold on to his breath as the stuff squirted out of his penis. Later, she opened her eyes wide and put a hand to her mouth. He felt drugged and crawled to his knees, still between the lovely, outstretched thighs. "I hope that I made you happy because you made me damned happy!"She strode off like a big cat, her body flowing gracefully, the packed hills of her buttocks grinding. "Fantastic," said the Countess. "That girl has a fantastic figure. And will you just look at that back-side! Truthfully, I have never seen anything like it." Hugh sighed and got into the Mercedes. He switched on the motor and, choosing a reverse gear, slowly backed the big car into the garage. The woman remained outside, basking under the hot sun. "Tonight, you must prepare yourself for our wild party." Hugh left the car, slamming the door hard. "Sorry. I've other plans, with Claudia, for the evening. Unless, of course, she is invited too." "Claudia is the maid. The help may associate with anyone on the same level but I am afraid that at this party she would be out of her element." "And I am the chauffeur." "Temporarily. Maurier and I both feel you are something else. Perhaps an out-of -work actor." "Sorry but I can't make your wild party." "But your job calls for it. Maurier will do quite a bit of drinking. I intend to also. Neither of us can handle a car when drunk. As you said, you are the chauffeur." That evening there was an argument with Claudia. He tried to kiss her but she pushed him off. When he passed a hand along the exploding flesh of her buttocks she slapped him hard, on the face. Surprised, he asked for a reason. "You want to sleep with that fat, middle-aged woman, I know it!" There was no use in pursuing such nonsense. Hugh went to shower and upon emerging found some packages on his bed. He swiftly unwrapped them; he snapped strings and removed tissue paper and beautiful, expensive things spilled out of the opened boxes. He stared, unbelieving. Somebody was playing Santa Claus at the wrong time of year. There was a dark-blue knitted blazer with genuine silver buttons. Another box offered three white silk shirts with wide-spread collars. Against a background of flimsy tissue lay several club-striped neckties. Across the bed were two pairs of gray linen slacks. When Hugh picked up a heavy oblong box he found two pairs of calf-skinned loafers, one black, the other pair dark brown. Claudia stepped into the room, her eyes blazing. "See why I was annoyed. So this is how that fat bitch gets you-with these new clothes." Hugh was speechless. "Why ... why should she ... man, this is wild!" The girl moved forward, arm outstretched to sweep the things off the bed, but Hugh blocked her path. "Wait a minute, will you. Give me a little time to think this thing out." "Are you a gigolo?" "No!" "So, return them. Hah, does she think that a few pieces of rag and leather will make you hers?" "Claudia, I must talk to her." "NO!' "But what about you? The first night I was hired I found you sleeping with Maurier. If he sent for you now you'd march straight into his bed." "I would not. That is all finished." "The hell it is." "Maurier understands me well enough now to know. I belong to you. Anyway, he is concerned about the party. He hopes to meet the sort of woman who will arouse his baser instincts. Me, I am just a maid." "All right, I'll give the thing. back to the Countess." Claudia's eyes softened and her voice lowered. "Hugh, we have something good now. Please do not ruin it. You make me feel alive and proud to be a woman. I am happy that I don't have to fling myself at these waiters and mechanics and porters when the urge to have a man is upon me." She had said that before, but he listened intently, knowing her feelings for him were sincere. "I have you now. I prefer doing it with one man alone and besides I want to do it with you." She approached him, offering her body. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on the silk blouse and her high, perfectly shaped breasts tumbled out, round and creamy, their pinkish nipples already stiffened. Hugh needed no further urging. He was fighting to get out of his clothing and pushing the new garments from his bed to clear a space. Naked, the lovers embraced, with his erected penis sliding between her slightly parted thighs. Gently he arranged her on the bed and Claudia raised her arms high so that her globes were thrust up sharply, jutting upward for him to squeeze and fondle. They reminded him of other balls, those breasts, and he tried to roll her over to take her from the rear. "No, for the moment take me in the regular position and afterwards we may try another." "All right." He tweaked the nipples that had ripened to a hard stiffness. The round buttons had changed from pink to red with the girl's excitement. Then his hands went to her hips, over the flaring curves, before cupping the spherical rump. "My love, kiss my body." He obeyed, kissing her neck while he stroked the wildish, womanly hips and palmed the bubble-shaped behind some more. For a moment he bent lower down, pressing his face into the curling pubic hairs and running his tongue along the slit. Claudia was delirious when his tongue went into her vagina. The silken lips parted and the tiny little bud that was the clitoris rose hard. He rose up and closed his open mouth over one breast, testing the rubbery nipple, then the other. Again he traveled lower, resting his chin lightly on the soft belly, washing out whatever had accumulated in the navel with his tongue and finally burying his mouth in the thick fleece of v-shaped hair. Claudia began to sob. Her legs were splayed, the moist slit between them pouting open. His tongue was there, lapping at the warm crotch, feeling the juices leak out. His tongue flicked at the slit, then sank fully inside. That did it for the girl. The action of cunnilingus was slow, but it produced an orgasm. The girl flowed and moaned as she flowed. He repeated the process, the rhythm of his jabbing tongue becoming swifter, the pressure increasing. His face smelled of her love juice as she kept on dripping. Hugh drew up waiting until she recovered her senses. He sent two fingers into her succulent opening, getting the fingers heated up at once. The hot, moist flesh closed tightly around the intruders and Claudia spilled again. "Ohhh, another, ohhh, another!" "Isn't it what you always need?" "It is what I always want! Come, take me," she implored, "put your manhood into me." "My way, this time, all right?" "Oohh, if you wish." Claudia rolled over on her belly and presented her lovely rear to him. He raised her, holding fast to her thighs, bringing her behind up, aimed his instrument and went right into her dripping vagina without any difficulty. "Oooohhh, you touch things in me, all kinds of things and ... oooohhh, ahhhh ... I knew it, I knew it!" "Agh, you are tight, you are hot, you are wet!" "Take me, take me!" "I am taking you." Her bouncing bottom hammered upward, giving him an unbelievable delight. This made him so alive, feeling that luscious butt twisting against him, seeing her long hair whipping about, seeing her deliciously shaped breasts pressing into the bed. When he pulled his thing out halfway he could see it was coated with a sticky cream of juice. Ahh, look at that, just look at that. Man, he dug in again, straight into the hot wetness, feeling Claudia's rear end clench in an urgent, spastic lust. Breathing heavily, he came, shooting out just as she fell forward, her hands digging into the bed covers, her hips twisting. Hugh fell atop her, pasting his chest to her sweating back while spurting like a geyser. Minutes later, when they were both totally worn out, he went limp and dropped easily out of her opening. "Ohhh, Claudia, Claudia!" "I can't move, I am dead!" Elsewhere in the villa they heard Maurier, shouting for her. "Our boss is calling." "Tell the bastard to go to hell. Ohh, Hugh, I want to sleep forever.""You devil," the girl, who was actually a bald-headed man, squealed. "Do you see?" The doctor turned to his three new guests. "That proves that you must not believe everything you see. Here you are, Leonard." He tossed the wig at the red-faced transvestite and led his guests further on. It seemed to be more bedlam than a party. A fat man in a sailor suit whose belly hung down like a deflated balloon was before the piano, playing and singing at the top of his lungs: "I'm mad about the boy!" Four people, all girls, were whirling out a beat rhythm while a middle-aged, heavy-faced man dressed like a rocker in leather stumbled among the dancers, begging one of them, just one, to be his partner. Everyone was drinking cocktails, but Hugh opted for a double scotch on the rocks. His companions, the good doctor, Maurier and the Countess, had disappeared. He moved about, sipping at his whiskey, trying to figure out who in hell these guests were. He sensed that some were Britons living here on pensions, some college boys on vacation, some gigolos preying on men and women alike, some bored people willing to try anything, and others the type to be found in every country except their own. At one time, long ago, the Americans would have been easy to tell by their height and short haircuts. But the average young European today was quite tall and long hair was a worldwide style. The Germans seemed to have newer clothes, the Italians were easy to spot because of their well-cut suits and air of conceit. The French, of course, were bored, having been to many parties like this. Thus the mob was international, talking in half a dozen tongues, all smoking, drinking, shouting and running through the villa at top speed, smashing glasses, careening into tables and not caring that everything, food, furnishings and pride were scattered in their wake. A tremendous man whose head was square and bald plowed through the guests like a tank to stand before Hugh. He wore a uniform, the origin of which was not easy to identify. "I have been watching you," his accent was guttural, somewhat Balkan. "I hope you like what you see." "Indeed. How would you like to be in films?" "Are you a talent scout?" "A producer. Talent scout! Bah! I make films in Yugoslavia. Westerns. Better than Hollywood. That place, bah!" The big man revealed a mouthful of bad teeth. "You sign a contract with me at once." Suddenly a girl appeared in their midst. She was tall, round-faced, brown-haired, pretty in a farm-girl way but a little too plump, almost fat. Her breasts were huge balls and her buttocks even huger balls. "Daddy, are you bullshitting strangers again?" "Get away from me." The girl pressed herself against Hugh. First came her stomach, followed by the overlarge, squashable breasts. "My daddy is a terrible liar. He designed that uniform himself. Where he picked up the accent only heaven knows." "Daddy," somewhat embarrassed at being found out, bowed low, and, still speaking in the guttural Balkan accent, apologized to Hugh, stressing the fact that he had to discuss business with a few actresses. Hugh found himself dancing with the girl "Who are you, anyway?" "Do names matter if one lives for the moment? Tomorrow I can be a stranger." If the father was psycho then his daughter was too dramatic. But what the hell, this was a party, so Hugh figured he would go along with her game. He had a name for her, however, one that she would not approve of: fatso. The girl went on talking. "I haven't found the man yet who will be my partner for the night." "What game will you be playing that forces you to look for a partner?" "Sex, silly boy." "Oh, I see." "You appear to be a likely candidate but I think I ought to look around some more, don't you?" "That might be best. For you, that is." The zipper on the girl's silk pants had come undone and two of the buttons on her too-tight shirt had popped off. Obviously she believed in squeezing herself into clothing several sizes too small. She smiled brightly and insisted upon pressing her face and body to his in a slow dance. She felt quite warm and squeezable, like a child's favorite stuffed doll. It was an age since he had bedded down with a plump girl and Hugh would be willing to tumble this one. But he might be sexually drained and when he returned home that night Claudia would be furious. "Do you like my figure? I seem rather fat but I'm not, you know." "Who said you were? I'd call you a Rubens type." "Exactly. I am voluptuous and if you saw me in the nude at once you'd admit I am very round. I don't know how men can go to bed with models, girls built like sticks with pimples for breasts and no asses." "Some men do, but count me out of that group." "Would you like to go to bed with me?" It was a direct appeal, almost innocent the way it was put with her eyes so bright, her unrouged lips parted and those sparkling white teeth. Sure he would, but not at the moment, and Hugh told her this. "I ought to get some partying in, some more drinks, a little more dancing. Then we'll see." "All right." She slipped out of his arms and backed up a foot or so. "You may examine my breasts if you like, to sort of put you in the mood." Hugh squeezed one breast and murmured approvingly. The globe was too big but deliciously firm, and he assured the girl he would be in the mood, "later." A swift kiss from her soft lips and the fattish girl left. Hugh sighed, looking around for another drink, but nothing was available. White-jacketed servants were kept on the hop from the kitchen to the salon, but guests insisted upon sweeping as many drinks from the tray as they could carry. Across the salon Hugh was watched by the Countess and Maurier. The platinum-haired woman selected an unfinished martini and, winking at her companion, carried the glass over to Hugh. "Here, my darling." Hugh wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. "What is it, a cocktail? I've been drinking scotch." "Take what's available." He swallowed the mixture and watched a girl who was dancing atop a table. "Who is that?" "Her name is Leda. That is the young girl who's draining Doctor Leasor of every penny. He gave this party to satisfy her. A beauty, isn't she, but a bit too big." The girl Leda stood at least five eleven in her stocking feet and weighed not one bit under one seventy-five, none of which was fat. Her black hair was cropped short and her round, baby face was devoid of makeup. Her body, covered by a man's shirt and beach shorts, was big, wide-hipped, heavy-breasted and too overwhelming with round, strong thighs and buttocks packed with solid flesh. An amazon, her best feature was her legs, which were long and shapely with slim ankles. As she danced, causing every muscle in her body to vibrate, her jutting breasts bounced up and down, their nipples erect. "She is just too much woman," Hugh told the Countess. "Would you like to sleep with her?" "For novelty, yes." He thought about his remark seconds after making it. The people here were too concerned with sex; it governed their actions, seeming to be the goal that carried them through life. He had left behind wealth and a life of ease to seek hard experience, but all he was finding was sex. It wasn't the way, not the way at all. He was surprised that, during the time he had been in Maurier's employ, he had not given the direction his life had taken any serious thought. The Countess pressed another martini into his hand. "Here. Your glass is empty." Hugh took the glass without thinking, automatically drinking the potent liquid. Some of the boys were beating their palms on the table top and the man at the piano played a strange rhythm for the black-haired Leda to dance to. It was a sensuous dance, with the girl's hips undulating to the tempo of the improvised accompaniment. At once she dragged forth an audience, stopping all conversation. Men put down drinks, women left new partners and food and cigarettes were forgotten as Leda swung her delightful rump in all four directions of the room. "Eeeee," said a loose-lipped homosexual, "this is one time I wish I were a man." "So do I," said a fellow at his side, a skinny little pansy with a brassy yellow streak in his otherwise black mane of hair. The crowd applauded with enthusiasm and Leda, shrieking, responded to their cries by stripping. Perspiration washed her baby face as she removed the now wet shirt and tossed it away. Her generous breasts, unnaturally white against her sun-blackened body, were awash with sweat, bobbing in different directions. Drawn to the table, Hugh stared with wide, round eyes at the girl's breasts, hips and long legs. For a wild moment he had the urge to climb up there and get his hands on this whirling, large-bodied girl. "She will take someone on, count on it," said the Countess, pressing another martini into Hugh's hand. He drank it down without thinking. "Won't the good doctor have something to say about this?" "He's not jealous. She'll have perhaps a half-dozen different men and then she is his again." Hugh put the glass to his mouth and made a face upon finding it empty. "Some woman. I didn't think that nature made them that way anymore." "Wait, I shall find you another drink." The Countess slipped away. Hugh, sweating like a pig, kept licking his dried lips. The girl, Leda, still up there dancing, was a sensation. Her body, weaving in time to the piano's increasing tempo, was unrestrained, and there was pure craving in her eyes. "Here." The Countess had successfully located still another martini. With a sudden scream Leda stopped dancing and crumpled on the table, her long legs thrashing as if she were the victim of a seizure. Men broke forward, clambering to climb on top of the table. The drinking took its effect and Hugh really did not know where he was. He looked into the Countess's eyes, seeing them very wide, quite pale now and definitely serious.Her voice was but a murmur as she took his hand. "Darling boy, you are coming with me." Startled, moving like a sleepwalker, Hugh was taken out of the party room, down the hall to an empty room. The moment they crossed the threshold the woman embraced him, tearing at the same time at his clothing. He kissed her hard, rubbing his mouth back and forth across hers. After what seemed an eternity he was naked and so was she. Swaying like a drunk, he staggered into a small bed and lay back, his head heavy on the pillow, his eyes closed, feeling her take his hands and guide them over her breasts. He encompassed them, finding them still firm and shapely, despite her age. He tried to keep his mind clear but the drink was too strong, and this woman's body an aphrodisiac, and he squeezed her arms, stroked her hips and palmed her buttocks, feeling out of breath from the long kiss. The Countess's eyes were swimming in her head and she let out a short laugh that was like a dog's bark. She touched his penis, sending a tingle racing through him. "Drunk but still capable. Good." On her side, with her breasts sagging, she rubbed her thighs together, showing him a pubic bush that was quite hairy, blondish and damp. One leg went up as she rolled over on her back and her bottom, flexible and muscled, revolved. Hugh swung himself right on top of the woman, going directly into her. She shouted that it was great and sighed as he rose up, pulling half of himself out and sobbing as he returned in a deep thrust. It went on and on without his climaxing due to his somewhat advanced state of intoxication. But the volume of the woman's passion was limitless. He marveled at her sensual talent even as his lunges, upward, forward and inward, quickened. She came, clinging to him with all her strength as the come bubbled up in her passageway. Her rump bucked frantically as she exploded. He held fast to the spreading flesh of the clenching bottom; she was shooting up. Again the laugh came, so like the bark of a hound. Then, hissing like a cat, she held him, crying out that he was a superb screw. He struggled with her, locked with her as one, splashing about in the seas of lust and sensation. At last it was over and she demanded a soft, rather gentle kiss. Hugh, still embedded in the woman, felt her fingertips brushing lightly along the surface of his back. He tried to inch up but her hot flesh had closed around his member. He exercised another movement and her eyes lost their color momentarily as raw lust stung her. "Oh, oh, oh!" Passion pulsed in the woman's veins and she bent her long back, tightening her rear end and gripping the hard thing with her vaginal muscles. At first, when he just held her by the buttocks and moved her body up and down, keeping her firmly impaled to his steel-like penis, she allowed him his way, only arching her back occasionally. Then another orgasm built up and the Countess fell upon the bed, writhing and wrapping her strong legs about his waist. "Yes, yes, YES!" He was drunk, he was insane and he plunged in and out of her recklessly. It took no time, perhaps three seconds, before the Countess, completely switched on, started to flow. It was torture, this constant ramming with his penis and, whining, she dug her heels into the bed and lifted the man up high. She came and cried for him to kiss her full, twisting mouth. Even as she climaxed, burning his joint terribly, her hips were always active, meeting every one of his downward strokes. Then Hugh stopped, raised himself up and fell down, shattering the woman's vaginal walls as he exploded. Her little rubbery clit went into a wild dance as his seed, roaring in, slammed against the dead end of her opening and was blasted back. "NOOOOO!" The thick, creamy hot fluid made her body a pyre. She let out one hell of a yell, for the hard, erect thing was ploughing even deeper as it shot and shot. Hugh rolled over in the huge bed and nearby the Countess, her body gleaming like melted gold, groaned and burrowed deeper into the bedclothes. "Give me a cigarette, please." At hand was a night table upon which stood a lacquered cigarette box and a silver lighter. He reached over, selected one of the cigarettes, lit it and, after one rather unwelcome puff, handed it to the woman. "Thanks." She sat up in bed, flinging her hair back, looking now every bit her age. Circles ringed her eyes and with all her make-up wiped off during the hot-blooded sexual struggle, the wrinkles caused by a lifetime of sin and pleasure were obvious. Hugh was surprised his head was not hammering from a hangover. Across the room wind flowed in, fluttering the gauze curtains, and parts of the hills were shadowed with darkness, but the highest portion was yellowed by the new sun. "Hell, it's morning!" "But the party has not ended." He left the bed, cursing. Once again he had made a wrong move. Hell, why was he so determined to louse up his life like this, always selecting the wrong trails. It reminded him of a railroad junction wherein a yard-man throws a switch, tracks are shifted and the course of the train is altered. Sleeping with this woman! When would he realize the outcome of this act? In a few hours, a few days? Claudia would certainly stamp finish on their relationship. He saw a cloud of cigarette smoke float toward the ceiling and turned to look down upon the smiling Countess. Like Maurier, she was rich and spoiled but most of all corrupt, easily at home in this house of evil belonging to a weird doctor. Abruptly the woman threw back the covers, exposing her tanned, shapely body covered along the thighs and legs with a golden down.. "How are you this morning?" "Amazed at myself." "I am the one to be amazed, darling boy. Oh, my dear, I am here to tell you that your ability, your bedmanship so to speak, whether practiced or natural, is downright amazing. In fact it is nothing short of sensational." He reached for his clothing. "I am going." "To Claudia, the maid? She is beautifully built but I think Leda, the girl who danced on the table last night, is superior. But of course she is a common slut. Tell me, is Claudia as good in bed as I am?" He was dressing. "I do not wish to talk about Claudia." Her answer, a whisper, was unheard due to the noise from the party room. Women were screaming, men shouting and chairs could be heard tossed against the walls. Hugh bounded from the room and saw that some of the guests had gone berserk. Glass was crashing, linen being ripped and people fighting savagely. Punches were tossed, chins got slammed, more viscous blows were returned and the recipients of these went to the floor. Doctor Leasor, of all people, naked as the day he left his mother's womb, was jumping up and down shaking his fists. "Stop it, stop it, you are wrecking my villa." On the floor next to an overturned couch was the baby-faced dancer, Leda, out cold and still nude. Two of the male guests, an Italian and an Englishman, slugging it out, brought the fight close to where she lay, but Leda slept on. "Take that, Carlo, you rascal," grunted the Britisher. The Italian, even if his name was not Carlo, was certainly a rascal. He took what the Englishman offered and went down and out, right next to the sleeping beauty. The melee, taking on the serious aspects of a brawl, ranged from room to room, along the hallway, into the kitchen, out of the bathroom; porcelain was being broken, chairs destroyed, bottles smashed, pictures torn from the walls, expensive tapestries trampled underfoot and priceless rugs ruined forever. Hugh saw his employer, Maurier, sprint through the front door. He turned again in time to see the Countess, a bed sheet wrapped about her naked body, hop and skip through the battle, leap ballerina-like over fallen bodies and follow the same path taken by Maurier. The wail of police sirens was distinct and those few guests not beaten to their knees started a mad rush to flee the premises. Not all could get through at once and some smashed the windows to make their escape. But the police cars were numerous and a flock of carabinieri blocked the mob, catching most out there in the garden, letting just a few slip through. Screaming, the refugees re-entered the villa en masse, clawing and fighting their way back into sanctuary. Hugh caught on at once and while the police blew their whistles he sped down the hall to the servants' quarters and climbed through a window. He wore just his trousers, having left behind everything else, and now, as he raced away from the villa, sharp rocks tore into the soles of his feet. Exhausted, looking like a man who had just broken out of jail, Hugh staggered into the house rented by Maurier. The first sight that met his eyes was that of the once-proud Mercedes Benz now reduced to crumpled metal. It must have crashed into a tree, for the entire front had been pretzelized while the tree remained firm and upright. In the back seat, apparently unhurt and snoring away, was a guest from the party. There was the sound of a motor turning over and Hugh looked toward the garage just as the white Alfa Romeo sports car shot off. He started toward it, his hand upraised. "Hey!" Behind the wheel was the Countess, with her passengers, Maurier, and in the back, pieces of luggage jutted up. The small car turned and was lost from his sight. Pausing, still able to hear the police whistles and screams in the distance, Hugh knew that the two people had fled to avoid being arrested. In the kitchen he found Claudia serving coffee to a rough-looking black-haired youth with the arms of a blacksmith. This person sat at the table dressed in a once-white cotton pullover and beach shorts. Upon Hugh's entrance be merely looked up. Claudia, her eyes reddened from lack of sleep and her long hair snarled, moved silently. She wore a cotton robe and Hugh sensed that under the robe there was nothing except her warm body."What in hell is going on?" "You ought to know since you were one of the guests at that dirty party. Orgies are not allowed, my friend, not in my country or any country. Every guest who attended is liable for arrest. Yourself included." "Huh?" "Yes, huh. Maurier got out. Your new girlfriend, that old bitch the Countess, got out. I suggest you do the same." "You didn't waste much time, I see," he said, referring to the black-haired young man. Proudly and somewhat defiantly, she threw her shoulders back, causing her breasts to rise. "No, I did not. At least with a fellow like Salvatore here I know where I stand." Hugh did not answer, and Claudia, flaunting her awesomely shaped behind, left the room. Salvatore scratched his ear, wiped his mouth with his palm, looked rather foolishly at Hugh and left the kitchen, taking the direction of Claudia's room. Less than one moment later, whispers drifted out and the sound of naked bodies rubbing together was heard. He listened to Claudia's groans and the squeak of the bedsprings, knowing this was all for his benefit. The beautiful red-haired girl that was almost his was getting her revenge. The cries of passion as Salvatore possessed her were upsetting, and Hugh imagined her body with its imposing breasts and buttocks mauled by the strange young man. Abject, Hugh slumped upon a chair and rested his elbows on the kitchen table. Well, he had certainly made a mess of things. Claudia's squeals turned to shouts, and were followed by Salvatore's pig-like grunts. Then all went silent. Then the girl came into the kitchen again, the cotton robe floating open to show the body just used, the breasts burned so brown by the sun, the shapely thighs rubbing together. She was after a bottle of wine and opened it with her back to Hugh, slowly, drawing the robe together so that it tightened over her buttocks, clearly outlining the dynamic thrust of each cheek. On her way back to her new lover, she paused. "Get out. I have warned you. The police will go to all the houses in the vicinity and make their inquiries. If they come here I shall speak the truth." She left an odor that had been so familiar to him, the scent of her luscious body and the fragrance of her perfume, the two blending, lingering in his nostrils. At length Hugh stirred, went into the bathroom, removed his trousers and stood under a hot shower. He remained stiff as a statue for long minutes before finally soaping himself, then washed the lather off with cold spray. As he toweled himself dry, he noticed that the house was still. Frowning, he stepped out, wetting the floor in his search for Salvatore and Claudia. But they had gone, taking themselves and, to his dismay, even his suitcase filled with clothing. He was alone and naked, except for his dirty trousers. Chapter 14 Fortunately for Hugh, his wallet was jammed into one pocket of the ruined trousers. Therefore, his passport, various licenses, a batch of travelers' checks and money, what there was left of it, were still intact. But that bitch, Claudia! She had deliberately stolen his things to dress that damned peasant up like a gentleman. Holy shit, what a mess, what a damned mess! He walked through the badly furnished villa, thinking the owner might soon be visiting, demanding rent from whoever occupied it. Since Maurier had gone, that left just one person responsible. Him! Hugh shook his head. "How in hell did I louse up my life like this?" What hurt most of all was Claudia's treachery. He recalled how she looked in bed, the taut mounds of her breasts still firm, still rounded like melons even as she lay back. He imagined Salvatore's strong fingers squeezing the joy from those very same breasts that he himself had once held and loved, and Hugh began to shudder with rage. "That bitch!" Well, there was no point in crying. The deed was done even if the thought remained. In the room where Claudia had cried out her lust while Salvatore was on top of her, Hugh found a pair of old shoes. Well, not shoes really, just torn canvas sneakers. Salvatore's gift to him, the bastard. Putting them on, even though they fit badly, Hugh left the villa. In the garden, he looked back, shook his head and walked uncomfortably toward the still sleeping town. He looked at his wrist watch which he had been sensible enough not to remove during the hot, lusty turn with the Countess. Not yet seven. No stores would be open yet, but maybe some of the beach cafés would be serving coffee to early swimmers. He was in luck. One place had just opened, the coffee freshly made. Hugh sat down at a table and ordered. "I have got to pick myself up, I have got to!" He had lost all self-respect and worse, had lost the respect of others. Talk about experience! Oh, man! Maurier, the Countess, Claudia, the Baldwin's and their daughter, Jane ... the faces swam before him, whirling around and around until he thought he would go crazy. He must never allow this to happen again. Look at me now, afraid of being hauled in by the bulls, running like a thief, with a future that was, at best, uncertain. He had arrived on the Continent with a new leather suitcase filled with elegant clothing and a solid reputation. Now, a short time later, he was a drifter in dirty pants and wearing another man's castoff shoes. His bowl of coffee arrived, and while he bent over it, letting the rising steam clear his head, the waiter left a basket of rolls and jam and butter on the table. Hugh ate, stuffing himself on the bread, and the sun was already high in the sky when he finished his third cup of coffee. Now he felt like a new person. All he had to do was formulate some worthwhile plans and go into action. He looked at the sun-painted streets of the town, feeling somewhat elated. This was what he needed, some sun, some activity and the fiasco with Maurier and Claudia would be forgotten. Ahh, that bitch! In all truth, he could not consider her a loss because she had turned out to be so bitchy and spiteful, gaining her revenge at the end. Her love had been non-existent and the memory of her, right now, was unpleasant. There was little good to be derived from thinking about the past. The past was a pile of cold ashes that must not be raked up. Shortly past eight o'clock, two women appeared, both dark-haired, neither of them very young, but one tall and slender with a dynamically curved body. Her melon-shaped breasts bounced freely, drawing an excited breath not only from Hugh but from the waiter on duty as well. They chose a table next to Hugh's and during the serving of breakfast discussed the latest fashions. The younger woman had removed her black sunglasses to reveal a good-looking face with dark, deep-set eyes, a Roman nose and a large, sculptured mouth. She caught him staring and stared back, letting him know he was damned inquisitive and had a nerve listening to a private conversation. Hugh looked away, but when he heard the woman talking about a travel agency and mentioning that she would interview applicants for a position that very morning, his mind ran ahead. He knew the agency, located in a side street, squeezed in among boutiques and real estate offices. In might be a chance. But-he could not present himself like this, wearing just wrinkled trousers and borrowed shoes. The stores were not open yet, so he could not purchase decent clothing, but not far off was an open air market where just about any- and everything was sold in stalls. As the two women sauntered off, the younger one flinging her rump to the winds, the waiter whistled. "To have that for one night, eh?" "I'd say a week with a woman like that would not be sufficient." "She runs a travel place not far from here, that woman." "So I gathered." "Wild in bed I bet, when they are slim like that." The waiter felt inclined to chat. "You hear about the orgy last night? Rich people. Terrible sex practices and the bulls had to move in." Hugh refrained from saying he was a guest. At any rate, looking so poverty-stricken as he did, the waiter would not believe him. "Types like you and me, poor boys, we are satisfied with one woman when we are hot. Eh? Those rich bastards want group sex. Hashish. Expensive whiskey, changing of partners. No wonder the police raided that villa. I hope they catch them all." Hugh, preparing to leave, stiffened. "Are the police still searching for guests who attended the party." "So I understand. You know how it is with cops, especially here. They stay away from real criminals because they are afraid. But they love to go after these rich types, especially if they throw orgies. Man!" Well, Hugh reasoned, he was safe. He had been a stranger there and in no way could be connected with the disastrous affair. Saying goodbye, he started off in the direction of the market. At the market square, among the displays of fruit, vegetables and candy, were stalls where pizzas were baked in portable ovens. Just a few housewives out to shop were on the scene, offering Hugh the run of the market. Leather belts and jackets were for sale, as were cheap shirts, neckties, socks, shoes and the like. Since a variety of types appeared among the shoppers, Hugh, with his bared chest and wobbling canvas shoes, did not seem so much a novelty. Better yet, he had cash and was in no mood for bargaining. He selected stuff, paid the price asked and carried the lot away. In the shade of trucks parked a short distance away, Hugh dressed, slipping on the blue striped shirt, knotting' the too-wide tie carelessly; then the new socks, the ill-fitting suit that was a synthetic and shaded more black than blue, and finally the shoes that were of good Italian leather. At the last moment, he remembered he had forgotten to buy a comb. But by gazing into the large outside mirror tacked to the door of a truck, he managed to make some order of his hair with his fingers. Thus properly attired, he was off once again to make his way in this lousy world.The woman at the travel agency was shocked to see him. "You! What do you want?" "To work. You said you needed someone." She took in his appearance. "Who dressed you, a clown?" "These were bought in a hurry because I was afraid others would be here applying for the position before me." As he spoke Hugh gestured at the wall clock which read nine. The woman sighed. In the shadows of the agency she appeared older, in her mid-thirties. Nevertheless she still had the firm, slender body of someone ten years younger. "Do you have working papers?" She was looking him up and down from head to toe. "You know the rules. You can't get a working permit unless you have a job." "I don't know." She shook her head. "I don't want to get into any difficulties with the authorities." He pointed at the brightly colored posters pasted all about the office, depicting the glories of faraway places with strange-sounding names. "I know all those countries. Better yet, when you get foreigners in here I can handle them." "You do not speak Italian." "But you do. I can speak, besides my native English, French, German, a little Spanish and even some Dutch." "Perhaps you're more suited for a language school than a travel agency." The woman was skeptical. "Where did you learn Dutch, from some waterfront girl in Holland?" "In South Africa, when I worked for a mining company." "Right." She made up her mind immediately. "You will get a try." Working hours and salary were discussed. Then, with no potential travelers looking in, the entire morning could be taken acquainting Hugh with the workings of the bureau. He was given forms to fill which would be turned over to the various government offices and ... Hugh was once again among the employed. His boss's name was Gabriella Licardia, but, not being a woman to stand on formalities, she insisted upon using first names. The agency, she explained, was one of a branch owned by a larger firm located in Rome. Although she retained the air of a snob she was actually quite helpful and secured a room for Hugh at a nearby pensione. Soon, when she discovered that Hugh was capable of running the agency without her presence, Gabriella would appear late, often around noon. Hugh, given a free hand, found himself enjoying some happy moments. How could he have put up with the life he led back in London, he wondered, waking so late, doing absolutely nothing except drinking and screwing and visiting the tailor or having his car checked? Even though this was all routine he felt active, healthy. All types stopped in at the bureau; people with too much time, people with too much money, people who were lost. There were people, too, who had little time and little money and whose ideas of travel were definite. Hugh dealt with them all, offering warmth and sincerity in his manner. He knew train and plane schedules by heart within a few days and could talk with ease about the differences among hotels in Paris, Rome, Copenhagen, Barcelona or Munich. He would unroll maps on the counter and trace with his fingers the swiftest routes to Vienna or the best-paved highway leading down to Naples. English was the language used most often, but he found his Spanish improving as he dealt with travelers who had left the Basque area for the first time. He booked them the cheapest fares and lowest priced rooms, saving so much that they were able to extend their holidays. Gabriella now knew what she had on her hands and not only became more friendly but more familiar. He was invited out to dinner at her expense. When he replied negatively to her question of his 'having a girl,' she smiled. "In that case you can be my escort this evening. There's a film I wish to see and afterwards we might go dancing." Changes in Hugh's appearance had taken place after the first week. Gone were the market-square clothes. In their stead were highly polished shoes, button-down shirts, cravats of silk knit and a well-cut gray mohair suit. A far cry from the ragged type she had first encountered at the café, Hugh now resembled a gentleman. After that, further changes in Gabriella's attitude became evident. When he took her home in the evenings, instead of shaking his hand she offered her cheek to be kissed. It upset him because she was getting him excited, slowly, deliberately, and he knew that engaging in sex his boss could only mean trouble. Still further changes in her behavior came about due to the presence of a young girl sent up from the main office in Rome. The girl not only had a magnetic personality; she was amazingly structured, like a film star in the old tradition of Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida. Her function was to examine all records and fill in reports for the main office, but she was overly friendly to Hugh, hinting always of her availability in the evening. Now Gabriella put on a campaign to prevent Hugh from falling into the hands and the bed of the young Roman charmer. She changed her hairstyle and clothing, appearing one day with a ponytail bouncing on her shoulders and her saucy hips and bottom encased in a tight pair of shorts. Even the other girl watched as Gabriella swung languidly through the office, her shorts tightening over the contours of the small but definitely shapely rump. Hugh was in a dilemma. On the one hand here was a young girl with a figure like an hourglass after him; on the other the slender but decidedly exciting Gabriella was spreading her net. Sex, something he had done without for a while, meant trouble. Hugh sighed; trouble was on the way. As he studied Gabriella walking about the bureau, her rounded rear rolling smoothly and rhythmically, Hugh's lips went dry. Worse; near the filing cabinets, when she opened a drawer she deliberately shoved her buttocks into his groin, directly against his erection. And the bitch would not move, she just kept grinding the twin cheeks into him. Hugh's only alternative was to glide his hands over her slender, curving hips in a circling action. "Wait!" Gabriella straightened and pivoted so that she was face to face with him, her stomach so hot, rubbing against his, her breasts feeling hard and fiery as they rested on his chest. Hugh's knees went weak. "Stop it, stop it!" She was whispering while keeping an eye out for the girl who was engrossed with record-keeping and making figures in a ledger book. "Tonight, after work, you may have me." Her hand went to his trouser front to feel his stiffened joint. The girl sensed that something was going on behind her back and displayed her awareness by not speaking to either of them the rest of the day. Hugh did not care because the choice had been made for him, and that night he slept with Gabriella. It was a satisfying experience, and with the memory of previous bed adventures dissolving in his mind, Hugh knew that sleeping with the delicious Gabriella was incredible. Her remarkable body, tiny waist, sinuous hips and the shining, naked balls on her chest, sent him into a delirium. The smell wafting from her loins, armpits and earlobes, that musky blend of perfume, scented soap and perspiration, was terrifically heady. And when he bore down into the furry area at the juncture of her long, slender thighs, he climaxed at once. "I am sorry." He was truly ashamed of his performance. But Gabriella was an understanding woman. She offered conversation with comfort and when one hour had passed asked him to play with her without concentrating on an erection; then it would happen. She took a stretched-out position, a pillow under her small buttocks elevating that part of her body. Arching like that enhanced the spherical shape and size of her globes and he kissed, stroked and cupped them before tracing a wet line with his tongue down to the big ball of fur at the summit of her thighs and the pink, trembling lips of the vagina. Hard again, he entered, performing slowly; within no time her first, gentle manipulations had quickened. At the moment of climax she dug her hands into his waist and threw her shoulders back. "Maaaaaaaa!" was her cry of pleasure. After that her kisses were hot, her tongue slippery, always in action. He stroked the firm-fleshed torso, explored the roundness of her breasts, and took her again, thrusting in and out until she climaxed and he did too, shooting into her vagina, filling it like a deep well with his wet lusts. The girl at the office knew they were lovers and took jealous exception. She questioned Hugh, asking him where he was from, his background and former experience in travel agencies. He lied, putting her sudden dislike down to jealousy. But some mornings later they had a visitor, the boss from the main branch in Rome, a big fat Italian with a hooked nose and slicked-down hair. Gabriella introduced Hugh, but the boss only scowled. He spoke rapidly to the young girl, who immediately withdrew a newspaper from her desk. It was several days old, folded to a three-column-long story concerning the orgy a few weeks back at the villa. The boss shook the newspaper in Hugh's face. "Ahhh, you farabuttol" "Me? A villain?" "Scandalo, here, in my firm!" He turned to Gabriella. "And you, you sciagurato, sleeping with him. If I did not know your father I would get rid of you, too. This man, this macabro avvoltoio is a millionaire in disguise who attends orgies here in San Remo." "Shut your fat face!" Hugh snatched the newspaper from the man and scanned it swiftly. His jacket and shirt, left behind as he fled the villa that morning bore, the labels of his shirt maker and tailor and his name as well. The police had checked and, discovering his complete identity, had offered all facts to the newspaper for them to print. "Man, oh man!" Gabriella, still not comprehending, took the newspaper and read the headline: "Millionaire among guests at Orgy." "Mama mia!" "Out!" The boss pointed at the door."Here in Italy we have such tremendous unemployment problems, and you, a foreigner possessing millions, work here, taking the bread out of some poor unemployed fellow's mouth. Out with you and I shall not pay you for the time put in here either!" The young girl posed, flinging her big behind backwards and her tremendous breasts forward. "Hey, skinny!" She sneered at Gabriella. "How does it feel to screw a millionaire?" Gabriella ignored her. "Hugh, you better leave. They will tell the police." Hugh wrote his address in London on a piece of paper and gave it to her. "I don't know where I'll go now, maybe Rome, but if you want to, get in touch with me." She was sobbing as she took the paper. "Goodbye, Hugh." The young girl followed him out into the streets. "Your fault, rich man, for choosing the wrong woman to sleep with. I would have kept my mouth shut if you had picked me." "Oh, you cunt!" He slapped her hard in the face. Instead of flinching the girl took the slap with a smile, her tremendous breasts bouncing. That was when Hugh knew exactly what she wanted. "Ahh, bitch, fucking me up because your pride demanded that I bang you instead of Gabriella. All right, come on!" She looked back at the office. "My job!" But he had her wrist captured and was pulling her down the street. "Where in hell do you live? We're going there now." Her name was Silvana. This was all he knew about her, other than the fact that her room was too small, the bed too small, and her body, once stripped of clothing, too big! This girl had placed him among the ranks of the unemployed and since apparently employment did not suit him he was going to become once more a member of the idle rich. Here he was, a rich man about to fuck a poor girl. Their first joining was smooth. Her big, over-ripe young body bucked under his as Hugh jabbed his prick in hard. He went into long, smooth movements, penetrating her deeper, making her cream easily but, surprisingly, silently. Instead of falling back to rest as women usually do after climaxing, Silvana tortured him with a rhythmic, up thrusting action. He rode her like a primitive man, out to destroy the thing giving him pleasure. Up, down, in, out, slamming the sausage until she yelled that her vagina would burst. Yet when she came this time she shouted out her climax and begged him to ravage her more. She arched, opening her big legs wider, rolling her ass, enabling him to burrow deeper. "Ohh, punish me, punish me! I got you fired!" She locked her legs in his and worked to the pace of his merciless, driving pole. He hammered her willingly, glad to feel her fantastic body squirming in the flames of his lust. Her vagina fluttered and burst again, causing her to gyrate the big ass and writhe her upper torso. Hugh flattened his palms on the bed and, looking down into the young girl's pain-filled face, raised and lowered himself, sinking the shaft deep, rubbing their matted pubic hairs crisply together. One spasm of joy was joined by another and, with pleasures so linked as to make her come again and again, young Silvana was torn repeatedly by violent spasms. He had to redouble his speed just to remain in her. "Ohh, come, come! Finito, per favore!" "I can't! I ... don't ... want ... to!" "Aggghhh, can you fuck!" He would pull out and then impale her in a rapid motion, going into the oiled hole, parting the cunt lips, sinking into the softness to the hilt. Each time as he rose she sighed, because a great weight had been lifted. Right where he would rest the balled tip bubbles of juice oozed out of her sopping wet quim. Then a deep jab, slow, teasing, all the way in to give that greedy snatch a thorough reaming. Hugh felt his manhood broadening and, lunging at her with all the strength he could muster, he shot. She could only lie there, helpless, while his dick flowed, showering her insides. He gasped as his penis coughed out a few more drops of juice. Slumping upon the girl he lay still, emptied of all ammunition. Later she said: "I shall get back to the office, but you remain here. Do you hear?" Silvana did not wash but simply pulled her panties on up the big, somewhat fat legs over the forest of come-splattered hair and the magnificent ass. At once the panties were stained and when she pulled the flimsy dress over her damp body with those tremendous breasts, now sweated over like sprayed fruit, the garment absorbed her sweat. She left, carrying the odor of numerous climaxes. A good fuck, but then so was Gabriella, and before her the middle-aged Countess, and luscious Claudia and young Jane. Jennifer? Well, her trouble was inexperience; but the best of all had been his sister Louise. Hugh washed, dressed and left, knowing he was going back to London. If things did not work out there he would return to New York. After that, well, who cares? One thing for sure, he was leaving this country. Late at night his plane landed at Heathrow Airport, London. He took a cab directly to his house and was greeted, by the doorman and another flunky on duty, like visiting royalty. Yes, he told them, he was back, but for how long was anybody's guess. "And my sister? Or my fiancées?" The two men looked at each other and shrugged, not having any idea. Hugh found the apartment stuffy, not lived in. The women must have taken their lesbian act elsewhere. He opened windows, undressed and lay down in his too-wide bed, thinking of all the narrow beds he had slept in since leaving here. He considered that since he had shown some talent at the travel agency he might open his own in London. He slept and dreamed that a full-bodied girl had entered the room like a sylph, removed her garments and gotten into bed with him. But when he turned over on his side, moaning, his hand fell upon two thrusting breasts and a very female leg stretched across his body. He opened his eyes, ready to cry out, and found himself facing a naked Louise. "You!" "Your sister, your lover!" He could not believe it, but she was there, warm, alive, rounded and as always enticing. "Now look, Louise, we can't start this game again." But even as he protested he was playing with her, feeling her luscious buttocks, digging his fingers into the rounded ass. She took the position he always favored, straddling him, spreading her thighs wide and sinking down upon the club that seemed to split her apart. "Ooo, my man! I have slept with so many since you left but ... ahhhh, you're still the best." His sister hesitated, using her knees to guide her weight, balancing herself on her lovely, always shapely thighs. There, there, she was getting it all in, the balled tip, the full length. All! He closed his eyes as he was taken up into the cave of paradise. The moist opening employed strong suction, the lips clamped tightly and the nubby clitoris exerted pressure. Ahhh, yeahhh, he was gasping, he was stiffening all over and muscle spasms sent him going up into a weird rhythm. Louise twisted snake-like, wringing the penis, threading her hole like a nut over a bolt, obtaining the greatest amount of pleasure possible. Hard, like a rodeo participant, she rode him, sighing as his body rolled between her quivering thighs. "Ahhh, brother mine!" Her cry was followed by violent motions and she collapsed just as he arched, unleashing a flood of joy. He gripped her arms to haul himself up as he climaxed, shouting into her face. "I am finished!" "But l am not finished!" Swiftly, before the fire was doused in her brother, Louise took the sixty-nine position. Her twitching buttocks were glued to his face. Her head went down between his opened thighs to tackle the not yet limp instrument. And he behaved as expected, washing her privates clean. The two people called upon their remaining sexual energies to make savages of each other, and they fought as orgasms rocked them. The rounded backside kept hammering against his forehead as the girl's pleasure kept building up. Afterwards, finished as they were, there was nothing more to be done in the name of passion. Separating they fell back, sleeping at once in the position in which they had fallen. But the morning brought something new and unexpected into Hugh's life. He felt fingers fumbling at his thighs and then an ache shot up his shaft. Sharp tips of a female's nails scratched his erected tool and he blinked the sleep from his eyes, to find not Louise fellating him but his ex-fiancée, Jennifer! "Hey!" Nearby Louise slept soundly, snoring, while the dark-haired Jennifer chewed him up, her teeth holding his manhood firmly in position while her lips worked it over. Jennifer's slender, big-titled body trembled with hot emotion. He spread his legs apart and moved his hips forward, shoving his thing deeper within her mouth. She sucked until the trembling started. The hot and cold chills caused by her tongue had him quivering uncontrollably as he came. Then it was over and he was lying back, thinking this was crazy. She spat out the joy juice. "Welcome back. We're going to make an infernal trio. You, me, your sister." Hugh could only groan.
Chapter 1
Carole Wilson
Video Games
"For some reason," began Frank Edwards tilting his beer glass to his lips and thinking of Stephan's voluptuous blonde wife, "I don't think your wife likes me." "Aw, come on, Frank," assuaged Stephan, slapping his brother on the shoulder. "It's not that she doesn't like you, it's just that she's, shall I say, 'awed' by you." "Awed?" asked Frank quizzically. "Yeah, that's it. There's a mystique about movie people, you know, especially film directors, and I guess she just feels uncomfortable because of ..." "Because I make films of naked women's tits and asses, you mean," added Frank with a note of finality. Resting his elbows on the patio table, Stephan nodded his head and then drained his glass. Frank flashed a glance in the direction of Bunny, the white-haired actress who now sat on the edge of the swimming pool, dangling her lithe tanned legs in the blue sparkle of water, her huge tits straining at the thin covering of her bikini top. With a look of confidentiality, Frank leaned forward. "You know what you ought to do, Stephan?" Stephan leaned closer with a subtle movement, barely detected; there was something about taking advice from a younger brother that bordered on humility. "What?" "You oughta use my new Polaroid instant movie camera and take some good films of Gillian ..." "What do you mean? We've got a lot of family pictures!" "No, no." Frank shook his head smiling. "I don't mean family movies, I mean fun movies. You know ..." Frank narrowed his eyes, a wicked little glint sparkling in them. Stephen leaned back in his patio chair, trying to assume the attitude of a calm, relaxed, and satisfied husband, but a shudder of excitement shot through him and he felt his cock jerk as he fixed his eyes on the figure of the bikini-clad actress at the edge of the pool, stretching out her ripe young body to catch the first rays of sunshine. He tried to imagine how she would look naked, posing lewdly for his brother. Would she giggle and run her own finger lewdly around her huge titties to get them all hard and puckery? Would she undress in front of him with slow, cock-teasing movements, or would she prefer the privacy of a dressing room to strip down for the fuck-film she was about to make? "Cameras," Stephan shook his head. "I don't know beans about cameras. Christ, I'm lucky if I can get both feet and the head in the picture." He chuckled to himself, but it was a chuckle of curiosity, reflected in his probing gaze fixed on the sunglass-rimmed orbs of his brother. Then Stephan leaned forward again, his body language speaking for him. "Listen, Bunny and I just came back from doing a fuck-film for some dude in Manhattan. Got all my camera equipment with me in the trunk of the car. Be back in a flash."He found himself breathing a little more heavily as he admired the smooth, firm swell of her naked thighs as she sat almost nude from the hips down. The aching built steadily in his cock; he quickly rose from the couch, trying to hide the rapidly growing bulge. "Look, let's take some more, these things are really great," laughed Stephan who suddenly had an idea. "Lie back and put your legs slowly up on the couch. That's it," he encouraged as he started the movie camera. "Now lean back and arch your back so that your titties stand out nice and big ..." She obeyed and Stephan kept shooting as she assumed a sexy pose. "There! That's it! Yes!" Stephan stopped shooting and emptied the last of his melting ice into his dry throat, while he waited for the film to develop. Gillian was doing much more than he expected. He couldn't wait to see just how far she would go. A minute later he flipped the film into the viewer. "Hot damn!" he said, chokingly under his breath. "That's fantastic! Maybe I could sell it to one of those shops, you know the quarter-a-peek ones!" He loved to tease Gillian; she blushed so easily. "Let me see," demanded Gillian, and he rewound the film and turned the viewer towards her. She gasped, never before having seen herself so provocatively posed, so, so ... sexy! Crimson crept up from her huge tits and neck and enflamed her cheeks. "Stephan!" she gasped, but her eyes refused to leave the image of her lewd pose. She was stretched out on the sofa, her firm, ripely quivering tits straining against the thin fabric of her sundress, her nipples evident under the thin fabric ... her lips glistening wetly where she had moistened them with her tongue seconds earlier ... her suntanned legs and thighs were exposed in all their dark silkiness and there, beneath her skirt, shadowed and mysterious, the dark triangle of her pussy arched as if it was just waiting to be fucked. "Stephan, that's ... that's almost obscene!" "I've got another in mind. This time get down on the carpet." "What?" she interrupted. "Down on the carpet," Stephan commanded hoarsely. "This time lie down and lean forward." He made a quick trip to the bar to refill his glass, allowing Gillian time to get into position. "I want to see your big tan tits this time," he blurted in his excitement. "Stephan! What would your mother say?" Yet, in spite of her initial resistance, she did as he bid. For some unexplainable reason she was caught up in a strangely mounting fever. A small, irrational tingling started growing in her loins and inner thighs, and she could tell her little cunt was beginning to respond to these lewd poses too. Already she could feel the excited hot wetness of her pussy juices. No! she thought, this is a wrong thing to be doing! But when she looked up at the excited face of her husband, and then dropped her eyes to the huge bulge evident in his thin summer pants, her pussy grew hotter than before. He's enjoying this, she concluded. God, he's just like his brother, but if it's getting him excited I guess it's all right. Maybe that's what's making me feel all fluttery inside, too. I know it's not these obscene films that's making me feel so hot. But I'm happy that Stephan wants to fuck me so badly. Usually he just drinks his scotch and falls asleep watching television, but if this keeps him interested in me, then it's fine with me. Moving so as not to muss her hair, Gillian lay down on the thick carpeting of the living room, leaning forward so that the full expanse of her hugely billowing tits was in full view. With the soft pile of the thick carpeting brushing her naked calves and thighs--she seldom wore stockings except on the most formal occasions--Gillian realized that she was becoming even more excited and that her nipples were rising into tantalizing hardness, pressing against the very edge of her dress. Stop! her mind raged. This just isn't right! she moaned to herself. Hurry, Stephan, hurry up and get this over with! Stephan was on his knees, focusing the movie camera on the prostrate figure of his wife. "Wait a minute!" the aroused husband said. "Let's make it a little more interesting." He put down the camera on the end table and bent over his hotly trembling wife. He fingered the straps of her sundress, the electric contact as he brushed against her skin making her gasp. "Let's see more of those beautiful titties!" This was it! Gillian's eyes clearly showed her anger. But she had to make a choice: either go along with Stephan's stupid obscene little games or say "no" as her sense of decency was crying at her. It was so rare that Stephan showed such intense interest in her body, that she didn't want to lose that moment. Who could predict when it would hit again? Bending over her, he couldn't help but run his tongue over the length of her nakedly exposed neck to the tanned cleavage of her tits. Gillian jumped with alarm. "What's the matter with you?" he charged. "You get angry when I don't pay any attention to you and when I do you get pissed!" The alcohol and the cock-bursting fever of seeing the films all had now combined to make him lose control in bitter, unweighed words. "What do you mean?" she asked with a pout of her sultry red mouth. "I'm not some cunt you can fuck around with when you feel like it." "Well it's a damn good thing you're not an actress because Frank would never put up with this shit!" That did it! Frank's name was the magic word! "Okay, Stephan, I'll show you what kind of action I can do." And to prove her point, she unbuttoned the top buttons of her low-cut sundress, allowing her hugely billowing tits to spill out, her already hardened nipples grazing the soft pile of the carpet and adding to heated lust. She could hear Stephan's deep breathing as he gazed down with feasting eyes on the tender, uncovered nipples of her tanned tits. He gulped hard and then picked up the movie camera and began filming. "That's it," she sighed, bracing her arms on the floor and rising to her knees. She stuffed her hugely swaying tits back into the modest confines of her sundress, and giving her hair one final primp of the hand, rose to her feet, and smoothed out her dress. "Just a little more, please? There's only a few feet of film left." His deep blue eyes begging for her, how could she refuse? "What do you want me to do this time? Stand on my head?" she laughed, teasing. "Back on the sofa," he said as he took a movie of her getting onto the couch and spreading her legs lewdly. He angled the movie camera so that most of the movie would be of her delicious tits and panties, making sure that the soft curls of pussy hairs which managed to peek out from under the legbands of her bikini panties were in focus. "A drink for my lady," he smiled, offering her another scotch and water, then bending down to kiss her lovingly on the forehead. Sixty seconds later, he was staring at the image of his wife, the flimsy white bikini panties she wore a teasing cover to the sweet, tempting cunthole, and the huge sensuous tits all but fully exposed, as if ready to break loose from the sundress. "My God!" he whistled, and his mouth watered. Thank God this is over with, Gillian sighed to herself, taking a greatly needed sip of her pungent scotch. Now he's had his fun. He'll probably put those stupid films under his pillow to sleep on. She glared up at him shuffling through his private collection of lewd movies and watched as his bulge gave a final jerk of prurient appreciation. Silently sipping her drink, the recognition of her own lustful behavior flooded in on her and suddenly she felt cheap and whorish, as cheap and whorish as Frank's actresses who posed naked and fucked for him for no price other than their own obscene pleasure. She had let her husband do his will with her, and worse, she had become as excited as he had. True, it wasn't because of the pictures--that she adamantly refused to admit--but only because seeing her husband wanting to fuck her so much made her pussy hot. "Stephan!" she called. Only the sound of the dripping kitchen faucet answered her. Where had he gone? She called again and this time the handsome figure of her dark-haired husband dressed in the long bathrobe she'd given him for his birthday, emerged from the hallway. Gillian could tell he'd combed his hair, and he had shaved too; she could smell the sweet scent of the aftershave lotion that he predictably wore when feeling particularly amorous. "You're going to miss your favorite television show," she chided as he sat cross-legged down on the sofa beside her. One look in his glazed eyes and the young woman knew what was about to happen. She glanced down to notice his bare, hairy legs. Secretly, she smiled to herself. It was flattering having a husband who was still excited by his wife. "Stephan, I love you," she mewled, kissing him on the cheek flirtatiously. "Even if you do like taking dirty movies of me." "Mmmmmmmm!" he answered as he unbuttoned the sundress, letting it fall away from her chest. He roamed his hands over her, playing with her tits, tweaking her nipples into vibrating firmness. He had never stopped marveling at her beauty, the wide-eyed, almost shy way she came to him, as though she was a virgin every time her screwed her, as though he was the only man who could arouse her to where her passion overcame her "first time" reluctance. And he was the only man! She looked over to the viewer on the table. One of the filthy movies they had taken was on the screen. She gasped, cringing down on the sofa cushions as she watched it. "Put those movies away. I'm tired of looking at myself." Stephan only grinned lewdly at her, his face a mask of desire. "Why? They're only of you, my sweet. Here, see this one?" He took the cartridge out and put another one in the viewer. "This is my favorite." Again she saw the image of herself smiling provocatively, walking towards the couch and lying down on it, her throbbing tits rich and full, her skirt high and legs spread lewdly exposing her soft white panties and a few strands of softly escaping pussy curls. "Please! Stephan, please put them away. Better yet, throw them away!" She looked down at her naked tits spilling from her sundress and noticed that her nipples were hard with desire. Could it be that these movies excited her? Was she so low as to allow these awful, disgusting pictures to turn her on? There was no denying it, she was excited! And strangely, by those damnable pictures. The force of the realization was crippling; a blow like a tornado, filling her mind with a lurid feeling of degradation and shame. Her eyes filled with hot tears of self-abasement, and in agony, she grabbed the cartridge from the viewer and hurled it across the room! Better to have done with it! She wouldn't admit her arousal, not to herself, and especially not to her husband. What would a man think of his sweet, loving wife, then? Terrible things! She gripped Stephan's heaving, naked chest, afraid he would cast her aside as some whore, some defiled harlot, sick of mind and body, if he knew what the film had done to the racing fires in her pussy. Her husband answered her silent pleas by slipping each of her arms out of her sundress, leaving her tits and belly naked. His hand moved to her left tit and then began to slide, slowly and deliberately, down across her nakedly trembling belly. Squirming under his searing touch, Gillian drew her legs up to impede his progress toward the soft, sparsely curling hair of her cunt. But she couldn't resist the sensual salaciousness of his caress, despite her aching, tortured heart. Another lewd thrill of desire surged through the aroused young wife, and in her present state, under the influence of alcohol, it seemed that eons of time passed during which she savored every variety of lewd pleasure as his hand passed slowly over her naked body. Maybe if I let him fuck my pussy he won't think that I'm no better than a shameless whore, she reasoned to herself. God, please don't let him know why I want his cock! His hand snaked along the coffee table to finger the smooth plastic edges of one of the film cartridges. His fingers felt the polished edge and even though he couldn't view it, he knew now from memory what it contained, and his cock jerked painfully at the thought. As he had done many times in the past when aroused to such a point, he dismissed what he knew was her natural aversion to such an act, and groaned to his wife: "Gillian, please, please, suck my cock." He crawled up on her body, straddling her with his knees, his huge prick jutting out from under the heavy bathrobe. It was almost to her ruby lips now; all she had to do was bend her face a few inches and her mouth would be closing over the sensitive, throbbing cock. A shudder passed through Gillian. Back to this game again, moaned Stephan to himself. Maybe if I really get her going she'll finally consent to suck my prick. After three years you'd think she'd soften to the idea. He reached down, grasped the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her hips, exposing her panty-covered cunt to his gaze. In one swift movement the panties and the dress lay in a lewd puddle on the floor. Swiftly then, he slid them both from the sofa to the floor, keeping a firm hold of the smoothly curved asscheeks of his wife. He sat back on his heels and brought his face close up to her soft, curl-rimmed cunt, and then shot out his tongue to slide it into her pussy, pressuring the hot tip inward to part the fleshy outer lips and find the tiny erect nipple of her clit. Wild flames of desire consumed her openly spread cunt as he fucked his tongue into her pussy, and an involuntary gasp of pleasure escaped Gillian's lips. She stared downward to where his face was buried eagerly in the soft blonde curls of her pussy and felt lewd searing sensations race through her cunt, not understanding how it was that her pussy had gotten so hot! She was alive, suddenly, with sensation, her whole body suffused with the tingling warmth of the promises of cumming overriding all other rational thoughts. Her whole body was inflamed with desire, with a wanton craving for fulfillment! Never had she known such intensity, as the ravaging tongue of her husband brought her to a full, cunt-splitting cum! Oh, God, her mind screamed back at her writhing body, it's all because of those damned movies! She closed her eyes tightly, and the lewd image of herself lying on the floor with her huge tits spilling out of her dress came into agonizing focus. She could feel the hotly wet flicking of his tongue and the grasping, smoothing, and massaging of his strong hands as they caressed her asscheeks, hips, and thighs. She was hot with desire! She wanted to be fucked!She wanted him to drive his cock deep into her pussy; it no longer mattered what had kindled that fire in her cunt. All she could think of was quenching the fire. Quiveringly, her hands moved up to cradle either side of his head, pressing his face in close to her trembling loins, unconsciously giving him her encouragement to continue the wild tongue-fucking. She relaxed the tension in her leg muscles, allowing her thighs to spread open submissively as she moved her feet farther apart, lifting one leg to rest her foot up on the sofa, and tipped her pelvis with the flexing of her hips to begin a tiny countering movement to her husband's hungrily fucking tongue. It was a new position for them, a couple who was accustomed to screwing only in the bedroom, and she moaned softly, the building ecstasy in her cunt almost too much to bear. Abruptly, Stephan lifted them both to their feet and wrapped his arms around her. The next moment, Gillian felt herself being crushed against his hard chest, her naked tits mashed between their bodies, while the thick length of his throbbing cock pressed into her belly. Gillian's arms encircled him, her hands moving up and down his back, her face tilting up for his kiss. His lips sought hers, found them, and welded themselves to her half-open mouth. Suddenly, the half-drunk woman felt as though her legs could no longer support her; they were giving away under her! A hand went out to the edge of the sofa to keep her from falling as a wave of dizziness overcame her. Stephan eased her back on the couch, then began hastily to strip his single article of clothing from his anxious body. As he stood tall above her, he marveled at the perfection of her lush nakedness, his eyes taking in every detail of her voluptuous beauty. Gillian writhed on the couch in an agony of need as her husband stripped naked before her, throwing his bathrobe on the floor beside him to join her discarded panties and dress. She looked up at him, lithe, lean, and muscular, his cock standing out in virile erection. Oh, but it's so huge! she marveled. I love it when his prick gets so huge! A twinge of excitement burned in her cunt as she thought of how it would feel when he finally fucked that big thing deep into her pussy. He noted the intent direction of her gaze and smiled down at her. "Don't worry, baby, I'll get you so hot you'll rape me before I finally fuck you!" Gillian loved it when he said dirty things before he screwed her. "Oh Stephan ... oh, my Stephan ..." she murmured mindlessly, flailing her head back and forth on the couch, not caring about her freshly coiffured hair. He put her down on the carpet again where he lay beside her, his lips on hers, their tongues intertwining, probing each other, as his free hand caressed her tits, belly, thighs, and cunt. Finally, his hand went down between her legs and covered the whole of her steaming pussy, gently massaging the hot, wet flesh. Her pelvis moved in tiny churning circles under his hand, and he knew that she was hot ... would remain so until she finally exploded into cum. Christ! He was so hot himself, he wasn't sure that he could hold off fucking her much longer! He had to get his cock in her little cunt soon and screw her good! Shifting his position, he moved to kneel between her legs, spreading them obscenely as he gazed hungrily down at her tempting nakedness, the coraline flesh of her cunt-split glistening wetly in the dim light of the setting sun. She felt his middle finger gracing the thin furrow of her exposed cunt, and she squirmed involuntarily beneath the salacious probing. Moaning aloud in an emotional agony of hot desire as the electric shock of his teasing finger rippled along the flesh of her inner thighs, she squirmed her ass down into the soft, fluffy carpet. Then, oh, then--oh, God--he slowly inserted his finger, probing it deep into her yearning cunthole, fucking it in and out for several slow, maddening strokes before he began to churn it around and around just inside the tiny pulsating mouth of her seeping pussy. The intrusion was rapidly replaced by intense sensations of pleasure as her husband finger-fucked her in and out, around and around. She lay there moaning, writhing hotly on the floor, her husband gloating over her nakedly, aroused body. Jesus, I wish she'd give me head, he thought to himself. Three years and she's never done it yet. I thought maybe when I had my tongue in her pussy she'd finally give it. Guess it takes longer for some. "I don't want you to stop, Stephan. It's sooooo goooood!" She was reacting with vigor now to counter the finger-fucking of her wide-stretched cunt, her hips moving uncontrollably in wild gyrations under him, moving, it seemed, of their own volition in an instinctive dance around his deeply probing fingers. And this was only a preview of what was to come, when her husband would finally put his throbbing cock in her cunt and actually fuck her! A wave of disappointment washed through Gillian a moment later when she felt the cold rush of air as he took his hand from her hungrily squirming pussy. But then she raised her head and looked down between her ecstatically pulsing tits and saw her loving husband leaning forward, his face between her open thighs. He was going to suck and lick her cunt some more! God! She was becoming depraved and it was all because of those damned movies! Three times now she had silently shouted in her mind: Fuck! Cock! Cunt! Oh, God! What's happening to me? Letting my husband take dirty movies of me ... I'm being coarse, crass, and crude. Thinking thoughts I'd never thought myself capable of. Between his hotly aroused wife's legs, Stephan gazed hungrily at the narrow pink oval, fringed so delicately with soft blonde pussy hairs, where droplets of cunt juices glistened like dew on the gently pulsating petals of her inner cuntlips. He was pleased to see how hot she had become. Using his thumbs then, he slowly parted the fleshy outer lips to reveal the coral depths of her pussy mouth, and he saw that the soft, curl-rimmed edges of her cuntlips were swollen in desire to be fucked more than ever before. He drew her cuntlips a little farther apart, laying the wet, hair-fringed flesh wide open to his lustful gaze. "Gillian you've got the little sweetest cunt I've ever imagined! You've just got to suck my cock while I lick it!" Gillian froze. Oh God! her mind reeled. I can't. And then she mouthed those words, groaning them out. "I'm not ready for that yet, darling. Please give me time ..." "Okay," her understanding husband said from below. "Some other time when you're ready for it." "Do you hate me for it?" she said in a softly spoken voice. "Of course not, honey," He sounded convincing. With a sigh of relief, Gillian gazed back at him through passion-glazed eyes. She felt herself lift her pelvis up, offering her nakedly spread cunt to him to do with as he would. And it was involuntary, uncontrolled, instinctive. She was a woman on the brink of a mind-blowing cum, a woman who needed to be filled and fulfilled, to be fucked until she exploded into a wildly screaming cum! She felt the soft wisps of his breath graze her secret, sensitive flesh. She moaned aloud, still looking down between her tits and across the flatness of her quivering belly to the softly curling mound of her naked pussy. She saw her husband lower his head, his face disappearing into the wetness of her cunt and nuzzling in against the wetly quivering flesh, and she felt the full length of his tongue slither deep up into her more-than-ready pussy. Her body responded automatically, convulsively, to the thrilling electric sensation, lurching up to him, then grinding back and down into the softness of the deep-pile rug to escape the intense, galvanic shock of desire that seemed momentarily more than her overloaded nerves could bear. But the next instant, her hips were flexing to raise her seething cunt to him once again. Unbidden, her throat gave voice to her utter commitment, her total physical and mental surrender to the lewd rapture that encompassed her and held her captive. There was no reprieve, except through cumming! Her stomach churned and she wailed now in submission as her husband's tongue slithered in and out, fucking her cunt with wild, animallike fury. She herself was nothing but an animal, an animal in heat that had to be fucked and fucked good. She screamed as she felt her pussy flood with her warm love juices that gushed into her husband's hungrily laving mouth. Blindly, she entangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his face gently, yet firmly, close, slowly closer up into her wildly thrashing loins. Her head flailed from side to side. "Oh, baby," Gillian finally managed to moan. "Darling, Stephan, I need you inside of me, so bad." "Yes ... yes," he heard himself say. He drew her closer to him, moving one hand down to encase the soft, smooth curves of her asscheeks. She glued her mouth to his, fucking her pink tongue in and out and along his teeth, and then brazenly moved her hand down to grasp his cock. Her cool contact made Stephan quiver and he pressed his lips harder against hers to show his appreciation. Gillian could taste her own cunt juice on his breath and it added to her excitement. She strained the full length of her body, grinding and pushing, and then she spread her legs and thighs wide and poised his cock against the snug little mouth of her hungrily gushing cunt, the thin, hairlined lips relaxing and seeping with her love juices and his saliva, begging for him to fuck it. There, Stephan, right now! Now! He lunged his hips, thrusting heavily as he fucked into her waiting pussy, feeling her fevered, pulsating cunt greedily clasp his cock and absorb it. She wanted all of it fucking deep up inside her tonight, and Stephan was amazed that in spite of her rejection of the lewd movie-taking, she seemed almost wanton, almost completely lost in the world of sexual abandonment ... he couldn't understand her, but didn't try to, not with her pussy pushed forward until the head of his cock was pressed hard up into the depths of her. She held him tightly, not only with her clasping, smoothly sliding cunt, but with her widespread legs, kicking them out to the side and locking her slender ankles tight around his heavily driving hips. He increased his own tempo, fucking into his wife with almost maniacal fury. Oh, God! He wasn't going to be able to last long tonight! Sometimes he would softly and slowly fuck her for hours on end, but not now, not at this rampaging, furious pitch! He was going to cum soon! "Ooooooooh, Stephan! Your cock feels so good! So good!" his now voracious wife whimpered, kissing and biting wildly at his neck and shoulders. "Yes! Yes! That feels so Gooooooddddddd!" Then she began to babble incoherently and he knew that she was fast approaching her own cum, and that spurred him on to new, more powerful strokes. Her knees drew up and her toes curled under as she raised her ass up higher off the floor, her moistly splayed cunt bucking wildly back up against his slipperily fucking cock. "Ooooohhbbh ... oooooohhbbbh Goddddd!" she cried out, as if tortured. "I'm ... I'm there! I'm theeeerrrreeee!" With a sudden deep-throated groan, Gillian erupted beneath her husband, and in doing so released his own painfully dammed-up explosion. His cum burned hotly through his swollen balls and through his cock, bursting through the unseeing eye to flood far up into his wife's hungrily milking pussy. Again and again white spurts of scalding hot cum spurted from him until at last he collapsed, his sigh of contentment mingling with her own soft mewlings of gratification. As sanity returned to him, Stephan edged his body off his wife and rolled over. "Come on, baby," he said at last, shaking his wife gently awake. "We have to get to bed. Can't sleep on the floor all night." He gathered her limp body into his arms and carried her to their kind-sized bed. He drew the covers gently over her naked body, stopping a moment to look at her beautiful tits and cunt before lying down beside her and covering them both with the light material of the sheet. Jesus Christ, he thought jubilantly. She really spread her legs for that camera tonight. I'm gonna get some red-hot fuck-films of my cock in her hot little cunt yet!!!With film cassettes in hand, he gave the cat a good morning greeting with a scratch behind each ear. He put the film in the viewer and watched them as he had watched them last night. Goddamn but she's sexy in these movies. Frank was right! They really do turn you on--and if I'm not mistaken, that means Gillian, too. Got to thank that brother of mine; that little son of a bitch is always right! The tea kettle whistled its completion and, with a smile still jeweling his face, Stephan heaped a teaspoon of instant into a coffee mug and poured the steaming water into it, thinking: that's what I'll do! I won't go golfing with my pigheaded partner. Christ, if it wasn't for the investment I've been trying to pressure him into I wouldn't give him the time. Instead I'll go over to Frank's private studio to ask for some pointers. Besides, if I'm in luck maybe he'll be doing some shooting today. Minutes later, after having checked in on his wife who lay cuddled in the middle of the bed, the covers pulled over her head to ward off the imminent morning sunlight and double-protected by Stephan's pillow hiding her blonde tresses, he slipped into the dressing room and pulled a shirt from its hanger. Having written his wife a short note telling her he would be gone for a few hours, he slipped out of the house and into their Mercedes, a whistle on his lips and a song in his heart. Frank was sitting having coffee with a friend of his, the owner of a film processing lab in the Big Apple, when Stephan rang the buzzer to Frank's private studio situated in a high rent district of New York City. "Morning, Stephan," his younger brother greeted him, following his words with a cordial slap on the back. "Just having some coffee here with a friend of mine. Come in and meet Basil." Stephan noticed the deep wrinkles lining his brother's eyes and the puffiness of the eyelids--a sure giveaway for a hangover. Secretly, Stephan wondered if Frank had taken one of his instant movie cameras along to the party. It was supposed to be a real swingin' affair; wasn't that what he said? Must be great having a social life like that. The older brother envied him. A slender blond-haired man offered his hand to Stephan: "Pleased to meet ya. I'm Basil." "Basil and I are trying to get our heads back on our shoulders after that party last night, isn't that so, Basil." "That's no lie," chuckled Basil, reaching for a half-emptied bottle of brandy sitting on the end table by the sofa. "I guess we did overindulge a little," admitted Frank ruefully. Frank indicated a director's chair with his name written in bold letters across the back, a gift from his wife, and seated himself on the sofa next to Basil. He cleared his throat, meeting Stephan's eyes; his own were twinkling. "Did you and Gillian, ah, try out the camera last night?" Stephan felt heat inadvertently rise on his neck and cheeks as the remembrance of the previous evening's activities with his wife sprang full blown into his mind once more. "Well, we ..." His eyes darted over to the sofa where Basil grinned knowingly at him. Damn, he thought. I wish Frank wouldn't be so open about these things. "We did take a few feet of film if that's what you mean." Basil chuckled softly between sips of his brandy-coffee. "Ah, ha, the old movie-camera-on-the-wife trick," he rambled sagely. Stephan searched for words, but none of an appropriate nature came to mind. It was as if his entire thinking process had stopped. He finally managed, "It's a great invention." "Yep, did you take some naked movies of your wife?" asked his younger brother with embarrassing insistence. Stephan's face grew even darker red, even beneath his bronze tan. "Yes, we took some of Gillian in the living room on the sofa." Jesus, thought Stephan, I wish Frank would leave these questions for a more private meeting. How the hell do I know this idiot Basil won't call up Gillian and spill everything. She'd be on the phone to her lawyer in a second if she knew I was telling anybody about those movies. "Did you take any in the bedroom?" the owner of the film laboratory asked. "That's the beauty of the timer." "The timer?" Stephan assumed the innocent pose. "The fifteen-second timer, the one I left for you to try out, remember?" His brother sat forward on the white sofa, waiting patiently for an answer. Then he leaned forward even further, dropping his voice conspiratorially. "How far would she let you go? Just a little cheesecake, or did she give you the whole pie?" He laughed heartily at his own humor. "I ... I'm not sure what you're talking about, Frank." "Listen," started Basil, now on his feet, his empty coffee cup in hand en route to the kitchenette in the corner of the room. He rested his hand on Stephan's shoulder and, leaning down, said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, you know. Almost everybody who tries out those instant Polaroids with the timers has the same ideas and does the same things. They're great little intimacy arousers. Gets you hornier than hell, especially if you use the timer so that you get shots of you and your cunt fucking away." Immediately Stephan noted the use of the word cunt instead of wife. "... Christ, you should have seen the girls get off on it at that party last night." He gave Stephan an extra pat on the shoulder before sauntering off for a refill. "Sorry, I didn't ask, but anybody else for a coffee and brandy? Sure does set you straight after a hangover, kinda like a good fuck when you're all uptight and strung out." He laughed and poured himself a cup. Stephan stared at Basil. From the moment he set eyes on him he hadn't liked him. Well, my intuition served me right again. That man is sleazy as hell. Don't understand what Frank is doing with friends like that. He knew that Frank was often open about his sex life, but he was never coarse like Basil. Why, he was practically suggesting that he, Stephan, engage in lewd practices like well, like voyeurism, for God's sake! Self voyeurism was no better than jerking yourself off! Basil settled himself back on the sofa, once more pouring a healthy shot of brandy into his steamy coffee and wincing with the scorching of the first sip. "When I first got into the film business, I owned a processing lab on the other side of town. I was really amazed at the number of fun-loving people who shared my interest. Christ! You should see some of the photographs people come in with to have blown up to life size and hang on their bedroom walls. And the movies, absolutely wild. Hell, I figured, why should they be having all the kicks?" "You mean you take pictures of your wife? Naked?" "Sure as hell do, Stephan." Basil crossed his long legs and set down his coffee cup, leaning forward on the sofa as if giving a sales pitch. "We take movies of each other fucking almost every night. Christ! You oughta see our collection. Why, thousands of people do the same thing all over the country these days. It's the in-thing to do." It was out of self-protection that Basil referred to 'his wife.' Frank allowed his smile to widen. "That's why I suggested the movie camera, Stephan. Give you and Gillian's fucking a little lift. What's it been? Three years now? Sex getting a little too predictable for your tastes, huh?" Stephan moistened his parched lips uncertainly. His brother had put him in an awkward position: what he and his wife did in the privacy of their own home was nobody's business but their own. But then again, this whole business of taking movies was getting out of hand, Frank putting it on a masculine-pride level and, assuming the role of the elder knowledgeable brother. Stephan refused to admit his naivete. It wouldn't hurt, really, he reasoned to himself, to tell Frank about the movies he'd taken of Gillian last night. It was all innocent anyway. Gillian would never have to know: her communication with Frank was on the level of pure cordiality, with terse hellos and goodbyes. Stephan placed his elbows on the arms of the chair and said in a low voice, "Well, we did get some good footage last night. Some ... some cheesecake as you say." "Good," said Frank with a broad grin. "Did you get a kick out of playing movie director?" "Sure did, Frank." Basil laughed. "Nude shots?" Stephan felt himself flushing again. "Well, not really. More like old Coca-Cola calendar ads. Cheesecake, as you call them." "Got a surprise for you, Stephan." Basil leaned forward on the sofa again. "Now I wouldn't show these to anybody but Frank, but since you're his brother and all, and because I like you, I'm gonna give you a Sunday morning lift." He reached down to his brief case at the edge of the sofa and clicking it open, removed a bulky white envelope. Stephan's nervous grin gave way to a frown. This was getting out of hand. With trembling fingers he tore open the envelope and looked up to see Basil staring fixedly at his expression. "Let me explain: these are some film cartridges taken from a different movie film. A couple people sent the film in for me to develop. I take out the good parts and take them with the Polaroid movie camera. I get all these cartridges and they get their film. Pretty, good racket, you know?" He laughed and settled back comfortably on the sofa. Frank rose to his feet, his hand stroking his forehead nervously. Jesus, he thought, I wish Basil wouldn't explain his operation to everybody who steps foot in this studio. One of these days he's gonna get busted and I don't want to have my name and address on a warrant. "Hey, guys, 'scuse me, but I gotta set up for a shooting session tonight." Stephan watched his brother disappear through the doorway into the studio. There was no way out of it, he was stuck with Basil and his lewd ideas of fucking. Basil went over to a closet by the couch and came back with a viewer. He set it up and in a few seconds was showing the first cartridge. Stephan sucked in his breath sharply as his eyes watched the first frame on the screen. "My God!" he managed to whisper. The first cassette was of a lithe, buxom blonde with an angelic face. From her innocent face, Stephan guessed her to be no more than eighteen years old. She was lying completely naked on her back in a lounge chair; her slender legs raised and widespread, hanging over the sides of the soft blue cushions so that the whole of her naked loins were displayed to the eye of the movie camera. Her hands were cupped teasingly around her blonde-furred pussy, framing the wide-splayed splendor of her cunt. She was smiling coyly between her ruby-nippled alabaster tits. Stephan blinked and looked as the movie went on. Another sharp intake of breath, and a small gasp. The same young blonde, looking just as innocent and angelic as before, but a dark-haired handsome male had joined her in the chair. The blonde was straddling the man's loins, her widespread pussy lowered down on the man's hardened cock, so that fully half of his huge, wetly glistening cock was sunk into her open cunt. She was holding its base between her thumb and forefinger, her small pink tongue held tightly between her full red lips and her eyes squeezed tightly shut in ecstasy. Her other hand squeezed her huge tit, very hard, so that the jutting nipple seemed to point directly at the camera lens. "That's one of my favorites," smiled Basil. "But this girl can't be over nineteen and the guy looks twice her age," protested Stephan. "That's her father." Jesus Christ, thought Stephan, beads of sweat lacing his forehead and a rising hardness in his loins. He watched as the film finished with the young blonde sucking the man's cock to cumming in her mouth and then the viewer's screen went blank and Basil put on another cassette until all of them had been seen. One showed a different balding man kneeling between the opened thighs of a brunette, with huge pear-shaped breasts, his long tongue snaking out to touch the hotly swollen nipple of her clit nestled between soft, fleecy brown pussy curls. Another depicted a voluptuous blonde girl barely out of her teens with her coral-colored lips voraciously sucking the throbbing prick of a muscular man while he fucked the middle finger of one hand into the wetly glistening hole of her soft pink cunt. Her leg was raised so that the full extent of her cunthole was presented to Stephan's view while she sucked the man's cock and toyed with his cum-laden balls. Still another cassette showed two couples, both in their mid-thirties, engaged in an orgiastic group session which Stephan could not believe upon first sight, since one woman was being fucked by one man while that same man was sucking the cunt of another woman who in turn was licking the balls of another man. It was a mass of flesh, raw naked flesh, and Stephan couldn't imagine anything being that obscene until that cassette ended and another was placed in the viewer. This one was of two girls--obviously sisters--and a double dildo. The girls took the huge fake cock and inserted it simultaneously into their cunts. Moaning loudly, they began to writhe on the dildo, their tits heaving as they came loudly! Stephan was sweating profusely, his breath coming in short gasps as his own cock tingled with arousal, by the time the obscene film ended. "Good God, Basil," he managed limply. "I've never seen anything like it!" "And these are just a sampling, Stephan," said Basil. "I've got files of movies back there in the lab in case you ever ..." Stephan wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. His throat felt raspy and he wished he had a cold glass of water to soothe his nerves. "Isn't this against the law?" "Naw, they're just average Americans like you and me, Stephan--average people looking for a few kicks out of life, that's all. You'd be surprised at some of the people who bring in their films to me. Doctors, lawyers--God, even a grammar school principal's wife, Joan." "What?" Stephan looked incredulous. The image of the movies lingered in his mind. They really made him hot, they made him hotter than anything he'd seen since he was a kid living in Texas. Just thinking about them made his prick tremble and begin to rise. "Some people even exchange movies. Not a damned thing wrong with it, as far as I can see. All they do is get themselves and their wives turned on watching some other people fucking away, and they're doing the same thing watching us. And it does get your cock riled, believe me." I believe you, all right, thought Stephan. I can remember how excited I got last night, taking pictures of Gillian--and they weren't anything more than some harmless cheesecake. I wonder if I dare take some of us fucking, or even of just Gillian naked with her beautiful tits trembling and her cunt sparkling. He shook his head as if to clear it.No, there was no use even thinking about trying to carry his thoughts past the pure daydream stage. Gillian would never allow him to take movies of her stripped completely naked, even though she had agreed to let him take movies of her with her titties swaying nakedly last night, and she would most definitely never allow anything as lascivious as movies of him fucking her. For God's sake, even if she did agree to go that far, she would certainly not agree to let anyone else, much less strangers, see the movies. And he couldn't expect her to, damn it; what was the matter with him? Gillian was a sweet, moral girl, faithful and passionate and able to satisfy his every need up until now--so why was he thinking about asking her to pose naked and fuck on film, something which fairly shouted of perversity and lack of respect for privacy and personal intimacy? Why should he be so excited at the possibility of seeing more of the lewd films which Basil had just shown him? Why should the thought of watching other people fucking and performing perversion on a regular basis bring the sweat out on his forehead, and bring a tightness to his chest and loins? Well, he couldn't explain it; it was beyond his comprehension. He knew only that the idea of seeing his sweet, innocent young wife, with her tits hanging nakedly in front of the camera lens, as he had for the first time last night, had turned him on like he had never been turned on before. And the sight of these movies of strangers fucking and sucking wildly together today had had the same physical effect on him. "Any time you want to come over to my lab and see more, just give me a buzz or stop by. I try to reserve special hours for my special customers," he said, smiling, reaching into his brief case and pulling out a business card. "Here, this is how you can get in touch with me." Stephan reached for the card and stuffed it in his shirt pocket. He put the films back into the envelope and then held out the envelope for its owner to claim. "Oh, no! That's a gift. Take it home to your wife and show them to her, it'll turn her on, I guarantee. One peek at that reel and she'll be begging for you to fuck her." Stephan wished this stranger wouldn't make such presumptuous remarks about Gillian. "No, I couldn't show this to her," Stephan said, shaking his head. "Gillian would never talk to me again!" "I think you're underestimating your wife and all women in general. Why not give it a try? You're interested, I can tell from the way you were droolin' over the footage. Take it from me, all you've got to do is put the bug in the wife's ear and get her on the right track. Once they see the kicks involved, they're only too happy to go along. I know, by golly; Taffy, Frank's wife, she was the same as your wife. What's her name? Gillian ... shy and retiring. Now she's open and much warmer--and one hell of a hot fuck, so Frank tells me." Stephan felt uncomfortable in the face of all this candidness, the unexpected admissions and ideas and concepts which he had been subjected to. He got up from the chair, a twinge of embarrassment warming his cheeks when he felt the pressure of his hardened cock pulling tightly against his pants. Nervously, he let the envelope swing from his hands, covering the telltale bulge. "Ah, thanks a lot ... Basil. I gotta go now. Just want to say goodbye to my brother before I leave and thank him for the use of the movie camera." But, overhearing their conversation, Frank came bounding through the doorway, "Hey, Stephan. Just want to tell ya that we're gonna have a little fun here later tonight. Tell Gillian that if she'd care to come along, she's more than welcome. Taffy should be here and one of the actresses, too." He shrugged his shoulders, "You know, a little drink and a few instant cameras. Nothing special, just a little fun." "Thanks a lot, Frank, but Gillian and I were planning to ..." "Aw, come on. Maybe I can give you a few pointers." "We'll see." Stephan was halfway to the door when he suddenly remembered the camera. "I've got the camera in the car, you know the one you lent me yesterday and I forgot to bring it in." "That's okay, brother. Save it. I have a feeling it's gonna come in handy for you and Gillian in the near future." When he unlocked his car door, Stephan knew that there was no use kidding himself any longer; he was going to take Basil's suggestion about leaving the film in a place where Gillian would be sure to find it, he would have to leave the viewer out in plain sight. Feeling a strange coupling of guilt and mounting excitement at what he was about to do, Stephan drove to a small neighborhood park three blocks away from his home and turned off the motor. Christ! he thought, am I really going to have the balls to show these to my wife? With trembling fingers, he opened the white envelope and glanced at the obscene black cassettes again. His prick seemed to jerk spasmodically in his pants as he remembered the lewd, tremendously stimulating acts being performed in the full color splendor of the cassettes. The ones that had really turned him on the most were those that had depicted oral fucking: soft feminine mouths closed eagerly, hungrily, over the lust-hardened cocks of their husbands; masculine lips and tongues paying devoted homage to the warm secret cuntlips of their wives. These he would put on top, so that they would be the first ones Gillian would see when she placed them on the viewer; maybe they would convince her of the beauty, of the rightness, of sucking cock and pussy. He started to put them back into the envelope when a sudden frown creased his forehead and he stopped. Some of the other cassettes, besides those depicting oral fucking, were pretty animal and raw for the innocent eyes of his wife; instead of being turned on, being interested and excited by the films as he intended, she would probably become angry from viewing such blatantly carnal acts as ass-fucking and three-ways and four-ways. He couldn't include those films, not now, not for a while yet--just the milder ones, the ones showing a man and his wife screwing in all the possible ways. Quickly, he sorted out the cassettes, putting those he deemed too daring for Gillian's mild taste in a separate pile; the rest he shuffled back into the white envelope. Then he got out of the car and with a wide grin on his face, threw the rejects in the garbage can. With a smile of perversity, he jumped back in the car and headed home. Gillian was in the back yard weeding the flower bed when he got home that afternoon. "Hi, honey!" he called from the living room where the plate glass door was slid open, emitting the warmth of the July Sunday afternoon. The kind of afternoon where everything seemed in slow motion, lazy and blissful. "What have you been doing, Stephan?" Gillian tried to sound calm and relaxed to disguise the anger in her voice. Sundays had always been a day to be spent together and shared, but this morning Stephan had left the house, not even bothering to awaken her, and left a note. "Be back soon." No explanation, no phone number where he could be reached. He had to be up to something surreptitious. "Oh, just went over to Frank's studio ..." He took a long swallow of his cold beer, and that seemed to oil his throat muscles somewhat. "Why don't you come out here so I can hear you?" Gillian pulled at an obdurate vine that would not loosen its hold around a bush. "Just a second." He waved his arm and then slipped off to his study where he put the envelope on top of the bookshelf. Obviously this was not the time to confront his wife with such matters. He could tell by her metallic voice that she was disturbed by his abrupt departure that morning. "Any phone calls for me?" he asked boldly, offering her a cold beer which she gratefully accepted with a gloved hand. "Just one from your partner, says you stood him up for golf. Sounded a little angry." She went back to trimming the rose vine, her beer can precariously perched on a fence post. Stephan tilted his head back and took a healthy swallow of icy beer. Christ! How am I going to tell her I'm leaving again tonight? I really would like to go back over there to the studio and catch a little of the action. I won't get involved, just sit there and watch. Gillian should be able to understand that I need to be around people in other fields than business. Christ, it gets to be a bore sometimes, listening to all that shop talk. It's time I start broadening my interests before I'm too old to enjoy such things as film-making. "Gillian." She lifted her head, her large-brimmed straw hat framing her angelic face, so innocent and trusting. With just a bit of flush in her cheeks she looked like the young eighteen-year-old in the photos, now safely tucked away in his office. For Gillian had the same rare, wide-eyed look. "Gillian, I've decided to take some film-making classes," he began. "I'm getting tired of reading nothing but Fortune and U.S. News and World Report, you know? Like you've got your garden," he said expansively, stretching his arms to encompass the small back yard scarcely larger than the living room--except for the swimming pool. "But all I see all day is fat, paunchy businessmen. Frank has agreed to give me a few pointers and get me started." He looked down at his wife, waiting for her negative response, the same predictable response whenever Frank's name was mentioned. But it didn't come. "I'm going over there tonight to start. I met this guy who's got a film laboratory, you know, processing and editing animation, and he says he'll give me a real deal on any work I give him. Film-making is expensive, you know." She stood up, took another swallow of her beer, and bent down to resume her weed pulling, her motions interrupted only once when she pulled off her right-hand glove to yank back a strand of blonde hair that had escaped her hair clip. "Well ..." he said expectantly. "Well what? I think it's great, Stephan. It'll take your mind off dirty cheap pictures for a change." She sat on her haunches, picking through the ground cover. Gillian felt a small sense of foreboding, as if there was something Stephan was not telling her, as if there was some other motive behind his sudden interest in movie films. She thought back to the previous evening, and to the films Stephan had taken of her--with her dress hiked up and her panties showing; thought back to how excited he had been, how obviously aroused by the sight of her posing so provocatively before the eye of the movie camera and in its sixty-second lasting capture of it. A small involuntary tremor coursed through her soft young body. She must never let Stephan do that again, take movie pictures of her naked like that; it was wrong and wicked and it had no place in a happy, fully consummated marriage such as theirs. "Honey," he began, caution in his voice. "Let's go out to eat and then I'll bring you home before I go over to Frank's studio. There's a movie you can watch on T.V. tonight, supposed to be a real thriller." he added with a note of encouragement. And judging from her response, it was a perfect idea. They enjoyed a leisurely dinner at a well-known French restaurant not far from their suburban home, and Stephan managed to steer the conversation to many things of little consequence, so that Gillian would forget about last night, this morning, and what he was about to do that night. Her anger subsided with a full stomach and several glasses of excellent French wine. By the time they left the restaurant and went out to the car she was relaxed. The Mercedes swerved into the driveway and he kissed her, promising he would not be late. She whispered in return, "Come home early and fuck me tonight, Stephan darling." He promised he would, kissed her again, and said goodbye, feeling once more that odd mixture of guilt and mounting excitement as he backed the car out of the driveway. All the way to his brother's studio and all during the time he was with his wife Stephan kept telling himself he wouldn't ask her to pose for any more of those films, concentrating instead on fantasies of what it would be like to be a movie director. It wasn't the actual movie, he reassured himself, that turned me on; if was the creative process of taking them. Or imagining a picture and watching it develop. It was Basil who greeted him at the door of his brother's private movie studio. "Hi, Stephan. Glad to see you could get away from the ol' wifey long enough to come play with us." The richness of Stephan's dinner began a slow churning sensation as the unctuous sound of Basil's voice slurred on. It was obvious he'd been drinking all day, judging from the slap-happy way he repeatedly pawed at Stephan's shoulder and the way his feet kept getting in each other's way. "Did you show them to her?" Basil's thin arm encircled Stephan's shoulder and Stephan could smell alcohol mixed with cigarette smoke. "Show them? Oh, oh, no. Didn't have time." Stephan felt his face color. "What? You mean you didn't show her any of them?" Here we go again, back in the same embarrassed defensive position I was in this morning. God, but this guy is getting to be a pain in the ass ... "Naw. I don't think she'd be interested." "She'll get into it. Jes' a matter of time. Seen a lot of women, shy as can be at having their naked tits and cunt in a movie, at first and after a little while, you can't hold 'em back. Tell you what, how 'bout I fix us each a drink and then we can go on with this man-to-man talk and I'll give you some more pointers." Frank, having heard his brother's voice, came bounding through the doorway, a tripod in hand. "Hello, there," he said, extending his hand, a big grin on his handsome tanned face. "Glad you could make it, with or without Gillian." "What's up?" Stephan tried to appear casual, relaxed, but he couldn't find a comfortable place for his hands that seemed to get in the way of every gesture. Giving up, he finally plunged them into his pants pockets. "Setting up for a couple of shots. If it turns out as usual, it'll end up in a party." He chuckled lightly and motioned with his free hand for Stephan to follow him, an invitation that he readily accepted. Anything to get away from Basil. Stephan felt uncomfortable, acutely so, as though again he was getting more than he'd bargained for, but there wasn't any way he could see of getting out of it. He had an inkling that they were setting up for more nude scenes, but now that he was here, what was he supposed to do? Leave? Have his brother think him a hen-pecked conservative prude? "Here you go, pal." Basil handed him a double bourbon on the rocks.He was about to refuse, but on second consideration, reasoned one drink or two wouldn't make any difference. Besides he could use it, he told himself; he had a bad case of the jitters at the thought of those filthy movies on his bookshelf at home. Christ! I should have put them in my filing cabinet. Gillian keeps her magazines on that top shelf. And if she found, them ... he took a sip of his drink. Well, he didn't want to think about that right now. It took only minutes for the ice cubes to rattle emptily in the bottom of the glass and, not missing his cue, Basil was at hand, as always, with another bottle that tilted and gurgled into Stephan's empty glass. Appreciatively, Stephan raised the cool rim to his lips, nodding at Basil who stood close to him, glued to his body wherever he went, like the right half of Siamese twins. "Sure is nice to know that Frank has a brother who's a real swinger." His eyes lifted to the director, Frank, now on the top rung of the ladder where he was reaching overhead to replace one of the light bulbs in the strobe fixture. Basil stared up at him, admiringly, "He sure is one hell of a guy, that Frank ..." He was interrupted by the sight of a young girl, probably no more than eighteen, emerging from the dressing room adjacent to the large empty room cluttered with tripods, lights, and cameras, and now a large wood-framed waterbed. Stephan felt a sharp, bony elbow mash into his ribs. "How ya' like the looks of that stuff, eh, Stephan? Our fun for the night," Basil said with a wink. The tall, lithe blonde, her luminous green eyes sparkling nodded. "Hi! My name is Kitty." "And I'm Stephan." "Pleased to meet ya, Stephan." "Hello down there!" called Frank from the top rung of the ladder. "I'm havin' a few problems here with this circuit, so make yourself comfortable. It may be a while." She looked up at him and nodded. "Have a seat and a drink. Have you met my brother yet?" "Sure have! He's a real groovy cat, Frank," she said, licking her lips and sticking out one narrow hip to rest the palm of her hand on. "Anybody got a joint?" Kitty's green eyes surveyed the negatively shaking heads of the three men. "What a drag," her mouth twitched with disappointment. "Tell you what, if somebody'll give me a lift to my folks' house I'll bring back a couple of reefers. Just got some good shit from a friend of mine who just came back from Columbia." With a double bourbon to bolster his courage and erase any tremor of guilt, Stephan, anxious to get away from Basil, sat his empty glass on a filing cabinet and said boldly, "I'd be happy to give you a ride, Kitty. I don't smoke the stuff myself though," he admitted sheepishly. So with Basil and brother Frank exchanging knowing looks and smirks of suspicion, Stephan held the door open for the teenager to slip through. Basil watched from the window overlooking the street as the Mercedes revved to life. "That brother of yours doesn't know what he's getting himself into." Basil climbed three rungs of the ladder, just high enough to hand a bourbon and water to the movie director who smiled down at his comrade-in-sin. "Do him good," he muttered, still looking upward toward the burned-out light. "He hasn't had any extracurricular cunt since he married that little wife of his. She's one hell of a looker, but she's so uptight. Needs a little loosening up." He looked down at Basil who had climbed down the ladder. "Maybe the old Steve needs a good piece of Kitty's cunt. She can show him how to set his old lady straight!" God, Kitty was a sexy broad, Stephan thought as he forced himself to keep his eyes off her huge jiggling titties and curvaceous asscheeks. He'd never seen such luscious tits on a girl her age before, and his mouth watered at the thought of what it would be like to suck her little nipples till they grew hot and throbbing in his mouth. Jesus Christ, he caught himself, he would just have to keep his mind off of it until he got her safely back to the studio. But Stephan was all too aware of Kitty's body next to him in the car to ignore her, even though she sat next to the opposite door. She'd made no effort to pull down her skirt when she got into the car. Her well-shaped thighs were really something to look at, he thought, and the hugely billowing young titties beneath her sweater gave ample evidence that she had not bothered to wear a bra. From the looks of things, he'd be willing to bet that she wasn't wearing any panties either. Despite his efforts these thoughts and images of the nude movie film of this provocative high school girl brought stirring life to Stephan's cock. He knew he was tensing up, knew his cock was beginning to swell painfully ... but hell, she was only a kid, what the hell did she know? God, that's all he needed now--a hard-on! And with this young girl, too. 18 years old! It was he who broke the silence. "Is acting a summertime job for you, Kitty?" "Oh, no. I've been an actress since I was four years old. My mother started me doing commercials as soon as I could talk. After that I started doing a few shots here and there in soap operas and then just this year I started this other business." She pulled her hairbrush out of her leather handbag and dragged it through her wealth of straight blonde hair, wincing as she struggled with a snarl. "What do you mean by 'this business?'" His curiosity overcame his reasoning, as if foreknowledge already held the answer for him. "Fuck films." "W-what?" Stephan couldn't believe her brazen attitude. "Yeah. My dad's the one who got me involved in this business. He's my agent. Money's good. The way my dad and me got it all figured out, I'll be able to retire when I'm twenty-one." Her red polished nails scraped the bottom of her handbag till she found a stick of gum which she tore in half. Chewing with an open mouth, she carefully wrapped the other half in its wrapper and tucked it back in purse. She crossed her arms in her lap. "Your father is your agent?" Stephan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Yeah. You square or somethin'?" I'm beginning to wonder, thought the young husband to himself. I can't believe my brother is risking his business and career for such a wild youngster as this! He must be crazy! Christ, I wish she'd pull her skirt down, it's nearly up to her waist now. "You married?" He turned to her, just as she put on her heavy sunglasses. She was beautiful. "Yeah, I'm married." "Do you and your wife fuck alot?" "Do we what?" "Get it on. You know," she said sarcastically, pronouncing each word with articulation. "Fuck. F-U-C-K. Fuck!" Stephan could feel his face redden, "Yes, we fuck." "Are you a swinger?" And then noticing his indecision at the traffic light, she pointed a long tanned arm to the right. "Take the next exit from there a right onto Blossomtree lane, first house on the left." Stephan glanced over his shoulder to check the evening traffic, which for some miraculous reason, was all headed in the opposite direction. Good thing, too, he thought. That was an illegal turn and all I need is to get stopped with this young piece of ass in my car. She'd probably proposition the policeman. "You didn't answer my question," she insisted, snapping her gum. "Depends on what you mean by swinger." "Come on, ol' man. You know, like do you take naked movies of her? Do you like to make it with other couples or what?" "Well ... we ..." "You ain't had enough pussy to sink your cock into lately, I can tell." She smiled, resting her blonde head on the headrest, staring at the man twice her age. "How can you tell?" He felt himself blushing, and being all too conscious of his condition that throbbed unforgivingly in his pants, he twitched in the driver's seat. Now she shrugged and gave a knowing little smile. "You're too uptight. You'd be more relaxed ... if you'd been fucking regularly." "What?" It had been a long time since Stephan had been around teenagers and he hadn't realized that their language could be as lewd as an adult's. "You've got a hard-on. You had a hard-on ever since you set those big brown eyes on my tits and my cunt. Didn't you, now?" Stephan was beside himself. He'd never met such a brazen female in his life, and at the age of eighteen. Christ! What's she going to be like when she's old enough to drink? Without a warning, she reached over and touched the bulge of his cock in his trousers. "Mmmmmmm." The contact created the same result in his loins as a match struck in a gasoline-vapored chamber. She left her hand, not teasing him, not caressing, merely resting her finger on the throbbing lump created by his desire. Kitty's eyes were locked on his face; the intensity of her glance was something he could feel. She seemed to be asking something--and receiving silent answers. Stephan was aware that he was driving very slowly now--the vehicle was barely moving, crawling along the off ramp. His breath caught with the next comment from the girl. "If you hadn't seen me you wouldn't be all turned on, would you?" Stephan had to force the words out of his suddenly dry throat. "I guess not." He kept his eyes on the road, watching out for any highway patrol man who might find his driving unacceptable for freeways. "Then ... I'm responsible, huh?" She looked over her shoulder out the rear window, then glanced ahead of them. "Keep driving," she ordered. She had some plan, obviously; her actions were unmistakable. Through a haze of uncertainty and growing heat, Stephan felt her hand leave his leg and begin fumbling with his belt. "Take a deep breath," Kitty said. He did as instructed, and she quickly unfastened his belt buckle. A second later his zipper scraped, and her knowledgeable hand and fingers released his heavily throbbing cock from the imprisoning confines of his shorts. He groaned deep in his throat and she stroked it a couple of times. I didn't ask for this, Gillian. Honest I didn't! the young husband implored his wife silently. I didn't ask for her to start egging me on like this. It just happened. Honest! "My ... your cock's beautiful!" she said breathlessly. "So big! So hard!" She lovingly pumped it for a few seconds, then rolled it like a thick cigar between her fingers. The reflected light from the dashboard showed her hand moving up and down on his long white prick. God, how he had wanted a girl to do that! It was almost more than he could stand. Already, even though only thirty or forty seconds had elapsed, he could feel the gathering cum in his balls. The girl was an expert; she knew what she was doing. He groaned, and his breath began coming faster and faster. He was so caught up in the delicious sensation that Kitty had to make the request twice. "What?" he muttered, not really sure he comprehended. "Move the seat back further," she repeated. Stephan mentally knew what was coming next. Eagerly, he reached down on his left for the seat release and pushed with his back. They slid all the way back. He was forced to drive with his arms almost straight out in front of him. Kitty glanced out the rear window again--looked again to see where they were. "Take the next turn to the right," she ordered. "That street is under construction. Just keep driving. Tell me if you see any cars coming from behind." She bent forward and her hot lips slipped wetly down over the head of his heavily pulsing cock. "Aaaaahhhhh!" It was a moan of delight wrenched from his soul. How long he had waited for his cock to be sucked! He felt his prick give another jerk as if it were alive and independent of him. He tried to will it limp again, to banish the lewd thoughts swirling in his bourbon-filled head, but it remained hugely swollen, growing with every flick of the shameless eighteen-year-old girl's hotly licking tongue. This is wrong, his tortured mind screamed. I'm a married man ... what would Gillian say? I can't go through with it! But he was unable to stop. Nothing had felt so beautiful before. Her tongue flicked hotly at the eyelike opening of his cock and then ran maddening circles around the head. She had wrapped her lips around his cock so that her mouth felt like a soft, hotly clamping cunt ring, wonderfully moistened. With her free hand, she reached down into his shorts and began gently squeezing his balls in rhythm to her teasing little sucking movements. Up and down her mouth moved, gently bobbing like an oil pump pulling precious liquid from the subterranean depths. Stephan was about to go out of his mind from the sensation. The girl had said to keep driving, but it was almost impossible to do that because of what he felt. He couldn't have been traveling more than three or four miles an hour when Kitty, as if sensing his impending cum, began taking the cock deep into her throat. Faster, faster, faster her head moved until Stephan could stand it no longer. He arched his back and raised his ass off the seat in an effort to fuck it further down her throat. She took it all, and as the head of his prick began swelling to enormous size, Kitty started sucking voraciously, interspersing the vacuum with occasional little nibbles. He glanced down and could see her lips pulled out grotesquely as they clung to his wildly fucking cock. He continued to fuck up to meet her, and she continued to take him. His mouth was swollen shut and long, hoarse pants of breath whistled through it. His prick felt as though it weighed a ton--a ton of hot molten lava restlessly surging below the surface of a volcano. He knew he was on the verge of cumming and felt he should prepare her, but as her motions became more rapid and the suction increased, he suddenly knew it didn't matter. She obviously had done this before--Christ, probably a thousand times in those movies she acted in: she was an expert. The juice gathered, seethed, and boiled. The eruption was imminent. Low guttural noises of delight came rumbling out of his throat. He was cumming ... cumming ... almost there. Almost. Now ... now! Now! The first hot spurts of cum boiled out of his balls and screamed along the duct leading to the head of his cock. "Aaaaahhhh ... hahhhhhh." His cry was meant to give her some warning, but the sound merely increased her hungrily sucking frenzy. The hot cum soared out of his cock in great gushing quantities, and she went on sucking furiously as he shot everything he had into her wonderfully hot, greedy mouth. And still he came, as weeks, years, of pent-up frustration of wanting, yearning for his wife to make him cum with her mouth manifested themselves in almost half a cup of the elixir of love. She used her tongue to tease, her mouth and lips to suck, until his prick slowly began to deflate.It was as though she felt it necessary to suck every last drop of whitely scalding cum from his balls. She continued to work until he was sure he was getting ready for another erection, then she suddenly stopped. Stephan gave a mumbled sigh of happy release, and abruptly became aware that his car--light on, motor running--was standing motionless right in the middle of the street. Kitty withdrew her cum-dripping lips from his cock, then kissed its head which was inflamed from her nibbling and smeared with her lipstick. She slithered up until she was enclosed in his arms. Then she kissed him wetly; her tongue darted and licked around his mouth. He could taste the alien taste of his own cum in her mouth. Kitty's face was slippery--glistening from the cum juices and streaked with her lipstick. She scooted back over to her own side of the car, opened her purse, and carefully began to wipe her mouth with a tissue as he began driving again. "Just around the corner--to the right." He turned onto the street where she lived as she glanced over toward him, "Do I look presentable? I mean you can't tell that I've been sucking you off?" He inspected her face, and nodded. She smiled as he stopped in front of her house and started to get out of the car to open the door for her. "Don't bother," she said quickly and slid out. "I'll be back in a flash." As her skirt flared up, he realized he had been right; she wasn't wearing panties, after all. The crevice of her smooth young asscheeks was a dark inviting line at the top of her white thighs. Stephan saw her father part the curtains of their ranch-style home and stare into the dusk. "That's my dad," she called over her shoulder. "He's a real groovy dude--just like you." She waved over her shoulder at him. Stephan got back in the car. He could hear her laughter until the front door closed behind her excessively wiggling little ass. He leaned forward, resting his head on the steering wheel while his sweating palms gripped it hard until his knuckles turned white. He could only sigh in contentment. Stephan had never felt so relaxed and peaceful in his life, except for those little twinges of guilt that kept clouding his ecstasy. He knew that he should feel guilty now, but the stirrings of remorse and shame were not forthcoming. He only felt like a satisfied, virile male, one who had been satisfied by a woman. He felt a certain power, a certain pride in the fact that there, now, he had proven that his desire for oral fucking had been right, and not something darkly evil as his wife seemed to think. His wife. The thought of Gillian echoed in his mind, and a small part of his brain tried to make the self-deprecation come; but he fought the thoughts away and he simply sat there, taking in the musk smell and the permeating odor of their consummated lust. His head was still resting on the steering wheel when Kitty emerged from the house, a grin on her youthful face. "Look what I got!" she beamed, sliding into the car seat. "There's gonna be a party tonight!" She held up a baggie full of dark brown organic matter. "There's enough here for everybody to get loaded. It's the only way to film a fuck movie." She put the bag in her purse and sat back in the seat as if it were the most natural thing in the world that she was on her way to be fucked and sucked while a movie camera whirled away in the background.And in one swift motion, the beautiful young wife rolled onto her back, still watching the salacious, full-color movie with her eyes, and with her free hand drew open the red velvet robe. Beneath it she wore only a thin pair of flimsy panty briefs. As if a separate entity, ungoverned by her will, the hand drew the panties down, slowly, slowly, as she raised her quivering asscheeks high off the bed. Her passion-fogged brain blotted out all the evils she had been led to believe would come from finger-fucking herself. There was only her urgency now, her need for release from the intense arousal of her body by the lustful activities in the films. She massaged the smooth, flat whiteness of her belly with the palm of her hand, around and around, raising up to pass over her tits with their swollen nipples, causing whirlpools of passion to seethe within her. Then her hand, with a will of its own, moved lower and she arched her back, raising her hips high off the bed, her fingers passing through the downy-soft fleece of her golden pussy hair and intensifying further the rising crescendo of desire. A groan of total abandonment escaped her lips, and the young, helplessly impassioned wife moved her hand downward between her now widespread thighs, wet with the juices of her passion. She gently insinuated her fingers into the moist flesh, and the feeling generated by her own fevered fingers was so very, very good. She manipulated the soft hairlined inner lips until she could feel them swelling with the rush of blood, and her clit was rigid and tingling. Her index finger came in contact with the trembling flesh, and she began to gasp with delight as she felt release imminent. Her hips thrashed the bed and the air, her eyes never once leaving the viewer and the lewd fucking depicted there--lips on cock, lips on cunt, lips on cock, lips on cunt ... Faster, faster, faster, her finger fucked across the sensitive little clitty of her cunt, blanking her mind of all thoughts, all sanity; nothing existed for her in that moment except the delirious coming of her impending cum. And then she was there! Oh, God, her hotly arching little pussy was cumming like wild fire! Her naked hips flailed frantically at the bed as wave after wave of intensely bursting release seized her. It was pleasure so acute that it approximated pure pain. Then, as her cum began to ebb, her naked asscheeks sank back to the spread and her hand stilled but did not leave her cunt. She lay there, not moving, her eyes squeezed tightly shut now and her huge tits rising and falling spasmodically. And then sanity returned to her brain. With it came abject mortification, a feeling of self-loathing that was almost as great as the delight of her ebbing cum. She moaned aloud in despair, sitting up, knocking the films from the bed and flinging them to the floor around it as if they were vermin of the foulest type. Then she threw herself face down on the bed, crying out her torment, sick with the knowledge of the act of finger-fucking that she had just performed on her own cunt. Those damnable films! They were the cause of her rising excitement into the throes of lust, her loss of self-control. Those filthy films! Oh, damn you, Stephan! Where did you get them, anyway? But it wasn't Stephan's fault, it was his brother's fault for even suggesting this stupid movie-taking in the first place. He was probably the one who gave them to Stephan. Well, if this was Frank's idea of art, let him keep it to himself! The questions spun and rotated in Gillian's tormented, liquor-fogged mind. She felt sick to her stomach, and ... dirty. She needed the cleansing release of sleep; she couldn't be this upset when Stephan came home. He must never know she'd finger-fucked herself tonight; no, he must never know. She took off her gown and lay back down on the bed, slipping between the sheets, praying for the respite of sleep to ease her tortured mind. As she sobbed into her pillow, all time stopped, the only measurement being the thud of her heart punctuated by the soft sobs of her guilt. The films lay scattered on the floor, unremembered.He returned to her soft, hair-fringed cunt and drew her softly curved asscheeks down over his mouth so that his face was sunk nose-deep in the wetness of her soft-rimmed cunt. He held her tightly with both hands on her ass, fucking his tongue up teasingly between the tender fleshy pussy folds. He heard her gasp and then renew her hungry nibbling on his cock with frenzied motion. Her pussy contracted and opened around his mouth, and then he moved his hands to curl and flick his tongue on the smoothness of her pearl-white asscheeks. He sucked and licked while she swayed above him, completely out of control, her cunt flowering open wider and her pussy juices mingling with his saliva and rivuleting down his cheeks. He could feel her muscles contract with pleasure as he worked his tongue mercilessly, and then he fucked to her clitoris, sucking and biting it tenderly, his tongue reaming the sensuous little button while she churned and writhed in a lewd dance of lust above him. Stephan sensed she was straining to cum, her mouth and cheeks sucking wildly at his cock as she bucked and arched both her back and head in an uncontrollable quaking of her body. Her huge tits danced as she sucked voraciously, her sucking mouth making the pressure spiral to a final, huge release of his building cum juices. And then--came the irrefutable cry of her cunt-bursting cum and the warm, pungent milk of her softly pulsating pussy juices flowed hotly across his face. She screamed out her cum, though her mouth was still sucking hungrily at his deep-fucking cock, and she snaked her heels against his shoulders, rubbing her fervently heaving cunt in an uncontrolled, tormented surge. Then-- All at once he, too, felt the eruption of fire leap along his cock. He gasped as though in agony, and then his cock began a wild, convulsive jerking that flooded without advance warning the vivacious eighteen-year-old girl's maddeningly bobbing head with rush after rush of hot scalding juices, bloating her cheeks and forcing her to swallow wildly to keep from choking. Then, as quickly as it all started, there was one final hot gush and he lay back, half-conscious from the power of his cumming. Still the girl sucked ravenously at his cock juices, milking every last drop of the hot gushing cum, until at last his cock jerked softly and slowly deflated in the warm cavern of her mouth. She slid her lips from his cock with one last swallow, and cradled her face to his still throbbing groin. He felt Kitty stir then, and suddenly she was on all fours and beside him, smiling down in his face. She said, "I'm going to teach you things you never knew existed, Stephan-baby." She leaned down and kissed him tenderly, the taste of his cock juice still on her mouth. "Would you like that?" He ran his tongue across his lips. Already there were faint stirrings in his limp cock, displacing any fears of not being able to get another erection. "Yes ... yes I'd like that!" "Good." She stretched out and snuggled in the protection of his arms. "... because now you're going to fuck me dog-style." * * * How Stephan Edwards managed to drive home that evening was a mystery to him. He felt like a limp dishrag after sweating under the hot strobes and floodlights of the film studio, not to mention his exhaustion from fucking a woman in every possible position since the history of man began. What a cunt that Kitty was, his mind reminded him, while his body screamed for a halt: it could take no more. And she was only eighteen years old, too. Christ! It was like Christmas come early: twice in one night his cock had been sucked and he felt as if he'd eaten the whole pie instead of his one rightful piece. Stephan slipped his house key into the lock and quietly pulled open the sliding glass door separating their living room from the patio. The bedroom was on the other side of the hallway and should Gillian still be anxiously awaiting his return, he could always arm himself with the excuse that he'd gone for a swim--had had too much to drink and sat out under the stars for long enough to clear his head. All the lights were out. He sighed with relief. With shoes in hand he padded across the living room carpet and into the hall ... no sound came from the bedroom; good. He stopped, waiting in the still, black silence of his home, but there was only the faint and regular pattern of heavy breathing, and Stephan took this to mean his wife was asleep. He didn't know that she'd heard his car drive up, that she'd been waiting all night for him to come home to her, that actually she was very much awake, lost in a troubled state of indecision, hoping that her husband would not want to fuck her tonight, but at the same time desperately in need of his solace, his strong comforting arms around her quaking shoulders. She didn't know why she felt this way, except that it had something to do with those damned films and that a new undiscovered instinct and desire had been awakened in her. One that she would not test just yet. No, Stephan was unaware of his wife's true condition, but in his own way he was glad that she was asleep and hadn't waited up for him, perhaps to have him fuck her. Not now, after the hours of wild, abandoned sexual games and stints that he'd just staged with that nymphomaniac eighteen-year-old fuck-film star. He was satiated completely, in a state of absolute contentment, and in no mood either to argue heatedly with a distraught wife or to try and explain why he couldn't get another hard-on. Christ! After that Kitty, he'd be lucky to raise another hard-on in a week. He went into the bathroom to undress, closing the door so that the light wouldn't bother Gillian. Quickly he stripped his clothes off, not as fast as he had done for Kitty, and this time hanging them on a hook. He stepped into the shower and let the needle spray wash off the fragrant, telltale perfume of his indiscretions, the odors of wild screwing which would be readily identified by his wife. He thought about Kitty, the beautiful young enticing whore, and although the lightheaded joy of his repast with her didn't fade, the act of cleansing himself seemed also to add some regret. Stephan stepped from the shower, with mixed emotions. No longer was he the ignorant older brother, the square; no way! Now he was the older, wiser brother, and he vowed that he would not let Gillian's uptightness get in the way of his newfound way of life. Yet, there but a few feet from him was his loving, faithful wife, whom he loved very deeply. He sighed. If only she was more open, more abandoned, like Kitty had been. Well, there was only one thing to do about it. Make her understand too that there was more to fucking than just climbing on and climbing off! He toweled himself briskly, his mind made up. Yes, the passive Stephan was in the past, and he was going to show her a more forceful, more worldly husband from here on in. At first she might not like it, he had to admit, but she would soon see that he was right. And Stephan knew just now he was going to accomplish this education of his lovely, innocent wife He was going to go ahead with the films! He was going to use the instant movie camera again. He could take wilder ones! Ones with him in them, maybe even showing his cock fully fucking her! His cock trembled anew and he moaned lightly as he dreamed of all the combinations he was going to do with his wife. But he knew that in order to accomplish this task, he would have to handle things gently, diplomatically. Stephan headed for the bedroom and, leaving the dim night light on in the doorway, opened the bedroom door and peeked in. The shower had straightened out his twisted mind enough so that he could trust his vision, and the debris on the bedroom carpet puzzled him. Why would Gillian go to sleep leaving all this garbage scattered around? So unlike her. With the dim wattage in his favor, he bent over and picked up what looked like pieces of plastic and gasped. My God! She found the films! And she had put them in the viewer and watched them! He should wake her up now, and explain them to her, talk to her about them, but when he touched her and she didn't move he took a long breath of relief and decided to wait until tomorrow. There would be plenty of time for talking then. Plenty of time. Chapter 5 Gillian had slept fitfully all night. The whole evening had been almost too much. First she had seen those filthy movies, then she had gotten so hot that she had had to fuck her fingers into her cunt in order to stop the fires. She had been relieved when Stephan had decided not to mention the cassettes last night. He could have pressed the point, by waking her up, but he hadn't, and she was glad. It gave her some extra time to get her own feelings together. Gillian stared at her husband across the breakfast table and it seemed to her that he had changed somehow, in some almost imperceptible way, almost overnight; there seemed to be a firmer set to his jaw, as if with some hidden purpose, and his eyes held a new, oddly flashing light that she had never seen in them before. He didn't speak, only held his paper up to his face with a shaking hand and sipped his coffee with loud slurps. She wanted to rid her soul of the deep burden weighing her down, but why? What purpose would it serve at eight o'clock in the morning? Instead she picked at her eggs and sipped her coffee daintily. It's all because of that damned instant movie camera! she repeated to herself. Sitting there with her tormented thoughts, she had the odd sinking feeling that her perfect, well-ordered little world was about to come crashing down around her ears. Everything was too strange, too unreal--as if it were the proverbial calm before the storm. She hoped that she was wrong, that it was simply her guilt at her actions last night, her finger-fucking herself while looking at those filthy movie films, that was making her feel so morbid and depressed. Behind his newspaper, Stephan Edwards smiled lewdly to himself. So she did see those films after all, he thought with a clear head. That's why she's acting so strange this morning. She's feeling guilty because she enjoyed them. Tonight we'll take care of it all, we'll clear the air. He peeked over the top of his newspaper and studied his wife--his beautiful, passionate, warm Gillian. He moistened his lips. She was better than that young whore, Kitty, any day of the week. Or she would be, once she learned the art of sucking and being sucked. And she would learn--soon, soon. Tonight, maybe. Stephan's cock gave an excited little dance in his robe as he thought of what would happen when he got Gillian warmed to the idea. Could he talk her into more movie-taking? Well, not in the mood she was in now. But if he could get her a little high--downright drunk would be even better--he could convince her that it would be all right to take more movie films. And that would surely get her pussy hot, for even though she hadn't been outwardly excited by the movies he had left in his study, she had to have had enough curiosity to open that envelope and see what was inside. That meant she had to possess, he reasoned, curiosity about other things as well, like sucking his cock and letting him suck her pussy. Hers was an untapped resource, just waiting for the drilling to begin. She loved him and wanted to please him, hadn't she told him that often enough? Yes, tonight would be the night, after all! He sipped at his coffee again and continued to think of what erotic things he would talk his lovely wife into doing with him, how he would show her that she was excited by the sight of naked men and women fucking. Determined to affect a calm exterior, not to show the turmoiled nature of her inner self, Gillian decided to break the silence. "More coffee, Stephan?" "Huh?" He set down his paper, happy to see her regaining her shattered self-confidence. And then: "What time is it?" "Nearly eight-thirty!" The newspaper fell to the floor. "Jesus Christ! I have to get going. Have a meeting with Chuck today over that new client we're trying to get. Could be a damned good client, too." Three minutes intermission and he was running out the door, tie and cuff links in hand. Gillian's day was spent puttering around the garden, pulling weeds and clipping the hedges. She didn't feel calm with her own company, but she feigned a happy mask. That way it was easier to pretend that everything was all right. But the image of those lewd movies haunted her with a vengeance all their own. Why do I feel so guilty? she interrogated herself. Am I not pleasing Stephan? Do I feel as if I'm holding something out on him? Why? Why? Why? her mind screamed. She sat down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and decided she would not move until this enigma was solved and her happy marriage was once more off the rocks and onto the solid ground. Is there something he wants of me that I feel I cannot give him? I'm faithful to him; I let him fuck me whenever he wants; I please him ... but those words, "suck me, suck my cock," echoed in her head and something struck. Her mind refused to reason any further and she felt a chill tingle up her spine like a worm squirming under her clothing. She swallowed hard, grimacing. There are things that need to be worked out, she reassured herself. From now on I'll try, God knows, I'll really try to please him ... in every way possible. I'll even consent to letting him take those nasty movies of me if he wants. Anything to get things back on their normal keel. She remembered the coolness with which Stephan had ignored her that morning. Unusual. More than unusual, there was a reason for it, and if her guess was worth a dime it was all because of something that had happened the night before over at Frank's studio. And if she knew Frank at all, she knew what it was. Frank had been filming one of his dirty movies, and Stephan had been there watching! * * * That evening Gillian met her husband at the front door, a drink in her hand. She had taken special care today to appear extra-provocative, having spent an hour hemming her blue silk dress with the slit up the side, one of Stephan's favorites that he allowed her to wear only in the privacy of their house. "Jesus Christ!" he'd said when she'd put it on for the first time for a party. "Every one of my friends is going to be pawin' at your ass!" She felt especially sexy tonight, having spent some time manicuring her nails and artfully applying her makeup. Stephan whistled through his teeth the moment his eyes fell on her. "Look at this!" he said, charmed. "What a lucky man I am!" She lifted her bead to accept his kiss."Special dinner tonight: Pate de fois gras, Canard L'Orange, Potatoes Dauphine ... and a special dessert," she said flirtatiously. "Come, let's eat and get it over with." This is too much, thought Stephan as he wiped his mouth clean with a white linen napkin. She's up to something and so am I, and I just hope we meet somewhere in the middle. "Stephan," purred Gillian, licking her lips, "this wine is absolutely superb. I'm glad you picked it up on your way home. I could drink it all day and still love the taste." She drained her fresh glass and extended it to Stephan to be filled again, smiling, feeling already a little tight and missing completely the dark intensity of his eyes, the way he began to slur his own words. They drained the first bottle and were well into the second. As planned, Stephan had gotten Gillian drunk, and she had loosened up considerably, even to the point of smiling and tacitly talking about the movies he'd taken of her. She was warm and cuddly now, sitting next to him on the couch, in an obvious loving and permissive mood; it wouldn't take much to convince her of the rightness of allowing him to take more intimate movies of her with the instant movie camera he'd borrowed from his brother. "Mmmm, I think I drank too much." "Naw." She sipped tentatively, smiled at him; she felt secure and warm inside, confessing that she'd been upset and everything had seemed to be drawing in on her at the same time, crushing her under its weight. Now, the liquor removing that worry, she wasn't sure as she had been that things were going to go wrong in their perfect marriage. Again she reminded herself that Stephan still loved her--there was no doubt of that in her mind at all. What then, could be terrible enough to override that abiding love? Still, though, there was one thing she wanted to know. And with a boldness that surprised both of them, she turned to her husband and asked, "Stephan, did you leave those films in your study for me to find?" "All right, if you must know--yes, I did." She drank again, emptying her glass, and when she put it down on the coffee table she felt a terrible rise of guilt once more. And with it came the need to unburden herself, to tell Stephan she had looked at those movies last night--but not that she had fingered her pussy until she had made herself cum while looking at them, never that. "Oh, Stephan," she blurted out, unable to hold it back any longer. "I opened that envelope in your study last night. That's why I was so upset this morning, because I opened it and put those terrible movies in the viewer, and I ... I was excited by them. Stephan, I actually got turned on looking at those dirty films!" She flung herself against his chest, and Stephan held her tightly to him. He could scarcely conceal his elation. So she had seen them! Good. "No reason to feel bad, baby," he soothed, kissing her hair. "There's nothing wrong in wanting to be fucked after looking at other people screwing; it's a natural." "But the ... the people in those photos were doing such ... such awful things to one another ..." "There's nothing awful about giving pleasure to your husband or wife," said Stephan wisely, tenderly. "It's the whole foundation of marriage, honey. If it pleases the one you love, then it can't be wrong. You believe that, don't you?" "I ... I guess so." "If, for example, I was pleased taking movies of you in the nude, you'd want to do that for me, wouldn't you? You'd want to take off your clothes and let me film you, wouldn't you?" "But ... but you wouldn't ask me to take off my ..." she stopped short. "Stephan!" "Come on, honey, I like to look at you when you're naked. It pleases me, it excites me. I like to look at you in photographs or film, look at you there in full color, any man would." "You really think so?" "It's true," Stephan said, feeling pressure building in his loins as he spoke, knowing that he would win in the end. "I like to look at you in the nude, and I'd be a liar if I said I didn't like to look at other women in the nude, too. Not to touch or anything," he added quickly. "Just to look at and get excited by, that's all. And you're not any different than I am, not really; you're just like other women in that respect. You got excited looking at those films of other couples screwing--and I did, too. When I saw them, I got so excited I thought I was going to cum right on the spot. But it wasn't them I was thinking of fucking, Gillian. It was you, you, my own darling wife. Looking at those pictures of other people doing it made me want you even more than I ever did before!" Gillian could hardly believe her ears, hearing her husband's confession. He had felt the same as she had last night, as hundreds of other people did every day, if what he said was true. If he was right, then she shouldn't have any guilt at all with her own husband. If only her brain wasn't spinning and spinning. "I'll prove it to you, sweetheart," Stephan was saying in his mellifluous voice. "I have some more films that a friend of Frank's gave to me. I put them away somewhere. We'll look at them together and what will happen is that we'll both become very excited. You'll want me more than you would otherwise, and I'll want you the same way." "No, we can't!" "There's nothing wrong with it, Gillian. I've told you that. You don't trust me, do you?" "Of course I do." "Then prove it." "Stephan ..." But he was already headed for his study for the same movie films that had excited his wife the night before plus a few more. He came back into the room with an armful of film cassettes and the viewer. She watched him as he set the whole thing up on the coffee table in front of her. Then he sat down beside her. She laid her head on his shoulder, half-afraid of what was going to happen. "Watch," he said, holding them and pulling her head away from his shoulder to snap the movie into the viewer. "Here look at them with me." Gillian didn't want to look. She was trembling and she didn't want to look, she kept telling herself that--and yet her head turned and her eyes focused on the viewing screen and a small cry burst from her lips. "My Gawd!" she cried. "Look at it, Gillian darling. It's exciting, look at it, look at it ...!" His voice droned on, mesmerically, and Gillian found herself staring at the screen, staring at the young eighteen-year-oldish, fresh-scrubbed-looking couple performing a sixty-nine--the girl's moistened lips locked tightly around the boy's hardened lust-swollen cock, the boy's lips pressed firmly, tongue extended, to her glistening pink cunt. A low moan of commingled desire and perplexity burst from the young wife's throat, and she felt the soft, warm area between her tightly pressed thighs flower wide with the building juices of her arousal. Beneath the knit dress her nipples hardened into turgid buds, the way they had hardened the night before. She couldn't seem to take her eyes away from the screen, and her breath began to become labored and shallow. "You like to look at movies like these, don't you, darling?" Stephan's voice droned. "You like to watch her sucking his cock?" "Yes," she heard herself reply in a half-whisper, unable to control the mounting flood of passion which threatened to consume her in fiery lust. "Yes, yes, yes!" Quickly, Stephan placed another cartridge into the viewer. The same couple, the same oral love, a somewhat different position. Gillian could see all of the young man's masculinity, his cum-laden balls, the wide girth of his great cock half-buried in his beautiful young lover's ovalled mouth. She gasped, drawing close to her husband, her hand sliding down involuntarily to rub almost spasmodically along his thigh. Stephan played the cassettes over and over again. A different couple in each, the positions becoming more bold, more provocative--seemingly impossible; standing, with the girl turned completely upside down, her legs locked around his neck; sitting, the man's head buried far up between wide-spread thighs of the girl, his legs locked around her neck and she supporting him with her hands and arms. Gillian was breathing heavily with intense arousal now, proof to her panting husband that she was acutely excited by these films of others enjoying sex as he was. "Darling," she purred. "That's enough, that's enough! I want you, Stephan. I want you to fuck me, please, please!" But Stephan was oblivious to her pleas, for his mind was centered on two main objectives; to get his wife to pose naked for him for more movie films; and to get her to perform the selfsame acts of cocksucking which were depicted in the cassettes he held in his hands. He moistened his lips, thinking that his first step would be to get her to undress and pose for him--yes, that was it, her pussy was hot to be fucked now and she would be a slave to his every whim; he sensed this beyond any doubt, knowing that, at last, she was going to be his on his terms. "Gillian," he whispered, his right arm encircling her shoulder, his fingers gently kneading her softly trembling tit, "Gillian, I want to take some movies of you, darling, some movies like I took the other night. It'll excite both of us, and you want to please me, don't you?" "Yes ... yes, I want to please you, Stephan, but I'm so excited. I want you to fuck me, Stephan, please ..." "Yes, afterwards." This is easier than I thought it would be, thought Stephan. Just wait till next time when she's more relaxed about it all, I'll borrow a movie camera again and hide it in the bedroom. But he was trembling with his own arousal now, partly brought about by the films he had just viewed with his wife, and partly because of what lay only moments ahead now. His cock was pulsing thickly in his pants as Gillian stroked his thigh, stroked it higher and higher. He began to unbutton her dress, whispering the whole time, "I'm going to make you naked, baby. We'll take some film and then we'll fuck, slow and easy, then hard and fast. We'll fuck like never before." "Yes! Oh, yes!" His fingers worked feverishly, pulling the dress down to her waist, baring her richly billowing tits with their ruby-capped nipples and pulsatingly dark areolas. He squeezed them lightly, his prick jumping now, and then he could stand it no more. He leapt to his feet, picked up what was left of his drink, and pressed it into her hands. "Drink this, honey," he instructed. "Be right back."She had been horrified, but Stephan had been strangely silent, and there had been an intensity in his eyes as he watched her and waited for her response that had bothered her, almost as if he had wanted her to say yes. And now there was his new behavior. He was so hung up on the movie films, and all of a sudden he was spending a lot of time with his brother, and then there was that mysterious evening the other night when he had gone over to Frank's studio and hadn't come home until the wee hours of the morning as drunk and tired as if he'd been at an orgy. Stephan had wanted her to go with him, enjoy the films--take part in them, but he'd seemed afraid to tell her so. Instead, it was almost as if he wanted her to make the first move. Well, now she was. She would go to her brother-in-law and take Frank's advice, whatever it was, and do it for the sake of her marriage to Stephan. If in the end it meant that she had to fuck around a bit herself, then she would, she would do anything she had to do to keep her husband. Gillian ran these thoughts and many others through her head as she drove along the road to her brother-in-law's house, and as she pulled into the driveway, she was relieved to see that Frank was home, and she wouldn't have to worry about seeing him another day. Gillian took a deep breath and got out of her car. She walked slowly up to the front door of the house. She knocked on the door and waited nervously for someone to answer. She hoped that Taffy wasn't there. She rather liked her sister-in-law, but she didn't want her to hear what was bothering her. Taffy would find out about it sooner or later if things worked out with Frank today, because then they would probably all get together some night and have a wild party--or orgy, she should say, ashamed that she felt her pussy tingle at the thought of such a lewd happening. She shook her head as if it would stop her pussy from getting so hot. Those lewd fuck films had really stirred up a pandora's box. Here she was, standing in front of her brother-in-law's house with her pussy hot as it could be, and ready and willing to do anything at all that Frank told her to do. She had the feeling that that's what she was looking forward to, she wanted to break free of all the old sexual taboos that had been planted in her head from the first day of her life, and so here she was, a cunt on fire, hoping like hell that her brother-in-law would fuck it senseless. And Stephan was no better than she was, wanting her to pose for those lewd movies, and going off to Frank's studio till all hours of the night, probably participating in a wild orgy or something equally obscene. She was startled from her thoughts by Frank opening the door. "Why, Gillian, what a pleasant surprise!" But he didn't look surprised, there was a look in his eyes that seemed to say that he had been expecting her for some time and was finally rewarded for his patience. It was almost as if he knew why she was here. "Hello, Frank. I hope I'm not disturbing you." She looked nervously into the house hoping to see if anyone was with him, but she couldn't see past his shoulder. "I would like to talk to you for a moment if I could." "Why sure, Gillian. Come on in." He stood aside as she walked into the living room. She was startled to see that there was another man in the room seated at the couch. He stood up as she came in and introduced himself. "You must be Gillian," he said extending his hand. "I'm Basil." She shook his hand; it was warm and loose in hers, like a limp cock. Basil offered her a seat next to him on the couch. She took it hesitantly, not quite sure of what else to do. She had come here to spill her guts to Frank, not to Frank and some total stranger. Besides, there was something strange going on between the two men. They had been exchanging glances ever since she had come in, and she didn't like the lewdness in those looks. Both seemed to be stripping her cunt naked. "How's Taffy?" she said trying to offset the strangeness of the two men with normality. "Oh, she's out for the afternoon. Went shopping with some friends. Gone for the afternoon." He walked over to the bar and fixed them all a drink and came over to Gillian and handed her a glass. "Here, this will make you feel better." She took it from him gratefully, knowing that she was going to need it if she was going to go through with the whole thing with Frank. She took a deep swallow, and sat on the edge of the couch. "Could I talk to you, Frank?" She looked over at Basil and then, back to Frank. "Please, it's very important. "Oh don't worry about Basil, he might be able to help you, too." He smiled and sat down next to Gillian so that she was hemmed in tightly between the two men. "In fact. I think we all know what's bothering you. Basil and I, why we've been watching Stephan for days now, and seen what was bothering him. So I think we know what the trouble is and what you want to do about it. Don't we?" "Yes ..." she whispered, suddenly realizing that that was the reason for their glances. "Hey, look folks," Basil said rising from the couch. "I'll be right back, you all just try and settle this. I'll be right back." Gillian sighed gratefully, not wanting Basil around when she talked to Frank, but she didn't see the lewdly cunning look that passed between the men as Basil went out of the room. And she wasn't aware of the camera that was mounted behind the mirror over the fireplace and which Basil was now going to set up for a filming of what was surely going to be a great seller in his film business. She just knew that he was going out of the room, and he wouldn't be listening to what she was going to say to Frank, or what might happen after everything had been said. Gillian relaxed back against the cushions, happy that Basil was gone and that Frank understood why she needed to see him. He would help her, and everything would be all right. Frank placed his hand upon Gillian's knee. He was silent, but his fingers seemed to be talking for him. His sharp blue eyes looked intently into Gillian's, and Gillian could not help but feel a frightening tingle in her pussy at what he seemed to be suggesting even though it was in a way what she wanted to hear. It was true that they were alone in the living room and Gillian tried to speak about what was bothering her, but the words just wouldn't come out. It felt like there were thousands of people listening, and at any moment Basil might come walking in. Frank's hand felt like a hot coal on her leg, and she felt it moving upward, pushing her skirt back as it went and touching along the stockinged length of her thighs. "Oh Frank, I've been so unsure of what to do." Though frightened of another man's touch, she made no move to stop him. The drink had made her head hum dizzily and between the liquor and the movie, she was filled with a strong desire that sent thrills running up and down her spine. Between her legs, high up at the wet spot of her pussy, she was already getting wetter and wetter as Frank's fingers moved steadily up. "Oh ..." she sighed. She could not help parting her thighs ever so slightly. She could feel the inner moistness of her golden hair-trimmed pussy beginning to pulsate nervously. She wanted him to hurry and touch her there, get it over with before she had any second thoughts! Frank's fingers advanced across the bare top of Gillian's thighs. They tickled and teased her until he was sure that she was too hot to stop him. Then he slipped his index finger up under the elastic band of her nylon panties and let the tip of it sink into the wetness of her hotly trembling cunt. "Ooooo!" Gillian cried, pushing her hips down onto the seat. The thickness of his finger moved slowly within the heated hair-lined confines of her slippery wet pussy, creating a friction that increased with each split second the mounting desire that Gillian felt in her loins. "So my films finally heated your pussy?" Frank suddenly inquired, and there was an urgency in his voice that made Gillian know that he was excited too. Yes, they had made her so hot that she had finger-fucked her own pussy until she had cum, and she needed to be screwed now so badly that she didn't know if she would be able to take his lewd manipulating of her cunt anymore without screaming. She wondered with a start if he planned to fuck her right now, in his living room! "Yes, they made me so hot!" she moaned. "Basil's hot to fuck you," her brother-in-law said, continuing his lazy friction up between her creamlike white thighs. "I thought maybe you and I might surprise him and put on a little show for him right now. Might give you a hint how to take care of big brother Stephan." In spite of herself, Gillian bristled. She understood perfectly well what the young movie director was saying, and she knew that he had planned the whole thing, anyway. He wanted to fuck her and have Basil, whom she didn't even know, watching them while he took movie pictures of them screwing. She didn't know what to say to him, and she didn't seem to be able to answer him. Still, his finger churned wetly inside her tingling pussy, and the waves of desire continued to course through her cunt and the thought of not only being fucked by another man but being filmed while doing it was suddenly less obscene and sent her pussy tingling hotly. She felt a rush of shame as she saw Basil come back into the room with a smile on his face. There was no time to answer Frank's question. Frank whispered in her ear, "Just follow my advice ... go along with what I say. That's the only way to keep Stephan." Gillian felt flushed and uncomfortable, for Frank had not yet removed his finger from beneath her skirt, and Basil was right there at the couch, sitting back down. It's horribly, horribly obscene, with Frank twisted toward me like that with his hand under my skirt and Basil sitting there watching him, she thought with alarm. It all seemed to be getting away from her, and she wished she had not had quite so much to drink. She was relieved when Frank finally removed his hand, but then she saw him get up and go to the front door. She knew he was going to lock it to make sure that no one came into the house for a certain amount of time. Enough time for them to fuck her. While Frank was temporarily away from her side, Gillian could feel the other man leering at her, and she met his gaze with a frank stare of her own. He was attractive, though somewhat weak-looking. He looked like what he was, a man in the film business. When she had first met him a little over an hour ago, she had not been terribly impressed with what she had seen. Now she looked at him for the first time in a different light. What was Frank going to make her do? She didn't possibly see how letting Basil touch her, fuck her, could have anything to do with making herself a better wife to Stephan. Then she remembered that Frank had mentioned putting on a show with Basil was included, which could only mean one thing: Basil and Frank were both going to fuck her and take movies of the whole thing! Before she had a moment more to contemplate the situation, she saw Frank coming back towards the couch. He didn't say a word as he sat down again beside Gillian, but she knew that he had planned it all before she had even come over, and that within moments he would do what he had wanted to do for a long time. A terrible sensation of anger whipped through her once more as she felt Frank's fingers rising beneath her skirt again. He had returned with an additional drink, and suggested that they all drink heartily. Both men's eyes twinkled and Basil's laugh filled the room. Had Frank spoken about her to Basil? Had they planned for something to happen if and when she came over? Frank's middle finger surged close to her already seeping pussy nestled between her soft white thighs, and she felt him parting the blonde pussy hairs and inserting his thick finger into the wetness of her trembling cunt. Was Frank using her? Or were they as a team setting out to really help her keep her husband? She could not decide, and the indecision started an odd kind of fatalism working in her brain. She drank more of the mellow, smooth-tasting liquor and gave herself up bit by bit to the rising flames in her cunt as Frank's agile finger plied softly and steadily, rubbing gently at the tingling slit of her aroused pussy. It felt so terribly obscene to be sitting there as if nothing was happening when a man other than her husband was worming his finger up her pussy hole, and Basil was sitting right there next to them, watching the whole thing. "How does that finger feel up in your hot little pussy?" Frank asked. Gillian flinched at the words, and at the knowledge that Basil was flushing with arousal next to her. "It ... it feels ..." she began. She must not break down now ... since she had started it all anyway, she must somehow see it through! His finger churned with a new insistent touch, separating the slippery folds of her wet pussy and worming upward toward the open spot of her hidden cunt. "Yes?" he inquired, anxiously pushing and thrusting upward so that his finger rose into the wet and sensitive pit of his sister-in-law's pussy hole. "Good!" she blurted out. Basil cleared his throat and stirred uneasily on his seat. He was enjoying the whole thing immensely. Frank had promised him something special if and when his sister-in-law came over. Something that would look great in a movie. Now, Basil was more than pleased to see that the fucking was going to be much more exciting than he would have imagined. It was easy to get girls in the movies. Eager actresses were thick as flies, and there was always some little willing actress around who wanted to further her career. But Gillian Edwards ... that was something else entirely! To see the beautiful and intelligent housewife beginning to sprawl down on the couch, right there next to him, her eyes mere slits as she entered into a passionate state that was obviously complete and intense--now that was going to be one hell of a movie! Just watching Frank, who was at that moment fingering the wetly sucking cunt of this beautiful housewife, was enough to drive him crazy. He leaned forward on the couch watching Gillian's expression with a growing interest, and noting the motions of Frank's arm as he manipulated his hand beneath Gillian's dress. He could feel his cock jerking painfully between his legs as he thought admiringly of the audacity the young film director had ... to set such a thing up with his own sister-in-law! He had to hand it to him though, he really knew how to get the most of the cunts he wanted.He had heard tales about Frank, about how the film director would stop at nothing to get what he wanted for his movies. Maybe he should get in on the shooting end of the movies more often, that way he got to participate instead of just watching the final film. Life was a dull affair at best, and he always liked to add as much spice to his own as possible. Doing movies like this was the kind of spice he liked. Frank was speaking calmly to the hotly aroused blonde now, and Basil tried to catch all of his words, but he could only get a few here and there, but they were enough for him to get the picture. He was exciting Gillian not only through his intimate touching between her legs, but by his lewd words. "... know you like finger-fucking ... my fingers are fucking your tight little cunt ... squirm it ... wiggle it ... ugh! ugh! Is that deep enough for you ... oh God, you feel good up in there! Don't you wish it were my cock instead of my fingers? You know you like fucking better than anything ... Basil knows it too. If you want me to I'll fuck you now." With each word, Gillian seemed to lose more and more control of herself. Basil could see her spreading her legs wider and he leaned over farther in hopes of seeing something. It was then that Frank threw up Gillian's skirt with a sudden motion and invited the other man to watch what his fingers were doing. Gillian whimpered, then shrugged briefly, but the idea that she was being lewdly exposed to this strange man--and at the same time being finger-fucked by her brother-in-law--created a surge of fire that increased her arousal to such an extent that she groaned out loud. The pinkly glistening folds of her exposed pussy were plainly visible to Basil now as he stared intently at the golden hair-fringed vee up between Gillian's widely spread legs. Frank had flicked back the narrow elastic legband of her panties so that the entire naked surface of his blonde sister-in-law's thoroughly aroused pussy was visible, and his bunched-together fingers could be seen sluicing slickly up into the hole of her wetly sucking pussy, appearing and disappearing as he fucked them again and again up into her willingly open cunt. "Christ, Man!" Basil exclaimed. "You've really got her going!" His lust-aroused cock was aching for a taste of that elegant cunt, but he didn't want to say anything yet. Frank obviously had the whole thing thought out; he would let him set the pace. Frank would stop whenever he thought Gillian was about to cum. He did not want that yet. He wanted to keep her teetering on the brink of a cataclysmic cumming, to arouse her so much that she would mindlessly obey him. He had done it to other women, and he knew that it worked. He wanted the first time she ever fucked without her husband to be so good that she would have to come back for more. This would be the first performance before a real camera too, though she didn't know that yet, but he knew she would do well--she had talent in her cunt. "Come on!" he said to her. "Hurry up and strip and I'll fuck the shit out of you!" With only a second's hesitation and with no thought of her husband, Gillian stood up. She wavered as she looked over at Basil's alert and deeply reddened face, but she realized that she would be able to go through with it now even if he was watching. It would be worth it to feel Frank fucking her, to obey him so well that he fucked her into a state of ecstatic delirium. She would do as he said! She had come over to see Frank to see if he would help her save her marriage and he was; he was liberating her sexual feelings by fucking her, and now she would be able to do anything for her Stephan, even take his cock into her mouth and suck it dry. It might be a strange way to do it, by cheating on her husband, but somehow, that was making it better for her. She stood in front of the couch, in front of the two watching men and the hidden camera, and began to slip out of her clothes. Basil watched with bulging eyes. He had only imagined what a gorgeous body Gillian possessed, but now he saw. She was going to make one hell of an addition to their film actresses, if she agreed. In fact she might just be the cunt they had been looking for to increase their sales. He couldn't think of many men who could pass up a body like hers. Gillian's blouse was gone now and she stood in her skirt and white lace brassiere, her shapely curves encased in tight-fitting brown leather boots. Her full, creamy thighs came enticingly into view as she stepped out of her skirt and half-slip next. The beige tone of her long nylon pantyhose clinging to her sensuously curved hips and thighs blended subtly with the soft ivory of her naked loins. Suddenly Frank felt as if he and Gillian were alone in the room. She was playing strictly to him, while Basil faded even from his peripheral vision. Before him, Gillian's brassiere unclasped from the front and fell to the floor with a flick of her fingers, and the full beauty of her whitely billowing tits swung into freedom. His cock throbbed as he took in their enchanting splendor! They rested high and proud in the half-light of the living room, their quivering pink nipples stood out on the creamy half-spheres, peaking higher as she raised her arms over her head in a provocative motion that was meant to lure him. Damn! What a talent the girl had! She was a natural. Frank had to admit to himself that she was one sexy woman, a lot more sexy than he had thought. He stared at her standing there in just her leather boots, hose, and the thin wisp of sheer white panties. Then, to his amazement and without another word of instruction from him, she turned back to him, and, bending over, slowly drew her silky panties tantalizingly down over her curved hips and lushly rounded asscheeks. She brushed them sensuously against her smooth white thighs and calves and finally discarded them at her feet beside her skirt. Gillian stretched languidly, as though she had been stripping all her life, and then with a deliberate teasing motion turned to face the two men. Nearly all of her nakedness was now voluptuously exposed, from her high, rounded tits to the soft blonde-furred mound of her quivering young pussy. Frank turned to look at Basil and saw Basil rubbing his hand across the front of his pants. A swollen bulge betrayed the existence of his hotly pulsing cock. Gillian was dancing now, swaying sensuously back and forth before the two men in lewd counter-time to the piped-in music. She pranced, hotly trembling, her tits dancing and her asscheeks bouncing softly as she turned to present their ripely swelling fullness to the watching pair. "Come here, honey," Frank said huskily. "Let us have a closer look at you." Gillian approached, and stood before them. She was waiting for Frank's hands upon her burning hot body, for his promised quenching of the desire that raged within her nakedly trembling pussy. But instead of Frank, it was Basil who reached out for her while Frank sat motionless, watching. "You're one gorgeous chick!" the blond man whispered, and his hands were on her asscheeks pulling her in close to him. Suddenly she felt his face worming into the narrow split of her hotly seeping pussy, his nose and then his tongue parting the tender, hair-fringed lips and probing lewdly up inside their wetness. She jumped at the unexpected wet contact, and then felt him holding her all the harder against him, his fingers harshly kneading the smooth white flesh of her quivering asscheeks. She opened her eyes wide as she felt him begin a fast-paced licking and sucking at her nakedly presented cunt. She felt as though she had been doused with cold water, and she looked toward Frank for some assistance. Instead, Frank gave her a wink and a nod of approval. "Try it ..." he muttered. "You'll like it!" With a shudder, Gillian realized that there was little she could do about the lewd, wet sucking that Basil was giving her cunt. She felt horrified that she had let herself become trapped into such a cheap scene. She had to learn to become more free with herself. And this was the way to do it, but she hadn't counted on a lewd cunt-licking or the presence of another man. Basil flicked out his tongue and wetly teased the slit of Gillian's nakedly exposed pussy furrow. His tongue ran over the tiny trembling lips of smooth cunt flesh as well as the curly blonde hair that protected them. Gillian jumped against his hands, but he wasn't going to let her go now. His thumbs spread the soft, hairlined lips up between her thighs and the teasing tongue probed hotly, deep into her wide-spread cant. Grunting, he moved toward her from his seat on the couch and kneeled in between her legs, forcing them far apart as he continued the lascivious stroking with his deftly worming tongue ... slowly up and down in the nervous young blonde's pussy, pausing at the most sensitive areas to rotate it about it in small titillating circles against her lust-moistened pussy flesh. He pushed forward and Gillian cried out, losing her balance and beginning to fall backward. But she felt Frank rush behind her to cushion her, and she lay softly on the rug, her legs lewdly spread and Basil kneeling up between them. Oh God! Gillian thought. I came here with the idea of letting Frank fuck me, but not for some stranger to suck my cunt. This was more than she thought she could stand. It was horrible and degrading to have him kneeling and slurping like an animal down there between her legs. Still Basil's tongue teased between her wide-spread cuntlips, working its way all the way up from her insanely tingling pussy through the palpitating narrowness of her cunt to the throbbing clit. The lewd flicking of his tongue was creating a maddening pulsing deep within her jerking clit, and she could feel the tiny nib of sensation swelling to full erection against her will! She began to squirm her hips down into the fabric of the soft rug beneath her in a futile effort to escape the punishing tongue, but it did no good. The idea that her brother-in-law was somewhere behind her, watching all this, brought low guttural moans of despair to her throat. The naked white plane of her belly danced erotically before the two men's hungry eyes as Basil continued his greedy lapping and panting at Gillian's helplessly exposed pussy. The blond man's eyes peered up from his obscene task, and met those of Frank, who was standing behind the writhing nakedness of his sister-in-law. Frank nodded it was fine for him to continue. "She's just getting hot now!" he proclaimed. Gillian's moans of desperation slowly changed. Her thrashing body was quieting down to a more steadily rhythmic writhing. Her humiliation was turning into something else, as the soft, gentle stroking of her lover's tongue began to bring wicked tingles of pleasure to her quivering pussy. Her very nakedness, right there in her own brother-in-law's living room, began to excite her and she could feel the fires burning brighter and hotter in her cunt as the lewd tongue-fucking continued. Control was slipping away, that delicious feeling that she had with Stephan, where all thought was blotted out of her mind, and she was nothing now but a shamelessly writhing cunt, created for fucking and nothing else! That powerful desire to think and keep on thinking was mercifully suspended, and a total relaxation followed that enabled her to give of herself with complete abandon. Her pussy began to throb hotly. Yes, she was actually enjoying this obscene act ... yes, she was ... "MMMmmmmm," she moaned, beginning to squirm her hips upwards to meet Basil's madly licking tongue. "Mmmmmmmm!" she repeated as he attached his mouth to the wide-open split of her cum-slick pussy and began to suck upon the passion-drenched pinkness of her inner cunt. "OOOOOOoooooohhhhh!" Suddenly, behind her, she felt Frank's hands upon her sensuously throbbing tits. His fingers began to play with the pebble-hardness of her fully erected nipples. With a little squeal, Gillian abandoned herself to the sudden rush of pleasure as the unfamiliar fingers twisted her hotly quivering tits; and down between her thighs her desire-inflamed cunt felt like a hot glowing coal being kindled to greater and greater heights of lust. "Hurry!" Frank's voice directed over her nakedly twisting body. "Put your cock in her pussy now ... NOW!" Basil raised his glistening wet face, and his cheeks reflected the excitement that he was feeling. Quickly, he opened his zippered fly and withdrew his thickly pulsing cock. It felt like granite in his hands, and he could hardly wait to fuck it deep into her cunt. Before him, he spied the small pink opening of Gillian's wetly seeping pussy, just waiting and ready for his hard cock! This stranger was really going to fuck her right there in front of her own husband's brother! Gillian stirred impatiently and moaned at the sudden loss of contact with her yearning pussy. God! Basil thought. She really wants cock bad! As if to echo his thoughts, Gillian suddenly cried out, "Please ... please ... fuck me now ... now, I tell you!" Basil knelt up between the blonde housewife's wide-spread thighs. He looked down at the lewdly parted legs and bent down to ease them still farther apart. He almost drooled over her nakedness as he looked down at her wetly glistening pussy. Her cum-gushing cunt seemed looser and wetter than before, and he'd never seen anything so exciting in his life, even in all of the films he'd processed and seen in his career! With a pained expression, he pushed his heavily throbbing cock forward and began to worm the smooth, rubbery head in between the blonde pussy curls and up into the velvety cunt spread wide before him. "Ooooohhhhh!!" Gillian responded as the cunt-splitting cock fucked up into her hotly gripping pussy. Her pleading whimpers filled the room as Basil thrust the thick tip-end of his cock up into the spreading entrance of Gillian's willing cunt, pushing upward, until his cock was finally buried completely up in her whitely quivering belly. "Ooooooggggggghhhhh! Aaaaahhhh!" she cried, as Basil gritted his teeth at the almost unbearably pleasurable sensation of Gillian's hungrily milking cunt muscles wrapping around his cock. Basil inclined back from Gillian as his probing cock attempted to reach the farthest depths of her totally filled pussy, not wanting to stop until it was completely out of sight, till it was buried deep inside the flailing blonde's willing spread cunt, and his cum-filled balls hung lewdly against her nakedly quivering asscheeks. Her long legs and booted calves swung outward, quivering visibly as Gillian lay speared by Basil's deeply fucking cock. Gillian was out of her mind with lust.Her lips opened and closed sensually and sounds of ecstasy poured forth in a low but steady stream. Gillian began to rotate her hips up to meet Basil as his prick screwed hard up into her cunt. Again and again Basil plunged in toward her pussy, forcing his hard cock deep into her hungrily contracting cunt. Frank watched, his fingers still kneading at Gillian's softly jiggling tits. He was fascinated by the sight of his sister-in-law being lewdly fucked by a total stranger. Frank could feel his own excitement growing as he felt the trembling flesh of Gillian's huge tits beneath his fingers. Basil's cock appeared and disappeared like a well-oiled piston into the thrashing blonde's widely straining pussy. It was throbbing red and swollen, and each time Basil rammed into her Gillian gave a guttural grunt and her tits pulsed heavily in Frank's lewdly manipulating fingers. Basil could feel Gillian's cuntlips clasping tighter and more hungrily around the fleshy intrusion of his desire-hardened cock. It wouldn't be long now, he thought, and just in time too ... he couldn't last a minute longer! Basil didn't know how good Stephan was in the sack, but he was certain that he was giving him a run for his money that day with Gillian. "Get it, baby ... get it!" he began to spit out, obscenely. "Daddy's throwing it to you, come and get it!" Gillian writhed around on the rug and let all the perversity of the moment fill her mind and body. She could feel her tits being squeezed harder and harder, each burning touch creating a conflagration within her that only heightened the lust between her legs. The powerful fucks into her cunt, filling and stretching it with a wildly fulfilling pleasure, were wringing a joyful culmination from her tormented young pussy. She tried to speak, but her throat felt dry and constricted. She felt like she was floating; her eyes were tightly closed and there was a breaking deep inside her. She was bursting, being pulled apart! She walked a thin tightrope between sanity and insanity ... then suddenly jumped. From everywhere inside her there was a race of hurtling sensations that started in her pulsing pussy and spread to the minutest cells of her body. She was released! "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Gillian choked and sputtered and moaned lasciviously, turning this way and that as the thickly embedded cock began to spurt forth its juices. "Oh shit!" Basil exclaimed. "Oh shit!" His head jerked backward, his eyes rolling toward the ceiling. "Nnnnnnnghghghhhh!" he grunted, lifting Gillian's trembling hips upward with his tensing hands so that he was able to empty his spending cock deep, deep into her climaxing pussy. "Ooooooh ... yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Gillian cried out, jiggling upward with all her might, making herself a willing receptacle for the burning-hot cum juices that filled her quivering cunt. She did not feel completely human when, caught in the throes of her tumultuous cum, she began to murmur a steady stream of words. "Oh, give it to me, give it to me ... oh! I want it ... I need it ... give it to meeeee!" Frank felt an undeniable twinge of jealousy at the thought that Basil could make his sister-in-law cum like that. Logically, of course, he knew what it was that was exciting Gillian. It was the time, the place, and the completely untoward situation of being taken by a near stranger. Nevertheless, as the moaning and groaning gradually decreased and Frank could see that Basil had had it, he hurriedly released his own throbbing cock, letting it bob lewdly into the warm air of the living room. Only Gillian's soft mewling mingled with Basil's heavy panting could be heard in the quiet house. Basil pulled out slowly, his softly deflating cock glistening wet and forlorn-looking. But Basil seemed more than pleased. He was exhausted, yes, but what a way to go. He clumsily got to his feet, and still panting, headed for the bathroom. Frank moved around Gillian's nakedly prone body. He knelt between her parted legs and looked at the devastation that he himself had caused. What a sight! he thought. What a gorgeous creature his sister-in-law was. She lay, completely satiated, in a semi-trance state, and Frank longed to bring her back to life with the rock-hard cock that he now jerked almost absentmindedly in his hand. The pinkly shining split of her pussy flesh was drenched and wide-spread for all the world to see; and the blonde curling pussy hairs glistened with combined juices. She was an obscenely presented treat, Frank thought, as he stroked his foreskin all the way back. His wildly straining cock stood out taut and tight and ready. There was no time left to fuck her the way he really wanted. That would have to wait for later, for some other time. The action of his hand on his throbbing, lust-bloated prick felt warm and so good that he did not stop it. His blue eyes glazed over and his expression was almost meditative as his hand worked faster and faster until it was going at a furious pace. Sweat stood out on his forehead and his black hair fell forward in his eyes. He closed them with an expression of utter bliss. Gillian stirred lazily on the rug. For a few brief moments, she had been totally unaware of her surroundings, but now she heard the peculiar lewd noise of Frank's hand slapping up and down on his own lustfully tingling dick, and opened her eyes wide in surprise. Frank looked down at her with an expression akin to agony. "I'm gonna cream on you, baby ... I'm gonna cream all over you!" he announced, and then uttering a strangled cry, he let his raging hot cock jerk upward with a sharp jolt. "Nnnaaaaannnnnghghghghhhhhh!" Suddenly Gillian felt a burning wetness all over her nakedly reclining body. On her face, running down her hugely billowing tits, splattering on her whitely exposed belly, inching down her still spread inner thighs toward her already cum-inundated young pussy. Frank's cock was waving now, directly toward her face, spurting out like a bursting fountain, releasing the hot, white juices of its ecstasy. She watched stunned as Frank uttered several final grunts and jerkily manipulated his fingers until the last drops of his cum fluids spurted down onto Gillian's startled features. Yet, she was unable to feel the shame that she knew she ought to be feeling. Instead, it seemed like the ending to a wonderful experience, the topping on the cake, and the start of her new life with Stephan.Impatiently, he pulled her up and spun her toward the door, not even giving her time to put on a robe over her white nightgown. "Your brother might see ... I can't go out like this ..." she protested. "Oh hell, Taffy, he's family, he doesn't care, and neither do you. Besides, he'll probably be just a bit more undressed than you are anyway." Once more his laugh echoed out into the hall. Frank was pulling her so fast that she could only stumble along behind him, curious as to where her impetuous husband was taking her. "Where are we going?" "Shhh ..." Frank cautioned her, and together they tiptoed down the hall until they got to the door that Frank had listened at earlier. I sure hope they're still at it! he thought to himself. And then he knew they were, for through the slight crack in the door, which he had left ajar, the rising voices of his older brother and Gillian could be clearly heard. Taffy stood with her mouth gaping open as Frank pushed her closer so that she, too, could hear everything. Inside, Gillian winced forward, jumping slightly as she felt Stephan's finger prodding in between her wide-spread asscheeks. It was as if he had never done that to her before. Though he hadn't actually put his finger in her asshole. But Gillian sensed that this time he would go through with it, and she did not quite know how she would respond. She felt obscenely naked and unprotected back there as she could feel the strained skin around her tiny puckered asshole being pulled apart. He had been kissing her and gently nibbling at her white asscheeks, and Gillian was surprised to note that his finger in her ass did not hurt as she had anticipated, but rather sent a sensation of muted pleasure swelling through her. Stephan moved his middle finger around in the tight expanding hole, fucking in and out, widening the tiny hole more and more. Gillian found herself wiggling her hips back against it, her nails digging into the mattress around her. When the determined young husband forced a second finger in, however, she winced aloud from the pain and tried to bounce away from him on the big bed. But Gillian had little time to relax, for Stephan had followed her, kneeling up against her kneeling body, pinning her down with his other big hand on the small of her back. Gillian could feel that he was warming to his task, and a shiver of fear ran through her nakedly trembling body when she realized that she was completely at his mercy. Momentarily he was behind her, and then the fingers began to work together inside her tightly clinging asshole. Her mouth fell open as she began to groan excitedly, wriggling back onto the obscene invaders of her hitherto untouched ass flesh. A strangely appealing subjugation swept over her. She could feel him back there, deliberately stretching her. His voice came to her ears, loud and ringing. "I've never fucked anyone up the ass ... now's as good a time as any!" "Yes ... yes ... fuck me there! Screw me up the ass, Stephan!" she twisted her neck and cried back to him. Outside the door Taffy gasped as she heard what her sister-in-law had just said. She had acted looser at dinner tonight--something must have happened to her to make her this way, so suddenly. She had spent the afternoon with Frank and Basil, they must have really had a screw session, because Gillian sure was wild now! Taffy felt her legs grow weak, and she would have not been able to support herself had it not been for Frank's strong grip around her waist. He would not let her go and it was if he too had to hang on to something to keep from collapsing. "Oh, now, please," she whimpered. "Please!" But Frank was too delighted with the sounds coming from the bedroom to listen to his wife. It was much better than he had hoped. He hoped to kill several birds with one stone before the wee hours of this morning were over! His fingers began a rhythmic massage against the naked softness of his wife's huge tits beneath her white nightgown. They felt good to his fingers and he pulled her closer and closer to him, forcing his heavily pulsing cock against the soft protrusions of her whitely trembling asscheeks. He knew that even beneath their clothing she could feel the hardness of it, and that she would remember what it had felt like to have his cock fucking deep into her willingly spread pussy! The young director's wife moaned and was silent, and Frank could feel her trembling against him, her body beginning to respond to his forward thrusts as he held her tightly to his loins. They stood just outside the door in the hall, listening to the lewd sounds and words coming from inside the bedroom, and Frank's breath became heavier and heavier to match the intensity of the lewd actions inside. He could sense Taffy's total nakedness beneath her nightgown, and their very position there beside the open door began to excite him more and more. Inside the bedroom, Stephan pulled his fingers out of Gillian's quivering asshole, the rubbery skin clinging to them and making a sucking, hissing noise. "Kneel up more!" he said thickly. "Get your ass up higher!" Obediently, Gillian drew her knees up further under her, presenting him with the fully stretched cheeks of her ass as she felt his hot, hard body move in between her open thighs. A shiver of anticipation surged through her limbs as suddenly she felt the smooth bulbous knob of his hugely throbbing cock resting within her wide-split asshole. Subserviently, she reached her hand back through the arch her legs made and began to gently stroke and cup the heavy sac of his cum-filled balls. "Put my cock in your ass!" he hissed at her, and she took hold of the hotly throbbing cock, feeling its width between her fingers and feeling frightened once more. It seemed too big to go inside her ass! Yet she wanted to do what Stephan wanted, and she held her breath as he clutched at the top of her trim, widely separated thighs and she placed the bluntness of his prick against the tight, hairless opening to her bowels. Stephan began to fuck into her, straining into the tight virginal hole of her ass. She was about to tell him that it was no use ... his cock would never go in, when the tiny muscle of her anus gave way and the persistent head of his cock burst into the sanctity of her asshole. Desperately, she tried to pull away from him, but he held her tight. "Oh God! Stephan ... it hurts ... I'm too small back there!" she cried. But he ignored her pleas, fucking into her mercilessly as he hugged her shapely hips in his savage attack, and growling, "Push back! Come on! Help me out! Push your ass back!" Gillian could hardly think. Every way she turned there was pain and more pain. The agony was unbelievable! "Back ... back!" he snarled, seemingly angered by her immobile stance, but she was afraid to move for fear of the pain inside her. Nevertheless, she tried to move her asscheeks backward, and with a deliberate, mind-shattering effort born of love, she allowed his slithering cock to surge into the spongy resistant flesh of her ass. "Aaaannnnnggghhhhh!" Gillian groaned as his pelvis smacked loudly against the softness of her upturned whitely curving asscheeks. She heard him give a harsh whine of passion as he began to fuck deep into the soft confines of her fully presented asshole. Listening in the hall outside the bedroom door, Taffy had begun to respond to the sounds of the lewd fucking by writhing backward against Frank's thrusting cock, and when his hands began to lift her nightgown up, she could not protest. Oooohhhh, I want him to touch me so! she thought, her flesh burning with desire as her husband's fingers revealed the creamy nakedness of her soft white body. When her nightgown was way up around her hips and her hotly quivering asscheeks were bared to him, she felt him pull her in against him once more, and to her shocked surprise she felt the naked hardness of his cock pressing fervently into the split of her asscheeks. Oh no ... she thought. He's not going to do the same thing to me ... he can't ... not here ... no! We've done a lot of screwing in all sorts of ways, but he has never fucked me in the asshole before, nobody has! But she did not know what to do as he began to push and slide the tip of his thickly pulsing cock in between her trembling asscheeks, bending her body this way and that as it pleased him so that he could get the desired sensual effect. She was relieved that he did not try to fuck her there, for she could hear the horrifying sounds of her sister-in-law being sodomized by Stephan. She'd seen some of Frank's films of women being screwed in the ass, and they always liked it in the end, but that didn't mean that she felt like it now. She knew that she might never ever recover from such an act and tried to convince herself that Frank would never do such a thing to her! He forced her to bend over forward, letting his hotly throbbing cock fit smoothly into the spread entrance of her hairlined cunt, and Taffy shivered with mounting desire. Yes, she thought, oh yes ... fuck me now ... right now! She felt so excited that she began to push her asscheeks back, and as she did so the long, thick hardness of Frank's thrusting cock slipped deep into her hungrily gripping pussy. "Mmmmmmmmm," she moaned, twisting back onto his prick as she felt herself being filled by the incredible mass of his heavily throbbing cock. Oh! It's hard and wonderful and I love it! she thought, in spite of herself. His hands firmly planted on Taffy's hips, the young movie director began a slow skewering motion into his wife's hotly seeping pussy, feeling his cock fucking along the entire length of her cunt passage, and listening to her soft moans of pleasure. But this was not all he had wanted of her, and boldly, after once more assessing the sounds coming from inside the guest room, he began to push forward into the room, carrying Taffy along with him still firmly attached to him by the lewd fucking of his cock inside her clinging pussy. Taffy realized what was happening, but she was too aroused to try to get away. What could she do anyway? He held her so hard against him that she could feel sharp shooting pains where his fingers dug into the soft fleshy area of her hips. Yet, as he moved, his hard cock jiggled and thrust within her hot wet pussy in a most exciting way. To her alarm, she could hear the noises of the fucking couple on the bed very nearby. She and Frank were now almost right next to the bed, she was certain of it. But Gillian and Stephan were so preoccupied that they didn't know that they had company. By degrees, the pain was lessening within the wide-stretched walls of Gillian's thickly filled asshole and a certain stimulation began to blend with it. She bared her teeth and wagged her head from side to side, her blonde hair a crazed entanglement hanging over her face as Stephan rammed into her again and again and again. "Unnnnnngh! Unnnngh! Unnnngh!" he grunted animallike behind her. "Move your butt!" he commanded. "Can't you do better than that?" His words stung Gillian as she tried to comply. He was sodomizing her! Her own dear Stephan was performing this completely debasing act upon her! She tried to think, but each time his brutal thrust would drive her forward and she would squirm back onto his deeply fucking cock until soon she was filled with an all pervading masochistic joy. The pain had become pleasurable! She began to shove backward with vigor, in a tempo to meet her young husband's brutal thrusts. It was getting better and better ... unlike anything she'd ever felt before! She marveled at the power of her body to bring her new sensations when she thought she had already known them all. It was then that the piercing shriek stunned them both, with Stephan's surging cock was still plunged within the tightly clenched narrowness of Gillian's widely split asshole. Directly behind them, right there in the room, a woman had screamed. And now immediately following the scream, sharp sounds of sobbing and the lewd noises of flesh slapping against naked flesh met their ears. "What the hell!" Stephan cried out. "Never mind!" Frank replied in a panting voice. "Go on with what you're doing. It's just Taffy and me, and we'll take our cues from you! Damn, your ass is tight, Taffy!" Taffy's cries of pain lifted to the ceiling and Stephan could feel Gillian trying to scramble away from him. "Oh no!" she was saying. "Good God, Stephan ... get them out of here!" Stephan was on the verge of agreeing with her, at first outraged by his younger brother's rude intrusion. But then the humor of the situation struck him, and he had to chuckle as he heard Taffy's whimpering noises and envisioned the two of them there at the foot of the bed. He turned his head around, still without releasing Gillian from his strong grip of her upper thighs, and in the darkness could make out the shape of the other two gyrating bodies ... the white of Taffy's uplifted nightgown ... the darkness of Frank's hair. He had to hand it to his brother Frank, when he wanted something, he went after it and got what he wanted. As Gillian continued to protest, he suddenly yelled at her, "Shut up! I'm not finished yet! Let them fuck all they want, they're not bothering us!" Gillian was silent. She had always tried to get over the dislike for Frank which she felt--even after what he had done for her that afternoon, feeling herself above such things, but now she felt distinctly used by him, and she knew that he was doing this primarily to get even with her over the way she felt towards him. The fact that Stephan was going along with it hurt her deeply, and she could not keep tears of bitterness from springing to her eyes. She had thought herself over feeling this way in such a situation. After Basil and Frank had fucked her so completely she had considered herself ready and willing for anything. Only this was different, because her husband whom she loved was going along with his insensitive brother ... joining in his dirty, lewd scene like something out of his dirty movies. She could hear Taffy's whimpers changing to sounds of utter pleasure, and she guessed that Frank was touching her body in such a way as to alleviate the rising pain between the young girl's cock-spread asscheeks. Her own asscheeks were once more lewdly stretched and the husband's hugely throbbing cock deep within her arching asshole made itself felt again as the painfully embedded prick recovered from its temporarily softened state and grew harder by the second. "Come on, you sweet bitch ... give it to me ..." he growled down at her. "But first, turn on the lights!" "No! No! No! No!" Gillian protested.She had been screwed in broad daylight by a near stranger and Frank, but Stephan was her husband. Stephan fucked his angrily stiffened cock so deep into her defenselessly upthrust asscheeks that she wailed with pain and lifted her hand up toward the low switch on the wall by her bed. In a second the room was flooded with a soft yellow glow from the table, and Stephan nearly knocked her flat on her face as he shoved up into her cringing asshole again, this time turning his head so he could watch the lewdly occupied couple behind him. It was true ... they were doing it too! Frank was fucking his wife right up her ass, and from his position on the bed, Stephan could see his brother's lustfully penetrating cock sliding in and out between the full, firmly rounded moons of white flesh that formed the lustfully moaning woman's asscheeks. He could even see the pink flesh of her round little asshole draw back with Frank's cock on the outstroke, greedily clasping it as if to keep it from escaping. He stared in sadistic delight as his younger brother's cum-laden balls smacked resoundingly against Taffy's tight little cunt each time he screwed his prick to the hilt in her wide-split crevice. Stephan felt his own lust-bloated balls palpitating almost painfully and his throbbing cock felt as if it were charged with electricity each time he fucked into Gillian's uplifted asscheeks. Now she was moaning like a madwoman, her beautiful face flushed, her eyes rolling in her head, and Stephan knew he couldn't last much longer. He had fucked for his younger brother before, when he was in the movie with the little teenage nymph Kitty--the hottest cunt in town. But Stephan couldn't remember ever having done anything nearly as exciting as this dual sodomizing with her! He had wanted something special for that night and he was getting it! He could see Frank watching him too even while he thoroughly impaled his sensuously writhing young wife in front of him, and Stephan realized that they were in a kind of contest together. Who would last longer ... who would cum first?? Stephan's hand came down on Gillian's palely jiggling asscheek in lewd imitation of a jockey with a thoroughbred horse coming down the home stretch toward the finish line. "Eeeeee!" Gillian wailed in painful protest, but the excitement had begun to swell within her again and she reached back under her, tickling Stephan's lewdly swinging balls and turning her face sideways so that he could see the effect he was having on her. Sweat poured down Stephan's face as he rode her wildly and impersonally. She felt herself to be a mere vessel for his pleasure, and suddenly this contributed to her own growing pleasure. What could be more important than receiving his long hard cock ... than giving him the utmost pleasure that she could possibly manage???? She knew that the presence of his brother and Taffy was making him reach new heights of excitement, and, swallowing her own pride once more, she found at the depths of her debasement a greater desire than she had ever known filling her nakedly gyrating loins. Frank watched fascinated as up on the bed his older brother Stephan's thickly throbbing cock disappeared all the way up into Gillian's wriggling asscheeks, with every cruel thrust. None of it was left visible to his eyes as it submerged its full depth into the tightly resilient passage, straining its head as if to burst asunder in her tightly clasping asshole. Taffy moaned and mewled as the thickly pulsing cock churned within her straining ass. He had penetrated her there with one swift devastating fuck, taking her by surprise after exiting from her desire-drenched pussy. And now, she found herself filled with a sense of total abandon. What did anything matter anymore? She had done more lewd things before, and she was in effect enjoying the obscene, lewd fucking into her half-naked body. She had allowed herself to be taken in the crudest, most sinful manner known to man or woman, and in the same room with another couple who were doing exactly the same thing! "Oh yes! Frank, fuck it! Fuck it hard!" she gasped out, her lewd words filling the room and spurring not only her own husband but the other hotly writhing couple to a faster pace. Frank felt he could cum now whenever he wanted to. He drew his cock out to the tip, watching her virginally tight asshole pucker pinkly around him, and then rammed in one long, smooth stroke all the way to his loins. Taffy whined in ecstasy, and on the bed Gillian echoed the same intense sounds. Frank fucked into her again, pulling Taffy back onto his lust-throbbing cock like a smooth-fitting glove, causing her to scream again. Stephan did the same, and Gillian screamed with pleasure. His scalding hot cum-juices began to churn in Stephan's heavily pulsing cock. The acute tingling that signaled his imminent release had started! Stephan grunted loudly as he fucked his hugely throbbing length into Gillian's wide-spread asshole, his entire naked body beginning to jerk convulsively against her asscheeks. His mouth hung open loosely as he clawed at the silky skin of Gillian's waist with harsh, clutching fingers, pulling her cream-white ass even wider apart for his thickly cumming cock to screw yet another fraction of an inch up into her. "I'm cumming, Frank!" he shouted back to his younger brother. "Christ, I'm cummmmiingg!" "Mee too, you horny bastard!" Frank cried back. "Meeee toooooo!" Frank grunted and began to pump thick jets of steamy cum from his speeding cock, filling the swollen tightness of Taffy's plundered young asshole with the white juice of his cum. Beneath Stephan's battering attack, Gillian felt the first delicious torrents of the hot white cream gush wildly into the aching depths of her abused ass. It surged through her cock-split anus like a volcanic eruption, warming her belly rapturously. The sensation and the lewd knowledge that Stephan was actually paying more attention to Frank at this intimate moment than he was to her, strangely touched off her mind-blowing cum, and she screamed as the great rush of pleasure rippled through her trembling loins. "Aaaaaaggggggghhhhh!!!!" The combined cries of cums swirled to the high-ceilinged bedroom. Taffy screamed in lust-filled agony as Frank's fingers touched the streaming pit of her hair-fringed pussy and the thick white juices from his cock trickled back out of her cum-filled ass and down the inner flesh of her wide-spread thighs. "Give me your cream, give me your cream! Oh Stephan, Stephan, I love you! Love you!" Gillian sobbed piteously, her entire body wracked with spasms as Stephan clung to her from behind. The pleasure within her seemed to go on forever as she let herself get lost in the world of her own carnal sensations. Distantly, the wetly obscene sounds of the other couple mingled in her head, and she knew that they were all experiencing some kind of lewd four-way cumming, where each cum hung on the others and was continually spurred on in a dizzying, mind-blowing chain reaction. Gillian's head swam as she felt her weakly quivering knees give way, and Stephan pulled out of her cum-flooded asshole with a soft, lewd, sucking sound. As he fell to the side of her, she collapsed, her well-fucked body completely spent.He reached up and with one gruff motion ripped at her coat, pulling sharply downwards so that the sleeves remained hanging on her arms, and her filmy dress exposed all her tantalizing young curves to his face. His look took in the long voluptuous legs, draped by the folds of Cindy's dress, the tantalizing stretch of her thighs, the startling cups of her huge white tits, jutting forth as she strained to get away. "Oh, man oh man!" Charlie grinned. "Looky here!" He felt like someone had dropped a million dollars in his lap; he'd never seen anything that even approached the perfection of Cindy's body. He began to laugh and chortle, clapping his hands and bouncing up and down on the bed for the benefit of the ceaselessly grinding camera. "Can I touch her, Buck? Can I?" He looked pleadingly up at his companion, who continued to apply enough pressure on Cindy's arm to keep her from bolting. "Later, later!" Buck answered roughly according to the script. "Hand me something ... hand me those silk stockings!" He pointed to a pair of Cindy's long hosiery on the floor beside the bed. Charlie bent over and picked them up, pausing to look at the teen-aged blonde's ankles and calves from the new angle before handing the socks up to Buck, then he watched with something like admiration as Buck quickly fashioned a knot and bound Cindy's hands tightly together behind her back. He found a handkerchief in his pocket and pushed it way to the back of Cindy's mouth to stop the screams she had resumed once his hands were occupied with binding her. "There ... that'll keep you for a while ... noisy bitch!" He spun her about to face him, smirking as she tottered unsteadily on her feet. She was trussed up like a Thanksgiving goose, ready to be consumed by a hungry mob. The silk stockings were so tight that they cut sharply into her wrists, and the gag in her mouth made it difficult for her to grunt, much less yell. "Hold her steady," she heard Buck's voice command, and then she felt her thin dress and underthings being ripped from her naked body. She knew then that there was no doubt about what they were going to do to her, and the thought of getting fucked by them both created a raging turmoil inside her that caused a sickening dizziness to envelope her. And then as Gillian, behind the camera, signaled, a giant fist slammed into her head, causing her to groan and pretend to lose consciousness so that the two men would spread her unprotected, limp body on the crumpled sheet of the bed. They laughed cruelly at the sight of her nude body lying face down on the bed before them, her firm asscheeks bulging up from her hips. Then Charlie abruptly stopped laughing. "Ah Buck ... you knocked her out. That ain't no fun!" "She'll come round ... don't you worry ... she'll be sassy enough!" An idea had come into his mind. For the first time in a long time he was thinking, and it felt good. He stood staring, bleary eyed, down at the soft creamy skin of Cindy's naked young asscheeks glistening in the lamplight of the film set. She was ready for whatever he might choose to do to her. All the deep-seated anger that abided in his soul seemed to rise now as he enjoyed this position of power. Power was the one thing he had never had, and now this! It had slowly dawned on him that Cindy was not one of the standard fuck-film actresses! But he had no intention of just following the script after he caught a glimpse of what she looked like underneath that dress. She was class, and he knew it, even though he'd never been that close to it. Cindy symbolized all the women who had scorned him on the streets, all those who had turned away in disgust at the sight of him and refused to recognize him as a human being like themselves. Well, he would show them ... he would show her! All the hurts he had ever endured appeared before him in the circles of Cindy's helpless white asscheeks, and Buck could feel his cock aching like it had never ached before. Without ceremony, he pulled it out of his pants, the zipper didn't work anyway, and lunged across the bed onto the full length of Cindy's body, pressing his scarred face against her soft downy cheek, where he was able to inhale the light odor of her body perfume. "Hey," Gillian whispered from behind the camera. "You're supposed to play with her first!" "Just begin shooting, cunt!" Buck growled. "I'll show you a fuck scene you won't ever forget!" The heavy impact had forced the wind from Cindy's body, and the first thing that affronted her was the heaving breath of the animallike man on top of her. She winced and began to weakly struggle beneath him, but his hands pushed on the back of her head until her face was stuffed down into the mattress, making it almost impossible for her to breathe. Buck's knees relentlessly forced at her legs, parting them with rough pressure that scraped at her thighs. Cindy strained to keep her legs from being opened, but it was useless; her head pounded from sudden fright, and she was too weak to resist. She gave a low groan as her resistance was broken and her legs snapped wide open behind her. Buck let himself slide down between her legs, and the roughness of the material of his clothes burned her skin as he moved over her. A moan came from deep in her throat as she felt his rapidly hardening cock touching wetly at the smooth inner surfaces of her thighs. He pushed it forward so that the long rod slithered along the wide-split crevice of her naked asscheeks, as Gillian behind the camera whirred away. She had been initially taken aback by the man's sudden deviation from the script, but decided he might really put out on his own. She would pay the girl double to handle any objections she might have to a little roughness. Anyway, they wouldn't dare hurt her. Cindy wriggled her bottom, the only part of her that she could move, trying to get the lustfully throbbing cock out from between her nakedly split asscheeks. But every move she made served to make Buck's cock still harder, and increased his determination to stay on top of her and fuck her his way. "Lift that ass up!" he ordered, pulling himself up and off of her prostrate form, so that he stood between her spread legs at the edge of the bed. Cindy started to press her legs together again, stiffening each muscle in a useless effort to resist him, tears of real terror springing to her eyes at the sudden turn of events. A loud anguished cry echoed shrilly in her head, increasing in pitch at each new indignity foisted upon her helpless body before the ceaselessly grinding camera. When Buck saw that she was not going to obey him, he lifted his hand and let it fall heavily to her gelatinously quivering asscheeks with a loud crack. Charlie stood to the side, watching gleefully. "Let me have a go ... come on, Buck, lemme at her too!" he pleaded. "No!" his companion growled. "You'll have your turn, don't worry!" Cindy's naked ass was turning a deep pink from the slap it had just received, and the pain was beginning to subside when the hand came down again ... crack! "Move it!" he repeated, and this time Cindy tried to move the way she thought he wanted her to, but it was not fast enough for Buck, and he pushed his hand down on the back of her head again, holding her until she relaxed the whole of her body so that he would allow her to breathe. Then, having won his battle, he pulled at her fearfully trembling asscheeks until they were lifted high off the bed. She hung there, her behind lewdly suspended in the air. Cindy knew that it was useless to struggle because even the lady who had hired her could not stop them. Eventually they would obtain what they wanted from her, no matter what she did to protest. No one else could hear her muffled cries, and even if they did, they would assume that it was all a part of the normal goings on in the film studio. Cindy felt she had sunk lower than it was possible to sink. She had to give in to the horrible humiliation of her tormentors' every whim. They would be able to manipulate her body in any way they saw fit, any way that would satisfy their enormous hunger. Perhaps if she cooperated, they would not beat her any more; they would be satisfied just to fuck her, shoot their obscene cum inside her pussy, and be done with it. Buck knelt on the bed behind her nakedly raised ass, staring as though he might be struck blind the next moment. He had never seen anything like it. All of Cindy's blonde young cunt and huge tits were displayed before him in all their fresh young splendor. He felt hot all over, itching for the feel of his cock deep in the hidden recesses of her cunt. He wanted to explode inside her and fuck her to pieces. His balls were full and aching as he pulled on them and stroked his rock-hard shaft, longing to shove it into the narrow opening of her teenager's cunt. But he had a perverse desire to make it last as long as possible. Way in the back of his mind he knew that he would never get a chance like this again, never. And he wanted to make the most of it while he had it, camera or not! "What're you waitin' for, Buck? Come on, give it to her ... feed her a little cock. That's some hot little ass she got there, ain't it?" Charlie sat fondling his huge erection and gulped whiskey from his bottle, slopping the liquid over himself and the bedcovers. Buck didn't bother to answer. He wasn't going to let himself be rushed. This was one piece of ass he was going to enjoy! With a rush of anger, he remembered Cindy's screams when she had first looked at him, and then the way she had turned away, not looking him in the face. She hadn't been acting either. What did she think she was anyway? Some kind of high and mighty saint? He'd fix it so that she'd be groveling under him; he was going to feel her wiggle beneath him, wanting him to fuck her harder, wanting him to fill her cunt fully! He placed his hard, pulsating cock so that it was barely touching the smooth, sleek crevice of her ass, tormenting the soft cheeks of flesh with his kneading fingers by pulling them apart and then pressing them together around the huge bulbous tip of his cock. Cindy's nakedly exposed young asscheeks contracted helplessly against the pulling of Buck's thumbs, but he kept on pressing outward with a steady motion, not hard, but gently and firmly, determined to break the youngster's will by sheer cunning, if nothing else. Eventually, it worked, and the moon-shaped orbs were lax, spread wide before him as he dropped down so that he could peer into the soft brown circle of her asshole with its small puckered opening and the tempting folds of her blonde, curl-fringed cunt below. His lips were only inches away from the soft blonde strands that wisped around the entrance to Cindy's cunt, and he inhaled deeply, breathing in the sweetness of her inner young pussy flesh, pushing Charlie away as he craned over beside him in an attempt to see too. The young actress was calmer now ... it didn't seem as though he was going to hit her again. She was surprised by his slow movements ... she had not been prepared for that, expecting a savage rape for which she had steeled her mind. She didn't know quite how to react to this soft touch and it unsettled her. There was something strange about it, something horrible, as her body seemed to respond with something akin to relief, even gratitude for not being treated cruelly. She felt like two separate beings ... her mind and her body were not functioning together. Cindy tried to suppress the lewd, cunt-moistening sensation that she could feel rising inside her thumb-spread pussy as Buck steadily breathed into her naked cunt and asshole, slowly inhaling and exhaling her luxuriously sensual fragrance. She sighed and let her ass muscles relax still another notch into a state of looseness brought on by the freedom from anticipation of pain. But her mind sensed that there was another danger, and it was not long in appearing, for Cindy began to feel a strange wetness at the base of her spine. It spread from a tiny point to about the size of a poker chip, and then began to creep slowly up her spinal column. Buck was licking his long, thick tongue up her back, inching along with infinite slowness, causing an uncontrollable shiver to run up and down her back. At first it was only a feeling of surprise, but then the tingling sensations turned to pleasure. Alarmed, the youngster attempted to move her arms from their cramped position tied behind her back, but she could only pull them up a little way from her body, and the wetness continued to move up and down until, inexplicably, it stopped entirely. Cindy found herself waiting for its next appearance. Why had it stopped? Then she caught herself: she was actually thinking as if she wanted the lewd licking to continue. The very thought that she was enjoying being filmed like this was hideous ... and her mind reeled with confusion. She no longer felt like herself ... it seemed as though she must be someone else going through these horrid things ... and Cindy, the young country girl, no longer existed. She couldn't ... she couldn't be there on that dirty bed in an upstairs room of a fuck-film studio ... no ... such things didn't happen, and she fought the reality of the unbelievable scene, bitterly tossing her head from side to side. "Keep licking, that looks hot," she heard Gillian direct from behind the camera. "She'll love it in a minute." Then suddenly the moisture was back as Buck ran his tongue all the way up her inner thigh, slowly, delicately, until he reached the wetness of Cindy's nakedly spread cunt. She tried to squirm away, but he held onto her whitely protruding ass so that it stayed just where he wanted it, and before she could anticipate what he was going to do, he thrust his tongue deep into her pussy with all the strength he had in him. It felt warm and soft soft pressure inside her unprotected opening, moving around and about tickling and pushing at the walls of her sensitive little cunt. Buck could feel the confusion in Cindy's body as he continued tongue-fucking into her, lapping at her sweet young cunt juices, sliding down and toying with her clitoris, only to return to the tender little hole above after a moment's teasing below. He knew he was getting through to her as the sounds she was making gradually changed to soft mmmmmms, hums of pleasure. Cindy had convinced herself by now ... no, this couldn't be real, the pleasure she felt was a hallucination ... the whole thing made no sense at all. Every inch of her body reacting to the permeating vibrations of pleasure coming from the male actor's tongue, stuck in her like a tiny prick.With a great moan, she released what small doubts she still had and abandoned herself entirely to the joy of the rising feelings back between her wide-spread asscheeks. Buck tongue-fucked in further, and then began licking up the full crevice of her ass. He knew she was liking it, and she was going to like it even better before he was through. His face was glistening wet as he licked up and down in the nakedly split confines of her hotly squirming asscheeks. Charlie could hardly believe his eyes. His mouth hung slackly open as he watched the gyrations of the young blonde's sensuously moving ass. "Eat that pussy! Yeah! Eat it!" he cried. Buck lifted his head up and spit out a command to his partner. "Take that gag out of her mouth ... go on ... take it out!" Charlie did as he was told, removing the saliva-wet handkerchief from Cindy's mouth and throwing it on the floor. Just as he was removing it, Buck fucked several fingers up into her cunt, twisting them around as he teased the tightly clasping walls of the hotly streaming tunnel. "Ooooooh oooooh!" Cindy cried out, completely out of control now as her heated young cunt locked hungrily around the lewdly fucking fingers, opening and closing around them as they explored deeper up inside with bolder and bolder thrusts. Gillian gasped and felt her own cunt throb momentarily at the sensuous sight. Jesus Christ, she thought, the girl's going to go out of her mind and fuck them crazy in a minute! Buck was working like a madman behind the young blonde's upturned ass, fucking crazily in and out of her, listening with something near delirious delight to her muffled sounds of uncontrollable excitement. She was his woman, now ... the same one who couldn't look him in the face earlier, the same type he had wanted to fuck almost all his life. "Shhhhhiiiiit!" he exclaimed. "Shhhhiiiiit!" Cindy bucked beneath the ramming hand, moaning with an ecstasy born from the complete oblivion in which she had placed her mind. She was nowhere ... she was no one. What happened to her was pure feeling, pure sensation with no string of conscious thought attached. Her hotly quivering cuntlips opened still wider to admit his hand, the hot, slicky moistness inside increasing moment by moment. Buck could tell she was just about to cum, and he didn't want it to be on his hand. He wanted to get his throbbing cock into that tight little pussy and feel it cumming all around it! It was time to fuck up into her with his rampant joystick, and he could almost taste the way it was going to feel inside there when he let loose all his pent-up jism and felt it pouring around his cock deep inside her cunt while she bucked and screamed from her own wild, pussy-bursting cumming. It was going to make up for all the years he had subsisted in a rigged society, breaking his balls for the guys with the loot for pennies, until he finally gave it up. It was better to be a bum and live from hand to mouth than to go through life making somebody else rich. He feasted his eyes on the lovely girl kneeling on the bed, and he knew he would have to fuck her one way or another soon before he spilled his cum out all over her nakedly churning asscheeks. For a moment he considered fucking into the tight little asshole that pointed itself temptingly toward him, the little rosebud opening almost beckoning to him to fuck it. But he wanted the feel of her young, tight pussy wrapped around his cock, he decided ... that would be the best. He slowly slipped his fingers from her cunt and moved up toward her raised asscheeks, kneeling on the bed behind her, then he guided the smooth length of his cock into the opening between the wide-stretched thighs, his cum-filled balls aching painfully. He moved his fingers to the pink-tinged lips of the girl's wetly gushing pussy, parting them with his thumb and forefinger, then pressing his lust-thickened cock forward into the warm softness of the soft, curl-rimmed folds of soft, slicky cunt flesh. He gave a loud groan. He had never felt anything like it. It was every bit as good as he had imagined. Cindy's wetly clasping young cunt slipped smoothly over his straining cock like a warm, tight glove, and he gasped aloud as the soft fleshy walls gave way, making room for his advancing hardness. The sound of his cries mingled with the high-pitched wail that Cindy emitted, resounding lewdly around the shabby room. "Aaaaaah!" Cindy cried out as she was pressed down by his weight upon her. She trembled with emotion as she felt the enormous length of his cock fuck further and further up into her helplessly squirming belly. Then suddenly the reality of what was taking place returned to her with startling clarity. The probing of Buck's cock on the inside of her lewdly upraised cunt, the touching of the delicate surface of her cervix, brought her abruptly back to the fuck-film studio with the two barroom derelicts in it. And one of them was now fucking his cock into her, bearing down with all his might. Her humiliation returned full force, and once more she could feel the pain of the bindings on her hands and hear the whirring of the camera nearby. She began to scream loudly and hysterically for him to stop fucking her, tears flooding her eyes and streaming down her cheeks and into her mouth, but he would not, could not stop. He was just at the point of cumming as he had never cum before, deep into her tightly gripping cunt, intruding into the passageway that he sought to widen and lengthen with the force of his heavy, asscheek-flattening fucks into her. "Oh fuck, shit, piss! Aaaaaagh! Fuck back, you bitch. Fuck back!" Buck's obscene cries echoed throughout the room and the young blonde groaned pitifully underneath him, beginning to turn on again to the insanely invading prick that impaled her mercilessly like a battering ram. When she began fucking back, Buck only became more excited. He didn't even care about her screams now; he wanted to hear her cry out, he wanted to tame her, and his cock expanded inside her to even larger proportions as he rose and fell upon her defenselessly spread body again and again. Cindy felt as though her cunt would explode into a thousand pieces and she uttered a silent prayer that she would get to cum too. That was all that she could hope for now ... every remnant of self-respect she had ever had was being fucked out of her now before the lewdly grinding lens of the all-seeing camera. A guttural stream of lewd words spit out into the room behind her, and with another savage thrust, Buck's huge cock burst within her, spurting loose great jets of cum deep into her ravaged pussy as he twitched and moaned in the grasps of his overwhelming orgasm. Then, just when she thought he had left her high and dry and it was all over, Cindy looked up to see the sight of the other man's lust-hardened cock waving before her contorted face. "I'm gonna make her suck it, Buck ... okay? Okay?" he said, and without waiting for an answer from his friend who remained mounted on Cindy's back, he fucked his huge erect hardness deep into the pliancy of her mouth. There was no use in her straining to keep her lips closed; he pushed and pushed until they gave way, admitting the heavily quivering rod far back into her defenseless throat. The full thickness of Charlie's shaft crushed into the warm, wet cavern of Cindy's mouth. He had been patient up to now, very patient, but he could wait no longer, the sight of Buck fucking into her cunt had been too much for anyone to take. He groaned as the hugeness of his prick filled the young helpless actress's throat completely with its fleshy stickiness. He rapidly fucked his cock in and out of her wide-stretched lips, raping her mouth as if it were her cunt, and Cindy could feel the wild sensation of the other man's cum-drained cock still firmly implanted in her pussy below, although not as hard now. "Suck, suck, suck!" Charlie screamed. "Suck!" And unable to contain himself any longer, he spewed out his cum deep down into her greedily sucking throat, sending his lewd cum roaring like an unleashed torrent of molten lava far back into the hidden recesses of her hungrily gulping throat. "Ooooooh Lord," Gillian, still behind the camera, moaned softly to herself as she watched the man step back and pull his cum-slickened cock from between the girl's still hungrily nibbling lips. "The bastards didn't fuck her to a cum. The movie's ruined if she doesn't cum too!" Her mind worked a mile a minute as she watched the unsatiated young blonde twisting tortuously about on the bed. "Ooooh God, somebody fuck my pussy and make it cum," she was pleading through her cum-slickened lips. "God, someone's got to fuck me!" It was in that instant that Gillian made up her mind. If she was going to make a good fuck-film director, she would have to learn to think on her feet and ad lib scenes at a moment's notice. And ... this was one of those moments. That girl just had to cum to complete the picture or she wouldn't have a chance in hell of ever selling it and getting back the money that she had invested in it. "Hang on, baby," she suddenly crooned softly over to the young blonde. "Mama's going to come over and lick your little pussy for you." The voluptuous blonde older woman set the camera on automatic run, and licking her lips in anticipation, walked slowly over to the bed and crawled up between the young, desperately moaning youngster's thighs. "Oooooh, lick it, please lick it before I go out of my mind," the girl was pleading as Gillian reached down and spread her soft, curl-rimmed cuntlips with her fingers and licked her tongue deep up inside the warm pink pussy flesh before her eyes. "Mmmmmmm," she moaned to herself as she felt the girl's cunt walls lock tightly around her slickly fucking tongue. "Besides the money, there are other rewards in this business too!" "Jesus Christ," the man called Buck suddenly intoned. "Would you look at that beautiful ass of hers! I'm gonna fuck the shit out of it while she sucks off that little blonde chick." Gillian, her cunt throbbing at the lewd thought of being fucked in the ass while tongue-fucking another girl's cunt, could hardly believe her luck. This was going to be the hottest fuck film ever made and she could hardly wait to show it to Stephen and Frank. They would both fuck her silly when they saw it. It would drive them out of their skulls. The thoughts whirled their way through her passion-gripped mind, as she felt her skirt being pulled up from behind, her panty cuntband being pushed aside, and a long thick cock fucking deep up into her ready and waiting cunt. She had finally found her niche in life and she was going to love every mind-blowing moment of it from this minute on! She would be the best and most dedicated fuck-film director the business had ever seen!!!
Chapter 1
Robert G. Haill
His Sexpot Sis
"Shawn Addison, you're a perverted bastard and I won't do it, not even for you. Haven't you any respect for me at all?" Shawn closed the bathroom door and leaned up against it as he studied his sister's angry face. She stood inches away from him with her balled fists on her hips waiting for him to say something. "You wouldn't dare ask any other girl to do it," she flared. "It's unnatural, Shawn." "Shut up, Jodi. You're as perverted as I am, my dear, sweet, innocent sister. And you'll do it because you promised me anything I wanted." He unbuckled his trousers and let them drop. Very slowly he inched down his underpants and saw her eyes swoop between his legs. "You'll be sorry, Shawn," she whispered and gulped as she watched his huge cock spring to life, a magnificent prick fully eight inches long with a tortuous, bulbous cock head. It swung like a scythe as he moved over to the bath and bent over. "Shave me, Jodi, down and around my balls so when I take you I can feel every velvet inch of your body up against me." She moved toward him in a trance and absently picked up the electric shaver that would shear the golden hairs off his spunk-filled balls. She dropped down onto her knees and her eyes fixed on his pendulous balls. They were big, she told herself, too big for a teenager. But so was his cock. There was nothing small about him. "Take a good look, Jodi. We have the whole house to ourselves and we won't be disturbed." She shook her head as she came out of her trance. He was right. They were alone with their parents off on vacation. She thumbed the switch on the shaver and it buzzed to life as she lightly brushed it up between his bum cheeks. Bending her head slightly she blew a cloud of fine golden hairs from between his spread buttocks and with a giggle gave them a playful smack. "Ouch! That hurt. Stop it. Remember, It's your birthday in a few weeks," he reminded her. She started to tingle all over as she thought about their bargain of giving themselves to each other as absolute slaves as birthday presents. Then he'd be at her feet obeying her every will as she had to now. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder at her, his eyes shining mischievously as a hundred lurid pictures skipped through his head of the things he would make her do. Jodi had short brown hair with blonde tips styled as an urchin cut. She was medium build with a round cheeky face. Her nose was wide and ran within an inch of her sulky mouth. Her pouting lips were always moist and slightly apart like she was holding her breath. Right now she was naked and her small, tight titties were erect with her dark nipples extended. Her stomach was flat and without an ounce of fat rising only a little around her love mound that she kept shaved. Without a vee of hair her puffy cunt hole showed like a rosebud about to burst into bloom. She arched her back and returned his searching look, enjoying being admired and wanted. She could almost read his mind and she smiled to herself. Maybe he was right and she was as perverted as he was. In fact she would probably invent a few of the games they would play to celebrate his birthday. Damn him, he was so good looking, what girl wouldn't want to go to bed with him? He had an untidy mop of sandy hair and piercing blue eyes. His mouth laughed all the time. Now he was standing up and turning around and mechanically she whisked the buzzing shaver around his balls and circled his cock stem. His prick stood curved and glistening with bath oil and it jerked spasmodically as if it wanted to rear up even larger. "It's beautiful," she whispered and caught her breath wishing she hadn't said it. With her free hand she reached and her fingers danced from his cock head to his now-hairless balls. It was like she had waited all of her young life for today, and it was theirs and theirs alone. "Suck it," he invited with a low choking growl wanting to see his cock slowly disappear between her wet lips down her throat. He imagined he could feel her small white teeth nibbling and biting his quivering pole. He moaned in anticipation as he stared unashamed into her enormous blue eyes. "Not yet, darling. Let's go into my bedroom." Her eyes teased him. "There's something I want you to do. I'm sure you'll like it." "What?" He was cautious now. "Come on." She grabbed at his throbbing dong and had him from the bathroom. Letting go of him she skipped across the hall to her room. Meekly, he followed her thinking of all the things he would love to do to her delicious round, tight bottom and thinking of the time he had seen their mother spanking it when she had been naughty. He had watched through the crack of her door as her bottom flushed pink, then angry red and she had squirmed across her mother's knee. How she had hollered and bawled for her to stop. Strangely, it had excited him and he had had to rush into his room to relieve himself. Going into her bedroom he felt guilty, for like their parents room it was out of bounds. He looked around at the frilly curtain billowing at the open window and at the forget-me-knot wallpaper. His feet were buried in the thick wool carpet as he went and stood at the end of her single bed - catching sight of himself in the full-length mirror attached to the wardrobe door. For a split second he stood stock still, seeing himself now as she saw him. His hands started to move down to cover his thrashing weapon, then stopped. He didn't have to cover himself this time. She was searching through a chest of drawers and she let out a cry of delight and looked over at him with an impish grin. "Now what are you up to?" he asked going over to her. His hand dropped to stroke her curved bottom and he pinched the soft flesh, slowly inching his fingers into the dark recess of her swell. "Look!" She held up a pair of black panties frilled with lace and a pair of black stockings. He frowned, not understanding. She found a miniscule skirt in the drawer and giggled. "I don't want you to dress," he grumbled. "I'm not going to," she laughed. "I want you to put them on, Shawn." "Me! But that's silly." "No it's not. Be a sport and dress, like a girl. It'll be fun." "No," he said flatly. "Why not? Some men wear girl's clothes and like it." "I'm not like that," he scowled. "How do you know if you haven't tried it?" "I just know, that's all" "Here, catch." She tossed the black panties at him. "They'll fit so snug around your bottom. I must see them on you." He crushed them in his hands and grinned crookedly at her. Why not humor her if that was what she wanted? He bent and put his foot through one leg and then the other and inched them up with some difficulty. They bit into his skin and he had to bend his cock down to cover it. "Now these." She came close to him and knelt and eased his toes into the black stockings and rolled them up his legs, over his quivering buttocks, lightly touching his cock as she drew the caressing silk up to his waist. "The last thing is the skirt, Shawn." She held it out to him. His fingers touched hers as he took the garment from her. "You look fantastic, Shawn." "You're just saying that to urge me on." "No I'm not." Her voice trembled. It did something to her, seeing him in her underwear. He dragged the miniskirt up around his narrow hips and zipped it with the awful feeling that someone might come and catch him. He shrugged the feeling off because the nearest neighbor to their home was over a mile away. There were lots of advantages having up in the hills away from everyone, he thought idly. "Turn around, Shawn. Mmmmmm-nice. Bend over." She giggled. "All you need now is a bra." "No," he said firmly and started to unzip the skirt. "Don't take it off," she said sharply. "Not yet. It's only a game." "But I feel silly." "Keep them on, for me, please," she begged. The tight material around his hairless prick made him feel randy and he needed to be careful not to blow and cream in his sisters panties. What a waste that would be when her gaping quim, so moist and hungry for it, was only inches away. "Shawn," she said, awfully slowly. "What?" "Be honest. You like it, don't you? I mean, your cock is still hard; I can see it bulging to get out." "That's because I'm thinking of you and looking at you, Jodi." "Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't matter." She sat down on a stool and crossed her legs artfully. "How many times do you think you could fuck a girl in a day and a night, Shawn? I mean fuck properly, blowing and everything?" He blushed crimson because of the way she came out with it, the way she was looking at him. "Well, how many times is the most you've played with yourself and come in a day and a night," she asked coyly and uncrossed her legs. Her creamy thighs opened just a little, promising so much. "I don't play with myself," he said hotly and in the mirror saw the filmy lace of the panties showing through the stockings. "Course you do. Matter of fact," she said softly, "I`ve seen you do it. I've watched you rubbing up your cock and your spunk shooting out everywhere." "When?" he hollered. "Lots of times, silly. You hardly ever shut your bedroom door and I have to pass it to go to the toilet." "You've been spying on me," he looked away from her and wondered what else she might have seen. "It doesn't matter does it? Anyway, you haven't answered my question." Her thighs parted a little more and her hands fell into her lap as if to say that she had played with herself and it was all quite natural. "Well," he hesitated. "Go on." He thought for a minute. "I dunno. A whole day and a night? I guess, six, seven times-why?" "Isn't it obvious?" "No. What are you getting at, Jodi?" "You idiot. I want to know how many times you can fuck me before your birthday is over with." Her legs sprawled open showing her sticky hole with the love lips parted and fleshy, and urgently in need of a cock. "Jodi-you're a whore," he grinned and looked into the unwinking eye of her cunt wondering how many times he would be able to fuck it before the day was done with. "So I'm a whore." She closed her legs. There was a note of finality in the way she did it. "You'd better take your girlie clothes off, Shawn;" she sniffed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you that. I said it in a nice way of wanting to think of you hot and horny," he mumbled as he undressed. "There's not a girl" in the whole of Adelaide as hot as you, as lovely and delicious," he said to sooth her. She got up from the stool and went over to the bed and flung herself down on her back pretending she wasn't listening to him. She squirmed around and lifted her knees and they framed him struggling to get the stockings off. "Are you angry with me?" He stood up and kicked the clothes away. "No." Her legs were spread wide and she stared at his cock as a bead of glistening spunk oozed from his soaring fuck stick. If only he knew how much she wanted that throbbing prick up her, the fool. He trooped over to her bed and stood looking down at her, knowing that she wanted him to rape her with his eyes. "Do you want to fuck me, Shawn?" He nodded yes. "You call me a whore but you want to fuck me-your own sister," she sniggered. "You're nothing but a bastard, do you know that!" "Please, Jodi." His hand closed around the stem of his cock and he started to masturbate himself slowly. "Don't do that," she cried out. "It's a waste." "But I thought ..." "I don't care what you thought. If you want to fuck me then get up on the bed and get on with it," she screamed at him and her whole body trembled."I might even be able to give you a hand," she called over her shoulder. Turning in to the bathroom, she faced him and looked him straight into his eyes as she leaned up against the wall, her eyelashes fluttering innocently. Shawn crouched behind the bushes waiting for her to come back. She didn't know what she was doing. What on earth was keeping her? Didn't she realize what could happen, or didn't she care? "Been doing a little of sun bathing," mumbled Edward, as he dropped his bag of tools on the floor and pretended to inspect the hot water tank. "Yes. I can put some clothes on, though, if I'm distracting you!" she said gently. "No, you're not distracting me," he gulped as she squatted down next to him and her red twat gaped open. His eyes fixed on a dribble of cum oozing down the inside of her leg. He started to sweat. She had made it quite clear that her parents were away and she was probably on her own. It looked to him like she was just begging to be fucked. He found a wrench in his bag and tightened a large nut on a pipe leading to the sink. But it was dangerous to touch her till she made her intentions absolutely clear. He flung the wrench back in to the bag and smiled at her. "You slut, Jodi," snarled Shawn grinding his teeth. He'd have to go after her to see what she was up to. He bent double and crept around the bushes. Now he was out in the open and he raced across the lawn, expecting that at any moment the man would come out of the house. He reached the back door out of breath but he didn't go in. Instead he moved around the side of the house looking through the windows. Now he heard voices and he stood on his toes and managed to look through the bathroom window. He saw Jodi sitting on her haunches talking to the man squatting opposite her, and they were both chatting like they were old friends. The man's eyes were eating Jodi up and she appeared to be enjoying it. "You're married and you say you have two children, a girl and a boy, Edward," said Jodi. "But you don't look old enough." "I'm twenty-seven. How old are you, Jodi?" "Eighteen, hot and bored," she said boldly, and her red lips pouted. "Bored! A pretty thing like you." "There's just nothing to do," she said blinking her big eyes. "I'm so glad you came, for company, Edward. Can you stay a little while?" "Yes," he choked. "I'm my own boss," he said proudly, "I can stay for as long as you want." He dropped his hand on her knee. "I'm so glad, Edward." His hand slid along and dropped between her parted legs and touched her moist twat. "It's awful being alone," she sighed. He nodded and slid his index finger up into her cunt and twirled it around. "Shall we go into the lounge, Edward, where it's more comfortable and we can relax. I could get you a drink!" She rose to her feet and moved away from him and his finger slid from her slit reluctantly. Shawn heard every word and he couldn't believe his ears. He was livid and at the same time he was panic-stricken. She had made it perfectly clear that she was going to give herself to the stranger to do with what he liked. He moved away from the window and gingerly hobbled over the rough ground to the lounge room, not wanting to let her out of his sight. Chapter 5 "I bet you're awfully hot in those heavy overalls, Edward. Why don't you take them off and make yourself more comfortable," said Jodi as she took him into the lounge. "While you're doing that I'll get you a drink. How does a cold beer sound?" "Out of this world," grinned Edward, knowing he had guessed right. The hot little bitch was going to let him take her and it was just what he needed. He didn't need to be told twice take his clothes off. She wanted a good screwing, any fool could see that. It wasn't every day he came across a randy young girl needing cock so bad. All these things tumbled through his mind as he climbed out of his work clothes. Shawn peered through the lounge room window and saw the stranger taking off his clothes. He was big and fat but that wasn't what took his eye. As the man climbed out of his underwear, his heavy cock sprung up like a pipe wrench. It was enormous ... "I'm coming, Edward," called Jodi. Shawn gulped. She'd never be able to take that. She didn't know what she was letting herself in for. He should go in and stop it all before it was too late. But he didn't; he stayed at the window, fascinated. "Ooohhh, Edward," simpered Jodi coming into the lounge and bringing over a glass of beer. She set it down on the table. "You did say undress," said Edward smugly, posing for her to get a good look at him. "Yes, I did," she gulped. His prick was much longer, much fatter than Shawn's. Edward had a black mat of hair running down his chest to apex around his huge urging donger. Shawn had no hair on his chest. Edward's ball bag was like a cow's udder ... Shawn gnawed the flesh on the inside of his mouth as he saw Jodi go over to the man and stand next to him to have her tits squeezed. Then she moved away and moved toward the window like she knew he was out there watching. Maybe the bitch was going to draw the curtains so he couldn't see what was going on! No, instead she partly opened the window and went back to the man. She knew he was there, watching, and she wanted him to hear what was going on as well, the whore. Edward lay down on his back on the floor and she stood over him, lowering herself as his hand came up and his blunt fingers pulled open her cunt lips. Now she was on her haunches and he was able to suck her heaving cunt. "Ooohhh, Edward, that's divine," she cried out. "What would your wife say if she knew?" She faced the window with Edward furiously sucking between her legs. "Get down here, kid, under me," grunted Edward, pulling her down. "I don't know, your cock is enormous. I've never seen one that big before," she called out. "I won't hurt you. I'll give it to you slowly," he promised. Jodi fell on her back, her legs climbing as Edward got between her thighs and fumbled to fit his huge weapon into her. She lay her head on one side and saw Shawn's nose glued to the window. It'd do him good to watch her being taken, she told herself. Let him see that other guys wanted her. "You really want it, baby," mumbled Edward. "Yes-yes," she wailed so Shawn could hear her. "You have such a big prick, Edward, and I need so much to be fucked. I want to feel it inch all the way up inside of me." She lifted her legs up and held them open, ready for his prick. "And you shall, kid. Here it comes," snorted Edward. "Aaahhhgggg! Ooohhh, Edward. That's beautiful. I've only had little boys' cocks before," she screamed out for Shawn's benefit. "Ram it all the way into me. I can take it," she cried gamely. Shawn told himself it was all a dream and it wasn't really happening, but there it was right before his eyes and he wanted to smash through the window to tear the ugly brute off his sister. Instead he stood watching his thick fuck stick boring in and out of her stretched cunt. Her legs were wrapped around the man's back and she was taking all he gave her. "Aaaggghhh, Edwaaarrrddd," she screamed, feeling herself cumming and seeing Shawn's angry face glaring at her, watching her get the fucking of a lifetime. "There's more yet," shouted Edward, cupping and twisting her tits in his massive hands. He used them to pull himself into her. "Beautiful fucker," she cried out as his cock pistoned in and out, her cum pouring from her cunt in a never-ending tide and running down between her ass cheeks. Edward pinched her nipples hard with his fingertips till they were blood red and pulsing as he felt his spunk start to climb up his stalk. He rode her like she was a filly that had to be broken in, and finally his balls were hard up against her asshole. "It's heavenly, Edward," she panted as she contracted her cunt muscles around his prick so he wouldn't pull out of her. She wanted him to shoot his whole sticky load right into her. "I'm cumming," he croaked wildly and shoved his prick as far as it would go into her. "Not yet, Edward, hold off, hold off till I'm ready to cum," she begged. "It's too late. Uuuggghhh, aaaaaagggggghhhhhh!" he roared as his spunk started shooting from his prick deep inside of her, hissing and spurting as it shooted from his prick head to gush along her horny cunt walls. "Yes, now, I'm ready," she wailed as his steaming hot spunk exploded inside her cunt and his prick jerked backward and forward inside her fur burger. Edward collapsed on top of her, feeling his shiny length of prick shrinking and finally plopping out of her hole. "I've never had it so good before," she gasped as she wriggled from under him. "Can you come again after you've rested?" "Sure I can, kid. If you need it again." Suddenly his face froze and his leyes bulged. "What's wrong, Edward?" She frowned "You look awful. Are you all right?" "The window," he pointed. "There's someone out there, watching us." He started to panic. It had all been too easy. Maybe she had set him up. Maybe she was pregnant and wanted to hook a man to save her skin. "Oh, that!" She relaxed. "It's nothing. It's only my brother, Shawn. He's been there all the time," she said casually. "All the time? What's he doing there?" "Watching us, Edward. It probably turned him on watching us fucking. Shall I get him?" "No," he cried, catching her arm to stop her and he got up. "Why not?" she laughed. "It could be fun. I've never been screwed by two guys at once before." She giggled at his horrified face and jumped up. "No, don't. I can't stay. I must be going," he called after her as she bounded from the room. She was a nut and so was her brother. What had he got himself into? "Shawn, where are you? Come on out," yelled Jodi, going around the side of the house looking for him. The idea had taken hold in her mind. It would be fantastic to have two cocks surging up and going inside of her ...Kyla was different and she could be dangerous if she talked. He could go to prison for what he had done. It shook him up. He had to go to her and tell her that he was sorry. He'd try and reason with her. It was all he could do. He put on a fresh pair of jocks and his dressing gown. It was a farce trying to look respectable now but seeing him naked might plunge her further into shock. They should be out of the bathroom and back in Jodi's room, he decided, and went to find out. It seemed a long way from his room to Jodi's because his thoughts were in a whirl but he heard their voices and they were low and calm and he felt easier as he turned in at Jodi's door. He didn't know how he was going to start and he felt for the light switch near the door because the bedside light was off. As he thumbed it and the room was flooded with light he got the shock of his life. The two girls were on the bed and they were still naked. Jodi was kneeling lengthways across Kyla's body with her head buried between the girl's legs and she was eating Kyla's pussy with noisy smacking noises. Her legs were spread over Kyla's face and still opening as she lowered herself down to be sucked. He stood there feeling silly as Jodi glanced up and smiled at him. "It's all right. You can come in, Shawn, but only to watch." She bent her head and went right on sucking Kyla like nothing had happened. Kyla let out little mewling sounds and her long legs closed around Jodi's head as her buttocks slowly lifted, enabling her to press her sore cunt against Jodi's searching tongue. He watched them amazed, more so at Kyla who lay with her eyes half-closed and her tongue lazily washing around Jodi's hairless cunt. He saw her long tongue lapping and diving in and out of Jodi's cunt like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. "I don't understand," he whispered. "It's simple really," said Jodi between biting and sucking Kyla's creamy slit. "Kyla's never been touched by a man before, but she's been touched by plenty of women. You see, she's a natural lesbian. That's why she wanted to come and stay here tonight. She thought only I was interested in her and she wanted me to take her." "Oh, I see," he said bitterly. "Then you don't need me anymore?" He started to go away. "Don't be silly. Stay. I want Kyla to watch you fucking me." Jodi lifted her head and there was a ring of spunk around her lips. "I told her that way she might come to want a man. Now get those jocks off and let me see your cock get hard again," she grinned. He brightened up and the thought of fucking Jodi in front of Kyla appealed to him. There was still the little matter of fucking Jodi's ass he reminded himself. He hadn't forgotten about it even if she had, and Kyla might just enjoy hearing Jodi screaming and wailing for a change. "Take a look, Kyla," Jodi said quietly as she climbed up off her. "He has a magnificent prick, he really has. Look at his huge balls." Kyla sat up and looked. She stared at his meaty fuckpole, remembering that not so long ago it had been wedged tightly in her snatch. Absently her fingers went down and rubbed her quim like she could still feel him rammed up hard inside of it. "Does he, does he fuck you often, Jodi?" Kyla asked in a tiny voice. "No. Today I let him have his way and he took me a few times. Now we've gone this far he'll probably take me often," she said lightly. He felt their eyes going over him and he dropped his hand and crudely wrapped it around his prick so Kyla could see how long and how fat it was and he had the pleasure of seeing her blush crimson. "Are you sure you don't want him to fuck you, Kyla?" Jodi's voice was low and calm and measured and she watched Kyla intently. "It's so big," Kyla said in a hushed voice as she felt a strange stirring in the bottom of her stomach. "Come closer, Shawn," Jodi beckoned. "Let her touch it. Let her hold it in her hand, and then she might let you put it between her lovely legs again." He did as she said and moved against the side of the bed and took Kyla's hand. He squeezed it around his prick and showed her how to masturbate it. "It's ugly, but, I don't know. I guess it's kind of nice," said Kyla looking up at him. "Let me take you again," he whispered. "I don't know. You hurt me so much." "I won't this time, I promise." "But you might." She lay back on the bed and opened her legs wanting him to do it without her saying so, but he didn't move. She spread her legs wide but still he stayed there. "Hell, Shawn," Jodi exploded. "Can't you see she's telling you to get on top of her?" Kyla's legs lifted up in the air and spread wide open, and she turned her head away, feeling a little cheap at offering herself like that. He climbed between her scissoring thighs and stroked her moist pussy with his fingers. "Oooohhhh!" she moaned. He lay on top of her and mouthed her enormous nipples as he fitted his prick into her gaping quim. "Just gently," Jodi warned and fingered herself in front of him to get him up as hard as possible.. "Aaaggghhh!" Kyla closed her eyes tight. "That's nice, Shawn. Oh my God, that's beautiful. For Christsake, Shawn, fuck me. I mean it you bastard. I want you to screw hell out of me," she screamed out and her legs went around his waist, locking him tight up against her as her hips rolled and heaved to get all the cock he could give her. A knowing smile crept over Jodi's face. That was how it had been with her once she had tasted prick. Afterward you sure as hell couldn't get enough of it. Kyla would get her share tonight, they'd both see to that."That's an awful thing to say, John, of your own children," sighed Jill as her eyes went to Shawn, to his big broad shoulders, noticing that he was all grown-up. It was strange how she had hardly noticed before. "Get out of that bed," cried John. "All of you. Jump to it," he snapped. They got up looking sheepish and hung their heads. "I ought to thrash the living daylights out of you," he shouted. "Yes, you should, John," cried Jill with her eyes fixed on Shawn's cock. Even shriveled up it was still big, she thought, and it sent a thrill through her to look at him. "You have to be punished," growled John turning to Jodi. "Yes, Daddy," She stood with her legs slightly apart and her back straight, thrusting out her small breasts at him. "You can take Shawn to our room, Jill, and attend to him while I take care of these two," he said in a strange voice. "Of course. Come along with me, Shawn," she cried out, "You and I are going to have a long, long talk." She gently shut the door behind her as she ushered him from the room. "I know we've all been very naughty, Daddy, but maybe I can explain," started Jodi as soon as her mother and Shawn left. She watched him, fascinated, as he started to unbuckle the heavy leather belt around his waist. "You can spare me the details, Jodi. I can guess what's been going on. What's your name?" he fired at Kyla. "It's Kyla, sir," she gasped. "Well, Kyla, I don't know what to do with you as you're not my child, but you're just as involved as they are. I could phone your parents and tell them to come over and let them know what you've been up to." "Oh, no, sir. Please don't. You can punish me any way you see fit, but don't tell my parents," she begged. "Very well." He held his trouser belt loose in his hand and he folded it in two. "Are you going to thrash us, Daddy?" Jodi blanched. "I might." He smacked the belt against the palm of his hand. "I think I should. You can both bend over the bed. Hurry up now." They started to whimper but did as they were told and bent over the low bed with their bottoms facing him. Jodi dared to look back over her shoulder and saw an expression on her father's face that she had never seen before. His eyes were filled with lust and his thick red lips were tight together as he came toward them, lifting the arm that was holding the strap. There was the stinging smack of leather hitting bare flesh and Jodi screamed as the belt wrapped around her bare buttocks. The belt whistled back and flew through the air with a rush and wound itself around her smarting ass cheeks. "Aaaggghhh," she cried out in pain. "Don't you dare move, Jodi. Stay bent over," he commanded and gave her bottom another lick of the strap. She hopped up and down feeling like her ass was on fire as the strap descended again and again. "You can get up and stand lover there, Jodi," he ordered, and made her move to the side of Kyla. "Now it's your turn young lady. Have you ever been thrashed before?" "No, sir, never," she whimpered. Jodi saw her father smile and lift his arm and she watched the heavy belt whistle through the air and come down hard across Kyla's backside. "Ooohhhh," Kyla moaned. There was a single red welt across Kyla's bottom. The strap raised and fell and there was another welt, and then another crisscrossing the others. "Yeeeooowww," how led Kyla and burst out crying. Jodi watched the skin of Kyla's ass go scarlet and puffy as her father kept on belting her like he was never going to stop. "There, you dirty little bitch. That'll teach you a lesson," he finally snarled and threw his belt across the room. "Now stand up." Kyla faced him feeling ashamed. Her bottom throbbed and tingled from the thrashing he had given her. "I'm sorry for what we did," Jodi said in a small voice. "No you're not," he roared at her. "You're a cheap little slut," and he brought back his hand and struck her hard across her face. She reeled backward. She had never known him to get this mad before and she was seeing a side of him that she didn't know existed. He was cruel and sadistic. That was probably why she had the same streak in her. "You." He flung his finger imperiously at Kyla. "Tell me exactly what happened, and I'm warning you, if you tell me a single lie, I'll thrash you till you can't walk." He stood with his fists on his hips glaring at her. "Everything?" she asked with a gulp. "Yes," he bellowed. "Well, I arrived here at a few minutes past eight tonight because Jodi had asked me to come and stay as it was Shawn's birthday," she began. He listened in silence as she told him her story, even about the fact that she had been a virgin before Shawn took her and how Jodi had helped him get into her. How Jodi had held her down and said before the night was done she'd have Shawn's cock up her ass. "It wasn't like that," Jodi screamed, and then went quiet as his cold eyes looked at her. Kyla finished and stood rubbing her smarting bottom. "And that's all?" he asked. "Yes, sir. Then you and Mrs. Addison came in and caught us," Kyla tailed off. "Jodi," he looked daggers at her. "Get back over the bed." "No, daddy, no," she wailed. "Do as I say," he roared. "Yes, daddy." She knew she was in for the beating of a lifetime and smug little Kyla would watch and drool as her bottom colored up. She reluctantly went and bent over the bed. She waited and the waiting was a torment. "Bend with your feet apart with your legs open," he snapped. She did as she was told and felt the skin of her bottom tighten like a drum and knew his belt was going to hurt like hell now. The leather belt hummed through the air gathering speed and came thrashing down. "Aaaggghhh!" Again. "Yeeeooowww!" Again and again and again. "Oooooaaaagggghhhh!" she bellowed and her tears ran down her face. She heard Kyla giggle and she gritted her teeth knowing she was having a good look at her thrashed bottom. The belt snaked through the air whistling all the way to smack and curl harder than ever and Jodi let out a long piercing scream and to her shame she found her cunt was opening up and a thin stream of golden piss streamed out of her. "You dirty, good for nothing, cock-sucking little whore," he shouted as his arm went up and down with his belt drubbing her crimson buttocks. "She's pissing herself," Kyla chortled. Jodi heard her and hated her. It was all her fault she was getting another thrashing and, try as she did, she couldn't stop the golden waterfall until there was no more left in her to come. "Now get up, you slut," he shouted at her. She staggered to her feet and glared at him. "If you want more, then I can give it to you," he snorted and shook the strap in her face ...The final two inches of his leathery prick drilled through her cunt lips and his whole cock started to corkscrew around inside Kyla, worming as deep as it was possible to get. Her hands clutched at him with her fingers arched as her mouth opened and closed not releasing a sound. Her eyes bulged as she felt the heavy fleshy length writhing like a python along her love tunnel. His pole greased with her cunt juice started to ride her backward and forward to siphon up his spunk from his ball bag. The others sat close watching Kyla's agonized face and wondering how her tight hole could take so much punishment. They could see the thick cock driving in and out like a piston as her head tossed from side to side. "You beautiful little bitch," he gasped through clenched teeth and put his big hands under her buttocks and spread her ass cheeks open so he drive his finger deep into her shit hole. Kyla's lips trembled and she started to cry and her tears spilled down her cheeks. Being fucked was one thing but the indignity of being watched by the man's wife and children was too much for her. "Careful, daddy. She's not on the pill," Jodi warned. "John," Jill cried out. "Don't blow in her, you'll make the child pregnant and we don't want that." He grunted and whipped his fuck pole out of her and sat back on his haunches staring at her gaping red hole. "Why not suck her?" hissed Jill as she saw him looking at Kyla's quim. "It's a lovely hole, John. It's young and tender and I'd like to see your tongue go into it. Go on." He nodded and wriggled backward and dropped on his belly with his face inches from her throbbing slit. It was a lovely hole and her little bottom was flushed where his belt had thrashed it. His tongue shot out and touched the tip of her clit and he felt her come alive. His mouth closed around her cunt lips, drawing them into his mouth as his tongue went along her tunnel. "Make her come, John," urged Jill, watching Kyla's face. "She will if you keep at it." He nuzzled his nose into the golden fuzz of hair around her cunt and smelt the nectar of her womanhood as his tongue washed her inner lips, his teeth gripping her clit and closing tight around it. "Nooooooo-you're hurting me," she cried as a thousand nerve endings responded sending electric shocks all the way through her. She gasped and experienced a new feeling, her very first orgasm building up like a bomb about to explode. It swept over her in waves of hot and cold flashes and she felt she was sinking down into a very dark pit. Then she felt like she was being flung upward on a cloud and she lost control of herself as a stream of cum and golden pee spurted from her cunt all over him. "She came," Jill cheered as she saw the spreading wet pool around Kyla's bottom and John withdrew his head from her crotch. Her sticky cum was all over his smiling face and Jill giggled and leaned over and kissed him. "The little girl came," she whispered. "And I'm glad. But now it's Jodi's turn. The poor girl has been waiting so patiently. Take your daughter now, John." Jodi climbed onto the bed, her shaven pussy arched and ready. She was glad he hadn't spunked into Kyla because now she would get his full load. She lay back next to Kyla and opened her legs and waited for him to climb on top of her. "No," said John. "Not that way. Turn over, Jodi." She did as she was told and rolled over onto her stomach and she felt his strong hands draw her buttocks open. "This way," he snarled. "Like you wanted Kyla to get it." And before she could do anything about it the bulbous head of his prick stabbed into her asshole. "No, daddy, oh no," she bawled and tried to turn back over. "Don't move," he thundered. His fingers eased her shit hole open as the head glided in, and he smiled at Kyla now propped up on her elbows watching his every move. "Gosh, look," exclaimed Shawn, bending to see his father's prick surging up his sisters asshole. "He's going to give her all of it." Jodi beat her fists on the bed, and, against her will, she spread her legs, thinking to make it easier for herself, but instead she only loosened her hole and enabled him to drive in much faster. He gave her the whole thing in one untiring drive, humping the last little bit till his balls were resting in the mouth of her cunt, and then he started riding her. He went up and down, seesawing over her ass cheeks his long prick, opening up her shit hole, making it ready for him to shoot his load. "Not in her ass, John," Jill whispered. "Finish it off in her mouth," she begged him. Kyla couldn't believe her ears. That a mother would want her daughter defiled in such a way seemed inhuman. They were depraved monsters. She watched John pulling out of Jodi's shit hole and tossing himself on his back with his brown prick standing up like a flagpole. "Jodi," he roared. "Yes, daddy." She turned over. "Go down between my legs and suck me off," he gasped. No one said a word as they watched Jodi obediently kneel and move around so her head was between her father's legs. She grasped his thick prick in her hand and bent her head and opened her mouth. Kyla looked away, not wanting to watch, but curiosity got the better of her and she looked back and shuddered. "Open your mouth as wide as you can, Jodi," coached Jill. "Hold daddy's balls in your hand, now take it in your mouth." Jodi's mouth closed around the foreskin of his prick and her lips rolled it back so his cock head swelled inside her mouth. She felt him jerk and lift to drive it forward and slowly his enormous cock disappeared into her mouth and down her throat. "Suck it," hissed Jill. "Suck it hard," and she leaned over and shoved Jodi's head down making her take almost half of her husband's prick in one gulp. "I've never seen anything like it before," groaned Shawn, and without thinking he climbed up on Kyla and started to stuff his prick into her slippery cunt hole. "Suck harder," roared John. "I'll teach you how to suck, you bitch," and he caught hold of her head and held it and started to fuck her mouth like a cunt, in and out, in and out. Jodi gurgled and spluttered, not able to catch her breath as his prick filled the whole of her mouth and inched down the back of her throat. "Look at your daughter, Jill, sucking me off," he bragged. "Doesn't she look good with a prick stuck in her mouth?" "Yes, John, she looks fantastic," breathed Jill, watching Shawn holding Kyla down, protesting and trying to stop him from fucking her. "Suck harder, you slut. I'm going to shoot a whole bucket load of spunk into your mouth, you whore," he bellowed and started to come. It began as a trickle that became a rush as a torrent of thick spunk spurted from his fuck eye, filling her mouth. "Uuuggghhh!" she gagged. "Swallow it, you bitch," he roared and pushed his prick right up to his balls into her mouth and let his load unleash down her throat. "Suck it from his prick, every drop," urged Jill with her fingers rubbing hard inside her cunt. She sat with her knees up, facing Shawn so he could watch her as he screwed Kyla. "Aaaaaagggggghhhhh!" exploded John and his legs closed around Jodi's neck as he made her take the last drop before he dragged his shrinking prick from out of her mouth. Jodi felt the spunk dribbling down her chin as his prick slopped from between her lips. She had had a feast of spunk and still it wasn't enough. She lay her head against her father's thigh wondering how long it would take him to come back up again.Her head whipped forward and her pink tongue dived into Kyla's gash to suck greedily every drop of juice bubbling out of her sex hole. She buried her face into the furry patch and slurped away at the cunt nectar like she might never get a taste again. "Dirty bitch," grinned John, slapping his wife's upturned bottom with the palm of his hand. He had a second thought and he pried her ass crack open and beckoned to Jodi to get her tongue working in the humid crevice. Shawn watched his sister, Jodi, squat down behind her mother and poke her pink tongue gently, then more firmly at one hole then another until her tongue was lodged up Jill's cunt and lapping around the inner ridges. "Now you climb on to Jodi," cried John. Shawn needed no second bidding as Jodi's upturned ass invited him to attack it. He crouched behind her with bended knees and he guided the swollen head of his prick between her cunt lips and watched his blue-veined cock disappear into her dripping pussy. He started to ride her, backward and forward, driving deeper and deeper, and as he did he shoved Jodi's face hard between his mother's ass cheeks and he heard her gasp with pleasure. "I've always said that the family that plays together, stays together," laughed John, as he strolled around the mother fucking quartet until he came to Kyla's head. He turned with his ass facing Jill and slowly lowered himself down over Kyla's face. Before his buttocks spread over the young girl's mouth, he felt her willing tongue washing his balls. He settled over her with his knees astride of her head as her jabbing tongue attacked his tight shit hole to inch into it. "Give it to me, Shawn," babbled Jodi, taking a pause froth eating her mother's cunt. "Give it to me long and hard and ever so slowly," she begged. "I will so long as you promise me one thing," he panted, and with a superhuman effort drove his ruby-red knob all the way up her. "Yes, yes. Anything." "Promise you'll keep on shaving me all around my stem and balls and shithole ..." "I promise," she screamed. "And," he went on. "On your birthday you'll let me shave you, all around your cunt and you'll keep it shaved?" "Ohhh-ohhh-ohhh! Of course you can shave me. You can do anything you want to. Faster now, Shawn. Oh my God. Aaaggghhh. I'm cumming. Shit, I'm cuuuuummmmmmiiinnngggg." He felt her slippery cum running down the inside of her legs and he drove his prick all the way into her till his balls were drenched with her fuck juice. "Shoot, Shawn. Blow your load, you bastard. Don't hold back," she howled. Oblivious now to everything but the oncoming flood of thick sperm coursing up along his rigid pole, he kept on plunging in and out of Jodi's cunt, clenching his teeth and closing his eyes, his legs stiffening, trying to hold it back. "Here it comes," he wailed reluctantly and shouted as spasms of gushing spunk shot into her cock-gobbling twat. Thick wads of cream shot like a geyser all along her velvet tunnel and he felt like he could keep on shooting until it poured like a tide from her gaping quim. "More, more," she urged and manipulated her cunt muscle until it closed like a vise around his exploding fuck stick. She never wanted his rod ever to go limp again. She never wanted it ever to go inside another woman. And she stayed bent over to let him know she was his for as long as he wanted her.
Chapter 1
Helen Highwater
Shameless Teacher
"Beautiful, huh, Miss Avalon?" Sally Avalon looked up from the display case of rare coins with words of polite agreement on her lips--words which died unspoken when she discovered that Willy Jessel's pale blue eyes were focused not on the exhibit in front of him, but on the generous mounds of her sweater-covered breasts. Willy was a troublemaker. A disruptive influence. She wasn't at all clear as to why he stayed on at school past the minimum required age. Certainly he was by no means a good student, and spent most of his time, in her classes anyway, staring at the ceiling or murmuring wisecracks--or fixing her with an unblinking gaze while patently paying no mind to what she was saying. Now his eyes met hers insolently, then they flickered away over the coins. "That right, Miss Avalon--worth a whole million?" he asked. "That's what the guys say." "I believe so," she responded, tight-lipped, and started to walk away. He was at her side. "Uh--Miss Avalon..." "Yes?" "I-uh--seem to be having some kinda trouble with that last assignment--you guess I could talk to you about it? I can't seem to-uh--" "Well?" she asked mistrustfully. "Uh--could we go back to the classroom so I can show where I seem to--uh--" Duty struggled with inclination, and won. "Well, I suppose so," she conceded. "Just for a few minutes, though--I have an appointment very soon." "Oh, sure, Miss Avalon," he reassured her eagerly. "It won't take that long. It's just a...uh..." They left the assembly hall, Sally nodding politely to the guard who stood by the doorway watching over the extremely valuable display of rare coins and stamps that Peter had lent to enhance the hobbies and handcraft exhibition. She couldn't smother a tiny private smile at the thought of Peter's impetuous, tender marriage proposal last night, his strong hands tilting her face up to his to kiss her soft, wide mouth while he stroked the silky tresses of her shoulder-length blonde hair. Dear Peter! She had been thinking about it every spare moment since. Or not so much thinking about it as unable to keep it away from her mind. Peter was so handsome, so capable and intelligent. She knew that he was a notorious seducer of willing women--yet when she had been true to the principles of her rather rigid up-bringing, instead of breaking off the relationship, he had asked her to marry him. Moreover, he claimed that he was delighted by the idea of having a bride who had never slept with any other man--who would still be a virgin on the night of their wedding. Her happiness was slightly clouded lust now, though, by the hulking presence of Willy beside her. His big, muscular, eighteen-year-old body seemed lust a little too close, radiating a kind of animalistic warmth, a primitive emanation of sensuality that encroached on her space uncomfortably. She wondered fleetingly if she could convincingly find a reason to cancel the few minutes she had promised him--but then she pulled herself together. After all, there would be people around the school for a long time yet, especially with the exhibition attracting various visitors. "Well, now," she said briskly as they arrived in the classroom, "why don't you bring--" "Hold it right there," said a flat-toned voice, and she turned toward the windows. The fire-escape door was open and a short, stocky man stood there. He had a gun in his hand. Aimed directly at her chest. "Shut your mouth an' keep It that way, see," the man went on. His eyes were a cold, unwavering grayness like an arctic sea. "One peep out of you and them pretty knockers gonna get a couple spare holes in em." She started to turn to Willy for help, but froze when his snicker sounded through the humming of blood in her ears. "Okay," the man commanded, "just come over here--nobody's gonna hurt you long as you just keep quiet and do like I tell you." She stood paralyzed with fear, unable to move, until Willy goosed her with a blunt forefinger, when she gasped in outrage and stumbled forward suddenly, her eyes fixed upon the barrel of the gun like a mesmerized rabbit's. "Right down the fire escape. That's it." The gun was pressed against her back, and he was clutching her upper arm in a grip that was just short of downright painful. They descended to the ground and he guided her toward the main gates, where a large car stood with doors open, engine running, a man poised in readiness behind the wheel. Slowly the man with the icy gray eyes raised the gun, and the chilly metal pressed against her temple. She fainted. She heard a voice through the swirling darkness that enfolded her. "Easy as fallin' off a log." Her eyelids felt as though they had been glued shut "One look at Jake with that gun against her head and they just opened up them glass cases and handed over all them coins without a murmur," the voice went on exultantly. "But what you have ta go bringin' her along for?" grumbled another voice. "That's a fuckin' kidnappin' rap." "Look, I told ya, if the cops find us while we're waitin' for Miles to show, we're gonna need a hostage to bargain. They ain't gonna risk gettin' her killed. Don't be so fuckin' dumb, Jerry. Shit, they'd be chasin' us right now if we didn't have her along with us."Holding her awkwardly half-standing, half-crouching, he squirmed along the seat behind her, thrusting one leg behind hers so that she was poised between them. She felt something hard prodding at the tightly stretched seat of her skirt, and realized with a surge of dismay that it was his thrusting, rock-hard penis. He pulled her back onto his lap, the jutting phallus a rigid tube beneath her buttocks, and grabbed for the hem of her skirt. "Okay," he said to Jerry. "You do what you want with her jugs-I'm gonna take a look an' see if her legs match up to the rest of her." He started to work the skirt up her thighs while Jerry, draped over the back of his seat, grasped her breasts none too gently and started to knead them like dough. She tried to struggle, unable to sit still and tolerate these outrageous liberties they were taking with her virginal body, but at the back of her mind there still beat that relentless nothing you can do ... nothing. Willy chuckled. "Hey that feels real good on the old dork, Miss Avalon," he told her. "You wriggle around all you want." After that she tried to keep still, but couldn't repress her starts of nervousness as her continued to edge her skirt upwards, the heat of his fingers very tangible through the sheer nylon of her stockings. Jerry had a look of almost idiotic pleasure on his face as he pulled at her breasts and hefted them in his hands. "Look at them, just look at these knockers!" he kept saying. "Oh Jesus, I can't wait to get my tongue round those nips! Look at them, Jake, willya?" "Jugs are Jugs," said Jake indifferently. Willy had tugged her skirt up above the level of her stocking tops by then. "Look, that's sexy," he said approvingly. "A real garterbelt like they wear in pictures--be even better if it was black, teach. You remember that for next time, huh?" He snapped one of the elastic tabs and she jumped as it stung her skin. Snickering, he snapped each of the others in turn, and the brushing of his meaty fingers over the bared skin of her thighs sent little shudders of tension quivering throughout her body--odd little shudders, that somehow seemed to center themselves deep in her belly... He grabbed hold of the skirt hem again and gave it a sharp, deft tug that dragged it up in back so that suddenly only her panties separated her roundly curved bottom from the worn denim of his Levi's--and from the feverish, throbbing rod of flesh that was suddenly nestling into the crack of her ass. Only that wispy barrier of nylon held it at bay. It seemed to be burning into her flesh like a red-hot brand. "White panties too," Willy commented coolly, peering down over her shoulder. "Can't see through them, neither--gonna have to get them down before we see if you're a genuine blonde, huh, Miss Avalon? Huh?" She moaned softly, despairingly. "Yeah, take 'em off her!" Jerry almost choked with excitement at the prospect, and for the moment he relaxed his efforts at her breasts to fill his eyes with the sight of her panty-covered crotch. Willy made another dexterous movement, and suddenly his jutting shaft was poking up between her thighs, obscenely rearing up from the vee of her crotch. Jerry guffawed loudly. Jake sneered. "Hey," Willy said in mock-astonishment, "just take a look at Miss Avalon's cock, willya? It's nearly as big as mine, only not so long." He reached a finger down between his shaft and her panties and rubbed it along her nylon-covered labia. She gave a violent, uncontrollable jerk of protest as a great throb of fear--was it fear?--pounded in her belly. "Is she wet, huh?" Jerry gasped. "Nah. Not the way she oughtta be." Willy took his hand away and pressed his cock backwards, so that the shaft was jammed against her Venus mound. The driver said: "We're gonna he there in a minute, you horny clowns." "Okay, Miss Avalon," said Willy cheerfully. "I'm gonna jerk your cock for you. Only next time you're gonna have to take care of it on your own, so you better pay attention. Hear me? I want you to take real good care of this every time you see it's gettin' hard an' hot." He grasped his thick shaft once again and began to massage it with swift strokes, his fist slapping her thighs on every downstroke. Jerry released her breasts finally and sat back a little to watch with hot, eager eyes. The car made a turn into a driveway, and Willy increased the pace of his hand action. Sally watched. She tried to look away, but she had to watch. She had never seen a man's penis erect before--had scarcely even seen one soft--let alone one that was-- That was- That was suddenly spurting white fluid from the slit in the tip of the flaming purple head. White fluid that was shooting upwards and striking her breasts, then dropping back in gobbets that covered his hand and her thighs with nacreous slime. The car drew to a stop. "Here." Willy suddenly wiped his slime-covered hand over her face, covering her cheeks and lips with the fresh semen. She choked back the need to retch. "Better if she swallowed it," Jerry panted. "You good at suckin' cock, lady?" "Yeah, you never answered what I asked you before," Willy recalled. "How many men you been with in your life, huh?" Jake opened the door. "C'mon, get her outta there," he urged. "How many, huh?" Willy reached up and squeezed her breast painfully. "Huh?" "None!" she cried out frantically. "Oh, please leave me alone! Please!" "None?" Willy repeated. "Hey," Jerry croaked, "we got ourselves a real live cherry! This is gonna be real fun, huh? Real fun!"Jerry, you ever fuck a broad between the tits? Uh- Real big tits like the ones on her, it's somethin' else, man, I'm tellin' you. Yeah? Go on--go give it a try. Yeah? Jerry looked around uncertainly, then gave a giggle of bravado, and heaved himself out of his chair and strutted across to where she was sitting. The bulge in his pants swelled visibly as he walked. He stood in front of her and motioned to his fly. Fish It out for me, huh? She swallowed hard, then reached for the tab of his zipper and pulled downward. The woolen cloth of his pants contrasted violently with the soft-skinned, heated tube of flesh that flopped out of the opening. It was twitching into hardness as her fascinated eyes stared at it: shorter and thinner than Willy's, with a head shaped more like an arrow than a mushroom; but to her eyes, and to her reluctant fingers, it felt enormous. There's the ole joystick, Jerry said excitedly. His crotch was about level with her breasts as he stood in front of her chair, and his organ was far too close to her face for comfort. She moved her head back, flinching. Jerry gave an evil grin. It's your jugs I'm gonna screw right now, lady, he said, but it's gonna get a heap closer to your pretty face before we're much older. Inwardly, she shuddered with disgust. The smell of him was drifting up to her nostrils: sweaty, funky. Now, Jerry went on, what you gotta do, see, is kinda lean forward a bit. She leaned forward, her skin breaking out into gooseflesh when the hot head of his now rigid weapon brushed against one of her nipples, depositing a tiny drop of clear fluid. Yeah, he breathed. Now--squeeze 'em together, like they was before. With mechanical obedience, she pushed the fleshy globes back into that inches-deep cleavage, and he thrust his cock between them, the tip pushing into the wall of her chest. The material of his jacket and shirt brushed against her face. Squeeze 'em harder, he urged huskily. Tighter. Get 'em tight as you can round my whang... She crushed them harder, and he made a slight pumping motion, back and forth, for a few seconds, never very far. Then he stepped back from her, and for a wild moment she thought he had finished, but he said: It's kinda hard that way-you're gonna have to lay down so's I can shove it up 'n down between 'em, see? She stared at him. Onna floor's good as anywhere, he said matter-of-factly. The.. .floor? Yeah. Lay down onna floor. She threw a hunted glance around the room. All eyes were watching without pity. Slowly she rose from the chair, and looked at the rug for a reasonably clean patch. She knelt down, then twisted into a sitting position, and then she stretched herself out on her back. Nothing.. nothing.. nothing... She crossed her ankles and folded her arms across her breasts. She had never felt so totally vulnerable in her life. Jerry was stripping off his pants and jacket and his undershorts. He stood above her, ungainly in shirt and socks and tie. He straddled her body, his jutting shaft poking at the front of his shirt's long tails, and she glimpsed the wrinkled sack that hung tautly behind. As though following her glance, Jerry reached between his legs and scratched vigorously. Balls get to itchin', this warm weather, he commented amiably, then lowered himself to his knees, then rested his rather plump, sweaty buttocks on her middle. Get 'em squeezed up, like before, he commanded, and, mutely, she did so. He supported himself with his hands and began to shove his steel-hard, fire-hot phallus through the slippery, open-ended mammary canal. She set her teeth. He was heavy, resting on her body, and she loathed the touch of him--the fear-tension in her belly was worse than ever--but at least he wasn't hurting her....To wrap her hands gently around its frightening girth... (Such tender, satiny skin, like the petals of a rose; such exquisite skin to cover such a ravening, hideous monstrosity as this....) To bend her head slowly, slowly, until the phallic mushroom was only an inch below her virginal lips. To push her tongue out between them; and with its reluctant, quivering tip, to taste the skin that (petal-soft) covered the purple head... It tasted like- Skin. The butterfly-gentle touch of her tongue was enough to turn the droplet-ooze into a sudden tiny stream, and the flow trickled onto her tongue before she realized what was happening. Startled, she drew back, her mind expecting the pungent foulness of heavily concentrated urine-- But her tastebuds discovered only a bland, almost nothing--flavor that was no more offensive than her own saliva. She ducked her bead back down and tasted once again, more boldly this time, running her tongue across the width of the cockhead, lapping up the precoital fluid. Willy's harsh, choking inhalation, his tense quivering, assured her that she was doing the right thing. Strange, how strange that such a tiny caress had the power to reduce this hulking male almost to helplessness! She let the cockhead slide between her lips--hard, hard, yet at the same time vulnerable, the softness of cell-tissue underlying the hardness, the fragility of flesh curiously intrusive. It was, somehow, almost lovable... Her lips slid down below the corona, and tightened. He was her captive. Her willing, shuddering-with-pleasure captive. She let her head drop further, until her lips touched her curving fingers. She inched them back down along the shaft, her lips following, the hot, throbbing flesh filling more and more of the wet cave of her mouth until it reached the barrier of her throat, and she could accept no more... And with a curious reluctance, she paused, and held it, and then slid her lips back up along the shaft, and back over the head, and let it stand free, glistening with her saliva. "Doin' fine, teach," Willy hissed. "Natural-born cocksucker, that's for sure." She scarcely heard him. She was contemplating his rigid, gleaming phallus with a strange feeling of possessiveness. "Dig the balls out, Miss Avalon," the command came, and mechanically her fingers delved into his fly for the soft, wrinkled scrotal bag, coaxing it out of the parted fly, holding at last in her hands, even more vulnerable than his penis. "Squeeze 'em a bit, huh? Not too hard." Willy's tone was almost pleading now that she had him in the grip of pleasure, and she delicately tightened her hold on his balls, alert for his sharply drawn breath of pleasure, and for the first hint of sound or tension that would alert her to the fact that she was approaching the edge of pain. Fondling, tenderly squeezing his balls, she captured the soaring cockhead between her lips once again and ran the moist embrace of her mouth down the pulsing-veined shaft. It went a little deeper this time. Somehow her throat seemed to open before the invading head, and for a peculiarly triumphant moment she felt it slipping past the barrier, before she thought about what she was doing and reflex took over, and she had to pull back again, choking slightly. This time, before she enclosed the weapon with her lips again, she ran her tongue voluptuously all around the head, discovering its shape, the little cleft below where her tonguetip naturally lingered, bringing a whine and shudder of response from Willy. She explored the tip, too, poking her tongue at the little slit, then boldly thrusting inside for a fraction of an inch, bringing the bland honey welling forth. His balls seemed to writhe in her hands as she sank her lips down towards the base of his shaft once again. His hips gave a convulsive thrust, forcing his cockhead past those throat barriers, and she could endure it better this time. He thrust again, and then she had to pull away for breath. And again she plunged back down, and took his thrusts, and again, and all the time the tension in her belly was racking her nerves, and the slimy sweat in her crotch ran faster and faster, and made her itch, so that she wished she had a free hand to scratch herself. Not that she would, of course, with them watching... Would she? As from a great distance, she heard Jerry's high-pitched voice excitedly exclaiming: "Jeeze, look at her go! Look how she's eatin' that thing! That's what I want next time--how 'bout you, Tod, huh? You wanna feel them juicy lips of hers wrapped round your dong? How 'bout you, Jake? Jeeze, her tits were terrific, but I bet her mouth is the livin' end!" It was almost like the background cheering of the crowd of fans during a football game.... Willy's pubic hair scraped coarsely against her lips and chin as she absorbed the last pulsating inch into the velvety-warm depths of her throat. The musky smell of him filled her nostrils, a sexual incense. "All the way down, teach!" he gasped blissfully. "Christ, that feels so fuckin' good! Suck it, it good...ah, Jesus!" She slid her lips slowly back, releasing the steel-hard weapon fraction of an inch by fraction of an inch at a time, gasping slightly for the breath she had scarcely realized she needed, until once again only the mushroom head remained in the warm cavern formed by her mouth. And again she swirled her tongue around over the satiny skin, and probed with her tonguetip into to little oozing slit to taste the bland freshet of juice that welled forth to her summons. So strong, the shaft that throbbed and made tiny movements as the blood pulsed through it, and the sensations she gave the head with her tantalizing tongue made the nerves jump with little tingles of excitement. (Strange the little nerve spasms that shot through her belly and down into her crotch, as though in sympathy, increasing the itching, the sweating, until she felt she could not bear it a moment longer, that she had to do something to relieve it) She glimpsed her breasts, nipples tight and hard, and she suddenly became aware that they were most painful in their angry tautness. Tension... Fear... "How 'bout kissin' my balls a little, baby," Willy commanded breathlessly. Obediently she let the cockhead free, and it slapped up against his belly, almost reaching his navel. He spread his thighs wider, and she nuzzled the hanging weights in their crinkle-skinned, hair-be-spattered sack, finding again that sexual incense, that rich, musky fragrance. They seemed to heave responsively, churning beneath the caresses of her tongue. Tenderly she mouthed them for almost a minute, then licked her way back along veins engorged nearly to the point Of bursting to the eagerly waiting mushroom-head that pulsed in the air. Once again she let it slide between her moist, hot lips, pressing it with her tongue and the linings of her cheeks. His breath was rasping with almost intolerable arousal, and his hands started to roam over her naked back and shoulders. His touch sent a whole new wave of shudders through her belly, and she felt lightheaded, as though she would faint. Then one hand worked down and around and grasped one of her breasts, the palm closing over her straining nipple and rubbing it around in a circular motion that was just too much for her to take. She pushed his hand away convulsively, and to her surprise he made no protest, but caught the back of her head in both hands and pressed, urging her downward, to take his fall length back into her throaty cavern. His choppy breathing grew harsher and faster than ever, and she realized that he must be about to come. He was going to shoot that slimy stuff into her mouth this time, and- She lashed at the broad head with her tongue as it slid in and out between her lips, almost pulling free, then plunging back into the furthest recesses it could reach. She started to work her own head back and forth, tightening her lips so that he had trouble getting through them, and suddenly she felt his body stiffen, and his fingers grabbed her shoulders and dug in painfully. His breath exploded into a series of gasping grunts, and her mouth was suddenly full of salty, slightly bitter fluid that she found herself gulping down, almost hungrily, until his cock was drained and empty. He slumped back in his chair, his softening prick slipping from her mouth and keeling over onto his thigh. She sat back on her heels, feeling weak and slightly nauseated now that it was over. "Oh man," Willy gasped, groping for a handkerchief and wiping sweat from his face, "that was one hell of a blowjob for a virgin, teach! You sure you ain't never done that before?" She shook her head. "So now how about thankin' him for the privilege?" came Jake's steely voice. She turned her head and looked at him, at his cruel gray eyes that fixed her own like a snake... She turned back to Willy. "Thank you," she murmured. "What for?" Jake's voice pursued relentlessly. "For letting me suck your cock," she added meekly. "Pleasure, teach," he leered exhaustedly. "Give you a lot more chances at it, too." "Okay, knock it off," Jake said. "Get up and come over here, cunt, and let's take a look at you."Doris' fingers dug almost painfully into Sally's buttocks, and as though echoing her actions, Sally cupped her own breasts and squeezed them just short of cruelty, while Doris' relentless tongue swept down her furrow and once again gathered up the other woman's overflowing juices. The sensations from Sally's breasts met the tremors of ecstasy from her pussy and seemed to tie a knot of the most delicious tension deep in her belly. In my womb, she thought hazily, and at that instant Doris' tongue began to vibrate on her clitoris again. And this time it stayed right there, working over and over the desperately engorged nub of tissue until the nerve endings erupted into a volcanic shower of molten lava; her womb contracted in response, radiating deep, slow waves of wonderful sensation throughout the whole network of the nerves of her body.... "Good?" Doris asked, smiling down at her fondly when she at last managed to open her eyes. "Oh," Sally gasped weakly. "It was just wonderful." "You're very responsive, you know," Doris told her. Sally smiled up at her wordlessly. Then someone pounded on the door. "Hey, aren't you two broads ever gonna get up?" Willy's voice demanded. "Us guys are gettin' horny--not to mention hungry." He snickered "An' do I have somethin' hot for Miss Avalon to eat this morning!" "Shit," Doris said savagely. "C'mon, willya? Jake says to get yer asses movin' an' stop goofin' off." His footsteps retreated away down the stairs. Doris shrugged. "Well, I guess that's it for the moment," she said resignedly, and climbed off the bed. "I guess I'll take a shower and start fixing breakfast while you get dressed. You can use any of my stuff you want--there's a hairbrush I don't use in the dresser drawer, and you can borrow any of my clothes that'll fit you, if you want a change. I brought your underwear for you, but I guess you'll need some clean panties, anyway." She frowned thoughtfully. "Better wear them, but you'll probably be more comfortable if you don't bother about a bra. Your fits are likely to get quite a lot of handling and there's no use getting yourself all tangled up in straps and stuff. Wear panties, though--these guys are all old-fashioned enough to get a kick out of taking them off you, and you may as well give them all the harmless pleasure you can, in case they think of anything else." "Doris--" "I know, chickie, but there's nothing I can do! Just try to swing with it--you're a sexy little number once you get going, and maybe you can get some fun out of it." "Fun--?" "Sure, why not? I don't go for men, but you do, don't you?" "I--I guess so--but they're so--" "Yeah. I know. Well--" She shrugged again helplessly, and vanished into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sally found the hairbrush Doris had mentioned and sat down at the vanity and started, to take the tangles out of her hair. Fear started to knot her belly again. How could she get any fun out of it? Yet... There had been that strange pleasure she had experienced when she had been sucking Willy's cock yesterday--that curious sense of power as she had caressed the pulsating organ with the sensitive tip of her tongue, and had let it slide deep into the warm clutch of her throat. The strange pleasure of feeling him reduced to helplessness as her mouth and hands had given him ecstasy. If only- If only they wouldn't do anything to hurt her! If only they would be content with that kind of oral ministration, she thought she could bear it. But there were the things Willy had said--about where he planned to penetrate her- And the way they had discussed who was to have the privilege of deflowering her- And the threats Jake had made, with that hard, cruel look in his stone-cold gray eyes- And the thought of those vicious dogs outside- And suppose they decided to kill her after all? Would Doris let them? Could Doris stop them? Doris carne out of the bathroom, swiftly dressed, patted her on the shoulder, and left the room. Moving like a zombie, Sally showered and dressed, taking a pair of Doris' clean panties, but putting on her own skirt and sweater. She couldn't find any stockings, and didn't want to put her own on unwashed, so she slipped her bare feet into her shoes and went downstairs to face the day's ordeals.Busy busy busy! We got a lot to learn today, you know. Obediently, she headed for the living room, Jerry and Jake following. Now fear was building again, conflicting with the remains of the arousal Tod's caresses had started to build in her, and she found herself clenching her teeth as she waited for their next moves. Jake threw himself down into one of the armchairs and caught her eye. He ordered: "Take those clothes off, cunt--you don't need them." She had not been completely naked before them yet--now, as she slowly peeled off her clothes, she felt that she was losing a flimsy defense. Willy gave a long whistle as the full impact of her voluptuous body struck him. "Ain't she somethin'?" Jerry contributed: "Like they used to say in them old detective books: She's a natural blonde!" "I'll say she is--and man, them tits knock me out every time I see them!" "We gonna break in her asshole now?" Jerry asked. "I want a blowjob first," Willy declared. He snapped his fingers at Sally and pointed to the floor in front of him, fumbling his fly open as she meekly knelt in the indicated place. The cock that burst forth from confinement was hard and ready to go. It reached out to her, pulsing through the length of its prominent veins, the head and upper part of the shaft dyed angry purple with engorged blood. "You like that, teach?" he demanded. To please him--only to please him?--she nodded. "It tasted real good last time, huh? Go on, give it a good lick with that cute pink tongue." She ducked her head towards it and took a deep breath. She poked out her tongue and touched the tautly stretched skin of the mushroom crown. It throbbed responsively, alive and warm, and she found herself vividly recalling the power she had discovered to bring pleasure to this strange thing.... She swept her tongue in a broad track of moisture around the dome, then pulled back a little to contemplate the wet gleam upon the fiery flesh. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her face into his crotch. "Suck the hell out of it, baby," he panted in a hoarse, urgent voice "Get your mouth round it and suck it real good, like you did before." She curled her hand around his jutting cock and guided it back between her lips, closing her lips over the purple crown and sliding her mouth all the way down to the base, recalling her recently acquired expertise at relaxing her throat muscles to admit the intruder. Willy groaned and inhaled, and she pulled her head back and away, once again looking at the gleaming wetness. Then she started to lick her way around the spit-shining head like a child with an ice cream cone, thrusting her tongue into the fluid welling out of the hole and lapping it up with a relish that surprised her, then tickling the underside of the supersensitive ridge with little darting thrusts of her pointed pink tongue. Willy's body started to jerk as the pleasure took over his senses. His face contorted with ecstasy, and he clutched at Sally's shoulders for support. He started to thrust with his hips, driving his cock into her throat again and again, no longer wanting her activity, demanding only that she remain passive and open to him while he plowed into her. It became hard to sustain; she started to be afraid that he would choke her, for some of his instrokes were so long-lasting that she had difficulty getting her breath. She caught at his hips with some vague notion of controlling him, but he was like a wild thing now, and grabbed her head, forcing her face against his groin while he made his last few violent pumping motions, and suddenly flooded her throat with hot sperm while she choked and spluttered. Then abruptly he pushed her away, and staggered backwards to collapse into a chair, while she coughed and panted and swallowed, crumpled on the floor. "Man," he gasped, "that was something!" Sally looked up, wiping away the tears that choking had forced to her eyes, and saw that Jake was beckoning to her. "You got some unfinished business here, cunt," he said. "Dig it out and try again." He unzipped his fly and waited.She found herself holding her breath, despite her resolution to relax, and couldn't let it go for several seconds. Her fingers clutched anxiously at the sheet beneath her: she felt bloated and filled intolerably. But the piercing shaft's invasion of her body was smooth and oddly sweet; it plunged inward until she felt his balls swing softly against her thighs, and then a brush of prickliness as his pubic hair rubbed against the backs of her ass cheeks. The penetration made her gasp in surprise and a little stinging pain, but it was as though a warm poker had been thrust into her entrails, bringing in its wake a delicious heat that began to radiate out into her belly, and to saturate her pussy with new waves of the marvelous sex-tingles. Then he lay still for a few moments to let her get accustomed to the hard fullness stuffing her rear passage, and she contracted her muscles experimentally, and with delighted surprise felt the responsive leap of his cock. He whispered: "Get up--on your hands and knees--okay?" Obediently she heaved herself into the position he wanted, and Doris, still kneeling on the bed, reached to caress her rubbery-hard nipples, then slid her hand down between Sally's thighs and dug between her fleshy labia to strum her vibrating clitoris. Tod's cock slid slowly out of her, until only its head remained, and then it made an equally slow return, to the deepest point it could reach. This time the sensation of its passage seem to inflame the walls of her anal canal with fiery friction, and the heat was conducted through her flesh to the lips of her cunt, to the knob of her clitoris, stoking yet more fuel into the ecstatic flame that filled her belly. Then he began pumping into her, like a dog screwing a bitch in heat. And she felt like a bitch in heat, her thoughts, lewd and open and eager and shameless--she thrust back at him, gasping at the stinging, delicious pleasure pain, and somehow that combined with Doris' searching fingers on her cunt, Doris' hand delving into the musky, juicy, passion-swollen lips where her clitoris strained and throbbed, as hard as a little fingertip in its tiny hood, was bringing her to the edge of the chasm of oblivious ecstasy faster than she could possibly control. Alerted to her imminent climax by her ever-louder moans and spasms, he suddenly thrust her back down over the pillows, so that her breasts were crushed against the sheet; Doris' band trapped beneath her, still undauntedly fondling Sally's cunt. Her hips were thrust upward into the air, and his pounding attack became almost ferocious, his loins, slapping noisily against the fleshy cheeks of her ass, his balls swinging forward with every stroke, his fingers digging into her hips almost painfully as he rammed in and out like a power-driven piston. With a guttural, animal cry, he came, and the sound of the passion in his voice, the convulsions of his body, the sudden extra hardening of his cock and its throbbing as it spurted white fire deep up into the dark canal of her gut sent Sally hurtling into orbit. That orgasm seemed to last for hours, and by the time she was aware of the world again, Tod had pulled out of her, and was sprawled on the bed next to her, avidly eating the cunt of the now naked Doris- His sister.She scooped off a glob of the slippery margarine and let it melt on her fingers for a moment, then she curled her hand around the shaft of his cock below the head and smeared the greasiness there, and up over the crown. Then she took some more, and yet more, deciding that the more slippery she could get it, the less painful it was likely to be if he was rough. He obviously enjoyed her handling--after the third application he pushed her fingers away. "You're going to make me come, doing that," he said, "and I don't wanna come till I'm plugged into that nice tight poopshute you got hot and waiting." "Have her stick some up her ass--I'd like to see Miss Avalon shoving margarine up her asshole," Jake suggested, having lost interest in the television for the moment. Sally knew better than to object. She took a further glob of margarine and worked her middle finger into her anus with it trying to prepare the tight little rosette for the assault that was ready to be made. "Okay," Jerry said excitedly. "Now, get back like you was before, with your butt stuck up real nice and high." Sally resumed the awkward position, her face pressed against the chair back. Jerry's hands cupped her asscheeks and pulled them apart, and she felt the blunt arrowhead of his cock snubbed up against the closed pucker. "Hang onto your tits, teacher--coming through!" he gasped, and slammed in with one vigorous stroke. Sally yelped in shock, and some pain. "Cunt knows she's got a cock stuck in her," Willy announced gleefully. "Jee-zus! She's sure tight!" Jerry gulped. "Told you she would be," Jake said. "So ream her out and have done with it--I may take a crack at her butt myself in a little while." Jerry started a slow, luxurious in-and-out sliding, and the pain passed off, eased by the ample lubrication that spread a slick surface over her inner membranes and his sliding prick. She had to absorb the shock of his thrusts, however, and her cramped position was very uncomfortable--she found that she was experiencing very little sexual arousal, and could only hope that he would get it over fast. But he was enjoying himself immensely. Every time his breathing reached the speed and hoarseness that suggested he was getting ready to come, he would slow down, stop with his prick motionless inside the hot clutch of her body, and wait until the immediate urgency had passed. Then he would begin again, and she was reaching the point of near collapse. Then she recalled suddenly how excited Tod had been when she had squeezed his cock with her inner muscles. The next time Jerry started to gasp and pant, hands tightening their grip on her hips, she waited until he had made one of his deep thrusts right into her, then she clamped down with her rectal muscles and squeezed several times, as quickly and strongly as she could. It worked! "YYEEEEOOWW!" he squealed--and went into convulsions. "That good, huh?" Willy asked when he had calmed down a little, gasping for breath. "Fuckin' broad milked it right outta me," Jerry said, sounding awed. "Never felt nothin' like it--jeeze!" He pulled out of her abruptly, and she felt an oily warm trickle running down the backs of her thighs. "Time for sloppy seconds," Willy said gleefully. "Let's see if she can pull the same trick on me!"Comfrey and a few other secret ingredients--fix anything short of a bullet in the brain! Now tell me if this hurts. She moistened a finger at her lips, and ran it gently over the lips of Sally's vulva. "Okay?" Sally nodded. "Okay--let's see what it's like inside." Sally tensed slightly as the slim finger way through the tight lips--then relaxed. "It's okay," she said gratefully. "Well," Doris said, "the chopper is going to be here today--listen, chickie: they aren't going to force anything on you now. Even Jake isn't crazy enough to kill you just for the sake of it; and I showed them enough of my karate to convince them they'd better not try any more rape." "You really did?" "Uh-huh." Doris grinned reminiscently. "I should have called their bluff before--only I didn't know if I could. Oh, that's another reason Jake isn't going to try anything--he's suffering from a slight case of broken arm and badly kicked balls ... it made quite an impression on those other two tearaways. I hope there's a competent doctor where they're going--Jake's going to need it!" "Doris--" "A pleasure, I assure you. Only there's this: I may be wrong, but I think what you should do now is have sex." "Have--" "Like horse-riding. You get right back on after a bad experience." She grimaced. "Well, I never managed it myself, but then I don't turn on to men anyway. But I think you ought to--well, jump right back on--and enjoy it. That Willy seems to know what he's doing, wouldn't you say?" Sally thought--and recalled her unexpected eagerness for the experience of being fucked before Jake's viciousness had ended all enjoyment- She recalled the curious pleasantness of being stuffed full when they had used her rear canal- And somewhere in the back of her mind was a tiny spark of a recollection of a fleeting kind of pleasure somewhere deep under the pain as she had levered herself up off Jake's cock--as it had slid out of her, there had been something that had not been entirely agonizing.... "Yes," she said. "I--guess maybe I should ... before I start thinking I can't... if they won't hurt me..." "Oh, they won't hurt you," Doris said grimly. A few minutes later Willy came into the room. "Hi, teach," he said jauntily--but she had a definite impression that his arrogance had been shaken. Doris followed him in. "Now," she said brightly, like a teacher employing positive suggestions to get good results from a troublesome pupil, Sally thought, "Willy's going to show us just how good he is at really making a woman enjoy being fucked--aren't you, Willy." He gave her a sidelong glance of respect. "That what you want, teach?" he asked. She smiled up at him sweetly. He really was very good-looking, she thought "Yes, I'd like that, Willy," she said. "Why don't you--take your clothes off and come into bed with me?" Doris smiled. "Call if you need anything,' she said, and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Willy stood looking down at Sally. He said: "Look-I-I'm sorry--about--you really wanna make it now, huh? I--I can do it pretty good--if you really wanna--" "Yes, I do," she assured him again. He undid his shirt, and suddenly he relaxed, and grinned down at her, no longer playing the role of hunter toying with helpless prey. "I always wanted you," he said, "but I knew it wasn't no good askin'--that's why I said they should take you when they wanted somebody to be a hostage--I figured I could make it with you that way... He stripped off his pants and stood at the bedside, a tan-skinned, muscular stud whose cock was pulsing into hardness at the sight of her. And he was right, of course. It wouldn't have done him any good to ask. She held out a hand to him. "Make love to me," she said. He lowered himself to the bed, and stretched out beside her. He said: "It ain't so easy for a guy, wants a broad, knows she'll just turn him down flat, maybe make trouble for him--" "I'm not turning you down now," she said, and ran her hand caressingly down his body. He leaned over and buried his lips in the hollow of her throat, then nibbled at one of her earlobes. Pleasurable gooseflesh shuddered along her spine. He licked down the side of her neck to the throat hollow again, then with a series of tiny kisses he outlined the side of her jaw, traveling inward along her cheek-bone; then his lips lightly touched her eyes. Then his lips descended onto hers, his tongue, a warm, wet probe, coaxed insistently until her lips parted, when it slid into her mouth, and her own went to meet it. The kiss was long and languid, as with unhurried eagerness they explored each other, tasted each other. With one hand he stroked her hair, with a tenderness she found strangely moving. Her nipples had risen into engorged little towers, and when his hand eventually left her hair and roamed on downward, the quietly rising and falling hillocks were alive and almost achingly ready for the touch of his fingers. He lingered on the creamy mounds of her warm breasts for several minutes, cupping them, gently squeezing them, tracing with the tips of his fingers the contours of her rubbery-textured nipples and the surrounding areolas. She began to feel a sweet warm softness inside her belly, as though something there were warmly melting. At last his hand strayed away from her breasts and moved in a still leisurely trail over the very slight mound of her belly. His fingertips spanned her abdomen, and his thumb rested for a moment at the top of her pubic triangle, then stroked the bushy curls downward, brushing the outer lips of her pussy with a maddeningly light caress. She gave a little moan of excitement as his delicate manipulations sent a pulsing throb of sexual heat radiating through her loins, and the slick honey of her juices began to flow, saturating the tight entrance of her cunt. The tip of his index finger moved further down, parting the swollen outer lips and spreading the moisture from her inner channel lavishly over the slick membranes. Her body jerked uncontrollably as his fingers brushed the magical nubbin of her engorged and ready clitoris. She reached for his cock, wrapping her fingers lovingly around the pulsating diameter of his hard, silken, hot-fleshed massiveness. The thin, slightly sticky precotial fluid leaking from its inflamed tip trickled over her fingers, and she worked her grip up and down the shaft a little, spreading the lubrication lavishly as she did so. With a moan of pleasure, he buried his face in the white valley between her breasts, nuzzling against the warm cushions of flesh, inhaling the scent of her skin. He licked his way up to one nipple peak, encircling the tiny cylinder with his avid tongue. He teased it to a point of aching desire, then cruelly abandoned it, the wet heat of his tongue following the trail his fingers had already blazed, licking a path of fire down her quivering belly. His tantalizing tonguetip dipped for a moment into her navel, then brushed on down to the thick pubic nest, and homed in on the fiery ember of her aching clitoris. Almost unconsciously reacting to the renewed jolt of pleasure, the embrace of her fingers around his prick tightened, and he whimpered his ecstasy against the moist flesh of her cunt, sending a vibration of intense delight resounding throughout her entire trembling body. Then he was maneuvering his body into position atop hers, and she spread her thighs. The tip of his huge, straining cock nuzzled at the dew-soaked entrance of her pussy, and for a moment she tensed. Would it be all right? Would that tearing agony rip through her again? "Go on!" she gasped, and thrust her hips upwards slightly, and the rigid shaft slid inwards ... "Ahh..." she moaned, and she knew that it was more than all right, and always would be! She thrust her hips towards him again, engulfing the welcome invader, sucking him into the liquid-seeming depths of her passionate heat. Her velvety inner walls contracted to enfold him in their snug embrace, and he penetrated until every inch of his throbbing sex shaft lay nestled in the warm canal. Her legs rose, and she clasped them firmly about his hips, and began a slow gyrating, circling motion with her pelvis to complement the slow, steady, in-and-out thrust of his potent, rock-hard piston of flesh. "Oooohhhh," she panted in pleasure, and the sound of her enjoyment spurred him on. The friction of their ardent fucking was generating waves of electrical excitement, and sparks of pleasure seemed to crackle them. The rapidly accelerating movements of his slippery, sliding cock inside her was rapidly carrying her to the heights of ecstasy. Faster and faster he pumped, and tighter and tighter her arms and legs embraced him as her first orgasm from real fucking overwhelmed her, and the clutching contractions of her cunt seemed to be trying to drag the sperm by force from his congested balls. He hung on almost desperately, his fingers clenching on the sheet, and when the first wave of her climax had passed over, he still remained hard like an indomitable breakwater inside her. She lay gasping beneath him, and he ceased all movement, looking down at her fondly. He bent his head and kissed her on the mouth, affectionately. Then, to her delight, his hips began their thrusting once again, and after a few moments she recommenced the circling pattern of her pelvis, sweating now, her cunt incredibly wet with the copious out-pouring of lubricating juices. But its embrace around his iron cock lost none of its snugness. Indeed, she now started to discover that she could contract inner muscles, as she had during the ass-fucking sessions, and the delicious pressure forced uncontrollable gasps and grunts from Willy's lips. Then the come was boiling up in his balls, and with a kind of desperate frenzy he speeded up the driving and pounding of his hips, determined not to climax until he had forced her to surrender to ecstasy once again. Faster and faster his body flailed, slamming his phallic thickness deep into the molten core of her being. At last, just when she thought he would never make it for those last few vital seconds, the volcano inside her blew once again, and she convulsed with a helpless shriek, and he poured out his pent-up semen into the living furnace of her belly. Panting with exhaustion, they lay in each other's arms, and she was glad that Doris had seen so clearly what she needed to wipe out the lingering trauma of the brutal manner of last night's defloration. "Was that good?" he asked eventually, as though he genuinely wanted to know, and was not simply demanding reassurance for his machismo. "It was wonderful," she answered sincerely. "You--you don't feel like comin' along with us, huh?" he asked hopefully. She smiled, and shook her head. "I don't think South America would suit me too well," she said."Hey--" he breathed. "Hey, wait right here, doll! I'll go see if he--hell, he's horny alla time! He'll do it!" And a few minutes later Sally was stretching out on the bed, lying on her side, while Willy slid his once-again hard and eager cock into her newly opened pussy, and Jerry dug his way into her oil-slick asshole. It was an incredible sensation--full to the point of somehow choking her, even though her lungs were far from the scene of the action. Yet it was intensely satisfying--she felt ready to climax just from the double penetration alone, which seemed to he filling her sexual nerves with violent heat that permeated the whole of her lower body. The slightest movement either of them made was enough to send violent shudders of near-orgasmic earthquake crashing through her belly. And then they started to move, in a kind of see-sawing rhythm: as Willy's cock drew outward from her cunt, Jerry's would plunge to its fullest length into her ass; and when Jerry stared his withdrawing stroke, Willy's prick would come plunging back into her depths. She was doubly impaled, doubly filled, doubly driven towards the highest peaks of ecstasy. Thought was crushed out of her brain; she could not move independently; her whole being seemed to be reduced to a mass of blazing sensation that flowed over her being and washed away every last remaining fragment of inhibition that could possibly be lingering in her nature. Opened, opened forever, was the only idea that could find any expression in her mind now, and with the concept the climax started to break--wave after wave, like the crashing surf of an incoming tide, tossing her back and forth, like a helpless piece of driftwood, battering her between two relentless rocks, hurling her from one orgasm to another until it was all consumed in a fiery red mist that danced before her eyes and engulfed every last remnant of her consciousness, dropping her at last into a welcoming blackness of utter and complete satiety. For that moment! "Wake up, chickie--the chopper's lust coming in," Doris said. "Do you want to see them off?" "Oh-yes, I guess so," Sally yawned, and slid off the bed, reaching for the clothes that Doris put within her reach. She pulled on the clean panties and the same sweater and skirt--she had not been able to find anything that fitted her comfortably in Doris' wardrobe--and the two women went down to the front of the house where the helicopter was settling down onto the wide driveway. Willy came hurrying past them with a suitcase, which he passed up into the cockpit, where he had an urgent conversation with the pilot, who came clambering out after him, and followed him into the house. "I guess they'll have to carry Jake out," Doris commented calmly. "That kick in the balls really doubled him up." "Oh, gee," said Sally, "you really did hurt him, huh?" "He asked for it!" Doris said curtly. A minute later the pilot and Jerry and Willy came out again, Jake carried among them. He glared venomously at the two women watching, and Sally was glad that he was, indeed, disabled. The dogs were called, and went bounding into the helicopter when Jake had been settled. Then the others climbed in and the door was slammed. Doris and Sally backed into the shelter of the doorway as the great vanes started to turn again, sending a blast of air towards them, and then lifted the ungainly fuselage into the air. "Oh," said Sally weakly. "Yup," Doris said. "There they go!" "I--oh, thank goodness!" Sally exclaimed. "I--I was so afraid that something was going to go wrong--I was so afraid that they'd make us go with them or-- or something!" She gave a deep, thankful sigh. "Well," said Doris, watching the last glimpse of the helicopter vanishing into the sky, "I guess that's the last we'll see of them in a while. Forever, I hope!" She turned to Sally and grimaced. "I sure hope you can convince the fuzz that I was just an innocent bystander," she added grimly. "You know I'll do my very best, Doris," Sally assured her earnestly, "and I know Peter will do all he can." "Ah well," Doris said philosophically, "they say plea-bargaining is alive and well in New York--and I never did plan to run for public office, even if my record stayed spotless!" "How long do you think it'll be before the police come?" Sally asked. "If they keep the deadline, it should be an hour at the earliest," Doris estimated. Sally said softly: "You know, I never did get to thank you properly for--for what you did for me that first morning--" Doris looked at her, and grinned. "You want to try a little pussy-eating on your own account, huh, chickie?" "I like you very much, Doris, you know that--and I guess it's about all I need now to round out what you might call a very educational experience," Sally replied demurely. Doris reached for her hand. "Let's go in the house, then, just in case anyone shows up unexpectedly. I was never that keen on sex in the great outdoors, at the best of times!" They went into the house, hand-in-hand, and up into the bedroom where Sally and Doris had spent the first night together. Hands still joined, they turned to face each other--then Doris drew Sally into her arms and kissed her, pressing her lips hard upon the other woman's mouth. Their tongues flickered out, met, battled briefly, then they drew apart slightly. Sally reached for the front of Doris' shirt and began to undo the buttons slowly, releasing the firm, high-standing breasts. She bent her head and kissed each one on the nipple, then drew the shirt, off Doris' shoulders and down over her arms, tossing it onto a chair. "Take your sweater off," Doris said huskily, her nipples crinkling into hardness. Compliantly, Sally peeled the garment off over her head, her own nipples rising even as she did so, not needing any other stimulus. "Beautiful," Doris whispered. "You have the most beautiful breasts I ever saw." Her fingers went to the waist of her jeans and she skinned them down, stepped out of them, and stood clad only in her blue cotton panties. "You want to take these off?" she asked huskily. Sally nodded, and stepped forward again to hook her fingers into the elastic band around Doris' slim waist and tug gently downward so that the flimsy underwear slid to the floor, revealing the lush dark triangle of pubic hair. Sally dropped to her knees, and pressed her lips against the brunette's thicket. The fresh, faintly musky smell drifted into her nostrils, and she sat back on her heels, fumbling with the waistband of her skirt, pulling it off along with her own panties as she stood up again, smiling into Doris' eyes. "Let's' go to bed," she proposed. They lay down and enfolded each other with their arms. Their breasts mashed together, and their thighs pressed close, the way they had that first time. Their lips met once again, and Doris let Sally's tongue invade her mouth while she stroked the nape of Sally's neck, expertly seeking out the places that would seed chills of response through the other woman's flesh. They lay there for long minutes, sharing a kiss that grew gradually more and more impassioned. The heat of each other's body seemed to become burning in intensity, until at last Doris pulled away for breath. "Sally, oh, Sally, I'm so hot for you," she whispered, trailing her fingers tantalizingly down the length of her spine and stroking the warm spheres of her buttocks, arousing in Sally the wild need for more intimate contact "Do you want me too, Sally? Do you? Do you want to make love with me?" "You know I do..." Doris' fingertips moved across Sally's hip and round to the front of her body. They worked their way between Sally's legs, into the warm, hairy moistness of her cunt. The tip of one finger grazed Sally's clitoris, and the girl shuddered with pleasure at the sensation. Doris worked a finger into the honey-dripping channel of Sally's body, then another, working the two fingers gently back and forth, covering them with the abundant juices while Sally moaned softly in ecstasy. Pulling out her fingers, slippery and gleaming, Doris reached around to Sally's asscrack and ran her fingertips down it. She found the tight little hole and gently but firmly pushed with the middle finger until it slipped inside. Sally groaned at the slight pain, and even more at the fiery pleasure of the penetration. Doris clamped her lips over Sally's once again, and this time it was her tongue that aggressively ravished Sally's mouth, while her finger squirmed wonderfully in Sally's asshole, filling her with quivers of excitement. When they parted for breath again, Sally bent her head and fastened her lips around one of Doris' breasts, teasing the dark nipple to its utmost capacity of hardness. "Ahh, Sally, Sally, you do that so well..." Sally took the other one, and Doris writhed in pleasure as she worked. Then she raised her head and panted: "I want to eat you, Sally!" Her hands pushed at Sally urgently, rolling her aver onto her back, then Doris shifted herself downward on the bed, and Sally felt the warmth of her breath stirring her rich mass of golden pubic hair, and light touch of her lips grazing over the plump Venus mound. And-- "Let me do it to you, too," Sally gasped. "I said I--I want to do it--" Doris raised her head, looking at Sally with mingled lust and tenderness shining from her dark eyes. "Are' you sure you want to?" "Yes," Sally panted. "Oh yes--only-will you show me--teach me what to do?" Doris moved again on the bed, reversing her position so that her dark-haired pussy lay only a few inches away from Sally's face. She caressed Sally's hip lightly, then worked one arm beneath the other woman indicating for her to turn onto her side, then with her hand tugging at Sally's uppermost leg so that she bent it at the knee, upward and out. Doris took the same position, which widely separated the brown-haired lips of her moistened cunt, revealing to Sally's eager eyes the scarlet lining of the sensitive labia. Sally moved her face closer to that offered pussy, recalling how she had done this the first time, when Doris had decided she couldn't go through with it. She studied with, eager attention the folds of tissue, the oozing droplets of honey, the, excited little flushed pearl of the clitoris. And she knew that Doris was seeing the same thing between her opened legs. Again the scent of Doris' cunt filled her nostrils, that warm, musky, slightly fresh-fishy odor. As she stared in fascination at the delicate structure before her eyes, she felt a breath of warm air against her own pussy from Doris' mouth. Following that lead, she blew into the other woman's spread valley, aiming the tiny air stream at the engorged little mound of her clitoris. A moment later she felt the soft shock of Doris' tonguetip stabbing the entrance of her inner channel, and with a sense of taking an enormous step into an alien country, Sally shot out her own tongue to make that hot, wet contact. Doris' deep moan of pleasure encouraged her, and Sally felt a deep shudder of joy as Doris began to work her tongue around the feverish area of her clitoris. Quickly she followed her example, relishing the odd, slightly metallic flavor of Doris' pussy juice as it began to seep against her tongue with renewed excitement. "Oh yes, oh yes," Doris gasped, pausing in her efforts for a moment to encourage her partner. "That's just perfect, chickie--that's--that feels so- ooohbh!" She buried her face between Sally's thighs again. Enchanted to find she was giving Doris so much pleasure, Sally renewed her endeavors, and her hands began to rove over the soft, satiny skin of Doris' ass and thighs and belly. Her breasts were pressed firmly against the other woman's trembling body. And then Doris pulled Sally's legs even wider apart, pushing her face so closely against Sally's pussy that it was a miracle she could breathe. The hot, wet dagger of her tongue started to probe and flicker deeply into the inner channel, pushing past the outer lips into the velvety depths like a tiny, versatile cock, racking Sally with helpless shudders of ecstasy. And then Doris pulled her head away--and the next moment was back again, only this time that maddening tonguetip was digging its way into the tight ring of Sally's asshole! Sally's lubricating juice was almost a flood row, welling out of her cunt and trickling wetly down her thigh; she found that Doris' pussy was similarly oozing, and she lapped up the moisture with lascivious satisfaction. She strained her head forward, but before her tongue could make contact with Doris' asshole, a sudden spasm of incipient orgasm tore through her, and for a moment she forgot what she was doing. It was like trying to concentrate with an earthquake going on beneath her! Doris' hands clasped the ripe mounds of her buttocks and pulled Sally even closer. Her tongue abandoned the tight back hole to concentrate on sending more and more sparks of orgasmic electricity through Sally's pulsating cunt. But she worked a finger into Sally's asshole as she had done before, and again there was a moment's pain, and again discomfort was rapidly absorbed into the great mass of sensation that Sally's nerves had become. Then Doris stopped licking and tongue-stabbing Sally's cunt for a minute, and instead she concentrated on very gently chewing and nibbling along the sensitive edges of her outer pussy lips, sucking the flesh up into her mouth and letting go, sucking it up and letting go, until Sally's nerve endings were filled with impulses that began as pain and ended as renewed and almost intolerable pleasure. Now she brought her attention back to Doris, trying to give the other woman the same delight she was feeling. She did not feel sure enough of her skill to try this subtle use of her teeth, so instead she concentrated again on licking Doris' pussy, drinking down her overflowing liquor. She was delighted to feel Doris trembling in response, and then Doris was working on her again with that marvelously knowing tongue, caressing the inner lips with long, flat, broad, wet sweeps, then homing in on the quivering morsel of Sally's engorged clitoris to stab and nudge and titillate the tiny, potent nubbin to the edge of madness. Sally started to writhe and convulse as the currents of hot ecstasy and release shivered and pulsed in her belly and cunt and finger-impaled asshole, centering in her throbbing clitoris and radiating back to her womb, her breasts, her whole shuddering, convulsing body...In triumph, she sensed a similar spasm seizing Doris' body, and heard her frantic moaning as the climax overcame her, and for long moments the two women were spinning helplessly in a vortex of feminine passion, their thighs clenching about each other's mouth so that neither could breathe or even wanted to breathe as they clutched and quivered and mouthed each other through the wild delight of their simultaneous orgasmic ecstasy. Then, exhausted, they rolled away from each other and lay gasping and panting, recovering their equilibrium, relishing the fading tremors of bliss that sighed along their nerves, fading at last into a deep, quiet contentment. "Oh, wow," Doris murmured eventually. "That was really something, chickie." "I'd never have believed it could be so good," Sally whispered with tender sincerity. "Mmm." Doris leaned over and kissed her cheek lightly. "But now I guess we'd better get cleaned up--any moment now those cops are going to show up to rescue you." "I guess so." Sally stretched and yawned, then, a little dazed, sat up and ran her fingers through her tousled hair. "I guess I'll take a quick shower," she said. Doris smiled up at her. "I'll come and scrub your back," she offered. "Oh, Sally, baby, it's so good to have you alone at last," Peter exclaimed as the door closed behind the last of the troop of police and FBI men who had been questioning her almost nonstop for hours. She smiled at him, exhausted. "I've been so worried about you," he went on tenderly, sitting down on the couch beside her and taking her hand. "I was so afraid that they'd hurt you." Her smile faded. "Peter," she began hesitantly. "Mm?" He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips, then turned her hand and pressed his lips against the tiny pulse of her wrist. "Oh, Peter--please--I have to--talk to you." "I'm listening, my precious." "They--oh, darling... I'm afraid you--" "Afraid what?" He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You-I--" "Hmm?" "I'm not a--a--" He let go of her hand and cupped her chin in one hand, turning her face up to him. He kissed her quickly on the lips. "Are you trying to say, my little wife-to-be, that you happen not to have that entirely useless membrane known as the hymen still intact?" She lowered her eyes. "Yes," she whispered. He hugged her close. "Frankly, my dear," he said, "I don't give a damn!" "Oh, Peter!" A great tide of incredulous relief swept through her. "Do you really mean that?" "Of course I do!" "But you said--you said you wanted to marry a virgin! You said you--" "Correction, my precious: I may have said I was happy you were--but the cherry is only an extra on top of the cake, you know. It's nice to have, but it doesn't really mean that much. It's how we both feel about each other that's the important thing--and I do love you, my little Sally!" "Oh, Peter--and I love you, too!" "Did they--hurt you, Sally?" he asked anxiously. She thought about it. "I guess--I guess not too much." "Did you--enjoy it?" She looked into his eyes, and replied honestly: "Some of it. A lot." "I'm glad." "You are?" "Of course!" "I--seem to be more highly sexed than I ever thought I could be, Peter," she confessed. "Oh, I knew you would be, once you let yourself go," he told her confidently. "You weren't aware of it, I know--but I'm something of an expert in these matters." She looked up at him again. "Are you going to be faithful to me?" she asked bluntly. "Well." He released her chin and took her hand again, "That's really a matter of definition." "It is?" "You see," he said slowly, "in marrying you, I make a special commitment to you. The way I've lived my life before is no longer valid as a guide to the future: we have to work out between ourselves just how our relationship functions." "I don't think I--understand what you're saying." "Well, let me put it this way: I've been a swinger for most of my sexually active lifetime. I like variety; I like to make it with different women. But that doesn't mean that I've become emotionally involved with them. Friends with many, yes. Some tenderness, affection--but that's not the same as my involvement with you. From now on, you have the first claim on me. And I on you." "Claim..." "Maybe we'll decide on a strictly monogamous lifestyle. But if we agree to swing, then each of us is still the most important to the other. Anything else is--just a nice experience on the side, like going out for a meal from time to time instead of eating regular home cooking." "And if I--don't want to swing?" "Then we try monogamy." He grimaced slightly. "I don't know how much of a success I'd be at it, but if it'll make you happy, I'll do my damnedest, Sally." "May I--think about it?" "Of course," he laughed. She took a deep breath. "Peter," she said, "I want to--make love with you." His grip on her hand tightened. "Now?" he asked softly. "Now," she responded definitely. "Oh, Sally!" Their lips met in a long, deep, burning kiss that set a fire blazing in her mouth and seemed to shower sparks down into the very depths of her body. Her arms clasped around his neck, almost desperately, as though she could never bear to let him go, even for a moment. "Oh, my darling," he said, pulling away a little and sucking in a deep breath. "I--oh, I love you," she murmured. He pulled her to her feet, then swept her up into his arms and carried her through the apartment into the bedroom. He set her down on the bed and went back to close the door. Not really necessary, since they were alone in the apartment, but a symbol of the intimacy they were about to explore. She watched him with hungry eyes, appraising his lithe, well-made body. He smiled lovingly in response as he came back to the bed and sat down on the edge. "We'll be married very soon, now," he said. "It doesn't matter," she assured him, and his arms enfolded her in another deep, sweet, burning kiss.The musky male perfume she was beginning to know and adore drifted to her nostrils: the incredibly arousing smell of man, of sexual man--of her man, her lover- Her husband! She encircled his hips with her arms, her hands on her buttocks, and urged him forward just a fraction to bring the silken-textured head of his rock-hard cock into the willing harbor of her rosy lips. At once her tongue sought out the tiny hole at the tip where the preparatory fluid welled out, so much like the little spring that flowed from the depths of her own sex, making ready the way and covering all the slick surfaces and sensitive mucous membranes with sweet slippery balm. Her mouth filled with warm saliva, and she closed her eyes and started to suck as well as she could--it was more a pressing of her tongue and the roof of her mouth around his invading shaft--and fraction by fraction, he pressed in deeper. She relaxed those strange muscles of her dark, velvety throat to accept him, and at last she felt the prickly brush of his pubic hair against her lips, and the soft slap of his balls as they swung to rest against her chin. And then again he left her, drawing his cock out of her hot, wet oral embrace, and shifting on the had so that he was again kneeling beside her. He pressed one hand between her thighs, covering the whole burning area of her outer cunt with that one warm, large hand. Involuntarily she thrust her pelvis up against the firm pressure of his palm, aching for renewed friction. He took his hand away, but a second later had slipped a finger deep into the fluid channel of her pussy; she found herself quaking, gasping and trembling with joy. He worked the finger in and out a couple of times, then pulled it right out, but before she had a chance to feel in any way deprived he had pushed back in again, this time with two fingers side by side. She couldn't understand why she hadn't already climaxed half a dozen times, just from the stimulation of what he had been doing to her, but she had not; perhaps her subconscious was holding her back, holding the forces of release in check just enough for the real moment... He pulled out the fingers, and yet again she was left forlorn and empty. She began to whimper: "Oh please, please darling! Fuck me! Fuck me now! I'm so hot I can't stand it--I want you so much--" And at last he was ready. He moved between her legs and urged her, with his hands, to cock her legs up, bending her knees and spreading them wide. He kissed her again, then positioned his cockhead carefully at the juicy mouth of her wet, heated, excitement-pulsating, cock-craving pussy. He rocked forward, and she felt the rigidity pressing against her nether lips. It felt immense! She gasped and made a little thrust upwards with her hips; he pushed down, and then in one surge he was all the way inside her, and her cunt was filled to capacity with his hardness. It took her breath away. He looked down into her face, a concerned smile on his lips. "Okay?" he asked. She nodded. "O-ooh-kay," she sighed blissfully. He moved his hips a little, so that his huge cock slid out of her an inch or so, and then back in. The walls of her inner cunt seemed to flutter and contract, clutching at the scarcely yielding bulk of the phallic invader in a velvety, yearning, unstintingly welcoming embrace. She could feel the end of his cock pressing against her cervix now. It was not a nerve-end sensation of tingling delight like her clitoris, but it gave her great pleasure. She discovered she possessed muscles she had scarcely known about, deep inside her, and she contracted them, squeezing his cock with a sort of milking movement that brought a grunt of pleased response. Then he began to slide his cock in and out of her, just a little way at first, until she had started to pick up his rhythm with her own hips and pelvis. And the dizzying waves of pleasure began to consume her. She could hear, excitingly, the liquid sloshing, slurping sounds as his rigid piston drove into her cunt, almost swampy now, so much lubricating honey had she poured forth. The whole lining of her cunt seemed to be on fire, and the stroking of his cock was simultaneously a soothing presence and a refueler of the consuming flames. And now she found that the movement of his cock in and out exerted a kind of tugging pressure on the lips of her outer cunt, sending impulses on up to her clitoris, which joined in the fire. She could imagine it like a little glowing ember. But as he speeded up the pace she lost the sense of her clitoris, or any other individual spot. Every inch down there seemed to be consumed in that wonderful fire. She could not make out where the pleasure was centered, but all that mattered was that every thrust in and out fanned the flames yet higher. Her toes started to tingle, and her belly felt soft and open. She seemed to start floating, her head spinning as she clamped her legs desperately around his pumping hips and- She could hear herself screaming, and felt her body go into wild, convulsing spasms, but all her being was concentrated in that furnace between her thighs, and in the great throbbing waves of incredible ecstasy that flowed and pulsed through her cunt, through her belly, through every inch of her thrashing, flailing body. When at last it died, she lay supine in a glow of indescribably deep contentment. "Okay!" he asked when she opened her eyes. "Oh, yes," she breathed. "Very okay!" He kissed her. "You know," he said, "if you do decide on monogamy, I guess it won't be the worst fate a man could suffer." She reached up to caress his hair gently. "Not for me, either," she said, and stretched her arms out luxuriously. "How long will it take you to be ready to try fucking me in the ass!" "Not long at all," he replied with a smile of confidence that he soon proved to be fully justified.
Chapter One
Pussy Barber
Love Fuck
"This is perverted," Kristen thought to herself as she crept down the hallway, moving closer to the soft moans coming from the guest bedroom. It was almost three in the morning, and Kristen, clad in her flimsy powder blue nightie, kept fighting the urge to peek. Images of being caught peeking flashed into her mind, the outrage of her friends, the embarrassment of it. But other images flashed too - of passionate, wriggling bodies, of glistening skin, a hard cock, swaying testicles, sensual legs spread wide and spasming. Kristen quietly opened the bathroom door, the one that connected into the spare room. Just as she had hoped, the door to the bedroom was open. In the darkness, she crept silently forward, until she could see the bed and the writhing bodies upon it. The soft creak of the bed could be heard now, and in the dim light of the room, she could see Jerry kneeling behind his girlfriend, Janet, who was also Kristen's friend. Jerry had a handful of Janet's hair from behind, and his body was pressed firmly to hers. Her head was arched back, and her luscious ass was arched up against her man. The dimness of the light reduced the image to black and white, Janet's ass looking smooth, round, and unblemished. The covers were a heaped mess on the floor at the foot of the bed, and Janet was threatening to shred the sheets with her grip. Kristen felt a knot in her stomach, one that twisted all the way down between her legs. Jerry moved in slow, even strokes, arching his back and thrusting into Janet with a long, even movement. Each thrust brought a primal growl from deep inside Kristen's friend, and her hips moved back instinctively, forcing Jerry's shaft deep inside her. "God! You're so fuckin' tight!" Jerry whispered, his words carrying easily to Kristen's ears in the nearby bathroom. Janet half moaned, half sighed her response. Janet pushed her upper body up on her hands, her full breasts swaying underneath her. "Fuck me hard. Pump me hard and fast. Cum in me," Janet breathed. Kristen's nipples were already hard, excited by what she'd seen and heard so far. Now they ached to be touched, and Kristen's right hand found her nipple, teasing it. She watched as Jerry began thrusting faster into Janet, their bodies making an audible "smack," Janet's breasts bouncing, and the flesh of her ass rippling. Kristen felt her panties clinging to her crotch, moistened with her own juices. "Yes! Fuck my ass. Pump your cum in my asshole, stud," Janet hissed. Kristen heard the words and let out a deep sigh, a sigh of lustful arousal. Her left hand replaced her right on her nipples, and her right hand slid under her panties and between her legs. Kristen knew she was wet, and she slipped one finger deep into herself, rubbing her clit frantically. The two bodies undulated and writhed about, glistening even in the darkness of the room. Janet's long dark hair flailed about as her body heaved and bucked to Jerry's rhythm. It wasn't long before Jerry groaned and began thrusting hard against Janet, trying to drive his cock and maybe even his balls inside her. Their groans filled the air for a few long moments, and then fell silent. In the sudden silence, Kristen stopped cold. Her own heavy breathing was covered by theirs, as was the wet, squishing sounds her fingers had been making in her pussy. She slowly caressed herself and watched the two lovers lay on the bed, him on top of her from behind, both kissing and floating along together. Kristen finally realized the show was over and she crept back to her bed, still excited by what she'd witnessed. Her own sleep came only after fantasizing about feeling Jerry coming in her ass, not Janet's.The two lovers swapped places, and now Janet was sucking on Jerry's cock. In the daylight, Kristen could see that Jerry's cock was just about right for fucking, in any hole. Not too big, not too short, just nice. Janet sucked him with practiced expertise. Janet's body was smooth and evenly tan, except for the small light areas that showed the tiny suit she normally wore. Kristen felt her feet moving, and she felt as though someone else was controlling them. As she moved, it came to her that she was going to walk in on them, and she prepared an "excuse." If they objected or were embarrassed, she would simply go to her room, then shower off from her sunbathing. If they didn't object, then...well, she'd see. Kristen took a deep breath and opened the door, walking in and closing it carelessly behind her. Just as she entered, Janet looked up, and Jerry began to shoot. Both young women locked eyes for a moment, then Kristen's were drawn to the thick white cum spurting against Janet's neck and tits. Janet looked down, paused, then gulped down Jerry's spurting cock, making him cry out with loud "ahhh's." Kristen decided to go to her room, as if she'd interrupted completely by accident. As she walked, she could feel the slipperiness of her own pussy and the stiffness of her nipples. "Nice timing!" Janet said loudly as Kristen turned the corner. She stopped and turned back, looking back at Janet, her tits glistening wetly. "Sor-reee!" Kristen said, grinning. "I thought you guys were going out all day." Janet stood and walked closer, her sperm-splotched breasts wobbling as she walked. Kristen couldn't take her eyes off the cum that dribbled down between them, or the cum that clung to one of her dark nipples. "Sure," Janet said softly. "Come with me, I have something to show you." Kristen followed Janet into the bedroom, and Janet opened a small paper bag. From the bag, she pulled a thick vibrating dildo, covered in a soft, flesh-like latex. "Watch this," she said, then switched it on. The head vibrated, and as she worked the controls, the upper third began to twirl or rotate and piston in and out. Kristen's eyes got big. "Where did you get THAT!?" Kristen laughed. "At a little novelty store in town," Janet giggled. "And this too!" She handed Kristen the vibrator, and Kristen felt it buzzing, twisting, and thrusting in her hands. It sent an erotic feeling deep inside her pussy. Janet pulled another item from the bag. This dildo looked like a "Y," with two cocks joined at the base. Kristen knew how this was meant to be used. "Look at this though!" Janet said, connected a rubber ball and tube to the dildo. She set it humming, and the tips of both heads blurred, then she squeezed the ball. Water jetted out of both tips, squirting several feet. Kristen's pussy spasmed at the sight. "Think of the possibilities with this!" "Um, yeah. Nice!" Kristen said. "Er, I'm going to take a shower. Maybe even a cold one." Janet handed her the thrusting dildo. "Here, have fun." Kristen refused it, as much as she would have tried it in privacy, she didn't want to seem too desperate or horny. She went into her room and couldn't resist the urge to finger her pussy. Kristen lay on the bed, her fingers blurring over her clit. She came quickly, thinking of the images of Jerry's cock spurting all over Janet's tits. A few minutes later, Kristen pulled on a robe and picked up some clothes, then went into the bathroom for a quick shower. She was just about to climb into the shower when Janet knocked on the door, asking to be let in quickly. Kristen opened the door for her. "Shit!" Janet said, "I got it in my eye and it BURNS!" Kristen got a look at her face as she moved past to get to the sink. There were thick globs of sperm on her cheek and in her hair. Jerry had cum again, but somehow Janet had gotten some of the salty stuff in her right eye. After a minute of splashing water, she stood up and toweled her face off, most of Jerry's cum having been washed off. "That'll teach you to watch too close!" Kristen laughed. "Thanks a bunch," Janet said. "Would you mind if I showered with you?" she asked, feeling the cum in her hair. "No, c'mon. You do my back, I'll do yours," Kristen said. Together they showered, trading secrets and laughing over Kristen's unannounced entry earlier. Kristen's hair was pinned up so she didn't have to dry it all over again, and Janet scrubbed her back. The oily sunscreen needed to be scrubbed off, and Janet didn't stop when she reached Kristen's ass. She worked down, not sexually touching, but scrubbing hard. She kept going down those long, lean legs, until she reached the ankles. "Thanks," Kristen said. "That felt good." She turned around, hand extended for the washcloth. Instead, Janet soaped it up and began scrubbing Kristen's chest, above and between her breasts. "Jerry would kill to do this to you, you know," Janet said evenly. "He said that last night he fantasized about you joining us." "Really?" Kristen said, forgetting that Janet was washing her front. "He really said that?" Janet nodded, scrubbing around Kristen's tits and then down her belly. "He even said he'd like to eat you while he fucks me." Kristen's mind imagined that, and she felt a little excited. Suddenly Janet's hand was sliding over her mons, and then between her legs. The touch was lighter, more sensual now. Kristen's legs parted slightly, and her lips parted to take a sharp breath. Janet's hand lingered a little longer, then she began scrubbing the fronts of the blonde's legs. Kristen looked down, watching Janet kneel and scrub. Her hand moved and touched Janet's head lightly. Janet leaned forward and kissed Kristen's pussy lightly, then she stood up. Close. Kristen seemed to move on automatic. She leaned forward, tilting her head slightly, and then it happened. Their lips met in a kiss. Kristen was surprised at how warm and soft Janet's lips were. Their breasts touched lightly, making Kristen's nipples stand up even harder. When they parted, Kristen gazed into the eyes of her friend, now to be her newest lover. Trembling with excitement, Kristen reached out and touched Janet's breast. This was the first time she'd ever touched another woman's breast sexually. The soft flesh was so warm, and Janet's full orb drew Kristen's hand into a cup shape which she slid over the end of her friend's breast. Janet's hands slid down and cupped Kristen's ass, kneading it slightly. Kristen's whole body trembled, as though she were going to have an all-over orgasm. Somehow Janet realized her friend's nervous excitement, and she leaned down, taking one of Kristen's nipples in her lips. As she sucked on it, biting down delicately, Kristen gasped and pressed her soft tit into Janet's face. Janet pulled on the other nipple with her fingers, then gently licked all around Kristen's puffy areola. The tall blonde's breathing was shallow and ragged, and Kristen could feel her cunt leaking its warm cream down her thigh. Janet stood upright, and Kristen felt like she was on fire. She grabbed Janet's face and kissed her, one of the most passionate kisses she'd ever given. Janet returned it, with her hands exploring the lean, smooth texture of her friend's body. When their kiss broke, Kristen burned with a madness, a desire, a carnal need. She bent and licked around Janet's nipple, then sucked hard on the erect bud. Janet cradled the blonde's head to her breast, and felt Kristen suckling and licking her tit. Kristen's right hand slid between Janet's legs, lightly at first. Kristen's pussy spasmed when her fingers found Janet's cunt soaking wet and slippery. Her fingers slid back and forth through her friend's cuntlips, then Kristen sighed as her finger slid into her friend's body. Janet sighed too, rocking her hips forward and trembling against Kristen. A few moments later, Kristen stood with her hands on the wall of the shower, legs spread, and Janet sitting on the floor, her head bent back and her tongue, her wonderful tongue, swirling around inside her. Janet was sucking her pussy, lapping her free-flowing juices and sliding her hands up and down Kristen's legs. Kristen gasped for breath, her stomach heaved in and out, and her legs threatened to buckle. Janet sucked and licked, and Kristen shuddered. A wave washed over her, starting in her cunt and spreading outward, returning to her twat as a flood of thick creamy juice to be lapped up by Janet. Kristen sat down on a ledge in the shower, weak and flushed. Janet rolled to her knees and kissed the blonde's tits, then kissed Kristen on the mouth. Kristen tasted her juices, not for the first time but certainly the most erotic. Janet's lips were slick, and their tongues danced. Moments later, when Janet stood up, Kristen took the floor and tongued Janet's pussy. Kristen looked at Janet's pussy, seeing the swollen lips surrounded by her curly bush. Her tongue licked lightly over Janet's slit, finding her clit at the top, all swollen and hard. Janet's hips jerked, and Kristen continued to lick circles around it. Soon Kristen's chin was slick with the juices seeping from Janet's opening, and her tongue was sliding all around.Kristen loved the feeling on her tongue and her face. The smooth, warm, slippery wetness excited her, and the musky scent of Janet filled her nostrils. "Put your fingers in me," Janet said breathlessly. Kristen did. First one finger, then two, then a third. Janet's hips bucked, and Kristen flicked her tongue over the girl's clit. She felt the spasms around her fingers, the grasping, pulsing squeezes as Janet began to cum. Kristen shoved her fingers in deep, moving her hand back and forth until Janet moaned loudly and began shuddering. Janet's hips ground against the intruding fingers, and her hand pushed Kristen's face tightly against her mons. When Kristen pulled her fingers out, they glistened with Janet's cream, a few whitish globs clinging to her fingers. Kristen licked her fingers off, savoring it like a fine sauce. They finished their shower, hugging and kissing each other tenderly. They had shared something very special, and they both felt close and loving to each other. After eight years of friendship, they had become even closer. Jerry was half-dressed, watching a movie when the girls came out of the bathroom. Both were clad only in terry cloth robes, and they sat on either side of him. Jerry felt something was up, and he was almost afraid of saying anything to spoil it. For a long time, he had fantasized about having Kristen's long legs wrapped around him, and it seemed like he would have his chance. Kristen sat so that when she looked at the TV, she could not see either Janet or Jerry. When she watched part of the show, Jerry slipped his hand under Janet's robe and between her legs. The sudden stiffness was like a jerk, and Kristen turned her head, looking right at Jerry's half-hidden hand. "Turn it on," Janet whispered softly. Jerry saw that Kristen was looking, and he felt his cock rising into a tremendous erection. His fingers found the switch, and a light humming noise filled the air just as Janet's body shuddered. The "Y" shaped dildo inside her began vibrating her body, sending delicious waves of pleasure through her. Janet held his hand over her cunt, cupping her twat and pressing the vibrator deeper. Kristen took Jerry's other hand gently, spreading her legs slightly and placing his hand under her robe. Jerry's hand explored her crotch, finding the other dildo already in place. Jerry's fingers found the switch and turned it on. Kristen's body jerked, and she gasped several times as the dildo began squirming in her cunt. "Ah-h-h-h-h...Ohhhhhhhh!" Kristen sighed, cupping Jerry's hand over her cunt. Her hips rocked against the twisting, thrusting vibrator, and her eyes closed, jaw slack in rapture. "Let me suck you," Janet said softly, sliding down off the sofa. She quickly unfastened his pants and removed his rigid cock. Without a word, she sucked on him, moving up and down the shaft with quick movements. Her mouth watered, and saliva coated his cock, making it glisten wetly. Janet shucked her robe to the floor, curling her feet under her so that as she rocked her body back and forth, it pressed the humming vibrator deeper into her holes. Kristen leaned over and kissed Jerry, sending her tongue halfway into his throat. He kissed back, taking command and forcing her tongue to retreat. They mouth-fucked each other with their tongues, bodies blazing with fiery passions. Jerry's hips rocked up to cram his cock into Janet's mouth, and she made loud slurping noises. Jerry kneaded Kristen's tits, and she began panting, coming closer to her orgasm from the vibrator and all the sensations. Jerry couldn't hold on, and he felt the thick jism rising from his balls. Janet's wet mouth slobbered down his cock, making sloppy, wet noises as his cock began swelling. She moaned twice, urgently trying to call Kristen. Just as Kristen moved, Jerry's hips arched. Kristen saw Janet's brow furrow in concentration and the thick pulsing of Jerry's cock in her mouth. Janet's mouth and jaw worked, and then Kristen heard a swishing, squirting noise. Janet moaned as his jism flowed, filling her mouth with his creamy cum. She greedily sucked his sperm into her mouth, coaxing every drop by licking just under the tip of the head. Finally spent, she let his softening cock slip from between her lips, trailing a dribble of sperm over her lower lip. Kristen leaned down and licked the semen from Janet's lips. Janet grabbed her head and pulled her closer. Kristen opened her mouth, expecting to taste Jerry's cum. Janet opened her mouth and used her tongue to push the warm, thick mass of sperm into Kristen's mouth. It was erotic to Kristen, and she sucked the sperm from Janet's mouth, then they tongued each other fiercely, swishing the cum around back and forth. Parting their kiss, strands of jism connected their lips. Tongues flashed and collected it, and both girls swallowed, tasting his jizz like a cream sauce. The vibrators had brought them both close to orgasm, yet their bodies refused to yield. Kristen's passions were beyond what she'd known, and she wanted to come so badly she would do anything Janet asked. "Go get my bag," Janet said to Jerry. She smiled and asked Kristen if she ever fantasized about being watched. Kristen, in a very carnal mood, ran her hands over her tits, licking her lips. "No," she breathed. "Let's let him watch us," Janet said, cupping Kristen's cunt and shoving the dildo into her. Kristen was being fucked by the little machine, and the twisting head kept her so close to orgasm that Janet's hand nearly sent her over the edge. The hand withdrew too soon, leaving Kristen almost in tears, until she watched Janet lick her cream off her fingers. Jerry returned carrying Janet's duffle bag, his cock returning to full size. Janet unzipped the bag and reached in. "You'll love this toy," she said, pulling out a two-foot double-headed dildo. Kristen's cunt spasmed, and she reached down to finger herself. "NO!" Janet said sharply, pulling the blonde's hand from her bush. Then, softly, "Cum WITH me." And she kissed Kristen softly. Kristen followed along, floating on her erotic, lust-filled cloud. Janet positioned her on her hands and knees, adjusting the dildo to a slower rhythm. She pulled it out of Kristen's twat, watching her gaping cunt hole spasm and close slowly. She pressed the humming, twisting head to Kristen's asshole, pressing the slick, rubbery head firmly. "Oh, no, don't...." Kristen started, but suddenly her asshole was filled with sensations that made her cream flow like water. She trembled, and her stomach jerked. Kristen's ass shot up in the air, and Janet pushed the toy down into the girl's tight hole. "Ohhhh Goddddddd!" Kristen wailed. Janet rubbed her hand all over Kristen's glistening vulva, massaging her cunt juice all over her crotch, coating her thighs and belly with the creamy fluid that dripped from her. Kristen tried to catch her breath, feeling as though she were being split open and fucked inside-out. Janet picked up the large dildo and coated it with her hand, smearing Kristen's juices on the bulbous head. She held Kristen's hips, pressing the thick rubber cock into her cunt. "Ah-h-h-h...Ohh! Make me cummm! Please! Makemecum!" Janet slowly pushed ten inches of the cock up the blonde's snatch, watching her holes spasm as it eased into her. Each outstroke brought her pouty cuntlips out, as though they were holding on and trying to suck it deeper. Once she had the dildo seated, Janet stood up and walked around in front of Kristen. Kristen looked up at her naked friend, at the "Y" shaped vibrator still humming in her asshole and cunt. Kristen felt filled with cock, as though she would explode. Janet moved close, standing with her crotch almost in Kristen's face. "Pull it out of me," she hissed. "Jerk it out hard, do it fast." Kristen reached up a trembling hand and grasped the end of the vibrator. It was slick with Janet's cream, but Kristen jerked hard, yanking it out of her cunt and butt. "Ohhhhhh CUMM!" Janet yelled, then grabbed Kristen's head, shoving her hips forward and rocking them against Kristen's face. "Drink me!" Janet's cream poured from her, soaking Kristen's face and Janet's crotch. Janet shuddered and ground her pussy against the girl's face. Kristen felt her nose rubbing Janet's clit hard. Janet moved away suddenly, going behind Kristen and kneeling down, facing away from her friend. Janet pushed the long dildo into her cunt and then pressed her ass against Kristen's. "Fuck me, baby!" Janet pleaded. "Fuck me with that beautiful blonde pussy! Fuck me!" Kristen and Janet began rocking their hips back and forth, fucking each other with the dildo. Jerry had been watching from the sofa, stroking his cock. Several times he'd had to grip tightly to keep from shooting his load too early. Now he knelt alongside the girls, reaching between their slapping asses to hold the dildo still so that it would slide in and out of their slick cunts. Wailing moans filled the room from both women. Kristen felt a huge orgasm welling up deep inside her. Each warm slap of Janet's butt to hers brought her a half step closer. Both were near the edge, sweat shining on their backs, making their asses seem rounder and softer."Fuck me, Kristen! Fuck me, baby!" Janet moaned again. "Oh, Kristen! Kristen! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, KRISTEN!!" she screamed. Both of them cried out, slamming their asses tightly together, pinning Jerry's hand between them. They shook in orgasm, moaning and jerking around, cramming as much cock in them as they could. Each shudder from one sent the other into another shudder. It seemed to last forever as they climaxed, bodies roiling with waves and waves of spasming pleasure. Kristen felt her muscles tightening, and then it was as if she were drowning in sensations. Cum sensations. The fullness in her ass and cunt made her eyes roll back, and her hips arched, pressing hard against Jerry's hand. She could actually feel the tickle of Janet's cunt hairs on her sensitive twat, and the cum-juices trickling down her thighs. Sparks and lights went off in her head, and she thought she might pass out from the intensity of it all, but she did not. She rode each delicious wave, surfing each one down into her cunt, flowing out between her cuntlips and down her cream-slick thighs. Janet's cunt contracted and gripped the dildo hard. She could feel Jerry's hand trapped against her vulva, hot and hard. Her tits seemed to be swelling up, and her nipples were brushing the coarse fibers of the rug. Her ass arched high, and she could feel the heat of Kristen's spasming cunt near hers. The dildo pressed against her cervix, giving her a full feeling. Her stomach bulged out, then contracted only to relax and bulge again with the feeling of being crammed full of thick cock. Her cream was flowing, and she could feel her crotch was slick with juices. Each of Kristen's shudders was like an electric pulse to her clit, making her shudder in response. Jerry pulled his hand out, and Janet felt Kristen's sopped cunt splat against hers. She arched back, trying to grind her pussy against the wet blonde's. They both tried, bouncing back and forth until they felt another wave wash over them. The second orgasm was unlike the first. This was more sensual, sexy, and warm. The first had been full of fire, passion, and need. This was icing on the cake. The two sweaty women sank to the floor, the dildo still in their cunts, although almost out of each one. Jerry gently removed it from their pussies, and also gently removed the vibrator from Kristen's ass. They shuddered and jerked as he removed the toys, then lay still in a limp tangle of glistening legs, asses, and cunts. Jerry lovingly caressed their sweaty behinds, running his hands down the backs of their thighs. "Janet," Kristen said hoarsely. "Hmmm?" "I love you too," Kristen said. "Mmmmmmmmm!" Jerry's cock pressed against Janet's waist, and she smiled. "I think we forgot someone," she said softly. Slowly they both sat up and smiled at Jerry. "You liked our little show?" Janet asked. "Yes!" Jerry said. "I'm so horny I could cum right now!" Kristen looked up at him. "Then do it," she said, thrusting her tits forward. "Cum all over us." Jerry's cock ached, standing straight out like a metal rod. Pre-cum oozed down from the hole, forming a droplet under the head. Kristen leaned forward and extended her lower lip to remove it, letting it form a string as she moved back, licking it off her lip. Jerry groaned. "I know what he wants," Janet cooed. Moments later, Janet lay on the floor with Kristen's ass over her chest, arched up for Jerry's entry. Kristen's tits pressed between Janet's thighs, and Kristen's hands gripped Janet's calves. Jerry sank deep into Kristen's sopping wet pussy. "Ohhh Jeeezzus!" Jerry moaned. Kristen gasped, then sighed as his cock began sliding in and out of her slippery hole. Janet caressed her friend's legs, her ass, and belly. "She's so beautiful, isn't she?" Janet said to Jerry. "And so hot and wet. Fuck her. Go ahead, I know you want to fuck her and cum in her. Do it!" Jerry moved faster, trying to restrain himself in Kristen's beautiful cunt. Her body glistened with sweat, and with her ass high, offered to him, Jerry was straining not to shoot too soon. He wanted it to last, for her as well as for him. Janet wasn't helping matters. "Shove that cock up her cunt and fuck her!" Janet teased. "Make her cum all over that beautiful cock of yours. She wants you to fill her with cum. Cum in her cunt!" Jerry pumped faster, his cock throbbing and straining. It felt like his cock was a steel ramrod, plunging in and out of Kristen's soft flesh. Her cunt made squishing, slippery noises, and the way she moved her butt against him made Jerry grimace to keep his resolve. "Ohh yes! Cum in me, Jerry!" Kristen moaned. "Fill me with cum! Fuck me! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me!" Jerry felt his balls tighten from her moans. "Yes!" Janet added. "I want to eat your cum out of her. Let me lick your cum off her cunt. Soak her. Soak her with cum!" Jerry's cock exploded, gushing thick sperm into Kristen's cunt. He thrust deep into her, pressing her mons down onto Janet's chest. She could see his cock swell between her cuntlips with each pulse, and feel the tension in his legs as well as all through Kristen's sweat-slicked body. Jerry spurt and spurt into Kristen, feeling like his body was draining itself dry in her, trying to fill her sucking cunt to capacity with his sperm. At last, he stopped, feeling the thick warmth surrounding his cock inside her. Kristen was moaning softly and grinning broadly. Janet pulled Jerry back, and as his cock plopped out of her, he dripped sperm onto her neck, the soft, wet cock hitting her mouth and chin with a wet splat. Janet licked the head, then pulled Kristen's cunt to her mouth. Opening her mouth wide, Janet began sucking the length of the blonde's slit, lapping up the sperm and cunt-juice that flowed out of her beautiful friend's snatch. Janet shoved her tongue inside Kristen's hole, withdrawing it covered with their rich, creamy mixture. Janet lapped and sucked at Kristen's pussy, making the blonde climax twice. When she finally finished, her face and neck were slick with their juices. Kristen rolled off, sat up, and kissed Janet deeply, licking her own cum mixed with Jerry's semen from Janet's lips and face. The two girls hugged and kissed a last time, then looked at Jerry. "Hard again!?" Janet teased. "Nobody could stay limp watching you two," Jerry smiled. "Can you cum again?" Kristen asked. He shook his head. "Not for a while," he said. "I need a shower and maybe a quick nap before I'll be 'recharged'. You girls have drained me!" They laughed, and Jerry went to shower. The two girls sat on the sofa, gently touching and kissing each other. "You know," Kristen began, "I never thought it would be so good with another woman." Janet smiled. "Oh, you're so sweet and sexy I could just hold you close to me forever!" Kristen smiled at her. "I-I'm glad it was you. For my first time." Janet kissed her softly. "First and always." "Janet," Kristen said between soft kisses. "I love you." They embraced and kissed, caressing each other tenderly. "I knew I was falling in love with you the other night," Janet confessed. "What? When?" Kristen asked. "When Jerry was fucking my ass and you were masturbating in the bathroom." " did you see me?" Kristen asked. "The night light in there. Remember? I could see right through your nightie. The mirrors in the bedroom showed you clearly," Janet said, smiling. Kristen blushed. "I knew then that I wanted you, and that my feelings for you were deep. That's why I came so hard. I knew you were watching," Janet added. "I-I felt perverted doing that. Like a peeping Tom," Kristen said, looking at the floor. Janet lifted her face and smiled. "No, next time I want your tongue in me while he fucks my ass." "You mean that?" Kristen asked, her eyes wide. Janet nodded. "Yes. Just so I can have my tongue in you too!" Again they kissed. This trip may have started out all wrong, Kristen thought, but it's sure turned out wonderful!
The Greeting
"Hi, Uncle Charlie!" exclaimed the young teenager, embracing me the moment I entered the house. "Whoa, there, girl!" I laughed, affectionately messing her hair. She was darling. Her body just blossoming into womanhood, she was a delightful mix of childish mannerisms and adult expressions. Right now, her bright blue eyes looked up at me adoringly, and I almost regretted what I knew had to come next. "Thanks for the greeting, Shauna," I said, slowly pulling her away from me. "But you know what must be done." Her face dropped, and she stared at the carpet. "But Uncle Charlie..." "No buts except that behind of yours across my knee. Now go get the paddle." With a wonderfully dismal expression, the young girl shuffled across the room and took the large wooden paddle down from its holder over the fireplace. She handed it to me silently, her eyes pleading with me. I shook my head and sat on the sofa, patting my lap. "But Uncle Charlie, Daddy never used the paddle on me," whined the girl, carefully standing just out of arm's reach. "Your Daddy didn't know how to punish you properly, girl. I do." "But must it be, uh, b-b-bare?" "Definitely! Now get across my lap this instant, or I will double your punishment." "But Uncle, can't you do something else? Forbid me from watching TV or something?" I gave her a disgusted look that made her fall silent. But she still did not come to me. "I'm counting to three: one, two--" "I'm too old for this!" "Three!" Before the girl could move, I was up from the couch and had her by the arm. I pulled her across my lap and immediately took the paddle and smacked her bottom hard. She was wearing a pair of white jeans that were very tight and showed off her swelling hips and round ass. I spanked her hard again and again, ignoring her cries of "Ouch!" and "Oohh--that really hurts, Uncle!" After a solid dozen, I stopped and lifted her slightly. She was crying. "Are you ready to cooperate or do you need more?" She shook her head frantically. "Please, no more, Uncle Charlie!" "All right. Stand up and drop your pants. If your bottom is not naked and bent over my lap in five seconds, I will give you two dozen really hard spanks!" I didn't even have a chance to begin my count. The girl frantically stood and pulled down her jeans and panties, sobbing all the while. She laid herself across my lap, and I saw her bottom was slightly pink. I took up the paddle and spanked her hard for a long time. I kept count until around fifty and then just paddled her harder and harder, keeping an eye on the color of her skin to judge the severity of the spanking. She screamed and hollered, but I ignored her and concentrated on making her bottom an even shade of raspberry red. When she was almost blistered, I stopped and made her go stand facing the wall, her punished bottom bared. I let her stand there for a half-hour, fidgeting and crying, her bottom throbbing. "Listen to me, Shauna," I finally said. "You have been thoroughly punished for your disobedience. Now I want you to think carefully about what I am going to ask you. Is there anything else you think I need to punish you for? If there is, tell me now, and I will get it over with. If you do not tell me and I later find out about some other misbehavior, you will receive a double-dose of what you just got every night for a week! Do you understand me?" The girl nodded, silently. "Good. Now I'm going to give you five minutes to think about this. When I come back, tell me if there is anything else you need to be spanked for." I went into the kitchen and fixed myself a drink. When I finished, I returned. "Well?" The blond teenager looked up at me, tears streaming down her pretty face. "Oh, Uncle Charlie, please be good to me! I have been very naughty! I'm so sorry. I lied to you yesterday when I told you I was at Martha's. I really went to the mall with Josh!" "Oh?" I said calmly, pretending this was news. "Yes, it's true," she wept. "I'm sorry, I really am. I realize you will spank me more now, and I know I deserve it, but please, Uncle, please be gentle. You don't know how it hurts!" I knew all too well how it hurt, but it didn't stop me from taking Shauna back across my lap and really tanning her bottom good. I spanked her for another ten minutes or so until she couldn't even cry anymore, having run out of tears. Then I sent her back to the wall to think of anything else she needed punishment for. I could see her begin to sob when I said this, and I knew she was mine--an honest girl to a fault, she'd probably be coming up with imagined sins for the next week. She'd be spending a great deal of quality time across my lap!
**, M/f, n/c, paddling
Stacy & Steve
"He's here!" my mom called from the porch. Dad and I raced down the stairs to see my brother, Steve, who was coming home from college for Christmas break. He stepped out of the cab, and I could not believe my eyes. He had changed so much in the past year! He left a scrawny high school senior and was now back a college man. And I do mean man. He grew at least 4 inches and now stood at 6'2". Like all of us, he had dark hair and eyes, and I'm sure that my handsome brother broke many hearts on that college campus. I had changed a lot too in the year. When Steve left, I was 16 and still the most underdeveloped girl in school. I was skinny, had no form, and braces. But a few months ago, my braces came off, and I have developed into the most popular girl in school. As we all went into the house, I pulled Steve to the side to give him a hug. I felt my body press against his, and I felt a little stirring in my stomach, but I brushed it aside. This was my brother, I told myself, not my lover. He held me out at arm's length and slowly looked me up and down...and back up again, taking in my long legs, slim waist, and ample chest. "Wow, Stace, you've really changed!" As he said that, I noticed that his eyes lingered on my breasts. "You too, Steve. So how's college?" "It's cool. No big thing." "I'm glad you're home," I said shyly. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss, which I expected to be on the cheek, but it lightly brushed my lips. He gave me a sly smile. "Yeah, me too." The next day, our parents were out visiting friends. Steve had a project to finish, and he begged me to leave him alone. I couldn't. I was bored. My friends were all in Vermont, on a trip on which I was not allowed to go. So I had to bother Steve. I sat in the chair near the desk in the den, watching him work. Whenever he was concentrating, he chewed the side of his lip and pinched his chin. It was so cute! He was getting annoyed with me and I knew it. "Do you have to stare at me? Go play!" he yelled. "Sorry! I'm bored, what else do you expect me to do? Come on, Stevie, play with me!" I snatched up one of his papers and ran. He chased after me, and when he caught me, he grabbed me by the waist and fell on top of me. I was on the couch, smushed underneath his huge body, with his arms wrapped around me. And he didn't get up either. We laid there for a while, catching our breath. Steve tried to free his hand so he could get up, and he accidentally grazed my breast, flicking my nipple. I got a weird sensation from this, and I felt something growing up against my rear. But that sensation went away when Steve cleared his throat and got up, leaving me there pondering my feelings for my brother. A few days later, I was just getting up, and I always take a shower before I go downstairs. I don't know if I was groggy, deaf, or wanted it in my subconscious, but I entered the bathroom while Steve was in the shower. This would have been no big deal, but I came in while he was getting out, and I got a full view of Steve's assets, and boy were there assets! His chest was covered with black hair, but the ripples in his stomach were still visible. My brother didn't even work out! But below the belt was the most amazing thing. His cock was semi-hard (who knows what he was thinking about in the shower) and had to be at least seven inches at that state. What a sight! I had to hide my embarrassment (and amazement) by blushing, muttering a quick "I'm sorry" and exiting stage left--fast. I ran to my room, closed the door, and thought about what I saw, and what I felt. When I saw Steve step out of that shower, I felt a feeling that I have never felt. My pulse quickened, and I really didn't want to leave. I was extremely aroused. Steve didn't say anything to me about it. I thought that he would come into my room and yell for barging in, but he did nothing. I guess he was a little embarrassed too. Steve was still working on that damn project, and I was determined to draw him away from it. My first tactic (aka snatching the paper) was useless, so it was on to plan B. Get Steve's attention sexually. I was NOT trying to commit incest with my brother. An attractive woman in sexy clothes can get any man's attention, and that's all I wanted. ATTENTION. I was bored. I dressed in a bra and panties set that I was keeping for my friend. Her parents would kill her if they found it. It had a garter and hose and the whole nine yards. I was going to put on heels also, but that was a bit much. The set was a deep blue (Steve's favorite color) and it complimented my teenage body very well. I was not going to walk around the house stark naked, so I put on a silky kimono that my mother brought back from Japan. I sat on the couch and watched Steve from afar. He really was a sexy specimen. His dark hair was flopped over as he buried his head in his hand, frustrated. Now was my chance. I slipped up from behind, placing my small, delicate fingers on his shoulders. I could feel how tight they were. His head popped up, startled. He didn't turn around. "You need to relax." I started massaging his shoulders. I traced from his neck to his arm and back. He didn't say a word but I could tell he was enjoying it. This continued for five minutes, when he swiveled his chair around. "What the hell do you have on, Stace? Why the kimono?" I smiled seductively and tilted my head. "I'm trying to get you to pay attention to me. Maybe this will help." I slowly untied the kimono and it opened slightly to give him a hint of what was under there. "Are you paying attention?" His eyes lingered on the robe. I knew he was. I slipped the robe off of my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He could now see my entire body. His eyes traced it too. He started at my face, avoiding my eyes, to my neck. He seemed to zoom in on my breasts. The lace delicately complemented them, and I was so hot that my nipples were fully erect, so I'm sure he could see them too. He then studied my flat stomach and the panties I was wearing. The push of my pubic hair against the fabric was visible. Some was actually curling around the edges of the panties, and was very sexy. He finally took in my legs, tinted blue by the stockings, but still long and slender and sensuous. I stared at Steve while he stared at me. His sweat was becoming more and more tented as his eyes got lower and lower. By the time he reached my ankles, he was really hard. At this point, I did not care that Steve was my brother. He was so damn sexy, and I was so aroused that it didn't matter. I moved closer to him and pulled him up out of his chair. He was much taller, so I had to look up. I pulled up his sweatshirt, and ran my fingers over his stomach. His skin was warm, but it burned at my touch because of what we were doing. He slid one of the bra straps off of my shoulder, revealing a bit more of my breasts. I tilted my head back and he leaned over to kiss my neck. I was in..... "Beep!" The computer broke the spell. Steve pulled his shirt down and walked over to the computer. "What the hell are you doing Stace? Put some damn clothes on. I'm your brother!" He sat down and began typing again. I was pissed. How dare he? He was into it just like I was. I ran up to my room, flopped on my bed, and sulked for the rest of the day. Somehow I had to have Steve. I knew this, and I was determined to do it. I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, but he just couldn't face it. If it wasn't for that damn computer..... I decided to write him a note. I left it on his night table where he was sure to see it. It said: Dear Steve, I'm sorry for being so forward today, but I had to bring to your attention what you and I both want. Each other. If it wasn't for the computer, we both would be happy and satisfied. I love you so much, and what better way to show love? Please, I'm begging you. I want you so bad. Please. I'll be awake tonight, all night, thinking of you, so if you change your mind, drop by. I'll still be wearing the lingerie. I know you liked it. Love, Stacy Just like I thought, Steve came by. It was about 2:30 A.M. when I heard the knock at my door. He was wearing boxers and a white T-shirt, and in the dark, he still looked absolutely gorgeous. He closed the door quietly (our parents' room is right next door) and stood there. "Look, Stacy, what has gotten into you? What's that note all about?" "You know what it's about, or you wouldn't be here." I walked over to him in the bra and panties and trapped him against the door. "Yeah, you want me....or you wouldn't be here." "Stace,'re very beautiful." He looked me up and down quickly. "VERY beautiful......but, uh, I'm your brother, and......He stopped because he felt a hand against his crotch. I began slowly stroking him through the fabric, and I could feel him rising. "You may not want me, but something does." "Oh, Stace..." I slipped my arms around his neck and hugged him close, and he returned it. I whispered in his ear, "I knew you wanted me." I took his hand and led him to the bed. He turned me so that I was facing the bed, my back toward him, and stood there. Then I felt a hand at my back as he unhooked my bra. My firm, young breasts sprang free, and my nipples were erect. He reached around from behind and gave them a little pinch. I shivered. I turned back around and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his oh-so-muscular chest. I pulled down his silk boxers, and his cock bounced out. It had to be nine inches at the least. The head was glistening with pre-cum. I realized that I hadn't kissed Steve, so I looked up and searched for his mouth in the dark. I found it. He slipped his tongue through my lips, probing my mouth with it. I returned the favor, twirling my tongue around his and sucking on it. Steve pulled away after a while and laid me back on my bed. He slowly unfastened the garters and removed my panties. He moved up and kissed me for a moment, then kissed my neck, my shoulders, and my breasts, where he stayed for a while. He gently bit one nipple as he played with the other, and sucked both of them like he did our mother's 18 years ago. He was definitely a breast man. He moved down to my stomach, tracing my middle with his tongue. When he reached my pussy, he lightly blew on my mound so that it tickled. I giggled. He spread my lips, and I helped by spreading my legs wider. He lightly brushed my clitoris with his thumb, sending sensations up and down my spine. His index finger found its way to my hole and slowly moved in and out. I moaned with delight. Steve decided to replace his hand with his mouth. His hot breath against my cunt was a sign of things to come. He flicked my clitoris with his tongue, and then led a trail to my hole, soaking up my juices. I was enjoying every minute of it. His tongue darted in and out of my vagina, licking my insides clean. I grabbed his head and pushed him in deeper, and as my passions grew, I began bucking my hips off the bed, grinding my pussy into his face. "Oh, Steve!" I yelled as quietly as I could, if that's possible. "Oh, God, I'm cumming! Oh!" My orgasm swept over me like a wildfire. It started in the depths of me and slowly spread to the point of ecstasy. Every touch after that moment sent me deeper, and Steve knew it, because he kept busy, slurping up all of the effects of my climax. When he was done, he climbed in the bed and laid next to me. I turned him on his back and mounted him, my cunt pushing against his hard cock. He leaned up and kissed me, and I could taste all of my juices that he just lapped up from my pussy. I pulled away and worked my way down to that huge cock of his. It was so hard that it pointed straight up, and it was still getting harder by the minute, jerking as soon as I got near. A droplet of pre-cum escaped from Steve's urethra, and I quickly snapped it up with my tongue. I then moved to his thighs, kissing and nibbling at them, not at all neglecting his balls. I juggled one in my mouth as I played with the other, urged on by Steve's groans. I finally went back to his manhood. I gripped his cock at the base, my small fist not even fitting around it. My mouth watered for the taste of his rod. I slowly devoured it, taking it in inch by inch until about half of it was in, the head pushing at the back of my throat. His thick cock, stretching my lips to the limits, throbbed and pulsated in my hot mouth. I let it out, releasing it just as slowly, until just the head remained between my lips. I then took his cock in and out very fast, my hand jerking him off in the process. He grabbed my head exactly as I had done, and forced my mouth down on his cock harder. More and more cum was running out, and finally Steve came, sending a stream of his sweet, salty cum down my throat. I laid down next to Steve again, resting my head on his chest. "Do you think what we just did was really that bad, Steve?" He shook his head. "Who cares, anyway? It was good!" He rolled on top of me, pinning my arms above my head, and planted a sloppy wet kiss on my lips. I could feel his organ growing again against my thigh. My pussy was twitching, and I knew that I wanted him in me. "Alright, Steve," I said between kisses, "fuck me!" He obliged. I spread my legs and raised my knees to my chest so he would have easy access to my pussy. He draped my legs over his shoulders so he could have it even easier. I felt the head of his cock at the entrance to my velvety soft vagina, stretching my hole around his thickness. He pushed on and on until I felt his balls against my ass. Then I said, "Come on, big brother, fuck my brains out." Again, he obliged. I felt him pull all the way out and then jam it in all the way to the hilt, and I cried out with joy. Steve thought I was hurt. "You okay?" I responded by bucking my hips off the bed and pushing his cock in further. He took this as a yes and began fucking me faster and harder. We developed a rhythm quickly, and Steve was ready to cum in minutes. I wouldn't let him, so we held still until the feeling passed. I turned him over so I could ride him. He laid back on the bed, smiling, and grabbed two handfuls of my ripe breasts. I placed my hand on his chest and began moving my hips up and down, lowering my wet pussy on his throbbing cock. He was ready to cum again, and again I wouldn't let him. I knew that when he finally came, it would be a great one. I continued to ride Steve until I was ready to cum. "Steve, I'm cumming! Ohhhhhhh!" He rubbed my clitoris, and my orgasm rippled around his cock. This was his signal, and like I said, his orgasm was huge. "Oh, God, Stace! Uhhhhhhhhhh!" His cum scalded my insides for a full minute! I laid there on his chest after we experienced our orgasms, his cock still buried in me. It was the greatest feeling in the world, having my dear brother's fresh cum lining the insides of my pussy. It doesn't get any better than this.
"...She was wearing something pink, or off-white. All that I remember was the jacket I was wearing was a tweed sport coat. We walked into the house and headed for the bedroom. It was at the top of a small staircase and overlooked the living room. The bed was to the right and must have been 20' x 20'. It was covered with loose white cotton sheets and almost a dozen overstuffed pillows..." "...I woke up in her arms. We were intertwined like pasta. I kissed her, and she murmured. I slipped out of bed, put on my coat, and walked down the stairs and out the door." "...Upon my return, I headed directly for the elevated bedroom. For some reason, I was looking straight down on the bed, from the ceiling. She was completely nude and lying in the middle of the bed. The bed was white, her hair was blonde, and her skin was slightly tan. There are no pillows or blankets around her. She is a monolith of beauty amidst a sea of pale. The next thing I know, I have lost my vantage point of the ceiling, and I am next to her, unclothed. My lips upon hers awaken her. I passionately kiss her and move from her mouth to her ears and throat. My lips trail down her chest, and I caress each breast and nipple with my tongue. Slowly, I tire of this and gently start snaking further south. My hands are on her thighs. My mouth feels the slight peach fuzz below her navel, and I follow it. Down."
J. Boswell
Sharing A Bed For The Night
"Are you sure you can't go, Honey?" "I'd love to, Rocky, but I have two clients scheduled for today. I should have left the day open." "No, it's not your fault, Ron. Denny's birthday isn't until Thursday. I didn't know until last night that he has something planned for next weekend. He was so cute on the phone. He was acting like a pouting child about getting his birthday presents early, and when he asked us to come up today, I didn't have the heart to say no." "Well, I'm going to miss you. Give Denny my love and tell him not to drink all that beer at one sitting!" "I'll miss you, too. Have a fire going when I get home tonight. I'll need it after six hours on the road today." "And a glass of wine or two?" Ron smiled and raised an eyebrow with the question. "At least two glasses!" I finished pulling on my gloves and circled around the kitchen table to whisper in Ron's ear, "and you know how I get after two glasses of wine!" His hand crept up my leg and under my skirt as we kissed. His fingers pressed against my warm mons -- they felt strong and exciting through my panties and pantyhose. I pulled myself away with great reluctance, "Oh, my! What you do to me! You better not be too tired tonight! I've been super-horny for over a week and you haven't been able to stay awake! It's been a long time!" Ron affectionately smacked my buns, "Tax season, Rocky. You know what that's like! Don't worry, Baby, I'll be plenty awake tonight -- even if it *IS* tax season." With a final wave, I made my way outside into the crisp, cold air. I got into the "Z," all gassed up and loaded down with goodies for Denny, and headed down the road. The car warmed up quickly so I stopped before I entered the Interstate and removed my jacket and gloves, making for an even more comfortable drive. There's something so relaxing about speeding along an Interstate. I was in our new 300ZX, the road was dry, traffic light. It was the perfect drive to just let the mind wander."With one last glance at my legs, then my breasts, and a smile right at me, Officer Boyd moved away from my window. "Sure. Just drive careful, now." Back on the road with just a warning. YES! I didn't hit any snow until I was only about a half hour outside of Philly; but, when I did hit it, it was one hell of a storm. I was too close to Denny's and too far from home to turn back, but it took me well over an hour to get to the campus. The "Z" was slipping and sliding, and I did two thrilling "one-eighties" on the very slick streets. I exhaled with relief as I crept onto a campus parking lot near Denny's apartment and turned the ignition off. Here at last, and safe. The last hour had been a real bitch! I stepped out of the car and into at least four inches of icy, wet, cold snow. Counting my shoes as ruined, I grabbed my purse, gloves, and jacket and ran, sliding and slipping my way to the front entrance of Denny's high-rise dormitory. I grabbed the house phone on the wall and dialed Denny's number. "Yeah?" "Is Denny there?" "Yeah, hold on." Whoever answered, dropped the phone on something hard, and it clattered in my ear. Then I heard in the background, "Hey, butt-face, there's a cunt on the phone for you." "Who is it, asshole?" It was Denny's voice. "How the fuck should I know? You're the big pussy-hound." "Fuck off!" Then into the phone, "Hello?" "Denny!" "Mom!? Uh... Where are you?" "I'm downstairs. I need you to get me past the security desk." "Oh, sure. I called Ron to tell him about the weather and to tell you guys to stay home." "Denny, can we talk about this up in your apartment? I'm wet and freezing my buns off out here." "Oh! Sure, mom. Sorry. I'll be right down." "Bring some strong backs, Dear, the car's loaded with stuff." I stepped inside the double doors and waited for Denny to come down on the elevator and sign me in. The college made sure their residences were secure, and since the campus wasn't in the best neighborhood, I didn't mind the inconvenience if it helped keep the students (including my baby) safer. The dorm I was standing in was one of four high-rise apartment buildings. Denny had lived on campus all four years; but, this year, his accommodations were in the most coveted dorms, reserved for jocks and lucky upperclassmen. Denny's apartment had a large living room-dining room combination, a kitchen, three bedrooms, and two baths. He had three roommates -- Brian was another senior, and Steve and Tom bunked together and were juniors. They were all in the same fraternity together and seemed to get along well. The elevator opened, and Denny and two boys I didn't recognize got off. He signed me in at the desk, and when I passed through the gate, I was finally able to hug my little boy. "Hi, Baby. How are you?" "Great, Mom. I can't believe you got here through this stuff -- especially in the `Z.'" "Well, it wasn't easy. Honey, can I go up to your apartment and get a pair of dry socks on? My feet are freezing! Here are the keys. The car is about 20 spaces over to the left and 2 or 3 rows back. Make sure it's locked." "No problem, Mom. We're right behind you." And they were. By the time I caught the next elevator and got my bearings, I had just knocked and was getting the apartment door opened when the three of them came banging and thudding off the elevator and down the hall. It was just after noon on a Saturday, but it looked like Denny and his roommates had a small party going, already. There was a basketball game on the TV, but the volume was turned down so as not to interfere with the stereo, blasting music I didn't recognize. But the real entertainment was the snow. With the curtains drawn back, the view from the fifteenth floor was spectacular -- it was snowing and blowing, and you could barely see the ground. I followed Denny into his bedroom, and he handed me two mismatched white socks -- after smelling them! As we talked, I reached up under my skirt and wiggled my wet pantyhose off my hips and peeled them down my legs. The dry socks felt warm and wonderful. Denny and his friends were happy to see two cases of Sam Adams beer and a couple bottles of wine disappear into the refrigerator. From the kitchen, I called Ron to tell him I was safe, then I asked if anyone was hungry. When I got all affirmative responses, I opened the contents of a Tupperware container I'd brought into a pot and turned on the oven. "I brought it all, guys -- spaghetti, meatballs, and homemade bread. Ready in about a half-hour," I announced. The smells of home cooking must have permeated the halls, because kids kept arriving, and soon I figured I better put on a second pot of sauce and more pasta. As the crowd got bigger and bigger, I was trapped in the kitchen, serving plates of food and slicing the bread. Denny's friend, Brian, fought his way through the crowd, handed me my second glass of wine, and began to help me with the starving herd. The stereo was blasting, and people were talking, and it was fun to be a part of it. Brian stayed to help me with the dishes, and we talked about music and school, and the snow. My third glass of wine was history, and I knew I was buzzed as I accepted my fourth. I was giddy, and my skin felt super-sensitive as Brian inadvertently brushed against my hip or breast as we worked together. I pushed my way through the crowd, holding Denny's birthday cake with the lit candles on it. I could feel Brian's hands holding my hips as I bent over to place the cake on a low coffee table in front of the birthday-boy. Brian and I made our way back into the kitchen and opened another bottle of wine as the cake disappeared in the living room. The afternoon passed into evening, and we sat and talked and played drinking games and looked out the window at the snowstorm. Occasionally, Brian would ask me to dance, and as he pressed me close, I could feel his hardness between us. We ran out of wine, but, by then, I was too drunk to care, and switched to beer. When I finally noticed how tired and blitzed I was, almost everyone had moved on to another party somewhere, and the apartment was empty and looked like what Times Square on New Year's morning must look like. Still sober enough to realize that I hadn't expected to spend the night and had no other clothes, I asked Denny if I could borrow a large t-shirt or sweatshirt. "Sure, Mom. Second drawer down. Take your pick." I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with my finger, then went into Denny's room. I carefully took off my skirt and blouse and hung them on hangers. I debated leaving my bra on, but decided on comfort over modesty -- it always feels so damn good to take it off. I picked out what looked like Denny's cleanest sweatshirt, and dropped it over my hands and head. I stood there in Denny's old sweatshirt, tugging it down over my hips and checking how short it was on me -- it barely came down to my crotch, and I could see a tiny sliver of my white panties between my thighs in his mirror. I was just shrugging and figuring I was only going to sleep in it anyway, when there was a light knock, and the door opened. It was Brian. "Hi, Rocky. I was just wondering if there was anything you needed that I could provide for you." I couldn't remember exactly when we had moved from "Mrs. Chase" to "Rocky," but I let it slide. I stood very still. I figured with that short sweatshirt on, if I moved at all, he'd see even more of me exposed. He was leaning against the door jamb, smiling. He was bare-chested and was wearing only blue, silky-looking pajama bottoms. His shoulders were broad, his chest was smooth and hairless, and his stomach was rippled and hard-looking. Quite a package. "Where's Denny?" "He passed out on the sofa. Dead to the world. It's just the two of us left. Well?" "`Well' what, Brian?" "Is there something you need?" There was no doubt in my mind that he was hitting on me. I guess all those brushes against my buns and breasts and the slow dancing weren't inadvertent, after all. I was old enough to be his mother and I was his best friend's mom! He was supremely confident in his masculinity and appeal, but I didn't know how I would ever be able to look him or Denny in the eyes the next morning if I accepted his blatant offer. "No, thanks, Brian, there's nothing I need." "How about want? Is there anything you want, Rocky?" "No, Brian. There's nothing I want. Now, goodnight, Dear, and thanks for the offer." He smiled and shrugged, "Okay. Goodnight, Rocky. See you in the morning." Don't ask me why, but as I laid in bed, I couldn't sleep. The long drive, the snow, the pasta, all the booze -- instead of knocking me out as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was antsy and restless and wide awake. Maybe trying to sleep in Denny's lumpy mattress on the floor had something to do with it. Maybe being horny and feeling more than a little tingly had something to do with it, too. A little while later, as I laid there, I heard the apartment door open and close, and then noise in the next bedroom. It was just what I needed in my already-aroused state! Through the thin wall, next to my bed, I heard a couple getting it on, loudly. They were humping away, and she was a real moaner. It seemed to go on and on, and I felt myself sweating as I listened. My panties grew warm and wet as I placed my ear against the wall, secretly listening to their climax. Then they were through, and I was left alone and hanging! I must have drifted off into a light sleep after that, because I awoke to the sound of the toilet flushing and, next, the bedroom door opening."Assuming it was Brian making another attack on my virtue, I feigned sleep, staying still and quiet, facing the wall away from the door. The door closed, and I listened to someone undress and then collapse onto the mattress. It was Denny, and he was immediately asleep. In his drunken state, he must have forgotten about me and reflexively returned to his bed after going to the bathroom. I rearranged the covers over the both of us. There was nowhere else in the apartment for me to sleep (except maybe Brian's bed!), and there was no way I was going to wake Denny to get him to move, so I told myself I would be out of bed long before he woke up, rolled over, and tried to get back to sleep. Before I could drift off, Denny moved closer to me in the narrow bed, and I felt the lump of an erection pressed against my back. Then he rolled over onto his back. There was enough light in the room from the small reading light on Denny's desk. Tempted beyond behaving, I rolled over and, giggling to myself, lifted the covers. My God! Denny's boxers were tented up and straining against what had to be the largest penis I had ever seen. My son! Feeling like a naughty girl, I folded back the covers. His erection was standing straight up, and the material in his shorts had to be near its tolerance for ripping. At first hesitating, and then giving in totally to the urge, I reached to the slit opening in his shorts. I just had to see! Denny's penis exploded through the opening, standing even taller. Not only was his penis long, it was almost as thick as my wrist. The head was deep pink, shiny, and huge. I had never seen another cock like that in my life. I snickered, thinking back to all the times I had given my little baby a bath, never dreaming he would grow something like this. The cooler air must have gotten to Denny, because he pulled on the covers and began to roll over. I scrambled back into the blankets, still thinking in wonder about the prodigious penis on my son. Denny moved again, and we were arranged like two spoons -- his front to my back. His erection was still there, and no longer hidden in his shorts, I could feel its warmth pressed against me. Telling myself I was readjusting my position to get more comfortable, I squirmed and wiggled, and when I stopped, my son's huge, hard penis was pressed between my thighs. I was getting very wet. I'd had a sex-buzz all day, from the state trooper fantasy to Brian's not-so-subtle feels, his blatant offer, the wine, and the couple in the next bedroom -- Goddammit! I was horny! I was playing a game with myself. I was as curious as I was horny. As I moved away from Denny to slide my panties down my legs, I knew I was going to blame whatever happened on the wine. When I moved back into position, I let the cock press between my thighs, again. Another slight movement and it was at my wet slit! I could feel its heat and hardness in my wetness, touching, but not yet penetrating me. I was gasping for breath with excitement. I lifted my right leg, opening myself. I pressed my hips back, and the cockhead began to enter me. I was so near cumming! A little more and I can feel the huge knob slip all the way into me. Denny was still asleep, but his reflexes took over for him. His arm fell across my shoulder and breasts. His hips thrust at me forcefully, ramming more of that superprick deeper into my pussy. He began to hump me. My son was fucking me in his sleep, and I was loving it! My climax began with an explosion and took off from there. Denny humped me a few more times, and then he came inside me with a grunt. After just a few more soft thrusts, he rolled over and began to snore, again. Finally, I fell asleep. I was far away. I wasn't sure where I was, and the weather was confusing. It was snowing, but the sky was a bright blue, and I wasn't cold. I was laying on my back, on the trunk of a Pennsylvania State Police car. I couldn't see the markings, but I knew it was a State Police car. The lights were flashing. I was naked and spread open. There was something or someone between my spread legs, and I was aroused. I looked down my body and saw the brown "Smokey" police hat jerking at my crotch, and I knew it was Officer Boyd wearing his hat as he ate my pussy! I wasn't going to get a ticket! I put my head back on the trunk and watched the snow fall from the blue sky as I concentrate on what he's doing to me. His strong tongue penetrates me, and then his mouth moves to my clit and gently sucks it between his lips and teeth. I was quickly nearing an orgasm and was anxious to surrender to it. Officer Boyd stopped eating me and moved up my body. I whimpered when his mouth left my pussy. The hat still hid his face as he lowered his mouth to my nipple. I missed his mouth on my pussy. His hips pushed forward, and I felt his penis seeking my cunt. I moved to help it, and I gasped as its head found my wet slit. Officer Boyd grunted. Then he grunted again as he thrust his cock between my labia and deep into my pussy. It was good. It was very, very good. Officer Boyd felt so big, so filling. In and out, his cock pounded into my greedy pussy. Each plunge crashed my ass cheeks into the trunk of the car, but the trunk was soft and comfortable. "Make me come, Officer Boyd! Make me come!" I begged. "Who's 'Officer Boyd?'" My eyes popped open. It was Denny! His face looked up at me from under the covers. I must have been dreaming the setting, but the sex was real! My son was fucking me! "Denny! Stop! Get off me!" "Come on, mom. You didn't want me to stop last night." "Ohhh..." His cock was still pistoning in and out of me, and like last night, I knew I had never felt a monster-cock like his before! "Please, stop, Dear. It's not right. We can't do this." "Mom, please don't make me stop, now. Please." Denny was pumping faster and faster. He was going to cum inside me. I reached to his face and held it between my hands. "Alright, Dear. You can finish." But he wasn't the only one nearing a finish. Involuntarily, I felt my hips rising to meet his thrusts, my arms moved around his neck, my legs wrapped around his waist, and I felt him slip even deeper inside me, if that was possible. I was cumming! I was cumming, and I didn't know if I would live through it! The pleasure was going to kill me! I had never, never felt an orgasm like that! I bit into my son's tender shoulder to keep from screaming, and as I did, I tasted his blood in my mouth and his semen in my cunt. I passed out. I opened my eyes. The dark room was spinning, and I was having trouble taking deep breaths. Denny was sitting on the mattress, smiling down at me, pressing one warm washcloth to my forehead and another to his shoulder. "Wow!" he said. I reached to touch his hand, "Yeah, wow. This was never supposed to happen, you know." He nodded. "I'm sorry I let it happen, Dear. It was wrong, and I shouldn't have done this to you." "Are you kidding? I wanted it to happen, mom. I've *ALWAYS* wanted to do what we've just done -- for as long as I can remember." I was touched and felt a tear form in each eye. "But a boy's teenage fantasy is just a fantasy, Denny. Normal mothers and sons don't do this. I'm scared I've harmed you." "I'm not harmed. I've never felt happier in my life. Is that a harm? Will you get pregnant?" <I shook my head no.> "Well there's no harm there, either. Mom, I love you, and I want to do what we've done over and over and over again." "No, Denny, we can never let this happen again. Never." "But, mom-" I placed my finger to his lips and shook my head. It must never happen again. Who did I think I was I kidding? I called Ron and told him the roads wouldn't be clear of the snow for another day. That day and the next, Denny and I rutted together like two dogs in heat. Denny told his roommates that I had caught a cold and was staying in bed. I was staying in bed, alright -- wrapped around my son's hard body with his even-harder prick shoved up my cunt to the hilt. I'm sure his roommates were curious (and maybe Brian even had an idea what was going on), but neither of us cared. We fucked on that mattress until neither of us could fuck anymore, then we would nap and start all over again. I sucked his big, beautiful cock until my jaw was sore. He sucked my tits and licked my cunt until his mouth was tired. And, always, that monster cock was there -- ready, again and again. This old lady wasn't used to fucking a young stud, but I was more than willing to adjust. When I finally dressed to leave, I couldn't go without one more mouthful of Denny's cum. I dropped to the floor, took his dick out of his pants, and blew him until he came yet again. On the long drive home, I thought about what had happened. I didn't know *WHY* it had happened, it just did. I thought I'd be all twisted up with guilt, but I wasn't. I felt such a deep and intense passion for Denny, I couldn't believe it. My only twinge of guilt was for Ron. That twinge didn't slow me down. Instead of going to the islands with his Frat brothers over Spring Break, Denny came home, and the two of us spent every second that Ron was out of the house fucking and sucking each other into exhaustion. Denny graduated in May and wasn't leaving for Grad school until September.All summer, I urged him to go out with his friends and to date girls his own age. Of course, when he did date, I was terribly jealous -- until the next morning, after Ron left for the office, Denny would crawl into bed with me, and we would go off to our own little world of sex. Denny left Labor Day weekend, and I missed him terribly. Now, the Monday after Thanksgiving, after seeing Denny off at the airport, I'm thrilled that the turkey wasn't the only thing that got stuffed this weekend!
Wheelchair Sex
"Don't bother!" Melanie snapped when I offered to help her inside her apartment. "You've done your charity work for this evening!" It had been that way ever since I had made that remark at eight, right after dinner. By nine o'clock, I was more than ready to take her home. She hadn't exactly been a ray of sunshine, but I could understand that it was a rough thing for a twenty-year-old girl to be confined to a wheelchair. But even cutting her some slack, I'd had enough of her bitching and acid remarks to last a lifetime. "Just what the hell is your problem?" I glared at her, and wheelchair or no wheelchair, I was ready to smack her a good one. "Problem?" she sneered. "Oh, it's no problem. I don't mind that my sister paid you to take poor, old, crippled me to dinner." "Damnit," I bit, "I didn't say she paid me. I just said that I had to borrow some money. But it wasn't from your sister." What I had tried to tell her over after-dinner coffee was that the whole date was turning out to be a lot of fun - for me anyway. "Meaning just what?" she asked, her attitude softening slightly. "Meaning I thought the date was worth having to borrow some money. I don't get my unemployment check 'til next Friday and I didn't want to postpone our date. Does that come clear to you now?" "I suppose," she allowed, "but I know you wanted to dance and of course I can't." "Naw," I shrugged, "I'm not that good of a dancer, really." "And my sister didn't use any pressure on you to take me out?" I had to draw a fine line at that point. Her sister, Jamie, had suggested that I take Melanie out, but the only persuasion she had used was to tell me that Melanie had a terrible crush on me. When Jamie suggested I date her sister, I might not have gone for it, but at that time I really needed the ego shot of having a pretty girl - even one in a wheelchair - with a crush on me. My fiancee of two years had just up and bolted on me, making me look like a jerk by running off to Las Vegas with my boss and so I basically lost both job and girl. Besides, I thought that Melanie looked a lot like that old movie actress, Dorris Day, and that wasn't half bad in the looks department. "She mentioned that you liked to date," I said cautiously. "I just broke up with my girl and I'm not attached or anything, so I was interested." "Really interested?" she asked, looking at me with a skeptical expression. "Not many guys rush to date a girl in a wheelchair. So you're just killing time until you find a new girl?" "Maybe not," I said firmly. "Did it ever cross your mind that you're a very pretty girl?" She looked at me for a moment, then said, "I used to be, before the accident. But don't bullshit me about how you don't mind me being crippled and everything." Whew, what an attitude. It wasn't my job description to repair her damaged ego, but I felt I had to try. Besides, I was fed up enough to give it to her straight about her crappy, self-pitying attitude. "Oh, yeah? Crippled? Sure, I guess you are, but just how handicapped are you, huh? I mean, you look pretty good to me, and all the right parts seem to be there, so except for the fact you can't dance or maybe play a set of tennis, I'd guess you're a whole woman." "How would you know?" she snapped. "Maybe I can't feel a damn thing down below. Maybe it's no fun for a guy to . . . lie on top of a dead piece of flesh." So she had tried sex since the car wreck. I caught myself feeling sorry for her, but then I asked, "It that the only way, or the only time, you tried to have sex?" My blunt question stunned her into momentary silence. She stared at me with her mouth slightly open. "We do the best we can," I told her quickly, "and there is more than one way to skin a cat as they say." She got her voice back to say, "Oh, yeah? Just how long do you think some normal guy is gonna settle for . . . half sex from a girl in a wheel chair?" "What do you call 'half-sex'?" "This conversation is getting out of hand," she said tiredly, turning away. "Please help me inside and then you can go." I thought I saw a tear forming at the corner of her blue eye. I opened the door and pushed her inside, but once there, I didn't rush to get away. I had become darned curious as to just what a person in a wheelchair could actually do about sex. She wanted me to go, but I hung around for a while, just rapping with her, trying to get her to open up. Finally, she looked up at me with a defiant expression. "You want to find out, don't you?" "I'd be real curious," I said easily. "Hell, don't you think that I think you're darned cute. So if I can make out with you, I sure will." She stared at me for a long time, examining my face to see if I was putting her on or not. I guess some guys might get a kinky thrill out of screwing - or whatever - a women in wheelchair, but it was just that for me. I had really found her nice to be with before the bitterness had set in. Finally, Melanie nodded. "Okay, damnit, turn the lights down and make sure the door is locked." I did as she asked, and by the time I got back to her, she had removed her blouse and brassiere, and I saw that her belt was undone and the first couple of buttons of her jeans were unfastened. "We can't be all coy about it," she told me. "It takes some cooperation, so if you'll stop gaping at my boobs for a minute and take off your pants, we can get going here." She was too darned matter of fact about it, but even so the sight of her surprisingly full and well-shaped breasts with their wide areolae got a very positive response from me. Still, her cut-and-dried manner reminded me of a ten-dollar streetwalker and I didn't like it a lot. I knelt down next to her chair and, trying to ignore her bare upper body, kissed her. "I'm kinda shy," I grinned when we broke apart, "so you gotta go easy about getting me turned on. I have to be kissed and maybe fooled with a little before I go jumping into bed with a girl. Okay?" That got a laugh out of her and she eased up. We kissed a few more times - she kissed pretty good too - and after a bit I was exploring those nice boobs, kneading them, lightly pinching the large nipples and then kissing on them. Melanie's breathing told me she was beginning to warm some so I ran my hand down her chest to her belly, and then to the zipper of her jeans. She stopped me. "Wait," she whispered. "I'd like to do something before we get naked, okay." She repeated her request for me to take off my trousers and this time I did. I felt just a little awkward standing there in front of her chair, stripped from the waist, with my half-hard arching out, but she touched my leg, indicating that I should move closer, and following her lead, I ended up straddling the arms of her wheelchair with my pecker hanging just above the upper swell of her tits. She smiled up at me and as I tried to settle down on the arms of her chair, she began to stroke my cock. Her hand was warm and soft, and nimble and pretty soon I was swollen to full hardness. Melanie licked her palm and took a firmer grip on my turgid organ. One, two, three long, slow strokes and my gut began to warm and tighten, and then she leaned forward slightly to open her soft, wet mouth over the ridged crown of my aroused penis. God, her mouth was heavenly! I don't know how much experience she'd had before the accident, but she sure knew what she was doing right then. As my belly began to do a drumbeat, heralding my approaching orgasm, and I could feel her tongue raking and tickling the underside of my cock, just at the sensitive area below the head. "Ohh, Baby," I warned, "I'm getting pretty worked up." Melanie stopped sucking long enough to give a sexy, throaty laugh. "Oh? Well now, that's good. Do you think you might want to come or something?" She gave the shaft of my cock a squeeze. "Yeah, damnit! And unless you want a mouthful, you'd better watch out." "Hm. Well it might be kinda fun but it would be messy if I let it go all over my chest, so maybe I should just swallow it. Is that okay with you?" By way of an answer, I shoved my hips forward. She laughed again and pressed down on the tip of my cock, letting off and then watching it spring back up. "Hm, yes, he is just about ready," she chuckled. Then sucked me with a renewed gusto, using her hand as well and bringing me to a hard boil in seconds. I let go, gushing into her busy mouth in squirt after squirt, and as good as her promise, Melanie gulped it down, her throat working quickly as she accepted the pulses of white, sticky male essence, rolling down her throat.She kept on gently sucking and licking until I was quivering with sweet agony, and she had drawn every last drop of virile semen from me. My legs wouldn't hold me, so I sank to the carpet beside her chair, drawing hard for breath and trying to get my head back on straight. "Jesus Christ!" I gasped. "That was fantastic." "Now you know," Melanie said with only a trace of bitterness in her tone. "Yeah, I guess so," I responded. "But that was the 'half' part, right? So now, just what would you like from me?" She stared at me, surprised, then bemused. Finally, she said, "Can you get it hard again?" "After a bit, probably," I told her honestly. "In the meantime, why don't we find a bed and get more comfortable?" She seemed to consider for a moment, then nodded. As I pushed her toward the bedroom, she said, "I ought to warn you that I'm sort of, ah, limp from the waist down. You may have to do a lot for me until I'm actually in the bed." "No problem," I said with more confidence than I really was feeling. I had to be pretty cool about lifting her onto the bed, undressing her the rest of the way, and turning down the covers for her. Her lower body was limp and pale and soft, compared to her upper parts, but the important thing was to find out just how much she was able to feel down there. For starters, once we were cuddled up in her queen-sized bed, I ran my hands over her body, gradually moving downward to touch her upper legs and then her pubic curls. "Let me know what you feel," I asked. "I can feel that," she advised me, "but I don't think I can get awfully wet right away." "Uh, just where does the feeling end?" "I got hit just above my knees," she told me, "so my lower legs don't work worth a damn. There was some damage higher up as well, so I have trouble with my back sometimes." "Well, that's good," I said. "I mean that's good you could feel it if I were to go down there and kiss around." "You don't have to do that," she protested. "No, but I'd like to," I told her. She went stiff and her hands fluttered nervously around my head for a bit, and she tried to pull me up, but once I'd gotten into a good position, moved her thighs apart and spread her outer labia with my thumbs, she gave up and went along with it. The trouble wasn't so much her injury, it seemed, but her attitude about being a cripple. I suspected that she had given a blowjob to other guys, but I doubted that any had returned the favor, let alone stick a cock into her. I intended to do both before I was finished with her. She was a little musky, but not bad, and my first, tentative lick along her outer lips tasted strong. But I got used to it quickly, so by the time she got puffy down there and began to get a little wet, I didn't have a problem with her female essence. I used my tongue and lips on her, and after a while, I was rewarded with soft moans from above and a moist, flowery opening down below. "Can you feel that okay?" "Yes," she sighed. "A little bit anyway." When I hesitated, she said, "No, please don't quit. Even if I can't feel everything, it still feels kind of nice." I went back to her sopping crotch. Her upper body was lifting and her hips were stirring a little when I quit eating her out and slipped upward to lie close to her. "You about ready?" I asked, smiling at her. "I don't know how good it will be, but, please, let's try!" "I'm gonna go for it, but I need to know if you are using any birth control." "Oh, God," she whispered, "I'm not. I didn't even think about it." I leaned over and pulled a condom from my pocket, hoping she wouldn't resent the fact that I was so prepared. I always carried at least one, but girls seem to get upset when they discover I do. I knelt on the bed to roll the safety onto my blooming erection as Melanie watched me intently. "Want to help?" I grinned. She demurred, but at my urging, she finally did, giggling as she awkwardly rolled the latex down over my very ready organ. I began to wonder how much sexual experience she'd had prior to the accident. I moved over on top of her, and she helped by guiding my reborn erection to her darkly fringed crotch. I had to push her legs apart again, and then pull her knee up, but once I got down on her and pressed the head of my cock into her slightly dry vagina, things got easier. The lubrication on the condom helped. I took several slow and gentle strokes, testing the waters, so to say, feeling her become looser and a little wetter, and then bracing on my elbows as she held her arms around my neck, I began to ride on her with a gentle rhythm. The second fuck is always slower and less urgent, so it was no trouble to go easy on her. I stayed relaxed, taking the time to enjoy her growing response. She may have worried about it, but getting right down to it, she was every bit as good as many non-crippled girls. There's no such thing as a bad fuck, and some are even better. Her breath was beginning to whistle in my ear, and I could feel the sweat beginning to pop out on her chest and sides, so I asked her, "Mel, Honey, are you getting close?" "I don't know," she whimpered. "I'm not sure I can, so you just go ahead." "Just relax," I told her. "You just tell me when you want it." I took up a quicker pace, humping her with longer, faster strokes, and I was almost at the breaking point when she finally whispered for me to do it. I did, plunging into her without holding back, the bed bouncing and her legs flopping as I came, bursting into the condom to swell the tip with my eager sperm. The downside of using a latex safety is that once you've come, it gets risky to keep on pumping on a woman, and you have to call a halt. I was still about half hard then as I grasped the base of the rubber and eased out of her. I couldn't really tell if she had climaxed, but she certainly had seemed to enjoy it when I came. As I came up to my knees, looking for a good place to dispose of the used condom, Melanie surprised me by taking the soggy thing from my hand and gazing at the stuff sloshing around in the end of it. "Looks like a lot," she commented. "Thanks," I replied. "Did you ever get a girl pregnant?" "Not that I know of, thank heavens. I guess I'm pretty careful." "Hm. Have you ever tasted your own stuff?" It was a hell of a question, and of course I replied that I hadn't. Melanie did a strange thing then. She turned the condom upside down and let the semen dribble out all over her breasts and stomach. She smeared it around on her body and then looked up at me with a peculiar gleam in her wide eyes. "We can wipe it off, or you can lick it off, either way." She was handing me a very erotic challenge, and I accepted it. I began to lick up the semen from her boobs and then her belly, repressing my natural gag reflex and trying not to taste it, when I realized that Melanie was acting funny. She was breathing fast and groaning softly, her upper body arching into my moving tongue. She was orgasming, getting off from my licking my own virile slime from her body. She let out one long, low groan, went rigid, and then relaxed. I had to ask: "Holy cow, woman! Is that how you really get off?" Melanie shrugged, looking slightly embarrassed. "I don't know. I've never done anything like that before. It just seemed like, uh, something real sexy to do, so I asked you." The sexy little bitch! Up to that point, it had been fun, and maybe something I wouldn't mind doing again, but after that, I knew that I had to be with her again and again. "Do you think you could come any other way?" "I don't know," she replied. "I'd like to go on the Pill though because I'd like to have your gooey old stuff go right up in me, even if I can't feel it." So maybe the other guys wonder why I'm going steady with a girl who rides around in a wheelchair; but I don't give a damn, and they don't have to know why. Maybe Melanie can't dance, or can't move her bottom parts so well, or have a climax the usual way, but man, when we're in bed, that woman can suck the life out of me and beg for more. She loves my semen in her, on her, all over her, or anyway at all, and that brings her to a sizzling climax every time.
Dastardly Dave
Twin Trouble
"Johnny!" I heard Mom yell, "Get your butt out to the barn and do your chores. I'm going over to Mrs. Johnson's for a bit. I'll be back about four-thirty. Make sure Janie gathers the eggs and feeds the chickens, too." "Okay, Mom, where's Dad?" "He went to town after feed. He'll be back after dark. Why?" "He said we would go fishing in the morning, and I wanted to get my gear out of the truck to straighten it out," I answered. "Well, you can do that tonight before you go to bed. Now hop to it!" As Mom drove away in our old Ford, I went into the house. "Janie!" I yelled, "Janie, Mom said to get your chores done now." My twin sister and I share a room in the attic of our small farmhouse. Dad says he is going to add on sometime so we can each have our own room, but Janie and I don't mind sharing. We dress behind a curtain, so it's really okay with our parents. Being twins, Janie and I share everything, anyway. Janie wasn't upstairs. "Goofing off as usual," I muttered to myself as I walked to the barn to get my work done. By the way, I'm Johnny Watson. My sister and I are fourteen (just) and live in South Alabama. There aren't any kids our age living close to us, so we are best friends. Being twins, I guess that's natural anyway. We tell each other everything; well, almost everything. When we went to visit our Aunt Becky and Uncle Bob and our cousins Tommy and Tish last summer, Tommy had let me have some of his magazines that showed people fucking. I kept them hidden in the barn and didn't tell Janie about them. I was too embarrassed about what she would think. I had peeked around the curtain and watched her undress a few times and I had a feeling that she had peeked at me as well, but we never talked about it. I stopped in the door of the barn, enjoying the scent of the pine sawdust we had spread throughout. My footfalls were silent as I walked down the center toward the feed bin. I decided to look at my fuckbooks for a minute first and went over to the stall where I had hidden them. I stopped when I heard sounds from inside. I bent down and peeked through a crack in the boards. Boy was I surprised! My twin was inside, sitting on a bale of hay. She had found my magazines and was looking at one with her legs spread. Her eyes were wide as she looked on the sexy pictures, and as she turned the page, I saw that she had one hand down the front of her cutoff jeans, playing with her cunny. She pulled her hand out as I watched and unsnapped her shorts and pulled the zipper down, folding the flaps back. I could see her white, little-girl panties. She licked her middle finger and slid her hand back into her panties. I could tell she was rubbing her clit. She tilted her head back in pleasure and the magazine slid off her lap. When she stood to pick it up, her shorts dropped to her ankles. She looked thoughtful for a moment, then looked around. I could see that the crotch of her panties were wet. She stepped out of her shorts and turned her back to me. Her underwear was stretched across the soft globes of her ass. She picked up an old horseblanket and spread it on the bale of hay. My gorgeous sister turned back around and to my surprise, she put her fingers in the waistband of her panties and shoved them down to her ankles and stepped out of them, revealing her lovely cunt to my feasting eyes. I had not really seen her pussy since we stopped taking baths together when we were about seven. When I peeked at her it was usually dark, so I couldn't see much. She sat back down and put her feet up on the edge of the blanket-covered bale of hay, then spread her legs wide, giving me a perfect view of her virgin pussy. My twin licked her fingers again and returned them to her crotch, spreading the lips and showing me her clit and hole. I had recently noticed hair starting to grow around my dick and I saw that it was matched by soft, downy hair lining her little slit. Her eyes flew across the pages of pictures and her hand flew across her shiny clit and vulva. She grunted softly as she stimulated herself and I noticed moisture developing around her hole, soon bubbling with fluids that dribbled down the crack of her ass to collect on the blanket beneath her. Her fingers flew faster and faster across her center of pleasure until finally, the book slipped to the floor again. She closed her eyes, arched her back and started to cum. Juices poured from her tiny hole as her hand raked from her little brown wrinkled backdoor up to the top of her slit and back again. She was trying to be quiet, but a keening whine escaped her lips as she enjoyed her orgasm. She finally collapsed and I saw her cum still leaking from her and puddling on the blanket. She was breathing hard so I took the opportunity to slip quietly from the barn. I ran back up to the house and slammed the door. "JANIE," I yelled. "Where are you? We've got work to do!" I walked slowly back to the barn, giving her time to get dressed and cover her tracks. When I got to the barn, she was in the feed bin, filling the chickenfeed bucket. Her face was red and I could see that the flush extended down to cover her chest. "Oh, there you are. Mom went to Mrs. Johnson's and said for us to do our chores. What'cha been doing?" I asked. "Oh, nothing. Just getting the chickenfeed ready," she responded. "Well, scoot!" I told her and popped her on the butt as she passed. "Alright, you," she said with a grin. "What's the matter, you trying to get rid of me?" "Not really. What makes you ask that?" "Oh, nothing." She tossed her hair saucily and pranced out. I watched the sway of her developing hips as she walked out of the barn. I went over to the door of the stall where my books were hidden and waited till I saw her turn back to watch out of the corner of my eye before I went in. I quickly pulled out the horseblanket and unfolded it. The puddle of juice she had created was still evident. I put it to my nose and inhaled, smelling the sweet scent of her spend. I folded it back and returned it, then reached into my hiding place and pulled out the book she had been looking at. I sat on the same bale she had used and started looking at the book. I was listening intently and heard a soft shuffling from outside. I had figured that she would try to sneak a peek at me since she had seen me come into the stall where the books were. I copied her movements by putting my hand in my shorts as I looked at the pictures. I bent my head down and looked through my eyelashes to see my twin in the same position I had occupied, gazing through a crack in the boards. I unsnapped my shorts and unzipped them as she had hers, reaching inside to jack my dick. My briefs were soaked with precum from watching my sister masturbate. I didn't want to make her suspicious by copying her exactly, so I put the book down instead of dropping it. Then I turned and picked up the same blanket she had used. From the corner of my eye, I could see her look worried, but she relaxed when I unfolded it so the opposite side from where she had deposited her fluids was up. Then I turned back and shoved my pants and underwear down and plopped on the blanket. Janie gasped audibly as she saw my erect cock for the first time. I picked up the book and held it in one hand as I slid my fist up and down my 7" rod, enjoying the knowledge that my twin was watching me jack off. I didn't even look at the pictures, but watched Janie through the fingers holding the porno mag. Her eyes were wide and she licked her lips occasionally as she gazed at my cock. Finally I dropped the book and lay back with my eyes closed, except that I continued to watch my twin through slits. My hand slid faster and faster up and down my dick, precum bubbling from the tip to lubricate my efforts. Then I felt the familiar tingling between my legs as my orgasm neared. I slowed my hand to make it last longer and put my other hand between my legs to fondle my balls. Suddenly, I felt the pleasure build and went back to jacking my shaft furiously. I squeezed my dick tightly as I felt the pressure build, then the cum blasted from the tip, shooting across the narrow stall to hit just above the crack my sister was peering through. She was startled, not realizing what it meant for a guy to cum and drew back, but quickly replaced her eyes to the crack. Jet after jet of spunk blasted from my cock, but none so powerful as the first. I grunted heavily as I came, finally collapsing as the final offerings dribbled from the end of my dick. I continued to secretly watch my twin. The glob of sperm that had hit the wall slid down till it was dangling in the crack. Janie looked at me carefully to be sure my eyes were still closed, then snaked an finger into the crack and scooped up my cum. I saw her rub it between her fingers, then lift it to her nose to smell it. I watched, entranced, as she then extended her tongue to her fingers to taste it. I was thrilled! My twin was eating my cum!She must have found it not too unpleasant, for she then put her fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean. I opened my eyes and reached for a rag to clean up with and saw a flash as my twin disappeared from the crack in the boards. I knew this was going to be a fun summer! That evening when Dad got home, I got all my fishing gear out of the truck. I hadn't used it in a long time, so it was a mess. After supper, I spread it out on the living room floor to sort and clean it. I was sitting on the floor with my legs spread when Janie came in and flopped on the couch across from me. She put her knees up with her heels on the edge of the cushion and began to read one of her romance novels. Mom called them 'trash', but let her read them anyway. I glanced up at my twin occasionally and caught her looking at me over her book. She always dropped her eyes back to the book, but I noticed that each time, a blush infused her cheeks. I knew she was thinking about what she had seen that day. I watched her through my eyelashes and the next time I saw her watching, I lifted my eyes to stare at her crotch. Her cutoffs were stretched tightly across her pussy and buns, and the edge of her panties were visible peeking out in the back and a good half inch of pantie was showing on each side of her crotch seam. Knowing she was watching me look at her pussy, I shifted uncomfortably and reached down to reposition my growing shaft. This let her know she had given me a hardon. I glanced up at her face and caught her eyes. Our gazes locked for an instant and I could tell she was pleased at my reaction. Dad and I got up very early the next morning to go fishing. I took my shower and climbed back up to our room in my robe. The sun was just coming up, so I don't think Janie realized that her figure was silhouetted against the curtain that separated our beds as she peeked around at me. I took off my robe and gave her a little show, stretching to the low ceiling, then touching my toes a few times, then doing a few deep knee bends while facing her, letting her gaze at my dangling cock. I was starting to get hard, so I turned and quickly stepped into my briefs and finished dressing. She disappeared from the curtain. I walked to the door and opened it then closed it and stood quietly. I heard rustling noises and slipped over to the other end of the curtain and peeked in. She had her eyes closed but I could see movement under the sheet that told me she was playing with her pussy again. I stepped back over to the door and opened it, mumbling to myself as though I had lost something, then left for real. Dad and I had a good day fishing and when we got back about 2:00, Dad let me out and I took the fish to the cleaning table in the backyard and got them ready for the freezer, keeping four nice cats out for supper. Dad was going on over to the Johnson's to talk about loaning them our prize bull, Samson. I put the catfish in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. Mom's car was gone, so I figured she and Janie had gone shopping. I wandered down to the barn to look at my books again. As I entered, I saw that Janie was at the other end, leaning on the windowsill and looking out. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist, growling like a bear. She jumped, screamed and spun around. "You TURD! Don't DO that to me you TURKEY!" "I guess that makes me a turkey turd, huh? What'cha looking at?" "Oh, just watching Samson aggravate one of the cows," she replied, turning back around, her forearms on the sill and her nubile butt thrust back at me. I leaned against her and put one arm one each side of her with my hands on the sill and my head next to hers. We watched as Samson walked around and around the cow, nuzzling and snorting. Finally, the bull went behind the cow and tried to mount her, failing several times as the cow coquettishly moved forward. He tried again and was successful, using his forelegs and hooves to move further up on her back. My twin gasped as Samson's penis unsheathed itself. About a foot extended and it was as big around as my arm. Boy, what a cock that one had. He scooted a bit further up and drove the massive rod into the cow's waiting cavity and humped. We could see more and more of his long dick plunge into her waiting vagina. The cow bawled loudly as she was penetrated. My dick was getting hard from watching and from being pressed against my twin's shapely butt. As she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, she rubbed against me. I was sure she could feel my rod pressing into her asscheeks. "They sure seem to be enjoying themselves, don't they?" I whispered in her ear. She just nodded and shifted her weight again, moving even tighter against me. She turned toward me and asked in a husky voice, "Have you ever done that with a girl?" "Not yet, but I sure want to. Have you?" She shook her head and went back to watching. Samson was really driving that tool in and out now. Janie started pressing back against me, unconsciously matching the bull's strokes as he fucked the cow. Suddenly, Samson froze on the cow's back, his long rod fully embedded. The muscles on his back rippled and he snorted loudly several times. After a minute or so, he dropped off her back, pulling his long dick out of her. "Oh, my God!" my twin exclaimed as she saw the full length of his cock for the first time. "Look at the size of that thing!" The bull's dick was dragging the ground and at least four feet was visible. I turned my face to hers and whispered in her ear, "I've got some books that have pictures of people doing that. Wanna see'em?" She nodded and her voice was even huskier as she said, "Yesssss!" I took her by the hand and led her back to the stall where they were hidden. I got the horseblanket out and spread it on the bales of hay, then sat down. "You know where they are, go ahead and get'em!" She spun toward me and said, "Whaaaat? How did you know?" "Cause I sneaked in yesterday and watched you look at them." "YOU RAT! YOU PEEKED ON ME!" "Yep, and if I'm a rat then you are too, cause I knew you were peeking on me and saw you lick my cum off your fingers. And I saw you watching me get dressed this morning and I know you played with your pussy after, too." Her face flushed with embarrassment as she remembered what she had done and what I had seen her doing. "I guess we're even, then, huh?" I agreed with a grin and she reached into the hiding place and pulled out the books. I spread my legs and told her to sit between them so we could look at the magazines together. She picked up the first one, but laid it aside because she had already seen it. She got the next one, opened it and leaned back against me. I could feel the warmth of her body against mine and put my arms around her and interlaced my fingers on her tummy. The first picture was of a young girl lying on a bed with her legs spread. Her hands were in her panties and she was obviously enjoying herself. Janie turned the page and the girl was pulling her panties off. On the next page she had her knees up, her legs spread and was playing with her pussy. "That sure looks familiar," I breathed into my twin's ear. "Shhhhh," she said, a blush covering her face. "Why?" I asked. "It was beautiful!" "Cause I'm embarrassed that you saw me!" "Well, you saw me do the same thing, didn't you?" "That doesn't make any difference!" "Well, I'd sure like to see you do it again! Wouldn't you?" She paused, then nodded. I moved my hands up to the top button of her shirt and unbuttoned it. Hearing no protest, I continued till the shirt fell open. She wasn't wearing a bra and my hands came up and brushed across her nipples. She moaned. I cupped the soft mounds of her breasts and squeezed gently, dragging my thumbs back and forth across the points. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back, licking her lips and sighing. I pinched her nipples lightly and kneaded her tits a bit longer, then put my hands on her waist and pushed her up and turned her around to face me. I unsnapped her shorts as she let her shirt fall from her shoulders. I slowly let down the zipper until the pants fell to the floor. She stepped out of them. I leaned forward and placed my lips on her right nipple, sucking it into my mouth and chewing gently. She groaned and pulled my head tighter against her as she stood there dressed only in pink panties and her tennis shoes. I drew back and put my hands on her waist, rolling the panties down bit by bit. The soft swell of her tummy was uncovered first. I kissed her navel and ran my tongue in, then continued to roll her panties downward. I gasped as I got my first close-up look at the puffy little slit, soft downy hair sprouting from the center. "Oh, baby, it's so beautiful!" I exclaimed. She looked pleased. Finally, I drew the frilly pink garment all the way down so she was fully exposed to me. Her vulva was enticing, with just a hint of moisture in the center of the slit. My twin stepped out of her panties and stood before me as I gazed in admiration. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her fine little pussy. "That tickles!" she giggled. "Now you stand up." I did as I was instructed and she hurriedly stripped off my shirt and fumbled with my belt buckle. Her hands were shaking as she finally released it and unsnapped my jeans. She dropped to her knees and pulled them down, staring at the bulge in my briefs. Her tongue darted around her lips as her hands grasped the waistband and pulled them down. She gasped as the turgid head of my cock was revealed. When the briefs reached my knees, her hands reached up to fondle my dick.She moved her head in close and examined it. "It's so hard," Janie whispered. "I can feel your heartbeat in it!" My twin studied it a bit longer, then I put my hands under her shoulders and drew her up and hugged her, crushing her budding breasts against my chest. I could feel the pointy little nipples stabbing me as I ran my hands down her back and into the crack of her cute little ass, squeezing her fabulous globes. I pulled her against me harder and could feel my cock rubbing the soft mound of her cunt. She ground against me as I kissed her deeply. At first, she didn't open her mouth, but my tongue dancing on her lips soon parted them to allow entrance. She had very little experience with boys, and I figured I was probably the first to introduce her to French kissing. She learned quickly, and soon our tongues were darting madly around each other. She began to hump her crotch against me, my dick sliding up and down her slit, almost scraping her little clittie. I sat back down on the blanket-covered haybale and told Janie to sit in my lap so we could look at the magazines some more. She turned around and started to comply, but I stopped her and told her to spread her legs a little before she sat. She complied, and as she came down, I directed the head of my prick between her lovely legs so that when she came to rest, my cock was resting in the furrow of her slit. She looked down between her legs to see my cock sticking up. "Now it looks like I'm a boy with a thing sticking up down there!" she giggled. "Maybe, but a boy wouldn't have these beauties!" I replied as my hands came up to enclose her soft breasts. She reached down and pressed the length of my dick harder into her slit until it was lodged against her clit. Below that, I could feel the heat of her virgin pussy radiating against my cock as it was gripped by her labia. Janie picked up one of the porno mags and leaned back against my chest, opening the book. The first page showed a young boy and girl walking down a city street hand-in-hand, looking into each other's eyes lovingly. The facing page had several pictures of them getting into a van and driving away. I guess the impression was that they were on a date. Janie quickly turned the page, wanting to get to the good stuff. The van was shown backing into a scenic overlook, then the boy was opening the back doors. The van had a bed in the back, and they were lying on it looking out at the lights of the city. Now the action was starting. The pair were kissing, and the boy put his hand on the girl's breast, then reached inside her bra and pulled the fleshy mound out and sucked the nipple. The girl's hand slid down the front of his pants to explore the bulge there, then popped them open and exposed his cock. The next page showed the girl bent over his cock, about to bury it between her lips as his hand went up her skirt and pulled down her lacy red panties. "Would you like for me to do that to you?" Janie asked me as she turned to a photo that showed the guy's cock sunk to the hilt in the young girl's throat. "Oh, Yessssss!" I hissed as the next picture showed the couple now in a classic 69 position with the boy on top, driving his dick into her mouth. Her legs were spread, and his tongue was darting all over her pussy and clit. My twin moaned when she saw this and said, "OK, but only if you'll do that to me! She looks like she's really enjoying it!" She reached one hand down to our laps, fluttering her fingers over my cock and sliding a finger down her slit to play with her clit. I grabbed the mag with one hand to help hold it up and let my other join hers in our lap. I encircled my dick and jacked it once, drawing a vast load of precum to the top. I gathered the slickness on my finger, then pushed her hand out of the way so I could deposit the lubrication on her pussy. She took hold of the book with both hands again, and I added my free hand to her little slit, spreading the lips wide. She turned the page and gasped loudly at the picture of the boy. He had spread the girl's legs wide and rolled her back so her legs were in the air, her shiny cunt spread wide. He had stiffened his tongue and had stuffed it in her pussy, his lip raking her asshole as he tonguefucked her. Janie squirmed in my lap as I let my fingers slide down to the entrance to her virgin hole. My middle finger dipped in, and I felt the hot wetness inside her. I let that finger slide further in until it bumped against her cherry, burying it in her to the second knuckle. Her juices were really flowing as I fingerfucked my twin's searing little cunt. Janie let the book fall to the floor, forgotten, as she spread her legs wider and put her heels on the edge of the haybale. She bounced up and down as my finger penetrated her unviolated tunnel, grunting and keening with her breath now coming in gasps. "Oh, Johnny, this feels so good. It's wonderful! Please eat me like that guy did her. I want you to put your tongue in me and I'll suck you, too. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeee!" I picked my twin sister up, turned around, and placed her on the blanket with her shapely butt just on the edge. I dropped to my knees before her and placed her legs over my shoulders and gazed into her crotch, shining slickly with her juices. I put my hands behind her knees and pushed until they were touching her budding breasts. Her pussy opened like a flower, the soft petals of flesh folding back to reveal the hooded little clit and the opening to her cunt. I put my tongue at the end of the crack of her ass and let it slide slowly forward, passing over her wrinkled little pink backdoor, then across her cunt hole, finally coming to rest on her tiny distended clit. I sucked the nubbin into my mouth and chewed gently on it, eliciting a scream of pleasure from my twin. Janie replaced my hands behind her knees with her own, spreading herself even wider, so I reached up and pinched both of her erect nipples lightly, rolling them between my fingers as I lapped at her clit. Then I put my hands under her cute little butt and rocked her, dragging my tongue from her clit, down over the dripping entrance to her love channel, back across her asshole. I rocked her back and forth for a while, her groans and moans getting louder and louder, then finally wormed my tongue into her hole and tonguefucked her like the guy in the picture. Her sweet juices flooded my face as I ate her out. My twin sister grabbed her ankles and pulled her feet up beside her head as I licked her pussy, thrashing her head side to side and squealing. I withdrew my tongue from her and replaced it with my finger, again sliding it into her until it reached her maidenhead. I rolled it around in her little pussy, coating it with her slick juice, then pulled it out and again plunged my tongue into her. Her hips were bucking as I tonguefucked her, and her slick fluids flowed out and down her crack, coating her sweet little asshole. I placed the tip of my finger at the entrance to her bowels and as she bucked, let it gently slide into her asshole. Each time her hips thrust upward against my burrowing tongue, my finger slipped into her ass a little more, until it was embedded to the hilt. I started rocking her again, letting my tongue flash furiously over her clit on the downstroke and deeply into her pussy on the upstroke. The sphincter muscles gripping my finger relaxed as her passions rose, and soon my finger was sliding in and out of her with each thrust. When she started a long, high-pitched scream, I knew she was reaching her peak, and I clamped my lips on her clit and sucked, my tongue dancing on the little bud as my fingers wiggled in her pussy and asshole. "Oh, God, Johnny, I'm gonna cum, it's cumming, oh, oh it's so good, so good, here it cums, OH GOD, I'M CCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!" she screamed. Her asshole and pussy contracted on my fingers, and I felt a flood of her spend gushing from her. As she peaked, I withdrew my finger from her pussy and dipped my tongue back in, lapping up my twin's cum as it poured from her, coating my face and sliding down my throat. It tasted wonderful! Her beautiful 14-year-old body shivered and quivered as she came down from her peak. I gently let my finger slide from her behind, then crawled up next to her and held her in my arms, rubbing her back and cuddling her as she enjoyed the afterglow of her first major orgasm. After a while, she lifted her head from my chest and looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Oh, Johnny, thank you. That was so wonderful! You licking my pussy was fantastic, but when you put your finger in my butt, I thought I was gonna DIE! I've never felt anything so great! Now it's my turn to make you feel good. I can't wait to taste your cock!" With that, she pushed me over on my back and scooted down so her head was above my raging hardon. Her long blonde hair framed her face and draped across my cock. She moved her head side to side so her tresses brushed gently against me. One little hand reached down to cup my balls and squeezed gently, causing a stream of precum to ooze from the tip of my dick. She extended a finger and scooped up the slick juice, leaving a trail extending from her finger to my prick. She looked up at me, then inserted her finger in her mouth, sucking my juice from it. "Mmmmmmmm, you taste good! I want some more!" she said and dropped her head down, engulfing my dick in her hot mouth. She slid her tongue down the underside until I was buried in her throat, then eased back up to suck just the head, letting her tongue flash around and around the glans. I moaned loudly as she paid glorious attention to my manhood.My twin moved her head over so she could slide both lips down the underside of my cock, ending up with her mouth on my balls. She licked and sucked for a bit, then took both balls into her mouth, her tongue sliding all over the sack. She really seemed to be getting into what she was doing, because she started humming happily. The vibrations almost caused me to cum right then, and I squirmed in pleasure. She giggled at the discovery that humming increased the feeling for me. Janie let my balls slip from her mouth and ran her tongue down further to caress and lap at my anus. She licked the outer ring of flesh, then burrowed her pointy little tongue into me. My sphincter relaxed, and soon she was tongue-fucking my asshole as her hand jacked my dick. I grabbed my legs and drew them to my chest in an imitation of her former posture, giving her better access to my asshole. She brought her hands up to caress my balls again as her tongue worked its way slowly from my rectum back up to the head of my dick, where she again took me in her mouth and slid my rigid tool down her throat. I tangled my fingers in her hair as her head bobbed on me. Eating my twin sister's pussy while I fingerfucked her tender asshole had my dick so hard I was ready to explode. Janie stiffened her tongue as she drew her mouth off my rod, then tried to bury it in the sensitive hole in the tip. Precum stretched and glistened in a long stream that led from the tip of her pointy tongue, back to the swollen glans. She dipped her head back down, her hair tickling my scrotum. The gleaming strand of lubricating fluid stayed intact as she bobbed her head, playing with it. She even moved her head in a circle, spinning it like a jump rope! Her finger came down and her other hand encircled my engorged dick, then she jacked her hand upward, drawing a flood of precum from me. It rolled down the underside of my shaft, coating her fingers and covering my balls. My twin put her lips back on my tool and enveloped me, sliding her head down slowly till her nose was buried in the sparse hair surrounding the base. Her head rose, her tongue dancing on the underside. I arched my hips in exquisite pleasure, collapsing as she dropped and sucked me in again. Twice more she bobbed, and on the final stroke, I could feel the muscles in the back of her throat contracting and milking the head. I felt my orgasm drawing near. I wasn't sure what Janie would think if I came in her mouth, but to be honest, I didn't really give it much thought. The tingling in my balls was familiar, but it quickly passed the level I had attained by looking at the fuckbooks and masturbating. I could feel the pleasure climbing, and climbing. My scrotum contracted in preparation for the explosive release of cum. Just as the first blast entered her mouth, Janie placed a finger at the entrance to my asshole and pushed, driving it steadily inward with the palm side up. I thought the top of my head would blow off! As the second gob of sperm flashed up my cock, Janie curled the finger in my rectum slightly, pressing against my prostate and bringing the intensity of my pleasure to an even higher plateau. As the cum boiled from the end of my dick, my sweet twin sister swallowed mightily, the muscles in her throat rippling as she milked the juice and drank it down. Her mouth slid back up my shaft, and I saw her cheeks bulge as I filled her mouth with my spend. My back was arched as I fucked her face, and I saw small, white, pearly drops of cum escape around her lips. The sensation I was enjoying seemed to burn in my brain, and my vision narrowed until all I could see was my sister's lips clamped on my prick as she sucked me. Finally, I collapsed, my bright red cock slipping from Janie's mouth. She crawled up next to me and kissed me. I could taste the salty flavor of my cum, mixed with the lingering flavor of her sweet little virgin pussy still on my lips. I couldn't wait to see what we would try next!
Not known
All Grown Up
"My plane arrives at 6. Why don't you meet me at the TWA baggage claim area and we can catch some dinner." "See you then," was her response. When I finally arrived in Denver, I was starved. It was a good thing that my sister and I were going out to dinner. I had been away at my job in Boston for 2 years and was excited about going to the Hunan Wok. I looked around for Ann, but could not find her. "Hey, nutball!" I heard. Turning around, there she was. My younger sister at 18 years. In the two years that I had not seen her, she had changed. Her tomboy haircut was replaced by long straight red strands. And, for a change, she was smiling. "Congratulations, I hear you're going to Harvard in the fall." I was making small talk to get my mind off my hunger. Once at the restaurant, we met up with our parents. "Dave, you're so matured," Mom gushed. "Actually, it's Ann who's really changed." What was once an awkward moody little girl was now a happy, smart, and beautiful young woman. The phone rang. It was Ann. She had arrived in Cambridge and had settled into the dorm. I promised to show her around the city, on her first night at college. After I got off work, I dropped by the campus to pick her up. "Nice car." I smiled, knowing how much I was in debt to pay for the status of having a BMW. I gave her a quick tour of the city. The historic sites, the shopping areas, and so on. I took my baby sister to my apartment for dinner. She was going to see how domesticated I had become. When I lived at home, I swore that I'd never learn to cook or clean. And now, my apartment was dust-free and the chicken was delicious. Being from Denver, the late August heat was too much for Ann. She pulled off her top shirt as we talked. I couldn't help but notice, in her t-shirt, that she really had matured. Not that it much mattered, but I was happy to see that brains and beauty could go together. I told her so. We chatted for a few hours about how things were at home, about college life, and Boston. I remembered what Mom said about keeping an eye on her. Looking at her in a t-shirt and shorts reminded me of that. "Look, I know you don't want to hear this..." I began. "Mom, right? Yeah, you don't need to worry. I think I'm smart enough to keep myself out of trouble." I knew she was, but I promised. "If you need anything. Anything at all. I'm here." A few weeks later, Ann called. It seems that she hates her roommate. Being the big responsible brother, I offered to let her stay with me while she found another roommate. I had forgotten what it was like to live with someone, especially your sister. Not that we argued like kids, but it was tense. One evening, I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I had just stepped out of the shower and was grabbing for a towel when the door opened. "Oops," said the intruder. "I didn't realize." However, instead of leaving, she just stayed. This used to happen when we were little. She'd just go into rooms without knocking. Despite her maturity and brains, this was one bad habit she had not kicked. "Just go!" I said as I wrapped a towel around my waist. She backed out and closed the door. I finished getting cleaned up and pulled on my sleeping shorts. Leaving the bathroom, I looked into the living room. Ann had been sleeping on the couch. There she was, asleep. However, usually she would be wearing a large nightshirt. Tonight, she had on a pair of panties and was topless. At first, I was embarrassed. But my curiosity caused me to take another look. Her curves were smooth. Her breasts well-defined. Yes, she was all grown up. Friday night, we both had dates. Mine, a blind date, was a real bust. Although she was hot, she was boring. I considered going to bed with her, but gave up the idea after listening to her talk about how much she hated her boss for three hours. After dropping her off, I headed back to the apartment. Walking into the living room, I almost had a heart attack. There, on the couch, was Ann. She was lying back, naked, with her eyes closed. On top of her was a man, about my age. He, too, was naked. Unable to speak, I watched as he was screwing my younger sister. Once the initial shock was over, I raced over to him and pulled him up. As I yanked back, his erect penis pulled out of Ann and wagged back and forth. Instead of beating him senseless, I just kicked him out into the hall, naked, warning him never to come back. Upon returning, Ann was getting dressed. I started to scream, "how dare you!" and all that other parental-type stuff. "Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew!" she started to cry. Sure, there was a double standard. I had plans to nail my date. But this was not acceptable to me. As soon as I calmed down, "Tell you what, I won't tell Mom and Dad... if you listen to my lecture." I was going to tell her how she had to be careful. About getting pregnant and about AIDS. She had already been told, I'm sure. But maybe from her older brother, it would sink in. And besides, this was a nice piece of blackmail. The man's clothes, I tossed down the garbage chute. We would have our talk tomorrow, I told her. I started the lecture as a parent. I told her how she had to be careful. About how, if she was going to do it, she would have to make sure birth control was used. Condoms, I recommended, since they were also useful in cutting down on the chance of AIDS. To drive the point home, I pulled a condom out of my dresser and gave it to her. "Keep this with you. If you ever find yourself in a situation like last night, please make sure he puts it on." She took it from me. That seemed like enough. I had done my part. "Oh, and one last thing. Please let me know when you need the apartment. It's just too strange for me to walk in on my own sister." The following weekend we were both without dates. It was a rainy night, so watching a video tape seemed like the best idea. On her way home from campus, Ann stopped to pick one up. I was shocked with her selection. A old classic, like Casablanca, perhaps. A newer comedy or action film, maybe. She chose neither. Instead, the contents of the black case held FAMILY TABOO. A little X on the label provided an additional hint. Holding the box open, I stared at my little sister. "An X-rated movie? What were you thinking?" Innocently, "Neither of us have dates. I just figured we'd both be a little hard up. C'mon, it'll be cool." She was right, I was hard up. Prior to Ann moving in with me, I would rent or borrow adult videos. With some dates, it repulsed them. With others, it helped set the mood. I've never seen an entire film. Rather than argue with my baby sister, I consented. She was 18 and old enough to watch it. All grown up. The basic plot, if you want to call it that, was about two teenage kids. They were supposed to be teens, 16 or so, but I had my doubts. These two kids decide to have sex with one another. They start out with getting naked and rubbing each other. The girl gives the guy a blow job. As I watched, my penis started to get stiff. I tried to remind myself that my sister was sitting in the same room with me. But it didn't matter. The video girl gave great head. An older (early 30's, maybe) but beautiful woman then walks into the room. It turns out that these two teens are brother and sister. And the hot woman is the mother catching them in the act. Instead of stopping them, she strips off her clothes. Her tits compared to the teenage pair, were large. She joins her daughter in sucking off the son. I had lost all concept of who else was in the room with me, and watched as the three continued their sexual adventures. The teenage boy blows his load across his sister's face. Her mother licks it off as the son starts to eat her vagina. The whole thing, the taboo of it, made it all that more exciting. And that made me return to reality. I looked over at my own teenage sister. She was sitting there, pulling her shirt off. Instead of reprimanding her, I just let her sit there, watching the incestuous action on the television, in her bra. Contrary to every better judgement, her first words to me were answered with a "yes." Her question, "Want to try it?" She was asking me, her older brother, to imitate what was on the screen. I gave the affirmative response, my penis was starting to need release. Once again, I would not see an entire video. Off went to television. Ann volunteered to do a strip show for me. We ran into my bedroom. I sat down on the corner of the bed while I watched the show.She stroked her hands across her bra-covered chest. She rubbed the crotch of her shorts. And then, down they came. The redhead pranced around the room in her bra and panties. She grabbed a pillow off the bed and placed it between her legs. It dawned on me that she had likely done this before. She moved the pillow back and forth across her crotch. Occasionally, parts of it would slip away and then back. Little glimpses of her pubic hair were quickly covered by a return pass of the pillow. I was so turned on that I pulled off my shirt and pulled down my slacks. I sat there, in my boxer shorts, watching her remove her bra. She walked over to me and asked me to unsnap her bra. I placed a hand on the clasp, and with dexterity, unhooked the clasp. She returned to her dance and she pulled it away from her chest. She placed her hands on her beautiful globes and juggled them up and down. This was too much for me, I stood up and yanked down my shorts. My sister raced over to my erect penis and started to give me the best blowjob I had ever received. Her tongue rippling over my penis and her lips moved back and forth over the length. Just as I was about to ejaculate, she stopped. She lowered her panties to reveal her vagina. Down on the bed, with her legs spread. Just like that night I had come home. I bent down and licked at it, flicking her clitoris with my tongue. I was getting into it, but when the hand touched my head, I looked up. Dear, sweet, Ann. She had a condom for me. "Put it on, and then put it in." Her language, it was shocking. But, I listened and unrolled the condom over my penis. Slowly I slid my penis into her. A few pumps, I started to shoot, filling up the condom. Even as I started to go flaccid, I continued to pump. It must have been useful, as Ann grabbed my butt and whined in orgasmic pleasure. We both went to bed together, naked. We knew what we did was taboo. But we were safe about it. Some things never change. Ann and I always loved to play together. Now, instead of Monopoly, it was hot sex. We were both all grown up.
Incident at the Zoo
"Look, Mommy, a gorilla!" the little girl screamed. Kate thought, for the hundredth time, that this seemed a very stupid thing to say. She had been working at the zoo for over 5 years, and all children seemed to say the same thing. She stopped looking out the window from the cage and went to the back. The intercom was located back there, and she picked it up. "Attention please. The zoo is closing now for the day. Please exit as soon as possible, as the animals want to get some sleep." She heard a small burst of laughter from outside, as she always did. As she put the mike down, Steve came in. "Hey, are you going out with everyone else tonight?" He asked. "Oh, I don't think so. Mr. Myers said there were some problems in Sarki's room, and he wanted me to check it out." "Shit. I wouldn't go in there. That's one big ape!" He said. "Well, he seems to like me. But anyway, I guess the lights are acting up, and he wanted me to take a look at them." He grinned. "Well, don't let me keep you. Maybe sometime next week?" He asked. "Sure, next week it is." She smiled back at him. He waved goodbye, and Kate got back to her work. After taking her normal hour or two to get everything back in order, she went to her locker in the ladies' room to get out of her zoo uniform. After she got it all off, she remembered she had to fix those lights, but since the zoo was closed, she didn't think anyone would mind if she did it in shorts and a t-shirt. She left her things in the bathroom and headed for the gorilla house. After arriving there, she entered Sarki's room, wondering why Mr. Myers seemed to think she was a mechanic or an electrician. Sarki was a huge mountain gorilla, and usually not very amicable. But he had seemed to take to Kate immediately, usually hanging over her shoulder or something whenever she was in his cage. Today was no exception, as she climbed up toward the ceiling to get at the lights. There was a large platform near the ceiling, and she got on that in order to inspect the lights better. Sarki pulled his bulk right up next to her, but there was plenty of room up there. She stood up and craned her neck, trying to look straight up while keeping her balance. Suddenly, she felt a large hand on her ass, slowly stroking it. She turned around quickly and found Sarki staring at her as his hand caressed her. She stood frozen, afraid that he might push her off the ledge or something. But what he actually did was bring his other hand up and began to feel her breasts through her shirt. Now, Kate never thought of herself as overly kinky, but this monkey was really turning her on! She slowly removed her shirt and bra, letting the huge gorilla feel her bare chest. He began squeezing her boobs, massaging them, while his other hand still wandered in her waist region. After a few minutes of this treatment, she couldn't stand it anymore. She removed her shoes, then her jeans, and finally her panties. Sarki sat down and pulled her over to him. His hands still were exploring her body, and suddenly she felt one of his fingers stab up into her now-exposed hole. His finger, though not as long as a man's penis, was just as wide, and she began to squirm on it. His other hand fell from her breasts and curled around her, pulling her closer. He brought his face close to hers and stared at her with great interest. His hand was still working her over, but she wanted more. She knew gorillas would imitate a lot of things if they were done by a human, so she decided to test exactly what he would do. She moved down him until her face was right next to his chest. Her tongue tentatively darted out and began to kiss his leather-like chest. She moved downward, further, until his now-erect huge cock was staring right at her. All thoughts of anything else quickly flew away with the sight of it, and she immediately took it in her mouth, taking great pleasure from his obvious excitement. But she pulled away, spread her legs, with the finger still in her, and hoped. He withdrew his finger and pressed his face against her chest, his tongue coming out and licking her nipples. He, too, moved downward and slurped at her wet hole. She groaned louder and louder, and just as she was about to orgasm, he roughly pushed her away. She landed on her stomach, and as she began to pick herself up, confused, she felt a huge cock fill her box. Sarki's breath came in rough gasps as he shoved his tool deeper and deeper into her. She began to groan even louder, and his pace quickened. After a few minutes of this, Kate couldn't hold back any longer. Her cunt exploded in a series of orgasms around his spike. She bucked her hips upwards against his huge body, and with her contractions came a jerking from deep within him, and after a second or two she could feel his seed filling her. He slowly stopped his rammings and allowed her to climb out from under him. She realized that he had supported himself on his knuckles the entire time to avoid crushing her. She got dressed, but before she left, she taught him one more thing. Reaching forward, she opened his mouth a bit and brought her lips to his. She slipped her tongue into his surprised mouth, but he soon realized what she was doing and also put his tongue in her mouth. After a small amount of fumbling, she felt as if she was kissing a real man, as he got the movements down right. She slipped her hand down to his limp dick and gave it a small squeeze, a promise that she would work late again soon. And it looked like she wasn't going out with Steve and her co-workers next week after all!
Crossed Wires
"Chris, you're positively leering!" Donna scolded. I tried to hide my guilty blush by turning all my attention to checking the electrode contacts. But it was too late, I'd been caught. "You're planning to grow yourself to 10 inches again! You are! I've told I won't suck that thing if it's an inch above 8. Aha! You're blushing. I'm on to you! You change the program right now, Chris, or I swear I won't do the sim with you." "But you won't mind how big I am during the sim," I protested. "In fact, you'll love it." "Of course I'll love it 'cause it's sim. But I'll remember every detail when I come out and it's the principal of the thing!" Heaving an exaggerated sigh, I slipped off my wrist electrodes and turned to the console. It had been worth a try, but I'd pushed my luck too far the last time when I programmed the simulation to enlarge my member to an unprecedented 12". I'd even taken the precaution of creating a doctored tape measure within the sim so that if she tried to call me on the length, I could conclusively demonstrate I was "only" 8. But Donna had seen through that ploy and now was showing me she meant business. Putting on my most contrite expression, I quickly called up the body editor and reduced the cock length from 10" to 8 1/2". She won't notice that extra half inch, I reflected. Despite this small setback, I had reason to be proud. Over the past few days, I'd programmed this sim down to the minutest details. When activated, the system would plunge Donna and myself into a virtual world indistinguishable from the real one in all but two important respects: we'd have the kind of bodies that one only sees in porn flicks, and we'd be able to make use of those bodies in all sorts of fun ways without tiring, getting sore, bruising each other, or worrying about "consequences". "You're gonna love it, Donna. This is my best yet. You won't forget this one." I gave her a lascivious wink. "You'll need a PDA just to keep track of your orgasm count!" She grinned. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!" One last check of the wrist electrodes. Green leads for Donna, red leads for myself. The programmer always gets the red leads because they carry the control lines. I couldn't suppress another little grin as I remembered the alternative names for the red and the green leads: "master" and "slave". I wondered whether Donna knew how appropriate those names really were. Did she appreciate exactly how much of my programming effort was spent specifying exactly what emotional and bodily sensations she'd feel during the course of the sim so that she'd perform according to the exact script of my erotic fantasies? Nothing left to do but hit the activator switch. A slight buzzing at the wrists, a momentary feeling of pressure and then... Here it was, exactly as I'd designed it. The sim had dropped us into the interior of a beach house whose floor plan I'd shamelessly copied from the October edition of the AIA journal. Outside, a clear, moonless night and the distant sound of breakers. Inside, a rather eccentric style of interior decoration. Couches, futons, beanbag chairs, hammocks, and pillows galore. Anything and everything that you ever might want to fuck in, on or under. Not a table or hard chair in sight. (We weren't there to eat, after all.) I glanced over to the ladder that led to the sleeping loft. Looked good. Unobtrusive cabinets set in the walls here and there would open to reveal a panoply of useful toys. Mirrors, of course. Not too many to be vulgar, but enough. I sniffed the faint salt breeze, ran my hands over the rough surface of pine paneling. I beamed in delight. Visual, aural, olfactory and somatosensory channels were all working perfectly. I had programmed the simulation to delay initiating the body morph for a few minutes. Donna had materialized a few yards away from me and was checking the place out, approvingly running her fingers over the patterned silk upholstery of one of the sofas. Her outline had a slightly shimmery look as she moved around relative to the background, but this would soon disappear as the sim's compensation routines kicked in. "Better get a good look around now, Donna," I thought to myself, "because in a couple of minutes all your attention is going to be taken up by something else entirely!" The morph was beginning. I could feel the vibration in my groin and chest. In some ways this was the part I enjoyed the most. In a moment my limbs would start to bulge with musculature. My abdomen would harden, my pecs would swell. My stature would increase by an inch, my complexion would become impeccable, my teeth would become whiter than white and, of course... Well, as you already know, the crotch of my pants would bulge with the aforementioned eight-and-a-half inches of man meat and a pair of balls that would do a bull proud. Goodbye Chris Welch, average guy. Hello super-stud! Wait. This didn't feel quite right. Was something wrong? Instead of the expected tightening at the crotch of my pants, things felt looser somehow. In fact, there was this really bizarre shrinking sensation. Not just in my groin, but like my whole body was getting smaller. And those twin swellings on my chest that were making my shirt bulge: those weren't pectorals, those were...! I swung around to stare at the nearest mirror just as I realized what was happening. I was changing, my features melting with the rapidity of a bar of butter caught in the microwave. My chin receded, became delicate. My cheekbones became higher and more prominent and the ridge of my eyebrows less so. My nose shrank and assumed a pert upward turn at the tip. My lips swelled and reddened. Long eyelashes swept upward from limpid blue eyes. Blonde tresses caressed my shoulders. I was so caught up in the horror and fascination of what was happening to my face that I almost missed the transformation of my body. Recovering myself, I found that the changes below the neck were the match of those above. Firm, heavy breasts bobbed above a slender waist. Flaring hips and long sexy legs. My genitals? I started to reach downward for an inspection and then checked myself. I could guess what I would (wouldn't?) find. The morph had finished with my body and was at work on my clothes. My flannel shirt took on a life of its own and squirmed snakelike across my chest, transforming itself into a translucent violet teddy with a neckline plunging to the navel and a hem that barely covered my ass.Starting at the ankles and working upwards, my pants began to evaporate, finally leaving a skimpy pair of filmy panties pulled tight across my ass crack and my snatch. I stared at my image in the mirror, the truth slowly sinking in. The transformation was complete. I was the spitting image of Donna, or at least Donna as she might appear in the wet dreams of a sex-starved 15-year-old with a perpetual hard-on. A steamy sex kitten with pouty lips and languorous heavy-lidded eyes. A body that cried out to be fucked hard. In short, the body I had so carefully designed for my partner! "What in hell trick are you pulling, Chris?" thundered a deep bass voice from behind me. A strong hand grasped my shoulder from behind. "Donna!" I thought as I whirled around, my breasts bouncing around so much that I almost lost balance. Staring down at me with an expression of shocked amusement was... me. Me on steroids and a heavy exercise program. Donna had the body that I was supposed to be wearing. Everything from the athlete's musculature to the full chest of hair. She wore nothing but a black g-string, whose fabric was stretched to nearly the breaking point from the weight of its contents. With a height differential of nearly a foot, I had to crane my head upward to look into Donna's/my face. This was too disconcerting, so I settled for looking into the hollow at the base of her neck. "This wasn't--" I broke off at hearing my new voice for the first time. Donna's voice, but pitched slightly higher and with an almost imperceptible lisp that gave it a cutesy girlish effect. I swallowed once and continued. "Donna, I didn't plan this. Something must have gone wrong with the sim. We'll have to abort." "Computer, abort sim." Nothing happened. I tried again in as authoritative a tone as my little girl voice would allow. "Computer, end sim immediately." Still no response from the system. Not the slightest hiccup in continuity. Donna gently but firmly took my head in her hands and tilted my head so that I had to look her directly in the face. Distractedly I found myself wondering if I hadn't made the chin cleft too prominent. "What's the matter," she asked in her deep masculine voice, "can't you stop the sim?" "The system doesn't seem to be responding to me. The identity recognition routines must have gotten scrambled somehow. If I don't have the control lines, you must. You'll have to do it Donna. Say 'computer, abort sim'." She chuckled deep in her chest and slowly caressed my cheek. "But you promised me a sim that I wouldn't forget. I intend to take you up on your promise." "Donna, you wouldn't," I whispered. "You don't know how." Again a chuckle. "Then I'll just have to figure it out as we go along, won't I, my little lovebird?" Outwardly I moaned as a sudden wave of erotic desire washed over me. Inwardly I cringed. By saying "little lovebird" Donna had inadvertently hit on one of the trigger phrases I had set up to activate certain behavior programs. Too late it occurred to me that it might be a mistake to use our pet names as triggers. But this was no time for regret. I was in heat, my whole body aching to be touched, taken. I grasped Donna's hand and began to kiss and lick the fingers, savoring the salty taste of her (his?) skin. Putting a strong arm behind my back, she (he?) leaned down and kissed me roughly. Our lips met and parted, and her strong tongue explored my mouth. I felt like I was dissolving with pleasure. Every square inch of my skin tingled with delight. And this was just the first kiss. What would it be like to be mounted, I thought, to feel a penis push its way into the deep recesses of my cunt? "Don't think such things," I shouted inwardly. "You're a man, not a woman!" But outwardly what I said was "Oh lover, you turn me on so much! Let's go find someplace comfortable." "Whatever you want, kitten," my lover responded, triggering another set of preprogrammed responses. Donna picked me up, carrying my body effortlessly in her (his?) arms. She strode over to a double-size beanbag chair and tossed me on to it. This most recent trigger had made me acutely aware of my breasts. Settling myself into the chair, I caressed the undersides of my breasts, pushing them up and together in order to emphasize my cleavage. With a long red fingernail, I rubbed a tense nipple through the delicate fabric of my teddy while making sidelong glances at Donna. "Do you like my titties?" I lisped. "Very impressive." Donna lay down beside me and squeezed my left breast with her sinewy hand. I let out a gasp of pleasure as lightning radiated outward from my nipple. "Size DDD aren't they?" I pouted. "No sir. Not more than a D. I promise. Oh, please keep touching me there. Don't stop." Donna did stop, though, so that she could tug open the top of her g-string and inspect the contents. "I see. Not more than a D. And I suppose this big piece of sausage is only 8 inches?" She tore off the flimsy fabric, revealing a rock-hard erection. In this woman's body, I had no control over my expressions. I blushed a deep crimson from the roots of my hair down to my chest. "Well, not exactly. But it's only a half inch..." Donna smiled and chucked me under the chin. "Under the circumstances, I should be grateful. Besides, you're the one who's going to have to suck it," she fixed me with a sharp gaze and said deliberately "my little cocksucker." I let out a sigh that was a funny admixture of relief and sexual frustration. She hadn't hit on the right trigger that time. My breasts were still at the center of my arousal. I would have given her a boob job in an instant, but the thought of oral sex didn't push my buttons just yet. I rubbed my nipples and imagined her thick cock slowly working its way in and out between my cleavage. I think I would have come that way in a few minutes, but Donna had others things in mind. "Don't you want to suck on me, my lovebird?" she asked. Instantly my attention was again focused on the man's body next to mine. I rolled over onto her, and gave her such a long and passionate French kiss that it left me gasping. With a casual movement, Donna pushed the straps of my teddy off my shoulders so that my breasts came free, and I gratefully rubbed them against her chest hair, feeling delicious tingling sparks with every movement. I covered Donna's lips with numerous little kisses and bites, and then moved my mouth to the base of her neck. Moaning slightly, I ran my tongue back and forth in the hollow. Donna put one hand on each shoulder and pushed. "I think it's time for fellatio," she insisted. I slid willingly about four inches, but when I saw her male nipples peeking out from underneath the curly chest hair, I had the overwhelming desire to suckle. I took her right nipple between my lips and sucked and bit slightly. I was immediately rewarded by a tautening of the little pink nipple and an ill-suppressed groan of pleasure. I giggled and continued suckling. "Oh baby, that feels so good!" Donna cried out. But now new desires were surging through me. "Baby" was the trigger word for oral sex. I straightened up, propping my arms on my lover's shoulders so that I could look into her handsome face. "I want to suck you so bad," I said, licking my lips sluttishly. "I want to take your cock meat into my mouth and swallow it whole. I want to feel your great big balls bouncing against my chin and your great big cum fill up my mouth." I felt so ashamed to hear these words come out of my mouth in that inane little girl's voice. There was nothing I could do. I had entered those words into the sim program several days before, and had not coded them as optional. What had I coded as optional? Certainly not what happened next. My mind was filled with images of cock. Big cocks, little cocks, straight cocks, twisted cocks. And for each cock I had only one desire: suck on it deep and vigorously until it filled my mouth with semen. "Is this what it feels like to be gay?" I thought. "Am I going to be permanently changed by this?" Moaning and giggling, I kissed Donna's nipple goodbye. I kissed her rock-hard rectus abdominus muscles, flirtingly stuck my tongue into her navel, and then planted butterfly kisses in a semicircle above and to either side of her straining member. I found the adductor muscles on either side of the balls (the muscles of horse-riding and doggy sex, came the distracting thought) and playfully bit them. Then I grabbed the cock by its base and examined it closely for the first time. It's hard to describe my feelings. My real self is confirmedly heterosexual. I knew that being so close to a man's cock, so close that I could smell its special scent, so close that I could feel its radiating warmth on my face, should have filled me with shame and revulsion. But the sim programming was completely dominant. Instead of revulsion, I felt admiration. "Oh, it's sooooo big!" I exclaimed, and I meant it. I knew it was only 8 1/2 inches, but to my beglamoured eyes, it could easily have been 12. And so thick around! I wasn't sure I'd even be able to get the thing past my lips, but I was sure as hell going to try. I cupped Donna's balls with my left hand while swiveling the cock closer to my mouth with my right. The balls were so gigantic that I couldn't hold them both comfortably in my petite hand. I sent out an experimental lick, just grazing the tip of the glans with the tip of my tongue. I looked up. Donna was watching with fascination. "Stop me. Stop the sim," I whispered hoarsely. "But you love to do this, don't you?" she answered wickedly. I couldn't reply. I had begun to lick the cock like a little girl tasting her first popsicle. From base to tip, over and over again, my moist tongue ran over the entire length of the organ.It had seemed rock hard when I started, but this treatment made it stiffen even further, gradually changing in color from pink to red to almost purple. Donna groaned out something incoherent. She seemed to like this. Parting my thick lips, I took the glans into my mouth, delighting in the sweet flavor of pre-cum. Then I took the cock deeper, and deeper, and yet deeper into my mouth, until my nose was flush with the pubic hair and the cock was halfway down my throat. I have heard conflicting rumors about the reality of deep-throating. Certainly no woman has actually done that to me in real life. In sim, though, almost anything is possible, and I deep-throated Donna with a vengeance, her cock pushing its way down like a sword-swallower's sword. I don't know how long this went on. I was in ecstasy; sometimes deep-throating, sometimes licking and sucking on the shaft from the side, and sometimes bringing Donna right to the edge with a combined blow and hand job. When Donna began to buck and thrash around, I knew she was ready. I carefully inserted the long red-painted fingernail of my little pinky into her butt-hole. This is what works with me, and since I programmed the sim, it worked for Donna too. Instantly, she began to come, crying out and pumping great wads of thick semen into my mouth. I tried to swallow it all, but it was too much for me, and some dripped onto my chin and chest. Obsessed with the desire to have it all, I wiped it up with my hand and licked my fingers hungrily. "Mmmmmm, that was nice," said the man with my voice and Donna's mind. He (she?) drew me up and languidly kissed my forehead before settling deeper into the beanbag chair. I enjoy napping after oral sex, so I'd built in some time for it in the sim. Donna would now sleep for about 10 minutes. I knew what was coming next. Combined, the taste of semen and the sound of a sleeping man's rhythmic breathing were the trigger for the next scene of my sim fantasy, a scene in which Donna was supposed to play a solo role. But our roles were reversed. It was now my performance. Until now, my new cunt had not merited much thought. I couldn't help being aware of how hot and moist I had become during that first kiss and embrace, but until now, the triggers that had been used had chiefly aroused the erogenous zones of my mouth and breasts. Now it was different. My cunt and clit became swollen and demanding of attention. Even the slightest movement of my legs created such sensations in my crotch that I had to struggle not to moan. Quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeper, I rose and tiptoed over to the other end of the room, reveling in every stride as cunt juices leaked out and moistened my inner thighs. I stopped at a velvet loveseat and turned it slightly to face a mirror. If I were going to do this, I thought, at least I'd do it right. I stripped off my teddy and stood for an instant in front of the mirror in nothing but my damp panties. Quickly, I stripped them off too and tossed them into a corner. Entranced, I gazed at myself. "Shamelessly hussy," I thought, as I looked at my pubes, shaved except for a little patch of blonde hair at the top. Still watching the mirror, I lay down in the love seat, throwing one leg over the arm rest. "What does a clit feel like when it's yours?" I wondered, running my fingers gently over my vulva. I pushed just hard enough so that my cunt lips separated and a red fingernail brushed the clit. "Ooooooh!" I gasped, "that's what it feels like." I masturbated eagerly, rubbing my clit first with one finger and then with two. I tried teasing it gently with flicking movements of my fingers. I tried rubbing it vigorously with the palm of my hand. I learned how to moisten it with my free-flowing cunt juices and rub it back and forth between my thumb and index finger. I pushed three fingers of one hand into my cunt while playing with my clit with the other, creating a most satisfying sensation. And I came. Several times I think, each one more intense than the next. I must have screamed out, because when I came to, I was lying on the floor beside the love seat, Donna beaming down at me with a slightly condescending smile. "Having fun?" she asked. How embarrassing. "I think I've had enough for today," I lisped. "Let's go now." "But how can we go now? We haven't screwed yet. You wouldn't want to leave without getting laid, would you? My little bed bug... my lizard... my spring chicken... my pop tart..." Donna was running down the list of my pet names for her, watching me intently for signs to indicate that she'd hit a trigger. Not only did she hit one, she hit several in succession. I reeled dizzily under the rapid fire of one erotic fantasy after the next. At last, I shouted out "Oh god, fuck me now! Fuck me now!" Donna got the hint. "Let's do it in the loft." She strode over to the ladder and climbed it two rungs at a time, the muscles of her (his?) athlete's body rippling. I followed more slowly, careful not to bang my breasts on the way up. On the way up, I tried to examine my internal state. It seems I lucked out. Although Donna had left me in a state of full arousal, it was one in which I had some discretion over what I'd do. I was going to get screwed all right -- probably several times -- but at least I wasn't going to humiliate myself by doing something kinky. I winced, thinking of some of the things I might have been forced into if Donna had stumbled onto the right trigger phrases. The floor of the loft was entirely covered by an immense, deep featherbed. The only other thing up there was pillows of various sizes and shapes. Donna reclined nonchalantly in the center, fully erect, and examining her penis with an amused air. "I think it's time for me to find out what this thing can do." I knelt on Donna's lap, resting my ass on her sinewy thighs so that her cock came up between my legs. "Take me now, lover," I whispered. I rubbed my hairless cunt against her member, lightly coating it with cunt juices. Donna responded without hesitation. In a blink of an eye, I was on my back, legs dangling in the air over my partner's shoulders, and pussy filled with pumping cock. Did I like it? Of course I did. The sim programming didn't give me any choice. I loved being fucked in the pussy. I savored every moment of it. I cried out again and again, in my high little voice, "Oh god! Fuck me! Fill my pussy! You're screwing me in the cunt! Oh deeper! Oh harder!" Soon I wasn't saying anything, just gasping with pleasure as multiple orgasms swept over me. We did it twice again after that, once with me on top, my heavy breasts bouncing up and down in rhythm with our pumping, and again with me on the bottom. At last, spent, we cuddled together in the depths of the feather bed. Donna stroked my cheek and kissed me again. "I guess it's time to end the sim, puppy dog. I'm ready to be a woman again. You can wear the pants from now on." I froze. Did she say "puppy dog"? What a fool I was! This was the trigger to a subroutine that I had programmed idly one night, but never intended to put to use. Partly as a little joke and partly as a safety measure, I had deliberately chosen a "pet" name that Donna used for me, not vice versa. I was going to have a lot of explaining to do if Donna saw this subroutine go into effect. My only hope was to hold out against the sim-manufactured urges until she stopped the run. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and clenched my fists. But it was no good. The urges were too strong. In a moment, I had risen to all fours and was frisking and bounding around the loft like an excited puppy, yipping excitedly. "Chris, what are you doing?" Donna cried with alarm. "Chris?" I bounded over to her, still on all fours, and panted with my mouth open. Suddenly, I gave her face a big wet lick with my tongue. I spun around, pushing my butt upwards and wagging it back and forth like a happy dog. I barked encouragingly. Donna had begun to catch on, and seemed none too happy about it. "You were going to do *that* to me?!" she boomed in her deep voice. "I get it. 'Puppy dog'! Make me act like a bitch in heat so that you could take me doggie style? You know I don't like doing it that way! You fucking asshole!" Things were going from bad to worse. "Fucking asshole" was another trigger phrase; Donna wasn't going to like this a bit. But at least I wouldn't have to bark any longer. I found my voice. In words thick with passion, I said, "Yes. Please fuck me in the asshole. Stick your cock deep into my butt. Fill me to the hilt. Oh please do it! Do it now!" The expression in Donna's voice changed from outrage to amusement. I imagined her man's mouth leering at me. "You really want me to fuck you in the butt, Chrissie?" "Oh yes, please! Do it in my ass! Come inside my ass!" I felt a strong hand on my right ass cheek. "If you want it so badly, it would be a sin to disappoint you." "Oh now! Now!" A finger at my cunt, wiping up my abundant pussy juices. The same finger, coating my little pink asshole with those same juices. The tip of a huge, hot cock, pressing down on the entrance way to my bowels. Pressure slowly increasing... increasing. "It'll never fit," I cried, "You're too big!" Suddenly, my sphincter yielded, the pressure disappearing as the cock slid slowly, slowly into my sigmoid. Now the pressure was replaced by a tightness, a feeling of fullness, and incredible pleasure. Cock buried in my rectum, Donna leaned over me and grabbed a tit in each hand. I moaned in delight. "You're being corn-holed, you know," she (he?) remarked. "How do you like it?" "I love it!" I gasped. "Fuck me harder!" Donna obliged, pumping her (his?) meat into me in long, leisurely strokes.She would pull herself nearly out, making me cry out to have her in me again, and then, when I thought I'd go insane with longing, slide it back in to its full extent. Her large hands squeezed and caressed my breasts. In minutes, I had an anal orgasm, shaking and crying out as my sphincter went into spasm. It must have felt good at the other end too, because Donna cried out at the same time and shot her load into the depths of my bowels. I collapsed, Donna's cock still buried deep inside me. We lay that way for a long time, listening to each other's breath, saying nothing. My partner finally spoke. "I think that's enough for now. Computer, end sim." The beach house, the loft, the featherbed dissolved, and I found myself back in my living room, leads still attached to the cooling sim generator. I looked over at Donna, who seemed cool and collected as ever in her modest blouse and skirt. In contrast, I felt like I'd been kicked by a camel and then left out to die in the Sahara. "Donna, I'm so sorry." It was good to have my normal voice again. She smiled at me with unexpected sweetness. "You do have a little explaining to do. But I'll take some of the blame. I mean, I put us in that situation, you know." I looked at her with widening eyes. "What do you mean?" "Haven't you figured it out, you dodo? I switched the cables in the back of the generator while you were fiddling with the console! Remember?" I couldn't think of anything to say, so I threw a couch pillow at her. And missed.
Kateri/Mary Anne
"These woods are lovely, dark and deep..." The line kept running through Michael's head as he trudged further up into the Berkshires on that morning, late in September. He shook his head, partly to clear away the mosquitoes that had returned with this brief spate of warm weather, partly in frustration at only being able to remember one line of the poem. He had overdressed, a city boy out in what passed for the wilderness of New England. The sweat dripped down the crease in the center of his forehead to slip under the rim of his wire-frame glasses and collect in small pools on his nose. This second day of hiking was easier, somehow. Muscles which had been well-toned by college basketball two years ago had finally started remembering how to move under pressure. Michael hadn't added any flab to his thin frame since leaving college; hours and days spent hunched over a computer had, if anything, only emaciated his long body. A diet of coffee and donuts from the all-night Dunkin' Donuts had kept him going through long nights of programming and debugging. But now - now he had escaped. Escaped from a city he was growing to hate; New Haven had been bad enough as a student, but it was unbearable outside the guarded precincts of Yale. Escaped from a live-in girlfriend who was becoming more shrewish by the day. Did he even love her anymore? She was still lovely, at least at night. Escaped from her four cats, two dogs, and multitude of small rats in gleaming cages. Michael had escaped for two all-too-brief days of Indian summer sunlight spotting its way through stained glass leaves against a wide and empty sky. And he was determined to make the most of it. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood"...was that even the same poem? Same poet? He couldn't remember. And this wood wasn't yellow. There were still a few green leaves hanging determinedly on the darkening branches, but the overwhelming color was a joyous shouting red across the line of hills. He paused for breath on the trail at a 'lookout point', marked by a small camera signpost. It was stunning, of course. The hill fell away beneath his feet to a deep valley, cleft by a river winding far below. Leaves across the horizon were a patchwork of sunset colors, blazing fiercely in the sunlight. Michael almost felt like breaking out into a Gloria in praise of a God he'd never believed in. He laughed softly to himself as he turned back to the trail. But there was singing. Somewhere not far ahead, just to the left of the trail, he could hear a woman's voice, high and clear above the murmur of water leading down to the river below. Michael couldn't quite make out the words, so far away, and he began to push his way through the underbrush towards that silver voice. Sharp thorns scored light tracks along his hands as he pushed them away from his face, and the light dimmed as he went deeper and deeper into the trees. Michael was surprised, and a little disturbed, to know that there was someone else here on this desolate mountain. While he'd known that there were other hikers about, he'd deliberately taken a disused trail, paint faded almost to nothing, to avoid other people. He'd seen nobody for almost two days, and had liked it that way. He'd almost started to miss his girlfriend again. The brush had been getting harder and harder to push through, but as he persevered he began to hear more voices. He still couldn't make out their words, but low, throaty laughter danced across the still autumn air, pulling him forward through the thick growth. Suddenly, he broke through, almost falling flat onto his face as the trees gave way to a small clearing, a deep pool...and women. So many women, it seemed at first, a horde of slim legs, shining teeth, tangled hair and soft breasts. For they were naked, all of them, clothes no doubt discarded nearby for the call of that pool, bright with glittering sparkles, deep as dying. It was a glorious pool, and they matched it. Michael had pulled back instinctively, and he crouched now in the shadow of an old oak, watching avidly. His lips glistened as he licked them over and over. He began counting the women, finding it difficult to concentrate on anything other than the slide of water of smooth, dark skin. None of the seven women were pale; no, tanned golden by weeks of playing in summer sunlight. Their hair was uniformly blond except for one, and she, she was red. Red as the leaves across the hills, red as sunset. That one was tall, perhaps even taller than Michael. She sat on a rock for a moment listening to the singer standing by the pool, then leaned over to break the song, still unintelligible to Michael, with a kiss deep and long as the pool itself. Then, laughing wildly, she dived down into the water. When she came up, it clung to her body, caressing the line of imperious neck to impossibly high breasts to slender waist and hips and muscled legs, finally dripping off red-painted toes. Michael didn't know how long he watched before his legs began to cramp. He was sure these women wouldn't appreciate his presence, and so, slowly, regretfully, began to ease his way back from the clearing, into the woods. And then she called him, a low, accented voice sensuous as silk. "Come out." CHAPTER: Part II CORRECTED_TEXT: Michael stumbled from his hiding place in the shadow of the ancient oak, falling to one knee, hands braced to catch himself. His face and groin were burning as he looked up, though burning for different reasons. She only laughed at him, a rumble of laughter like muted thunder as one of the blond women stepped forward and reached out a hand to help him up. The blond's hand was steady and dry in his damp one, her nails long and sharp and red as blood. She led him over to where the redhead sat on the flat rock, damp with the water dripping down. She cocked her head, studying him carefully, from the thatch of windswept stringy hair, down the length of his sweat-stained clothing, pausing briefly at the all-too-evident bulge in his pants. She didn't look particularly impressed. "You don't look like a hunter," she said. Michael shook his head, while trying to place her accent. It seemed familiar, somehow, like something he'd heard before, but he couldn't name exactly where. "I'm just a hiker," he explained, trying his best scapegrace smile, wondering if he'd wandered accidentally onto private property. The paint signs had gotten very faint towards the end of his trail. "I'm just here to admire" and his voice trailed off as his blush deepened. Michael tried desperately to keep his eyes on her face and off her naked body. Then she smiled at him, a smile so stunning he was dizzy with the force of it. Her teeth flashed like a model's, bright and sharp in the sunlight. "We like admirers," she said, and with that beckoned to the six blond women, calling them over from their perches on rocks, their games in the water, their rolling in the drying autumn grass and fallen leaves. They came with fragments of red leaf caught in their tangled hair, with clear water drying on golden skin. He had never, never in his life seen women so beautiful. And then they were touching him. Michael tensed, unsure what to do or say in this totally impossible situation. They murmured gently among themselves, laughing in some foreign language as they eased off his backpack, untied the sweater wrapped around his waist, pulled off his Vikings cap. They began kissing his neck, his chest, his hard nipples as they unbuttoned his cotton shirt and slid it off his shoulders. The blondes ran their uniformly long fingernails down his chest and back as one knelt in front of him, undoing his pants and removing them, dropping sharp kisses on his trembling thighs. Michael lifted his legs, one at a time, blindly. They took off boots and socks and pants, his gaze still focused on the blurring face of the redhead and her brightly shining eyes. Then, with their hands and mouths moving over him, she leaned over...and kissed him, sliding her tongue deep into his mouth. It was then that he collapsed. CHAPTER: Part III CORRECTED_TEXT: Michael came back to consciousness to find himself erect against the aging oak, the rough bark pressed into the tender skin of back and buttocks. His arms had been drawn carefully back and tied with some sort of cord, maybe vines. She was standing in front of him, smiling that bright smile again. He was still dizzy. "I have a question for you," she said. "Well, I have a lot of questions for you!" Michael began to bluster. He was suddenly terrifyingly, exhilaratingly sure that he would not be seeing his girlfriend, his job, their apartment or her rats again. Now that he had been stripped of his clothing, he felt oddly free to gaze his fill, and his eyes drank in the curves and planes of her body, broken only by a patch of flaming hair. She seemed to enjoy his gaze, continuing to smile as she watched his eyes watching her.Then she spoke again. "What do you want?" Suddenly time seemed to still and thicken so that Michael had all the time he needed to remember: the days of college when he and his friends, self-proclaimed geniuses, would stay up till dawn promising to see the world and taste its women in wide open fields and hot dark rooms; the clarity of nights without sleep as he talked and fucked and laughed with a girl with wide dark eyes who'd left him when once he slept too late; dancing naked in the rain, all alone. But closer was job, cats, safety, overpowering fear, and the love of a woman probably still asleep back home. And now he knew how much he loved her after all, so much more than either of them had ever thought. So that he almost said, 'to go home'. But he'd gotten too much sleep lately, it seemed. "You," he answered, suddenly certain, suddenly sure. And then she was laughing above him as she reached out and sliced apart the bonds with impossibly sharp fingernails. The women surrounded them, touching them everywhere it seemed as her skin slid against his ready body and she bent to kiss his neck. That was the first and only pain, a sudden sharp tearing though he did not scream as he worshipped her with strong limbs and violent burning thrusts. Somehow she managed to say just then, "Only that, beloved, for the right answer" before rising to meet him, her red hair falling around him in streams of blood and fire, their long red nails raking down his back. And so Michael rose to ecstasy, fully conscious, fully clear that nothing, nothing could be beyond this. Hours later, they had long since bathed the last traces away, and they were once again beautiful in the moonlight. The wildness had faded for a while, sated by that long orgy in the sunset splendor of fallen leaves. The blond women were dancing slowly and languorously in the outpouring of the full moon. On Diana's face was something that on another might be mistaken for regret; but he had been lost from that first moment, after all. And then she joined them in their dance, and it grew wild once again.
Part I
A History of an Aberrent Sexual Contest
"Fnorking" is a colloquial term for contests involving females inserting small dead animals into their vaginas. All known instances involving "fnorking" have occurred on college campuses. The contests dealt with several females competing to insert as many animals as possible into their vaginas, the winner being the one able to insert more than any of the other contestants. The winner of the contest was sometimes crowned the "fnork" queen. The earliest known incidences of "fnorking" occurred in the late 1920's. The phenomenon seems to have been an outgrowth of the goldfish eating fad prevalent at that time. Most goldfish eating contests involved college age males consuming as many live goldfish as possible. The female collegians of that time were less inhibited than preceding generations of females and developed their own version of this fad. They held contests involving the insertion of as many goldfish as possible. The goldfish were most often inserted while live. Contest were held late at night in college dormitories, although there is a report of one contest being held in broad daylight beside a well stocked pond. This contest is said to have involved at least twenty-five females and the winner was able to "consume" twenty-seven goldfish. All known "fnorking" contests seem to have been held at exculsively female colleges and universities, although, considering the segregation of males and females at schools in this time period, this is not unusual. "Fnorking" seems to have been an outgrowth of the general loosening of morals in the 20's era and the woman's sufferage movements of the early part of that decade. The less inhibited females of the era were more inclined to enter such bizarre contests. As the fad progressed, the contests were not limited to just goldfish but were expanded to include other specie of small animals. It is known that contests were held involving the "fnorking" of hamsters, gerbils, lizards, salamanders, frogs, small birds and even one contest involving chipmunks. All of the above contests involved dead animals. The preferred method of killing the animals was suffocation. The contests were held immediately after the animals were killed because they were "still warm and still very pliable." The phenomenon seems to have disappeared after the turn of the decade. This is possibly because of the depression era when less females were attending colleges and also morales experienced a general regression. No known incidences of "fnorking" have been reported until very recent times. Recent reports have eminated from the Florida area and from Europe, specifically at the 1991 "spring break" in Florida and one incidence in 1989 in Denmark involving sixty college age females inserting frogs in a day long contest. There were reports of three contests in the Miami area in 1991, two involving insertion of goldfish and one the insertion of small toy stuffed animals. The winner of one of the goldfish contests was able to insert twelve fish and is reported to have recieved a cash prize in the amount of five hundred dollars. Interview's of 1920's era females involved in "fnorking" contests indicate that no prizes were awarded in the contests, of that period. The females stated that most entered the contests due to peer pressure. They also indicated that the contests were held in conjunction with college fraternity initiations. The origin of the word "fnork" is very hard to discern. All of the females interviewed stated that "it was always called that." One woman did offer as an explanation that "fnork" is formed from the first letters of greek words describing the activity. At this time I have not been able to discover the words used, if there are any. No written descriptions of the activity have been brought to light, although, considering the type of activity, this is not unusual. All of the females interviewed were very reluctant to admit to being in the contests. Considering the recent resurgance of the "fnorking" phenomenon, it is possible that the general lessening of sexual inhibitions in females in recent times has allowed the fad to resurface. In this day of personal video, how soon will some enterprising person make a record of one of these interesting contests?
Benjamin Wick
An End to Loneliness
"I had a wonderful time, Warren," she said as they walked up the front steps and approached the mansion's door arm in arm. She smiled radiantly and her violet eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Me too, Betsy. What's not to love about an enchanting evening of dining and dancing on the rooftops of New York City with the most beautiful British/Asian ninja telepath in the world?" he smirked. "No mean feat, considering I'm the only one we know of, Mr. Charmer," she slapped him on the shoulder. "Surely you can do better than that!" "Okay, okay, the most beautiful *woman* in the world," he amended. She looked skeptical for a moment, then smiled again. "Would you object if I were to probe your mind to verify the truth of that statement?" she challenged, grinning wryly. "Not at all..." Warren answered without hesitation. "Then I don't _have_ to. That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me," she crooned and planted an electric kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer, returning the kiss passionately, their bodies ground together and his loins tingled with a hot, maddening sensation. He felt a pang of regret as they broke apart. He reached into his pocket and fished out his key. He opened the door and invited Betsy to enter with a bow of the head and a sweeping gesture with his arm. She nodded acquiescence and stepped in to the foyer ahead of him. They ascended the stairs to the second floor. At the top, Warren stood and looked at her awkwardly. He blushed a little, which created an interesting effect on his light blue skin. He didn't know how to proceed, and felt like such an adolescent for it. He felt that he was getting all kinds of signals from Betsy all night, but hadn't been with a woman in two years; since his last long-time girlfriend Candy Southern was murdered as he watched helplessly, and they'd been serious for nearly six years. He didn't have sex with Charolette Jones during their short relationship, the right time never presented itself. So it had been almost eight years since he'd been in the position of first sexual encounter with a new lover! If Betsy was picking up any of this, she showed no sign. She just kissed him on the cheek and turned on her heel towards the left and the women's dormitories, sparing him a backwards glance and a wink. She sauntered off, as Warren was left to gape stupidly, watching her ass as it shifted beneath her slinky red evening gown before she disappeared around the corner, and wonder what the hell happened. "Damn!" he whispered through clenched teeth. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slightly in disappointment. Then he proceeded to follow Betsy halfway down the hall, taking a right just beyond the stairway to Ororo's attic, through the galley and into the bath and dressing rooms. He flicked on the light and began to undress, neatly folding his tuxedo and setting it aside. Warren took slight notice of the hard-on he was sporting. His nine-inch blue penis stood proudly up and out from his short bush of groomed, sharply contrasting blond pubic hair. He chastised himself inwardly, he hadn't been with a woman in two years, but still styled his pubic hair out of the force of habit that he'd made as a millionaire playboy. He was a compulsive groomer. He turned on the water in the shower and stepped inside. Warren sighed heavily and tried to relax and let the tension be washed away by the water rushing over his smoothly muscled body, and be carried down the drain. It wasn't working. Betsy had him so worked up that he could have just grabbed her and fucked them both senseless right there on the front steps. He chuckled a little, the Professor wouldn't be likely to appreciate that. Plus, Bobby could be back from Long Island with Rogue any time, a visit with his parents never lasted very long. Warren tried to imagine Bobby and Rogue profusely excusing themselves and stepping over and around he and Betsy's twisting, grunting, sweating bodies. Imagining this little scene wasn't helping him cool down any. Warren was lathering his hair and looked back down at his unebbing erection, he considered a moment and then closed his soapy fist around the massive organ and began to masturbate. He slid his slick fist furiously up and down his shaft and fantasized about Betsy until, standing on his toes with his arched back to the steaming water, he came, spilling out copious amounts of jizz from his aching, purple head. *That* was working. No substitute for Betsy's flesh, but it got rid of that maddening hard-on and loosened him up a bit. Besides Warren was no stranger to jacking off during this two year, *and counting*, he thought with melancholy, dry spell. He finished his shower and dried himself off. He proceeded to the adjoining dressing rooms and found his bathrobe among the rest of the team's robes and a stockpile of standard blue and gold training uniforms. He put it on, picked up his tuxedo, and proceeded back through the galley, down the hall, past the staircase to the first floor and the foyer, and to the men's dormitory wing. As he approached the door to his room, he noticed that it was slightly ajar. Battle-honed suspicion kicked into high gear, he dropped the tux and squinted his eagle-sharp eyes. Fully tensed and ready to unfurl his deadly wings, he twisted into a stance from which he could slam the door wide open with a powerful side kick. <Warren,> the gentle telepathic voice reached him and calm flowed through his mind and body, stopping him in mid-kick. But the adrenaline didn't stop pumping into his system as he recognized the voice and realized what it must mean. He opened the door and turned the dimmer knob above the light switch, illuminating the room in a soft glow. Betsy sat stark naked at the edge of his four-poster bed, her left leg dangling over the side and the other tucked up under her. Her hands rested on her left knee, which caused her arms to press her enormous breasts together, creating an amazingly sensual effect. *Warren, my boy,* he thought to himself, *you're gonna get laid after all,* and unconsciously closed the door behind him. Betsy jiggled a little with laughter like the tinkling of bells, and said, "How perceptive you are Mister Worthington," as she slid off the bed's satin comforter, making a small swishing noise. She stood tall and Warren marveled at her voluptuous, yet athletic body. Smooth, flawless bronze skin, shapely limbs, a flat belly slightly rippled with the faint suggestion of feminine abs, large breasts with plum nipples that complemented her darkish skin beautifully, elegant Asian face that managed to carry and suggest her British-born aristocracy in a unique effect, and flowing lustrous deep purple hair. Warren noticed that her little triangle of pubic hair was purple as well, meaning that while Betsy Braddock was blond by birth, Kwannon's exotic hair color must have been natural. Unless she dyed that too, but that seemed unlikely. Warren gulped and licked his lips in a nervous gesture, a sticky sweat popped up on his brow and he trembled slightly as Betsy strode toward him confidently, heaving her chest with deep breaths... a no doubt intentional effect. She reached out to him, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on the base of his neck and pulled herself to him, mashing herself against his body and fiercely kissing him. She finessed the folds of his robe open with her knees, and, positioning her left leg between his legs and her right leg alongside the outside of his left leg, she began to grind her crotch against his left hip. Lifting her left leg to his crotch, she began to rub his balls with it. Warren's eyes bulged and his heartbeat became erratic, thumping in his chest and temples so hard he thought he might pass out. She had sucked his tongue into her mouth and was rolling her's around it, *she was &lt;chewing&gt; on his tongue!*, alternating between little nips at the tip with her incisors and grinding it lightly between her molars. Warren gasped deeply, forgetting to breathe through his nose, and almost choked. Betsy sent a telepathic cascade of laughter, like a babbling brook, across his mind. She continued to suck his face, tickling the roof of his mouth and licking his teeth for a while before she began to close her mouth, forcing his to close with it by sucking the air out of him. A loud, astoundingly dry, smacking sound was produced when both their lips came together and the seal was broken. Warren let out a nervous laugh, little "huh" sounds between gasps for breath. "Wow," he whispered sincerely with glazed eyes. Betsy untied his robe and pushed it over his shoulders so that it dropped off his body. She put her hands on his hips and lowered to her knees. *Good Lord!* he thought, his head spinning, *The &lt;kiss&gt; almost got me off!* Betsy cradled his genitals in her hands, cupping his sack in her palms and holding his stiff member between her thumbs. She massaged his nuts and gently kissed the head of his cock, wetting it with saliva. She tilted it upward and flattened her tongue onto his balls, slowly running it up the underside of his shaft and upon reaching the end, swiftly gulped down his entire penis, tightened her lips snugly around the base of his dick and slowly retreated to the head, which she began to polish with her tongue. Then she licked the side of his cock in a back and forth motion before taking it back into her mouth and continued to give him the best head of his life. Sucking, licking and nibbling him into new heights of ecstasy. "Wait," he panted, heavily setting his hand on her head when he was teetering on the edge of an orgasm. She disengaged and stood, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. He was beginning to get over his initial shock and befuddlement and was ready to take a more confident and active role. He took her by the waist and guided her to the bed. He lifted her into his arms and slid onto the bed, setting her down with her head on the pillows. He opened her legs and sat between them with his legs folded under him. She was so beautiful, lying naked on red satin, one arm lay slightly crooked at her side, the other bent in a right angle, lying palm upward. Her eyes were closed and her lips slightly parted. Her head was tilted to one side, stretching her elegant long neck. Warren was drawn to that neck, he bent down and kissed it gently. She smelled of tropical flowers, light and sweet. He trailed kisses down her body, lingering on her breasts and belly. He was forced to untuck his legs and lie flat as he moved downward. Now he was propped on his elbows between her silky thighs, his face only inches in front of her pussy. He reached out and placed two fingers on the soft folds of her labia, which were the same plum color of her nipples, and spread them open to reveal the glistening pink within.He touched the tip of his tongue to that pink flesh, capturing the salty tang of her juices. Betsy moaned slightly. Warren clamped his mouth onto her mound and forced his tongue inside of her, slithering it along her petal-like folds and grinding her clitoris. Betsy writhed and twisted. As Warren continued his oral ministrations she reached her first climax and began to thrash around so hard he could hardly keep his lips affixed, so he slid his arms under her legs and locked them around her thighs. He rose to his knees, lifting her hips and leaving only her head and shoulders still in contact with the bed, he pressed on with determination, relentlessly licking and sucking and pulling at her folds with his lips. She came noisily again and he was spurred on by her reaction and the musky smell of her fluids. Less than a minute later she came a third time and he stopped eating her out and set her down. Betsy lie there catching her breath, covered in a glistening sheen of sweat, her chest and abdomen heaving. Warren leaned over and kissed her on the mouth once before inserting his dick between her wet and swollen pussy lips and into her tight channel with a low grunt. He rammed it in to the hilt, until he felt his sack come to rest between her buttocks. He was instantly enraptured by the hot sensation and saw double for a moment. He didn't really realize how much he missed this and was struck all at once by overwhelming passion, love for Betsy and joy at their sharing this, and bittersweet memories of Candy. Taken by a brilliant spontaneous and exciting whim, he lifted Betsy's shoulders up, crossing his arms behind her back. He pressed her to his chest and rolled the two of them over. He sat up, scooched over to the edge of the bed and stood, holding Betsy off the ground by pressing one arm across her back and supporting her under the ass with the other, all the while managing to keep himself deep inside of her. Betsy squealed a little with surprise by this sudden and swift movement, reflexively grabbing his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his hips to keep from falling. "What are you..?" she stammered, staring at him with a look of confusion. He just smiled broadly at her and didn't answer. He disabled the security on his windows by entering his code on the remote control that lay on the nightstand. He proceeded to the window, bracing her against the sill for a moment while he threw it open. "Don't scream, please," he asked her quietly, "We've already made too much racket," he grinned and pushed forward, sending them tumbling them into the night. "Warren!" she yelped, her eyes widening impossibly as she clutched him crushingly tight. "Are you crayzeeeeeeee?!" she hissed; to her credit, very quietly as they plunged from the second story window. Warren spread his wings wide and arched upward at the last second, Betsy's hair brushed the lawn as their momentum was redirected. They shot upward at a nauseating velocity, Warren giggled to himself at Betsy's expression. Her teeth were clenched and her eyes were shut tightly, a tear escaped from the corner of an eye and swiftly ran down her cheek, dragged by the "G" forces. Warren stopped climbing and began to hover. Betsy shivered against him, looking ill, and cautiously opened her eyes. He began to laugh heartily. "*You* _bastard!_" she exclaimed. He stopped laughing and looked her dead in the eyes solemnly. "Oh, come on, Betsy! Look around you and try to tell me you don't want to be here," as he spoke, his eyes swept the sky and came to rest looking down at the mansion. Her eyes followed his. She looked at the mansion, seeming small below them, then over to the horizon and the forested Appalachian mountains, bathed in the soft moonlight. She gasped slightly and smiled, her face softening and her stifling grip loosening. The starry fall nights of urban Westchester in the New York highlands were always gorgeous, but infinitely more so from this altitude. "Oh, Warren! I haven't flown since I was Captain Britain! It's been so long... two lifetimes ago, it seems... since I've experienced the freedom and wonder of the skies!" "You're forgiven," she breathed and kissed him deeply. Warren, having kept still inside her for so long began to pump his hips slowly, sliding his organ in and out in long, sensuous strokes. He held her tightly to him, burying his face in her neck and hair as she twined her legs around his and stroked and kneaded his buttocks. They screwed in a vertical position, bobbing up and down slightly against a backdrop of stars as he flapped his wings sporadically. The heat of their bodies quickly rose to protect them against the chilly autumn night. After a few minutes Warren reoriented them, turning so that they were horizontal, with Betsy hanging underneath. He held her legs to his sides and she hooked her arms under his armpits and gripped his shoulders from behind. Confident that she wouldn't fall, he began to fly, soaring over the estate's grounds. He proceeded toward the mountains and the jet hangar, pistoning furiously and grunting while they kissed and licked all over each other's faces, throats and ears. Soon Betsy came, spasming violently. Warren had never seen a woman react to an orgasm like she did! He was worried about one of them losing their grip, so he rolled them over so that he was facing the sky and turned back towards the estate. Betsy regained her composure and sat up, balancing across his hips and bracing her hands against his shoulders as he closed his on her waist. She began to ride him, moving in sync with his thrusts as though they were choreographed, as if one was an extension of the other. Warren noticed that they were passing Scott and Jean's place and soon were over Breakstone lake, when Betsy suddenly straightened bolt upright. She swayed back and forth, stroking her breasts and trailing her hands up her neck into her hair, pulling it up above her head and licking her lips. She looked so ethereally beautiful to Warren, her face, breasts, and belly bathed in luminescent moonlight. She was positively aglow! Warren gazed at her long and hard, his eyes caressing her soft form, over the contours her body. He looked past his sweaty pecs and abs to their joined regions. He watched his cock as it plunged in and out of her and felt the inevitable climax building, he moaned and growled as Betsy panted and squealed, she was going to come too. He drew her back down to him and steeled himself for it. Suddenly he felt Betsy in his mind and became disoriented by strange, alien sensations that were coming to him. He struggled to understand and realized that she was linking them, allowing him to experience what she was feeling! He felt like he was going to burst as she synchronized and shared their orgasms, literally doubling the staggering sensation. All reality seemed to explode and fall apart around him, his groin burned with the white-hot ecstasy of the senses-shattering super orgasm. Warren's muscles locked and his eyes bulged, he howled out loud and lost control of his wings. They dropped from the sky like a stone and landed in the lake's cove with a splash. Warren was shocked by how cold the water felt against his hot skin and swallowed a lot of water before surfacing. He was barely able to tread water, his muscles felt like jelly. He scanned the water, searching for Betsy. There she was, sputtering and coughing. He doggy-paddled over to her. "Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded with one last cough and smiled mischievously, flicking her eyebrows upward twice rapidly, as if to say "you like?" "That was un-*fucking*-be*lieve*able!" he answered to her silent query, "Pardon the pun." "Of course," she nodded her head toward the shore and began to swim away. Warren stared, wondering where she got the energy to move that fast. Then he began to follow and was surprised that his strength was rapidly recovering. She reached the beach, halfway between Scott and Jean's cottage and the cove's peninsula, before him. She crawled a little way inland and rolled over onto her back, propped herself up on her hands and lifted her knees. She began to slowly open and close them. Warren rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, she was absolutely relentless! He crawled up to her and, since he wouldn't be able to get hard again for about fifteen minutes, he took one of her tits into both of his hands and leaned over to close his mouth around the nipple. He began to suck forcefully and nip at it as he ran his right hand down her abdomen and laid his palm against her bush, stroking her labia and clitoris gently with his middle finger. He worked open the folds with his index and ring fingers, and inserted his middle, followed by his index, into her vagina. Betsy shuddered and groaned as he stroked up and down, by approaching the pussy from above and arching the fingers into the channel, the clitoris was constantly stimulated, when coming at it from ahead would completely miss it. By her reaction, Betsy obviously appreciated the technique. She ground her pelvis into the sand, thrashing her head back and forth as he noisily sucked her tits and furiously frigged her. She reached down and took Warren's limp penis into her hands, brushing it between her fingers and thumb until it was erect. She closed her fist around it just as she came, squeezing it painfully. Warren gritted his teeth until it was over and she began to slowly stroke it as if she were milking a cow; pinching the base between thumb and forefinger and pulling down. Shortly she came again, her pussy was becoming quite slick and Warren was wearing his arm out by fingerfucking her so quickly. When she climaxed a third time, he felt his drawing close. "Spray my tits," he received the telepathic order. He frowned slightly. Being the cultured gentleman he was, he found splattering a woman slightly distasteful and disrespectful. Making her swallow was absolutely unforgiveable, that's why he told her to stop when she was blowing him. But, she was requesting it, so he was willing to do as she said. He rose to his knees and she propped herself on one elbow, taking his cock in her hand and giving a final few jerks. He breathed harshly through his teeth, squirting on her gigantic bosom. She held onto his spasming dick, and laughing with delight and aiming it like a firehose, she coated her tits. She aimed it just below the base of her throat most of the time, allowing the jizz to run down her cleavage, some of it oozed down her belly and collected in her navel. Warren gaped at the incredible amount of glistening semen that was glazing her mountainous breasts. She laid back down on the sand. "Fuck them," she ordered, pressing the heels of her hands on the sides of her boobs and rubbing them together. "But I just..." he protested. She cut him off by shaking her head and gesturing at his still-erect member. He was astounded, his cock was showing no signs of becoming flaccid, it was still as hard as ever. He wondered how the hell that could be, then figured it must be Betsy's doing. Mastery of the brain is mastery of the central nervous system. She was preventing the inevitable "crash" that was part of coming down from an orgasm, a fair comparison being how a drug user's system crashes when coming down from a high. *This* was a pleasant utilization of telepathic abilities he'd never thought of before! He straddled her stomach and inserted his penis between her slippery tits. He began to pump and she squeezed his tool tight between her breasts, alternating between grinding them in a circular motion and sliding them to mirror his thrusts. The sensations were very pleasant, the softness of her plump breasts, the sticky tackiness of his come, and the warmth the friction created. He removed his hands from his hips and began to tweak her nipples, circling the bumply areolas with the pads of his fingertips and pinching and pulling the nipples gently. He continued to piston for only a couple more minutes when he felt his climax approaching, much sooner than usual. He guessed that if given the chance, men's orgasms happened closer together as they continued to have them, just as women do. Women are capable of having multiple orgasms after prolonged stimulation, orgasms so close together that you can hardly tell them apart. With Betsy, Warren could have multiple orgasms! He would have to try that sometime, and shelved the thought away. He threw his head back in the air, moaning and grunting as he came, the ejaculate spraying out from between her tits and drenching her lips, chin, and neck. Betsy was laughing again, she just loved to be coated in a man's juices. Warren guessed that one of his old habits was about to change while he was partnered with her. Warren stood and Betsy reached for his hand. He took it and helped to pull her up. She stepped back a couple paces from him, that disturbing little grin was back. Warren was wondering what the hell she was up to when she scooped some of the jizz off of her body and smooshed her palm into his face playfully. Before he had the chance to yell and freak out, wipe his face and spit, she smashed her body against his. Holding him in a tight bear hug she licked his face and kissed him, forcing her messy tongue into his mouth. Though it was surprisingly tasteless, he was still pretty grossed out. *She really loves this stuff,* he thought to himself. Suddenly she released his mouth and tackled him into the water, making him forget all about her little trick as they wrestled and played around in the lake. They horsed around like teenagers, splashing and dunking each other, laughing and making idle threats. After about fifteen minutes, Betsy made for the shore and Warren gave chase. He reached the beach only a few steps behind her and sprinted, knocking her to the sand. They necked for a little while and Betsy ended up lying halfway on top of him, her head on his chest as he stroked and ran his fingers through her drying hair. "I love you, Betsy," he whispered and kissed the top of her head.Warren felt her cheek pull upward into a smile and she snuggled closer against him. "I love you too," he heard her say as he drifted off to sleep. A little more than three hours later, Warren awoke. He squinted against the light of the sunrise and stretched, yawning. Then his eyes snapped open as he realized that they'd fallen asleep on the beach. "*Shit!* Betsy!" he shouted, shaking her. "What?" she moaned groggily, annoyed. Then her eyes flew open and she sat up, her eyes flicking back and forth to confirm their location. "*Shit!*" she hissed. "I already said that," Warren quipped, standing up and brushing the sand off his naked body and shaking out his hair. Betsy did the same. "C'mon," he said, holding out his arms. She went to him and he picked her up. He covered the distance between the lake and the mansion flying low, at an altitude about equal to his height. They reached the wing that held the men's dormatory and Warren's window was directly above and still open. They were standing in front of the window to Professor Xavier's office. Warren happened to glance inside and noticed a gathering. He quickly shot upard to the second floor, hoping that they weren't spotted. He set Betsy on the window sill and she climbed in, he followed. "What's going on down there?" he asked. "The Professor has summoned Hank, Scott, Ororo, Jean, Bishop, and Bobby. They must be briefing for a mission," she answered. He picked his robe up off of the floor and handed it to her. "Here, get back to your room with this. I hope Charles didn't want either of us for the assignment, so that no one's looking for us," he paused. "I noticed, none of your clothes are in here. You came here like that?" "Yes, I scanned everyone but you as being asleep and I expected you to be in here, I thought that coming to your door naked would be fun," she smiled, putting on the robe. "I was inspired by your comment last night that we should 'cut to the chase'," she quoted. There was a knock at the door, "Hey, buddy," it was Bobby's voice. Warren and Betsy froze. The door swung open as Bobby continued, "Are you gettin' up or wha... ohboy," he whispered, staring at Betsy. Warren, though he was the one who was still naked, stepped in front of her. "I..." Bobby stammered, averting his eyes, "The Prof sent me to..." Betsy moved around Warren and brushed past Bobby. "Drake, *get the hell out of here!*" Warren snarled, turning him by the shoulders and pushing him out the door. Warren took a step into the hall and heard Rogue's voice. "There you are, Betsy," she was saying, "me an' Remy were just looking for you in your room," sure enough, Remy was right behind her as usual. It was sickening, the way he tailed her every move. He made eye contact with Warren and covered his mouth, snickering. Then Rogue saw him too. She blushed and turned her back, swiftly proceeding toward the stairs. Remy opened his mouth to say something rude, and Rogue barked "Gambit!". He dropped it and followed her, stealing a backward glance to Warren, he winked and gave him a "thumbs up." Warren covered his face with his hand and retreated into his room, slamming the door. *Even without Jubilee around, this will spread,* he thought, plopping onto his bed. He smiled, *But given the chance, I wouldn't have changed a thing.* &lt;Me neither, luv,&gt; Betsy sent. This was the beginning of a beautiful realationship. No more brooding in solitary for Warren, Apocalypse was months dead and Warren had met a woman to pull him out of the darkness he'd allowed himself to grow comfortable in. It was no longer enough and he was ready to rejoin the land of the living. Pushed into action by Jubilee's biting words, he'd allowed himself to love again. And he'd never felt so good in his life.
XXX-Men #1 (Archangel & Psylocke)
The Game
"Oww, it hurts... It hurts but I like it... Continue..." "But we are not guinea pigs, we're account managers." "Well, now to the showers, my boys. The van will leave in an hour. Have a good weekend, and see you on Monday." The voices merged into a loud buzz, without losing their coherence. The small room was lighted only by the flickering glow of the twelve TV screens on the wall, in a 3 tall by 4 wide array. The room's occupant was masturbating slowly, watching the screens intently. He checked Monitor 5: Brad and Fraser had just crashed in a corner, tired from their futile exploration. He pressed a button on the console in front of him, and checked Monitor 8. A wall closed behind Scott and Jonathan, separating them from Mark and Chris. Both pairs of teenagers banged on the wall, but they could not hear each other. The noise attracted Brad and Fraser, who walked towards Scott and Jonathan. "Stop that," said Fraser, as soon as they reached the desperate teens. "You're wasting your time and energy. Are you trapped here like us?" "What's it look like, bozo?" asked Jonathan. "And what are you supposed to be? The Canadian police? Where the hell's your horse? Get us out of here." "Shut up, you little asshole," said Brad. "We're stuck here too." "Yeah, Jon, shut up!" approved Scott. "It's no time to play tough guy. These guys can help us get out of here..." "As if," said Jonathan, with a conceited smirk. "They're probably some friends of Finley." He jumped towards the wall, striking it with both feet, and yelled: "Open that!" He then paced the area nervously, making sudden impatient jerks with his arms, blowing off steam. "Don't listen to him," said Scott to Fraser. "We were brought here by a teacher of ours, and we don't really know where he is now. I think he took advantage of us, you know... sexually." He paused for a moment, then whispered: "I think Jonathan is not taking it too well. It was humiliating, and Jon is used to be the leader, always in control." He was looking at the floor, visibly embarrassed. Jonathan had stopped his frantic moves, and was now staring at the wall, silent. "I think it is this place that's taking advantage of us," offered Brad. "It happened to us too... we won't get in the details. I feel like someone is playing a game with us." "It looks like a lab, or a control room," said Scott, as he entered with the other two. "Don't touch anything kids," said Fraser. "It can be dangerous." "We're not kids," spouted Jonathan arrogantly. "We'll do as we want to do." Jonathan wandered away from the others, and studied the controls attentively. He checked the others, and when he was certain they were not looking, he pressed a few buttons. Nothing happened. He checked again, then turned a large dial. Nothing happened, or so he thought until he heard Scott ask in panic: "What did you do? Turn it back." Jon turned around and saw that Fraser and Brad, who were standing on the white-paneled section of the room, had frozen in place. The panels themselves glowed - they were translucent, and light came from under them. "Wait, I'm trying something here," said Jonathan, trying to appear calm and in control, slowly turning a smaller dial next to the large one. Something was happening to the two immobile men. An aura of greenish light surrounded them, or part of them. Jonathan stopped turning the dial midway, and the glow faded; but the appearance of the men had changed. Fraser's uniform and boots were gone, and he stood in white boxers and T-shirt, and black socks; Brad had lost his jeans, T-shirt and sneakers, and he stood also in white boxers, but his torso was bare. "Wow, this is fun," said Jonathan, excited. "Jon, I mean it," warned Scott. "Put them back like they were." "Scott," argued Jon, "these two may be responsible for what happened to us. Don't you want to get some revenge." "We don't know that, Jon." Scott's tone was becoming firmer. "Turn it back." "All right," said Jonathan. He turned the large dial back, dimming the floor panels. The two men moved, and looked confused. "Go check if they're OK..." Scott approached the semi-clad men, but as soon as his feet were on the panels, Jonathan turned the large dial back, freezing Scott with the others. Scott first layer of clothing also vanished in a green glow, leaving him with only a T-shirt and dark patterned boxers. Jonathan looked at his three victims in underwear. They looked so pathetic. Now, he was back in control, like it was meant to be. He noticed briefly that he had a hard-on, but focused on the many dials and buttons before wondering at the reason for his arousal. There was an array of small dials just below the ones he had played with, and he tried playing with these. The first one he turned brought a reaction in Brad - he moved his hand towards his crotch, and started feeling his genitals through his boxers. Jon tried a second dial, which made Scott's cock grow hard and push against the fabric of his underwear. Another dial had Fraser kneel, then put his hands on the floor, waving his ass back and forth as if waiting to be fucked. Jonathan watched Brad fucking Fraser for a while, then turned the fourth dial on Fraser's row, which resulted in him crawling towards Scott's crotch - Brad crawling behind him not missing a beat - grabbing Scott's boxers, pulling them down, and starting to suck on the rock hard stick, as if it was a lollipop. Suddenly, an idea popped in Jonathan's head. He turned back the large dial on top almost to its original position. He watched his victims carefully as they regained consciousness, but stayed under the machine's control. "Hard to give commands when your mouth is full?" Jonathan shouted to Fraser. "You enjoy my good friend's teenage cock, don't you Mountie? It tastes great. And you," he switched to Brad, "do you still think I'm a little asshole? Well, you seem to like assholes, don't you?" "What are you doing to us?" yelled Brad back. "Stop this nonsense! Let us go." "Jon," pleaded Scott. "I'm your friend, remember. Let me go." Jonathan ignored them, curious of the other dials. He turned one on Scott's row, which seemed to have no effect...He placed one hand on the large Freeze Dial, and the other close to the top of the button column. "That's it, Mountie Man," said Scott, "Suck on my young dick! I love it. Faster... Deeper...." "Oooo, this is great, fucking that rough ass," said Brad. Jonathan suddenly pressed all three buttons, and watched Brad and Scott jerk out their dicks out of their respective holes, and explode in a steady jet of hot white cum all over Fraser's face and back, while Fraser himself was spraying his belly with spurts of his own sperm. At that exact moment, Jon turned the large dial completely, freezing the scene, cum still in mid-air, in a very lifelike erotic sculpture. Officer Kenny Mandylor stared at the large steel door in the white concrete wall, waiting for it to open. He was flanked on either side by Officer Antonio Minelli and Officer Matt White, who shared his silence. It was an anxious silence, as the three men had heard frequent rumors about the building facing them, the "Tests Inc." complex at the edge of the town of Harriston. No one in Harriston knew what tests were performed at "Tests Inc."; no one in Harriston had ever seen the owner of the building or the company - the land had been bought by lawyers, and the construction itself was done by foreign contractors; and no one in Harriston knew what the inside of the complex looked like, because only vehicles came in and out of the site, and they never stopped in the town. The door slid open with a grind, revealing a wide corridor with white concrete floor and shiny metal walls. As the three men slowly walked past the threshold, they felt a vague queasiness, a disorientation which made the walls appear to close in on them. Trying to look confident, they strolled down the corridor, looking for a human being. A few hundred feet later, they heard the main steel door close behind them. "Hello?" shouted Matt. "Is anybody here? This is the police." There was no answer. "This place gives me the creeps," said Kenny. "Do you think this will lead to a receptionist or something? " "The voice at the gate did say to enter from this door," answered Tony. "Can I help you?" a female voice said from behind them. The three policemen jumped around and saw a petite dark-haired woman in a beige business suit who stood impatiently, waiting for their answer. "How did you get here?" asked Matt. "There's no..." "I believe that your reason for coming here has nothing to do with my comings and goings," the woman said sharply. "We are busy, and have no time for small talk. Get to the point." A frown appeared on Kenny's face. His hand went instinctively to his gun, as if he felt threatened. "First things first, what is your name?" he asked. "Dreyfuss. Julia Dreyfuss." "Well, Ms. Dreyfuss, four high school kids were kidnapped yesterday, and we have reason to believe that they were brought here." Ms. Dreyfuss laughed. "And what makes you think that? " "Someone spotted one of your company vans just outside the school yesterday." "We were collecting some data in the area," explained Ms. Dreyfuss. She scratched her head, looking annoyed. "I don't see what interest we could have in kidnapping teenagers." "What kind of tests do you perform here?" asked Tony, a question which was burning his lips. "I don't think that is relevant," she snapped. "Well, I happen to think it can be pretty relevant," said Matt. "Look, we don't use teenagers in twisted weird science experiments, if that's what you mean." Julia's voice was even sharper. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do." "Can we take a look around, Ms. Dreyfuss?" asked Kenny. His tone made certain he would not accept a negative answer. "All right," said Ms. Dreyfuss, "but do not touch anything. When you are finished, just come back here and I'll see you out. Now, if you'll excuse me..." She left without further ado, through a door which they had not seen before. They continued along the corridor, trying to get a feel of the layout of the place. Of course, they did not expect the kids to pop out of a closet, or to cover the entire grounds (the place was huge!), but it gave them an occasion to snoop, and they were curious men. It took them four hours to accept that they were lost. They had not met a single human being during their exploration, and they had seen only corridors after corridors of doors after doors of dark laboratories. They yelled in vain for another half-hour, and tried to radio out, but the abundance of metal and concrete interfered with their walkie-talkies. Kenny looked at his watch: 10:13 PM. "I don't believe this. We're stuck in here. We've been walking in circles." "I'm suppose to meet a girl tonight after my shift," said Matt. "I need to get out." "It's HOT in here," said Tony, wiping sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. "That's true," said Matt. The three men had been perspiring heavily; their black hair was completely wet; pearls of sweat rolled over their skin; and their police uniforms had large dark patches under their arms and on their backs. They walked around for another while, until they found a room they had never seen before. It led into a small corridor with three doors and smelled strongly of chlorine. The doors on each side of them led to locker rooms, male and female, both empty, while the third one led to a large swimming pool. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" said Tony to the others. "We can't," said Kenny, "we did not get permission. And we don't have anything to wear." "Come on, there doesn't seem to be anybody here," said Matt. "We'll just swim in our boxers. If someone finds out, they'll tell us how to get out!" "I don't know." "Well, I'm going," said Tony. They watched him as he stripped his uniform off down to his white boxers. He had the better looking body of the three, and they were a bit jealous to see it so obviously in display: the chiseled chest just hairy enough, the tall stature, the firm butt, well-outlined in his tight boxers. He dove in the pool, made a few laps, and came out. His boxers clung to his body, and had become almost transparent, leaving not much to the imagination. They could not help but look at his magnificent long cock, almost 8 inches. "It's good," he said, "and quite relaxing. You should give it a try." "Well, why not," said Kenny. Both Matt and Kenny stripped down to their boxers. Kenny was wearing loose light-blue boxers, and Matt had black CK button fly boxers briefs. They both jumped in the water, and enjoyed its coolness. Tony joined them, and soon they were splashing each other, playing like kids. "I think I lost my boxers," said Matt. He dove in, trying to look for them at the bottom of the pool, but couldn't. On the way up, he saw that both his colleagues had lost their underwear too. Their soft cocks were floating loose in the water. When he surfaced, Tony told him: "Our uniforms are gone too, as well as our guns." Matt looked at the spot where they had left their clothes just a short while ago. They *had* disappeared. "That's impossible," Kenny said. "They were right next to the pool. No one came in." "We'll look for them later," said Matt, strangely. For some reason, he was happy that the uniforms were gone. They were an encumbrance. In the water, he felt so free! It was just the right temperature, and it was soft, almost airy. He also enjoyed swimming in the nude, his dick and balls free to move around without any constraints. "Yeah, later," said Kenny. Something was wrong. He should care about the clothes, the gun, their being trapped in here, but he didn't. All he could think about was the water, the airy water, the way it was gliding on his skin. He felt all his muscles loosen, especially his anus. Tony did not add anything. He just floated away on his back, his soft cock lying on his thighs, lost in his pubic hair. Matt dove in, and circled around Kenny. He waved the water around Kenny's legs, watching Kenny's cock follow the flow back and forth. It was also getting hard. Matt came out of the water, and saw that Kenny's eyes were closed. "That felt good," said Kenny without opening them, "real good. Come closer," he whispered. Matt swam to him, bringing his body so very close to him, but avoided any contact. He somehow felt the heat of Kenny's body through the water. He felt also the electricity, the life, in Kenny's body, and it tickled his own. "What's happening?" he whispered to Kenny. "What are we doing? Oh God! This feels like heaven. Do you feel me?" "Yes I do," answered Kenny. He moved his hands behind Matt's ass, without touching it. He moved them in little circles, and Matt felt his ass open up. He was also getting quite aroused, and his penis, growing erect, touched Kenny's, sending an intense wave of joy through both. "Don't mind me," said Tony, smiling, floating around and jerking off as he watched his colleagues have some fun. Matt moved his hands around both penises, and found the perfect way to stimulate them without touching. It was a degree over jerking off, as if they had reached the point of no return but stayed there, enjoying an orgasm which didn't come yet. Finally, exhausted, both men finally embraced, their bodies rubbing against each other, and they released their orgasm, their cocks spurting hot cum in the water. "Well, well, well..." said a female voice that all three knew. The three naked officers looked in the direction of the door, too ashamed to let more than their heads stick out of the water. Ms. Dreyfuss walked to the edge of the pool. "If it isn't the three macho officers fooling around in our pool..." she said, rubbing it in. "I told you not to touch anything...You should have listened. This is not really water, you see. It is a new chemical compound, which enters the body through physical contact and has some interesting effects on the brains. Right now, you are drugged, and since you will not remember anything in a few hours, I might as well enjoy myself. "What do you mean?" asked Tony. He and the others were feeling groggy, but they still were conscious of the events. "This pool is one of our many experiments on artifacts controlling and orienting sexual desire. At the top intensities, sexual desire becomes sexless, which is why you were enjoying yourselves even though none of you is gay. I guess, anyway, judging your attitude. It also lowers mental defenses, making all of you extremely sensitive to suggestion. For example, I can tell you the following: Come out of this pool right now, and stand up. I am now your superior officer, and you must obey my orders..." In an instant, the three policemen perceived Julia as their boss, and hurried out of the pool to stand before her. Yet, they were still aware of their nakedness, and they tried to hide their genitals with their hands. Julia rather enjoyed having these three at her command. They were all handsome, and quite hung. These were men, not teenagers like the three mechanics she enjoyed a few hours ago. "I have to make my inspection," she said. She started with Matt, whose innocent eyes were pleading her not to abuse of her power over him. She rubbed the hair on his chest, then spread his hands open to get a closer look at his equipment. His cock was uncut, a full seven inches coming out of thick pubic hair. She grabbed it and looked Matt in the eyes, intimidating him. She then moved over to Tony, the tallest and most hung, and kissed him, rubbing his ass. Finally, she moved to Kenny, whom she manacled with handcuffs taken out of her blouse. His hands securely behind his back, she was free to go down on him and use her tongue on his cock, until it grew hard and shiny with pre-cum. She moved back and said to Kenny: "I want those thick lips of yours locked around the tall one's cock. As for you," she said to Matt, "come here and..." She removed her skirt (she wasn't wearing anything under) "... satisfy me." "Yes, sir," said both men, almost in unison. Matt kneeled in front of her and used his tongue in ways she had never felt before, while she rinsed her eyes by watching Kenny, on his knees, his handcuffed hands just above his firm round ass, give head to a delighted Tony. After a while, she sat down on the floor, and asked Tony: "Fuck me!" She then turned to the others and commanded: "You two come to each side of me. I want to have my hands full." Matt and Kenny placed themselves on each side of her, and she grabbed their cocks, jerking them off to the same beat as the one Tony used to fuck her. The beat increased exponentially, until the three of them reached orgasm simultaneously, Matt and Kenny creaming her face, while Tony filled her up with his manly fluid. *** When the three policemen woke up, fully dressed in their uniforms, a few hundred yards from the compound, they remembered nothing of their experiences within. The only thing they knew was that they did not want to go back in again.
M/M explicit sex
The Goody Goody Girls
"What are you so upset about?" Karen asked as she rushed to catch up with Maggie who was storming down the corridor toward the front entrance of the high school. "That little rat bastard came in my mouth!" Maggie hissed, wiping her lips with the back of her hand for the tenth time. It didn't do any good. The ripe flavor of fresh semen still lingered on her tongue, as if Norman's thick cream had permanently saturated her flesh. "We went there to get laid," Karen reminded her friend. "I don't care what we went there for, I never had any intentions of letting that pimply little runt shoot off in my mouth. I feel like nothing more than a human condom." "I doubt that you're the first girl who's ever swallowed a load of cum without being warned in advance." "I don't care if I'm the first or the last. I don't like the idea of a boy thinking he can stick his dick in my mouth and let loose with all that nasty ball juice." "I don't know what you're so upset about," Karen mused. "By the way you were sucking his cock, I got the impression you were enjoying it. I kind of wished it had been me." "So do I," Maggie said with a scowl, then suddenly heard herself talking and broke into a laugh. "I guess it is silly, isn't it? I just didn't expect him to squirt down my throat." "Well, we know something Julie doesn't know." "What's that?" "That Norman Green is anything but queer. Did you see the way he went after eating your pussy? He really got a charge out of that." "He got a charge?" Maggie said with a grin. "I was the one on the other end of his tongue, remember? Now that was a charge, believe me!" "What did it feel like?" "Like heaven," the brunette purred, pressing her legs firmly together to soak up some of her overflow still streaming from her snatch. "And what was it like when you sucked him off?" "Like wrapping my lips around a big fat sausage," Maggie said in a whisper, "and I could smell and taste that delightful male flavor of his. You know something?" Her eyes grew suddenly very sober. "If he hadn't cum in my mouth, I would have let him stick his cock up my pussy. I really wanted him to fuck me. I think that's the reason I was so pissed when he cut loose." Karen made a face. "I was hoping he would fuck both of us. And you know what else?" "What?" "When he started cumming in your mouth, I was wishing it were me swallowing that hot cream. My monkey got all gooey and warm inside." Maggie knew that even if Karen didn't mean it, she was trying to make them both feel better about Norman's surprise conquest in the locker room. "That's nice Karen." Her eyes suddenly bolted to the front door. "Oh terrific!" she cried as she spotted Mrs. Peters. "What's wrong?" "I forgot Mom was picking me up after school to do some shopping." She broke away from her friend in a brisk walk. "Would you get my Lit. book out of my locker and take it home with you?" "Sure." "I'll see you at seven." "You're place or mine?" "Call me." Maggie and her mother were already outside by the time Karen started down the hall to collect her and her friend's text books. As she walked along, she felt the autumn breeze from an open window ply at the folds of her skirt and rush up between her legs. The tingling softness of the fresh air currents had just kissed the outer recesses of her snatch when she stopped abruptly, suddenly aware that she was missing one of her garments. "My panties!" she gasped out loud, then flashed her eyes about the empty hall to make sure no one had heard her. She knew only too well she had left them in the equipment locker. Maggie hadn't bothered to hand them to her with her skirt. Because of summer camp, all of her underwear had her name stamped inside. The only thing to do was to go back and retrieve them before someone else found the tiny bikinis. Sullenly, she marched back to the dressing room and carefully pushed the door open. The place was as silent and still as the first time she'd entered it. Norman Green had obviously left, and no one else appeared to be around. The attractive blonde tiptoed down the row of lockers and leaned over the bench. Just as her hand connected with the metal handle, she heard a voice sing out over her shoulder and her heart skipped a beat. "Can I help you with something?" Karen turned to find herself staring into the deep green eyes of Jerry Marshall, the new assistant coach. Jerry, twenty-two years old and fresh out of college, was a husky redhead with a powerful physique. His thick shag of curls was cut short around his handsome features. His square jaw and sturdy mouth were locked in a small grim smile as his leer raked over the pretty blonde teenager. She tried to keep her timid gaze on his face, afraid to look anywhere else. Out of her peripheral vision all she could see was male flesh, rippling contours of naked, bulging muscles. "I, ah, forgot something," she stammered. "You forgot something in here?" he asked, finding her explanation anything but plausible. "Well, I didn't exactly forget it. I had something stolen by some- one and it's in here." "What was stolen?" Jerry asked, taking a step closer to the girl. When Karen braced herself against the locker, the bench bumped into the back of her knees and that was her undoing. The moment she felt the edge of the bench against her calves, her legs went weak and flew out from under her. She sat down with a thud, finding herself staring into the redhead's swollen jockstrap. Mr. Marshall wasn't wearing anything other than his thin athletic supporter. The tiny garment rode low on his strong waist and barely covered his spongy jewels. A fringe of wiry hairs curled along the sides of his jock and feathered the pair of freckled pillars which were his legs. Another fringe of red pubes crawled up his flat abdomen in a slender triangle terminating at his navel. His well defined limbs and torso were covered with a thin coat of gleaming sweat. He smelled much the way Norman had smelled when the skinny team manager was bucking his hips into Maggie's face, manly and hot and anointed all over with the unmistakable aroma of cock odor. "I'd rather not say," Karen answered in a small timid voice. Jerry's brow furrowed. "Well, was it your wallet, your purse, a letter?" "No," she answered, scooting her feet up to the bench. When she did, her full cotton skirt, which had fluttered up to her thighs when she sat down so abruptly, crawled further up her bare legs. Jerry's eyes darted to the shiny, naked cunt between the girl's spread feet. She was sitting with her knees together, her skirt halfway up her thighs and her quim on view for no more than the looking. "How about your panties?" he said with a broad grin. Karen blushed and nodded, caught so off guard by his naked magnetism that she didn't think to question how he had guessed correctly. "Where are they?" She turned slightly and rapped the locker behind her. "In here." "Let's take a look and see." Karen slid out of the way while Jerry opened the locker door. On the floor of the compartment was the tiny pair of bikinis. He raised them up with his forefinger and thumb and held them out in front of him. "Are these what you were looking for?" She nodded and blushed again, embarrassed to see the grown man openly displaying her undergarment. "How do I know they're yours?" "My name's inside." He stretched the band and peered into the brief pair of undies. "Karen Sheen. Is that you?" "Yes," she answered. "How can I be sure that's really your name?" It was Karen's turn to frown. "Because I am." "Maybe you are and maybe you aren't. Maybe you just want to steal these," Jerry said, amused at the teenager's dilemma. "But I am Karen Sheen," Karen insisted, panic cloaking her expression. The assistant coach was right; she had nothing on her to prove her identity. "I would presume if you're the rightful owner of these panties, it would mean you don't have any on." The blonde dropped her eyes for a moment. "I don't." "I think you're going to have to prove that," the redhead said in a deep, suggestive voice. Karen shot Mr. Marshall a dubious glance. "You mean, you want me to show you that I'm naked under my skirt?" The man nodded with his gaze fixed on her hem. Reluctantly, the girl lowered her legs and slowly hiked her skirt up to her waist. As the blonde's small cunt came into view, Jerry caught his breath and his cock snaked up to the waistband of his jockstrap. Being a stranger who knew no one in the small town, it had been weeks since he had gotten his rocks off, and he was hornier than hell. That coupled with the pretty girl's hot pussy was more than enough to make him throw a sizeable rod. "See?" Karen said, raising her eyes again as she continued to hold her skirt up. "I don't have any panties on." Her words were coming in abrupt halts because she had spotted the huge boner behind the assistant coach's jockstrap. She had meant to demonstrate that the garment was hers then lower her skirt, but the redhead's hardon -- after the young lady had watch her friend suck off Norman -- was too damn appealing to pass up. "I see," Jerry said, bringing the skimpy undies to his face. "But there's only one way to be really sure." He rubbed his nose in the crotch of the undies, inhaling the faint sweet smell of pussy without taking his eyes off Karen, then dropped to a squat in front of the girl. "Let me see if the smell in the panties is the same as yours." His voice was a harsh whisper. Karen widened the spread of her knees as the redhead's face drew nearer. She could feel his warm breath on the insides of her thighs and was overcome by the potent odor of his maleness. Jerry's face leaned in between the girl's legs until his nose was grazing against her sparse pubic bush. His nostrils flared as he sniffed up and down the pretty little cunt, his eyes fixed on the soft pink interior and the swollen clit at the top. "Is the smell the same?" "Yes," he answered heavily, panting like a man who had just run the hundred yard dash. "Would you mind if I ..." His tongue shot out and stabbed gently into her almost hairless snatch. "Oh, Mr. Marshall!" Karen moaned as she felt his tongue squirm between the lips of her juicy quim. "Jerry," he corrected before he sucked her tiny box into his mouth, eating every hidden, tasty recess his tongue could reach. "Jerry," she purred, splaying her legs farther and wiggling around on the bench. He raised up and hunched over her as he undid her blouse and unhooked the clasp of her bra between the lacy little cups. Her large, creamy white breasts bounced into view, her tiny nipples as hard as pointed pebbles. "Your tits are lovely, Karen," he said. licking the flat of his tongue across each one and leaving a trail of saliva. He stood between her legs with his knees pressing into her thighs. "Take my jockstrap off." The blonde didn't have to be told twice. Her hands raced to the knit waistband and shoved the supporter down to the assistant coach's ankles. His hard meaty cock snapped out and vibrated against her tits. Mr. Marshall may not have been as large as Norman, but his erect peter certainly rivalled the size of Mike's pecker. The knob was a deep purple, the shaft, thick and etched with veins that webbed down into a dense orange bush and a pair of large cum swollen balls. "Kiss my cock, Karen." She pressed her lips against the fleshy glans already wet with his pre-cum, then took the head into her mouth. She had suctioned the ring of her lips halfway down the wide shaft and was toying with his huge balls when he suddenly pulled his pelvis back, cheating her of any further oral homage. "I can't take much more of your hot cock sucking or I'll shoot off in your lovely throat." Karen thrust her face against Jerry's throbbing dick, pressing the hard pecker against his belly while she showered the dorsal side with kisses. "I love your cock," she purred, knowing she didn't dare tongue it too much or he would cum. "Karen," he said, stepping out of the jockstrap roping his ankles and laying her back on the bench, "I want to fuck you." "Oh, yes!" she moaned, parting her legs for him and pulling his trim waist into the spread of her thighs. "Fuck me, Jerry. Shove your hard cock up my hot pussy, please!She could hear the pleading whine of her voice echo in the boys' dressing room as he positioned her legs around his muscular thighs so her ankles locked on the firm pillow of his naked ass. Jerry stabbed the bloated head of his rod into the tight, juicy quim, then froze, his eyes puzzling as he looked into Karen's heated face. "Are you a virgin?" He had felt the thin membrane start to tear with his initial thrust. "Yes," she said warmly, "but it doesn't matter. I want you to take my cherry. Fuck me, Jerry! Please, fuck me!" He withdrew until just the tip of his dick was kissing her cunt, then stabbed as hard as he could. Her membrane shattered in an instant. His shaft sailed up her snatch until his heavy balls were snugged against her asshole. Both of them were panting hard and sweating. "Are you okay?" "Oh, yes!" she answered, so hot from finally getting a man's hardon in her pussy that she barely noticed the destruction of her cherry. Assured that the blonde girl was in no discomfort, Jerry began pistoning his fat ram in and out of the freshly deflowered quim, bucking his ass high on the out strokes and dropping his hips down to plunge even deeper with each additional thrust. In no time at all, Karen was hunching her hips up to meet his onslaught as they both got closer and closer to their climaxes. "I'm cumming!" she finally cried, feeling the heated spiral well up inside her. "Feel that?" he asked, as he halted with his cock buried deep in her snatch. His dick spasmed wildly as his balls shrunk into his groin. "Yes!" "I'm filling your little cunt with my cum, Karen." "It's fantastic," she purred. After a few moments of his swollen knob spitting out its hot load up inside of her, he pulled out. His peter had started to wilt by the time he reached for her panties. "Do you want to clean up before putting these on?" "No," she said, slipping the undies on and snapping her bra. "I want to take you juices with me." "I know what you mean," Jerry said, yanking his jockstrap up over his hips. "I'm going to beat off thinking about you later tonight and smelling your twat on my hand." "I wish you'd fuck me again." "I don't know, Karen. It's pretty dangerous for me, being my first year here and all. If anyone caught me balling one of the students, it'd be my job for sure." "I won't tell anyone, I promise." She stood to her feet, smoothed out her skirt and brought her lips up to his mouth. His tongue met hers outside their faces, then he sucked it inside as her hands slid down to the bare cheeks of his humpy ass. "You kiss as good as you fuck," she laughed as he pulled away. "You'd better get out of here before we get caught." She nodded and took a last look at the sexy redhead dressed in only his skimpy jockstrap, the pouch wet with what she knew was partly her own juices. "When will I see you again?" "We'll figure out something," he promised, steering her toward the door.
Chapter 3
The Maid
"Sir, I found this note in the garbage. Is it yours?" The dark brown innocent looking eyes of Tiyar awaited my answer as she held out the crumpled paper to me. "Thank you." I took the note and read it. It was from my business partner, and that an important meeting had been rescheduled, to start and hour ago! I could not control the anger in my voice, "Did you take this note Ti?" I often called her this, she had asked me to during the first week she began work. "No Mr. Simons." And I believed her, it was written in my wife's handwriting. "God damn it all too hell!" I spun about and slammed my hands upon my desk. I forgot the maid standing at my flank. Since I missed the meeting, my company probably lost the chance we had for a huge account, and a large amount of revenue. Why would Linda throw out a message that I hadn't received yet? I spun about to go out to the backyard where my wife was taking in some sun, instead I discovered Ti kneeling before me. Her head was down as she picked up the mess I had made that morning while working. From the angle that she was I could see directly down the front of her dress to her ample bosom. The naturally brown skin tantalized and stunned me for a brief second. I, of course, had noticed that the maid was a very beautiful young woman, but usually my appraisal was less than energetic. The large firm mounds swayed beneath her as she reached and grabbed the small bundles of garbage, a sight that greatly incensed me. I could see much of her breast, minus the sight of her nipple, a part of her that I greatly imagined the sight of. After several enjoyable moments of this sight, she looked up directly into my eyes, her hand and knees still upon the floor. Silence. I was extremely conscious that my knees were spread and she was but an arm's reach from my crotch, while her face was level with my lap. "Honey?!" It was Linda. It took a few seconds before I answered, all thought of the crumpled note gone, just the silent beauty kneeling before me in my thoughts. "Yes?" Ti stood and immediately took the garbage pail out of my den. My wife entered seconds after, dressed in a see-through summer wrap which revealed her one-piece bikini underneath. "Oh..." I was startled by her sudden appearance.I had come to the conclusion that the sight I had witnessed had been a damn turn-on! Watching the beautiful Tiyar masturbating was stimulating enough, but add the idea that what had prompted her action was my wife's near-naked body was extremely exciting. That night as I lay next to my sexy wife, my cock pounding back and forth in her wet hole, my vision was filled with Ti. I fantasized about my maid, and the erotic sight of her masturbating while my near-naked wife lay unsuspecting nearby. Though things about the house seemed to return to "normal". I treated Tiyar the same as I had before my sight of her enjoying herself. If anything, my wife noticed the difference just by the amount of sexual attention she was receiving. Almost daily I would point my active imagination upon my unsuspecting, but pleased, wife. I didn't think I would again enjoy such a high sex drive now as I had when I was still in my late teens. So, Ti was responsible for my marriage becoming almost better than ever. The occasion was Ted and Sherry came over for supper and drinks. It was a usual occurrence, happening about once every month. The five of us, including Ti, sat about eating the delicious Italian cuisine and chatting normally. Everything was normal. I felt a light touch upon my right side, next to my trouser zipper. Thinking I had dropped something in my lap, I glanced quickly down and saw a small thin brown skinned hand reaching for my zipper. Like a flash I forced myself to look up, and not at Ti, who was busier than anybody actually realized at that table. I grasped her small hand in my beefy paw just as she found the clasp to the zipper. She didn't resist as I pushed that hand firmly away from my lap. Again, she reached for me, and again I forced her hand away from me. I quickly glanced to my side and saw that she was chatting with my wife and Sherry, while Ted looked on and listened dutifully. This time when her hand found my zipper, I didn't resist. Perhaps it was the many nights of fantasizing or the sheer lust I had for my young maid. The zipper barely resisted her attempts and I felt a breeze well within my trousers, before slim cold fingers fumbled with my the fly on my boxer shorts. I couldn't resist tensing up when her cold fingers found my flaccid sex, but thankfully no one noticed my discomfort. Quickly, she rhymically squeezed my cock until it quickly hardened. Again I glanced down, the sight irresistible, her thin fingers attempting to circle my throbbing member. The fingers warmed quickly upon my penis, and she slowly moved it up and down, stroking me expertly. I didn't resist, nor did I help, I just sat their and enjoyed it. Across the table, my wife looked over at me and smiled happily. Seconds later, Ted began to question me about business, and I animatedly chatted with him. Up and down the fingers went, and my mind began to drift. Just when I thought it prudent to discontinue, Ti withdrew her hand from my raised pole and grasped my hand discretely and pulled it to her lap. She was wearing a loose summer skirt and I found the hem raised to her waist. My maid placed my hand directly between her warm thighs and right upon her wet hairless uncovered crotch. I almost lost my supper. She returned to stroking my cock. Never before had I felt such a sexy and wet slit. It was a marvel that I explored more out of curiosity than passion. Her natural juices had coated the whole sex mound and her strong inner thighs, which in turn coated my hand. I had to resist the temptation to lift my fingers to my lips to taste and smell her. I could feel the dilemma that she was creating with her stroking fingers upon my cock, and I acted out of instinct as I found and rotated her clitoris. She wiggled with delight, while asking my wife a question about the meal. I remembered the sight as my wife had lain within sight of my maids excited eyes, and her reaction. It was obvious to me that she had not thought only of my pretty wife as sexy. The moving fingers were proof of that. I could feel the tension building between my legs and knew this engender would soon come to a close. As the sperm began to build in pressure, I plunged a single finger into her surprisingly tight sex hole. I could feel my seed shoot out the head of my cock even while her vagina clasped my fucking finger in a hungry and climaxing grasp. It was one of the most peculiar orgasms I have ever had. Ti and I both climaxed simultaneous, neither had a huge cum. I for one was attempting to hide my enjoyment for my wife and company, while very conscious of any above table movements. It was a strange orgasm that I had, but fulfilling all the same. Several moments went by and Ti and I returned our hands to our laps. Unseen by anyone else at the table, my maid daintily lifted her expert hand and licked off two drops of pearly white sperm, smiling at me all the while. I looked into her eyes as I finally lifted and quickly tasted my hand, her juices delicious and her sent strong but highly addictive.The next few days were distant, at least with my interactions with other people. I barely spoke to my wife, and never touched her. She, of course, noticed my coldness and inquired into my feelings and thoughts, I just smiled as warm as I could then allowed her to kiss me. On the cheek. I avoided my daughter, every time I saw her I picture that pretty woman laying upon her bed naked and damn sexy. And, of course, the guilty pleasure I had received just from that sight alone. As for my son, I went out of my way to not see. And for some strange reason didn't blame him for what was going on with my wife. Linda was older, and his mother, she was to blame. I understood that teenagers had raging hormones and would take anything that came along, though I did wonder where the line must be drawn. Tiyar was the only one that I didn't avoid, in fact I wished she would seek my company more often. I desired Tiyar's company for a new reason now; I thought she was the only one who knew the tremendous emotions running through me, and I figured I would be able to talk with her. When that moment finally came, she sat down with me, alone in the house, and I talked for almost an hour. While she was being the perfect listener. Even holding my hand, kissing the fingertips in sympathy for my words. A new rush of desire ran through me, one solely to possess this beautiful and sexy maid. It was stronger than lust before, this time I began to think I was falling in love with Tiyar. My house was not a comfortable place to live, my daughter was the first to voice this problem. She cried upon my shoulder telling me that "everyone hated her". Of course I reassured her this was preposterous while at the same time was very conscious of her warm young body fiercely holding me. At that time, I didn't actually wonder why my daughter hadn't gone to my wife for support, as the two of them were usually bound tightly as some mother-daughters were. I didn't want my desire to rise, and I did attempt to hold it back, but my heart rate and sex had other ideas. Could my daughter feel the growing size of my organ against her hip, as she sat upon my lap as she used to do as a very young girl? The sweat was rolling down my back and face, and it wasn't the heat. I hated myself, hated what my body urged for. My hand was nonchalantly laying upon my daughters upper thigh, and I wondered if she could feel it quiver as well as then forced will I put into it, just so it didn't move. She wiggled about, seemingly to get more comfortable, yet this stimulated my rock hard sex. Surely she could feel the manhood against her? She had talked herself out and just had her arms wrapped about my neck in a strong hug. She was so small and attractive that my desire was strongly overcoming my willpower to stop any actions that may lead, or suggest, a lewdness or impropriety in our parts. Incest is such a ugly word, as my wife should well know. I honestly do now know how far it would have gone. My daughter wiggled about even more, pressing her hip harder into my lap, my small breasts poking into my chest, and her soft cheek against my own. She only kissed me twice. Two little peeks upon my neck. But that is all it took, I lost control; my hand slid up between her thighs and began to slowly reach upwards to that warm wonderful spot that I had witness not so long before. She responded by spreading her legs just enough for my hand to reach her covered crotch. My fingers touched the cloth covering her sex mound, I gently pressed into the lower crack then tracing upwards towards the spot that caused her to moan and wiggled about. I was enjoyed the obvious heat and moisture in this region, when Ti walked in on us. "Excuse me Sir, would a cold supper be all right tonight?" I pulled away from my daughter, too stunned to think. While she suddenly jumped up and walked away, quickly to her room. If I had been thinking straight I would have known what she would be soon doing alone in her room. "My god!" I gasped for breath, just realizing what I had been about to do, what I almost did. "Thank god." Tiyar looked at me knowingly, yet with compassion. "Thank you Ti, I..." The maid came over and replaced my daughter upon my lap, I still too stunned to even think straight. "Understandable after everything you have been through." She kissed my cheek softly. "And she is an attractive young woman," again a kissed this time upon the same spot that my daughter had kissed, "and you have been under great stress lately."I soon purchased an auto focus, auto forward, quiet camera. My plans disgusted me, yet I knew them to be important if I wanted to keep everything that I ever worked for. Ti was again the maid, our actions were innocent and nothing could be taken out of context. Meaning, I didn't attempt to fuck her again, yet almost daily I received a sexy phone call from Ti, her husky voice sexily talking with me. She also agreed to help me. After a week of waiting and watching Ti and I were only able to get a few pictures. Linda, my wife, was sunbathing as she usually does on a hot sunny day, and my son was rubbing lotion upon her skin. Innocent enough, except the photo action suggested more when my son bends forward and kisses my wife's near-naked buttock. Then in a later photo, while she was upon her back, he again bends forward to give her a kiss, this time on her round covered breast. The best picture was seconds later when his teeth were playfully pulling her nipple and bikini top several inches upwards from her chest, while Linda had a huge playful grin on her face. They were certainly suspect, but as Ti said, they were not enough to prove incest. I agreed, then made better plans to capture the affair between my wife and son. Firstly, I attempted to be around my son very much for the next few days, assuming that his own sex drive would be the downfall of my wife. Then I "disappeared" for a whole day, making sure everyone in the house knew it. My daughter was to be away at a friend's house, and Ti had the day off. The plan worked perfectly when I watched my son's school, and saw that he left only moments after I dropped him off. Obviously, I was hidden and he hadn't any intention of going to classes that day. In fact, my son rushed home to "mommy".The marriage also ended the daily love sessions me and my maid used to enjoy. I still lusted after her, but she changed after the marriage. My first clue was the first night of the honeymoon in Paris, as I reached for her as I have done so many times before. She didn't stop me, but Ti just lay below me like a dead fish. After that things only got worse. I had sex with my pretty new wife four times on the honeymoon and every time she lay almost comatose below me. When I confronted her with it, she again became angry and shouted at me for being "less than a man", and that my "dick could never satisfy" her. So I slept alone these days. My sex life is nonexistent, and my love is withering away. It soon became apparent that over the last year, I had followed my dick's advice and fell for a woman solely on her lovemaking skills and not any real emotional attachment beyond that. I felt the fool. I had two affairs in half that many months; with a clerk at my office, and then with a fellow colleague. They were quick, dirty, and hot affairs that left me feeling dirty but sexually relieved. The house was run like boot camp, we now had three maids who handled everything about the house. And my dear wife had ensured they were all ugly or old. She openly sneered at me, or told me to "fuck off" if I attempted any affection towards her. It was a miserable time. And I planned to leave her, my mind made up that I had made a fateful mistake. That was when the final episode to my tale begins. I lay upon my bed, sweaty and tired in the heat of the August night. My sleep was fitful and sporadic at best. Yet a dream appeared at my door; my daughter stood in the shadows with a strange look upon her face, her body clothed in her usual nighttime attire, a huge tee-shirt. I was about speak up to her when she took two steps into my room then reached, with both hands, to the bottom of her shirt then promptly lifted it up over her head. She didn't miss a stride as she came towards me, her naked body had matured over the last year and looked amazingly like a younger version of her mother, the tanned skin bronzed and shiny in the moonlight. My heart beat fast, and my body was frozen as I simply watched her climb up upon my bed. No words were needed, my lust was fueled by my loveless marriage, and my early fantasies about my own daughter. The youth reached for and pulled down my shorts, again I never helped her nor did I stop her, until I was naked upon my bed. My breathing became labored as my "little" girl bent over and took my rock hard penis into her mouth. She wasn't experienced enough to fully utilize this oral stimulation to its fullest, but again, I didn't mind in the least and didn't speak a word. Her small thin body rotated, with my dick still in her wet mouth, until her thighs straddled my head. I looked up directly into her youthful sparsely haired sex. My darling lowered herself upon my face, my mouth opening to inhale her flower. She was extremely wet, and tasted better than anything that I ever remember tasting. The rhythm of our oral love was in perfect sync as her face bounced up and down her father's dick as my tongue alternated from fucking her tight little sex hole to manipulating her clitoris. Very quickly she was moaning and wiggling about. I had to hold upon her strong buttocks to keep them from lifting from my face. I was in nirvana, heaven. It was a fantasy, and a dream. Fueled by my desire and by my impure lust for my daughter. I never thought of what I was actually doing, nor did I care at that moment. I could feel the ripples as her body spasmed in orgasm, it was only brief moments since she mounted me, and my tongue inside her measured the intensity of her sexual reactions. I was surprised that her vitality enabled her to collect herself in only moments after cumming on "daddy's" face, and she rotated upon me until we were face to face. I could feel my stiff dick between her smooth warm sweaty thighs, a place my face had occupied only seconds before. She slide her tongue between my lips and I sucked it passionately, even as my hands moved her torso about until I felt the head of my penis enter her womanly region. It was she that forced herself down upon me, using her weight as she held herself up upon her elbows, our lips and tongues still busy. The moment was unforgettable, a dream that will never die. I fucked my daughter for the first time, her virginity taken by me in one quick thrust by both of us. This time, when she was seated after the violent down thrust of her body upon mine, she shouted out, "Fuck!" It was the first and only word she would speak that evening, as I lifted her hips with my hands before strongly pulling her back to me. I fucked her almost like an animal, certainly not in a gentle romantic sense my virgin daughter was deserving of. Both of use were moaning loudly and even grunting sporadically, as our bodies slapped together. The fantasy of my actions, and my lack of sex, caused my orgasm to be explosive and quick. I came in great volumes, obviously filling up the tight confines of the tightest cunt I have ever been in. A cunt that had no name, as I lost all conscious thought and control. I just shot and shot, until my exhaustion caused me to pass out into a deep slumber.
Chapter II
Chet's Girls
"for either you or Susan to get pregnant and deliver a live, healthy son before one of the chicks in Carl's coop pulls the trick. That's out of the question, of course, and we won't even discuss it." "Well, I can certainly see why you waited for Thea to go to bed before breaking the news to us," Susan said, "and since you did wait, I can only assume that you do want to discuss it." "No, I don't," Chet replied much too hastily. "I only waited for Thea to go to bed because I knew that we would be talking about Carl's family and the fact that they would be fucking like rabbits, and I don't think that Thea should be exposed to such talk yet. Since you were sixteen, Marsha and I have had no secrets from you. You know that we swing, we know that you have a quite active sex life, so we can say anything in your presence, but I want to keep Thea out of this. She's only fourteen." "Tomorrow's Thea's birthday," Marsha reminded him. "She'll be fifteen." "So what," Chet snapped almost in anger, "she's still just a child. I don't want her even thinking of sex before she is sixteen." "Oh crap. Daddy, this is 1976, not 1880. I lost my cherry when I was fourteen and so did Mom-my. She told me." "What the hell is this?" Chet cried, staring from his wife's face to his daughter's. "You two act like you want Thea in on this—like—like—you're both considering getting pregnant, and on top of that—like—like you actually want Thea in on it. I won't hear of it—case closed." "Get serious, Chet," Marsha said flatly, "we have all been waiting for that money too long and too hard to try to pretend now that it doesn't mean that much to us now. I want another baby about as much as I want TB, but damnit. I'm game. You know I haven't been on the pill for about six months now, because the doctor told me to take a break. Just forget using rubbers for a while, and let's get started." Chet's entire face lit up. "All right, all right," he said, running his hands through his long, dark hair, "uhh, how about you, Susy? I mean—uhh— you don't have to if you don't want to, but..." "You know I will, Daddy. I'm going to have babies one of these days, anyhow, so why not now. Only problem is the dude I'm going with now is a great lay, but a loser just about every other way, and I don't want a baby by him." "As pretty and as popular as you are, darling," Marsha said, "I'm sure you won't have any problem finding the man to do it. Just get started soon, I'm sure that Betty and all three of her girls are flat on their asses right now with men standing in line to fuck them. "Get on the phone and call somebody right now. Thea sleeps like a log. You can fuck right out here in the living room, or take him to the family room in the basement." "Oh Mom, I don't want to be difficult, I swear it," Susan wailed, "but I can't think of a single boy. Give me some time to think—don't rush me." "Take all the time you want," Marsha said, getting up from the couch, and reaching for Chet's hand, "just get a man over here tonight. I'm going into the bedroom now with Chet for my first injection. Let's me and you have a race—the last one pregnant is an old douche bag." All Marsha had been wearing was a loose minidress, and as she preceded her husband into the master bedroom, she shucked the tiny garment over her head. Chet never tired of looking at the sexy, compact little bodies of his wife and older daughter, and his massive cock sprang so hard as he gazed at her firm, bold, succulent-looking ass cheeks that he hastily unzipped his pants to give it breathing room. As he hurried out of his clothes, he wondered who the lucky stud was who would soon be doing to Susan out on the couch the same thing that he was about to do to Marsha in bed. "I'll bet her little pussy is as hot and tight as all shit," he mused to himself as he pulled off his shorts and T-shirt and fell into bed between Marsha's spread thighs. "This has really got me hot, honey," Marsha whispered as she reached down between them to guide Chet's long, thick, beloved cock into her moist, burning cunt. "I feel like I felt when we were trying for the girls. Remember how hot I stayed, couldn't get enough?" "God yes," Chet groaned, marveling at Marsha's tightness, her slickness as he shoved his cock deep into her steamy love channel, "me, too. Your pussy seems to get better when you're in heat like this—Jeezz, I love to fuck you anytime, but shooting for a baby is pure heaven." "How is this going to affect our swinging?" Marsha asked, swiveling her ass up to meet his thrusts, loving the impact of his cockhead bouncing off her womb. "I mean, what if I get pregnant by somebody else?" "Don't sweat it," Chet grunted, really slugging cock into her receptive body now for all he was worth, "we need all the help we can get. In fact, we should increase the swinging action, invite more men, accept more invitations. We've got to make it, baby." "Well, I hope Susy will get off of her ass and get into the act," Marsha said. "These kids today pretend to be so sexually free and sophisticated, but put them to the test, and they're just as square and hung-up as we were." "Don't worry about her," Chet grinned. "I left the bedroom door open on purpose. If seeing us in action doesn't get her ready to fuck anything with a cock, her case is hopeless anyway." "You sneaky bastard," Marsha giggled, peeking over Chet's shoulder into the lighted living room. "Oh my gosh, your strategy is backfiring." "What do you mean?" "She's sitting on the couch, staring right in here at us, and frigging her clit as though there were no tomorrow." "Oh shit, this I've got to see," Chet whispered hoarsely, ducking his head as though he were about to begin sucking her nipple. Looking back under his own armpit, Chet's breath caught sharply as his bugged eyes fell on the most exciting scene that he could remember ever having witnessed. Susan was sitting with one of her legs draped over the arm of the couch and the other lying flat out on the couch cushion. Her red bikini panties hung in a wrinkled ring around her left ankle, and she held the hem of her mini up to her breasts with her left hand as she frantically fanned her turgid clit with three stiffened fingers of her right. "Oh God, darling, fuck me—fuck me harder— I'm coming!" Marsha shrieked suddenly, triggering Chet's orgasm, which had begun to rise as soon as he saw what his daughter was doing. "Arrgghhhh!" Chet groaned wrenchingly, humping like a rabbit before stiffening and allowing his thick, hot come to spurt achingly into Marsha's womb. Susan leaped to her feet and, with her panties still dangling from her ankle, dashed hurriedly into her and Thea's bedroom. As she closed the door softly behind her, her eyes sprang wide and her breath caught sharply. Thea was naked on her bed, lying—or almost lying, since only her head, shoulders, and feet were visible—on her back, with her legs spread wide and her fingers busily working in and out of her glistening, hairless pussy.
Wesley's Anal Ordeal
"OWWWWWWWWW" Wesley gave out in a high-pitched voice as Bok Dar the Ferengi slipped a stubby finger into Wes's tight virginal asshole. "Listen to the pussyboy yelp," laughed the Klingon, cupping his growing member at the sight of Wesley's totally perfect and soon to be ravaged ass. Taul, the Vulcan captain and leader of Wes's abductors, added, "Yes indeed, his is the Federation's most lovely heavenly body to behold." Bok Dar continued to finger-fuck Wes's ass as acting Ensign Crusher moaned in discomfort. "Bring the boy into the interrogation room, Bok," ordered Taul. NO NO NO, this can't be happening, thought Wesley. He had known that many members of the Enterprise thought him attractive, but no one had made a pass at him, unless you counted Commander Riker's ass pats as passes...come to think of it, the Commander seemed rather fond of patting Wes's ass lately...but nothing could have prepared him for having his ass gouged by a horny Ferengi. They'll never accept me at the Academy if they found out about this, thought Wesley...Wesley had never heard about the rape rooms at Starfleet Academy or of Hell Week...Picard had been shielding him...but nothing could shield him now as Bok pushed him on his hands and knees into the interrogation with two Ferengi digits penetrating his tender ass. "Good Bok, I like to see a boy on his hands and knees before I fuck him, especially a human boy...they're so soft and woman-like," offered Kor. "This is how we Ferengi treat our women," replied Bok Dar, "I thought the lad had better get used to it." "ENOUGH" shouted Taul "I can no longer hold back the ancient calling of Pon Farr...Ensign Wesley Crusher...prepare to be fucked," the lustful Vulcan concluded as he snapped the two side buttons holding on his metallic briefs. They fell away revealing a throbbing cock, approximately 9 inches from the Vulcan blood that was rushing into it. Wesley could guess at its length because it was the same size as the Cilo-wrench he used in Engineering. Wesley's eyes got even wider when Kor, the renegade Klingon, stepped directly in front of him, already undressed, and pointed an impossibly huge, deformed-looking brownish cock at his tender mouth. "This is for you, Federation whore-boy," he said as he pressed the engorged head against Wes's mouth. "Kiss the pre-cum off my warrior dick, pussy boy." Wesley closed his lips tightly, but Kor said something in Ferengi and Bok Dar responded by inserting a third finger into Wesley's now stretched asshole. Wesley opened his mouth to scream and Kor...Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous ID will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems or inappropriate use to [email protected].
Part 2
Steve Edwards
"Hi." I look up to see a girl standing in the doorway of my office. She is a first-year student who is taking my set theory class. I think her name is Melissa. She is smiling, and I smile back. "Hello, how can I help you?" I'm in a particularly good mood. I've just heard that I've had a paper accepted in a reasonably prestigious journal, so smiling is coming naturally at present. Of course, it is hard not to smile when a pretty girl smiles at you. It seems that their smiles release happy-particles into a male's bloodstream. When you are younger, it can leave you grinning like an idiot; of course, as a mature lecturer of twenty-eight, I am thankfully past that stage. "Can I come in, Dr. Edwards?" she asks tentatively, her expression revealing nothing of her reasons. "Sure." As she enters, I idly note her clothes: she is dressed in figure-hugging blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt. The t-shirt is a little bit too taut. That is, too taut for my peace of mind, for it is stretched tightly over her breasts, making them beacons for my eyes. I can certainly testify that there is nothing strange about these attractors. Normally, whatever the provocation, I'm very careful about ensuring that my appreciation of female students isn't detectable; there are enough pitfalls for a male lecturer as it is, but I could tell that this time was going to be extra taxing on my nerves. "It's Melissa, isn't it?" "Yes." And I'm rewarded with another smile. Smiles like that could become addictive. Melissa takes a seat and launches into her problem, "I'm having trouble with your last couple of lectures. I don't really understand this `ZFC' set theory." There's nothing like a chance to lead another soul to see the light of axiomatic set theory to take this mathematician's mind off more earthly matters. Thus engaged, my enthusiasm quickly leads me into explaining the necessity of putting naive set theory on a sound footing, and I start to describe the role of formal axiomatization in this. I then proceed to enumerate the axioms of ZFC and explain where they come from. However, I'm not so blinded by my enthusiasm to fail to monitor the glassy-eyed-ness of my audience. I've bored far too many people to make that mistake. After a while, I become aware that Melissa is licking her lips and looking at me strangely. It puts me off my stride, and I lose my concentration. Unaccountably, I find myself blushing. Melissa just looks up at me innocently. I suddenly notice that her nipples are visible now, little mole-hills which have sprung up on her otherwise smooth t-shirt. Why would they have done that? I master myself and bring my eyes back to my scribble on the whiteboard. Now, where was I? Melissa supplied the answer, "You were just about to start explaining what the axiom of choice means," almost as though she could read my thoughts. I look up, and nearly lose myself in her twinkling eyes. Is she laughing at me? No, but she seems aware of the spark which has passed between us. "What I'm having trouble with is...," she breathed, as she rose from her chair to stand next to me and point at the board. I confess, "I'm sorry, I missed that." Her delicate perfume assaulted my nostrils as she stood beside me, and suddenly parsing her sentence was the last thing on my mind. She repeats her sentence while stretching and pointing to a formula at the top of the board. I'm mesmerized by the resulting lifting and straining of her breasts. It is suddenly very hot and stuffy in my office. Now, what did she say again? Rather than reveal my inattention, I talk generally about the axiom in question. "Yes, but how do you know that sets have that property? It's a little bit arbitrary, isn't it?" Melissa brushes against me as she points to part of the axiom, her breast squashing slightly against my arm. I retreat behind the safety of my desk before replying. It was getting much too difficult to think with sweet Melissa so close. Unbidden, I'm suddenly reminded of the lyrics of a song by The Police, "Young teacher, the subject, of school-girl fantasy, She wants him, so badly, that's where she wants to be ... Don't stand so, Don't stand so, Don't stand so close to me." They suddenly seem all too relevant, and I develop a new sympathy for the hapless teacher of the song. Of course, the real situation is that Melissa has been behaving above reproach, and there is no evidence that I'm the subject of one of her fantasies; it is only me who is having trouble with my baser instincts. In particular, my desire to pull her into my arms, crush her ruby lips under mine, caress her tantalizing breasts, suck on her pert nipples, and fuck her. Another reason for my retreat was to hide a growing bulge. Did I catch her looking at my crotch before she raised her big innocent eyes and fixed them on my face? I can't tell. And is that sensual, surreptitious licking of her lips with her tongue a come-on, or an unconscious action? Her eyes reveal nothing; they are simply questioning, awaiting my answer, but they sparkle. At that moment, a colleague, Andy, barges in and reminds me that we have a faculty meeting this morning. Apologizing to Melissa, I suggest that she comes back another time. Andy and I both watch as she leaves my office. Was that hip swing deliberately provocative? "She's a firecracker! What a cute ass!" Andy exclaims. I give a non-committal grunt, inwardly deploring his outspoken lechering and crudeness, although honest enough to admit that similar thoughts had occurred to me. We head off to the faculty meeting. CHAPTER: 2. Confession "How was your day, babe?" I ask Liz when she picks me up after work. "Not too bad, but I did have a sad case of a fifteen-year-old with a probable ectopic." Liz's work as a doctor is so much more dramatic than mine. My day consists of giving lectures, attending meetings, and, if I'm lucky, some time to think about my research.Her day consists of breaking the news to someone that they have cancer, or fighting to ensure a baby is born safely. There is no comparison. Not that I'd swap for any money. "Will she be all right?" "Probably. We should be able to save her ovary and tube. How was your day, love?" "Fine. Pretty normal, only I did have a boring faculty meeting this morning." I consider briefly whether or not to mention Melissa. Knowing Lizzy, I decide to tell her. "One highlight was this cute student who came to my office this morning." "Oh yes?" There is a playful hint of suspicion in Liz's voice. "Yes. She was wearing the tightest t-shirt over her full breasts you've ever seen," I exaggerate slightly. "She kept on giving me these seductive smiles, and she made sure she brushed her breasts across my arm." Liz is wearing a mock frown. "Were her breasts as nice as mine?", she asks, taking a hand from the wheel to cup one of her beautiful breasts through her blouse. "Mmm, let me see... you know, I can't remember what yours look like. Perhaps I ought to remind myself." I lean over to start to undo her buttons, but Liz slaps my hand away. "Not while I'm driving, you maniac!" I laugh. We've done some mad things while driving, but not on the short drive home from work in broad daylight. "So," Liz continues her cross-examination, "did she make you hard?" "Yes. I had to hide it on the way to the Faculty Office." "Ahh, poor baby," Liz laughs. Our easy-going attitude is built, not on a promiscuous philosophy or lifestyle, but on trust. There is no way either of us would be unfaithful to the other. This morning I gave my First Years another lecture on set theory. I was acutely conscious of Melissa's piercing blue eyes upon me the whole time. However, I succeeded in ignoring her and not letting it interfere with the usual theatrical entertainment which I provide for them in a vain attempt to keep their interest for an hour. I couldn't help noticing, however, how beautiful she looked, her face framed in her delightful blonde locks. Melissa came up to me afterwards and contrived to press against me again as she reached over to pick up a copy of the question sheet I'd prepared for them. She was the only one who was this clumsy. I felt my cock harden slightly, but I couldn't prevent a pang of guilt at such a response when she looked up innocently at me and apologized for her clumsiness. Did she know my eyes were on her as she crossed the room? Was that roll of her hips natural, or was it put on for my benefit? If she was still a few years younger, she'd definitely be what they call "jail-bait". As it was, she was still dangerous enough. Liaisons between students and staff are so frowned upon that it is dangerous to even think about forming one. Certain feminists on campus seem to have ESP for such thoughts. Not, of course, that I was seriously considering anything. Liz is more than enough woman for me. But Melissa provokes certain fantasies, however much they are obviously going to have to remain as fantasies. I successfully dismissed Melissa from my thoughts for the rest of the day, until, that is, she turned up in my office at six o'clock. I was still there as Liz was working late tonight. The hours that junior doctors work is criminal, especially given that one day it will be my life that a dead-tired doctor is looking after. Melissa knocked and entered. I immediately noticed that she was dressed differently; she had swapped her t-shirt for a blouse and her jeans for a skirt. The blouse was not as tight as her t-shirt had been, but it was more sheer, promising, but not delivering, glimpses of paradise. Perhaps more importantly, its first few buttons were undone. Melissa wasn't indecent, but my imagination quickly made her so. Remembering my position, I quickly brought the subject of set theory up, hoping that it would detract me from her sensual lips, the sweetness of which called out to be tasted. It soon transpired that she had been doing some background reading, and that her questions were more sophisticated today. I mentally harangued myself for ever thinking her motives were other than professional. Surely this industry put the matter beyond question? Delighting in the attention of an interested and intelligent student, I soon found myself going beyond my lecture material and touching upon the Borel Hierarchy. Or was it that I kept talking so that I could remain in the presence of those blue eyes? After a while, I noticed that Melissa was idly fiddling with a gold necklace, and that her toying had caused another button to slide undone. Unconsciously, while I continued talking, I stared at the start of the gentle swell of flesh that could now be seen. When I noticed what I was doing, I searched her face for an indication that she was toying with me as well, but found only innocent concentration. Liz must be right, my mind must be one-track. However, Melissa's next actions caused me to question her motives all over again. She tucked one of her legs under her, in the process giving me a glimpse of her white thighs. Fidgeting, she managed to repeat this torture. Now, once could be an accident, but three times? Again her eyes twinkle with her natural vivacity, making it impossible to be sure if her innocence is true or only assumed, a cruel facade. A facade I'd love to tear down and expose, along with her breasts, which I have come to believe are braless under her blouse. Of course, uncertainty prevents me from doing or saying anything. A wrong move could have her running screaming from my office, my career in ruins. My lusts are indeed "sickled over with the pale cast of thought" to a degree which even rivals Hamlet's tragic dithering. The ambiguity in the nature of his father's ghost was as nothing compared to the ambiguity of the nymph in my office. Is she the purest of angels, or the wickedest tease this side of hell? Scholar or wanton? Any action in such circumstances is, of course, perilous. Moreover, I never trust my reasoning when my erection is throbbing like this. Hence, I continue talking about sets, while sex is all I can think about. I manage to keep going for a few minutes, until Melissa decides to stretch. The shifting, thrusting, and straining of her gentle breasts within, makes her blouse a magnet for my eyes, and my thoughts dissolve like the mist. "Sorry, I'm getting a little tired," Melissa apologizes into my pause. "I still have a few questions however. Do you mind if I come back and ask you some more questions another time?" It would take a stronger man than me to turn down such a request. "Of course not," I say, managing to keep all signs of arousal out of my voice. I hope. As Melissa walks out the door, the apt phrase "She's a seven-sector call-out" from a favorite childhood science-fiction book springs to my mind. A beauty she certainly is, but is she also a saint or a witch? My answer comes as she turns in the doorway, revealing her completely unbuttoned blouse and magical breasts. For a second, we are both frozen, and then she is gone. I rush to the door in time to see her hurrying down the corridor. The wicked tease!
1. Set Theory
"I take after Dracula," Howell muttered. "Sunlight is hazardous to my health." "Get out there, or...." "I'm going, I'm going..." Howell staggered out the door. Mrs. Howell put a cork in the bottle, and stashed it back in Thurston's cabinet. She sat down at her dressing table, and looked at herself in the mirror. "Now. If the Professor and Gilligan were fooling around with Ginger and Mary Ann, and Thurston was passed out like he always is, then the only person who could have been with me was... the Captain." She winked at herself in the mirror. "I do remember how sore I was the next morning. The Captain must be hung like my halfback." She turned in her chair, thinking aloud. "I've got to get some of that fruit." Mary Ann was coming. "Nnnnnnngggggghh!" she gasped, "Oooooooooohhhh!" She shook her head from side to side, her fingers pinching her nipples, her pelvis tilting forward and back against Ginger's fingers, tongue and jaw. Ginger sat back, lifting her head from Mary Ann's crotch, leaving her fingers inside her pussy. Mary Ann collapsed against the sand. Ginger crawled up beside her, and lay her head on Mary Ann's breast. She kept her hand where it was. Mary Ann squeezed her legs together, holding Ginger's hand in place. "Gosh, that was good," Mary Ann whispered. "Who needs men?" "Men are good for some things, though." "Yeah, somebody's got to open the pickle jars." Ginger giggled. "On the other hand, there's nothing feels as good as a hard cock..." "Well, try this," Mary Ann said, pushing Ginger over onto her back. She reached down and pushed Ginger's legs apart and slipped down between them. The Skipper was collecting shellfish for supper. He was up to his knees in the water, bending over, fumbling through the sandy bottom for them. Mrs. Howell had just strolled to the lagoon, and spotted him. She stood, admiring the view of the Skipper's rear end, imagining that she could see his sex organs hanging down under it. "Yoo hoo, Captain!" Mrs. Howell called. The Skipper straightened up, his hands full of shells. "Oh, hello, Mrs. Howell." "Do you need some help with that?" The Skipper looked at her. "In all the years we've been here on this island, this is the first time you've offered help." As he said it, a sliver of a memory of one other time... no... that must have been a dream. Lovey smiled at him. "There's a first time for everything." She rolled up her pant legs, and waded out into the lagoon toward the Skipper. He moved toward her. When they reached each other, the Skipper handed her the shells he had collected, and turned back to get more. She watched him bend over again, wanting to reach out and caress his bottom. She turned, reluctantly taking her eyes from his ass, and took the shells to shore. The Professor held the flask to the light, swirling the clear juice. "Very nice," he said, turning to Gilligan. They had mashed the fruits, and strained the juice using an improvised centrifuge. The fruits had produced a little over 30 cubic centimeters of juice. "Why didn't you use all the fruit?" Gilligan asked, holding up the three remaining yellow globes. "Simple," the Professor smiled. "Seeds." "Oh." Gilligan set the fruits back on the Professor's lab table. "Oh! I get it. We can plant these and grow more." The Professor nodded and smiled. "We're all ready for tonight." Ginger looked down her body at the dark-haired Mary Ann, who had her face buried in Ginger's pussy. "Oh gosh.... mmmmmmm," she moaned. Mary Ann raised her eyes, looking up at Ginger, her lips fastened around Ginger's clit, her fingers inside her pussy. Ginger raised up on her elbows, and threw her head back. Her body was shaking, and she rolled her pelvis against Mary Ann's mouth. "Oh! Oh!" she gasped, "Yes.... yes.... yesssss" Her body seemed to explode, a rolling wave of orgasm sweeping over her. She collapsed to the sand. Mary Ann crawled up her body, kissing her way up Ginger's torso, pausing a moment at her breasts, then proceeding on to kiss her lips. They lay together, wordlessly, exhausted on the sand. The Skipper and Mrs. Howell carried the baskets of shellfish to the compound, setting it on the table in their cooking area. They looked around for Ginger or Mary Ann. Not finding them, the Captain gathered some firewood to start a pot boiling to steam the shellfish. "I'll be back after a while," Mrs. Howell said, gently. The Skipper nodded, absently. Mrs. Howell walked past her own hut, listening to hear Thurston mumbling to himself. He was back inside the hut again, probably drinking. She walked quietly to the Professor's hut. She tapped at the door. "Professor?" There was no answer. She pushed the door open and crept inside. She looked around, and spotted the bright yellow fruits on the lab table. She slipped one of the fruits into her bra, between her breasts. She slipped back out the door, and closed it behind her. Ginger and Mary Ann walked into the 'kitchen'. "Let us take over now, Skipper," Mary Ann smiled. "Okay," he nodded, and wandered back toward the lagoon. After supper that evening, Ginger and Mary Ann got up to fetch desert. The Professor nodded at Gilligan. He then picked up the pitcher and refilled all of their drinking cups. Gilligan distracted the others, while the Professor slipped some of his juice into Ginger and Mary Ann's cups. The girls returned with another banana creme pie. The Professor and Gilligan smiled as they watched Mary Ann and Ginger drain their cups. The Professor volunteered to help Mary Ann with the dishes. She looked at him with a strange expression on her face. They cleared the table, and carried them to the washtub. Mr. Howell yawned, and said "I think I need a drink." He got up and headed toward his hut. "Thurston," Mrs. Howell said, then she got up and followed him to their hut. Gilligan looked across the table at Ginger. She batted her eyes at him. "Did you want to say something, Gilligan?" she asked. "W-W-Would you like to take a walk?" Gilligan stammered. "Why would I want to walk with you?" Ginger pried. "There's something down at the beach I want to show you." "Oh," Ginger smiled. "Well, okay then..." Gilligan scrambled to his feet. Ginger got up gracefully. The two of them walked off toward the lagoon, leaving the Skipper alone at the table. The Skipper sat there for several minutes, picking his teeth. Soon he began to hear a sound something like a moose with a head cold. Mr. Howell must have fallen asleep. The Skipper smiled and shook his head. How could his wife have stood that all these years? He turned around and leaned back against the table, his toothpick stuck in the corner of his mouth. He looked up at the starry sky. "All I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by," he muttered. The door to the Howells' hut opened, and Lovey stepped out. She looked over to the table and spotted the Skipper. She strolled up and sat down beside him on the bench. "He's unusually loud tonight," the Skipper commented. "Yes." They sat silently for a few minutes. The Skipper looked up at the stars. While he was looking away, Lovey quietly slipped the yellow fruit out of her bra and put it into the fruit basket on the table. The Professor and Mary Ann worked quietly, the Professor washing, Mary Ann drying the dishes. Every once in a while they would look at each other and smile. The dishes finally done, the Professor dried his hands. He turned to Mary Ann. "Would you like to take an after-dinner stroll?" Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Sure." They walked together slowly down the path toward the sweetwater pool. About halfway there, Mary Ann reached out and took his hand, and they strolled hand-in-hand to the pool. Lovey cleared her throat. The Skipper looked over at her. She took a banana from the fruit basket. "You're not going to let me eat alone, are you?" she asked. The Skipper shook his head. He reached for the fruit basket, but Lovey took the yellow fruit from the basket and handed it to him. His face lit up. "I thought these were all gone!" He bit into it. Lovey smiled. She took the entire peeling off the banana, slowly and deliberately. The Skipper took another bite. Lovey nibbled one end of the peeled banana. Gilligan and Ginger reached the lagoon. He picked up a few shells on the beach and began to skip them into the surf. Ginger watched for a few minutes, then said, "Is this what you brought me here to see?" Nervously, Gilligan turned to face her. "No.... ummm..." He stepped up closer to her. He stood, nervously shifting from foot to foot. She batted her eyes at him. "Yes, Gilligan?" Finally, he leaned forward quickly and kissed her, a quick peck on the lips. He stepped back, half expecting her to slap him. She reached out and took his head between her hands, and pulled it toward her, planting a kiss on him that would melt steel. Mary Ann and the Professor reached the sweetwater pool. The moon reflected off the pool and the shimmering waterfall. They turned to face each other, and the Professor wrapped his arms around her. She melted in his arms, tilting her head back. He kissed her tenatively, then with more passion, and she returned the kiss. Lovey wrapped her lips around the banana, drawing it into her mouth sensually. The Skipper's jaw dropped, and he stared, watching her fellate the banana. The Professor dropped to his knees in front of Mary Ann, and untied the knot in her blouse. It dropped open, revealing her lovely, firm breasts and dark brown nipples. He took first one, then the other nipple between his lips, tickling the tip of each with his tongue and sucking gently. She ran her fingers through his hair, her head tilted back, her eyes closed. Ginger dropped her hands to Gilligan's waist, and untied his drawstring pants. They fell to the sand. She wrapped her fingers around his erection, and whispered in his ear, "Is this what you brought me here to see?" Gilligan gulped, and nodded. Ginger dropped to her knees and sat back on her heels. She turned his dick to the left, to the right, then up and down, examining it from all angles. She looked up and smiled. "Gilligan, I think it's a penis." Lovey finished her banana, the Skipper still staring, his hands shaking. She reached across the table and gripped his hand. "Come on," she whispered. "M-m-mrs. H-h-howell," he stammered. "Lovey... please," she smiled. "I-I-I don't think that..." "Shhhh," she whispered. "Don't worry about Thurston. Listen. You can still hear him snore.She stood up and pulled the Skipper to his feet, and led him down the pathway into the jungle. Ginger wrapped her lips around the end of Gilligan's cock, swirling her tongue around his cockhead. Gilligan moaned, unconsciously bucking his hips, pushing his penis further into her mouth. "Easy, now, Gilligan," she said, gripping him firmly. She applied her lips and tongue to his cock again, cupping his balls with one hand, a firm grip on his shaft with the other. Mary Ann moaned softly as the Professor kissed his way down her belly, pushing his tongue into her navel. His hands worked gently at her shorts, unbuttoning them. They slid down her legs, and she stepped out of them. She dropped her open blouse off her shoulders and stood naked in the moonlight. The Professor sat back on his heels, looking at her. She turned, slowly. "Like what you see?" "Prettiest girl on the island." "Hummph. That's not saying much." "Prettiest girl I've ever seen." "That's better." She leaned over and kissed his lips. "Now it's your turn. Stand up." He scrambled to his feet. Mary Ann unbuttoned his shirt, and slipped it back over his shoulders. She ran her hands down his hairless chest and down his belly. She unfastened his trousers, and let them drop. Then she pulled his boxer shorts down over his ass, and they joined his other clothing on the ground. He stepped out of his shoes as he freed his feet from his pants, his penis erect and throbbing. "Last one in's a rotten egg," she said, and dashed for the pool. The Professor wasn't far behind her. They hit the water at the same time, splashing into the cold water. They dove down, kissing under water, then broke the surface in an embrace, their feet just touching bottom as their heads bobbed at the surface. They held each other tightly. Gilligan tugged off his shirt and cap, and stepped out of his pants. Ginger stood up and turned around. "Unzip me," she said. Gilligan fumbled for the zipper pull, then worked it slowly down her back. The dress opened up, revealing her bare back -- no bra straps. The zipper ended just at the crack of her ass. She shrugged out of the dress facing away from her, and let it drop slowly. Gilligan stared at her ass, so round, so firm, so fully packed. He reached out and caressed it, gently, his hands shaking. Mary Ann wrapped her legs around the Professor's hips, clinging to him in the water. As they kissed, she worked herself up him, until the tip of his penis was just at the entrance to her pussy. She lowered herself on him, taking his thick cock fully inside her. The Professor stood in the water, marveling at how the differential in ambient temperature between the aqua pura and Mary Ann's internal vaginal temperature... What the hell... the cold water made her cunt feel even hotter. He gripped her tighter. Lovey and the Skipper found a small clearing in the jungle and sat down. Lovey wrapped her arms around the Skipper's neck and kissed him gently on the lips. He hesitated a moment, then returned the kiss. She opened her mouth, and his tongue danced inside. She slid over into his lap, running one hand over his barrel chest, outside his shirt. Ginger turned around, giving Gilligan a good look at her firm, pink-nippled breasts, and the red-haired patch below. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him again. They sank to their knees on the sandy beach. She pushed Gilligan backwards, and he lay on his back. She moved quickly into a sixty-nine position on top of him, lowering her pussy over his face, as she drew his penis between her lips. Gilligan dove in greedily, fastening his lips around her clit, stroking it with his tongue. He reached up, grabbing the white globes of her asscheeks, clinging to them as she moved sensually. She took his full length into her mouth, deep-throating him. Gilligan moaned. Mary Ann and the Professor worked their way back to the edge of the pool, and the Professor climbed out, Mary Ann still wrapped around him. He staggered a few feet, his cock firmly held inside her pussy. He dropped to his knees, and gently lowered her to the ground. She released her grip on his hips, and he began to take slow, deep strokes. She met each stroke with a tilt of her pelvis, rubbing her clit against his shaft. Lovey unbuttoned her blouse, letting it drop off her shoulders. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, and shrugged out of it. She grasped the Skipper's shaking hands, and placed them on her breasts. His fingers found her nipples, and as he twisted them between his fingers, she kissed his lips again. She pushed him gently backwards, until he lay on the soft grass. She knelt between his legs, and unfastened his pants. She reached inside, and wrapped her fingers around his growing penis. Her fingers did not reach all the way around it. He lifted his hips, and she slid his pants down, and maneuvering around, managed to get them down his legs and off, taking his shoes with them. She knelt again between his legs, and licked his penis, which was too big to take into her mouth. She cupped his balls in one hand, gently massaging them as she worked over his huge cockhead with her lips and tongue. Ginger's body shook as she neared orgasm. Gilligan was nothing if not diligent in his efforts at her clit. She sat back a little, pressing her cunt against his jaw and tongue, keeping a firm grip on his penis. She started to come, her orgasm beginning at her clit, radiating through her body in a warm rush. As her contractions ended, she slid off his face, and turned to kiss his lips, tasting her own juices on his mouth. The Professor rolled over onto his back, pulling Mary Ann over on top of him. She sat up, impaling herself on his cock. She sat there, making small circles, rubbing her clit against his pubic bone and base of his cock. She could feel little contractions beginning in her pussy, and reached down to stroke her clit. He pushed her hands aside, and using his thumbs, made circular motions over her clit. Mary Ann tilted her head back, her eyes closed, her breasts thrust forward, a lovely sight for the Professor. Her cunt clamped down on him as she climaxed, her body quivering with the force of her orgasm. Lovey stood up and unfastened her skirt, allowing it to drop to the ground. As the Skipper watched interestedly, she turned, and pulled her panties down over her ass, giving him a view not only of her asshole but a good look at her pussy. Now naked, she turned again towards him, stepping over his legs, and squatting over his hips. His huge cock stood up in front of her dark pubic hair. She wrapped both hands around his cock, and stroked gently, as he reached up to tweak her nipples with his fingers. She raised herself up and forward, guiding his penis to the entrance to her cunt. She lowered herself, breathing deeply as his cockhead forced her cuntlips aside, pushing slowly inside her. Mary Ann began to move again, pushing herself up and down with her legs. The Professor reached up and took hold of her breasts, rolling her erect nipples with his thumbs. He neared orgasm. He moved his hands from her breasts to her shoulders, and pulled her on top of him. He kissed her lips, as his balls exploded, pumping spurt after spurt into her hot, waiting pussy. Ginger lay back on the sand. Gilligan scrambled up between her legs, and kissed his way up her body, pausing briefly to suck on her pink nipples. She pulled him to her, and kissed his mouth, her tongue slipping through their lips. She reached down and guided his cock into her dripping pussy. He began slow, easy strokes, her legs wrapped around his, her feet just behind his knees. Gilligan neared orgasm, and pushed himself deeply into Ginger's cunt. Ginger slid her legs up around his hips, holding him inside her as he started to ejaculate. He collapsed on top of her and they breathed heavily together. The Skipper was breathing heavily, too, as Lovey continued to lower herself on his huge shaft. Lovey moaned softly, allowing her body to adjust to the Skipper's size. She was lubricating freely, which was making it easier for the Skipper's cock to slide inside her. She reached the bottom of his shaft. She sat still a moment, savoring the sensation of being completely filled up. He _was_ the size of her fullback in college, and that brought back some lovely memories. The Skipper was caressing her breasts, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. She tilted her head back, arching her back, pressing her tits into his hands. She reached down and stroked her clit, pressing it between her fingers and his penis. She shivered with pleasure. She raised herself just a bit, allowing the Skipper's cock to slide out about two inches, then lowered herself again. The movement was getting easier. She did it again, and again, picking up a little speed, holding her clit against his penis. "Nnnnngh," the Skipper moaned, and clasped at her. He began to come; there was no room inside her, so it gushed around his cock and ran down into his pubic hair. She continued to work herself up and down his shaft, nearing orgasm herself. As the Skipper's cock softened, and with the extra lubrication of his come, she picked up some speed. The contractions came suddenly, squeezing against his cock, shaking her body. She collapsed forward, with him still inside her, and lay on his barrel chest. The Professor and Mary Ann took another dip in the pool, rinsing each other off with giggles and tender touches. They got dressed, and headed back to the compound. Ginger and Gilligan also arose, and dashed hand-in-hand into the surf in the lagoon to rinse off the sand, then they too dressed and headed 'home'. The four of them arrived at the girls' hut at the same time. With knowing glances at each other, the two couples kissed again good-night. The two girls headed into their hut. The Professor put his arm around Gilligan's shoulder. "So how did it go?" "It didn't go," Giligan grinned. "It came." The Professor chuckled. They headed back to their huts. Lovey reluctantly removed herself from the Skipper's cock; even in its flaccid state it was a sizable organ. She recovered her clothing, slipping into her blouse and skirt, tucking her bra and panties into her pocket. The Skipper arose, and tugged on his trousers and shoes. They walked hand in hand almost to the compound, dropping this last physical contact when they approached the clearing, in case anyone was still up to see them. They needn't have bothered; there was no one in the compound, and the only sound was the buzz-saw roar of Thurston Howell's snores. The Skipper walked her to the door of her hut. "Good-night, sweet Captain," she whispered. She kissed him quickly, and slipped through the hut door. The Skipper sauntered back to his hut. He noted that Gilligan was already in the top hammock, and he rolled into the lower one. As he pulled the blankets up under his chin, he felt suddenly dizzy; then he fell into a deep sleep. Lovey changed into her nightgown, using a hand towel to wipe away most of the Skipper's semen. She slipped into the bed, listened for a moment to the roar of the buzz saw, then reached over for the soft gum earplugs. Thurston was cuddled up with his teddy bear. "He couldn't care less if I was here or not," she muttered. She lay back against the pillow, thinking about the Captain's penis. Morning. The seven castaways headed for the outhouses and the sweetwater pool for their morning cleanup. The Professor and Mary Ann passed each other on the path. "Good morning, Roy," Mary Ann said, smiling. "'Morning," the Professor smiled back. She took his hand and leaned forward to kiss him lightly. "Thanks for last night," she whispered. "It was great!" She continued toward the pool. The Professor was staggered; the juice was supposed to work on her memory... Gilligan was just coming out of the outhouse as Ginger approached. She slipped one hand under Gilligan's balls and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Hi, Stud Muffin!" "H-h-hello!" Gilligan stammered and stumbled. She moved past him into the outhouse and closed the door. Gilligan ran toward the other outhouse, where the Professor was just emerging. "It didn't work," he gasped. "What are you talking about?" "Ginger remembered! The juice didn't work!" "Of course it worked... You got laid, didn't you?" The Professor smiled. "Maybe it's better this way, anyhow." "Why's that?" "This way we can make love with the girls any time we want. We don't have to rely on the fruit." "Oh, yeah." Gilligan smiled. "Right." They walked up the path to join the others at the pool. Lovey watched the others as they played together in the water. It was obvious that the younger folks were getting to know each other as lovers. Her eyes widened as she thought, "They remember! They weren't supposed to remember!" The Skipper arrived at the pool. "Good morning, Mrs. Howell." "Good morning, Captain," she smiled. "And how did you sleep last night?" "I went to bed right after supper," he said, "and I slept like a baby all night." Lovey heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't remember! She puzzled over it in her mind, until she came to a sudden realization. It's not the juice of the fruit that works, it's the pulp! She would have to talk to the Professor about that... someday.Gilligan was crouching in the bushes, peering through the foliage, as Ginger waded into the sweetwater pool under the waterfall. Her back was toward him as she moved under the waterfall. He saw her drop her clothing and caught a glimpse of her bare ass before it was covered with the white water. "C'mon, Ginger, turn around," he whispered. "Turn around..." He reached down into his pants and gripped his penis, already erect. He pulled it out and stroked it, watching the shadowy image of Ginger's naked bottom through the flowing water. Ginger turned around under the waterfall, and stuck her head through the flow. "Gilligan!" she shouted. "Get your ass over here right now!" Gilligan stood up and ran down to the pool. He pulled off his clothes and waded to the waterfall. Ginger reached through the flow of water and grabbed his hand, pulling him under the falls to the little alcove underneath. Ginger wrapped her arms around him, drawing him into a passionate kiss, rubbing her wet, naked body against him. She reached down and grabbed his penis, stroking its length. She lowered herself in the water, pulling him down on top of her. Gilligan kissed her breasts, as she guided his cock to the entrance to her pussy. He pressed it inside her, and she moaned with pleasure, taking his full length easily. He began slow, easy strokes, the resistance of the water making his movements easier and slower. Ginger's clit pressed against the base of his cock with each stroke, and she gasped every time he pressed against it. "Oh, gosh," she whispered, "I'm coming..." Her pussy grabbed at his cock as her body shook, with a warm glow flowing from her pussy though the rest of her body. Gilligan pumped twice more, and with the pressure from her orgasmic pussy, he began to ejaculate inside her. He kissed her lips, as they caught their breath. They stood up, finally. Ginger picked up her bar of coconut-butter soap, and they lathered each other up, giggling and laughing. Roy Hinkley, "The Professor", was making his bed. Literally making his bed. He had gathered some nice pieces of bamboo, and was busily making a double-sized bed. Whistling as he worked, he was also trying to decide just how to approach Mary Ann about moving in with him. Making love in the moonlight in the great outdoors was great, but the rainy season was approaching. The Skipper was whistling, too, as he cast his fishing line into the surf. He waited for a nibble, holding the fishing rod braced against his belly. A strange, yet familiar voice sounded behind him. "Welcome to Sherwood." He turned to see a man all in green perched on a fallen treetrunk. He was carrying a huge bow, and a quiver of arrows on his back. He blinked twice, almost dropping his fishing rod. "Robin Hood?" "None other," the man in green said, grinning. "You look very familiar. Are you not the son of one of my merry men?" "No," the Skipper shook his head. "Not that I know of." "Strange," Robin said. He looked at the Skipper's fishing rod. "Fishing? Is there no game in the forest?" "Not that we've been able to find," the Skipper said. "How did you get here? Are you our rescue?" "Rescue? From Sherwood?" "This is NOT Sherwood. It's an island in the South Pacific." The Skipper reeled in his line and set the fishing rod aside. "South... Pacific? It looks like Sherwood..." Robin turned and looked around. "But then again..." "Believe me," the Skipper said, "it's not England. Do you have a boat?" Robin shook his head. "A plane? A helicopter?" Robin shook his head. Suddenly, he stood still. "Hark!" "What is it..." Robin placed a hand over the Skipper's mouth, silencing him. "A deer!" he whispered, "A fine stag to make a man's dinner." He nocked an arrow into the bow, and climbed over the fallen tree and into the jungle. Moments later, Mr. Howell walked out of the jungle onto the beach. The Skipper was staring into the jungle. "Captain..." "Did you see him?" "See who?" Howell frowned. "Robin Hood." "Captain, have you been raiding my liquor cabinet?" Mary Ann looked around the hut at her few meager possessions. She sat down on the cot, considering how quickly she could pack them all away if the Professor asked her the question she wanted him to ask. Five minutes, maybe less. "But what about Ginger? Would she be all alone in this hut if I moved in with the Professor? Or would Gilligan move in here with her?" she thought. "And that would leave the Skipper alone... oh, my... how complicated." Ginger walked in, wrapped in her towel. She had been to the waterfall again. And from the glow in her face, it looked like she had been there with someone. "Talking to yourself again?" Ginger grinned. "Was I?" Mary Ann blushed. "I've been doing a lot of thinking." "About the Professor?" Ginger sat on the other cot, facing her. "Has he asked you yet?" Mary Ann shook her head. Ginger reached over and took her hand. "He will. Don't worry." Ginger looked into Mary Ann's eyes. "And if he does, do it. Don't worry about me." Mary Ann reached out and took Ginger into her arms. "Thanks." Ginger's towel fell away. "In the meantime,..." she cooed. Gilligan sat down on a log near a clearing in the jungle. He sat in a position like Rodin's "The Thinker", his chin resting on his fist, his elbow on his knee. He was considering his relationship with Ginger. He loved her, he really did. Or was it just lust? Did he want to live the rest of his life with her, or was it that she was available, and here, and ... His vision blurred, and he blinked. Next to him on the log was a golden-haired fellow, about his same age. He blinked again. The fellow was still there. "Hi, Maynard, old buddy." The golden-haired fellow grinned. Gilligan sat up. "Maynard?" "Hey, where's your goatee?" Gilligan rubbed his chin. "What's wrong, Maynard?" "My name is Gilligan. Who are you?" "You mean you don't recognize your oldest friend? It's Dobie" The fellow laughed. "And you're Maynard." "Gilligan," he said. "My name is Gilligan." "It's Maynard, and I'll prove it. Watch this... 'work'" A shiver ran up Gilligan's spine. He shook it off. "See there," Dobie said. "You're Maynard." Gilligan shook his head. "Well, whatever, old buddy," Dobie grinned. "What's on your mind?" "Ummm," Gilligan squirmed. "I guess I can tell you since you're imaginary." "Who's imaginary?" Dobie grinned. "Que pasa?" "It's a girl," Gilligan said. "I figured that," Dobie smiled. "Why else would I be here?" "I'm not sure what I feel for her. Is it love or is it lust?" "Does it matter?" Gilligan looked at him. "Of course it matters." "Okay. Do you want to be with her even when you've got your clothes on?" "Yeah." "Then it's probably love. Go for it." Gilligan glanced away. "Go for it?" There was silence. He looked back, and Dobie was gone. He sat there a moment longer. "Go for it...." Lovey Howell adjusted her makeup in the small mirror. She had managed to get Thurston out of the hut for a while, anyway. He needed to get some fresh air, and away from the liquor cabinet for a few hours. She adjusted her clothing; it was getting a bit tattered with the years of wear. Thank goodness she had brought all of the trunks she had; she pitied the poor younger girls who only had a few outfits. And the Captain and Gilligan had only one set of clothes, since they had expected to be home that night so long ago. When they wore out their clothes, I guess they'd have to go naked... Thinking of the Captain naked brought a sly grin to her face. That might not be so bad after all. She headed out the door toward the Professor's hut. She needed to talk with him about the fruits. The Professor tied the last knots, and slid the double-sized bed towards the wall. He had to adjust the position of his lab-table and trunk, but it all fit. At least he didn't have to rebuild the hut. He stood back and admired his work, thinking about the workout he wanted to give it. There was a tap at the door. "Professor?" It was Mrs. Howell. He invited her in. She sat in his 'relaxing' chair, and he perched on his lab stool. "What can I help you with?" "This is rather awkward, Professor," she said, almost blushing. "Go ahead. We're all friends here," the Professor smiled. "It's about those yellow fruits Gilligan found last week." The Professor paused. "Yes? What about them?" "I know what they do, Professor," she said, almost blushing. "And I want to grow some more." "Oh?" The Professor squirmed on his stool. "Are you and Mr. Howell having ...problems?" "Yes..." Lovey lied. "That's it exactly." The Professor reached over and picked up the two remaining fruits from his lab table. They had softened, and were giving off a sour fragrance. "That's funny," he said, "I thought there were three." Mrs. Howell grimaced. The Professor handed them to her. He opened his botany book, and read from the page describing the fruit. "Looks like it should be planted in sandy soil, near a tree where the vine can climb. That's all the information I have." He closed the book. "I can't guarantee they'll grow, and I have no idea when the vines will bear fruit." "I understand, Professor," she said, smiling. "Thank you." "You're very welcome. I hope the problems work out." Lovey went into the jungle, looking for likely spots to plant her seeds. She found two trees close to the pathway that looked hopeful. She dug a shallow hole next to each tree, and placed the rotting fruits in them, covering the hole. She kissed her fingers, then the soil. "Grow, please grow," she whispered. Thurston Howell walked along the beach. "Damn this island," he said aloud. "Damn this beach, damn this ocean, damn these waves, damn..." He was so distracted by his tirade that he nearly fell over the barrel. He kicked it. It didn't move, and he hurt his foot. He hopped around on his good foot, holding the hurt one. He sat on the barrel, which was lying on the sand. He massaged his toes, muttering, "and damn this barrel." As he worked on his sore toes, he looked down at the barrel. Stenciled on the side of the barrel was the name "Inverness." He looked up at the sky. "If there's a god in heaven, let this be full." He got up and pushed at the barrel. It was very heavy, it had SOMETHING inside. He pushed harder, and the barrel rolled over, exposing the bung. It was intact. "Praise the gods!" he shouted, then clamped his hands over his mouth. He looked around. "I've got to find Gilligan," he muttered. Mary Ann and Ginger were in a sixty-nine position, with Ginger on top. Ginger's lips were locked around Mary Ann's clit, her tongue dancing around the tip of the sensitive nubbin. Mary Ann had her hands around the cheeks of Ginger's ass, her fingertips brushing her asshole. Mary Ann's tongue was stroking over Ginger's clit, her concentration on her nearing orgasm. Her body began to quiver under Ginger's ministrations. Ginger's fingers slid into Mary Ann's cunnie, pressing upward against her g-spot. Mary Ann's body tried to levitate, as an explosive orgasm shook her body. As her contractions slowed, she again applied herself to Ginger's pussy, sucking hungrily on her clit. Her fingertips approached Ginger's asshole again, and slowly, Mary Ann slid her middle finger into Ginger's ass. "Mmmmmmmmm," Ginger moaned, "Oh, yes." With her other hand, Mary Ann slipped two fingers into Ginger's pussy. Ginger raised up, pushing back against Mary Ann's hands and mouth. "Yes... yes, that's it," she gasped, "Oh yes..." Her body began to quiver, and a gush of cunt honey ran down Mary Ann's face. Ginger's orgasm shook the bed, as Mary Ann slowed her tonguing of Ginger's clit. Ginger got up slowly and turned around, and lay beside Mary Ann in the narrow cot. Gilligan was sitting at the table in the compound, contemplating the basket of fruit. Which one was he least tired of? Mrs. Howell approached the compound. "Gilligan, there's something I want you to do for me." "What's that, Mrs. Howell?" "Do you think you could find any more of that yellow fruit?" Gilligan goggled at her for a moment, but remembered that she couldn't possibly know what it was good for. "I'll try, Mrs. Howell," he nodded. "Thank you." She headed for her hut. At that moment, Mr. Howell came running up the path from the beach. "Gilligan, dear boy. Just the man I was looking for..." "What do you want me to do?" sighed Gilligan. Howell looked back toward his hut. Lovey had gone inside. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "I've made a wonderful find on the beach, and I need your help." "What did you find?" Gilligan asked, in a normal voice. "Shhhhh...." hissed Howell. "Keep your voice down." "Okay," whispered Gilligan, "what did you find?" "A whole barrel of Inverness Scotch." "A whole barrel?" Gilligan's voice rose to a normal level again. "Shhhhh!" Howell hissed again. "Sorry," whispered Gilligan. "Come with me. I need to roll it up away from the tide, and I'll need help to get it open." The Skipper landed his catch; a very nice, big fish. As he pulled it up the beach, he glanced at the jungle, half expecting Robin Hood, or Tarzan, or some other character to come popping out. But nobody did. He pulled out his knife, and started cleaning the fish. The Professor strolled over to the girls' hut, and tapped on the door. "Anybody home?" "Just a minute," Ginger's voice sounded from inside. The Professor heard some scrambling around. Ginger jumped up, and grabbed a dress, slipping it over her head and zipping it up. Mary Ann retrieved her shorts and slipped them on, and buttoned her blouse. Ginger went to the door. "Hi, Professor." She batted her eyes at him. "I was just coming... er, going." She walked out the door, winking at Mary Ann. "Come on in, Roy." Mary Ann sat on the edge of the bed. The Professor sat down next to her, and took her hand. "Mary Ann... I want to ask... " "Yes," she said, smiling. "You didn't know what I want to ask." "Yes I do, and I do." She kissed him."Give me five minutes to pack up." She finished in four. The Professor picked up her little bag, and they walked hand-in-hand to his hut. ........................................................................... Gilligan and Mr. Howell rolled the barrel up the beach to the edge of the jungle. They tipped it up on end to keep it from rolling back down to the water. "I don't think the tide gets this high," Gilligan observed. "Good. Now, how to open it." Gilligan smiled and picked up the tool box. "I know how to open barrels." He took out the hammer, and took aim at the top. "Wait! NO!" Howell shouted, and grabbed the hammer. "If you break the top, we can't close it back up!" He leaned over and looked in the tool box. He picked up a brace and bit. "Now, this will make a small hole that we can plug up." He set the tip of the bit on the top of the barrel-end, and Gilligan started to turn the brace. ............................................................................ The Skipper wrapped his fish filets in a sailcloth towel, and headed to the compound. Suspiciously, he looked all around him as he walked, half expecting to be accosted by some imaginary character. ............................................................................ The hole was bored through. Gilligan pulled out the bit, and Howell leaned over to sniff the contents. "Heavenly," Howell sighed. "It's Scotch, all right." Then he frowned. "But how do we get it out of the barrel?" "I could still smash the top," suggested Gilligan. Howell just frowned at him. "The Professor uses a kind of vine for tubing in his lab. Maybe we could find some." "Good idea. Go look for some. I'll just sniff for a while." Gilligan dashed into the jungle. He was looking for the vine that the Professor used, but a flash of yellow caught his eye. He stopped and looked closer. It was another vine-full of yellow fruits, just like the ones he found before! He marked the place in his mind, and went looking for the tubing-vine. He found some, and pulled it down. Using his pocket knife, he cut off the leaves from a length of it, and took it back to Howell. Howell was standing over the barrel, his nose pressed against the hole. "So near and yet so far," he sighed. Gilligan handed him the vine, and Howell lowered one end into the barrel. He placed the other end between his lips and sucked. "Like drinking through a straw," Gilligan noted. The fluid finally reached Howell's mouth. He filled his mouth, then pinched the end of the vine. He swirled the liquid around his mouth, then swallowed. "Ambrosia," he said, "Nectar!" He raised his eyes to the sky. "Thank you!" "You're welcome," said Gilligan. ............................................................................ Ginger walked toward the compound table, just as the Skipper brought up his load of fish. "I'll take that, Skipper," she said, and he handed over his bundle. "Thanks, Ginger." He stopped to wipe his brow, and said, "I'm going to go up to the waterfall and wash up." He started up the path to the sweetwater pool. Ginger took the fish over by the fireplace, and added some wood to the coals still smouldering there. Flames started to appear around the new wood. ............................................................................ "Gilligan, dear boy, go back to my hut and get a couple of empty bottles," Howell said, sipping from his straw. "Sure, Mr. Howell." "Oh... If Lovey is there, don't let her see you." "Okay." Gilligan started back toward the compound, but remembered the fruits. He doubled back into the jungle and located the vine. He picked three of the yellow fruits, and rolled them up in his shirt. Then he headed back toward the compound. ........................................................................... The Professor and Mary Ann entered his hut... their hut. The Professor led her over to show her the new bed. "Oh, Roy," she said, "you expected me to say yes!" The Professor nodded. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Let's break it in," she whispered, huskily. ............................................................................ Gilligan ran into the compound and looked around for Mrs. Howell. Not seeing her, he tapped on their door. "Mrs. Howell?" "Yes, Gilligan dear?" She opened the door. "I found some," he said, breathlessly. He unrolled his shirt, and handed her the three fruits. "Oh, thank you, dear boy!" She took one and sniffed it. "Smells delicious!" "Ummm," Gilligan shifted from foot to foot. "Mrs. Howell, Mr. Howell sent me for a couple of his empty bottles. But I wasn't supposed to tell you." Lovey frowned slightly, but she was delighted to have the fruits. "Of course you can have his empties." She stepped away from the door and let Gilligan inside. "They're over there in the cabinet." Gilligan stepped over and opened the door. There were several bottles of different-colored fermented fruit juices, and several empties. He picked up two of the empty bottles. "Thanks," Gilligan said, clutching the bottles. "Thank YOU, Gilligan," she said, clasping the fruits to her chest. ............................................................................ The Professor unbuttoned Mary Ann's blouse, and peeled it back over her shoulders. He caressed the smooth globes of her breasts, their dark brown nipples popping up like rubber erasers under his fingers. She moaned, and kissed his neck. His hands moved farther down, and unfastened her shorts, dropping them to her feet, where she stepped out of them, along with her shoes. She reached up and unbuttoned his shirt, running her fingers down his hairless chest. She dropped her hands down to his pants, unfastening them, and they joined Mary Ann's on the floor. He stepped out of his shoes. Mary Ann sank down into the bed, and lay on her back. She lifted her knees, extending her arms towards the Professor. He climbed into the bed, slipping up between her thighs. He ran his hands over her legs, and up her sides to her breasts, tweaking her nipples again. Then back down, running his fingers through her dark pubic hair to the warm wet place below. His thumb found her clit, warm and erect under its tiny hood. She gasped as his thumb brushed over it. The fingers of his other hand parted her labia, and he could see the moist pinkness within. He slipped a finger inside her, and she gripped it with her vaginal muscles. He bent down and touched her clit with his tongue. It felt hot, and he rolled his tongue over it. Mary Ann gasped and reached for his head, running her fingers into his hair. He moved his tongue down further, sliding down the slippery skin past her pisshole, plunging his tongue as deeply as he could into her pussy. She wiggled her hips, running her fingers over his head. He moved back up to her clit, sliding his tongue, around and over her clit. He fastened his lips around her clit, sucking gently, brushing her clit with the tip of his tongue. She gripped his hair, holding him in place. "OoooooOOOOOooooOOOOOOOoooooohhhhhh!" she moaned, thrashing her head from side to side. The Professor raised his head, and as Mary Ann released her grip on his hair, he slid up her body, to kiss her waiting lips. His cock poised on its own at the entrance to her cunt, the cockhead parting her labia, and sliding to its full length inside her. "Ummmmmmph" moaned Mary Ann into the Professor's mouth. Her clit pressed against the base of his cock, as she tilted her pelvis back. Her vaginal muscles clamped around his penis, holding him in place. .......................................................................... Mrs. Howell walked around to the "kitchen", where Ginger was stirring the hot coals, ready to place the fish filets on the grill. "Do you know where the Captain is?" Mrs. Howell asked. "He said he was going up to take a shower in the waterfall," Ginger said.
The Wife's Sister
"Of all the two-bit sluts in this world who could come on to me like that, why did it have to be her?" Michael asked himself bitterly. "Hey, sounds like a Bogart line out of `Casablanca'," he mused. Michael was half-heartedly watching a hockey game on the small black-and-white TV that stood in the corner of the chalet they were renting on the slopes near Boulder. As the dwindling twilight further darkened the overcast skies, a windy snowstorm continued howling outside the tiny living room's balcony doors. Embers from a warm fire were still glowing in the fireplace. He took another pull of whisky and considered his options. If he went to bed with his sister-in-law, he would have to tell his wife. He was certain that no affair could ever remain discreet; secrecy in infidelities and so-called casual affairs was a big myth. His marriage would probably survive an affair, but his relationship with his wife would never be the same. The long-term pain there would be costly. Sex would also ruin his friendship with his sister-in-law. Michael *liked* Deloris. She was good people and fun to be around. She had interesting and valuable insights into travel, culture, and even psychology. Since she was a medical doctor, she was forever telling stories about patients, health issues, and society. Fucking would probably ruin all the fun he had talking to her and being around her and her husband. Michael definitely did not mind hurting Deloris' husband; John was a real jerk. Clinically, he suffered from PE, but worse than the physical manifestations of John's problem was his callous lack of any sexual empathy. John really didn't care if Deloris had an orgasm or not. Sex between Deloris and her husband consisted of John's selfishly playing with her breasts until he was erect, some hasty fumbling around, and finally ejaculation within two minutes of penetration. For John, sex was simply getting his rocks off. Having absolutely no amorous experience before marrying John, Deloris had discussed her problems with her sister. Michael wondered if his wife's descriptions of their own lovemaking had influenced Deloris in any way. "Probably," he thought. Michael turned the volume down on the TV, put a fresh log on the fire, and knocked back the rest of his whisky. Still thinking about Deloris, he stared into the fire and stoked the new log absentmindedly. Then he started looking at the CDs scattered on top of the stereo system. Giggles floated out of the kitchen as the two sisters exchanged gossip and caught up on each others' lives. After glancing at all the titles, he settled on Dire Straits' "brothers in arms," loaded it in the player, and went to the kitchen. It was Michael's wife Gina's turn to do the dinner dishes, and Deloris was standing around watching. As the opening notes of "So Far Away From Me" glided through the little chalet, Michael walked into the kitchen, tapped Deloris on the shoulder and said "Let's dance." Deloris giggled, followed him out of the kitchen, and melted sensuously into his embrace. She concentrated carefully on following his adept fox-trot. Ballroom dancing was another aspect missing from Deloris' married life, and she was thrilled at the opportunity to dance. After only a few seconds, Gina came out of the kitchen, her hands dripping suds, scrutinizing the dancing pair jealously. Michael swung Deloris in a pirouette, stepped away and embraced his wife. They danced a few steps, exchanging loving stares, then she pushed him away and went back in the kitchen to finish the dishes. Deloris and Michael picked up the rhythm and finished their dance, holding each other closely and flowing seductively to the music. The feel of Deloris' soft, voluptuous breasts against him made Michael grow hard; his hot cock started pressing against his pants. The fox-trot they were dancing caused his cock to brush often against Deloris' legs during their dance. Embarrassed, they avoided each other's eyes. As the music faded away, Michael held her close to him and their eyes met. "I'll come visit you tonight," he whispered huskily. His breathing was shallow and his heart was pounding with animal lust.Their relaxed, comfortable coitus lasted only fifteen more minutes before Gina once again started to buck and shudder. As her climax washed over her, Michael had trouble just keeping his cock inside her cunt. When she breathed the last blissful, contented sigh of her third orgasm, Michael brought his hand out from under her and shifted his weight onto his hands. Then he started pumping harder and faster. Soon he, too, was coming again, ejaculating only a few drops of semen deep into his wife's wet vagina. A few minutes later they were both asleep. Early the next morning, after each took turns running in the freezing cold to the bathroom, they again made love, in spite of their stiffness from the previous night's extended sexual activities. Ravenous, they showered together quickly and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. After breakfast on Saturday morning, John drove off to do business at a hospital in Vale. Michael, Gina, and Deloris hit the slopes early, and in spite of an occasional snow shower, the skiing was fantastic. Deloris raced down the slopes maniacally, trying to show off her style. Michael thought she moved her hips too much and her knees too little but didn't tell her. Deloris was wearing matching pink sunglasses, headband, ski suit, and gloves. Michael kept pace with his sister-in-law but waited for his wife at the lifts. Deloris flirted with single men in the lift-lines but always lost them on the slopes; she was skiing very fast that day. When the three skiers returned to the chalet that evening, there was a message from John on the answering machine. He was not staying in the chalet Saturday night because his business meeting had been extended late into the evening. John said he would meet them on the slopes Sunday morning. As the second Dire Straits song started, Deloris looked down, away from Michael's lust-filled eyes. Though she still clung to him, he could see the uncertainty in her face and knew that she was not sure she wanted to sleep with her sister's husband. "If you want to," she said softly. The uncertainty was also reflected in her voice. Her obvious doubt gave Michael pangs of guilt about his planned infidelity. "If I go through with this," he thought to himself, "who is the real jerk? Her loyal, cuckolded husband with sexual problems, or her adulterous brother-in-law who takes advantage of her?" Deloris's body features were almost the exact opposite of her sister's. Whereas Gina was tall and slim, with muscular limbs and small breasts, Deloris was only five foot four and had a much rounder figure. Gina's hair was long and dark. She had small brown, narrow eyes and full lips. Deloris, on the other hand, had short, sun-bleached, blonde hair, huge sparkling blue eyes, and thin lips. The irises of Deloris' eyes were hardly ever visible because her pupils were always so dilated. When they got in bed Saturday night, Michael started fondling his wife. "Are you hot?" she asked. "Yes. Aren't you?" "A little. I'm really tired and have 'sore-gasms.' Are you really hot?" He rubbed his erect penis against her back. "Oh no!" she wailed ironically. She took hold of his rock-hard penis and kissed him passionately, bringing his hand down to her vagina. After a few minutes of mutual masturbation, she rolled away and pulled him on top of her. "I'm ready," she said unnecessarily. Michael tried to be slow and gentle because Gina had complained of "sore-gasms." He noted that many women in the heat of passion somehow don't feel pain and later regret being so violent in their lovemaking. Penetrating very slowly, Michael pushed his pelvic bone against his wife's clitoris and rocked back and forth gently, pumping in long, soft strokes. "Are you close?" Gina asked an hour later. "No," he answered simply. "Do you want to try a different position?" "Ok," she said tiredly. "Which?" "Let's do it standing up," he said excitedly. "No, I'm too tired." "Ok, then doggy-style, you on top." They both rolled onto their backs, and Michael helped his wife get on top of him. Gina slipped his soggy wet cock into her vagina, and he used both hands to manipulate her labia and clitoris. Gina moved in a slow, unsteady rhythm, and Michael manipulated her clitoris softly and quickly. Finally, after another hour of coital pulsing, Gina started to come. Her orgasm was much stronger and more intense than any that weekend; she was almost screaming from the burning intensity of exquisite pleasure. When the last of her spasms subsided, Michael pushed her limp body off of his and mounted her in missionary position. It took him almost twenty minutes to bring himself to an orgasm, and it was relatively short. The hours of foreplay and coitus had dampened his pleasure. It is also possible that his mind was not completely on his wife. Spent from her intense orgasm, Gina was asleep in a few minutes. Michael's mind drifted downstairs to his lonely sister-in-law. His penis got hard just from his thinking about her gorgeous figure and soft, gentle skin. Biding his time, he looked at the travel clock and decided to give his wife 15 minutes to drift into a deep sleep before getting out of bed. The minutes felt like hours, and he noticed he was looking at the clock more than twice a minute. "You don't have to go," his conscience told him. Ten minutes after his wife had fallen asleep, he slipped out of bed, put on his bathrobe, and climbed down the ladder. He went to the bathroom and padded quietly to the master bedroom. Deloris was sleeping in a warm-up suit, curled up in her down comforter. Michael's heart was pounding so hard, he thought he was going to have a heart attack. He furtively climbed onto her bed and leaned his weight against her, bringing his face close to hers. She slept on, oblivious to his touch. He softly kissed her cheek and put his arms around her, gently prodding her until she finally woke up. Without saying a word, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Confused and ill-at-ease, he sat up on the bed waiting. She climbed groggily back into bed and pulled the comforter over herself, ignoring him. He slipped under the comforter and embraced her again. She was completely passive, and neither said a word. He kissed her, and she responded, pulling him to her and stuffing her tongue in his mouth passionately. Still uncertain of himself and the situation, he slowly slipped his hand under her sweatshirt and massaged one of her nipples. She moaned softly and pulled away from their embrace. Michael thought she was going to tell him to go away, but instead, she slipped off her shirt and pulled him down on top of her. They necked like teenagers, swirling and fencing with their tongues while holding each other tightly. His hand kept up a steady manipulation of her huge, soft breasts and erect nipples. Then he broke away from her kissing and started licking her nipple. Sucking her breast into his mouth, he slipped the rest of his body down on top of hers. Deloris moaned softly and arched her back each time he touched her breasts. Michael slipped further down on her bed and pulled her warm-up pants down, burying his face in her wet vagina. She helped him slip off her pants and writhed under the caresses of his tongue on her vagina. Five minutes after his tongue started caressing her clitoris, she exploded in a long, intense orgasm, grunting deeply in her throat. "Why won't you make love to me properly?" she asked him when her orgasm had subsided. He slid up her curvaceous body and lay on top of her, their faces almost touching. "Do you want me to?" he asked. "I don't want to hurt Gina," she said softly. Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled down the sides of her face. "I'll take that as a 'no' then," he said. Relief flooded through him; he had not betrayed his wife. His hot, stiff cock rested uncomfortably on Deloris' thigh, millimeters away from that blonde obscure object of his passionate desire. "To tell you the truth, I just wanted you to have an orgasm," he said earnestly. "It's not so important that we make love." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her in a bear hug, sobbing violently but quietly. When she finally let him go, he kissed her on the cheek and left her bed quickly before his cock got any better ideas. First, he went to the bathroom, bumping his erect penis in the doorway. He washed his face and hands thoroughly, but couldn't get Deloris' smell out of his mouth. Finally, Michael gargled a shot of whisky, sloshing it in his mouth until the burning sensation became unbearable. "Where were you so long?" his wife greeted him as he slipped into bed. "Shitting," he replied. "Ok, g'night," she said sleepily. "Good night, Gina. I love you." "Love you too."
Zangara's Elegy
"'He was a bloody tyrant, and we brought him down. And I will not have history think I did it for a bag of gold or in some kind of rabid fit!'" I looked curiously at this disheveled individual who was ranting what I perceived to be nonsense. I turned to my guide, and hopefully future employer. "What is he talking about?" "Oh, he's no one. He thinks he's John Wilkes Booth, that's all," came the reply. I looked closer at my guide. I hadn't really studied him up to this point. Suddenly, however, I knew that he posed me no threat, and so I wished to know more about him. "'Tell them how the Union can never recover from that vulgar, high and mighty niggerlover, Never--!'" I began going over what I knew about my guide. His name was Dr. Charles Guiteau, and he was the director of the mental ward of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. I knew nothing about his credentials, but that was not where my curiosity lay. I was interested in his character, and since it was his profession to know other people's thoughts, I was able to delve into his inner self even as he showed me the building. "Kibo, would you like to join us?" Dr. Guiteau asked the mental patient. "This is Dr. Sam Byck, and I'm showing him around the building." "My name is not Kibo, it is Johnny Booth. Sure, I'll come along. 'Someone slew the tyrant, just as Brutus slew the tyrant.'" "We don't know his real name, so for a while we were calling him Johnny. Then the doctor who was handling his case decided it was better to call him something else. I'm not sure where the name Kibo came from though," Dr. Guiteau rambled on. "By the way, if you come on, Kibo will be one of your patients. Dr. Czolgosz, the man who left for Buffalo, was his doctor." I had been half listening to this exchange until Dr. Guiteau's last sentence. Suddenly my interest in this specimen was piqued. There had to be some way of using him to my purposes. "I would be interested in seeing his file," I replied, confident that my speech had not skipped a beat. "That will have to wait until you accept the position, which we hope you do. It will certainly give our department prestige, something we have been lacking for quite a while." This man was showing all of his cards, wasn't he? I had nothing to fear at all, in fact I had him wrapped around my finger. Kibo, on the other hand, was someone I would have to learn. His next comment threw me for a loop. "'Attention must be paid.'" "That was from Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller was born in 1915, and wrote that play in 1949. John Wilkes Booth died in 1865. Why is he quoting Arthur Miller?" I frantically asked Dr. Guiteau, although I'm sure he couldn't see the panic I was feeling. Dr. Guiteau just chuckled. "Listen to him a little longer, maybe you'll figure it out. Although if you do, you're a better detective than I. I had to read his file to figure it out. I still don't know how Dr. Czolgosz deduced it. Maybe Kibo told him, I don't know." "'I'm an actor, Lee, and I'm a good one. But Willy Loman is a part that I could never play.'" "Lee! Who the hell is Lee?!?" I blurted out anxiously. Dr. Guiteau chuckled again. He just didn't understand, did he? "Tell Dr. Byck who Lee is, Kibo," Dr. Guiteau said quietly. "Why, Lee Harvey Oswald of course. Who else would I be talking to? And DON'T CALL ME KIBO!!!! Please." "Now don't get hostile," Dr. Guiteau turned back to me. "Do you understand any better now?" "Yes," I said, much more calmly. It was really a good thing that Guiteau was so clueless and Kibo was nuts, or I might have been in deep. I made a mental note to control my emotions better than I had. "But I still don't see how John Wilkes Booth could be talking to Lee Harvey Oswald, and how he could be quoting Death of a Salesman." "Keep listening, maybe you'll figure it out. If not, I guess you'll have to accept the position so you can look at his file." He chuckled again. God, that chuckle was getting annoying. "'You should kill the President of the United States. . . . He didn't come here to get shot. . . . Lee, when you kill a president it isn't murder. Murder is a tawdry little crime. . . . when Julius Caesar got killed--he was assassinated. . . . Ah, you know his name. Brutus assassinated Caesar -- what?--two thousand years ago, and here's a high school drop-out with a dollar twenty-five an hour job in Dallas, Texas, who knows who he was. And they say fame is fleeting. . .'" My clinical mind was itching to get Kibo in a padded room and go to work on him. He intrigued me immensely. Dr. Guiteau, on the other hand, was extremely simple, and I could manipulate him any way I saw fit. So I told him, "Kibo here fascinates me enormously. He has stimulated my professional curiosity to the point where I must see if I can help him. Therefore, I accept the position as your assistant here at U/Mass Medical Center." "Good, good, we are very excited for you to be on our staff." His use of the word "we" was getting cumbersome, but I bore with him. "Let me show you to your office. All of Dr. Czolgosz's files have been put in there already." Now we were getting somewhere. "'That's a Mannlicher-Carcano. 6.5 millimeter. Stopping range 900 yards. The sight's already been adjusted. . . . My name is John Wilkes Booth, Lee.'" Ahem! "'My name is John Wilkes Booth, Lee.'" "Oh, that's my cue," said Dr. Guiteau. "He likes to have an Oswald for this part. 'John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln.'" "'Attention has been paid.'" "He's trying to convince Oswald to kill Kennedy, isn't he?" I asked Guiteau. "It's as if he's reading from a script." "You are good. That's exactly what he's doing. Like I said, I don't know how Dr. Czolgosz figured it out, but the things that Kibo says in the guise of John Wilkes Booth are from a Broadway musical called Assassins. He must have been exposed to it before he came here. In fact, Dr. Czolgosz's theory is that Kibo was as sane as you or I when he was exposed to it, and then some action shocked him into this persona." This will truly be an interesting subject."I am far too clever for anyone to catch me. "Razor." What is your trick? Do you know what's going on in my mind? Calm down, of course not. "Rap." But damn, you're hitting a nerve. Maybe I should just lose and end the game. "Poison." All right, you little punk, this game is ending. No wait, you can't know. You're a fucking nutcase. You think you're John Wilkes Booth. "Nonplus." And you think you can talk to Lee Harvey Oswald. "Shower." You stupid, fucking runt. Stop with the fucking words. No, I will not lose to this crazy sonofabitch who thinks that a man who died in 1865 can quote a man who was born in 1915. "Road." "Death." You think you're an assassin. Of course you're going to say death. Don't think you can fool me. "Hew." Even if you do know what I've done, there's no way you can prove it. Who'd believe a crazy fuck like you. "Wife." Holy shit, you do know. The crazy fuck knows. Well, there's no way you can prove it. "Entity." "Yellow." I'm not yellow, you little shit. I'm the most courageous man on the face of the planet. I'm alone in the same room as a man who is proud to think he's an assassin. "Wasp." Not many men would take that chance. And I'm not even scared. "Phallus." You pervert. And that just proves you have no clue, it was only blind luck. "Ski." "Inheritance." Yeah, that's why I did it, so what. I only think you're playing with me, but you have no idea of what you're saying. "Epithet." You're just trying to win this stupid game. "Trial." There will never be a trial, you dumb fuck. "Loop." And even if there was, I'd get off scot-free. "Police." Are you kidding? The police are stupider than you are. They actually consoled me when it happened. "Era." The stupid fucks consoled my wife's murderer. "Arrest." No way, sonny. It has been five months, and they've gotten nowhere. They think she committed suicide. "Trapeze." They are NOT going to arrest me. "Ewe. E-W-E." "Earth." See, you have no idea. I'm the only one who knows and I will NEVER confess. "Hammer." "How the hell do you do it?!? Yes, I killed my wife, Lee. Yes, I knocked her out with a hammer. Yes, I cut her with a poison razor. Yes, I put her in the shower to look like suicide. Yes, I did it to collect all of her father's inheritance. Yes, yes, yes!" Kibo was gone. I slumped in my chair. It was now a matter of them believing a crazy wanna-be assassin or a distinguished doctor. I still had nothing to worry about. Even when the officer was reading me my rights, I knew I was still invincible. The sergeant was sitting across the table from me asking me questions, and I was telling him the same old bullshit. The accommodations weren't bad considering I was under arrest. Of course, they would have to release me soon, they had nothing on me. Just the testimony of some crazy patient at the U/Mass Medical Center. I had nothing to worry about. After all, my profession was minds, and I knew the police believed me, and thought the crazy fuck was just that, a crazy fuck. The cop was just going through the motions as he asked me if I had killed my wife, if I had confessed in that office, and even what I thought of the mental stability of my accuser. That was the fingered me. They did not think that I had done it. A buzzer sounded, and the sergeant picked up a phone. He listened a moment. "Send him in," he said into the phone and turned to me as he hung up. "The chief is coming in." The door opened, and the chief came in. "We have no evidence to hold you, Dr. Byck. I'm sorry this all happened. Apparently, the arresting officers were unaware that your accuser was a patient, and quite frankly, we are desperate to find an explanation for your wife's death, so..." He let it drop there. "Oh, it really is quite alright," I said. "I understand, and I wish I knew the truth about my wife's death. No hard feelings." "One thing though, Doctor," the chief continued. "We found this audio cassette in Kibo's pocket. It seems to be a musical play of some sort. I'd like for you to listen to it a moment." The speakers in the room started to crackle from age. A raspy sound started to emanate from them. "Yes, I killed my wife, Lee. Yes, I knocked her out with a hammer. Yes, I cut her with a poison razor. Yes, I..." Two officers restrained me as I tried to bolt from the room. "There is one more thing, Dr. Byck," the chief said. "I'd like to introduce you to Detective Giuseppe "Kibo" Zangara." The door opened, and there stood Kibo, the crazy fuck who had cornered me. "Why, Kibo, why did you fuck me over?" "'I did it to bring down the government of Abraham Lincoln and avenge the ravaged south...'"* * The speech meant to emulate John Wilkes Booth is taken from the musical Assassins by Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman
Freewheeling Barbara Toys With Boys Part 3
"Jerry!" she gasped. "I thought you were at school! How, what are you doing here?" "I got all A's so I didn't have to take exams," Jerry explained. "Aren't you glad to see me, Mom?" "Of course I am. I'm just a little surprised," Barbara answered. Surprise wasn't the word for it. What if he'd come five minutes sooner? she thought grimly, picturing her son's horror-stricken face. She trod water, trying to compose her mind, trying to still her pounding heart. Guilt flooded her. How could she have succumbed to her lust, right here in her own home, with her son only minutes away. She closed her eyes. She felt like she was going to faint. "Are you okay, Mom?" Jerry asked worriedly, looking at his mother's flushed face. "You look kinda weird." "Oh, I'm fine. Just the heat. Thought I'd cool off in the pool...." Barbara became aware that she was babbling and pulled herself together. "Well, I think it's wonderful you're home. Let's see, what time is it? Maybe we could go out for supper." She clambered out of the water and stood beside her son. She glanced down at her body, all in order, no telltale signs of passion. "Would you like that?" "Sure, Mom," Jerry answered. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. It had been some time since he'd seen his mother in a bikini, and he'd been too young before to appreciate her beauty. For the first time he looked at her as a woman and not his mother. He was slightly embarrassed at his feelings, and he tore his eyes away from the tempting display of nearly nude flesh. He hadn't seen many girls in brief bathing attire this close. He swallowed nervously, fixing his eyes on the ground. Unbidden, he thought of the pictures in his suitcase. An older boy had given them to him, and he hadn't dared to examine them closely in the crowded dormitory. He felt a sudden urge to run and get them and take them to his bedroom to peruse them in private. He was aware of a breathlessness, a tightening in his groin that occurred when he was stimulated. "Well, Jerry? That okay? I've got a date later on, but we can go to the pizza place or something first." Barbara looked at her son anxiously. Now he was looking odd. Maybe the sun was getting him, too. All the worried mother now, all thoughts of her former lust erased, Barbara put out one hand and stroked her son's forehead. Jerry jumped as if he'd been shot. "Yes, that'll be great, Mom. I'll, I'll just run my bags upstairs." He pulled away. "Why don't you lie down and rest for a while? You look a little pale. I know that bus trip is murder!" Barbara smiled at her son. "And I am glad you're home early. You just startled me earlier. I wasn't expecting anyone." "The door was open, so I just came on in," Jerry answered. "I think I will go lie down." He looked at his mother, trying to appear sick. If she'll leave me alone for an hour or so, I can look at my pictures, he thought feverishly. The desire to gaze at the forbidden pictures had now reached an obsession. He licked his lips slightly and glanced at his mother again, wondering if she suspected anything. No, she wasn't even looking at him. She was staring at a damp spot beside the pool, a funny look on her face. He shrugged. "See ya in a while, Mom," he said, turning and running upstairs. Barbara followed him more slowly. I guess he didn't suspect anything, she mused. He did look a little strange for a minute, he was staring at me, but it was probably the heat. I think I'll take a shower, too, must get on with things. I have to forget that boy, that must never happen again. I wonder how old he is, nineteen? He looks mature for his age. As she remembered the most mature part of his body, she blushed vividly and thrust down the thought. Never again. I'll have to be sure to keep the door locked from now on. Anyhow, now that Jerry's home for break, he won't bother me again. I'll keep so busy with Jerry I won't have time to think about horrible lewd things. Filled with resolution, Barbara disappeared into her bedroom. God! My own son will be nineteen next week! And here I was with a boy his own age! Jerry sprawled on the bed. He had closed his door and felt quite safe. His Mom never came in when the door was closed. She was a great believer in privacy. He spread the pictures in front of him and began to look at each one carefully. He had pulled his pants off in preparation for his jack-off session. He figured that if he came really good, it would wipe out the thoughts he'd had looking at his mother. Jerry knew how awful it was to have thoughts like that about your mother, it was a major sin. Not only that, if anyone found out they'd probably put him in a home or something. Someplace for perverted, evil boys. He shivered and resolved never to look at his mother again. He concentrated on the pictures. There were seven of them. The first was of a buxom blonde. She was naked except for a garter belt and black nylons, and she was staring at the camera with a lascivious expression on her face, her tongue protruding from her full lips. Jerry drew a deep breath, wondering how it would feel to kiss her on those full wet lips. As his eyes slowly took in the rest of the picture, his breathing quickened and his hand dropped to his penis, which was hardening against his leg. He grasped it between thumb and forefinger and began slowly stroking it. He looked at the woman's pictured breasts for a long time, his breath coming in ragged puffs as he ran his finger over the picture, imagining how those big boobs would feel under his hand. "Oh, baby," he breathed. "What a set!" He breathed harder, picturing his lips fastened on the erect nipples. Almost unwillingly, he slid his eyes farther down. The woman's legs were widespread, and she was holding her cunt open with one hand, showing the treasures inside. A thick growth of bushy curls covered her twat, curling along the extended lips of her open cunt. Jerry could just make out the ridges and convolutions of the slit. He peered closer. It looked wet. It almost glistened in the picture, seeming to beckon him nearer. He stroked it with a trembling finger, fantasizing that he was running his digit over a real, wet cunt. He had touched a cunt before, the gardener's daughter let the boys at school feel her for a dollar. But she didn't have one like this. Hers was sparsely furred and the slit was tiny, nothing like this fleshy abundance. Jerry could see a tiny knob of flesh at the top of the opening. He wondered if that was the thing the boy who had given him the picture had told him about. Supposedly you could just press on this nub of flesh and the girl would let you do anything you wanted. Jerry's hand moved faster on his pecker as he imagined what he would do. He put the picture aside and went on to the next. In this picture a young red-headed woman was sucking a guy off. The girl's body wasn't as full as the other woman's, her breasts were small and tilted upwards. Jerry thought they looked like ripe fruit and wished he could bite into them. Her body was bent over, showing her luscious ass, and the contrast of her long red hair against the white ass made Jerry's heart stop. But the interesting thing was, her mouth was completely full, her lips distended around this enormous dick she was trying to swallow whole. Jerry looked at the man's genitals appreciatively and wondered if his would ever be that size. The man's root was huge. It sprang from a nest of dense black curls, pointing straight up, obviously fully aroused. The head and about half the shaft were buried in the red head's sucking mouth. Her cheeks puffed out and around it, trying to accommodate the rod. One of the man's hands was caught in the girl's hair, holding her head steady, the other was squeezing one of her breasts. Her hands were cupped under his balls, one of them disappearing under his bottom. Jerry wondered what she was doing, then it came to him! She was feeling the guy's asshole! He shivered, wondering how it would feel to have a lady sucking on his dick and fingering his shithole at the same time. His hand stroked up and down his pecker in short quick strokes, then slowed. He could feel his cum building up, and he wanted to look at the rest of the pictures before he came. He flipped to the next one, his hand keeping a steady rhythm on his penis. "Hoo, boy!" he breathed. This was the best one yet. In this picture a busty brunette was lying spreadeagled on the bed, her heavy breasts hanging to the side, her widespread thighs facing the camera. Above her, his dick still spurting, a man knelt. He had apparently just fucked her, for gobs of semen clung to her open vagina and dripped from the head of his softening prick. The photographer had caught the moment perfectly. The woman's face was glazed with lust, her nipples still turgid with passion. Her open cunt seemed to quiver with its load of fresh sperm. Her twat hairs were coated with the sticky stuff, it was running down her legs and over her stomach."Wow, he must've really shot a wad," Jerry breathed. He wished it were his sperm that was dripping down the woman's outspread legs. He wondered how it felt to spurt into a cunt, to cover a woman with cum. His hand was moving furiously now. He wanted to cum, to pretend he was spurting all over the woman in the picture. "God, fuck me, baby," he said hoarsely, squeezing at his prick as he thought a cunt would. "I'm gonna shoot all over your twat!" The lewd words coming from his mouth excited him even more, and he hurriedly turned to the next picture. There were three people in this one. A woman knelt in the center, her full breasts hanging down loosely. Behind her, a dark man was plunging into her ass, his dick cleaving her buttocks neatly, his balls smashed against the full roundness of her buttocks. He was reaching under her with one hand, feeling her twat. In front of her, another man was thrusting his turgid prick into her open mouth. He was holding her by the hair and pinching her breasts with his free hand. The woman seemed in an ecstatic trance, her mouth wide to receive the giant prick, her buttocks spread to accommodate the man behind her. Jerry couldn't decide which guy he'd rather be, the one with his prick buried in that hot asshole, or the one with his dick in the wet sucking mouth. "Wow, shake it, baby," he murmured to the woman, feeling his pecker buried in the convulsing asshole. "Give me a ride!" He thrust wildly into his hand. He could feel his balls tightening and lifting, and knew he couldn't hold off any longer. The other pictures would have to wait. He jacked off furiously, his eyes glued to the lustful threesome, his mind whirling with the stimulus he had received. "Oh, fuck, fuck me, I'm cumming, suck it baby, I'm gonna shoot! I'm cummingggg!!" His young penis began spurting wildly, gobs of thick creamy cum jerking from the head in an endless stream, gushing through his hand, landing on the pictures, on his stomach, on the bedspread. Jerry couldn't remember ever cumming so much - it seemed like it would never end. Unbidden, a picture of his mother in her bikini flashed into his mind and he convulsed again, his tortured balls giving up the last burst of sperm. "Oh, oh, good!" he mumbled, turning over, rolling toward the edge of the bed. And then he saw her. His mother. Standing in the doorway, her eyes fixed on his dangling penis, a strange expression on her face. "Mom!" he gasped in horror. Of all the things he had imagined, he had never thought of his mom catching him jacking off. "Oh no, Mom!" He stared at her in abject amazement. He couldn't think what to do next. It was perfectly obvious what he had been doing, there was no way to hide his cum-smeared young hard-on and the assortment of pictures. Jerry wondered how long she had been standing there. Had she actually seen him cum? Through the embarrassment and fear that filled him, he was aware of a twinge of lust at the thought of his lovely mother watching him jack off. "It's okay, dear, nothing to be ashamed of," Barbara said. "I'm sorry, I knocked, but I thought you said come in. It's perfectly normal. I didn't realize you were growing up so fast." Barbara smiled at her son, hoping her emotions were well hidden. For what she felt was not motherly at all, she was suffused with sudden lust! She had knocked at the boy's door, that was true, but she had heard his voice crying out lewd words, accompanied by grunts and moans. She hadn't been able to resist opening the door quietly, driven by curiosity and something else she couldn't name. And she had seen her son, his hand wrapped around his prick, jerking off as he writhed on the bed, his eyes fixed on a picture he held in his other hand. She blushed, remembering the picture, a woman being screwed in the ass while she blew another guy. Part of her wondered how it would feel to take on two men at once, but she quickly squelched that thought. Her eyes had been full of her son's jumping dick. She couldn't move, couldn't force herself away. As he neared completion, her hand had strayed inside her robe and found her cunt dripping with moisture. When he came, she had plunged her finger into herself, frigging her clitoris desperately. She hadn't had time to cum, and she was in a state of aroused passion, her body aching with lust as she tried to calmly reassure herself that masturbation was normal. Maybe that is, but what I'm feeling is perverted, wrong, immoral, she thought to herself. Screwing this afternoon was bad enough, this, this, this is a sin. No mother should think this way about her son. It's impossible, I must be insane! She drew her robe closely around her, as if she could shut away her depraved desires. "Don't worry about it, dear. I'll never come in your room and disturb you again. And please, don't worry. We'll forget about the whole episode. I'm going to get dressed for supper now. Pizza okay?" She smiled brightly at her son and backed out of the room, closing the door gently behind her. Jerry still sat on the edge of the bed, his thoughts in turmoil. He hadn't believed it when his mother had walked in on him. He still didn't in fact. But she had been real nice about it. She hadn't seemed too shocked or anything. Jerry blushed again. He didn't see how he could look her in the face again after what she'd seen! And if she knew that he'd been thinking about her when he came, Jerry winced. Still, she hadn't seemed horrified. In fact, her expression had reminded him of someone. He thought a minute, then his eyes lit on the first picture, the one with the big blonde, her face glazed with lust. He stared at the picture, wondering how it could remind him of his mom as she had stood in the doorway, then shrugged. He'd do what she had suggested, forget the whole thing, pretend it had never happened. But maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to get one of his buddies to spend break with him. For some reason, Jerry didn't want to be in the house alone with his mother. Not if she was going to keep running around in bikinis and bathrobes! Jerry clattered down the stairs, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. "Okay, Mom, ready to go!" he sang out. Barbara got up slowly from the couch and smiled at her son. She was dressed in a green dress with a low neckline, and as Jerry saw the twin swell of her breasts, his resolve hardened. He just couldn't stay alone with her, not thinking the thoughts he did! If Steve or Richard was here, he could control himself better, could go off with them and try to ignore this sexy creature who happened to be his mother. "Hey, Mom, would it be all right if I called up Steve and asked him to spend break with me? He didn't have anywhere to go. He's still at school. I told him I'd ask you and he could come up later if it was okay with you. He'll be finished with exams by tomorrow." "Sure, hon," Barbara answered, aware of a pang of disappointment at not having her son to herself. "Call him right away, tell him I'd be glad to have him visit. I know you boys don't want to be around us old folks all the time!" She smiled at him lovingly, wishing she could see him without visualizing his young pecker spurting his hot, tasty-looking cream. "Oh, it's not that, Mom! You're sure not old. I mean, it's just that I promised Steve, that is, he's all alone at school." Jerry floundered in explanation, hoping he hadn't hurt his mother by intimating that he didn't want to be around her. "I understand, Jerry. Why don't you call him now, and then we'll go out for supper. I have a date with Mr. Greenway tonight. Will you be all right by yourself? I didn't know you were coming home, or I'd surely stay. I can break the date if you'd rather have me stay." "Oh, no. I mean, I'll be fine. Got some reading to do, wouldn't be good company anyhow," Jerry stuttered, completely unnerved by the prospect of his mother remaining home. "I guess so. You're a big boy now, after all," Barbara looked at her son, and they both flushed and looked away as they remembered what a big boy he was. No, not a boy. He was almost a man now. Why did this thought hurt? Her own age? Life slipping away from her. Was this why she peddled that damned bicycle mile after tortuous mile? To somehow, some way, hold on to her youth? She looked at her legs. They were tanned and muscular. "Bike freak," she said to herself, using the same intonation that young Jim had that day at the motel. But what could the damned bike do when her chin began to sag, or the crow's feet began to spider around her eyes? When would that be, five years, six years? What would she end up, a little old grey-haired lady with a trim, tight body that didn't match her false teeth? She had read an advertisement in today's newspaper. A plastic surgeon saying he understood, the dilemma of the "aging woman." Eyelid-lifts, chin lifts, brow-creases eliminated. No. She wasn't to that yet. But how long would a lousy two-hundred dollar bicycle keep her young? Not long. Not long.
Chapter Three
Freewheeling Barbara Toys With Boys
"What's going on! Mom - Steve?" Jerry cried in anguish, staring at the scene on the bed. Steve stared at his friend with blank eyes. His cock slipped out of Barbara's relaxed asshole with a plop and lay along his leg. He looked dully at it. It was limp with a string of semen still hanging from the head. "Uh, Jer -" "Get out of here. You fucked my mother!" Jerry screamed wildly, clenching his fists. He was aware of a wild surge of rage and jealousy. She hadn't pulled away from Steve leaving him with an aching erection like she had with him! "Go away!" Steve slid off the bed hurriedly, keeping his eyes away from the recumbent figure of Mrs. Anderson. She was lying perfectly still, her head pressed into the pillows. He noticed something beside her. The salami! Guiltily he sidled out of the room, keeping away from Jerry. "Well, Mom?" Jerry asked, a sneering note in his voice. "Turn over and look at me!" Barbara turned over and crouched against the end of the bed, bringing her knees up before her breasts to hide them, then realized that the motion exposed her inflamed cunt to her son's eyes. Vainly, she tried to shield herself. She felt sunk. "Can't I even look? Steve got to touch - touch, hell! He fucked you!" Jerry advanced on her, his fists balled up. "Jerry ... I can explain. Let me tell you -" Barbara babbled. Jerry waved his hand at her, indicating her disarranged state. "Explain what!? That you are a whore? Jesus ... look at you!" he said in disgust. "I saw you this afternoon with that kid, kissing him in the parking lot! What is it? You just fuck kids? Is that it? Well ... move your hands. I wanna look at what everybody else fucks!" He grabbed her hands and moved them away from her tits. He was furious at her for lowering herself from her pedestal - at himself for wanting her. He remembered when she had watched him jack off, when she had touched him in the pool and left him aching. She hadn't left anyone else in that state. Just him. "Jerry," Barbara whispered. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been like this before. The last few days have been a nightmare. I can't control myself, I even touched you, my own son! And that's evil." She looked at him earnestly, willing him to understand. He had to understand. She felt like her heart was breaking. Her little boy - her son - looking at her with hate in his eyes. She moaned softly and she began to entice him in the only way she knew, with her body. She wanted to show him how it was, how it was to want sex so bad that it hurt. That you'd do anything to ease that pain. "I have to have it, Jerry." "But with kids! Kids my age! Why not me? Why not? You've fucked every kid in town, probably, why can't I get it, too? Don't you like my cock? Isn't it big enough for you? It's bigger than Steve's! I saw you looking at it before, well, you can have it now!" Jerry squealed in a high voice. He held his dick like a weapon, pointing it at her. "Here, suck it like you did his! You're gonna do everything with me you did with him, and then I'm gonna leave you and never come back!" He advanced on her, pointing his cock at her mouth. "Open your mouth and suck my cock, whore!" he shouted grabbing her by the hair. "You love it so much ... go on, then! Suck your son's dick!" "Oh, Jerry ... don't let it be like this. Don't hate me," Barbara mumbled. Her voice was choked off as Jerry rammed his prick into her mouth choking her. Her nose was buried in his sparse hair, her nostrils full of the scent of him. She gagged and coughed, then clamped on his cock. If he wanted it, she'd give it a good sucking! She wanted him to know how sex was, well, this was her chance! She sucked deeply on his cock, running her tongue around the head, drawing him into her mouth, yielding before him and taking him in. Jerry gasped as his prick sank into his mother's mouth. It was a wonderful feeling. Her tongue hit all the most sensitive spots and made his blood race. He hadn't imagined it would be this good, looking at the pictures and hearing the other guys talk. He had heard quite a few stories about girls who gave head, but the reality far surpassed any story. Her lips were nibbling up and down the surface of his prick and she sucked it with an ecstatic expression on her face, as if it were the most delicious thing in the world! Her mouth felt like a hot wet cavern, just made for sucking his cock. He dipped into her and pulled out again, feeling the incredible suction as her cheeks caved in around it. "Oh, suck it good," he murmured, looking at his mother's face. He wound his fingers in her red hair, the same color as his, and pumped into her mouth. Her teeth lightly scraped the ridges of his turgid cock, sending thrills of pleasure through him. He hunched forward, driving into her mouth. He couldn't stop. The whole world was a sucking mouth, pulling him into it! He twisted and turned his hips, slamming into her face, trying to hurt her, and she gave with every stroke, sucking him in, greedily licking his rod, wanting more. Barbara sucked at her son's cock in delight. It seemed that everything else had just been leading up to this, this last perversity. She pulled on him avidly, remembering how tiny his peter had been when he was a baby, and contrasting it to its present length. It tasted wonderful, the salty tang of his pre-cum filled her mouth, tantalizing her, making her want to taste his hot semen on her tongue. She cupped her hand under his balls and rolled them in their wrinkled sac, feeling them churn like hard slick marbles in her palm. "Oh, Mom, I'm gonna cum! I can't help it! I'm gonna cum!" Jerry grunted, pumping furiously into her open mouth. He twisted violently against her lips, feeling his sperm foam in his balls and rise in his cock to burst in her mouth. "I'M CUMMING! IN YOUR MOUTH!" Barbara sucked vigorously at the hot flow of her son's sperm, drinking from the spurting fountain of his prick. It seemed like it would never quit. She gulped and swallowed a bucket of frothing jism. Finally she fell back on the pillows and Jerry's cock slid from her lips. He stared at her, a strange light in his eyes. "That was great," he admitted, slightly ashamed of his lust. "Do you see how it is now? Did you want me to stop sucking you?" Barbara asked. "Could you stop yourself ... once you were fucking my mouth?" "No, no I couldn't," Jerry admitted. "No way ... It was unreal, it was like I was just a cock and I had to cum ..." his voice trailed off. "Would you like to fuck me?" Barbara asked casually, watching his face. She wanted him desperately. She wanted his cock in her twat, and she also wanted him to experience the whole of sex. She had to show him how powerful sex was - how the more you got, the more you got, the more you wanted. She didn't want him to think of her as a whore. She wanted to show him how great sex was and how it got control of a person. She still felt it was wrong to fuck and suck her own son, but she was committed now. She promised herself that tomorrow she would take care of it all - tomorrow. Right now she wanted to fuck her son. "God yes, Mom ... I guess I've wanted to for a long time," Jerry admitted, looking at her squarely. "I was so jealous of those other guys, I wanted to hurt you ... but now, I'd love to fuck you, if you want me to." He looked at her pleadingly, his eyes going over her lush body, her full breasts tipped with coral, her slender waist and flaring hips encircled by the black garter belt, her bright auburn pussy hair covering her mound of delight. "Oh yes, Jerry, I want you to," Barbara breathed. "Come up here. You can suck my titties if you like ... suck the nipples good, son, and I'll love it! And touch my pussy. Just slide your hand down there." She guided his hand to her pubic area and opened her legs, letting him slip his fingers in. "Gosh, our hair's the same color down there," Jerry said, laughing nervously. He felt his mother's cunt open invitingly under his fingers as he probed. He sank his middle finger in to the knuckle, feeling around her cunt, sliding it in and out of the canal. He was amazed at the pressure her twat exerted on his finger. He wondered how his cock would feel in that tight, sucking well and shivered in anticipation. His young pecker was erect again, standing straight out from his stomach in an arching curve, out of his soft nest of reddish curls. "It's wet," he confided, diddling her with his fingers, smiling as she quivered. He knew he was turning her on, and he was proud. His mother was quivering and trembling under him, wanting him to stick his cock in her cunt. "It's all wet and squishy in there." Thank God Steve didn't cum in my cunt, Barbara thought fervently. She wouldn't want her son's first fuck to be sloppy seconds! Out loud she murmured, "That's because I want you so, darling! I love your finger in my cunt, fucking me! Do it harder ... make me cum on your hand! That's it! Yes, oooohhhh yes ... fingerfuck me, baby, fuck your mama with your hand! Make me cum.She flopped around, impaled on his fingers like a fish on a hoop, her orgasm causing her to shimmer and shake. Her pussy gushed, wetting his hand. "Did you pee on my hand, Mom?" Jerry asked as the warm, hot fluid gushed over his fingers. Barbara was silent as her orgasm subsided, then said hoarsely, "No, darling, that was my cum - that's how a girl cums. Now fuck me, for God's sake, get on me and fuck me! Put your cock in my hole and fuck your mama!" Jerry scrambled on top of his mother. She raised her hips, presenting her pussy in a blatant invitation. He sank his prick between her legs, searching for the wet, warm hole he had imagined receiving him. And then he found it. With a cry of triumph, he sank into her, his cock plunging into the vagina that had given birth to him eighteen years ago. "I'm in, Mom, I'm in your cunt!" he cried. "Yes, oh yes, you are! Your beautiful prick is in my twat - deep - so deep - and good - oh God! It's driving me wild!" Barbara cried, wrapping her legs around her son's back and rocking under him. She felt her insides melt into a mass of sex-crazed flesh, her twat opening under his forceful plunges. She could imagine no greater thrill than this, fucking her son, receiving his sperm in her cunt! The depravity and perverseness excited her even more. She drummed her heels against his legs as she lifted and churned beneath him, using her pussy like a vise to clamp him to her. She never wanted it to end. She wanted to go on and on in this lustful dream, floating on a cloud of desire, her body spasming and convulsing in a powerful orgasm. "Fuck me, fuck me, Jerry!" she cried wildly. She was smashed into the bed with each lunge of his prick. She wished she could engulf him completely, take his whole body back into her womb. She felt his balls smashing against the distended lips of her cunt, and she crazily tried to open them, to pull him all inside. "I am fucking you, Mom, oh, MAMA! I'M FUCKING YOUR CUNT! It's fantastic! I love to fuck you. OH MOM! I LOVE IT!" Jerry screamed. He thrust furiously into the sucking maw of his mother's twat, feeling his cock sink to the hilt in the swampy marsh. He was swimming in a sea of cunt. He felt like he was surrounded by it. He could smell the odor from their clashing sex orgasm mingle with the smell of their sweat and he loved it. He loved the way her cunt gripped his penis, sending waves of pleasure through his body. He could feel it to the tips of his toes. His leg muscles twitched with the sensation. He bent forward and grabbed her tits in both hands, wrapping his fingers around the creamy globe and squeezing roughly. Barbara rolled with each thrust. His pecker was a hot rod of iron, stoking the fire in her twat. Sweat poured from her thrashing body, making her skin meet his with a sucking noise. The air was filled with the suckings and gurglings of sex. Her pussy plopped each time he thrust into her, emitting a squishing noise. The slap of their sweaty bodies and their mingled grunts and groans of pleasure filled the air. "Give it to me faster, faster, harder," she muttered. She pulled his head to hers and their open mouths met in a passionate kiss, tongues mingling and thrashing. She sucked in his breath eagerly. She felt like his tongue was a prick in her mouth, stabbing away at the soft insides in unison with his jabbing pecker. She drank his saliva avidly, swallowing, imagining it was jism from a spurting cock. Jerry increased his tempo ... his balls were bursting and he knew he had to cum soon. He pounded lustily into his mother. "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna shoot my wad in your pussy, Mom!" he warned. "I'm gonna cum all in your hot cunt!" "Yes, darling, cum in your mother, let me have your sperm!" Barbara screeched. She was beside herself with lust. All she wanted to feel her son's hot semen bursting inside her aching cunt. She knew it would bring her off again. She wanted to feel it! "Cum in me, fuck me, cum, cum," she chanted in rhythm to her son's strokes. His pecker zipped in and out of her cunt with increasing speed. His lithe young hips flailed tirelessly above her, driving the shaft of his penis into her waiting cunt. He could feel the texture of her canal change as she rode the crest of her orgasm. It tightened as she came, then felt loose and flabby, then tightened in an endless cycle of lust. "Here it comes! OH GOD! HOTSHIT! FEEL IT, MOM ... FEEL ME CUMMING IN YOU ... I'M CUMMING..." With a loud cry, Jerry fell onto Barbara's body, his knees buckling as his orgasm ripped through him. He felt like his head was blowing up. His guts twisted as his balls burst. "I'M BLOWING MY NUTS!" Rope after rope of semen gushed from the head of his prick, inundating Barbara's womb with her son's sperm. "Ooooh-h, yessss. I FEEL YOUR CUM! IT'S SO HOT!" Barbara cried, bucking against son, swallowing his prick with her spasming cunt, gripping tightly with her legs, imprisoning him in her hot box. He didn't seem to want to escape. He lay against her, his cock jerking weakly as the last bits of semen oozed from the shrinking tube. He raised his head and grinned at her. "Just lie still, honey," she said. "Let your cock soak in my twat. I'm going to bring it to a stand again inside me. Just don't move, or it'll slip out!" She bore down on his limp penis, holding it firmly inside her with her cuntlips. "Okay, Mom," Jerry answered, lying against her, his head pillowed on the soft cushions of her breasts. He had never heard of such a thing. But she was his mom, and he'd do what she asked. She certainly seemed to know a lot about sex! He thrust down a pang of jealousy and lay quiescent on her breast, feeling her twat muscles caress his tired prick. "Can you feel it, dear?" Barbara asked, concentrating. She tried to imagine his limp prick resting inside her and clenched her muscles about it, thinking of her cunt as a stroking hand, bringing him to erection. "Yeah. You're squeezing me down there with your cunt," Jerry said excitedly. He could feel her cunt gently kneading his penis, and he thought he could feel a spark of life as it raised its head in the dark cavern. "Don't move, son," Barbara cautioned. "I read about this ... how it's possible to fuck this way without even moving, just using your muscles. Hindus or somebody do it this way." She repressed a bump of excitement as she definitely felt Jerry's pecker move inside her. "I can feel you moving in me," she confided. "Your cock's swelling up ..." She worked her cunt on his prick, rippling the muscles up and down. She could almost see his prick in her mind - growing slowly inside her canal! Her cunt exuded moisture as the excitement of her success got to her, and as she grew aroused, her muscle action grew stronger, pulling silently at Jerry's hidden prick. "Oh, boy, I can really feel it now!" Jerry cried in excitement. He hadn't thought it possible, but it was happening! His soft prick was hardening and lengthening inside his mother's cunt, gaining new strength with each stroke of her talented pussy. "It's getting hard. I can feel my balls filling up again! Wow!" "Yes, yes, I can feel it, too," responded his mother. "It's filling me up - getting big again. Jerking around, oh, Jerry, it's wonderful!" She smiled mistily up at the face of her son. This was a new experience for her, this slow filling of her womb! She was suffused with love as her vagina filled with her son's growing prick. She had never felt so close to any of her lovers before. This was an incredibly fulfilling experience. She wondered if they could really fuck to orgasm this way - just using their muscles. She was determined to try. "Don't move your hips," she told her son as he started to move involuntarily. He looked at her in amazement. He was hard again and ready to fuck now. That was the point, wasn't it? "We'll just keep on like this - use our muscles and cum that way," his mother told him. "Like the Hindus?" Jerry laughed, catching on. "Okay, if you want - it feels great right now, though I don't see how anything could be better than plain old fucking!" He forced his hips to remain still and pressed more deeply into his mother. Maybe, maybe I can make it jerk around in there, he thought. The idea of muscle control was a new one to him, but he could see how it would improve regular fucking if he could make his prick jerk at will. He carefully tightened his ass muscles and was gratified to find his penis jerked in accord. "Did you feel that, Mom?" he cried. "Yes, dear, that's the way. Now let's just quietly lie here and do that to each other. Let's try to move in rhythm," she answered, giving a few quick jabs with her twat. They lay together, tightly clasped in each other's arms, letting their sex organs mesh together in harmony. As he jerked his prick inside her, she rippled her cunt along his shaft. She could feel him filling her whole cavity now, his dick pushing against the pulsing walls of her cunt. As her pussy juices flowed, she felt an unbearable urge to grind her hips beneath him, hastening her orgasm, but she restrained herself, merely increasing the pressure. For an inexperienced man, Jerry was doing a great job. He used his ass and pelvic muscles, causing his prick to bounce inside his mother. He could feel his balls lifting in their sac and climbing up, hardening and tightening. He wanted desperately to rise up and fuck in and out as hard as he could. His hips quivered under the strain. "Oh, Mom, I can't stand it! I gotta move!" he groaned. "Just a little more, son, try to relax," Barbara grated through clenched teeth, trying to follow her own advice. But it was too late. Jerry's hips suddenly shook and ground into her, pulling and shoving with age-old motions of intercourse.She sighed and moved with him, letting herself be carried off, her orgasm breaking over her in a whirl of feeling. "That's okay. Fuck me harder now, son, give it to your mother," she called encouragingly. Jerry pounded into her. He had wanted to finish the other way, but he couldn't. He just couldn't stand it! The tide of lust swept over him, forcing his hips to plow into his mother's cunt desperately. "I'm gonna cum. I waited so long, I can't help it. Hold me, Mom. I'm fucking you..." Barbara held her son tight, her body churning under his, ready to receive his second cum without withdrawing. He had made a valiant effort to do the muscle fuck, and she would reward him by giving him a good cum! She reached behind him, bypassing his sweaty balls, and probed for his asshole - finding it, she pressed through the opening and buried her finger in him. As she sank her digit into his buttery ass, she felt his prick spasm and burst inside her, splattering her cunt walls with hot thick sperm. "AAAGGGHHH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING! HOLD ME, MOMMA!" Jerry screamed. Mother and son convulsed in each other's arms, holding each other for dear life, cunt and cock cumming in perfect unison. Finally they fell apart, Jerry's cock slipping from Barbara's cunt. "I tried, Mom," he said weakly, laughing a little. "I guess those Hindus practice a lot." "I guess they do," Barbara answered fondly, stroking her son's head. "We'll have to practice, too," he said boldly, looking at her from the corner of his eye. "Whenever I'm home from school..." Barbara accepted the inevitable. "Yes, we'll practice," she whispered. She wasn't going to tell him again what a dreadful sin this was. She would bear the load of guilt herself. She had brought this incestuous affair on herself, and she alone would pay the consequences, she resolved. What was she going to do while Jerry was away at school, she had no idea. She didn't want to go on as she had, seducing every young man she could get her hands on. She sighed, putting it from her mind. Something would happen and solve her problem. Jerry looked at his mother. She was lying back, relaxed, her breasts rising and falling with her deep breathing. He ran his hand over her tits lovingly. They were soft now, their turgid nipples slowly subsiding into the twin brown areolas. She smiled back at him as his hand caressed her sweat-slick flesh. "It was great, Mom, I never knew how wonderful it could be," he admitted. "I think I understand it now. You just can't help yourself, can you? And I guess just one guy isn't enough for you." He looked at her longingly, wishing he alone could satisfy her hunger, but knowing he couldn't. "No, I guess not," Barbara admitted. It was a big admission for her, and contrary to everything she had previously believed. Everyday morality dictated that one man should be sufficient for one woman, and, until the last few days, she had believed it. But now she wasn't too sure that society was right. Hadn't her actions proved that she needed almost constant sex? And what one man could satisfy that? "I bet you could go again easy," Jerry continued. "If you want, well, would you like me to get Steve in here? Maybe the two of us could keep you happy, for a while at least." He frowned, wishing he didn't have to go back to school. Barbara's heart leaped. She couldn't believe her son was suggesting this solution. "You wouldn't mind?" she breathed, her body already tingling at the thought of taking on the two men. Why, they can fuck me in the ass and cunt at the same time, she thought. She had wanted to try that since this afternoon, when Skip and Buddy had used the bottle on her empty orifice. Imagine what two cocks could do. She shuddered. "Well, I do mind in a way," Jerry admitted. "But," he got a mental picture of he and his friend plowing simultaneously into his mother's trembling body, "anything for you. I wouldn't be jealous - I know you need it!" He grinned at her, not admitting even to himself that his prime motive was a selfish desire. "Oh, Jerry darling, I love you! You're so understanding. Go get your friend," Barbara said excitedly. "I'd love to have you both. Of course you'll always be first," she added comfortingly as a shadow of doubt crossed her son's face. "Okay, Mom," Jerry said, jumping off the bed, stark naked. "Just a second. I'll get him!" He walked out of the room. Barbara lay back on the bed, scarcely about to breathe for excitement. Both of them at once, doing what I want. God! she mused, her mind full of lascivious pictures. She hugged herself in anticipation, rocking back and forth on the bed.
Chapter Eight
The Adventures of Rachel Roundheels, Teen Slutpuppy
"I wish we'd been born sisters." Jesse said, gently daubing 'Watermelon Pink' lipstick onto my pussylips. I was sitting on the edge of the bed in just an oversized T-shirt, legs spread wide, while she sat on the floor between them in just her panties, her face just inches away from my hole, decorating it. I could feel her humid breath on my cunt and it was making me really horny. "How come?" I asked, although I thought I knew the answer. I know her pretty well, I think - besides, we think a lot alike. "'Cause," She said, leaning forward and lightly licking my labia, letting her tongue just dance across them, teasing. "I just think it would be so cool to be doing this stuff with somebody I was like, related to -wouldn't that be incredibly kinky?" "For a moment I couldn't answer, 'cause the feeling of her tongue on my cuntlips made me catch my breath and close my eyes. I opened them, sighing impatiently. "God-damn, Jesse, if you're gonna lick me, lick me! I hate it when you get me all hot like that and don't let me cum." "Alriiiight -godd, don't be such a bitch, Rachel...this stuff won't go on right, anyway -you're too wet." She leaned forward again, sucking my nether-lips into her mouth and lapping her tongue into my slit, then up along the clit. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes, moaning. "Don't you think that would be hot, She continued between licks, 'To like, fuck someone in your own family?'" Actually, I thought it would be very specifically hot, but I wasn't ready to tell her about that particular fantasy -not just was too weird. "Mmmm... maybe, " I said, wriggling my ass under her tongue, "What do you mean?" "I don't know," She said, holding my pussylips apart with her thumb and forefinger. "I guess it's just exciting 'cause you're not supposed to do it, ever." Her tongue began rapidly flicking back and forth across my clit and I nearly screamed from the intensity of the sensation. I reached down to her head and lightly touched her hair, caressing her ears. "Ooooh, godd." I groaned, my back arching up off the bed. I was wishing for a mouth at my nipples. One very particular mouth. I could almost see him, feel him. "haven't you ever imagined making it with somebody that you're never supposed to think about that way -like an uncle, or a cousin...or your dad?" Jesse reached across the floor, almost without looking up, and snagged the slim lipstick tube from the carpet. Still licking my rigid little clit, she started easing the small plastic cylinder into my tight, puckered sphincter. The intensity was too much -I thrashed and writhed in wild orgasm, biting on my fist to keep from screaming out loud. "Yess!" I squealed, my teeth leaving deep marks in my first two fingers, "Oh godd, YEESSS!" Jesse sighed, looking out across the backyard. Against the back fence, her brother Chris fought with a lawnmower that seemed tangled in something too far away for us to see. "Mmm-mmm...hunky-dory, huh?" She said. "I gotta have it. I GOTTA HAVE IT!" "Okaaaay," I said, "Go ahead -have it." "Her shoulders fell, her face dropped into a pout. "I don't know HOW," She whined, "I'm scared, Rachel. What if he thinks I'm a gross ol' whore?" "He's a guy, Jess," I told her, "It doesn't matter what he thinks -he'll do it anyway. You're a hot little hardbody. Sister or not, he's not gonna say no to a pretty piece of pussy." Across the yard, the sound of the mower died. Chris began pushing it back toward the house and the back deck where we sat lounging in the Saturday morning sunshine. He left the mower in the grass next to the house and bounded up the wooden steps of the deck, headed for the backdoor, into the house. "Good morning!" I quipped, peeking at him over the top of my heart-shaped sunglasses. He stared at me as he walked past. I smiled sweetly, knowing he could see my pretty pear- shaped tits through my thin T-shirt. Jesse leaned forward in her lawn chair as the french doors closed behind him, to get a last look at his buns in his cutoffs. "Gotta have it!" She growled through clenched teeth. "Hey, slut -what are you tryin' to do, steal my action?" "Huh?" I said, a little bewildered, until I realized she was staring at my lap. I looked down to see that my long T-shirt had ridden up over my crossed legs, to expose my blonde bush and my pouting cuntlips, still glistening with my moisture, Jesse's saliva, and a sheen of 'Watermelon Pink' lipstick. "Oops!" I grinned sheepishly, and we both burst into a hail of demented giggles.I gave a quick glance around, to see that Chris, too, was silently ogling dad's beautiful cock. "That's really cool, Dad." I said, trying to deflate some of the awkward tension in the room. I looked him in the eyes, sliding my hands into the back pockets of my shorts and thrusting my chest out a little, to be sure he caught a look at my nipples through my T-shirt. " isn't exactly something I ever intended to do for an audience." He said, still smiling weakly. for a moment I was afraid he might ask us to leave and just pretend it had never happened. "I didn't think that was even possible for humans." Chris volunteered suddenly, "I tried it once or twice when I was a kid, but I couldn't even come close." "Me either," dad grinned crookedly, relaxing a little. "I read about it in Penthouse Forum when I was about your age -some guy wrote in claiming he did it all the time. It sounded pretty hot to me, so I tried it. Lay down on my back, threw my legs back over my head and lay there wishing with my stiff dick dangling about six inches above my face." "So how'd you figure out how to do it?" Chris asked, still stealing glances at my father's lovely erection. Dad didn't acknowledge the admiring looks, but I noticed his cock pulsing and quivering just a bit, a gleaming drop of cum welling up at the slit of it's head, just begging to be licked off. "It's not so much a specific trick, as just teaching the body to learn the position," Dad said, "At first I noticed that when you're upside down, you can catch your feet under something like a drawer or a headboard ledge and use it to curl your body even more tightly. That's how I learned to get the tip past my lips. Later, I learned that if you loosen up the back and shoulder muscles enough, you can do it sitting down like this and get even more -sometimes about half the shaft." "Wow." gushed Chris, still staring at Dad's dick with a faraway look in his eye, and I knew what he'd be doing when he got home. "You mean you've been doing this a long time?" I asked him. Obviously my Pop was a lot more kinky than I'd ever thought. "Does Mom know?" "Your mother was never interested in anything so unusual. I tried to turn her on to a few things, but she just didn't want to know. She thought things like this were perverse and disgusting." Oh, you poor baby, I thought, Let me make you feel all better. "Perverse, maybe," I said, walking over to kneel at his feet. "But no way disgusting! Show me that again, Daddy, that was really hot!" I looked up at him from between his legs and he leaned forward, his eyes locked with mine. I thought he was going to kiss me, even started to raise my lips to his, but he reached under his thighs, locked his elbows around his legs and his mouth descended straight onto his still erect cock, the head pushing past his puckered lips, till he had the first half of it buried in his mouth. Then he came slowly up, and I watched from inches away, as the shaft eased wetly, a millimeter at a time out of his swollen cheeks, the crown of the purple head finally appearing just before it popped out, waggling stiffly in the air. He licked around the head, then dived onto the pole again, now bobbing up and down, sucking in earnest, his spittle drooling down the shaft and around his tight, wrinkled scrotum. I couldn't believe I was actually seeing this! It was so amazing, I just stared, getting wetter and wetter. With one hand I reached up unconsciously and began to fondle my breasts. I was enraptured in the sight, fascinated by the idea of watching my own father actually orgasm a full load of his sperm into his own mouth. On the other hand, it just wasn't in me to sit by and be only a spectator. "Mmm," I purred, leaning forward finally and whispering into his ear. "Let me help." I took his gorgeous penis tenderly from his mouth and devoured it with my own. "Aaaah," Daddy groaned, sitting up in the chair and smiling down at me. He glanced over at Chris, still standing in the door, who had taken his own hard cock out and was watching the two of us, stroking it sensuously, the first bead of cum just appearing at the engorged tip. Dad motioned Chris over to us. "C'mere." Chris walked over to stand beside us, still massaging himself. Dad reached up, took Chris' hand, pulled it away from his stiff cock and leaning towards him, plowed his mouth onto Chris' rigid pink meat. "Oh, man!" Chris moaned, putting his hands on dad's head, as my father grabbed him by the hips and plunged my friend's cock deeper into his sucking mouth. I could tell Dad was incredibly turned on by the ravenous way he was slurping Chris' dick, it was obvious he was relishing the delicious young cock -his own massive meat was swollen rock-hard between my plunging lips, pulsing like it might burst in a creamy explosion any second. I wondered if Dad was so hot because he'd never done anything like this before, or if he just really liked sucking dick...of course, it could have been the fact that his own cute'n'sexy teenage daughter was simultaneously giving a sloppy lip massage to his own rigid pole. Either which way you looked at it, Dad and I were clearly entering the beginning of a beautiful new father-daughter relationship and I was loving it! "Change-up!" I exclaimed, pulling Dad off the chair and onto the floor, leading him by his now slippery dick. Chris' cock popped out of Dad's mouth as we went and Chris followed us onto the carpet. I quickly pulled off my shorts and yanked my T-shirt over my head. Dad stared hungrily at my breasts, like he just couldn't wait to suck a whole one all the way into his mouth. The thought gave me excited little chill bumps. "Somebody has gotta fuck me now!" I said, lying back on the floor and parting my legs, so Dad could get a good look at my fresh pink pouting lil' pussy. I was dying to feel that big fat whopper in my tight wet cunt. Dad looked up at Chris, like he thought the boy might argue with him about who got to fuck me first. Maybe he thought Chris was my boyfriend or something. Chris just smiled, his saliva-wet hard-on still bobbing in front of him."Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt...go ahead, man." The little smartass! Dad leaned over me, lowering his face to mine, in a real kiss this time. I raised my head to meet him, my right hand combing through his hair as I opened my mouth and we twirled our cum- sticky tongues together. I kissed and tongued him soulfully, tasting him, fucking his mouth gently with my tongue, probing and searching. I made love to him with my lips, ending the clench by biting tenderly on his lower lip and slowly releasing it. He kissed his way down my neck, across my chest, nibbling my nipples with his lips, pinching them in tiny bites with his teeth. I moaned aloud when he slid his warm palms under the cheeks of my ass and lifted my bottom off the floor, burying his face in my pussy, sucking the lips between his and flicking at my clit with his expert tongue. "Oh god, Daddy!" I squealed as he spread me with his fingers and sucked my stiff little nubbin into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. His thumb slipped into my soaking hole, fucking back and forth as he licked me and I squirmed uncontrollably, panting and bucking. "Oooh, Jesus, Daddy -put your dick in me, please!" I whined, reaching between my legs and grabbing his cock. He moved his body over mine and I rubbed the blunt head of his dick against my nether-lips. He slid all the way into me in a single smooth, wet stroke and I began to orgasm instantly from the wonderful feel of his huge thickness stretching the hungry walls of my cunt, filling me up more completely than anything I'd ever experienced before. I thrashed my hips about wildly, grabbing his upper arms tightly as my entire body shuddered violently, deliciously. "Daddy, oh god, Daddy!" I screamed, thrusting up to meet him, clambering for every inch of him. I wanted all of him inside me, even his tender balls, every bit of his sex, stuffed - buried up inside my warm pussy. I couldn't stop cumming, yet it still wasn't enough. I couldn't hold enough of him to feel that I'd thoroughly satisfied that perfect cock -and at that moment, I lived to please him, to make him cum in screaming ecstasy, to give him the same overwhelming pleasure that I was experiencing. I felt a warm fleshy prodding at my lips and opened my eyes to see that Chris had knelt beside us and was feeding his own prick toward me., rubbing it back and forth across my lips. I lapped and tickled it with my tongue, while I continued to writhe my hips and buck on my father's cock. Dad put his lips down on mine, trapping Chris' rigid pink penis between us, sliding the head into his mouth, to suck the slippery cum that was drooling from the tip in a shiny strand. I licked Chris' wrinkly balls, gently sucking them each in turn. Above me, Chris moaned, his head rolling back loosely on his shoulders. The moaning turned to a light grunting and I could tell he was about to cum. Inside my clenching cunt, Dad's cock swelled up suddenly, even larger than before and began to quiver and pulse. Pulling back, he reached down with one hand and yanked his spasming meat out of my pussy. I nearly screamed at him to put it back, but he was already up on one knee, his big dick aimed straight at my now slimy face. Before I could even open my mouth to catch it, his steaming sperm came blasting at me in pearly ropes, drenching my cheeks and splattering across Chris' dick and balls to drip off his steely erection in thick, creamy strands. The hot sight of Dad's yummy jism electrified Chris, too, and his own excited prick began to jerk and throb, spurting even more sticky cum across my face and breasts, some even spattering onto my father's cock and thighs. We were all dripping with milky male love cream. I scooped it off my face in thick gobs and sucked it off my fingers, rubbing the rest into my breasts and cheeks. It smelled sooo sexy. The guys sat back on the carpet, panting, while I lounged on my back, just feeling the sticky liquid cool and dry on my warm flesh. Dad seemed kind of lost in a daze, but he was smiling. Chris looked around for his jeans and stiffly rose from the floor. "Whew!" He sighed, "It's been fun, gang, but I really gotta get goin'. Seeya tomorrow, Rache." "Maybe," I smiled, waving goodbye from the floor. "I may just stay home and snuggle with my Daddy."Through the teeny periscope I saw Jesse, dancing impatiently from foot to foot and smacking a big wad of gum. "Hi," I said, opening the door and stepping back to let her in. She froze for a moment when she saw me and her gum chewing slowed, but didn't stop. I was naked, except for a silver slave-chain about my waist and a leather collar around my neck. She stepped past me, smiling hesitantly, not knowing quite what to make of the look. "Cool," She said, "Your Dad go away for the weekend and leave you the keys, or what?" Then she saw Dad, lounging on the sofa, still in his big loose bathrobe. I could tell she was piecing the situation together in her head, but couldn't quite bring herself to vocalize it, lest she'd guessed wrong. I padded back across the room, and sat on the floor at Daddy's feet, like he'd taught me to do. I wanted to be a good, obedient slave. Daddy's spankings hurt. "Good morning," Jesse said, kind of nodding at Dad, her eyes darting nervously about the room. "Morning, Jess," Dad smiled. He was browsing the Sunday paper, but I knew without even looking he was also stealing glances at Jesse's trim little raven-haired bod. Her jeans clung snugly to her slender, shapely thighs and though her tits were barely more than a swell of her chest, the dark chocolate color of her perfect quarter-size nipples showed clearly through her cream-colored blouse. Jess sat down on the couch and looked at me, still smacking her gum. I could tell she had a million questions, but was too shy to ask them in front of Dad. "So what happened to Chris?" She asked me. "I couldn't have dragged his lazy ass out of bed this morning with a towtruck, and he says it's all your fault." Dad just grinned and looked at his paper. I smiled at Jesse and cocked my head. "Hmmm...can't imagine..." Dad looked up at Jess quizzically. "Did he say anything about his dick being sore?" "Well, he didn't say that," Jesse began to grin herself. "But I suspected that might be part of the problem when I offered to blow him and he just groaned and rolled over to go back to sleep." "Oh, that's terrible!" Dad said, setting the paper aside. "You poor girl - you can't start your day without breakfast, it isn't healthy. Rachel, offer our guest some cock." "Yes, father," I said, like a good little girl. I got up on my knees, opened the front of Daddy's robe and grasped his already stiffening dick in my fist. I slid my mouth over it and ran my tongue up and down it a few times, to make sure it was really rigid, then I offered the thick tubesteak to Jesse. "Mmmm - have some, please." Jess had stopped chewing her gum and just sat there, staring in amazement at the hefty sumptuous dick glistening with my saliva, that bobbed in the air before her as it pulsed in my fist. I swear I could hear her tight little pussy lubricating as she stared. She took the gum out of her mouth and slid off the sofa to kneel beside me, her movements slow and trancelike. Her right hand reached out to gently take the fat pole from my fist. She squeezed it, stroked it, rested it's weight against her palm. Then she leaned forward, eyes closing in sensual ecstasy, to rub it against her face, inhaling it's scent. "Mmmm..." She purred. "Gotta have it." She took each of Dad's huge, satiny balls into her mouth, one at a time and tenderly made love to them with her tongue. Her mouth ran smoothly up his shaft and she engulfed the big purple mushroom of his cockhead, barely stretching her mouth enough to insert it. I watched in rapt adoration, my best friend giving my father a savory and affectionate blowjob, as he lay his head back on the sofa groaning in pleasure. My hand slipped to my crotch and I began to rub my soft pink slit, the viscous juices already flowing freely. "You like that tasty cock?" Dad asked Jesse, smiling at her through slitted eyes. Jesse just moaned and smiled back. "Bet you'd have loved seeing it yesterday, when it squirted white hot cock-cream all over your big brother's pretty pink dick." Jesse took dad's meat out of her mouth, still pumping it with her fist and gasped. "Oh, goddd, - wow!" She marveled. "That's so hot! You've gotta do that again, so I can see it." "Only if you promise to lick us both clean, like Rachel did," Daddy said, reaching out to stroke Jesse's hair. "No problem," said Jess, lapping dad's cockhead. "Love that cum -gotta have it!" "You should've seen Dad slurping away with Chris' cock in his mouth," I said from behind her, still slowly massaging my clit, "While he deep-fucked me." "You guys!" Jesse whined, whipping her head around to glare at me in mock-anger. "How dare you have all that fun while I'm not even here! I'm never going out of town again!" "Well, I guess we do kinda owe you one," Dad grinned. "We'll have to plan a little party for next weekend to make up for it. Rache-" He motioned me over next to Jesse. "You wanna help your friend finish up here?" I quickly scooted over to his knee, so I could lean in and take turns with Jesse, lapping and sucking at Dad's swollen erection. He sat there moaning quietly, watching our two ravenous teenage mouths coaxing the cum from his turgid rod. When he finally came, it wasn't a lot - between the mini-orgy with Chris and the night of passion with me, his balls were pretty drained, but Jesse and I tongue-warred over the small amount of his delicious cream that there was. We shared the sticky goo in a deep french kiss as Dad lay back on the couch with his eyes closed, smiling to himself.I stood up on my knees on the bed, in just my panties and white tank top, kissed her again, then pushed her back onto the mattress, nuzzling her breasts as I undid her bra. The instant they were free, I began sucking hard on her big brown nipples, going back and forth between them. "It just seems so...perverted...but it feels...wonderful..." "Shut up, Mother." I mumbled against the warm fleshy globes. She broke into a grin, but she stopped talking. I felt her warm hands gliding up my thighs and caressing my bottom. Mom tugged on my panties, pulling them down to my knees, then slipped her fingertips between my legs, probing and exploring. I put my mouth against her ear. "Mmmm, touch my pussy, Mom. Feel my slippery wet cunt." She did. Her fingers danced around my nether-lips, slipping inside to tease, then back up my slit to tenderly polish my clitoris. I rotated my ass in the air, plunging back to engulf her coy fingers. Once in awhile, her middle finger would slip against my tiny pleated asshole making me gasp and grunt -at first I thought it was just by accident, then she pressed harder, popping inside, up to the first knuckle. "Ooooh, godd, that's sooo incredibly hot, Mom!" I moaned, biting hard on her rigid nipples. "You gotta do me, too, baby" She said, pulling her fingers out and reaching under me to undo her skirt and yank it and her panties down her legs. we both discarded the last of our clothes so we could seriously indulge in each other's flesh. I crawled back over her, grabbing the giant double-dong from beside us, and began rubbing it slowly back and forth across her slit, bending to spread her cuntlips so I could lap her clit, too. My tongue forayed down her labia, ocassionally slipping between them, into my mother's moist and tasty vagina. When she was really dripping and slick, I started easing the huge rubber dick knob up inside her. She grunted and wriggled her hips, fucking back at the hefty nightstick. "Mmm,' Mom purred. "You, too, Honey, come here." She shifted herself around on the bed, so we both had room to stretch out, and positioned me on my bottom at her crotch, our legs pretzled over each other. Our cunts were nearly mouth-to-mouth, just a few inches apart, and she took the big rubber dick's remaining head and pushed it against my own slippery opening. I rotated my hips, lubricating the manikin meat with my juices so that it slid in more easily. Still, it was huge -I felt it stretching my vaginal walls even wider than Daddy's thick cock had done. Once it was in, the sight was such an incredible rush, I couldn't stop thrusting my ass back toward Mom. The huge rubber cock was buried deep in both our stretched and hungry holes, only two or three inches could still be seen protruding from our swollen, puffy pink pussies. Every time one of us moved, it caused the dildo to plunge deeper into the other. We were fucking each other with every twitch of our hips. Both of us began to cum, our vaginas contracting over and over on that enormous firm penis that writhed and plunged as we bucked, just like a real cock. I lay there heaving and sweating, fucking Mom hard, leaning back on my elbows so I could watch her big tits bobble and shimmy as I thrust the cock into her dripping snatch. She was groaning and panting herself, reaching down once in awhile to rub my clit and massage my labia as they sucked at the pink rubbery telephone pole stuffed into my widespread cooze. Finally, Mom eased her end from her slimy slit and moved up over me to kiss my breasts, neck and tummy. I felt her reach between my legs and continue to fuck me with the dildo. It was soo sweet. She kissed her way down my belly to my mons, and began lapping at my pussylips while she slid the imitation dick in and out slowly. I just closed my eyes and floated on the endless orgasm, moaning softly. Then I felt something nudge my crack and press up against my asshole. Mom was trying to push the other end of that giant dildo into my bottom. "No-no-no!" I protested, laughing. "It's too big!" "You wanted to know what I do with it," Mom grinned up at me wickedly. "This is my favorite trick." She rubbed the huge head in my own cunt juices which were running in slippery rivers from my pussy, and pressed it against my asshole again, harder this time. "Mom!" I squealed, in real pain. That rubber thing was fucking huge! She kept pushing, slowly, gently, but it didn't help -the thing was just too big! "Mom" I cried again. "STOP IT!" The giant knob popped past my screaming sphincter and shoved it's way up into my hotly burning butthole. It felt like it was going to split me wide open, but good gods, was my pussy on fire! "Oh, Jesus, Mom!" I panted. "That's so good" It hurts, oh godd it hurts -I love it!" It was all true. My poor abused bum felt like it would tear from the overload, but my little ol' clit was hard as a pebble and my two full fuckholes wouldn't let me stop cumming! I shuddered and shook and trembled, and somewhere along the way, I passed out. I came back to conciousland with Mom kneeling over me, lightly kissing my forehead. The dildo was nowhere in sight, but the tingling and aching in my butt and the warm, stretched and satisfied feeling in my pussy weren't going to let me forget it anytime soon. I reached up and took one of Mom's big breasts in my hand and nuzzled it, smooching the nipple. "That was nice, Mom." I said dreamily. "Are you okay, honey?" She asked me, smiling. "I know it was kind of uncomfortable going in, but I really thought you'd like it." "I loved it, Mom." I sighed, "How about you?" "It was the most exciting sexual experience I've ever had in my life, Rachel." She said. "Thank you for making it happen." "I'm glad you had a good time, Mom, " I told her, "I love you." Then a sly and wicked thought occurred to me and I smiled up at her tenderly. "What are you doing Saturday night?"I wanted Dad to cum on her ass, so I could massage my breasts against her torn cheeks, and mingle the two precious life-fluids into my own flesh. Finally, the hail of lashes stopped. I was so relieved- I'd begun to wonder if he was going to kill her. Dad tossed the belt aside and knelt behind Mom's tortured bottom. Mom's breath was ragged and full of tears, but she must have been experiencing something close to my own excitement, because she raised her head and began kissing my breasts, sucking at my throbbing nipples. She gasped harshly when Dad put his hands on her glowing hot asscheeks and pried them apart. She screamed loudly and incoherently when he plunged his stiff, thick erection into her tight puckered and unlubricated anus. Her scream vibrated against my chest and she clutched me desperately when he began fucking her steaming butthole deeply and rhythmically without even giving her a chance to adjust to the intrusion. "Oh god, you BASTARD!" She wailed. "You vicious bastard son-of-a-bitch! FUCK ME! RIP MY HOT ASSHOLE! FUCK ME HARDER, MAKE ME SCREAM!" Dad leaned forward, hunching over her back as his swollen cock slid roughly in and out of her snug sphincter. He reached up and pried the plugs from her ears, whispering against her temple. "Make me CUM, you dirty fucking whore - milk my cock with your asshole and make me spurt your butt full of steaming, creamy jizz!" Mom's jaw dropped, just for a second, as she recognized the voice. "It's YOU! Goddamn you! GOD-DAMN YOU! You bastard!" She began to slam her tormented flanks back against him, ramming his big beautiful cock all the way up her asshole, impaling herself on his hard meat. "FUCK ME, GODDAMN YOU! SHOOT YOUR FUCKING SPERM UP MY ASS! SHOOT IT! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR BOILING FUCKING CUM BURNING MY BUTTHOLE! FUCK ME YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH AND CUM INSIDE ME! FILL MY SCREAMING HOT ASS!" Dad grabbed her thighs and shoved deep. If I couldn't tell by the look on his face, Mom's screaming and writhing let me know she was getting the asshole full of cum she'd been begging for. I reached across Mom's back and took the base of Dad's dick in my fingers, pumping the shaft, to milk every last drop of his cum into her anus. Both of them groaned and grunted, and for a long moment we all three just sat there, sweating, not saying anything. CHAPTER 11 After Dad had pulled his shrunken and satisfied dick from Mom's battered butthole, he lay on his back on the carpet beside her. She was curled in a fetal position,her head in my lap. The belt with the ping-pong balls still covered her eyes as her tears ran out from under them, rolling across her cheeks to dry in streaks along her jawline. I reached down as I stroked her hair and took the blinders off. Still sniffling a bit, she grasped my hands in hers and looked around her cautiously. "So who's brilliant smart-ass idea was this, anyway?" she asked quietly, trembling against my chest. "Mine, Mom...I'm sorry. He didn't even know who you were when we started." She glanced toward Dad. "So do you treat every woman you fuck like this?" Dad smiled slightly without looking toward her. "Only the ones I care about." Mom's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" "I mean," He answered, "If I hadn't cared so much then, I wouldn't enjoy punishing you so much now. Besides, it really pisses me off that you're such a hot fucking slut now, when you wouldn't do shit for me when we were married." "I'm sorry." She said gently, and I could tell she meant it. "It wasn't that I didn't want to. I was just afraid you wouldn't like me anymore if you knew how horny and slutty I really was inside." "You stupid bitch," Dad chuckled. "Horny and slutty was just what I always wanted. I came to resent you because I wanted horny and slutty and I wasn't getting it!" "I'm sorry." Mom said again. This time there was a long moment of silence, while both of them just stared into space. I wasn't sure what either of them might be thinking, but I wasn't going to stick my nose in this one, it was way too heavy for me. "So what if you were to get it now?" She said finally. Dad's reply came slowly, thoughtfully. "Do you really think you can be submissive and obedient enough for me to put up with you?" Mom rolled sideways and got up on her knees, her hands still handcuffed before her. She bowed her head to her chest, facing my Dad. "Yes, Master." She said smiling. A few feet away, Jesse was straddling her brother Chris, humping up and down on his stiff dick, while he lay on the floor beneath, caressing her small soft breasts. Daryl stood next to her, trying to aim the camcorder nearly straight down to capture the sight of Chris' cock as it appeared and disappeared beneath Jesse's furry crotch. All the while, he was feeding his own erection into Jess' mouth with his other hand. "Nice grouping," Dad said as he crawled toward them. "But let's see if we can organize something a little more complex." He took the camcorder from Daryl and set it on it's tripod across the room, where it could see us all at once. Then he returned to where we were all gathered, around Chris and Jesse. "C'mere," He grunted to Daryl, grasping him by the waist and guiding him around behind Jess and Chris. He brought Daryl to his knees behind Jess and grasping Daryl's cock in his hand, stroked it firmly a couple of times, squeezing it to engorge the head, swelling the pretty lavender mushroom to full size. It looked delicious! Then Dad leaned over and drooled warm spittle all over Daryl's swollen cockhead. Pressing a palm against Jesse's back to bend her over into a doggie-crouch, Dad spread her buttcheeks and rubbed the saliva from Daryl's fat tip against Jesse's pink carnation. "Mmm, yeah, put it up my ass, baby," Jess growled. "Gotta have it!" I saw Daryl's big round knob pop past Jesse's sphincter and she gave a guttural grunt. "Uhmm!" She moaned, rotating her ass in little circles and pressing back against both the hard dicks fucking her tight holes. "Wow." Daryl marveled to Chris. "I can feel your dick in her cunt!" "Cool!" Chris agreed. "Mmm, your cock's rubbing right against mine!" "Oh godd!" Jesse squealed. "Fuck me! Cum! Big loads of sperm! Squirt it! Cum in my cunt and ass- gotta have it!" I didn't wait to see what else Dad had in mind- I swung a leg over Chris' head and lowered my sopping pussy onto his face. I rubbed my slippery slit back and forth across his chin and nose while he jabbed his tongue deep into my hole, lapping the walls of my vagina. I reached out and buried my face in Jess' hair, until she looked up and kissed me, gently sucking my tongue and purring into my mouth. Over Jesse's back, I caught sight of Mom and Dad crouched behind her, and nuzzling her ear, I stretched to see what they were doing. "Too fucking cool." I breathed in Jesse's ear. Mom and Dad knelt on either side of Jesse's upturned ass, both leaning in close, to tongue the two adolescent cocks that slid in and out of Jesse's lower openings. While Mom ran her lips up and down the side of Chris' shaft, Dad was gently tongue-bathing Daryl's balls. "Oh, Man!" Chris exclaimed suddenly, looking up at Daryl. "You're cumming! I can feel your dickhead swelling up! "Wait!" Daryl exclaimed, "Wait! I wanna try something!" He yanked his cock out of Jesse's asshole and pushed her out of the way. Jess scuttled sideways, complaining loudly at the loss of both hot cocks as Chris' came slipping out of her cunt. Daryl hobbled up on one knee, to straddle Chris' prone body and grabbing Chris' shimmering erection, still slimy and wet from Jesse's warm pussy, guided it to the opening of his tight brown butthole. He sank down on the stiff penis, impaling himself with a groan. "Aaah, goddamn, that's SO HOT!" He sighed, grabbing his own hard cock and stroking it with his fist. Instantly, spurts of white-hot cream began streaming from it's length, arcing high into the air and falling in large sticky splotches onto Chris' belly and chest. A couple of the thickest gobs spattered across Chris' cheeks and lips, just as he opened his mouth to release a long low cry of his own. "Oh, godd, YES!" He cried, humping his pelvis up, shoving his cock deeper into Daryl's ass. From the grimace on Chris' face, I knew Daryl was getting a hot sperm enema- a hunch confirmed seconds later, when the thick white fluid came oozing from Daryl's butthole, around the thick shaft of his friend's beautiful hard cock, to trickle past Chris' balls and down between his buns. From behind the two guys, Mom and Dad looked at each other, smiling in amazement. "Good gods, these kids are hot!" said Mom. "How long have you been teaching them this stuff?" "I can't take credit for this," Dad laughed. "I think Rachel did it." I crawled to them, kissing them both and pushing Dad onto his back. "You guys," I smirked,"I swear, you think you're the only people in the world who like to fuck." I reached underneath me and gently pulled on Dad's cock. "Got one more load in there?" I begged. "I haven't been fucked at all tonight." "Nope." He grinned, but he was already getting hard. By the time Dad shot his last load of sperm into my cum-hungry cunt, everybody but Mom had adjourned to the kitchen for munchies. Finally removing her handcuffs, Dad ordered her to clean me up, and like a dutiful slave, she slurped every last drop of his cream from my lil' pink pussy. Daryl went home after that, and Chris and Jess slept together curled up in blankets on the living room floor, while Mom and Dad and I all snuggled together in Dad's big bed. In the morning, Mom and I managed to milk another load out of Dad's poor tired cock with our mouths and vaginas, while we all watched the videotape of the party, from Dad's bed. "Man," Jesse whined as she and Chris were dressing to leave, "I wish my family gave way cool parties like this." I just smiled and winked at her. "So ask 'em." I said. I think she thought it was a joke, but the idea of seeing Chris done by his dad was really weighing on my horny lil' mind. 'If something doesn't happen pretty soon,' I decided, 'I'm gonna go over there and make it happen.' All in all, I guess everything sort of turned out happily ever after. Mom and Dad didn't get remarried or anything, but they actually get along much better. Mom's really his number-one sex slave now- and married or not, she wouldn't fuck or suck anyone else- at least not unless he ordered her to (which he sometimes does). I'm still his slave-girl, too, although Dad's never asked me to be faithful, so I kind of do what I want, most of the time. He just calls the shots in bed. Daryl and Chris and Jesse and I kind of cum and go as we please- we all know where to go if we're horny. In fact sometimes I think Jesse's kind of developing a thing for my Dad. A romantic thing, I mean. In a way, that would be kind of fun. Just think, if she married him, I could do my Mom and my stepmom at the same time. Too fucking cool...
Don Bolles
"Do you, like, ever let people into your meat-locker to, like, uh, you know, fuck around with the meat?" I asked. The short-haired Greek man looked at me strangely from behind the counter. Several of the waitresses glared in my direction. "What do you mean 'fuck around'?" the dumpy Greek asked. "You know, like shoving your dick in and out of the openings in the meat. Then, like, getting a bunch of smelly, sticky cream of tubesteak all over the junk that you grind into foodburgers," I informed him. "No, we don't do that. You don't do that. Nobody does that," the imbecile claimed. "I do that," I began, "and as a matter of fact, most of my pals do that too. We like it." Overhearing our conversation, one of the waitresses gave me a sour look. She seemed to be acting like she was getting sick. The cook and the other two waitresses completely ignored everything except the random orders for patty melts and double cheeseburgers. "Look, I don't want to do anything weird or strange or anything. I just want to fuck a bunch of meat that you got in your huge ol' meat locker. Listen, don't any of you stupid fuckers understand what I'm saying?" I stated in an agitated manner. "Mister, people gotta eat my food. If you stick your dick in the food, no one can eat. Frank will lose money. We can't do that," the Greek said. "How much money would you lose, bright eyes?" I asked. "A big thing of cow costs Frank $220 for a half," Greek-man said. "Well, I want to fuck around with about 13 of them. Let's see...that's about $2860...and I'll give you...oh, let's see...$40 just for letting me do it, OK?" "I don't know." "OK. Look, I'll give you $3000 cash, RIGHT NOW, 'cause I like you an awful lot, and also 'cause I'm fucking sick and tired of trying to talk to you goddamn Greek half-wits." The Greek seemed to ponder what I had said for a minute, or perhaps he was just wallowing in incomprehension. One waitress went into the back-room and loudly threw up. "OK. But you give Frank the money NOW." I handed the three bills over to the fool and lifted up a section of the counter and walked into the walk-in freezer. "OK, you can fuck with 13 sides of cow, but leave the cheese and other stuff alone. OK?" There was a wide variety of different kinds of food present in the walk-in freezer. Many, many eggs and other fine foods. I could see containers of pancake batter and butter. On the left was what I was after. Thirteen beautiful sides of beef! I started to get a hard-on just looking at the beef! "You got your cash. Get out of here!" I shouted at the geek. I casually waltzed up to the nearest beef-side and began to sweet-talk it. "Hi, new in town? Ever get into Satanism? Shit, you're cute." The cool beef did not reply. --Original story by Don Bolles
A History of an Aberrent Sexual Contest
"Fnorking" is a colloquial term for contests involving females inserting small dead animals into their vaginas. All known instances involving "fnorking" have occurred on college campuses. The contests dealt with several females competing to insert as many animals as possible into their vaginas, the winner being the one able to insert more than any of the other contestants. The winner of the contest was sometimes crowned the "fnork" queen. The earliest known incidences of "fnorking" occurred in the late 1920s. The phenomenon seems to have been an outgrowth of the goldfish eating fad prevalent at that time. Most goldfish eating contests involved college-age males consuming as many live goldfish as possible. The female collegians of that time were less inhibited than preceding generations of females and developed their own version of this fad. They held contests involving the insertion of as many goldfish as possible. The goldfish were most often inserted while live. Contests were held late at night in college dormitories, although there is a report of one contest being held in broad daylight beside a well-stocked pond. This contest is said to have involved at least twenty-five females, and the winner was able to "consume" twenty-seven goldfish. All known "fnorking" contests seem to have been held at exclusively female colleges and universities, although, considering the segregation of males and females at schools in this time period, this is not unusual. "Fnorking" seems to have been an outgrowth of the general loosening of morals in the 1920s era and the women's suffrage movements of the early part of that decade. The less inhibited females of the era were more inclined to enter such bizarre contests. As the fad progressed, the contests were not limited to just goldfish but were expanded to include other species of small animals. It is known that contests were held involving the "fnorking" of hamsters, gerbils, lizards, salamanders, frogs, small birds, and even one contest involving chipmunks. All of the above contests involved dead animals. The preferred method of killing the animals was suffocation. The contests were held immediately after the animals were killed because they were "still warm and still very pliable." The phenomenon seems to have disappeared after the turn of the decade. This is possibly because of the depression era when fewer females were attending colleges, and also morals experienced a general regression. No known incidences of "fnorking" have been reported until very recent times. Recent reports have emanated from the Florida area and from Europe, specifically at the 1991 "spring break" in Florida and one incidence in 1989 in Denmark involving sixty college-age females inserting frogs in a day-long contest. There were reports of three contests in the Miami area in 1991, two involving insertion of goldfish and one the insertion of small toy stuffed animals. The winner of one of the goldfish contests was able to insert twelve fish and is reported to have received a cash prize in the amount of five hundred dollars. Interviews of 1920s-era females involved in "fnorking" contests indicate that no prizes were awarded in the contests of that period. The females stated that most entered the contests due to peer pressure. They also indicated that the contests were held in conjunction with college fraternity initiations. The origin of the word "fnork" is very hard to discern. All of the females interviewed stated that "it was always called that." One woman did offer as an explanation that "fnork" is formed from the first letters of Greek words describing the activity. At this time, I have not been able to discover the words used, if there are any. No written descriptions of the activity have been brought to light, although, considering the type of activity, this is not unusual. All of the females interviewed were very reluctant to admit to being in the contests. Considering the recent resurgence of the "fnorking" phenomenon, it is possible that the general lessening of sexual inhibitions in females in recent times has allowed the fad to resurface. In this day of personal video, how soon will some enterprising person make a record of one of these interesting contests?
Gerry Kanne
Amy, the Thai Tease
"What the hell is this?" Bob thought, pulling the card away from the staples. She HAD known what was going on! She'd seen him sweating and flushed; probably she'd heard a moan escape when he was cumming. The sweet fox had known all along and never said anything! If only she had made some sign, said something or even looked him square in the eye, then he could have... The simple thought of the juicy oriental coed approving of his sexual act aroused him. He felt like getting in the car and going now. But why give him this? Was this her way of telling him to go jerk off with someone else? No, he remembered the twinkle in her eye as she smiled when had left his office in the morning. This must be her way of inviting him to ... to what? What was she planning? How did she know to bring the card with her today? Why did she even have this free pass? Was she a strip joint fan? Highly unlikely. As he turned the card over few times to study it for clues, he noticed that there was no day or time on the card, so she wasn't trying to set up a date. He went back to her homework and quickly read the second page, then went back and scanned the paper again. It was simply the assigned topic, well done, and as much as he wished there was something more, he found no "I want to fuck you, teacher," message. He brought the paper up to his face and inhaled deeply. No scent but that of wood pulp. During the rest of the evening, Bob held the card and daydreamed about Amy, twice turning back to stare her paper and the delicate curved script on it. No other papers got corrected, and while he was able to get to sleep, it was between sticky sheets that were moistened twice that night. Getting ready for class the next morning, Bob decided that it would be best to ignore the card sitting in his wallet and not visit the nightclub. He was afraid of being seen and recognized in a place like that. Even though it wouldn't get him fired, after all what he did on his own time was his business, he didn't want to be known as the sex-mad professor. Rumors had a way of spreading quickly through the faculty and students, and he would lose the respect of many students who looked up to him. Besides, he didn't really want coeds flashing and propositioning him to 'improve' their grades, in spite of his fantasies. It was also possible that Amy was trying to trap him in some way and then blackmail him. It would be best just not to go, and hope Amy wouldn't say anything to anyone. He would have to be extra careful in her presence to do nothing suggestive and make sure he kept his eyes in head, no matter how she dressed. But while Bob was busy making virtuous decisions, the primal part of his unconscious mind, a part that connected to the world only through hormones, was already set on what he would do. Early in the evening, card in his wallet, Bob left his house and got in the car to drive across town. There was an empty feeling in his stomach and his palms were sweating nervously. "Why are you doing this? What if SHE's there? How will you be able to face her in class?" Suddenly, almost without realizing how he got there, a bright sign announced "Girls! All Live! All Nude!". After parking his car in the lot outside, he looked around, got out and quickly walked to the door. Just inside the entrance, he was stopped by a man sitting at a table. "Ten dollar admission, two drink minimum, sir." Bob took out the card and gave it to the man. He took it and turned it over to see the note on the back. "You're a friend of Amy's, huh? When you're that lucky, I don't see why you should get in free too," as he stamped Bob's hand. "You still have to pay for the drinks, though. Enjoy the show." Bob entered the club, walking by a guy who seemed seven feet of solid muscle, and found himself a seat in a dark back corner. The lights were low, so no one was likely to recognize him, assuming anyone was looking anywhere besides the stage. A slim, young blonde with small tits was at the height of her act, lying on her side on floor of the stage doing leg lifts. Her pussy was fleeced with hair noticeably darker than the hair on her head. She was good looking, but not the dish Bob had come for. The doorman had known Amy, so Bob expected to see her on stage. The idea of seeing her up there had him excited, but he wasn't sure he wanted her to know he was watching. As the music started up again, another girl appeared on the stage backlit by a spotlight. She stood with her legs apart, light shining through, her hair a misty frame around her head. On the beat, she turned sideways presenting a profile in silhouette. She leaned forward a bit, thrusting her chest forward and arching her back to present the classic lines of a pin-up. Lights came up revealing Amy in a skimpy costume. She wore black and strings of pearls. Her lacy black bustier pushed her white breasts up, making a shelf for the long strings of pearls that rolled over them and flowed down between her breasts. Below was a black garter belt with matching stockings and 5-inch heels to show off her calves, the seams of the stockings leading the eyes up to the firm curves of her ass. A tiny black lace g-string was partly hidden in the front by a loop of pearls that circled her waist. From this loop hung 5 strands of pearls reaching to mid-thigh, forming a sort of bead-curtain loincloth that flashed the scrap of translucent lace covering her crotch with every gyration of her hips. As Amy danced, she slowly peeled off her top and teased her nipples by rolling the pearls back and forth over them. As she showed off the stiffening tips of her breasts to the crowd, she locked eyes briefly with each person in the audience. When her eyes reached Bob, she stopped and ran her hands up from her inner thighs to the ends of her nipples, now fully engorged on the up-turned tips of her quivering breasts. Even sitting near the back of the dimly lit room, Bob knew Amy had seen and recognized him. Blood rushed to his face, and if the light had been better, it would have been plain to anyone that he was blushing as furiously as any virgin. However, blood also rushed to his cock which pulsed in time to Amy's bumps and grinds. When the black g-string dropped to the stage floor, Amy bent over, legs spread, her shaved cunt aimed right at her teacher. She looked over her shoulder at Bob with a sultry gaze, her hair covering half her face and ran her hands up the back of her legs, following the stocking seam from her knees up to the garter strap and then spreading her tight cheeks wide. The smile and wink of an eye that followed almost knocked Bob off his chair. He reached for his soft drink to wet his suddenly dry throat and found his hand shaking so much he had to set the glass down on the table and lean forward to drink. Bob's desire for the petite Asian had him literally shaking. He wanted very much to get her alone, as she had been the day before in his office. Here he couldn't do anything, not even secretly jerking off. He was sure that would be an excellent way to get tossed out of the joint. Besides, he wanted to do much more than simply look, especially after the way she was teasing him from the stage. Amy began to move around the audience off stage, picking up tips while doing a little bump and grind for each man. In the dim light of Bob's back corner, Amy strutted up and began to undulate her hips, teasing a tip out of his wallet. Bob grinned wide enough to cross the Mississippi, but wasn't sure what to say to his student, so he stared at her jiggling tits. The round mounds stood out from her chest with no sag at all. Her full, up-turned nipples trapped his eyes. The aureoles stood out forming their own walnut-sized mounds topped by stiff nipples. The flesh quivering to Amy's movements made Bob's mouth literally water. He looked up and found Amy's dark eyes locked on his. As he swallowed, Amy spoke up. "Aren't you even going to tip me? You look happy to see me," she said and bit softly on her lower lip while her arms squeezed her breasts together, pushing her nipples out even farther, all the while staring at him. "Oh, sure," Bob said, and pulled a ten spot out of his wallet. "I really appreciated the free pass, and your show was great." He took a deep breath and continued "You're the most beautiful--the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in person," he said raspy with nervousness and breaking contact with her eyes only to be trapped by the white smooth valley between her breasts. "Down here," Amy said, and Bob's eyes were momentarily again struck by the intense stare of dark eyes from the East before her finger, wagging in front of her face began to trace a line downwards pushing over her full lips and down the soft throat to between the soft cushions of her breasts. Her forearm passed over her tit, mashing it down, and when it popped free, its inflamed nipple snapping out, Bob found that his cock, hard as iron, had suddenly pulsed and become stiffer. He could have used it for batting practice with a hard ball with no problem at all. "Down.." Amy said, her finger indenting her soft stomach and poking briefly into her navel before traveling across the smooth flat skin between her hips. "," she finished, her fingers now toying with the pearls that were her only covering before moving on. Bob now was hypnotized by the magic place behind the swinging strands of pearls. The shimmery pearls rolled over a mohawk strip of trimmed pussy hair, pushing the strands down only to have them pop up before the next string of pearls repeated the process. Below, her cunt was shaved bare and smooth, the inner lips just visible between the pouting outer fold. Unconsciously leaning down toward the area of his dreams, Bob detected a faint, musky odor. The clacking of the of the pearls, audible above the music this close, mixed with the scent and sight of his student's pussy carried him away from the noisy club, and his entire world became a few square inches of nubile flesh. The pearls pattered against the bare cunt lips, perhaps creating the arousal that Bob smelled. One strand hit squarely between the lips and stuck for an instant before dropping away glistening with juice. This woman was wet and ready. "Down here, silly," Amy repeated for the third time, and Bob saw her stretching out a garter two-thirds up on her right thigh. He came to himself and reached slowly towards the thigh with great deliberation, afraid his hand might stray to the moist lips inches away. The backs of his fingers brushed over the smooth skin of Amy's inner thigh as they pulled the garter out to receive ten dollar bill. The skin was slightly cool to the touch, but the back of his hand felt waves of heat coming from the pussy above as if it were a space heater. The pearl strings ran across his hand as he pulled it back, leaving a small trail of dampness that cooled in the open air. "If you like what you see, and I can tell that you do," she said, her eyes shining with the reflected glow of neon, "you can have a private dance for only $50 in our 1-on-1 booth." "Sounds great," Bob's cock replied as he reached back to pull out his wallet a second time. If she had said $5,000 for getting in a pit with 10 starving, rabid Dobermans, his response would have been the same. Sexual desire had shorted out the rational center of his brain and the need of his hard dick fogged out all of his earlier shyness. To be alone with his fantasy girl in a situation where her role was to tease and arouse him directly touched a deep unconscious need that broke through the restraints imposed by his role as teacher to this sultry student. His cock pulsed, wanting attention as he handed over the money. All he could think of was his body pressed against Amy's soft, warm skin while his dick was encased in the hot, moist grip of her cunt. He heard her instructions to go to a door at the side of the room, but his mind was screaming for joy! His imagination was in overdrive, producing images of his hand reaching out and pressing, kneading and pulling on those puckered nipples as he bends down to kiss her full lips. How far could he go? His imagination made fantasies become realities, and Bob trembled. In a few minutes, Bob found himself in small room. He sat in the simple chair against the wall and stared at through the clear glass partition 2 feet in front of him that separated his small cubby hole from a larger dance area. This was not what he had expected at all. Sure, it was private, but he had certainly thought that "private" also implied something more intimate. Talk about safe sex! This glass barrier could protect a herd of pachyderms. The whole set up seemed designed so that a man, perhaps for a suitable tip, could masturbate and the dancer would not have to worry about the guy getting too carried away. Bob felt very uncomfortable in the situation, thinking that Amy would type him as some strange pervert bent on preying on students. Adding a sharp edge to the situation was his recent memory of the girl's smoldering dark eyes and her full red lips in a smile as he ogled her naked breasts and wet pussy. If he didn't know Amy, then he could have gone with the situation and let his desire take control. However, he wanted to keep his lusts secret from the co-ed, although how that was possible, now that he'd accepted this invitation, was a bit of a problem. He wondered how many men had come to this room and heard her high, girlish voice tinkling out obscenities, urging them to orgasm. Now Amy came out. Her tits jiggled and bounced with each step; the bright yellow body suit molded itself to her skin without restraining the fluid movements of her supple muscles and without completely obscuring the dark puffy buds of her nipples. Matching yellow stockings wrapped around the curves of her legs. "Hi there," she said, popping a cassette into a tape deck, " Make yourself comfortable. I hope you enjoy yourself." Her voice came over a speaker on Bob's side, but he could see no microphone.Bob was already enjoying the olive skin above the stocking top that curved up and out when it reached her low-slung ass. The high cut bottom of the body suit set off her soft, fleshy bottom, her olive skin making a nice contrast to the bright yellow of the narrow band that disappeared between her cheeks. Even if he couldn't touch her, Bob was enjoying the view. Then music started and the light in Amy's side of the booth went out, replaced by a black light that set the co-ed's yellow garb glowing. Bob could dimly make out her face and the bare skin of her thighs, but her glowing legs and the outline of her tits jiggling to her movements were the focus of his attention. His cock pulsed and swelled when her thick nipples atop puffy areolae were clearly outlined in profile, the sheer yellow fabric molding perfectly to their shape. At regular intervals a strobe light flashed, revealing the nubile student in poses that seared his retinas. He saw her kneading her crotch or grabbing her breasts through the thin, semi-transparent material. One flash of the light revealed her tongue out, wetting her upper lip, bright red with lipstick. He also noticed that her eyes were closed, the lids lightly colored with yellow eyeshadow matching her costume. Amy's closed eyes gave him the courage to unzip his trousers and pry out, a little painfully, his stiff prick. As the stiff organ snapped out, he grabbed it and began to seriously stroke it, the head an angry purple. He was intensely aware of his student a few feet away from his naked dick. As he pumped and pulled the obscenely swollen organ, Amy began to spray herself with a shower head on a hose. Bob didn't know where it had come from, but the water sparkled in the black light and encased the sexy co-ed's body in a silvery halo. It also, he quickly noticed, turned the bodysuit completely transparent. His pants were below his knees now as his hand pumped his cock more insistently as Amy bent over, her ass inches from the glass, the bare lips of her pussy showing clearly through the soaked fabric. The erotic, wet-dream world created by the black light, music, water and sex goddess body of the young Thai lady became more charged when Amy changed the spray of water to pulsing jets. She stroked the hose in time to the bursts of compact water that she aimed at her face and open mouth. Bob's unconscious immediately turned the water splattering and drenching the student's face into his cum. He pressed against the glass, moving his head back only when his breath began to fog his view of her full red lips and the stray lock of hair stuck to her cheek. The swollen head of his penis flattened against the cool glass as his body pressed forward, trying to reach the biological magnet attracting it, the Asian dreamgirl working as hard as she could to get his dick hard and his balls pumping cum. She was no longer his student or even a real person, for Bob's mind had found both the source and goal of the lust that had driven the lives of creatures alive before the hominid family was ever considered by the forces of evolution. Amy turned to face him in the flickering strobe light and as one pulled at a puckered nipple the other sensuously gathered the water from one cheek and popped into her mouth. Her almond eyes were still closed when her finger began to fuck her shiny red lips which were pursed around the substitute cock. At the same time, her other hand stroked down her body and slid beneath the thin transparent strip of cloth which stuck wetly to her pussy. First one and then two fingers slipped between the naked cunt lips deep into her wet hole. Amy began to gyrate her hips and masturbate in time to the deep low sound of the bass line in the music, driving her fingers hard and deep into her creaming pussy. Her beautiful face, sparkling with drops of water that could be lust-created sweat, was drawn in passion while she licked and bit the finger in her mouth. Bob steadily and firmly stroked his cock, his knees bent and his hips thrust forward so that the engorged organ bobbed in the air in front of his student. He moved his other hand between his legs, the palm pressing the soft wrinkled skin of his ball sack and massaging the two grape-sized orbs inside as his fingers rubbed the stiff hidden base of his dick back between his legs. His lust was amplified by the uninhibited eroticism displayed by the girl finger fucking herself a mere foot or two away. The mushroom head flared wide and became smooth and shiny. The rod in his hand became steel-rigid and his muscles tensed in pleasure, but inside he felt a relaxing as a passage opened up for his building current of cum. His cock, now huge and swollen, waved openly in angry power in front of its focus, the Asian coed bitch-in-heat. His pounding fist now ran on automatic, blurring up and down the stiff pulsing dick. A strong flow of cum was being pressured up his penis when the music suddenly stopped and Amy dropped to her knees in front of him, face up, tongue wrapped around her finger, eyes open and staring into his. If the eyes are mirrors of the soul, here animal passion had clearly claimed both, and in the meeting of these two spirits, Bob felt a snarling, frenzied lust which could never be bettered but only matched by the most savage of animal matings. Thick white gouts of passion slammed and spattered the glass in front of his Oriental student's face over and over again while Bob's lips curled back and his breath came strong vocal pants. Lava flows of cum ran down the glass only to be fed from the source once more. Amy stuck out her wet tongue and wagged it at the pumping prick, then bit her full lower lip, her eyes never leaving Bob's. "Cunt. Slut," Bob's voice growled out as he pulled out the last of the cum to drip on floor. Amy smiled behind the sperm-smeared glass. Where did THAT come from, Bob wondered, his rational mind now taking control. He quickly took in the sleazy scene. His pants were down around his ankles; both hand were in his crotch cupping his balls and holding his penis, cum oozing out the tip. The glass looked like a water balloon filled with cum had hit it, and Amy was on the other side, the coed with the shaved cunt and a bodysuit that covered everything but hid nothing. His temples, armpits and back were wet, and the smell of semen and sweat filled his nostrils. How could he have done this in front of her? His conscience, formed many years ago by parents and pulpit, came down hard. He turned to the side away from Amy and groped for his trousers. His cock had not yet had time to wilt, so he had to painfully bend the still massive organ and forcefully stuff it in his briefs. He did not notice Amy's avid stare. "Wow! I didn't even take off my clothes yet. I told you it was a good show," Amy remarked smugly. "Hey, wait!" she cried when she saw her professor moving toward the door before he had even put his clothes back together. "Can't you stay around for a while? I have a special show to do later, but after you can drive me home. I don't want to take a cab." Bob heard her muffled voice through the glass, but he couldn't bring himself to turn around and look at the girl. But wait, she said something about taking her home? "I could do that, if you want," he said hesitantly over his shoulder. "Great," Amy replied and gave the glass a kick to get him to turn around. "See you later," she said, her fingers pulling her stiff nipples through the yellow fabric.
Part 2
"...She was wearing something pink, or off-white. All that I remember was the jacket I was wearing was a tweed sport coat. We walked into the house and headed for the bedroom. It was at the top of a small staircase and overlooked the living room. The bed was to the right and must have been 20' x 20'. It was covered with loose white cotton sheets and almost a dozen overstuffed pillows..." "...I woke up in her arms. We were intertwined like pasta. I kissed her, and she murmured. I slipped out of bed, put on my coat, and walked down the stairs and out the door." "...Upon my return, I headed directly for the elevated bedroom. For some reason, I was looking straight down on the bed, from the ceiling. She was completely nude and lying in the middle of the bed. The bed was white, her hair was blonde, and her skin was slightly tan. There were no pillows or blankets around her. She was a monolith of beauty amidst a sea of pale. The next thing I know, I have lost my vantage point of the ceiling, and I am next to her, unclothed. My lips upon hers awaken her. I passionately kiss her and move from her mouth to her ears and throat. My lips trail down her chest, and I caress each breast and nipple with my tongue. Slowly, I tire of this and gently start snaking further south. My hands are on her thighs. My mouth feels the slight peach fuzz below her navel, and I follow it. Down."
Wheelchair Sex
"Don't bother!" Melanie snapped when I offered to help her inside her apartment. "You've done your charity work for this evening!" It had been that way ever since I had made that remark at eight, right after dinner. By nine o'clock, I was more than ready to take her home. She hadn't exactly been a ray of sunshine, but I could understand that it was a rough thing for a twenty-year-old girl to be confined to a wheelchair. But even cutting her some slack, I'd had enough of her bitching and acid remarks to last a lifetime. "Just what the hell is your problem?" I glared at her, and wheelchair or no wheelchair, I was ready to smack her a good one. "Problem?" she sneered. "Oh, it's no problem. I don't mind that my sister paid you to take poor, old, crippled me to dinner." "Damnit," I bit, "I didn't say she paid me. I just said that I had to borrow some money. But it wasn't from your sister." What I had tried to tell her over after-dinner coffee was that the whole date was turning out to be a lot of fun - for me anyway. "Meaning just what?" she asked, her attitude softening slightly. "Meaning I thought the date was worth having to borrow some money. I don't get my unemployment check 'til next Friday and I didn't want to postpone our date. Does that come clear to you now?" "I suppose," she allowed, "but I know you wanted to dance and of course I can't." "Naw," I shrugged, "I'm not that good of a dancer, really." "And my sister didn't use any pressure on you to take me out?" I had to draw a fine line at that point. Her sister, Jamie, had suggested that I take Melanie out, but the only persuasion she had used was to tell me that Melanie had a terrible crush on me. When Jamie suggested I date her sister, I might not have gone for it, but at that time I really needed the ego shot of having a pretty girl - even one in a wheelchair - with a crush on me. My fiancee of two years had just up and bolted on me, making me look like a jerk by running off to Las Vegas with my boss and so I basically lost both job and girl. Besides, I thought that Melanie looked a lot like that old movie actress, Dorris Day, and that wasn't half bad in the looks department. "She mentioned that you liked to date," I said cautiously. "I just broke up with my girl and I'm not attached or anything, so I was interested." "Really interested?" she asked, looking at me with a skeptical expression. "Not many guys rush to date a girl in a wheelchair. So you're just killing time until you find a new girl?" "Maybe not," I said firmly. "Did it ever cross your mind that you're a very pretty girl?" She looked at me for a moment, then said, "I used to be, before the accident. But don't bullshit me about how you don't mind me being crippled and everything." Whew, what an attitude. It wasn't my job description to repair her damaged ego, but I felt I had to try. Besides, I was fed up enough to give it to her straight about her crappy, self-pitying attitude. "Oh, yeah? Crippled? Sure, I guess you are, but just how handicapped are you, huh? I mean, you look pretty good to me, and all the right parts seem to be there, so except for the fact you can't dance or maybe play a set of tennis, I'd guess you're a whole woman." "How would you know?" she snapped. "Maybe I can't feel a damn thing down below. Maybe it's no fun for a guy to . . . lie on top of a dead piece of flesh." So she had tried sex since the car wreck. I caught myself feeling sorry for her, but then I asked, "It that the only way, or the only time, you tried to have sex?" My blunt question stunned her into momentary silence. She stared at me with her mouth slightly open. "We do the best we can," I told her quickly, "and there is more than one way to skin a cat as they say." She got her voice back to say, "Oh, yeah? Just how long do you think some normal guy is gonna settle for . . . half sex from a girl in a wheel chair?" "What do you call 'half-sex'?" "This conversation is getting out of hand," she said tiredly, turning away. "Please help me inside and then you can go." I thought I saw a tear forming at the corner of her blue eye. I opened the door and pushed her inside, but once there, I didn't rush to get away. I had become darned curious as to just what a person in a wheelchair could actually do about sex. She wanted me to go, but I hung around for a while, just rapping with her, trying to get her to open up. Finally, she looked up at me with a defiant expression. "You want to find out, don't you?" "I'd be real curious," I said easily. "Hell, don't you think that I think you're darned cute. So if I can make out with you, I sure will." She stared at me for a long time, examining my face to see if I was putting her on or not. I guess some guys might get a kinky thrill out of screwing - or whatever - a women in wheelchair, but it was just that for me. I had really found her nice to be with before the bitterness had set in. Finally, Melanie nodded. "Okay, damnit, turn the lights down and make sure the door is locked." I did as she asked, and by the time I got back to her, she had removed her blouse and brassiere, and I saw that her belt was undone and the first couple of buttons of her jeans were unfastened. "We can't be all coy about it," she told me. "It takes some cooperation, so if you'll stop gaping at my boobs for a minute and take off your pants, we can get going here." She was too darned matter of fact about it, but even so the sight of her surprisingly full and well-shaped breasts with their wide areolae got a very positive response from me. Still, her cut-and-dried manner reminded me of a ten-dollar streetwalker and I didn't like it a lot. I knelt down next to her chair and, trying to ignore her bare upper body, kissed her. "I'm kinda shy," I grinned when we broke apart, "so you gotta go easy about getting me turned on. I have to be kissed and maybe fooled with a little before I go jumping into bed with a girl. Okay?" That got a laugh out of her and she eased up. We kissed a few more times - she kissed pretty good too - and after a bit I was exploring those nice boobs, kneading them, lightly pinching the large nipples and then kissing on them. Melanie's breathing told me she was beginning to warm some so I ran my hand down her chest to her belly, and then to the zipper of her jeans. She stopped me. "Wait," she whispered. "I'd like to do something before we get naked, okay." She repeated her request for me to take off my trousers and this time I did. I felt just a little awkward standing there in front of her chair, stripped from the waist, with my half-hard arching out, but she touched my leg, indicating that I should move closer, and following her lead, I ended up straddling the arms of her wheelchair with my pecker hanging just above the upper swell of her tits. She smiled up at me and as I tried to settle down on the arms of her chair, she began to stroke my cock. Her hand was warm and soft, and nimble and pretty soon I was swollen to full hardness. Melanie licked her palm and took a firmer grip on my turgid organ. One, two, three long, slow strokes and my gut began to warm and tighten, and then she leaned forward slightly to open her soft, wet mouth over the ridged crown of my aroused penis. God, her mouth was heavenly! I don't know how much experience she'd had before the accident, but she sure knew what she was doing right then. As my belly began to do a drumbeat, heralding my approaching orgasm, and I could feel her tongue raking and tickling the underside of my cock, just at the sensitive area below the head. "Ohh, Baby," I warned, "I'm getting pretty worked up." Melanie stopped sucking long enough to give a sexy, throaty laugh. "Oh? Well now, that's good. Do you think you might want to come or something?" She gave the shaft of my cock a squeeze. "Yeah, damnit! And unless you want a mouthful, you'd better watch out." "Hm. Well it might be kinda fun but it would be messy if I let it go all over my chest, so maybe I should just swallow it. Is that okay with you?" By way of an answer, I shoved my hips forward. She laughed again and pressed down on the tip of my cock, letting off and then watching it spring back up. "Hm, yes, he is just about ready," she chuckled. Then sucked me with a renewed gusto, using her hand as well and bringing me to a hard boil in seconds. I let go, gushing into her busy mouth in squirt after squirt, and as good as her promise, Melanie gulped it down, her throat working quickly as she accepted the pulses of white, sticky male essence, rolling down her throat.She kept on gently sucking and licking until I was quivering with sweet agony, and she had drawn every last drop of semen virile from me. My legs wouldn't hold me, so I sank to the carpet beside her chair, drawing hard for breath and trying to get my head back on straight. "Jesus Christ!" I gasped. "That was fantastic." "Now you know," Melanie said with only a trace of bitterness in her tone. "Yeah, I guess so," I responded. "But that was the 'half' part, right? So now, just what would you like from me?" She stared at me, surprised, then bemused. Finally, she said, "Can you get it hard again?" "After a bit, probably," I told her honestly. "In the meantime, why don't we find a bed and get more comfortable?" She seemed to consider for a moment, then nodded. As I pushed her toward the bedroom, she said, "I ought to warn you that I'm sort of, ah, limp from the waist down. You may have to do a lot for me until I'm actually in the bed." "No problem," I said with more confidence than I really was feeling. I had to be pretty cool about lifting her onto the bed, undressing her the rest of the way, and turning down the covers for her. Her lower body was limp and pale and soft, compared to her upper parts, but the important thing was to find out just how much she was able to feel down there. For starters, once we were cuddled up in her queen-sized bed, I ran my hands over her body, gradually moving downward to touch her upper legs and then her pubic curls. "Let me know what you feel," I asked. "I can feel that," she advised me, "but I don't think I can get awfully wet right away." "Uh, just where does the feeling end?" "I got hit just above my knees," she told me, "so my lower legs don't work worth a damn. There was some damage higher up as well, so I have trouble with my back sometimes." "Well, that's good," I said. "I mean that's good you could feel it if I were to go down there and kiss around." "You don't have to do that," she protested. "No, but I'd like to," I told her. She went stiff, and her hands fluttered nervously around my head for a bit, and she tried to pull me up, but once I'd gotten into a good position, moved her thighs apart and spread her outer labiae with my thumbs, she gave up and went along with it. The trouble wasn't so much her injury, it seemed, but her attitude about being a cripple. I suspected that she had given a blow job to other guys, but I doubted that any had returned the favor, let alone stick a cock into her. I intended to do both before I was finished with her. She was a little musky, but not bad, and my first, tentative lick along her outer lips tasted strong. But I got used to it quickly, so by the time she got puffy down there and began to get a little wet, I didn't have a problem with her female essence. I used my tongue and lips on her, and after a while, I was rewarded with soft moans from above and a moist, flowery opening down below. "Can you feel that okay?" "Yes," she sighed. "A little bit anyway." When I hesitated, she said, "No, please don't quit. Even if I can't feel everything, it still feels kind of nice." I went back to her sopping crotch. Her upper body was lifting, and her hips were stirring a little when I quit eating her out and slipped upward to lie close to her. "You about ready?" I asked, smiling at her. "I don't know how good it will be, but, please, let's try!" "I'm gonna go for it, but I need to know if you are using any birth control." "Oh, God," she whispered, "I'm not. I didn't even think about it." I leaned over and pulled a condom from my pocket, hoping she wouldn't resent the fact that I was so prepared. I always carried at least one, but girls seem to get upset when they discover I do. I knelt on the bed to roll the safety onto my blooming erection as Melanie watched me intently. "Want to help?" I grinned. She demurred, but at my urging, she finally did, giggling as she awkwardly rolled the latex down over my very ready organ. I began to wonder how much sexual experience she'd had prior to the accident. I moved over on top of her, and she helped by guiding my reborn erection to her darkly fringed crotch. I had to push her legs apart again, and then pull her knee up, but once I got down on her and pressed the head of my cock into her slightly dry vagina, things got easier. The lubrication on the condom helped. I took several slow and gentle strokes, testing the waters, so to say, feeling her become looser and a little wetter, and then bracing on my elbows as she held her arms around my neck, I began to ride on her with a gentle rhythm. The second fuck is always slower and less urgent, so it was no trouble to go easy on her. I stayed relaxed, taking the time to enjoy her growing response. She may have worried about it, but getting right down to it, she was every bit as good as many non-crippled girls. There's no such thing as a bad fuck, and some are even better. Her breath was beginning to whistle in my ear, and I could feel the sweat beginning to pop out on her chest and sides, so I asked her, "Mel, Honey, are you getting close?" "I don't know," she whimpered. "I'm not sure I can, so you just go ahead." "Just relax," I told her. "You just tell me when you want it." I took up a quicker pace, humping her with longer, faster strokes, and I was almost at the breaking point when she finally whispered for me to do it. I did, plunging into her without holding back, the bed bouncing and her legs flopping as I came, bursting into the condom to swell the tip with my eager sperm. The downside of using a latex safety is that once you've come, it gets risky to keep on pumping on a woman, and you have to call a halt. I was still about half hard then as I grasped the base of the rubber and eased out of her. I couldn't really tell if she had climaxed, but she certainly had seemed to enjoy it when I came. As I came up to my knees, looking for a good place to dispose of the used condom, Melanie surprised me by taking the soggy thing from my hand and gazing at the stuff sloshing around in the end of it. "Looks like a lot," she commented. "Thanks," I replied. "Did you ever get a girl pregnant?" "Not that I know of, thank heavens. I guess I'm pretty careful." "Hm. Have you ever tasted your own stuff?" It was a hell of a question, and of course I replied that I hadn't. Melanie did a strange thing then. She turned the condom upside down and let the semen dribble out all over her breasts and stomach. She smeared it around on her body and then looked up at me with a peculiar gleam in her wide eyes. "We can wipe it off, or you can lick it off, either way." She was handing me a very erotic challenge, and I accepted it. I began to lick up the semen from her boobs and then her belly, repressing my natural gag reflex and trying not to taste it, when I realized that Melanie was acting funny. She was breathing fast and groaning softly, her upper body arching into my moving tongue. She was orgasming, getting off from my licking my own virile slime from her body. She let out one long, low groan, went rigid, and then relaxed. I had to ask: "Holy cow, woman! Is that how you really get off?" Melanie shrugged, looking slightly embarrassed. "I don't know. I've never done anything like that before. It just seemed like, uh, something real sexy to do, so I asked you." The sexy little bitch! Up to that point, it had been fun, and maybe something I wouldn't mind doing again, but after that, I knew that I had to be with her again and again. "Do you think you could come any other way?" "I don't know," she replied. "I'd like to go on the Pill though because I'd like to have your gooey old stuff go right up in me, even if I can't feel it." So maybe the other guys wonder why I'm going steady with a girl who rides around in a wheelchair; but I don't give a damn, and they don't have to know why. Maybe Melanie can't dance, or can't move her bottom parts so well, or have a climax the usual way, but man, when we're in bed, that woman can suck the life out of me and beg for more. She loves my semen in her, on her, all over her, or anyway at all, and that brings her to a sizzling climax every time.
Benjamin Wick
An End to Loneliness
"I had a wonderful time, Warren," she said as they walked up the front steps and approached the mansion's door arm in arm. She smiled radiantly, and her violet eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Me too, Betsy. What's not to love about an enchanting evening of dining and dancing on the rooftops of New York City with the most beautiful British/Asian ninja telepath in the world?" he smirked. "No mean feat, considering I'm the only one we know of, Mr. Charmer," she slapped him on the shoulder. "Surely you can do better than that!" "Okay, okay, the most beautiful *woman* in the world," he amended. She looked skeptical for a moment, then smiled again. "Would you object if I were to probe your mind to verify the truth of that statement?" she challenged, grinning wryly. "Not at all..." Warren answered without hesitation. "Then I don't _have_ to. That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me," she crooned and planted an electric kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer, returning the kiss passionately, their bodies ground together, and his loins tingled with a hot, maddening sensation. He felt a pang of regret as they broke apart. He reached into his pocket and fished out his key. He opened the door and invited Betsy to enter with a bow of the head and a sweeping gesture with his arm. She nodded in acquiescence and stepped into the foyer ahead of him. They ascended the stairs to the second floor. At the top, Warren stood and looked at her awkwardly. He blushed a little, which created an interesting effect on his light blue skin. He didn't know how to proceed and felt like such an adolescent for it. He felt that he was getting all kinds of signals from Betsy all night, but hadn't been with a woman in two years; since his last long-time girlfriend Candy Southern was murdered as he watched helplessly, and they'd been serious for nearly six years. He didn't have sex with Charlotte Jones during their short relationship, as the right time never presented itself. So it had been almost eight years since he'd been in the position of first sexual encounter with a new lover! If Betsy was picking up any of this, she showed no sign. She just kissed him on the cheek and turned on her heel towards the left and the women's dormitories, sparing him a backwards glance and a wink. She sauntered off, as Warren was left to gape stupidly, watching her ass as it shifted beneath her slinky red evening gown before she disappeared around the corner, and wonder what the hell happened. "Damn!" he whispered through clenched teeth. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slightly in disappointment. Then he proceeded to follow Betsy halfway down the hall, taking a right just beyond the stairway to Ororo's attic, through the galley and into the bath and dressing rooms. He flicked on the light and began to undress, neatly folding his tuxedo and setting it aside. Warren took slight notice of the hard-on he was sporting. His nine-inch blue penis stood proudly up and out from his short bush of groomed, sharply contrasting blond pubic hair. He chastised himself inwardly, he hadn't been with a woman in two years, but still styled his pubic hair out of the force of habit that he'd made as a millionaire playboy. He was a compulsive groomer. He turned on the water in the shower and stepped inside. Warren sighed heavily and tried to relax and let the tension be washed away by the water rushing over his smoothly muscled body, and be carried down the drain. It wasn't working. Betsy had him so worked up that he could have just grabbed her and fucked them both senseless right there on the front steps. He chuckled a little, the Professor wouldn't be likely to appreciate that. Plus, Bobby could be back from Long Island with Rogue any time, a visit with his parents never lasted very long. Warren tried to imagine Bobby and Rogue profusely excusing themselves and stepping over and around he and Betsy's twisting, grunting, sweating bodies. Imagining this little scene wasn't helping him cool down any. Warren was lathering his hair and looked back down at his unebbing erection, he considered a moment and then closed his soapy fist around the massive organ and began to masturbate. He slid his slick fist furiously up and down his shaft and fantasized about Betsy until, standing on his toes with his arched back to the steaming water, he came, spilling out copious amounts of jizz from his aching, purple head. *That* was working. No substitute for Betsy's flesh, but it got rid of that maddening hard-on and loosened him up a bit. Besides, Warren was no stranger to jacking off during this two year, *and counting*, he thought with melancholy, dry spell. He finished his shower and dried himself off. He proceeded to the adjoining dressing rooms and found his bathrobe among the rest of the team's robes and a stockpile of standard blue and gold training uniforms. He put it on, picked up his tuxedo, and proceeded back through the galley, down the hall, past the staircase to the first floor and the foyer, and to the men's dormitory wing. As he approached the door to his room, he noticed that it was slightly ajar. Battle-honed suspicion kicked into high gear, he dropped the tux and squinted his eagle-sharp eyes. Fully tensed and ready to unfurl his deadly wings, he twisted into a stance from which he could slam the door wide open with a powerful side kick. <Warren,> the gentle telepathic voice reached him and calm flowed through his mind and body, stopping him in mid-kick. But the adrenaline didn't stop pumping into his system as he recognized the voice and realized what it must mean. He opened the door and turned the dimmer knob above the light switch, illuminating the room in a soft glow. Betsy sat stark naked at the edge of his four-poster bed, her left leg dangling over the side and the other tucked up under her. Her hands rested on her left knee, which caused her arms to press her enormous breasts together, creating an amazingly sensual effect. *Warren, my boy,* he thought to himself, *you're gonna get laid after all,* and unconsciously closed the door behind him.Betsy giggled a little with laughter like the tinkling of bells and said, "How perceptive you are, Mr. Worthington," as she slid off the bed's satin comforter, making a small swishing noise. She stood tall, and Warren marveled at her voluptuous yet athletic body. Smooth, flawless bronze skin, shapely limbs, a flat belly slightly rippled with the faint suggestion of feminine abs, large breasts with plum nipples that complemented her darkish skin beautifully, an elegant Asian face that managed to carry and suggest her British-born aristocracy in a unique effect, and flowing lustrous deep purple hair. Warren noticed that her little triangle of pubic hair was purple as well, meaning that while Betsy Braddock was blond by birth, Kwannon's exotic hair color must have been natural. Warren gulped and licked his lips in a nervous gesture, a sticky sweat popped up on his brow, and he trembled slightly as Betsy strode toward him confidently, heaving her chest with deep breaths - a no doubt intentional effect. She reached out to him, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on the base of his neck, and pulled herself to him, mashing herself against his body and fiercely kissing him. She finessed the folds of his robe open with her knees, and, positioning her left leg between his legs and her right leg alongside the outside of his left leg, she began to grind her crotch against his left hip. Lifting her left leg to his crotch, she began to rub his balls with it. Warren's eyes bulged, and his heartbeat became erratic, thumping in his chest and temples so hard he thought he might pass out. She had sucked his tongue into her mouth and was rolling hers around it, *she was <chewing> on his tongue!*, alternating between little nips at the tip with her incisors and grinding it lightly between her molars. Warren gasped deeply, forgetting to breathe through his nose, and almost choked. Betsy sent a telepathic cascade of laughter, like a babbling brook, across his mind. She continued to suck his face, tickling the roof of his mouth and licking his teeth for a while before she began to close her mouth, forcing his to close with it by sucking the air out of him. A loud, astoundingly dry, smacking sound was produced when both their lips came together, and the seal was broken. Warren let out a nervous laugh, little "huh" sounds between gasps for breath. "Wow," he whispered sincerely with glazed eyes. Betsy untied his robe and pushed it over his shoulders so that it dropped off his body. She put her hands on his hips and lowered to her knees. *Good Lord!* he thought, his head spinning, *The <kiss> almost got me off!* Betsy cradled his genitals in her hands, cupping his sack in her palms and holding his stiff member between her thumbs. She massaged his nuts and gently kissed the head of his cock, wetting it with saliva. She tilted it upward and flattened her tongue onto his balls, slowly running it up the underside of his shaft and, upon reaching the end, swiftly gulped down his entire penis, tightened her lips snugly around the base of his dick, and slowly retreated to the head, which she began to polish with her tongue. Then she licked the side of his cock in a back and forth motion before taking it back into her mouth and continued to give him the best head of his life, sucking, licking, and nibbling him into new heights of ecstasy. "Wait," he panted, heavily setting his hand on her head when he was teetering on the edge of an orgasm. She disengaged and stood, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. He was beginning to get over his initial shock and befuddlement and was ready to take a more confident and active role. He took her by the waist and guided her to the bed. He lifted her into his arms and slid onto the bed, setting her down with her head on the pillows. He opened her legs and sat between them with his legs folded under him. She was so beautiful, lying naked on red satin, one arm lay slightly crooked at her side, the other bent in a right angle, lying palm upward. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were slightly parted. Her head was tilted to one side, stretching her elegant long neck. Warren was drawn to that neck; he bent down and kissed it gently. She smelled of tropical flowers, light and sweet. He trailed kisses down her body, lingering on her breasts and belly. He was forced to untuck his legs and lie flat as he moved downward. Now he was propped on his elbows between her silky thighs, his face only inches in front of her pussy. He reached out and placed two fingers on the soft folds of her labia, which were the same plum color of her nipples, and spread them open to reveal the glistening pink within. He touched the tip of his tongue to that pink flesh, capturing the salty tang of her juices. Betsy moaned slightly. Warren clamped his mouth onto her mound and forced his tongue inside of her, slithering it along her petal-like folds and grinding her clitoris. Betsy writhed and twisted. As Warren continued his oral ministrations, she reached her first climax and began to thrash around so hard he could hardly keep his lips affixed, so he slid his arms under her legs and locked them around her thighs. He rose to his knees, lifting her hips and leaving only her head and shoulders still in contact with the bed, he pressed on with determination, relentlessly licking and sucking and pulling at her folds with his lips. She came noisily again, and he was spurred on by her reaction and the musky smell of her fluids. Less than a minute later, she came a third time, and he stopped eating her out and set her down. Betsy lay there catching her breath, covered in a glistening sheen of sweat, her chest and abdomen heaving. Warren leaned over and kissed her on the mouth once before inserting his dick between her wet and swollen pussy lips and into her tight channel with a low grunt. He rammed it in to the hilt, until he felt his sack come to rest between her buttocks. He was instantly enraptured by the hot sensation and saw double for a moment. He didn't really realize how much he missed this and was struck all at once by overwhelming passion, love for Betsy, and joy at their sharing this, and bittersweet memories of Candy. Taken by a brilliant spontaneous and exciting whim, he lifted Betsy's shoulders up, crossing his arms behind her back. He pressed her to his chest and rolled the two of them over. He sat up, scooted over to the edge of the bed, and stood, holding Betsy off the ground by pressing one arm across her back and supporting her under the ass with the other, all the while managing to keep himself deep inside of her. Betsy squealed a little with surprise by this sudden and swift movement, reflexively grabbing his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his hips to keep from falling. "What are you..?" she stammered, staring at him with a look of confusion. He just smiled broadly at her and didn't answer. He disabled the security on his windows by entering his code on the remote control that lay on the nightstand. He proceeded to the window, bracing her against the sill for a moment while he threw it open. "Don't scream, please," he asked her quietly, "We've already made too much racket," he grinned and pushed forward, sending them tumbling into the night. "Warren!" she yelped, her eyes widening impossibly as she clutched him crushingly tight. "Are you crayzeeeeeeee?!" she hissed; to her credit, very quietly as they plunged from the second-story window. Warren spread his wings wide and arched upward at the last second, Betsy's hair brushed the lawn as their momentum was redirected. They shot upward at a nauseating velocity, Warren giggling to himself at Betsy's expression. Her teeth were clenched, and her eyes were shut tightly, a tear escaped from the corner of an eye and swiftly ran down her cheek, dragged by the "G" forces. Warren stopped climbing and began to hover. Betsy shivered against him, looking ill, and cautiously opened her eyes. He began to laugh heartily. "*You* _bastard!_" she exclaimed. He stopped laughing and looked her dead in the eyes solemnly. "Oh, come on, Betsy! Look around you and try to tell me you don't want to be here," as he spoke, his eyes swept the sky and came to rest looking down at the mansion. Her eyes followed his. She looked at the mansion, seeming small below them, then over to the horizon and the forested Appalachian mountains, bathed in the soft moonlight. She gasped slightly and smiled, her face softening and her stifling grip loosening. The starry fall nights of urban Westchester in the New York highlands were always gorgeous, but infinitely more so from this altitude. "Oh, Warren! I haven't flown since I was Captain Britain! It's been so long... two lifetimes ago, it seems... since I've experienced the freedom and wonder of the skies!" "You're forgiven," she breathed and kissed him deeply. Warren, having kept still inside her for so long, began to pump his hips slowly, sliding his organ in and out in long, sensuous strokes. He held her tightly to him, burying his face in her neck and hair as she twined her legs around his and stroked and kneaded his buttocks. They screwed in a vertical position, bobbing up and down slightly against a backdrop of stars as he flapped his wings sporadically.The heat of their bodies quickly rose to protect them against the chilly autumn night. After a few minutes, Warren reoriented them, turning so that they were horizontal, with Betsy hanging underneath. He held her legs to his sides, and she hooked her arms under his armpits and gripped his shoulders from behind. Confident that she wouldn't fall, he began to fly, soaring over the estate's grounds. He proceeded toward the mountains and the jet hangar, pistoning furiously and grunting while they kissed and licked all over each other's faces, throats, and ears. Soon, Betsy came, spasming violently. Warren had never seen a woman react to an orgasm like she did! He was worried about one of them losing their grip, so he rolled them over so that he was facing the sky and turned back towards the estate. Betsy regained her composure and sat up, balancing across his hips and bracing her hands against his shoulders as he closed his on her waist. She began to ride him, moving in sync with his thrusts as though they were choreographed, as if one was an extension of the other. Warren noticed that they were passing Scott and Jean's place and soon were over Breakstone Lake, when Betsy suddenly straightened bolt upright. She swayed back and forth, stroking her breasts and trailing her hands up her neck into her hair, pulling it up above her head and licking her lips. She looked so ethereally beautiful to Warren, her face, breasts, and belly bathed in luminescent moonlight. She was positively aglow! Warren gazed at her long and hard, his eyes caressing her soft form, over the contours of her body. He looked past his sweaty pecs and abs to their joined regions. He watched his cock as it plunged in and out of her and felt the inevitable climax building, he moaned and growled as Betsy panted and squealed, she was going to come too. He drew her back down to him and steeled himself for it. Suddenly, he felt Betsy in his mind and became disoriented by strange, alien sensations that were coming to him. He struggled to understand and realized that she was linking them, allowing him to experience what she was feeling! He felt like he was going to burst as she synchronized and shared their orgasms, literally doubling the staggering sensation. All reality seemed to explode and fall apart around him, his groin burned with the white-hot ecstasy of the senses-shattering super orgasm. Warren's muscles locked, and his eyes bulged, he howled out loud and lost control of his wings. They dropped from the sky like a stone and landed in the lake's cove with a splash. Warren was shocked by how cold the water felt against his hot skin and swallowed a lot of water before surfacing. He was barely able to tread water, his muscles felt like jelly. He scanned the water, searching for Betsy. There she was, sputtering and coughing. He doggy-paddled over to her. "Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded with one last cough and smiled mischievously, flicking her eyebrows upward twice rapidly, as if to say "you like?" "That was un-*fucking*-be*lieve*able!" he answered to her silent query, "Pardon the pun." "Of course," she nodded her head toward the shore and began to swim away. Warren stared, wondering where she got the energy to move that fast. Then he began to follow and was surprised that his strength was rapidly recovering. She reached the beach, halfway between Scott and Jean's cottage and the cove's peninsula, before him. She crawled a little way inland and rolled over onto her back, propped herself up on her hands and lifted her knees. She began to slowly open and close them. Warren rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, she was absolutely relentless! He crawled up to her and, since he wouldn't be able to get hard again for about fifteen minutes, he took one of her breasts into both of his hands and leaned over to close his mouth around the nipple. He began to suck forcefully and nip at it as he ran his right hand down her abdomen and laid his palm against her pubic hair, stroking her labia and clitoris gently with his middle finger. He worked open the folds with his index and ring fingers, and inserted his middle, followed by his index, into her vagina. Betsy shuddered and groaned as he stroked up and down, by approaching the pussy from above and arching the fingers into the channel, the clitoris was constantly stimulated, when coming at it from ahead would completely miss it. By her reaction, Betsy obviously appreciated the technique. She ground her pelvis into the sand, thrashing her head back and forth as he noisily sucked her breasts and furiously fingered her. She reached down and took Warren's limp penis into her hands, brushing it between her fingers and thumb until it was erect. She closed her fist around it just as she came, squeezing it painfully. Warren gritted his teeth until it was over, and she began to slowly stroke it as if she were milking a cow; pinching the base between thumb and forefinger and pulling down. Shortly, she came again, her pussy was becoming quite slick, and Warren was wearing his arm out by fingerfucking her so quickly. When she climaxed a third time, he felt his drawing close. <Spray my tits,> he received the telepathic order. He frowned slightly. Being the cultured gentleman he was, he found splattering a woman slightly distasteful and disrespectful. Making her swallow was absolutely unforgivable, that's why he told her to stop when she was blowing him. But, she was requesting it, so he was willing to do as she said. He rose to his knees, and she propped herself on one elbow, taking his cock in her hand and giving a final few jerks. He breathed harshly through his teeth, squirting on her gigantic bosom. She held onto his spasming dick, and laughing with delight and aiming it like a firehose, she coated her tits. She aimed it just below the base of her throat most of the time, allowing the jizz to run down her cleavage, some of it oozed down her belly and collected in her navel. Warren gaped at the incredible amount of glistening semen that was glazing her mountainous breasts. She laid back down on the sand. <Fuck them,> she ordered, pressing the heels of her hands on the sides of her breasts and rubbing them together. "But I just..." he protested. She cut him off by shaking her head and gesturing at his still-erect member. He was astounded, his cock was showing no signs of becoming flaccid, it was still as hard as ever. He wondered how the hell that could be, then figured it must be Betsy's doing. Mastery of the brain is mastery of the central nervous system. She was preventing the inevitable "crash" that was part of coming down from an orgasm, a fair comparison being how a drug user's system crashes when coming down from a high. *This* was a pleasant utilization of telepathic abilities he'd never thought of before! He straddled her stomach and inserted his penis between her slippery tits. He began to pump, and she squeezed his tool tight between her breasts, alternating between grinding them in a circular motion and sliding them to mirror his thrusts. The sensations were very pleasant, the softness of her plump breasts, the sticky tackiness of his come, and the warmth the friction created. He removed his hands from his hips and began to tweak her nipples, circling the bumpy areolas with the pads of his fingertips and pinching and pulling the nipples gently. He continued to piston for only a couple more minutes when he felt his climax approaching, much sooner than usual. He guessed that if given the chance, men's orgasms happened closer together as they continued to have them, just as women do. Women are capable of having multiple orgasms after prolonged stimulation, orgasms so close together that you can hardly tell them apart. With Betsy, Warren could have multiple orgasms! He would have to try that sometime, and shelved the thought away. He threw his head back in the air, moaning and grunting as he came, the ejaculate spraying out from between her tits and drenching her lips, chin, and neck. Betsy was laughing again, she just loved to be coated in a man's juices. Warren guessed that one of his old habits was about to change while he was partnered with her. Warren stood, and Betsy reached for his hand. He took it and helped to pull her up. She stepped back a couple of paces from him, that disturbing little grin was back. Warren was wondering what the hell she was up to when she scooped some of the jizz off of her body and smeared her palm into his face playfully. Before he had the chance to yell and freak out, wipe his face and spit, she smashed her body against his. Holding him in a tight bear hug, she licked his face and kissed him, forcing her messy tongue into his mouth. Though it was surprisingly tasteless, he was still pretty grossed out. *She really loves this stuff,* he thought to himself. Suddenly, she released his mouth and tackled him into the water, making him forget all about her little trick as they wrestled and played around in the lake. They horsed around like teenagers, splashing and dunking each other, laughing and making idle threats. After about fifteen minutes, Betsy made for the shore, and Warren gave chase. He reached the beach only a few steps behind her and sprinted, knocking her to the sand. They necked for a little while, and Betsy ended up lying halfway on top of him, her head on his chest as he stroked and ran his fingers through her drying hair."I love you, Betsy," he whispered and kissed the top of her head. Warren felt her cheek pull upward into a smile, and she snuggled closer against him. "I love you too," he heard her say as he drifted off to sleep. A little more than three hours later, Warren awoke. He squinted against the light of the sunrise and stretched, yawning. Then his eyes snapped open as he realized that they had fallen asleep on the beach. "*Shit!* Betsy!" he shouted, shaking her. "What?" she moaned groggily, annoyed. Then her eyes flew open, and she sat up, her eyes flicking back and forth to confirm their location. "*Shit!*" she hissed. "I already said that," Warren quipped, standing up and brushing the sand off his naked body and shaking out his hair. Betsy did the same. "C'mon," he said, holding out his arms. She went to him, and he picked her up. He covered the distance between the lake and the mansion, flying low, at an altitude about equal to his height. They reached the wing that held the men's dormitory, and Warren's window was directly above and still open. They were standing in front of the window to Professor Xavier's office. Warren happened to glance inside and noticed a gathering. He quickly shot upward to the second floor, hoping that they weren't spotted. He set Betsy on the window sill, and she climbed in; he followed. "What's going on down there?" he asked. "The Professor has summoned Hank, Scott, Ororo, Jean, Bishop, and Bobby. They must be briefing for a mission," she answered. He picked his robe up off the floor and handed it to her. "Here, get back to your room with this. I hope Charles didn't want either of us for the assignment, so that no one's looking for us," he paused. "I noticed, none of your clothes are in here. You came here like that?" "Yes, I scanned everyone but you as being asleep, and I expected you to be in here. I thought that coming to your door naked would be fun," she smiled, putting on the robe. "I was inspired by your comment last night that we should 'cut to the chase'," she quoted. There was a knock at the door, "Hey, buddy," it was Bobby's voice. Warren and Betsy froze. The door swung open as Bobby continued, "Are you gettin' up or wha... ohboy," he whispered, staring at Betsy. Warren, though he was the one who was still naked, stepped in front of her. "I..." Bobby stammered, averting his eyes, "The Prof sent me to..." Betsy moved around Warren and brushed past Bobby. "Drake, *get the hell out of here!*" Warren snarled, turning him by the shoulders and pushing him out the door. Warren took a step into the hall and heard Rogue's voice. "There you are, Betsy," she was saying, "me an' Remy were just looking for you in your room," sure enough, Remy was right behind her as usual. It was sickening, the way he tailed her every move. He made eye contact with Warren and covered his mouth, snickering. Then Rogue saw him too. She blushed and turned her back, swiftly proceeding toward the stairs. Remy opened his mouth to say something rude, and Rogue barked "Gambit!". He dropped it and followed her, stealing a backward glance to Warren, he winked and gave him a "thumbs up." Warren covered his face with his hand and retreated into his room, slamming the door. *Even without Jubilee around, this will spread,* he thought, plopping onto his bed. He smiled, *But given the chance, I wouldn't have changed a thing.* <Betsy sent> *Me neither, luv.* This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. No more brooding in solitary for Warren, Apocalypse was months dead, and Warren had met a woman to pull him out of the darkness he'd allowed himself to grow comfortable in. It was no longer enough, and he was ready to rejoin the land of the living. Pushed into action by Jubilee's biting words, he'd allowed himself to love again. And he'd never felt so good in his life. -The End-
XXX-Men #1 (Archangel & Psylocke)
Crossed Wires
"Chris, you're positively leering!" Donna scolded. I tried to hide my guilty blush by turning all my attention to checking the electrode contacts. But it was too late, I'd been caught. "You're planning to grow yourself to 10 inches again! You are! I've told I won't suck that thing if it's an inch above 8. Aha! You're blushing. I'm on to you! You change the program right now, Chris, or I swear I won't do the sim with you." "But you won't mind how big I am during the sim," I protested. "In fact you'll love it." "Of course I'll love it 'cause it's sim. But I'll remember every detail when I come out and it's the principal of the thing!" Heaving an exaggerated sigh, I slipped off my wrist electrodes and turned to the console. It had been worth a try, but I'd pushed my luck too far the last time when I programmed the simulation to enlarge my member to an unprecedented 12". I'd even taken the precaution of creating a doctored tape measure within the sim so that if she tried to call me on the length, I could conclusively demonstrate I was "only" 8. But Donna had seen through that ploy and now was showing me she meant business. Putting on my most contrite expression, I quickly called up the body editor and reduced the cock length from 10" to 8 1/2". She won't notice that extra half inch, I reflected. Despite this small setback, I had reason to be proud. Over the past few days, I'd programmed this sim down to the minutest details. When activated, the system would plunge Donna and myself into a virtual world indistinguishable from the real one in all but two important respects: we'd have the kind of bodies that one only sees in porn flicks, and we'd be able to make use of those bodies in all sorts of fun ways without tiring, getting sore, bruising each other, or worrying about "consequences". "You're gonna love it, Donna. This is my best yet. You won't forget this one." I gave her a lascivious wink. "You'll need a PDA just to keep track of your orgasm count!" She grinned. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!" One last check of the wrist electrodes. Green leads for Donna, red leads for myself. The programmer always gets the red leads because they carry the control lines. I couldn't suppress another little grin as I remembered the alternative names for the red and the green leads: "master" and "slave". I wondered whether Donna knew how appropriate those names really were. Did she appreciate exactly how much of my programming effort was spent specifying exactly what emotional and bodily sensations she'd feel during the course of the sim so that she'd perform according to the exact script of my erotic fantasies? Nothing left to do but hit the activator switch. A slight buzzing at the wrists, a momentary feeling of pressure and then... Here it was, exactly as I'd designed it. The sim had dropped us into the interior of a beach house whose floor plan I'd shamelessly copied from the October edition of the AIA journal. Outside, a clear, moonless night and the distant sound of breakers. Inside, a rather eccentric style of interior decoration. Couches, futons, beanbag chairs, hammocks, and pillows galore. Anything and everything that you ever might want to fuck in, on or under. Not a table or hard chair in sight. (We weren't there to eat, after all.) I glanced over to the ladder that led to the sleeping loft. Looked good. Unobtrusive cabinets set in the walls here and there would open to reveal a panoply of useful toys. Mirrors, of course. Not too many to be vulgar, but enough. I sniffed the faint salt breeze, ran my hands over the rough surface of pine paneling. I beamed in delight. Visual, aural, olfactory and somatosensory channels were all working perfectly. I had programmed the simulation to delay initiating the body morph for a few minutes. Donna had materialized a few yards away from me and was checking the place out, approvingly running her fingers over the patterned silk upholstery of one of the sofas. Her outline had a slightly shimmery look as she moved around relative to the background, but this would soon disappear as the sim's compensation routines kicked in. "Better get a good look around now, Donna," I thought to myself, "because in a couple of minutes all your attention is going to be taken up by something else entirely!" The morph was beginning. I could feel the vibration in my groin and chest. In some ways this was the part I enjoyed the most. In a moment my limbs would start to bulge with musculature. My abdomen would harden, my pecs would swell. My stature would increase by an inch, my complexion would become impeccable, my teeth would become whiter than white and, of course... Well, as you already know, the crotch of my pants would bulge with the aforementioned eight-and-a-half inches of man meat and a pair of balls that would do a bull proud. Goodbye Chris Welch, average guy. Hello super-stud! Wait. This didn't feel quite right. Was something wrong? Instead of the expected tightening at the crotch of my pants, things felt looser somehow. In fact there was this really bizarre shrinking sensation. Not just in my groin, but like my whole body was getting smaller. And those twin swellings on my chest that were making my shirt bulge: those weren't pectorals, those were...! I swung around to stare at the nearest mirror just as I realized what was happening. I was changing, my features melting with the rapidity of a bar of butter caught in the microwave. My chin receded, became delicate. My cheekbones became higher and more prominent and the ridge of my eyebrows less so. My nose shrank and assumed a pert upward turn at the tip. My lips swelled and reddened. Long eyelashes swept upward from limpid blue eyes. Blonde tresses caressed my shoulders. I was so caught up in the horror and fascination of what was happening to my face that I almost missed the transformation of my body. Recovering myself, I found that the changes below the neck were the match of those above. Firm, heavy breasts bobbed above a slender waist. Flaring hips and long sexy legs. My genitals? I started to reach downward for an inspection and then checked myself. I could guess what I would (wouldn't?) find. The morph had finished with my body and was at work on my clothes. My flannel shirt took on a life of its own and squirmed snakelike across my chest, transforming itself into a translucent violet teddy with a neckline plunging to the navel and a hem that barely covered my ass.Starting at the ankles and working upwards, my pants began to evaporate, finally leaving a skimpy pair of filmy panties pulled tight across my ass crack and my snatch. I stared at my image in the mirror, the truth slowly sinking in. The transformation was complete. I was the spitting image of Donna, or at least Donna as she might appear in the wet dreams of a sex-starved 15-year-old with a perpetual hard-on. A steamy sex kitten with pouty lips and languorous heavy-lidded eyes. A body that cried out to be fucked hard. In short, the body I had so carefully designed for my partner! "What in hell trick are you pulling, Chris?" thundered a deep bass voice from behind me. A strong hand grasped my shoulder from behind. "Donna!" I thought as I whirled around, my breasts bouncing around so much that I almost lost balance. Staring down at me with an expression of shocked amusement was... me. Me on steroids and a heavy exercise program. Donna had the body that I was supposed to be wearing. Everything from the athlete's musculature to the full chest of hair. She wore nothing but a black g-string, whose fabric was stretched to nearly the breaking point from the weight of its contents. With a height differential of nearly a foot, I had to crane my head upward to look into Donna's/my face. This was too disconcerting, so I settled for looking into the hollow at the base of her neck. "This wasn't--" I broke off at hearing my new voice for the first time. Donna's voice, but pitched slightly higher and with an almost imperceptible lisp that gave it a cutesy girlish effect. I swallowed once and continued. "Donna, I didn't plan this. Something must have gone wrong with the sim. We'll have to abort." "Computer, abort sim." Nothing happened. I tried again in as authoritative a tone as my little girl voice would allow. "Computer, end sim immediately." Still no response from the system. Not the slightest hiccup in continuity. Donna gently but firmly took my head in her hands and tilted my head so that I had to look her directly in the face. Distractedly I found myself wondering if I hadn't made the chin cleft too prominent. "What's the matter," she asked in her deep masculine voice, "can't you stop the sim?" "The system doesn't seem to be responding to me. The identity recognition routines must have gotten scrambled somehow. If I don't have the control lines, you must. You'll have to do it Donna. Say 'computer, abort sim'." She chuckled deep in her chest and slowly caressed my cheek. "But you promised me a sim that I wouldn't forget. I intend to take you up on your promise." "Donna, you wouldn't," I whispered. "You don't know how." Again a chuckle. "Then I'll just have to figure it out as we go along, won't I, my little lovebird?" Outwardly I moaned as a sudden wave of erotic desire washed over me. Inwardly I cringed. By saying "little lovebird" Donna had inadvertently hit on one of the trigger phrases I had set up to activate certain behavior programs. Too late it occurred to me that it might be a mistake to use our pet names as triggers. But this was no time for regret. I was in heat, my whole body aching to be touched, taken. I grasped Donna's hand and began to kiss and lick the fingers, savoring the salty taste of her (his?) skin. Putting a strong arm behind my back, she (he?) leaned down and kissed me roughly. Our lips met and parted, and her strong tongue explored my mouth. I felt like I was dissolving with pleasure. Every square inch of my skin tingled with delight. And this was just the first kiss. What would it be like to be mounted, I thought, to feel a penis push its way into the deep recesses of my cunt? "Don't think such things," I shouted inwardly. "You're a man, not a woman!" But outwardly what I said was "Oh lover, you turn me on so much! Let's go find someplace comfortable." "Whatever you want, kitten," my lover responded, triggering another set of preprogrammed responses. Donna picked me up, carrying my body effortlessly in her (his?) arms. She strode over to a double-size beanbag chair and tossed me on to it. This most recent trigger had made me acutely aware of my breasts. Settling myself into the chair, I caressed the undersides of my breasts, pushing them up and together in order to emphasize my cleavage. With a long red fingernail, I rubbed a tense nipple through the delicate fabric of my teddy while making sidelong glances at Donna. "Do you like my titties?" I lisped. "Very impressive." Donna lay down beside me and squeezed my left breast with her sinewy hand. I let out a gasp of pleasure as lightning radiated outward from my nipple. "Size DDD aren't they?" I pouted. "No sir. Not more than a D. I promise. Oh, please keep touching me there. Don't stop." Donna did stop, though, so that she could tug open the top of her g-string and inspect the contents. "I see. Not more than a D. And I suppose this big piece of sausage is only 8 inches?" She tore off the flimsy fabric, revealing a rock-hard erection. In this woman's body, I had no control over my expressions. I blushed a deep crimson from the roots of my hair down to my chest. "Well, not exactly. But it's only a half inch..." Donna smiled and chucked me under the chin. "Under the circumstances, I should be grateful. Besides, you're the one who's going to have to suck it," she fixed me with a sharp gaze and said deliberately "my little cocksucker." I let out a sigh that was a funny admixture of relief and sexual frustration. She hadn't hit on the right trigger that time. My breasts were still at the center of my arousal. I would have given her a boob job in an instant, but the thought of oral sex didn't push my buttons just yet. I rubbed my nipples and imagined her thick cock slowly working its way in and out between my cleavage. I think I would have come that way in a few minutes, but Donna had others things in mind. "Don't you want to suck on me, my lovebird?" she asked. Instantly my attention was again focused on the man's body next to mine. I rolled over onto her, and gave her such a long and passionate French kiss that it left me gasping. With a casual movement, Donna pushed the straps of my teddy off my shoulders so that my breasts came free, and I gratefully rubbed them against her chest hair, feeling delicious tingling sparks with every movement. I covered Donna's lips with numerous little kisses and bites, and then moved my mouth to the base of her neck. Moaning slightly, I ran my tongue back and forth in the hollow. Donna put one hand on each shoulder and pushed. "I think it's time for fellatio," she insisted. I slid willingly about four inches, but when I saw her male nipples peeking out from underneath the curly chest hair, I had the overwhelming desire to suckle. I took her right nipple between my lips and sucked and bit slightly. I was immediately rewarded by a tautening of the little pink nipple and an ill-suppressed groan of pleasure. I giggled and continued suckling. "Oh baby, that feels so good!" Donna cried out. But now new desires were surging through me. "Baby" was the trigger word for oral sex. I straightened up, propping my arms on my lover's shoulders so that I could look into her handsome face. "I want to suck you so bad," I said, licking my lips sluttishly. "I want to take your cock meat into my mouth and swallow it whole. I want to feel your great big balls bouncing against my chin and your great big cum fill up my mouth." I felt so ashamed to hear these words come out of my mouth in that inane little girl's voice. There was nothing I could do. I had entered those words into the sim program several days before, and had not coded them as optional. What had I coded as optional? Certainly not what happened next. My mind was filled with images of cock. Big cocks, little cocks, straight cocks, twisted cocks. And for each cock I had only one desire: suck on it deep and vigorously until it filled my mouth with semen. "Is this what it feels like to be gay?" I thought. "Am I going to be permanently changed by this?" Moaning and giggling, I kissed Donna's nipple goodbye. I kissed her rock-hard rectus abdominus muscles, flirtingly stuck my tongue into her navel, and then planted butterfly kisses in a semicircle above and to either side of her straining member. I found the adductor muscles on either side of the balls (the muscles of horse-riding and doggy sex, came the distracting thought) and playfully bit them. Then I grabbed the cock by its base and examined it closely for the first time. It's hard to describe my feelings. My real self is confirmedly heterosexual. I knew that being so close to a man's cock, so close that I could smell its special scent, so close that I could feel its radiating warmth on my face, should have filled me with shame and revulsion. But the sim programming was completely dominant. Instead of revulsion, I felt admiration. "Oh, it's sooooo big!" I exclaimed, and I meant it. I knew it was only 8 1/2 inches, but to my beglamoured eyes it could easy have been 12. And so thick around! I wasn't sure I'd even be able to get the thing past my lips, but I was sure as hell going to try. I cupped Donna's balls with my left hand while swiveling the cock closer to my mouth with my right. The balls were so gigantic that I couldn't hold them both comfortably in my petite hand. I sent out an experimental lick, just grazing the tip of the glans with the tip of my tongue. I looked up. Donna was watching with fascination. "Stop me. Stop the sim," I whispered hoarsely. "But you love to do this, don't you?" she answered wickedly. I couldn't reply. I had begun to lick the cock like a little girl tasting her first popsicle. From base to tip, over and over again, my moist tongue ran over the entire length of the organ.It had seemed rock hard when I started, but this treatment made it stiffen even further, gradually changing in color from pink to red to almost purple. Donna groaned out something incoherent. She seemed to like this. Parting my thick lips, I took the glans into my mouth, delighting in the sweet flavor of pre-cum. Then I took the cock deeper, and deeper, and yet deeper into my mouth, until my nose was flush with the pubic hair and the cock was halfway down my throat. I have heard conflicting rumors about the reality of deep-throating. Certainly no woman has actually done that to me in real life. In sim, though, almost anything is possible, and I deep-throated Donna with a vengeance, her cock pushing its way down like a sword-swallower's sword. I don't know how long this went on. I was in ecstasy; sometimes deep-throating, sometimes licking and sucking on the shaft from the side, and sometimes bringing Donna right to the edge with a combined blow and hand job. When Donna began to buck and thrash around, I knew she was ready. I carefully inserted the long red-painted fingernail of my little pinky into her butthole. This is what works with me, and since I programmed the sim, it worked for Donna too. Instantly, she began to come, crying out and pumping great wads of thick semen into my mouth. I tried to swallow it all, but it was too much for me and some dripped onto my chin and chest. Obsessed with the desire to have it all, I wiped it up with my hand and licked my fingers hungrily. "Mmmmmm, that was nice," said the man with my voice and Donna's mind. He (she?) drew me up and languidly kissed my forehead before settling deeper into the beanbag chair. I enjoy napping after oral sex, so I'd built in some time for it in the sim. Donna would now sleep for about 10 minutes. I knew what was coming next. Combined, the taste of semen and the sound of a sleeping man's rhythmic breathing were the trigger for the next scene of my sim fantasy, a scene in which Donna was supposed to play a solo role. But our roles were reversed. It was now my performance. Until now, my new cunt had not merited much thought. I couldn't help being aware of how hot and moist I had become during that first kiss and embrace, but until now the triggers that had been used had chiefly aroused the erogenous zones of my mouth and breasts. Now it was different. My cunt and clit became swollen and demanding of attention. Even the slightest movement of my legs created such sensations in my crotch that I had to struggle not to moan. Quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeper, I rose and tiptoed over to the other end of the room, reveling in every stride as cunt juices leaked out and moistened my inner thighs. I stopped at a velvet loveseat and turned it slightly to face a mirror. If I were going to do this, I thought, at least I'd do it right. I stripped off my teddy and stood for an instant in front of the mirror in nothing but my damp panties. Quickly I stripped them off too and tossed them into a corner. Entranced, I gazed at myself. "Shamelessly hussy," I thought, as I looked at my pubes, shaved except for a little patch of blonde hair at the top. Still watching the mirror, I lay down in the love seat, throwing one leg over the armrest. "What does a clit feel like when it's yours?" I wondered, running my fingers gently over my vulva. I pushed just hard enough so that my cunt lips separated and a red fingernail brushed the clit. "Ooooooh!" I gasped, "that's what it feels like." I masturbated eagerly, rubbing my clit first with one finger and then with two. I tried teasing it gently with flicking movements of my fingers. I tried rubbing it vigorously with the palm of my hand. I learned how to moisten it with my free-flowing cunt juices and rub it back and forth between my thumb and index finger. I pushed three fingers of one hand into my cunt while playing with my clit with the other, creating a most satisfying sensation. And I came. Several times I think, each one more intense than the next. I must have screamed out, because when I came to, I was lying on the floor beside the love seat, Donna beaming down at me with a slightly condescending smile. "Having fun?" she asked. How embarrassing. "I think I've had enough for today," I lisped. "Let's go now." "But how can we go now? We haven't screwed yet. You wouldn't want to leave without getting laid, would you? My little bed bug... my lizard... my spring chicken... my pop tart..." Donna was running down the list of my pet names for her, watching me intently for signs to indicate that she'd hit a trigger. Not only did she hit one, she hit several in succession. I reeled dizzily under the rapid fire of one erotic fantasy after the next. At last I shouted out "Oh god, fuck me now! Fuck me now!" Donna got the hint. "Let's do it in the loft." She strode over to the ladder and climbed it two rungs at a time, the muscles of her (his?) athlete's body rippling. I followed more slowly, careful not to bang my breasts on the way up. On the way up, I tried to examine my internal state. It seems I lucked out. Although Donna had left me in a state of full arousal, it was one in which I had some discretion over what I'd do. I was going to get screwed all right -- probably several times -- but at least I wasn't going to humiliate myself by doing something kinky. I winced, thinking of some of the things I might have been forced into if Donna had stumbled onto the right trigger phrases. The floor of the loft was entirely covered by an immense, deep featherbed. The only other thing up there was pillows of various sizes and shapes. Donna reclined nonchalantly in the center, fully erect, and examining her penis with an amused air. "I think it's time for me to find out what this thing can do." I knelt on Donna's lap, resting my ass on her sinewy thighs so that her cock came up between my legs. "Take me now, lover," I whispered. I rubbed my hairless cunt against her member, lightly coating it with cunt juices. Donna responded without hesitation. In a blink of an eye, I was on my back, legs dangling in the air over my partner's shoulders, and pussy filled with pumping cock. Did I like it? Of course I did. The sim programming didn't give me any choice. I loved being fucked in the pussy. I savored every moment of it. I cried out again and again, in my high little voice, "Oh god! Fuck me! Fill my pussy! You're screwing me in the cunt! Oh deeper! Oh harder!" Soon I wasn't saying anything, just gasping with pleasure as multiple orgasms swept over me. We did it twice again after that, once with me on top, my heavy breasts bouncing up and down in rhythm with our pumping, and again with me on the bottom. At last, spent, we cuddled together in the depths of the feather bed. Donna stroked my cheek and kissed me again. "I guess it's time to end the sim, puppy dog. I'm ready to be a woman again. You can wear the pants from now on." I froze. Did she say "puppy dog"? What a fool I was! This was the trigger to a subroutine that I had programmed idly one night, but never intended to put to use. Partly as a little joke and partly as a safety measure, I had deliberately chosen a "pet" name that Donna used for me, not vice versa. I was going to have a lot of explaining to do if Donna saw this subroutine go into effect. My only hope was to hold out against the sim-manufactured urges until she stopped the run. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and clenched my fists. But it was no good. The urges were too strong. In a moment, I had risen to all fours and was frisking and bounding around the loft like an excited puppy, yipping excitedly. "Chris, what are you doing?" Donna cried with alarm. "Chris?" I bounded over to her, still on all fours, and panted with my mouth open. Suddenly I gave her face a big wet lick with my tongue. I spun around, pushing my butt upwards and wagging it back and forth like a happy dog. I barked encouragingly. Donna had begun to catch on, and seemed none too happy about it. "You were going to do *that* to me?!" she boomed in her deep voice. "I get it. 'Puppy dog'! Make me act like a bitch in heat so that you could take me doggie style? You know I don't like doing it that way! You fucking asshole!" Things were going from bad to worse. "Fucking asshole" was another trigger phrase; Donna wasn't going to like this a bit. But at least I wouldn't have to bark any longer. I found my voice. In words thick with passion, I said, "Yes. Please fuck me in the asshole. Stick your cock deep into my butt. Fill me to the hilt. Oh please do it! Do it now!" The expression in Donna's voice changed from outrage to amusement. I imagined her man's mouth leering at me. "You really want me to fuck you in the butt, Chrissie?" "Oh yes, please! Do it in my ass! Come inside my ass!" I felt a strong hand on my right ass cheek. "If you want it so badly, it would be a sin to disappoint you." "Oh now! Now!" A finger at my cunt, wiping up my abundant pussy juices. The same finger, coating my little pink asshole with those same juices. The tip of a huge, hot cock, pressing down on the entrance way to my bowels. Pressure slowly increasing... increasing. "It'll never fit," I cried, "You're too big!" Suddenly my sphincter yielded, the pressure disappearing as the cock slid slowly, slowly into my sigmoid. Now the pressure was replaced by a tightness, a feeling of fullness, and incredible pleasure. Cock buried in my rectum, Donna leaned over me and grabbed a tit in each hand. I moaned in delight. "You're being corn-holed, you know," she (he?) remarked. "How do you like it?" "I love it!" I gasped. "Fuck me harder!" Donna obliged, pumping her (his?) meat into me in long, leisurely strokes.She would pull herself nearly out, making me cry out to have her in me again, and then, when I thought I'd go insane with longing, slide it back in to its full extent. Her large hands squeezed and caressed my breasts. In minutes, I had an anal orgasm, shaking and crying out as my sphincter went into spasm. It must have felt good at the other end too, because Donna cried out at the same time and shot her load into the depths of my bowels. I collapsed, Donna's cock still buried deep inside me. We lay that way for a long time, listening to each other's breath, saying nothing. My partner finally spoke. "I think that's enough for now. Computer, end sim." The beach house, the loft, the featherbed dissolved, and I found myself back in my living room, leads still attached to the cooling sim generator. I looked over at Donna, who seemed cool and collected as ever in her modest blouse and skirt. In contrast, I felt like I'd been kicked by a camel and then left out to die in the Sahara. "Donna, I'm so sorry." It was good to have my normal voice again. She smiled at me with unexpected sweetness. "You do have a little explaining to do. But I'll take some of the blame. I mean, I put us in that situation, you know." I looked at her with widening eyes. "What do you mean?" "Haven't you figured it out, you dodo? I switched the cables in the back of the generator; while you were fiddling with the console! Remember?" I couldn't think of anything to say, so I threw a couch pillow at her. And missed.
The Game
"Oww, it hurts... It hurts, but I like it... Continue..." "But we are not guinea pigs, we're account managers." "Well, now to the showers, my boys. The van will leave in an hour. Have a good weekend, and see you on Monday." The voices merged into a loud buzz, without losing their coherence. The small room was lit only by the flickering glow of the twelve TV screens on the wall, in a 3 by 4 array. The room's occupant was masturbating slowly, watching the screens intently. He checked Monitor 5: Brad and Fraser had just crashed in a corner, tired from their futile exploration. He pressed a button on the console in front of him and checked Monitor 8. A wall closed behind Scott and Jonathan, separating them from Mark and Chris. Both pairs of teenagers banged on the wall, but they could not hear each other. The noise attracted Brad and Fraser, who walked towards Scott and Jonathan. "Stop that," said Fraser, as soon as they reached the desperate teens. "You're wasting your time and energy. Are you trapped here like us?" "What's it look like, bozo?" asked Jonathan. "And what are you supposed to be? The Canadian police? Where the hell's your horse? Get us out of here." "Shut up, you little asshole," said Brad. "We're stuck here too." "Yeah, Jon, shut up!" approved Scott. "It's no time to play tough guy. These guys can help us get out of here..." "As if," said Jonathan, with a conceited smirk. "They're probably some friends of Finley." He jumped towards the wall, striking it with both feet, and yelled: "Open that!" He then paced the area nervously, making sudden impatient jerks with his arms, blowing off steam. "Don't listen to him," said Scott to Fraser. "We were brought here by a teacher of ours, and we don't really know where he is now. I think he took advantage of us, you know... sexually." He paused for a moment, then whispered: "I think Jonathan is not taking it too well. It was humiliating, and Jon is used to being the leader, always in control." He was looking at the floor, visibly embarrassed. Jonathan had stopped his frantic moves and was now staring at the wall, silent. "I think it is this place that's taking advantage of us," offered Brad. "It happened to us too... we won't get into the details. I feel like someone is playing a game with us." "That's all very nice, but..." said Jonathan, turning to face the others. He instantly stopped, walked towards them, pushed Fraser away as he went past them. They turned around to look at where he was going. A door had appeared once again, this time leading into a small room where the walls were covered with controls, monitors and lights. Jonathan entered it, looking frenetically around. "It looks like a lab, or a control room," said Scott, as he entered with the other two. "Don't touch anything, kids," said Fraser. "It can be dangerous." "We're not kids," spouted Jonathan arrogantly. "We'll do as we want to do." They wandered around, trying to understand the purpose of the knobs, buttons and dials. There was not a word written anywhere, not even pictures or icons which could give a clue as to what anything in the room was for. Lights were flickering all over, and a loud electrical drone could be heard from everywhere. A section of the floor was covered with white plastic panels instead of concrete, like it was in the corridors and the other rooms. Jonathan wandered away from the others and studied the controls attentively. He checked the others, and when he was certain they were not looking, he pressed a few buttons. Nothing happened. He checked again, then turned a large dial. Nothing happened, or so he thought until he heard Scott ask in panic: "What did you do? Turn it back." Jon turned around and saw that Fraser and Brad, who were standing on the white-paneled section of the room, had frozen in place. The panels themselves glowed - they were translucent, and light came from under them. "Wait, I'm trying something here," said Jonathan, trying to appear calm and in control, slowly turning a smaller dial next to the large one. Something was happening to the two immobile men. An aura of greenish light surrounded them, or part of them. Jonathan stopped turning the dial midway, and the glow faded; but the appearance of the men had changed. Fraser's uniform and boots were gone, and he stood in white boxers and a T-shirt, and black socks; Brad had lost his jeans, T-shirt and sneakers, and he stood also in white boxers, but his torso was bare. "Wow, this is fun," said Jonathan, excited. "Jon, I mean it," warned Scott. "Put them back like they were." "Scott," argued Jon, "these two may be responsible for what happened to us. Don't you want to get some revenge." "We don't know that, Jon." Scott's tone was becoming firmer. "Turn it back." "All right," said Jonathan. He turned the large dial back, dimming the floor panels. The two men moved and looked confused. "Go check if they're OK..." Scott approached the semi-clad men, but as soon as his feet were on the panels, Jonathan turned the large dial back, freezing Scott with the others. Scott's outer layer of clothing also vanished in a green glow, leaving him with only a T-shirt and dark patterned boxers. Jonathan looked at his three victims in underwear. They looked so pathetic. Now, he was back in control, like it was meant to be. He noticed briefly that he had a hard-on, but focused on the many dials and buttons before wondering at the reason for his arousal. There was an array of small dials just below the ones he had played with, and he tried playing with these. The first one he turned brought a reaction in Brad - he moved his hand towards his crotch and started feeling his genitals through his boxers. Jon tried a second dial, which made Scott's cock grow hard and push against the fabric of his underwear. Another dial had Fraser kneel, then put his hands on the floor, waving his ass back and forth as if waiting to be fucked. To reduce these three men to mere puppets satisfied Jonathan's ego, who had been so severely wounded a few hours ago. He wanted to humiliate them as he had been humiliated. Studying the dials again, he concluded that each row controlled a different person, while each column had a different effect. He tried the fourth dial on Brad's row, and watched Brad approach Scott, kneel before him, and start licking Scott's boxers where the fabric was stretched by Scott's erection. He turned it back and tried the fifth one. Brad stood up, moved behind Fraser, knelt again, then started to lick Fraser's boxers in the crack. He turned that dial a bit more, and Brad pulled down Fraser's boxers and inserted his finger in Fraser's ass, untightening it. A bit more, and Brad was pulling down his own boxers, placing his soft dick on Fraser's ass. The second dial made Brad's dick harden, and he gently inserted it in Fraser's ass, pumping slowly. Jonathan watched Brad fucking Fraser for a while, then turned the fourth dial on Fraser's row, which resulted in him crawling towards Scott's crotch - Brad crawling behind him not missing a beat - grabbing Scott's boxers, pulling them down, and starting to suck on the rock hard stick, as if it was a lollipop. Suddenly, an idea popped in Jonathan's head. He turned back the large dial on top almost to its original position. He watched his victims carefully as they regained consciousness, but stayed under the machine's control. "Hard to give commands when your mouth is full?" Jonathan shouted to Fraser. "You enjoy my good friend's teenage cock, don't you Mountie? It tastes great. And you," he switched to Brad, "do you still think I'm a little asshole? Well, you seem to like assholes, don't you?" "What are you doing to us?" yelled Brad back. "Stop this nonsense! Let us go." "Jon," pleaded Scott. "I'm your friend, remember. Let me go." Fraser turned angry eyes at Jon, grumbled indecipherable obscenities, but continued sucking on Scott's dick. Jonathan ignored them, curious of the other dials. He turned one on Scott's row, which seemed to have no effect... "Jon, let me go, please," Scott repeated, "I... I want you to suck my hard dick, Mountie. Suck it real hard. Yeah, this is good. Stick it down your throat." Jonathan was startled, but he liked that dial. "So, you were saying?" he said to Brad. "You little asshole, I'm gonna kill you when this is over," raged Brad. Meanwhile, Jonathan was turning the same dial on his row. "I'm gonna make you... I'm gonna fuck you little asshole... I'm gonna fuck your asshole real hard, like I'm doing to this guy. Yeah, it's gonna be great, so great." "That's better, much better." He turned the Undressing Dial, removing all trace of clothing on the three guys, and adjusted Fraser's dick, which was still soft. He felt like an artist, tuning the finer details of his work. The first dial on Fraser's row made him start to stroke his dick wildly. It was then that he noticed a column of buttons at the end of the rows of dials."I think I know what these do... If I'm right, we're going to have a masterpiece here!" He placed one hand on the large Freeze Dial, and the other close to the top of the button column. "That's it, Mountie Man," said Scott, "Suck on my young dick! I love it. Faster... Deeper...." "Oooo, this is great, fucking that rough ass," said Brad. Jonathan suddenly pressed all three buttons, and watched Brad and Scott jerk their dicks out of their respective holes, and explode in a steady jet of hot white cum all over Fraser's face and back, while Fraser himself was spraying his belly with spurts of his own sperm. At that exact moment, Jon turned the large dial completely, freezing the scene, cum still in mid-air, in a very lifelike erotic sculpture. CHAPTER EIGHT [Possible Casting: Costas Mandylor as Kenny, Antonio Sabato Jr. as Tony and Matt Leblanc as Matt] Officer Kenny Mandylor stared at the large steel door in the white concrete wall, waiting for it to open. He was flanked on either side by Officer Antonio Minelli and Officer Matt White, who shared his silence. It was an anxious silence, as the three men had heard frequent rumors about the building facing them, the "Tests Inc." complex at the edge of the town of Harriston. No one in Harriston knew what tests were performed at "Tests Inc."; no one in Harriston had ever seen the owner of the building or the company - the land had been bought by lawyers, and the construction itself was done by foreign contractors; and no one in Harriston knew what the inside of the complex looked like, because only vehicles came in and out of the site, and they never stopped in the town. The door slid open with a grind, revealing a wide corridor with a white concrete floor and shiny metal walls. As the three men slowly walked past the threshold, they felt a vague queasiness, a disorientation which made the walls appear to close in on them. Trying to look confident, they strolled down the corridor, looking for a human being. A few hundred feet later, they heard the main steel door close behind them. "Hello?" shouted Matt. "Is anybody here? This is the police." There was no answer. "This place gives me the creeps," said Kenny. "Do you think this will lead to a receptionist or something?" "The voice at the gate did say to enter from this door," answered Tony. "Can I help you?" a female voice said from behind them. The three policemen jumped around and saw a petite dark-haired woman in a beige business suit who stood impatiently, waiting for their answer. "How did you get here?" asked Matt. "There's no..." "I believe that your reason for coming here has nothing to do with my comings and goings," the woman said sharply. "We are busy, and have no time for small talk. Get to the point." A frown appeared on Kenny's face. His hand went instinctively to his gun, as if he felt threatened. "First things first, what is your name?" he asked. "Dreyfuss. Julia Dreyfuss." "Well, Ms. Dreyfuss, four high school kids were kidnapped yesterday, and we have reason to believe that they were brought here." Ms. Dreyfuss laughed. "And what makes you think that?" "Someone spotted one of your company vans just outside the school yesterday." "We were collecting some data in the area," explained Ms. Dreyfuss. She scratched her head, looking annoyed. "I don't see what interest we could have in kidnapping teenagers." "What kind of tests do you perform here?" asked Tony, a question which was burning his lips. "I don't think that is relevant," she snapped. "Well, I happen to think it can be pretty relevant," said Matt. "Look, we don't use teenagers in twisted weird science experiments, if that's what you mean." Julia's voice was even sharper. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do." "Can we take a look around, Ms. Dreyfuss?" asked Kenny. His tone made certain he would not accept a negative answer. "All right," said Ms. Dreyfuss, "but do not touch anything. When you are finished, just come back here and I'll see you out. Now, if you'll excuse me..." She left without further ado, through a door which they had not seen before. They continued along the corridor, trying to get a feel of the layout of the place. Of course, they did not expect the kids to pop out of a closet, or to cover the entire grounds (the place was huge!), but it gave them an occasion to snoop, and they were curious men. It took them four hours to accept that they were lost. They had not met a single human being during their exploration, and they had seen only corridors after corridors of doors after doors of dark laboratories. They yelled in vain for another half-hour, and tried to radio out, but the abundance of metal and concrete interfered with their walkie-talkies. Kenny looked at his watch: 10:13 PM. "I don't believe this. We're stuck in here. We've been walking in circles." "I'm supposed to meet a girl tonight after my shift," said Matt. "I need to get out." "It's HOT in here," said Tony, wiping sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. "That's true," said Matt. The three men had been perspiring heavily; their black hair was completely wet; pearls of sweat rolled over their skin; and their police uniforms had large dark patches under their arms and on their backs. They walked around for another while, until they found a room they had never seen before. It led into a small corridor with three doors and smelled strongly of chlorine. The doors on each side of them led to locker rooms, male and female, both empty, while the third one led to a large swimming pool. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" said Tony to the others. "We can't," said Kenny, "we did not get permission. And we don't have anything to wear." "Come on, there doesn't seem to be anybody here," said Matt. "We'll just swim in our boxers. If someone finds out, they'll tell us how to get out!" "I don't know." "Well, I'm going," said Tony. They watched him as he stripped his uniform off down to his white boxers. He had the better looking body of the three, and they were a bit jealous to see it so obviously on display: the chiseled chest just hairy enough, the tall stature, the firm butt, well-outlined in his tight boxers. He dove in the pool, made a few laps, and came out. His boxers clung to his body, and had become almost transparent, leaving not much to the imagination. They could not help but look at his magnificent long cock, almost 8 inches. "It's good," he said, "and quite relaxing. You should give it a try." "Well, why not," said Kenny. Both Matt and Kenny stripped down to their boxers. Kenny was wearing loose light-blue boxers, and Matt had black CK button fly boxers briefs. They both jumped in the water, and enjoyed its coolness. Tony joined them, and soon they were splashing each other, playing like kids. "I think I lost my boxers," said Matt. He dove in, trying to look for them at the bottom of the pool, but couldn't. On the way up, he saw that both his colleagues had lost their underwear too. Their soft cocks were floating loose in the water. When he surfaced, Tony told him: "Our uniforms are gone too, as well as our guns." Matt looked at the spot where they had left their clothes just a short while ago. They *had* disappeared. "That's impossible," Kenny said. "They were right next to the pool. No one came in." "We'll look for them later," said Matt, strangely. For some reason, he was happy that the uniforms were gone. They were an encumbrance. In the water, he felt so free! It was just the right temperature, and it was soft, almost airy. He also enjoyed swimming in the nude, his dick and balls free to move around without any constraints. "Yeah, later," said Kenny. Something was wrong. He should care about the clothes, the gun, their being trapped in here, but he didn't. All he could think about was the water, the airy water, the way it was gliding on his skin. He felt all his muscles loosen, especially his anus. Tony did not add anything. He just floated away on his back, his soft cock lying on his thighs, lost in his pubic hair. Matt dove in, and circled around Kenny. He waved the water around Kenny's legs, watching Kenny's cock follow the flow back and forth. It was also getting hard. Matt came out of the water, and saw that Kenny's eyes were closed. "That felt good," said Kenny without opening them, "real good. Come closer," he whispered. Matt swam to him, bringing his body so very close to him, but avoided any contact. He somehow felt the heat of Kenny's body through the water. He felt also the electricity, the life, in Kenny's body, and it tickled his own. "What's happening?" he whispered to Kenny. "What are we doing? Oh God! This feels like heaven. Do you feel me?" "Yes I do," answered Kenny. He moved his hands behind Matt's ass, without touching it. He moved them in little circles, and Matt felt his ass open up. He was also getting quite aroused, and his penis, growing erect, touched Kenny's, sending an intense wave of joy through both. "Don't mind me," said Tony, smiling, floating around and jerking off as he watched his colleagues have some fun. Matt moved his hands around both penises, and found the perfect way to stimulate them without touching. It was a degree over jerking off, as if they had reached the point of no return but stayed there, enjoying an orgasm which didn't come yet. Finally, exhausted, both men finally embraced, their bodies rubbing against each other, and they released their orgasm, their cocks spurting hot cum in the water. "Well, well, well..." said a female voice that all three knew. The three naked officers looked in the direction of the door, too ashamed to let more than their heads stick out of the water. Ms. Dreyfuss walked to the edge of the pool. "If it isn't the three macho officers fooling around in our pool..." she said, rubbing it in. "I told you not to touch anything...You should have listened. This is not really water, you see. It is a new chemical compound, which enters the body through physical contact and has some interesting effects on the brain. Right now, you are drugged, and since you will not remember anything in a few hours, I might as well enjoy myself. "What do you mean?" asked Tony. He and the others were feeling groggy, but they were still conscious of the events. "This pool is one of our many experiments on artifacts controlling and orienting sexual desire. At the highest intensities, sexual desire becomes sexless, which is why you were enjoying yourselves even though none of you is gay. I guess, anyway, judging by your attitude. It also lowers mental defenses, making all of you extremely sensitive to suggestion. For example, I can tell you the following: Come out of this pool right now, and stand up. I am now your superior officer, and you must obey my orders..." In an instant, the three policemen perceived Julia as their boss, and hurried out of the pool to stand before her. Yet, they were still aware of their nakedness, and they tried to hide their genitals with their hands. Julia rather enjoyed having these three at her command. They were all handsome, and quite well-endowed. These were men, not teenagers like the three mechanics she had enjoyed a few hours ago. "I have to make my inspection," she said. She started with Matt, whose innocent eyes were pleading her not to abuse her power over him. She rubbed the hair on his chest, then spread his hands open to get a closer look at his equipment. His cock was uncut, a full seven inches coming out of thick pubic hair. She grabbed it and looked Matt in the eyes, intimidating him. She then moved over to Tony, the tallest and most well-endowed, and kissed him, rubbing his ass. Finally, she moved to Kenny, whom she manacled with handcuffs taken out of her blouse. With his hands securely behind his back, she was free to go down on him and use her tongue on his cock, until it grew hard and shiny with pre-cum. She moved back and said to Kenny: "I want those thick lips of yours locked around the tall one's cock. As for you," she said to Matt, "come here and..." She removed her skirt (she wasn't wearing anything under) "... satisfy me." "Yes, sir," said both men, almost in unison. Matt kneeled in front of her and used his tongue in ways she had never felt before, while she watched Kenny, on his knees, his handcuffed hands just above his firm round ass, give head to a delighted Tony. After a while, she sat down on the floor, and asked Tony: "Fuck me!" She then turned to the others and commanded: "You two come to each side of me. I want to have my hands full." Matt and Kenny placed themselves on each side of her, and she grabbed their cocks, jerking them off to the same beat as the one Tony used to fuck her. The beat increased exponentially, until the three of them reached orgasm simultaneously, Matt and Kenny creaming her face, while Tony filled her up with his manly fluid. When the three policemen woke up, fully dressed in their uniforms, a few hundred yards from the compound, they remembered nothing of their experiences within. The only thing they knew was that they did not want to go back in again.
Chapter Seven
The Goody Goody Girls
"What are you so upset about?" Karen asked as she rushed to catch up with Maggie, who was storming down the corridor toward the front entrance of the high school. "That little rat bastard came in my mouth!" Maggie hissed, wiping her lips with the back of her hand for the tenth time. It didn't do any good. The ripe flavor of fresh semen still lingered on her tongue, as if Norman's thick cream had permanently saturated her flesh. "We went there to get laid," Karen reminded her friend. "I don't care what we went there for, I never had any intentions of letting that pimply little runt shoot off in my mouth. I feel like nothing more than a human condom." "I doubt that you're the first girl who's ever swallowed a load of cum without being warned in advance." "I don't care if I'm the first or the last. I don't like the idea of a boy thinking he can stick his dick in my mouth and let loose with all that nasty ball juice." "I don't know what you're so upset about," Karen mused. "By the way you were sucking his cock, I got the impression you were enjoying it. I kind of wished it had been me." "So do I," Maggie said with a scowl, then suddenly heard herself talking and broke into a laugh. "I guess it is silly, isn't it? I just didn't expect him to squirt down my throat." "Well, we know something Julie doesn't know." "What's that?" "That Norman Green is anything but queer. Did you see the way he went after eating your pussy? He really got a charge out of that." "He got a charge?" Maggie said with a grin. "I was the one on the other end of his tongue, remember? Now that was a charge, believe me!" "What did it feel like?" "Like heaven," the brunette purred, pressing her legs firmly together to soak up some of her overflow still streaming from her snatch. "And what was it like when you sucked him off?" "Like wrapping my lips around a big fat sausage," Maggie said in a whisper, "and I could smell and taste that delightful male flavor of his. You know something?" Her eyes grew suddenly very sober. "If he hadn't cum in my mouth, I would have let him stick his cock up my pussy. I really wanted him to fuck me. I think that's the reason I was so pissed when he cut loose." Karen made a face. "I was hoping he would fuck both of us. And you know what else?" "What?" "When he started cumming in your mouth, I was wishing it were me swallowing that hot cream. My monkey got all gooey and warm inside." Maggie knew that even if Karen didn't mean it, she was trying to make them both feel better about Norman's surprise conquest in the locker room. "That's nice Karen." Her eyes suddenly bolted to the front door. "Oh terrific!" she cried as she spotted Mrs. Peters. "What's wrong?" "I forgot Mom was picking me up after school to do some shopping." She broke away from her friend in a brisk walk. "Would you get my Lit. book out of my locker and take it home with you?" "Sure." "I'll see you at seven." "Your place or mine?" "Call me." Maggie and her mother were already outside by the time Karen started down the hall to collect her and her friend's textbooks. As she walked along, she felt the autumn breeze from an open window ply at the folds of her skirt and rush up between her legs. The tingling softness of the fresh air currents had just kissed the outer recesses of her snatch when she stopped abruptly, suddenly aware that she was missing one of her garments. "My panties!" she gasped out loud, then flashed her eyes about the empty hall to make sure no one had heard her. She knew only too well she had left them in the equipment locker. Maggie hadn't bothered to hand them to her with her skirt. Because of summer camp, all of her underwear had her name stamped inside. The only thing to do was to go back and retrieve them before someone else found the tiny bikinis. Sullenly, she marched back to the dressing room and carefully pushed the door open. The place was as silent and still as the first time she'd entered it. Norman Green had obviously left, and no one else appeared to be around. The attractive blonde tiptoed down the row of lockers and leaned over the bench. Just as her hand connected with the metal handle, she heard a voice sing out over her shoulder and her heart skipped a beat. "Can I help you with something?" Karen turned to find herself staring into the deep green eyes of Jerry Marshall, the new assistant coach. Jerry, twenty-two years old and fresh out of college, was a husky redhead with a powerful physique. His thick shag of curls was cut short around his handsome features. His square jaw and sturdy mouth were locked in a small grim smile as his leer raked over the pretty blonde teenager. She tried to keep her timid gaze on his face, afraid to look anywhere else. Out of her peripheral vision all she could see was male flesh, rippling contours of naked, bulging muscles. "I, ah, forgot something," she stammered. "You forgot something in here?" he asked, finding her explanation anything but plausible. "Well, I didn't exactly forget it. I had something stolen by someone and it's in here." "What was stolen?" Jerry asked, taking a step closer to the girl. When Karen braced herself against the locker, the bench bumped into the back of her knees and that was her undoing. The moment she felt the edge of the bench against her calves, her legs went weak and flew out from under her. She sat down with a thud, finding herself staring into the redhead's swollen jockstrap. Mr. Marshall wasn't wearing anything other than his thin athletic supporter. The tiny garment rode low on his strong waist and barely covered his spongy jewels. A fringe of wiry hairs curled along the sides of his jock and feathered the pair of freckled pillars which were his legs. Another fringe of red pubes crawled up his flat abdomen in a slender triangle terminating at his navel. His well-defined limbs and torso were covered with a thin coat of gleaming sweat. He smelled much the way Norman had smelled when the skinny team manager was bucking his hips into Maggie's face, manly and hot and anointed all over with the unmistakable aroma of cock odor. "I'd rather not say," Karen answered in a small timid voice. Jerry's brow furrowed. "Well, was it your wallet, your purse, a letter?" "No," she answered, scooting her feet up to the bench. When she did, her full cotton skirt, which had fluttered up to her thighs when she sat down so abruptly, crawled further up her bare legs. Jerry's eyes darted to the shiny, naked cunt between the girl's spread feet. She was sitting with her knees together, her skirt halfway up her thighs and her quim on view for no more than the looking. "How about your panties?" he said with a broad grin. Karen blushed and nodded, caught so off guard by his naked magnetism that she didn't think to question how he had guessed correctly. "Where are they?" She turned slightly and rapped the locker behind her. "In here." "Let's take a look and see." Karen slid out of the way while Jerry opened the locker door. On the floor of the compartment was the tiny pair of bikinis. He raised them up with his forefinger and thumb and held them out in front of him. "Are these what you were looking for?" She nodded and blushed again, embarrassed to see the grown man openly displaying her undergarment. "How do I know they're yours?" "My name's inside." He stretched the band and peered into the brief pair of undies. "Karen Sheen. Is that you?" "Yes," she answered. "How can I be sure that's really your name?" It was Karen's turn to frown. "Because I am." "Maybe you are and maybe you aren't. Maybe you just want to steal these," Jerry said, amused at the teenager's dilemma. "But I am Karen Sheen," Karen insisted, panic cloaking her expression. The assistant coach was right; she had nothing on her to prove her identity. "I would presume if you're the rightful owner of these panties, it would mean you don't have any on."The blonde dropped her eyes for a moment. "I don't." "I think you're going to have to prove that," the redhead said in a deep, suggestive voice. Karen shot Mr. Marshall a dubious glance. "You mean, you want me to show you that I'm naked under my skirt?" The man nodded with his gaze fixed on her hem. Reluctantly, the girl lowered her legs and slowly hiked her skirt up to her waist. As the blonde's small cunt came into view, Jerry caught his breath and his cock snaked up to the waistband of his jockstrap. Being a stranger who knew no one in the small town, it had been weeks since he had gotten his rocks off, and he was hornier than hell. That coupled with the pretty girl's hot pussy was more than enough to make him throw a sizeable rod. "See?" Karen said, raising her eyes again as she continued to hold her skirt up. "I don't have any panties on." Her words were coming in abrupt halts because she had spotted the huge boner behind the assistant coach's jockstrap. She had meant to demonstrate that the garment was hers then lower her skirt, but the redhead's hardon -- after the young lady had watched her friend suck off Norman -- was too damn appealing to pass up. "I see," Jerry said, bringing the skimpy undies to his face. "But there's only one way to be really sure." He rubbed his nose in the crotch of the undies, inhaling the faint sweet smell of pussy without taking his eyes off Karen, then dropped to a squat in front of the girl. "Let me see if the smell in the panties is the same as yours." His voice was a harsh whisper. Karen widened the spread of her knees as the redhead's face drew nearer. She could feel his warm breath on the insides of her thighs and was overcome by the potent odor of his maleness. Jerry's face leaned in between the girl's legs until his nose was grazing against her sparse pubic bush. His nostrils flared as he sniffed up and down the pretty little cunt, his eyes fixed on the soft pink interior and the swollen clit at the top. "Is the smell the same?" "Yes," he answered heavily, panting like a man who had just run the hundred yard dash. "Would you mind if I ..." His tongue shot out and stabbed gently into her almost hairless snatch. "Oh, Mr. Marshall!" Karen moaned as she felt his tongue squirm between the lips of her juicy quim. "Jerry," he corrected before he sucked her tiny box into his mouth, eating every hidden, tasty recess his tongue could reach. "Jerry," she purred, splaying her legs farther and wiggling around on the bench. He raised up and hunched over her as he undid her blouse and unhooked the clasp of her bra between the lacy little cups. Her large, creamy white breasts bounced into view, her tiny nipples as hard as pointed pebbles. "Your tits are lovely, Karen," he said, licking the flat of his tongue across each one and leaving a trail of saliva. He stood between her legs with his knees pressing into her thighs. "Take my jockstrap off." The blonde didn't have to be told twice. Her hands raced to the knit waistband and shoved the supporter down to the assistant coach's ankles. His hard meaty cock snapped out and vibrated against her tits. Mr. Marshall may not have been as large as Norman, but his erect peter certainly rivalled the size of Mike's pecker. The knob was a deep purple, the shaft, thick and etched with veins that webbed down into a dense orange bush and a pair of large cum swollen balls. "Kiss my cock, Karen." She pressed her lips against the fleshy glans already wet with his pre-cum, then took the head into her mouth. She had suctioned the ring of her lips halfway down the wide shaft and was toying with his huge balls when he suddenly pulled his pelvis back, cheating her of any further oral homage. "I can't take much more of your hot cock sucking or I'll shoot off in your lovely throat." Karen thrust her face against Jerry's throbbing dick, pressing the hard pecker against his belly while she showered the dorsal side with kisses. "I love your cock," she purred, knowing she didn't dare tongue it too much or he would cum. "Karen," he said, stepping out of the jockstrap roping his ankles and laying her back on the bench, "I want to fuck you." "Oh, yes!" she moaned, parting her legs for him and pulling his trim waist into the spread of her thighs. "Fuck me, Jerry. Shove your hard cock up my hot pussy, please!" She could hear the pleading whine of her voice echo in the boys dressing room as he positioned her legs around his muscular thighs so her ankles locked on the firm pillow of his naked ass. Jerry stabbed the bloated head of his rod into the tight, juicy quim, then froze, his eyes puzzling as he looked into Karen's heated face. "Are you a virgin?" He had felt the thin membrane start to tear with his initial thrust. "Yes," she said warmly, "but it doesn't matter. I want you to take my cherry. Fuck me, Jerry! Please, fuck me!" He withdrew until just the tip of his dick was kissing her cunt, then stabbed as hard as he could. Her membrane shattered in an instant. His shaft sailed up her snatch until his heavy balls were snugged against her asshole. Both of them were panting hard and sweating. "Are you okay?" "Oh, yes!" she answered, so hot from finally getting a man's hardon in her pussy that she barely noticed the destruction of her cherry. Assured that the blonde girl was in no discomfort, Jerry began pistoning his fat ram in and out of the freshly deflowered quim, bucking his ass high on the out strokes and dropping his hips down to plunge even deeper with each additional thrust. In no time at all, Karen was hunching her hips up to meet his onslaught as they both got closer and closer to their climaxes. "I'm cumming!" she finally cried, feeling the heated spiral well up inside her. "Feel that?" he asked, as he halted with his cock buried deep in her snatch. His dick spasmed wildly as his balls shrunk into his groin. "Yes!" "I'm filling your little cunt with my cum, Karen." "It's fantastic," she purred. After a few moments of his swollen knob spitting out its hot load up inside of her, he pulled out. His peter had started to wilt by the time he reached for her panties. "Do you want to clean up before putting these on?" "No," she said, slipping the undies on and snapping her bra. "I want to take you juices with me." "I know what you mean," Jerry said, yanking his jockstrap up over his hips. "I'm going to beat off thinking about you later tonight and smelling your twat on my hand." "I wish you'd fuck me again." "I don't know, Karen. It's pretty dangerous for me, being my first year here and all. If anyone caught me balling one of the students, it'd be my job for sure." "I won't tell anyone, I promise." She stood to her feet, smoothed out her skirt and brought her lips up to his mouth. His tongue met hers outside their faces, then he sucked it inside as her hands slid down to the bare cheeks of his humpy ass. "You kiss as good as you fuck," she laughed as he pulled away. "You'd better get out of here before we get caught." She nodded and took a last look at the sexy redhead dressed in only his skimpy jockstrap, the pouch wet with what she knew was partly her own juices. "When will I see you again?" "We'll figure out something," he promised, steering her toward the door.
Chapter 3
The Wise Goodwife
"Gramma, I feel hot." "Lands, child, on a cool fall day like this? Come here and let me feel of your forehead. Tsk! Feels like fever. Off to bed with you!" "Gramma, I don't feel good." "I know, child, I know. I reckon it's time to ask Goody Hawkins to help us." "Who's Goody Hawkins?" "Hush, now, try to sleep. I'll come back soon." "Gramma, where did you go?" "Out into the woods back of the farm, child." "Why, Gramma?" "To get Goody Hawkins' help." "Who's Goody Hawkins?" "Well, that's a long story." "Tell me a story, Gramma." Well, you know about the pilgrim days, Thanksgiving and all. Those people way back then, that first time, were giving thanks that they'd lived a whole year in a whole new country, without too many of them dying. Lots of times you see pictures, drawings, with lots of Indians standing there to welcome them folks. Well, 'taint so. Weren't nobody there when they got off that boat, not but one Indian, all alone. History books say it was him, Squanto, as taught them first folks how to live through one of our winters -- ice 'n sleet 'n snow and all, not like they had back in England, where they came from. But that ain't rightly so, neither. Squanto, and a few other friendly Indians as wandered in later, they taught the menfolk. But the women, those days, well, they weren't s'posed to be important, even though they did most o' the work, so we don't hear 'bout them much. Well, a woman come off'n that boat, not quite yet old as your mamma, and her name was Grace Hawkins, but ever' one called her Goody Hawkins. "Goody" is short for "good wife", and it's like callin' a lady "Missus" today. Goody Hawkins was young and pretty, though you couldn't tell that very well, 'cause in those days the womenfolk wore long skirts and long sleeves and bonnets to tuck in and hide their hair. So Goody Hawkins had beautiful long brown hair, though you couldn't see it, and skin soft as the skin of a peach. But she had a nice young husband who loved her very much, and he knew how pretty she was. And Goody Hawkins was one more thing that made her very special: she was a wise woman, who knew plants and herbs and roots and barks to make sick people feel better. They didn't have doctors like we do now, just a lot of men who figured if you were sick your blood was bad and so they'd make you bleed. That got people sicker, more often than not. They thought they were real smart, them old doctors, and maybe they were smart about gettin' money from folks. But they weren't smart 'bout the folks themselves, mostly 'cause they were too busy listening to each other talking 'bout high-falutin' doctor things in big words than listening to the sick bodies of the sick people. But Goody Hawkins was different. She listened to the people talking 'bout what hurt them, and she felt of their heads and wrists and looked into their eyes and ears and mouths. And sometimes she didn't seem to look at them at all. She just closed her eyes and looked at them with her heart. And then she'd go into big clay pots and little wooden boxes in her house, and pick out just the thing a sick person needed. And do you know how she knew just the right thing, how Goody Hawkins could see with her heart and not just her eyes? Goody Hawkins was a witch. No, not like you dress up at Halloween. A real witch, a real wise woman. No warts, no wire hair, remember I told you she was pretty. and no flying broom, neither. She didn't need to fly, 'cause she could see ev'rything. Well, no, she didn't have a crystal ball. But they way my granny told me, and her granny told her, was that she had a big silver bowl, a real treasure. And she'd pour clear rainwater in that bowl, and look into it in the nighttime, with just a candle for light. And they say she could see miles away, and even years away. Into yesterday, say, or last year, or ten years ago. And sometimes, she could see tomorrow. A cauldron? Why of course she had a cauldron. Ever'one did, those days, just like we have pots and pans today. But she only had a little one at first--remember, they were poor in them first few years in America, and iron costed a lot of money. Goody Hawkins had just the little cauldron she brought with her from home, only as big as my big soup pot. What did she boil up in her cauldron? Well, not babies, I can tell you that! It was herbs, mostly, tree bark and roots and such. Anise and coltsfoot, simmered with a little sugar or honey, as good a cough syrup as you can find nowadays, and even better than some. That's a recipe my granny's granny knew, and likely Goody Hawkins as well. Goody Hawkins made ointments from herbs and grease, she made soaps for fleas and lice, she brewed teas, she made mashes for cuts and bad hurts to make them heal clean and fast. But I haven't told you the best part: Goody Hawkins could do magic. Not like making scarves disappear in her fist or pulling quarters out of your ear. I mean spells, oh yes, and special little bundles of things in little bags to keep in your pocket or put under your pillow. These had herbs in 'em, yes, and besides that she could put in a special rock, maybe, or a little short twig from a certain tree, or a piece of paper with secrets written on it, or any such small thing. You could wear one for good luck, sleep on one to have good dreams. In the nighttime, often, you could see a light shining in Goody Hawkins' cottage, warm and bright, and if you listened real hard, you might hear words, strong and beautiful, or singing so soft and sweet it might have come out of a fairy hill. And in the daytime, oh, the smells that came out of that cottage! You could tell what was brewing by the smells of the herbs in the breeze. Rosemary, mint, clove and cinnamon, lemon-leaf, basil, horehound and lavender. And hanging from the ceiling in one corner of the cottage were always bunches of drying herbs, filling the whole room with spiciness and sweetness. She brought the little boxes special from her home in England, but the rest she got right here, from the meadows and forests. One day she was in the forest, gathering plants for medicines. Some of the plants were just like at home, she knew them right away. Others she didn't know, and them she would look at, and smell, and taste of--it was right dangerous, that, but weren't no other way to find out about 'em. This spring day, after their first long hard, winter had passed, Goody Hawkins went to pluck a leaf off'n a plant, to taste it. Suddenly, she heard a crashing in the bushes and a woman's voice crying out to her. She turned around and who should she see but an Indian woman, near her own age, come runnin' toward her, talkin' words she couldn't understand. This Indian woman, she snatched that leaf from Goody Hawkins and shooed her away from that plant quick as she could. The Indian woman pulled out a thin stick, rounded at one end, and waved it so that Goody Hawkins thought the other woman might hit her with it, so she backed up, afraid. But the Indian woman turned to the plant and commenced to digging it out of the ground with her stick, digging up the roots. The Indian woman pulled off the roots and pushed them into Goody Hawkins' hands, keeping some for herself. She put the roots into a deerskin bag, and 'twas then that Goody Hawkins saw other herbs and things in that bag, and figured out that t'other woman was in the woods for just the same job as herself, namely, getting herbs. Even though they didn't speak each other's language, by pantomiming and pointing they could understand each other, and Goody Hawkins learned that the leaf she'd been about to eat was deadly poison. But the roots were good eating, roasted or boiled just like a potato. How 'bout that! Plants are funny that way. Goody Hawkins realised she owed her life to the Indian woman, for warnin' her off'n them leaves. But she didn't know just how to thank her new friend. Still, they spent the rest of the day walkin' in the woods, an' Goody Hawkins learned more about the new world's plants in one day than she could've in weeks if she'd had to figure things out for herself. And by the end of the day, Goody Hawkins knew some Algonquin, and the Indian woman, Namequa, knew some words in English. Namequa saw Goody Hawkins back to the little town and then faded into the trees almost like magic. Well, the seasons came and went, and Goody Hawkins had her hands full trying to keep people well, what with the snakes and unfriendly Indians and poisonous plants all around. The folks couldn't get none of the plants they brought with 'em to grow very well, 'cause the weather was so different from England's. That meant that folks weren't eatin' right, and 'specially with the children that was bad. But Namequa showed Goody Hawkins plants that were good eating, and Goody Hawkins showed the other womenfolk, and for a time the folks there lived like Indians, what with the menfolk learnin' to hunt and fish from Squanto and the women learnin' to gather wild plants to eat from Goody Hawkins and Namequa.That first Thanksgiving feast, they didn't eat just the corn and squash and beans that Squanto showed the men how to grow; they also had roasted-seed mush and lamb's-quarters gathered by the women. All those, and the deer the neighboring Indians brought, well, that was some dinner! Well, little by little, those folks got settled. Other ships came, with more people, and, later, with cows and other stock. And then Goody Hawkins was busier than ever, 'cause she was supposed to take care of sick animals, too. Back then, if a cow didn't give milk, folks were apt to think the fairies had stolen the milk in the night, so 'twas only natural they should ask their wise woman for help. Before long, there were babies, too, human and animal, and mothers needed Goody Hawkins' help to bring 'em into the world. Somehow, though, through all of this, Goody Hawkins kept time to visit with her good friend, and to keep learning, and to look into her silver bowl every now and again. Well, the years went on, and everybody got older, and some folks just died from getting old. Goody Hawkins' husband died too, and they hadn't any children, so Goody Hawkins should have been alone in the world. But she had her friend Namequa, and every little child in the town called her "Aunt Grace"--she wasn't their real aunt, you know, but they loved her like she was, 'cause she made them things, like sweet-scented pillows, and spicy cookies, and she always listened to them when they told her things. Goody Hawkins had learned a lot from Namequa's tribe, and now that she had no husband to take care of, she spent more time visiting with her Indian friends, and they learned from her too. Indian magic is full of drums and dreaming. Goody Hawkins' magic was full of words and wishing. But she was careful not to let the rest of the folks know she was learning and teaching magic. Why not? Well, folks don't like what they don't understand, is all. People were afraid of lots of things in them days, 'specially in a strange new place. And as more of them Puritan preachers came over from England, the folks would be more secret 'bout visiting Goody Hawkins, not wanting the preachers to know they was holding to the old ways. And the preachers, 'specially one Pastor Langford, looked sidewise and never straight on at Goody Hawkins, being afraid she might hex 'em or some such nonsense. Well, Pastor Langford thought she was working for the devil, but he didn't want to say it outright, 'cause folks liked her. But even that was changing as Goody Hawkins spent more time with Namequa's tribe, and folk got to whispering about it. There was a number of men interested in marrying her, after her husband died, saying it wasn't right for a woman to live alone, but she didn't care about any of 'em. She said no to all of 'em, and some of 'em went away mad. And folk got to saying things outright. One lady said she seen Goody Hawkins dancing naked with all them Indians. Another said there was a demon keeping Goody Hawkins company, which was why she wasn't wanting to marry again. Somebody else said that it was that demon that killed Goody Hawkins' husband. All round town words buzzed like stinging wasps. Now, when a cow wasn't giving milk, it was Goody Hawkins, not the fairies, who they thought had stolen it. Folks began to keep their children away from her. And Pastor Langford came right out and made fiery sermons about witches and the devil and sin and punishment. Goody Hawkins saw and heard all of this, but what could she do? It was her word against the words of respectable folk, and nobody was going to believe her. So she kept silent, kept to herself, and waited. She didn't have to wait long. One evening, she came home from a visit to her Indian friends and found her cottage in ruins. Jars were smashed, boxes thrown all over. The herb-bunches had been torn down from the ceiling, her cauldron overturned, Bible verses scrawled all over the walls with charcoal from her fireplace. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", they said, and Goody Hawkins felt cold in her heart because she knew that the people wanted to kill her. And worst of all, her beautiful silver bowl was all bent and crushed, like someone had hit it with a hammer. Goody Hawkins sat down at the table in the midst of the mess, and cried. She felt helpless and angry. She wished she really could turn people into toads. She made half-hearted tries at cleaning up, but gave it up. Her heart burned with wanting to hurt the people who'd done it, and froze with knowing her life wasn't worth a straw to 'em. My granny said, that in that hour the devil did come to her, offering to kill the townsfolk for her, if she'd give up her soul to him, but Goody Hawkins chased him out with her broom. I think more likely, she thought about putting poison in the well-water, but knew that not only would that poison the townsfolk, it'd poison the water and the earth, and the water and earth hadn't hurt her. And she knew that killing all those folks would poison her soul, too, forever, make her sour and angry as a real wicked witch. So instead, she gathered all her power to her, all her love and strength; she threw down her hiding bonnet, and shook out her hair, which was getting grey by now, and walked proud and tall out into the town square. The folks began to gather round, saying hateful things, but Goody Hawkins lifted up her arms and began to sing, strong and sweet, in the old tongue that nobody but wise folk could speak anymore. And when the folks saw that their words couldn't hurt her, they commenced to pick up stones to throw at her. But before they could throw their stones, the preachers came and said she'd have to have a proper trial. So soldiers took Goody Hawkins away with them, away from the shouting people, and she was still singing as they locked her up. They tried to get her to tell them things, like was she partners with the devil, and had she hexed people and animals, and did she have a demon helper, and did she change into a cat to steal milk, but she never did nothing but close her eyes and sing softly, smiling like she saw something beautiful. So finally they gave up and took her to the courthouse. There all kinds of people told stories about Goody Hawkins and things she'd never really done. And all through it, Goody Hawkins stood tall, and looked straight in the faces of the folks as was doing the telling. When everyone was through with their lying, the judge asked Goody Hawkins had she anything to say. Goody Hawkins looked round at the folks, looking like your momma when she's gonna scold you, and began telling each one what she'd done for them. This one wouldn't be alive if Goody Hawkins hadn't helped his mother with the birthing. That one's daughter was deathly sick with fever, and Goody Hawkins cured her. The other one's cows were dropping down dead before Goody Hawkins found out they were eating poisonous leaves. There wasn't one person in that courtroom Goody Hawkins hadn't helped somehow over the years. And folks were looking like you do when you're getting a scolding and you know you've been wrong. But Pastor Langford butted in and said that Goody Hawkins must have led the cows to the poison leaves, she must have made the little girl sick, she must have put a hex on the mother so her baby had trouble being born. And even though some folks still looked uncertain, the rest of 'em started howling for Goody Hawkins to die, and that was that. They took her out to the town square where there was a big oak tree, to hang her onto it. Some soldiers held the crowd back, while two of the others tied Goody Hawkins up, tied a rope around her neck, and threw the other end over one of the branches of the tree. Goody Hawkins wasn't scared to die, but she was scared of the pain, though she didn't let the people see that. She looked out at them and smiled, and was glad to see some people quit their shouting and look worried. Pastor Langford came up, looking nervous, and said, "Do you wish to confess your sins? You may yet be forgiven and reach Heaven." Goody Hawkins just smiled and said, "I have nothing to confess or be forgiven for, nothing I am ashamed of. I want no part of your heaven." The preacher fairly threw a fit right there, choking and stuttering, he wanted so bad to cuss and swear at her but couldn't in front of the townsfolk. So he just pointed to the soldier holding the end of the rope, and he commenced to hauling on it. Goody Hawkins felt the rope tighten and her ears started to ring, and she took what she was sure was her last breath. But suddenly there was a scream, and the rope went loose. Her head cleared, she looked around, and saw the soldier who'd been pulling her up holding onto his arm, where there was an arrow sticking out of it. Folks was shouting and running all over the place, and Goody Hawkins saw that a whole tribe of Indians had come out of the woods like magic with bows and arrows and spears and all. The soldiers couldn't get a clear shot at none of the Indians, what with folks running round like ants when their hill gets kicked over. And in the middle of all that hollerin' and confusion, Goody Hawkins felt a sharp blade between her wrists, cutting the ropes that tied her. There was two Indians there, a big young man and Goody Hawkins' friend Namequa who held a finger to her lips to shush her. The young man scooped Goody Hawkins up in his arms, and ran into the woods carrying her. All of a sudden, the Indians disappeared like morning mist, and when the folks looked round, Goody Hawkins was gone too. The folks never saw her again, and Namequa's tribe were never as friendly to them. Goody Hawkins' cottage was just left to fall down and rot, and nothing in it was ever touched.But some folks were sorry Goody Hawkins was gone, especially when they got sick, or their children or animals. And one day a mother whose little baby was as sick as could be and nobody could help her, she went into the woods by herself, carrying an iron pot. She walked into a clearing, and waited, listening. The woods got quiet, as if they were listening too, and the lady began talking about the baby's problem and asking for help of whoever was listening. She put the pot down, turned around, and walked out of the woods without looking back. The next day, she came back, and where she had left the pot, there was a little bundle of herbs, wrapped up in a soft deerskin. She ran home with it, and made it into tea for her baby, and the baby got better. Well, word of the cure got around among the womenfolk, quietly, not like the lies about Goody Hawkins had gotten around before. They kept it a secret from the preachers, and after a while the preachers forgot about Goody Hawkins. And every once in a while, a woman would slip away from the town, out into the woods, carrying some small thing, that she thought Goody Hawkins might be able to use, knowing that Goody Hawkins was out there somewhere, and would hear them. And always there would be an herb packet there the next day, or a little charm, or some such. As the years went by, the herb packets stopped appearing, but the woman who turned back would see a shaft of light fall on some plant, and would take that back home with her. And finally, even that stopped, but somehow the help always came, somebody got better. There was a song, too. My granny's granny taught her this song, and my granny taught it to me, to sing to Goody Hawkins when we needed help: With heavy heart I come and stand The oak and bonny ivy, A gift to offer in my hand. The hazel, ash and bay tree. How can I hope for any good The oak and bonny ivy, By standing in the empty wood? The hazel, ash and bay tree. But I will trust and dry my tears, The oak and bonny ivy, And know that the Wise Goodwife hears. The hazel, ash, and bay tree. "Child, what are you doing out of bed?" "I feel better, gramma!" "Let me feel of your forehead. Well, that's fine." "Gramma, can I have my coat?" "Where are you going, child?" "Out to the woods, gramma." "What's that you have there?" "It's a picture, gramma, look." "Well, that's right nice. I think I can guess who that is. And I see you've given her back her silver bowl! She'll be happy. Off you go, then." "Bye bye, gramma. I'll come back soon."
Wesley's Anal Ordeal Part 2
"OWWWWWWWWW" Wesley gave out in a high pitched voice as Bok Dar the Ferengi slipped a stubby finger into Wes's tight virginal asshole. "Listen to the pussyboy yelp" laughed the Klingon, cupping his growing member at the sight of Wesley's totally perfect and soon to be ravaged ass. Taul, the Vulcan captain and leader of Wes's abductors added, "Yes indeed, his is the Federation's most lovely heavenly body to behold." Bok Dar continued to finger fuck Wes's ass as acting Ensign Crusher moaned in discomfort. "Bring the boy into the interrogation room Bok" ordered Taul. NO NO NO This can't be happening thought Wesley. He had known that many members of the Enterprise thought him attractive, but no one had made a pass at him, unless you counted Commander Riker's ass pats as passes....come to think of it, the Commander seemed rather fond of patting Wes's ass lately....but nothing could have prepared him for having his ass gouged by a horny Ferengi. They'll never accept me at the Academy if they found out about this, thought Wesley......Wesley had never heard about the rape rooms at Starfleet Academy or of Hell Week.......Picard had been shielding him....but nothing could shield him now as Bok pushed him on his hands and knees into the interrogation with two Ferengi digits penetrating his tender ass. "Good Bok, I like to see a boy on his hands and knees before I fuck him, especially a human boy...they're so soft and woman-like," offered Kor. "This is how we Ferengi treat our women" replied Bok Dar, "I thought the lad had better get used to it. "ENOUGH" shouted Taul "I can no longer hold back the ancient calling of Pon Farr........Ensign Wesley Crusher....prepare to be fucked" the lustful Vulcan concluded as he snapped the two side buttons holding on his metallic briefs. They fell away revealing a throbbing cock, approximately 9 inches tinged from the Vulcan blood that was rushing into it. Wesley could guess at its length because it was the same size as the Cilo-wrench he used in Engineering. Wesley's eyes got even wider when Kor, the renegade Klingon, stepped directly in front of him,.already undressed, and pointed an impossibly huge, deformed looking brownish cock at his tender mouth. "This is for you, Federation whore-boy" he said as he pressed the engorged head against Wes's mouth. "Kiss the pre-cum off my warrior dick, pussy boy."Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to [email protected].
Part 2
"I take after Dracula," Howell muttered. "Sunlight is hazardous to my health." "Get out there, or...." "I'm going, I'm going..." Howell staggered out the door. Mrs. Howell put a cork in the bottle and stashed it back in Thurston's cabinet. She sat down at her dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. "Now. If the Professor and Gilligan were fooling around with Ginger and Mary Ann, and Thurston was passed out like he always is, then the only person who could have been with me was... the Captain." She winked at herself in the mirror. "I do remember how sore I was the next morning. The Captain must be hung like my halfback." She turned in her chair, thinking aloud. "I've got to get some of that fruit." Mary Ann was coming. "Nnnnnnngggggghh!" she gasped, "Oooooooooohhhh!" She shook her head from side to side, her fingers pinching her nipples, her pelvis tilting forward and back against Ginger's fingers, tongue and jaw. Ginger sat back, lifting her head from Mary Ann's crotch, leaving her fingers inside her pussy. Mary Ann collapsed against the sand. Ginger crawled up beside her and lay her head on Mary Ann's breast. She kept her hand where it was. Mary Ann squeezed her legs together, holding Ginger's hand in place. "Gosh, that was good," Mary Ann whispered. "Who needs men?" "Men are good for some things, though." "Yeah, somebody's got to open the pickle jars." Ginger giggled. "On the other hand, there's nothing feels as good as a hard cock..." "Well, try this," Mary Ann said, pushing Ginger over onto her back. She reached down and pushed Ginger's legs apart and slipped down between them. The Skipper was collecting shellfish for supper. He was up to his knees in the water, bending over, fumbling through the sandy bottom for them. Mrs. Howell had just strolled to the lagoon and spotted him. She stood, admiring the view of the Skipper's rear end, imagining that she could see his sex organs hanging down under it. "Yoo hoo, Captain!" Mrs. Howell called. The Skipper straightened up, his hands full of shells. "Oh, hello, Mrs. Howell." "Do you need some help with that?" The Skipper looked at her. "In all the years we've been here on this island, this is the first time you've offered help." As he said it, a sliver of a memory of one other time... no... that must have been a dream. Lovey smiled at him. "There's a first time for everything." She rolled up her pant legs and waded out into the lagoon toward the Skipper. He moved toward her. When they reached each other, the Skipper handed her the shells he had collected, and turned back to get more. She watched him bend over again, wanting to reach out and caress his bottom. She turned, reluctantly taking her eyes from his ass, and took the shells to shore. The Professor held the flask to the light, swirling the clear juice. "Very nice," he said, turning to Gilligan. They had mashed the fruits and strained the juice using an improvised centrifuge. The fruits had produced a little over 30 cubic centimeters of juice. "Why didn't you use all the fruit?" Gilligan asked, holding up the three remaining yellow globes. "Simple," the Professor smiled. "Seeds." "Oh." Gilligan set the fruits back on the Professor's lab table. "Oh! I get it. We can plant these and grow more." The Professor nodded and smiled. "We're all ready for tonight." Ginger looked down her body at the dark-haired Mary Ann, who had her face buried in Ginger's pussy. "Oh gosh.... mmmmmmm," she moaned. Mary Ann raised her eyes, looking up at Ginger, her lips fastened around Ginger's clit, her fingers inside her pussy. Ginger raised up on her elbows, and threw her head back. Her body was shaking, and she rolled her pelvis against Mary Ann's mouth. "Oh! Oh!" she gasped, "Yes.... yes.... yesssss" Her body seemed to explode, a rolling wave of orgasm sweeping over her. She collapsed to the sand. Mary Ann crawled up her body, kissing her way up Ginger's torso, pausing a moment at her breasts, then proceeding on to kiss her lips. They lay together, wordlessly, exhausted on the sand. The Skipper and Mrs. Howell carried the baskets of shellfish to the compound, setting it on the table in their cooking area. They looked around for Ginger or Mary Ann. Not finding them, the Captain gathered some firewood to start a pot boiling to steam the shellfish. "I'll be back after a while," Mrs. Howell said, gently. The Skipper nodded, absently. Mrs. Howell walked past her own hut, listening to hear Thurston mumbling to himself. He was back inside the hut again, probably drinking. She walked quietly to the Professor's hut. She tapped at the door. "Professor?" There was no answer. She pushed the door open and crept inside. She looked around and spotted the bright yellow fruits on the lab table. She slipped one of the fruits into her bra, between her breasts. She slipped back out the door and closed it behind her. Ginger and Mary Ann walked into the 'kitchen'. "Let us take over now, Skipper," Mary Ann smiled. "Okay," he nodded, and wandered back toward the lagoon. After supper that evening, Ginger and Mary Ann got up to fetch dessert. The Professor nodded at Gilligan. He then picked up the pitcher and refilled all of their drinking cups. Gilligan distracted the others, while the Professor slipped some of his juice into Ginger and Mary Ann's cups. The girls returned with another banana cream pie. The Professor and Gilligan smiled as they watched Mary Ann and Ginger drain their cups. The Professor volunteered to help Mary Ann with the dishes. She looked at him with a strange expression on her face. They cleared the table and carried them to the washtub. Mr. Howell yawned and said "I think I need a drink." He got up and headed toward his hut. "Thurston," Mrs. Howell said, then she got up and followed him to their hut. Gilligan looked across the table at Ginger. She batted her eyes at him. "Did you want to say something, Gilligan?" she asked. "W-W-Would you like to take a walk?" Gilligan stammered. "Why would I want to walk with you?" Ginger pried."There's something down at the beach I want to show you." "Oh," Ginger smiled. "Well, okay then..." Gilligan scrambled to his feet. Ginger got up gracefully. The two of them walked off toward the lagoon, leaving the Skipper alone at the table. The Skipper sat there for several minutes, picking his teeth. Soon he began to hear a sound something like a moose with a head cold. Mr. Howell must have fallen asleep. The Skipper smiled and shook his head. How could his wife have stood that all these years? He turned around and leaned back against the table, his toothpick stuck in the corner of his mouth. He looked up at the starry sky. "All I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by," he muttered. The door to the Howells' hut opened, and Lovey stepped out. She looked over to the table and spotted the Skipper. She strolled up and sat down beside him on the bench. "He's unusually loud tonight," the Skipper commented. "Yes." They sat silently for a few minutes. The Skipper looked up at the stars. While he was looking away, Lovey quietly slipped the yellow fruit out of her bra and put it into the fruit basket on the table. The Professor and Mary Ann worked quietly, the Professor washing, Mary Ann drying the dishes. Every once in a while they would look at each other and smile. The dishes finally done, the Professor dried his hands. He turned to Mary Ann. "Would you like to take an after-dinner stroll?" Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Sure." They walked together slowly down the path toward the sweetwater pool. About halfway there, Mary Ann reached out and took his hand, and they strolled hand-in-hand to the pool. Lovey cleared her throat. The Skipper looked over at her. She took a banana from the fruit basket. "You're not going to let me eat alone, are you?" she asked. The Skipper shook his head. He reached for the fruit basket, but Lovey took the yellow fruit from the basket and handed it to him. His face lit up. "I thought these were all gone!" He bit into it. Lovey smiled. She took the entire peeling off the banana, slowly and deliberately. The Skipper took another bite. Lovey nibbled one end of the peeled banana. Gilligan and Ginger reached the lagoon. He picked up a few shells on the beach and began to skip them into the surf. Ginger watched for a few minutes, then said, "Is this what you brought me here to see?" Nervously, Gilligan turned to face her. "No.... ummm..." He stepped up closer to her. He stood, nervously shifting from foot to foot. She batted her eyes at him. "Yes, Gilligan?" Finally, he leaned forward quickly and kissed her, a quick peck on the lips. He stepped back, half expecting her to slap him. She reached out and took his head between her hands, and pulled it toward her, planting a kiss on him that would melt steel. Mary Ann and the Professor reached the sweetwater pool. The moon reflected off the pool and the shimmering waterfall. They turned to face each other, and the Professor wrapped his arms around her. She melted in his arms, tilting her head back. He kissed her tentatively, then with more passion, and she returned the kiss. Lovey wrapped her lips around the banana, drawing it into her mouth sensually. The Skipper's jaw dropped, and he stared, watching her fellate the banana. The Professor dropped to his knees in front of Mary Ann, and untied the knot in her blouse. It dropped open, revealing her lovely, firm breasts and dark brown nipples. He took first one, then the other nipple between his lips, tickling the tip of each with his tongue and sucking gently. She ran her fingers through his hair, her head tilted back, her eyes closed. Ginger dropped her hands to Gilligan's waist, and untied his drawstring pants. They fell to the sand. She wrapped her fingers around his erection, and whispered in his ear, "Is this what you brought me here to see?" Gilligan gulped, and nodded. Ginger dropped to her knees and sat back on her heels. She turned his dick to the left, to the right, then up and down, examining it from all angles. She looked up and smiled. "Gilligan, I think it's a penis." Lovey finished her banana, the Skipper still staring, his hands shaking. She reached across the table and gripped his hand. "Come on," she whispered. "M-m-mrs. H-h-howell," he stammered. "Lovey... please," she smiled. "I-I-I don't think that..." "Shhhh," she whispered. "Don't worry about Thurston. Listen. You can still hear him snore." She stood up and pulled the Skipper to his feet, and led him down the pathway into the jungle. Ginger wrapped her lips around the end of Gilligan's cock, swirling her tongue around his cockhead. Gilligan moaned, unconsciously bucking his hips, pushing his penis further into her mouth. "Easy, now, Gilligan," she said, gripping him firmly. She applied her lips and tongue to his cock again, cupping his balls with one hand, a firm grip on his shaft with the other. Mary Ann moaned softly as the Professor kissed his way down her belly, pushing his tongue into her navel. His hands worked gently at her shorts, unbuttoning them. They slid down her legs, and she stepped out of them. She dropped her open blouse off her shoulders and stood naked in the moonlight. The Professor sat back on his heels, looking at her. She turned, slowly. "Like what you see?" "Prettiest girl on the island." "Humpf. That's not saying much." "Prettiest girl I've ever seen." "That's better." She leaned over and kissed his lips. "Now it's your turn. Stand up." He scrambled to his feet. Mary Ann unbuttoned his shirt, and slipped it back over his shoulders. She ran her hands down his hairless chest and down his belly. She unfastened his trousers, and let them drop. Then she pulled his boxer shorts down over his ass, and they joined his other clothing on the ground. He stepped out of his shoes as he freed his feet from his pants, his penis erect and throbbing. "Last one in's a rotten egg," she said, and dashed for the pool. The Professor wasn't far behind her. They hit the water at the same time, splashing into the cold water. They dove down, kissing under water, then broke the surface in an embrace, their feet just touching bottom as their heads bobbed at the surface. They held each other tightly. Gilligan tugged off his shirt and cap, and stepped out of his pants. Ginger stood up and turned around. "Unzip me," she said. Gilligan fumbled for the zipper pull, then worked it slowly down her back. The dress opened up, revealing her bare back -- no bra straps. The zipper ended just at the crack of her ass. She shrugged out of the dress facing away from him, and let it drop slowly. Gilligan stared at her ass, so round, so firm, so fully packed. He reached out and caressed it, gently, his hands shaking. Mary Ann wrapped her legs around the Professor's hips, clinging to him in the water. As they kissed, she worked herself up him, until the tip of his penis was just at the entrance to her pussy. She lowered herself on him, taking his thick cock fully inside her. The Professor stood in the water, marveling at how the differential in ambient temperature between the aqua pura and Mary Ann's internal vaginal temperature... What the hell... the cold water made her cunt feel even hotter. He gripped her tighter. Lovey and the Skipper found a small clearing in the jungle and sat down. Lovey wrapped her arms around the Skipper's neck and kissed him gently on the lips. He hesitated a moment, then returned the kiss. She opened her mouth, and his tongue danced inside. She slid over into his lap, running one hand over his barrel chest, outside his shirt. Ginger turned around, giving Gilligan a good look at her firm, pink-nippled breasts, and the red-haired patch below. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him again. They sank to their knees on the sandy beach. She pushed Gilligan backwards, and he lay on his back. She moved quickly into a sixty-nine position on top of him, lowering her pussy over his face, as she drew his penis between her lips. Gilligan dove in greedily, fastening his lips around her clit, stroking it with his tongue. He reached up, grabbing the white globes of her asscheeks, clinging to them as she moved sensually. She took his full length into her mouth, deep-throating him. Gilligan moaned. Mary Ann and the Professor worked their way back to the edge of the pool, and the Professor climbed out, Mary Ann still wrapped around him. He staggered a few feet, his cock firmly held inside her pussy. He dropped to his knees, and gently lowered her to the ground. She released her grip on his hips, and he began to take slow, deep strokes. She met each stroke with a tilt of her pelvis, rubbing her clit against his shaft. Lovey unbuttoned her blouse, letting it drop off her shoulders.She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, and shrugged out of it. She grasped the Skipper's shaking hands and placed them on her breasts. His fingers found her nipples, and as he twisted them between his fingers, she kissed his lips again. She pushed him gently backwards until he lay on the soft grass. She knelt between his legs and unfastened his pants. She reached inside and wrapped her fingers around his growing penis. Her fingers did not reach all the way around it. He lifted his hips, and she slid his pants down, maneuvering around to get them down his legs and off, taking his shoes with them. She knelt again between his legs and licked his penis, which was too big to take into her mouth. She cupped his balls in one hand, gently massaging them as she worked over his huge cockhead with her lips and tongue. Ginger's body shook as she neared orgasm. Gilligan was nothing if not diligent in his efforts at her clit. She sat back a little, pressing her cunt against his jaw and tongue, keeping a firm grip on his penis. She started to come, her orgasm beginning at her clit, radiating through her body in a warm rush. As her contractions ended, she slid off his face and turned to kiss his lips, tasting her own juices on his mouth. The Professor rolled over onto his back, pulling Mary Ann over on top of him. She sat up, impaling herself on his cock. She sat there, making small circles, rubbing her clit against his pubic bone and base of his cock. She could feel little contractions beginning in her pussy and reached down to stroke her clit. He pushed her hands aside and, using his thumbs, made circular motions over her clit. Mary Ann tilted her head back, her eyes closed, her breasts thrust forward, a lovely sight for the Professor. Her cunt clamped down on him as she climaxed, her body quivering with the force of her orgasm. Lovey stood up and unfastened her skirt, allowing it to drop to the ground. As the Skipper watched interestedly, she turned and pulled her panties down over her ass, giving him a view not only of her asshole but a good look at her pussy. Now naked, she turned again towards him, stepping over his legs and squatting over his hips. His huge cock stood up in front of her dark pubic hair. She wrapped both hands around his cock and stroked gently, as he reached up to tweak her nipples with his fingers. She raised herself up and forward, guiding his penis to the entrance to her cunt. She lowered herself, breathing deeply as his cockhead forced her cuntlips aside, pushing slowly inside her. Mary Ann began to move again, pushing herself up and down with her legs. The Professor reached up and took hold of her breasts, rolling her erect nipples with his thumbs. He neared orgasm. He moved his hands from her breasts to her shoulders and pulled her on top of him. He kissed her lips as his balls exploded, pumping spurt after spurt into her hot, waiting pussy. Ginger lay back on the sand. Gilligan scrambled up between her legs and kissed his way up her body, pausing briefly to suck on her pink nipples. She pulled him to her and kissed his mouth, her tongue slipping through their lips. She reached down and guided his cock into her dripping pussy. He began slow, easy strokes, her legs wrapped around his, her feet just behind his knees. Gilligan neared orgasm and pushed himself deeply into Ginger's cunt. Ginger slid her legs up around his hips, holding him inside her as he started to ejaculate. He collapsed on top of her, and they breathed heavily together. The Skipper was breathing heavily, too, as Lovey continued to lower herself on his huge shaft. Lovey moaned softly, allowing her body to adjust to the Skipper's size. She was lubricating freely, which was making it easier for the Skipper's cock to slide inside her. She reached the bottom of his shaft. She sat still a moment, savoring the sensation of being completely filled up. He was the size of her fullback in college, and that brought back some lovely memories. The Skipper was caressing her breasts, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. She tilted her head back, arching her back, pressing her tits into his hands. She reached down and stroked her clit, pressing it between her fingers and his penis. She shivered with pleasure. She raised herself just a bit, allowing the Skipper's cock to slide out about two inches, then lowered herself again. The movement was getting easier. She did it again and again, picking up a little speed, holding her clit against his penis. "Nnnnngh," the Skipper moaned, and clasped at her. He began to come; there was no room inside her, so it gushed around his cock and ran down into his pubic hair. She continued to work herself up and down his shaft, nearing orgasm herself. As the Skipper's cock softened, and with the extra lubrication of his come, she picked up some speed. The contractions came suddenly, squeezing against his cock, shaking her body. She collapsed forward, with him still inside her, and lay on his barrel chest. The Professor and Mary Ann took another dip in the pool, rinsing each other off with giggles and tender touches. They got dressed and headed back to the compound. Ginger and Gilligan also arose and dashed hand-in-hand into the surf in the lagoon to rinse off the sand, then they too dressed and headed 'home'. The four of them arrived at the girls' hut at the same time. With knowing glances at each other, the two couples kissed again good-night. The two girls headed into their hut. The Professor put his arm around Gilligan's shoulder. "So how did it go?" "It didn't go," Gilligan grinned. "It came." The Professor chuckled. They headed back to their huts. Lovey reluctantly removed herself from the Skipper's cock; even in its flaccid state it was a sizable organ. She recovered her clothing, slipping into her blouse and skirt, tucking her bra and panties into her pocket. The Skipper arose and tugged on his trousers and shoes. They walked hand in hand almost to the compound, dropping this last physical contact when they approached the clearing, in case anyone was still up to see them. They needn't have bothered; there was no one in the compound, and the only sound was the buzz-saw roar of Thurston Howell's snores. The Skipper walked her to the door of her hut. "Good-night, sweet Captain," she whispered. She kissed him quickly and slipped through the hut door. The Skipper sauntered back to his hut. He noted that Gilligan was already in the top hammock, and he rolled into the lower one. As he pulled the blankets up under his chin, he felt suddenly dizzy; then he fell into a deep sleep. Lovey changed into her nightgown, using a hand towel to wipe away most of the Skipper's semen. She slipped into the bed, listened for a moment to the roar of the buzz saw, then reached over for the soft gum earplugs. Thurston was cuddled up with his teddy bear. "He couldn't care less if I was here or not," she muttered. She lay back against the pillow, thinking about the Captain's penis. Morning. The seven castaways headed for the outhouses and the sweetwater pool for their morning cleanup. The Professor and Mary Ann passed each other on the path. "Good morning, Roy," Mary Ann said, smiling. "'Morning," the Professor smiled back. She took his hand and leaned forward to kiss him lightly. "Thanks for last night," she whispered. "It was great!" She continued toward the pool. The Professor was staggered; the juice was supposed to work on her memory... Gilligan was just coming out of the outhouse as Ginger approached. She slipped one hand under Gilligan's balls and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Hi, Stud Muffin!" "H-h-hello!" Gilligan stammered and stumbled. She moved past him into the outhouse and closed the door. Gilligan ran toward the other outhouse, where the Professor was just emerging. "It didn't work," he gasped. "What are you talking about?" "Ginger remembered! The juice didn't work!" "Of course it worked... You got laid, didn't you?" The Professor smiled. "Maybe it's better this way, anyhow." "Why's that?" "This way we can make love with the girls any time we want. We don't have to rely on the fruit." "Oh, yeah." Gilligan smiled. "Right." They walked up the path to join the others at the pool. Lovey watched the others as they played together in the water. It was obvious that the younger folks were getting to know each other as lovers. Her eyes widened as she thought, "They remember! They weren't supposed to remember!" The Skipper arrived at the pool. "Good morning, Mrs. Howell." "Good morning, Captain," she smiled. "And how did you sleep last night?" "I went to bed right after supper," he said, "and I slept like a baby all night." Lovey heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't remember! She puzzled over it in her mind, until she came to a sudden realization. It's not the juice of the fruit that works, it's the pulp! She would have to talk to the Professor about that... someday.PART THREE Gilligan was crouching in the bushes, peering through the foliage, as Ginger waded into the sweetwater pool under the waterfall. Her back was toward him as she moved under the waterfall. He saw her drop her clothing and caught a glimpse of her bare ass before it was covered with the white water. "C'mon, Ginger, turn around," he whispered. "Turn around..." He reached down into his pants and gripped his penis, already erect. He pulled it out and stroked it, watching the shadowy image of Ginger's naked bottom through the flowing water. Ginger turned around under the waterfall and stuck her head through the flow. "Gilligan!" she shouted. "Get your ass over here right now!" Gilligan stood up and ran down to the pool. He pulled off his clothes and waded to the waterfall. Ginger reached through the flow of water and grabbed his hand, pulling him under the falls to the little alcove underneath. Ginger wrapped her arms around him, drawing him into a passionate kiss, rubbing her wet, naked body against him. She reached down and grabbed his penis, stroking its length. She lowered herself in the water, pulling him down on top of her. Gilligan kissed her breasts as she guided his cock to the entrance to her pussy. He pressed it inside her, and she moaned with pleasure, taking his full length easily. He began slow, easy strokes, the resistance of the water making his movements easier and slower. Ginger's clit pressed against the base of his cock with each stroke, and she gasped every time he pressed against it. "Oh, gosh," she whispered, "I'm coming..." Her pussy grabbed at his cock as her body shook, with a warm glow flowing from her pussy though the rest of her body. Gilligan pumped twice more, and with the pressure from her orgasmic pussy, he began to ejaculate inside her. He kissed her lips as they caught their breath. They stood up, finally. Ginger picked up her bar of coconut-butter soap, and they lathered each other up, giggling and laughing. Roy Hinkley, "The Professor", was making his bed. Literally making his bed. He had gathered some nice pieces of bamboo and was busily making a double-sized bed. Whistling as he worked, he was also trying to decide just how to approach Mary Ann about moving in with him. Making love in the moonlight in the great outdoors was great, but the rainy season was approaching. The Skipper was whistling, too, as he cast his fishing line into the surf. He waited for a nibble, holding the fishing rod braced against his belly. A strange, yet familiar voice sounded behind him. "Welcome to Sherwood." He turned to see a man all in green perched on a fallen tree trunk. He was carrying a huge bow and a quiver of arrows on his back. He blinked twice, almost dropping his fishing rod. "Robin Hood?" "None other," the man in green said, grinning. "You look very familiar. Are you not the son of one of my merry men?" "No," the Skipper shook his head. "Not that I know of." "Strange," Robin said. He looked at the Skipper's fishing rod. "Fishing? Is there no game in the forest?" "Not that we've been able to find," the Skipper said. "How did you get here? Are you our rescue?" "Rescue? From Sherwood?" "This is NOT Sherwood. It's an island in the South Pacific." The Skipper reeled in his line and set the fishing rod aside. "South... Pacific? It looks like Sherwood..." Robin turned and looked around. "But then again..." "Believe me," the Skipper said, "it's not England. Do you have a boat?" Robin shook his head. "A plane? A helicopter?" Robin shook his head. Suddenly, he stood still. "Hark!" "What is it..." Robin placed a hand over the Skipper's mouth, silencing him. "A deer!" he whispered, "A fine stag to make a man's dinner." He nocked an arrow into the bow and climbed over the fallen tree and into the jungle. Moments later, Mr. Howell walked out of the jungle onto the beach. The Skipper was staring into the jungle. "Captain..." "Did you see him?" "See who?" Howell frowned. "Robin Hood." "Captain, have you been raiding my liquor cabinet?" Mary Ann looked around the hut at her few meager possessions. She sat down on the cot, considering how quickly she could pack them all away if the Professor asked her the question she wanted him to ask. Five minutes, maybe less. "But what about Ginger? Would she be all alone in this hut if I moved in with the Professor? Or would Gilligan move in here with her?" she thought. "And that would leave the Skipper alone... oh, my... how complicated." Ginger walked in, wrapped in her towel. She had been to the waterfall again. And from the glow in her face, it looked like she had been there with someone. "Talking to yourself again?" Ginger grinned. "Was I?" Mary Ann blushed. "I've been doing a lot of thinking." "About the Professor?" Ginger sat on the other cot, facing her. "Has he asked you yet?" Mary Ann shook her head. Ginger reached over and took her hand. "He will. Don't worry." Ginger looked into Mary Ann's eyes. "And if he does, do it. Don't worry about me." Mary Ann reached out and took Ginger into her arms. "Thanks." Ginger's towel fell away. "In the meantime," she cooed. Gilligan sat down on a log near a clearing in the jungle. He sat in a position like Rodin's "The Thinker", his chin resting on his fist, his elbow on his knee. He was considering his relationship with Ginger. He loved her, he really did. Or was it just lust? Did he want to live the rest of his life with her, or was it that she was available, and here, and... His vision blurred, and he blinked. Next to him on the log was a golden-haired fellow, about his same age. He blinked again. The fellow was still there. "Hi, Maynard, old buddy." The golden-haired fellow grinned. Gilligan sat up. "Maynard?" "Hey, where's your goatee?" Gilligan rubbed his chin. "What's wrong, Maynard?" "My name is Gilligan. Who are you?" "You mean you don't recognize your oldest friend? It's Dobie." The fellow laughed. "And you're Maynard." "Gilligan," he said. "My name is Gilligan." "It's Maynard, and I'll prove it. Watch this... 'work'" A shiver ran up Gilligan's spine. He shook it off. "See there," Dobie said. "You're Maynard." Gilligan shook his head. "Well, whatever, old buddy," Dobie grinned. "What's on your mind?" "Ummm," Gilligan squirmed. "I guess I can tell you since you're imaginary." "Who's imaginary?" Dobie grinned. "Que pasa?" "It's a girl," Gilligan said. "I figured that," Dobie smiled. "Why else would I be here?" "I'm not sure what I feel for her. Is it love or is it lust?" "Does it matter?" Gilligan looked at him. "Of course it matters." "Okay. Do you want to be with her even when you've got your clothes on?" "Yeah." "Then it's probably love. Go for it." Gilligan glanced away. "Go for it?" There was silence. He looked back, and Dobie was gone. He sat there a moment longer. "Go for it...." Lovey Howell adjusted her makeup in the small mirror. She had managed to get Thurston out of the hut for a while, anyway. He needed to get some fresh air, and away from the liquor cabinet for a few hours. She adjusted her clothing; it was getting a bit tattered with the years of wear. Thank goodness she had brought all of the trunks she had; she pitied the poor younger girls who only had a few outfits. And the Captain and Gilligan had only one set of clothes, since they had expected to be home that night so long ago. When they wore out their clothes, I guess they'd have to go naked... Thinking of the Captain naked brought a sly grin to her face. That might not be so bad after all. She headed out the door toward the Professor's hut. She needed to talk with him about the fruits. The Professor tied the last knots and slid the double-sized bed towards the wall. He had to adjust the position of his lab-table and trunk, but it all fit. At least he didn't have to rebuild the hut. He stood back and admired his work, thinking about the workout he wanted to give it. There was a tap at the door. "Professor?" It was Mrs. Howell. He invited her in. She sat in his 'relaxing' chair, and he perched on his lab stool. "What can I help you with?" "This is rather awkward, Professor," she said, almost blushing. "Go ahead. We're all friends here," the Professor smiled. "It's about those yellow fruits Gilligan found last week." The Professor paused. "Yes? What about them?" "I know what they do, Professor." She looked away from him, slightly embarrassed. "And I want to grow some more." "Oh?" The Professor squirmed on his stool. "Are you and Mr. Howell having ...problems?" "Yes..." Lovey lied. "That's it exactly." The Professor reached over and picked up the two remaining fruits from his lab table. They had softened, and were giving off a sour fragrance. "That's funny," he said, "I thought there were three." Mrs. Howell grimaced. The Professor handed them to her. He opened his botany book and read from the page describing the fruit. "Looks like it should be planted in sandy soil, near a tree where the vine can climb. That's all the information I have." He closed the book. "I can't guarantee they'll grow, and I have no idea when the vines will bear fruit." "I understand, Professor," she said, smiling. "Thank you." "You're very welcome. I hope the problems work out."Lovey went into the jungle, looking for likely spots to plant her seeds. She found two trees close to the pathway that looked hopeful. She dug a shallow hole next to each tree and placed the rotting fruits in them, covering the hole. She kissed her fingers, then the soil. "Grow, please grow," she whispered. Thurston Howell walked along the beach. "Damn this island," he said aloud. "Damn this beach, damn this ocean, damn these waves, damn..." He was so distracted by his tirade that he nearly fell over the barrel. He kicked it. It didn't move, and he hurt his foot. He hopped around on his good foot, holding the hurt one. He sat on the barrel, which was lying on the sand. He massaged his toes, muttering, "and damn this barrel." As he worked on his sore toes, he looked down at the barrel. Stenciled on the side of the barrel was the name "Inverness." He looked up at the sky. "If there's a god in heaven, let this be full." He got up and pushed at the barrel. It was very heavy, it had SOMETHING inside. He pushed harder, and the barrel rolled over, exposing the bung. It was intact. "Praise the gods!" he shouted, then clamped his hands over his mouth. He looked around. "I've got to find Gilligan," he muttered. Mary Ann and Ginger were in a sixty-nine position, with Ginger on top. Ginger's lips were locked around Mary Ann's clitoris, her tongue dancing around the tip of the sensitive nubbin. Mary Ann had her hands around the cheeks of Ginger's ass, her fingertips brushing her anus. Mary Ann's tongue was stroking over Ginger's clitoris, her concentration on her nearing orgasm. Her body began to quiver under Ginger's ministrations. Ginger's fingers slid into Mary Ann's vagina, pressing upward against her g-spot. Mary Ann's body tried to levitate, as an explosive orgasm shook her body. As her contractions slowed, she again applied herself to Ginger's pussy, sucking hungrily on her clitoris. Her fingertips approached Ginger's anus again, and slowly, Mary Ann slid her middle finger into Ginger's anus. "Mmmmmmmmm," Ginger moaned, "Oh, yes." With her other hand, Mary Ann slipped two fingers into Ginger's pussy. Ginger raised up, pushing back against Mary Ann's hands and mouth. "Yes... yes, that's it," she gasped, "Oh yes..." Her body began to quiver, and a gush of vaginal fluid ran down Mary Ann's face. Ginger's orgasm shook the bed, as Mary Ann slowed her tonguing of Ginger's clitoris. Ginger got up slowly and turned around, and lay beside Mary Ann in the narrow cot. Gilligan was sitting at the table in the compound, contemplating the basket of fruit. Which one was he least tired of? Mrs. Howell approached the compound. "Gilligan, there's something I want you to do for me." "What's that, Mrs. Howell?" "Do you think you could find any more of that yellow fruit?" Gilligan goggled at her for a moment, but remembered that she couldn't possibly know what it was good for. "I'll try, Mrs. Howell," he nodded. "Thank you." She headed for her hut. At that moment, Mr. Howell came running up the path from the beach. "Gilligan, dear boy. Just the man I was looking for..." "What do you want me to do?" sighed Gilligan. Howell looked back toward his hut. Lovey had gone inside. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "I've made a wonderful find on the beach, and I need your help." "What did you find?" Gilligan asked, in a normal voice. "Shhhhh...." hissed Howell. "Keep your voice down." "Okay," whispered Gilligan, "what did you find?" "A whole barrel of Inverness Scotch." "A whole barrel?" Gilligan's voice rose to a normal level again. "Shhhhh!" Howell hissed again. "Sorry," whispered Gilligan. "Come with me. I need to roll it up away from the tide, and I'll need help to get it open." The Skipper landed his catch; a very nice, big fish. As he pulled it up the beach, he glanced at the jungle, half expecting Robin Hood, or Tarzan, or some other character to come popping out. But nobody did. He pulled out his knife and started cleaning the fish. The Professor strolled over to the girls' hut and tapped on the door. "Anybody home?" "Just a minute," Ginger's voice sounded from inside. The Professor heard some scrambling around. Ginger jumped up and grabbed a dress, slipping it over her head and zipping it up. Mary Ann retrieved her shorts and slipped them on, and buttoned her blouse. Ginger went to the door. "Hi, Professor." She batted her eyes at him. "I was just coming... er, going." She walked out the door, winking at Mary Ann. "Come on in, Roy." Mary Ann sat on the edge of the bed. The Professor sat down next to her and took her hand. "Mary Ann... I want to ask..." "Yes," she said, smiling. "You didn't know what I want to ask." "Yes I do, and I do." She kissed him. "Give me five minutes to pack up." She finished in four. The Professor picked up her little bag, and they walked hand-in-hand to his hut. Gilligan and Mr. Howell rolled the barrel up the beach to the edge of the jungle. They tipped it up on end to keep it from rolling back down to the water. "I don't think the tide gets this high," Gilligan observed. "Good. Now, how to open it." Gilligan smiled and picked up the tool box. "I know how to open barrels." He took out the hammer and took aim at the top. "Wait! NO!" Howell shouted, and grabbed the hammer. "If you break the top, we can't close it back up!" He leaned over and looked in the tool box. He picked up a brace and bit. "Now, this will make a small hole that we can plug up." He set the tip of the bit on the top of the barrel-end, and Gilligan started to turn the brace. The hole was bored through. Gilligan pulled out the bit, and Howell leaned over to sniff the contents. "Heavenly," Howell sighed. "It's Scotch, all right." Then he frowned. "But how do we get it out of the barrel?" "I could still smash the top," suggested Gilligan. Howell just frowned at him. "The Professor uses a kind of vine for tubing in his lab. Maybe we could find some." "Good idea. Go look for some. I'll just sniff for a while." Gilligan dashed into the jungle. He was looking for the vine that the Professor used, but a flash of yellow caught his eye. He stopped and looked closer. It was another vine-full of yellow fruits, just like the ones he found before! He marked the place in his mind and went looking for the tubing-vine. He found some, and pulled it down. Using his pocket knife, he cut off the leaves from a length of it, and took it back to Howell. Howell was standing over the barrel, his nose pressed against the hole. "So near and yet so far," he sighed. Gilligan handed him the vine, and Howell lowered one end into the barrel. He placed the other end between his lips and sucked. "Like drinking through a straw," Gilligan noted. The fluid finally reached Howell's mouth. He filled his mouth, then pinched the end of the vine. He swirled the liquid around his mouth, then swallowed. "Ambrosia," he said, "Nectar!" He raised his eyes to the sky. "Thank you!" "You're welcome," said Gilligan. Ginger walked toward the compound table, just as the Skipper brought up his load of fish. "I'll take that, Skipper," she said, and he handed over his bundle. "Thanks, Ginger." He stopped to wipe his brow and said, "I'm going to go up to the waterfall and wash up." He started up the path to the sweetwater pool. Ginger took the fish over by the fireplace and added some wood to the coals still smouldering there. Flames started to appear around the new wood. "Gilligan, dear boy, go back to my hut and get a couple of empty bottles," Howell said, sipping from his straw. "Sure, Mr. Howell." "Oh... If Lovey is there, don't let her see you." "Okay." Gilligan started back toward the compound, but remembered the fruits. He doubled back into the jungle and located the vine. He picked three of the yellow fruits and rolled them up in his shirt. Then he headed back toward the compound. The Professor and Mary Ann entered his hut... their hut. The Professor led her over to show her the new bed. "Oh, Roy," she said, "you expected me to say yes!" The Professor nodded. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Let's break it in," she whispered, huskily. Gilligan ran into the compound and looked around for Mrs. Howell. Not seeing her, he tapped on their door. "Mrs. Howell?" "Yes, Gilligan dear?" She opened the door. "I found some," he said, breathlessly. He unrolled his shirt and handed her the three fruits. "Oh, thank you, dear boy!" She took one and sniffed it. "Smells delicious!" "Ummm," Gilligan shifted from foot to foot. "Mrs. Howell, Mr. Howell sent me for a couple of his empty bottles. But I wasn't supposed to tell you." Lovey frowned slightly, but she was delighted to have the fruits. "Of course you can have his empties." She stepped away from the door and let Gilligan inside. "They're over there in the cabinet."Gilligan stepped over and opened the door. There were several bottles of different-colored fermented fruit juices, and several empties. He picked up two of the empty bottles. "Thanks," Gilligan said, clutching the bottles. "Thank you, Gilligan," she said, clasping the fruits to her chest. The Professor unbuttoned Mary Ann's blouse and peeled it back over her shoulders. He caressed the smooth globes of her breasts, their dark brown nipples popping up like rubber erasers under his fingers. She moaned and kissed his neck. His hands moved farther down and unfastened her shorts, dropping them to her feet, where she stepped out of them, along with her shoes. She reached up and unbuttoned his shirt, running her fingers down his hairless chest. She dropped her hands down to his pants, unfastening them, and they joined Mary Ann's on the floor. He stepped out of his shoes. Mary Ann sank down into the bed and lay on her back. She lifted her knees, extending her arms towards the Professor. He climbed into the bed, slipping up between her thighs. He ran his hands over her legs and up her sides to her breasts, tweaking her nipples again. Then back down, running his fingers through her dark pubic hair to the warm wet place below. His thumb found her clitoris, warm and erect under its tiny hood. She gasped as his thumb brushed over it. The fingers of his other hand parted her labia, and he could see the moist pinkness within. He slipped a finger inside her, and she gripped it with her vaginal muscles. He bent down and touched her clitoris with his tongue. It felt hot, and he rolled his tongue over it. Mary Ann gasped and reached for his head, running her fingers into his hair. He moved his tongue down further, sliding down the slippery skin past her urethra, plunging his tongue as deeply as he could into her pussy. She wiggled her hips, running her fingers over his head. He moved back up to her clitoris, sliding his tongue around and over it. He fastened his lips around her clitoris, sucking gently, brushing her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. She gripped his hair, holding him in place. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" she moaned, thrashing her head from side to side. The Professor raised his head, and as Mary Ann released her grip on his hair, he slid up her body to kiss her waiting lips. His penis poised at the entrance to her vagina, the glans parting her labia and sliding to its full length inside her. "Ummmmmmph," moaned Mary Ann into the Professor's mouth. Her clitoris pressed against the base of his penis as she tilted her pelvis back. Her vaginal muscles clamped around his penis, holding him in place. Mrs. Howell walked around to the "kitchen," where Ginger was stirring the hot coals, ready to place the fish fillets on the grill. "Do you know where the Captain is?" Mrs. Howell asked. "He said he was going up to take a shower in the waterfall," Ginger said.
Incident at the Zoo
"Look, mommy, a gorilla!" the little girl screamed. Kate thought, for the hundredth time, that this seemed a very stupid thing to say. She had been working at the zoo for over 5 years, and all children seemed to say the same thing. She stopped looking out the window from the cage and went to the back. The intercom was located back there, and she picked it up. "Attention please. The zoo is closing now for the day. Please exit as soon as possible, as the animals want to get some sleep." She heard a small burst of laughter from outside, as she always did. As she put the mike down, Steve came in. "Hey, are you going out with everyone else tonight?" He asked. "Oh, I don't think so. Mr. Myers said there were some problems in Sarki's room, and he wanted me to check it out." "Shit. I wouldn't go in there. That's one big ape!" He said. "Well, he seems to like me. But anyway, I guess the lights are acting up, and he wanted me to take a look at them." He grinned. "Well, don't let me keep you. Maybe sometime next week?" He asked. "Sure, next week it is." She smiled back at him. He waved goodbye, and Kate got back to her work. After taking her normal hour or two to get everything back in order, she went to her locker in the ladies' room to get out of her zoo uniform. After she got it all off, she remembered she had to fix those lights, but since the zoo was closed, she didn't think anyone would mind if she did it in shorts and a t-shirt. She left her things in the bathroom and headed for the gorilla house. After arriving there, she entered Sarki's room, wondering why Mr. Myers seemed to think she was a mechanic or an electrician. Sarki was a huge mountain gorilla, and usually not very amicable. But he had seemed to take to Kate immediately, usually hanging over her shoulder or something whenever she was in his cage. Today was no exception, as she climbed up toward the ceiling to get at the lights. There was a large platform near the ceiling, and she got on that in order to inspect the lights better. Sarki pulled his bulk right up next to her, but there was plenty of room up there. She stood up and craned her neck, trying to look straight up while keeping her balance. Suddenly, she felt a large hand on her ass, slowly stroking it. She turned around quickly and found Sarki staring at her as his hand caressed her. She stood frozen, afraid that he might push her off the ledge or something. But what he actually did was bring his other hand up and began to feel her breasts through her shirt. Now, Kate never thought of herself as overly kinky, but this monkey was really turning her on! She slowly removed her shirt and bra, letting the huge gorilla feel her bare chest. He began squeezing her boobs, massaging them, while his other hand still wandered in her waist region. After a few minutes of this treatment, she couldn't stand it anymore. She removed her shoes, then her jeans, and finally her panties. Sarki sat down and pulled her over to him. His hands still were exploring her body, and suddenly she felt one of his fingers stab up into her now-exposed hole. His finger, though not as long as a man's penis, was just as wide, and she began to squirm on it. His other hand fell from her breasts and curled around her, pulling her closer. He brought his face close to hers and stared at her with great interest. His hand was still working her over, but she wanted more. She knew gorillas would imitate a lot of things if they were done by a human, so she decided to test exactly what he would do. She moved down him until her face was right next to his chest. Her tongue tentatively darted out and began to kiss his leather-like chest. She moved downward, further, until his now-erect huge cock was staring right at her. All thoughts of anything else quickly flew away with the sight of it, and she immediately took it in her mouth, taking great pleasure from his obvious excitement. But she pulled away, spread her legs, with the finger still in her, and hoped. He withdrew his finger and pressed his face against her chest, his tongue coming out and licking her nipples. He, too, moved downward and slurped at her wet hole. She groaned louder and louder, and just as she was about to orgasm, he roughly pushed her away. She landed on her stomach, and as she began to pick herself up, confused, she felt a huge cock fill her box. Sarki's breath came in rough gasps as he shoved his tool deeper and deeper into her. She began to groan even louder, and his pace quickened. After a few minutes of this, Kate couldn't hold back any longer. Her cunt exploded in a series of orgasms around his spike. She bucked her hips upwards against his huge body, and with her contractions came a jerking from deep within him, and after a second or two she could feel his seed filling her. He slowly stopped his rammings and allowed her to climb out from under him. She realized that he had supported himself on his knuckles the entire time to avoid crushing her. She got dressed, but before she left, she taught him one more thing. Reaching forward, she opened his mouth a bit and brought her lips to his. She slipped her tongue into his surprised mouth, but he soon realized what she was doing and also put his tongue in her mouth. After a small amount of fumbling, she felt as if she was kissing a real man, as he got the movements down right. She slipped her hand down to his limp dick and gave it a small squeeze, a promise that she would work late again soon. And it looked like she wasn't going out with Steve and her co-workers next week after all!
Zangara's Elegy
"'He was a bloody tyrant, and we brought him down. And I will not have history think I did it for a bag of gold or in some kind of rabid fit!'" I looked curiously at this disheveled individual who was ranting what I perceived to be nonsense. I turned to my guide, and hopefully future employer. "What is he talking about?" "Oh, he's no one. He thinks he's John Wilkes Booth, that's all," came the reply. I looked closer at my guide. I hadn't really studied him up to this point. Suddenly, however, I knew that he posed me no threat, and so I wished to know more about him. "'Tell them how the Union can never recover from that vulgar, high and mighty niggerlover, Never--!'" I began going over what I knew about my guide. His name was Dr. Charles Guiteau, and he was the director of the mental ward of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. I knew nothing about his credentials, but that was not where my curiosity lay. I was interested in his character, and since it was his profession to know other people's thoughts, I was able to delve into his inner self even as he showed me the building. "Kibo, would you like to join us?" Dr. Guiteau asked the mental patient. "This is Dr. Sam Byck, and I'm showing him around the building." "My name is not Kibo, it is Johnny Booth. Sure, I'll come along. 'Someone slew the tyrant, just as Brutus slew the tyrant.'" "We don't know his real name, so for a while we were calling him Johnny. Then the doctor who was handling his case decided it was better to call him something else. I'm not sure where the name Kibo came from though," Dr. Guiteau rambled on. "By the way, if you come on, Kibo will be one of your patients. Dr. Czolgosz, the man who left for Buffalo, was his doctor." I had been half listening to this exchange until Dr. Guiteau's last sentence. Suddenly my interest in this specimen was piqued. There had to be some way of using him to my purposes. "I would be interested in seeing his file," I replied, confident that my speech had not skipped a beat. "That will have to wait until you accept the position, which we hope you do. It will certainly give our department prestige, something we have been lacking for quite a while." This man was showing all of his cards, wasn't he? I had nothing to fear at all, in fact I had him wrapped around my finger. Kibo, on the other hand, was someone I would have to learn. His next comment threw me for a loop. "'Attention must be paid.'" "That was from Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller was born in 1915, and wrote that play in 1949. John Wilkes Booth died in 1865. Why is he quoting Arthur Miller?" I frantically asked Dr. Guiteau, although I'm sure he couldn't see the panic I was feeling. Dr. Guiteau just chuckled. "Listen to him a little longer, maybe you'll figure it out. Although if you do, you're a better detective than I. I had to read his file to figure it out. I still don't know how Dr. Czolgosz deduced it. Maybe Kibo told him, I don't know." "'I'm an actor, Lee, and I'm a good one. But Willy Loman is a part that I could never play.'" "Lee! Who the hell is Lee?!?" I blurted out anxiously. Dr. Guiteau chuckled again. He just didn't understand, did he? "Tell Dr. Byck who Lee is, Kibo," Dr. Guiteau said quietly. "Why, Lee Harvey Oswald of course. Who else would I be talking to? And DON'T CALL ME KIBO!!!! Please." "Now don't get hostile," Dr. Guiteau turned back to me. "Do you understand any better now?" "Yes," I said, much more calmly. It was really a good thing that Guiteau was so clueless and Kibo was nuts, or I might have been in deep. I made a mental note to control my emotions better than I had. "But I still don't see how John Wilkes Booth could be talking to Lee Harvey Oswald, and how he could be quoting Death of a Salesman." "Keep listening, maybe you'll figure it out. If not, I guess you'll have to accept the position so you can look at his file." He chuckled again. God, that chuckle was getting annoying. "'You should kill the President of the United States. . . . He didn't come here to get shot. . . . Lee, when you kill a president it isn't murder. Murder is a tawdry little crime. . . . when Julius Caesar got killed--he was assassinated. . . . Ah, you know his name. Brutus assassinated Caesar -- what?--two thousand years ago, and here's a high school drop-out with a dollar twenty-five an hour job in Dallas, Texas, who knows who he was. And they say fame is fleeting. . .'" My clinical mind was itching to get Kibo in a padded room and go to work on him. He intrigued me immensely. Dr. Guiteau, on the other hand, was extremely simple, and I could manipulate him any way I saw fit. So I told him, "Kibo here fascinates me enormously. He has stimulated my professional curiosity to the point where I must see if I can help him. Therefore, I accept the position as your assistant here at U/Mass Medical Center." "Good, good, we are very excited for you to be on our staff." His use of the word "we" was getting cumbersome, but I bore with him. "Let me show you to your office. All of Dr. Czolgosz's files have been put in there already." Now we were getting somewhere. "'That's a Mannlicher-Carcano. 6.5 millimeter. Stopping range 900 yards. The sight's already been adjusted. . . . My name is John Wilkes Booth, Lee.'" Ahem! "'My name is John Wilkes Booth, Lee.'" "Oh, that's my cue," said Dr. Guiteau. "He likes to have an Oswald for this part. 'John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln.'" "'Attention has been paid.'" "He's trying to convince Oswald to kill Kennedy, isn't he?" I asked Guiteau. "It's as if he's reading from a script." "You are good. That's exactly what he's doing. Like I said, I don't know how Dr. Czolgosz figured it out, but the things that Kibo says in the guise of John Wilkes Booth are from a Broadway musical called Assassins. He must have been exposed to it before he came here. In fact, Dr. Czolgosz's theory is that Kibo was as sane as you or I when he was exposed to it, and then some action shocked him into this persona." This will truly be an interesting subject."I am far too clever for anyone to catch me. "Razor." What is your trick? Do you know what's going on in my mind? Calm down, of course not. "Rap." But damn, you're hitting a nerve. Maybe I should just lose and end the game. "Poison." All right, you little punk, this game is ending. No wait, you can't know. You're a fucking nutcase. You think you're John Wilkes Booth. "Nonplus." And you think you can talk to Lee Harvey Oswald. "Shower." You stupid, fucking runt. Stop with the fucking words. No, I will not lose to this crazy sonofabitch who thinks that a man who died in 1865 can quote a man who was born in 1915. "Road." "Death." You think you're an assassin. Of course you're going to say death. Don't think you can fool me. "Hew." Even if you do know what I've done, there's no way you can prove it. Who'd believe a crazy fuck like you. "Wife." Holy shit, you do know. The crazy fuck knows. Well, there's no way you can prove it. "Entity." "Yellow." I'm not yellow, you little shit. I'm the most courageous man on the face of the planet. I'm alone in the same room as a man who is proud to think he's an assassin. "Wasp." Not many men would take that chance. And I'm not even scared. "Phallus." You pervert. And that just proves you have no clue, it was only blind luck. "Ski." "Inheritance." Yeah, that's why I did it, so what. I only think you're playing with me, but you have no idea of what you're saying. "Epithet." You're just trying to win this stupid game. "Trial." There will never be a trial, you dumb fuck. "Loop." And even if there was, I'd get off scot-free. "Police." Are you kidding? The police are stupider than you are. They actually consoled me when it happened. "Era." The stupid fucks consoled my wife's murderer. "Arrest." No way, sonny. It has been five months, and they've gotten nowhere. They think she committed suicide. "Trapeze." They are NOT going to arrest me. "Ewe. E-W-E." "Earth." See, you have no idea. I'm the only one who knows, and I will NEVER confess. "Hammer." "How the hell do you do it?!? Yes, I killed my wife, Lee. Yes, I knocked her out with a hammer. Yes, I cut her with a poison razor. Yes, I put her in the shower to look like suicide. Yes, I did it to collect all of her father's inheritance. Yes, yes, yes!" Kibo was gone. I slumped in my chair. It was now a matter of them believing a crazy wanna-be assassin or a distinguished doctor. I still had nothing to worry about. Even when the officer was reading me my rights, I knew I was still invincible. The sergeant was sitting across the table from me asking me questions, and I was telling him the same old bullshit. The accommodations weren't bad considering I was under arrest. Of course, they would have to release me soon, they had nothing on me. Just the testimony of some crazy patient at the U/Mass Medical Center. I had nothing to worry about. After all, my profession was minds, and I knew the police believed me, and thought the crazy fuck was just that, a crazy fuck. The cop was just going through the motions as he asked me if I had killed my wife, if I had confessed in that office, and even what I thought of the mental stability of my accuser. That was the fingered me. They did not think that I had done it. A buzzer sounded, and the sergeant picked up a phone. He listened a moment. "Send him in," he said into the phone and turned to me as he hung up. "The chief is coming in." The door opened, and the chief came in. "We have no evidence to hold you, Dr. Byck. I'm sorry this all happened. Apparently, the arresting officers were unaware that your accuser was a patient, and quite frankly, we are desperate to find an explanation for your wife's death, so..." He let it drop there. "Oh, it really is quite alright," I said. "I understand, and I wish I knew the truth about my wife's death. No hard feelings." "One thing though, Doctor," the chief continued. "We found this audio cassette in Kibo's pocket. It seems to be a musical play of some sort. I'd like for you to listen to it a moment." The speakers in the room started to crackle from age. A raspy sound started to emanate from them. "Yes, I killed my wife, Lee. Yes, I knocked her out with a hammer. Yes, I cut her with a poison razor. Yes, I..." Two officers restrained me as I tried to bolt from the room. "There is one more thing, Dr. Byck," the chief said. "I'd like to introduce you to Detective Giuseppe "Kibo" Zangara." The door opened, and there stood Kibo, the crazy fuck who had cornered me. "Why, Kibo, why did you fuck me over?" "'I did it to bring down the government of Abraham Lincoln and avenge the ravaged south...'"* * The speech meant to emulate John Wilkes Booth is taken from the musical Assassins by Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman
Girl Scout Camp Adventures
"A favor?" I asked the Program Director. I've learned to be wary when someone asks me a question like that - sometimes you bite off more than you can chew. This one was fairly straightforward, though. The staff person who handled our adventure challenge program was "feeling a little out of sorts" (any guesses, people?) and could I fill in? Being qualified to handle such things, and more than ready for another reason to get out of the office, I gladly agreed. This particular morning, there was a group of 9 of the younger girls, aged 10 or so. We were working on the low challenge course, which is a collection of obstacles that the girls had to pass, working as a group. To digress for a moment, and answer a reader question, the girls were not required to wear uniforms at all times, only on "official" Girl Scout occasions. The first challenge was called the 'all-aboard' and consists of a platform about 3 feet square, and 1 foot off the ground. The object is to get all your team onto the platform at the same time, for long enough time to sing a refrain of a popular song, which this time was "Row, Row, Row your boat." (Author Note: I don't want to give away the solution to these problems, so in some cases I am fudging a bit. Please understand! Thanks!) Of course, as soon as I started the clock to measure the time it took to complete the problem, all the girls attempted to race onto the platform at once. One of my roles during this type of activity was to "spot" the campers, making sure that no one got hurt. As the girls attempted to complete the problem, many fell off the platform, wherein I found myself in the position to catch them. As I did this, I found myself inadvertently making contact with the girls' lower back, thighs, rear ends, and chests. To my embarrassment, I found myself growing excited. To my relief, the girls managed to complete the task at hand before I lost my composure, and we went on to the discussion phase of the program. The rest of the day passed without incident, and I retired to my cabin after dinner to prepare for the evening's activity, a dance. I must admit, I was curious to see how a dance would go at an all-girl facility. As was becoming a regular occurrence at camp, again I found myself surprised. Many girls at the dance paired off, or formed groups, including the staff. I myself was working with the DJ, but took the opportunity to dance with a number of the female staff, and on one occasion found myself inside a horde of surprisingly provocatively dressed campers. I escaped with my composure and dignity intact, and ended up quite enjoying the evening. As I climbed into bed, and began to drift off into sleep, my mind focused on two of the younger female staff (Bethany and Robin, I think their names were) who had been dancing together, and at occasion quite closely during the evening....Robin took a quick look at her watch. "Shit, we have to be back in the tents before curfew! But next time, it's my turn!" Both girls grinned at each other as they rapidly cleaned themselves off. As they got dressed, I took the opportunity to slip away. As I woke up the next day, I found my sheets in disarray. Must have been one hell of a dream! I made my way to the mess hall after a quick shower. While eating breakfast, I noticed two of the girls that had been dancing at the party the night before, and the strangest thought ran through my mind. Naaaaahhhh......
Chapter 3 - On the ropes...
Heidi's Bondage Disc
"Most of you would consider me, well, maybe weird. You see, I like a certain kind of sex. I know many other people who like it too, so I know I am not alone. I like bondage and discipline. I just love it, and it's the only form of sex that I get any real enjoyment from. "Here is one of my many very fun experiences... I had a boyfriend, and his parents were going to go out of town. We decided that I would pretend to be sleeping over at a friend's house, but really I would be spending the weekend at his house. My boyfriend had another idea for me too... he wanted me to be his slave for the entire weekend. We had talked about our various fantasies, so he knew that I liked bondage and discipline. I, of course, agreed. I couldn't wait! I already started feeling horny at the thought. So, on Friday night, his parents were gone, and I came over. I brought a lot of sexy clothes with me too. I wanted to really turn him on. As soon as I walked into his house, he had me strip completely naked. My panties were already soaked, and he could tell I was getting turned on. He had me put on a leather mini-skirt that I had brought with me... he loved it. Then he had me put on a halter top, and he told me some of his new rules. I was to obey absolutely everything he told me to do, or I was to be punished. I was to be his slave for the entire weekend. That's all, but that was also all I needed to know. "He had me sit down, and then he put his hand under my skirt and ran his hand up and down my thigh, occasionally rising to feel my ass. He also reached under my shirt and felt my now-tingling breasts. It felt so good. He noticed that I was enjoying this, and he told me that I was going to have a lot of fun this weekend. Then he went and got a dog collar and leash. He connected them to my neck, then he got out his handcuffs. I loved those handcuffs... we had had so much fun with them. He handcuffed my hands behind my back. Then he told me that he was having a friend come over to have some fun with me. All the while, he kept feeling my ass, and sometimes shoving one of his fingers up my pussy or up my ass. His friend turned out to be a girl. I couldn't believe it. "The doorbell rang, and he pulled me up and led me to the door with him by the leash. He opened it, and yes, there she was. He let her in, and he had her strip right there on the spot. Then he told her what he had told me, that she was to be his slave for the entire weekend. I was so jealous... and she looked excited at the thought too. He had her put on these really lacy black panties and bra, and then tied her hands behind her back with some leather strings. Then he ordered us to kiss. I didn't move, so he smacked my ass real hard, so I moved closer. She was moving towards me too; she didn't look worried or anything. She started kissing me. I wanted to push her away, but my hands were handcuffed. I tried to move away, but my boyfriend held me tight. The funny thing was that I liked it, so I stopped pretending that I didn't. I kissed her back hard. Then he pulled us apart. He was getting excited, and he wanted to fool around. He had the other girl sit on a table, then he had me bend over the table so half my body was on the table and my feet were still on the ground. He pulled her panties off and had her separate her legs. So there I was, my ass sticking up high in the air, and my face about an inch away from her pussy. I could smell her musky aroma. He got behind me, pulled down my panties, and spanked me hard a couple of times. He then told me to lick and suck on her pussy. I agreed 'cause I wanted him to fuck me already. Then he shoved his cock up my ass as hard as he could. It hurt, but at the same time, it felt great. I started moaning and licking her cunt. She started moaning too. After a while of this, he had me kneel right in front of him, and he started jerking off. I tried to move away, but he pulled on my leash. Then he came all over my face. I tried to lick some of my face, but could only get a little. He pulled the other girl off, and had her sit next to me and had her lick the rest of the cum off my face. I was in heaven, but frustrated because I hadn't cum yet myself. "Well, I finally did come that night. The next day was even more fun. He had us both put on these really tight leotards he had bought us, mine was black, hers was white. Then he had us serve him breakfast. Whenever we stooped over to put something on the table, he would feel our tits, or pat us lightly on the ass. Then we all took a shower together... we still had our leotards on though. They felt very strange; they were so tight, and at the same time wet, so they hugged our every curve even more. He enjoyed watching me and her making out, so he ordered us to fool around a lot. We wore different things all the time, sometimes skimpy panties, or leather clothes he bought us or sometimes skintight jeans, or sometimes just nothing at all. "The whole weekend was a very fun experience... I have more to tell about, but I don't know if anyone is really reading this. If you want to hear more, leave a message on the board, and I'll keep on going telling you more about that weekend and other times. "Also, if you want, I can go into more detail, telling everything I can... the one here is a little more general." HEIDI. ONCE AGAIN, ANOTHER STORY FROM HEIDI. TO REPEAT, THESE ARE TRUE STORIES. "ANYONE WHO HAS READ THE FIRST STORY ALREADY KNOWS WHAT KIND OF SEX I LIKE, BUT IF YOU DIDN'T SEE IT, I LIKE KINKY SEX, BONDAGE AND DISCIPLINE. I LOVE IT, AND I FIND THAT IT'S THE ONLY KIND OF SEX THAT I REALLY ENJOY. I AM ALSO DECIDEDLY BISEXUAL. I ENJOY KINKY SEX WITH BOTH SEXES, BUT MOSTLY WITH MEN. I WAS TOLD THAT THERE WERE SEVERAL MESSAGES ASKING FOR MORE STORIES, SO I WILL TELL ANOTHER ONE." "MY BOYFRIEND LIKES TO SHOW ME OFF, AND I LIKE GETTING OFF ON IT TOO. SO ONE DAY HE TOLD ME THAT A COUPLE OF OLD FRIENDS WERE DRIVING UP FROM OUT OF TOWN. HE WANTED TO SHOW ME OFF, AND I AGREED, OF COURSE. ON THE DAY THAT THEY WERE TO ARRIVE, I DRESSED UP ESPECIALLY FOR THE OCCASION. I WANTED TO SHOW OFF MY BODY. I WORE A LEOTARD WITH NOTHING UNDERNEATH, AND A MINI-SKIRT OVER THAT. MY BOYFRIEND TOLD ME I LOOKED TERRIFIC. HE ESPECIALLY LIKED MY MINI-SKIRT; IT WAS SO SHORT THAT THE BOTTOM CURVES OF MY ASS SHOWED FROM UNDERNEATH. IT MADE ME FEEL VERY SEXY. SO HIS FRIENDS ARRIVED, AND WE JUST TOOK THEM AROUND TOWN, TO ALL THE RECORD STORES. THAT NIGHT WE WENT OUT FOR DINNER; SOON AFTER, THE FUN BEGAN. I COULD SEE THAT HIS FRIENDS KEPT TAKING PEEKS UP MY MINI-SKIRT, AND I LET THEM. I KNEW I COULD TRUST THEM; MY BOYFRIEND WOULDN'T LET THEM TOUCH ME. BUT I KEPT LETTING THEM GET PEEKS. AFTER DINNER, WE WENT BACK TO MY BOYFRIEND'S HOUSE TO WATCH A MOVIE THAT THEY HAD RENTED. WELL, I REALLY WASN'T IN THE MOOD TO WATCH A MOVIE, SO I TOLD MY BOYFRIEND THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO SIT THROUGH A MOVIE. WELL, I GUESS HE WAS FEELING A LITTLE HORNY, BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN HE DECIDED TO PULL OUT HIS HANDCUFFS ON ME. HE IMMEDIATELY HAD MY HANDS SECURED BEHIND MY BACK. HE THEN TOLD HIS FRIENDS THAT HE WAS GOING TO HAVE SOME FUN WITH ME AND THAT HE WANTED THEM TO WATCH, AND MAYBE JOIN IN IF HE FELT LIKE REALLY PUNISHING ME. HE PULLED ME OVER HIS LAP, SO THAT MY ASS WAS STICKING UP IN THE AIR, BRUSHED MY MINI-SKIRT ASIDE, AND STARTED SPANKING ME AT A BRISK PACE. I STARTED YELLING AT HIM TO STOP, EVEN THOUGH I WAS THOROUGHLY ENJOYING IT. WHEN I CONTINUED TO YELL, HE WENT TO HIS ROOM FOR A MOMENT, AND CAME OUT WITH A BALL GAG. HE HAD NEVER USED ONE ON ME. HE SAID HE WAS SAVING IT FOR A SPECIAL OCCASION, AND THIS WAS GOOD ENOUGH. HE SECURED IT, SO I COULD NO LONGER TALK AT ALL. THEN HE PULLED ME OVER HIS LAP AGAIN, AND CONTINUED WITH HIS SPANKING. AFTER HE THOUGHT I HAD HAD ENOUGH, HE STOPPED. HIS FRIENDS JUST WATCHED US; THEY SEEMED HYPNOTIZED BY THE LITTLE SHOW HE HAD GIVEN THEM. I WAS GETTING HOT. HE THEN HAD ME STAND UP, HE TOLD HIS FRIENDS THAT HE WAS GOING TO GIVE THEM A GUIDED TOUR OF MY BODY. I WAS IN NO POSITION TO REFUSE, SO I JUST STOOD THERE, GAGGED, AND HANDS RESTRAINED. HE STARTED BY RUBBING MY THIGHS AND ASS. I COULDN'T HELP BUT TO MOAN, BECAUSE IT JUST FELT SO GOOD. THEN HE CAME UP BEHIND ME AND STARTED RUBBING ON MY NOW SWELLING BREASTS... I COULD HARDLY STAND AS HE DID THAT. HIS FRIENDS WERE GETTING REALLY HORNY WATCHING THIS, SO HE SAID HE'D LET ME RELIEVE THEM. HE FORCED ME ONTO MY KNEES, AND HAD EACH OF HIS FRIENDS COME UP TO ME, AND HAVE ME GIVE THEM BLOWJOBS. AFTER HE TOOK OFF THE GAG, HE TOLD ME TO START. I WAS SO HORNY THAT I HONORED HIS COMMAND IMMEDIATELY. AFTER I HAD RELIEVED THEM ALL, HE UNTIED MY HANDS AND TOLD ME TO UNDRESS. I TOOK OFF EVERYTHING AND PUT IT ALL ASIDE, THEN HE PUT THE HANDCUFFS BACK ON. HE THEN STARTED SHAMELESSLY SHOVING HIS FINGERS IN AND OUT OF MY PUSSY AND ASSHOLE. I FELT WEAK IN THE KNEES, SO HE LED ME TO HIS BEDROOM AND TIED MY HANDS AND FEET TO THE BEDPOST, FACE DOWN. HE THEN UNDRESSED AND ENTERED ME FROM BEHIND. WITHIN SECONDS, I HAD AN ORGASM THAT HAD BEEN HELD FROM ME FOR SO LONG. IT WAS TRULY REWARDING."AFTER THAT WE DID WATCH THE MOVIE, AND THEN WHEN MY BOYFRIEND TOOK ME HOME, HE SAID THAT I HAD MADE HIM VERY PROUD, AND HE LAID A BEAUTIFUL KISS ON ME. "AND THUS WAS THE END OF ANOTHER DAY OF BEING MY BOYFRIEND'S TOTAL AND COMPLETE SEX SLAVE." MORE STORIES WILL BE COMING SOON, SO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THEM. ONCE AGAIN, ANOTHER STORY FROM HEIDI. THIS IS PART THREE, ONLY THREE HAVE BEEN WRITTEN SO FAR. HOW IT ALL BEGAN ---------------- "MY WHOLE INFATUATION FOR BONDAGE AND DISCIPLINE STARTED ABOUT A YEAR AND A HALF AGO. HOW IT STARTED IS ABOUT AS STRANGE AS B&D ITSELF. IT ACTUALLY STARTED BETWEEN MY BEST FRIEND AND ME." "A NEW GIRL MOVED INTO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD, AND MY BEST FRIEND, LAURIE, BECAME GOOD FRIENDS WITH HER IMMEDIATELY. IT CAME TO THE POINT THAT SHE WAS ACTUALLY SPENDING MORE TIME WITH HER THAN WITH ME. WHENEVER I CALLED HER, SHE WAS WITH 'HER NEW FRIEND, MICHELLE'. SO FINALLY I GOT A HOLD OF HER, AND SHE ASKED ME TO SLEEP OVER, AND THAT MICHELLE WAS GOING TO BE SLEEPING OVER TOO. SHE SAID THIS WOULD BE A GOOD CHANCE FOR ME TO MEET HER AND GET TO KNOW HER BETTER. OF COURSE I SAID YES. SO CAME FRIDAY NIGHT. I WENT TO LAURIE'S HOUSE, AND MICHELLE WAS ALREADY THERE. SHE WAS A REALLY NICE LOOKING GIRL. SO, WE LISTENED TO SOME GOOD OLD MUSIC; BOB DYLAN, AND SOME TRAFFIC, AND TALKED, AND DID OUR NAILS AT THE SAME TIME. SOON, WE WERE TALKING ABOUT SEX, AND OUR DIFFERENT SEXUAL EXPERIENCES. SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND, BUT HAD TO BREAK UP WITH HIM WHEN SHE MOVED. WE ALL HAD A LOT TO TALK ABOUT, AND THE CONVERSATION WAS VERY INTERESTING. THEN MICHELLE ASKED ME IF I HAD EVER TRIED BONDAGE. I SAID NO, BUT I HAD HEARD OF IT. THEN LAURIE SAID SOMETHING LIKE 'WELL, WE'RE GONNA....' AND THEN SHE QUICKLY SHUT HER MOUTH. I ASKED WHAT SHE WAS GOING TO SAY, AND INSTEAD OF HER ANSWERING, MICHELLE DID. SHE SAID 'WELL WE'RE GOING TO CHANGE ALL OF THAT, I'VE TAUGHT LAURIE AND NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!!'. THEY WERE BOTH GRINNING NOW. I WAS SO SHOCKED THAT I GOT UP AND STARTED TO PACK MY STUFF TO LEAVE. THAT'S WHEN MICHELLE GRABBED MY ARMS, SHE SEEMED TO BE SO STRONG, AND FORCED THEM BEHIND MY BACK. THEN LAURIE TIED THEM TOGETHER WITH A LONG STRIP OF LEATHER. THEN THEY FORCED ME ONTO MY KNEES. THEN MICHELLE SAID 'BY THE END OF TONIGHT YOU'LL BE BEGGING TO BE MY LITTLE SLAVE GIRL.' THEN SHE SAID SOMETHING LIKE 'WATCH HOW MUCH LAURIE LOVES IT!'. THEN THEY LEFT THE ROOM FOR A MINUTE. I STARTED TRYING TO LOOSEN MY BONDS, BUT LAURIE HAD TIED THEM TOGETHER SO WELL. AFTER A FEW MINUTES, THEY CAME BACK IN. MICHELLE WAS ALL IN BLACK; A BLACK HALF-BRA, A BLACK GARTER BELT HOLDING UP SATINY BLACK HOSE, AND SILKY BLACK PANTIES. SHE ALSO HAD HIGH-HEELED PUMPS. WHAT REALLY SHOOK ME UP WAS WHAT LAURIE WAS WEARING... HER HANDS WERE TIED BEHIND HER BACK WITH LEATHER CUFFS, AND SHE HAD ON A HALF SHIRT, NO BRA, AND THESE REAL STRINGY BIKINI PANTIES. SHE ALSO HAD A THICK LEATHER COLLAR ON, AND CONNECTED TO THAT WAS A THIN CHAIN, THAT MICHELLE WAS TIGHTLY HOLDING ON TO. WHAT REALLY GOT TO ME THOUGH WAS THAT LAURIE WAS APPARENTLY TURNED ON; HER NIPPLES WERE JUTTING OUT, AND I COULD SEE THAT HER PANTIES WERE ALREADY GETTING WET. MICHELLE THEN SAID 'I HAVE BEEN TRAINING LAURIE FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF WEEKS, WE ARE GOING TO SHOW YOU TONIGHT WHAT SHE HAS LEARNED SO FAR. THEN WE BOTH WILL TRAIN YOU.' I WAS SO SHOCKED THAT I JUST SAT THERE NOT SAYING A WORD. THEN SHE ORDERED MICHELLE ONTO HER KNEES. MICHELLE RESPONDED IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT HESITATION. THEN MICHELLE SAID SOMETHING LIKE 'BEG FOR IT....'. THEN LAURIE STARTED PLEADING, ASKING HER TO DO IT ALREADY. MICHELLE HAD LAURIE BEND OVER THE BED OPPOSITE THE ONE I WAS SITTING ON. SO THERE WAS LAURIE, BENT OVER HER BED, HANDS BOUND, AND HER ASS HIGH IN THE AIR. MICHELLE THEN WENT TO HER BAG AND PULLED OUT A VIBRATOR! THE SECOND LAURIE SAW IT, SHE STARTED PLEADING LOUDER. THEN MICHELLE CAME OVER AND PULLED DOWN LAURIE'S PANTIES AROUND HER THIGHS, AND TURNED ON THE VIBRATOR. SHE THEN STARTED MOVING IT SLOWLY AROUND LAURIE'S PUSSY AND ASSHOLE. LAURIE WAS NOW MOANING IN ECSTASY. THEN MICHELLE SHOVED THE VIBRATOR DEEP INTO THE INNER DEPTHS OF LAURIE'S ASSHOLE. AFTER ONLY A FEW SECONDS OF THIS LAURIE HAD A POWERFUL ORGASM. THEN MICHELLE CAME OVER TO ME AND FORCED ME OVER TO LAURIE, THEN SHE ORDERED ME TO LICK LAURIE'S JUICES. I SAID NO WAY, BUT MICHELLE SAID I WOULD BE PUNISHED FOR DISOBEYING. SHE THEN FORCED ME IN BETWEEN LAURIE'S THIGHS AND MADE ME LICK THE JUICES FROM HER PUSSY. THE WEIRD THING WAS THAT I WAS NO LONGER TRYING TO PULL BACK, I LIKED BEING TREATED THIS WAY. AND I FELT THAT FAMILIAR FEELING IN MY PUSSY. ALL THIS TIME MICHELLE WAS SAYING 'SEE SHE'S STARTING TO LIKE IT ALREADY!' AND I WAS. NEXT SHE ORDERED US TO START KISSING AND LICKING EACH OTHER. IT WAS HEAVEN. BEING COMMANDED BY HER TO MAKE OUT WITH MY BEST FRIEND. IN THE END, WE HAD ALL OF OUR CLOTHES OFF AND NO ONE WAS IN COMMAND ANYMORE, WE ALL JUST WERE KISSING AND LICKING EACH OTHER. BY THE END OF THE NIGHT I HAD BEEN ENTERED IN THE PUSSY AND ASSHOLE BY BOTH LAURIE AND MICHELLE. WE AGREED TO SWITCH OFF ROLES, AND THAT SOMETIMES I WOULD BE THE SLAVE AND SOMETIMES THE MASTER. AND THEY WOULD ALSO DO THE SAME." "MICHELLE TAUGHT ME A LOT, ALONG WITH LAURIE THAT NIGHT. IN MY NEXT STORY, I WILL BE CONTINUING MY OTHER ADVENTURES WITH MICHELLE AND LAURIE, INTO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF BONDAGE AND DISCIPLINE." KEEP YOUR EYES OPENED FOR MORE STORIES FROM HEIDI, MORE WILL BE COMING.
Ralph Burch
Swimsuit Sinners
"There's a naked girl swimming in the ocean," said the young man. The older man chuckled. "That's beach life." Then he did a double take, as he steered their motorboat into deeper water. "Naked? No clothes?" "She's bare all right," said Phil. His binoculars were plastered on the swimming figure. "That's new!" said George, the older man, eyes gleaming. "Even in Atlantic City." Then his eyes dulled. "Probably ugly." He knew life usually let you down. Phil Griffin adjusted the glasses, frowning in concentration. "No. She's luscious. What a . . . breast stroke . . . go faster." "Wish I could," said George Panther. "There's a problem with our gas supply." The rest of his words were drowned in a roar as Phil reached over and jerked the throttle of the outboard motor full open. The motorboat surged forward, drowning out George's, "Hey!" The swimming figure that Phil wanted to inspect was well out in the bay, almost halfway to a yacht that rode the waves across from the Atlantic City boardwalk. The nude swimmer seemed headed for that yacht. The roar of the engine made further talk impossible. George Panther contented himself with steering grimly to avoid running down the less interesting swimmers here close to shore. By this time he already had a good idea of who the target swimmer was, and he knew she'd be mad when they caught up with her. The motorboat waves would make her bob in the ocean and lose strokes. But he also knew this Phil Griffin and didn't want to argue. George shook his head as he watched his young partner. Phil Griffin was handsome, well-built and impetuous. At twenty-seven he was one of the best swim trainers for Olympic endurance swimmers in the nation, but he had this fault . . . . Right now Phil was both enjoying the sight of the girl's body and rating her athletic power, George guessed. He was right about that. "Not bad," said Phil in a murmur that George couldn't hear. At first Phil had hoped that the swimmer was Madeleine Metcalf, the women he'd come three thousand miles to find, but he could see it wasn't her. She was, however, a powerful swimmer, cleaving the water with a steady two-mile-an-hour stroke that was professional. And she was sexy. It would be good to talk to this stranger. Ever since Phil had left California, he'd feared he might not get his prize swimmer, Maddy Metcalf back. If not, he'd need a replacement, and this girl was worth an interview. Of course Maddy came first. Absolutely. Still, as he scanned the trim lines of the unknown swimmer, he felt a rising excitement. Even if she had a trainer, or belonged to a club, he might get a date. After all, he was a stranger in town with no black book of numbers to turn to. Watching Phil with sardonic amusement, George also guessed Phil's secondary interest. George was Maddy Metcalf's uncle. She'd told him plenty about her training time with Phil. Phil and Maddy had worked to get her on the U.S. Olympic swim team two years ago, in 1924, pointing for the Paris meeting. Gradually they slipped into a hot affair so heavy that Maddy broke training and didn't make the team. Afterwards she fled Phil. For two years Phil had been obsessed with getting Maddy back. He swore he'd put her in the 1928 Olympics two years from now and get her two or three gold medals. Maybe, thought George, if Phil could stay away from sex. The engine stopped. Just like that. One moment they roared along, cutting through the waves, gaining on the swimmer. The next the motor died abruptly and they slithered through the water, slowing to a stop. "What's wrong!" cried Phil in agony. "I told you I was about out of gas," said George. "Full throttle burns it up too fast. If we'd puttered along . . . ." Phil glared up, stood up and started to take off his clothes. "You're going in the water?" asked George, astonished. Phil stripped rapidly. "I might as well say hello to her." Clothes off, Phil wore bathing trunks, not conventional shorts. Phil never bothered with shorts. He stepped to the edge of the boat. "Tell 'em on the yacht to send out some gas," said George. "I'm stranded." "Maybe the girl isn't swimming to the yacht." "She is. That's my backer's daughter, Flair Singleton," said George. But Phil was gone, cleaving the water in an expert dive that left George's motorboat rocking only gently. Alone in the boat George pondered the situation as he watched Phil cut through the water like some goddam porpoise. What a swimmer. Only the young man's wound in the Kaiser's war prevented him from winning his own gold medals. On land you'd never know, but the water knew, he was permanently slowed down. George pulled out a hip pocket flask, inhaled some slightly cut gin and considered the possibilities. He had oars; he could row ashore for gas, but he was broke. He could also row to the yacht and get free gas, but that also took effort. With the wisdom of his forty-five years, he decided to wait until Phil sent rescue. It would come soon because Flair Singleton was no Maddy Metcalf. Maddy still had a soft spot for Phil, despite her anger at him. Flair on the other hand was a bitch virgin with warm spots for no man. Phil would get a fast shuffle. With a sigh of contentment, George laid down on a seat, rested his flask on his chest and began to daydream future glories, staring up at a blue sky of an August, 1926, afternoon in Atlantic City, New Jersey . . . . "Hello there," said Phil swimming up to the girl. "Beat it," said the girl. "Twenty three and a big skidoo." "I'm Phil Griffin. I train women swimmers," Phil offered. "I've heard of you. I've heard you were coming. My father's nurse is Maddy Metcalf. She used to swim for you." "Uh," grunted Phil. Not so good . . . if Maddy'd said too much. Phil was aware of the girl's sleek, gorgeous body. She must be twenty or so, with blonde features and a smooth, tanned skin. She had meat on her bones, but was beautifully proportioned. He could tell she was also an endurance swimmer, being able to talk so easily in the water. "Headed for the yacht, huh?" said Phil. "Yes. It belongs to my father, Victor Singleton. I'm Flair." Victor Singleton would be George's backer, the pharmaceutical executive from New Jersey inland, Phil knew. "Is Maddy on the boat?" he asked. "I've come all the way from California to see her. I guess you know that. I have a new project for her." "She's not on the yacht," said Flair. "She hates you. I can see why. You're too fresh." "Listen, I was just admiring your stroke. As a professional trainer . . ." "Take off your trunks." "What?" "When I'm stripped, I don't allow clothed swimmers alongside." "How come you're stripped?" "Dad gave me a bathing suit. I tried it out. It belongs on somebody's old maid aunt." A real flapper, thought Phil. A wild girl of the Twenties, a rich man's reckless daughter. Flair suddenly stopped swimming and for seconds Phil was treated to the sight of two magnificent breasts, nude, with big, pink centers. Treading water she let herself sink her glories just out of sight. "Strip or skip," she insisted. Phil felt a thrill of erotic feeling. To swim with this beauty, it was a small price to pay. He doubled his body and his trunks were gone. "I'm really only interested in your style," he said, grinning. "Maybe you could swim in my new project." "Maybe you want to screw me in the ocean," she shot back. "Maddy confessed you tumbled her once in a pool." "A pool, maybe. The ocean, no," said Phil. "It's the waves." It was too bad, too, because going naked had sent thrills and tempting rushes through his belly. His cock had slowly begun to stiffen just at the realization of being out here all alone with a beautiful, naked girl. A wild one. Their bodies touched. For a second he felt warm, silken flesh lubricated by the water. "From what Maddy says you'll figure a way to beat the waves and invent ocean sex," said Flair dryly. The conversation was not going the way Phil liked. This kid was too forward. She'd shot him two insults inside of a minute. That got his back up. "So I've got the name," he told her. "I might as well have the game." He reached out and ran one hand down the sweet slope of Flair's naked back. Gently he squeezed the satin smooth globe of one buttock, slick from the water. Let's see how Miss Tart Lip took that! No scream. No slap. Instead she calmly reached down and grabbed his half-erect cock. "Oh!" said Phil. She squeezed it as he had her buttocks, but in the awkward way women handled men's pricks. Then she pumped it and that felt very, very good. Phil felt an awesome rush of pleasure. He'd been five days on the train coming East, with no dates, and not much before that. His balls were loaded. His blade powered up to full erection in only a few of her hand strokes. "Ah-huh!" he gasped. "That's my best stroke," she said. "Uh. I've g-got one too," he said. He felt along her warm inner thigh and up between her legs. Her cunt was right where it was supposed to be, a bush above, two soft lips in his hand and warmth inside. "Ah-huh!" she gasped in her turn as his fingers bored in. For a wild few seconds they treaded water, mutually masturbating each other, as if seeing how far the outrage between perfect strangers could go. Phil's cock throbbed with intense pleasure. He could feel her quivers as he probed inside of her cunt. Flair suddenly released his jabber. "Why am I doing this?" she asked the ocean. "I don't care about your stupid prong. Finish yourself. Uh, uh!" She gave another gasp at his invading fingers that had worked a short way inside of her box and expertly pressed on her clitoris. She eased her loins off his hand. She began to swim away rapidly. Phil stared after her in awe as he tread water. "You're a virgin!" he cried after her, astonished. His fingers had told him the truth. A flapper she might be, and wild, but no man had invaded that glorious belly. Probably because of her tart lip, he thought. She scolded him over her shoulder. "That's right, Mr. Prick!" she cried. "Shout it to the world. Yell it to the Boardwalk. I'm proud of it and no man will ever change it. Especially you!" She swam on, while Phil looked back over his shoulder. George's boat drifted some distance away. There was no sign that Panther tried to rescue himself by rowing. The yacht looked closer. He saw Flair reach the yacht's landing platform at water level, saw a white uniformed servant come down the ladder to hand her a large towel to cover her nakedness. She stood there a moment staring at Phil across the water. A warm wave blurred his vision; when he cleared it, he saw her final gesture of contempt. She deliberately opened her towel to expose herself fully for a second, then closed it and went on up the ladder. "Bitch," he groused. But he was still hard. That body was as shapely a figure as he'd seen in all his twenty-seven years. Wasted on a hard personality, he thought. Sadly he swam on to the yacht. No servant greeted him. Nor was there anyone on sight on the deck. Naked, he felt very exposed, but no one came into view. The boat tugged gently at its anchor like some ghost ship without humanity aboard. Weird! Silence. Creaking anchor chain. Sunny deck. Ahead of him were twin doors of some master cabin. He went through, anxious to hide his nudity. He found himself in a glass-walled living room, carpeted, with a bar, chairs and tables. The carpet was thick and new, the furniture gleaming brown wood. Old Singleton must really be rich because this was ultimate luxury, a craft more than a hundred feet long, with glittering appointments, solid wood, shining brass, eye-blinding whiteness of white paint. He dripped a little water on the rug. No humans. No sound. It was spooky, all right. He crossed the big cabin to a door at the other end. It opened into a hall, empty, with closed doors on the left and right. Sleeping quarters for the millionaire? There was a bright blue carpet with an embroidered "S". New. It felt good on his feet and he made no sound. He walked down the hallway, half the length and stopped at a big door on his right. Should he knock? Or just barge in? He stood uncertainly in front of the door. There was a sudden rush of feet and he felt his arm grabbed and twisted up behind him. A solid body hit his and drove him through the door, as he grunted in surprise. His arm was locked up behind him. He and his attacker burst through the door, and it was a bedroom, right enough. There was a huge bed with a satin spread and an "S" embroidered on it. The surprise of the sudden attack had caught him off guard, but now he brought his strength into play. His assailant had to use both arms to pin his one arm but slowly he was able to pull it loose. His attacker pressed against his making him realize that it was a woman, that she was nude, that it was Flair Singleton. The smooth skin, the warm flesh were dead giveaways. He jumped forward out of her grasp, ending in the middle of the room. "Aha!" she said. She spun around and locked the cabin door. He stared at her thunderstruck. She was still baby naked. Close up, out of the water, he got the full effect of her unclad body. She had a beautiful face with a pug nose and those bright blue eyes. Her thick hair was wet, of course, much darker than it would be when dried and coifed. She had broad shoulders for a woman but they matched her powerful but softly curved body. There was the shapely torso, soft rib cage, sexy belly button and flat belly. "Aha?" he asked, swallowing hard. Her eyes dropped to his crotch. His cock still jutted out stiff from his belly. In his loaded condition, the blood would seep away most slowly and reluctantly. His prick wanted to deliver its load of manhood into the world. She walked up to him. She took his big prodder in both of her warm hands. "Would you believe that I've never touched a man's sex until yours in the water a few minutes ago?" Her voice was softer. She looked shy. "In-interesting," he said.He was so stricken by her beauty, by that tanned, silken skin, the glow of health, the voluptuousness of her body that his mind felt thick, non-functioning. "My father protects me. My father won't let me have anything to do with sex," she said. "Is it all right if I look at you?" "Why . . . why not?" he stammered, still transfixed. Her hands had thrilled him. Now she opened them to look closely at his cock, bending down with those great breasts slightly extended. He felt a sweet rush of desire from his sex centers up and down his spine. She rubbed and stroked the mushroom shape of his swollen cock head, pumped the skin on the shaft. He gave a gurgle of pleasure as thrills shot through him. "Ohhhhhh." "That feels good, doesn't it?" "Baby, that feels incredible! What you've got there is a length of muscle made hard by the rush of blood to the organ, which swells and makes the skin tight, but the skin can move a little and excite a million and a half pleasure nerves so that a man walks up on his toes, creaming and crooning. Ahhh. We call it masturbation." "Like this?" She pumped his cock vigorously. "Oh, baby!" he cried. "You'll cause an explosion. I've got enough stuff inside to blow off your hands." "You've got to explain sex to me," she insisted. "It's my one chance of a lifetime. Dad never lets me go out alone. He hires guards. But they're away, he's away." Suddenly on the ocean I'm with a man, he's naked, and his thing is risen hard. I can't pass this up." She was so different than on the ocean that Phil couldn't believe it. In the water she was tough, mature. Out of the water she was totally innocent. Or playing so. "Get on the bed," she said. Phil didn't know what to do. All his life he'd ruined chance after chance to get ahead by falling into sex. Somebody's wife, somebody's sweetheart, or some of his students. On this trip East he'd sworn to put business before pleasure. Now this. As long as she pumped on his blade he was willing to stand there and let nature take its course. He was crazy to shoot off his load. But now she stopped and crudely walked him to the bed by pulling on his cock so he had to follow. It was the cruelty of innocence, as if she could not release the wonder organ that her father had kept her away from all her life. He went to the bed. He sat on the bed. She sat beside him. "You have a c-cock," she said. "I have a c-cunt. I can hardly say the word. I call it my box." She actually blushed. She opened her legs and before his horrified eyes stroked her delicate pink instrument to make her fingers gleam with girl essence. Her cunt was as swollen as his prick. She anointed his blade with her warm girl oils. He fucked up lusciously into her fist, smelling musk, thrilling, crazed for sex. "Prin . . . princess in a locked tower," he said. "What?" "Nothing. Let's get back to my cock and your cunt." He groaned. This birds and bees stuff was going to put him right back in the dark hole, like with Maddy. "Cu . . . box!" she cried. "That word's so sexy! I wish I could say it." She jumped up and straddled his lap. While he stared at her in horror and delight, she fitted her cunt to his cock and sat on his stiffness. His prong immediately nudged into her about an inch and stopped, hitting her hymen. He felt her slick oils. He felt her intense inner body heat. His entire cock head was gripped tightly by her virgin opening. Great thrills of desire-joy swept up his body. He was on fire to grab her hips and fuck her deeply, crazily. "I . . . ahhhh!" he moaned. "Oh, we won't do anything," she promised him. "I'm just learning things. Ah. Eeee! Yes, I'm just putting things together." She bounced a little. He almost died. Somehow both his hands pressed tightly against the richest naked globes he'd ever touched. Hot, hard nipples dug at his palms. Jelly-firm breast flesh warmed his hands. He sweated. He moaned. As she jiggled he felt a slight tearing of her maidenhead. It was too much. He grabbed her shoulders and forced his mouth on those flaired lips, feeling soft flesh, wetness, sensing her sweet, young breath. He ruthlessly drove his tongue into her mouth. Blue eyes shot wide. For a second his tongue reamed her silken mouth, trying to fuck down her throat. Silken saliva laved and smeared him. He thrilled. She jerked free, sputtering. "What did you do that for? That's repulsive! Ughhhh!" She shook her head. He could see the fast beat of her pulse in her throat. Her lovely face was pink with the blush of sexuality. He gripped her hips and dug his prick against her hymen. It tore some more. She jerked and gave a small scream, while his ruthless cock throbbed happily and he felt the exultation of virgin blood run down his shaft. He was pretty well imbedded in her cunt. Maybe two glorious inches. "I thought we weren't going to do anything," she whined. "It hurts." "That's right. We have to stop," he said. God! But he was right. One tiny, stainless steel thread of reason held his pleasure-crazed body back. He must not wreck this trip East with stupid sex, not even with this princess, not even with a virgin. He'd had virgins. He'd had Maddy. There'd been a few others. She got up off his lap. They both stared down at her crotch, silently watching a thrilling trickle of blood join the gleam of her sex-welcoming oils on her satin inner thighs. She put her finger just inside her cunt lips and made a circular motion. She moaned. "That's my sex center, isn't it?" "Clitoris, yes." He swallowed and felt his breath rushing in his throat. God, what a sweet agony. "It feels so great there. Your penis felt great in my cu-box." "Cunt." "Oh, heavens. If you say that word again, I'll die!" She fell back on the bed, legs wide apart. Phil felt he was the one who was about to die. He thought she might be somehow seducing him, yet that didn't make sense. She had the most authentic hymen he'd ever encountered. She was a total virgin. "I have to learn," she said. "It's my one chance in a lifetime. Dad'll keep me a virgin till I'm forty and dried up. Put it back in." "Put it back in? Listen, Flair, if I do your maidenhead is gone." "Nonsense. Put it back in." He looked down at her virginal beauty, soft face, voluptuous body, those high, perfect breasts, those thrilling hips and thighs and the steel restraint snapped. He mounted her. He dug his cock back into her cunt. He shoved. She gasped as more gristle gave way and more blood flowed. He grunted as he felt the exquisite pleasure of deflowering this beauty. "Ouch. Say the word." "Cunt." "Uh!" This time she bucked on his prodder and more tearing took place. "Ohhhh," she cried. "I can't stand it." "I think I can stop. Otherwise it's a fuck." "Uh!" She bucked once more on his penis. Evidently that word also stirred her. "Cunt," he said. "Uh!" she went. Her eyes were shining as her face grimaced with pain. More hymen went. The blood flowed now. "Oh, Jesus, goddam, fuck your cunt!" he cried and cruelly rammed his cock against her maidenhead with fury. She screamed and came off the bed, her buttocks squeezing, her belly tense to his as he battered her gristle away and sank deep into her tunnel. "Stop!" she ordered. "I can't stand it!" He stopped. He was half worn out with the thrills and rushes of delight in his belly from pronging against this thick hymen. Now he had five of his seven inches buried in that ripe but tight belly and to all intents and purposes she had been fully deflowered. She looked up at him and seemed dazed. "We can't go on. Your thing is eight inches long and two inches around." "Seven. Only an inch and a half." "We have to stop." "Cunt," he teased her. "I want your cunt." She suddenly locked her legs around his back and gave a series of heavenly sex bunts on his prodder. His cock oozed in until it lightly touched her womb wall. "You're fucked!" he gasped, his prick dry-throbbing madly. He almost fainted from the intense heat, the sweet friction, the surging throw desire in his guts. He'd never had such sex pleasure. "Oh, oh, oh," she went, thrusting on his cock, impaling herself. Mixed blood and oil gave fabulous service to his sliding shaft. Her eyes got big. She began to lift under him. She was so strong that she could lift his weight. "Something's going to happen!" she cried. He was astounded. Most girls did not enjoy deflowerment, nor have orgasms that first time. Not at the moments of battering. He grunted and began to rock his prick rapidly in and out of her tight cunt. "Phil!" she cried. He could not help her in this exquisite moment of fast prick friction. He was totally lost in the sweet, hot flesh, the enveloping, satiny package of her body and especially in that tight little deflowered heaven she called her box. "Uh, uh, uh, Flair" Want you . . . want your body, your being," he gasped, flexing and ramming her wildly. "Ohhhhhh!" Her big body strained up, locked and her cunt went into spasms. Throb, throb, throb. She sighed and fell back on the bed, only to shoot up again, buttocks tight, loins grinding his. Throb, throb, throb. "Ahhhhhh," she keened. He could've expected it. A magnificent body like this would produce fierce, healthy girl orgasms. He drove her through her pleasure spasms while she whined and keened and throbbed, finally to fall back under him on the satin spread, exhausted, face shining with moisture, eyes dazed. It was all his now. He ached all over and thrilled to ecstatic heights as he drew close to his own moment of glory. Pure erotic delight sang up and down his whole body as he panted to plant his manhood deep in her cunt, against her waiting womb. He fucked hotly. Suddenly the giant fist of orgasm gripped his belly, thighs, cock and balls. He went tight and paralyzed with a wounded grunt. "Uh, huh, huh!" He went dizzy. He felt spinning, exalting leaps of pleasure. Virgin cunt deflowered and won! Spurt, spurt, spurt. Gorgeous shots of jism unlocked his packed, congested sex system. The relief and good feeling were incredible. "Ahhhhh!" Spurt, spurt, spurt. So much, a continent of sperm throbbing and, gushing out of his reservoirs. He had climbed straight up to joyous lust heaven. "Uh, ah, ah, ah!" She was his passive receptacle, the sexy, dazed woman clinging to him, powerless to stop his hands from holding her cunt glove tight to his belly as he pumped her body full of his manhood and meaning, centering every drop deep, deep into her belly. She jerked a little in surprise as she felt his virile sperm shots. "Hoooo," she sang. "I think I'm wet. I'm really wet. I think you've got an ocean in me." Finally he was empty and glowing. It felt so good that he just folded down on her soft yet firm body completely lust-emptied, feeling as if he were no longer the same man who had swum alongside this sexy creature. Those weeks of abstinence had turned him into a wired up crazy man. He felt human, good, open and friendly. Happy beyond description. "Flair, that was the best I ever had." "Better than Maddy?" she asked in surprise. Careful now. "It was incredible," he said."That's why I need my medicine. Oh, no. Sit on the desk, please. I can find it easier." Surprised, Phil sat on the desk facing her and politely lifted his legs as she opened one of George's desk drawers. "Not there," she said, fumbling in the drawer. She took his left leg and rested it on the drawer. She opened a drawer on the other side and rummaged inside. "Not there." She put his right foot on the opened drawer. What the heck? "Oh, here it is," she said in her near whisper. She put her hands on Phil's crotch and began to unbutton his fly. Phil sat there petrified. He could not believe what was happening. The girl's movements were so slow and deliberate, so sane, that the mind rejected what she was really doing. What she really did was gently lift out the coil of his cock and balls and stroke his shaft as if it were a lovable kitten. "You see," she explained, "there isn't much time until I have to sing, so I'm being bold in getting right to my medicine." Was she drunk? Crazy? "Where . . . where is you medicine, Texas?" "Right inside your plumbing, Mr. Griffin, Phil. Don't worry. I know how to find it." With little girl diffidence she began to masturbate his blade in soft, satiny hands. Phil felt luscious streaks of desire as his cock grew. That rinsing that Flair had given him several hours ago had by no means depleted his sexuality. In fact, that first throw had only stimulated him to want to blast off a second time, but Flair had turned unfriendly. Two emotions tore him, surprise and delight. Outside he could hear faintly the applause of the crowd, some of the thin music. It was certainly safe enough here; George had to busy himself on and around the tank during the show. "You want . . . my jism?" he managed, wallowing in this new, hot pleasure. "It coats my throat, soothes my voice box," she said. "Then I sing marvelously well. Yes, sperm does it." "Ahhhhh." His big prick strained up now as if eager to leap off his body and hunt for sex on its own. Those capable hands really could stroke! "Would it embarrass you if I . . . ." Pleading brown eyes looked up at him. "I . . . uh . . . don't think so. Not at all!" he gasped, his breath almost choking him in rising excitement. A pink tongue flicked out and circled the head of his cock, painting it with warm honey saliva. "I'll try not to be gross," she whispered, "but I really have to have your sperm and pretty fast." "Yes!" he hissed in ecstasy as she engulfed the whole top of his prong in her mouth. Thrills and rushes of delight shot through his belly and loins. He fucked up a little into that soft, tight mouth. Her suction was strong, exquisite. Wet flesh pressed insistently, excitingly on his cock head as she bobbed her own head and grooved his flaming spear top against the roof of her mouth. Teasing fingers stroked his shaft, gently caressed his balls. "Ho, ho, ho!" he sang, heart pounding wildly. In less than a minute she'd set his whole belly on fire. She released his cock and they both watched its happy dry throbs, as it gleamed in the satin of her saliva. Phil felt the slight sting of the digestive power. "Well, I won't go too fast," she laughed. "If you don't mind a little tease, I find that it increases the sperm volume." "Tease is all right!" he cried. God, he could feel the sweet joy from his toes to his head. What a cock handler this shy, strange show business girl was. "If I can hold back the ejaculation long enough," she explained as if she were a teacher in a classroom, "the force greatly aids in coating my throat. Don't be surprised if I take you quite deep at first and then draw gradually back to apply an even spread of your precious male juices." "You know best!" Phil sang in ecstasy. She was better than her word. She knew how to handle a man's cock the best of any woman Phil had ever met. Carefully she ate down his stiff, reddened shaft on one side and up the other. Her deft tongue ringed the very edge of his mushroom cock head until he got dizzy and crazed from the good feeling. "Can't . . . stand!" he moaned. She stopped when he dry throbbed. When his crystal clear preseminal fluid eased out of the dark hole she licked it up as if it were nectar. "Helps my throat already," she said, swallowing. He watched the soft throat muscles work and thrilled. His prick kept oozing out more nectar as the tension from the delight-maddening friction went on and on. She ate his balls with the expertise of a gourmet cocksucker. "Texas, you know how!" he exulted. She was back at his shaft, using her teeth as well as her tongue as she sensed that the longer it lasted the harsher he wanted it. He bucked recklessly now into her mouth, breathing hard, wanting to rush to explosion. She held him back with gentle restraints. Soon his pubic hair, shaft and balls were totally covered with a warm sexy gloss that made him shudder in pleasure. It was as close to a cunt feel as the real thing, the way she used her mouth, suction and her stroking, incredible hands. She worked the stiff blade back and forth, up and down to add to the growing pleasure-fury. "Oh, oh, Texas!" he cried. "I may die!" "No one ever has!" she laughed. He was out of his mind now, growing dizzy with the continued pleasure. She'd brought him right up under the point of paralysis and explosion and she held him there while he could imagine his sperm factory whipping up extra gallons of throw juice, packing his reservoirs till he wanted to scream in pleasure from tension. "Please let it go!" he begged. "Take me." He grabbed her head and fucked lustily into that teasing luscious mouth, watching his shaft run over wet lips and go inside. "Not yet," she laughed, squeezing his prick and slowing the joy. "A young, handsome male like you with this heavy duty jong has infinite capacity."It was inside her gut. He was really hot now. The only way she could've lost her ring up inside her butt was by caressing her back passage with her own finger, the long finger upon which she wore it. That meant she liked ass stimulation when she masturbated. Phil fumbled out the ring and flung it aside. "Oh," she said. "Oh, th-thanks." But he dug his well-oiled cock head against her sphincter. "My reward, baby. Sorry, but I got to do it. Been dreaming of your ass." "Phil!" she screamed as he notched her small hole. There was no way he could stop. Full lust to ream that sexy ass was upon him. He grunted and bunted. She screamed in pain. His thick, stiff cock was twice as wide as her slim finger and then some. Her tight sphincter tried to resist but lost the battle to the invading cock. Panting, gasping in pleasure he oozed through the thick muscle. "Ahhh, nooo," she wailed. "Can't stand it!" He knew she felt pain. Her entrance muscle was cruelly peeled back. But he had to have the carnal thrill of driving his cock deep into her loin mass. She struggled and jerked helplessly, protesting and moaning as he fucked her open. "Too much! Too big. It hurts! Oh!" "Want your ass," he gasped. He drove his prick deep into her. Waves of thrills shot down his pleased shaft into his belly and sent pleasure throughout his body. It was sublime. "Oh, Texas, I love it!" he cried. "Ah, ah!" Her sides heaved in distress. She was impaled in her tender, private hole, the ruthless cock riding close to vital, living organs. It was not so different from a cunt, though the friction was better. Her passage was even tighter than her tight cunt. The interior body heat thrilled him. The slick feel of pink gut, the fist-squeeze of her sphincter added wild joy to his reaming. Best of all, those exquisite jelly-silk hams worked and quivered on his front so tight to his body that he could feel her little interior shifts and jerks of stimulation as she tried to ease her pain and get pleasure. "Sorry . . . got to have . . . ass!" Suddenly she began to work her loins back and forth to increase the sweet pleasure on his shaft. Apparently the pain of first violation had eased. "Fuck me. Fuck my ass!" she yipped. I've always wanted it . . . never dared ask . . . used my finger. Oh, oh, oh!" Phil got one arm under her soft, moist belly, the other across her shoulders, held her secure and rammed his loins furiously back and forth, fucking her hot, slick hole as if it were the last sex opening he'd ever master. The touch of perversion made it absolutely tops in animal pleasure. "Ah, ah, ah, God!" he keened. "Going, going," she gasped. She had one finger on her clit in her cunt. Since she'd already trained her asshole as a sex passage she went right up to glory with the fierce savaging of Phil's prick. Later her rear would burn and ache from the brutal usage, but in the heat of the wildness she shared his crazed pleasure with him. "Oh, my God, I can't believe it!" she sang as her whole sex system whipped to orgasm. Then she locked and began to throb. As she came for the second time, her sphincter squeezed involuntarily on Phil's cock, maddening him with extra thrills. "Ah baby, oh my God, yesssss!" he cried. His blade was almost glazed to glory, but he gritted his teeth and drove the girl through her spasms of pleasure. This time her throbs were not the frightened, furtive flutters of cunt stimulation, but big, bold and powerful squeezes of a fully taken female, like Flair's had been. Throb, throb, throb. She began to sag again, muttering as she ended her orgasm and fell off her peak. Phil's had just begun. He thrilled to ecstasy as he reached his high orgasmic state. He felt his body control slip away from him as muscles and glands organized to give him his massive pleasure explosion. He went into sublime lock and paralysis, grunting happily and hung for long seconds in that delicious, delirious state of suspension just before throwing, where his whole body tensed for the pleasure rushes to come. His immobile prick was buried hilt-deep in the girl's gut, shaft and cock head locked in soft, hot, wet and clutching meat. Spurt. "Ah!" Spurt. "Ah!" Spurt. He had to give a non-humorous laugh of tension relief as his cock shot darts of body-hot cream high into her intestine. She jerked and moaned as she took each gush of sperm deep in her violated gut. And her cunt and sphincter throbbed some more in excitement, drawing off male burst of semen in this perverted fashion. "Oh," she cried, squirming. "Oh, oh, I finally got it deep in my ass!" "Honey, so . . . fantastic," he grunted, letting the burst come. It seemed like he had a gallon of jism burning to seed her asshole. He pumped it all off, hugging the moist, fucked girl, until he tapered and finished. Then he sank, weak, on her soft body, relishing the feel of his still-stiff blade rammed up her tight gut, bathed generously on its spent sperm, clutched hotly by her glove-like tunnel. She was too dazed from her own massive orgasm to move, although his weight was too heavy on her. "Now Vic will walk in," he murmured. But Vic did not walk in, nor Flair nor anyone else. For once he'd completed the sex act he desired without interruption. Just as well, he thought as he reluctantly pulled out of Texas's ass. He would not want it to get around town that he buggered females. Yet what was so bad about it? They'd both had a hugely delicious time once his entry was achieved.And how luscious was the sensation of maddening pleasure on his shaft. "Going . . . to go . . . ." he whispered. The hot girl astonished him. At his words, as if they were a signal, she lifted her powerful loins under him, grunted and began to give up her womanhood. "Ah-huh!" she gasped. Throb, throb, throb. "Oh, Phil!" Something disturbed him but he was too crazed with joy to worry about it as he felt those strong cunt throbs that told he'd satisfied his partner and could explode in happiness. "Here . . . goes!" he hissed in sublime pleasure. As he froze for orgasm, clutching the voluptuous body, a light flashed on. A sleepy platinum crowned head peered at him. "Wha's going on!", asked Texas Bunny. "Whut you doin' to Flair?" "Oh, Flair," said George. Then his heart gave a great leap. "George!" screamed Flair. "Thought you were Phil!" "Ah-gung," cried George. It was too, too late. He clutched Flair whose body so closely resembled Maddy's, sang out his joy and burst. Nothing ever felt so good, hugging that delicious, tanned body and pumping off his seed deep in her cunt. Spurt, spurt, spurt. "Ooooo-ieeeooooeeee," sang George, getting an extra pleasure lift out of his natural mistake. He gushed and gushed, shivering in ecstasy as he seeded the kid's body. "Why are you fucking George!" asked a puzzled Texas Bunny of Flair. Flair wanted to stop but the sensual pleasure was altogether too much. She grunted and lifted up to the spuming cock inside of her and throbbed off more thrilled cunt spasms to the command of the male's bursting orgasm. "There's not a heck of a lot - ahh - I can do about it j-j-just now!" cried Flair, giving up her sex treasure to the older man. George finished in style. You learned that in show business. If you made a big mistake right up on the stage in front of everybody the best thing to do was go right ahead like it was part of the show. Of course he'd staggered into the wrong compartment in his groggy state and got the wrong girl, but then he dreamed of pronging Vic's sexy daughter even longer than Maddy. And except for the skin and hair, they were almost exactly the same in those voluptuous builds. "Ah, baby," he murmured, hugging Flair as they both finished orgasms and fell off the tension to that wonderful after-sex glow. "I been sleepwalking. Thought I was back in Dallas with my wonderful Mildred." He'd never been in Dallas and never known a "Mildred" but an ad-lib was called for and a quick-thinking showman had to come up with it. "Mildred, hell," said Flair, eyes flashing as she struggled out from under him. "When I tell my Daddy you raped me, you'll go right off this train to jail." "Pig!" cried Texas Bunny. George got up and grabbed his shorts. "Sorry . . . ." The two women were really angry now. "George Panther, you've ruined yourself," cried Flair. "Look at me, all filled with your stupid seed." "Pervert!" said Texas. But George had a sudden brainstorm. "Hey, Flair you were kinda moist when I mounted." He whirled, grabbed Texas and felt in her crotch. Even through her nightie he could feel that her cunt was much too soft and moist. It had seen action sometime in this night. "Well, well," he grinned. "It looks like you girls have been at each other tonight. Does your daddy know about that, Flair?" There was a sudden silence in the compartment. "Just get out of here, George," said Flair after too long a pause. "Wou'd've thought it? His ex-mistress and his daughter, fucking each other's brains out. Probably been going on for weeks." Two pillows came flying in his direction as George laughed and retreated in triumph. He'd knocked off both, Maddy and Flair in one night. His train trip was turned from a dismal flop to a sparkling smash hit all in a few hours. There might even be more up ahead! Maddy didn't know she'd been had, and Flair wouldn't dare tell. He'd hit a Babe Ruth banger over the right field fence! He retrieved his flask and cuddled back happily into his bunk by the still snoring Phil. "George," he told the flask as if it were himself, "You're the cat's pajamas. Or is it the Panther's pajamas?"The sun was out, but the water close to shore was fifty-five degrees and only sixty-four in the middle of the San Pedro channel. There were plenty of volunteer boats to pace the swimmers as well as the boats of the judges. Vic didn't want anybody to drown in his extravaganza. Phil found Vic at the starter's booth. "What about the girls?" he asked. "I'm letting 'em swim, but they have a handicap. They have to wait for an hour after the start to go in the water." That was fatal. With strong male champions out there, the girls could never catch up. "You prick!" said Phil. Vic put his head close to Phil. "No, you're the prick! You fucked my girl last night. I'm through with you, always screwing my women. You're fired, Griffin!" Later Phil paced Maddy in the water, ready with hot broth and encouragement as he followed in a boat. He didn't blame her for trying. To train and then not to swim would be too much. She gave up after four hours, because the leaders were too far ahead and her heart wasn't in it. A while later they saw Flair picked up by her handler's boat. She waved to them, they waved back. Phil, saw the look on Maddy's face and understood then that she felt guilty about knifing Flair and ending Flair's chances. Maddy wouldn't have swum her best anyway. Phil asked her about the situation with Vic after last night. She said she didn't know. Vic still wanted her; she wasn't sure. She wanted to take a month and think it over. "I'll visit my folks in San Diego. I want to get away from everybody, Phil, including you." Phil was suddenly sick of the whole thing, and of Vic, Flair, Texas, George and even Maddy. He was angry that Vic had shortened the swim. In sum he'd wasted better than two years and gummed himself up with too much sex at the wrong time as usual. What he needed most of all was a new career start. Once he reached land he was through with this crowd. Even if Vic hadn't fired him, he'd have quit. The winner of the race was a penniless Canadian teenager, George Young, who confounded everyone by beating several world champions. He collected the twenty-five thousand, lots of publicity, and some stage appearances, the hero of the hour. A poor, widow mother back home added to the magnificence of his triumph. His time was fifteen hours and forty-five minutes, a beautiful swim for the record books. New York, the Hippodrome Theatre, 1935. Billy rose, the pint-sized showman with the personality, energy and charm of a six footer, was in a pet. "We got to open Jumbo in two weeks!" he cried to his staff. "Now you tell me my best comic diver has a sprained back and can't work for a month! So what do we put in that big tank under the stage?" "We're trying to get a replacement, Mr. Rose," an assistant placated him. "Wait a minute," said Rose. "That sleazy guy who got me the Austin Sisters. What was his name? George, yes, George Panther. Find him. I remember he mumbled about some mug he knew who was doing a water show over at the college in Princeton. Find Panther for me." While a member of the staff hastened to the card file, Billy Rose ruminated aloud. "Funny thing about Broadway. A spiffy guy in a high hat and spats sells me an act and it turns out to be a mangy dog show. On the other hand a guy who looks like he slides around corners and steals leavings at the Automat hands me an act that sings with class. Who can figure it?" The staff remembered the cheap-looking agent who camped on Billy's tail with trying to promote a singing trio, the Austin Sisters. When Billy finally gave the guy a tumble and saw the act, it was classy enough to win a big spot in Jumbo. Everybody loved the Austin Sisters and so would the audience. "Oh, yeah," said George when Billy got him on the phone. "I know this guy, he puts on water shows at colleges across the country. Raises money for swim sports. He's a real pro. Better in the water than on dry land." "But can he dive forty feet into that tank on the stage of the Hippodrome and make it look funny?" "If the price is right," said George, "he can scare 'em white and then make 'em red-faced with laughter." "Get him," ordered Rose. "What's his name?" "Phil Griffin." "We'll look at him this afternoon at three," said Billy and hung up. George hadn't seen Phil for eight years. He got a letter once in a while and cards at Christmas, but that was about it. When Phil came to his hotel room, George was glad to note that he looked as sleek and young as ever, though he was in his mid-thirties. He told Phil about Billy Rose, after they'd exchanged the shy greetings that were inevitable after a large gap in time. "This Billy Rose is some kind of a genius," said George. "Started out as a hot shot shorthand and typing whiz, giving demonstrations for the companies. Set world records that way. During the war he was secretary to Bernard Baruch and other big shots in Washington, and then in the twenties he became a tin pan alley songwriter. He ran up a couple of big hits and went into the night club business." "Oh, yes," said Phil, settling down with the bottle of beer George had offered. It still seemed strange to be able to drink right out in the open. "Isn't he the guy that's married to Fanny Brice, the comedienne?" "Right, only don't push that at him. It burns him up that people call him Mr. Fanny Brice. So he's decided to make a big splash on Broadway at the Hippodrome with this show Jumbo. Make his name. It's got everything. A book by Hecht and MacArthur, songs by Rodgers and Hart, Paul Whiteman's orchestra, and everything class. Jock Whitney and his sisters are bankrolling it. It's a combination musical comedy and circus, with elephants and Jimmy Durante as star." Phil looked around George's cheap room and wondered whether even after eight years he could trust George Panther again. He'd never forget Atlantic City and Catalina. "Sounds pretty big." "It's fantastic, Phil! His idea is that he's got the big three ingredients that pull people into the theatre; love, comedy, and death. Death-defying circus stunts, you know. For the comedy they've got clowns and stuff but for the big tank onstage he wants a comic diving act. Listen, I can get you two hundred a week if you'll let me be your agent. Rose wants to beat the "Mr. Brice" tag, so he pays big." Phil sighed. The whole thing sounded unrealistic. But he'd finished his stint at Princeton and made the trip all the way over. Two hundred a week in these depression times sounded incredible, though. "Maybe I could audition," Phil said. "Are you sure about the money?" "Whitney's loaded," said George. "Come on. We're meeting Rose at three." Just like that . . . after eight years. A phone call, a trip across the river, and here he was mixed up with George Panther once again. Phil stood on the stage of the Hippodrome, looked at the tank that was revealed when the stage floor was retracted, looked up at the ladder and platform forty feet above. George sat nervously on the stage apron. Billy Rose, his directors and some assistants sat out in the audience. "Give us two or three jumps, if you will," Billy cried. To everyone's astonishment, Phil removed his clothes. But as always he had a bathing suit on instead of shorts. He hadn't changed that habit in years. Then he bounced up the ladder, did a very quick half gainer, making it sloppy to look funny. Once again he felt the thrill of the leap and the rush of wind past his ears as he plummeted down. But he'd done this sort of thing so long that his body responded automatically. He emerged and did two more jumps without a pause. The group in the audience applauded. "We'll hire you, Mr. Griffin," said Rose. "You're very good." One of his assistants murmured that the diver wanted the fierce sum of two hundred a week. Billy Rose grinned. "You couldn't get me to do those jumps for a thousand a week. Hire him. He's a class act." Phil met the Austin Sisters at the rehearsal next day. They were gorgeous looking in long, white clinging gowns and they sang in beautiful harmony. Afterwards George took Phil over to them, and Phil noticed as they approached that there was a platinum blonde, a golden blonde and a brunette. "My God!" he cried. "Texas . . . Maddy . . . Flair!" The three women were as startled as Phil. Although Texas was past thirty-five she looked as slim and sexy as ever. Maddy and Flair in their late twenties were at the peak of their beauty. "Phil . . . Oh, Phil . . . Hi, Phil . . . ." The three were as shy as he was. Long years had passed since they had last met. In the confusion and bustle of the rehearsal there was no time to talk but there were murmurs about getting together later. However, it was George alone who brought Phil up to date later in Phil's hotel room. Phil had taken a place in the same hotel because it was inexpensive and there was no reason to waste money on luxurious quarters. This way he could save a lot from his salary. George told Phil that the girls worked well together, that they were his best act and got a lot of appearances on radio and with big bands. They even had some records out that sold well. No, Maddy had never married Vic. Vic Singleton owned some radio stations out West, and the Austin Sisters always had free time on the air when they were out there. Vic had never married either. Then he wanted to know about Phil. Phil's story was simple. Water shows had been popular ever since Cleopatra floated down the Nile with nothing on her luscious body but an asp clasped to her wrist. Phil moved across the country to various colleges and universities putting on shows with the local students to raise money, sometimes for sports programs, sometimes for the schools themselves. He had a small company and didn't make much money, but it kept him active in the water world that he liked. He too had never married. "And I take it easy on sex, George. I don't get myself in tangles the way I used to." "Wish I could get into tangles. My three beautiful broads drive me crazy, but they won't put out." Phil found that the old ache was there, the desire for Maddy, and, to his surprise for the bold Flair, almost as strongly. But when he approached Maddy for dates, she turned him down. "We could've been great, Phil. But you're too wild, like the time in the tent with Flair. You'll bed any woman when your lust is up." Nor could he get anything going with Flair. She said she'd given up "the wild ways of her youth" as if she were somehow old and gray! Still, just being in Jumbo was lots of fun. The show opened with fanfares and Paul Whiteman appeared on a white stallion followed by his band, resplendent in blue and gold uniforms, music crashing. Then came a fantastic circus parade, complete with clowns, wild animals and the title figure of the show, the elephant Jumbo, with the human star, Jimmy Durante. A cannon boomed. A young girl shot from its mouth. There was no net to catch her. As the audience gasped, her partner, from the sidelines, jumped forward to make the catch and save her life. A woman performer slid from the top balcony three hundred feet to the stage on a taut wire, hanging by her teeth. Another daredevil group did aerial stunts on a tiny plane that zipped around a recessed dome, high up. In another set, a high wire artist did somersaults on a wire, as the spotlight gradually revealed that he worked above a cageful of snarling jungle cats. At the end he swung down into the cage . . . then ran to a safety door among the animals while the crowd screamed. Besides the thrills there was music, including the Austin Sisters, comedy, including Phil's act and spectacles with Rose's specialty, fabulous showgirls. In a wedding scene forty beauties in white satin rode forty white horses, also arrayed in white. They were escorted by forty muscular boys in black tights riding black horses. A "bride and groom" descended from the ceiling amidst fluttering petals and surrounded by white doves. Phil found that it was almost as much fun to watch the audience's reactions to the thrills, comedy and beauty spectacles as it was to be in the show. The show opened, the crowds came, the cast settled down, and Phil judged that Billy Rose would no longer be thought of as "Mr. Fanny Brice." After midnight is the true evening for show business people. The excitement of the performance must be overcome before sleep can be enticed. One post-midnight evening Phil sat in his room planning new water show engagements after Jumbo was finished. There was a shy knock on his door. He opened it to find Texas Bunny Long before him. She was alone except for a bottle of champagne she carried in her arms. "Oh, Texas." He admitted her. "I hope you don't mind, Phil. I have a career decision to make and I need somebody with an objective mind to talk to." He felt immediate excitement. Her face had a serious, businesslike look, but her dress suggested other things. A tight-fitting black rayon outfit clung to her body. And the champagne in her arms hinted at perhaps some pleasure. His lust rose at once. Whenever he saw Texas his cock thickened as he imagined fucking that loose flesh, soft and silky, off her bones. As they set the champagne in ice he caught a flash of her rounded, sexy ass and wondered if she still . . . . "I have offers to leave the act and go single as a singer with a band," she said. She went on to explain that she was a better singer than either Flair or Maddy and she felt she'd devoted enough time to the sister act. She explained that the "Austin Sisters" took their name from the Texas city, but she was ready to go back to being Texas Bunny once more. Phil had already made his decision. He seized her and hugged her, digging his hands into the yielding flesh of her remarkable rear. He kissed her and felt his prick thick and hard against their bellies. "Why don't we . . . have some fun . . . relax . . . before we talk about careers," he breathed in her pink ear. Her loins thrust against his, undulating, thrilling his stiff cock. The soft brown eyes were hungry. "A good idea," she whispered in her gentle voice. In seconds his tongue was halfway down her throat reveling in the sweet honey hotness and he kneaded those glorious buttocks as he jacked off between their bellies. There was a knock on the door. They broke apart, gasping. "Flair, maybe Maddy," she cried softly. "Don't want 'em to catch me here." Before he could react, she'd grabbed her champagne bottle and dashed into his closet. It was not Flair or Maddy at his door. It was George Panther with a champagne bottle in his arms and a sad look on his face. "Phil, I've got to talk to you. Serious problems. I happened to have this bottle. Can we talk?Phil was about to cut him off, but George really looked sad, and didn't even notice the tent in Phil's pants, his sex blush nor the ice bucket for Bunny's champagne. Besides, Phil had all night. Nonchalantly he tossed George's bottle into the bucket, sprawled on his bed and said, "Okay, shoot." George complained that he feared the Austin Sisters were going to break up after Jumbo. Maddy and Flair were mad at Texas Bunny. She never tried new things. They thought they could be better off as a duo. Delighted to know that Texas heard all this from his closet, Phil pointed out that George might double his income as agent for Texas as a single and the two girls as a team. George gloomed that more likely they'd all drop him for new agents. "They're gonna desert me!" cried George. "Here I've built 'em big and never even got any sex from them, except once a little bit. They hate me." It was a night when Phil felt high and reckless. He suggested that maybe George just never found out what kind of sex the girls liked. What did George think of Texas Bunny? "That one I'd like to diddle most of all!" cried George. "She has the sexiest ass that ever walked down Broadway." "So why don't you suggest anal intercourse." "Cornholing?" George's eyes got big. "She'd kill me! How could I suggest such a perverted thing to a classy girl like that?" He went on rhapsodizing about Texas, her charms and her sexy rear. Delighted, Phil kept his eye on the closet where the door was ajar. Slowly, slowly it opened wider and wider as George talked. Finally Texas stepped out into the room, holding her bottle of champagne. Otherwise she was totally naked. "Well, now," she said in her soft voice, "maybe you haven't asked the right questions, George, as Phil suggested." George froze in horror. Phil laughed and said that maybe it was time for them to put the two champagne bottles together. It was, thought Phil, going to be very tricky but also very rewarding. When he and George had stripped, Phil got on his back on the bed. At his direction, Bunny mounted his hips. He spread his legs really wide and offered his stiff jong to the girl. Tongue curling, eyes glowing the brown-eyed blonde slowly impaled herself on his blade, both of them gasping as he violated her wet, ready cunt. "Now then, George," laughed Phil. "When we get going take hold of her hips, find her second hole and live a little!" George was beside himself with excitement, his smaller cock as hard as Phil's. "Holy Magruder, this is the banner night in my life!" he cried. Phil recalled that he'd been sucked by Texas Bunny, that he'd buggered her luscious back hole but that he'd never plundered her pink little cunt. So why not let George have the back seat on this ride? "Oh, Phil!" thrilled Bunny, oozing down on his shaft. "Ah, God, a cunt like a kid's," he mooned, thrusting up to take her entire vagina. Because of the size of his prick and the tightness of her small cunt, the friction was delicious. Once again, he felt that extra pleasure of that flesh, a little loose on her bones. She was just as sexy as eight years ago. He pumped for glory. "Ahhhh, heaven!" cried Bunny, matching his thrust with hers. They literally flew into a hot fuck. "Hey, wait for me!" yipped George, trying to control the leaping loins as they flexed. They laughed and stopped the action so George could come aboard. George found plenty of juices in Bunny's crotch to oil his blade. Then with trembling fingers he parted her rich buttocks and found her ass pucker a couple of inches above her cunt, well filled with Phil's cock, already gleaming with musky cunt oils. The three made some shifts until George had his prick placed at a good angle for Bunny's asshole. "Now," he muttered and shoved. The mingled pain and pleasure made Bunny yowl and tighten her buttocks as the second prick violated her sphincter and eased inside of her intestine. "Bless the Greek gods, I don't think I can stand this!" she sang happily as her second hole filled. She had trained her asshole well enough so as to permit rear entry, but she'd never had a double filling like this. The exquisite pressure on her cunt was matched with even more fabulous pressure on her tender, slick gut membranes. "Uh, uh, uh," she went as George inched his cock deep into her loin mass. The partition that separated her cunt channel from her rear was stretched gossamer thin between the invading blades. Phil fucked, George moved and Bunny screamed, "Don't move! I'll die! Oh!" Yet as the men shifted and her sphincter sullenly retracted she began to feel incredible, hot flames consume her belly and her ass. "Ah, oh, I'm so fucked!" she blatted happily. The two pricks had a seesaw lock on her parts now as both Phil and George began to move in and out to service her holes. She quivered, sang and moaned her ecstatic joy. The two men moaned in satisfaction as they felt the silken, hot and maddening friction and listened to her gasps and felt her little body jerks as if she feared being torn open. "Oh, this is crazy, good, feels divine!" she cried. It was okay now. She could even move herself, though carefully, and take cock plunges from both men. "Hooooo," she sang in deep gut violation pleasure. Vaguely she was aware of Phil reaming her mouth with his tongue, sucking off kisses and stroking and setting her nipples on fire as he fucked her. George licked and caressed her satiny back, murmuring. But mostly she felt unbelievable, deep fire from her navel to her knees as the two hungry male cocks devoured her holes. The sensation was so fabulous that she lost all control of herself and bucked and rocked at the will of the men, crazed to a purple glory of front and rear fuck-friction. It was too good to last long, yet a century of joy. "Haaaayeeee," she went and felt the fury of her orgasm rush at her, then screamed and came, cunt throbbing, sphincter servicing George's prick, cunt locked and squeezing on Phil's. Throb, throb, throb. She gave up her womanhood in searing yet furious pleasure. A double fuck like this could just not last long. The throbbing sphincter broke George's jism seal. Too long he'd hungered to shove his prick into Bunny's body. He gave a happy grunt and spurted leaping seed deep, deep up into Bunny's ass as she still throbbed in joy. Phil now felt a double orgasm. There was Bunny's cunt clipping on his pleasure-crazed shaft and through the membrane he vaguely felt George's cock pump jism streams into the girl's gut. Phil's cock had great endurance, but this was just too much. "Oh, boys and girls!" he cried. Spurt, spurt, spurt. Deep belly streams of sperm shot up his shaft into Bunny's taken belly as he spent out his manhood in fantastic relief and singing joy. There was a knock on the door which they were all too busy to answer. Then it flung open and Maddy Metcalf entered, champagne bottle in her hand. "Phil, I was just thinking . . . ." Then she saw the lewd display on the bed and screamed and Phil knew he'd ruined things one more time.Spurt, spurt, spurt. Freely, openly, vulgarly he seeded his daughter's cunt with huge rushes of come, gush after gush of manhood in incestuous madness, washing her womb wall with his sperm, sighing and slobbering in relief and the supreme glaze of good feeling at a perfect fuck and cock throw. Throb, spurt, throb, spurt. On and on the orgasms went until they were dizzy with relief and joy and half-conscious with erotic satiation. "Ohhhhhhh." "Ahhhhhhh." They finally expired and dozed happily in each other's arms, glowing from the peak sex run of their lives. Alone in his room, George nursed his flask and faced the fact that his bride wasn't coming tonight. He had a pretty good idea of where she was and where Maddy was too. As for him, he was nowhere. He looked down at his flask, no longer necessary in these post-prohibition times. "I should line you with rubber and turn you into a cunt," he told the flask. "At least you never desert me!" By 1939 Billy Rose and the New York World's Fair were ready for each other. America's greatest city wanted a fabulous exposition. Rose wanted to nail down, once and for all, his reputation as a great showman. His 1935 Jumbo, his 1936 Ft. Worth Centennial Casa Manana, and his 1937 Cleveland Aquacade had lifted his star to the heights. Now he wished to put it in permanent orbit. Yet he was not chosen at first to have a part in the New York Fair. When he learned there was to be a 10,000 seat amphitheatre to be filled with some sort of show, he knew the logical answer was a new aquacade, better than Cleveland's. But first he had to win the job of Director of Entertainment from Grover Whelan, the Fair's decision-maker. He hustled in his unique way - put on a Broadway show called Let's Play Fair which not only advertised the show but flattered Whelan with taste and class. It was a show that cost him well over $200,000 and it was put on for just one man, Grover Whelan. Whelan came, saw the show and was convinced. Billy Rose got the Fair job, put on a fabulous new Aquacade and filled the amphitheatre every night. His selection was more than justified when he produced a million dollars profit from the show, both in '39 and '40. He was to go on to other triumphs but that year at the New York Aquacade, with his lovely swimming star, Eleanor Holm, he reached the pinnacle of his career, and filled his cup with more happiness when in the Fall of '39 he married Eleanor. It was a great year and the end of an age in America, because World War II started in Europe in September. The New York Aquacade brought together some old friends who had not been seeing much of each other. Phil Griffin came off the road to take the job as one of the swim choreographers. He knew the value of being identified with the world-famous aquacade when he returned to colleges with his water shows. His business thrived since he'd gone over Niagara Falls in a well-padded barrel and survived, such being the value of bravado stunts in his line of work. It did cost him two months in the hospital and the attentions of Maddy Metcalf who tried to dissuade him in a night of lovemaking before the event. She saw him through his recovery and then returned to her parents in San Diego, who were ill. Maddy never consummated her marriage with Vic Singleton, as that individual seemed disgusted with her for not showing up for a bedroom bout on their wedding night, although she pointed out to him that they'd consummated to exhaustion some ten years before. A divorce followed. Maddy believed that Flair served Vic as a surrogate wife, and she was right. But Flair didn't last much longer than six months. It is a peculiarity of incest that while talking about it is never-ending, maintaining it is difficult. In the end the mores of society prevail, guilt enters and incest ends. Flair joined Maddy a year later to revive the Austin Sisters and eventually they came to the New York Aquacade as singing swimmers or swimming singers as in Cleveland. George left Niagara Falls and Flair, also without enjoying the fruits of marriage. "Even a worm," he claimed, "has the right to leave the same old apples in the same old rotten barrel." Just as he and Vic went through matching marriages, they separately went through matching divorces. George was convinced that '37 was not Niagara Fall's best year. Through contacts with some of Rose's staff he was able to agent some new clients into the '39 Aquacade. Vic Singleton connected with the Aquacade after a string of odd circumstances. While he was freezing his way through the Buffalo winter after Flair and Maddy left, he received a letter in the mail which contained a deed to a small swim suit factory in Southern California. Maddy wrote that her father had died, leaving a business that neither she nor her mother wished to manage. If Vic would be kind enough to send $200,000 the factory was his. Three things appealed to Vic about the deal. First, it was warm in Southern California, second he was tired of selling non-tangibles. The booze he used to sell you could put your hands on, so many bottles with so much liquid content inside. An endurance promotion was a phantom thing. A swim suit was something you could put your hands on. If it had a nubile girl inside you'd put your hands there soon and often. Yes, swim suit manufacture assured contact with lots of females, mostly undressed. He sent the money. There was a little bit more to it than that. He'd heard whispers, first through his science reporter at the station and later in the garment trade that the DuPonts had come up with a new cloth called "nylon", a synthetic fabric they were just putting into toothbrushes, but would soon feature in hose and other articles of clothing. Why not swim suits? The cotton, wool and rubber affairs of the day were heavy, ungainly and stayed water-logged. And so Singleton Swim Suits were born and Vic was able to get some of his new items used by the Aquacade swimmers, which brought him to New York that summer. Texas Bunny Long showed up in her old single singing role, but with a tight-fitting cowgirl costume of a short skirt, silken legs, cowboy boots and the inevitable ten gallon hat. This time she sang authentic hillbilly songs which were well-received by Fair visitors from the West. There was nothing like being in a big, sinful city like New York and hearing the plaintive prairie wail one knows so well at home. With the greatest of efforts the old Atlantic City "friends" managed to avoid each other throughout the run of the Aquacade. Vic would hurry in and out with his new swimsuits. George would huddle with his new talent, avoiding Flair, Maddy and Phil. Flair, Maddy, Texas and Phil had to be around a lot for show changes and pick-up rehearsals but in a mob of a couple of hundred swimmers, plus dancers, singers, specialty acts and musicians it wasn't hard to do. After the Aquacade closed, Phil gave himself some time off. He went down to Atlantic City to do a little swimming and sunning before his first water show assignment which began in the Southern sun states in October. Atlantic City looked pretty seedy these days. He felt sad as he wandered the Boardwalk and the Steel Pier and found the old building where George had had his aquarium girl show, complete with a tankful of Vic's gin. The building was empty, desolate, boarded up. Even the signs were gone. Gone too was the fabulous Houdini who'd done so much for them. Gone these thirteen years because a couple of months after he'd come to help them he'd died in New York on Halloween. His last great show had never fulfilled itself. He was injured in Canada on that tour when a man struck his stomach with his fist at Houdini's invitation. Houdini did not have time to tense those rugged stomach muscles, and his appendix was ruptured. Death followed shortly. Did Houdini's ghost wander these streets, and the other places of the world where he'd put on his great escapes, Phil wondered. The old order had passed. The new world war would surely bury an age. Phil stayed at one of those old boarding houses with its smell of cooked food, wet clothing and rotting wood. On the second afternoon as he went to the beach for sun and a swim, he suddenly ran into a living ghost. "Well, now, Phil, I thought you'd show up," said George Panther. "Ah, George." Phil shook hands. He had no grudge against the sleaze promoter. "Vic Singleton expects us aboard the yacht," said George, waving his hands towards the bay. Phil looked out to sea and rubbed his eyes in astonishment. There was Vic's yacht as it had been on that long ago day. "Vic wants to see me?" "Yup. He's got some new wild idea. Texas Bunny's over there, and Maddy and Flair. Vic himself of course. Your hotel gave us your forwarding address and Vic already figured to come back to his old stamping ground for a few days." "I'm leaving town!" cried Phil. But he was only kidding. He was curious. And on this trip George's boat had enough gas for them to reach the yacht without swimming. "AquaFun," said VIC. Phil and George found him seated in the big cabin where the Catalina steak dinner had been held. Lined up behind drinks were Texas Bunny, Maddy and Flair. There were polite nods. "What's aquafun?" asked Phil. "My new water show," said Vic proudly. "Our new water show. Billy Rose had a trademark on "Aquacade" so we'll use my title. We'll use your show schedule across the country, featuring my Singleton swim suits." "We will?" said Phil. "That's only the beginning," said Vic. "What goes on in Atlantic City every year since 1921?" "The Miss America contest," said Phil. He'd already seen some of the contestants around town. "The war may reach us," said Vic. "I hope it doesn't, but it probably will. Roosevelt can hardly keep us out. We can't affect that, but wars are grim. People need something soft and beautiful and glamorous in troubled times. Like a new beauty contest, only on the West Coast instead of here. Sponsored by Singleton swim suits and others. We'll build up to it in about a year. And Texas and the girls can go along on your shows while George gets us publicity and I get some of my old radio friends to push us along. It can't miss, huh, Phil?" Phil sat down gingerly as if he expected his pocket to be picked and stared at them all. Texas Bunny, who already had a pretty good reputation as a singer. The beautiful girls, Maddy and Flair, who could sing and swim. George to line up talent and boost the shows. Vic to bankroll a much classier line of productions in the colleges than he'd been able to afford. Costumes. Musicians. Tabloid versions of the aquacades. Why not? Suddenly he grinned. "I don't hear anything that makes me want to jump overboard," he said. The rest of them cheered, somebody put a drink in his hand and the ice was broken as everybody babbled happily at once. But soon a strange silence fell. The moon hung low over the bay, while a soft ocean lapped at the yacht's hull. Restless people came together, broke apart. Phil felt aroused. Something sexual had to happen with this crowd because all three females excited him and he knew he excited them. But how? The tension rose. He wandered into the bar to find the girls seated all in a row, nervously playing with drinks, like teenagers at a dance, hoping to be asked, dreading it. Vic looked keyed up. George looked scared. Suddenly Phil could stand it no more. "What I suggest," he said, his voice almost a shout, "is that we turn off all the lights, send the crew below deck, remove our clothes and play 'Sardine'!" There was a moment of shock and then the happy, relieved babble started again. The game was what they needed to get started. The game of 'Sardine' is usually played in a large house with many rooms, halls and other hiding places. One person is chosen sardine. The lights go out. The sardine hides. The guests search for him. As each person discovers him, he or she bodily piles on top of the sardine, trying not to giggle or laugh and give away the hiding place to those still searching. As more and more guests find the spot they throw themselves bodily on the pile, making a people pyramid. The object is to be first, or at least avoid being last to find the sardine and join him in his sardine tin. Playing the game nude adds a distinctly erotic flavor. Phil guessed that the yacht would do nicely and that the game would only go one round, and he was right on both counts. Vic sent the crew below, all lights were put out and everybody stripped, the girls giggling. Phil was selected as 'sardine'. He streaked directly for the deck-level stateroom and dove on the bed with the big "S" on the spread, the bed where he'd first screwed Flair so long ago, where he'd seen Vic toss Maddy. Seconds later the bed filled with nude, squirming bodies, male and female and seconds after that cocks were pumped hard by feminine hands, cunts stroked wet by the men. The orgy was on, the game over. Phil found himself on top of a warm, voluptuous and squirming nude female. He had her face down on the bed. Without finding out who it was in the dark, he forced his cock under her ass, found her cunt and violated her. "Ahhh, yes," sang Flair. It was her rounded buttocks, firm and muscular that he rested on, as he fucked his prick deep into her belly to make her groan in pleasure at her unsealing and him to gasp with friction joy. Fair enough. He had not plugged her delicious belly since taking her maidenhead so long ago, yet her cunt was sweet and tight, very hot, very wet on his rocking, oozing blade. Somebody had gone into action next to Phil. He reached out a hand to enjoy the luxury of feeling another couple ream each other while he did his stuff. His hand stroked the soft, shapely thigh of Texas Bunny, on top of her a man who turned out to be George Panther. Phil didn't know it, but George had once more or less plugged his niece, plugged Flair but had only had Texas in the butt. Now he rode his prick happily up into the belly of Bunny, humming in pleasure. They ground on each other with furious intent. Phil let their rocking bodies inflame his senses while under him crazed Flair bucked fiercely enough for them both. "Oh, oh, fuck," sang Flair. "Ah, lover, love your marvelous prick," keened Texas to George. "Hot, loose-boned woman, sexy," gasped George. "Round-up time," laughed Phil. His shaft received tremendous surges of joy from Flair's cunt. But what was the use of losing yourself in your own trip when a whole orgy went on around you. He reached over and turned on the light. There was a "thump" and he saw that Vic and Maddy had fallen on the floor, pushed off the hot exertions of the other two couples.Vic was on top of Maddy, giving the girl's rich body a fantastic reaming. Vic made up for what he'd lost at Niagara Falls two years before. The fall from the bed didn't even disturb them. They kept on plunging, making happy carnal sounds. "Eeee, yesss, good!" came from Maddy. "Hot little bitch," drooled Vic. It was easy to see that while each couple was self-concentrated on their own hugging, caressing, kissing and fucking, they were highly stimulated by the other hot sex going on around them. The bed shook as if in an earthquake. Phil grabbed Flair's big tits from underneath, hugged her firm body tight and gave her a cock-sprint of furious action, reveling in the knowledge that with athletic girls you could be a little rough. He dug his mouth into the sweet flesh of the back of her neck, making her surge and rock faster under him. "Uh, uh, uh." She was getting there in a hurry, thrilling him unbelievably. He was ready for this. In recent years and all this summer he'd gotten control of his lust that interfered with his business, had almost reached a state of celibacy. His neglected cock now made up for lost time. "Uh-huh!" yipped Flair. She tensed her buttocks thrillingly under him, squeezed her legs together and came for him with sturdy cunt throbs of surrender against his buried shaft after only about three minutes of wild action. He fucked her through. Then, cock drenched with her burning cunt oils he got a bright idea. He slid his blade out of her cunt, moved up two inches and dug against her asshole. "What . . . you doing?" she cried in surprise. Then, "Oweeeee!" He caught her sphincter by surprise. His lusting shaft broke her seal and pried open the soft but tough gut muscle and he drove his prick inside her rectum. "Phil! Wrong hole!" she cried. "I want your luscious ass," groaned Phil in exquisite pleasure. To sink his prong deep in her loin mass between those firm, rounded hams was a delectable pleasure. Over her squirmings and protests he oozed his jong deep, deep inside of her. "Oh, my ass!" she keened. "Oh, I'm ass fucked!" His cock reached its limit, encased in pink gut, held fiercely tight all around, saturated with her interior body heat. He dry-throbbed richly, feeling the quakes of good feeling to his toes. He began to bugger her asshole, thrilling to the play of those powerful buttocks on his belly, hugging her close, driving, driving. "Ohhhh, Phil!" "Got to have girl ass," Phil grunted, gathering speed and rocking in mounting joy. The others didn't notice, because George was just then spurting hot seed in the cunt of Texas and Maddy and Vic were peaking. As Phil drove in his new love chamber he heard the cries, groans and gasps of the two couples who reveled in cock spurtings and cunt quakes. At first Flair was shocked at Phil's bold use of her ass. She'd not gone much beyond an occasional finger in that private orifice. A thick cock was much more of a painful stretch for her sphincter than a slim finger. She felt fierce pain at first and the unpleasantly full feeling of having her back passage unsealed and used, threatening her living organs deep inside of her. There was no womb to stop the progress of a hard, driving prick. "Ah, God!" she sang in distress. But those sensitive tissues and nerves adapted very well to sex stimulation, she found. The agony eased and the slick play of the hungry cock soon began to send hot sex thrills shooting up her belly and her body. "Do it . . . faster!" she begged. Phil raged to his finish now, lifted in the golden glory of a tight female hole, sweet friction, hot lust and the excitement of the lewd, open sex around him. "Soooooon!" he crooned, rising to peak. "Fuck . . . fuck my ass!" she responded. Her finger worked on the clit in her empty cunt, making her squeeze and work her fabulous hams against him for greater pleasure. "Now, oh now!" shouted Phil. He felt the powerful glaze of his coming sex-throw. He gave an animal grunt of protest at all that tension and good feeling. Then he burst deep in Flair's ass. Spurt, spurt, spurt. "Ahhhhh," he sang. It was the ultimate heaven, the breathtaking paralysis followed by the crazed spurts of his shaft, powered by the belly and sex muscles bunched and organized by the nerves in orgasm. Wham, wham, wham. He drove out rich, virile gushes far into Flair's ass interior while she squirmed and gasped at the surprising enema of body hot seed on tender gut. "Lush-ee-usssss," went Phil, grunting it off until his crammed sex reservoirs had exploded all his juices into Flair's body. They hung exhausted after that, because Flair had also reached orgasm. Sexual aberrations were the delight of her life, yet somehow she'd missed cornholing and she laid in perfect contentment under Phil, his cock still firmly planted up her rear, loins attached to her rounded buttocks, as they glowed in after-sex euphoria. "You are a great lover," she panted as her heart rate began to slow. "You're worthy of great love," he replied, hugging that moist, fucked out and voluptuous body. That was only the beginning of course. After a great deal of petting, fondling and even discussion of the new AquaFun and the coming water show expedition where they'd all work together, the men were hard again. Phil took Maddy, while George had his workout with Flair and Vic renewed acquaintance with Texas Bunny's cunt. After that Phil no longer paid much attention. This happened and that happened. Half-dazed with the sweet lust after a long vacation he saw the girls play with each other and some good oral action. He remembered Texas Bunny's great skill at that form of sex and made sure that he surrendered his cock to the greatest expert that had ever mouthed his blade. At some point, the action ran down as they slept like babies, a nude pile of humanity, to stir, reach out, caress flesh sleepily and then drift off reassured that the sex goodies were still there. Phil came slowly awake after a long, restful sleep. His head rested on a soft, yet firm pillow. As he blinked his eyes, he became aware that his body felt terrific, absolutely great after the night of sex. What a party! He squeezed his pillow to find that it was a warm and silken naked thigh. For a moment he was puzzled as to what he found inches from his eyes. Then full intelligence returned. What he stared at was a graceful cunt, thatched with glossy black hair. He heard a couple of giggles. He became aware that his cock, so richly emptied inside three ripe females in last night's orgy, was hard once more. Impossible! There could be little juice left inside of him. Yet his prick thrilled and exulted with pleasure. When he looked down Maddy's sweetly curved leg he saw why. At the foot of the bed Texas Bunny and Flair played with his penis, first one and then the other sucking on his stiff shaft. "More?" he asked sleepily as lust began to flame in his sex parts. "Your cock wants it," murmured Flair. He lifted his head. He was still on the bed. So were the three girls, naked. Of Vic and George there was no sign. "They sneaked out on us," said Texas Bunny. He put his head back down on Maddy's creamy thigh. She sighed and stirred. Her cunt brushed his mouth. Feeling the new lust capture him he opened his mouth and began to eat her cunt, bringing her fully awake with suction, his tongue and his teeth. "Oh, Phil!" she whispered. She started to pull back, then realized the fun wasn't quite over, and pressed her warm, oiling organ to his mouth, shivering in dawn arousal. Yes, it was almost dawn. As her oils flowed, he sucked her avidly, drinking down her body warm juices, while she gasped and fucked faster and faster on his face. His sex interest was intense now, because Flair and Texas Bunny were getting serious with his hard jabber, sucking and slurping his shaft, giving him teeth that dragged over excited nerves, hot closed mouths, and warm saliva. "Uh, uh, uh," he said as he bucked happily. "Don't know . . . if have anything left." "If it's there, we'll find it," laughed Flair. So, he had the complete harem, all three of them at once. As he grunted his animal lust, felt the rising rushes of good feeling, he realized that he was no longer hung on on Maddy alone. He loved them all, he wanted to fuck them all in every available hole, over and over. They were welded into a unit now, their lusts matched and there were good times ahead, both in business and pleasure. All around him was naked and hot female flesh, and every line and curve, every breast, thigh and leg was elegantly shaped for visual as well as carnal pleasure. Maddy closed her milky thighs on his head, bucking in rapture, so he could no longer hear, nor see, with her belly close to his eyes. With the other two on his legs, sucking him off he was buried in nude, hot flesh. It was a strange and thrilling sensation to lie there so, giving up his cock to whichever mouth was at work, while he gobbled Maddy's cunt and drove her crazy with pleasure. Faintly he could hear her gurgles and the other two laughing and sucking on his prick. It was total immersion in carnal glory. He wanted it to last forever! "Mmmmmm," was the only sound he could make, and he was the only one who heard it but it was the exclamation of total satisfaction. He tried to hold Maddy back as well as himself to stretch out this fantastic dawn sex but his tongue on her hot little clit maddened her right up to orgasm. Maybe he made it last ten minutes, the best of his lust life. It was touch and go between the furious rich delight of his sucked cock and her writhings to glory. She gave up her cunt slightly before his cock burst. He felt her deep-gut throbs and whines with utter joy as he took her. Then she pulled away panting, murmuring, "Never . . . had it . . . so good!" He grabbed her lower body, pressed his face into the satin-warm stomach, stiffened and gave himself up to his fabulous throw. "Ah . . . wow!" he yipped and then the jism shot off, an incredible amount after all he'd thrown off last night. Each gush brought him thrillingly alive as he shot off leaping sperm, first into Texas Bunny's mouth and then into Flair's as she grabbed his bursting tube away to drink the rest of his shots. "Ah, ah, ah," he expired completely, open and milked, glowing and relieved. Was there anything in the world better than orgasm in sex? After that, Texas and Maddy wanted to sleep some more, but he and Flair were fully awake. She challenged him to a nude swim to the shore and back. "I'll let the clean sea wash out my cunt," she laughed. "You can say the word 'cunt' now!" he laughed. She looked surprised. "Say it and use it," she smiled. She leaped to the boat rail and dived over, her naked body an exquisite form in the air. Then it was his turn as he finally got to make his dramatic Douglas Fairbanks dive after her, and she watched in appreciation.
Chapter 1
Curt Aldrich
Little Beth's Boyfriends
"Spread your Barbie dolls out on the sand and play with them," Cathy told her baby sister as the 16-year-old blonde took off on a lope across the beach. "I'll be back later!" Cathy's plump buttocks twisted provocatively in orange bikini pants which failed to conceal them. Much of the fabric was caught in the crack between her ass cheeks. The satiny swells quivered as she ran. A white-haired man who sat on a blanket, next to his dozing wife, felt an uncommon stirring in trunks as Cathy's tantalizing bottom wiggled past, nearly close enough for him to take a bite of it. The eyes of a young passerby were brightened by the bouncy quiver of her tits. Cathy was the proud possessor of a pair which resembled sponge-rubber balls, except for the rigid tips which projected from their crests. Her bikini top came high enough only to conceal the thrusting stems, while revealing the rims of her pink aureoles. The swelling orbs on which her nipples sat were alive with vibrating motion. Cathy's baby sister, Beth, had just begun to sprout nubbins at the age of twelve. Cathy's opulent breasts and curvy bottom frightened Beth, when she thought that she herself might possess such bulges some day. The hair on her sister's body was even more frightening. Beth had no hair between her legs at all. She differed from her sister Cathy in another way as well: Beth had no interest in boys. She was happy to play with her dolls and to fantasize about a glamorous life without boys. A girl's body was just something to put pretty clothes on, as far as Beth was concerned. "Hi! See anything interesting!" The blond, muscular lifeguard to whom Cathy had called turned from scanning the water and looked down at her, standing at the foot of his tower. He grinned behind dark glasses. "Now I do!" he said, ogling Cathy's breasts. "Well, just what do you see?" she teased, twisting languidly so that her breasts wobbled to and fro in their flimsy wrap-around. The lifeguard scurried down his ladder, bounding onto the sand in front of her. He wrapped strong hands around her upper arms and gazed down at the creamy globes that rose insolently from her bikini top. "I see the juiciest set of tits on the beach," he said. "Boyd, you dirty guy!" Cathy scolded, laughing. The lifeguard glanced quickly around him. The beach was lightly populated on that early summer's weekday. Deciding that there was no one close enough to be shocked, Boyd hooked two fingers around the center of Cathy's bra and yanked it down. Her tits leaped out to stand quivering in pink-nippled perfection. She gasped, and a blush came to her cheeks. "Are you crazy? Not out in the open!" "Then let's get into my tent," Boyd said. "I've got a hard-on already." A downward sweep of Cathy's blue eyes told her that it was true. The young man's swim-trunks were bulging before the urgent thrust of his prick. Cathy turned and, holding an arm across jiggly breasts, dodged under the three-sided canvas shelter that faced the sea at the base of the lifeguard's tower. She tumbled onto Boyd's blanket. He was right after her, tumbling onto the blanket also. He clutched Cathy. They rolled and giggled. His mouth was hot on hers, his tongue spearing. Cathy felt his dick pressing her thigh, then the grasp of his hand around a bulging breast. Boyd squeezed her firm titty and plucked at the nipple while they kissed. Thrills radiated through the responsive girl. Her mother would have been shocked if she had known Cathy was letting a young man get to her that way, but Cathy couldn't have cared less. She was at the rebellious age. Before she'd given Boyd her virginity, life had been a drag. Since then it was one luscious thrill after another. Cathy's hand stroked the lifeguard's big, hairy chest. She plucked at the wiry ringlets. All the while his demanding tongue was thrashing in her mouth, making her think of how his cock felt when it probed somewhere else. Her hand skidded down to his trunks, and she grasped at the hardness which was stretching them out of shape. Boyd pulled his mouth from hers with a gasp. "When you grab me there, I go crazy!" he said. "I want you to go crazy with me!" Cathy exclaimed, and kept massaging his constricted hard-on through the single garment. The youth drove his face to her breasts and sucked up a thrusting, hard nipple. He bathed the tingling titty-tip in his warm mouth, thrilling Cathy. She struggled blindly with the young man's trunks, pulling them partway down. But his big prick was so stiff that it kept them from gliding off. Boyd raised his mouth from her gleaming, wet nipple and looked at what she was doing. Cathy looked, too. Boyd's trunks had skidded low enough to expose the top of his pubic patch, but they clung to the towering projection of his penis. Only the base of the pole was revealed, where it soared up from his golden thicket. He took hold of the top of his trunks and stretched them as he squirmed. The garment pulled his prick down, then relinquished it with a snap. The bulb-ended shaft bobbed up and down springily before locking into a high-aiming thrust. The head swelled, rosy and plump. The stalk was super-stiff. Cathy gazed at it as if hypnotized. She hadn't gotten sufficiently used to Boyd's prick yet to take it for granted, if she ever could. Her slender, delicate fingers crept around it. Boyd watched, and thrilled, as her hand took hold. Squeezing his cock, she watched its head bulge even larger than before. "What a thing!" she said excitedly. "Call it by its right name, why don't you?" Boyd suggested. "It has different names, doesn't it?" Cathy asked sexily as she stroked it. "Yeah. Use 'em all." "But they're dirty!" "So what?" So what, indeed! Cathy thought. Even if sex was dirty, it was fun! "Cock!" Cathy said, as if she had uttered a major pronouncement. She looked at Boyd shyly and blushed. "What other names for it do you know?" Boyd asked, writhing voluptuously under her caress. "Prick!" Cathy said, blushing more. It stimulated her to use forbidden words. "How about another one?" "Rod?" Cathy said, intoning it as a question. "Okay. More." "Well ... dick?" "More yet," Boyd urged, squirming in the delightful clasp of her hand. "I don't know any more," Cathy said, gazing at the beautiful long rod she was holding. "How about pecker?" Cathy giggled. "That sounds so cute!" She tried it out: "I dig your pecker!" She laughed and blushed some more.An open bottle and two glasses stood on top of it. Joe watched as his wife poured some more liquor for herself. A lock of Marcella's dark red hair had fallen sexily across a cheek. Her face was pretty, though a slight puffiness betrayed her thirty-eight years. Her breasts were large, and the moderately low-cut dress she was wearing showed off their pale, bulging tops. "Want one?" she asked as she finished pouring her own drink. "I'm okay," Joe said. Marcella laughed. "I know what you're worried about--you're afraid that if you drink any more you won't be able to do your thing!" Her voice was thick. "Listen," Joe replied, "I could do it if I was roaring drunk. I just wouldn't enjoy it as much. Now, with women it's different--the more booze they drink, the wilder they get." Marcella turned to face him. "And just how would you know about women ... plural? How many broads have you been screwing around with?" Beth was shocked to hear her usually prim and proper mother use words like broads and screwing. "You know I don't screw anybody but you," Joe said, walking over to her, a grin on his face. "But I remember before we were married." "Oh, here we go again! Now you're going to tell me about Elaine and Lois and all the rest of them ... and how fuckin' wild they were!" Fuckin'? Beth couldn't believe her ears. Her mother had to be pretty drunk. "Baby, I'm not interested in anybody but you," Joe said, and took Marcella into his arms. She was sipping from her glass as he cuddled her, caressing her bottom again. He walked her to the sofa, his arm around her waist. Marcella sat down heavily, almost sloshing the liquor out of her glass. Joe sat beside her. He gave her a kiss. Beth was shocked to see his hand close around one of her mother's breasts, squeezing the bulgy mound. Marcella finished the liquor in her glass and stretched to place it on an end table. The glass nearly tipped onto its side. Joe went to work on his wife in earnest, pushing her skirt and slip up her thighs, then grasping her breast once more. As they kissed, he slid his hand down across her middle and dug between her fleshy thighs, grasping her hairy softness through her panties. Her thighs widened their spread, and Beth could see dark hairs along the crotch elastics of her mother's pants. The narrow strip of blue nylon that passed between her legs had gotten creased and was narrower than usual. As she squirmed in response to her husband's ardent caress, he hooked the nylon away, and Beth got her first glimpse of her mother's mature pussy. The gash was red at the center, its lips unfurled by the wanton spread of her legs and her excitement. Lots of hair bordered the juicy crevice. Joe's finger delved into his wife's meaty slit. "Oooo!" Marcella moaned, tearing her mouth from his. "Why don't you fuck me?" There it is--that naughty word again, Beth thought. And Mommy's using it! "You're not ready to be fucked yet," Joe replied. "Oooh, yes I am!" Marcella insisted, writhing passionately. More of her hair had fallen over her face by that time. "Can't you feel how wet I am?" "You're wet all right," Joe observed, taking out his finger and looking at it. (Even Beth could see it glisten). "But I think my baby needs a little more feeling up. She needs to get the top of her dress pulled down," Joe added, reaching behind her to unzip her zipper. "She needs to get her titties spilled out." Marcella laughed giddily as the top of her dress was lowered. But her tits didn't tumble free. She was wearing a low-cut bra. She squirmed against Joe as he went for the hooks on her brassiere. When his hands withdrew, he brought the bra with him, and Marcella leaned back, boldly showing him her breasts. Like melons they were, with wide rosy discs at their crests. At the center of each aureole sat a plump, ruddy nipple. "Mama's really got 'em!" Joe said with a grin, bringing his hands up underneath her bountiful boobs. He lifted the chesty treasures and let them drop, quivering. Marcella glowed. It did thrill her to be stripped in the living room and to be forced to show herself off. "Shake 'em, honey!" Joe said. Laughing, his drunk wife waggled her shoulders, causing her big tits to bounce to and fro. Joe drove his face against the rounded, satiny pillows. Beth stared as her father licked and sucked her mother's nipples. The child watched avidly as he lifted a breast, tugged with his mouth at its rigid tip, then let the titty drop. He pounced onto the other one. Marcella reached blindly for the front of her husband's pants. Beth's guilty excitement increased as her mother felt all around his lower front, even down between his legs, then found the tab of his zipper and lowered it, opening his fly. I'm going to see Daddy's cock! Beth thought. A little voice told her that she shouldn't look at it, that she was being very naughty and should hurry back to bed. But her fascination with her parents' lovemaking was too great to resist. She had to remain on the stairs and continue to watch. Marcella reached into Joe's pants while he nuzzled and pawed at her breasts. Her hand came back out, and it was clutching a long, hard column that, to Beth, looked very much like Gary's. It too was covered by an outer skin, except for its rosy tip. Beth's mother stroked that hard, thrusting cock, rolling the foreskin up and down across the ridge of his head. Joe sat up and stared at what she was doing. Suddenly he dropped to his knees on the carpet. He spread Marcella's legs wide apart and dived between them. Their daughter's breath became labored and she felt very warm between her own legs as her father licked the inner slopes of her mother's thighs, from her tightly cinched stocking tops all the way to the edges of her lacy blue pants. His hands stroked up and down the outside of her thighs, traveling along the straps of her garters. Finally he clutched Marcella's panties and pulled them down. Her dark hair gushed out. Joe lifted her legs in front of him to take her panties off. He tossed the blue briefs aside. He spread his wife's legs into a wide V, continuing to hold them up in front of him, and then he did something that shocked and thrilled Beth. He dove straight to her mother's hairy slash, burrowing his mouth into the moist meat. He lay her legs on his shoulders and twisted his head, ravenously eating Marcella's flowing, flavorful cunt. Beth throbbed as she watched. Her eyes were bugging. Her mouth hung open, and her throat was dry. Marcella wiggled her bare bottom on the sofa. She tossed her head from side to side, her red hair whipping across her face. She bit her lip to stifle a moan, Her titties bounced like big rubber balls. So Daddy puts his mouth down there, just like those men made me do with them! Beth thought excitedly. I wonder if Mommy will do Daddy the same way. Joe was licking up and down the meaty flanges of his wife's cunt, his tongue wiggling all the fleshy folds. He sucked up her gushing honey. He licked the pearl-like head of her clit until it was slick and extremely hard. He even stroked his tongue down and into the mouth of her slippery, hot vagina. Marcella bumped her hips spastically. She no longer was able to suppress her moans. She clutched her husband's head, ruffling his dark hair, pulling him deeper into her humid swamp. Finally he raised his head. His mouth and nose were wet. Marcella was panting wildly. Joe stood in front of her, his prick proudly projecting from his open fly. He moved very close to Marcella, standing between her legs. "No!" she exclaimed, and tried to push him away. "God damn it, why not?" he demanded, wild with lust. "Because I don't do that!" his wife said. "I've told you many times I won't. Just because that slut Elaine used to do it for you is no reason to expect me to." She no longer seemed so drunk. "Damn you!" Joe snarled. "You're a prude!" "Maybe so," Marcella said, succeeding in pushing him away from her. "Come on, Joe," she added, her tone softening, "let's make love nice!" He angrily grasped her and twisted her about, until she was pitched forward, over an arm of the sofa. Her ass was aimed into the air. Its fleshy cheeks were framed by her white garter straps and the dark bands at the top of her hose. Joe jerked her thighs apart so that one leg extended out to the floor. He landed behind her on his knees and quickly pushed his pants and shorts down. He drove his hard prick into her upturned pussy, spearing it all the way to his dangling, hairy balls. Beth stared from a point of vantage which permitted her to see between her father's legs, to watch his thick column stroking in and out of her mommy's hair-fringed hole. She watched her daddy's balls shake. She saw how wet his cock was getting as he pumped up and down, pulling the little red lips of her mommy's pussy outward, then folding them back inside as he drove all the way, socking his belly noisily against Marcella's ass. So that's how people fuck! Beth thought, shocked and excited by the blatant display of raw lust. That it was her own gentle parents behaving in such a wild and wanton manner startled the child all the more. This was bound to be a day and night that Beth would never forget. "Oooh, yes!" Marcella cried, bumping her cunt backward against her husband's savage plunges. She wiggled her sumptuous ass. "That's sooooooh gooooood!" Joe just grunted, angry in his lust because she hadn't given him the thrill he had most wanted. If he could just once feel her warm, wet mouth around his prick and watch her pink lips pump up and down on it, he would be the happiest man on earth, he thought. But she continued to deny him that supreme pleasure. She probably always would. He fucked into her none-too-tight cunt with brutal vengeance, and Marcella seemed to enjoy it, despite his roughness. Watching, Beth was frightened for her mother. That must hurt awful! the young girl thought. How does Mommy stand it? Beth didn't see how she herself could ever let a man or boy drive his long, hard thing into her. Her pussy was so small and tight that a man would surely rip her to pieces doing that. The fear put a damper on the vicarious excitement Beth had been enjoying up to that point. Still, she continued to watch, spellbound by the sheer animal lust which her father and mother displayed. Marcella was bobbing her ass atop the sofa arm, pushing with her feet against the cushion and the floor, bracing her hands against the floor, as well. Her hair hung completely over her face. Her breasts dangled and swayed like tolling bells. Joe was clutching her bare hips and driving for dear life into her soggy cunt. His shaft gleamed slippery wet each time it flashed out. His balls had pulled into a knot at its base. Beth's eyes burned from staring. Her tense throat ached with dryness. Aren't they ever going to stop? she wondered as her parents fucked on and on. "Uuuh ... uh! ... OOOOOOOOH!" Marcella cried, and her ass shook, vibrating like jell-o. Waves of luscious warmth spread through her. Her cunt spasmed around Joe's cock which was still pumping within it. But because Marcella's pussy wasn't the tightest in the world, her orgasmic contractions didn't bring him to climax. However, his stimulation was heightened by her obvious pleasure, and he speared her even faster and stronger. His hips bobbed as briskly as they could go. His eyes rolled back in their sockets, and his head turned light. His whole being was concentrated on his driving cock as he pumped into Marcella with fiendish zeal. He slapped her quivering ass. He cursed. Finally he came with an explosive burst which shook him. He growled raspingly and emptied his passion in spurt after quivering spurt within his wife's still-quaking cunt. He flopped over her back, breathing hard. She was panting, also. "Oooh, what a fucking!" she said. Beth could have uttered an amen to that. It was the most savage and frightening act she had ever witnessed between human beings. She never wanted it to happen to her.Boyd stood outside, dressed in slacks and a t-shirt. Cathy let him in quickly. She no sooner had closed the door before he pulled her into his arms. They kissed warmly, their tongues stroking. Cathy could feel Boyd's cock stir against her. He broke the kiss before his rod fully rose. "So, what happened with your kid sister at the beach today that made you two leave so quickly?" he asked. "And who was that guy you were talking to?" "He was just a friend of our parents," Cathy lied. "Then I remembered something I had to do at home." The tall, bronzed lifeguard grinned. "Well, you won't be able to get away from me tonight. I've got no ocean to keep my eyes on. I can just look at you." Cathy took his hand and led him to the sofa. "Want a Coke or something?" "I just want you," Boyd said. They sank to the couch, and he took her into his arms. He drew Cathy toward him so that she was sitting on the side of one hip. As they kissed, he placed his hand on her bare leg just above the knee. It was a simple matter for him to push her skirt up as he caressed her smooth thigh, then to gain access to her panty-clad bottom. He stroked the plump cheeks of her ass, wobbling them in her silky briefs. Cathy heated up fast. She was never slow to respond, but after the sensuous time she'd spent in Gary's apartment, she was more receptive than usual. She had learned a few things that she was anxious to try out with Boyd. But it was going to be up to him to make the first move. He had been neglecting a very important part of lovemaking, she had learned today. Cathy's tongue tickled Boyd's darting into his mouth, then withdrawing. He shoved his tongue between her lips, and she sucked on it. He squirmed and glided his hand up across the front of her dress. He clutched a bulging breast, thrilled to discover that Cathy was braless. He pinched a stiffening nipple through her dress. She was licking along Boyd's lips, using her tongue more than usual. What had happened earlier in the day had caused her to think more about lips and tongues. Boyd lay back on the couch and pulled her forward on top of him. She could feel his hard cock sticking up in his clothes. He drew down the zipper on the back of her dress and brushed the garment off her shoulders. She propped herself on her arms, smiling down at him, and let her dress fall away. Her titties hung bare and beautiful, their pink nipples rigid with excitement. Boyd cupped her tits in his hands. Grinning pleasurably, he bounced and wiggled the responsive globes, which were elongated by her posture. He milked at her nipples. Cathy crawled higher on him, dropping a titty to his lips. Boyd caught the stiff nipple and sucked on it. Cathy rubbed her belly against him while wiggling her tit in his mouth. Boyd's hands glided down her back and discovered that her crawling had caused her skirt to creep back over her bottom. He flipped the skirt up once again and filled both hands with the sumptuous curves that stretched her light panties. His fingertips tickled her ass-crack through her briefs. He stroked and patted her bottom, enjoying the way it jiggled in her silk panties. All the while, his cock throbbed. It was painfully constricted between their bodies, imprisoned by his clothes. Cathy wanted to let his cock out. She wanted to play a lot with that stiff, exciting thing this evening. But first, Boyd was going to have to do something very nice for her. She crawled farther forward until the front of her pink panties was right above his face. "Hey, what's this?" he asked playfully, and clutched her ass, pulling her against his mouth. As he kissed her through the front of her briefs, Cathy thrilled. But he was kissing just below her belly button, not where it would do her the most good. She tried to wiggle higher yet. "Just what are you up to?" he asked, grasping her silken sheathed hips and holding her above him. "Kiss me there!" Cathy blurted. "Kiss me all over!" "You're getting some pretty wild ideas," Boyd said, still holding her away from his face. He seemed embarrassed. Cathy swung off him and stood next to the sofa, right by his face. She held her skirt wantonly up around her waist. "Take off my panties," she said. "With pleasure," Boyd replied, and swung around to sit straddling her legs. He ran his hands up the back of her bare thighs and onto her panties. He hefted her lusciously curved buttocks and rubbed them against each other. His fingers crept up to hook around the elastic at the top of her pants. Cathy's excitement mounted as he slowly pulled her pink panties down. The clump of golden fluff on her mons appeared. Boyd pulled her panties lower, and he got a teasing view of her slit through the curly hairs. Her panties clung between her thighs causing them to turn inside out as Boyd hauled the top of them farther down. Cathy moved her legs a little way apart, and the pants skidded down past her knees. She lifted one leg, then the other, and let Boyd take her panties off. He had been ogling her wiggly slit through this process, glimpsing more of it when she raised each thigh. He tossed her panties away. Cathy moved very close to him. She took hold of his blond, bushy head and pushed it down, smacking his mouth against her bare belly. Boyd licked around, between her belly button and her fluff. He held her asscheeks in his hands. His fingertips crept into her warm, satiny crack, tickling her in an exciting way as he wiggled her buttocks. Cathy pushed down on his head, causing his mouth to skid into the curls at the top of her pussy. He quickly sat up. "What's the matter?" Cathy asked. "Nothing." Boyd was embarrassed again. "I was just kissing kind of low there." "Not too low for me," Cathy said. Boyd's embarrassment turned to anger. "What do you expect--that I'm gonna kiss your cunt?" Color flared in Cathy's cheeks, and she backed up. While she was forming a caustic reply in her mind, a younger feminine voice spoke from the doorway: "I'll bet I can get Boyd to kiss me down there," Beth said boldly and stepped forward, stark naked. Cathy was aghast. "Get back to your room this minute!" she exclaimed. Beth dismissed the order with, "What do you think you're talking to, some kid?" Smiling at Boyd, she knelt in front of him. His eyes all but popped from his face as he took in her sleek twelve-year-old body with its mere nubbins for breasts and no hair at all. He gazed down at the cute little bump between her thighs and the top of her very tight slit, barely visible. As Cathy stared, shocked to the quick by her baby sister's bold intrusion, Beth leaned forward and unzipped Boyd's slacks. Her childish hand dipped into his fly and brought out a prick which was long and stiff, and pink-headed. The slit at the tip of his cock was wet. "Heyyyyy, wow!" Boyd exclaimed. "BETH!" Cathy shrieked, and stamped her foot, causing her titties to bounce up and down. Smiling faintly with a confidence beyond her years, Beth bent forward and stuck out her little tongue. She fluttered the dainty pink organ against the tip of Boyd's upthrust prick. "AAAHHHHHRGH!" he groaned pleasurably, for this was the first time he had ever had his cock licked. His super-stiff pecker twitched in wild excitement. Beth caught the tip of his glans between her soft lips and glided them over the rosy crown, widening her little mouth until it was stretched to the maximum as the fattest part of Boyd's organ popped inside. She clasped her lips snugly in the groove just behind his cockhead. "Ooooh, Jesus!" Boyd husked, grasping the head of the young girl. Cathy was still staring at the incredible scene, not knowing what to do. Beth had just taken over, seeming to steal Cathy's boyfriend completely. All his attention was wrapped up in her as she ardently sucked his cock, gliding her lips up and down on his shaft, which her saliva had turned slippery. Cathy watched her baby sister's throat work as she drank down the bland fluid which oozed from the tip of Boyd's aroused prick. He was caressing her short, girlish hairdo. One hand glided down her front to twiddle her baby-pink tits. "NO!" Cathy cried, and rushed forward. Grasping her sister fiercely, she pulled her away from Boyd's lap, causing his prick to flip out of her mouth and bob quiveringly, sticking up toward the ceiling. Doing the only thing she could do to win back the young man's full attention, Cathy dropped to her knees where Beth had been. She grasped his bristling cock and pointed it toward her pink lips. She glided her mouth down over his slick glans. "AAAHGH!" Boyd rasped, and his hips lurched, driving his prick deeper into Cathy's warm, wet mouth. She began to suck him fiercely, gliding her encircling lips up and down on his spit-slick rod. Now it was Beth's turn to watch while Boyd stared down at Cathy's bobbing head, enjoying the wonderful thrills she was giving him as her soft, clasping lips skidded repeatedly across the sensitive ridge of his corona. She went her baby sister one better by reaching into his pants and bringing out his balls. She played with those blond-fuzzed baubles as she pumped her mouth on his prick. Beth decided she could still fulfill the prediction she had made when she had entered the room. She jumped up and stood on the sofa. Boyd turned his head to stare at her as she edged along the cushions and straddled his lap. This placed her cute, hairless pussy right in front of his face. Boyd grasped her around the bottom, finding its cheeks smaller and firmer that Cathy's. When he didn't pull her toward his face right away, Beth just shoved her hips forward, bracing herself on the wall behind the sofa. Her smooth little cunt smacked against Boyd's mouth. What else could he do but kiss it? Intent though Cathy was upon the sucking of Boyd's cock, she nevertheless became aware of someone above her. Releasing her boyfriend's prick and looking up, she found herself staring into the V of Beth's thighs where Boyd was doing with her what he had refused to do with Cathy: His lips had wrapped themselves almost wholly around her baby sister's pouty little cunt, as if he were going to chew it up and swallow it. Beth was grinding her pussy between Boyd's lips. His tongue was tickling her slit. Thrills raced through her. She grasped Boyd's head and ruffled his thick blond hair. Infuriated, Cathy scrambled to her feet. She looped an arm around Beth's waist and yanked the precocious girl off the sofa. She took Beth's place, as she earlier had done on the floor. Boyd was so worked up by that time, and his inhibitions had been so weakened, that he grasped Cathy and pulled her to his mouth. His tongue wiggled into her blonde nest, forcing the wet lips of her pussy apart, and he began to lick wildly up and down her clit. Cathy forgave her baby sister everything as luscious thrills powered through her. She didn't even care that Beth was kneeling between Boyd's knees and had seized his cock in her mouth. She was working the snug elastic circle of her lips up and down, up and down, on his bone-hard, quivering organ. The little girl was so excited that she needed only a squirt from Boyd's hot prick to bring her satisfaction. She sucked him wildly, trying to make him shoot as soon as possible. This produced an unplanned benefit for her sister, because Boyd licked Cathy's cunt all the wilder. His tongue plunged deep into her steamy swamp of flesh, as he breathed in its musky fragrance, even enjoying her twat's tangy taste. He poked his tongue into Cathy's cunt-hole and lapped upward across her quivering clit. He slurped her flowing juices. She placed her palms over his ears and shot her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. Boyd was bouncing his ass on the sofa as Beth's stripping lips all but pulled his cock out by its roots. His balls churned heatedly. He twisted Cathy's ass for dear life, smearing her feast of cunt-flesh against his mouth as he licked and slurped and tongue-fucked her, all at the same time. She quivered and squealed. Boyd blubbered into her wet meat. Beth glugged around her mouthful of big, juicy cock. Suddenly, as if a dam had burst to inundate the entire room, an orgasmic wave swept the three lovers as they clutched one another. Cathy's honey flowed onto Boyd's tongue, trickling down his throat, while his lust spurted into Beth's sucking mouth. She gulped it eagerly, setting off a trembling climax within herself. Cathy hugged Boyd to her belly. His mouth had thrilled her even more intensely than Pedro's had done. Beth was blissfully satisfied as she licked Boyd's cock up and down, finally letting it flop away, turning soft. It seemed that all she needed to feel perfect was a shot of warm, thick man-cream into her mouth and throat. She saw no reason to ever let herself be fucked.First he bracketed her plump ass-cheeks in his hands, extending his fingers upward along their flanks and his thumbs along the creases beneath her buttocks. He rolled the rubbery mounds against each other, watching the crack between them wiggle. Cathy felt humiliated to have her bottom played with like that, especially out in the open, though the foursome on the blanket still had that part of the beach to themselves. She couldn't get away from Pedro, nor even strike at him from her belly-down position. The aroused Latin jiggled his thumbs against the meaty lower portions of Cathy's ass-cheeks. This caused her fleshy mounds to quiver rhythmically, and it opened and closed her crack just enough to let her tight little asshole wink into view. Cathy's humiliation increased. Pedro quit jiggling her ass and merely patted it, making her buttocks shiver against his stroking hand. His cock was poking hard against the interior of his swim-trunks. He bowed his head and began to lick Cathy's buttocks. Oh, my goodness, what's he doing to me? she thought. He could fuck me or make me suck his cock. Why is he fooling around BACK THERE? His licking of her bottom embarrassed her, but it stimulated her at the same time. She was getting all warm and woozy. Soon he began to wiggle her bottom against the man's face, which caused his gliding tongue to skid very close to her ass-crack. Pedro was heady with excitement. The sixteen-year-old's ass had turned him on strongly. Casting all inhibitions aside, he thrust his moist tongue into the wiggly crack between her buttocks. Cathy gasped as she felt the man lick her asshole. Nasty, nasty! she thought. But she loved it. She tilted her ass upward and spread her knees so that her crack opened wider. She thrust her hot asshole against the man's swabbing tongue. Pedro quivered all over as he licked the adorable dimple between the girl's satiny buttocks. The little puckers that radiated from the tight slit tickled his tongue. Cathy's warm buttocks vibrated against his cheeks. He let his saliva drool against her anus, then with his tongue he pushed the moisture into the tiny crevice. Oh, is he going to ...? Cathy wondered wildly. "Wow!" she exclaimed when he did it, pushing his wet tongue right up her asshole. Her circular muscle relaxed voluptuously to let his tongue glide through. It felt wonderful, even though her anal ring was stretched as he forced his tongue deeper and deeper. His mouth moisture softened and slackened her tissues. She had never felt so loose! Pedro pulled his tongue from her ass and lifted his head. Crouching behind the beautiful girl, he pushed down his swim-trunks and let his cock leap free. Someone was walking up the beach toward them, but Pedro wasn't about to let anything interfere with what he intended to do. Clutching his cock, he guided it into the crack of Cathy's ass. She realized what was going to happen only when Pedro began to push his prick against her moistened nest of puckers. By then it was too late to stop him. All Cathy could do was to raise her head and holler as his cock forced her asshole wide open and started gliding in. It felt as if a red-hot log were being rammed up her butt. The pain eased somewhat after Pedro's bulging glans popped into her channel and her sphincter contracted around the stem of his cock. Grinding and pushing, he sank his hot cock deeper and deeper into the girl's virgin asshole. Her hollering caused Beth to raise her head from Gary's prick, and she stared at Pedro's shaft sticking into Cathy the wrong way. The twelve-year-old was shocked. That must hurt even worse that a regular fucking! she thought. It sure doesn't pay for a girl to let a man get his thing between her legs at all! Beth went back to sucking Gary's prick with a vengeance. She wanted to keep him so interested in her mouth that he wouldn't even think of fucking. Cathy's eyes had misted with a sudden gush of tears when Pedro painfully jammed his cock up her ass. But now that the pain was easing and her tight rectum was adjusting itself to the monstrous foreign bulk, she was able to see again. What she saw appalled her: Approaching on the beach, not twenty yards away by that time, was a bare-chested man in walking shorts. He had gray hair and was squinting against the sun's glare at what was happening on the blanket. He looked as if he had difficulty believing his eyes. It was impossible to tell whether he was more shocked by the sight of a young girl, not yet at the age of puberty, pumping her mouth up and down on the cock of a thirty-year-old man ... or by the picture of a teenaged blonde spread out frog-like, getting her ass fucked by a swarthy Latin. The passerby hesitated, obviously torn between just standing and watching, doing something to stop the shocking display, or going on with his walk as if he had seen nothing. Cathy stared at him through wide eyes as Pedro pumped his prick in and out of her clasping anus, driving fire deep into her guts. Pedro glared at the gray-haired man. Gary insolently grinned at him as Beth just kept bobbing her head, oblivious to the fact that she was being observed. Finally the beach-roamer walked on, finding the going more difficult with an iron bar in his shorts. He was not the only one to observe the shocking spectacle on the blanket. Boyd had lifted his binoculars and trained them on the young girls and their adult boyfriends. His prick stuck up like a spike as the glasses revealed in stunning detail the buggery and fellatio being committed on the beach over which he had jurisdiction. Worse than that, his girlfriend and her baby sister were involved. This filled Boyd with anger, and he wanted to intervene. But two husky older men would be more than a match for him, he feared, and anyway it didn't look as if Cathy or Beth wanted help. They seemed to be getting everything they wanted, without his assistance. By that time, Cathy was grinding her ass pleasurably around the pumping prick that stretched her anus. Beth had let Gary's cock escape from her mouth and was darting her moist little tongue up and down it. "Come on--get out of your swimsuit and sit on my face!" he husked. Beth was quick to comply, because that sounded like a great new thrill. As she peeled her suit away, Gary thrilled once again to the sight of her little-girlish body, without so much as a wisp of hair and with such barely budding breasts as to be scarcely noticeable. Her tiny, velvet pussy was the cutest he had ever seen. He guided her to straddle his head, facing his loins from which his cock towered. She immediately clutched the big, tasty bone and stuck it back into her mouth while settling her sweet crotch over Gary's face. He held her trim buttocks between his hands and licked her precious little cunt. His prick throbbed delightedly in her mouth. "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!" Cathy cried as Pedro drove his hard dick up her ass. His belly patted against her buttocks. His balls swung against her cunt. It was wild getting fucked the wrong way, Cathy decided. She wasn't yet sure if she really liked it, because the pressure remained intense. But it certainly was a thrill. Without her pussy having been penetrated, she felt herself approaching a climax. Pedro fucked her upflung butt harder. His prick fairly flew in and out of her tight, rippling asshole. His balls bunched up. His eyes rolled back. He clutched Cathy's ass as he pumped his prick into it. Beth's tight mouth was bobbing just as fast on Gary's cock. His tongue was briskly stroking her pussy, drawing precious droplets of honey. He was tickling her tiny clit, making it throb. A burst of sweet sensation shook Beth, and she champed hard on Gary's cock. He groaned, spurting upward into her mouth. She gobbled at his semen, but some of it escaped her, dribbling down his shaft. Pedro's prick twitched deep in Cathy's ass, and he let loose a torrent of gushing lust which warmed her bowels and set her to trembling. The orgasm spread until her entire body was consumed by quaking frenzy. Even her pussy spasmed, with no prick inside it. Her hard clit tingled. She fell utterly limp on the blanket, Pedro's cock still sticking deep between her buttocks. Cooing softly, Beth licked the spilled cream from the sides of Gary's prick. Finally she pursed her soft lips around the tip of his organ and sucked up the final drop or two of his precious fluid. High on his tower, Boyd was stroking his prick in his trunks, holding his binoculars in the other hand and watching the tableau on the blanket. If anyone had called for help in the ocean, they would have been out of luck.She suddenly had made up her mind to take the big step, and Gabe was the one she wanted to do it with. She wanted to do it right then, while the urge was strong within her. If she waited, she might chicken out. "Would you like to fuck me?" she asked Gabe. The tall, tow-headed mute was thrilled. Gary was amazed, then angered. But he played it cool. He watched, not saying a word, as Gabe grinned and shucked off his trunks. Beth sank to the carpeted floor. Lying on her back, she spread her legs wide open. Gabe's prick was up by the time he landed on his knees. He gazed with delight at Beth's hairless pussy, which was like a little roll of velvet, tightly slitted. "Be gentle," she murmured, as she stared at him through limpid eyes. He bent and began to lick her. Gary burned. But Beth had made her choice, and he couldn't forcibly toss Gabe aside. All he could do was to watch, with his prick sticking up, and content himself with seconds perhaps. He had wanted very much to take the little girl's cherry. Gabe's moist tongue stroked her pussy, spreading a glaze of saliva over the delicious morsel. His hands traveled over her body, brushing her stiff nipples. Beth lifted her legs, because it felt good to hold them up in the air, wide apart. But after awhile this became tiring, and she rested them on Gabe's shoulders. His tongue was really getting to her by that time, gently prying open the smooth petals of her baby cunt. His saliva drooled inside, mixing with her own natural juices. Her pussy tingled. If she had ever felt like getting fucked, it was then. Gabe's tongue tickled her hot little clit and stroked the very small mouth of her vagina. He ran the tip of his oral organ around that slick orifice, softening and moistening the gateway to paradise. Very carefully, the sensitive young man thrust his tongue into the opening, so that the channel spread just a bit. Beth thought she had an inkling of what it would feel like when his cock came thrusting in--and it was good. A rush of voluptuous sensation convinced her that she wanted to be penetrated, and as quickly as possible. She began to stir restlessly against Gabe's cautious oral explorations. Gary watched all this, wishing he were in the mute's place. His frustration and bitterness increased. He didn't blame Beth--what did she know? Gabe was the one at fault, Gary felt, for taking over his girl in his bedroom. After all, hadn't he brought Beth to the apartment the first time? Hadn't he carefully guided her along to this moment of culmination, only to have the supreme thrill snatched from him by Gabe? Somehow he would find a way to get back at that son of a bitch, he vowed. Gabe raised his head and crawled forward to spread his rangy body over the slender form of the little girl. This was Beth's first time to be mounted, and her fear rose. She felt helpless. Suddenly she wondered if she wanted to go through with the fucking after all. But she realized that it was too late to back out. Gabe's prick was poking at her tender little cunt, trying to find the way into it. Beth was afraid to breathe. She lay perfectly still. Her heart pounded. Gabe's tentative pokes at her pussy became more demanding as his lust increased. He wiggled his rod against her softest part. He pushed. Beth felt her tender flesh being spread by his thrust. What was pushing into her was much bulkier than a tongue. Her pussy lips were forced so wide apart that they felt as if they might snap from the strain. Then suddenly there was a sharp hurt as Gabe's prick pushed against the delicate membrane which guarded Beth's inner passage. She held her breath and shut her eyes. She had to bite her lips to keep from crying. The pain increased as Gabe pushed harder. Oh, why did I let him do this? Beth thought. She heard him grunt. There came the strongest pressure yet ... the greatest hurt ... and then the inward pressure stopped and Beth felt the man's bulk gliding fully into her, creating a new and pleasurable pressure in the walls of her vagina and around its mouth. Gabe stopped, pushed up onto his arms, and looked down at her. There was warmth and tenderness in his eyes. He smiled, and Beth smiled back at him through her tears. She knew everything was going to be all right. Everything was WONDERFUL! Gabe gently stroked his long, stiff cock in and out of Beth's marvelously tight little cunt, and she thrilled as never before in her life. She was being fucked, and she loved it! The man's gliding hardness thrilled every nerve-end in her cuntal walls. His log stroked the red-hot tip of her clitty. Her sensitive pussy-lips worked the length of his cock, feeling lusciously stretched. There was nothing like having a big, hard prick pumping inside her. To Gabe, the thrill was supreme. He had never screwed such a tight, hot pussy. What made it even more wonderful was to look down at the little girl's innocent face gazing up at him, her eyes wide, her pink lips parted. Gabe had to hold himself under strict control to keep from fucking her hard and fast. But he didn't want to hurt her. Beth was beyond fear. Gabe's prick felt better and better with every stroke. She began to move her hips a bit, responding to an instinctive urge. This stimulated Gabe to move faster. He was careful still not to push his entire prick into her, however. That wasn't necessary to give him total satisfaction. As his stroking increased in tempo, Beth felt herself approaching a plateau of pleasure that she had never reached before. She clutched Gabe's back. She instinctively wrapped her slender legs around him. She fucked back as Gabe fucked her. Her brain swam. Her senses rioted. Gabe's eyes rolled back as he neared a climax. He pumped his prick briskly in the snug, elastic channel of the virgin twelve-year-old. Suddenly he growled, and his lust leaped from his churning balls, steaming through the tube of his penis, exploding with hot spurts into the little girl's clasping cunny. Beth cried out. Her body lurched. Warm vibrations swept through her, turning her brain light. She clung to Gabe and thrilled as never before, her slender little form quivering against him, as she took his jetting heat into the pit of her belly. Supreme bliss followed her tumultuous climax. Every cell in her body was gloriously relaxed and at peace with all creation. She hardly felt it when Gabe pulled his cock out of her. She lay still, her cheek pressed against the carpet, breathing deeply. No wonder Cathy dug it. Fucking was the greatest thing in the world!Looking up, he thrilled as the young girl positioned herself over his towering skinny cock, then let her cunt down onto it, taking the spear all the way up inside her warm little body. Beth screwed happily, grinding her lithe hips and working them up and down. Sighting down across his chest and belly, Gabe watched his cock being claimed by her dainty, hairless cunt, then released, her little cunt-lips turning outward as they glided toward the end of his shaft, only to fold inward once more as she settled down on top of him again. The clutching tightness of her pussy was a marvelous thrill in itself. The snug fit of Gabe's cock thrilled Beth, also. With every stroke of her pussy up and down on his rod, his cock-ridge rippled her cuntal walls. She leaned farther forward so that her clitty pressed his iron-hard column while she pumped. Both sisters were having the time of their young lives, fucking the virile men from on top. It was like riding the most exciting merry-go-round in the world, their horses bobbing up and down, up and down. But instead of sitting on the saddles of their mounts, they were bouncing on the saddle-horns! Their little pussies thrilled to the deep, rhythmic penetrations of the men's long cocks. Cathy was missing one thing that she had wished for, however. She had been denied the opportunity of sucking and getting fucked at the same time. If only Beth weren't monopolizing Gabe, she thought, or if Pedro were to talk in ... But Beth wasn't about to give up the skinny, stiff dick she was screwing, and Pedro didn't arrive. Cathy had to make do with what she had--which was one, big, long bone sticking up in her squishy center, which she could grind on and stroke on and enjoy to her heart's content. That wasn't bad. The men had greater-than-usual endurance at that time, because Beth had depleted both of them earlier. But the stimulation which the girls provided, by kneeling astride them and riding their pricks, got their balls to bubbling quickly. Cathy helped Gary along by dangling her titties above his face, dropping first one nipple, then the other, into his eager mouth, and tugging them away after he'd gotten a few quick sucks. She shook her titties to and fro, across his nose. Beth couldn't do things like that with her tits, because they were little more than bee-stings. This, in itself, provided a thrill for Gabe as he gazed up at her pre-pubescent body while feeling her tiny cunt wring his cock. Soon the men's hips were flopping up and down on the floor with dizzying speed, giving the girls a bucking ride which they wouldn't soon forget. Beth was the first to cum, flopping forward against Gabe's chest and squealing as warm vibrations coursed through her. Gabe felt the spastic contractions of her babyish cunt, and they brought him along. Cathy came moments later, sitting up and jerking her hips as Gary's cock extended to its full length inside her. She felt that column throb and the head expand deep in her belly. His warm spurts filled her with gooey cream which drooled down his shaft and dampened his balls. Cathy kept writhing, shaking her tits, until her orgasm was completely played out. Then she fell forward and kissed Gary moistly on the lips. He had enjoyed himself, but this had been just an ordinary bout of sex. He still resented Gabe for not letting him to be the one to take Beth's virginity. Little girls turned him on the most, and he'd never met one who was as sweet and naturally sexy as that charming twelve-year-old. Cathy dismounted Gary, his now limp penis slithering down out of her and falling against his belly with a wet slap, and went to the bathroom to clean up. Beth rolled off Gabe, coming to rest on her back. What a wonderful day it had been, she thought. She had conquered her fear of fucking, and she felt really grown-up for the first time. No one could ever look down on her again, she confidently believed. And she had a whole lifetime of pleasure to look forward to--fucking and sucking until she was sixty years old or even older. But that was too far in the future to think about. Anyway, why dream about what was to come? The present was perfect, just as it was.Let them do their thing, she thought, and she would do hers. Do it she did, with all the sweet young passion that welled up within her. Her cunt was a marvelously tight, hot encirclement which stroked up and down on Gabe's upthrust rod. He groaned and pumped deeply into her. She fucked him faster and harder. Soon her lithe hips were flying up and down as she rode righteously atop him. Gabe was bucking like a bronco. Beth gasped. She squealed. She came just as the man spurted joyously inside her, and they quivered together, his cock twitching spastically in her tight sheath. Beth lay forward against him. They kissed, and his hands caressed her smooth back. When his cock had softened inside her, Beth rolled off. Now more concerned about their public location, she got back into her swimsuit. Gabe pulled up his trunks. "Come on," she said. "Let's take a dip in the ocean." As she sprang to her feet, she saw Gary crossing the beach toward her. He seemed agitated and in a hurry. "So you're with this guy!" he snorted, glaring at Gabe. "I like him," Beth said, and added with a smile, "But I like you, too." Gary was glancing about, as if looking for someone. "My sister isn't here today," Beth said. "So, what else is new?" Gary kept looking in the direction from which he had just come. "Uh, Gabe and I were going to take a swim," Beth said. "Sounds like a good idea," Gary replied. "Let's go." "Gabe, do you want to come with us?" Beth asked. "Forget him!" Gary tugged at her arm, suddenly in a hurry to take to the water. His anxious gaze across the beach told Beth what was troubling him. A police officer was approaching at a lope. "You!" he yelled at Gary. "Just got here, did you?" "Why?" Gary forced a grin. "Is anything wrong?" "A blind man who runs a store over on the street was just knocked unconscious and robbed." "Well, I hope you don't suspect me," Gary said nervously. "I've got no money on me." "You could have stashed the loot and your weapon, too--in a trash can or some place," the officer said, taking hold of Gary's arm. "All we know is, the robber ran this way." "I've been here for half an hour," Gabe blurted. "There's the guy who just ran up." He pointed to Gabe. The mute sat and stared as the officer looked him over. Gabe made a pitiful effort to speak, producing only a nasal groan. "My little niece saw him," Gary said. "Tell the officer, Beth honey." Beth liked Gary, as she had told him. But she couldn't lie for him-- certainly not to get Gabe into trouble. She was shocked that Gary would try to pin the blame on Gabe for something Gabe didn't do. "That isn't true," Beth told the police officer. "And I'm not this man's niece. He's the one who just got here." "Okay, you're coming with me!" the officer said to Gary. "We'll find somebody who saw you running from that blind man's place." He led Gary away, the latter still protesting. Gabe smiled gratefully at Beth. It must be awful, she thought, to have no voice to defend yourself when you're accused of something. "Race you to the water!" she said, and took off on a run. Gabe followed. They romped into the surf, taking the spray in their faces. They ducked into the rolling waves. Gabe clutched her, and she laughed as she bobbed to the surface. He was rubbing his body against hers under water, and she could feel a hardness in his trunks. Her hand dipped down and stroked him. Can people do it in the water? she wondered. She decided to find out. Gabe helped her work his trunks down, and it was a simple matter for him to draw the crotch of her bathing suit aside. His stiff prick parted the petals of her pussy, and his hardness glided up inside her. They fucked in the water as the waves crashed over and around them. Beth clung to the tall man while he braced himself on the bottom. Her legs and arms were wrapped about him, and her hips pounded. His cock stroked briskly in her wet channel. The sea's tumult added to their excitement, building to primeval frenzy. When they came, together, it was as if they were part of the crashing surf and in a sense, they were, because they were all acting out the drama of nature. Beth felt very close to Gabe, but she doubted if she would ever see him again. With Gary arrested, Gabe wouldn't be coming around to the apartment, and she didn't know where he lived. She had wondered how Gary supported himself, and it seemed that she had found out: He was a thief. Perhaps Gabe was one, too, though he hadn't been guilty of the theft from the blind man. It was just as well, Beth decided, for her not to see either of them any more. Though it had been an exciting and pleasurable day, she felt a bit sad as she rode home."Then why can't we take our swimsuits off right now?" she blurted. "There's nobody else here to see us." Joe sat up and stared at his daughter. "Do you really want to?" "I'd like it very much!" Beth smiled warmly at her father, "I don't know," Joe said. "Your mother wouldn't approve. And maybe it wouldn't be decent." Beth hopped to her feet. "But you said families do it and that it's a healthy thing. I feel like it, Daddy." Before Joe could stop her, the twelve-year-old skinned out of her swimsuit. He stared at her naked body for the first time since she was a little child. Joe felt a stirring in his loins. His daughter was so sweet and innocent looking, with no hair at all between her legs and her little breasts scarcely beginning to push out. "Come on!" she coaxed smilingly. "Don't be a party poop, Daddy! Take off your swimsuit, too." Joe cast a quick glance around. He and his daughter were still completely alone. Perhaps it would be good for the girl, he thought, to see what a man's body looked like, in a situation like this, which was clean and wholesome. How could it do any harm? He was, after all, her father, and she was his little girl. He stood and shucked down his trunks. Though he felt strangely excited, his penis remained soft. How could it be otherwise with his daughter, whom he wouldn't let himself entertain carnal thoughts about? Beth didn't seem shocked in the least as she gazed at his cock and balls. This surprised Joe a bit. But it pleased him, also. It showed what a healthy mind Beth had, he thought. He grinned. "Want to race me to the water?" "Why don't we just get some sun first?" Beth suggested. "Okay," Joe said, and stretched out on a blanket. Beth sat beside him, "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" he added. "It sure is!" Beth exclaimed, gazing delightedly at her father's naked form. She had become aroused, even if Joe hadn't. She had to do something about it. This meant taking the most daring step she had ever tried. Her father might get angry and punish her, she thought. Maybe he would never forgive her. But on the other hand, maybe she could make him like what she wanted to do so much that he wouldn't ask her to stop. She had to take the chance. She edged closer to her father's recumbent form. Joe's eyes were shut, so he was unaware of Beth's extreme nearness. She bent over him. Now! she thought, and quickly grasped her father's soft penis, holding it up. She capped her mouth around the hooded head of it and sucked. Joe's eyes popped open and he sat bolt upright. "Beth!" he exclaimed, his voice made ragged by the thrill she was giving him. Her encircling small hand glided the foreskin down off the head of his cock, and she sucked the bare knob, giving him an even more intense sensation. Beth thrilled to the burst of strong, man flavor she derived. She had come to love that! She thrilled stronger as her father's cockhead swelled in her mouth. His shaft stiffened in her grasp. Oh, my God! Joe thought in alarm. I'm getting a hard-on with my own daughter! And she's sucking me! Ooh, it's WONDERFUL! He couldn't stop her. What she was doing felt too good. And she obviously was enjoying it. Joe lay back and writhed, trying not to think of what a despicable act he was committing as his young daughter stroked her small, tight mouth on his prick. His rod had thickened and extended out to an iron-hard erection. His bulging glans stuffed Beth's mouth. His shaft stretched her lips. To Beth the act was not sinful at all. She simply loved it. Now that her father hadn't stopped her, and had lain back to enjoy her lovemaking, she gained greater courage. She knew that everything was all right. She stopped sucking him to raise her head and smile. "Do you like that, Daddy?" she asked. "Does that make you feel good?" "Oooh, my darling!" he husked. "It's heavenly!" "I like it too, Daddy! I like it very much!" She capped her mouth around the bulging knob of his penis once more and resumed sucking as she slowly, steadily stroked her lips up and down. Joe's glans traveled the length of her velvet tongue, forging into the very tight opening of her throat. Still, she didn't gag. Her lips crawled lower and lower on his shaft until they were nearly touching his balls. The sensation was the most magnificent Joe had ever received. His thoughts of guilt dissolved in the wondrous excitement of his young daughter's cocksucking. He writhed, his balls churning. Beth let his prick escape from her mouth and stand up alongside her nose as she licked along it. His cock twitched ecstatically while her little pink tongue scurried to its base and onto his bobbling nuts. Beth seized one of her father's balls in her mouth and sucked on it. She let that one go and sucked on the other. She worked her tongue back up his quivering stalk and licked its wet flower all over. She took little sucks from the tip of his prick, drinking down the clear, viscous fluid he exuded. "Ooh, Daddy ... Daddy ... I want to fuck you!" Beth cried as she raised her head. Joe had been reduced to such a trembling mass of protoplasm that he couldn't resist her shocking desire. What was even more shocking, he didn't want to, though to take his young daughter's virginity would be a terrible thing! He was amazed by the fact that Beth so quickly mounted him, as if this was something she had done before. She didn't seem frightened in the least. Grasping her father's stiff prick to hold it straight up, Beth positioned her smooth dainty crotch above it. Joe gazed at her little slit which opened slightly, revealing the pastel pinkness within. She was very wet and ready to receive him. She let the tip of his pecker part her delicate folds. Slowly lowering her body, she took in his widening cockhead until the fattest part of it was lodged in her small cunt-mouth. So she wasn't a virgin, Joe realized. She had done this before! Joe's brain turned light from the extreme tightness. His daughter lowered herself further, and his entire glans popped into her slick cunt. He gasped in acute pleasure as the slippery heat of her tight little cunny enveloped his sensitive knob. She was very wet and ready to receive him. With her hands on her knees, and a wicked grin on her face, Beth squatted slowly on his rigid shaft. Joe watched in amazement as she continued to lower herself smoothly and his fat knob slipped smoothly up her hot buttered channel followed by inch after inch of his horny shaft until she had his entire lengthy prick within her and was sitting against his balls. She wasn't a virgin, Joe realized. She had done this before! Joe thrilled wildly, feeling less inhibited and less guilty now that he knew he had not ruined his daughter. Did he dare to enjoy her fully and freely? He found that he had no choice, for her super-snug cunt gave sheer ecstasy as it stroked up and down on his throbbing prick. He had never had such a luscious fucking! He shut his eyes and groaned with delight, running his hands blindly up and down his daughter's smooth body, feeling her baby tits, so small yet bristling with passion. Beth circled her tight pussy on his prick by twisting her hips from side to side as she pumped up and down. She rode him with supreme pleasure, happy that they were balling beneath the warm sun, in the fresh, tangy air from the ocean. She could hear the waves crashing on the rocks not far away, and they were echoed by the thudding of her heart. "Ooh, my darling little girl!" Joe exclaimed, rocking his hips and driving his hard prick up into her. "Daddy, I love you!" Beth cried, bobbing on his strong cock. Their waves of passion heightened until a storm raged within their linked loins. The rippling strokes of Beth's cunt around her father's prick caused his organ to twitch as it drove vigorously upward. His balls were filled with molten heat, wanting to burst forth. "Ooh, Daddy!" Beth cried, bobbing faster astride him. "It's so good to fuck you!" That sweet, passionate declaration from his twelve-year-old daughter caused Joe's lust to surge. He groaned and arched his back, driving his prick all the way up into her and holding it there as it twitched. The head ballooned deep within her pussy. Beth ignored the discomfort of his rigid shaft stabbing into the bottom of her pussy. She squirmed against him and clenched her inner muscles instinctively in her effort to give him all the pleasure she could. His hot spurts told her he was completing, and this set off a vibrating burst within Beth which radiated throughout her body. She lay forward, clinging to her father, as her orgasm matched the crashing force of the nearby ocean.He moaned and lovingly caressed his wife's red hair. Freddie wrestled off Marcella's swimsuit, and Joe had no opportunity--or even any inclination--to protest as the lad knelt behind her, driving his cock into her pussy from the rear. Tom was fucking Cathy on the next blanket. And in the crashing surf, Beth clung to one blond fourteen-year-old, her legs encircling his waist while her pussy bobbed on his thrusting rod, at the same time embracing his twin with her arms, taking his projecting cock in her mouth. The twelve-year-old happily fucked and sucked. The entire family grooved as never before in their lives, and it seemed that they had nothing but happiness before them. The most remarkable thing about it was that a child had showed them the way--their very own beach baby.
Chapter 1
Paula Kaufman
The Blackmailed Neighbors
"Well, for Christ's sake, would you look at that!" the big man muttered to himself, staring out the window. He turned to speak to a dark-haired young woman lying on a couch across the room. "Hey, Anna, you'd never guess what's moving in across the street!" "Let me try," she replied in a bored voice. A moment passed. "Sword dancers?" she asked sarcastically. "A flea circus?" A troup of trained walruses and their sealion manager?" "Cut the comedy," the big man said, flushing angrily at the mockery in the woman's voice. "Get off your lazy ass and come over and look." The woman settled back on the couch, but curiosity got the better of her. As she got up, the robe she was wearing parted for a moment, showing a flash of smooth bare thighs. Taking her time, she walked over to the window and looked out. She had to stand close to the man but was careful not to touch him. Each time a shift in his position brought him closer to her, she moved back the barest fraction of an inch, just enough to keep them separated. "Well, what do you think of that little cunt?" the man asked with a grin. Across the street a large moving van was backed up to a house. Two men, obviously the drivers of the van, from their overalls, were carrying in furniture. Another man stood nearby, watching, but Anna knew that none of these people, nor the van, was what had captured the interest of the man next to her. A young woman, blonde, with a stunning figure was excitedly directing the two workmen. She was wearing a pair of tight white shorts and a halter top which did little to hide the enticing movements of her large, obviously well-shaped breasts. "Well ... how about it?" the big man asked impatiently. "Oh, Max ... for Christ's sake," the woman said disgustedly. "So it's a cunt. To listen to you talk, anybody'd believe you never saw one before." "God! I sure as hell haven't seen many like that," he answered, licking his lips nervously. "Oh, my fuckin' balls. Look at the way her tits are bouncing ... and look at her ass, just trying to bust out of those shorts."A groan of self-loathing escaped from her tightly clamped lips as she felt a bolt of white hot feeling shoot up from her mauled clitoris as Max's hard finger dug into its tender sense-buds. What she hated most was the way her treacherous body reacted independently of her mind, finding pleasure in the disgusting things this half-animal did to it. If I just had the will-power to lie here and pretend it wasn't happening, the prone young woman thought in despair. But no! Already she could feel the hot wetness of her copiously reacting sex juices flowing between her thighs, making her vagina ready for the crude violation that was certain to come. Her genitals burned with an electric heat as Max's rough fondling kindled their inner fires. "Unnnnnhhhhh," Anna grunted as she felt Max's cock-head suddenly slam up into her only partially ready vagina. A bolt of sharp pain made her try to twist away from the brutal invasion of her tender inner passage, but Max's powerful hands easily held her down. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Max had lined up his bulging cock-head with the pink-petaled fleshy opening of his captive's vaginal hole and then driven his hips brutally forward, ramming the rigid fleshy pole up into the surprised woman's futilely squirming body. It took several hard, powerful thrusts to do it, but eventually Max's rubbery cock was buried all the way up to the hilt in Anna's body, his pubic hair brushing obscenely against her tightly puckered asshole. Taking one last look at the way the thick stump of his penis jutted back out from between Anna's swollen cuntal lips, Max picked up the binoculars and once again began to examine the crouching girl across the street. "Oooohhh, you tender little cunt ..." he moaned as he began to slowly fuck in and out of Anna's vagina, "I'm gonna throw it to you just like this." And he continued to look at the tight white shorts stretched over the girl's buttocks as she knelt, imagining it was her he was sliding his cock into. One big hand resting on Anna's quivering buttocks below, kneading the firmly rounded globes with his fingers, savoring the creamy feel of the skin, leaving angry red marks behind when he dug in too far. Oh, the bastard! What a cock! Anna moaned to herself in despair as she felt Max's huge meaty shaft slithering in and out of her overfilled cunt, stretching her, opening up her insides with its relentless advance. She cursed the way her body reacted to her tormentor's undeniably big organ, but there seemed to be nothing she could do about it---except for the time he had taken her in the asshole, and the pain had been so bad that the only thing she'd wanted to do was get away. There was pain now, too, but already it was changing to an enfeebling pleasure as her vaginal opening widened to admit Max's ruthlessly plunging member. He was in deeper now, and as Anna felt the rubbery tip of his cock shoved hard against the sensitive opening of her cervix, the last of Anna's will-power faded. "Ooooohhhh" she moaned, embarrassed to hear sounds of pleasure coming from her throat. She fought to hold herself back, but another of Max's deep thrusts pounded up into her quivering belly, weakening the last of Anna's resolve. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table and she raised her ass off the cold hard surface, making it easier for Max to gain entrance to her now voraciously churning pussy. "That's the way, you blonde cunt," Max was saying, oblivious to Anna's presence as he avidly watched the distant girl through his binoculars---sensing the hot, wet, cuntal flesh wrapped so satisfyingly around his shuddering cock, but preferring to imagine blonde pubic hair there, rather than Anna's silky dark strands. Doubly humiliated, Anna gritted her teeth as she lay on the hard table, her head twisted sideways, dark hair spilling over her face, obscuring her features. I hope he gets it over with soon, she said to herself, then the further thought crept treacherously into her mind---as soon as I cum! Knowing that right now she was only a convenient vagina to the man fucking into her compliant body while he fantasized what he was going to do to the girl across the street added new dimensions to Anna's hatred, a hatred that grew with every moment's realization that she was enjoying what Max was doing to her. At least I can be quiet, Anna thought despairingly and bit her lip to stifle the moans of pleasure that Max's deep thrusts were tearing out of her body. Beyond her control now, a powerful orgasm was beginning to build in the humiliatingly sprawled young woman's genitals and she stiffened her body to withstand its assault. From above Max could sense Anna's quickening responses. He slid his fingers down the cunt-slippery shaft of his relentlessly drumming cock as it slid in and out of Anna's gushing pussy-hole, probing at her hot swollen inner cunt-flesh with his finger tipsy discovering how much her formerly tightly clenched vaginal opening had flowered to admit his probing manhood. Keeping the binoculars fastened on the stranger across the street, he imagined it was her tender young body he was fondling, and as he thought it, he could feel his own orgasm on the way. "Oh, Christ," he said as his balls began to harden and draw up into his body. He slit his hand madly over Anna's naked twitching buttocks, brutally fondling the smooth hot flesh. Just as he felt the first hot rush of his sperm, he impulsively rammed the tip of one finger up inside the excited woman's rectum, as far as it would go. Anna's whole body jerked under this new assault, and her fingernails scraped across the table's hard surface. She was already trembling on the brink of orgasm, and Max's finger in her ass, in addition to the wildly stimulating feel of his thick semen rifling in hot rushes up into her womb, touched off a white-hot explosion in the helplessly excites young woman's ravished body. "Aaaaaahhhhh," she choked out, forgetting that she wanted to keep silent. Her pelvis began to work madly up and down, slamming her hips down against the table, pushing her cunt back against Max's relentlessly thrusting loins. Her vaginal muscles worked spasmodically, clutching desperately at Max's thick spouting shaft, forcing their combined cum back out around the jerking member in a heavy spray which gushed over the edge of the table and soaked the front of Max's pants. "Hot little bitch," Max managed to grit from between clenched teeth as he hung onto Anna's twitching buttocks with one hand. The scene through the binoculars was misty, but he clung tenaciously to the image of the crouching young blonde as he emptied the last of his balls into Anna's churning cunt. Totally exhausted by the intensity of her orgasm, Anna was lying limp upon the table, and when Max looked down as he withdrew his fast-shrinking cock from Anna's dripping cunt, he was mildly surprised to see her dark, cum-dripping pubic hair---he had half-expected that it would be blonde. "Okay, babe," he said matter-of-factly. "You've done your usual gushy job. Now, for Christ's sake, get me something to wipe this gunk off my pants," and he looked down disgustedly at the thick wet smear that covered his fly and dripped from the end of his cock. Awakened from her post-coital reverie by Max's crude words, Anna slid off the table standing on shaky legs, and quickly covered her naked loins with her robe. She hated to be this way in front of Max---flushed, disoriented, breathing heavily and raggedly, so she made no resistance to his order for a wash-cloth and went to get him one, glad to be alone. When she returned, her breathing was under control and her usual cool, bored manner had returned. "Christ, what a mess," Max muttered as he scrubbed at the front of his pants. "I never saw a woman make such a mess." "At least half of that stuff is yours," Anna remarked dryly. "I hate the thought of it being up inside me." "Come on, don't give me that shit. Hell, you loved it. You don't think I heard you panting and moaning while I was throwing it to you!!" "A mere bodily reflex," Anna said in irritation, smarting under his words. They were too true. "Bullshit," Max replied crudely. "You're the biggest cockhound I ever met. Get a hard prick near you and you start salivating. You'd fuck anything. Hell, if the offer was made, you'd fuck a dog." "I just did," Anna said with loathing. There was a moment's silence while Max's face reddened with anger. "Why, you arrogant slut," he growled, taking a step toward Anna! His heavy hand raised as if he were going to strike her. Anna flinched inwardly but stood her ground, glaring coldly back at Max. They stood that way for several moments, then Max's hand dropped slowly to his side. For the first time Anna realized that Max had never actually struck her. All the violence he'd made on her had been connected with sex. The hold he had over her forced her to obey him, and what he seemed to want most was her subservience and humiliation. But they both avoided direct violence, perhaps sensing that the delicate, perverted web of their forced relationship would come apart the instant he hit her, and not even Anna wanted that. As much as she hated her situation, it was a known world, and without its routines, as humiliating as they were, there might be no way to hold back the ultimate disaster she feared. "You gotta big mouth," Max growled. Anna made no reply this time---just stood sullenly, watching Max finish cleaning the front of his trousers. "Okay," he said. "Get some clothes on. We're gonna go meet our new neighbors." "You think that's smart?" Anna asked. "Maybe it would be better if you just kind of sneaked up on them slowly." "We'll do it my way," he snapped back. "I said I was gonna get into that little cunt, and I meant it. We gotta have a plan of operation---like a battle plan. And any good general will tell you the most important thing is to have good intelligence. So we're gonna go out and gather intelligence---a reconnaissance mission. But we can't do it with your bare ass waving all over the street, so get dressed." "Why do I have to go?" Anna asked. "Because you make good cover," he replied. "If we go as a couple, they'll react to us as a couple. If I go alone, there'll be a natural guard up." Anna took her time getting ready, happy to have the chance to make Max fume. She took a quick shower, saying she could hardly go out to meet his intended smelling like a rutting sow. Then she dressed slowly, smiling inwardly at Max's impatience to be off to the hunt. But she caught herself choosing her clothes with care, picking the sexiest ones, and she became amused at herself. Who's doing the hunting? she asked herself, thinking of the handsome young husband. Or was it only the husband? Her mind returned to the innocent blonde seductiveness of the young wife, dressed in her too-revealing shorts and halter. "Hey, not bad," Max leered when she was ready. "You're gonna blow that dude's mind so much he won't even notice I'm there." Anna had finally settled on her most simple outfit as the most effective. It was a thin summery dress, almost a shift, short-skirted to show off her elegant legs with the soft material clinging seductively to her hips and belly. The low-cut top left no doubt that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her heavy breasts shifted and jiggled with each move and her nipples raised dimples in the flimsy material. Maybe it will get hint, she thought. I might as well have some fan, too. Max and Anna went out into the street. The moving van was empty, all the furniture and boxes were in the house. The workmen were closing the big doors of their van and one was presenting the young husband with papers to sign. The blonde girl was sitting wearily on the front steps, and through the open door behind her could be seen a litter of packing material and half-emptied boxes. "Hi," Max said heartily, holding out his hand and walking up to the young man as soon as the workmen had driven the truck away. "My name's Max Flaherty, and this is my, uhhh, niece, Anna Collins. Looks like we're gonna be neighbors. We live just across the street." The young man shook hands with Max and nodded to Anna. "Glad to meet you," he said to Max, but his eyes kept returning to Anna. "I'm Jack Hollister and this is my wife, Pam." The young blonde had gotten up as soon as she saw Max and Anna approaching, and she joined the ritual agony of introductions by stiffly shaking hands with the newcomers. Anna was watching for Max to do something boorish, but he behaved well enough, confining himself to one quick glance down into Pam's cleavage as she shook his hand. Deciding to enjoy herself, Anna moved as seductively as she knew how, amused by the way Jack Hollister's eyes followed her body. "I'm sorry the place is such a mess," Pam was saying inanely, as if it could be anything else on moving day. "Won't you come in," she asked. "I've already unpacked some of the glasses and right now I'd certainly love a drink." She looked questioningly over at her husband, as if awaiting his approval, but his eyes were still on Anna. The young blonde's eyes clouded a moment, but she seemed to shrug off her husband's new interest as something inevitable. "Well, we don't want to bother you just when you're moving in," Max said unconvincingly, darting another glance at the lush valley between Pam's breasts. "Oh, please come in," she said and then blushed a little. "It's the first house of our very own and we'd like you to be our guests." How touching, Anna thought. A genuine little housewife. And bored. Her sharp eyes had taken in several signs of the deadly tedium that often invades modern urban marriages. Jack's eyes boldly on her body and Pam's dogged acceptance of it told at least part of a story, and Anna became interested in learning more. Although the other woman's life-style was obviously light years away from her own, Anna instantly liked her. Under what seemed at first a scatter-brained and easily dominated personality, Anna sensed in Pam a native intelligence ant sense of humor, buried now beneath an almost humorous innocence. Anna guessed Pam's age at twenty-two or twenty-three. Pam led the way into the house, picking her way between piles of boxes. Max walked along behind her, feeling the blood pound in his veins as he watched the young blonde's scantily clad buttocks sway and jiggle with each step. Someday soon, he promised himself. Jack had positioned himself behind Anna, and knowing his eyes were undoubtedly on her body, she used her practiced seductiveness to make her own hips perform a sensuous dance under the clinging material that drew attention to them as it slid clingingly over the near-naked flesh beneath. Drinks were brought, and after the first few sips, tongues loosened. "What line you in?" Max asked Jack.She had orgasms, quiet orgasms that happened somewhere inside herself, in a vaguely defined area near her genitals, but it was a private thing that she kept to herself, afraid to let it show in the fear that it might be taken away from her. One was building now, a growing pressure that she knew how to defuse, so that instead of exploding the way it had done that first time when Jack had thrust his finger into her unexpecting vagina so long before, it would wash over her nerve ends in a controlled wave of pleasure. The closer to orgasm she got, the stiller her body became on the outside. Raising himself up on stiffened arms, Jack stared down at his lovely wife. Christ, what's happening? he thought as she grew completely still beneath him. Did I do something to turn her off? Redoubling his efforts, he watched his long thick cock flashing in and out of Pam's cunt, moving the soft flesh with each hard stroke, wet and glistening with her hot inner juices, her soaked blonde pubic tendrils clinging wetly to the gleaming white shaft. I feel like I'm doing this all by myself, he thought bitterly. An innate desire for power, the same force that drove him at work, made Jack want to force a reaction from his wife. He stared again at where his cock was burying itself rhythmically and, apparently, unavailingly in Pam's seemingly unresponsive cunt. Only her copiously flowing cuntal juices gave evidence that her body knew that he was there at all. Desperate, Jack suddenly tore his cock from Pam's vagina, and glared down at her sex-slippery loins. Christ, she's so beautiful! he thought, his gaze lingering over her softly curved hips and thighs. He ran one hand lovingly over her fleshy outer pussy lips, slipping the edge of it inside the hot wet valley between, opening her inner depths to his gaze. He saw at once that Pam's normally button-like clitoris had swollen larger during their love-making and now stood up tremblingly, like a miniature penis. I know what the hell she needs! Jack thought excitedly, and without any more hesitation he bent forward and buried his head between his wife's obediently open thighs, taking her erect clitoris between his lips and sucking hard on its tiny sensitive shaft. There was one long moment when Pam made no response at all. She was far away, letting her husband's gratifyingly hard penis bring her closer and closer to inner orgasmic release. She was trembling on the edge, about to let herself drift away on a tide of inner bliss, when she felt Jack unaccountably jerk his cock out of her vagina She waited, confused, and then felt his hand probing uncomfortably hard at her genitals. Holding her breath, not wanting to break her mood of inner ecstasy, Pam said nothing, but a moment later she felt his bristly cheeks against the inside of her sensitive thighs and then something hot and wet was moving over her sex organs. My God, he was licking and slavering at her genitals like an animal! With a feeling of sudden revulsion, Pam reached down and tried to pry her husband's head from between her shuddering thighs. "Stop it!" she shrieked in horror. "Oh, God, Jack ... don't!" She wrapped her fingers in his dark hair and tried to tug his head free, at the same time struggling to close her straining thighs. Jack looked up in surprise. At first he had thought that Pam had accepted his new and bold advance when she made no immediate response. True, he'd never before gotten away with anything like this with her, but there was always a first time. Maybe she was growing up. When she began to struggle and cry out he thought she was reacting in passion and felt that he had at last unlocked the key to her sexuality. But quickly enough he realized she was begging him to stop, and her painful tugging at his hair left him little choice. "What the fuck's the matter with you?" he spluttered, his face glistening obscenely with her cunt-juices. Pam's eyes were wide and filled with horror. "Oh, Jack ... How could you do such a horrible thing?" she managed to gasp. "What do you mean horrible thing?" he demanded angrily. "Most girls would love to have their cunts eaten." "I-It's disgusting!" Pam said with a shudder. "I-I think I'm going to be sick." "Sick?" Jack said with sudden rage, humiliated by Pam's unexpected response. "You think you're going to be sick? Shit ... I'm the one who should be sick ... from the dead way you make love. It's like making love to a corpse ... Sometimes I feel like I'm jacking off ..." Insults that had been festering in him for months began to bubble up from his guts and he had to make a conscious effort to stop himself, knowing he was going too far. The stricken look on Pam's face quickly sobered him, and he fell silent, but he knew both he and Pam were far past the point of no return. He had said things to her that no woman could for give. He felt an overwhelming urge to get out of the bedroom and out of their goddamn new dream-house. He wanted to go to the office and to its endless conspiracies and counter-conspiracies, a world he knew much better than this hopeless attempt to understand his beautiful but fucked-up wife. With a smothered curse he rolled off the bed and stalked into the bathroom. He barely took time to wash and shave, and when he came back into the bedroom, Pam was still lying where he had left her, staring blankly up at the ceiling. Thank God there are no tears, he told himself, but sensed it might have been less ominous if there were. Pam still hadn't moved when he finally strode from the room and left the house. As soon as she heard the front door slam, Pam began to cry. She lay there for a half-hour, the tears streaming down her grief-distorted face. The open break had finally come, the one she had dreaded, and now their sexual differences lay out in the open, no longer a silent wall of misunderstanding, but naked and threatening, like an unexploded artillery shell. Well, maybe It's better, she thought. Now at least we have something concrete to deal with. As she remembered what had happened, Pam began to get angry. So he thinks I'm a corpse, she thought bitterly. Just because I don't want to make love the same way he does! With a shudder she thought back to what he hat tried to do to her. Ugh! Filthy! Revolting! Disgusting! she thought in revulsion. She knew that what he wanted was wrong ... depraved ... and how could he insist that she join him in such a disgusting act? She remembered how she had looked up in horror to find his head buried between her thighs and the horrible sounds as he licked and sucked at her violated genitals. And he'd had the gall to shout at her when he was the one who should have been ashamed! Well, she'd show him! There would be no more sex from her until he begged her pardon! Pam buried her deeper misgivings under this new resolve, but almost immediately a practical problem arose. What about herself? Wouldn't she be punishing herself, too, if she refused to make love? Despite the limitations on her outward sexual reactions, Pam had grown to love it. Since a year before their marriage, she and Jack had been making love regularly, although it had begun to happen less and less frequently in the last few months. This morning she had been really horny, she admitted to herself, and she was even hornier now, since Jack had cheated her of her orgasm with his disgusting behavior. "I'll do it myself!" she said aloud with sudden resolution, and then stood, shocked by her own daring. Could she do it? Could she ... masturbate? The word frightened her. Wasn't it as bad as what Jack had tried to do to her this morning? Well, maybe not, she thought. After all, Jack puts his finger in me all the time. It's certainly better than ... and she shuddered as she thought of someone putting his mouth to a wet, hairy, quivering cunt. And I can control it myself, Pam continued to think excitedly. I won't expect any more than I have to give! With these last thoughts Pam cut off the debate. She had made up her mind and she would stick by it! Well, where do we start? she asked herself, and looked apprehensively down to where her tufted blonde pubic hair peeked out from between her thighs. Timidly she reached down with one hand and ran her finger the length of her vaginal slit. She felt an instant spasm of answering pleasure, but at the same time became aware that her pussy was still wet and slippery, not only with her own slick lubricants but also with Jack's saliva. "Ugh," she said to herself and decided the first thing she would do was take a bath. Half-prude, half-libertine, the young housewife slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom. When she saw her husband's shaving equipment spread haphazardly over the sink where he had left it in his haste, she had to stifle a sob. But she vowed to go ahead with her plan, being far too young and headstrong to make the attempt to meet Jack half-way. She knew that she was right in her belief that certain kinds of sex were inexcusably wrong and there was no way she could coerce her mind into accepting them. She would persevere. Pam ran a tub full of water, carefully keeping her mind away from what had happened this morning and what she intended to do. As soon as she got out of the bath she would ... There were no clear pictures in her mind of how one masturbated, but she would learn, and ... a look of hope came over her face. Maybe she could teach herself to be more like Jack wanted. Less like a corpse. Now that she had removed her aims further from the dangerous realms of self-gratification, the young blonde felt more at ease with her earlier decision. Yes, she would teach herself, learn to be less inhibited. Maybe by herself, with no one else involved, it would be easier. Slipping into the water, Pam gratefully lay back and relaxed. How good the water feels, she thought. How sensuous. Letting the water lull her tensions, Pam gradually made herself become aware of her body. Her skin was warm, all except the tips of her breasts which jutted up above the water's surface. Without thinking, she blew on her nipples and the little pink buds instantly began to harden under the rush of cool air. "Mmmm," Pam sighed and shivered with delight. Instantly her hands reached up and began to stroke her own breasts, paying particular attention to the quiveringly erect nipples, tweaking and rolling their pink hardness between her thumbs and forefingers. Pam found her eyes closing automatically and forced them back open, so she could see herself touching her own body. Totally absorbed in what she was doing, she forgot to be self-conscious, and found that watching what was happening added to her excitement. As she stroked her breasts, her legs began to move in sympathy, writhing slowly under the water as the dreamy eyed young girl rubbed delight into her passionately swelling twin mounds. Slightly out of breath now, Pam began to rub her thighs together, trying to put pressure on her hidden pussy. But she kept slipping further down in the tub, and had to take her hands from her breasts to prop herself back up again. Shall I do it now? she asked herself breathlessly. One hand was under the water, trailing undecidedly over her water-slippery thigh, only inches away from where her cunt wavered and shimmered through the shifting water. With a groan of decision, Pam lay back in the tub, her head propped up on the edge. Parting her long, graceful legs, she eagerly ran one hand down the silky inside of one thigh until it was groping at the edge of her pussy. Holding her breath, Pam gently inserted the tip of one finger up into her waiting hungry slit and sought out her tiny clitoral button. She pressed hard. Pam's head thudded back against the edge of the tub as a hot wave of lust shot through her loins, switched on by her probing finger. Her mouth opened, gasping for more air and for a moment Pam was unable to move, amazed at the intensity of the feeling she could wring from her own body. Why? she thought in confusion. Why Is it so much stronger now? Anticipating her own reactions, Pam was able to short-circuit the automatic defenses that had always protected her from reacting too much to her husband's touch. Trusting herself, knowing that the whole operation was safe, under her own control, Pam continued to titillate her throbbingly erect clitoris, fingering delight into her body. She continued to lie back, her only outward reaction, sudden tremors convulsing her muscles from time to time when she touched a particularly sensitive place. She knew she could cum this way, just from her clitoris, but this, her first time, Pam wanted to feel her fingers in her vagina. Regretfully pulling her hand away from her almost painfully erect clitoris, Pam sought out her vaginal opening, clumsily at first, having trouble working her finger inside because the bath water was washing away her lubricating oils as fast as they collected. Finally she had her finger up inside, exploring her own inner terrain, fascinated by the muscular resilience of her vaginal passage. She tried to move her finger in and out, the way Jack's cock did, but it was hard for her to get the rhythm. Each time she tried, the answering ecstasy in her stretched pussy so confused and weakened her that she had to stop and catch her breath. And she began to wonder if she would be able to satisfy herself. Compared to Jack's thick cock, her finger was ridiculously small and thin. She wormed in another finger' and the added thickness stretched the vaginal opening gratifyingly, but try as she might, they were lust too short to reach far enough inside. The frustrated young wife was just about to admit defeat and go back go to pummeling her patiently waiting clitoris, when her eyes lit up. Hanging from a bracket on the wall above the tub was some special soap that Jack used. It came on a stick---a long lumpy cylinder of smooth soap that looked for all the world like a battered penis. Panting softly, Pam stared at the suddenly obscene object for several seconds. Only a few minutes before, the cautious young blonde would never have entertained the lurid intention that now dominated her mind. But by now she was so aroused from her unsuccessful finger-fucking that she was willing to try anything. Doubting that she could make herself cum with just her own fingers, and wanting, needing to cum, Pam impulsively reached up and took the long cylindrical stick of soap down from its peg. Eagerly she plunged it underneath the water, watching it shimmer and change shape as it approached her gaping pussy-hole. Holding her breath, she maneuvered the blunt tip into her ready opening, and then, with a grunt, rammed it up Inside. The soap slid home effortlessly, becoming slippery as it melted, and in an instant Pam was completely impaled on its knobby shaft.Staring stupidly down at the several inches of soap that still protruded from her suddenly filled cunt, it took Pam several seconds to realize fully what she'd done. God, I'm fucking myself with Jack's soap-stick! her mind screamed out. Is this any better than what I wouldn't let him do to me? She wanted to tear the obscene dildo from her vagina, but the very obscenity of what she was doing, the sight of that ugly inanimate object jutting lewdly back out of her wide-open cunt sent a shiver of pleasure up Pam's spine. How can there be anything wrong when I'm doing it to myself? she reasoned, and feeling how the long slippery shaft was stretching her open inside, she suddenly grabbed the handle and began to slither it in and out of her gaping cunt. "Aaaaahhhh," she moaned quietly, the first sound she had ever remembered making when sexually aroused. For an instant she wondered if her battle to remain silent while the sailor painfully deflowered her had anything to do with it, but by then she didn't care. Bracing her feet against the end of the tub so that she wouldn't lose her balance, Pam seized the end of the stick with both hands and began to ram it in harder, stretching her vagina as much as she could, bringing herself to the threshold of pain and then backing off slightly. She experimented, twisting the long slippery soap her sideways, rotating it, tantalizing herself by holding the greasy dildo poised, right at the opening to her obscenely delighted cunt, making her quaking insides wait, and then ramming it suddenly up inside as far as it would go. She tried to watch its every move as it slithered in and out of her wildly reacting pussy, but as her motion increased and the soap melted, the whole lower part of her body became lost in a lather of soap bubbles. "Ah, well, cleanliness is next to Godliness," she managed to choke out just before she came. She could actually feel her orgasm starting, located somewhere far up inside, near where the end of the soap-stick pounded against the tight opening to her womb. She hung on the edge, and she knew that with the right effort she could change the impending explosion to the same safe, mild, satisfying inner release that she permitted herself with Jack. But with a choked moan she gripped the soap stick hard and rammed it as far up inside as it would go, puncturing the edge of her orgasm, letting it loose to ravage her suddenly helpless body. Holding tight to the slippery shaft, Pam held it inside while her legs kicked out spasmodically and her back arched, throwing her head back so that the tendons in her neck stood out like cables. She made no sound other than a choking rattle deep in her throat. Her stomach muscles stood out in a hard ridge-line, tight drawn, as an awesome battle raged far up inside the amazed young blonde's shuddering belly. The slippery evidence of her orgasmic upheaval began to join the soap suds on the surface of the water as her cuntal muscles spasmed rhythmically, expelling her inner juices. Pam hung for a moment, every nerve and muscle straining, and then collapsed back into the water---limp---her orgasm over. Nervously her hands fell away from her body, trying to prop herself up, but for a few seconds she was too stunned to move. My God! she thought, I never knew it could be like that! It wasn't until she tried to stand up in the tub that Pam remembered that the soap stick was still embedded in her cunt. Blushing with embarrassment, she slowly drew it out, feeling her vagina contract in one last gentle spasm as the long slender instrument slid tantalizingly over its tender inner surface. Now that it was over, Pam was ashamed of what she had done, imagining how she would have looked to someone else, lost in her shameless passion as she rammed an unfeeling length of slippery soap in and out of her own vagina. But, God, it felt good! she thought, and wondered what it was that kept her from feeling that way with Jack. She knew that that was what he expected, but when she tried to visualize herself, abandoned to such ultimate passion at the hands of her husband, or of anyone else, she felt a familiar queasiness in the pit of her stomach. No, this had worked out so well today because she was alone. She'd never be able to let another person see her display such shameless passion. It just didn't seem right. Why couldn't Jack accept her the way she was, Pam thought unhappily as she slowly toweled herself dry, careful to keep her hands away from her satiated genitals.He took her to a discrete little restaurant, dimly lit, with secluded booths that made it unlikely that they'd be seen together, not because it was strictly necessary, but because Jack wanted Anna to get into the habit. If everything went well, they'd have a lot of times like this together, and there were people, like Pam and the boss ... and that fucking Harry Steers, who must never know. Shit ... Harry would run straight to J.B. The lunch went like a dream. Anna kept her eyes fastened insolently on Jack, and to his chagrin, he began to get an erection as he stared back at her lush dark beauty. He was glad that the restaurant was dark. How different she is from Pam, he thought excitedly, comparing her smoky, sultry loveliness with his wife's bright golden beauty. What a lucky man, I'd be to be fucking the both of them, he thought in awe. Too bad I'd never be able to get them in the some bed together. What a circus that would be. "My department budget permits me to hire another girl," Jack explained to Anna when they had finished eating. "The pay's not the best in the world but then, you won't kill yourself working, either." He let his voice grow more confidential. "And there may be little extras coming your way from time to time ... like good dinners, for instance." For Christ's sake, this guy is incredible! Anna thought in amusement. He's used to dealing with dumb little blondes right out of high school. Her earlier interest in Jack began to change into a mild contempt. She'd met his kind before; cold young men on the way up, engrossed with themselves and their all-important careers, never imagining that there might be other people who couldn't be bought by the cheap trinkets they offered. This boy's a real amateur, she said to herself, but he's got a good body. Yes, she'd do what Max had ordered her to---she hardly had a choice, anyhow---and she might as well enjoy herself on the road. She'd make sure this young moral zero gave her the kind of fucking she hadn't had for a long time. Anna mentality wrinkled her nose as she thought about the short, sharp, and brutal fuckings she got from Max. He'd been a lot better at first, but was now obviously bored with her. He just used her as an instrument to work off his need to hurt. Anna liked people but she had no illusions as to the kind of human relations that went on in big business and big government. There was a whole breed of eager young executives who'd walk over their grandmother to gain the power and influence they craved, and she was having lunch with one now. She felt sorry for his wife. But Anna played her part well. Knowing what she had to do, and hating it, she threw enough half-veiled sex-signals to Jack to rattle him for the rest of the day. Sensing Jack's ever-increasing desire to make love to her, Anna put him off, turning down an invitation to dinner that night. She knew if she played him long enough, he would be eating out of her hand in no time. That might be valuable to her in case of a confrontation with Max. Allies, even allies bought with sex, could sometimes make the difference between defeat and survival. So Jack went back to the office, faintly uncomfortable, vaguely realizing that somewhere in the course of the meal he'd lost the initiative with Anna. His instincts told him to forget about her, that he was putting himself in the way of a forceful personality he couldn't control, but at the same time, the image of Anna's twin rounded hemispheres of lush breast, spilling out of her low-cut dress, burned in his brain, inflaming his nerves and filling his whole being with lust. He knew she was going to sleep with him---they'd all but arranged it at lunch. Only the place and time remained to be filled in and, by God, he'd do it! Damn the consequences. Anna took her time getting home. Max didn't let her out of the house by herself very often, so she amused herself window-shopping and leisurely studying the people on the busy streets. How different life could be! she thought bitterly as she watched a young woman walking breezily down the street, humming happily to herself, obviously her own mistress, free to go where she wanted to and associate with whom she wished. Anna stopped before a travel office and stared for a long time at the brightly colored posters, advertising trips to the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Europe, South America. She had traveled when she was younger, just out of school, and had loved it. For more than three years she had lived and worked overseas, immersing herself in alien customs and languages, thrilling to that peculiar type of freedom that comes from being a foreigner in other peoples' lands, free of their native cares and obligations, but able to enjoy the best that land can offer. God, I'd love to go back! she thought in near despair. But I'm a slave, a slave in late-twentieth-century America, a slave to that miserable bastard, Max Flaherty! It had happened almost a year ago. She had been to visit her father, and found him in an angry shouting match with a man she had never seen before---Max Flaherty. The man left and the incident had faded from her mind. Then one day Max had showed up at her apartment saying he had a proposition for her. He made it short and simple. He told her he had enough on her father to hang him, not figuratively but literally. He showed her papers and documents that connected her father to an old crime, a murder that had taken place nearly twenty years before. He'd turn her father over to the police, unless ... Ten minutes later, after futilely pleading for him to change his mind and leave her and her father alone, Anna was lying naked under Max's heavy sweating body while he brutally fucked her. And, of course, it didn't stop with that one time. He came back again and again, and every time that Anna submitted to him, the next time came easier. Finally, he had ordered her to move into a house with him, the one they were living in now. Anna was glad that they were half-way across the country from her own home. She was horrified at the thought of her father finding out she was with Max. She knew he'd demand that she stop it, and even go to the authorities and turn himself in, if that would free her of Max. Anna loved her father---he was all she'd ever had since her mother died when Anna was still a baby. She never told him she knew about the murder in his past---she knew he would be ashamed before her from then on. So she stayed with Max, putting up with his crudities, letting him use her body as he wanted to, and hoping that somehow the whole nightmare would go away. Max had money, and she had to admit that for the most part, her life was physically comfortable. And sometimes he was even good to her, in his own way, including her in his brutal sense of humor, treating her as a confidante. But he had clearly begun to grow tired of her a couple of months before. That was what Anna had hoped for, trusting that he would eventually throw her out, bored with the ease with which he could claim her body and the lack of any genuine participation on her part. But now she was sickened by what he wanted her to do---to use her as an entree into Pam Hollister's bed. Clearly, even if he was bored with her, he wasn't about to let her go. Slaves were hard to come by nowadays, and she knew she'd be used until there was nothing of her left. Despair had made Anna bitter by the time she walked back in the door of Max's house. "Where the fuck you been?" he demanded angrily, glancing at his watch. "I told you, no fucking around with that young punk until I give the word." "For Christ's sake, get off my back, Max," she snapped back. "We haven't even been holding hands. I'll do your fucking dirty work for you, but I don't want to catch shit for it every ten minutes." "Well, well, aren't we independent," Max said in mock surprise. "Don't tell me the troops are about to revolt!" Anna tensed. When Max seemed the most pleasant he was often at his deadliest. "Okay, now what happened? Did you get the job ?" "Of course," Anna said tiredly. "He was too busy staring at my tits to think of saying no." "I get the impression you don't like him." "If there was something to like, I might. He's good-looking enough. But there's nothing under that neat, clean exterior but pure greed." "Good, they're the easiest kind," Max said with a laugh. "And when do you think the mating will take place?" Anna flinched at the cavalier way that Max was disposing of her body. Just like a slave, she thought. "He says there's going to be a big company party in about two or three days. That sounds like the best time. People go a little out of their heads at those things." "You've done a good job, Anna," Max said good-humoredly. "You deserve a reward." "The only reward I want is a way out of this mess," Anna snapped. "Maybe you'll get it," Max replied. "What do you mean?" she asked, suddenly wary. "If you keep playing ball with me, I might let you go. What would you say to my giving you that evidence I have against dear old Dad?" "You've said that before," Anna said bitterly. "Are you playing with me again, because if you are ... "You'll never know for sure, will you?" Max said with an evil grin. "But you can't take the chance. I promise you, some day you'll bore me so much I'll toss all those incriminating documents in your lap, and you can split. You can count on that---you just don't know when. So you keep playing ball with old Max, and everything'll turn out ale right." Does he mean it? Anna agonized. Is this just another of his sadistic games? Hatred boiled up in Anna's heart. Someday he'll go too far, and then ... Some of her hatred spilled over onto her father, and Anna was filled with a bitter resentment that an act of his could have put her in this predicament. Maybe she should face him, have it out, but she was afraid. Afraid of how she would hurt him, and afraid that he might do something desperate to free her that would end up with his own destruction. "Okay, Max," she said tiredly. "You hold all the cards ... for now. I'll keep dancing to your music." "Atta girl," Max chortled. "But just to make sure you mean it, I'm gonna test you." Oh, Christ, now what? Anna thought apprehensively as she watched Max go to the far side of the room and sit in a chair. "Okay, baby, take off your clothes," Max ordered good-naturedly. "Don't you have any imagination, Max," Anna asked disgustedly. She began to strip off her dress, trying to put as little seductiveness into it as possible. She'd be damned if she'd give Max any kicks she didn't have to. Her clothes came off easily---she wasn't wearing many. The light summer dress went first, the one that Jack Hollister had been so eagerly staring down. Underneath it she was wearing only a bra, panties, and long sheer stockings held up by a garter belt. She took off the bra and her large, shapely breasts swung free, the nipples hardening slightly as soon as the cooler air touched them. To her disgust she saw that Max was massaging his big cock into hardness through the material of his pants while lecherously watching her undress. She was bending down to take off her garter belt when he stopped her. "No, leave it on," he ordered. "Just unhook it so you can take off your panties, and then snap it back up again." Anna hesitated, and then shrugged. Well, it takes all kinds, she thought. She did as he asked, and a few moments later was standing dressed only in her garter belt and stockings. Her curly brown pubic hair showed obscenely underneath the elastic and straps of the garter belt, and she felt more naked than if she'd taken everything off. "Mmmmm, mmmmm, downright nice," Max murmured. Anna could see that his awakening penis had formed a huge bulge in his pants. Max saw where she was looking and smiled. "Glad you noticed that, Anna, because you're gonna suck it off." Anna flinched when she heard this. She'd sucked cock lots of times in her experience-packed life, and loved it---anybody but Max's. She loathed the ultimate humiliation of having her hated tormentor shoot his searing hot load of sperm into her mouth. But what choice did she have? Like he said, if she were nice to him, maybe he'd give her back those documents. She started to walk across the room to get it over with. "Hold it!" Max said sharply. She stopped, confused. "I want you to crawl over to me ... on your hands and knees," he said with a sneer. "Max, you can go fuck yourself," she snapped back. "SHADDUP!" he roared suddenly. "That's just the attitude we have to do something about. Now, you gave me a lot of lip last night, and a lot of lip when you came home this afternoon. We gotta purge that fucking pride out of you ... give you a dose of Christian humility. So, down on your knees ... NOW ... and get your ass over here!" Anna hesitated, hating him, but then sullenly knelt down and started to walk over to Max on her knees. "No!" he ordered. "Crawl!" Getting down on all fours, Anna crawled over to Max, stopping when her head was even with his knees. He parted them into a big vee. "Right up to my cock," he ordered. She moved in between his knees until her face was only inches away from the awesome bulge in his pants. "Okay, wise-ass cunt. Unzip my pants and fish it out. Her cheeks burning with shame and rage, Anna raised one hand and quickly opened Max's fly. Reaching in, she fumbled through his shorts until her hand made contact with his naked cock beneath. My God, it's hot! she thought as she began to tug it out through the narrow opening in his pants. "Ow, take it easy!" Max growled. "You're gonna bust the damn thing in two." A moment later his huge organ had burst free of the confining material and lay in her hand, thrusting obscenely up from his loins, surrounded by a frieze of his bristling pubic hair. "Pump on it awhile," he said, his voice suddenly hoarse now that her hand was wrapped around his eagerly throbbing organ. Anna began to slide the heavy outer skin up and down the iron-hard core, with little interest at first, but then more and more quickly as she saw his disapproving look. "Oh, Christ!" he moaned. "I feel like I'm gonna pop my nuts already. Slow down for a minute." Anna bit her lips in irritation. Too bad the big pig hadn't shot off in her hand. It was a lot better than in her mouth. He was close. His mammoth rod throbbed hotly against her palm, and a single shining drop of sperm glistened at the swollen tip. Max saw it, too. "Lick it off," he ordered gleefully. "Wipe me clean with your tongue." Distastefully, Anna leaned forward and slithered her tongue across the empurpled tip of Max's cock. Instantly her senses were flooded with the salty tang of hot sperm.Seeing that Max was relaxed, enjoying her debasement, she suddenly shot out her tongue again and stabbed it sharply into the tender little opening on the end, trying to make him cum. "Aaaaggghhh," Max moaned loudly, at the same time violently pushing her away from his twitching organ. "I said take it easy for a minute!" he yelled. "Just trying to make it good for you, boss," she said sweetly, a hard glitter in her eyes. It took Max a moment to get himself back under control. "Okay, baby, it's ready. Take it in your mouth and suck it!" He leaned back in the chair, his huge fleshy stalk standing above his body like an evil weed. Steeling herself, Anna leaned her head forward and placed her mouth on the great organ. God, I forgot how big the damn thing is, she thought in consternation. How will I get it all in my mouth? She opened her lips as wide as she could, stretching them painfully as she slipped them over the huge mushroom-shaped head. She began to suck immediately, to take her mind off the obscene picture she must make with this monstrous male penis jutting disgustingly from her face. "Oh, baby, you're getting the idea, but put the whole thing in your mouth, not just the tip!" To illustrate his point, Max reached forward and, tangling his hands in her thick dark hair, pulled her head downward while at the same time he thrust his loins up hard, ramming his thick stalk brutally into her surprised face. Anna started to gag as she felt the end of Max's swollen organ invade the back of her oral cavity. She struggled for control, afraid that she might strangle, and found to her relief that she could take the whole hot throbbing cock into her mouth if she half-swallowed it. "Okay, baby, now suck it as if your life depended on it," Max said. Still holding her by the hair, he began to force her mouth up and down on his meaty shaft while he fucked his hairy loins up into her face. And Anna began to suck in earnest, wanting to get it over with, wanting to make this disgusting man cum, even if it was into her own mouth. Her well-trained throat muscles took over, opening to admit Max's thrusting penis in to the hilt, and then closing behind it as her tongue locked avidly around the slithering shaft. She forgot for the moment who it was below her, forcing her into this humiliating and degrading act, and did her best to bring the hot sperm boiling up from the hairy balls still hidden inside his pants. Max looked down in delight as Anna slaved over his sensation-filled cock. Her heavy dark hair fell forward around her lovely face so that at times all he could see was the white shaft of his aching cock disappearing into a shining brown nimbus. He jerked her hair back, wanting to see the expression on her face, delightedly searching for the signs of hate and rebellion he loved to see there. But her face was blank, without feeling. Her eyes stared glassily down the length of his throbbing fleshy staff, and her cheeks hollowed and filled mechanically as she sucked. With a snarl, Max rammed Anna's beautiful head down on his cock, wanting to hurt her, but she took it easily, used to his enormous presence in her mouth by now. "Okay, bitch, suck harder," he snarled, trying to bait her with his words. "Who taught you to suck cock, your grandmother? Put some soul into it!" He let go of her hair with one hand and, reaching down beneath her naked kneeling body, seized one of her lush, magnificent breasts in his fingers, mauling it cruelly. Anna automatically twisted away from the pain, but she kept on sucking, harder and harder, knowing that it would be over in a moment. Already she could feel Max's cock swelling larger and larger in her mouth as his orgasm neared. To make him cum faster, she reached inside his pants and, cradling his drum-tight balls in her hand, began to squeeze them rhythmically, at the same time dragging her nails tantalizingly lower down, near his tightly clenched anus. That did it! "OH, YOU FUCKING BITCH ... I'M GUMMING!" he bellowed. "SUCK EVERY LAST DROP DOWN INTO YOUR BELLY, OR SO HELP ME ..." His voice shut off in a strangled cry as the first hot rush of semen burned its way up from his testicles below, and shot the entire shuddering length of his monstrously swollen penis. His head fell back helplessly and his fingers went rigid in Anna's hair, clamping her head tightly to his spouting loins. Anna felt Max's ready organ begin jerking in her avidly sucking mouth and barely had time to prepare herself before the first choking rush of sperm gushed into her straining mouth. She swallowed madly, trying to clear her throat of the sticky hot liquid before she choked, but there was too much. A thick stream of it gushed obscenely out from where her tightly ovaled lips were locked around the thick hair-strewn base of the twitching member. With loathing she felt the slippery spicy fluid sliding down her throat and into her stomach, but there was nothing else she could do. Max's powerful hands in her hair held her imprisoned, and it was either swallow or strangle. Finally the last few jets of cum had spouted from Max's hard hot organ and it was beginning to shrink in her mouth. He made no resistance when she drew hack her head and the rapidly diminishing cock slithered wetly from her cum-smeared lips and flopped soddenly onto his pants leg. Anna knelt, trying to get her breath, a long string of milky-white cum dangling from her chin. Seeing Max leering at her, she quickly brushed it away, and then, with a look of revulsion, got quickly to her feet and started toward the bathroom. "Hey, cunt, I want you to crawl out of here on your hands and knees!" Max crowed after her. "Like the bitch you are!" "Go fuck yourself," she muttered, the words coming thickly from her semen-clogged throat. Chapter 3 "This could be it, honey ... tonight could be it," Jack Hollister said nervously, clutching the wheel tightly with both hands. He and Pam were on their way to the annual company party. "Why tonight?" Pam asked. Jack could barely make out her features as she stared bemusedly out the windshield into the lights of approaching cars. She was as far over on her own side of the seat as she could get. "It's got to be tonight!" Jack said explosively. "Old Carstairs retires tomorrow and the vice-presidency will be open. J.B. hates to have any loose ends around the office. And besides," he added more thoughtfully, "he likes to drop bombshells at these parties. It'll either be me or Harry Steers. The old bastard would get a kick out of making the announcement and then watch the loser trying to keep a poker face in front of the whole staff." "If you think your boss is such a horrible man, why do you work for him?" Pam asked quietly. "They're all that way," Jack said bitterly. "Every financial company in town is run by some narrow bastard who clawed his way up over a pile of bodies and then likes to step on the fingers of anybody else who tries to make it over the top." "And thinking that way, you still want to work in such a business?" Pam asked. "What makes you think you would turn cut any different than J.B.?" Jack turned sharply, trying to make out the expression on Pam's face. Was there contempt there? What kind of questions were these, from a wife? "Look, baby, I don't make the rules. It just happens to be the only game in town, and if we want to live a decent life, we have to play it!" "Look out!" Pam said apprehensively. Jack jerked the wheel to one side just in time to miss an oncoming car. The angry wail of a horn faded away behind them. Jack muttered a curse and stared bleakly out the windshield. Why, on a night as important as this one, did Pam have to start being difficult? She'd been a stranger ever since they moved into the new house. He supposed it had something to do with that miserable scene the other morning. They hadn't made love since then. On top of everything else, I'm as horny as hell, Jack thought with irritation. Cut off at home, he'd been trying to get Anna to go out to dinner with him, hinting broadly at a long evening together, but she'd kept putting him off. All day long he had to look hungrily at her fabulous body around the office without getting a chance to touch her. "Okay, look, honey," he said wearily. "All I can say is that a lot hangs on tonight, so try and be nice to J.B. He likes you." Pam repressed a slight shudder. She'd only met her husband's boss a couple of times before, and the way he stared at her body made her flesh crawl. He looks so mock like a dried-up monkey, she thought, hardly daring to imagine what he would look like naked. He quite obviously liked to imagine what she would look like naked!But she instantly calmed herself. "Very well," she said coldly. "But there's nothing to stop me from being sick. You know how weak we women are. I'm going home with a headache. Give me the keys to the car." Jack wanted to argue with her---make her stay and butter up J.B. some more, but he detected the edges of hysteria in Pam's icy manner and was mortally afraid of a scene. Then, suddenly, he asked her to take a taxicab home, and went with her to the boss while she made her excuse. J.B. was obviously annoyed to be losing his prey, but not as much as Jack had feared. The old bastard must have about burnt out his libido by now, pawing over Pam, he thought bitterly. Why does life have to be so hard? "I want to talk to you, my boy," J.B. said when Pam had left. He led Jack into the library. "I was going to make the announcement tonight that would make you vice-president," he said bluntly, "but I don't think the timing is quite right ... yet." He looked at Jack suggestively. "I feel that a man's wife is an important adjunct to his career, and I realized tonight that I don't know yours very well." He paused. "That must be remedied." Jack swallowed painfully. So near and yet so far, he thought sadly. If only Pam had been a little more ... accommodating! "Anything you say," he said aloud. "Wives often ... hide their real natures in front of their husbands," J.B. went on. "I feel it would be ... a valuable experience if ... Mrs. Hollister and I could have a ... private meeting. Could you arrange that?" You rotten shit! Jack's mind screamed. You want to fuck my wife in exchange for the vice-presidency but don't have the guts to come out and say it! Jack felt a rush of loathing come over him and for a moment he was afraid he was going to pass out. I should tell him to shove the company and everything else up his ass! he thought wildly. But he knew J.B. would never ruffle a feather. He would just simply give him his notice and it would have all vanished like smoke---the vice-presidency, the job, security, the good life---all out the window because of his wife's goddamned sacrosanct pussy! "I'll see what I can set up, J.B.," he said, his face expressionless. "You do that, my boy, and then perhaps I'll have some good news for you." There it was, clear as crystal ... the vice-presidency for his wife's body. And he knew he'd make the trade ... if he could find some way to make Pam see the light. The rest of the evening was a haze for Jack. Perhaps to torment him, J.B. spent most of his time talking to Harry Steers. Trying to rub it in, Jack thought bitterly. But there was no real danger from that direction now that he knew what the old lecher was after. Harry's wife was as ugly as a mud fence. Left to himself, Jack began to get very drunk. He was propping up the mantelpiece with one shoulder, a large drink gripped tightly in one fist, staring moodily out a window into the black night, when he sensed someone at his elbow. "I thought you'd forgotten all about me," a soft voice said into his ear. It was Anna! She had watched the whole scenario between Pam, Jack and J.B. Anna was far too experienced in the grubby ways of the world to be horrified by the little drama, but she couldn't help feeling a sharp pang of sympathy for Pam. Her encounter with the younger woman tonight had intensified her liking for her. There goes me five or six years ago, she thought bitterly, remembering her own confusing marriage. And now, what am I going to do but stick another knife in her by seducing her husband! Actually, she should thank me. Turning on her most seductive manner, she determined to make a good job of it. "Sorry," Jack said, his voice thick from the alcohol. "Got a lot on my mind tonight." "At a party? Let me see if I can do something about that." She was standing close, and Jack slowly became aware that one of her large lush breasts was pressing against his arm. He could feel the warm, billowy softness of it through her dress. Jack's body stiffened as he remembered how he had wanted to fuck Anna for days now, and had been frustrated in his intentions time after time. What about tonight? Pam had gone home. He was on his own, not expected home for hours, and Anna was sounding very friendly. Experimenting, he moved his arm, dragging it a few inches across Anna's tantalizingly soft tit, wondering if it was an accident it was so near, giving her every chance to pull away. She didn't. If anything, she moved closer, so that now both her large cushiony mounds were in contact with his benumbed arm. By God! she wants to get fucked! Jack realized instantly. Anna's face was only inches from his own, and her large brown eyes burned into his in unmistakable invitation. "This party bores me," she murmured into his ear. "Let's go someplace where we can be alone." There it was, out in the open! It was now or never! "Where's your coat?" he asked, having trouble with his words. While she went to get it, Jack made his excuses to the boss, telling him he had promised to get Miss Collins home early. The little man looked at him strangely, but said nothing, apparently content to await the day when Jack would deliver his wife to him on a platter. Once out into the cool night air, Jack's head began to clear a little. "Where to?" he asked. "Let's go to my place ... where we can listen to a little music and ... get more comfortable." My God, there's nothing shy about this woman! Jack thought excitedly, sensing that in another little while he would probably be making love to the fabulous body he sensed under her revealing clothes. "But what about your uncle ... Max?" he asked. "Max is away for the weekend," she said with a little laugh. "It'll just be you and me." Better and better, Jack thought excitedly. He escorted Anna to her car, and then followed her in his as she led the way back to their part of town. Jack kept swallowing nervously as he drove, certain that he was going to fuck Anna tonight, but realizing from bitter experience how often things like this miscarried. God, what if she's just teasing me? he jittered. He was grateful when she took the alley to her place and he was able to park behind her house. It would have been clumsy, to say the least, if he had to park in front, directly across from his own houses where Pam could spot the car if she looked out the window. He wondered if she was already in bed. This was the first time he had ever determined to be unfaithful to her, and he was nervous, wondering how she would react if she found out. By the time he parked, Anna was already out of her car and opening the back door. She performed a miniature charade of carefully peeking inside the house, using exaggerated caution, and then turned to him with a conspiratorial wink. "Okay, the coast is clear," she whispered loudly. Jack found her little game an uncomfortable reminder that he was performing a clandestine act ... he, a married man, sneaking into a darkened house after a woman he intended to fuck, with his wife less than a hundred yards away. And on top of that, the house belonged to another man, apparently the girl's lover, who might be very irate if he came home unexpectedly. Jack swallowed nervously, and for one long moment almost backed out, but Anna's seductive allure was too great. He went in.If anything could ruin him forever, it was what Anna had in her hands. J.B. drank; J.B. used other men's wives; he lied; he stole; he cheated people and ruined decent families; but he was death on drugs! The slightest intimation that Jack had even been in their presence, and it would be all over for him at the office! "D-Do you think it's wise to keep that stuff right here in your home?" he asked nervously. Anna looked up sharply, and seeing his strained white face, laughed delightedly. "My heavens," she gurgled. "The poor man is scared half out of his wits!" She suddenly thrust the box at Jack. "Boo!" she said. He jumped. "N-No," he said, ashamed of being thought a coward, "not scared, really, but that stuff is illegal!" "So is cheating on your taxes, but I'll bet you do." Jack flushed. "Come on, stop worrying. You'd think there was a narc hiding in the bedroom. This stuff is so common now that if the police tried to catch everybody smoking it, they wouldn't have time for anything else---like stopping gambling, and necking in cars, for instance." She had opened the box and laid it on the table. It was half-full of brownish-green, crushed leaves and blossoms. Despite his nervousness, Jack moved closer, curious. A rich, slightly acrid odor assailed his nostrils. Anna reached into another drawer and pulled out a little flat machine made of silk and two steel bars. "What's that?" Jack asked. "A cigarette roller," she answered. "I'm going to roll us a joint." Even as she spoke, her fingers were moving deftly. She placed a cigarette paper in the little machine and filled it with several pinches of the course powdery mixture. She closed the machine around the paper, and turning a crank, quickly shaped a perfect little white cylinder. Out popped a long narrow cigarette, a few tufts of marijuana leaf sticking out of each end. "Got a match?" she asked. Reluctantly Jack fished through his pockets and offered her some. He knew a gentleman lights a lady's cigarette, but he couldn't bring himself to help bring that dangerous little cylinder to life. Anna didn't seem to mind. She struck a match, and putting the cigarette into her mouth held the flame to it. As she puffed, thick clouds of blue smoke rose from the tip of the cigarette and the room was filled with the sharp heavy scent of burning rope. "Mmmmnnnnn, good stuff," Anna said dreamily. She held the glowing cigarette out to Jack. "Want a hit?" she asked. "No, thanks," Jack said, shaking his head vigorously. Anna shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself, but this grass is a real sense turn-on---makes your body come alive. I call it Old Thunder Fuck---real dynamite stuff." Jack watched in fascination as she sat in a large armchair and took another drag on the cigarette. She seemed to breathe in forever, and then held the smoke down in her lungs until her face purpled with the effort. When she finally breathed out, little smoke remained, and Jack wondered what had happened to the rest. It had probably been absorbed in her bloodstream, he thought in astonishment. A slow contented smile came over Anna's face, and she visibly relaxed in the chair. With a shock Jack noticed that her legs had fallen open a little, parting the lower part of her robe, and he was looking right up between her thighs to her nakedly bared pussy. He swallowed nervously, unable to keep from staring at her hair-covered cuntal lips. As his eyes adjusted to the dark shadows of her loins, he was clearly able to make out the thin line of her half-hidden inner slit. He knew that she had seen him looking, but she did nothing to cover herself. Jack's cock began to throb uncontrollably at the sight of Anna's shamelessly naked loins, only a few feet away from his own. He once again felt he was losing the initiative. It was clear that the marijuana was putting Anna in a very different place from where he was, and he began to wonder how it would be to make love to a thoroughly stoned woman when he himself was so tight and nervous. "You say that stuff turns you on?" he asked. She looked surprised. "Sure thing," she said. "Why? You want to try some?" "Well, I don't know ..." he said hesitantly. "Oh, for God's sake, come on," she said disgustedly. "You act like you expect your mother to come into the room and tell you whether it's all right or not." Stung by her tone, Jack grabbed the cigarette from her. He put it to his lips and took a long drag, but immediately began to choke as the harsh smoke seared his lungs. "Hey, take it a little slower," Anna said, and showed him how to breathe in slowly and hold the acrid fumes down. After a couple of more tries, he was successful. He didn't experience much reaction at first, but suddenly the lights in the room seemed to dim and then his body felt strange all at once. "Wow!" he said, feeling as if he were floating a foot off the ground. It was very different from being drunk. For one thing, he still seemed to have good control of his balance. But in some strange way, the whole room had changed. The lights glowed a deep yellow-gold, and he realized that he had been staring at a painting on the wall for a long time. "Good stuff, isn't it?" Anna said. "Here, let me show you how the physical part works." She reached forward and lightly traced a fingernail over his forearm. It felt natural at first, but then his whole arm seemed to vibrate, sending pounding waves of sensation through his muscles and nerves until his whole body was resonating like a tuning fork. She calls it Old Thunder Fuck, he thought in amazement. God, what will it be like when we ...? Once again he stared down at Anna's nakedly bared vaginal lips, and saw for the first time the evidence of her own sexual arousal. A thin line of liquid beads glistened in the light, lining the softly bearded edge of her pussy-slit, welling up from her tantalizingly hidden vagina. A white-hot wave of lust washed over Jack, making his body resonate again. Sitting on the arm of the chair, he lightly traced his fingertips over Anna's enticingly bared lower belly, where it rounded off into her soft curly pubic hair. She shivered at his touch and her eyes half-glazed over. I guess she isn't as self-controlled as she likes to make out, he thought in triumph, and standing up, he reached down and jerked her to her feet. She came into his arms willingly, and opened her nakedly exposed thighs as he roughly thrust one leg in between them, rubbing the harsh material of his pants leg against her quivering cunt. "Oh, God, that feels good," Anna moaned, all pretenses gone. One of her legs began to rub maddeningly against his painfully erect cock, still trapped inside his tightly confining trousers. The top of her robe had fallen open as well when he jerked her to her feet, and one heavy, brown-rippled breast spilled out, mashing softly against his chest. Half-lifting Anna off her feet with his strong arms, Jack crushed her to him, and met her lips in a long passionate kiss. He felt as if he were going to ignite as her tiny hot tongue darted in and out of his gasping mouth. He pushed her abruptly from him, holding her at arm's length for a moment, staring greedily at her partially exposed body. Her softly rounded breast thrust proudly out at him, while lower down he followed the curving contour of her belly as it merged sleekly into her softly shaded loins. He could now smell the hot musky odor of her thoroughly aroused cunt, and its exotic perfume maddened him. Jerking Anna's panting form to him once again, he buried his face in the cushiony pillow of her breasts, pushing aside her robe and seeking out her rapidly hardening nipples with his mouth. He drew his tongue tantalizingly over one of the burgeoning little buds, making her moan in ecstasy; "Oh, yes," she breathed huskily, "suck my tits ... put them in your mouth ... make me feel them!" Excited by her words of encouragement, Jack sucked one of her now fully erect nipples right into his mouth, worrying the rubbery tip with his tongue, nipping it half-painfully with his sharp teeth. Anna jerked her loins tightly against him, rubbing her cunt maddeningly against his shuddering cock. He could feel the inside of his shorts grow slippery as a few drops of pre-cum were forced out of the tip of his hidden member and smeared over the thin material. "Oh, God, let's get naked," Anna panted, all her sophistication deserting her as she turned into a wanting, lust-filled animal. "I want to see your cock, touch it, feel it hot and naked against my body." She helped Jack while he tore at his clothes, stripping them away until he stood naked in front of her, his throbbing penis standing out straight and stiff from his body like a fleshy lance. Anna fell on her knees in front of him, lovingly taking his obscenely displayed organ in her hands and caressing it. "What a lovely cock," she said excitedly. "I'm going to want it in me ... soon ... very soon." She began to teasingly kiss the tip, then maddeningly slid her velvety smooth lips down the side, nibbling at the sensitive shaft while her hands were busy fondling his aching testicles below. "Take it easy, baby," he warned her, "or the whole show's going to be over before it gets started." He could feel his balls churning wildly from the exciting stimulation of Anna's buttery soft mouth. God, why couldn't I ever get Pam to do this to me? Anna pulled back just when Jack felt sure he was going to start cumming all over her lovely face. He had to grit his teeth for a moment to get himself back under control, and she looked up at him anxiously, wondering if she'd gone too far. "Do you want to fuck me?" she asked Jack, looking excitedly at his still-ready cock. "Christ yes!" he moaned, reaching for her. She held him off. "Tell me first," she said. "Tell me how much you want to fuck me!" "I want to ram my cock up into your cunt!" Jack snarled, playing her exciting game. "I want to shove it all the way up into your hot little belly. I'm going to fuck you hard ... fuck you until I shoot my nuts off into your juicy snatch!" Anna moaned with desire as she heard his lust-inciting words. Without another word she stripped off her disheveled robe and tossed it into a heap on the floor. She stepped backward and fell into the big armchair. Never taking her eyes from Jack's face, she slowly hooked her legs up over the arms of the chair, spreading them lewdly, baring her seething genitals to Jack's fascinated gaze. He stared, entranced, as the heavy outer lips of her cunt were slowly pulled open, revealing the glistening pink inner valley, wet and slippery with her copiously flowing pussy-juices, a gaping scarlet gash running all the way down to her tightly clenched ass-cheeks. She lay there waiting, her breasts heaving above from her heavy breathing, her crotch wide open for his expected assault. "Now, lover," she crooned. "Fuck me now. Shove your hard cock into my cunt and fuck me until I can't stand anymore!" Drawn forward as if by a magnet, Jack fell on his knees before the chair and moved in between Anna's obscenely opened thighs. He crowded close to her lewdly offered genitals, feeling the silken flesh of her inner thighs brush softly against his naked sides. Her ass was on the very edge of the chair-cushion, her upper body leaning back into the upholstery, her legs spread so impossibly wide and high over the arms of the chair that he could see the tendons in her groin stretched tightly. Her whole cuntal area was stretched wide and flat from the pressure, her pinkly glistening slit completely open before him, ready for his invasion. Jack was tempted to immediately ram his hard ready cock up inside Anna's lewdly spread body. His eyes fastened on the pink-petaled opening of her slowly seeping vagina---it actually pulsed in expectation as he watched it. But his gaze shifted higher, to the hotly palpitating little bud of Anna's thoroughly erect clitoris. The sensitive little shaft had risen half out of its surrounding tissues, maddened by the promise of immediate pleasure. Taking his rock-hard penis in the fingers of one hand, Jack drew it slowly up the inside of Anna's velvet-skinned thigh, heading inexorably toward her waiting pussy-slit. She moaned in delighted expectation, waiting for the bliss-filled moment when he would ram his hot hardness up into her achingly hungry hole. "Oh, please, baby, oh, please ... don't make me wait," she begged piteously. Her insides cried out in need. God, I haven't really wanted to fuck a man since Max moved me in here, she thought in amazement, realizing how sex-starved her body had become, never quite satisfied by Max's brutal maulings. She had no particular affection for Jack, but his handsome young body and the fact that he could be so easily led into ways of giving her the pleasure she craved reawakened the passionate young woman to levels of excitement she had forgotten could exist. But Jack had his own ideas. Instead of immediately filling her cunt with his rampant manhood, he instead guided the bloated tip just inside Anna's blood-gorged slit, sliding it slowly up and down the burning hot trench, watching in fascination as the tender tissues seemed to swell and quiver under the stimulating touch of his rubbery cock-head. "Oooohhh," Anna moaned. "Now ... now!" she urged. But Jack continued to slither his swollen purple knob up and down her encrimsoned snatch, until finally he pressed the very end of it hard against the tightly straining button of Anna's eagerly waiting clitoris. "Aaaaahhhhh!" she moaned in ecstasy, and had a short, quick orgasm. Her belly muscles hardened and her body jerked spasmodically several times. Looking down around the bloated shaft of his throbbing cock, Jack could see the opening of her vagina open and close, open and close, while a flood of her orgasmic juices were expelled to run in a slippery torrent down into the cleft of her ass. Moving quickly, Jack slid his cock lower, soaking the tip in the hot wet flow, rubbing the slick lubricants all over the shaft, getting ready for the final invasion of Anna's nakedly exposed loins.Just thinking about how the madly writhing couple below were going to make his assault on Pam's virtue possible was enough to start Max's big cock hardening. Lying on his belly, he pressed his loins down hard against the floor, grinding his pleasantly aching member against his body, imagining how Pam would look, naked before him, her cunt spread wide open the way Anna's was now. God, when is he going to shove it in? Max wondered, watching Jack continue to slither his ever-swelling cock up and down Anna's achingly needful cunt-slit. Anna was wondering the same thing. Her hips churned restlessly on the chair, fruitlessly trying to entrap Jack's tantalizingly near cock into her expectant vagina. Reaching forward, she sank her fingers into his buttocks, trying to steady his motion. "Oh, please," she begged. "No more ... no more of what you're doing. For Christ's sake put your cock into me! Shove it into my cunt ... ram it up into me and for God's sake ... FUCK ME!" Jack smiled down at the wildly pleading woman, realizing how the tables had turned. For days he had been trying to get this lovely, enigmatic woman to fuck him, but now it was her who was lying beneath him, naked, her genitals obscenely displayed, ready for his hard potent cock, begging him to fuck her. He enjoyed making her wait, but by now his achingly hard penis was demanding to be buried in the quivering female flesh before it. "Okay, baby," he rasped, "but you put it in." He waited expectantly as she quickly groped for his loins, and his breath sucked in suddenly as he felt her cool slender fingers wrap tightly around his swollen shaft. He watched, entranced, as Anna desperately fumbled with the mighty organ she held in her hand, guiding it closer to her needing cunt. The sight of her strong yet thoroughly feminine body spread out below him added further dimensions to his passion. She looked up at him hungrily, her lips half-parted, nostrils flared, eyes shining eagerly behind her thick dark lashes. Yes, she was ready now, he thought, completely animal, eager to accept anything he wanted to do to her with his cock. If only Pam were this way, he thought bitterly, I wouldn't have to be here now, fucking another woman! He almost laughed at himself. What bullshit! Hell, no matter how much of a tiger Pam might become, Anna was a whole new ballgame. He knew now that tonight was to be only the first of many such nights. There was a wild, mysterious sexuality in Anna that made his blood boil out of control. He would have to fuck her again, and again ... and again. With a grateful sigh, Anna finally inserted the mushroom-shaped head of his cock into the opening of her vagina. He watched, entranced, as the bulbous head, slippery with her juices, popped just up inside the muscular opening. It welcomed him eagerly, flowering open in invitation. "Now, now, now!" Anna chanted, moving her hands around behind his back, digging her fingernails into his buttocks, trying to pull his loins into hers. Jack took the hint. With a grunt he slammed his hips suddenly forward, ramming his cock to the hilt up into Anna's waiting body. "Unnnoggghhhhh," she grunted in response, the breath knocked from her by the violence of Jack's entry, her vagina suddenly filled with hard, hot, male flesh, stretching her insides with unexpected swiftness. She felt as if someone had rammed a thick, spongy tree-trunk up into her shuddering belly. It hurt, but she loved it. "Don't stop, don't stop," she cried eagerly. "Do it again!" Paralyzed by the first blinding delight of having his pussy-starved cock surrounded by hot cuntal flesh, Jack wasn't able to respond for a moment. He held his throbbing staff in all the way, feeling his pelvis flattened against Anna's cushiony pussy lips, her silky thighs pressing hard against his ribs. God, it's been worth the wait! he thought in exultation, feeling Anna's formerly unavailable body squirming underneath him as he held her pinned to the chair with his raging manhood. Gathering his strength, he pulled his cock almost all the way back out of her eagerly nibbling vagina, staring down at the slippery white shaft. Anna quivered beneath him, desperately awaiting, wanting him up inside her shuddering belly again, and he obliged, pounding his hips forward, watching his iron-hard member slither once again up into her eagerly accepting hole. From then on, Jack fucked her hard, setting up a steady rhythm with his hips, lunging time and time again into the wide-open loins of the moaning woman below him. Anna writhed in a wild blend of pleasure and pain as his rampaging organ opened her up more and more, stretching her tender inner tissues to the breaking point, but it was what she wanted. "Oh, yes, hurt me, lover," she moaned thickly. "Pound your beautiful cock right through me ... make me scream ..." Jack looked down at the beautiful, abandoned, naked woman twisting and shuddering beneath him. A powerful exultation filled him as he realized he had the power to hurt this strong-willed woman. Before, he had been a little afraid of her, but now she was at his mercy, begging him for the pleasure that only a hard male cock could give her. He rammed his ever-growing shaft far up inside her tender tissues, watching her face react, twisting in shock and then softening as her cunt quivered with masochistic delight. She's only a woman, after all, he thought in surprise, begging for a good fucking. Determined to give her one, he lengthened his strokes, bracing his arms on the sides of the chair, rising up on his toes so he could fuck straight down into Anna's spasming cunt. Searching for some new way to turn Anna on, Jack slid one hand down along the inner edge of her thigh, groping into the deep cleft between her muscularly pumping buttocks. His fingers slithered through the slippery passion-juices that had run down from her gushing, cock-filled pussy. For a moment he had trouble locating the tightly puckered ring of her anus, her whole lower region was jerking so in time to his frenzied thrusts up into her shuddering loins. But one fingertip caught in the outer sphincter muscles and held. He could feel Anna jerk spasmodically from the additional shock of having her tender nether regions fondled. Gritting his teeth, Jack began to worm his finger up inside the tight little band of muscle that encircled Anna's so-far unused anus. Her body fought back for a moment, not ready for this additional intrusion, but he pushed hard, and with a sudden pop, the end of his finger slipped up inside the soft sheath of her rectal passage. Anna grunted in surprise and her body bucked strongly, nearly throwing Jack off the edge of the chair and onto the floor. But he hung on, digging his bare toes into the carpet, straining with all his strength into the bucking, twitching, moaning mass of female flesh that thrashed below him. Bit by bit he worked his groping finger further up inside Anna's asshole, until he had it buried between her rhythmically clenching ass-cheeks clear up to the last knuckle. It was easier after that, as Anna's inner anal muscles relaxed, and he found he could thrust his finger in and out of her rectum in time to the wild poundings of his rampaging cock further up. And what really excited him was being able to feel his fast-moving penis with his finger. Only a thin membrane separated the two inside Anna's passion-heated body. Doubtly impaled now, Anna went completely out of her mind. What had at first been to her only an obnoxious duty to perform for Max had turned into a wild physical release of such magnitude that she thought she was going out of her mind. All the frustrations and strains of the last few months with Max were pouring out in a monumental release that threatened to tear her body apart. She sensed that some of her powerful reaction had to do with the very innocuousness of Jack---he was a perfect instrument for her---young, lean, and strong, without at the same time being able to engage any of her emotions. She was using him, as he had intended to use her, to give herself the release of wantonly fucking a near-stranger, pouring out her frustrated libido in a spasm of automatic reflex. Not knowing this, Jack felt that it was all his doing, the results of his monumental virility, which did have some basis in fact, because if he had been less active and strong, he would never have been able to call forth such wild reactions from Anna's ready body. His ego growing with every moment, he looked exultantly down at Anna's transformed face. She had that look that comes only in times of great suffering or great passion. Her eyes glittered: blankly, seeing nothing---everything was inside her. Her face was swollen and flushed with blood and her darting tongue licked helplessly over dried, half-open lips. The flush extended down over her breasts, which were swollen almost half again as large as before. The tips of her nipples had softened somewhat, but the whole colored part was tumescent, standing up in a partial hemisphere over the quivering white mounds beneath. Inarticulate cries and moans gushed from her throat and her hands slapped aimlessly at the chair upholstery. Jack could tell she was close to a tremendous orgasm. Her stomach muscles were slowly tightening as the pressure built inside and he knew in a moment she would explode into a frenzy that would dwarf the one he was watching now. He hoped it was soon, because he couldn't hold off his own climax much longer. Already his testicles were drawing further up into his body, ready to pump out the hot sperm, and his cock had grown even larger, so large that it ached painfully as it continued its wild ride inside Anna's hot slippery cuntal sheath. "Ooohhhhh ... JACK!" she suddenly cried out. "I-I'm going to CUM! Fuck me hard ... don't stop ... keep your finger in my asshole!" Anna felt as if her entire lower body were on fire, lit by the double entry into her pelvic area. Jack's finger in her rectum oddly complemented his cock slithering wetly in and out of her wonderfully gratified cunt. She knew that her orgasm would be the strongest she had experienced in a long time, and was grateful that Jack had a powerful body. A smaller man she might have bucked off, she thought. Suddenly it hit. A thrust of Jack's ever-enlarging rod, deeper than the rest, passed beyond some invisible barrier and she felt as if a great fire had been started far up inside her cringing belly. It grew and grew, burning brighter and brighter, until her whole being was consumed by it. She lost track of what was going on outside her suddenly transformed body, only knew the rocketing bliss in her most secret inner parts and felt Jack's mighty organ, faithfully digging in deeper and deeper as her climaxing cunt opened to receive it. Jack found that he had to pull his finger from Anna's ass after all. Awestruck, he watched the already wildly passionate young brunette change into a screaming banshee as her orgasm tore through her strong, beautiful young body. He had to hang onto the chair with both hands to hold her down as she writhed and twisted beneath him. Her pelvis rose off the chair to meet his, making it even easier to plunge his thundering cock to new depths. Her sleek stomach muscles were drawn into one iron-hard band as her body convulsed into final release. But most of all, he was aware of her inner vaginal muscles, clamping rhythmically and hungrily around the base of his already near-bursting cock. That did it for Jack. This last obscene realization touched off his own long-delayed orgasm, and with a deep-throated yell he threw back his head and held his cock rigidly buried as far up into Anna's convulsing pussy-sheath as it would go. He could sense the whole length of his rock-hard shaft vibrating madly as the hot sperm raced up from his balls, ready to spray unendingly into Anna's sperm-hungry body. With the last of her strength, Anna sensed his hot seminal load gushing into her cunt, and pressing her heels hard into his backside, she strained his shuddering loins to hers. The joyful realization that he was filling her hot needing cunt with his male seed touched off another orgasm in Anna, a shorter one this time, but her vaginal muscles worked even more strenuously, guided in part by her conscious volition, milking the hot wet cum from Jack's madly spouting organ. They strained together for over a minute, trying to get the most out of each other's sweat-slippery, quivering bodies. As the last of his burning load shot deep up into Anna's womb, he looked down fascinated by the way her rippling cunt-muscles shot their combined juices back out around the hairy base of his nearly exhausted penis, coating his thighs, and running down into the hot pink cleft between her buttocks to drip wetly onto the soaking upholstery below. With one last wild cry, Jack knew that his climax was over, and collapsed heavily forward onto Anna's exhausted body. She still moved below him, her hips twitching involuntarily from time to time as the last of her orgasms died away slowly. Their breaths rasped loud in the half-darkened room for several minutes, until finally they were able to bring their lungs under control. They both felt Jack's depleted organ shrinking in side Anna's still gently working vagina, each of them with different emotions. Jack was sorry that it was over and at the same time exhalted. I've done it! he thought gleefully, believing that now Anna was his. She'd succumbed to his advances and he had no doubt, after the performance he'd put on that she would be his for the asking for as long as he wanted her. Maybe time enough for there to be some kind of change in his partially frigid wife. For her part, Anna was grateful for the admittedly fine fucking she'd received from Jack, but to her it could have been anybody who could get it up for long enough and stay with her wild responses. She didn't like Jack very much, disgusted with him for the way he treated his wife, with whom she felt a close bond.She didn't feel guilty about having tucked her friend's husband---her mind didn't work that way. Sex to her was a great universal reservoir from whom anyone might drink---nobody necessarily owned another's genitals. Loyalty and help in time of need were the parameters of her idea of fidelity, not who fucked who. Yes, she'd gotten what she needed from someone whom Max had ordered her to fuck anyhow, and her main reaction was pleasure from the terrific fucking she'd just had. She didn't know that Max was up in the attic filming them---she thought he would just question her later on what kind of lover Jack had been, and then put pressure on the young man to make his wife available. But she had already seen how poorly that had worked tonight when J.B. had tried to move in on Pam. She doubted that Max would have any better luck. As far as she was concerned, it was over. "Hey, you're heavy," she complained to Jack who was leaning on her, his mouth roaming idly over her still-sensitive breasts. "You weren't complaining a few minutes ago," he said smugly. "An elephant wouldn't have been too heavy then, as long as it had a cock that would fit inside me," she answered. "I'll bet that hot cunt of yours could take anything," Jack said admiringly, slowly moving back from her body, staring wistfully at the pussy he'd just spent the past half-hour in. Anna's legs were still held wide apart, and her vagina, stretched and wide open from the powerful thrusts of his cock, still slowly seeped their combined orgasmic fluids. "This hot cunt of mine could use a little sleep," Anna said. "Time for you to go home and crawl in bed with your little wife. Remember her?" Jack flushed under her prodding. Somehow the aftermath of making love to Anna wasn't working out quite as he'd expected. From her reactions before and during their wild fuck, he'd expected her to melt gratefully into his arms afterwards. But instead she was yawning and getting up from the chair. Her former manner of cool insolence was returning. "Hey," he said, annoyed. "What kind of brush-off is this? The night is young yet. Didn't you like the way I fucked you?" Anna looked at him quizzically. "You did a good job, sonny-boy. But did you think I was going to give you the keys to my life because your cock gets hard? If I want anymore, I'll send for you." Anna was taking a perverse pleasure in telling Jack off. After the way she had been maltreated by Max for months, and watching Jack tonight as he unfeelingly let his wife be humiliated, she wasn't feeling very friendly to men at all. For once in her life, she'd like to be able to say, "Wham, team, thank you, Sam." Jack picked up his clothes in a rage, his ego lying in tatters about him. "You know how to spell 'whore', baby?" "Yeh," she said acidly, "s-u-c-k-e-r. A whore is a dumb cunt who lets herself get used. Now, why don't you go home peaceably. Why ruin a good fuck? We had a good time but let's not make something out of it that's not there. I promise you, if I need it again, you'll be one of the first I'll call." Anna added this mollifying statement, realizing she was taking a lot of things out on Jack that weren't his fault. But now she wanted to be alone, to enjoy the satiated throbbing in her genitals all by herself. * * * Jack had struggled into his clothes. He headed for the door without saying another word, hurt and confused. "You'd better take a shower before you climb in bed with Pam," Anna called after him. "You smell like hot pussy. And, oh," she added, "I won't be into work on Monday ... I quit." Maybe that'll keep him closer to his wife from now on, she thought absent-mindedly as the door closed after him. But maybe I was too hard on him. She began to feel a little guilty. After all, she had been the one who had sallied forth to seduce him, even if he had been a willing victim. She was heading toward the shower, vaguely promising herself that she would do something to make it up to him later, when she heard a sudden sound behind her. Startled, she whirled, and was barely able to stifle a scream as she saw a naked man standing in the hall doorway. It was Max! He stood leering at her, massaging his heavy, already swollen penis. "Pretty good show you put on with junior," he rasped out. "But you're not going to bed yet. Let's see how you do with me." Anna thought she was going to be sick as he slowly approached her. Chapter 4 Pam Hollister knelt down and dug her hands into the soft loamy soil around the rosebush, delighting in its rich, earthy feel. It was a beautiful day. Wearing her white shorts and halter, she was out in the front yard, working in the garden. This is what I wanted a house of my own for, she thought happily. Pam had a natural green thumb and thrived in the out-of-doors, planting, tending, and harvesting plants. Roses were her chief delight, and that was one of the reasons she had fallen so much in love with this house when she'd first seen it. Each side of the front walk was planted with long rows of tall, beautiful rosebushes. They had suffered somewhat from lack of care while the house had stood empty, waiting for them to move in, but now Pam was making it up to them ... pruning, watering, fertilizing, and, in general, making life pleasant for the roses. Maybe Jack wasn't so wrong, she mused half-guiltily as she leaned forward, on her knees, loosening the earth around the roots of one particularly beautiful plant. Maybe you have to make some sacrifices in order to have good things. Like the house, for instance. Pam realized that it was expensive and that they could never have afforded it if Jack hadn't been making so much money at work. Pam knew she'd never agree to some of the things that Jack thought he had to do to make his job secure, but it certainly didn't help matters any for her to offer nothing but negative comments. Maybe she should have put up with a little more from J.B. the night of the office party. No, I could never do that! she thought, shuddering a little as she remembered the old man's slimy touch on her naked shoulder. I have to draw a line somewhere! Maybe there were ways she could be of help to Jack, in his struggle to get ahead. Pam felt a rush of affection for her husband. He's been so sweet since the party, she thought happily. It had been over a week since that unpleasant night. After she'd gone home early, she waited with dread for Jack to come in. She'd expected him to be angry with her, accusing her of ruining his chances for advancement, berating her with his usual charges of prudery and self-conceit. But he'd been strangely subdued when he'd come home, almost contrite. He took a shower, claiming that someone had spilled a drink on him at the party, but when Pam looked later, she had been unable to find any stains on his clothes. She finally decided that perhaps he'd just wanted to clear his head and freshen up. He's been a doll since then, she thought gratefully. The house was in good order now, everything in its place, and Pam was fitting into it like a bird into its nest. Yes, it's time I backed Jack up in his efforts to give me things like this, she thought resolutely. And it was time she did something more positive about that other matter too. Pam couldn't help blushing as she thought over her efforts to liberate herself sexually, starting more than a week before with that wild masturbation session in the bathtub. There had been other similar experiences following it, and Pam thought she was making some progress, but not enough. Though she was able to let go more when there was no one there but herself, she could still sense a blank brick wall somehow blocking her full sexual release. And what will it do for Jack if I just learn to make love to myself, anyhow? she wondered. Maybe I'd better go try to find some kind of help. Pam had been reading about some of the successes women like her had had with the new breed of sex therapists. She'd even read about doctors who provided male stand-ins---sex surrogates---to their women patients. I imagine Jack would think that was going a little too far, she thought almost giggling to herself. But something would have to be done, and soon. She and Jack hadn't made love since that dreadful morning almost ten days ago. Let's face it, old girl, she told herself, you're getting horny. And what about Jack? He must be the same way. If she didn't watch out, he might be forced to turn to other women! As she bent over her rose bushes, lost in her private thoughts, Pam didn't notice a man approaching---Max Flaherty. Christ, look at that ass! he thought excitedly, staring at the way Pam's tight shorts stretched tautly over the crouching girl's well-rounded buttocks. I bet I'll have a handful of it within a half-hour! He was standing right behind Pam before she realized it. Sensing that she wasn't alone, she glanced back and saw his feet, within a yard of her. "Oh!" she gasped, spinning around on her knees. "Take it easy," he grinned down at her. "It's just old Max, your neighbor." "You ... you startled me," Pam said nervously. She was still crouching on the ground. Seeing Max staring intently down at her, she wondered for a moment what he was looking at, and then she remembered that she hadn't worn a bra under her halter-top that morning---the day was so warm---and he could undoubtedly see a lot more of her than she wanted him to. Max thought the same thing as he stared hungrily down at Pam's half-naked breasts. The thin halter-top had fallen away from her body a little as she spun around, and at the moment he could see almost the whole of one large shapely breast. He wasn't sure, but thought his view extended right out to the edge on one pale-pink nipple. But the tantalizing glimpse of Pam's lush bosom was cut off as she quickly got to her feet, self-consciously pressing one hand to her breast. What does he want here? she thought. Pam had never liked Max, and this was the first time she'd ever been alone with the big man, and she didn't like it, even if it was out there in the open. "What can I do for you, Mr. Flaherty?" she asked, attempting to be polite. "Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something in a few minutes," he answered. What a strange thing to say, Pam thought, a little on her guard. "How's your niece Anna?" she asked, looking for safe conversational subjects. "Guess your old man hasn't had the guts to tell you, huh?" "W-What?" Pam gasped out, trying to make sense out of Max's deliberately upsetting words. "Oh, come on now. You don't expect me to believe you didn't know what was going on?" "I-I ... don't know what you mean," Pam stammered, wondering if this awful man's cryptic words were genuinely hinting at what they seemed to be hinting at. "My niece ... Anna! He fucked her the night of the office party!" Pam started to speak but no sound came out for a moment. She didn't want to believe Max, but suddenly she knew why Jack had taken that shower when he came home from the party. "You ... you get out of here!" she managed to gasp at Max. "Stop saying such horrible things." "Oh, isn't that sweet," Max sneered. "The faithful wife, ready to believe in her hubby till the bitter end. Well, baby, I just came over here to give you a little advance warning before the shit hits the fan." "What do you mean?" Pam asked, sensing the threat in Max's heavy voice. "I mean I'm pissed off that your punk husband has been dipping it into Anna. She's my meat, and I'm gonna bust up his little game. When I get finished with him, he'll wish he'd been born a eunuch!" "You're not going to ..." "Beat him up? Hell, no, I'm going to do a lot worse than that. I'm on my way down to see his boss and tell him what kind of a man he has working for him." "No!" Pam cried, seizing his arm. "Y-You can't do that! It would mean his job!" "That's just what I figure, baby. From what Anna tells me, that job is his whole life. Well, I'm going to take it away from him!" "They'll never believe you at the office," Pam exclaimed. "I-I don't believe you myself." "Oh, don't you, baby? Well, they'll believe me down there, because I got the whole damned thing down on film." He half-lifted a large thick envelope out of his pocket and then let it slide back down inside. Pam's head was spinning dizzily. A few minutes before, she'd been happily tending her roses, and now her whole world was crashing down around her head. Jack? Anna? He's been unfaithful to me! the young housewife thought in agony. Almost as painful as Jack's betrayal was her disappointment in Anna. She had felt a genuine liking for the older woman, and had hoped they could become friends. That was hardly possible now. And what was that Max was saying? That he was going to ruin Jack at the office? Pam tried to get her emotions back under control. Every wife has to face this possibility, she thought desperately. Jack had been unfaithful to her, that was bad enough, but it was something they might be able to hammer out together. But if Max carried through his threat and went to see J.B ... That would destroy Jack! "Wait!" Pam said desperately as Max started to walk away, grinning triumphantly. "Please don't do it!" "Not a chance, baby. I wanna get even, and these pictures are gonna do it for me." "Wait!" she said again, thinking rapidly. "I-I'll give you a thousand dollars for those pictures." Max stopped abruptly. "You serious?" he asked thoughtfully, turning around to stare at the distraught young blonde. "Yes!" she said, with more determination this time. "I'll give you good money for them, if ... they turn out to be what you say they are." Max looked around carefully, as if afraid of being heard. "Well, now, little lady, maybe we might have something to talk about." He had a hard time not laughing at the look of sudden relief on Pam's innocent face. Oh, you simple little cunt! he thought to himself, but continued to play the game, looking around again as if he suspected that they were being observed. "Yeah, maybe we can do it," he growled, "but not out here." "We'll go inside the house," Pam said quickly, and turned to lead the way, unable to see the look of sudden triumph on Max's heavy face. She opened the door, and when the big man had come in, she closed and locked it after them, having picked up some of his feigned nervousness. "All right, let me see them," she said firmly, holding out her hand. Without a word, smiling, Max reached into his coat pocket and fished out the envelope, handing it to her. With trembling fingers, Pam opened the envelope and pulled out several glossy photographs. She gasped when she saw the first one. It was Jack, naked! Anna knelt in front of him, her lips pressed obscenely to the tip of his rigidly erect penis! She looked at another.Anna was sprawled lewdly in a chair, her legs hooked up over the arms, and Jack was approaching, his cock hard and enormous, heading straight for her wide-open genitals. In the next one, he had buried his huge cudgel part-way up inside Anna's vagina, and from the look of ecstasy on her face, she was enjoying it very much. Pam felt suddenly sick. Unable to look at any more of the pictures, she let several of them fall to the floor from her nerveless fingers. Gathering her strength, she quickly bent to pick them up. "All right ... I'll pay you for them. But I'll have to write you a check." "Just as long as it doesn't bounce," Max said cheerfully, grabbing the photographs back. Pam went into the other room to get her checkbook. She had already looked inside the envelope and was relieved to see that the negatives were included. She had heard of people who had paid for things like this---paid blackmail---and then had the negatives held back. She quickly wrote a check, realizing she'd have to beat Max to the bank so she could transfer some money from her savings to her checking account. "It does pay to have money sometimes," she thought as she wrote the word "thousand" on the check. Coming back into the living room, Pam handed the check to Max and then reached for the pictures. "I don't know about all this," Max said, pulling the envelope back just out of her reach. "I've paid you ... give me the envelope!" Pam said, her voice becoming a little desperate. "I-I just don't know," Max said. "This seems too much like, well ... blackmail. Do you think this is right?" "What kind of game are you playing?" Pam asked in desperation. "We made a deal. Give me those pictures!" She tried to grab the envelope from Max, but he easily held her off. "My God he's strong!" she found herself thinking. "No ... I just can't do it," Max said, tearing up the check in front of Pam's unbelieving eyes. With horror she watched the tiny pieces of colored paper drift to the carpet. "There goes Jack's future," she thought, knowing she didn't have the strength to get the photos away from Max by force. "Oh, please, don't use those pictures against my husband," she begged, thoroughly shaken. "Well, maybe there's another way out," Max said solemnly. "Oh, please, anything," Pam replied, hope kindling in her again. "Do you want cash?" "Now, you've got me all wrong, Pam. You may not realize this, but I'm a religious man. I read the Bible a lot---that's why I turned down the money." Max was intently watching Pam's face, thoroughly enjoying the fear and apprehension his words were writing across its lovely features. "God, it's ... it's like taking candy from a baby," he thought gleefully. "Yeah, I read the bible, and I bet you do too. Remember that part, 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, or ... a cunt for a cunt!'" Pam gasped out loud as she finally understood what he was driving at. He wanted to take out Jack's crime on her body! "I can see from your face you got the idea," Max chuckled. "Your old man fucked my woman ... I'm gonna fuck his!" "Never!" Pam said, horrified at the idea. "Well, it's that, baby, or these pictures go to your husband's boss." Pam felt trapped. It would have been a lot easier for her to refuse and order Max out of the house if she hadn't already tried to pay him for the pictures. Doing that, she had firmly instilled in her mind the overriding importance of getting control of the evidence that could cost Jack his beloved job. If her mind hadn't been so rattled, she might have remembered that just a few days ago she had felt that the best thing for Jack would be to get out of the office and away from that evil old man who was slowly corrupting his ideals. But, hurt and confused by the visual evidence of Jack's infidelity, and with a woman she had thought her friend, and bullied by Max's ominous presence, the frightened young girl was in no condition for clear, logical thinking. "I ... I ..." she stammered, trying to find some other way out. "Good, That means you'll do it!" Max exclaimed triumphantly. "Nooooo. I mean ... I don't know ..." Pam said haltingly. "Well, I ain't got all day," Max shouted, suddenly savage. "I got an appointment already with that old bastard. So make a decision ... now!" Pam stood, swaying irresolutely. "I'll do it!" she said suddenly, not letting her mind dwell on the full meaning of her words. "Atta girl," Max said with a lewd smile. "Your husband fucked Anna in the living room. You want it here, too?" "N-No," she said in a weak voice. "We ... we'll use the bedroom." She had decided on that, simply because the bedroom was further away, and would use up some more time ... put off the horrible or, deal she knew that lay ahead. She looked at Max with revulsion, wondering how she was going to be able to let him touch her body, when she already hat trouble enough with her husband. She hated the triumphant leer on his coarse features as his hungry eyes took in the body he knew would soon be his to do with as he wanted. Max was happy. He'd been successful again in his favorite pastime--- blackmail. But, where other blackmailers went after money, he went after pussy. That was how he'd gotten Anna, and now, he thought, I'm gonna get to throw it to this gorgeous little blonde bitch! Max's eyes sweeped appreciatively over Pam's shrinking figure, as she stood helplessly before him. For the past few minutes he had been hungrily watching the exciting way that her large, full breasts bounced and jiggled, braless under her skimpy haltertop. "Well, what the hell!" he thought. "Broads that dress that way deserve to be flicked, teasing men until they think they're gonna shoot off in their pants!" "Okay, baby," he said, shooing her along ahead of him. "Let's make it to the bedroom." Just in an effort to keep her distance as Max came towards her, Pam found that she had been backed into the bedroom-hers and Jack's! She had her arms crossed nervously over her lewdly exposed breasts, as if she still believed she could protect herself from this huge, grinning man to whom she'd already promised her body. "Okay, little lady, are you going to take off those clothes, or shall I do it for your" Max grated out, obviously eager to get started. Pam couldn't move. It had been a lot easier, there in the other room, to promise this brute what he wanted. But to actually take her clothes off in front of him ...! Pam just couldn't do it! "Okay, if that's the way you want it ..." Max said, and he suddenly lunged toward her. Pam tried to slip away, but he was surprisingly fast for so big a man. His big meaty hand locked on the front of her halter- top and pulled hard. Pam was jerked forward when the strong material refused to tear, but the catch behind gave, and she felt a sudden wave of cold air over her upper body and found herself standing naked to the waist, her bare breasts quivering nakedly before Max's leering gaze. Too stunned to even think of covering herself, Pam found herself panting. At first she thought it was from fear, but bit by bit the stunning realization came to her that it was something else entirely. She was sexually excited. With amazed disbelief, the raggedly breathing young girl felt a hot trembling need building up in her belly, and looking down, she saw that her nipples were rapidly hardening, not from the cool air that played over their tender pink surfaces, but from passion! "What's the matter with me?" her mind screamed, but her body already knew. She wanted to he raped! Almost as in a dream, Pam felt a strange metamorphosis taking place somewhere deep in her psyche. That unbreakable stone wall that had always stood between her and full sexual release was slowly crumbling, as she stood there, helpless and partially naked before a brute of a man who intended to use her body for his own pleasure whether she wanted him to or not. Hating herself every moment, Pam felt the last of her defenses crumble. She was helpless to move, and stood docilely while Max quickly stripped her white shorts and underpants from her quivering body. She was naked before him, this near-stranger, but instead of shame, she felt instead a warm trickle from her vagina that told her that her passion juices were flowing freely, readying her body for what she knew was going to happen to her, and worst of all, wanting it to happen. "Hey, what's the matter with you?" Max asked suspiciously. He stepped forward and took a closer look at Pam that told him all. She was breathing heavily. Her eyes were shining strangely, her face was flushed. He might still have been able to pass it off as fear, but for one thing ... The musky odor of a thoroughly aroused woman, emanating strongly from her shapely loins. "Well, I'll be Goddamned," Max said in a hushed voice, hardly able to believe what was happening. He stared at the lovely young woman standing nakedly before him, at her large, swelling, tip-tilted breasts, her tiny virginal pink nipples hardly visible at the tips, blending in with the creamy smoothness of the luscious twin orbs. His gaze flickered lower, over her visibly shivering belly, and then down to the sparse triangle of silky blonde pubic hair that barely covered the full fleshy lips of her cunt. Her legs were slightly parted, and he could clearly make out where her vaginal juices were already slightly darkening her golden pussy-fur. "Christ, she's gorgeous!" he thought in stunned awe. "And she wants me to fuck her!" Not wanting to waste another moment, Max began to struggle out of his clothes. His cock was already hardening, and he had trouble working his shorts over the stiffening shaft, but in a very few seconds he was standing completely naked before Pam, his huge penis jerking higher with every heartbeat. "My God, it's big!" she thought in awe as she stared, hypnotized, at his immense rod of flesh. "So much bigger than Jack's. How can a woman take a thing like that inside her without being split in two?" she wondered in sudden fear. She felt covered with guilt as she stood there, naked before this near-stranger, her body crying out to be taken by him, and used in any way he saw fit. Unable to understand why she felt this way, Pam was unable to effectively battle it. All her life, in ways both subtle and obvious, she had been taught that sex was dirty, an evil act that carried pain and suffering with it. That had always been in the back of her mind when she would make love to Jack, and her brief experience with the young sailor had only served to strengthen those feelings. Every time she gave herself willingly to Jack, a dark, hidden part of her mind had screamed guilt at her. Instinctively she had pulled a portion of herself back from the act, as if this somehow diminished her responsibility. But now it was different. There was no question of her going willingly into this act. She was being forced! Freed of the guilt of willfully choosing what her soul believed to be inescapably evil. Pam was suddenly freed from her obsession, and her body, long starved of the natural reactions of love, was reacting powerfully. "Oh, God, rape me! Rape me!" it was crying, and her mind could no longer turn off its burning need. Pam had no conscious knowledge of all this. All she knew was that her senses were totally aflame. With a mixture of horror and hungry desire, she watched Max approaching nearer and nearer. Her loins burst into flame as she watched his blunt fingers working over the end of his mammoth organ, lewdly pulling back the thick rubbery foreskin to reveal the bloated purplish head beneath. "Bet you never saw anything like this before," he gloated and Pam had to admit to herself that she never had. Jack's penis was big, but compared to Max's enormous weapon, it looked friendly and harmless. "P-Please ..." she managed to gasp out, not sure herself what she was begging for. "You bet, baby," Max leered, interpreting it his own way. Striding quickly up to Pam, he seized her trembling nude body in his powerful arms and crushed his lips to hers in a crude, wet kiss. Pam was aware of his thick hot tongue invading the inside of her cotton-dry mouth, but even more aware of his enormous cock, pressing painfully into her soft belly. Her legs turned to water and she went limp in her ravisher's arms. "Too much for you, huh, baby?" Max grunted, keeping her from falling. Half-picking her up, he carried her over to the big double bed and dumped her unceremoniously on the bedspread with her torso-well up on the mattress, but her long shapely legs dangling over the edge. Pam was aware that her thighs were spread shamelessly opens baring her seething genitals to Max's fascinated gaze, but she felt too weak to move. Almost reverently, Max knelt between the panting young blonde's lewdly spread legs, his gaze never leaving her nakedly displayed cuntal slit. The soft blonde pubic hair formed a thin golden screen over the quivering pink flesh beneath, and reaching forward he slowly pushed the soft tendrils out of the way. "Christ, what a cunt!" he thought with enthusiasm, his hungry eyes drinking in Pam's glistening inner slit, gleaming wetly behind the outer protection of her full fleshy pussy lips. "Got to touch it." His thick fingers reached forward again, fondling Pam's half-hidden genitals. She shivered as she felt his hands on her most secret parts, knowing she should resist, do her utmost to stop this man from taking what by right should belong only to her husband. She felt her legs twitch in reaction as Max's groping fingers titillated her obscenely responding cuntal flesh. "I wise he'd get it over with," her mind screamed silently, driven by her body's hunger. Her vagina throbbed wildly, begging for something to fill its aching void, wondering why Max was taking so long to shove his rummaging fingers up inside the hot needing hole. But Max had other ideas. Placing a thumb on each fat, lightly furred pussy lip, he slowly drew them apart, completely revealing the glistening pink trench below. "God, what a cunt!" he enthused again, his eyes roving up and down the moisture-gleaming slit, studying the slowly palpitating opening to Pam's obviously eager vagina, then looking up slowly to her tiny knobbed clitoris, one of the smallest and most tender-looking he'd ever seen. "A man'd he crazy to just go ahead and fuck a tender little pie like that," he thought in awe. "It looks sweet enough to eat!" And unable to hold himself back any longer, he suddenly buried his head far up between Pam's helplessly spread thighs, slithering his hot wet tongue as far up into her dripping pussy-slit, as far as it would go. Pam's whole body jerked in wild reaction. Horrified, frightened, she stared down unbelievingly at the bristly, graying, crew-cut head protruding so obscenely from between her futilely kicking legs.Max was gripping her thighs with his powerful hands, his stubby fingers digging cruelly into the soft white flesh, holding her a prisoner on the bed while his sucking mouth ravished her outraged tender genitals. Ooahhhhh ... no ... no ... no ...! her tortured mind screamed, remembering how she had rebelled when Jack attempted to do the same thing to her. But now it was different. The struggling young wife knew that there would be no way to get Max to stop this unspeakable act. He would laugh at her if she begged him not to, and he was clearly too strong a man for her to be able to throw him off her violated body. Then something snapped in the writhing girl's mind. Perhaps the realization that there was nothing at all she could do to stop the shameful act that Max was performing on her vainly resisting body, for the first time in her life gave her the freedom to just lie there and let it happen. With a hopeless sob, she let her head fall limply back on the bed, and her body went slack, no longer fighting. And to her amazement, what Max was doing to her began to feel good! It began slowly at first, with her tired mind aware only of the hot wetness of Max's slavering mouth against her defenselessly open cunt. Then he suddenly stabbed the tip of his hot lingual muscle against the cowering tip of her clitoris, and Pam felt as if the tiny little button were a switch that suddenly flooded her loins with a blindingly hot burst of electricity. "Uunngghhhhh," she grunted helplessly, her entire body shuddering in response. Her eyes opening wide in amazement, Pam lay gasping on the bed, trying to get her breath back, when Max did it again, and this time Pam's back arched off the bed with the shock of his lingual caress. She was afraid to make a sound, afraid to speak, holding rigidly still, waiting for the next bolt of white hot bliss to shoot through her suddenly receptive loins. My God! she thought in awe, what have I been missing? She found out, as Max, becoming aware of Pam's reactions above him, went to work with a will, madly running his tongue around and around her rapidly hardening clitoris, delighting in the hot musky taste of her suddenly responding pussy. "Oooooohhhhhhhh," Pam moaned, unable to keep silent a moment longer. With a shock, she found that her body was beginning to move on its own. Slowly her hips started to make tentative movements up toward Max's hotly ravening mouth, revolving in little half-circles. Max guided her with his hands, clutching her firmly by the thighs, pulling her dripping snatch tighter against his bristly face. I shouldn't be doing this! Pam said desperately to herself, trying to fight down the wild sensations that Max was licking into her suddenly abandoned young body. But, my God, it feels sooooo good! Realizing there was nothing she could do to stop Max, anyway, Pam gave up the fight, and for the first time in her life, her body was suddenly left alone with the promise of total pleasure. Her hips suddenly snapped to his delightfully licking mouth. Max grunted in surprise, afraid for a moment that she had snapped something in his neck with her unexpected lunge. But quickly realizing that Pam had surrendered, that she was now totally his to do with as he wanted, the big man grinned lewdly, momentarily taking his mouth from Pam's twitching loins. "Oh, Christ, don't stop!" she suddenly cried out, feeling a cold wash of air over her deserted cunt. "Keep licking, keep licking!" "You bet, baby," Max said with a chuckle, and once again dived head-first into Pimps quaking cunt. This time he circled her tenderly shuddering clitoris with his lips and began to suck, nipping at the tender bud with his teeth. Pam went out of her mind, all pretense gone now. Her stomach muscles writhed and rippled under her velvety skin, as her hips twisted and bucked under Max's expert mouthing. Her long sleek legs thrust straight out, waving wildly in the air, her toes clenching spasmodically. Max looked up, still sucking, trying to see his willing young victim's face, catching glimpses of it between her voluptuous breasts, which thrust up from her slender torso like rose-capped snowy mountain peaks from his vantage point down between her tightly tensed thighs. Wanting to possess those superb breasts, Max reached up with both hands, sinking his fingers into the twin white mounds, feeling the soft resilient flesh give under his harsh touch. Cruelly he tweaked the budding nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, making Pam moan with blissful pain. God, this hot little hitch is going to drown me, Max thought as the hot pussy juices flowed thickly out of Pam's madly excited vagina. Wanting to taste the spicy current, Max moved his mouth lower down Pam's hot slippery slit, forming his tongue into a sharp-pointed spear and thrusting it far up inside her wets slick inner tunnel. "Uuuunnnnnnhhhhhh," Pam moaned above, and she instantly started to climax. Her slender white thighs damped desperately around Max's obscenely buried head, holding it tight against her spasming cunt. Struggling for air, Max was acutely aware of Pam's vagina, flowering open, rhythmically clamping around his thrusting tongue, trying to draw it up inside the hotly pulsing tube. He struggled to break free, unable to breathe, but Pam's passion-maddened legs were too strong, holding him in a death-grip. At last Max was able to work his nose free of the moaning girl's slippery pink cunt-flesh and he gratefully drew in big lung-fulls of air. Pam was off on her own now, her beautiful nude body rocking and twisting on the disordered bedspread, her long slender fingers plucking desperately at Max's short hair, trying to get a grip and hold him in tight to her gushing loins. She was in the middle of the most powerful orgasm she'd ever experienced, flying high, her body and mind finally free of the crippling inhibitions that had muted her sexual response all her life. She felt as if a powerful explosive had gone off inside her, somewhere far up inside her normally tightly clenched belly, smashing through a wall of fear and guilt, destroying it forever. She would have never permitted herself to let go this much with Jack, not up to now, but with Max it was different. He could never really reach the deeper parts of her psyche, and free of the threat of involvement, the seemingly frigid young woman had at last been able to eradicate her inhibitions. She was FREE! Pam groggily came out of the last throes of her mind-shattering orgasm, surprised to feel, although it was over, that she was still floating ever so high. The powerful spasm of release had lifted her to the heights, and her body wasn't ready to come down yet. "Oh, God!" she begged. "Please ... for God's sake ... put your cock in my cunt and fuck me with it!" Pam could hardly believe that these lewd and shameful words were being uttered by her, and that even worse, she meant them! But there was no denying that her pussy was on fire, burning with need, merely tantalized by Max's tongue, which had slithered a little way up inside. No, that hotly throbbing tunnel needed more, she knew. It needed a man's hard, ready cock! Max stared down at the moaning, begging, pleading girl with awe. He had risen to his feet, his face shining lewdly with her copious orgasmic juices and was staring unbelievingly down at the totally abandoned young wife as she writhed in need and desire on the bed, shamelessly opening her long, shapely legs to him. God, I knew she had a hot streak buried somewhere in her, but this Is unbelievable! The first time he'd met Pam, Max had detected the hidden fires that smoldered under her meek, inhibited manner, and he had vowed to bring it to the surface---for his own pleasure. But the speed with which the quiet, timid housewife had changed into the wild wanton thrashing below him on the bed, begging him to fill her needfully seething belly with his hard, throbbing cock, amazed even the experienced, cynical Max. "Okay, cunt," he crowed in triumph, "I got just what you want here," and seizing his swollen organ in his hand, he advanced on the bed, brandishing it like a weapon. "Oh, yes," Pam moaned in happy expectation, watching the big shaft being mauled and squeezed between Max's eager fingers. "Put it in me ... fill my cunt with it ... fuck me until I howl!" Yes, that would do it! Pam thought excitedly. God, how I need it! She felt like a totally different person, waking up after a long sleep, finally realizing who she was. She was sorry that it had to be Max who had at last tripped the switch that fully turned her body on to the endless possibilities of sexual pleasure, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. There would be plenty of time with Jack later, and after all, he owed her one, after sleeping with Anna. She almost giggled, knowing how surprised he would be when he discovered the change in her. I'll eat him alive! she thought with delight. But right now the most important thing to the heavily breathing girl was to have her aching cunt filled with that obscenely big rod of Max's. She kept her eyes on the thick shaft, wondering how it would feel up inside her hotly seething belly, sliding over the entrance to her wildly aroused womb. Well, she'd soon know. Eagerly Pam scrambled higher up on the bed, bending her knees, holding them far apart to make herself ready for Max, planting her feet firmly on the bedspread. She felt his heavy body slip in between her sensitive thighs, and then a moment later, the unmistakable feel of his bullet-shaped cock-head, pressed against her fleshy outer vulva. Keeping her eyes closed, Pam could pretend it was someone else who was about to fuck her, but right now the only thing that really mattered was the hard male penis that was going to fill up her hungry cunt. She felt Max wedge the broad tip between her obligingly wet pussy lips and slip inside the hot wet slit that his mouth had so recently licked delight into. That's right, she thought, get it good and wet! as she felt the spongy knob rub up and down her quivering gash, coating itself with her slippery pussy juices. Then it was at the entrance to her eagerly welcoming vagina, prodding at the strong muscular opening, demanding admittance. That was when the truth began to dawn on Pam. Driven by her passion, her eyes had been bigger than her cunt. From the feel of the huge cock-tip pressing powerfully against her vaginal opening, she knew that there was going to be trouble. The pressure increased, and she could sense the rubbery head of Max's monster cock flatten and change shape. But it didn't slide up inside, as she had hoped. Oh, my God, in just too big! she realized with sudden awareness. It'll never fit up inside me! But she knew that it was too late now. Opening her eyes in sudden fear, she saw Max looking down at her with insane lust. It would be impossible to stop him from plunging his bloated rod up into her defenseless body ... already he was pushing harder, stretching the tender opening to her vagina ... "Stop! Stop ... it hurts!" Pam suddenly shrieked as a blinding sheet of pain shot through her agonizingly stretched genitals. But it was no use. With a mindless smile, Max continued the terrible pressure, and Pam shoved the edge of a pillow in her mouth, biting down hard, trying to fight the pain. She felt herself give a little, as her vaginal muscles stretched to a point she would never have believed possible, and Max was partly up inside her pain-ravished cunt. Grinning like an imbecile, Max stared down at the lovely blonde girl writhing in pain below him. To him, her agonized struggles were as exciting as if she had been moaning with pleasure. He ran his hands hotly over her iron-hard stomach, the muscles tight as bowstrings as her body futilely tried to fight off the impalement he knew was inevitable. He looked greedily down to where his blunt, blood-suffused cock jutted obscenely from between Pam's full, fleshy cuntal lips, just the head disappearing up inside her tightly clenched vagina. He grinned, and applying more pressure, he saw the huge fleshy shaft slide up inside another few inches, pulling her outer pussy flesh with it, driving it up into the shuddering hole that was so vainly resisting him. Pam desperately reached down and tried to push Max's muscular loins away from hers, at the same time trying to withdraw her hips down into the mattress, cringing away from his insistently digging ram. The pain-racked girl thought she was going to pass out from the agony of his iron-cored rod mercilessly invading her impossibly stretched insides, but she clung to consciousness, afraid of what he might do to her if she couldn't fight back. Finally Max could stand it no longer. His fingers roamed over Pam's cunt-lips, then reached below where his cock was half-buried in her tight-stretched body, fondling her agony-tensed ass-cheeks. He had to be all the way up inside this gorgeous cunt! With a grunt, Max flicked his heavy hips forward, sending his painfully throbbing cock thundering the rest of the way up into Pam's agonized cunt. "Aaaaaaggggghhhhh!" she shrieked in agony no longer able to keep herself under control. She felt his pubic bone thud against hers, and knew that at last he couldn't slam himself any further up into her crudely violated body. Both Max and Pam held completely silent for several seconds ... he, because he was temporarily paralyzed by the bliss of finally having his cock surrounded by Pam's tight vagina; and she, because she was afraid that if she moved, something would tear inside her. She was painfully aware of every inch of Max's mammoth organ up inside her unbelievably stretched cunt. She held her breath, drawing her diaphragm up and away from where Max was filling her lower body. Then she felt him shift his weight. "Please ... please, no more," she begged, knowing that it would do no good. "Not a chance, baby," Max grinned down at her. "You asked me to fuck you, and that's just what I'm going to do." More experienced than Pam, accustomed to ramming his huge organ into futilely squirming female bodies, he knew that a healthy vagina could get used to almost anything. "If you stop whining and start trying to relax, you'll be better off," he promised her, as he slowly began to rock his body back and forth, moving his tightly trapped cock in her aching cunt, just a little at a time, trying to make it as slippery as he could with Pam's inner juices. She tensed at first, afraid of being hurt, but his words made sense---and there was nothing she could do to stop him, anyhow. Willing herself to relax, Pam was surprised how quickly the agonizing pain turned to discomfort, and the discomfort to pleasure.By the time Max was slowly moving his swollen cock its whole shuddering length in and out of her relieved vaginal channel, Pam found herself able to make her own first tentative movements of sexual response. Experimenting, she daringly opened herself up to one of Max's powerful thrusts, raising her hips up off the bed. "Aaaahhhh," she moaned in delight as the fires once again started to burn high up between her slowly writhing legs. She felt the huge rubbery organ, with its rock-hard core, slowly spread her pussy lips and slide up the now pleasurably throbbing inner channel, rushing in one smooth stroke up past the tender opening to her cervix, filling her churning insides with unbelievable presence. "Fuck me, you rotten bastard," she snarled. "Use that Goddamned thing like you knew what it was for." Hating Max, and at the same time loving what he was doing to her powerfully responding body, the last of her inner restraint disappeared like a puff of smoke. She made no pretenses. Moaning and panting, Pam threw herself wholeheartedly into their mutual act of lust. She dug her toes into the mattress and thrust up hard, half-lifting Max from the bed, grinding her groin tightly against his, welcoming his hard rod deep up into her hot, gushing body. Max responded with glee. Bracing himself on his knees, the big man lengthened his strokes and began to pound relentlessly into the excited girl below, knocking the breath from her with each wild lunge. He could see her face this time, and eagerly watched the expressions flickering over its sex-tortured features each time he drove into her wetly accepting cunt. She no longer looked like a lady. Her bright red lips were drawn back over her perfect teeth in a half-snarl of primitive desire. Her eyes glowed deeply behind her long thick lashes, the normally blue irises almost purple in her passion. Her head was twisting wildly from side to side, causing her long blonde hair to whip about her face and spread over the pillow in a golden flood. "Fuck, piss, shit!" Pam moaned, a lifetime's accumulation of inhibitions flooding out of her subconscious mind in a stream of dirty words. "Fuck me! Screw me! Make me cum! Shoot your hot jiz right up into my guts!" she urged. Turned on by the lewd words coming from the supposedly innocent girl beneath him, Max felt himself becoming more excited. Looking down at his enormous cock at it slithered relentlessly in and out of Pam's now wide-open cunt, he could actually see it grow in size as his climax neared. Pam's wet, hair-fringed pussy clung lewdly to his rampaging shaft, her tender blonde pubic hair sticking to the gleaming shaft as it started its next plunge, being driven far up inside her gushing insides as the long thick shaft disappeared far up into her lush flesh. Max could tell that Pam was about to cum, too, from the way that her stomach muscles were tightening, but she seemed to be having trouble. She struggled wildly, obviously on the brink, and Max helped her over the edge by suddenly pressing his fist into her lower belly, forcing her inner parts down onto the deeply thrusting head of his cock. Pam felt as if she had burst inside. Wild lights flashed in her brain in a kaleidoscope of color as her body completely surrendered itself to her second orgasm. Her body arched back in a bow, her fingers and toes curling spasmodically in age-old reflex. She was gone---totally lost in an inner world of spinning suns and galaxies, her body twitching and shuddering under Max's ponderous weight. In turn, Max's impending ejaculation was touched off by Pam's spasming cunt, contracting in wave after wave, nibbling hungrily on his enormously swelling cock. It was slow in coming, and he felt as if Pam's pumping body was drawing the sperm right up from his drum-tight balls. "Here it comes, bitch!" he roared, feeling the first hot jets spouting the length of his shuddering rod. He rammed himself as deep as he could into Pam's obligingly open body, wanting to fill her tender young belly with his steaming seed. In the last throes of her own orgasm, she thrust her legs high in the air on either side of his body, holding them straight and trembling as her quivering womb drank up the last of his passion. A thick flood of their combined cum gushed back out from where their loins were obscenely locked, flooding down sweat-slippery bodies to drip in thick ropes onto the bedspread below. With one last sobbing gasp, Pam's body arched into the last of her climax, her cuntal muscles squeezing his depleted cock almost painfully. Then she collapsed back onto the sperm-soaked bed, gasping for air, her body completely limp. Max fell forward, his bristly head pillowing into her still-swollen breasts as he fought to get his own breath back. They were both aware when his shrinking cock slipped wetly from her still-gently working vagina and trailed down into the crack between her ass-cheeks. "Baby, can you ever fuck," Max said to the tired girl. Pam forced herself to open her eyes and look up into his coarse, grinning face. I wish it had been someone else, she thought unhappily, remembering the way that she had given herself to this brutal man. Despite the delight that her body had felt, she still resented the way he had forced her to make love to him. She knew he wished nothing but harm to her and Jack. JACK! For the first time Pam realized fully what she had done. She'd been unfaithful with another man! It didn't matter, she knew, that Jack had done so first. Husbands were expected to he unfaithful, but with a woman it was another matter---it always had been and always would, the distraught young woman thought, convincing herself of her own wrong-doing. And the man with whom she had committed this unforgivable act was still lying on her sex-slippery body, as if he had a right to be there. "Get out!" she hissed between her teeth. "Huh?" Max said with surprise. "Get out, you filthy beast! Get out of my house!" she screamed. The surprise on Max's face gradually hardened and turned to anger. Why, this arrogant young cunt! He'd turned her on like she'd never been turned on before, and this was how she was treating him! "Okay, bitch," he said coldly. "So you think you're too good for old Max. Well, we'll see about that soon enough---some day you'll beg me to stay, but I know when I'm not wanted." He stood up, and looked down to where a long thread of cum was dangling from his now-shrunken cock. "I'm gonna go home and wash your pussy-smell off me." He quickly pulled on his clothes. "But I'll be back," he snarled at Pam. "Back to play some more games with your precious little cunt." He scooped up the photos which Pam had left lying on the dresser. "Wait!" she cried out. "Those are mine! You said if I ..." "The bet's off, baby. You're gonna have to give old Max what he wants first, and you're a long way from it. You just lie here and feel superior, but I'll be back, and then we'll see what kind of tune you sing. Pam had risen half up on her elbows, frightened by Max's wild face. She watched him go, taking the pictures with him, and suspected that her future happiness with Jack was going with him, too. The bedroom door slammed after him, and she was alone. Pam lay there, half-propped up, remembering the warm feel of the earth around the rose-bush. Had that happened this same morning? It seemed impossible to the stunned young housewife as she stared down at her blonde pubic hair, matted and sticky with Max Flaherty's thick congealing cum.Her body, completely turned on for the first time less than an hour ago, was begging for more, and the contrast between Anna's gentle, affectionate touch and Max's brutal, though exciting mauling, was a new delight that her previously denied flesh demanded to explore. Then she felt Anna's wonderful fingers leave her hotly quivering genitals, and looked up in surprise to see the other woman struggling out of her clothes. "W-What?" she started to ask. "It just seems ... obscene, for me to be dressed right now," Anna replied, her usually carefully modulated voice slightly out of control. Pam watched, enthralled, as her friend quickly undressed. She had seen few naked women since she had left high school, and had caught glimpses of some of the bolder girls undressing in the gym. She herself had always gone into one of the bathroom stalls to change into her gym costume like so many others. Holding her breath, she watched Anna's heavy, dark-tipped breasts spill free, jiggling excitedly as the lovely brunette struggled out of her skirt. Being more slender herself, Pam was entranced as Anna's more mature, full hips bloomed out of her lowering skirt and panties, exciting below her oval, satin-skinned belly. Like a magnet Pam's eyes were drawn inexorably to Anna's darkly shaded pubic triangle, so unlike her own. She caught a glimpse of the pink gash beneath as Anna's full shapely thighs parted for a moment, and then the other woman was up on the bed with her, moving close. "W-What are you going to do?" Pam asked, a bit frightened of the strange gleam in the other woman's eyes. "I-I'm going to eat your pussy!" Anna said, her voice catching in a suddenly dry throat. "Pam ..." There was a plea in the voice. "Pam ... I want to make you cum ... with my mouth!" The young blonde could hardly believe her ears. This is going too far! her mind warned. This is LESBIANISM! But by now, Anna's seducing fingers were once again trailing fire through Pam's eagerly accepting pussy slit, prodding her painfully throbbing clitoris and even dipping slightly up inside her gently working vaginal mouth. The word "cum" was what finally won over Pam. Under Anna's hot touch she could sense the expert knowledge that would once again raise her to the heights. Why not? she thought in final acceptance. Everything else has happened to me today! Why not this? Eagerly she spread her legs to make room for Anna to get at her suddenly raging-hot cunt. But the inexperienced Pam was surprised by the way that Anna positioned herself. Facing away from her, Anna straddled Pam's body, with her head poised ready above Pam's hungrily waiting snatch, while her own loins were poised directly over Pam's face, her knees on either side of Pam's golden head. "Why ...?" Pam started to say' but her breath sucked in sharply as Anna suddenly blew a stream of warm breath across the moist trembling surface of her pussy-slit. My God! Pam thought with awe. If it feels that good when she just blows on it, what will ...? "Uuuunnnnhhhh," she moaned as Anna lowered her head and, snake-like, darted her tiny pink tongue into the young blonde's red-hot slit. Pam's whole body twitched as liquid fire seemed to race through her loins. Her hips jerked up automatically, trying to press her pleasure-filled genitals closer to Anna's soft-checked face. Within a few seconds, Anna had turned the innocent young housewife into a mass of quaking, shivering, moaning flesh, writhing below her on the bed while her hot tongue darted here and there inside her wide-open cunt. Pam was vaguely aware that Anna was saying something to her, but the other woman's words were hard to catch, muffled by the close contact of Pam's wet, slippery snatch. Then, finally, Anna jerked her mouth free for a moment and Pam finally understood her. "God, do me, too!" Anna was begging. With a shock, Pam realized that she should have known. Of course! That's why Anna had positioned her own loins in such a way! Pam found herself staring up at Anna's brown-furred cunt, just inches away from her own face. The outer lips were partially pulled open by the spread position of Anna's soft sleek thighs, and Pam could see that her companion was excited---glistening beads of lubricating juice shone like pearls all along the slit of Anna's warmly trembling cunt ... so close ... and Pam wondered for a moment if some of the slippery liquid was going to drip down onto her face. I've been selfish, she thought. I should be willing to pay Anna back for what she's doing to me. But ... can l? Pam swallowed nervously as she stared up at the quivering, wet, hair-fringed slit above, and remembered how sickened she had been at the thought of Jack's mouth being pressed to her own seeping cunt. But now she knew how it felt, and that somehow changed things. Surely, the unbelievably good feelings that came from having someone lick and suck at the pussy must make it somehow acceptable! Pam suddenly realized that reason was an ineffective tool in such matters as Anna's lips suddenly closed around her erect little clitoris, sucking hard, and nearly brought her off the bed with delight. "Oh, Anna," she breathed happily, and without any further hesitation reached up around Anna's expectantly quivering thighs and parted the other woman's thick outer pussy-lips. Glancing quickly up and down the scarlet, dew-drenched slit, Pam picked her target, and drawing Anna's gladly accepting loins down to her, buried her beautiful face deep between her friend's twitching legs, sampling for the first time the rich taste of fully aroused cunt-flesh! The two women quivered and panted together on the big bed, their bodies a tangle of arms, legs, and obscenely displayed buttocks, their moans bubbling in the depths of one another's hot shuddering pussies, oblivious to everything but the wild delights of fully shared sex, unaware that surprised eyes were observing them through the partially open bedroom window. It was Max! After he'd come out of the bathroom at home, he'd been surprised to find that Anna was gone. It took him a few minutes, but he soon enough figured out where she must be. Cursing, he crossed the street to Pam's house. I don't want those two cunts to get together and start comparing notes, he thought angrily. His hand was on the front door when he thought he heard strange sounds coming from the side of the house---moans, and choked sobs. Immediately identifying them as the sounds of a woman's sexual reaction, the big man quickly slipped toward a half-opened window and, peering cautiously in, saw Pam and Anna in the middle of their lewd female coupling. For the love of God ... Can you beat that! he thought, gleefully watching the two women twisting together in passion on the bed. Old Max sure can pick em. Those two broads just can't stop! Feeling his cock growing in his pants as he eagerly watched the excitingly lewd scene going on only a few feet away, Max was tempted to break in on the two women and fuck them both, but then he got a better idea. Remembering how Pam had treated him, Max's small pale eyes took on an evil glint as he began to see the possibilities of completely humiliating her. Leaving the side of the house, Max quickly went in his own front door. He looked up a number in the phone book and dialed, drumming his fingers nervously on the table-top while he listened to it ring. "Hello," he said when it was finally answered. "Get me Mr. Hollister, please ... Jack Hollister." And then a moment later. "Jack? This is your neighbor, Max Flaherty. I think you'd better come home right away ... yeah, that's right ... I think I got some bad news for you ... Yeah ... it's your wife." Pam knew she was going to cum, and thought she recognized the same signs in Anna. The other woman quivered above her, her hot, slick pussy-flesh swelling and tightening under Pam's enthusiastic licking, but excited as she was, Anna never let her own mouth break contact with Pam's needfully spasming little cunt. The young blonde felt the now-familiar pressure building up in her belly, waiting for the final trigger, and Anna supplied it by splaying her tongue out flat and vigorously shaking her head, slithering its moist heat back and forth over Pam's delighted clitoris. Pam's back arched in final release, and wanting to make sure that she didn't shirk her duty to her friend, she gripped Anna's thighs tightly and pressed her mouth to the other woman's juicy snatch, sucking voraciously. As Pam drifted away on the wings of her own orgasm, she felt Anna's cunt begin to shudder and contract rhythmically, and a moment later the older girl's hot pussy-juices came gushing wetly out, to run in a slippery stream down Pam's silky cheeks. The two women writhed and jerked together, moaning out the last of their orgasm, then finally fell into a sodden heap together, both exhausted. Both were still trying to get their ragged breathing under control, shyly avoiding one another's eyes, when a stentorian roar filled the room. "WHAT THE FUCK ...?" Both women jerked erect on the big bed, glancing fearfully toward the figure that stood in the door. "Jack!" Pam burst out, recognizing her husband. He stood staring at the two nakedly beautiful women, one his wife, one so recently his lover, unable to believe his eyes. And I thought it'd be impossible to get them in the same bed! he thought in stunned shock. "My God!" he half-shouted. "Now I understand why you never came across with me!" "W-What do you mean?" Pam asked in a small voice, wondering what the next disaster could be. "Why ... it's obvious!" Jack stammered. "I wanted to make love to you and all the time you were a ... LESBIAN!" "No, Jack ... you don't understand it at all," Pam said desperately, knowing how it must look to her pop-eyed young husband as he stood gaping at first her and then Anna. "She's all right, sonny ... you got it all wrong," a heavy male voice boomed, and Max came into the room. "She's one of the hottest pieces of tail I've ever had." It took a moment for the full meaning of his words to sink into Jack's befuddled brain. "WHAT?" he screamed at his cringing wife. "You mean you ...?" He swung toward Max, his hands bunching into fists. Max's answer was simple. He made a grand gesture, linking Jack and Anna. "Tit for tat," he growled. "Please, Jack," Pam broke in. "I had to do it. He-He had pictures of you and Anna. He was going to show them to J.B." Jack's eyes jerked back to Max, the color draining from his face. "Is that true?" he asked in a trembling voice. For answer, Max handed him one of the photos. "I got a lot more at home," he said. Jack stared for several seconds at the lurid picture, then let it drop from his nerveless hand. He stared at his wife, his heart racing, his mind trying to get into gear, but its wheels were spinning. He had walked into an incredible scene, alerted by Max, watching his wife make love to another woman. And then to cap it off, he'd found out she'd been unfaithful with Max. It didn't matter what the reason was. Jack was a very possessive man, and Pam's body was one of his most important possessions, something he was only willing to share on his own terms. His whole being cried out for vengeance against the gleefully grinning Max, but he knew that with the big man holding those pictures of him and Anna, he could ruin him with a word, where it counted most---at work! Balked of the satisfaction of smashing his fist into Max's leering face, the most natural way to vent his rage, Jack turned his frustration on his nakedly crouching young wife. "You slut!" he snarled to the surprised girl. "I'll bet it didn't take much convincing for this bastard to get into your smug little pants." Pam's mouth dropped open in shock as she heard her husband's cruel words. "You were too good to even let J.B. touch you, remember? When my promotion was at stake?" "Jack!" she said in a hurt voice. "I-I ... he made me do it!" "Sure!" he snapped. "And I suppose you're going to tell me that Anna came in here, knocked you down and raped you!" "Of course not," Pam said. "That was different. We ..." "Sure," he said bitterly. "It's always different when you're with somebody other than me. Christ, all the times I wanted to eat your cunt, and ..." "Tastes like honey," Max broke in. There was a stunned silence from Jack. "You mean?" he finally said in a deadly quiet voice, "you also let him do that to you?" Pam tried to answer but found that she couldn't. Slow tears trickled down her face as her world collapsed around her. "What else have you done behind my back?" Jack asked viciously, slowly approaching his sobbing young wife, who was still crouched on top of the wildly disordered bed. All she could do was slowly shake her head in a general plea for understanding "God, all the times I wanted to ..." He suddenly sprang forward and grabbed his wife by the arm. Is there anywhere you're still virgin?" he screamed. I'm going to find out! I'm going to make you wish you'd given me everything I ever wanted from yon" Pam watched with horror as her angry young husband-began to struggle with his belt. He jerked it open and a moment later his pants dropped in a heap around his feet. His other clothes followed and in seconds he was naked. My God, he's going to rape me ... in front of Max and Anna! she thought in horror, watching him massage his cock, which had already begun to harden in his rage and excitement. She tried to slip off the bed so she could run out of the room, but Jack sprang forward and seized her by the arm. With fierce strength, he spun her around on the bed, forcing her down on her belly, with her legs bent and trailing over the edge, almost kneeling on the floor. "Okay, bitch, I'm going to fuck you in a place you probably haven't got around to using yet." "W-What do you mean?" she asked in horror, guessing at the truth. "I mean I'm going to fuck you in your asshole, and from the looks of it, it's still virgin!" he snarled, and Pam could feel his strong hands, brutally prying her buttocks apart to bare her tender little rectum. "No!" she shrieked. "You can't! Your penis is too big to go in there! You'll split me in two!" "Tough shit, baby, but it's time I got what's coming to me." And he forced her quivering asscheeks further apart, until Pam felt the tender skin around her anus stretch painfully. "Anna ... help!" Pam shrieked. Then her friend flew forward, trying to pull Jack off his futilely pleading wife. "You leave her alone, you cowardly son-of-a-bitch, or I'll tear your Goddamn balls off!" Jack was flinching before her determined attack, but suddenly Max's powerful hands flung Anna half across the room. "Mind your own business, cunt. Don't you know better than to interfere with a man and his wife?He was smiling evilly, delighted to see Pam get what he felt was coming to her. Stuck-up bitch! he thought. Too good for Max Flaherty, is she? Well, we'll see what song she sings In a few minutes! He went over to Pam, and pinned her writhing torso to the bed, holding her a helpless prisoner before her husband's depraved attack. "Yeah, it's virgin, all right," Jack was muttering to himself, staring at the tiny brown ring of his wife's quaking asshole. "Gotta open it up a little." He probed at the fear-tensed pucker with one finger, trying to worm it up inside. "Stop ... stop ... it harts!" Pam shrieked as she felt the first harsh pressure against her tender nether parts. "Hold still, Goddamn it!" Jack snarled, hitting her hard on the rump with the flat of his hand. Pam yelped in new pain, a vivid red splotch spreading across her smooth white ass-cheek. Afraid of another blow, she forced herself to hold still while Jack ruthlessly worked one finger up into the cringing girl's pain-racked rectum. She bit her lips in agony while he busily slid his digit in and out, stretching the tight little hole. After a few strokes, she found the pain was just bearable, as she widened, and hoped he would be satisfied with that. But already Jack was fondling his dangling cock with his free hand, stroking it into hard readiness. When it finally jutted out from his strong young loins like a fleshy spear, he moved forward, lining the swollen tip up with his wife's defenselessly bared anus. "Ooohhhhh ... please don't do this awful thing, Jack," she begged. "I'll do anything else you want." "You're fucking right, you will ..." Jack snarled, "after I fuck you in the ass. And the first thing you'll do is get me that promotion. J.B. made a deal with me." He let his words sink into his wife's unbelieving brain. "He said if I let him fuck you, he'll make me vice-president. Do you hear?" Pam heard her husband's words with stunned disbelief. My God! He's trading me off like a piece of furniture! she thought in horror. To that dirty old man! At that moment, Pam's marriage dissolved around her, leaving her in total despair. It no longer mattered much to her what Jack was about to do. Everything else was ruined. Why not let him tear her body apart, too? She knelt in total subservience before her half-mad husband as he readied his final assault. Pam didn't make a sound as he began the terrible pressure that would inevitably end up with his rock-hard penis buried up between her quivering ass-cheeks. Stoically, she felt herself stretch and stretch as Jack's bulbous cock-head drove relentlessly against her nakedly helpless asshole. But she couldn't help screaming as Jack's straining cock finally popped up inside the vainly resisting muscles of her rectum, filling her with a white-hot lance of unbearable pain. She thrashed wildly on the bed, struggling madly to get away as Jack relentlessly shoved further and further up into her twitching bowels. But it was hopeless. Max's heavy arms held her pinned prone on the bed, chuckling as he watched her futile struggle. When he had his aching member all the way into his wife's obscenely stretched rectum, Jack halted for a moment, staring down at his swollen purplish shaft, jutting back out of the lovely young woman's white, softly swelling buttocks. His eyes bulging with excitement, the panting young husband was filled with an overwhelming sense of power and strength. This is how to treat the fucking hitches! he thought exultantly. Hurt 'em! Make 'em yell! All his life he had been searching for power, and here it was in its most perfect form---the ability to inflict pain on a weaker person! Jack lovingly drew his cock part way out of his wife's painfully shuddering asshole, watching some of her tender pink inner flesh sucked out with it, and then he suddenly pounded his hips forward, impaling Pam to the hilt with his mighty shaft. She screamed again. Sickened by watching a degrading spectacle about which she could do nothing, Anna threw on her clothes and ran from the room, heading for her house across the street, her mind screaming for her to find some way to stop her young friend's painful humiliation. She had darted inside the door and closed it behind her when she saw a letter lying on the floor beneath the mail slot. She would have passed it by, but something about it caught her eye. It had her father's return address. Anna picked it up, tore it open, and scanned the first few lines. "Dear daughter," it stated. "You know I don't like to interfere in your private life, but I've recently learned from a mutual friend that you are living with Max Flaherty. I think there are a few things you should know about that man." And then the letter went on, line after line to describe how, years ago, Max had committed a serious crime, a murder. Being under an obligation to Max at the time, her father had kept the matter secret, but felt that now, under the circumstances, Anna should know. All the evidence was there, roughly the same as Max had shown Anna. But he had twisted the facts! It was Max who was guilty, not her father! Anna cursed herself for not having had more faith in her father and brought the whole thing to his attention long ago. It would have saved her months of agony with Max. And it would probably have saved Pam as well. But it's not too late! she thought excitedly. She started back out the door, but quickly got hold of herself. No point In lumping from the frying pan into the fire, she cautioned herself. She found what she hoped was a secure hiding place for her father's letter, and then went to her room and began to paw through the back of a drawer. She had something there she'd been saving for a showdown with Max! Pam lay whimpering beneath her husband's frenzied thrusts. It wasn't the pain that brought her tears---that had diminished long ago. It was the despair of finally knowing what kind of man Jack was---a conniving opportunist who would stop short of nothing to further his ambitions---even forcing his wife to become the unwilling mistress of a loathsome old man she despised. That and the humiliation. Pam knew what a spectacle she must make, held down by Max, her buttocks thrust obscenely into the air, her ass-cheeks spread lewdly as Jack repeatedly thrust his big member again and again up into her plundered asshole. Pam considered this moment the low point of her entire life, and the only thing she was happy about was that it wasn't Max pounding his cock into her defenseless rear. That would almost certainly have killed her. Jack was in a considerably different mood as he fucked wildly into his blonde young wife's forever-stretched rectum. He sank his fingers into the soft elastic flesh of her bulging white ass-cheeks, savoring the sleek feel of her soft tender skin. He knew from the way his cock was growing and the tingling in his tightly drawn ball-sack that he was going to cum soon---going to shoot his hot load up into his whimpering little wife's guts. Things were going to be different from now on, he thought. This proud little bitch was going to lay down and beg for everything she got. She had defied him too long. Feeling ten feet tall, Jack dug his toes into the carpet and launched into the last few strokes that he knew would finally make him pop his nuts. Pam also realized her husband was about to cum---fill her nether parts with the hot defiling semen she no longer wanted. Knowing she had no choice but to take it, the humiliated young girl determined that she would not give her husband the satisfaction of reacting in any way to what he was doing to her. The pain was no longer a problem---it was more or less gone. But it had been replaced by a strange numbing feeling far up in her plundered body that Pam regretfully had to identify as pleasure---an odd tingling pleasure that seemed to turn her inside out. I could cam this way, she told herself, hut I'll he damned if I will! Glancing over at Max, she saw to her disgust that he had his enormous cock in his hand, enthusiastically pumping it as he held her down with his other hand. Max was enjoying himself in the only way he knew how. The eyes of the two men met. They stared at one another for a long moment, and then Jack knew it was time. His awesomely swollen cock began to jerk inside Pam's tight rectal passage and he could feel his testicles begin to shudder below, pumping up the hot sperm. Holding tightly to Pam's trapped little ass, he rammed into her for all he was worth, burying his cock to the hilt, flattening her ass-cheeks with his lean hard loins. As his boiling semen gushed up into his cliffs hitherto unused back passage, Jack glanced over at Max and saw that the big man was cumming, too. His thick white cum shot out of the end of his wildly jerking penis and sprayed all over Pam's back, flecking her with its slippery wetness. Pam felt Jack's semen rifling up into her intestines, and she had to fight her body to keep from moaning aloud in ecstasy as her guts boiled with an obscene passion. I'll have to remember this, she thought bitterly, and try it some day with someone I like. She shuddered as Max's burning load slithered onto her back, and she wished she were able to wipe it away. She hated the man. Finally the two men were finished, and Jack withdrew his fast shrinking cock from his wife's cum-slippery ass. She straightened up, stiff from being held down for so long, wincing at the double pain from her overused lower parts. "Christ, that calls for a drink," Max crowed, stuffing his dripping cock back in his pants. He went over to the dresser and picked up a bottle of bourbon that Jack kept there, and was raising it to his lips when the door flew open. Anna was standing in the opening, one hand half-hidden behind her back. "Had your fun, Max?" she asked in a cold, deadly voice. "Sure, cunt," Max answered casually. "Why, you want some, too?" "No, Max. You've had all the fun with me you're going to have." She let a long pregnant pause pass. "I just got a letter from my father ... He told me everything." Max's face turned chalk-white, telling Anna everything she wanted to know. But still he tried to bluff it out. "I'm tired of your wise-ass cracks, cunt," he snarled, taking a menacing step towards her. "Uh-uh, Max," she said quietly, raising her hand. There was a gun in it. "Fucking ... shit!" Max moaned, holding his hand, badly cut by the glass. Looking up he saw the murderous look on his former slave's face and began to back away. "Now take it easy, baby," he said nervously, "take it easy." "I won't kill you, Max, as long as you don't try anything," Anna snarled. "But you and I are going down to the police station. I'm sure they'll want to talk to you ... about a little murder." "No! You can't!" Max cried. "They'll hang me!" "Twenty years too late," Anna said coldly. "Wait!" Max pleaded. "Listen to me!" He was nearly groveling. "I'll make it worth your while. I'll give you money!" "There's not enough money in the world to keep me from seeing you burn, Max," she replied, and Max read his doom in her face. "Wait!" he said again, making one last try. He fished in his pocket with his good hand and held up a key. "You know that strong box in my room? This is the key to it, and inside there's a hundred thousand bucks in negotiable securities. It could be yours! You want to see me burn that much?" A thoughtful look came over Anna's face. "A hundred thousand dollars?" she mused. "A person could go a long way on that." Max tossed the key to her. "It's yours. You turn me in, you'll have to give it to the cops!" "Okay, Max, you've bought your rotten life," Anna said, keeping a careful eye on Max as she bent over to pick up the key. Jack and Pam had been watching this startling drama between Anna and Max, their mouths hanging open. Now Anna turned to Pam. "Get dressed," she ordered. "We're getting out of here." "But ..." Pam started to say. "But what? You want to stay with that turd?" she jerked her chin at Jack. "I'm going, and I'd sure like to have you along with me." Understanding came into Pam's eyes, and casting one last look at her husband, she began to pull on her clothes. "That's right," Jack snarled, "go with your lesbian lover. Now I know what kind of woman you are." "Wouldn't that help your precarious little ego, junior," Anna laughed. "But you should be one of the first men to know that I'm no lesbian, or have you forgotten the other night. Sure, I like to eat a little pussy now and then, but it's men for me, all the way. That's why I'm splitting and that's why I'm taking Pam with me. We're going somewhere far away from you two creeps, where I can show her what real men are like. Where she can forget gutless sadists like you two." Jack flushed, but the gun in her hand kept him silent. "I'll have to pack," Pam stammered. "Forget it, Pam," Anna replied. "Max's hundred thousand will buy us everything new from scratch. Just let's march out the door and get started." Then she turned to the two men. "I'm going to bequeath you two to each other," she laughed. "Max has the goods on you at work, and you can have him nailed for murder. Have fun with each other." She backed out the door after Pam. "And Max," she said in a deadly voice, "you follow me or give me any trouble, I'll gut-shoot you." Then they were gone, leaving the two men alone. They turned warily toward one another, each sizing the other up, searching for an advantage, wondering who could get the hooks in deepest. Epilogue The Mediterranean. The big white yacht swung lazily at anchor in a quiet cove. Terraced slopes stretched up to a rambling villa perched on a hillside. Two men and a woman sat on the sun-drenched deck, sipping tall iced drinks. Below them, a slender form shimmered beneath the hull, picking its way through an underwater tangle of brilliantly colored sea life. Bubbles rose, popping in the warm salty air, and the slender form followed them up, breaking the surface with a glittering spray of shining water drops. It was a girl. She swam over to the boat and waited, treading water, her golden hair spreading around her sun bronzed shoulders like a shining fan. "Someone help me up," she called. One of the men, wavy haired, with blue eyes, went over to the rail and leaning down, offered her his hand. He hoisted her aboard in one easy movement. She was naked, and stood shivering for a moment as the sea-breeze hit her wet skin, water cascading down from the pink tips of her full, outthrusting breasts."Pam, you look cold," the man said, his heavily accented voice thick with desire. "Let's go below, and ... warm up." "Nothing I'd like better, Giovanni," she murmured, and let him lead her down into the cabin. The other couple continued to sip their drinks, silently enjoying the warm sun, until a few minutes later the unmistakable sounds of a woman in the throes of passion floated up from the cabin. "Does that give you any ideas?" the man asked the woman. Anna Collins laughed. "I always have ideas like that, Pietro," she responded huskily, beginning to unfasten the buttons of her blouse. But she stopped a moment, amusement lighting up her face. "What is it?" Pietro asked, his pants already off, baring his long rubbery cock. "Nothing," she replied gaily. "Just remembering the two darling men who made all this possible ... so long ago." Her brow wrinkled in thought. "I wonder if they've killed each other yet?"
Chapter 1
Steven Edwards
"Hi." I look up to see a girl standing in the doorway of my office. She is a first-year student who is taking my set theory class. I think her name is Melissa. She is smiling, and I smile back. "Hello, how can I help you?" I'm in a particularly good mood. I've just heard that I've had a paper accepted in a reasonably prestigious journal, so smiling is coming naturally at present. Of course, it is hard not to smile when a pretty girl smiles at you. It seems that their smiles release happy-particles into a male's bloodstream. When you are younger, it can leave you grinning like an idiot; of course, as a mature lecturer of twenty-eight, I am thankfully past that stage. "Can I come in, Dr. Edwards?" she asks tentatively, her expression revealing nothing of her reasons. "Sure." As she enters, I idly note her clothes: she is dressed in figure-hugging blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt. The t-shirt is a little bit too taut. That is, too taut for my peace of mind, for it is stretched tightly over her breasts, making them beacons for my eyes. I can certainly testify that there is nothing strange about these attractors. Normally, whatever the provocation, I'm very careful about ensuring that my appreciation of female students isn't detectable; there are enough pitfalls for a male lecturer as it is, but I could tell that this time was going to be extra taxing on my nerves. "It's Melissa, isn't it?" "Yes." And I'm rewarded with another smile. Smiles like that could become addictive. Melissa takes a seat and launches into her problem, "I'm having trouble with your last couple of lectures. I don't really understand this `ZFC' set theory." There's nothing like a chance to lead another soul to see the light of axiomatic set theory to take this mathematician's mind off more earthly matters. Thus engaged, my enthusiasm quickly leads me into explaining the necessity of putting naive set theory on a sound footing, and I start to describe the role of formal axiomatization in this. I then proceed to enumerate the axioms of ZFC and explain where they come from. However, I'm not so blinded by my enthusiasm to fail to monitor the glassy-eyed-ness of my audience. I've bored far too many people to make that mistake. After a while, I become aware that Melissa is licking her lips and looking at me strangely. It puts me off my stride, and I lose my concentration. Unaccountably, I find myself blushing. Melissa just looks up at me innocently. I suddenly notice that her nipples are visible now, little mole-hills which have sprung up on her otherwise smooth t-shirt. Why would they have done that? I master myself and bring my eyes back to my scribble on the whiteboard. Now, where was I? Melissa supplied the answer, "You were just about to start explaining what the axiom of choice means," almost as though she could read my thoughts. I look up, and nearly lose myself in her twinkling eyes. Is she laughing at me? No, but she seems aware of the spark which has passed between us. "What I'm having trouble with is...," she breathed, as she rose from her chair to stand next to me and point at the board. I confess, "I'm sorry, I missed that." Her delicate perfume assaulted my nostrils as she stood beside me, and suddenly parsing her sentence was the last thing on my mind. She repeats her sentence while stretching and pointing to a formula at the top of the board. I'm mesmerized by the resulting lifting and straining of her breasts. It is suddenly very hot and stuffy in my office. Now, what did she say again? Rather than reveal my inattention, I talk generally about the axiom in question. "Yes, but how do you know that sets have that property? It's a little bit arbitrary, isn't it?" Melissa brushes against me as she points to part of the axiom, her breast squashing slightly against my arm. I retreat behind the safety of my desk before replying. It was getting much too difficult to think with sweet Melissa so close. Unbidden, I'm suddenly reminded of the lyrics of a song by The Police, "Young teacher, the subject, of school-girl fantasy, She wants him, so badly, that's where she wants to be ... Don't stand so, Don't stand so, Don't stand so close to me." They suddenly seem all too relevant, and I develop a new sympathy for the hapless teacher of the song. Of course, the real situation is that Melissa has been behaving above reproach, and there is no evidence that I'm the subject of one of her fantasies; it is only me who is having trouble with my baser instincts. In particular, my desire to pull her into my arms, crush her ruby lips under mine, caress her tantalizing breasts, suck on her pert nipples, and fuck her. Another reason for my retreat was to hide a growing bulge. Did I catch her looking at my crotch before she raised her big innocent eyes and fixed them on my face? I can't tell. And is that sensual, surreptitious licking of her lips with her tongue a come-on, or an unconscious action? Her eyes reveal nothing; they are simply questioning, awaiting my answer, but they sparkle. At that moment, a colleague, Andy, barges in and reminds me that we have a faculty meeting this morning. Apologizing to Melissa, I suggest that she comes back another time. Andy and I both watch as she leaves my office. Was that hip swing deliberately provocative? "She's a firecracker! What a cute ass!" Andy exclaims. I give a non-committal grunt, inwardly deploring his outspoken lechering and crudeness, although honest enough to admit that similar thoughts had occurred to me. We head off to the faculty meeting. CHAPTER: 2. Confession "How was your day, babe?" I ask Liz when she picks me up after work. "Not too bad, but I did have a sad case of a fifteen-year-old with a probable ectopic." Liz's work as a doctor is so much more dramatic than mine. My day consists of giving lectures, attending meetings, and, if I'm lucky, some time to think about my research.Her day consists of breaking the news to someone that they have cancer, or fighting to ensure a baby is born safely. There is no comparison. Not that I'd swap for any money. "Will she be all right?" "Probably. We should be able to save her ovary and tube. How was your day, love?" "Fine. Pretty normal, only I did have a boring faculty meeting this morning." I consider briefly whether or not to mention Melissa. Knowing Lizzy, I decide to tell her. "One highlight was this cute student who came to my office this morning." "Oh yes?" This has a playful hint of suspicion in Liz's voice. "Yes. She was wearing the tightest t-shirt over her full breasts you've ever seen," I exaggerate slightly. "She kept on giving me these seductive smiles, and she made sure she brushed her breasts across my arm." Liz was wearing a mock frown. "Were her breasts as nice as mine?", she asks, taking a hand from the wheel to cup one of her beautiful breasts through her blouse. "Mmm, let me see... you know, I can't remember what yours look like. Perhaps I ought to remind myself." I lean over to start to undo her buttons, but Liz slaps my hand away. "Not while I'm driving you maniac!" I laugh. We've done some mad things while driving, but not on the short drive home from work in broad daylight. "So," Liz continues her cross-examination, "did she make you hard?" "Yes. I had to hide it on the way to the Faculty Office." "Ahh, poor baby," Liz laughs. Our easy-going attitude is built, not on a promiscuous philosophy or lifestyle, but on trust. There is no way either of us would be unfaithful to the other. This morning I gave my First Years another lecture on set theory. I was acutely conscious of Melissa's piercing blue eyes upon me the whole time. However, I succeeded in ignoring her and not letting it interfere with the usual theatrical entertainment which I provide for them in a vain attempt to keep their interest for an hour. I couldn't help noticing, however, how beautiful she looked, her face framed in her delightful blonde locks. Melissa came up to me afterwards and contrived to press against me again as she reached over to pick up a copy of the question sheet I'd prepared for them. She was the only one who was this clumsy. I felt my cock harden slightly, but I couldn't prevent a pang of guilt at such a response when she looked up innocently at me and apologized for her clumsiness. Did she know my eyes were on her as she crossed the room? Was that roll of her hips natural, or was it put on for my benefit? If she was still a few years younger, she'd definitely be what they call "jail-bait". As it was, she was still dangerous enough. Liaisons between students and staff are so frowned on that it is dangerous to even think about forming one. Certain feminists on campus seem to have ESP for such thoughts. Not, of course, that I was seriously considering anything. Liz is more than enough woman for me. But Melissa provokes certain fantasies, however much they are obviously going to have to remain as fantasies. I successfully dismissed Melissa from my thoughts for the rest of the day, until, that is, she turned up in my office at six o'clock. I was still there as Liz was working late tonight. The hours that junior doctors work is criminal, especially given that one day it will be my life that a dead-tired doctor is looking after. Melissa knocked and entered. I immediately noticed that she was dressed differently; she had swapped her t-shirt for a blouse and her jeans for a skirt. The blouse was not as tight as her t-shirt had been, but it was more sheer, promising, but not delivering, glimpses of paradise. Perhaps more importantly, its first few buttons were undone. Melissa wasn't indecent, but my imagination quickly made her so. Remembering my position, I quickly brought the subject of set theory up, hoping that it would detract me from her sensual lips, the sweetness of which called out to be tasted. It soon transpired that she had been doing some background reading, and that her questions were more sophisticated today. I mentally harangued myself for ever thinking her motives were other than professional. Surely this industry put the matter beyond question? Delighting in the attention of an interested and intelligent student, I soon found myself going beyond my lecture material and touching upon the Borel Hierarchy. Or was it that I kept talking so that I could remain in the presence of those blue eyes? After a while, I noticed that Melissa was idly fiddling with a gold necklace, and that her toying had caused another button to slide undone. Unconsciously, while I continued talking, I stared at the start of the gentle swell of flesh that could now be seen. When I noticed what I was doing, I searched her face for an indication that she was toying with me as well, but found only innocent concentration. Liz must be right, my mind must be one-track. However, Melissa's next actions caused me to question her motives all over again. She tucked one of her legs under her, in the process giving me a glimpse of her white thighs. Fidgeting, she managed to repeat this torture. Now, once could be an accident, but three times? Again her eyes twinkle with her natural vivacity, making it impossible to be sure if her innocence is true or only assumed, a cruel facade. A facade I'd love to tear down and expose, along with her breasts, which I have come to believe are braless under her blouse. Of course, uncertainty prevents me from doing or saying anything. A wrong move could have her running screaming from my office, my career in ruins. My lusts are indeed "sickled over with the pale cast of thought" to a degree which even rivals Hamlet's tragic dithering. The ambiguity in the nature of his father's ghost was as nothing compared to the ambiguity of the nymph in my office. Is she the purest of angels, or the wickedest tease this side of hell? Scholar or wanton? Any action in such circumstances is, of course, perilous. Moreover, I never trust my reasoning when my erection is throbbing like this. Hence, I continue talking about sets, while sex is all I can think about. I manage to keep going for a few minutes, until Melissa decides to stretch. The shifting, thrusting, and straining of her gentle breasts within, makes her blouse a magnet for my eyes, and my thoughts dissolve like the mist. "Sorry, I'm getting a little tired," Melissa apologizes into my pause. "I still have a few questions however. Do you mind if I come back and ask you some more questions another time?" It would take a stronger man than me to turn down such a request. "Of course not," I say, managing to keep all signs of arousal out of my voice. I hope. As Melissa walks out the door, the apt phrase "She's a seven-sector call-out" from a favorite childhood science-fiction book springs to my mind. A beauty she certainly is, but is she also a saint or a witch? My answer comes as she turns in the doorway, revealing her completely unbuttoned blouse and magical breasts. For a second, we are both frozen, and then she is gone. I rush to the door in time to see her hurrying down the corridor. The wicked tease!
1. Set Theory
Twin Trouble
"Johnny!" I heard Mom yell, "Get your butt out to the barn and do your chores. I'm going over to Mrs. Johnson's for a bit. I'll be back about four-thirty. Make sure Janie gathers the eggs and feeds the chickens, too." "Okay, Mom, where's Dad?" "He went to town after feed. He'll be back after dark. Why?" "He said we would go fishing in the morning, and I wanted to get my gear out of the truck to straighten it out," I answered. "Well, you can do that tonight before you go to bed. Now hop to it!" As Mom drove away in our old Ford, I went into the house. "Janie!" I yelled, "Janie, Mom said to get your chores done now." My twin sister and I share a room in the attic of our small farmhouse. Dad says he is going to add on sometime so we can each have our own room, but Janie and I don't mind sharing. We dress behind a curtain, so it's really okay with our parents. Being twins, Janie and I share everything, anyway. Janie wasn't upstairs. "Goofing off as usual," I muttered to myself as I walked to the barn to get my work done. By the way, I'm Johnny Watson. My sister and I are fourteen (just) and live in South Alabama. There aren't any kids our age living close to us, so we are best friends. Being twins, I guess that's natural anyway. We tell each other everything; well, almost everything. When we went to visit our Aunt Becky and Uncle Bob and our cousins Tommy and Tish last summer, Tommy had let me have some of his magazines that showed people fucking. I kept them hidden in the barn and didn't tell Janie about them. I was too embarrassed about what she would think. I had peeked around the curtain and watched her undress a few times and I had a feeling that she had peeked at me as well, but we never talked about it. I stopped in the door of the barn, enjoying the scent of the pine sawdust we had spread throughout. My footfalls were silent as I walked down the center toward the feed bin. I decided to look at my fuckbooks for a minute first and went over to the stall where I had hidden them. I stopped when I heard sounds from inside. I bent down and peeked through a crack in the boards. Boy was I surprised! My twin was inside, sitting on a bale of hay. She had found my magazines and was looking at one with her legs spread. Her eyes were wide as she looked on the sexy pictures, and as she turned the page, I saw that she had one hand down the front of her cutoff jeans, playing with her cunny. She pulled her hand out as I watched and unsnapped her shorts and pulled the zipper down, folding the flaps back. I could see her white, little-girl panties. She licked her middle finger and slid her hand back into her panties. I could tell she was rubbing her clit. She tilted her head back in pleasure and the magazine slid off her lap. When she stood to pick it up, her shorts dropped to her ankles. She looked thoughtful for a moment, then looked around. I could see that the crotch of her panties were wet. She stepped out of her shorts and turned her back to me. Her underwear was stretched across the soft globes of her ass. She picked up an old horseblanket and spread it on the bale of hay. My gorgeous sister turned back around and to my surprise, she put her fingers in the waistband of her panties and shoved them down to her ankles and stepped out of them, revealing her lovely cunt to my feasting eyes. I had not really seen her pussy since we stopped taking baths together when we were about seven. When I peeked at her it was usually dark, so I couldn't see much. She sat back down and put her feet up on the edge of the blanket-covered bale of hay, then spread her legs wide, giving me a perfect view of her virgin pussy. My twin licked her fingers again and returned them to her crotch, spreading the lips and showing me her clit and hole. I had recently noticed hair starting to grow around my dick and I saw that it was matched by soft, downy hair lining her little slit. Her eyes flew across the pages of pictures and her hand flew across her shiny clit and vulva. She grunted softly as she stimulated herself and I noticed moisture developing around her hole, soon bubbling with fluids that dribbled down the crack of her ass to collect on the blanket beneath her. Her fingers flew faster and faster across her center of pleasure until finally, the book slipped to the floor again. She closed her eyes, arched her back and started to cum. Juices poured from her tiny hole as her hand raked from her little brown wrinkled backdoor up to the top of her slit and back again. She was trying to be quiet, but a keening whine escaped her lips as she enjoyed her orgasm. She finally collapsed and I saw her cum still leaking from her and puddling on the blanket. She was breathing hard so I took the opportunity to slip quietly from the barn. I ran back up to the house and slammed the door. "JANIE," I yelled. "Where are you? We've got work to do!" I walked slowly back to the barn, giving her time to get dressed and cover her tracks. When I got to the barn, she was in the feed bin, filling the chickenfeed bucket. Her face was red and I could see that the flush extended down to cover her chest. "Oh, there you are. Mom went to Mrs. Johnson's and said for us to do our chores. What'cha been doing?" I asked. "Oh, nothing. Just getting the chickenfeed ready," she responded. "Well, scoot!" I told her and popped her on the butt as she passed. "Alright, you," she said with a grin. "What's the matter, you trying to get rid of me?" "Not really. What makes you ask that?" "Oh, nothing." She tossed her hair saucily and pranced out. I watched the sway of her developing hips as she walked out of the barn. I went over to the door of the stall where my books were hidden and waited till I saw her turn back to watch out of the corner of my eye before I went in. I quickly pulled out the horseblanket and unfolded it. The puddle of juice she had created was still evident. I put it to my nose and inhaled, smelling the sweet scent of her spend. I folded it back and returned it, then reached into my hiding place and pulled out the book she had been looking at. I sat on the same bale she had used and started looking at the book. I was listening intently and heard a soft shuffling from outside. I had figured that she would try to sneak a peek at me since she had seen me come into the stall where the books were. I copied her movements by putting my hand in my shorts as I looked at the pictures. I bent my head down and looked through my eyelashes to see my twin in the same position I had occupied, gazing through a crack in the boards. I unsnapped my shorts and unzipped them as she had hers, reaching inside to jack my dick. My briefs were soaked with precum from watching my sister masturbate. I didn't want to make her suspicious by copying her exactly, so I put the book down instead of dropping it. Then I turned and picked up the same blanket she had used. From the corner of my eye, I could see her look worried, but she relaxed when I unfolded it so the opposite side from where she had deposited her fluids was up. Then I turned back and shoved my pants and underwear down and plopped on the blanket. Janie gasped audibly as she saw my erect cock for the first time. I picked up the book and held it in one hand as I slid my fist up and down my 7" rod, enjoying the knowledge that my twin was watching me jack off. I didn't even look at the pictures, but watched Janie through the fingers holding the porno mag. Her eyes were wide and she licked her lips occasionally as she gazed at my cock. Finally I dropped the book and lay back with my eyes closed, except that I continued to watch my twin through slits. My hand slid faster and faster up and down my dick, precum bubbling from the tip to lubricate my efforts. Then I felt the familiar tingling between my legs as my orgasm neared. I slowed my hand to make it last longer and put my other hand between my legs to fondle my balls. Suddenly, I felt the pleasure build and went back to jacking my shaft furiously. I squeezed my dick tightly as I felt the pressure build, then the cum blasted from the tip, shooting across the narrow stall to hit just above the crack my sister was peering through. She was startled, not realizing what it meant for a guy to cum and drew back, but quickly replaced her eyes to the crack. Jet after jet of spunk blasted from my cock, but none so powerful as the first. I grunted heavily as I came, finally collapsing as the final offerings dribbled from the end of my dick. I continued to secretly watch my twin. The glob of sperm that had hit the wall slid down till it was dangling in the crack. Janie looked at me carefully to be sure my eyes were still closed, then snaked an finger into the crack and scooped up my cum. I saw her rub it between her fingers, then lift it to her nose to smell it. I watched, entranced, as she then extended her tongue to her fingers to taste it. I was thrilled! My twin was eating my cum! She must have found it not too unpleasant, for she then put her fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean.I opened my eyes and reached for a rag to clean up with and saw a flash as my twin disappeared from the crack in the boards. I knew this was going to be a fun summer! That evening when Dad got home, I got all my fishing gear out of the truck. I hadn't used it in a long time, so it was a mess. After supper, I spread it out on the living room floor to sort and clean it. I was sitting on the floor with my legs spread when Janie came in and flopped on the couch across from me. She put her knees up with her heels on the edge of the cushion and began to read one of her romance novels. Mom called them 'trash', but let her read them anyway. I glanced up at my twin occasionally and caught her looking at me over her book. She always dropped her eyes back to the book, but I noticed that each time, a blush infused her cheeks. I knew she was thinking about what she had seen that day. I watched her through my eyelashes and the next time I saw her watching, I lifted my eyes to stare at her crotch. Her cutoffs were stretched tightly across her pussy and buns, and the edge of her panties were visible peeking out in the back and a good half inch of panty was showing on each side of her crotch seam. Knowing she was watching me look at her pussy, I shifted uncomfortably and reached down to reposition my growing shaft. This let her know she had given me a hard-on. I glanced up at her face and caught her eyes. Our gazes locked for an instant and I could tell she was pleased at my reaction. Dad and I got up very early the next morning to go fishing. I took my shower and climbed back up to our room in my robe. The sun was just coming up, so I don't think Janie realized that her figure was silhouetted against the curtain that separated our beds as she peeked around at me. I took off my robe and gave her a little show, stretching to the low ceiling, then touching my toes a few times, then doing a few deep knee bends while facing her, letting her gaze at my dangling cock. I was starting to get hard, so I turned and quickly stepped into my briefs and finished dressing. She disappeared from the curtain. I walked to the door and opened it then closed it and stood quietly. I heard rustling noises and slipped over to the other end of the curtain and peeked in. She had her eyes closed but I could see movement under the sheet that told me she was playing with her pussy again. I stepped back over to the door and opened it, mumbling to myself as though I had lost something, then left for real. Dad and I had a good day fishing and when we got back about 2:00, Dad let me out and I took the fish to the cleaning table in the backyard and got them ready for the freezer, keeping four nice cats out for supper. Dad was going on over to the Johnson's to talk about loaning them our prize bull, Samson. I put the catfish in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. Mom's car was gone, so I figured she and Janie had gone shopping. I wandered down to the barn to look at my books again. As I entered, I saw that Janie was at the other end, leaning on the windowsill and looking out. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist, growling like a bear. She jumped, screamed and spun around. "You TURD! Don't DO that to me you TURKEY!" "I guess that makes me a turkey turd, huh? What'cha looking at?" "Oh, just watching Samson aggravate one of the cows," she replied, turning back around, her forearms on the sill and her nubile butt thrust back at me. I leaned against her and put one arm one each side of her with my hands on the sill and my head next to hers. We watched as Samson walked around and around the cow, nuzzling and snorting. Finally, the bull went behind the cow and tried to mount her, failing several times as the cow coquettishly moved forward. He tried again and was successful, using his forelegs and hooves to move further up on her back. My twin gasped as Samson's penis unsheathed itself. About a foot extended and it was as big around as my arm. Boy, what a cock that one had. He scooted a bit further up and drove the massive rod into the cow's waiting cavity and humped. We could see more and more of his long dick plunge into her waiting vagina. The cow bawled loudly as she was penetrated. My dick was getting hard from watching and from being pressed against my twin's shapely butt. As she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, she rubbed against me. I was sure she could feel my rod pressing into her ass cheeks. "They sure seem to be enjoying themselves, don't they?" I whispered in her ear. She just nodded and shifted her weight again, moving even tighter against me. She turned toward me and asked in a husky voice, "Have you ever done that with a girl?" "Not yet, but I sure want to. Have you?" She shook her head and went back to watching. Samson was really driving that tool in and out now. Janie started pressing back against me, unconsciously matching the bull's strokes as he fucked the cow. Suddenly, Samson froze on the cow's back, his long rod fully embedded. The muscles on his back rippled and he snorted loudly several times. After a minute or so, he dropped off her back, pulling his long dick out of her. "Oh, my God!" my twin exclaimed as she saw the full length of his cock for the first time. "Look at the size of that thing!" The bull's dick was dragging the ground and at least four feet was visible. I turned my face to hers and whispered in her ear, "I've got some books that have pictures of people doing that. Wanna see'em?" She nodded and her voice was even huskier as she said, "Yesssss!" I took her by the hand and led her back to the stall where they were hidden. I got the horse blanket out and spread it on the bales of hay, then sat down. "You know where they are, go ahead and get'em!" She spun toward me and said, "Whaaaat? How did you know?" "Cause I sneaked in yesterday and watched you look at them." "YOU RAT! YOU PEEKED ON ME!" "Yep, and if I'm a rat then you are too, cause I knew you were peeking on me and saw you lick my cum off your fingers. And I saw you watching me get dressed this morning and I know you played with your pussy after, too." Her face flushed with embarrassment as she remembered what she had done and what I had seen her doing. "I guess we're even, then, huh?" I agreed with a grin and she reached into the hiding place and pulled out the books. I spread my legs and told her to sit between them so we could look at the magazines together. She picked up the first one, but laid it aside because she had already seen it. She got the next one, opened it and leaned back against me. I could feel the warmth of her body against mine and put my arms around her and interlaced my fingers on her tummy. The first picture was of a young girl lying on a bed with her legs spread. Her hands were in her panties and she was obviously enjoying herself. Janie turned the page and the girl was pulling her panties off. On the next page she had her knees up, her legs spread and was playing with her pussy. "That sure looks familiar," I breathed into my twin's ear. "Shhhhh," she said, a blush covering her face. "Why?" I asked. "It was beautiful!" "Cause I'm embarrassed that you saw me!" "Well, you saw me do the same thing, didn't you?" "That doesn't make any difference!" "Well, I'd sure like to see you do it again! Wouldn't you?" She paused, then nodded. I moved my hands up to the top button of her shirt and unbuttoned it. Hearing no protest, I continued till the shirt fell open. She wasn't wearing a bra and my hands came up and brushed across her nipples. She moaned. I cupped the soft mounds of her breasts and squeezed gently, dragging my thumbs back and forth across the points. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back, licking her lips and sighing. I pinched her nipples lightly and kneaded her tits a bit longer, then put my hands on her waist and pushed her up and turned her around to face me. I unsnapped her shorts as she let her shirt fall from her shoulders. I slowly let down the zipper until the pants fell to the floor. She stepped out of them. I leaned forward and placed my lips on her right nipple, sucking it into my mouth and chewing gently. She groaned and pulled my head tighter against her as she stood there dressed only in pink panties and her tennis shoes. I drew back and put my hands on her waist, rolling the panties down bit by bit. The soft swell of her tummy was uncovered first. I kissed her navel and ran my tongue in, then continued to roll her panties downward. I gasped as I got my first close-up look at the puffy little slit, soft downy hair sprouting from the center. "Oh, baby, it's so beautiful!" I exclaimed. She looked pleased. Finally, I drew the frilly pink garment all the way down so she was fully exposed to me. Her vulva was enticing, with just a hint of moisture in the center of the slit. My twin stepped out of her panties and stood before me as I gazed in admiration. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her fine little pussy. "That tickles!" she giggled. "Now you stand up." I did as I was instructed and she hurriedly stripped off my shirt and fumbled with my belt buckle. Her hands were shaking as she finally released it and unsnapped my jeans. She dropped to her knees and pulled them down, staring at the bulge in my briefs. Her tongue darted around her lips as her hands grasped the waistband and pulled them down. She gasped as the turgid head of my cock was revealed. When the briefs reached my knees, her hands reached up to fondle my dick. She moved her head in close and examined it. "It's so hard," Janie whispered. "I can feel your heartbeat in it!"My twin studied it a bit longer, then I put my hands under her shoulders and drew her up and hugged her, crushing her budding breasts against my chest. I could feel the pointy little nipples stabbing me as I ran my hands down her back and into the crack of her cute little ass, squeezing her fabulous globes. I pulled her against me harder and could feel my cock rubbing the soft mound of her cunt. She ground against me as I kissed her deeply. At first, she didn't open her mouth, but my tongue dancing on her lips soon parted them to allow entrance. She had very little experience with boys, and I figured I was probably the first to introduce her to French kissing. She learned quickly, and soon our tongues were darting madly around each other. She began to hump her crotch against me, my dick sliding up and down her slit, almost scraping her little clittie. I sat back down on the blanket-covered haybale and told Janie to sit in my lap so we could look at the magazines some more. She turned around and started to comply, but I stopped her and told her to spread her legs a little before she sat. She complied, and as she came down, I directed the head of my prick between her lovely legs so that when she came to rest, my cock was resting in the furrow of her slit. She looked down between her legs to see my cock sticking up. "Now it looks like I'm a boy with a thing sticking up down there!" she giggled. "Maybe, but a boy wouldn't have these beauties!" I replied as my hands came up to enclose her soft breasts. She reached down and pressed the length of my dick harder into her slit until it was lodged against her clit. Below that, I could feel the heat of her virgin pussy radiating against my cock as it was gripped by her labia. Janie picked up one of the porno mags and leaned back against my chest, opening the book. The first page showed a young boy and girl walking down a city street hand-in-hand, looking into each other's eyes lovingly. The facing page had several pictures of them getting into a van and driving away. I guess the impression was that they were on a date. Janie quickly turned the page, wanting to get to the good stuff. The van was shown backing into a scenic overlook, then the boy was opening the back doors. The van had a bed in the back, and they were lying on it looking out at the lights of the city. Now the action was starting. The pair were kissing, and the boy put his hand on the girl's breast, then reached inside her bra and pulled the fleshy mound out and sucked the nipple. The girl's hand slid down the front of his pants to explore the bulge there, then popped them open and exposed his cock. The next page showed the girl bent over his cock, about to bury it between her lips as his hand went up her skirt and pulled down her lacy red panties. "Would you like for me to do that to you?" Janie asked me as she turned to a photo that showed the guy's cock sunk to the hilt in the young girl's throat. "Oh, Yessssss!" I hissed as the next picture showed the couple now in a classic 69 position with the boy on top, driving his dick into her mouth. Her legs were spread, and his tongue was darting all over her pussy and clit. My twin moaned when she saw this and said, "OK, but only if you'll do that to me! She looks like she's really enjoying it!" She reached one hand down to our laps, fluttering her fingers over my cock and sliding a finger down her slit to play with her clit. I grabbed the mag with one hand to help hold it up and let my other join hers in our lap. I encircled my dick and jacked it once, drawing a vast load of precum to the top. I gathered the slickness on my finger, then pushed her hand out of the way so I could deposit the lubrication on her pussy. She took hold of the book with both hands again, and I added my free hand to her little slit, spreading the lips wide. She turned the page and gasped loudly at the picture of the boy. He had spread the girl's legs wide and rolled her back so her legs were in the air, her shiny cunt spread wide. He had stiffened his tongue and had stuffed it in her pussy, his lip raking her asshole as he tonguefucked her. Janie squirmed in my lap as I let my fingers slide down to the entrance to her virgin hole. My middle finger dipped in, and I felt the hot wetness inside her. I let that finger slide further in until it bumped against her cherry, burying it in her to the second knuckle. Her juices were really flowing as I fingerfucked my twin's searing little cunt. Janie let the book fall to the floor, forgotten, as she spread her legs wider and put her heels on the edge of the haybale. She bounced up and down as my finger penetrated her unviolated tunnel, grunting and keening with her breath now coming in gasps. "Oh, Johnny, this feels so good. It's wonderful! Please eat me like that guy did her. I want you to put your tongue in me, and I'll suck you, too. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeee!" I picked my twin sister up, turned around, and placed her on the blanket with her shapely butt just on the edge. I dropped to my knees before her and placed her legs over my shoulders and gazed into her crotch, shining slickly with her juices. I put my hands behind her knees and pushed until they were touching her budding breasts. Her pussy opened like a flower, the soft petals of flesh folding back to reveal the hooded little clit and the opening to her cunt. I put my tongue at the end of the crack of her ass and let it slide slowly forward, passing over her wrinkled little pink backdoor, then across her cunt hole, finally coming to rest on her tiny distended clit. I sucked the nubbin into my mouth and chewed gently on it, eliciting a scream of pleasure from my twin. Janie replaced my hands behind her knees with her own, spreading herself even wider, so I reached up and pinched both of her erect nipples lightly, rolling them between my fingers as I lapped at her clit. Then I put my hands under her cute little butt and rocked her, dragging my tongue from her clit, down over the dripping entrance to her love channel, back across her asshole. I rocked her back and forth for a while, her groans and moans getting louder and louder, then finally wormed my tongue into her hole and tonguefucked her like the guy in the picture. Her sweet juices flooded my face as I ate her out. My twin sister grabbed her ankles and pulled her feet up beside her head as I licked her pussy, thrashing her head side to side and squealing. I withdrew my tongue from her and replaced it with my finger, again sliding it into her until it reached her maidenhead. I rolled it around in her little pussy, coating it with her slick juice, then pulled it out and again plunged my tongue into her. Her hips were bucking as I tonguefucked her, and her slick fluids flowed out and down her crack, coating her sweet little asshole. I placed the tip of my finger at the entrance to her bowels and as she bucked, let it gently slide into her asshole. Each time her hips thrust upward against my burrowing tongue, my finger slipped into her ass a little more, until it was embedded to the hilt. I started rocking her again, letting my tongue flash furiously over her clit on the downstroke and deeply into her pussy on the upstroke. The sphincter muscles gripping my finger relaxed as her passions rose, and soon my finger was sliding in and out of her with each thrust. When she started a long, high-pitched scream, I knew she was reaching her peak, and I clamped my lips on her clit and sucked, my tongue dancing on the little bud as my fingers wiggled in her pussy and asshole. "Oh, God, Johnny, I'm gonna cum, it's cumming, oh, oh it's so good, so good, here it cums, OH GOD, I'M CCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!" she screamed. Her asshole and pussy contracted on my fingers, and I felt a flood of her spend gushing from her. As she peaked, I withdrew my finger from her pussy and dipped my tongue back in, lapping up my twin's cum as it poured from her, coating my face and sliding down my throat. It tasted wonderful! Her beautiful 14-year-old body shivered and quivered as she came down from her peak. I gently let my finger slide from her behind, then crawled up next to her and held her in my arms, rubbing her back and cuddling her as she enjoyed the afterglow of her first major orgasm. After a while, she lifted her head from my chest and looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Oh, Johnny, thank you. That was so wonderful! You licking my pussy was fantastic, but when you put your finger in my butt, I thought I was gonna DIE! I've never felt anything so great! Now it's my turn to make you feel good. I can't wait to taste your cock!" With that, she pushed me over on my back and scooted down so her head was above my raging hardon. Her long blonde hair framed her face and draped across my cock. She moved her head side to side so her tresses brushed gently against me. One little hand reached down to cup my balls and squeezed gently, causing a stream of precum to ooze from the tip of my dick. She extended a finger and scooped up the slick juice, leaving a trail extending from her finger to my prick. She looked up at me, then inserted her finger in her mouth, sucking my juice from it. "Mmmmmmmm, you taste good! I want some more!" she said and dropped her head down, engulfing my dick in her hot mouth. She slid her tongue down the underside until I was buried in her throat, then eased back up to suck just the head, letting her tongue flash around and around the glans. I moaned loudly as she paid glorious attention to my manhood. My twin moved her head over so she could slide both lips down the underside of my cock, ending up with her mouth on my balls.She licked and sucked for a bit, then took both balls into her mouth, her tongue sliding all over the sack. She really seemed to be getting into what she was doing, because she started humming happily. The vibrations almost caused me to cum right then, and I squirmed in pleasure. She giggled at the discovery that humming increased the feeling for me. Janie let my balls slip from her mouth and ran her tongue down further to caress and lap at my anus. She licked the outer ring of flesh, then burrowed her pointy little tongue into me. My sphincter relaxed, and soon she was tongue-fucking my asshole as her hand jacked my dick. I grabbed my legs and drew them to my chest in an imitation of her former posture, giving her better access to my asshole. She brought her hands up to caress my balls again as her tongue worked its way slowly from my rectum back up to the head of my dick, where she again took me in her mouth and slid my rigid tool down her throat. I tangled my fingers in her hair as her head bobbed on me. Eating my twin sister's pussy while I fingerfucked her tender asshole had my dick so hard I was ready to explode. Janie stiffened her tongue as she drew her mouth off my rod, then tried to bury it in the sensitive hole in the tip. Precum stretched and glistened in a long stream that led from the tip of her pointy tongue, back to the swollen glans. She dipped her head back down, her hair tickling my scrotum. The gleaming strand of lubricating fluid stayed intact as she bobbed her head, playing with it. She even moved her head in a circle, spinning it like a jump rope! Her finger came down, and her other hand encircled my engorged dick, then she jacked her hand upward, drawing a flood of precum from me. It rolled down the underside of my shaft, coating her fingers and covering my balls. My twin put her lips back on my tool and enveloped me, sliding her head down slowly till her nose was buried in the sparse hair surrounding the base. Her head rose, her tongue dancing on the underside. I arched my hips in exquisite pleasure, collapsing as she dropped and sucked me in again. Twice more she bobbed, and on the final stroke, I could feel the muscles in the back of her throat contracting and milking the head. I felt my orgasm drawing near. I wasn't sure what Janie would think if I came in her mouth, but to be honest, I didn't really give it much thought. The tingling in my balls was familiar, but it quickly passed the level I had attained by looking at the fuckbooks and masturbating. I could feel the pleasure climbing, and climbing. My scrotum contracted in preparation for the explosive release of cum. Just as the first blast entered her mouth, Janie placed a finger at the entrance to my asshole and pushed, driving it steadily inward with the palm side up. I thought the top of my head would blow off! As the second gob of sperm flashed up my cock, Janie curled the finger in my rectum slightly, pressing against my prostate and bringing the intensity of my pleasure to an even higher plateau. As the cum boiled from the end of my dick, my sweet twin sister swallowed mightily, the muscles in her throat rippling as she milked the juice and drank it down. Her mouth slid back up my shaft, and I saw her cheeks bulge as I filled her mouth with my spend. My back was arched as I fucked her face, and I saw small, white, pearly drops of cum escape around her lips. The sensation I was enjoying seemed to burn in my brain, and my vision narrowed until all I could see was my sister's lips clamped on my prick as she sucked me. Finally, I collapsed, my bright red cock slipping from Janie's mouth. She crawled up next to me and kissed me. I could taste the salty flavor of my cum, mixed with the lingering flavor of her sweet little virgin pussy still on my lips. I couldn't wait to see what we would try next!
J. Boswell
Sharing a Bed for the Night
"Are you sure you can't go, Honey?" "I'd love to, Rocky, but I have two clients scheduled for today. I should have left the day open." "No, it's not your fault, Ron. Denny's birthday isn't until Thursday. I didn't know until last night that he has something planned for next weekend. He was so cute on the phone. He was acting like a pouting child about getting his birthday presents early, and when he asked us to come up today, I didn't have the heart to say no." "Well, I'm going to miss you. Give Denny my love and tell him not to drink all that beer at one sitting!" "I'll miss you, too. Have a fire going when I get home tonight. I'll need it after six hours on the road today." "And a glass of wine or two?" Ron smiled and raised an eyebrow with the question. "At least two glasses!" I finished pulling on my gloves and circled around the kitchen table to whisper in Ron's ear, "and you know how I get after two glasses of wine!" His hand crept up my leg and under my skirt as we kissed. His fingers pressed against my warm mons -- they felt strong and exciting through my panties and pantyhose. I pulled myself away with great reluctance, "Oh, my! What you do to me! You better not be too tired tonight! I've been super-horny for over a week and you haven't been able to stay awake! It's been a long time!" Ron affectionately smacked my buns, "Tax season, Rocky. You know what that's like! Don't worry, Baby, I'll be plenty awake tonight -- even if it *IS* tax season." With a final wave, I made my way outside into the crisp, cold air. I got into the "Z," all gassed up and loaded down with goodies for Denny, and headed down the road. The car warmed up quickly so I stopped before I entered the Interstate and removed my jacket and gloves, making for an even more comfortable drive. There's something so relaxing about speeding along an Interstate. I was in our new 300ZX, the road was dry, traffic light. It was the perfect drive to just let the mind wander." With one last glance at my legs, then my breasts, and a smile right at me, Officer Boyd moved away from my window. "Sure. Just drive careful, now." Back on the road with just a warning. YES! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I didn't hit any snow until I was only about a half hour outside of Philly; but, when I did hit it, it was one hell of a storm. I was too close to Denny's and too far from home to turn back, but it took me well over an hour to get to the campus. The "Z" was slipping and sliding, and I did two thrilling "one-eighties" on the very slick streets. I exhaled with relief as I crept onto a campus parking lot near Denny's apartment and turned the ignition off. Here at last, and safe. The last hour had been a real bitch! I stepped out of the car and into at least four inches of icy, wet, cold snow. Counting my shoes as ruined, I grabbed my purse, gloves, and jacket and ran, sliding and slipping my way to the front entrance of Denny's high-rise dormitory. I grabbed the house phone on the wall and dialed Denny's number. "Yeah?" "Is Denny there?" "Yeah, hold on." Whoever answered, dropped the phone on something hard, and it clattered in my ear. Then I heard in the background, "Hey, butt-face, there's a cunt on the phone for you." "Who is it, asshole?" It was Denny's voice. "How the fuck should I know? You're the big pussy-hound." "Fuck off!" Then into the phone, "Hello?" "Denny!" "Mom!? Uh... Where are you?" "I'm downstairs. I need you to get me past the security desk." "Oh, sure. I called Ron to tell him about the weather and to tell you guys to stay home." "Denny, can we talk about this up in your apartment? I'm wet and freezing my buns off out here." "Oh! Sure, mom. Sorry. I'll be right down." "Bring some strong backs, Dear, the car's loaded with stuff." I stepped inside the double doors and waited for Denny to come down on the elevator and sign me in. The college made sure their residences were secure, and since the campus wasn't in the best neighborhood, I didn't mind the inconvenience if it helped keep the students (including my baby) safer. The dorm I was standing in was one of four high-rise apartment buildings. Denny had lived on campus all four years; but, this year, his accommodations were in the most coveted dorms, reserved for jocks and lucky upperclassmen. Denny's apartment had a large living room-dining room combination, a kitchen, three bedrooms, and two baths. He had three roommates -- Brian was another senior, and Steve and Tom bunked together and were juniors. They were all in the same fraternity together and seemed to get along well. The elevator opened, and Denny and two boys I didn't recognize got off. He signed me in at the desk, and when I passed through the gate, I was finally able to hug my little boy. "Hi, Baby. How are you?" "Great, Mom. I can't believe you got here through this stuff -- especially in the `Z.'" "Well, it wasn't easy. Honey, can I go up to your apartment and get a pair of dry socks on? My feet are freezing! Here are the keys. The car is about 20 spaces over to the left and 2 or 3 rows back. Make sure it's locked." "No problem, Mom. We're right behind you." And they were. By the time I caught the next elevator and got my bearings, I had just knocked and was getting the apartment door opened when the three of them came banging and thudding off the elevator and down the hall. It was just after noon on a Saturday, but it looked like Denny and his roommates had a small party going, already. There was a basketball game on the TV, but the volume was turned down so as not to interfere with the stereo, blasting music I didn't recognize. But the real entertainment was the snow. With the curtains drawn back, the view from the fifteenth floor was spectacular -- it was snowing and blowing, and you could barely see the ground. I followed Denny into his bedroom, and he handed me two mismatched white socks -- after smelling them! As we talked, I reached up under my skirt and wiggled my wet pantyhose off my hips and peeled them down my legs. The dry socks felt warm and wonderful. Denny and his friends were happy to see two cases of Sam Adams beer and a couple bottles of wine disappear into the refrigerator. From the kitchen, I called Ron to tell him I was safe, then I asked if anyone was hungry. When I got all affirmative responses, I opened the contents of a Tupperware container I'd brought into a pot and turned on the oven. "I brought it all, guys -- spaghetti, meatballs, and homemade bread. Ready in about a half-hour," I announced. The smells of home cooking must have permeated the halls, because kids kept arriving, and soon I figured I better put on a second pot of sauce and more pasta. As the crowd got bigger and bigger, I was trapped in the kitchen, serving plates of food and slicing the bread. Denny's friend, Brian, fought his way through the crowd, handed me my second glass of wine, and began to help me with the starving herd. The stereo was blasting, and people were talking, and it was fun to be a part of it. Brian stayed to help me with the dishes, and we talked about music and school, and the snow. My third glass of wine was history, and I knew I was buzzed as I accepted my fourth. I was giddy, and my skin felt super-sensitive as Brian inadvertently brushed against my hip or breast as we worked together. I pushed my way through the crowd, holding Denny's birthday cake with the lit candles on it. I could feel Brian's hands holding my hips as I bent over to place the cake on a low coffee table in front of the birthday-boy. Brian and I made our way back into the kitchen and opened another bottle of wine as the cake disappeared in the living room. The afternoon passed into evening, and we sat and talked and played drinking games and looked out the window at the snowstorm. Occasionally, Brian would ask me to dance, and as he pressed me close, I could feel his hardness between us. We ran out of wine, but, by then, I was too drunk to care, and switched to beer. When I finally noticed how tired and blitzed I was, almost everyone had moved on to another party somewhere, and the apartment was empty and looked like what Times Square on New Year's morning must look like. Still sober enough to realize that I hadn't expected to spend the night and had no other clothes, I asked Denny if I could borrow a large t-shirt or sweatshirt. "Sure, Mom. Second drawer down. Take your pick." I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with my finger, then went into Denny's room. I carefully took off my skirt and blouse and hung them on hangers. I debated leaving my bra on, but decided on comfort over modesty -- it always feels so damn good to take it off. I picked out what looked like Denny's cleanest sweatshirt, and dropped it over my hands and head. I stood there in Denny's old sweatshirt, tugging it down over my hips and checking how short it was on me -- it barely came down to my crotch, and I could see a tiny sliver of my white panties between my thighs in his mirror. I was just shrugging and figuring I was only going to sleep in it anyway, when there was a light knock, and the door opened. It was Brian. "Hi, Rocky. I was just wondering if there was anything you needed that I could provide for you." I couldn't remember exactly when we had moved from "Mrs. Chase" to "Rocky," but I let it slide. I stood very still. I figured with that short sweatshirt on, if I moved at all, he'd see even more of me exposed. He was leaning against the door jamb, smiling. He was bare-chested and was wearing only blue, silky-looking pajama bottoms. His shoulders were broad, his chest was smooth and hairless, and his stomach was rippled and hard-looking. Quite a package. "Where's Denny?" "He passed out on the sofa. Dead to the world. It's just the two of us left. Well?" "`Well' what, Brian?" "Is there something you need?" There was no doubt in my mind that he was hitting on me. I guess all those brushes against my buns and breasts and the slow dancing weren't inadvertent, after all. I was old enough to be his mother and I was his best friend's mom! He was supremely confident in his masculinity and appeal, but I didn't know how I would ever be able to look him or Denny in the eyes the next morning if I accepted his blatant offer. "No, thanks, Brian, there's nothing I need." "How about want? Is there anything you want, Rocky?" "No, Brian. There's nothing I want. Now, goodnight, Dear, and thanks for the offer." He smiled and shrugged, "Okay. Goodnight, Rocky. See you in the morning." Don't ask me why, but as I laid in bed, I couldn't sleep. The long drive, the snow, the pasta, all the booze -- instead of knocking me out as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was antsy and restless and wide awake. Maybe trying to sleep in Denny's lumpy mattress on the floor had something to do with it. Maybe being horny and feeling more than a little tingly had something to do with it, too. A little while later, as I laid there, I heard the apartment door open and close, and then noise in the next bedroom. It was just what I needed in my already-aroused state! Through the thin wall, next to my bed, I heard a couple getting it on, loudly. They were humping away, and she was a real moaner. It seemed to go on and on, and I felt myself sweating as I listened. My panties grew warm and wet as I placed my ear against the wall, secretly listening to their climax. Then they were through, and I was left alone and hanging! I must have drifted off into a light sleep after that, because I awoke to the sound of the toilet flushing and, next, the bedroom door opening.Assuming it was Brian making another attack on my virtue, I feigned sleep, staying still and quiet, facing the wall away from the door. The door closed, and I listened to someone undress and then collapse onto the mattress. It was Denny, and he was immediately asleep. In his drunken state, he must have forgotten about me and reflexively returned to his bed after going to the bathroom. I rearranged the covers over the both of us. There was nowhere else in the apartment for me to sleep (except maybe Brian's bed!), and there was no way I was going to wake Denny to get him to move, so I told myself I would be out of bed long before he woke up, rolled over, and tried to get back to sleep. Before I could drift off, Denny moved closer to me in the narrow bed, and I felt the lump of an erection pressed against my back. Then he rolled over onto his back. There was enough light in the room from the small reading light on Denny's desk. Tempted beyond behaving, I rolled over and, giggling to myself, lifted the covers. My God! Denny's boxers were tented up and straining against what had to be the largest penis I had ever seen. My son! Feeling like a naughty girl, I folded back the covers. His erection was standing straight up, and the material in his shorts had to be near its tolerance for ripping. At first hesitating, and then giving in totally to the urge, I reached to the slit opening in his shorts. I just had to see! Denny's penis exploded through the opening, standing even taller. Not only was his penis long, it was almost as thick as my wrist. The head was deep pink, shiny, and huge. I had never seen another cock like that in my life. I snickered, thinking back to all the times I had given my little baby a bath, never dreaming he would grow something like this. The cooler air must have gotten to Denny, because he pulled on the covers and began to roll over. I scrambled back into the blankets, still thinking in wonder about the prodigious penis on my son. Denny moved again, and we were arranged like two spoons -- his front to my back. His erection was still there, and no longer hidden in his shorts, I could feel its warmth pressed against me. Telling myself I was readjusting my position to get more comfortable, I squirmed and wiggled, and when I stopped, my son's huge, hard penis was pressed between my thighs. I was getting very wet. I'd had a sex-buzz all day, from the state trooper fantasy to Brian's not-so-subtle feels, his blatant offer, the wine, and the couple in the next bedroom -- Goddammit! I was horny! I was playing a game with myself. I was as curious as I was horny. As I moved away from Denny to slide my panties down my legs, I knew I was going to blame whatever happened on the wine. When I moved back into position, I let the cock press between my thighs, again. Another slight movement, and it was at my wet slit! I could feel its heat and hardness in my wetness, touching, but not yet penetrating me. I was gasping for breath with excitement. I lifted my right leg, opening myself. I pressed my hips back, and the cockhead began to enter me. I was so near cumming! A little more, and I can feel the huge knob slip all the way into me. Denny was still asleep, but his reflexes took over for him. His arm fell across my shoulder and breasts. His hips thrust at me forcefully, ramming more of that superprick deeper into my pussy. He began to hump me. My son was fucking me in his sleep, and I was loving it! My climax began with an explosion and took off from there. Denny humped me a few more times, and then he came inside me with a grunt. After just a few more soft thrusts, he rolled over and began to snore, again. Finally, I fell asleep. I was far away. I wasn't sure where I was, and the weather was confusing. It was snowing, but the sky was a bright blue, and I wasn't cold. I was laying on my back, on the trunk of a Pennsylvania State Police car. I couldn't see the markings, but I knew it was a State Police car. The lights were flashing. I was naked and spread open. There was something or someone between my spread legs, and I was aroused. I looked down my body and saw the brown "Smokey" police hat jerking at my crotch, and I knew it was Officer Boyd wearing his hat as he ate my pussy! I wasn't going to get a ticket! I put my head back on the trunk and watched the snow fall from the blue sky as I concentrate on what he's doing to me. His strong tongue penetrates me, and then his mouth moves to my clit and gently sucks it between his lips and teeth. I was quickly nearing an orgasm and was anxious to surrender to it. Officer Boyd stopped eating me and moved up my body. I whimpered when his mouth left my pussy. The hat still hid his face as he lowered his mouth to my nipple. I missed his mouth on my pussy. His hips pushed forward, and I felt his penis seeking my cunt. I moved to help it, and I gasped as its head found my wet slit. Officer Boyd grunted. Then he grunted again as he thrust his cock between my labia and deep into my pussy. It was good. It was very, very good. Officer Boyd felt so big, so filling. In and out, his cock pounded into my greedy pussy. Each plunge crashed my ass cheeks into the trunk of the car, but the trunk was soft and comfortable. "Make me come, Officer Boyd! Make me come!" I begged. "Who's 'Officer Boyd?'" My eyes popped open. It was Denny! His face looked up at me from under the covers. I must have been dreaming the setting, but the sex was real! My son was fucking me! "Denny! Stop! Get off me!" "Come on, mom. You didn't want me to stop last night." "Ohhh..." His cock was still pistoning in and out of me, and like last night, I knew I had never felt a monster-cock like his before! "Please, stop, Dear. It's not right. We can't do this." "Mom, please don't make me stop, now. Please." Denny was pumping faster and faster. He was going to cum inside me. I reached to his face and held it between my hands. "Alright, Dear. You can finish." But he wasn't the only one nearing a finish. Involuntarily, I felt my hips rising to meet his thrusts, my arms moved around his neck, my legs wrapped around his waist, and I felt him slip even deeper inside me, if that was possible. I was cumming! I was cumming, and I didn't know if I would live through it! The pleasure was going to kill me! I had never, never felt an orgasm like that! I bit into my son's tender shoulder to keep from screaming, and as I did, I tasted his blood in my mouth and his semen in my cunt. I passed out. I opened my eyes. The dark room was spinning, and I was having trouble taking deep breaths. Denny was sitting on the mattress, smiling down at me, pressing one warm washcloth to my forehead and another to his shoulder. "Wow!" he said. I reached to touch his hand, "Yeah, wow. This was never supposed to happen, you know." He nodded. "I'm sorry I let it happen, Dear. It was wrong, and I shouldn't have done this to you." "Are you kidding? I wanted it to happen, mom. I've *ALWAYS* wanted to do what we've just done -- for as long as I can remember." I was touched and felt a tear form in each eye. "But a boy's teenage fantasy is just a fantasy, Denny. Normal mothers and sons don't do this. I'm scared I've harmed you." "I'm not harmed. I've never felt happier in my life. Is that a harm? Will you get pregnant?" <I shook my head no.> "Well there's no harm there, either. Mom, I love you, and I want to do what we've done over and over and over again." "No, Denny, we can never let this happen again. Never." "But, mom-" I placed my finger to his lips and shook my head. It must never happen again. Who did I think I was kidding? I called Ron and told him the roads wouldn't be clear of the snow for another day. That day and the next, Denny and I rutted together like two dogs in heat. Denny told his roommates that I had caught a cold and was staying in bed. I was staying in bed, alright -- wrapped around my son's hard body with his even-harder prick shoved up my cunt to the hilt. I'm sure his roommates were curious (and maybe Brian even had an idea what was going on), but neither of us cared. We fucked on that mattress until neither of us could fuck anymore, then we would nap and start all over again. I sucked his big, beautiful cock until my jaw was sore. He sucked my tits and licked my cunt until his mouth was tired. And, always, that monster cock was there -- ready, again and again. This old lady wasn't used to fucking a young stud, but I was more than willing to adjust. When I finally dressed to leave, I couldn't go without one more mouthful of Denny's cum. I dropped to the floor, took his dick out of his pants, and blew him until he came yet again. On the long drive home, I thought about what had happened. I didn't know *WHY* it had happened, it just did. I thought I'd be all twisted up with guilt, but I wasn't. I felt such a deep and intense passion for Denny, I couldn't believe it. My only twinge of guilt was for Ron. That twinge didn't slow me down. Instead of going to the islands with his Frat brothers over Spring Break, Denny came home, and the two of us spent every second that Ron was out of the house fucking and sucking each other into exhaustion. Denny graduated in May and wasn't leaving for Grad school until September.All summer, I urged him to go out with his friends and to date girls his own age. Of course, when he did date, I was terribly jealous -- until the next morning, after Ron left for the office, Denny would crawl into bed with me, and we would go off to our own little world of sex. Denny left Labor Day weekend, and I missed him terribly. Now, the Monday after Thanksgiving, after seeing Denny off at the airport, I'm thrilled that the turkey wasn't the only thing that got stuffed this weekend!
Stacy & Steve
"He's here!" my mom called from the porch. Dad and I raced down the stairs to see my brother, Steve, who was coming home from college for Christmas break. He stepped out of the cab, and I could not believe my eyes. He had changed so much in the past year! He left a scrawny high school senior and was now back a college man. And I do mean man. He grew at least 4 inches and now stood at 6'2". Like all of us, he had dark hair and eyes, and I'm sure that my handsome brother broke many hearts on that college campus. I had changed a lot too in the year. When Steve left, I was 16 and still the most underdeveloped girl in school. I was skinny, had no form, and braces. But a few months ago, my braces came off, and I have developed into the most popular girl in school. As we all went into the house, I pulled Steve to the side to give him a hug. I felt my body press against his, and I felt a little stirring in my stomach, but I brushed it aside. This was my brother, I told myself, not my lover. He held me out at arm's length and slowly looked me up and down...and back up again, taking in my long legs, slim waist, and ample chest. "Wow, Stace, you've really changed!" As he said that, I noticed that his eyes lingered on my breasts. "You too, Steve. So how's college?" "It's cool. No big thing." "I'm glad you're home," I said shyly. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss, which I expected to be on the cheek, but it lightly brushed my lips. He gave me a sly smile. "Yeah, me too." The next day, our parents were out visiting friends. Steve had a project to finish, and he begged me to leave him alone. I couldn't. I was bored. My friends were all in Vermont, on a trip on which I was not allowed to go. So I had to bother Steve. I sat in the chair near the desk in the den, watching him work. Whenever he was concentrating, he chewed the side of his lip and pinched his chin. It was so cute! He was getting annoyed with me and I knew it. "Do you have to stare at me? Go play!" he yelled. "Sorry! I'm bored, what else do you expect me to do? Come on, Stevie, play with me!" I snatched up one of his papers and ran. He chased after me, and when he caught me, he grabbed me by the waist and fell on top of me. I was on the couch, smushed underneath his huge body, with his arms wrapped around me. And he didn't get up either. We laid there for a while, catching our breath. Steve tried to free his hand so he could get up, and he accidentally grazed my breast, flicking my nipple. I got a weird sensation from this, and I felt something growing up against my rear. But that sensation went away when Steve cleared his throat and got up, leaving me there pondering my feelings for my brother. A few days later, I was just getting up, and I always take a shower before I go downstairs. I don't know if I was groggy, deaf, or wanted it in my subconscious, but I entered the bathroom while Steve was in the shower. This would have been no big deal, but I came in while he was getting out, and I got a full view of Steve's assets, and boy were there assets! His chest was covered with black hair, but the ripples in his stomach were still visible. My brother didn't even work out! But below the belt was the most amazing thing. His cock was semi-hard (who knows what he was thinking about in the shower) and had to be at least seven inches at that state. What a sight! I had to hide my embarrassment (and amazement) by blushing, muttering a quick "I'm sorry" and exiting stage left--fast. I ran to my room, closed the door, and thought about what I saw, and what I felt. When I saw Steve step out of that shower, I felt a feeling that I have never felt. My pulse quickened, and I really didn't want to leave. I was extremely aroused. Steve didn't say anything to me about it. I thought that he would come into my room and yell for barging in, but he did nothing. I guess he was a little embarrassed too. Steve was still working on that damn project, and I was determined to draw him away from it. My first tactic (aka snatching the paper) was useless, so it was on to plan B. Get Steve's attention sexually. I was NOT trying to commit incest with my brother. An attractive woman in sexy clothes can get any man's attention, and that's all I wanted. ATTENTION. I was bored. I dressed in a bra and panties set that I was keeping for my friend. Her parents would kill her if they found it. It had a garter and hose and the whole nine yards. I was going to put on heels also, but that was a bit much. The set was a deep blue (Steve's favorite color) and it complimented my teenage body very well. I was not going to walk around the house stark naked, so I put on a silky kimono that my mother brought back from Japan. I sat on the couch and watched Steve from afar. He really was a sexy specimen. His dark hair was flopped over as he buried his head in his hand, frustrated. Now was my chance. I slipped up from behind, placing my small, delicate fingers on his shoulders. I could feel how tight they were. His head popped up, startled. He didn't turn around. "You need to relax." I started massaging his shoulders. I traced from his neck to his arm and back. He didn't say a word, but I could tell he was enjoying it. This continued for five minutes, when he swiveled his chair around. "What the hell do you have on, Stace? Why the kimono?" I smiled seductively and tilted my head. "I'm trying to get you to pay attention to me. Maybe this will help." I slowly untied the kimono and it opened slightly to give him a hint of what was under there. "Are you paying attention?" His eyes lingered on the robe. I knew he was. I slipped the robe off of my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He could now see my entire body. His eyes traced it too. He started at my face, avoiding my eyes, to my neck. He seemed to zoom in on my breasts. The lace delicately complemented them, and I was so hot that my nipples were fully erect, so I'm sure he could see them too. He then studied my flat stomach and the panties I was wearing. The push of my pubic hair against the fabric was visible. Some was actually curling around the edges of the panties, and was very sexy. He finally took in my legs, tinted blue by the stockings, but still long and slender and sensuous. I stared at Steve while he stared at me. His sweat was becoming more and more tented as his eyes got lower and lower. By the time he reached my ankles, he was really hard. At this point, I did not care that Steve was my brother. He was so damn sexy, and I was so aroused that it didn't matter. I moved closer to him and pulled him up out of his chair. He was much taller, so I had to look up. I pulled up his sweatshirt, and ran my fingers over his stomach. His skin was warm, but it burned at my touch because of what we were doing. He slid one of the bra straps off of my shoulder, revealing a bit more of my breasts. I tilted my head back and he leaned over to kiss my neck. I was in..... "Beep!" The computer broke the spell. Steve pulled his shirt down and walked over to the computer. "What the hell are you doing Stace? Put some damn clothes on. I'm your brother!" He sat down and began typing again. I was pissed. How dare he? He was into it just like I was. I ran up to my room, flopped on my bed, and sulked for the rest of the day. Somehow I had to have Steve. I knew this, and I was determined to do it. I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, but he just couldn't face it. If it wasn't for that damn computer..... I decided to write him a note. I left it on his night table where he was sure to see it. It said: Dear Steve, I'm sorry for being so forward today, but I had to bring to your attention what you and I both want. Each other. If it wasn't for the computer, we both would be happy and satisfied. I love you so much, and what better way to show love? Please, I'm begging you. I want you so bad. Please. I'll be awake tonight, all night, thinking of you, so if you change your mind, drop by. I'll still be wearing the lingerie. I know you liked it. Love, Stacy Just like I thought, Steve came by. It was about 2:30 A.M. when I heard the knock at my door. He was wearing boxers and a white T-shirt, and in the dark, he still looked absolutely gorgeous. He closed the door quietly (our parents' room is right next door) and stood there. "Look, Stacy, what has gotten into you? What's that note all about?" "You know what it's about, or you wouldn't be here." I walked over to him in the bra and panties and trapped him against the door. "Yeah, you want me....or you wouldn't be here." "Stace,'re very beautiful." He looked me up and down quickly. "VERY beautiful......but, uh, I'm your brother, and......He stopped because he felt a hand against his crotch. I began slowly stroking him through the fabric, and I could feel him rising. "You may not want me, but something does." "Oh, Stace..." I slipped my arms around his neck and hugged him close, and he returned it. I whispered in his ear, "I knew you wanted me." I took his hand and led him to the bed. He turned me so that I was facing the bed, my back toward him, and stood there. Then I felt a hand at my back as he unhooked my bra. My firm, young breasts sprang free, and my nipples were erect. He reached around from behind and gave them a little pinch. I shivered. I turned back around and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his oh-so-muscular chest. I pulled down his silk boxers, and his cock bounced out. It had to be nine inches at the least. The head was glistening with pre-cum. I realized that I hadn't kissed Steve, so I looked up and searched for his mouth in the dark. I found it. He slipped his tongue through my lips, probing my mouth with it. I returned the favor, twirling my tongue around his and sucking on it. Steve pulled away after a while and laid me back on my bed. He slowly unfastened the garters and removed my panties. He moved up and kissed me for a moment, then kissed my neck, my shoulders, and my breasts, where he stayed for a while. He gently bit one nipple as he played with the other, and sucked both of them like he did our mother's 18 years ago. He was definitely a breast man. He moved down to my stomach, tracing my middle with his tongue. When he reached my pussy, he lightly blew on my mound so that it tickled. I giggled. He spread my lips, and I helped by spreading my legs wider. He lightly brushed my clitoris with his thumb, sending sensations up and down my spine. His index finger found its way to my hole and slowly moved in and out. I moaned with delight. Steve decided to replace his hand with his mouth. His hot breath against my cunt was a sign of things to come. He flicked my clitoris with his tongue, and then led a trail to my hole, soaking up my juices. I was enjoying every minute of it. His tongue darted in and out of my vagina, licking my insides clean. I grabbed his head and pushed him in deeper, and as my passions grew, I began bucking my hips off the bed, grinding my pussy into his face. "Oh, Steve!" I yelled as quietly as I could, if that's possible. "Oh, God, I'm cumming! Oh!" My orgasm swept over me like a wildfire. It started in the depths of me and slowly spread to the point of ecstasy. Every touch after that moment sent me deeper, and Steve knew it, because he kept busy, slurping up all of the effects of my climax. When he was done, he climbed in the bed and laid next to me. I turned him on his back and mounted him, my cunt pushing against his hard cock. He leaned up and kissed me, and I could taste all of my juices that he just lapped up from my pussy. I pulled away and worked my way down to that huge cock of his. It was so hard that it pointed straight up, and it was still getting harder by the minute, jerking as soon as I got near. A droplet of pre-cum escaped from Steve's urethra, and I quickly snapped it up with my tongue. I then moved to his thighs, kissing and nibbling at them, not at all neglecting his balls. I juggled one in my mouth as I played with the other, urged on by Steve's groans. I finally went back to his manhood. I gripped his cock at the base, my small fist not even fitting around it. My mouth watered for the taste of his rod. I slowly devoured it, taking it in inch by inch until about half of it was in, the head pushing at the back of my throat. His thick cock, stretching my lips to the limits, throbbed and pulsated in my hot mouth. I let it out, releasing it just as slowly, until just the head remained between my lips. I then took his cock in and out very fast, my hand jerking him off in the process. He grabbed my head exactly as I had done, and forced my mouth down on his cock harder. More and more cum was running out, and finally Steve came, sending a stream of his sweet, salty cum down my throat. I laid down next to Steve again, resting my head on his chest. "Do you think what we just did was really that bad, Steve?" He shook his head. "Who cares, anyway? It was good!" He rolled on top of me, pinning my arms above my head, and planted a sloppy wet kiss on my lips. I could feel his organ growing again against my thigh. My pussy was twitching, and I knew that I wanted him in me. "Alright, Steve," I said between kisses, "fuck me!" He obliged. I spread my legs and raised my knees to my chest so he would have easy access to my pussy. He draped my legs over his shoulders so he could have it even easier. I felt the head of his cock at the entrance to my velvety soft vagina, stretching my hole around his thickness. He pushed on and on until I felt his balls against my ass. Then I said, "Come on, big brother, fuck my brains out." Again, he obliged. I felt him pull all the way out and then jam it in all the way to the hilt, and I cried out with joy. Steve thought I was hurt. "You okay?" I responded by bucking my hips off the bed and pushing his cock in further. He took this as a yes and began fucking me faster and harder. We developed a rhythm quickly, and Steve was ready to cum in minutes. I wouldn't let him, so we held still until the feeling passed. I turned him over so I could ride him. He laid back on the bed, smiling, and grabbed two handfuls of my ripe breasts. I placed my hand on his chest and began moving my hips up and down, lowering my wet pussy on his throbbing cock. He was ready to cum again, and again I wouldn't let him. I knew that when he finally came, it would be a great one. I continued to ride Steve until I was ready to cum. "Steve, I'm cumming! Ohhhhhhh!" He rubbed my clitoris, and my orgasm rippled around his cock. This was his signal, and like I said, his orgasm was huge. "Oh, God, Stace! Uhhhhhhhhhh!" His cum scalded my insides for a full minute! I laid there on his chest after we experienced our orgasms, his cock still buried in me. It was the greatest feeling in the world, having my dear brother's fresh cum lining the insides of my pussy. It doesn't get any better than this.
Pussy Barber
Love Fuck
"This is perverted." Kristen thought to herself as she crept down the hallway, moving closer to the soft moans coming from the guest bedroom. It was almost three in the morning, and Kristen, clad in her flimsy powder blue nightie kept fighting the urge to peek. Images of being caught peeking flashed into her mind, the outrage of her friends, the embarrassment of it. But other images flashed too. Of passionate, wriggling bodies, of glistening skin, a hard cock, swaying testicles, sensual legs spread wide and spasming. Kristen quietly opened the bathroom door, the one that connected into the spare room. Just as she had hoped, the door to the bedroom was open. In the darkness, she crept silently forward, until she could see the bed, and the writhing bodies upon it. The soft creak of the bed could be heard now, and in the dim light of the room she could see Jerry kneeling behind his girlfriend, Janet, who was also Kristen's friend. Jerry had a handful of Janet's hair, from behind, and his body was pressed firmly to hers. Her head was arched back and her luscious ass was arched up against her man. The dimness of the light reduced the image to black and white, Janet's ass looking smooth, round, and unblemished. The covers were a heaped mess on the floor at the foot of the bed, and Janet was threatening to shred the sheets with her grip. Kristen felt a knot in her stomach, one that twisted all the way down between her legs. Jerry moved in slow, even strokes, arching his back and thrusting into Janet with a long, even movement. Each thrust brought a primal growl from deep inside Kristen's friend, and her hips move back instinctively, forcing Jerry's shaft deep inside her. "God! You're so fuckin' tight!" Jerry whispered, his words carrying easily to Kristen's ears in the nearby bathroom. Janet half moaned, half sighed her response. Janet pushed her upper body up on her hands, her full breasts swaying underneath her. "Fuck me hard. Pump me hard and fast. Cum in me." Kristen's nipples were already hard, excited by what she'd seen and heard so far. Now they ached to be touched and Kristen's right hand found her nipple, teasing it. She watched as Jerry began thrusting faster into Janet, their bodies making an audible "smack", Janet's breasts bouncing, and the flesh of her ass rippling. Kristen felt her panties clinging to her crotch, moistened with her own juices. "Yes! Fuck my ass. Pump your cum in my asshole stud." Kristen heard the words and let out a deep sigh, a sigh of lustful arousal. Her left hand replaced her right on her nipples, and her right hand slid under her panties and between her legs. Kristen knew she was wet, and she slipped one finger deep into herself, rubbing her clit frantically. The two bodies undulated and writhed about, glistening even in the darkness of the room. Janet's long dark hair flailed about as her body heaved and bucked to Jerry's rhythm. It wasn't long before Jerry groaned and began thrusting hard against Janet, trying to drive his cock and maybe even his balls inside her. Their groans filled the air for a few long moments, and then fell silent. In the sudden silence Kristen stopped cold. Her own heavy breathing was covered by theirs, as was the wet, squishing sounds her fingers had been making in her pussy. She slowly caressed herself and watched the two lovers lay on the bed, him on top of her from behind, both kissing and floating along together. Kristen finally realized the show was over and she crept back to her bed, still excited by what she'd witnessed. Her own sleep came only after fantasizing about feeling Jerry coming in her ass, not Janet's. The next morning Janet was in the kitchen first, having made coffee and preparing to make breakfast for the three of them. Kristen shuffled in wearing her light robe, shaking out her long golden hair. "Well! Good morning!" Janet said cheerfully, handing over a hot cup. "'Morning." Kristen said blearily. "Thanks." "Well, you look dreadful. At least I have an excuse," Janet joked. "Ummm. I know," Kristen said automatically, then regretted it. "Oh. I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Janet asked. "Yeah, it's okay though," Kristen said. "It's better than David Letterman." Janet laughed. "ANYTHING is better than David Letterman. Especially a..." Her voice trailed off. "A good ass fucking?" Kristen asked. "Oh, shit. I shouldn't have said that." She argued, "I'm cranky before my first cup." Janet had blushed, even through her early summer tan. "Well, Jerry does have the right equipment for that," she giggled. Kristen smiled. "I've gotta take a shower," she said, walking down the hallway. Before entering the shower, Kristen surveyed herself in the mirror. What she saw pleased her mostly. Fair skin but with a few too many freckles (never mind that her boyfriends told her they were sexy), a pair of slightly bloodshot blue eyes, even though there were some circles forming under them, a very attractive face, but her nose was too big she thought, but no one ever complained. Her best features, the ones she knew would always get the guys to look still pleased her. Her hair was straight, and long, stopping just below her waist, like a golden-blonde waterfall. And her eyebrows, which matched her hair exactly. Many men had asked her if her "other" hair was so perfectly matched. If he was that bold, she invited him to see for himself that it was. Her breasts weren't as large as she wanted, but they were well proportioned to her body. Her waist was slender still, and she was trim, but she always criticized any flab on her butt or thighs, even though most men would have killed to kiss her naked form. At five foot seven, she was leggy, but still nicely put together. Kristen stepped into the shower and soaped up, thinking of Janet and Jerry's performance earlier. She didn't masturbate, she never could in the shower, but she did feel much better after she'd cleaned up and put on what little makeup she usually wore. She brushed out her long hair, still wet, and used the blow dryer for about ten minutes. It was still damp when she stopped to answer the knock on the bathroom door. Jerry stood in the hallway wearing jogging shorts and trying to keep an erection down. Kristen wore her robe but was obviously naked underneath. Kristen smiled and let Jerry into the bathroom, while she returned to the kitchen and the smell of bacon and eggs. Janet's t-shirt was outside of her shorts now, something Kristen noticed quickly. "I see Jerry's said good morning to you," she said. Janet glanced down at her top, then looked over at Kristen, grinning. "Yeah. The animal!" She added with a wink. They ate breakfast when Jerry returned, and afterwards, Janet braided Kristen's long blonde hair. She took her shower with Jerry, and Kristen tried to ignore the sounds of splashing fun the bathroom. Janet and Jerry went out to visit the casinos on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe, while Kristen contented herself with sunning on the deck and reading a new book by her favorite writer. This vacation started out wrong, with Mike cancelling out at the last minute, leaving Kristen feeling alone, and like a party crasher. But then, she didn't gamble and besides, she wasn't old enough anyway. Kristen worked on her tan, hoping that her freckles would blend into a semblance of a tan at least. It was pretty and quiet in the mountains, but still warm. Kristen only stayed in the sun for a short while before moving into the shade. She read for about an hour and a half, then dozed off. Kristen awoke, stretching like a cat, and then stood up. The light coating of sun-screen still glistened on her skin and felt slippery since she'd perspired during her nap. She picked up her towel and turned to enter the rented cabin when she saw Janet and Jerry inside. Kristen watched through the large glass doors, her eyes wide, blinking in amazement or sleepiness. Janet lay on her back on the sofa, her ass at the edge of the cushions. She was naked with her legs high in the air, and Jerry was crouching between her legs, rolling his face around in her cunt. Janet was shaking and rocking her hips, obviously enjoying his tongue. Kristen wondered what to do as she watched. Somehow they'd come back while she'd dozed off, and hadn't seen her on the deck. Jerry made Janet come in a gasping orgasm which made Kristen very wet, and she wanted to finger her pussy, but she didn't dare. She didn't want them to catch her masturbating while she watched them.The two lovers swapped places, and now Janet was sucking on Jerry's cock. In the daylight Kristen could see that Jerry's cock was just about right for fucking, in any hole. Not too big, not too short, just nice. Janet sucked him with practiced expertise. Janet's body was smooth and evenly tan, except for the small light areas that showed the tiny suit she normally wore. Kristen felt her feet moving, and she felt as though someone else was controlling them. As she moved, it came to her that she was going to walk in on them, and she prepared an 'excuse'. If they objected or were embarrassed, she would simply go to her room, then shower off from her sunbathing. If they didn't object then...well, she'd see. Kristen took a deep breath and opened the door, walking in and closing it carelessly behind her. Just as she entered, Janet looked up, and Jerry began to shoot. Both young women locked eyes for a moment, then Kristen's were drawn to the thick white cum spurting against Janet's neck and tits. Janet looked down, paused, then gulped down Jerry's spurting cock, making him cry out with loud 'ahhh's'. Kristen decided to go to her room, as if she'd interrupted completely by accident. As she walked she could feel the slipperiness of her own pussy and the stiffness of her nipples. 'Nice timing!' Janet said loudly as Kristen turned the corner. She stopped and turned back, looking back at Janet, her tits glistening wetly. 'Sor-reee!' Kristen said, grinning. 'I thought you guys were going out all day.' Janet stood and walked closer, her sperm-splotched breasts wobbling as she walked. Kristen couldn't take her eyes off the cum that dribbled down between them, or the cum that clung to one of her dark nipples. 'Surrre.' Janet said softly. 'Come with me, I have something to show you.' Kristen followed Janet into the bedroom and Janet opened a small paper bag. From the bag she pulled a thick vibrating dildo, covered in a soft, flesh-like latex. 'Watch this,' she said, then switched it on. The head vibrated and as she worked the controls, the upper third began to twirl or rotate and piston in and out. Kristen's eyes got big. 'Where did you get THAT!?' Kristen laughed. 'At a little novelty store in town,' Janet giggled. 'And this too!' She handed Kristen the vibrator and Kristen felt it buzzing, twisting and thrusting in her hands. It sent an erotic feeling deep inside her pussy. Janet pulled another item from the bag. This dildo looked like a 'Y', with two cocks joined at the base. Kristen knew how this was meant to be used. 'Look at this though!' Janet said, connected a rubber ball and tube to the dildo. She set it humming and the tips of both heads blurred, then she squeezed the ball. Water jetted out of both tips, squirting several feet. Kristen's pussy spasmed at the sight. 'Think of the possibilities with this!' 'Um, yeah. Nice!' Kristen said. 'Er, I'm going to take a shower. Maybe even a cold one.' Janet handed her the thrusting dildo. 'Here, have fun.' Kristen refused it, as much as she would have tried it in privacy, she didn't want to seem too desperate or horny. She went into her room and couldn't resist the urge to finger her pussy. Kristen lay on the bed, her fingers blurring over her clit. She came quickly, thinking of the images of Jerry's cock spurting all over Janet's tits. A few minutes later Kristen pulled on a robe and picked up some clothes, then went into the bathroom for a quick shower. She was just about to climb into the shower when Janet knocked on the door, asking to be let in quickly. Kristen opened the door for her. 'Shit!' Janet said, 'I got it in my eye and it BURNS!' Kristen got a look at her face as she moved past to get to the sink. There were thick globs of sperm on her cheek and in her hair. Jerry had cum again, but somehow Janet had gotten some of the salty stuff in her right eye. After a minute of splashing water she stood up and toweled her face off, most of Jerry's cum having been washed off. 'That'll teach you to watch too close!' Kristen laughed. 'Thanks a bunch,' Janet said. 'Would you mind if I showered with you?' she asked, feeling the cum in her hair. 'No, c'mon. You do my back, I'll do yours,' Kristen said. Together they showered, trading secrets and laughing over Kristen's unannounced entry earlier. Kristen's hair was pinned up so she didn't have to dry it all over again, and Janet scrubbed her back. The oily sunscreen needed to be scrubbed off, and Janet didn't stop when she reached Kristen's ass. She worked down, not sexually touching, but scrubbing hard. She kept going down those long, lean legs, until she reached the ankles. 'Thanks,' Kristen said. 'That felt good.' She turned around, hand extended for the washcloth. Instead, Janet soaped it up and began scrubbing Kristen's chest, above and between her breasts. 'Jerry would kill to do this to you, you know,' Janet said evenly. 'He said that last night he fantasized about you joining us.' 'Really?' Kristen said, forgetting that Janet was washing her front. 'He really said that?' Janet nodded, scrubbing around Kristen's tits and then down her belly. 'He even said he'd like to eat you while he fucks me.' Kristen's mind imagined that, and she felt a little excited. Suddenly Janet's hand was sliding over her mons, and then between her legs. The touch was lighter, more sensual now. Kristen's legs parted slightly, and her lips parted to take a sharp breath. Janet's hand lingered a little longer, then she began scrubbing the fronts of the blonde's legs. Kristen looked down, watching Janet kneel and scrub. Her hand moved and touched Janet's head lightly. Janet leaned forward and kissed Kristen's pussy lightly, then she stood up. Close. Kristen seemed to move on automatic. She leaned forward, tilting her head slightly, and then it happened. Their lips met in a kiss. Kristen was surprised at how warm and soft Janet's lips were. Their breasts touched lightly, making Kristen's nipples stand up even harder. When they parted, Kristen gazed into the eyes of her friend, now to be her newest lover. Trembling with excitement Kristen reached out and touched Janet's breast. This was the first time she'd ever touched another woman's breast sexually. The soft flesh was so warm, and Janet's full orb drew Kristen's hand into a cup shape which she slid over the end of her friend's breast. Janet's hands slid down and cupped Kristen's ass, kneading it slightly. Kristen's whole body trembled, as though she were going to have an all-over orgasm. Somehow Janet realized her friend's nervous excitement and she leaned down, taking one of Kristen's nipples in her lips. As she sucked on it, biting down delicately, Kristen gasped and pressed her soft tit into Janet's face. Janet pulled on the other nipple with her fingers, then gently licked all around Kristen's puffy areola. The tall blonde's breathing was shallow and ragged, and Kristen could feel her cunt leaking its warm cream down her thigh. Janet stood upright and Kristen felt like she was on fire. She grabbed Janet's face and kissed her, one of the most passionate kisses she'd ever given. Janet returned it, with her hands exploring the lean, smooth texture of her friend's body. When their kiss broke, Kristen burned with a madness, a desire, a carnal need. She bent and licked around Janet's nipple, then sucked hard on the erect bud. Janet cradled the blonde's head to her breast, and felt Kristen suckling and licking her tit. Kristen's right hand slid between Janet's legs, lightly at first. Kristen's pussy spasmed when her fingers found Janet's cunt soaking wet and slippery. Her fingers slid back and forth through her friend's cuntlips, then Kristen sighed as her finger slid into her friend's body. Janet sighed too, rocking her hips forward and trembling against Kristen. A few moments later, Kristen stood with her hands on the wall of the shower, legs spread, and Janet sitting on the floor, her head bent back and her tongue, her wonderful tongue, swirling around inside her. Janet was sucking her pussy, lapping her free-flowing juices and sliding her hands up and down Kristen's legs. Kristen gasped for breath, her stomach heaved in and out and her legs threatened to buckle. Janet sucked and licked, and Kristen shuddered. A wave washed over her, starting in her cunt and spreading outward, returning to her twat as a flood of thick creamy juice to be lapped up by Janet. Kristen sat down on a ledge in the shower, weak and flushed. Janet rolled to her knees and kissed the blonde's tits, then kissed Kristen on the mouth. Kristen tasted her juices, not for the first time but certainly the most erotic. Janet's lips were slick and their tongues danced. Moments later, when Janet stood up, Kristen took the floor and tongued Janet's pussy. Kristen looked at Janet's pussy, seeing the swollen lips surrounded by her curly bush. Her tongue licked lightly over Janet's slit, finding her clit at the top, all swollen and hard. Janet's hips jerked, and Kristen continued to lick circles around it. Soon Kristen's chin was slick with the juices seeping from Janet's opening, and her tongue was sliding all around.Kristen loved the feeling on her tongue, and her face. The smooth, warm, slippery wetness excited her, and the musky scent of Janet filled her nostrils. "Put your fingers in me," Janet said breathlessly. Kristen did. First one finger, then two, then a third. Janet's hips bucked and Kristen flicked her tongue over the girl's clit. She felt the spasms around her fingers, the grasping, pulsing squeezes as Janet began to cum. Kristen shoved her fingers in deep, moving her hand back and forth until Janet moaned loudly and began shuddering. Janet's hips ground against the intruding fingers, and her hand pushed Kristen's face tightly against her mons. When Kristen pulled her fingers out, they glistened with Janet's cream, a few whitish globs clinging to her fingers. Kristen licked her fingers off, savoring it like a fine sauce. They finished their shower, hugging and kissing each other tenderly. They had shared something very special, and they both felt close and loving to each other. After eight years of friendship, they had become even closer. Jerry was half-dressed, watching a movie when the girls came out of the bathroom. Both were clad only in terry cloth robes and they sat on either side of him. Jerry felt something was up, and he was almost afraid of saying anything to spoil it. For a long time he'd fantasized about having Kristen's long legs wrapped around him, and it seemed like he would have his chance. Kristen sat so that when she looked at the TV, she could not see either Janet or Jerry. When she watched part of the show, Jerry slipped his hand under Janet's robe and between her legs. The sudden stiffness was like a jerk and Kristen turned her head, looking right at Jerry's half hidden hand. "Turn it on," Janet whispered softly. Jerry saw that Kristen was looking, and felt his cock rising into a tremendous erection. His fingers found the switch and a light humming noise filled the air just as Janet's body shuddered. The "Y" shaped dildo inside her began vibrating her body, sending delicious waves of pleasure through her. Janet held his hand over her cunt, cupping her twat and pressing the vibrator deeper. Kristen took Jerry's other hand gently, spreading her legs slightly and placing his hand under her robe. Jerry's hand explored her crotch, finding the other dildo already in place. Jerry's fingers found the switch and turned it on. Kristen's body jerked, and she gasped several times as the dildo began squirming in her cunt. "Ah-h-h-h-h...Ohhhhhhhh!" Kristen sighed, cupping Jerry's hand over her cunt. Her hips rocked against the twisting, thrusting vibrator, and her eyes closed, jaw slack in rapture. "Let me suck you," Janet said softly, sliding down off the sofa. She quickly unfastened his pants and removed his rigid cock. Without a word she sucked on him, moving up and down the shaft with quick movements. Her mouth watered and saliva coated his cock, making it glisten wetly. Janet shucked her robe to the floor, curling her feet under her so that as she rocked her body back and forth it pressed the humming vibrator deeper into her holes. Kristen leaned over and kissed Jerry, sending her tongue halfway into his throat. He kissed back, taking command and forcing her tongue to retreat. They mouth-fucked each other with their tongues, bodies blazing with fiery passions. Jerry's hips rocked up to cram his cock into Janet's mouth, and she made loud slurping noises. Jerry kneaded Kristen's tits, and she began panting, coming closer to her orgasm from the vibrator and all the sensations. Jerry couldn't hold on, and he felt the thick jism rising from his balls. Janet's wet mouth slobbered down his cock, making sloppy, wet noises as his cock began swelling. She moaned twice, urgently trying to call Kristen. Just as Kristen moved, Jerry's hips arched. Kristen saw Janet's brow furrow in concentration and the thick pulsing of Jerry's cock in her mouth. Janet's mouth and jaw worked, and then Kristen heard a swishing, squirting noise. Janet moaned as his jism flowed, filling her mouth with his creamy cum. She greedily sucked his sperm into her mouth, coaxing every drop by licking just under the tip of the head. Finally spent, she let his softening cock slip from between her lips, trailing a dribble of sperm over her lower lip. Kristen leaned down and licked the semen from Janet's lips. Janet grabbed her head and pulled her closer. Kristen opened her mouth, expecting to taste Jerry's cum. Janet opened her mouth and used her tongue to push the warm, thick mass of sperm into Kristen's mouth. It was erotic to Kristen, and she sucked the sperm from Janet's mouth, then they tongued each other fiercely, swishing the cum around back and forth. Parting their kiss, strands of jism connected their lips. Tongues flashed and collected it, and both girls swallowed, tasting his jizz like a cream sauce. The vibrators had brought them both close to orgasm, yet their bodies refused to yield. Kristen's passions were beyond what she'd known, and she wanted to come so badly she would do anything Janet asked. "Go get my bag," Janet said to Jerry. She smiled and asked Kristen if she ever fantasized about being watched. Kristen, in a very carnal mood, ran her hands over her tits, licking her lips. "No," she breathed. "Let's let him watch us," Janet said, cupping Kristen's cunt and shoving the dildo into her. Kristen was being fucked by the little machine, and the twisting head kept her so close to orgasm that Janet's hand nearly sent her over the edge. The hand withdrew too soon, leaving Kristen almost in tears, until she watched Janet lick her cream off her fingers. Jerry returned carrying Janet's duffle bag, his cock returning to full size. Janet unzipped the bag and reached in. "You'll love this toy," she said, pulling out a two foot double-headed dildo. Kristen's cunt spasmed, and she reached down to finger herself. "NO!" Janet said sharply, pulling the blonde's hand from her bush. Then, softly, "Cum WITH me." And she kissed Kristen softly. Kristen followed along, floating on her erotic, lust-filled cloud. Janet positioned her on her hands and knees, adjusting the dildo to a slower rhythm. She pulled it out of Kristen's twat, watching her gaping cunt hole spasm and close slowly. She pressed the humming, twisting head to Kristen's asshole, pressing the slick, rubbery head firmly. "Oh, no, don't...." Kristen started, but suddenly her asshole was filled with sensations that made her cream flow like water. She trembled and her stomach jerked. Kristen's ass shot up in the air, and Janet pushed the toy down into the girl's tight hole. "Ohhhh Goddddddd!" Kristen wailed. Janet rubbed her hand all over Kristen's glistening vulva, massaging her cunt juice all over her crotch, coating her thighs and belly with the creamy fluid that dripped from her. Kristen tried to catch her breath, feeling as though she were being split open and fucked inside-out. Janet picked up the large dildo and coated it with her hand, smearing Kristen's juices on the bulbous head. She held Kristen's hips, pressing the thick rubber cock into her cunt. "Ah-h-h-h...Ohh! Make me cummm! Please! Makemecum!" Janet slowly pushed ten inches of the cock up the blonde's snatch, watching her holes spasm as it eased into her. Each outstroke brought her pouty cuntlips out, as though they were holding on and trying to suck it deeper. Once she had the dildo seated, Janet stood up and walked around in front of Kristen. Kristen looked up at her naked friend, at the "Y" shaped vibrator still humming in her asshole and cunt. Kristen felt filled with cock, as though she would explode. Janet moved close, standing with her crotch almost in Kristen's face. "Pull it out of me," She hissed. "Jerk it out hard, do it fast." Kristen reached up a trembling hand and grasped the end of the vibrator. It was slick with Janet's cream, but Kristen jerked hard, yanking it out of her cunt and butt. "Ohhhhhh CUMM!" Janet yelled, then grabbed Kristen's head, shoving her hips forward and rocking them against Kristen's face. "Drink me!" Janet's cream poured from her, soaking Kristen's face and Janet's crotch. Janet shuddered and ground her pussy against the girl's face. Kristen felt her nose rubbing Janet's clit hard. Janet moved away suddenly, going behind Kristen and kneeling down, facing away from her friend. Janet pushed the long dildo into her cunt and then pressed her ass against Kristen's. "Fuck me baby!" Janet pleaded. "Fuck me with that beautiful blonde pussy! Fuck me!" Kristen and Janet began rocking their hips back and forth, fucking each other with the dildo. Jerry had been watching from the sofa, stroking his cock. Several times he'd had to grip tightly to keep from shooting his load too early. Now he knelt alongside the girls, reaching between their slapping asses to hold the dildo still so that it would slide in and out of their slick cunts. Wailing moans filled the room from both women. Kristen felt a huge orgasm welling up deep inside her. Each warm slap of Janet's butt to hers brought her a half step closer. Both were near the edge, sweat shining on their backs, making their asses seem rounder and softer."Fuck me Kristen! Fuck me baby!" Janet moaned again. "Oh! Kristen! Kristen! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU KRISTEN!!" she screamed. Both of them cried out, slamming their asses tightly together, pinning Jerry's hand between them. They shook in orgasm, moaning and jerking around, cramming as much cock in them as they could. Each shudder from one sent the other into another shudder. It seemed to last forever as they climaxed, bodies roiling with waves and waves of spasming pleasure. Kristen felt her muscles tightening and then it was if she were drowning in sensations. Cum sensations. The fullness in her ass and cunt made her eyes roll back, and her hips arched, pressing hard against Jerry's hand. She could actually feel the tickle of Janet's cunt hairs on her sensitive twat, and the cum-juices trickling down her thighs. Sparks and lights went off in her head and she thought she might pass out from the intensity of it all, but she did not. She rode each delicious wave, surfing each one down into her cunt, flowing out between her cuntlips and down her cream-slick thighs. Janet's cunt contracted and gripped the dildo hard. She could feel Jerry's hand trapped against her vulva, hot and hard. Her tits seemed to be swelling up, and her nipples were brushing the coarse fibers of the rug. Her ass arched high, and she could feel the heat of Kristen's spasming cunt near hers. The dildo pressed against her cervix, giving her a full feeling. Her stomach bulged out, then contracted only to relax and bulge again with the feeling of being crammed full of thick cock. Her cream was flowing and she could feel her crotch was slick with juices. Each of Kristen's shudders was like an electric pulse to her clit, making her shudder in response. Jerry pulled his hand out, and Janet felt Kristen's sopped cunt splat against hers. She arched back, trying to grind her pussy against the wet blonde's. They both tried, bouncing back and forth until they felt another wave wash over them. The second orgasm was unlike the first. This was more sensual, sexy and warm. The first had been full of fire, passion, and need. This was icing on the cake. The two sweaty women sank to the floor, the dildo still in their cunts, although almost out of each one. Jerry gently removed it from their pussies, and also gently removed the vibrator from Kristen's ass. They shuddered and jerked as he removed the toys, then lay still in a limp tangle of glistening legs, asses and cunts. Jerry lovingly caressed their sweaty behinds, running his hands down the backs of their thighs. "Janet," Kristen said hoarsely. "Hmmm?" "I love you too," Kristen said. "Mmmmmmmmm!" Jerry's cock pressed against Janet's waist, and she smiled. "I think we forgot someone," she said softly. Slowly they both sat up, and smiled at Jerry. "You liked our little show?" Janet asked. "Yes!" Jerry said. "I'm so horny I could cum right now!" Kristen looked up at him. "Then do it," she said, thrusting her tits forward. "Cum all over us." Jerry's cock ached, standing straight out like a metal rod. Pre-cum oozed down from the hole, forming a droplet under the head. Kristen leaned forward and extended her lower lip to remove it, letting it form a string as she moved back, licking it off her lip. Jerry groaned. "I know what he wants," Janet cooed. Moments later, Janet lay on the floor with Kristen's ass over her chest, arched up for Jerry's entry. Kristen's tits pressed between Janet's thighs, and Kristen's hands gripped Janet's calves. Jerry sank deep into Kristen's sopping wet pussy. "Ohhh Jeeezzus!" Jerry moaned. Kristen gasped then sighed as his cock began sliding in and out of her slippery hole. Janet caressed her friend's legs, her ass, and belly. "She's so beautiful isn't she?" Janet said to Jerry. "And so hot and wet. Fuck her. Go ahead, I know you want to fuck her and cum in her. Do it!" Jerry moved faster, trying to restrain himself in Kristen's beautiful cunt. Her body glistened with sweat, and with her ass high, offered to him, Jerry was straining not to shoot too soon. He wanted it to last, for her as well as for him. Janet wasn't helping matters. "Shove that cock up her cunt and fuck her!" Janet teased. "Make her cum all over that beautiful cock of yours. She wants you to fill her with cum. Cum in her cunt!" Jerry pumped faster, his cock throbbing and straining. It felt like his cock was a steel ramrod, plunging in and out of Kristen's soft flesh. Her cunt made squishing, slippery noises, and the way she moved her butt against him made Jerry grimace to keep his resolve. "Ohh yes! Cum in me Jerry!" Kristen moaned. "Fill me with cum! Fuck me! Fuck me baby! Fuck me!" Jerry felt his balls tighten from her moans. "Yes!" Janet added. "I want to eat your cum out of her. Let me lick your cum off her cunt. Soak her. Soak her with cum!" Jerry's cock exploded, gushing thick sperm into Kristen's cunt. He thrust deep into her, pressing her mons down onto Janet's chest. She could see his cock swell between her cuntlips with each pulse, and feel the tension in his legs as well as all through Kristen's sweat-slicked body. Jerry spurt and spurt into Kristen, feeling like his body was draining itself dry in her, trying to fill her sucking cunt to capacity with his sperm. At last he stopped, feeling the thick warmth surrounding his cock inside her. Kristen was moaning softly, and grinning broadly. Janet pulled Jerry back, and as his cock plopped out of her, he dripped sperm onto her neck, the soft, wet cock hitting her mouth and chin with a wet splat. Janet licked the head, then pulled Kristen's cunt to her mouth. Opening her mouth wide, Janet began sucking the length of the blonde's slit, lapping up the sperm and cunt-juice that flowed out of her beautiful friend's snatch. Janet shoved her tongue inside Kristen's hole, withdrawing it covered with their rich, creamy mixture. Janet lapped and sucked at Kristen's pussy, making the blonde climax twice. When she finally finished, her face and neck were slick with their juices. Kristen rolled off, sat up and kissed Janet deeply, licking her own cum mixed with Jerry's semen from Janet's lips and face. The two girls hugged and kissed a last time, then looked at Jerry. "Hard again!?" Janet teased. "Nobody could stay limp watching you two," Jerry smiled. "Can you cum again?" Kristen asked. He shook his head. "Not for a while," he said. "I need a shower and maybe a quick nap before I'll be 'recharged'. You girls have drained me!" They laughed, and Jerry went to shower. The two girls sat on the sofa, gently touching and kissing each other. "You know," Kristen began, "I never thought it would be so good with another woman." Janet smiled. "Oh, you're so sweet and sexy I could just hold you close to me forever!" Kristen smiled at her. "I-I'm glad it was you. For my first time." Janet kissed her softly. "First and always." "Janet," Kristen said between soft kisses. "I love you." They embraced and kissed, caressing each other tenderly. "I knew I was falling in love with you the other night," Janet confessed. "What? When?" Kristen asked. "When Jerry was fucking my ass and you were masturbating in the bathroom." " did you see me?" Kristen asked. "The night light in there. Remember? I could see right through your nightie. The mirrors in the bedroom showed you clearly," Janet said smiling. Kristen blushed. "I knew then that I wanted you, and that my feelings for you were deep. That's why I came so hard. I knew you were watching," Janet added. "I-I felt perverted doing that. Like a peeping Tom," Kristen said, looking at the floor. Janet lifted her face and smiled. "No, next time I want your tongue in me while he fucks my ass." "You mean that?" Kristen asked, her eyes wide. Janet nodded. "Yes. Just so I can have my tongue in you too!" Again they kissed. This trip may have started out all wrong, Kristen thought, but it's sure turned out wonderful!!
The Maid
"Sir, I found this note in the garbage. Is it yours?" The dark brown innocent looking eyes of Tiyar awaited my answer as she held out the crumpled paper to me. "Thank you." I took the note and read it. It was from my business partner, and that an important meeting had been rescheduled, to start an hour ago! I could not control the anger in my voice, "Did you take this note Ti?" I often called her this, she had asked me to during the first week she began work. "No Mr. Simons." And I believed her, it was written in my wife's handwriting. "God damn it all too hell!" I spun about and slammed my hands upon my desk. I forgot the maid standing at my flank. Since I missed the meeting, my company probably lost the chance we had for a huge account, and a large amount of revenue. Why would Linda throw out a message that I hadn't received yet? I spun about to go out to the backyard where my wife was taking in some sun, instead I discovered Ti kneeling before me. Her head was down as she picked up the mess I had made that morning while working. From the angle that she was I could see directly down the front of her dress to her ample bosom. The naturally brown skin tantalized and stunned me for a brief second. I, of course, had noticed that the maid was a very beautiful young woman, but usually my appraisal was less than energetic. The large firm mounds swayed beneath her as she reached and grabbed the small bundles of garbage, a sight that greatly incensed me. I could see much of her breast, minus the sight of her nipple, a part of her that I greatly imagined the sight of. After several enjoyable moments of this sight, she looked up directly into my eyes, her hand and knees still upon the floor. Silence. I was extremely conscious that my knees were spread and she was but an arm's reach from my crotch, while her face was level with my lap. "Honey?!" It was Linda. It took a few seconds before I answered, all thought of the crumpled note gone, just the silent beauty kneeling before me in my thoughts. "Yes?" Ti stood and immediately took the garbage pail out of my den. My wife entered seconds after, dressed in a see-through summer wrap which revealed her one-piece bikini underneath. "Oh..." I was startled by her sudden appearance.Nothing was said between Tiyar and myself about that afternoon. We acted as if nothing had ever happened. Yet our eyes would sometimes meet and a silent communication would be passed between us. A few times I had caught her eyes upon me, attempting to pierce my clothing. I was also doing the same towards her. Things would have continued from that point if I didn't walk in on Ti as she was masturbating. It was the Sunday after her witnessing my nuptial coupling and the house was quiet when I got home from golf. I had thought everyone gone, even Ti since it was her day off, but I was standing in the hallway browsing through the Sunday Paper when I noticed movement from down the hall leading to the kitchen. Actually, once I stuck my head around the corner the movement had come from the breakfast nook and not from the actual kitchen. And what I saw startled me, even after seeing my maid's hunger as she watched me and Linda. Ti was sitting in the large bay window that led out to the backyard, her right side facing me. She was sitting in the large comfortable chairs Linda had wanted so badly, and had her naked feet placed up on the window sill. The long brown smooth legs were uncovered and led right up to the edge of her oversized t-shirt, the knees well apart. She was almost laying horizontal in that chair, but her head and neck was staring out the window directly at my wife's bikini-clad body. That was a shock, but when Ti moaned and clenched her unseen crotch with both hands, I was truly amazed. Perhaps Ti had not been excited at seeing me the other day, but my wife! I wasn't sure if I should be disgusted or turned on. Ti was a very beautiful woman, and the fact that she was interested in my wife's body instead of mine puzzled me. I could barely see Linda out in the yard, laying face down upon the huge towel. Her body glistening with tanning lotion and sweat, the sun darkening her pale skin. She too looked attractive. Again Ti moaned, one arm moving faster upon her crotch than the other. I could just make out the faint noise of her juicy vagina as its folds were being manipulated. As I stood dumbly in the hallway, Ti brought up one hand, covered in her sexual secretions and sucked on the fingers one at a time, being sure to get every drop. She then used the same hand to begin to pinch her nipples through her t-shirt. Her bottom began to rotate upon the chair, in time to her moaning and heavy breathing, yet her eyes never left the naked limbs of my wife. Linda, meanwhile, was unaware of the audience she had. But lay contented before the pool, a few feet from the large window. She was reading one of those trashy novels housewives seem to purchase often. Her feet were waving about in the air as she was raised up on her elbows. Her breasts hung down in the slim bathing suit, and from the angle she was at I could see almost all the way to her navel. A tall glass with a drink sat next to her, and she reached out to wipe the sweat from the clear cup. She rubbed the moisture upon her upper chest and forehead. Linda did indeed look delicious, and I may have lingered to enjoy the sight of her if Ti had not. The maid's enjoyment was reaching a climax, her body was quivering uncontrollably now, her calf muscles jumping in excitement. The sounds of pleasure loud against the silence of the house. Ti stiffened noticeably while her body became like a statue for several lengthy seconds. Her climax shot throughout her body, and then she began to relax and enjoy the sexual after-effects. It took a long time for her to gain her body back under control. Ti suddenly turned her head and looked directly into my eyes. Without any emotion upon her face she looked down upon my bulging crotch and appraised my covered organ. She stood, and for a brief second I wondered if she would come towards me, yet she promptly disappeared around the corner towards her bedroom. The breakfast room smelled faintly like a woman's sexual heat, and I stood before the large window at the close proximity of my wife as she was still unaware of what had just transpired. Out of the corner of my eye, I again saw movement, but so enthralled was I in what I had just seen, I didn't realize it was from the opposite direction than Tiyar had departed to.I could feel my seed shoot out the head of my cock even while her vagina clasped my fucking finger in a hungry and climaxing grasp. It was one of the most peculiar orgasms I have ever had. Ti and I both climaxed simultaneously, neither had a huge cum. I for one was attempting to hide my enjoyment for my wife and company, while very conscious of any above-table movements. It was a strange orgasm that I had, but fulfilling all the same. Several moments went by and Ti and I returned our hands to our laps. Unseen by anyone else at the table, my maid daintily lifted her expert hand and licked off two drops of pearly white sperm, smiling at me all the while. I looked into her eyes as I finally lifted and quickly tasted my hand, her juices delicious and her scent strong but highly addictive. What happened next should be obvious. That I would seek out the maid and become a sexual beast upon her. Yet, that is not how it happened. I did seek her out in the darkness of the night, but could not find her in her room or even in any of the obvious places in the house. So I began to hunt the not so obvious places. I came upon my teenage daughter's room and the slightly open door. The crack glowed with a yellow pale light from within, though not enough to even brighten the hallway which I stood. It was no perverse or demented reason that I stole a peek into my daughter's privacy, just simple interest and casual turn of the head. Inside, my slim pretty young girl leisurely masturbated unknown to her father's sudden surprise. At first, I was surprised and shocked that my "little girl" had advanced in years that her own sexuality had emerged. Something that I had dreaded and pretended not to notice. Yet, my eyes, and ears, proved that her body was becoming something that a father never wants for his daughter, a "woman". A wave of guilt ran through me, from my intrusion into affairs that hardly included me. Yet, her slim strong tanned limbs enticed and seduced my vision as well as my mind and I stood rooted to the spot, my eyes glued to the long spread legs of my own flesh and blood. Time had no meaning, it was measured in the movement of my daughter's long shiny wet fingers upon her obviously excited vagina. She was naked, not a stitch of clothing or a blanket hid any part of her from my prying eyes. I would involuntarily lick my lips as I watched the excited young lady arch her back off the bed, and grasp her own young firm breast in her claw-like-hands. The hand between her legs would move to the enlarged clitoris showing above her glistening slit to agitate it viciously, before moving back down to rub up and down the full length of her slightly spread sex lips. Her gasp of self-pleasure echoing in my ears, almost deafened me with my guilty lust. My body was secular to my single sense of sight, yet that sight noticed a movement beneath me. Or rather, just in front and below me. Tyar's eyes looked directly into my own, her fingers fumbling with my tied-off rugby bottoms. Shocked that I had a witness to my incestuous thoughts, if not my inaction, and shocked that she obviously cared not. My hardness emerged with an insistent jerk that slapped the young woman on her cheek. With her eyes still looking into my own, she opened her mouth and swallowed two-thirds of my manhood. This time, my own quiet moan of delight resounded in time with my daughter's mounting excitement. The maid, closed her eyes and earnestly began to please me. So my vision again returned to my daughter's quickening movements. The teenager rolled to her side away from me, and the doorway, her hips pumping her sex against her wet fingers. She bit into her own pillow to stifle a scream of pleasure. Even as my daughter's orgasm approached, so did mine. A part of me wanted to feel my seed spend at the exact moment my daughter reacted to her own out rush of energy. And with the help of the determined lips and mouth of my hired-hand, it would soon be accomplished. The seconds progressed more quickly than before, much to my disappointment. My daughter returned to laying upon her backside, her legs spread almost horizontal and never once touching the bed. I was amazed at my "little girl's" sexuality, the emotions she was about to expel was proof of her capacity. The face bobbing upon my cock, mattered little, Ti didn't matter only her working mouth did. And even then, only to produce an orgasm that I had thought too dirty an action to do while being a witness to my daughter's enjoyment. And Ti did an expert job, even though she could not witness what I could see. And as greedy as I was, I am glad that I was the only witness to the beautiful young lady's pleasure. My cock began to shoot even before I was aware of the fact, so engrossed in my own daughter's orgasm. She clenched fiercely, both her thigh and shoulder muscles quivering violently, even while her teeth ground and her fingers dug into flesh. I thought my darling young girl would hurt herself, for that briefest of moments, until she again collapsed flat upon the bed, her body draped in exhaustion. The last of my sperm was deposited upon the brown skin of my maid's cheek. I could barely stand, and backed up to lean against the hallway wall. My maid, stood triumphantly and pressed her clothed body against my own. Without a word she kissed me passionately, my own taste entering my mouth along with her spearing tongue. The kiss lasted a scant few seconds, long enough for me to feel a gentle ripple in my sex, before my maid stood away from me. She stole my soul with her piercing gaze, then turned and left me alone in the hallway. Guilty at all that had transpired, I quickly returned to my wife and my bed.The next few days were distant, at least with my interactions with other people. I barely spoke to my wife, and never touched her. She, of course, noticed my coldness and inquired into my feelings and thoughts, I just smiled as warm as I could then allowed her to kiss me. On the cheek. I avoided my daughter, every time I saw her I picture that pretty woman laying upon her bed naked and damn sexy. And, of course, the guilty pleasure I had received just from that sight alone. As for my son, I went out of my way to not see. And for some strange reason didn't blame him for what was going on with my wife. Linda was older, and his mother, she was to blame. I understood that teenagers had raging hormones and would take anything that came along, though I did wonder where the line must be drawn. Tiyar was the only one that I didn't avoid, in fact I wished she would seek my company more often. I desired Tiyar's company for a new reason now; I thought she was the only one who knew the tremendous emotions running through me, and I figured I would be able to talk with her. When that moment finally came, she sat down with me, alone in the house, and I talked for almost an hour. While she was being the perfect listener. Even holding my hand, kissing the fingertips in sympathy for my words. A new rush of desire ran through me, one solely to possess this beautiful and sexy maid. It was stronger than lust before, this time I began to think I was falling in love with Tiyar. My house was not a comfortable place to live, my daughter was the first to voice this problem. She cried upon my shoulder telling me that "everyone hated her". Of course I reassured her this was preposterous while at the same time was very conscious of her warm young body fiercely holding me. At that time, I didn't actually wonder why my daughter hadn't gone to my wife for support, as the two of them were usually bound tightly as some mother-daughters were. I didn't want my desire to rise, and I did attempt to hold it back, but my heart rate and sex had other ideas. Could my daughter feel the growing size of my organ against her hip, as she sat upon my lap as she used to do as a very young girl? The sweat was rolling down my back and face, and it wasn't the heat. I hated myself, hated what my body urged for. My hand was nonchalantly laying upon my daughters upper thigh, and I wondered if she could feel it quiver as well as then forced will I put into it, just so it didn't move. She wiggled about, seemingly to get more comfortable, yet this stimulated my rock hard sex. Surely she could feel the manhood against her? She had talked herself out and just had her arms wrapped about my neck in a strong hug. She was so small and attractive that my desire was strongly overcoming my willpower to stop any actions that may lead, or suggest, a lewdness or impropriety in our parts. Incest is such a ugly word, as my wife should well know. I honestly do now know how far it would have gone. My daughter wiggled about even more, pressing her hip harder into my lap, my small breasts poking into my chest, and her soft cheek against my own. She only kissed me twice. Two little peeks upon my neck. But that is all it took, I lost control; my hand slid up between her thighs and began to slowly reach upwards to that warm wonderful spot that I had witness not so long before. She responded by spreading her legs just enough for my hand to reach her covered crotch. My fingers touched the cloth covering her sex mound, I gently pressed into the lower crack then tracing upwards towards the spot that caused her to moan and wiggled about. I was enjoyed the obvious heat and moisture in this region, when Ti walked in on us. "Excuse me Sir, would a cold supper be all right tonight?" I pulled away from my daughter, too stunned to think. While she suddenly jumped up and walked away, quickly to her room. If I had been thinking straight I would have known what she would be soon doing alone in her room. "My god!" I gasped for breath, just realizing what I had been about to do, what I almost did. "Thank god." Tiyar looked at me knowingly, yet with compassion. "Thank you Ti, I..." The maid came over and replaced my daughter upon my lap, I still too stunned to even think straight. "Understandable after everything you have been through." She kissed my cheek softly. "And she is an attractive young woman," again a kissed this time upon the same spot that my daughter had kissed, "and you have been under great stress lately." "Yes..." I realized that Tiyar had sat upon my lap, not sideways but facing me, her knees straddling my hips. I could feel warm against my covered crotch as she pressed her sex against me. That was when I came out of my delirium and my desire again rose to uncontrolled heights. I reached between us and unbuttoned my fly, realizing my cock while feeling the naked hairless wet sex against the back of my hand, Ti hadn't worn anything under her short loose skirt.I soon purchased an auto focus, auto forward, quiet camera. My plans disgusted me, yet I knew them to be important if I wanted to keep everything that I ever worked for. Ti was again the maid, our actions were innocent and nothing could be taken out of context. Meaning, I didn't attempt to fuck her again, yet almost daily I received a sexy phone call from Ti, her husky voice sexily talking with me. She also agreed to help me. After a week of waiting and watching, Ti and I were only able to get a few pictures. Linda, my wife, was sunbathing as she usually does on a hot sunny day, and my son was rubbing lotion upon her skin. Innocent enough, except the photo action suggested more when my son bends forward and kisses my wife's near-naked buttock. Then in a later photo, while she was upon her back, he again bends forward to give her a kiss, this time on her round covered breast. The best picture was seconds later when his teeth were playfully pulling her bikini top several inches upwards from her chest, while Linda had a huge playful grin on her face. They were certainly suspect, but as Ti said, they were not enough to prove incest. I agreed, then made better plans to capture the affair between my wife and son. Firstly, I attempted to be around my son very much for the next few days, assuming that his own sex drive would be the downfall of my wife. Then I "disappeared" for a whole day, making sure everyone in the house knew it. My daughter was to be away at a friend's house, and Ti had the day off. The plan worked perfectly when I watched my son's school, and saw that he left only moments after I dropped him off. Obviously, I was hidden and he hadn't any intention of going to classes that day. In fact, my son rushed home to "mommy". I was angry, hurt, and more than a little disgusted when I walked around my house and saw that my wife and son were heatedly kissing in the backyard.I was so angry I was not even able to approach my wife with the separation papers, nor with the accumulated evidence I had taken. My lawyer was one of the best civil litigators in the city, and he was the one that confronted Linda. If I had sat across from her, looking deep into those large round eyes, as I passed the pictures, I may have lost control, and thus, the advantage I had with the courts would have been gone. Her options were extremely limited; she had to leave the house by the time I returned home, she could take nothing, nor could she contact me in any way, she would be given an adequate living allowance, and the kids had a choice of whom they wished to live with, and finally, if she contest any of my wishes the photos of her incestuous affair would be revealed in court and she would get nothing. My lawyer phoned me later in the afternoon and told me the deed was done, she had gone. Moments later, Ti also phoned and told me the same. The only thing that was left up in the air, was the kids. My son made the decision to live with his mother, not knowing why we had separated, as I had predicated. My daughter, on the other hand, sounded determined to stay with me in my house. I agreed with the children and assured them that our separation had nothing to do with them, and I still loved them. The boy left the house that weekend. It was quiet, the house seemed to echo with my movements. At first I was extremely depressed and lonely, almost ready to forgive Linda of her indiscretions. Two things got me through the next few months; my daughter's love and Tiyar. Without any spoken word, Ti took on the role of the woman of the house. And I was surprised that my daughter didn't reject this proposal but followed the young woman's directions completely. The maid still did the work she had been originally assigned, but she also took care of me and my daughter. Our private relationship, during this time, was blossoming. Ti withheld nothing from my bed, her brown skinned body taking everything I gave it. She was the perfect lover. As my appetites rose, Ti had less time for her domestic duties and I allowed her to hire another maid, just to help out. She still had her own room, but she rarely slept in it. I did attempt to hide my affair with the maid from my daughter, but it was obvious that my secret was impossible to hide. My "little" girl even caught me leaving my bedroom with nothing but a towel about my waist, and beyond me into the room, the sweaty maid lay naked. I smiled shyly while she giggled girl-like then quickly disappeared before I had a chance to talk with her. My experience with other women was limited since I had been faithfully married for a long time to the same woman. And was not prepared for the demands by Ti upon me. For one, my separated wife's clothes were now commonly worn by the maid, at least the clothes that fit. It was just a little unsettling, to see a young, slight woman dressed in the same clothes of the woman that had broken my heart. I spoke to Ti about my feelings and she verbally pounced upon me accusing me of still "loving that bitch" whom had "fucked her own son"! I gave in, and she calmed down after a day, the first time since my wife's departure that I slept alone. I never spoke of it again. Another thing I noticed, was that Ti was very possessive. She wanted me to get a new secretary for my office, the current one "had that look in her eye", a look that seemed to anger my maid. I replaced her, and Ti made a trip over to look her over, and as my "reward" she again wore nothing under her long jacket except heels. Yet, her seductive body and hungry desire caused me to forget these episodes and only think about fucking her. Something she would only withhold if I angered her in some way. Almost to the day that my wife left the house, the divorce came through and I received the forms with all the signatures upon it. During all that time I had not spoken nor seen my now ex-wife. Ti would not allow that. A week later, Tiyar and I were married in a private ceremony that only my daughter attended.It was only the next day when I sat down to breakfast, wondering if the episode last night was only a dream. So distracted was I that I didn't even notice that the three of us were alone in my large house, and that Tiyar had made breakfast. Something she had not done since our marriage day. I continuously looked into my daughter's face for some clue, to see if my memories were true. Yet she never even looked up from her plate, she ate in silence. When I finally looked down, my stomach growling for nutrition, that I saw them. A pile of pictures lay upon my seat. The top one was a close-up of my face and my daughter's, our lips pressed together and glimpses of our tongues obvious, as was the saliva and sweat. I felt the blood drain from my body, my heart stopped. It was true, everything that happened last night was true. But the wonderful memories and the fantasy was corrupted by these photos, obviously taken with low-intensity light film. I almost threw up right there, my empty stomach churning the bile about. I slowly looked up; directly into Tiyar's smiling face. She was the one who had taken the photos, she was the one that had seduced me into divorcing my ex-wife and then marrying her, she was the one that coldly stood before me. "Why?" "I want you to leave this house. And I want a divorce." It was a question, but a simple statement. She was using the same strategy upon me as I had done to Linda. And my guilt was in the photos, my incestuous relationship enough to convince anyone of my guilt. For the first time I knew what my ex-wife had felt after being confronted with the evidence. "My lawyer has the negatives and duplicate pictures, so you can keep those." She actually smiled. I turned to my daughter, wondering her part in this. Has she been duped as I had, "Dear...?" "I'm sorry daddy." She had tears running down her cheeks, but she still could not look at me. So, she had been an accomplice. "Yes, she helped me. In fact, she will do anything I ask!" She giggled slightly. "Darling take your clothes off and come here." Silence as I watched my daughter stand without hesitation and pull off her shorts and tee-shirt. That naked body from my memories stood beyond my reach, and knelt before Ti. It was a nightmare as my wife looked into my astonished eyes as her step-daughter lifted the front of the skirt and pressed her face into the crotchless panties beneath. Ti's hand held the head against her sex, the mouth obviously busy upon the clitoris that I had often manipulated. "See? She is a good girl, who will do anything I want." She lifted a long brown leg up onto a chair, so my view of my daughter's face was clearer. "You will give me everything, your money, this house, your cars." She was right, I could not fight this. I would have to start over, begin afresh as I had done so many years ago after getting out of University. But then I had Linda to give me moral support. "I will leave you but one thing." I didn't say anything, but was surprised that she would give me anything.She was in a position that she didn't need to. "Something that I used and no longer need." The sound of my daughter's tongue was loud as she slurped and sucked upon my wife's cunt. With the hand that held the back of my daughter's head, Tiyar turned it into a claw and pulled the dripping face from her sex, the mouth still open. "You can have your slut of a daughter. I don't need her any longer!" She threw my darling to the floor before me. I reached out and lifted my naked daughter to my lap. "You two have until four o'clock to leave this house." She spun about and left us in the kitchen. My daughter was crying uncontrollably, and I realized she had been used just as I had been. I could not fault her for something that I had also fallen for. And I was just as guilty, I didn't have to succumb to the beauty of my little girl the night before, nor did I ever have to allow myself to be seduced by the evil woman who had been my maid. I wondered what she had done to manipulate my ex-wife and son into bed, I no longer thought it was a coincidence. "Come dear, let's get ready to leave." She allowed herself to be placed back upon the ground standing up. We left to get ready to leave. Tiyar, the maid had won!
voy, inc, mf
Chapter II
Incident at the Zoo
"Look, mommy, a gorilla!" the little girl screamed. Kate thought, for the hundredth time, that this seemed a very stupid thing to say. She had been working at the zoo for over 5 years, and all children seemed to say the same thing. She stopped looking out the window from the cage and went to the back. The intercom was located back there, and she picked it up. "Attention please. The zoo is closing now for the day. Please exit as soon as possible, as the animals want to get some sleep." She heard a small burst of laughter from outside, as she always did. As she put the microphone down, Steve came in. "Hey, are you going out with everyone else tonight?" He asked. "Oh, I don't think so. Mr. Myers said there were some problems in Sarki's room, and he wanted me to check it out." "Shit. I wouldn't go in there. That's one big ape!" He said. "Well, he seems to like me. But anyway, I guess the lights are acting up - he wanted me to take a look at them." He grinned. "Well, don't let me keep you. Maybe sometime next week?" He asked. "Sure, next week it is." She smiled back at him. He waved goodbye, and Kate got back to her work. After taking her normal hour or two to get everything back in order, she went to her locker in the ladies' room to get out of her zoo uniform. After she got it all off, she remembered she had to fix those lights, but since the zoo was closed, she didn't think anyone would mind if she did it in shorts and a t-shirt. She left her belongings in the bathroom and headed for the gorilla house. After arriving there, she entered Sarki's room, wondering why Mr. Myers seemed to think she was a mechanic or an electrician. Sarki was a huge mountain gorilla, and usually not very amicable. But he had seemed to take to Kate immediately, usually hanging over her shoulder or something whenever she was in his cage. Today was no exception, as she climbed up toward the ceiling to get at the lights. There was a large platform near the ceiling, and she got on that in order to inspect the lights better. Sarki pulled his bulk right up next to her, but there was plenty of room up there. She stood up and craned her neck, trying to look straight up while keeping her balance. Suddenly, she felt a large hand on her ass, slowly stroking it. She turned around quickly, and found Sarki staring at her as his hand caressed her. She stood frozen, afraid that he might push her off the ledge or something. But what he actually did was bring his other hand up and began to feel her breasts through her shirt. Now, Kate never thought of herself as overly kinky, but this monkey was really turning her on! She slowly removed her shirt and bra, letting the huge gorilla feel her bare chest. He began squeezing her breasts, massaging them, while his other hand still wandered in her waist region. After a few minutes of this treatment, she couldn't stand it any more. She removed her shoes, then her jeans, and finally her panties. Sarki sat down and pulled her over to him. His hands still were exploring her body, and suddenly she felt one of his fingers stab up into her now-exposed hole. His finger, though not as long as a man's penis, was just as wide, and she began to squirm on it. His other hand fell from her breasts and curled around her, pulling her closer. He brought his face close to hers and stared at her with great interest. His hand was still working her over, but she wanted more. She knew gorillas would imitate a lot of things if they were done by a human, so she decided to test exactly what he would do. She moved down him until her face was right next to his chest. Her tongue tentatively darted out and began to kiss his leather-like chest. She moved downward, further, until his now-erect huge cock was staring right at her. All thoughts of anything else quickly flew away with the sight of it, and she immediately took it in her mouth, taking great pleasure from his obvious excitement. His cock grew to unbelievable size, and she could barely keep it in her mouth. She could taste the few drops of cum that were seeping out of his now rock-hard cock. Then she pulled away, spread her legs, with the finger still in her, and hoped. He withdrew his finger and pressed his face against her chest, his tongue coming out and licking her nipples. He, too, moved downward and slurped at her wet hole. She groaned louder and louder, and just as she was about to orgasm, he roughly pushed her away. She landed on her stomach, and as she began to pick herself up, confused, she felt a huge cock fill her box. Sarki's breath came in rough gasps as he shoved his tool deeper and deeper into her. She began to groan even louder, and his pace quickened. After a few minutes of this, Kate couldn't hold back any longer. Her cunt exploded in a series of orgasms around his spike. She bucked her hips upwards against his huge body, and with her contractions came a jerking from deep within him, and after a second or two she could feel his cum filling her. He slowly stopped his rammings, and allowed her to climb out from under him. She realized that he had supported himself on his knuckles the entire time to avoid crushing her. She got dressed, but before she left, she taught him one more thing. Reaching forward, she opened his mouth a bit, and brought her lips to his. She slipped her tongue into his surprised mouth, but he soon realized what she was doing and also put his tongue in her mouth. After a small amount of fumbling, she felt as if she was kissing a real man, as he got the movements down right. She slipped her hand down to his limp dick and gave it a small squeeze, a promise that she would work late again soon. And it looked like she wasn't going out with Steve and her co-workers next week after all!
Not known
All Grown Up
"My plane arrives at 6. Why don't you meet me at the TWA baggage claim area, and we can catch some dinner." "See you then," was her response. When I finally arrived in Denver, I was starved. It was a good thing that my sister and I were going out to dinner. I had been away at my job in Boston for 2 years and was excited about going to the Hunan Wok. I looked around for Ann, but could not find her. "Hey, nutball!" I heard. Turning around, there she was. My younger sister at 18 years. In the two years that I had not seen her, she had changed. Her tomboy haircut was replaced by long straight red strands. And, for a change, she was smiling. "Congratulations, I hear you're going to Harvard in the fall." I was making small talk to get my mind off my hunger. Once at the restaurant, we met up with our parents. "Dave, you're so matured," Mom gushed. "Actually, it's Ann who's really changed." What was once an awkward moody little girl was now a happy, smart, and beautiful young woman. The phone rang. It was Ann. She had arrived in Cambridge and had settled into the dorm. I promised to show her around the city on her first night at college. After I got off work, I dropped by the campus to pick her up. "Nice car." I smiled, knowing how much I was in debt to pay for the status of having a BMW. I gave her a quick tour of the city. The historic sites, the shopping areas, and so on. I took my baby sister to my apartment for dinner. She was going to see how domesticated I had become. When I lived at home, I swore that I'd never learn to cook or clean. And now, my apartment was dust-free and the chicken was delicious. Being from Denver, the late August heat was too much for Ann. She pulled off her top shirt as we talked. I couldn't help but notice, in her t-shirt, that she really had matured. Not that it much mattered, but I was happy to see that brains and beauty could go together. I told her so. We chatted for a few hours about how things were at home, about college life, and Boston. I remembered what Mom said about keeping an eye on her. Looking at her in a t-shirt and shorts reminded me of that. "Look, I know you don't want to hear this..." I began. "Mom, right? Yeah, you don't need to worry. I think I'm smart enough to keep myself out of trouble." I knew she was, but I promised. "If you need anything. Anything at all. I'm here." A few weeks later, Ann called. It seems that she hates her roommate. Being the big responsible brother, I offered to let her stay with me while she found another roommate. I had forgotten what it was like to live with someone, especially your sister. Not that we argued like kids, but it was tense. One evening, I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I had just stepped out of the shower and was grabbing for a towel when the door opened. "Oops," said the intruder. "I didn't realize." However, instead of leaving, she just stayed. This used to happen when we were little. She'd just go into rooms without knocking. Despite her maturity and brains, this was one bad habit she had not kicked. "Just go!" I said as I wrapped a towel around my waist. She backed out and closed the door. I finished getting cleaned up and pulled on my sleeping shorts. Leaving the bathroom, I looked into the living room. Ann had been sleeping on the couch. There she was, asleep. However, usually she would be wearing a large nightshirt. Tonight, she had on a pair of panties and was topless. At first, I was embarrassed. But my curiosity caused me to take another look. Her curves were smooth. Her breasts well-defined. Yes, she was all grown up.I sat down on the corner of the bed while I watched the show. She stroked her hands across her bra-covered chest. She rubbed the crotch of her shorts. And then, down they came. The redhead pranced around the room in her bra and panties. She grabbed a pillow off the bed and placed it between her legs. It dawned on me that she had likely done this before. She moved the pillow back and forth across her crotch. Occasionally, parts of it would slip away and then back. Little glimpses of her pubic hair were quickly covered by a return pass of the pillow. I was so turned on that I pulled off my shirt and pulled down my slacks. I sat there, in my boxer shorts, watching her remove her bra. She walked over to me and asked me to unsnap her bra. I placed a hand on the clasp, and with dexterity, unhooked the clasp. She returned to her dance and she pulled it away from her chest. She placed her hands on her beautiful globes and juggled them up and down. This was too much for me, I stood up and yanked down my shorts. My sister raced over to my erect penis and started to give me the best blowjob I had ever received. Her tongue rippling over my penis and her lips moved back and forth over the length. Just as I was about to ejaculate, she stopped. She lowered her panties to reveal her vagina. Down on the bed, with her legs spread. Just like that night I had come home. I bent down and licked at it, flicking her clitoris with my tongue. I was getting into it, but when the hand touched my head, I looked up. Dear, sweet, Ann. She had a condom for me. "Put it on, and then put it in." Her language, it was shocking. But, I listened and unrolled the condom over my penis. Slowly I slid my penis into her. A few pumps, I started to shoot, filling up the condom. Even as I started to go flaccid, I continued to pump. It must have been useful, as Ann grabbed my butt and whined in orgasmic pleasure. We both went to bed together, naked. We knew what we did was taboo. But we were safe about it. Some things never change. Ann and I always loved to play together. Now, instead of Monopoly, it was hot sex. We were both all grown up.
Emerson Laken-Palmer
Lusting for Valerie
"I want an expense account!" my daughter told me one day at dinner. "A what?" "An expense account!" she went on excitedly, "Valerie's dad keeps money in a checking account at the bank just for her. That way, Val can write checks for whatever she wants, and her dad just keeps money in there to cover it." "I don't think so," I told her. "We can go shopping for what you need." "But, Dad, that's so embarrassing! Going to the store with your father! And you make me pick out such nerdy things! Valerie buys what she wants!" "Amy, I don't think you should have that much latitude with money. I'll give you twenty bucks...." "Twenty bucks? You can't find anything cool for twenty bucks!" "Okay, thirty then..." "That's not the point! Valerie has all the money she needs...." I was getting mad now as I looked into my daughter's defiant, freckled face. "Amy, let's not have this 'What Valerie gets to do' conversation again. I'm not Valerie's dad, I'm yours. And I don't know why he lets her have her way so much..." "Mr. McCreedy is cool! He's not full of old-fashioned ideas...." "Forget it Amy!" I got up from the table. "Get your dishes done. I don't want to talk about crazy ideas like expense accounts for teenagers!" "But Dad," her soft voice called from behind me as I left the kitchen, "can I have the thirty?" I stopped and took a ten and twenty from my pocket and handed it to her. "Valerie's coming over and we're going to the mall." "The mall?""I don't like you hanging around at the mall." "But Dad, that's where the clothes are!" I guess I was being dumb about the mall. "Oh, alright," I said as I left the kitchen. The next day, after work, I had to pick Amy and Valerie up from school. Valerie had talked Amy into joining the girls' tennis team, and the two of them were at practice. I pulled up and spotted them. They were standing by a tree, in their tennis skirts, talking to two boys. In their matching tennis outfits, they looked like twin sisters. I tooted the horn, and they came running, clutching their bags and rackets. "Hi, Mr. Bristol," Valerie said as she pushed the bucket seat up and got in. I couldn't help but see a heart-stopping display of creamy, young thighs and white panties, under the short, tennis skirt as she maneuvered into the back. Val flashed a smile at me as she pulled the seat back. Amy jumped into the seat next to me. "Hi, Daddy!" Amy said as she closed the door. The heat was oppressive as I put the car in gear and sped off. I wanted to create a breeze to try and cool off. As I drove through the afternoon traffic, I noticed, in the rearview mirror, Valerie resting back on the seat and fanning herself with her hand. I reached over and adjusted the mirror, and as I did, I caught a glimpse of her lap and stopped moving the mirror. Valerie was sitting in such a way, with her legs casually apart, that I could see the crotch of her panties between her thighs. The sight made the breath catch in my throat. I could see beads of sweat on her soft-looking skin, and the white crotch of her underpants showed with a long, moist spot in the center that followed the outline of her concealed feminine cleft. "Whew! It sure is hot!" I heard her say from behind me as I tried to watch the road and her open nether area at the same time. "I'll say!" Amy responded. I saw Valerie's hand come into view, and she grabbed the short hem of the tennis skirt and started to wave it to fan her legs. "My clothes are sticking to me." "Yeah," my daughter said, "we shouldn't have played too hard in this heat." As I peered into the mirror, I saw both of Valerie's hands appear, and she opened her legs wide and grabbed the crotch of her panties and pulled the crotch out away from her. At that moment, I got my first glimpse of Valerie's beautiful pussy in every detail. With her legs splayed open, I could see the thick, black, downy-looking pussy hair. It was perfectly formed from just above her pubic bone to just above her ass cheeks (compressed into the car seat). The area between her pussy lips was open, and I could see the pink, wet-looking inner lips and make out the opening of her vagina and her ample, pink clitoris above that. I stared into the mirror intently because I knew the display would only last a fleeting moment. But no. As I stared, Valerie pulled the white crotch far to the side with the long, slender fingers of one hand and began to rub up and down her pink, secretion-slickened, feminine trench with the fingertips of the other. My cock was rock hard now as I watched her lift her behind from the seat a little, and her middle fingers formed a vee and parted her puffy outer lips so that my view was now deep into her moist-looking vagina. Was she doing this on purpose, I asked myself? Suddenly, a horn blared, and Amy reached over and grabbed the steering wheel as I turned my attention to the road and saw that we had drifted into the oncoming lane. "Look out!" Amy yelled, and I quickly regained myself and righted our path into the proper lane, narrowly missing a screaming, grey-haired woman in a Buick. "What was THAT all about?" Amy asked, holding her hands together, over her heaving breasts, as she asked. I looked into the mirror. Valerie was now sitting squarely on the back seat, and her legs were together. "I guess I was daydreaming," I said lamely, and I heard Valerie giggle behind me. I adjusted the rearview mirror and could see her grinning at me with her perfect, white teeth. "Pay attention when you're driving, Daddy," my daughter scolded, and I directed my gaze back to the road. "Yeah, Mr. Bristol. We could have a terrible accident," Valerie added behind me. As I drove toward Valerie's house, my mind was reeling from what I had seen. Did this delectable young girl know that I was looking? Did she deliberately display her most intimate area for me? Did she know what she was doing? Did she want to excite me so? Man! I hadn't had any pussy since the divorce. My balls were on fire! Oh, would I love to sink my throbbing cock into that little girl's tight snatch! But what was I thinking? I could NEVER do that! Valerie was the same age as my Amy! I couldn't imagine a boy touching my little baby! Let alone a full-grown MAN touching her! That was UNTHINKABLE! And Valerie was the same age! NO! I had to put that thought out of my head. "Oh, phooey!" I heard Valerie's voice from the back seat. "I broke a nail playing tennis!" "That's a shame, Val," Amy said, "they were all so perfect." "Darn," Valerie continued, and I felt her hand on the back of my seat as she pulled herself between the buckets and me and Amy. "Look, Mr. Bristol," she said as she put her finger in front of my face. I could plainly see the chipped fingernail before my eyes, but I began to thrill as I detected even more. The strong, enticing scent of teenage pussy wafted to my nostrils from her crooked finger. God! My whole body started to tremble, and I began to sweat as the primitive part of my brain registered the message from my nose that the smell of raw, sweet pussy was in the air. I took her soft, small hand and moved it slowly away from my face. "It'll grow back," I said. We were in front of Valerie's two-story house now. "Gotta go!" Val said as I stopped at the curb. Amy got out and pulled the seat up to let Valerie leave, and I saw a display of the back of her panties as she maneuvered herself from the car. I sat, clutching the steering wheel as the two girls stood, by the open car door, and talked. "Are you staying over tonight?" Amy asked her. "I don't know," Valerie answered, "I guess it's up to your dad. If he wants me over all night." Thoughts of Valerie, in her nightie, walking around the house, flashed through my mind. Amy leaned down to look at me. "Is it okay?" "Yes!" I had to restrain the excited tone of my voice. "Oh," Valerie said, but I could only see her from her chest down to her knees through the open car door (the best parts). "I almost forgot. I'm supposed to be with Mike tonight. I promised him some time with me." "Tell him that you'll see him some other time," I said. Valerie leaned down to look in at me now. Bent low, I could see the cleavage between her firm, young breasts. (Breasts that I bet Mike - among others - had felt. Man, those boys were lucky sons of bitches!) "Oh, gee, Mr. Bristol. You can't expect me to disappoint Mikey. I promised him," she cooed at me with her beautiful green eyes peering at mine. Then she smiled widely. "I know, why don't you let Mike come over tonight too? The three of us can watch a video, and Mike will go home early..." "Yeah, Dad," Amy added. I didn't know. I didn't want Amy around boys like Mike. He had such big hands. Hands that could wrap around a young, innocent girl's... "Please!" Amy started to mewl like the little girl she still was. "Please, Mr. Bristol?" I shook my head to clear it of the pleading. But what the hell. What could the young little fucker do with me there? I'd keep an eye on things. "Okay, girls." Amy and Valerie began to jump up and down and hug each other excitedly like teenage girls do. "See you tonight at seven," Amy said, and she got in, and I watched Valerie's girlish ass sway in her tennis skirt as she walked towards her front door. "Why did you do that, Dad?" Amy asked as we drove home. I started to sweat again. "Do what?" "Embarrass me in front of Val?" "I don't know what you mean." "Yes, you do. You talked like it was bad to have Mike over." Oh, was that what she was talking about? "Amy, we've talked about this before. I don't think eighteen-year-old girls should have boys over at night." "Why?" "Because there's no telling what will happen." "What will happen? Daddy, what do YOU think could happen?" "I'm no fool, Amy. Boys are the reason that girls get pregnant! Don't you know that?" "Daddy! What kind of boy do you think Mike is? He would never do anything like that! Mike is our friend. He's not interested in us for THAT!" "Amy, ALL boys are interested in THAT!" Amy started to pout. "Maybe back in YOUR day..." "MY day? What do you mean MY day? Nothing has changed, little girl. Boys are still boys!" "Daddy!" She protested. "Why do you think that way? Valerie's father lets her..." "I don't want to hear about that again!" "But her father TRUSTS her! He lets her go out with boys because he knows she's a NICE girl!" I wondered if I should tell her about what I saw in the mirror. But what exactly did I see? Was it a slutty little girl showing her pussy to a man old enough to be her father, or was I some kind of sick old man who was spying on an innocent teenager adjusting her clothing in the heat? "Look, Amy, I trust you. But I know how relentless boys can be. I just don't think you're ready to handle yourself when they start to demand their way." "Daddy!" "I want to keep you as pure as you are so that, someday when I walk you down the aisle in your white dress, you will be a sweet, blushing, virgin bride for your husband. Is Valerie?" "What kind of question is that? Of course, she is! She doesn't do things with boys, and neither do I. We just like boys for friends!" Oh, what was the point? I figured it best to just drop the subject for now."LUSTING FOR VALERIE" CHAPTER 3 Amy made macaroni and cheese for dinner, and I went into the den and started work on the Sunday supplement article that was due on Monday. Evening came, and when I went into the living room for a break, Amy, Valerie, and Mike were all huddled on the couch playing Nintendo. I could see the colored light from the screen playing across their faces. The TV was the only light in the room, and I walked over and turned on a lamp. The three didn't seem to notice. I got myself a cold Miller from the refrigerator and went back in the den to work. Around eleven, I left the den again. My fingers and eyes were aching from the work. I could hear a movie going as I entered the room. Amy and Valerie had laid a double sleeping bag on the carpet to sleep in, and they were wearing matching, long t-shirts that they had bought at the mall to look like sisters. It was funny how alike they looked in them. They were sitting cross-legged on the floor, eating potato chips and watching the movie. Mike, a tall, muscled, blonde-haired boy, was laying on the couch, his big hands in his pockets. "How's the movie?" I asked, and watched the girls' faces turn up to me. "Great!" Valerie said. "It's about this guy who screws this girl who turns out to be a guy." "What?" "Nothing, Daddy. It's a movie that won an award. A film award. An Oscar or something." I looked at the TV. Everyone seemed to have their clothes on. Valerie giggled. "How's it going, Mike?" I asked. Mike made a leggy display of sitting up and wiping potato chip crumbs from his shirt. "Great, Mr. Bristol. Thanks for having me over." "Sure," I said. "It's getting late though. You should be going soon." "Yeah, sure thing." "Not till the movie's over, Daddy!" "Right," I said reluctantly, "when the movie's over." I got another beer and went back to work. At 12:30, I had enough of work. I turned off the IBM and the table lamp and started for the door to the living room. I could hear the movie still playing. It couldn't be the same film, I told myself. They must have rented two. The door was ajar, and I pushed it open quietly and looked into the living room. Amy was in the double sleeping bag. All I could see was her long, brown hair in a tumble at her pillow. She must be sleeping. Poor, tired kid. All that tennis activity. I looked on the floor for Valerie. She wasn't there. I had to creep into the room a little more to see the couch. There she was. She was laying on her side. Her big, green eyes looking at the TV. That was odd, my brain registered for a moment, Valerie's one arm was visible under her long, brown hair, and I could see the hand of her other arm at her chest, but there seemed to be a third arm at her thin, wasp-like waist! I crept silently ahead to gain a better look at the couch. Mike was laying behind her. He was watching the movie too, but with his arm around that exquisite little body. A body that was clad only in the t-shirt and a pair of panties! I wanted to yell out, but something made me stop and break into a sweat. I could see Mike's hand start to rove up and down the girlish curve of Valerie's hip. It came to rest on her thigh for a time and then moved slowly back up, under her t-shirt, and I saw it burrow up, under the material, until it stopped over her breast. That dirty, DIRTY, lucky, fucking little bastard! I quickly looked down to make sure that my little girl WAS asleep and unaware of what her friend and this little prick were doing. She was sleeping though and turned away from the activity on the couch. So Mike wasn't that way, huh? So Valerie wasn't that kind of girl, huh? Then what was this? What were they doing? It looked pretty obvious to me! It looked, to me, like nothing had changed since I was a teenager. It looked, to me, like boys still wanted what boys had ALWAYS wanted from girls. And that some girls were still willing to give it to them. I watched for a time as Mike's hand played over the twin swells of her young breasts, under her t-shirt. I didn't know exactly what I was feeling as I watched him feel her up. Was I angry at what they were doing? I think I was. They had a lot of nerve to do this here, in my house, on my couch, right in the same room with my innocent little Amy. But I also realized, as I silently watched, that I had a raging hard-on that was throbbing in my pants like I would never have believed it could. Shit! The sight of the teens engaging in sexual exploration was turning me on! But I was also embarrassed and ashamed, at myself, for watching them like this. I turned and went back into the den and the darkness. I turned on the computer screen for light and sat down. What was I supposed to do in this situation? I had to do something. Would Valerie's Dad want me to let Mike fuck his daughter in MY living room? No! Wouldn't I want Mr. McCreedy to stop things if this were happening to my darling little Amy at his house? I jumped back up, at the thought of my little girl, and walked back to the living room door. I crept slowly and silently forward, staring at the couch until the two teens came into view again. I stopped and froze. I could hardly breathe. Valerie was now on her back, and I could see Mike's hand stuffed into her silky, white panties. Her legs were slightly apart, and I could see his arm moving as his hand worked at her pussy inside her underpants. Val's eyes were closed, and Mike was looking down at her loins as he (most likely) finger-fucked her. Valerie's little hand was squeezing the immense bulge at the front of Mike's jeans. I suddenly noticed that the movie was over, and the TV was just emitting a blue light into the room. It was dead silent. All I could hear was Amy's breathing (on the floor in the sleeping bag), Mike and Valerie's panting, and... something else... something wildly nasty and erotic... I strained my ears to hear it... it was the wet, sucking sound Valerie's pussy was making as Mike fucked her with his finger. I started to shake with excitement. I couldn't control myself. I felt light-headed, and my knees were wobbly. I turned and went quickly back to the den. Mike was going to fuck her! I KNEW it! He was actually going to have some of that wonderful pussy that I wanted so badly. How DARE he? How DARE he have what I wanted? And in MY house, right under MY nose! I started to pace, back and forth, in the dimly lit den. I was wearing a hole in the carpeted floor! I paced and paced and paced, trying to figure out what to do. How could I stop them? Or... did I WANT to stop them? Is that what I wanted, at that moment, or did I really WANT to see them fuck? I stopped pacing and walked to the living room again. It was still quiet, but I could detect a wet sound. Was it the sound of his finger working in her? Or was it his little cock in her now? As I crept forward and the couple came into view, I could, at first, only see Mike, laying on his back now, with his eyes closed. Then, as I moved toward the couch, I could see Valerie kneeling between his legs. Her head was at the level where Mike's prick would be. I couldn't see what she was doing, under the drape of long, brown hair, but from the way her head was bobbing, I knew that she was sucking his cock! I watched as if in a trance. I had to grab my own rigid member, inside my pants, to soothe the pain of my agonizing hard-on. Val's head bobbed and bobbed, and I could see Mike thrusting up at her sweet face from the couch. "Damn Valerie," Mike whispered loudly, "Damn! I'm gonna' cum!" Valerie's head snapped up, and she pulled her hair back to look at him. She was grinning. I could see his cock bobbing just below her dimpled chin. It was surging as it made ready to erupt with his bountiful load of youthful cum. "Not yet," Valerie whispered. "God, Val," he said. "You said I could shoot in your mouth!" "After, Mikey. Get me off first! I really need to cum after all that playing around you did!" "Sure," Mike whispered. "God, you're hot, Val! You can suck like nobody ever sucked!" He sat up and took hold of her face and a couple handfuls of her long, brown tresses with it. I could see their faces come together and hear the sounds of their open mouths probing wetly. Valerie pulled back. "Suck me, Mike! God, I'm so horny! Eat my pussy and get me off!" "Gotta' pee first," he said, and I backed up, into the doorway, as he stood up, holding his pants at his waist. He walked to the stairway, and I heard him go up and then the sound of the bathroom door closing. Valerie got up. She moved over my sleeping daughter and called down. "Amy! Amy, kid, are you sleeping?" She set her foot on Amy's body and shook her. "A-m-y?" she sang. Amy stirred for a moment and moaned in sleepy defiance and then pulled the sleeping bag over her head. "Okay," Val said, "none for you!" I watched as Valerie wriggled out of her panties and then stretched and yawned. With her arms up, the bottom of her t-shirt lifted, and I could see her perfectly formed pussy in the blue light. The sight made me swoon. Valerie walked over and turned off the television. The room plunged into darkness. Then she walked back to the couch and lay down. I could just make out her form in the dim light from the street-lamp at the curb. Now Valerie placed her hands over her beautiful snatch, opened her legs wide, and started to work at her pussy. I could hear it making wet sounds as her fingers churned her plentiful, young, feminine secretions. I was going mad! A crazy, urgent, sick thought flashed through my mind. I don't know what possessed me, other than sexual frenzy. I walked around the couch, so that I was coming in the direction that Mike had left, and I got to my knees and crawled to her.I quickly took her hands from her pussy and buried my face into the hot, strongly sexual-scented area between little Valerie's parted legs. My tongue went directly into her sweet-tasting vagina, and I began to suck for all I was worth, savoring the syrupy, tangy nectar of the girl as it thickly flowed over my probing tongue. "Ohhhh! That's so good! God!" I could hear her, even though her creamy thighs were now pressed against my ears. I could feel her scented, bushy pubic hair tickling my nose as I ate her out with a vengeance, licking up and down her tangy, slick trench with a broad, rigid tongue. "Ohhhhhh," she cried as I felt her lifting her soft ass from the couch cushion and her leg muscles tightening, "suck! Suck me hard! I'm cumming! Suck it out!" I did! I entered her vagina and sucked and sucked as I felt her pussy walls clutching at my deeply buried tongue. I sucked even harder, and I could taste her sweet cum as I drew it into my mouth and thankfully swallowed the very essence of young, teenage girl. Valerie's hands pushed my face from her soaking crotch, and she sat up quickly, wrapped her arms around me, and hugged me. "God, Mr. Bristol," she said breathlessly in my ear, "you sure suck pussy great!" I was shocked! She knew! She knew it was me? I pushed her back and looked at her sweetly grinning face. "Valerie! I'm..." She put her pussy-scented hand to my mouth. "Don't talk, Mr. Bristol. Mike will hear you!" I looked into her wide, green eyes, dumbfounded. "I want you to fuck me! I want to feel you inside me, Mr. Bristol. I want you to fuck me and cum in me! I want to feel it!" I moved her hand and peered into her breathless face. "But Mike..." "I don't want a boy! I can have any boy I want! I want to feel a man! I want a strong man to fuck me hard!" As she said it, she leaned back, opened her legs wide, and used both hands to spread her pussy lips apart. Her crotch was only an inch from my own. I undid my zipper and pulled my pants down to my knees at the floor. I positioned my engorged cock-head at her vaginal opening and pressed the head into her hot, tight, receptive hole. God, it felt so good as it pressed in! I looked down at her flat stomach and the sight of my large cock pressing into her bushy muff. Just then, we heard the toilet flush upstairs. Valerie pushed me back, and my cock-head popped out of her clutching girl-opening. "I gotta' get rid of Mike," she whispered. "Just give me a few minutes to send him away. Go into your den and come back when I call you, okay?" She leaned forward, wrapped her arm around my neck, drew my face to hers, and pushed her open mouth, with its full, supple lips and white, perfect teeth, into mine. I opened my mouth for her sweet-tasting tongue and sucked. Then she loudly broke our kiss and pushed me away. We could hear Mike coming down the stairs. "Go!" I jumped up, trying to quickly pull my pants up, and ran to the den. I almost tripped as I went, and once inside the darkened room, I pulled off my trousers and tossed them on the floor. I could feel the air of the room on my exposed, stiffened cock. Its tip was slick with her pussy juice and my pre-cum. I stood in the darkness for a few minutes, waiting impatiently. What was she doing? Why wasn't she calling me? I was ready! I wanted it! I had to have it! I listened with all my might, but heard nothing. I had no patience for this! What was she waiting for? I grabbed my cock to stop it from bobbing and then crept back into the living room. I could see Mike sitting on the couch with his head tilted back. I moved forward, as far as I dared to, so that I could see Valerie, between his naked, hairy, muscled, parted legs. She was sucking his hard cock again, only this time I could see it as she had it deep in her sexy mouth. I could see her cheeks move as her tongue worked in her mouth, administering to the sensitive head of his throbbing cock. "God yes!" Mike whispered loudly as Valerie's head began to bob. Her eyes were closed as she worked. Mike was breathing heavily, and I could see his stomach muscles tighten and his chest heaving. "Ohh, Valerie! Ohhh, you do that so sweet and sexy! Ohhhh, yes!" Mike was urgently whispering. Valerie opened her mouth and pushed her sweet face closer to Mike's loins, and I knew his cock must be very deep in her throat now. I could see her fingers wrapping around his balls as his pubic area began to rise off of the sofa. "Shit!" he whispered loudly and hoarsely. "I'm going to cum, Val! Don't stop! I'm going to cum in your mouth! Arglhhh!" Valerie's eyes flashed open for a moment, and she looked directly up at me. I knew that, at that instant, she was taking in the first, massive spurt of his hot, thick cum. "Suck!" Mike whispered. "Suck it! Suck it!" Valerie's cheeks imploded as she sucked the sperm from the pulsing head of the teenager's throbbing cock. I could see the muscles of her throat moving and hear her as she swallowed once, twice, three times, four times... How much cum did this young buck have in him? "Suck, Val! I can feel it shooting in your mouth! God! Suck it all out!" Mike, who had been rigid as a board, suddenly fell back on the couch, breathing wildly. His cock plopped from Valerie's pretty mouth, and I could see a strand of thick, white cum roll out over her full, lower lip and down her chin. She reached up with her finger and gathered the liquid and pushed it back into her mouth. "God, Val," Mike exclaimed, "you're the greatest cock sucker in the world!" Valerie giggled. "Mikey, your sperm is all over my mouth. It's clinging to my teeth and coating my tongue, and I must have swallowed a pint! I couldn't believe how many times you spurted." She smacked her lips and smiled (more toward me), "God, I love the taste of boy cum!" She stood up and pulled on Mike's arm. "Common' now," she said, "you gotta' go!" "But what about you? I thought you wanted your pussy licked?" "Some other time." Mike stood, and I backed up to the den door. "I gotta' go say goodnight to Mr. Bristol," Mike said, and I quickly went into the den, pulled my pants back on, turned on the computer, and sat down, as if I had been there the whole night. After a few moments, Mike came in. His pants were on and zipped up tight. "Good night, Mr. Bristol. I had a great time." Yeah, you did, you fucking little shithead! "Oh, I was glad to have you over, Michael. Come again some time." "Sure thing," he said, with a slightly puzzled expression due to the double meaning of my comment. He turned and left the room. I was alone, thinking of nothing but the wonderful, teenage pussy I was going to have in a moment. I pulled off my pants to let my pulsing and painfully hardened cock have some wagging room. I took my shirt off as well. I was naked as a jaybird as I trembled in anticipation of the tasty treat to come. I could hear Mike and Valerie talking, saying their goodbyes, I guessed, as I waited for her to call me in for pussy time. God, I ached for it! I was on sexual fire. I could still taste the sweetness of Valerie on my lips. I put my tongue out. Shit, the area around my face was crusty with dried, young pussy sauce. I ran my tongue around my face to lick it all up. It was still spicy-tasting! I could still hear them talking. Shit! What was taking so long? I wanted pussy. I had to have it! I hadn't cum in months. I had a huge load. A load that must be bigger even than Mike's, waiting to burst out into Valerie's waiting, hot hole! I strained my ears... listening... it was quiet. Dead quiet. I could hear the wall clock ticking, from across the house, in the dining room. "Ready, Mr. Bristol!" I heard her call. I jumped up like a massive spring had unwound in the seat below my hairy, naked ass. I ran out of the room but checked my speed as I thought about Amy, sleeping on the floor. Was she awake? Had she heard Val and Mike saying goodbye? I walked carefully and slowly in the dim light. I peered over the couch at the floor. Amy was still there. Sleeping soundly and still covered with the sleeping bag. I could see her long, brown hair billowing from under the flap. I looked down at the couch, Val was laying on her side, waiting. I walked around and got on the couch behind her. Her curvy back was to me, and I could feel her soft ass on my cock and smell her fragrant, brown hair in front of my face. I wanted to savor all of this! I ran my hand up and down the teenage curves of her tight, youthful body. Just as Mike had done. I felt the outside of her hot thighs and then ran my hand up her shirt and clutched the most wonderful, warm, smooth, firm breast I had ever felt. Its nipple was hard and supple. I put it between my fingers and heard the breath catch in her throat. I ran my hand down her flat, smooth stomach to the abundant patch of downy fur at her hard pubic bone. I ran my fingers through the hair and then pushed them between her legs. Her pussy crack was wet but not as wet as it had been after I had licked her. It must have dried some after her orgasm in my face. I pushed my finger into her slit and felt her open her legs a little. I began to swirl my fingers around her protruding clitoris and felt her stiffen as the pleasures surged through her youthful, feminine body. I began to rub my stiff cock on her soft ass as I felt her pussy, but had to stop for fear of ejaculating before I even got it in her. She was just TOO sexy a thing to even imagine. I was shaking with anticipation of plunging my most sensitive, masculine probe deep into the center of her budding womanhood! I pulled my hand from her pussy and pushed my fingers to my nose. Man oh man!The smell of fresh pussy was even stronger now than it had been earlier! It was time! This was it! I was going to have it! I made one more check of the sleeping bag on the floor. Amy was still sleeping. I could make out the outline of her chest as it heaved with the deep breathing of her slumber. She would never know! I pushed my arm under Valerie's thin waist and down to her pussy. I used my fingers to open her furry lips and felt her legs open for me. I reached down with my other hand and took my cock and guided it down her soft ass crack until I felt it pushing into her slick girl notch. Valerie shifted so that the angle was just right, and I slowly began to enter her. God, it felt so good! She was so damn tight! I pushed harder and felt the knob at the end of my shaft pop into her open vagina. The sensations were incredible! I pushed some more and heard, and felt, her hold her breath for a moment. It seemed to be hurting her, but she didn't say for me to stop. I pushed in some more and heard a soft squeak from her mouth. "Does it hurt?" I whispered. She shook her head. "Can I put it all in?" She nodded. I pushed some more. A full two inches was in cock heaven now! This girl was tight. Very tight! I pushed some more as I began to rub her clit with my fingers. I figured I should take time to make sure the little girl was lubricated before I went any further. I softly rubbed and rubbed her trigger, going a little faster and harder as I began to feel her moving her lower body around on my hand and cock. Soon her young, heart-shaped ass was churning, and I pushed my cock into her body some more. Most of it was in now, and my urge to cum was overpowering! I stopped rubbing, and she lay still for a time. I waited until my breathing had returned to normal and then I pushed the rest of my cock into the heat of her body and began to fuck this curvy little girl for real. I fucked and fucked, hearing her whimper and coo as I rodded her. She soon began to fuck back on me, and I thrilled to the sensations of my cock in her belly and her soft ass pressing into my lower stomach. I began to rub her clit harder and heard her starting to chirp from impending orgasm. I started to thrust with greater speed and fury. A sex frenzy took hold of me, and I began to lose control. I fucked her hard, hearing her ass slapping on my loins as I deeply thrust into the tightest pussy I had ever known. I could smell her sex real strongly now, and it spurred me on to even greater levels of carnal lust. My balls were about to boil over, and I was at the point of no return. Then I felt her insides start to clutch my cock in a strong pulsing grip. Valerie's legs went tight, and I knew she was cumming! I ran my free hand up her soft stomach to her firm tit and squeezed it tightly, pulling her little body to me. Then the world stopped. Everything stopped. I knew I was about to have the orgasm of a lifetime! Several moments seemed to pass with time suspended, and me on the edge of a massive release. My breathing stopped, my vision stopped, my hearing stopped, my heart stopped. Everything stopped. All feeling was gone except the overpowering feeling of gripping, slick pussy and soft, warm tit and the sensations of cock and the smell of sex. And then BANG! I began to cum. I began to spew male seed into this little girl like I never knew a man could! It was an atomic orgasm the likes of which the world had never known! I grunted like a bull, loudly as my cock shot thick cum into Valerie's insides. I must have shot sperm holes right through her young uterus! I must have riddled the poor girl's ovaries! I must have shot sperm clear past her sexual organs and impregnated her lungs! I clutched the teenager to me and came and came and came, in her sweet, curvy little body, until I was an exhausted wreck. I lay for a moment, trying to catch my breath, trying to regain consciousness as I felt my cock still pulsing inside her. Wow! Was that a cum! I closed my watering eyes, took my hand from her tit, and grabbed her soft face. I had to thank this young girl for the fuck of my life! I turned her face to me, meshed my lips into hers, and kissed her. I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth and sucked the nectar of youth, feeling her tongue sparring with mine and smelling the hot, sweet air from her nose as she breathed laboriously and sucked back. I was amazed when I noticed that my cock was still hard inside of her. Valerie was so tight that her vaginal muscles wouldn't let the blood out of my cock. I began to fuck some more as I sucked her mouth. Another few jets of sperm suddenly shot from me and deep into her as I had a second orgasm. I couldn't believe it! I pulled my mouth reluctantly away from hers and pushed my face to the back of her head, totally drained of all my sperm and energy. I wrapped both my arms around her small waist and hugged her soft body to me, feeling my cock still baking in her hot, cum-filled tummy. As the lust quickly left me, I was suddenly sickened by the thought of what I had just done. What had possessed me? What had I been thinking with? It would be the worst possible thing if Amy knew that I had just had sex with her little girlfriend. She could use the information to get what she wanted from here on out. I hoped that the sounds of raw sex hadn't woken her. Worried now, I opened my eyes and raised up to look over the top of Valerie's head and check down on Amy. The sleeping bag was open, and I found myself staring into the green eyes of Valerie as she peered back up at me from the bag on the floor. She grinned sweetly with her perfect teeth. "How did it feel, Mr. Bristol?" she asked.
Chapter 2
Benjamin Wick
XXX-Men #1 (Archangel & Psylocke)
"I had a wonderful time, Warren," she said as they walked up the front steps and approached the mansion's door, arm in arm. She smiled radiantly, and her violet eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Me too, Betsy. What's not to love about an enchanting evening of dining and dancing on the rooftops of New York City with the most beautiful British/Asian ninja telepath in the world?" he smirked. "No mean feat, considering I'm the only one we know of, Mr. Charmer," she slapped him on the shoulder. "Surely you can do better than that!" "Okay, okay, the most beautiful *woman* in the world," he amended. She looked skeptical for a moment, then smiled again. "Very impressive, Warren. A surface probe has verified your sincerity. That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me," she crooned and planted an electric kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer, returning the kiss passionately, their bodies ground together, and his loins tingled with a hot, maddening sensation. He felt a pang of regret as they broke apart. He reached into his pocket and fished out his key. He opened the door and invited Betsy to enter with a bow of the head and a sweeping gesture with his arm. She nodded in acquiescence and stepped into the foyer ahead of him. They ascended the stairs to the second floor, and at the top, Warren stood and looked at her awkwardly. He blushed a little, which created an interesting effect on his light blue skin. He didn't know how to proceed and felt like such an adolescent for it. He felt that he was getting all kinds of signals from Betsy all night, but he hadn't been with a woman in two years, since his last long-time girlfriend Candy Southern was murdered as he watched helplessly, and they'd been serious for nearly six years. He didn't have sex with Charlotte Jones during their short relationship, as the right time never presented itself. So it had been almost eight years since he'd been in the position of a first sexual encounter with a new lover! If Betsy was picking up any of this, she showed no sign. She just kissed him on the cheek and turned on her heel towards the left and the women's dormitories, sparing him a backwards glance and a wink. She sauntered off, and Warren was left to gape stupidly, watching her ass as it shifted beneath her slinky red evening gown before she disappeared around the corner, and wonder what the hell happened. "Damn!" he whispered through clenched teeth. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slightly in disappointment and proceeded to follow Betsy halfway down the hall, taking a right just beyond the stairway to Ororo's attic, through the galley and into the bath and dressing rooms. He flicked on the light and began to undress, neatly folding his tuxedo and setting it aside. Warren took slight notice of the hard-on he was sporting. His nine-inch blue penis stood proudly up and out from his short bush of groomed, sharply contrasting blond pubic hair. He chastised himself inwardly; he hadn't been with a woman in two years, but he still styled his pubic hair out of the force of habit that he'd made as a millionaire playboy. He was a compulsive groomer. He turned on the water in the shower and stepped inside. Warren sighed heavily and tried to relax and let the tension be washed away by the water rushing over his smoothly muscled body and be carried down the drain. It wasn't working. Betsy had him so worked up that he could have just grabbed her and fucked them both senseless right there on the front steps. He chuckled a little; the professor wouldn't be likely to appreciate that. Plus, Bobby could be back from Long Island with Rogue any time, as a visit with his parents never lasted very long. Warren tried to imagine Bobby and Rogue profusely excusing themselves and stepping over and around he and Betsy's twisting, grunting, sweating bodies. Imagining this little scene wasn't helping him cool down any. Warren was lathering his hair and looked back down at his unebbing erection; he considered a moment and then closed his soapy fist around the massive organ and began to masturbate. He slid his slick fist furiously up and down his shaft and fantasized about Betsy, until, standing on his toes with his arched back to the steaming water, he came, spilling out copious amounts of jizz from his aching, purple head. *That* was working. No substitute for Betsy's flesh, but it got rid of that maddening hard-on and loosened him up a bit. Besides, Warren was no stranger to jacking off during this two-year, *and counting*, he thought with melancholy, dry spell. He finished cleaning up and dried off. He proceeded to the adjoining dressing rooms and found his bathrobe among the rest of the team's robes and a stockpile of standard blue and gold training uniforms. He put it on, picked up his tuxedo, and proceeded back through the galley, down the hall, past the staircase to the first floor and the foyer, and to the men's dormitory wing. As he approached the door to his room, he noticed that it was slightly ajar. Battle-honed suspicion kicked into high gear; he dropped the tux and squinted his eagle-sharp eyes. Fully tensed and ready to unfurl his deadly wings, he twisted into a stance from which he could slam the door wide open with a powerful side kick. <Warren,> the gentle telepathic voice reached him, and calm flowed through his mind and body, stopping him in mid-kick. But the adrenaline didn't stop pumping into his system as he recognized the voice and realized what it must mean. He opened the door and turned the dimmer knob above the light switch, illuminating the room in a soft glow. Betsy sat stark naked at the edge of his four-poster bed, her left leg dangling over the edge and the other tucked up under her. Her hands rested on her left knee, which caused her arms to press her 44-DD breasts together, creating an amazingly sensual effect. *Warren, my boy,* he thought to himself, *you're gonna get laid after all,* and unconsciously closed the door behind him.Betsy jiggled a little with laughter like the tinkling of bells, and said, "How perceptive you are, Mr. Worthington," as she slid off the bed's satin comforter, making a small swishing noise. She stood tall, and Warren marveled at her voluptuous, athletic body. Smooth, flawless bronze skin, shapely limbs, a flat belly slightly rippled with the faint suggestion of feminine abs, large breasts with plum nipples that complemented her darkish skin beautifully, an elegant Asian face that managed to carry and suggest her British-born aristocracy in a unique effect, and flowing lustrous deep purple hair. Warren noticed that her little triangle of pubic hair was purple as well, meaning that while Betsy Braddock was blond by birth, Kwannon's exotic hair color must have been natural. Unless she dyed that too, but that seemed unlikely. Warren gulped and licked his lips in a nervous gesture, a little sweat popped up on his brow, and he trembled slightly as Betsy strode toward him confidently, heaving her chest with deep breaths, a no doubt intentional effect. She reached out to him, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on the base of his neck, and pulled herself to him, mashing herself against his body and fiercely kissing him. She finessed the folds of his robe open with her knees, and, positioning her left leg between his legs and her right leg alongside the outside of his left leg, she began to grind her crotch against his left hip. Lifting her left leg to his crotch, she began to rub his balls with it. Warren's eyes bulged, and his heartbeat became erratic, thumping in his chest and temples so hard he thought he might pass out. She had sucked his tongue into her mouth and was rolling hers around it, *she was <chewing> on his tongue!*, alternating between little nips at the tip with her incisors and grinding it lightly between her molars. Warren gasped deeply, forgetting to breathe through his nose and almost choked. Betsy sent a telepathic cascade of laughter, like a babbling brook, across his mind. She continued to suck his face, tickling the roof of his mouth and licking his teeth for a while before she began to close her mouth, forcing his to close with it by sucking the air out of him. A loud, astoundingly dry, smacking sound was produced when both their lips came together, and the seal was broken. Warren let out a nervous laugh, little "huh" sounds between gasps for breath. "Wow," he whispered sincerely with glazed eyes. Betsy untied his robe and pushed it over his shoulders so that it dropped off his body. She put her hands on his hips and lowered to her knees. *Good lord!* he thought, his head spinning, *the <kiss> almost got me off!* Betsy cradled his genitals in her hands, cupping his sack in her palms and holding his stiff member between her thumbs. She massaged his nuts and gently kissed the head of his cock, wetting it with saliva. She tilted it upward and flattened her tongue onto his balls, slowly running it up the underside of his shaft and, upon reaching the end, swiftly gulped down his entire penis, tightened her lips snugly around the base of his dick, and slowly retreated to the head, which she began to polish with her tongue. Then she licked the side of his cock in a back and forth motion before taking it back into her mouth and continued to give him the best head of his life. Sucking, licking, and nibbling him into new heights of ecstasy. "Wait," he panted, heavily setting his hand on her head when he was teetering on the edge of an orgasm. She disengaged and stood, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. He was beginning to get over his initial shock and befuddlement and was ready to take a more confident and active role. He took her by the waist and guided her to the bed. He lifted her into his arms and slid onto the bed, setting her down with her head on the pillows. He opened her legs and sat between them with his legs folded under him. She was so beautiful, lying naked on red satin, one arm lay slightly crooked at her side, the other bent in a right angle, lying palm upward. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were slightly parted. Her head was tilted to one side, stretching her elegant long neck. Warren was drawn to that neck, he bent down and kissed it gently. She smelled of tropical flowers, light and sweet. He trailed kisses down her body, lingering on her breasts and belly. He was forced to untuck his legs and lie flat as he moved downward. Now he was propped on his elbows between her silky thighs, his face only inches in front of her pussy. He reached out and placed two fingers on the soft folds of her labia, which were the same plum color of her nipples, and spread them open to reveal the glistening pink within. He touched the tip of his tongue to that pink flesh, capturing the salty tang of her juices. Betsy moaned slightly. Warren clamped his mouth onto her mound and forced his tongue inside of her, slithering it along her petal-like folds and grinding her clitoris. Betsy writhed and twisted. As Warren continued his oral ministrations, she reached her first climax and began to thrash around so hard he could hardly keep his lips affixed, so he slid his arms under her legs and locked them around her thighs. He rose to his knees, lifting her hips and leaving only her head and shoulders still in contact with the bed, he pressed on with determination, relentlessly licking and sucking and pulling at her folds with his lips. She came noisily again, and he was spurred on by her reaction and the musky smell of her fluids. Less than a minute later, she came a third time, and he stopped eating her out and set her down. Betsy lay there catching her breath, covered in a glistening sheen of sweat, her chest and abdomen heaving. Warren leaned over and kissed her on the mouth once before inserting his dick between her wet and swollen pussy lips and into her tight channel with a low grunt. He rammed it in to the hilt, until he felt his sack come to rest between her buttocks. He was instantly enraptured by the hot sensation and saw double for a moment. He didn't really realize how much he missed this and was struck all at once by overwhelming passion, love for Betsy, and joy at their sharing this, and bittersweet memories of Candy. Taken by a brilliant, spontaneous and exciting whim, he lifted Betsy's shoulders up, crossing his arms behind her back. He pressed her to his chest and rolled the two of them over. He sat up, scooted over to the edge of the bed, and stood, holding Betsy off the ground by pressing one arm across her back and supporting her under the ass with the other, all the while managing to keep himself deep inside of her. Betsy squealed a little with surprise by this sudden and swift movement, reflexively grabbing his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his hips to keep from falling. "What are you...?" she stammered, staring at him with a look of confusion. He just smiled broadly at her and didn't answer. He disabled the security on his windows by entering his code on the remote control that lay on the nightstand. He proceeded to the window, bracing her against the sill for a moment while he threw it open. "Don't scream, please," he asked her quietly, "we've already made too much racket," he grinned, and pushed forward, sending them tumbling into the night. "Warren!" she yelped, her eyes widening impossibly as she clutched him crushingly tight. "Are you crazy?" she hissed; to her credit, very quietly as they plunged from the second-story window. Warren spread his wings wide and arched upward at the last second, Betsy's hair brushed the lawn as their momentum was redirected. They shot upward at a nauseating velocity, Warren giggled to himself at Betsy's expression. Her teeth were clenched, and her eyes were shut tightly, a tear escaped from the corner of an eye and swiftly ran down her cheek, dragged by the "G" forces. Warren stopped climbing and began to hover. Betsy shivered against him, looking ill, and cautiously opened her eyes. He began to laugh heartily. "*You* _bastard!_" she exclaimed. He stopped laughing and looked her dead in the eyes solemnly. "Oh, come on, Betsy! Look around you and try to tell me you don't want to be here," as he spoke, his eyes swept the sky and came to rest looking down at the mansion. Her eyes followed his, she looked at the mansion, seeming small below them, then over to the horizon and the forested Appalachian mountains, bathed in the soft moonlight. She gasped slightly and smiled, her face softening, and her stifling grip loosening. The starry fall nights of urban Westchester in the New York highlands were always gorgeous, but infinitely more so from this altitude. "Oh, Warren! I haven't flown since I was Captain Britain! It's been so long, two lifetimes ago, it seems, since I've experienced the freedom and wonder of the skies!" "You're forgiven," she breathed and kissed him deeply. Warren, having kept still inside her for so long, began to pump his hips slowly, sliding his organ in and out in long, sensuous strokes. He held her tightly to him, burying his face in her neck and hair as she twined her legs around his and stroked and kneaded his buttocks. They screwed in a vertical position, bobbing up and down slightly against a backdrop of stars as he flapped his wings sporadically.The heat of their bodies quickly rose to protect against the chilly autumn night. After a few minutes, Warren reoriented them, turning so that they were horizontal, with Betsy hanging underneath. He held her legs to his sides, and she hooked her arms under his armpits and gripped his shoulders from behind. Confident that she wouldn't fall, he began to fly, soaring over the estate's grounds. He proceeded toward the mountains and the jet hangar, pistoning furiously and grunting while they kissed and licked all over each other's faces, necks, and ears. Soon Betsy came, spasming violently. Warren had never seen a woman react to an orgasm like she did! He was worried about one of them losing their grip, so he rolled them over so that he was facing the sky and turned back towards the estate. Betsy regained her composure and sat up, balancing across his hips and bracing her hands against his shoulders as he closed his on her waist. She began to ride him, moving in sync with his thrusts as though they were choreographed, as if one was an extension of the other. Warren noticed that they were passing Scott and Jean's place and soon were over Breakstone Lake, when Betsy suddenly straightened bolt upright. She swayed back and forth, stroking her breasts and trailing her hands up her neck into her hair, pulling it up above her head and licking her lips. She looked so ethereally beautiful to Warren, her face, breasts, and belly bathed in luminescent moonlight. She was positively aglow! Warren gazed at her long and hard, his eyes caressing her soft form, trailing down her body. He looked past his sweaty pecs and abs to their joined regions. He watched his cock as it plunged in and out of her and felt the inevitable climax building, he moaned and growled as Betsy panted and squealed, she was going to come too. He drew her back down to him and steeled himself for it. Suddenly he felt Betsy in his mind and became disoriented by strange, alien sensations that were coming to him. He struggled to understand and realized that she was linking them, allowing him to experience what she was feeling! He felt like he was going to burst as she synchronized and shared their orgasms, literally doubling the staggering sensation. All reality seemed to explode and fall apart around him, his groin burned with the white-hot ecstasy of the senses-shattering super orgasm. Warren's muscles locked, and his eyes bulged, he howled out loud and lost control of his wings. They dropped from the sky like a stone and landed in the lake's cove with a splash. Warren was shocked by how cold the water felt against his hot skin and swallowed a lot of water before surfacing. He was barely able to tread water, his muscles felt like jelly. He scanned the water, searching for Betsy. There she was, sputtering and coughing. He doggy paddled over to her. "Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded with one last cough and smiled mischievously, flicking her eyebrows upward twice rapidly, as if to say "you like?" "That was un-*fucking*-be*lieve*able!" he answered to her silent query, "pardon the pun." "Of course," she nodded her head toward the shore and began to swim away. Warren stared, wondering where she got the energy to move that fast. Then he began to follow and was surprised that his strength was rapidly recovering. She reached the beach, halfway between Scott and Jean's cottage and the cove's peninsula, before him. She crawled a little way inland and rolled over onto her back, propped herself up on her hands and lifted her knees. She began to slowly open and close them. Warren rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, she was absolutely relentless! He crawled up to her and, since he wouldn't be able to get hard again for about fifteen minutes, he took one of her tits into both of his hands, leaned over and closed his mouth around the nipple. He began to suck forcefully and nip at it as he ran his right hand down her abdomen and laid his palm against her bush, stroking her labia and clitoris gently with his middle finger. He worked open the folds with his index and ring fingers, and inserted his middle, followed by his index, into her vagina. Betsy shuddered and groaned as he stroked up and down, by approaching the pussy from above and arching the fingers into the channel, the clitoris was constantly stimulated, when coming at it from ahead would completely miss it. By her reaction, Betsy obviously appreciated the technique. She ground her pelvis into the sand, thrashing her head back and forth as he noisily sucked her tits and furiously frigged her. She reached down and took Warren's limp penis into her hands, brushing it between her fingers and thumb until it was erect. She closed her fist around it just as she came, squeezing it painfully. Warren gritted his teeth until it was over, and she began to slowly stroke it as if she were milking a cow; pinching the base between thumb and forefinger and pulling down. Shortly she came again, her pussy was becoming quite slick, and Warren was wearing his arm out by fingerfucking her so quickly. When she climaxed a third time, he felt his drawing close. <Spray my tits,> he received the telepathic order. He frowned slightly, being the cultured gentleman he was, he found splattering a woman slightly distasteful and disrespectful. Making her swallow was absolutely unforgivable, that's why he told her to stop when she was blowing him. But, she was requesting it, so he was willing to do as she said. He rose to his knees, and she propped herself on one elbow, taking his cock in her hand and giving a final few jerks. He breathed harshly through his teeth, squirting on her gigantic bosom. She held onto his spasming dick, laughing with delight and aiming it like a firehose, she coated her tits. She aimed it just below the base of her throat most of the time, allowing the jizz to run down her cleavage, some of it oozed down her belly and collected in her navel. Warren gaped at the incredible amount of glistening semen that was glazing her mountainous breasts. She laid back down on the sand. <Fuck them,> she ordered, pressing the heels of her hands on the sides of her boobs and rubbing them together. "But I just..." he protested. She cut him off by shaking her head and gesturing at his still-erect member. He was astounded, his cock was showing no signs of becoming flaccid, it was still as hard as ever. He wondered how the hell that could be, then figured it must be Betsy's doing, mastery of the brain is mastery of the central nervous system. She was preventing the inevitable "crash" that was part of coming down from an orgasm, a fair comparison being how a drug user's system crashes when coming down from a high. *This* was a pleasant utilization of telepathic abilities he'd never thought of before! He straddled her stomach and inserted his penis between her slippery tits. He began to pump, and she squeezed his tool tight between her breasts, alternating between grinding them in a circular motion and sliding them to mirror his thrusts. The sensations were very pleasant, the softness of her plump breasts, the sticky tackiness of his come, and the warmth the friction created. He removed his hands from his hips and began to tweak her nipples, circling the bumpy areolas with the pads of his fingertips and pinching and pulling the nipples gently. He continued to piston for only a couple more minutes when he felt his climax approaching, much sooner than usual. He guessed that if given the chance, men's orgasms happened closer together as they continued to have them, just as women do. Women are capable of having multiple orgasms after prolonged stimulation, orgasms so close together that you can hardly tell them apart. With Betsy, Warren could have multiple orgasms! He would have to try that sometime, and shelved the thought away. He threw his head back in the air, moaning and grunting as he came, the ejaculate spraying out from between her tits and drenching her lips, chin, and neck. Betsy was laughing again, she just loved to be coated in a man's juices. Warren guessed that one of his old habits was about to change while he was partners with her. Warren stood, and Betsy reached for his hand. He took it and helped pull her up. She stepped back a little from him, that disturbing little grin was back. Warren was wondering what the hell she was up to when she scooped some of the jizz off of her body and smeared her palm into his face playfully. Before he had the chance to yell and freak out, wipe his face and spit, she smashed her body against his. Holding him in a tight bear hug, she licked his face and kissed him, forcing her messy tongue into his mouth. Though it was surprisingly tasteless, he was still pretty grossed out. *She really loves this stuff,* he thought to himself. Suddenly she released his mouth and tackled him into the water, making him forget all about her little trick as they wrestled and played around in the lake. They horsed around like teenagers, splashing and dunking each other, laughing and making idle threats. After about fifteen minutes, Betsy made for the shore, and Warren gave chase. He reached the beach only a few paces behind her and sprinted, knocking her to the sand. They necked for a little while, and Betsy ended up lying halfway on top of him, her head on his chest as he stroked and ran his fingers through her drying hair."I love you, Betsy," he whispered and kissed the top of her head. Warren felt her cheek pull upward into a smile, and she snuggled closer against him. "I love you too," he heard her say as he drifted off to sleep. A little more than three hours later, Warren awoke. He squinted against the light of the sunrise and stretched, yawning. Then his eyes snapped open as he realized that they had fallen asleep on the beach. "*Shit!* Betsy!" he shouted, shaking her. "What," she moaned groggily, annoyed. Then her eyes flew open, and she sat up, her eyes flicking back and forth to confirm their location. "*Shit!*" she hissed. "I already said that," Warren quipped, standing up and brushing the sand off his naked body and shaking out his hair. Betsy did the same. "C'mon," he said, holding out his arms. She went to him, and he picked her up. He covered the distance between the lake and the mansion by flying low, at an altitude about equal to his height. They reached the wing that held the men's dormitory, and Warren's window was directly above and still open. They were standing in front of the window to Professor Xavier's office. Warren happened to glance inside and noticed a gathering; he quickly shot upward to the second floor, hoping that they weren't spotted. He set Betsy on the window sill, and she climbed in; he followed. "What's going on down there?" he asked. "The professor has summoned Hank, Scott, Ororo, Jean, Bishop, and Bobby. They must be briefing for a mission," she answered. He picked his robe up off the floor and handed it to her. "Here, get back to your room with this. I hope Charles didn't want either of us for the assignment, so that no one's looking for us," he paused, "I noticed, none of your clothes are in here. You came here like that?" "Yes, I scanned everyone but you as being asleep, and I expected you to be in here. I thought that coming to your door naked would be fun," she smiled, putting on the robe, "I was inspired by your comment last night that we should `cut to the chase'," she quoted. There was a knock at the door, "Hey, buddy," it was Bobby's voice. Warren and Betsy froze. The door swung open as Bobby continued, "are you gettin' up or wha... ohboy," he whispered, staring at Betsy. Warren, though he was the one who was still naked, stepped in front of her. "I..." Bobby stammered, averting his eyes, "The prof sent me to..." Betsy moved around Warren and brushed past Bobby. "Drake, *get the hell out of here!*" Warren snarled, turning him by the shoulders and pushing him out the door. Warren took a step into the hall and heard Rogue's voice. "There you are, Betsy," she was saying, "me an' Remy were just looking for you in your room," sure enough, Remy was right behind her, as usual. It was sickening, the way he tailed her every move. He made eye contact with Warren and covered his mouth, snickering. Then Rogue saw him too, she blushed and turned her back, swiftly proceeding toward the stairs. Remy opened his mouth to say something rude, and Rogue barked "Gambit!". He dropped it and followed her, stealing a backward glance to Warren, he winked and gave him a "thumbs up." Warren covered his face with his hand and retreated into his room, slamming the door. *Even without Jubilee around, this will spread* he thought, plopping onto his bed. He smiled, *but given the chance, I wouldn't have changed a thing.* &lt;Me neither, luv,&gt; Betsy sent. This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. No more brooding in solitary for Warren, Apocalypse was months dead, and Warren had met a woman to pull him out of the darkness he'd allowed himself to grow comfortable in. It was no longer enough, and he was ready to rejoin the land of the living. Pushed into action by Jubilee's biting words, he'd allowed himself to love again. And he'd never felt so good in his life. -The End-The look on his face was precious, slack-jawed and wide-eyed with amazement. "Chere! How... how in the hell did we do that?!" he stammered. She clutched him around the torso, pressing one side of her soaked face against his hard chest. "Ah've been in therapy with the Professor for months now, we determined that mah problem with controlling mah power was psychological," he was stroking her hair lovingly, "He helped me past the blocks I'd placed cause of all mah guilt an' self-loathin' over what happened to Cody an' Carol..." she explained, *an' then Belle,* she thought to herself. "The Prof was mah first test, we risked it an' ah was able to touch him on the hand... Ah was so afraid it wouldn't work again!" She looked up into his eyes, "Oh, Remy! Ah can really touch again! Ah want foh us to touch each other all night long, fall asleep in each other's arms! To hold on to each other an' _never_ let go!" She was gripping his hands tightly, pressing them to her breasts. Remy smiled broadly and kissed her forehead, "Gambit have no problems at all wit' dat!" He led Rogue to the bed and she sat down on it, swinging her legs up with her. He swiftly pulled his shirt up over his head and dropped it to the floor before sitting on the edge of the bed beside her. He kissed her, opening his mouth and snaking his tongue into her. She accepted his soft and wet tongue into her mouth, rolling it around with hers, feeling their teeth scrape together. He began to kiss and suck her long, arched neck gently as her hands explored his bare back, memorizing every muscle. He was now entirely on the bed, lying on top of her. She rolled him over and sat across his hips. She began to kiss all over his face, nibbling his lips and ears, rubbing her mouth on his beard stubble. She could feel the bulge of his erect penis pressing eagerly against her crotch, inhibited by two layers of jeans. She took off her sweater and tossed it aside. Remy smiled, getting a view of her firm tits and flat stomach. He no doubt wanted her to take off her lacy black bra, but she wasn't ready for that yet. Rogue touched his shoulders, running her hands slowly down his muscular arms. From his smooth biceps to his forearms, which were sparsely covered by little hairs. She closed her hands around his right wrist and lifted it. She kissed the back of his hand and rubbed it against her face, then sucked his fingertips into her mouth. She put his hand against one of her breasts and he squeezed it. Rogue sighed and ground her crotch against his. Remy moaned. She dropped his arm and scooted down a bit, lowering herself onto him. She licked his rough jawline, then his adam's apple. Oh, the _smell_ of him! Rampagingly masculine! His salty flesh, a little perspiration, and an expensive cologne. Oh, what was it called! She couldn't remember. She wandered over to one of his nipples in a frenzy, pinching it between her lips and tugging firmly. She flattened out her tongue against it and began to circle it slowly, rubbing the other pec with the palm of her hand. Remy breathed heavily, his chest heaving under her. She slid down further, brushing his well-defined abs with the tip of her nose. She could feel her own hot breath, bouncing off his tight body and warming her face. She found his navel and kissed it, flicking her tongue into it, once, then twice. Rogue felt something tickle her chin, and raised herself up on her hands. A thin little triangle of sparse, coarse hair peeked from under the waistband of Remy's pants, the point touching his navel. She began to unbutton his pants, they were Levi's 501, with the button fly. She undid the buttons slowly, plucking them from the slots with both hands. She folded the fly open, creasing them to the sides. Remy was wearing red cotton jockey shorts. She retreated to the foot of the bed, and, taking his pant-legs by the hem, she eased his jeans off. Then Rogue stood and dropped her own pants to the floor, hooked one of her feet into the tangled mass, and kicked them backward and out of the way, losing her socks in the process. She then plucked off Remy's socks and took him by the ankles. She noticed that, much like Remy's arms, his legs were only hairy on the lower half. His sculpted, broad thighs were bare and smooth, as though they were carved in marble, while below the knees there was a little hair. She darted her tongue out, brushing one of his ankles with the tip. Then she gently kissed it, and began to pull him toward her, leaving a trail of sweet little kisses along the inside of his leg. All the while she gradually lowered herself to her knees. Now Rogue held Remy's knees at her shoulders and was licking his inner thigh, halfway down from the knee. She looked down his leg to his crotch. The fabric of his underpants was stretched to the limit, pulled into a teepee by his massive organ. The waistband was pulled down to expose a couple inches of short, kinky pubic hair and the legbands were stretched away from his body, forming what looked like a shadowy cave. Remy's head was tilted to the side, his eyes shut tightly and his teeth clenched. His face and neck were flushed and he was clutching the bedspread, bunching it in his fists. His hard-on was quite obviously making him extremely uncomfortable. Rogue was going to have to proceed to something much more intimate earlier than she'd originally planned to, something more satisfying for Remy. She'd wanted for them to just touch each other tonight and proceed to actual sex later on. She realized now that not only was that a kind of cruel thing to do to Remy, but that it was probably unrealistic... She now knew now that it would be unlikely to have been able to restrain _herself_ in that way once going this far! She set Remy's legs down over her shoulders and hooked her hands into the waistband of his undershorts. Remy took the signal and bent forward, bracing himself on his elbows and lifting his ass from the bed. She pulled his shorts off, dragging them toward her face. Remy straightened out this legs, extending them high into the air. Once she'd pulled them past his knees, he bent them again. She ducked her head under the jockey shorts that stretched between his legs. Gravity did the rest as they slipped of his legs and tumbled down her back to land on her feet. She was now staring down the barrel of Remy's unbelievably long cock. It jutted out from his body and pointed right at her nose, bare inches from her face. Rogue shrugged his legs off of her shoulders and reached for it. With the tips of her fingers, *Oh! It's so _hot!_*, she began to tilt it in all different directions, looking at it from different angles. The shaft was solid and strong, during her inspection she noticed that it took more of an effort to turn it downward than it did to press it to the sides and no effort at all to push it upward; it's natural resting position was at an upward angle. It was marked by a roadmap of veins, the largest of which was on the underside and to the right, originating from the body and running upward. Breaking off from it were all the other smaller veins, sort of tributaries that meandered all over the penis. All the larger veins were on the underside, which also had a higher concentration of veins. Oh, and some tributaries had tributaries. There was a definite ridge that ran the center of the the underside. The thickness was somewhat inconsistent, it was broader across than it was thick and it was more wide at the center than at the root, and it tapered at the head so that it was a bit thinner than the base. The head was plump and looked sort of like a mushroom. It was also a little purplish, especially at the edge, and it was spongy to the touch. She could see his circumcision scar, brown and puckered. *Mah God! How long _is_ this thing, anyway? It must be at least _ten inches_!* When she closed both her hands around it there were still three inches that poked from her fist! It wasn't remarkably thick, though, her middle fingers could press the balls of her thumbs easily. She felt his pulse throbbing under her fingers. A drop of milky liquid formed at the head and began to lazily trickle down... She was distracted by a sudden noise. Remy was laughing! "Chere, you gon' be _doin'_ somethin' wit' dat ting 'fore Gambit go over de top and you be gettin' a squirt in de eye?" he asked patiently, smiling broadly, and continued his gentle ribbing. "You plan on writin' an essay later on? Maybe we could go down to de sub-levels and be fetchin' some diagnostic 'quipment for your studies?" Rogue smirked, a little embarrassed. This was the first time she'd had a good look at a man's cock in person, she didn't realize that she was scrutinizing so intently. But even Belle's memories of Remy's monstrous manhood couldn't prepare her for actually holding it in her hands. "You asked foh it sugah!" she warned cryptically. Rogue's fists were still wrapped around his prick and the pre-ejaculate had puddled against her thumb. She tentatively touched the tip of her tongue to this miniature pearl and followed the short trail upward, where she closed her lips around the soft head of his stiff prong. She began to nudge and probe at it with her tongue. Remy let out a hiss of breath between his teeth. She uncurled her right fist and slowly drew Remy's dick down her throat as far as it would go.Her lips touched her left hand, and she was just this side of gagging. Then she thought of the saying about biting off more than you could swallow, and she almost did gag. She managed to keep from laughing and pulled back, keeping her lips tight and sliding her tongue from side to side. She withdrew to the head and repeated the gulping technique very swiftly three more times. Then she lifted his balls from the bed, cradling the hairy, wrinkled sack of dark, soft skin in her hand. She felt for the firm spheres of his testicles, and, finding one, she pressed her lips against it and slurped it into her mouth, drawing half his scrotum after it. She sucked his nut for a while, rolling it around in her mouth, before spitting it back out. Then she pressed his cock back against his abdomen, laid her tongue against his soggy balls, and licked the length of his shaft a few times. Remy's squirming and the little noises he made turned Rogue on tremendously. She closed his dick in her left hand again and began to suck and lick it furiously as her other hand wandered down and began to rub her tender pussy lips and clitoris through her already wet panties. After a couple minutes, Rogue came from her masturbating just as Remy's cock began to spasm. It squirted a wad of thick liquid into her mouth before she could release it, then it squirted again, splattering her face. She gasped and grabbed the bobbing organ, turning it slightly so that it squirted over her left shoulder. She cleared a little come from her eye and looked at Remy. His mouth hung wide open and his eyes were rolled back, he was making breathless gasping sounds. Rogue just watched him as he made funny sounds and even funnier faces, holding onto his prick as it sprayed come everywhere. She counted about seven or eight wet spasms and about four "dry heaves" before it was finally still and began to grow soft. Remy lay there for a little while, his breathing slowing to normal. Then he forced himself to sit up and smiled winningly at Rogue, "Chère..." he began raspily, his eyelids were heavy and tiny beads of sweat dotted his brow and unshaven upper lip, "That was just incredible," he drew Rogue up into his arms and kissed her roughly, squeezing her tight to his unyielding body and kneading her ass with both his hands. He released her from the kiss and grinned mischievously, arching one eyebrow, "Now, let's see what ol' Gambit can do for _you_." He stood, pressing his hands to her waist. Rogue clamped her thighs on his hips for support and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. The brassiere fell forward and she shrugged it off of her arms. Remy gazed appreciatively at her pert, round breasts and pivoted so that he faced the bed. He placed one knee as deep toward the center of the bed as he could reach and levered himself onto it. Rogue closed her hands behind his neck and he leaned into it, gently falling on top of her. Rogue folded her legs across his back and slipped her arms under his. They kissed deeply, probing each other's mouths eagerly. Then Remy reached between them to stroke one of her breasts and Rogue moaned, feeling her lips vibrate against his. Remy stopped kissing her and she uncrossed her legs to give him free movement. He moved down her body and took her breast in both hands, splaying his fingers so that her nipple showed through the triangle-shaped window formed by his thumbs and forefingers. He teased her achingly erect nipple with the tip of his tongue, wagging it back and forth swiftly. Then he squeezed her tit and clamped his mouth on her nipple, sucking hard and grinding it with his tongue. Rogue pursed her lips and cooed, rubbing her pelvis against his belly frantically. Remy suckled her breast for what seemed like forever, she stroked his hair and lightly raked his back with her fingernails. Remy suddenly disengaged and moved to her side, sitting with his legs folded under him. "Roll over, Chère," he ordered. "An' lose de panties," he added with a grin. Rogue squinted at him quizzically for a moment, then proceeded to do as he asked. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and began to wiggle them down, baring her dark pubic hair and smooth hips a little bit at a time. Remy was watching intently, his eyes glued on her midsection as he licked his lips absent-mindedly. She pushed the panties down her hips and thighs and completely off, tossing them over the bed. Then she rolled onto her stomach and folded her arms, leaning her cheek onto them and gazing at Remy expectantly. Remy scooted a little closer to her and laid his large, calloused hands on her shoulders and began to gently rub them. Rogue sighed heavily, it felt so good to have his strong fingers kneading her flesh, relaxing the muscles. He continued to massage her back expertly, working his fingers into her shoulder blades, unknotting her upper back. She was drifting away on fluffy white clouds and her breathing was becoming comfortably shallow. He ran a succession of jarring karate chops up and down her spine, loosening the vertebrae. Then he laid his hands on her buttocks and began to stroke and knead them. Rogue knew that there were probably no muscles in the ass that are very active and didn't need massaging, but she wasn't about to complain. Her loins were tingling pleasantly and she could see that Remy's cock was stirring, growing erect very slowly. She was about to touch it when Remy began to move, wedging one of his knees between her legs. She spread her legs for him and he sat between them and began to massage her ribs. He slowly moved his hands down her body until he was massaging her hips, then he began to stroke both sides of one of her thighs. Rogue was getting so hot, she could feel a puddle of wetness spreading under her as her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. Remy suddenly touched the tender petals of her labia with the tips of his fingers. Rogue gasped and hiked her ass up a little. He began to stroke her mound with his open hand, his middle finger lingering on her sensitive clitoris, moving in little circles. Rogue rocked with the rhythm of his expert hands and came forcefully before too long. Now she was on her elbows and knees and Remy was kissing and licking her buttocks, she could feel his hot breath in the crack of her ass and on her throbbing pussy. He inserted one of his fingers into her channel and began to tongue the area around the opening while continuing to tease her clitoris with another finger. She came again, yelling and gritting her teeth. She loved the feel of his firm digits and soft, wet tongue probing her pussy, and the feel of his rough stubble, scraping against her thigh where it joined her body. She was teetering on the edge of another orgasm when Remy stopped. Rogue took the few seconds to catch her breath. She could hear Remy shuffling around back there, then his legs brushed the insides of hers and his hands fell on her hips. Something blunt and firm nudged her between the legs. It took a little while for her to realize that he was waiting for her to signal that it was alright to proceed. "Yesss..." she exhaled huskily. One of his hands left her hip and she could feel the head of his cock open the soaked lips of her pussy, he pressed it firmly against her entrance and she felt it stretch and close around the plump head. Rogue's entire body trembled and she reflexively contracted the muscles in her cunt, pinching the tip of Remy's cock like a vise. Remy groaned and forced his dick into her tightened channel ever so slowly, edging it in one inch at a time. She savored the delicious feeling of his stiff rod as it drove deeper and deeper inside of her, she flexed and released, urging it forward. There was a little pain, but she bore it as it was almost entirely drowned in wave after wave of pleasure. She climaxed, shuddering violently as her muscle control melted away and she slumped to the bed, her breathing reduced to hiccupping gasps. Remy's hands slipped off her hips and his penis popped out of her. Rogue blinked. She thought that she must have blacked out for a couple seconds. She was lying on her back now and Remy was lightly slapping her cheek and saying, "Rogue! Chère!" Her mind unclouded and she looked up at Remy and smiled. With one hand she drew his head down to her and kissed him while grabbing his wet prick roughly with the other, guiding it back to her pussy. She felt his lips pull up into a smile and he kissed her back, re-entering her slippery, expanded cunt easily and sliding in to the hilt. She twined her legs around his and held onto his ass as he began to pump in and out of her, alternating between piston-like pounding and slow, methodical stroking. Rogue surrendered to the maddening sensation with all of her being. Tilting her head back and closing her eyes, languidly licking her teeth and lips. She writhed slightly under Remy's thrusting, undulating body, lightly tracing cross-hatching patterns all over his back, sides, ass, and hips with the tips of her fingernails. Remy's head was bent downward and his bangs brushed her face, tickling her cheeks and eyelids. He was breathing in short, rapid jets, blowing into her cleavage. His loosely hanging balls, drenched in Rogue's flowing juices, made audible slaps as they smacked in between her ass cheeks, against her anus, with each deep thrust of his cock into her tight channel.Remy kissed her, sucking her lower lip into his mouth and nibbling on it. Then he planted little kisses on her chin and another on her neck. Rogue reached up to place her hand on the base of his skull and pressed his head to her shoulder. She licked him behind the ear, and drawing the lobe into her mouth with her tongue, she began to suck on it. Then she traced the edge of his ear with her tongue, and gently bit into it. Rogue moved her hips in sync with Remy's thrusts, feeling another climax approaching. She gripped him tighter and squealed as she came, thrashing her head from side to side. Remy's pace slowed and his muscles tensed. He buried his cock deep and he came too, drawing in a strangled moan and releasing it in a choking burst, "Nnnnnnnnnnnnn-ghuh! Huh... huh..." he panted, washing Rogue's insides with his cream. His elbows gave out and he lay heavily on top of her for a couple minutes. Remy rolled off of her, his now flaccid penis slipping out of her contracting vagina. They lay blissfully next to each other, silently staring at the ceiling. Then Rogue got off the bed and pulled up the covers, sliding under them and motioning for Remy to do the same. He sat up and pulled the comforter out from under him and slid under it next to Rogue. She nuzzled up against him, laying her head on his collarbone and cuddling up to him with one leg over his and one hand on his chest. He hugged her with one arm and lolled his cheek on the top of her head, brushing his fingers on her shoulder and fiddling with her curly locks. It was Rogue who broke the silence. "Remy, ah love you," she whispered, the tips of her fingers moving in circular motions on his chest. Remy hugged her a little tighter and kissed her on the top of her head. "I love you too, chere." Rogue smiled faintly. "Remy..." she paused, "Mah real name..." "Chere," Remy interrupted. "Shush, Remy," Rogue asserted firmly, "Ah'm ready to tell someone. This is ridiculous, keeping my name from y'all. Like ah'm still an outsider... Ah'm ready to let people get close to me again," she continued, "Mah real name is..." Suddenly everything swam out of focus, the world was melting into the blackness. Rogue opened her eyes and was startled to see that Remy was not lying next to her. She jerked into a sitting position and frantically glanced about the room. The morning sunshine poured in through her windows, shining through her lacy curtains. Horrible realization began to sink into her and her face wrinkled in despair. She looked over at her alarm clock, which was buzzing and showed 7:00 on the digital face. "NO!!!" she shouted and flashed out her arm, grabbing the clock and crushing it between her fingers. The clock popped and splintered, throwing off a few sparks and smoking a little. Tears streamed down her face and she dropped the smoldering remains to the floor. Rogue turned face down and muffled her gut-wrenching sobs with her pillow.
Picket Fences
"What's happening to me? I never had this problem before. I'm so confused!" These were the thoughts going through Kimberly Brock's head as she sat alone on her bed. In the next room, her two brothers were, as usual, arguing about something. Her father, Sheriff Jimmy Brock was still at work, but her mother, Jill, was downstairs, having come home early from her medical practice. Kimberly wanted to talk to her mom about this, but she knew that was impossible. She would have a panic attack, the same way she did when the issue first arose several months ago. No, her mother was not the person to confide in, not for this problem. But who? Certainly none of her friends. The only one she would even consider telling was Lisa, and she had already denied it all to her at the time. "That damned Lisa", she thought. "She's the one that started all this. Her and her 'experiments'. If Lisa hadn't talked me into kissing her that night on this very spot, I wouldn't be in this predicament." Kimberly thought back to that night and the days immediately following. Lisa Fenn, her best friend, was spending the night, and the two of them were lying in the dark talking about lots of things, including sex. "Kim", she said at one point, "have you ever wondered what it would be like to ... to kiss a girl?" This really startled Kimberly. In fact, she had NEVER thought of that. It just wasn't something to be considered. But now she was thinking. "Not really", she answered, wondering what her best friend had in mind. Lisa went on. "I just wonder what it feels like, you know? I mean, kissing a guy is so nice, but a girl would be so different- soft, exciting, maybe..." Lisa's voice lingered off in the darkness. Finally, she said, "Do you want to try?" Kimberly was startled. For a while she said nothing. Then, realizing that she was just as curious as Lisa, she said, "Okay." The kiss wasn't much, at least on the surface. It lasted maybe ten seconds. Still, Kim could feel herself getting excited, especially when Lisa slipped her tongue into her mouth and swirled it around. Afterwards, they were both silent, until Lisa said, "Well, that was interesting". Kimberly replied nervously, "Yeah ... interesting." Interesting indeed. Kim found it more than interesting. She could feel the beginnings of arousal between her legs. It scared her. Neither girl said much about the incident for a couple days. Finally, Kimberly brought it up. They had to talk about it, or it would just be there like a cloud between them. So they talked, and both said it was exciting probably because of the taboo. Both girls were confused by the emotions that the kiss provoked. But finally, they both agreed that they were not attracted to each other, not in "that way". And the subject had not come up since, except for the harassment Kimberly got from her then-boyfriend when her darling brother found out about it and blabbed around. And of course the panic from her parents. She weathered that storm, however, and eventually convinced everyone (or at least everyone that mattered) that it was just a little experiment, nothing more. Everyone, that is, except herself. For despite what she told Lisa, she really was aroused by her kiss. Not that she wanted to start a "relationship" with Lisa. No, that would be too weird, sort of incestuous. Besides, she didn't want to endanger their friendship over what she thought was just a passing fancy. But part of it was more than passing. Ever since that night, Kimberly had found herself thinking about how good it felt, how soft Lisa's lips were, how sensuously her tongue moved in her mouth. Sometimes it took all her self control to keep from masturbating as she thought about that feeling and about other, even more erotic things involving other girls. What would it be like to stroke a breast, to run her hands over the round cheeks of another girl's butt, to feel soft, naked flesh pressing against her own? A couple of times, she Kimberly didn't know what to do about all this, but she knew she had to talk to someone. Finally, it came to her - Rachel! Yes, the town's ex-mayor was a friend of her mom and around her mom's age, but Kimberly had always been able to talk to her about absolutely anything, and she was sure she could trust her not to tell. And she remembered the scandal that hit last year about Rachel being in a soft porn flick when she was young. From what she had heard, it had even included a light lesbian scene, which of course was just for the cameras. Rachel would understand her problem! At the very least, she would listen without judging. The next day, Kimberly wandered over to Rachel Harris's shop as she was closing up. "Hi", she said cheerily as she entered. Rachel responded with a big smile. "Kimberly! What brings you here?" "Oh, I don't know. I just hadn't seen you in a while, and I thought I'd stop by." "So what's new, dear?" Rachel had always liked Kimberly. She was so mature, so thoughtful, much more than the typical high school senior. But she could see there was something on her mind. Rachel locked up so they could talk without being disturbed. After some small talk and hemming and hawing, Kim told Rachel her story. As she had hoped, Rachel was open and understanding. "First of all, Kimberly, you're not a 'pervert'. It's very common to have some attraction to the same sex, especially at your age, when everything about sex is still new and exciting. It doesn't mean you're a lesbian." "But Rachel, I can't seem to shake these images I have, these ... these fantasies. I feel like I need to do something about them or they'll never go away!" "I see", Rachel responded. She struggled for a moment with what advice to give. "Well, do you really want to act on these fantasies? Maybe if you just talked about them it would get them out of your system. Do you feel comfortable talking about it?" "Well ... I guess it's worth a try. It can't get any worse, I guess." "Okay, sweetie. Just sit down here and we'll talk." Rachel pointed to a high-backed easy chair to here left. "Now, what kind of fantasies do you have?" "Well ..." Kim paused, readying herself. "For example, sometimes when I'm standing really close to one of my friends, I get this urge to kiss her neck, or put my tongue in her ear. I think about how she would respond .. you know ... I imagine her moaning and quivering from my doing those things to her." Rachel looked Kimberly in the eyes as she spoke. "I see ... what else?" "Sometimes at school, I find myself looking at another girl's boobs. A couple times I thought they caught me looking, but that was probably just my imagination. And ... well, some of the 'looser' girls wear these really short skirts, you know? That show off their legs? And when I look at them, I think about kissing them..." Kimberly looked down, embarrassed. "Like ... here", she said, pointing to a spot high on her inner thigh. The, staring off in the distance, she added, "And there are times when I think about this at home that I ... I ... I really want to .. to ...well ... masturbate." Rachel was silent, gathering her thoughts. She could see that Kim was troubled by these thoughts, and she wanted to help her. But this did sound like more than just typical adolescent curiosity. Maybe Kim really did like women. But there was more going on in Rachel's mind. Besides wondering what advice to give, Rachel found herself confused by her own feelings. For she did in fact have some bisexual tendencies. And she had always liked Kimberly very much. Listening now to Kim confess these feelings, she found herself becoming slightly aroused. "My God, Rachel", she told herself, "Get it together! This is Kimberly! Don't do something stupid just because you're horny." But she was horny, very much so. It had been over a year since she broke it off with Kenny, and she really had not had any sex since then, except by her own hand. The fact that the sex they'd had was incredible made it even harder, but her experience with Kenny had actually turned her off to men for a while. And now here was sweet, beautiful Kimberly telling her how she has these lesbian fantasies. God, she was making it so hard! "Well, honey", she said, trying to stay calm, "if these feelings are that strong, maybe you should do something about them.She couldn't look Kimberly in the eye. She knew if she did, she'd give herself away. Kimberly thought about this. "Oh", was all she said. She, too, could only look down as she spoke. There was a long silence as neither knew what to say. Then Kimberly looked at the older woman and said, "Would you do it with me?" Rachel's heart skipped. "Oh no", she thought, "I can't do this ... Can I? ... God, but I want to!" "Kimberly.... I .. I don't think ..." Kimberly got up from her chair. "It's okay, Rachel. I mean, I just want to see what it's like. And I would feel so comfortable with you." Kimberly's eyes pleaded for understanding, for help. Rachel couldn't answer. Her head and heart were filled with conflicting emotions, with unwanted desires. She turned away for a moment to gather her thoughts. Then she felt the soft touch of Kimberly's hand caressing her cheek. The hand moved slowly down over her neck, then ventured lower, over her left breast, down to her stomach. Rachel could hear Kimberly's trembling breath and felt its warmth by her ear. "Kimberly..." Rachel's words were cut off as Kimberly covered her mouth with a warm, wet kiss. No longer able to resist, she returned the young girl's passion. Her arms circled the thin waist, her hands resting on Kimberly's hips. Kimberly reached up to hold Rachel's face in her hands while she pressed their bodies together, thrilled by the feel of the woman's ample breasts against her own. The kiss went on long and deep. Two tongues explored each other, accompanied by little cries of joy and lust. Kimberly was the one to finally break the spell, pulling back to look into her new lover's eyes. Their breathing had changed now, each of them panting with the excitement of what they were doing and were about to do. Rachel was the first to speak. "Let's go in the back." Kimberly nodded in agreement. On a sofa in the office, they sat down and continued their necking. Kimberly loved the feel of Rachel's lips on hers. It had been nice with Lisa, but this was much better - so hot, so intense, so incredibly erotic. She moved to Rachel's neck, placing little kisses there as she began to unbutton the woman's blouse. Rachel, in turn, pulled on Kim's shirt and sweater, trying to get them off. Stepping back, Kimberly allowed both garments to be removed, then returned to her own work. She knew from her earlier exploration that Rachel was not wearing a bra. As she undid one button after another, she looked down to take in the sight of those gorgeous mounds. When the blouse was fully open, she reached behind her back to remove her own bra, dropping it on the floor, showing Rachel her firm, youthful breasts. Then, unable to resist, she placed both hands on Rachel's full, soft wonders as they again met in a soulful kiss. Only now did Rachel realize just how horny she was. It had been so long since she'd had another person's hands on her breasts. God, it felt wonderful! To be wanted by another woman, especially a pretty young girl like Kim, was so gratifying. She had almost forgotten the thrill of this kind of sex. She moved one hand to Kim's perfect breast, loving the smooth feel of her youthful skin. For her part, Kim was living all her fantasies. She moved her mouth down to one of Rachel's large, reddish-brown nipples and began to suck it into her mouth. At the same time, she pulled the blouse off the rest of the way, then reached for the zipper at the back of Rachel's skirt. Rachel raised her hips to let Kim slip the skirt off. Kim felt a rush of arousal as she saw the garter belt and bikini panties underneath. She sucked harder on Rachel's nipple, feeling its hard nub in her mouth, contrasting with the lush softness of the breast itself. Rachel gently pushed the girl away, so she could undo her jeans. She wanted to go slowly with the inexperienced girl, but she couldn't hold back too much. She quickly pulled Kim's jeans off, then reached for the pale blue panties. Removing them, she got her first glimpse of Kimberly's soft brown pubic hair, so sexy against her pale skin. She placed a soft kiss on her belly, swirling her tongue into the hollow of Kim's navel. Kim returned the favor, taking down Rachel's bikini panties with trembling hands. This was just as it was in her fantasies, even the garter belt, which she left in place, framing the patch of auburn hair between Rachel's legs. The two women lay down together on the couch, Kimberly slightly on top as their hands explored each other's bodies. Kim's mouth was soon back at Rachel's lovely breasts, which she found irresistible. Both nipples were very erect, sticking up a good half inch, and her attention had drawn little goosebumps within the aureoles. Her soft tongue worked over them lovingly. Rachel's hands were on Kim's pert young bottom, softly caressing the smooth skin, searching. Her right hand reached between the girl's cheeks and gently moved back and forth, teasing Kim with the promise of more to come. Reaching down further, she found the warm wet spot that was Kim's pussy and worked her finger slightly inside. Kim groaned in response, sending a pleasant vibration through the nipple between her lips. Rachel decided to take it slowly this first time. Her fingers could do wonderful things for a young girl, and she didn't know if Kim was ready yet for the even more wonderful pleasures of oral sex. Keeping her finger moving slowly inside the girl's wet channel, she moved her other hand around so that she could work on her clit. Her middle finger quickly found the hard little nubbin, making Kimberly cry out and move her hips. Rachel delighted in the feel of Kimberly's wet mouth on her breasts as her expert fingers did their magic between the girls legs. Kimberly could not keep her hips from moving now as Rachel's hands roamed over her most sensitive spots. One, two, sometimes three fingers entered her vagina while another teased her clit. For variety, Rachel would occasionally move her fingers up to tease Kim's rear hole, running a finger over and around her sensitive anus with gentle pressure. Kim's orgasm was very close now. She was moaning almost continuously, or crying out Rachel's name in response to the erotic pleasures she was giving her. No longer able to concentrate, she removed her mouth from her precious prize of Rachel's boobs and once again locked into a deep tongue kiss with her lover. Sensing she was close, Rachel lightly pinched Kim's clit between her fingers. At the same time, she pushed her middle finger and thumb as deeply as possible into Kimberly's pussy and asshole. That did it. Kimberly erupted in orgasm. Never before had she come so intensely, crying out, shaking, her eyes rolling back in her head. "OH! ... OH! ... OH GOD! ... Aaaaaaahhhh! Rachel! Oh my god! Please, more uunnhhhhhh!!!!!!" It was almost as exciting for Rachel as for Kimberly. Seeing the look of abandon on that sweet young face, hearing her cries of ecstasy, feeling Kimberly's cunt and asshole spasm around her fingers as her juices coated her hand, Rachel almost came herself. This was better than anything she'd had with Kenny. They both lay there for a while recovering. Rachel, of course was still very horny, but she didn't want to push it. Perhaps Kimberly would have regrets now that she had gotten off. In any case, she knew that Kim would need some reassurance and guidance in making love to a woman. Little did she know. As soon as she caught her breath, Kimberly began again to play with her favorite toys - Rachel breasts. Rolling each nipple between her fingers, she made sure they were nice and hard before taking each one in her mouth. Gentle bites drew yelps of pleasure from her lover. But Kim wasn't going to be satisfied with that. Moving off Rachel's tits, Kimberly slowly dropped down to the woman's soft belly. Gentle nips and kisses sent thrills up Rachel's spine. "Oh god", she thought, "Is she going to do it?" Her heart beat faster at the idea of what happen next. There was no such doubt in Kimberly's mind. Ever since she removed Rachel's lacy panties to reveal that reddish bush, she knew she was going to go for it. She longed to feel those soft hairs tickle her upper lip and nose. By now, her head was down below Rachel's navel, tracing little circles with her tongue as she help those wide, womanly hips in her hands. She moved down further, passing by Rachel's very wet crotch, to the smooth softness of her thighs. As in her fantasies, she spent a long time kissing and licking along the inner thighs, driving Rachel crazy with lust and anticipation. Looking up from between Rachel's legs, Kimberly treated herself to a luscious sight. Rachel's full figure lay before her, her hips wide and sultry, her breasts full and soft. "No hard body here", Kim thought. "She's so mature, so feminine!" Inches from her face, Rachel's vaginal lips beckoned to Kimberly with their crimson wetness. "Oh God", she thought, "I'm really going to do it. I'm going to eat pussy!" Kimberly was excited by the idea of this, of "eating pussy", almost as much as the act itself. The anticipation was exquisite, but she could wait no more. Leaning forward, Kimberly placed a long, wet kiss directly on Rachel's inflamed vulva. Rachel cried out. "Oh ... Kim... Oh, yes, please!" Kimberly smiled to herself. Yes, this was what she had been waiting for, hot sex with a woman. The fact that this particular woman was so much older than her, and a good friend of her mother's at that, made the whole experience even more exciting. Encouraged by Rachel's passionate reaction, Kimberly began to eat her out for all she was worth. She moved her tongue slowly over the sensitive flesh, making Rachel moan and twitch repeatedly. The long abstinence from sex and the excitement of seeing Kim come had Rachel at a fever pitch. Kimberly could not believe how wet she was.As she saw Kimberly approach, Rachel's first impulse was to flee. An unfamiliar panic gripped her as the pretty, young woman neared. She had been both anticipating and dreading this for several weeks, ever since she and Kimberly had last discussed their "relationship". Oh sure, they had both agreed that there could not be anything serious between them - both realized that their age difference and circumstances precluded that. But somehow, Rachel let Kimberly talk her into the possibility that an occasional dalliance would be fine for both of them. Rachel knew it was trouble, but Kimberly's calm logic, fueled by the torrid memory of their first encounter, let her libido overcome her good sense. In the weeks since, her mind had drifted often to thoughts of Kimberly's lovely face and body, and of the enthusiasm she displayed during lovemaking. Rachel had the same mixed feelings now as Kimberly approached. She knew that she should avoid another sexual encounter, but she could already feel her juices stirring from Kimberly's warm, inviting smile. "Hi," was Kim's simple greeting. "Hello, Kim". Rachel smiled brightly, despite her trepidation. She could feel her desire building. "I haven't seen you in a while, Rachel," Kimberly said. "...Can we change that?" "My god," Rachel thought, "assertive as always." Incredibly, she heard herself respond, "Yes, that would be nice", blushing as if she were the schoolgirl, rather than Kimberly. "When...when do you think we could?" "Well," Kim replied, "tomorrow afternoon would be good. That is," she continued with a mischievous grin, "if you don't mind spending Sunday afternoon in bed." "Kimberly!", Rachel exclaimed quietly. "Be discreet." She couldn't believe the girl's self-confidence. "I'm sorry, Rachel," Kimberly laughed. Then, touching Rachel's hip as she turned to go, she added, "But I guarantee you won't mind. It's going to be wonderful, just wonderful." Rachel could feel the tingle of arousal and cursed her own weakness as she watched Kim go. Kim was right, of course. The next day was wonderful. Neither Rachel's memory nor her fantasies did justice to the exquisite feeling of sharing her bed with this sweet woman/child. Kimberly had a rare combination of innocence and knowledge that was difficult to match. As in their first encounter, it took just a short time for Rachel's lust to overcome her concerns. She virtually pounced on Kimberly, much to the young woman's delight. This time, however, Kimberly herself was much more aggressive. No longer the novice, her hands roamed eagerly over Rachel's supple curves. The warm softness of Rachel's body felt so good as she pressed against her. Kimberly became more and more aroused, anticipating all the wonderful things they were going to do to each other. Giving in to her own desires, Rachel allowed herself to thoroughly enjoy the feeling of Kimberly's lithe frame in her arms. Her hands held her waist, narrow and perfect, the soft swell of her hips drawing them down with the promise of warm pleasures to come. Pacing herself, Rachel brought her hands to the delicate lines of Kimberly's neck, holding that lovely face as she kissed her with increasing passion. Rachel was hooked, and they both knew it. Regardless of any guilt or fears that she had, she would never be able to resist Kimberly's advances. The memory and anticipation of that tender, young flesh, the remarkable boldness of those lips and tongue, were too much for her. Whenever Kimberly wanted her, Rachel would be there. Kimberly's expression was changed now, her usual calm replaced by intense arousal, her cheeks drawn in slightly as she surrendered to the hot feelings inside her. Rachel's lips were ravishing her own, her tongue working feverishly inside the heat of Kim's mouth. The effect on Kimberly was intense. Seeing Rachel losing control, knowing that she caused it, only increased her desire for the older woman. She felt a deep heat between her legs as her hands moved firmly over the cheeks of Rachel's ass. Frantic hands moved to unbutton, to unzip, to uncover the feminine charms that they both now desperately needed. Quickly discarding their clothing, they dropped to the floor in each others arms. No time for the bedroom now - nothing would delay their pleasure. Rachel's right hand moved immediately between Kimberly's parted thighs, delighting in the soft mound it found there. A greedy finger pushed forward to be drenched by the sopping heat of Kimberly's pussy. With a trembling moan, Kimberly moved her leg over Rachel's, forcing the welcome intruder further inside her. Uttering her own groan of lust, Rachel dug her teeth into Kimberly's smooth neck as she dug two more fingers in the girl's dripping hole. Kimberly's hands moved eagerly to one of her favorite spots - the soft mounds on Rachel's chest. For three hours they went on, relieving themselves of all their self-imposed tensions. After the initial rush of passion, Rachel showed Kimberly the joys of an experienced woman, treating her to an long session of slow, erotic love.This time Rachel used her mouth, as well as her fingers to bring the girl to a series of shuddering orgasms, unlike any she had had before. She did everything, savoring the feel, the taste, the total experience of Kimberly's young body, until Kim herself begged to return the favors. Then Kim once again felt the joy of making Rachel come, burying her face between those soft, sexy thighs, her tongue deep inside, relishing the taste of Rachel's abundant fluids. For Kimberly, it was the best sex yet. Yes, Kim had to admit, as she walked to school the next day, sex with Rachel was terribly exciting. Thinking back on all the naughty things they had done, Kimberly felt a familiar twinge between her legs. "Control yourself, Kimber," she thought as she tried to chase the images from her mind. "You don't need wet panties during English today." But Kimberly knew that English class was destined to be a struggle anyway, for that was the one class that she shared with her best friend, Lisa Fenn. If they were still best friends, that is. Kimberly wasn't sure. Since their infamous kiss and Lisa's confession that she felt attracted to Kim, there was a definite strain on their relationship. Kimberly felt bad about that, not just because she missed Lisa, but because she had lied to Lisa about her own feelings. She had panicked about returning Lisa's feelings, and she just couldn't overcome it at the time. Now that she had admitted to herself that she liked girls, however, things were very different. She desperately wanted to renew their relationship and to take it to the next level. In fact, Lisa was the subject of her most frequent masturbation fantasies. She thought that Lisa would still welcome a romantic relationship with her. The only question was how to initiate it. Kimberly didn't sit near Lisa in class, but as she entered the classroom, she caught her eye and smiled, trying to tell Lisa with a look that their relationship was back on track. Lisa returned the smile, a little weakly, and Kim couldn't hide her disappointment. But then Lisa, sensing Kim's feelings, perked up and smiled brightly. Kim mouthed the words, "Let's talk", and Lisa again smiled and nodded. English was one of Kim's favorite classes, but she was oblivious for the rest of the lesson. All she could think of was talking to Lisa after class. She caught her just outside the door. "Lisa, we need to talk. I have some things to tell you," she said. "OK," Lisa responded, a little hesitant. "Why don't we walk home today. Is that all right?" "Sure," Kimberly said. "I'll meet you out front after school." Lisa was pleased. She had missed their friendship, too, even if it could go no further. She knew she would continue to struggle with her feelings around Kim, but she still wanted to be with her. She smiled warmly and said, "See you then." On the way home, the girls chatted lightly, catching up on each other's recent activities. Of course, Kimberly held some things back - she certainly wasn't ready to tell Lisa about her encounters with Rachel and Max - but they still had plenty to share. Finally, Kimberly broached the subject. "You know Lisa, I've really missed you the past few months," she said. Lisa smiled that glowing smile of hers, but there was a touch of sadness peeking behind it. "I know. I've missed you, too," she said. "I just didn't think you were really comfortable around me after, well, you know..." "I know," Kim said with chagrin, "and, really, I was a little uncomfortable. I got a little scared, but I want you to know that .... I was wrong .... about a lot of things." Kim looked intently at Lisa as she said this, trying to convey the full meaning of what she was saying. Lisa smiled, with a slight touch of nervousness that showed she sensed some part of Kim's implication. It was a look Kim had seen many times before, a cute vulnerability that made Lisa very desirable to her. She had the urge to lean over and kiss her, but of course, she held back. At they place where their paths parted, Kim continued, "I was thinking we should spend some time together, to catch up, you know? I'd like to regain the closeness we had." Again, Kim's eyes searched Lisa's, hoping she caught the extra meaning of her words, hoping she'd be pleased. "I'd like that," Lisa said, again displaying the subtle apprehension that made Kimberly want to ravish her right there on the street. "Well," Kimberly continued, "my family is going to Chicago this weekend. I told them I'd rather not go - my brothers can have more fun, anyway. So maybe you could spend the night Friday?" "Yeah, that'd be good," Lisa said, trying to hold back a blush. "Maybe Saturday, too," she added with a coy grin. Kim smiled slyly back, amused at the little game they were both playing. "Yeah, maybe so," she said, and continued on her way. As she moved toward home, Kim wondered how much of Lisa's reactions were real, how much were Lisa's own little game-playing, and how much were wishful thinking on her part. "Well, we'll find out soon enough," she thought, but despite herself, her mind was flooded with images of she and Lisa, naked, sharing the rapture of sexual adventures. The rest of the week was difficult day for Kimberly. A good student, she was usually an active participant in classes, but she just couldn't concentrate. Lisa's face intruded on her thoughts, first with that cute, playful smile, then transformed as Kimberly imagined her rocked by a violent orgasm, then, wanton with desire, pressed between Kim's open thighs. Kimberly longed to see those looks, over and over as they pleasured each other. And Friday, she would. Lisa arrived early at Kimberly's house that night, and the family had not left yet. It took a real effort for Kim to act casual. In fact, every minute that the family remained seemed like an hour to Kim. The sooner they were gone, the sooner she could start to work on Lisa! Finally, they were off, as Kim put on her best smile for their departure. Lisa, however, had mixed feelings as they left. For the past four days, she had been thinking about this moment. She seldom masturbated, but several times this week, she had found herself thinking about making love to Kimberly, and couldn't keep from playing with herself. Despite this and the fact that she had originally pursued Kim, now that she was confronted with the reality of being here, she felt very nervous. Was she really going to make love to another girl? Could she do it? Would she like it? Worse still, had she misunderstood Kim's intentions? Perhaps she was just hoping that Kim was coming on to her, and Kim would be more upset than the last time. Kim noticed that Lisa was acting a little strange. Probably just nerves, she told herself. Or was it? She decided to be cautious. "So, what should we do?" she asked innocently. "Oh...," Lisa replied, "let's just watch TV for a while." Television was pretty lame (as usual, Kim thought), but the conversation was pleasant. They really hadn't talked much since they "broke up", so it was nice to catch up. Eventually, though, there was a lull - a rather uncomfortable lull - in the conversation. Both girls knew that they were avoiding the obvious questions. True to form, Kimberly took the initiative... "You know, Lisa," she started, "I'm really sorry that I've been avoiding you lately. You're really the most important person in the world to me." "Oh Kim, that's really good to hear," Lisa said, "because I feel the same way about you." "It's just that, when you said you thought you were in love with me, it really scared me. ...... But I wasn't being honest about that." Lisa just looked at Kim, weighing the words in her mind. She was afraid to say anything, really. She could feel herself becoming excited as the possibility of making love to her friend came closer to reality. "Do you know what I mean?" Kim continued. "Uh huh," was all that Lisa could say in response. The two girls just looked at each other for a long time, each waiting for some hint from the other. There was a noticeable change in their breathing. Finally Kim said earnestly, "Oh, Lisa, I want to make love to you!" Lisa said nothing. But in a flash, she closed the short distance between them and covered Kim's lips with her own. A soft, animal sound emerged from her, into Kimberly's open mouth. Suddenly, both girls were in a frenzy as their pent-up feelings were released. Lisa pushed Kimberly back into the sofa cushions, covering her warm body with her own, never breaking their kiss. Kimberly's arms surrounded her as they both held on tight. Their lips played together wetly, their tongues exploring each other until they were both frantic with desire. Kim reluctantly broke the kiss, panting, "Let's go to my room!" Lisa's response was a small cry and another hot, sexy kiss. Then she grabbed Kimberly's hand and almost pulled her up the steps. As they reached Kim's room, Lisa breathed, "Oh god, I want you so bad!" Kimberly had regained some of her composure now, and wanted to stretch this out, to prolong the foreplay. She smiled and said, "Let's strip for each other. You first." Lisa liked the suggestion. She enjoyed being a tease, and doing this for Kim would be soooo much fun. As Kim sat on the bed, Lisa began to slowly unbutton her blouse, revealing the lacy white bra beneath. Under Kim's rapt gaze, she first removed that garment, then popped the button on her jeans. Rotating her hips to an unheard rumba, Lisa eased her pants down her legs, until she could step out, naked except for her underwear. Kimberly was entranced by the sight before her. This was even better than she had imagined. As Lisa unhooked and dropped her bra, Kim feasted her eyes on her friend's lovely, pink breasts. "Oh, Lisa," she moaned, moving her hand down inside her own pants, making sure that Lisa saw where it went. Lisa loved it. Seeing Kim play with herself, knowing that it was her body that inspired her, was highly erotic.
Dave Gremlin
The Release of the Master
"You don't get it, do you, Slayer?" the Master said to the beautiful Buffy. "It is not your blood that will break me free. It's your love juice, Slayer. Why do you think that all slayers throughout history are mostly female." Buffy was fully conscious of what was going on, but unable to do anything. When she got down into the Master's lair, something came from behind her and grabbed her wrists. She had dropped her crossbow in shock. It was a stupid and un-slayer-like thing to do, but she dropped her weapon. She still had not figured out what it was that got her, but it had her immobilized and pinned to the wall in the Master's lair. And the speech about her love juice from the Master was not helping either. "See, Slayer, we are now going to extract that juice that will set me free," the Master continued. With that, he waved his hands and Buffy could see two blurs flying towards her. They landed on each of her breasts and started clawing at her white gown. They quickly tore through her thin gown and thin laced bras. She gasped. Bats! They were bats clawing at her breasts! But as soon as they tore through her clothing, they stopped... and started sucking her nipples. In the meantime, the thing that had her pinned to the wall started to grow. Actually, she just noticed that it had been growing ever since it got her. The thing felt damp as it pressed itself onto her back. Then suddenly, it pulled away from her back. And it took the back part of her gown with it! Because her gown was a one-piece gown, the front part of the gown just fell off! Now she was almost naked! She only had her white cotton panties on; and her clawed bras. Her nipples were sore now. The bats had continued sucking on them non-stop all during this time. The thing that had her pinned down was back on her bare back. It felt slimy on her back. It was beginning to "overflow" towards the front now. It had seeped between her and her panties now and expanded itself to cover her two firm buttock cheeks now, at the same time pushing her panties away from her. She felt her legs beginning to part. She could not help it. She was powerless against it. "Yes," the Master muttered. "I can sense your juice flowing now. Soon, I will be FREE!" She could feel the thing pinning her down sucking on every part of her that touched it. It felt like tiny suckers nipping at her. Her skin was beginning to feel aroused. The thing had now covered past her sides. It had passed her ass and cunt area. It started to encompass her pubic area. It started to tug at her blonde pubic hairs. She tried to bear it. After all, she IS the slayer. It was trying to suck out her pubic hairs! She was highly aroused now from the tiny sucking going on to her clitoris area and anal area. It was heightened by the pain she was feeling on her pubic hair area. Her breasts were now screaming with pain, too. The thing had started covering her breast area. The bats continued to suck like nothing was happening. The thing was almost onto the bats. Then, suddenly, the bats were gone. The numbness on her nipples increased her sexuality. In a split second, the thing had encompassed her nipples completely, nipping away. She gave out a moan as her nipples hardened like never before. "Excellent!" the Master proclaimed. "Do you feel your weakness, Slayer? Your weakness is my strength." It was true. The sensuality weakened her. Her arousal weakened her even more. She no longer stood on her own. The thing was enveloping and supporting her now. She moaned some more. This time, the thing started to engulf the lower part of her face. Her mouth was starting to be filled with the thing. It tasted bitter. But it tasted good. Her mind was starting to go into overload from the sensations of her body. "Bring her to me, my torturer," the Master echoed. "I shall drink of her love now." The thing extended itself towards the Master. The thing slowly lowered her where the Master sat at the throne. She suddenly felt the lips to her womanhood extended. She opened her eyes and saw into the Master's eyes. She was being impaled by the Master's penis. She wanted to shout "No!" but her mouth was covered with the thing. She was a virgin and it was not good. Her cunt's lips gave way and she felt the pain as her hymen began to tear. The pain mixed with the pleasure and the sensualism all over her body overtook her as her orgasm hit her. The Master's tool penetrated her as she felt her anal muscles begin to stretch. She gasped when she realized what was happening. There was something else trying to get into her anal passage! As the Master's tool penetrated her deeper, the anal object stretched her anal hole likewise. She wanted to scream, but could not. Her mouth was now filled with the thing. It was beginning to choke her. The muscle pain at her anal passage screamed, too as the invader relentlessly and mercilessly violated her in the most defiled way. Her second orgasm ricocheted through her body and her mind. The cognitive part of her had completely shut down. She was like a puppet doll to be used by the Master now. The Master's tool and the anal invader sank deeper and deeper into her. It must have been her G-spot because as the Master's tool pulsated faster and deeper, she started to climax faster. She was moaning now; there was no more resistance from her. The Master's tool was now sucking her love juice for his freedom. The anal invader continued to extend into her. It had passed the Master's tool in depth now. It took almost 30 minutes before the Master had drained all her love juice. She was dead way before the Master was done. The thing finally lifted her off the Master and retracted back. She fell by gravity's pull into the pool where Xander would find her.
Willow and Cordy
"Do you guys feel hypnotized? Are we supposed to feel hypnotized? Do you think we were hypnotized? 'Cause I don't feel hypnotized," rambled Willow Rosenberg. Buffy and Xander stopped walking and just stared. "Willow, the guy was a fraud, although the monkey was kinda cool," stated Xander, "Right, Buff?" "Definitely," agreed Buffy. "I'm not really one to fall for that 'Ooga wooga, you're under my control' mumbo jumbo. Slaying legions of the undead, yes; Marvo the Marvelous, no." Xander rolled his eyes. "You couldn't have just said 'Yes, Xander, you're so right?'" Buffy gave him a look and tried to suppress her laughter. The trio's hypnosis discussion, or lack thereof, was interrupted when Cordelia approached them. "Oh look. It's the... the... uh," Xander scrambled to find his words of insult, but Willow spoke before he could finish. "It's Cordelia." Xander looked at Willow. "Yes. It's the Cordelia," he said pointedly. "Look," began Cordelia as Xander sighed in impatience, "I really need some extra credit for my Psychology grade. Miss Alexander said I could get some if I interviewed this mental-" "Hypno-mentalist," corrected Willow. "Exactly why I'm here," continued Cordy, "I was wondering if you could give me a hand with it, since you're so... sciency." After a brief interlude of Xander's sarcasm, Willow and Cordelia went off to find the hypnotist. An hour later they met up with Buffy and Giles in the library. "So, the hypno twins are back," announced Buffy, "How'd it go?" "Boring as could be," uttered Cordelia, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, even I was losing interest," remarked Willow, "He kept going on and on about expressing your true self and there was this ball that met the monkey. His name is Harpo." Giles tilted his head thoughtfully, "This, um, hypnotist... what was his name?" "Marvo the Marvelous," chimed the entire group, somewhat surprised with each other. "Yes, I do recall researching his methods in the past. He uses simple techniques to appear authentic. His personal methods, however, have proven to be quite successful." Buffy grabbed her bag. "Well, that's great Giles, but I've got a ton of trig to do, so I'm off." "Yeah, I've gotta book, too," replied Cordy. She turned to Willow, "So, you'll help me write up my paper?" "Sure. Just let me know when." "How 'bout tomorrow. After school? My house?" "Okay." "Great." Cordelia hurried out of the library. Xander looked at Willow, "Tomorrow is Friday..." "Yes, that's the day that comes after Thursday, which is today," Willow stated. "I know that. But Cordelia always goes to the Bronze on Friday. We go to the Bronze on Friday. Do you see where I'm going with this." "Maybe she's planning to speed type and then go to the Bronze after. That's what I do." Willow gathered her books and left the library. "But Cordelia's the social queen. Something's not right." Xander turned to see that Giles had gone into his office, "And I'm talking to myself, like an idiot." Friday mornings were always hectic at Sunnydale High School. The students were eager to start their weekends, and the teachers were just as anxious to send them on their merry ways so that they too could begin their weekend rituals. Buffy and Xander were discussing the previous evening's events, which involved Buffy and, what else, a vampire. Cordelia turned the corner and began to approach them. Buffy looked at her and did a double-take. Cordelia was dressed in a pair of Levi's and a T-shirt. Xander noticed Buffy looking at something and turned to see Cordelia. "The queen of fashion dressed like that," Xander commented, "If this is a dream, please, just let me sleep five more minutes." Behind them, Willow approached from the opposite end of the hall. They both met Buffy, Xander and Giles at the same moment, and seemed to take a minute to look at each other. Later that day, Cordelia was searching for Willow. School was out and she wanted to get her paper written so she would have time to go to the Bronze. She opened the door to the music room, not sure if Willow was a band geek, but one could never be too thorough. Someone was playing a lilting Tori Amos tune on the piano. Sure enough, it was Willow pounding away on the keys. "Wow, I didn't know you could play," Cordelia commented, startling Willow. "Oh! I... uh... don't play much around people... or never around people." Cordelia slowly walked to the piano bench. "Do you think you could teach me something?" "Um..." Willow felt funny, but she wasn't sure why, other than feeling completely nervous about the whole situation. Cordelia sat down next to Willow. "Well, this here is middle C," Willow pointed to a key. "And you put your hand here," she took Cordy's hand, placing it on middle C. She placed her hand on top of Cordelia's, surprised at the dizzying effect she was getting from the feeling of Cordy's hand under her own. "What is going on in here!" belted a voice from the doorway. The girls turned to see Principal Snyder. "School is over. That means go home!" Minutes later, they were in Cordelia's car on their way to write the psychology paper. Cordelia pulled into the empty three-car garage of her high-class Sunnydale home. "Wow. This is beautiful," exclaimed Willow, as they entered the house. "Yeah, but it gets old after a while. Especially the Golden Swan Fountain," Cordy pointed to a Golden Swan Fountain and giggled. Willow began to giggle, too. Cordelia grabbed her hand, "C'mon, I'll show you my room." "Are we being too rambunctious-like? Won't your parents get kinda... parenty if we keep being silly?" "They're off in Rio or somewhere this weekend. Again." "Oh." "Here, this is my room," Cordy opened a door to reveal a simple, but nicely decorated room. "This is nice." "I like simplicity. It makes life easier, especially when I have to keep up with the popular thing. It's such a drain." "Then why do you do it?" "It's just the way I am, I guess. But enough about me." Willow blinked. Did Cordelia Chase just say "enough about me"? "Cordelia, are you feeling all right?" "Never better. I actually feel kinda... free. Ever since yesterday..." Willow nodded, "Me too." They stared at each other for a minute. Willow took a step closer to Cordelia. "You don't think that Marvo really..." "Really what? Surfaced our inner feelings?" "Yeah." "I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that I've felt this way for you for a long time..." "Felt... this way?" Willow leaned forward and kissed Cordelia softly on the lips. "Forward much?" remarked Cordelia as Willow broke the kiss. Then Cordelia wrapped her arms around Willow and leaned in for another. This time the kiss was more passionate. Willow slowly slid her tongue into Cordelia's mouth. While their tongues danced in fiery intimacy, Willow's hands moved along Cordelia's body, down to her waist, pulling her closer, then up to her breasts, where she ran her thumbs across Cordy's erect nipples. Cordy broke the kiss, reached down and pulled off her shirt to give Willow better access. Willow smiled, gleefully, and pulled Cordy to the queen-sized bed. Willow tugged at Cordelia's top. After a short while, they had both successfully removed all of each other's clothing. Willow laid Cordelia down and hovered over her. They kissed again. Willow began to kiss Cordy's neck and shoulders and then moved down to the May Queen's perfect breasts. She kissed them and began to lick one as her hand explored the other. Cordelia's moans of approval persuaded her to continue on this voyage. As her lips continued, her other hand moved down between Cordy's thighs. Willow heard Cordelia's sharp intake of breath and smiled. "You know, Cordy. I could stop now if you want..." Willow teased, playfully. "Don't you DARE!" was Cordy's response. Willow slowly began to stroke Cordelia's inner lips. It was hot and wet inside the realms of the cheerleader's womanhood. Willow slipped in a finger. Cordelia moaned. As she continued this movement, Willow kissed down Cordy's stomach to the patch of coming her to Cordyland. Willow breathed in the sweet scent of Cordelia. She lowered herself into Cordy, her tongue probing deep inside, eagerly tasting the fashion-conscious popularity guru. Cordelia arched her back as Willow replaced her finger with her tongue. She had never felt so good. Not even when she was nominated for Junior Miss Sunnydale. Willow continued to caress Cordy's insides with her tongue, quickening the pace. Cordelia's breath became sharper and faster; she pressed her hips into Willow's face. Willow slid her finger in alongside her tongue, rubbing in alternate motions. "God, Will! Don't - ever - stop!"Cordy's body was white-hot. Her breath was quick and sharp as she convulsed on the bed. Willow felt her tightening around her tongue and finger. She remained there until Cordelia relaxed, then kissed her way up to her mouth and planted a kiss on her lips. They held each other, peaceful, just happy to lie in the arms of each other. Willow smiled slyly, "Betcha never thought I could do that." Cordy smiled back, "You'd be surprised what I've thought about you." "Oh really?" Cordelia just grinned and ran her finger down Willow's chest. "I've had my eye on you for a long time, Willow Rosenberg." She kissed Willow with driving force and then moved down her body, kissing here and there until she reached Willow's wet, throbbing hot spot. She ran her tongue along the outside of Willow's crotch. Willow groaned in approval. Cordelia then thrust her tongue inside, eager to taste what she'd been dreaming about for so long. She lapped at an increasing speed as Willow writhed and spasmed. Willow was already hot from the excitement she had been able to give Cordelia, and it wasn't going to take much more to send her over the edge. She pressed her hips into Cordelia as she began to move her tongue in circles. This was enough for Willow. Her body tightened as she was washed in a wave of hot/cold electricity. Cordelia resumed her place next to Willow. After Willow regained the ability to move again, she snuggled closer to Cordelia and kissed her softly. That night at the Bronze, Buffy and Xander wondered about Willow and Cordelia. "Do you think they'll show?" asked Buffy. "It's not like either of them to miss a night of frolicky fun. Besides, this is Sunnydale, land of the Hellmouth, what else is there to do," Xander remarked. A voice came from behind them. "Hi, guys! Sorry we're late." They turned to see Willow, wearing what looked to be a Todd Oldham original. Buffy tilted her head, puzzled. "Where'd you get the cool dress, Willers?" "Oh, Cordy lent it to me..." Willow replied, matter-of-factly. Buffy and Xander looked at each other, mouthing "Cordy" questioningly. Cordelia approached the group with two bottles of Aquafina in hand, and handed one to Willow, "Here you go, love." Willow took the bottle and set it on the table. "Thanks, but right now," she said, grabbing the other bottle from Cordelia and setting it on the table as well, "I want to dance." She took Cordelia by the hand and led her out on the dance floor. Buffy and Xander just stared. Xander spoke first. "Oh-" Buffy interrupted. "-my" "god!" they both finished.
Ann Douglas
Robin and the Catwoman
"Oh, my head," Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, and now he was in someone's apartment. "I've been captured!" He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman had taught him. He took stock of the situation and then formed a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated only by the moonlight filtering through the skylight. Bright blue eyes surveyed the loft. Not much to see. A studio apartment, very nondescript. It could be anywhere in Gotham City - or for that matter, any city. A small bed, three dressers, a small kitchenette. Then he noticed two suitcases in the corner. Someone was either just moving in or ready to move out. Next, he again tried his bonds. No good, they were strong leather straps. He was strapped to some sort of homemade wooden table, attached to a wheel and pulley system that allowed the bed to be raised and lowered. He could be turned straight up to a standing position or laid flat. Currently, he was locked into a forty-five-degree angle. If anything, it reminded him of something out of those old Frankenstein movies. "Okay, I'm not strong enough to break out of this," he said to himself. "So let's consider rescue options." Across the room, he could see his bright yellow cape and green gloves draped across a chair. He couldn't see his utility belt anywhere. "Figures, that'd be the first thing they took," Robin said to himself. "The homing transmitter would make rescue all too easy." Then the sixteen-year-old adventurer made another futile attempt to loosen his bonds. In his mind, he reviewed the events leading up to his predicament. He'd been on his way back from making a personal appearance at the new Gotham Boy's Club over in West Douglaston when he spotted a dark figure exiting a tenth-floor window of the Diamond Exchange. He'd tried Batman on his cycle's radio, but got only static. It would be impossible to follow the figure on the streets, so he bat-roped to the roof and took off after the thief. Despite his years of circus acrobatic training, continued and improved on by the Batman, Robin was unable to do more than keep the dark figure in sight. Whoever they were - they were good. After about ten minutes, he was about to give up, having lost the burglar somewhere near the waterfront. Flipping on his portable radio, he was about to check in when he caught a sudden movement off to his right. The green and red clad boy whirled around and quickly took off across the roof. He was only a few seconds behind his adversary when he suddenly felt himself falling. Robin had only a split second to realize that the rotting roof of this long-abandoned building had given way beneath him. Then he was engulfed in darkness. "Well, Dickie boy, you really did it this time," the Boy Wonder said. "When Batman catches up to you, he's really going to read you the riot act about taking off on your own." He really didn't want to consider the possibility that Batman wouldn't catch up to him. Or that his captor might have planned a fatal conclusion to the night's adventure. Who was his captor? That was a good question. Was it the shadowy thief he'd chased across the rooftops? Or was it someone who'd just stumbled upon his unconscious body in that empty warehouse? One good thing in his favor, aside from a low-grade headache and a few minor bruises, he didn't seem to be hurt. Another thing in his favor was that he was still wearing his mask, meaning that whoever had brought him here didn't know his Dick Grayson identity. Not that he was famous or anything, but he'd been photographed with Bruce enough times for someone to have seen a picture. If Bruce Wayne's ward was moonlighting as Robin, could there be any question about who was Batman? Far off in the distance, Dick heard a clock chiming two. He'd been unconscious for almost three hours. Batman had to be out looking for him by now. But looking where? For the next twenty minutes, that thought dominated his thinking. Without that utility belt, it was going to be pure chance that he was found. Could his captor have already left, abandoning him here? If that was the case, he might never be found. That morbid concept was suddenly interrupted by the sound of padded footsteps on the roof. Followed by the appearance of a dark form at the edge of the skylight. "Batman?" Robin whispered under his breath. Half of the old-style skylight opened, and the shadowy figure dropped into the room. With a catlike grace, the silhouette landed on the hardwood floor. Still covered in shadows, it moved across the room to a light switch next to the door. "I can tell you're awake," said a soft, melodious voice as she hit the light switch, flooding the room with light. "No sense is trying to hide it." Illuminated by the twin rows of track lighting that covered the opposite walls, she stood revealed. Clad in a skintight dark purple jumpsuit, she wore a tight-fitting cowl with small cat ears. Although she had never been photographed, Robin had no doubt as to her identity. "You're the Catwoman!" He said in an excited voice. "Well, that's pretty obvious..." She responded as she walked across the room. "Any other revelations?" As she stood in front of him, Robin couldn't help but be impressed by her purple-clad body. He'd always thought Batgirl had a hard body, but next to the Catwoman, she might as well have been a boy. "I must've been out of my mind bringing you up here," she said as she tossed a small carry bag onto the bed. "If I was the hardened criminal they keep writing about in the papers, I'd have left you back in that warehouse. The way some of those rags write about me, I should've slit your throat, just to keep in practice." A slight shiver ran through Robin at that suggestion. Then he told himself that if she wanted him dead, she already had ample opportunity. "Why did you bring me up here?" Robin asked. "I was impressed by the way you tried to keep up with me back there at the Diamond Exchange," she began. "No one's ever even spotted me on a job, and here you were on my heels for over a mile. When I saw you fall through that roof, I doubled back to see how badly you were hurt." "To be honest, I only spotted you at the Exchange by accident," Robin interrupted, figuring it was better to keep on her good side. "And I was about to give up when you bolted out of that last cubby-hole." "Well, that makes me feel a little better," she said as she smiled. "I take great pride in my abilities." She paused as she pulled off her cowl, revealing short black hair. She looked to be about 27, with features more cute than beautiful. Running her fingers across her head, she combed it into an almost boyish style. "Where was I? Oh yes, I doubled back to see how badly you were hurt. At first glance, your injuries looked a lot worse than they really were. You landed in a pile of garbage bags, they broke your fall. Nothing was broken, I've had paramedic training. At first, I figured I'd just call an ambulance and get out of there while the getting was good. Then I spotted a group of waterfront dregs already watching from the broken windows. If I left you there, you might not be alive when the boys in white showed up." "Thank you, I'm grateful," Robin said emotionally. "I really mean that." "I believe you do," Catwoman replied. "I've never killed anyone, never wanted to be the cause of anyone else's death. Unlike most of those costume clowns running around this city, I'm only in this for the money. Let them play their power trip games while they try and outfox the Police and Batman. I'm content with having never been seen, only glimpsed." "Until now...." Robin said, suddenly feeling a little insecure. "Until now...." Catwoman repeated. A long silence hung in the air until the Catwoman finally spoke again. "I guess I have to make sure that you can't tell anyone about the Catwoman.""She said. Robin's face went pale with her words, and he felt his body grow suddenly cold. "Since I already passed on my chance to do away with you..." Catwoman said. "I guess I'll have to kill the Catwoman instead." "What?" Robin asked, certain he had heard wrong. "Kill the Catwoman." She repeated. "If she doesn't exist, then your description doesn't matter, does it?" Robin let out a sigh of relief. "I've been planning to retire the tights after a few more jobs," Catwoman continued. "I guess I should take this as a sign that it's time. No sense tempting fate. After all, I already have enough money. All safe and sound in the best banks." "Catwoman...I..." Robin began. He was cut off as she placed an outstretched index finger against his lips, signifying silence. "I told you, from this moment on, there is no Catwoman." She said softly. "My name is Selina." "Selina..." He corrected himself. "I was wondering..." "You're wondering what I'm planning to do with you?" "Yes." "Well, seeing as you don't need immediate medical attention," Selina said. "I figure I'll just leave you where you are and call the police with your location when I leave here in the morning. It's not as if you're going anywhere before then." She added as she ran her gloved hand against the edge of Robin's table. "I see your point," Robin replied. "Interesting little toy, isn't it?" Selina noted as she adjusted the strap across Robin's chest. "The woman I subleased this loft from was heavily into Bondage and Discipline. When she went to Europe for the summer, she put most of her toys into storage, but she had to leave this one behind. Haven't had any use for it until now." "Lucky me," Robin answered. With Selina only a foot away from him, Dick found himself becoming increasingly aware of her as a woman. The soft natural redness of her lips, the bright green of her eyes, the enticing curve of her breasts. In his mind, he was having difficulty concentrating on being Robin. He felt himself slipping back into Dick Grayson, with a 16-year-old's hormones. He was relieved when Selina turned and started to walk away from him. Watching her as she moved, the Boy Wonder couldn't help but note - she had a beautiful ass. "Oh, by the way," The black-haired woman said as she stopped and turned. "If you've been looking for your utility belt, it's not here. I found the micro-transmitter and the homing device in it when I carried you up here. I turned it on and dumped it across town on the Oakridge section. Wouldn't want Batman showing up unexpectedly, would we?" Selina spent the next hour packing her belongings in the two suitcases Robin had spotted earlier. She had laid out a change of clothes, but except for the gloves she had removed earlier, she still wore the purple jumpsuit of the now "deceased" Catwoman. "There, ready to go," Selina announced. "It's still a few hours till sunrise. No sense in drawing too much attention by leaving while it's still dark." Robin was counting the minutes until he would be free. The sooner she was gone, the sooner he would be out of here. So intent was he on this idea that he didn't even notice at first that Selina was stripping out of the purple catsuit right in front of him. "I hope you don't embarrass easily," She said as she pulled the form-fitting outfit down her body. "But there's barely room in that bathroom to shower, much less change clothes." Embarrass wasn't the word for what Robin felt. The flush he felt in his reddening face was nothing to the warmness between his legs as he felt his dick growing hard. Stripped of her tight purple jumpsuit, Selina exhibited a lean, firm body that any professional athlete would envy. Her breasts, while not large, were perfectly formed, held in place by a black sports bra. Every muscle was toned to perfection, the result of endless hours in a gym. By the time she was down to just her bra and matching panties, Dick could feel his cock straining against his dark green briefs. It was at that moment that Selina pulled off her bra, letting her small breasts pop free. The sight of those firm mounds and the small pink nipples atop them was more than Dick could stand. "Wow!" He exclaimed softly. He hoped that she hadn't heard, but she had. She smiled at his comment and then walked over to him. Try as he could, it was impossible for Robin to hide his hard-on. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment," She said as she noted the large bulge in his shorts. Giving in to temptation, Selina reached down with her fingers and traced the outline of his cock through Robin's briefs. Surprised to find that erect, it measured almost seven inches, she laughed as it jumped at her touch. "I guess that's another reason they call you the Boy Wonder," She laughed. Robin didn't reply, but her fingers had felt nice against his cock, even through the material of his shorts. "You know, that also answers another question I always wondered about," She continued as she retraced her fingers in the opposite direction. "I always wondered if Batman and you were queer. I mean, why else would a grown man run around with a teenage boy unless he was buggering him. I can see that at least you like girls." "Batman's no queer!" Robin called out. "Well, I guess I'll have to take your word for it," Selina replied as she gave his cock a playful squeeze. Impressed by the hardness in her hand, Selina made a decision. "I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I have to take a peek." With that, she gripped both sides of his green briefs and pulled both them and his underwear down to his knees. Released from the tight confines of his costume, Robin's cock sprung upward, pointing to the ceiling in all its youthful splendor. "Wow!" Selina said. Now it was her turn to be impressed. Rather than be embarrassed, Robin was proud that she was impressed. "I bet you have girls lining up at your high school to have a turn at that," Selina said as she cupped his balls in one hand and ran her nails alongside the thick shaft. Dick tried to hide his response, but for a moment, his expression betrayed him. "I can't believe that," Selina said in surprise, "Not with a body like you have and equipment like that. No way you're a virgin." But Dick knew that he was. It wasn't that girls hadn't been interested. Many had, and more than a few had made their interest crystal clear. Yet if was impossible to let anyone get that close. He couldn't take the chance that anyone might find out he was Robin. Watching the expression change on the teen's face, Selina knew that indeed he was. Still stroking his erect cock, she was overcome with sudden desire. "You know, I've stolen just about everything of great value you can think of. Cash, jewels, stocks," She said. "But I've never stolen anything as precious as a boy's cherry." Robin looked right into her eyes and knew that she wanted him. To be totally honest with himself, he wanted her as well. "Until now..." Selina concluded. With that, she dropped down and took Robin's throbbing penis into her mouth and began to suck softly on it. Robin couldn't believe the incredible sensation he felt as he felt the wetness of Selina's mouth engulf his boyhood. Every nerve in his cock was alive, and as her tongue passed along the length of his dick, it sent sparks throughout his body. Beginning at the base of his balls, Selina began to lick and kiss her way to his crown. Licking the underside of his cockhead, she brought soft moans of delight from his lips. Then she wrapped her lips around it once again and deep-throated his length. Pushing against his restraints, Robin struggled to push more of his cock into her willing mouth. With what movement he had, he began to thrust his pelvis, face-fucking Selina. Reaching down with her free hand, Selina freed Robin's legs from their restraints. His legs now free, the Boy Wonder was able to double his gyrations, bringing a smile to her cock-filled mouth. Already she could taste the first drops of pre-cum on her tongue. Selina knew that Robin was close to exploding. Gripping his balls and pressing on his urethra, she tried to hold him back as long as possible. At the rate he was pumping, it would only be seconds more. As her mouth finished an upward motion and had just begun to recover the crown, Selina's mouth suddenly filled with an explosion of hot, sweet, boy-cum. She immediately swallowed as fast as she could, taking his cock deep into her mouth as a second volley followed the first. She swallowed this as well, making room for a third burst. This one she held in her mouth, moving it around with her tongue. Small drippings exited the corners of her mouth as a fourth and final salvo caught her by surprise. Boy Wonder indeed. Temporarily spent, Robin's cock began to grow semi-soft in her mouth. Selina let it slide free, then began to lick it clean with her tongue. Less than a minute later, not a drop remained. Standing up, she looked at Robin's no longer innocent face. She released the table locks and rotated him to a standing position. Moving closer, she kissed him. Softly at first, then a little harder as her tongue slid between his lips. As his own tongue made contact with hers, Robin got his first taste of his own cum. He was surprised that it didn't bother him, not since it had come as a gift from this wonderful woman before him. "I'd unfasten you more, my Boy Wonder," Selina said as she stroked his cheek. "But I'm still not the trusting sort. Besides, the lesson's just beginning...and it's going to be a bumpy ride." Running her hands across Robin's muscular chest, Selina began to undo the yellow laces that held his red tunic together. Opening the last one, she pulled the tunic apart as far as it would go. Then she took a firm grip on the green shirt beneath it and ripped that open too.A wide smile filled her face as she ran her nails across his naked, hairless chest. "Nice..." Selina purred as she stroked his pectorals. "You must spend a lot of time in the gym." Up to that moment, Dick had never appreciated the endless hours he'd spent working out in the Batcave. Her fingers felt so good as they moved across his skin. As they touched his nipples, Selina gave each one of them a playful tug. "Like that, don't you?" She said as she continued to gently caress his nipples. "Most young men don't realize how sensitive their nipples can be." Moving closer, she kissed first one nipple, then the other. Then her tongue began to work its magic, bringing little sparkles of pleasure to his body. She continued to tongue his now erect nipples as her hand glided down to his semi-erect cock. Taking it in hand, she was pleased to note it was already beginning to harden. "Now it's my turn," Selina said as she again adjusted the side wheel on his table-bed and lowered him to a horizontal position. Maintaining a firm grip on his cock, Selina raised herself onto the bed and positioned herself so that her breasts were flush with his face. "Let's see how observant you were?" She said as she lowered one breast to his mouth. Reaching upward with his tongue as he had watched her do a few minutes before, Robin traced the light pink outline of her areola. Then he rubbed the tip of his tongue against the top of Selina's eraser-sized nipple. Finally, he lifted his head just a little, taking the whole crown in his mouth. It wasn't the first time he'd sucked on a breast, but the two high school encounters before this couldn't compare. Selina's body scent was intoxicating as he covered it with his saliva. Pleased with his efforts, Selina shifted her other breast into his reach. As Robin continued to suckle, Selina had brought his youthful cock back to full hardness. She grazed the underside of his balls with her long red nails, tweaking the small black hairs that surrounded them. She knew he was ready to go again, but there was one more lesson he needed to learn before the final one. In her opinion, it was the most important one. Standing up on the bed, she moved forward and squatted over his face. With her legs spread, Selina lowered herself until her bushy mound hovered right over his waiting mouth. "OK, Boy Wonder," She said. "Let's see how good you can use that talent on this." Robin stared for a few seconds at the hairy pussy barely two inches above him. It was his first real look at a woman's sex. That was of course if he discounted the brief look he'd gotten at Barbara Gordon when he walked in on her coming out of the shower one night she had stayed at Wayne Manor. Mousy librarian that she was, Dick was amazed to discover that she had a body almost as good as Batgirl's. What a waste he had thought at the time. "Well?" Selina asked, snapping Robin's mind back from its wandering. Since Robin's hands were still restrained, Selina reached down with one hand and parted her cunt lips. Lifting his head as far as he could, Robin began to lick away as fast as he could. Selina could tell it was his first experience licking a woman. His tongue was all over the place, but occasionally he would hit the right spot. She gently took a hold of his head and began to guide him to her sensitive spots. "Easy..." She whispered as she lowered herself so that her open cunt now rested on top of his eager mouth. "Just take it nice and slow, let your tongue glide in and out." Finally, Robin began to follow her instructions and began to be rewarded with his first tastes of girlcum. It was very different from his own, which he'd tasted a little earlier. While his had been salty and a little tart, Selina's was sweet. Nevertheless, he found it to be a delicious flavor. Dick was sure that none of the girls at school could ever have tasted so good. "That's better..." Selina said as she arched back and enjoyed the feel of his tongue inside her. "Not so talkative now, huh. I guess the pussy's got your tongue!" Pinned beneath her, Dick wanted to groan at the bad pun. To think he used to like childish things like that. Rubbing her now well-lubricated cunt back and forth over Robin's face, Selina soon covered it with a thin layer of girljuice. As she lifted herself off him, she couldn't resist licking a little of it off. "Mmmm" She purred as her tongue licked the side of his face. "I think you're ready for the main event." Backtracking her earlier steps on the bed, Selina moved to a point where her wet pussy now hovered over Robin's rock-hard member. Taking it in hand, she held it straight and lowered herself onto it. With the cockhead at the entrance walls of her womanhood, she paused a moment. Her emerald green eyes looked into his baby blues. The fire between her legs flared in intensity as she saw the hunger in those eyes. Dropping an inch, she eased his cockhead inside her. It slid effortlessly, quickly covered by the heavy lubrication Robin had produced through his efforts. Then in a quick motion, she dropped all the way and took him totally within her. Robin gasped at the sudden envelopment of his boyhood. The wet pressure around it brought a smile of satisfaction to his face. If he thought having his boycock in her mouth was heaven, the words didn't exist to describe this incredible delight. As Selina began to move up and down on his pole, the sensations grew in intensity. Bracing her hands against the sides of the bed, Selina began to rise and drop with an ever-increasing frequency. Faster and faster, she pumped, creating a suction that was drawing the life out of his cock. "Oh God...Selina!" Robin called out as he tried to match her motions. At the rate she was moving, Selina knew that he would cum quickly. Few 16-year-olds had any kind of self-control. A few minutes later, she felt his body tensing. Lifting herself higher so that his cock nearly fell out of her, she drove herself down on it with a fury. Up again she raised and then down with the same abandon. Twice more was all it took as she felt the first hot burst erupt inside her. Slamming her body down upon him, Selina grabbed his arms and pulled him to her. Her mouth sought out his, and she kissed him passionately while his seed spread within her. Holding him pressed tightly against her, she continued to pump his still firm cock until his balls had been squeezed of every last drop of that beautiful white cream. Finally, it was done, and her hot, sweat-covered body collapsed upon his. Too exhausted to even lift herself, she just laid there, his cock still within her. Eventually, it began to shrink to its pre-aroused state and slipped from within her. So drained were they both that after closing their eyes for a moment, they both drifted off to sleep. Bright golden sunlight flooded the skylight when Selina finally opened her eyes. Glancing upward, she saw that Robin was already awake but had made no move to awaken her. She was pleased that he still wore that broad, satisfied grin he had fallen asleep with. "I have to tell you, kid," She said as she climbed off him. "You're really something. A little practice and you're going to be irresistible." Glancing at the clock, Selina was shocked to find that it was already nine. She had to get out of here. Running into the bathroom, she took a hasty shower and quickly dressed. "Give me a few minutes to get myself together, and I'll get you cleaned up afterwards," Selina called over to Robin as she zippered up her dress. For the first time since awakening, Robin glanced down at himself and was surprised at how he looked. Ripped costume. Naked from the chest down. Dried cum caked on both his face and groin. Not exactly the image the correct young hero was supposed to project. Still, last night had been incredible. Selina had just finished setting her other earring when she glanced out the window over the kitchen area. Her pretty face suddenly turned a cold pale. "Oh shit!" She exclaimed. "What's the matter?" Robin called out as he tried to jump up protectively only to be pulled back by the straps he still wore. "No time for the luggage," Selina said to herself as she grabbed her carry-bag, all she really needed was inside that anyway. "I have to get out of here now!" Quickly moving for the door, she paused for a second next to her young lover. Impulsively, she bent down and kissed him. "I meant what I said before, Richard, you were one hell of a fuck!" She said before disappearing out the door. "She knew!" Robin said as he strained to try and see what had spooked her at the window. "She must've had my mask off when she examined my cuts when I was unconscious." Richard Grayson didn't have long to ponder the thought as a tall, dark blue and gray figure appeared within view of the kitchen window. With a practiced ease, the Dark Knight threw a silk line across the alleyway and swung onto the rooftop. Appearing at the skylight, he quickly opened it and dropped inside. At first, he ignored the bound figure in front of him. He used the first few seconds of his entry to assess his surroundings. Finally satisfied they were alone, he produced a small, sharp-edged blade from the yellow utility belt around his waist. With quick motions of his gloved hands, he cut the leather straps which had held Robin captive. Robin sat up slowly, rubbing his wrists. Batman didn't say a word; he just took a long look at his ward and his somewhat unusual condition. "Bruce..... I...." Robin began, but was cut off by a wave of the Batman's hand. "Later, right now let's get you dressed and out of here." As Robin pulled on what was left of his costume and recovered his bright yellow cape, Batman ran his hand along the length of the homemade operating table. "I'm not sure what exactly happened here," He said in a powerful, authoritative tone."But chum, when we get back to the Batcave, you and I are going to have a long, long talk." Robin didn't reply. Instead, he palmed a small perfumed handkerchief from the dresser and slid it into the pouch of his cape. No matter the outcome of the promised talk, it had been worth it.
Uncle Mike
Love Boat: Cum Aboard
"Hey, no minors behind the bar," Isaac said. His dark face was stern, but Vicki could hear the teasing in his voice. "It's okay," she said, smiling up at him. "Dad... I mean, Captain Stubing, said I could clean up back here. Actually, he ordered me to." She giggled as she backed away from the bar's overhang and stood up. "I wanted some spending money for when we reach the island, and he said I had to earn it." Isaac smiled broadly. "Well, then, get to it, girl," he said, and walked back to the far end. With a grimace, Vicki squatted down again and crawled under the bar, pushing her dust rag into the nooks and crevices. She was concentrating on getting all the way into the tight corners of the narrow shelves, so she wasn't aware at first of the three girls who had climbed up on the high stools at that end of the gleaming wooden bar. It was only when one of them spoke Vicki's name that she lifted her head in surprise -- only to bang it on the bottom of the bar's top. She sank down, rubbing her head. The girls must not have heard the thump over the clanging and banging of the calypso band nearby. They kept chatting, talking loud enough to be heard over the music even down where Vicki was. "I know, she's just so dumb, isn't she? Like, really, who does she think she is? Walking around in that stupid uniform half the time? Like, I'm sure, she's, like, driving the boat, right?" The shrill, whiny voice set Vicki's teeth on edge. As she struggled to decide between getting up to confront the girls or staying quiet to hear it all, another one chimed in. "Like, for sure. And did you see what she was wearing yesterday? Like, gag me with a spoon! A one-piece! Like, nobody wears one-pieces except old ladies and fatties. Gross!" Under the bar, Vicki looked down at herself. She had on a loose-fitting pullover and a pair of shorts, both in a riotous pastel pattern. She poked at her stomach. Maybe it wasn't as flat as some, but she was a long way from the plump kid she was when she first got on the boat three years ago -- or was it four now? Her musings were interrupted by more chatter from above. "Like, you are so right! Can you believe she actually tried to talk to us? To US?" All three girls burst into laughter. "Like, we're going to waste our time talking to some fat baby who probably hasn't even done it, like, once? Like, come on! She probably couldn't even get a guy to kiss her!" "Like, yeah!" said another girl. "Like, she'd go, 'Oh, I love you, let's do it,' right? And he'd go, like, 'Grody to the max, babe!'" With another burst of laughter, the girls finally got Isaac's attention, and he strode down to their end of the bar and poured a round of Diet Cokes. As they left, he heard a snuffling sound from underneath the bar. He bent down and saw Vicki, sitting on the floor with her knees tucked up to her chin. "Hey, what's wrong, girl?" He reached out a hand and helped her to her feet. "Nothing," she said, gulping back a sob. Turning her back, she slipped through the doorway to the corridor. Isaac looked after her, puzzled. "What about the cleaning?" he called out. "I'll finish it later," she shouted back to him as she scurried away. It was much later, just after the bar closed for the night, that Vicki slipped back in. She was embarrassed about what had happened earlier, so she said nothing to Isaac, who had his back to her as he polished glasses and set them on the bar top. When a couple of wine glasses tinked together as she moved them aside to dust, however, he turned around. "Vicki! I didn't hear you come in. How are you feeling?" She mumbled a reply and kept on with her dusting, but Isaac had been a bartender too long to give up so easily. With gentle questions and subtle proddings, he worked her around into one of the bar stools and soon she was pouring out her heartache. As Isaac knew, Vicki had first come aboard as a pudgy 12-year-old, happy and giggly but more of an ornament than a real part of the crew. In time, she had become a cherished member of the boat's family, not just because she was the captain's daughter, but more because she had been a friend to so many others. And she had grown into young womanhood, losing her baby fat and blossoming into a comely maiden. But, her sobs made clear, inside that shapely body remained the heart of a fat girl, forcing cheerfulness but always desperately afraid that people would stop liking her. Probably spending so much time among the perfect bodies on display on a cruise ship hadn't helped, Isaac suggested. "You're a beautiful young girl," he told her, "really you are. Okay, you're not as thin as some of these kids hanging around the pool, but so what? You look great just the way you are!" Vicki blinked back a few tears as she looked across the bar at him. "Sure, you say so. But you're my friend. You have to say that. Just look at the way all the boys hang around all those girls at the pool. They don't hang around me that way." "Maybe they're just too dumb to appreciate you," Isaac said, taking hold of her hands to grab her attention. "They're kids! At this age, all boys know is what they see on TV and in the movies. Give them a couple of years until they outgrow it. Then you'll see. It takes a mature man to appreciate what you have to offer." Vicki laughed bitterly. "By the time they appreciate me, I'll be too old to care! Isaac, I haven't even had more than a few kisses, and most of those were just pecks. Every other girl my age who comes on this boat has had romances and, well (she ducked her head down) -- well, they've been around." She looked up suddenly, blushing deeply when she found herself staring directly into his eyes. "I mean -- I mean -- oh, Isaac, don't you understand? I'm a virgin and they all know it. I can feel their eyes when I walk by. They can see it, I just know it! And they laugh at me." Pulling her hands free, Vicki dropped her head to the bar top and sobbed uncontrollably. Isaac came out from behind the bar and, taking hold of Vicki's shoulders, led her over to one of the bar's couches. He sat down beside her and rested her head on his broad shoulder, patting her back as her sobs slowly diminished. Finally, she got back her control and pulled back. The vinyl upholstery crackled slightly as she squirmed her way into the corner of the couch. Isaac reached out a hand and tenderly raised her chin, bringing their eyes together. "It's really important to you, isn't it?" Vicki blinked in uncertainty, but then her lips slowly parted. "You mean -- yes, yes it is." She ducked her head and seemed to be on the verge of tears again. "Well, if it's that important, then as your friend there's only one thing I can do," he said. Vicki raised her head and her mouth fell open in shock. Isaac was unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his smooth, brown chest. He tossed the shirt aside and reached out to the young girl, who was paralyzed. Smoothly he undid the few buttons below her collar and pulled the shirt up. In a daze, Vicki lifted her arms and let him lift it free. Bending toward her, Isaac pressed his lips to hers. His curly mustache tickled her face, but soon she was paying more attention to the hot tongue pushing its way between her lips. He pushed her back on the couch and she trembled as she felt his chest make contact with hers. At last he broke the kiss. "Oh, Isaac," Vicki whispered. He silenced her with a finger to her lips. "Hush, girl. If we're doing anything you don't want, you just tell me. But if not, you just lay back and enjoy. I'll show you how much a real man appreciates a woman like you." Vicki closed her mouth and lay back. Deftly, Isaac unhooked her bra and drew it away, exposing her small, firm breasts, capped by nipples quickly growing firmer. He drew first one, then the other into his mouth, nibbling and licking at them. Vicki began to writhe in delight. Then Isaac moved lower, slipping her shorts and panties off and tossing them aside. Gently spreading her legs, he began to lick his way up her thighs. When at last his tongue reached her cunt, her tunnel was already hot and wet with her secretions. She let out a long, deep sigh as he spread her open with his hands and slid his tongue into her. His attentions quickly had her gasping and bucking, but she knew she wanted more. Grabbing his shoulders, Vicki pulled Isaac up to her and kissed him deeply. "I want you," she said, and her voice was deep and firm. "I want you, oh, God, I want you now!" Without another word, Isaac got to his knees and pulled down his shorts. A long, thick black cock sprung free. Vicki stared at it, fascinated, as Isaac yanked his shorts down the rest of the way and kicked them off. "Will you... be gentle?""she said, as he moved forward and began to rub the head of what looked to her like an enormous dick against her pussy lips. "Always, girl, always," he said, and moved it in. Her lips parted easily, but still she gasped again as the thick rod spread her apart. A quick thrust broke her maidenhead easily, and soon she was eagerly meeting his every thrust with one of her own. Isaac propped himself on his strong arms as he plunged into her tunnel again and again. Vicki's young body twisted underneath him as she bucked her hips up, trying to take him in deeper and deeper on every thrust. "You're no virgin, now, girl," Isaac grunted as he pounded away. Vicki smiled, almost a grimace as his cock sent shockwaves through her. "I'm glad it was you," she said, looking him straight in the eye. "I've always watched you at the bar. You knew that, didn't you? Your hot, black body, so strong and smooth. I think I wanted you from the first. "And now I've got you!" She grabbed him and pulled his face to hers, plunging her tongue into his mouth in a lingering kiss. Her legs rose and it seemed that his cock buried even deeper into her. "And I want all of you," she said as they broke their kiss. "I want all of your cock in me! I want you to fuck me harder! Please! Please, fuck me!" The harsh words coming from Vicki's sweet mouth drove Isaac's passion higher and he began to slam into her. The couch was becoming slick with their sweat and juices and Vicki's body began to slide around under the pounding. At last Isaac pulled her up to him and sat back, his cock still plunged deep into her. His hands massaged her small breasts as she rose and fell above him, wiggling a bit on each downstroke when she saw that it pleased him. And then Isaac took hold of her around the waist and began to lift and lower her, faster and faster, until he bellowed out, "I'm coming, girl!" "Yes, Isaac," Vicki shouted back to him, her lips only inches from his contorted face. "Cum in me! Fill me up! I want all of you! Oh, fuck, I want it all!" Isaac's hot cum exploded out of him, jetting into her eager cunt and spilling out the sides. As his cock began to shrink, Vicki continued to ride him. "Not yet," she urged him, "not yet! Please, I want more!" Isaac lifted her off him as she protested. "I've got no more," he insisted, but Vicki eagerly grabbed for his cock, rubbing the slick rod desperately. Even as Isaac tried to push her away, his cock began to stiffen again -- not much, but enough to make Vicki smile up at him smugly. "See? I think you've still got some left in you!" Isaac sprawled back onto the couch, laughing. "OK, girl, maybe you're right," he said. "But you've got to help. Here, let me show you." He pulled her hands away from his cock, motioning her to bend over it instead. "Now purse your lips," he said, but Vicki opened her mouth wide instead. "You want me to put that in my mouth?" she said, her eyes opening wide. "I did it for you," he reminded her. Vicki nodded and bent down. Under Isaac's instructions, she pursed her lips. Holding his cock in both hands, she slowly sucked the tip into her mouth. As he led her through it, she licked and sucked and stroked. His cock began to thicken under her ministrations, until she couldn't take it all into her mouth. Still she kept up a rhythm, her face bobbing up and down over Isaac's lap as her short brown hair formed a curtain around her busy mouth. Then Isaac pulled her off and had her kneel facing the end of the couch. He crawled up behind her and inserted his now-stiff cock into her throbbing cunt again. Bending down, he began to massage her ripe breasts as his dick slid deep into her. Vicki's ass moved with him, forcing him into her to the hilt. The bristly patch of hair above his cock scraped against her butt cheeks as he drove his rod into her. This time they came in unison. Isaac groaned deeply as another stream of cum burst out. Vicki was quieter but her body arched and writhed for several minutes until she collapsed to the couch, Isaac dropping on top of her and then rolling to one side. The next morning, Vicki slipped away from the chores her father had assigned and dropped in on Isaac at the bar. She caught his eye as she walked past the stools and sat down on a couch -- their couch. A strong odor rose; she quickly recognized it as the industrial-strength cleanser Isaac kept behind the bar. She smiled. It was a busy morning, so it was several minutes before Isaac could break away from the customers at the bar and come over to her. He had a worried look on his face. He bent down to talk to her, but Vicki spoke first, keeping to a whisper. Isaac had to keep his ear close to hear her over the band, and she playfully licked him. He jumped back, rubbing his ear and then quickly pulling his hand away and looking around quickly. No one else seemed to notice. He moved back, but kept a safe distance from Vicki's mouth. "I'm sorry," she whispered, frowning as she saw his long face. "I just couldn't help myself. Look, I ..." Isaac broke in, speaking quickly as he noticed one of the customers at the bar turn around and wave an empty glass at him. "I can't talk long. But I'm glad you came in. There's something I need to tell you. I ..." This time Vicki interrupted. "I know what it is. You want to tell me that it was a one-time thing and you don't want to have an affair with me. Hey, that's OK, Isaac. I understand." Even as she spoke, Isaac could see her blinking back a tear. Over his shoulder, he heard a shout from the bar. "OK, OK, I'm coming," he called, but turned back to Vicki. She was smiling mysteriously, and suddenly Isaac realized what he'd said. He smiled briefly, then set his face in a serious pose. "This is serious. We'll talk about that -- that other thing later. But I wanted to tell you to get down to the Doc. Now that you're, uh, experienced, he should be giving you something. You know." Vicki's eyes glistened. "The Pill?" Her voice cracked. "Isaac, does that mean...?" "Not now," he said. "We'll talk later. Sorry. Gotta go." Vicki had to run off, too; she knew Captain Stubing would be coming around soon to see how she was doing. Her chores kept her occupied most of the day, but late in the afternoon she finished and made her way down to the doctor's office. Doctor Adam Bricker was the ladies' man of the boat. He always seemed to be romancing several passengers at once, and he certainly had the stereotypical "girl in every port." Vicki smiled to herself as she realized that she now fully understood the joke some of the crew used about him -- that Doc was so smooth he actually had a port in every girl. As usual, Doc was dressed in a crisp white uniform. He leaning back in a chair behind his desk as she walked in. It was very unusual for Vicki to visit the doctor's office, and Doc quickly became serious and grilled her: Headache? Throat? Stomach? No, no, no, she answered, but she couldn't get another word in. He continued to toss questions at her as he came around the desk and put a hand to her forehead, then picked up his stethoscope from the desk and inserted the plugs in his ears. Seizing the moment, Vicki grabbed the business end of the stethoscope and held it up to her mouth. "I'm fine," she said -- not really a shout, but loud enough with the stethoscope's amplification to set Doc's ears ringing. At least it got his attention. As he sat back on the edge of the desk and shook his head from side to side, Vicki quickly went on. "I'm fine, Doc, really I am. I just need some help. With a woman thing." She smiled shyly. "Could we talk about this in the examining room?" Doc's forehead furrowed, but he followed her into the next room and closed the door behind them. By the time he turned around, Vicki had shucked off her clothes and was on the examining table, her feet in the stirrups. "I think I could use a little checkup," she said. At first she wasn't sure if her words had penetrated. Doc was standing stock still, staring at her open vagina. Vicki had another doctor on shore, and while she'd gone to Doc for minor cuts and such, she'd never had a physical from him. Her cheeks dimpled in a smile as she noticed that he was even blushing slightly. It took several seconds, but finally he moved forward and began the examination. A short, sharp exclamation made it clear when he discovered her newly non-virginal state. Vicki had been afraid he'd make a scene then, or even threaten to tell her dad. But Doc must have realized something like this was up when she got on the table, and he continued his examination carefully. When it was all over, he told her she could put her clothes back on, and he went over to one corner of the room and sat on a stool near a long shelf that served as a desk. Vicki slipped on her blouse, but she'd been careful to choose one that buttoned all the way up the front and she didn't button a single button. It hung open, exposing the sides of her pert breasts, as she slipped her short skirt up. She sat up on the table facing the doctor. As they talked, she slowly spread her legs. She hadn't put her panties back on, instead twirling them casually on one finger. Carefully looking down at his clipboard, Doc told her she was fine, no sign of any disease. Did she think she might be pregnant? Vicki giggled and said she didn't think so. "It can happen from just one -- um, just once," Doc stammered. He kept his face down, but Vicki could see his ears grow bright red. "That is ..." "Well, actually, it was twice," Vicki said.Doc looked up at her, his eyebrows rising, and then quickly looked down again. Vicki went on. "But that's sort of why I'm here, Doc. I thought maybe it was time I went on the Pill. What do you think?" "Well --" Doc cleared his throat. "If you plan to be sexually active, then, yes, I suppose -- don't you think you should be talking to your father about this, first? I mean --" he lifted his head to look at her again and found himself staring right down her skirt. His head darted from side to side, carefully avoiding her. "I mean, you don't have to, you know, I'll prescribe it for you anyway, but I think that something like this..." "I think I'm ready," Vicki said as she slid off the table and began to walk toward the doctor. "And I do plan to be sexually active." At the last word, she reached out and cupped a hand on Doc's crotch. His cock was thick and hard; she could feel it pressing against the light material of his slacks. He pulled back and slid off the stool away from her. His hands felt behind him for the wall as he stepped back and began to circle the room while Vicki stalked him. "Now, Vicki, I'm a doctor," he said, waving a finger at her. "Mmmm, I know," she cooed. "So why don't you play doctor with me, doctor?" Vicki let her blouse fall to the floor. Try as he might, Doc couldn't stop staring at her breasts -- small, but firm, perfectly shaped, the nipples sticking straight out. They swayed slightly as she advanced on him. Still Doc kept backing away. "I'm too old for you," he tried, halfheartedly. Vicki undid the last two buttons on the side of her skirt and it fell away, exposing the small tuft of hair and the pink, tender tissue of her slit. "I think I've always wanted you," she said, "from the very first. The handsome doctor, so suave. Every woman wants you, you know it. And I'm a woman now. Don't you think?" Doc gulped as he backed himself into a corner. He tried to speak but his mouth was too dry. While he only watched, Vicki knelt before him. "I think someone wants to come out and play," she said, unzipping his trousers and undoing the belt. She slid down the slacks and his bikini briefs, freeing his long cock. "Vicki," he said at last, swallowing hard. "I don't think we should be doing this." "I do," she said, as she lowered her mouth over his cock. Using what Isaac had taught her, Vicki began to suck Doc's rod, cradling his balls, licking the shaft. Doc's breathing grew louder and more labored as the young girl expertly deep throated him. He was a little smaller than Isaac, enough for her to take him almost all the way. Doc groaned as the tip of his cock pressed against the back of Vicki's throat while her lips pressed into his shaft. Without even realizing it, he had brought his hands to the sides of her head and he began to urge her on, pressing her onto him as he bucked back at her. He seemed shocked by his own actions as he looked down, but the pleasures of her blow job broke down his last defenses. "That's it," he said at last. "That's it, suck it, Vicki. Take it all in. God, where did you learn that? Oh, my God, that's great!" It wasn't long before he felt cum begin to boil up. "Not yet," he moaned, and he pushed her away. Vicki rose and pressed her sweaty body to his as he tore off his shirt. They locked in a long, deep kiss, Doc's hands hungrily roaming her lithe body. Still embracing, they made their way back to the examining table. Doc helped her onto it and fiddled with the controls, bringing it down until the top was at the level of his crotch. Then he pulled Vicki toward him, grabbing her thighs and spreading her wide. The tip of his cock teased her cunt lips, sliding up and down while she bucked eagerly up at him. Finally he eased it into her, but stopped just as the widest part of the helmet slipped past her slick labia. Vicki was writhing and groaning on the table, begging him to go in deeper. He did, but only for a second, then slid his cock out again and once more teased at the entrance to her tunnel. For almost an hour he tantalized and exhilarated her, alternating between slow, lingering strokes and hard, savage pounding, pulling almost out or holding himself deep within her. Again and again his technique drove her into thrashing, wild orgasms. Doc himself came in her, but instead of pulling out he held his shrinking cock inside her hot, throbbing cunt and soon she could feel it grow again. "I bet your first fuck wasn't like this, was it?" he growled, lost in passion. "No," she said, "no, oh, God, no! Harder! Harder! Keep it going, please!" "I'll keep it going," Doc whispered, leaning over her as his hands mauled her young tits. "I'm going to give you the best fuck you'll ever have. I'm going to fill that tender cunt of yours with more cum than it can hold. I'll teach you to let someone else get your cherry!" It was hard to tell if he was serious or just talking dirty, but Vicki didn't care. Her legs were wrapped around Doc's waist, but she wasn't sure what was keeping them there; she couldn't feel anything but the incredible sensations of her cunt and a blazing heat that seemed to pulse through her soul. When she was beginning to feel she could take no more, she suddenly sensed Doc's cock growing even larger within her, straining the tight walls of her cunt. All at once a blast of hot cum surged into her, launching her own orgasm. It seemed that every muscle tightened and then sprung loose, over and over, over and over. When it was done, Doc became all business again. He slipped back into his clothes -- now rumpled and wrinkled -- and wrote out a prescription for the Pill, giving her a first month's supply from the oval cases he kept on board. "Now, these won't really protect you from -- you know -- until you've been taking them a couple of months," he said quickly. "You'll have to be careful." Doc couldn't look her in the eye while he said it. The examining room was steamy and musky from their lovemaking. Vicki breathed deeply before she left, trotting off to shower and change before dinner. They say that on a ship there are no secrets, and Vicki wondered if that was really true. It seemed that all the men of the crew -- except her father, of course -- were looking at her differently as she went about her business the next several days. Isaac and Doc were gentlemen, she reassured herself; surely they wouldn't tell -- but then she'd turn around suddenly and see a mechanic eying her, licking his lips. To tell the truth, she enjoyed the attention. It wasn't long before she began to feel a hunger inside. But Doc had said she might get pregnant if she did it so soon, and they hadn't talked about things like condoms in her school, so she determined to avoid sex until she was safe. That made things tough -- for example, she found it hard to explain things to Isaac, so she just tried to avoid him, and he grew cold toward her. Still, she told herself, she could patch things up when she was ready. Then, one night, on her way to her cabin, she met Gopher, the steward, coming the other way. It was a tight squeeze in the narrow corridors, so that two people had to turn sideways to pass each other. It wasn't all that tight a squeeze, but as Gopher backed past her she turned toward the wall and pressed her ass against him. To her delight, she felt a hard cock pressing back against her. Vicki wiggled her teen-aged butt. Gopher certainly wasn't her idea of a matinee idol, short and boyish, but she thought it was safe to get a little fun as they passed. Gopher had heard the rumors, though, and it was apparent he had other ideas. Quickly he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him. His hands rubbed against her tits, loosely confined by her blouse -- she'd stopped wearing her bra -- as his cock dug into the furrow of her ass. His tongue sizzled along her neck. Locked together, he forced her to her cabin and slipped inside. Pressing her down onto the bed, he ripped off her skirt as his other hand fumbled at his trousers. When they were off he tore off Vicki's blouse and lay down atop her. His stiff cock rode up and down her butt crack. "No!" Vicki begged. "Please, I don't want to have a baby! Please, Gopher, no!" She twisted beneath him but Gopher pinned her to the bed. When the head of his cock brushed against her pussy lips she was jolted into even more violent movements and the steward was almost tossed aside. "OK, you win," he said at last, and Vicki relaxed. But he didn't get off her. Instead he inserted a finger, and then two, into her wet cunt. He wedged his hand beneath her and finger-fucked her to her usual thrashing orgasm. "Now it's my turn," Gopher said. Before Vicki could figure out what he was talking about, Gopher pulled out his fingers, wet with her juices, and lubricated his cock. Then he slowly slipped a slick finger into her anus. Vicki's eyes grew wide but her protests were muffled by the pillow her face was buried in. She tried to rise up on her hands but Gopher pressed her down and brought the tip of his cock to her asshole. "You're gonna love this," he said roughly as he pushed in, slowly. Vicki could only murmur in shock as her hole spread apart under the pressure until he was in, and then going deeper. Soon she was used to the sensation and began to move in synch with Gopher's frantic plunging. It wasn't long before she heard his breathing grow short, and then, "I'm gonna cummmmmmmm!" he shouted as he shot his wad into her.After Gopher got her, Vicki was extra careful to avoid the men on board, spending most of her time hanging around with Julie, the cruise director. Every few weeks, however, she would check in with a doctor -- an on-shore doctor, of course -- and eventually she was told the Pill should be working fully. But, to her dismay, by that time Isaac had given up on her and found other interests -- specifically, one of the women in the calypso band. Vicki was crushed, even more so when she found that Doc had lost interest even more quickly. Julie was still eager to pal around with her, but Vicki wanted something Julie couldn't give her. Instead of even doing her regular work, Vicki spent her time moping in her cabin, until her Dad called her into his office for a stern talk. He was, of course, dressed perfectly. His creases might not be as sharp as Doc's, but the Captain was still very proud of his uniform, mindful of all the years he'd worked to earn it. Vicki, on the other hand, had stopped paying much attention to her clothes. When the summons came, she'd just thrown an old T-shirt on and slipped into the closest pair of shorts. The shirt was about a size too small for her growing breasts, and they were outlined clearly through the thin material. And the shorts were ragged and torn, and rode up so high they were almost like a pair of bikini bottoms. Topping it off -- or, rather, bottoming it -- Vicki hadn't been able to find the mates to either the one brown sandal she unearthed from her bed covers or the blue sneaker she found in the hamper. Instead, she teetered into Captain Stubing's office in a pair of white high heels she'd discovered in the bottom of her closet. At first, the captain was unforgiving, berating the young girl for slacking off, forcing other people to take over her duties. But the sight of tears glistening on her cheeks softened his heart. "What -- what is it, Vicki? What's wrong? Why have you been so down?" As he spoke, the captain came out from behind the desk and put her head on his shoulder. "I -- I..." Vicki sniffed into his sleeve. "Nobody wants me. Nobody loves me. I'm just going to be an old maid!" She held onto her father as sobs wracked her body. "Vicki, don't be silly." The captain was clearly unused to dealing with sobbing crew members, especially young ones with firm, lush bodies. He awkwardly patted Vicki's back, then held her stiffly. "You're a beautiful young girl. I don't know what's happened to upset you so much, but I'm sure it will all blow over. These things always do. You'll find someone soon and forget you ever felt so bad." Vicki sniffed and looked up. "Do you -- do you really think so?" "I'm sure of it," her father said, begin to smile now that it looked like he'd actually made her feel better. "I'm sure of it. And remember, no matter what anyone else thinks, I'll always love you. You'll always have me." With that, he bent down and kissed her forehead. Vicki squealed and threw her hands around his neck, giving him a kiss square on the lips. Then she pressed her tongue between her father's lips. The captain jumped back, barking his shin on the desk. "Vicki, what -- what -- no!" He was wide-eyed. "Oh, but, Dad, you said," Vicki explained as she moved toward him. Backed up against the desk, he had nowhere to run. "I said? I said what?" "That you love me. You'll always love me. I love you too, Dad. I always have, from the very first. Please, let me show you how much!" Again she threw her arms around him and kissed him soundly. He tried to get away and ended up lying flat on the desk, his daughter's body pressed against his. With a desperate twist, he spun out from underneath, tumbling to the floor on one side of the desk as Vicki fell off on the other side. After assuring himself that she was all right, the captain retreated to an overstuffed chair against the wall. Vicki shook herself and got to her feet. She took a few cautious steps toward him. "What's wrong, Dad?" He could hear the hurt in her voice. Patiently, he explained it to her. "I love you, Vicki, really I do. But like a father. That's not the same as the -- the other kind of love. "And even if it were, Vicki, don't you know you don't have to give yourself to a man just to show that you love him?" As he spoke, Vicki's faced hung lower and lower. She scrunched up her mouth and looked at her father from underneath hooded eyebrows. "I'm sorry. You're right. It's just -- just -- oh, I don't know. I'm sorry, Dad." Again she burst into tears. The captain motioned her forward and she sat on the arm of the chair; he took her in his arms, a fatherly embrace. "There, there," he said, rubbing her back. "Don't worry about it. You're young, you didn't know what you were doing. We'll just forget this ever happened." Absentmindedly he continued caressing her back. The too-small T-shirt rode up and his hand began to roam over her skin. It slid down, under the top of her shorts and onto her round buttocks. The room was quiet. While one of the captain's hands rubbed Vicki's back, the other slipped around her side and made contact with her breast. A low moan escaped the young girl's lips. Slowly she slipped off the arm of the chair and onto her father's lap. Their mouths met in a hot, wet kiss, their tongues touching. Vicki broke the kiss. "But," she whispered, "you said we shouldn't. We couldn't!" Even as she spoke, her fingers were unbuttoning his shirt. "We -- we will," he answered huskily, pushing the T-shirt up and exposing her tender breasts. Vicki straddled him in the chair. A dark, wet spot was forming on the front of her shorts as she wiggled her ass on her father's lap. His cock tented in his slacks, straining hard against the material. Soon his shirt was off and Vicki had tossed aside her top. She rubbed her erect nipples on her father's hairy chest. His hands hungrily grabbed at her ass as they kissed and licked each other. "I love you, Vicki," the captain told his daughter. "And, yes, I'm going to show you how much!" "Show me, Daddy," she begged him. "Fuck me! Fuck my tight little pussy like a father should!" They had tumbled to the floor, both struggling out of the rest of their clothes. Captain Stubing crawled forward, pointing his hard cock at the entrance to his daughter's hot, wet cunt. Vicki reached up and pulled him down onto her as the rod slipped easily into her and drove deep into her tunnel. "Yes, I'll fuck you, Vicki!" The captain shouted his love as he plunged his cock into her young cunt again and again while the girl bucked back up at him. "Do it, Daddy! Fuck me harder! Slam it into me! I want it all, I want it all!" As the captain continued to pound away, Vicki lifted her legs to bring him in further, then brought her feet down on his ass, pressing down to urge him in deeper and deeper. Juices poured out of her cunt as she writhed. Suddenly her body stiffened underneath him and she was off into a screeching orgasm. "Oh fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Oh Goddddd that good! Daddy, daddy, daddy YESSSSSS!" Even as she was recovering the captain continued to plunge his cock into her tender pussy. The strain of supporting himself on his elbows on the hard floor made him slip a bit, and he winced as he hit his funny bone. Vicki eased him up and led him back to the easy chair, sitting him down and then squatting above him. She reached down and held his cock straight up as she slowly lowered herself, impaling her cunt on his stiff rod. Now she took over, controlling the tempo as she mashed herself onto her father's cock. On and on they went until at last Captain Stubing began to mumble. "I'm gonna -- this is it -- I'm gonna -- AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" Wads of cum blasted out of his cock and shot into his daughter's cunt, pulsing through his dick in wave after wave. "You really love me, don't you," Vicki purred as she lay curled up next to him afterward in the slippery wet chair. "Yes, I do, my darling daughter," he said. "Mmmm, that's wonderful," she said, drifting off to sleep. "This really is the Love Boat, after all.
Collections/LEXtext/MikesCollection/Mike 23 Love Boat.txt
Uncle Mike
Night Court: Well-Hung Jury
"What's next, Mac?" Judge Harry T. Stone twirled his gavel idly as the two hookers were taken away to the lockup. "Last one of the night, your Honor," the court clerk said, slipping the folder in front of the judge. "Public indecency." "I always like to go out with a bang, Mac," the judge said. "OK, Dan, what have we got here? Buns on the run? Or the whole hot dog?" "More like a cocktail frank from the looks of him," the assistant district attorney said, approaching the bench. Dan Fielding was a tall, dark-haired man with a leer permanently etched on his face. "The defendant," Fielding began, "is one Peter Little..." His eyebrows soared as he turned to the bedraggled man next to him, whose head came barely to Dan's shoulders. "No, really?" "Hey, no jokes," the man snarled. "I'm sick of people making fun of my name, picking on me, you know. I'm always getting the short end of the stick." "I would've thought the short end was what you gave them," Dan said. Judge Stone gaveled him to attention. "But anyway. Mr. Little exposed his, uh, stick, to a group of Bible Society women in Central Park. They were able to definitely ID him by, ah, shall we say, size." "Uh-huh," the judge said, leaning over the bench to look down at Little. "So what's his side of it?" Christine Sullivan, the perky blonde public defender, looked up from her notes. "He was only bird-watching, your honor," she said. "Isn't that right, Dick -- I mean, Peter?" "Y-yeah, right, I was bird-watching," the man mumbled. "Yes," Dan interjected, "that's what he told the police, too. And just what kinds of birds was he watching, Christine?" She looked again at her notes and blushed. "I don't think that's rele..." "Tits!" Little said, smiling. "I was watching a beautiful pair of tits!" "A hobby I enjoy myself," Dan smirked, giving Christine a wink. "I see," the judge said, flipping closed the folder. "Well, Mr. Little, for tonight you'll have to be the birdman of the lockup. Bull, take him away." Harry looked down at Mac, who nodded, before turning back to the courtroom. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap." As he stepped down from the bench, Harry handed the folder to Mac. "I don't know what it is," he said, stifling a yawn, "but I'm really bushed tonight. I think I'll take a nap in my office before I head home. How about you, Mac?" "Oh, I've got some paperwork to finish up, and then Quon Lee is picking me up. We're looking for a new couch," the clerk said, hiking up the sleeves of his sweater. Meanwhile Dan and Christine were at their respective tables, stuffing papers into their briefcases. "Hey, Christine, want to do some bird-watching tonight?" Dan said. "I bet we can find a great pair of ..." "Dan!" Christine didn't know why she always let herself get so irritated with Dan's remarks. He seemed to get some kicks just out of getting her mad, but try as she might she could never just ignore him. "Just put a sock in it," she snapped at him. "Oh, but Christine, you'll love my nest..." She looked up at him, her blue eyes flashing. "You can forget it, Dan. You won't have anything to crow about tonight!" She giggled. "Get it? Crow?" Dan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Well, see you tomorrow," he said, tucking his briefcase under his arm. Christine was about to toss the last folder into her own briefcase when she noticed a couple of empty blanks. "Darn!" "What's wrong, Christine?" Mac's voice startled her; she hadn't realized anyone else was left in the courtroom. Christine gathered up some of her papers, walked over to his desk and handed them over. Mac grabbed them with a big, dark hand. "See those blanks," she implored him. "Those, right. I didn't get the next-of-kin or the address. Do you have those?" Mac nodded and pulled out the man's folder, transferring the information to Christine's files. As he worked, Christine sat on the edge of his desk. Her tight beige skirt rode up as she crossed her long, lithe legs. She wiggled one foot encased in a high-heeled pump, impatiently. Then she looked down at Mac and realized she shouldn't be taking her anger out on him. "Thanks a lot, Mac," she said. "I really appreciate this. It's always nice to remember there's one gentleman in the courtroom." She let out an unladylike snort. "Are you letting Dan get to you?" Mac looked up from his files. Christine hesitated. She knew she had a tendency to gush out her troubles to anyone who'd listen, and she'd made a resolution to stop. But Mac seemed genuinely concerned. "Oh, Mac, I don't know why I let him get to me," she said, scooting down off the table and turning to face him. "He just -- just -- oooh, I don't know. He knows how to push my buttons." As Christine bent over the table to talk, she exposed the deep, sensuous cleft of her well-developed chest. She did it unthinkingly. For all Dan's lecherous advances, Christine still thought of herself as the mousy girl she was in high school, before puberty. She was quite unaware of her own lush sexuality, a naivete that made her all the more attractive. So it was with her breasts looming in Mac's face that she told him how angry Dan made her, how frustrated she was by having to work next to him night after night. And when she hooked a leg over the table while she went on, she exposed a perfect thigh -- smooth, tanned, exquisitely shaped. And yet she did it without intent. But as Mac talked to her, counseling her, urging her not to take Dan seriously, she became aware of her attraction to him. Mac was a big, strapping hunk of a man, with a broad chest and well-muscled brown arms. Without quite knowing why, Christine began to wonder what it would be like to have a man like Mac as her lover. He was gentle, kind, polite -- all that she knew from working with him. But was he also as strong as he looked? Was he as big -- all over? "So, Christine, you have to stop letting him get to you," Mac was concluding. "He's not going to change. And when you try to argue with him, it just encourages him." He looked Christine straight in the eyes. With a flush, she realized she was getting wet -- down there. Embarrassed by her reaction, Christine snatched up the papers. "Thanks, Mac, I've..." As she turned to go, her fumbling fingers dropped one of the sheets. She stooped to pick it up at the same time Mac got out of his chair to retrieve it. Their hands touched, his arm brushing against her breast. They froze for a moment. "Here -- uh," Mac burbled as he clutched the paper, still half bent over. "I've got it, I --" Christine faltered. They both rose, standing with their faces only inches apart, Mac's dark visage bent to Christine's pale skin. It seemed the most natural thing for Christine to put her arms around his shoulders and lift her lips to his. Their mouths touched, tentatively at first. Then hungrily, Mac's arms enfolding Christine's petite body and pressing it to him. She felt his probing tongue and met it with her own. They kissed -- it seemed like forever to her. And then they moved apart. Mac looked away, then down at his feet. Christine didn't know what to say. She felt a little wobbly. Her panties were soaked with secretions. "Christine, I..." Mac began. And then she knew what to do. Christine moved toward him, her arms curving around his waist. Their lips met again, pressing together, mouths open, devouring each other. Mac's fingers moved to her silken blouse, fumbling at the buttons until they popped loose. Christine shrugged off the sleeves and unhooked her bra, letting it slip down and expose the massive mounds capped with rosy circles and stiffening little buds. Mac took each in one of his large hands, palming them, rubbing the sensitive nipples. Christine tugged his sweater and shirt out of his waistband and caressed his flat stomach. They kissed again, greedily, so hard that flashing lights danced before Christine's closed eyes. And then Mac tore off his shirt and sweater and knelt before her. Gently he unzipped her skirt and tugged it down, then her pantyhose and panties. He put his face between her pale thighs and approached her musky slit. Christine held her breath as he approached. Mac kissed the insides of her thighs, the small bush of yellow hair, licked at the outer lips. She was going crazy. No man had ever been willing to do this to her. What would -- Oh God! Now he separated her labia with his fingers and slipped his hot tongue inside. Fluids gushed out of her as Christine shivered and shook to an instant orgasm. But Mac continued, teasing her opening, tickling her clit, driving her to new heights. It became too much. As she felt herself toppling to another orgasm she pushed him away. "I want you," she told him, her voice deep and husky with lust.The thought of his cock inside her was all she could focus on. She envisioned it large, but even so when it sprang free as Mac peeled off his slacks, she gasped. It was huge! Eight inches of thick, dark rod, with a fat bulbous head leering at her with its single eye. She spread her legs far apart and lay back on the desk, shoving all the papers to the floor. "Put it in me, Mac," she begged, writhing beneath him, caressing her own breasts. "Here it comes," he said in his quiet voice. She felt the head at her entrance and looked up. It was too big, she thought, too big -- but then it was in her! And she felt her walls giving way as Mac's massive shaft split her wide open. It was a feeling unlike any before. Never had she felt so filled, so sated. Mac fed his snake into her deeper, deeper. He lifted her legs, holding them high. And then it was all the way in. Christine shrieked with delight. But the best was yet to come. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly he moved his cock out of her, and then in. The tantalizing rhythm kept her close to the edge but not over it. Emotions flooded her brain. Her entire body seemed aboil. "Fuck me, Mac!" Christine shouted, not knowing where the words came from. "Fuck me with that big, black cock! Oh, YES!" Mac obliged, beginning to drive his rod into her faster, and then still faster. Christine's body jerked and swayed under the impacts, her breasts bobbing up and back as she slid on the now sweat-slickened desk. "Take it all, Christine," Mac urged her. "Let me feel it all in you, girl." "Yes, yes!" Christine felt a hot blast starting in her cunt and spreading to every cell. "I'm cumming again," she shouted, stunned by her body's reaction. "Oh, God, Mac, Oh, YYESSSSSS!" The orgasm took control, sending tremors to every muscle. And then Mac took two or three long, deep strokes. "I'm gonna cum, Christine," he moaned. "I'm gonna CCCUUMMMMMMM!" She felt his hot jism blast into her as the thrashing waves of her own orgasm receded. Christine opened her eyes and looked deep into Mac's. What she saw there made her mind reel. His thoughts were unmistakable. Without a word, Christine slid off the desk and embraced the tall black man again, kissing him deeply. They held each other close. And then she kissed her way down his chest until she was kneeling before his sagging, shriveled cock. She looked up at him, her eyes wide. Opening her mouth, she bent and took him into her. Lost in their passion, Mac and Christine didn't hear the door to the courtroom open behind Mac's desk, and they didn't see Mac's wife, Quon Lee, take a step inside. Nor did they see the look of shock on her face give way quickly to horror and then a fierce anger. The short Asian woman shuddered with rage. She was jealous at even trivial things; this made her so mad that her fists clenched into tiny balls, her nails digging red welts in her palms. Her lips tightened to a thin, pale line. Her teeth gritted together. She wanted to kill them, to hit them, to stab them, to destroy them. She wanted to erase this scene from the face of the Earth. In a small corner of her mind, a shred of humanity hung on, horrified by the vivid red anger flashing in the rest of her brain. It pulled her back, back into the corridor. Somehow she managed to close the door softly as she edged away. Her mind was still whirling as she stepped back into the middle of the long hall, not quite sure where she was. She stared around blindly until her eyes fastened on a nameplate, the one announcing the office of Judge Harry T. Stone. Quon Lee took several deep breaths. The sight of Judge Harry's office had somehow brought her back to reality. She felt a bit more in control. And then, through the heavy wooden door of the courtroom, she heard Mac, her husband, shouting out Christine's name and calling on her to suck his dick. Feeling the anger stir within her again, Quon Lee forced herself to run into the judge's office. The lights were still on; that surprised her a bit. Then she saw the judge lying down on the couch, just a few feet from the door. Her mind grabbed at the hope that he would talk to her, calm her down, somehow convince her that what she saw wasn't really happening -- or, at least, keep her from killing the only man she'd ever loved. At least that. Quon Lee took a few steps toward him and noticed that the judge's eyes were closed. "Judge Harry?" she called softly. "Judge?" He didn't stir. The judge -- tall, sandy-haired, dressed now just in a shirt, jeans and sneakers -- was sound asleep, Quon Lee realized. She tip-toed up to him, just to make sure. "Harry?" Not a peep. For a second she was crushed. No one to talk to! No one to tell her troubles to! Now what would she do? Unbidden, the picture came to her mind again of Christine Sullivan, that beautiful naked white woman, deep-throating her husband's big black dick. But this time, while it made her angry, it also made her hot. Quon Lee thought of Mac's monster, his big eight inches cleaving her tight cunt, driving into her ... And all the while she was looking down at Judge Stone. Tentatively, hesitantly, Quon Lee reached down with one well-manicured finger and touched his chest. Still no movement. With her nail she traced down his chest to the snap at the waistband of his jeans. She glanced up at his face to be sure. Nothing. Her eyes focused again on his crotch, Quon Lee undid the snap and slowly slid open the zipper. She paused then. She knew she was going to fuck the judge, to show her husband two could play at that game, and to slake her rising lust. But for a brief moment she thought about backing away. But then what? Mac was probably still getting a blow-job from Christine. Could she just wait patiently in the hallway until he was done? No, she could not. Could she go home? Pretend she had forgotten to pick him up? Pretend this night never happened? No, the image burned into her mind was too sharp. And the other alternatives ... no. No, the only way she could live with Mac after this -- the only way she could live with herself -- was to do this, now, to make it tit for tat and then move on. Quon Lee stepped back from the couch and undid the buttons down the front of her pink, flowered dress. It slid to the floor and she stepped out, kicking off her shoes. She had a small, almost boyish figure, with small breasts and hips only slightly wider than her waist. As she pulled off her bra and panties, she pictured Christine's lush body, the huge, heaving breasts, the wide ass. Was that what Mac really wanted? Was that what he dreamed about when he was fucking her? She squeezed her arms together and looked down. Even then, her breasts were only small bulges. Quon Lee sighed. But the fire in her loins was unabated. She bent down and carefully parted the judge's pants at the zipper. Slowly, with just her fingertips, she caressed his small cock through the thin material of his briefs, checking again and again that he was still asleep. Patiently she drew forth his manhood until it was, at last, bulging hard, its tip beginning to poke out underneath the elastic of the waistband. While she stroked the judge's cock, Quon Lee's other hand caressed her own sex, until it was hot and wet and ready. She raised her hand to her face and sniffed, intoxicated with the scent of her own liquor. For one last moment she looked down at Judge Harry. Then, in a rush of decision, the small Asian woman yanked down his pants and briefs. Instantly his cock sprung free. At six or seven inches, it was neither as long nor as large as Mac's, but it would have to do. Without hesitation Quon Lee stepped onto the couch, swung a leg over the judge's body and squatted down. In an instant she grasped his cock, raised it to her tunnel and drove it in. She was so fast that Harry was still blinking his eyes when his rod entered her. "Quon Lee! Quon Lee?" He tried to rise, but with her sitting on his waist he was pinned to the couch. "Quon Lee, what are you doing?" "I fucking you, Judge Harry," she said, simply. "Mac fuck Christine, so I fuck you. Fair is fair." Already she was riding him, her tight, slick cunt sliding up and down his rock-hard pole. "But, Quon Lee, I -- Mac fucking Christine? Really?" "Really, Harry. I saw. In the courtroom." "Christine? Are you sure?" But even as he asked, Harry was beginning to respond to her motion, bucking his hips up to piston his cock into her. In reply, Quon Lee only speeded up her rhythm. Harry couldn't quite fill her like Mac, but she took advantage of his more convenient fit to show him a few tricks she couldn't do with her husband, slipping his rod from side to side within her. Harry's hands lifted to her chest and rubbed her small breasts. A familiar electric thrill went through her. "You like my tits?" she asked, mischievously. Harry managed to answer in between groans. "Yes, yes, oh, God, Quon Lee!" "You like to fuck me, I think," she said, grinding her cunt to the base of his cock. "I like to fuck you, Judge Harry. I like -- Oh! OH! OHHHHHHHH!" A wild shiver turned her body to Jell-O and then returned, and again. It was an orgasm like never before, and when it was over she sank back down onto the judge's cock and let herself fall onto his chest, her breath coming in heaving gasps. But in just a minute or two she felt his cock prodding her again. She raised her head and looked him in the eyes. She saw the lust there, and it stirred her own.Slowly at first, savoring the pleasure of every inch, she took him in, let him out. Quon Lee rose again to a sitting position, feeling the fluids pour out of her and cover his crotch. Harry drove his cock up, again, again, again! What he lacked in size, she discovered to her delight, he more than made up for in stamina. Her pussy quivered and shook with his assault, and another orgasm left her breathless and unable to support herself. Still, Harry was rock-hard within her. Quon Lee slid off him and crawled onto her knees at the end of the couch, presenting her ass to him as she slathered the puckered brown hole with her own juices. Harry entered her surely, sending his pole up her ass as his fingers sought out her sopping wet cunt. "Damn, Quon Lee," he gasped, "it's even tighter than your cunt! Does it hurt?" "No, Harry, no," she groaned. "Fuck it! Fuck me in the ass!" He did, curling his long body over hers as he plunged into her asshole. At last, he began to moan, louder and louder, and Quon Lee could feel him growing thicker, pushing her asshole to the limit. And then a hot burst inside her as he bellowed out, and they collapsed onto the sweat-soaked cushions. Quon Lee started when she heard the sound of applause. She looked up. Mac and Christine were standing just inside the door. As she looked into her husband's eyes, she hated him no longer.
Collections/LEXtext/MikesCollection/Mike 30 Night Court.txt
Uncle Mike
Blossom: First Date
"Sure, I understand," Nick said into the phone. "No, no hard feelings. Well, nice talking to you." "Shot down again, huh?" His son Anthony came ambling in from the kitchen. "Yeah," Nick said, "and thanks for the sympathy. Hey, are you doing anything Saturday night? Maybe we could rent a video, or..." "Sorry, Dad, no dice. I've got to work." Anthony plopped down in front of the TV as Nick's other son, Joey, came through the front door. "Hey, Joey," Anthony called out. "Dad struck out with some woman again. You busy Saturday night?" "Uh, no," Joey said. "Why?" "To go out with Dad," Anthony explained patiently. "Oh. Uh, I'm busy." "But Joey," Nick broke in. "You just said you were free!" "Uh -- something came up?" Not waiting for the rest, Joey ducked into the kitchen. Just then Nick's daughter, Blossom, came down the stairs. She was about 16, just on the verge of true womanhood. She hid a developing body in an agglomeration of bits and pieces of old clothes, but her growing breasts and slender legs were becoming too noticeable to be hidden. Nick had done the best he could raising her on his own these last few years since the divorce, but secretly he feared he hadn't done enough. Was she ready for adulthood -- and adult relationships? One son was a recovering addict, another was -- not to put it too bluntly -- dumb as a rock. Blossom was his last hope. Luckily, he thought to himself, she never seemed to realize how much hope and concern he had invested in her; she was almost always cheerful, easy-going, ready for anything. "Hi, Dad," she called out, heading for the door. "I gotta..." "Blossom!" he cut in. "Are you..." "Watch out," Anthony interrupted. "Dad got stiffed again. He's..." "Again?" Blossom edged closer to the door. "Look, I've really gotta go..." "Doing anything Saturday night?" Nick finished. "Looking for someone to go out with him," Anthony said. "Out to meet Six," Blossom answered as she slipped out the door. "See ya!"Blossom seemed like a pro at it, he thought; even as he went along with it, he knew she was carefully guiding their conversation, keeping it happy, trying to boost his spirits. She seemed so mature in these surroundings. Maybe, he thought, maybe it was because seeing her outside of the house meant seeing her outside of all the accumulated memories of her childhood. In such an adult setting, he was finally able to see his daughter as an adult -- or, he reminded himself, almost an adult. He tried to tell her that, but the words seemed to trip over themselves and he couldn't get them out right. Trying to make his point, he reached across the table and took her slim hand in his. It started out as just a momentary gesture, but his hand lingered on hers. He felt her downy skin, the pulse beating just below the surface. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, neither spoke. "Ahem." It was the waiter, bringing their main courses. Nick took his hand away, slowly. The conversation lagged as they ate. Halfway through dessert, Blossom suddenly whispered to her father. "Psst. That couple to your right. Don't look now! The ones having the lasagna." Nick lifted his napkin up to his face, using it as a shield while he snuck a peek. A middle-aged couple surrounded by a forest of empty wine bottles and glasses looked away quickly as his eyes caught theirs. "What is it?" he whispered to his daughter. "What are they doing?" Blossom leaned over the table, keeping her voice low. Her young breasts pressed against the top of her dress as she bent forward, and her pendant dangled just above her pasta. "They've been staring at us all night. You know what I think?" She winked. "What?" "I bet they think I'm your date, not your daughter." She smiled. "From the looks on their faces now, I'm almost sure of it!" Nick leaned back, blushing. He was a bit embarrassed, but Blossom seemed to take it as a great joke. "You know," she said as the waiter picked up Nick's credit card, "we could really drive them crazy. You want to?" Nick smirked. This was the Blossom he always knew, the one who loved to pull the leg of stuffy people. With only a passing thought about pulling a practical joke in such a fancy place, he nodded his assent. "What do we do?" "Just follow my lead," she said. The waiter brought the check back then; Nick signed off with a generous tip and rose from the table. Blossom slid out of her side. As she did, her skirt rode up, and a slit opened wide, giving the couple at the next table a clear view of her luscious legs. She tugged on Nick's shoulder as he started to turn for the door. He turned back to her, and Blossom reached up and flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was no father-daughter kiss. She opened her mouth and pressed it to his lips, slipping her tongue inside. He felt her body pressed closely to his, her breasts squashed against his chest, one of her legs wrapped around his. His arms surrounded her, and his hands met on the bare, warm skin of her back. Blossom held the kiss for a full minute, her hands tangling in his hair. At last, they broke their embrace. "Thanks for the dinner, Daddy," Blossom said in a stage whisper as they passed the obviously shocked couple. Nick's mind was awhirl. To his own shock, he realized he now had an erection, his hard cock pressing against his pants. He hastily buttoned up his sports coat, hoping it would cover up the bulge. For a fraction of a second, he had forgotten Blossom was his daughter and had become lost in a passionate kiss with a very lovely young woman. Now, realizing what he had done, Nick was in a daze. Somehow he made his way to the car. As he opened the door for her, Blossom pecked him on the cheek -- a very daughterly thing to do. By the time he'd gotten in on his side, he'd almost convinced himself he was exaggerating what had gone before. He felt his erection subsiding as he slipped his key into the ignition and started up the engine. Then he looked over at his daughter. She was looking out the passenger window, the light from a passing car throwing her into silhouette. Nick smiled at the familiar profile. But then his eyes went down, down to her chest, where he could see her breasts heaving. It wasn't just him, he knew then. And as the car passed and his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he saw the smooth curves of Blossom's silky legs. He closed his eyes briefly. His erection was back. Suppressing his stormy emotions, Nick opened his eyes again and pulled out of the parking spot. "Good food, don't you think?" he said, an artificial brightness making his voice brittle. "Hmm? Oh, yes," Blossom said, still staring out her window. She seemed far away. "Yes, good food," Nick repeated. They didn't say another word while they drove across town to the theater, got their tickets, and settled into a back row in the crowded screening room. The lights dimmed, but it took a few minutes, while the trailers zipped past, for the audience to quiet down. The theater was hushed by the time the feature was underway. It was a romance -- Blossom had picked it out, of course -- filled with lingering moments and tight embraces. Nick became aware, little by little, of a subtle scent of roses. He bent closer to Blossom -- yes, it was her perfume. She noticed the movement and bent toward him, resting her head on his shoulder. Nick watched as the light from the screen cast a flickering halo around Blossom's long brown hair. Each strand seemed to catch the light a different way, lending a sultry sheen to her appearance. A man from further down the row bumped past then. "Excuse me! Pardon me!" Nick and Blossom settled back into their seats after he passed. On the screen, it grew cold and wintry as the lovers struggled to make a go of it. The sound of the wind rushing through the cracks in their hovel seemed to fill the theater, and soon everyone in the audience was shivering along with the actors. Nick put his arm around Blossom's shoulder and drew her close. She burrowed into his side. He felt his heart thump loudly and was amazed that everyone else in the theater didn't turn around and tell him to shush. Nick's hand was resting on Blossom's bare arm. Then she shifted slightly, and his hand slipped in between her arm and her side. Instinctively, he flexed his fingers and felt her warm flesh give a little. The feeling was familiar. His eyes staring straight ahead, Nick realized with a thud that he was groping his daughter's breast. His cock grew harder, and he squirmed a bit. Blossom made no move to get away. It seemed to Nick that his hand didn't belong to him anymore. Without conscious direction, it followed the sensuous curve of Blossom's firm mound. His fingers moved slowly, tenderly across the velvet. A prickle of electricity shot up Nick's arm as they strayed off the material and onto her skin in the deep valley between her breasts. Her pendant slipped over his fingers as they explored further. "Sorry! Coming through!" The man from down the aisle worked his way back past them, a huge tub of popcorn and a vat of soda clutched to his body. This time when he passed, Nick and Blossom remained linked. Nick's cock was rock-hard now, squeezed so tightly by his slacks that the pain was intense. Suddenly, he felt the pressure ease. As he looked down, a small, pale hand was unzipping his fly. Nick licked his lips. A small voice within him continued to tell him it was wrong. But the memory of his daughter's hot, burning kiss was stronger. As the lopsided battle went on with his conscience, Blossom spread apart the flap of his briefs and tugged his dick free. Nick sighed at the relief as his massive erection sprang out. While he tenderly caressed Blossom's breasts, his young daughter grasped his shaft and began to rub. Slowly, at first. He felt her fingers slide over the wide helmet and down the rod, tugging slightly at the dry skin stretched tight by his hard-on. Soon, though, a few drops of pre-cum oozed out of the tip, and she rubbed them down, lubricating his shaft as she began to speed up her ministrations. She was using only her thumb and forefinger to circle his cock. Nick bent down and whispered in her ear. "Use your whole hand, sweetheart. Oh, yes, like that. Honey, you know I love you. You're making your father very happy now. Oh, sweetheart!" Blossom, her head still buried in his side, murmured back, "Is it really good, Dad? Am I doing it all right?" "You're doing it perfect, Blossom," Nick cooed. "Just ... just ... oohhhhhhhh!" Two spurts, then a third, and the cum boiled out of him, erupting out the tip of his cock and flowing down over Blossom's hand. She continued to rub until he pushed her hand away. Taking his arm from her side, Nick reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, offering it to his daughter. But Blossom lifted her head and looked directly into his eyes. Then she put her hand to her mouth, the hand glistening with Nick's cum, and licked the fingers clean, one by one. After she had finished, Nick bent down and kissed her. The taste of his own salty cum in his daughter's mouth was incredibly erotic, and his cock began to stiffen slightly. Just then, the credits began to roll, and the house lights came up slowly. Nick stuffed his cock back into his pants and zipped them hastily. Nick weaved slightly as they walked out to the parking lot; he felt unsteady and uncertain and very confused. Blossom clung closely to him, but the crowd was everywhere, and it wasn't until they were both in the car that he felt it safe to talk. "Blossom..." he began. "Dad...""She did as well. They both smiled. "You first," she said at last. Nick began by looking at her, but found it easier to turn away and stare out the windshield. He took a deep breath. "Blossom, I -- I'm sorry for what happened in there. I let things get out of control. It's my fault. I -- Can you forgive me? Can you ever forgive me?" Blossom put a hand on his arm. Nick flinched. "Dad, it's not your fault. You can't help what happened. It was me. I -- I don't know. Maybe I got caught up in the movie. All I know is that I love you and ..." "I love you, too, Blossom. But you know we can't..." "I know!" Nick could hear her sobbing quietly, but Nick still kept his eyes straight ahead. His fingers were curled so tightly around the steering wheel that the knuckles were a ghostly white. "It's wrong." Even to Nick, his words sounded cold and flat. "It's just wrong. Blossom, I'm your father. I should know better. But when I saw you tonight, so beautiful, so -- so sexy, I -- NO! No, I can't do that! I can't say that! There's no excuse!" His head fell onto the steering wheel. "Oh, God, what have I done?" "Dad?" Blossom put her arm around him. "Dad, I -- maybe I wanted something to happen. I knew what this dress was like. And in the restaurant -- well, you know. I have to admit I've wondered for a long time what it would be like to kiss you like that. I've never kissed a boy like that -- well, except for one, once, but that was just to see what it was like. And it wasn't -- like it was with you. "So it's my fault, Dad. Oh, please, don't hate me!" "Hate you?" Nick turned toward her. He saw the tracks of her tears running down her smooth cheeks. "Honey, I love you. I really do. I always -- always ..." Nick bent forward. The words were still dying on his lips when he kissed the tears from her cheeks. But then he went on, to her mouth. Their tongues met. A flame rose high within him. His arms wrapped around her, pressing her against his chest. He felt her heartbeat pounding madly. Eagerly, hungrily they kissed. All hesitation and doubt had left him. There was room for just one emotion in his mind, and that was a deep, abiding, erotic love for this nubile goddess in his arms. Their embrace lasted long after the other cars had left the lot. Finally they broke it off. With trembling hands, Nick put the car into gear and drove off. What now, he thought? Now that I am madly in love with my own daughter? It was Blossom who made the next choice. "Turn here," she said softly. "At the light." Nick swung the car to the right. Within a few blocks they had left the bright lights of the main road behind them. He looked around. It had been awhile since he'd been in this part of town, and he wasn't sure where they were heading. The street lights were few and far between now. "There, off to the right. See, between those two posts?" Dimly he made out a rutted path. The headlights picked out a narrow, rugged lane that went into the brush for a hundred feet or so and then stopped in a dark, secluded clearing. He turned to Blossom. "Where are we?" "The kids at school told me about this place," she said quietly. "They use it for -- well, special occasions. I've never been here myself. I guess I never had a special occasion - until now." Blossom's fingertips brushed Nick's neck as she helped him off with his sports coat. The steering wheel jabbed him in the side as he twisted. "Maybe we should ..." Blossom said, motioning with her eyes to the back seat. She and Nick got out on opposite sides of the car. Blossom quickly opened the rear door on her side and slid in. Nick, though, closed the driver's door and then let his body sag against the car's frame. The enormity of what he was about to do seemed to concentrate itself into a roar in his head like a massive wave breaking over the shore. I can't, he told himself. There was a tap at the window. He looked in. Blossom crooked a finger at him. He got in. The young girl slid back to her side of the car. While Nick loosened his tie and undid his belt buckle, Blossom slipped the thin straps of her dress off her shoulder and reached behind her back to pull down the short zipper. Tugging his shirt out of his slacks, Nick found his thoughts hopelessly tangled. In his mind's eye he saw Blossom growing up -- a babe in arms, a little girl taking her first bike ride, a kid singing along with him. But when he looked up he saw something else: a lovely maiden lowering her dress, exposing a pair of exquisite breasts. The thin moonlight rippling through the branches made speckled patterns on her pale skin, revealing now and again the small, dark circles at the peak of each breast, the darker nubbins protruding from them. Nick fumbled off his shoes and socks, then slid off his slacks and briefs. Blossom reached out, her dress still half-on, and caressed his chest. And then she wiggled out of the dress. As it slumped to the floor, she reached down and peeled off her pantyhose. Even in the dim light, Nick could make out the dark patch of hair, the voluptuous swell of her hips. He moved toward her, stretching out on the bench seat. His hand fluttered above her body, tracing out every curve and hollow. They kissed, tenderly, and then he moved down, nuzzling her neck, working his way to Blossom's perfect orbs. With soft, butterfly kisses he surrounded them, until at last he reached the summit. Then greedily he suckled his daughter's nipples, taking them into his mouth, biting gently at their sensitive skin. Blossom moaned, deeply, and writhed beneath him. Nick's hand followed the swoop of her torso down to her thighs. He ran the back of his hand over the soft skin, moving with each pass closer and closer to her virgin treasure. Blossom opened herself to him, spreading her legs apart. Nick savored every second, every touch, every sensation. Never in his life, he thought, had he seen such a perfect body. Never had love and lust mingled so intoxicatingly. His fingers brushed against the crinkly hair of his daughter's pubic mound, and then slid down to her labia. He was delighted to find them already slick. Tenderly he spread them, slipping a finger inside, running it up and down her lubricated slit. "Yesss," Blossom sighed, spreading her legs further apart. Nick explored deeper into his daughter, pressing on until he came to the maidenhead. A frisson of joy reverberated in his head. Still a virgin! For a second some almost dead part of him called out to let her remain so. But this felt so right. His thumb found the little button of her clitoris and Blossom shrieked for a second. Her breath was coming in gulps now as he manipulated her clitoris and extended two fingers into her opening. "I want you," Blossom gasped. "I want you in me now, Daddy!" Nick shifted, rolling over so that his hips rested between hers. He felt the underside of his cock rub against her pubic patch, scratching delicately at the sensitive shaft. "We don't -- we don't have to do anything you don't want to," he whispered to her. "I want you, honey, but if we're going too fast, it's not too late." "No! I want you!" she insisted. "Please, please, put it in me!" Nick let the head of his cock slide down to the hot, wet entrance to his daughter's tunnel. Blossom immediately began to buck up at him. He held back, letting his cock ride up and down the slick folds. He wanted her first time to be as special, as gentle, as perfect as he could make it. Still holding his cock outside her, Nick bent down and kissed Blossom. She kissed him back hard, inflamed with lust. Ever so slightly, ever so cautiously he pressed his cock into her. The hot folds spread apart easily, opening -- blossoming, even -- to accept his engorged rod. With the helmet not quite all the way in, Nick pulled back again. Blossom answered with a quiet growl. "You're teasing me," she protested. "Love isn't something to be rushed, Blossom," Nick told his daughter. "It's like a fine wine. You should approach it slowly. Explore it from every angle. Sip at it lightly, then savor the taste." As he spoke, he again slid his cockhead into her. This time he let the helmet pop all the way in, but held it there. "What if I want to gulp it?" Blossom said. He could hear the smile in her voice. "There will be time for that later," he said. "But now, honey, this might hurt a bit." "I know," she said. "But I'm -- I'm ready." Nick covered her mouth with his as he pressed his cock up to her maidenhead. The thin tissue held. He thrust once, twice, a third time, and then felt it tear away, allowing his cock to slide all the way in. Her vagina was tight, tighter than he'd ever had before. He felt every inch inside her, and it was hard to resist the urge to begin driving his shaft in and out immediately. But Blossom was biting her lip, and a tear or two glistened in the corners of her eyes. She must have sensed his fear. "It wasn't too bad," she whispered. That eased Nick's fears, but he still was afraid to move. After a few moments, Blossom moved her hips under him, urging him on. Still he didn't dare. His daughter put her lips to his ear and whispered softly. "Fuck me, Daddy." With a groan, Nick eased his raging hard-on out of Blossom's cunt and plunged it back in. "Oh, yes!" she cried, her hands clawing at his naked back. "Yes, more!" Nick complied with her request, driving his rod in and out of her no longer virginal tunnel."On each upstroke, he would lift almost completely out, so he could get the delight of feeling her tight lips spread open before his pressure again and again. Fucking his daughter, her hole so tight, but her body so willing, made him feel like a teenager again himself, like he was experiencing his own first fuck. He tried out different rhythms, he wiggled his cock from side to side - though there wasn't much room to maneuver - he even inserted a finger in her anus and felt the pressure of his shaft through her asshole's wall. Through it all, Blossom kept up a running commentary, complimenting his technique, suggesting new angles, screaming her joy. Her mother had been almost silent in bed, especially toward the end; this was a new and wonderful experience for Nick. Blossom's encouragement - especially, he found, the unusual thrill of hearing her use language he never thought she knew - magnified his ecstasy. "Fuck me harder," the young girl moaned. "I want your cock in me all the way. Please, please, push it in! Harder!" With her vaginal secretions easing the way, Nick increased the tempo, faster, faster, pistoning his rod into her eager cunt until he felt a boiling in his loins. "Oh, God, Blossom, I'm gonna cum," he groaned. "I'd better pull out!" "No, no! I'm on the Pill! Put it all in me!" She was a wildcat, scratching at his sides as she bucked furiously. "I want it all!" And then Nick felt the cum explode out of him, a hot jet of jism surging into his daughter. He pressed his mouth to hers as the cum poured out. Blossom kept humping her hips, trying for more and more. Nick's cock quivered under her attack; it had grown so sensitive after the orgasm that every touch was a delicious agony. He pounded his fists into the car's upholstery as his daughter fought to push him into her cunt. At last, Nick's rod began to shrink, until just the tip was still clutched in her vaginal lips. He raised himself on his arms and tried to move away. "Oh, no, you don't," Blossom said with a smirk. She had wrapped her legs around his, holding him in place. "I can't do any more," Nick protested. "That's it!" "Maybe not," Blossom purred as she licked his sweaty neck. "Are you sure?" Nick thought he was, but now his daughter was caressing his shaft with her cunt, bucking up at it in short, sharp movements. To his amazement, his cock began to grow again. A third time in one night? That was a record for him, he knew. But Blossom seemed to take it for granted. God, what a devil he had, Nick thought. Obeying his cock's urgings, he resumed the in-and-out motions, sliding through his daughter's pillowy tunnel. She sighed as she matched him stroke for stroke. It didn't last long this time. Nick's cock quickly grew larger, thicker, pressing against the tight walls. "Oh, God, Dad," Blossom said. "It's even better! Oh, please, please, take it slow. That's it!" Nick played her cunt like a violin, running his bow over the strings of his daughter's cunt. It built and built to a crashing crescendo as again he felt his cum boil up. And this time Blossom joined in his cries. "I'm cumming," she moaned. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stoooooppppp!" As the jism pulsed out of his cock, Nick felt Blossom stiffen and then suddenly release like a spring, and again, and again. Her wild flailing milked every drop of cum from his cock until at last she was still and he slipped his shrunken rod out of her, still cuddling her to him as the sweat cooled their bodies. "Dad?" Blossom whispered in his ear. "Yes, honey?" "I'm free next Saturday."
Collections/LEXtext/MikesCollection/Mike 40 Blossum.txt
Uncle Mike
NEWHART: The Made Maid
"Stephanie, I never said you weren't pretty. I just said that some men prefer, well, different types of women." Joanna grunted as she lifted a sack of potatoes from the car. "You can't expect every man to drool over you." Stephanie continued to sort through the brown grocery bags, searching for the one with lightest load. "And why not, Joanna? You don't really expect me to believe those boys were looking at you in THAT way, do you?" Joanna, a tall, slim woman of about 40, pushed a wisp of hair away from her face with the back of her hand as she leaned against the door of the inn she and her husband ran. As usual, she wore simple clothes -- a bright wool sweater and a pair of brown slacks. The clothes weren't sexy themselves, but the way Joanna filled them out gave them a special appeal. The horizontally striped pattern of the sweater accented the swell of her large breasts, and the curve of the slacks hinted at the long legs and tight ass beneath them. She paused a few moments to get her breath back -- she had made 10 trips back and forth from the car to Stephanie's one -- before turning to the young maid. The irritation in her voice was barely veiled. "Stephanie, why can't you admit that those boys were whistling at me? They were looking right at me. It's not the first time that's ever happened to me, you know." Stephanie faced Joanna, hands on hips. She was shorter and clearly much younger, with a pert, expertly made-up face and a halo of blond hair. The short, cream skirt she wore showed off her perfectly shaped legs, and it was clear from the outline of her white blouse that she was in excellent shape, although her breasts were certainly not as large as the older woman's. Her coral-pink lips were drawn into a pout as she spoke. "I'm sure," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "The bag boys probably want you to have their babies all the time. But I still say the ones who whistled were aiming at me. They must have just been looking at you to figure out if -- oh, I don't know, to figure out if you were my mom or something. Let's face it, Joanna, you're no spring chicken." With an exaggerated sigh, Joanna pushed past the younger girl and picked another bag from the trunk. "Let's just forget it, Stephanie." The maid fished a bag out of the back seat; it contained only potato chips and a loaf of white bread. She trailed Joanna to the back door, waiting while the other woman put down her load of canned goods and opened the screen door. A few minutes later, when they were both busy putting stuff away, Stephanie started up the argument again. "I just think it's time you faced the facts, Joanna," she said. "A girl like me -- beautiful, slim, young, rich -- I can get any man I want. They would be lined up 12 deep at my bedroom door if I didn't make it clear I wasn't interested. Why, you know, that's probably why those boys weren't looking at me! They saw that I was too good for them, so they were afraid to look me in the eye when they whistled." She nodded her head to punctuate the thought. Joanna stretched to put some beans on a top shelf. Over her shoulder, she said, "You can believe what you want, Stephanie. But we both know that a lot of men like a woman with more, well, more development. I've had my share of wolf whistles. With this chest, I have to expect it." She gathered up several boxes of cereal -- pointedly holding them in a basket of her arms, presenting her breasts as if on a platter. "And let's face it, Stephanie. You're young and pretty, but you just don't have the shape that a lot of men want." The young maid's eyes blazed, but she didn't say a word. Turning abruptly on her heel, she stomped out of the kitchen. Joanna called after her to no avail; with a sigh, she finished putting away the groceries herself. Dick Loudon was typing away in his den, writing another epic of home improvement, when he heard a soft tap at the door. Before he could call out, Stephanie slipped inside and shut the door behind her with a click. He looked his question at her over the tops of his half-frame glasses. Stephanie batted her long eyelashes. "Now, Dick, I know you're busy with that writing thing you do, so you just go right ahead. Hee-hee -- that was a joke, wasn't it? Go "write" ahead? Get it?" Dick glared at her. He was a very ordinary man, with thinning grayish hair, an unexceptional body and the perpetual look that said he wasn't sure what was going on but whatever it was he wanted nothing to do with it. His angry looks could be distinguished from his happy ones mostly by counting the number of wrinkles in his forehead. "Stephanie," he said patiently, "I'm in the middle of a chapter here. The grout has just been applied and I have to tell them what to do next or it'll set and there'll be hell to pay. Can this wait until later?" From behind her back, Stephanie flourished a feather duster. "Just doing some cleaning," she said. "Forget I'm even here." With that she set to work. That in itself was enough to make Dick suspicious, but she seemed to be serious about it. He went back to his typewriter. From time to time, in between paragraphs, he looked up to see the maid busily going about her job. Once he saw her reaching high to dust some of the books on a top shelf. As she reached, the hem of her skirt lifted and Dick admired the long, shapely line of her legs; with her standing on tiptoe, the sexy curve of her ankle was emphasized. Another time she reached down to a bottom shelf and Dick looked up just in time to see a very sexy ass waving in his face. He felt a stirring in his crotch that he ignored. The next time he looked up she was nowhere in sight. But for a faint swishing sound behind him, he would have thought Stephanie had left the room. Without another thought for her, Dick went on typing. In a few minutes he became aware of a faint floral smell, a scent he knew from long familiarity was Stephanie's perfume -- a personal blend she had a shop in Paris make up for her, she'd said once. Alerted to her presence, he wasn't startled when she began speaking. "There," she said, "just about finished. And I didn't interrupt your typing, did I?" Dick shook his head, keeping his eyes on the page as he tapped out the end of a sentence. As he poked a finger at the period key, he felt a gentle pressure on his shoulders. "Ooooh, you look very tense," Stephanie cooed. "How about a nice neck massage?" Without turning to look at her, Dick frowned. "What is it, Stephanie?" "What's what, Dick?" "What are you asking for?" "I don't know what you mean." "Stephanie, you haven't dusted this room in six weeks. And you've never given me a neck massage. C-c-c-come to think of it, no one's ever given me -- a little more to the left. That's it." Her probing fingers erased the concern from his mind and Dick closed his eyes and sagged back against the chair. She was very good at his, he noticed; he could feel the tension draining out of him as she rubbed away at his neck and shoulders. "There's a little teensy-weensy knot right here," Stephanie said, rubbing hard at a spot just below his right shoulder blade. "I think I need to get a little closer to it. Do you mind?" As she spoke, her hands slipped around Dick's sides and she unbuttoned his shirt. He leaned forward a bit to help her pull it down, and then settled back again as she went to work on the trouble spot. Her hands felt warm on his flesh as she kneaded away. "Th-th-that's perfect," Dick sighed. Stephanie then began scratching his back with her long nails. Little shivers of delight rolled like waves through his body. He was so lost in pleasure that he didn't really notice when her hands strayed from his back and began tracing a path across his stomach, down to his belt buckle. It was only when Stephanie undid the buckle, simultaneously slipping a hot, wet tongue into his ear, that Dick came to with a start. "St-st-stephanie, wh-wh-what are you doing?" She had undone his pants and slid down the zipper before he could get a grip on the desk's edge and spin himself around. When he had spun halfway around, his feet slammed into the floor, stopping the twist abruptly. Stephanie stood before him almost completely naked, clad only in a lacy white garter belt, sheer white hose and her shiny high heels. Her perky young breasts stood out firm and erect, with the dainty aureoles capped by perfect nipples. Her lips were parted slightly, forming a pout that seemed much sexier than Dick had ever noticed it being before. Before he could say another word, she stepped toward him. "Touch me, Dick," she commanded in a husky whisper. "I want you. I want you now." "You want m-m-m-m-m-me?" "You know I do," she said, and pointed at his crotch. "And you want me, too." He couldn't deny it.His boxers were tented high as his stiff cock strained at the restriction. Dick licked his lips and stared. She seemed too good to be true, all that lush young flesh. It was like a dream. He didn't know what to do first, but Stephanie took his hands in hers and brought them to her breasts. "Do you like my breasts, Dick? Are they big enough for you? They're not too small, are they?" "No! They're -- they're perfect." He squeezed them, thrilling to their firmness. She had the tits of a teenager, and it had been a long time -- well, actually, he'd never felt a teenager's tits. As he groped, Stephanie tugged his shorts down, freeing his cock to wave in the air like a fat flagpole. At her touch he shied away, but she gently placed both hands around his shaft. Her touch was warm and soft; her hands had obviously never done hard labor. Dick felt a few drops of pre-cum ooze out the tip as she caressed his rod. "That's a very nice cock you have, Dick," Stephanie whispered. "I like men with nice, big, hard cocks. Do you know what I like to do when I get one? Do you?" "N-n-no," he stammered out, his eyes still fastened to her chest. "Ooooh, I like to touch it, like this. I like to rub my hands up and down and feel that nice, hard cock rubbing against my fingers. And do you know what else I like to do?" He could only shake his head. "I like to lick that long, stiff cock all over with my hot tongue. And then I like to put that cock in my mouth and suck on it, up and down, until it spurts out cum all over my face." As she talked, Stephanie continued to rub his cock. Dick's hands had fallen back and his eyes were closed as he felt nothing but the sensation of her fingers on his shaft. "Would you like me to do that, Dick? Would you like me to put that hard cock of yours in my little mouth? Would you ..." "Yes!" He couldn't get the words out fast enough. "Yes, yes, oh God, yes!" Stephanie knelt down before him and gently pressed his legs apart. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of his cock before opening her lips and taking him into her mouth. Her lips closed around the shaft, gripping it tightly, while her fingers circled the base and continued to pump. The combination of the sight of her beautiful naked body and the feel of her hot lips on his shaft didn't take long to get to Dick and within minutes he was moaning as white jets of cum shot out of his cock. True to her word, Stephanie swallowed them all, even licking the head of his rod to get the last few drops. Dick felt drained, and he sagged back in his chair. But Stephanie appeared perky as ever, rising to her feet only to plop herself down onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a long, deep kiss on his lips. An orgasm usually left him feeling sleepy, but her kiss quickly revived him. He slipped one arm around her slim waist, letting the other hand fall to her silky bush. She wriggled in delight as his fingers tickled their way to her slit, already moist with secretions. Stephanie's obvious delight in his actions made Dick feel like a kid again -- like the lover he never was. Tenderly, then with more and more passion, he drove his fingers into her slit as her pussy juices coated them. All the while they kissed and suckled each other. "Oh, Dick, that's so good," she whispered in his ear. "Oh, god, do you know what else I want to do now?" Dick had to take a deep breath before he could answer. "Wh-what would that be?" "I want to fuck you," she said simply, and the words sent a jolt through him even more than when her lips had first closed on his cock. "B-b-but I-I-I..." He paused and started again. "I can't d-do it so soon..." "Yes you can," she giggled. To his surprise, Dick realized it was true; he could feel his cock beginning to swell anew. "And I really want to fuck you, Dick. I want that hard cock inside my pussy. I want to ride it so hard! And you're going to make me cum, Dick. I can feel it. You're going to make me cum so hard! Won't that be fun!" With one last long, deep kiss, Stephanie twisted around so that her back was against Dick's chest and his cock was poking up between her legs. She had to stroke it only a little while before it was once again stiff. With Dick holding her tightly around the waist, she lifted herself up and scooched forward, putting her soaking wet pussy lips directly above his shaft. In one long, slow, fluid movement she lowered herself and buried his cock in her up to the hilt. Dick pressed his mouth to her neck to muffle his scream of ecstasy as he felt her tight cunt walls enfold his rod. "Ooooh, it's as good as I thought it would be," Stephanie cooed, while she wiggled around on the stiff cock. She began to pump away at it, bathing it in her secretions, squeezing it with her pussy lips. Guttural grunts escaped Dick's lips as his hands reached up to squeeze her pert breasts. Stephanie bent her head around to plant a wet kiss on his face. "Do you like this, Dick? Am I doing OK?" "Perfect," he managed to get out. "Perfect. Just -- perfect." It was almost too much effort to speak, now; he wanted to concentrate only the incredible sensations. Stephanie's body felt as light as a feather on his lap, but her cunt's attack on his cock was strong and determined. He had never imagined their stuck-up maid could be such a sexual being. She was a goddess and he was worshiping eagerly at the temple of her body, driving his cock into her as a sacrifice to her beauty. Or at least that was one of the mental images flooding his lust-crazed mind as they continued to rut away with abandon, the desk chair squeaking beneath them. "You're doing it, Dick," Stephanie said with a gasp. "Oh, god, you really are! You're going to make me cum! I can feel it! I can feel it! I can aaaaaaauuuuggghhhh!" Stephanie's flailing orgasm brought on his own, and another surge of cum shot out of his cock, this time filling the girl's hot pussy and oozing out the sides to mingle with her own gush of fluids, pouring down his cock and onto the seat. With his last reserves of strength Dick drove his faltering cock into her cunt once, twice, a third time, squeezing the last bit of jism from it before his rod shriveled and his muscles gave out. Just a few seconds later Stephanie rose off of him and briskly slipped her clothes back onto her sweaty body. Dick sat in a rapidly cooling puddle of their fluids, too exhausted to move. "We-we-we've got to clean this up," he called out weakly as Stephanie moved toward the door. "What if Joanna ..." "Sorry, Dick, it's my lunch hour now," the young girl said saucily, closing the door behind her.On her way to the door Stephanie intercepted Dick climbing up from the basement. "Come on," Stephanie said, slipping a hand around his back. "You can drive me into town." "Oh, but I have to ..." "Don't worry, Joanna won't mind! Will you, Joanna?" Stephanie smirked toward the desk, where the older woman was standing stock still, her mouth half open. "See? Joanna doesn't mind. Oh, and say, Joanna, if Michael calls, be a love and tell him I'll be back in a couple of hours, won't you?" The door slammed behind her just as Joanna thought of the perfect comeback. She almost spat it out anyway, but the phone's insistent ring interrupted her train of thought. "Stratford Inn, how may -- oh, hello, Michael. Yes, Stephanie said to tell you ..." She paused briefly and glanced at the door to Dick's den. "Ah, that is, Stephanie said to tell you to come right over. Don't waste any time, she said. That's right. Well, we'll see you soon, Michael." For the next several minutes, Joanna busied herself around the inn, shifting things back and forth, tidying up here and there. She placed a few quilts on the floor in front of the fireplace and started a roaring fire. She was just getting to her feet and wiping a smudge or two of ash off her hands when the front door swung open. She rushed through the door to the lobby. "Hi-ho, Jojo! Where's my little snugglepuss?" Michael was a young, impeccably dressed man with the air of a small boy playing dress-up. Joanna composed her face into a look of chagrin. "Oh, Michael, I'm sorry, Stephanie had to go to town. She won't be back for at least an hour." Michael's face fell. "But, Jojo, she asked me to come right over. I had to leave just as the Professor was setting up his radio. Now I'll never know if Gilligan got off the island!" In her mind, Joanna grimaced. Michael was such a little boy. But a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. She advanced on him, cooing her apology. Michael seemed near tears. Joanna put a hand around his shoulder and led him into the dining room. "I'm sure Stephanie just forgot all about you," she said, turning her face so he couldn't see her smirk. "You know how she is. I wouldn't let it get you down, Michael." "But, Joanna, she SAID she'd meet me!" Joanna turned toward him again. Her hand applied gentle pressure, bending his head down onto her ample chest. "There, there, Michael. Don't worry." The fire cast a warm glow on them as she nudged him toward the quilts spread on the floor. Michael was clutching her around the waist, shuffling his feet along with her. As they came to a halt, Joanna released her pressure on his head and spoke. "Michael, I..." He picked his head up to look at her. She quivered her lips as she gazed deeply into his red-rimmed eyes. "I..." Joanna pressed her lips to Michael's. At first it was a gentle kiss. Then she pressed harder, opening her mouth and forcing her tongue into his. Michael seemed paralyzed at first, but soon he responded, holding her closer, returning her smothering kiss. When they broke their embrace, Joanna was feeling a bit flushed in spite of herself, but Michael looked completely flustered. "Holy Mrs. Robinson, Joanna," he sputtered. "If my little love-bug had caught us -- or the Dickster!" Joanna's voice was soft and low. "They're in town, Michael, and they're not coming back for a long time. No one's going to catch us. We can do whatever we want. So what do you want to do, Michael?" He babbled in reply. Joanna took the bottom of her sweater in both hands and pulled it over her head in one fluid move. As she tossed it aside, her large breasts cradled in a silky white bra jiggled slightly. "Do you want to touch my breasts, Michael? They're not too big, are they?" She reached behind and undid the clasp. As the bra fell away, the tits sagged slightly but still stood out, with large dark aureoles capped by thick, erect nipples. Joanna was a bit surprised by her own horniness. "Wow!" Michael reached out a hand, tentatively. It tremored as it neared her flesh. "Mega-bongos, Joanna. I've never, uh, had anything like those." "But don't you prefer smaller breasts? Aren't mine a bit, well, much?" "Negatory, Jojo. They're perfect! Who'd want some skimpy chick when they could have a shelf like yours!" His hand brushed against her breast. Joanna held her breath, hoping her plan worked. Michael rubbed the back of his fingers lightly against her skin for a few seconds, but soon both his hands were groping her large tits. Before long he had bent to take them into his mouth, one by one, licking and suckling like a baby. Joanna flung back her head, closed her eyes and reveled in his passion. The young man's slightly clumsy moves made her feel a little like a cradle robber, but that wasn't all bad; it felt curiously sexy to be seducing somewhat who wasn't much more than a boy. She could feel her crotch beginning to warm and moisten, and she made a slight change in her plans. While Michael was occupied with her breasts, Joanna quietly slipped her slacks and panties to the floor and kicked off her low-heeled shoes. When she pushed the young man away from her chest, he let out a loud gasp as he saw her naked body. "You're as pretty as a centerfold," he managed to get out. "Where have you been hiding that sexy body, Joanna?" "Oh, Michael," Joanna said, smiling to herself, "do you really like it? It's not quite what you're used to..." "Not by a mile, Jojo! It's way better. It's like -- like -- like the difference between day-old Ripple and four-year-old Chardonnay. You're prime vintage. Wow!" Joanna pressed her arms to her side in a little private hug. This was working out even better than she'd hoped. Her hands traced paths across her flat stomach to the auburn patch of hair between her legs; she saw Michael's eyes following them. "Aren't you a little overdressed?" She saw his eyes bounced back and forth between her crotch and her face several times. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, I guess," Michael said, blushing. He tossed aside his designer wear with far more abandon than Joanna had ever seen him treat his clothes. He really is hot for me, she told herself. Michael was, as she feared, a bit scrawny. But, she saw with approval, at least one part of him was well-developed. His cock was already stiff and stood out at least seven inches. Joanna licked her lips and almost dove on it, but held herself back. She was in the driver's seat, and she was determined not to give it up. She spread her legs apart and brushed her fingers through her bush and down to her pussy lips, already well-lubricated. As she dipped a finger into her slit, she looked back up at Michael and saw his mouth half-open. She smiled. "Looks good, doesn't it? Wouldn't you like a closer look?" Michael knelt down, his face just inches from the musky cunt. "I'm really, really hot and wet, Michael. My cunt is just aching for someone to put his fingers in me. And his tongue. Do you think..." Before she could finish the sentence, the young man pressed two fingers into her slit as Joanna withdrew her own. Further talk was unnecessary as he pushed his fingers deeper into her cunt and her juices flowed lavishly. Joanna caressed her tits, sighing deeply as she felt her pussy respond to Michael's movements. Her breath came in short, sharp gasps when he bent forward and put his mouth to her hole. It had been so long! He was not an expert, but she gently corrected him, holding his head away when he became too rough, pressing him to her when he faltered. She felt as if her whole body was on fire while he suckled her, his probing tongue slipping between her folds and lapping at her cunt. When his thumb found her clit, the feeling was almost too much to take, and within a minute or two she dissolved into a wild orgasm. When she could speak again, Joanna got to her knees and told Michael to lie down on the quilts. His cock was standing straight up as she crawled over to it and straddled him. She grabbed hold of his shaft and rubbed the tip against her pussy lips, keeping them just out of reach of his frantic bucking. "Not so fast, Michael," she cooed. "You're going to get it, but ..." "Gee whillickers, Joanna, I need you! I'm into total sex craze! I..." "Michael," she said softly. He ignored the interruption. "I need that totally awesome cunt on me! You're like total goddessville, Joanna! You..." "Michael!" "You turn my insides on like a Pop-Tart in a toaster! You..." "Michael, dear," she said in a flat tone. "Shut up." He stopped short. As a reward, Joanna sank down onto his eager cock, taking it deep into her sopping wet cunt. She saw sparks fly and wasn't sure if they were really coming out of the fire or just in her mind. Michael's fat cock was big enough to fill her up; she'd thought no man could do that. On each downstroke she ground her pussy against his groin, thrilling to the feel of his balls slapping against her flesh. More than she had in years, Joanna felt like a sexual being. It was if she'd awakened from a long, deep sleep. She cast aside the last vestiges of her normal demureness as Michael's cock drove in and out of her. "Fuck me," she commanded him. "That's it, slam your cock into me, Michael. Don't hold back! Don't hold anything back. I can take anything you can give me. Drive that big, hard cock into me up to the hilt!" "Joanna," Michael started to say, but she silenced him with a finger to her lips. "Don't talk, you fucking stud," she said. "God damn, this is good. Just fuck my cunt and squeeze my tits. That's all men are good for, anyway. Come on, Michael. Fuck me!"In her own mind, Joanna knew she was putting on an act, at least in part. She had guessed -- oh, how correctly -- that Michael would respond to a harsh mistress. But she also was getting a kick out of ordering him around and talking dirty. As they continued to rut wildly, she tried out every dirty word she knew and a few she made up on the spot. Each time she'd throw one out Michael seemed to add an extra oomph to his humping, until she had to grab hold of his waist to keep from being tossed off. Her tits were bouncing up and down, slapping her chest with each powerful thrust of his hard cock. Just when she began to feel a glow inside, she sensed that Michael too was nearing the edge. She forced him to slow down the pace, taking long, slow rides up and down his cock, until the first small tremor shook her sweaty body. Michael took the cue and drove his cock into her roughly, once, twice, and then a third time deep into her cunt. With a loud groan he let loose a torrent of cum as her own orgasm hit full force. By the time she had ridden out the last wave of passion the logs in the fireplace had burned down to a few glowing embers. She stared at them for a few seconds before her mind snapped into the present. Without hesitation, she rose off of Michael's flagging shaft and gathered up her clothes. The young man, still on the floor, grabbed at her ankle. "Another round, Jojo?" Joanna glanced out the window. "Isn't that our car? Oh, look, yes, there's Stephanie and Dick coming down the road." Michael leaped to his feet and snatched up his slacks, hopping into them one-legged while Joanna giggled. "Better hurry up, Michael," she teased him. "Wouldn't want your snugglepuss to know you've been snuggling some other pussy!" "I, uh, I," he struggled to say as he zipped up his slacks and shoved his arms into his shirt. "Do you..." "You don't have long now," Joanna said, pushing him out of the dining room and across to the front door. He turned back to her as he flung it open, but she didn't even wave; she was holding her sides as she laughed at him. When he'd closed the door behind him, Joanna dressed herself and got to the window in time to see his car peeling out of their driveway just as Dick slowed to turn in. The expression on Stephanie's face was priceless. It didn't take long after Stephanie got a whiff of the quilts in the dining room for her to figure out what had happened. Even if she didn't get the idea right away, the shit-eating grin on Joanna's face would have clued her in. The young woman was furious, but guests started to come in from their daytime activities and there was no way for her to get Joanna alone. It wasn't until the next day, when things quieted down after breakfast and Dick went to the TV station to tape his show, that Stephanie got her chance. Joanna was at the front desk, balancing the inn's accounts, when the maid stormed across the lobby toward her. Their argument was short and loud, but didn't give Stephanie any satisfaction. Joanna had, as she pointed out several times, only given back in kind -- and proved a point about what men wanted, too. Stephanie insisted Joanna's trick had worked only because Michael was easily seduced, but that only allowed Joanna to say that Michael's horniness was the only way Stephanie had landed him. The argument was going nowhere but Stephanie didn't want to give in; she wasn't used to doing that with anyone. It was out of sheer frustration, then, that she blurted it out. "Any man would want me. Why, if I wanted to, I could get the next man through that door to do me!" Joanna, who had been laughing her way through the argument, waited until her chuckles subsided before replying. "You're on," she said. "What?" "You're on. Let's see you do it. Let's see you get the next man through that door to fuck that sorry little pussy of yours." "Joanna, I wasn't serious!" "Chicken?" "I am not!" "Then do it." Stephanie's eyes were blazing, but she was cornered and she knew it. It simply wasn't in her to end a fight with someone else getting the last word. "All right," she said. "I'll do it." The front door swung open just a few seconds later. "Hi," said the scruffy leader of the trio that walked in. "I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl." The two other men, even scruffier and filthier, nodded their greetings. Stephanie's eyes grew wide and round, and she spun around and mouthed the words to Joanna: "I can't do it." The older woman came out from behind the desk and stood next to Stephanie. She said hello to the men, and out of the side of her mouth whispered to the maid. "You promised," she said. "Chicken?" While Stephanie shut her eyes to think, Larry asked Joanna about the chore she'd called them over for. Stephanie's eyes shot open. "You called them? You knew they were coming?" Larry cut in. "You bet, Miss Stephanie. Now where's that ditch that needs digging?" Joanna smiled at Stephanie and turned to the men. "Oh, sorry, Larry, it turns out we didn't need that, after all. But Stephanie needs some help upstairs. Don't you?" Stephanie felt sick, but her natural stubbornness fought back. There was no way she was going to let Joanna get the upper hand. "That's right, boys," she said sweetly. "Could you follow me?" Joanna waited a few minutes after Stephanie had led the filthy trio up the stairs before she tiptoed up herself and knelt before the keyhole to the maid's room. She was surprised to see Stephanie had apparently chosen the brute force approach. The young girl was lying naked and spread-eagled on her bed, directly across from the door. Joanna had a perfect view of her wide-open snatch. It occurred to the older woman that, while Stephanie's body was somewhat skimpy, it had its own charms. It certainly didn't look like it would take much to convince any normal man to strip and fuck, but Stephanie seemed to be having a hard time getting the boys to understand. "Come on, Larry," the maid pleaded. "Do I have to rip your clothes off myself? Look." She pointed to her crotch. "This is my cunt." She rubbed her breasts. "And this is my tit, and this is my other tit. Now let's get to it!" Joanna heard some scuffling noises and then saw the three men stride into her field of view, each stripped naked and sporting medium-sized hard-ons. She was surprised to realize they looked even dirtier with their clothes off, and for a second or two she regretted goading Stephanie into it. Then she remembered what the young girl had done to her husband, and settled in to watch the fun. "One ground rule," Stephanie was saying as Larry knelt to shove his cock into her pussy and the other two opened their mouths to gobble up her tits. "No kissing on the mouth." One of the Darryls whispered something in Larry's ear, and the spokesman paused with his cock just at the opening of Stephanie's cunt. "Darryl wants to know, do you mean him kissing Darryl, or you?" Joanna choked back a laugh as Stephanie shouted "Neither!" Without further talk, the foursome launched into a blistering series of sex acts. As Joanna watched from her vantage point, one after another the men slammed their cocks into the young girl's slit and spewed their cum deep inside her. She refused to suck their dicks, and had to struggle a bit when one of the Darryls tried to shove his shaft up her asshole. Even without that, Stephanie was clearly the worse for wear when it was all over. Her normally perfect hair was a mass of tangles and her makeup was smeared and runny. Joanna stared at the bedraggled sight so intently that she almost didn't realize that it was all over until one of the men backed up against the door as he was putting on his pants. She had to dash into her room and slip behind the door to avoid their eyes as Larry, Darryl and Darryl thumped down the stairs and out of the inn. Just a couple of minutes after that, to Joanna's astonishment, she looked out and saw Stephanie leaving her room -- again looking perfect, hair combed just so, makeup all in place. The older woman stepped out of her room. "Stephanie! How did you do that?" "I just spread my legs and let them come on in, Joanna, what do you think?" Though she looked perfect, there was a slight haziness in Stephanie's voice. "I don't mean that," Joanna said. "I mean how did you clean yourself up so fast?" She sniffed the air. "And you even smell nice! I'd expect you to smell of cum and old, dead animals after what you've been through." Stephanie showed her bright, gleaming teeth. "Oh, Joanna, you poor thing. We Vanderkellens NEVER sweat, and we never give off odors. Really, Joanna, you should know better." Another time, Joanna would have been put off by her vanity, but now it somehow seemed just the right personality to fit her body. She didn't even mind when the maid went on. "And I think I've proved my point, Joanna." "Which was?" "That men prefer a young, perky body like mine. Even men like -- like those three. And don't think I don't know what you did, Joanna -- daring me like that when you knew they were coming over!" Joanna laughed and slipped a hand around Stephanie's shoulder. "You're right, I did set you up. But I'm not so sure you've proved your point. Tell you what, Stephanie, I'll make you another bet." "Another bet? And who will I have to bed this time?" "This time the bet's on me," Joanna said, ignoring the question."I'll bet you that I can seduce the last person in the world you'd ever think would go to bed with me." "The last -- who, Joanna?" "You'll see -- in fact, I'll make sure you do. You hide in the closet in our room, and watch what happens." Shortly thereafter Stephanie was nestled between two of Dick's heavy overcoats, peering through the narrow slit of the closet doors. Joanna, meanwhile, slipped into the bathroom. A few minutes later she emerged. Instead of her old around-the-house clothes, she had on a lacy red peignoir, so sheer as to be almost transparent. Clearly visible underneath were a dark red bra straining to hold in her massive tits and a silky bikini brief -- little more than two small triangles of material with spaghetti-thin strips on the sides. Even without high heels, Joanna's legs looked miles long, and the curves of her body through the misty red garment were lush and inviting. Joanna crawled onto the bed, her breasts hanging down as she faced the closet. "Can you see all right, Stephanie?" The young girl's voice, muffled slightly, called out that she could see just fine but wanted to know when the action would start. "In just a little while," Joanna said. "So what do you think of my outfit? Think it'll work?" Another muffled response. "I can't quite hear you, dear. Why don't you come a little closer? There's no one else here yet." Stephanie's face appeared between the closet doors. "I said, you do look quite attractive in that, Joanna." She frowned slightly. "More than I would have imagined. I think I've been underestimating you a bit." Joanna grinned and stroked her body. "So it's not too bad for an old broad, is it?" "No, not at all!" Stephanie seemed surprised at her own enthusiasm. She started to withdraw back into the closet. "Don't go yet," Joanna said. "Keep me company until -- you know." As she spoke, the older woman slid her long legs around until her feet were dangling over the end of the bed closest to the closet and she was sitting up. She raised her knees up and hugged them to herself. "I don't know, Joanna," Stephanie said, a hint of petulance in her voice. "Just what is going to happen?" The older woman smiled -- a little smile to Stephanie but a big one in her mind. "What do you think? Someone's going to come and make love to me!" Joanna turned sideways, stretching out her long legs. "Someone's going to caress me like this." She slid her hands up and down the smooth skin, from hips to ankles. "And then someone's going to take off my peignoir." She pulled the wispy garment off and let it drop to the floor. Joanna snuck a peek at Stephanie; the young girl had taken a step half out of the closet. "And someone's going to take off my bra." She unhooked the clasp and tossed the bra aside. Her breasts hung down full, the nipples already fully erect. Joanna heard a small gasp from the closet. "And someone will caress my breasts, and lick them, and suck on them." She squeezed her tits with the sides of her arms and then stroked them, drawing her finger in slow circles that ended up on the tip of each nipple. There was a rustling noise in the closet. "Yes, someone will make love to my breasts. Slow, passionate love. And we'll kiss, deep, hot, wet kisses that last for days. And we'll roll around on the bed." Joanna fell onto her back, spreading her legs wide and pointing her crotch toward the closet as she stroked and rubbed herself all over. She heard low moans coming from the young maid. "And then, do you know what, Stephanie? Then I'll slip off my panties, just like this." She rolled the skimpy panties down her legs slowly and kicked them off. Falling again onto her back, Joanna pointed her knees to the ceiling and began to pet her silky bush and finger her already lubricated slit. "And we'll make love. Passionate love. Hard, hot, driving sex." She picked up the tempo of her fingers, slipping them inside her and beginning to push them in and out, faster and faster. "Harder, harder!" Her hips began to bounce up and down in time with her fingers. "Oh, god, Joanna!" Stephanie cried out from the closet. "You're making me so hot! When will it start?" Joanna smiled broadly and slipped her fingers out of her twat. "Very, very soon," she said, getting off the bed and walking over to the closet. When she opened the doors quickly, she caught Stephanie with one hand still buried in her own cunt. "Sooner than you can imagine," Joanna said, quietly now. She reached down and pulled Stephanie's hand up. Staring straight into the young girl's eyes, Joanna took Stephanie's hand up to her lips and began to lick at it. She took each finger into her mouth, sucking at them so hard her cheeks hollowed. "Joanna!" Stephanie's mouth fell open. The older woman brought the young girl's hand down, sliding it over her large breasts and flat stomach, until it was brushing her cunt. Then she took her own hand, still wet with her pussy juices, and pressed it to Stephanie's lips. "Oh, Joanna," Stephanie whispered, and began to lick. Imitating Joanna, she took the older woman's hand in hers and sucked the fingers in one by one. Gently, Joanna pulled her hand away at last and took a step forward. She bent her head down and pressed her lips to Stephanie's, savoring the taste of the mingled fluids. The young girl still was shy at first, but Joanna pressed on, opening her mouth and using her hot tongue to tease Stephanie's lips until they opened to her probing. Before long Stephanie and Joanna were locked in a tight embrace, their mouths crushed together as their hands explored each other's holes. Slowly, step by step, Joanna pulled Stephanie out of the closet and toward the bed. When the backs of her legs brushed against the downy quilt Joanna broke their embrace and sat down, crawling back until her head was against the pillows, opening her legs wide. "Joanna, I never..." Stephanie whispered. The older woman shushed her. "You're a little over dressed," Joanna said with a smile. Even as she spoke, Stephanie was unbuttoning her blouse. Soon her clothes were tumbled in a heap on the floor and the young girl, stark naked, was crawling across the big bed toward Joanna. They kissed again, Stephanie's small, firm breasts rubbing against Joanna's big, pillowy tits, their hands exploring each other's bodies. Then Stephanie slid down and began to kiss and suckle the massive mammaries. Joanna sighed. "Yes," she said, "just like I said. Make love to them, Stephanie. Slow, passionate love." Stephanie took her time, savoring every square inch of Joanna's lushness. Before long the older woman felt herself beginning to melt and she pushed Stephanie down, down, down, until the young girl's mouth was hovering over her cunt. She thrilled at the first touch of Stephanie's wet tongue, sliding along the musky folds. "Oh, god, yes," Joanna moaned, pressing the girl's head down onto her. "Harder, Stephanie, harder!" And then, with a loud, deep groan, Joanna felt her body flood with an incredible orgasm just as the maid's tongue slid between her pussy lips and into her soaking wet tunnel. Stephanie seemed stunned by the immediate reaction and started to pull away, but Joanna closed her thighs around the young girl's head, refusing to let her up. "Don't stop," she insisted, as the tremors of her passion raced up and down her body. Stephanie went back to work, driving her tongue deep into Joanna's womanhood, while a gush of fluids coated her face and soaked into the mattress. Joanna slipped her own hand down to her cunt, rolling her sensitive clit around between her fingers while the maid ministered to her pussy. A second orgasm followed quickly on the first. This one was so violent that Joanna's body was thrown up into the air again and again, and when it ended she was too weak to move. Stephanie slid back up the older woman's sweaty body and planted a few delicate kisses on her lips. Joanna would have been content to just lie there, but she felt an obligation to her young lover. Before long Stephanie was squatting astride the older woman's face, lowering her cunt to an already searching tongue. Even the young girl's musk was flowery, Joanna thought, as she licked the smooth skin on the inside of Stephanie's thighs, working her way closer and closer to the hot, wet center. And then she was inside, her tongue driving between Stephanie's tight folds and plunging into her cunt. Joanna's hands reached up and sought out the firm breasts, squeezing them passionately as she continued to lap up the young girl's juices. In time Joanna felt her strength returning and she began to buck her hips up at the empty air, feeling a longing in her loins. Stephanie turned her head back and saw. She pivoted, keeping her cunt poised above Joanna's probing tongue, and bent down until her breasts hung down onto the older woman's heaving stomach. When Stephanie again put her tongue to Joanna's pussy, the older woman felt an electric shock race through every nerve. The two women buried their tongues in each other, their hands sinking into the soft flesh of their buttocks, pleasuring each other over and over. Feeling her own orgasm near, Joanna slid away from Stephanie's mouth, hoping to prolong the joyful agony a bit longer. Their slick bodies slid easily over each other as they grappled on the bed, the sheets and quilt tangling beneath them, pillows tumbling to the floor. In time they found themselves face to face again, hugging tightly, pressing passionate kisses onto each other's breasts, neck, lips. And then Joanna could stand it no longer.She entwined her legs with Stephanie's and began to hump against the young girl's cunt, desperately shoving her own hot pussy against the maid's crotch. It wasn't enough. Soon they were scissored together, Joanna with her head at the top of the bed, Stephanie's head at its foot, their cunts pressed tightly together. Joanna's fingers sought out and buried themselves in Stephanie's tight twat just as the young girl pressed her fingers into Joanna's opening. By now their moans were echoing off the walls as they drew nearer and nearer to what Joanna was sure would be colossal orgasms. Faster and faster they prodded each other until at last a blaze of white-hot passion burst in Joanna's groin and spread quickly through her entire body. She felt each muscle fiber contract, paralyzing her body, and then let go, and then contract again, a cycle repeated hundreds of times as the seconds flew past. Vaguely she was aware of Stephanie launching into her own orgasm, all flailing legs and whirling arms and loud, shrieking cries. To Joanna's surprise, she found herself joining in the shouts. She had never thought of herself as a screamer before, but she felt loud bellows being wrung from her. So caught up was she in her passion that she didn't hear the door to the room open, and it took several repetitions before she could puzzle out the words of the person who was now standing in the doorway. "Joanna! Stephanie! I heard the screams and I was afraid -- I was -- oh, my!" The speaker began to back out, but Joanna raised a hand, palm out. Then she looked down at Stephanie, who smiled and nodded. Joanna turned her hand around, curling the fingers toward herself in a beckoning gesture. "Come here, George," she said in a husky whisper.
Collections/LEXtext/MikesCollection/Mike 29 Newhart.txt
SPICE GIRLS STORY! - Chapter one: Geri's Story
"Oh shit...Come on, stick it in my ass, stud!" "You too, give me that cock NOW! Fuck me, fill me with cum!" I could easily make out the moans of desire that were filling Emma's hotel room. She was such a nymphomaniac! Some nights on tour, she would have about 20 guys screw her all night long, then come crawling out of her suite, covered in cum, and begging to be eaten out. I love to see her afterwards, with her pussy and thighs covered in thick streams of cum, and more over her lips and mouth. She would be around later, wanting me to lick every last drop from her body, before we fuck each other stupid with some of the dildos and sex toys that we keep. As a band, we are completely sex-mad, and this can easily be seen on a typical tour night, like last Friday. I was getting ready for the arrival of my own 'groupies', who I'd picked up at the gig. It is amazing to see just how desperate those guys are to get their hands on our asses - All I need do is show a bit of tit, and they cave in totally, buying me drinks, food, anything. I just look for the big ones. If a guy can fill me up, I figure he's worth fucking - There is nowhere I would rather be than on all fours, with a cock pumping into every hole I have! And, since joining the Spice Girls, the amount of cock we get has gone off the scale. All the noise next door was getting me really worked up. I was wearing just a tiny pair of red knickers and a bra, but was feeling so hot. My nipples were now standing right up against the tight bra, making it feel like it was going to give way, and I began to feel the all too familiar stickiness in my barely covered pussy. I could hear her panting, and pictured the scene as she gasped for breath under the onslaught of cock she was getting. "Spray my face......that's it.....OH YEAH!......cum some more for me! I need some more spunk....." Lucky cow, I thought, imagining Emma's face getting showered in cream, while pumping some cock up her ass. I looked down, to see a huge wet patch on my bed, where I had begun to masturbate my clit. I was the one that needed the spunk, not Em., but the guys were late. By the time they arrived, I had one tit out, and was wanking furiously, frigging my cunt deeply with 3 fingers of one hand, and playing with my titties with the other. My panties were soaked in juices from my snatch, and as they approached the bed I removed my cum-slicked digits from the panties, and spread my legs out wide in the air, splayed open to display their prize. With all the cum in the fabric, my red G-string did nothing to hide my bright ginger snatch, and my tits were falling all over the place. Very slowly, I rubbed the thick cunt juice over my tits, then licked it off them greedily. I could see the raging boners through their trousers - hand-picked by me, and all at least 10 inches long. "Get your cocks out now, all of you," I whispered, while pulling my tits out from their tight constraints. I turned over on the bed, onto my hands and knees, facing away from them. Cum dripped slowly from my panties to the duvet cover, as I turned to inspect the 8 tools on display. The sight was quite delectable. "Right you - get your dick inside my cunt now. I need some cum. You, with the biggest shaft, get those balls pumping into my butt, and you, come and get the best blow job of your life, before someone else does. I need 3 dicks inside me now!" It was too easy! In seconds, I was full to the brim with about 35 inches of meat, all hammering me to their fat sweaty balls. Even so, I was in total control of all of them. The guy in my ass felt enormous, like he was splitting me open with each thrust and to make things worse, they all thrusted in at once, making me cry out in pleasure with each enormous push. My panties hung loosely from my cunt, ripped and dripping wet, and I could now feel someone squeezing my tits together, and rubbing his cock in between them. All these hands touching and rubbing me produced a massive build up of orgasm, which I tried to hold for as long as possible - but was forced to unleash noisily. "FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!!!!!!!!COME ON STUFF MY CUNT!!" I yelled in a gorgeously fast orgasm. My butthole spasmed and squeezed against the enormous prick inside, and obviously was too much for it: it was visibly shaking, and was about to spray. The guy shouted, then pulled out of my butt to cum all over it. White spunk rained down over my ass and back, and as I turned my head round to see it, he shot the last squirt onto my cheek, which I licked at furiously, just before seeing his successor disappear into my milky white butt cheeks. He made sure that I was not short of a shaft, and kept my cunt beautifully tight by filling my butt with meat. This squeezed the thin barrier between the two sloppy holes until I could almost feel their helmets touching. What a way to fuck - hard and fast. Only thing was, the guys were just so amazed, seeing their pin-up girl screwing the shit out of them, that they couldn't last for long before they had to unload. Next to cum was the guy in my mouth. He stuffed his throbbing shaft deep into me as he came, and the cum shot made me gag and cough. Seeing I was gagging, he withdrew, and creamed my face with long thick spurts of hot jizz. Feeling that wet sticky spraying sperm land, and also looking down below me to see another big black cock absolutely coating my tits from his tit-wank, was enough for me to be cumming like crazy as I pumped my pussy wildly against the meat within its dripping lips. My ginger minge was doused in spunky jizz and pussy juice. Now I was sitting on top of this cock, bouncing up and down on him, as my boobs jiggled and glistened with sperm. I sped up my impaling, until he yelled out a warning of his climax."Oh shit...I'm gonna tank up your cunt full of cum!...let me take it out, please! I wanna see it cum on you!" "Oh no you don't! You're gonna spray my wet snatch 'till it's full. I want to see your cum dripping from me as I take someone else's meat. Just empty your nuts into me now!" I panted back to him. That he did! Once started, he just couldn't stop jerking more and more cum into me, and it had no place left to go, so it began spilling out down his glistening shaft. My ginger hairs were now thick white, and jizz streamed down my thighs. Some guy who had been jacking off added to the mess, as he straddled my tits and let go his load over my face, tits and hair. I tried to catch it in my mouth, but most escaped and dribbled all down my chin. As I lay on the sticky sheets, all the guys stood there, leering at my filthy body, my legs spread wide to allow the cum leaking from my wide-open pussy lips to be seen. "Are you guys just gonna stare, or has one of you got some more for me?" I asked, hoping for one more final assault. Two guys stepped forward, boners still dry, but leaking pre-cum. "I think I've got room for 2 final cumloads. Take your pick which hole you want - they're all pretty loose now," I panted. To call my orifices loose was an understatement in the extreme, as all were spewing out thick cum onto the sheets. "Well, where does Geri want her cum?" one asked, while rubbing my left nipple with the end of his cock. "Geri wants it in her dripping cunt again, and in her face," I replied, reaching one hand down to my cunt to pull its red lips wide open. And so, I was impaled doggy-style, with one cock at either end of me. In my mouth was a very wide black cock, that I had trouble swallowing. Usually, deep throat is no problem, but this was tough: I am said to be the best cock sucker in the band by most of the (lucky) guys that do us all at once, and now I needed all my skills to breathe around the whopping stick as it was rammed home deep into my mouth. I closed my eyes, and so was very surprised to feel the huge balls slapping against my chin, showing that I had sucked it all down. Drool dripped from his balls and shaft, along with cum from my wet lips. It coated his own veiny rod, making it glisten in the light from the bedside lamp that was still on. Meanwhile, my pussy was being stuffed to the hilt. The swollen red pussy lips were stretching hard to accommodate his girth, and my clit was rubbing against his smooth shaft as it slid into me. I knew that I was gonna cum off really soon, but I wanted to have my throat clear by then, so, with one flick of the tongue, I made my face fucker cum. He withdrew his 11-incher from deep inside my throat, and stood ready for the imminent explosion of spunk. I too prepared, opening wide, and sticking my tongue out to catch the flying jizz. One lick of his tip was enough, and I shut my eyes while the cum flew all over me. About 50% landed over my tongue, but he came shitloads, and totally wanked off on me while I was begging him to keep pumping more and more onto me! He withdrew, but the guy in my cunt hadn't seen what had happened. I turned around from our doggy position, so he saw my sperm-covered tits and face grinning and crying out at him for 'more spunk'. "You fucking cum-covered slutty whore!" He yelled. Just seeing my face coated in the white gooey mess was so amazingly sexy, that he came off at the sight of it all. He too had a lot of jizz to give out, and he sprayed the inside walls of my pussy for some 45 seconds as they squelched and squirted out cum in one huge, continuous, massive climax. Every part of me was spattered with white globs of jizz - I was a mess; a slut who had just got her fill; a cum-hungry sex animal! I sat back and licked my face and titties like an animal washing herself clean. Soon after the guys left, Emma and Mel B came in. Both were also covered in sticky cum, and said that there were more guys next door for us to fuck, who were full of jizz - That was obvious from the copious amounts over Em's face, hair, tits and cunt! - she was covered in sperm from head to toe, like me, and I longed to eat all of it off her. "Why don't you stay here, I wanna lick all that cum off you two sluts!" I suggested. Emma stood over me, then dropped to her knees and stuck two fingers into my dripping cunt, swirling them around and coating them in thick spunky slime. Just as Mel sat over my face, I saw Emma licking her fingers clean off the jizz, and rubbing it around her tits. Now Mel's cunt was inches from my sticky face, dripping cum right onto my lips. Her pussy was red and swollen, and it was obvious that it had just been loaded full of one very big cumshot, that was now dribbling over her minge and down her inner thighs. I licked at them slowly, cleaning off all the cum before diving my tongue into her sopping cunt; and I can remember the delicious mixture of cum and pussy juice that greeted me. I sucked and licked at her clit and pussy lips with increasing pace, until her pussy began to pulsate and contract with her orgasm. Mel is one of those girls who gushes when cumming, and sure enough, she began to smear cunt slime all over my face, leaving a thick film of hot, sweet cum that I tasted feverishly, while feeling myself begin to cum, from the fabulous cunt sucking that Em was providing. I was amazed to look down and see that my small ginger bush was clean of cum, as was most of my stomach and cunt lips. Em was lapping it up, with her face buried in my pussy, and covered in my cum stains. Now I was on the verge of cumming, and lost control totally. I wrapped my legs tight around Em's head, and closed my eyes while my orgasm hit me in waves of throbbing pleasure right along the length of my body. "Get me some more cock...I need some more cum!!" I was yelling and screaming out at the top of my voice, and I guess the guys waiting next door heard me, because they came flooding in with their cocks out, staring open-mouthed at the state I was in, with a Spice girl at either end of me and cum everywhere. "Holy Shit!" one cried. "Look at that slut! She's gagging for it - look how wet her cunt is!" It was clear that there was no point trying to resist against a whole group of horny blokes, so all three of us just sat still, with sexy looks on our faces. Emma moved away from my pussy, and began sucking off a few of them. All of a sudden, with nothing said, there were cocks everywhere. As one slid up my ass, another 4 appeared in my face. I took the biggest in my mouth, and two others in my hands, wanking them off into my face. The fourth guy just rubbed his cock over my face and tits while I pumped my ass back and forth along the shaft inside me. I was in heaven - and as a sixth man stuffed my cunt from behind, I came hard around it, and rubbed the two pricks in my hand faster than ever. Just before cumming, they both stepped back slightly, and aimed their throbbing shafts at my big tits. As the cum hit them, it splashed up into my face, and coated my rock-hard nipples in a thick white goo that dripped slowly onto my pumping pussy and my stomach. "Is that all you lot have got?" I cried, rather foolishly. After that, I felt more cum spraying deep inside my ass, and down my legs as the guy in my butt pulled out, to leave spunk all around my asshole. I was cumming again and again, almost in one constant orgasm as I was serviced by all these men at once. Cum dripped from every hole, and all I could hear was the grunts and filthy comments of the men, and my pussy squelching with all the cum inside it. It was such a turn-on, to hear thick cum being squeezed out of my cunt because of the huge hammering cock filling it up. Now I had time to look down, I could see that it was indeed enormous. It looked so nasty, a whopping black prick, glistening with pussy slime, slamming into my white hole in deep thrusts, and forcing more cum out as his balls hit my ginger minge. They too were giant-sized, and looked so swollen with cum, that I couldn't wait for him to spray it over me. As two more cocks filled my sticky hands, the guy in my throat shot a long spurt deep within my throat. I pulled it out, until just the head rested on my tongue, shooting jizz onto the top of my mouth, and my lips. Although my mouth was now full of cum, I did not swallow, and as I moaned and begged for more, cum dripped and roped from the roof of my mouth to the bottom, and linked my lips in strings of white spunk. I saw myself in the mirror, and I looked unbelievably slutty with thick globs on my lips! The guy took a picture of himself cumming in my mouth - a lot of people do, for the souvenir, and to prove to their mates that they DID screw Geri. I'm surprised that none of the press have got hold of them yet. With my mouth full of jizz, I just looked up at the two guys whose cocks were in my hands, and mouthed to them: "Cream me" Seeing my sweet face doused in cum was obviously too much, and they both shot off some more, just to add to the mess that was my face and hair. Never before had I enjoyed being spunked on as much as then - although it has always been a favorite of mine, and something which the others are not so keen on, except for Emma. She and I often hold cumshot parties or competitions, where the sole aim is to get covered in, or to drink the most cum. Of course, she usually wins - but we have a hell of a lot of fun whoever is the victor! Now that I 'only' had the big black guy in my cunt to cope with, I could look around to see Emma getting her own face creamed by one particularly large cock, while Mel was being fucked and sucked on the floor.Altogether, there must have been at least 15 guys there - although most were now spent, laid out on the floor or busy taking photos. However, the guy in my pussy was very far from being spent. We were now in a kind of missionary position, only he was not quite on top of me, but kneeling, with his shaft buried deep. In that position, I could watch as he ploughed into my soaking cunt again and again. I was still cumming continuously, lost in an immense string of orgasms that seemed ceaseless. My cunt pulsed rhythmically around my black stallion's meat; but nothing was going to rush him as he pumped me slowly full of cock to his enormous balls, then withdrew just as slowly. He had now been going for about 40 minutes, and I couldn't take much more: I was absolutely knackered from countless orgasms, but wanted his cum so badly that I kept going, until he finally began to speed up as he neared orgasm. "I haven't cum for four weeks!" He yelled out, as he slipped from my worn-out cunt opening. "You're gonna love this, Geri! I'm gonna cum bucketloads!" "Come on then!.....Let's see it!" I managed to reply, just as I squeezed those beautiful big balls, hard. I felt them grow fast, then they pulsed, a split second before his jizz began to fly - hitting my open cunt lips first, splashing over my clit, then soaking my minge again. He moved up slowly in a line, hitting my stomach, then plastering my tits, before spending the rest on my face. True to his word, he sprayed for about 90 seconds! Each jet of cum lasted for 3-4 seconds, and was under enormous pressure as it flew out onto me. For the last 30 or so seconds, I caught it in my mouth, but couldn't swallow fast enough, so cum spilled down my face once more. Despite this, I must have swallowed about 150ml of his sweet jizz: I mean, this guy was a complete sperm factory! I laughed and giggled madly as shot upon shot rained down on me, and rubbed it around with my free hand. By the end, my face was a solid white, as was my hair and the inside of my mouth. The guy just collapsed in a heap - totally fucked. I too was incredibly tired. I didn't even clean myself up before crashing out asleep after getting gang-banged like the whore I really am. The next morning, I awoke to the sound of people leaving my hotel room. Once everyone was gone, I opened my eyes to see the state I was in. Cum was still all over me, and on the sheets beneath my pussy there was a huge sticky stain. On the floor, I could see the remains of my little red G-string - it was now ripped to shreds, and dripping wet with people's jizz. I swallowed, only to receive a thick mouthful of cum that had coated my mouth all night! Looking to my right, I saw Emma in a similar condition to myself, but still fast asleep. I showered quickly and dressed in a short skirt and tight top - We had a press conference later that day, so I made an effort. Meanwhile, Emma lay there, still dead to the world. I was jealous of her sleep, so decided to play a trick on her for being so lazy. Two room service boys came around to bring in breakfast, and so I told them that they were to wake Em up with their cocks! One was to sneak up to her mouth, the other in her cunt while she lay innocently asleep. She was gonna love it anyway, so it wasn't really a payback, just that I wanted to see her wake up with two boners already inside her. Luckily, she had her mouth wide open, and had so much cum still in her cunt, that the two guys could slide in easily without any trouble. They were rock hard just at the thought of fucking a Spice Girl, and I had trouble holding them back while the other three arrived to watch 'Baby' Spice taking a pounding. The guys were positioned with their cocks just inches from Emma, and then I gave the word for them to go for it. In seconds, Emma had two shafts thrusting away at either end of her perfect body. At first, she didn't seem to even notice, but then her eyes opened wide - the look on her face was hilarious as she realised what was going on! In fact, it was amazing to see how calm she stayed: she just grabbed the meat in her mouth and began to jerk at it, while sucking the tip hard. Cum was pouring from her cunt lips as the other guy stretched them with an early morning porking, cum both from last night, and from her own juices from this morning - as already she was nearly cumming all over his cock. All of us were cheering her on; she just looked at us and smiled as best she could with a dick rammed down her throat. Now the guy in her pussy moved around to fuck her doggy style from behind. He grabbed her tight ass, and began to fuck her really hard and deep with big long thrusts. "Oh you big bastard!" She cried out. "I'M CUMMING.........OH YEAH, FUCK ME HARDER! SHOOT YOUR CUM UP MY CUNT! SSSSHHHHIIIITTTT!!!" As Emma came like mad over this guy's tool, she sucked even harder on the other one, until he yanked it out and completely creamed her in the face, shooting hot fresh breakfast spunk over the orgasmic Emma, who had been asleep not 10 minutes previously! Just as she finished licking the cum off her lips, her cunt was filled with more. The guy's cock was visibly jerking into her dripping slit, and as he withdrew, a final shot splashed on her clit noisily, then dripped down to the sheets in thick strands. Emma lay down again, licking her lips at the guys provocatively. Everyone was cheering "That's the way to start your day! Way to go Em!!", stuff like that. She smiled back a huge, cum-covered grin at us, before falling straight back to sleep! The two room service lads pulled away, and left the room hurriedly. Emma had just made their year - not that she knew that as she lay sprawled out on the bed with cum dripping from her cunt lips and clit. And so that is the way we live. For us, being famous is about enjoying life - and we enjoy being fucked; getting crammed full of meat as often as possible and giving men (and women) the fuck of a lifetime in the process. Who knows what's about to happen next, so we live life for today, while we're still young, famous, and very fuckable!
Chapter 1: Geri's Story
Gregory Fairbanks
Leia in her Cell
"And now, your Highness, we shall discuss the location of your hidden rebel base," Vader intoned, as the sinister form of the interrogator droid slid into Leia's cell. "You wouldn't use that on me!" Leia said, eyeing the intimidating droid as it hovered in the air before her. "You underestimate me, princess. I am capable of many things you think me incapable." The droid's incessant, rhythmic thrumming grew louder. One of the two guards in the cell with Vader and his daughter shot the other a look. Their names were Bor and Cendal, and they were both low-ranking imperial disposables. A detention block assignment under Moff Tarkin was about the most boring duty around, since he had a regular tendency to kill his prisoners, making incarceration quite irregular. The princess was a different case, however. Her status made outright murder unacceptable, so she was referred to their detention block. Both had taken double watches since then so they could gape at her in her cell, peep when she was showering, and watch her while she dressed. She'd been in the cell for three days, and they had seen all of her. But neither had had a chance for any hands-on duty. So when Bor shot Cendal that look, Cendal knew they had been chosen for the right guard shift at the right time. Cendal looked Leia in the eyes from behind the interrogator droid and licked his lips. She glowered in return. The thrumming of the machine was growing more incessant in Leia's head. She was building up her resolve, hoping that she could fight off the drugs that they would use on her by sheer force of will. She found soon, though, that her breathing was matching the rhythm of the machine and that she was having difficulty concentrating on the task she had set for herself. "I'm sure you will put up quite a fight to the drugs in this droid, princess. And I assure you that the more... primitive methods it is programmed and equipped to employ should the medicinal tactics not render you tractable will be most unpleasant. Most unpleasant." Vader was trying to intimidate her. It wasn't working. What was working was the incessant humming of the droid. Leia felt her eyelids growing heavier and a heat building in her body, a comfortable warmth that made her want to go to sleep. "I will leave you to its tender mercies, princess," he pointed a black gloved finger at her, "If you talk quickly it will be best. The pain will only get worse. Watch her closely. Summon me the moment she breaks." He spoke curtly to Bor and Cendal, and strode out of the cell, his footsteps ringing on the metal grated floor outside. Both of the guards listened to him leave, measuring the distance covered by his footsteps, to make sure he was gone before they proceeded. They could be killed for what they were about to do, but, well, it had been quite a while since they had had any... Bor reached out to the droid as it was about to administer a syringe full of green liquid to the princess, who was looking at the floor and gritting her teeth in expectation of the drug. He flipped a switch and the droid dropped two feet towards the floor, and the lights on its surface dimmed. Leia felt as if a warm blanket had been ripped from her, as the source of her induced comfort was removed. Her nipples hardened visibly and her teeth chattered in the imagined cold. She was wearing a soft gown of thin material that somehow managed to cover her more shapely features without hiding them at all. Exactly the wrong thing to be wearing stuck in a cell with two horny imperial thugs, but she couldn't exactly help that. Instead, she pulled both arms up to her chest to hide her nipples, straining as they were against the cloth. "I've shut the machine down, Highness," Bor said. "W-w-why?" she asked, her eyes slits of suspicion. "In order to give you a choice." Cendal said as he sat down next to her on the bench that served her as a bed. "You see, my partner Bor there has a bit of droid training, and we can program that machine to tell Vader that you resisted it totally, and it gained no information." "I suppose you want something in exchange for your treason, then." Bor smiled as he tinkered with the machine. He adjusted a few switches, turned a few dials, and slipped out one circuit board. Carefully, without allowing Leia to see what he was doing, he snatched a replacement board and a vial of red liquid from his pocket. He placed the new circuit board into the droid and pushed the vial into place within the droid's innards, and then closed the access hatch he'd been working through. He gave Cendal a conspiratorial wink while Leia was looking at Cendal. The syringe emptied and refilled with red liquid. Leia did not notice. Cendal leaned back and placed one hand on the small of Leia's back, "Well, naturally, we'd...." Leia slapped him and stood bolt upright. "You can let the damn droid do its worst, you filthy animals!" Cendal looked a bit disappointed, but Bor not in the slightest. Bor spoke first. "Then you'd best sit back down, Highness, since the droid's going to have to do its grisly work on you. It's too bad though, we'd have liked to have it another way." Cendal stood and turned his back on Leia, a grin creasing his face suddenly as he turned away from her. Bor turned the droid back on, and the black sphere rose back into the air, and the thrumming resumed, but deeper and faster this time. Bor and Cendal left the room. "Did you get it done?" Cendal asked as they slid onto the stools at the watch desk, flipping the monitors to Leia's cell. "Completely. All the way down to the new memory board. The droid thinks it's asking her about the location and size of the rebel fleet, and the planet where the rebels are hiding." Cendal chuckled. Leia scowled in defiance as the two left and lifted her chin to await the first round of drugs. The droid thrummed on as it slid inexorably toward her. She noticed that the thrumming was different this time, more insistent, less comforting. She examined the droid as it floated nearer. It was roughly the size of a derthaball, and it was studded with various implements of pain, which began to twitch as the syringe arm prepared to deliver its cargo. The thrumming was definitely different, Leia noticed. She started to feel the warmth again... but this time... it was... Without warning, the droid stopped suddenly and all the pain devices slipped inside, as if they were not to be used. Leia assumed that they would come back after she defeated the drugs... if she defeated the drugs. She sat there waiting, both hands flat on the metal seat of the bench, her legs slightly parted as she waited for the injection. Then the arm extended. A metal tentacle with a syringe at one end slipped out of the droid's housing and snaked its way towards her neck. "Here it comes," Cendal said, licking his lips again. The thin needle struck. Leia winced in quiet pain as the red liquid disappeared from the glass syringe and into her bloodstream. The thrumming grew louder, and Leia felt suddenly warmer, but it was no longer a comforting warmth. She felt restless, as though she were suddenly hungry. But the hunger was not in her stomach. The drug hit her heart and disseminated into her body. The warmth was a heat now. Her shoulders relaxed, and her legs slipped apart, and Leia's full, soft, lips opened, and she let go a breathy, satisfied sigh. She felt her mind slipping away from her as her nipples hardened again. Her small hands, no longer acting according to her consciousness, rose from the bench to caress her hips, up then to her ribcage, and finally each of the fingers of her two hands slipped over each of her supple breasts. "No..." she thought. "The bastards... the guards did this..." And then her mind was no longer hers. She couldn't remember where she was. She knew who she was, and that she was suddenly very excited. Her hands covered her breasts, sending shocks of pleasure from each nipple as her caressing fingers bumped over them. Up and down, up and down. It felt exquisite. She elbowed the button that extended the bench, and leaned back to take full advantage of her body. Hands still on her chest, she lifted one leg up to the metal slat that she lay on, and let loose another lusty sigh. "She's fantastic," Bor said, watching intently and shifting his position on the stool to relieve the pressure his uniform trousers were placing on him. Cendal was speechless. "Aihh! Ahh!" Leia panted, passing one hand down her body, doing circles over the soft material of her dress as it slid over her flat belly. "Ooooooh," she cooed as she let two of her fingers pinch a nipple. Her other hand had errands of its own. She let it slip down between her thighs to her sex. She rubbed her dampening pussy through the cloth of her gown with a slow, languorous rhythm that matched the still thrumming droid. Leia felt incredible. She was a virgin, and the pleasures that raced through her body now had always felt like guilty ones when she had indulged in them before. With a sudden kick, she threw her right leg up, letting her dress fall down to her hip, revealing the creamy skin beneath.The hand that had been busily rubbing her sex moved over, and she curled her fingers under the hem of her dress, pulling it up to reveal the soft brown bush that covered her cunt. When the dress hem had reached her belly button, she flattened her hand and slid it over the soft skin of her stomach, through the silky curls of her bush, and back down into the depths of heat and pleasure. "Mmmaker, this is good," she was moaning oaths of ecstasy as she pulled the dress over her head and lay naked on the metal bed. The cold metal was an exciting contrast to the heat that had conquered her body, and Leia exulted in the surfeit of sensation accosting her. Her lower hand began moving with a bit of ferocity, and her sensuous shrieks were growing as she reached an orgasm. Through all this, the droid thrummed on. Her upper hand was teasing her painfully erect nipples, tickling and pinching them, rolling them between her thumb and forefinger. Then that hand slowly followed the skin path down to join her other, busier hand. Both hands were between her milky thighs now, one spreading the lips of her sex, the other pinching and rubbing her clitoris as her hips bucked into the air. "Ahhhh! Ah! Ah! Ooh! Oh!" She was totally out of control, screaming in pleasure as an orgasm took her body, nearly lifting it from the bed, shaking it from head to toe and back again, and then finally letting it rest, the pleasure receding to her sex and pooling there, giving her a short respite. Leia caught her breath, but the drug was not ready to release her yet. The heat began to build again, and she had no desire to fight it. Her hands were furiously busy once again, and the two men at the watch station had to reduce the volume on the monitors for fear of...
Nicole Kidman story (NC, hanging, snuff)
"Oh, God, Tom, please don't do this," Nicole whimpered. "So you feel a little bit differently about things, now that your wrists are cuffed behind your back and there's a noose around your throat? I thought you might. But I'm afraid it's too late for that, Nicole. My mind's made up. You're going to hang. What's more, you're going to hang slowly, so you'll have plenty of time to think about what you've done." "But I haven't done anything!" she sobbed. "Don't give me that bullshit. I know perfectly well that you fucked Val Kilmer while you were filming that goddamned Batman movie." "No, Tom! It isn't true! You know I love you!" Nicole protested. "All I know is that you're a slut. I know you've been lying to me for years, and I know you're lying to me now. So go ahead and lie, Nicole. Enjoy it. Because these are the last lies you'll ever tell." Tom sat down in front of a Macintosh computer and took hold of the mouse. There were only three icons on his desktop: the hard drive, the trash can, and something that looked like a drawing of a gallows from a child's "hangman" game. Below the gallows was the phrase "Hang 'Em High 1.0." It was the only software program installed on the computer. This was, after all, a computer with a very specific purpose. Tom double-clicked on the gallows icon. "This program cost me a fortune," he grumbled. "So it had damn well better work." The screen was filled with a black and white cartoon of a beautiful, naked woman dancing on air, a noose tight around her throat. Next to the cartoon were some words: "Hang 'Em High 1.0 Gallows Operation Utility. Requires motorized noose winch and electronic trapdoor release (not included)." "Yeah, yeah, we have all that shit," Tom muttered impatiently. "Tom, please..." Nicole begged. "Shut up, bitch! I'd be more than happy to ball gag you if you don't stop whining. Ah, here we go." The intro screen vanished, and Tom was left with two menus labeled "noose" and "trapdoor." Clicking on "noose," he saw three options: "auto up," "auto down" and "manual." He chose "auto up." A dialog box asked him to specify, in inches, how far he wanted to raise the noose. He paused for a moment. He wanted to keep Nicole's feet on the ground. For this part of the hanging, he wanted her in pain but able to breathe. He took a guess and entered "5," then hit "return." The winch motor hummed. Nicole started to protest, but she was cut short as the rope dug into her throat. Her soft, blue eyes bulged in fear and pain as the noose pulled her up onto her tiptoes. And then she was in the air, hanging freely, her feet kicking and swinging as she strangled. "Damn!" Tom cursed under his breath, and quickly selected "manual." He was presented with an up-arrow and a down-arrow; positioning the pointer over the down-arrow, he clicked and held the mouse button. The motor hummed again, and Nicole returned to the earth. Tom held the mouse button down until Nicole's toes began to brush against the gallows platform. When he released the button, she was perfectly positioned: standing on her tiptoes, she could avoid complete strangulation, but Tom could tell by the look on her face that breathing was difficult and very painful for her. Tom turned now to his "trapdoor" menu. Here he had three options: "manual," "timed" and "random." He hesitated here. He had planned on setting the trapdoor to drop after a certain period of time, but there was something exciting about the "random" option, so he selected that instead. The dialog box read: "%chance of drop each minute." Tom entered "1," because he wanted Nicole to suffer through a nice, long period of partial strangulation before she hanged for real. There was another field which read: "Begin checking after __ minutes." Tom entered "90." That was good. Now Nicole would be held right where she was for at least an hour and a half, and probably much longer. The trap would most likely drop out from under her feet after she had been through three or four hours of agony. Best of all, she wouldn't have any idea when to expect it. Even Tom didn't know when it would happen. Tom took a moment and explained to Nicole what he had done. She was giving most of her attention to the very challenging project of trying to breathe, but something in her eyes told him that she understood. Tom switched on the videocamera and made sure that it was pointing right at his suffering wife. Tom's new girlfriend was deeply into asphyxiation. She loved to play hanging games, and when Tom had told her of his plans for Nicole, she had made him promise to film the session. Tom knew that the video of Nicole's hanging would drive his girlfriend wild; no doubt she would put it on Tom's big-screen TV and fuck his brains out repeatedly as they watched Nicole die over and over, in infinite slow-mo repeat. "So long, Nicole," Tom said. "You were a good lay. Too bad you were such a cunt." Nicole gagged softly. Tom turned and left her hanging, locking the door behind him. Nicole stared at the locked door in pain and disbelief. He was really doing it! Her husband was murdering her! And he didn't even have the decency to grant her a clean, easy death. He had to make sure she suffered first, suffered tremendously. And she WAS suffering. God, it hurt so much, and she had only just begun! From what Tom had told her, she knew that she had hours of this to endure. She didn't see how she could do it. She gazed in horror at the computer which was silently counting the seconds to her eventual doom. What a cold, impersonal thing it was, this electronic hangman! Tom didn't even have the courage to hang her himself; he had to get a machine to do it for him...and another machine to watch it for him, she added to herself, glancing at the camera. He didn't even care about her enough to stay and watch her die. Somehow that made it all hurt even more. She imagined him watching the videotape, enjoying it with his new girlfriend. What would they see? Nicole was a gorgeous young woman; she had no illusions about that, and Tom had dressed her--or undressed her--for her death. Apart from a slip of lacy, black silk, she was entirely naked. The slip had spaghetti straps which plunged to a low neckline, revealing her ample cleavage. Her breasts were round and firm; Tom had always liked them. Nicole's nipples were very hard now, for reasons she didn't quite understand. She imagined that they were poking rather conspicuously through the thin black silk. The slip was quite short; it showed off her smooth, sleek, well-turned legs. It also revealed quite a bit of creamy, white thigh. Nicole decided that she probably looked pretty great in her slip. But she was in agony; what would that do to her appearance? She imagined what her face must look like: eyes bulging out in pain, tongue rolling out of her mouth, tears pouring down her cheeks. She imagined her soft, red hair in a disarray around her face. She listened to the soft, desperate gagging sounds she made as she strangled. Did Tom really think that was sexy? Obviously he did. Nicole tried to understand. There WAS something pretty sexy about being this helpless. And there was a certain familiar rhythm to the way she moved as she struggled; it was actually quite similar to the way her body moved when she was fucking. Suddenly she found herself wishing desperately that Tom would come back. She saw now what he needed, what she had never been able to give him, what had driven him to that other woman. If only he'd come back and save her, she'd play his hanging games with him! He didn't need that other cunt! Nicole would let him hang her every night. He could hang her while she fucked him. But Tom wasn't coming back. There was only Nicole, and the noose, and the computer. And so Nicole suffered. She stood there balanced on her toes, in perfect equilibrium, partly strangled and in tremendous pain, but still able to breathe a little. And the seconds dragged on into minutes. Slowly, very slowly, the minutes became hours. How long had she been up? She had lost all sense of time. There was only a single endless, undifferentiated pain. What did it matter, anyway?Even if she knew how long she had been hanging, she still wouldn't know how long she had left. Only the computer knew that, and it wasn't talking. What had Tom said? A one percent chance every minute? Well, what if that one percent never came up? She could be here all night, caught halfway between life and death, in spectacular, eternal agony. She felt sure that the pain would drive her mad if it went on much longer. She hadn't moved an inch the whole time--at least, she hadn't moved up or down, though she was certainly wiggling her sweet, pale young body. And yet the pain was getting worse all the time. How could that be? She didn't understand why, but each breath was harder than the last; it was a constant struggle to force the air down. Her lungs felt like they were on fire. Such pain! She didn't know how she was able to endure it. Clearly she had greater endurance than she knew. Nicole realized that her body was wearing out; she was simply exhausted. Was it possible that she might just die right here like this, before the trapdoor ever opened? Surely there must be limits to how long a woman could be slow hanged like this, and she must be nearing those limits. Nicole was startled to find herself hoping that the end was near. It was the first time she had actively wished for death. The slim hope that Tom might have a change of heart was gone now. She just wanted the pain to end. Just when she felt as if she couldn't possibly endure another minute of torture, there was a beep from the computer, and Nicole's world fell out from under her. This was it! She was swinging freely, dancing on air; she was well and truly hanged. She felt an overwhelming sense of relief. She was almost free. But she still had some work left to do. The noose was even tighter at her throat now, and it had strangled her completely. She found herself panicking as she realized her breathing was totally cut off. She began to kick desperately. These were her death throes, the last helpless struggles of a dying woman. Her entire body quivered with the tension. She arched her back, thrusting her pert, proud breasts forward. She felt her bladder relax; warm piss trickled down her naked thighs. "Goodbye, Tom," she thought. "I hope you enjoy my death..." And then she relaxed, still and lifeless in the noose.
Uncle Mike
CBS Evening News: And That's the Way It Is
"...and still the fighting goes on." Dan gave the camera his best somber stare until the red light blinked off. Then, as had become his habit recently, he quickly rolled his chair back a few feet. It looked, he hoped, like just a little relaxation between segments. It was, however, really a chance to get a better look at Connie's lovely legs, unfortunately hidden from his view at the anchor desk. It still rankled a little that the bosses had forced a co-anchor on him, and he didn't think much of Connie's journalistic abilities. But he had to admit she was quite a looker. There was enough to look at for three eyes with good stuff left over for a fourth, as folks back home in Texas might say. Connie Chung was one good hunk of woman. She had a perfect face, of course, with that incredibly smooth, ageless skin that seems to be the particular gift of Asian women. And Dan had always loved the Asian look of a thick head of black hair; you wanted to bury yourself in it and not come out 'til winter. She had a very nice body, too -- bigger breasts even than most Occidentals, and a thin waist. But what he admired most were her legs -- legs with perfect curves, legs that went on forever, legs that made you want to climb right in between them and... his eyebrows rose slightly and he pulled them back down as he realized Connie was talking to him. "So then Dave asked me about... I'm sorry, Dan, was I interrupting a thought?" He waved off her apology. "No, I'm sorry, I was just daydreaming. You were saying something about... Dave?" "Letterman, Dan. I was on his show today, remember? And he was asking me about Maury and... and, you know, the baby. Anyway, I was saying that I'll have to watch the show tonight to see what I said. I really don't remember. I must have made some kind of joke, because I do remember Dave laughing. But I can't think of what it was, because inside I was so upset. Just before I went on, I got a call..." The floor director's hand gesture snapped them both back to their places. "... but the president will have the last word, his advisers say." Again Dan slid back. This time he was paying attention as Connie turned toward him. "Where was I? Oh, yes. I had just gotten a call from one of our doctors. The tests were negative again. Poor Maury. He tries so hard, he's gone through so many procedures -- well, we both have, I guess -- but nothing works. And he blames himself. Does that seem fair? It's not his fault that his sperm aren't fast enough or strong enough or just plain enough, is it? How would you feel, Dan? If it were you, I mean?" Dan's eyebrows rose sharply as he searched for an answer. He wasn't used to people asking him about his sperm, especially not sexy co-anchors. Having a woman in the newsroom really was a mixed blessing, he thought. He mumbled something non-committal and sighed inwardly when the floor director's hand signals wig-wagged again. This time Dan barely got out his closing words before Connie started talking again; he was half afraid they'd go out over the air. "If it was your sperm, Dan, how would you feel?" "I... uh... I guess I don't know, Connie. I never really had any problems in that... that area, myself." "No? Not ever?" Dan tried to picture having this conversation with Walter Cronkite, say, or Brokaw, or Safer. Well, maybe with Safer. But probably it wouldn't have given him an erection like the one he now realized was throbbing in his pants. He tried to ignore it and give Connie some kind of answer. "Never. I guess I just got good genes." He flashed a smile. "At least no one's ever complained." "Oh, well, as far as that goes, Maury's very good," Connie said, leaning close and beginning to speak in a whisper. "In bed, I mean. There's no problem with his equipment. It's just his sperm that can't do it." Dan stood up, getting a whiff of her perfume as he did. "Right, well, then. None of that's been a problem for me. Either... area. So, good show tonight, don't you think?" "What? Oh, I guess so." Connie stood up too and followed him off the set. As they entered the hallway to their dressing rooms, she put a hand on his shoulder. He felt his cock twitch. "Dan, could we talk about this a little more? I've got some Cokes and waters in the fridge in my dressing room. I just need someone to talk to. OK?" "All right," Dan said, surprising himself. Now what have I gotten myself into?, he asked himself as he stepped inside. What are we going to talk about next, her periods? Her favorite tampon? He shuddered at the thought. But he sat down on the black leather couch -- noting to himself that he'd only gotten a cloth one; he'd have to talk to his agent about that -- and tried to look interested. After hearing more about how Maury's sperm couldn't beat a one-legged man in a cat-kicking contest, Dan was adding boredom to his discomfort. He tried to cut off her tale of woe. "Look, why don't you just forget all this and adopt a kid? Lots of people do." "I know, but somehow... well, I just want to have the experience of having carried the child myself. Maybe that's selfish..." Darn right, Dan thought to himself. "...but that's just how I feel. And I know what you're going to say next, too: Why didn't we go to a sperm bank? Well, Maury might be willing to do that -- but I'd hate to think what the papers would make of it if they ever found out. And I just don't believe we could keep it a secret. You know how many people recognize us on the street, Dan. Imagine what would happen if I tried to walk into a sperm bank. The stories about how Maury couldn't do his duty. He'd be mortified." In spite of himself, Dan was actually beginning to feel a little sorry for Connie. She was acting like a spoiled brat, insisting that everything work out perfectly. But he saw a few tears running down her smooth cheeks; she really wanted a baby. It was her own fault that she wouldn't try the alternatives, but still, it was a tough break. "Look, Connie," he said, "I don't know what I can do for you. I'm not much good at this kind of talk. But I do want you to know I feel sorry for you. I hope you and Maury can figure a way to have that baby." Connie, whose head had been hanging down as she sat on the edge of her desk, lifted her eyes. "I'm so glad you said that! Do you mean it? Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude. What I mean is, would you be willing to help?" "Help? I don't know what you mean." Connie giggled as she slipped off the desk and took a step toward him. "Oh, sure you do. Come on, Dan, I've seen you looking at my legs. Did you think I wouldn't notice?" Dan blushed through his makeup while his mind raced to catch up. "Don't be embarrassed, Dan," Connie went on. "I appreciate it when a man admires my legs. They are good, aren't they?" She lifted the hem of her skirt almost to her crotch, giving him a full view of the legs encased in sheer black hose. Dan's cock sprang to attention and prodded at his zipper. Down-home metaphors eluded him. He could only stare. Connie let the skirt fall back down as she took another step toward him. "I... I'm not sure how to ask you this, Dan," she said. "But I... I mean we... Maury and I... we really want a baby. And Maury can't help. And he's too proud adopt, and I'm... well, I guess I'm too vain. But we want that baby. And Maury doesn't have to know." Dan felt as if he were in some kind of bizarre movie. As he watched, Connie reached up and began undoing the silver buttons of her white silk blouse. As it fell away from her body, he saw her large, round breasts bulging out of her lacy white bra. He suddenly realized his lips were dry, and he licked them. Connie smiled. "I hoped you'd agree," she said, her voice quieter and even silkier than when she read the news. She slipped out of the blouse, letting it fall to the floor as she unzipped her black skirt. It puddled around her ankles; she stepped out of it and kicked it aside with one of her shiny black high-heeled shoes. Dan looked her up and down. Connie was short, but perfectly proportioned, like some erotic doll. She knelt in front of him and unbuttoned his shirt. He was surprised to look down and see his own hands loosening his tie; he wasn't aware of what they were doing. He watched as his own hands undid his belt and he stood up; Connie pulled his slacks and boxers down. Dan's cock waved in front of that perfect China-doll face, like the snake tempting Eve. His co-anchor -- he pushed the word out of his mind -- this beautiful woman, this goddess kissed the tip of it. He felt an electric spark leap straight to his brain. In all his years of journalism, nothing like this had ever happened. Oh, back in the early years there had been some tawdry women, but they only seduced him in his fantasies.And it had been years since any young woman had shown him anything but admiration or respect. Connie parted her soft red lips slightly as she kissed his cock up and down. She looked up at him, her eyes wide. His nostrils flared. The Asian beauty rose to her feet and pressed her body against his, her firm breasts in their lacy cages rubbing against his chest as she kissed him, hard, their tongues tangling. He fumbled at the catch of her bra; it had been too many years and he was out of practice, but at last he got it free. She stepped back from him then, letting the bra fall. Her breasts were as he had imagined them, lush, full globes capped by large, dark brown circles and erect nipples. She cupped them in her hands, offering them to him. Dan bent down and took them into his mouth one at a time, suckling them like a newborn. "Oh, Dan, yes!" Connie moaned, rubbing her fingers in his hair. And when he had sated himself momentarily, she knelt down again, this time opening her lips wide to take his cock in. He felt it slide past her lips and plunge deep into her mouth as her hot tongue tickled the sensitive underside. "I've never ...
"Oh, man! Will you look at that?" giggled Joe. "Those are great tits! Look at her lick that other girl's pussy!" Brian replied. The Hackett brothers were in their office at Sandpiper Air, watching a lesbian video. They had the doors locked and the lights were out. No one knew they were in there. After about 20 minutes of the video, they had their cocks out and were pumping them. "I wish Helen was in here," Joe said. "Yeah. I could go for a tumble with Alex, too," said Brian. The room was silent except for their breathing, the slick slapping of their hands on their seven-inch cocks, and the moaning coming from the television. They had timed their day so they could watch the video during a lull in flights from the hub at Boston. There wouldn't be any scheduled flights coming in for at least 45 minutes. "Ooooh yeah! Lick me baby! Lick me!" a woman moaned. Veteran porn actress Sharon Mitchell had her knees pulled up to her breasts and was moaning as a young blonde girl fingered her wet hole. It looked like a teacher/cheerleader encounter. The girl's ass was wiggling in the air and her hot pussy was pulsing as she got hornier. Then she leaned over further to lick the older woman's pussy. The girl had come into the classroom to get some homework. After a few peeks up Sharon Mitchell's short skirt, the cheerleader had started putting the move on her teacher, and they were going at it on the desk. The camera zoomed in on the blonde cheerleader's pussy and butthole. "Man, wouldn't you like to pump it into that hole?" hissed Brian as his hand flew up and down his cock. "Yeah. Oh yeah. Either hole looks good," Joe said, equally busy. Suddenly they stopped pumping. Someone was putting a key in the lock! The door opened a crack. Brian grabbed the remote and hit the power on the VCR and TV. They couldn't see the face, but they could tell it was a female form. They could see a glimmer of light against the long blonde hair as the body slipped into the room. They just loved Helen's long blonde hair. "Come over here, boys," a voice whispered huskily. They could feel clothes being thrown at them. Brian got hit with a bra and Joe got hit with panties. Quickly they both stripped and headed for the center of the room. The naked female grasped them by their cocks and began pumping them, gradually lowering them to the floor. Joe lay down on his back. He had brought the clothes with him, so he spread them out on the floor. He lay on them and felt the hot female mouth engulf his cock. The long hair swirled around his thighs as the slick tongue worked on his throbbing boner. "Ahh, yeah. Oh, Helen. That is so great! Mmmmmm, feels sooo nice!" Joe moaned. Then he felt the lithe body move around and lower her pussy onto his cock. It felt like a silk glove. Dimly he could see his brother kneeling over his head, pushing his cock into the hot mouth which had just sucked him a minute before. After a few seconds, Brian pulled out of her mouth and went over to the desk. He got the bottle of lotion that they had been using to jack their cocks. Moving between his brother's knees, he pumped a bit onto her butthole, then squirted some onto his hand, lubing up his cock. He pushed up against the tight hole. There was a bit of resistance, but after the head slipped in, she grunted and wheezed. He pushed all the way in and began thrusting back and forth. "Hhnnnnnnnnnggggggg!" she moaned in ecstasy. "Ohhh, yeah, baby! Fuck me hard!" Joe whispered into her ear. "Such a tight ass, baby! I love fucking your ass!" Brian said, slapping her cheeks. "Oh, man! I'm gonna cum pretty quick! She's doing something with her pussy that's gonna bring me off!" Joe said in a stuttering voice, edged with his hard breathing. "Yeah. Her butthole is doing the same thing," Brian replied. She said nothing but kept thrusting her hips, squeezing and releasing her muscles in order to milk the hot juice from the two cocks. She had never been double-fucked before, and it was wonderful! "Awwwwww, yeah! I'm cumming baby! I'm cumming!" Joe grabbed for her and hugged her close, kissing her as his cock twitched and unloaded what seemed like a gallon of hot cum. Brian was right behind him, squirting and squirting up her tight butt. They lay together for a few minutes, breathing and panting. After a few minutes, Brian got up and stumbled over to the desk. He reached to turn on the desk lamp and heard a yelp. Before she could do anything, the light came on. "Faye? What are you doing?!!!" Faye was laying back on the floor, her legs spread. Cum was dribbling out of her pussy and butthole. She pulled off the wig and grinned. "Welllll. . . I saw your office light go off and I knew what you were doing. I found your video stash the other day and suspected you'd do something like jacking off while you watched them. It didn't take long to put two and two together and come up with an answer I liked. All I had to do was get a wig and put it on. I banked on the fact that you'd both be too worked up to notice I wasn't really Helen," she said, rambling along, idly fingering her pussy and licking her fingers clean of cum and pussy juice and occasionally leaning over to lick the two cocks clean. "Yeah. I shoulda figured when I got it up your ass. Helen would never go for that. I'm surprised she will even touch a guy's cock. But I know better. She's pretty wild, but she like to put on an act like she is a good girl," Brian said. "Well, if Faye is here. . .where's Helen?" asked Joe. "I don't know," Brian and Faye answered together. "Oh, yeah. That's nice. Shake it baby, shake it." Roy Biggins was sitting naked in his living room, scarfing down a big bucket of buttered popcorn, potato chips with dip, Milk Duds, M&Ms, ice cream, and about anything else that was edible. Crumbs were dripping onto his large naked belly, and he used his occasionally free hand to pump his nine-inch cock while Helen danced in front of him. By this time she was naked except for a teeny g-string which barely covered her pubic hair. Her tits were jiggling, and she cupped them in her hands, pulling and lifting them up to pinch her nipples. "Mmmmm, Roy! I can't believe I'm doing this! I don't know what could have possessed me to do it. I really can't believe the size of your cock either! Man, that looks so tasty! I can't wait to dive on it and have it between my legs!" Helen said, her eyes wide. Helen's mind was spinning. What was she doing? She was engaged to be married. More than that, she was a nice girl, not a slut. Well, she liked sex. She fingered her pussy every night at least twice. Okay, so sometimes she used a vibrator. Sometimes two -- one in her butt. But she was really a good girl. Her eyes were locked on Roy's huge cock. She couldn't believe the size of the thing! It was like the end of a baseball bat. Maybe not as big around, but close! She stripped off the g-string and danced over in front of Roy, pulling her pussy lips open and showing the hot, wet pink. Roy couldn't tell if she was a real blonde because there was no hair. Helen was meticulous about shaving her pussy. She had heard other girls say they shaved because they wore bikinis or their boyfriends or husbands thought it looked like a young girl's pussy. Helen didn't know why she shaved. She just liked touching her pussy. She dipped a couple of fingers inside and brought them up to her mouth where she licked them clean. She knelt down between Roy's knees and wrapped her hand around his cock. It was so big that even using two hands failed to cover it all. She began squeezing and pumping, watching it turn purple and bright red. The head was throbbing and pulsing. She leaned over and licked it, swirling her tongue around the head. "Oooooh! I can't wait to get this baby inside me.Roy Biggins, if I had known you carried this hunk of meat between your legs, you could have had me behind the counter every day," Helen said as she jacked his cock. "Go for it, Chappell. Do it. I know what you want, and you know what you want. Go for it!" Helen lowered her mouth, engulfing about six inches before she felt she couldn't take any more. She created a vacuum with her mouth that drew a surprised, pleased gasp from the huge fuckstick's owner. Watching all those blowjob movies really paid off, she realized. There wasn't much action on Nantucket Island, so adult movies and videos were really popular. Helen suddenly pulled off his cock and began laughing. "What's so funny?" Roy demanded. "I was just thinking how good this cock is, and it reminded me of the old poem -- there once was a man from Nantucket." She shrieked with laughter as she jacked his cock, and he laughed along with her. After a minute, he put the tub of popcorn on the end table and held out his hand. She took it, and he led her to the center of the room. He lay down, and she squatted over him, lowering her dripping snatch onto the nine-inch hunk of pleasure. She wailed as she felt the thing invade her cunt, causing ripples of orgasm as it stretched her. "Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh." Her gasps came in staccato-like bursts as she slid down in short bounces. She wanted the cock inside her the whole time, not sliding in and out. When she was on top of a man, she liked to hold fairly still and finger her clit. After about 10 minutes, she pulled off and lay on her back. "Fuck me, Roy. Fuck me with that big hard cock!" Roy knelt between her thighs and lifted her ass so he could easily slide inside her. He grunted as his huge fuck stick pushed into the blonde's tight shaved pussy. She was almost on her shoulders and grunted like a pig as he fucked her along the floor. She had laid down on some silk underwear, and it was sliding along the wood floor, making fucking a bit difficult. "Just a minute, Roy. Oh, ahh. Oh, just a minute! Stop for just one second, please." He pulled out, and Helen flipped around to her hands and knees. She reached between her legs and spread open her pussy lips. Roy grinned and walked forward on his knees until he was between her legs. He pushed his cock in her once again. She growled in pleasure, then gasped as he began his in-and-out movement. She was having an orgasm on almost every stroke. The ridge around the head of his cock was thick and rubbed against her throbbing clit on every thrust. It almost made the top of her head come off. She whipped her head around and moaned. After a few minutes, Roy began pumping faster and faster. Helen was relieved. She didn't know how much longer she could take the sensation of the huge cock making her cum and cum and cum. "YEAHHH!" she shrieked. Roy reached around and put his hand over her mouth as he drilled in to the limit of his nine inches. She was moaning into his hand, and he could feel the blonde's shaved pussy spasming around his cock as he dumped his cum into her. It felt like she was milking a gallon of hot juice from his balls. Helen collapsed on the floor, panting, her tits heaving as her chest rose and fell. She had pinched her nipples almost to the point of rawness as she was getting fucked. A Hackett cock had never done her that good! "Oh, Roy, that was nice," she said as she and Roy leaned against the couch, cuddling in each other's arms. His cock was still fairly stiff. She reached between his legs and began pumping it up and down, milking out the last drops of the salty goo, leaning over and lapping it up with her tongue. Every few licks, she would wrap her lips around the head and make a sharp suck on just the sensitive, tender head. It sent chills through his body. "Yeah, that's it. Oh, Chappell! You're not fooling anyone, you know! You put on that aloof act, that crazy act, but you're really just as hot and horny as any girl. Except for your crazy sister. I didn't see her today. I wonder where she is?" "Mmmmmmm. I don't know. Right now, I don't care. I feel so good, I don't want to know anything." "There it is. Hideaway Beach," Alex said. She piloted the helicopter deftly through the narrow area and down onto the sandy beach. Her expert eyes found a level spot that was sturdy enough to support the bird's weight, then she killed the engines and began shutting down the systems. "Thanks for flying me out here," Casey said. "I've heard rumors about this place and wanted to explore the rocks and diving pools." "Well, it's almost impossible to get here by land. You can boat in, but you stand a better than even chance of wrecking your boat on the rocks. The best way in is by helicopter," Alex replied. Casey helped Alex unload the food and diving supplies. They set up a small tent. They were going to be there until the following afternoon. Casey wanted to do a bit of diving and looking around. Alex had a diving license as well. She decided to stay in order to give Casey a "diving buddy" and to get her out of there in case the weather turned bad. There was not much chance of that according to the weather bureau. The tent was quickly set up, and the supplies were stored. "I'm going for a dive," Casey said. She unzipped her pants and pulled them down. Crossing her arms, she pulled off her t-shirt and unsnapped her bra. Peeling her panties down to her ankles, she stepped out of them and left her naked body completely visible to Alex's open-mouthed stare. She pulled on her bikini. "Oh, sorry," Casey said. "I hope I didn't embarrass you. I just figured that since I'm a girl and you're a girl, I could change without it bothering you." "Oh, no bother at all," Alex said. Taking a cue from Casey, Alex stripped and stood naked for a moment while arranging her bikini, which she then slipped on. She finally adjusted the top around her breasts and picked up her scuba gear. Casey had already put hers on and was heading for the water. They dived and spent close to an hour exploring rock formations. They even found a couple of chests that were rumored to be there. One was empty and had been long since broken open by wave action. The other was fairly well hidden by some rocks. They couldn't open it and had to wait. It was getting dark, and their air was running out. They'd have to refill from the compressor in the chopper and try again in the morning. Alex had grabbed a couple of lobsters on the way back, and they were just about done. The potatoes were tender, and the herbs boiling in the pot smelled good. "C'mon. While this finishes, we've got to do something about all that salt water," Casey said. The girls went over to a nearby waterfall. Casey was naked, but Alex was wearing bikini bottoms, which she removed before getting in the water. They rinsed the salty water out of their hair and off their skin. The water was just a bit chilly, and Alex blushed when she realized she was staring at Casey's hard nipples, especially when their eyes met. Then she realized her own nipples were hard, at least half an inch long, and that Casey was staring, too. They took one last dunk under the plunging water, sputtered, and hurried back to their fire to warm up. It wasn't a particularly cold evening, but the fire felt nice. They ate dinner and sat by the fire, watching it crackle. "Mmmmm, that was pretty tasty, even for just a campfire meal," Casey said. Alex agreed. "Yeah, it's surprising what you can do out in the open. Most people think you need a kitchen for things like this. But we're not finished yet. I have a surprise." Alex walked over to the helicopter and rummaged around in the cargo area. She came back with a canister of some kind. Taking the lid off, she produced a bottle of champagne. "Taa daaaa!" she said. "To celebrate your new-found freedom and liberation!" "You mean my separation?" Casey asked. "Well...yes. Sorry," said Alex. "Oh, no need to apologize. It's just one of those things. Sure I miss him. But I'll get over it. Let's drink that champagne!" As they drank the champagne, they giggled about the Hackett brothers and life at the airport. Alex felt a breeze and shuddered. She started to pull on a long-sleeve light shirt, but her skin was tender from the sun and salt water, and she made a half-silent ouchie sound. "Do you have any lotion?" Casey asked. Alex practically broke her neck getting over to the helicopter and digging the lotion out of the cargo container. She went back over to the fire and stretched out a big towel in front of the tent. The tent blocked most of the breeze and reflected the warmth of the fire back onto them. "This will help a lot," Casey said. Casey looked down at Alex's naked body lying face down on the towel. She knelt down, one leg on each side of Alex's hips, almost sitting on her tight ass. She squirted some lotion in her hand and began rubbing it on the bare shoulders. Alex babbled something incoherent and gave a sigh of pleasure. "I can't believe how turned on I am getting," thought Casey. "I haven't been with another girl since college. I forgot how nice it is." She rubbed her hands up and down Alex's back, pushing her thumbs into the soft skin, easing the tension in the muscles. Alex groaned with delight. She was mumbling words that were inaudible or garbled. The massage felt good. Casey could feel her own pussy start to moisten. She didn't know if Alex would be agreeable to fucking another girl, so she had to proceed carefully and maybe even let Alex make the first move. Of course, she would have to maneuver the situation so Alex wouldn't have any choice but to make the first move. But what if Alex wasn't interested? What if she had never fucked another girl? Casey's paranoid schizophrenic neurotic tendencies surfaced again. She was afraid of another rejection.The few times in college were with girls who had been dumped by their boyfriends and needed some tender loving. Her pussy was sopping by now, and she began slowly moving her hips, rubbing her hot hole on Alex's smooth ass. Her clit brushed against Alex's ass, sending ripples of excitement through her pussy. She had no idea that Alex's pussy was just as wet. "Yeah, just a bit more on my shoulders," Alex murmured. She knew what Casey was doing. She decided to act. "I know what you're up to," Alex said. "Huh?" replied the startled Casey. Alex rolled onto her back with Casey still straddling her. Now they were pussy to pussy. "I know you're trying to get off. You haven't had a man in such a long time and you don't know where to start. I do know where to start. I haven't been with another girl in a long time, but I think we can help each other. Come down here to me." Casey sighed as she settled into the embracing arms of the sexy pilot. Alex kissed her deeply. Their hands ran over each other's body, feeling breasts and thighs. Casey spoke after taking a couple of deep breaths. They were nose-to-nose, eye to eye. They gave each other teeny kisses. Finally, Casey spoke. "Oh, baby. This is so nice. I can't take the foreplay right now. It has been too long since I've had an orgasm by something other than my own fingers. Let's just get right to the intense stuff for now and do the rest later." "Okay, honey," Alex replied. Casey raised up and moved around so that she was facing down over Alex's pussy. Blind with lust, she dove between the open thighs and began licking and sucking. She could feel Alex's tongue wrapping around her clit and let out a whimper. "Mmmm, you're pretty tasty," Alex said. At least as tasty as your sister, she thought. Alex and Helen had been together once. They had been very, very, very, very drunk and barely realized what they were doing. They barely remembered it the next morning and never mentioned it again. So she hadn't lied when she said it had been a long time since she had been with another girl. The time with Helen was a drunken encounter, not a real lovemaking session. Alex did remember that Helen shaved her pussy, and that's why she started doing it herself. "Your shaved pussy looks so neat," squealed Casey. "How did you think of doing it? My husband wanted me to shave, but I never did. It makes you look so sexy. I can see everything, too." Now it was Casey's turn to wrap her tongue around Alex's clit. She put it between her lips and pulled. Alex had an immediate orgasm and dove into Casey's pussy. Their tongues and fingers were flying, bringing intense pleasure to each other's body. "Ohh, yeah! Oh, I'm gonna cum," panted Alex. "Me too, baby. Me too," squealed Casey. They grunted and panted and moaned and whimpered as they pumped themselves to a final orgasm. Alex tensed as her orgasm washed over her and seconds later Casey's body stiffened as her own cum hit her. They relaxed and Casey moved around, crawling up into Alex's arms, kissing her face and neck and ears and cheeks. "Mmmm, baby, sweetheart, darling. That was nice, so nice," Casey said in a whisper. Alex grinned widely. She was glad to see that Casey wasn't embarrassed about what had just happened. She stroked Casey's hair. "Yeah," she whispered back. "Let's do it again sometime."
"Pistoning Engines"
MC Woodsmoke
Hero to Zero
"Momma!" the twelve Muses wailed, "we are sick to death of having to charge all over the damn countryside proclaiming, 'HERCULES IS A HERO!'" "Everyone is singing his praises just as Zeus demanded," said Aoede, the Muse of Song. "I've made sure his heroics have been recorded; history will remember him," Clio, the Muse of History, added. "We've done our jobs, Momma," Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry, the eldest and most serious of the Muses, summed up for all her sisters. "Unfortunately, Zeus doesn't seem to think it's enough. He has ordered us to proclaim this kid every time he saves a kitten or breaks wind. We are sick of it! Okay, he's a HERO already! Get over it!" Mnemosyne listened to the honest and aggrieved complaints of her daughters. Zeus was currently the Supreme Deity in the Pantheon of Olympus, but he wasn't the oldest and wasn't the wisest by far. She had watched the quick and epic rise of Zeus's boy with a bit of chagrin. After all, even if Zeus liked to forget the fact he was a Titan's son, she hadn't. Having his son, Hercules, beat them back after Hades freed them was pushing artistic irony to its limits. The girls had screamed about that too. She could see his manipulative little schemes in the whole wild event. It seemed unfair to her. Zeus never seemed to give his daughters by her, the Muses, the kind of attention and praise he was now raining on this new "Prince of Power." Maybe it was time she threw a little wrench into her nephew and former husband's plans. Shooing her daughters away, she promised them that she would look into their complaints and see what she could do. Already a plan had begun to form. It would allow her to curtail Hercules' heroics, and keep her involvement so hidden that no one, including Zeus, would ever suspect her. Being the Goddess of Memory, it was relatively easy to make sure that others did what you wanted them to but then forgot why they were doing it. She'd already done Zeus one favor by making Hera, his current wife and sister, forget that Hercules wasn't actually her son. The real mother was a human, which made Hercules a demi-god at best. She considered just letting that little secret slip to Hera. Hera would be bound to hate the boy then. With the queen of the gods against him, it wasn't likely that Hercules would need much more than an obituary written about him afterwards. Mnemosyne considered it, but decided that revealing his true origins was a little drastic. She just wanted him disgraced, not dead. Mnemosyne put in a call to Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty. The pretty little ditz would be the perfect pawn. She had an ego the size of Olympus, and Zeus secretly lusted after his little girl's sweet body. His incestuous urges would cloud his judgment. He would never suspect her of thwarting him and plotting against her pure-hearted half-brother Hercules. Even if he did ascertain Venus' part in Hercules' downfall, he wouldn't look any further. Thoughts of punishing Venus, in his own kinky way, would sweep all thoughts of co-conspirators from his lofty little head. Two days later: Hercules had just returned from Sparti. He had been asked to attend and host the new games of Olympus there. It had been a hard journey both to and from the games. Pegasus had been reluctant to leave the Fields of Olympus lately. He was wooing a new herd of mares. This had left his friend to his feet and his thumb. As always, he had many adventures both going and returning. He had saved two villages, one from a Giant and another from a flock of Harpies. On his return trip, he had helped a small village defend itself from a huge mercenary band that had been terrorizing the area. It had been a dangerous battle, and many more villagers would have died if not for the timely help of his new friends, Xena and Gabrielle. He had invited Xena and Gabrielle to visit his home in Thebes and meet his new wife Megara. He hoped she wouldn't mind. He was still feeling his way into this marriage thing. He wasn't confident that he had a clue as to how to be a good husband. Walking up to his palatial home, he could hear Meg arguing with Phil in the back garden. Hercules rushed to find his wife. He had missed her greatly and couldn't wait to hold her in his arms again. Only two things really mattered to Hercules anymore: loving Meg and helping others. He hoped he had been a good husband to his beautiful wife these last two months. It was sometimes difficult to find a balance between his obligations to Meg as a husband and the expectations of the world for him to be a Hero. He knew it irked her when he rushed off to defeat some monster when she had prepared a special meal or surprise for him. It sometimes seemed that he couldn't walk a hundred yards without another villain or monster popping up. He was beginning to suspect his father, Zeus, of throwing obstacles in his path to increase Hercules' fame and thereby increase the glory that Zeus gained as his father. As he led the two ladies towards the sound of Phil and Meg's rising voices, Hercules winced a bit, recognizing their argument. He knew most of it by heart. Phil leaned against a column and addressed Meg with a condescending tone. "I say he needs to train some more. Did you know that he was barely able to throw a five-ton boulder the other day? You're making him soft!" "Listen, Goatman! You can take your Buns of Bronze videos and put them in Tartarus for all I care. I want some time alone with Hercules. You can go spend a week in the countryside chasing Nymphs and grazing really short grass, for all of me. Catch a clue, Phil, he doesn't need any more HERO training! What he needs to do is spend a little more time in Husband training!" Meg leaned all the way over and managed to wave a finger in front of the hairy Satyr's face. Grumbling barely under his breath, Phil said, "Husband training, heh! You already got him by the balls, Babe. What else does the poor schmuck need to be trained to do?" Coming through the main house and out the back, Hercules announced, "Meg, Love, I'm home, and I've brought some friends for a short visit. I hope you don't mind?" Meg rushed to her husband and leapt into his arms. He caught her and drew her into a gentle embrace. Meg could tell that Herc was slightly embarrassed to be so intimate with his new wife in front of the Warrior woman and her companion. *Well, she wasn't going to have that.* With a sexy smile, she said, "Is that a Spartan Spear in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" She covered his confused and then embarrassed face with hers and kissed him soundly. She felt him fight it and then give in to her. He kissed her back with as much passion and desire as she felt for him. He tightened his embrace and lost himself in the sweet feel of her body pressed to his. "Oy Vey!" Phil groused, turning and walking back into the house. "Someone call me when the big Wuss is ready to practice his Multiple Monster Battle Strategy. It's easy to see who wears the short skirt and sandals in this family." Breaking her lip lock with Herc, Meg called after Phil in a resigned tone, "If you really think he's out of shape, then you can have him tomorrow." Admitting it to herself and Phil, she said, "As long as he's going to keep being a Hero, I want you to keep him ready for anything." "If you really need work on MMBS, Hercules, I could give you a few pointers," Xena offered. This just ticked Phil off more, and he stalked into the house. Like most Satyrs, Phil had a basic belief that women were good for one thing. Xena, a heroic warrior woman, seemed like a total oddity to him.His real concern, though, was this idea that Meg had that Hercules was a husband first and a hero second. Walking into the dining area, Phil grumbled to himself, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Believe me, Wifey-Meggy Poo, if I know heroes, and I do, our boy is going to be busy for the next decade or two." He sort of wanted Meg and Herc to be happy, but his job was training the kid, and sometimes the beautiful brunette so entranced the boy that he forgot to duck and weave in a fight. *I still think that if I put some type of blinders on the kid when she was around, we'd get more done,* he thought. In the garden, Hercules set his wife down and began introducing her to Xena and Gabrielle. He related his most recent adventures, which Gabrielle quickly noted down. Meg and Xena hit it off and were soon comparing stories about him that he found totally embarrassing. Rumors about his sexual adventures that each of the women had heard but knew to be untrue were exchanged like recipes. "Well, I heard that he serviced the entire harem of the Prince of Persia, three hundred women in four days," Xena said, trying to keep a straight face. "Yes, I've heard that one, and I got a nasty note from the three-hundredth girl too," Meg laughed. "Did you hear the one about the thirty-foot giant woman of Veska and how she tried to kill my poor husband by using his whole body as a... well... a sexual device?" Gabrielle snorted, and seeing the anguished embarrassment on Hercules' face, she couldn't help pretending that she was seriously writing this all down. "Oh, come on, Meg, you know I didn't do..." Herc tried to stop the fun at his expense. "Now, did she use him head first or feet first?" Gabrielle wanted to know. Sitting down and putting his head in his hands, Hercules looked to the heavens and said, "A hero just doesn't get any respect around here." The ladies continued their discussion, laughing and gaily discussing all of Hercules' rumored strengths, weaknesses, and sexual adventures. Herc just wondered why he had ever thought it was a good idea to let the deadly and opinionated Xena and her friend meet his lovely, brilliant, and opinionated wife. None of them were aware of what was transpiring just yards away in the house. Phil was munching on a basket of grass and having a goblet of wine when a peculiar thing happened. He was gazing at a beautiful sculpture of a woman's hand that some schmuck had given Herc when the kid had saved him from a ravenous pack of man-eating crabs. *It was the worst case of crabs Phil had ever seen.* The sunlight from the garden was reflecting off the delicate white marble hand with a gentle sparkle that seemed, as Phil watched it, to grow and expand. The sparkle became a gauzy cloud of sparkles, and even as Phil was thinking of crying out at this strange occurrence, the cloud resolved itself into the most beautiful naked female he had ever seen. His mind went into overload. He wanted to catalogue her beauty, but it was impossible. Her breasts were perfect. Her hips were exquisite. Her skin was cream and silk. Her face was perfection. Everywhere his eyes traveled, there was another detail that added to the beauty of the whole. He almost passed out. Then she started talking. He quickly realized just how deep a shithole he was in. "Hey, Shorty, like, long time no see." Looking at Phil's stunned expression, she said, "What's the matter, Sweety? Don't you remember your Boss's Mom? All the other little Satyrs, Nymphs, Cherubs, Succubi, Incubi, and other sexual creatures remember Venus. I think it's time you had your memory refreshed. Hmmm?"We were going to call it the mask of Bill Clinton, but that didn't seem as catchy. "Now this is what I want you to do," Venus started to explain her wicked little plan. After listening for a bit, Phil exclaimed, "What are you talking about, Will... I mean, Venus? Jeez, I don't know if I can do that! The kid is my bud!" Phil almost immediately regretted his protest and channeled Gary Coleman. With a wave of her hand and a stamp of her foot, Venus pouted like a child as she transformed Phil again. Looking up from all fours, he could tell that he was a full goat and not only that, a female goat! "Greesius, come here a moment, won't you?" she gestured someone into the room. Phil recoiled in horror at the monstrosity that shambled in at her command. He was human, but just barely. His body was covered with rags, smelly greasy oils, and creams. He was leading four very sick and dejected-looking female goats by a rope. His fat prick was erect and looked like it had been permanently dipped in some evil grease. He gave Phil a covetous leer that promised that he would be happy to add Phil to his personal harem. Phil looked up to Venus in terror and then ducked his eyes to signal that he had reconsidered his options. She was the Boss without question. A second feminine wave returned Phil to his buff new Satyr's body and eliminated all evidence of Greesius. Giving Phil a little hug to tell him that she forgave him for talking back and for being a bad little Satyr, Venus continued with her instructions. Xena had finally turned the discussion away from Hercules' alleged sexual exploits. Gabrielle, eager to make sure that everyone understood that Xena had done wonderful things too, recounted a story of how Xena had once defeated a Naga tribe in the mountains that was stealing babies. "That was amazing, Xena!" Meg said when Gabrielle had finally finished. "I'm sure that you and my husband could exchange heroic stories all night, but first, how about some dinner? I've got a lamb on the spit and some fresh greens." "That sounds wonderful, my Love," Hercules replied as Xena and Gabrielle nodded their agreement. They had all just started to move towards the house when it started. Wafting across the evening breeze, barely audible, a funny little tune, playful and light. It was difficult to hear, so they each stopped and quietly listened. Pipe music, but like none they had ever heard before. Xena, Gabrielle, and Meg all smiled. The music darted and spun like a wild creature, free and uninhibited. Hercules took a deep breath and felt all his cares drifting away. The music increased in volume, and the tune became more lively and daring. Gabrielle put her hand on Xena's arm. "Do you hear it?" Xena screwed up her face, trying to resist the feelings and thoughts dashing wildly about in her mind. "Mustn't... must... I feel... I want..." She felt an almost electrical thrill from where Gabrielle's fingers were touching her skin. "Hercules, my husband," Meg nearly moaned. "Do you hear that sweet music? Dance with me! Hold me! I feel... I want. I, I... have to... I want you!" She pulled him into her embrace and began to sluttishly rub her suddenly aroused body against him. She felt no shame at her wantonness, only a burning desire for sexual release. The music danced through the columns of the garden and seemed to sweep into their minds, like a heady wine. Each of them began to sway in time with the music, releasing themselves from all restraints or propriety. Nothing mattered! They were free! The music enticed them. It stroked their senses and ignited their passions. Gabrielle's hands began to travel restlessly back and forth over Xena's muscular arm. Fire seemed to be burning her fingertips, and it felt wonderful. Grabbing both of the straps that held Xena's leather breastplate in place, she pulled herself up against the Warrior woman until her lips were pressed against the hollow of Xena's throat. She groaned in lusty arousal as she let her tongue taste the skin there. The salty taste of sweat was like no wine she had ever tasted, and she wanted more! Hercules could feel himself losing control. Meg had dropped her dress and was now straddling his hips. Her ample breasts bounced, and her rigid nipples danced before his face. Despite himself, he found the tips of her warm cones between his lips. He groaned as Meg began to toss her head in response to his crude sucking. Her heated words in his ear were lewd and becoming more obscene and demanding by the second. His cock was hard and getting harder. He wanted to stop himself, but the music was everywhere now, stripping away his resistance. It wanted him to give in, to seek pleasure, to find sweet sexual release. Phil walked fully out onto the patio above the garden. He continued to blow into the pipes and was amazed when he saw its effects. Meg and Gabrielle had obviously totally given in to the power of Pan's pipes. Both of the lovely young women were fully naked and moving in a horny haze of lust. Xena was standing still and seemingly trying to fight the effects of the pipes. Gabrielle was not helping her companion as she stripped off the warrior woman's clothing and began kissing and licking anywhere she could reach. Hercules had become a statue. It was taking all his strength of will not to join in the orgy that Meg was desperately begging him to enjoy. Meg was a smart woman, though. If her husband wouldn't participate, she would use him however she could. Unbuckling his leather skirt, she threw it into the bushes. With a wild cry of abandon, she ripped off his clout. This freed his thick cock. Tears of need leaked from her eyes. She wanted to cum so badly. Climbing her young husband like a drowning woman, she screamed with pleasure as she captured the thick knob of his cock in her wetness and fiercely jammed it all the way home. Creamy juices squished and ran down her thighs as she posted on Hercules' prick like a marble dildo. Xena's hands slowly but firmly tried to stop Gabrielle's uninhibited sexual advances. The swirling music was making it almost impossible to restrain her own desires. Gabrielle was sucking her left nipple, and her fingers were sliding down Xena's stomach and into her sex. Xena gasped as Gabrielle's fingers entered her at the same time as she caught sight of the Satyr on the upper patio playing the pipes. Her warrior's instincts told her that here was the real threat. She needed to attack and stop the sound of those... those pipes... and their... their terrible... umm, a good hot fuck would feel so good right now... but no, I must stop that music! Gabrielle switched teats and worked two fingers into her own pussy as she finally succeeded in working a finger into the slickened folds of Xena's sex. She was about to continue her lovemaking when she suddenly felt herself thrust away and landed on her bare butt. "KiiiiiiYiiiiYiiiiYiiiiYiiiiYiiiii!!!" Xena screamed her warrior cry. Running a few steps on shaky legs, she launched herself up into the air. She spun through the air, performing three nearly perfect somersaults. Her plan was to land before the unknown Satyr and smash him into submission before he could react. Phil saw her coming. His new muscular body reacted for him, with a speed and agility he never could have matched before. Even as she was spinning towards him, he gave a mighty blow on the Pipes that would disorient and confuse her. Holding the pipes between his teeth, he continued to blow as he dashed to where Xena was going to land. With a thump, she landed on the grass, her feet spread wide and her fist pulled back and ready to crush Phil's skull. Her eyes were dazed, though, from the proximity of the wildly erotic music. "NOooooooooooOOWOOOWWwwwwwww..." She started to yell but ended up frozen and panting. She realized she had landed much closer to the Satyr than she had planned. He had actually moved so that she was now only inches from his muscular chest and handsome face. Looking down between their bodies, her eyes confirmed what her horrified and befuddled mind had been telling her. The Satyr's thick prick was buried pleasurably in her wet, hot cunt. She made small pathetic motions as if to get off, but that just caused more of his length to pump deliciously into her. Phil couldn't stop now. He blew on the pipes for all he was worth. Xena's fist came forward but missed his head and went around his neck. Her other fist came forward like it was stuck in the air and joined its partner around his neck. Her face fell forward and came to rest, panting, against his neck. With little grunts of pleasure, she surrendered to the effects of Pan's pipes. She didn't care about anything anymore. She just wanted to be fucked until she came. She loved the feel of the Satyr's burning length, spreading her hot folds so wonderfully. Her wetness doubled and then doubled again as she began to hump her ass to increase the wonderful feeling of the meaty stalk trapped in her body. Sparing a glance for Hercules, Phil worried that his godlike powers were making him immune to the effect of Pan's pipes. Gabrielle was lying on her back happily finger-fucking herself, her strawberry blond hair spread like a pillow beneath her head. Megara had fucked herself to two terrific orgasms on her hubby's dick and was now sucking it, while fingering her pussy and ass. Phil didn't like that Herc still hadn't joined in. He was a frozen statue, straining as if chains held him. Meg's lips were sucking at his pole.She had never even dreamed of sucking cock before, but now she was enjoying it incredibly. She twirled her tongue around his glans, enjoying an erotic, slutty thrill. She pumped Herky's dick into her mouth, shivering at the taste of her own juices mixed with the salty, masculine flavor of hot cock. The wonderful music stroked her thoughts again and again, encouraging her to greater and greater acts of lewdness. *Being a depraved, cum-hungry whore was a wonderful thing to be*, the music seemed to sing like light into her mind. Phil decided that before he could attempt to implement Venus' plans, he needed the big Wuss weakened. Xena seemed the perfect weapon to him. Running his hand along his jaw, he collected some of the golden, magical musk there. Grabbing the lust-addled Xena's head by the hair, he pulled her face away from his body to where he could see it. He rubbed his slick fingers under her nose and across her lips. Her eyes lost their glazed look. She was seeing him in a whole new light. She nearly jumped onto him, settling her powerful legs around his goatly hips. Grinding her rock-hard nipples against his hairy chest, she moaned deep in her throat. She began a powerful fucking motion on his prick, taking in a full ten inches of this fifteen-inch length. Xena was in heaven. She desired nothing but to serve and sexually please this wonderful, fucking dream. Nothing mattered but him. She would do anything for him. His scent was all around her, and she found that she loved it. It called to her mind. It made her giddy with joy. She couldn't think of anything but pleasure and obedience to her Satyr god. Phil had a little plan. He hurriedly helped himself to all of Xena's sexual charms. She didn't need it any longer, but he remembered to blow on the pipes occasionally to keep Meg, Hercules, and Gabrielle occupied. Lifting Xena's body up, he slammed his sword-like goat prick deeply into her honey pot. Fucking her to three quick orgasms, he then drew her off his cock and directed her drugged attention to the garden below. "Now, my little warrior slut. I want you to go down there and help Meggie girl. You help her fuck that big ape into next week somewhere! I want him tired. I want him exhausted. I want him so fuck-drunk he can't think." Swatting the Princess on the butt like a child, he sent her to work. Xena skipped, naked and unashamed, down the stairs to the lower garden, with nothing but happiness at her orders. Without a glance for her young friend mauling her pussy and licking her own fingers, she rushed to do as the Satyr had ordered her. She would obey! Nothing would stop her from doing as she had been commanded. The lovely music started again, which just added to her desire to do perverted and sexy things to Hercules. She needed to fuck him, but his wife was in the way. Walking behind Hercules, she aimed a kick at his knees that caused him to collapse to the ground on his back. "Xena, help. Please, no, don't. Meg, you must stop..... I can barely control myself. Try to fight it..... Please!" Hercules' eyes met hers and begged her to help him. His prick had other ideas; it jerked with arousal at the sight of the powerful and aroused, naked body of the warrior woman. She looked at him with curiosity fixed on her face. *Of course she was going to help him! She was going to make sure that he spilled load after load of thick, creamy cum! What more could a man ask for?*. She pushed the horny Meg out of her way. Mounting Herc's smaller, but still impressive cock, she looked to the Satyr for approval as he approached. With a nod, he indicated she should start. Capturing the dazed Meg's face with his hands, he spread more of his sticky, golden musk. Meg's eyes came alive with new desire for this brown-furred goat man. She fell to her knees before him and begged him to fuck her with his mighty prick. Reaching between her legs, she spread her pussy lips. She rubbed her pussy honey around her hole and onto her flexing anus. She would do anything for this Satyr. She couldn't imagine denying him any part of her body. His musky smell was a part of her now. Her pussy was creamy from just imagining him fucking her till she lost her mind. Phil decided to add the final filly to his personal slut herd. Gabrielle was still on her back, her knees up, and fingers squishing in and out of her pink hole. Falling on her, he speared six inches of his prick into her eager cunt. He gathered more musk and massaged it into her face, even letting her suck some from his fingertips. She screamed and orgasmed. She drew his face down to hers and speared her tongue into his mouth. Her hips nearly threw him into the air as she humped herself onto his length. She greedily begged him to take possession of her unworthy body. Words of slutty lewdness rained out of her mouth. She whispered lascivious words of debauchery and lust into his ear as she wrapped her legs around his hips. Promising to be his obedient sex toy forever, she begged him to wash down her cunt with his yummy cum. Phil came. He shot hot cum into Gabrielle's grasping sex. He pulled himself out and shot load after spunky load of jism across her chest and stomach. He hadn't dared hope that things would work out this well. Venus had demanded that he use the women to rape and mind-fuck Herc. It was his own idea to grab some of the hot, wet Nooky for himself. *Hey, a goat-man's gotta do what a goat-man's gotta do*. Hercules came. Grunting and groaning in protest, he tried to contain himself, but Xena's hot, wet sheath just felt too good as it gripped and flowed around his aching prick. He arched his back and lifted Xena straight up into the air. With a mighty groan, he started shooting and couldn't seem to stop. He was totally disgraced by his own lack of willpower. What was even worse was that his godlike recuperative powers were ensuring that he wasn't losing one iota of his erection. Xena's orgasm swept over her like a wave. Mentally, she had let herself go. Physically, she was wallowing in a mire of sensual ecstasy and bestial obedience. She felt every hot jet of Hercules' cum shooting into her. That pleased her because it was what the dark-eyed Satyr had told her to do. Looking towards her master, she cruelly twisted her nipples and resumed her pounding rhythm on Herc's still-stiff prick. *She idly wondered if god-cum had all the fat of regular cum. Good thing I don't care about getting pregnant. I don't think there are enough Trojans in Troy for this little party.* Meg sat down on Hercules' tortured face and ground her enflamed pussy lips and rigid clit onto him. She screamed with pleasure as she ground her nugget against his hard Grecian nose. Creamy juices were leaking down her taut thighs. She gripped her husband's face between her thighs and began pounding her body onto him. The sound of her wet sex slapping his face set up a sexy rhythm. What she really wanted was more of her Satyr god's prick and yummy cum. It angered her that her young, fuckable husband wasn't even trying to please her. "Lick me, you damn bastard!" she cried. "Someone call IX. I. I., I need a real man!" Swimming in a sticky sea of Phil's semen, Gabrielle lost all control. Shoving most of her right hand into her pussy, she used her left hand to lick up all of the creamy sperm she could find. Phil's musk ensured that all of his bodily fluids tasted like the food of the Gods to his enslaved subjects. Gabrielle's eyes rolled up into her head, and with a wail, she passed out from the magical ecstasy she had achieved. Even in her stupor, she felt it as Phil's slimy, hard rod slid in and out of her. Her fingers continued, even in her stupor, to transfer the white globs of his sperm directly from her tits and crotch to her mouth so that she could lovingly swallow them. Xena fucked Hercules' cock like a machine. When Xena was too tired, Meg helped her by fucking Hercules or by stroking him and sucking powerfully on the tip of his slimy cock. Hercules came again and again; each time a little less godlike in his response. Xena's orgasms had become a mind-melting inferno from which she didn't want to be saved. Meg took time out to service her new God. She licked and sucked Phil's cock like a wanton whore with an opium addiction. The five of them entered a period of unrestrained orgy where everyone was fucking everything and anything they could. Gabrielle mounted Hercules and fucked him to four delicious orgasms for her and two for him. While they were busy, Meg and Xena fell into a comfortable sixty-nine; sucking, licking, and fingering each other's every hole. When Gabrielle was done with Hercules, Meg wiped Xena's creamy juice from her lips and straddled her hubby's hips. Lowering her body, she forced Hercules' prick into her ass and fucked him to a slow and delicious cum in her incredibly tight butt. Xena licked and fingered Meg's clit, while her husband's huge shaft spread her virgin sheath. Xena's deft clitoral stimulation ensured that Meg enjoyed every second of her first real Greek sex. Still crying out her ecstasy, Meg finally fell to the side, white goblets of sperm dripping from her stretched ass. Gabrielle rushed forward from where Phil had been holding her upside down, licking her mound and feeding his monster prick into her throat. She mounted Hercules' face, and Xena, after a quick kiss from Phil, returned to Hercules' prick. She took two more loads of his cum in her cunt and another up her ass. Meanwhile, Meg had returned to her knees and taken her first load of Phil's Satyr cum.Still shaking with her orgasms, she scooped it out of her dripping pussy and shared it with the panting and sweat-soaked Xena. Phil kept the party going for nearly three hours. Occasionally, he spread more of his musk on the girls' faces to renew their sexual obedience to him. He would have loved to use the stuff on Hercules, but it didn't work the same on men. Herc would only become incredibly horny and violent. As an added feature, he wouldn't be able to get an erection. He would be an impotent rape machine, but that wasn't what Phil wanted. He used the pipes to keep him aroused and confused. Meg and Xena traded off fucking Hercules. Xena and her recuperative powers took the brunt of the workout. Gabrielle had established herself between Phil's legs, licking his balls, sucking his prick, rimming his ass, offering her wet and horny quim or tight asshole for his pleasure, as he commanded. Phil had decided early in the evening that he liked the innocent and tight young body of Gabrielle best. Checking Hercules' flushed face, Phil finally decided that it was time to do as Venus had ordered him. He sent the naked Gabrielle to collect the Lethe mask from inside the house. He admired her pert buttocks and the flashes of her wet blond bush as she ran up the steps. She returned with the mask and handed it to him with a sexy smile of complete obedience and desire. "Sit here, Gabrielle, and wait your turn," he ordered. "Xena! Meg! You may stop fucking Hercules now. Go and sit with Gabrielle. I'll be back to complete your training in a moment." Looking down, Phil noticed Xena's ring-like weapon, her Chakram. "Xena, I've always wanted to know about these things. I've heard these are giant IUDs, and I've heard they are cock rings for the Minotaur. Any ideas?" The three ladies had formed a daisy chain. Each was busy slurping and licking at her own flower of sex, while her own pussy was given the same treatment. Xena had both hands on Gabrielle's ears and was busy humping her wetness against the younger woman's face. "Fuck it," Phil said as he watched all three women losing control and moaning with multiple orgasms. "The next thing you know, people are going to be accusing her of being some kind of dyke." Phil walked over and looked down on his one-time friend, Hercules. A quick image of Grease's evil, shitty dick and leering face appeared in his mind. He resolved himself to what he had to do. The kid hadn't looked this bad after Hades had taken his powers and let the Titans tap dance on his head. His eyes were glazed. He was totally exhausted. Beaten dogs looked better. The wild music had ensured the kid's desire, and the sexually charmed women had dragged orgasm after orgasm out of his once-powerful body. Phil winced to see that Herc could barely drag breath into his lungs. His body was covered with sticky feminine secretions, mixed with his own Semi-Godlike semen. Hercules saw the powerful Satyr approaching him through the weary slits of his eyes. He tried to examine him, to find some weakness. The obvious finally occurred to him. "PHIL????? Is that you????" he knew now that it was, "but why, Phil? WHY!!!?" "Sorry, kid, but your sister wants you out of the Hero biz. I wish I could help you, but she had me by the balls and every other orifice." Placing the mask over Hercules' confused face, he said, "Bye, kid... It was great while it lasted. I hope you enjoy your new job." Under the mask, Hercules' face underwent a terrible contraction. He tried as best he could to fight the influence of the mask. In the end, though, he was just too exhausted. A huge sigh of surrender escaped his lips, and his face went slack. He didn't react as Phil began to tell him what to forget and what to remember. When Phil finished and took off the mask, he was a new man. He had a new history and a new quest. He was Hercules, son of Zeus and a human woman. He had grown up with his mother and now hated and resented his father. He had tried being a hero, but the benefits sucked. Everybody took, took, and took, and he was the one with the cuts and bruises at the end of the day. He had discovered his true calling, though - SEX! He lived for great sex now. He traveled the land looking for sexual thrills and excitement. Nothing was as important to him as finding new ways and people to fuck. It didn't earn him anyone's respect or gain him much fame, but he didn't care. It was the meaning in his life - the pursuit of the perfect sexual experience. He remembered all of this very clearly. Sitting up, he considered the huge Satyr and the three naked women nearby. "Who are you?" he asked Phil, "and who are those lovely little fuckable party favors over there?" "Oh, nobody important, Herc, you already fucked those girls. I guess that last glass of YingYang berry mead really hit you hard if you don't remember the orgy we just had." "Nope, don't remember a thing," Hercules said, rising. He put on a pair of plain leather pants and a torn cotton shirt that Phil had made sure were laying nearby. The new Hercules didn't look like a Grecian soldier from a Grecian vase. He looked like a common laborer. Once he was dressed, he waved and said, "Well, I've got to be on my way. 'There are girls to screw and cum to spray,' as I always say. Maybe I'll be back this way some day, and we can party again." Hercules trudged off. He didn't look back. There were new sexual adventures awaiting him over the next hill or in the next town. He just knew it. "One down, three to go!" Phil said with a sigh. He had to make sure that Meg never went looking for Hercules. Venus had given him very specific orders for the beautiful brunette. He fingered her rosy pink nipples one last time as he removed the Lethe mask from her face. He washed his musk from her, and she quickly recovered from being in his sexual command. Soon, she was walking away from the house with a pack on her back and her traveling dress on. She had to get to Lesbos as soon as possible. She distinctly remembered falling in love with a poetess who lived there named Sappho. Her fondest wish was to make Sappho her lover. Her memories of her past were full of the awful way that men had treated her. She couldn't wait to reach Sappho's side and embrace and kiss her. She would show her all the joys of female-female sex that she remembered had always been such a joyful and important part of her life. She never wanted anything to do with a man again. Gabrielle and Xena were in an inn that night before they realized that they couldn't remember anything that had happened for the last few days. Gabrielle was washing Xena's back. She was surprised and then secretly pleased when Xena moaned in her arms and fell back against her. Gabrielle let one hand wander to stroke Xena's erect nipples. The other hand seemed to just naturally lower and begin to feel between Xena's powerful legs. Even as the two women were sexually exploring each other, for what they assumed was the first time, Gabrielle had the strangest feeling that if she met a particular man with a certain scent, she would be very strongly attracted to him. Phil had been ordered to send the Warrior Princess and her scribe on their way. Just in case, though, he had put the trigger into Gabrielle that she would sexually and romantically desire him, regardless of his form, if she ever met him again. Hurrying down the path, Phil hoped that it was the one Hercules had taken out of town. He was trying to avoid notice, so he was disguised in a long cloak. Venus had demanded that he follow Herc and ensure that he got started on his new career as a Sexual adventurer. Coming around a corner, he saw Hercules talking to a gray-haired old man. "Oh great! He's going to start his career by buggering some old guy," Phil groused. He rushed up to see what was going on. "Ah, Philosoclies. So good to see you," the old man said. Hercules' eyes were glazed over, and he appeared to be in a deep trance. "Someone appears to have been messing with my son! YOU wouldn't know anything about that, would you!!!!?" Lightning struck the road all around Phil, making him tremble with fear. He quickly began to babble his confession to the father of the gods. "So Venus was behind this, hmmmm!!!" Zeus' eyes lit up with interest. "She had you rewrite his memory so he would stop doing the heroic shit, right?!" "Well, I'll settle with her later. She was right about one thing. It was time to get him out of the big Olive. I want him to be a hero of the people, a Defender of the weak. And this business of him taking a human wife was getting old when I did it." Snapping his fingers, he made the Lethe mask appear in his hand. He slapped it onto Hercules' face and quickly made him forget his new quest and made him remember to be a hero of the people again. He left out his memories of his marriage to Meg and his battle with Hades and the Titans. "Get going, son!" he finally said, clapping Hercules on the back and sending him stumbling away. Zeus turned to Phil, giving the mask in his hand a meaningful look. Fifteen minutes later, a blonde young man with a strange necklace around his neck also went stumbling down the road. His name was Aeolus, and he was an adventurer and skilled fighter. He remembered that he was trying to catch up to some guy named Hercules. He knew of a town that was being threatened by a herd of Centaurs and Amazon women that could use Hercules' might. Much of his past seemed to be a blur, but that didn't bother him. In Olympus that night, Venus went to Zeus as ordered.If you were standing in just the right place, you could hear her punishment. Hera was out on a shopping trip. Mnemosyne heard and remembered it all. "Oh Daddy... Yes, AGAIN, you fucking stud! Fuck me again! Your little girl was so naughty. Fuck me with your big lightning rod... punish me again, Daddy! Give your bad little girl your hot cum. Ooo, like fucking wow!!! Here, let me suck on that magnificent stalk. Mmmmm, mmhh, unnnhhh. Daddy's little baby girl loves her daddy's sugar stick. Hmmm, yes. Lick me, Daddy... lick my sweet pussy. Now fuck me again. Make the world move for me!! Punish your bad little girl!" Mnemosyne thought, "Well, there is always the backup plan."
The Bear
Catwoman - Double Standard
"Waaaooooo," came the howl as yet another orgasm rolled through the bound form on the rack. "That's twelve," thought the woman who sat nearby, enjoying the show. Catwoman smiled at the sound, watching the blonde writhe under the force of the power-cocks locked into her pussy. Playing possum for the girl was easy, and she had easily overpowered her once her hands were free. Spice had obviously never been in prison and didn't know how to handle real prisoners. Catwoman planned to change that. But first, she settled her own need. Working the dildo deep inside herself again, she worked herself to her fifth orgasm of the day. She thought about Batman and started working the shaft with renewed energy. After satisfying herself, Catwoman rose, her fluidity proof of her relaxed satisfaction. Looking herself over, Catwoman groaned inwardly. She was dressed in her black, thigh-high boots, gloves, mask, and G-string. "I look like a character out of one of those adult comic-books," she thought. But there was no help for it. Sugar had taken her own cat-suit, and Spice's clothes were simply too small. Selecting a long bull-whip from the rack, Catwoman set out through the criminal's lair. She wanted Two-Face. She wanted Sugar. She wanted revenge. She would settle for her clothes. Prowling through the halls, silent as a shadow, she listened at every door. At the fifth one, she heard voices. Having already used her "curiosity caught the rat" trick once on these men, she wasted no time on tricks. Grasping her whip in one hand and the doorknob in the other, she stepped into the room, ready for anything. The room was partially dark, lit by a single lamp over the table. Three men looked up from their card game as she entered. "Well, it looks like we get to pet the cat after all," one of them chortled. All three smiled as they rose from the table and moved to flanking positions. They had been beaten by this woman once, but that was one on one, in a darkened room. This was different. Catwoman avoided the first man's lunge easily, planting a knee in his midsection and his skull in the doorframe as he passed. His eyes, and his hands, had both been aimed at her breasts. "What kind of thugs are you?" she asked. "Is Assault with intent to Grope the best you can do?" The next pair of men charged her together, angry at her mocking attitude. Shifting her Kung-Fu stance to the Tiger position, her favorite, she caught the outstretched hand of the thug on her left, yanking him into the path of the other thug and sending them down in a pile. This was too easy. Then, she was in trouble. One of the men snaked a hand out of the pile, grabbing her by the ankle. He pulled, and she staggered as her balance was lost. In seconds, both men had piled onto her, burying her struggling form beneath their own. Catwoman was rolled onto her back, outdone simply because the two men outweighed her. One sat down on her chest, the hardness of his cock clearly detectable through his pants as he struggled to pin her wrists to the floor. The second man was trying to sit on her thrashing legs, but seemed more interested in tearing off her G-string panties. She felt the second man slide a hand under her squirming ass as he tried to drive his thumb into her vagina. The thug felt the naked woman stiffen as he penetrated her with his thumb, and knew that he had her. Her back arched and her legs stretched out and apart as he rasped his calloused skin against her clitoris. Shifting his weight, he lowered his face towards the shaved pussy before him, intent on licking this wildcat into submission. Then his world exploded, suddenly, painfully, as Catwoman's knee struck him in the temple. Catwoman was amazed. Did these men actually believe that a woman turned to jelly the moment anyone touched her clitoris? The man on her legs was still on her legs, but as a soft, dead weight. Twisting like the cat she was named after, she sank her teeth into the wrist of the man on her chest, tasting blood. The man yanked his hand back reflexively, swearing. Driving the heel of her hand into his shoulder, she felt the satisfying crack of a broken collarbone. Her second blow would have ended his life, crushing his windpipe, but she diverted it at the last second, sending him to dreamland. His jaw was probably broken, but he was alive. Congratulating herself on having let the man live, she rolled him and his unfortunate partner off and climbed to her feet. Checking to see that all three were still breathing, she tore their jackets into strips and tied them securely. Two-Face strode into the back bedroom, planning a five-way orgy: Sugar, Spice, Catwoman, and both of him. He expected to find Catwoman climaxed to near mindlessness and looked forward to finishing her off. What he found was something else. Spice lay on the bondage rack, her legs folded back over her head, a leather and steel bikini locked around her pussy. Her head lolled to one side as drool ran down her cheek. She moaned softly, her body still trying to respond to the loudly buzzing shafts buried deep inside her body. Nipple-clamps had been applied, with slender leather thongs pulling her tender tips up towards the ceiling. "Where the hell is she?" the split-psychopath raged, oblivious to the fact that Spice couldn't respond. Grabbing the telephone, he pressed a single button and began to shout into it, "Everybody, everybody! Catwoman has escaped. Find her and bring her to me, double time. The one who catches her gets her." Turning to where Sugar was tending to her delirious sister, Two-Face pulled out his coin and flipped it. Snarling at the result, he stormed out of the room without a word. "Oh God," moaned Spice as the vibrators finally went silent. "I thought he was going to kill me. Now hurry up and get those damned things out of me." Sugar smiled at her sister. "I guess you didn't see the coin," she said sweetly. "It came up bad-heads. He wants you punished." Placing fresh batteries in the double-dong, she continued, "And do you remember what you did to me when you got me locked down last week? Payback time." Spice wailed in despair as she felt herself being penetrated once again. Sugar cinched the leather crotch-strap up to its tightest notch, driving the shafts even deeper into her sister's twin tunnels. "You looked like you had enough at level 8," she cooed softly as she fingered the control. "Let's see how you do on level 10." Two-Face found Catwoman himself. She was happily choking the last of his men into oblivion, her long arm wrapped around his throat while her legs scissored around his waist from behind, driving the air from his lungs. "Catwoman!" he growled as she dropped the man to the floor. "Damn you're good." Running his eyes up and down her naked form, he smiled that evil half-smile. "In fact, you're magnificent." Then he sprang to the attack. Catwoman had no illusions about being able to take this man in a straight slugging match. But then, she had no intention of trying. It simply wasn't her style. Laughing as she dodged his first punch, she leapt lightly onto a crate marked "Fragile - Glass." Two-Face charged, shoving the crate sideways and out from under his agile adversary. He received a kick in the face for his trouble, making his head spin for a moment. When he looked up, Catwoman was crouched on top of a pair of crates, waiting to spring. "I'm gonna take you in both ends," growled the angered madman. "Heads and tails." With that, he vaulted onto the crate Catwoman had just vacated and tried to wrap up her shapely legs in a single gorilla hug. She drove a knee into his face, then leapt free in a tumbling somersault to another stack of crates.Again, Two-Face followed. Wiping some blood from his mouth, he smiled. "You're good, Catwoman. But I only have to catch you once. One time, and the famous Catwoman is just another piece of pussy." Leaping heavily from one stack to another, he approached his foe on an equal level. Two-Face pursued his naked prey from crate to crate, higher and higher, until she had no place left to go. Catwoman was cornered. All paths of escape were within reach of her heavier, stronger opponent. She had kicked him twice in the head, and he wasn't even dazed. She was in trouble. Shifting her stance, she waited for his attack. Sensing victory, Two-Face closed the gap, screaming, "Heads and Tails!" as he charged, body-slamming his smaller opponent.
Another Shower of Gold
"I'm glad we stopped by Delphi," Gabrielle says with a smile. "Oh really, why's that?" replies Xena, knowing she's going to find out no matter what she says. "I got a lot of new stories from that bards' school." "Really, what on?" "The lovers of Zeus," Gabrielle dramatically announces. "Lovers, huh?" Xena says slyly, "more like victims. Zeus is famous for taking whatever he wants." "True, but they still make for interesting stories. Like all the forms he takes. One time he took the shape of a bull, another time of a swan, and one time even a shower of gold." "A shower of gold?" "Yeah, when he slept with Danae, I think." "He is original, I'll give him that," Xena said as a grin came to her lips. While they continue on their way, Gabrielle continues her lecture on "Zeus's lovers" and Night begins to extend its cold fingers across the Earth. "We should stop here to make camp," Xena suggests as she dismounts Argus. It's an ideal spot, a small wooded glade opening near a crystal blue lake. The setting sun's rays dance playfully on the waters and the whole area seems to radiate a serene aura. Gabrielle sits down on a nearby rock and begins to pull off her hot boots. "Fine by me, my legs were starting to ache." "And I'm sure your mouth was getting dry as well," Xena said, smiling. Giving her a smirking glance, Gabrielle continues, "I think I'm going to go to the lake and cool off." "A good idea, just keep an eye out for trouble..." Meanwhile, high atop Mt. Olympus, a lone figure watches as Gabrielle makes her way to the lake, alone. "That's it my child, go on. A beautiful, young girl, and the perfect setting. Now to take care of Xena." Focusing his attention on the dark-haired warrior, he lightly whispers, "Sleep Xena, sleep...." The command etches itself into Xena's mind as he carefully watches her yawn and slip away into a deep slumber by the fire. "Perfect..." he said to himself. "This is going to feel so good," Gabrielle says to herself as she approaches the lake's shore. Carefully she bends down and splashes the cool liquid on her hot face. Trickles of water run down her warm neck and find their way across her pert breasts. An erotic shudder runs down her body as she can feel her sensitive nipples hardening and pressing against her top. Slowly she pulls her shirt off over her head. Then standing, she peels her shorts from her supple thighs and lets them drop to the ground. A cool breeze arouses her weary body and her nipples peak in hardness. Invigorated by her surroundings, she wades waist-high into the lake, gently splashing the water on her lithe frame. After a few minutes of bathing, she returns to the grassy shore and lays out on the soft grass. "Hmmm....What a great evening." Aroused by the night, she gently begins to caress her drying body, following its supple curves. The rough texture of her hands feels so good on her aching breasts. As she spreads her legs, her right hand drifts down her stomach to her swollen genitals and she begins to massage her moist clitoris. Then suddenly, she feels a warm thick wetness joining her hand. Shocked, she sits up to see a small shower of gold running down her thighs. As she pulls her hand away, the golden liquid quickly takes its place and a powerful voice begins to ring in her head. "Hello my dear. Wonderful night, isn't it? In fact, it's perfect, wouldn't you say?" In a moment of trapped fear, Gabrielle realizes what's going on and what is about to happen. "It was perfect," she thought to herself, "too perfect." "It was nice of the two of you to accommodate my little setup so easily. Xena is usually quite good at smelling a trap, but then again, she's never crossed paths with me before." "Zeus?" Gabrielle calls out. Amidst laughter, she hears a reply, "What's wrong, my dear, don't you find this interesting?" Even though Gabrielle had satisfied her urges many times by herself, she had never had sex, and this was not the way she planned to lose her virginity. Then slowly, she feels the liquid beginning to penetrate her tender vagina. In fear, she screams, "No, stop! Please don't, I'm a virgin." "I know," followed by more laughter is her answer. Futile to resist, she lays back as the liquid begins filling her tight hole. She winces in pain as it fills her completely and her cherry pops. Then slowly it begins to move in and out of her. It was unlike anything she had ever felt. She knew how to please herself, but this was more powerful...more arousing than anything she had ever done. She can feel her clit being massaged as her breathing gets faster and faster. Pleasurable sensations begin to well up between her thighs. Something forces her legs farther apart as the liquid begins to expand and run deeper into her burning vagina. Tears run down her cheeks as it feels as though she's being torn apart. The sensation of someone nibbling and massaging her clit strikes her as her body tenses up. In an orgasmic explosion, Gabrielle arches her back and thrusts her hips upward. Streams of cum and blood begin flowing from her. Amidst the moans and cries of pleasure and pain, one phrase escapes her lips, "By the gods!" Whatever pain she felt subsides, as the golden liquid continues pumping in and out of her, but faster and harder. Closing her eyes, she moans with each thrust inside of her. She grits her teeth and grabs into the soft earth as the gold liquid begins to expand once again. Faster and faster, it moves. She moans louder as her grinds her hips against the grass. She can feel herself getting closer to a mind-blowing climax with each successive thrust. Then a small stream of the liquid trickles down to her sweaty, puckered anus. It begins to fuck her even faster...harder...deeper...starting to push her across the smooth grass. A digit of the gold shower slithers into her asshole and begins to slide in and out. Like a tidal wave, her orgasm hits. As Gabrielle screams in pleasure, she arches her hips to the sky, nearly lifting her body from the ground. Her yearning vagina gushes a fountain of cum, splashing back on herself as she feels a warm load of sperm emptied into her. Then suddenly, as quick as it came, the golden shower was gone. Laying on the cold grass, she struggles to stand after the erotic ordeal. She can feel the many grass burns cut deep across her slender back. Managing to make it to her feet, a thick mixture of cum, sperm, and blood seep from her sore vagina and anus, and run down her inner thighs. After washing off in the lake once again, exhausted and disillusional, Gabrielle collapses on the shore and falls unconscious. Amidst the gods, an argument is brewing. "Destroy her now! If you do not, I will!" Hera demands. She has never liked her husband's infidelity with other deities and nymphs, but sleeping with a mortal is utterly intolerable. "I will do no such thing," Zeus retorts, "and neither shall you!" "Oh will I not? Have you forgotten the fate of Io? After being turned into a cow, I tortured her with gad flies for years. And what about that follower of Artemis, Callisto (not the same as Calisto, Xena's nemesis). I turned her into a bear and had her own son, which you fathered, kill her while hunting. If that was deviously ironic and clever, I don't know what is," Hera said, ending in an evil smile, "You see, I will not be denied. I will kill her." The heavens shook with Zeus's thundering reply, "No! I will handle the matter, but Gabrielle shall not die." "I will not have those damn bards telling another tale of you taking a mortal tart. I will not have it!" "There will be no stories to tell." "How?" "Like this..." "I'm glad we stopped by Delphi," Gabrielle says with a smile. "Oh really, why's that?" replies Xena, knowing she's going to find out no matter what she says. "I got a lot of new stories from that bards' school." "Really, what on?" "The lovers of Zeus," Gabrielle dramatically announces. "Lovers, huh?" Xena says slyly, "more like victims. Zeus is famous for taking whatever he wants." "True, but they still make for interesting stories. Like all the forms he takes. One time he took the shape of a bull, another time of a swan, and one time even a shower of gold." "A shower of gold?" "Yeah, when he slept with Danae, I think." "He is original, I'll give him that," Xena said as a grin came to her lips.While they continue on their way, Gabrielle continues her lecture on "Zeus's lovers," and night begins to extend its cold fingers across the Earth. "This looks like a good spot to make camp," Gabrielle suggests. "See, there's a lake and everything. Besides, my legs are starting to ache." "This is a nice spot, but it's not much farther to Athens. Here, hop up," Xena replies as she offers her arm to Gabrielle. With a tug, Xena pulls Gabrielle onto Argus's back. "Yeah, you're right. A bed will be a lot nicer than this grass, anyway." The End
Home Improvement
"Hey dork." "Hi." Mark had long since learned that his 'dork' was his brothers' favorite synonym for his name, and knew that Randy's greeting was as polite as he could expect. Besides, he was watching a cartoon and wasn't really paying enough attention for his feelings to be hurt. As Randy started upstairs to their room, Mark did remember that he had a message for his brother. "Brad says we should stay out of the room because he's studying." "So?" Randy responded without thinking, automatically contradicting anything that his little brother told him. He briefly regretted his show of bravado, not wanting to cross Brad anymore than was absolutely necessary. His fear was quickly overcome with curiosity, as he realized that there was no possible way that his brother was studying at three o'clock in the afternoon. He continued quietly up the stairs, wondering what his brother was up to. Probably talking to Jennifer Sadarsky on the phone. Randy figured he'd eavesdrop for a few minutes, and then come in when they were talking about something embarrassing. Of course, it might be a long wait. It's not like they ever DID anything. He'd seen them kiss, once, and Brad claimed that they did it all the time. But even if they did, Randy was sure they didn't use tongues. His brother wasn't THAT far ahead of him. He crept from the top of the stairs to the door of the room the three boys shared. But he didn't hear the conversation he expected. At first, he thought Brad might be whispering, but after a moment of straining to hear, Randy was sure that his brother wasn't talking to anyone. He really didn't hear anything, except the occasional grunt. Such outbursts were common among the males of the Taylor household (and even Jill indulged occasionally), so Randy didn't think much of it. Still, Brad had claimed to be studying without any parents around, so something must be up. The door to the room was open just a crack. Randy couldn't really be into the room, but he thought that since he didn't have to fool with the doorknob, he might be able to open it quietly enough for Brad not to notice. As Randy eased the door open, the first thing he saw was his brother's ankles. Brad was lying on Randy's bed, the lower of the two bunks, at an angle such that his legs just draped over the edge. As Randy's eyes tracked up Brad's body, he discovered that his brother's blue jeans stopped at his knees. Brad was naked from the middle of his thighs to the middle of his stomach. His hand bounced up and down above his crotch, apparently along the shaft of his penis. Randy immediately began to get an erection from the excitement of finding his brother in such a compromising position. One swipe at his overalls was enough for Randy to give his organ the space that it needed. He quickly glanced up at Brad's face, expecting to see a mask of embarrassment, followed by anger. But his brother's head was thrown back and his eyes were closed. Brad was obviously concentrating harder than he ever had in his life. Randy had heard of 'jacking off,' but was dumbfounded to find his brother doing it. Sure, it felt pretty good to squeeze your dick if it got hard in the shower or while you were watching TV, but going out of your way to do it? Jacking off was something that teenagers did when they couldn't get a girl to have sex with them. But Brad was thirteen. And he did have a girl. Neither fact was news, but for the first time, they seemed to make a difference. Even if he hadn't been a little bitter, Randy could hardly turn down such a chance to embarrass his brother. He eased into the room, his eyes alternating between Brad's face and his crotch. The face remained impassive, and the genitals were difficult to see because of the rapidly moving hand. He could see that the helmet-like head of Brad's dick that protruded from the top of his fist and the sack that held his nuts were both a deep pink, and didn't match the rest of his skin like Randy's did. Randy stopped just at the corner of the other bed, close enough to be able to look down on Brad, but not so close as to make his presence known. Then he paused, searching for the perfect insult for a brother caught with his pants down. "Hey Brad, pull it a little harder and Mom can have the daughter she's always wanted." Brad started up, dropping the hand with which he'd been masturbating to his side and bumping his head on the upper bunk as he did. His feelings alternated from embarrassment to anger. Dazed by both the bump on the head and the interrupted sexual crescendo, he tried to settle on the emotion that would best segue into beating Randy up. Randy, meanwhile, got his first good look at his brother's penis. It was still quite hard, sticking up so that it bisected the angle between Brad's torso and his legs. Right above where it attached to his body, there were a few tufts of light brown hair, twisted into loose coils. It was hard to judge its length because he was looking at it almost head-on. He was much more struck with its thickness; it was as big around as a roll of quarters, maybe a little bigger. Randy's dick was barely thicker than nickels. The shaft of Brad's dick was quite pink as well, though not so much as the head. Denied the shelter of Brad's hand, the penis began to droop its head in shame. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." Tyranny was the soul of Brad's wit. Randy couldn't resist. "Dad'll be proud to find out how much you like to work with your hands." "Randy, shut up." Some testosterone, on its way to Brad's fists, took a wrong turn and found itself in his penis. Inspired, the organ began to reverse its descent. "Maybe you should give Jennifer her picture back and just carry around a picture of your hand." Randy knew he was cruising for a bruising, but he was on a roll. Brad stood up, his pants still around his legs. His plan had been to grab Randy, put him in a headlock, and pummel him until he felt vindicated. But even though this was in many ways no different from any of the boys' many altercations, Brad was in fact half naked. Both boys glanced down at his erection, by now standing straight out from his body. Brad also noticed anew that he was a full head taller than Randy. These two observations gave Brad something he rarely had: an idea. He knew how to restore himself to his rightful position of brotherly dominance. "You're just jealous because my dick's bigger than yours." Brad played the trump card that males had, in a multitude of different ways, been playing against each other for all time. Randy responded the only way he could. "Yeah, right." Brad wasn't quite sure where to go from here. "I've seen it. You don't even have any hair." That was almost true. Randy had had one hair, but he'd toyed with it so much he finally pulled it out. He was pretty sure it wasn't, but he said, "So? My dick's still at least as big as yours." Brad didn't even pause before saying "Prove it." Randy was, for once, for a moment, speechless. "How?" he eventually demanded, not wanting to know, but trying to stall. Brad had to think a second. "We could measure them." Under other circumstances, Randy would have responded "Duh," but right now he wanted his brother to think that this problem was as hard as possible. "With what?" "We could use Dad's tape measure." "Yeah, and who's gonna tell the Tool Man what we were using it for?" Randy was sure that this was the game winner. Brad seemed stumped. But he had to get back at Randy, and proving he had the bigger dick would do it. If he could just come up with a good way to tell, Randy would have to do it. He was starting to lose his erection again, and as he idly reached to stroke it, he had an unprecedented second idea. "We can hold them up against each other?" "What?" Randy had a sinking feeling he knew what his brother meant. "We can just hold our dicks together and see which one is longer." "Don't be a dork, Brad." "You just know mine's bigger." "It is not." "Then pull yours out and prove it." Randy looked at Brad's dick. In response to Brad's brief touch and to his excitement over his impending victory, it had risen yet again. Randy knew it was definitely thicker than his. But it didn't seem that much longer. Maybe a little bit. But Randy was pretty sure he could convince Brad they were the same size if they were even close. He sighed. "Gee Brad, if it's that important to you." Randy waited to see if his attempt at reverse psychology would work. It didn't. He'd have to go through with it. He slowly unfastened the straps of his overalls, willing the semi-hard lump in his pants to grow to its full size (and bigger, if possible). The thrill of doing something so private helped, and by the time he had lowered his overalls, his dick had formed a well-defined ridge in his white cotton briefs.Brad was relieved to see that the ridge hadn't had a major growth spurt since he'd seen it last. Randy took one last look at Brad, hoping he'd change his mind, then lowered his underpants. As soon as his waistband had passed low enough, Randy's penis sprang out. Like Brad, he was circumcised, and likewise was fully hard. Randy's dick, however, was nearly as pale as the rest of his body. It was also a little smoother, the skin stretched a little tighter. His balls were clenched close to his body in a tight little scrotum that was almost perfectly round. His shaft was, of course, thinner than Brad's, and was in fact significantly shorter than his big brother's. Randy hadn't really expected the length difference because it was mostly in proportion to the difference in thickness. Still, it wasn't so much that Randy was willing to give up. He could still fake it. "Now what?" Randy was kind of enjoying this game, but he wanted to make sure Brad initiated everything. He hadn't been this close to his brother naked since they were five and six years old and took baths together, and they hadn't even changed into their bathing suits in the same room for nearly a year. It was kind of nice to be sharing something this intimate with Brad, even if it was weird. Brad was having second thoughts, not really because he was worried about Randy's dick being bigger (it sure looked smaller), but because he realized that they would have to press their dicks together. It was kind of exciting, being naked with someone else, touching them, even if it was his own brother. It wasn't really queer, since he was just showing the little creep who the big brother was. He grabbed his own dick and stroked it a time or two, then held it so it was vertical. "Now put yours up against it." Randy took his penis and tried to stroke it like Brad had. He hadn't practiced though, and wasn't nearly as coordinated. He stood in front of his brother, their toes almost touching, and brought his dick up next to Brad's. He shifted his hand so that he was holding the side of the organ closest to his body, and thrust his pelvis forward just until the underside of his dick touched Brad's. The contact was infinitesimal, the boys' nearly cylindrical penises tangent to each other. As the boys peered down to judge the results, Randy felt Brad's hot breath playing through his unmoussed bangs. "Move your hand, Brad," said Randy. Brad's hand was covering the head of his dick, making it impossible to really tell which organ was longer. "Hold still." Brad gingerly released his penis, pushing his hips forward just a little to press it more tightly against Randy's. Unsupported, the balance was precarious, and Brad steadied himself by gently grasping Randy's bare hip with his left hand. Randy also pulled his hand away, pushing forward a little to mask the fact that he had lifted himself onto his tiptoes. "They look about the same size to me," Randy was hoping to pull the wool over Brad's eyes quickly. "Wait," Brad responded, reaching down to pull on his penis. "No fair, you can't stretch yours," Randy's dick slipped off to the side and poked into Brad's right groin. "I'm just making sure I'm all the way hard," Brad stroked himself gently, trying to coax every last millimeter from the straining organ. Randy figured he might as well do the same. The boys were still quite close together, and as he reached down to grasp himself, his fingers brushed over Brad's scrotum. He noticed that his brother's sack hung more loosely than his, and he could clearly feel both balls dangling separately, one hanging a little lower than the other. Randy was curious, but didn't let his fingers linger long. He pinched his dick, feeling its sponginess give slightly beneath his fingers. He watched Brad closely, wrapped his fingers around it, and gave a couple of quick tugs. He could just barely feel it firm up in his hand, the skin becoming absolutely tight and smooth. Brad seemed satisfied, and said "Come here - hurry up." Randy again pressed in and placed his dick against his brother's. This time Brad held both organs in his hand. His brother's hand on his dick felt completely different from his own, and Randy felt a bolt of pleasure shoot through him as Brad squeezed it tightly. When Brad had steadied both dicks in his hand, it was apparent that Brad's extended nearly an inch higher than Randy's. "See. I told you. Mine's bigger," Brad was sure he had the victory locked. "Dummy. You're taller than me. You've got to bend your knees or something," Randy could tell that they had really already compensated for height because of the way they were standing (especially since Randy was on tiptoes), but he was determined not to let Brad get the best of him. Brad wasn't completely sure he bought it, but he knew Randy would never give in if he didn't at least pretend to bend his knees. He released both dicks and separated his legs slightly to give himself the leverage to raise and lower his body. As he made these adjustments, his dick found its place in his hand once again. As he rubbed it, he demanded "How am I supposed to know how much to bend them?" "Just wait," Randy had taken his dick in his hand and, after giving it a few good strokes, marked the bottom of it with his little finger. "Hold your dick like this." Brad did. "Now just go down until our little fingers touch." Easier said than done. Brad would squat enough to satisfy Randy, but as they would try to push their dicks together for an 'official' measurement, he'd involuntarily thrust forward which, in the boys' current orientation, was up. Or he'd lose his balance and have to grab Randy to keep from falling. Or he'd notice that Randy seemed to get taller just as soon as he'd reach the right height. Finally, Brad got frustrated and was ready to declare himself the winner by default. "Give it up, Randy. You know mine's bigger." Randy's mind raced. He needed to think of some way to make he and Brad the same height, some way so that they could both hold still. Preferably some way he could cheat. "Wait a second," Randy was pretty sure he had it. "Lie down on the bed." "What?" "If you lie down, I can get on top of you so that the bottom of our dicks are together, and we can see who's bigger." "You know mine is." "Prove it." Brad hated the way Randy always seemed to call the shots, even when he was supposed to be losing. Still, if this is what it took. Brad lay down on his back on his own bed. As Randy scrambled to get on top of him, he jacked himself a few times just to be sure. As he did, he realized how long he'd been hard, and how much he was ready to get off. Randy had slipped off his overalls and underwear (which had been around his ankles), and was straddling Brad on all fours (his other hand had found its now familiar spot on his dick). Brad stopped rubbing himself and dropped his hands to his sides. Randy lowered himself chest first, hoping to adjust himself to an advantageous position before the final judging. Then he lowered his hips until the knuckles of the hand encircling his penis just touched Brad's stomach. He wiggled his way down the bed, until he felt his hand brush up against Brad's penis. He released his own and let it fall on top of his brother's, then took them both in his hand. He used his thumb to feel the spongy heads of both organs, and then slid his hips across his brother's until he was sure that both penises reached the same distance up Brad's body. Brad was distracted by the feelings of Randy touching his dick and couldn't really see what was going on, but he felt sure his brother was cheating. When Randy finally stopped moving, Brad felt the softness of balls at the bottom of his dick, not the firmness of another dick. But every time he'd move to push Randy down to what he thought was the right place, Randy would slide up just a little. Finally, in frustration, he said "Randy, hold still," punctuating his command by grabbing his brother's small, soft buttocks in both hands. Randy thrust his hips forward in response, pressing his dick tightly against Brad's, sending a shudder of pleasure through both boys. Brad instinctively answered with a thrust of his own, and Randy sent it right back. Neither boy thought anything other than that they didn't want the pleasure to stop. Soon their rhythm quickened, and they found themselves thrusting at the same time, furiously pumping themselves against each other. Randy's buttocks would occasionally clench, either of their own accord or in Brad's response to a sudden tightening of Brad's grip, marking an especially decisive thrust. Their pace increased steadily, then spiked as both approached the brink. Randy missed a breath as his first orgasm hit his unprepared frame. Brad gasped as he enjoyed the release he had sought ever since he first took his dick in hand this afternoon. The boys' thrusting didn't stop immediately, but quickly tapered off as they realized what they had done. Randy sat up, noticing the sticky spot on the lower part of his belly, just where the head of Brad's dick had been. He looked at his brother and saw the rest of his semen in a little glistening dollop pointed to by his rapidly shrinking penis. The boys exchanged a look, silently agreeing that they would discuss this later, after they had time to think things over. Brad stood up, holding his shirt up so that it would not fall into the liquid on his belly. He looked around the room for a second, then pulled the pillow down from Mark's top bunk, and wiped himself with that.Wordlessly, he handed it to Randy and began to pull his pants up. Randy cleaned himself up, using the same corner of the pillow Brad had. He threw the pillow back on the bed and groped around on the floor to retrieve his clothes. Brad finished dressing just as Randy had started to refasten the straps on his overalls, and immediately started out the door. "I'm gonna go downstairs and watch TV. I think the Tigers are playing." Randy said, "I think dork's already watching something." Brad shouted back, "So?" Randy grinned, realizing that if he wanted to, he could kick Mark off the couch all by himself. With Brad's help, it was just more fun. He left his other strap unfastened and started down the stairs, chuckling to himself, "Yeah, so?"
"Randy, Brad, come down here," Jill called up the stairs. "Your dinner is in the fridge," she announced as the two boys made their way into the kitchen. "And make sure that Mark stays in bed. He's got a bad cold." The boys looked at each other and frowned. The last thing they wanted was to be stuck at home looking after their brother on a Friday night. There had to be some way to escape that unpleasant responsibility. Brad spoke up first. "We can't!" he said, shaking his head to emphasize the point. Jill stopped cleaning off the counter and turned to stare at the boys. "Why not?" "Well..." Brad began. Randy quickly jumped in, knowing that if he let his brother try and plead their case, they would be spending the night at home for sure. "We have plans," he said. "We're going out to a movie." "A movie, huh?" Jill eyed the pair suspiciously, knowing it would be difficult to prove they had made those plans prior to one minute ago, but also realizing she didn't much like the idea of giving them the run of the house for the evening anyway. They'd probably get in less trouble if they went out to a show. Sensing victory, Randy changed the subject to try and divert his mother from further consideration of keeping them home. "So where are you guys going anyway?" he asked. Jill cast her gaze across the living room to where Tim was working feverishly over the VCR. "Your father," she stated, raising her voice a notch so that Tim was sure to hear, "is dragging me out to a 'tool party'." "What's so bad about that?" Tim called back. "It's just like a Tupperware party, only with guys. Besides, the Binford bigwigs will be there, so we have to go." Randy crossed over to where Tim was puzzling over the screws he had removed from the VCR casing. "I thought only qualified people were supposed to fool around with electronic stuff like that." "Hey, I'm qualified! I fixed the intercom, didn't I?" "I guess," Randy conceded. "As long as you don't mind picking up police radio and signals from airline traffic. Heh heh!" "Very funny, wise guy," said Tim, still trying to remember which screws fit into which holes. Randy loved poking fun at his family - and they made it so easy! He scooped up the newspaper sitting on the coffee table and fingered through to the movie listings as he settled down onto the couch. "Brad, c'mere," he called to his brother. "What movie are we going to see?" he asked quietly, making sure that Jill was out of earshot. Brad pondered the listings. "How about that one?" he grinned, pointing to an "R" rated show that looked like it had lots of nude scenes and very little plot. "Yeah, sure," Randy responded. "And I guess they'll just take our word for it when we tell them we're eighteen." Brad considered this. "Well, maybe we can get Al to take us." "I doubt it. Besides, Al will probably be coming over here to babysit for Mark." He pointed to the kitchen where Jill was busy talking on the phone. Half an hour later the boys had finally decided to see an action film and were ready to leave. "Make sure you come straight home as soon as the show is over," Jill told them. "When's the Flannel Man getting here?" Tim asked impatiently. "He couldn't make it," Jill said, addressing Tim as one might a dull-witted fool, who was annoyingly oblivious to all but the most obvious of facts. "He's been invited to the party too. You should know - he's your assistant." "They invited Al too? Next thing you know they'll be inviting the janitors that clean out the Binford office," Tim joked. Randy and Brad decided it was time to leave; their parents' words faded as they stepped out into the night. As they made their way up the front path, discussing what they'd heard about the movie they were going to see, they stopped dead, suddenly becoming aware of someone approaching their front door. It was Brenda Porter, their 16-year-old neighbor from across the street. She had shoulder-length chestnut brown hair and an unusual shade of light green in her eyes. But it was not her eyes the boys were looking at. They stared at her grapefruit-sized breasts, which were pressed tightly together within a form-fitting low-cut white blouse. The two looked up, their mouths hanging slightly open, as she smiled and passed silently between them on her way to the front door. The boys turned to stare as she passed by, then looked at each other as she was admitted to the house and moved out of view. "Wow," Brad exclaimed. All of a sudden the movie seemed to be of secondary importance. "You know," Randy suggested, "We can wait 20 minutes and still make it on time if we take our bikes..." "Yeah!" Both boys knew exactly what was on each other's mind - they wanted a good look at that cleavage in better light before heading out for the evening. "I haven't seen her around here for a long time..." Brad said as they walked around to the back door. "That's because she's always over at her boyfriend Will's place - so don't plan on getting too far with her," Randy told him, confident in the knowledge that the idea of Brenda and his 13-year-old brother together was absurd. They waited in the back yard, relieved to discover that the seemingly ever-present Wilson was nowhere to be seen, until they heard Tim's car pull out with a vague grinding sound and a few noisy backfires. With heart rates slightly elevated, they entered through the back and proceeded through to the living room, where Brenda was seated on the couch watching TV, her back to them. She turned at the sound of footsteps, and smiled at them. "Hi boys. Movie over already?" "Uh, no... we forgot our money," said Randy, knowing that it was a pretty lame excuse for having returned. Brenda nodded thoughtfully and smiled a little more, looking them up and down. "Well, if you have a few minutes, why don't you come sit down and watch this show? It's really funny." Encouraged, they sat down on either side of her. "I noticed you guys have a pretty good computer in your room when I was up there with Mark." "Yeah! Would you like to see what it can do?" asked Brad. "Sure, but we would be disturbing Mark..." "Hey Randy, why don't you help Mark move to Mom and Dad's room?" Brad grinned at his brother. "But..." Randy began to say. Brenda placed her hand on his shoulder. "Could you?" she asked. Cornered, Randy nodded, realizing he couldn't refuse. He headed upstairs, promising himself he'd get back at Brad for this. The 16-year-old turned back to Brad, who couldn't resist taking in an eyeful of her ample chest. She smiled again, and placed a hand on his knee. Stunned, Brad's eyes shot up to meet hers, and then down to his leg as she slowly moved her hand up his thigh. The crotch of his pants began to swell; he wasn't sure how to react. Brenda stood up suddenly and grabbed his hand. "C'mon," she told him. "Let's go upstairs to your computer!" Still shocked, and not quite sure what was going on, Brad allowed himself to be pulled along. When they arrived at his room, Brad saw that Randy had already taken Mark to their parents' bedroom. Brad went over to turn on his computer, and felt a pair of hands feel his butt from behind as Brenda moved up behind him to look over his shoulder. He quickly turned around, and she giggled and pushed him down on the lower bunk of the boys' beds. "Don't be shy, Brad," she told him, and pulled his sweater and t-shirt over his head. "Um.. uh.." he stammered as she removed her super-tight white blouse, allowing her unharnessed breasts to bounce free. They were both standing up now, both clothed only in blue jeans and naked from the waist up. He couldn't help but stare wide-eyed at her large jugs. She leaned over to touch his cheek, and then leaned closer still to kiss him deeply, as her breasts pressed themselves against his bare chest.She stepped away, looking thoughtfully around the room and then pulled the mattress off the lower bunk and laid it down on the floor in the middle of the room. She then gave a wide smile, grabbed Brad around the waist, and pulled him down onto it, her breasts rubbing against his bare skin. For the first time, he grinned back and placed his hands on her breasts, as though testing them for pressure. Brad couldn't believe what was happening! His penis was as hard as it could be, and the thrill he experienced when she grabbed the back of his blond head and pulled it down to her breasts, while she continued feeling the front of his jeans, almost made him come in his pants. He started sucking and licking her breasts eagerly, leaving them coated with saliva. She found the snap on his pants and began undoing it. Suddenly sensing he was very close to losing control, she backed off and stood up to slowly remove her jeans and panties. She threw them to the floor, pulled Brad up, and then knelt to remove his pants as well. It was then that she caught a flicker of movement in the doorway out of the corner of her eye. She moved Brad around a little so he wouldn't notice, while giving herself a better view. It was Randy... and he was pointing a video camera at them! She thought she'd noticed him at the door a few moments earlier, and was excited by the thought of having this cute kid watching her get it on with his brother, but she hadn't expected him to try and videotape it! She was past caring whether anyone found out about this and pretended not to notice Randy. It would be his turn soon enough (after all, if she could have one, why not have them both?), but in the meantime she decided to put on a show he would not soon forget. Brenda lowered Brad's pants and white briefs, and was almost slapped in the face by his hard penis as it popped out from its confinement. Brad slipped the pants off his legs and threw them away; he stood there totally naked, his rigid penis sticking out like an iron rod. He had had a growth spurt in the last few months, and his penis measured a good 5 and a half inches and was of reasonable thickness. It was topped by a patch of light brown hair, the only hair visible anywhere on his body. Brenda held his testicles in one hand as she pressed her lips to the tip of his penis and slowly began to take it into her mouth, inch by inch. She was conscious of giving Randy a good view of what she was doing, as her mouth filled with this 13-year-old's stiff rod. Brad closed his eyes and opened his mouth slightly, as her lips found the base of his shaft, and her nose pressed into his pubic hair. Brenda began deep-throating him, and Brad could feel her tongue slide along the underside of his penis as she worked her mouth up and down his penis. Again, he was almost ready to lose his load, so she stopped sucking on him, and knelt down on the mattress on her hands and knees. "Do it to me! Fuck me, Brad", she told him, and thrust her buttocks up in the air. The boy needed no further encouragement, and dropped to his knees behind her. He placed his wet penis at the entrance to her vagina and began shoving it in, eliciting a few gasps from Brenda. Gripping her hips, he moved into a rhythm and looked down to watch his stiff penis pounding in and out of her body. She reached between her legs and started playing with his testicles as he fucked her. Brad responded by involuntarily letting out a few guttural moaning noises from deep in his chest. "OOOoooooohhh.....OOOOhh...", he groaned. Randy focused the camcorder on the pair in the bedroom, feeling both very horny, and furious. It wasn't fair that Brad should get all the action just because he's a little older..! But getting this camera was a great idea!, he thought. He could blackmail Brad with this incriminating tape, or maybe he would just go around and show it to everyone anyway. Randy's hard penis created a big bulge in the front of his overalls, excited both by the thought of what he could do to Brad, and by the X-rated display going on in front of him. He couldn't believe Brenda's willingness to have sex - his eyes had almost popped out when he saw her slowly swallow the entire length of his brother's shaft, and give him a deep-throat blowjob. Randy stared again through the viewfinder, making sure he was recording every instant of the activity within the room. He had an excellent view of Brad and Brenda in profile, their right sides facing him, doing it doggy style. No longer content with a wide shot of the two, he focused in on the grinding genitals, and the hand reaching between the two pairs of legs to fondle Brad's testicles. Brad's penis moved out, wet and glistening, then all the way back in, over and over, as he held onto her hips. Randy moved the camera up to his brother's face, which was slightly contorted with eyes half-closed, and then moved it down again to his jackhammering penis. Brad was moaning from deep in his throat, and started pumping faster. Brenda was moving back and forth to meet him with every thrust, slapping his thighs against her buttocks. Then she felt his testicles begin to tighten up, and his body convulse against hers. Brad grunted, "UUUuuhh, UUUHHh, OOOOH.. AAAAHH!", and Randy watched him press his hips forward as he shot load after load deep into Brenda. Brad leaned backward after a moment, suddenly tired, and his penis came free with a vague slurping sound. He watched as some white semen dripped from her vaginal opening and plopped down onto the mattress. Randy moved out to a wider shot again, and was wondering if that would be the end of it... when suddenly Brenda turned and looked straight at him! He quickly clicked off the camcorder and pushed it down the hall out of view, wondering what he should do. Fortunately, he'd been fast enough that Brad hadn't seen what he'd been doing, but what was Brenda's response going to be? He stood there in the doorway, unable to move, as she got up and walked over to him, her breasts bouncing and drips of Brad's semen running down her leg. She looked him in the eye - then her gaze moved down to his crotch, which bulged out impressively. Her hand moved to caress the bulge, which got even bigger, and the next thing Randy knew he was being kissed by the lips that had only minutes before been wrapped around his brother's penis. Brenda pulled him out of the doorway and into the room, as she grabbed at the snaps of his overalls. Randy was in a daze as she pulled him into the bedroom and started undressing him. Brad looked on, a little embarrassed at having his brother turn up so suddenly, and a little put out that he was no longer being paid attention to. Off came Randy's overall straps, then his t-shirt. He found himself pushed up against a wall as his overalls were peeled away and his throbbing penis exposed. It wasn't just Brad's equipment that had grown larger in the last few months; Randy's penis was almost 5 inches in length, making it seem very large relative to his body size. He also had what seemed to be the early stages of some hair growth - a sparse region of fine brown hair just above his penis. Brenda licked his penis like a lollipop, and Randy was so overcome with the sensation that he lost his balance (his overalls, down around his ankles, didn't help matters) and he fell over onto the mattress. He grinned sheepishly, but was unable to get back up because Brenda had pounced on him like a wild cat and straddled his hips. She wasted no time; reaching down, she pulled Randy's penis from its horizontal position on his belly and pointed it straight up. She lowered herself down onto the boy's stiff poker and began bouncing up and down on top of him. Randy reached up to squeeze the soft globe-like breasts as they danced before him. Brad had become very excited again watching the two have sex. He stepped up on either side of Randy's head and offered his erection, which Brenda eagerly took into her mouth. It was an incredible sensation having both boys' penises inside her at once; Brad's thrusts found the back of her throat as she continued sliding up and down the length of Randy's shaft. She could tell that the latter was close to orgasm, and increased her pace as Randy leaned back on his elbows and threw his head back. "OOOOOOOoohh! AAaaaah!! Fuuuck! OOOOHH!", Randy said, and involuntarily thrust his hips up as he filled her with a half-dozen spurts of semen. Brad had become so aroused by the situation and the tongue action being afforded him, he couldn't hold back any longer. Brenda was holding him by the base of his penis, and felt it swell and throb as his first spurt hit the back of her throat. She pulled the penis from her mouth in time to catch the next shot on her lips. She stroked his penis as Brad sprayed the remainder of his load down onto Randy, who was still in the midst of his own orgasm. Brenda squeezed a last glob of semen from Brad's organ, which fell straight down and splashed onto Randy's face. Yuck!, Randy thought as he got up, a little displeased with the fact that his chest and stomach were covered with puddles of semen. He wiped at the glob on his nose and cheek and gave Brad a distasteful look, who grinned back, clearly pleased with himself for what he'd done. I'll get you soon enough, thought Randy as he wiped himself off with a shirt from the clothes hamper. At that moment, the doorbell rang downstairs. All three looked at each other, then scrambled to get into their clothes, which lay strewn randomly around the room. Randy was the first out of the room as Brenda and Brad returned the mattress to the lower bunk bed. Randy was answering the door as the two arrived downstairs; it was Brenda's boyfriend, Will. Will was 16, with light brown hair. He stood half a head taller than Brad and outweighed him by 30 pounds. "Hi! Is Brenda here?", he asked Randy, assuming he was the kid she was supposed to be babysitting.Randy gulped, hoping Will wouldn't somehow be able to tell he'd pumped her full of his seed just 5 minutes earlier, or Randy would probably end up in the morgue or something. He pointed over to where Brenda and Brad were coming down the stairs. "Hi Will!" she said to him, betraying no sign of what had occurred between her and the boys. "Why don't you watch a movie on TV with us? Randy and Brad missed the film they were going to see." "Well...okay," Will said, obviously disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to spend time alone with Brenda. Randy popped a tape into the VCR and took the leftmost seat on the couch. Brad sat down next to him, and then Will and Brenda. They settled back to enjoy the movie... but what appeared on the screen was a shot of Brenda on her hands and knees, her breasts swinging back and forth as she was being pounded from behind by a very hard dick. The camera moved up to reveal Brad's face as he fucked her doggie style. Will's eyes opened very wide, and he turned to stare at Brad with an unreadable expression on his face. Brad's mouth dropped open as he registered the images on the screen. Immediately realizing who was responsible, he looked at Randy, who smiled back like the devil himself. If I live, I'll kill him for this, Brad promised himself. Will grabbed Brad by the front of his shirt with both hands and yanked him from a seated position and onto his back. His hands moved toward the 13-year-old's neck as though to try and strangle him... but instead he pulled Brad's shirt up and began undoing the younger boy's pants...