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108,196 | Hoop | Incarceration Ch.27 | Zoe rolled over drowsily, vaguely aware that her arm had gone numb from being rested on for so long. She knew that she should be able to tell which of the many different possible drugs the redhead had administered, but trying to recall any particular piece of her knowledge whatsoever was futile. She struggled with vague conceptions of chemical structures and lists of effects, all things she had worked on herself not too long ago, but which were now inaccessible through the stupefying, pharmaceutical haze.
The other girl came and stood by the bed, pulling Zoe's eyelid up with her thumb and checking the response of her pupils. Whatever expressions she had were concealed beneath her surgical mask, which made Zoe feel uneasy somehow. Apparently satisfied, the redhead returned to her chair. Zoe entertained vague thoughts of climbing out of her bed, but her limbs felt heavy as stone, the air outside the covers exaggeratedly chilly. She breathed deeply, trying and failing to bring clarity to her thoughts. The ceiling swam in and out of focus.
Perhaps an hour later, the redhead left the room silently, returning with an additional person Zoe hadn't seen before. The redhead leaned in to speak something into the ear of the new arrival, and then departed once more.
Zoe's brain was in slightly better shape now - enough to recognize a few elements of the new girl's outfit that identified her as a chemist. Probably Zoe's replacement. The girl was wearing polycarbonate safety glasses, her hair tied back in a sensible arrangement for doing practical work. The metal tips of a spatula and a pair of tweezers were visible in her shirt pocket, and the cuffs of a pair of nitrile gloves hung from her pocket. Careless, Zoe thought.
Apparently there were to be more drugs. The girl pierced the foil lid of a sterilized bottle with a needle, drawing up a millilitre of its contents. She sat on the bed, halfway down, and took hold of Zoe's hand.
"It's going in your upper arm," she said. "Just lie still, please."
Her voice lacked the total confidence of Helen's tone, her physical presence not quite so unsettling as the masked, silent redhead. She looked to be about Zoe's age, if not younger, with limpid, blue eyes and pale, thin lips. She set the bottle down beside the bed, and poised the needle against Zoe's bicep.
"You'll end up like us, you know..." Zoe murmured. It took a great deal of effort to speak. "I was... as well. I worked for her."
"Sure you did," the girl said.
Zoe could feel her eyes straining to focus on the label of the bottle: a hand-drawn structure on a torn scrap of paper, affixed with clear tape. Perhaps she could convince her.
"The stuff you're giving me," she said. She had to pause for a couple of breaths, during which she felt a scratch of pain as the new needle sank into her. "The label's picture is four... no... five-methoxy," (it took all of her will not to slur her way through the lengthy name) "dimethyl tryptamine."
Her head flopped back onto the pillow. Dredging up the name from the murky depths of memory had worn her out already. The girl, now most of the way through depressing the syringe plunger, showed a brief expression of consternation before regaining her composure. She glanced down at the bottle.
"Okay, so you know chemistry," she said, "doesn't prove anything. Wouldn't be the first time Miss Stanford took someone from university. Nice try, though."
From deciphering the label, Zoe knew what effects to expect from the new compound. She could already feel them; her fingers were twitching. The blanket around her seemed to melt into her skin as the boundary between her body and the rest of the world became indistinct. With a supreme effort of will, she managed to raise her head up and look at the girl.
"I also know," she said, "that you'd have made it from my aldehyde... 5 grams... in a brown glass bottle..."
"Wait, what?"
Zoe thought that she might have laid down again, but the sensation of falling backwards never ceased. The shivering intensified. There was the vague sense of pressure on her shoulders, and a distant voice shouting to someone.
"What did you just say? How..."
Either the dose was stronger than it was supposed to be, or Zoe had drastically underestimated the compound's potency. She fell forever. She spoke with God.
Claire sweltered in the warmth of the straitjacket wrapped around her. Her face was damp from sweat that had nowhere to evaporate to, from beneath her blindfold and the canvas hood covering her face. She struggled for breath through the small holes in the mask, her mouth filled with the plug of rubbery material held tightly in place by her gag. There was a significant amount of sticky moisture between her legs, where the two probes of Helen's device were drilling into her. Their intermittent pulsations came in time with the screams through her earphones, which felt as if they were being piped directly into her brain.
She could only imagine what was happening to Laura, and that made it worse. She had held out at first - the early sounds had been Laura's breath hissed through clenched teeth in response to the pain. It had taken mere minutes to break her resolve, though, and now she was crying at the top of her lungs every time Helen did whatever it was she was doing. Her sobs, in between screams, were translated by the machine into a less intense thrumming of the smaller vibrators stuck to Claire's body.
"Enjoying it, 314?" came Helen's voice. "523 is. Aren't you?"
Laura's response was a short, loud cry. Then a few sobs.
"Please stop," she was saying.
Another cry.
"No! You can't-"
Yet another cry, even more frantic. It felt like the dildoes were trying to burrow into Claire's body. She shifted her hips as much as the outfit would allow her, about a quarter of an inch, and it didn't help at all. The gag silenced her moans. Her toes curled. It felt as if another climax might be coming on. She'd already lost count of them. The devices were too powerful, the sensations too intense. A more drawn-out cry had Claire clenching her thighs together, driving the thick probes somehow even deeper. It began to feel a lot more wet down there. The mask clung to her face with each rapid breath. Her body attempted to spasm, but, entirely immobilized, the result was something like a pervasive cramp as her restricted limbs fought uselessly against her bonds.
There was a brief respite as Laura's screams ceased. There were the faint sounds of struggling and resistance, and then a retching noise. Laura whined, and the sound trailed off in a way that suggested she hadn't been able to close her mouth. She was panting. Claire assumed from the sounds that Helen had fitted her with an o-ring gag, which would make her unable to actually speak, but no less audible.
"I think she was trying not to scream, for you," Helen's voice came again. "Can't have that, can we?"
"What's that? You don't like it when I do that, 523?"
"Maybe I'll put it in your mouth instead then, now that you can't do anything about it."
There were more scuffling sounds.
"Lick it!"
"Haau- gmphh-"
Wet noises came through the earphones. Whatever was happening, Laura seemed to be having some difficulty with it. After what felt like a minute of hearing her gagging, Laura choked for air, breathing heavily. She whimpered. There was just enough time for her to shriek briefly before the whole process was repeated, Laura gasping and coughing after the second ordeal was over.
"You're doing very well, 523. I'm sure 314 is enjoying your efforts, too... I wonder what else I can do to you, though?"
There was a pause for a few breaths, before Laura reacted to something.
"Auuh. Uh-uh. Hleeeeh. Auh."
"I think it would be interesting to try though, 523. I don't normally do this myself."
"There's nothing to worry about, they're sterile. 271 was fine after her session, and you saw how many she had stuck in her by the end. Let's just try one or two. Maybe we can even turn them into proper piercings!"
"Auuuh! Haah!"
"Hold still, 523. Otherwise it's going to hurt a lot more."
Claire flinched at the sound of the screams, as the electronics diligently processed them into powerful vibrations in her nethers. She found herself crying out in unison, or at least trying to, with Laura. Straps creaked and seemed to tighten around her, she was still unable to move an inch. Her ears filled with the sounds of Laura's suffering as she lost herself to another brutally intense orgasm conjured from the transduced noise. The cries didn't abate, and hence the stimulation continued. Just as the pulsations deep within her cunt and anus started to become painful, the sensation would be eclipsed with another body-wracking wave of pleasure.The straitjacket was wet with her sweat now, her arms and chest slick. She was fairly sure that she was close to passing out, but the constant cries of the other girl were keeping her conscious. She found herself wishing that Laura would lose consciousness herself, or reach the point past which screaming no longer mattered to her. Anything that would stop the exhausting barrage to which her body was being subjected.
There was no such luck, though. Laura was apparently remaining lucid throughout the entirety of her tortures, and Claire was going to suffer the consequences. Ten minutes later, she was not able to sense the individual climaxes anymore, her body gripped with constant, ecstatic tremors. She didn't know how long it had continued, but Laura's cries were definitely becoming weaker and more exhausted. It might have been as long as an hour by the time she was making weak little whimpers in response to Helen's torments, her vocal cords apparently no longer able to function.
A little while after that, she went completely quiet. There were a few more faint noises, and then a low-pitched buzz, followed by a clunk. The earphones went completely silent, and the last sense connecting Claire to the outside world was cut off. The vibrators seemed to have stopped, too.
With no ability to move, speak, or see or hear her surroundings, all she could do was wait. For all she knew, it could have already been hours - Claire had no reference points, no way to tell whether she was staying conscious all the time. She was totally depleted. She felt like she might sleep for a week.
An attendant arrived in the cell and thrust a folded piece of paper towards Emma. She took it, and he leaned back against the door, watching her through his mask.
"Looks like you've got a fan," he said. "One of the clients asked specifically for you, for a session. But you need to do what's on the sheet first."
Emma unfolded it and scanned over the words quickly. They were a list of warm-up exercises: stretches, that sort of thing.
"Miss Stanford takes your health very seriously," the attendant explained. "She says she doesn't want you to pull a muscle or sprain anything, during what you're about to do next, and to work through the whole sheet. She says you're one of the less cooperative ones, and that I can use this," he gestured significantly to his electric baton, "to make sure you play nice. So I suggest you get to it."
"Where are we going after this?" she asked.
"You don't need to know that right now," he said. "Get on with it."
Emma sat down on the floor in accordance with the first entry on the list. She stretched her legs out in front of her and tried to reach her toes unsuccessfully. She managed it on the third attempt, feeling a twinge of pain in the back of her thigh as her fingertips just brushed her toes. She put her arm behind her head and began the second set of stretches. The attendant watched her throughout.
"Maybe it'd be better if you stripped," he said. "You're going to be naked sooner or later."
"I think I'm okay like this," she said, somehow not realizing that it had been an order, not a suggestion.
"Let me rephrase. Take your fucking clothes off. Now."
"But it doesn't say-"
"NOW! If I'm going to be sent to watch you go through this whole fucking routine, I at least want something to look at! Off! Now now now now now!"
He barked the word at her repeatedly while she took off the few clothes she had been wearing to start with: just a pair of panties and a white top.
Emma bent over, trying to reach down to her toes in accord with the list's third entry.
"Turn around while you do that one," he said.
Emma didn't want to provoke him again. She shuddered as she turned her back to him and repeated the stretch, forced to give the attendant a full and comprehensive view.
"God, you're a freak," he said.
It wasn't the first time Emma had been called that, although the last time certainly wasn't recent. It still hurt.
"I can't see why anyone's asking for you specifically," he continued. "DID I SAY YOU COULD STOP STRETCHING? DO IT AGAIN!"
She carried on, her mind now inevitably straying to memories from her childhood, when her appearance had made her a frequent victim.
"You look like a fucking ghost, or something," he said. "Like an alien. Like an experiment."
She felt him directly behind her as she returned to standing, his voice close by. "Maybe you are," he said. "Did they grow you in a tank? In a lab somewhere? Because skin like that sure as hell ain't natural. Your mother bathe you in bleach when you were a baby or something? Huh?"
Emma breathed deep, trying to swallow down the lump in her throat. She was supposed to have learned to deal with this by now.
"I've heard them all before," she said quietly.
"Oh, you have?"
She reached down again. Seven more of these to go. The attendant was crouching down behind her now - she could see his masked face in between her legs.
"Christ, even your pubes are white. Cunt's still nice and pink, though, eh?"
Emma flinched at the feeling of clumsy fingers pawing at her. There was nothing she could do.
"Miss Stanford says we're not allowed to touch you girls too much now, on account of the last clown who almost let one of you escape," he snarled. He withdrew his hand. "Says we're not allowed to help ourselves to her merchandise. Consider yourself lucky."
Emma reached down again, and dry, coarse-skinned hands gripped around her torso. One of them made its way onto her breast and squeezed hard. He pulled her around to face him.
"Look at those tits," he said. "You're a mutant. You're malformed. You call those nipples?" He grabbed one of them, hard, and twisted savagely. "The same fucking colour as the rest of you! It's just not right, is it? IS IT?"
"Why would I even want to put my dick inside you, anyway? I might catch whatever it is you've got. Even if I could. Fucking clown, he had to go and ruin the one perk of having you girls to ourselves. What am I supposed to do about this?" he screamed, gesturing at the tent of fabric upon his crotch. "I've got this fucking hard-on now, even from looking at your disgusting body, and nowhere to put it!"
Emma assumed it was a rhetorical question, and there was a long silence. The attendant reached down and unzipped his trousers. He pulled out his dick, the skin coarse and scaly like his hands. A ring of white spots dotted around the crown of the circumcised head, which was already smeared with precum. It seemed that his words hadn't reflected his true reaction to seeing Emma's naked body.
"Now you carry on stretching like a good girl," he said. "You so much as dare to look at me while I'm jacking off, and I'll make sure you get a week in sens-dep."
She gladly averted her eyes from him, completing the subset of exercises while trying not to consider what was going on behind her. His breathing was becoming faster, and he was muttering something under his breath. She sat down and parted her legs, reaching sideways towards her right foot.
"You can turn back around for those ones," he said.
She shuffled around, and made the mistake of glancing up at him ever so briefly. He released his penis from his death-grip, and propelled himself forward by slapping the wall behind him, hard.
"You fucking looked at me!" he screamed. Emma had already closed her eyes reflexively, head hunched downwards. She felt hands grab and shake her by the shoulders. One of them was slightly sticky.
"What did I tell you? Stupid whore!"
"I didn't," she cried, "I didn't look!"
"Please stop."
"Fucking freak!"
"You're hurting me!"
He pushed her to the ground. She didn't dare to open her eyes, but she could feel that he'd taken his hands off her now. There was the sound of a few paces against the floor. A sigh. A rustle of fabric, and then the return of a rhythmic squelch, squelch noise.
"Carry on," he said.
She reached sideways again, keeping her eyes closed as tightly as possible: partly to avoid the chance she might accidentally look again, and partly to stop the tears.
"You're not trying very hard," he said. "Spread your legs more."
She adjusted her position a little.
Her hips ached with the effort. A single tear escaped, and ran down her cheek.
"That's better."
After a few dozen more stretches, she risked opening her eyes again, making sure to look down only at the floor. The list decreed that the next of her exercises were star-jumps, and the attendant made sure that she was facing him as she completed the set. He laughed crudely at the jiggling caused by her lack of supporting clothes. She worked through the rest of the sheet of instructions, trying not to scowl at the sounds of the attendant tugging at his prick, and his rasping breaths.
He inhaled sharply, pushed himself off from the wall, and walked towards her. He had stopped masturbating, at least temporarily. When he spoke, his voice was strained.
"Gonna finish now," he croaked. "Do those bending-over ones again."
She bent over, legs straight, fingers outstretched towards her toes, trying not to think of the very real possibility that the attendant might simply decide to disobey his instructions and rape her. At least if he did, it didn't sound like it would take long. She shivered at the thought all the same.
"Spread them," he said, "legs apart. Wider. Wider."
She reached a separation of about four feet, fingertips against the floor. She felt his hand pushing down on her back.
"Yeah. Just there. That's good."
She gazed down at the floor, listening to him breathing through clenched teeth.The wet noises started again, and after another minute, he finished with a grunt. Warm, sticky fluid splashed against her buttocks. The man made another sound from his throat, and a second stream of ejaculate spattered across the small of her back. Some of the first load trickled downwards, finding its way to her inner thigh. Pearly white drops rolled down over her skin, leaving glistening trails. She felt like she could vomit. The attendant sighed deeply.
"Mmm," he said, "not bad. Even though she won't let us fuck you girls, doesn't mean I can't still get some satisfaction."
He paced around to stand by her head and took a handful of her hair in his fist. Not wanting to risk another outburst like before, she looked away. Although she couldn't see exactly what he was doing, she was fairly certain he was wiping his dick off on her hair. He let go, and a few wet strands fell back and became stuck to her cheek. She wanted to scream. She wanted so badly to grab the man's filthy prick and grip as hard as she could, and dig in with her nails. She imagined herself standing over him, foot pressing down on his neck while he choked and begged for mercy, and mourned the fact that the scenario could never happen. She returned to standing while the attendant put away his shrinking cock and wiped his hands off on one of the blankets on the floor.
"Clean yourself off," he said. "If she finds out what happened, I'll be back for you. With some others. She can't watch over all of you all the time."
Emma wiped the worst of the mess off with toilet paper and then stood with her back to the sink, splashing water against herself. She was already thoroughly miserable, and this was only the beginning. They hadn't even started whatever Helen had planned for her next. It could have been worse, she consoled herself. She peeled the strands of hair from her face and washed herself with soap and water as adequately as she could. The attendant seemed to be growing impatient.
"Enough," he said. "Time to go. Can't have you being late for your appointment with The Gimp." | FF, MF, bd | Chapter 27 | Authors/Hoop/Incarceration/27_Cocoon2.txt |
108,200 | Hoop | Incarceration Ch.18 | Zoe looked up at the blank face mask of the attendant standing over her.
"I want to get out," she said.
A contemptuous laugh came from behind the mask.
"Please," she said, "it wouldn't really be your fault, right? If you were taking me to her and I somehow got free?"
"Not going to happen," he said.
"What do you care, though? You just work here, right? All you seem to do is drag us from place to place."
He didn't answer.
"It's not right. You know it isn't right," she said.
"Shut up."
"You're just as bad as-"
"Shut up!" the attendant dropped to his knees beside Zoe and grasped her face with his gloved hand, bringing his blank mask close. Zoe wondered how they could see through them. Perhaps it was like mirrored glass, or something.
"You keep quiet, girl," he said, "unless you want me to make you quiet."
They were both silent after that. Zoe had been taken aback at the sudden escalation of the attendant's temper. She decided she might try a different approach - some way to try and make a connection between them that she could use.
"I'll suck your cock," she said.
This time, the attendant's laughter was genuine.
"Come on," she said. "I'm really good at it."
It was a lie. Zoe had never had a cock in her mouth. Her four years of university had been considerably less debaucherous than many other girls' in that respect.
"Is that so?" said the attendant.
"Let me," said Zoe. "And then maybe, I don't know, perhaps you could accidentally neglect to do some handcuffs up all the way, or something?"
She got up on her knees, and made her way over to the attendant, slightly awkwardly without being able to use her arms for balance. She put her chin to his thigh, and looked up at him from below. "Please," she said, "I bet you'd like it."
"You'd better go and sit back down," he said, "or you'll regret it."
"Come on," said Zoe. She moved her face closer to his crotch. The fabric of his trousers was tightening. She was disgusted at the thought of what she might end up doing, but made sure not to show it. She looked up at him again, and ran her tongue across her lip.
"I want to," she said. "All that training Helen puts us through... I can't take any more of this girl-girl stuff. I want cock."
"I find that hard to believe."
"Try me," she said.
The attendant paused awhile. Then he shrugged, and Zoe yelped as he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her to her feet.
"What the hell," he said, "it has been a while. And we've got an hour. Let's go someplace else, though."
"...and there might be some accidentally-loose handcuffs?" Zoe ventured.
"Don't push your luck," he said. "We'll see just how well you do suck cock first. Now shut up. We can't talk about this once we're outside."
He pulled her out into the corridor, looking around conspiratorially before they made their way to the stairwell and descended three floors. He kept hold of her with one hand while he leaned into a storage cupboard, pulling out a roll of silver duct tape. She asked what it was for, and he didn't answer.
After more shoving along corridors that looked less well-cleaned and maintained than the floors above, Zoe found herself in a bathroom illuminated by a single fluorescent strip light, the others apparently having burned out. The tiles on the floor and walls were covered with grime. Three sinks along one wall bore identical, green stains of lime scale beneath brass taps. Some kind of corrosion had crept under the glass of one mirror, and another had a cobweb of cracks across its surface.
The attendant forced her down to her knees. The tiles were cold beneath them. He drew the electric baton from his belt, and pressed the prongs against Zoe's cheek.
"You try to run now," he said, "and I'm going to use this on you until the battery's dead. Got it?"
"But after..."
"We'll see about afterwards. Now, show me what you can do."
The attendant unbuckled his belt. He unfastened his trousers, and drew his zipper down. Apparently he was quite eager - after lowering his trousers a few inches, a tent of material sprang out, pointing at Zoe's face. Then he unbuttoned his boxer shorts, and produced his cock.
It jutted out at an angle just above the horizontal, looking a little under six inches in length. With a thumb and forefinger, he rolled back the foreskin to reveal its purplish head. Zoe wrinkled her nose. There were little white spots at the crown of his penis.
"What?" he said, "you got a problem with it?"
"N-no," she said. "It's fine."
"Good. Now get to it."
She opened her mouth. She thought that not looking at it might make the ordeal slightly less horrid, so Zoe closed her eyes as she put her head forward, closing her lips around the shaft and pressing against the underside of his cock with her tongue. She felt it twitch; it became even firmer now that it was inside. Zoe's lips drew back around her teeth as the taste hit her, like sweat and something mildly salty. She couldn't believe that other girls actually claimed to enjoy doing this.
The attendant grabbed her hair with both his hands and shoved her face into his crotch, and she retched as the tip of his cock grazed the back of her throat. Wiry pubic hair tickled against her nose.
"Come on!" he said.
She began to fellate him as best she could, working her lips and tongue around his organ. She bobbed her head back and forth, trying to swill up saliva for lubrication. Maybe it would dilute the taste as well, she thought. She gagged a couple more times as the attendant impatiently pulled her towards himself, and she choked out a strand of spittle and precum that dribbled down her chin. She rolled her tongue around his shaft, playing across the underside of the head, and put her tongue's tip against his frenulum, wondering if that was a sensitive area.
She sealed her lips around the shaft again and made a few more back-and-forth movements. Then she found her mouth empty, with the attendant pushing on her forehead to hold her head back. She took the opportunity to take a gasp of air. Her lips were wet with a mixture of both their fluids.
"You said you were good at this. This is the worst head I've ever gotten."
"I-I'm sorry," she said. "I'll try harder. Tell me what you like," she said, trying very hard to force a smile.
"This is a waste of my time," he said. "I'll take your cunt instead. At least you probably won't fuck that up as badly."
He shoved her down onto the floor, and knelt on top of her while he removed her strait jacket. Despite everything else going on at that moment, she was relieved to finally be liberated of the sweaty, thick material. She brought her arms in front of her slowly. She was sure she felt a shoulder joint crack, sending a surge of numbness down her arm.
"Stand up."
She did so. She tried to cover her nakedness self-consciously, and the attendant swatted her hands away. He snorted derisively. "I've seen better," he said. "Those tits aren't much to look at." He pawed at her chest, grabbing her roughly. "Can't even get a decent handful. Still, that's not too important. Get in the cubicle."
The attendant shoved Zoe into one of the bathroom stalls, and ordered her to sit on the toilet. There was no seat, and she cringed at the feeling of cold porcelain against her skin. It felt wrong. The bowl beneath her was streaked with rust-coloured stains. The position of the single light filled half the cubicle with shadow.
"Hands above your head," he said. The attendant produced the roll of tape he had fetched from the supply cupboard before, and bound her wrists together tightly. There was a cistern high up on the wall, with a bare copper pipe leading down to the toilet itself, and the attendant wrapped more of the tape around the pipe and her wrists, binding them to the wall above her.
She was regretting her decision now. "I only said I'd suck you off," she said, and received a hard slap across the face in response.
"That mouth of yours is useless," he said. "Feels like you've never sucked a cock in your life."
At Zoe's next attempt at objection, the attendant forced her mouth shut while he smoothed a strip of tape over her lips. Several more followed it, sealing her mouth completely. He used more of the tape to fashion makeshift cuffs for her ankles, and then tied them to the pipe above her head with long strips of it, spreading her legs wide, with her feet resting against the cubicle walls. She slipped down into the bowl a little, and then the attendant put his hands beneath her buttocks to heft her onto the rim. She was totally exposed to him. She was shaking her head, but either he didn't notice, or he didn't care.
His prick had remained hard the whole time he was tying her up, and now he knelt down in front of her, guiding himself inside her with his hand.The height of the toilet meant he had to settle for an awkward half-squatting stance, steadying himself with one arm as he made his way inwards. Apparently deciding that the position was unworkable, he stood up again and pulled Zoe further forward, causing her arms to tug painfully at her shoulders. This way, his approach was slightly easier, and he was able to drive his cock in deep.
In some ways, it wasn't as bad as the dildo Zoe had been subjected to before. The attendant's cock was softer and actually a deal narrower than the silicone toy that Emma had been made to fuck her with, on that day when Zoe had ended up taking a much more direct role in Helen's plans than she had ever intended.
It was strange not being able to see the attendant's face, with only sounds of his labored breathing coming from behind the blank mask. The thin porcelain rim dug painfully into Zoe's thighs, and her back bumped against the wall in time with the attendant's thrusts. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine somebody fucking her that she actually wanted to, but the realities of the situation kept creeping back in. In particular, it was hard to ignore the tape over her mouth, which was making her breathe hard through her nose. She couldn't properly relax the muscles in her legs because of how they were tied back; her thighs trembled as she shifted between equally uncomfortable positions. Then she slumped further down as the attendant pulled her closer to the edge, stabbing in a little deeper.
She would have thought he might not last that long, being already stimulated from her abortive attempt at fellatio. Then, as the minutes wore on, it began to seem like he would last longer as a result of it. She was starting to notice how cold it was down here. Goosebumps prickled on her arms, and she shivered. Her limbs throbbed with a multitude of aches.
Zoe felt something towards the end, as if her genitals thought they should become stimulated out of obligation. It wasn't close to an orgasm - she'd have hated herself if she had gone that far. She was just starting to enjoy the slight tingling feeling when the attendant finished, and a jab of warmth surged into her cunt. He pulled out, and emitted the remainder of his seed over her belly and thighs, making a strained grunting noise as he did so. Zoe looked down at the snotty strands as they began to run down her body, and sighed inwardly. At least it was over. Maybe she could take advantage of the attendant's post-climax satisfaction.
"Mmmph," she said. "Mm-mmph." It would be no good if she was gagged. She needed to speak, to try and convince him to afford her some chance at escape. Although, truthfully, he hadn't seemed to be very sympathetic to her so far. She had to stay positive, she thought. It was the best chance she had.
"Mmmmh nn mnn," she said, emphatically.
The attendant took his time cleaning off his dick with paper from the dispenser, dropping the used wads onto the floor. He put his trousers back on and washed his hands at the sink while Zoe watched what she could see of his reflection in the mirror. Eventually, he came back over.
"Mmmh," Zoe pleaded.
"Hah, oh, that's right, I'm supposed to be letting you escape," he said. "I can't believe you fell for that. You must really be desperate."
His words were like a physical blow, like Zoe had been hit in the stomach. Her guts went cold.
"Amazing the things you'll do, isn't it?" he said. "Of course, you aren't the first one to try this."
"How about you just sit here for now," he said. He checked the tape holding her legs apart, doubling some of it back on itself to spread her pussy even wider. "It'd be selfish of me to just have you to myself." He looked at his watch. "In fact, there's still about half an hour before Helen wants you... I'm sure some of the other attendants would enjoy coming down for a quick visit. I'll go and let them know," he said.
He left, and then the masked face appeared around the doorway once more.
"Oh, and you really need to work on those oral skills of yours," he said. "Terrible. Fucking terrible."
The sound of his coarse laughter was cut off as he slammed the bathroom door behind him.
Zoe's eyes were watering, but she blinked back the tears, resolving to direct her energy to something more useful. She could still make something of this situation, surely. Strips of hastily applied duct tape were nothing compared to the heavy-duty restraints Helen used. She tensed her arms as hard as she could, pulling downwards.
The only thing that happened was that the tape became uncomfortably tight around her wrists. She tried again, grunting with the effort. Then she started trying to rock back and forth, tugging harder on each successive forward motion.
There was a creaking sound from somewhere behind her, and she pulled harder still. Something was definitely shifting. The cistern pipe moved slightly against her back. She tried a few more back-and-forth tugs, and, when nothing more seemed to happen, she dispensed with the careful approach and began to thrash her limbs as much as she could, kicking her feet against the cubicle walls.
There was another creak, and then a sound like a ceramic plate snapping. She craned her head back as far as she could to look behind her. The pipe had come away from its mounting in the porcelain, leaving a fractured hole. Some white fragments fell to the floor with a tinkle.
Zoe shuffled sideways and fell off the side of the toilet onto her back, thumping her head against the wall painfully. Her shoulders screamed agonizing protest as her arms briefly bore her entire weight, and then she felt her wrists suddenly slip downwards. Gritty dust fell on top of her from where a pipe-bracket had been wrenched free from the tiles.
It took another few minutes of exhausting thrashing and painful twisting of her joints, but eventually Zoe managed to slide her wrists free from the pipe. Her hands were mobile enough now to pick away at the tape on her ankles. She stopped halfway to tear the tape from her mouth, taking in a big lungful of air. By the time her legs were freed, she was sweating all over, supporting herself on quivering muscles that seldom saw any use. After that, she used the lower corner of one of the cubicle walls to rasp away at the tape around her wrists, rejoicing silently when she finally cut through it.
She had to get out of here before another attendant showed up. She ran to the door, pulling it open and stepping into the corridor outside. | null | Chapter 18 | Authors/Hoop/Incarceration/18_Attendant.txt |
108,206 | Hoop | Incarceration | Zoe's forehead met Helen's face, and Zoe felt something go crunch. Helen sprawled backwards, apparently too shocked to cry out, and Zoe cast off the straitjacket, flinging it to one side and descending upon her. A knee to the solar plexus had the desired effect, and Helen gasped and choked, curling up in an instinctively defensive position, too winded to cry for help. She raised her hands to her face. A small amount of blood appeared under her nose.
Zoe straddled her, using one hand to mash Helen's face into the floor, frantically opening each drawer of the bedside cabinet, looking for the keys to Laura's restraints. She found them, unfastened one of Laura's cuffs, and handed her the key so she could attend to the other herself. Beneath her, Helen was gasping, struggling weakly, trying to reach the electric shock device in her pocket. Zoe grabbed her wrist, bending her arm behind her back. Helen's attempt to scream came out as a wheeze. Zoe rolled her on to her back, kneeling on her remaining free arm, and placed both her hands around Helen's throat.
"What's the matter, 'mistress'? I thought you liked to play rough!"
Her face was turning red, her eyes bloodshot. She managed to take half a breath, and Zoe tightened her grip. Helen's hand reached out, finding nothing to fight back with. There was fear in her eyes.
"Don't think I'm going to choke you into unconsciousness," Zoe said. "That'd be too easy for you. Laura, help me get her on the bed."
Laura had freed herself from the cuffs now, and came to help. Zoe ceased strangling Helen long enough for her to take a gasping breath. Laura was ready, holding the ball gag that she had worn earlier, and shoved it into Helen's mouth. It would be easier to manhandle her now that they didn't need to worry about her calling for help. True, she could still make noises, but they were indistinguishable from the cries of any other girl who might be being tortured here. The attendants wouldn't know the difference. She thrashed and kicked, making muffled cries while they wrestled her onto the bed.
They snapped the cuffs closed around her wrists. Laura found that there were additional restraints beneath the bed, and they used them to shackle Helen by the ankles as well, spreading her out, immobile. She gasped and coughed, apparently still out of breath. Chains rattled against the bed frame, completely unyielding, as any number of Helen's victims had already found out. Panting with the exertion, Zoe and Laura stood over Helen's helpless body. Gradually, as the adrenal surge of the struggle wore off, a smile crept across Zoe's face. Laura looked as if she couldn't believe what was happening. She turned to Zoe, slack-jawed.
"We... we got her," she said. "We actually got her."
Zoe sat down on the mattress. Helen seemed to be trying to say something through her gag, choking on her saliva. The expression on her face was of total, helpless rage. Her fingers picked uselessly at the metal cuffs, and she glared at them murderously. Zoe reached into Helen's pocket, and removed the shock device.
"Yeah," she said. "I guess we did, didn't we?" She grinned at Helen, her teeth bared. Sparks crackled between the metal prongs.
"Wait, what are we going to do? I mean, what if someone-"
Zoe held up her hand to interrupt Laura. "We're going to decide what happens now... 'mistress'. But you don't get to hear about it," she said, placing the shock device on Helen's stomach. "I'll leave that there for you to think about. But for now, I need some time to talk with Laura here."
They found a pair of earplugs amongst Helen's ample equipment, and Laura held her head in place while Zoe inserted them into Helen's ears. She was still giving them a menacing look, so they blindfolded her as well, for good measure. Helen went quiet, apparently having given up on the pointless idea of trying to call for help. She shifted about, testing her bonds as if hoping she would find a weakness that had somehow gone unnoticed all this time.
"I guess this is an opportunity to put some clothes on," said Laura.
There were a handful of outfits in Helen's wardrobe, which seemed to either be her own personal clothes, or outfits for her victims that catered to any one of several fetishes. Zoe seemed to be about the same size as Helen, managing to find some adequate, casual clothing. Laura wasn't quite so lucky, and after a long search she decided she'd rather remain in her undergarments than wear any of the various black, leathery things they found in the cupboard's deeper recesses. They stood at the foot of the bed, considering the next move.
"What happens now?"
"Maybe we can shock her a bit?" Laura said, "perhaps till she passes out? Maybe we can do all the fucking things that she... that she..."
"Take it easy," said Zoe. "There's plenty of time for all of that. But we want to actually get out of here, right?"
"I... I know. It's just, I don't know, what do we do? How can we get out? There's guards everywhere, Zoe! You remember what happened when you tried..."
"That was because I didn't have time to plan," she said. "Now we can be careful about it. We're all getting out, okay? All of us."
Laura nodded.
"Let's start with this," said Zoe. She picked Helen's tablet computer up from where she had left it, and tapped at the screen a few times.
"Huh, that figures. It makes sense that she's a control freak. She's got root access to every other server in the building." She sat down on the bed. "Which means I should be able to..."
She tapped away silently for a few minutes. Laura sat down next to her.
"What is it you're trying to do?"
"The cameras," said Zoe. "I need to give us some time to find the others. Helen said they were being taken to sens-dep, right?"
"We can't leave the room! What if someone finds us?"
"Look," said Zoe, pointing at the screen, "nobody patrolling the corridors. Why would they? They keep everyone locked in their cells, probably tied up too. And it's late. And now," she added, tapping the screen and causing a flurry of text to appear in a terminal window, "whoever's watching won't be able to see anything for a few minutes, because I've just told the camera server it needs to reboot to install updates. Come on, we don't have much time."
Claire had made the mistake of thinking the day's torments were finally over. She and Emma had sat on the floor of their cell, with nothing much to say to each other, cautiously taking pleasure in being left alone and allowed to rest. After a while, Claire had decided she might try and sleep, even though she wasn't particularly tired. Evidently she had managed to drift off at some point, which meant that the awakening came as a shock. She found herself being pulled to her feet, cruelly torn away from the escape of her dreamless sleep. Emma was already face-down on the floor, held there by an attendant's knee in her back as he tipped out the contents of his equipment bag.
"Miss Stanford wants to send you for some alone time," he said, "in sens-dep. You like it there, don't you?"
Emma merely screamed and cried in response, nails digging into the soft material of the cell floor as she tried to wriggle free.
"Again! Why!? She can't do this to us! I've already been! We didn't do anything wrong! Please!"
Her pleas were, of course, futile. There didn't need to be any reason behind the whims of their mistress.
"I'll do anything else," she was begging, "just don't send me back. Please. Pleeease! NO!"
Claire knew how much of an effect it had had on the girl the first time. She wondered if her own response would be so traumatic, or easier now that she was simply accepting whatever her mistress decided to do. It wouldn't be painful in the sense of the other tortures. Maybe it would be easy to endure. But in that case, why was Emma so hysterical?
Her cries quietened down once she had been gagged. Claire allowed the attendant to fit her with a straitjacket, and then she was left alone briefly, as it was apparently going to take both of them to do the same for Emma. She was thrashing about with a good deal of energy, wide-eyed, tears streaming down her cheeks. The attendants wrapped bandaging material around her head to blindfold her, and, with Emma now disoriented, the rest of their job was much simpler. They bound her legs, leaving her to squirm and whimper while they both turned their attention back to Claire. Her own blindfold went on, and everything became dark. Not even a small crack of light filtered through. She opened her mouth to accept a ball gag, noting that it was softer than usual, with straps that didn't chafe her lips. Designed for long-term use, she supposed. She felt earphones being inserted into her ears and taped in place. They emitted a steady, quiet stream of white noise.Her only connection to the outside world now was the feeling of restraints against her skin.
She felt herself being carried and dumped on some slightly-yielding surface, and then rocking slightly as she was presumably moved to a different room. She was lifted up, and there was again the sense of general motion before she came to rest, lying down on a padded floor. At least it was softer than their cell's, she thought. The surface below her shifted slightly, and there was the sensation of something heavy being dropped nearby.
And after that, nothing.
Claire wiggled her toes, the only part of her body that was still mobile. She shifted her arms, wishing she could cross them the other way round inside the straitjacket. Then she rolled over onto her back, seeing nothing, hearing nothing. So this is 'sens-dep', she thought.
It didn't seem so bad for the first hour. Or ten minutes, or thirty - Claire couldn't tell. What she did know was that the utter blackness and absence of distinguishable sound was starting to break down for her. Within the static hiss, voices began to emerge. Images formed in her mind; the distinction between seeing and simply imagining became blurred. "Forever," the voices whispered. "You'll be here forever. She'll forget about you."
She tried to roll over, and was immediately gripped by the sensation of falling. A moment later her whole body jerked as her sense of gravity re-established itself. She wondered what was happening to the other girls right now, and with nothing to distract her, she was able to visualize with complete clarity any number of tortures that might occur to her. They were composites of her past experiences, hypnagogic images of Emma's thighs and chest sore with cane-marks, Laura with her pupils dilated, drooling and stupefied under the influence of Helen's drugs, the redhead, tattoo pen buzzing and ready to add another permanent mark, Zoe strapped to a metal frame, and the needles, oh God, the needles in her body...
Claire began to realize why Emma had been so afraid of going back.
Some indeterminate time later, Claire was just beginning to hallucinate the sensation of insects crawling all over her skin when something undeniably real touched her face. She was jolted back to the more mundane reality of something happening to her that she couldn't see, and tried to squirm away, as if that would help at all. It was a hand, someone was touching her, pulling off her blindfold. What were they going to do to her now?
In the dim light of the room, she could just make out the figure in front of her, who was unfastening her bonds. For some reason, the mirrored faceplate of the attendants' helmets was absent. She blinked deliberately and slowly, unsure if this was still her mind conjuring images for her. It was Zoe. Zoe was freeing her. She loosened the ball gag, and Claire pushed it out of her mouth. The static hiss disappeared as the earphones were removed.
"What... Zoe... what's going on?"
"We're getting you out of here," she said. "We got her, Claire. I nearly fucking knocked her out, she's tied down and waiting for us."
"Who is?" Claire felt a sadness about the fact that Zoe had obviously been broken completely now, bent to their mistress's will, and was dragging her off to torture some other victim.
Claire felt a stab of anxiety. Mistress didn't like it when they called her by name.
"We got Helen," Zoe repeated.
"But that doesn't make any sense," said Claire.
"She'll snap out of it once we take her up," said Zoe. Claire realized she was addressing Laura, who was also present. "Help me free Emma, too. I guess they were the only two in here."
Claire watched skeptically as they freed Emma from her bonds. Surely this wasn't allowed. She followed them out of the room and into the blindingly bright corridor, Zoe pulling her by her wrist. None of this made any sense.
Laura led the way back, heart pounding as she peeked around each corner to check for attendants. The corridors seemed quiet - Zoe was apparently correct in her assumption that there was no need for anybody to patrol them, with every victim at least locked in a cell, and probably restrained in some way in addition to that. She hoped that whatever Zoe had done on Helen's computer had disabled the cameras long enough for them to make the trip. Every second they spent outside Helen's room was a risk.
They made it back without being discovered, by which time Emma seemed to have regained her composure, with Zoe reassuring her that everything was okay. Laura was more concerned about Claire, who seemed very spaced-out. Perhaps her most recent experiences had completely broken her. Laura realized she herself had been perilously close to slipping into complete, unresisting acceptance of her fate, but the sight of Helen bound and helpless, like they had been so many times before, had dispelled all of that. Now the only things on her mind were escape, and as much revenge as they could get without risking being caught.
Zoe closed the door of Helen's room softly behind them, and they stood at the end of the bed, looking down at her. She seemed unaware that they had returned, and was carefully and calmly trying to ease her hands through the cuffs, which were far too well-fitted to allow such an obvious escape. She was a victim of her own thoroughness.
"Jesus," said Emma. "Is it really her? Actually her?"
She went to the other end of the bed, and removed Helen's blindfold. She looked for a long time at Helen's face, with Helen glaring back at her. "Aahe gah ouh," Helen attempted to speak. "Ee cah talh. Hu ih."
"What was that?"
Emma pushed the ball gag far back into Helen's mouth, and allowed her to choke on it for a good few seconds. She removed the pressure, and Helen coughed up a few strands of drool. She tried again to communicate, but none of them were interested in what she had to say.
"We can't do this!" Claire said, "we'll get in so much trouble! This is not okay!"
"Trouble from who?" Zoe opened the remaining cupboards, searching for inspiration.
"From mistress! What were you thinking, doing something like this?!"
"It doesn't matter any more, Claire. What she's done to us, it's over. We're going to get out, but we're getting some payback first."
"Out where? Where to?"
"Back to the world, Claire. Out of this place."
"But, how?"
"We'll work it out. I've got a few ideas."
Emma removed Helen's earplugs.
"But there's no reason we can't have a bit of fun first," she said. Zoe had found a robust pair of scissors, the kind that could easily cut through denim if necessary. She indicated to Laura and Emma to hold Helen down, and set about slicing away her clothes. Helen thrashed impotently, mumbling incomprehensible curses. They stripped her down to her underwear. Claire only watched, chewing on her knuckles, looking worried and confused.
"You can put some clothes on, you know," said Zoe. "Hers don't fit Laura, but you're probably about the right size."
Laura gave Zoe a nasty glare, although she was only telling the truth. She took a moment to find some things for Claire to wear - panties and a bra that fortunately seemed to fit well enough, a pair of leggings, and a long-sleeved top. Emma ended up wearing a t-shirt that barely covered her midriff, reasoning that it was better than nothing. It had been a while since any of them had worn normal clothes.
The blade of the scissors slipped beneath the waistband of Helen's panties. Snip. Zoe cut the waistband at the other side, and then pulled the material away to expose pink, vulnerable flesh. She ran the scissor blade lightly over the area, and Helen froze up.
"Careful, Zoe," said Laura.
"What, you think we shouldn't be too rough? After what she did to us? Look at me," Zoe pointed at number tattooed on her breast, "if this doesn't justify doing whatever I fucking want to her, then what does? This isn't coming off, Laura, it's permanent. Maybe I should give our 'mistress'" (she scowled as she used the term) "a few permanent marks of her own? Huh? How about that?"
She held the scissors in front of Helen's face and snapped them open and shut. Helen winced, despite her best efforts to appear calm, which was clearly not the case. Emma put her hand on Zoe's back, and gently, but firmly, took hold of the hand that was holding the scissors.
"We all feel the same way," she said. "But that's too far. Give me the scissors."
"Are you fucking crazy? After what she did to you? To me?"
Helen watched the argument unfold above her.
"What's a few little cuts compared to a caning? Compared to waterboarding? A whole fucking box of needles stuck in my skin? Are you out of your mind? She's evil!"
Zoe reached down with her other hand and tore away Helen's bra. Helen groaned as Zoe pinched a nipple between her fingers and pulled it up, and then screamed quite loudly, despite her gag, as Zoe poised the scissor blades either side of the pinched flesh.
"Zoe! Stop!"
"Why should I? Give me one fucking reason!"
"Because," said Claire, "we're better than her. If we hurt her like she did, then we're just as bad."
Zoe frowned at her for a few seconds.
"Fuck that," she said.
Helen cried out the loudest, but even the other girls joined in the reaction of what Zoe had done. Laura opened eyes that she had reflexively scrunched shut to see Zoe holding the pair of scissors over Helen's untouched chest, the nipple slightly pink from where it had been pinched and then released at the last moment. Zoe threw the scissors to the floor. She moved up so that she was kneeling over Helen, face to face."You have no idea how much I actually wanted to go through with that," she said.
Laura felt queasy. She was sure that the hatred was strong in all of them, but Zoe seemed to be taking it the furthest. Her eyes were wide, and Laura could see that she was grinning maniacally as she slapped Helen's face, once, twice, then again and again until Helen was no longer even bracing for the impact, her head flopping from side to side with each strike.
"Fucking bitch! Fucking-"
She grabbed Helen by the shoulders, pulling her up and then shoving her down roughly. The mattress creaked beneath them.
"Sshh, Zoe, what if someone hears? Helen never spoke to us like that, and there's no way she'd let one of us do it!"
Zoe narrowed her eyes. It was a fair point. She gave Helen a final slap before pushing her head down into the pillow as she stood up from the bed. Helen's cheeks were red.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I guess my self-control isn't as good as all of yours."
Zoe picked up the computer again, and Emma and Claire came over to look at its screen, for the first time able to see whatever it was that Helen used it for. Zoe touched various icons, flicking through pages of data and interfaces. There was a menu of video streams, all showing camera feeds from various parts of the facility, in full color and high resolution. Some cameras showed cells like the one they had slept in, all containing various numbers of girls. In one cell, three girls lay sleeping, with a single small blanket to share between them. In another, a girl was huddled in the corner alone, a tray of food on the floor alongside her, untouched. Elsewhere, girls who had probably shown more resistance had been left blindfolded and restrained.
Many of the other rooms were empty, with equipment neatly tidied away. Laura recognized the large, black chair set in front of a bank of computer monitors. It seemed that she was not the only girl to undergo milking either - somewhere else, two girls were restrained in the way she remembered: strapped to metal frames, with feeding tubes secured into their mouths, suction cups attached to their breasts that had been artificially induced to lactate.
There were a few attendants in one room, sat around a table and having a coffee break. Strange, Laura thought, that it should look like the break room of any other workplace: a kitchen worktop, a few sofas, a calendar on a fridge. To them, this was their job.
Another program seemed to be a database. A list of three-digit numbers down one side indexed everybody imprisoned in the facility. Laura put her hand over her mouth. There were dozens. Zoe tapped the "next entry" icon again and again, and each time they were presented with the picture of a girl and her statistics: height, weight, even allergies and blood type. How the hell did they even get that information?
It was inevitable that they eventually stumbled across one of their own entries. Claire's face appeared on the screen, next to accurate, personal data. There was something called a "progress log", which they skimmed through, although Claire turned away, not wanting to see. The lower part of the list contained the earliest entries:
'314 was inducted into the facility today, no major issues. Preliminary session proceeded well.'
'314 seems weaker than average, and already clings to her cell mate. I will enjoy breaking her, although the challenge won't be significant.'
Then, later on, the entries gave details of Claire's "progress".
'314 is becoming quite docile, and obediently cleaned my feet today. I'm becoming quite fond of her.'
'314 ably serviced some important clients today, with no fuss or resistance. What a pleasure it is to train her.'
'314 shows less resistance each day, and even seems eager to please me, now. She will be ready for auction soon, although I am tempted to keep her for personal use.'
Zoe set the tablet down for a few moments to think. The scale of Helen's operation was becoming apparent. Across the room, Helen was once again trying to communicate with them.
"Shut up," said Zoe.
"Mmh, mm mmh."
"I said, shut up."
"Mmmh." Helen rattled her restraints.
Zoe flicked to another application, an e-mail client, filled with correspondence, neatly sorted into directories. The "internal" directory contained communications between Helen and the rest of the facility staff. In particular, there were recent entries about the "benefits" of the attendants being curtailed due to a "potential escape incident." Zoe grinned when she read Helen's account of her near-escape.
"Wait a second," she said, under her breath.
"What?" said Laura.
"You think it's not okay for us to hurt her, Claire?"
Claire responded non-committally.
"I think I've just worked out a nice way to get some payback," she said.
Laura watched as Zoe searched through the wardrobe, muttering about something she had seen in there before.
"Ah, here it is."
The purpose of the black, rubbery thing wasn't obvious at first until Zoe unlaced some drawstrings at the back - it was some kind of mask, or rather, a hood that would cover the wearer's entire head. There seemed to be no eye holes though - only a slit for a mouth, which was currently sealed with a zipper.
"Lift her head up a bit," said Zoe. "No, I supposed we'll have to roll her over, actually."
"Why are we putting that on her?" Laura asked.
"You'll see. Anyway, it'll be good for her to get some first-hand experience of what she's been doing to us. Now uncuff her wrists, carefully. Emma, you take her other arm. Claire, hold her down."
Laura could feel Helen's arms straining as they freed her from the bed frame, but she was apparently not very strong, and couldn't get any leverage with her body twisted awkwardly.
"Should we take the gag out?" said Emma.
Zoe thought for a moment. They had all become familiar with the effectiveness of various pieces of equipment during their time here.
"The ball gag will stop her being able to speak, but it doesn't quieten her down all that much. And this hood probably won't do much. Guess we should swap it for something else."
Zoe stooped down to pick up the cut-up remains of Helen's panties. She scrunched them into a ball, testing it for size in her hand, and then picked up a discarded sock in addition to the panties. She set the undergarments down on the bed, making sure the scissors were close to hand.
"You scream for help, you make any noise, and I really will use these," she said. "Understand?"
Helen glared at her.
"Do you understand?" she raised her voice.
Helen nodded once.
"Actually, like hell I'm going to trust you. Laura, get ready to shove these in her mouth," she said, handing her the dirty undergarments.
Zoe unbuckled the strap on Helen's ball gag, and eased it out. She immediately clamped her thumb and fingers either side of Helen's mouth, forcing it open.
"Aagh, wait, wait," she was saying, "I won't scream. Wait. Just give me a second."
Laura looked skeptical.
"You're making a huge mistake," said Helen. "You can't get out. You've already looked at the computer. There's too much security," her mouth began to twist into a grin as she listed reasons why their situation was hopeless. "We put those microchips under your skin, remember?"
Emma glanced down at the small, white mark on her hand where the insertion wound had healed.
"Everywhere you go," Helen continued, "we'll be able to see. I guess you told the camera server to reboot to give you time to get the others," she said to Zoe, "but that won't work twice. Our IT guy will realise something's up. You can't win. So let me go, and I'll make it easy for you. Or you can wait until someone finds you, gets me free, and then your punishment will be severe and imaginative."
The girls looked at each other.
"You know this isn't right, 314," she said. "Claire. I know this is weird and you don't feel right about helping them. I won't punish you. You need to stop this."
"I don't..."
"She's not your fucking slave any more!" said Zoe. "None of us are! Laura, shut her up."
"No no, wait! I can-"
"Not interested," said Zoe.
Helen managed to clamp her lips shut, but couldn't help opening her mouth to cry out when Zoe grabbed an ample amount of breast tissue between her thumb and fingers, squeezing brutally. Laura shoved the undergarments into Helen's mouth, and Zoe covered her face with the rubber hood. Helen thrashed and struggled, making it as difficult for them as possible, but with Emma holding her head into the pillow, Zoe was able to lace the hood up at the back, pulling the arrangement tight against Helen's face and tying the strings off at the back, then buckling the built-in collar. The arrangement was very secure.
Emma pulled Helen's head up. With the zipper fastened and her mouth packed, Helen was effectively silenced, only able to make muffled groans.
"Do you think she can get enough breath?" said Emma. The rubbery material of the mask bulged slightly, and then formed back around Helen's nose as she struggled for air.
"Hope so," said Zoe. "Wouldn't want her to suffocate or anything. I'm sure she'll be fine. Won't you?"
She roughly grabbed another handful of Helen's bare breast, eliciting a stifled mewl of pain.
"Nice and quiet. Much better."
Zoe returned to looking at the computer, to enact the next part of her plan. "And now," she said to herself, bringing up the camera streams, "where are you, you little red-headed bitch?"
She looked up from the computer. "This is going to take a bit of time," she said. "But there's plenty of stuff lying around here. We can't let Helen get too comfortable.Maybe you can rehabilitate Claire a bit. Let her work some of it out.
Laura helped Emma manhandle Helen to the foot of the bed, where they cuffed her wrists against the frame so that she was kneeling on the floor, back and buttocks exposed. They found a leather flogger, and Laura handed it to Claire, closing her fingers around the handle.
"Use it," she said.
"I can't," said Claire. "I don't want to hurt anyone. It doesn't make it right. I mean, was it really so bad?"
"Yes, it was. She's just fucked with your head so much you don't see it that way. Now hit her."
Claire hesitated.
"Fucking hit her!" said Emma.
The leather strips slapped against Helen's back. She let out a grunt, although the pain couldn't have been much, judging from Claire's half-hearted attempt.
"Oh, here," said Emma, "give it to me." She wrested the implement from Claire's grip, holding the business end with her other hand to stretch it, building up elastic energy that ensured a solid impact when she released it against Helen's shoulders. She grunted louder. That one would have hurt.
She struck her repeatedly, working herself into a rage as she unleashed the flogger on Helen's back again and again, harder and harder, while Helen dug her nails into her palms and tried to turn this way and that, so that the strikes fell on untouched skin rather than the red, sore patches that were developing in various places. Emma cursed and swore, swinging her arm wildly with each strike, putting the force of her whole body behind them. Eventually, she dropped the flogger, panting for breath, she and the other girls watching the marks on Helen's back turn pink, then bright red. Emma settled into a crouch against the wall, tucking her head between her knees and crying tears of anger or relief or sadness, Laura couldn't tell which. Helen's chest was shaking, but whether she was also crying, they didn't know. Certainly, she would be in a lot of pain.
They were quiet for a while after that, while Zoe tapped at the computer. Laura felt decidedly half-hearted about picking up the flogger and having a go herself, and Claire didn't look like she was about to try either. Some of the marks had now turned purple, and Laura found herself wondering if they had gone too far. No, she thought. Nothing was too far for what she'd done to them.
"I've sorted out the cameras," said Zoe. "I've frozen the streams for the ones that look at the corridors, so we should be able to move around safely. It looks like the number of attendants is decreased overnight, there's a few slacking off in the break room, and some more assigned to watch specific cells that we can avoid. The next thing is to go pay a visit to Miss Tattoo Artist."
She held up the computer so they could see the video stream of the red-haired girl, who was standing in a tiled room with a metal chair at its centre, which had suggestive, rust-coloured stains on the floor beneath it. She was attending to a tray of what looked like surgical equipment - bandages, cotton swabs, needles and the like. She sprayed something onto a paper towel, and started to wipe down the chair's surfaces.
"I've frozen the camera for her room too. She's one floor down, along a corridor," said Zoe. "If we rush her, we can overpower her."
"I don't know, Zoe, that sounds like one hell of a risk. What if we can't do it?"
"There's four of us," she said. "Helen's not exactly going to be able to do anything. And look, the equipment room is pretty nearby. We'll have everything we need."
"Can I ask what exactly we're going to do, once we 'overpower' her?"
"We're going to get her to help us," said Zoe. "And then I'm going to have some fun with her."
"Shouldn't we just focus on getting out? I mean, Helen's not going anywhere. Couldn't we escape?"
"Sure, we could," she said. "And then eventually someone would come and find her, free her, and things would go back to normal. And she'd carry on. I want her to know the gravity of what she's done. Just trust me on this, all right?"
Laura wondered if Zoe was enjoying herself a little too much. Wasn't this enough? She couldn't very well run off on her own, though. Zoe seemed to know her way around the computers, which would be vital for getting out safely. Her knowledge from when she was on Helen's staff would doubtless help. Christ, that's true, Laura thought, Zoe used to work for her. She couldn't imagine her being on the other side of their situation.
She, Emma and Claire hauled Helen out of the room, half-carrying her, half dragging when she managed to squirm out of their grip. Zoe went to the equipment room, coming back with a large ball gag, a see-through plastic bag, and some cable ties that she had already arranged into a ring. She pointed to another doorway.
"Quietly," she said. "She's in there. I'm going to run in first, Emma, you follow me and help hold her down. Laura, you and Claire can drag Helen in afterwards. Okay?"
Laura nodded.
She watched from the corridor, hoping that Zoe knew what she was doing. Zoe eased the door open ever so quietly, revealing the red-haired girl, who had her back to the door. She was humming to herself happily, holding up each of her tools to the light to inspect them for stains, wiping them down with latex-gloved hands and returning them to their proper place on the stainless steel table.
Zoe crept quietly for the first few steps, then went all-out and charged at the girl, plastic bag raised in her hands. She pulled it down over the girl's head, who shrieked in surprise. Emma was close behind, grabbing the redhead's arms and pinning them to her waist. Zoe managed to get the ring of zip ties around the girl's neck and yanked them tight, securing the bag in place. She immediately began to choke, getting one hand free despite Emma's best efforts and grabbing at the thin plastic cutting into her neck, then falling to her knees as the girls pulled her down. The plastic bag fogged up from her strangled breaths, and Zoe clamped her hand over the girl's mouth. She motioned for Laura to drag Helen inside, and she did so, shutting the door. The redhead kicked out and sent the metal table crashing to the floor, and Laura ran over to help Zoe and Emma wrestle her to the ground.
"You can cooperate with us," said Zoe, "and we'll cut the bag off. You can keep struggling, and we'll leave you to suffocate. What's it going to be?"
The girl retched and choked, even with Zoe's hand removed from her mouth she seemed unable to form a response. Droplets of condensation ran down the plastic surface. There was a desperate look in her eyes.
"I wonder if she wants to make the sensible choice," said Zoe, "or not. Hmm?"
More strangled gasps. The plastic sucked against the girl's mouth and nostrils, allowing her to take half a breath of oxygen-depleted air before sealing against them.
"Time's running out," said Zoe.
"Please..." the girl managed to croak, "take... off..."
"Promise to be a good girl?"
Laura winced. It sounded like something Helen would say. The redhead nodded desperately.
"All right then." Zoe used a nearby scalpel to sever the zip ties, pulling the bag off and allowing the girl to take huge, gasping breaths as she recovered. Weakened by the ordeal, they had no trouble holding her down. She didn't seem to have the presence of mind to resist, merely lying there and panting.
"How..." she gasped, "How did you get free?"
"Doesn't matter," said Zoe. "What we need now from you, is a little favour."
The redhead looked doubtful.
"Or alternatively," said Zoe, "we can just tie you up and leave you like her." She pointed to Helen.
"Why would I help you?" she said.
"I've got more plastic bags," said Zoe. "Also there's four of us, one of you, and a lot of sharp things in this room. Am I making sense?"
"What do you want from me?"
"Get your tattoo pen," said Zoe. "We need to make Claire's body double here a bit more convincing."
It was becoming apparent what Zoe had planned for Helen. Looking at her lying on the floor, face completely covered by the hood, Helen was simply an anonymous girl, like many of the victims here. Her clothes had fitted Claire so well because they were, essentially, the same size, and roughly the same build. No birthmarks - not that any of her staff would have seen her naked anyway. With Helen's hair tucked inside the hood, the only thing that would distinguish the girls' bodies was the number "314", inked on Claire's buttock.
"Take your pants down, Claire."
She didn't question Zoe's instructions. She was used to taking orders of that kind. Zoe pointed to the number on Claire's backside.
"Write it on her," said Zoe, "and make it look exactly the same."
"I can see what your plan is," said the redhead. "You seriously think that will work? What about the microchips?"
Zoe brandished a scalpel. Claire looked at it anxiously.
"Just get to work," said Zoe.
They put the ball gag Zoe had brought on the redhead girl, in case she decided to try and call for help. They rolled Helen over on to her front. Zoe sat close by, scalpel in hand, watching the redhead intently as she reluctantly inked the solid black numbers onto Helen's buttock. After that came the unpleasant business of the microchip. It wasn't buried deep, and Zoe managed to remove it from Claire quickly and cleanly. The chip was small, about the size of a grain of rice. Zoe sterilised it with alcohol, and Helen's breath quickened as they made a small cut to insert the chip into her hand, covering it with a plaster. They decided they may as well remove everyone else's while they were here, and had the tools to do so."It's sore," said Emma, pointing out Helen's reddened skin where it had been inked. "They're going to notice it's new."
"Not if we even things up," said Laura. "Keep holding her down."
She spanked Helen's other buttock with her palm, striking harder once she had found the best way to angle her hand. There was a series of satisfying slapping sounds, and Helen's ass was soon a bright and even red all over. Laura had even managed to leave a mark in the shape of her hand where she had landed a particularly effective blow.
"There," she said, "perfect."
"Mmh hmmh?" the red-haired girl asked.
"Sit in the chair," said Zoe.
The girl looked around the room, apparently decided there were no other options available to her, and grudgingly complied with Zoe's order. Her fingers reached for the ball gag.
"Uh-uh," said Zoe. "It stays on."
"Mmmh," she protested.
Zoe used more zip ties to bind the girl to the chair by her wrists and ankles. Then she picked up the scalpel again and began to cut away her clothes.
"Her as well? Aren't we going a bit far? What about Helen?"
Emma looked concerned.
"What I want you to do," said Zoe, "is take Helen to the room one floor down, the one on the left of the computer screen. It's got a bench with restraints on it. Take her there and strap her down, make sure she's spread out. Oh, and put a ring gag in her mouth, too. Leave the hood on. Okay?"
They left Zoe with the red-haired girl, assured that they wouldn't encounter any attendants on the way. The corridors were strangely quiet. Helen, obviously realizing the basis of the plan to have her assume Claire's place, was thrashing more energetically now, desperately trying to get them to allow her to communicate. They found the room that Zoe had sent them to, and brought Helen inside. The only furniture was the bench, covered with a thin layer of plastic padding. Thick, metal cuffs were attached at either end, secured with heavy bolts. They lay Helen down on it and locked the cuffs around her limbs. The arrangement held her spread out, exposed. She arched her back, finding no give in the restraints, looking around blindly.
"Guess we'll put this in now," said Laura, holding up the gag they had collected from the equipment room - a metal ring a few inches across, set between two leather straps. "I suppose we'll have to roll the hood up a bit."
They loosened the lacing just enough to reveal Helen's mouth from beneath the rubber. Her skin was slick with sweat. She spat out the saliva-soaked ball of fabric.
"Please," she said, "wait, just calm down, this is enough. I'll let you go. I'll let you go! Don't listen to 27-... to Zoe. She's gone crazy. You don't know what she's going to do. We need to talk about this."
"Pleading now, are we?" Laura laughed. "You're pathetic."
"You don't understand," said Helen, "she's a sadist. I used her as a chemist because I couldn't let her near the girls, she was too rough with them. You don't need to do this! You can walk out of here!"
"Sure we can," said Emma. "And then you'll just come for us again. Nice try, though," she said.
They shoved the ring gag into her mouth, wedging it open uncomfortably wide. Then the hood came back down. They opened the zipper, and Helen's tongue protruded past it, trying to find any way to loosen the gag. "Hleah," she said "ohh't oh. Uu aahn."
"Guess this is where we leave her," said Emma.
"Haah!" protested Helen.
"You just lie there and relax," said Laura. "I'm sure you won't be left alone for long."
"Aauh! Haah!"
Helen's nonsense sounds were a lot quieter the other side of the door, once they had left the room.
They returned to Zoe and the redhead.
Emma happened to be the first to walk back into the room, gasping at what she saw. Behind her, Claire threw her hands up to cover her eyes.
"Oh, God, Zoe! What the fuck?"
Laura had the sense to close the door, lest they be overheard.
"What have you done?"
Zoe turned to them, brushing her hair out of the way with a latex-gloved hand. It left a little streak of blood on her forehead.
"You all saw what she did to me," she said. "This fucking red-headed bitch. The needles. I thought this would be a fitting punishment for her."
Zoe had put one of the surgical masks that the redhead had always worn over the girl's face, covering the ball gag. Her eyes were red now, wet with tears. Her hands were shaking, breath coming in shuddering, stifled gasps. Zoe had apparently been quite careful - there wasn't much blood, considering what she had done to her. The girl was curling and uncurling her toes, which caused the little pile of discarded needle sheaths between her feet to shift and rustle.
"Fucking hell," said Laura.
"She'll be fine," said Zoe, grinning a little disturbingly. "See, I've tied off these strands of catgut here and here, so they'll only get torn out if she moves too much."
The redhead's eyes turned upwards. It looked like she wanted to scream, but the movement of her rib cage associated with taking a deep breath would cause the new, chained-together breast piercings to tug on each other painfully. She merely choked and shuddered, staring at something beyond the ceiling. Laura happened to glance down at what Zoe had done between the girl's legs. She turned away, swallowing hard against rising bile.
"Jesus Christ."
"Time for an internal e-mail," said Zoe. She discarded her gloves and picked up the tablet. Her fingers moved rapidly across the on-screen keyboard.
'To all attendant staff:
'Since the last near-escape incident, all attendants have been banned from using the girls for their own purposes. I have, however, noticed that this had led to a decrease in morale, productivity, and attitude towards work. It is now apparent to me that use of the girls is a more important perquisite of your employment contract than I had thought.
'I am extending an offer to all staff, effective immediately, of the use of subject 314. You may find her in room 22A. 314, despite my best efforts, remains resistant, and I have decided that the best course of action for her is extreme conditioning. You may use every part of her body for yourselves, as you see fit. A vital part of her training process is disorientation and sensory deprivation, so she is to remain hooded and gagged at all times. Other than that, you many do as you wish. She is my gift to you, with the anticipation that this will make your employment here more enjoyable.
'-- H. Stanford'
"Does it read all right?" said Zoe.
The others scanned over it. They compared it with other correspondence from Helen, to make sure it sounded like something she would write. Zoe sent the message, and they loaded up the video streams to watch what developed.
A few minutes passed. The attendants in the break room continued their game of cards, beneath the watchful gaze of the surveillance camera. The girls saw one of them reach into his pocket and pull out a phone. He looked at the screen for a few seconds and then gestured excitedly to the others. They crowded round, all eager to see the message, and then the room emptied in moments. Emma wondered why they weren't appearing on any of the other screens, and remembered that Zoe had frozen the corridor camera streams. The next they saw of the attendants was when they entered the room where Helen lay strapped to the bench in its centre. One of them already had his trousers around his ankles.
They fell upon her like a pack of animals. As the attendants began to touch her, Helen's body tensed up. She struggled violently, twisting her body while her limbs remained locked in place. The fastest attendant positioned himself between her thighs, grubby penis already in hand, and took his prize. The next went for the opposite end, bending her head back over the edge of the bench and parting the hood's zipper with his fingers, before thrusting his dick into her mouth. The third, too slow to secure an orifice for himself, seemed content with pawing at Helen's breasts, and then rubbing his genitals on them. Another attendant with different interests half-raised his faceplate from over his mouth, so that he could begin sucking on Helen's toes.
It was strange to watch Helen's ordeal in complete silence - it seemed that the cameras had no microphones. It made the scene feel distant, somehow unreal, as they all watched intently. Zoe was rapt, grinning widely. Emma felt only a grim sense that Helen deserved what was happening to her, and Laura didn't exactly seem to be enjoying herself either. Claire looked like she didn't know what to think. Emma winced as the first attendant pulled out and copiously ejaculated onto Helen's stomach. The camera's resolution was good enough to capture each spurt of sticky glaze draped over her body. His companion, apparently unconcerned about his predecessor's semen, plunged in with vigour, reaching one hand underneath Helen's ass where he did something that caused her whole body to spasm briefly. He withdrew his fingers and sucked on them. With his other hand, he gave the thumbs-up sign to his colleague, who had finished fucking Helen's face. He withdrew, and his copious seed dribbled from her lips in thick strands. His dick in Helen's mouth was soon replaced by another.
They unshackled her from the bench after a few more had had their way with her, and at the first sign of her restraints being loosened, Helen tried desperately to get free, kicking and flailing clumsily. She was completely overpowered by the attendants still waiting their turn, jostling each other, now in various states of disrobement.They dragged her over to the wall, where one of them pinned her by her neck, allowing another to maul her breasts with rough hands. Another attendant, quite to the incomprehension of everybody else, took to licking her inner thigh, following the trail of sticky fluids until his mouth was upon her genitals, where he lapped eagerly. He was pulled aside by one who had not had his turn, and he joined the fray next, dick in hand while several others watched and masturbated. It was an appalling, chaotic spectacle.
Helen was gradually losing either the will or the ability to resist. Each kick, each swing of her arms, became slower and weaker. Her head hung down, the semen of countless men drooling from her lips. They passed her around between themselves, her body limp like a rag doll. Those whose dicks had softened violated her with their fingers or tongues instead. Eventually, after a long and violent ordeal, it began to appear that the attendants were tiring of her, and they trickled out of the room one by one, back to their break room or their other duties.
The last attendant to leave diligently cuffed Helen's hands and ankles, and left her alone to squirm weakly on the stained floor.
The girls said nothing to each other. They sat for a long while, the only sound the occasional whimper of pain from the red-haired girl. Zoe closed the video feed and stood up.
"Let's get out of here," she said. "I remember where the lab is. We should be able to get out that way. Looks like the new girl is working late." She loaded the camera stream for the laboratory where she had once worked. It looked tidier now. The new girl was sitting on a stool in front of the workbench, writing in a notebook, pausing now and then to tap at her calculator. Zoe narrowed her eyes at the screen.
"Don't think I've forgotten about you," she said.
"What about her?" Laura pointed to the girl in the chair. She was looking very pale now, eyelids fluttering.
"Someone will find her. I guess. Hopefully soon, for her sake," said Zoe.
The girl managed the faintest attempt at a scream before they left her to suffer alone.
They reached the lab without event, and Zoe tapped on the frosted glass window of the door she had made the mistake of venturing through on the day she had joined Helen's victims. The lock had been taped open - she supposed it didn't need to be locked from the outside any more, now that Helen's new chemist was fully involved in what went on here.
The new girl had obligingly opened the door, having no reason to be suspicious, and Zoe pounced on her at the first opportunity. The girl opened her mouth to scream. Zoe simply rammed her hand into her mouth, tripping her and shoving her to the floor, and then swearing as the girl bit down on her fingers. She pulled it free, and Emma joined in helping to pin her down.
"There are a lot of dangerous things in here," said Zoe, "that we could use to threaten you. So do I have to pick a specific one, or are you going to cooperate?"
"Get off me! How did you get out? Help!"
She managed to cry out once before Zoe grasped her around the throat.
"What about this, then?"
Zoe reached up onto the workbench, knocking over vials and flasks. She grabbed a heat gun - in the real world, it was used for burning paint away from walls. In a chemical laboratory, the scorching stream of air it emitted made for an excellent way to dry glassware. She thumbed the switch onto a low setting, a mere hundred degrees or so, and pointed it at the girl.
"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"
"I don't know," said Zoe. "Maybe I am. Maybe your drugs turned me into a psycho. Regardless, I don't think you have many options right now."
Laura, apparently wanting to feel useful, pinned the girl's legs. Claire joined in after some encouragement, looking at Zoe expectantly.
"You can't get out," the girl said. "You of all people should know how tight the security is here." She glanced nervously at the heat gun.
"That's why you're going to help us," said Zoe.
"Why would I-"
"I don't have time for this," said Zoe. "Cooperate or not, your choice." The heat gun whined as she turned it to full power, and she played it back and forth across the girl's abdomen. A few loose threads on her clothes sizzled and curled up into black particles.
"Wait, wait! Stop! The drugs I gave you, they were just saline solution! Helen wanted me to do it, but I couldn't! I- I'm on your side!"
Zoe lowered the heat gun.
"I know," said the girl, "I know now that she's a psychopath. I know the drugs weren't safe. That's why I didn't give them to you. Doesn't that count for something?"
"Then why the fuck are you working for her in the first place?" said Zoe.
"I didn't realise it would be like this! By the time she was asking me to do all that stuff I was in too deep, I mean, you were the same, right? I didn't know, swear to God! She told me it was research!"
"Yeah," said Zoe. "I guess that does sound familiar."
The girls relaxed their grip a little, but kept hold of her.
"You really can't get out, though," she said. "And could you get off me now, please? I get it, four of you, one of me, I'm not going to try anything. But we don't need to all stay down here on the floor."
Zoe couldn't help but notice she had glanced to the side, as if looking for something she could use to her advantage.
"Let's be realistic," she continued. "You can run out through the garage, and get outside, and the attendants will come after you, and that will be the end. I don't know how you got this far, but if you grovel to Miss Stanford then perhaps she'll go easy on you. I'm not saying she'll let you off completely, but it might not be so bad. If they catch you running away? Then she really will use you to test drugs on. And nothing else, probably."
"I wonder how many guards they have out there at night," said Emma. "Probably not many... and they couldn't use their dart guns in the dark." She looked up at Zoe. "Wouldn't it be convenient for us if they were somehow distracted?"
"I know just the thing. You two, tie her to that chair."
"Whatever you're planning won't work," the girl said. "Do the sensible thing, for your own sake."
"Better gag her as well," said Zoe. "I'm just going to make up a little preparation here."
She went over to a refrigerator and searched among its contents. Meanwhile, Emma shoved her down into the chair, and Laura looked around for something convenient to tie her up, finding a bundle of silicone tubes used for intravenous drips. The girl put up a reasonable fight, but at three against one, the outcome was already decided.
"No no, wait!" she was saying, "I helped you out! I - I can help you! I can get you out of here!"
"Says the girl who told us that was impossible about thirty seconds ago," said Zoe.
"Yes, but there are other ways! If you would just listen-"
Emma clamped her hand down over the girl's mouth.
"I think we'll be just fine," she said.
After a brief scuffle the girl was sitting still, wrists and waist constricted with the stretchy tubing, mouth packed with medical gauze that was held in place by more bandage wrappings. Zoe found what she was looking for in the refrigerator, and weighed out a tiny amount of white powder from a glass vial, diluting it with saline solution. She unwrapped a sterile syringe and needle, drew up the liquid, and dislodged the air bubble. Helen had never had Zoe actually administer the drugs to any of her victims, but she had a rough idea of what would work.
"I'm afraid I'm no good at finding veins," she said. The girl was wide-eyed, shaking her head.
"Mmmh! Mmmoh!"
"So intramuscular will have to do."
They wrestled with the girl's trousers until they were pulled down enough to expose the side of her buttock, and Zoe administered the injection. She loomed up close to the girl, smiling.
"Buckle up," she said, "because you're in for one hell of an acid trip."
"You mean like LSD?" said Claire.
"Exactly," said Zoe. "The attendants are going to go after anyone who looks like they're escaping. I bet we can make her run pretty fast once she's tripping. Then we can get out while they're busy with her freaking out." Zoe hopped up onto the bench and sat down. "I don't know how long it'll take to set in, though."
The girl had gone pale. A droplet of cold sweat ran down her face. She strained at her bonds, the elastic tubing coiled tight around her wrists. She looked at Zoe with pleading eyes.
"Too late now," said Zoe.
"What happens when we get out?" said Claire. "They'll realise something has happened. When they find that red-haired girl, with... well, you know. And once they realise Helen's missing... and what about the other girls? There are so many in here!"
"We can't get everyone out tonight," said Zoe. "Even if we unlocked the doors using the computer system, most of them are tied up anyway. And they wouldn't get past the attendants. We can't save everyone."
"We're just going to leave them?"
"Zoe's right," said Laura. "It's crazy enough that we managed to get this far. We can't take any more risks."
"They can cope with one or two more days," said Zoe. "The place will be in disarray anyway. Once we get out, we can tell someone about this place. And then it will be over."
"But the attendants, you saw what they did to Helen. What if they do that to the other girls once nobody's in charge?"
"They might," said Zoe, "that's a risk. But they might also just stick with '314', seeing as she's their official whore now. We really can't tell what's going to happen. Shit, maybe they'll all just go home when they realise nobody's in charge any more."That's a bit too much to hope for," said Emma.
"Yeah, well. It's the best we're going to manage."
They sat and watched as the girl reacted to the drug Zoe had given her. Administered by injection, the effects appeared fairly soon, and she started to look around the room not in fear, but in a sort of curious way. She tested her bonds not as if trying to get free, merely exploring the tactile sensation. She rolled her eyes about, pupils dilated. She blinked slowly at Zoe as she stooped over to come face-to-face with the girl.
"BAD TRIP INCOMING!" Zoe yelled.
The girl froze up, and Zoe ran over to the light switch.
"Everyone else, I'd appreciate if you could help by just breaking things," said Zoe, "but obviously not any chemicals. Just do things that seem to make her upset."
She flicked the lights on and off rapidly, knocking glassware off a shelf, conical flasks smashing loudly as they impacted with the floor.
"It's demons!" she was shouting, "the demons are coming! Your brain's so fucked now you'll be tripping for a week! How do you like that!?"
The girl seemed confused at first. Then, as Zoe's threats and taunts became more imaginative, her agitation increased, until she was squirming wildly, screaming through her gag as her mind seized on all the things Zoe was conjuring up and made them real.
"Better run!" she shouted. "They're going to come for you! They're going to catch you!"
It wasn't apparent who the girl considered "them" to be, but she seemed frightened all the same.
"Carry her out that door," said Zoe, "that's where I used to get dropped off. There's a garage below us. Someone take her access card."
Between them they maneuvered the girl out of the door. They cut her free, barely managing to keep hold of her - she seemed completely terrified, imbued with the adrenal strength of an intense fight-or-flight response that was commanding her emphatically to do the latter. Together they stumbled down the concrete stairs, and Claire, the only one not grappling the poor girl, opened the door.
Cool night air rushed in. It felt amazing. Claire took a huge lungful, as if she had been saved from drowning. Fresh air. Outside air. Beside them, the hysterical girl kicked and whimpered, tears running freely down her cheeks.
"Now run," said Zoe. "Or I'll eat your soul."
She pulled the gag out of the girl's mouth, and she ran off, wailing maniacally. They saw her veer off to the right as she caught sight of something. The last they saw of her were her pale buttocks, still bared from when they had given her the injection, fading into the night as she fled from whatever she was hallucinating. A few moments passed, and then a male voice shouted "Hey! She's escaping!"
"Get her!"
"Another one? Christ."
"What do you mean it doesn't have a night-vision scope!?"
There were hurried footsteps, and cursing. Two attendants ran past the door as the girls peered through it, holding it cracked. The attendants were shouting to one another as they pursued the girl.
Twenty yards away, the gate was visible, a black, wrought-iron silhouette against the starry sky. The guard post alongside it was vacant, a discarded Styrofoam cup lying nearby. Zoe's heart thumped in her chest.
They ran, welcoming the pain of gravel beneath their bare feet. Laura fumbled for the girl's access card, and swiped it across the card reader set in a pedestal near the gatepost. Motors whined as the gate creaked open. Voices shouted to each other from somewhere distant.
"The gate! Who's opening the gate!?"
The sound of the voices receded behind them as the girls fled, never looking back. | FF, MF, rape, bd, tort | 32 | Authors/Hoop/Incarceration/32_Final.txt |
110,046 | Mannheim Knot | Zaxan's Paradise 3: Molly's Mom | Zaxan did not seek another new female for a few days after his grand adventure with Cassandra. Over and over, he relived the perfect romantic moment he had shared with the brave and beautiful blonde co-ed. Zaxan, like any fourteen-year-old at the end of his first true romance, was quite certain that no one had ever felt quite the way he did in that moment. Perhaps no one had. No one with an empathic Denubian soul had ever shared such a moment with a human girl. He used techniques his father had taught him to let the memory burn its way deep inside of him to be kept forever. He would never forget either the physical sensation or the emotional impact of making love to Cassandra.
Zaxan knew that he could never recreate the moment, and he would not try. Even if everything else was the same, Cassandra would not be there. So, when his sexual desires began to mount again, he decided that he must seek out a totally different adventure. Tierra would help. There seemed no limit to her clever schemes, and she had repeatedly expressed the desire to participate in any way possible. Tierra knew Zaxan's abilities to ensure that the girls were left happy in the end freed his partner-in-crime to exercise the dark impulses she had bottled up for so long. Neither the alien nor Tierra would leave a girl in pain when the day was done, but neither was squeamish about letting her experience a little along the way.
Zaxan had originally tagged three girls in the mall: Tierra, Cassandra, and a little tween redhead that completely captivated him. When the time came for Zaxan to seek a new conquest, there was only the tiny redhead left. Of course, he could have gone and found a new girl anywhere on the planet, but the girl he'd tagged felt like unfinished business with him. He asked Tierra to offer suggestions.
"What's her name?" Tierra asked.
"No idea. Is it important?"
"Well, it would make it easier to plan if I knew things about her."
"Well, I know where she lives and goes to school, and we know that she regularly attends classes at the New Mexico Academy of the Dance."
"Those are helpful, but I really want to know our little girl," Tierra said. She was hiding something from Zaxan, but he trusted her enough not to make her tell him. He just waited her out for a lengthier explanation. "Cassandra caught us flat-footed. Had we known what she was like, we could have set out to make her experience romantic from the beginning. There are probably things we should know about this new girl before we proceed." This was all true, but he sensed that none of it was what was really bothering Tierra. He let it lie.
"Alright," he said. "But bear in mind that I don't want another grand romantic adventure. That belongs to Cassie."
"You'll want another one someday, Heathcliff," Tierra said with a smile. "But I get what you mean."
"No one is at the girl's residence right now," Zaxan offered. "Would you like to look around her home?"
"No, a teenage girl has absolutely no desire to surreptitiously observe her family's home and discover all their dark secrets," Tierra said and tilted her head sideways.
"This is sarcasm, right?" Zaxan was proud that he'd learned to detect this bizarre human trait. "You actually mean that you do want to surreptitiously observe her family."
"A body like yours and brains, too," she said and smiled.
"Whenever you look at me like that, we end up fucking," he said.
"We always end up fucking," she replied and gave him the same smile.
A devious thought occurred to Zaxan. "Not this time," he said.
"But... but... you always want to fuck!"
"Yes, I do, little pet, but you want it more. So, I think I'll enjoy the feeling of making you wait for it. And no self-pleasuring until I say so."
"You're just doing this to remind me you're in charge!" she protested.
"Yes. What do you think of it?" he asked.
"I hate it... and it's hot as hell."
"Good. Get in the transport tube... um, bitch."
Tierra moaned in frustration, but her companion could sense that his refusal had spiked her desires. Zaxan wasn't sure whether he was merely taking advantage of the bond that enslaved her or if he had tapped into something that had been there all along. With beauty such as hers, Tierra had likely never been denied a boy's physical attentions when she had craved them. Zaxan couldn't get a clear reading on the matter by sensing her feelings either. Tierra hadn't even known she would react in this fashion.
They materialized in the empty house. Zaxan had never actually been in a human dwelling before. He found it amazingly cluttered with gadgets and mementos. Their technology was nowhere near as compact as Denubian tech, so separate devices were needed for nearly every job in a household. And while Zaxan had actually kept Cassandra's shirt as an object to be cherished, he and Sarcon had few such objects in their home. In the end, he was glad that humans kept so many things, because each of them seemed to give Tierra some clue as to who the people were.
"These people are pretty rich. Well, not loaded, this place isn't a mansion with servants or anything. Could you imagine what that would be like?" Zaxan had never bothered to tell Tierra that his father was one of the richest men on Denubis Prime. It just hadn't seemed important.
"Tierra," he asked, "Are you poor?"
Her skin flushed a little red, and she seemed almost angry with him. He could tell that she wanted to tell him something other than the truth, but couldn't do that when he'd asked directly. "Yes," she said quietly. "What difference does it make?"
"None to me, but plenty to you, apparently."
"Well, you never had your mom cancel your Quinceanera because it would cost too much money!"
"I could pay for your Quinceanera, and I'll make sure I fix your poverty before I leave the planet."
"You have our kind of money?" she asked.
"Well, no, but I understand that gold is worth a great deal in your society."The desert area where I'm parked has huge deposits of it. I have mineral collecting equipment on board the shuttle. The robots can harvest it, and I can sell it. Would a hundred pounds do?"
"I have no idea what that's even worth."
"About 1.9 million dollars, but I would probably have to sell it for considerably less. If your society is anything like ours, that kind of transaction might require a license of some sort to be legal. I could still probably get you a little over a million by illegal means. Is that enough?"
Tierra turned slightly pale for a moment. "Yeah," she said. "That would be okay. Just don't get caught."
"Tana has finished creating a spray that utilizes the same chemicals as my semen," he explained and held up a shiny crystalline bottle. "I can get people to do what I want."
"Sometimes you're scary, Zaxy."
"I know," he said airily. "So this family is wealthy. What else?"
"Mom's name is Regina Walken. Here's a picture." Tierra handed him a photo of a gorgeous woman in her late thirties. Zaxan was intrigued. He hadn't seriously pondered taking an adult woman, but Regina's appearance was very enticing. "Figured you'd like her," she said. "Regina has a wedding ring in her drawer, and the kids have pictures in their rooms with a dad in them, but Regina doesn't. There are no men's clothes in the master bedroom closet. The paperwork in the kid's bedroom lists their last name as Manihan. The parents are divorced, but the mom hasn't gotten over it yet."
"I told you only three people lived here. Tana's scans can show me how many humans are in the house at any point. There are visitors at times, but only three sleep here at night."
"Tana's a very handy computer. I don't suppose you could get me one like her?"
"That would kind of shake things up a bit on your entire planet; sorry. What else do you know about the family?"
"Big brother's name is Brett, and he is a cutie pie! I mean really good-looking. He's shorter than me, but really built. He's also apparently one of the best gymnasts in the state. He has all kinds of awards, and his letter jacket is covered with medals."
"The girl worships him," Zaxan said with a nod. "I could see that at the mall."
"Oh, good. Maybe we can use that," Tierra said, furrowing her brow in thought.
"And the girl?" Zaxan asked.
"Molly Erin Manihan is twelve years old and in the seventh grade. She has report cards from the last four years on her bulletin board. All A's--that's really good--except for one B+ last year; that's still a good grade. She wrote all over that report card in red marker. The B+ is circled, and then she wrote `STUPID BITCH' on it about twenty times."
"What does that tell us about her?" Zaxan asked. He had an idea, but Tierra was so much more insightful with this sort of thing.
"She's like a lot of girls her age," Tierra said, seeming to have intimate knowledge of the matter. "She really wants to be perfect and hates herself when she isn't. I bet she's the reason there's a little food scale in the kitchen. She's a dancer, and I'd bet she keeps crazy control over what she eats, either that or her mom does it for her. Sometimes it's the parent that pushes the kid really hard. Sometimes it's the kid."
"And what did you push yourself that hard in, Tierra?"
"At that age... basketball. I wanted to get my mom's attention. No matter how good I got, she didn't come to my games. Now, I run track and won't pick up a basketball."
Zaxan felt Tierra's mood ebb. He wanted to move her away from this subject. "Tell me something happy about Molly Manihan."
"She is kind of boy-crazy in the fun way. She left her computer up with no password to keep me off of it. She has tons of little `I think you're cute' kind of messages back and forth with boys. Doesn't seem like she's done anything much with any of them, but she does like boys in an innocent way."
"That's good!" Zaxan declared.
"And there's one more thing, Zaxy. She's got an open box of Kotex in her dresser drawer." Zaxan sensed that the information made Tierra feel like a large weight had been lifted off her chest. It had to do with what she had been hiding from him back in the shuttle.
"That's even better," he said with a nod. "I have no idea why why, though."
"She's maturing sexually. If she hadn't been... I still would have helped if you asked, but it would have been much harder for me. Now, there's grass on the infield... play ball!" Zaxan tried to piece the metaphor together, but utterly failed. Tierra laughed at him. "The grass is pubic hair," she explained.
"Oh, so pubic hair being a sign of sexual maturity, it indicates that the girl is old enough for sexual intercourse. Very clever." He actually thought it was somewhat stupid. "Tierra, why did you mow the grass off your infield?"
"Not for any sexual reasons. It makes me feel like I run faster in track."
"Physics doesn't support that theory."
"Yes it does, smarty-pants," she replied. "I said it makes me FEEL like I run faster. Baseball is ninety percent mental, and the other half physical."
"You try to torture me with strange metaphors when you're sexually frustrated," he said.
"Say, there's a big bed in the master bedroom," Tierra teased hopefully. "Let's go fuck in a stranger's house. I never thought of it before, but it sounds hot as hell."
"It certainly does excite you," he said as he felt her arousal wash over him like warm water. "Perhaps when I decide you get to have sexual pleasure again we can try it."
"Please, Zaxy!"
"No more," he said softly. Then he teasingly added, "Horny little slut." He got the frustrated moan he was seeking.
They both froze for an instant as they heard the whine and grind of an electric garage door opener. "Somebody's home!" Tierra hissed. "Tell Tana to beam us back. We don't have a plan yet."
"Let's just make it up as we go along. You were only so gung-ho about a plan because you were trying to find out if the girl had grass on her infield, anyway. We'll just be friendly." He smiled, and Tierra realized she was safe with him there.
Brett Manihan walked into the dining room and froze as he saw the two teenagers standing in his house and waiting for him. Brett was a very muscular boy, but Zaxan was ten inches taller than him with nearly the same build. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded. Zaxan could sense the fear building up within him, but like most human males, that made him more aggressive.
"I'm Tierra, Molly's friend from Saint Agnes Middle School. She had to run upstairs for a minute. This is my cousin, Zak."
Brett looked at Tierra for a long moment. "Bullshit," he said. "I saw you at the mall the day of the fight. Molls didn't know any of you kids."
"You must have me confused with someone else," she said with a smile. "There are lots of Latina's in town, and we do tend to have black hair and brown eyes."
"A guy doesn't forget a face like yours," he said.
"Holy shit, that was a nice thing to say," Tierra gushed. "Even if you did sound mad when you said it, it was really sweet."
"You guys are robbing the place!" he said and ran back into the kitchen. He returned with a large knife.
Zaxan knew he was fast enough to get the knife away from the boy, but he didn't want to have to do that. He'd have to go full-speed and he might accidentally hurt Brett in the process. Zaxan could feel that Brett regretted waving the knife at the beautiful girl. He wasn't panicky enough to hurt Tierra if she didn't try and hurt him. "We're fucked, Tierra," Zaxan said as he pressed the crystal bottle into her hand. "Give it back to him."
"Nice and easy," Brett said, holding out his hand. Tierra kept her distance and held the sparkling object out toward the boy. When she got closer, she pressed the nozzle and a cloud of compressed spray leapt out of it. Brett dropped the knife and stood with his mouth open for a second. Tierra retreated behind Zaxan.
"Hey, Brett, my name's Zaxan. How about we become friends?"
"What? Oh, sure, bud. Sounds cool. Hey, sorry about the whole knife thing. You guys scared me a bit."
"Not a problem, Brett," Zaxan said in a friendly voice.
"Hey, can I get you guys a brew? Mom still keeps a few in the downstairs fridge."
"None for me, thanks. Tierra?"
"No thanks. Not much of a drinker, cutie." She smiled and Brett smiled back. Zaxan felt the sexual attraction between the two of them. That made things even easier.
"Say, what are you guys doing here anyway?" Brett asked.
Zaxan felt no need to deceive his new friend. "Well, I'd like to fuck your mom and little sister."
"H-m-m-m. No problem with Mom. She could probably use it. Hasn't even gone on a date since Dad left two years ago. But I'm afraid it's a no-go with Molls. Pretty sure she's not old enough to fuck." Zaxan wasn't surprised. The semen's effects were not much different on the male than it had been on the two females. There was an instant bond between Brett and Zaxan, and the human boy would do almost anything to please him. But he wouldn't completely violate his moral code. To Brett, sex with a physically immature girl was a very bad thing. He wouldn't peaceably accept that.
"We know for a fact that there's grass on the infield, my friend," Zaxan replied.
"Alright then... play ball!" Brett stepped forward and lightly punched Zaxan on the shoulder. "You dog!" Brett declared and grinned.
Zaxan was confused. "It's how boys bond," Tierra whispered as she leaned up close to Zaxan's ear.
"Oh," Zaxan said and punched Brett on the shoulder, knocking him to the floor. "You too are a dog!" he cried.
"And you're apparently the big dog," Brett said as he massaged his shoulder. Tierra rushed to help him up.They ended up standing very close and facing each other. There was a long look between them.
"Well, you two are obviously attracted to one another," Zaxan said fondly. "And I should make it perfectly clear to Tierra that I have no objections to her having sex with other humans. But not today. Tierra has to wait until I say so to get any sexual satisfaction."
"Oh, that's too bad," Brett said. "For a minute there, I was thinking some weird fantasy thing was happening to me. Cool guy walks into my house and gives me a gorgeous girl to have sex with."
"I never said I was going to have sex with you!" Tierra protested.
"Would you if I gave permission?" Zaxan said and raised his eyebrow like humans did.
"Yes, as long as he actually turns out to be as nice as he seems," she said, feeling quite embarrassed, but unable to avoid answering Zaxan truthfully. She turned to Brett to offer an explanation. "I'm not really like that with boys, but he's been sexually teasing and torturing me all day. I'm kind of going crazy right now, and you do seem really nice."
"Soon enough, you two will have sex," Zaxan said. Both of them smiled. "In the meantime, I need to know when the two females are going to arrive home."
"Oh, sure, Zaxer!" Brett said cheerily. "Mom should be home any minute. Molls doesn't get home for another hour-and-a-half. Clarissa's mom drops her off after dance class."
"Why don't you go up to your room and show Tierra some of your gymnastics exercises? And don't leave the room unless Tierra or I tell you to. Besides, I'm sure watching you do movements that require strength and flexibility will distract her from thinking about you sexually."
"I see you're picking up on sarcasm," Tierra groaned.
"I learned from the best," Zaxan replied with a teasing grin.
"That's not all you learned from the best," she said and flipped her beautiful hair over her shoulder as she took Brett's hand and pretended she didn't know where his room was.
Zaxan flipped on the television and found a re-run of How I Met Your Mother. The sex comedy was making more sense to him every day. Besides, Tierra had told him that the actor who played the scheming Barney Stinson was from Albuquerque. The alien still couldn't figure out why Tierra had laughed when he'd commented that the actor probably got all kinds of girls.
Regina Walken came in a few minutes later and dropped her keys to the floor when she saw the six-and-a-half foot teenager sitting calmly in her living room. "Where's my son?" she asked.
"Upstairs, doing gymnastics with my friend, Tierra. I'm Zak, by the way."
"Gymnastics?" the mother replied skeptically.
"I swear it's true. Want me to call him down?"
"Yes. I'd like to see him." Zaxan could sense that she wasn't going to be at ease until she knew her son was safe.
"Hey Brett-ster!" he yelled, trying to sound like a typical human boy. "Your mom wants ya."
Brett appeared at the top of the steps wearing only little shorts and a tank top. His muscles bulged and there was a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin. Zaxan grinned. Poor Tierra must have been about ready to burst. "What's up, Mom?"
"Who is this rather large boy watching television in my living room?"
"That's my buddy Zaxer! He's the coolest. Talk to him. You'll like him."
"Do you have a girl in your room, Brett?"
"Yeah. But I'm just showing off some gymnastics. Zax said we shouldn't have sex." He turned and went back to his room.
"Well, okay," she called after him, seemingly puzzled. She crossed nervously to Zaxan. "I get the girl upstairs. He's seventeen and handsome, so Brett does attract the occasional girl. Why are you here?"
"I'm Tierra's friend, and I'm Brett's friend. I gave her transport here."
"But then you told them not to have sex?" Zaxan found her confusion very amusing.
"Exactly, Regina. If anyone in this house should be having sex, it's you."
"What?" Regina's shock gave off some entertaining vibes as well.
"You're a grown-up. Tierra's not quite fifteen. Her Quinceanera is next week."
"You are a very strange young man."
"You are a very beautiful young woman."
Regina froze for an instant. She was flattered at the compliment. Zaxan could tell she found him attractive, even if she had no intention of initiating intercourse with him. But that passed as her mind soon took the compliment in a different way. "Oh, p-sh," Regina said and laughed. "You boys! You tease me almost as bad as Brett does. Young? I'm twenty years older than you."
"That just gave the universe another twenty years to get it right," he said.
"I was wrong. You are even more of a tease than Brett!" Apparently the son flirted with his mother on a regular basis. Zaxan had noticed that Brett did have a bit of a crush on his mother. It was all innocent; he had no incestuous intentions toward her. The boy just couldn't help noticing that his mother was a very sexy and sweet woman. "Can I get you a soda, Zak?"
"Just water please. Caffeine is unhealthy, and sugar is bad for your teeth." He flashed a smile and gave her the `bedroom eyes' Tierra went on about. She was not unaffected.
"Alright, just sit tight and I'll get you a water." Regina headed for the kitchen. She bent down to pick up her keys when she spotted them and realized that she had just shown her backside to the boy who was obviously trying to get her all worked up. She shot a quick glance over her shoulder and caught Zaxan in the middle of an appreciative stare.
"Nice skirt," he said. She sent off a mix of emotional responses, embarrassment, amusement, arousal.
Zaxan waited a few seconds and followed her into the kitchen. She turned from the fridge and dropped the bottle of water on the floor when she saw him in the doorway. "You keep scaring me!"
"I really don't mean to," he said and looked to where the bottle had rolled behind her. "Want me to get that for you?" he asked.
"Judging from the way you looked at me the last time I bent over, yes." He crossed and picked it up. He turned his head over his shoulder as he rose and caught her taking a look herself. "Dammit," she whispered in embarrassment, but again her sense of humor showed up. "Nice slacks," she said in a defeated tone.
"You seem uncomfortable with the notion of us finding one another attractive," he said.
"It's hardly appropriate, especially on my part."
"What's inappropriate about it? I've reached the age of reason, and I'm hardly some unwilling child being coerced by a more powerful adult. And you're not married."
"This is going a bit too far, Zak. Maybe you and Tierra should go."
"Interesting that you modified it with `maybe.'"
"It's just an expression." She was reeling a little bit. Zaxan was definitely getting to her.
"But there are so very many expressions in the languages human beings use. Part of you chose that particular one for a reason."
She stared at him for a moment. Zaxan felt desire in her, there was no doubt about that, but the longing he really felt from her was a different one. Zaxan had felt it himself. Since their females had become emotionless after the Betrayal, all Denubian males felt it. Regina was achingly, hopelessly lonely. "Are you honestly trying to suggest I'm contemplating having sex with a teenage boy I just met?"
"Are you honestly trying to suggest that you're not?" He stepped up close to her, closing to what Tierra called `fuck or fight' distance. "No one wants to be alone, Regina. You've been alone too long. You're young and beautiful, but the right men haven't been asking. Let me in, Regina. Don't be lonely anymore."
She was on the verge of tears. "Don't prey on me," she whispered. "Please, please, don't."
"I know what it feels like to be lonely," he said and wiped away a single tear that had started to roll down her cheek. "And I know how good it feels to finally, finally have someone in your life to make the feeling go away." He kissed her neck and nipped at her earlobe.
"Lots of ways you could have said no. `Please' isn't one of them." He kissed her full on the lips and pressed her back against the refrigerator. He began to pull her skirt up with his right hand.
"Brett's right upstairs."
"Then we won't go upstairs." He continued to pull at her skirt, but brought his other hand to her breast. His hips kept her pinned to the fridge. "Regina, you know how good a nice hard fuck would feel right now. You know how good it would feel to be taken by someone who desires you."
"This is so wrong!" she squeaked.
"And I've heard enough things from you that didn't mean no," he said and spun her so that she was bent over the counter. "I'm going to be rough, Regina, but I really do like you." He hiked up her skirt and pulled her pantyhose down past her knees. She awkwardly kicked off her pumps and worked her way out of the hose. Zaxan had deftly dropped his slacks and boxers. He grabbed a handful of the short curly hair in her ever-so-appropriate-for-the-office do. He did not pull it hard, merely asserted his command of the situation. He rubbed his shaft up and down the length of her slit a few times to open her up. There was fear and shame in her, that he could sense, but there was also intense arousal and a sense of relief that the decision had been made for her. The one thing she didn't have time to feel in the moment was loneliness.
He pushed into her. He felt the shock as she realized that he was very big. But he also felt the thrill of it. She had desired this ravishment. What woman in that hungry state of mind wouldn't want the job to be done by a man who was well-endowed? She groaned as he went deep, deep inside. She was a small woman.It filled every bit of her. Then, when he paused for a second, she caught her breath. She had no doubt what was to come. Zaxan, certain he was securely set inside her, let loose. He was very fast and powerful. He took his free hand and wrapped it around her waist so that her hips weren't banging into the counter. It was the only mercy he gave her. Again and again he drove into her, eliciting moans and even curses. Eventually her vocalizations turned into a steady wail. He could sense that she was nearly overwhelmed by the raw power and speed he displayed. There was a sense of wonder coming from her. She hadn't known that sex could be this, and even if she had known she would have feared to allow it. But she was somehow helpless to resist this boy that had pushed her every button. Having yielded to his animalistic passion, she could only desire more.
So, when his big hand came out of her hair and down across the side of her buttocks, she thrilled to the force of it. When his long fingers pinched her nipples through her work blouse, she worked a hand to the opening at the neck and tore her own buttons off for him. When he peeled the blouse off of her shoulders, it was her own hand that finished the job and threw it to the floor. When he leaned up over her shoulder, she clutched at his head and craned her neck to place hot kisses on his lips. After her sex began to clench and quiver in orgasmic release, she found her voice and became the one to first use the words to describe what was happening between them. "Oh, beautiful boy, I am your bitch."
Zaxan felt the sense of freedom the words gave her. She had never uttered them before, but in doing so, she had freed herself from shame. Shame belonged to controlled moments, and for the first time she had yielded every ounce of control in her soul. "You are beautiful, Regina," he said as he slowed for a moment to let her catch her breath.
"Call me Reggie. I haven't been called that since high school," she said in a whisper tinged with girlish glee.
"I'm not done with you, Reggie," he said in a soft but commanding voice. "Grab that jar of oil. Lie face down on the big counter in the middle of the kitchen and wait for me."
He could tell that she knew what the command meant, and her hand trembled as she reached for the oil. In her nervous state, she knocked the food scale from the counter, and it smashed on the floor. He felt a sense of satisfaction from her. "Molly really doesn't need that, poor little thing," she whispered. Zaxan was pleased to know that this beautiful woman wasn't the one measuring out the girl's food. He left the room, confident of what he would find when he returned.
He was gone less than a minute, but he did not come back alone. He entered the room and found Regina lying face-down on the island counter, completely naked with the jar of oil next to her head. "Reggie," he said, his voice filled with command. "You're free now to enjoy the pleasures you've never dared experience before. This is Tierra. She's going to help us."
"Zak, I'm not sure..."
"Enough, Reggie. This beautiful girl is going to help you get ready for me. She is allowed to do anything she wants to you, but you are not to pleasure her in return." Tierra groaned in frustration. Regina nodded slowly. "There's my good little bitch," he added.
Tierra looked at him and waited for instructions. "You said you had dark impulses, Tierra. Don't be gentle. I'm not going to be gentle when I put my cock in her ass. Prepare her for that." Zak crossed to the kitchen table and sat in a chair and silently watched to see what Tierra would do.
Tierra stared at Regina for a moment. The girl knew she would obey Zaxan, but she also knew that she stood on a precipice. Her life was moving in a new direction. Her dark desires lay open to her now. She was about to find out what they really would allow her to do. "Look at this horny little bitch tremble, Zak. Is it fear or anticipation? I wonder." Tierra crossed to Regina. "She does have a sweet ass, doesn't she?" Tierra spanked her hard. Regina cried out but did not move. "Oh, this is a firm, tight little ass. Beautiful to see," she said, and then ran her hand over it. "Beautiful to touch. Beautiful to own. I bet Zak likes owning this ass. He's gonna stuff his big cock right up in there, too."
"I know," Regina moaned.
"Oh, and that's scary so you'd rather have him just do it right now, so you knew how much it was going to hurt, so you knew how much of a slut you'd feel like when a teenage boy is fucking your ass."
"Please," Regina squeaked.
"I bet you say please a lot," Tierra said. "Roll over." Regina rolled to her back. "Look at me, Regina," she said as she grabbed the woman's hair. "I'm a fourteen-year-old girl, and you're just starting to realize that you want me to touch you here," she said and massaged Regina's bare breast and then sucked on it. "And you want me to kiss your mouth. Is that okay, Zak?"
"I'll stop you if you get too close to being satisfied," he said. Maybe he would. It depended on his mood at the moment.
Tierra kissed Regina and pinched her breasts roughly. Regina squirmed, but did not try to fight her off. Tierra, still fully clothed, climbed up on top of the counter and pinned Regina down. She sucked and nipped at the woman's breasts and then kissed her passionately. "I want you to be free, like Zak says you are, Reggie," she whispered. "You're beautiful, but your ex-husband did a number on you, so I have my doubts if you're really as free as Zak thinks. Do you want to be free from your ex?"
Regina wept, and Zaxan's head reeled from the unbridled emotions Tierra was tapping into now. "Yes, I want to be free from him," Regina said with a slight sob.
"You're making a good start. You're letting me pleasure you and tease you. But if you really want to be free, you have to know in your mind that it isn't Zak that's making this happen, and it sure isn't me. It's you. You're the one that wants this to happen. Say it."
"I want this," Regina groaned and reached her hips up to where Tierra straddled her. Zaxan felt the strain in Tierra's mind as she fought the urge to grind back down on the woman and gain some satisfaction.
"Do you want to take it further than you ever imagined you would?" the girl asked her.
"Yes, Tierra!"
"Then every time it hurts, every time it should be humiliating, turn your pain and shame into a statement of freedom. You've always been the good level-headed girl. Be the passionate slut. Are you the slut, Reggie?"
"I'm the slut!" she whimpered. "I want to be the slut."
"Good," Tierra said and spat in her face.
Zaxan felt Regina's internal wrestling match between shame and desire, but it was brief and ridiculously one-sided. "Again, please, Tierra," Regina whispered.
"Slut," Tierra said and spit in her face again. This time, Tierra licked it clean. She kissed her way down Regina's neck and slid backwards toward the end of the counter. She hovered her mouth over Regina's breasts, and pretended to move in on them a few times. Regina arched her back to offer them to the girl, but Tierra never took them. Instead, she slid down off the end of the counter and pulled Regina until her bottom was at the very edge of the counter. Tierra began to finger her roughly, and slapped gently on Regina's clit. Regina cried in ecstatic pain. Zaxan noticed that Tierra was rough, but not vicious. "Is this going to make you cum, little slut?" Tierra asked as she continued pumping two fingers into Regina.
"Yes! Yes! Oh, yes!" Regina answered urgently. Zaxan knew that Regina desperately wanted Tierra to keep doing what she was doing. Tierra could sense it, too. That's precisely why she stopped doing it.
"Roll back over, Reggie, and don't you dare whine about not cumming. You don't deserve to cum yet." Regina whimpered as she scooted back up onto the counter and rolled over. Tierra leaned her long body over the counter and stuck her tongue in Regina's ass. Regina squirmed in pleasure. "I'm only fourteen, and I'm a girl, and I keep sticking my tongue in your ass. But you like it. What kind of woman are you, Reggie?"
"Free," she whispered.
"Good slut," Tierra said, and tongued her again. She broke off after a long moment. "You are a very good little slut, Reggie," she said and tongued her a third time. "You deserve to cum, but I'm not going to make you cum without Zak's permission. Zak?"
"Bitch can wait," he said casually and felt the frustration build in Regina. It was far worse than anything he'd put Tierra through that day. "Set her up."
Tierra left Regina's backside for a moment, but made sure she landed a good hard smack on her ass before she did so. Zaxan almost winced from it. Tierra had really let her have it. "Please," Regina said through a few tears, "again, Tierra." Tierra let her have another one.
"Freaky thing, isn't she, Zak?" Tierra said as she opened the bottle of oil. "She's been holding a LOT in. Of course taking your cock up her ass involves holding a lot in, too. God, that's gonna hurt, Reggie. But you like that. Don't you?" Regina whimpered a little. "Answer me, slut!"
"I think I like the pain a little," she said.
"You think? Well, you're going to know for sure pretty damned soon," Tierra said as she poured oil directly on Regina's tight little bud.
Tierra pressed two of her fingers into the oiled opening and pumped them furiously as Regina wailed and repeated the one word she could find, "Please!" Tierra reached up with her other hand and grabbed the far shorter woman's hair. She bent Regina to her and kissed her passionately as she continued pumping fingers into her ass.Regina's muffled wails were pitiful, but they were so laced with cravings that Zaxan could hold back no longer. He rose and crossed to the counter.
When he clambered up onto the counter with her, leaving his slacks and boxers behind, Reggie attempted to rise up to her knees and offer him whatever he would take. He pushed her hips down flat to the surface. She did not protest, just reveled in how awful all this would have seemed to her fifteen minutes ago. "Such a sweet girlish ass, Reggie," he said.
"I'm your bitch, Zak. Take it. You'll be the first."
Zaxan lined his shaft up to the hole and pushed forward. Oil or no, it took a good long time to work his way all the way inside her. She moaned and wept, but he could feel her thrill to it, too. When his hips finally pressed firmly to her backside, she sobbed a little, but nodded repeatedly. He drew back, but didn't begin to swing into her with force. He was experiencing something new as well. He'd held off doing this with Tierra. He'd wanted to save something new he could share with her on his final night. Thrilling to the new experience, he took his time. Each time he pulled back, he let his weight take him back down into her, creating an agonizingly slow penetration for both of them. When neither of them could stand it for one second more, he began to pick up speed. He wrapped his long hands around her hips, and left his fingertips beneath her so that he wasn't grinding her hipbones into the surface. "Work your clit, Reggie," he commanded. "Work it hard!"
"This is the hottest thing I have ever seen!" Tierra whispered, but fell to silence when Zaxan gave her a hard look. She crossed to him and kissed his back over and over as he took the desperate housewife to new levels of agony and ecstasy.
Regina had some difficulty getting her hand beneath her, but the greasy mess the oil had left on the counter helped. Her oily hand and the stimulation of having his cock moving rapidly in and out of her bottom drove the modest mother to a frenzy. She screamed in ecstasy. She had grown as accustomed as she could to the big invader, and the lingering bit of pain only fed the wildness she was feeling burst forth from inside herself. Then, Zaxan felt her find yet another new level of wonder when his cock began to twitch more and more rapidly as the vibratory phase of his Denubian ejaculation took hold. By the time he was finished with his lengthy ejaculation process, she had had both a second and a third climax. The two climaxes so close together left her utterly spent. She literally could not move.
He felt the effects of his alien semen begin to take hold. She wanted desperately to be held, but was unable to reach for him. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her room. He ran a bath for her and placed her in the tub. When he released her, her arms at last found the strength to clutch at him. "I'll be right back, Reggie," he reassured her. "I have to help Tierra clean up the kitchen before Molly gets home."
"Whatever you think is best, Zak." He kissed her and smiled. "Zak? What the hell happened down there?"
"Most of it was just you finding out who you really were inside. The rest is a long story, but you'll find it very interesting."
She looked down at the water and then back to him. "Is your cum purple?"
"Lavender," he said. "And it tastes like cinnamon gum. When I come back, maybe I can give you some without oil and bath soap in it."
"Straight from the source?" she asked, and then giggled girlishly. "You're right," she said, "I am still young."
"And beautiful," he said and closed the door.
Zaxan and Tierra cleaned up the oily mess in the kitchen. They gathered up the clothes, but decided to leave the broken scale right where it was. He was picking up Tierra's ability to create devious schemes. The scale might just play right into his new plan for Molly. He had picked up a flash of resentment toward someone in the fleeting moment Regina had thought about the scale. Zaxan put it all together. Tierra had only considered the mother and child as being possible suspects in the case of the food scale. The child had another parent, and sometimes the absent parent has a deeper impact on a young psyche than the one who stays. What Denubian male hadn't experienced a longing to be loved by his emotionless mother? Their two races weren't so different after all.
On the way back upstairs, he dropped Tierra off in Brett's bedroom. "Brett, your mom's ass is fantastic! And she loves having it fucked!"
"Huh, who'd'a thunk that? Is she happy, buddy?"
"I can guarantee you she is," Tierra said. "Zaxy makes all the girls happy."
"I do like to make girls happy," Zaxan said with a smile toward his first love slave. "You were very good down there, Tierra. You and Brett can fuck each other's brains out now. Be done and dressed by the time Molly gets home."
"Thanks, dude!" Brett said moving toward Tierra.
Tierra was gone from the bed by the time he got there. "THANK YOU!" she squealed as she took Zaxan's face in her hands and kissed him. She then turned and rushed back toward Brett.
Zaxan closed the door and took a few steps toward Regina's bedroom. A thought suddenly occurred to him. He wheeled back around and opened the door. "You do get that the whole `brains out' thing was only a meta-"
He was cut off by Tierra flinging Brett's tank top in his face. "We get it!" she squealed. Zaxan shrugged and closed the door.
He told Regina the whole story and even about his plans for her daughter. As much as he desired the beautiful little redhead, he would forego it if Regina protested. Everyone seemed to be at least a little worried about it, and he could be in the wrong. Regina thought about it for a bit. "She's already having periods, but she's a complete innocent. Not even sure she's ever been kissed... maybe she has. I guess the question I have for you is this. Will my little girl feel this happy after you're done?"
"Yes, Reggie. She absolutely will."
"And you say that when you go away we'll still be fond of you, but it won't break our hearts?"
"Make my little girl happy, Zak. She looks like a silly, carefree child, but she is so, so sad inside. Her dad did a number on her, and on me. No girl is ever quite good enough for him. Make my baby feel good, even if it's only for a little while."
"I intend on making her happy for a lot longer than that, but you'll have to trust me. Here's the plan...." He detailed out a long and somewhat strange plan, but in the end Regina understood it, and Zaxan could feel the hope in her heart.
A little while later Molly Erin Manihan came home from ballet class. She was a vision of youthful perfection in her pink tights, black leg warmers and white leotard. She passed halfway through the kitchen before she spotted the broken object on the floor. In a rage, she threw her bag on the floor and picked up the largest piece of the broken plastic casing. She heard the TV playing loud music and headed for the living room. Slunked down in the big easy chair was a male form. He was wearing Brett's favorite Rockies baseball cap. Beautiful little Molly flung the piece of her broken scale right at the back of his skull. "Brett, you fucking asshole!" she screamed. "You broke my god-damned scale! Again!"
In horror Molly saw a giant rise from the chair. He was almost a foot taller than the boy she thought she had just assaulted. He was rubbing the back of his head. "I am so, so sorry," the ballerina squeaked, her voice altered more from shame than even the fear she felt as she took in the size of the boy she had just drilled with a chunk of broken plastic. "I thought you were Brett."
"It's okay, Molly," the huge boy said with a bit of a chuckle. "It's my fault the scale got broken. Brett's upstairs with our friend Tierra, and your mom is coming back down in just a minute. I was waiting here to apologize to you. I was fooling around in the kitchen. I'm sorry I broke the scale. I'll get you a new one since it's obviously very valuable to you." He had recently mastered sarcasm, but there was not a trace of it in his voice when he called the object valuable. "My name's Zak. Please tell me you'll accept my apology." He moved to her and extended his hand. When Molly took it, she thought his fingers might reach up to her elbow.
Wanting to maintain her dignity, but still slightly terrified, she managed to squeak out. "It's not that valuable. It's alright. Your apology's enough."
"That's sweet of you," he said and looked down at her with eyes that made her want to melt into a puddle. She was pretty damned sure he somehow knew exactly what she was feeling. "Brett told me had the prettiest little sister in Albuquerque. It's nice to know my friend isn't a liar."
Molly Erin Manihan stared up at him with her big blue eyes, and her bottom lip quivered. She felt like her whole life was about to change. | Alien, dominance/submission, teen male/female, teen female/female, anal | null | Authors/Mannheim_Knot/Young Girl Stories/Young SF and Mind Control Stories/Zaxan 3 (mF, fF, ds, Alien).txt |
110,047 | Mannheim Knot | Zaxan's Paradise 4: Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer | Zaxan looked down at the beautiful face nearly a foot-and-a-half below his. He could sense the infatuation the wide-eyed innocent had building up inside her, but he also saw the quiver in her bottom lip and felt her fear. He gently reached up and put a finger below her lip. He focused on his emotional memories of his father's fondness for him. No male parent in the universe displayed more fondness and pride in his offspring than Sarcon. With a little work, Zaxan could channel his father's behaviors and attitudes and direct them toward Molly. When he spoke to the frightened girl, he even sounded like Sarcon. "Don't tremble like that, little beauty. I would never hurt you."
"I-I just hit a total stranger in the head with a scale and cussed him out," she said in horror. "You must think I'm the biggest bitch in the universe."
"I'd like it if you didn't throw any more things at me, but I don't hold being emotional against people. I actually like a girl who is extremely... passionate." He knew what an incendiary word that was.
"I'm a redhead," she said, scarcely able to breathe as the handsome, and oh so very big, boy looked at her with kindness and a trace of desire in his eyes. She couldn't stand up to the gaze and turned away slightly. "You talk like you're a grown man or something, but you're what? Brett's age?"
"Far closer to your age, Molly. I'm barely fourteen. I guess I have a fatherly manner, though."
She turned to face him again and dared to look back into his eyes. If he was barely fourteen, then he was less than a year-and-a-half older than her. Zaxan could feel that for just a moment she dared to dream of being his lover. Then, she caught herself. Her mood changed suddenly. A wave of hatred struck Zaxan, but it wasn't directed at him. The girl hated herself with such a destructive passion that it spilled outward and washed over him. "I'm sorry I can't be what you think I am, Zak," she said and fled the room in tears.
Zaxan was neither surprised nor overly concerned by her emotional outburst. Tierra and Regina had warned him that playing the `father card' in combination with barely concealed desire would push all kinds of buttons in the girl. With all that coming on top of her mortifying behavior when first meeting him, Molly was bound to become overwhelmed. Zaxan considered his possible actions. He could go force himself on the girl, and then attempt to help her after she had bonded to him. He had no squeamishness about raping her. It was what Denubians did with most of their female conquests, and he also knew the euphoric state she would be in after his semen was absorbed into her bloodstream. Plus, there was immediate sexual satisfaction for Zaxan there.
But somehow that struck Zaxan as a bad idea. The chemical bonding didn't magically fix every problem in a human's life, and it certainly wouldn't do anything to make the girl's `daddy issues' clear up. She would still hate herself because the only father she had ever known constantly reminded her that she didn't measure up to his expectations, and she bought into his view of things. As far as Zaxan's sexual cravings went, both Tierra and Regina were right there in the house with him. Either female, or both together, could satisfy his needs if they became urgent. Zaxan would stick to the plan. He would get Molly to see him as both an approving father figure and the smitten fourteen-year-old boy he actually was.
He could go to Regina or Brett for help, but he knew that their efforts had been ineffective to date. The mother tried to help Molly see how wonderful she was, but her reassurances couldn't alleviate the girl's desperate need for her father's approval. Brett, as far as Regina could tell, was both a joy and a torture to Molly. She adored her big brother, and he gave her nothing but affection and adoration in return. But Molly also resented the manner in which Brett seemed oblivious to what she really felt. He was a blithe soul, the apple of his father's eye, and had never had to work for the paternal fondness Molly hopelessly desired. Molly alternated between wanting to be just like her big brother and wanting to belt him in the back of his head with the nearest blunt instrument.
Zaxan had one other ally in the house, and she was by far the best option. Tierra had identified the self-loathing and the relentless pressure the girl was under before they had ever met. When investigating the house, Tierra had spotted the food scale and a report card with a lone B+ amid a sea of A's.Molly had defaced the report card by circling the B+ and repeatedly scrawling the words "Stupid Bitch" in red marker. Tierra confessed that she had been much the same at Molly's age, desperate for her disinterested mother's attention. If anyone here understood Molly, it was probably Tierra.
Zaxan found Brett and Tierra kissing in Brett's room. The aroma of sex still hung in the air, the couple having just finished a long-delayed fuck before Molly arrived. Tierra had a happy gleam in her eyes, and Brett wore a somewhat stunned grin on his handsome face. "You told me I would still be able to enjoy fucking human boys," she said to the alien. "But I never quite believed it since I hadn't ever enjoyed it all that much before. But I really did like it with Brett." She turned to Brett. "I never liked a human boy nearly as much as I like you," she said sincerely. "But you understand that I'm still under Zaxan's thrall."
"I totally get it," Brett said with a nod. "Zaxer's the man!"
Zaxan couldn't help but like the good-natured boy, and despite coming from very different backgrounds the couple in front of him fit together very nicely. "You two may seek a romantic relationship or passionate encounters as you wish, but I still reserve the right to have Tierra as my concubine when I desire her."
"Sounds cool, Z," Brett said with another quick nod. "Aliens with benefits, man!"
Zaxan looked at his co-conspirator, his first lover, and a passionate beauty worthy of songs and praise. "Friends with benefits as well," he said. "Tierra is my invaluable friend."
Tierra launched herself from the bed and wrapped Zaxan in an embrace. "I love you, too, Zaxy!" she squealed. "I'm happy to be your friend." Then she paused and looked up at him. "So, why are you talking like a middle-aged English professor?"
"I'm using emotional recall of my father's feelings for me but focusing them on Molly."
"You're trying to become her daddy?" Tierra asked, not quite sure where that would go.
"Not quite. I'm also going to screw her brains out," he said in his normal voice. "Brett, your little sister is really fucking hot."
"Dude, I know. I hardly bring the guys over to the house anymore because I'm afraid one of them will try and fuck her. She likes older guys, too. But none of my buddies can pump her full of purple happy juice when they cum. They'd just make her cry in the end." Brett's normally smiling face took on a serious expression. "I'm trusting you, Zax. Don't hurt my baby sister."
"I won't," he replied in the same earnest tone. "I need your help. Here's what you have to do..."
A few minutes later, Zaxan sat outside Molly's bedroom door. He could hear her softly weeping within. He genuinely meant well with this girl, but his alien mind also found it fascinating to be near so much raw emotion. Denubian males had all the same emotions as humans, just never to the same degree. The terror of a girl who was being raped, the aching loneliness of a sexually repressed divorcee, the self-loathing of an adolescent girl whose father told her she wasn't good enough, each of these fed Zaxan's need for powerful emotion and thrilled him nearly as much as the romantic ecstasy of a college girl finding love at the end of what she believed was a death-defying escape from alien captivity or the frenzied lust of a thirty-something mother who had just unleashed her repressed sexual desires for the first time in her life. Zaxan wanted Molly to find peace within herself, but he would happily taste every moment of either joy or sorrow along the way. For the first time in his life, Zaxan was experiencing all the drama that belonged to a family of beings who were part of a truly passionate species.
Brett and Tierra looked down at him and waited for him to give them the go-ahead. He gave it, and they knocked on the door. "Molls, it's Brett. My new girlfriend really wants to meet you."
"It's not a good time, Brett. I'd love to meet her tomorrow."
"Oh, come one, Molls," Brett said, opening the door. "It'll just take a minute."
Zaxan felt Molly's apprehension and suppressed anger, and his keen hearing allowed him to hear her quickly shifting her position as the door opened.
"Hi, Molly, I'm Tierra."
"I'll just leave you two to get acquainted," Brett said and quickly retreated, pulling the door shut behind him. He gave a hopeful thumbs-up to Zaxan and went downstairs to start the family supper.
Zaxan listened in as Tierra went to work. "Hey, sweetie, I'm sorry to intrude on your privacy, but I think we're going to be seeing a lot of each other, so I thought I should get to know you."
"You're Brett's girlfriend?"
"Yes, we just decided that a little bit ago."
"My brother's a great guy, and you're really pretty. I hope you're happy together." Zaxan could sense that Molly was trying very hard to make a good impression. She had already had one disastrous moment with one of Brett's new friends.
"So I heard you met Zak," Tierra said brightly. It was too much for Molly. She couldn't even deflect the question with a simple yes. As Zaxan had hoped, Molly broke down. It was more than just a delicious taste of her emotions. It was helpful in executing the plan. He could hear the bedsprings creak as Tierra sat down next to the younger girl and took her in her arms. "Oh, Molly, what's wrong?"
"I hit him with something. I thought he was Brett, and I was mad at Brett and wanted to hit him with it. Then Zak gets up, and he's so big and so handsome and really, really sweet about the whole thing, but he has to think I'm the brattiest little bitch in the whole world!"
"All that happened just now?" Tierra asked. Zaxan had withheld it from Tierra so that she would have a more honestly surprised reaction, and because he thought it would be kind of funny. Tierra would probably be mad about it. Humans didn't usually get Denubian humor. "And that's why you're upset?" Zaxan guessed the younger girl must have been nodding in reply to Tierra. The older girl continued. "The funny thing is that when Zak told Brett he'd just met you, all he said was that you were... I don't know if I should say it."
"Please, Tierra! Please tell me!"
"He said you were, and I quote, `fucking hot.'" Zaxan could feel a wellspring of hope in Molly, and a touch of the same fear she had had at the idea of actually getting together with him. Then came the self-doubt. It followed nearly every other emotion the girl felt.
"He was just joking or something, Tierra. Maybe he was too embarrassed to tell Brett what an awful person his little sister is."
"No, Molly. I know Zak better than anyone in the world. He meant it."
"Well, even if Zak thinks I'm hot, he still probably thinks I'm crazy."
"Either that or he thinks you're passionate," Tierra explained. "He loves girls who let their feelings out."
"He said almost the exact same thing, Tierra! I thought he was just being nice."
"Molly, is it hard for you to admit that he might actually like you? I mean, he acts like he's a grown-up sometimes, but he's really only a little older than you."
"But he's so big!"
"Size shouldn't really matter. I mean, I'm two inches taller than Brett, but he doesn't care, at least I hope not. I'd hate to get dumped for being too tall."
"He's not going to dump you for that, Tierra. You're gorgeous!"
"And so are you, Molly... and... he'd give me a hard time if he ever heard me say it, but so is Zak."
"Oh god, is he ever!" Molly squealed.
"So, you're attracted to Zak, and he thinks you're fucking hot. Let's not let the size thing get in the way." Tierra said it as if the matter was resolved.
Zaxan sensed a bit of suspicion building up in Molly. "You and Brett are setting us up, aren't you?" Zaxan hadn't realized that Molly would catch on so quickly, but he sensed that the question hadn't thrown Tierra at all.
"Of course we are," she said. "Brett adores you, and Zak is my best friend. We'd love to do the whole double date thing, or even just hang around together with you guys."
"You'd hang around with a twelve-year-old?" Molly asked in disbelief.
"If it was you." The warm feeling of being accepted by a new friend came from both girls in the room, and Zaxan closed his eyes and savored it.
"Do you know how Zak likes girls to dress?" Molly asked quietly.
"Well, what you have on is going to give any guy a hard-on, but I suppose you're not going to wear your dance gear to supper. Let's see what you've got in the closet. Zak's kind of the fatherly type. Do you have anything that kind of says you're really innocent but still want his attention?"
"I AM really innocent but still want his attention!" Molly said and giggled right after. It had been nearly two minutes since her last bout of self-loathing. Zaxan considered it progress.
He left the girls alone and went down the hall to visit Regina. There was nearly an hour until supper, and Zaxan wanted to take the edge off of his desire for Molly. His plan didn't call for him to fuck his little ballerina yet tonight. Besides, Regina had seemed so eager to please him again. She said it made her feel twenty years younger. Who was he to deny her that thrill? She'd certainly provided him with plenty of them.
Supper was an interesting experience for Zaxan. First of all, there was Molly in her simple white dress with tiny pink flowers. It did all the things Tierra and the little redhead had hoped it would do. It spoke of her innocence, yet it demanded his attention. But the rest of the meal was also fascinating. Zaxan only took the necessary time to consume his daily meal in the solitude of the shuttle. Denubians didn't consider eating to be a social act.So, while he had carefully studied the etiquette surrounding human dining, this was his first time at a human table, consuming human food. Regina complimented him on his table manners while giving Brett a sidelong look. Brett promptly removed his elbows from the table.
While his hosts were more emotional than Denubians, their food was considerably less spicy. Zaxan ate a small portion of Brett's pasta with Alfredo sauce. Since the scouts that had explored the planet for Zaxan's father had warned him that he needed to avoid alcohol at all costs, he refused Regina's offer of wine. The drink must not have had the same potent effect on humans, since Regina allowed even tiny Molly to have a small portion.
Regina seemed surprised that the lusty boy turned down alcohol. "I noticed before, Zak, that you preferred water to soda. Are you a bit of a health food nut?"
Regina had thrown him for a second. `Health food nut' were three words that hadn't appeared together in the linguistics database, and Tierra had never introduced him to the phrase. "Zak obviously takes good care of his body," Tierra said, covering for him. "But I've known him to pound pizza like a madman." Zaxan made a note of that, too. Someone pounding on pizza would seem like a madman, but why would Tierra tell them that Zaxan did it? His education was sorely lacking in some respects.
"He sure does take good care of his body, Tierra," Regina said and didn't bother to hide the innuendo.
"Mother!" Molly cried in shock. "No more wine for you," she scolded and then laughed gently. Zaxan caught the girl dart her eyes toward him for a few seconds, but she turned back to her salad without commenting.
"I noticed, Molly, that you haven't had any bread or Pasta ala Brett," Zaxan observed. "Wheat allergies?"
"No," she said. "I just have to watch what I eat."
"Why?" the alien asked.
"So I don't get fat."
"Oh, is your father rather heavy?" he asked.
"No, he's built kind of like Brett," she said, not seeing where this was leading.
"Well, then it seems illogical for you to think you're likely to get fat from small portions of tastier foods. Your father and brother are fit. Your mother's figure is quite fetching, and your build is essentially perfect."
Molly reacted in mild shock. She couldn't believe Zak had just dropped that in front of her mother. Hell, he'd dropped part of it right on her mother. The little redhead was lost as to what to do or say.
"You're very sweet, Zak, thank you," Regina said and smiled warmly.
Molly decided to follow her example. "Thanks, Zak, that was really nice." She looked with longing at the steaming bowl of pasta and the rich Alfredo. "But I'm a dancer."
"Didn't realize that could make you fat," Zaxan said. "Seems almost like the exercise would have the opposite effect. It certainly has so far."
"Could we please talk about something other than my body?" Molly asked, turning bright red.
"Yes, of course," Zaxan replied. "Your eyes sparkle like sunlight reflected through an angel's halo." Molly turned to him in disbelief. He chuckled. "Sorry. That one was just to get you wound up. I'm not even sure it made sense." Molly chucked him on the shoulder and smiled. Zaxan decided that punching her back wouldn't be part of the bonding process like it had been with her brother. "Your eyes are pretty, though," he added softly. He felt that one warm her all the way down to her toes.
"Tierra's eyes are really pretty, too," Brett said, "and her body's killer." Everyone else was silent for a moment. "Just figured it ought to get mentioned," he said with a shrug. Tierra kissed him on the cheek. She then looked at Molly and winked in a manner that seemed to say, "THAT'S how you take a compliment!" Molly nodded.
"Brett," Regina asked, beginning one of the conversations Zaxan had wanted them to have, "history mid-term?"
"B-minus. I screwed up the matching, but I nailed the essay on the Hoot-Smalley Tariff."
"Well, you did okay. History is hard for you, honey. We can't all be as academically gifted as our little Molly."
Molly snorted at Regina's compliment, and it prompted an immediate response from Brett. "Come off it, Molls. You've gotten straight A's your whole life. You're a genius or something."
"I haven't gotten straight A's my whole life," Molly snapped. Catching herself, she added, "Thanks for saying I'm smart, you guys."
"I get good grades, but they're not as important as learning from your studies," Zaxan said in his fatherly tone. "I've sometimes learned the most from classes in which I got lower grades."
"How could you learn more and get lower grades?" Tierra asked, setting him up and giving Zaxan further evidence that they were becoming more and more of an inseparable team with each passing day.
"Well, for example... Molly, think of a class you didn't get an A in."
"She's only had the one," Regina said, "And that was only first quarter last year. She got an A for the semester and the final."
"Okay," Zaxan said in his oh, so logical tone. "Let's look at the first quarter of that class so we can help Tierra understand. What class was it?"
"I don't really like to talk about it," she said, and Zaxan could feel her guard come up.
"For Tierra, please," he coaxed gently.
Molly sighed. "Okay, it was the sixth grade advanced math class."
"Did you know a lot about the subject coming in?" he asked.
"Well, I was actually pretty good at math, but I had learned different things in grade school. It was really embarrassing. We went to public grade school, but Mom put us in private school once we hit middle school age. Every kid in the advanced class, except me, had gone to Saint Mary's, the feeder for my school. Their program prepped them for what the middle school teacher did. I had never done any algebra, and they had already been doing it for a semester of fifth grade." She smiled a little bit. "Second quarter I kicked their ass at geometry. I'd had more of that at my old school."
"Okay," Zaxan said, looking at Tierra and then back to Molly. "So, you went from knowing zero algebra to getting a B+ in an advanced class. The second quarter you got higher grades in the geometry section. Which quarter did you learn more?"
"First quarter, I guess," Molly said, her brow furrowed in thought.
"So, you see, Tierra. Molly was a true success that quarter. Anybody who tells her any differently doesn't understand much about learning. Their opinion wouldn't be worth worrying about too much."
"I never thought about it that way," Tierra said. "What do you think, Molly?"
Molly answered slowly. It was clear that she was turning her whole opinion of the matter upside-down. "I think... I think maybe Zak is right. Huh." Zaxan could feel the burden lifting off her psyche. They were a long way from turning Molly's whole self-image around, but again there was progress. The next moment provided even more evidence of progress. "I think I'll try a little Pasta ala Brett," Molly said. "Just a little."
Zaxan's evening ended with a kiss... on the cheek. It wasn't sexually satisfying, but there was so much more to the joys of human females than that. Boldly kissing Zak on the cheek was an exciting moment for Molly. In their hour together before dinner Molly had confessed to Tierra that she'd kissed a couple boys in the past year. But Zaxan could sense that kissing the handsome `older boy' that had swept into her life with an exhilarating suddenness moved her more deeply than anything she had done in her limited experience with other boys. Absorbing what Molly felt in the moment was quite fulfilling for Zaxan. The rest could wait.
The following day, Zaxan returned to the more well-equipped cruiser he had parked in lunar orbit and turned the raw gold his mineral-collecting robots had been harvesting at night and turned into unmarked gold bars. The spray bottle came in very useful as Zaxan used it to both convince a shady underworld boss to give him 1.2 million dollars cash for the gold and to get an initially reluctant bank vice-president to handle the paperwork that made fourteen-year-old Tierra Lopez the only one with access to the account in which he deposited the tidy little fortune. His beautiful friend would indeed have the elegant Quinceanera she had dreamt of since she was a little girl.
When Zaxan visited Molly's house that evening, he again established himself as the wise older male that approved of Molly's efforts. He helped her with her homework and praised her thoughtful writing style as he perused her essay for English. He convinced her to begin using one his hypno instructors that night, and promised it would help her with her math. He had housed the tiny device within the earphones of an i-pod he gave her as a gift. Since the device only kicked in when the user was asleep, she never caught on to the fact that it gave her visual instruction as well as verbal. On a non-Denubian brain, the device wouldn't give her the same conscious control over the material that Zaxan would have gained. But by the end of the month she would have all the intricacies of trigonometry and differential calculus deep within her brain. The knowledge just wouldn't come out until she was exposed to the subject matter.
Zaxan ended the night with a proper goodnight kiss and set a double date for the two of them with Brett and Tierra for the following afternoon. The quartet went golfing, a sport Brett and Molly seemed to have little trouble with, but Zaxan and Tierra found comically frustrating. Well, Tierra found it comical; Zaxan did not. Despite his great strength and agility, he could not make the little ball do what he wanted it do.He ended up using all of his ever-growing collection of profane Earther metaphors and a few he had learned from visiting other worlds. He made note of the possibilities golf presented for him. All Denubians wanted to feel passionate emotions from within, and this cruel sport certainly prompted him to have some. Sarcorp could make a mint off opening golf courses on Denubis Prime!
As they were leaving the course, they had to cross a bridge over a ravine. It was not horribly deep for Zaxan, fifty feet or so, but that was a lethal drop for a human. Molly pressed the handle of her pull cart into Brett's hand. "Molls, I hate when you do that," Brett said before she had even begun to do the thing that Zaxan could sense gave Brett chills. Molly simply smiled and then climbed up onto the rail of the bridge. Gleefully, she walked across on the rail, pausing twice to mimic a fall. Tierra and Brett reached out each time, as if they were going to have to dive and catch her. Zaxan stood simply stunned. He had never seen behavior like this, and he had never felt anything quite like he felt from Molly in the moment. The danger made her come alive in a brand new way. He had seen a word in his study of their language, 'daredevil.' He hadn't understood it until that moment.
"Is she trying to kill herself?" Brett whispered, near tears.
"No," Zaxan replied. "She's not courting death. She's embracing life." Molly reached the far side and dismounted the rail with an aerial spin and then a deep bow. She grinned at the others. Brett and Tierra stared at her with relief on their faces. But Zaxan, her Zak, smiled. Molly knew that he understood. "You've proven you're alive," he said as he crossed to her. He held her in his gaze and continued to look at her with nothing but approval in his eyes. "Magnificent girl, you don't need to prove it anymore, you know?"
"But I like it," she said, still smiling.
"Let me teach you something, Molly." He took her by the hand and led her back to the rail. He let her stand there on her own. "Close your eyes. Feel the creak in the board beneath your feet. Feel the air around you, beneath you. Don't concentrate on the physical sensations, but find what it does to your heart."
She was silent for a moment, standing unaided on the bridge rail with nothing but air and danger around her. She felt omnipotent death held at bay by the strength of her will and the agility of her body. "I feel it, in my heart," she whispered.
"Grab hold of it, and lock it into your heart." He could sense that she did so. "My father taught me that any moment, any sensation, can be captured if you lock it into your heart. You don't need to flirt with death again in order to feel alive. You will always have it now. You own it, little beauty."
She stepped lightly from the rail and landed on the bridge beside him. "Sometimes you're the only one who gets me, Zak," she said and looked at him with adoration in her eyes. "And now I do own the moment. Thank you." She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.
On the way home Molly imitated him cursing and ranting during their round of golf and eventually teased him into something called a 'tickle fight.' The strange human ritual kept them occupied until they wound up making out in the backseat. As she let him take her tiny body into his arms, Zaxan could sense her lust for him. She had made a decision already. His actions on the bridge had cemented it. He was going to be 'the one.' Zaxan could sense that her trust in him was even deeper than her desire. Still, Zaxan wanted to do just a little more to make sure that she was going to be free from her desperate desire to please her never-satisfied father. Zaxan had found her emotional struggles very intoxicating. No human girl he'd ever encountered was such an amazing cocktail of conflicting passions, but it was time for her to shake herself free of her self-doubt.
Tierra recommended a very human and rather mundane method of pushing the girl toward her 'breakthrough.' They watched a movie. Of the four of them, only Tierra had ever even heard of "The Dead Poet's Society," but its effect on Molly was profound. As the juvenile lead committed suicide after his never-satisfied father squashed his dreams, Molly had the exact reaction Tierra had predicted. The movie had affected Tierra the same way when she was Molly's age. Just like Molly had seen with her mother, Molly saw that the failure in her relationship with her father wasn't her own. She curled up in Zaxan's lap and wept, but he sensed that not all of her tears were bitter or angry. More of her tears actually seemed to spring from hope and relief. Despite his empathic abilities, Zaxan had long ago given up on trying to understand all the reasons why Earther girls wept. He was just glad that they did it so often. Molly was the most emotionally confused girl he had ever met, and somehow that made her his favorite.
Molly would cry many more tears over her father, Zaxan knew that. He also knew that it was in most ways a good thing. Completely shutting out part of your personality could lead to your entire psyche collapsing. The Great Betrayal's devastating effects on Denubian females had proven that. But Zaxan was certain that Molly was ready to no longer let that one relationship control her entire life. He could reinforce that attitude once she had bonded to him. He smiled and fondly shook his head as he glanced at Tierra. While all his empathic ability and all his clever games had helped Molly reach her breakthrough, it was simple human female intuition and shared girlhood experiences that had led Tierra to finding just the right button to push to finally set the girl free. Zaxan turned again to Tierra, staring at Molly with tears of her own in her eyes, and mouthed, "I adore you."
As Tierra fought off the urge to completely break down, Brett took her by the chin and turned her face to his so that she could see him. "Me too," he mouthed.
While Tierra smothered the human boy in kisses, she freed a hand and pointed to Molly, then Zaxan, then upstairs. The timing seemed odd to Zaxan, but he trusted Tierra. Zaxan held his tiny dancer a little closer and then lifted her from the couch and carried her upstairs. She clung to him, and he could sense her anticipation. She knew the implications of her new boyfriend carrying her to the bedroom, and she gladly accepted them. Zaxan began to understand. One phase of her life, the one mired in her torturous attempts to please her father, had ended. She wanted a new phase to begin. She was going to willingly throw her heart into the relationships with the people who already adored her for what she was. Regina, Brett, Tierra and especially Zak were those people.
"I love you, Zak," she whispered as they reached the top of the steps. Those three little words, when spoken sincerely, meant everything to humans.
He responded with three little words of his own. "Tana, initiate transport." It had become important to him that this complicated little girl accepted him for what he was as well. If she didn't, he would probably just wipe her memory and let her go. Probably. She was still incredibly desirable, and he was still Denubian.
Molly gripped tightly to Zaxan's neck. "What just happened, Zak?" she asked and gazed desperately into his eyes.
He looked down at her and took a second to recover from the powerful jolt her shock had sent through his system. "Well," he said, gesturing to their surroundings. "I'm an alien."
Molly slumped back against him for support and looked at what was undoubtedly a space ship. She took a long time to process it, but she didn't slip into a panic. "All my girlfriends fell in love with vampires and werewolves in books. I fell in love with a real life alien. I think I win."
"I feel like I've won, too."
"There was always something about you that was different, really different, Zak. This was more than I expected."
"And you're okay with it?" he asked.
"I have no idea if I'm even awake. It's way too soon to move all the way to okay."
"You're still leaning on me," he said hopefully. "At least you're not terrified and cowering in a corner."
She turned to look at him. "Am I a prisoner or anything?"
"Am I some kind of experiment for you? Are other aliens watching us?"
"No, and no."
"Why did you bring me here?"
"Because I didn't want to make love to you without you knowing." She liked that answer; he could feel that quite clearly. But she wasn't satisfied with just that.
"Do you fuck a lot of human girls?"
"Only three so far," he said, and felt very uncomfortable about the follow-up questions he knew would come.
"My first."
Molly nodded. She had thought as much already. Slowly, the question that frightened Zaxan the most formed in Molly's brain. The clues had been scattered all around her, and she was too bright not to assemble them. "My mom?"
"Yes, Molly."
He could have dodged what came next, and maybe he would have if he had known such a little girl could hit so hard. He'd been anticipating a slap. She punched him on the jaw. It hurt almost as much as the feelings of indignity and rage she gave him felt good. Then, he felt something else come from her. He shook his head and smiled slightly and then grabbed a mild analgesic patch from the med kit. Molly was still glaring at him when he turned back to her. "Give me your hand," he said in the most soothing voice he could muster.
"Fuck you!"
"Molly, there's no reason to stand there in pain. Give me your hand." She slowly held her reddened hand out toward him. "Thankfully you didn't dislocate anything," he said calmly. "That was quite a wallop." He pressed the patch to her knuckles.She sighed as she felt immediate relief from the pain. "It felt like I punched a fucking brick wall," she muttered, restraining her rage but not letting go of it.
"We're a little more physically rugged than humans."
The notion of her boyfriend being some sort of an alien superman appealed to Molly. But then, her mind came back to the subject at hand. "You fucked my mom!"
"And how has she behaved since then?" He was acting calm, but being in a conversation this intense rather aroused him.
Molly looked down and fidgeted. "Happiest she's ever been," she muttered quietly. Then her emotions fired right back up. "But now you're going after her daughter. It's going to break her heart!"
"She actually thought it would be a good idea. Sex with my kind makes girls very, very happy. Reggie wants that for you."
"Is that what all this is about? Take pity on the sad little girl and make her happy? You guys can all fuck off!" Zaxan was having some trouble thinking straight. The longer she stayed agitated, the more aroused he became. His addled brain figured that talking wasn't getting the job done anyway. He kissed her. "What the fuck are you doing?" she snapped when she broke away.
"I want you, Molly. More than I have wanted any girl I have ever known." He kissed her again.
Molly kissed back for a second, but then she shoved him away. Actually, she shoved and accidentally pushed herself back against the work station. She hadn't moved him at all. "I hate you!" she screamed and tried to claw at him. He caught her arms and held them in place.
"No, Molly, you don't," he said as calmly as he could manage, but the hunger inside him was becoming overwhelming. "I would know if you really hated me." She had to have been able to sense his arousal now. He was so close to her, holding her struggling arms in place.
"What? You know what I'm feeling better than I do?" She looked up at him as he tilted his head slightly sideways. She took the meaning of the glance. It stunned her, and she dropped her hands down to her sides. "Oh, fuck. You do."
"Yes, sometimes, Molly."
"And what am I feeling right now?"
"Angry, betrayed, slightly disgusted..."
"Slightly?" she snapped.
"Yes. Slightly. You are also intrigued and very aroused."
"I am not!" she said, knowing it was a lie, but needing to say it anyway.
"Even more so now, than a second ago, because now you're aware of it, and fighting it is becoming even harder. You're really fighting against your own instincts now. Would it be easier for you if I just took you?"
"NO!" she shouted.
"You're saying it firmly, but your heart is very conflicted on that point."
"I fell in love with you, and you were fucking my mom!" she said and started to cry. Zaxan wished she wouldn't do that. He was having a hard enough time controlling himself as it was. He took her in his arms and kissed her again, sliding his hands down to her bottom. He could feel her panties beneath the thin pajama pants she had worn to hang out and watch a movie. She squirmed and turned her face away from him. He could taste her tears on her cheeks.
"Molly," he said in a voice that bordered on desperation. "Say no and really mean it or I might not be able to stop."
"Please," she sobbed.
"Please what?"
"I DON'T KNOW!" she cried and kissed him. "I don't know," she whispered softly.
"Yes, you do know," he said with certainty. She took a deep breath as if she was about to say something, but she didn't say it. She kissed him again; her lips still carried the taste of tears. He picked her up and held her in his arms. This was another chance for her to say it was going too far, but she clung to his neck instead. He could sense how torn she was. She must have wanted so badly to be able to stop him, to stop herself. There was so much about this that confused her, worried her. But there was a more powerful urge in her, Zaxan could feel it. She had so much desire for the boy she loved. "I can feel what you want, Molly."
He carried her to the room he had fixed to resemble a human bedroom and placed her down on the bed. He crawled on top of her and pinned her wrists down in one hand. "So, you're just taking me then?" she asked. It was clear that she felt a certain relief as she pondered the idea.
"I think you could still stop me with one word, but you'd have to mean it, and you won't. Unless the next word out of your mouth is a sincere `no,' I am going to ravish your beautiful little body and then I am going to do it again tomorrow and the day after that."
"Don't break my fucking heart," she whispered. "I would die."
"I'll make you happy," he said. Maybe he should have said, `I love you.' It would have made things easier, but their love was still alien to him, and he wasn't going to lie to her. He knew he wanted her, that she made him feel good, that he wanted her to be happy forever, and that he felt like making her happy was somehow supposed to be his job. Maybe that was love, but he wasn't sure, so he wasn't going to use those words to placate her. He kissed her passionately and whispered, "You'll be happy, Molly. I promise." He supposed plenty of human boys had made that promise to girls. But the Denubian boy knew he could make it happen. That was the truth he could give her.
He kept her wrists pinned with one hand and pulled her thin pajama bottoms down off her hips with the other. He took her panties with them and cast them to the floor. He couldn't get the top off over her head with one hand, so he ripped the buttons off the front of the top and spread the sides apart. He kissed her lips, and she hesitantly opened her mouth to his tongue. He could feel it all in her now. Her fear, terror almost, but also her desire and her acceptance. She had been a complicated girl in every moment leading up to this. Of course she would be complicated now.
When he moved his kisses down to her barely-there breasts, she reacted with ecstasy. She had wanted him before, and she wanted him now. But there were also so many reasons to want him to stop. Slowly, they were falling away. So, too was the weight of her decision. He was making the decisions now. She could react in whatever way she felt in the moment; the boulder had started down the mountainside. The outcome of this night was inevitable. When he brought his mouth to her sex, he released her hands. She responded with more contradictions. She tried to push him away and then clutched at him. She struck the back of his head and then stroked his hair. She closed her legs and then reached her hips toward his mouth. When he took her knees and forced them slowly apart with impossible strength, she fought back with all her might. When his hungry mouth began to feverishly kiss her moistened labia, she mouthed the word `no' and then pushed his head down tighter.
Zaxan felt her relief when he began to kiss and suck at her sex despite her confused efforts. He felt her desire mount as he tasted her and pleasured her with his tongue. While her knees again tried to close as his finger penetrated her, he heard her hiss, "Yes." When he snuck a finger from his other hand up to the hole in her tiny backside, he sensed confusion and then acceptance. He wondered if she even realized that she had rotated her hips to give him easier access to the opening. He might not have even tried it if she hadn't. He locked his mouth on her thin clit, burying his face in her downy ginger pubic hair and worked the finger into her backside. "Even my ass," she groaned softly. "I'm so far gone."
He did not penetrate her unlubricated bottom very far. The little bit of pain he was causing her didn't upset her, but he wasn't going to use her for the thrills that pain provided. Not on her virgin night. There would be some pain, he knew, but she wasn't his plaything. She was his darling girl. He left the finger there, but concentrated on the pleasure he was giving her. "Oh god," she moaned. "I'm gonna cum!" He didn't say anything. He was too occupied with what he was doing. He alternated between licks and suction, kisses and nips, fingers and tongue. He could sense what gave her the most pleasure, and in the end it was the flat of his tongue sliding back and forth across the top of her clit that sent her over. It was her first climax shared with a lover, and it was quiet and deep. She took a few sharp breaths, trembled slightly and then sighed in ecstatic relief.
Within a few seconds, she was grabbing his hair and pulling him up toward her mouth. She kissed him over and over. Then she pulled his head up slightly and held it in both hands. "I never knew my pussy could feel like that," she said in a way that made even the word `pussy' sound pure and innocent. "I loved it. Thank you."
He smiled and kissed her gently. Then he rose and towered over her. "Undress me, little lover," he said.
She slid out of her top and sat up on the edge of the bed. She pulled at the bottom of his shirt, and he leaned down and forward so that she could slide it over his head. She opened his slacks as he stepped out of his loafers. She slid them down and then placed her trembling hands at the waistband of his boxers. Molly drew a deep breath and pushed them down. She flushed red with embarrassment when they momentarily got caught on his shaft, but she got them down. "Holy shit," she said, and he could feel her fear of it. But she nodded and began to tilt back toward the bed. His hand caught her and sat her back upright. He brought her face right up to the thing she feared. "I've never tried to..."
"Until now," he said. She nodded and took it in both hands. She licked and kissed the head. She was getting aroused by his reaction. He drew in a few sharp breaths. She teased it some more.She giggled slightly when he groaned. With one of her little hands, she began to explore and fondle his sack and even tickle the soft spot behind it. He squirmed slightly. She giggled again. Growing bolder, she ran the tip of her tongue up the length of his shaft, starting at the very base. Her tongue curled up on her before she got all the way to the tip. She had to straighten it out and start in the middle. He groaned again, and she looked up at him with amusement in her blue eyes. "Having fun, little tease?" he asked her.
"You are, too, admit it," she said and swished her red hair back over her bare shoulder.
"I am, but if you keep torturing me I'm going to start driving it into your mouth. Your choice."
She thought about it for a moment. He expected her to start trying in earnest. Instead, she gave him a quick kiss on the tip and then grinned up at him. She'd come so far so quickly. She was willing to make choices now. And not only was she freely giving herself to him, she was even setting the playful tone she desired.
He palmed the back of her head and pushed his shaft to her lips. She closed her mouth and smiled. It nearly gave him the opening he needed, and it did give him an idea. He remembered the tickle fight. He gently took a finger from the opposite hand and began to tickle her under the armpit. She couldn't help her response. She opened her mouth to laugh. He got scraped a little on the way in, but not much. Soon, he had half of his shaft buried in her warm, wet mouth. He stopped when he hit the back. She would have no idea how to take him further. Even Regina had barely managed to get him into her throat, and she had spent a great deal of time trying.
Zaxan slowly moved her head up and back. She took every bit of it she could, and she started to use her tongue to pleasure him. Molly pushed his hand away, and convinced that she would now try in earnest, he let her set her own pace. She went a great deal faster than he had made her go, and she found that she could fit her whole fist on the base of shaft and still not be in her own way. She pumped furiously as she continued. Zaxan was very happy with the results.
He was getting close to his release, but he wanted her to take him inside of her before she was under his thrall. He pulled her off and brought her to her feet so that he could kiss her. She kept her hand on him for a moment, not really wanting to let go of his shaft. But then she threw both her arms around his neck. They kissed for a long while, and he could sense her teasing side starting to come back. "If you want to put that big cock in my pussy," she purred, "you'll have to force me."
"Do you really want to make me force you?" he said, trying to contain his desire to do just that.
She responded by smiling sweetly and then suddenly breaking from his arms and running to the other side of the room, intentionally cornering herself. He instinctively closed on her, pinning her in place with his arms against the walls. She looked up at him, and there was a touch of fear in her eyes. She had thought this would be the easy way out, making him take her. She now realized that she was playing a dangerous game. He could get wild, and he was very, very powerful. She reached a hand up and ran it over the muscles of his chest and arms.
Zaxan felt something in her he had sensed when he very first mentioned forcing her. He hadn't been able to identify everything that had made her want him in the moments where everything stood on the edge of a knife, seemingly ready to tip either way. There was her love for him, and certainly some sheer physical desire. But she couldn't have completely trusted him anymore at that point. Something else had taken the place of that trust, and it had helped make her want him just the same. Now, he knew what it was. She was aroused by the danger, by her own fear of his impossibly big and powerful body and alien heart. He could sense the same feelings she had given off when she stood on the railing of the bridge. She looked up at him with desire and love in her eyes and then closed them as she repeated his instructions on how to lock a moment deep in her heart and not forget a single detail. It was a very deep moment for both of them. Then, after the same sweet smile as before, she raked her nails across his muscular chest. "You'll never get it," she said and tried to duck under his arm.
He caught her around the waist and held her up off the floor with one arm. She kicked and squirmed and twisted about trying to slap him. When she managed a slap to the arm holding her, he responded with a sharp spank to her little bottom. "Brute!" she shouted.
"You have no idea, little one," he said, feeling a surge of power welling up from inside him. He had spent so much time pushing her buttons that he had never contemplated how well she had learned to push his. He was just a fourteen-year-old boy, after all. Adolescent girls had been driving them crazy since the beginning of her species.
He tossed her onto the bed. He could have followed her right there, but he let her get up and out the door. She was heading down the main corridor. "Tana, Wall Eight," he said without moving. "Lock all doors, keyed by my touch." The wall at the end of the corridor quickly rose up and sealed the corridor. The doors all clicked fast.
"Cheater!" she cried, slightly amused but still maintaining her willingness to fight.
Zaxan smirked and then spoke in Denubian. "Tana, Molly chak zon wex." The transporter locked onto her and she disappeared.
Brett saw a shimmer of light, and then his little sister appeared before him. Tierra, Brett's member in her mouth, hadn't notice the naked girl for a moment. Molly had materialized in the living room of her own house. "You okay, Molls?" Brett asked.
"I either just got permanently kicked out of a flying saucer, or this is alien foreplay," she said, her breath heavy with excitement.
"Probably just--" Tierra started to say, but never got to finish. Molly had disappeared with a shimmer.
She found herself in almost total darkness. She could feel cold metal beneath her feet. The room was completely quiet. She thought she was probably back aboard Zak's ship, but she was uncertain. Her fear began to mount. What if he had really been angry about her scratching him? He could have sent her anywhere. And she had the growing feeling that someone was in the room with her. "Zak?" she asked timidly.
Strong hands seized her. She was lifted into the air and then launched. She landed several feet away, but her fear of a long fall or crashing into a hard metal deck proved unneeded. She landed on a soft surface, but then powerful arms gripped her again, pushing her to her back. She couldn't move her arms, so she brought her knee up with all the force she could muster. She hit something that felt like flesh, but not the soft spot she was hoping for. Her assailant had blocked her kick with his leg. He used the leg to lever hers open, and his weight descended on her. She was about to panic, but just before her unseen enemy penetrated her she caught a scent. It was musky, masculine and familiar. "You are the craziest, sexiest girl on this whole planet," a voice spoke in the darkness and then Molly felt an unbelievable pressure at her loins.
Her beloved was taking her, and Molly was helpless to stop him. She was helpless because she was trapped, helpless because she couldn't see, helpless because he was so strong, helpless because she wanted it to happen so badly. "Oh god, it hurts!" she cried.
Zaxan knew that it hurt. He could feel that. It was amazing how clearly he felt it. Still, he pushed forward into her; no force on any planet could stop him from doing that now, least of all himself. He didn't drive mercilessly into her. He worked ever so slowly into her, giving her body time to adjust. She had been well-lubricated before, and she had become aroused at his scent, and his words of desire. Still, it was difficult for the virgin to take him in. When he struck her hymen, he could see her nod, even though this level of light gave humans no ability to see at all. He savored the last bit of true fear she would ever have of this act with him, and then he pushed through her barrier and buried himself deep within her.
Molly cried out into the air of the nearly empty aft cargo bay where Zaxan had made love to Cassandra. He had never moved the mattress back to the bed in the mock human bedroom from which he had taken it. The Denubian could feel the warmth from the trickle of blood he had drawn taking his first virgin. It filled him with both lust and respect for the gravity of the moment. He kissed her repeatedly. "I need to see you, Zak," she said softly.
"Tana, lights up by twenty percent, slowly." He watched the little redhead's features fill with emotion as she was able to take in her lover's face.
"You're so beautiful, Zak" she whispered. "I'm okay, go ahead." He began to move slowly in and out of her. Her sex, like everything else about her, was complicated. It felt like it fought him fiercely, but welcomed him eagerly. It was soft and smooth, yet he could feel tiny bumps within her. It knew pain as he stretched her, but the same force brought her pleasure. Everything that was unfathomably human--unfathomably female--came together in the form of this beautiful little girl. She was very wet now, able to draw pleasure from the act, and he began to work his way up inside of her. It took some doing to find the right angle, but he found a place where he could go deep and not cause her any more pain. "There!" she cried. "Hard and fast right there!"
Zaxan let himself cut loose. Molly writhed in ecstasy as his mass filled her over and over. Her face was against his chest, and she covered it with kisses.There was nothing left between them now but pleasure and passion. Zaxan found he didn't miss the complicated emotions in the moment. The two emotions he got from her were so strong, and so well matched to his own, that he was completely satisfied. He was surprised that he was able to go as long as he did, but he had been teased to the brink of climax before, and he had found that sometimes it actually made him last longer. But finally, her warmth, tightness, and passions were too much for him to hold out against. He felt the pressure inside him begin to build. He knew he was about to begin his process of release. "Are you happy?" he urgently asked in the final moment.
"Happier than ever!" she squealed in delight. It felt good for him to know that his love and passion alone could do that for her, but he had known all along that she would end up happy. His vibratory phase began with its normal slow twitch. "What's that?" she gasped. Soon enough, the pace of the twitches increased until they became the rapid vibration his species had evolved to ensure female orgasm. "Oh Zak! Oh, my love!" she cried and began to clutch and squeal beneath him. Her second orgasm was frantic. Her little body trembled and shook in ecstasy. She tried to cling to him, but her arms fell to her sides and she clutched at the mattress. Her hips bucked so hard that she lifted her big lover into the air.
Zaxan had no more self-control than she did. Human females had always brought forth dramatic climaxes from him, but none matched this one for length or intensity. He arched his back and held himself deep inside of her as his lavender semen finally burst forth. She had been caught in the moment for as long as he. Her ecstasy had nearly pushed her into unconsciousness, but she held onto the moment somehow. Her lover finished his release and rolled off of her as he scooped her up and brought her on top of him. Neither could recall how long it was that they remained there, silently clinging to one another. "Never leave me," she said at last.
"I won't," he replied. "I am never leaving this world." Zaxan had no idea how he could achieve that, but he damned sure knew he would. He wasn't quite sure if what he felt for her was the same as human love, but it was the most powerful emotion he had ever generated from inside of himself. "Oh, tiny dancer," he said softly, "I am never leaving you."
Sarcon found himself in a rather unusual position. He was genuinely annoyed. Mild annoyance was certainly an emotion Denubian males were capable of experiencing, but Sarcon was feeling it far more profoundly than he had felt it in a very long time. Making the strong negative emotion an even more unusual experience for the Denubian was its source. Sarcon was feeling it toward his nearly perfect son, Zaxan.
By Denubian standards, there was no finer specimen of their species than Sarcon's boy. He had never received anything but high marks at the academy. He was considered a whiz at linguistics. He had, upon reaching an appropriate age, expressed the urge to dominate alien females in just the right amount. While the Denubians didn't experience envy to the degree that many other species felt it, Sarcon knew that other fathers were jealous of him not just for his business acumen, but for the way his boy seemed poised to surpass even Sarcon's achievements. Now, that perfect son had genuinely irritated him.
A hallmark of Denubian humor was watching others sputter ineffectually. Sarcon's competitors would have certainly been amused had they been able to see his reaction to the message he just received from Earth.
Sarcon had decided to treat his boy to the opportunity to be the first Denubian male to copulate with an Earth female. Everything had been fine at first, but the last message left no doubt. The boy was refusing to return home. He had fallen for an Earth female and `gone native.'
Sarcon was so upset that he tipped over his drink, on purpose! It was quite a display for the normally controlled Denubian. Emotional outbursts were highly sought after as recreation, but entirely inappropriate for any business setting. Zaxan had his father, one of the richest entrepreneurs on Denubis Prime, so worked up that he didn't even clean the spill for nearly thirty seconds. Then, managing to regain his sense of propriety, he wiped his desk clean and viewed the files attached to the message.
File One was a carefully constructed argument involving all the business opportunities available to the Denubian corporation that filed a full rights claim to Earth. Sarcon had to admit that his boy made a good pitch. Zaxan claimed he was not leaving the planet Earth until Sarcon himself came to inspect it. The rich man was impressed, but still believed his son was being wholly unreasonable.
File two was a visual message. Sarcon clicked on the file and saw a young, but sexually mature Earth woman. She was tiny, and clothed in only a short silk robe, and spoke in an Earth language to which Zaxan had provided translation. She revealed that her name was Regina, but she liked her lovers to call her `Reggie.' Her eyes sparkled as she told Sarcon that she found Denubian males irresistible, and she had to have him. She pointed out that she liked to beg, but had only learned that under the tutelage of Denubian boy. She was desperate to have an experienced Denubian male show her what true dominance and potency was. She feared such a display of masculine prowess, but her terror was overpowered by her desire for the experience. She lowered her eyes in deference. Off camera, Sarcon heard Zaxan's voice. "Strip for the great man, bitch!" Regina removed her robe, displayed her lithe form to the camera and then knelt.
"Please, great one," she said in a soft voice. "Come show me what pleasures I have yet to know." She was so filled with a mix of passions that her tiny body trembled.
Sarcon did four things in response. First, he watched the visual file again. Second, he cleared his schedule for the rest of the month. Third, he filed a claim for all rights to the planet known as Earth. Fourth, he called to his transport division and had them send around his fastest long-range cruiser. How had he ever doubted his boy?
Sarcon had a definite business model in mind. Limit the number of visitors and make secrecy a requirement. Earth would be an exclusive preserve. Only the richest men on Denubis would be able to pay the high prices he would charge for visitor's permits. Maybe a dozen would visit the planet in a year. The culture, and that incredibly beautiful female Regina, would remain unchanged.
His boy would want to remain there, and of course, Sarcon could see why. Well, Sarcon couldn't remain on Earth permanently, and the planet would need an ambitious young man to act as onsite management. The boy was ready. That left only the brand-naming of the planet to take care of for now. "Earth" was dreadfully hard for a Denubian without Zaxan's gift for languages to pronounce. Sarcon had tried many times but it always came out "Ear-uth" or "Airtha." The entrepreneur wracked his brain for a long time. Finally, he sat down in the studio aboard his ship. He asked the computer to project an image from Earth behind him. He looked into the camera and began his pitch.
"Come to Zaxan's Paradise, the prettiest little planet in the universe and home to the greatest treasure any man has ever encountered... the human female!
"Zaxan's Paradise is the exclusive property of Sarcorps, contact our travel division for arrangements now. Not sold yet? Of course not! You're an intelligent man with discerning tastes. Let a human female tell you why a visit to Zaxan's Paradise is one you'll never forget!"
Sarcon turned off the camera. "Insert video of Regina, edit out Zaxan's voice."
"Please, great one," the naked human woman said. "Come show me what pleasures I have yet to know."
"That should do it," Sarcon said happily. "Oh, I have the brightest son in the universe! | null | null | Authors/Mannheim_Knot/Young Girl Stories/Young SF and Mind Control Stories/Zaxan 4 (mg, alien, rom).txt |
110,059 | Mannheim Knot | Zaxan's Paradise 2: Cassie of Earth | Zaxan sent Tierra home after their third encounter that afternoon. She left reluctantly, but he promised to see her again the next day. He needed a sleep cycle to process his thoughts.
The next afternoon, Tierra reported to the agreed-upon transport site earlier than expected. Judging by the timing of her arrival, she had either left her track practice early or run to the location. Zaxan asked Tana to transport the girl to the shuttle and instructed the computer not to anesthetize her upon arrival.
"Zaxy!" Tierra cried upon seeing him and ran across the cargo bay to give him a kiss. "I think I missed you. I was fine through school all day, but when I knew it was going to be time to see you, I got really excited. You know... down there. It was kind of cool."
"I'm glad you like the way you feel now, Tierra, although I will miss raping you," he said, not bothering to hide the fact that it was quite a fond memory for him.
"But you liked it when I was willing, too, didn't you?" She seemed afraid he might have lost interest in her.
"Oh yes. Fucking you is fun no matter what the circumstances, Tierra. And if I need a really intense experience like that again, I can always rape another girl."
"I'll help if you want me to," she said and then got a strange look on her face. It was an odd mix of anticipation and regret. "I should feel awful for saying that."
"Well, you know how she's going to feel afterwards," he offered.
"I do. And that somehow frees me to do it. I've... I've always had this sort of anger inside me. My brother has it, too. Our parents were kind of awful to us when we were little. Now, my dad's long gone, and my mom just ignores us since we're too big for her to hurt us anymore. Hector's always gone out and looked for fights, but I've never been willing to hurt anybody. Now, I could sort of do that without causing any long-term damage. Do you know how that feels?"
Zaxan thought carefully before he answered. Then he realized that whatever Denubian secrets or shame he shared with her were safe. She was his slave in many, many ways. "Every Denubian male feels that way, Tierra. Our females betrayed us in the worst way. Now, we take other females for our pleasure, but if they are unwilling to pleasure us and we take them by force, we always release them with no memories of what happened. No permanent damage, just a brief period where we were in total control."
"And you would have done that with me?" she asked. "Released me with no memory of the rape?"
"Yes. But now there is no need. Your bonding to me is very deep, and it leaves you feeling happy."
"I am happy. But I think I'm a little evil now, too."
"Maybe," he said, wondering if the term `evil' applied to him, too. "But it seems that you've become a little like we are. You see the chance to exercise complete control without doing harm, and you're willing to take it. But I doubt you're nearly as evil as you feel you are. I think the--what was the word you used to describe my control over you?"
"Yes. I think the thrall can only go so far. I don't think you would murder someone just because I told you to."
"No, I don't think I would. But Zaxan, I would die for you."
Zaxan thought about that for a while. He essentially owned this girl now. She was his love slave, without a doubt. But he was also fond of her, too. As a matter of fact, only his fondness for his father could compare with what he felt for her. And Denubians did have a moral code, even if it was far different from that of humans. He owed this girl something more than occasional pleasure. Yes, he was certain of that. "Tierra Lopez, I would die for you, too."
For the second time in his association with this girl, Zaxan felt a powerful emotion come from inside him instead of just feeling it from her. Of course, Tierra had a very strong emotional reaction to his declaration as well, and he ended up with the not-at-all unpleasant task of holding the tall and slender Latina as she completely fell to pieces. She had bonded to him because Denubians had evolved to have chemicals in their semen that brought about that reaction in some species, but despite the fact that she was induced to love him, her feelings were very real. Zaxan still didn't have the same powerful emotions that humans possessed, but he absorbed the passion in her embrace. While it faded somewhat when he wasn't physically near, Tierra loved him desperately whenever he was in the room with her.
"My sweet little girl," he said happily when she had regained her composure. "I do want your help with the next girl, but I don't think I'm ready for quite the experience I had yesterday. I slept for a cycle-and-a-half after you left. Physically, I could go all night, but emotionally... Let's just say that raping Earther girls is for special occasions and we need to come up with some other plans for getting girls to fuck me."
They spent the next few hours coming up with schemes and scenarios. Tierra had a very creative mind, and her ideas ranged from synthesizing his semen into something that could be injected to elaborate ruses and deceptions. Zaxan didn't like the notion of just injecting girls. It lacked the powerful emotional experience he craved. But he did take the idea and have Tana set her logic fibers to weaponizing his semen as a way to pacify humans if he and his lovely co-conspirator ever found themselves in a sticky situation.
After exploring plans that were often so complicated or ridiculous that they sent the two fourteen-year-olds into fits of laughter, they settled on one that seemed workable for each of the two girls he had tagged. Zaxan checked on his two prospective conquests. If neither was in a good position to be transported, they would have to go somewhere and find a different girl.
The tween redhead was at someplace called The New Mexico Academy of the Dance, and was surrounded by people. Zaxan still believed the only way to bring her to the shuttle unnoticed would be to take her from her bed at night. It was considered the classic method, after all. Still, he longed for something more than that with her. No being had ever struck him as being a beautiful innocent the way that girl had.
The NMU student was another matter. She appeared to be in an isolated study room in a library. Zaxan understood that. He spent many hours in solitude working on his studies. Even his vacation here on Earth was going to provide him with plenty of material for his essays in linguistics class. But there might never be a better opportunity to snatch the otherwise very social creature away without her friends immediately noticing her absence. Zaxan instructed the ship's computer, Tana, to transport the girl.They initiated what Tierra had dubbed "Operation Seduction," a plan in which the college girl was actually going to seduce the alien in the end.
The blonde girl was immediately anesthetized upon materializing in the transport tube. Zaxan pitched her onto his shoulder and carried her to the room that had been set up per Tierra's plan. Zaxan found the new design to be rather chilling, but his beautiful co-conspirator emphasized that the frightening appearance was rather the point. Zaxan stripped the new girl down to her cut-off shorts and bra before he placed her on one of the cold metal tables they had hastily assembled. Tierra stripped to the same level of undress and hopped up on her matching table wearing only her sports bra and running shorts.
"Damn," Tierra whispered, "look at the body on that girl. You're gonna have some fun with those big tits and that flat belly. And she's gonna have some fun with you." Zaxan grinned just like any fourteen-year-old human boy would if he was told he was going to have sex with a gorgeous college girl. He fastened both girls down with restraints as he fought the urge to just take advantage of the blonde's vulnerable position. He reminded himself that he really wasn't in the mood for another rape. He waved a vial of antidote under the blonde's nose and left the room in the few seconds it took her to come around. He turned on the cameras and intercom so he could spy on them.
"Hey, blonde girl! Hey, you awake, over there?" Tierra whispered urgently.
"Wha--what? Oh god, where am I?" the girl asked, taking on the same whispery tone.
"I'm over here. Can you see me?" Tierra asked.
The girl turned to her and saw that the pretty dark-haired girl in the room with her was bound to the table in the same fashion. "Where are we?" the blonde asked in hushed tones. "What are they doing to us? What the hell is that thing with all the needles?"
"This is gonna sound crazy, but I think we're in a government lab or something," Tierra said in what sounded convincingly like a terrified whisper. "There's this big guy, and he comes in every so often and looks at that computer and then leaves. He won't answer any questions or anything though, and I haven't been able to get a good look at his face."
"Why would they grab me?" the blonde asked. "I'm not involved in anything with the government or military."
"Me neither! I'm a freshman at Albuquerque East."
"I'm a freshman at the U. Did they do anything to hurt you at all, sweetie?" On the other side of the door, Zaxan couldn't get the full effect of the emotional vibes from the girl, but he could tell that she instinctively felt an earnest sense of protectiveness toward the younger Tierra.
"No," Tierra said. "But they took my shirt and shoes and I didn't have my cell phone with me. Do you have yours?"
The blonde wiggled her backside for a bit. "Yeah, it's in my back pocket. I'll see if I can reach it."
"Who can we call?" the younger girl moaned. "I don't even know where we're at!"
"I think if I call 9-1-1 they might be able to trace the location of the phone."
"God, you're smart! What's your name?"
"Cassandra. Cassie. You?"
"Stay strong, Tierra. We'll get out of this yet." Zaxan was impressed that Cassandra tried to put on a brave face even though her inner emotional vibrations indicated that she believed they were very unlikely to escape or get rescued. He watched the monitor as she tried to wiggle her hand down to her pocket.
"Tana, you have her signal blocked in case I don't get there fast enough, right?"
"Sure thing, handsome," the computer purred in Kathleen Turner's voice, Zaxan's personal adjustment to the original programming.
As soon as the girl got to her phone, he rushed into the room and pried it from her hands. He was amazed by how close Cassandra had gotten. Denubians were far more agile than humans, but Tierra had warned him that teenage girls dialed cellphones remarkably fast. She hadn't even been able to see the phone, but she had already gotten 9-1-1 punched in. He had gotten to her right before she hit `send.' "Hey, who are you?" Cassandra called after him as he left with the phone. He gave her no reply.
"Did you see his face, Cassandra?" Tierra asked. "He looked like he was..."
"About your age, and as scared as we are. I know. Tierra, I don't think this is a government lab."
"Then what the hell is it?"
"I'm an engineering major, and my dad is a physics professor, and I have never seen any of this kind of equipment before. Plus, did you see how fast that kid moved? I don't think he's from around here."
"Is he... Russian?" Tierra asked as if that would explain any of the things Cassandra said.
"No, sweetie. He's from further away than that."
"You're out of your mind! An alien! Come on, Cassandra, keep it together."
"You explain how they got me out of a huge library without anyone noticing. Where'd they get you from?"
"Track practice," Tierra said as if the location was leading her to realize that something unearthly must have happened. "Oh, God. They're going to cut us up or something."
"Maybe not, Tierra. Think about the number of people in New Mexico who claim to have been abducted and returned. We're going to be okay, honey. We'd rather have it be them than some black ops government thing right? Those guys scare me worse than aliens ever would."
Zaxan felt Tierra suppress a laugh. She couldn't help but agree with the college girl. Tierra's experience with aliens had been pretty fun so far. "What do we do, Cassie?"
Cassandra was quiet for a long time. When she spoke, she tried to sound far more certain of herself than she actually was. Zaxan could feel some of the stress she was under, but her protective urges and concern for her fellow captive kept her together. He desperately wanted to be in the room with her and be able to absorb more of what she was feeling. Tierra was brave, but this girl went beyond that. He felt like the right human word to describe her was probably `noble.' He knew his opportunity to truly feel the emotions inside her would come soon. When Cassandra spoke, she was feeling slightly guilty about what she was suggesting, even though she was in a life or death situation. "Well, he does seem to be male, and scared, and probably lonely. And you're a very pretty girl about his age."
"You're prettier than I am. Look at your body! Sorry, that was weird, Cassandra."
"It's okay, Tierra, and I'd kill for long legs like yours. We'll both try, okay? Do you have any experience with boys?"
"I'm sorry, Cassie. I'm really shy with guys. I'm scared of doing stuff, and my family is very, very Catholic. I'll try, but..." Tierra stopped speaking as the door opened. Zaxan moved in and looked at a computer display.
"Hey. My name's Cassie. What's yours?" Zaxan froze but didn't reply. He waited for his co-conspirator.
"I'm T-tierra, let's be friends, okay?"
Zaxan again didn't respond, but this time he took a quick peek back at Tierra. "My friend is pretty scared," Cassandra said, picking up on the glance at Tierra. "Could you please be a nice guy and tell her that you're not going to hurt her?"
Zaxan didn't turn toward them, but spoke in a shaky whisper. "I'm sorry, but I'm not really supposed to talk to the visitors."
Zaxan felt a profound sense of relief coming from Cassandra, and a heightened sense of hope. "Visitors? Come on. We're strapped down."
"I really am sorry about that," he said, still not turning toward them. "Safety regulations. There are parts of the shuttle that are dangerous to humans."
"Please," Tierra said softly. "We're scared and lonely. Haven't you ever been scared and lonely?" Zaxan sensed pride in Tierra coming from Cassandra. She really did seem to care for the younger girl. Her protectiveness wasn't tied to anything but the decency of her soul. Cassandra had no sexual or romantic feelings for Tierra; Zaxan would have sensed that. The blonde beauty was just... nice. "Can't you tell us anything?"
"We won't harm you," he said. "But we can't let you go for quite a long time, either. That could lead to our being detected. I really... I really am sorry for all this. My superiors mean well, but sometimes they don't think about anything but the mission." He turned and faced them. "And they've found that emotional attachments to the visitors complicate things." He looked at Cassandra and then to Tierra. He held the gaze at each for a moment longer than seemed normal. "Our species forms attachments easily," he whispered.
Zaxan felt something stir within Cassandra. She was a romantic soul, and she sensed that this vulnerable young alien was truly falling for Tierra. "We form attachments, too," she said and moved her eyes toward her fellow captive. "Don't we, Tierra?"
"Yes, we do," the younger girl whispered and blushed. Zaxan felt a bit of sexual arousal coming from both girls now. Tierra was really into her role as the innocent young girl, and Cassandra was being swept up in the vicarious romance of it all.
"Do you feel an attachment to Tierra?" Cassandra asked in a sweet voice.
He turned to the blonde and looked at her like answering the question would make his life more difficult. She tilted her head slightly and pleaded with her eyes. Zaxan sighed. It appeared as if she had broken him down. "Yes," he said and hung his head slightly. "She reminds me of my little sister back home. I just want to hold her and tell her it will be alright."
"Oh," Cassandra said. "I'm sorry, I thought I was picking up on something else. You almost seem like you're hiding some romantic feelings."
He looked at Cassandra with his mouth slightly open.When he spoke, he rushed his words like a seventh-grade boy asking his first crush to the Valentine's Day dance. "You're like the dawn over the mountains," he told the blonde and fled the room. Once outside, he grinned. He figured it was about time he left a human girl with a metaphor she couldn't understand. He heard Cassandra's breath catch, and felt a warm response from her heart. She took his phrase to mean exactly what he'd hoped she would when he made it up. Tierra's plan was working incredibly well. A direct romantic approach with Cassandra would have frightened her off, or at least left her feeling queasy. First opening her mind to the idea of a romance blossoming between the other two and then using her receptiveness to the idea to turn it around on her would catch her off guard. The onus of seducing the vulnerable boy fell on her now.
Zaxan returned a few minutes later with a tray and two tiny patches. He crossed to Tierra. "Little one," he said softly and stroked her hair. "I have to give you some medicine. The voyage to our mother ship is only a few hours, but the effects of warp can make humans violently ill. This medicine will prevent that. It will give you a euphoric feeling for a few seconds, but then it will make you sleepy. Please know that I will never let any harm come to you, and that when we get to the big ship, we will be able to let you move about. May I?"
"I'm scared," Tierra said. "What if it doesn't work right on humans? What if it poisons me?"
"It's okay, sweetie," Cassandra said. "I'll go first. Then you'll know it's safe."
Zaxan felt a huge spike of emotion come from Tierra, and he actually felt a small one coming from his own heart. Cassandra was risking her life for a girl she had just met several minutes before. "Are you sure, Cassie?" Tierra asked.
"Yeah. I should go first. I'm the oldest." She looked at Zaxan with her intelligent blue-grey eyes. "Please don't let me die," she whispered to him. "That wouldn't comfort her very much."
"It's safe," he said, turning away from Tierra after gently brushing her hair back from her face and kissing her on the forehead. "You'll feel a slight euphoria, Cassandra, and then gently drift off to sleep." He began to open the package containing the patch.
"You never did tell me your name," Cassandra said and smiled hopefully.
"Zaxan, Son of Sarcon."
"That sounds manly. Zaxan the Brave. There's a hero inside you, Zaxan." She was a jumble of emotions. There was hope, curiosity, fear, affection, and a touch of arousal. Zaxan was already learning that anything with a sexual or romantic overtone aroused humans a bit.
"I'm just a worker class, Cassie of Earth."
"No. You're a kind boy with real compassion. Given the opportunity, that could be turned to bravery."
"Please, Cassie. I get confused when you look at me like that. If I defy orders, I could be punished severely. I can't risk it, even for.... I can't risk it. Hold out your arm, please."
"What you said to me before, Zax. What did it mean?"
"I shouldn't have said it. It was wrong to make such a declaration to a girl strapped to a table. I sensed your goodness, and you are so beautiful. Ugggh! It was wrong of me to say that now, too. You just make me feel so..." He took a deep breath. "Cassie, you're in a vulnerable position, but I would never take advantage of your fear or loneliness. Your arm, please."
"How old are you, Zax?"
"Twelve," he said and felt the disappointment in her heart. "Twelve in our years would make me twenty-one in yours. We tend to look younger than you do." Her romantic side did flip-flops, and he soaked it all in.
"You know, Zax. You're every bit the prisoner I am here. You get the three of us out, and maybe we can see the actual dawn over the mountains together sometime. The Sandias are close by." Her arousal spiked at her own suggestion of a romantic interlude, and Zaxan felt it like a warm shower cascading over his body. She wasn't lying. She would go through with it, willingly, even if she had already been freed from captivity.
"Please, Cassie. I'm really not supposed to get attached to you, and it's hard enough as it is." He pleaded with his eyes and she gave him her hand.
"There's that euphoria," she said when he took her hand.
"I didn't put the patch on yet."
"I know," she said and smiled. He applied the patch, and she drifted off to sleep.
As soon as she was under, Zaxan freed Tierra from her restraints. "Holy shit, Zax! She's like the nicest girl I've ever met. I really wasn't expecting that. Girls as hot as her can usually get away with being sort of selfish."
"You want to just let her go, don't you?" Zaxan asked.
"No. That's you, ya big sap. I want to do something even sappier. I want to give her exactly what she thinks she's getting, a romantic adventure with an impossible hero and a lovable girl sidekick."
"No more Operation Seduction?"
"No," she said with a sigh. "Now we're into Operation Give a Girl Such a Perfect Moment that Her Panties Will Melt Every Time She Even Thinks About It."
"That's a very long name, Tierra."
"Operation Panty-Melter for short, then," she said and smiled. They exited the room. "How long is she going to be out?"
"Eight hours or until I wake her."
"Good. Let's get started. Tana is going to have to help us with this one." Tierra froze as she heard music. "That's not my phone. Cassie's getting a text." Tierra picked up the phone from the counter. "Someone named Kelly-Bean wants to know where she's at. Let me see... I have it." Zaxan watched as she texted a reply. "My cousin showed up out of nowhere," she typed and sent it.
Almost immediately a reply came back with another question. "The cute one?"
Tierra typed in another reply. "No, the crazy drunk one. Be out all night. See ya soon."
The next reply from Kelly-Bean was one they'd hoped they'd get. "Tell Bex I said hi. Have fun."
"I'm glad you're my ally," Zaxan said. "You're deviously clever."
"I'm also deviously horny, and it won't take me eight hours to set up Operation Panty-Melter," she said. Zaxan liked the feeling he was getting from her at the moment.
"Conspiratory fuck?" he asked and raised an eyebrow, a trait he had already learned from his human companion.
"My first one of those," she said. "Bet it's not our last, though. I'm having a blast!" Zaxan took her standing up this time. The idea had been stuck in his head since their first encounter. The thing he remembered most when he reflected back on fucking Tierra while standing was the fact that she told him he was strong thirteen separate times. He hadn't realized that a willing girl looked at brute physical strength entirely differently than a girl who was being forced.
Zaxan's strength had terrified her when he first took her, but this time it filled her with admiration for him, and it made her feel safe to know that a being of his strength was willing to use the very last of it to defend her if necessary. As her long legs wrapped around him and propelled her hot sex up and down his shaft, she found her climax long before he ever began the vibratory phase of his ejaculation. But when that began, she found it again. When the encounter ended, she slid down to the floor and knelt, cleaning the last of his outpouring of lavender semen from him. "I never tasted a human guy's cum," she said, "but I bet it doesn't taste this damned good."
"Bet it doesn't make your tongue purple, either," he offered. "So, what does it taste like?"
"Cinnamon chewing gum." She reached down and took some of the overflow that ran down her leg. "Cinnamon gum cum, wanna try it?"
He was tempted, but he wasn't quite ready for that. "I'll just get some gum later," he replied. He wasn't quite sure why she laughed so much after he said that, but he was glad that she was happy.
Several hours later, they were aboard his father's massive Sarcorp cruiser. They had asked Tana to use her normal voice and make semi-regular announcements in Denubian. She also employed her holographic equipment to create several Denubian characters that moved about the ship. Cassandra needed to believe they were not alone on the big vessel. Zaxan revived her in a chair in one of the many cabins that had remained unused during the trip. The cruiser could house thirty people for a long trip if needed. Zaxan had taken such a big ship only because its range was needed to reach Earth.
"Zax," Cassandra said softly as she came to. "I'm glad it's your face I woke up to. How's Tierra?"
"Still asleep on the bunk over there. I revived you first. I... I need to talk to you."
"You look worried, handsome. What's wrong?" She touched his cheek.
"You said I was a prisoner here. It's not true. At least I don't think it's true. I'm going to take a job on a hospital ship when I get back home. They don't make you stay at an assignment you hate. I thought it would be fun, seeing a new world. I never realized that I would play a part in making someone like you unhappy. Most species don't mind so much being captive if they're treated well. You and Tierra hate it, don't you?"
"Yes, Zax. We do hate it. We're scared, and worried that we'll never see our families again."
"I have a friend in the shuttle bay. If I can get you there, I can get you home." Zaxan loved the feeling of joy he was getting from her, and he loved the pride she felt in him. Even if he didn't have the same pride in himself at the moment, he could feel hers. Sometimes he loved being able to borrow emotions.
"Won't they come take us back?" she asked. She was worried, but not panicky.
"A computer glitch erased all your specific biographical information, and to everyone else aboard you're just another human."They won't even know which continent we originally took you from. There are almost seven billion of you humans. They won't be able to track you down."
"A 'computer glitch?' You are clever." There was that pride again, but this time there was admiration, even definite romantic feelings. Zax realized that Tierra was a genius at playing on other humans' emotions. "But Zax, won't they know that you were the one who helped us?"
"I-I erased that information, too," he said just the way that Tierra had taught him. It sounded like a lie.
"Zax, you brave boy. What will they do to you?"
"I don't care, Cassie. I just don't care."
"I do."
"They won't kill me, and they probably won't even incarcerate me. Whatever it is, it won't be as awful for me as keeping you for years and then erasing your memories of your time with us will be for you. Do you really want to go through the rest of your life wondering what happened to you for three years? It would give me nightmares."
"You're the most heroic man I've ever known, and the kindest," she said and kissed him.
"You don't have to repay me by pretending you feel the same way about me that I feel about you, Cassie."
"Who's pretending?" she said and kissed him again. Zaxan recognized the feeling she sent him this time. As unlikely as it seemed to him, she was falling in love with an alien teen she had only known for a few hours.
Tierra had told him she would. The part he played for her was just the right combination of vulnerable and heroic. Tierra said that the way he looked didn't hurt either. She'd said he had 'bedroom eyes.' Metaphors. If this one meant what he thought it did, it was a very nice thing to hear from a gorgeous girl.
Zaxan gave Cassandra a vial and told her to wave it under Tierra's nose a few times. He left the room and made sure that Tana was ready with the holograms and the lighting system. Then he got a surgical mask and cap from the med kit. When he first walked in, the girls both reacted as if they were startled. Only one of them truly was. "It's me," he said. "I have an idea that might get us past the people in the corridor. I'll tell them that there needs to be a radius of ten feet around you until you're decontaminated. People tend to just hustle away and not ask questions when they hear that."
"He's really smart," Tierra whispered to Cassandra. Cassandra nodded. "Kind of cute, too," the younger girl added. Cassandra nodded again.
The holographic characters strenuously avoided them when told of the radius. Zaxan could feel Cassandra's confidence grow as they progressed through the ship. Then, Tana sounded a claxon and began making frantic announcements in Denubian. "They know!" Zaxan whispered urgently. "Run!"
They sprinted down a hallway and skidded to a stop as four characters appeared at the far end. Zaxan led the girls down an adjacent hallway and to an access panel that led to the ladders for use in case of power failure in the lifts. They climbed down two ladders and he opened a panel. There was a bright flash of light in the hallway. Zaxan had no idea what a ray gun was, but Tierra had assured him that the flash would make Cassandra think they had been fired at with one. Zaxan closed the panel and his keen hearing led him to be able to hear Cassandra's heart pounding out a rapid rhythm.
Tierra had told him to make sure he did something that displayed his strength. "We have to go faster," he said. He took one girl in each arm and lifted them off the floor. "Hold on tight. Keep your heads and limbs close to me." They threw their arms around his neck and wrapped their legs around him. He leapt down the ladder shaft. Just as Cassandra caught her breath, he leapt down a second and then a third.
"Oh, my god!" Cassandra said. "Did you really just...? That's a fifteen-foot drop with a girl under each arm!" Tierra had again correctly diagnosed what would 'push the girl's buttons.' Cassandra was completely aroused by his display.
"Muy macho!" Tierra gushed. She hadn't realized that Zaxan showing off in this manner would push her buttons as well.
"We're right across from the shuttle bay," he said and hoped Cassandra couldn't tell that he too was aroused. The girls' proximity and reactions had made him feel sexy.
Two characters in what Tierra had imagined would look like alien security uniforms appeared in the hallway as the trio attempted to cross. Zaxan shoved the girls into the shuttle bay and closed the door. The character that was supposed to be Zaxan's friend beckoned the girls to the open hatch of a shuttle. "I have to go back for Zax!" Cassandra declared and ran back toward the door. Tierra smiled. Cassandra was a hell of a woman, no doubt about it.
Just as Cassandra reached the door, Zax staggered in. There was a large black mark on his shoulder. He'd had just enough time in the hallway to change into a shirt Tierra had scorched. "They winged him with a stunner," the friend declared. "Get him on the shuttle before he passes out!"
"We can't fly this damned thing!" Tierra said.
"It will fly itself. It's programmed that way. Zaxan wasn't sure he'd be there in the end, so he had me set it up to fly you home. Hit the green button, and then when you're outside the ship, hit the square red one. The square one. That's the stealth mode." The door to the corridor groaned. "They're overriding the lock! Go!"
The girls helped the wobbly Zaxan aboard the ship and turned back to thank the brave friend. "Wait!" he called. "Zaxan, stun me!" Zaxan pulled a prop stunner from the panel next to the door, but dropped it to the floor. Cassandra picked it up and fired. It whirred and emitted a bright flash. The holographic friend character slumped to the floor. Tana provided a nice thud sound effect.
"Why did we have to shoot him?" Tierra asked.
"So it looks like we forced him to open the door. Go press the buttons," Cassandra said in a calm and commanding voice. "Green first. Square red one after we clear the ship." Cassandra guided her wounded hero to his seat. "You okay, baby?" she asked.
Zaxan was stunned, but not by any weapon. This amazing Earth girl was a treasure beyond his imagining. If this was what Denubian females had been like before the Betrayal it was no wonder they had been dominant for so long. Zaxan was no longer playing his role to take advantage of her. He was playing it to give the noble girl the perfect moment Tierra had predicted. No girl had ever deserved such a moment more. "Brudel? He okay?" he asked, mimicking grogginess.
"I stunned him. They'll think he's innocent. Later, tell him how brave he was, okay?"
Zaxan rolled his head a few times. He looked at Cassandra like he was trying to focus on her face. "Bravvve and boot-full," he slurred.
"Yes you are," Cassandra said, tears in her eyes.
"Gonna pash ouwat. Wear offff in coupllle hoursh," he said and let his head slump down. She took him in her arms and held him.
"Cassie, come up here!" Tierra called. Cassandra kissed Zaxan on the lips and rushed to the cockpit.
"Problem?" Cassandra asked as she stood behind Tierra.
"No. Look. Is that...?"
"Oh my god. It's Neptune!"
"Long ways from home," Tierra said.
"Yeah, long ways. But thanks to him, we're going to see home again, Tierra."
"Thanks to you, too. You're kind of amazing, Cassie."
"You did well, too, Tierra. Most girls your age would have panicked. You were as brave as could be." Zaxan could feel that Tierra was embarrassed to receive the praise after deceiving Cassandra, but the blonde just took it as a humble girl having trouble with such a compliment. "I have to go check on Zax."
"Give him a kiss for me, Cassie." Tierra waited a moment and then pointed out the window into space and added, "Hey Cassie... I saw Neptune and pretty soon I'm gonna be able to see Your Anus!" It was the closest Zaxan came to giving up the whole thing. He was supposed to be out cold, but he had to open his mouth and moan to keep from laughing.
Cassandra really was in space, just not nearly as far out as she thought she was. Tana kept the shuttle orbiting the moon for a few hours and projected the image of the solar system onto the windows. Cassandra checked on Zaxan many times, and only left him when Tierra called her up front to see some wonder of the stars. Zaxan wished they could show her every planet, but he knew she was too smart. The planets didn't line up along a straight route like they did in textbooks. A physics professor's daughter wouldn't fall for that. Still, the effect on her was profound. "I think that maybe engineering isn't my calling," she said quietly at one point.
"What are you going to do?" Tierra asked.
"Get back here, to space. I want to be an astronaut."
"That kind of sounds like something I would have said when I was a little girl, Cassie."
"I know. Everyone dreams of it sometimes, I suppose. But there are a handful of people who actually follow the dream, aren't there?"
"You're smart enough, Cassie. And you're physically fit and brave as hell. You could do it." Tierra paused for a moment, and then Zaxan could tell that she was looking at him. Cassandra's eyes would have followed. "Sometimes dreams do come true, don't they?" Tierra added.
"Yes," Cassandra answered. "Sometimes they do." Zaxan could sense that she was thinking of him as well.
He rose shakily to his feet shortly before they landed. Cassandra was there, helping him. He asked her to bring him a medicine patch to help revive him. It was actually just a nutritional supplement patch. He stood up straight and became alert. "I'm going to the cockpit," he announced and took two steps in that direction before turning back to Cassandra.He kissed her and held her in his arms. "You truly are the dawn, Cassandra of Earth," he said and proceeded up to the cockpit. She did not move immediately to follow him. Zaxan could hear her breathing heavily, and he felt the romantic urges within her reach what he believed was an all-time high.
A few moments later, she joined them in the cockpit. Zaxan had taken the ship off of autopilot and was on final approach to Earth. He guided the stealth ship down over Albuquerque and made a pass right over the city, strangely quiet in the hours just before dawn. "I believe we should drop you off first, Tierra," he said. "You have likely been missed, as you are so very young." Tierra nodded and didn't bring up the fact that she was ten months older than him. When he was over her house, he put her in the transporter tube and kissed her on the forehead. Before he could close the tube, Cassandra ran to her and hugged her tightly. Zaxan couldn't help but be aroused at the two beautiful teenage girls wearing nothing but bras and short shorts embracing. The fantasy he conjured in the moment wasn't to be, however, not if he wanted to give Cassandra the perfect adventure and a clean ending.
"You have my number, right?" Cassandra asked Tierra.
"It'll probably be a couple days before I get a new phone, but you can call me anytime you need anything, okay?" Cassandra squeezed Tierra's hand. "After all, I'm probably the only person in the world you can talk to about all this."
"Thanks, Cassie." Tierra leaned back into the tube and the glass closed over her. In a final dramatic gesture, she pressed her hand to the glass, and Cassandra placed hers opposite it. With a shimmer, Tierra vanished.
"To the university?" Zaxan asked.
"I promised you something," Cassandra said, taking his hand. "Dawn over the Sandias?"
"I won't hold you to that, Cassie."
"I like it when you hold me, Zax."
They landed the shuttle facing west in a small clearing and opened the wide hatch at the back. Zaxan left the stealth generator on, and kept a force field in place against the morning chill. He fetched a wide mattress from one of the beds and placed it on the floor right in front of the hatch. Invisible to the world, they had a perfect view of the mountains. "We'll have to wait a bit for sunrise," he said.
"We'll occupy ourselves, I imagine," she answered as she snuggled in close to him. Zaxan was beginning to realize that perfection, even when stolen, was still perfection. "What is going to happen to you, Zax?"
"I can't go back to the ship, but there's enough charge in the shuttle's core to get me to our colony in the Quarlon System. My cousin is there. He'll help me out. He's been trying to get me to come there anyway. It's a rough place, and they need medics."
"You can't go home, can you?" she asked, tears welling up in her eyes.
"No. Not for a long time at least."
"You gave up your home so that Tierra and I could get back to ours." She wept softly and leaned her head down onto his chest.
"Cassie, thanks to you I did the right thing. I have never felt more... free."
"Stay here, Zax, with us... with me."
"I would be stuck inside the shuttle. They can't detect me while it's in stealth mode. But if I stepped outside, they would recognize the Denubian life form and come for me, and that could lead right back to you and little Tierra. And I fear that even a human as brave and strong as you could not survive in the Quarlon System. It's not compatible with your bodies."
"So, there's only this moment for us then," she said and touched his cheek, waiting to see how he would respond.
He paused for a moment and then proceeded cautiously. "Cassie, how do your people... I mean I understand the actual act is much like ours... but now that you are free.... How do your people initiate lovemaking?"
"I'll show you, sweetie," she said and pulled his face down for a kiss. As they kissed she lowered herself so that she was lying crosswise on his thighs. She reached up and took his hand and brought it to her bare belly. It was flat and smooth and warm, and Zaxan loved the feel of it. Subtly, she pushed his hand upward just a bit. Momentum and desire took it the rest of the way for him. Soon he was cupping one of her full breasts in his big hand. She made a soft purring sound, and Zaxan could feel the pleasure flowing out of her.
"These are very beautiful," he said in honest fascination. He lifted the bottom of her bra, but her breasts were big enough that it didn't slide over them smoothly.
"Let me help," she said and sat up. She unclasped the bra and cast it aside. She turned back to him and lifted his shirt over his head. "Oh," she said, touching the simulated burn on his shoulder with her fingertips. "Does it hurt, Zax?"
"It did, until just now," he replied. He had been worried that the sight of the burn might revile her, but Tierra had assured him that a slight wound taken in defense of the girls would turn her on. Cassandra gently kissed it and then climbed into his lap, straddling him. She leaned her head back and offered her breasts to him. He kissed his way down her neck and then buried his face between her breasts. As he kissed them and teased her nipples with his tongue, Zaxan felt her physical passion build. Cassandra was a true romantic, but that didn't preclude her from feeling the lusty desires any teenage girl felt.
But Zaxan realized that he felt something within her that he had never felt with Tierra. Buried deep within Tierra was a bit of shame that she was enthralled by the creature that had raped her. She now accepted that he was more than a brute, and had come to care deeply for him, but the shame would always be there for her. With Cassandra her love was given freely to a being she saw as being brave and noble. There was a certainty in her heart that was entirely new to Zaxan. It showed itself by allowing Cassandra to release unreserved passion for him. Each kiss and caress was an opportunity for her to experience romantic perfection. Zaxan alone could not have matched her unrestrained emotion, but he had Cassandra there to fill him with it, and he allowed it all in so that he could give it right back to her. As long as her love was pure, the love she received in return would have the same quality.
Zaxan had been content to let the beautiful girl lead in the beginning, but he desired to become more commanding, and he was certain that she wanted him to be that way as well. He brought one leg back underneath him, and almost effortlessly he stood, even with her straddling his lap. She simply clung to him and let him bring her up far enough that she could stand on her feet. Wordlessly, he opened the snap on her shorts and brought the shorts and her panties down to her knees so that she could step out of them. His long hand reached down to her sex and cupped it. Cassandra slowly rose and fell against his fingers, her head snuggled to his chest. Occasionally, she would kiss his chest, but mostly she used it for support so that she could seek pleasure at his fingertips.
She had become quite ready to receive him, so she pushed his loose-fitting pants to the floor and let his organ spring free. As he stepped out of his pants, he sensed a thrill from her. She would have had slight worries about what he would look like beneath the trousers, but seeing that he simply offered a large version of what human males possessed, she knew that their coupling would result in physical pleasures that would match the romantic experience they were sharing. "We're much the same, Cassie," he whispered. "I wish that I could make a child with you, but we are vaccinated against that before being allowed to interact with other species."
"A child from you would have been beautiful, Zax, and well-loved," she said. He could sense that while she meant it there was some relief there, too. She reached down and took his shaft in her hand and began to stroke it, acquiring a feel for it. While she did it, he could sense her anticipation. She was fairly certain what was to come next and entirely certain that she desired it.
Zaxan sank to a knee and gently cradled her in his powerful arms before placing her on her back on the mattress. He moved over her and kissed her as his legs found their way between hers. She spread for him, reaching for his shaft and guiding it in. For the first time in his life, Zaxan penetrated a female who had given herself willingly from the very start. It was an amazing moment for him. Never had anyone given him so much trust. Cassandra strained to take him in, but she was not in pain. She had taken lovers before, just never one with quite his mass. He could sense her ecstasy as he filled her more completely than anything had before.
The rest of her body was not idle as her sex accepted him. She kissed his chest and dug her fingers into the flesh of his broad back. Her legs clutched at his bottom and urged him forward. She did not speak, but she gasped and cooed softly as she found gentle pleasures in his lovemaking. After only a few minutes, she sent out vibes that told him that her climax was near at hand. He kept up the gentle pace, and she released with a few soft sounds and an urgent clutching at his back. "Incredible!" she whispered then. "Incredible!"
He held her close for a bit, but found that she was beginning to stir beneath him, signaling him that she was ready to continue. He began to move slowly, gradually increasing his pace. He did not stop when he reached the pace he had set before, but continued to make his thrusts more rapid and forceful. Cassandra's body was ready to accept the things that Zaxan's powerful form was capable of doing. He rose to his knees and took her tiny bottom in his hands.He felt her thrill at the display of his strength, so he took her hand and pulled her up into an embrace. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he began to both thrust into her and easily move her petite form up and down. She clung to him desperately, lest she be flung about like a ragdoll. It was a passionate and powerful coupling, but it never veered into anything less than a display of two star-crossed lovers' desperate desire to live their single moment together to the utmost.
Cassandra was young and strong and passionate, and the moment was filled with every bit of romance a girl in her late teens could imagine. She found her release a second time. This one was more intense than the first, but it was still quiet. Cassandra buried her mouth in his neck, and her squeals were muffled by it. When she finished, she kissed the side of his neck feverishly as he continued to take her.
Zaxan was nearing his moment now, and though he was nearly beyond being capable of thinking, he smiled knowing that she was completely unaware of his final gift for her. He pushed hard and deep into his willing lover's sex, and let his process of release begin. Cassandra's eyes opened wide as his first slow, powerful twitches began deep inside her. She knew he must be beginning to orgasm, and was starting to realize it was going to be far different than any human lover's release. Then, Zaxan's vibratory phase began in earnest.
Cassandra had been well-satisfied already, but as the rapid vibrations stimulated her from deep within, she began to lose control. She clubbed Zaxan's broad back with her tiny forearm and then dug her nails into his flesh. She bit into his shoulder and then tossed her head back in a throaty scream. Her third orgasm of their lovemaking shook her to the core of her being. Never had she imagined that pleasure could become so intense that it could make her body react in such a way. Her mind swirled, and her heart shouted to her that this, this was the moment of her life. Never would there be anything like this again. What she was experiencing was beyond what her world had to offer. Then came her lover's actual release, and as her womb was flooded with his jets of lavender, she felt such a bond with him that she wanted to crawl inside of his body and stay there forever. She clung desperately to him and wept tears of joy, love and regret that this was to be their one and only time. Still, she knew that she had experienced something that she could treasure forever, and she was too strong to lapse into bitterness.
Her body exhausted, and Zaxan overwhelmed by the power of her emotions, the two lovers wrapped themselves in one another's arms and watched the dawn over the mountains. They kissed many, many times that early morning in the Sandias, and they touched and caressed one another at every moment. Zaxan knew he had her now. The effects of the bonding created by the chemicals he had poured into her at the end of their lovemaking made this girl no less his love slave than Tierra. He could tell her everything, and she would forgive him and desire him and be at his beck and call any time he wanted to enjoy her body again. But he owed her something more than that. He owed her the perfection that could only be offered by playing the scenario to its end.
He told her he had to go, and they got dressed. Most of her clothes were in a room only a few feet away from them, but there was something in retrieving them that felt too convenient. Zaxan decided that he wanted to keep them anyway. He was growing sentimental after only two days with humans. Then he realized that human sentiment could offer Cassandra one last meaningful gift. He gave her his shirt, the one with the scorch mark that had come from a fictional ray gun, whatever that was. She wrapped herself in it as if it was the greatest gift any girl had ever received. Zaxan noticed that she sniffed it many times, hoping to embed the memories even deeper than already were.
At the end, Cassandra did not weep as he placed her in the transport tube. She was going to be brave for him one final time. "Goodbye, Zax," she said, "I will always love you."
"Farewell, Cassie of Earth," he replied. He subtly used his thrall over her. "Remember me, but do not abandon other lovers for the memory. Live happily, love deeply and follow your dreams. I will never forget you." He closed the glass. Cassandra leaned her forehead against it, and he returned the gesture. "Now, Tana," he whispered, and Cassie of Earth disappeared in a shimmer of light.
He kept the shuttle in stealth mode and moved it quickly to the park near campus to which he had transported her. He found her sitting on a bench, weeping softly. He watched her through the viewer for some time, and felt a great temptation to go to her and comfort her. But then, she lifted her head, kissed her fingertips, raised them slightly and waved the kiss off to the heavens. She smiled bravely then rose and began to walk back to campus. "Tana, record the last thirty seconds into memory and back it up."
"Yes, sugar," Tana said in her sexy voice. "Where would you like me to back it up?"
"All possible locations on the shuttle, the cruiser and at home. Never, ever lose that video, understand?"
"Understood," Tana said. She used her normal voice. It was almost as if even the computer understood the import of the moment.
Zaxan told Tana to return the shuttle to the desert and then headed to his bunk. He'd now known two human girls, and each had provided him with a profoundly emotional experience. Yet each experience had been entirely unique. As his exhausted brain gave way to sleep, he realized that there were over three billion females on this planet, and each and every one of them was probably unique. He would rest now, and dream of Cassandra, but when he had gathered his thoughts he would go back to exploring Earth girls. The human female, he decided, might just be the greatest treasure the universe had to offer. | null | null | Authors/Mannheim_Knot/Young Girl Stories/Young SF and Mind Control Stories/Zaxan 2 (mf, rom, alien).txt |
112,056 | Some Random Bastard | Final Fantasy: Epic Proportions Part 4 - Reunion | Zidane woke to the sounds of shouting outside the room. He opened his eyes, his mind groggy, his eyes straining to see in the little light. He got up and looked out the window, only to see the dawn barely rising and already old bucket head was forcing the knights to do morning exercises.
He shook his head a few times and sat back on the bed, trying to decide whether he should go back down to sleep or whether he should get up. *What the hell, I'm already up* he thought, and stood up, his body a little weary from the day before. But that wasn't what he was thinking about, not by a long shot.
He was so engrossed in thought he didn't hear when Vivi opened the door and came in.
"Morning, Zidane," Vivi said, his words shocking Zidane out of his state. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you," he said, fixing his sombrero hat.
"I was just thinking about something. Getting up early just isn't for me. And we have the return hike going back in a few hours anyway," Zidane said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yea, I guess. By the way, have you seen Freya? She hasn't been around since early night yesterday, and we should make sure she knows when to leave," Vivi said.
"She's...busy right now, I'm sure she'll come out when she's good and ready to. Until then, I'm sure Steiner will be abusing those guys for quite some more time," Zidane said, with a smirk.
"1-2-3-4. 1-2-3-4." Steiner kept repeating, making sure his troops were in perfect formation, anything less just wouldn't do.
*I can't believe he won't let us just sleep in* Haagan thought with a grunt.
*I hope this ends soon* Weimar thought, as he tried his best to keep in step.
Zidane had a rather bland breakfast and strolled outside to see Steiner still abusing the poor soldiers. "Hey, Rusty, when are we gonna get a move on?" Zidane yelled across the field.
"We will leave when Freya is prepared! Did I say you can stop! On the double! 1-2-3-4," Steiner yelled across the field.
"Then you need not wait any longer," Freya said, stepping from behind Zidane. "I am afraid that I won't be coming along though, I'm sorry but Sir Fratley needs me. Give my deepest regards to the Queen please, Steiner," she said, her voice sullen.
"I am sorry to hear that. I trust he will be okay?" Steiner said.
"He will, but his leg is badly broken, and we can't lift him out. It would be different if we had the Invincible still, but now we really couldn't without endangering or hurting him," Freya said.
"Geez, that's a tough break. Want me to ask if Cid can fly the new Hilda Guard over here to pick you up? I'm sure he would hate for you to have to miss the celebrations," Zidane said.
"I wouldn't want to be a pain. I'm sure he has better things to do than to pick up..." she started, when suddenly she heard a low rumbling.
"What the...?" Zidane said, jerking his head towards the noise.
"Knights of Pluto, at arms!" Steiner said, taking his sword out.
"Wait a second, I know that noise!" Zidane said, putting his blade away.
"W-what is it, Zidane?"
"It's the Theater Ship!" Zidane said, running towards the noise. A few moments later, the massive airship emerged from the tree line. "Come on, it's gonna land over there!"
"How do you know that?" Freya asked.
"Because I flew this thing here!" Zidane said.
* * *
"Baku! What the heck are you doing here?" Zidane said as he saw his foster father step off the airship.
"Couldn't let you get all the glory. What, you already done here?" Baku said, crossing his arms.
"We were just about to get going. Think we can hitch a ride?" Zidane said, in a mock-teenager voice.
"What, I came here for my health? Get on already, ya lunkhead," he said, waving his arms.
"Wait up, Freya has a friend here that's injured, can we bring him over?" Zidane said.
"If ya hurry up. I can't move this thing over anymore, but if he can get here, sure he can come. But let's hurry up, I don't want to miss much of the celebration," Baku said.
"Rusty, come over here, and give me a hand," Zidane said.
"Ugh, I cannot believe you got us into this," Steiner said, straining to carry the stretcher that contained Sir Fratley's body.
"What, getting too much for you, old man?" Zidane asked with a sneer.
"Nothing I cannot handle, by the sweat upon your brow I'd say you were the one near exhaustion."
"No one said anything about exhaustion there, Rusty."
"Oh, do shut up," he said gruffly.
"Vivi, I'm going to go see if they need a hand, I'll be right back," Freya said, leaping high into the sky.
"Heya, Vivi, what's goin' on?" Ruby said, her arm and Blank's joined.
"Oh, hi guys. Freya went to go help Steiner and Zidane," Vivi said.
"More like to babysit those two."
"I know, what in tarnation is wrong with 'em? I mean we've been here what, not a half-hour and they're at each other's necks like a pack'a wild dogs!" Ruby said.
"I know, they never fought like this before," Blank said.
"I-I," Vivi started, then stopped. "I dunno..."
"What is it, Vivi?" Blank said.
"Well, I don't think they are fighting, I think Steiner's not sure Zidane is very...king-like."
"So what, is it like some kinda test or somethin'?" Ruby said.
"M-maybe, but I don't know for sure, it's just what I was thinking."
"Hey, you guys need some help?" Freya said, making a perfect landing on the ground.
"No, problem, I got it," Zidane said, suppressing a grunt as beads of sweat fell off his forehead.
"I shall not require assistance in the near future," Steiner said, feeling his body covered in sweat start to shake ever so slightly.
"If that's the way you're going to be about it, fine, just don't drop him," Freya said with a sly grin.
"Nary a chance," Steiner said, the determination could be heard in his voice.
"Don't count on it," Zidane said.
"Alright, guys, slow it on down, we're almost there," Freya said, guiding them in.
"Did you hear her, fiend? She said slow down!" Steiner said.
"Alright, alright, cool your jets," he said, starting to slow down.
"Okay, watch it, take him up nice and easy," Freya said.
"We set up a room in this closet, it ain't the Ritz, but it's padded enough so he should be pretty well off," Blank said, opening a door near the entrance.
"Just let 'im in nice 'n easy," Ruby said, stepping aside to let them put the stretcher in.
"Alright, everybody ready?" Baku said, not waiting for an answer before he started up the engine.
"Here we go!" Blank said, stepping up to feel the breeze as the massive airship started up.
"How are you doing, Vivi?" Freya asked from behind the young mage. He turned around from the edge of the ship and fixed his hat before saying, "P-pretty good, thanks. Why do you ask?"
"You always said to get sick on airships...I guess you grew out of that," she said.
"I'm surprised you're here, I would have suspected you would be with Sir Fratley," Vivi said.
"It wouldn't make much good, the doctor gave him something to knock him out, he'll be gone until after we're at Alexandria," Freya said. "Have you seen Zidane around?"
"I saw him up on the top, he said he wanted to get away from Steiner and his Knights," Vivi said.
"Alright, thanks, Vivi," Freya said.
"Hey," Freya said to Zidane. He was sitting cross-legged, staring out at the landscape as the Prima Vista shot past it. When she spoke, she could sense his body tense up. "Sorry if I startled you there."
He sighed and said, "Don't worry about it, I just didn't hear you come up."
Freya took a few steps closer and took a look at the majestic view before her. The airship had a view of at least a dozen miles, and she could see all the green valleys, the bright blue skies, the robust green trees below. Everything seemed different, better, since the dissipation of the mist. "I came to talk to you about..."
"Let me guess, Garnet?" he said sarcastically.
"Yes...Garnet," Freya said, attempting to keep calm.
"What about?" he said, avoiding her.
"Just what the hell was wrong with you?" Freya said, through with games.
"What kind of question is that?" He said, turning his head around."My god, just how dumb are you?" she spat out.
"Look, you don't know anything. Just leave me alone," he said, annoyed, and turned his head.
"What's with you all of a sudden?" she said, confused at him. Zidane was never one to back down from a fight.
"'s not all of a sudden. Garnet and I had...well, we had something grand. And now I just...went. I-I-I don't know why. I just ran."
"Maybe you just don't know how to deal with your emotions. Genomes aren't exactly the most romantic people, and you are used to dealing with problems at the end of a dagger. Perhaps you just aren't versed in this kind of struggle," Freya said.
"Say what?"
"You have neglect issues. You don't know how to deal with your feelings for Garnet, so you put as much distance as you can between yourselves. That way, you don't have to deal with what you don't want to," she said.
"Hmm...Where did you come up with all this shrink talk?"
"A girl has to have some secrets. Seems I've already talked your ear off. Why don't you mull over what I said and maybe come back later when you're feeling better?" she said, turning back and walking down the stairs.
"Hey, little guy, what's goin' on down there?" Baku said, with a laugh.
"Oh, h-hi Baku," Vivi said, startled by the large man with his booming voice talking directly to him.
"Say, you seen my boy Zidane around here lately?"
"Oh, h-he went to the front of the ship. Freya just went to see him a little bit ago," he said.
"Hah, could you do me a favor and give him a good talking to? If he won't listen to me, maybe he'll listen to you," Baku said.
"Sure," Vivi said, a little intimidated by the large man.
"Thanks, I already sent Blank to go speak to him," Baku said, then sighed. "He seemed off lately, ever since the Iifa Tree. I dunno what it is about him, maybe it's her, but sometimes I think he's so caught up in himself he wouldn't know how to unravel himself if he wanted to, which he sure enough don't."
"Sup, bro?" Zidane said, talking to his brother in Tantalus who was behind him.
"Sup?" Blank said, and sat down next to Zidane.
"Well?" Ruby asked.
"Well what?" Zidane asked, his eyebrow going up.
"Well, ain't'cha gonna tell 'im?"
"Tell me what?"
"Ruby, can you just let me and Zidane have a guy-to-guy moment here?"
"Shucks, you boys get more pigheaded the more you grow!" Ruby said before stomping out.
"So what's happening now? Am I gonna get the next version of the 'Stop being stupid' speech? Because Freya already beat you to it."
"Beat me to what?" Blank asked.
"The whole psychoanalyst junk. Just give me a break and spare me the whole thing."
"Want me to spare you? Alright, then indulge me for a minute."
"Do you love her?"
"Do you love her?"
"What the hell business is it to you?"
"Just answer the question, bro. Do you love her?"
"Alright, yes, dammit, I love her."
"Does she love you?"
"I think so."
"Then just get away from all the stupid bs and be with her."
"It's not that simple, there..."
"No, it is that simple. Stop thinking and start acting. Start acting like someone who truly belongs in Tantalus." He said, walking out. Before he stepped out the door, he turned, and said, "Oh, and Zidane." Zidane looked over to him. "Whatever happened to that 'give 'em hell' attitude you used to have? Don't let love change you, let it help you grow," he said, stepping out, thankful he remembered that line from the play.
"Rasafraskin-stupid Blank gets angered at me 'cuz 'e thinks he's better 'an me, I'll shure show 'im sum-" Ruby said, storming out, and accidentally bumping into Vivi. "Shucks, I'm sirry Vivi, I din't see yous there."
"Are you ok, Ruby? You sound a little mad," Vivi said, getting up and fixing his sombrero.
"It's jes Blank and Zidane, thinkin' they so smart all the time, like I got notin' good ta say," Ruby said angrily.
"Is Blank talking to Zidane now?"
"Yer darn tootin' he is. Whatyou need wit them anyways?"
"Baku asked me to speak on his behalf."
"Shucks, I swear Vivi if it tweren't fir you I'd a thunk all men were as dense as a rock."
"T-thanks...I think. What did they do that made you so angry?"
"They....shucks, I dunno, Vivi, they jes bugged me 'sal," Ruby said. "I guess they just w'nted to be alone, and I jes w'nted to help."
"M-maybe they just needed to be alone."
"Whut, like they were intimadated by me or sumpin'?"
"Aw shucks, I dunno. Nevermind, jes ignore me, I'm jes in a bad mood," Ruby said, walking away, noticeably calmer.
Vivi watched as Blank stomped out, without saying a word. Vivi jumped back, remembering the effect Zidane had on Ruby. The diminutive mage walked through the doorway and saw Zidane sitting Indian-style, staring outside.
"H-Hey, Zidane?" Vivi said.
"What's up, Vivi?" Zidane said.
"N-not much. Mind if I sit down?"
"Not at all. I suppose it's time for you to give me the talk?"
"Talk?" Vivi said.
"The whole 'Straighten up and fly right, Zidane' talk, the 'Get your head together' talk. I'm just sick of it all, so spare me," Zidane said.
"Um, ok, Zidane," Vivi said, sitting down next to him.
"It's just everyone is convinced they know what is best for me, and no one cares about asking me. They all force this down my throat. It's just so sickening."
"Oh, um..."
"And then!" he said, getting up. "Everyone gets angry when I don't follow their 'advice' perfectly!" Zidane said, shaking his arms. "They act like I'm the biggest jerk in the world!"
"Well, I..."
"I mean, it's not like I'm not listening to what they are saying. I really am. It's just more complicated than they let on. I really do love Garnet. At first, it was just a stupid little boy-meets-girl, boy-wants-girl thing, but I really, truly, started to fall in love with her. That's the problem."
"I mean, I can't live without her, but will I be good enough for her? Will my being there be enough? Can I hope to be the princess and the pauper real-life story?"
"But I love her, and that's just it. I love her. So damn it all. Damn the world and damn everyone else. I'm gonna make it work, dammit!" Zidane said, in a reassuring voice. "That's it! Thanks, Vivi, I needed that. Jeez, why did Baku send in everyone before you?" Zidane said before walking out.
"Baku," Zidane said from behind his foster father, who was in front of the wheel of the airship.
"Yeah, you lunkhead? Finally figured things out?"
"Yep," Zidane said.
"Gonna return to the castle and work things out?" Baku said.
"Yep," Zidane said.
"Good," Baku said.
"I need one thing first," Zidane said.
"What's that?" Baku said.
"Let me handle the controls," Zidane said.
"Wha...?" Baku started, then grinned. "Heh, that's my boy. The controls are all yours!"
"Thanks, dad," Zidane said, grabbing onto the wheel.
"So, Vivi, you get anywhere with Zidane?" Blank said.
"I-I think so."
"Well, whadaya mean you think soooo---!" Blank started, when suddenly the airship shot forward twice as fast as it was going, throwing Ruby into Blank. "Well, well, aren't I the lucky one?" he said, his hands suddenly gripping on Ruby's firm, round bottom.
"Oh, behave!" Ruby said. She slowly turned her head back, kissed him slightly on the mouth, and whispered, "Maybe t'night if yer luck'y."
"W-what's happening?" Vivi said, holding onto the side of the ship.
"Loverboy got hisself de wheel no doubt!" Ruby said, standing herself up.
"Zidane's... not the safest pilot. I just hope Sir Fratley will be alright, we boarded him up pretty good, but still, Zidane' the need for speed," Blank said.
"Zidane, we're approaching Alexandria!" Baku yelled.
"ZIDANE! SLOW DOWN!" Marcus screamed at him.
"Relax, guys, I know what I'm doing," Zidane said nonchalantly.
"That's what we're worried about," Marcus said glumly. He then braced himself for impact.
"Here goes!" Zidane said, slamming on the brakes and throwing the airship in a 180-degree turn, stopping it backwards right into the docking bay, a mere 15 feet from the wall. "Shoot, missed it by a little. Mind if I try again?" Zidane said.
"Don't you have a girl to catch or something?" Marcus said from under a crushed box.
"Right! I'm off!" Zidane yelled as he rushed out.
Steiner (with the knights of Pluto, of course) and Vivi were at the ship's ramp, ready to get off as soon as it connected. Steiner pulled out his sword and yanked off his helmet, and proceeded to cut a notch in his sword. Vivi noticed that his helm was literally covered in notches.
"U-um, Steiner, what's with the, um, helm holes?"
"Oh, these? For every battle won, I make a notch on my helmet. 'Tis an ancient tradition that has gone on for many an age in the order of knighthood," Steiner said with pride in his voice. He was happiest at the times he was doing something worthy of a knight.
"Hey, here comes Zidane!" Vivi said, pointing at the top of the airship. They all watched as he did a classic Zidane move, instead of walking down the stairs, he slid off an old rope, breaking it at the bottom in a stunning move of luck and agility.
"Hmph, about time you arrived. Nice flying, I think if we blindfolded Weimar here, he could have done better," Steiner said gruffly.
"Hey, Zidane has a place to put notches too, but this one is on his belt," Vivi said.
"Alright, where's the Queen? Anyone got a breath mint?" Zidane asked, quickly changing the subject.
"The Queen!" Steiner shouted. "Will meet us here promptly to receive the report of our actions! And not a moment later!"
"Geez, calm down, Rusty. Here they come now," Zidane said, pointing at two figures walking over.
"T-they?" Vivi asked, squinting his eyes."The Queen and General Beatrix, Vivi!" Zidane said with pride, holding his chest out and beating it as Garnet and Beatrix came into view. To Zidane, it felt like it was hours, but mere seconds later they were at hand.
"My Queen," Steiner said, bowing. Zidane and Vivi quickly imitated him.
"How was the battle, Steiner?"
"We succeeded. There was only one injured, Sir Fratley, but he is safe and sound mending his leg. We have dispatched the snake with the quickest of ease. We truly are in debt to the volunteers, without the masterful magics of Vivi or the expertise of Freya and," he coughed before saying, "Zidane, there surely would have been more injuries."
"Excellent news, Steiner," Beatrix said. She looked over the proud man. She saw out of the corner of her eye Zidane winking at Garnet.
"Steiner, I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit tired as of now. If you wouldn't mind, could you finish the report tomorrow?"
"As you wish, my Queen," Steiner said.
"And Zidane, I think we have something to talk about," Garnet said, turning her back. She turned her head half around and said, "Dismissed."
Zidane stood outside of Garnet's room, waiting for his cue to be allowed to enter. He suddenly heard the door open, but there was only Beatrix.
"Zidane, the Queen says you may enter," Beatrix said, saluting him before she started leaving.
"What's with the salute?"
"You risked your life in the name of Alexandria and its allies without needing a reason to. In my eyes, as well as the Alexandrian Knights, you are one of us," she said before heading down the hall.
"Hey, Beatrix!" Zidane yelled from up the hall. When she turned around, he saluted, smiling.
*And now, the makeup,* he thought as he entered her room.
"Garnet?" Zidane said louder than he intended. He didn't see her, and his first thought was panic.
"I'm over here, on the terrace," Garnet said softly, almost quietly. Zidane found her, wearing her old yellow-orange adventure clothes with her puffy white shirt.
"So," Garnet said.
"So," Zidane said, scratching the back of his neck. There was a long and awkward silence before he moved towards the end of the terrace. He stared at the beautiful sunset over the mountain pass, a byproduct of having lived with the mist is the beautiful sunsets and rises. He reached for the pebble and felt the rough texture of the small rock in his hand. "Ever have everything to say but have no way to say it?" Garnet nodded, but Zidane didn't look back. "I keep feeling like no matter what I do or say, I keep feeling or doing something wro---!" Zidane started saying, when he was yanked around 180 degrees and suddenly found himself in the middle of a French kiss with the Queen of Alexandria.
Garnet broke the kiss and without a word went to the door of her room, gave Zidane a come hither look, and went inside. *Hamina hamina hamina whaaa* Zidane thought, before he dashed inside.
Garnet was sitting up on the corner of the bed. "Zidane," she said softly, her actions a dichotomy of happiness and remorse, "I...I don't know what to say." He could see a tear come to her eye, and he dashed over next to her on the bed, pulling out his napkin. "It's just I have so many emotions, so many feelings, and I don't want to ruin anything, but everything I do just seems to ruin everything," she sniffed, "and I don't want to mess with anything, but it's just so frustrating and I, I, I just don't know what to do," she blurted out, leaning on Zidane's shoulder.
"I think now," Zidane said, uncharacteristically softly, "isn't the time to be following thought, or reason, or logic. It's the time to follow our hearts." Garnet looked up at him, her eyes clear of tears as Zidane said the following: "Garnet, I love you with all of my heart and soul."
She started crying again, this time almost uncontrollably. Zidane started to slowly move away from her, when she said, "N-no, they're happy tears. I love you too, Zidane!" she said, nearly pouncing on him, holding him in her tight embrace. As she held him closer, she could feel his breathing become strained, and to his surprise, kissed him once more. This kiss, however, was not just an ordinary kiss. It was not just a meaningful kiss. This was a kiss made only for lovers.
Garnet broke away, shocking Zidane for a moment. She reached onto the back of her overalls and removed the two clips holding the orange garment up. Zidane's eyes followed it as it fell, exposing the beautiful curves of her body supported by her elegant pearly white legs.
She leaned over Zidane, pushing him down gently so he was lying on his back. She kissed him once more, feeling his hands explore her curves as they continued kissing. She also let her hands roam, gently unbuttoning his pants, springing forth his throbbing member. She felt his pulse going wild through the engorged organ, feeling his entire body jolt at the touch. She quickly removed her white shirt, exposing her fully erect nipples to the warm humid air.
She started kissing him, gradually going lower, starting first with his chin, moving lower, pulling his shirt away and onto his chest, going still lower until she was face to organ with his massive member. Zidane's eyes shot open at the realization of what she was going to do.
The Queen slowly let her tongue out, tasting for the first time the taste of her lover. Zidane let out a silent cry of pleasure as he felt her hot, warm tongue, little by little, glide across his penis, sending sheer bolts of almost unbearable pleasure. She was gradually picking up pace as she coated the shaft of his member.
She took her time, gingerly teasing his member, before she let her lips find the very tip of the head. She let her face start to fall down, bringing his cock into her mouth. Zidane was going crazy, the feelings going off in his mind were insane. She worked her way down, lower and lower, looking at Zidane while she did, admiring the pleasure she was inflicting on him. She could feel her hair drop down, getting in the way of her job. Zidane noticed too, and was quick to offer help, guiding her hair back up every few seconds.
She worked more and more of his member in, feeling his penis press up against her tonsils. She relaxed her jaw muscles, allowing still more of his member inside. She knew she was past the point where anymore of him could fit inside her mouth, and when she looked up, she was surprised she had engulfed all of it. She began to work her mouth up and down on his member, the friction was so great it must have felt like a vice. Her mouth was extremely hot, almost as much as the outside. Sweat was forming on Zidane's brow as he knew he was about to blow his load.
"Mhm? (what?)" Garnet asked, pausing for a mere fraction of a second before returning to her action.
"I-ah-I-i-i-I AH!" he said as his entire body shot forward, the force of his orgasm draining almost all of his consciousness. The Queen could taste his ejaculate as it came out, falling almost into her belly. She brought more of his member out, tasting the strong taste of his cum as he emptied himself inside her mouth. After he finished, he realized what just occurred.
"Oh-oh my god, I-I'm so sorry, Garnet. I didn't mean t-to."
"Don't worry," she said, while unbeknownst to her, a small drop of semen escaped out the corner of her lips. Upon seeing that, Zidane got his second wind.
"Your turn," he said, picking her up and placing her dainty naked body down on her stomach. As he stood behind her, he admired her robust form for a moment. He took great pleasure from admiring her naked flesh, the contours of her body, the curvature of her hips, her sweet smell. He noticed also that she was completely hairless below the waist. He didn't know why, but he didn't think much to ask.
"Zidane?" Garnet said after a minute or two.
"Yes?" Zidane said.
"What are you doing?"
"Admiring your body."
"Well, what are you doing just standing there?" she said, almost demanding an answer.
Zidane smacked himself on the head before he went to action. He bent down on his knees, approaching the Queen's backside. He was amazed at just how beautiful her rump felt, but that wasn't the area of concern for him. He was more concerned with his immediate objectives.
He lowered his head down further until he was almost face to orifice with her moist pussy. He took but a moment to inspect before he let his tongue escape their white captives, tasting her sweet, sweet essence for the first time. He let his tongue first encircle her outer lips, making Garnet quiver as she felt the tingle down there. His tongue began to explore her vagina, seeking out what he was looking for, the clitoris.
Garnet could feel her body heating up faster than she thought possible. She had masturbated before, but not nearly so often, and she could never get herself nearly as hot before after thirty minutes of her own handiwork, let alone it took him about three minutes. She felt her nipples turn to rocks, and her clit almost immediately became aroused.
Zidane found the object of his attention, and with a quick shot of the tongue, he was on it. Garnet felt shocks of beautiful pleasure jolt through her entire being as Zidane curved his tongue in a 'U', massaging her clit, changing from soft to hard and back again. She could feel her hips nervously twitch. Zidane put one hand on each globe of her behind, keeping her in place. Garnet couldn't believe the pleasure she was feeling, her entire body spasmed at each movement of his tongue. She was on the verge of a major orgasm, and she knew it.
Zidane continued with his actions, and he knew she was on the edge. He tormented her for a little, bringing her right to the edge and stopping.He finally brought her to the cliff and beyond, making her cry out in pleasure as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her entire body arched, pushing herself into Zidane's face. Her entire body tingled and shook with pleasure as her mind was set afire with ecstasy. Her body reeled with an indescribable amount of bliss surging through her entire essence. Despite everything that was happening to her body, Zidane stayed with her, never stopping for a second to keep her going. After the longest, most powerful orgasm she had, her body relaxed.
Garnet turned around, her entire body soaked with sweat, and the room was full of her aroma. As she lay there, on her back, her legs open and her pussy now soaked through and through, she had a chance to see with the last embers of the sun's light Zidane's fully erect penis glistening with her saliva. "Zidane," she said in between pants.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Garnet?" Zidane said, cracking his jaw back into place. Garnet nodded. "Then away, we go," he said, his body moving like a flash towards her. A moment later, he was kissing her, his penis at the entrance to her soaked pussy. Using his tail as a prop, he slowly brought it forward, bringing it slowly inside of Garnet's soaked pussy, feeling her warmness surround his member. She was still very tight, but now her wetness provided enough lubricant so he could begin to press forward.
While he thrust his member forth, he turned his attention towards her breasts. Her nipples were hard as a rock and very sensitive; with every move of his tongue, Garnet moaned with pleasure. She could feel his member's girth press forward into her; she felt the muscles of her vagina strain to give way, each movement of friction a new trail of delight to her body, each thrust setting off a new flame of lust in her body as well as her mind.
Zidane continued his almost fluid motion, attempting to get himself in a set pattern. His body, however, told him he was nowhere near capable of holding out for very long. As he propelled forward, he attempted meagerly to think of something, anything else, but the naked figure of Garnet's body wasn't helping. He heard Garnet's soft moans, almost whimpers, and he knew she was near an orgasm of her own, still riding partly on the crest of her last orgasm.
He increased his pace, feeling the sweat begin to accumulate on his brow. In and out, in and out, he built up speed with each driving force, each push bringing another moan, every pull bringing out a slight whimper. He felt a surge of adrenaline push him forward, his mind now blurring as he neared further and further to climax. Garnet moaned as his speed continued to accelerate; his hips were becoming nearly hazy.
Suddenly, Garnet's hips locked down just as Zidane himself was finishing off. Zidane pressed his face against hers, and their lips intertwined as they each experienced orgasms of massive proportions. While Garnet's body writhed under him, Zidane released his load inside of Garnet. As both of their orgasms crashed against one another, they only proved to drive them further into pleasure. Zidane could feel his orgasm subside and opened his eyes to see that he was still kissing Garnet and she was still in the midst of her own climax. Moments later, he felt Garnet's body grow almost limp, and her eyes slowly start to groggily open.
They lay there a minute more, peering deep into one another's eyes, before broke off the warm embrace and mouthed, "Garnet, I love you."
Steiner went to his room and removed his helm. It had been a long and tiring couple of days, both mentally and physically. "I am getting too old for this," he muttered to himself, removing his heavy armor from his body, feeling the load he knew so well rise from him. He sat in his favorite chair next to his bed and removed his boots. He inspected them for a moment, noticing the deterioration from recent use. *I'll probably end up getting a new one,* he thought as he wiped the sweat off his brow. The heat this time of the year was bad enough, but trekking the last day and having to deal with Zidane was just too much.
Steiner took from his shirt a key that was attached on a necklace. He brought the key to a drawer, secretly stashed under his bed. As he opened the drawer, he could see the dust rise. He pulled out an old book, marked with age and poor handling. As he opened the book, he felt like his whole lifetime came back to him. He read the first page on the inside: "Journal of: Aldebert Steiner." As he sifted through the pages, he remembered his life as a soldier, his early days as a mere man-at-arms, his raising to Captaincy, and his formation of the Knights of Pluto. As he sat there looking in on the book, he realized just how long he had been in service to Alexandria.
"Interesting read?" Beatrix said, standing in front of him, watching as the unusually unarmored Captain sat with a book in his hand instead of a sword.
Steiner sighed and said, "I suppose you could say that."
"Well, what is it?" she asked.
"It is my journal," Steiner said, his cheeks starting to turn pink.
"Journal?" Beatrix said in puzzlement; she had never heard him talk of such a thing.
"Yes, my journal. In my day, all soldiers and knights were instructed to keep a journal, a personal log of the events of the day. I don't think the Alexandrian soldiers do it now, but I try to have my men fill them out," Steiner said with a sigh, closing the book.
"This is the first I've heard you mention it," Beatrix said, surprised at the notion there was something he was keeping hidden.
"Such things aren't really common talk; there has always been a fear that some knights would record private information in their logs," Steiner said, repeating a phrase he was sure was in the training manual he read so long ago.
"Still, you never told me about it," Beatrix said, starting to understand the need for such a secret.
"I suppose I didn't, no," Steiner said glumly.
"You should consider having it published; I'm sure that people would pay a fortune for it. It must be a fantastic story!" Beatrix said, trying to cheer him up.
"I'm sure it would be a fantastic story. A story of fights spanning decades, of wars and pestilence and disease and fire. Of battles with inhuman monsters, and of watching my fellow men around me drop as casualties." He paused a moment, like the last word got caught in his throat. "Of watching the king die, the Queen-Former Queen fall under the control of Kuja while I was too stupid to know what was going on. Of the destruction of Burmecia and Lindblum and Alexandria." He paused a moment, like the last word got caught in his throat. "I'm afraid my life as a soldier hasn't yielded much in the way of a fanciful tale."
"Steiner, don't be like that..."
"Like what? It's true, you know. Sit for a moment, and indulge me while I tell you a story." He said, patting on his bed. As she sat, he thumbed his way to a page number near the center of the journal.
"The Journal of Aldebert Steiner, Day XX Month XX Year XXXX. The battles these last few days have been horrific. The enemy has besieged us and brought everything they had against us, but the King would not allow surrender or defeat. Even when the Captains died, he pressed on. In a final last chance attempt, myself and others from my battle group joined up alongside the King and his Knights. We headed alongside the river with the aid of night, and found our way to the enemy camp while they still sat, sleeping. With a mighty cry of 'For Alexandria!!!' from the King, our entire group attacked their formation, slaying the entirety of the foul enemy, many of whom could barely arm themselves before death.
It was then the king jumped up on his White Chocobo, and proclaimed our victory. Though the battle itself was not without loss. Almost 90% of the entire army was decimated, including all of my battle group.
And tonight, of all things, the King has come in and handed me official papers, signed himself. I am to be a Captain, and a Knight. I can only hope that my new position will allow Alexandria to be spared from such horrors are before."
"When I was 24 years old. It was when I was 24 years old. And everything I tried to achieve as Captain has been for naught. There has only been more death and more horrors. Nothing good has come of it. If only I were better, if only I had the intelligence to give forethought as to what was happening. Instead, I failed not only Alexandria, but myself as well," Steiner said, sighing.
"Steiner..." Beatrix said, inching close. ***SMACK*** "Don't you ever talk like that! Those weren't your fault and you know it! You saved the world for Chrissake! I was in the same boat, and it's not like I noticed a thing, in fact it took me even longer to realize than you!" Beatrix said, watching the now doubtful Captain lift his eyes from his book. "What got this into you anyway?"
"You know who, Zidane."
"What about Zidane made you think about this?"
"I'm not getting any younger, Beatrix. All I can see about my career is me trying to pick up the pieces of what I left broken. I don't want to see that anymore. It's not good enough for the Queen, and it's not good enough for Alexandria!" Steiner said with feeling.
"So what, you want to live vicariously through Zidane?"
"No! I want Zidane to learn from my mistakes."
"And how will he do that, by you barking orders at him?"
"No, I suppose not. I just want so much for the Queen."
"Sometimes when you look too far, you end up losing sight of your goal."
"So you think I should apologize to Zidane?" Steiner said.
"Maybe. Or maybe you should give him some reading material," she said, patting the journal.
"Yes, I suppose so," he said, putting the journal on the stand next to his bed. "What did you want?"
"Pardon?""Beatrix said, with a puzzled look on her face.
"You came in here, what did you want?" he said.
"I just wanted to see you, Aldebert," she said, reaching over to him and kissing him on the lips. Whenever she wanted him to know they were strictly talking personally, she used his first name. And if that never failed, a kiss certainly would get his attention. "Now come on over here and get the spoils of victory!" she said, jumping onto his bed on her back.
Steiner was quick to act, and despite his feelings of being old, he was on top of her moments later. His lips were quick to move as his hands fumbled on her breastplate, slowly attempting to detach it as he felt her hands explore his body. He always felt oddly vulnerable whenever he was not wearing his armor, but the feeling of her cool fingers dancing along his body both freaked him out and turned him on.
He finally undid the plate, and lay there a moment, in awe of the beauty of her bountiful breasts. He could feel his member quickly become erect, as the combined sight of his lover topless in front of him and her rambling hands were a petrifying combo. Well, they were at least turning part of him to stone.
As he began to kiss down her neck, he gasped as he felt her hands enter his underpants, touching his now fully erect member. Beatrix smiled as she began to slowly rub the rather large phallus. Not to be outdone, he quickly turned his attention to her large breasts and her particularly large silver dollar-sized nipples. She moaned as he toyed with them, gently nibbling on her incredibly sensitive nipples. She could feel her areolas were on fire as Steiner continued. She let go of his member for a moment, only to wiggle her cute and well-toned behind out of her uniform.
Steiner let his hands meander towards the curves of her body. As he drew closer to in between her legs, he could feel her warm, sticky juices already flowing. He began to slowly massage outside her vagina, slowly at first but building in speed as he could feel her get more and more aroused. He slowly inserted one finger, gently bringing it in and out in a continuous loop, exciting Beatrix more and more.
Beatrix was now busy trying to remove his shorts. *What does it keep getting stuck on?* she thought, feeling her way down. She was surprised when she found that his penis seemed larger than usual, and the material of his pants wasn't flexible enough to allow passage. After a little bit of maneuvering, she was finally able to free his member. She gently pressed him down on his back. She then squatted on his face while bringing her face to his wang, into a 69 position.
Before she opened her mouth, Steiner was a step ahead of her, tasting her sweet, sweet womanhood and lapping at the delicious nectar. She moaned as she felt his tongue glide along her clitoris. She took a moment longer before starting to give his penis some more attention. She began to jerk it slowly, building up steam. She could already see the pre-cum building up at the surface. She let out a tongue and caught a drop of his seed. She started to let her tongue glide across the shaft of his penis, never staying in one place for too long or staying in contact for too long. As she continued to glide more and more, she could feel his body start to jerk about, the pleasure too much for his well-disciplined body to handle.
*Enough is enough, Beatrix,* she thought as she opened her mouth and brought it to the very top of his penis, slowly bringing the member into her mouth. Steiner continued increasing his pace as she fit more and more of his member into her mouth. She now had over half of his member in her mouth and she hadn't even started to slow down. He started sucking on her clitoris, feeling the hard, sensitive little nub react to his attention. That sent a jolt of pleasure down her spine as she could feel herself building up.
As her body came closer and closer to climax, she began to buckle her hips and take more of his 'sword' into her mouth. Right when she was on the edge of climax, she used all of her determination and moved away, stopping both of their orgasms together.
"Just one moment, loverboy," she said wickedly. She brought her body to his penis, squatting down on his massive member, feeling the length and girth of his member press up against the very walls of her vagina. She was no first-timer, but she had always had a rather tight body, inside and out, and Steiner was giant. It wasn't a minute later when she felt herself back on the edge of orgasm. Steiner was nearly there as well, his penis still lubricated with the saliva of his lover.
Just a moment later, and their bodies shook in unison as an earth-shattering orgasm overtook them. Spurt after spurt of semen flew from Steiner's penis deep into her pussy as her body nearly went into seizures from the pleasure she was feeling. She was off the world, every breath was labored, every nerve was pleasure, and every bead of sweat was merely the means of pleasure to her. Steiner felt himself empty what seemed like a gallon of cum inside of his lover, as he continued to pump throughout both of their orgasms. She could feel her body nearly fill up with his man jam as she pulled on her own nipples, bringing even more pleasure to her pleasure-filled body.
For what seemed like an eternity, they lay there, each having their own orgasm, until finally, Steiner felt himself stop. Coincidently, Beatrix was just finishing her own orgasm off as well. As he pulled his now softened dick out of her, he felt a breath of relief enter his lungs. He was happy, and he had the woman he loved. And if that wasn't enough, then life wasn't enough for him.
Epilogue, the next morning...
Beatrix woke early, she had a job and she could not afford to waste time. She took Steiner's journal and found a delivery box. Placing it into the box, she gave one last consideration to whether this was the appropriate course of action to take. Finally deciding that it was, she sealed the envelope, addressing it to Zidane, and placed it outside the Queen's chambers. Maybe she was doing the wrong thing, maybe she was doing the right thing, but it didn't matter to her anymore, she was doing the thing she had to do, and that was all she knew how to do.
With a barely audible drop, she walked away, back towards her room. She still had to bathe and change and be ready to wake at the crack of dawn for her daily duties. Still, she had a feeling the Queen might be a bit preoccupied. Nonetheless, that wasn't going to stop her from her duties." | null | Final Fantasy: Epic Proportions Part 4 - Reunion | Authors/srb/www/finalfantasyix4.txt |
112,108 | Some Random Bastard | Final Fantasy 9: Epic Proportions Part 1 - It Begins | Zidane got up with a start. The weather in Alexandria this time of the year was unbearable. He got up from his bed and walked out to the terrace to get a breath of fresh air.
A lot had happened for the young man. He had gone from actor/thief all the way to someone who saved the world. He had been one of the first people in recorded time to travel the world, he fought off the worst of foes, and even was forced to fight his own brother before he could finally claim victory.
*But that was nothing compared to now,* he thought, as he looked out to the moons. He had come here and barely had enough time to embrace the princess *no, Dagger* before everything got rushed in its own way. He was given a guest room, but by the time he had settled in, Garnet had literally dozens of things.
"So there you are," he heard a voice behind him, the sweetest voice he could imagine.
"I was wondering when I might have a private audience with her majesty," he said as he turned around, with a grin on his face from ear to ear.
"Oh, you're terrible," she said, as she cocked her head to one side.
"So how's things?" Zidane said, sitting down, his back against the cool wall.
"Is that all you have to say?" Garnet said, raising an eyebrow.
"You leave me ever since the final confrontation, and in all this time you couldn't send a letter to say 'Hi, by the way, I'm alive'?" She said, her voice stern but not mean. Garnet was upset, but she had learned more patience than a girl ought to know.
"So you want to hear it all then? Fine, I suppose it was going to happen in any case," He said, his eyes glancing down to a small pebble on the ground. He reached for the pebble and felt the rough texture of the small rock in his hand.
"I suppose, it starts from when I went down The Iifa Tree," he said with a sigh. The Queen sat next to him as he continued. "As I made my way down, the tree roots were like alive tentacles, shooting after me like they could zone in on me. With a little skill and a lot of luck, I got the drop on where Kuja was. He was lying down, still glowing from his trance. He seemed unable to move, but I think he could have a bit of fight left in him."
"We talked for a while, about nothing much. It was like we both knew about the entire story, but we both ignored it, like long distant relatives ignoring a long-standing grudge," he said, his voice cracking a little bit.
"After a few minutes, the roots came en masse, and I tried to move Kuja, maybe pull him away from that god-forsaken tree," Zidane said, fighting a small tear welling up in his eye. "But he wouldn't budge, he used himself as a human shield to protect me."
"I escaped, but barely. I was alone on the continent though, save the dwarves and a few moogles. I didn't have much of a choice, but to continue on. The mages and the Genomes couldn't give me much help. With a long amount of time, and quite a bit of luck, I was able to make a small boat with some help. Stiltskin, the moogle, gave me some help. I don't think I ever would have gotten out of there if it wasn't for him."
"When I made the boat, I didn't know anything about the currents of the oceans or the way of the winds, since I, we, had always traveled with a motorized craft. I was out to sea for about a month, I guess, there with Stiltskin. We didn't have much to do, except for talk. We told each other stories from our travels. I know now every moogle by first and surname," he said with a snicker. He took his arm and wiped away the small tear going down his cheek. He was glad Garnet didn't notice it.
"After a while, we were running low on water. I was afraid we wouldn't make it, that I wouldn't see..." He said, and cleared his throat. "Finally, we made it to a port. I was surprised when I recognized it to be Lindblum. I was even more surprised to find that most of the city was repaired after..." he started, but he knew how much trouble Garnet had with her mother's actions.
"I made my way to the Tantalus hideout, but no one was there. It was a few days before anyone came back, apparently their airship broke down in a testing phase and they had to walk back. I was afraid that the first family I ever knew had abandoned me, or maybe worse..." Zidane said, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
"First family?" Garnet said, a little puzzled.
"Yeah...Baku adopted me when I was young, and I never really had much of a family, save for my brothers in Tantalus. But when I left them and started traveling with you guys, I fell like I started a second family. Not a family in the traditional sense, I guess, more of a family in the sense of a team, fighting together," Zidane said.
"Anyways, my brothers in Tantalus couldn't believe I was alive. They were going to bring me to Alexandria immediately, but the shipping lines for the airships were bust since there was no more mist. They wanted me to be a surprise, and they were afraid if they told Regent Cid that he would tell you. So they waited for Cid to finish the new Theater Ship 'Prima Vista 2' and the latest Hilda Guard."
"The day finally came when we would fly to Alexandria. I could barely keep my heart rate under a million as the day went by. All throughout the play, I thought my head would burst. I was paranoid that I would mess up a line or that someone would recognize me. I could barely breathe it seemed."
"And the rest," he began, "is history," he said, as he threw the pebble, it barely made an audible sound as it bounced away.
He looked up, seeing Garnet literally hanging on his every word, her beautiful round eyes reflecting the moonlight. She took her arms, thrusting them about either side of him as she kissed him. He was taken off guard, but he quickly let his hands do the work, making up for lost time.
He roamed her body, gently taking in her curves and her scent as their lips intertwined. He moved his kisses further and further down her neck, taking it nice and easy, enjoying his way down.
Zidane took a look at her small nightgown, it was a blood-red silk thing that barely covered her when she tried, let alone now. He pulled the silk fabric down, revealing her full breasts. Zidane looked at her face and saw her nod, as he took one of her mounds, gently grasping it as he let his tongue taste the nipple of the other.
Garnet was amazed at his skills, *how many other girls has he done this with?* she thought, but her thoughts were quickly changed to that of pleasure as his attention to her breasts made her nipples get almost painfully erect.
Zidane was taking his time, enjoying his handiwork. He played first with one breast, gently rubbing the nipple while he used his mouth to first savor the sweet taste of her body and then placing part of the breast in his mouth, literally sucking on her breasts.
Meanwhile, Zidane's tail was going on a magical mystery tour, working its way slowly up her dress, almost tickling her perfect thighs as it brought the dress up, saving Zidane the trouble.
He was quick to relieve his tail of the trouble, as he let one of his arms loose to pick up where he had left off. Using his right hand, he was able to feel how wet the outer thighs of her body had gotten.
"Let's move this to someplace more private," Garnet said, knowing that there would be a guard coming, if they already hadn't come yet.
Zidane carried her in his arms and made his way quickly into the castle. He had dreamed of her every night since, and now his fantasy was becoming reality.
Garnet let her head lie back. She had many sleepless nights, wishing that he would come. She always wanted to thank him, he had always been there, and now, lying in his strong arms, she knew just the way to repay him. Although she hardly considered it a chore.
Zidane brought her to the young queen's bed and let her down gently, looking at the willing look in her face as he pulled his arms back. He quickly disrobed, and Garnet was amazed to see the first penis she had ever seen. She had lived a sheltered life, and her life outside the castle was brief, and it didn't include peep shows.
Garnet pulled off the small silk nightshirt, tossing it aside as her eyes were unwavering, amazed at the idea that this morning she planned to watch a play and meet some old friends, and now she was going to have sex for her first time.
Zidane got on the bed, crawling over her body until his lips found their destination.He used his hands, gently massaging her vagina as their lips embraced. He was surprised at how wet she was down there, but he was still afraid that there wouldn't be enough lubricant for sex.
Garnet looked up, into the young hero's eyes, and hugged him close, whispering in his ear only "Please, be gentle" as she spread her legs further, almost at a 90-degree angle, to try to give Zidane as much space as he needed. She was no stranger to the idea of sex, but she was afraid that he would be too big, and she still had her hymen.
Zidane took his member and gently positioned himself with her body. He took great caution in setting himself up, taking every step to protect her from harm. He gently thrust his penis in, pushing in the first two inches of his seven-inch cock.
Garnet bit her lip, she was expecting more pain, but instead her body reacted almost singularly with pleasure. Until Zidane found himself at her hymen. He looked at Garnet, she only said "Remember what I said" before looking up at the ceiling. Zidane pressed forward, popping her cherry. Garnet gasped, her body suddenly spiked with pain as she felt the almost stabbing pain in her body. Zidane stopped, and pulled his member out a bit. He took his hand and held hers, and looked her in the eyes. After a couple of minutes, the pain subsided, and Garnet gave him a nod.
Zidane continued his action, pressing forward slowly, feeling her pussy muscles begin to ease up, allowing more and more of his dick in her as he began to thrust forward. It wasn't long before his entire shaft was in her, from tip to ball sack. Garnet felt a wave of relief shroud her body, but that relief was quickly replaced with pleasure, as Zidane began to get a slow pace going.
Zidane began pumping his dick into her virgin love hole, feeling the heat and the friction against his member as he continued on his course. He was loving this, it was, to him, nirvana. He continued to speed up his pace, worried first about her safety and second about his.
Garnet was going on fire as she could feel his speed increase, bringing her closer and closer to...what? *Oh my god, I've never climaxed before, I wonder what it will be like?* she thought as she felt him going quicker and quicker.
Zidane could feel Garnet was getting closer and closer, and he took his tail and began to play with her clit, his now soaked tail gently playing with the nub, massaging it as he continued his forward movement.
Garnet's mind was going wild, each thrust forward felt like a climax, but she couldn't be sure until the next wave of pleasure hit her body.
Then finally Garnet felt herself leave the plane of existence, as her entire body shook with pleasure. Her pussy muscles clamped down on his member, bringing him to climax. All the young queen could feel was his spurting deep inside of her, each spurt of hot jizzum like a fiery spike of passion driven deeply within her.
Garnet's body collapsed, her mind barely registering anything but the overwhelming flood of pleasure that enveloped her brain. She didn't register Zidane removing his member, or him lying down next to her. A few minutes later she returned to Earth, but she didn't care about being the Queen, or saving the Earth. As she wrapped her arm around her lover, she only cared about one thing: love. | null | null | Authors/srb/www/finalfantasyix1.txt |
112,251 | Bradley Stoke | Dinner is Served | Zoe felt quite excited as she pushed open the door to the flat she shared with Esther. Tonight was the night of the dinner party for which they'd been preparing for such a long time. Ever since the last such party, in fact. That one had been such a success that they could hardly wait to get another organized. She smiled at her reflection in the hall mirror as she slipped off the denim jacket she'd been wearing. It had been so much fun that her pussy had been sore for a week. She could hear a chop chop chop sound coming from the kitchen.
"Esther! Is that you?" Zoe cried.
"Of course. Who else could it be? I'm just preparing the vegetables. Do you want to come and help?"
"I'll have to change first," Zoe laughed, glancing down at her smart casual cotton trousers and blouse. She wandered into the kitchen, where Esther stood with her back to her, busy slicing up the courgettes and aubergines. "Hey, you've hardly got anything on."
Esther turned round to face Zoe. "What do you mean? I'm wearing an apron." This much was true. The straps were over the shoulders and the bib came halfway down her thighs, but from behind all Zoe could see was naked flesh and Esther's pert round bum. "I'm just getting into the mood for the party."
"Ooh!" Zoe sighed, taking her flatmate by her shoulders and resting her chin on her bare shoulder. "Just seeing you like this makes me feel pretty much in the mood already."
Esther lay down her knife and turned round to face Zoe, so that the stiff cold plastic of the apron, and its pictures of pre-Raphaelite nudes, were pressed against Zoe's blouse. She stood on her toes so that her mouth was the same height as Zoe's mouth and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I know! Just having you here makes me feel pretty much in the mood already. But we haven't got the time. There's a lot of preparation to get through before the guests arrive. And besides, I don't want to be worn out before the party's even begun!"
Zoe laughed, and kissed Esther full on the mouth, while looping an arm around her bare waist. "You're so right. I'll prepare the dining room and everything else before I join you in preparing the food. I'm sure you can manage on your own for just a little longer."
The excitement just kept on building until the food was at last ready and placed in the oven, the carpet vacuumed and the places laid at the table for all the guests. Zoe counted the chairs. There were nine chairs laid out, and the tenth one could be pulled in should there be an extra guest. Zoe visualized her guests. Places for Adrian and Steve, Jane and Martin, Noelle and Mark, and, of course, Pauline who never seemed to have a steady partner but never seemed to have any difficulty in picking up casual ones. She totted it up. Four men. Five women. More women than men. Not that Zoe really minded. She'd never really been sure what her preference was. But as she thought about the feel and thrust of a good man's cock, she wasn't sure that the balance was really right. Anyway, how could she be sure that Adrian and Steve would willingly share themselves with the girls? And when she said 'girls', she really meant herself.
Bach's Adagio and Fugue trilled down the hallway in a rendition the German master would probably not have been flattered by. Zoe picked up the phone. "Hi! Who is it?" she asked breathlessly. This was always her biggest fear before a party. Someone ringing in to say they couldn't come. It was Pauline. Shit! Zoe almost said out loud. That girl was so unreliable. No wonder she never kept her boyfriends for more than a week at a time. But Zoe needn't have worried. Pauline had met a man a few days ago at the office restaurant, and she'd invited him to come over that night. And then she'd noticed that the date clashed with the party, so she wondered whether she could bring him along. His name was Nigel.
Zoe smiled. If nothing else it evened up the numbers. Perhaps she'd get a bit of cock tonight after all. "Of course he can come. The more the merrier. But make sure you bring enough wine. We've only got the one crate in."
Pauline laughed on the other side of the phone. "And I'll bring a dildo as well. You'll love it, Zoe. It's a real wowser!"
Zoe could feel the juice between her legs loosen with anticipation. "As long as you bring yourself along. That's what really matters."
It took ages for Zoe and Esther to work out what to wear to the party as the food was slowly cooking in the oven. Zoe settled on a black blouse that opened ever so revealingly to reveal the swell of her relatively modest bosom, and a short skirt that rode quite high up her slim thighs.
Esther was typically less modest, choosing a top that bared her arms and waist, and emphasized her much larger breasts. She chose not to wear a skirt or trousers, but a strap-on dildo that dangled down onto her inner thigh. It looked quite realistic with plastic veins and a bulbous head. She combed her straight dyed-blonde hair, which framed her face and showed off the beauty of her long neck.
Zoe's own hair was bushy and dark brown, and showed off her own slim neck and angular shoulders. She gazed at her reflection. Her eyelids were light blue and her lips were painted a dark seductive red. Behind her she could see the dildo bouncing up and down, and swaying side-to-side as Esther vigorously combed her hair. God! Zoe could really do with a cock tonight! A strap-on might do, but it never felt as warm as a man's prick. And it never had that pulsing beat of the veins against her sensitive cunt-lips. Please let it be so!
The guests soon arrived. First were Adrian and Steve, dressed as always in jeans and tight tee shirts that showed off the rewards of their many dedicated hours in the gym. They kissed Zoe and Esther tenderly on the cheeks, and waltzed hand-in-hand into the living room where, as always, they were soon leafing through the pile of magazines stacked up on the coffee table.
Then there was Jane and Martin both dressed in leather. Jane just loved the sight of Esther's dildo. While Martin kissed Zoe long and lingeringly, his leather singlet brushing against the nipples under her blouse, Jane knelt down and playfully ran her tongue up and down the length of the plastic toy. But this was just foreplay. The couple strode into the living room and chatted to the two men who still held onto their magazines, and, as they always did, started riffling through the girls' CD collection to find some chill-out dance music.
Noelle and Mark arrived a few minutes later. Mark was wearing a shirt and tie, jacket and trousers: dressed more like the executive he was during the day rather than a partygoer. Noelle was rather more unrestrained. She wore a tight strapless dress that emphasized the heave of her breasts and the long neck that curved up to her inch-long hair.
The couples sat in the living room, nibbling on canapés, nachos and dips, with glasses of white wine and, in Noelle's case a glass of sherry. Mark pulled out a small packet and started skinning up a fat one on the cover of Business Weekly. Jane was spreading Esther's CDs about the floor and selecting tunes that she particularly enjoyed. Zoe wasn't sure she appreciated all Jane's taste. She was looking forward to when she could wrest the stereo off Jane and put on some restful jazz or some ambient drum and bass.
Finally, Mark's joint had been round the room a couple of times, the nibbles were mostly finished, and still Pauline hadn't arrived. This was only to be expected. The girl was so unreliable! But Esther decided that it wasn't a good idea to wait, or the potatoes would get burnt and the vegetables too soggy. So the party adjourned to the dining room section of the living room, while Zoe slipped on a Nitin Sawhney album she thought would better suit the ambience than fucking Armand Van Helden.
It was only when the plates were set out and forks and knives were poised to tuck in, that the sitar sounds were interrupted by the strangled sound of the Fanfare for the Common Man. It was the doorbell. Zoe leaped out of her seat. After all, Pauline had been her friend longer than she had known Esther. She ran to the door, partly miffed at Pauline's lateness, but relieved she'd turned up at all.
Pauline was there at the door with that sweet winning smile that always melted Zoe's heart however undependable her friend was. She was wearing a smart trouser suit with a wide tie over her blouse and pushed forward by the thrust of her bosom.
"Hi! Meet Nigel," she said, standing to one side so that Zoe could see her chaperone. Zoe smiled, but was slightly alarmed. Nice looking though Nigel was, he didn't really look the kind of guy you'd expect to find at the sort of party she and Esther were holding. He was well built, quite tall, with averagely short curly brown hair, a short-sleeved blue shirt and neatly creased trousers. This in itself was not what alarmed Zoe. After all, how did she expect her guests to dress? In fucking manacles and black leather hoods?What concerned Zoe were his disarmingly pleasant smile and his polite demeanor.
"Hello, Nigel," Zoe said with as welcoming a smile as she could muster, but as soon as she could, she gave Pauline a quizzical glare. "Shall we take your bottle into the kitchen so we can cool it in the fridge?"
As Nigel walked ahead into the kitchen carrying his bottle, Zoe whispered urgently to Pauline. "Does Nigel know what sort of party this is?"
Pauline smiled. "Well, not really. I didn't want to put him off coming."
"Coming? Does he 'come' in any sense of the word? Has he, for instance, 'come' in you, Pauline?"
"Well, not yet, sweetest. But I'm sure he will."
Zoe screwed up her face. This could be embarrassing. But the die was cast now. There was no way back now that Nigel had passed the threshold. He wandered back to the girls, smiling appreciatively.
"You've sure got a nice place here. Esther. Or is it Zoe?"
"Zoe," the hostess corrected him. "Yes, but it cost a lot. Property prices, you know. I couldn't have afforded it by myself."
"Oh. So that's why you share with Esther."
Zoe didn't choose to correct him this time. "Come on, you two. Dinner is served."
She pushed open the door to the dining room where the other guests were already eating. Zoe noted with relief that nobody was behaving in any way that might have alarmed Nigel. Indeed, the dinner party looked decidedly unthreatening, and plates of food were laid out for the two latecomers.
And then Esther stood up to greet her guests. Zoe felt a certain anxiety at this point. How would Nigel react as Esther walked towards them, her dildo swaying gently in front of her and a glimpse of nipple seeking to escape from her skimpy top? She regarded Nigel and noted that he had visibly blanched.
"Hi there, Pauline. Glad you could make it," Esther said, kissing her on the lips. "And you must be Nigel?" She kissed him gently on the cheeks.
Nigel's voice seemed to be failing him. "Er. Yes. That's me. That's who I am," he replied uncertainly.
"Well, I hope you enjoy your meal. Pauline didn't tell me whether you were a vegetarian, but you needn't worry. Zoe's a vegetarian herself, so there's no meat here."
Zoe was sure that Nigel's anxiety wasn't caused by dietary concerns. But he took his seat between Pauline and Adrian, just opposite Mark and herself. She could see Nigel exchange worried glances with Pauline, but she merely smiled in that ambiguous way she excelled in and shrugged her shoulders.
The conversation over the meal was fairly unexceptional. Jane chatted about the nightclubs she'd been to and how she was beginning to get a bit old for that sort of thing. Mark discussed recent movements on the stock exchange. Adrian and Steve competed with each other to express the greater enthusiasm for some musical they'd seen. Esther presided over it all with her usual skill, ensuring that nobody dominated the conversation and that boring subjects weren't pursued beyond other guests' endurance. Zoe watched Pauline and Nigel chat, and was interested in observing how his expression alternated from interest in his partner to discomfort in his environment. Every now and then he would glance towards Esther, perhaps visualizing her dildo under the table. Or perhaps regarding her nipple as it occasionally popped out from the cleavage of her top.
Adrian started chatting to Nigel, which at first troubled Zoe. Perhaps Nigel was gay himself, and this party would just disintegrate into two separate groups of exclusive homosexual preference. However, she could tell from Adrian's expression that Nigel was not even aware that he was being chatted up and that Adrian was getting nowhere at all with this little fishy.
"So, Nigel, you work at the same place as Pauline?" Zoe wondered, noticing that his companion was having a rather animated conversation with Martin about drugs and dance music.
Nigel looked at her gratefully. He had noticed that Adrian had shifted his attention to Mark who was much less choosy than him and had perhaps began to realize what Adrian liked most in a man. "Well, we share the same staff restaurant. I'm a systems analyst on the ZEN project..."
"'Zen'? Sounds a bit mystical."
"No, it's just an acronym. It's a fund management system."
"Oh really," said Zoe, regretting already this turn in the conversation. She glanced around her in the hope that she could change the focus toward some other conversationalist. She latched onto Pauline. "What do you know about 'ZEN', Pauline?"
"Bugger all!" Pauline laughed. "Is Nigel talking shop again?" She placed a firm hand on his upper leg, and Zoe could see him visibly jump. "I don't know anything about 'Zen', but I wouldn't mind trying out some Tantric Sex."
At this, almost everyone on the table chortled and laughed in a way that alarmed Nigel even more. Even he realized that what she'd said wasn't really that funny.
After the pudding and coffees, everyone was beginning to get a little nervous. How was it all going to progress to the next stage? A strange quietness descended on the party, broken when Esther stood up and announced she'd better clear up the dirty plates.
This was Pauline's cue. She smiled broadly and stood up in front of Esther and boldly grasped the dildo protruding from her crotch. "Oh don't worry about that, Esther. I'm sure we can sort that out in the morning." She then angled her face towards Esther whose mouth almost immediately made contact with Pauline's lips. And then the two began kissing each other, their arms around each other, and Pauline seizing Esther's dildo and employing it as if it were real.
And following the two girls' example, the party came to its second phase. Adrian and Mark and Steve collapsed on the sofa in a mass of testosterone-charged urgency. Noelle and Martin fell onto Jane. And there was Zoe looking around at the three groups with which she could so easily engage herself, but concerned also about Nigel. What would he do?
He was still sitting at his chair at the table, staring in disbelief and surprise as his date for the night was divesting herself of her clothes and taking Esther's dildo into her mouth. He had a half-empty glass of wine in his hand, which he held up halfway towards his mouth, but he was not sure what to do with it. Zoe stood up from the armchair where she'd been sitting, daintily stepped over Noelle's bare outstretched legs on the carpet and picked up the leather trousers that she'd pulled off. She walked over to Nigel, carrying the trousers over her arm, slyly unbuttoning her blouse as she strode forward.
"Was this the sort of party you thought you'd be coming to?" she asked with a smile.
Nigel looked up at her. His face was contorted with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. He stuttered. "I didn't... I had no idea that... And Pauline... She's..."
Zoe pulled open her blouse, letting free her breasts, and then tugged it off and left it by the side of Noelle's trousers on a chair. She stood opposite the seated Nigel, topless and herself slightly embarrassed to be presenting herself so shamelessly. "Pauline's just sex mad. As we all are. So, come on Nigel. Let's see what you have to offer!"
Nigel went an even redder hue. "I'm not sure... It's not quite... If I'd known..." And then without another word, he suddenly stood out of his seat and rushed straight out of the living room and into the hallway.
"Shit!" snarled Zoe. This was what she'd been afraid of. Nigel was a real party pooper. She looked around her. The three men were busy on the sofa. Adrian had Mark's penis deep inside his mouth, while Steve was probing his tongue around the puckered hole of Adrian's anus. Esther had pushed her dildo into Pauline's cunt and the two girls were pretending to enjoy something that was clearly relatively uncomfortable and unnatural, while their mouths continued to grapple. The third group on the floor was actually the most completely unclothed. Martin's penis thrusting away into Noelle's cunt while Jane was kissing her husband with one arm around Noelle's bare back. Which group should Zoe join? She knew that the one where she'd be most welcome would be with Pauline and Esther. But Esther could have her any time. It was cock that Zoe wanted. And the only one not so far answered for had just left the room.
Zoe sighed. She pushed open the living room door and strode into the empty hallway. She eased the door shut behind her, obscuring the portentous sounds of Orbital and the groans, grunts, giggles and occasional shrieks of her guests. Where the fuck had Nigel gone? And should she just count her blessings and join Pauline and Esther? After all, a dildo mightn't be a cock but it was a hard thing that might just about satisfy a soft place.
"Nigel! Where are you?" Zoe shouted, knowing full well that he was most likely to be skulking in the kitchen. She pulled off her skirt. It had been so uncomfortable. And she'd got no further use for it. She wandered through the open kitchen door, wearing just her knickers, to see Nigel sitting disconsolately on the stool with a glass in his hand that he'd just refilled with the red cooking wine that Esther had left on the breakfast table. "What are you doing here, Nigel?"
He glanced up at Zoe with a slightly pained expression. He smiled wanly, but tried not to stare directly at Zoe's breasts. "I'm not sure. I don't know. Waiting for Pauline, I suppose."
Zoe laughed. "Then you're going to be waiting for a fuck of a long time then, Nigel. Pauline's usually the last to leave any party."
Nigel sighed again. "I don't suppose I can wait for ever then. I wasn't expecting this. I don't know what I was expecting. Certainly not this, anyway.Zoe strode right up behind Nigel where he was sitting and put her arms around his neck. "Well, Nigel. 'This' is exactly what this party's all about. Don't you think it's fun?"
Nigel was clearly struggling in his conflict between libido and what he considered to be decency. "It's just not. I mean. It's not. I was expecting a dinner party. Not an orgy."
"An orgy is when there's more than two people involved," Zoe reasoned. "There aren't more than two people here in this kitchen."
"But in the living room. And besides... I don't even know you. I came here with Pauline. And I thought..."
"Don't say you didn't think that you and Pauline wouldn't...?"
"Well, I thought it might be possible. But not usually until you've been seeing each other for a while. And... What are you doing?"
"Don't be alarmed, Nigel. I'm just examining the wares," smiled Zoe, who had sunk down to Nigel's knees and was unzipping his flies. She was glad he'd not worn jeans. They were a fucking pain to get open: so tight and all those fiddly buttons!
"I'm not sure you should be... I don't really know you..." stuttered Nigel as Zoe's hand delved into his front and tugged at his underpants.
It wasn't quite as easy to get at his cock as she'd thought, so she undid the top buttons at the waist and pulled the trousers fully open. And then she saw what Nigel had had to offer. Fucking hell! Jackpot! She'd struck gold. She'd been right to follow Nigel into the kitchen. What a fucking monster!
"You're very... Very... Well ... Endowed, Nigel!" she managed to say as she slid out the floppy but still massive weight of his prick and the corresponding large testicles. "Has anyone told you that?" She looked straight up at Nigel's face above her.
Nigel's face was contorted by the battle still going on in his mind. "My last girlfriend used to say she'd never seen one any bigger."
"Well, Nigel. I've seen a lot of cock in my life. A lot of fucking pricks I can tell you. But I've never seen a prick like this before. How come your girlfriend's not still with you?"
"It just didn't... you know... she was... it was a while back... Hey! What are you doing with your teeth?"
Zoe didn't answer this time. She was far too preoccupied in running the large thick meat of Nigel's cock in and out of her mouth. God! It tasted good. Just like a piece of meat should taste. Hot. And firm. And twitching. And so much of it. With that strange smell that gave it an odour which really switched on her juices. Oh God! Oh God! She seized the waist of Nigel's trousers and pulled them and the underpants down below his knees, while stretching a hand up up up his smooth muscled torso to the hairs of his chest. Nigel's prick was responding. Getting bigger. And stiffer. And harder. The glans was shining as the foreskin pulled all the way off and a trail of saliva drooped like a washing line between the glans and Zoe's lower lip.
Zoe pulled herself up onto Nigel's chest, rubbing her nipples against the fabric of his short-sleeved shirt. The shirt buttons slid over the perspiration of her skin. "Come on big boy. Off with your clothes!"
"I'm sorry? I mean. What do you think...?"
"Shit! Stop fucking moaning and get on with it!"
Weakly and defeated, Nigel undid his shirt and pulled it off, while below Zoe pulled his trousers and underpants off, and (because she really hated the sight of it in porn films) she made sure his shoes and socks were also off. And then, when Nigel was good and naked, and his prick standing proudly out from the centre of his body, swaying slightly from its own weight and majesty, and only then, Zoe pulled off her knickers so that she was totally naked. Her short trimmed crotch waiting and prepared for Nigel's invasion. She stood back to admire Nigel. Fuck! What a dick! She wanted it in her. And she wanted it in her now!
"Come on, Nigel! Give it to me!" she commanded.
"What? Here? In the kitchen?"
"It's hot and ready! We'd don't want it to go off the boil do we?"
Zoe needn't have worried about that though, as became obvious in the next few hours. What fucking planet did Nigel come from? Wherever it was, Zoe wanted to go there. Not only was his prick so fucking enormous that it almost tore her vagina apart, well practised though it was by Esther's fist and fingers, but it just stayed big and hot and thrusting and willing. It just never seemed to give up. And as Nigel became less concerned with decency and more with passion, it just went on and on. Pounding and pushing into her. That prick just went on and on. Zoe soon lost count of the number of times she'd come. Well, as she'd got to learn, there were so many different flavours of orgasm, and those you got with a man were often those strange moaning, whimpering ones, often bypassing the G-spot and the clitoris and just swelling out the inner cavities.
Zoe didn't want to lose Nigel. She knew what Pauline and Noelle would do if they caught a glimpse of a dick like Nigel's. It'd be in their cunts as quick as you could blink. After just quarter of an hour of kitchen pumping, Zoe facing the breakfast table, while Nigel fucked her from behind, not in her arse of course (it probably didn't even cross his mind to try), but in that weird angle that was only possible when a prick was good and hard and your cunt was just juicy but not so totally wet that things slid out. Then, sweat running down her neck and pasting her eyelids, she grabbed Nigel's still erect prick and guided him out of the kitchen and into her bedroom, or the one she shared with Esther, and the two collapsed on the double bed that dominated the room.
And then it went on. Fucking. Screwing. Screeching. Occasionally pausing. Collapsed in each other's arms. But not for long, until the incorrigible Nigel was up and going and back in the welcoming recesses of her cunt. Slap. Slap. Slap. Zoe moaned. And groaned. And sighed. And shrieked. And still it went on. Was there any way that Nigel would stop? Most men couldn't keep this kind of fucking going on for much more than half an hour. And usually once they'd released their come (usually deep inside her), the fun was over just when Zoe was just beginning to get to the next stage in her abandon and passion. But not this one. In fact, Zoe wasn't at all sure whether Nigel had come at all. She didn't pause to wonder what this might mean for his feelings for her. In fact, she wasn't sure she really cared. Nigel was her fuck toy. And for as long as he fucked her, he was the best toy a girl could ever hope for.
"Hey, Zoe! We wondered where you'd got to!"
Zoe arched her head behind her, Nigel astride her and still pushing away into her bruised, battered and still willing vagina. There was Pauline and Esther, naked, arm in arm, no strap-on dildos now, and a glimpse of Jane and Martin fully clothed in the frame of the doorway. "Hi there, Esther," she said weakly. "I just got carried away."
"And I can see why," remarked Pauline, regarding the semi-erect penis that had been snatched so rudely out of Zoe's vagina by Nigel's embarrassment at being found out. "Fuck! If I'd known I wouldn't have let anyone else get their hands on my man. Hey Nigel. What say you we finish our date together?"
"Shit, man!" suddenly remarked Martin who wandered in, leaving Jane standing at the door. "If I'd known I'm sure we'd have stayed a bit longer. But we don't want to miss our taxi. Fuck! That's one big dick! I'm real choosy with the dicks I'll go for, but that's one I'd make a definite beeline for."
This remark clearly alarmed Nigel. He jumped up and raced out of the door past Jane who watched his swinging penis as it went by with wide-eyed fascination. "My clothes!" He gasped. "The kitchen!"
The next thing Zoe saw was Nigel running back past the door down the hallway, fully clothed. He briefly poked his head through the door. "I've got to catch the last train!" he gasped, and the next sound was the flat door slam behind him.
Zoe, Pauline and Esther watched Nigel's frenetic activity with incredulous silence that lasted perhaps another twenty seconds after the door had closed. Then they burst into hoots of laughter.
"Did you see his face?" chortled Esther.
"Martin, you bastard. You cunt. If you hadn't said that we'd have had a real piece of meat to finish off our dinner," said Pauline with laughter that belied the aggression of her words.
"Well. I was only speaking the truth. Wasn't I, Jane dear? After all, I must be the only guy who had no dick this evening. And the only girl too, seeing's I've dipped my piece into every sushi dip this evening 'cept Zoe's here! But you've had a real boner to contend with, haven't you?"
Zoe smiled. She'd wanted cock. And she'd got more cock than she could ever have hoped for. And all from one guy. And no sharing, either. And now, when the last of her guests had gone, and the taxis weren't going to be that long in arriving, her repast would be completed with the love and affection of Pauline and Esther in the sweaty, disordered sheets and blankets of her bed. And not just love and affection, but fists, fingers and long stiff rubber.
Zoe smiled. She could hardly wait till her next party. She and Esther would begin planning it before the sun rose and the weekend began. But she wasn't sure whether she'd invite Nigel along. In fact, she wasn't sure whether he'd even come to the party. Or even, on reflection, whether he'd even come at this party. | null | null | Authors/Bradley_Stoke/11 Dinner is Served.txt |
120,438 | William Rush | The Fortunate Ones: The Lost | Zackary Dillon had not seen his parents in two days. The last time he spoke to his mother, she had made him promise to stay home and not to answer the door or call anyone under any circumstances. He looked at the letter on the kitchen table. It said "open immediately," and it was from the company his father had worked at for ten years. Before his parents had left, his father had read the letter and then seemed very upset. Zack was upset too. His parents had never left him alone before. He was only ten, and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He had not been to school for two days, and he was running out of food to eat that didn't have to be cooked. His mother had forbidden him from using the stove or microwave.
Zack wanted to go talk to the neighbor lady, Ms. Perkins. He saw her out in her yard working. When she looked in his direction, he waved. His mother had never said anything about waving. She looked at him and smiled, then a look of concern came over her face. She started to walk over to the house; he was happy that he'd finally have someone to talk to, then he remembered he wasn't supposed to answer the door.
Zack heard Ms. Perkins knock on the door.
After a while, when there was no answer, Ms. Perkins said in a loud voice, "Zack, dear, open the door."
"I'm not supposed to answer the door," he shouted back.
"You can answer the door," Ms. Perkins said. "You know me, don't you?"
"My mother made me promise not to answer the door or call anyone," Zack said.
"I'm sure she wouldn't care if you opened the door for me," Ms. Perkins said.
There was silence. Ms. Perkins tried to look through the window to see where the boy was, but if he was there, he was hiding now.
"Zack," Ms. Perkins said. "Where's your mom and dad?"
"At work," Zack replied.
"It's Saturday, Zack," Ms. Perkins said. "Your parents don't work on Saturday."
"They got called in," Zack said, trying to sound convincing.
"Are you sure they're at work?" Ms. Perkins said.
"Yes," Zack said.
"Well," Ms. Perkins said. "Why don't you come over to my house and wait for them? I just made some cookies."
"I can't," Zack said. "I'm not supposed to leave the house."
"Hmm," Ms. Perkins said. "Well, that's too bad, they're very good cookies."
Zack thought for a second and then said, "You could put them through the doggy door."
"Well now," Ms. Perkins said. "I could do that. I tell you what, why don't you wait by the kitchen door, and I'll give you some cookies, okay?"
"Okay," Zack said. "That'd be cool."
"Good," Ms. Perkins said.
Ms. Perkins had thought that the family had left for a four-day weekend. She had seen Zack's mom and dad drive off with some luggage in the back of their BMW. She hadn't seen them return, and now here was poor little Zack alone in his home and obviously very frightened. She picked up the phone and called her nephew Steve, a deputy with the sheriff's department.
"Steven," she said. "I don't care if you have paperwork to do, get your ass over there and check on that child. His parents have been gone for two days, and he's much too young to be alone."
"I can't, Aunt Georgina," Steve said. "But I can let the sheriff know, and maybe he'll come out."
"Steven Thomas O'Keefe," Ms. Perkins said. "You get your damn ass over to that house and talk to that boy yourself. I called you for a reason, and you know that."
"Fine," Steve said. "I'll go over and check on him, but I'm sure everything is fine. If something was wrong, someone would've called."
"I just did, you dumbshit," Ms. Perkins said under her breath.
*** Zack sat in the back of the car, looking at the big green building through the chain-link fence. The fence had razor wire surrounding the top, and he thought it looked very much like a prison would. Ms. Simms, the nice woman who had brought him here, patted his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Zack," she said. "I'm sure your parents will be back. Their car probably just broke down."
Zack looked down at his feet. He wanted to believe they would, but in his gut, he felt this knot that said they wouldn't be coming back. He remembered that his Mom and Dad were arguing about Dad's job and something he did there. Something about the books. His father was an accountant, which he knew had to do with keeping track of money, but that's about it.
Ms. Simms pushed a button on a box in front of the gate, and soon after, the gate opened to let them inside the parking lot of the building. Zack saw that even the parking lot was fenced in from the rest of the place. That seemed strange to him.
"Come on now," Ms. Simms said, as she got out of the car. "You'll love it here, lots of boys your age to play with."
"I want to go home," Zack said. "My Mom and Dad will be home soon."
"Well, I left a note on the door telling them where you were," Ms. Simms said. "If they come home, they'll come looking for you here."
Zack knew that it was pointless to argue; he had been begging for two hours to stay at his home, and no one had let him so far. He got out of the car and followed Ms. Simms to the door.
"Well, well," a man sitting behind a desk said, smiling. "Hello, Bob," Ms. Simms said. "This is Zack. Zack, this is Mr. Brady."
"Hello, Zack," Mr. Brady said.
Zack said nothing; he just kept staring at his shoes.
"You know," Mr. Brady said. "It's polite to say hello when someone greets you, Zack."
"Hello," Zack said in a quiet voice.
"There," Mr. Brady said, "That wasn't so hard."
"Zack's going to be staying with you for a while," Ms. Simms said, "While he waits for his parents to return."
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Mr. Brady said, smiling at the boy. "I'm sure you'll have lots of fun."
"Is the doc in?" Ms. Simms asked.
"No," Mr. Brady said. "He's gone 'til next week, only Roger's back there, and I wouldn't trust him with a butter knife."
Ms. Simms laughed, "Bob, you're too much."
"Just kidding," Mr. Brady said. "But we will have to wait 'til the Doc comes back before he can have an examination."
"I could take him to Dr. Thomas, it's only an hour away," Ms. Simms said. "We really should make sure he's alright."
Mr. Brady knelt down in front of Zack and put his hands on the boy's shoulders, turning him from side to side.
"He looks healthy to me," Mr. Brady said. "Why don't we just get him settled, and we can sort that out later."
"You're right," Ms. Simms said. "Poor guy's been in a house alone for the last two days."
"That's horrible," Mr. Brady said."Some people should just not have kids."
"My parents are coming back for me," Zack said all of a sudden. "Their car just broke down or something. They'll be back."
"I'm sure they will, dear," Ms. Parker said, then looking at Mr. Brady, added, "And I'm sure they're very loving parents." "They are," Zack said, visibly upset.
"I'm sorry, Zack," Mr. Brady said. "I didn't mean to upset you. I tell you what, let's get you to the cafeteria and I'll have Ms. Terry make you a snack. I'm sure you're hungry."
"Thanks, Bob," Ms. Simms said.
"No problem, Ms. Simms," Mr. Brady said. "Tell that old man of yours we can't wait 'til he gets back on his feet; this place isn't the same without him."
"Why, thank you, Bob," Ms. Simms said, smiling. "You are so kind to say such a thing, but I know it's probably nice having a break from him. He's such a micro-manager."
Mr. Brady laughed, "That he is."
Ms. Simms waved as the door closed behind her. Mr. Brady put his hand on Zack's shoulder and took a good look at the boy. He had blonde hair, a bit on the dark side, dark brown eyes you could get lost in, and a light boyish tan. All the things he looked for in a boy. He knew right away that he was going to be good friends with this kid.Of course, if he still had questions about a man, he would invite them over for dinner. At some point, the man would be left alone with little Roger, his ten-year-old adopted son, and he would observe how the man acted on a closed-circuit camera. Roger was taught to be just suggestive enough to attract the attention of a true boy lover, without arousing suspicions that he might actually be trying to seduce the men.
It took quite a while to assemble the right people for the job, and even though they were understaffed for the first year, Mr. Simms refused to hire anyone that he couldn't trust to be with his boys. After two years, he had one counselor on duty for every ten boys. Right now, there were three counselors always working, not including the doc and Mr. Simms' adopted son, Roger. There were also several part-timers who volunteered to come and spend time with the boys. Most of them were quite wealthy too, so this was an obvious sign of their generosity.
Now the home was well-established and had a reputation for being one of the finest institutions of its type in the state. If there were any issues at all with the institution, it was its failure to have enough females on the staff. Something Mr. Simms defended by stating that boys were more comfortable around men. Recently, he had found two women who did have a fondness for boys, and that was alleviating that suspicion as well.
After the second year, another institution was opened across the way from the first. This one was meant for boys fourteen and older and had actually been opened to ensure that the boys that left the first home didn't go somewhere else and act out or tell what was happening. It was also meant to train the boys to have some self-discipline and decorum.
Yes, for over twelve years, the institution had nearly a spotless record. Not a single boy had said a word about his experiences at the institution, and in fact, two boys from the home were now grown up and working as counselors there, something Mr. Simms was quite proud of.
Yes, things seemed to be going well, until Mr. Brady screwed up and nearly brought everything crashing down.
Chapter 4 Mr. Brady had gone to the shower room for a quickie. He thought he might find one or two boys there trying to avoid the counselors. He was right, the only problem was that the boy in the shower room was little Zack. He looked at the naked little boy, his small tan body lathered up in soap, and he couldn't help himself. "Hey there, Zack," Mr. Brady said.
"Hi," Zack said, covering his genitals as he suddenly realized that Mr. Brady had come in.
"Taking a shower?" Mr. Brady asked, an obvious question, but the man was nervous.
"Yeah," Zack said, "I don't like to do it around the other boys; they joke around too much."
Mr. Brady was well aware that joking around meant playing grab-ass and jerking off.
"Boys will be boys," he said with a smile.
"Umm," Zack said. "I was almost finished."
"Don't let me stop you," Mr. Brady said, licking his lips unconsciously.
"Could you," Zack said, intending to ask the man to leave, but not knowing how.
"Wash your back?" Mr. Brady said. "Of course, I can."
Mr. Brady didn't wait for the boy to object as he took the soap from the boy's hands as they still covered his genitals, allowing him a quick feel of the boy's balls.
"Turn around," He said.
"Mr. Brady," Zack tried to say, as the man grabbed him by the waist and directed him towards the spray of water.
"You know," Mr. Brady said, as he lathered his hand and began to rub the boy's back. "Most boys tend to not clean up properly. Do you know what I mean, Zack?"
"No," Zack said in an uncomfortable voice.
"Well," Mr. Brady said. "They don't clean their bottoms out. Did you clean your bottom out?"
Zack nodded his head and closed his eyes, trying not to feel the hands running over his back and bottom. He felt the man start to move his hand into the crack of his bottom.
"Bend over, Zack," Mr. Brady said in a husky voice.
Zack didn't know what to do, so he did what the man wanted; he bent over, even though he was frightened by the turn of events.
"There it is," Mr. Brady said in a cheerful voice as he ran his finger across the boy's butthole. "Have you cleaned this out, buddy?"
"Yeah," Zack answered, trying to sound convincing. "I did it first."
"Hmm," Mr. Brady said. "It doesn't look like you did a good job. Let's see if we can get it cleaner, okay?"
Zack didn't say anything, then he felt Mr. Brady shake him by the waist.
"Okay, Zack?" Mr. Brady asked again.
Zack nodded, saying nothing.
"Tell me it's okay, Zack," Mr. Brady said.
"Okay," Zack said so softly that Mr. Brady almost didn't hear it above the sound of the water.
"Good boy," Mr. Brady said. "Not a lot of boys care about being clean; it shows you take pride in your appearance."
Zack couldn't understand how keeping your butthole clean affected your appearance, as no one was supposed to see it.
Mr. Brady soaped up his finger and started to rub it ever so softly against the boy's hole, loving the tight resistance he felt.
"Yes," he said, "You're cleaning up nicely. Bend over a little more, in fact, grab your ankles."
Zack did not want to do that, but the man was pulling him down by his arm until he was in the position he had mentioned.
"That's better," Mr. Brady said. "Now take a deep breath, this might sting a bit."
The boy hollered and stood straight up as a painful spasm shot from around his hole.
"Back down to your ankles," Mr. Brady shouted, slapping Zack's bottom with his hand.
"It hurts," Zack said. "Take it out."
"No," Mr. Brady said. "You said it was okay to clean you out, and we're going to clean you out."
"I don't want to do this anymore," Zack said in a high-pitched, whiny voice.
"Well, that's too bad," Mr. Brady said. "You should have thought of that before you said it was okay."
Mr. Brady slapped the boy's ass again as he continued to move his finger inside of the boy, actually holding the boy in place with it.
"The sooner you bend over," Mr. Brady said. "The sooner we can finish cleaning you out."
Zack sobbed and bent over. Mr. Brady marveled at the boy's pale bottom; he obviously wore a speedo at the beach, which was fine with Mr. Brady.
"You're not very clean in here," Mr. Brady said, "This may take a while." The boy sobbed again, tears streaming down his face, sure that this was not right, that the man was doing something very wrong to him.
"Just a minute more," Mr Brady said as he rubbed his own stiffened member through his pants.
"Please take it out," Zack said, shifting from foot to foot, trying to relieve himself of the uncomfortable fullness.
The boy's begging only turned Mr. Brady on even more, and he began to rub his prick even faster; then, with a cry, he felt himself come in his underwear. As he did, he began to ram his finger in and out of Zack, causing the small boy to cry out in pain.
Finally, his orgasm over, Mr. Brady removed his finger. There was no shit or blood at all, which the man was suddenly very thankful for. Realizing he lost control, he suddenly stood, very nervous.
"You can't tell anyone I showed you this," Mr. Brady said, grabbing the boy by the arms, even now looking at the boy's small, shriveled, uncircumcised penis, rather than his face.
The boy just sobbed and looked at the man, frightened and unsure what he should do.
Mr. Brady let the boy go, and the boy took a step back away from him, tears streaming from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, buddy," Mr. Brady said. "I didn't know it hurt. Come on, you forgive me, don't you?"
The boy just stood there, his hands covering his penis and balls, trying very hard not to run out of the room naked.
"I forgive you," he said between sobs.
"This is our little secret, right?" Mr. Brady said, trying to touch the boy as he stepped back away from him.
The boy nodded, still looking at the man with fear in his eyes.
"Promise me you won't tell," Mr. Brady said, holding out his pinky, "Pinky swear?"
Zack stood there for a moment, watching the man for any sign that he might grab him, then, wanting so much for the man to leave so he could just get his clothes on and get out of that place, he reached out and wrapped his pinky around the man's.
"Good boy," Mr. Brady said. "I knew you were a good boy."
The boy sobbed as the man stood up, looked at the boy one last time, and left the shower room.
Mr. Brady kept thinking he had fucked up. He shouldn't have done it. If anyone found out, he would be fried. His heart fell in his chest, then he noticed the cum running down his leg, dampening his slacks.
He went to the counselors' locker room and grabbed a fresh change of clothes, something that he always had. He looked at himself in the mirror to see if he looked guilty, then smacked himself hard on his forehead with his palm.
"Stupid!" Mr. Brady said. "Stupid!"
He sat down on a bench, trying to figure out what he would do. He could feel himself start to sweat. Glen walked in and nodded to him.
"What's up, Bob?" Glen asked.
"Just cleaning up, spilled something on my pants," Mr. Brady said.
"Ah," Glen said, smiling. "Well, hopefully, it was something sticky."
"God," Mr. Brady said, watching the man as he unbuttoned his shirt. "Is that all you think about, sex?"
Mr. Brady left before Glen could answer. He walked back to his desk, passing Carl, sitting in Mr. Simms' office. Carl nodded to him, and he nodded back, hoping he looked normal.
He sat at his desk, realizing he had two more hours before his shift ended. He felt sick. He hadn't felt like this for a while. It wasn't like it was the first boy he had done things to, but it was the gravity of the situation.He was supposed to wait and didn't, and now everything hinged on little Zack not breaking the silence. He was certain the boy would be too ashamed to say anything, so instead of telling Carl so that he could try and minimize the situation, he kept silent.
Bob ended up very sorry for that.
Chapter 5
Little Zack stood behind a table in a small room as the Judge in front of him read his case file. "He's already been placed?" the judge asked.
"Yes, sir," Ms. Simms said. "At the boy's home."
"Ah," the judge said. "Yes, I see it right here. How do you like the boy's home, Zack?"
Zack wasn't paying attention, all he could think of was Mr. Brady and his hands, how he had promised not to tell, yet he was so afraid he would do it again if he went back.
"Zack, answer the judge," Ms. Simms said, certain the boy would give the same answer all the other boys did.
"I hate it, Mr. Brady..." Zack sobbed, suddenly unable to continue.
"What about Mr. Brady, Zack?" the judge asked, suddenly very concerned.
"He put his finger in my butt," Zack said, looking down at the floor. "Please don't make me go back. Please."
"Zack," the judge said, shocked to hear such allegations.
"What you're saying is very serious," the judge said. "Are you positive he put his finger in your bottom?"
"He said he was cleaning it out," Zack said, sobbing again, tears streaming down his face.
"Christ," the judge said under his breath, not caring for where this was going.
"I think it would be best if we asked Mr. Brady about these allegations," Ms. Simms said.
"I understand Mr. Brady's rights completely, Ms. Simms," the judge said. "And since you are a social worker and not a lawyer, I'll ask that you not give me legal advice."
"I'm sorry, sir," Ms. Brady said.
"I understand that your husband runs the facility that Mr. Brady works at," the judge said. "I honestly don't feel that you'll be able to handle this child without prejudice. I'm going to recommend that his case be handled by Mr. Fenton and that the district attorney look into this matter. Until then, the boy will remain in the custody of the court."
"But your honor," Ms. Simms said, shocked.
"I believe the boy, Ms. Simms," the judge said. "Look at him, does he look like he's lying?"
"It's just I know Mr. Brady," she started again.
"That's all, Ms. Simms," the judge said. "Not another word in front of this child. I'd suggest that you leave this courtroom and have the decency to remove yourself from this case, rather than require me to order you to do so."
"Yes, sir," Ms. Simms said, putting her files in her briefcase, suddenly realizing the ramifications this may have on her husband's job.
She looked at the boy, shaking, still sobbing, and in that moment she believed him, if only for a second, then it was gone, the subconscious desire for her husband's security taking precedence.
As she left the courtroom, she tried to think of everything she possibly could to prove Mr. Brady's innocence, without actually calling attention to the fact that she was involving herself.
Zack sat in a chair, sobbing as a bailiff led him to an antechamber, to wait for Mr. Fenton to pick him up.
Chapter 6
"You did it," Mr. Simms shouted, pounding his fist on his desk, causing Mr. Brady to flinch, "even after Carl told you not to," Mr. Simms stood up and started to pace, then grabbed his side.
"Are you alright, Jim?" Mr. Brady asked.
"Don't fucking ask me that," Mr. Simms said. "None of us are alright. You've brought the fucking hand of God down on us and what for, a piece of ass that you could've gotten from half a dozen of the other boys here."
"I'm sorry," Mr. Brady said. "I wasn't thinking."
"No," Mr. Simms shouted. "You weren't."
Mr. Brady shifted in his seat, watching Mr. Simms pace back and forth.
"I'm going to have to call him," Mr. Simms said.
"No," Mr. Brady said. "We can handle this."
"Bob!" Mr. Simms screamed. "The district attorney is filing charges against you now. Endangering a minor, sodomy, do you want me to go on?"
"We can beat this," Mr. Brady said. "It's my word against his."
"It's your word against every other boy in this home or that's lived in this home," Mr. Simms said. "Do you believe for a moment that not one of them will say anything?"
"How about Shaun?" Mr. Simms said, as he walked over to the window and placed his hands on the glass. "You fucked him every day for a week because he didn't want to give you a blowjob?"
Mr. Simms turned and looked at Mr. Brady and in a low voice asked, "You think if someone asks him if Mr. Brady has done something to him, he's not going to jump at the chance to bury you?"
"I can talk to Shaun," Mr. Brady said.
"It's not just him, Bob," Mr. Simms said, pounding his desk again. "Half the fucking kids in this home hate you, and I mean hate. If you died tomorrow, they'd probably throw a fucking party. So I think you can understand the predicament you've put us all in."
"I'm sorry," Mr. Brady said.
"Sorry?" Mr. Simms said. "Sorry? You risk all of our freedom because of one stupid little twit and you say sorry?"
"I'm sorry," Mr. Brady said.
"Don't you fucking say that again," Mr. Simms said. "You have no right to apologize. I trusted you, Bob, you were one of the first. How the fuck could you do this? You of all people? You trained them on the time table! Fuck!"
"I don't know what happened," Mr. Brady said.
"You know what happened," Mr. Simms said. "You of all people know you should've walked out as soon as you saw him."
"I screwed up," Mr. Brady said, suddenly losing it, tears streaming from his eyes.
"Fuck," Mr. Simms said. "Stop crying, Bob."
"I'm sorry," Mr. Brady said. "Really I am."
"I know, Bob," Mr. Simms said. "I know."
"What am I going to do?" Mr. Brady said.
"Nothing," Mr. Simms said. "I'll get you a lawyer. The lawyer will be the only one to talk about this. You don't say a word."
"You really think they'll arrest me?" Mr. Brady said.
"I'm surprised the sheriff hasn't already been here," Mr. Simms said.
"Thank you, Jim," Mr. Brady said.
"I'm not doing this for you, Bob," Mr. Simms said. "I'm doing this for the thirty-eight people you screwed over. I hope he was worth it."
Mr. Brady handed over his walkie-talkie and pass and drove home.
Mr. Simms paced back and forth in his office, then reluctantly picked up the phone. He dialed a number slowly and methodically, and a man answered the phone.
"Yes," the man said in a refined voice.
"We have a situation," Mr. Simms said.
"I'll be there first thing in the morning," the voice said.
"Tomorrow morning may be too late," Mr. Simms said.
There was a moment of silence on the other end, then the man replied, "Pick me up from the airstrip south of the home, I'll be there in three hours."
"I'll be there," Mr. Simms said.
"And Jim," the voice said.
"Yes, Mr. Carlin," Mr. Simms said.
"This had better be important," the man said.
Chapter 7
Glen Roberts held the small blond-haired boy still as he inspected the boy's body for marks. He had brought the boy to confinement last week and had been particularly zealous. "You look fine, boy," Glen said, as he stroked the boy's soft little circumcised dick.
The boy looked at him with his blue eyes on the verge of tears, and Mr. Parker smiled.
"Look," Mr. Parker said. "You're getting excited, Ronny."
"I didn't mean to," Ronny said, trying to hold back a sob.
"But you did," Glen said. "I told you you weren't allowed to get excited 'til I said you could, didn't I?"
"Yes, sir," Ronny said, tears starting to roll down his cheeks.
"What do you think we should do, Ronny?" Glen said, looking at the slight pale-skinned ten-year-old boy.
"I don't know," Ronny said, then suddenly screamed as Mr. Parker grabbed his balls and squeezed.
"You don't know, boy?" Glen asked in a calm voice.
"Punish me, sir," Ronny screamed, trying to pry his balls from the man's grip.
"Good," Glen said. "We're in agreement then."
"Glen, you there?" said a voice through the walkie-talkie.
Glen sighed, as he put the walkie-talkie to his mouth and answered, "This is Glen."
"We've got a situation," Mr. Simms said.
"I'll be right there," Glen said, looking the boy in the eyes, seeing the relief wash over his frightened face. "Now you, my little cocksucker, will wait here until I come back, no matter how long it takes me to come back. If I find you gone, the beating you got last week will be nothing compared to what I'll have in store for you, got it?"
"Yes, sir," the little boy said, sobbing again.
Glen stood up and placed his belt back through the loops of his pants. He knew something was wrong, but not what. Mr. Simms didn't like him, he was worried one of the boys he played with got hurt. When he got to Mr. Simms' door, he waited for a second and then knocked.
"Come in, Glen," Mr. Simms said.
Glen stepped in and saw a distinguished dark-haired man with grey temples, sitting in a chair by the window. A tall man in a suit with dark sunglasses stood by the man. Mr. Simms was rifling through files, looking for something.
"I'm sorry," Glen said. "I thought..."
"It's alright," Mr. Simms said. "Glen, Mr. Carlin."
"Hello, Glen," Mr. Carlin said, relishing the look of fear that crossed Glen's face. "We have need of your special talents."
*** Glen drove to the small shop in the city. If you hadn't known it was there, you would've missed it. It was run by two brothers who catered to the needs of very special clients. They specialized in bondage and S&M gear. Glen pointed out the objects he needed and asked the man if he had any smaller sizes.The man looked at him for a second, with a look of disdain, then went to the back and returned with just what Glen was looking for.
"Yes," Glen said, smiling at the man. "This will work nicely."
When Glen returned, he headed to confinement. Sure enough, little Ronny was standing there, his hands clasped behind his neck, glancing every once in a while at the two-way mirror. Glen knew Ronny was wondering if he was there, if he could finally move. He had been gone for four hours, and he was certain that the boy hadn't taken a step from where he had left him. Other boys might hear him say, 'don't move' and think he was telling them to stay in the room, but Ronny had experienced that mistake before and obviously did not want to relive that experience, even though, regrettably, he would most likely suffer much worse today.
"We'll practice on Ronny," Glen said to Mr. Carlin. "I've played with him enough that he knows what's going to happen. We can gauge his reaction and get a good idea of at least the minimum effect our treatment will have on the Dillon boy."
"I do hope you're as good as they say you are," Mr. Carlin said, taking off his hat and sitting it on the table. "Jim, I may want a boy for this. A blond one, like the one in the room."
"Yes, sir," Mr. Simms said. "I'll get one for you right now."
Glen left the viewing room and entered the interview room. He looked at Ronny, deciding what mistake the boy had made. He saw the boy's erection and immediately smiled.
"Hello Ronny," Glen said, as he looked up at a light in the corner to find it was still red. "Did you miss me?"
"Please don't hurt me," Ronny begged, tears streaming from his eyes.
"Ronny," Glen said, kneeling in front of the boy's erection. "I thought we talked about this?"
Glen grabbed the boy's balls and twisted them suddenly, causing the boy to scream in pain and bring his hands down to try to pull the man away.
"Now, now," Glen said, in an angry voice. "Get your fucking hands back in position or I'll tear your nuts right off."
The boy had to fight to put his hands back, but once he did, the man let go of his balls, causing the boy to almost fall back.
"Good boy," Glen said, walking around the boy. "I've got some good news for you."
Ronny visibly trembled, fully aware that there was no good news.
"Someone very important is here," Glen said. "And he wants to see me discipline you."
"I've been good," Ronny said, sobbing, "Please Glen."
"Don't call me Glen," Glen screamed, as he started to spank the boy's bottom with his hand.
The boy danced around, crying out each time the man hit him, trying to avoid the beating, but he was held in place by the man, until the man stopped.
"You'll be happy to know," Glen said, stepping away from the boy, "that if you are a good boy today, that I'm going to give you a Gameboy."
The boy sobbed even harder, it was not the first time he had been given a gift by Glen, and he knew that no matter how much he wanted a Gameboy, it would never be worth the time he had to spend with the man.
"Now if you're a bad boy Ronny, what do you think will happen," Glen asked.
Ronny was silent for a moment, Glen raised his hand as if to smack the boy.
"You'll start all over," the little blonde boy sobbed.
"No, silly," Glen said. "I'm going to cut off your balls."
"Oh no," Ronny said, begging the man. "Please don't cut off my balls. Please!"
"If you're a good boy I won't have to," Glen said. "Now assume the position for punishment, you know the one."
Ronny bent over and grabbed his ankles, shaking almost uncontrollably.
"Which shall we start with Ronny?" Glen asked. "The strap, the switch, or the paddle?"
Ronny let out a loud whining sound and started to sob again.
"Quit that, boy," Glen said. "You'll just make it worse if you don't choose one."
"The paddle, sir," Ronny said, then began to cry again.
"I think ten is fair to start with," Glen said, staring at the boy's bottom, the only sign of punishment, two faint weals from last week's session.
"Please sir," the boy said. "I have to go pee, can I go pee first, please."
"No," Glen said. "You should've thought of that before."
The boy continued to sob, not understanding why this was happening to him, unable to grasp that it was his beauty that drew the loathsome man to him, like a cockroach to a breadcrumb.
Glen looked at the boy's bottom and brought the paddle down squarely across the left cheek of the boy's bottom with an impossibly loud smack. The boy cried out.
"Please sir, please," Ronny begged. "I'll be good, I'll do whatever you want! Please!"
"Ronny," the man said in a calm voice. "You're already a good boy and right now you're doing exactly what I want you to do."
Ronny sobbed, realizing there was no way out. Glen waited to hit the boy again until he had stopped trembling, then with all the strength he could muster, he brought the paddle down across the boy's other cheek.He was soaked in urine, from when he had urinated on himself while being paddled. He had never taken his hands off his ankles, for fear he would lose his balls, so he ended up urinating on his stomach, and it had run down over his face and hair. Glen smiled, to him the smell of urine was like the smell of roses to a blushing bride.
Mr. Carlton was smiling too, the little boy on his lap had finally given up the fight and taken the whole length of his cock up his ass. The boy was quite tight and warm, and he was feeling close to an orgasm.
"Bishop," Mr. Carlton said, which was the name of the boy impaled on his cock. "Would you like to play with Mr. Parker next?"
"No," Bishop said, whimpering as his ass adjusted to the cock inside of him. It wasn't that long, but it had gone in quick and he had only been fucked a few times before.
"You wouldn't," Mr. Carlton asked, as if he was surprised. "Don't you like Mr. Parker?"
Bishop was wise enough to know that was a loaded question, so even as he continued to whimpering from the discomfort, he replied, "I want to play with you. I like you inside me."
"You are quite the bright lad," Mr. Carlton said, as he stroked the boy's naked stomach.
Ronny was screaming again. Glen had already left a long line of welts down the boy's bottom and now he was working on the boy's back and thighs, which caused the boy to suffer even more.
Mr. Carlton, deeming himself merciful, pressed the button on the speaker to the room, and said, "Fine show Glen, but do finish up now. We still have to plan things out."
Glen, out of breath, just smiled at the two-way mirror and then brought the switch down over and over along the boy's legs until the boy collapsed on the floor wailing and begging. Glen looked down at the squirming child, admiring his handiwork. The boy's ass was almost beat red and already showing signs of bruising, the line of welts from the switch were almost perfectly one inch [2.5 cm] apart, all the way from the top of the boy's knees to the small of his back. He thought that was brilliant craftsmanship.
Glen finally kicked the boy once in the stomach and then hung the cane on the wall. He took some rubbing alcohol and a rag from the counter and soaked the rag with the alcohol, hissing as he felt the alcohol touch a small scab on his hand.
"Well, that's going to sting," he said as he walked towards the boy.
You may think that Glen hated Ronny, but that was actually the furthest from the truth. He liked Ronny a great deal, maybe more than any other counselor in the center. In fact, it was this great affection for the boy that caused him to single the boy out. Glen could not understand why he would feel this way, and the mere feeling of love was so uncomfortable for the man that he dealt with it the only way he knew how, to thrash the child, then brutally fuck him.
The only reason he didn't fuck the boy that day was because Mr. Carlton was watching, and he didn't want to offend the man; otherwise, the boy would've endured at least another half hour of abuse.
Ronny was left in the room, which was never a good sign, because it often meant that there was more to come. Luckily for him, there was too much for Glen to do that day, so after Mr. Carlton came in little Bishop's ass, Ronny was sent to the infirmary and Bishop to his room. While Ronny lay on the examining table, sobbing, looking at the Gameboy that had been given to him, Glen joined Mr. Carlton and Mr. Simms for dinner at a very expensive restaurant, to discuss what the future held for little Zack Dillon.Zack thought the man was talking to himself, but in fact, he was talking to the audience behind the two-way mirror. Several counselors and Zack's caseworker, Mr. Fenton.
"Alright then," Mr. Carlton said. "Since I can see I will be unable to convince you to obey even the slightest command by merely talking to you, I think it is time for you to be punished."
"No! No!" the boy screamed as he broke free from Mr. Fenton and ran to the door, only to be pushed back into the room as several men entered.
"Now, now," Mr. Fenton said to the sobbing boy. "That is just going to add more punishment."
As the men held the boy still, a bench was brought into the room, the boy was quickly placed face down, and his hands were held above his head as the men tied his legs around the bottom of the bench.
"I'm afraid this will hurt," Mr. Fenton said. "But no more than you've hurt Mr. Brady's reputation or the reputation of this school."
Mr. Brady moved to the end of the bench and sat down so he could hold the boy's arms. He shivered when Glen entered the room. He had asked to be the one to punish the boy, not because he wanted vengeance, so much as to save him from Glen.
Glen grabbed a long heavy paddle from the wall and swung it in the air, looking at the boy.
"Please don't hurt me," Zack begged again.
Glen knelt in front of the boy, naked, his eight-inch [20 cm] penis erect. He waited for the boy to look at him, and when the boy saw that the man was naked, he started to scream, no words, just scream.
Glen laughed and then said, "If you don't quiet down now, I'll have to punish you for carrying on as well."
The boy continued to cry and struggle to get free. Glen brought the paddle high up in the air and then crashing down onto the boy's bottom. Zack screamed louder now than he had before, his eyes were wide open, and he shook from the intensity of the blow.
"I see that's got your attention," Glen said.
"Please! Please don't hit me," the boy cried out, tears now running down his cheeks.
"Quit crying, you fucking cunt," Glen screamed at the boy. "You're going to be punished whether you like it or not."
"Oh no! Please, mister," Zack said. "I'll be good."
"It doesn't matter whether or not you'll be good," Glen said. "You're being punished for what you've done."
"No!" Zack screamed as he saw the man raise the paddle again.
As the paddle hit the boy's bottom, a loud smack could be heard throughout the confinement area, then the boy's scream.
"It's very important that you make a lot of noise, Zack," Glen said, "Other boys are listening, and we want them to know what will happen if they tattle like you have."
The boy was trembling now, Mr. Brady had trouble holding his arms still. Already, he was losing the stomach for this. Sobs racked Zack's body as he continued to beg for the man to stop.
Glen brought the paddle down again, continuing to hit the boy's bottom. Spanking him over and over, listening as the boy's screams increased in intensity, and just as quickly as he'd started, he stopped.
"Now, now," he said. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
The boy sobbed, his whole body trembling. He could not believe how badly his bottom hurt. He looked over his shoulder and saw that his left cheek was dark red in color.
"Now what have we learned, Zack," Glen said.
"I won't tell," Zack said, sobbing.
"Not that, you fucking retard," Glen said. "We've learned that paddles hurt."
He brought the paddle above his head and with all his might brought it down with a sickening smack on the boy's already bruised bottom. The boy screamed and managed to pull one arm away from Mr. Brady as he twisted and squirmed on the table, trying to ease the pain in his ass. Glen grabbed the boy's wrist.
"Fuck, Bob," Glen said, pulling the boy's arm back up to where Mr. Brady could hold it. "Can't you even hold on to a little boy?"
Mr. Brady took hold of the boy. To him, it felt like they'd been doing this for a half-hour, but really, it had only been five minutes. Glen knew that hitting the boy's bottom anymore with the paddle would risk doing permanent damage later on; he did not want to scar the boy's bottom, just beat it. So he placed the paddle on the wall and grabbed the long heavy switch that hung beside it.
"Alright now," Glen said to the sobbing boy. "Quit your sniveling. We're done with the paddling."
"Please don't hit me anymore," Zack begged.
The boy had calmed down, believing that the punishment was over, then he turned to see Glen standing there holding the long cane, and he started to scream again.
"Jesus, someone get something to put in the boy's mouth," Glen shouted, "He's hurting my fucking ears."
One of the counselors stepped forward and gave Glen a roll of tape.
"What are you, fucking retarded?" Glen asked, throwing it back at the man. "The cabinet, grab one of the gags in there."
The man gave Glen a dirty look, then walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a small pink gag and threw it at Glen.
"That's better," Glen said, as he bent down. "Open wide."
The boy clenched his mouth shut.
"If I have to force your mouth open," Glen said. "I'm not putting this in it, I'll put a little ring in there. It'll be big enough to let every man in here put their penises in your mouth. Do you want that instead?"
The boy sobbed and opened his mouth.
"Good boy," Glen said as he brought the straps behind the boy's head and fastened it in place.
He looked at the audience of counselors and boys, most were obviously uncomfortable. Glen wondered to himself if they would have been as uncomfortable if he'd been pushing his dick up the boy's ass. He was certain they would've been turned on by the boy's screams then.
He turned back to the boy, believing in his heart that everything he was doing was for the good of the institution and the boy. Glen believed that the institution was the best place for any boy to be. He believed, as he watched the young boy tremble, that punishment was the only way to ensure that a child was obedient. In the case of this boy, he had a special contempt, because he had broken the rule of silence.
In all the years of Glen's life, he had never told on anyone. He kept silent and refused to squeal. The fact that this boy suffered very little, at least in Glen's eyes, and told on someone, was a sign of weakness and cowardice. He believed each stroke of the cane was a cleansing for the boy, a chance to rebuild the boy's spirit and make him stronger.
Even as he brought the cane down across the boy's back, he thought of this; he saw the boy squirm, saw his mouth wide open, but he did not hear the boy, instead his mind was filled with unbridled fury as he hit the boy over and over along his back, causing a line of angry red welts to form. A few times the welts overlapped, and drops of blood formed.
This did not stop Glen; he knew the boy might bleed, but bleeding rarely left scars, nor did it put the boy in any danger, instead it increased the intensity of the boy's experience. He brought the switch down with almost unerring accuracy, avoiding the boy's bottom, knowing that it might split the already tender skin, after the work he'd done with the paddle, instead he struck the boy's legs and back.
"This side's done," Glen finally said, resting for a second. "Turn him over."
The boy screamed and struggled, even more so when his legs were untied. As the men turned him over and he fully realized what was going to happen, the pain of having his thrashed backside come into contact with the hard wooden bench caused the boy to arch his back off the ground, but the men pulled him taut, admiring the boy's penis, standing at attention.
The men believed the boy was turned on, not knowing that the stimulation of rubbing his penis over and over while squirming under the assault of the paddle and switch were the cause, not a love for pain itself. Glen knew this, but he also knew how to use the boy's erection against him.
"Well," Glen said. "Looks like we have a pain slut here."
The boy sobbed, begging in a muffled and unintelligible voice as he squirmed under the gaze of the onlookers.
"Your mouth says no," Glen said, then as he smacked the boy's penis lightly with the cane, he added, "But your body says yes."
Zack sobbed again, tears stained his cheeks.
The boy was laying on the ground now, not even trying to move. His body was a mass of stripes and bruises from the severe beating Glen had wrought on the boy. An occasional sob and hiss could be heard as the small child tried to find a way to lay down without his body aching.
"Let him rest," Glen said. "Then we'll move on to the next part."
Mr. Carlton smiled as he stood over the boy. He, like the counselors, was completely naked. The boy did not even bother to struggle; he just made a high-pitched whining sound when he saw all of the naked men looking at him.
"Mr. Pepper," Mr. Carlton said. "Please proceed."
A heavy strip of metal with weight on each end was brought out. The center was padded to allow the boy to kneel. Mr. Carlton had it made especially for the boy. He watched as Mr. Pepper and another man laid it on the floor.
"It's a shame the doctor's not here," Mr. Carlton said. "He would be the best person to do this."
The man took out a length of fishing line and two fishing hooks. He tied the line to one of the hooks, then walked towards Zack.
"Rest's over, kid," the man said, kneeling down and grabbing the boy by his hair.
Mr. Pepper dragged the boy so he was close to the metal strip. The boy had still not noticed the fishing hooks. The man looked down at the boy's stiff penis and smiled. With a deft hand, he took hold of the boy's arms and brought them behind his back.
"Mr. Brady, please hold the boy's arms," the man said.Parker, please hold his feet.
The boy struggled, not sure what was going on but knowing it wasn't good.
The man waited until the boy was held securely and then brought the hook down to the boy's penis. With one hand, he grabbed the boy's foreskin and pulled it past the head of the boy's penis, then with an extra effort, he held his fingers behind the end of the boy's skin, keeping it pressed together.
"This will hurt," he said to the gagged, shrieking boy, now realizing exactly what was going to happen.
The hook passed through the top of the boy's foreskin, causing him to howl and pull against the men as he tried to get free. Without waiting, Mr. Pepper threaded a long piece of fishing line through the eyelet attached to the weighted strip. Once that was done, the man picked up the next hook, he held it in front of the boy's terrified eyes, then ran the hook through the bottom part of the boy's foreskin, causing the boy to jerk involuntarily as he let out another earsplitting shriek.
"Fuck, he's loud," one of the counselors said as he saw the man pull another piece of fishing line through the second hook and then pull the line through the eyelet as well.
"Just two more to go," Mr. Pepper said, as he removed a long thin needle from the briefcase as he watched the boy try to speak through his gag, obviously begging the man not to do what he was going to.
The man grabbed one of the boy's tiny nipples and pulled it away from the boy's body, then with one quick motion, he pushed the needle through the boy's nipple, causing him to scream louder than any time before. After Mr. Pepper removed the needle, he pulled out a small solid gold hoop and passed it through the boy's nipple.
He did the same to the boy's other nipple, causing the boy to scream and thrash about again. Once everything was in place, the man grabbed the boy and dragged him over the weighted strip of metal. He tied the boy's wrists to two more eyelets but left the boy's legs free. After that, he laid down next to the boy and tied the ends of the lines to the rings now held firmly by the boy's nipples. In this way, if the boy moved, even the slightest, it would apply pressure to his nipples and foreskin, causing excruciating pain. The fact that the boy had his back slightly arched while he was being tied down made it even worse because now he couldn't straighten his back without causing unbearable pain to his penis.
"There we are," Mr. Pepper said, smiling at his handiwork.
"Mr. Brady, you do the honors," Mr. Carlton said in a calm voice.
"No," Mr. Brady said. "I mean, no thank you. It's my fault this all happened."
"Mr. Brady," Mr. Carlton said. "Never say that again. You were not the one who tattled. You were not the one that nearly ruined this institution; this simpering brat was. The least the brat can do is let you fuck his ass."
Mr. Brady didn't say anything, he just looked at the little blond-haired boy sobbing uncontrollably on the floor.
"Bob," Mr. Simms said. "You wanted to be the first. Fuck him."
Mr. Brady knew that it wasn't a request, he unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, releasing his soft cock from his pants. He had no doubts that this was going to cause pain to the boy, and the revulsion he felt in the pit of his stomach prevented his dick from getting hard.
"Come now," Mr. Carlton said, tapping a young red-haired boy that looked to be about seven or eight, his own cheeks stained from tears, having had to watch the entire scene play out before him. "Go suck the man, get him hard or this will be you next."
The boy whimpered as he hurried over and knelt before Mr. Brady, taking his cock in his mouth and sucking it expertly. It hardened despite Mr. Brady's silent protests. The boy continued to suck the man 'til Mr. Carlton called him back.
"That's enough," Mr. Carlton said. "Come and stand by me. I may need those cute little lips before the afternoon's over."
Mr. Brady knelt behind the boy, coating his cock with lubricant, looking at the small boy in front of him. He pushed his finger towards the boy's ass.
"No," Mr. Carlton said. "He's had enough fingers up his ass, now it's time to show him how lucky he was it was just a finger."
Mr. Brady shivered as he placed the tip of his penis against the little boy's pink hole and pushed forward, fighting the resistance of the boy's tiny hole. He watched as the boy began to wail and shake in surprise, lurching forward 'til he felt the excruciating pain in his foreskin and nipples, then trying desperately to relieve the pressure. The man, knowing the boy could not stay still on his own, held the boy by his hips, continuing to push his cock into the boy 'til the head passed through the stretched anal ring.
The boy howled and begged. His eyes were wide open as he tried hard to breathe through the pain. Mr. Brady continued his slow descent into the boy, certain that it would be more humane to finish with him quickly than to prolong the experience, so despite the resistance he felt in the boy's ass, he did not stop pushing into the boy's bottom until he was all the way in.
The boy thought he was dying; he could not believe anything could be that painful. If he had not been held still by Mr. Brady, he might have pulled the hooks in his foreskin completely free. Instead, there was just a constant painful tug on Dillon's tormented foreskin.
Mr. Brady pulled his cock almost all the way out of the boy before pushing it slowly back in. As the audience watched and little Zack trembled, he started to slowly fuck the boy, listening to the boy's cries and whimpers, realizing that now, his cock was taking over. He started to thrust even harder, grunting as he entered the boy, causing the boy to continue to cry out from behind his gag, trying to stop the brutal experience.
Mr. Brady surprised himself, he barely fucked the boy for five minutes before the boy's warm ass caused him to come. He groaned, pulling the boy back on his dick, causing the boy's nipples to be pulled away from his body. He grunted as he filled up the lad's bowels.
"Poor form," Mr. Carlton said. "You don't come inside a lad, if he's going to be gang-banged. Oh well. Glen, you may go next."
The boy sobbed as he felt the tip of Glen's penis at the entrance to his dilated hole.
Chapter 10
Over the intercom, the boys heard the call for assembly in the TV room. Each boy took a seat on the couches and chairs. In the front of the room, Mr. Simms and several of the other counselors stood, still naked from their time with Zack. In front of him, they saw a form covered in a black sheet. Once everyone settled down, Mr. Simms motioned for the room to be quiet and began to speak. "As you all know," Mr. Simms began. "One of the boys in this home spread a vicious rumor about Mr. Brady. I understand that sometimes the counselors may force you to do things that you do not want to do, but that in no way excuses his actions. I want each and every one of you to know how serious this is, not only for you, but for your roommates and the other counselors here. That is why I am taking a serious stance on this issue."
Mr. Simms walked down to stand in front of the covered form.
"The punishment for such an infraction will be worse than anything you have ever felt before," Mr. Simms said in a loud, angry voice. "And the punishment will not end. No, you will be reminded every day for as long as you stay here that you have betrayed us, that you are not one of us, that you are not a boy, but a traitor."
"I know you may think that if you tell, that you will not return to the home," Mr. Simms said, smiling. "That you'll be in the safe arms of the caring state, but I want you to know that that is the furthest from the truth. We can and will bring you back. You will suffer your punishment."
With that, he pulled the cover off of the form, and each and every boy in the room saw Zack Dillon, naked, trickles of blood running down his chest, his body literally covered from head to toe in stripes. Those that were at the front of the room could see a thick stream of cum running down the boy's thighs, but the most terrifying sight of all were the rings in the boy's nipples connected by gold chains to the hooks that had been attached to the boy's foreskin. More than one boy let out a sob. No one spoke, the only sound that could be heard was the soft moaning of poor Dillon. "You thought he was gone?" Mr. Simms shouted. "You thought he would not be punished? Everyone who betrays this institution will be punished. Do you understand me?"
There was silence.
"Do you understand me?" Mr. Simms yelled even louder, causing some of the boys to jump.
"Yes, sir!" The boys shouted in unison.
"Good," Mr. Simms said, looking at Zack Dillon. "Get this piece of shit out of here. She's yours, Bob. Do whatever you want to her. Just make sure she can stand in front of the judge Friday."
"What do you mean, Jim?" Mr. Brady asked.
"She's yours," Mr. Simms said. "Just remember, she's not a boy, she's a bitch, and you dress her like a bitch."
Mr. Simms bent over 'til his face was inches from the barely conscious boy, and said in a cruel voice, "You'll be wearing a dress from now on, unless you absolutely have to wear boy's clothes. You got that, little missy?"
The boy didn't answer, so Mr. Simms wrapped his hands around the gold chains and pulled, yanking the boy's nipples and foreskin away from his body.
"Yes! Yes!" The little blonde-haired boy screamed.
In the end, Zack Dillon admitted to lying about Mr. Brady because he wanted to leave the home and be with his parents. The judge turned the case back over to Ms. Simms and closed the case. The judge also granted custody of the boy to the home.
*** Zack Dillon's parents were found two years later in Brazil.They had bought a house and started a new life. When they found out their boy was living happily in a home, where he was able to play with other children, they made no attempt to gain custody of him. Instead, they stayed in Brazil, fighting extradition as they lived in their tropical dream home.
Little Zack was named Betty by the counselors and lived at the institution until he turned eighteen. They ceased making him wear a dress when he turned fourteen and left for the teenager's home, but everybody knew Zack by then. After that, there were other boys that were considered traitors. None of the others actually told on anyone, rather they had brought suspicion on the house, which was enough. A group of them can still be seen on the Yard, standing in dresses. They are called by their girl names.
Zack later went to college where he met his lover, another boy from the institution, little Ronny. They still live together in Greenwich Village. Neither of them talk much about the home, but occasionally Zack will dress as a little girl and beg Ronny to have sex with him.
Glen Parker died several years later in a hit-and-run accident while he was riding his bicycle home. The police were never able to identify his assailant. | null | Chapter 1 | Authors/William_Rush_Favorite_Stories/William Rush's Stories/13 The Fortunate Ones- The Lost (Mb, oral, anal, spank, nc, bond, extreme).txt |
120,918 | null | Außerschulische Aktivitäten | Zu Hause konnten wir es kaum erwarten, Vati und Mutti zu erzählen, wie es gewesen war, was wir beide abwechselnd, uns teilweise ins Wort fallend, in den buntesten Farben schilderten. Mutter musste richtig grinsen, als wir ihr erzählten, wie uns der schmudderige Herr Doktor rangenommen hatte.
"Na, da muss ich vielleicht auch mal vorbeischauen zu einem gründlichen Gesundheitscheck", lachte sie.
Sarah stupste mich an. "Michi, vergisst du nicht etwas?"
Ach, klar, ich hatte ja sogar noch das Video. Den USB-Stick stöpselte ich schnell in den Fernseher, und wir schauten uns in trauter Runde, als wäre dies lediglich ein Familienfilm, unsere Eskapaden mit Herrn Dr. Schröter an. Eine Zeitlang war es still, so dass man nur das laute Schnaufen, Klatschen und Stöhnen von uns und dem Doktor hörte. Vati rieb sich bereits seine Beule in der Hose, obwohl er heute bei den Dreharbeiten sicherlich oft gekommen war. Als er nun sah, wie Herr Schröter uns abwechselnd auf der Untersuchungsliege hart durchfickte, öffnete er schamlos seine Hose und zog sie herunter, sodass er nun unten ohne neben uns auf dem Sofa saß. Klar fasste das Mutti auch als Aufforderung auf und streifte sich unter ihrem kurzen Rock den Slip hinunter, um dann auch diesen fallen zu lassen. Völlig enthemmt streichelten sich die beiden bei dem Anblick, wie ihre Kinder von einem mehr oder minder Fremden bestiegen wurden. Wir wollten natürlich nicht tatenlos danebensitzen und so halfen wir natürlich unseren Eltern bei ihren Spielen. Noch immer vollständig bekleidet im Gegensatz zu Mutti und Vati, langten wir nun beide zwischen deren Beine und übernahmen nun selbst das Wichsen für sie. Meine Schwester ließ ihre kleine Hand über das nun wieder erigierte Glied von Vater gleiten, während ich die feuchte Spalte von Mutter erkundete. Eher Richtung TV gerichtet, als zu uns, wie wir sie befummelten, sagte Vati:
"Ihr zwei scheint ja schon richtig gut bei der Sache zu sein. Schau nur, wie deine Schwester strahlt, als sie vom Dr. gefickt wird."
Klar war nun wieder ein Strahlen auf ihrem Gesicht, denn sie ging wohl nun zur nächsten Stufe über und kniete sich zwischen Vatis Beine und begann, ihn von oben bis unten, selbst die Eier nicht auslassend, mit Lippen und Zunge zu liebkosen. Ich wollte natürlich nicht nachstehen und tat das Gleiche bei Mutti. Ihre nasse Spalte war schon richtig triefend feucht... oder hatte sie gar noch Sperma von ihren Dreharbeiten in sich? Mir war dies aber egal, ich leckte sie tief und saugte dabei wie an ihren Brüsten nun an ihren Schamlippen. Dies schien ihr merklich zu gefallen, da sie mich am Hinterkopf fester in ihren Schoß presste. Bei Sarah war es das Gleiche, doch Vater schob sie an seinen Haaren vor und zurück auf seiner dicken Latte. Noch immer nicht ganz an Vatis Riesenteil gewöhnt, hörte ich sie zwischendurch gelegentlich kurz würgen, so dass Vati immer wieder pausierte mit seinen Fickstößen in ihren Mund.
Beiden schien das Video aber wirklich zu gefallen, denn ich merkte, dass zumindest Mutter wohl heute relativ schnell kam. Sie presste mich immer fester an sich, so dass ich zwischendurch öfter gar keine Luft bekam. Trotzdem ließ ich nicht nach, meine Zunge an dem Loch spielen zu lassen, aus dem ich selbst einst gekommen war. Sie lehnte sich zurück und legte ihre Beine auf meine Schulter, während mein Kopf hoch und runter ging, als ich sie mit meiner Zunge zu ficken begann. Beide waren aber auch weiterhin auf den Film konzentriert, wo nun zu sehen war, wie ich mit meiner eigenen Schwester Liebe machte.
"Ihr zwei seid ja wirklich süß und lieb zueinander, schön, dass du dich mit deiner Schwester wieder so gut verträgst, es ihr ordentlich zu besorgen."
Der Anblick unserer beiden Körper, wie wir uns auf der Aufnahme gegenseitig verwöhnten, war wohl zu viel für Mutti. Laut stöhnend kam sie unter meinen Lippen, wobei sie diesmal aber nicht besonders viel spritzte - klar nach solch einem Tag. Vati hielt länger durch und begann erst dann, seinen Samen in den Mund von Sarah zu pumpen, als man auch auf dem Video sah, wie uns der Dr. beide von oben bis unten vollspritzte.
"Na, das nenne ich mal einen Cumshot", stöhnte er noch, ohne dass ich identifizieren konnte, ob er unserer glänzenden, grinsenden Gesichter auf dem Bildschirm meinte oder meine Schwester, die bereits seinen Samen herunterschluckte.
Beide erholen sich noch etwas auf dem Sofa, ohne Anstalten zu machen, ihren Unterleib zu bedecken. Auch zum Abendessen waren sie noch unten ohne. Der weitere Abend verlief aber ohnehin eher gemächlich, als wir vier noch ein wenig TV schauten, bis wir Kinder langsam müde wurden.
Mutti sagte noch:
"Heute müsst ihr mal etwas zeitiger zu Bett gehen, da auf euch morgen sicherlich ein anstrengender Tag wartet. Sarah muss morgen auch noch den Besuch bei den Waldingers absolvieren. Ich werde dabei natürlich mitkommen. Und dich, Michi, wird der Vati morgen zu einem Termin begleiten. Ich hoffe, dir macht das nichts aus? Zumal dies wohl wieder mal eine Herrenrunde werden dürfte."
Klar hatte ich nichts dagegen, das hörte sich ganz interessant und lustig an. Aber im Moment war ich in der Tat zu müde, um das Ganze richtig zu verarbeiten. Nach dem Waschen und Zähneputzen waren wir daher schnell in unseren Betten - diesmal wirklich in unseren eigenen - und waren auch recht schnell weggedöst. Auch wenn ich komische Geräusche im Schlaf hörte wie lautes Quietschen und Klatschen. Klar waren Vati und Mutti wieder miteinander zugange.
Am nächsten Morgen waren wir beide bereits vor Mutti und Vati wach. Offenbar hatten es die beiden wohl noch bis spät in die Nacht getrieben. Und so bereiteten wir heute das Frühstück vor... und brachten es ihnen sogar ans Bett.
Na, das war ein Anblick! Vati war nur halb bedeckt, und sein Po und seine schlaffe Nudel lagen frei, während Mutters Brüste über der Bettdecke lagen. Uns störte das nicht weiter, und wir packten das Essen ans Bett. Um sie sanft zu wecken, nahm ich nun das schlaffe Glied von Vati in den Mund, das schnell anschwoll. Meine Schwester liebkoste nun aber Muttis Brüste. Und so wurden beide beim Öffnen der Augen von ihren Kindern begrüßt, die nun bereits auf unanständige Weise zugange waren. Vati wuschelte mir durch die Haare und sagte:
"Na, Michi, heb' dir mal deine Energie für den heutigen Treff auf, ich glaube, das wird sehr fordernd."
Dann kletterten wir nackt zu Vati und Mutti ins Bett und aßen mit ihnen Frühstück. Wir schliefen ohnehin bei diesen Temperaturen nur noch nackt, da uns das inzwischen ohnehin ganz normal vorkam.
Den Rest des Tages waren wir damit beschäftigt, uns für unsere getrennten Termine fertig zu machen. Wir wuschen uns gründlich von außen und innen und schauten dabei zu, wie Vati für meinen Treff diverse Dinge zusammensuchte. Dies waren ja nur Mädchenklamotten! Noch dazu richtig feminine. Vati sah wohl meinen skeptischen Gesichtsausdruck und zeigte mir die diversen Teile der Garderobe für heute.
"Du wolltest doch wohl angeblich laut Alex auch mal deine feminine Seite ausleben, oder? Ich glaube, dazu wirst du heute Gelegenheit bekommen, die Herren beim Junggesellenabschied wollen heute mal ein kleines Schwanzmädchen vernaschen."
Na, da wurde mir einiges klarer. Aber natürlich wollte ich nicht wie eine Memme dastehen. Immerhin stimmte es, dass ich das mit Alex besprochen hatte, und außerdem bezogen sich meine Komplexe eher auf das Hänseln meiner Mitschüler. Hier dürfte das wohl anders laufen, ich nahm natürlich berechtigter Weise an, dass dies die genannten Herren wohl besonders aufgeilen würde. Und es war schon ein Riesenunterschied, ob mich nur irgendjemand aufziehen will, wegen meines Aussehens (oder heute wegen meiner Aufmachung) oder ob er mich stattdessen scharf findet und ficken will. Mit zweiterem konnte ich inzwischen umgehen und fand das natürlich selbst hochgradig erregend, auf ersteres konnte ich natürlich verzichten.
Und so ließ ich mich auch klaglos und vielleicht sogar ein wenig erregt von Vater einkleiden. Zuerst zog er mir die Socken bzw. wohl eher Söckchen an. Es waren weiße mädchenhafte Söckchen mit Spitzenverzierung. Klar war ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch immer ganz nackt, und ein Lächeln zeigte sich auf seinem Gesicht, als er sah, dass mein kleiner Schwanz bereits zuckte. Es kam diesmal sogar richtige Reizwäsche dazu! Wie so oft fragte ich mich, wo man solche sexy Klamotten in Kindergröße herbekam. Klaglos ließ ich mir die schwarzen Strapse überziehen. Danach zog er mir eine pinkfarbene Bluse über, die an den Ärmeln ebenfalls mit Spitze verziert war.Erst zuletzt zog er mir einen String über mein nun steifes Glied, der mir hinten tief in meine Pobacken einschnitt und in den vorne kaum meine kleine Erektion hineinpasste. Schließlich kam noch ein verdammt kurzer, passend zur Bluse natürlich auch pinkfarbener, Minirock dazu. Ich musste selbst schmunzelnd, als ich mich so prinzessinenhaft im Spiegel sah.
Meine Schwester staunte nur noch wegen meiner Verwandlung und war sichtlich sogar neidisch auf dieses mädchenhafte Kostüm. Nun gut, da wurde mir dann doch ein wenig mulmig, als ich sah, dass in dieser Aufmachung tatsächlich nicht nur feminin, sondern wirklich fast wie ein kleines Mädchen, wenn auch ein eher nuttiges, aussah. Klar musste Mutti mich natürlich aufziehen, als sie auch dazukam und sagte:
"Na, da habe ich wohl nun zwei hübschen kleine Mädchen."
Zum Glück blieb es dabei und sie kümmerte sich nun offenbar um den Feinschliff meines Looks, den Vati so sicherlich nicht hinbekommen hätte. Schon wieder machte man mir Zöpfe aus meinen halblangen Haaren! Aber im Gegensatz zum ersten Mal, als Alex dies tat, sah es dank Mutti richtig gut aus. Mit den Zöpfchen sah ich tatsächlich sogar noch mehr nach einem kleinen Mädchen aus, was Mutter aber wohl nicht reichte. Sie kam mit einem Schminkkoffchen und begann bei mir sogar Makeup aufzulegen! Der Lippenstift war eher nuttig rot, aber ihre Arbeit an meinem Gesicht und insbesondere meinen Augen fand ich sogar richtig beeindruckend. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ein bisschen Farbe im Gesicht ausreicht, dass ich locker einige Jahre jünger ausschaute.
"Du siehst ja richtig süß aus", sagte meine kleine Schwester nun ganz ernsthaft, als sie mich mit großen runden Augen anstarrte.
In ihrer Aussage war in der Tat gar nichts Ironisches.
Mutti dazu:
"Das stimmt zwar, aber Michi du musst heute mal richtig tief in die Trickkiste greifen. Klar siehst du jetzt recht unschuldig und meinetwegen auch sicherlich süß aus"
Ein Nicken in Richtung meiner Schwester
"Aber die Herrenrunde heute mag es richtig dreckig und versaut, man erwartet ein richtig anzügliches kleines versautes und vor allem nuttiges Schwanzmädchen, das auch richtig schön ordinär sein kann. Und ich wette, dass kannst du schon sehr gut, oder?".
Klar konnte ich das. Und um es zu beweisen, langte ich unvermittelt meinem Vater in den Schritt (er hatte sich inzwischen wenigstens eine Slip angezogen) umfasste die Beule in seiner Hose und sagte in meiner besten Imitation einer Mädchenstimme:
"Da hat aber jemand einen schöne dicken Lolli vor mir versteckt. Darf ich an deinem fetten Schwanz lutschen Großer?"
"Na geht doch, du kleine geile Schwanzmaus", antwortete mein Vater, der sich aber trotzdem weiter genüsslich von mir den Schaft durch den Slip massieren ließ.
Mutter lachte richtig, als sie das hörte.
"Kleines Schwanzmädchen, der dicke Phallus von deinem Vater gehört heute aber erstmal deiner Schwester und mir. Alex macht heute ein paar hübsche Familienfotos, wenn du weißt was ich meine."
Sie zwinkerte mir zu.
"Wenn die Herren mit dir fertig sind, kannst du und Vati ja dazustoßen".
Heute war wohl ein volles Programm angesagt. Im Gegensatz zu mir waren meine Mutter, Vater und Schwester aber normal gekleidet. Nur ich stand nun Hand in Hand mit Vati und betrachtete mich wieder im Flurspiegel. Scheiße, ich sah wirklich wie ein heißes kleines Girly aus. Ich drehte mich und beugte mich ein wenig hinunter, sodass der Slip und die Strapse unter dem extrem kurzen Kleid hervorblitzten. Ich konnte es kaum glauben, aber ich bekam bei meinem eigenen Anblick einen Steifen, was wohl auch Vati zu bemerken schien. Er kniete sich zu mir herunter und sagte noch:
"Na, besonders mädchenhaft ist das hier aber nicht".
Dabei fasste er mir unter den Rock und umfasste meine Beule.
"Deiner ist aber auch schon wieder hart Vati", lachte ich darauf... klar die Beule bei ihm war natürlich auch unübersehbar.
Darauf Mutter: "Na ihr beiden verausgabt euch mal nicht. Michi... oder Michaela wird heute noch genug mit steifen Schwänzen zu spielen haben".
Daraufhin ließen wir in der Tat erstmal die Finger voneinander und gingen zu den beiden Autos.
Mutti fuhr mit meiner Schwester zu Alex und Vater fuhr mich offenbar zum Hotel in der Innenstadt. Wegen meiner Aufmachung hielt er aber am Hintereingang, so dass er mit mir nicht durch die Lobby musste. Trotzdem begegneten uns natürlich genug Leute, die in der Tat komisch schauten bzw. bei denen sich die Augenbrauen hoben. Irgendwie begann mich dies in der Tat anzumachen, war ich etwa sogar richtiggehend exhibitionistisch veranlagt?
Einen kurzen komischen Moment gab es aber schon, als eine ältere Frau auf uns zukam und mir über die Haare streichelte, ohne mitzubekommen, dass ich eigentlich ein Junge war.
"Na du bist mir ja eine hübsches kleines Mädel. Und so brav mit deinem Vati unterwegs. Wie alt bist du denn schon, kleine Maus?"
Ich musste mich wirklich zusammenreißen, als ich mit hoher Stimme antwortete:
"Ich bin schon 9"
Darauf sie: "Ich hätte dich jetzt glatt eher auf 5 Jahre geschätzt. So ein süßer Fratz".
Dann ließ sie aber endlich von uns ab, drehte sich aber doch wie ich sah kurz um und hatte einen fragenden Gesichtsausdruck. Hatte sie etwas die Strapse unter dem Kleidchen blitzend sehen? Letztlich lief aber alles Rund, da man offenbar weitestgehend informiert war. Denn dies war wohl der Junggesellenabend des Hotelbesitzers bzw. seines Sohnes, der es wohl mal so richtig knallen lassen wollte. Und in meinem Falle hieß das wohl, dass man sich vor der Hochzeit noch einmal an einem kleinen Jungen... bzw. Mädchen die Hörner abstoßen wollte - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.
An einer Suite klopfte Vater dreimal und schon wurde uns geöffnet. Hinter der Tür war es vergleichsweise laut, da man wohl schon länger vorgefeiert hatte. Wobei sich die vorangegangene Party wohl schon ausgedünnt hatte, da wohl nur noch der enge Kern aus 5 Personen anwesend war. Für den Rest hatte man wohl eine richtige Stripperin geordert, die gerade als ich den Raum betrat offenbar gerade wieder ging. Sie war offenbar das normale Programm für die nicht eingeweihten und ich nun die "Spezialität". So verlaufen ihr Makeup war, war sie wohl nicht nur zum strippen gekommen. Ich malte mir jetzt schon aus, was mir heute blühen würde.
Papi kannte wohl den Vater des Bräutigams recht gut. Beide fielen sich in die Arme und klopften sich dabei auf die Schulter.
"Heinz, du alter Schwerenöter, ich hoffe dein Sohn hat heute viel Spaß mit seinem Sonderprogramm. Ab morgen wird das ja wohl passé sein."
Vater stellte mir die Herren sogar einzeln vor. Jedem schüttelte ich dabei die Hand, wobei ich deutlich sah, wie sie mich lüstern betrachteten und förmlich mit den Augen auszogen. Am Schluss gab mir die heute wichtigste Person hier, der morgige Bräutigam, die Hand und küsst mich dabei sogar auf die Wange.
"Mit dir werden wir heute sicher viel Spaß haben Mäuschen", sagte er mir.
Dann, immer noch den durchdringenden Blick auf mich gerichtet, fragte sein Vater der Hotelchef Heinz meinen Vater:
"Wo bekommst du nur immer so geile kleine Kindernutten her, die kleine Sau schaut tatsächlich wie eine richtig kleine Bitch aus und nicht wie ein Bub."
Grinsend strich mir Vater durch die Haare, als er antwortete:
"Die kleine Sau ist mein Sohn Michi... bzw. heute eher Michaela und er kann mit seinen 9 Jahren schon so manchen Stoß vertragen."
Er nickte zu mir herunter und zur Bestätigung nickte ich ebenfalls. Daraufhin Herr Viehweger Senior:
"Ich dachte du wärst ausgestiegen? Aber du scheinst doch immer noch die alte perverse Sau zu sein, die die Kids gar nicht jung genug einreiten kann. Mann, dein eigener Sohn und auch noch so nuttig angezogen, dass ich fast in die Hose spritze. Besteigst du das kleine Ferkel etwas auch schon?"
Daraufhin nickte Vati mir zu, ich sollte wohl antworten:
"Na klar, ficke ich mit Vati und Mutti und auch mit meiner Schwester, Inzest ist einfach geil".
Nun lachte der ganze Raum wegen meiner Bemerkung.
"Mann, ich kann es gar nicht abwarten die kleine Nutte durchzuziehen, ich wette die geht richtig ab."
Vati nahm sich nun etwas zurück und überließ mich weitestgehend der offenbar längst aufgegeilten und sichtlich angetrunkenen Meute. Statt des noch immer im Hintergrund laufenden Partyschlagers wurde nun etwas intimere Musik, wohl Soul gestartet, was offenbar der Startschuss war für meine erste Orgie.Ich sollte die Herrenrunde duzen, wie mir gesagt wurde... also Heinz' Schwanz war eher dick als lang, und seine Eichel (er wichste sich bereits, sodass immer wieder seine Eichel hervorblitzte) war bereits nass und fast violett. Der Schwanz von seinem Junior war hingegen zwar länger, aber dafür eher dünn. Wer weiß, ob er seine Angetraute damit in der Hochzeitsnacht beeindrucken konnte. Lutz' Schwanz lag von der Länge her irgendwo dazwischen, hatte aber eine lustige Seitwärtskrümmung. Sylvios Schwanz war seltsam, er hatte eine richtig fette Eichel, dafür war sein Schaft unverhältnismäßig dünn, aber dafür mit dicken Adern durchzogen und ebenfalls mit einem Knick, allerdings einem nach oben. Ach du Scheiße, sein Sack war dafür riesig und hing noch dazu sehr tief, das war schon ein seltsamer Anblick. Marco, ausgerechnet mit 17 der jüngste, hatte von den dreien den längsten, aber bereits einen ähnlich dickgeäderten Schwanz wie Sylvio. Sein noch halbsteifer, hin und her schwingender Penis war mein persönlicher Favorit von den fünfen. Während ich immer noch angezogen die drei aufgeilte, wichsten sie sich nun die steifen Schwänze. Nur der Bräutigam war wohl ganz ordentlich und legte seinen Slip und die Hose sorgfältig zusammen, wo die anderen ihre Hosen lediglich zur Seite geworfen hatten. Er zog dafür nun auch sein Hemd aus.
Offenbar, da ich das Geschenk war, durfte er mich wohl als erster haben. Das mein Vater so untätig abseits saß, gefiel Heinz offenbar gar nicht, so dass er sich nun zur Meute gesellen sollte.
"Jürgen, komm doch rüber, wir wollen doch mal sehen, ob dein kleines Schwanzmädchen nicht übertreibt."
Vater zog sich auch einen Stuhl heran und schob sich die Hose herunter. Offenbar war es für die Herren ganz normal, sich voreinander zu entblößen. Ich wunderte mich, ob deren Parties wohl immer so oder so ähnlich abliefen. Das meiste von ihren Worten waren wohl in der Tat schon etwas vom Alkohol gefärbt. Denn wenn Heinz meinen Vater schon kannte (und sicherlich auch seine alten Filme), hatte er sicherlich auch bereits gesehen, wie er bestückt war. Aber ich nehme mal an, dass war auch ein wenig Show für die restliche Mannschaft, die meinen Vati sicherlich nicht kannte. Und genau diese Mannschaft pfiff am Ende sogar bewundernd, als Papi auch blank zog und sein noch schlaffes Geschlecht vom Slip befreite. Selbst im weichen Zustand war sein Schwanz fast so lang wie die steifen Penise der anderen Männer.
Sylvio: "Na, da hast du aber nicht zuviel versprochen, Kleine. Das ist ein ganz schön großer Hammer. Ich wundere mich, wie du den verkraften kannst, ohne dass dir dein Papi die Kinderfotze sprengt."
Während die anderen mich nun weiter beobachteten und sich dabei wichsten, saß mein Vati nur mit gekreuzten Armen, gespreizten Beinen und seiner schlaffen Nudel, die unter ihm baumelte, auf dem Stuhl... oder bewegte sich da bereits etwas? Ich tat auf jeden Fall mein Bestes, um eine gute Show zu liefern und mich dabei so nuttig wie möglich zu präsentieren. Denn ungefähr wusste ich ja, wie das ging, genug Pornos hatte ich ja bereits gesehen, was natürlich ein gutes Schulungsmaterial war. Irgendwie war ich im Lernen von perversen Dingen viel besser als in der Schule.
Und so heizte ich die Männer noch weiter an:
"So schöne viele harte Schwänze, das ist ja wie im Schlaraffenland aus dem Märchen von meinem Vati. Mir juckt schon richtig meine Arschmöse."
Ich hob meine Kleidchen und zeigte den Herren nun in ihrer vollen Pracht meine Hinterbäckchen, die von den Strapsen umrahmt wurden. Ich klatschte mir sogar selbst auf eine Pobacke und sagte:
"Wer von euch geilen Kinderfickern will es mir zuerst besorgen."
Klar stand natürlich zuerst der nackte Bräutigam auf. Er hatte es aber nicht eilig, sondern knetete zunächst meine Hinterbacken richtig durch und spreizte sie, wobei der String richtig tief in meinem Po war und sicherlich meine Poloch und die Eier kaum mehr verdeckte. Dann griff er mir unter das Röckchen und schob mir den Slip herunter und warf diesen seinem Vater zu, der ihn zur Nase führte und an der Stelle meines Schwanzes und Polochs tief inhalierte und dabei sagte:
"Vorne ist die kleine Schwanznutte offenbar schon richtig feucht, die kann es wohl kaum erwarten, ihr enges kleines Arschloch und das Nuttenmaul von uns gestopft zu bekommen."
Peter drückte mich nun hinunter auf die Knie und hob meinen kurzen Minirock hoch, um meine nun nackten Backen durchzuwalken, wobei er mir sogar jeweils links und rechts laut klatschend auf den Po schlug, dass sich sicherlich seine Hand abzeichnete. Dann umfasste er meine halbrunden Pobacken und spreizte sie weit auseinander, so dass alle mein Poloch sehen konnten.
Lutz: "Schau dir die Kindermöse an! Ist das nicht das geilste enge Loch, das ihr je gesehen habt. Jürgen, die guten Gene scheinen wohl in der Familie zu liegen, ich wette die Schwester von dieser kleinen Boynutte schaut genauso geil aus."
Vater: "Da kannst du verdammt nochmal deinen Arsch drauf verwetten!"
Dann glitt die Hand von Peter tiefer und umfasste mit meinem kleinen Pimmel, der natürlich längst richtig steif war.
"Schaut euch nur die kleinen Bällchen an", dabei spielte er an meinen Eiern, "sind das nicht die süßesten kleinen Kinderhoden, die ihr je gesehen habt?"
Dabei war er aber doch ein wenig grob (vermutlich der Alkohol) und es tat mir ein wenig weh, als er etwas zu fest meine Eier bearbeitete, so dass am Ende mein Schwanz nur noch halbsteif war. Er gab mir zu verstehen, mit dem Hintern zu wackeln, was ich auch gerne tat. Und so schauten mir die Kerle zu, wie meine Pobacken und natürlich auch die unter mir baumelnden Hoden hin und her, hoch und runter schaukelten. Klar, klickten nun wieder die Handys, als sie meinen nun entblößten Unterleib für die Ewigkeit festhielten. Dann sollte ich mich wieder aufrichten und breitbeinig vor den wichsenden Männern stehend, öffnete mir Peter nun auch noch den Rock, so dass ich bis auf die Strapse unten ohne, wie sie selbst war.
Vati saß immer noch mit verschränkten Armen da, aber offenbar brauchte er sich selbst gar nicht anzufassen, sein Schwanz stand nun bereits wieder prall aufrecht und zuckte sogar ein wenig im Takt seines Herzschlages.
Nach dem Rock fiel nun auch die pinkfarbene Bluse, so dass ich nun fast komplett nackt war. Fast, da ich die Strapse wohl anbehalten sollte.
Der Jüngste Marco hatte wohl nun eine Idee, die ihm offenbar bei meinen Arschwackelversuchen gekommen war.
Mit wippendem Schwanz stand er auf und fragte mich dabei:
"Na du kleine Schwanzmaus, weißt du schon, was Twerking ist? Das würde den Herren hier nämlich sicherlich gefallen."
Diesmal spielte ich das Dummchen, was ich natürlich auch gut konnte, denn klar wusste ich, was das war. Was dachte er wohl, was wir Kids von Youtube und Youporn lernen würden? Es war dann schon etwas lustig, als er mir mit schwingendem Schwanz allen Ernstes zeigte, was er sich darunter vorstellte. Sein Schwanz war zwar definitiv der hübscheste von den fünfen, aber es sah schon sehr komisch aus, wie dieser 17-jährige mit seinem Po wackelte, dass seine steife Erektion herumsprang. Ein bisschen kichern musste ich dabei schon, und einer der Herren sagte sogar zum Spaß:
"Marco, wenn du so weitermachst, werde ich es eher deinem Arsch besorgen als dieser kleinen Kindernutte."
Er beeilte sich nun, ein neues Stück aufzulegen, was, wie sollte es auch anders sein, Rap war. Der fast genauso junge Lutz kannte das Stück natürlich, die älteren Herren aber eher weniger und fragte deshalb:
"Marco, ausgerechnet Anaconda?"
Woraufhin dieser antwortete: "Wieso? Passt doch ganz gut zu diesem geilen knackigen Kinderarsch."
Und diesen 'geilen Kinderarsch' setzte ich natürlich nach den ersten paar Takten des mir in der Tat bekannten Songs auch in Bewegung, immerhin hatte ich zu dem Video der Frau mit dem dicken Hintern selbst oft genug onaniert, bevor sich mir das Paradies der Pornoseiten erschloss und erst recht vor meinem Einstieg in die Kinderpornoszene. Damals hätte ich es mir aber sicherlich nicht träumen lassen, dass ich selbst einmal zu dem Song mit dem nackten Hintern wackeln und mich noch dazu einer ganzen Horde aufgegeilter Kerle als Wichsvorlage präsentieren würde. Inzwischen fand ich es aber richtig scharf, mich so richtig schamlos zu geben. Ich ließ meine Pobacken hüpfen, bis diese leise gegeneinander klatschten, und mein kleiner nun wieder steifer Schwanz vor und zurück pendelte. Diese Situation prägte ich mir natürlich ein, da es mir persönlich sogar so gut gefiel, dass ich dies als Idee für ein "Kids Choice"-Video gegenüber Alex mal anbringen wollte. Als ich mich umdrehte, um zu sehen, ob dies auch seine Wirkung nicht verfehlte, war natürlich klar, dass sich die Kerle nun allesamt die Schwänze wichsten, während ich meine Pobacken hüpfen ließ. Selbst Vati wichste sich nun langsam aber intensiv und hielt in der anderen nun auch sein Handy und machte wohl nicht nur Fotos, sondern filmte mich sogar bei meinem schamlosen Treiben.
Den Bräutigam schien das natürlich auch aufzugeilen, und er sagte zu mir, während der Song noch immer lief... (oder hatte Marco ihn gar auf Endlosschleife geschaltet?):
"Du bist also geil auf meine Anaconda, die kleine Kinderschlampe?"
Klar wusste ich, was zu sagen war.
"Schieb mir deine Anacoda bis zum Anschlag in meine enge Möse."
Das fasste sein Vater wohl als Aufforderung auf und warf seinem Sohn Peter nun eine Tube zu, die er geschickt mit einer Hand auffing, während er sich mit der anderen wichste. Er rieb sich seinen Schwanz mit dem Gleitmittel ein und verschmierte auch etwas auf meiner Rosette, wobei sein Mittelfinger schon leicht in mich eindrang. Bei dieser ganzen Aktion hörte ich allerdings nie auf zu 'twerken'. Und so verschmierte er natürlich durch die Bewegung das Gleitmittel nicht nur auf meinem Poloch, sondern in meiner ganzen Ritze, am Schluss glänzte mein ganzer Po von dem Zeug. Zu guter Letzt drückte mir Peter sogar seinen Mund auf mein Poloch und bearbeitete meine Rosette mit seiner Zunge.Die restlichen Männer, wie ich hörte sogar einschließlich meines Vaters, feuerten mich nun sogar an mit:
"Fick die Sau, fick die Sau".
Und mir ins Ohr flüsternd:
"Hier hast du meine Anaconda, die geiles Stück" schob er mir seinen Prügel nun bis zum Anschlag in den Po.
Zum Glück war seiner eher dünn, Vati hätte ich so tief sicherlich erst nach vielen vorsichtigen Versuchen in mich reinbekommen. Unter seinen Stößen musste ich natürlich nun aufhören mit dem Hintern zu wackeln, was ich aber auch nicht brauchte, da mich natürlich jeder seiner Stöße durchschüttelte. Kniend auf allen vieren ließ ich es mir von ihm hart besorgen, während die anderen Männer richtig johlten bei diesem obszönen Schauspiel. Mann, der Kerl war offenbar wirklich richtig geil auf mich. Mit seinen Stößen trieb er mich förmlich vor sich her, bis ich vor den Stühlen der onanierenden Männer kniete, was sein Vater offenbar als Aufforderung verstand.
"Schau dir die roten Lippen an, die laden einen ja förmlich ein, die kleine Drecksau in ihr Kindermaul zu ficken".
Klar waren das nicht nur Worte. Ich wurde immer noch von den Stößen seines Sohnes durchgeschüttelt, der mich an meiner Hüfte gepackt hatte und sich immer wieder tief in meinem Anus bohrte, als nun sein Vater mir mit seiner Erektion auf die die Wangen klatschte, bevor er seine Eichel auf und zwischen meine Lippen drückte. Ich sah nur noch seine schaukelnden Hoden, als er sich nun immer wieder tief in meinen Mund schob und ich so nun von beiden Seiten bearbeitet wurde.
Der alte Herr hob dann seine Beine und spreizte sie noch weiter, wobei er die Füße links und rechts auf die Stuhlkante setzte. Er packte mich bei den Zöpfen und schob meinen Kopf immer wieder auf seinen harten Riemen. Als ich kurz würgen musste schaute ich auf zu ihm - grinsend klatschte er seinen Sohn ab, während beide mich nun eher unsanft zuritten. Noch immer spielte laut der Song, trotzdem konnte man das Klatschen hören, wenn Peter wieder tief in mich hineinfuhr, dass seine Eier gegen meine Pobacken klatschten. Und natürlich auch das nasse Schmatzen meines Mundes um den Phallus seines Vaters. Offenbar war dieser wohl noch geiler auf mich als sein Sohn, denn scheinbar war dieser bereits vor seinem ersten Höhepunkt.
Er stöhnte mir noch zu, ich solle meinen "rotes Kindernuttenmaul" öffnen und schon spritzte er mir erst ins Gesicht, dann auf meine roten Lippen und schließlich in den Mund. Dabei sah ich, dass mein Lippenstift auch rote Spuren auf seinem Geschlecht hinterlassen hatte. Offenbar hatte er wohl wirklich mit der Stripperin vor mir bereits durchgemacht, denn besonders viel Sperma spritzte er mir nicht auf die Zunge und sein Samen war auch eher dünn.
Ich wurde auf allen vieren quasi weitergereicht und ließ meinen Kopf nun in den Schoß von Sylvio drücken. Diesem machte es offenbar mehr Spaß mir seine nasse Eichel durch das ganze Gesicht zu ziehen, wobei er sicherlich das Makeup meiner Mutter gründlich verschmierte. Erst dann machte er es dem Chef nach und packte mich an meinen Zöpfen um mich nun ebenfalls auf seiner eher unförmigen Erektion hoch und runter zu schieben. Das reichte ihm aber offenbar nicht aus. Als ich zum Luftschnappen kurz von seiner Erektion abließ, sah ich wie er seine tiefhängenden Hoden mit der hohlen Hand umfasste und mich bat sie ihm zu küssen. Ich war ja brav und tat dies natürlich. Die waren wirklich riesig! Als er mich aufforderte ihm erst die Eier zu lecken und dann sogar in den Mund zu nehmen, passte sein linkes und rechtes Ei kaum in meinen Mund, geschweige denn sein ganzer Sack. Und so lutschte ich ihm abwechselnd seine Eier, während ich mit großen Augen zu ihm aufschaute. Nach einer Weile hatte er genug davon und ließ wieder seine Eichel zwischen meine Lippen gleiten.
Die Stöße von Peter wurden immer unrhythmischer bis er ein paar Sekunden sogar tief in mir verweilte, seine Eier fest an meinen Po gepresst. Dann stieß er wieder schnell in mich und bereitete sich nun auf seinen Orgasmus vor.
"Mann ist die Fotze von Michaela eng... ich glaub ich füll' die kleine Schwanznutte gleich mit meinem Sperma ab"
So schnell ging es aber wohl nicht und er fickte mich noch etliche Minuten richtig unbarmherzig, bis er sich laut stöhnend in mich ergoss. Scheiße, der muss ja eine Körperwärme haben! Es fühlte sich nicht nur warm sondern richtig heiß an, als er mir seinen Samen in meinen engen Po pumpte. Als würde ich einen Einlauf mit heißem Wasser bekommen.
"Oh Fuck, hat die Arschfotze mich abgemolken" stöhnte er als er mir seinen Schwanz mit einem flutschenden Geräusch wieder entzog.
Ich fühlte wie es mir nun heiß aus meinem Loch das Bein hinunterlief. Da mein Po nun frei war, sprang auf einmal Sylvio auf, wobei sein Schwanz aus meinem Mund flutschte und wollte mich wohl als nächster begatten. Dies tat er natürlich auch prompt und stöhnte:
"Hmmm, schön rutschig ist die Möse jetzt und so schön warm und eng" als er sich, anders als Peter, langsam in mich schob.
Jemand packte mich an meinen Zöpfen und nun wurde ich auf Lutz' Schwanz geschoben, der mich nun verdammt schnell in den Mund fickte, dass ich kaum atmen konnte und durch die Nase atmen musste. Sylvios Fickstöße waren eher langsam und bedächtig, er genoss wohl richtiggehend das Gefühl in meinen kleinen Kinderarsch einzudringen und mich so zu penetrieren. Lutz wollte offenbar meine Zunge sehen und hatte den Wunsch, dass ich ihn statt mit dem ganzen Mund nun zunächst mit der Zunge verwöhnte. Ich leckte ihn von seinem Sack bis hinauf zur Eichel. Als ich mich nun wie zuvor seinen Hoden widmen wollte, fiel mir etwas auf, was ich so noch nicht kannte. Lutz hatte nur ein einziges Ei! Und so konnte ich im Gegensatz zu den dicken Eiern von Sylvio, der mich nun bei den Schultern gepackt hatte und nun deutlich schneller in meinem Arsch vor und zurück stieß, seinen ganzen Hodensack in meinen Mund nehmen, was dieser offenbar richtig geil fand und sich während ich ihm den Sack lutschte den Schwanz über meinem Gesicht wichste. Ihm reichte das wohl schon und mit offenen Augen schaute ich zu ihm auf, als er sich wild wichsend darauf vorbereitete, auf mein Gesicht abzuspritzen. Als er kam musste ich ein Auge zukneifen, weil mich sein erster Schwall genau ins Auge traf. Sein Samen war aber im Gegensatz zu dem von Heinz richtig dickflüssig, dafür war es aber auch deutlich weniger. Nur insgesamt drei Samenspritzer schoss er mir ins Gesicht und traf dabei nun erst die Nase und dann auf meinen Mund, sodass mir sein dicker Samen das Kinn hinablief. Er hielt mein Gesicht auch weiterhin an sein Glied gepresst, auch als dieses bereits wieder weich wurde. Ich kuschelte mich richtig an seinen Schwanz und gab ihm sogar kleine Küsschen darauf, dabei fühlte ich dass wohl auch Sylvio sich nun darauf vorbereitete zu kommen.
"Mann Jürgen, dein Sohn ist eine richtige Abmelkmaschine für Schwänze, ich spritz auch gleich ab auf diesen geilen Kinderarsch".
Noch ein paar mal fuhr er tief in mich. Als er dann laut stöhnend kam, zog er ihn aber wieder aus mir heraus, so dass ich fühlte wie mir Schwall um Schwall seines warmen Samens auf mein Poloch, jeweils eine Backe und am Schluss auf den Rücken spritzte. Er drückte mir seinen Schaft richtig zwischen die Pobacken, so dass sein Samen wie in einer kleinen Fontaine auf den Lendenbereich klatschte. Seine dicken Hoden hatte er wohl nicht ohne Grund, er kam bislang von den anderen Kerlen definitiv am meisten. Offenbar hatte er sich nicht schon zuvor mit der Stripperin ausgetobt... oder er stand nur auf Kerle oder vermutlich sogar kleine Jungs wie mich. Auf jeden Fall lief es mir nun den ganzen Po und Lendenbereich warm hinab, nachdem er sich reichlich auf mir ergossen hatte. Als er sich von mir löste ließ er frecherweise einen der Träger der Strapse gegen meine nun nass triefenden Oberschenkel schnippen.
Wie die anderen drei setzte er sich wieder auf seinen Stuhl und erholte sich für die nächste Runde mit mir. Man konnte richtig sehen wie er schwer atmete, als er sich neben die anderen beiden mit erschlaffendem, aber immer noch tropfendem Schwanz setzte. Heinz' Schwanz war inzwischen ebenfalls wieder ganz schlaff, wobei er wohlig damit spielte und das ganze obszöne Schauspiel beobachtete. Sein Sohn hatte aber längst wieder einen halbsteifen Schwanz.
Nun war wohl Marco dran. Wie ich gerade sah, war dieser bei den ganzen Aktionen von gerade eben sogar mit meinem Vater zugange. Beide wichsten sich offenbar gegenseitig. Erst als ich ihm einen Kuss auf seine Eichel drückte ließ mein Vater von seinem Schwanz ab und wichste sich nun wieder selbst. Ich ließ Marcos Schwanz in meinen Mund gleiten, was mir bei ihm richtig Spaß machte, denn wie schon gesagt, von den Kerlen gefiel mir seiner definitiv am besten. Er hatte offenbar von den Kerlen den meisten Vorsaft. Es rann mir richtig schleimig das Kinn hinunter als ich ihn blies. Ich schaute dabei mit Rehaugen zu ihm auf als ich ihn so schön feucht den Schwanz lutschte und dabei auch mit seinen prallen Hoden spielte. Ich glaube ich hatte mich sogar ein wenig in in verkuckt, denn offenbar gefiel mir an ihm natürlich nicht nur sein hübscher Schwanz. Er war auch weniger grob und strich mir erregt lächelnd durch die Haare während ich seinen steifen Schwanz ausgiebig und fast schon zärtlich lutschte. Das war offenbar den anderen bereits befriedigten Männer wohl zu soft, da Peter Marco nun fast schon anfeuerte:
"Wir wollen mal schön Action sehen von der kleinen Boyfotze, nicht nur so Mädchenkram"
Marco hatte offenbar ganz andere Dinge von mir im Sinn. Er umfasste meinen Kopf und schob mich langsam herunter von seiner Erektion. Dabei bildete sich von seinem ganzen schleimigen Vorsaft eine richtige Blase zwischen seiner Eichel und meinem Mund. Er kniete sich nun rücklings auf den Stuhl und sagte mir mit vor Erregung zitternder Stimme, ich solle ihm mal seine Fotze lecken.So er war fast genau auf meiner Höhe und ich umfasste nun seine Pobacken, spreizte sie auseinander und vergrub mein Gesicht dazwischen. Zunächst sanft ließ ich meine Zunge an seiner Rosette spielen, dann drang ich in ihn ein, was er mit lautem Stöhnen quittierte.
Vati hatte sich neben uns gekniet. Während ich den Po von Marco liebkoste, fasste er uns beiden zwischen die Beine und wichste uns beide. Ich packte Marco bei seiner Hüfte und schob meine Zunge immer wieder tief in ihn. Er war offenbar nicht so ein harter Kerl wie die anderen, sondern wünschte sich von mir nun sogar:
"Mann, bist du ein süßes Schwanzmädchen... lass mich mal deinen Kinderschwanz spüren, ich will wissen wie sich das anfühlt".
Damit hatten die anderen Kerle wohl nicht gerechnet zu sehen, dass nun umgedreht ein kleiner Junge es einem von ihnen besorgte. Wie ich sah, waren sie nun aber alle trotzdem bereits wieder richtig hart. Ich platzierte mich hinter Marco, wobei Vati immer noch meinen Schwanz umfasst hatte und mich nun daran an Marcos Rosette führte. Er rieb aus der Tube nun wieder etwas Gleitmittel auf meinen Schwanz und dann die Rosette von Marco, obwohl dies bei der eher bescheidenen Größe meines Penis wohl eigentlich gar nicht nötig gewesen wäre. Dann führte er meinen Schwanz an Marcos Rosette, in die ich langsam eindrang. Er kam aber offenbar gut damit zurecht, denn ich konnte ohne Probleme in ihn eindringen. Offenbar ließ er sich nicht zum ersten Mal ficken, aber sicherlich nicht von einem kleinen Jungen... oder heute Schwanzmädchen wie mir.
Das war vielleicht schön! Marcos Po war so schön warm, als ich mich immer wieder tief in ihn bohrte. Vati bearbeitete unterdessen den Schwanz von Marco mit seiner Hand, die von seinem Vorsaft nun auch eingeschleimt wurde, da meine Arme zu kurz waren um ihn ganz zu umfassen und dies selbst zu tun. Ich kuschelte mich im Stehen richtig an seinen Rücken, als ich mich tief in ihn schob, was er mit lautem Stöhnen quittierte. Das ging nun fast eine Viertelstunde so, da wir beide diesen Fick richtig genossen und nicht so schnell zum Höhepunkt kommen wollten. Schließlich wollte Marco aber doch endlich seinen Höhepunkt genießen. Allerdings nicht so. Dass ich ihn mit meinem jungen Schwanz fickte, betrachtete er wohl eher als Vorspiel.
Im Hintergrund hörte ich, dass nun offenbar doch jemand wieder passend zur Situation zur Soulmusik gewechselt war, während während der ganzen Fickerei vorher die ganze Zeit noch "Anaconda" lief. Er löste sich von mir und setzte sich wieder auf den Stuhl, seinen steifen Schwanz steil aufgerichtet.
Marco: "Jetzt bist du aber dran, ich will natürlich auch mal in deinen kleinen Kinderarsch."
Wie er sich das vorstellte, war natürlich klar. Ich kletterte auf seinen Schoß, so dass ich Auge in Auge mit ihm saß. Sein erigierter Schwanz war nun zwischen meinen Pobacken. Vati war so freundlich und machte nun sein Geschlecht schön rutschig für meinen Po, da er von den fünf den Größten hatte. Auch beim Ansetzen und Einführen war mir Vati behilflich. Marcos Hand war an meinen Pobacken, als er mich sanft auf seinem Schwanz Platz nehmen ließ, so dass dieser langsam in mich glitt und mich weitete, bis er schließlich mit seiner ganzen Länge in mir verschwunden war. Zwar weitete er mich natürlich nicht ganz so sehr wie Vati, aber es war doch verdammt eng. Eng umschlungen saß ich auf ihm, wir beide umarmten uns richtig, als ich auf ihm zu reiten begann. Dabei hatte er die ganze Zeit seine Hände an meinen Pobacken. Er streichelte und knete diese richtig zärtlich.
Durch das Klatschen links neben mir bekam ich mit, dass sich die anderen Kerle natürlich wieder zu wichsen begonnen hatten. Sehen konnte ich dies jedoch nicht, da wir uns beide in die Augen schauten, während er nun eher mich fickt, all dass ich richtig auf ihm ritt. Also das fand ich nun wirklich richtig heiß und konnte daher nicht an mich halten:
"Marco, komm fick mich schön tief. Lass mich deine kleine Fickmaus sein, Großer".
"So, das gefällt dir wohl, du kleiner Stecher, na dann pass mal auf..."
Plötzlich stand er, mich immer noch eng umschlungen, auf. Seine Hände an meinen Pobacken hielten mich in Position, während er mich im Stehen in den Po fickte. Ich legte ihm meine Arme um den Hals, um mich festzuhalten. Sein Schwanz bohrte sich immer wieder tief in mich. Als ich dann doch zu rutschen begann, half ihm mein Vater mich zu halten. Mit dem Rücken an Vaters Bauch und Brust gedrückt und mit meinem Bauch an seinem fickte er mich nun richtig intensiv. Das war ihm aber offenbar aber immer noch nicht genug. Er gab meinem Vater zu verstehen loszulassen. Dann ging er mich trotzdem weiter im Stehen fickend ein paar Schritte, bis ich an meinem Rücken die Wand... nein, dazu war es zu kalt und glatt... nein, dies war das Fenster, spürte. Fest presste er mich gegen das Fenster und besorgte es meinem armen kleinen Arsch, bis ich richtig zitterte vor Erregung. Dies war nun wirklich zu viel für mich, mir wurde ganz schummrig, als ich laut stöhnend nun auch abspritzte und ihm dabei sicherlich alles seinen Bauch hinunterlief. Ich glaube, ich war sogar kurz weggetreten, wobei er mich aber offenbar weiter festhielt und durch mein leichtes Abrutschen sogar noch tiefer aufspießte. Dies war dann offenbar auch zu viel für ihn. Gerade als ich aus meinem leicht benebelten Zustand wieder zu mir kam, schrie er vor Lust:
"Scheiße, ich spritz dir in deine Kinderfotze!"
Dann drückte er mir seine Lippen auf den Mund und während unsere Zungen miteinander spielten, fühlte ich, wie sein warmes Sperma in mich pumpte. Ich fühlte richtig, wie sein Schwanz beim Pumpen kurz anschwoll, bis der nächste Schuss Samen mir tief in meinen kleinen Hintern spritzte. Ich hatte inzwischen meinen Kopf auf seine Schulter gelegt und noch immer in mir abspritzend, trug er mich so in ein Nebenzimmer, das wohl das Schlafzimmer war. Hier stand ein großes Doppelbett, auf dem er mich sanft ablegte und schließlich seinen Penis wieder aus mir zog. Der letzte Schuss ging feucht auf meinen eigenen Schwanz. Es war ein richtig wohlliges Gefühl, wie sein Samen warm aus mir herausquoll, während ich aufgrund meines eigenen Höhepunktes und der Anstrengung kurz wegdämmerte. Das Letzte, was ich mitbekam, war, dass wohl die Herren einschließlich meines Vaters die ganze geile Aktion mit ihren Handys filmten und uns auch in das Schlafzimmer gefolgt waren, sowie der Satz meines Vaters:
"Das war wohl etwas zu viel für meine kleine Schwanzmaus..."
Als ich schließlich die Augen öffnete, nach meinem kleinen Schläfchen, sah ich, dass doch fast eine Stunde vergangen war, in der mich die Männerrunde wohl in Ruhe schlafen ließ. Ich wurde von ihnen geweckt, als ich auf einmal viele Hände an mir spürte, die mich offenbar wieder wachrüttelten.
"Genug ausgeruht, kleine Maus, die Herren möchten noch eine Zugabe", sagte mein Vater.
Zum Glück warteten alle, bis ich wieder ganz bei Sinnen war. Ich fühlte, dass das Sperma auf meiner Haut inzwischen teilweise sogar angetrocknet war. Marco streichelte mir lieb durch das Gesicht.
"Das hat dich wohl ganz schön geschafft, Kleine. Du bist aber auch wirklich ein heißes Teil. Ich glaube, ich muss mit deinem Vater in Kontakt bleiben, um dich kleines Stück mal wiederzutreffen. Und bist du wieder soweit für ein bisschen harten Kindersex?"
Ich nickte und rieb mir den Schlaf aus den Augen... keine gute Idee, denn dort war natürlich noch Sperma, das ich mir nun in die Augen rieb. Zum Glück sah das Vati und reichte mir ein kleines Tuch, mit dem ich mir nun die Augen reinigen konnte. Als mich die Männer danach anschauten, grinsten sie.
"Mit der verlaufenen Schminke siehst du wie eine richtige Kinderschlampe aus."
Ein bisschen peinlich war mir das schon, dass ich bei meinem ersten richtig harten Gruppensex so schnell weggetreten war, und ich versuche daher schlagfertig zu sein.
"Klar, ich bin ja auch eine kleine Schlampe. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, es von euch Großen nochmal besorgt zu bekommen."
Erst jetzt sah ich, dass die Männer sich nun auch ihrer restlichen Kleidung entledigt hatten. Heinz, der Chef, hatte einen ordentlichen Bauch und sogar kleine Brüstchen, wohingegen sein Sohn eher muskulös und gut gebräunt war, vermutlich ging er oft trainieren. Lutz hingegen war daneben richtig hager, und sein Bruder Sylvio eher durchschnittlich. Marco aber war ähnlich wie Peter auch eher muskulös und sogar noch tiefbraun gebräunter. Scheiße, bei mir richtete sich sofort wieder mein Schwänzchen auf.
"Na, da hat aber wohl jemand noch richtig Lust auf eine zweite Runde!", lachte Marco.
Die nackten Männer schoben mich nun in die Bettmitte und begannen mich allen Ernstes durchzukitzeln. Das Bett senkte sich und quietschte richtig unter dem Gewicht der 6 Männer einschließlich meines Vaters. Ich musste richtig lachen, als ich ihre Finger an meinem Bauch, der Seite und dem Po... und wie sollte es anders sein, auch an meinem Penis fühlte.
Dann übernahm wieder der Bräutigam das Regime. Lutz und Sylvio zogen meine Beine weit auseinander. Peter senkte seinen Kopf zwischen meine Beine und begann mein Glied zu lutschen. Eine wirklich schöne Geste, nachdem ich die Herren auch so schön befriedigt hatte. Er leckte mir meinen Schwanz sogar richtig gut und ließ auch meinen kleinen Sack zwischen seine Lippen gleiten. Auf einmal hoben mir die Kerle die Beine nach oben, so dass mein Po nach oben gereckt war. Peter ließ sich keine Zeit und vergrub sein Gesicht zwischen meinen Bäckchen und leckte mir an meiner Rosette. Irgendjemand, ich bekam nicht mit wer, übernahm nun das Lutschen an meinem Kinderpimmel. Laut schmatzend bearbeiteten mich so die Herren. Offenbar hatte man sich, während ich kurz weggetreten war, abgesprochen zum weiteren Procedere.
Denn schon wieder ertönten laut die Takte von "Anaconda" nur diesmal über die Lautsprecher im Schlafzimmer. Ich bekam einen Lachkrampf bei dem, was nun folgte.Bei den Bier- und Schnapsflaschen, die inzwischen hier standen, hatte man wohl ordentlich nachgetankt. Denn wie sonst wäre es zu erklären, dass nun alle 6 es mir nachmachten und nun selbst ihre Hintern wackeln ließen, nebeneinander aufgereiht. Das war schon ein lustiger Anblick zu sehen, wie gerade die älteren Semester eher ungeschickt zu twerken versuchten und dabei die halbsteifen Schwänze unter ihnen herumschlackerten. Ich nehme mal stark an, sie machten das eher, um mich ein wenig zu belustigen, nachdem ich vorhin auch so brav ihre Gelüste befriedigt hatte. Und was soll ich sagen, mich amüsierte das richtig. Selbst mein Vater machte mit, der nun wirklich sicherlich nichts getrunken hatte. Bei ihm sah es besonders lustig aus, wie sein langer Penis unter ihm herumschwang. Das war aber nur ein kurzes Intermezzo, denn eigentlich hatten sie wohl etwas anderes dabei im Sinn gehabt, denn der Chef gab mir nun zu verstehen:
"Das mit Marco war vorhin richtig heiß und hat uns auf Ideen gebracht, kleine Schwanznutte. Komm, leck uns mal alle auch schön tief unsere Hintern, wie du es bei ihm gemacht hast. Wenn du es gut machst, darfst du, wenn die anderen nichts dagegen haben, uns auch mal ficken."
Das ließ ich mir nicht zweimal sagen. Ein bisschen komisch war es schon, dass ich hier immer noch in Strapsen stand, als nun der Erste in der Reihe, natürlich der Chef, seine Pobacken spreizte in Erwartung meiner kindlichen Zunge. Aber klar, tat sich mein Bestes, dass es für ihn und die anderen auch schön war. Ich vergrub mein Gesicht zwischen seinen Backen und bearbeitete mit der Zunge sein Loch, bis er sich unter mir wand und nun sein Sohn meine Dienste beanspruchte. Bei ihm machte ich es natürlich auch so gut ich konnte. Wobei er offenbar nicht ganz locker lassen konnte. Er war ohnehin etwas muskulöser als sein Vater und spannte immer noch seine Pobacken an, als ich mit der Zunge dazwischen drang. Von den Männern war ihm wohl bei dieser Aktion selbst nicht ganz geheuer und so wechselte ich schnell zu Lutz, der dieses offenbar weitaus mehr genoss, seinem Stöhnen nach zu urteilen.
Da die Schwänze der Männer nun offenbar wieder hart waren, ließ ich es mir nicht nehmen, nun, während ich den Hintern von Lutz leckte, seinen Prügel unter ihm zu melken und gleichzeitig mit der anderen Hand auch den Nächsten, der nachher meine Zunge zu spüren bekam - Sylvio. Als ich dann zu ihm wechselte, war dieser wohl der enthemmteste von allen. Er stöhnte:
"Komm und mach mir meinen Arsch richtig feucht mit deiner Kinderzunge, du kleine Nutte."
Natürlich setzte ich bei ihm extra viel Speichel ein, als ich sein Loch abschleckte und ihn dabei natürlich wichste, wie auch Marco neben ihm. Dann wechselte ich zu diesem, auch wenn ich ihn vorhin bereits liebkost hatte. Bei ihm tat ich das aber sehr gern, da ich wirklich großen Gefallen an ihm gefunden hatte. Er wollte nun aber auch meinen Vater mal ranlassen, da dieser heute noch gar nicht zum Zug gekommen war. Als ich mich gerade vorbereitete, Papis Rosette auch zu lecken, hatten sich die anderen wieder aufgerichtet. Inzest hautnah zu erleben, war für sie wohl neu und so schauten sie neugierig zu, wie ich das Poloch meines Vaters ausleckte. Mein Schwanz stand zwischen den Strapsen natürlich wieder steil nach oben. Dies brachte die Meute wohl nun auf eine neue Idee... sie wollten den Inzest auch richtig vollzogen sehen.
"Komm, fick deinen Vater in den Arsch, kleine Schwanzhure", rief schon wieder Sylvio.
Die Kerle wichsten sich bereits in der Voraussicht, dieses Tabu nun beobachten zu können. Klar fragte ich Vati erst, ob er das auch wollte.
"Komm, fick mich, Sohn. Zeig mal, ob du schon ein richtiger kleiner Bock bist."
Ein bisschen komisch war das schon, vor 5 Paar Augen dieses verbotene Spiel zu treiben, und 100% passend waren Vatis Worte natürlich auch nicht, so wie ich immer noch aussah mit meinem verschmierten Make-up, den Zöpfen mit Schleife und den sehr femininen Strapsen. Kniend war Vater etwas zu hoch für mich, und so legte er sich auf den Bauch, damit ich von hinten auf ihn steigen konnte. Ich setzte meinen Schwanz an Vatis Rosette an und kuschelte mich eng an seinen Rücken, als ich in ihn eindrang und ihn zu stoßen begann. Sicherlich war mein Vater schon öfter gefickt worden, das gehört ja sicherlich zum Business dazu. Denn er stöhnte zwar laut auf, aber viel gespürt haben dürfte er von meinem Kinderschwanz sicherlich nicht. Dazu war ich wohl leider immer noch zu klein. Aber es reichte sicherlich dazu, dass die anderen Kerle sich nun wieder die harten Schwänze wichsten.
Trotz des offensichtlichen Alkoholgenusses, waren sie wohl wieder voll einsatzbereit. Anders war es nicht zu erklären, dass sie einer nach dem anderen nun selbst zu mir sagten, dass ich sie auch ficken sollte! Dieser Tag entwickelte sich ja richtig versaut! Der Wunsch des Kunden war mir natürlich Befehl, und so reihten sie sich wieder auf, als ich mein Glied aus Vati zog. Klar waren sie wieder in der Reihenfolge ihrer selbstgewählten Hierarchie. Zuerst kam diesmal aber der Bräutigam zum Zug, dem das sichtlich etwas unangenehm war, von einem kleinen Jungen gefickt zu werden. Sein Po war wieder etwas verkrampft, und so fickte ich ihn nur ganz kurz, um dann zu seinem Vater zu wechseln. Dieser hatte offenbar weniger Skrupel. Offenbar hatte ihn der Anblick des Inzestes so aufgegeilt, dass er richtig hemmungslos war.
"Fick mich wie deinen Vater, das war richtig schön. Tob dich auf mir richtig aus."
Natürlich erfüllte ich ihm seinen Wunsch. Wobei dies natürlich der größte Altersunterschied war. Ich mit meinen 9 Jahren besorgte es nun anal einem gestandenen Mann von 61 Jahren - ein satter Unterschied von fast über einem halben Jahrhundert! Verdammt, und der Alte schien das im Gegensatz zu seinem Sohn sogar richtig zu genießen!
"Ja, gibs mir, besorge es mir richtig hart."
Klar fickte ich nun richtig heftig erst richtig los, wobei ich mir trotzdem nicht vorstellen konnte, dass er wirklich viel spürte. Aber offenbar war es eher der Gedanke an den Inzest, der ihn wohl nun erst recht auf geile Ideen gebracht hatte.
Er bat mich nämlich nun, ich könne es nun dem Lutz besorgen, während er seinen Sohn zu sich zitierte und ihm etwas ins Ohr flüsterte, woraufhin dieser erst mit dem Kopf schüttelte. Dann hörte ich nur Satzfetzen wie:
"... was denkst du, wer das alles bezahlt?..."
Mit hochrotem Kopf kniete sich nun der Sohn hinter seinen Vater, welcher ihn nun aufgegeilt aufforderte:
"Komm, fick mich endlich, Sohnemann", so dass dieser nicht anders konnte und schamesrot tatsächlich seinen Vater bestieg, der unter ihm richtig die Kontrolle verlor und stöhnend rief "Härter, härter, härter...".
Während dessen drang ich in Lutz ein, dem das Ganze wohl auch ein klein wenig peinlich war. Er war aber nicht so verkrampft wie der Bräutigam und schien es nach einer Weile auch zu genießen, meinen kleinen Schwanz in sich zu fühlen. Sylvio war natürlich ganz anders, und ich fühlte richtig, wie er mit seinen Pomuskeln meinen Kleinen massierte, als ich in ihm war. Danach war wieder Marco dran, mit dem ich richtig zärtlich war. Auch er war zu groß, um ihn auf allen Vieren zu ficken, und so legte er sich auch hin, so dass ich mich auf ihn legen konnte. Vater war mir diesmal behilflich und führte mein Glied bei ihm ein. Und schon stieß ich los. Während ich ihn mit meinem kleinen Schwanz bearbeitete, kuschelte ich mich an sein breites Kreuz. Das war wirklich sehr schön, bis ich es neben mir laut stöhnen hörte, als der Chef unter den Fickstößen seines Sohnes lautstark kam und unter sich spritzte. Der Sohn zog sich schnell aus ihm zurück und überließ ihm seinem Höhepunkt. Während dessen fickte ich nun Marco so schnell ich konnte. Mit meinem kleinen Pimmel konnte ich ihn natürlich trotzdem nicht zum Höhepunkt bringen. Als ich schließlich von ihm abließ, war es nun der Bräutigam, der nach dem für ihn wohl nicht ganz so angenehmen Zwischenspiel mit seinem Vater nun auch abspritzen wollte... und zwar natürlich lieber in mir.
"Komm her, du kleine schwanzgeile Kindernutte, dir besorge ich es jetzt auch richtig hart."
Ich ließ mich natürlich nicht zweimal bitten. Er drehte mich auf den Rücken, hob meine Beine an und legte sie an sich, als er zunächst mit seiner Eichel an meiner Rosette spielte, um dann mit viel Spucke in mich einzudringen. Mit beiden Händen hatte er meine Waden umfasst und spreizte dabei weit meine Beine, als er sich so auf mich warf und mich richtig animalisch hart zu ficken begann. Ich feuerte ihn dabei richtig an und leckte mir sogar die roten Lippen, als ich ihn aufforderte:
"Schieb mir deinen dicken Schwanz schön tief in meine Boymöse, spritz mich richtig randvoll."
Und natürlich noch andere Schweinereien, die mir in den Sinn kamen. Dieser richtig dreckige Dirty Talk war ja sogar gewünscht, aber trotzdem wurde er davon natürlich noch wilder, und relativ zügig begann er in der Tat, meinen Anus mit seinem Samen zu überschwemmen, mit den Worten:
"Man, bist du eine geile Fotze."
Sein Vater winkte dann aber ab, weil er sich immer noch mit einem Tuch seinen Schwanz reinigte, da er jetzt die ganze Zeit in einer kleinen Pfütze seines eigenen Spermas gelegen hatte und sicherlich etwas mehr Zeit brauchte, um wieder weitermachen zu können. Deshalb bot ich mich nun Lutz an, der mich wieder auf allen Vieren sehen wollte. Da noch immer die Musik lief, wackelte ich auch wieder mit meinem Po, was er zurecht als Aufforderung verstand, mich zu penetrieren.
Mann, der grunzte ja fast, als er sich in Hündchenstellung in mich bohrte und mich mit seinen Stößen hart durchschüttelte und dabei auch an meinem kleinen Steifen spielte. Dann packte er mich wieder an meinen Zöpfen und schob mich so fest auf sein pumpendes Glied, als er sich nun ebenfalls in mein längst vom Samen richtig rutschiges Arschloch ergoss. Das sich der Tag so abspielen würde, hätte ich beileibe nicht gedacht.Ich hatte eigentlich mit einer schnellen Nummer mit dem Bräutigam gerechnet, dass ich nun sogar meinen ersten richtigen Gangbang haben würde, hätte ich ja nie ahnen können.
Ich fühlte mich richtig benutzt - was allerdings kein schlechtes Gefühl war. Für die Erwachsenen war ich ja quasi nur ein knackiger Kinderarsch, in den man geil abspritzen konnte, was mich dann Sylvio natürlich auch spüren ließ. Auf ihm sollte ich rücklings sitzen, meine Füße auf seinen Schenkeln, wovon ich einen richtigen Muskelkrampf und später auch Muskelkater bekam. Breitbeinig stützte ich mich nach hinten auf seine Brust, bis er sich zu mir herunterdrückte, so dass ich mit dem Rücken auf seinem Bauch lag, während er von unten in mich hineinfuhr. Nun beugte sich der Chef über mich und spielte dabei mit meinem hüpfenden Schwanz, bis schließlich auch Sylvio laut stöhnend ebenfalls sein Sperma in mich vergoss. Ich fühlte es nun richtig feucht aus meinem Po tropfen, da mich reihum wohl jeder der Kerle inzwischen aufgefüllt hatte. Als ich mich von Sylvios Schwanz erhob, spritzte ihm die ganze Soße wieder über seinen eigenen Schwanz. Dafür hatte es nun mein Liebling Marco natürlich um so leichter in mich einzudringen. Bei ihm sollte ich mich auf seinen Schwanz setzen, diesmal aber richtig herum, so dass ich sogar richtig sehen konnte, wie sich immer wieder seine Augen verdrehten, als er langsam näher kam, um mich auch zu besamen. Wieder umfasste er meine Pobacken, zwischen die immer wieder schnell und hart sein Glied hineinfuhr. Er drückte mich zu sich herunter und wir küssten uns wild, während er laut klatschend immer schneller seinen Prachtschaft tief in mich hineinschob. Dann stöhnte er laut in meinen Mund hinein und ich fühlte es erneut warm in mich schießen, als nun auch er seinen Höhepunkt in mir hatte und mich richtiggehend auffüllte, dass es aus mir nur so herausblubberte, als er schließlich aus meinem Po herausglitt. In meinem Po hatte sich das Sperma der Männer inzwischen richtig vermischt, zumindest die Reste, die noch nicht aus mir wieder herausgelaufen waren.
Wie ich so dalag, hart benutzt von der Herrenrunde, mein Poloch schon deutlich gerötet von ihren Schwänzen sowie das Sperma, das mir langsam aus dem Hinter ran, fühlte ich mich richtig versaut. Heute war es wirklich verdammt anstrengend gewesen, aber nun wusste ich, dies macht mir mehr Spaß als Schule. Das sahen wohl auch die Herren, denn Heinz sagte, als er mich so benutzt auf dem Bett liegen sah:
"Schaut euch nur die kleine Kinderfotze an. Sie lässt sich von uns Großen rudelbumsen und lächelt dabei sogar noch verträumt. Mann Jürgen, wenn ich so eine kleine Drecksau bei mir in der Familie hätte, würde ich aus dem Schlafzimmer gar nicht mehr rauskommen und sie ficken, dass ihr Hören und Sehen vergeht."
Das brachte nun auch die anderen auf eine Idee. Zwar hatte fast alle in mir abgespritzt, nur war Einer dabei außen vor. Erst leise, dann langsam laute feuerten sie Vati an.
"Inzest! Inzest! Inzest! Inzestfick! Inzestfick! Fick die kleine Sau!"
Klar war mein Vater zu jeder Schandtat bereit, auch seinen Sohn vor versammelter Mannschaft durchzuficken. Als er zu mir aufs Bett stieg, wobei die Herren uns schamlos beobachteten und dabei wichsten, flüstere er mir noch ins Ohr:
"Die zahlen uns heute einen 4-stelligen Betrag, lass uns den Perversen mal eine richtige Show bieten."
Ich nickte ihm verständig zu. Dann knieten wir beide neben einander auf das Bett und wir beide küssten uns wie zwei richtige Liebhaber. Als wir mit unseren Zungen spielten, sah man richtig die Speichelfäden zwischen unseren Mündern.
"Komm Vati, ich will deinen dicken Pädoschwanz schmecken", sagte ich laut, worauf er mich wieder auf den Rücken legte und sich über meinen Brustkorb kniete.
"Lutsch mir erst meine Eier, meine kleine Schwanznutte."
Und schon legte er mir seine schweren Eier auf die Lippen, die ich natürlich ausgiebig liebkoste, küsste und schließlich auch einzeln in meinen Mund nahm. Dabei wichste er sich seinen längst wieder harten Schwanz zur vollen Größe. Über mir sah ich, wie er mir in die Augen sah, als er sich sein Glied, das so dicht über meinen Augen hing, masturbierte. Dann hatte er genug und beugte sich vor, seine Eichel dabei gegen meine Lippen drückend. Noch immer über meinem Gesicht kniend, schob mir Vati seine Erektion zwischen die Lippen, bis er dann begann mich erst langsam, dann schneller in den Mund zu ficken. Sein Prügel war doch eine ganz andere Hausnummer als die Schwänze der anderen Kerle der Runde, weshalb er mich durchaus recht häufig zu würgen brachte, was den Herren aber wohl besonders gefiel. Damit ich mich davon erhole, fickte er mich bei den Würgeattacken so, dass sich nur meine Wangen ausbeulten unter seinem Schwanz.
"So ist es schön, lutsch den Schwanz, der dich erzeugt hat, ich liebe deine warme Maulfotze."
Er fickte mich immer schneller in den Mund, kommen wollte er dort aber natürlich nicht. Denn mit einem Mal flutschte sein Schwanz aus meinem Mund und er drehte mich auf den Bauch, dann packte er mehrere Kissen unter mein Becken, so dass mein Po weit hochstand. Heinz, der Chef, dachte offenbar mit und warf meinem Vater die Gleitcreme zu. Auch den Herren war klar, dass mein 9-jähriger Anus den fetten Schwanz meines Vaters nicht ohne Hilfe verkraften konnte. Er schmierte sich seine Erektion gründlich ein und dann auch mein Poloch bzw. mit dem Mittelfinger sogar in meiner Rosette. Er nutzte das Gleitmittel, um mich zunächst mit Zeige- und Mittelfinger in meinen Po zu ficken, bevor er überhaupt erst seinen Schwanz an mich ansetzte. Natürlich wurde das Ganze von den Handys der Männer gefilmt, wann bekam man auch schon einmal zu sehen, wie ein Vater seinen kleinen, nuttig wie ein Mädchen zurechtgemachten Sohn besteigt? Dies wollten sie natürlich für die Ewigkeit, bzw. für zukünftige Wichssessions in Bild und Ton festhalten. Mir wurde ganz komisch wohlig warm in meinem Bauch, als ich daran dachte, dass sie sich wohl auf mich einen runterholen würden, wie ich von Vati genommen werde.
Dann war es soweit, ich fühlte die warme Haut meines Vaters an meinem Rücken und seine nasse Eichel berührte meine Rosette.
"So du kleine schwanzgeile Schlampe, jetzt wird die Papi mal zeigen, wie sich ein richtiger Männerschwanz anfühlt."
Dieses Spiel kannte ich und konnte ich inzwischen richtig gut mitspielen.
"Vati, bitte fick mich richtig schön hart durch, ich will auch so eine Pornoschlampe wie in deinen Filmen werden."
Ich stöhnte leise auf, als ich fühlte, wie er sich langsam und vorsichtig tief in mich bohrte. Die Männer hielten ihre Handys nun sogar ganz nah an unsere inzestuöse Vereinigung, um in Nahaufnahme zu filmen, wie mich Papi penetrierte, was diese natürlich auch nicht unkommentiert ließen.
"Scheiße, reißt er der Fotze den Arsch weit auf. Es sieht aus, als ob die kleine Sau ein Ei legt."
Und so fühlte ich mich in der Tat. Vatis Schwanz hatte ich zwar schon gelegentlich in mir gehabt, es war aber immer wieder eine Herausforderung, einen so großen in meinem kleinen engen Jungspo aufzunehmen. Zum Glück war er diesmal mit der Gleitcreme nicht sparsam umgegangen und es bereitete mir so kaum Schmerzen, als er langsam aber stetig in mich eindrang, bis er schließlich bis zu seinen Eiern in mir steckte.
"Fick mich Papi, mach mich zu deiner Fickpuppe und besorg es mir richtig hart."
"Du geiles Stück bist immer noch viel enger als die Fotze deiner Mutter, den Wunsch kann ich dir also erfüllen."
Und dann legte er erst richtig los, nun begann er mich wirklich zu ficken. Die Männer hielten mir ihre Handys richtig zwischen die Beine und filmten, wie Vati tief in mich eindrang, wobei seine Eier hin und her schaukelten. Er packte mich bei den Schultern und schob sich immer wieder tief in mich. Wir beiden stöhnten dabei immer lauter und ich genoss unser Zusammensein wie nie zuvor. Die Männer, die sich an unserem Inzest aufgeilten, nahm ich kaum wahr und flüsterte sogar Vati zu:
"Fick mich, fick mich Vati."
Woraufhin er nun erst richtig begann. Mit lautem Klatschen schob er sich in mich, dass meine Pobacken wackelten und seine Eier gegen meinen Po schlugen. Ich fühlte sein ganzes Gewicht auf mir, als er sich wieder tief in meinen Anus hineinschob. Richtig eng Haut an Haut war ich an ihm und er tief in mir. Das ganze Bett schaukelte, als wir beide uns hemmungslos dem tabulosen Inzest hingaben. Er langte um mich und wichste mir meinen harten Kinderpimmel, während er sich mit seinem dicken Schwanz zum Endspurt in mir vorbereitete. Ich spürte deutlich seinen warmen, immer schneller gehenden Atem in meinem Nacken... er leckte mir sogar von hinten an meinen Ohren! Das enge Gefühl von seinem Penis, der immer wieder in mich glitt, war dann doch zu viel und laut stöhnend spritzte ich in das unter mir liegende Kissen ab. Vermutlich die Kontraktion meiner Pomuskeln, die seinen Schwanz melkten, waren dann wohl auch der Grund, dass er auch langsam zum Höhepunkt kam. Während ich mich noch stöhnend ergoss, rammte er mir noch etliche Male seinen Kolben tief in mich, bis er schließlich ebenfalls stöhnend in mir kam. Nach den ganzen Männern überschwemmte nun auch Vati mein Poloch. Heute wurde ich wirklich mit viel Sperma vollgepumpt. Erschöpft blieb er danach auf mir liegen, bis sein Schwanz in mir wieder etwas weicher geworden war. Als er von mir herunterrollte und ihn aus mir gleiten ließ, wurden schon wieder die Handys zwischen meine Beine gerichtet und die Kerle filmten, wie mir sein Samen aus dem Po rann. Vati hatte wohl diesmal alles gegeben und war nun ähnlich erschöpft wie ich zuvor. Die Männer, allen voran der Bräutigam, hatten aber mit mir andere Pläne.
Während ich noch immer im Lustrausch meines Höhepunktes war, drehten mich ihre Hände wieder auf den Rücken. Als ich deshalb wieder die Augen öffnete, sah ich auf einmal, dass die Männer alle über mir knieten und sich die steifen Schwänze wichsten. Gemeinschaftlich wollte man wohl nun zum Abschluss auf mein Gesicht abspritzen.Hui, wie ich die Hoden der Männer über mir schaukeln sah. Mir tropfte bereits deren Vorsaft in mein Gesicht bzw. schmierten sie mir auch abwechselnd mit ihren nassen Eicheln durch das Gesicht.
Marco war der Erste, der soweit war.
"Hier hast du meinen Saft, Mäuschen", stöhnend ergoss er sich auf meine Lippe.
Dabei fasste mir Peter an mein Kinn und gab mir zu verstehen, meinen Mund zu öffnen. Die restlichen Spritzer gingen zielgenau in meinen Mund.
Peter: "Noch nicht schlucken, wir wollen dir, kleine Schwanzmaus, erst schön das Blasmaul vollwichsen, damit du auch genug gesundes Männersperma in den Magen bekommst."
Als Marco fertig war, drückte er noch ein paar Mal seine Eichel zusammen, um auch den letzten Tropfen in meinen offenen Mund zu spritzen. Der leicht salzige Geschmack seines Samens war richtig intensiv, und es sollte wohl noch viel mehr werden. Als Nächster war Lutz am Höhepunkt angelangt. Die Männer waren inzwischen so aufgegeilt, dass sie sich nicht einmal scherten, dass ihre Eicheln aneinander rieben, während sie über meinem Gesicht masturbierten.
Lutz: "Schön auf mit dem süßen Kindermund, hier kommt noch mehr Sahne."
Und schon spritzte er los. Um auch genau zu treffen, hatte er mir seine Eichel zwischen die Lippen geschoben und ergoss sich so stoßweise auf meine Zunge, wo sich sein Sperma mit dem Samen von Marco vermischte. Noch während er mich oral abfüllte, kam nun Sylvio, so dass ich auf einmal gleich zwei Schwänze im Mund hatte, die langsam meinen Mund füllten. Der Geschmack von Sperma war nun bereits ganz intensiv aufgrund der schieren Menge, die ich bereits im Mund hatte. Das reichte natürlich noch nicht. Der Chef war nun auch soweit. Als Lutz mir seinen Schwanz aus dem Mund zog, wurde dieser nun durch den des alten Mannes ersetzt. Seine Eier rieben an meiner Stirn, als er ihn in mich steckte und nun sein heißer Samen mich langsam voll machte. Zusätzlich zu den beiden Schwänzen sah ich nun bereits wieder die Handys der bereits mit mir fertigen Männer, die natürlich alles filmten und sogar in meinen Mund zoomten, um die weißliche Brühe, die meinen Mund nun fast ausfüllte, aufzunehmen. Selbst Vati filmte mich dabei!
Inzwischen waren auch die letzten beiden mit mir fertig, und so war es nur noch der Bräutigam Peter, der über mir masturbierte und mir dabei immer wieder seine Eier gegen das Kinn pendeln ließ und stöhnte:
"Dich Sau fülle ich jetzt noch richtig auf, und dann zeigst du uns, ob du auch schon richtig gut Sperma trinken kannst."
Seine Wichsbewegungen wurden immer schneller, und er stöhnte bereits:
"Hier kommt's, die geile Kinderfotze..."
Und wie es kam! Er tunkte seine Eichel fast in den Samen der anderen ein, als er in mich abspritzte. Ich fühlte deutlich, wie der Pegel in meinem Mund noch weiter anstieg, bis dann sogar der Samen meinen Mund ganz überschwemmte und mir das Kinn hinablief. Er spritzte aber immer noch weiter, und am Schluss war nicht nur mein Mund randvoll mit Männersperma, sondern auch meine Lippen und Wangen komplett glänzend mit dem ganzen Samen.
Alle Handys waren auf mein Gesicht gerichtet, und man filmte die trübe Spermabrühe, die meinen Kindermund füllte. Heinz nahm sogar seinen Finger und rührte damit in meinem Mund herum. Alle hielten die Kameras bereit, als er mir zu verstehen gab, das ganze Sperma nun herunterzuschlucken.
"Los, schluck unseren Eierlikör, du kleine Kindernutte."
Und wie ich das tat. Ich musste drei Mal schlucken, bis ich die ganze Brühe im Magen hatte. Dann sollte ich den Mund nochmals öffnen, damit sie auch sehen konnten, dass ich alles wirklich runtergeschluckt hatte.
"Na, hat es dir geschmeckt, kleiner Schwanzlutscher?", fragte er mich darauf.
"Hmm, leckeres Sperma", sagte ich nur und rieb mir den Bauch.
Die Kerle klopften meinem Vater auf die Schulter.
"Mann, du hast vielleicht ein geiles kleines Früchtchen großgezogen. Deine kleine Schwanzmaus ist ein richtiger Gourmet für Männersahne!"
Alle lachten, und mein Vater strich mir über das eingeschleimte Gesicht.
"Das hast du wirklich gut gemacht, Mäuschen."
Allerdings war ich nun richtig erschöpft, ich konnte kaum mehr die Augen offenhalten und bekam kaum noch etwas um mich herum mit. Lediglich, dass Vater sich wohl langsam verabschiedete und offenbar Heinz mit seinem Sohn Peter einen kleinen Disput hatte.
"Komm, Peter, das wäre doch geil, wenn die kleine Fotze das macht, warum nicht du auch... mich hat das scharf gemacht."
Sicherlich sprach da wohl eher der Alkohol aus dem alten Mann, sein Sohn hatte aber wohl noch nicht genug davon gehabt. Er nahm noch einen tiefen Schluck aus einer der Schnapsflaschen, als er seinem Vater sagte:
"Ich bin aber nicht schwul, und du bist immer noch mein Vater. Wie soll ich das Mandy morgen erklären, dass ich mich von meinem Vater habe ficken lassen?"
Heinz: "Kein Wort zu ihr! Du willst doch immer noch mein Nachfolger werden? Komm, so schlimm ist das nicht, der Jürgen hat doch auch kein Problem damit, und du hast doch gesehen, dass es der kleinen Sau auch Spaß gemacht hat? Dein alter Herr ist auch geil auf ein bisschen Inzest, lass mich auch deinen Arsch ficken."
Klar war dem Sohnemann seine Karriere wohl lieber als die Moral, und so gab er nickend leise klein bei und nahm noch einen Schluck aus der Pulle, um sich danach auf den Bauch zu legen, sodass sein Vater nun in ihn eindringen konnte. Mit meinen schlädrigen Augen konnte ich aber seinen Gesichtsausdruck nicht ganz deuten, vielleicht gefiel es ihm ja nun auch für seinen Vater die Beine breit zu machen.
Vater war dieses perverse Treiben offenbar gleichgültig, als wäre es das Normalste der Welt, klopfte er Heinz auf die Schulter, der sich gerade in seinen eigenen volljährigen Sohn bohrte und nun diesen durchzuficken begann.
"Tschüß, Heinz, und viel Spaß noch."
Heinz grunzte nur dankend zum Abschied und war eher mit seinem Sohn beschäftigt.
"Dir übrigens auch, Peter."
Mein Vater gab allen Ernstes dem von den Stößen seines Vaters durchgeschüttelten Peter die Hand, welcher sichtlich versuchte, die Fassung zu bewahren.
"Danke für... ohhh uhh... dein Geschenk... oh fuck... das war wirk... oh Gott, Vater... war wirklich geil."
Die anderen betrachteten mehr aufgegeilt als abgestoßen dieses obszöne Geschehen, nach dem heutigen Tag erschien es ihnen wohl sogar normal. Sah ich das richtig, dass sich die beiden Klausner Brüder sogar gegenseitig die Schwänze wichsten? Nachdem sich Vati auch vom letzten und damit Marco verabschiedet hatte, kam dieser auch noch zu mir, um mir auch für die wunderbaren Stunden zu danken.
"Michi, du bist richtig heiß gewesen. Wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, bleibe ich mit dir über deinen Vater gerne in Kontakt. Ich würde dich gerne mal wieder treffen... du weißt ja, um dich mal wieder schön durchzuficken."
"Klar", sagte ich schlädrig, "mit dir war es auch sehr schön."
Diesmal ging es von mir aus, ich beugte mich zu ihm und drückte ihm einen dicken Kuss auf die Lippen. Vati lächelte mir zu, als ich mit meinem neuen Freund zum Abschied noch Zärtlichkeiten austauschte.
Offenbar war kaum noch Zeit, und so entfiel wohl das Procedere, mich zu reinigen. Vati sammelte lediglich meine im Raum verstreuten Mädchenklamotten ein und hüllte mich in seinen Mantel. Da mir schon wieder die Augen zufielen, half ihm Marco dabei, meinen nackten Körper mit dem Mantel einzuhüllen und mich auf ihren Armen wieder ins Auto zu tragen. Ich bekam davon aber kaum etwas mit und war kurz darauf, bevor Vati überhaupt losgefahren war, schon komplett weggedöst.Er machte individuelle Porträts von jedem von uns und schließlich von uns allen zusammen, wobei wir Kinder zwischen Mutti und Vati saßen und sie uns die Arme um die Schulter legten.
Dann wurde es intimer. Vati küsste Sarah auf den Mund und Mutti tat das Gleiche bei mir.
"Hmm, Michi, du schmeckst ja noch richtig nach Sperma... lecker".
Bislang waren dies nur Fotos aufwärts der Brust, die nächsten waren Ganzköperaufnahmen. Bei den beiden Herren der Familie waren dabei natürlich die Schwänze schon wieder hart oder im Anschwellen begriffen. Das kam solchen Fotos natürlich nur zugute. Da wir alle so fertig waren, kam es allerdings zumindest heute nicht mehr zu Hardcore-Aufnahmen. Dies waren eher Aufnahmen für ein ganz besonders obszönes "Familienalbum". Mutti und meine Schwester hielten für die nächsten Shots unsere beiden Schwänze mit den Händen und lächelten dabei lüstern. Wer weiß, wie ich mit meinem verschmierten Gesicht wohl dabei ausgesehen haben mag.
Dann wurde es wieder expliziter. Ich kniete mich mit dem Po zur Kamera zusammen mit meiner Schwester auf das Bett. Mutti und Vati fassten uns dabei an den Po und zeigten stolz unsere Kinderpos in die Kamera. Dann wurden unsere Pobacken auseinandergezogen und Alex machte nun etliche Fotos und auch Nahaufnahmen unserer Löcher. Nicht nur bei mir, sondern auch bei meiner Schwester war das Poloch deutlich geweitet und gerötet, was natürlich klar zeigte, was wir heute alles so getrieben hatten. Ich kannte ja die versaute Waldinger-Familie bereits und Sarah hatte sie heute sicherlich auch aufs Intimste kennengelernt. So verschmiert wie Alex' schaukelnder Schwanz war, war das mitgenommene Poloch meiner Schwester nicht nur die Schuld des Dildos von Mutti oder den Waldingers. Es folgen noch etlichen richtig schmutzige Fotos und richtig obszönen Posen von uns Kindern, die wirklich alles Offenbarten, bis Alex endlich genug Material im Kasten hatte.
Für uns Kinder war nun erst einmal Schlafenszeit angesagt, wobei sich niemand die Mühe machte, unsere Nacktheit zu bedecken. Wir schliefen ja bereits auf dem Bett ein. Vati, Mutti und Alex hatten aber offenbar für heute noch nicht genug. Und während wir noch neben ihnen schliefen, schaukelte und wackelte das Bett hoch und runter, als sich beide mit Mutti vergnügten, die das offensichtlich laut stöhnend richtig genoss, von zwei dicken Schwänzen gestopft zu werden. Irgendwann war dies aber auch vorbei und wir alle fünf schliefen nackt im selben großen Bett.
Ich wachte nur noch kurz auf, als jemand sanft Salbe auf unseren beiden malträtierten Polöchern verteilte und eine Decke über uns geworfen wurde, worauf ich mich an meine Schwester kuschelte. Da aber heute Nacht sogar das Waschen ausfiel, erwachte ich am nächsten Morgen richtig klebrig und bedeckt mit getrocknetem Sperma sogar auf dem Gesicht. Dies war natürlich auch eine Art von Gesichtsmaske - bedeckt mit angetrocknetem Männerschleim. | ped, inc, bi, cd, Fb, Mg, MMMMMmb, oral, rim, anal, cons | Teil 14 - Junggesellenabschiedsorgie | Authors/Andres/ausserschulische_aktivitaeten/14_-_Junggesellenabschiedsorgie.txt |
120,929 | null | Außerschulische Aktivitäten | Zum Glück ließ das Brennen meines kleinen Loches am übernächsten Tag langsam nach. Vielleicht sollte ich doch nochmal bei Herrn Dr. Schröter vorbeischauen und mir noch ein paar Tipps abholen, wie ich so etwas vermeiden kann - was natürlich auch bedeutet, dass er mich dabei wohl diesmal wieder hart rannehmen wird. Dies schob ich aber erstmal auf und versuchte mich wie immer mit den Dildos zu dehnen, in der Hoffnung, dass es mir das leichter macht. Aber immerhin durfte ich wohl nächstes Mal einen aktiveren Part spielen und es mit einer richtig erwachsenen Frau treiben! Man war ich die nächsten 2 quälend langen Wochen spitz. So lange dauerte es nämlich bis zum nächsten Treff, weil Alex mir sagte, dass die von ihm auserwählte Dame erst noch ein paar Termine frei machen müsse. Diese Frau schien wohl wirklich viel beschäftigt zu sein - wer weiß mit was?
Aber schließlich hatte ich die Tage doch irgendwie überstanden. Wobei mir in gewisser Weise nun sogar der sonst vom Stoff her so langweilige Englischunterricht Spaß machte. Wenn ich den Po von Frau Leitner nun so ansah, malte ich mir in den buntesten Träumen aus, was ich wohl mit der für mich von Alex auserwählten Frau alles machen dürfte und legte mir schon allerlei Szenarien im Kopf zurecht. Zum Glück wurde ich in solchen ungünstigen Situationen nicht an die Tafel gerufen, denn das wäre richtig peinlich geworden mit meinem Steifen. Ich machte mir im Kopf allerdings eine Notiz, dass ich das vielleicht auch mal mit der Frau "durchspielen" könnte. Ich wusste ja noch nicht, dass dieses Szenario relativ schnell vergessen sein würde, bei dem was mir heute blühte.
Die Klingel! Endlich ist die Schule aus. Heute sogar etwas früher, weil ausgerechnet Sport ausfiel. Daher also noch mehr Zeit für meinen speziellen "Turnunterricht". Als ich wegen des früheren Termines dann Alex anrief, war ich jedoch leicht enttäuscht, da die Dame wohl noch nicht da wäre, wie er mir sagt, er sie aber schnellstmöglich informieren würde, dass "ihr kleiner Stecher", wie er mich nannte, schon ganz spitz auf sie sei. Machte er sich da etwa über mich lustig? Nachdem er aufgelegt hatte und ich mich Richtung Bahn aufmachte, musste ich aber schon lächeln "kleiner Stecher" - dieser Begriff regte meine Fantasie natürlich an... was ziemlich blöd war, da ich in der Bahn schon einen Ständer hatte, den ich schnell mit meinem Rucksack bedeckte.
Nun war ich da und rannte den letzten Treppenabsatz nach dem Fahrstuhl geradewegs hinauf. Ich klingelte und mir öffneten Alex und auch (zum Glück) Kathrin. Finn war wohl diesmal anderweitig beschäftigt, wie er mir vielsagend erzählte. Leider war aber auch die Frau noch nicht da, worüber ich doch sichtlich enttäuscht war. Er tröstete mich, dass sie wohl sicher schon unterwegs sei und gleich eintreffen werde, immerhin hätte er das übliche Procedere diesmal sogar verkürzt. Normalerweise, bekommen meine "Partner" wie er sie nannte, erst noch zur Vorbereitungen einige der Fotosessions oder gar Videos ausschnittweise zu sehen, um sich besser auf mich einstellen zu können. Dies fiel wohl diesmal flach, denn die Dame mit dem Künstlernamen "Pedomom XXX" wäre kurzfristig verfügbar gewesen, aber eben zu knapp um ihr "mein heißes Material" zu zeigen. Er versicherte mir aber, das sie eine der Besten sei und sie habe noch jeden kleinen Jungen oder Mädchen zum Höhepunkt gebracht und wäre außerdem sehr einfühlsam mit den kleinen Darstellern. Na das klang ja vielversprechend. Leider wolle er mir auch keine Bilder oder Videos von ihr zeigen, was ich allerdings schon gemein fand. Er zeigte mir nur die Kostüme, die natürlich naheliegenderweise aus einem eher etwas klischeehaften Schuljungenoutfit mit Schulranzen (dabei gab es bei uns in der Schule weder Schuluniformen noch diese altmodischen Schulranzen!) und (er hatte mir gut zugehört!) einer Yoga-Hose und einer streng aussehenden Bluse und sogar einer typischen etwas alt aussehenden Brille bestanden.
Er schlug mir vor, mich schon mal vorzubereiten. Und so zogen ich und Kathrin uns schnell aus um in der vom letzten Mal gewohnten Routine auf den Dreh vorzubereiten. Ohne zu wissen, ob wir damit heute wieder dran wären, spülten wir unsere Pos - diesmal halfen wir uns dabei gegenseitig, sie spülte mich aus und ich tat das Gleiche natürlich bei ihr. Dabei konnten wir natürlich die Finger nicht voneinander lassen und so hatte ich bereits einen Steifen als ich immer noch etwas feucht glänzend aus dem Bad kam, um mich wieder anzuziehen. Bei letzterem lenkte mich aber Kathrin ab, da sie mich immer noch nackt auf sich zog und wir eine Weile eher erregt als verspielt miteinander rangen. So bemerkte ich natürlich nicht, dass meine "Herzdame" bereits eintraf.
Aber Alex wollte mich wohl ohnehin überraschen, ich nehme mal an das mich daher Kathrin nur ablenken sollte. Denn die Frau kam offenbar reingeschlichen und ich bemerkte sie erst als sie mir sanft von hinten über den nackten Po und sogar über meine unter mir schaukelndes Säckchen strich und sagte "Na du kleiner Nackedei, willst du nicht mal mit einer richtigen Frau spielen statt mit einem so unreifen kleinen Mädchen". Als ich mich umdrehte, traf mich der Schlag... das war die blonde Frau aus dem Video! Und in Natur sah sie sogar noch besser aus. Unter ihrem engen Pullover zeichneten sich deutlich ihre großen Brüste ab, wobei sie allgemein nicht unbedingt schlank, sondern wohlgeformt rundlich mit eher breiten Hüften war... eine eher mütterliche Figur eben. Da traf ich diese in meinen Augen wirklich geile Frau und hatte beim ersten Treffen noch nicht einmal etwas an außer weißen Socken und meinem steil aufgerichteten Kinderpimmel.
Nur war ihre Reaktion unerwartet und heftig. Sie grinste mich zwar zunächst fast schon verschwörerisch an, doch dann bekam sie, als sie mich musterte, einen etwas grüblerischen, fragenden Gesichtsausdruck und wurde dann plötzlich aschfahl. Offenbar bekam sie wohl sogar weiche Knie, denn sie sagte nur: "Ich glaube ich muss mich mal hinsetzen" und nahm am Rande des bereitstehenden Bettes Platz (trotz der seltsamen Reaktion war ich natürlich trotzdem spitz und bewunderte ihre Pobacken, die sich deutlich unter dem ihrem etwas dick aufgetragenen Ledermini abzeichneten).
Allerdings in gutem Abstand von mir, mich immer wieder musternd und sichtlich mitgenommen, saß sie nun da. Dies waren einige seltsame Minuten der Stille. Alex war wohl auch verwundert über ihre Reaktion und setzte sich neben sie, eine Hand auf ihrem Knie, leise fragend: "Was ist denn los Martina?" (so hieß sie also mit richtigem Namen!). Den Rest verstand ich nicht, da die beiden nur flüsterten. Als sie ihm aber etwas ganz leise ins Ohr flüsterte, sah ich wie sich Alex Augen weiteten und sein Mund offen stehen blieb. "Ach du Scheiße" sagte er unüberhörbar laut. Er war aber wohl sichtlich gefasster als Pedomom XXX äh natürlich Martina (kannte ich nicht vage irgendjemanden der so hieß?). Nach der ersten Überraschung schaute er zunächst mich, dann sie an. Dann sah man ein deutliches dreckiges Grinsen in seinem Gesicht, so dass selbst Sie in etwas fragte. Hören konnte ich es nicht, aber an den Lippen sah ich, dass sie nur ein fragendes: "Was?" herausbrachte. Dann flüsterte er ihr etwas leise ins Ohr und nun weiteten sich ihre Augen. Diesmal laut "Was? Ist das dein Ernst!" Von seiner Antwort konnte ich einige Fetzen verstehen, er sagte irgendetwas von: "...das wäre doch geil ... hatten wir so noch nie ... mal in echt und nicht nur als Story." Und dann etwas lauter fragend an sie gerichtet: "Ist das nicht eigentlich dein kleiner Fetish Martina?"
Zunächst schaute sie ihn immer noch etwas verdattert an, dann sah man deutlich, wie es in ihr arbeitete. Sie war tief in ihren Gedanken versunken und schaute immer abwechselnd zu ihm und dann zu mir. Bis sie wohl schweren Herzens einen Entschluss gefasst hatte und ihm zu verstehen gab. "OK, aber dafür gibt es einen saftigen Bonus, immerhin... na du weißt ja". Dann schaute sie zu mir und fügte hinzu: "Und definitiv auch für ihn!". Scheiße, war Alex auf einmal aufgedreht als er sichtlich erregt antwortete: "Klar! Alles was du willst. Ganz ehrlich, dafür dürftest du wohl so etwas wie ein Star werden und er natürlich auch."
Die Frau... natürlich Martina holte tief Luft, zwar immer noch etwas bleich aber sie bekam wieder etwas Farbe, stand auf und setzte sich zu mir. Sie strich mir durch die Haare und schaute mich dabei genau an. Dann ging es auf einmal los. Sie bombardierte mich mit lauter Fragen, wie ich ins "Business" (wie sie es nannte) gekommen sei, was ich schon alles gemacht hätte usw. usf. Ich erklärte es ihr natürlich lang und ausführlich und war dabei wohl etwas zu euphorisch über meine Erlebnisse zu sprechen und erzählte ihr natürlich auch brühwarm von meiner Entjungferung durch Alex.Da drehte sie sich zu ihm um und warf ihm komischerweise einen vorwurfsvollen Blick zu, er reagierte aber nur mit einem etwas schuldig wirkenden Lächeln und einem entwaffnenden Schulterzucken. Dann wurde sie auf einmal persönlicher und wollte seltsamerweise alles zu meiner Familie wissen, zu Vater, meiner Schwester, wie wir so über die Runden kommen würden und am Schluss an was ich mich von ganz früher erinnern konnte. Ich erzählte ihr alles Mögliche aus meiner ferneren Kindheit, was sie aber nicht wirklich so zu interessieren schien, sondern sie fragte mich nun direkt, was ich von meiner Mutter wüsste. Ich erzählte ihr ehrlich, was uns Vater so über sie gesagt hatte, dass sie schlechter Umgang gewesen sei und er sie deshalb verlassen hätte, ich persönlich aber aus irgendeinem Grund nur schöne, wenn auch vage Erinnerungen an sie hätte. Bei meinen Worten von wegen "schlechter Umgang" schaute sie etwas schuldbewusst, warum auch immer, aber als ich ihr von meinen warmen Gefühlen erzählte blühte sie förmlich auf und sah richtig glücklich aus. Sie umarmte mich und sagte:
"Ach du Dummerchen, das hat ja alles seinen Grund, kleiner Mann. Eigentlich wärst du dank mir fast schon früher ins Business gekommen. Dass du es nun von dir aus selbst vorangetrieben hast, zeigt, dass du ganz schön mutig bist und wohl sicherlich recht frühreif bist, das scheint wohl in der Familie zu liegen... Sohn".
Nun musste ich wohl etwas verwirrt ausgeschaut haben, denn wieder umarmte sie mich und sagte:
"Ich bin doch deine Mutter".
Mit was ich heute wohl am wenigsten gerechnet hätte, war meiner Mutter wiederzutreffen. Und so wurde aus einem eigentlich als Kinderpornodreh gedachten Treffen auf einmal eine Familienzusammenführung - weinte Mutter etwa sogar etwas und warum strich sie mir durch die Augen. Oh, ich heulte wohl auch etwas. Später erfuhr ich noch, dass sie dem Wunsch meines Vaters Folge geleistet hatte und ferngeblieben wäre. Aber offenbar waren beide wohl gar nicht geschieden, sondern hätten sich "einvernehmlich" eine Zeit getrennt. Die Idee war wohl, dass sie wieder in unser Leben treten könne, wenn wir volljährig seien. Deshalb hatte sie ja noch nicht einmal ihren Namen geändert. Eine Info, die Alex wohl gerade recht kam und dies später sogar nutzte.
Es dauerte wohl fast eine halbe Stunde, bis wir wieder im Hier und Jetzt waren, auch wenn es natürlich schon ein seltsamer Umstand war, dass ich Mutter ausgerechnet so wieder traf, splitternackt und eigentlich darauf vorbereitet, diese in meinen Augen trotzdem heiße Frau vor der Kamera zu ficken. Aber das war natürlich jetzt vom Tisch, oder? Mutter holte tief Luft und sagte:
"Du hast mir doch vorhin schon erzählt, was du so für Szenen gespielt hast? Und da war doch auch etwas mit deiner 'Schwester'..."
Dann ein Nicken in Richtung Kathrin, die staunend immer noch genauso nackt wie ich dasaß und das Geschehen beobachtete.
"Du weißt wie man das nennt?"
Ich war ja nicht dumm und klar wusste ich, was das war.
"Ja, Mami, Inzest heißt das, wenn man in der Familie mit seiner Schwester, Bruder, Vati oder ... oder Mutter..." Dann fiel auch bei mir der Groschen und ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich bei all meinen Erlebnissen noch rot werden könnte.
"Heißt das, dass ich mit dir Sex haben darf... Mutter?"
"Oh Scheiße,... " trötete Kathrin aufgeregt und auch sichtlich angeregt wieder los "... dass will ich sehen, wie du in Echt deine Mutter fickst".
"Michi, was glaubst du denn, warum ich meinen Künstlernamen Pedomom XXX bekommen habe, ein Großteil meiner bereits gedrehten kleinen Pornofilme drehte sich genau darum, nur eben zumeist fiktiv. Den Kids mit denen ich dabei Sex hatte, hatten sich zumindest noch nie darüber beschwert. Und ja, ich habe schon mich Alex gesprochen, er möchte uns beide beim Inzest filmen, kleiner Mann..." dann grinsend "mein kleiner Muttificker".
Jetzt wurde mein inzwischen schlaff gewordenes Schwänzchen wieder ganz schnell hart, was ihr natürlich auch nicht verborgen blieb, da ihre Hand langsam meinen Schenkel hinaufkletterte in Richtung meines Steifen.
"Letztlich ist dies ja auch der Grund gewesen, dass ich dich nicht mehr sehen oder treffen durfte. Ich hatte dich damals schon versucht langsam darauf vorzubereiten und oft an dir herumgespielt, was wohl auch die schönen Gefühle und Erinnerungen bei dir bewirkte".
Wobei, wie ich später erfuhr, sie aber auch einen Großteil der wirklichen Geschehnisse aussparte, die sich als letztlich noch viel verrückter darstellten. Am Schluss saß ich nun eng gepresst an Muttis weiche Brust während sie sich zu mir hinunterbeugte und mich küsste und dabei sanft mit meinem jungen aber schon steifen Geschlecht spielte.
"Ein richtiger kleiner Mann bist du schon geworden".
Alex wollte wohl nun endlich auf's Ganze gehen.
"So Leute, genug gekuschelt. Jetzt wird es langsam Zeit für ein bisschen Hardcore-Inzest. Und um nochmal klarzustellen, dass ihr wisst auf was ihr euch einlasst, frage ich euch lieber nochmal direkt. Martina und Michi, wollt ihr hier heute wirklich auch vor der Kamera dreckig zur Sache gehen und wie man so schön sagt 'Blutschande' betreiben? Denn das werden sicher bald etliche Leute sehen und sich darauf einen runterholen."
Erst antwortete meine Mutter: "Glaub mir, ich habe wohl sicher schon schlimmer Dinge gemacht, was kann es da schaden, wenn ich mit meinem süßen Sohn rumsaue? Du willst es doch auch Michi?".
Ich nickte nun "Klar. Ich will dich auch bumsen, Mami."
Sie strich mir wieder durch die Haare und küsste mich auf den Mund. Alex besorgte schon wieder Kostüme, dabei dachte ich, dass ich einfach so loslegen könnte. Zum Glück war es aber nur ein Schlafanzug. Allerdings einer mit dem "Kiddiefun"-Logo und war wohl schon in diversen Stories verwendet worden, es stand nämlich auch noch in kleinen Buchstaben "Muttis kleiner Liebhaber" drauf. Ich wurde bei solchen Gelegenheiten immer wieder überrascht, was die Erwachsenen so an allerlei unanständigen Fantasien haben - mich regte dies aber an. Die Klamotten, die eigentlich für die Lehrerinnenszene gedacht waren, wurden aber auch wiederverwertet. Und so durfte ich Mutter dann sogar in der engen Yoga-Hose sehen! Darüber trug sie ein enges bauchfreies T-Shirt mit ihrem Künstlernamen "Pedomom XXX". Ansonsten gab Alex diesmal aber kaum irgendwelche Vorgaben, außer dass wir uns richtig gehen lassen können und gerne auch ein bisschen Dirty Talk machen können, immerhin müssen die Zuschauer auch wissen, dass sie hier, wie er es sagte "The real deal" sehen. Er wollte sich wohl nur noch was überlegen, dass auch Kathrin dabei nicht zu kurz kam, die aber selbst im Moment wohl gespannt war mir dabei beizuwohnen, wie ich meine eigene Mutter besteige.
Wir setzten uns beide auf Bett, bzw. saß ich dabei auf Mutters Schoß und umarmte sie. Dann ging es los und wir sollten sogar statt zu spielen, direkt in die Kamera sprechen. Alex richtete die Kamera auf uns beide als Mutter begann.
"Hallo, an meine perversen großen und kleinen Fans! Hier ist mal wieder ein neuer Clip von eurer lieben Pedomom. Heute allerdings mit einer Premiere, die euch sicherlich gefallen wird. Viele von euch diskutieren ja, wenn sie nicht gerade am wichsen sind, in den Foren über die Echtheit meiner Inzestclips. Heute werden diese Dinge ein Ende haben, denn hier habe ich meinen süßen kleinen Sohn Michi. Wink doch mal den den ganzen Wichsern da draußen".
Na klar winkte ich in die Kamera.
"Heute gebe ich euch den Beweis, dass ihr nun tatsächlich einem geilen Akt der Blutschande beiwohnt, komm Michi zeige mal deinen Ausweis".
Klar hatte Alex die entscheidenden Stellen abgeklebt, damit man uns nicht direkt identifizieren konnte, aber an den Namen war klar ersichtlich, dass wir beide in der Tat Mutter und Sohn waren. Auch sie hielt zum Vergleich ihren Ausweis neben meinen.
"So Michi, stell dich doch auch mal vor und erzähle den kleine und großen Kerlen und Mädels was wir heute vorhaben".
Ich räusperte mich ein wenig und fühlte wie Mutter ihre Arme von hinten um mich legte und meinen Bauch umarmte und während ich sprach mir gelegentlich einen Kuss auf die Wange und die Stirn gab.
"Hallo Leute, ich bin der Michi und ihr kennt mich vielleicht schon von meinen Videos und meinen Abenteuern mit den Erwachsenen".
Daraufhin flüsterte mir Mutter in mein Ohr: "Du kannst ruhig direkter werden" und so fuhr ich fort:
"Ihr habt mich sicher schon gesehen, wie ich mit diversen Männern und Mädchen Sex hatte und das hat euch sicher geil gemacht. Heute will ich aber mal etwas ganz besonderes machen. Und zwar habe ich vor heute mit Mutter zu ficken."
Wir beide lachten uns an.
"Denn Inzest findet nicht nur sie richtig geil!"
Sie wandte mir ihr Gesicht zu und nun küssten wir uns richtig hemmungslos, laut schmatzend und mit Zunge. Zunächst ruhte meine Hand auf ihrem Shirt und betastete ihre noch bedeckte Brust. Sie griff sanft meine Hand und führte sie unter ihr Shirt so dass ich nun ihre weiche nackte Brust berührte... und dann sogar richtig knetete. Dann schob sie ihr Shirt hoch und die Kamera konnte nun sehen wie meine kleine Hand über die großen weichen Brüste von Mutter glitten. Ihre Nippel waren schon richtig steil aufgerichtet, so dass ich nun auch an diesen spielte. Sie ergriff sanft meinen Hinterkopf und sie musste mich gar nicht leiten, ich wusste was ich tun musste. Ich beugte mich hinunter und begann an ihren Nippeln zu saugen, wie ein Baby. Sichtlich schien ihr dies zu gefallen, denn sie begann bereits schwer zu atmen und leckte ihre Lippen. So schön weich waren ihre Brüste, ich wäre am liebsten auf und vielleicht sogar zwischen ihnen eingeschlafen. Aber wir hatten ihr natürlich noch ein richtig schmutziges Video zu drehen und so zog sie mir das Oberteil des Schlafanzuges über den Kopf so dass nun wir beide Mutter und Sohn mit nacktem Oberkörper vor dem eifrig filmenden Alex saßen. Der Alex war aber so ein Schwein!Er hatte sich nicht einmal die Mühe gemacht, seine Hose auszuziehen, und filmte uns stattdessen mit aus dem Hosenschlitz aufragendem steifen Schwanz einfach weiter. Nun streichelte auch sie meine nackte Brust und machte es mir sogar nach und saugte an meinen Nippeln. Dann presste sie sich an mich, und ich fühlte ihre weichen Brüste über meine Brust streichen. Schließlich drehte sie sich um und legte sich rücklings auf's Bett. Die enge Yoga-Hose! Ihr runder Po zeichnete sich überdeutlich unter dem Stoff ab, und ganz enthemmt knetete ich Mutti ihre runden weichen Backen. Ich spielte richtig mit ihrem Po und hob die Backen an, um sie dann schaukeln zu lassen, bis sie mir zu verstehen gab, sie nun zu entkleiden.
Ich legte meine Finger unter den Saum und begann zu ziehen, bis die enge Hose ihr nur noch in den Knien hing. Was für ein Arsch! Ganz weiß und richtig schön mütterlich rund mit ihren breiten Hüften. Sie trug noch immer einen wirklich engen Tanga. So eng, dass dieser dünne Faden noch nicht einmal richtig ihren Anus bedeckte, als ich mit ihren Backen spielte und auch sehen konnte, wie der String zwischen ihren Beinen tief in ihre geschwollene Muschi einschnitt. Dann zog ich ihr die Yoga-Hose ganz aus. Nun war ich wohl dran. Ich sollte mich vor Mutti stellen. Zunächst rieb sie mir nur über das Bein und meinen von der Schlafanzughose bedeckten Schritt. Unter dem dünnen Stoff zeichnete sich deutlich mein kleiner Steifer ab, mit dem sie durch den Stoff angeregt spielte.
"Mein kleiner Mann ist wohl schon richtig scharf auf seine Mutti? So ein schöner Harter, du bist mein kleiner Hengst." Dann packte sie den Stoff an meinen Oberschenkeln und zog daran, bis der Saum langsam tiefer rutschte und schließlich über meine Hüfte glitt, wodurch mein Jungsschwanz nach oben schnellte. "Oh lala, da ist aber schon jemand bereit für seinen Mutterfick." Während ich noch auf dem Bett saß, half sie mir nun ganz aus der Hose, und nackt wie ich war, stellte sie mich auf das Bett und spreizte dabei sogar meine Beine. Sie umfasste meinen Schaft und streichelte mit der anderen Hand über meine kleinen Eier. Dann in Richtung Kamera gewandt: "Na schaut das nicht lecker aus, so ein schöner kleiner Kinderschwanz, ein wunderschönes Spielzeug für Frau und Mann". Sie schob mir die Vorhaut zurück, ich fühlte schon ihren heißen Atem an meiner Eichel. Ihre Zunge schleckte nun über diese, während sie noch immer warm und sanft meine Hoden umfasste. Laut schmatzend nahm sie mich tief in ihren Mund. Alex filmte nun tiefer, so dass auch ihr runder, kaum vom Tanga bedeckter Po im Bild war, während sie sich hinunterbeugte und meinen Kinderphallus zu liebkoste.
Dann gab es für mich eine ihrer Spezialitäten. Alex kam näher mit der Kamera und filmte ganz nah, wie ihr warmer Mund meinen Steifen bearbeitete. Sie ließ ihn tief in ihren Mund gleiten... dann sogar noch tiefer. Sie öffnete ihren Mund etwas weiter, und ihre Lippen schlossen sich zusätzlich um meinen kleinen Sack. Laut schmatzend genoss sie mein komplettes Kindergeschlecht in ihrem Mund. Ich fühlte, wie warm, nass und gierig ihre Zunge über meine Eier glitt.
Nun setzte sie sich auf das Bett, wobei sie ihre Brüste erregt massierte. Ich sollte mich herumdrehen, so dass mein Hintern in die Kamera gerichtet war, während ich sie nun über ihr stehend in den Mund ficken durfte. Laut schmatzende und saugende Geräusche kamen von ihr, als ich mein Becken immer wieder nach vorn stieß, um Mutti in ihren warmen Mund zu ficken. Ich fühlte dabei ihre Hände von hinten meine Oberschenkel hinauf streichen, bis sie meinen Po umfasste. Nun war sie es, die, während ich sie noch immer mit meinem längst nicht ausgewachsenen Schwanz in ihren feuchten Mund stieß, mit meinen Pobacken spielte. Sie drückte mich richtig an sich und drückte meinen Ständer noch tiefer in ihren Mund. Sie zelebrierte es richtig, meinen kleinen Po für die Kamera in Szene zu setzen und ihn zu kneten, dass die Bäckchen nur so schaukelten. Dann spreizte sie mich weit auseinander, so dass Alex meinen Kinderanus filmen konnte... und wie sie langsam und zärtlich ihren Mittelfinger in meinem Po versenkte und mich zu ficken begann. Ich stöhnte mit meinem hohen Jungenstimmchen vor Erregung auf und sagte ihr: "Mutti, ich spritze dir gleich in deinen Mund." Kaum verständlich, da immer noch tief von meinem Pimmel gestopft, hörte ich sie undeutlich sagen: "Michi, schieß los, besame Muttis Maulfotze." Klar konnte ich mich nicht mehr halten und feuerte wie ich bislang noch nie gekommen war zwischen die wild lutschenden Lippen von Mutti, die meinen Schwanz noch immer mitsamt den Eiern liebkoste. Ich verweilte noch eine Weile in ihrem warmen Mund. Als ich mich aus ihr zurückzog, öffnete sie für die Kamera den Mund und zeigte das Kindersperma in diesem. Sie spielte richtig mit der Zunge damit und ließ es wie eine leckere Spezialität kreuz und quer durch ihren Mund gleiten, bevor sie es gierig herunterschluckte und sich die Lippen leckte. "Ich liebe Boysperma und du schmeckst richtig gut, Sohnemann." Ich konnte nur noch lüstern grinsen, als ich in die Kamera sagte: "Mutti ist ein richtig guter Fick."
Eine kurze Zeit ruhten wir aus. Offenbar wollte sie, dass ich zunächst meinen großen Druck abbaute, um sie später ausdauernder ficken zu können. Lange brauchte ich nicht, und unter ihrer mich streichelnden Hand wurde ich wieder komplett hart. "Na Michi, bereit für Runde zwei unseres versauten Inzestficks?" "Klar Mami, ich will dir endlich die Möse stopfen." "Dann bedien dich, mein Sohn." Sie legte sich auf den Rücken und hob ihre Beine, um mir zu verstehen zu geben, sie nun auch von dem String zu befreien, was ich natürlich auch gerne tat. Ich zog ihn ihr langsam über die Hüften und betrachtete mir genau, wie ich das befreite, was er ursprünglich verhüllte. Der dünne Faden, der sie bedeckte, glitt aus ihrer Spalte, welche einladend und feucht glänzte. Sie war komplett blank rasiert! Man sah nur ein paar kleinen Stoppeln rund um Mutti Möse. Offenbar war Mutti genauso spitz wie ich es war. Als ich ihr den String über die Füße schob, warf ich ihn achtlos in die Ecke und wollte mich nun bei Mutti für ihre Zungenspiele bedanken.
Allein der Geruch, als ich meine Lippen ihrem feuchten Geschlecht näherte! Sie konnte es kaum abwarten und drückte meinen Hinterkopf nach unten und damit meine Lippen fest auf ihre feuchten Schamlippen. Eine ganz andere, extrem intime Art eines mütterlichen Kusses. Als wäre das noch nicht genug, fühlte ich, wie sich ihre Beine um meinen Kopf schlossen und sie mich so noch enger an sich presste. Meine ungeübte Zunge in diesen Dingen tat ihr Bestes. Ich schleckte der Länge nach über ihren rosigen, triefend nassen Spalt und tauchte auch immer wieder mit der Zunge in meine Mutter ein. Als ich kurz zu ihr aufschaute, konnte man die Schleimfäden ihrer feuchten Scheide und meines Speichels sehen, die sich zwischen meinen und ihren Lippen bildeten. Man sah ihr deutlich an, wie sie die verbotene Berührung zwischen Mutter und Sohn genoss, und mit belegter Stimme sagte: "Möchte nicht jeder kleine Junge zurück in den Schoß von Mutter? Und möchtest du auch wieder in in die Muschi hinein, aus der du einst kamst." Ich konnte nur noch erregt nicken, meine Lippen und das Kinn noch feucht von ihren Säften.
Sie lockerte wieder die Beine um mich und spreizte diese nun weit und richtig obszön auseinander, während sie mir die Arme entgegenstreckte. "Komm mein Sohn und schlüpf wieder in Mutti rein, wenn auch nur für ein kleines Stück." Sie umfasste meine Handgelenke und zog mich in ihren Schoß. Dann fühlte ich, wie sie an meinem zuckenden kleinen Schwanz nestelte und mich stöhnend langsam in sich einführte. Nun stöhnten wir beide laut auf, als wir das letzte Tabu brachen und uns ganz der Lust des Inzests hingaben. Ich begann sie mit meinem Schwanz in ihre feuchte Spalte zu stoßen. Was für ein himmliches Gefühl, so auf ihren weichen Brüsten wie auf einem Kissen zu liegen und mein Geschlecht in das von Mutti zu bohren. Dann war ihre Hand an meinem Po, und sie presste mich immer tiefer in sich. Sie knetete meine Pobacken durch, als sie mich in sich hineinpresste. Ihr Becken stieß nun auch in meine Richtung aus, und wir fickten einander ganz von Sinnen. Sie konnte wohl nicht genug von meinem, für eine reife Frau sicher noch zu kleinen, Schwanz bekommen, dabei wäre ich tatsächlich am liebsten in ihren warmen nassen Schoß gekrochen. Nun winkelte sie die Beine an, während ich noch immer tief in ihr war. Sie gab mir zu verstehen, ich solle einen kleinen Moment innehalten mit meinen Stößen in die Spalte, aus der ich einst kam.
Plötzlich waren ihre Hände nicht nur an meinem Schaft, sondern sie drückte sanft, um mir nicht weh zu tun, an meinen Eiern. Und mit sanftem Druck schob sie nun auch diese in sich! Mit der linken spreizte sie ihre Vulva weit auseinander, und mit der anderen drückte sie sanft meinen Sack in sich, der aufgrund meines noch nicht ganz ausgewachsenen Geschlechts auch tatsächlich mit etwas Druck in sie flutschte. Das war so schön warm und feucht in ihr! Da ich schlecht mit meinen Hoden in ihr drin weiterficken konnte, lag ich nun, diese für mich komplett neue Situation genießend, ruhig auf ihrer warmen Brust, während wir uns mit vom Sex geröteten Gesichtern anlächelten. Was ich dann fühlte, ließ mich fast gleich wieder kommen. Ich fühlte, wie sich um meinen Schwanz und damit nun auch meine in ihr versenkten Eier ihre Scheidenmuskeln zu bewegen begannen. Sie massierte mein Kinderglied richtig mit ihren starken Muskeln zwischen ihren Beinen. Es fühlte sich an, als würde sie mich mit ihrem offenbar gut trainierten Geschlecht melken, fast so, als würde sie mich nun ficken. Wir beide stöhnten laut auf, während sie mich ihre Muskeln spüren ließ. Es war wirklich fast so, als wäre ich zurückgegangen in Muttis warmes feuchtes Geschlecht. Schließlich gab sie meinen Kinderstänger aber doch wieder frei, immerhin fühlte es sich fast so an, als wären wir beinahe fest miteinander verbunden.Sie grinste mich erregt an und sagte zu mir:
"Weißt du, Mutti hat auch noch ein zweites Loch, in das du
schlüpfen kannst".
Was ich mir natürlich nicht zweimal sagen ließ. Offenbar übernahm
sie nun das Kommando und wollte den Lustgewinn dieses Inzestficks
bis zum letzten ausreizen. Sie drehte sich auf den Bauch und
öffnete ihre Beine ganz weit. Sie griff hinter sich und
streichelte zunächst ihre runden Pobacken, während sie unter sich
mit ihrer Scheide feuchte Spuren auf dem Laken hinterließ. Dann
zog sie diese auseinander und ich sah Muttis runzlige kleine
Rosette, die sicherlich alles andere als jungfräulich war.
Ich wollte nun auch mal spontan sein und etwas
ausprobieren, was Alex zuletzt bei mir gemacht hatte und mir so
gut gefallen hat. Ich umfasste nun ihre runden Backen, so dass sie
ihre Hände von ihrer Kehrseite nehmen konnte. Aber statt mich
gleich in sie zu bohren, küsste ich zunächst die linke, dann die
rechte Pobacke, um dann langsam mit meiner Zunge ihre Spalte
hinunterzugleiten, bis ich ihre Rosette mit der Zunge ertastete. Das
schien sie richtig verrückt werden zu lassen. Ich fühlte ihren
Schließmuskel um meine Zunge zucken, als ich meiner Mutter
langsam, wie vor einigen Tagen Alex bei mir, mit der Zunge in den
Po zu ficken begann. Ihre Pobacken an meinen Wangen waren dabei
fast so weich wie zuvor die mütterlichen Brüste. Lange leckte ich an und in ihr herum und ließ meine Zunge auch das kurze
Hautstück zwischen Anus und Scheide hinuntergleiten, um dann meine
Zunge wieder in ihre nasse Fotze zu schieben. Dieses Spiel trieb
ich so lange, bis sie mich förmlich anbettelte:
"Michi, komm und schieb deinen Boyschwanz in die Mutti".
Was ich mir natürlich nicht zwei Mal sagen ließ. Ich glitt auf
ihr hinauf, bis ich ihre weichen Pobacken an meinem Geschlecht
fühlte, welches auf ihrem Po nasse Spuren hinterließ, dann
kuschelte ich mich an ihren Rücken und suchte mit meiner
Eichelspitze ihre Öffnung. Wie sie vor Lust aufquickte, als ich
meinen Schwanz langsam in sie schob! Wie schon zuvor ihre Vagina
fühlte ich nun, wie sich auch ihre Pomuskeln um meinen
Kinderpimmel schlossen und ihn quasi massierten. Das hatte sie
ebenfalls sicherlich schon häufiger gemacht. Lange würde ich dies
sicherlich nicht mehr aushalten, so von meiner eigenen Mutter in
ihrem Po abgemolken zu werden. Dann begann ich sie wieder zu
stoßen und presste bzw. kuschelte mich an und natürlich auch in
ihre warme Haut. Man konnte sehen, wie sie bei jedem Stoß
erschauderte und ihre Brüste hin und her schaukelten. Sie wollte
es nun für mich bequemer machen und richtete sich auf alle viere
auf, mit ihrem Schließmuskel mich immer noch festhaltend. Wie ich
es vor gefühlten ewigen Zeiten in dem Video gesehen hatte, konnte
ich nun meine Mutter Doggy Style ficken. Und genau so wie das
kleine Junge damals, umfasste ich dabei ihre prallen Pobacken und
begann sie langsam und tief zu stoßen. Ihre Brüste schaukelten
vor und zurück bei jedem Stoß, bei dem ich so tief ich es konnte
in sie eindrang. Beide stöhnten wir immer lauter und sie spürte
wohl auch, dass ich bald soweit war. Atemlos sagte sie stockend
bei jedem meiner Stößen:
"Komm ... oh .... Michi, spritz Mutti in den ... oh Darm.".
Wie sie es wünschte, fickte ich sie daher noch schneller, bis ich
fast aus der Puste war. Doch dann kam ich heftig und gewaltig und
"Ahhh Mutti, hier kommt es, du bist so schön eng".
Dann pumpte ich sie voll. Ich fühlte, wie es in mir hochstieg und
dann mit Druck in sie schoss und tief in sie hinein spritzte. Matt
von diesem heftigen Liebesakt bohrte ich mich noch mehrmals in
sie und kuschelte mich dann erschöpft und schwer atmend von
hinten an ihren Rücken. Sie trug mich sogar auf dem Rücken,
während ich noch immer in ihr steckte. Während sie mein Gewicht
und den immer noch steifen aber nun leergepumpten Pimmel in sich
spürte, fingerte sie ihre Spalte. Ich fühlte sogar, wie sie mich
mit ihrem Schließmuskel wieder zu melken begann, sich selbst zu
einem Höhepunkt wichsend, bis auch sie so weit war und wild
stöhnend ihren Höhepunkt hatte. Es war fast schmerzhaft, wie sich
ihre Rosette eng um mein Geschlecht schloss, als sie ihren
Orgasmus hatte. Man hörte es sogar richtig spritzen, als sie in
einem riesigen Schwall klarer Flüssigkeit ebenfalls kam und das
komplette Bett einsaute mit ihren Säften. Erschöpft fielen wir
beide auf das Bett, das quasi nur noch eine nasse Pfütze war, und
blieben schwer atmend liegen. Mutter und Sohn immer noch vereint.
Erst als mein Glied langsam weicher wurde, flutschte es langsam
aus ihrer Rosette und ein Schwall Sperma rann aus ihrem Po, den
Damm hinab und warm über ihre Scheide.
Träge blickte ich befriedigt wie noch nie auf, weil ich ein
quiekendes Geräusch hörte. Offenbar hatte es Alex nach unseren
Höhepunkten selbst nicht mehr ausgehalten. Die Kamera hatte er
auf dem Stativ platziert, offenbar in Eile seine Hose
heruntergestreift und war einfach so in Katrin hineingeschlüpft,
so dass er nun seine Erregung an ihr ausließ, was ihr allerdings
sichtlich Spaß machte. Beide hatten sich noch nicht einmal die
Mühe gemacht, sich komplett zu entkleiden. Nur unten ohne, aber
immer noch im T-Shirt, kniete Katrin auf allen Vieren und Alex
hinter, bzw. in ihr, und stieß sie, dass sie vor Lust laut mit
ihrem Mädchenstimmchen quiekte.
Was für ein Anblick! Wäre ich vom Inzestfick mit meiner Mutter
nicht so erschöpft gewesen, hätte ich sicherlich auch mitgemacht.
Aber so genossen Mutti und ich händchenhaltend das wenig sanfte
Liebesspiel von Alex mit der gar nicht so unschuldigen Kathrin.
Sichtlich wollen beide das Gesehene auf ihre Weise verarbeiten
und dies war naheliegenderweise, indem man sich gegenseitig
besinnungslos fickt. So sexuell aggressiv hatte ich Alex selten
gesehen. Kathrin wurde quasi vor und zurück richtig
"Mir kommt's, du kleine Fotze, komm, gleich besame ich dich".
Kathrin, der offenbar Dirty Talk auch lag, antwortete nicht
weniger schlagfertig wie immer:
"Spritz mir in meine Gebärmutter, Großer", was dieser sich nicht
zweimal sagen ließ und lospumpte.
Mit weiten Augen genoss Kathrin offenbar das Gefühl, so aufgefüllt
zu werden. Während er sich noch in sie entleerte, rubbelte sie
wild ihre Kinderspalte, in der er immer noch tief versenkt war.
Als er sich befriedigt aus ihr zurückzog, so dass der Samen aus
ihr herausquoll, sah sie ihn vorwurfsvoll an, immerhin hatte er
sie nicht kommen lassen. Mutti hatte das wohl auch wahrgenommen
und rief Kathrin zu:
"Komm her, Kleine, lass mich beenden, was Alex angefangen hat".
Mit noch immer auslaufender Möse stakste Kathrin auf das Bett,
auf dem ich noch mit Mutti lag, zu und zog sich im Gehen auch
endlich das Shirt runter, so dass sie so nackt wie wir waren.
Meine Mutter öffnete ihre Arme und Kathrin sprang förmlich hinein
und kuschelte sich nun wie zuvor ich an ihre weichen Brüste.
Beide fingen nun wild an zu knutschen, dass es wirklich eine
Freude war zuzuschauen. Dann drehte Mutter Kathrin auf den Rücken
und glitt langsam zwischen ihre Beine, um die kleine feuchte und
besamt Spalte zu lecken. Und wie sie das machte! Kathrin wand
sich förmlich unter ihr, als sie ihre Zunge wild spielen ließ und
dabei auch keine Scheu hatte, den Samen von Alex aufzuschlecken.
Man hörte nur noch das Stöhnen der Beiden.
Dann legte Mutti sich breitbeinig vor Kathrin, die offenbar
wusste, was zu tun war. Sie rutschte näher mit ihren Beinen zu
denen von Mutter, bis sie ihre beiden Muschis aneinander rieben.
Beider Becken kreisten herum, als sie ihre beiden geröteten
Geschlechter aneinander rieben, um sich aneinander zu
befriedigen. Klar konnten beide nicht lange ihre Finger bei sich
behalten und ließen so zusätzlich ihre Finger gegenseitig in die
Spalten gleiten. Noch immer stimuliert von dem rohen Akt mit
Alex, kam Kathrin natürlich weitaus schneller. Laut stöhnte sie
mit ihrem Mädchenstimmchen auf, als sie kam, während Mutter noch
immer ihre Möse an ihr rieb und den Finger in sie versenkt hatte.
Mutter zog den Finger aus Kathrin und leckte ihn genussvoll ab.
Dann intensivierte sie ihre Reibung und ich sah Mutter, wie sie
aufgegeilt ihr Becken zwischen den Beinen meiner kleinen Freundin
rieb. Ich wollte auch nicht untätig bleiben und kniete mich vor
das Bett mit dem Kopf auf der Höhe von Mutters wild schaukelndem
Ich wollte mich auch revanchieren und rieb ihre Pobacken, während
sie sich an Kathrin befriedigte. Diesmal war ich es, der diese
spreizte. Ich beugte mich näher und meine Zunge ertastete wieder
die Rosette von meiner eigenen Mutter. Wie ich es selbst bei mir
gespürt hatte, versuchte ich ihr nun auch dabei behilflich zu
sein, den Höhepunkt zu erreichen. Meine Zunge drang langsam in das
mütterliche Arschloch, wobei ich die weichen Pobacken an meiner
Wange genoss. Ich fühlte ihren analen Ring, wie er um meine Zunge
pulsierte! Ich glaube, sie war fast soweit. Mit obszönen feuchten
Geräuschen rieb Mutter ihre nasse Spalte an der von Kathrin, bis
sie ihren Kopf zurückwarf und laut stöhnend auch kam. Wie ein
Schraubstock fühlte ich ihren Ring, der sich um meine Zunge
schloss. Zum Glück schaffte ich es rechtzeitig, meine Zunge
zurückzuziehen, als sie kam und dabei große Mengen
Körperflüssigkeit auf Kathrins Geschlecht und, da sie fest an Kathrin gepresst war, auch in mein Gesicht spritzte. Aus
den Augenwinkeln bemerkte ich eine Bewegung und nahm erst jetzt
wahr, dass Alex schon wieder die Kamera genommen hatte und
offenbar das ganze lesbische Liebesspiel und meine Hilfe, Mutter
zu befriedigen, gefilmt hatte.
Ich legte mich neben die beiden, bis Mutti befriedigt lächelnd
über uns kroch und uns abwechselnd auf den Mund küsste.
"Ihr seid mir ja zwei geile kleine Ficker, eine arme alte Frau so
fertig zu machen."
Wir lachten beide, denn so alt war Mutti nun wirklich nicht...
und sah erst recht noch richtig zum Anbei-ßen aus. Ich war mir
sicher, noch öfter die Gelegenheit zu haben, mit Mutti
herumzuferkeln und freute mich schon richtig darauf.Klar war es nicht das letzte Mal, dass ich mit meiner Mutter drehte. Offenbar wurde daraus sogar eine eigene Serie von "Kiddiefun" mit etlichen Clips mit Titeln wie "Muttificker mag es schmutzig" oder "Muttificker im Urlaub" usw. Offenbar hatte ich nun auch meinen Pornonamen weg. Aber ausgerechnet als "Muttificker" bekannt zu sein, war schon etwas komisch... aber es machte doch so viel Spaß! Aber so weit war es natürlich noch nicht.
Selbst abseits der Drehs traf ich mich mit ihr, nicht immer zum reinen schmutzigen Sex, aber doch recht häufig endeten unsere Treffs, in denen wir uns eigentlich über all die Dinge unterhielten, die sie aufgrund ihrer Abwesenheit verpasst hatte, damit, dass wir im Bett landeten (oft noch nicht einmal da) und ich Mutti zeigen konnte, wie lieb ich sie hatte. Teils war Mutter dabei auch so etwas wie eine Lehrerin für mich in Sachen Sexfragen, was mir letztlich bei den Drehs sogar half.
Aber zurück im Hier und Jetzt, wurde Alex auf einmal wieder etwas ernst. Mutter wusste wohl schon, was nun kommt, da sie natürlich schon lange dabei war. Er sagte mir, dass ich ihm ja erzählt hätte, dass mir die anderen in der Schule zu kindisch seien, und er hätte mir daher ein Angebot zu unterbreiten. Nun klärte er mich auf, was mit "Fantreffs" gemeint war. Nämlich dass ich nicht nur mit Leuten bei "Kiddiefun" Sex haben sollte, sondern es draußen auch viele Frauen und Kerle gibt, die viel Geld dafür zahlen, mal mit einem so aufgeweckten Kind wie mir ungehemmt und frei von Schuldgefühlen rumzumachen, dass ich aber darauf vorbereitet sein muss (ganz ehrlich, Alex' Umschreibung für - machen wir uns nichts vor - Kinderprostitution mit mir als Nutte, fand ich trotz allem aufregend). Hier würde ja alles in gelenkten Bahnen laufen, bei solchen Treffs kann es aber schon mal rauer und härter werden, und ich daher etwas abgehärtet werden müsste. Klar war ich damit einverstanden, wenn auch mit etwas Respekt davor, was nun noch alles kommen mag, Mutti wollte aber unbedingt dabei sein.
Mir wurde nun gesagt, dass auch die Drehs hier in den geschützten 4 Wänden langsam weniger werden und es nun auch Außendrehs und andere Räumlichkeiten und vielleicht sogar mal gesponsorte Ferien mit den anderen Kinderdarstellern geben wird. Gerade letzteres stellte ich mir richtig spannend vor. Und so erklärte er mir, dass mich die Inhaberfamilie (wie er das Wort aussprach!) selbst testen möchte und ich auch schon meinen Dirty Talk üben sollte. Mir war sofort bewusst, dass das wohl im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "ein wilder Ritt" werden dürfte. Kathrin, die das wohl schon kannte, gab mir auch die Aufmunterung mit, dass es hier auch erst schwer fiel, aber letztlich doch ganz geil war und sogar gelegentlich ganz freiwillig wiederholte, wenn sie mal in der Stimmung für einen richtig harten Fick sei. Mutti musste darauf lachen und sagte, ich brauche keine Angst zu haben, die Leute dort hätten zwar eine raue Schale, aber einen weichen Kern, und sie ließ sich dort auch gelegentlich richtig gehen. Na, das waren ja Aussichten!
Leider musste ich mich schon wieder anziehen, da natürlich zu Hause noch jemand auf mich wartete und ich nicht unnötigerweise Verdacht erregen wollte bezüglich meines "Turnunterrichts". Dieses Doppelleben ging mir langsam auf die Nerven. Die anderen konnten einfach so geil weitermachen, ich musste aber schon wieder so früh los! Wenigstens erbarmte sich Mutti und bedeckte ihre knackigen Kurven wieder mit den mehr oder minder züchtigen Klamotten. Diesmal musste ich zumindest nicht umständlich mit Bus und Bahn zurück nach Hause, sondern Mutter nahm mich im Auto mit. Klar drehten sich unsere Gespräche, während sie mich fuhr, nicht nur um das Eine, sondern sie wollte nun auch viele persönliche Dinge von mir wissen. Aber das Doppelleben schlug natürlich wieder zu, da sie natürlich nicht direkt vor unserem Haus halten konnte, da Vater sie sonst sehen würde und den Braten riechen würde. So setzte sie mich einen Block vorher ab, ließ es sich aber nicht nehmen, mir zum Abschied noch einen Kuss zu geben - einen ganz und gar nicht mütterlichen Kuss mit viel Zunge.
Scheiße, war es schwer, diese neuen Geheimnisse zu Hause zu wahren. Ich fühlte mich gegenüber Vater und meiner Schwester richtig schuldig, da ich Mutter natürlich nicht erwähnen konnte - und natürlich erst recht nicht, was ich noch so alles mit Mutti bzw. diese mit mir gemacht hatte! Daher beschränkte ich meine Gesprächsthemen zu Hause nur auf das übliche schulische Zeug und andere banale Dinge - dabei hatte ich so viel Neues und wilde Abenteuer erlebt, dass ich förmlich platzte, diese alle für mich zu behalten! | ped, inc, bi, Fb, Mg, Fgb, rim, oral, anal, cons | Teil 7 - Wiedervereinigung | Authors/Andres/ausserschulische_aktivitaeten/07_-_Wiedervereinigung.txt |
124,386 | xyvos | Zeke and the Space Aliens | Zeke and the Space Aliens
Zeke was a simple man, living a simple life on a simple farm. But one day, his life was turned upside down when a group of space aliens landed in his backyard.
The aliens were fascinated by Zeke and his way of life. They observed him closely, studying his every move. Zeke, for his part, was both terrified and intrigued by the strange visitors.
As the days passed, Zeke and the aliens began to form an unlikely bond. They would spend hours talking, sharing stories, and learning about each other's worlds. Zeke found himself drawn to the aliens' advanced technology and their curious ways.
One day, the aliens made Zeke an offer he couldn't refuse - they wanted to take him back to their home planet, to see the wonders of the universe. Zeke, his curiosity piqued, agreed, and soon found himself soaring through the stars, surrounded by the vastness of space.
On the alien planet, Zeke was treated like a celebrity. The aliens were fascinated by his simple way of life, and they showered him with attention and gifts. Zeke, in turn, was amazed by the technological marvels of the alien civilization.
But as the days turned into weeks, Zeke began to miss his simple life on the farm. He longed for the familiar sights and sounds of his home. And so, with a heavy heart, he said goodbye to his alien friends and returned to Earth, his life forever changed by his extraordinary encounter with the space aliens. | MF+ alien ScFi | null | Authors/xyvos/index.txt |
124,387 | xyvos | Zeke and the Space Aliens | Zeke moved the joystick with the smooth, easy manner of someone well accustomed to its use. He manipulated the video game character on the TV screen, dodging attacks and taking out enemies. Zeke was not consciously thinking about the controls, but focusing on what his character needed to do: jump down the tube, dodge the pincer worm, grab the powerup, blast the worm, swim through the water exit, use megablast to get up speed so he wouldn't drown before the first airhole.
Although the action looked frantic on the screen, Zeke's mind was calm. The intense game was, in its own way, relaxing.
Walter burst through the door of the dorm room. "You've got to go with me out to the desert tonight!"
Walter, Zeke's roommate at the university, was the embodiment of the word "geek," even down to his taped glasses and pocket protector. Now sophomores, they had shared a room since they were freshmen.
"What's out in the desert, man?" asked Zeke, calmly zapping three tentacle plants.
"Come over here and check this website out!"
Curious, Zeke paused his game and peered over Walter's shoulder. The website had some cheesy pictures of UFOs and a story. In 1958, aliens had discovered intelligent life on the planet Earth. While the majority of the Earthlings were not ready for contact, a few Earthlings were. The aliens were interested in contacting those Earthlings, and provided instructions. It looked to Zeke like one of those just-for-fun websites, but it sure seemed to be pulling Walter's leg.
"And all we have to do is go to one of these locations and call them up on CB channel eight," enthused Walter, holding up a printout. "I already emailed that we will be there tonight."
"I don't know, dude, I was going to finish my new game tonight."
"Aw, you spend too much time on those games," argued Walter. "It's not good for you, you should get out and do something real for a change."
Exactly what Zeke's girlfriend had said before dumping him, Zeke mused. Maybe it was true, but Zeke wasn't the only one with unreal interests.
"You mean real like calling up aliens on the CB in the desert?" grinned Zeke.
Zeke was trying to be cool, but Walter was acting kind of weird. Zeke figured he should go with Walter to make sure he didn't get into any trouble. Besides, he just had to hear the response some long-haul trucker would make to Walter's CB message.
"It took me two months of emailing to get this set up. If you don't want to go, fine. But that's no reason to make fun of..."
"Sorry about that, dude. I'd like to go, but you left yourself wide open for that comeback and I just couldn't pass it up," laughed Zeke.
An hour later, Zeke drove his car along the dirt road, high beams illuminating the darkness. There was no one around for miles, and they hadn't seen any traffic for the last half-hour. Zeke had been careful not to make any more jokes about the aliens; he knew Walter was into this stuff and didn't want to hurt his feelings -- sometimes you just had to be there for your buddies.
"The odometer reads 47.5 miles. Stop here and turn off the engine," said Walter.
Seems someone on the website had done their homework, there was a pullout just where the instructions said one would be. Zeke drove his car well off the road before killing the engine and lights; he hadn't seen any traffic, but parking too near the road at night would be stupid.
"Well, let's do this," said Walter as he grabbed the CB. Turning it to channel eight, all he got was a faint static.
"This is the Earthman looking to meet up with the Spaceman," said Walter, "anyone got your ears on?"
Zeke suppressed a chuckle. The CB continued its static, but no response. Well, Zeke would wait a while before suggesting they go back. It was peaceful out here away from everything, with the cool night air blowing through the windows.
"All right," started Walter, "I guess I really didn't expect... Holy shit! Look at that!"
"That" turned out to be a ring of lights descending directly above them. The lights were dim, and whatever it was made no noise.
Zeke wondered if this was an elaborate practical joke. Maybe someone in a hot air balloon? Was Walter in on it? Did whoever was behind it really think they were going to fool anyone? Well, Zeke would play along.
"Zeke, I'm not so sure about this. Maybe we should get out of here," said a panicked Walter.
"Be cool," said Zeke, grabbing his car keys. "We came out here to meet the aliens. Let's go meet them. Besides, you know the cars never start in these situations."
Zeke got out of the car and looked around. The lights from the craft above them illuminated the rocky ground. There was no sign of civilization except for the deserted road. Walter was still in the car, peering out the window.
The illumination got brighter and Zeke saw the craft was still descending over them. As it got closer, he could see that the craft looked solid. The lights framed a depression in the bottom of the hull. Before long, the craft was directly over them, and came to a complete stop about 20 feet up in the air.
Seen from this distance, the craft was at least several hundred feet in diameter. If this was a prank, it must have cost a bundle. The craft was the classic flying saucer shape, dark grey in color, just like the pictures on the website. It hung in the air, absolutely silent.
The ship looked real. If it were, thought Zeke, he was about to meet some actual aliens. A little scary at first, but it could be awesome. They might get to see things most people only dream about. How much technology would the aliens show them? What would they look like?
A motion on the craft interrupted Zeke's thoughts. From the depression, a grey circular disk about eight feet in diameter started descending. Zeke watched, spellbound. As it moved lower, he saw a slender railing come into view and someone, or something, standing in the middle.
The disk settled on the ground right in front of the car and Zeke got a good look at the alien. Any remaining doubts he had were banished -- no one on earth made costumes this good.
The alien was about five feet tall and bipedal, but nothing like a human. Its skin was light blue, mottled with dark blue splotches, and completely hairless. The head was sort of like a mushroom; the top half was the same size as a human head, but the bottom half tapered off like it didn't have a jawbone. Large unblinking pink eyes protruded from the sides, and a vertical slit for a mouth completed the front.
The head merged into the body without a neck, and the shoulders were almost non-existent. Two double-jointed arms ended in spindly fingers with no fingernails. Something that looked like a cross between gills and feathers covered the chest in a mixture of green and blue, stopping just short of its head.
The two legs were thin, and looked like they each had two knees spaced six inches apart, but tan pants and boots prevented Zeke from making a closer examination.
"I am Mvek," started the alien. "My pleasure to meet you."
The alien had a deep, almost musical voice. Zeke noticed the mouth remained still, the voice seemed to emanate from the chest area, probably the gill things.
"You may be startled by the ship, by my appearance, by your stories about aliens," continued Mvek, "Know I will not hurt or detain you. I invite you to step on this platform, tour the ship, ask questions, and listen to my words."
Mvek stepped back, leaving plenty of room on the platform for his guests.
"Hi, I'm Zeke, and this is Walter," said Zeke looking over at Walter, who was still in the car. "Hey Walter, come on, man, let's check out the ship."
"Zeke... we should get out of here," stammered Walter.
"Are you crazy," said Zeke, "You would never forgive yourself in a million years if you ran off now -- you know that. So suck it up, dude."
"I don't know about this. We shouldn't be here," said Walter, in a panicky voice.
"This was your idea in the first place, dude. You deserve to see it through. A friendly alien is offering to take you aboard his ship, you have been dreaming about stuff like this for years. How can you pass this up, man?" asked Zeke, opening the car door and pulling a scared Walter out, and dragging him towards the platform.
Walter broke free of Zeke's grip and ran behind the car.
"If you don't get on that platform right now, what are you going to tell yourself tomorrow?" asked Zeke, "You do what you have to do, dude. But me, I'm going before Mvek gets tired of us dicking around."
"Sorry about that, Mvek," said Zeke, stepping on the platform, "my friend Walter really wants to come along, he's just freaked out."
"Understandable," said Mvek. "Walter, I will take Zeke aboard now. You will remain here, you will be safe."
Mvek pressed on a small console and the gap in the railing closed. Now the railing completely enclosed the platform, preventing them from falling out.
"Wait!" shouted Walter, "I want to go too!"
Mvek opened the railing once again and a hesitant Walter stepped aboard. Walter kept as far from Mvek as he could, obviously frightened of the alien.
"Walter, you are safe," said Mvek. "Know I will not hurt or detain you."
Zeke knew Walter would soon get over his fears.After all, Walter knew the Enterprise deck layout by heart; he would forget all his concerns once they were aboard the ship. Likely, he would be asking questions non-stop.
"We will ascend to the ship now," said Mvek, pressing the console.
The platform rose smoothly and silently upwards and slid into the ship, becoming the floor of a small circular room. A strange tingling sensation engulfed Zeke's entire body, but it quickly passed. Probably just the excitement, thought Zeke.
Lights came on in the room, and Zeke looked around. Dark purple walls made of a smooth, unfamiliar material surrounded them. A section of the railing slid back, and at the same time, a section of the wall opened, leading to a larger area.
"Walk with me," said Mvek.
Zeke walked beside Mvek. Walter followed, but was still keeping his distance from Mvek.
This room was about 100 feet long, the ceiling a light blue. The walls had dark green stripes framing what looked like yellow cabinets with no handles. For some reason, there were two normal Earth-type vehicles: an old Ford truck and an RV.
"What's with the vehicles?" asked Zeke.
"Other people of Earth were shown this ship," said Mvek. "We invited them to come with us. We keep their possessions here. They may decide to return."
"Will we get the chance to go with you?" asked Zeke.
Zeke was busy looking around as he talked with Mvek. Walter remained silent, but his eyes were darting everywhere.
"Yes," said Mvek, "I will explain in a moment."
They proceeded through the storage room into a hallway. It was big enough to drive the RV through and twice as long as the storage room. The ceiling and walls were blue and green, the same colors as the storage room. Doors shaped like arches were interspersed along the hallway, most of them closed. Between the doors, alcoves featured a variety of plants.
Many of the plants were unfamiliar. One had hard pink disk-shaped protrusions covered with short spikes; it was surrounded by a white moss-like growth. Another looked like a sculpture, just a set of dark brown hoops halfway embedded in the ground. Some of the plants would not look out of place on Earth, they may have even been from Earth.
Mvek motioned at one of the doors, and it silently opened, revealing a large circular room with a domed ceiling. The walls were a vivid white, with no visible joints, not even a smudge or speck of dust could be seen. The party stopped in the center of the room.
The door closed, blending perfectly into the wall. Something subtly changed in the room, and suddenly all they could see was white; with no focal points, the room seemed an unending white expanse.
The light dimmed, and a miniature representation of the Milky Way galaxy appeared, floating in the air. A hologram, Zeke thought. To one side, about a third of it was glowing brightly, the rest was dimmer. Mvek explained the glowing portion indicated the explored parts of the galaxy.
In this explored part, thousands of intelligent beings lived, on thousands of planets. Some of those beings had developed space travel. Of those, a small number were despoiling other worlds, enslaving their peoples, and just generally being a nuisance. Other beings, seeing this devastation, had pooled their resources in an effort to protect the weaker worlds. Mvek was a member of this group, collectively known as the Hirthal.
As Mvek was explaining, the image of the galaxy expanded, showing fleets of spaceships battling in space. Then it zoomed in on a small yellow star.
"Hey, that's our solar system," said Walter, breaking his silence for the first time since boarding the ship.
Some worlds, like Earth, were still in the very early stages of space travel. Most were unaware of the danger.
"Why haven't you contacted our planet?" asked Walter. "Told them what's going on?"
"In the beginning," said Mvek, "the Hirthal contacted developing worlds. Knowledge of the threat caused panic. Some governments collapsed."
With the number of developing worlds being protected, the protectors were stretched thin. Help was needed, and while the entire population of a developing planet might not be able to handle the truth, some individuals could. Those individuals provided the sentient beings needed to defeat the aggressors. Contacting those individuals proved a challenge, but was feasible through a variety of methods designed to isolate only those appropriate for contact.
"I request each of you to consider giving your help," said Mvek. "You would choose a useful skill for running one of our ships. The Hirthal would train you in the skill. When training is complete, you would choose a ship."
This was heavy stuff, thought Zeke. Being a crewman on a starship was definitely several steps above Zeke's previous career path. Mvek was a recruiter, maybe like for the army, Zeke considered. Was there a catch?
"Can I be a captain?" asked Walter, suddenly very interested.
"So is this like the army?" asked Zeke. "Superior officers, enlisting for a certain amount of time, standing at attention?"
"I will answer both questions with one explanation," said Mvek.
Mvek went on to explain there was no chain of command as they were used to. There was a captain, or captains, but the relationship between the captain and the crew was of an informal nature. The crew agreed to follow the captain's direction, but nothing more than their agreement compelled them to do so. Should a crewmember decide to ignore the captain, they could, with no penalty.
"How can that work?" asked Walter. "What about if nobody wants to patrol some sector? What if they all just leave?"
"My task," said Mvek, "is to find beings who will patrol that sector. Leaving is allowed. If no one can be found, the sector will not be patrolled."
"After our training," said Walter, "we will know all about your technology, your secrets. What if we left and took the information back to Earth?"
"I request you to refrain," said Mvek. "Should your government or industry discover what you know, you might lose your freedom."
Zeke tried not to think about that. He definitely would not be telling tales if he went back though.
What a way to end the week, Zeke thought. A lark had become a major turning point in his life, something he had not even thought possible. Now he could be on the crew of a starship, all he had to do was say yes. Well, and go through the training of course.
"Is Earth not being protected?" asked Walter. "Is that why you are here?"
"Earth is adequately protected," said Mvek, "as much so as my own homeworld."
And what would Zeke do aboard this starship? Engineer? Not likely, coming from (as he now knew) such a backward planet, it could take forever to get up to speed. What he would really like to do would be to fly the starship. That would be better than any video game, ever!
"Well, count me in," said Zeke. "Where do I sign up?"
"I am pleased with your decision," said Mvek, "You are signed up. I will continue the tour now."
The door opened, and Mvek led them back into the hallway and to the right. He motioned at another door, and it opened.
"That's great!" enthused Zeke. "Hey, Walter, you're going to join up, aren't you?"
"I probably will," said Walter, "just give me a minute to think."
The next room looked to be a living quarters with a blue ceiling, light green walls, and a dark green floor. The room was circular, about 30 feet in diameter. An enormous round bed with light green covers filled a depression in the middle. A few of the smaller arched doors were on the far wall, and Zeke wondered what rooms they led to. Built-in cabinets covered the far wall, and a few built-in desks graced the near wall. Tables and couches looked more like sculpture than furniture. This was one nice living quarters, Zeke thought.
"Zeke," said Mvek, "this room is your living quarters. While you are aboard this ship." Mvek continued towards the door in the middle.
Mvek showed them the activation gesture, a twisting circular motion of the hand in mid-air. It worked for doors, computers, just about everything.
Mvek motioned at the door, and it opened to reveal a small, bare room. Wall-length mirrors covered all four walls. What Zeke guessed to be a large sink was on one wall, and in the center, there were three oval depressions, each about a foot wide. Zeke had a good idea what they were, even aliens had to go sometime.
"Deposit your bodily wastes in the depression, then use the activation gesture," said Mvek, picking up a glass of water and a small, circular object from the sink.
"This leaf will demonstrate," said Mvek, dropping the leaf into the depression. It slowly sank into what had appeared to be a solid surface, disappearing.
Mvek filled the glass from the sink, then poured the water into the depression, where it disappeared into the surface. Zeke noticed there was no splatter. Definitely a nice feature.
"What happens if we fall in?" asked Zeke.
"I recommend you avoid falling in," said Mvek. "You would sink in a few feet. You could get out with minor effort. You would suffocate if your head remained under."
Zeke resolved not to fall in. It did seem like a lot of technology just to take a dump, but considering the sewage infrastructure and waste treatment plants on Earth, maybe not so different after all.
Mvek exited the restroom and proceeded to explain the rest of the quarters. The next room was larger and for bathing, with a sizeable tub and shower. The last room was a storage closet. In the main room, the deep cabinets had a variety of shelves to hold all manner of possessions; Zeke opened a few, they were empty. The built-in tables each had a holographic computer interface.
Having explored the living quarters, Mvek led them back to the hall and into another room. This room turned out to be the dining room, with the same blue ceiling and green walls; the colors must be an attempt to replicate the outdoor Earth environment, Zeke suddenly realized.The room, large enough to seat two dozen people, was empty.
"Are we the only ones aboard the ship?" asked Zeke.
"Eight other beings are here," said Mvek.
"Do they all look like you?" asked Walter.
"Five are different species. Three are human. They have joined the Hirthal," replied Mvek.
Mvek continued the tour. They entered an area filled with plants. The tall, long room had row upon row of plants growing close together in clear tubes on multiple levels. Zeke recognized corn, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, and others. Many he did not recognize, some had large pink or speckled leaves, others were just jumbles of spikes. A gentle, cool breeze blew his hair.
"You mean you don't replicate your food?" asked Walter.
Mvek paused, took out a small oval object, and began manipulating it. Zeke figured it was some kind of small computer. Shortly, Mvek was finished. "Reconstructing consumables is dangerous. Small errors may cause harm to the consuming organism."
They continued through the maze of plant life. Stairways provided access to the many levels of platforms. The plants grew in a colored liquid, held in place by what looked like cloth ties.
"So I guess you don't have transporters either," said Walter.
"Transporting a living entity is unethical," said Mvek.
Walter and Mvek discussed the moral ramifications of transporter technology, but Zeke tuned them out. They had not run across anyone else so far. Was the ship really that big, or was Mvek hiding something? He thought back to their initial encounter and Walter's reaction. Perhaps that was it, if Walter freaked as much as he did with just Mvek, how would he have handled six different-looking aliens?
Next on the tour was the control room of the ship. The control room was a half-circle, twenty-five feet in diameter, with large viewscreens on the walls. Most had different views of the Earth from space. A few showed status information, with faint circles and simple moving shapes.
At the center of the room was a curved panel rising seamlessly from the floor with three comfortable chairs behind it. Aliens occupied two of those chairs.
One of the aliens was of Mvek's race, the other attracted Zeke's attention immediately, since he recognized it from the movies and the UFO abduction shows on TV. It was one of the Greys, four feet tall, humanoid, spindly grey body, big head, and black eyes. Looks like some of the abductees were telling the truth, mused Zeke.
From the viewscreens, they looked to be in orbit around Earth, but Zeke had not felt the ship move. For that matter, they were still standing on the floor when they should have been weightless.
The aliens flying the ship looked up briefly, but did not speak to the newcomers. Walter was too busy looking around to speak anyway.
"I know English. The others do not know English," explained Mvek.
All too soon, Mvek led them back to the hallway and into another room. This was a medium-sized, circular room with several seating areas. Three humans were having a discussion in one of the areas. Mvek sat on a couch in the nearest empty seating area. Zeke sat down beside Mvek, and Walter sat on the couch across from them.
"Our tour is concluded. Walter, have you decided?" asked Mvek.
"Oh sure! I'll do it!" said Walter.
"I am pleased. I welcome you to the Hirthal," said Mvek. "The Hirthal requires members to show civilized behavior. You must not harm other members. You must not force other members to perform disagreeable actions. I will explain more later."
"I'll agree to that," said Zeke.
"Me too," said Walter.
"I am pleased," said Mvek. "We will contact one more human tomorrow. We will depart your solar system tomorrow. Our journey to the training facility requires six Earth days. You will learn our language."
Mvek went on to explain the language they would learn was the galactic standard language, spoken by most known races. Standard was created expressly for ease of communication, was simple to learn, and pronounceable, with some limitations, by most sentient beings.
They would be able to learn the language in under six days with the help of mental stimulation technology, but the method did have some disadvantages.
"You will be disoriented during the procedure," Mvek told them. "We start tomorrow."
Learning standard was to be their first task and they would remain aboard this ship to do so. This would give them the opportunity to get accustomed to the other aliens, and see what life is like aboard a spaceship. They would not start the training process until the ship was underway, to give them time to reconsider.
"I don't plan on changing my mind," said Zeke. "But I'm worried about my family finding me missing, and freaking out. Can I tell them something so they won't worry?"
"The computer maintains different approaches to your issue," said Mvek, "use the gesture to activate it."
Zeke resolved to do so before he went to sleep. No one could possibly notice him missing until at least a few days from now, probably not for several weeks.
The other humans had all been picked up earlier today. The three here were Susan, Dan, and Mike. They had gone through the same website as Walter, exchanging emails for a time, then coming out to meet Mvek.
Zeke noticed Susan and Dan were wearing similar clothes, a two-piece white outfit that wouldn't have been out of place on Earth. Susan wore a form-fitting tank top and a pair of loose pants, almost like pajama bottoms. Dan wore a looser tank top and the same type of pants. Both Susan and Dan were barefoot.
"So are you guys wearing the official uniform?" asked Zeke.
"They were in the closet in our room," said Dan, "so we figured we'd try them out."
"It's really comfortable," said Susan, smiling at Dan. "The top acts like a bra, but you hardly notice it's there."
Hardly there at all, thought Zeke, noticing the outline of Susan's nipples. A moot point though, Susan and Dan were obviously an item.
"This ship has some amazing things," said Dan. "The walls in the quarters are viewscreens. You can set them to any color or even a moving image. And get this," added Dan, "they don't generate light. I dimmed the room lights, the images will still move, even if it's dark."
Dan and Susan explained the quarters and other things were controlled by communicating with the ship's computer. It wasn't a true AI, but it did have an advanced command recognition. All commands to the computer had to start with the spoken word: "Computer."
Later, they met the remaining alien. She was wearing the same white outfit as Susan, and looked a lot more human than Mvek and the Greys. She stood about four and a half feet tall and had very pale skin. Except for the ears and missing nose, she could almost pass for a human that had never seen the sun.
Her hair was short all over, but strangely divided into two sections. The top of her head was covered with a stiff, thick, light-green hair about three inches long. Her eyebrows swept back and joined it at the sides, where the hair thinned out into very fine shorter white strands.
Her eyes and mouth looked mostly human, but in place of a nose was a flat area with two horizontal slashes half the width of her mouth, one right over the other. Each slash opened slightly as she breathed. Her ears swept back, the outsides were covered with the fine hair, the insides were light pink.
Her body was shaped like a human's, a very thin human, with almost normal-looking arms and legs, and five digits on each hand. But she had no visible breasts, and her bare feet were half again as wide as human feet, with three widely-spaced, equal-sized toes.
Mvek introduced her as Sori, the ship's medical specialist. Sori did not speak English. Alien, but cute, thought Zeke. He smiled at Sori, not having a better way to say hello. Sori tilted her head and looked at Zeke; her face was expressionless.
Sori took the opportunity to give each of them an examination. All she did was pass a small tubelike device over their heads, not touching them. The device then emitted a complex hologram in midair, lots of circles and lines of all different colors. Sori carefully examined the hologram after she finished with each of them. She then spoke with Mvek in an alien language.
"Sori reports good health for all of you," said Mvek.
Not having a common language prevented Sori from joining the conversation, and she soon departed. After a while, they wound up looking around the ship as they talked with Mvek. A few areas were inaccessible.
"Some areas are dangerous," said Mvek. "Examples are ships engines, medical facility, crew dining room."
Even though the different alien species shared many things, food was not always among them. Food for some species was poison for others. To make sure the humans did not come to harm, the crew's dining room was off limits. As were other areas where the curious humans could inadvertently get hurt, especially when they were disoriented by the mental stimulation procedure.
"The mental stimulation procedure is unpleasant," said Mvek. "Speaking Standard is necessary for communicating with others."
"Hey Mvek," said Mike, "how much do we get paid for working on your ships?"
"Approximately 150 credits a week," said Mvek. "Food, housing, clothing, medical, and other needs are provided to everyone."
"What's a credit look like?" asked Mike.
"A credit is a number in a computer," said Mvek. "It has no physical existence."
Mvek went on to explain credits were not exactly like money. Credits could not be invested, earn interest, or be transferred to another. Credits were merely an accounting method to control distribution of resources. While all necessities were provided at no cost, credits allowed the acquisition of for-fun items.
Finally, as it was getting late, most of the group decided to get some sleep and headed to their quarters. Zeke was still too excited to sleep and wanted to have one last look around the ship.He found his car in the storage bay and gave it a quick cleaning, since the backseat and trunk doubled as a storage bin and garbage can. Most of the stuff was junk, and Zeke put it in the disposal. Zeke then hauled the keepers back to his quarters, putting his stuff in one of the empty cabinets.
Feeling the need, Zeke urinated in the elimination device, watching bemusedly as his stream pooled in the bottom and disappeared. Finished, he made the hand gesture and felt a strange tingling on his hand for a moment.
Interesting, that hadn't happened before when he gestured at the door. Was there something wrong with the device? He examined his hand. It seemed just fine. Weird.
Zeke decided to check out the computer terminal, take a bath, and then get some sleep. He wanted to be well-rested and alert for tomorrow.
Sitting down at the desk, Zeke used the gesture. No tingling, but a holographic display appeared. It was a three-dimensional representation of several boxes, each having a label. On the first row: quarters, ship, health, food, contacting, emergency, Standard.
Zeke touched "contacting" and text appeared. There were a number of stories people had used, from the Peace Corps to becoming a monk. The story Zeke liked best was joining the Peace Corps and going off to some remote country with limited communications. There were several sample letters with what looked like a solid story; Zeke added a few personal touches and quickly pieced together a brief email. He wasn't sure how it would be sent, but this was alien technology after all.
His family would still worry, but at least he wouldn't just vanish off the face of the earth. The truth would probably worry them more, even if they did believe him.
With nothing else to do, Zeke checked out the "quarters" box and found some really interesting things. The clothes cleaner was in the closet and would automatically clean whatever clothes he hung there. The room with the tub also had a "shower" that cleaned without water. He could have a holographic window showing any views he wanted anywhere in his room. The water temperature in the bathtub adjusted by computer command. His room cleaned itself.
The door opened, and Walter walked in. "I just found out something you will want to know," said Walter.
"I'm all ears," replied Zeke.
"You won't find any toilet paper. Just make the gesture and it will tingle you clean," said Walter.
One mystery solved.
"You're a lifesaver, dude," said Zeke.
"No problem," said Walter. "It's pretty late, I'm going to get some sleep."
After Walter left, Zeke explored the bathtub. It was an eight-foot circular depression, about four feet deep, to one side of the room. The wall above had a geometric pattern with several two-inch diameter holes. The sides of the tub were rough, offering good traction, but comfortable. The gesture started it filling with water that ran down the far wall out of the holes. Within minutes, the tub was filled with warm water.
Cabinets in the wall held towels and bottles of clear liquid. Someone had been nice enough to label them "soap" and "shampoo" in English.
The water could have been a bit warmer, but it was okay for now. Zeke would remember to have the computer adjust the temperature next time. Right now, he would just enjoy a good soaking. After he was finished with the bath, a gesture drained the tub very quickly, although there were no drain holes visible. Zeke noticed it was completely dry.
Since he hadn't packed a suitcase, Zeke hung his clothes in the closet. He would have to sleep naked to allow his clothes time to be cleaned. Probably Mvek would get him some more clothes, but that hadn't happened yet. The top of the mattress was a few inches above floor level, the floor around the bed well-padded.
Wondering what would happen, Zeke made the gesture over the bed. Covers which had been neatly tucked in now floated back gracefully, surprising Zeke. The bed was even more comfortable than it looked. Zeke got settled under the covers and realized he didn't know how to turn off the lights.
Not wanting to get out of bed, he tried the gesture, but nothing happened. There didn't seem to be any switches on the walls either. Of course, there was a way, but it certainly wasn't obvious. Maybe the aliens slept with the lights on.
Oh, the computer. "Computer..."
The door opened, and Sori walked in, apparently the aliens didn't knock either. Sori walked over and stood by the bed, her face expressionless; she pulled her lips back, showing her teeth.
What was with the teeth? Maybe she was trying to smile, like Zeke had smiled at her before. Zeke returned the smile, not sure what Sori wanted.
Sori quickly took her top off and stepped out of her pants. With her top off, Zeke could see she didn't have any breasts at all, not even nipples -- she was completely flat-chested. Her groin had a small patch of light green hair, and Zeke could just see what looked like pussy lips. That part of her could pass for a human, from the outside at least. She stood before Zeke, her face still expressionless, and showed her teeth again. No way, thought Zeke. She couldn't mean...
But what else could she mean? And why not, decided Zeke, feeling a little turned on. The only human female on this ship was Susan, and the only time he would get from Susan was what time Dan would be back. But Sori looked ready to give him some time right now, and Zeke wasn't about to chase her off. Doing it with a cute alien would make the mile-high club seem like a boring lecture.
So what next? Right now, Sori was just standing, waiting for Zeke to make the next move. Zeke decided he would go slowly, so he wouldn't startle Sori and scare her off. He carefully pulled the covers back, sat up in the bed, and slowly moved his hand towards Sori's hand. Zeke gently took her hand, keeping his grip loose. Sori closed her lips and tilted her head slightly, regarding Zeke.
Zeke gently tugged Sori towards him. Sori slowly walked up on the bed and knelt beside Zeke, looking up at him. She placed her free hand lightly on Zeke's chest, and Zeke responded by lightly touching Sori's chest.
Zeke could feel her heart beating fast, he wasn't sure if she was excited or if that was her normal pulse rate. Certainly, he couldn't tell from her face, it just didn't show any recognizable human emotions.
Sori let go of Zeke's hand and rose up on her knees, until her head was level with Zeke's. She slowly moved her head towards Zeke, and Zeke wondered what kissing Sori would be like. At least they wouldn't bump noses.
But instead of the kiss Zeke was expecting, Sori started tenderly blowing on his nose. It was nice, thought Zeke, but it tickled a bit, especially when Sori blew into his nostrils. Zeke noticed Sori was blowing on him through her breathing slits; she seemed to have excellent control of them.
Zeke figured he should reciprocate, but wasn't sure about blowing through his nose. He could blow well enough through his mouth, however, so he lightly blew on Sori's breathing slits. Zeke guessed he was doing all right, at least Sori didn't pull back. After blowing for a while, Zeke noticed Sori breathing heavier, so he probably was doing the right thing.
Enough of the blowing, Zeke decided, time to get back to familiar territory. Zeke brushed his lips against Sori's, her lips felt dry. Sori quickly pulled her head back, so Zeke decided to work on mouth-to-mouth kissing later.
Zeke started caressing Sori's sides with his hands while tenderly kissing her neck. Sori didn't pull back, so Zeke continued. Not being familiar with Sori's reactions or her language, Zeke couldn't tell if Sori was liking what he was doing, so he decided to go slowly and explore her body.
Taking Sori by the shoulders, Zeke gently pushed Sori down on the bed. Sori complied as soon as she realized what Zeke wanted. Soon, she was lying on her back, looking up at Zeke.
Zeke moved his caresses to Sori's stomach and hips and trailed kisses down Sori's chest to her bellybutton. At least she had a bellybutton, and a pretty sensitive one from the way she jumped when he blew into it. This was the best reaction he had gotten yet, so Zeke spent some time blowing and licking Sori's bellybutton.
Sori hadn't made any noises yet, but she was breathing harder than before. Zeke didn't want to overdo the bellybutton, so he moved his attention down lower, to the light patch of green fur covering Sori's pussy.
Since Sori's legs were only slightly parted, Zeke started by tracing around Sori's patch of hair and then lightly brushing his fingers through it. Zeke could see a few trickles of clear fluid leaking out from between Sori's pussy lips, so he just had to be doing things right.
At least he hoped this meant Sori was excited; the events had gotten Zeke pretty worked up.
Sori's pussy lips were completely closed, resting against each other; her pussy still looked normal to Zeke, but he wanted to get a closer look. Zeke gently pulled Sori's legs wider apart and moved between them. First running his fingers lightly over Sori's slit, Zeke slowly parted her pussy lips, revealing flesh the same light pink as her inner ears.
Now Zeke could see some differences. Sori didn't have inner lips, her little vagina was open and leaking more clear fluid. About once every few seconds, her vagina would squeeze closed and then reopen, forcing more fluid out. As for her clit, Zeke couldn't even find the clitoral hood; just smooth pink flesh.
Zeke lightly blew over Sori's entire groin. Sori didn't react other than to take a very deep breath and let it slowly out, so Zeke blew some more and started lightly, very lightly, tracing the opening of Sori's vagina with his fingertips. This brought on another deep breath from Sori. Encouraged, Zeke moved a finger inside of Sori's vagina, which quickly squeezed closed around his finger.
Sori immediately sat up, pulling Zeke's finger out of her vagina.While Zeke was still trying to figure out what he had done wrong, Sori started pushing at his shoulders. Zeke allowed Sori to push him down on the bed, so he was lying on his back like Sori had been before.
Zeke's cock had lost some of its rigidity from his concern when Sori had jumped up. But Sori started gently stroking it back to life, and soon Zeke was fully erect once again. When Sori saw he wasn't getting any bigger, she quickly straddled him, placing her pussy directly over his cock and slowly lowering herself onto it.
She stopped the minute his glans touched her pussy, adjusted Zeke's cock with her hand, and continued lowering. Sori got just the tip of his cock inside her vagina when Zeke felt her vagina squeezing his glans. The feeling was incredible.
Sori quickly placed both her hands against Zeke's stomach and held herself still for several seconds, breathing hard and trembling. Sori then lowered herself a little further onto Zeke's cock, until the next contraction of her vagina brought her to a halt once again.
Halting at every vaginal contraction, Sori took several minutes to fully lower herself on Zeke's cock, and Zeke loved every inch of her warm, tight vagina. Finally, after Sori managed to engulf Zeke's entire cock, she rested for a short time, breathing hard and trembling, her chest and face noticeably flushed.
Zeke lightly touched Sori's hips, but Sori gently removed his hands. She started rocking her hips back and forth, slowly at first, then picking up speed. Sori's deliciously tight pussy was warm and wet; Zeke could feel it caressing every inch of his cock, driving him towards what was sure to be a monumental orgasm.
Every so often, Zeke could feel Sori's vagina contract, but Sori was no longer stopping, she kept up the pace right throughout the contractions. She moaned softly at each contraction, the first sounds Zeke had heard her make tonight. With each vaginal contraction, Zeke felt waves of pleasure flow through his cock, bringing his orgasm that much closer. He knew it wouldn't be long now.
Suddenly Sori's vagina contracted harder than it had before, but only for an instant. Then it relaxed and immediately contracted again, the contractions starting to come so fast Sori's vagina was fluttering around Zeke's bursting cock. Already near the edge, this was too much for Zeke. His impending orgasm erupted. Zeke let out a moan and he started his own contractions, forcing his cum deep into Sori's pulsating vagina.
Zeke looked into Sori's eyes. She stared past him, unseeing, as her contractions continued for a little longer. As her vagina settled down, Sori slowed her rocking, eventually becoming still. Sori then rested for a while, breathing starting to slow, her vagina still stretched around Zeke's softening cock.
Sori slumped forward and lay upon Zeke's chest, her body going limp. She was surprisingly light, Zeke noticed. After staying in the same position for some time, Zeke concluded Sori had no intention of moving. That was fine with Zeke, Sori felt soft and warm resting on top of him. The way Sori was lying on him, Zeke could feel her heart beating faintly. It was much slower than before.
Eventually, Zeke realized Sori had fallen asleep. He should probably pull the covers over the both of them and go to sleep himself. Not wanting to disturb Sori by struggling with the covers, Zeke tried the gesture. The sheets pulled themselves out from under Zeke's legs and gently came to a rest, covering both of them.
Zeke gently wrapped his arms around Sori, trying not to wake her.
"Computer," whispered Zeke, "lights out."
The lights went out. As Zeke's eyes adjusted to the dark, he noticed a simulation of stars overhead. Sleep came easily.
Zeke woke the next morning and discovered the lights were already on, probably the light had woken him up. He was in the same position as when he had gone to sleep. Sori was still curled up on top of him, but had shifted position during the night and was now resting peacefully under the covers on the left side of Zeke's chest, with Zeke's arm draped loosely around her.
What an experience, thought Zeke. Just yesterday he was an average college student; today he was going to become a defender of the galaxy, and had spent the night making love to a cute little alien named Sori.
The door opened and Walter walked in.
"You'll never guess..." started Walter.
Walter froze, speechless, his mouth hanging open. Finally, Walter found his voice, "No way."
Zeke made shushing motions, pointing to the sleeping Sori.
"You didn't," stammered Walter, "Zeke, tell me you didn't."
Zeke pointed to the door. Walter finally got the hint and left, looking back in disbelief.
Zeke lightly stroked the hair on Sori's head.
The look on Walter's face had been something else. As interested in aliens as Walter was, Zeke would have never figured him for a xenophobe. Well, Walter would get over it, like he had gotten over his fear of Mvek after their first encounter.
Sori wiggled a bit, waking up, then crawled further up on Zeke's chest, so her face was directly above Zeke's face. She looked into his eyes for a bit, then blew softly into Zeke's nose. Zeke blew back at her and ran his fingers teasingly down her spine.
Sori stopped blowing on Zeke's nose and climbed out of bed. She grabbed her clothes and headed towards the toilet cubicle. Shortly, she came out and entered the bath cubicle.
Zeke took the opportunity to use the toilet cubicle himself and remembered Walter's advice from last night, apparently whatever exposed flesh was over the device got cleaned thoroughly. He would never have to worry about skid marks again, Zeke laughed to himself.
Sori had already left when Zeke checked the bath cubicle, so Zeke took a quick shower.
He looked around and found some supplies in a cabinet over one of the built-in desks. A short, blunt stick was labeled "toothbrush." There was no toothpaste, but, remembering the toilet, it didn't take a genius to figure out how it might work. After some experimentation, Zeke found squeezing the end activated it. The stick labeled "shaver" worked even better. In seconds his light stubble was gone.
In the closet, Zeke found some clothes he had not seen before -- several sets of the same light, comfortable pants and sleeveless shirts he had seen Dan wearing. There were no shoes to go with the other clothes so Zeke decided to go barefoot. The clothes were as comfortable as they looked, but ordinary; certainly nothing like one would imagine alien clothing to be like.
Looking at the unmade bed, Zeke tried the hand gesture. To his delight, the sheets straightened and the covers tucked themselves back in their place -- a perfectly made bed in seconds. According to the computer, the bed was self-cleaning, so no worries about changing the sheets.
Zeke found the other humans in the dining room and went over to greet them. Breakfast was laid out neatly for them, buffet style; it looked like a normal Earth-type breakfast food. None of the aliens were about.
Walter was sitting at a table by himself. He was wearing yesterday's clothes, but they were cleaned and looked like they had been ironed. Even the pencil marks over his pocket protector were gone. Zeke had forgotten to check his own clothes, but they were probably just as clean.
Zeke picked out his food and took his plate over to sit by Walter.
"Hey dude," said Zeke, "You're not going to stay freaked out over this morning are you?"
"No," said Walter, avoiding Zeke's eyes.
"But?" prompted Zeke.
"It's just..." started Walter, looking disgusted, "I mean, she's not even human."
"We're up here with all these aliens," said Zeke, "and you're talking like a xenophobe. How would you feel if Mvek and Susan got it on and Sori said 'eww, gross, she's not even an alien'?"
"Well," sighed Walter after a minute, "I guess you've got a point, but Mvek is pretty gross. If you look hard, you can see his insides through those feathery things on his chest."
"Aw," said Zeke, "those are just some sort of gills. I don't think it's gross, just different. Anyway, it seems to me the Greys and Sori are more humanlike. You don't think they're gross, do you?"
"See," said Zeke, "that wasn't so hard. If you get more comfortable with the aliens, just smile at Sori; she might pay you a visit."
"No way," said Walter, eyes wide, "You just... smiled?"
Zeke smiled at Walter, not saying anything, and started on his plate. What he thought were eggs and bacon turned out not to be real meat at all, but something like vegetarian food. They definitely tasted different, but were not bad.
After breakfast Mvek invited them to the sitting area. Mvek requested the humans wait in the sitting area while he conducted the tour for their last guest, who was being picked up this morning. To Zeke's surprise, Mvek activated some holographic viewscreens so they could watch.
The ship rapidly descended towards Earth. They were headed towards the night side of the planet, but the viewscreen showed an enhanced image making it easy to see. Not that there was much to see, they seemed to be descending towards an ocean, far away from land.
Soon a small watercraft came into view, and the ship stopped just above it. Mvek did his platform trick. A man came out, dressed in a heavy coat. This time the platform hovered beside the boat, and after a few minutes of looking at Mvek, he jumped aboard the platform.
Mvek had not turned on the sound so they could not hear the discussion as the man toured the ship, but the man definitely seemed impressed and was asking Mvek a lot of questions. For some reason, Mvek did not lead the man to the sitting room when they were done, but instead took him back down to his boat using the platform.
Once Mvek came back aboard, the ship rapidly left the ocean surface and returned to space.It did not stop after exiting the atmosphere, but continued onward, the Earth visibly dwindling in the viewscreen.
"I somehow expected the stars to streak by," said Dan, "but if it weren't for the view of the Earth shrinking so fast, I'd swear we were standing still."
"We're probably still in the solar system," said Walter, "the stars are so far away we'd have to be moving a lot faster to even notice them moving."
Just then, Mvek entered the room.
"How come the guy didn't join us?" asked Zeke.
"He stated joining the Hirthal was not his desire," said Mvek.
"He's not the only one," said Susan to Zeke, "five people chickened out before you two came."
"You are all here," said Mvek, "do you reconsider your decision to leave Earth? Know we require a month to return after today."
"No way, I still want to see the galaxy as much as before," said Dan.
They all agreed.
"I am pleased," said Mvek, "We now start the mental stimulation procedure. Please follow me."
Mvek led them to a room they had not seen before. Circular, about 30 feet in diameter, with comfortable looking chairs around the circumference. The chairs each had a built-in padded headset in the open position.
Sori was also there, but did not give Zeke any special attention. Was last night it, or was she just being professional around the others? Zeke wished he could speak Sori's language now.
"Be seated," said Mvek.
The humans each took a chair and Mvek showed them how to get into the headsets. It was pretty simple, just position their heads comfortably against the mesh and pull down the top part. With the headset closed, it shut out most of the light and ambient noise.
Zeke wondered what the mental stimulation would be like, and soon got his answer. A gentle prickling radiated throughout his scalp, barely noticeable. Then a hologram appeared before his eyes. It was an empty space surrounded by a faint wavy line, and was soon replaced by a single dot, then two dots, then three dots, all the way up to seven dots. Then he heard a monotone voice say "numbers." The voice then said "Ovi," as the an empty space glowed. "Nai," as the single dot glowed. "Sri," as the two dots glowed. It continued up to the seven dots, "Tei."
Was he supposed to remember them all? Zeke realized he had already forgotten what number one was.
The voice went through the numbers again. This time each word was accompanied by a strange feeling, as if his attention were completely focused on the moment. Zeke found himself forgetting everything else, his entire world the voice and the numbers. And then it was over and he could think again.
Zeke realized he could remember the words for all the numbers easily: Ovi, Nai, Sri, Hoi, Wui, Lyi, Mbi, Tei.
He didn't have too much time to congratulate himself though, an outline of a circle appeared, the voice said "shapes," and in moments it had gone through more shapes then he even knew existed. From circle to dodecahedron.
And it continued with units of measurement, body parts, household items, foods, plants, planets, spaceships, actions, and everything under the sun. In between times of the strange focused feeling Zeke knew he was remembering everything. Too bad he hadn't had this to study for zoology tests at his college.
Zeke was startled when it finally stopped and Sori was lifting his helmet up. He started to get up but as soon as he raised his head he felt dizzy. Sori gently pushed his head back down.
"Four. Minutes," she said.
Good idea thought Zeke as he waited for the spinning to stop. In a few minutes it did.
Zeke considered what Sori had said, he knew she had told him to rest for a few minutes but had said it in Standard. Not a complete sentence, just individual words. And he knew what those words meant without having to translate them into English in his head. He knew Wua's of Standard words, but probably not all of them.
But he had no idea how to put them together in a sentence. Well, that could come later.
"Holy shit!" said Susan, "I remember them all!"
Now that was definitely English, thought Zeke. He didn't think they had covered cursing yet.
"Lunch," said Sori.
Somewhat unsteadily, they made their way to lunch. The dizziness had mostly stopped, but no one felt very much like talking.
An hour after lunch Sori led them back to the teaching room and they went another round with the machine. When it was over they somehow found their way to their quarters. Zeke took a nap and suspected the others were doing the same.
Zeke woke up in a few hours, better but still feeling a bit fuzzy. A few people were in the dining room. Dinner was subdued, they just didn't have the energy to make conversation. Zeke finished eating and left.
Wandering about the ship for a few hours cleared Zeke's head, and he started thinking about Sori. Did Sori consider them in a relationship? And if so, what kind of relationship? Zeke had no idea. For all he knew, they were either married or she was preparing to cook and eat him for her next meal. Zeke decided not to assume anything, he would just follow Sori's lead. She was definitely different, and more importantly, she was not human.
Her face did not show expressions the way a human female's would, but from her heavy breathing, flushed face, and gentle moaning, Zeke was positive Sori had enjoyed last night as much as he had. Perhaps she would be up for another night of fun.
He hadn't run into her so far, maybe she was in her quarters. But even if he did know where it was, should he just barge in on her? Well, Sori had barged in, so maybe that would be all right. Perhaps his computer listed the location of her quarters...
Shortly, Zeke gestured his door open and sat down at his computer. The box labeled ship looked promising. He touched it and a cut-away three-dimensional image of the ship appeared, showing the layout of the decks. But it did not identify who was in the individual quarters. Would the computer be able to tell him?
"Computer," said Zeke, "show me Sori's quarters on the hologram."
One of the rooms glowed brighter. That must be it, decided Zeke. Third door from the end of the main hall on the left.
It was starting to get near bedtime, so Zeke took a quick shower, hung his used clothes in the closet to be cleaned, and put on some fresh clothes. Hopefully he would catch Sori before she went to sleep.
Zeke walked down to the other end of the main corridor, and used the gesture on the third door. It opened, revealing a brightly lit room.
The room seemed to be in the middle of a forest, but Zeke quickly realized the viewscreens were at work. Thick trees with large fanlike leaves covered the walls of the room, a light blue sky with a few fluffy clouds graced the ceiling.
Other than the interesting wall display, the room was the same as Zeke's, right down to the large bed in the middle of the room. Sori was seated at a computer with lots of alien text floating before her. She turned in her chair towards Zeke as he entered.
"Tai," said Sori, looking at Zeke.
"Tie," said Zeke, wondering what he was agreeing to.
The language lessons hadn't gotten to the words for making out, so Zeke walked over to Sori, knelt in front of her so he was eye-level, and slowly blew on her nostril slits.
"Three. Minutes," said Sori, firmly pushing Zeke's head away.
Sori hurriedly walked into the center room with the toilets. In about a minute she came out and entered the room to the left. There was a reason for putting the toilet and bath in one room, Zeke mused, as he waited for Sori to finish bathing. Before her three minutes were up Sori came out, naked. She lay down on top of her bed and regarded Zeke.
Sori was something else, Zeke thought. She didn't seem to have any hangups about sex and she certainly looked ready enough to give it another try. Zeke remembered Sori going to sleep soon after cumming, and decided to prolong their encounter as long as possible. Sori had seemed content to just lie there until Zeke's finger had gone inside her vagina, what would happen if he just avoided the inside of her vagina for a while?
Only one way to find out, Zeke concluded. He got undressed quickly (not having shoes or underwear made that easy) and lay down beside Sori, propping himself up on his elbow.
Zeke started blowing gently into Sori's nose slits again. Sori responded by blowing back at Zeke. This was nice, but didn't do much for Zeke except tickle his nose. Sori hadn't liked mouth-to-mouth kissing, so Zeke decided to move on to something they both would enjoy.
Starting at Sori's neck, Zeke trailed kisses down her chest until he was close to her bellybutton. Last night, Sori had really seemed to enjoy having her bellybutton touched, so Zeke decided to spend some time there.
Before touching her bellybutton, Zeke delicately kissed circles around it for a while. Sori's breathing had already deepened a little, Zeke noticed. A few licks into Sori's bellybutton caused her to suck her stomach in, but Zeke, undeterred, kept licking.
After a while Sori started squirming a little. Zeke stopped, afraid she was getting too excited. He didn't want Sori deciding it was time to end their encounter like she had last night, in a quick fuck. That would be just fine for later, but would mean Sori dropping off to sleep.
Leaving Sori's bellybutton alone, Zeke lightly caressed her stomach and sides, watching for a reaction. Sori's breathing slowed, telling Zeke he was getting cold.
Zeke moved her legs apart, allowing better access to Sori's pussy. If caressing arms and legs didn't work, what about her pussy lips? Zeke remembered Sori sucking her breath when he blew on her pussy last night.
Running his fingers through Sori's pussy hair, Zeke moved to get a good view of her pussy. Once he was in position, Zeke lightly caressed the outsides of Sori's pussy lips, paying attention to her breathing. Zeke kept up the caresses for a while, but couldn't detect a change in Sori's breathing.Interesting, Sori seemed to have just a few hot spots. However, Zeke knew two of them: bellybutton and the inside of her pussy.
Zeke slowly parted Sori's pussy lips. Sori's vagina was relaxed, not slowly contracting and leaking fluid like the night before. But that was about to change, decided Zeke.
Taking a deep breath, Zeke softly blew over the insides of Sori's pussy, avoiding her vagina for now. Breath after breath, Zeke kept up his attentions until Sori was breathing heavier again, her vagina leaking and slowly contracting. Sori didn't seem to have a particular spot she liked, so maybe the entire pussy area was it.
All the blowing was starting to leave Zeke a bit light-headed, so he switched to kissing and licking. Zeke slowly licked the undersides of Sori's pussy lips, and then started at the top of her pussy and licked down towards her vagina, but stopped just short of it.
Sori's vaginal fluid had leaked down over her thighs. Zeke moistened his finger in the fluids and lightly touched Sori's anus, which immediately tightened.
"No. Please," said Sori, still breathing heavily.
Hmm. Did Sori mean she didn't enjoy having her anus touched as an individual, or was her preference biological? Enough exploring, Zeke decided. He was going to determine how much Sori would get worked up without having her vagina touched.
Zeke massaged Sori's pussy lips with his fingers while licking up and the insides of her pussy, always avoiding her vagina. And this time Zeke did not stop to try something else, but continued his assault in a measured pace -- he was prepared to lick her until he dropped.
After a while, Sori started to moan between her breaths. It was working! Zeke didn't change his pace a bit, listening excitedly to Sori's lengthening moans. Sori started to squirm, her vagina pulsing faster.
Sori suddenly sat up and put her hands on Zeke's shoulders.
"No. Please," said Sori in Standard, placing her hands gently on Zeke's shoulders.
Sori slowly complied and allowed herself to be helped to a resting position on her back once more. She was still squirming as Zeke resumed his attentions to her pussy lips and inner pussy.
Sori alternated between moaning and taking deep breaths, her squirming increased. The sounds were getting Zeke really turned on. Sori sat up again.
"Now. Please. Urgent," Sori gasped, pushing hard on Zeke's shoulders. Zeke saw Sori's face and chest were deeply flushed, and her eyes didn't seem to be focusing very well.
Zeke allowed Sori to force him to his back. Sori was on top of him in a flash, impaling herself on his erect cock. This time, Sori didn't waste time slowly lowering herself, inch-by-inch, on his cock -- she took the entire length at once and immediately began rocking her hips back and forth. She crossed her arms over her chest and hugged herself tightly.
Sori's vagina was pulsating rapidly around Zeke's cock, and the sensation was even better than last night. Tight, warm, and wet. Zeke could feel Sori's fluids dripping down on his groin. Unable to help himself, Zeke started slowly thrusting his pelvis up and down.
This caused Sori to moan louder and shiver, her flush deepening further. In seconds, Zeke felt the familiar fluttering of Sori's vagina. The sensation was fantastic, driving Zeke to the brink of orgasm. Zeke grabbed Sori's hips and began thrusting harder, lost in the exquisite sensations.
Sori's orgasm seemed to go on forever, stimulating Zeke's cock until he could take no more. He came hard into Sori, groaning at his release. Sori's fluttering stopped soon after.
Sori sighed and fell gently forward, resting awkwardly on Zeke's chest. Zeke moved her arms and head to a more comfortable position and pulled his deflating cock out of her.
"Computer, covers, dark," said Zeke.
The lights went out and the covers somehow pulled out from under Zeke without jostling him too much, and came to a rest over him and Sori. The lights went out, leaving just three small moons for illumination.Vish's people, the Shao, had expanded to 112 planets and several thousand gigantic artificial worlds. Their population numbered over 203 trillion, and they were one of the more advanced peoples in the galaxy. The ship they were on had been built by the Shao over two hundred years ago, and it still looked new.
Vish showed them holograms of his artificial worlds, and they were very impressive. One was a double torus larger than Jupiter, housing almost one trillion individuals in luxury. Another looked to be a series of concentric rings containing enormous cities.
Most Shao preferred the artificial worlds, since they were not a physical race. A comparatively smaller number of Shao lived on the planets, but they were the exception -- if you could call 250 billion individuals an exception.
"So Vish," asked Zeke, "is there any truth to those stories about you guys and the anal probes?"
"And what about those cattle mutilations?" asked David.
"Some truth," acknowledged Vish.
"You shouldn't do that," complained Susan, "it's just wrong."
"Possibly," acknowledged Vish, "On the other hand, no Earthlings are harmed, sometimes minor medical problems are corrected. And we are conducting important research that could benefit countless species. Your system of food production has become intertwined to such a degree, that a bacteria or virus could quickly spread to a majority of livestock. Such conditions encourage a disease that could devastate your population. The same is true for many other developing worlds."
"That still doesn't give you the right to snatch people up for your experiments," said Susan.
"In any event," said Vish, "I am not involved with those projects, and with more human participation in our cooperative defense, such research is no longer looked upon favorably."
Another mystery solved, thought Zeke. A bit disconcerting though, humans had been looked upon as little more than experimental animals, at least until enough of them joined the alien's organization. How was the Shao's experimentation any different from those "other" aliens they would be defending Earth against? Zeke resolved to find out about this, but he wouldn't be asking the Shao on this ship.
Before it got too late, the group decided to get some sleep for the upcoming day. Starting their training would be exciting, and Zeke could hardly wait. Zeke went back to his quarters and used the waterless shower, intent on paying Sori one last visit.
When Zeke entered Sori's quarters, the lights were already off. Two simulated moons overhead provided enough light for Zeke to see Sori under the covers in her bed. Hopefully, Zeke thought as he sat on the bed, she wasn't asleep yet.
"Hi Sori," said Zeke, "are you asleep yet?"
Being able to talk with Sori was a dream come true, and Zeke resolved to take advantage of it.
"No," said Sori.
"Computer," said Zeke, "increase light level five times."
The room brightened, not too bright, but enough to see reasonably well. Zeke pulled the covers off of Sori and looked her over. She was, as expected, naked. Zeke got undressed himself, and lay down on his side, near Sori.
Zeke moved his head over Sori, and lightly blew into her nostril slits. He gently traced around her bellybutton with his hand.
"Sori," said Zeke between breaths, "I'm going to miss you after tonight."
"Do not miss me," said Sori, "remember our times together, anticipate our times in the future, and enjoy our time in the present."
"Zeke," said Sori, "in our prior encounters, you have devoted yourself to my pleasure. This time, lay back and allow me to devote myself to your pleasure."
"Sounds like fun," smiled Zeke, making himself comfortable on his back.
Sori knelt beside Zeke and softly blew into his nostrils. It tickled, but was kind of nice in a way, even if it wasn't turning Zeke on. Really, Zeke considered, everything he had done with Sori probably didn't turn her on either -- like kissing on the lips. Sori's mouth had been dry, and she hadn't seemed to like it. Or when he touched her anus, she had actually said "no." And touching her sides or neck didn't seem to do much for her either.
Once Zeke left the ship tomorrow, and assuming he eventually found another cute alien to have fun with, he was going to remember to watch carefully for what turn-ons his partner had. Perhaps the computer would have more information.
Sori moved down and started blowing softly on Zeke's bellybutton. It tickled a little.
However, Zeke remembered, Sori definitely did have her turn-ons. Her bellybutton was one of them, she also liked her nostrils blown into, and she liked the inside of her pussy rubbed and licked. Touching the inside of her vagina seemed to set her off, Sori had jumped Zeke as soon as he had touched her there.
The second night they were together, Zeke had kept away from Sori's vagina, but Sori still seemed extremely aroused with just the pussy licking. Zeke couldn't read her facial expressions very well, she seemed not to have them. Except... Her flushed face and unfocused eyes as she came, that was an expression Zeke hadn't had any trouble reading. And that was one expression Zeke wanted to see again.
A touch on Zeke's penis returned his attention to the present. Sori had stopped blowing on his bellybutton, and was holding his flaccid member. As she had on their first night together, Sori gently stroked Zeke's cock.
Blowing on Zeke's bellybutton may not have done much for him, but Sori's hands worked their magic on his cock. Before long, Zeke was breathing heavy and groaning, his cock tingling and ready to explode. Sori kept him on edge for what seemed like forever.
Finally, Zeke felt the pressure inside him build in a way that could no longer be denied. He was seconds away from coming. Zeke started thrusting his hips, wanting more. Sori increased her attentions, and Zeke's entire body stiffened as he came, a few spurts landing on Sori's chest.
"Computer," said Sori, "clean."
Zeke felt the tingling, just like in the waterless shower, and suddenly Sori's chest was spotless. Looking down, Zeke noticed his cock and Sori's hands were completely clean also. Neat trick.
"Sori," sighed Zeke, "that was awesome."
"I am pleased you enjoyed it," said Sori, lying down beside Zeke.
Another oddity about Standard was its lack of a word for "thank you." Zeke was starting to get a feel for how something as simple as a missing "thank you" could impact normal conversation. The words "thank you," Zeke considered, didn't convey much meaning, they were just a polite noise. But take away those words, and the speaker had to use other, more personal, more accurate words.
Interesting, Zeke mused, reaching out to gently stroke around Sori's bellybutton. Standard had no concept of marriage, no words for "thank you," and no curse words. Well, at least Zeke hadn't learned any curse words.
"I was wondering," said Zeke, "have we been taught all the words and concepts of Standard?"
"Yes," said Sori, "you know all the words."
"Are you familiar with languages where some words are especially insulting?" asked Zeke.
"Yes," sighed Sori, "Standard is an artificially created language, unpleasant words were not included."
Zeke moved down, between Sori's legs, and started licking the edges of her pussy lips. Sori moved her legs further apart.
"Why did they leave out the unpleasant words," Zeke asked, licking underneath Sori's pussy lips.
"The intention," said Sori, starting to squirm, "was to encourage the expression of actual issues." Sori panted, "Meaningful dialog, instead of generic insults."
The aliens seemed to have thought of everything, Zeke decided, giving Sori's pussy a thorough licking while his hand teased her bellybutton. Sori was now holding her breath for a time, releasing it in gasps, then holding it again.
"Zeke," gasped Sori, "are you recovered enough for intercourse?"
"Not just yet," Zeke grinned, continuing to lick every inch of Sori's pussy.
Sori's vagina was pulsing, dripping a steady stream of juice. Zeke ran his tongue around Sori's vagina, but was careful to avoid touching the inside of her vagina. Sori's squirming made it increasingly difficult to avoid her vagina, but Zeke persevered.
"Are you recovered now?" gasped Sori again.
"Not yet, but shortly," Zeke replied. Teasing Sori was so much fun.
Zeke continued until his tongue started to get tired. Sori's breath was coming in deep shuddering gasps, her hips rocking gently back and forth.
"Now," gasped Sori, "Please be ready now."
Zeke carefully positioned his body over Sori and entered her, making sure not to put his weight on her. Sori's vagina was so wet that Zeke's cock slid in with no trouble whatsoever. Zeke started fucking in a steady rhythm, while Sori's vagina fluttered constantly around his cock.
Sori's eyes stared, unfocused, past Zeke; her face was completely flushed, and Sori's hips moved frantically as she tightly hugged Zeke with her arms and legs. Zeke realized she must be having her orgasm already.
Soon Sori's vagina stopped fluttering and she released Zeke, slumping to rest on the bed. Zeke, already having come once, knew it would be a while before he came again.
Zeke continued his slow rhythm, luxuriating in Sori's tight vagina. After a while, Sori's vagina started slowly contracting again. By the time Zeke neared his own release, Sori's vagina had started a slow, gentle fluttering. The feeling against Zeke's cock was different from the faster contractions Sori was having earlier.
On the verge of exploding, Zeke groaned, trying to hold back. Suddenly Sori's vagina stopped its fluttering. Even with the decrease in sensation, Zeke was too close. Zeke's body went rigid as he came.
Slowly Zeke pulled out of Sori, and lay down beside her. Sori's eyes were already closed.
"Computer," said Zeke, "lights out."
When Zeke awoke the next morning, Sori was staring into his eyes."Twice," said Sori, "you are very skilled to make me climax twice. I will remember our encounter very fondly."
"I'm already looking forward to meeting up with you again," said Zeke, blowing softly on Sori's nostril slits. The two stayed like that for a while before getting ready for the day and heading to breakfast.
An hour after breakfast, the spaceship arrived at the base. The group watched from the sitting room; Zeke and Sori sat together and talked, while Walter ignored them.
The base didn't look like much. Just a long, featureless, white cylinder floating by itself in space. Like in the hologram room, no windows, seams, or other markings showed. And without any marks or reference points, determining the actual scale of the base was impossible.
As the ship maneuvered around to the end of the base, a dark circle became visible in the center of the cylinder's hub. Only when the ship flew into this dark circle and docked in an enormous hangar along with countless other ships did the true size of the base become apparent.
"It's enormous!" said Susan.
"Why so big?" asked Mark.
"The base is divided into a multitude of different environments, each with a unique atmosphere, climate, and gravity," said Sori. "Centrifugal force simulates the gravity, and the different levels provide the necessary gravity variations."
"With all the different habitats, you must be very careful where you go," continued Sori. "Entering the wrong habitat could prove fatal."
The computer would warn them against inadvertently entering a hostile habitat, but they needed to know the environment encoding scheme if they were to live aboard a multi-environment station. Four numbers represented an environmental profile which described the impact of all environmental factors on an individual. Given the number of combinations of environmental factors such as gravity, temperature, pressure, and atmospheric components, the details of the profile were complex. However, the mapping was done in such a way that it was easy to quickly determine an individual's tolerance of a particular environmental profile.
"The human environmental profile is 91-8-136-57," said Sori. "And this ship is currently set to 88-12-130-66. My profile is 87-17-128-72. Since our numbers are not too far off, we are both comfortable. Do not enter an area where any of the numbers differ from your profile by more than 30, it could be dangerous."
"What about eating?" asked Zeke. "Is there a profile for that too?"
"We have a similar method for that," said Sori. "Food has a planetary origin and a six-number profile, yours is 12-32-393-102-1-52. Deviations of any number by less than sixty are edible. Depending on individual tolerances, you might deviate by as much as two hundred before it becomes poisonous."
"The planetary origin," interjected Mvek, "is a better method. Keep to food from Earth and you will be safe."
"Will there be meat on the base?" asked Walter. "I'm getting tired of this vegetarian diet."
"It's really vegan," interjected Dan. "No animal products at all. I miss them already."
"Yes," said Sori, looking at Mvek. "your normal diet is available. Although it is not polite to mention such things in public."
"Oh, sorry Mvek," said Dan.
"I am used to worse practices as a recruiter," said Mvek, "but new recruits on the base are much more easily offended by talk of eating animals."
"Worse?" asked Walter. "Well, as long as no one starts eating me, it can't be much worse."
Zeke considered Walter's comment and decided to see what the computer had on alien expressions and moods.
"Before I lose interest in food for the remainder of the day," said Sori, "we have arrived and docked. We will help you pack your belongings and get you started with your training at the base."
Packing went quickly for Zeke. He didn't have much except for the few things salvaged from the car and the clothes Mvek had given him. It all went into a single hovering anti-gravity container. Sori explained the container would go into storage for now and later find its way to Zeke's new quarters on its own, once Zeke had selected a quarters.
"You mean our quarters are not already assigned?" asked Zeke.
"The location of your quarters will depend on the skill you choose to train in," explained Sori. "Quarters are located in proximity to training. And, depending on the training selected, some quarters are specially designed to enhance training."
"I'm going to miss you," said Zeke, giving Sori a hug.
"Do not miss me," reminded Sori. "We will see each other again, and others on the base will share your time."
Some of the others took longer to pack, but before too long everyone was assembled and Mvek led them into the base. Sori and the Greys remained aboard the ship.
The base had an entirely different look than Mvek's ship. The docking port joined smoothly with a large circular chamber, about forty feet in diameter. The walls were a bright white and merged seamlessly into the floor and ceiling. Illumination spread evenly throughout the room, with no apparent source. The only items not white were Mvek's ship and a fifteen-foot diameter blue circle in the center of the room.
Mvek led them to the blue circle, which Zeke guessed was related to the disk used to board Mvek's ship. Apparently the others thought the same and were soon standing within the circle. Mvek gestured and a railing appeared.
"Computer," said Mvek, "transport us to indoctrination."
The platform smoothly rose towards the ceiling, which opened into a fifty-foot diameter tube with the same bright white walls. Strange, thought Zeke, the opening to the tube had not been visible from the ground. Filing this detail away for the future, Zeke continued to look around. One side of the tube had a definite end, but the other stretched into the distance, seemingly forever. The platform moved rapidly towards the end they couldn't see. Surprisingly, there was very little wind or noise.
For a moment, Zeke was disoriented, but then realized the tube must run the length of the cylinder that was the base. A few other platforms were zooming through the tube, but passed by too quickly for Zeke to see the occupants. Zeke did see other tubes branching off from this one at regular intervals, possibly this was the main way of getting around on the enormous base.
Within a few minutes, they turned into another tube and came to a halt in a white room like the docking port, but with three blue platforms on the floor and several open archways on the walls.
Another blue platform came to a rest beside them, the single occupant was six feet tall, with five furry blue legs, three purple tentacles at the top of a stalk, and no visible head. It crawled off the platform and left through the archway on the left.
"Computer," said Mvek, "blue guide to indoctrination."
A glowing blue ball appeared before them, then moved to one of the archways and hovered. Mvek motioned for them to follow. They went down a short hall; the blue ball stopped at the only open archway. The group entered a large room with alien furniture designed to accommodate a variety of species. The ball disappeared, this room was their destination. It was unmistakably a waiting room. Alien, artistic, and white, but a waiting room nonetheless.
"We will wait here," said Mvek. "Shortly an indoctrination expert will discuss areas of training with each of you."
Zeke sat back and got comfortable. Apparently the aliens hadn't found a solution for waiting, and this would probably take a while. Zeke was a bit too excited to take a nap, so he imagined what piloting a starship would be like.
After a few minutes, Susan started pacing back and forth nervously.
"What's taking so long?" she said, annoyed.
"They'll probably be here soon," said Zeke. "So, what are you going to train in?"
"I want to do something that involves exploring the galaxy," said Susan. "You know, finding new worlds, new cultures. That sort of thing. What about you?"
"I want to pilot a starship, and Walter wants to be captain of a starship."
"Hey, that could work out," said Susan. "Maybe we'll be on the same ship."
Zeke was about to reply when another alien entered. The alien reminded Zeke of a jellyfish, but with the tentacles coming from all over the body. It was circular, three feet in diameter, and transparent. They could see its internal organs and what was likely its brain at the top. Definitely not an air breather, it floated in a transparent hovering container just big enough to keep it submerged.
"Good afternoon, I am Maeoglaiere. I will discuss the numerous specialties available to you and find one best suited to your abilities and interests. Before we begin, please introduce yourselves and tell me if you are already considering a particular specialty."
"I'm Susan Gladshaw, and I want to explore the galaxy, see new planets and discover new peoples."
"I'm Dan, and I'm not sure what I want to do yet. But I'm happy to be here."
"Mike Donaldson, undecided."
"Walter Westerfield, I want to be captain of a starship."
"I'm Zeke, and I'm interested in piloting a starship."
"Excellent," said Maeoglaiere. "Walter and Zeke, how certain are your choices?"
"A hundred percent," said Zeke. "It just feels right."
"Well, 99.999 percent for me," said Walter.
"In that case," said Maeoglaiere, "you two may wish to proceed to your training sections now rather than listen to my lecture on the different specialties. It is primarily for the undecided, although you are welcome to listen if you like."
"Hey!" said Susan. "I'm decided about being an explorer."
"There are different specialties covered by your interest," said Maeoglaiere, "including pilot, captain, engineer, diplomat, and many others. In a moment, I will start the lecture with these.""Computer," said Maeoglaiere, "red guide for Earthling pilot training, blue guide for Earthling leadership training."
Two globes, red and blue, appeared. Both moved to hover over the archway leading back to the entry hall.
"Maeoglaiere," said Zeke, "may I be assigned to instructor Yzran for pilot training?"
"You may choose any instructor you wish," said Maeoglaiere. "Many Earthlings are more comfortable with an Earthling instructor, and we try to accommodate that preference; however, the final choice is always left to the individual. Are you certain of your choice?"
"Yes," said Zeke.
"Computer," said Maeoglaiere, "cancel red guide. Red guide to pilot instructor Yzran."
The red globe vanished and a new one appeared, again moving to hover by the archway.
"Bye Maeoglaiere," said Zeke, "Bye Mvek. I'll see the rest of you later."
Zeke walked towards the red globe, and Walter followed. The globes led back down the hall to the room with the platforms. Here, the globes separated, each hovering over a different platform.
"I guess this is where we split up," said Zeke.
"I guess," said Walter. "Computer, green guide for finding Zeke."
A green globe appeared, moved over Zeke for a moment, and disappeared.
"Pretty sharp," said Zeke, stepping on his platform. "We'll have to meet up after we get settled in."
"OK," said Walter, "bye." Walter gestured, and his platform rail raised; the platform lifted up and out of sight.
Zeke gestured, and his platform did the same, zooming down the tube towards its destination; wherever that was, thought Zeke.
The platform arrived in a room just like the one Zeke had departed. It had marked circles for three platforms, and Zeke's platform settled into one of them. The railing dropped away, and the red globe moved to hover near one of the archways. Zeke followed.
Beyond the archway, Zeke could see what looked like a well-landscaped park. Brightly and evenly lit from an unseen source, the ceiling was a featureless white, and it was impossible to tell just how high the ceiling was. Zeke didn't have to use his imagination much to get the feeling of being outside under a white sky.
The park was about 300 feet across and continued far into the distance on either side, the floor gradually rising and disappearing upwards, following the curvature of the mighty cylinder that was the base.
Smooth, clean white walkways meandered around a multitude of plants with green, blue, red, yellow, and even brown leaves. The brown and yellow leaves looked healthy, not dried up or wilted, so that must be their normal color. Flowers and streaming tendrils displayed a staggering number of shapes and colors. Plants from perhaps hundreds of worlds grew in this park.
Further on, the walkways merged into larger open areas with platforms three feet in diameter, a foot off the floor, arranged in small groups.
And the park was not empty of aliens either. Zeke didn't spot any humans, but he saw some of the Shao, and a few of the furry blue-legged aliens. One alien looked birdlike, with backwards knees and a thin neck supporting an elongated head. A single eye in the front below three bumps, a small mouth, and speckled orange and green skin made this alien stand out from the crowd.
Two other aliens also caught Zeke's attention. One was like a centipede standing on its end. It was composed of a dozen flat body segments, each with about a dozen short stubby appendages distributed evenly around the circumference. The lower appendages were used as legs, the upper appendages probably functioned as arms. No separate head, but Zeke thought he saw eyes on each of the segments.
The other alien had a small round body and three slender legs ending in a double flipper arrangement. Its body was about a foot tall and covered in bright green fur, except for three thin, pink tentacles rising about six feet into the air. Each tentacle had an eye on its tip. It looked unwieldy, but the alien moved gracefully down the path.
Engrossed in his surroundings, Zeke forgot about the red globe. Luckily, the globe did not forget about Zeke, and came back to circle his head before floating away to his left, near the wall of the park where Zeke had entered. Along the park walls, the smaller walkways joined a thirty-foot-wide swath of clear white floor that ran continuously as far as Zeke could see.
The ceiling merged smoothly into a clean, white wall with several archways in it. A small group of archways here, and more groups of archways further down the wall of the park were the only features of the wall. Zeke could see a few groups of archways on the far wall of the park as well.
The red globe hovered over an archway near the one Zeke had entered the park through. Zeke could identify that archway since it was the only one open, the rest of the archways had closed doors of various colors. The globe was hovering near a yellow door. Zeke walked over to the yellow door.
Once Zeke got within three feet of the door, it vanished. It didn't open or slide out of the way, it simply disappeared. One second it was there, the next second it was gone; no sound, no glittery flashes, just gone. Slightly more advanced than Mvek's ship, Zeke thought.
Zeke followed the red globe into the room, a fifty-foot diameter circle with a domed ceiling. Zeke was the only one in the room. Walls and floor were a spotless white, the only color was a light blue padded couch that was built into the wall and ran halfway around the perimeter of the room. The couch was interrupted in only two places, the door Zeke had used to enter, and another door ninety degrees to the left.
The red globe disappeared, and Zeke headed for the other door, it too disappeared when Zeke got within three feet. Beyond the door, a five-foot-wide hallway with a dozen open archways leading to small rooms, but no other exit. Inside each room, one of the familiar floor toilets awaited. As Zeke entered one, the archway filled in with a door, which also obligingly disappeared as Zeke exited.
Zeke went back to the couch room and considered. Perhaps he was early or late. He could always ask one of the aliens in the park. Or he could ask the computer. If the doors were more advanced than those on Mvek's ship, perhaps the computer would be also. Heck, if the computer were anything like the sci-fi Walter liked, Zeke could probably get all the information he needed.
"Computer, am I in the right place for pilot training?"
"Yes," replied a neutral voice.
The voice wasn't mechanical, or even identifiable as male or female. It seemed to originate from behind Zeke's right ear. Zeke turned but saw nothing.
"Where is everyone?"
Silence. Oh, right. The computer had to be addressed specifically each time, like on Mvek's ship.
"Computer, where is everyone?"
"Statement not understood," replied the computer.
"Computer, what times are pilot training sessions in this area?"
"Pilot training is scheduled in three sessions per day, on active days. Two in the afternoon and twenty-three in the morning, each are five-hour sessions."
Zeke knew the alien's hours were just a little longer than Earth hours, but twenty-three in the morning? Maybe a bit of information on the calendar was in order. The language lessons certainly hadn't covered twenty-three in the morning.
"Computer, summarize the calendar and divisions of the day."
"In this habitat," began the computer, "the calendar is divided into weeks of six days each. The first three days are resting days, the last three days are active days. A day is divided into four parts: afternoon, evening, night, and morning. Each part of the day is seven hours long, for a total of twenty-eight hours per day. The day begins in the afternoon, from 0 to 6 hours. Evening is from 7 to 13 hours. Night is from 14 to 20 hours. Morning is from 21 to 27 hours."
The day started at noon? Training was before noon in the morning, and in the afternoon, leaving the evening free and the night for sleeping. Oh, so the hours just started at noon. Different, but not so great a leap.
"Computer, what day and time is it now?"
"Day two," said the computer, "hour five."
"Computer, which days does training take place?"
"Days three through five," said the computer.
So this was the weekend, no classes today. And a three-day weekend at that. Definitely better than the old five and two system Zeke was familiar with. Well, Zeke understood why no one was here, but now what? Perhaps he could hang out with Walter for the rest of the day. Maybe the computer could place a call.
"Computer, let me talk with Walter. He came in with me on Mvek's ship."
"Connected," said the computer after a few seconds.
"Zeke?" came Walter's voice.
"Hey Walter, it's the weekend. No classes today, want to get together and check out the base?"
"Weekend?" Walter sounded puzzled. "Oh, we're in different habitat rings. I guess the habitats have different schedules. Over here, my first leadership training class is starting in a few minutes. I've got to run."
"That's cool," replied Zeke, "I'll catch you later. Computer, end connection."
"Disconnected," said the computer.
"Computer, does pilot training include practicing on a simulator?"
"Yes," said the computer.
"Computer, where are the nearest simulators?"
"Flight training simulators are located in this room," said the computer.
In this room? Zeke sat on the nearest section of the couch. All he saw was the couch, no video screen, no controls. Maybe the computer could get it going.
"Computer, begin flight simulation."
A section of the floor opened, and a set of controls extended towards Zeke. Two joysticks on free-floating arms and a small touch panel, also on a free-floating arm, settled in front of Zeke. The joysticks felt solid in his hands, each had four buttons in easy reach of Zeke's fingers.Zeke found he could easily position the floating arms to get the joysticks and panel in a comfortable position. Touch buttons on the panel locked the free-floating arms in position. The touch buttons controlled the ship's speed, energy distribution, shielding, and docking mechanisms. A section was labeled "preset maneuvers," whatever that meant.
Zeke also noticed a button to start and stop the simulation. He pressed it.
A starfield appeared before Zeke, and a large gas giant with dozens of moons dominated the foreground. The hologram was solid, a square about three feet across, and the planets looked real.
Zeke moved the left joystick slightly, and the view shifted. The right joystick started him careening towards a moon. After a few close calls, Zeke quickly got the hang of the controls. The left stick set a direction, but did not actually move the virtual ship. The right stick moved the ship in respect to the direction.
Speed was controlled by tilting the joystick further, and larger increments of speed were possible with buttons on the joystick or touch panel. Moving the joystick to the side started the ship tilting in that direction.
The joysticks were responsive to Zeke's every move, and the ship handled beautifully. Before long, Zeke had explored the gas giant's moon system, diving down and skimming the surfaces of the moons, mere inches from the surface.
One of the larger moons had a ring system, and Zeke tried dodging the asteroids, but they were far apart and not much of a challenge.
"Computer, move the asteroids closer together, about twenty ship lengths apart. And have them move in random directions."
Now this was more exciting! Zeke spent some time dodging the asteroids, the random motion making it a challenge. Zeke brought up some additional views showing object proximity and predicted direction to avoid getting hit from behind. After a while, Zeke was moving at a good clip through the asteroid belt, dodging rocks instinctively; he just had to watch the screens and focus.
Finally tiring of the asteroids, Zeke headed out to explore the inner planetary system. At top speed, he was quickly there. The three inner planets were of equal size, about five times the diameter of Earth according to the readout. All of them were desolate and lifeless.
They were still interesting, and the images were top quality, so Zeke took a leisurely tour of the second planet. It had jagged geological formations, which made for some interesting skimming, but nothing difficult. Zeke's mind had time to wander.
"Computer, what time is it?"
"Eight in the evening," said the computer.
Eight. That was early evening; night and bedtime wouldn't come until fourteen in the evening. But there was dinner to see about, and Zeke still needed to find his quarters.
"Computer, where are my quarters?"
"Quarters are not currently assigned," said the computer.
"Computer, how do I get assigned quarters?"
"You request quarters, and are assigned the nearest matching your request," said the computer.
"Computer, assign me the nearest quarters to this location, and give me a guide globe to take me there."
"Done," said the computer.
A blue globe appeared in front of Zeke, then moved to hover above the entry door. Zeke got up and walked towards the door, which disappeared as he neared; the flightpad and joysticks automatically retracted into the floor.
Back in the park, Zeke followed the globe as it floated along the wall. In less than a minute, Zeke saw a white archway with a label, Etoona. The white archway blended in with the wall and was easy to miss from a distance, the labels were only visible once Zeke got close to the doors. Near the doors, the labels were dark black standard letters; more than ten feet away, the lettering faded, appearing white.
Looking closely at the walls, Zeke noticed other white archways evenly spaced about thirty feet apart. The next archway was labeled Thaymelv. These were most likely quarters, Zeke concluded. Before too long, the globe hovered above a white archway, labeled Zeke.
Nice, thought Zeke; this wasn't too far from the training room. The door vanished as Zeke got close, and the inside was a rectangular room about thirty feet wide, forty feet deep, and twenty feet high. The corners were rounded, and Zeke couldn't see a single sharp edge in the room. As Zeke entered, the door silently reappeared.
At the center of the far back wall, a bathtub twice as large as the one aboard Mvek's ship dominated. To the left, Zeke found a dry shower and a six-foot-wide shelf. Further left, in the corner, were three floor toilets. To the right of the tub, built-in white cabinets ran all the way to the other corner.
In the front corner of the room, a twelve-foot circular depression contained a bed. The soft mattress was even with the floor, and padding around the sides would prevent sleepers from bumping heads against the floor. A pile of pillows sat on the bed nearest the corner of the room. Pillows, mattress, and padding were all the same shade of crisp, clean, white.
The rest of the room was empty, with no furniture, not even a chair.
Seeing the toilets prompted Zeke's bladder. As Zeke relieved himself, he felt odd urinating in such a large room. For some reason, the aliens built this room without an enclosure around the toilets or bath areas. Well, it was a single-occupancy room.
Maybe the aliens weren't embarrassed about bodily functions like Earthlings. Zeke remembered the separate toilet and bathing rooms in Mvek's ship, and suddenly realized the layout might be for the comfort of the Earthlings. The Earthlings liked walls for privacy, the aliens liked openness for convenience.
After finishing with the toilets, Zeke examined the shelf. The shelf was about waist high, and the edges curved up to hold water. It was really a sink. The lack of faucets had misled Zeke, but as soon as Zeke moved his hand over the sink, water arched into the basin from several sources on the wall. The water stopped when Zeke withdrew his hand. Zeke couldn't find the source of the water; the wall was smooth and felt solid where the water streams had originated. Weird.
A noise to Zeke's right drew his attention. Near the cabinets, a small robot floated beside the box Zeke had stored his belongings in. The robot was a white, foot-tall cylinder half a foot in diameter with three slender arms. It was storing his possessions neatly in the cabinets. Soon the robot finished and disappeared into an opening in the ceiling, which closed seamlessly.
"Computer, can I get some furniture? Will it cost me any credits?"
"Normal furniture is provided at your request," said the computer, "specialty items require credits."
Zeke found normal furniture covered a lot. He decided on a large green couch covered in the softest material available, two small oval tables for the sides of the couch, and a kitchen table and chairs.
The furniture arrived within a few minutes. It dropped in from the ceiling with the help of some larger robots like the first one. With the help of the computer, Zeke had the robots arrange the furniture until he was satisfied. The couch ended up in the center of the wall near the bed, the kitchen table by the cabinets.
"Computer, what time is it now, and what are the mealtimes?"
"The time is eight hours, thirty-two minutes," said the computer. "Normal mealtimes are 0 to 2 in the afternoon, 8 to 10 in the evening, and 20 to 22 in the morning. Food is also available upon request at all times."
Well, at least he wasn't late to dinner, Zeke thought. Perhaps he could get the computer to cough up a video game. Maybe later, Zeke decided; right now, dinner seemed a good idea. Zeke left his quarters, the door reappearing behind him. Now where was dinner?
"Computer, blue globe to dinner."
A blue globe appeared and moved to hover over the door. Zeke followed it outside. The globe went back towards the training room, stopping to hover over a green door, just two doors away from the training room. Obviously the green door was the dining room. A few aliens were in the area, including the one with multiple body segments that looked like a centipede.
"Computer," said Zeke, deciding not to enter the dining room yet, "dismiss guide."
The centipede alien was interesting; Zeke wanted a closer look. But he didn't want to be rude: "Hey, you're weird looking, tell me about yourself." The alien was making slow, but reasonable, progress on his stubby lower limbs, going about half as fast as Zeke normally walked. In fact, the alien was following a red globe and coming closer to Zeke.
The red globe stopped over the yellow door. Probably the alien had just arrived and was checking out the training room. The alien was probably either an instructor, or more likely a trainee. No point in letting the alien wonder where everyone was, Zeke decided, heading towards the centipede.
"Hi, I'm Zeke, one of Yzran's new trainees. Are you a trainee too?"
The centipede's twelve body sections were about two feet in diameter, each six inches high; the tan-colored alien stood four feet tall. On closer inspection, the dozen appendages on each section were all the same -- short, thick limbs ending in three opposing, evenly spaced, stubby fingers that served as feet or hands. Standing vertically, only the appendages on the bottom segment worked as feet. The rest hung, relaxed, on the body.
"I am Etoona, also a trainee. I am surprised to find an Earthland in this section. Most Earthlands are uncomfortable around other species."
Etoona spoke with a low, guttural voice that reminded Zeke of a frog croaking. Etoona. The name sounded familiar. Ah, it had been on the door of the first quarters Zeke had passed. Etoona had come prepared and secured his quarters sooner than Zeke.
"I think I see what you mean," said Zeke, "when I asked specifically for Yzran, they modified my globe's destination. Otherwise I'd probably be in a habitat with mostly...Earthlands, and not the trainee of the best instructor available.
"A disadvantage of those species newly joined the Hirthal," said Etoona, continuing towards the yellow door. "The social instincts limit them to interaction with species of a similar appearance, unless overcome by a period of adjustment."
"Social instincts?" asked Zeke.
"One of the natural behaviors," said Etoona, "such as tending to walk towards water, or away from darkness. Some social instincts useful in the evolution of a species can be annoying once intelligence evolves."
"Computer, red guide to eating room," said Etoona.
"It's the green door over there," said Zeke, walking slowly beside Etoona.
The red globe hovered over the green door and disappeared as Zeke and Etoona entered. This room was a circle about twice the size of the training room. Like the training room, white was the predominant color. A large, low, circular counter enclosed what had to be an open kitchen. Small, foot-high platforms were evenly spaced around the counter, most likely seating, but it looked uncomfortable.
No one else was in the room except for a single Shao behind the counter. This dining room wasn't set up for a buffet like on Mvek's ship; it was pretty obvious to Zeke they should pick a spot and be seated. If Zeke's guess was right, the Shao would come over and take their order or something like that. Cool, not many people could say they had been waited on by an alien.
"At least you have overcome most of your instinctive limitations," said Etoona. "Are you still uncomfortable around other species?"
"No," said Zeke, "I guess I'm so overwhelmed with finding out other intelligent species even exist, that I didn't think of being uncomfortable."
Etoona gestured at a seating platform and it sank into the floor. Moving over the spot where the platform had been, Etoona gestured again and the platform rose up. Neat, thought Zeke.
Zeke gestured at his own platform and it rose slightly, a narrow section at the back continued to rise at a slight angle, forming the back of a seat. Really neat, thought Zeke, sitting in the newly formed chair.
"Hello Etoona," said the Shao, noticing the pair and walking over to them. "I am Otheshiil, nutritionist. Will you accept my suggestion for tonight?"
"None of that," said Etoona, "splekk, prepared old style, and nothing extra."
"As you prefer," said Otheshiil, "Computer, transfer one siplekkol here, restrained, table two."
"Hello Zeke," said Otheshiil, "as this is new to you, I will explain. My purpose is to provide optimal nourishment to each trainee; I have studied in detail your species' requirements and I monitor your current condition. Correct nourishment will allow you to experience the best performance from your body and mind. However, the final decision as to your diet is your own. Will you accept my suggestion for tonight?"
Proper nutrition, Zeke mused. Back at the university, Zeke's diet hadn't been all that great; certainly he hadn't bothered with nutrition. But then, no one had offered him "optimal nourishment" tailored to his specific needs. If he accepted Otheshiil's advice, Zeke would probably get something like health food, bland and tasteless. But again, what could it hurt to try it? If it tasted too bad he could always ask Otheshiil for a burger and fries.
"That sounds... interesting," said Zeke, "give me whatever you think is best."
A motion overhead caught Zeke's eye. One of the robots was lowering a small creature, about the size of a cat, to Otheshiil's preparation table. The creature was green with blue stripes and had six legs. It was still, but Zeke could see it breathing. Zeke decided he would avoid watching Otheshiil prepare the splekk.
"Excellent," said Otheshiil, "your meals will be completed shortly."
"You will regret your choice," said Etoona, "nutritional food does not mean enjoyable food. Otheshiil would have me eating leaves if he could."
Otheshiil returned shortly with a large glass of clear liquid and a small plate for Zeke. It looked like a salad, tasted like a salad too. Not as good as a burger, but it wasn't that bad either. Think optimal performance, Zeke told himself.
"The food's not so bad," said Zeke, taking a drink. As he had suspected, it was water.
"Besides, I want to be at top performance for my training."
"How much experience do you have," asked Etoona.
"None flying," admitted Zeke, "but I'm pretty good with simulations." Standard didn't have a word for video games, so that was as close as Zeke could come to explaining.
Otheshiil arrived with five plates, most of which went to Etoona. The one plate Zeke got had several wafers on it. Etoona's food actually looked pretty good, not like in the movies where the aliens ate nasty squirming worms. Etoona had several steaks, each skewered on an individual stick, and also some long orange bars.
"What type of simulations?" asked Etoona, "You just learned about the Hirthal."
"Well," said Zeke, munching on a wafer, "lots of recreational simulations where I control some kind of object."
Zeke noticed Etoona was holding multiple steaks on sticks in appendages belonging to various body segments. Each of the segments had a mouth, and each mouth was chewing the food. With all those mouths, Etoona ate fast.
"Better than nothing," said Etoona, taking his last bite. "I'm going to organize my quarters, bye for now."
Etoona gestured his platform down and headed out the door. Having only one mouth, Zeke took a little longer to finish his dinner.
"Was dinner satisfactory?" asked Otheshiil.
"Not what I'm used to," said Zeke, "but not bad."
After talking with Otheshiil for a bit, Zeke headed back out to the park. With plenty of time before the night period, Zeke decided to look around. He started walking down one of the smaller paths; unlike the wider paths, this path was bare earth. In no time, the training plaza was out of sight and Zeke was alone, in the middle of the nicely kept park.
The plants were tall and thick enough to limit Zeke's visibility to the immediate area. Soon Zeke came upon a small open space with two benches positioned in front of a natural-looking, three-foot-high waterfall. The gurgling of the water masked sounds coming from other areas of the park, giving Zeke a feeling of solitude.
The benches were low white rectangles with no backs, like in the dining room. Did they adjust in the same way? Zeke made the gesture at the bench; the rectangle rose six inches while a one-inch-thick portion of the seat rose almost vertically, forming a back. Zeke sat on the newly formed bench, watching the waterfall, reflecting on the last week, and considering his future.
Before all of this, Zeke had not believed aliens existed. Now he was going to be learning how to pilot a ship with them. Taking up the challenge of becoming a pilot was going to be fun, and Zeke could hardly wait until the training started in the morning. Back at the university, Zeke had been an average student, just doing the minimum to get passing grades. But now things were different. Zeke resolved to give the training his maximum effort; he was not going to be an average pilot, but the best pilot he could possibly be.
How long did it take to learn piloting, anyway? "Computer, how long does pilot training last?"
"Time spent training varies, average duration is 180 days," said the computer.
Suggesting that if Zeke worked hard, he could complete training sooner. After the three hours on the simulators today, Zeke knew he could fly the ship in the simulation with more practice. But there was always more to it than that. Probably the aliens would have procedures to be memorized and who knows what else.
Kind of like the introduction to music course Zeke had taken his freshman year. It had sounded like an easy course, just listen to some music. No problem, right? Well, they had listened to music. They had also had to memorize music's history -- that had been a lot of work. Hopefully, the pilot training wouldn't be so boring.
And there was something else Zeke really liked about the Hirthal: the attention to individuals. The training base was huge, but Zeke had come on board and been given personal attention. Zeke's preference for being a pilot was listened to and immediately acted upon. The cook, or nutritional specialist, had recognized Zeke on sight, and had taken the time to design a diet just for him. And no one had requested Zeke to fill out any paperwork. The Hirthal really had their act together.
Zeke saw a movement out of the corner of his left eye, a yellow globe moved to hover over the waterfall; Zeke realized that could only mean someone was coming. Turning around, Zeke saw an alien walking down the narrow path towards him.
This particular alien was a species Zeke had not seen before. Obviously female, she stood over six feet tall. She wore the standard white pants, but the tank top left her narrow midriff bare. Completely hairless, her skin was an unblemished light pink over most of her body, except for a patch of pure white skin covering her belly. The white skin extended down under the pants and ended in a semi-circle above her very human-like breasts.
Her face was vaguely human, oval-shaped with a small, rounded chin. Her eyes were large, featuring black pupils surrounded by dark red irises. An unusually wide mouth with thin lips, a flat rounded nose, and lack of ears gave her a distinct look. Not pretty in the human sense, but not ugly either, just different. Her body was another story -- large breasts and hips with a narrow waist gave her a figure any human woman would be proud of.
As she came closer, Zeke noticed her feet. Each foot had four equal-sized toes with black toenails; she was walking on the balls of her feet. Not surprising, Zeke considered, due to her elongated foot and almost non-existent heels.
"Hi, I'm Zeke." Zeke stood up to greet the new arrival.
"I am Aurel. I do not remember your species.""Aurel's voice was high-pitched, and her words seemed to have a faint echo as she spoke them.
"Oh, I'm an Earthling," said Zeke. "Earthlings are kind of new to the Hirthal, most don't even know about the Hirthal."
Aurel was a few inches taller than Zeke. Up close, Zeke could see a faint outline of nipples through the fabric of Aurel's top. How humanlike were her breasts, Zeke wondered?
"Are you looking at my breasts?" asked Aurel.
Busted! Zeke decided he had better apologize and hope Aurel was not too mad at him. But Standard was lacking a specific word for "sorry."
"I didn't mean to upset you," said Zeke. "My eyes just sort of wandered down there."
"Do you find me sexually interesting?" asked Aurel.
"Ah... yes," said Zeke, feeling himself blushing.
"Computer," said Aurel, "tell us the Earthling and Geltharv sexual profiles."
"The Earthling profile is an estimated 80-30-100-300," said the computer. "The Geltharv profile is 62-40-97-7. Physical compatibility is indicated."
Mvek and Sori hadn't mentioned sexual profiles, considered Zeke. Why was the Earth profile only estimated? Had the environmental and food profiles been estimated also? Zeke resolved to ask the computer about these things.
"Good," said Aurel, taking off her top.
The patch of white skin included her breasts, which Zeke noticed were very humanlike indeed. Aurel wasted no time taking off her pants and dropping them on the bench with her shirt. Zeke could see her groin was hairless too, the white patch of skin extended to the tops of her legs and continued between her legs as far as he could see. Aurel's sex looked normal to Zeke, at least from the outside.
"Why are you still dressed?" asked Aurel. "Do you need to perform an Earthling ritual before sexual activity?"
"Ah... no," said Zeke, taking off his clothes. "I was just watching you and got distracted."
"You are reasonably attractive," said Aurel, standing close to Zeke. "Except for your pointy nose and strange feet."
Zeke wrapped his arms gently around Aurel's waist, pulling Aurel towards him. Aurel's soft, firm breasts pressed intriguingly against Zeke's body. Aurel was several inches taller than Zeke so he used his left hand to carefully pull her head down. Zeke moistened his lips, tilted his head, and gave Aurel a quick kiss on her lips. Aurel didn't pull back so Zeke decided to continue.
Kissing Aurel again, Zeke parted his lips and ran his tongue across Aurel's closed lips. Aurel started caressing Zeke's back and neck with her hands; Zeke returned the favor as he continued to kiss her. After a few times of Aurel not responding by opening her lips, Zeke decided to move on. He started kissing Aurel's neck, trailing his kisses down to her breasts.
Zeke started kissing slow circles around Aurel's breasts while leisurely massaging her back and buttocks with his hands. As Zeke's kisses came closer to Aurel's now erect nipples, Aurel started making soft groaning noises. Zeke began licking Aurel's nipples, one at a time. He felt Aurel's entire body shiver as she let out a long groan.
While continuing to lick and suck Aurel's nipples, Zeke moved his hand downward and traced along the inside of Aurel's thigh. Aurel squirmed and moved her legs further apart, giving Zeke better access to her moist sex.
Running his fingers along Aurel's slit caused more shivering. Encouraged, Zeke slowly ran his fingers up and down Aurel's slit a few more times. Then Zeke gently moved Aurel's nether lips apart and began carefully exploring Aurel with his fingertips. When Zeke touched a large, fleshy lump near the front of Aurel's slit, she jumped and pressed hard against him.
Inspired by Aurel's reaction, Zeke continued sucking on her nipples while he located the fleshy lump again. Cautiously, Zeke imperceptibly probed the edges of Aurel's hot spot. By the time Zeke's fingertips determined the lump was a flat, rough circle, about two inches wide and firmly attached to Aurel's body, Aurel was pressing against Zeke and shivering uncontrollably. Her moans were continuous.
Aurel's responses had Zeke hard as a rock. Zeke stood up and started to maneuver his cock between Aurel's legs. Aurel grabbed Zeke's erect cock, moved him inside her wet vagina, and started frantically thrusting her hips.
In moments Zeke matched her rhythm and the two became lost in the exquisite sensations of their lovemaking. Zeke made sure to grind against Aurel's sensitive fleshy pad on each downstroke. Soon Zeke felt he was going to explode. Aurel climaxed first and Zeke could feel her vagina repeatedly clamp down hard against his cock, triggering his own orgasm.
The two stood, locked in their embrace, as they recovered and their breathing slowed. In a few minutes, Aurel pulled away from Zeke and sat on the bench. Zeke sat down beside Aurel and held her in his arms.
"Aurel," said Zeke. "That was wonderful."
"My throat is still tingling," said Aurel. "I need to complete my living arrangements tonight, but I would like to have sex with you again soon."
"Same here," said Zeke. "Are you going to be on the base long?"
"Yes," said Aurel. "What are you doing on the base?"
"I'm training to be a pilot."
"I am also a pilot in training," said Aurel. "Who is your instructor?"
"Yzran," said Zeke. "Someone told me he was one of the best."
"It," said Aurel, resting in Zeke's arms, "Yzran is not a reproductive member of its species. Yzran is my instructor also."
Zeke and Aurel continued talking as they got dressed; they agreed to meet the next day.
"See you tomorrow," said Zeke, as Aurel left, still pulling on her shirt.
Zeke was just pulling on his own shirt when he noticed a green globe move to hover over his head, then disappear. Looking around, Zeke saw Walter standing at the entrance to the clearing.
"Zeke," said Walter, pointing in the direction Aurel had gone. "Did you just..."
"Isn't she cute?" asked Zeke.
"You're crazy Zeke," said Walter, in English. "Are you going to fuck every female alien you see?"
"Just the cute ones, man," grinned Zeke.
"What happens if you get them pregnant?" asked Walter.
"I can't get other species pregnant," said Zeke, "any more than I could get a goat pregnant."
"Well," said Walter, rolling his eyes, "I'm sure you would know."
"That's a good one, dude," laughed Zeke. "I'm going back to my quarters to get a shower, why don't you come along and we'll check out the base afterwards."
Back in his quarters, Zeke stepped in the dry shower without bothering to get undressed. Zeke wasn't sure the shower would work with his clothes on, but it seemed worth a try. If it didn't work, he could always undress and try again.
Zeke made the gesture at the shower and felt a tingling pass over his entire body. Zeke's clothes lifted slightly away from his skin and vibrated for an instant before settling back down. Zeke felt clean; even better, the dirt from the clearing floor was gone from his pants.
"Computer," said Zeke, "what's the time here, and in Walter's habitat?"
"The time here is ten hours, forty-two minutes," said the computer. "The time in Walter's habitat is five hours, forty-two minutes."
There were still a few hours before night in this habitat. Zeke figured he would try to sleep around fourteen hours, so he would be alert in the morning. Walter had about the same amount of time before his dinner. That meant almost four hours to go sightseeing.
"This is pretty nice," said Walter, looking around Zeke's quarters. "Did it come with the furniture?"
"Just the bed," said Zeke. "I got the rest by telling the computer what I wanted. We've got about four hours to mess around, you want to go check out the base?"
"Sure," said Walter.
The Earthlings made their way back to the transport room and stepped on one of the blue platforms.
"So," said Zeke, "where do you think we should start?"
"What about the docking bay where we came in?" asked Walter. "We could get a better look at all those ships."
"OK," said Zeke. "Computer, take us to the docking bay."
"Destination not understood," replied the computer.
"Computer," said Zeke, "take us where we can look at some of the ships docked with the base."
"Understood," said the computer. "Nearest environmental match is 60-40-120-40. Conditions are outside Earthling comfort zone, but survivable. Do you wish to override environmental limitations?"
Well, it was survivable. "Yes," said Zeke, "override environmental limitations and take us there."
"Understood," said the computer. "Prepare for reduction in pressure."
The platform lifted off and they were in the main transport tube once again. Zeke felt an ache in his ears and worked his jaw until his ears popped.
"I wonder what the computer meant by survivable," muttered Walter, digging at his earhole with a finger. "Computer," said Walter, "why isn't there an environment within Earthling comfort zone?"
"The docking area is designed with limited space for viewing rooms," said the computer. "Available viewing room area is insufficient for all environmental profiles to be maintained at once. Environmental profiles currently maintained are chosen based on the majority of species utilizing the viewing rooms."
In addition to the slowly changing air pressure, Zeke noticed the temperature was getting cooler, and he felt strange, somehow... lighter. The gravity and air pressure were being reduced on the platform, Zeke realized. How did that work with an open platform? The platform must have some kind of force field around it, and the capability to adjust its own gravity and atmosphere, Zeke concluded. That would explain the lack of wind on the platform, the faint breeze could be from the platform itself. Interesting.
"I think the platform is slowly adjusting environmental conditions," said Zeke. "If it gets too bad before we get there, we can always call it off."
Zeke moved closer to the edge of the platform and cautiously stuck his hand out."As he had expected, his hand encountered a resistance and shortly could go no further. The force field wasn't hard or uncomfortable; as Zeke's hand got closer, it just quickly built up from a mild resistance to an invisible, impenetrable barrier.
"Hey, Walter," said Zeke. "There's a force field around the platform."
Walter felt the force field also, reminding Zeke of a mime doing the invisible box routine.
"Why do you think the aliens used a force field instead of having real walls?" asked Walter.
"I don't know," pondered Zeke. "Maybe it's just easier to get on and off without messing with doors."
"I'll ask the computer," said Walter. "Computer, why don't the platforms have walls?"
"Please rest assured the platforms are safe and reliable," said the computer. "No fatalities have ever been caused by a platform malfunction. The platforms are carefully maintained and possess eight redundant molivon wave and gravity repulsion elements. Do you wish to exit the platform now? Do you require assistance for emotional distress?"
"Computer," said Walter, annoyed, "that wasn't what I wanted to know. What design or aesthetic requirement resulted in platforms instead of an enclosed transport room?"
"Unable to match query to informational model," said the computer.
So the computer did have its limitations after all. This might mean the computer wouldn't be able to answer Zeke's question about the sexual profile. Zeke resolved to find this out later, rather than explain to Walter why he was asking.
In a few more minutes the air became thin, hard to breathe, and cold. If conditions got much more uncomfortable, Zeke decided, he would call this off. Just then, the platform changed direction and entered a side tube, then a smaller vertical tube with the same diameter as the platform. They quickly slowed and the wall in front of them disappeared, revealing a small room also the size of the platform. Their platform moved forward and came to a stop; the wall in front of them disappeared.
Zeke momentarily forgot the uncomfortable environmental conditions as he took in his new surroundings. The room was about a hundred feet long, twenty feet wide, and ten feet high. At first glance, it looked like they were standing on a white, railless outdoor terrace, but Zeke quickly realized they were surrounded by seamless floor-to-ceiling windows.
Through the windows, stacks of densely packed spaceships were everywhere. Zeke approached the nearest window and found he could not see the bottom or top of the brightly lit docking bay, the stacks of spaceships disappeared in the distance. Looking closer, Zeke saw each stack of ships clustered around a large white cylinder. One of those ships could be Mvek's, Zeke realized.
"Damn," said Walter, "that's a lot of ships!"
Zeke turned to look at Walter, and for the first time noticed they were not alone in the viewing room. Three aliens were taking in the view as well. Eight feet tall, they had round orange bodies on tall, spindly legs.
"And a lot of different kinds of ships," added Zeke, turning back to the window.
"We didn't see all these ships when we came in," said Walter. "There were a lot, but not stacked up like this."
"They are pretty tightly packed," said Zeke. "Maybe this is like, storage or something."
Most of the ships were the standard greyish or silver disk, like Mvek's. But some were white and teardrop-shaped, with dual fins running from the point to the rear. Zeke looked over the ships, wondering which type he would be piloting, until Walter distracted him.
"Hey, Zeke," said Walter, shivering. "We've been here a while and it's kind of cold, let's go back."
"OK, dude," said Zeke, suddenly realizing he was cold too.
The pair headed back to the platform, looking forward to getting back to a warmer environment.
"Computer," said Zeke, "Walter's quarters."
By the time they got to Walter's habitat, the environmental conditions were much more comfortable. This habitat was the same shape and design as Zeke's, but the ceiling was light blue and the plants were all Earth-type plants. Walter's quarters looked mostly like Zeke's, except the back wall had three doors instead of open toilet and bathing areas.
Other than the round bed, the main room was empty. Zeke hung around and talked to Walter about the day as Walter picked out furniture for his quarters.
Finally, deciding it was late enough, Zeke headed back to his own quarters to get some sleep. Upon entering his quarters, Zeke was startled by the computer's voice.
"Attention Zeke," said the computer, "you have one message."
A message? "Computer," said Zeke, "give me the message."
A hologram of Otheshiil's head appeared before Zeke. "Hello, Zeke. To help your body adjust to the new timezone, drink the small bottle on your table before going to sleep. Your body's internal rhythms will be adjusted, and you will sleep easily. Also, if you get hungry between meals, instruct the computer to give you a snack at your current location. Sleep well, Zeke." The hologram vanished.
Cool, thought Zeke. Now, despite the timezone change, he could be sure of getting some sleep and being alert for tomorrow's training.
"Computer," said Zeke, "wake me up by 21 hours every morning, and notify me thirty minutes before my training starts."
"Acknowledged," said the computer.
Zeke found the bottle Otheshiil had mentioned, it was a clear container about the size of a thimble. After getting ready for bed, Zeke drank the bottle and crawled under the covers. Sleep came quickly.
Zeke awoke, feeling well rested. So Otheshiil's bottle had worked after all. What time was it now? A clock would be handy, and Zeke's quarters was lacking one.
"Computer," said Zeke, "give me a clock visible from everywhere in the room."
"Your clock will arrive shortly," said the computer.
After Zeke got ready for the day, he noticed one of the robots positioning a clock in the center of the ceiling. The clock was a flattened circle with time readouts visible on three sides, and Zeke could see the time from most angles. The clock read 21:07, just about time for breakfast.
But before breakfast, there were some questions Zeke wanted answers to.
"Computer, why is the Earthling sexual profile only estimated?"
"Unable to match query to informational model," said the computer.
"Computer, are the Earthling environmental and food profiles estimated?"
"No," said the computer.
"Computer, how is the Shao experimentation on Earthlings different from the actions of the aliens the Hirthal are protecting Earth from?"
"Please rest assured unwanted experimentation is disallowed here," said the computer. "Experimentation on unwilling intelligent species is against the Hirthal code of conduct. Were you subjected to unwanted actions? Do you require assistance for emotional or physical distress?"
"No," said Zeke.
After Walter's question last night, the computer's inability to answer questions of this nature was not surprising. The computer easily handled the "where are my quarters" type questions but was unable to understand the more abstract queries, responding with what seemed to be canned answers. If Zeke were going to get his questions answered, he would have to ask someone or review the computer data manually. His quarters hadn't come with a computer interface like on Mvek's ship, perhaps Zeke should ask the computer for one.
"Computer, give me a computer interface terminal."
A three-foot square terminal appeared floating in the air before Zeke. Surprised, Zeke touched it and his hand passed through. Only a hologram, thought Zeke, but it looked solid.
Zeke spent some time looking through the information, but did not immediately find what he wanted. The information was in Standard and arranged in an unfamiliar hierarchy. After a few false leads, Zeke found information about the Shao and Earth, but was interrupted before he had a chance to read much of it.
"Attention Zeke," said the computer, "will you accept a communication from Maeoglaiere?"
Maeoglaiere? Oh, the transparent floating alien from indoctrination. Now what could Maeoglaiere want, Zeke wondered?
"Yes," said Zeke.
"Zeke," said Maeoglaiere's voice from midair, "I hope you are comfortable in your new environment and I would like to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have. As you have some time before your training starts, and your species sometimes desires company during meals, and communication is more effective when the participants are in physical proximity, would you be agreeable to meet in the dining room near your quarters this morning? I would schedule my arrival for whenever you originally intended traveling to the dining room, so as not to inconveniently adjust your schedule."
"Sure," said Zeke, "I was just about to leave, I'll see you there."
"Excellent," said Maeoglaiere. "I will arrive at the location in five minutes. Computer, close my connection to Zeke."
"Disconnected," said the computer.
Maeoglaiere had not arrived when Zeke entered the dining room. Five other aliens were in the dining room, but no one Zeke had met before. Zeke gestured at a platform and sat down in the newly reconfigured chair.
Behind the counter, a five-foot-tall bipedal alien stood. Thick, but not chubby, the alien was completely covered with coarse, orange hair, except for his head, which was bare with lighter orange skin. The head was elongated and narrow, with solid yellow eyes, pointed teeth, and long pointed ears.
"You are Zeke," said the unfamiliar alien behind the counter. "I am Flezg. I will present you with your meal soon." Flezg turned and walked away, short stubby tail twitching as he walked.
"Sounds good," said Zeke.
Zeke noticed Maeoglaiere float to a stop next to him. The alien hovered silently in his clear container, tentacles swirling in slow patterns."Zeke," said Maeoglaiere, "in adjusting to your new surroundings, have you encountered any difficulties?"
"No," said Zeke. "Everything has been great, no difficulties at all."
"Excellent," said Maeoglaiere. "New arrivals to the base usually have questions, even about seemingly unimportant matters. I am sure you have at least one question; perhaps you have many questions. I would be very pleased if you would ask at least one question, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you."
Flezg presented Zeke with a glass of purple liquid, toast with jam, and a bowl of oatmeal with banana slices and raisins -- at least Zeke hoped they were raisins. Zeke took a bite. Well, they tasted like raisins.
"I did have a few things I was curious about," said Zeke. "The computer gave an estimated Earthling sexual profile, but another species' sexual profile was not estimated. Does that mean anything?"
"Before I fully answer your question," said Maeoglaiere, "allow me to briefly discuss the reason behind the estimation of the Earthling sexual profile. A sexual profile is a four-digit representation of most physical and emotional factors utilized in sexual interactions. The physical factors are relatively simple to determine and are used to avoid physical injury from incompatible biologies. The emotional factors are difficult to determine, but can be determined to an extent with sufficient study.
"For Earthlings and other species with divergent and isolated or semi-isolated subgroups, both in a geographical and cultural sense, an absolute sexual profile is impossible. While an average could be determined with sufficient study, the deviations from that average would be too great for the average to be useful in classifying a single individual.
"For some few species, usually more advanced species, the possibility of rapid travel and a single culture on a planetary or multi-planetary scale allow a single sexual profile to apply to all members of the species. However, a non-estimated sexual profile is rare; only a small percentage of species have a non-estimated sexual profile.
"If you choose, you could have your individual sexual profile determined. Simply ask the computer to make an appointment with the medical facility on this base. The emotional determination usually takes several sessions of three hours each. Only a few of the sessions should prove unpleasant."
Three hours? Unpleasant? "I'll just stay with the estimated profile," said Zeke. There was no issue with the sexual profile after all, thought Zeke, relieved for some reason.
"Now I am curious," said Maeoglaiere, "if you have any experiences related to your sexual profile that are troubling you, even if in only the most insignificant way. Or perhaps experiences not troubling you at all, but only engaging your curiosity, even if in only the most insignificant manner."
"So," considered Zeke, "how do the sexual profiles work? How can I tell if two profiles are compatible?"
"For Earthlings," said Maeoglaiere, "if the first three numbers differ by less than 50, the 50 being your variation number, you are in no physical danger. However, the other individual or individuals participating would have their own variation numbers. My variation number is 30, for example. So if you compared our profiles and found mine to differ from yours at most by 40, we would not be compatible. Sexual contact between us would leave you unharmed, but could possibly be physically damaging to me.
"However, the sexual profiles represent the worst-case contact. Even with incompatible sexual profiles, two individuals may still have a sexual encounter if they understand the biological incompatibilities and act accordingly. The incompatibility could be due to harmful bodily fluids or harmful physical actions. Some species might penetrate their sexual partner with a stinger, for example. Other species might flail their limbs uncontrollably, injuring their partner.
"If you are considering a sexual encounter with an individual having an incompatible sexual profile, have the computer list the incompatibilities. The computer will be very clear, and you should be able, in most cases, to avoid the incompatible behavior. If anything is unclear to either of the participants, call a medical facility for clarification.
"Now, the last number in the sexual profile is related to possible emotional conflicts due to sexual interactions. A lower number means an individual will not be unduly distressed, a higher number means an individual could be unduly distressed. If the number is greater than 500, you should proceed with caution, and take every opportunity not to distress the individual. Usually, this means asking before initiating a new behavior or changing the current behavior. If the number is greater than 700, please consult with a medical facility before initiating sexual activity."
Zeke finished his oatmeal and took a sip of the purple liquid. It tasted a bit tart, but Zeke didn't recognize the flavor.
"What is your opinion of the sexual profiles?" asked Maeoglaiere. "Does the usage of sexual profiles seem reasonable? Have you experienced any problems with the sexual profiles?"
"No problems at all," said Zeke, "now that I know how they work."
Maeoglaiere's lower tentacles stopped for a moment, then resumed their movement. "You were not informed of the details of the sexual profile before," said Maeoglaiere. "How does this make you feel?"
"I guess..." pondered Zeke, "I guess it makes me feel a bit... disappointed. But everything seems to have worked out OK, so I'm not worried about it."
"However," said Maeoglaiere, "you would have preferred to be informed, and you may be wondering why you were not informed. Standard procedure is to not inform any individuals of the existence of the sexual profile if the fourth digit of their sexual profiles is 300 or above, as the information might cause distress or discomfort."
None of this was worth worrying about; it was just the standard procedure. Why was Maeoglaiere asking these questions anyway? What reason could... Of course! Maeoglaiere was probably the alien equivalent of a psychiatrist, making sure Zeke wasn't a nutcase before handing him the controls of a spaceship. So what now, Zeke wondered. How should he act? Realistically, Zeke had only a vague idea of what they were looking for. Probably, the best approach was to be honest.
"Attention Zeke," said the computer, "your morning training class will begin in thirty minutes."
"I do not wish to delay your arrival at your training class," said Maeoglaiere. "However, I would like to continue our discussion. Would you be agreeable to meet in my office at nine this evening?"
"Yes," said Zeke, "I'll be there."
A few minutes later, Zeke entered the training room. Several aliens were present and already experimenting with the flight simulators. The backs of the hovering holographic displays were not blank, but showed moving views of the solar system Zeke had practiced in. None of the aliens acted like an instructor, so Zeke decided to experiment with the simulator for a while until Yzran arrived.
One of the aliens, the blue ball with the three pink tentacles, was in the section of the room where the couch was missing -- perched on a white sling-like contraption. It must be the same as the seating in the dining room, Zeke concluded. Since the long couch took up most of the wall, very likely most aliens were bipedal enough to use the couch.
Zeke couldn't see faces because of the displays, but thought he recognized Aurel's lower body seated on the couch. Sure enough, it was Aurel, skimming over the surface of what looked like one of the inner planets.
"Hi, Aurel," said Zeke, sitting down beside her. "Computer, begin flight simulation."
A set of controls rose from the floor and positioned themselves in front of Zeke, the holographic viewscreen also appeared. Conveniently, Zeke's simulator configured itself to the same positions and settings he had selected last time.
"Hello Zeke," said Aurel, focusing on her controls.
Zeke's ship was where he left it, and he quickly zoomed to the first inner planet and tried some skimming of his own.
"How long have you been here practicing?" asked Zeke.
"I arrived an hour before the start of training," said Aurel. "And I practiced six hours last evening. I will complete the training in much less than the average 180 days."
Zeke continued to chat with Aurel as they both flew their simulated ships around the solar system. Caught up in his flying, Zeke barely noticed the other aliens filing into the room, until an eye on a stalk appeared over his viewscreen.
"You are doing very well with basic flight, trainees," said the alien behind the eye.
Diverting some of his attention from the viewscreen, Zeke took in the new arrival. Instead of a head, the pale-blue alien had two thick, three-foot-long, eyestalks that joined a barrel-shaped body directly at the shoulders. Thick arms ended in large hands; no thumbs, but four opposable digits looked capable enough. Short, thick, legs featured feet that were larger versions of the hands. Naked, the alien had no discernible genitalia. Only one eye was watching Zeke, the other was watching Aurel.
Aurel had mentioned Yzran was not reproductive, and the alien had called Zeke a trainee. So this had to be Yzran, Zeke realized.
"Do you understand the navigational system?" asked Yzran.
"I have a general understanding of the system," said Aurel.
"No," said Zeke.
"The galaxy," started Yzran, "is considered as a loose aggregation of individual components, joined to make a rough disk. Considered from a gravitational standpoint, the galaxy has reasonably constant centers of mass, represented both as a single point, and as a disk bisecting the galaxy.""Imagine a line drawn from the point at the center of the galaxy to your current position on the disk of the galaxy. The line to this position would start at the center point and diverge at an angle away from the disk. These are the three elements of your position: distance from center point, distance from the disk, and the rotational point on the disk. The zero rotational point begins in the gravitational center of the first arm of the galaxy. Distances are given in kleths, rotation is given in thousandths. Inquire of the computer for more details. This base is at 01593323.532238322, -00001359.494838251, .323332237; in open space, but near the simulated solar system you are practicing in.
"Use these touch panel buttons to display coordinates and galactic position," said Yzran, indicating a subsection of buttons. "Aurel, Zeke, I request the two of you work together to practice navigation. Staying within the solar system, one of you will pilot to a position and send coordinates to the other. The other will navigate to the given position; then you will switch roles. I will return and check your progress."
Yzran moved on to the next trainee.
"Computer," said Aurel, releasing her controls, "transmit coordinates to Zeke."
A set of coordinates appeared on one of Zeke's navigation views, and Zeke played with the buttons until he got the windows arranged to his satisfaction. Once the navigation window was scaled to a solar-system level, the lengthy coordinates appeared in sharp, white digits. A portion of the coordinates were larger and brighter, the rest dim. Zeke guessed only the highlighted portion was needed for navigation within the solar system; certainly the reduced number of digits were easier to work with.
After a bit of fumbling around, Zeke located Aurel's ship.
"There you are," smiled Zeke.
Zeke took off to the ring around the large gas giant and transmitted his coordinates to Aurel, who shortly found his position. Zeke noticed the asteroids were not as he had left them, but restored to the original, sparse distribution.
"Stay away from the rings," said Aurel, moving her ship off, "the particles are dangerous."
The two practiced finding each other until lunch, then returned early and continued through the afternoon. By the time training was over for the day, Zeke could find Aurel in his sleep and was starting to get bored. Saying goodbye to Aurel, Zeke left. Hopefully they would do something more interesting tomorrow.
Back in his quarters, Zeke brought up the computer terminal and reviewed the navigational information. The first arm of the galaxy was two arms clockwise from Earth's arm, and the top side of the galaxy as well as the first arm was defined based on the planet Oshalo, the Shao homeworld. More investigation showed the Shao, one of the older spacefaring species, had originated the navigational references as they expanded into the galaxy.
After dinner, Zeke headed to the transport room, determined to arrive early for his appointment with Maeoglaiere. The transport room was busier and Zeke noticed something new about the platforms. As one platform lifted up to the ceiling, another platform rose up from below the floor to take its place. The same thing happened when platforms arrived, multiple platforms would smoothly stack and unstack from the three landing points, allowing an uninterrupted flow of passengers.
Without having to wait for more than a moment, Zeke had his own platform which lifted off before he could state a destination. Once in the tunnel, the platform moved to the side and stopped. Before, the platforms had waited until a destination was given. Why was it different this time, Zeke wondered?
"State destination," said the computer.
"Maeoglaiere's office," said Zeke.
"Environmental profile is 97-103-120-83," said the computer. "Fatal to Earthlings without appropriate protective suit. Do you wish to return to originating transport room?"
"No," said Zeke.
Fatal to Earthlings? Well, Maeoglaiere had been in a floating bubble when he had talked to Zeke before. Obviously Zeke needed his own version of the bubble to visit Maeoglaiere. Only, why hadn't Maeoglaiere warned him about this little detail? Could it be a test?
"No destination given," said the computer, "returning to originating transport room."
The platform went back to the transport room and Zeke wandered out into the park of his habitat ring, towards his quarters, thinking. This just had to be a test of Zeke's resourcefulness, and the resource Zeke needed was a survival suit for Maeoglaiere's environment. So far, the computer had provided everything he had required.
"Computer," said Zeke, "give me an environmental suit suitable for getting to Maeoglaiere's office."
Shortly after Zeke got back to his quarters, a robot floated down to Zeke carrying a flexible suit with a clear helmet. The suit was white with a series of colored stripes on the left side. A large opening in the front allowed Zeke to put the suit on without too much difficulty, his head fitting comfortably in the transparent helmet. The suit had no air tanks and the only stiff part was the collar and bubble helmet. How did it recycle air? Were there supposed to be air tanks?
Other than that, the only part Zeke had difficulty with was how to seal the suit's front opening, both sides of the opening were smooth, with no obvious method of joining them. When in doubt, ask the computer.
"Computer," said Zeke, "give me instructions on how to seal the suit and verify it's working properly."
"Slide into the suit through the front opening," said the computer, "feet first. The suit is voice controlled. Instruct the suit to activate, and perform self check. Upon returning to a safe environment, instruct the suit to deactivate."
The computer continued explaining the functionality of the suit, but Zeke had what he needed.
"Suit, activate." The front of the suit pulled itself closed. Zeke heard a low hissing sound and felt a faint breeze blowing on his face.
"Activation complete, ready to enter hostile environment," said the suit.
"Suit, perform self check," said Zeke.
"Self check complete," said the suit. "Environmental recycling normal."
That hadn't taken long, Zeke thought as he left his quarters. Zeke could still make his appointment on time, if he managed to avoid further delays. Shortly, Zeke entered the transport room and stepped on a platform which immediately started to move upwards.
"Computer," said Zeke, "take me to Maeoglaiere's office."
"Environmental profile is 97-103-120-83," said the computer. "Fatal to Earthlings without appropriate protection. Do you wish to return to originating transport room?"
"Computer," said Zeke, "take me to Maeoglaiere's office, override environmental limitations."
"Acknowledged," said the computer. "Scan shows appropriate protective suit. Be advised conditions at your destination are lethal and remain within your protective suit until returning to safe conditions."
As the platform continued down the tube, Zeke noticed the platform was starting to fill with water. Already up to his knees, the water continued to fill the chamber. Shortly, Zeke was underwater but still breathing normally. How had the platform made such a rapid change, and where had all the water come from? The platform was only a few inches thick -- another mystery.
Zeke still felt a faint breeze from the suit's recycling, so obviously air tanks were unnecessary. This was some technology all right, the only solid part of the suit was the collar and that wasn't all that big or thick. Somehow the aliens had packed an advanced computer, power, and a complete atmospheric recycling system into that collar.
"Suit, perform self check," said Zeke, nervously.
"Self check complete," said the suit. "Environmental recycling normal."
"Suit, how much time do I have before I run out of air or power?"
"Approximately 1,798 standard years at current usage," said the suit.
A standard year was almost three Earth years. Well, that would probably be long enough, decided Zeke. Zeke definitely had to relax. The alien technology was way ahead of anything Zeke was used to. If the platforms hadn't been the cause of any accidents, the environmental suits were probably just as safe.
Shortly, the platform arrived in another transport room and stopped. This transport room was like the one Zeke had left, except for being completely underwater and having large circles instead of archways. Since he was underwater, Zeke had difficulty moving forward as fast as he would have liked. Could the suit help him out there as well?
"Suit," said Zeke, "take me to Maeoglaiere's office."
"Acknowledged," said the suit.
The suit moved forward, picking up speed and tilting Zeke to a headfirst, horizontal position. Zeke looked up and saw one of the entry circles approaching.
Zeke looked around, fascinated, as he passed through the circular entrance into the underwater habitat area. The water was crystal clear, and Zeke almost felt he was floating through the air. Overhead, a diffuse light filtered down through thick, semi-transparent plantlife. Dozens of Maeoglaiere's species floated gracefully below the plantlife, their round bodies contracting and expanding as they moved forward. Other than the sentient aliens, nothing else was in the water or on the barren, rocky bottom of the habitat.
The only sounds were muted swishings, probably from the aliens as they moved through the water. Interestingly, the only aliens Zeke saw were Maeoglaiere's species. Was this a situation like the Earthling habitat, or was this because of a specialized environment only suitable for a single species?
The suit continued to move through the water as Zeke took in his surroundings, and shortly Zeke was approaching the far wall. The wall was a light blue and was covered by circular entrances; light streaming from some of them.Freed of the limitations of gravity by the watery medium, the entrances covered the entire wall from top to bottom. The openings were arranged in a spiral pattern, with numbers at the top of each spiral. Zeke was headed for the third arm of spiral 261 and soon entered the lighted eighth circle from the tip.
Inside, the room was brightly lit, barren, and open. The floor and ceiling were a smooth light-blue color, with shelf-like recesses in the walls displaying objects Zeke did not recognize, but took for artwork. Completely devoid of furniture, the area was a circle about 50 feet in diameter.
Zeke saw Maeoglaiere floating to one side, tentacles wrapped around a set of thin bars descending from the ceiling. Noting more descending bars near Maeoglaiere, Zeke had to revise his earlier impression about the furniture -- it was there, just of a type Zeke did not recognize.
Would Maeoglaiere be able to hear Zeke when he talked? "Hi, Maeoglaiere," said Zeke.
"Hello Zeke," said Maeoglaiere, "wrap yourself around a bar and we will continue our discussion from this morning."
Zeke swam forward and grabbed one of the bars. There wasn't much current so he was in no danger of floating off, probably this was Maeoglaiere's equivalent of a chair.
"We had just started talking about sexual profiles," said Maeoglaiere. "And how you had a slight sense of disappointment in not being informed about sexual profiles and how they worked. When we stopped our conversation, you were no longer disappointed."
"Right," said Zeke, feeling a faint tingling sensation in his head.
"All species also have an aesthetic profile," said Maeoglaiere, "which describes your emotional and physical comfort in a particular environment. The environment in this habitat is slightly outside the range of your profile, meaning you would be comfortable here for a few days before becoming emotionally distressed. Did you know about the aesthetic profile?"
"No," said Zeke. He had an aesthetic profile? Zeke felt his whole body relax, his grip on the bar slowly loosened.
"You were not informed of the details of the aesthetic profile before," said Maeoglaiere. "How does this make you feel?"
"Well," considered Zeke, "it really doesn't make me feel anything." Zeke felt he could float here forever.
"In your thoughts," said Maeoglaiere, "compare your present feelings about the aesthetic profile with your past feelings about the sexual profile. Consider your current feelings, and re-experience your past feelings."
Zeke focused his thoughts inward, thinking about those feelings.
"You are now awake and alert," said Maeoglaiere.
Zeke blinked and tightened his grip on the bar.
"How are you feeling?" asked Maeoglaiere.
"I'm feeling pretty good," said Zeke.
"Excellent," said Maeoglaiere. "Our discussion was very productive tonight and I would like to continue next week. Would you be agreeable to meet in my office at nine on the next third-day?"
"Yes," said Zeke, pleased everything had gone so well. "I'll be here."
"Suit," said Zeke, "take me to the transport room."
The suit obliged and Zeke was soon floating over a transport platform.
"Computer," said Zeke, "to my quarters."
"Environmental profile is 80-10-130-90," said the computer. "Significant variation from current location. Unable to comply without override."
"Computer," said Zeke, "to my quarters, override environmental limitations."
"Acknowledged," said the computer. "Please remain in your protective suit until arrival at destination."
The faint background noises ceased and the suit oriented Zeke towards the floor as the platform rose. By the time the platform arrived back in a familiar transport room, the water had been evacuated. Zeke looked down at his suit and the platform and was surprised to find both completely dry, as if they had never been underwater.
Once Zeke was back in his quarters, he deactivated the suit and put it away with his clothing. The clock read 15:41, later than he had thought. Zeke decided to go ahead and get some sleep for tomorrow. | null | CHAPTER 1 | Authors/xyvos/Zeke.txt |
124,985 | Axira | Doctor Payne's Special Treatment | Zayn didn't remember how he got into his room--in fact, he was half-sure he passed out from the pain on the way in--but the next thing he knew, his eyes were fluttering open and Doctor Payne was standing over him. Groaning, he shifted, growling aloud as his reddened and sore bum rubbed against the starched sheets covering his cot. What made the doctor think putting Zayn on his back was a good idea?
Groaning in pain, Zayn moved to roll over, but the doctor stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Doctor Payne," he muttered, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the light.
"Yes, I'm here." The doctor rubbed Zayn's shoulder in what Zayn hoped was a comforting manner.
Zayn furrowed his brow. He'd never been spoken to in this soft tone before, and it confused the hell out of him. "Can I lay on my front, please, sir?"
"Take care not to hurt yourself." Doctor Payne nodded, using his hands to help Zayn onto his stomach. The boy sighed in relief once he was situated, the tender skin on his bum thanking him for it. "I do not think you will remember, but I have applied a healing balm to your skin to prevent permanent scarring or damage. You will only suffer some discomfort sitting and walking for the next few days."
Zayn grunted in response, too exhausted and in pain to do anything else at the moment. For a split second, he feared a rebuke, but the doctor just continued to speak.
"No more treatments for the rest of the day," he said, and Zayn wanted to cheer in relief. Instead, he closed his eyes and listened to the rest.
"Your meals will be brought to you in your room, so you will not have to leave. You may go to your exercise hour, though, if you wish."
Zayn nodded. "Yes, please," he whispered. "I would like that. Thank you."
The next thing he knew, the doctor was carding a hand through his hair, the way his mother used to when he was a child and had experienced a fright. "You may call me Liam, from now on."
"Liam," Zayn repeated drowsily, eyes closing. The pain was starting to fade already, from a hot throbbing to a dull but persistent burn.
"Sleep, Zayn." Doctor Payne--Liam--straightened out his coat and walked away. Zayn blinked several times, each motion of his eyelids heavier than the last, before he gave in to sleep.
He awoke to the sound of his door opening and the nurse assigned to him, Leigh-Anne, walking in with a tray.
"Hello, Zayn," she greeted him with a smile. "I've brought your lunch."
The sound of food perked him right up, and he sat up carefully to see the sandwich and water he'd been brought. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She handed him the tray, and as he began nibbling on the sandwich, she sat beside him. It had become something of a routine for them: she had always been friendly to him, so when they saw each other they paused for a short chat. "How are you feeling?"
Zayn pulled a face, making her chuckle behind her hand. "Terrible," he said honestly. "Like I'll never be able to sit properly again."
Leigh-Anne, for some reason, smiled. "May I tell you something secret?" Zayn nodded, eager to hear whatever she had to tell him. Perhaps it was about him, or about Doctor Payne. "I was with Hannah--you may know her as Nurse Walker--whilst the doctors discussed potential changes to your treatment regimens."
Changes to the treatments? If Zayn weren't currently trying to swallow a bite of sandwich, surely his jaw would have dropped. "Did they decide anything?"
The nurse nodded. "Doctor Styles had been adamant that you and Louis receive more, in his words, `hands-on' treatment. So Doctor Payne will be doing all of your treatments from now on. Doctor Styles will handle Louis on his own."
Honestly, Zayn had expected much worse news. He didn't particularly like either doctor, but the brief episode after his public punishment had shown him a surprising side to Liam, a side that Zayn rather liked. If that was what he could expect from this `hands-on' treatment, then he wouldn't argue. "Why is that, though? Do they think we will, er, respond better somehow?"
"Yes, to some degree. They believe that by taking you each on personally, they will be able to better gauge your individual responses and progress without having to constantly consult each other."
Good. If Zayn were frank, Doctor Styles scared him. The man was almost always calm, in the way that made any anger even more terrifying. At least Doctor Payne did not spare him any comment, whether it was positive or negative. "I suppose it could be worse. They could have extended my stay," he said, half to himself.
"That is true. Are you feeling well enough to go outside for your exercise period?" Leigh-Anne asked him as she collected his empty plate.
"Yes, please." He handed her his empty glass, setting it atop the tray.
"Niall will be in to collect you presently." With that, he was left alone to squirm on his bum and wait for the blond man to come by. Niall confused him to no end. How could one be so cheery working in a place like this? He supposed it was the only way to keep sane.
Niall came knocking and entering several minutes later. "Zayn! How are you feeling, lad?"
"Alright, I suppose," Zayn said with a shrug, following as they set off. Louis, being a year older, lived on the floor above Zayn's, so he trotted up the stairs after Niall and down the hall to Louis' door.
"Louis, it's time for your exercise period," Niall said, unlocking the door. Louis, looking rather sickly, stood unsteadily from his cot and joined them both as they started for downstairs.
Zayn frowned. Louis appeared legitimately ill. "Hey, mate." He nudged Louis' elbow with his own, noting Louis' bowed head and the way he avoided looking at Zayn. "You alright?"
Louis finally looked up, worry in his eyes. Zayn gave him a small smile and watched the relief wash other the other boy's face. "Yeah, are you?"
"As alright as I can be. Doctor Payne is really nice when he wants to be, you know," Zayn replied in a hushed tone, as though they were sharing a secret.
Louis' eyebrows rose. "He must really favour you. I don't think he likes me very much at all."
Zayn shrugged. "Perhaps it will only be a short-lived thing whilst I am recovering. Doctor Styles would appear to favour you as well."
Louis grimaced. "Favour me? No, I believe he actually enjoys watching me suffer."
Zayn grimaced as well. Back home, he had heard his share of horror stories from boys who had been to nursing homes where some of the doctors had been downright sadistic. Doctor Styles hadn't seemed the type, but perhaps that was what lay under the creepy calm exterior. Secretly he was glad he would never have to see that doctor again. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, only seeing Doctor Payne from now on.
Outside, he was surprised to see, as he and Louis walked into the courtyard, the rest of the boys swarming them excitedly, chattering about how brave they had both been taking their punishments. "I would have cried like a baby!" exclaimed one. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Louis blushing and ducking his head in modesty, but accepting the praise all the same.
Once the initial excitement passed, they scattered to continue on with the hour as usual. Zayn played a slower, gentler match against Louis and Aiden, and before long the only reminder of his ordeal was the residual pain in his backside.
From what the doctor had told him, Zayn was to be left mostly alone for the rest of the day, something he was glad for. The first week of being isolated for hours on end had made him a bit stir-crazy, but before long he associated it with peace and quiet--for the most part. The wooden frame stood, menacing, in the middle of the room, so obtrusively large that Zayn always had to walk around it to get anywhere if he wanted to pace.
Having expected no visitors, he was surprised when the door opened about a half hour after Leigh-Anne brought him his dinner. Liam walked in, jacket unbuttoned and loose around his waist. "Hello, Zayn. How was the rest of your day?" he asked, his voice oddly warm.
"Um, alright." Zayn leaned against the wall next to his cot, not wanting to sit down on his arse.
"Good. Would you like to sit down?" The doctor took a seat on the end of the cot, motioning for Zayn to follow. Too afraid to disobey in case that was an order, Zayn sat, shifting gingerly in place. "I have spoken with Doctor Styles regarding your lapse in behaviour and whether we should change your treatments."
Zayn gulped audibly. "I'm sorry, s--Liam," he mumbled.Liam gave him a hard look, and Zayn clamped his mouth shut while the doctor continued. "We have come to an agreement. From this point forward, I will be taking care of all of your treatments. Doctor Styles will do the same with Louis. This is to ensure the best personal care we can give you both, and we believe that one-on-one treatment will achieve that. For the next week, I will also add ten extra strokes to your corporal punishments as an ongoing lesson to you. Is that clear?"
Zayn nodded. "Is that all, Liam?" he asked, then immediately regretted it. Great, he may as well have asked to be punished twice as often.
But Liam only nodded in response. "Yes, that is all. Doctor Styles is taking a different approach to Louis' treatments, I believe he will be incorporating some aspects from today's punishment into the everyday treatments, but I do not believe I need to do that with you. Louis is...he can be very good when he wants to be, and very bad when he does not, and with him it is difficult to predict how he will behave. You, on the other hand," he said, words turning to caramel as he brought a hand up to softly cup the side of Zayn's face, "are not as, ah, unstable. I believe all you need is a reminder here and there."
Zayn relaxed as the doctor caressed his cheek, finding comfort in the soft touch. He liked Louis very much, but the doctor wasn't completely wrong. Louis was something of a firecracker sometimes, and Zayn almost feared his friend might incur another public punishment before his stay was up if he wasn't careful. "Alright," he said, unsure how to respond to the backhanded compliment.
"Your treatments will resume again in the morning." Liam stood without moving his hand, looking down at Zayn and blocking out the light behind him. Zayn had to tilt his head back at an uncomfortable angle to look at him, and then suddenly the doctor was kissing him full on the mouth. Shocked, Zayn gasped into the kiss, the parting of his lips only allowing Liam to deepen it and kiss him harder. Unsure if he should reciprocate, Zayn panicked, his mind going blank as he registered Liam's warm tongue licking into his mouth against his own.
By the time the doctor pulled away, Zayn's eyes were wide, jaw dropped slightly and mouth shiny from spit.
"Yes," Liam said thoughtfully. "We will get on just fine, I think." He patted Zayn's head like a dog, turned away, and then the door was shutting behind him with a loud click that echoed in the small room.
Still bewildered, Zayn wiped his mouth with the back of his shaking hand. What was that for? Just when he thought his stay couldn't get any stranger, it had. Maybe he wasn't so sure about Doctor Payne after all. | null | null | Authors/Axira/Fanfiction/the dr styles verse/Doctor Payne's Special Treatment.txt |
125,475 | null | Jugendsünden Teil 7: Finale? | Zwei Tage war es her, dass unsere Eltern Jenny und mich fast erwischt hätten. Den Tag zuvor bin ich bei David gewesen und hatte zum ersten Mal einen Schwanz geblasen. Doch es war mir nicht genug. Ich malte mir ständig aus, wie es gewesen wäre, hätte ich David gefickt - oder noch geiler, er hätte mir seinen Schwanz in den Arsch gedrückt. Jedes Mal, wenn mir das Bild durch den Kopf ging, schämte ich mich dafür, doch es half nichts. Auch an Pete musste ich denken. Ich kannte ihn zwar nur von einem Foto, aber seine feminine Ausstrahlung ließ mich nicht in Ruhe. Es war Sonntag und aufgewühlt von derlei geilen Gedanken lief ich mit einem riesigen Dauererregung herum. Beim Mittag saß mir Jenny gegenüber und sie sah mich immer noch mit einem Glänzen in ihren Augen an, das mir verriet, dass sie wusste, was ich gestern getrieben hatte. Nach dem Essen klopfte sie an meine Zimmertür. Ohne eine Antwort abzuwarten trat sie ein.
"Warum hast du nicht mit ihm gefickt?" fragte sie mich unvermittelt.
David hatte ihr wohl alles erzählt. Es hatte keinen Sinn, mir eine Ausrede einfallen zu lassen.
"Ich weiß nicht genau," sagte ich "irgendwie reichte uns das."
"Und reicht es dir noch immer?" fragte sie mich weiter.
"Nein." antwortete ich beschämt.
"Das habe ich mir gedacht." sagte Jenny lächelnd "Deswegen gehen wir dann zu Pete. David wird auch da sein."
Ich sah meine Schwester ungläubig an.
"Es wird eine nette kleine Orgie werden, wenn du mir ganz gehorchst."
Ich nickte nur und schluckte schwer. Sie kam auf mich zu und mit ihrem Gesicht ganz nah.
"Wirst du meine Schlampe sein und alles tun, was ich dir heute sage?"
"JA." war alles, was ich heraus brachte.
"Sag es!" befahl sie mir sanft. Ich wusste, was sie von mir hören wollte und es kam mir leichter über die Lippen, als ich dachte.
"Ich werde deine Schlampe sein und alles tun, was du sagst." hörte ich mich sagen.
"Sehr schön." sagte sie lächelnd und ging zur Tür "Ich bin gleich wieder da und habe etwas für dich." Dann verließ sie mein Zimmer.
Wie vom Blitz getroffen saß ich auf meinem Stuhl. Mein Schwanz pulsierte und drückte schon fast schmerzhaft gegen meine Jeans. Auf was hatte ich mich da gerade eingelassen? Eine Orgie mit David und Pete? Doch da trat Jenny schon wieder durch die Tür und warf mir ein kleines Stoffbündel entgegen.
"Zieh das an und dann komm runter. Ich warte auf dich."
Ich enknüllte den Stoff und hielt einen rosa Spitzentanga in meiner Hand. Es war so pervers, doch konnte ich es kaum erwarten, ihn anzuziehen. Als ich den Tanga hochzog und den Stoff zwischen meinen Arschbacken spürte, wäre ich fast gekommen. Ebenso als ich versuchte, meinen Penis mit dem Stoff zu bedecken, was mir schwerlich gelang. Dann zog ich meine Jeans darüber und ging hinunter, wo Jenny wartete. Sie stand mit Mutter da! Am liebsten wäre ich umgedreht, doch es ging nicht. Also verabschiedeten wir uns und der Gedanke, dass ich einen Tanga trug, von dem Mutter nichts wusste, machte mich rasend vor Geilheit. Jeder Schritt verursachte Reibung gegen meinen Schaft und ich kam immer näher an einen Höhepunkt.
"Geht es noch?" fragte Jenny mich dann auf halbem Weg.
"Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es noch länger aushalte." gestand ich ihr.
Sie lachte nur und ging weiter. Also versuchte ich ihr zu folgen, ohne dass etwas Schlimmeres passieren würde. Nach endlos langen Minuten standen wir vor einem Haus, was Jenny mir als Petes Zuhause vorstellte. Sie zog einen Schlüssel aus ihrer Tasche und öffnete die Tür. Wir gingen hinein und Jenny schaute sich um. Dann hörten wir von oben Geräusche.
"Ah, sie sind schon da." sagte Jenny "Doch bevor wir hochgehen, möchte ich, dass du alles, bis auf den Tanga, ausziehst."
"Ja, Jenny." sagte ich gehorsam und zog mich aus.
Ich fühlte mich regelrecht sexy und weiblich, was mich für den Moment verwirrte. Doch viel Zeit für solche Gedanken hatte ich nicht, denn ich bemerkte, dass sich meine Schwester ebenfalls entkleidete. Unter ihren normalen Klamotten trug sie einen schwarzen Latex-BH, der ihre kleinen Brüste sexy pushte und einen schwarzen Latex-Tanga. Dann zog sie wieder ihre dunklen Highheels an und ging die Treppe hinauf. Die Geräusche wurden immer deutlicher, dann erkannte auch ich, dass es sich um das Stöhnen von David und Pete handeln musste. Eine Tür stand offen und durch diese traten wir in Petes Zimmer. Geschockt blieb ich stehen.
Auf dem Bett vergnügten sich die beiden. Pete ließ seinen Kopf auf einem Kissen ruhen und hatte seinen Po in die Höhe gestreckt. Er trug nur weiße Highheels und ein weißes Lederhalsband. Seine Figur wirkte sehr mädchenhaft, nur fehlten ihm Brüste und sein steifer Schwanz sprach ebenfalls dafür, dass dort ein Junge lag. Hinter Pete war David. Er hatte Petes Hüften umfasst und rieb seinen steifen Schwanz zwischen Petes Pobacken. David hatte gar nichts an. Er und Pete schauten uns beide lüstern an und lächelten dabei, machten aber weiter.
"Ihr zwei Huren konntet es wohl nicht abwarten, oder?" fragte Jenny in gespielter Erbostheit "Dabei habe ich euch was Nettes zum Ficken mitgebracht."
Damit war ich gemeint. Sie gab mir dabei einen kleinen Klaps auf meinen Hintern. Pete und David unterbrachen ihr Spiel und erhoben sich beide vom Bett. Langsam kamen sie auf mich zu. Pete, auf seinen Higheels, ließ bei jedem Schritt seine Hüften verführerisch kreisen, während sein Schwanz, wie Davids, gerade nach vorn stand.
Jenny setzte sich in einen Stuhl und beobachtete uns.
Ich stand nun vor den beiden anderen. Da trat Pete an mich heran, legte seine Hände auf meine Schultern und drückte sie nach unten. Ich verstand und ging auf meine Knie.
"Und jetzt blas schön Davids Schwanz!" befahl er mir.
Ich schaute erst ihn an, dann David.
"Na los, Schlampe." sagte er nur und hielt mir seinen Prügel vors Gesicht. Pete zog mich an den Haaren etwas nach hinten und David rieb mir seine Eichel über das ganze Gesicht. Dabei immer wieder entlang meiner Lippe, sodass ich seinen salzigen Saft schmecken konnte. Mein Schwanz explodierte fast und instinktiv wollte ich an ihm reiben.
"Nichts da, Hure." sagte Pete "Hände auf den Rücken und da lassen! Jetzt öffne dein Maul für David!"
Ich hielt meine Hände nun auf dem Rücken und öffnete langsam meine Lippen. Schon trieb mir David seinen Penis ins Maul. Er wartete gar nicht darauf, dass ich ihn blasen würde. Er begann sofort meinen Mund zu ficken. Die Zärtlichkeit, die noch am Vortag zwischen uns beiden herrschte, war verflogen. Jetzt regierte nur noch Davids Lust. Ich spürte seine Eichel immer wieder in meine Kehle eindringen und wie mir der Speichel aus dem Mund floss. Pete hielt meinen Kopf fest und David machte immer schneller. Mein Mund war für ihn nur ein Fickloch, dachte ich bei mir und meine eigene Geilheit wuchs ins Unermessliche.
Dann zog er seinen Penis aus meinem Mund, wobei sich ein dicker Schleimfaden zwischen meiner Unterlippe und seiner Eichel bildete. Diesen nahm Pete auf seine Finger und verrieb ihn mir im Gesicht. Dann nahm Pete Davids Platz ein und fickte meinen Mund ebenso hart, aber er nahm sich immer wieder Zeit, seinen Schwanz tief in meinen Rachen zu drücken, bis ich würgen musste und dicken Schleim aushustete. Ich spürte, wie meine Augen zu tränen begannen. Er wiederholte dies immer ein paar mal und dann fickte er mich wieder etwas schneller. Spucke und Schleim liefen meinem Kinn hinab und tropften auf meine Knie. Doch irgendwann ließ auch er von mir ab und schwer atmend kniete ich im Raum.
"Wow, das war geil." sagte David und beugte sich hinab, um mich zu küssen. Er gab mir einen tiefen Zungenkuss, den ich gierig erwiderte.
"Und jetzt wollen wir mal sehen, was du uns noch zu bieten hast." hörte ich Jenny sagen. "Steig aufs Bett und streck deinen Arsch hoch!" befahl sie mir.
Jetzt war es soweit. Einer der beiden anderen würde mich gleich anal entjungfern und ich verspürte etwas Angst, wenn daran dachte, wie ich vor einigen Tagen erfolglos versucht hatte, mir einen Dildo einzuführen. Als ich auf dem Bett auf allen vieren war, zog Pete meinen Tanga etwas zur Seite und rotzte auf mein Arschloch. Ohne groß zu warten, begann er mein Loch zu fingern und zu dehnen. Ich wand mich unter seiner rauhen Behandlung und genoss sie gleichzeitig. Dabei schaute ich immer wieder Jenny in die Augen, die direkt in meiner Blickrichtung saß. Sie befingerte ihre Muschi unter ihrem Latextanga und lächelte mich geil an.
"Wer soll es sein?" fragte sie mich.
"David." sagte ich. Ich wollte es wirklich. Er sollte als erster meinen Arsch ficken dürfen.
"Dann bettel ihn an!" befahl sie.
David stand neben dem Bett und während Pete schon drei Finger in meinem Arschloch hatte, schaute ich David in die Augen.
"Bitte David, fick du mich." bettelte ich.
"Du musst ihm schon mehr bieten." lachte Jenny. Sie wollte mich bloßstellen. Ich schämte mich auch, aber das war mir egal.
"Fick mich, David."Treib deinen Schwanz in meinen Arsch und treibe es hart mit mir!" Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass mir diese Worte über die Lippen gekommen sind. Doch sie verfehlten ihre Wirkung nicht. David stieg aufs Bett hinter mich, und ich spürte, wie er seine Eichel gegen meine Rosette presste. Mein kleines Arschloch dehnte sich langsam unter dem Druck, und ich spürte, wie langsam die ersten Zentimeter seines Schwanzes in meinen Darm drangen. Ich biss mir auf die Zähne und versuchte den Schmerz zu verdrängen, doch es half nichts - ich schrie immer wieder etwas auf, als Zentimeter um Zentimeter sich in mich bohrten, und dann begann es! David fickte mich, und bald wusste ich nicht mehr, wo oben und unten war. Meine Rosette brannte, durch meinen Körper spülten Wellen von Geilheit, und mein Schwanz drohte fast zu platzen, als ich Davids Schwanz in mir spürte. Er trieb es immer schneller und härter mit mir. Immer wieder schlug er mir auf den Arsch und nannte mich seine Schlampe und Ähnliches. Jenny ließ sich inzwischen von Pete ihre Fotze lecken und schaute mich dabei an.
Nach einiger Zeit bäumte David sich auf, und ich spürte etwas Warmes in mir. Er kam in meinen Arsch. Als er mir alle seine Ladungen injiziert hatte, kam Pete und nahm wieder Davids Platz ein. Sein Schwanz war kleiner, weshalb er mir keine Schmerzen mehr verursachte, und ich es nun ganz genießen konnte. Ich schloss die Augen und stöhnte. Als ich sie wieder öffnete, stand David vor mir. Er hielt seinen halb erigierten, mit Sperma verschmierten Schwanz in seiner Hand. Instinktiv öffnete ich meinen Mund und begann ihn sauberzulecken. Der salzige Geschmack seines Spermas vermischte sich mit einem mir unbekannten, etwas bitteren Geschmack, und ich schmeckte zum ersten Mal meinen Hintern. Nach wenigen Momenten kam auch Pete in meinen Hintern, und nachdem ich ihn auch saubergeleckt hatte, kam Jenny mit einem Glas in ihrer Hand zu mir herüber.
"Dafür, dass du so ein gutes Fickstück bist, belohne ich dich", sagte sie mir.
Während ich ganz ruhig auf allen vieren blieb, zog mir meine Schwester den Tanga herunter und stellte das Glas unterhalb meines Schwanzes auf die Matratze. Dann umgriff sie meinen Penis und molkte mich. Es brauchte nur wenig, und ich entlud mich unter Zucken und Stöhnen in das Glas. Jennys Hand presste jeden Tropfen Sperma aus meinem Penis. Dann stellte sie das Glas auf den Boden vor das Bett.
"Steh auf, Mark, und hocke dich über das Glas. Pass auf, dass du nichts daneben tropfen lässt!"
Es war so peinlich. Ich hockte mich über das Glas und ließ das gesammelte Sperma aus meiner Rosette in das Behältnis tropfen. Dann erhob ich mich, und Jenny hielt mir das Glas entgegen. Der erste Schluck gehörte mir, und dann nahmen alle einen, bis es leer war. Doch wir schluckten es nicht sofort, sondern küssten uns, spielten damit und hatten Spaß.
Nun gehörte auch ich dazu. | null | null | Authors/knorro/Jugendsuenden/Jugendsuenden 7.txt |
125,666 | Simplex | Princess Zowie and a Scene of Puppy Love | Zowie sat in her great hall atop her mahogany throne. Not a lot was going on this afternoon, and she was thinking about her twenty-first birthday party later. Her friends and followers were in the great ballroom off to the side of the great hall, getting preparations done, putting up decorations, and getting games and refreshments in place. Many people from the city were in the castle, milling about, helping out, hoping for a glimpse of the goddess-like Princess. Zowie sat and watched. Her people had had the audacity and gall to tell her she wasn't allowed to peek into the great ballroom until the party was ready! She couldn't believe it - it amounted to mutiny! But her husband, Lord Bonalot (of late, Sir Bonalot, formerly her Knight Commander), had convinced her that she shouldn't go to her ballroom until the party was ready.
Zowie was dressed in a tight purple blouse, as if anything covering her massive and enormous, unbelievably huge bosom could be loose, which covered her mountainous breasts tightly. Her huge nipples threatened to punch through the highly stretched fabric. The shirt closed down on an impossibly tiny waist. Around the tiny waist was the gathering of her skirt, black fabric with bright flowers on it. She was dressed casually today. Zowie sat with one elbow on the arm of her huge carved mahogany throne, her milky smooth and flawless chin in her dainty hand, propping up her head. Her hazel eyes gazed out tiredly over her hall. All the scurrying figures and people were so involved in the preparations for her party that they were hardly taking any notice of her. And she didn't feel good when people took no notice of her. She blew at a long thick strand of her honey-brown hair which had blown down over her wide and honest freckled face. Her face was actually quite an everyday face with a full nose and a wide mouth with huge straight white teeth. But the number of times she pulled this mouth into a huge bay window smile, as well as her attitude and bearing, made up for any possible deficiency she might have by having a face which was just ordinary.
At last, she could take her boredom no more, and she got up with a grunt of irritation. She stormed off, finally getting the attention of some men carrying heavy tables around. They practically dropped the heavy oaken furniture on their own toes as they caught a glimpse of Zowie's wide heart-shaped ass swishing back and forth hypnotically as she hurried away from them. Zowie dodged into a private study off the hallway going to her chambers to maybe sit and have a little bit of a read. She was surprised to see a figure there. It was a young man, hardly more than a teenager. He had been standing, looking at a huge mural painting of Zowie, her dress, in the painting, blowing up provocatively in a wind, her massive breasts ready to tumble out of her low-cut dress. Zowie's shock turned to amusement when she noticed that the young teen had his cock out, in his hand, and was rubbing away, looking at her painting, his tongue hanging out with bits of drool going down his chin.
"Hi, wouldn't you rather look at the real thing?" said Zowie softly. The reaction of the teen was predictable. He seemed to fly a dozen feet in the air, blushing beet-red with having been caught. He fought to stick his hardened dick back in his trousers.
"No, don't worry about that!" cooed Zowie, slinking near to him. He was looking at her with a look of abject terror on his face.
"I won't hurt you," she said, closing and locking the heavy oaken door to the little study, locking it with her own private key.
The young teen just stood there in shock, staring at her, as Zowie sat down in a comfy chair near him.
"Don't stop touching yourself," she cooed at him, gazing at him softly, "I like it that my subjects love me so much they can't help but to touch themselves!" she said with a soft laugh. Zowie was getting turned on by the fact she had caught this young man, probably still a virgin, beating off over one of her pictures.
"Ma'am.. I.. I'm sorry!" he stammered, "I only came in to help. With the party. I... I just came in here and saw" He gestured to her painting with his head.
"I know. You saw me. Do you think you're the only man in the kingdom that gets so hard when he looks at me that he has to relieve himself right there and then?" winked Zowie at him, talking softly, shifting in the chair she was sitting at to cause her massive breasts to wiggle. Zowie stood and approached the young man. She took him in her arms and squeezed him to her, pressing him against her massive soft breasts. The young teen groaned and whined, putting his arms around her tiny waist. His arms were trembling fiercely as he grabbed the princess. Zowie put her hand on the back of his head and gently pushed his face down into her bosom, his face pressing against her massive breasts.
"Oh, I can't! I can't hold it anymore!" cried out the young man. He had been jacking off his hard dick still from looking at Zowie and her painting. Suddenly, he came. His young ripe penis erupted, sending shots of sperm-laden cum shooting out of his dick, splattering against the Princess and dripping down on the floor. His cum had landed on Zowie's dress, over one of her thighs.
"O Ma'am! I'm so sorry!" he screamed. He looked so disturbed, Zowie was afraid he was going to cry.
"Shh!" shushed Zowie, kissing his cheek. "It's OK!"
Zowie dropped to her knees, taking his balls in one of her dainty left hands while beginning to stroke his deflating penis with her right hand.
"It's OK!" she chanted softly.
"I love you!" burst out the young man with the heat of emotion. Zowie smiled.
"I know. I'm very glad you do. Most of my subjects love me as much as you do," she said softly. Zowie looked up at the teen. She was on her knees before him, his goddess-like princess on her knees in front of him. The young man groaned. He was young and horny, and his young cock was already starting to throb with activity, returning to life. Zowie leaned down and kissed the tip of his hard cock, sending a yelp of passion through the young man.
"What's your name," cooed Zowie as she continued to stroke and kiss his rapidly hardening dick.
"Stephan, Ma'am," he panted.
"Well, Stephan, you have a nice dick. I like the way it tastes when I lick it. It's getting so big for me," cooed Zowie.
She then took his whole hard cock into her mouth and began to suckle on him. She suckled young Stephan as he put his hands in her mountains of golden-brown hair. Zowie licked and licked, until her tongue began to feel sore. She moved to the tip of Stephan's hard throbbing cock and worked on that until she had him pitching and groaning with little fits of pleasure. Then she worked her way down the side of the big hard shaft. Zowie paused to kiss his belly and his balls and lick his crotch. She licked his crotch, his balls, holding up his heavy blood-filled dick, tasting sweat there. The hair of his thighs scratched her face. She detected a pitching in his young belly, and she knew that he was nearing his climax. She rocked her body slightly, working her lips over the head of his young powerful cock until the pitching in his belly and his cock reached the point that told her that the young teen was about to cum. Suddenly, with a warbling cry of passion, Stephan came.
"Oh Princess!" He bellowed hotly. A giant glob of cum shot into Zowie's mouth. She swallowed fast and automatically as he slammed his hips in her face. Stephan let out a yell, and his body went through a giant spasm as his penis emptied itself in Zowie's mouth. Zowie swallowed Stephan's salty thick jizz and held his penis in her mouth for a few minutes as drips of sperm-laden cum continued to ooze out of his penis. She smacked her lips and mouth, swallowing his hot salty offering. Zowie didn't waste a drop of his youthful cream.
Zowie was suddenly aware of the soreness and fullness of her own heavy breasts. She hadn't been milked in hours, and she needed some suckling to take the pressure of her quickly building up milk. She hated to express herself or squeeze the milk out and waste it on the ground. And she loved being suckled and feeding someone. Zowie stood up and sat back in the fancy armchair she had been sitting in earlier.Stephan was grabbing at his pants, pulling them back up, looking horribly embarrassed.
"Are you embarrassed at having just had oral sex with me?" asked Zowie. Stephan looked up, shocked.
"No, ma'am! No! It's just that I... I mean..." the young man was clearly in a state of shock and flustered beyond all comprehension. Zowie decided to stop tormenting him and be nice to him.
"Come here to me," she commanded, her arms resting on the arms of the chair, her legs crossed. She didn't plan on Stephan entering her or cumming inside her. Ever since she married, she had not been taking the birth control potion made by her alchemist, Sheila. She wanted to bear Bonalot a child right away, and then she would go back to taking her potion and pleasing her loving subjects in as many ways as they wanted. Stephan walked stiffly and robotically forward. He was staring at her tight blouse in awe.
"Lift up my blouse. Expose my breasts," said Zowie softly, reading his mind and giving him one of her huge bay window smiles, crinkling her freckly face into a smile of mirth and merriment. Stephan fell to his knees before her, collapsing at once, as if in prayer. His hands touched her legs and he began to run them up, bunching up her skirt.
"Not my skirt, honey," cooed Zowie, lifting up Stephan's hands and placing the trembling paws on the sides of her immense breasts. They were shooting off her chest, proudly, defying gravity. Full and soft, heavy and shaped like fat raindrops. Stephan began to move his hands in little circles, grasping into her soft tit-flesh. His young teenage cock was easily coming back to life, jumping and trembling as the touch of Zowie's breasts returned it to life.
"There!" groaned Zowie, exhaling with passion. She put her arms back down on the armrests of the chair, her head akimbo and bent to one side. She gazed upon Stephan with big soft eyes and a soft passionate smile. Stephan kissed at her tits through her blouse, pressing his face against the fabric.
"Stephan!" she groaned so loudly and wantonly that the young man backed away with surprise.
"Like this!" she cried out again, reaching down and ripping her own blouse upwards, up and over the massive curving ends of her own heavy hanging mammaries. Stephan let out a wordless cry of surprise and lust when he first saw Zowie's milky white tits. They were simply enormous, the size of watermelons, and they were pointing at him. The huge rounded ends were topped with massive pink nipples and enormous round areola. His cock was rigid and standing to attention as he knelt before the Princess; his dick pointing and throbbing at the objects of his gaze.
"See? My breasts are so full of milk. I need a suckling," murmured Zowie, resting back in the chair. Zowie reached up and grasped the end of her right breast with her dainty hand; it barely even began to cover any significant portion of the front swelling of the boob. She squeezed it, and several droplets of precious milk oozed out of the enormous erect nipple atop the breast.
Stephan lunged forward and put his mouth over the nipple that just oozed milk. He began to suck and suckle; heavy streams of rich, thick, creamy milk shot into his mouth. He was shocked at the content of milk that came shooting out, like a geyser. He swallowed as well as he could, but he couldn't keep up with the torrent of Zowie's rich buttermilk goodness, and it began to seep out his mouth, over his chin and down Zowie's front. Stephan drank and drank, belching as he gulped down air in a heated bid to gulp down all of Zowie's milk that he could. Zowie lay her head back and groaned. Her legs twitched and trembled as little orgasms shot through her. She loved being suckled. Her massive breasts were so sensitive, more sensitive than tiny breasts and much more sensitive than any breast that size should be.
Stephan groaned as he continued to sup on Zowie's creamy milk. Teenage boys can eat and drink quite a bit, and Stephan was doing an admirable job in gulping down all of Zowie's milk. He even suckled her right breast so dry that it didn't seep with milk when he left it for her left breast. His hands grasped them, squished them together. He played with her heavy soft warm tits as he suckled her. Zowie sat quietly, enjoying being suckled, enjoying having a subject draining her of the milk that made her feel bulging and about to burst.
Both Zowie and Stephan had lost track of the amount of time they had been sitting there. Zowie was shook out of her reverie by Stephan once again trying to hike up her skirt. He was holding his big hard erection in one hand and seemed intent on shoving it inside her.
"No, Stephan, come here, honey," she cooed. She leaned forward, lifting her great heavy breasts. She pressed the ends of them into his crotch, the nipples skidding against his thighs, oozing warm milk over him. Stephan cried out as his enormous hard-on was lost in her cleavage. She leaned in to him until she was kissing his belly, rubbing her cheek against his tummy as she worked his hard cock with her soft tits. Stephan humped back against her chest. Her cleavage was so deep, he came nowhere near hitting her actual chest. His penis was buried deep in the bottomless chasm between her soft ivory breasts which jiggled and quivered with each one of his hard desperate thrusts.
"Oh Princess! Oh Zowie!" barked Stephan. He humped harder and harder, slapping himself as hard as he could against her massive soft pillows of tender breast flesh. At last, he cried out, arching himself way back, pushing his penis against Zowie, against her tits. He screamed, and his cock shot out its pumping streams of cum. They splattered and splashed against Zowie, in the crack of her cleavage. Zowie pulled back a bit to allow the sperm to splash liberally all over her tits and chest. She looked down to watch his cum shoot out, ooze out, and then finally drip out on her boobs. Her left arm was underneath them, holding them up, making a huge shelf of soft tender breast-flesh.
Stephan groaned and panted as Zowie leaned forward to clean the tip of his penis with her tongue. She licked his cock-head and squeezed his penis gently, coaxing the last drops of sperm-filled cum as the rest of his sperm ran and dripped down her insanely curvy body.
"There! Now you'd better run along and help with the preparations for my party. I must be going," chirped Zowie, getting up and pulling her blouse down over her sticky chest and breasts. "Looks like I'll need a bath!" she laughed, winking at Stephan.
"I can come and help you with your bath!" croaked out Stephan hurriedly. Zowie looked at him hard. She appreciated his young puppy love for her, but she didn't want to deal with his silliness all day long.
"No, you must go now. We may meet again, who knows? You have a good dick there, maybe someday I might want it again," said Zowie. Stephan hung his head low; it was clear he was being dismissed.
"Are you that unhappy with what you did get from me?" shot Zowie after him as she watched him mope toward the door. Stephan stood bolt upright and turned on her. He was in shock again.
"Oh Princess, no! No! No! It's just that... um, I am happy! Oh, shit, wait until the guys hear about this!" he blurted out, closing his eyes, thinking he shouldn't have said the last bit. Zowie laughed.
"That's better. And don't brag too much about what you got, sometimes those that brag never get anything to brag about again!" Zowie winked at him and gently guided him out of the little study. She watched him staggering off down the hall, even his youthful teenage balls were feeling a bit numb. Zowie sighed and walked up the narrow twisting spiral stair at the end of the hall that led to her own apartments.
END | null | Puppy Love | Authors/simplexstories/Puppy Love.txt |
126,015 | MeatBot | A Gift For Dad | Zachary South lived with his father, in a nice house on a small family farm, out a ways from town. Zack didn't remember his mother; she'd disappeared long, long ago, when he was just two or three. "Stupid bitch," from what little his father had ever told him about her. They were better off without her. He got along well with his father, except for a few years when he was thirteen or so, but now that he was sixteen, everything seemed to be fine.
Zack felt sorry for his father at times; the guy didn't really seem to have a life. He worked sixty hours a week, and the rest of the time he spent in front of the TV. Well, not really, he went to the gym a few times a week... and he hunted some... but he still didn't really seem to have a life. And he had never had but one girlfriend, in all the years Zack remembered. And now she was long gone.
That's where the idea started, really. Zack tried to think of the women that he knew, and which ones might go out with his dad. As far as he could tell, though, all the women he knew were married or hooked up. "What to do, what to do," he thought. "There's gotta be something I can do."
Zack had just become sexually active, himself. That's probably why this was on his mind so much. And all thanks to one girl. Serenity Smith. How he was lucky enough to ever end up with her, he wasn't sure. She was the foxiest, sexiest girl in the whole school, and she seemed to belong totally to him, for reasons he couldn't figure out. He was not a football star. He did not make straight A's. He didn't even have a nice car. Why the hell did she ever select him? He couldn't figure it out, he just ran with it. She was the best thing that'd ever happened to him. He knew that. She knew that. All his friends knew it, and they constantly reminded him of it. He knew that these were the best years of his life, and a small part of him mourned how empty and dead his life would be, when and if she finally tired of him and left him. He accepted the inevitability of that, in a way, and took what he could of her sweetness, living for the moment.
He'd even been the one to pop her cherry. And, of course, she popped his too, his symbolic guy cherry. They had done it in the barn, up in the hayloft, on a chilly winter Saturday when his dad had been called back into work. It was everything he'd hoped it would be, sexy and fun and momentous... she came like crazy, and she'd smiled up at him after it was over, and he felt more love for her than he thought he could stand. He felt like the greatest stud in the world. She was so perfect. And she was all his.
They fucked every chance they got, and she'd gotten her mother to get her on the pill, "just in case." Her dad didn't know, of course. Zack often wondered what his dad would think if he knew that his boy was fucking a girl, now. He knew his dad would be upset, but he liked to think he'd be a little proud, too. Especially when he met her, because she was such a fox. His dad wasn't an uptight religious nut, or anything like that... he knew his dad just wanted what was best for him. "She is," he thought. "She's what's best for me."
One dark winter night he was talking to Serenity on his phone. She was being sweet, and slightly dirty, and he was idly jacking his cock as he listened to her.
"Whatcha doin' now," she said.
"Just listenin' to a girl yap," he said.
"Are you touching it?"
"Does the sound of my voice get you off?"
"Jerk it... for me..."
"Say something sexy, then."
"Oh, I want you, Zack... I want your body... I want your cum on my face, your finger in my ass, and your fat dick in my cunt."
"Jeezus what?"
"You sound like a phone sex line."
"How would you know that?"
"So I've heard."
"That wasn't sexy though?"
"That was intensely fucking sexy, yes."
"Did you cum?"
"No, I haven't really started yet."
"I'm touching mine, now."
"Oh shit."
"I'm rubbing my little clitty bump, and thinking about the last time we went up in the hayloft."
"Oh shit."
"Zack. You were very sweet. You made me cum and cum and cum. Nobody else has ever done that for me."
"Oh shit. I hope not."
"No, you are the only one. You are my only one. I stuck my finger in it, when I said that. Way in. Like where your cock-a-doodle-doo goes."
"Oh shit."
"Say something other than oh shit."
"Oh fuck."
"Fuck, Zack, we gotta get together again. Sometimes soon. This finger shit ain't really workin' for me. Is your dad gonna work Saturday? I'll ride my bike over, if he is."
"Serenity, just come over no matter what. He won't know, and he wouldn't care if he did. We'll just disappear up into the hayloft. He won't have any idea where we are."
"I can't be... noisy, though, if he's around."
"Maybe you can not be noisy, Serenity."
"I don't know if I can do that. I can't make any promises."
"Serenity. Do you know any single available women my dad's age?"
"No. Sorry. Why?"
"He needs a girlfriend. He needs a life. All he does is work."
"Work, and babysit you."
"Pretty much. I'm tryin' to fix him up with somebody, but I can't find anybody."
"I'll keep my eye peeled. Did you put an ad on Craigslist?"
"No... I'm not that desperate yet..."
"Well, shit."
"Yes. Shit."
"I gotta go, Zack. Dinner's ready."
"Night. I love you."
"Night. I love you."
Zack hung up, and finished, thinking of Serenity. She was just too much. She was the sexiest thing alive. "Maybe this weekend," he thought. "Maybe she'll come over this weekend. Shit. I should have saved it."
She did come over, that weekend. And to his delight, his dad went to a gun show with his buddies. He waited impatiently for Serenity to show up. She finally came down the lane, on her bike, and he was at the gate.
"We got two hours at least, get your ass up in the hayloft," he said, and she stared at him, her mouth opened.
"Well," she finally said. "Pleased to meet you, too."
"Come on, Serenity. I'll lick you... we got time for me to lick you..."
Serenity liked being licked. She dropped her bike, and he followed her up into the hayloft. They had glorious, wonderful sex for two hours, with lots of licking. Finally they cuddled up under an old quilt, and feeling the delightful smooth feeling of naked body rubbing against naked body. After a while a truck came down the hill, and turned into the drive.
"Oh, shit!" he said, jumping up. "It's my dad!" He furiously started getting dressed.
"I thought you said he wouldn't care. He wouldn't know, you said."
"Well, let's not tempt fate. Serenity. Put your clothes on, and let's go in and see him. You've never met him, right?"
"I've never met him right." she said, slowly pulling her panties up. He found her bra and turned it inside out for her. She turned her bra back the way it was supposed to be. "Why must I meet him?" she asked.
"Because you will be part of the family someday," he said, hoping with all his might.
"I see. Well, okay. But what if he doesn't like me?"
"He'll like you. He'll like the shit out of you."
Zack was right. His dad, Ben, liked the shit out of her. She was pretty likeable, so that wasn't surprising. He asked her to stay for dinner, and he even talked to her mom when she called home to ask. All was fine. Then he decided there was nothing suitable to fix, so he ended up taking them out to a fancy restaurant. At the end of the evening, he let Zack take her home in the truck, so he could take her bicycle, also.They sat in her driveway, separated by a reasonable distance, just in case someone was peeking out a window.
"So, what'd you think? Are you gonna help me find him a girlfriend?"
"Oh, yes, I suppose so. I'll keep my eye peeled, like I said."
"It is very important that she be likable to me, too. I don't wanna live with a bitch if they hook up."
"Yes, I will keep that in mind. Any other requirements?"
"She must be fairly foxy and pleasant to look at. I don't wanna have to see an old crone all the time."
"You will have me. That is not a strict requirement."
"Okay, okay. Just pick out somebody you'd like to live with."
"Me? Suddenly it's all on me?"
"No, I'm still looking, too. Do you know Miss Crane, at school? Do you know if she's shacked up or anything?"
"I do not possess that information. She's kind of a bitch, though."
"Yes, I thought so too. Just thinking."
"Well, I'll think too. But I'm much more interested about when we can hook up again."
"Maybe tomorrow afternoon?"
"Tomorrow is what, Sunday?"
"Possibly. Let me consult my calendar," she said. She looked at her phone. After a moment, she said, "Yes. Sunday is good. If my Mom says I can."
"Serenity. You are sixteen years old. Does your mom still have to tell you what you can and can't do?"
"Yes, since she is the guardian of my precious virginity. She has veto power."
"Heh," he said, thinking of her precious long-gone virginity. That was something he thought of every day, something he would remember for a long, long time. He was proud of that one. He did good.
"Goodnight, darling. I love you, I love you, I love you."
"Goodnight. I love you too."
A quick chaste little kiss, and he drove home, bemused, and thinking furiously. His dad. It was a challenge, now.
"You ever thought about getting another girlfriend?"
A few seconds of silence.
"Yeah, hell yeah. It just hasn't happened yet. It will, eventually."
"I think it'd be good for you."
"Yeah, yeah. I do work a lot, though. My time is limited."
"You don't have to, but you do, yes."
"I do, yes."
"Well, me and Serenity... are kinda looking for one, for you." There. He just came out and said it.
Some laughter.
"You guys are looking for me? A girlfriend? Well, thank you. Please let me know when you find her."
"It's not that funny. Serenity agrees with me, she thinks you need somebody. Everybody needs somebody."
"True. Well, thanks. I appreciate the thought."
"You're welcome."
"Your girlfriend is quite the little prize. You are very lucky."
"Yeah, I know. She tells me that. Everybody tells me that."
"She's very cute. And I could tell she's smart, too."
"Yes, she's very smart. Possibly too smart."
"Well, she's smart enough to pick a good boyfriend. You are a good guy. I'm sure you treat her right."
"Yes, I have no choice. I don't dare lose her, I'll never find another like her, I know."
"Well, just treat her right, and maybe she'll stick around."
"If I was twenty years younger... I'd be fighting you tooth and nail for her."
"Heh. Yeah, dad. Like you'd have a chance."
"Hey. I was quite the ladies' man, back in the day."
"Yeah, and look at the loser you picked."
"Well, that one was an accident."
"Dad... was I an accident?"
"No, I didn't mean it like that. No, you were planned, and expected. And appreciated."
"Okay. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
Sadly, Serenity did not get to come over Sunday afternoon. She had family crap to do, she said. He understood. Maybe next time. She did agree to go get something to eat after school with him the next day. At least she wasn't embarrassed to be seen in his stupid car with him. The anti-makeout-mobile, as he thought of it. It had no back seat. Just a ledge thing, and then the trunk opened into it. What was that shit, he thought. Who thought that shit up? What's a kid supposed to do?
When Zack finally fixed his dad up, a few weeks later, it was a disaster. The woman, a friend of Serenity's mother, was nice looking, but so totally anal about everything the date was a disaster. His dad came home early, shaking his head. The woman had picked about the food, and sent it back to the kitchen three or four times. She bitched because he did not park the car straight, and her door would hit the car beside it, which it probably would have done even if it were straight. She adjusted his collar several times, and freaked because a small piece of tape was stuck on the tip of his shoe. It just went on and on, and Zack and he had a good laugh over it.
"I will probably do my own selecting, from now on," his dad finally said, and Zack sighed.
"Just tryin' to help, dad," he said, and his father nodded.
"Appreciated. But let's just let it happen naturally, instead of rushing it."
That Thursday, he took Serenity to Hardlee's, in his car. They sat in a booth for an hour, and talked. She finally scooted all the way over, and cuddled against him. He put his hands around her and pulled her to him.
"Zack. I been thinkin'," she said, and he nodded.
"I knew you would start, at some point," he said.
"Really. I been thinkin' serious shit,"
"Yes, I suppose that is inevitable, once you start thinking."
"Fuck you. Listen to me. This is very serious, and may have long-term ramifications to our relationship, if you take it wrong."
"Okay..." what the fuck was she jabbering about?
"Zack. I been thinkin' seriously about something, since I met your dad. Your dad is very cool. I like him a lot."
"Yes, he is cool. He's a nice guy."
"Zack... please don't take this wrong. Please, please. I almost don't have the nerve to say it to you, I don't want to screw up things between us. But I think I know you well enough, though. I think you understand me. And I think we love each other enough. We have a strong love, Zack, a one in a million. Strong enough to stand almost anything. Right?"
"Right, yes. True. I do love you, Serenity."
"I love you, too. I want what you want. I want you to be happy, and because you want it, I want your dad to be happy."
"Thank you. You are the sweetest ever, Serenity. I love you forever."
"I love you forever, too. That's why I'm gonna ask you this."
"Zack. Just to give him hope, and to give him something to keep him going... let me fuck your father."
Amazingly, it didn't really shock him that bad. It didn't make him mad, or crush him, or anything. Maybe I'm in shock, he thought. Maybe she's just joking. He looked at her. She looked uncharacteristically serious. Maybe not. He thought about it. She was right, his love for her was strong enough. It didn't even freak him out to think of his father fucking her. His father was a hardbody, for an old fart. He didn't even have a beer belly, or much in the way of love handles. She would just climb on top of him and ride him like a rodeo bronc, he knew. He realized that in his mind he'd already accepted it. If that's what she really wanted...
That gave him some thought, though. Did she want this just for his father, or did she want some of it for herself, too? Was she wondering, after fucking him, what it would be like to fuck somebody else? And so what if she was, he thought... he'd wondered what it was like, too... but he didn't care enough to fuck up what he had with her for it.
Will this fuck us up? he thought. It won't from my side. What if they fall in love? Hah hah. Fat chance. He's twenty something years older than her. This will just be a quick jump in the sack... assuming it's just this once. I love her enough to share her, he thought. I am not freaked out. I am not fucking freaked out over this.
"Serenity," he finally said, hugging her harder.
"I love you. I appreciate what you are offering. I know my dad would appreciate it, if we can get him to accept it. It will not fuck up our relationship, I don't think. I will still love you more than anything in the world. And I don't think you will leave me for him. But, I'd still get to see you every day if you did."
She poked him hard in the stomach. "Don't make jokes. This is very serious," she said.
"Yes, I agree. It's serious. And, I say yes. If you can figure out a way to get him to do it, you may fuck my dad. I give you my permission. Can I watch?"
"Fuck you," she growled. "Now, help me think of a way to break it to him."
A week passed on that one. Zack drew a blank, every time Serenity talked about it. Which was pretty much every time they met. Zack realized that he'd have to admit to his dad that he was making love to her, first. Probably. Either that, or admit his girlfriend was not a virgin when he was. Well, that could happen. But, he decided, it would be easier to just admit it. He thought it would make his dad more likely to go for it.
Finally, they settled on a plan, of sorts. Next Saturday night, Serenity would come over, early, and spend the evening with him and his dad. She would be loving and rub about on his dad innocently, kind of get him hot and bothered. Then, with enough time left in the evening for her to do it, and get home at a reasonable hour, they could do it, while Zack watched TV or something. Zack did not get to watch, she stressed. He understood.
"Okay," Zack said. "At some point this week I'm gonna break the news to him that we've been making love for a while."
"Yes, good idea. Only, do not say 'fucking'. Say 'making love' or something silly like that."
"Yes, making love sounds much better. I'll remember that.""
The other important thing was that Serenity get to spend enough time with the South family for all this to occur. They were talking on the phone when she told Zack her scheme.
"I have talked to Chastity Zoer. She's a pretty good friend anyway, and she has agreed to cover for me with my mom. I've spent the night with her before, and I think I can pull it off this time. You can take me over to her house in the morning, and my mom can come and get me there. I have already told her that the four of us..."
"There are only three of us at this point, if you're staying with her," he said.
"No, there are four. She has a boyfriend, too. And my mom knows that her mom is even freakier about rapist rambos than she is. She'll let me go out with you because she knows that Chastity's mom will be keeping an eye on us and all that."
"Serenity. Does your mom even know I exist?"
"Hell yeah. She's seen you in the driveway before. I've told her all about you. Well, almost all."
"Anyway... Zack... if your dad goes for it, after I do him and take a shower... I can spend the night in your bed, right?"
Oh, hell yeah. That would be too cool. Yes, the shower part would probably be a necessity, for all involved. He didn't want to be sliding around on his dad's cum. Ugh. Still, that would be cool, to have her in his bed.
"Serenity. When we go away to college, this is gonna be so cool. We'll get to do this shit every night. Hell, maybe we can even move in together."
"Shit. Yeah. Except that first year, you have to stay in the dorms at Northwest."
"Yes. We'll work something out. It'll be killer, though."
"So, you'll be over about six, Saturday night? Or will we actually have to go to a movie?"
"No, Chastity and Herb are actually going to a movie, he's picking her up, and they are supposedly going to meet us there. So her mom will not actually know if we are there or not. She will just have to trust us."
"Heh," he said.
"Yes," she said. "Heh."
The closer it got to Saturday, the more nervous Zack got. He finally realized Thursday night that there just wasn't any time left. He just had to tell his dad.
That night, as they ate two TV dinners in front of the TV, he finally started the ball rolling.
"Dad," he said. "Hit the mute."
His dad did, and then waited.
"Dad," Zack said, summoning up his courage. "I gotta tell you something. I think you deserve to know. I respect you that much." Butter him up good, he thought.
"Okay..." Ben said, sounding a bit puzzled.
"Dad... I just want you to know... Serenity and I love each other very much... she is the one for me, I know it... it's not just puppy love... Dad... for a while now, we've been... making out. Pretty heavy..."
"Okay..." his dad just stared at him. Shit, thought Zack.
"I'm trying to say... we've made love... I think you deserve to know that... but don't worry, she's on the pill... nothing will happen..."
"Zack. Thank you for confiding in me," his dad said. "Although I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this knowledge. You are sure she's protected? Do you guys have any idea how much a baby would screw up your lives?"
"Yes... I think we do. Yes, she takes her pill every day..."
"Well, all I can say is welcome to the adult world. I'm not going to give you a lecture. In this day, I suppose it's inevitable that you kids start early. Are her parents aware of this?"
"Hell no," Zack laughed.
"Well, be very aware of that. They might not take to kindly to you having your way with her. That is one thing to be very careful of."
"Yes, I'm... aware. We are careful. And we don't do it a lot..."
"Well, good luck to you. I hope you're right, Zack... I hope she's the one. She is very sweet, a very nice girl."
Oh, thought Zack, you don't know the half of it. But you will, you will.
"Dad," he said. His dad raised an eyebrow.
"Sixteen is not young, anymore. Most of my friends got their cherries popped when they were thirteen or fourteen. I'm in the minority."
"Well, thanks for waiting this long."
"When did you?"
"When did I what, lose my virginity?"
"Yeah. How old were you."
"Well... I almost hate to say it, but I was just fifteen. To a miss Lydia Bynes. The girl that should have been your mother."
"Heh." he was surprised his dad had admitted he was younger than he was. That is cool, then, he thought.
"Zack. Just keep in mind that you're young, and you have your whole life ahead of you. There's college, and all that. If you do tie yourself up, make sure it's with the right person."
"Yeah, dad. I will. I have, I am. I'm sure she's the right one. I just hope she keeps thinking that."
"Well, it does take two. But, if she is the right one, she'll stick around."
They small talked for a while longer, and Zack thought it had gone well. His dad did not freak. He did not ground him. He did not take the anti-makeout-mobile away. He just accepted it and moved on. Good, good. Maybe we do have a chance, he thought.
That Friday, he talked to Serenity again, at length, about what they were planning on. They were sitting in McDerp's, this time.
"And you are sure?" he asked, wanting to give her an out, before the thing got underway.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I'm a bit nervous, now that it's this close."
"Yeah, me too."
"What if he freaks? What if he yells, and tells me to get out? What if he calls me a whore or something?"
"Serenity," he paused. He didn't know how to really get this part across. He'd just say it. "Serenity, my dad is not like that. I've never seen him get mad, except that time somebody put shit in our mailbox. He won't call you anything. If he doesn't agree with it, he'll just say no. I know him that well, at least. He'll just say no, and go on with his life."
"And I'll be embarrassed for the rest of mine. How can I ever face him again, if he says no?" she asked. He fervently hoped that wasn't true. He didn't want to lose her, if his dad said no. He didn't even want to take the smallest chance of it.
"You can face him. He won't treat you any different. He's a seriously nice guy, Serenity. He'll love you for it, for just offering, even if he says no, I think." He really thought that, too.
"Shit. Well, okay, let's do it."
She came over about three. She brought a small bag with her, and they left it in his car. They played around outside for a while, he took her down to the pond, and the potato patch, or where it used to be, and they just wandered the farm for a while. They finally found his dad, working on a mower in the barn, and sat and talked with him for a long time. Zack felt like the progression of events had started. He could tell his dad really liked Serenity, his dad was noticeably different around her, to someone who knew him well. He was louder and funnier, and more animated. Pretty girls just do that, Zack knew. And this one was the prettiest one of all. He idly wondered if his dad was jealous, now that he knew Zack was doing her. He kind of hoped he was.
Finally, five-ish, they went inside, and his dad cooked a large country-style breakfast, for dinner. Serenity ate like she was famished, and they both laughed at her.
"When you gotta be home?" his dad asked her. She and Zack traded glances.
"Well," she said. "I don't actually have to be home tonight. I'm spending the night with my friend Chastity. We might all go see a movie later, we haven't decided yet."
"I see," his dad said. "Just making conversation."
Serenity and Zack moved to the couch, and watched TV for a while. His dad finally came in with a gun, and Serenity shrieked. His dad laughed. "Just cleaning it," he said, and proceeded to take the gun apart. Serenity got up and went over and watched him, and he explained all the parts and how it worked and all that.
They are getting along just fine, Zack thought. Good. She was her usual feisty self, and she picked at his dad some, making him laugh and weakly defend himself from her verbal sparring. Zack could tell he loved just talking to the girl. Just you wait, he thought. Just you wait until she's sitting on your face. We'll see who does the talking, then.
Zack was stunned a few minutes later to look over and see his dad sitting in his big chair, with Serenity perched on his lap. Goddam, he thought, that girl moves quick. He quickly glanced back to the TV, not wanting his dad to think he was mad or anything. He pretended like it didn't bother him, and it actually didn't. This is his night, he thought. I'll get some sloppy seconds, later, but now, this is his night. He idly wondered if his dad ever jerked off, or had wet dreams. He might be pretty full of the stuff, Zack thought.
Serenity lay back again Ben's body, comfortable. She liked him, she really liked him. She now liked him second only to his son. Even her own family came in way third. If he just says yes, she thought. This will work out perfectly if he just says yes. Father and son. This will be kind of cool, actually. She thought of, what if the situation were reversed? Could she sit comfortably on the couch at home, knowing that Zack was fixing to fuck her mother? No, she could not. That would not work at all. She was glad Zack loved her enough to let her do this. She was surprised at herself, at how eager she was to try somebody else. But Zack's father was the only person she'd ever actually consider doing. Anybody else wouldn't be fair to him.
She turned on his lap, and cuddled into him a little more.He didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, and she took them, one at a time, and draped them over her stomach. Her hard flat stomach. He pressed them, palms down, into her stomach. It felt good.
Zack pretended to go to sleep. He even snored a little. He desperately wanted to know what they were doing, but he didn't want to spoil it. He didn't figure his dad would just outright take advantage of him sleeping to feel off his girlfriend, but he figured that Serenity would realize why he was pretending and make the best of it. He almost thought he heard her whispering. Well, somebody was whispering.
He was right. It was her. She had leaned back and was whispering into Ben's ear. He had a hard time even listening to her, it was such an intense experience for him, feeling her lips touch his ear and her hot breath literally entering his ear canal. Damn, he thought, this girl. Damn.
Ben wasn't even a part-time pedophile. Well, that's not fair, she certainly wasn't a kid. She had an incredible figure, to him, slim sexy flat stomach, which he'd just rubbed, by the way, nice plump hips and thighs, and the sexiest, pert, perky little boobs he'd seen in a long time. That kid is lucky, he thought, dipping his wick into something this delectable. That kid is damn lucky, I hope he realizes it.
"Mr. South," she whispered, and he stopped her right then and there.
"Ben," he whispered. "Ben."
"Yes, Ben," she whispered. "I want you to know that I love your son very much. I love him more than life. I love him more than I even love myself, if you can believe that." They both giggled at that.
"I just want you to know that I'll never mistreat him. I will be the perfect mate to him. I will love him until we are old people, and we will die on the same day, just because we can't stand to be apart."
"I understand," he whispered back, feeling her ear on his lips. God, he thought, that is sexy. Just her ear is sexier than fuck. He wanted to stick his tongue in it so bad it hurt. He was suddenly aware of his erection, almost pushing into the crack of her ass. Oh, shit, he thought.
"Just wanted you to know," she said, and then she kissed him, right on his ear. Oh shit, he thought again. Oh shit. I am gonna cream my jeans if this girl don't get off me. He didn't want her to get off, though.
They just lay there for the longest time, while Zack slept. Well, Serenity didn't think he was really asleep. She thought he was taking the easy way out, on this part of it. She was right.
Ben's hands were still flat on her flat stomach. Just her belly felt sexier than shit to him. He thought about sticking his finger in her belly button, just so he could say something of his had been inside her body, but he didn't. He didn't want to be intrusive. He didn't want to freak her out.
She finally put her hands over his, and just held them. He was content. He didn't figure she'd done it for any reason. He was aware, though, when she slowly scooted their hands upwards. Further and further up, towards her fabulous tits. Finally, he could feel the underside of her breasts, against the back and sides of his hands. She felt nice and soft. He wondered if she was aware of where his hands were.
Yes, she was aware. She wanted to just plop his hands on her tits, but she realized that was probably moving a bit too quick. She thought the same thing that Zack thought, that he probably wouldn't take advantage of his son's girlfriend. And, they were both right, he wouldn't have.
It was eight o'clock. Zack finally pretended to wake up. He went to the kitchen and got some Pepsis. They sat around and drank, and Serenity finally stretched and sat up. She slowly crawled off Ben's lap and sat on the couch beside Zack.
"Ben," she said softly, and he gave her his full attention. Oh, shit, thought Zack. Here we go.
"Ben, I came over tonight for a special reason," she said, and he nodded.
"Zack and I have been thinking, thinking a long time on this. And we've decided to do something about it. It's something that means a lot to him, and because of that it means a lot to me."
"Okay..." Ben said. Oh shit, he thought. They want to get married. Oh shit.
"We know that you haven't had a girlfriend in a long time. Zack says years. You're an adult man, and you have needs. You know that. It's not normal, to go that long. It's not good for you, mentally or whatever."
What the fuck? he thought, nonplussed. Is this about me, or them?
"Ben. We've decided, we've decided on something to help you, until you do get a girlfriend. And you will, eventually, we all know that. It just hasn't happened yet. But, until then... until you do... Ben... we wanna offer... we wanna offer me, to you. I want to. Zack and I. We want you to make love to me."
Oh, holy fucking shit, he thought. What the fuck. That is what this is all about? Me? Me, and my inability to have a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex? Hell, to have a relationship period with the opposite sex. Shit. Shit.
His mind raced. In spite of that, he didn't know what to say. They just sat and stared at him. One part of his mind did have the presence of mind to think, oh, hell yeah. I'd do that.
"Kids..." he finally said. "I'm not sure if you realize what you're saying, what you're doing... but, before we go any further, thank you. Thanks for thinking of me. But I can't do that, you know it, and I know it. I cannot take advantage of you, Serenity. I just can't. It's not done, it doesn't work that way. You two are a sweet couple. I don't want to screw that up."
"You won't, dad," Zack said. "We've given this a lot of thought. You won't."
"It'll..." Serenity said. "Mr. South. If anything, it'll make what we have stronger. It'll make us... more of a family."
"Darlin'," he laughed at that one. "My little dear, sex does not cement families together. Love cements families together. Sex usually destroys families."
"It won't ours. Dad. We love each other that much," Zack said.
"Zack... Serenity..." he was exasperated. "You're just a couple of kids, my apologies... but you're just a couple of kids. Life is way different than what I think you guys think it is. People just don't do things like this. Well, maybe hillbillies do... but normal people do not."
"Dad," Zack said. "We are not normal people. We love each other more than what is normal. We love each other strong enough to get through this. Like she said, it'll just make us stronger."
"Mr. South," she said. He laughed, interrupting her.
"So it's back to Mr. South? What happened to Ben?"
"Okay. Ben," she said. "Think of this as a gift. Accept it in the spirit that it's given in. Just for tonight, forget everything, and enjoy yourself. I have confidence in my ability to make you enjoy yourself. Please. Do this for me, for Zack, and most of all for yourself. Make yourself happy. And give me a little happiness, too. Zack... we'll worry about Zack, later."
Ben South sighed. He didn't feel like he was getting through to these two. He knew his son was slightly stubborn, but, in the short time he'd known her, he could tell this girl took stubbornness to a new level. He knew she was going to be tough. He didn't want to send her home disappointed, embarrassed and possibly mess up the kid's relationship. But he knew he couldn't do what they were asking.
"Guys... thanks again... I appreciate it greatly, and yes, I admit I'd love it... but I just can't. Understand? I just can't."
"You can, Ben," said Serenity, stubbornly. How right I was, he thought. "You can do it. We wouldn't ask you to do it if we didn't have some confidence that we could make you see it from our point of view. Listen. There's nothing wrong with what we ask. We are all adults. We are in command and control of our bodies. Take some pleasure from me, please. Zack will stay in here and watch TV, and you and I can just go in your bedroom for an hour or two. It's okay. Nothing bad will come of it."
"Actually," Ben said, "You guys are not adults. Not for another two years."
"That's a silly law," said Serenity. "Yes, I believe we are adults. We can drive, we can think, we can decide our destinies. We are old enough to have sex, and we're old enough to decide who we have sex with."
"Shit," Zack was surprised to hear his father cuss. That's a first, he thought. Ben continued. "I just can't. I wouldn't be able to keep from seeing Zack's face. Honestly, I'm not sure I could... get it up," he was embarrassed to say those words in front of a teenage girl, but he did. Although, he didn't think they were true.
"Hey," said Serenity. "What I felt underneath me, when I was on your lap? I don't think you'll have a problem."
He did get embarrassed, at that. It had been that obvious? He hadn't thought so. Well, it was true. He knew he'd have no trouble getting it up. He'd just said that to try and head them off.
"Sex is a serious business," he said. "You guys think you're experts at it just because you've had a few rolls in the hayloft. Yes, I found your love nest, a few weeks ago. I'm not an idiot. Sex is more than just... fucking. The emotional parts of it are much more important, and delicate. Sex causes hidden entanglements in people's lives, it mixes things all up. It causes unseen problems, problems that lie low for years, and then spring up, totally fucking up people's lives. I don't want to take a chance on any of that, with you guys. You guys have a beautiful thing going. Don't fuck it up. Don't do this."
"Ben," said Serenity. "You are right about a lot of that. And I don't think I'm an expert at anything. But, in the end, I believe what I said, what Zack said. Our love is strong enough.And this will only make it stronger. If we all agree to that, and agree to work out any problem that may arise, we can do this without worries. I think that. I think that we can.
"Shit," he said, bowing his head, shaking it. "Shit."
"Dad," said Zack. "Do this for me. For yourself, and me. Don't cheapen Serenity's offer. Just say yes... please?"
Ben sighed again. He really didn't know what to do. He didn't, in good conscience, feel like he could accept the offer. And these kids did have something. Maybe they were right, maybe it would just make their love stronger. He'd never heard of such a thing working out, but it's not something you'd hear of. You just heard about the bad ones.
"Shit," he said again, and looked at Serenity. Her eyes bored into his soul. "You are a very persuasive young lady."
"It's because what I'm saying is right. Deep inside, somewhere, you know that. We can do this, and get over it. And you'll enjoy it. Come on. Let's go in the bedroom."
He just laughed, again.
"Come on, dad. Admit it. She's a fox, and you'd like to do her," Zack said. Shit, thought Ben. Can't deny that one. She is a fox.
He stood, and then sat back down. His mind was in turmoil. What's the worst, he thought, the worst fucking thing that could come of this? Well, I could go to jail, she's a minor. That's the worst. Second worst? Her and Zack could break up over it. That's the thing that'd almost be worse than jail. Do you think their love is really that strong? he asked himself. Could it survive, if she gave herself to me? If she fucked me?
"Okay," he said. "I admit it, freely. I'd love nothing more than to make love to you, darling. But I can't, not legally. You're only sixteen. Haven't you ever heard the phrase, sixteen will get you twenty?"
Serenity just snorted. "Somebody'd have to know, for that to be true. No one will ever know, trust me."
"Weirdly," he said, "I do trust you. But, still... it's a risk, for many reasons."
"Well," said Zack, "It's not a risk for relationship reasons. It won't affect our relationship, not Serenity's and mine. And I don't think, in the long run, it'll affect mine, and yours, dad. Or Serenity's, and yours."
"Shit," his dad said, for about the hundredth time that evening. They sat for a while, in silence.
"Well," said Serenity brightly, "It's decided, then. Zack, please make yourself comfortable. We'll be out in a few hours."
Ben laughed. "Nothing is decided, little darlin'," he said.
"Come on, dad," said Zack. "You know you want to. You already admitted it."
"Yeah..." said Ben. "But... still... it's just not right."
"Oh!" said Serenity, annoyed. "What's right and wrong, anyway? If it's what we all want to do, let's do it. We'll iron the crap out, later."
That made him laugh again. Things were so cut and dried, for the young. He thought again... exactly why can't I do this, again? Other than minor details, like it being illegal...
Serenity stood, and went over to his chair, and crawled up into his lap again. This time she faced him, though, and she lay on him, her chest against his, her legs spread apart over his, her head beside his head. He heard her whisper, and felt her hot breath in his ear, again. His penis betrayed him, and began to get hard again.
"Darling..." she whispered. "Do this, then, for the wrong reasons. Do it just for me. Let me know what a man feels like inside me. Ben. Please. Fuck me."
Shit. He had always thought he was a strong man. Mentally, and physically. But then, a luscious young girl on his lap, literally straddling his legs... he knew suddenly they had won. With an almost palpable relief, he knew he was going to taste her tonight. Nothing left but to mop up the details, he thought.
He wrapped his arms around her midsection, and hugged her to his body. She felt so nice, so soft and warm. He hungered for her. He knew anybody would have done it for him. At this stage? After this long? Almost anybody would have been good enough. But this? This perfect thing? This luscious, delectable creature? How the hell will I keep from cumming, he thought. Hell, I'll be lucky to get my pants off. I'll wash her away.
The three of them were silent for a while. Zack was half-way pretending to be asleep again. Ben just lay there, drinking in her beauty, filling his nose with her delicate scent. His cock was as hard as diamond, he thought. He wondered if she could feel it, again. He kind of hoped she could.
She finally sat up, on him. She put a hand on each shoulder, and leaned her hips forward. He felt her grinding into his hard cock. Shit, he thought. Shit. That feels so good it hurts. She ground hard, again. And again. There was no doubt what she was doing, what she was feeling.
She leaned forward so far he thought she was going to kiss him. He looked over to Zack, on the couch. He couldn't see his eyes. The damn boy looked asleep, again. I'm getting a fucking X-rated lap dance from his girlfriend, and he's fucking asleep.
She whispered right into his face, and he could feel her sweet breath on his lips, nose and eyes.
"Ben. Come to bed," was all she said. She got up, and headed for his bedroom. How the fuck does she even know where my bedroom is? he thought. What the fuck, what the fuck. He stood, and followed her.
She suddenly seemed shy and coy, after the door was closed. After they were alone.
"Darling," he said. "Are you sure about this? Damn sure?"
She stubbornly nodded her head. "Yes," she said. "Damn sure."
She stood up from his bed, and kicked her jeans down her legs. Her shirt went in the floor. She looked at him, clad in just some sexy pink panties, and a sexier-than-shit black low-cut bra.
"Ben. Take my clothes off," she commanded, and he obeyed. His hands were trembling, he realized. He reached around her, and fumbled with the fastener to her bra. It finally came undone, and she held out her arms. He slid her bra down them, and his breath caught in his throat. Her beauty almost brought him to his knees. Her breasts were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Full, round, luscious... two huge fat puffy nipples topped them. He could just imagine what they were going to feel like, in his mouth. Shit, he thought. Her nipples are actually as big as some whole breasts I have seen. Shit, shit.
He dropped to his knees in front of her. He hooked a thumb on each side of her panties, and slowly walked them down her legs. He wanted this to last a good long time. Her little pussy came into view, and he thought, I'm gonna die. I'm just gonna fuckin' die. She was shaved, except for a little patch right above her pussy. She was smooth, damn smooth, he could tell without even touching her that she'd shaved this morning. My lips, he thought, my lips are going to feel that smoothness. For as long as I can get away with it. Goddam. Goddam.
Her panties were at her ankles. He slowly leaned forward, and rested his forehead on her veneris mons. He could smell her. His nose was less than an inch from her cunt, of course he could smell her. Damn, she smelled good. She smelled like heaven. He'd never smelled anything this good in his life. Jeezus, he thought. Take me now. I am dying.
He stuck his tongue out, and licked down her slit as far as he could. She tasted even better than she smelled. He pushed his tongue into her, tasting that indefinable taste that was pussy. He'd never had one this good before. He wasn't a stranger to pussy, he'd had his glory days. But he never remembered it being this good.
She sat on the bed, and scooted over to the middle of it. He dropped his shirt on the floor, and then his pants. He felt no embarrassment, he was too excited at this stage. He kicked his briefs off, and his cock stood out at a ninety degree angle. Maybe up a few degrees.
Serenity looked at his cock, and was pleased. This is number two for me, she thought. After this, I won't need to count. This will be enough. One for the money, two for the show. Whatever my subconscious meant by that. Dunno. She was pleased that he wasn't a monster, or he wasn't a midget. That thing looks just about right, she thought. She was already wondering what it would feel like in her mouth. It looked hard, damn hard. Zack got pretty hard, but this one looked almost a little harder. She wondered again how long it'd been for him.
He approached the bed, and climbed onto it. She knew what he was going to do. She leaned back against the pillow, and prepared herself for some major pleasure. Surely, at his age, she thought, he is an old pro at licking pussy. I'm sure I'll be cumming, in just a few.
He fooled her, though. He went for her tits, first. Well, she thought, warm-up round. Her breasts were just the most wonderful thing he'd ever touched. They were soft, and firm. They were incredible. And those nipples. Those nipples gave him goose bumps. Full, and fat... they rose a full inch or more from the end of her breast... just incredible. He licked and sucked, feeling their fatness in his mouth. He tasted just the slightest of tastes, of her body, then... a delicate perfume or body wash of some kind... a tiny, sexy hint of sweat... her tastes and smells turned him on beyond belief. Just amazing.
The minutes rolled past. He was content to suck on her tits. He squeezed and kneaded them, feeling their firm softness... he was in heaven. Totally in heaven. What a crime, he thought, to hide these. To put on a shirt every day and hide these. She could rule the world, with these damn things. She's certainly gonna rule mine, from now on. He'd sucked on some nice tits before, but none as nice as these.He finally slid and licked his way down past her smooth, tight stomach, past her cute little belly button, to her pussy proper. The gates of heaven. He was insanely turned on. Ben liked pussy, he was a big fan of it. He was all for it. And this one was way sweeter than any he'd ever had. He spread her pussy lips apart with his fingers and just stared, entranced. What a cute fucking pussy, he thought. That is just too cute. Lovely. I'm out of words already. He touched his tongue to her fat little clit. The little bud of flesh almost felt hard beneath his tongue. He flicked and licked it, feeling her squirm beneath him.
She was so turned on that she just blew up in a minute or less. She came hard, her whole body trembling and shaking, her legs almost pounding the mattress. She was gasping for breath, and she was sure that she had made some embarrassing noises. She couldn't remember. But it was good, damn good. He was good. Like she'd thought, he was a pro. And he was still licking.
Most of their time together, that's all they did. That would have been enough for him, just to taste her sweetness. He licked her pussy until it didn't have any flavor left. He inhaled her, he just sucked her in. He loved her more than he ever thought possible. He was almost sorry to think that this might be the only time they'd do this. He wouldn't beg, but shit. Gimme a month or two, he thought, and let's do this shit again. He laughed at himself. He hadn't even finished the first time, and he was worrying about the second.
Her pussy was incredible to him. Soft and sweet... not to mention that taste. It all came together and just blew his mind. She's walking around this world, he thought, with this in her pants. In-fucking-credible. He licked down her pussy lips, and she lifted her ass off the bed and spread her ass cheeks with her hands. He touched her asshole with his tongue. Oh my fuckin' god, he thought. And I thought her pussy was out of this world. Her asshole was just too much. He licked her little puckered hole, just loving the shit out of it. It tasted different, but every bit as good as her pussy had. I could eat this every day, he thought. Until I die. Damn, damn, damn.
She finally grabbed his head and pulled him up to where she was. They just lay for the longest time, him holding her body. She felt soft and warm and just everything to him. He loved her, he just held her and loved her. He'd never loved this hard before. He'd never loved this deeply. He wondered how deeply her and Zack loved each other, if it even approached what he felt for her, now. He hoped so. Now that he'd gone this far, he hoped so.
He could still back out, he knew. He hadn't fucked her yet. He could put on his clothes and walk away. Well, a stronger man could. He wasn't sure if he was that strong. She was the most powerful drug he'd ever taken. Well, she was actually the only drug he'd ever taken... she had a powerful hold on him. He hoped what she and Zack had was as strong. He hoped, as much as he loved her, he hoped that he wouldn't regret this someday.
He finally kissed her. She giggled, and kissed back. She crawled on top of him, and they kissed. She rubbed his rock-hard cock with her sweet, bare, smooth pussy, and they kissed. He finally felt his cock fit right into her pussy, and he thought, damn. There we go. Just like magic.
"Oh no, you're not," she said, and pulled away from him. She scooted down his body. "Now it's my turn," she said. "You got to play, now let me. Before we fuck, let me."
She engulfed his hardness in her wet, soft mouth. He almost came, then. Shit. This was going to be hard. He knew, though, he knew he was so turned on he'd still be able to fuck her, even if he came in her mouth. He realized it was inevitable. He was going to cum pretty quick, with sensations like this coming from his cock.
"Baby," he said. "I'm gonna cum pretty quick if you keep that up."
"Mmph," she said. He took that as "okay". Don't fight it, he thought. Relax. It'll last longer if you relax. He relaxed, as hard as he could.
He did last a good long time, he thought. Finally, though, he felt it, and he touched her shoulder to let her know. She nodded, and with a giant jerk, he filled her mouth with semen. Again and again, he squirted, and she gulped it down. He could tell that her level of experience was still a bit low, but she did a good job. Even bad blowjobs were good, he knew. He loved it, though, as much as he loved her. It was the sexiest blowjob he'd ever had. By the sexiest girl, that was for sure.
After it was over, she crawled back up his body, and he held her again. She finally turned her face to his, and they kissed again. He tasted his own sperm on her tongue, as he licked it. Ordinarily, he thought, that would disgust me. But now, in her mouth? That is the sexiest shit ever. His dick was still half hard. It had never gone down, he realized. Getting hard again was probably not going to be a problem.
Thirty minutes later, they were still kissing. He was content. If all we did was this, it would be good enough, he thought, aware that he'd told himself that about eating her pussy, also. Even this, even just this.
She finally began squirming around on him, and he realized that she was trying to find his cock with her pussy. He reached down and guided it, and finally he felt her pussy lips on the head of his dick. She was on top, so he let her set the pace. She pushed back against him, and he felt her pussy lips spreading as his cock entered her body. Damn, it felt good. She was tight, she was fucking tight. Jeezus. She almost turned his dick inside out, she was so tight. She could still be virgin, he thought. Fuck.
At last, he was all the way in. She rested for a moment, and then she bucked, and he felt his cock slide out, and back in. His cock felt so hard he couldn't believe he'd cum less than an hour ago. She certainly brought out the best in him.
She settled on a nice, even pace, and they began to fuck. This is what fucking is supposed to feel like, he thought. I had it wrong all these years. This is it. This is perfect. Just let me hang on.
After a while, he carefully rolled her over, so that she was on bottom. Almost without breaking pace, even. She sighed and moaned, and he realized that she was cumming just a little bit. He pumped away, glad to make her feel so good. One thing I can still do right, he thought.
She finally came again, big time. He just kept pounding. Let's see just how fuckin' orgasmic you are, he thought. He felt like he could go all night. He was glad he'd cum in her mouth, now. It had helped immensely. He was good to go, now.
After maybe ten minutes, she came again. And again, later. Damn, he thought. She's good. She can just let go, and enjoy herself. She already has a good handle on that. He'd known women that could hardly cum at all, women that were a chore to fuck, for that reason. Of course, he always got the blame when they couldn't manage to cum. But this one... damn... she had it down, already. He knew she was confident, and strong-willed. She doesn't know any better, he thought. You're supposed to cum, so she cums. It's that easy for her.
Finally, after what felt like an hour, he knew he was approaching the wall. Time to cum, he thought. Time to cum. He relaxed what he needed to relax, and tensed up what he needed to tense up. The next time she came, which seemed to be coming faster and faster, he finally let himself go, and squirted his seed deep inside her body. Again and again... damn... just like when she'd sucked him... he didn't know he had that much, in his whole body.
They lay, exhausted, spent. He rolled, and held her on top of his body, his arms on her back. He looked at the clock. It was past two. Jeezus. They'd been at this for hours. He wanted more, but he knew fair was fair. She'd held her end of the bargain. He had to give her up, now.
"Darling," he said softly, his mouth at her ear. "Thank you. I know that's not enough, but thank you. There is no way I can repay you, all I can do is say thank you."
She turned and smiled at him. "Thank you," she said. "That was wonderful. You are very good. I enjoyed myself, greatly."
"Oh, not nearly as much as I enjoyed you," he said, laughing. "Darling. I hate to tell you bye, but you need to go out and wake up Zack. Tell him thanks, for me. And, again, thank you. You are the loveliest thing in the world. Thank you for a taste. I will never forget this."
"Oh..." she said, smiling. "You're making it sound like we're never gonna do it again!"
He didn't dare hope. He didn't know if he could stand it again, if his heart could take it. But he knew he'd try.
She kissed him softly. "We'll do this every now and then," she said. "Maybe once a week or so. We'll see what works out."
He gently kissed her. Just a little smooch. She sighed, and sat up. She crawled off him, and collected her clothes from the floor. He watched her slide her panties up, and wiggle them into place. She didn't put her bra on, and she didn't button up her shirt. He was excited all over again to see her tits, inside her shirt. He felt like he was getting away with something, to peek at her. He remembered well the feeling of those fat nipples in his mouth. He knew he'd never forget it.
She picked up her jeans, and stood for a moment, looking down at him. She suddenly leaned over the bed and took his penis in her mouth, sucking hard and running out to the end of it with her lips. She stood.
"You had some shit on it," she explained, "Not shit shit. Cum or something." He nodded. She stopped at the door, and turned again.
"Goodnight, Mr."South," she said simply, and was gone. She shut the door behind her.
Shit. He lay back, tired. Sunday tomorrow. He'd sleep late. He hoped Zack could get up and get her to her friend's house in time. He set the alarm on his phone, just in case.
Damn, he thought. That was exhausting. But worth it. What a girl, what a girl. He had to do something special for those kids, he mused. He had to let them know how much he appreciated that. How much he needed that.
The room was dark. Serenity snuggled beneath the comforter, feeling Zack's naked body beside her. Her hair was wet, she'd taken a quick shower and tried to wash all the cum out of her pussy. She was full of the shit. He must not have cum in years, she thought.
She felt comfortable. She felt no regrets. It went well, she'd told Zack, after she'd woke him up. He yawned and blinked, and listened to her quick run-down of the evening's events. He didn't need to hear details. She just gave him an outline.
"Are we okay, then?"
"Yeah. We're okay. You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay. I told him something, though. I should have checked with you first, but I just said it... kinda spur of the momentish..."
"I said maybe we'd do that... once a weekish... is that okay with you?"
"Hell yeah. It's okay."
"You're really okay with all this."
"Yes. I'm really okay with all this."
"You are a good son. How many sons would do that, for their dad?"
"Yeah. I know. You are a good girlfriend. How many girlfriends would do that, for their boyfriend's father?"
"Probably not very many. Yes, we are good little children."
"Your mom wouldn't think so."
"Fuck my mom."
"Not a fucking chance. Now, Serenity. Either fuck me, or let's go to sleep. Are you too tired to fuck?"
"Fuck no. Fuck, no. Hey, Zack. Let's fuck!" | null | null | Authors/MeatBot/AGiftForDad - Mf mf.txt |
118,687 | Stormbringer | Весна, когда Бигфут сошел с горы | Апрель 1997 года
Билли затаил дыхание, когда его руки оказались под лифчиком Норы. Сегодня ему повезло! Она его не оттолкнула. Грудь у неё была далеко не так велика, как у девушек, которых он разглядывал в интернете, но это была первая грудь, к которой он прикоснулся, и потому жаловаться смысла не было. В действительности, ему казалось, что он в раю, и дела становились только лучше и лучше: Нора возилась с его ширинкой. Она тоже ещё ни разу не прикасалась к его члену. Они были девственниками, и Билли даже не надеялся, что ему удастся в ближайшее время её трахнуть. Он даже голой её не видел до этого момента. Она никогда не давала ему даже намёка, что может сделать ему минет, но кажется это началось. Рука девушки ласкала его член, и перевозбужденный от этого Билли со стоном излился прямо ей на руку.
ШЛЁП! Что-то ударилось в окно с достаточной силой, что затряслось стекло.
- Мама пришла,- воскликнула девушка.
- Нет, в окно что-то стукнулось,- сказал Билли, вскочив с кровати и бросившись к окну, чтобы открыть шторы. Огромный комок молочно-белой слизью сползал вниз с внешней стороны окна. Билли накинул свой плащ и выбежал на улицу. Успокоившись, что мама не застукала их, Нора с отвращением вытерла сперму с рук. Мерзкая кончина заставила чопорную девушку сморщить носик. Не скоро она снова займется этим. Приведя себя в порядок, Нора вышла за Билли на улицу и обнаружила, что тот, склонившись, разглядывает следы на снегу. Снег был покрыт кромкой льда, и следы, в тех местах, где она была пробита, казались огромными. Самое удивительное то, что оставлены они были босыми ногами.
- Мне кажется, это сперма,- сказал Билли, взглянув на слизь на окне.
- Что?- воскликнула Нора. Ей совсем не понравилось, что кто-то мог подглядывать за их шалостями, да ещё и дрочить при этом.
- Пахнет, как сперма,- сказал Билли, поднеся рукав к носу.
Нора ощутила запах спермы чуть раньше, но в этот раз он показался ей на порядок более сильным. Она глубоко втянула воздух носом. Этого не могло быть. Шаги на снегу были в нескольких футах от оконной рамы, а сперма ударила в окно с такой силой, что затряслось стекло. Она ещё раз втянула воздух носом. Но и это было не всё, рядом с человеческими следами на снегу были дырки от капель горячей спермы, растопившей лёд. Некоторые дыры были больше, чем вся вытекшая из члена Билли сперма. Она снова сделала вздох и подошла ближе к комку спермы.
- Зайди внутрь,- сказал Билли. - Я пойду за ним и запру дверь.
- Будь осторожен,- сказала Нора, подходя к окну. Её голова уже начала склоняться к стеклу, когда она услышала, как умчался Билли. Запах был просто невероятным. Её соски затвердели ещё сильнее, чем от холода, когда она так сильно приблизилась к сперме, что дотронулась до неё. Слизь уже скользила по раме, когда Нора высунула язык и попробовала её на вкус. Она слизала довольно большое количество прохладной жидкости и сначала прополоскала рот, прежде чем сделала глоток. Ей захотелось, чтобы она была горячей, и она продолжила слизывать её...
Билли шел по следу несколько ярдов, но потом холод и нервы заставили его повернуть обратно и вернуться к дому Норы. Нечто с большими ногами, шагом и гениталиями, наблюдало за тем, как он обжимался со своей девушкой.
Нора лежала на кровати абсолютно голая, когда он вернулся.
- Билли, я готова сделать это. Можешь выебать меня.- Что-то засохло у неё на губах, но Билли был слишком взволнован, чтобы обращать на это внимание. Он быстро разделся.Четвёртая волна залила ноги и лобок Дианы, которая сидела перед Бигфутом, сложив под себя колени. Существо даже выдавило остатки спермы на высунутый язычок Дианы.
Бигфут оскалился на Ларри, а потом схватил сумку с их продуктами. Диана начала вытирать с себя сперму, а Бигфут побрёл в сторону леса. Они всё ещё могли наблюдать, как сперма сочится из его члена, пока он окончательно не исчез в ночи.
- Мне нужно уехать на какое-то время. Мне нужно разобраться в некоторых вопросах личного характера, сэр.
Джексон так сильно втянул воздух в ноздри, что едва не всосал трубочку для крэка. Ему не нравился Соломон. Этот мужик излучал уверенность лидера. У него был хорошо подвешен язык, и он был образован. К тому же он совершенно не баловался крэком, который продавали Шакалы. На него он даже не оказал никакого эффекта, когда Джексон заставил его опробовать немного. Змей Джейсон чувствовал в нём опасность.
- Твоя чёрная задница должна вернуться к весенним каникулам, когда все школьницы и сучки из колледжа приедут в город. Это пик продаж. Я обычно подсаживаю ещё парочку шлюх на это дерьмо.
- Благодарю, сэр, - сказал Соломон Кинг, выходя из комнаты.
- Тайрон, - заорал Джексон, - а ну, тащи сюда свою чёрную задницу.
Тайрон Джонс вошёл в комнату. Он был сутенером у Шакалов, в основном под его руководством были чёрные шлюхи, но и несколько белых девушек, которых они подсадили на крэк и заставили работать. На самом деле, он был злодеем, но наркотики разрушили его жизнь.
- Ты по-прежнему моя первая рука, чувак. Я ни хера не доверяю этому ниггеру, Соломону. Когда он вернётся из своего творческого отпуска... - Змей сделал паузу, чтобы его следующая фраза произвела на Тайрона должное впечатление. Однако этого не случилось. - Убей его на хер.
- Да, босс. Всё, что скажете.
- Кстати, Тай, ты чё, торчишь на стероидах или ещё на чём? Тебя раздуло, пиздец. Ты даже выглядеть стал моложе.
- Нет, босс, просто тренировки.
Зафрахтованный вертолёт приземлился на пустой парковке.
- Вы уверены, что хотите сойти именно здесь? - крикнул пилот.
Обычно он совершал туры до Горы Рашмор в Южной Дакоте, но большой чёрный мужчина хорошо заплатил, чтобы тот бросил его в какой-то глуши в Северной Дакоте.
- Уверен, - сказал Соломон, застёгивая куртку. Он схватил рюкзак со снаряжением. Прошло всего четыре года с момента его побега, но от экстремальных погодных условий здесь уже потрескался асфальт. Большое здание, которое здесь когда-то стояло, выгорело до тла, превратившись в развалины. Несколько стен, в которых разрабатывался проект Гильгамеш, устояли. Соломон осмотрелся, и затем быстрым шагом направился в горы.
На мгновение Диане показалось, что Снежный человек вернулся, когда в дверях показался силуэт, освещаемый сзади солнцем. Этот Бигфут не был толстым, он был мускулистым. Иллюзия быстро растаяла, мех превратился в прокладку крутки, и в бар ввалился чернокожий мужчина.
Все уставились на него. На него уставились бы, даже если бы он не был первым негром, который забрёл в этот бар. Внимание привлекала внешность мужчины. Ростом он был выше шести футов, и, подойдя к барной стойке, он снял с себя куртку, обнажив мускулистый торс. Он был очень симпатичным, с бритой головкой и дьявольской бородкой. Диана почувствовала, как холодок пробежал у неё по спине.
- Твоя очередь, - сказал Ларри, подтолкнув её бильярдным кием.
Диана согнулась для удара, когда услышала за спиной голос:
- Можно мне сыграть с победителем?
- Конечно, - сказал Ларри, с опаской поглядывая на чёрного мужика, но тот казался достаточно дружелюбным и держал в руках две бутылки пива, очевидно, для них.
Соломон поморщился, ощутив, как член вырос у него в штанах. У бабёнки была отличная задница, которая молила, чтобы в неё засадили. У него не было женщины уже несколько дней, и зная, что скоро окажется в городе, Соломон сдерживал желание мастурбировать. Девочка не была секс-бомбой, но довольно миленькой малышкой-провинциалкой. У неё были коротко стриженные волосы, которые обрамляли симпатичное личико с пухлыми губками, тонкая, подтянутая фигура и среднего размера грудь, впрочем, соски, которые виднелись под блузкой, обещали быть большими и толстыми. А вот задница у неё была просто идеальной, и надетые на ней джинсы плотно обтягивали бёдра и ягодицы женщины. Соломон был не единственным в баре, кто пялился на её задницу, когда Диана наклонялась для удара.
- Я Ларри, а это моя жена Диана, - руки Дианы дрожали, пока она размышляла, какой шар вколотить в лузу.
- Я Соломон.
Её муж был одет в джинсы и простецкую рубашку. Выглядел он вполне здоровым и, похоже, зарабатывал на жизнь физическим трудом. Волосы у него были неопрятными, а на лице была потрёпанная борода и глупого вида усы.
- Итак, Соломон, что привело тебя в нашу глушь? - спросил Ларри.
- Я охочусь на Снежного человека, - сказал Соломон.
Диана покраснела и ахнула. Соломон взглянул ей в глаза, и она напряглась и отвела взгляд.
- Я искал вас. Надеялся, вы покажете мне место, где встретили его.
- Не знаю, - сказал Ларри, положив в лузы два шара. - Из-за этого видео над нами часто насмехаются.
- Видео? Я думал, что есть только фотки.
- Да... Жёлтые газетёнки напечатали лишь кадры с видео.
- Я могу заплатить вам, - сказал Соломон. - Сто баксов, только за то, чтобы вы показали мне место.
- Да, чёрт возьми, - воскликнул Ларри, выиграв партию. - Тогда я отведу тебя туда завтра.
- Мне нужно найти место для ночлега.
- Можешь остановиться у нас, если оплатишь наш счёт. У нас дома мы могли бы продолжить игру.
Ларри купил бильярдный стол на те деньги, которые получил за продажу видео и фоток таблоидам.
- Ларри, не думаю, что это хорошая мысль - пускать в дом незнакомца, - сказала Диана, когда Соломон отошёл оплатить счёт.
- Не волнуйся, дорогая, я буду тебя охранять. Ты видишь, у него много наличных. Он не собирается нас грабить. Не позволяй относиться к нему предвзято лишь потому, что он чёрный. Не все они мошенники.
- Хорошо, дорогой, - ответила она. Диана не беспокоилась, что их могут ограбить, она испытывала сильное влечение к этому мужчине. Она понимала, что всю ночь будет думать о нём, лёжа в постели рядом с Ларри. Из-за этих мыслей ей было стыдно перед мужем. Она продолжала думать, что предала его, из-за того, как её тело реагировало во время мастурбации Бигфуту.
- Мы расплатились, - сказал Соломон, вернувшись.
- Хорошо, наша машина стоит за баром.
Ларри отвёз их к ним домой, Диана тихо сидела на пассажирском сиденье. Ларри заметил, что она ёрзала на месте, разговаривая с Соломоном.
- Милая, - сказал он, припарковавшись у дома, - почему бы тебе не сходить, купить нам пива, пока я буду показывать Соломону дом.
- Хорошо, - коротко ответила Диана, выпорхнув из машины.
Ларри посмотрел ей вслед.
- Давай в дом, её не будет, как минимум минут двадцать, и я смогу быстро показать тебе видео.
- Твоя жена этого не одобряет?
- Нет, она просто очень смущена из-за того, что случилось.Ларри включил видео, и Соломон заулыбался, увидев, как молодая женщина дрочит массивный черный член. Он лишь однажды видел этот член раньше, но это зрелище трудно было забыть, потому что этот член был в полтора раза больше его собственного.
- У тебя сохранились какие-нибудь снимки лица существа? - Тупой болван всю дорогу снимал член.
- Нет, - сказал смущенно Ларри. - Я не мог оторвать глаз от члена этой твари.
- Разве тебя не смутило то, чем занималась твоя жена? Она явно возбудилась.
Ларри слегка покраснел. Втайне от Дианы он показал это видео уже всем друзьям. Она была самой красивой девушкой в округе, и ему нравилось демонстрировать редкие проблески её обнаженного тела, которые время от времени появлялись в кадре. В ней читалась сладкая невинность, которая придавала ощущение, что смотришь фильм "красавица и чудовище".
- Сначала я смущался, но что-то было в его члене, что заставило её сделать это. Я это тоже почувствовал. Я не мог вмешаться.
Ларри прогнал видео до момента, когда член начал извергать сперму на лицо Дианы, как в этот момент перед домом появилась Диана. Ларри быстро извлек видео и уселся, виновато посмотрев на жену, которая занесла в дом пиво.
- Отлично, - сказал он, - как насчет еще одной игры в пул?
- Конечно, но ты не против, если я сперва приму душ? Я не мылась несколько дней.
- Без проблем, - сказал Ларри, перехватив у жены упаковку с пивом. - Ты почему так долго ходила за пивом, дорогая?
- Да ничего, на самом деле, - ответила она. - Я покажу Соломону, где душ, и дам ему подушку и одеяло для дивана.
Она не могла выкинуть из мыслей чернокожего мужчину всю дорогу за пивом. Она представляла, как снова облизывает и дрочит член Бигфута, только в этот раз вместо толстого существа, это был симпатичный негр. Фантазии заставили её проехать мимо пивного магазина. Что-то произошло с ней в тот день, в прошлом году. И недели с тех пор не проходила, чтобы она не фантазировала о том, как дрочит Бигфуту, иногда он её трахал, впрочем огромные размеры его члена сделали бы такой акт невозможным в реальной жизни. У неё даже родилась тяга к сперме после инцидента с Бигфутом, и она превратилась в заядлую хуесоску, однако спермы Ларри было недостаточно, чтобы утолить её жажду.
Соломон последовал за ней вверх по лестнице:
- Душ там, я принесу тебе полотенце, - сказала Диана.
Она вернулась уже с несколькими полотенцами. Дверь была приоткрыта, и Диана вошла внутрь. Соломон стоял голым лицом к ней.
- Господи, - воскликнула она, её взгляд немедленно упал на его член. Он был большим и твёрдым, и настолько тяжелым, что его клонило вниз. Она не отрывала взгляд от его члена, пока Соломон не взял полотенце из её рук, совершенно не смущаясь своей наготы. Его член дергался, и рот Дианы приоткрылся, когда он вырос ещё на дюйм и слегка приподнялся.
- Боже мой, - повторила она.
Он свисал не из-за веса, а потому, что был не полностью эрегирован, и уже в два раза превосходил член Ларри. Диана попятилась и вышла из ванны, когда член вырос ещё на дюйм и уже стоял параллельно полу. Она подавила желание упасть на колени и взять этот член в рот. Она вернулась в гостиную.
- Извини, - сказал Соломон ей вслед.
Сердце Дианы бешено колотилось, и руки дрожали, когда она зашла в спальню, чтобы взять подушку и одеяло. Ей снова пришлось пройти мимо ванной комнаты, чтобы спуститься вниз. Дверь по-прежнему была открыта, и она слышала журчание воды. Она остановилась у двери, заглянув внутрь. Прозрачная душевая ещё не запотела, и она увидела спину и задницу Соломона, который склонил голову, и вода стекала по его лысому черепу. Задница казалась твердой, как камень, а на спине выделялись мышцы, как и на всём остальном теле. Ощущение было такое, что он придерживался какого-то особого режима тренировки, который задействовал каждую мышцу его тела, достигая максимального потенциала. Он поднял голову, встав вертикально. "ПОВЕРНИСЬ", кричала душа Дианы. И он повернулся. На этот раз её взгляд сперва упал на его удивительную грудь, прежде чем опуститься к члену. Теперь он стоял торчком. Длиной был примерно с фут и толщиной с её запястье. Он рукой намылил член по всей длине. Она увидела очертания огромных яичек, которые были хранилищем огромного количества спермы. Прозрачная кабинка запотела, скрыв его член, и её глаза снова устремились на его грудь, потом она посмотрела прямо ему в глаза, пока его голова тоже не превратилась в расплывчатое пятно.
Диана в смущении, что её второй раз застали за подглядыванием, буквально сбежала вниз по лестнице. Но даже если так, почему он оставил дверь открытой? Возможно, он хвастался своим телом, как это делают некоторые животные для привлечения самок? Ларри сидел внизу с нетерпеливым видом, попивая пиво возле бильярдного стола. Она должна была сразу же ему рассказать о том, что случилось, чтобы он выгнал Соломона. Но чернокожий мужчина спустился вниз быстрее, чем она успела решить, стоит или не стоит об этом рассказывать.
Соломон был одет в плотную футболку, на которой выделялись все его мышцы. Штаны на нем были мешковатые, и Диана смогла разглядеть под ними свободно болтающийся его член. Большая головка выделялась на его ноге, дальше, чем это могло быть возможно.
- Отлично, сыграем в пул, - сказал Ларри, когда Соломон схватил для себя пиво.
- Давай сыграем на интерес, - сказал Соломон. - Давай, каждый раз, когда кто-то загоняет шар, другой должен выпить, осушить один из своих бокалов, проигравший выпивает всю банку?
- Звучит весело, - сказал Ларри. - Я не играл в такие игры со школы.
Диана закончила через две игры. Она не могла много пить, к тому же из-за присутствия Соломона ей буквально хотелось лезть на стены от возбуждения. Сегодня Ларри точно будет оттрахан!
- Я пойду, посмотрю телевизор! - сказала она. - Постарайся не задерживаться.
Она подмигнула Ларри, но он не обратил внимания на её намек. Ларри уже был изрядно пьян, у него заплетался язык, и он раскачивался, наблюдая за игрой Соломона. Соломон на самом деле играл в пул хуже, но, казалось, пиво, которое он пил, не оказывает на него никакого эффекта. Диана тоже была навеселе.
Ларри совсем поплохело ещё через пару игр. Он присел в уютное кресло и закрыл глаза.
- Эй, спать нельзя, - сказал Соломон, тыкнув Ларри кием и оставив синее пятно на его рубашке. - Мы почти закончили эту игру.
- Позови Диану. Пусть она доиграет за меня, и на этом закончим.
- Не думаю, что Диана сможет меня победить, - сказал Соломон.
- Она играет лучше меня. Я тебе отвечаю, она тебя вздрючит.
Диана дремала на диване, когда услышала, как Ларри вошел в комнату.
- Слава богу, ты закончил, - она открыла глаза, и её взгляд столкнулся с огромным черным членом Соломона. Тот снял с себя футболку и спустил под яйца штаны. - Какого чёрта...
- Ларри поспорил, что, если он проиграет, ты вздрючишь меня, как Бигфута. Он проиграл...
- Я не верю тебе.
- Спроси у него, - сказал негр.
Диана оказалась в ловушке между диваном и склонившимся над ней Соломоном, поэтому крикнула из комнаты.
- Ларри, это правда. Ты хочешь, чтобы я это сделала?
- Да, Диана, разберись с ним. Ты можешь это сделать. Просто вздрючь его и покончим с этим, - крикнул Ларри из бильярдной.
- Вот ублюдок, - выпалила она, но, в конце концов, он сам ей позволил сделать это, к тому же ей действительно хотелось прикоснуться к большому, чёрному монстру, который гипнотически покачивался у неё перед носом.
Диана обеими руками схватилась за его ствол. Она пробежалась пальчиками по всей длине ствола, сжав кончик. Его головка размером со спелую сливу была твёрдой, как резиновый мячик. Ей пришлось приложить немало усилий, чтобы хоть немного сдавить её. Особый интерес для Дианы представляли яички, так как у Бигфута они были скрыты под густым мехом. Несмотря на то, что он значительно уступал по размеру Бигфуту, член Соломона обладал той же притягательностью. Она начала дрочить его, сначала нерешительно, потом с нарастающим нетерпением.
- Ты именно так дрочила Бигфуту? Разве ты не облизывала его? - Соломон знал ответ, потому что видел, как она лизала член Бигфута на видео.
Диана не ответила, ей хотелось, чтобы на члене было немного смазки, но ей не хотелось выпускать его из рук. Она наклонилась и лизнула головку, рассудив, что могла бы смазать член слюной. Соломон облегчил ей задачу, поднеся член ближе к её лицу. Диана обернула язык вокруг головки, потом спустилась вниз по стволу и даже облизала яйца, когда Соломон приподнял свой член и уткнул своими шарами ей в лицо.
Диана вернулась к головке, но не желала брать в рот. Соломон начал тыкаться ей в губы, пока она не приоткрыла ротик и не проглотила жесткую головку. Ларри не давал разрешения отсосать ему, но какая разница... она просто использовала свой рот вместо рук. У Бигфута был невероятный, у Ларри так себе, а у Соломона длинный, толстый хуй, который представлял серьёзную проблему. Её челюсть вытянулась от удушья, когда его хуй уткнулся ей в горло. Член Ларри лишь слегка дразнил её горло, в то время как она упиралась губами в его лобок, но сейчас больше половины члена Соломона ещё торчало из её рта.
Диана расслабила горло, понимая, что никогда в жизни не сможет уткнуться в лобок Соломона, но внутри себя она поклялДиана упустила свой шанс и начала глотать, как только пришла в сознание. Она не желала упустить ни капли драгоценной жидкости. Рот Дианы наполнялся пять раз, и, проглотив всё, что могла, она выдоила из ствола остатки.
Это был один из лучших оргазмов Соломона с тех пор, как он улучшился. Сдерживать от мастурбации действительно стоило такого спер-оргазма. Единственная проблема заключалась в том, что яйца от спермы становились такими тяжелыми, что становилось неудобно ходить.
Неистовая дрочка Дианы опустошила его член до последней капли. Член слегка обмяк, потом начал снова вставать.
- О, господи, у тебя снова встает! - у Дианы немедленно возникло желание снова ощутить вкус его спермы, но её желудок уже пресытился.
- Диана, представь, как кайфово тебе будет, почувствовать этот член в твоей киске.
- Да, было бы здорово, - ответила она, продолжая надрачивать хуй, - но это будет изменой, впрочем, может быть Ларри разрешит мне? - Диана чмокнула Соломона в залупу и поднялась, направившись в бильярдную. Ларри храпел в кресле. Диана растормошила мужа. - Ларри, я выдрочила его, как ты и просил, но... я... не хочу на этом останавливаться. - Диана с надеждой взглянула на мужа. Ларри был пьян и с трудом смог разлепить глаза.
- Хорош, Диана, пошли спать. Я устал, я так не бухал со школы.
- Ларри, - сказал Соломон, он снова надел штаны и футболку. Диана подумала, что это просто преступление, скрывать такое невероятное тело. - Диана хочет продолжить. Просто позволь мне загнать ещё пару шаров в лузу, и я верну тебе её обратно.
- А... в пизду вас... делайте, что хотите, только дайте мне поспать. - Ларри закрыл глаза и обмяк в кресле.
- Соломон, он разрешил мне с тобой потрахаться. Поверить не могу. Обычно он очень ревнив, и ему не нравятся негры, извини.
Соломон подошел к ней и начал снимать с неё топ. - Так тебе будет лучше.
- Да, - ответила она. Стон сорвался с её губ, когда Соломон запустил ладони под её бюстгальтер и обхватил груди. - Но я бы сама пробралась к тебе позже, если бы он запретил. В тебе есть что-то такое, от чего я возбуждаюсь. Никогда в жизни я не хотела так трахаться.
- Ты просто никогда раньше не была с настоящим мужиком. Как только мой черный хуй окажется в тебе, другие мужчины перестанут для тебя существовать. - Соломон расстегнул её лифчик и спустился к её джинсам, быстро расстегнув их. Он встал на колени, спустил с неё джинсы, а потом и трусики, когда она вышла из джинсов.
Соломон поцеловал её в пупок, а потом встал вплотную, занявшись телом, которое ранее уже видел на записи. Он обхватил руками её бедра и поднял девушку на бильярдный стол. Смахнув в сторону несколько шаров, он опустил её спиной на стол, так что её ноги теперь свисали у него по бокам.
Соломон схватил её за лодыжки и развел ноги широко в стороны, встав между ними. - Вставь его, - зарычал он, и Диана дотянулась до его члена и приставила головку к своей щели, поводя им вокруг и смазав своими соками. Она охнула, когда он рванулся вперед, протолкнув член сквозь её руки, головка вошла в её киску. От одной только головки ощущения были невероятные, она растянула её шире, чем когда-либо в жизни.
Соломон начал вращать бедрами, смазывая свой хуй и погружая его дальше, с каждым маленьким толчком. Диана стонала как шлюха, с восторгом разглядывая мускулистую грудь мужика, который медленно вставлял в неё свой хер. Было хорошо... по-настоящему хорошо, лучше чем когда-либо, когда Соломон пересек границы Ларри. Она взглянула вниз и увидела, что Соломон не вошел в неё ещё и на половину. Она откинула голову назад на бильярдный стол, а Соломон продолжил ебать её. Незадействованные нервы проснулись глубоко внутри неё, в местах, о существовании которых она даже не подозревала. Диана начала подмахивать Соломону, насаживаясь на его хуй, и пытаясь ебать его в ответ, и сцепив зубы, когда оргазм взорвался в её киске. - О, боже мой, обожаю твой большой хуй, - воскликнула она, прежде чем мощный оргазм полностью захватил её трясущееся тело.
- Только чёрные члены бывают такими большими, шлюха, - сказал Соломон, погрузив свой длинный ствол в её киску. Он подержал его там, чтобы она смогла оценить его размер. Потом начал ебать её на всю длину.
- Мне нравится твой чёрный член. Меня ещё никто так не трахал. Толчки Соломона стали настолько мощными, что её спина начала скользить по поверхности стола, но Соломон оттаскивал её назад на свой хуй, держа её за лодыжки. - Еби меня своим черным хуем, Соломон. Я обожаю черные члены.
Даже у Бигфута был чёрный член. Диане вдруг захотелось, чтобы у них в городке был ещё один черный парень, который удовлетворял бы её, когда Соломон уедет. Очередной оргазм сотряс её киску. Этот оргазм открыл в ней какие-то шлюзы, и она начала кончать от каждого третьего толчка. Её соки вытекали из киски каждый раз, когда Соломон погружал в неё член. Её бёдра намокли, конча сочилась по расщелине между её ягодиц, образовав лужу на бильярдном столе.
Диана понятия не имела, сколько он её так трахал, но ей это показалось вечностью. Ближе к концу они перестали переговариваться и теперь единственными звуками в комнате стали их хрипы и стоны наслаждения. Грудь Соломона блестела от пота, а его хуй, казалось, стал погружаться ещё глубже в её пизду, растянув её ещё шире, и бодрясь до самой утробы. Соломон захрипел как бык, и Диана почувствовала, как расширяется её киска, заполняющаяся спермой. Его оргазм вызвал в ней новый и собственный оргазм, самый сильный, от которого она поджала пальцы на ногах и закатила глаза, потом потеряла сознание от удовольствия.
Когда Диана проснулась, она по-прежнему лежала на бильярдном столе, но внутри она ощутила пустоту, потому что Соломон вышел из неё. Большой черный мужик вышел из ванной, по-прежнему голый, его огромный хуй болтался перед ним.
- Давай поднимемся наверх, - сказал Соломон.
- Хорошо... кажется Ларри совсем вырубился. Помоги мне перетащить его на диван.
Диана с восторгом увидела, как Соломон без всяких усилий отнёс Ларри на диван, который первоначально должен был стать кроватью Соломона. Потом Соломон повел её наверх, шлепнув на пути её несколько раз по заднице. Оказавшись в спальне, Диана повернулась и увидела, что у Соломона снова была эрекция.
- Господи, да кто ты такой?
Соломон рассмеялся. - У него есть собственный разум. Он не выдержал вида, как твоя сексуальная попка поднимается по лестнице.
- Дай мне сначала сходить в ванную, ладно?
Соломон кивнул, и она вошла в ванную. Он огляделся, и его взгляд упал на видео-камеру на тумбочке. "Снимем для Ларри ещё одно видео, на которое он сможет дрочить", подумал Соломон. Он направил видео-камеру на кровать и нажал на воспроизведение.
Диана вернулась из ванной и попала в руки Соломона. Она провела рукой по его груди и сказала:
- Я готова позаботиться о нём, - лаская его стоячий хуй.
- Быстренько, на кровать, и становись рачком.
Диана повиновалась, застонав от удовольствия, когда Соломон склонился сзади неё, и протолкнул в неё член, и хотя её киска ныла от долбёжки, пережитой ранее, вскоре она уже подмахивала ему. - Дай мне этот чёрный хуй. Мне, блядь, это нравится. Ты в сто раз лучше Ларри. Я опять кончаю.
Соломон оглянулся через плечо и улыбнулся в камеру, которая была направлена прямо на задницу Дианы, и на длинный ствол, вставленный в киску, и на соки, стекающие по бёдрам женщины.
- Твой чмошник муж, когда-нибудь вставлял своего червячка тебе в задницу, Диана? - спросил Соломон, после того как она успокоилась после очередного оргазма.
- Господи, нет.
- Тогда я буду первым. - Соломон вытащил член из её киски.
- Нет, Соломон, нет. Ты разорвешь меня напополам своей штукой. К тому же, анальный секс - это отвратительно.
ШМЯК, Соломон опустил ладонь на её левую ягодицу, заставив Диану громко воскликнуть от неожиданной боли.
- Не перечь мне, блядь. Твоя жопа настолько идеальная, что я обязан её выебать. Тебе понравится.
Диана была напугана, но не сильно сомневалась, что он прав. Она сначала привыкла, потом ей понравилось, когда он выебал её в горло, и теперь она сходила с ума от вкуса спермы, и ей нравилось, что с ней обращаются как с блядью. Соломону нужно было выебать её во все дырки, он как бы метил таким образом свои территории. Даже если будет больно, она все равно испытает удовольствие, потому что для неё было наслаждением, доставлять ему радость.
Диана сморщилась, когда Соломон протолкнул ей в задницу залупу. Сфинктер широко раскрылся, обхватив большую головку. Казалось, что он разрывает её на две части, но для такого властного мужчины, Соломон был весьма терпелив, погружая хуй медленно, позволяя ей привыкнуть, прежде чем погрузиться дальше. Он делал это дюйм за дюймом, не смог продвинуться дальше, застряв на девяти или десяти дюймах. Когда самая толстая часть ствола вошла в неё, боль угасла, и Диана ощутила наполненность в заднице. Когда Соломон начал двигаться взад и вперёд, его движения начали стимулировать незадействованные и ранее неизвестные для Дианы нервные окончания, и девушка начала отталкиваться назад, насаживаясь на член. - Вот так, еби меня в жопу. Сильнее, еби меня сильнее.
Соломон улыбнулся в камеру. Он неДиана задержалась в душе дольше, потому что поток спермы из её задницы казался неиссякаемым. В конце концов она сдалась, и её задница всё ещё издавала хлюпающие звуки, когда Диана вернулась в спальню. Соломон дремал на кровати. Она прижалась к нему, ощущая себя в полной безопасности рядом с ним. Они оба заснули, но ненадолго. Диана проснулась от того, что Соломон залез на неё, его огромное, мускулистое тело накрыло её, и его неугомонный член пробился ей между ног.
Ларри открыл глаза только на утро, когда солнце ярко светило через шторы. У него ужасно болела голова, и он побрёл в ванную, чтобы принять аспирин. Он прошёл мимо бильярдной и заметил какие-то пятна на фирменном бильярдном столе. Вспышки памяти начали всплывать в его мозгу: здоровенный чёрный мужик трахает голую Диану на столе. Кто-то, наверное, отравил пиво. Он тряхнул головой, сбрасывая странные мысли, но от этого их возникло ещё больше. Он вспомнил, как его перенесли на диван, и как он открыл глаза, увидев обнажённую женщину и чёрного мужика, удаляющихся вверх по лестнице. Он вспомнил, как проснулся и услышал громкие звуки, доносящиеся из его спальни. Ларри влетел наверх, обнаружив свою кровать в полном беспорядке. Подушки были разбросаны, а простынь чем-то измазана. Посреди кровати лежала видеокассета. Не было ни чёрного мужика, ни Дианы, ни их грузовика. Жены не было дома несколько дней, а когда она вернулась, то стала другой. Посмотрев видео, он понял, почему.
Соломон вытащил свой член из киски Дианы и быстро натянул штаны, на холодном горном воздухе. Женщина была перекинута через поваленное дерево, которое пролежало здесь достаточно долго, и идеально подходило для ебли. Её трясло, босые ноги касались последних остатков прошедшего снегопада, но она никак не могла восстановиться, чтобы начать одеваться.
На этом самом месте она мастурбировала снежному человеку. Потребовался целый день езды и хода пешком, чтобы добраться сюда. Всё это время они трахались, и она отсасывала ему без передышки. Большой негр отметил это место на карте, собрался и побежал в гору.
- Куда ты?- закричала Диана. - Подожди меня.
- Пора двигаться дальше,- крикнул в ответ Соломон, не оборачиваясь.
- Возьми меня с собой,- заплакала Диана, когда Соломон исчез в лесном массиве.
Диана оделась и направилась обратно к грузовику Ларри. Она была знакома с негром всего два дня, но уже была одержима им. Диана решила уехать из своего округа и поселиться в городе с большим чёрным населением.
Соломону повезло, он вскоре поймал попутку, выйдя на дорогу. Он доехал до публичной библиотеки, и отыскал последние свидетельства очевидцев, которые видели Бигфута на веб-сайтах бульварных газет. Он отметил эти места на карте и посмотрел на получившиеся точки, они вели в юго-восточном направлении, и последней точкой, где видели Бигфута всего несколько дней назад, была Северная Дакота.
Через несколько дней, спускаясь по реке в тринадцатый раз, Соломон заметил их. Следы Бигфута на берегу, и Соломон определил, что они были оставлены всего несколько часов назад. Недалеко от них, он нашёл место стоянки Бигфута, где он мастурбировал. Следы вели в сторону города. Вероятно, он искал еду. Если бы Соломон поспешил, он мог бы догнать его.
- Почему так долго?
Бигфут взглянул на чёрного мужчину, который сидел на пне перед хижиной. Он направлялся в сторону города, чтобы раздобыть немного еды, когда почувствовал запах вкусной еды, готовящейся в этой хижине.
- Кто ты?
- Теперь меня зовут Соломон, Бенни... То есть Бычара, но ты знаешь меня, как Сэма.
Бычара вспомнил Сэма, впрочем, тогда он ещё не был бритым наголо, и не носил бородку.
- Что ты здесь делаешь?- было видно, что Бычаре непривычно разговаривать.
- Конечно же, искал тебя. Ты спас мне жизнь, а я никогда не забываю друзей. - Бычара был вторым подопытным, который получал прототип Хсерума, который увеличил его член до размеров, который не могла принять ни одна женщина. Также из-за этого он стал невероятно жирным.
- Как ты нашёл меня?
Соломон вытащил из своего рюкзака газеты. "Бигфут мастурбировал на моё окно", гласил один из заголовков, и рисунок, выполненный на заглавной странице очень сильно напоминал Бычару. "Бигфут украл мои покупки" и "Бигфут заставил мою жену мастурбировать ему". Была фотография Дианы, с чем-то чёрным в руках, что было закрыто цензурой. Соломону на самом деле не нужно было найти место, где Диана мастурбировала Бычаре, ему просто захотелось трахнуть её, когда он увидел эту фотографию.
- Заходи, я тебя накормлю, расскажешь мне, где так долго пропадал. Ты провёл в горах четыре года.
Позже, наевшись, Бычара рассказал свою историю.
- Та пуля хорошенько меня ранила. Я прополз несколько миль в бурю, пока не добрался до медвежьей берлоги. Рана затянулась у меня в кишках до того, как я успел её извлечь. Медведь спокойно спал в берлоге, и я прижался к нему, чтобы согреться. К моей удаче он проснулся, и мне пришлось засунуть кулак ему в самое горло, пока он не задохнулся. Он едва не отгрыз мне руку. Я надел его шкуру, и ел его мясо всю зиму. В конце концов, мне удалось извлечь пулю из кишок, вместе с рёберной костью. Я долго проспал, а когда проснулся, моя рана затянулась, и рука почти полностью восстановилась.
- У нас раны заживают быстрее, чем у нормальных людей. - Соломон обнаружил это на собственном опыте, получив несколько травм. В течение тех лет после применения препарата он ни разу не заболел. К тому же эффект омоложения никуда не пропал.
- Я был напуган, и не хотел возвращаться, чтобы надо мной снова не начали ставить опыты, поэтому всё это время я скрывался в горах.
- Думаю, мы в безопасности. Я не нашёл никаких свидетельств тому, что проект Гильгамеш был восстановлен после пожара. Материнские компании, вероятно, удовлетворились полученной страховкой и вышли из проекта. Давай вернёмся в город и прикупим тебе нормальную одежду.
- Это точно не какая-то ловушка?- спросил Бычара, когда они начали спуск с горы.
Соломон рассмеялся.
- Хорош, братан. Мы направляемся в Нью-Йорк.
- Почему туда?- спросил Бычара.
- Ради будущего, мой друг, но сперва мне нужно возглавить одну банду.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Оглядываясь назад, думаю, идея этого рассказа пришла ко мне из Симпсонов. В одном из эпизодов, Гомера ошибочно принимают за снежного человека и
Таблоиды начинают размещать его фотографии на своих страницах. | null | null | Authors/FUCKTOR/My stories/Moi perevodi/Bigfoot.txt |
118,682 | Stormbringer | Doctor Bitch | Кэтрин pressed the horn of her BMW, waiting for the old fart with a cane to cross the park. People on the street stared at her until she released the horn and sped off. She suppressed the urge to show the old fool the middle finger as he passed by her car.
Кэтрин was having a bad day, and not just this one. The guy who cleaned her pool and the boy who mowed her lawn had just refused to work for her, saying she constantly criticized their work. On top of that, her husband, a doctor, had agreed to do some charity work and conduct medical exams for some of the city's homeless residents. He had done it at one shelter and decided he didn't like it, so he asked her to do a free checkup at another shelter. She hated working with people who were below her status, but the tax deduction for such work was too good to pass up. But more than all these rude drivers, unnecessary charity, and bums, her home problems were driving her crazy. The doctor hadn't touched her in three months, and she constantly felt aroused.
Кэтрин parked her Beemer in the alley next to the shelter and went inside the building. There were about a dozen homeless men milling around and waiting for her. A small office, connected to a bedroom, was to be used for the examination. There was an old bearded man who was going to assist her.
"What can I do to help you, Doc?" the assistant asked.
Кэтрин looked him over and smirked slightly. The words "useless hippie do-gooder" flashed through her mind. "Just tell the men to strip down to their underwear and line up at the door. Then you can go and do whatever you usually do here."
The arrogant bitch, the man thought, but he just nodded and left the room.
Кэтрин fastened her medical coat and found that it tightly gripped her large, round breasts. She heard the assistant yelling at the homeless men to line up as she pulled on rubber gloves. Some of the bums grumbled about dinner, and she guessed they weren't allowed to eat until they had the medical exam. She took a deep breath of the shelter air and grabbed a mask to dispel the unpleasant smell of unwashed men.
Кэтрин opened the door and rolled her eyes. Most of the men weren't wearing any underwear, and she felt like she was being punished for some past transgression. "Come in," she said, gesturing to the first guy in line.
The old man shuffled slowly into the room and stood in place as she filled out his medical chart. She learned his name, medical history, and asked him to turn around and bend over, then she ran her hands over his back. She pulled a chair up and sat in front of him. His underwear was dirty and full of holes. She took his testicles, reaching under his underwear, and asked him to cough. He giggled, and she felt disgusted as his little penis started to move. She hadn't seen her husband's erection in several months, and this only angered her more. "Next," she yelled, shoving the old man out of the room.
The next man was a toothless old black man who giggled throughout the exam. She had never examined a black person before and wrinkled her nose each time she touched him. Кэтрин pulled her chair up to him and gasped. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and his penis was the largest she had ever seen. It slightly rose and was seven inches long. She grabbed his balls, and the huge penis grew until it was staring straight at her masked mouth. My God, she thought. It must be nine inches.
"Sorry," said the black man. "My giant has never been touched by a pretty white lady."
"Next," she yelled, shoving him out of the room. She heard a few of the bums applaud when they saw his erection. Кэтрин briefly wished her husband had a penis that big, or at least one that got hard. Either way, God must have given this black man something to make up for what he had taken from him in life.
Кэтрин examined a few more white bums before the next black man appeared before her. Now that's a penis, she thought, seeing the monstrous appendage swinging between his legs. The man was about forty-five, and aside from his penis, he was nothing special. She was in a daze as she examined him, as the image of his large black club wouldn't leave her mind. It only reminded her of how aroused she was.
Кэтрин sat and cupped his balls. His member immediately became as hard as steel. It was probably eight inches long and the thickest thing she had ever seen.
"Don't I need to lift my head and cough?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
Embarrassed, Кэтрин realized she had been staring at his organ. It was also pointed at her mouth, and the man was making small thrusting motions, as if imagining her sucking him. She was glad for the mask. Angry and disgusted, she shoved him out the door.
The next patient was a white man whose penis was even more laughable than her husband's. She guessed it was no bigger than her thumb when it fell out of the hole in his underwear.
As she neared the end of the exams, Кэтрин summarized some of her observations. She had examined six white and four black men so far. The white men's penises ranged from four to six inches, and only one was slightly erect. None of the black men had a penis less than seven inches, and they were all thicker and heavier than the whites. She remembered hearing rumors that black men had larger members than whites, but she had dismissed it as nonsense. Suddenly, she was eagerly anticipating seeing the next black penis.
Кэтрин's mood only worsened as the evening wore on. She was tired of seeing and smelling all these bums. She also had a feeling she was being played. All the men, except one, had penises larger than her husband's, and with the black men, it only took a touch to make them rock hard. She had everything she could ever want, but was stuck with a husband whose limp noodle was only five inches long. Life was just so unfair.
Кэтрин sighed and pulled the next medical chart. She didn't even look at the second-to-last bum who entered the room and said, "Name?"
"Big D."
"Your real name?" she said, looking at him. Кэтрин nearly choked when she saw this man. He was a handsome young black man, not long out of his teens. She saw his well-defined chest bulging under his tight shirt. He was the first black man she had examined who was wearing underwear, and it looked like it was about to burst from the size of the penis contained within.
"Dannell Jackson," he answered, admiring her slender body hidden under the white medical coat. Her brown hair was pulled back in a conservative style, and she wore glasses on her nose. Big D decided she was the type of woman who was ashamed of her body and constantly resented the attention men gave her. Usually, deep down, such women were whores just waiting for an excuse to come out.
Кэтрин filled out the medical chart and said, "Please remove your shirt." She watched as he slowly peeled off his shirt, revealing an extremely well-muscled chest. He's certainly healthy in the front, she thought. She made him turn around and bend over, touching his back. Кэтрин shivered as she felt his muscular back under her fingers, running them along his spine.
"Please remove your underwear," she told him.
Кэтрин sat in her medical chair and watched as he stripped completely naked. His buttocks were as firm as the rest of his body, and when he turned around, she gasped at the sight of his penis. It was the largest she had seen, and in its flaccid state, it hung between his legs, reaching seven inches in length.
Кэтрин reached for his testicles, but his monstrous penis blocked her view. She swallowed and reached with her other hand to lift and move the penis aside. At her touch, his massive member immediately became fully erect, standing straight up and pointing directly at her mouth. "T-turn your head and cough," she stammered, staring at his enormous penis.
"Ten inches, if you're curious," Dannell said after coughing.
Now she understood why he called himself Big D, looking at the thick black sausage only inches from her face. Кэтрин shook her head to clear it and said, "I'm not interested in how big your penis is."
"Why you so mad?" he asked, looking down at her.
"Well, if you must know, the guys who cleaned my pool and mowed my lawn just quit on me."Не говоря уже о том, что вторник - мой единственный выходной, и мне приходится заниматься благотворительной работой, вместо того, чтобы лежать у бассейна. И день у меня сегодня хреновый, и ты можешь одеваться и валить отсюда.
Кэтрин закончила заполнять бланк Даннелла. Голова Кэтрин зачесалась, и она сняла перчатки, чтобы почесать её.
Кэтрин не могла сконцентрироваться на заполнении бланков, продолжая думать об идеальном обнажённом теле Биг Ди перед ней, словно это был какой-то античный бог. Она знала, что никогда не будет изменять мужу, особенно с чёрным мужиком, но она не могла не думать о том, каково это, заниматься любовью с таким большим пенисом. Ей было тридцать два года, и она приближалась к своему сексуальному пику. Кэтрин смутилась, поняв, что немного возбудилась из-за сегодняшних событий, но она списала это на отсутствие внимания от мужа.
Кэтрин заметила рядом присутствие какого-то большого человека и сказала "Имя".
"Настоящее имя".
"Просто Конь, мэм."
Кэтрин вздохнула и встала. Она написала Хорс (Конь) на месте имени, и взглянула на мужчину в комнате. Её сердце сжалось от страха, когда она увидела его. Это был огромнейший мужчина с самым уродливым и грубым лицом из всех, что она встречала в жизни. В высоту он достигал как минимум шести с половиной футов. Ей пришлось напрячь шею, чтобы взглянуть ему в лицо. Он был настолько уродлив, насколько Даннелл был симпатичным. Кожа Хорса была тёмно-чёрной по сравнению со светло-коричневой кожей Даннелла. Его нос был плоским и выглядел так, словно в прошлом его сломали. Присутствие Хорса рядом с ней излучало исключительную мощь. Её затрясло от страха, и ещё от кое чего.
Кэтрин оглядела его тело. У него была подтянутая грудь бойца, и сложен он был как боксёр тяжеловес. Он был весь покрыт мускулами, и их было так много, что казалось, мускулы у него сидят на мускулах. Её взгляд опустился ниже к его животу и промежности. Она сглотнула, представив, какой у него может быть пенис. Она не была разочарована.
Черная змея, как она и думала, выглядела как питон или анаконда. Его пенис в длину был 11 дюймов, и по толщине такой же, как её запястье. Он был твёрд и такой большой, что из-за своего веса слегка провисал к полу. Кожа на нём была такая же черная, как и кожа на теле от кончика до основания, в отличие от члена Биг Ди, у которого головка была чуть светлее, чем ствол. Даннелл также был обрезан, а Хорс нет. Его залупа выглядывающая из-под крайней плоти, была большой как слива, и из-за крайней плоти, она стала сравнивать его член с коброй, а не с питоном.
Кэтрин тряхнула головой, чтобы освежить мысли, и попросила его развернуться и наклониться. Он был такой большой, что ей пришлось опереться на его задницу, чтобы прощупать руками спину. Она с удивлением заметила, что Даннелл стоит за Хорсом, ухмыляясь ей. Он ещё не оделся и его пенис всё ещё стоял. "Ты почему ещё здесь?", - спросила она.
"Я просто жду своего приятеля", - ответил он.
Кэтрин села на стул и попросила Хорса развернуться. Она покачала головой, не веря своим глазам, когда его пенис возник перед её лицом. Как и Даннелу, ей пришлось поднять член, чтобы добраться до его яичек. Она протянула руку и взялась за его крайнюю плоть. Она мягко заскользила, и головка его пениса полностью показалась. Капля преякулята вышла из дырочки, и из неё стало сочиться ещё больше жидкости. Преякулята, вышедшего с его конца, было так много, как при обычном оргазме её мужа, и она поняла, что для такого ненормально большого члена требуется много смазки. Потом, к своему ужасу, Кэтрин осознала, что не надела перчатки после того, как почесала голову, и теперь она трогает неприкрытыми руками мужской пенис, не принадлежащий её мужу, впервые в жизни. Она испытывала отвращение, прикасаясь к пенису бездомного чёрного мужчины, но не могла отпустить его, и решила, что лучше так и завершить осмотр. Она подняла его пенис и сжала его яйца. Они по размеру вполне подходили его сексуальному органу. Его яйца висели низко, оттягивая мошонку вниз, напоминая два небольших апельсина.
Между пальцев руки, которой она держала его пенис, был промежуток в полдюйма, и когда она отпустила его яйца, она поняла, что промежуток увеличивается. Кэтрин в очередной раз не поверила своим глазам. Его пенис свисал не из-за тяжести, а из-за того, что не полностью стоял! Он вырос ещё на два дюйма, достигнув в длину 13 дюймов. В стоячем состоянии, он слегка был приподнят вверх, как у всех остальных чернокожих мужчин, его член, казалось, направлен прямо ей в рот. Кэтрин вдруг представила, как Хорс делает толчок вперёд бёдрами, и его могучий пенис прорывает её маску и врывается ей прямо в рот.
Хорс усмехнулся, и Кэтрин ужаснулась, увидев, как её рука непроизвольно подрачивает его ствол. Её поглаживания вызвали выход ещё большего количества преякулята из его члена, и теперь вся его головка была смазана. Устыдившись своего поведения, она выпустила его пенис, раскрасневшись от смущения. Пенис, казалось, парил перед её лицом, бросая вызов гравитации.
Кэтрин опустила голову вниз, тяжело дыша. Когда она подняла голову, Биг Ди приблизился и встал рядом с Хорсом. Оба их больших пениса были направлены прямо ей в лицо.
"Ну, док", - спросил Даннелл, "с нами всё в порядке?"
"Вы оба совершенно здоровы. И вы не выглядите, как бездомные", - сказала Кэтрин, проверяя свои часы. Она удивилась, поняв, что потратила на Хорса с Даннеллом полчаса, в то время как на всех остальных тратила в среднем не больше пяти минут. Как она могла не замечать времени? Она испытала облегчение и в то же время сожаление, когда мужчины начали одеваться.
"Понимаете, док", - сказал Даннелл, натягивая майку. "Мы с Хорсом потеряли нашу работу на стройке, и нас в тот же день выселили". Оба они и Даннелл и Хорс не скрывали свои члены до самой последней минуты. Эта сексуальная, белая сука так сильно нуждалась в том, чтобы её оттрахали, что он мог поклясться, что ощущал запах её текущей киски. "Да, мы с Хорсом строили дома и выполняли работы по обустройству дворов, пока нас не уволили". Он подмигнул удивлённому Хорсу. Они никогда раньше не занимались благоустройством дворов.
Кэтрин облегчённо выдохнула, когда их члены исчезли в их джинсах. Она не могла припомнить, когда в последний раз была так возбуждена, и подумала, что даже если бы пенис её мужа встал, он бы не удовлетворил её. Кэтрин собрала свои вещи и сказала "Ладно, желаю удачи вам обоим... Ты сказал, что вы занимались благоустройством дворов?"
"Да, мы часто это делали, чистили бассейны, строили, делали почти всё".
Кэтрин знала, что выдавать личную информацию, опасно, но она и правда нуждалась в работниках, чтобы следить за своим двором. "Вы, ребята, не против, позаботиться о моём дворе и бассейне, пока я не найду кого-то на постоянную работу? Мой муж этим не занимается".
"Конечно, это было бы здорово", - сказал Даннелл. "Вы бы помогли нам тогда подняться на ноги".
"Хорошо", - сказала Кэтрин, написав свой адрес на листке бумаги, и передав его Даннеллу. "Приходите утром в среду, и я открою для вас сарай".
"Мы придём, как только встанет солнце", - сказал Даннелл.
"Только работайте действительно хорошо, и я хорошо вас вознагражу", - сказала Кэтрин, хватая свои ключи, и направляясь к выходу.
"Леди", - сказал Хорс, с пустым выражением лица, "как только мы пострижём вашу лужайку, вы не захотите, чтобы это делал кто-то другой".
Кэтрин кивнула им и вышла.
"Я хочу выебать её", - сказал Хорс, смотря ей вслед.
Даннелл уже слышал эти слова, и знал, что от него требуется. "Просто следуй моим инструкциям".
Кэтрин села в свой БМВ и поехала домой. У неё была привычка грызть ногти, когда она о чём-то сильно задумывалась, и она грызла их пока вела машину. Проблема с её двором и бассейном была решена с помощью этих двух негров. Возможно, она сможет списать их работу на ещё один налоговый вычет. Она ощутила какой-то вкус на своём пальце, когда укусила ноготь, и слизала что-то языком. Это было что-то солёненькое, и она слизала всё, что налипло ей на пальцы. Вкус ей понравился. Это было что-то знакомое и новое в то же время. Озадаченная, она вынула пальцы изо рта и взглянула на них. Тошнота поднялась к горлу, когда она увидела, что её пальцы были покрыты преякулятом Хорса. Она едва избежала аварии, когда резко набрала скорость и устремилась к ближайшему магазину, чтобы купить жидкость для полоскания рта.
Кэтрин вздохнула, поставив свой напиток на пол рядом с бассейном и усевшись на свой шезлонг. Она потянулась с чувством и легла на спину. Она подняла свой стакан и сделала глоток Маргариты, это был уже третий её стакан за сегодняшний день, и она наслаждалась своим выходным днём. Вторник был единственным днём недели, к которому она не испытывала ненависть. Шесть дней она проводила в больнице и семь ночей со своим немощным мужем, но во вторник она могла залить свои несчастья и расслабиться у бассейна в бикини, которое едва прикрывало её сочную фигуру.
На прошлой неделе, она потеряла свой выходной, осматривая бездомных в приюте. Она была огорчена не только тем, что пропустила свой выходной, когда могла позагорать, но и тем, какой эффект произвёл на неё осмотр. Каждый раз, когОна тряхнула головой, пытаясь стряхнуть их образ, а потом снова открыла глаза, они всё ещё были там. Кэтрин закричала.
"Извините, что напугали вас", - сказал Даннелл. "Это, должно быть, из-за вашего сна". Он прошёлся взглядом по тонкой материи её бикини. Её соски были чётко очерчены под топом. Они были длинными, полными и вставшими от желания. Её ноги были разведены, и он мог видеть, что её трусики намокли от возбуждения.
"Что вы здесь делаете?" - спросила она, отчаянно разыскивая полотенце, чтобы прикрыть своё почти обнажённое тело. Выражение лица Хорса напугало её. Она не надевала это бикини даже перед мужем, не говоря уже о незнакомцах. Она теперь кляла себя, что не удосужилась взять полотенце.
"Вы сказали прийти сегодня и постричь вашу лужайку", - уверенно сказал Даннелл.
"Нет", - сказала она сердито. "Я точно помню, что сказала вам, прийти в среду". Кэтрин была разочарована, что её единственный выходной был потревожен, и в то же время смущена, что мечтала об этих двух чёрных мужчинах. Она увидела, что ни один из них не был одет в рубашку или футболку, и пот блестел на их мускулистых грудных клетках.
"Прости, док", - ответил Даннелл. "Ты сказала вторник, и что ты встретишь нас у бассейна. А потом ты покажешь, где лежит оборудование для стрижки газона". Кэтрин нахмурила брови. Жара и Маргарита определённо повлияли на неё. Она не могла трезво мыслить. Она помнила, что сказала в среду, но тогда, откуда они знали, что она будет у бассейна? Неужели вид их гигантских пенисов так сильно затуманил её разум? "Ладно, раз уж пришли", - сдалась она, - "я покажу вам, где всё находится".
Она встала и попыталась растянуть своё бикини, чтобы побольше прикрыть своё тело. Они смотрели на неё, и она сдалась, увидев, что из-за этого тонкая ткань бикини становится только прозрачнее. "Идите за мной", - сказала она, направляясь к сараю. Кэтрин сглотнула, представив, как они сейчас пялятся на стринги, впившиеся ей в задницу между ягодиц. Она даже удивилась, поймав себя на том, что виляет бёдрами, и остановилась, как только поняла, что делает.
Кэтрин показала двум неграм, где находится газонокосилка и удалилась. Она чувствовала их взгляды на своём полураздетом теле, всё время, пока шла к дому. Она зашла в дом и поднялась наверх, чтобы переодеться во что-то не столь откровенное.
Она встала перед зеркалом в полный рост и посмотрела на своё тело. Она знала, что обладает фигурой, которая сводит с ума мужчин, но при этом всегда прятала тело, стараясь делать так, чтобы к ней относились серьёзно. Она взглянула на большие, упругие груди, которые так высоко выпирали над её стройным животиком, что казалось, что её топ вот-вот лопнет от растяжения. По всему телу у неё был хороший загар, за исключением небольших белых пятен в области вокруг сосков, и вокруг её хорошо выбритых лобковых волос. Лицо у неё было красивым, выглядело молодо, за исключением небольших морщинок под глазами, которые появлялись, когда она улыбалась, чего она, в любом случае, почти никогда не делала. В её длинных каштановых волосах не появилось и намёка на седину, и её карие глаза сверкали в зеркале. Если бы она не стала доктором, она бы с лёгкостью стала стриптизёршей или моделью нижнего белья, это если бы ей нравилось показывать своё тело...
Понравилось ли ей показывать своё тело? Кэтрин была смущена в начале, но то, как два чернокожих мужчины пялились на неё, на самом деле, возбудило её. Её муж не смотрел на неё так уже несколько лет, и ей было приятно чувствовать себя желанной. Она решила не переодеваться, оставшись в бикини, и, может быть, подразнить их, лишь чуть-чуть. Что плохого может быть в небольшом флирте?
Она налила ещё одну Маргариту и вернулась на своё место у бассейна. Выпив полстакана, она почувствовала себя пьяненькой и осмелела. Даннелл косил газон, а Хорс подравнивал кусты ножницами. Им понадобилось часа два, чтобы привести в порядок газон.
Даннелл зашёл ей за спину, исчезнув из поля зрения, но приблизившись к ней, а Хорс и так был рядом, подстригая куст. Кэтрин закончила свою Маргариту и потянулась. Она сразу же заметила, что привлекла внимание Хорса, и наконец, поняла, почему некоторые женщины любят использовать своё тело, чтобы контролировать мужчин. Она пошла к душевой возле бассейна и встала под душ, включив воду. Она не слышала больше звуков садовых ножниц, и догадалась, что Хорс наблюдает за её маленьким шоу. Она услышала, как газонокосилка выехала из-за угла и внезапно остановилась. Она представила, как два негра смотрят, как вода стекает по её спине и между её ягодиц. Она носила это бикини, потому что оно было таким тонким, что сквозь его ткань даже просачивалось солнце, и когда она повернулась, она знала, что оно стало полностью прозрачным, а не просто мокрым.
Она посмотрела на мужчин сквозь полуоткрытые глаза. Они определённо смотрели на неё, и она смогла разглядеть очертания чудовищного пениса Хорса, набухшего в его джинсах. Она стала на цыпочки и откинула голову назад под душем, позволив воде растекаться по оттопыренным грудям.
Дрожь пробежала по телу Кэтрин, когда она поняла, какое воздействие оказывает на двух своих наблюдателей. Почему она не дразнила мужчин раньше? Это была самая сексуальная дрожь в её жизни, и её соски затвердели как камни от возбуждения. Она поняла, что ей не раз придётся делать это снова, пока её красота не улетучилась навсегда. Зачем она только впустую потратила свои молодые годы, прикрывая тело?
Кэтрин выключила душ, представляя, как будет в будущем дразнить мужчин. Она решила, что на следующий день в больнице расстегнёт одну пуговицу на кофточке, и сделает вид, что не заметила. Она усмехнулась, представляя выражение лиц докторов и пациентов, когда им, наконец, откроется небольшой вид на её декольте.
Она вернулась к своему шезлонгу. Негры стояли и с вожделением смотрели на неё, когда она прошла мимо них в своём прозрачном купальнике. "Так, мальчики", - сказал она, "Я плачу вам не за то, чтобы вы просто сидели". Взгляд Хорса неожиданно от вожделения стал выражать злость, и ей не секунду показалось, что может быть, она слегка увлеклась.
Мальчики! Вот же охуевшая расистка, белая сука, подумал Хорс, продолжив стричь кусты. Он протянул руку вниз и поправил член в штанах. Она не может просто дразнить меня и не поплатиться за это. Он оглянулся. Кэтрин развела ноги и смазывала лосьоном для загара внутреннюю часть бёдер. Он увидел, как её руки поднялись к её животу и груди. Эта сука получит трах всей своей жизни, подумал он, я не собираюсь спрашивать у неё разрешения.
Кэтрин была в полусонном состоянии к тому времени, когда они всё закончили. Она продолжала втирать лосьон в тело, больше чем было нужно, не прекращая дразнить двух чернокожих мужчин. В конце концов, комбинация: массаж, алкоголь и солнце - заставила её задремать на шезлонге.
Два гигантских мускулистых чёрных человека встали перед ней, пот блестел на их мышцах. Она подумала, что ей это, наверное, снова снится, пока не поняла, что Даннелл и Хорс стоят над ней, пытаясь привлечь её внимание. Кэтрин тряхнула головой, жалея, что так много выпила сегодня.
"Мадам, мы хотим поинтересоваться, нельзя ли нам воспользоваться вашим бассейном, чтобы освежиться", - сказал Биг Ди. "Мы закончили, но было чертовски жарко".
Кэтрин не понравилась мысль о том, что два потных, бездомных негра будут плескаться в её бассейне, но она была слишком пьяна и не хотела спорить. "Хорошо, но только быстро".
Даннелл переглянулся с Хорсом, и она увидела, как он расстегнул джинсы и медленно спустил змейку. Она ахнула, когда его красивый, обрезанный пенис вырвался из его штанов, твёрдый, как цемент, вокруг бассейна. Она посмотрела на Хорса, он уже спустил свои трусы, обнажив массивное чёрное чудовище, которое называлось пенисом. Он был даже больше и чернее, чем она запомнила с прошлой недели. Это напугало её, и она воскликнула: "Минутку. Вы что это удумали..."
"Извини", - сказал Даннелл. "У нас нет плавок, а ты же доктор. Ты всё равно видишь такие членяры каждый день".
Членяры! Да, это был более подходящий термин для чего-то такого большого, подумала она. У её мужа был пенис, а у этих двоих пенисы настолько были больше, чем у мужа, что термин членяра подходил явно лучше. "Нет", - сказал она заплетающимся языком. "Я не вижу такое каждый день". Кэтрин увидела, как их чёрные члены болтаются и трепыхаются перед ними, пока они направлялись к бассейну. Они прыгнули в него и начали играть в воде. Кэтрин захотелось разглядеть их получше, поэтому она встала с шезлонга, подошла и села на край бассейна, свесив ноги в воду.
Теперь это почти походило на то, что они дразнили её, подумала она. Оба мужчины встали, и вода потекла по их телам, а члены торчали из воды, как две чёрные морские змеи. Невозможно, их члены оставались твёрдыми в холодной воде. Она часто видела, как переодевается её муж после купания, и его член так сильно сжимался, что напоминал маленького червячка, пытающегося заползти в яму.
Биг Ди подплыл к тому месту, где она свесила ноги. Кэтрин не могла оторвать глаз от гладкой, чёрной фигуры, рассекающей воду в её направлении. Он встал перед ней, его член оказался у неё между ног. "Мадам", - сказал Даннелл, "вам нужно прыгнуть в воду и освежиться. Вы же не хДаннелл схватил её за руку и потащил в глубь бассейна. Хорс плеснул на неё водой, и она плеснула на него в ответ. Вскоре они все втроём вели себя как дети в воде. Кэтрин понимала, что это неправильно - играть в воде с двумя голыми чёрными мужчинами, почти вдвое её моложе, но она и правда повеселилась и стала снова ощущать себя молодой. Она радовалась, что у неё был частный двор, без всяких любопытных соседей поблизости.
"У тебя красивое тело, Кэтрин", - сказал Даннелл после того, как они сделали паузу, чтобы отдохнуть.
"Ну, спасибо, я знаю", - сказала она, хватая ртом воздух и видя, как Хорс подплывает к ней сзади. "И меня зовут Кэтрин, а не Кэт".
"Хорошо", - сказал он. "Знаешь, это несправедливо, что ты в одежде, а мы голые".
"Ну, вам просто нужно найти плавки, потому что я не раздеваюсь", - сказала она, засмеявшись. Она остановилась, задумавшись, как давно она так искренне смеялась?
"Ну, тогда не могла бы ты просто встать, так чтобы я мог получше разглядеть твоё горячее тело?", - спросил он. "Мне кажется, тебе нравится показывать своё тело".
Кэтрин улыбнулась, сидя на мелководье. Ей нравилось показывать своё тело этим мужчинам, и она решила, что ничего плохого не случится, поэтому встала перед Биг Ди. Вода стекала по её телу, и она смотрела, как он жадно оглядывает её.
"Ну что, тебе нравится?"
"Да мне нравится", - сказал он. "Ты самая горячая белая сучка из всех, что я видел. Развернись, чтобы я мог разглядеть твою попку".
Кэтрин повернулась, услышав, как присвистнул Даннелл. Хорс встал перед ней, его лицо совершенно ничего не выражало, за исключением того, что ноздри на его плоском носу широко раздувались. Он почти всё время молчал, и она даже решила, что он возможно дурачок или что-то такое. Он был огромным, страшным человеком с тринадцатидюймовым членом, торчащим перед ним. И снова, она ощутила страстное желание упасть на колени, и поэтому она снова быстро отвернулась.
Когда она снова повернулась к нему, Даннелл немедленно сказал "Положи руки на бёдра". На его лице появилась самодовольная улыбка, когда она практически сразу повиновалась ему. Он ещё не встречал женщину, которой бы не понравилось подчиняться ему, особенно после того, как она увидела его член.
Кэтрин тяжело задышала, когда Даннелл провёл её через целую серию поз, выделяющих достоинства её фигуры. Она так привыкла руководить своим мужем и больничным персоналом, что теперь ей было приятно выполнять то, что ей говорят, для разнообразия. Это казалось совершенно естественным для неё, подчиняться приказам Даннелла, к тому же ей нравилось демонстрировать своё тело. Что плохого может случиться?
"Теперь положи руки на голову и выгни спину", - приказал Даннелл.
Кэтрин выставила вперёд грудь и положила руки на голову. Она закричала от неожиданности, когда мясистая рука Хорса схватила её за запястья, не отпуская их и держа вместе. Никогда в жизни она не ощущала такую силу, и он прижал её к своей груди. "Стоп", - закричала она. "Вы что творите?" Она почувствовала, как свободной рукой Хорс развязал топ бикини, и взмолилась "Даннелл, пожалуйста, помоги".
Даннелл подплыл к сопротивляющейся женщине. Она брыкалась ногами, и он схватил их. Она в ужасе посмотрела на него, когда он сорвал с неё стринги. Она пыталась брыкаться и кричать, но Даннелл и Хорс без труда удерживали её. Даннелл потянул её за ноги, пока её тело не оказалось растянутым между ним и Хорсом, на воде.
Кэтрин была напугана, извиваясь в их руках, полностью смятая их сильными руками. Хорс свободной рукой грубо схватил её за правую грудь и сжал сосок.
"Ты когда-нибудь видел тело лучше этого? – спросил Даннелл, одновременно погладив свободной рукой её плоский животик и остановившись на твёрдой большой насыпи её левой груди. Хорс не ответил, намереваясь поиграть с толстым правым соском.
"Отпустите меня, мудаки", - закричала Кэтрин, всё ещё сопротивляясь. Она испугалась действий мужчин, но ещё больше испугалась реакции своего тела на их тисканья. С тех пор, как кто-то обращал на неё внимание, прошло так много времени, что её тело начало реагировать на их прикосновения. "Пожалуйста, отпустите меня", - снова крикнула она.
Даннелл посмотрел на Хорса, и они её отпустили, уронив в воду. Он схватил её бикини, смял его в клубок и отбросил в сторону, далеко во двор.
Кэтрин встала, выплевывая воду изо рта. Она вытерла глаза, как раз вовремя, чтобы увидеть, как её бикини летит в воздухе. Она оказалась в ловушке, когда ей либо надо было оставаться в бассейне, скрываясь под водой, либо бежать через весь двор голой. Она не знала, что они будут с ней делать, если останется с ними в воде.
Кэтрин решилась, и быстро бросилась из бассейна. Это было бесполезно, потому что сильная рука Даннелла быстро сжалась вокруг её лодыжки и притянула обратно к ним. Он отпустил её, и она встала, тщетно стуча по его широкой груди своими кулачками. "Я буду кричать", - воскликнула она, со слезами на глазах.
"Никто не услышит тебя", - сказал Даннелл, хватая её груди.
Она почувствовала, как Хорс обхватил её бёдра сзади, и их руки начали гулять по всему её телу. Она пыталась сопротивляться, но чувства были слишком приятными, чтобы отрицать это, и она застонала от удовольствия. Чудовищный член Хорса тыкался ей в ягодицы, и она почувствовала, как он опустился ниже, разведя её ноги. Его ствол заскользил по её половым губам, заставив её киску гореть от желания. Кэтрин вздрогнула, посмотрев вниз, и увидев, как чёрный питон Хорса появляется из-под неё. Видимая часть члена Хорса между её ног была больше, чем весь член её мужа, и она снова вздрогнула, подумав, какого это, ощутить такой член в своей киске. Даннелл наклонился и поцеловал её в рот. Она привыкла к бесстрастным чмоканьям своего мужа, и когда язык Даннелла вошёл ей в рот, она сама не ожидала от себя, что поцелует его в ответ с вожделением.
Кэтрин застонала, когда член Хорса выскользнул из-под её ног, и она почувствовала, как его головка трётся об её киску. Он вошёл в неё, и её киска впервые за несколько месяцев почувствовала себя удовлетворённой, но она взмолилась "Пожалуйста, остановитесь. Я не могу изменять мужу". "Это не измена", - усмехнулся Хорс.
Кэтрин поняла, что объект, который медленно двигается в её киске, лишь немного больше, чем маленький червячок её мужа, и она поняла, что это всего лишь указательный палец Хорса, которым он её дразнит. И хуже всего было то, что она насаживается на его руку, как сучка во время случки.
Хорс вытащил палец, сказав "Я хочу попробовать на вкус эту белую киску". Он толкнул её в сторону.
"Нет, ради бога, пожалуйста, не надо", - взмолилась она. Одна лишь мысль о том, что кто-то приложится ртом к чужим гениталиям, внушала ей отвращение.
Хорс положил руки ей на бёдра и без труда поднял её на край бассейна. Он так же легко развёл ей ноги и погрузился головой в её киску. Его язык стал лизать и дразнить её половые губы и начал лизать её вспухший клитор.
"Нет, нет", - воскликнула Кэтрин, борясь с ним, но его руки держали её. "О, боже мой", - закричала она, когда его язык накрыл её клитор. Это было самое большое чувство удовольствия в её жизни, и её бёдра начали делать поступательные движения вокруг его языка. Она почувствовала давление, растущее в её матке, оно становилось всё сильнее и ближе... Её глаза широко раскрылись от удивления.
Даннелл спокойно стоял рядом с Хорсом, наблюдая за признаками приближающегося к ней оргазма. Он знал, что Хорс может часами вылизывать белые киски, и не любит, когда его прерывают, но когда он увидел, что она вот-вот кончит, он придержал Хорса. Даннелл услышал, как Кэтрин закричала в отчаянии и разочаровании. Хорс взглянул на него так, словно готов был оторвать Даннеллу голову, но успокоился, когда Даннелл подмигнул ему. "Хорс, мы должны остановиться, это не правильно", - сказал он. "Прости, Кэтрин, мы увлеклись, просто ты слишком красивая. Мы уходим. Я знаю, ты не хочешь, чтобы он лизал тебе киску".
"Да. То есть нет". Кэтрин выпрямилась и смотрела на них в отчаянии. Она застонала от досады. "Пожалуйста, не останавливайся. Я почти кончила", - закричала она отчаянно.
Хорсу не нужно было повторять дважды, и он погрузил голову в её киску снова. Даннелл знал, что у него есть только несколько минут, поэтому он вылез из воды и припал лицом к её уху, нашёптывая "Только будет справедливо, если мы сделаем это для тебя, ты сделаешь то же самое для нас".
Кэтрин никогда раньше не испытывала оргазм, и отчаянно хотела, чтобы это произошло, но она воскликнула "Нет, я не могу изменять мужу".
"Минет не измена", - прошептал он.
Даннелл увидел, что Хорс замедлился и смотрит на него поверх её киски. "Изменой будет считаться, если только мы трахнем тебя".
"Нет, я не могу", - сказала она.
"Хорс, пошли", - сказал настойчиво Даннелл.
Кэтрин снова почувствовала, как оргазм увядает, и когда Хорс последний раз провёл языком вдоль её киски, она передумала. "Нет, подожди, я сделаю это", - взмолилась она. "Только не останавливайся". Чувства вернулись быстро, когда Хорс снова вернулся к её киске. Она застонала, когдаХорс немедленно снова напал на её киску, его язык лизал чувствительную область между её киской и аналом. Она подняла глаза вверх и оказалась перед красивым обрезанным членом Деннелла.
Он был идеальной формы. Головка была толстой и твёрдой. Казалось, она пульсирует с каждым ударом его сердца. От кончика до области обрезания, член был светло-коричневым, становясь всё более тёмным к основанию. "Я никогда не делала этого раньше", - сказала она, в страхе глядя на его член. Это низкое животное действо преследовало её во снах с первого момента, как только она увидела их члены на прошлой неделе. "Пожалуйста, не надо..."
"Заткнись, сука", - прервал её Даннелл. "Мы позаботились о тебе, теперь ты должна позаботиться о нас. К тому же, тебе это понравится".
Кэтрин не знала, как можно получать наслаждение от такого низкого акта, но ей пришлось согласиться на него, и Даннелл заверил её, что это не будет настоящей изменой. Хорс дразнил область вокруг её клитора своим языком, и она почувствовала приближение ещё одного оргазма. Невозможно, подумала она, у неё никогда не было ни одного за всю жизнь, а теперь два бездомных негра вот-вот заставят её кончить дважды всего за несколько минут. Даннелл увидел, что она снова близка к оргазму. "Кэтрин, наклонись и покажи, как ты любишь мой член. Просто маленький поцелуй".
Кэтрин вспотела и тяжело дышала от приближающегося оргазма. Почему он не лижет её клитор, а вместо этого дразнит, водя языком вокруг него? Она наклонилась, испытывая немного мерзкое чувство, словно она животное, которое тянется к миске с кормом.
"Лишь маленький поцелуй", - сказал Даннелл снова, "и ты доставишь нам обоим массу удовольствия".
Она застонала, приблизившись к головке его члена. Этот оргазм должен был продлиться дольше и будет вероятно ещё более мощным, чем первый. Она сморщила губки и поцеловала Даннелла в головку члена, как раз над дырочкой. Как только она прикоснулась губами к члену, язык Хорса грубо заходил по её клитору, пока не вызвал новый оргазм в её теле. Кэтрин застонала от удовольствия, ощутив, как член Биг Ди проталкивается в её открытые губы. В тот момент она не могла сдерживаться и рванула головой вперёд, почувствовав, как член скользнул по её щеке. Она затаила дыхание.
"Эй, Ди, тебе понравится эта киска", - сказал Хорс, остановившись на мгновенье. Его лицо было покрыто её соками. "Это настоящие сливки". Он счастливый снова уткнулся в её киску.
Кэтрин пришла в себя и начала двигать лицо обратно к началу гигантского десятидюймового члена. Прядь преякулята расползлась от кончика его члена до её щеки. Она попробовала преякулят Хорса на прошлой неделе, и она высунула язык, слизав преякулят Даннелла. Ей нравился вкус, но всё равно ей казалось, что если он кончит ей в рот, это будет отвратительно. "Только пообещай, что вытащишь его до того, как кончишь", - сказала она, глядя на него. На его лице играла нахальная усмешка, но он кивнул соглашаясь. Она задрожала от глубокого желания, доставить удовольствие этому мужчине. Было что-то правильное и естественное в том, чтобы стоять перед ним на коленях, и брать его член в свой рот. "С чего мне начать?", - подумала она, предполагая, что всё закончится в считанные минуты. Её муж никогда не мог продержаться больше трёх.
"Полижи головку", - приказал он.
Она коснулась языком головки и начала водить им по вершине. Она не могла поверить, что берёт в рот член другого мужчины. До прошлой недели она даже не прикасалась к пенисам за пределами своей работы, только лишь когда хватала вялого червячка своего мужа, направляя его маленький стручок себе в вагину.
Кэтрин полностью облизала головку и застонала, почувствовав, как язык Хорса делает похожие круговые движения вокруг её половых губ. Её бёдра начали делать небольшие круговые движения вокруг длинного языка Хорса, и её собственные язык начал быстро лизать залупу Даннелла.
Кэтрин пошла вниз, ощутив, как губы у неё разошлись, и его залупа вошла ей в рот. Она стала дразнить язычком его дырочку, ощущая, как он дрожит от удовольствия.
"Да, сучка", - сказал он. "Лижи мою щель".
Кэтрин подскочила, когда язык Хорса начал лизать её по всей длине её собственной щели.
"Теперь оближи его по бокам и поцелуй мои яйца", - приказал Даннелл.
Кэтрин охотно повиновалась, убрав член изо рта, и начав облизывать нижнюю часть члена, опускаясь к яйцам.
Язык Хорса пошёл вверх, достигнув дна её щёлки, когда она достигла яиц Даннелла. Он стал облизывать область между её киской и анусом. Она подскочила, когда его язык коснулся её сфинктера, но продолжила целовать яйца Даннелла, в то время, как Хорс продолжил облизывать её милый, маленький бутон розы.
Он протолкнул язык немного внутрь, услышав её стон. Он взглянул на Деннелла поверх округлостей её красивой попы, и на краткий миг ему захотелось, чтобы эта белая киска досталась только ему одному, но ему был необходим Даннелл, чтобы расслабить её для него.
Она облизала член Ди обратно к кончику, а Хорс пошёл языком вниз к её киске. Она снова кончила, когда он достиг её клитора.
В глазах Кэтрин застыл ошеломлённый взгляд, когда она отошла от своего третьего оргазма. Ей казалось, что всё её тело горит. Теперь она поняла, что доставив удовольствие им, она доставит удовольствие себе.
"Теперь, сука", - сказал Даннелл, "Я хочу, чтобы ты взяла мой член в рот".
Она почувствовала язык Хорса у входа в свою киску, когда взяла залупу Даннелла в рот снова.
"Больше, сука", - приказал Даннелл.
Кэтрин расслабила челюсть и взяла ещё пару дюймов в рот, ощутив, как язык Хорса вошёл ей в киску. Она убрала рот, глотая воздух, почувствовав, как язык Хорса тоже вышел из неё. В ужасе, она быстро снова вернула член в рот, вздохнув, когда ощутила, что язык Хорса снова погрузился в неё. Чем больше она брала в рот, тем глубже входил в неё язык Хорса, и она отчаянно пыталась взять в рот как можно больше невероятного члена Даннелла. Она сосала, качая головой вверх и вниз, чувствуя, как гигантский чёрный член пульсирует у неё во рту, пока она отсасывает Даннеллу. Она пыталась принять чуть больше с каждым новым движением глотки, желая, чтобы член Хорса погружался глубже.
"Всего на пару дюймов больше, сука", - сказал Даннелл.
Его член теперь был у неё в горле, и она силилась проглотить последние два дюйма. Хорс убрал свой язык и её крики неудовольствия были заглушены десятью дюймовым монстром у неё во рту, но его язык быстро сменился двумя его пальцами. Его пальцы были толще и длиннее, чем пенис её мужа, и она застонала на члене Ди, когда Хорс начал трахать её пальцами.
Кэтрин с радостью сосала член Биг Ди, пока Хорс долбил её пальцами в киску. Он покусывал её половые губы, пока совал в неё пальцы, и она могла поклясться, что никогда в жизни не чувствовала себя так хорошо.
Член Даннелла вёл себя странно. Он, то и дело, дёргался у неё во рту, и она могла поклясться, он стал ещё больше. Она взглянула на него. Его глаза были полузакрыты, и пот скатывался с его бровей. Она уже собиралась спросить его, не собирается ли он кончить, как Хорс вдруг сменил тактику. Он глубоко погрузил в неё пальцы и начал водить кончиками пальцев по кругу в её киске. Её тело бесконтрольно задёргалось, насаженное на его пальцы, и она ощутила приближение ещё одного оргазма.
Кэтрин начала сосать быстрее, чувствуя, как Хорс ещё быстрее заработал пальцами глубоко внутри неё. Кэтрин почувствовала, как разбухла головка члена Даннелла в её горле, потом она задёргалась, и Кэтрин ощутила, как целый галлон его спермы полился ей в желудок. Испытывая отвращение, она начала вытаскивать его член изо рта, но пальцы Хорса подарили ей самый большой оргазм из всех, и она закричала в изумлении, от чувства удовольствия, прошедшего через её тело. Вторая волна спермы полилась ей в открытый рот, и она не могла ничего поделать, как проглотить почти всё.
Даннелл схватился за свой член и направил третью волну спермы ей в лицо, оставив большую прядь спермы от её лба до подбородка. Он схватил её за голову, притянул к себе и засунул член обратно ей в рот.
Она почувствовала, как ещё больше спермы заполнило её рот, осознав в первый раз, какая на самом деле горячая у него сперма. Конечно, она понимала, что это из-за температуры тела. Она глотала, наслаждаясь вкусом и восстановившись от оргазма, она удовлетворённо легла, продолжая сосать член Ди. Хорс слизал её соки со своих губ, потом окунулся в воду, чтобы помыть лицо. Он подвигал челюстью, расслабляя её, и вылез из воды. "Моя очередь", - сказал он.
Кэтрин поняла, что у неё болят колени на цементе, и сказала "Подождите, у меня есть идея получше". Она встала и махнула им, чтобы они шли за ней.
У Кэтрин с мужем были небольшие апартаменты над гаражом, и Кэтрин повела их по боковым ступенькам в эти апартаменты. Она забежала в ванну, чтобы проверить себя и была шокирована от того, что увидела в зеркале. Она видела себя обнажённой огромное число раз, но сейчас её тело, кажется излучало секс. Она ощущала себя живой, и её тело было сверх-чувствительным к её прикосновениям. Единственное, что расстроило её, была сперма Даннелла у неё на лице. Большая нить вдоль её лица стала жидкой и растеклась по её щекам. Также сперма была в уголках её рта и ещё немного капало у неё с подбородка.Она посмотрела ему в глаза, и колени у неё начали подгибаться от страха и желания подчиниться. Они бесконтрольно задрожали, пока она не упала на колени перед его членом и не начала с любовью поглаживать его рукой. Этот мужчина за час доставил ей больше удовольствия, чем её муж за весь их брак, и он заслужил лучший минет, который она могла ему предоставить.
Она посмотрела на его член. Если член Даннелла был обрезанным и красивым, то член Хорса был уродливым и страшным. Он был чёрно-тёмным от кончика до основания. Его ствол в ширину был почти как её запястье, а головка размером со сливу. Прямо как тогда, когда она осматривала его, преякулят сочился из уретры в невероятном количестве.
Кэтрин наклонилась и поцеловала кончик его члена, одновременно оттянув крайнюю плоть, так что его головка вышла наружу. В тот момент что-то нашло на неё, и она буквально набросилась на его чёрного монстра. Всё, чему Даннелл научил её и не только, она вложила в ублажение этого божественного члена в её руке. Она пососала и облизала головку, потом прошлась по бокам вверх и вниз. Она приподняла его и обцеловала его одинаково огромные яйца. Ей даже стало интересно, сколько спермы содержится в этих чудовищах, и она услышала, как снова заурчал её желудок.
Хорс вытащил член у неё изо рта, и ей стало интересно, что будет дальше, но потом она увидела, что он просто ложится на ковёр. Кэтрин огляделась и увидела, что Биг Ди пристально смотрит на них, и она была ошеломлена, увидев, что его член снова стоит. Иногда ей казалось, что её мужу нужно несколько дней, чтобы восстановиться.
Она снова обратила своё внимание на Хорса и подползла к нему между его ног, словно прося о большем. Его массивный чёрный член лежал у него на животе, кончик лежал чуть дальше его пупка, и она схватила его и подняла вверх. Кэтрин склонилась и взяла головку в рот. Она начала сосать это чудовище, с каждым новым движением глотая чуть больше. Слава богу, член Даннелла уже разработал её челюсть, в противном случае она не была уверена, что могла проглотить такую большую штуку. Она услышала, как он застонал, когда его член проскользнул ей в горло. Она старалась делать всё, что могла, но смогла проглотить только около десяти дюймов. К счастью, он, кажется, удовлетворился этим, и она начала быстро сосать его член.
Кэтрин обнаружила, что ей нравится сосать члены, особенно королевский член Хорса. Даннелл обошёл их, встав сзади неё, и начал лизать её киску снова. Она разозлилась из-за того, что её прерывают, но вскоре ощутила приближение нового оргазма. Это отвлекло её от минета Хорсу, хотя в тот момент ей ничего в жизни не хотелось больше, чем удовлетворить обладателя этого великолепного члена в её рту. Она надеялась, что он поймёт, почему её ритм стал нарушаться.
Ей захотелось кричать от радости, когда Хорс начал хрипеть и задвигал бёдрами. Он наслаждался минетом, несмотря на то, что её отвлекли несколько оргазмов, которые ей дал Даннелл. Биг Ди был талантливым пиздолизом, как и Хорс, хотя язык Хорса был намного длиннее. Член Хорса начал трястись у неё в руках, и она поняла, что он уже близок к тому, чтобы кончить. Кэтрин облегчённо вздохнула, когда Даннелл перестал лизать её киску, и она смогла обратить всё своё внимание к сосанию 13-дюймового чёрного члена Хорса, но Даннелл с ней не закончил, он встал сзади неё на колени и стал тереться об её щёлку своим длинным хуем. "Подожди", - сказала она, раздражённая тем, что ей пришлось убрать губы с члена Хорса, "моя киска только для пениса моего мужа, и никаких других. Ты можешь вложить туда свои пальцы или язык, но не член". Кэтрин почувствовала, что Даннелл убрал свой член, и вернулась к минету. Она почувствовала, как головка Даннелла вернулась к её губкам её киски, через несколько секунд.
"Знаешь, Кэт", - сказал Даннелл, двигая головкой члена вокруг её щёлки, смазывая её. "На самом деле, это не будет считаться изменой, пока я не кончу в твою киску. Почему бы тебе не позволить войти в тебя хотя бы головкой?"
Кэтрин была насажена горлом на десять дюймов члена Хорса, и она начала двигать головой вверх, чтобы сказать "ни за что", когда в её рту взорвался вулкан, выплёвывая горячую сперму ей в горло и рот. Она не могла поверить, каким большим стал его член, перед тем как взорваться. Она не могла поверить количеству его кончи. Спермы было больше, чем она могла представить. Спермы было больше, чем произвёл её муж за 12 лет брака, всё в одном заряде, и сперма продолжала изливаться. Она ощутила, как растянулись её половые губки вокруг головки члена Ди, обхватив её и пытаясь засосать его член глубже. Это было невероятно, но она попыталась протестовать, сняв рот с члена Хорса, и её лицо немедленно намокло, так как он продолжил изрыгать сперму. Она попыталась заговорить, но её рот заполнился большим количеством спермы, чем она успевала глотать.
"О, как хорошо, Кэт", - сказал Биг Ди. "Твоя киска просто замечательная и тугая. Ты не против, если я продвинусь ещё немного?" Он уже протолкнул свой член глубже, пока говорил.
Ещё больше спермы вылетело из члена Хорса, забрызгав всё её лицо и волосы. Кэтрин обхватила его член губами, чтобы остановить поток, смутно осознавая, что её бёдра толкаются назад, желая впустить в неё больше члена Ди.
Даннелл всегда поражался, как много спермы может производить член Хорса, даже если у него бывал секс по несколько раз в день, но даже он был удивлён, сколько сейчас накончал Хорс. С тех пор, как они трахнули жену своего бригадира, работая у них на заднем дворе, прошло две недели. Они подсадили её на чёрные члены и были уволены из-за этого. Хорс не мастурбировал. Две недели без секса, и он практически утопил бедную женщину в море спермы.
Даннелл решил сосредоточиться на её ебле. Её киска была горячей, мокрой и уютной. Казалось, что она была создана для его 10-дюймового члена. Он был уже наполовину в ней и решил протолкнуть оставшееся без её разрешения. Кэтрин взглянула на него через плечо, на её лице было нарисовано выражение благоговения. При этом он не мог полностью разглядеть её лицо, так как почти всё её лицо было залито спермой Хорса. Она открыла рот, словно пытаясь сказать что-то, и он увидел большие пряди спермы растянувшиеся у неё между губ. Стон соскользнул с её губ, и она снова отвернула голову, награждая небольшими поцелуями всё ещё стоячий член Хорса. Он почувствовал, как мышцы её влагалища сжимают его большой член, и застонал от удовольствия, от того, что трахал такую замечательную киску. Она с лёгкостью вобрала в себя все десять дюймов, и он понял, что это была самая идеальная пизда из всех, что он трахал в жизни. Даннеллу захотелось, чтобы он поимел её один, но ему пришлось довольствоваться тем, что он был первым мужчиной, который проник в неё так глубоко.
Кэтрин и её муж никогда не занимались сексом в этом положении, и ей понравилось, что её трахают вот так, сзади. От этого она чувствовала себя использованной и грязной, словно они были животными, извивающимися на полу. Хорс поднялся с ковра и сел на диван, наблюдая за ними. Кэтрин стало интересно, хоть одна женщина, когда-нибудь, смогла принять полностью его член. Ей было жаль его, потому что она не была уверена, что-то хоть кто-то из женщин смог это сделать, она уж точно не сможет. Она закричала от гигантского оргазма, когда член Даннелла достиг отметки в десять дюймов.
"Тебе нравится быть насаженной на мой хуй?" - спросил Даннелл, после того, как она восстановилась от оргазма. Он медленно высовывал свой пенис, пока головка не вышла из её киски, и потом снова вогнал его с силой по самые яйца.
"Б-боже", - простонала она, "мне это нравится".
"У меня хуй больше, чем у твоего мужа?"
"Н-да", - воскликнула она. "В два раза больше".
Даннелл прекратил вытаскивать из неё член, пока в её киске не осталось пять дюймов. Мышцы её вагины пытались засосать больше, и она толкалась назад бёдрами, желая большего, но он не торопился. "Это всё, что может твой муж?"
"Нет, у тебя всё равно больше", - она заплакала от отчаяния. "У этого ублюдка всё равно не такой толстый и твёрдый".
"Дело в том, что тебя могут удовлетворить только чёрные члены", - сказал он, вгоняя остальной член. Даннелл начал трахать её быстро и жёстко.
"Да! Ты прав. Только черный член", - она застонала, почувствовав приближение нового оргазма.
"Это потому, что ты шлюха, Кэт", - сообщил он ей.
"Нееет", - простонала она, отрицательно покачав головой.
"Ты шлюха - Кэт", - сказал он снова. "Ты Кэтрин, когда ты с мужем, но с нами ты Кэт, шлюха - Кэт".
Боже, он прав, подумала Кэт, когда ещё один оргазм взорвался у неё в матке. Она была шлюхой. Ей хотелось быть шлюхой. Чувства, которые она испытывала, ублажая этих двух мужчин, намного перевешивали любые выгоды, которые она получала, помогая больным людям в больнице. "Да, я твоя шлюха", - сказала Кэт, плача.
Даннелл перестал опускать её в своих же глазах и сосредоточился на ебле. Его яйца неоднократно хлопались по её бёдрам, и его рывки были такими мощными, что её бёдра стали немного болеть. Кэт и представить не могла, что секс может быть настолько хорош, и ей стало плохо от мысли, как много лет жизни она потеряла со своим мужем. Бесконечная долбёжка его большого члена дарила ей много маленьких оргазмов, и сейчас она ощущала, как приближается ещё один большой. Даннелл также начал хрипеть, и его ритм сбился. Она почувствовала, как распухКэт теперь принадлежит Даннеллу, её муж перестал иметь для неё значение ещё час назад. "Да, кончи мне в киску", - закричала она, когда оргазм сотряс её тело. "Наполни её своей спермой". Потом чувства от её самого большого оргазма в жизни, переполнили её, и она закричала от наслаждения. Кэт рухнула вперёд, почувствовав как невероятный член Даннелла выпал из её киски.
Кэт восстановила дыхание и перевернулась на спину на ковре. Она взглянула на Даннелла с любовью и сердечно поблагодарила его. Она была удивлена, увидев грустное выражение на его лице. "Не грусти", - сказала она. "Я рада, что ты сделал это. Можешь трахать меня в любое время".
"Так как в этот раз, уже не будет", - сказал он, снова пожелав обладать этой женщиной одному.
Кэт была озадачена, но она отвлеклась, увидев огромное количество спермы, вытекающей из её киски на ковёр. "Мне нужно прибраться здесь", - сказала она ему.
Даннелл ответил: "Брось, теперь тебе будет намного легче..."
"Что ты имеешь в виду...", - начала спрашивать она. Даннелл отошёл в сторону, и за ним показался Хорс.
Чёрное чудовище Хорса было снова в эрегированном состоянии и торчало прямо перед ним, на расстоянии добрых 30 сантиметров (фута). Волна страха пробежала по её телу.
Кэт нервно засмеялась, когда Хорс встал перед ней на колени. "Стой, Хорс", - сказала она, всё ещё надеясь и молясь, что он шутит. "Я никогда не смогу принять этого монстра в свою киску. Позволь мне снова отсосать тебе. Мне кажется, у меня в животике ещё осталось местечко для твоей спермы".
Хорс проигнорировал её. Он с лёгкостью развёл в стороны её ноги и взглянул на сперму Даннелла, сочащуюся из её киски. Он оттянул свою крайнюю плоть и потёр головкой вокруг её половых губ, смазывая залупу её соками и спермой Ди. Он надавил на неё, увидев, как её половые губки открылись, обхватив головку его члена.
Кэт опёрлась на локти, наблюдая, как его залупа входит в неё. Она мотала головой из стороны в сторону, отрицая то, что видит. "Ахх", - воскликнула она, когда её половые губки заскользили поверх толстой головки его члена, она чувствовала небольшую боль. Кэтрин начала бороться, но он без труда удержал её. Кэтрин посмотрела на Даннелла, её глаза молили о помощи. Он выглядел грустным и отвернулся. Она почувствовала, как её половые губки пропустили залупу, и вздохнула с облегчением, потом застонала, когда уплотнение крайней плоти заскользило по её клитору. Ей снова стало больно, и она заплакала от боли, когда толстая часть его члена под залупой вошла в неё. Он начал производить толчки своим членом, погружаясь с каждым новым рывком дюйм за дюймом. "Ди", - прорычал неожиданно Хорс, "принеси что-нибудь, вытереть ей лицо".
Кэт увидела, как Даннелл вскочил и побежал в ванну. Она поняла теперь, что Хорс был у них главным. Даннелл лишь подготовил её для члена Хорса. Она бы совершенно не могла сделать это, если бы Даннелл уже не растянул её и не смазал её киску своей спермой.
Кэт начала дышать короткими вдохами, словно женщина при родах. Она чувствовала, как растягивается её киска, натягиваясь на чёрного захватчика, и поняла, почему Даннелл сказал "так как в этот раз, больше не будет", - про новый трах с ней. Член Хорса был теперь также глубоко, как член Ди, и ещё оставалось три дюйма. Кэт снова заплакала от боли, когда он безжалостно вогнал в неё оставшийся член, пройдя сквозь шейку матки, прямо в матку, вогнав член по самую рукоятку.
Кэт лишь уставилась в потолок, не веря в происходящее. Она лишь смутно осознавала, что Даннелл вытирает какой-то тряпкой сперму с её лица. Хорс всё ещё давал ей приспособиться к его 13-дюймовому члену. Кэт была доктором и знала, что физически это было невозможно. По её расчётам, его член должен был быть уже на дюйм выше её пупка. Куда ушёл его член?
Хорс любил трахаться больше всего на свете. Если бы он не встретил Ди, он бы просто бросил эту наглую сучку на пол, и стал бы таранить её членом, пока она не взмолилась бы о пощаде. Даннелл научил его терпению. Горячая, мокрая киска, уже растянутая Ди была намного лучше, чем сухая, и ещё не тронутая. Он выгнул спину и наклонился, облизав её длинные соски. Ему также нравился тот факт, что женщинам теперь нравится его член, и секс с другими мужчинами теперь для них будет не интересен. Он ощутил её дрожь, когда слегка укусил сосок, и понял, что она готова. Он вытянулся и страстно поцеловал её, большой язык, который впервые в жизни подарил ей оргазм, вошёл ей в рот. Она ответила на поцелуй уродливого наглеца, и он начал медленно долбить её своим членом.
К десятому толчку её тело перестало ощущать боль, и теперь в неё было лишь чувство полной принадлежности Хорсу. Он вытянулся над ней, и теперь её лицо было погружено в его жёсткую грудь. Она чувствовала себя полностью побеждённой, придушенная его чернотой. Ей казалось, что он уродлив, но сейчас она была уверена, что это самый привлекательный мужчина из всех ею виденных. Всё дело было в мужественности, только она имела значение, а не внешность. Кэт стала подмахивать бёдрами, встречая его толчки, которые увеличились до невероятного темпа. Его называли Конём, потому что он трахался, как животное, но кони были гладкими и красивыми. Бык, вероятно, было бы более подходящим для него именем. Да, большой чёрный бык, чей гигантский член безжалостно долбит всё, что видит, пока не наполнит это спермой. Он был животным, а она была сукой во время течки, желая его член. Десять человека не стащили бы его сейчас с неё, и она бы не позволила им это сделать, если бы кто-то попытался. Она кончала на каждом третьем толчке, и оргазмы переполнили её ощущения. С каждым толчком члена, твёрдый ствол у основания залупы тёрся об её клитор, потом по самую рукоятку вонзался глубоко ей в киску, врываясь в матку, и она кричала от сладостных ощущений.
Он кончил после часа беспрерывного траханья. Его более могущественный член быстро сбил сперму Даннелла в ничто, и она заорала от удовольствия, когда её киска снова наполнилась спермой. Он взревел, как буйвол, излив в её киску почти столько же спермы, сколько и в её рот. Волна гигантского оргазма накрыла её, когда она почувствовала как его сперма растекается по стенкам влагалища, и течёт дальше, глубоко в её тело. Она потеряла сознание от ощущений. Когда она очнулась, Кэт была рада, что всё ещё смята телом Хорса. Его член всё ещё был погружён в её киску и лишь немного смягчился. Она повиляла бёдрами, и от этого он снова начал расти.
Кэт взвизгнула от восторга, когда он снова начал трахать её. Хорс поддел её руками и перевернулся, она оказалась сверху на нём. Она начала скользить вверх и вниз по его члену, наслаждаясь ощущениями.
"Могу я по крайней мере поиметь её в задницу?", - спросил Даннелл.
Хорс хмыкнул, и Даннелл встал сзади маленькой попки Кэт. У Хорса, может быть, член был и больше, но ему никогда не суждено было познать радости анального секса. Не в первый раз, Даннелл пожелал никогда не встречать Хорса и насладиться этой сладкой киской одному. К тому же, если бы он не встретил Хорса, у него бы всё ещё была работа.
Кэт почувствовала, как головка Даннелла толкается в её задницу. Было больно почти так же, как когда в её киску входил Хорс, но она знала, что ей это понравится, после того, как он полностью войдёт в неё... И ей действительно понравилось.
Позже, Кэтрин сидела за обеденным столом со своим мужем. Он читал газету, как всегда не обращая на неё внимания.
"Милый", - сказала она, - "я перешла на ночную смену в больнице".
"Но мы тогда даже не будем видеться", - ответил он.
"Я знаю, но больница в отчаянии", - сказала она, думая о том, как будет весь день ублажать Хорса. Свои ночи она будет проводить, как Кэтрин, а дни как Кэт, шлюха Хорса.
Её муж на минуту вернулся к прочтению газеты, потом сказал "Я вижу, ты наняла двух чёрных мальчиков, стричь газон".
"Да, дорогой", - сказала она. "Они остались без крова, и я надеюсь, что ты будешь не против, если я позволю им пожить в квартире над гаражом, пока они на нас работают".
"Против?" - сказал её муж, опуская газету. "Конечно, нет! Ты просто гений, милая. Это огромный налоговый вычет". Он вспомнил обо всех других работниках, которые уволились из-за его стервозной жены и сказал, "Только позаботься, чтобы эти двое были счастливы, и не свалили от нас в ближайшее время".
"Приложу все усилия", - ответила она, улыбнувшись.
Конец | null | null | Authors/FUCKTOR/My stories/Moi perevodi/Doctor-Bitch.txt |
118,683 | FUCKTOR | A Hunter's Con | Охотника ловушка (Перевод - FUCKTOR; автор - YummyTiger; оригинальное название - A Hunter's Con)
Распоряжаясь городом, распростёрся перед Джоном, как таковая опушка, медленно пожирающая сельскую местность. Пренебрежительный взгляд охотника упал на многолюдную дорогу, исчезающую в городе. Он не был одним из них. Это было очевидно так, для любого, кто обращал на него внимание. Джон стоял в стороне с пучком когтей, свисающих с пояса, и кинжалом, удобно расположенным на бедре. Его дом был лес, и он прекрасно мог обойтись без визитов в город. Его звали Гарольд, и Джон продавал ему траву уже больше пятнадцати лет. Он знал, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Джон почувствовал облегчение, когда наконец сошёл с главной дороги и свернул в переулок, ведущий в магазин Гарольда. Он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Рефлексы, отточенные годами охоты на диких зверей, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
К счастью, место назначения для его визитки находилось недалеко. Значит, с кем он часто имел дело, владельцем магазина примерно в пятнадцати минутах ходьбы от главных ворот города. Его звали Гарольд, и Джон продавал ему траву уже больше пятнадцати лет. Он знал, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Рефлексы, отточенные годами охоты на диких зверей, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье.
"Кровавые дворяне и их кровавые повозки!" - выругался Джон в сторону удаляющегося транспортного средства.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Рефлексы, отточенные годами охоты на диких зверей, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта, молясь, чтобы это была грязь, а не что-то ещё.
Экипаж уже проехал, но Джон успел разглядеть двоянку на заднем сиденье. Он знает, что его траву можно продать по более высокой цене ближе к центру, но Гарольд всегда поступал с ним честно.
Добравшись до магазина, он сделал всего несколько шагов, когда позади него раздался пронзительный женский крик. Джон повернулся на источник звука, увидев, что на него мчится повозка.
"Прочь с дороги, крестьянин!" - закричал кучер, загрубевший испуганный женский вопль.
Резкие, режущие годами жизни в лесу, спасли Джона от уготованного ему участия, и он успел отпрыгнуть в сторону. Приземление не имело ничего общего с изяществом, и он угодил в грязь у обочины. Мелкие, грязные комья, образовавшиеся в грязи от проезжающих мимо и повозок, часто использовались как ямы для ближайших магазинчиков и домов. Джон серьёзно что-то выплюнул изо рта,Можно подумать,
владелец магазина не может предложить
одежду получше... Ладно, она всё-таки
чистая. Джон присел на стул рядом с
Гарольдом, замочив в нём жакет.
"Ого! Ты нашёл Тринистника!"- воскликнул
Гарольд, пока Джон энергично стирал
грязь с запачканной одежды.
Вещи Тринистника были чрезвычайно
редки в этих местах, и именно эта
находка в ближайшем лесу была основной
причиной визита охотника.
Вещи стоили немалые деньги, на которые
он проживёт несколько месяцев.
"Мне нужно немедленно доставить его в
"Угу",- ответил Джон, рассматривая свою
одежду в стирке.
"Сам Лорд Экстоун нуждается в зелье
из Тринистника",- сказал Гарольд с
волнением, начав собирать по всей
комнате нужные ему вещи. Джон никогда
не поверил, что старик может
двигаться так быстро. "Можешь
присмотреть за магазином?"
"Угу",- ответил Джон во второй раз.
"Магазин, парень",- сказал Гарольд,
остановившись на мгновение, и посмотрев
на Джона, как на дурачка: "Мне нужно
доставить зелье Тринистника. Интересно,
как можно быть таким рассеянным?"
Джон проигнорировал насмешку: "Я
присмотрю за магазином. В любом случае,
мне придётся подождать, пока высохнет
моя одежда".
Гарольд сложил небольшой рюкзак. "Ладно, я вернусь через пару
часов. Если кто-то войдёт, просто скажи,
что занят".
Джон покачал головой; Гарольд,
безусловно, был странным стариком.
Конечно, он ведь живёт в городе, который,
по мнению Джона, мог свести с ума кого
угодно. Джон пожал плечами и снова
вернулся к стирке. Чёртову грязь тяжелее
отстирать, чем пиво.
Ручка почти приобрела первоначальный цвет, когда Джон услышал
звонок колокольчика в передней двери
магазина. Джон повесил жакет на край
Ладьи и отправился в переднюю комнату
магазина. Он сделал лишь один шаг, войдя
в магазин, и застыл на месте. В двери
стояли мужчина и женщина. У женщины
были длинные, светлые волосы, и она
была одета в изящное зелёное платье,
которое замечательно подчёркивало её
прелести. Мужчина был одет в слегка
запылённый синий камзол, который
очевидно принадлежал вознице.
"Ага, эти кровавые обстоятельства
становятся всё интереснее и интереснее",-
подумал он.
"Лекарь, люди плохо себя чувствуют",-
сказал мужчина, войдя в комнату, "Мы
столкнулись с невежественными
Джон в замешательстве перевёл взгляд
с мужчины на женщину, потом посмотрел на
свою рубу. Он был одет в рубу
аптекаря! Они подумали, что он Гарольд!
"Ох, эти кровавые обстоятельства
становятся всё интереснее и интереснее",-
подумал он.
"У меня как раз есть зелье, которое вам
нужно, оно в задней комнате".
Вместо того, чтобы направиться к нему,
женщина повернулась к вознице, "Скажи ему,
что у меня болит жизнь!"
"Ты, должно быть, шутишь",- подумал Джон.
Прокрутите, занозистые; она
очевидно, слишком высокого о себе мнения,
чтобы даже заговорить с простолюдином.
Джон был одет в рубу аптекаря!
"У меня как раз есть зелье, которое вам
нужно, оно в задней комнате",- повторил
Джон, решив поиграть с ними.
Вместо того, чтобы направиться к нему,
женщина повернулась к вознице, "Скажи ему,
что у меня болит жизнь!"
"Так, в чём, так сказать, проблема?"-
спросил Джон у возницы, решив поиграть с
Вместо того, чтобы направиться к нему,
женщина повернулась к вознице, "У меня
болит жизнь!"
"Ты, должно быть, шутишь",- подумал Джон.
Прокрутите, занозистые; она
очевидно, слишком высокого о себе мнения,
чтобы даже заговорить с простолюдином.
Джон был одет в рубу аптекаря!
"У меня как раз есть зелье, которое вам
нужно, оно в задней комнате",- повторил
Джон, решив поиграть с ними.
Вместо того, чтобы направиться к нему,
женщина повернулась к вознице, "Скажи ему,
что у меня болит жизнь!"
"Ты, должно быть, шутишь",- подумал Джон.
Прокрутите, занозистые; она
очевидно, слишком высокого о себе мнения,
чтобы даже заговорить с простолюдином.
Джон был одет в рубу аптекаря!Р+/-Р°Р'кам, Рѕ
С,РѕРј, почему РѕРЅР, РѕС0/0СѓС0/0аюС, РїРѕРєР°Р>С<ванР,Рµ РїРѕ
РІСЃРµР' коже. Р"жон РіРѕС,РѕРІ Р+/-С<Р> СЃРїРѕС-Р,С,СЊ, С‡С,Рѕ Сѓ
Р'РІРѕС-СЏРЅРєР, Р+/-СѓР'РµС, РїРѕС...ожая С-еакцР,СЏ.
"СкажР,С,Рµ ему, С‡С,Рѕ СЏ РЅРµ РјРѕРіСѓ Р¶Р'Р°С,СЊ весь
Р'ень", - сказаР>Р° женС0/0Р,РЅР° своему РІРѕР·РЅР,це РІ
"РџРѕС,РѕС-РѕРїР,С,есь, Р>РµР'Р, РЅРµ можеС, Р¶Р'Р°С,СЊ", -
РћС..., как же РѕРЅ Р+/-СѓР'РµС, насР>ажР'Р°С,СЊСЃСЏ СЌС,Рј.
"РџС-РѕСЃС,Р,С,Рµ Р·Р° Р·Р°Р'РµС-жку, РјСЌРј", - сказаР> РѕРЅ, РЅРµ
СЃРєС-С<вая СЃР°С-казм, "РЇ Р,СЃРєР°Р> СЃРІРѕС` Р>СѓС‡С^ее
Р·РµР>СЊРµ. РќРµ кажР'С<Р' Р'ень РјРѕР' магазР,РЅ
РїРѕСЃРµС0/0аеС, С,акая РїРѕС‡С,енная Р'ама, как РІС<".
"РС,Рѕ очевР,Р'РЅРѕ", - РѕС,РІРµС,Р,Р>Р° женС0/0Р,РЅР°,
закаС,Р,РІ РіР>аза.
Р"жону, РЅР° самом Р'РµР>Рµ, РЅС-авР,Р>СЃСЏ РІРєСѓСЃ
РјРµР'РѕРІСѓС...Р,. "Р~РЅРѕРіР'Р° Р'аже Сѓ самС<С...
качесС,веннС<С... Р>екаС-СЃС,РІ РїС-Р,СЃСѓС,СЃС,РІСѓРµС,
РЅРµС`, Р, РѕР¶Р,Р'ая, С‡С,Рѕ Р+/-СѓР'РµС, Р'Р°Р>СЊС^Рµ. Р*РјСѓ
РїРѕС,С-РµР+/-РѕРІР°Р>ась РІСЃСЏ его РІС<Р'РµС-жка, С‡С,РѕР+/-С<
Р-енС0/0Р,РЅР° начаР>Р° Р·Р°Р>амС<РІР°С,СЊ С-СѓРєР, Р,
РїРѕСЃРјРѕС,С-РµР>Р° Р"жону РїС-СЏРјРѕ РІ РіР>аза: "РњРЅРµ...
РјРЅРµ, РЅРµ С...РѕС-РѕС^Рѕ". РЈР'Р,РІР,С,РµР>СЊРЅРѕ, как
Р"жон напусС,Р,Р> РЅР° СЃРµР+/-СЏ самС<Р' СЃРµС-СЊС`Р·РЅС<Р'
"РЇ РЅРµ знаю", - РїС-РѕС^епС,Р°Р>Р° РѕРЅР°, "РњРѕСЏ кожа ...
РѕС0/0СѓС0/0енР,Рµ С,акое Р+/-СѓР'С,Рѕ РµС` РїС-онзаюС,
Р'РѕР·РЅР,ца СЃР'РµР>Р°Р> С^аг РІ СЃС,РѕС-РѕРЅСѓ Р"жона,
Р>Р,цо Сѓ него РІС<С-ажаР>Рѕ РѕР·Р°Р+/-оченносС,СЊ,
"Р§С,Рѕ, чеС-С, РІРѕР·СЊРјР,, С,С< РµР' РїРѕР'СЃСѓРЅСѓР>!"
Р"жон РїРѕР'РЅСЏР> С-СѓРєР, РІ знаке РїРѕС‡С,енР,СЏ:
"РџРѕР'РѕР¶Р'Р,С,Рµ, РїРѕР'РѕР¶Р'Р,С,Рµ. РС,Рѕ можеС, Р+/-С<С,СЊ
РЎР>РѕРІР° Р"жона РѕСЃС,ановР,Р>Р, его. "Р§С,Рѕ
значР,С,, СЃРµС-СЊС`Р·РЅРѕ?"- СЃРїС-РѕСЃР,Р> РІРѕР·РЅР,ца.
Р"жону нужно Р+/-С<Р>Рѕ СѓР'Р°Р>Р,С,СЊ кучеС-Р°,
С‡С,РѕР+/-С< его СѓР>РѕРІРєР° СѓР'Р°Р>ась. "РњСЌРј, есС,СЊ
РєРѕРµ-С‡С,Рѕ, С‡С,Рѕ нам нужно РѕР+/-СЃСѓР'Р,С,СЊ наеР'Р,РЅРµ".
Р"Р>аза женС0/0Р,РЅС< С,епеС-СЊ Р+/-С<Р>Р, С^Р,С-РѕРєРѕ
С-аспаС...РЅСѓС,С< РѕС, СЃС,С-Р°С...Р°, РЅРѕ РІРѕР·РЅР,ца
СЃРјРѕС,С-РµР> СЃ РїРѕР'РѕР·С-енР,ем, "Р--ачем вам
РѕР+/-СЃСѓР¶Р'Р°С,СЊ С‡С,Рѕ-С,Рѕ наеР'Р,РЅРµ?"- СЃРїС-РѕСЃР,Р> РѕРЅ.
"Р"РµР>Рѕ РІ С,РѕРј, С‡С,Рѕ РїС-РѕР+/-Р>ема, С...Рј, Р>Р,чного
С...Р°С-акС,РµС-Р°", - РїС-РѕС^епС,Р°Р> РѕРЅ женС0/0Р,РЅРµ,
СЃР'РµР>ав СѓР'Р°С-енР,Рµ РЅР° СЃР>РѕРІРµ "Р>Р,чнРВнутри, он ужинался; пока его это становилось.
"Мам, это важно. Есть ли показание в грудях?"- снова спросил он.
Тетка, у нее раскрасневшись, от чего вид женщины стал еще прекраснее, и она прошептала: "Я не... Хм, может быть".
"Дмм",- проформотал Джон, потирая подбородок, "Мне нужно немедленно осмотреть их".
"Что!?!" - воскликнула Надя, вытерев руку из его хватки. "Как ты смеешь... кто ты ..."
Сердце Джона решено закололось. "Мне нужно понять, как далеко распространялась болезнь", - объяснил Джон.
"Я не соглашаюсь..."- начала говорить Надя, но Джон прервал ее.
"Мам, это единственный способ. Эта болезнь быстро прогрессирует, и мы теряем ценное время".
Надя уставилась на него, на мгновение, как будто мысленно порывалась с ситуацией. Когда глаза девушки опустились, а руки поднялись к повязке, на которой держались ее волосы, Джон понял, какая сторона победила. Руки, дрожа с узлами, а шея девушки раскрасневшись, Джон застыл на месте, загипнотизированный светло-розовыми сосками, смотрящими прямо на него. Она была не такой систой, как некоторые девки, с которыми он спал в прошлом, но элегантные груди этой женщины были намного эротичнее, чем у всех них вместе взятых. Кожа там оказалась его более мягкой, чем он себе представлял. Он сглотнул, и сделал шаг вперед, чтобы начать осмотр.
Голова Надьи взлетела вверх, когда рука коснулась ее груди. "Что вы делаете!"
"Мам, я не могу сказать, полно вы или нет, только взглянув на вас",- предупредил Джон, и уверенно взялся за левую грудь, подчеркнув, что не потерпит никаких возражений.
Судя по выражению ее лица, она была между желанием заплакать ему и желанием убежать прочь. Однако, она не сделала ни того ни другого, а просто стояла и краснела, пока он ласкал ее грудь. Джон наслаждался каждой секундой. Когда узлы, наконец, ослабли, и шея девушки раскрылась, он начал перемещаться с ноги на ногу в предвкушении. Перед ним стояла не стеснительная или скромная девка, с которыми он спал в прошлом, но элегантная и изящная женщина этой семьи были намного эротичнее, чем у всех них вместе взятых. Кожа там оказалась его более мягкой, чем он себе представлял. Он сглотнул, и сделал шаг вперед, чтобы начать осмотр.
Голова Надьи взлетела вверх, когда рука коснулась ее груди. "Что вы делаете!"
"Мам, я не могу сказать, полны вы или нет, только взглянув на вас",- предупредил Джон, и уверенно взялся за левую грудь, подчеркнув, что не потерпит никаких возражений.
Судя по выражению ее лица, она была между желанием заплакать ему и желанием убежать прочь. Однако, она не сделала ни того ни другого, а просто стояла и краснела, пока он ласкал ее грудь. Джон наслаждался каждой секундой. Когда узлы, наконец, ослабли, и шея девушки раскрылась, он начал перемещаться с ноги на ногу в предвкушении. Пальцами Джон исследовал контур каждой груди, медленно приближаясь к границам ареолы и забывая уже затвердевшие соски. Через некоторое время охотник стал понимать каждую грудь и легкомысленно наблюдать, как они возвращаются на место, после того, как он их отпустил. Он напоминал школьника, играющего с первой в своей жизни. Надя не раз вздрагивала, когда рука касалась открытой груди. "Что вы делаете!"
"Мам, я не могу сказать, полны вы или нет, только взглянув на вас",- предупредил Джон, и уверенно взялся за левую грудь, подчеркнув, что не потерпит никаких возражений.
Судя по выражению ее лица, она была между желанием заплакать ему и желанием убежать прочь. Однако, она не сделала ни того ни другого, а просто стояла и краснела, пока он ласкал ее грудь. Джон наслаждался каждой секундой. Когда узлы, наконец, ослабли, и шея девушки раскрылась, он начал перемещаться с ноги на ногу в предвкушении. Пальцами Джон исследовал контур каждой груди, медленно приближаясь к границам ареолы и забывая уже затвердевшие соски. Через некоторое время охотник стал понимать каждую грудь и легкомысленно наблюдать, как они возвращаются на место, после того, как он их отпустил. Он напоминал школьника, играющего с первой в своей жизни. Надя не раз вздрагивала, когда рука касалась открытой груди.
"Так больно?"
"Немного",- ответила она, не глядя в его сторону.
"Дмм",- сказал Джон, словно обдумывая ситуацию. Он потянулся к соску на левой груди и тоже ущипнул его. "А так?"
"Интересно",- прокомментировал он, продолжая смотреть на великолепные голые соски. "Надо взглянуть поближе".
Джон приблизил лицо к левой груди. Он заметил, как она вздрогнула, когда он оказался в непосредственной от нее близости, но молчала. Кожа там оказалась еще более мягкой, чем он себе представлял. Он сглотнул, и сделал шаг вперед, чтобы начать осмотр.
Голова Надьи взлетела вверх, когда рука коснулась ее груди. "Что вы делаете!"
"Мам, я не могу сказать, полны вы или нет, только взглянув на вас",- предупредил Джон, и уверенно взялся за левую грудь, подчеркнув, что не потерпит никаких возражений.
Судя по выражению ее лица, она была между желанием заплакать ему и желанием убежать прочь. Однако, она не сделала ни того ни другого, а просто стояла и краснела, пока он ласкал ее грудь. Джон наслаждался каждой секундой. Когда узлы, наконец, ослабли, и шея девушки раскрылась, он начал перемещаться с ноги на ногу в предвкушении. Пальцами Джон исследовал контур каждой груди, медленно приближаясь к границам ареолы и забывая уже затвердевшие соски. Через некоторое время охотник стал понимать каждую грудь и легкомысленно наблюдать, как они возвращаются на место, после того, как он их отпустил. Он напоминал школьника, играющего с первой в своей жизни. Надя не раз вздрагивала, когда рука касалась открытой груди.
"Так больно?"
"Немного",- ответила она, не глядя в его сторону.
"Дмм",- сказал Джон, словно обдумывая ситуацию. Он потянулся к соску на левой груди и тоже ущипнул его. "А так?"
"Интересно",- прокомментировал он, продолжая смотреть на великолепные голые соски. "Надо взглянуть поближе".
Джон приблизил лицо к левой груди. Он заметил, как она вздрогнула, когда он оказался в непосредственной от нее близости, но молчала. Кожа там оказалась еще более мягкой, чем он себе представлял. Он сглотнул, и сделал шаг вперед, чтобы начать осмотр."Рекаэ-е?"
"Нет, его тело, у животного, которое
живет на севере, а оно не выживает при
перевозке на Дальний юг", - объяснил Джон,
"Но... мужская сперма может быть
использована, как лекарство, при
правильном введении".
"Мужская сперма?"
"Да, мужская сперма. Но, так как это не
сперма Дауэрана, то ее необходимо
подготовить должным образом, а также
она должна передаваться непосредственно
от мужчины к женщине".
"Я не понимаю", - ответил Лада с
озабоченным выражением на лице.
"Вот поэтому я лекарь, дорогая", - сказал
Джон с одобряющей улыбкой, "Теперь мне
нужно подготовиться, чтобы передать к
вашему правильному лечению".
Беспокойство на лице Девушки слегка
уменьшилось из-за уверенного тона Джона.
Он бросил один взгляд на ее прекрасные
сиськи, перед тем, как отвернуться и
направиться в заднюю комнату. Джон начал
рыться на полке... "Ну же, Лада", - думал
он. У Дарольда должен быть корень Рамани...
Хотя этот корень не обладал никакими
целебными свойствами, у него был
интересный побочный эффект, в
результате которого мужской член мог
стоять колом очень длительное время.
Этот побочный эффект делал его очень
популярным среди богачей, которые могли
себе это позволить. Вот он! Джон
откупорил пузырек и залпом выпил
любовный напиток. "Пришло время для
настоящего веселья", - подумал он со
Джон практически выбежал обратно в
магазин. Его волнение немного
уменьшилось, когда он обнаружил Ладу,
стоящую на месте, снова одетую в платье.
Не имеет значения, ее тело вскоре
полностью освободится от него.
"Отлично, теперь нам надо заместить
сперму", - заявил Джон самым серьезным
"Заместить сперму?"
Джон наклонился и стал снимать через
голову надетую на него рубаху. "Да,
единственный способ сделать это,
использовать женскую слюну".
Лада в недоумении смотрела, как Джон
снимает халат и бросает его на пол. "Ты... Я
не понимаю".
Теперь он стоял перед ней лишь в
набедренной повязке. Его мужское
достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения и, когда набедренная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
Сердце Джона кольнуло, когда к нему
пришло полное осознание того, что он
творит. Если она поймет, что это была
лишь уловка... мысль вернуть его к
несущейся экипажу, женскому крику, и
тому, как он свалился лицом в грязь.
Теперь он стоял перед ней лишь в
набедренной повязке, его мужское
достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения и, когда набедренная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Теперь она стояла перед ним лишь в
нательной повязке. Ее мужское
достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения, и, когда нательная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Лицо Лады расширилось, когда она
пыталась понять, что он творит. Его
мужское достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения, и, когда нательная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Теперь он стоял перед ней лишь в
набедренной повязке. Его мужское
достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения и, когда набедренная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Лицо Лады расширилось, когда она
пыталась понять, что он творит. Его
мужское достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения, и, когда нательная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Теперь он стоял перед ней лишь в
набедренной повязке. Его мужское
достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения и, когда набедренная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Лицо Лады расширилось, когда она
пыталась понять, что он творит. Его
мужское достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения, и, когда нательная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
"Это единственный способ", - сказал Джон
твердым тоном, который не оставлял места
для возражений. "Пожалуйста, можете
попытаться найти другого лекаря, который
хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Сердце Джона кольнуло, когда к нему
пришло полное осознание того, что он
творит. Если она поймет, что это была
лишь уловка... мысль вернуть его к
несущейся экипажу, женскому крику, и
тому, как он свалился лицом в грязь.
"Мэм, это единственный способ", - сказал
он твердым тоном, который не оставлял
места для возражений. "Пожалуйста,
можете попытаться найти другого лекаря,
который хотя бы не говорит уже о лечении".
Лицо Лады расширилось, когда она
пыталась понять, что он творит. Его
мужское достоинство подергивалось от
возбуждения, и, когда нательная повязка
тоже была снята, уже готово было к ласкам.
Лада широко раскрыла глаза, а выражение
лица в боли сменилось гневом. "Взять твой...
что? Как ты смеешь предлагать мне
такое..." Ее голос затих, когда она начала
подбирать слова, чтобы выразить
негодование."Теперь возьмите мой пенис в рот".
Взглянув на лицо Девушки, он метался от его члена к чтению и обратно. Её непонимание своего Джона с ума, а пенис подпрыгивал от нетерпения, всего в нескольких сантиметрах от лица Девушки. Взглянув критически-голодным взглядом, она остановилась на чтении, и Джон увидел, как она нетерпеливо открыла его.
"Как ты смеешь!" - воскликнула она с маской возмущения на лице. Он не мог поверить, что даже в таком положении, почти голая и на коленях перед ним, она ещё может смотреть на него с презрением.
"Мам, мы теряем время, чем больше вы споритесь, тем больше это продлится", - заявил Джон, как ни в чём не бывало, и в очередной раз прервал её тираду. С минуту она хмурилась на него, прежде чем снова обратить внимание на пенис.
"Теперь двигайте вверх и вниз по моему члену, чтобы хорошо смазать его", - приказал Джон в перерывах между тяжёлыми вздохами, "И используйте язык, чтобы увлажнить его".
Он отдал ей указания, но рот Девушки, наконец, был слишком занят, чтобы возражать. Мгновение спустя, гибкие губки плотно сжались вокруг ствола, и Джон наслаждался ощущениями, того, как они скользят туда и обратно. Она не заглатывала его полностью, но, черт возьми, была очень близка к этому. Язык скользил по нижней части члена, таким образом, она облегчала себе путь, возвращаясь к концу члена. Этот процесс занимал лишь доли секунды, но заставлял его стонать от восторга.
После первых нескольких повторений, Девушка уже не на шутку увлеклась членом. Голова подлетала вверх и вниз, и Джон наслаждался ощущениями того, как они скользят туда и обратно. Никто не мог быть таким одарённым, хотя бы без небольшой тренировки. Если прошлый минет был царским обращением, то этот был божественным.
"Теперь двигайте вверх и вниз и вниз по моему члену, чтобы хорошо смазать его", - приказал Джон в перерывах между тяжёлыми вздохами, "И используйте язык, чтобы увлажнить его".
Он отдал ей указания, но рот Девушки, наконец, был слишком занят, чтобы возражать. Мгновение спустя, гибкие губки плотно сжались вокруг ствола, и Джон наслаждался ощущениями, того, как они скользят туда и обратно. Она не заглатывала его полностью, но, черт возьми, была очень близка к этому. Язык скользил по нижней части члена, таким образом, она облегчала себе путь, возвращаясь к концу члена. Этот процесс занимал лишь доли секунды, но заставлял его стонать от восторга.
После первых нескольких повторений, Девушка уже не на шутку увлеклась членом. Голова подлетала вверх и вниз, и Джон наслаждался ощущениями того, как они скользят туда и обратно. Никто не мог быть таким одарённым, хотя бы без небольшой тренировки. Если прошлый минет был царским обращением, то этот был божественным.Он
Был не один, а
целых два.
Пока она стягивалась над членом, он
правой рукой начал пытаться помять
болтающуюся сиську. Это действие
заставило её посмотреть на него своими
голодными глазами, во время раскачивания
головы. Он отпустил сиську и позволил
твёрдому соску тереться о палец
какое-то время, а потом сильно сжал
сосок. Джон усмехался, когда она
погрузилась на член.
К счастью, конец Рамани вступил в
полную силу, и член сохранил твёрдость
пока он крутил его, то в ту, то в другую
сторону. Он погладил член пальцем точно
так же, как в прошлый раз и заявил, "Теперь
я уверен, что всё сработает". Взгляд
Лады смягчился от этой новости, и она
облегчённо вздохнула. Ему стало
интересно, неужели она подумала,
что для неё всё закончилось.
"Хорошо, теперь снимите нижнее бельё".
"Что!?!"- воскликнула она в сотый раз.
"Если вы будете подвергать сомнению
всё, что я вам говорю, мы можем
остановиться и подождать, когда болезнь
возьмёт верх",- пригрозил Джон, встретив
её гневный взгляд своим взглядом, в
котором также отражался гнев.
"Но, я ... я ... Я не знаю, почему ..."- вдруг
начала неуверенно бормотать Лада.
"Нам нужно спешить. Моё семя уже готово,
но это не надолго".
Испуганный взгляд Лады метался от
лица Джона к стоящему члену. Охотник в
очередной раз увидел, как внутри неё
происходит борьба, и в очередной раз
перспектива остановиться полезнь
подействовала. Её челюсть отвисла от
возмущения, но она быстро скинула
бельё на пол.
"Но, я ... ты ... Я не знаю, почему ..."- вдруг
начала неуверенно бормотать Лада.
"Нам нужно спешить. Моё семя уже готово,
но это не надолго".
"Но, я ... ты ... Я не знаю, почему ..."- вдруг
начала неуверенно бормотать Лада.
"Нам нужно спешить. Моё семя уже готово,
но это не надолго".
Испуганный взгляд Лады метался от
лица Джона к стоящему члену. Охотник в
очередной раз увидел, как внутри неё
происходит борьба, и в очередной раз
перспектива остановиться полезнь
подействовала. Её челюсть отвисла от
возмущения, но она быстро скинула
бельё на пол. Джон в первый раз был
награждён видом благородной дамы во
всей красе. Светлые локоны образовывали
аккуратно подстриженный треугольник над
женственными губами, которые едва можно
было разглядеть ниже. Джон никогда
раньше не видел киску Дворянки, и с
восхищением отметил, в каком порядке
она себя держит. Киска идеально
соответствовала всем остальным ухоженным
прелестям Девушки. Стоя в
изумлении перед этой восхитительной
женственной картиной, Джон подумал, как он
вообще сможет вернуться к
привычным занятиям.
"К что теперь?" - прошептала Лада,
сжимаясь под его пристальным взглядом.
Её вопрос вывел Джона из ступора и
заставил снова взять ситуацию под
контроль. "Нам нужно спешить. Моё семя уже готово,
но это не надолго".
Испуганный взгляд Лады метался от
лица Джона к стоящему члену. Охотник в
очередной раз увидел, как внутри неё
происходит борьба, и в очередной раз
перспектива остановиться полезнь
подействовала. Её челюсть отвисла от
возмущения, но она быстро скинула
бельё на пол. Джон в первый раз был
награждён видом благородной дамы во
всей красе. Светлые локоны образовывали
аккуратно подстриженный треугольник над
женственными губами, которые едва можно
было разглядеть ниже. Джон никогда
раньше не видел киску Дворянки, и с
восхищением отметил, в каком порядке
она себя держит. Киска идеально
соответствовала всем остальным ухоженным
прелестям Девушки. Стоя в
изумлении перед этой восхитительной
женственной картиной, Джон подумал, как он
вообще сможет вернуться к
привычным занятиям.
"К что теперь?" - прошептала Лада,
сжимаясь под его пристальным взглядом.
Её вопрос вывел Джона из ступора и
заставил снова взять ситуацию под
контроль. "Нам нужно спешить. Моё семя уже готово,
но это не надолго".
"Но, я ... ты ... Я не знаю, почему ..."- вдруг
начала неуверенно бормотать Лада.
"Нам нужно спешить. Моё семя уже готово,
но это не надолго".
Испуганный взгляд Лады метался от
лица Джона к стоящему члену. Охотник в
очередной раз увидел, как внутри неё
происходит борьба, и в очередной раз
перспектива остановиться полезнь
подействовала. Её челюсть отвисла от
возмущения, но она быстро скинула
бельё на пол. Джон в первый раз был
награждён видом благородной дамы во
всей красе. Светлые локоны образовывали
аккуратно подстриженный треугольник над
женственными губами, которые едва можно
было разглядеть ниже. Джон никогда
раньше не видел киску Дворянки, и с
восхищением отметил, в каком порядке
она себя держит. Киска идеально
соответствовала всем остальным ухоженным
прелестям Девушки. Стоя в
изумлении перед этой восхитительной
женственной картиной, Джон подумал, как он
вообще сможет вернуться к
привычным занятиям.
"Ложись на стол",- прервистым
голосом попросила Лада.
Он не нуждался в большей подсказке и
встал сразу же.РћРїСЊСЏРЅСЏСЋС0/0Р,Р' РІР,Р'
РѕС,РєС-С<С,РѕР' женсС,венносС,СЊ РІРѕСЃРїР>аменР,Р> РІ
нем, Р, РѕРЅ РІСЃС,авР,Р> РїР°Р>ец межР'Сѓ
маняС0/0Р,С... РіСѓР+/-. РћРЅР° РїРѕР'СЃРєРѕС‡Р,Р>Р° РѕС, СЌС,РѕРіРѕ
РїС-Р,косновенР,СЏ, Р, начаР>Р° РїРѕР'РЅР,РјР°С,СЊСЃСЏ.
Р"жон РїРѕР>РѕР¶Р,Р> С-СѓРєСѓ РµР' РЅР° СЃРїР,РЅСѓ. "РњС<
Р'РѕР>жнС< смазаС,СЊ РїРѕРїРєСѓ", - сказаР> РѕРЅ, РјСЏРіРєРѕ
РІРѕР·РІС-Р°С0/0ая Р>Р°Р'Р>Сѓ РЅР° месС,Рѕ.
РЎРѕРїС-РѕС,Р,РІР>енР,Рµ РѕСЃР>Р°Р+/-Р>Рѕ, Р, РѕРЅ
РїРѕРіС-СѓР·Р,Р'ая его РІ РєР,СЃРєСѓ. ЧеС-ез РїР°С-Сѓ
РїРѕРІС,РѕС-енР,Р', РµС` женсС,венносС,СЊ начаР>Р°
РѕС,вечаС,СЊ РЅР° Р'РІР,женР,СЏ РїР°Р>ьца,
РїС-РѕС...РѕР'СЏС0/0его межР'Сѓ РїСѓС...Р>С<С... РіСѓР+/-РѕРє. РћРЅ
СЃ жаС-РѕРј РїС-РѕР'РѕР>жаР> СЃРІРѕР, Р,СЃСЃР>РµР'ованР,СЏ Р,
замеС,Р,Р>, как Р,РіС-Р° РїР°Р>ьцев РІР>Р,СЏРµС, РЅР°
Р>Р°Р'Р>Сѓ. Р"С<С...анР,Рµ Сѓ РЅРµС` СЃС,Р°Р>Рѕ Р+/-РѕР>ее
РїС-Р,РєРѕСЃРЅСѓР>СЃСЏ Рє РІС<СЃС,СѓРїСѓ, С-аспоР>оженному
РїРѕС‡С,Р, РЅР° самоР' РІРµС-С...СѓС^РєРµ РµС`
женсС,венносС,Р,. РћРЅ СЃР>егка РїРѕС,С`С- РІС<СЃС,СѓРї
РїР°Р>ьцем, Р, СѓР>С<Р+/-РЅСѓР>СЃСЏ, РєРѕРіР'Р° РѕРЅР° Р°С...РЅСѓР>Р°.
Р*СЃС,СЊ нескоР>СЊРєРѕ РїРѕРІС,РѕС-енР,Р', Р, РµС` Р+/-РµР'С-Р°
РџР°Р>ец Р"жона РЅРµ РѕСЃР>Р°Р+/-Р>СЏР> Р'авР>енР,Рµ, Р, РѕРЅ
РєРѕС,РѕС-С<Р' РїРѕСЃР>РµР'РѕРІР°Р> Р·Р° СЌС,Р,Рј, Р+/-С<Р> уже РЅРµ
С,акР,Рј С,Р,С...Р,Рј, Р, Р"жон РѕС0/0СѓС,Р,Р>, как РїРѕС,екР>Р,
РіСѓР+/-кам, РєРѕС,РѕС-С<Рµ РІ СЌС,РѕС, С-аз жаР'РЅРѕ
РѕР+/-С...РІР°С,Р,Р>Р, его. РћРЅ СЃ Р>егкосС,СЊСЋ РЅР°С^С`Р>
РѕС,РІРµС-СЃС,Р,Рµ Р, СЃ С,акоР' же Р>С`РіРєРѕСЃС,СЊСЋ Р,СЃС...ез
РІРЅСѓС,С-Р,. Р"жон С,ак СЃР,Р>СЊРЅРѕ Р+/-С<Р>
СЃРѕСЃС-РµР'РѕС,очен РЅР° РµС` женсС,венносС,Р,, С‡С,Рѕ РЅРµ
замечаР> СЃС,РѕРЅС< РЅР°Р' СЃС,РѕР>РѕРј. РљР,СЃРєР° РїР>РѕС,РЅРѕ
сжаР>ась РІРѕРєС-СѓРі РїР°Р>ьца! Р'ау, Р'Р° РѕРЅР° С,угая!
РћРЅ РјРµР'Р>енно начаР> С^СѓС-СѓР'Р,С,СЊ РїР°Р>ьцем С,СѓР'Р°
Р, РѕР+/-С-Р°С,РЅРѕ РІ РµС` женсС,венносС,Р,,
насР>ажР'аясь РїС-екС-аснС<Рј РІР,Р'РѕРј Р, СЃС,онамР,,
РєРѕС,РѕС-С<Рµ РІС<Р·С<РІР°Р> РІ РЅРµР'. РћРЅ РѕР+/-язан
РїРѕР,РјРµС,СЊ РµС`. Сѓ него РЅР,РєРѕРіР'Р° Р+/-РѕР>СЊС^Рµ РЅРµ
Р+/-СѓР'РµС, С,акого С^анса, Р, его пенР,СЃ
Р,СЃРїС<С,С<РІР°Р> РїР°Р>ец.
жажРКогда Джон, наконец, всталъ, ему пришлось неохотно выйти из нее. Он вышел с неохотным чавканьем, и Джон отвалился от Девушки, стараясь навсегда запечатлеть этот момент в памяти. Он увидел, как знакомая Дама поднялась на ноги, и стал любоваться выражением ее лица. Все ее тело покрылось потом, а глаза сверкали сладострастной дымкой.
"Это... это было... невероятно",- прошептала она, поднося руку к лицу.
Джон не мог найти слов, чтобы ответить и продолжал смотреть на прекрасное, ослепленное тело. Он разглядывал трепещущую, деревянной столетней стать, отпечатавшуюся на коже ее упругой груди.
"Ну, что... это сработало?"- спросила она, очухавшись первой.
"Чего?"- ответил Джон, до сих пор не до конца придя в чувства.
"Это излечит меня от..."- начала она, перед тем, как ее глаза широко распахнулись, когда осознание произошедшего, наконец, вошло в нее, и ладонь Девушки смачно опустилась ему на лицо.
Инстинкты Джона спасли его от второго удара, и он поймал ее руку, прежде чем та достигла цели.
"Какая наглость!"- выпалила леди, "Моя честь была попрана таким простолюдином!"
Доброе состояние Джона, наконец, рассеялось, и сменилось нарастающим гневом. "Я, возможно, только что спас вам жизнь!" Его тон заставил Девушку остановиться на полуслове. "Вы пришли ко мне, помните? Вы были ко мне".
Ее челюсть отвисла, и руки опустились, больше не прикрывая тело, по-прежнему выставленное на всеобщее обозрение. Глаза Джона упивались такой красотой, и гнев уступил место вновь возникшей страсти. "Конечно, Романтика сегодня послужила мне отличную службу",- подумал он, и его член снова задергался.
"Есть еще кое-что",- сказал он, прерывая намерения Леди продолжить выкрикивать оскорбления в его адрес.
Удивление отразилось на ее лице: "Что?"
"Просто, чтобы быть полностью уверенным, вы должны очистить остатки семени ртом",- сказал Джон, указав на свой член. Джон не мог сдержать улыбку; он не просто полностью понял ее, так как она закончит все это, стоя перед ним на коленях".
Девушка смотрела на него так, словно ожидала, что он сейчас скажет, что это шутка. Однако его молчание говорило об обратном. "Это не может быть правдой!"
"Ну, возможно, вы уже здоровы, но разве вы не хотите исключить любой риск?"- объяснил Джон, указав на свой член. Джон не мог сдержать улыбку; он не просто полностью понял ее, так как она закончит все это, стоя перед ним на коленях".
Девушка смотрела на него так, словно ожидала, что он сейчас скажет, что это шутка. Однако его молчание говорило об обратном. "Это не может быть правдой!"
"Ну, возможно, вы уже здоровы, но разве вы не хотите исключить любой риск?"- объяснил Джон, указав на свой член. Джон не мог сдержать улыбку; он не просто полностью понял ее, так как она закончит все это, стоя перед ним на коленях".
Девушка смотрела на него так, словно ожидала, что он сейчас скажет, что это шутка. Однако его молчание говорило об обратном. "Это не может быть правдой!"
Джон пожал плечами: "Ну, возможно, вы уже здоровы, но разве вы не хотите исключить любой риск?"
Ужас отразился на ее лице: "Что?"
"Просто, чтобы быть полностью уверенным, вы должны очистить остатки семени ртом",- сказал Джон, указав на свой член. Джон не мог сдержать улыбку; он не просто полностью понял ее, так как она закончит все это, стоя перед ним на коленях".
Девушка смотрела на него так, словно ожидала, что он сейчас скажет, что это шутка. Однако его молчание говорило об обратном. "Это не может быть правдой!"
Джон пожал плечами: "Ну, возможно, вы уже здоровы, но разве вы не хотите исключить любой риск?"
Грозные тучи Девушки опустились опасно низко, и Джон наблюдал, как она встает перед ним на колени, не подозревая о приближающемся оргазме Джона. Когда женщина сжала кулаки и подошла к нему, Джон расплылся в широкой улыбке - и этот момент завершился.
"Ох!" - громко застонал Джон, удерживая ее голову, пока кончал ей в рот.
Когда кульминация Девушки пика и спала, он посмотрел вниз, в эти голубые глаза, которые, как кинжалы, смотрели на него. "Ты должна проглотить...",- объяснил он, выплескивая остатки спермы из ее рта.
Грозные тучи Девушки опустились опасно низко, и Джон наблюдал, как она встает перед ним на колени, не подозревая о приближающемся оргазме Джона. Когда женщина сжала кулаки и подошла к нему, Джон расплылся в широкой улыбке - и этот момент завершился.
"Ох!" - громко застонал Джон, удерживая ее голову, пока кончал ей в рот.
Когда кульминация Девушки пика и спала, он посмотрел вниз, в эти голубые глаза, которые, как кинжалы, смотрели на него. "Ты должна проглотить...",- объяснил он, выплескивая остатки спермы из ее рта.
Грозные тучи Девушки опустились опасно низко, и Джон наблюдал, как она встает перед ним на колени, не подозревая о приближающемся оргазме Джона. Когда женщина сжала кулаки и подошла к нему, Джон расплылся в широкой улыбке - и этот момент завершился.
"Ох!" - громко застонал Джон, удерживая ее голову, пока кончал ей в рот.
Когда кульминация Девушки пика и спала, он посмотрел вниз, в эти голубые глаза, которые, как кинжалы, смотрели на него. "Ты должна проглотить...",- объяснил он, выплескивая остатки спермы из ее рта.
Грозные тучи Девушки опустились опасно низко, и Джон наблюдал, как она встает перед ним на колени, не подозревая о приближающемся оргазме Джона. Когда женщина сжала кулаки и подошла к нему, Джон расплылся в широкой улыбке - и этот момент завершился.
"Ох!" - громко застонал Джон, удерживая ее голову, пока кончал ей в рот.
Когда кульминация Девушки пика и спала, он посмотрел вниз, в эти голубые глаза, которые, как кинжалы, смотрели на него. "Ты должна проглотить...",- объяснил он, выплескивая остатки спермы из ее рта.
Грозные тучи Девушки опустились опасно низко, и Джон наблюдал, как она встает перед ним на колени, не подозревая о приближающемся оргазме Джона. Когда женщина сжала кулаки и подошла к нему, Джон расплылся в широкой улыбке - и этот момент завершился.
"Ох!" - громко застонал Джон, удерживая ее голову, пока кончал ей в рот.
Когда кульминация Девушки пика и спала, он посмотрел вниз, в эти голубые глаза, которые, как кинжалы, смотрели на него. "Ты должна проглотить...",- объяснил он, выплескивая остатки спермы из ее рта."- Воскликнула она.
Джону тяжело было воспринимать ее
серьезно, сейчас, когда она стоит перед
ним говоря. Она, должно быть, пришла к
тому же выводу, быстро прикрылась и
начала собирать свои вещи. Он выслушал
множество различных оскорблений, пока
она надевала нижнее белье и платье.
Джон не отвечал, пока ее вещи не
скрылись за складками зеленого платья.
"Понимаете, чем больше спермы вы
примете внутрь, тем больше вероятность,
что вы излечитесь", - объяснил Джон, когда
Лэдди остановилась, чтобы перевести
"Что ты делаешь?"
"Вам желудок все еще болит?" Спросил
"Ну... нет".
"Так-то!", - подытожил он, "Последнее было
сделано лишь для вашей безопасности. Я
хотел быть уверен, что все сработает".
Лэдди скептически посмотрела на него:
"Значит, я здорова?"
"Вероятно", - ответил Джон. "По крайней
мере, мы сделали все, что могли. Вы
ощущаете какое-нибудь покалывание?"
"Ну... нет", - ответила она, снова Джона
немного успокоив ее.
"Прекрасно, это хороший знак. Вот что,
ради вашей полной безопасности, вам
придется заехать сюда завтра". Джон
выглядел выражением, появившимся на
лице Лэдди.
"Не возьмусь за плату!" - воскликнула она.
"Ты еще смеешь говорить о плате!"
Джон выслушал очередную тираду, и
только потом вмешался "Было бы лучше,
если бы вы ваша кожа стала серой, и у вас
выпали волосы?" Она замолчала и
уставилась на него. "Тогда будьте
благодарны, что мы справились с этой
болезнью, до того, как она стала
Ужас исказил красивое лицо Лэдди от
осознания перспектив завершающего
"Выбор за вами, конечно", - сказал Джон.
Она хмыкнула и вышла из магазина. Джон
знал, что она вернется. Гарольд получил
невероятное удовлетворение! | null | null | Authors/FUCKTOR/My stories/Moi perevodi/YlovkaOxotnika.txt |
89,292 | null | Сцщa Con Cuыa Quyы | Сцщa Con Cuыa Quyы
Truyeдn сцфпc vieбt dцпa theo teвn tuoвi cuыa moдt nhaвn vaдt coщ thaдt beвn nцфщc Phaщp сцфпc сaкng treвn tфш Nouvel Observateur.
Coщ leх Toе chцщc Caыnh saщt Quoбc teб vaш nhieаu nцфщc khaщc khoвng xa laп gм vфщi caщi teвn Mamadou Traoreщ. Mamadou laш moдt teвn gieбt ngцфшi haшng loaпt raбt man rфп nhaбt cuыa theб kyы. Nцфщc Phaщp raбt xaбu hoе khi coщ haйn laш moдt coвng daвn vaш meп cuыa haйn cuхng khoвng daщm nhмn nhaдn haйn laш con mмnh. Haйn сцфпc meдnh danh laш "сцщa con cuыa quyы".
Trong phieвn toшa xeщt xцы Mamdou vaшo ngaшy 7 сeбn 15 thaщng 2 naкm ngoaщi, nhieаu caвu hoыi сaх сцфпc сaлt ra nhцng khoвng coщ lфшi giaыi сaщp. Coщ phaыi laш Mamadou thнch gieбt ngцфшi do beдnh hoaпn nhц bao nhц keы khaщc hay laш bфыi vм nhaвn caщch cuыa haйn bт xaщo troдn do thцшa hцфыng moдt neаn giaщo duпc leдch laпc? Haйn nghу sao khi maш raпch naщt maлt vaш haхm hieбp 6 phuп roаi gieбt hoп?
Mamadou laш moдt chaшng thanh nieвn 26 tuoеi, cao 185 cm, beа ngoaшi troвng saщng suыa, mфщi nhмn thм troвng haйn ta raбt hieаn laшnh. Nhцng caщi caвu "tri nhaвn tri dieдn baбt tri taвm" thaдt laш сuщng сeе noщi leвn con ngцфшi cuыa haйn, caы theб giфщi khoвng ai coщ theе ngфш laш moдt ngцфшi hieаn laшnh coщ khuoвn maлt cuхng deг nhмn nhц theб maш coщ theе gieбt ngцфшi haшng loaпt. Thaдt laш moдt cuщ soбc lфщn!
Hai baшn tay cuыa Mamadou xцфng xaеu, ngoщn daшi troвng gioбng nhц moдt chaшng ngheд sу chфi сaшn dцфng caаm, nhцng chнnh сoвi tay naшy сaх boщp coе, сaвm caшo vaш taшn saщt nhцхng phuп nцх tцш 11 сeбn 70 tuoеi. Nhieаu nhaш baщc sу vaш taвm thaаn hoпc сaх tмm toшi vaш khaщm phaщ сaаu oщc cuыa haйn, khi сoщ hoп coщ keбt luaдn raиng Mamadou laш moдt moбi сe doпa khuыng khieбp cho xaх hoдi. Chнnh luaдt sц bieдn hoд cho Mamadou cuхng nghу laш haйn ta xцщng сaщng vфщi aщn tцы hмnh.
Mamadou theo gia смnh di cц sang Phaщp luщc 3 tuoеi. Nhцng tieбc thay Mamadou laпi soбng trong moдt gia смnh сaх coщ nhieаu raпn nцщt. Rieвng Mamadou thм thaбt hoпc. Luщc mфщi sinh thм Mamadou meщm cheбt vм beдnh vaш сцфпc caщc thaаy cuщng фы Seщneщgal duшng buшa hoд meдnh. Tuy meп cuыa Mamadou raбt thцфng con nhцng caшng ngaшy laпi thaбy tнnh con baпo lцпc vaш choаng chaбt sцп thuш haиn trong maщu. Luщc coшn laш thieбu nieвn, haйn сaх gieбt 32 con meшo vaш 15 con choщ cuыa haшng xoщm. Thuы phaщp cuыa haйn thaдt laш taшn aщc. Chaлt сaаu, caйt coе, loдt da hoaлc laш choвn soбng. Trai gaщi trong laшng сeаu xa laщnh haйn. Con nнt sфп haйn coшn hфn sфп ma quyы. Tuoеi thф cuыa haйn laш moдt sцп buoаn baх coв сфn. Sцп thieбu vaйng tмnh thaвn, tмnh baпn beш caшng bieбn haйn thaшnh moдt ngцфшi cuoаng baпo.
Toвi lфщn leвn laш moдt сцщa treы baбt haпnh nhaбt trong caщc сцщa treы baбt haпnh. Nhaш ngheшo, cha meп boы beв tцш nhoы. Toвi tцп nuoвi toвi lфщn leвn vaш may maйn сцфпc laшm vieдc taпi moдt tieдm chuyeвn sцыa chцхa nhцхng thцщ laлt vaлt trong nhaш. Vaшo moдt ngaшy kia toвi сang sцыa caщi tuы laпnh фы trong nhaш beбp. Boгng nhieвn toвi caыm thaбy chaщn naыn voв cuшng, toвi muoбn laшm moдt сieаu gм сoщ сeе khuaвy khoыa thм tieбng chuoвng сieдn thoaпi reo, ngцфшi сaшn baш фы сaаu daвy beвn kia coщ gioпng noщi thaдt laш gaйt goыng сaх laшm cho toвi caшng theвm bцпc boдi, goпi toвi tфщi sцыa beбp ga cho baш aбy. Vaш toвi сaх naыy ra moдt yщ tцфыng taщo baпo hoшng сeе giaыi khuaвy cho toвi.
Baш ta laш ngцфшi сaшn baш traпc tuoеi trung nieвn, raбt сeпp. Baш coщ maщi toщc сen, maйt naвu, vaш boд ngцпc to lфщn. Baш ta maлc caщi aщo thun boщ saщt phuы xuoбng goбi nhцng khoвng maлc quaаn beвn trong. Toвi bieбt laш baш ta raбt laш ngцпa vм сieдu boд vaш gioпng noщi thaдt laш laъng lф. Toвi bieбt con су ngцпa сoщ muoбn laйm, toвi ngцыi сцфпc maш! Quaы thaдt daщng daбp cuыa baш ta khoвng thua gм moдt con су. Toвi raбt laш thuш caщi boпn су сieбm!
Khi сoщ toвi сi theo baш ta vaшo nhaш beбp. Caлp moвng troшn to cцщ laйc lц kheвu gфпi toвi laшm cho toвi caшng theвm khoщ chтu nhцng toвi сaх daиn laпi сцфпc. Bцфщc vaшo phoшng beбp, baш ta chж cho toвi caщi tuы laпnh roаi laъng laлng trфы ra ngoaшi khoвng queвn сцa cho toвi moдt caщi lieбc maйt tмnh tцщ. Vaшi tieбng sau, ba ta trфы laпi vaш hoыi toвi laш coщ khaщt nцфщc khoвng. Toвi traы lфщi laш coщ vaш xin moдt chai bia. Khi baш ta сцa chai bia cho toвi, toвi coщ theе nhмn thaбy caлp nuщm сoдi cцщng beвn dцфщi lфщp aщo thun moыng. Thay vм toвi сцa tay laбy chai bia thм toвi choдp vaшo baаu vuщ cuыa baш ta. Baш ta cцфшi vaш noщi laш baш ta сaх bieбt trцфщc toвi coщ yщ стnh nhц theб roаi. Toвi thaаm khinh bж caщi con baаn tieдn daщm coвng khai kheвu khнch duпc voпng cuыa toвi giцхa ban ngaшy ban maлt. Theб laш toвi сaх quyeбt стnh phaыi thцпc hieдn yщ стnh taщo baпo cuыa toвi sau сoщ laш gieбt baш ta.
Toвi keщo aщo thun cuыa baш ta ra vaш baйt сaаu nuщt сaаu nhuх, thжnh thoaыng thм toвi caйn toвi nhai. Baш ta thм sung sцфщng quaщ chж ngцфщc сaаu leвn trфшi noщi laыm nhaыm chi сoщ maш toвi сoaщn laш baш baыo vфщi toвi haхy nuщt maпnh hфn. Thцфшng thцфшng thм toвi thнch vuщ to laйm, nhцng hoвm nay boгng nhieвn toвi thaбy gheщt noщ voв cuшng. Coщ leх caщi con baаn tieдn daвm oв naшy laшm cho toвi phaыi gheщt noщ chaкng, toвi boгng nhieвn thuш ba ta gheв gфщm, nhц laш baш ta сaх gieбt cheбt caы gioшng hoп cuыa toвi vaдy.
Sau сoщ thм toвi сaлt baшn tay vaшo choг kнn cuыa baш ta. Noщ цфщt mem. Сuщng vaдy, con су choщ сoщ цфщt mem vм baшn tay cuыa toвi treвu gheпo giцхa hai сuшi cuыa baш thaдt thaшnh thaпo. Trong luщc сoщ baш laбy baшn tay toвi ra khoыi choг kнn vaш keщo noщi leвn muхi baыo toвi ngцыi xem. Con muп thaдt laш toаi, caщi muшi thaдt laш khoщ ngцыi maш noщ cuхng baыo toвi ngцыi. Noщ coшn baйt toвi lieбm saпch chaбt nhфшn сoщ trцфщc maлt cuыa baш ta. Khi сoщ thм toвi chж thaбy caкm thuш baш ta hфn. Toвi boгng thaбy maщu noщng trong ngцфшi chaыy cuoаng cuoдn. Nhц coщ moдt ma lцпc voв hмnh naшo thuщc сaеy sцп baпo loaпn cuыa toвi.
Toвi сuщt hai ba ngoщn tay vaшo choг kнn cuыa baш ta vaш xoбc thaдt maпnh. Baш ta reвn la "oбi oбi" caшng laшm cho toвi muoбn baпo daвm сoбi vфщi baш. Toвi сaлt baш leвn baшn aкn. Baш reвn kheх vaш co giцпt thaвn theе. Toвi keщo quaаn xuoбng vaш laбy con vaдt cuыa toвi ra. Toвi chфi baш ta thaдt sцфщng maш chцa bao giфш baш ta coщ сцфпc. Khi xuaбt tinh toвi сцa tay loдt truпi nhцхng chuшm loвng treвn ngцфшi cuыa baш ta nhц toвi сaх tцшng vaлt loвng maбy con chim boа caвu bт toвi baеy сцфпc. Baш ta la oai oaщi vaш taщn vaшo maлt toвi. Toвi cцщ сeе yeвn cho baш taщn vaш tieбp tuSau đó tôi phi tang mọi thứ và chém cái bao xác chôn ở bụi cây gần đó.
Sau đó tôi bắt đầu thích giết người. Cái cảm giác giết người thật là mới lạ và kích thích đối với tôi. Nó trở thành một cái nghề của tôi và cũng là cái nghiệp của tôi...
Vụ giết người thứ hai của tôi xảy ra khi tôi đóng cửa lại làm cho một tiệm bán chập phở ở một căn phố nhỏ tối đêm tầm 8 giờ sáng. Ở đó tôi có dịp bắt gặp một cô bé X. Cô ta 19 tuổi, tóc vàng, dáng dấp mạnh mai nhỏ nhắn trông giống như tuổi 15 hơn.
Cô ta bước vào tiệm gần 2 giờ sáng để mua thuốc lá. Chỉ có tôi bán lúc đó. Cô ta có vẻ muốn trêu ghẹo tôi khi bắt gặp ánh mắt của tôi nhìn cô chăm chăm. Cô ta kéo cái cưng và khoe với tôi con bướm đã được gọt bảo sạch sẽ. Tôi đã biết cô ta tới mấy ngày trước rồi, tôi thấy cô ta hay lảng vảng vòng quanh tiệm của tôi. Lúc đầu tôi cứ ngỡ cô ta đang chờ ai nhưng sau đó thì hết xe này lại tới xe kia của rước xập xình thì tôi mới vỡ lẽ là cô ta là gái phòng sống, gái đồng đường.
Lúc này cô ta mỉm cười với tôi nửa khoe khoang nửa trêu ghẹo cái bản tính của sản phẩm của tôi. Dĩ nhiên là tôi khó lòng kềm chế trước một tỏa thiên nhiên như thế kia. Tôi bỗng để ý ở dưới cửa cô ta, thì ra cô ta không bao giờ mắc quần lót bởi vì sẽ tiện việc phục vụ cho khách hàng. Tôi là một người rất cảm thụ hàng gái dâm loạn sỉ điếm, cho dù cô ta trông cũng dễ thông nhưng cũng không làm cho tôi động lòng đoạn thông. Tôi lẩm bẩm trong miệng là tôi phải giết cô, tôi phải giết cô thôi, tôi không muốn đau nhưng tôi phải thế thiện hành đạo trừ khử yêu ta gian ma.
Cất điếu thuốc lên bàn và nhìn tôi với cặp mắn nâu to lớn, cô ta nói với tôi là cô ta không có một cắc bạc nào trong túi bởi mấy hôm nay ế ẩm quá. Cô ta đề nghị sẽ khẩu dâm cho tôi để trả tiền, và tôi gật đầu đồng ý nhưng thầm sẵn thảo ra một kế hoạch ở trong đầu.
Tôi bước ra ngoài cửa và khóa trái lại. Cô ta cười với tôi và hướng dẫn tôi bước ra phía sau quầy hàng nơi mà không ai nhìn thấy được. Vừa đi cô ta vừa kéo cái cưng ngần ngừ lên để cho tôi thấy trọn phần cái mông tròn trịa trắng hồng hậu lên lên cái nhũm lông đen tuyền khéo tả. Khi đã bước ra phía sau quầy hàng thì cô ta quỳ xuống và mớ vội con vật của tôi ra cắt vào miệng. Cô ta thực hiện thật là thiện nghệ, chỉ trong lát thì tôi chịu hết nổi và đầu hàng. Lúc đó cô ta nuốt rất mạnh, nuốt như muốn lấy hết những gì của tôi có trong ngọc hành. Tôi không ngần ngại rên lớn khi biết trong cửa tiệm chỉ có hai chúng tôi.
Sau đó tôi cúi nhìn xuống mắt cô ta. Mọi của cô ta chùm ngay đầu khát, nuốt chừng chừm một cách thèm thuồng. Cô ta quả là một con sự chính công mà, một ngón tay của cô ta đút vào phía sau của tôi. Khi tôi ra thì cô ta bóp chặt vào ngọc hành của tôi và nuốt mạnh và nhanh.
Xong xuôi cô ta đứng lên, kiểm tra lại gói thuốc đã bỏ vào túi và định bỏ đi ra ngoài cửa. Bỗng máu lạnh trong người tôi lại trỗi dậy. Tôi vừa lấy cô ta và ném mạnh đầu vào cạnh cửa sắt sau quầy hàng. Cô ta rê lên và ngã sóng xoài ra đất. Sau khi đã biết cô ta ngất xỉu tôi nắm tóc của cô ta để lôi vào góc kệt. Tôi để cô ta nằm bất tỉnh và trở lại mở cửa tiệm coi như không có chuyện gì xảy ra. Tôi biết là cô ta sẽ không tỉnh lại sớm nên tôi làm cho hết ca cho tới khi người thay ca đến 8 giờ sáng.
Bàn giao tiệm cho người khác xong, tôi bèn đi ra phía sau quầy và lấy một miếng giẻ rách để trùm cô ta lại và khiêng bỏ vào cốp xe sau đã được dọn ở đó tới sớm. Tôi định mang cô ta về nhà một lúc.
Tôi trở về căn phòng trọ của tôi và mang cô ta vào trong. Tôi mở miếng giẻ rách để kéo cô ta ra. Tôi bỗng thấy mọi của cô ta trở nên tím ngắt. Tôi mắc kẹ, tôi bỏ cô ta vào phòng tắm. Lúc này tôi mới để ý là cô ta nhỏ người, thấp hơn 1.52 m. Tôi bắt đầu lột áo quần của cô ta ra và xoa dịu khắp nơi lên vú và chỗ kín. Cô ta cao gần hết nhưng cũng không làm cho tôi ngạc nhiên mấy, sẵn tôi cũng thích như thế.
Tôi bỏ cô ta vào bồn tắm và bắt đầu kỳ cọ cho sạch. Sau đó tôi mang cô ta vào phòng ngủ. Tôi đặt cô ta nằm ngửa ra giường. Tôi bỗng cảm giác khó chịu vô cùng khi tôi nhìn cô ta nằm đó cứng đờ. Thì ra cô ta đã chết! Tôi liền truồng bỏ lớp quần áo và thủ dâm trước mặt của cô ta và định bừng sẽ phóng hết vào mặt của cô ta. Và tôi chờ cho tới lúc sắp ra thì ngừng lại và leo lên giường nằm kế cô ta. Tôi cố gắng kéo dang hai chân giờ đã hơi cứng của cô ta ra và nhét hai ngón tay vào chỗ kín đã lạnh. Máu đã ngừng chảy, bắp thịt đã chết chỉ còn lại một số sắn chắc không thể tưởng. Sau đó tôi xoay người cô ta nằm sấp lại để nhìn cặp mông tròn trịa. Tôi đút ngón tay vào đó một lần nữa để cảm sự lạnh lẽo tiết ra tới cái xác.
Rồi tôi đặt một cái gối dưới bụng cô ta làm cho cặp mông chúi thẳng lên về phía tôi. Tôi bóp chặt và tách rời đôi mông ra. Con vật tôi lại giống cao. Tôi liền đặt nó vào ở giữa. Vì quá chặt nên tôi phải dùng sức mới đẩy vào được. Khi đã vào trong tôi cảm giác rờn rợn lạnh cả gai ốc nhưng đó là điều mà tôi thích nhất.
Tôi kéo ra và đẩy vào gần cả tiếng đồng hồ. Thật khoái trá, cảm giác như những lưỡi bọ chặt vào cơ thể mình vậy! Tôi nằm yên trên người của cô ta thật là lâu cho tới khi hoàn toàn thỏa mãn thì mới ngoài dậy đi tắm rửa.
Tôi giữ cô ta thêm vài ngày để thỏa mãn trọn vẹn cho dục vọng mới khám phá. Tôi đã thử trên miệng, chỗ kín và khắp nơi mà có thể thực hiện được. Sau đó tôi buộc lòng phải lấy vài quần áo cái xác lại vì tôi thật tình không muốn cái xác thối rữa ra khắp phòng và đặt vào cốp xe để chờ ra sa mạc. Tôi vượt cô ta khoảng 2 cây số cách xa lộ với mục đích là những con cáo và chó sói sẽ làm giúp làm phi tan đi tan chúng.
Đó là vụ giết người thứ hai của tôi, sau đó tôi giết thêm một người nữa chỉ cách nhau có một tuần lễ. Sau khi tôi vượt cái xác và bỏ trốn lên miền Bắc. Dọc đường tôi cướp những tiệm bán tạp hóa, giết chết bà lão 70 tuổi trước khi thỏa mãn. Số tiền cũng đủ cho tôi chi tiêu vài tháng. Tôi tìm đến một trường đại học nơi mà tôi cho rằng có nhiều con mồi ra vào và tiếp tục đi vào nghiệp chướng của tôi.
Không bao lâu thì tôi gặp nàng. Nàng cao, dáng mạnh khánh, tóc màu hung với cặp ngực gấu. Cặp chân thon dài được khéo léo nâng đỡ cái mông tròn lẳng. Tôi cứ ngỡ như mình đang mơ khi chạm vào ánh mắt của nàng. Tôi theo dõi nàng khoảng một tuần để biết thời khóa biểu thường nhất. Nàng đang sống chung với một người bạn trai cùng chung khóa học với nàng. Họ luôn ở bên nhau nên tôi hơi gặp trở ngại thực hiện kế hoạch.
Vào một đêm tối trời, sau khi tan lớp, tôi theo nàng về nhà. Nàng lên lầu, tôi đứng phía dưới gần một tiếng để xem động tĩnh. Cuối cùng thì tôi cũng bước lên thang lầu, leo qua hàng rào để bước vào ban-công. Nhìn vào cửa sổ phòng ngủ tôi thấy nàng đang cởi áo quần cho thằng bạn của nàng. Sau đó hắn nằm ngửa và nàng thì phì nước kiểu. Cái mông của nàng lên xuống ăn hiện dương vật của thằng đó làm cho tôi thấy tức tối vô cùng. Tôi lại nghĩ tới ý định giết người để trả thù cho tên gian phu đã hành lạc với nàng trước mặt của tôi.
Tôi chờ tới khi họ xong xuôi và tắt đèn ngủ rồi trèo qua cửa bên hông để mở cánh cửa sổ. Tôi nhẹ nhàng chui vào và đi thẳng vào phòng ngủ đang mở cửa. Tôi nhìn vào và thấy họ vẫn còn trần truồng ôm nhau ngủ. Tôi cẩn thận đi vòng qua cạnh giường của họ và lấyTôi bắm nàng khoảng nửa tiếng thì ngừng. Sau đó tôi quyết định làm thứ khác. Tôi bèn lấy thêm dây để buộc chặt cổ của nàng lại thành một chùm sao cho nó càng càng cứng càng tốt. Tôi cần núm của nàng một lúc rồi đút con vật của tôi vào giữa hai bầu ngực. Cặp ngực làm cho tôi cảm giác thật vừa vặn sung sướng gần như muốn phóng hết ra ngoài.
Nàng bỗng tỉnh lại và từ từ mở mắt ra. Hay chuyện nàng bắt đầu vùng vẫy, đã cảnh tỏ tôi tung nhưng chỉ làm cho tôi càng nóng máu. Con vật của tôi càng cứng hơn. Nàng đã càng lúc càng dễ dỡi làm đứt những sợi dây trói nàng, bất giác làm tôi phải bóp cổ nàng để doạ bảo nàng nằm im. Nàng sắp nên nằm im và khi đó tôi thấy nước mắt nàng lồng trào, tôi chẳng thấy thương hại cho nàng bao nhiêu vì tôi quá quen thuộc với các cô rồi, chỉ toàn là nước mắt cá sấu thôi. Nghĩ tới đó tôi bèn lấy con vật ra và đặt nó vào giữa hai đùi của nàng. Nàng tê dại đi khi tôi kéo dang hai chân và mở rộng chỗ kín ra thêm bằng hai ngón tay. Rồi ba ngón và bốn ngón cũng lần lượt chui vào. Tôi nhìn nàng kinh sợ, nhưng lại càng thấy nàng đẹp hơn. Bàn tay kia tôi thử dám và chỉ cần vài phút ngắn nguôi tôi đã phóng lên mặt và ngực của nàng.
Tôi trói nàng lại cho chặt và đặt nàng nằm đó để đi vào nhà tắm. Sau khi tắm xong và trở ra thì phát giác nàng đã tiểu trên giường. Có lẽ tôi đã tắm quá lâu nên nàng đã chịu hết nổi. Tôi bèn cởi trói và kéo nàng vào nhà tắm. Vẫn nước lạnh lên người nàng làm cho nàng run như cây sậy mềm mại. Tôi lại trói nàng vào vòi sen và tắt nước.
Tôi đi lấy con dao và trở lại. Mặc dù chỗ kín của nàng không thuộc loại chắc thịt nhưng nàng có thân hình tuyệt vời, nhất là cặp ngực trời phú. Nàng đứng treo ở đó run rẩy. Tôi dí con dao vào ngực và vẽ một vòng tròn chung quanh núm để máu tỏ ra. Tôi nghĩ tới người dân bà mà tôi giết lần đầu tiên, sao mà dễ dàng thế, chỉ một đường là xong ngay. Thế là tôi chộp lấy ngực của nàng và kéo một đường dài ngang cổ họng. Máu phun ra tràn lan xuống ngực.
Tiếc thật tôi không thể giữ nàng sống lâu hơn nữa mặc dù tôi cũng muốn làm! Tôi rạch nát mắt của nàng không biết vì sao, tôi chỉ thấy là mình cần phải làm thế thôi.
Tôi bỏ đi và ghé lại một quán bar gần đó. Tôi gọi một ly rượu mạnh và uống hết ly này tới ly khác. Thế là tôi say, tôi lại lái xe về phòng trọ. Dọc đường tôi bị cảnh sát chặn lại vì tôi lái xe say rượu. Tình cờ họ tìm thấy con dao và cái áo màu đỏ sáng sau xe của tôi. Và tôi đã bị bắt.
Mamadou đã xin lỗi gia đình của các nạn nhân, nhưng hắn vẫn không nhận tội hoàn toàn bởi vì hắn bị bỏ bùa. Hắn khóc lóc nói là ai đó đã ếm bùa hắn làm cho hắn thêm thuộc cảm giác tra tấn người khác. Mamadou lại còn thừa nhận hầu quả đều là do cha của hắn làm ra cả. Hắn nói lúc hắn còn bé, cha hắn đưa hắn một lá bùa Châu Phi và làm cho hắn trở thành diễn khuẩng. Nhưng tiếc thay không ai tin lời nói của hắn. Nhất là hai bác sĩ giám định pháp y Jean Martel và Michel Dubee hoàn toàn bác bỏ việc Mamadou bị bệnh diễn khuẩng và bị bùa.
Trước đó Mamadou khai với tòa rằng: Tôi không có nhu cầu ám ảnh gì về tình dục, tôi không dễ nói xấu, không thiếu gì con gái theo tôi, tôi gì tôi phải giết họ. Tất cả nạn nhân đều do người khác giết, mọi hình ảnh tan chứng đều là ngụy tạo hết. Tinh dịch trong cơ thể của các nạn nhân đều là giả luôn.
Nhưng chính án Yves Corneloup bác bỏ tất cả và phạt tội hình cho "ĐỨAĐA CON CỦA QUỶ".
KINH BÍCH LỊCH trích lược. | null | null | Authors/chuyenkhieudam/www/vni/DuaConCuaQuy.txt |
89,382 | Anh Khoa | Сeвm Trung Thu | Сeвm Trung Thu
Toвi heпn em vaшo moдt сeвm Trung Thu. Gioщ laпnh luoаn vaшo aщo laшm toвi caыm thaбy troбng traыi. Toвi сцa сieбu thuoбc laщ leвn mieдng, keщo moдt hфi daшi roаi nhмn veа phнa cuoбi xoщm. Con nнt nhoы lфщn tung taкng vфщi loаng сeшn, сeшn caаy, goпi nhau фi фщi. Toвi vaгn chцa thaбy boщng daщng em сaвu caы.
Moдt сaщm con nнt noбi сuoвi nhau сaеy xe сeшn caаy сi qua, toвi quay сaаu laпi thм thaбy em сaх dцщng sau lцng toвi tцп luщc naшo. Toвi oвm chaаm laбy em roаi cцфшi noщi:
"Em сi chфi Trung Thu aш?"
Em laбy tay thoi tui moдt caщi roаi cцфшi khuщc khнch. Nuп cцфшi raпng rфх laшm saщng caы khuoвng maлt vaшnh vaпch dцфщi maщi toщc сen oщng aы. Caщi luщm сoаng tieаn mф hoа aеn hieдn treвn laшn da maлt mтn maшng cuыa em nhц moдt noбt nhaпc leы loi treвn trang giaбy.
Сaщm con nнt сaх сi qua, toвi nhмn quanh quaеn xem coi coщ ai quen khoвng. Neбu gaлp ngцфшi quen thм kyш laйm. Toвi, moдt thaиng сaшn oвng gaаn boбn mцфi tuoеi maш caы gan heпn hoш vфщi moдt coв beщ mфщi mцшфi baеy.
"Сi anh aш"
Em leo leвn xe ngoаi sau lung toвi. Toвi sung sцфщng сeшo em qua nhцхng con сцфшng tцng bцшng naщo nhieдt cuыa rцшng ngцфшi сang сoщn leг. Toвi vaш em chaпy xa daаn nhцхng aщnh сeшn cuыa сoв thт. Toвi chaпy qua khoыi caаu Saшi Goшn, roаi сцa em vaшo moдt quaщn "Caш Pheв Tмnh". Quaщn сцфпc laдp trong vцфшn caвy laщ rieвng bieдt, gaаn bфш soвng. Quaщn tуnh mтnh vaш trang bт moдt caщch mфш aыo thieбu aщnh saщng. Сa soб khaщch laш nhцхng caлp tмnh nhaвn, loшng thoшng, heпn heпn, chфш chфш, leщn luщt. Chuщng toвi bцфщc vaшo, em ruпt reш cuoбi сaаu сi beвn toвi.
"Quaщn chi maш toбi quщa, ngцфшi ta сaщnh giaщ cheбt сoщ anh!"
Toвi cцфшi roаi dмu em сi vaшo moдt caщi baшn сцфпc thieбt keб dцфщi caщi lieаu tranh caвy laщ um tuшm фы moдt goщc vцфшn saщt bфш soвng. Khi bцфщc qua khu vцфшn toбi mфш toвi chж em nhцхng caлp tмnh nhaвn сang oвm hoвn nhau queввn trфшi сaбt. Em cцфшi moдt caщch daпn dу roаi nheщo vaшo hoвng toвi moдt caщi сau сieбng.
Toвi dмu em ngoаi vaшo gheб vaш hoвn vaшo maщ em moдt caщi. Toвi goпi hai chai bia, nцфщc ngoпt, nem nцфщng, boш nцфщng vу. Moдt luщc sau coв chieвu сaыi сem bia, nцфщc vaш thцщc aкn ra сeе сaаy baшn. Coв ta noщi:
"Anh chт vui veы, neбu caаn gм thм nhaбn caщi chuoвng naшy, em seх сeбn ngay"
Em neщp saщt vaшo toвi. OВm em trong tay, toвi nghe muшi moа hoвi trinh traйng cuыa em maш coыi loшng raпo rцпc. Toвi keв mieдng hoвn treвn laшn moвi thфm ngoпt cuыa em. Em thф daпi im re chмa caщi moвi nhoшn nhoпn ra roаi nuщt troпn laбy lцфхi cuыa toвi. Toвi khoвng ngфш em hoвn toвi trфы laпi voв cuшng taщo baпo. Em nhц muoбn taдp taшnh laшm ngцфшi lфщn, em nhaйm maйt hoвn toвi maш thфы hoеn heеn.
Toвi loшn сцa xuoбng vaщy em roаi laщch maбy ngoщn tay vaшo keх quaаn loщt. Toвi caыm nhaдn maбy mцфi sфпi loвng ngaкn ngaйn treвn mu loаn em. Em nheп nhaшng tuoдt caщi quaаn loщt ra khoыi em roаi haбt caщi quaаn loщt vaшo moдt goщc. Em vaгn coшn baдn vaщy neвn troвng khoвng coщ veх gм laш khaщc laп caы. Em cцфшi khuщc khнch nhц thнch thuщ.
Toвi mфх hai caщi nuщt aщo treвn ngцпc em, em lieаn loay hoay keщo loдt caщi nтt vuщ boы ra ngoaшi. Em laпi vaбt maпnh caщi nтt vuщ vaшo goщc choшi maш caщi quaаn loщt сang naиm. Toвi keщo loд moдt caщi vuщ cho loаi ra ngoaшi roаi duшng mieдng raш raш treвn сaаu vuщ. Toвi baйt сaаu nuщt caщi сaаu vuщ voв mieдng mмnh. Em nhц ngaвy ngaбt сi. Roаi toвi hoвn leвn coе, moвi, maйt, loе tai vaш ngay caы muхi cuыa em. Em thoaщng ruшng mмnh moдt caщi.
Toвi keщo em saщt vaшo roаi cho tay vaшo vaщy. Toвi rфш vaш caыm thaбy caщi mu troшn lцхng nhoв cao, toвi xoa xoa treвn сoщ roаi boщp maпnh hai meщp loаn cuыa em. Em thoaщng ruшng mмnh baбu chaлt hai tay vaшo lцng toвi. Toвi xoa boщp moдt hoаi, toвi caыm giaщc laш caщi mu loаn cuыa em сang toaщt hфi noщng ra. Trong khi bфi moщc hai meщp loаn em thм toвi vaгn tieбp tuпc hoвn em. Maбy ngoщn tay toвi сaх men vaшo beвn trong aвm сaпo em moгi luщc moдt saвu. Tay toвi цщфc сaаy nцфщc nhфшn cuыa em tieбt ra. Toвi thaбy em dцфшng nhц laш moгi luщc moгi run run hфn.
Baбt chфпt caщi baшn tay maщt rцфпi cuыa em cho vaшo quaаn toвi naйm laбy con cu toвi loвi ra ngoaшi quaаn, luщc naшy thм con cu toвi сaх cцщng ngaйt roаi. Em vuoбt ngцфпc dцфng vaдt toвi moдt caщch nheп nhaшng. Em kнch thнch toвi baиng caщch chaш leвn сaаu khaбt. Toвi quнu caы ngцфшi. Em сaлt ngoщn caщi, ngoщn giцхa vaш ngoщn troы voшng quanh dцфng vaдt. Vuoбt leвn vuoбt xuoбng luщc maпnh luщc nheп. Toвi thaдt khoвng ngфш baшn tay naкm ngoщn cuыa em quaщ laш tuyeдt vфшi.
Сeбn phieвn toвi duшng сaаu ngoщn tay xoay quanh loг aвm сaпo em, roаi aбn maпnh vaщch aвm сaпo. Toвi cho ngoщn tay vaшo phнa sau vuшng xцфng chaдu vaш aбn hфi maпnh leвn. Em quнu mмnh leвn сoаng thфшi xieбt thaдt chaлt con cu cuыa toвi. Toвi thuпt maпnh ngoщn tay ra vaшo trong aвm сaпo moдt caщch сeаu сeаu. Toвi caхm thaбy Em nhц сцфпc taкng theвm phaаn sung sцфщng, toвi lieаn phoбi hфпp vфщi ngoщn tay caщi chaш saщt vaшo moаng сoщc Em. Toвi nheщt caы ba ngoщn tay vaшo aвm сaпo roаi. Coщ leы laш Em raбt ... daвm, Toвi bieбt em coщ nhaы yщ banh roдng haщng ra. Neбu quaы thaдt em muoбn vaдy thм toвi phaыi theе chмu theo. Toвi chuпm naкm сaаu ngoщn tay laпi roаi tцш tцш aбn voв. Em giцпt baйn ngцфшi, la leвn "Сau .. em ...aaaa ...aaaa..." . Toвi nheщt baшn tay toвi voв aвm сaпo em moдt hoаi, nцфщc nhфшn trong loаn em tuoвn ra lai laщng.
Toвi choаm leвn ngцпc em vцшa lieбm vцшa nuщt vaшo nuщm vuщ trong khi baшn tay vaгn сaлt saвu trong ngцфшi em. Trong cuшng moдt luщc thм Em cuхng duшng tay xoa boщp dцфng vaдt cuыa toвi. Chuщng toвi thoaыi maщi keщo daшi cuoдc sфш moщ hun hнt maш queвn caы aкn uoбng.
Em boщp chaлt hai hoшn daщi toвi trong baшn tay traщi vaш suпt dцфng vaдt baиng tay phaыi. Luщc nhanh luщc chaдm roаi thжnh thoaыng em laпi xieбt moдt caщi. Em maвn meв hai hoшn daщi roаi voш voш gaхi gaхi. Em vuoбt doпc vuoбt xuoвi, vuoбt leвn vuoбt xuoбng caщi dцфng vaдt cцщng vaш noщng hoеi cuыa toвi. Roаi toвi chтu heбt noеi, caыm giaщc khoaщi laпc daаn daаn gia taкng, toaшn thaвn toвi giaдt naеy leвn, cu toвi cuхng giцппt lieвn hoаi, сaаu dцфng vaдt toвi baйn ra thaдt maпnh moдt gioшng tinh khн noщng veа hцфщng em сang ngoaшi. Tinh khн bay bay aшo aшo leвn vaщy vaш aщo em. Em ngцшng vuoбt roаi boщp thaдt maпnh cu toвi, roаi thфы daшi ra moдt tieбng maпnh. Moдt luщc sau, con cu cuыa toвi tцш tцш sмu xuoбng.
Em sцыa voдi quaаn aщo, toщc tai cho сaшng hoaшng roаi xin pheщp toвi сi nhaш veд sinh. Toвi roщt bia ra uoбng, vaш tцш tцш aкn chфш em trфы laпi. Toвi thaдt hoбi haдn laш сaх xuaбt tinh treвn quaаn aщo em. Taпi sao toвi khoвng chфш, coщ theе | null | null | Authors/chuyenkhieudam/www/vni/DemTrungTru.txt |
126,705 | null | Me, my friend and my mother | أنا وصديقى
صديقي وأمي
بداية عن
أنا محمد في 18
من عمري... شاب
مصري وأعيش
أنا وأمي
وأخي الصغير
وحدنا معظم
أيام السنة
بسبب ظروف
سفر أبي إلى
إحدى دول
الخليج لجلب
المال حيث لا
يعود سوى
أسبوعين في
صيف كل عام...
تعرفت على
شاب مصري
أيضا في مثل
سني في أحد
يدعى أحمد..
حيث كنت أنا
وهو وحدنا في
درس اللغة
كثيرا وصار
كاتم أسراري
وكصديق مقرب
بل كأخ لي
وحكيت له عن
وتبسطنا في
الحديث حيث
اعترف لي أنه
مارس الجنس
مع أمه
ووصفها لي
أيضا ،
فاعترفت له
أني أتمنى أن
أضاجع أمي
أيضا .. وكان
حديثي له عن
أمي قد أثاره
للغاية فقد
كانت أجمل من
أمه بكثير
حسب أوصافها
وجعله يتمني
دائما أن
يلتقي بها..
أمي أنثى في
من عمرها
تمتلك جسم
ملكات جمال
يتمتع بكل
كما أنه
يحتوي على
خبرة النساء
الناضجات .
طولها حوالي 170
سم ووزنها 75
كجم وتتجمع
والشحوم في
والصدر ..إنها
حقا milf..
تبدأ قصتي
عندما طلبت
مني أمي أن
أقوم بإصلاح
من أسبوعين
حاولت كثيرا
ولم أستطع أن
...فقررت أن
والذي كثيرا
ما استعنت به
في حل مشاكل
أجهزتي... أو
اتصلت به
واتفقنا على
أن يأتي إلى
البيت في
مساءا. وكان
يوجد في
الصالة حيث
يمكن للجالس
عليه أن يكشف
كل جزء في
الشقة. ولكن
تستعد أمي
وتغلق باب
غرفتها عند
وجود أي أحد
من أصدقائي.
كنا في فصل
وغالبا ما
ترتدي أمي
قمصان نوم
عند نومها
تكون قصيرة
أو شفافة .
وكانت في تلك
بالبيبي دول
والذي يغري
أكثر من
كونها عارية
....دخلت أمي
وأغلقت باب
صديقي وأخذ
وأخيرا تعرف
على السبب
إنه أحد
للهارد كان
ملمس ويحتاج
إلى أن يتم
لصقه وطلب
مني صديقي أن
آتي له ببورق
لاصق أو أي شيء
مماثل ليقوم
فكرت قليلا
ثم دخلت على
أمي وسألتها
عن ذلك..... قامت
أمي من على
واتجهت إلى
حتى تحضر لي
بكرة اللصق...
وفي نفس
الوقت رآها
بالبيبي دول
فأظهر أنه لا
يهتم وأنه لم
يرها وخرجت
ثم أغلقت
بدأت أحس أن
أحمد قد أثير
ووجدت زبه قد
اشتد من تحت
بنطلونه حيث
ظهر تماما
لأنه يملك
زبا كبيرا
جدا طوله
حوالي 22 سم
وقطره 5 سم
ووجدته يهمس
في أذني
قائلا آن
الأوان ننفذ
أمنيتك.. أنا
عايز أنيك
أمك ومش
هامشي غير
لما أنيكها
وأهريها نيك
معايا كمان.
ترددت ولكني
كنت ساخنا
جدا وقلت له :
أنا تحت أمرك
بس أمي إزاي؟
فكر قليلا ثم
أتى بفكرة
عبقرية وقال
لي أن أخبر
أمي أني
سأنزل أنا
وصديقي أحمد
لكي نشتري
الناقص ثم
بعد فتح
الباب وغلقه
وأن أترك
أحمد على
حتى تطمئن
أمي لعدم
وجوده وتخرج
عليه كما هي
وأن أترك له
وفعلا قمت
بفتح الباب
في غرفتي
بحيث أرى
أحمد وهو
جالس على
الجهاز ولم
يمر وقت كثير
حيث فتح باب
غرفة أمي
بالبيبي دول
فحاولت أن
تغطي جسمها
وأن تدخل مرة
أخرى إلى
غرفتها ولكن
هيهات فلا
توجد امرأة
تستطيع أن
تهرب من
كلمات أحمد.
قال لها:-
إزيك يا طنط.
فردت:- كويسة
وانت عامل
إيه يا
فقال لها:-
أنا تمام
تعالي لكي
تشاهدي كيف
أني قد أصلحت
قالت:- انتظر
حتى أغير
فقال لها
بسرعة:- لا لا
كده حلو أوي
هتغيري ليه
هدومك هو في
أحلى من كده.
وقام من
مقعده واتجه
وجذبها من
وأجلسها على
كنت أرى من
مكاني كل شيء .
ولكني لأول
مرة أرى أمي
شبقة وهائجة
إلى هذه
الدرجة فقد
جلست على
ووضعت ساقا
على ساق
وكانت حافية
القدمين.قام أحمد بالجلوس بجوارها وأخذ في مغازلتها والوصف في جمالها وفجأة وضع يده على قدمها وأخذ يتحسسها وصعد إلى ساقها فوجدت أمي متلذذة بهذا، من الواضح أنها تحب من يداعب قدمها وساقها، ولكنها قالت له: إوعى إيدك يا أحمد ده أنا مامة صاحبك.
فقال لها: أنا أولى بأم صاحبي من الغريب. ثم أوقعها على الأرض فأصدرت تأوها شبقا ونام فوقها وأخذ في تقبيلها وتحريك زبه عليها ولكن ما زالا بملابسهما وهنا أوقفها على وخلع عنها البيبي دول ثم السوتيان وأصبحت أمي عارية تماما.
ونزلت أمي على بنطلون أحمد وأخذت تحرك وجهها على بنطلونه ثم قامت بفتح زر بنطلونه وأنزلت السوسته بأسنانها ثم شدت بنطلونه وخلعته له ثم قامت واحتضنته وأخذت تخلع له التي شيرت وهو يتحسس جسدها وطيزها الناعمة وأصبح الاثنان عراياً تماما.
قم أحمد بوضع أمي فوق المائدة وأخذ بلحس كسها وهي تصدر تأوهات عالية جدا وطويلة وشبقة جدا ثم أنزلها وووضع أيره أمام فمها وأخذت تمص له ثم حملها أحمد وأدخلها إلى غرفة النوم وأمي تصدر تأوهات وتقول لأحمد هيا أدخله في منذ زمن لم أذق حلاوة الزب.وسمعتها تطلق ضحكات ماجنة وصوتها وهي تقول: يا شقي، حيث من الواضح أنه بدأ يدغدغ أشفارها وبوابة كسها بكمرته.
وهنا اشتد أيري على آخره وقمت من مكاني واتجهت إلى الغرفة فوجدت أحمد نائما على أمي وبيدخل وبيخرج زبه في كس أمي.
تفاجأت أمي بوجودي وحاولت أن تقوم من مكانها ولكن هيهات ففوقها أسد. وهنا أخبرها أحمد أن لا تقوم من مكانها وأخرج زبه منها وقام من فوقها فحاولت النهوض ولكنه قيد حركتها بأن قبض على يديها وشل ساقيها بساقيه ثم دعاني للانضمام إليهما قائلا يلا يا محمد انت مش عايز تنيكها يا ابني فتجردت من ملابسي وسط ذعر أمي وصراخها قائلة: لا لا امشي من هنا يا محمد .. سيبني يا كلب سيبني ..ولكنني سرعان ما كنت عاريا مثلهما ولم يدعها أحمد تفلت حتى أولجت أيري في كسها وتوليت أنا عندئذ بدلا عنه مهمة القبض على يديها ، وأقفلت فمها بقبلاتي المشتاقة المشتهية ، وسرعان ما تجاوبت معي أمي وتبدلت مقاومتها إلى استسلام ورفضها إلى موافقة وقد ذاقت حلاوة النيك من زب ابنها الذي تحبه وأخذت تهمس لي:
نيكني يا حبيبي يا حمودي ، بحبك يا روح قلبي ، روح قلب ماما انت ، وهبط أحمد على فم أمي سوسن بالقبلات وأغرق عنقها وثدييها بالقبلات ثم دس أيره في فمها لتمصه بينما أنا أستمتع بهذه المالاهي المذهلة الكائنة في مهبل أمي وفي كسها وأشفارها ، وأغمض عيني وألعق لساني متلذذا بكل لحظة من نيكي لأمي وسعي أيري في كسها ذهابا وإيابا ، ورأيت أمي خلال ذلك تعتصر ثديييها وتغنج وتوحوح وتشهق وتعض شفتها ، وبقيت أضاجعها لنحو ساعة ، ثم همس لي أحمد بشيء ، فابتسمت ، وجعلت أمي ترقد في وضع القطة وانزلق صديقي من تحتها بخفة حتى أصبح راقدا على ظهره وهي توالجه وأولج أيره في كسها ، وبدأ ينيكها قليلا ثم أشار إلي حيث جلست على ركبتي خلفها فقالت أمي في فزع وهي تنقل بصرها بيني وبين صديقي: ماذا سيفعلان؟ ، وشعرت برأس أيري وأنا أضغطها عند شرجها ، وبدأت أمي تقاوم وتتملص لكن أحمد طوقها بذراعيه القويتين وقيد حركتها تماما ، وبدأت أدس أيري في فتحة شرجها حتى دخل بوصة بوصة وهي تصرخ وتئن وتتوسل ، لكنني أكملت طريقي حتى اصطدمت ببيضتي برفدها وقد اكتمل دخول زبي في طيزها ، وبدأت أنا وأحمد نوحد إيقاعنا في نيكنا لأمي ، وبدأت هي تستلذ بذلك الوضع - وضع الإيلاج المزدوج Double Penetration أو DP - الذي نعرفه نحن ونعرف اسمه وهي لم تعرفه يوما قط ولا تعلم اسمه ولا جربته مع أبي يوما في حياتها ، وأخذت تخور كالبقرة وتقول: آآآآآآآآآآآآآآه نيكوني انتم الاتنين .. قطعوني .. كسي .. طيزي .. يلا يا ود انت وهو عايز اتناك النهاردة لما اقول يا بس .. أح ح ح ح ح ح .وأكملنا
نيكا في أمي
حتى قذفت في
طيزها وأنزل
أحمد لبنه في
أعماق كسها ،
ثم تبادلنا
فبدأت أنيك
أمي في كسها
ينيكها أحمد
في طيزها ،
وخاض أيري في
لبنه ، وخاض
أيره في لبني
، حتى أنزلت
لبني في كسها
وأنزل صديقي
لبنه في
لبني ولبنه
في كس أمي
أمي على
ظهرها في
لاهثة متعبة
ونحن رقدنا
من حولها
ونمنا في
حضنا كل
يلتقم في فمه
ثدي .. ورحنا
نحن الثلاثة
متعانقين في
نوم عميق. وفي
معا وقد
أنا وأحمد
معا وأولجت
أيري وأولج
أحمد أيره
معا في كس أمي
، واحتك
أيرانا معا
ونحن ننيك
أمي نيكا
مزدوجا Double Vaginal أو
DV.وكان إحساسا
وجميلا ،
وقذفنا معا
لبناننا معا
وغمر السائل
اللزج مهبل
أمي وغطى
أيري وأير
صديقي وفاض
خارجا على
وعانة أحمد.
ومن ساعتها
وأنا أنيك
وهي تتناك من
أحمد أيضا في
أي وقت ، إما
نيكا فردية
من أحدنا أو
جماعيا من
كلينا ، ومن
ساعتها ونحن
نمارس الجنس
سويا. فما
أحلى الحياة ! | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me, my friend and my mother.txt |
126,712 | null | Soha the Egyptian and the Students | أنا شرموطة وبحب أتناك بس فى يوم جربت حاجة بالصدفة كده. أنا اسمى سها 26 سنة عايشة لوحدى فى شقة ومش نايوة أتزوج بعد وفاة أبى وأمى وماليش أخوات يعنى وحدانية فى الدنيا دى أحسن حاجة.
كنت راجعة من السوق فى يوم وكان معايا شنط كتير. ما كنتش قادرة أشيل حاجة خالص. لقيت ولدين واقفين فى الشارع عندهم 16:17 سنة كده ده اللى عرفتهم بعديـن منهم. طلبت منهم المساعدة لحد البيت. والبيت مش بعيد. وافقوا طبعا بدون أى كلام. وطلعنا الشقة وحطوا الحاجة وأنا كنت هايجة ساعتها لأنى خبطت فى زب واحد فيهم من غير ما أقصد وهجت جامد فمسكت فيهم وقلت ادخلوا اشربوا حاجة بعد الكلام الطويل دخلوا وشربوا العصير. أنا قلت فى نفسى لازم أجرب حاجة جديدة غير النيك من الرجالة. وقبل لما أدخل لهم العصير غيرت ملابسى ولبست الروب بس ومفيش حاجة تحته وأنا بأقدم لهم العصير قصدت إنى أفك رباط الروب علشان ينفتح وأشوف رد فعلهم لقيت واحد فيهم صفر صفارة طويلة وقال لى جامدة موت ما صدقت أنا طبعا قال الكلمة دى وقلت له وأنت مش جامد ولا إيه قام قال لى تحبى تشوفيه ولا إيه يا شرموطة قلت له لا أحب أشوفكم انتم الاتنين مع بعض وقمنا ودخلنا غرفة النوم وخلعوا الاتنين ملابسهم وواحد قعد يلحس فى طيزى والتانى يلحس فى بزازى شوية ولحد ما نزل لكسى. وخلاص كنت هجت ساعتها وقعدت أقول آآآآه ه ه ه آآآآآآ ارحمونى بقى طفوا نارى ارحمنى آه ه ه ه ه ه آه ه ه ه ه قام واحد منهم نام على ظهره على السرير وقعدنى على زبه وقمت أتنطط عليه.وفى غفلة فى شهوتى قام التانى ناطط عليا ودخل بتاعه فى كسى هوه كمان قمت مصرخة آه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه هوقعدوا
ينيكوا فيا
أكتر من ربع
ساعة كده لما
حسيت بمتعة
جامدة قوى
قوى وسابني
التانى وطلع
زبره وخرج
ينيكنى لحد
ما اتكيف
وكيفنى وغرق
مهبلى وكسى
من جوه لبن
وكانت أحسن 3
ساعات فى
حياتى مارست
فيهم الجنس
وفضلت احلف
بيها طول
حياتى. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Soha and the students.txt |
126,713 | null | Me and my father-in-law | أنا وواالد زوجى
تذكرت كريمة، وهي في الخامسة والعشرين من عمرها، أن متابعتها مقرر الدراسات الأوروبية في الجامعة كان فأحسنا بالنسبة إليها لأنها تعرفت خلاله على "معروف" ووقعت في غرامه من النظرة الأولى. بعد تخرجهما من الجامعة بفترة قصيرة، تزوجا وأخذ كل منهما طريقه نحو العمل.
كانت كريمة جالسة أمام المرآة غارقة في أفكارها وذكرياتها. قالت لنفسها:
- يا إلهي، من يصدق أنه قد مضى على زواجنا سنتان! ... لقد مر الوقت سريعا ... منذ سنتين فقط كنت كريمة منصور محمد ، طالبة في كلية الآداب، ... والآن، أنا كريمة حسين، زوجة معروف حسين ... كما أنا سعيدة بمتابعتي لهذا المقرر ... وإلا لم أكن لأقابل معروف وأتعرف عليه ... ما أشكو منه فقط هو أن عمله يفرض عليه الغياب عن المنزل أحيانا كثيرة ... يا إلهي كم أشتاق إليه عندما يكون غائبا ... إن البقاء وحيدة لفترات طويلة أمر يصعب احتماله ....
تنهدت كريمة وهي تخاطب نفسها:
- الحمد لله أن أباه هنا، فهو يُكلمني بالهاتف دائما ويعرض علي أن يساعدني عندما يغيب معروف ... قدم لي مساعدة مهمة الأسبوع الفائت عندما صحبني لشراء المقاعد الجديدة التي وضعتها في الصالون ...
في هذا الوقت، رن جرس الهاتف ليعيدها إلى أرض الواقع.
- صباح الخير يا عمي.
- كيف حالك؟
لم يتأخر جوابها:
- أنا بخير، غير أنني احتاج منك أن تُساعدني هذا اليوم ... أريد أن أعيد ترتيب الصالون، غير أن الأريكة ثقيلة الوزن بالنسبة إلي وحدي ... أتساءل إن كان بإمكانك المجيء حوالي الساعة الرابعة والنصف لمساعدتي. سوف أحضر لك عشاء لذيذا لشكرك على المساعدة التي تقدمها لي في غياب معروف ...
عادت كريمة إلى أفكارها الحزينة وقالت لنفسها:
- آه يا عمي! لو كنت تعلم أي مساعدة أحتاجها أكثر! ... مضى أسبوعان على غياب معروف وكسي يرتجف من الحرمان ....وهنا تذكرت كريمة أن عمها أو حماها حسين، والد زوجها وليس شقيق والدها طبعا، أرمل من ثلاث سنوات، ويُقال أنه بحاجة إلى امرأة.
- أتساءل عن آخر مرة نكت فيها حماي امرأة. يبدو أنني لا أساعده بإشغالي له نهاية كل أسبوع. أحس بالذنب لإثارته بهذه الطريقة. أعلم أن غريزته الذكرية تدفعه للبصبصة على ساقاني في السيارة،. هل علي، بسبب هذا الأمر، أن أتقصد وأتعمد إثارته طوال الطريق؟
أغلقت كريمة عينيها وعادت بها الذاكرة إلى نهاية الأسبوع الماضي. تذكرت كيف فتح لها عمها باب السيارة لتصعد كونها كانت تلبس حذاءً عالي الكعب.
تذكرت موجة الإثارة التي اجتاحت جسدها من رأسها إلى أخمص قدميها عندما رأته يُبصبص ويتلصص على ساقيها محاولا رؤية ما تُخفيه الجونلة.
في البداية، انزعجت كريمة من أن والد زوجها ينظر إليها هذه النظرة، غير أنها أحست برعشة الإثارة، العائدة بدون شك إلى حرمانها، تجتاحها من جديد.
بعد أن صعد حموها حسين إلى السيارة وجلس خلف المقود، تركت كريمة عن قصد تنورتها تتراجع لتكشف عن فخذيها. من جديد، نظر حماها إلى فخذيها نظرة شهوة.
مرت كريمة بلسانها على شفتيها وحوّلت نظرها إلى نافذة السيارة كأن شيئا لم يحدث، مُبعدة فخذيها عن بعضهما البعض وهي تعلم أن عيني والد زوجها لا تتحولان عن ما يوجد بين فخذيها.
استراحت كريمة على مقعدها، أصبح فخذاها الآن مكشوفين بالكامل، برررت ذلك لنفسها بالقول أن إثارته له سوف تدفعه إلى التحرق والخروج بحثا عن النساء.
غير أنها تلوم نفسها الآن على هذا التصرف الذي قامت به نهاية الأسبوع الماضي.
- لماذا فعلت كل ذلك؟ فحماي المسكين لم يقرب امرأة منذ سنوات وأنا، كنته، زوجة ابنه، أتسلى بإثارته عن قصد .... لماذا استمريت في إثارته؟ .... مع علمي بأن ذلك سوف يدفعه إلى الجنون ... يبدو أنه كان على عجلة من أمره، كان يريد أن نعود وأن نرتب الصالون... يا الله، لو مددني على الأريكة واغتصبني، لن يلومه أحد! ... بعد كل حركات الإثارة التي قمت بها في السيارة ... لماذا تتملكني الرغبة في النيك؟ تساءلت كريمة.عندما يحتاج أقارب للنيك ... لماذا لا توجد حلول ! ... تنهدت كريمة بحزن.
بعد الانتهاء من إعادة ترتيب الصالون، توجهت كريمة إلى المطبخ لتحضير العشاء. كانت تشعر بالذنب لأنها أثارت هذا الحما المسكين في الأسبوع الماضي. أما الآن، فإنها تقوم بما هو أسوأ. فهي قد ارتدت تي شيرت مفتوحا بشكل واسع على الصدر. وعندما انحنت لتساعدها، رأى والد زوجها صدرها ومتع نظره طويلا.
كانت كريمة خجلة من نفسها. تنهدت عميقا وهي تنظر إلى الحوض.
وبينما هي غارقة في أفكارها الكئيبة، لم تسمع حماها وهو يدخل إلى المطبخ ويقف خلف ظهرها.
- هل من أمر يا كريمة؟ سألها متعجبا من صمتها.
تفاجأت وهي تحس بحماها يمسكها من الكتف، ارتعشت وجمدت في مكانها، استدارت نحوه مبهورة وقالت بتلعثم:
- آه يا عمي، إني آسفة على إثارتك في السيارة الأسبوع الماضي ... كان تصرفي سيئا وأحس بالذنب ... يعود ذلك إلى غياب معروف منذ فترة طويلة مما جعلني أحس بالحرمان ... كم أحتاج أن يهتم بي !
لم تكن كريمة متحضرة لما سيجري: داعبت يدا والد زوجها ذراعيها بنعومة، استدارت ببطء وارتمت بين ذراعيه، أما هو فقد أخذ بتمرير يديه على جسدها.
وبينما هي ترتعش، أحست به يطوق خصرها، فأحست مباشرة بحلمتيها تنتصبان، بينما كان حماها يعصر نهديها عبر القميص والسوتيان.
لم تتحضّر لهذه المغامرة، كانت ترتعش، لكنها لم تُبد أي ممانعة !
أدارها حماها بحيث التصق ظهرها بصدره وأخذ بمداعبة ثدييها بلطف. وبينما كانت تلهث بسبب الإثارة، سحب والد زوجها قميصها من تحت الجونلة، ثم ضاعت يداه تحت القميص. أصبح السوتيان الرقيق وحده يفصل الآن يدي حميها التائهتين عن ثدييها اللذين انتصبا تحت تأثير المداعبة كما انتصبت الحلمتان.
- أووووووووه ! أووووووووووه ! يا عمي ...... تنهدت كريمة بينما كان والد زوجها يمرر يديه تحت السوتيان عاصرا ثديا عاريا أخذت حلمته تولد الألم من انتصابها.
بعد ذلك، تلقى الثدي الآخر نصيبه من المداعبة.كانت كريمة
تزقزق من
تاركة والد
زوجها يلعب
بعد ذلك ترك
أحد الثديين
وانزلقت يده
- أوووووه! ......
أوووووه! .........
أوووووووووو! .......تمتمت
عندما وصلت
أصابعه إلى
وعندما أخذت
هذه الأصابع
كسها، قالت
وهي تئن
وتغنج بدلع: -
أوووووووووه ....
أوووووووه، يا
عمي ......... إنك ....
إنك سوف
تجعلني ......
تجعلني أبلغ
متعتي! .....
طويلا وهي
على مقربة من
المتعة التي
بعد أن عادت
من متعتها
وقد هدتها، ضمت كريمة
شفتاها من
شفتيه وضاعا
في قبلة
ملؤها الولع.
لم تُبد أية
عندما فك
والد زوجها
ونزعه عنها
إلى القميص
محررا بهذه
نهديين طريين
تحبب جلدهما
من الإثارة،
كما نزع عنها
فأصبحت بذلك
عارية لا
تلبس إلا
أخذها بين
وقادها إلى
الغرفة التي
تتقاسمها مع
منذ لقائهما
الأول، كان
والد زوجها
يشتهي كل ما
يزخر به جسد
كنته. غير أنه
حرص، حتى
اليوم، على
تعرض صبره
عسير، فقد
انتصب أيره
بألم في
عندما رأى
محاسن زوجة
ابنه مكشوفة
أمام ناظريه.
عض على
شفتيه، وهو
يتصور نفسه
يلحس فخذيها
كالقشدة قبل
أن يدفع
لسانه بعيدا
في كسها
بالعسل. تعذب
كثيرا قبل أن
يقذف قذفات
عندما حلب
أيره في
ليريح نفسه
ويقلل من
مد زوجة
الجميلة على
السرير، نزع
كان معروف قد
أهمل زوجته
طويلا، حتى
أنها أخذت
تفقد الأمل
بأن يأخذ رجل
على عاتقه
لم يكن والد
بالطبع، أن
تبحث كنته عن
متعتها عند
أغراب. فهو،
بذلك، يُبقي
الأمر داخل
العائلة! ....
سيحرص على
شخصيا! ....
حبا والد
زوجها نحو
رأس السرير
ووضع نفسه
بين فخذيها
اللذين باعد
بينهما، مال
عليها وأخذ
بين أسنانه
وأخذ يعضها
برفق بينما
تنتصبان بين
شفتيه.بعد ذلك، قام بمداعبة الثدي الآخر كي لا يغار من أخيه، فحصل على النتيجة نفسها، حلمتان منتصبتان حتى الألم، كانت كريمة تلهث تحت تأثير مداعباته البطيئة. بعد ذلك، ترك ثدييها وانتقل ليهتم بمركز أنوثتها، الآخذ بالتفتح، واستعد لتذوّق عطره.
احمر وجه كريمة من الحيرة عندما أيقنت ما يرغب والد زوجها أن يفعله بها. فهي لم تسمح أبدا لزوجها القيام بمثل هذه الأعمال الإباحية، وها هو والده يدفن وجهه بين فخذيها بهدف تذوّق كسها.
- أوووووووه ..... يا عمي .......... لا ........ لا أريد ذلك ........... آه ه ه ه ه ه ..... آه ه ه ه ه ه ه .... تنهدت منحلة وتشبثت بالمخدة بينما كانت تنفجر متعتها بقوة غير مسبوقة.
رفعت ساقيها وحوّطت بهما ظهر والد زوجها في الوقت الذي كانت تضغط بيديها على رأسه في دعوة له أن يبقى بين فخذيها.
تقوّست مستندة إلى قدميها، كانت كريمة ترتعش بينما كان نهر من العسل يُغرق كسها الملتهب وصولا إلى فم والد زوجها.
كان والد زوجها، بدوره، يرعى العشب الأسود حول كسها، وكان يشعر بلذة لا متناهية لقيامه بذلك.
كانت كريمة تبلغ متعتها مرات ومرات تحت تأثير اللسان الخبير رافعة طيزها ليلتصق كسها بفم عمها أكثر فأكثر:
- أوووووووووو ...... يا عمي ....... إنه يأكل كسي ..... إنه يجعلني أرتعش .... أيضا وأيضا ......... أووووووووووه ........ بلغت النشوة ....... نعم م م م ...........آه ه ه ه ه ........
ألقى نظرة المنتصر على زوجة ابنه الرائعة وهو يلحس ما علق على شفتيه.
سوف يتمكن من إشباع رغباته التي كان يكتمها منذ سنوات. انزلق بين فخذيها المنفتحين واسعا له، واضعا رأس أيره الملتهب في وسط مركز أنوثتها الذي لم يعد يقوى على الصبر.
- أوه يا حبيبتي الصغيرة ... إني أنتظر هذه اللحظة منذ سنوات. قال لها بصوت ساخر.
ثم دفع بزبه الغليظ بين شفتي كسها المنتفختين، ارتعش عندما أحس أن كسها الضيق يضم بقوة أيره الضخم.
- أوه يا حبيبتي الصغيرة ... إنك ضيقة جدا ... ضيقة جدا جدا .... قال بصوت متهدج وقد غمرته اللذة.
- هم م م م .... تنهدت كريمة بحنان بينما كان يغرس أيره بكامل طوله في كسها الضيق.
أخذ في نيكها دخولا وخروجا، موفرا لها نياكة تاقت إليها منذ وقت طويل ! ...تبادل
القبل بجنون
في المخدع
الذي لم يشهد
من قبل إلا
ظهر وال
بينما استمر
بالشد عليه.
الأير في
كانت سعيدة
بأن تحس
أخيرا أن
رجلا ينيكها
بمثل هذه
أحست به
يندفع في
وتذكرت أنه
لم يضع واقيا
على أيره.
لم تهتم
كريمة، حتى
هذه اللحظة،
إلا بالمتعة
التي يوفرها
لها وال
زوجها من دون
أن تقدّر
لمثل هذا
في بداية هذا
الشهر، كانت
وزوجها قد
قررا أن
يؤسسا عائلة
بسرعة، غير
أن هذا الأمر
لم يكن أكيدا
نظرا لغياب
كريمة إلى أن
وال زوجها
قد يوفر حلا
- أوه كريمة ....
أوه يا
حبيبتي .... سوف
ينزل حليبي ....
سوف أنزله في
كسك الصغير ....
أوه يا
حبيبتي .... سوف
الحفيد الذي
رغبت فيه
دوما .... قال
وال الزوج
بصوت متهدج
وهو ينيك
عاد ليضرب
كسها بقوة
مدخلا أيره،
وإيابا بكل
هياج في كسها
الذي كان
يستقبله بكل
سرور، كانت
تشد عضلات
أيره بيد من
حديد في قفاز
من مخمل.
كان ذلك من
اللذة بحيث
تخطى جميع
الشبقة، لم
يأمل يوما أن
تتحقق هذه
- أوووووه .... إنه
شيء لذيذ ....
حبيبتي ........ إنك
ضيقة جدا ........
أوووووه ...
كريمة ....
كريمة .... إنه
شيء لذيذ ........
تماما كما
تخيلته في
بالشبق .... قال
وال زوجها
بصوت متهدج
وهو ينيكها
بقوة لا تكل.
- أوووووه يا
عمي .....
كمان ......... كمان
....... نكني ...... كمان
يا عمي ....... نكني
حتى العظم .....
تمتمت كريمة
وهي تتقوّس
تحت وال
وبينما كانت
لا تزال تشد
على خصر وال
تصلّب فخذا
مساعدة له
حتى يدفع
أيره إلى
أعماق كسها
المنفلت من
عقاله، كما
تصلّب وال
زوجها بدوره
عندما بدأ
ينتفض وضمها
بشدة وضمته
وهو يقذف
لبنه الوفير
الغزير في
أعماق كس
زوجة ابنه.
فوقها ، ثم
بدأ جولة
جديدة من نيك
كنته كريمة . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my father-in-law.txt |
126,715 | null | Me and our neighbor Om Doaa | أنا وأم دعاء
أولا أحب أعرفكم بنفسى أنا ميدو من إسكندرية
القصة دى حصلت معايا من 3 سنين .
كان لينا واحدة ست جارتنا اسمها آمال أو أم دعاء ، بس كانت ست غير عادية جسمها كان يشبه كتير جسم فيفى عبده وكانت جميلة جدااااااا وكانت دايما بتلبس ملابس ضيقة وبتبقى مبينة طيزها اللى كانت كبيرة أووووووى .
أنا كنت كل ما أشوفها زبى بيقف ما أعرفش ليه وكنت باحلم باليوم اللى أنيكها فيه .
لحد ما فى يوم من الأيام كانت جاية تنشر الغسيل عندنا فى البلكونة عشان المنشر بتاعهم اتكسر ، فأمى قالت لى : اطلع مع أم دعاء شيل معاها .
قلت لها : حاضر. وطلعت معاها.
إحنا عندنا بيت من 3 أدوار بس إحنا بنقعد تحت فى الصيف عشان الدنيا بتبقى حر أوى فوق ، المهم طلعت معاها كنت باساعدها فى التنشير.
المهم فضلت تتكلم معايا وتسألنى أخبارك إيه وكده يعنى ,,, وأنا صراحة ما كنتش مركز معاها خالص أنا كنت مركز مع طيزها الكبيرة أووووى.
المهم قلت لازم ألمس طيزها فرحت عامل نفسى عايز أعدى من ورايها وجيت متحرش بيها من ورا ... ياه كان أجمل إحساس فى الدنيا زبى اتغرز بين فلقتين طيزها افتكرتها هتزعل أو هتزعق لى بس استغربت منها لما لاقيتها بتضحك وبتقول لى : يا ولا عيب دا أنا زى أمك... اتكسفت أوى منها وقلت لها : أنا آسف ما كنتش أقصد.
المهم عدى اليوم ده ، وبعديها بحوالى أسبوع جات عندنا وكانت بتخبز مع أمى العيش وبعدين كانت مروحة بعد ما خلصت. فقالت لى : تعالى ارفع عليا اللوح يا ميدو.
فرفعته عليها .... هى كانت مديانى طيزها فأنا غصب عنى المرة دى لمست طيزها من ورا اللى كانت كبيرة وناعمة أووووووى ، فضحكت تانى وقالت لى : يا ولا عيب دا أنا زى أمك.
قلت لها : وحياتك ما أقصد حاجة.
قالت لى : ماشى يا ميدو.
المهم جه بقى اليوم اللى باعتبره أجمل يوم فى حياتى.
حصلت مشكلة بينها وبين جوزها وسابت له البيت ومشيت ...الكلام ده
كان بالليل
أوى حوالى
الساعة 12 ، وهى
بلدها بعيدة
عن إسكندرية
فما عرفتش
تروح ، فجات
أنا ساعتها
كنت سهران
لواحد صاحبى
رحتها غصب
عنى لأنى
بانام بدرى
ومحبش السهر .
ما كنتش أعرف
إن الجميل
الليل بطوله
لغاية الفجر
لأول مرة فى
حياتى ..
المهم جات
عندنا ، وحكت
لأمى على
اللى حصل
بينها هى
وإنها حلفت
ما هى راجعة
له تانى
وكلام من ده.
المهم أمى
قالت لها:
خلاص بتى
ربنا نبقى
نشوف هنعمل
إيه بكره.
وقالت لها
كمان: تعالى
نامى جمبى
وأبو ميدو
ينام برة مع
ما وافقتش
خالص ، وقالت:
لا والله
اتفقوا إنها
تنام فوق فى
ويكون معاها
واحد من
على فكرة أنا
أكبر إخواتى
وليا أخين
محمد وحسن
صغيرين واحد
والتانى فى
أولى إعدادى.
قالت: لا أنا
باخاف أنا
عاوزة واحد
كبير. خلى
ميدو يطلع
معايا فوق.
قالت لها: ده
مش هنا.
قالت لها:
خلاص لما
ييجى ابقى
خليه ينام
معايا فوق فى
المهم لما
روحت ، أمى
قالت لى: اطلع
نام فوق يا
ميدو مع
خالتك أم
دعاء لأحسن
هى متخانقة
مع جوزها ،
أنا ما كنتش
مصدق نفسى من
الفرحة ، بس
عملت نفسى
زعلان وقلت
لها: ده فوق
قالت لى:
معلش استحمل
المهم طلعت
فوق ودخلت
بتتفرج على
ولابسة قميص
نوم لبنى
قالت لى:
معلش يا ميدو
أصل الدنيا
حر فوق أوى.
قلت لها:
معلش إيه بس.
إيه الجمال
ضحكت وقالت
لى: يا ولا عيب
دا أنا قد
أمك ...
ضحكت أنا
المهم سبتها
ودخلت أوضتى
وقعدت شوية
داخلة عليا
وبتقول لى: هو
الحمام منين
يا ميدو عشان
استحمى إلا
الدنيا حر
أوى هنا ؟
قلت لها عليه.
المهم أنا
حسيت إن
اليوم ده هو
اليوم اللى
هاتكها فيه
، وهى بتحاول
تغرينى بس
قلت اتقل
شوية ...
بعدها دخلت
عليا ، وقالت
لى: عجبك كده
أمك مش حاطة
فوطة فى
الحمام ما
عرفتش أنشف
ودخلت عليا
وهى مبلولة
لازق على
تقريبا كله
كان بايّن.قلت لها:
معلش تحبى
أجيب لك فوطة.
قالت لى: لا
خلاص أنا
داخلة أنام.
انت مش هتنام
قلت لها:
شوية كده
قالت لى: لا
أنا ما أعرفش
أنام وحد
صاحى فى
قلت لها:
خلاص هقفل
قالت لى: هو
انت هتنام
هنا ولا إيه ؟
قلت لها: آه
قالت لى: لا
يا حبيبى دا
أنا بأخاف
أمال أنا
مطلعاك فوق
معايا ليه
عشان انت
تنام فى أوضة
وأنا فى أوضة.
لا انت هتنام
جمبى أنا
بأخاف أنام
قلت لها: بس....
قالت لى:
مفيش بس مش
أنا زى أمك
ولا إيه ؟
قلت لها:
خلاص حاضر..
المهم دخلت
أنام معاها
جوه. السرير
ما كانش فى نص
الأوضة عشان
كده كانت
بتجيب نصه بس.
كانت مروحة
سقف. وهى كانت
نايمة فى
الحتة اللى
المروحة ما
قالت لى: لا
وحياة أمك
انت هتنيمنى
فى الحتة
اللى مفيهاش
هوا. ده كفاية
الحر اللى فى
قلت لها:
خلاص هاتينى
قالت لى: لأ.
تصعب عليا.
قلت لها:
أمال أعمل
إيه ؟
قالت لى:
ننام إحنا
الاتنين فى
الجنب ده.
قلت لها:
وجات لزقت
جمبى. ياه
كانت ناعمة
أوى وأنا
سخنت أوى من
نعومة جسمها
وزبى وقف
خالص وكمان
هى ادورت
اللى كنت
بأموت عليها.
قلت خلاص أنا
مش قادر أكتر
من كده وجيت
مدور نفسى
قام زبى لازق
بين فلقتين
طيزها خصوصا
أنا كنت لابس
لبس خفيف وهى
قالت لى:
أخيرا فهمت
أنا عاوزة
إيه... بص بقى
اعتبر إن
النهارده ليلة
دخلتك اعمل
معايا اللى انت
أنا ما كنتش
مصدق نفسى من
الكلام ده.
قالت لى: انت
عارف أنا
بقالى أكتر
من 5 سنين ما
حدش لمسنى.
عمك أبو دعاء
تعبان وزبه
ما بيقومش
خالص وأنا
لاقيتك اعمل
فيا اللى انت
قلت لها:
وفضلت أنيك
فيها شوية
على اللابس
بس إيه ناعمة
وفضلت أبوس
فيها كتير
أوى ونلمس
لساننا لبعض.
وبعدين جيت
القميص اللى
ما كانتش
لابسة حاجة
تحته وفضلت
أرضع فى
الكبار أوى.
وبعدين نزلت
على كسها
الناعم الجميل
وفضلت أمص
فيه لحد ما
نزلت شهوتها.
وقامت هى
وقالت لى: زبك
كبير وحلو.وفضلت ترضع
فيه أكتر من
ربع ساعة لحد
ما نزلت
العشرة فى
وبعدين فضلت
أبوس فيها
لحد ما زبى
وقف من تانى
وفضلت ألحس
فى كسها وهى
نازلة غنج: آه
آه كفاية
حرام عليك
دخله بقى مش
قادرة .
وفعلا جيت
رافع رجليها
وفضلت أنيك
فيها من كسها
كتير .
عدلتها وجيت
مخليها تنام
على بطنها
وتركع على
وفضلت أنيك
فيها وهى نازلة
غنج: آه آه آه
أوف بحبك انت
فين من زمان
بحبك يا ميدو
آه آه .
لحد ما كنت
هنزل ، قلت
لها: أنزل فين
؟. قالت لى:
جوه كسى أنا
مركبة لولب
ما تخافش مش
هاحمل .
وجيت منزل فى
كسها .
وبعدين قلت
لها: انتى
ترقصى صح كنت
بترقصى لما
كان بيبقى
عندنا فرح .
قالت لى: آه .
قلت لها:
ارقصى لى
شوية .
قالت لى:
وجيت مشغل
وفضلت ترقص
أجمل من فيفى
عبده .
وبعدين قلت
لها: أنا نفسى
أنيكك تانى.
قالت لى:
كفاية. إيه ما
شبعتش يا
هههههههههه .
وضحكت ضحكة
بنت متناكة .
قلت لها:
عشان خاطرى.
قالت لى:
ماشى. علق
وجابوه على
وتد هيقول
إيه غير ده
اللى باتمناه .
يالا متعنى
يا نمر.
المهم كنت
بتفرج على
أفلام بورنو
سكس وعجبتنى
اللى شفتها
فكان الولد
ينيك البنت
على جنبها
وعلى جنبه زى
وتطلع على
زبه هى
وتتنطط زى
القردة ، بس
أنا فضلت
المرة دى
أخليها تحتى
التقليدى. بس
الأول فضلت
أحط صواابعى
فى كسها شوية
كده وبعدين
جيت حاطط زبى
الراس بس
اللى دخلته
باحنسها وهى
عمالة تتاوه
من المتعة
وبعدين جيت
زاقق زبى لحد
ما دخل كله
وكنت حاسس
المرة دى إنى
مدخله فى فرن
كانت ساخنة
أوى من جوه
موولعة نار
وهى عمالة
تغنج: آه آه آه
أوف بالراحة
كمان يا ميدو
كمان اه .
تليفونها رن
وكان فى
الصالة بره.
قالت لى: ده
فباطلع زبى
قالت لى: انت
بتعمل إيه ؟
قلت لها:
باطلع عشان
تروحى ترد.
قالت لى: انت
ما طلعوش إلا
لما أنا أقول
لك أنا عاوزة
أكلمه وانت
زبك جواية .
وفعلا مشينا
الاتنين مع
بعض وزبى
جواها ، وكان
شعور غريب
وأنا حاسس إن
أول مرة أمشى
وزبى مش
معاية مع حد
تانى .وبعدين فضلت
وتتأوه وهى
بتكلمه وهو
يقول لها :
إنتى مالك
بتقولى آه
ليه انتى
تعبانة ؟
تقول له : لا
وسلام بقى
عشان عاوزة
أنام وبكرة
نبقى نتكلم .
ورجعنا تانى
وبعدين نزلت
لتانى مرة
جوه كسها
وفضلنا نبوس
فى بعض وأرضع
فى بزها وهى
ترضع فى
وكنتها كتير
من كسها ومن
بقها ومن
بزازها لحد
ما قرب
النهار كده.
وبعدين قمت
عشان أنام فى
أوضتى عشان
ما حدش يحس
بحاجة وأنا
بابوس بقها
وأقول لها :
تصبح على خير
يا جميل يا
اللى سهرتنى
الليل بطوله
لأول مرة فى
ورجعت تانى
وكنتها بعد
كده كتير
بالنهار فى
بيتها كلما
كان جوزها
يكون مسافر
هو وعيالها.
وبعد كده
عزلونا من
وراحوا بلد
تانية بس أنا
عمرى ما
هانساها. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and our neighbor Om Doaa.txt |
126,717 | null | Salwa and 4 men | أنا سلوى، عمري 38 سنة.كانت لى جارة تعمل بالدعارة وتشتهر بممارستها القوادة أى تحضر نساء للرجال والعكس وفى ليلة كان زوجى مسافر فى رحلة عمل وكنت قد تعاملت معها فى إحدى المرات عندما طلبت منها إحضار رجل ليعاشرنى ثم لم أعد أعرف عنها شيئا وفى تلك الليلة حوالى الساعة 7 مساء كنت بغرفتى أشاهد أحد الأفلام الجنسية وكنت عارية تماما وحافية سمعت طرقات على الباب فتساءلت فسمعت صوت خادمتى ريم تقول لى هناك سيدة تريد لقائى فقلت لها سأنزل وكنت غاضبة جدا وارتديت عباءة واسعة حريرية مزركشة ثم ارتديت على رأسى ما أستر به شعرى ونزلت لمقابلة الضيفة وكانت بالهول فى الفيلا وكان ظهرها لى وتوجهت إليها وعندما رأيتها صعقت وقلت لها ما الذى أتى بك هنا فقالت لى أهكذا تقابلين من سبق أن أدى إليك خدمة فقلت لها لقد قبضت المقابل فقالت المهم أنا أريدك فى مهمة عاجلة فقلت لها ماذا تريدين منى فقالت لدى زبون هام جدا وعاجل جدا فقلت لها أجننت أنا متزوجة قالت أعلم وزوجك ليس هنا فرفضت فقالت لى إنه شاب وسيم ثرى ويمتلئ بالرجولة والفحولة والعنفوان ولن ترى مثله أبدا قلت لها ألم أخبرك أنك جننت هيا غادرى المنزل فورا فقالت لى استمعى لى أولا ثم افعلى ما يحلو لك إنه عريس ليلة دخلته غدا ويريد أن يتأكد من قدرته الجنسية أولا وخاصة أن هناك بعض أهل العروسة وبعض أهله سيحضرون عملية المعاشرة لأنه قد ترددت شائعات أن العريس ليس له فى المعاشرة فقلت لها أنا رافضة لكونه وحده فما بالك وأهله حاضرون كيف ذلك ولماذا أنا بالتحديد فقالت لأنك جميلة جدا جدا وجسدك أكثر من رائع بجانب انك لديك الجرأة الكافية لممارسة الجنس أمام العديد من الناس وستحبين ما سيفعله بك فتردد فضحكت وقالت أنا أعلم أنك لن تقاومى أنا فى انتظارك فى منزلى بعد ساعة من الآن فقلت لها لن أحضر فقالت أنا واثقة من حضورك وبالمناسبة فلترتدى ملابس تليق بالسهرة فقلت لها سهرة ماذا فقالت لأنك قد تسهرين فلتحضرى معكى ملابس النوم التى ستعاشرين الشاب فيها فقلت لها لن أحضر فقالت سنرى وغادرت فصعدت لغرفتى وأخذت أفكر فى مدى وسامة وفحولة هذا الشاب العشرينى وقلت لنفسى فلأرتدى الملابس وأستعد ولكن لن أغادر غرفتى وبدأت أعد نفسى فخلعت العباءة المزركشة وارتديت سوتيانة بيضاء نايلون وزوجين من الجوارب الطويلة الشفافة الحمراء النايلون وكولوت أبيض نايلون وارتديت قميص حريرى أزرق كان أصغر من مقاس صدرى بدرجتين فكان نهداى مشدودين بمنتهى العنف وجيبة طويلة حريرية سوداء شديدة الضيق على خصرى وأوراكى وتبدأ من أول ركبتى فى الاتساع نزولا أخذت حقيبة يد ووضعت بها بعض الأموال وكيس بلاستيك ووضعت به قميص نوم طويل نايلون ذو حمالات كتف رفيعة جدا وهبطت حتى رأيته وكان جالسا ظهره للسلم ويبدو أنه كان قد استدعى أهله وأهل عروسته كما قالت لى القوادة من قبل فقد كانت تردد شائعات أن العريس ليس له فى المعاشرة فقلت له لقد قبضت المقابل فقالت المهم أنا أريدك فى مهمة عاجلة فقلت لها ماذا تريدين منى فقالت لدى زبون هام جدا وعاجل جدا فقلت لها أجننت أنا متزوجة قالت أعلم وزوجك ليس هنا فرفضت فقالت لى إنه شاب وسيم ثرى ويمتلئ بالرجولة والفحولة والعنفوان ولن ترى مثله أبدا قلت لها ألم أخبرك أنك جننت هيا غادرى المنزل فورا فقالت لى استمعى لى أولا ثم افعلى ما يحلو لك إنه عريس ليلة دخلته غدا ويريد أن يتأكد من قدرته الجنسية أولا وخاصة أن هناك بعض أهل العروسة وبعض أهله سيحضرون عملية المعاشرة لأنه قد ترددت شائعات أن العريس ليس له فى المعاشرة فقلت لها أنا رافضة لكونه وحده فما بالك وأهله حاضرون كيف ذلك ولماذا أنا بالتحديد فقالت لأنك جميلة جدا جدا وجسدك أكثر من رائع بجانب انك لديك الجرأة الكافية لممارسة الجنس أمام العديد من الناس وستحبين ما سيفعله بك فتردد فضحكت وقالت أنا أعلم أنك لن تقاومى أنا فى انتظارك فى منزلى بعد ساعة من الآن فقلت لها لن أحضر فقالت أنا واثقة من حضورك وبالمناسبة فلترتدى ملابس تليق بالسهرة فقلت لها سهرة ماذا فقالت لأنك قد تسهرين فلتحضرى معكى ملابس النوم التى ستعاشرين الشاب فيها فقلت لها لن أحضر فقالت سنرى وغادرت فصعدت لغرفتى وأخذت أفكر فى مدى وسامة وفحولة هذا الشاب العشرينى وقلت لنفسى فلأرتدى الملابس وأستعد ولكن لن أغادر غرفتى وبدأت أعد نفسى فخلعت العباءة المزركشة وارتديت سوتيانة بيضاء نايلون وزوجين من الجوارب الطويلة الشفافة الحمراء النايلون وكولوت أبيض نايلون وارتديت قميص حريرى أزرق كان أصغر من مقاس صدرى بدرجتين فكان نهداى مشدودين بمنتهى العنف وجيبة طويلة حريرية سوداء شديدة الضيق على خصرى وأوراكى وتبدأ من أول ركبتى فى الاتساع نزولا أخذت حقيبة يد ووضعت بها بعض الأموال وكيس بلاستيك ووضعت به قميص نوم طويل نايلون ذو حمالات كتف رفيعة جدا وهبطت حتى رأيته وكان جالسا ظهره للسلم ويبدو أنه كان قد استدعى أهله وأهل عروسته كما قالت لى القوادة من قبل فقد كانت تردد شائعات أن العريس ليس له فى المعاشرة فقلت له لقد قبضت المقابل فقالت المهم أنا أريدك فى مهمة عاجلة فقلت لها ماذا تريدين منى فقالت لدى زبون هام جدا وعاجل جدا فقلت لها أجننت أنا متزوجة قالت أعلم وزوجك ليس هنا فرفضت فقالت لى إنه شاب وسيم ثرى ويمتلئ بالرجولة والفحولة والعنفوان ولن ترى مثله أبدا قلت لها ألم أخبرك أنك جننت هيا غادرى المنزل فورا فقالت لى استمعى لى أولا ثم افعلى ما يحلو لك إنه عريس ليلة دخلته غدا ويريد أن يتأكد من قدرته الجنسية أولا وخاصة أن هناك بعض أهل العروسة وبعض أهله سيحضرون عملية المعاشرة لأنه قد ترددت شائعات أن العريس ليس له فى المعاشرة فقلت لها أنا رافضة لكونه وحده فما بالك وأهله حاضرون كيف ذلك ولماذا أنا بالتحديد فقالت لأنك جميلة جدا جدا وجسدك أكثر من رائع بجانب انك لديك الجرأة الكافية لممارسة الجنس أمام العديد من الناس وستحبين ما سيفعله بك فتردد فضحكت وقالت أنا أعلم أنك لن تقاومى أنا فى انتظارك فى منزلى بعد ساعة من الآن فقلت لها لن أحضر فقالت أنا واثقة من حضورك وبالمناسبة فلترتدى ملابس تليق بالسهرة فقلت لها سهرة ماذا فقالت لأنك قد تسهرين فلتحضرى معكى ملابس النوم التى ستعاشرين الشاب فيها فقلت لها لن أحضر فقالت سنرى وغادرت فصعدت لغرفتى وأخذت أفكر فى مدى وسامة وفحولة هذا الشاب العشرينى وقلت لنفسى فلأرتدى الملابس وأستعد ولكن لن أغادر غرفتى وبدأت أعد نفسى فخلعت العباءة المزركشة وارتديت سوتيانة بيضاء نايلون وزوجين من الجوارب الطويلة الشفافة الحمراء النايلون وكولوت أبيض نايلون وارتديت قميص حريرى أزرق كان أصغر من مقاس صدرى بدرجتين فكان نهداى مشدودين بمنتهى العنف وجيبة طويلة حريرية سوداء شديدة الضيق على خصرى وأوراكى وتبدأ من أول ركبتى فى الاتساع نزولا أخذت حقيبة يد ووضعت بها بعض الأموال وكيس بلاستيك ووضعت به قميص نوم طويل نايلون ذو حمالات كتف رفيعة جدا وهبطت حتى رأيته وكان جالسا ظهره للسلم ويبدو أنه كان قد استدعى أهله وأهل عروسته كما قالت لى القوادة من قبل فقد كانت تردد شائعات أن العريس ليس له فى المعاشرة.وبدأ السيد يتلمسني من آن لآخر وقد بدا عليه الهياج الشديد والإثارة البالغة ثم لحظت بطرف عيني أمه وأم العروس وهما تشيران له إشارة خاصة .. ففهمتها أنا وسبقتهما وبدأت أخلع له ملابسه وأرقصه معي حتى أصبح عاريا حافيا مثلا أمام الجميع .. وعانقني وطوقت عنقه بذراعي ونظرت في عينيه السـاحرتين ثم قربت شفتي من شفتيه وأعطيته قبلة ملتهبة تلو الأخرى وأخرجت لساني لأمص لسانه وأعبث بلساني في أعماق فمه وامتصصت ريقه وبادلني الريق وذاق ريقي .. ثم هبط بيديه على ردفي يتحسسهما ويعبث بينهما باحثا عن كسي وخرم طيزي ودس أصابعه في كسي ثم في طيزي ثم عاد يتحسس ظهري ويلعق شحمة وصوان أذني .. وفك شعري المعقوص من مشبكه الأبيض العاجي .. وأطلقه مسترسلا فحركت رأسي لأساعده في ذلك .. ثم تناول يدي وقبلهما وتأمل أظافري الطويلة الجميلة المطلية بالأوكلادو الأحمر .. وتحسس غواشي .. يبدو أنه ممن يثيره الذهب .. وبدأت أضغط على ميله هذا .. وتمنيت لو كنت أرتدى المزيد من الحلي الذهبية في صدري وخلخال في قدمي وعدد أكبر من الغواشش في يدي كي أشعل جنونه أكثر .. ثم بدأ يقبل خدي ثم عنقي وهبط إلى ثديي فقبلهما كجوهرتين .. ومصهما ولحسهما حتى انتفخت الحلمات وتأوهت وغنجت وأخذت أشجعه على المضى أكثر في إلهاب شهوتي وأعصابي وبدأ أهله وأهل عروسه يشجعونه بألفاظ قذرة على نيكي .. فهبطت عند ركبتيه وبدأت أمص له زبره .. وعيناي لا تفارقان عينيه .. وأخذت أدلكه له بيدي ثم لاعبت خصيتيه بلساني وأغرقتهما بلعابي .. وكنت أتلذذ بمصي له وبقيت أمص له زبره لنصف ساعة ثم أنهضني و ناد الخدم فأتوا بفراش واسع وثير وضعوه أمام الحضور فأنامني عليه ورقد بين أوراكي وبدأ يلحس كسي .. لم أكن مختونة .. وكنت أحلق كسي بانتظام .. فكان جميلا ونظيفا ومتهدلا .. وأسمعني ما كنت أتوقعه طبعا من عبارات الثناء على جمال كسي ونظافته و بهره كوني غير مختونة فأنا حالة نادرة في مصر .. وقال لي ضاحكا وهو يلحس كسي كالقط الجائع .. ألفت عروستي برضه مش مطاهرة .. قلت له وعرفت إزاي ..
أنا أصلا
مشترط كده فى
عشان تكون
هايجة معايا
على طول ..
ويبقى كسها
زى نجمات
البورنو ..
وكان خبيرا
بصراحة فى
لحس الكس حتى
أنزلت من
لحسه مرات لا
أستطيع عدها ..
وكان يلعب فى
بزازى مع
لحسه لكسى
ويضع إصبعه
فى فمى لأمصه ..
برقيقه .. ولاعب
بأنامله ..
وبقى يلحسنى
لنصف ساعة
أخرى أتبعها
بلحس بدنى
كله من رأسى
حتى أخمص
قدمى ولم
يغادر شبرا
واحدا فى
أنحاء جسمى
لم يصافحه
ويترك عليه
أثرا من ريقى ..
وبدأ يدغدغ
رأس أيره عند
بوابة كسى ..
قلت له
آآآآآآآآآه أدخله هيا
مش قادرة
عايزاك ...
وعلا صوت
يحضونه على
ذلك أيضا
فبدأ فى
إدخاله .. إممم
كان لذيذا لا
يمحى مذاقه
فى كسى من
ذاكرتى أبدا ..
فلما دخلت
أصابع قدمى
تلذذا وعضضت
على شفتى ..
لابد أنه
مشهد مثير
قريبا منا ..
ولابد أن
الآن .. أدخل
الوسيم بقية
زبه فى أعماق
مهبلى ..
وشهقنا معا
مستمتعين ..
ضممته إلى
بشدة لا
أريده أن
يتحرك ولا
الخروج منى ..
وطوقت ظهره
بأنامل مما
زاد من
سخونته .. ونحن
متقاربة .. ثم
تركته يباشر
عمله فبدأ
يصعد ويهبط
على ببطء
شديد وروية
تماما كأنه
علم ما فى
نفسى وما
أتمناه ..
فنفذه لى ..
بكل لحظة جنس
معه ..
ننهل من عسل
بعضنا .. على
هذا الوضع
لنصف ساعة ثم
قلبنى فى وضع
القطة وبدأ
من جديد .. ولم
يقذف بعد .. يا
له من فتى
كامل من كله ..
جمال وشباب
وفحولة .. إنه
حلم كل امرأة
ومُنية كل
فتاة .. وكانت
تتماز ج
وتختلط فى
جاعلة من
النيك شيئا
خرافيا ليس
من هذا
العالم .. دعم
ذلك رغبتنا
فى بعضنا
البعض من
الأصل .. وداـ
ذلك لنصف
ساعة أخرى ثم
جعلنى على
جنب فى وضع
الملعقة ..
وناـ خلفى
ليضاجعنى ..
فلما أخذ
كلنا منا
أربه ووطره
من الآخر ..
للوضع الأول
وقذف فى
صارخا باسمى
فى حنان ..
سلوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووأنا أطوقه بوضع المقص بيدى ورجلى .. حتى أفرغ ما فى جعبته فى رحمى .. ولكنه بقى منتصبا .. فأخرج أيره منى .. وجعله بين ثديى وحركه وكنت أقبل كمرته كلما وصلت إلى شفتى حتى قذف على صدرى وبطنى فى النهاية . ونهض عنى والتف بروب جلبه له الخدم وزغردت المرأتان واحدة لسلامة ابنها والثانية لسعادة ابنتها .. وهنأه الرجال وباركوا له .. وحيونا على هذه الفقرة المدهشة .. ونظرت إلى الشبان الثلاثة فوجدتهم قد أخرجوا أزبارهم من بناطيلهم تماما كما توقعت يداعبونها فقال لهم السيد هيا هى لكم اخلعوا ملابسكم فخلعوا ملابسهم وأصبحوا عراة تماما وحفاة وقرر الأهل المغادرة بعدما اطمأنوا وودعهم السيد وعاد ليتفرج هذه المرة بدلا من أن يشارك فرأيت أزبارهم قوية وملئة بالفحولة كزبر السيد فأشار لى السيد أن أرقص لهم عارية حافية ففعلت وأخذوا يغازلونني ويتفوهون بكلمات قذرة ويتلمسونني كلما سنحت لهم الفرصة ودنوت منهم فنهض أحدهم واقترب منى وأنا أرقص وأخذ يعانقني ويتلمسني وتبعه الاثنان الآخران وأحاطوا بى يقبلونني فى كل أرجاء جسدى ويعملون ألسنتهم وأيديهم فى أنحاء بدنى حتى ملكتني الشهوة ولم تحملني ساقاى فوقعت أرضا ولكن أيديهم تلقفتني وأرقدوني على الفراش فراش الحب من جديد .. واقترب الأول منى وفك ما تحزمت به لأرقص ثم قلبني على ظهرى وأنا أحس بدغدغة جنونية تنهش بمنتهى اللذة والإلحاح فى كسى وحوضى ويكاد تنفسى يتوقف بسبب ما أشعر به من متعة ورغبة لا توصف فى كسى جراء اللمسات واللحسات التى تلقيتها فى بدنى وكنت راقدة على ظهرى والثلاثة يحيطون بى أحدهم يلحس كسى بنهم كظمآن لا يرتوى .. والثانى والثالث يداعبان نهدى ويتبادلان تقبيل فمى وخدى .. والعبث بشعرى وغواشى .. ثم تبادلوا المواقع مرارا و وضع بعضهم أيره فى فمى لأمصه له بينما آخر يلحس كسى وربما كان هو نفسه لقد دخلت فى غشاوة وظلام من الرجال ولم أعد أرى السقف فوقى .. وتناوب كل منهم على كسى وكنت أعانق كل من يطاله يدى منهم وأشده إلى وأمص شحمة أذنه وألاطفه ..وقذفوا في مرارا ولم أعد أدرى في أي وضع أنا ولا من قذف في ولا كم مرة ولا ... ولا ... ولم أعمل بمخططي بل بت في غرفة السيد وفي أحضانه تلك الليلة وفي الصباح الباكر عندما أفقت مما كنت فيه ودعني بحرارة وحب هو والشبان الثلاثة وعدت لمنزل زوجي لأرتاح من تلك المغامرة الرائعة والعجيبة وأتجهز وأستعد لمغامرة جديدة و .... ولكن هذه قصة أخرى. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Salwa and 4 men.txt |
126,719 | null | Me and my brother's wife Shaimaa | أغتصاب
أنا اسمي
عمري 33 سنة
متزوجة منذ 10
سنوات، جميلة
جدا من
مواليد برج
الحوت ويمكن
القول أن كل
من يشاهدني
يفتن بجمالي
، سمراء نوعا
كسمرة إيفا
أنجلينا Eva Angelina
القامة ،
القوام ، أنا
أساسا من
دينيا بل
متزمتة جدا،
أبي فرض علي
الحجاب منذ
أن كنت ابنة 11
عاما ونشأت
دينية تامة،
عندما بلغت
من العمر 23
عاما تقدم
شاب ملتزم
اسمه هشام من
برج السرطان
للزواج، بعد
أن عرف أبي
أنه شاب
ملتزم وأهله
كذلك قرر
تزويجي له، لم
يكن لي رأي في
الأمر مجرد
موافقة أبي
كانت كافية
لأكون زوجة
له، أما أنا
فكنت سعيدة
لزواجهن. بعد
ثلاثة أشهر
من الخطبة
تزوجت من
وانتقلت إلى
الجديدة، كان
هشام وأهله
متزمتون جدا
دينيا فطلب
مني أن أرتدي
النقاب وأن
لا أكشف وجهي
إلا أمامه أو
أمام إخوانه
أو أعمامه
وما دون ذلك
فيمنع علي
فعل ذلك.
بداية لم أكن
لكني اضطررت
لموافقة أمر
زوجي لأن أبي
قد أيده في
ذلك. بعد
أربعة أشهر
من زواجي
حملت بطفلتي
أميرة وما إن
والنصف حتى
أنجبت طفلتي
الصغيرة ذات
بدأت الأيام
تمر وأنا
أدلل بابنتي
وأرعاها حتى
ذاك اليوم
الذي ذهبت به
إلى بيت أهل
زوجي كعادتي
وبينما كنت
جالسة في جمع
بدأت أميرة
عرفت إنها
فأخذتها إلى
غرفة مجاورة
فارغة أغلقت
الباب لكن لم
يكن لأبواب
أقفال لذلك
كنت أضطر لأن
أغلقها فقط
بشكل يمنع
أحد من
(هدمة) شفافة
ثم أخرجت
ثديي وأقدمه
لابنتي التي
بدأت ترضعه
بينما هي
ترضع وصدري
مكشوف وإذ
ببابب الغرفة
يفتح، تسمرت
متجهة نحو
الباب، كان
ذلك أحمد أخو
زوجي الصغير
يصغرني بأحد
عشر عاما
وهو من برج
متسمرا دون
حراك وأنا لا
أستطيع أن
أكسو نفسي.
بقيت صامتة
وأنا في غاية
فهذه أول مرة
يشاهدني بها
رجل غير زوجي
بهذه الثياب.
اعتذر أحمد
وأغلق الباب
بعدما تمعن
بالنظر إلي
جيدا وخرج.
ظننت أن
الأمر انتهى
وأن الأمر
كان صدفة
عابرة ولن
مرت الأيام
بعد الأيام
وفي ذات يوم
خرج زوجي
هشام إلى
العمل وعدت
أنا إلى نومي
كعادتي وقبل
أن تصل
الساعة إلى
صباحا وإذا
بالهاتف يدق،
ظننته هشام
قمت مسرعة
وقلت: آلو.
شيماء إزيك
أنا أحمد.
قلت: أهلا يا
أحمد خير إن
شاء الله فيه
أحمد: لا لا
خير ما
تخافيش هشام
راح على شغله.
قلت: أيوه
خرج، يا أحمد
خوفتني فيه
أحمد: لا
أبدا بس كنت
حابب أدردش
معاكي شوية.
قلت: معاياأنا
ومن إمتى
انت بتكلمني
التليفون في
غياب هشام.
أحمد: من
قلت: أحمد
انت عايز إيه
أحمد: من يوم
ما شفت بزازك
مش قادر
أنساكي ولا
أشيلك من
قلت: أحمد
إيه اللي
بتقوله ده
أنا مرات
أخوك وإذا ما
والله هاقول
أحمد: هتقولي
له إيه ؟ إني
شفت بزازك
وكلمتك على
قلت: آه.
أحمد: مفيش
داعي أنا لو
عايزة أحكي
له هاحكي له
بس تعرفي
هيعمل إيه
ويرميكي زي
الكلبة لأنه
ما يقبلش
يخلي عنده
قلت: انت كلب.
الهاتف في
وجهه وأخذت
أبكي وبدأ
الهاتف يدق
لكني تركته
لأني لم أعد
أريد سماع
صوته، نهضت
ابنتي وأنا
أبكي وأنا
خائفة من أن
يطلقني هشام
بحق إذا عرف
أكملت عملي
في تنظيف
وبينما أنا
كذلك قرع جرس
الباب قمت
لأفتحه وقبل
ذلك سألت من
الطارق، إلا
أنه لم يجب
فظننت أنه
ساعي البريد
الذي كان
يترك البريد
خلف الباب
بعد أن يقرعه
ويخبرنا ثم
يذهب وكنت
دائما أفتح
الباب وآخذه
بعد ذهابه،
كنت لا أرتدي
حجابي أو
خماري وفتحت
الباب وإذ
بأحمد يقف
على الباب،
دفعني بقوة
إلى الداخل
ودخل إلى
قلت: أحمد ؟
عايز إيه ؟
بتعمل إيه
هنا ؟ .
أحمد: اسمعي
يا شرموطة
أنا مش قادر
أتحمل أكتر
من كده وعايز
أنيكك.قلت وأنا أبتعد عنه:
أحمد ما تتهورش أنا مرات أخوك وزي أختك ولو اغتصبتني
أحمد: ومين قال لك يا قحبة إني عايز أغتصبك أنا هأنيكك وألعب معاكي وإنتي موافقة.
قلت: أحمد انت بتخرف .. نجوم السما أقرب لك .. أنا مش ممكن أخون جوزي مع أي حد.
أحمد: ماشي خدي الصور دي الأول وشوفيها وبعدين قرري.
قلت: إيه الصور دي ؟ .
أحمد: مدها لي وقال: شوفيها وإنتي تعرفي بنفسك.
أخذتها وبدأت أنظر إليها وأقلبها والدهشة والغضب يملآني, لم أصدق ما تشاهده عيناي, كانت تلك صور لأختي الصغرى صفاء تمارس الجنس مع شاب غريب.
قلت: أحمد مين الشاب ده اللي مع صفاء ؟ ومنين الصور دي ؟ .
أحمد: ده محمد صاحبي وأنا وهوه اتفقنا نصور أختك وهي بتنتاك منه.
قلت: أكيد اغتصبتوها.
أحمد: صحيح أول مرة اغتصبناها بس بعدين بقيت تيجي بإرادتها والصور دي أخدناها لها وهي بتنتاك منك بكامل إرادتها لأنها لو ما كانتش تعمل كده كنا بعثنا الصور لأهلك.
قلت: حرام عليك اللي بتعملوه معاها, صفاء متجوزة ولو جوزها عرف أو أهلي والله هيقتلوها.
أحمد: إذا كنتي خايفة عليها نفذي اللي أنا عايزه عليها.
قلت: وعايز إيه ؟.
أحمد: عايز أنيكك وأتمتع بيكي.
قلت: مستحيل.
أحمد: زي ما تحبي وزي ما إنتي عايزة بس أنا خارج أبعث نسخة من الصور لجوز أختك صفاء ونسخة ثانية لأهلك ونسخة ثالثة أنشرها على النت.
التف أحمد وبادر إلى الباب كي يخرج وقال لي : البقية في حياتك يا مرات أخوياتا.
قلت: أحمد لحظة أرجوك.
أحمد: مش فاضي وراية شغل.
قلت: أحمد هأعمل اللي انت عايزه بس ما تبعتش الصور لحد.
التفت إلي وقال: هو ده الكلام اللي عايز أسمعه منك. يالا روحي يا شرموطة البسي لي ملابس تبين لي مفاتنك عشان أعرف أنيكك وأستمتع بجسمك المثير.
قلت: إديني مهلة أدخل أرضع البنت وأنيمها وبعدها هاكون تحت أمرك.
اقترب مني وصفعني لطمة قوية على وجهي أسقطتني على الأرض ثم انحنى وشدني من شعري ورفعني ثانية إليه وأنا أتألم آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآأحمد: اسمعي
يا شرموطة
بنتك تموت
تعيش ما ليش
دخل بيها
عايز أنيكك
بسرعة يا
وتلبسي لي
ملابس مثيرة
علشان أنيكك،
ولا أقول لك
من غير ما
تركني لأسقط
على الأرض
ثانية ثم آخذ
يفك زر
السوستة ثم
يكاد يمزقه،
وبشكل سريع
أنزل كولوته
ليظهر أمامي
قضيب منتصب
كبير لم أر
مثله من قبل،
حتى قضيب
زوجي هشام لم
يكن مثله،
حاولت إنزال
رأسي إلى
الأرض لكنه
أمسك بشعري
ورفعني إلى
أعلى قليلا
حتى أصبح
وجهي مواجها
لقضيبه الذي
لا أستطيع أن
أصفه إلا
بأنه كعصا
كبيرة، وضع
قضيبه على
شفتي وحاول
إدخاله إلى
فمي لكني
أغلقت فمي
وسددته كي لا
يدخل ولكنه
استمر في
بكمرته على
فمي كي أدخله
لكني لم أكن
أستطيع فعل
ذلك فأنا لا
أفعل ذلك مع
زوجي فكيف
أفعله مع
أحمد صارخا
بوجهي: افتحي
بقك يا بنت
وابتدي مصي
في زبي.
كان شده
لشعري مؤلما
ففتحت فمي
وأنا أتألم
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآاسمعي يا
بنت الزانية
إذا ما
معايا هاروح
أعمل اللي
قلت لك عليه.
امسك بيدي
وارفعني عن
الأرض وجرني
خلفه أسير
معه وأنا
تنهمر من
عيناي إلى أن
أدخلني غرفة
زوجي وبينما
أنا أنظر إلى
سرير زوجي
على إحدى
للسرير كان
ويقبل عنقي
بإحدى يديه
يعريني من
ملابسي. كنت
تماما بين
يديه لم
يسعني إلا أن
أكون دمية له
يفعل بها ما
يشاء كي أحمي
أختي منه.
قلت: أحمد
أحمد: تركني
قليلا وقال:
نعم يا أحلى
منيوكة في
قلت: ممكن
تأخذني على
أوضة ثانية
أحمد: ليه ؟
قلت: مش
عايزة حد
ينيكني في
سرير جوزي.
أحمد: مش
مشكلة أنا
أخوه وبعد ما
وألعب معاكي
وأنام معاكي
وأنيكك ليل
لم أستطع أن
أتكلم أكثر
كدمية بين
يديه أتأوه
وأئن بكل
أنوثة بالغة،
بعد أن عراني
تماما تعرى
من ملابسه
ونزل يمص
ثديي ثم
ألقاني على
السرير ونام
فوقي وشفتاه
تقبل شفتاي
يقتحم فمي
لساني بينما
يداه تفرجان
بين قدمي
ساقي كي يدخل
قضيبه في
أعماق كسي
وفعلا شعرت
بذاك القضيب
المنتفخ يشق
طريقه بكسي
جدرانه إلى
أن شعرت بأن
رأس القضيب
قد لامس جدار
رحمي، بدأ
وتجثمان على
وعسل نحل ..
يخرب بيت ده
كس .. يلعن
تعاريس أمك
عايز أنزل.
يتدفق داخل
مؤخرتي لكنه
استمر في
مضاجعتي حتى
أنزل ثانية،
وبعد فترة من
نكاحه لي في
طيزي تعودت
على ذلك بل
بدأت أتلذذ
به وبألمه
ومتعته أكثر
من نكاحه لي
في كسي وبعد
أن أنهى
بطيزي أخرج
قضيبه من
طيزي لعلها
الأولى التي
أتمنى فيها
أن يبقى
قضيبه داخلي،
أستلقي على
السرير ثم
أدخل قضيبه
بكسي وعاد
ثانية، أخذ
الأمر منحى
آخر فبعد أن
كنت متعففة
عن نكاحه لي
أصبحت راغبة
به لأني لا
أجد هذه
المتعة مع
زوجي. أنهى
بداخلي خمس
مرات قبل أن
أحمد: شيماء
بنيكي ليكي ؟ .
قلت: بصراحة
يا أحمد أنا
عمري ما
بالنيك مع
أخوك زي ما
استمتعت معك.
أحمد: يعني
من اليوم
وراياح أقدر
آجيلك براحتي ؟ .
قلت: انت قلت
إني شرموطتك
وأنا حابة
إنك تنيكني
طول الوقت.
أسعد إنسانة
في الدنيا يا
أجمل منيوكة
وأطعم قطة.
قلت: أحمد
نفسك تعمل
حاجة تانى
قبل ما أروح
أستحمى ؟ .
أحمد: نفسي
في حاجة بس ما
قلت: إيه
اللي نفسك
فيه يمكن
أقدر أحقق لك
طلبك ؟ .
أحمد: صعب.
قلت: انت قول
وأنا هاشوف
إذا كان صعب
ولا لأ.
أحمد: أنا
نفسي أنيكك
إنتي وأختك
صفاء وأمك
فتنية بوقت
قلت: بس يا
أحمد أنا
وفهمت وأختي
وفهمت إحنا
أكبر منك
شوية بسيطة
بس أمي أكبر
منك بكتير.
أحمد: بس طيز
أمك وبزازها
إني أنسى
فارق السن
بيننا وأحلم
بإني أنيكها
وأخليها تمص
لي زبي.
قلت: انت
بتطلب فعلا
أحمد: وحياة
هانيكك انتي
وأمك وأختك
بوقت واحد بس
استني عليا.
قلت وأنا
أنا مستعدة
إني أتناك
معك في الوقت
اللي تحبه
واللي يريحك
وشطارتك مع
أحمد وقد
وقف: رايحة
فين ؟
قلت: أستحمى.
أحمد: تعالي
مصي لي زبي
واشربي لبني
قبل ما
علشان أروح
قبل ما يرجع
عدت أدراجي
وجلست على
وفتحت فمي له
وبعد أن
أدخله وثبت
رأسي وكرر ما
فعله معي
وابتلعت كل
سائله تركني
ثيابه وغادر.لم تتوقف
الجنسية بل
ما زالت
مستمرة، بل
وحملت معها
لي المفاجآت
التي لم
أتخيل بأني
سأحصل عليها
يوما ما. منذ
هذا اليوم
الذي ضاجعني
به أحمد وأنا
الجنس معه
فكان يستغل
غياب زوجي عن
البيت كي
كتلك المرة
التي لم ولن
أنساها أبدا،
كيف أنساها
وقد استمتعت
بها كثيرا.
كان أحمد
يحبني كثيرا
لعل حبه لي
كان يفوق حب
هشام لي. كان
أحمد يستغل
كل فرصة
ممكنة كي
الجنس معي
وكان يحب أن
يمص قدمي في
فمه ويطعمني
بنفسه وأنا
كنت منجرفة
جدا وراءه
لدرجة أني بت
كجارية تحت
قدميه يفعل
بي ما يشاء.
وامتزج لدي
حبي الشديد
له وهيامي به
مع رغبتي فيه
فاتفقت حاجة
قلبي وبدني
معا فيه.
هذا الأمر
أثر على
بزوجي بشكل
كبير فكان
افترشني كي
يضاجعني كنت
باردة معه
ليس كما كان
الحال قبل
الجنس مع
أحمد. وكنت
دائما أدعي
بأنني أشعر
بفتور بسبب
فكان ينكحني
بشكل سريع
بداخلي ثم
يتركني حيث
لم أكن
متفاعلة معه
كما يجب.
وفي ذات يوم
أخبرني بأنه
قد كلف من قبل
الشركة التي
يعمل بها أن
يسافر إلى
كندا كي يعقد
صفقة جديدة
الشركة وأنه
معه ونبقي
أميرة عند
والدتي، أما
أنا فرفضت
الأمر وقلت
له إني لا
أستطيع ترك
ابنتي مع أي
إنسان كان
لأنها ترضع
من ثديي وما
زال الوقت
لفطامها عن
الرضاعة. إذا
كان هناك داع
من سفري
معه فعرضت
عليه أن نأخذ
ابنتنا معنا.
لكن الأمر
كان مستحيلا.
لأن هذا سفر
عمل والشركة
لا تسمح بأن
الأطفال خلال
لذلك اضطر
زوجي أن
يوافق مرغما
على بقائي في
البيت من أجل
طفلتنا وقال
لي أنه
يمكنني أن
أمكث عند
أهلي فترة
غيابه أي
لمدة 15 يوما.
وعندما جاء
يوم السفر
غادر هشام
البيت بعد أن
ودعني، بكيت
لأنني سأفترق
عنه أول مرة
منذ أن
تزوجنا، كان
هشام رقيقا
جدا معي
وعاطفيا. عند
اتصل بي أحمد
ليتأكد بأن
هشام قد سافر
وعندما تأكد
من سفره
أخبرني بأنه
قادم لكي
يقضي معي
وقتا جميلا.
</CORRECTED_TEXT>هيأت نفسي
وبست لها
ملابس مغرية
فاضحة تثيرها
جدا، كان يحب
أن أرتدي من
أجله هذه
وعندما وصل
وفتحت له
الباب لم
يتأخر وبدون
حملني بين
وأخذني إلى
سرير هشام
يضاجعني بكل
قوة وإثارة.
كان الجنس
معه حارا
ومثيرا. وبعد
أن ناكني بكل
شكل وصنف من
أصناف الجنس
التي اعتاد
أن يفعلها بي،
وبعد أن
استلقى أحمد
نتحدث معا.
أحمد: شيماء.
قلت: أيوه يا
أحمد: مبسوطة
إني بانيكك ؟ .
قلت: انت لما
تنيكني باحس
بلذة ومتعة
ما شفتش زيها
في حياتي.
أحمد: إيه
رأيك إنك
أكتر؟ .
قلت: إزاي
ممكن أتمتع
أكتر من اللي
بتعمله معي؟
أحمد: تخللي
حد جديد
قلت: لا يا
أحمد أنا مش
عايزة أكون
زانية تتنقل
من رجال
لرجال كفاية
عليا انت
وأخوك هشام
أحمد: بس لما
تجربي زب
راجل تالت
قلت: لا يا
أحمد أنا
مكتفية بزبك
وزب هشام.
أحمد: شيماء
بصراحة أنا
نفسي أشوف
راجل غيري
بينيكك فيكي.
قلت: يا أحمد
إيه اللي
هتستفيده لو
حد غيرك
ناكني وانت
بس قاعد
وبعدين انت
مش مبسوط إنك
وبتعمل فيا
كل اللي انت
أحمد: أنا
مبسوط اوي
إني بانيكك،
بس أنا باحب
الجنس يكون
أكتر إثارة
ولما أشوف حد
غيري بينيكك
ده هيثيرني
قلت: بس يا
أحمد السر
إذا طلع من
بين اثنين
ينفضح، وأنا
مش عايزة حد
يعرف إنك
أحسن ينفضح
أحمد: ما
تخافيش اللي
هينيكك شخص
يفضح سرنا.
قلت: وايه
اللي يخليك
واثق ومتأكد
أحمد: لأنه
عارف إني
بانيكك من
أول يوم نكتك
فيه وما
فضحناش بس
يمكن لو ما
وافقناش على
إنه ينيكك
يمكن يفضحنا.
قلت: بس انت
وعدتني إن ما
حدش هيعرف
باللي بيحصل
أحمد: صح، بس
انتي نسيتي
إن الشخص ده
مش غريب.
قلت: قصدك
أحمد: محمد
صاحبي شريكي
في نيك أختك
قلت: قصدك
إنك عايز
تخلي محمد
أحمد: أيوه
يا شيماء
وكده انتي
قحاايب ليا
قلت: يا أحمد
أنا مش عايزة
وإذا عملت
فهاعمل وأنا
غير مقتنعة.أحمد: حبيبتي
مش كل حاجة
مقتنعة أصلا
أول مرة نكتك
فيها ما
إنتي مقتنعة
ونفسك زبي
يظل فيكي
قلت: على كل
أنا مرات
أخوك وانت
اللي بدك
تعمله فيا ما
أعارضه لأني
أحمد: خلاص
الليلة آجي
أنا ومحمد
وأختك صفاء
الليلة عندك
محمد ينيكك
وأنا أنيك
أختك صفاء.
قلت: لا يا
أحمد بلاش
صفاء مش
عايزة أختي
تعرف إنكم
أحمد: أختك
صفاء عارفة
إني نكتك
مقابل إني
أستر عليها،
وهي أصلا
مديونة لك
قلت: طب
وزوجها إزاي
هيسمح لها
بسيطة، انتي
ناسية إنك
لوحدك في
هتتصلي بيها
وتستأذنيه من
زوجها إنها
تبات عندك
الأيام اللي
هشام فيها
بعد هذا
واغتسلنا ثم
تركني وخرج،
أما أنا
بأختي صفاء
عما قاله لي
بأنهم كانوا
قد اتفقوا
وأنه لم يبق
إلا موافقتي
أنا، عندها
أن يأذن
لأختي صفاء
عندي حتى
عودة زوجي
فوافق. شعرت
بأني أساعد
أختي على
خيانة زوجها،
لكني لم أجد
لنفسي خيارا
في المساء
وصلت صفاء
الحديث عن ما
وصلنا إليه
وقالت لي :
راضيه المرة
دي أنا أصلي
عارفة حمد
عنيد بس قلبه
طيب .. ولو
المرة دي
ممكن تؤثري
عليه بعد كده
ليكي لوحدك
ويكون محمد
ليا لوحدي ،
اتفقنا. قلت
لها : اتفقنا.
مرهم مبيد
كيلا أحبل من
محمد. وفي
تمام الساعة
مساء قرع جرس
الباب كنت
لمفاتني كما
هو حال أختي
صفاء، وقبل أن
أفتح الباب
سألت من
فأجاب أحمد
وعرف عن نفسه،
فتحت الباب
لهما ودخلا
معا، عرفني
أحمد على
محمد . كان
محمد ممتلئ
البدن قليلا
عن أحمد
ويماثله في
الطول ، يميل
إلى اللون
القمحي على
عكس أحمد
البياض، وكان
شعره قصيرا
وخشنا نوعا ،
على عكس
أحمد ناعم
الشعر . لكنهما
كانا وسيمين
كثيرا في
أخوين لا
حين تراهما
بأنهما من
الفراعنة ،
رائحة طمي
النيل تنبعث
منهما ، ومن
القديم. ثم
دخلنا إلى
لننضم إلى
صفاء، كان
محمد قد أحضر
معه شريط
جنسية، شغلنا
بينما كنا
الحديث ،
وعقب محمد
على جمالي
بقوله: جمالك
فرعوني خالص
يا منال ،
أجمل من
شيرين عبد
الوهاب، فابتسمت
وهززت رأسي
متشكرة ،
ووكلت صفاء
بالضيافة في
حين طلب مني
أحمد أن أجلس
بجوار محمد
والذي لم
يتوقف عن
تحسس جسدي
طيلة جلوسنا،
كان أحمد
بيني وبين
محمد وكأننا
متعتهما. طلب
مني محمد
أثناء ذلك أن
أجلس في حضنه،
كنت خجلة
ومترددة لكن
تشجيع أحمد
وصفاء لي
جعلاني أقوم
من مكاني
لأجلس في حضن
محمد وعلى
شعرت بقضيبه
الصلب يتحرك
تحت مؤخرتي
بينما كانت
يداه يحسسان
على ثديي
في هذه
بدأت أشعر
الجنسية حيث
كانت الفتاة
والشاب في
الفيلم في
بينهما. لم
يطل محمد في
البداية بدأ
يفك أزرار
قميصي حتى
أنزله ثم فك
وجعلني أجلس
بشكل يقابله
فكان ثدياي
أمام عينيه،
أخذ يرضعهما
ويعض على
حلمتي ثدييّ
ويثني على
طعم وحلاوة
حليب صدري
حليبي. كان
أسلوبه في
رضاعة ثدييّ
مثيرا جدا
جعلني أسيح
بين يديه
وأنتشي بشكل
كبير. بينما
كان هو يمص
حلمات بزازي
كان أحمد
يفعل الأمر
ذاته مع أختي
صفاء. بعد ربع
ساعة من مص
ثدياي طلب
مني محمد أن
أنزل وأمص له
نزلت على
الأرض وجلست
بين رجليه ثم
فككت زر
وأنزلته ثم
ليقفز أمامي
قضيب ثخين
كذلك الذي
يمتلكه أحمد،
نزلت برأسي
وأخذت ألحس
رأس قضيبه
بلسان ثم
أدخلت رأسه
بفمي وأخذت
أمصه كقطعة
حلوى، وما هي
إلا لحظات
حتى وقف على
قدميه فرفعت
نفسي لأقف
على ركبتي
بمص قضيبه،
لكنه أمسك
بشعري وثبت
رأسي وأخذ
ينيكني بفمي
بشكل سريع.كان قضيبه
ويؤثر على
نفسي، وما هي
إلا دقائق
معدودة حتى
أطلق قذائف
مني به بل
في حلقي لأن
رأس قضيبه قد
وصل إلى حلقي
لابتلاع ذاك
الكم الهائل
من السائل
الحار اللزج
ألقاني على
الأرض بعد أن
أخرج قضيبه
من فمي وخلع
كل ثيابي حتى
أصبحت عارية
تماما، وتعرى
هو الآخر ثم
فتح لي رجلي
وفرج بين
ساقاي ونزل
بفمه يمتص كل
قطعة من جسدي
إلى أن وصل
إلى كسي فأخذ
يمص بظري
ويلحس شفرتا
بأصابعه. كنت
أتأوه تحته
وأترنح من
شدة النشوة
فهذه أول مرة
يداعب أحد
كسي بلسانه،
عندما تأكد
من جاهزيتي
في أحشائي
وناـم فوقي
ووضع شفتيه
على شفتي
وأدخل لسانه
بفمي وأخذ
يقبلني قبلة
حارة بينما
لسانه يداعب
لساني. ثم رفع
قدمي قليلا
وفرج بين
فخذي وضغط
ليلج في كسي.
كانت حركاته
ومؤلمة جدا.
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآبقيت تحته
وأنا أسمع
إلى أن أفرغ
كل منيه
وملأ كسي به،
أخرج قضيبه
من كسي وجاء
به فوق رأسي
وأمام وجهي.
محمد: إفتحي
بقك مصي لي
زبي يا قحبة
ونضفيهولي .
قلت: لا مش
عايزة زبك
كان في كسي
وأكيد بقى
كله وسخ لو
أمصهولك روح
محمد: بس أنا
قلت يا بنت
ببقك يعني
ببقك وكلامي
يتسمع يا
كان أحمد
ويضحكان مما
يفعله بي
محمد، أمسك
محمد بشعري
وجذبني إلى
أعلى ثم ضغط
المبتل على
شفتي، فتحت
فمي ليدخل
قضيبه المليء
بفمي، شعرت
بطعم غريب
يختلف عن طعم
منيه، كان ذلك
طعم منيه
بسوائل كسي،
بدأت أمصه له
كي أتخلص من
هذا الألم،
بقيت أمصه
حتى قذف منيه
ثانية بفمي
وابتلعت كل
سائله. بعد أن
أفرغ طاقته
طلب مني أن
أجلس جلسة
كنت قد تعودت
على أن
أحدهم في
طيزي، جلست له
كما يريد ثم
جاءني من
الخلف ووضع
رأس قضيبه
على فتحة
قلت: محمد
رطب خرم طيزي
قبل ما تدخل
زبك فيه.
محمد: ما فيش
لزوم هادخله
من غير ما
بدأ يدخل به
إلى داخل
طيزي والألم
قلت: أي أي أي
أي بيوجع وقف
محمد: اهدي
يا قحبة
خلينى أعرف
أيييييييييي! والله بيوجع
وقف رطب طيزي
دون أن يهتم
بكلامي وأنا
أنظر إلى
أحمد وأختي
صفاء وهما
يضحكان، أدخل
قضيبه في
طيزي دفعة
واحدة تلتها
صرخة ممزوجة
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my brother's wife Shaimaa.txt |
126,728 | null | Me and our Turkish neighbor | أنا وجارتنا التركية - قصة ولا أحلى منها
يبلغ عمري الثلاثون الآن... بدأت القصة عندما كنت في السنة الثالثة بدراستي الجامعية بكلية الآداب بجامعة القاهرة حيث استقبلنا جارتنا التركية الأصل والتي تدعى يلدز Yildiz أي نجمة ولكنها تحب أن تسمي نفسها نورايNuray ومعناها القمر المشع لأنها كانت تشبه كثيرا المطربة التركية نوراي هافيفتاش Nuray Hafiftaş وبسبب ظروف تتعلق بنا وبهم، فقد سافرت هي وزوجها وعاشت في مسقط رأسهم في إسطنبول طوال هذه السنوات، ثم قررت العودة إلى مصر أخيرا، فإنني لم أكن قد شاهدت جارتي منذ كنت في العاشرة من عمري.
وعندما دخلت إلى بيتنا والتقيتها، كانت ترتدي فستانا يكشف عن أعلى صدرها وعن ذراعيها بالكامل وتزين وجهها بطريقة مثيرة وفاتنة وبالطبع فقد احتضنتنا جميعا، ولم أشعر في داخلي بأنني أحتضن جارتي، لأنني لم أكن أذكر حتى شكلها وقد كانت في الحادية والثلاثين من العمر وهي مثيرة في حركاتها ودمها خفيف. لديها ابنة تدعى (ماهيتاب) - ضوء القمر - تبلغ من العمر حوالي 10 سنوات ولم تنجب غيرها، وذلك لأن زوجها أصيب بحادث سير وأثر ذلك على قدراته.
جلست بعد السلام مع جارتي وأمي وأخواتي.
وبدأت جارتي بالاهتمام بي والتغزل بشكلي وأناقتي تقارن بين آخر مرة رأتني فيها وبين منظري الحالي، وكيف أنني كبرت وأصبحت رجلا تتمناه كل فتاة، الخ من هذا الكلام.
استأذنت بعد فترة من الوقت لكي أذهب إلى غرفتي خاصة وأن الساعة قد وصلت إلى حوالي الحادية عشر مساء وكان لدي بعض التقارير التي يجب أن أعدها على الكومبيوتر ولكي نترك لها ولزوجها حرية النوم في الغرفة التي خصصت لهم مؤقتا، قبل أن ينتقلوا إلى شقة مفروشة وفق ما طلبوها.
بعد حوالي نصف ساعة سمعت نقرا خفيفا على الباب، قلت: تفضل.
فتحت جارتي الباب، وكانت ترتدي ثوب نوم يظهر منه الشق العلوي من أثدائها وتظهر ذراعاها وساقاها إلى الركبة وتضع مكياجها.قالت: هل تسمح لي بالدخول؟ .
وقفت وفتحت يدي وقلت لها: الغرفة غرفتك، ليه إحنا عندنا كام جارة
عزيزة ؟؟؟
وقفت بجواري أمام الحاسبة وكان عطرها قد أثارني وهيجني فشعرت لأول مرة بشعور ذكر قد أهاجته أنثى تركية فاتنة لا يستطيع أي شخص أن يحصل على مثلها وقد شعرت بارتباك شديد وقد شعرت هي بارتباكي فزادت من اقترابها وكنت أتنفس بقوة في نفس الوقت بطريقة جعلتها تتنفس هي أيضا بقوة ورفعت وجهها أمامي وضمتني وقالت: لم الارتباك ؟!
واستمرت بضمي على رقبتها وكأنها تطلب مني أن أستمر وسكتت عن كلامها .
في ذات الوقت مددت يدي إلى ظهرها لأضمها إلي وبدأت هي أيضا تضمني إليها بقوة لا أعرف كم بقينا على هذه الحال ولكن ربما استمررنا عدة دقائق . رفعت نفسي عنها وبقيت أمسكها بيدي. كان وجهها التركي الصبوح الشديد البياض قد تغير أحسست أن الدم قد ملأ وجنتيها لم تعد قادرة على الكلام مثل الأول و بقيت تمسكني بيديها وبدأت تتلمسني في خدودي أو في رقبتي وشعرت أنها تتنفس بصعوبة فسحبتها وجلسنا على طرف السرير فلم يكن في الغرفة ما يجلس عليه سوى الكرسي الذي أجلس عليه أمام الكومبيوتر .
بقيت يدها في يدي سألتني عن أخباري وعن أموري تغزلت في جسدي وقالت بأنني أمتلك جسدا رياضيا وأن عضلاتي رائعة وضعت يدها على ذراعي وبقيت تتحسس العضلات وتضغط عليها وكنت أرتدي تي شيرت .
أرخيت يدي على حضنها كي تتحسس عضلات يدي على راحتها وهي تتكلم عن إعجابها بها فجأة جاءتني الجرأة وأمسكت بوجهها التركي الصبوح وأدرتها لتنظر إلي وقلت لها: أنتِ رائعة الجمال.كأنها كانت
تنتظر هذه
فوضعت شفتي
على خدها
ولكنها حركت
وجهها في
القبلة في
حافة شفتها
حتى أحسست
برأسي وضغطت
عليه لكي
أعيد القبلة
وكأنها كانت
في هذه المرة
قد تعبت من
وجهها لي
القبلة على
شفتيها وظلت
تضغط بيديها
على وجهي كي
لا أرفع فمي
عن فمها ثم
أبقيت شفتي
ومددت طرف
لساني داخل
فمها ، وما أن
شعرت به حتى
شعرت بقوة
هائلة تخرج
من فمها
لتسحب لساني
إلى داخل
عندما انتهت
هذه القبلة
لتودعني كنت
أشعر بحزن
شديد وكأننا
عاشقين على
وشك الفراق .
و في الصباح
كنت في
المطبخ أحضر
الشاي قبل أن
أغادر إلى
عندما دخلت
جارتي إلى
المطبخ هي
لتحضّر قهوة
زوجها . كانت
أمي وأخواتي
ما زلن
مستغرقين في
النوم لأنهم
في العطلة
بينما كنت
أداوم في
الجامعة لأن
الدراسي .
وكان والدي
قد غادر إلى
عمله قبل
أكثر من ربع
ساعة .
شعرت بجارتي
خلفي وأنا
أملأ إناء
بالماء من
فوضعت يديها
على عيني
وقالت : صباح
الخير يا حلو .
أرخيت نفسي
عليها وهي ما
تزال تضع
يديها على
عيني . شعرت
رفعت يدها عن
ووضعتهما من
تحت ذراعي
وبدأت تفرك
يدي بالماء
الذي كان ما
زال يتدفق من
الحنفية حيث
شعرت كأن
كهرباء قد
أصابتني كدت
أن أفقد وعيي
بين يدي
جارتي وبدأت
تقبلني في
رقبتي قبلات
خفيفة خلف
أذني وهي
تنفث فيها
نفسها الحار
وتقول : اشتقت
إليك كثيرا .
في هذه
بقضيبي وقد
بدأ ينتصب
بشكل لم يعد
الشورت الذي
كنت أرتديه
وكأنه يريد
أن يمزقه
نحوها ونظرت
إليها . كانت
تضحك وتنظر
إلي نظرة
وجهها بيدي
وقبلتها من
شفتها قبلة
طويلة ذابت
فيها بين يدي .في المساء
عندما عدت من
أخبرتني أمي
أن على أن
أذهب مع
وزوجها لأن
والدي قد وجد
لهم شقة
ولكن زوج
جارتي محرج
بموعد هام مع
أصدقاء لهم
وصلوا من
الخارج ولذا
سيكون على أن
أذهب مع
لأساعدها في
تهيئة الشقة
وأبقى معها
إلى اللليل
لحين ساعة
قدوم زوج
جارتي كي لا
تبقى لوحدها.
وكانت أمي
تعرض علي
الأمر وهي
تخشى من أنني
قد أتذمر
وأعتذر بأن
لدي مواعيد
أو دراسة إلى
آخره. وهي لا
تعرف أنني لم
أصدق متى
سأصل إلى
الشقة لكي
أكون وحدي
معها، فكيف
لو تحول
الأمر إلى
التأخير إلى
المساء ، ولم
أكن أدري بأن
ما يجري كان
وأصرت على
زوجها لكي
الانتقال في
يوم موعده مع
بحجة أن
بقائهم في
دارنا طويلا
وأنه لا يمكن
التأخير إلى
زوجها معها.
ذهبت مع
بتاكسي إلى
وقمت بحمل
الحقائب إلى
وطلبت من
جارتي أن
تصعد إلى
كان هذا
الوقت كافيا
لتغير ثوبها.
وعندما دخلت
الشقة وأنا
الباب خلفي
وبدأت تمسح
عرقي وقالت
بأنه يبدو
أتعبناك وأن
وبدأت بفك
القميص الذي
كان الثوب
الذي ترتديه
يظهر ثدييها
من فتحته
ولأول مرة
أستطيع أن
أرى صدرها
الرائع خاصة
بعد أن أحنت
ظهرها لفك
أزرار قميصي
عينيها إلي
فوجدت عيوني
تسرح في هذين
وفي نفس
منتصبين لم
ثدي فتاة في
السادسة عشر
من عمرها
فمددت يدي
بثدييها من
فوق الثوب.
وأمد وجهي
إليها لنغيب
في قبلة
استغرقت عدة
بدأناها عند
الباب ونقلت
أثناءها إلى
حافة إحدى
الكنبات في
غرفة الضيوف
التي يقع
فيها الباب
للشقة كانت
خلالها يداي
تعصر ثدييها
بينما كانت
يداها قد
نزعت عني
قميصي وبدأت
تعبث في ظهري
وكان ذلك قد
بدأ يهيجني
وأجلستها في
وجهها ينطق
بالشبق الذي
كان يملؤها
في تلك
وبدأت أتأمل
منظرها وهي
تمد يدها
حول رقبتي.
وضعت يدي تحت
وأزحتها إلى
الخلف فنامت
على الكنبة
وفتحت أزرار
ثوبها من جهة
فسقط الثوب
عن فخذيها
ورفعت الثوب
إلى الأعلى
حتى ظهر
فمددت يدي من
كانت هائجة
تتمرغ بين
يدي على
طلبت منها أن
ترفع نفسها
قليلا لكي
أستطيع رفع
الثوب من تحت
طيزها ففعلت.
سحبت الثوب
لتصبح عارية
إلا من
فبدأت أشم
وأمص رقبتها
نزولا إلى
هضاب ثدييها.
وبدأت تحاول
أن تمد يدها
إلى قضيبي
الذي أصبح
كعمود من نار
فتحاول أن
بنطلوني لأن
صبرها قد نفذ
فقد كانت
أصابعي تعبث
بكسها الذي
بالبلل من ما
أفرزه من
وبدأت تتأوه
جسدها يرتفع
وينخفض مع
دقات قضيبي
في كسها ثم
قلت لها
بأنني سأقذف
خارج كسها
لئلا تحمل.
فقالت مع
ساقيها على
ظهري: لا بل
أريد قذفك في
داخلي وأنا
وبعد أن
أحسست بأنها
قد أغلقت علي
ويديها فلم
أتحمل أكثر
من ذلك وبدأت
قذفي دفقات
مني داخل
ورحمها حيث
بدأت ترتعش
مع كل دفقة من
دفقات مني
وبعد أن شعرت
أنها ارتاحت
وانتهت من
أرخيت نفسي
لأنام فوقها
بعنف من فمها
بينما كانت
يداي تعتصران
ثدييها فيما
كان قضيبي لا
يزال داخل
وساقاها على
ظهري وقالت
لن أتركك هذا
اليوم حتى
تمزق كسي
غفت إغفاءة
لطيفة فيما
هادئة حارة
بعد أن ارتوت
بقذفات مني
الحارة. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and our Turkish neighbor.txt |
126,729 | null | A girl and three men | أنا ابنة لرجل بسيط يعمل بوابا لفيلا دكتور كبير في الجراحة وزوجة هذا الدكتور سيدة أعمال وكان لي أخ واحد وهو طالب في نهائي طب وكانت لهذا الدكتور ابنة بنفس سني تقريبا ولكنها مدللة جدا لأنها وحيدة وعندما كبرت وأخذت شهادة الدبلوم قال لي والدي: كفاية تعليم.
فجلست في البيت أساعد أمي في أعمال البيت وفي يوم جاء الدكتور وقال لأبي: اجعل ابنتك تطلع كل يوم تسلي البنت شوية.
قال له أبي: حاااضر يا بيه.
فبقيت كل يوم أدخل الفيلا وأجلس مع الفتاة إلى أن جاء يوم وكنا في عز الصيف والجو حار جدا فقالت لي هدى وهذا اسمها: تعالي نطلع غرفتي.
فذهبت معها وعندما دخلنا الغرفة قفلت الباب بالمفتاح وقالت: علشان نبقى براحتنا فلم أعرها انتباها.
فقالت لي: الجو حار جدا
وقلعت كل هدومها ما عدا الكولوت وحمالات الصدر فرأيت جسمها الأبيض الجميل فقالت: اقلعي إنتي كمان إحنا بنات زي بعض.
فقلعت ملابسي مثلها فقالت لي: جسمك حلو أوي تعالي أعمل لك مساج.
ونمت أنا على السرير وهي تتحسس جسمي برفق حتى أني أحسست أنه سيغمى علي وبدون مقدمات مسكت شفايفي وفضلت تبوس فيهم وأنا تجاوبت معاها لأن جسمها أغراني جدا فمسكت حلمات صدري تمص فيهم وتتحسسهم برفق وتقول لي: صدرك جميل جدا.
وقالت لي: اقلعي كل هدومك.
فقلعت وهي كمان قلعت كل هدومها وبقينا عرايا فنمت فوقي وجعلت جسمي يحتك بجسمها حتى ارتعش جسمي وأحسست بماء كسي وهو ينزل وكانت هذه أول مرة أمارس فيها السحاق وبقينا على هذه الحال أكثر من ساعة ونحن نمارس السحاق بدون توقف واستمرت هذه العملية فترة كبيرة وكنت عندما أنزل من عندها أمارس العادة السرية عندما أخلو بنفسي وفي يوم قال لي أبي: أنا سأسافر إلى البلد أنا وأمك لحضور فرح وإنتي وأخوكي تفضلوا هنا علشان الكلية.قلنا حاضر
أنا وأخى
وبعد ما سافر
أبى وأمى خرج
أخى فجلست
وحيدة فى
الباب وجلست
السرية وفى
قمة شهوتى
دخل على أخى
فحاولت أن
ألملم نفسى
فلم ألحق
فقال لى : أنا
عارف إنتى
بتعملى إيه
من زمان
حكايتك مع
الصغيرة هدى.
فسكت ولم أرد
فجاء إلى
وجلس بجوارى
وقال : أنا
نفسى أنام
معاكى من
قلت له : انت
مجنون أنا
قال : ما
تخافيش أنا
أخوكى وأعرف
أحافظ عليكى.
قلت له :
أرجوك بلاش
إذا كنت ترغب
تنيك هات أى
واحدة وأنا
سأخرج وأترك
لك المكان
على ما تخلص
قال : أنا
عاوزك إنتى.
فسكت لأنى
كنت أحبه جدا
أيضا إنى
أتناك منه
ولكن كنت
فقال : اقلعى
فقال : علشان
هاطفى النور.
قلت له : لا
عايزة أشوفك
وتشوفنى يا
وفعلا سب
النور والع
اقترب منى
وجدته عاريا
تماما وقال :
لا تخافى أنا
هاعرف أحافظ
فكحلنى ثم
نيمنى على
ظهرى وأدخل
زبره فى كسى
بعد أن هيجنى
بقشعريرة فى
جسدى وألم
شديد فى كسى
لأن زبره كان
كبير وتخين
قطرات دم
ولكنى بعد
فترة من
بالنيك معاه
حتى عندما
رجع أبى وأمى
من السفر
بقينا نفهم
بعض من
وكنا نمارس
الجنس مع بعض
فى أى مكان
نختلى فيه مع
بعض وأهدى لى
غواياش ذهبية
وحليا كثيرة
ودبلة عليها
اسمى واسمه
متزوجين إلى
أن جاء لى
عريس فحزنت
لأنى لن
أتناك من أخى
مرة أخرى
فقال لى أخى :
لا تحزنى
وأجرى لى أخى
عملية ترقيع
بنفسه. وتم
الزفاف وفى
يوم الدخلة
وجدت بزوجى
عجزا جنسيا
كاملا فكان
يفعل معى ما
تفعله هدى
وقال لى : أنا
فصبرت وقلت
هذا حظى إلى
أن جاء لى فى
يوم وقال : أنا
ذاهب إلى بلد
لمدة أسبوع
فى شغل.
وبعد السفر
بيومين جاء
لى أخو زوجى
وعندما فتحت
له الباب كنت
أرتدى ملابس
شفافة جدا
فجلس وبدون
مقدمات قال
لى : معلش
استحملى أخى
على ما
قلت له :
استحمل يوم
ولا شهر ولا
سنة وأنا
امرأة ومن
حقى أن أمارس
معه الجنس.فسكتت قليلا
وقال : ممكن أن
آخذ مكانه
على ما
يتعالج .
اقتربت منى
بشفتيه شفتي
عصرا ويمص في
لساني ويداه
تعبث في صدري
إلى أن أحسست
برعشة في
جسدي وسال
ماء كسي
فأمسكت زبره
وجلست أمص
فيه بشراهة
لأني كنت
جائعة جنس
إلى أن انتصب
فنيمني على
ظهري ورفع
رجلي وأدخل
زبره في كسي
وظل يدخله
بسرعة وأنا
كنت بأموت
تحته من
بهذا النيك
اللي عمري ما
جربته وبذلك
أصبحت أنا
أكثر فتاة
بالنيك فأنا
أتناك من أخي
في كسي
السحاق مع
زوجي وأتناك
من أخو زوجي
في كسي فأنا
أكثر امرأة
بالجنس . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/A girl and three men.txt |
126,732 | null | Mervat and the leather pants | أنا شاب في الثالثة والعشرين من عمري، يقطن بالمنزل المقابل لنا صاروخ لا مثيل له في الجمال هي جارتنا ذات الـ 33 عاما ميرفت التي ما إن تخرج من شقتها حتى لا يستطيع أحد إنزال عينه من عليها ومن فوق جسدها، فلقد فصلت ولم تولد هكذا كباقي النساء، فلو دخلت أي مسابقة جمال لاكتسحت المسابقة دون أدنى منافسة تذكر، فهي ذات قوام ممشوق وصدر متوسط الحجم منتش بمظهرها الجذاب وردفيها التي تظهران استدارتها الأنثوية الطاغية وجمالها وسحر عينيها و و و و بالفعل لا يمكن وصفها وفعلا كثيرا ما كانت تخرج إلى عملها وهي مهندسة فنون جميلة ببنطلونها الجينز الذي يخرج أي رجل عن شعوره والبادي الصغير فهي إسبورت جدا في لبسها لأبعد درجة وهو ما جعلها أكثر إثارة فيما ترتدي.
كان حلم أي فرد في المنطقة أن يكلمها فقط ويتحايلون الفرص للحديث معها و ما أندر ذلك. وكانت ميرفت متزوجة من كابتن طيار مدني ولديها ابنتها التي طبقت مثل البنت طالعة لأمها سوزي ذات الـ 13 عاما والتي تبدو كآنسة وليس كطفلة.
بالفعل كان حلم أي فرد أن ينعم بالنظر لميرفت وهي ذاهبة لعملها كل صباح ليملأ عينيه منها. أما أنا الذي لم أستطع تحمل أكثر من ذلك بعد الآن فكنت أرمي لما هو أبعد فأنا كنت أحلم بالنوم مع ميرفت ولكن كيف ذلك لا أعلم. وبالطبع هي لن تنظر لي ولا لمثلي وهذا طبعها بالطبع وبمساعدة الشياطين الأعزاء أصدقائي توصلت للحل. سوزي هي الحل الذي سيجعلني أمتلك ميرفت فإن نجحت بالفعل في اغتصاب سوزي وهي تستحق بالفعل ذلك قد أستطيع الوصول إلى ميرفت الحلم الكبير ولكن كيف.وبالفعل
وبعد دراسة
متأنية في
اتضح أن سوزي
بترجع من
المدرسة يوم
بدري قبل
أمها وبتكون
وحيدة في
لحوالي 2 - 3
ساعات وهي
فرصتي فعلا
وانتظرت يوم
تحرقني وها
هي سوزي ترجع
من المدرسة
التي تظهر
أكثر وأكثر
ودخلت سوزي
البيت وقفلت
الباب ولم
أنتظر دقائق
إلا وكنت
أضغط على جرس
لأسمعها من
خلف الباب
تقول: مين؟
فقلت: أنا
هاني... قالت:
هاني مين؟...
قلت: هاني
جاركم .. قالت:
آه إزيك يا
وفتحت الباب
لأجدها لا
ولم تكن خلعت
إلا حذاءها
الصغير ... قلت
لها: إيه يا
سوزي أمال
ماما فين ؟...
قالت: لا ماما
لسه ما جاتش
من الشغل
ماما لسه
قدامها 3
ساعات ... قلت:
أمال انتي
قاعدة لوحدك ...
ضحكت وقالت:
آه ما أنا
كبرت ما
بقيتش أخاف
هاها .. قلت
لها: طبعا
بايّن قوي
عليكي إنك
بلغتي بدري ..
نظرت لي
استغراب من
ولكني لم
أعطها أي
فرصة بعدها
فما كان مني
إلا أن
للخلف لتقع
على الأرض
ودخلت وقفلت
الباب .. قالت:
إيه يا هاني
انت اتهبلت ..قلت : دا أنا
اتهبلت بيكى
بقولك إيه
انتى هتكونى
كويسة وتخلى
القعدة حلوة
ألعب معاكى
شويتين و
قامت ولسه
هتجرى وتصوت
وتفضحنا ما
فرصة هجمت
عليها من ورا
أطبقت عليها
إحداهما على
فمها لأكتم
اتجهت لأهم
مناطق جسمها
بين أفخاذها
لأمسك بهذا
الكس الكبير
ذى البظر
الملتهب وما
إن امتلكتها
وبدأت فى
التخلص منى
ورجليها حتى
هبطت بها على
الأرض لأصبح
راقدا فوق
ظهرها وأنا
لا أزال
أمسكها بنفس
المسكة ويدى
السفلى تعمل
ومهارة على
إخراجها عن
وجعلها ملكا
لى وبان قوى
أنها فعلا
بلغت بدرى من
أمامى أو
بظرها الذى
يكاد ينفجر
بين يدى
ليخرج ما به
من كنوز ومع
بها من الخلف
وقبلاتى فى
رقبتها وخلف
بدأت بالفعل
سوزى فى
معى وبدأت
تتلاشى فعلا
خصوصا بعد
التى تفجرت
بين يدى وأنا
بأقول لها :
صدقينى أنا
مش عايز حاجة
بس شوية
تحسيس ولعب
وبس ومحدش
هيحس بحاجة
ولا أى حاجة
خالص صدقينى
سيبى لى نفسك
بس وصدقينى
مش هتنسى
اليوم ده
خالص. وبان
قوى إن كلامى
مع حالتها
اللى وصلت
لها إنها
خلاص قبلت
ميقضيها هو
غصب عنى وكان
أول شئ يصدر
من سوزى بعد
رفع يدى عن
فمها آهة
جنسية فى
حياتى لم أجن
من شئ على
القدر الذى
حدث لى منها
ولتعلن عن
موافقة سوزى
على اكتشاف
هذا الجسد
الفائر الذى
يملك مقومات
سيدة وليست
بنت صغيرة
لأبدأ بقلب
سوزى على
ظهرها وبدأت
بالفعل معها
من جديد وأنا
وأخلع عنها
ما يخفى
مفاتنها من
لباس مدرسى
كنوزها هذا
الصغير الذى
ينتصب ليعلن
عصيانه عن
سنه وألحسه
بحرارته ولا
ذلك الكس ذو
الخفيف الذى
ما إن ابتدأت
بلعقه إلا
وهى تتلوى
كالأفعى من
التى هى بها .كان همى الأكبر هو إخراجها تماما عن شعورها لأفعل ما أريد بعد ذلك ولأبدأ بتسجيل اللحظات التى ستجعلنى أتمكن من تحقيق حلمى الكبير وبالفعل وبعد أن تأكدت تماما أنها كالغائبة عن الوعى تماما بدأت فى خطتى الشيطانية بهاتفى المحمول لأبدأ فى أخذ صور وفيديوهات لسوزى من زوايا مختلفة كفلم سكس بالفعل وبعد انتهائى تخلصت من ملابسى لأخذ جرعتى من سوزى التى أخذت ما يكفيها إلى زواجها من شهوة جنسية والتى انتهت بأنى أخرجت مائى عليها بعد الاحتكاك الخارجى بها وبعانتها الصغيرة و طيزها الرائعة من الخارج كما وعدتها لأشبع نفسى وقتيا ممنيا نفسى بالهدف الأكبر ميرفت وبالفعل خرجت بعد ما أفاقت سوزى وبالطبع حلفت لها إنى مش هجيب سيرة لأحد ولا ولا ولا طبعا فاهمين خرجت وذهبت إلى صديقى صاحب الفكرة تامر لأعلن له انتهاء الجزء الأول من الخطة بنجاح كبير وما إن حكيت لتامر وشاف الصور والفيديو حتى وجدته اتجنن قدامى وقال : مستحيل دى 13 سنة مستحيل .. قلت : والله يا بنى .. قال : هانى أنا ممكن أعمل لك أى حاجة تطلبها بس من الآخر أنام معاها مرة .. قلت : مينفعش انت اتجننت . إزاى و دى بنت ودى .. قال : ما انت نمت معاها زيك بالضبط دى صاروخ انت بتهرج .. قلت : أمالو لو شفت أمها بقى .
وبدأنا بالفعل فى التخطيط على كبير وبالفعل وضعت الفضيحة على سى دى وانتظرت عودة ميرفت من العمل وما إن رأيتها ذهبت إليها .. وقلت لها : صباح الخير مدام ميرفت .. معلش هتقل عليكى كان عندى مشروع ومحتاج رأيك فيه ذوقيا علشان أقدمه .. وبالفعل وافقت وانتظرت بجوار هاتفى المحمول أنتظر اتصالها برقمى بعد مشاهدتها للسى دى وما هى إلا ساعة زمن لأجد صوتها المذعور بالهاتف وهى تنهى ذعرها قائلة : انت عايز إيه بالضبط علشان ننهى المهزلة والفضيحة دى ده شرف بنتى و و و .قلت لها : أنا عندى طلب واحد بس مش عايز غيره ومفيهوش أى تراجع أو أى شئ. قالت إيه ؟. قلت لها : انتى بدل بنتك. قالت : نعم؟. قلت لها : انتى بدل بنتك وانتى فاهمة .
قفلت فى وجهى السكة على طول.ضحكت
بجوار هاتفى
على نار وما
إن مرت نصف
ساعة حتى
الترجى تظهر
فى صوتها
التفاوض معى
وبعد مكالمة
مطولة وجدت
فى الآخر
أنها لن
تستطيع تغير
طلبى هذا
فبدأت فى
عليه. قالت:
يعنى انت
عايز إيه..
قلت: أنا قلت
لك وانتى
فاهمة.. قالت:
أنا ست
متجوزة وزى
الكبيرة.. قلت
: صدقينى لو
الكبيرة زيك
ما كنت أقدر
أقاوم.. قالت:
مينفعش و و و و
و و وبعد كلام
طويل اتفقنا
وبطلبى أنا
اللى كانت مش
موافقة عليه
أبدا وإنها
تكون لابسة
وبنطلون جلد
طبعا ملزق
وسوزى تكون
طبعا علشان
أسهل موضوع
تامر كانت
معترضة على
سوزى قوى بس
قلت لها دى
المهم إنها
فى الآخر
وافقت وتم
الاتفاق على
للتنفيذ فى
رنيت الجرس
الباب لأجد
سوزى أمامى
وهى ترتدى
الطقم اللى
أنا طلبته
وهى بتنظر لى
حارقة أكيد
من اللى حدث
خصوصا لما
أمها تدخل فى
دخلت ودخل
اللى دخوله
كهرب المكان
أول كلمة
كانت لسوزى
التى قالت:
مين ده وإيه
اللى جابه
هنا ؟. قلت
لها: ماليكيش
دعوة بس
وروحى اندهى
ببعبوص طاير
على طيزها
فدخلت لتخرج
علينا ملكة
الجمال فى
زيها الخارج
عن العقل يا
لهوى على
تجسيم جسمها
فى البنطلون
تتأكل مش
تتناك لا
يمكن طبعا
دخلت هائجة
على وجود
تامر بس
للأسف كل
كلامها راح
على فشوش مع
الأخيرة بأن
تامر شريكى
فى العملية
بل التليفون
نفسه كان
بتاعه ولو ما
فرحش شوية مش
هيسكت. قالت
وهى منكسرة:
طيب إزاى
يعنى انت
بعدين هو ولا
إيه بالضبط ؟.
قلت لها: لا
انتى بتاعتى
أنا بس كمان
هوه أساسا مش
جاى علشانك
أصلا. اتسكعت
فى مكانها
فقلت لها:
أمال يا ستى
ما تشغليش
بالك هوه
هيهرج شوية
وما تخافيش
مع سوزى على
خفيف كده
وخلاص هو
ماليش فى
الكلام ده.
طبعا كانت
ثائرة بس تحت
الضغط رضخت
الواقع كانت
سوزى فى
حجرتها خلال
الكلام ده زى
ما ميرفت
قالت لها.
قلت لها:
ماليكيش دعوة
هوه تامر
هيدخل لليها
وهيتصرف.وبالفعل دخل تامر الحجرة على سوزى التى لم تمر دقائق حتى سمعنا صراخها وهى تجرى للخارج على ميرفت وقميصها مخلوع بالسوتيان فقط وخلفها تامر الذى فعلا كان شكله فى عالم تانى لدرجة إنه ما اهتمش إنها فى حضن أمها أو إن إحنا واقفين فدخل شالها من جذورها زى ما ينفع يتقال وأخدها الأوضة تانى جوه وميرفت عايزة تروح ورا عشان تلحق سوزى إلا أننى دخلت وأنا باحس على طيزها الجنان قائلا : قلنا إيه سيبيهم مع بعض وخليكى معايا . لفت وقالت لى: انت عايز منى إيه ؟. قلت لها وأنا بارسم جسمها بعينى : من الآخر خليني خرقة قدامك وساعتها هاعمل لك كل اللى تطلبيه بس أبقى قدامك جثة .
وبمع آخر كلامى كنت خلاص فعلا مش قادر وبالفعل ابتديت فى بوسها وهى تمانع فى البداية وأنا باقول لها : انتى عارفة الاتفاق . خصوصا لما ابتديت أحس على جسمها وهى ابتدت تتجاوب معايا على الأقل رغما عنها فى البداية لأبدأ رحلتى بهذا الجسد الملتهب فها هو البادى يخرج ليعلن عن صدر طالما نظرت إليه لأبدأ فصلا من التجول به لأجعل منها فتاة تتأوه آهات ممزوجة مع آهات سوزى التى بدأت تخرج معلنة تفوق تامر لأبدأ رحلة التخلص من هذا البنطلون الذى كأنه لا وجود له لأطبع بعده على جسد ميرفت بصمات شفتى على كل أجزاء جسدها لينتهى بى المطاف عند عانتها أرضع من بظرها ولأجد نفسى أخرج مائى من كثرة هيجانى وأنا لم أفعل شيئا بعد.
وعند محاولة وقوفى وجدت ميرفت تقول : رايح فين انت لسه واقف وبايّن إن ده آخرك انت مش هتخرج على رجليك .لتغتصبنى فعلا وما إن وضعت قضيبى بين شفتيها حتى وجدته ينتصب أكثر مما فات ولأبدأ معها فعلا ممارسة حقيقية قادتها هى ببراعة لأجد نفسى أتنقل بين أرجاء جسدها كالفراشة وينتهى بى المطاف لأجدها تأخذ قضيبى لتضعه فى عشها لتجهز على بالضربة القاضية فعلا وما قمت إلا ببعض الاهتزازات الصغيرة حتى كنت أخرجه لأكب ما بى ولم أكد أنتهى لتبدأ هى معى من جديد وإن كانت فاترة من قبل فهى هذه المرة بالفعل هائجة تماما خصوصا نتيجة لافرازات كسها وخلال هذه المرة التى امتعت فيها بطيزها كنت بالفعل كالجثة أمامها ويبدو أنى أطلت عليكم ولكن مع ردودكم سأكمل الجزء الآخر وما حدث بعد ذلك وما كان من مفاجآت بعد ذلك. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Mervat and the leather pants.txt |
126,737 | null | I did what I wanted | أنا اسمى نجاة ، مصرية ، عندى 37 سنة ، مطلقة. زى أى واحدة متزوجة جديد أتمنى أنام مع جوزى كل دقيقة لأنى كنت شرقانة زى ما بيقولوا وكنت لما جوزى بينام معايا كنت بببقى فى حالة هياج جنسى شديدة لدرجة إنى كنت بتنفض وهو مدخل زبره جوه كسى كنت أتحرك يمين وشمال وآهات من اللى قلبكم يحبها لدرجة إن جوزى زهق منى من كتر طلبات النيك وكانت بداية الطلاق.
المهم اطلقت وكنت أسأل نفسى إزاى أطفى رغباتى الجنسية وأنا ست متربية تربية فلاحى وماليش علاقات مع أى شاب أو راجل.
مرت الأيام واشتغلت مع ناس فى بولاق أروح الصبح وأرجع آخر النهار وعلى هذا الحال الناس اللى كنت معاهم كانوا ناس محترمين كان عندهم ولدين شباب فى العشرينات الكبير كان ظابط مجند والثانى كان مخلص كلية كان الكبير ما بيكلمش حد ودوغرى ومتعنطز مش عارفة ليه والصغير كان بيتكلم ويلاقى وأكتر من مرة يفاتحنى فى كلام نيك ونوم وجواز عرفى وأنا كنت خايفة منه فى الأول على الرغم إنى كنت فى أمس الحاجة ولو لكلب يطفى نار كسى اللى قايدة شرار لكن لطبيعة النفس البشرية الممنوع مرغوب وكانوا الاتنين حلوين بصراحة طول بعرض بس قلت أؤجل الصغير دلوقتى وأشتغل على الكبير أنا حطيت الكبير فى دماغى وقلت لازم أوقعه كنت أستناه وهو جاى من الجيش كل 15 يوم وكل مرة ييجى منشى أكتر من المرة اللى قبلها !وبعدين معاك
بقى يا
كابتن؟ كنت
أدخل أنظف
الشقة وألمح
سمير وهو
وكان زبره زى
الوتد واقف
انتباه كسى
يهيج على
وأبقى نفسى
أروح أقعد
عليه لكن كان
فى ناس معايا
فى البيت
وخفت من
وخفت أكتر من
أخوه طارق
لغاية ما فى
مرة من
المرات لقيت
نفسى أنا وهو
لوحدنا فى
والبيت كان 5
أدوار قلت
فرصة وجات لك
يا بت وكان
سمير نايم
بالكلوت بس
وبدون فانلة
كمان أنا حصل
لى هلع جنسى
وقفت قدامه
ألعب فى كسى
وأمصمص فى
وعاوزة أصرخ
بس خايفة
جاتنى فكرة
رحت الغرفة
اللى جنب
وعملت نفسى
بغير هدومى
وهو كان صاحى
المهم وصل
عند الغرفة
وهوه معتقد
إن مفيش حد
موجود جه قبل
الحمام وراح
مطلع زبره
مسكه فى إيده
علشان يطرطر.
المهم أنا
شفت منظر
زبره فى إيده
وهو بيبص على
لقانى واقفة
بقميص نوم
أحمر ، قلت له :
"أنا آسفة
هدومى اتبلت
كنت بغيرها
ما أعرفش إن
حضرتك هنا" .
رد بسرعة
وقال: "وأنا ما
باحسبش إن حد
موجود". ولسه
ماسك زبره
وقف بص عليّ
حتة بصة جيت
بسرعة نزلت
على زوبره
وهات يا رضع
ومص يعنى
خطفته وهوه
مش قادر ينطق
، قال: "بتعملى
إيه حد موجود
يشوفنا" . قلت
له : "مفيش غيرى
أنا وانت
وأنا تربست
الباب يعنى
اللى هييجى
لازم يخبط" .
سخن سمير
معايا وكانت
شكلها أول
مرة يتحط فى
موقف زى ده
قلت له : "أنا
من زمان نفسى
أنام معاك
على الرغم من
أن أخوك حاول
ينيكنى بس
أنا صديته".
قال لى "حاول
إيه؟". قلت
"ينيكنى". قال
لى : "انتى مش
مكسوفة". قلت :
"أنا قدامك
بقميص نوم
وبالعب فى
زبرك يبقى
فين الكسوف".
قال: "انتى مش
ممكن انتى مش
متجوزة". قلت:
"لأ مطلقة".
وهوه سمع
ولقيته وحش
كاسر راح
شايلنى من
وسطى وكنت
ورمانى على
مقدمات رشق
زبره فى كسى
لولا إنى
ومتأكدة إنى
مدام مش آنسة
كنت شكيت من
كتر الدم
اللى نزل منى
لأنه أول مرة
كان غشيم
عورنى بس
متعنى ونزل
منه كمية لبن
مهولة وأنا
تحت منه بقول
الآه . بعد ما
نزل لبنه فى
كسى قام من
فوقى وقال :
"لازم نستخدم
توبس". قلت له :
"أنا مركبة
شريط". بص لى
وقال "انتى مش
"أيوه بس عندى
ولد وكنت
الشريط بعد
الولادة قبل
ما أطلق". شوية
وراح قلبنى
على الوضع
الفرنساوى و
جه داف زبره
فى كسى تانى
وأنا على
صرخة واحدة :
"آه آه آه آه
بالراحة" . بعد
ما كنت مع
جوزى ببقى
هايجة سمير
غير فكرة كسى
عن النيك
شبعنى وملا
عينى وكسى
بينا والمرة
الجاية نكمل
وأحكى لكم عن
مغامرتى بس
المرة دى مع
طارق. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/I did what I wanted.txt |
126,742 | Mario Rossi | Two famous Egyptian actresses in their first porn movie | أهلا شيحة
الخميسى فى
أول فيلم
بورنو لهما
أنا ماريو
روسى Mario Rossi ،
مخرج أفلام
بورنو . أتيت
إلى مصر بحثا
عن الجديد
والمختلف .
لماذا لا أجد
ممثلة بورنو
مصرية ، مع أن
هن مخترعات
والحب .. نعم
هناك ممثلات
ذوات الأصول
المصرية مثل
إيزيس نايل Isis Nile
، ومثل ألكسا
لورين Alexa Loren ..
الأب أو الأم
وعشن فى
وتطبعن به ،
ولكن ليست
هناك صناعة
بورنو أصلا
فى مصر ، ولا
بورنو ،
ولذلك قررت
البحث عن
لجمهورى فى
المتحدة وفى
أصدقائى من
والسينمائيين فى مصر
يظنونى مخرج
أفلام عادى ،
وأخذت أشاهد
عددا من
الشهيرة فى
الأخيرة ،
ولفت نظرى
أكثر من أى من
الأخرى - أو
على الأقل
أردت أن أبدأ
بهما قبل
غيرهن - : وهى
حلا شيحة فى
فيلم اللمبى
، ولقاء
الخميسى فى
فيلم عسكر فى
المعسكر .
كانت حلا
وَدَلْعُها فى
هذا الفيلم
مثيرة جدا
تماما عن
أدوارها فى
الأخرى . كذلك
كانت لقاء
وهيئتها ..
لذلك قررت أن
أفاتحهما فى
الموضوع .
إن ذلك سيؤدى
بهما إلى
والعالمية ،
المزيد من
الشهرة ،
وأكون بذلك
قد اكتسبت
أرضا جديدة ،
وحققت ما عجز
غيرى عن
تحقيقه ..
العجيب ..
الفراعنة ..
كانت لقاء
تشبه ممثلة
أشلى بلو Ashley Blue
فى الطول
ولون الشعر
والرشاقة ،
كثيرا .. أما
حلا ، فلم يكن
لها شبيه بين
البورنو .
وكنت أتمنى
مشاركة علا
غانم وهنا
شيحة وكذلك
سمية الخشاب
وغادة عبد
الرازق ،
ولكن قررت
مفاتحتهن فى
ذلك لمرة
قادمة .
ترددت هل
معا حلا
ولقاء ، أم
بكل واحدة
منهما على
ومفردها ..ثم استقر رأيى على لقائهما معا فهما فى النهاية ستصوران الفيلم معا.
فى البداية رفضتا بشدة. ثم سألتانى: هتدفع كام ؟
قلت: لكل واحدة منكما نصف مليون دولار.
لكنهما قالتا: فقط.. لا طبعا..
قلت: 750 ألف..
قالتا: يبدو أنك تمزح ولا تريد إتمام الصفقة.
قلت: مليون دولار لكل واحدة.
تظاهرتا بالتفكير.. ثم قالتا: موافقات.
ثم سألتانى: هل لهذه الأفلام سيناريو أيضا لنقرأه؟
قلت: نعم.
وسلمت لكل منهما نسخة من السيناريو.
كان معى طاقم العمل: التصوير والديكور وكل شئ, من أمريكا.. فقط كان ينقصنى الممثلون والممثلات. وها قد وجدت الممثلات. بقى الممثلون.. فهل آتى بهم من الخارج, بورنو أو شباب عاديون.. أم من هنا من مصر.. ولو من مصر, هل يكونون ممثلين أيضا مثل أحمد عز إلخ.. أم يكونون شبابا مغمورا لم يسبق لهم التمثيل السينمائى قط؟
واتفقنا على أن تتمكيج كلتاهما نفس المكياج الذى تمكيجتاه فى اللمبى وعسكر فى المعسكر. وترتديان نفس الملابس.
وكان سيناريو فيلمى عن فتاتين صديقتين لبعضهما.. ويروى الفيلم مغامرة كل منهما على حدة مع شخص.. حلا مع صديقها (ثنائية) ثم لقاء مع صديقها (ثنائية).. ثم لقاء يجمعهما معا حلا ولقاء مع صديق حلا أحمد (ثلاثية).. ثم لقاء يجمعهما مع صديقيهما (رباعية).. ثم لقاء أخير فى الفيلم بين لقاء وصديق حلا أحمد وهى بالزى الفرعونى..
ونظرا لضيق الوقت سأحكى لكم فقط تفاصيل مشهد لقاء وحلا وحبيبهما أحمد.. استقر رأيى على اختيا&#وبدأ المشهد
الثالث الذى
يجمع الشاب
أحمد هذه
المرة ليس
فقط بحلا
شيحة بل بحلا
شيحة ولقاء
الخميسى معا ..
على الفراش
وكل منهما
ترتدى جلباب
ساتان ضيق
محبوك لامع
رائع ،
ومفتوح من
الجنب على
طول الساق ..
كان جلباب
حلا لونه
أحمر وجلباب
لقاء لونه
أزرق .. وكل
الشعر .. تمضغ
لبانة ،
وتنام نصف
نومة على
الفراش وفى
قدمى كل
منهما صندل
ذهبى اللون .
وتتمايل .
وقد منح
الأزرق على
جفون حلا ،
منحها مظهرا
جذابا جدا
ودلعها الذى
كانت عليه فى
فيلم اللمبى .
كانت حلا على
ولقاء على
اليسار ،
وحلا تستلقى
لقاء فى فيلم
عسكر فى
المعسكر فى
بيت الراقصة
كوريا ..
واضحة مثيرة
من فتحات
الذهبى .
ودخل الفتى
أحمد مندفعا
فاتحا الباب
مرتديا تى
شيرت أبيض
جينز .. قالت
له حلا باسمة :
انت جيت يا
حبيبى ، شفت
اللى قلت لك
إنى محضرها
لك .. صاحبتى
سوسن . إيه
رأيك فيها ؟
وخلع أحمد
حذاءه بعدما
نظر إلى لقاء
8; ، واستلقى
بينهما .. ومعا
خلعتا عنه تى
شيرته فأصبح
نصفه العلوى
عاريا ،
تلعبان بشعر
صدره ..
وجنتيه .. وهو
يلتفت من آن
لآخر يقبل
هذه على خدها
، أو تلك على
شفتها ..
ومؤخراتهن ،
أجسونزل أحمد
ولحس كس حلا
ثم كس لقاء ..
ثم اعتلته
لقاء ثم حلا ..
ثم أخذ
وهن فى صف فى
والتبشيرى ..
وقذف لبنه
بالكامل فى
كس لقاء . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Two famous Egyptian actresses in their first porn movie.txt |
126,746 | null | Me and Walaa | أنا وولاء
قصة حقيقية 100%
وقعت بيني
وبين أختي
إزيكم يا
شباب وإزاى
حالكم يا
النهارده ها
اقولكم على
قصة حقيقية 100%
وقعت بيني
وبين أختي
التى تكبرني
سنا بحوالى 4
سنوات فقط
أولا أنا
اسمى أحمد
وأنا أعيش في
القاهرة في
وسط عائلة
محافظة جدا
جدا أبى يعمل
عامل وأمى
مربية منزل
وأنا في آخر
سنة بكلية
محافظة على
الصلاة حتى
أختى ولاء
تصلى الوقت
بوقته وأختى
التى حدث
معها هذا
ولأول مرة
متخرجة من
كلية فنون
جميلة وهى
ولاء وكانت
تشبه حلا
شيحة جدا في
شكلها ووشها
أولا نحن
في المعيشة
وأختى ولاء
متزوجة ولكن
شاء القدر
بأن يكون
هناك شيء
بيني وبينها
وهى علاقة
جنسية أختى
تزوجت بشاب
تحبه ويحبها
تماما ولكن
زوجها كان
بعيدا عنها
بعد الزواج
بسبب أنه كان
مستدعى من
الجيش نعم
لأن أختى
تزوجت به بعد
أن أنهى
وكان يقضى
فترة الجيش
إلى الآن
القصة: أنا
وأختى عادة
عندما يأتى
زوجها من
الجيش يتصل
بى لكى أذهب
بها وأوديها
المنزل بتاع
لبيتها وبعد
ما يقضى فترة
تأتى أختى
ولاء إلى
البيت مرة
أخرى وذلك
لأن البيت في
هذه الحالة
يكون فارغا
ولا يوجد به
منقسم إلى
غرفتي نوم
وحمام وصالة
أنا وأختى
ولاء في غرفة
وأبى وأمى في
غرفة. المهم
أنا بنام على
كنبة وأختى
تنام على
سرير في يوم
من الأيام
كنت أشاهد
أفلام الجنس
على مواقع
وبقيت ساهرا
أشاهد مواقع
وأنا في غاية
توهجى وكان
الخاص بى في
غرفتنا أنا
وأختى. كانت
أختى نائمة
وغارقة في
النوم وأنا
أنظر إليها
وإلى جسدها
وأنا ألعب في
قضيبى وكنت
وتحته سليب
وأنا أنظر
إلى جسد ولاء
وأنظر إلى
وأنظر إلى
وهن يتأوهن
من الهيجان
الاستمتاع.هي كانت نائمة
كانت ترتدى
قميص نوم
لونه أبيض
ولكن داكن
بنطلون شتوى
مقطوع من عند
كسها قطع
صغير لكنه
يبين الكلوت
من تحت
البنطلون.كنت متهيج في هذه اللحظة هياجا يكاد يقتلني وأكاد أنفجر من شدته لأني أعزب وأفكر بشيئين أن أختي متزوجة يعني لو نكتها أو أقمت علاقة معاها مش هانتعرف أو نتكشف إنها لو ما كانتش متزوجة على أساس أنها هاتبقى بكر بنت بنوت وكان هذا الشعور يسيطر علي ويدفعني إلى أن أقوم وأمزق ملابس أختي وأقوم بمص بزازها ولحس كسها وهناك شعور آخر وهو شعور أنها أختي ولو عملت معاها حاجة ممكن تكرهني فكنت عندما أتهيج أقوم بممارسة العادة السرية وأنا أشاهد الأفلام الإباحية وأتخيل نفسي مكان الرجل الذي ينيك وأتخيل أختي هي البنت التي تتأوه من شدة الاستمتاع والنيك إلى أن أقذف على قطعة قماش وأنا أقول بصوت خافض ولاء بحبك آه ولاء ولكنه بصوت خافض حتى لا تسمعني أختي وهي نائمة وفي يوم آخر وتقريبا بعد هذا الموقف بثلاثة أيام وأنا في غاية الحيرة بين أني أريد أن أنيك أختي ولو لمرة واحدة وأني أخاف من أني لو حاولت ذلك تصدني وتكرهني وتخاف مني والخوف الأكثر أنها من الممكن أن تخبر أمي أو أبي ولكني كنت أكتفي بالنظر إليها وهي نائمة وألعب في زبي وأمارس العادة السرية وأنا أنظر إليها إلى أن أقذف وفي مرة قلت لها ولاء ؟ ردت إيه يا أحمد قلت لها أنا عايز أنام على السرير أصل ظهري وجعني من الكنبة وكنت أتعمد أني أنام معاها على سرير واحد لأن الاقتراب بين أي شاب وفتاة حتى ولو كانت أخته بنسبة 500% على الأقل يكون هناك استجابة من الطرفين إذا حاول الآخر بلمسة أو أي شيء فقالت ماشى أنا هاانام على الحرف وانت تنام جوه قصدها إنها تنام على حرف السرير وأنا أنام إلى الحرف الآخر قلت لها ماشى ونامت على الحرف وكانت من عادتها إنها في وقت الشتاء بتنام بقميص نوم وتحتها الكلوت وفوقه البنطلون اللي بتنام بيه وكان من حظي إن البنطلون بتاعها المقطوع وكانت في اليوم ده لابسة كلوت لونه بصلي فاتح وبعد فترة قمت أتفرج على أفلام جنس على الكمبيوتر ووطيت الصوت كان حوالي الساعة 3 صباحا يعني قرب الفجر قمت أنام بجانب أختي وأنا متوهج مشعلل ومولع من شدة شهوتي العارمة وأخذت أقترب من أختي ولاقيتها كانت بتنطر الغطا من على جسمها وهي نائمة لأنها حرانة وهي مش دارية بنفسها قعدت أبص على طيزها بجنون وهي لابسة البنطلون المقطوع من على كسها والكلوت بايين من البنطلون ومبين طيزها ولأنها كانت نائمة على جنبها اليمين وظهرها كان لي رحت مخرج زبي من الشورت ورحت أقرب ركبتي من طيزها تدريجيا إلى أن التصقت ركبتي بطيزها وسمعت همسات ريقها وهي تبلعه بالعافية وأنا كذلك مثلها وهنا شعرت بأنها تستجيب لي أخذت أقترب أكثر فأكثر إلى أن بدأت أقرب زبي من طيزها ولفجأة لاقيتها قربت علي من غير قصد فتلامس زبي بأرداف ها وطيزها وكأنه شبه مغروس وكان منتصب متهيج من شدة الاستمتاع بطيزها لما حست هي بأن زبي لزق في طيزها لاقيت جسم ولاء أختي بيترعش وأنا أحسست مثل ذلك فاقتربت منها أكثر من ورائها وحطيت رجلي على رجليها لاقيتها كانت صاحية وبعدت رجليها عني ورفعت رجليها إلى أعلى وأخذت أدخل زبي داخل أحشاء كس ولاء أختي وقعدت أدخل وأخرج وهي تتأوه بصوت خفيف حتى لا يسمعنا أبوانا وهي تقول آه آه آه آه آه آه آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and Walaa.txt |
126,747 | null | أنا وناهد | أنا كنت نازل النهاردة كالعادة لشغلي الساعة 9 إلا ربع وأنا نازل على السلم سمعت صوت حلو قوي بيتكلم مع حد الصوت ده جديد لأن كل اللي ساكن في العمارة بتاعتي أنا و4 شقق تانية واحدة جنبي وكل فين وفين أما أشوف صاحبتها (ست جامدة جدا) واتنين في تالت دور وواحدة في التاني.
المهم مخدتش في بالي وجيت نازل لقيت واحدة بتنده عليه.
ناهد: لو سمحت يا أستاذ .....يا أستاذ
أنا: مين ناهد: أنا هنا بص فوق
أنا: أفندم أي خدمة (لقيت وش سبحان الخلاق بيكلمني ومخبي جسمه ورا درابزين السلم)
ناهد:لو سمحت ممكن طلب
أنا: أؤمري يا فندم
ناهد:طب ثواني
واختفت الست شوية وبعدين لقيتها نازلة لابسة روب قماش وهيه نازلة كان فيه بعض من الهوا الخفيف اللي طير حتة صغيرة من الروب من تحت كانت كافية لأني ألاحظ إن الست دي مش بني آدمة دي ما يتقالش عليها غير أسد ومن العيار التقيل ..........المهم.......نزلت وقالت لي
ناهد:أنا آسفة إني هاعطلك
أنا:ولا يهمك
ناهد: اصلي أنا ساكنة جديد في الشقة اللي فوق حضرتك على طول ولسه ساكنة إمبارح بالليل(ملحوظة/أنا جيت من الشغل الساعة 4 العصر فما لاحظتش إن الشقة اللي فوق فيها حد)
أنا: يا فندم شرفتينا ويا رب نكون جيران كويسيين مع حضرتك
ناهد:ربنا يخليك حضرتك زوق قوي .....معلش أنا
كنت بغسل
وبعدين في
حتة من الغسل
بتاعي وقعت
علي التندة
بتاعة حضرتك
أجيبها من
فوق ما عرفتش
فممكن حضرتك
تجيبها لي
أنا: قوي قوي
ناهد: بس أنا
مكسوفة قوي
أصلها حتة
يعني شخصية
جدا بس هاعمل
إيه للضرورة
أنا: طب
حضرتك ممكن
تخلي ابن
حضرتك أو
جوزك ينزل
ناهد: أنا
مالي غير
بنت واحدة
عندها 15 سنة
وجوزي نايم
ولو ضربت
جنبه قنبلة
مش هيصحى قبل
الضهر أصله
بعيد عنك من
النوع اللي
أنا: طب
اتفضلي يا
فندم إحنا
واقفين علي
السلم كده ؟
ناهد: مرسية
بس أصلي
أنا: لا
المهم دخلت
وإحنا بنكمل
كلام أنا: هوه
جوز حضرتك
بيشتغل إيه
ناهد: جوزي
كان مسافر
بره في عمان
وقعد هناك 15
سنة اتجوزني
وسافر علي
طول وجه
السنة دي
وهيقعد بس
ولاد الحرام
هناك علموهم
والحاجات دي
فمقضيها سكر
لحد الصبح بس
هوه لسه
بيفكر يعمل
مشروع هنا في
كنا وصلنا
أنا: هيه
وقعت فين
ناهد: هنا
جبت سلم
وفتحت درفة
من فوق عشان
أنا عامل فوق
التندة حاجة
زي الشباك
الصغير عشان
وأفتحه هوه
للتهوية...المهم طلعت علي
السلم وبصيت
لقت حاجة روز
مكعبلة في
بعض مديت
إيدي وجبتها
كانت تعتبر
ناشفة ناهد:
من فضلك
أنا : (بشكل
كوميدي) ليه
هيه فيها
قنبلة ولا
إيه ناهد:
أصلها تكسف
أنا: يا ستي
عادي يعني
هتكون إيه
وني ت سليمة
أنا حسيت أول
ما سمعت
الكلمة إني
هاقع من علي
السلم بصيت
في عينيها
لقيت نظرتها
اتغيرت 360 درجة
نظره كلها
كسوف وشرمطة
أفرده بشكل
يوحي بأنه
اتفرد غصب
ناهد: يا خبر
أنا: مالك ؟
عادي ....بس إيه
ده كله (بهزار)
لما فردت
لقيت حجمه
بيقول إنه
مصنوعين من
ناهد: هعمل
إيه ما هو من
حسيت من
كلمتها إننا
دخلنا في
مرحلة جديدة
الكلام ما
بين هزار
وشرمطة وكان
لازم أعمل
اختبار قبل
أنا: إنتي
اسمك إيه
ناهد: ناهد
أنا: ما هو
لضحكة أشبه
بضحكه امرأة
موّمس أو
تشتهي الجنس
أنا (مكملا)
أمال يعني مش
بايّن عليكي
حاجة ناهد: لا
لا لا حاسب ده
بس عشان روب
ولابسة من
غير هدوم من
تحته بس لو
ركزت هتلاقي
حاجات ممكن
اسمك إيه
أنا: محمد
ناهد: يعني
مش بايّن
ضحكنا سوا
أنا: إيه
رأيك نشرب
أنا : مش
هنكمل حاجة
ولا خايفة من
بنتك ناهد: لا
بنتي لو غبت
بالسنين مش
فيه......هات يا
عم خلينا
دخلت أعمل
وأنا رايح
المطبخ قفلت
باب الشقة
لجس النبض
لقيتها عادي
وأنا رايح
المطبخ بدأت
تتكلم معايا
تلفزيونك ده
شكله غريب
أنا: ده مسرح
ناهد: آه انت
بايّن عليك
رايق قوي
أنا: مطلق
ناهد: يا
أنا: ميصعبش
عليكي غالي
دخلت أعمل
وهيه كانت
بتهابر مع
عشان تفتحه
بتقول لي
ناهد: انت
يبضن عليك؟
أنا: يبضن؟؟؟
ناهد: آه مش
إحنا بقينا
أصحاب يبقي
مالوش لازمة
أنا: طب
مادام مافيش
كسوف ما
تقلعي الروب
اللي محررك
ناهد: لا دا
أنا لو قلعته
تبقي مصيبة
أنا: هوه فيه
حد معانا يا
ستي اقلعيه
وخدي راحتك
ناهد: أوكيه
الرووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووأنا لقيت قدامي على مستوى نظري كرتين من الجيلي الأبيض جدا وفيهم حبيبتين كريز وسط وفلق البزاز عايز زبر حمار يدخل بينه وعلى الرغم من أنها كانت لابسة جلابية بيضا بس كانت مبلولة وكل حاجة بايّنة
لاقتني متنح لبزازها ومش عارف أتكلم لقيتها بتقول لي
ناهد: أنت عمرك ما شفت واحدة قبل كده ولا إيه أنا: واحدة وإنتي أي واحدة
ضحكت ضحكة شرموطية عالية حسيت إن جوزها صحي منها
ناهد: طب أقعد أقعد خلينا نروق ونشرب الكابتشينو وتروح شغلك أنا: كس أم شغلي
ناهد: أنت قليل الأدب أنا: من بعض ما عندكم عادت الضحكة مرة تانية وبصت لقت زبري زي عمود النور جوه البنطلون فضلت تشرب وتبص لزبري من تحت لتحت وتبص للتلفزيون ولقيتها
بتقول لي:
ناهد: أنت مش حران أنت كمان
أنا: قوي
ناهد: طب ما تقلع
أنا: لو قلعت أنا مش مسئول فيه حاجات هتضرب وممكن تزعلي
ناهد: يا عم اقلع خليه يشم نفسه
قلعت خالص ملاص
ناهد: يخرب بيت أبوك إيه ده أنت أمك كانت بتتوحم أكيد على حمار (وعادت الضحكة)
ومنضفه لمين بقى أنا: للي عايز يدوقه
ناهد: طب ممكن أدوقه؟
أنا : (في ذهول من الموقف كله) تحت أمرك
وبدأت في مص زبري كأكبر عاهرة في العالم بدأت بالراس وهيه ماسكة بيضاني من تحت وفضلت لحد ما بدأت تنيك بقها في زبري وتلحس زبري من تحت وبيضي
ناهد: افتح رجلك وارفع نفسك قوي
رفعت رجلي وبدأت في لحس الجزء اللي بين بيضاني وخرم طيزي ولسانها عامل زي الصنفرة الناعمة حسيت إن روحي بتتسحب مع كل لحسة من لحساتها...وراحت نازلة على خرم طيزي وفضلت تلحس فيه أكتر من 10 دقايق
ناهد: إيه الطيز دي كلها أنت بتتناك فيها؟
أنا: يا متناكة هوه أنا زيك يا شرموطة
ناهد: طب يلا دوقني لسانك
وراحت قالعة الجلابية ولفت توريني طيزها........وَنَظَرْتُ لِجَمَالِ طِيزَهَا السَّاحِقِ أَنَا مَشْ هَيْنَفَعْ أَوْصِفُهَا حَيْثُ إِنَّهَا مَرْفُوعَةٌ كَأَنَّهَا عَلِيَّةٌ وَنَشْ وَمَشْدُودَةٌ كَأَنَّهَا حَدِيدٌ وَطَرِيَّةٌ كَأَنَّهَا مَيِّةٌ وَنَاعِمَةٌ كَأَنَّهَا إِزَازٌ.
أَنَا: جُوزِكَ الْخَوْلِ دَهْ نَايِمٌ وَسَايِبٌ الطِّيزَ دِي لِمِينَ؟
نَاهِدْ: لِيكَ (وَعَادَتْ الضَّحِكَةُ) رَفَعَتْ رِجْلَهَا الشِّمَالَ عَلَى إِيدِ الْكَنَبَةِ وَالثَّانِيَةُ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ وَبَدَأَتْ فِي لَحْسِ أَشْهَى كَسٍّ فِي الْعَالَمِ نَازِلٌ مِنْهَا عَسَلٌ وَأَكْتَرُ كَمَانَ وَرَاحَتْ لَافَّةٌ نَفْسُهَا.
نَاهِدْ: عَلَيْكَ وَعَلَى طِيزِي وَكَسِّي قَطَعَهُمَا.
وَنَامَتْ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ وَفَتَحَتْ طِيزَهَا بِإِيدَيْهَا لِأَوَّلِ مَرَّةٍ فِي حَيَاتِي يَا جَمَاعَةُ بِجَدٍّ أُلَاقِي خَرْمَ طِيزٍ رُوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوَوارتحنا
شوية ورحت
ودخلت بيها
أوضة نومي
وهاتك يا مص
في شفايفها
ونكتها تاني
وتالت ورابع
ونزلت فيها
لما قلت يا بس.
بصيت ع
الظهر. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and Nahed.txt |
126,749 | null | Salwa, teaching and fucking | أنا ماجد
مدرس لغة
إعدادى وليا
أصدقاء كتير
مقربين هما
إيهاب وحسن
ورفعت وثروت
معايا فى نفس
بنفهم بعض
ومتفقين على
كل شئ ومدير
أنور بيحبنا
أوى ودايما
بيعاملنا زى
وفى يوم من
الأيام جه
ثروت لمدير
المدرسة طلب
منه إنه يشغل
أخته سلوى فى
علشان تسلى
نفسها عشان
بيشتغل فى
الكويت ومش
بيرجع إلا كل
سنة مرة
بيقعد شهرين
وبيرجع تانى
الكويت وهى
لسه ما جابتش
عيال وواقف
المدرسة على
طلب ثروت
وجات سلوى
تقدم أوراق
للمدير وأول
ما شوفناها
اتجننا كلنا
وما صدقناش
إن دى تبقى
أخت ثروت
لأنها فائقة
ملفوف وبيضا
وشعرها اسود
وناعم وطويل
ولبسها يحرك
وأول ما
المدير وهى
بتقدم له
ورقها عينه
ما نزلتش من
عليها ومضى
ورق تعيينها
فى المدرسة
بسرعة ومن
ساعة ما جات
فى المدرسة
وكل أحوالنا
وبقينا على
طول بنفكر
فيها وبنقعد
نبص لها فى
اللى بيكون
فيها ثروت مش
موجود معانا
عشان ما
ياخدش بالها.
وفى يوم وأنا
قاعد فى أوضة
اللى ما
وراهمش حصص
فى الوقت ده
دخلت علينا
سلوى وقعدت
عشان هى كمان
ما كانش
عليها حصة فى
الوقت ده
وقعدت أبص
عليها أنا
وإيهاب وحسن
ورفعت من غير
ما تاخد
بالها وإحنا
بنبص عليها
دخل علينا
أنور المدير.
وحسينا أنه
فهمنا بس هو
كمان عايز
يبص عليها
وجه قعد
معانا فى
الأوضة وقعد
يكلمنا عن
الطلبة طبعا
ده كله عشان
هو كمان يبص
وبعد ما جرس
الحصة ضرب
وكلنا قمنا
نروح على
حصصنا كلمنى
أنور وقال لى:
عايز أكلمك
شوية فى
مكتبى قبل ما
تروح حصتك.وفعلا رحت
معه لمكتبه
وقعد يلف
عليه ويدور
ويقول لي : أنا
لاحظت إنك
انت وإيهاب
وحسن ورفعة
سلوى نظرات
كذلك ليست .
قلت له : لا
أنت فهمتنا
خطأ هذا مهما
كانت أخت
صاحبنا ثروة .
قعد يضحك
وقال لي : يعني
ما نفسكش
تنيكها .
الصراحة أنا
نفسي بس أنا
انذهلت من
كلمة المدير
التي لم أتوقعها
قلت له : كيف
وهذا على مدى
تأتي إلى
وتذهب مع
أختها ثروة ؟
قال لي :
ليس لديك دعوة .
المهم أن
تتفق مع
لكي تكمل خطتك .
قلت له :
لا تقلق من
أصحابي لأنني
أنهم جميعهم
يريدون أن
ينيكوا سلوى
لكن لا يعرفون
كيف يحدث هذا
الأمر .
ذهب وقال لي :
حسنا تعالي إلى
المنزل أنت
اليوم بالليل
لنتفق .
وبالفعل ذهبت
وتحدثت رفعة
في الموضوع
ولم يكونوا
مصدقين وأول
ما عرفوا أن
هناك طريقة
ممكن أن ننيك
بها سلوى
يطيرون من
جميعنا في مكتب
بالليل وقال
لنا الأستاذ
أنور عن
الخطة التي
وفي اليوم
التالي طلب
أنور من ثروة
أن لا يحضر
ويذهب لينهي
في وزارة
وهذه له
الأموال بدل
الانتقال وفي
الأخيرة ذهب
ثروة وقال
لأخته سلوى
أنه ذاهب
لينهي بعض
الورق الضروري
من الوزارة .
وبعد أن ذهب
ثروة ذهب
المدير وطلب
من سلوى في
الحصة وقال
لها : لا تذهبي
بعد الحصة
لأن لدينا
اجتماع مهم
بعد الحصة
الأخيرة .
وبالطبع ل&#حست
سلوى إن فى
حاجة غريبة
ولازم تمشى
وإحنا كلنا
قاعدين نبص
على جسم سلوى
أخت صاحبنا
اللى كلها
دقايق ونعمل
حفلة عليها
وننيكها ،
راحت قامت
واعتذرت عن
راح إيهاب
بسرعة حط
إيده على
كسها ، راحت
صرخت وجرت
على باب
راح رفعت
وحسن مسكوها
وتيموها على
عليها إحنا
وكانت لابسة
بنطلون قماش
ضيق وراسم
كسها رسم
وبدى بايت
منه صدرها
اللى زى
روعة يادوب
مغطى كسها
وهى قاعدة
وبتقول: حرام
عليكم ده أنا
أخت صاحبكم
راح المدير
طلع زبه وقال
لها: ما
هيعرف حاجة.
روحت أنا
كمان مطلع
زبى بسرعة
وقبل ما
المدير رحت
مدخل صباعى
فى كسها
وقعدت أدعك
يعصروا فى
صدرها رحت
طلعت صباعى
ودخلت زبى فى
كسها وقلت
لها: ما
أخوكى مش
هيعرف إننا
نكناكى يا
وراح المدير
حط زبه فى
بقها وقال
لها: مصى لى
شوية وإنتى
راحت هى ما
رضيتش تفتح
بقها وهى
قاعدة بتبكى
بانيكها رحت
قعدت أنيك
فيها جامد
وأقول لها:
افتحى بقك
للمدير وأنا
وهى بتبكى
ومش راضية.
رحت قعدت
أنيك فيها
بسرعة أوى
لحدت لما ما
وفتحت بقها
عشان تصرخ
راح المدير
حط زبه فى
بقها وقال
لها: بدل ما
تصرخى يا
متناكة مصى
لى زبى.
وقعد المدير
يتيك فى بقها
بانيكها فى
كسها وإيهاب
ماسك إيديها
ورفعت وحسن
عشان ياخدوا
هما كمان. رحت
من كتر النيك
فيها تعبت
ونزلت طوفان
من اللبن فى
كسها. وقمت من
عليها ،
يتيكها من
كسها هو كمان
ويقول لها: مش
هاطلعك من
هنا غير
وإنتى حامل.
وهى تقولوا:
حرام عليك
أنا متجوزة
وجوزى مسافر
وهو مش على
باله خالص
أهم حاجة إنه
يطفى نار
شهوته فى
كسها وخلاص
وراحنا بصينا
المدير ملا
كسها لبن من
زبه كأنه ليه
سنة ما ناكش
واحدة ست.وقام من
لإيهاب وحسن
ورفعت اللى
وخلوها تعمل
وضعية الكلب
وراح إيهاب
مدخل زبه فى
كسها من ورا
وقعد ينيك
فيها ورفعت
أزبارهم فى
وجسمها كله.
وراح إيهاب
نزل هو كمان
فى كسها.
وجه حسن
ينيكها فى
كسها لاقاه
غرقان لبن
راح ناكها
فيه برضه
ونزل فيها
ودخله فى بقها ونزل
على صدرها
وبعدين رحنا
صورناها وهى
رجليها على
الآخر وكسها
غرقان لبن
وجسمها كله
مغطيه لبن
إذا فتحت
بقها بكلمة
بالصور دى
وطبعا جوزها
راحت لبست
وروحت بيتها
وجه تانى يوم
أخوها ثروت
للمدير: أختى
مش هتقدر
تيجى تانى
عشان هى مش
قادرة على
وفهمنا طبعا
إن سلوى خافت
وما فتحتش
بقها بكلمة
بس مش عايزين
ننيكها تانى
المدير على
طلب ثروت
وبعد شهرين
عرفنا إن
سلوى حملت
منا بس هى
قالت طبعا إن
الحمل ده من
جوزها وكده
اللى حصل
ده كان بعد
سفر جوزها
بشهر واحد بس
يعنى مش ممكن
يكشفها. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Salwa, teaching and fucking.txt |
126,753 | null | The young man and Mrs Hagar | أنا أحمد ، في الثانية والعشرين من عمري. عندما كنت في البيت لوحدي وبأتصفح النت طرق باب البيت ردّيت سمعت صوت مرة نزلت فتحت الباب وإذا بمدام في غاية الجمال والجسم الخلاب يعني بصراحة امرأة فاتنة ، ونا ضجة كالخمر العتيقة في منتصف الثلاثينات ، وفي يدها اليسرى دبلة الزواج الذهبية. قالت المرأة: ممكن بنتي تتدخل التوالييت؟ أنا: أكيد طبعا تفضلي يا مدام بس مفيش حد غيري يعني أهلي مش هنا إذا غيرتي رأيك عادي؟ قالت: مفيش مشكلة انت زي ابني . خجلت أنا وقلت لها: اتفضلي يا مدام .. وطلعت أنا وهي قالت منين التوالييت أشرت على مكان التوالييت وراحت هي وبنتها وخلصت. طلعت غسلت ، وقالت: معلش هاتقل عليك ممكن طلب؟؟ أنا: طبعا يا مدام اتفضلي أمري؟؟ قالت: سندويتش صغير للبنت إذا كان ممكن؟؟ أنا: طبعا أكيد ورحت على المطبخ .. وكان التلفزيون قريب من المكان اللى كنا بنتكلم عنده أنا والمدام قالت لبنتها: اقعدي يا ماما هنا دلوقتى هاجيب لك السندويتش وقعدت البنت .ودخلت المطبخ ودخلت المدام وراياو أنا بأعمل السندويتش للبنت, ما لقيتش إلا والمدام مسكت زبي ! بصيت أنا لها باستغراب.قالت: تنيكني يا أمور؟ ما عدتش عارف أعمل إيه أيري وقف وجسمي بقى يقول عايز جسم حنون نسائي حريمي بقوة ، قلت أنا للمدام: بس ما يكونش ده كمان طلب تالت؟؟!! قالت المدام: لا ده مش طلب يا أمور ده أمر .. ( مع إن أنا مش أمور أوى بس بشبه لاعب تنس مشهور إلى حد ما ) قلت أنا: طيب من عيني انتي تؤمري أنا ما برفضش لا طلب ولا أمر؟ راحت المدام إدت السندويتش لبنتها وقالت لها يا ماما ما تتحركيش خليكي هنا سامعة يا ماما ..قلت لها: في أوضة النوم هيكون فين يعني و رحت مسكتها من طيزها وقلت لها إيه الطيز الحلوة دي يا قطة وراحت مسكت أيري وقالت إيه الزب الحلو ده يا قط وصرنا نضحك قلت لها يلا بلا ما نضيع وقت أحسن حد ييجي ونزلت لي بنطلون البيجاما و نزلت الكولوت وطلع زبي وابتدت تلعب فيه وأنا قلعت القميص الداخلي وبدأت المدام تبوسني من شفايفي ومن صدري وأنا عمال ألعب في جسمها من فوق ملابسها ما بين دعك في الطيز ودعك في الكس ودعك في البزاز وأنا هنا بقيت ألمس لحم نزلت البلوزة من عليها و قلعتها السوتيانة البيضاء ومسكت بزازها وآخ مني إذا شفت البزاز إيه اللي بيجري لي وعلى اللي بيحصل لي وما بين مص ولحس وأمص وأضرب البز اليمين وأمص حلمة البز اليسار وبدأت تتأوه آه آه آه ممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممقالت المدام:
ماله يا ابني
قلنا مش
هتشوف زيه
ولا هتلاقى
جماله فى
حياتك بس ما
قولناش ما
تلحسش ولا ما
تمصش يلا
حبيبي الحس
وامص منه
لغاية ما
تشبع وامسكت
راسي المدام
وحطته على
كسها وأنا
طلعت لساني
وبدأت ألحس
وأدخل لساني
في كسها و
الشفرات جوه
بقى وهنا جه
وقت الأصوات
المدام تصوت
وتتأوه آه آه
آه مص الحس لي
كل كسي ما
تخليش حتة
فيه إلا لما
تلحسها مص
زنبوري عضه
بسنانك يلا
آخ آخ ممممم مص
أسرع أكتر
بسرعة خلينى
أنزل وأوصل
لقمة نشوتي
وهي عمالة
تدعك فى
ونازلة لعب
فى حلماتها
وعض فى
وبعد شوية
انتفضت مدام
الشفرات إلى
ماء من كثرة
الكس وبقيت
ألحس بس على
خفيف وأنا
عمال ادعك
أيري وامسكت
لعند كتافها
يعني بقت
ركبتها عند
كتفها يعني
الأفخاذ على
بزازها وصار
سهل إن الأير
يدخل من الكس
إلى الطيز
وامسكت أيري
وحطيت عليه
بصاق يعني
لعاب وامسكته
وبدأت أضرب
كسها وعلى
شفراته وهنا
مسكت المدام
شفرات كسها
وقالت يلا
ادفسه دخل
أيرك دخل بس
وبعدين دخله
مرة وحدة
وبالفعل ما
كذبتش خبر
دخلت راسه بس
راسه وبقيت
أدخل راسه
وأطلعه قالت
يلا دخله
وثبتت جسمي
البيضات ما
فضلش منه
حاجة برهو
ااااوأنا زى
الأهبل مش
هنا ولا على
بالى نزلت
لبنى كله جوه
كسها ما
خليتش ولا
نقطة قالت
المدام مش
حرام عليك
كدت هاحبل
يخرب عقلك ما
كنتش فاكرة
إنك عايز
تنزل فى كسى
جاوبتها أنا
آسف بس أنا
حبيتك يا
جرجر وده
للبن مش حرام
عليكى يضيع
الغالى ده
أونطة وإنتى
بتقولى مش
عايزاها جوه
أنا سمعت كسك
وهوه بيقول
متصدقهاش دى
بكاشة أنا
وهى عايزينه
جوه وكمان
إنتى مش
عايزة بكسك
وأنا كمان ما
أقدرش أجيبه
على السرير
ولا الأرض
عشان ماما ما
قالت آه منك
بقيت تخاف من
أمك على حظى و
على حظ كسى
وكس أمى
وأخذت تضحك
هههههههه .. ثم
بميأصة: وإيه
جرجر دى ؟ ..
قلت دلع اسمك
يا قطة .. ضحكت
وقالت حلو
اثبت عليه
هههههه وقالت
عندك زيت
مساج ولا
أجيب من
بتاعتى قلت
طبعا عندى
زيت تدليك
مخصوص عشان
والجسم وقمت
الدولاب و
طلعت إزازة
زيت مساج
وفضلت هى
وحافية على
آجى وهى
بتضحك ولما
جيت جنبها
قالت يلا
اعمل لى مساج
لجسمى وطيزى ..
تانى وابتدا
زبى يقوم
تانى أشد
فعلا وأنا
بافكر فى
بتكمل وتقول
عشان تعمل لى
بعد كده واحد
مالوش حل شكل
تانى لا فى
السما ولا فى
الأرض من كسى
برضه وخلينى
أروح لأن أنا
مسكت أنا
إزازة الزيت
ودلقت منها
على جسمها
نامت على
بطنها وبقى
وبطن رجليها
كله قدامى ..
وبدأت أحك
خدى فى شعرها
الطويل .. وأشم
بنعومته على
وأبوس فيه
وأغرق فيه
وألعب فيه
بصوابعى ..
ووزعت الزيت
كويس على
ولحد أصغر
صباع فى
رجلها . وبقى
جسمها بيلمع
كأنه عرقان
وده إداها
جمال فوق
وأضاف حُسن
على حُسنها
ملفوفة أكتر
وشهية. بقت
بصراحة بكل
حركة ولمسة ..
على كل شبر فى
جسم هذه
الخرافية ..
الأسطورية ..
وكانت تبلبط
برجليها زى
السمكة وهى
سعيدة كأنها
طفلة بتلعب
وبتتدلع ..وأنا فى سرى
حلفت أخليها
تستمتع بكل
لمسة من
صوابعى على
جسمى .. ودابعت
بيدى كسها من
الخلف وركزت
على أردافها ..
وكان كسها
يلفظ سوائل
غزيرة من
جراء لمساتى
فى كل أنحاء
جسمها حتى
الملاءة من
تحتها وضحكت
قائلة .. أمك
هتضربك كده
النهارده ..
قلت لها طز ..
كله يهون
عشان خاطر
عيونك يا
قطتى .. وبعدين
لما خلصت
خالص ضهرها
قلبتها على
ضهرها .. ونزلت
على بقها
أبوسها لما
شبعت شفايفى
من شفايفها
وريقى بقى
هوه ريقها
للآخر وبقيت
حوالهيم لحد
ما هيجتها
خالص وبقت زى
السائحة بين
إيدى وبقت
تتلوى زى
لما تكون
عايزة تتجوز ..
ولما دلكت
وكسها وصلت
للقمة مرات
ومرات ومرات ..
وده إداها
جرأة جامدة
فى الكلام
والحركات ..
وجات لها قوة
غير طبيعية
من اللى بيها
ومسكت زبى
بنفسها فى
كسها وحسست
على طيزى
وخلتنى فقدت
السيطرة على
نفسى ودفسته
لآخره فيها
فشهقت وغنجت
جامد جدا هزت
البيت من
غنجها ..
تحتى طحن.
المدام قالت
شوية شوية
كسى بيوجعنى
من زبك دلعنى
كده وخليك
هادى مالك
وهى اللى
بتسرع فى
النيك زيى
وأكتر منى ..
بدأت أدخل
زبى بحنية
وتتجاوب مع
تأثير زبى
اللى عمالة
تدعك فى كسها
وشوية تدعك
فى بزازها..
وكده لغاية
ما قالت طلع
زبك وأخذت
وضع القطة
على رجليها
مفلقسة. ضربت
بإيدى على
طيزها ابتدت
تضحك وبدأ
اللحم يرتج
زى موج
أيرى وحطيت
عليه ززيت
وحطيته على
فلقات طيزها
وبدأت أحفه
طالع نازل
وهى بتستلذ
قالت بغنج
يلا ادفسه
للبيضات يا
أموررر آه آه
آه وهى بتدعك
وتدعك كسها
وتتأوه ..دفسته لنصفه
المدام تحرك
طيزها يمين
وشمال وتقول
حرام عليك
دخله ادفس
زبك للآخر آه
آه آه آه آه آه
مممممممممم ياي
ياي وبدأت
ادخله ييجي
ست سبع مرات
بكسها لأنه
بالفعل الكس
ده مش زى كل
اللي شفتها
فى حياتي
وبدأت أبوس
وتعرفوا إنه
بيكون حلو
النيك على
الطريقة دى
فى وضع
الدوجى وضع
الليزى دوجى
كمان وياسلام
على وضع
اللوتس بقى
جنان والوضع
برضه له
حلاوته وكده
لوضع الليزى
شوية وبعدين
إسبووون (على
جنب) حبة كمان
واللوتس حبة
(اللى بدأنا
بيه فى الأول
خالص) وأنا فى
حضنها باطحن
بصدرى طحن
وأصحنهم صحن
شفايفها بوس
حوالين ظهرى
زى المقص
لغاية ما كان
عايز يجيب
وينزل رحت
دسيته جوه
كسها وقلت
لها خلاص
وارتخيت فوق
وبدأت أبوس
بزازها و
(قدمها) بعدما
فكت المقص
وزبى فى كسها
كتير وهى
بتطبطب عليا
وأنا زى
المذبوح بين
ونمت عليها
أخيرا بعد ما
فضيت كله
فيها لتانى
ووضعت شفتى
على موضع
قالت مالك
إيه جرى لك
انهد حيلك
ولا إيه ده
انت لسه شباب
قمت قلت ليه
إنتى جسمك
ولا كسك
يعرفوا شباب
ولا بنات
انبسطت من
الكلام ده
وقالت عارفة
ما تقولشى و
راحت لبست
وأنا كمان
ورحنا لعند
بنتها ..كانت
نائمة على
الكنبة ما
أحلاها زى
اللعبة , وبعد
كده قلت
هنتنايك مرة
تانية ولا
المرة دى وبس
قالت لا أكيد
بس خليها
بالصدفة قلت
طيب ممكن رقم
قالت المدام :
لا مش ممكن بس
عايزة أسألك
سؤال ممكن
؟؟؟ قلت أنا
طبعا أكيد
تفضلى ؟؟؟
قالت : أنت كنت
تتوقع إنه
ممكن تدخل
عليك امرأة
وتقول لك
نيكنى ؟؟؟
أنا : أكيد لا
ولا بالخيال
أنتي فينوس
نزلتى عليا
من السماء
وجاهزة فى
سريرى وأوضة
نومى فيه
نعمة أحلى
ولا أطعم من
كده بس يعني
إيه لازمة
الكلام ده؟؟
قالت طيب
إديني رقمك
أنت ولما
أكون عايزة
أتكلم معاك
هاتصل بيك
يعني خليها
بالصدفة زى
المرة دى
أوكيه ؟؟ أنا :
أوكيه مفيش
براحتك. قالت
المدام :صحيح
اسمك إيه ؟
وعرفت اسمي
ولسه أنا ما
عرفتش اسمك
يا سيد!!!!!
أنا : اسمي
أحمد. قالت :
الأسامي يا
حمادة اسمك
لايق عليك يا
طِعِم المرة
هارقص لك
وهاوريك رقص
حبيبتك هاجر
ولا هاجر
حمدي فى
زمانها ..
وأيقظت هاجر
الطفلة قوت
بلطف بينما
أسرعت أنا
إلى أقرب محل
وابتعت لها
لها لأحلي
بقها زي ما
حلت بقي
وحياتي كلها
وقلت لها
هامسا فى
عليا أحسن
زبى خلاص بقى
مدمن كس جرجر
ضحكت وهمست
لى بدورها قل
له متقلقشى
هاجيب له
الأكل اللى
وهاغرقه فى
العسل وزى ما
هو متشوق
ومدمن كس
جرجر كمان
بقى مدمن
للبنه .. وكنت
حاسس بحبها
ليا زى ما هى
حاسة بحبى
لها . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/The young man and Mrs Hagar.txt |
126,754 | null | Shahenda and her two sons Waheed and Sameer | أنا وابناي ..
وحيد وسمير
أنا شاهندة
امرأة شابة
عمري 36 سنة
تزوجت وعمري 15
سنة ولي
ابنان وحيد
وعمره 20 سنة
وسمير وعمره 18
سنة وزوجي
يعمل في
منذ 5 سنوات .
أنا وزوجي من
وكنت أحب
أولادي وحيد
وسمير حبا
جما وألبي
لهم كل
عادية ولكن
تطورت إلى
جنسية حميمة
فيما بعد كما
سأروي لاحقا.
ولما كانت
الجنسية لا
ترحم فقد
اعتدت ومنذ
أن سافر زوجي
أن أشبع
الجنسية عن
طريق العادة
السرية حيث
أفرك نهودي
وشفرات كسي
أصابعي Fingering
وأحيانا يدي
كاملة إلى
داخل كسي Fisting
وفي مرات
أخرى ادخل
خيارة ضخمة
إلى داخل كسي
، كما اشتهيت
النيك في
الطيز فأخذت
أدخل إصبعين
في طيزي ، وقد
اعتدت عند
للفراش أن
أداعب وأفرك
نهودي ثم
أفرك كسي حتى
أنام .
وفي إحدى
الليالي كنت
بجسمي على
هذه الطريقة
فإذا ابني
الأصغر سمير
دخل إلى
الغرفة وكان
قد نسي أن
يسألني عن
مكان بعض
الأشياء قبل
الصالون حيث
كنا نشاهد
فاحمر وجهي
من الخجل لأن
نهداي كانا
فأسرع سمير
وخرج من
الغرفة بعد
أن أجبته عن
سؤاله. وكنت
الجنسي عليه
منذ فترة كما
أنه وأخوه
الأكبر وحيد
قد اقتنيا
معا مواقع
مختلفة من
المؤكد أن
بينها مواقع
إباحية مع
العلم أنهما
هما اللذان
علماني على
وتساءلت في
نفسي: هل يا
ترى سوف يخبر
أخاه وحيد
بما رآه مني
الليلة ؟ ..
ويعلقان عن
الأمر يا ترى
؟ .. وشعرت
الشديدة وقد
أتتني فكرة
عجيبة ، ماذا
لو ناكني
رجلان في وقت
واحد .. وماذا
لو كان هذان
الرجلان هما
ابناي وحيد
وسمير ...وبعد بضعة أيام لاحظت أن غرفة نومهما مضاءة عند منتصف الليل فذهبت إلى غرفتهما لأستفسر فوجدت وحيد نائما نوما عميقا على الفراش البعيد، ونظرت إلى فراش سمير فوجدته جالسا مستيقظا في كامل بيجامته ومغطى بالبطانية نصف غطاء، وقال لي سمير بصوت خفيض لئلا يوقظ أخاه: إنني لا أستطيع النوم يا ماما.
فسألته: لماذا؟
فادعى البراءة وقال: إنني أشعر بتوتر وتمدد وصلابة في جهاز البول.
فابتسمت وقلت له: هذا طبيعي لأنك في سن المراهقة وقاربت سن البلوغ وسيزول كل هذا التوتر عندما تبدأ حياتك الجنسية ثم تتزوج.
ولا أدري من أين أتتني الجرأة للحديث معه على هذا النحو، ولا أدري كيف طلبت منه بعدها أن يزيح البطانية ويفتح سرواله ويخرج زبه فإذا هو طويل ومنتصب فأمسكته وقلت له: دعني أعمل له ماساج لكي تستريح ويزول توترك.
وأخذت أفرك وأدلك زبه فترة من الوقت بيدي، وانحنيت على فمه أقبل شفتيه بشفتي بقوة وأخرجت لساني ألحس شفتيه اللتين انفتحتا فأدخلت لساني إلى داخل فمه وممصت ريقه ولاعبت لسانه بلساني، وأخذت أغمر وجنتيه ووجهه كله بالقبلات المتتالية الجافة والرطبة، وأتحسس شعره وأخلل أصابعي بين خصلات شعره، ثم نزلت على زبه بفمي أمصه وهو يتأوه في متعة وقد أمسك يدي يقبلها إصبعا إصبعا وكفا وظاهرا وباطنا، ويقول: كمان يا ماما، مصيه كمااااااان، آآآآآآآآآآآآآآه.
وقلت له: الآن سينزل حليبك إن لم أتوقف عن المص، فهل تريد حقا أن ينزل حليبك في فم ماما الذي تتمناه وتحلم به ليل نهار ألیس كذلك؟.
دهش سمير من كلامي وجرأتي ولكن شهوته تغلبت عليه وكأنه خشي أن أغير رأيي أو أعتبر سكوته رفضا منه..فأومأ برأسه
يوافقني ،
فتجردت من
المنزلية ،
قميص النوم
والكومبليزن والكولوت ،
ثم دفعته عن
الفراش ،
مكانه على
ظهري عارية
حافية ،
وأشرت إليه
بإصبعي أن
تعالى ، فخلع
وكولوته في
سرعة وجنون ،
حتى أصبح
عاريا مثلي ،
وأدخل زبه
الهائج فورا
في كسي وأخذ
وإثارة وشبق.
واستمر يدخل
زبه ويخرجه
من كسي بقوة
وشهوة ، وأنا
أغنج وأتأوه
وأقول :
آااااااااااه .. كمان .. نيك
ماما كمان يا
روحي .. يالله
يا سموره ..
آااااااااااه .. كسي
مولع .. زبك
وممتع كسي ..
وأخيرا صاح
سمير وهو
يقذف لبني في
أعماق كسي
وفيرا غزيرا
كالطوفان ،
وفوجئت بصوت
وحيد وقد نهض
من الفراش
وكان يصطنع
النوم طبقا
للخطة التي
خطط لها مع
أخيه سمير
كما علمت
لاحقا ، ووقف
عند حافة
فراش أخيه
وأخوه سمير
وينظر إلينا
وقال بغضب
مصطنع : إيه يا
جماعة ، اللي
ينيك لوحده
يزور . مش
تقولوا لنا
إن فيه عزومة
نياكة . مش
الكبير أولى
برضه ولا إيه .
ولا أنا ابن
السوداء يا
ماما ..
ولم ينتظر
ردي ، وقرب
فراشه لفراش
أخيه جارا
إياه ليلتحم
بفراش أخيه
ويصنعان معا
فراشا واحدا
وكبيرا . ونهض
عني سمير
الآن .
أنفاسه من
الملتهبة ،
بينما تجرد
وحيد من
حتى صار
مثلنا عاريا
حافيا ، ثم
صعد على
فراشه على
واقترب مني .
ونزل بفمه
على فمي يقبل
شفتي بقوة
وشهوة ،
ويغمر وجهي
الملتهبة .
وضممته إلى
بقوة وأبادله
وأطوق ظهره
بذراعي ،
وأصفع طيزه ،
وأنا أشعر
بزبه منتصبا
كبيرا يرتطم
بأسفل بطني
ويدغدغ أعلى
فخذي ويسيل
مذاهه (لعابه
التمهيدي أو
الرياله) على
جلدي على نحو
ثم نزل وحيد
عن وجهي إلى
صدري ، وبدأت
يلعب بنهدي
بيده ، ويقرص
حلماتي ،
ويعصر ثديي
في قبضته ، ثم
نزل بفمه يمص
حلماتي ،
ويبوس ويلحس
الكاعبين .وأنا أداعب
شعرها ، وأضغط
رأسه بيدي
أكثر على
صدري ، ويعلو
غنجي وتأوهي.
ثم نزل إلى
سرتي يلحسها
ثم نزل إلى
كسي يلحسه
بعدما تناول
ورقية ومسحه
من لبن أخيه.
وما إن وضع
وحيد شفايفه
على شفايف
كسي الدافئة
حتى شعرت
بلذة لم أشعر
بها من قبل.
نسيت أن هذا
ابني من لحمي
ودمي وبدأت
أتنهد بشبق
وغنج. كان
ابني وحيد
خبيرا في أكل
الكس ولم
يوفر جلدة من
كسي إلا
نصيبها من
المص ابتداء
من الزنبور
حتى الشفايف
ثم الثنايا
وبدأ وحيد
يمص كسي بشكل
شهواني جدا
وكأنه كان
مشتهيا أن
يفعل ذلك منذ
زمن ومصه
عندما عضعض
بأسنانه ثم
صار يمصه
ويفرش كسي
محركا وجهه
واستمر يفعل
ذلك حتى بدأت
أرتعش وخلال
فرشحت أفخاذي
أكثر ووضع
كسي كله في
فمه ومصه
بعنف للداخل
وصار يدخل
لسانه فيه
ويفعل حركات
جعلتني أصرخ
وأنا أصيح:
وبزازي" .
وما إن طلبت
منه ذلك حتى
"دفع" زبه في
كسي تلك
القوية التي
جعلت كياني
يرتجف وصار
بسرعة وعنف
حتى صرت
أرتعش وأصرخ
تحته فبدأ
يقذف معي
لبنه وفيرا
قائلا: "يلا
بانزل لبني
يا حبيبتي...
وصرت أصرخ
معه من اللذة
وشعرت بهزة
الفعلية معه
الثانية من
بعد متعة
ابني سمير.
فهما من
وأشبعاني .
بعد القذف ظل
ابني وحيد
فوقي وزبه
ومنيه في كسي
وفمه يشبع
عنقي ووجهي
مصا وتقبيلا...
صرت أفكر في
نفسي: "كم كنت
غبية طوال
هذا الوقت!
كان يجب أن
أفعل هذا منذ
زمن بعيد!!!"
وتحسرت على
التي مرت
بدون حياة
جنسية فعليه
وقررت أن
أعوض عنها
بالمزيد من
المضاجعة مع
أولادي وحيد
وسمير .
وحيد إلى
جواري ،
ومسحت كسي
كأنني أستعد
التي لا أدري
كيف ستكون ،
وأصبحتُ في
الوسط وعلى
يميني وحيد ،
وعلى يساري
سمير ،
عراة حفاة ،
وكلنا لاهث
مستمتع ،
الجنس . ثم
السود الشعر
الشعر البيض
البشرة ،
بوجهيهما من
وجهي من
الجهتين ،
معا في تقبيل
كل شبر من
أرجاء وجهي
وشفتي ،
شعري ،
ثديي ،
صدري بوسا
ومصا ولحسا
وتقفيشا .
حبا بحب
وتقبيل&#وضع وحيد رأس
زبه على فتحة
طيزي.. بعدما
بصق على يده
ورطب شرجي
وزبه بريقه
قليلا ، غرز
راس زبه..
وعندما فات
ودخل بزبه في
طيزي .. طعنني
تلك الطعنة
التي غاص بها
زبه في نفق
مصراني.. قرفص
فوقي.. مفرشخا
أفخاذه.. ألصق
بطنه بظهري
وفمه بعنقي
الأخطبوط ..
وبدأ ينيكني
مثل المجنون...
وصار يتكلم
مبسوطة إني
بانيكك من
طيزك يا ماما
يا قطة ..
وشعرت شعورا
رائعا من هذا
المزدوج Double Penetration DP
السندويتش) ،
الذي أجربه
الأولى في
حياتي ، ولم
يسبق لي أن
جربته وذقته
من قبل أبدا .
كان إحساسا
من المتعة
غير المسبوق
الذي لا نظير
له .
التفت إلى
سمير وقال له :
شايف ماما
حلوة وطعمة
قد إيه.. راكعة
أدخل زبي في
وناقمة عليك
سايبك تدخل
زبك في كسها ..
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآوأخذ جسدي
ينتفض وأنا
أقذف للمرة
الألف لهذه
الليلة ،
وبعد نيكة
طويلة لن
أنساها طوال
حياتي . عدلنا
وعدت أستلقي
في الوسط
وحولي ابناي
يستلقيان ..
ونحن نتبادل
والقبلات ،
ويهمسان لي
بأجمل وأعذب
كلمات الحب
والغرام ،
وكأنني ملكة
بينهما أو
ربة وإلهة ..
استمررنا في
وكنا ننام كل
ليلة على
سرير واحد
مجمع من
فراشي ابني
فنحن كامرأة
تجمع بين
زوجين في
فراش واحد
وهما يقبلان
فمي ونهودي
وتمارس معا
نحن الثلاثة
مختلف أنواع
فنون الجنس
سواء في الكس
أو الطيز أو
الفموي أو
يضع أحدهما
زبه بين
نهودي ويقذف
سائله على
صدري. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Shahenda and her two sons Waheed and Sameer.txt |
126,758 | null | Me and Nagwa .. memories of a young artist | أنا ونجوى
نوجا .. ذكريات
شاب فنان
تذكرت هذه
والتى مر
الكثير من
الوقت فهذه
كانت أولى
الجنسية .. كان
عمرى وقتها 17
سنة شاب من
أصول ريفية
من مدينة
طنطا بالقرب
من القاهرة
يعنى شاب
بسيط ساذج
ودى كانت
صفات الشباب
اللى من
الصغيرة غير
أهل القاهرة
فى الوقت ده .
حصلت على
وتوجهت إلى
أوراقى فى
لأنى غاوى
سينما وفنان
زى ما
عليه كل
ومعارفى .
وصلت بيت عمى
فى القاهرة
وعمى ده أكبر
منى ب 10 سنين
بس يعنى كأنه
وأبويا هوه
اللى كان
مربيه وصارف
عليه فى
تعليمه يعنى
كان بيحب
أبويا خالص
وبيحبنى جدا ,,,
رحب بيا فى
بيته وكمان
مرات عمى
رحبت بيا جدا
... وقالت لى
البيت بيتك
يا كريم
وفعلا كانوا
كويس جدا ..
وخصصت ليه
مكان فى حجرة
علشان أنام
فيه لأن طبعا
بيتهم كان
حجرتين بس
وصالة ...
كان عمى
متجوز من
حوالى سنتين
ومفيش عنده
أولاد لسه ..
عمى بيشتغل
مهندس فى
شركة كبيرة
قوى وكان
ماسك مشروع
كبير فى قناة
وبيسافر كل
يوم سبت
ويفضل أسبوع
هناك ويييجى
يوم الخميس ....
فوجئت تانى
يوم وصولى
بأخت مرات
الثلاثينية -
اسمها نجوى -
جاية ومعاها
شنطة كبيرة
ومعاها كمان
ابنها اللى
عمره حوالى
سنة ولما
سألت مرات
عمى قالت لى
إنها جاية
ضيفة عندها
لمدة شهر لأن
جوزها مسافر
وهيه ها تقعد
عنده لغاية
لما جوزها
يرجع من
السفر . كانت
نجوى تشبه فى
ملامحها قوى
آنيت هافن Annette Haven
وفى طباعها.
اليوم ده كان
صعب عليه قوى
لأن طبعا عمى
مسافر بكره
الصبح ودخل
أوضة النوم
مع مرته
عليهم من
الساعة 10
وفضلت قاعد
أنا ونجوى فى
بنتفرج على
وبعد شوية
سمعت صوت من
الأوضة كأن
حد بيتأوه ..
بصيت على
بيزيد وقلت
هوه فيه إيه
؟؟؟ رد نجوى
وهيه بتضحك
بصوت واطى ....
فيه معركة
جوه ...انتهى
لسه صغير على
الحاجات دى ....
قلت بسذاجة
علشان أبين
لها إنى مش
عارف حاجة
همه بيعملوا
إيه ... نجوى
وقالت لى
انته بجد
متعرفشى همه
بيعملوا إيه ..
دا انته على
نياتك خالص (
وده اللى أنا
كنت عاوزها
تعرفه عنى .....
إنى ساذج وما
بأعرفش حاجة )
وشكلك كده ها
تتعبنى معاك ..
هههههههههه .
الصوت زاد
وزبى بدأ يقف
ويبان من تحت
وأنا حاولت
أداريه بس
مفيش فايدة
بعد شوية
مدام نجوى
قالت لى ممكن
تعمل لنا شاى
أنا وانته .
فقلت حاضر
وقمت علشان
أروح المطبخ
وهنا ظهر
اللى فى
البنطلون ....
نجوى شافته
وقالت يظهر
إنك تعبان
قوى .. أنا
جريت على
أداري فى زبى
دخلت المطبخ
وحطيت براد
الشاى على
النار ووقفت
أنتظر إن
الشاى يغلى
أتاري أنا
اللى بأغلى ...
طلع زبى من
وقعدت على
كرسى فى
ودعكت فيه
وقلت له انته
دايما كده
فاضحنى فى كل
حتة ... أنا
عارف إنك
عاوز تنيك
حاضر هاتنيك
وها أريحك ...
إيه رأيك فى
نجوى ...كسها
عاجبك ...
فى اللحظة دى
كانت نجوى
واقفة وراية
بتتفرج علية
وأنا بادعك
فى زبى وسمعت
اللى أنا
قلته .. وشافته
كانت مفاجأة
ليها إنها
تشوف زب
العيل ده
ويطلع أكبر
وأمتن من
بتاع جوزها ...
وحتى شكله
كده أحلى من
بتاع محمود
حبيبها من
اللى كان
ساكن جنبهم
وكان بيفرش
لها كسها كل
ما يهيج زى ما
حكت لى بعد
كده فى ساعة
صفا ..
وقالت لى
انته بتعمل
إيه وإيه
اللى انته
ماسكه ده ... دا
كله ..يا لهوى
دا كبير قوى ...
انته كنت
بتقول له إيه
أنا سمعتك
بتقوله حاجة ...
ممكن تقوله تانى ... أنا
ودخلت زبى
بسرعة فى
وأتأسفت لها ...
وجريت على
المكان اللى
ها أنام فيه ....
بصراحة أنا
حاولت أنام
لكن ما عرفتش
...وأخيرا قرب
الفجر نمت فى
المخصص لية
فى أوضة
وابنها نامت
فى الصالة
وعمى ومرات
عمى فى أوضة
سافر عمى على
شغله يوم
السبت من
بدرى ومرات
عمى راحت
الساعة 7.الصبح وطبعا
صحت أختها
أوضة النوم
هيه وابنها
الفطار ليه
وقالت لى
انته تروح
وترجع على
طول وأعطتنى
مفتاح البيت.
رحت المعهد
للاختبار من
يوم الأحد
لمدة خمس
أيام كل يوم
اختبار ...
ورجعت البيت
الساعة 11
وفتحت ودخلت
وفوجئت بصوت
حد بيغنى ...
والصوت ده
جاى من
الحمام ...
قربت من
الحمام لقيت
الباب مش
مقفول بصيت
بالراحة شفت
مدام نجوى
تحت الدش
عريانة خالص
.... ودى كانت
أول مرة أشوف
فيها واحدة
بتستحمى ...
بزازها ... أنا
فتحت بقى
مذهول من
واتسمرت فى
الأرض ...
وعينيه خرجت
لبرة .... كان
جسمها أجمل
من أجمل نجمة
سينما ...
ومنظر الميه
وهيه نازلة
على جسمها
يخلى الحجر
ينطق ... ما
بالك بقى
بواحد حساس
وفنان زيى.
كانت بزاز
نجوى فى حجم
وحلمتها زى
ووشها كان من
الجمال اللى
يفوق الخيال
وشعرها لونه
بنى فاتح
وجسمها ابيض
زى القشطة
وكسها يا
لهوى على
كسها بيلمع
نازلة عليه ...
كانت نجوى
بتدعك فى
بتمر على
كسها .. كل ده
خلانى مش
قادر أمسك
نفسى وزبى
قام وقف
ليها ...
أنا خفت أحسن
وتبقى مشكلة
وخرجت تانى
من البيت
وقفلت الباب
وراية بهدوء ..
وبعد لحظة
عملت نفسى
باخبط ع
الباب من برة
ورحت فاتح
الباب وأنا
بتكلم وقلت
هوه مفيش حد
هنا ولا إيه ؟
كأنى لسه جاى ..
ودخلت على
وعملت نفسى
مش واخد بالى
إن فيه حد جوه
وكأنى مزنوق
وعاوز أعمل
ميه بسرعة
ورحت مطلع
زبى ووافق
أعمل ميه ...
كانت نجوى فى
آخر الحمام
بتنشف جسمها ..
وبتبص عليا
وهيه مذهولة
وشافت زبى
الواقف ..
وقالت لى
انته دخلت
الحمام إزاى
مش تخبط
الأول .. أنا
عملت نفسى
والتفت ليها
وأنا ماسك
زبى بإيدى
وقلت ليها
أنا آسف أصلى
كنت مزنوق
ومعرفش إن
فيه حد فى
الحمام ..
عموما أنا
خارج أهوه ...
كل ده وزبى
قدامى وافق
وشادد ع
الآخر ... وهيه
عمالة تحاول
إنها ما تبص
عليه بس مش
قادرة تمنع
نفسها ... قالت
خلاص أنا
خارجة .. خليك
انته ..خرجت
من الحمام
وهيه لافة
الفوطة على
بيها من عند
لغاية تحت
بطنها .. كل ده
وأنا سايب
زبى برهه
بإيدى كأنى
فعلا مزنوق ..
بعد شويه
دخلت زبى جوه
وقفلت عليه
ووعدته إنى
ها ارحيه وها
اخليه ينيك
النهارده .. بس
هوه مين مش
عاوز ينام
ابدا ... طب
اعمل إيه ...
خرجت من
الحمام وهوه
واقف وظاهر
من البنطلون ..
وقعدت فى
الصاله وجت
نجوى بعد
شويه وقالت
لى تشرب شاى .
قلت لها أيوه
... من فضلك ...
قالت لى
ساعدنى .. فى
المطبخ ... مش
اساعدها فى
إيه هوه
الشاى محتاج
مساعدة ...
المهم أنا
قمت من مكانى
وياريتنى ما
قمت كان منظر
زبى شادد ع
الآخر وواضح
فى البنطلون .
بإيدى مفيش
فايدة ... نجوى
شافته من طرف
وقالت لى ...
هوه انته ليك
صاحبة ... يعنى
بتحب واحدة ....
أنا قلت لها
يعنى .... ليا بس
مش علاقات
قويه .. حاجات
كده طيارى ....
قالت لى هيه
حلوة ... قلت
لها مين دى
اللى حلوة ...
قالت اللى
انته بتحبها ...
قلت لها .. كل
اللى شفتهم
فى حياتى
واللى كنت
معجب بيهم
السيما كل
دول كانوا
حلوين لغاية
لما شفتك
اكتشفت إنهم
جنب جمالك
صفر إنهم
كان كلامى
ليها بصت ليا
وقالت انته
قصدك إيه قلت
لها أنا عمرى
ما شفت فى
جمالك إنتى
أجمل من
فينوس ومن
هند رستم ومن
مادونا إنتى
أجمل من البت
سهام بنت
محروس جارنا
فى طنطا ...... هيه
سمعت كدا
وهات يا ضحك
وقالت ... بجد
أنا حلوة إيه
اللى عاجبك
فيا ... قلت كل
حاجة .. إنتى
أحلى من
الفلاحى ..
اقتربت منى
ووضعت إيدها
على رجلى
وقالت لى طب
وريحتى ...
شامم ريحتى ...
كانت ريحة
جسمها تهبل ...
أحلى من
والعنبر .. أنا
دخت وكان ها
يغمى عليا ...
قربت منى
أكتر ... وفكت
بتاعى ... وحطت
شفايفها على
شفايفى فى
قبلة سريعة
خاطفة وأنا
مديت إيدى
الفوطة من
على جسمها ..
ولمست بزها
ساعتها حسيت
كأن كهربا
لمست جسمها
وأخدتنى فى
حضنها ... أنا
لفيت إيديا
وسطها وحسست
على ظهرها
ومسكت بزها
ادلكها بإيدى ..
</CORRECTED_TEXT>فمالت عليا
أبوسها ..
...ببوسة ملعونة
نار .. رفعت
تلفهم حول
رقبتى فلفيت
إيديا ورا
صدورنا بحضن
ناعم مثير ...
شفايفها من
على شفايفى
وهى بتبص
عليا بصة
إغراء نارية
أعقبتها ألف
حسرة ولعبت
بصباعها فى
طرف ذقنى ...
وهى بتقول لي
بهمس زى
النار اقلع
عريان خالص .
قلت ..حاضر...
ساعدتنى فى
خلع هدومى
كلها ولم
يبقى على
جسمى إلا
الكيلوت فقط ..
كان زبى
منتفخ داخل
الكيلوت .. مدت
نجوى يدها
تحس على زبى
بشهوة ...
ومالت عليه
ببقها تعض
فيه من فوق
الكيلوت .. كنت
أرتجف من
الهياج وبدأ
البلل يظهر
بقعه على
الكيلوت ..
رأتها نجوى ..
لسانها تلحس
مكانها وهى
تنظر إلى ..
دفعتها برفق
وبركت بين
أتشمم رائحة
كسها.... كان
لسانى قويا
على رقة كسها ..
تأوهت أه أف
أف أح أح
أووووه وقعت
عيناى على
مبتلة من
مائها .. حركت
لسانى على
كسها من أسفل
لأعلى بقوة ..
بظهرها إلى
الخلف لتنام
على الكنبة
.....كانت نجوى
تدفع رأسى من
قفاى تضغطها
على كسها وهى
تتأوه وهى
تقول بوس .. عض ..
قطع كسى
بسنانك .... أه
أح أح أح كانت
أحلى وأجمل
سيمفونية أه
أح تعزفها
نجوى ..لم أعد
أقدر على
التحمل أكتر
من كده وقربت
زبى منها
ودادعبت به
ليعلو صوتها
أكثر .. وتصرخ
من اللذة
أظافرها فى
ظهرى ..وتشدنى
إليها .. بقوة
وتلفهم حول
وسطى ...
ليقترب زبى
من شفايف
كسها ليجد
كسها مبلول
مما ينزل منه
وتنساب رأس
زبى سريعا
داخلها ليصل
إلى الرحم
وأخذت أدخله
وأخرجه منها
ببطء مرة
شديدة مرات ...
ثم دفعته فى
كسها .بقوة ...
تشهق .. وهو
ينسحب خارجا
منها لتتشبث
بى وتتوسل
ألا أخرجه
منها .. فدفعته
من جديد إلى
الكثير من
المتعة قلت
لها قومى
وزبى جوارها
لأنام أنا
على ظهرى
وتصعد هى
فوقى وتجلس
عليه وتصعد
وتنزل عليه
فى سيمفونية
من اللذة و
تتمايل عليه
وترسم دائرة
بكسها حول
زبى ..زبى
اللى زى
الصاروخ مرشوق فى
كسها وهيه
طالعة نازلة
عليه بشويش
بتحاول تحس
بيه جواها
وشعرت بزبى
يغرق فى سيل
من مياه
شهوتها ...
وضعت شفتاى
أقبل بزها
الشمال وأمص
هياجا .... على
هياجها ... كنت
أشعر بتدفق
عندما تتوقف
عن الحركة
وتثبت ضاغطة
بكسها بقوة
على زبى
لتشعر به
أكثر داخلها ..
ثم تعاود من
جديد الصعود
والطحن ..
وتتوقف ..
شهوتها .. مرات
ومرات ..وأصرخ
أنا من
وأقذف داخل
كسها وأفرغ
حمولة زبى
لتصرخ هيه
وتقول.... نار
فى كسى لبنك
نار .... وكسى
نار أحوه
أحوه كمان
كمان نيك
جامد آه أح أح
آه آه أح أح
أح آه آه أح أح
أح آه آه أح أح
أح آه أف أف أف
أف أف باجيب
كسى بيجيب
كسها عدة
ويقفل على
زبى ليمنع
خروجه وكأنه
يطلب منه أن
يظل داخله
للأبد ...
وتهدأ ..
وتبتسم لى
وتقول كأنى
أول مرة
أتناك ... أنا
عمرى ما
تمتعت كده ...
انته كنت فين
من زمان ..
فقلت لها فى
بلدنا فى
طنطا ... فضحكت
وقالت .. أنا
مش هاسيبك
أبدا ... قلت
لها وأنا
الجاية .. ضحكت
وقالت هاإيه
رأيك ؟ كس
نوجا أحلى
ولا جسم نوجا ..
قلت لها .. كلك
على بعض
تتاكلى أكل
يا نوجا ..
بصراحة إنتى
ماليكيش حل
إنتى منظومة
متكاملة ..
وضحكنا معا
طويلا .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and Nagwa .. memories of a young artist.txt |
126,760 | null | Me and my oldest daughter | أنا وابنتي الكبرى
أخوكم حمزة متزوج وله 3 أطفال... بنتان و ولد. الزوجة متوفاة منذ تسع سنوات ...
أحب النيك والجنس وخصوصا جنس المحارم لأنني أجد فيه متعة أكثر .....
المهم تبدأ قصتي هذه مع وصول ابنتي الكبرى إلى واسمها منال سنها 24 وهي فاتنة بكل معنى للكلمة شكلها كعارضات الأزياء وهي أرملة تزوجت بالشاب كان يدرس معها في الجامعة في سنها 20 لكن بعد مضي سنتين شاءت الأقدار وماتت في حادث سير المهم نعود إلى منال: عينيها زرقاوان ثدياها رائعان وقائمان وشعرها أشقر ...
المهم هي فتاة منغلقة قليلا على نفسها وكانت تحبني حبا شديدا ...وبما أنها كانت تتكفل بأخواتها فإنها وكانت تحاول دائما الانعزال و الوحدة فحاولت أن أخرجها من عزلتها كما ستروا
وذات ليلة بالضبط في شهر يناير تناولنا العشاء ثم قمنا لصالة لنشاهد التلفاز مرت 45 دقيقة ونحن نشاهد فيلم على إحدى القنوات ثم استأذنت مريم وكذلك أحمد (مريم اسم ابنتي الوسطى عمرها 17 وأحمد هو أصغر عمره 16 سنة ) ليخلد إلى النوم ....
انتظرت حتى ذهب لأصارح ابنتي بموضوع تخرج من عزلتها ... سألتها: منال هل لديك صديق؟
فأجابت: لا ...
قلت لها: لماذا فأنت فتاة جميلة وبالتأكيد هناك شباب يريدون الارتباط بك ..
فقالت: أنا أريد حبك أنت فقط .....
فضحكت: بالطبع أنا أحبك لأنك ابنتي الرائعة لكن سوف يأتي يوم وتتزوجين مرة أخرى ..
فقالت: أنا لا أريد الزواج ...
- نعم لكن يجب أن تمضي حياتك وأنت تفهمين قصدي ...
- نعم أبي ...لكن أنا سوف اكتفي بأحسن أب في العالم ....
ثم قامت بعناقي وجلست في حضني وفجأة نهض أيري فجأة من دون سابق إنذار ورغم أني حاولت أن أخمد هذا الوحش الثائر فقد كان ذلك دون جدوى فقد هاج جدا وكلما ازدادت ضربات ازدادت التصاق طيز ابنتي به وكأنها تثيره ضدي .
ودامت المعانقة لمدة 5 دقائق .. ثم جلست ملتصقة بي ورأسها على كتفي وعيناها على زبي وخصوصا مع الانتفاخ الشديد لمنطقته رغم أنني كنت أرتدي جينز ...وبعد مرور 30 دقيقة ذهبت إلى غرفتها لتنام ... ولاحظت كيف تمشي وطيزها تلعب يسارا ويمينا يسارا ويمينا منظر رائع وجميل ... وبدأ النوم يباغتني فاتجهت أولا لغرفة أحمد وأطفأت الحاسوب بعد أن نام وأطفأت أنوار غرفته ثم لغرفتي مريم لأجدها ألقت الغطاء .. واتجهت إلى غرفة منال لأجدها نائمة وحاسوبها لسه شغال وهو على فيديو لفتاة وأبوها شاهدت قليلا من الفيلم واتجهت صوب غرفتي ...
خلعت ملابسي إلا كولوتي . وأطفأت النور وبدأت أفكر فيما حصل واستلقيت ثم ذهب بي النوم ومرت قرابة ساعة بدأت أمطار وبرق يضرب ورعد فسمعت صوت باب غرفتي يفتح ودخلت ثم أيقظتني منال لأنها خائفة من صوت الرعد والبرق رفضت في بادئ الأمر لكنني وافقت استندت إلي وألقت بطيزها حتى ألصقتها بزبي فنهض الوحش من جديد .
وبدأت بتحريك طيزها حركات خفيفة وتلعب به ثم بعد مدة 3 دقائق وهي تقوم بذلك أمسكت به ورفعت الغطاء وبدأت تمصه .. ماذا تفعلين؟
لا حياة لمن تنادي لا تسمع واستمرت في ذلك لمدة 10 دقائق .
ثم خلعت ملابسها ...وبدأت أقبلها بجنون من فمها مرور برقبتها لأمصها ثدييها رائعين ثم اهبط لأحلى كسها وردي فاتح اللون والذي لا يوجد عليه شعر لحستها وعضضتها وهي تتأوه : اهاهاهاهاهاه اها اهاهاهاهاهاهاواواواواواواوا.
ثم بدأت بإدخال زبري لأبواب كسها الساخن .
- نيكني أبي نيك ..
ثم أدخلتهو بسبب كبره بدأت تتألم: اهاهاهاهاه ..
ولأنه عريض أحسست ببعض طقطقة في كسها ثم بدأت أدخله وأخرجه مرارا وتكرارا .... حتى اقترب ظهري من المجيء فأخرجته و وضعته في فمها حتى فاض عليها بركان من حمم المني . استرحت قليلا ثم حملتها متجها صوب الحمام .. دخلنا وأقفلنا علينا ثم وضعتها على منضدة الصنبور وبدأت أدخل زبي في كسها مجددا وهذه مرة رفعت من وتيرة إدخاله وهي تتألم: اهاهاهاهاه اواواواواواواو
- سوف توقظين إخوتك أيتها الشرموطة .....
ثم أخرجته وجابت قليلا من الفازلين و وضعته على زبي ثم بدأت أدخل في طيزها قليلا شيئا فشيئا حتى دخل نصفه ثم تركته قليلا ثم أدخلته كله .
- إنك تؤلمني .
- انتظري سوف تعتادين عليه .ثم تركته مدة
دقيقتين أو
أكثر ثم بدأت
وأخرجه وهي
مستمتعة جدا
وفرحة وبقيت
هكذا حتى
اقترب ظهري
- كسي أدخل في
كسي هذه
المرة ....
ثم أدخلته
وانفجر هناك
إلا أن تدفق
حتى قدميها
ثم استحممنا
وذهبت مسرعة
إلى غرفتها
وذهبت أنا
لكي لا نثير
الشك ... | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my oldest daughter.txt |
126,764 | null | When Bobbi Eden visited Egypt | أنا أحمد من مصر. من مواليد برج العذراء في سبتمبر.
بوبي إيدن Bobbi Eden، ممثلة البورنو الهولندية الأصل، جميلة جميلات هولندا وأمريكا، الشقراء الفاتنة، طويلة القامة، زرقاء العينين، ذات القد الميّاس، والقوام المثير.. راسلتها لشهور وأعربت لها عن إعجابي، وتوطدت أواصر صداقة قوية ومحبة بيننا.
وكانت تحب الحضارة المصرية القديمة، وتود أن تزور مصر، وبالفعل حجزت تذكرة للسفر بالطائرة من الولايات المتحدة إلى مصر، وانتظرتها في المطار. انتظرت جميلة جميلات برج الجدي المولودة في يناير.
ذهبت إلى المطار في الصباح الباكر، ووجدت الطائرة تتهادى بعد نزولها وهبوطها من الجو، وقلبي يتهادى معها، ويخفق بعنف فرحا، ثم نزل سلم الطائرة وبدأ الركاب في النزول على السلم إلى الأرض الأسمنتية الصلبة لمطار القاهرة الدولي.
كانت بوبي (وهو تدليل بربرا) أكبر مني بعام واحد.. مما زاد في إثارتي وحبي لها.. كنت أحب الناضجات.
بحثت عيناي بشوق بين الركاب النازلين من سلم الطائرة إلى أرض المطار الأسمنتية، وأخيرا وجدتها تنزل بنشاط باسمة وتلوح لي بيدها، لوحت لها بيدي بقوة، ووجدتها تسرع في اتجاه بوابة الاستقبال، فأسرعت راكضا إليها كما تكاد ترك.. وكلانا يتنافس في لقاء الآخر..
ولما التقينا تعانقنا بقوة وقبلتني من خدي.. وسألتني بالإنجليزية: أحمد، ألیس كذلك؟
قلت: نعم. أنا أحمد.
قالت: تماما كما تخيلتك. أنت وسيم للغاية. كم كنت في شوق لرؤيتك.
قلت: وأنا كذلك يا حبيبتي، يا حبيبة قلبي، ونور عقلي، وروحي..
أخذت أتفرس فيها وأتمعن في جمال عينيها، وأنفها الجميل الشبيه بأنف العنزة وسميتها بالعربية (عنز) اسم شاعري هو اسم زرقاء اليمامة في الماضي.
كنت أعشق مولودات هذا البرج جدا فحبيبتي منهن، وأمي منهن، وهو برج تراني كبرجي، نسبة التوافق بيننا أكثر من 90%...كان شعرها الأشقر ذهبى فاتح منسق جميل وغزير، وعيناها تضحك وفمها مبتسم بشوش، ووجهها فيه إغراء هادئ جميل لكنه قوى وعميق. رغم ذلك، وددت لو ألثم أنفها الجميل ولكن لم أستطع خشية الفضوليين والمحافظين.
كانت ترتدى ملابس سياحية بسيطة من بنطلون قصير (شورت) وبلوزة صيفية، وتحمل على ظهرها حقيبة قماشية صغيرة.. وترتدى حذاء رياضيا (كوتشي) في قدميها.. كانت في هيئة السياح تماما. وكأنها في الصيف رغم أننا كنا في أواخر ديسمبر قبل أيام من عيد ميلادها الموافق (4 يناير 1980).
ولكنني كنت قد وضعت ذلك في اعتباري، وكنت أعلم مقاسها مقاس جسدها ومقاس قدميها.. واشتريت لها الكثير من الملابس الشتوية الجميلة الأنثوية، والأحذية والغواييش والخلاخل.
وكانت تنوى الذهاب وحجز غرفتين لنا في فندق ولكنني رفضت طبعا. وكنت أريد أن أصطحبها وأستضيفها عندي في المنزل، ولكنها رفضت أن تستريح، وأصرت على مشاهدة الأهرام وأبى الهول، وبالفعل ذهبنا إلى الهرم، واشتريت لها بعض التماثيل والتذكارات الفرعونية التى أعجبتها.. وركبت الجمل تماما كما فعلت من قبل في فيلمها الشهير (كليوبترا)..
ثم عزمتها على أكلة مكرونة سباجيتى وصدور الدجاج المقلية بالبقسماط وسلطة خضراء، وكنت أعلم أنها أكلتها المفضلة، وكانت أيضا من أكلاتى المفضلة.. في مطعم البرج، وشاهدت القاهرة بالمنظار من فوق البرج - برج القاهرة في الجزيرة -.
كانت إقامتها في مصر تمتد لعشرة أيام كاملة، تعود بعدها إلى الولايات المتحدة.. وستحتفل معي هنا برأس السنة وبعيد ميلادها.
وفي نهاية اليوم، اصطحبتها إلى شقتي التي أحيا فيها وحدي، بعيدا عن شقة أهلي، كنت أمكث مع أهلي شهرا وأمكث في شقتي شهرا.. وقد تزوج إخوتي الكبار وأصبح لكل منهم حياته وشقته المستقلة. وكنت آتي إلى شقتي أعتني بها، وأرعاها، وأصونها باستمرار.
لما دخلت بوبي إلى الشقة معي، ضممتها وعانقتها بقوة وقبلتها، وحملتها على ذراعي وهي تضحك، ودخلت بها إلى غرفة النوم، وفتحت الدولاب (خزانة الملابس) لأريها ما اشتريت لها..أعجبتها
الملابس -
المنزل -
كثيرا ،
والشباشب .
ثوب نوم مصرى
خارجى كربات
(جلباب) ،
ووضعت فى
الغواييش وفى
الخلخال .
ونمنا فى تلك
الليلة على
سرير واحد ،
المنزلية ،
فى حضن بعض ،
ولكن لم
نمارس الجنس
فى تلك
الليلة ، فقط
والأحضان ،
وكنا مثل
عذريين ،
وأعجبنى ذلك
وأعجبها ،
أردنا أن
تزداد نارنا
أكثر ، لكى
يكون الجنس
فى الأيام
قويا لذيذا
شهيا ومتعا
أكثر بكثير .
فكلما ازداد
جوعك تمتعت
أكثر ..
وتارة كانت
توجهنى ،
وأتحسس ما
طوله يدى من
وشعرها وهى
تتحسسنى ،
وتارة كانت
ظهرها ،
وأتحسس ما
طوله يدى من
نهديها من
فوق الملابس
ومن بطنها
وبين فخذيها .
ويدق قلبى
على قلبها ،
أنفاسنا .
فى اليوم
التالى ،
استيقظت قبل
حبيبتى بوبى
، ونهضت برفق
لئلا أوقظها ..
وسرت على
أصابعى ،
وأعددت لها
الصميم ، فول
مدمس وبصل ..
ثم أتيت ،
فقبلتها فى
جبينها ثم
خدها ثم
شفتيها ،
وقلت : صباح
الخير يا روح
قلبى .
قالت : صباح
النور يا نور
عينى .
قلت : نمتى
كويس ؟
قالت : آه ،
عمرى ما نمت
براحة ونوم
عميق ولذيذ
زى الليلة دى
، وانت ؟
قلت : وأنا
كمان ،
البركة فى
حضن حبيبتى !
قالت :
والبركة فى
حضن حبيبى
أحمد !
غسلت بوبى
شعرها ،
حماما دافئا
، وجاءتنى
الروب ، وهى
تصفف شعرها
الرائع .. كانت
ومثيرة جدا ،
أراقبها وهى
تجلس أمام
التوالييت فى
غرفة النوم ،
وهى تتمكيج
التى كنت قد
وجهزتها لها ..
ثم نهضت لما
انتهت ..
الإفطار معا ..
وأنا أضمها
وأتحسسها من
فوق وتحت
الروب وقد
أجلستها على
حجرى ونحن
نأكل ..ثم ارتدينا ملابسنا، وأشرت عليها ببلوزة بيضاء كالقميص الرجالى بأزرار، ثم فوقها بلوفر مقلم بالعرض بالبنى والأصفر والأسود جميل أنثوى عليها، وجونلة سوداء جميلة، وحذاء عالى الكعب كلاسيكى أصفر اللون، وحقيبة أنثوية جميلة.
ونزلنا، وجلسنا على كورنيش النيل أمام ماسبيرو .. مكانى المفضل.
وأحب بوبى منظر النيل ورائحته جدا، وأخذت تتأمل أشجار الفيكس نتدا الكثيفة الضخمة التى تظلل الرصيف الواسع، وتتساقط بعض أوراقها على الأريكة الخشبية الجميلة التى نجلس عليها .. وأعمدة النور الخضراء القصيرة تحفة فنية جوارنا ... ولكن نهضنا بعد قليل وركبنا قاربا جميلا بمفردنا فى النيل.
سألتها لما عدنا: ماذا تحملين فى حقيبتك القماشية هذه؟
وكانت قد تركتها فى المنزل ولم تأخذها معها وأخذت حقيبة اليد الصفراء التى اشترتها لها - ضمن أطقم حقائب وملابس أخرى - ..
ضحكت وقالت: فيها مفاجآت جميلة ..
خمنت أنها تضع بعض ملابس ومستلزمات البورنو فيها لتمتعنى بمواهبها .. مثل البودى ستوكنج والديلدو وملابس يونيفورم المدرسة الذى مثلت به مع مايكل ستيفانو من قبل ... لألسف لم تمثل بوبى بعد إيلاجا مزدوجا DP .. وكنت أتمنى أن أراها تمثله.
وعزمتها على بطاطا ساخنة Sweet potatoes. أكلناها، ومضينا، وركبنا إلى المعادى حيث أخذتها وجلسنا فى كافيتريا هناك أمام النيل العظيم الواسع .. ففى المعادى يتسع النيل جدا ويطل على قرى الجيزة وضواحيها ..
وتناولنا كاكاو جميل ولذيذ .. ثم عدنا للمنزل فى نهاية اليوم ..
وطهت لى بنفسها أكلات هولندية لذيذة: سجق هولندى، وفطيرة التفاح وحلوى الأوليبول Oliebol.
وارتدت لى فى المساء البودى ستوكنج الأسود على اللحم. وكانت نياكة ملتهبة.
وفى اليوم التالى تنزهنا فى حديقة الأندلس وارتدت لى طقم ذهبى كالذى ارتدته سمية الخشاب فى فيلم على سباسى.
واللليلة التالية ارتدت لى ببى دول وردى ورب مثله .. واحتفلنا برأس السنة بنياكة ساخنة.
وجاء عيد ميلادها وفى الصباح أخذنا نرقص من الصباح على أنغام أغانى عيد الميلاد .. وعيد ميلاد أبو الفصاد ..كان يوم من
المص واللحس
والنيك بكل
الأوضاع .
وعندما جاء يوم
والرحيل ..
بالدموع ..
ووددعتها في
المطار وهي
للطائرة على
وعد بلقاء في
القادم ..
صورا كثيرة
لها وبعض
منها ،
حريريا عليه
قبلة شفتيها .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/When Bobbi Eden visited Egypt.txt |
126,766 | null | I, my friend and her husband | أنا ناهد.
فتاة مصرية أعيش في
الإسكندرية، من مواليد 7
يوليو أي من
برج السرطان.
منذ فترة
قريبة حدثت
لي حادثة لم
أكن أتوقعها
أبدا ولم
أفكر بيوم من
الأيام أنه
يمكن أن يحدث
لي شيء كهذا ،
ولكن هناك
وبعدها نسأل
أنفسنا كيف
حدثت ، أو كيف
أنفسنا لها ،
لن أطيل
عليكم كثيرا
وسوف أقص
عليكم ما حدث
، إن لي صديقة
أحبها كثيرا
هي هند ، من
مواليد 5 مارس
، وهي رفيقة
لي منذ أيام
الدراسة لم
يفرقنا شيء
ولم نختلف
يوما ، ومنذ
مدة قرر
تزويجها ،
كان العريس
شاب مثقف
يدعى أحمد ، من مواليد 15
سبتمبر ، وهو من
معروفة وله
باهر، وافقت
هي على
الزواج ،
ولقد كنت
عونا لها في
كل ترتيبات
كنت أشعر
أحسست أن
زوجها أخ لي
كما هي
بالنسبة لي ،
التقيت به
أكثر من مرة
أثناء فترة
الخطبة، كان
يقابلنا في
السوق بعد أن
ننتهي من
رحلة تسوق
طويلة ،
للغداء أو
العشاء ، كان
مؤدبا يتمتع
بروح مرحة
وكنت سعيدة
جدا من أجله
هو وصديقتي ،
وتم الزواج
الاثنين إلى
لقضاء شهر
العسل ، كانت
تحدثني هي
وهو تقريبا
كل يوم ،
وكانت تشرح
لي مدى
وكيف أن حياة
تتغير تماما
بعد الزواج ،
بعد أن تعرف
الحقيقي ،
وكيف أن
زوجها كان لا
يدخر وسعا من
أجل إشباعها
إلى أقصى
الدرجات ،
ومضت الأيام
الاثنين من
رحلة العسل ،
وبمجرد أن
جاءت الفرصة
فأصبحت أنا
وهي وحدنا
بدأت صديقتي
تشرح لي كل ما
حدث معها منذ
ليلة الدخلة.
وأن رغبتها
أصبحت شديدة
جدا بعد هذه
اللليلة ، وأن
زوجها يقول
لها أنها
نهمة جنسيا
جدا وأن هذا
ما جعله
يحبها أكثر ،
ووصفها لما
يحدث يجعلني
أشعر بأن
جسدي يحترق
من الرغبة،
وكنت عندما
أعود إلى
كلماتها ،
يبدأ كسي في
ولا يهدأ حتى
أدعكه بيدي
إلى أن تنطفئ
ناره ويخرج
كل ما فيه
من شهوة.استمر هذا الحال فترة. كلما عاشرت صديقتي زوجها, بدأ في سرد ما حدث بالتفصيل. لم أكن أعترض لأنني كنت أتمتع بكلماتها. حقاً, لا أعرف إن كانت تتعمد فعل ذلك أم لأنني كنت صديقتها المقربة ولرغبتها أن تشركني في المتعة التي تشعر بها. وأنا فعلاً كنت سعيدة من أجلها وكنت أتمنى لها كل خير.
في يوم من الأيام, اتصلت بي وسألتني إذا كان باستطاعتي أن أبقى معها بعض أيام لأن زوجها سوف يسافر وهي لا ترغب في الذهاب إلى بيت أهلها وتخاف من البقاء وحدها. فوافقتها لأننا كنا نبقى معا كثيرا قبل أن تتزوج. كانت تبقى في بيتي أياماً وأنا كذلك. وتواعدنا أن نلتقي على الغداء في بيتها بعد أن أنتهي من عملي فهي لم تكن تعمل.
مر يومي في المكتب عادياً جداً. وفي وسط النهار اتصلت بي لتؤكد على ألا أتأخر عليها.
كانت الساعة قد قاربت الثالثة عصرًا تقريبًا عندما وصلت إلى شقتها. اخترت معها كل قطعة فيها, وشعرت بمدى سعادتها أننا معا بعد مدة طويلة. جلسنا معًا نتحدث عن كل شيء وأي شيء: عن حياتي وحياتها, زواجها وخروجها من منزل أهلها. أمضينا النهار كله في الحديث إلى أن جاء الليل. طلبت منها أن أذهب لأستحم قبل النوم, فقالت أنها تريد أن تستحم هي الأخرى. كنا نحن اثنان كشخص واحد لم يكن بيننا أي خجل, فقد تربينا معا. دخلنا معًا للحمام, وظللنا نضحك ونتحدث إلى أن انتهينا. عدنا إلى غرفة النوم أنا وهي وارتدينا ملابس خفيفة للنوم تكاد لا تخفي شيئًا من أجسادنا. دخلنلقد كنت
بالحديث إلى
أبعد الحدود
لم أكن
أريدها أن
تتوقف أبدا ،
ثم فاجأتني
بسؤال لم
تحاول أن
تسأله لي من
قبل سألتني
عن حياتي
وماذا أفعل ،
فلقد كانت
تعلم أنني
مضربة عن
الزواج ولا
أفكر فيه ،
القوية لم
يكن هناك ما
أخجل منه
فقلت لها أن
بالنسبة لي
إما أحلام
يقظة أو
أحلام أراها
في نومي ،
سألتني إذا
كنت أجد متعة
فيما أفعله
فقلت لها نعم
إني أحاول أن
أمتع نفسي
إلى أقصى
الحدود لأنني
لا أستغني عن
الجنسية شيء
أساسي في
حياتي وبما
أنني لست في
حالة حب فلن
يمكنني أن
أعطي جسدي
لرجل بلا حب ،
فقالت لي أن
متعتك دائما
سوف تكون
منقوصة لأن
بدفء الرجل
وجسده وهو
يلتحم مع جسد
المرأة ،
لحظة دخول
زبه فيها ،
يدخل ليحتضن
أعماقها من
الداخل ،
وروعة لحظة
وصولهما معا
إلى قمة
الشهوة ،
حينما يبدأ
الرجل في
لحظات لا
يمكن أن
التي أجدها
عندما أمارس
الجنس وحدي .
قالت لي أنت
محرومة من
الكامل فقلت
لها ربما أجد
يوما رجل
ويومها سوف
أجعله يطفئ
كل نار الجنس
المشتعلة في
جسدي . فإذا
بها تبادرني
فاجأني كثير
ولم أعرف لما
سألته ، إذا
بها تقول لي
ما رأيك
بزوجي فقلت
لها من أي
ناحية قالت
من ناحية
وجلست على
الفراش وقلت
لها ماذا
تقصدين ، قالت
سؤال لا أكثر
، قلت لها لا
يمكن أن
أجيبك فهو
ليس أكثر من
أخ بالنسبة
لي غلاوته
عندي من
غلاوتك أنت
لم يدر
ببالي أن
أفكر به من
ناحية الجنس
فهو رجلك وله
وأنت رفيقة
عمري ، فبدأت
تضحك وقالت
لما تأخذين
بهذه الحدة ،
بيني وبينك
ليس هناك
حجاب .إن حبي
لك وصداقتنا
الطويلة ، كل
هذا يجعلني
لا أمانع أن
أشارك كل شيء
معك حتى زوجي
، ثم قالت أنا
وزوجي نتحدث
عنك كثيرا
فهو يجدك
مثيرة جدا
ويعتقد أنك
سوف تكونين
رائعة في
الجنس وأنا
الرأي فأنت
رائعة وذات
جسد مثير
جدًا ، حرام
عليك ألا
تعطي هذا
الجسد حقه من
الكاملة ،
تعجبت من
كلامها وقلت
أنا أعرف ما
تكنينه لي من
حب لكن لا
أعتقد أن
الأمر يمكن
أن يصل إلى
هذا الحد ،
وكنت أتكلم
بحدة ، فأخذت
في تهدئتي
قليلا وبدأت
تلمس شعري
بيدها ،
وقالت أن
هناك متع في
الحياة لم
أجربها ولم
أعرفها من
قبل ، ثم قالت
لي ما رأيك أن
نشاهد فيلم
لقد تعودت
أنا وهي
إذا أحضرت أي
منا فيلما
مثيرا أن
نشاهده معا
لأن الخجل لم
يكن موجودا
بيننا ، كما
عرضت علي أن
نشرب شيئًا
يرفه عنا
قليلا ،
ولرغبتي في
الذي كنا
نتحدث فيه
وافقتها في
الحال .
وضعت الفيلم
وكان فيلما
جديدا لم
نشاهده من
قبل قالت إنه
من مجموعة
أفلام زوجها
التي يحتفظ
بها منذ أيام
بالخارج ،
كنت بداية
اثنين من
وتمرر كل
منهما يديها
بكل بطء على
جسد الأخرى
وبعد قليل
دخل عليهم
رجل وبدأ
الثلاثة في
الجنس ، قالت
لي صديقتي أن
لديها رغبة
شديدة في أن
تجرب هذا
النوع من
المتعة ،
وسألتني عن
رأيي فقلت
لها أني أجد
مثيرا جدا ،
وفجأة وونحن
في وسط متعة
الفيلم ،
المشروب ،
إذا ببابب
الغرفة يفتح
، ويدخل
زوجها ، كنت
أشعر بدوار
خفيف نتيجة
المشروب فلم
أستطع أن
أنتفض في
مكاني وكل ما
تمكنت من
فعله هو وضع
الغطاء على
الظاهرة من
جسدي من
ونظرت إليها
فإذا بها
تضحك وتقول
ماذا تفعلين
عادي إن أحمد
ليس غريبا ،
حقًا لقد كنت
أشعر بالخجل
والحيرة في
نفس الوقت .وإذا به يقول
آسف لقد
الرحلة في
آخر لحظة
للعودة إلى
البيت ،
بالقيام من
الفراش وقلت
لهم إذن يجب
أن أذهب الآن
لأترك لك
زوجتك ، فقال
هو وهي في وقت
واحد لا لن
تذهبي ،
هند الحديث
فقالت أن
الوقت متأخر
كما أننا
شربنا ولا
أعتقد أنه
يمكنك قيادة
بهذه الحالة
وبهذا الوقت
، وبدأ هو
يقول أن
الوقت متأخر
ابقي حتى
الصباح قلت
إذن سوف أنام
بالصالون ،
ردت هند
وقالت أن
الفراش كبير
جدا ، يسعنا
نحن الثلاثة
، أنا بالوسط
وأنت وأحمد
كل على جنب ،
ومن كثرة
ارتباكي لم
أعرف ماذا
أقول ، وافقت
، وأنا لا
أعرف إلى أين
ستقودني هذه
المجنونة ،
وأستأذن منا
أحمد ليذهب
لأخذ حمام .
ذهابه قلت
لها لا لن
أبقى هل أنت
مجنونة كيف
أنام بفراشك
أنت وزوجك
قالت إن أحمد
يحبك كثيرا
وسوف يحب
وجودك معنا ،
وسوف يغضب
إذا ذهبت
هكذا ، فقلت
إذن دعيني
فقالت لا سوف
ننام كلنا
معا ، دعك من
الأمور أبسط
بكثير مما
تظنين ،
ويبدو أن
أحمد أنهى
حمامه سريعا
وعاد إلى
الغرفة ،
وقال أنا
متعب جدا
أعتقد أنى
سوف أنام. ردت
هند وقالت
وأنا أيضا
الأنوار ولم
بالغرفة سوى
ضوء خافت جدا
لونه أزرق
يضفي عليها
نوعا من
والدفء ،
تعمدت أن
أنام في أقصى
مكان بحافة
أحسست أنى لو
تحركت سوف
أقع بالأرض
حتى أترك
لهما المجال
، ولا أكون
سبب إزعاج
لهما ،
وبمجرد أن
ناما بجوار
تماما أو
ربما أنهما
تعمدا ما كان
يفعلاه فلقد
أخذ أحمد
هندا في
أحضانه وبدأ
يقبلها بنهم . كانت
تخترق الصمت
حولنا ، شعرت
حقا كأني
أحلم وكأن ما
حولي ليس
حقيقة . أنا في
فراش صديقتي
وزوجها هل
يعقل هذا،
وأخذت هي في
إصدار أصوات
وتأوهات تدل
على مدى
تمتعها بما
يفعله .
لكم أن
حالتي وأنا
في هذا
الموقف . أردت
أن أهرب ، أن
أختفي أو
أتلاشى ، لكن
بالخدر مما
وتهيجي إلى
أقصى حد كل
هذا منعني من
الهروب ، لقد
كنت مستمتعة
مثلها تماما
ربما أكثر
منها .
</CORRECTED_TEXT>إن ما كانا يفعلانه أثارني إلى أبعد الحدود وإذا بهند تمد يدها تعبث بشعري ووجهي. لم أعترض، لم أتفوه بكلمة، تركت يديهما تلمسني، يبدو أن أحمد قد أرسل يديها ليكتشف له هل مكان المعركة التي سيدخلها آمن أم بها ألغام يمكن أن تنفجر به إذا اقترب، ويبدو أنهما أحسا أني استسلمت وما كانت إلا لحظات حتى كان هو بيننا شفتاه تعتصر شفتي بقوة، ولسانه يعانق لساني، وريقه يخالط ريقي، وعيناه تغوص في عيني، ويداه تتلمس جسدي.
واقتربت هند بشفتيها الدافئتين من صدري وبدأت تمص حلماتها ببطء ومتعة حقا أحسست أني ذبت معهما لم أعد أشعر لا بالمكان ولا بالزمان فقط نحن الثلاثة.
كانت هند وأحمد يحاولان إيقاظ كل أماكن الشهوة بجسدي، تقدم هو من فمي وأعطاني زبه بين شفتي ونزلت هي إلى كسي جردته مما كان عليه من ملابس وأخذت تقبله قبلات خفيفة في البداية ثم أخذت تلحسه بنهم شديد وفي نفس الوقت كان هو يدلك كسها بيديه، ثم قامت هند ألصقت كسها بكسي وبدأت تتحرك فوقي كأنها تنيكني. كم كان ملمس كسها على كسي رائعا، وأحببت وجود زب أحمد الطري القوي في آن في فمي للغاية، ورغم أنها المرة الأولى لي في مص زب ولمس رجل إلا أن شهوتي قادتني وفعلت الأعاجيب بزبه بلساني وعلمت من آهات أحمد وتعبيرات وجهه أنني على الطريق الصحيح وأنني أحسن صنعاً، وقبضت على بيضتيه الناعمتين الجميلتين في يدي أدلكهما وألاطفهما وأعدهما لإفراغ ما يحويان من كنز ثمين، ومن كثرة الإثارة أتت شهوتنا نحن الثلاثة قذف هو كل ما بداخله في فمي وأخذت أرتشفه برغبة شديدة، وأخذ جسدي يرتعش وكسي ينتفض مع كس هند الذي بدأ يزيد الضغط على كسي حتى أفرغنا نحن الاثنين كل ما داخلنا من شهوة ثم قامت هند لتلحس ما نزل من كسي بلسانها، ويبدو أن وصولنا لقمة الشهوة جعلنا نثار أكثر وأكثر حيث اقترب مني أحمد وأخذ في تقبيلي من جديد ويديه تعبث بصدر هند وحلماتها، ثم قامت هند إلى زبه وبدأت تلحسه بلسانها وتدخله في فمها.لم أكن أعرف كيف كانت تستطيع إدخاله إلى آخره في فمها، لقد كانت تتفنن في مص زب أحمد وكانت علامات التمتع بادية على قسمات وجهه، وبعد وقت قليل أصبح في كامل انتصابه، فجاءت هند وركعت فوقي فكانت حلمات صدرها في مواجهة فمي أخذت أعبث فيها بلساني وجاء أحمد من خلفها وأدخل زبه في كسها وهي تطلب منه أن ينيكها أكثر وأكثر، وكان يدخله ويخرجه بحركات خفيفة، جدا ثم طلب مني أن ألف رجلي حول خصر هند فرفعتهما حول خصرها فبدأ هو يخرج زبه من كسها ليدفعه في كسي، وأصبح ينيكنا نحن الاثنين في نفس الوقت، بعدما أخرجني من عالم بنت البنوت إلى عالم النساء وجعلني امرأة، وخلصني من بكارتي وأراحني من عذريتي، وينقل رحيق كسي إلى كسها ورحيق كسها إلى كسي، واقتربت هي مني وأخذت لساني في فمها، لتشعرني أكثر بروعة زب أحمد وهو يدخل في كسي ويخرج منه، كان أحمد رائعا في توزيع إدخال زبه في كسي وكس هند بيننا.
كانت أول مرة بحياتي أشعر بهذا النوع من المتعة، وبعد قليل أحسست بنفسي أنتفض وأصرخ وكسي يعتصر زبه بشدة فأخذ يسرع في إدخال زبه وإخراجه من كسي لقد كان يدخله إلى آخره كنت أحس بزبه وهو يصل إلى رحمي، وما إن أحس بأني قد أخرجت كل ما في كسي من شهوة حتى أدخله في كس هند وأخذ يسرع الحركات فأتت شهوة هند وحبس هو شهوته واخدرها لي كما علمت لاحقا، ويبدو أن المجهود قد أتعب هند فارتمت فوق الفراش وعلامات المتعة بادية على وجهها واقترب أحمد مني وجلس على طرف الفراش وتفرغ لي وحدي في هذه اللحظة وبدأ في تقبيل جسدي من جديد كانت لمسات شفتيه الدافئة ولسانه يقتلني، بدأ بفمي ورقبتي ثم صدري.أخذ
يمتص حلمتي
الأخرى بيده
، ثم نزل
بلسانه إلى
بطني كان
ويقبلها ،
وقفز فوق كسي
وبدأ بقدمي
يتغزل فيهما
ويقبل أرجاء
ساقي صاعدا
حتى وصل إلى
كسي أحسست
وتقبله ثم
أخذ شفراته
بين شفتيه
وأخذ يتغزل
في جمال كسي
فلم أكن
مختونة على
عكس هند ،
وأخذ يمصص
بظري بقوة
صوابي ،
ويبدو أن هند
قد تركت لنا
لنتمتع معا ،
أدخل لسانه
في فتحة كسي
وأخذ ينيكني
بلسانه ثم
ودعك زبه في
فتحة كسي
طويلا بعد أن
بلسانه ثم أدخل
زبه في كسي
قليلا قليلا
حتى دخل كله
فاندفع ببطء
وتؤدة وهو
يخرج زبه
ويدخله في
كسي ، كما لو
كان يريد أن
يطيل اللذة
أشاركه في
اللذة وقدم
لي أحسن ما
عنده ، وهبط
على وجنتي
ويعضها عضا
خفيفا ويلحس
أذني ويهمس
لي بأحلى
وارتعش كل
جسمي ، ومكث
ينيكني نحو
النصف ساعة
دون كلل حتى
شهق وشهقت
معه وهو يقذف
في كسي ويملأ
وضممته إلي
وذراعي وأنا
أصرخ قائلة
له نعم حبلني
يا أحمد
أريدك أن
تحبلني وألد
منك مما أثار
شهوته أكثر
مما هي فعلا ،
وقذف كثيرا
جدا حتى ظننت
أنه لن يتوقف
، ودخلت في
سلسلة من
مع دفقات
اللامتناهية ،
ثم لما
انتهى رقد
فوقي وأبقى
زبه يسد كسي
ونمنا على
هذا الوضع
حتى الصباح ،
وقرصتني هند
وأنا تحت
أحمد وهي
مباركة يا
عروسة ،
وكانت نيكة
أجمل من
وكانت ليلة
عمري التي لا
تنسى فلقد
فتح أحمد كسي
وراوه بمنيه
حتى تشبع
استمتاع ..
وهكذا أصبحت
لا أخجل وكنت
كثيرا ما
أطلب أن أنام
وبينهما وما
زلت. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/I, my friend and her husband.txt |
126,777 | null | My mother is pregnant with my child | أنا أحمد شاب مصري في 18 من عمري أسكن مع أمي سوسن البالغة من العمر 35 سنة بعد أن طلقها أبي وسافر وانقطعت أخباره. أنا طالب جامعي من مواليد برج العذراء وأمي تعمل موظفة وهي من مواليد برج السرطان وبالمناسبة جميلة قمحية البشرة ممتلئة الجسم قوية الشخصية، وكانت ملامحها تشبه ماريسا أرويو Mariesa Arroyo جدا وأيضا إيفا أنجلينا Eva Angelina. وهي دائمة العناية بنفسها. ومنذ مغادرة والدي تضاعفت مسؤولياتي وأصبحت أعمل وأدرس للعناية بأمي وتسيير حياتنا بشكل طبيعي. كانت أمي ترتدي عادة الجلباب أثناء العمل والتنقل في العمل، كما كنت أطهو الطعام وأرتب البيت أثناء أوقات فراغي. أما داخل البيت فهي ترتدي عادة بلوزة تبرز صدرها وتنورة قصيرة أو قمصان نوم وكانت تحب الاكتحال جدا وكان الكحل يفعل بعينيها أفاعيله ويكسبهما وجفونها جمالا وفتنة مذهلة تخلب لبي وتذهب بعقلي واتزاني وقد أبلغتني منذ البداية أنها لا تأخذ حريتها داخل البيت بالملابس الثقيلة خاصة في فصل الصيف وقد أبلغتها بأنني أتفهم ذلك ومضت الأمور على هذا بضعة أشهر بعد أن غادرنا الوالد فكنت أشتري لها الكثير من الأغراض وأهدي لها عطورا فواحة وحليا ذهبية لأنني كنت أحب رؤية الغواشي في يديها والخلخال في قدمها والقرط في أذنها وأرافقها للأسواق والمتاجر بسبب ملاحقة الشبان لها في البداية نظرا لجمالها وجسمها المغري. حتى أن أحد زملائي في الجامعة رآني معها ذات مرة في أحد المتاجر فقال لي بعد مدة أن شقيقتك جميلة وأرغب في التقدم لخطبتها مما جعلني أضحك من كلامه فاستغرب وقال ما هو المضحك في الموضوع فأخبرته بأن التي رآها معي هي أمي وليست شقيقتي علما بأنني وحيد أمي.وقد أخبرت أمي بذلك فضحكت وسألتني هل أنا جميلة لهذا الحد وما هو الشيء الذي يبزر جمالي يا أحمد فأجبتها بصراحة وجهك جميل وجسمك وأجمل من ذلك صدرك البارز وساقيك الملفوفتان وأنا بالطبع محظوظ لأن لي أماً رائعة مثلك ، فأعجبت أمي بكلامي وقامت وقبلتني .وبعد أيام جاءتني تبلغني أنها تشعر ببعض الألم في ظهرها وأنها بحاجة إلى تدليك ، لعلمها بأنني قد أخذت دورة في التدليك من قبل فطلبت مني أن تخلع ملابسها وعلى الفور قامت وخلعت البلوزة ونامت على بطنها على السرير وأخذت أدلك لها ظهرها واستمتعت بلمس جسمها الناعم اللذيذ وفي هذه الأثناء كان جزء من صدرها عاريا وتمكنت من مشاهدته . وبعد فترة كنا جالسين أمام التلفاز وكنت وقتها أمعن النظر فى الأجزاء المكشوفة من جسمها خاصة الجزء المكشوف من صدرها فقالت لي فجأة فيك إيه شايفاك بتبص على صدري كذا بايـن إنه عاجبك وعايزني أرضعك زي ما كنت أرضعك وأنت صغير قلت لها أنا لا أذكر إن كنت أرضعتني وأنا صغير أم لا وعلى أي حال أتمنى أن ترضعيني فقالت ما ينفعش الآن ونحن هنا جالسين أمام التلفاز ولكن الليلة أنا مستعدة أرضعك زي زمان . وحوالي الساعة 11 ليلاً دخلت إلى غرفتها ونادتني أحمد تعال حبيبي دخلت الغرفة وكانت شبه عارية ويا لهول ما رأيت: نهدين من أروع النهود وكانت ساقيها وفخذيها مكشوفتين أيضا . فقالت لي تعالي عشان أرضعك على الفور دخلت معها تحت اللحاف وأخذت أقبلهما ثم أمصهما وبعد ذلك أرضعهما وتشجعت وأخذت أمسكهما بحنان وكنت أشعر بأن أمي بدأت تشعر بلذة شديدة من جراء مصي لحلمات نهودها .ثم قالت لي لهذا الحد تحبني يا أحمد؟ فقلت وأكثر وأخذت أقبل وخدودها وفمها ثم انحدرت إلى أفخاذها وكسها أتحسسها وأقبلها بشغف ثم أمسكت ساقيها لأفتحهما لكنها مانعت قليلاً بشيء من الحياء والدلال وقالت عيب عليك يا أحمد لكنني أخذت أقبل كسها الوردي وكان زبي قد انتصب من كثرة الإثارة فوضعته بين فخديها وأخذت أفركه بهما وهي تحاول منعي حتى بدأت تتجاوب معي قليلاً ثم أولجته عنوة داخل كسها وبدأت أدخله وأخرجه وهي تحتي تئن بصوت منخفض ومكتوم وتقول ياه دانت زبك أكبر من زب أبوك وكان كس ماما متهدل الأشفار وأحمر وموقع ورطب يبقرقر مثل المرجل ورفعت قدمها الجميلة إلى فمي لأعضها وألعقها وأقبلها وهبطت بفمي على فمها في أمتع وأطول وأعمق قبلات رومانسية وأمتعت فمي ويدي بثدييها وحلمتيها مصا ولحسا ولمسا وقرصا وعضا وعندما قاربت على القذف قالت احذر يا أحمد أن تقذف بداخلي حتى لا أحمل فأجبتها أتمنى أن تحملي مني يا ماما وأكون رجلك وبعلك وتتحرك بذرتي في أحشائك ولكني سأقذف على بطنك هذه المرة وأخرجت أيري من كسها وقذفت دفقات وأحبالا كثيرة من المني على بطنها وفي سرتها وعلى ثدييها. وبعد قليل طلبت منها أن تنام على بطنها لأتمعن وأستمتع بطيزها البيضاء الحلوة ففعلت وأخذت أقبلها بنهم ثم أخذت أتفحص فتحة طيزها وكانت ضيقة لا تدل على أنها قد مارست الجنس الخلفي من قبل.أدخلت إصبعي الممتلئ بماء كسها داخل طيزها فصاحت لا لا تفعل ذلك فقلت لها لا يمكن أن تستمري هكذا ولا بد من فض بكارة طيزك الجميلة المغرية فقالت وهل تستمتعون بالنيك بهذه الطريقة فأجبتها فورا بأننا نستلذ ونستمتع من الاحتكاك الذي يحدث عند دخول الزب في الفتحة الضيقة كما أن المرأة تستلذ ذلك بعد شعورها بالامتلاء وذهبت إلى حجرتي وأتيت بفازلين و أنال بلاج anal plug لأوسع شرج أمي فلما اتسع بريقي والفازلين وأنامل والبلاج بدأت أدخل زبي في طيزها الضيقة حتى وصل أعماق أحشائها في وضع الكلب الكسول lazy dog وعندها أخذت تتأوه من الألم وصرخت وقالت لقد شقيتني نصين وفلقت طيزي يا أحمد بزبك الكبير ولكنني استمررت في الرهز حتى قذفت داخل فتحتها ومن غزارة المني أخذ يسيل على فخديها وساقيها مختلطا ببعض الدم الناتج عن التمزق في فتحتها والذي سرعان ما التئم بعد أن نظفت جسمها. بعد أن انتهيت من نيكتي لطيزها أخذت أتظاهر بالاعتذار وقلت لها بأن الشيطان أغراني لكنها قالت أنا لا ألومك فأنا أيضا بحاجة إلى الجنس وإشباع رغبتي الجنسية ولا أريد أن يتم ذلك خارج البيت حتى لا يشك أحد بي وتتغير نظرتهم لي ولكن معك لا أحد ممكن يشك وأهم شيء أنا أحبك وأعلم أنك تبادلني هذا الحب فكان كلامها معي بداية علاقة جنسية مع أمي وأصبحنا بعدها نمارس الجنس بكافة أشكاله وأنواعه وبمختلف الوضعيات وأصبحت أحب أمي وأعشقها ولم تكن ترفض لي أي طلب وكانت تلبي كل طلباتي وتطورت علاقتنا ببعض وكنا كزوجين وحبيبين وليس أما وابنها فقط وكان حبنا وشهوتنا مطعمة بحب الأمومة والبنوة فهو بذلك كان فريدا لا مثيل له بين الغرباء. أصبحت أمي تجيد كافة فنون الحب وأصبحت تلعق زبي وتبتلع سائلي بعد أن عرفت فائدته للمرأة ، وكنت أقذف على بطنها وصدرها أو ظهرها أو قدميها أو أستعمل الواقي الذكري condom كيلا تحمل. وأنا كل ليلة أنام في حضنها حتى الصباح لو لم تحدث أي ممارسة جنسية معها.وأصبحت أعاملها معاملة الأزواج ومن كثرة حبها وعشقها لي طلبت مني أن نسافر معاً إلى مدينة أخرى تكون كبيرة ولا يعرفنا فيها أحد كالقاهرة لكي نأخذ راحتنا كرجل وامرأة ونعيش حياة الأزواج خصوصاً بعد أن أصبح وضعنا المادي أصبح جيداً بعد تخرجي من الجامعة فقد استطعت أن أكون شركة خاصة بي في خلال فترة قصيرة وسافرنا إلى القاهرة وأقمنا فيها حيث قمت بتنفيذ مشروع تجاري وبعد فترة أثمر هذا المشروع وحقق لي أرباحا جيدة وكانت علاقتي بماما هذه الفترة في قمة تألقها وأصبحت ترتدي الملابس الجميلة والمثيرة وكل مرة أراها فيها أرى ملكة جمال ومن كثرة اعتنائها بنفسها وبأناقتها تهيج من يراها وفي مرة ونحن نمارس الجنس قالت لي أحمد أنا نفسي أحقق لك أمنيتك وأمنيتي وأحمل منك وأجيب طفل يونسني أثناء غيابك عني خصوصاً لما تكون مشغولاً في عملك ويكون ثمرة لحبنا وتتويج لغرامنا.قلت لها أنت مجنونة وكيف يكون ذلك وماذا سيقولون عنا الناس عندما نرجع إلى بلدنا ونحن نحمل ذلك الطفل قالت سأقول لهم لقد تبنيناه أو أنه ابنك من زوجة وتعلم بأن الناس هنا لا يتدخلون في حياة بعضهم وكل مهتم بعمله وحياته ولا يسألون من هو والد الطفل وأخذت تقنعني وتحاول إقناعي وأنا مقتنع أصلا ولكني أحببت أن أسمع ذلك منها لأنه يثيرني للغاية ردت وقلت طيب يا أمي ردت وقالت ما تنادينيش أمي بس نادينى كمان سوسن أو سوزي أو سوسو وعاملني كأنني زوجتك مفهوم وطبعا ده كان على قلبي زي العسل وكنت أنادبها يا عسولة ويا روح قلبي ويا قمرايه ويا قطة ويا حبيبة قلبي وأدللها وجلسنا نتحدث وكعادتها أخذت تغرينى بلباسها المثير والسكسي وأنوثتها الطاغية ورائحتها العطرية الفواحة التي تثير أقوى رجال العالم وتجعل أزبارهم واقفة مثل أعمدة الإنارة وبدأت تتغنج في حديثها وتقترب مني شيئا فشيئا حتى لامست شفايفي شفايفي لم أستطع المقاومة وانهرت أمامها وأصبحنا نكيل لبعضنا القبل وأخذت أمص شفايفها ورقبتها وصولا إلى نهديها التي أسرتني بهم وقمت أشيل عنها ملابسها حتى تعرت وأنا مثلها وأصبحنا عراة وأخذت أمص نهديها وحلمات صدرها وهي تئن وتقول آآآآآآآه أأأأأأأأه يا حبيبي كمان أرضع من أمك حبيبتك ومراتك أنا زوجتك سوسن أرضعهم مصهم عضهم بقوة ونزلت على بطنها حتى وصلت لكسها الجميل وكأني أراه لأول مرة وأخذت ألحسه وأمصمص أشفاره وهي تئن وتتأوه وتصرخ وأنا أزيد من لحسي لكسها ومص زنبورها الذي احمر من كثر مصي له وهي تقول خلاص يا أحمد أنا مش قادرة كفاية تعبت إديني زبك وحشني إديني حبيبي عايزة أمصه خلي مراتك تمص زبك وتشرب لبنه وتبادلنا الوضعية وأصبح زبي أمام فمها وكسها أمام فمي ونزلت مصا عنيفا لزبي وأنا أتأوه وهي تزيد من مصها لزبي حتى أفرغت مني في فمها وشربته لآخره ولم تترك نقطة منه وأخذنا راحة صغيرة وذهبت لتحضر ما نأكله وعادت وهي تتمايل في مشيتها ومنظر جسمها يغرينى وأنا في قمة الهياج من كثرة الإثارة جلسنا نأكل ما أعدته من أكل وكان الأكل يحتوي على الجمبري والكثير من المأكولات البحرية التي تزيد من طاقة وحرارة الجسم وبعد أن انتهينا من الأكل وغسلنا أيادينا ذهبت إلى غرفة النوم وغيرت ملابسها وعادت بقميص نوم وردي مثير جدا ونصف بزازها طالعين منه مما أثارني كثيرا فقمت وحضنتها وقعدنا نتحدث وكعادتها أخذت تغرني بلباسها المثير وأنوثتها الطاغية ورائحتها العطرية الفواحة التي تثير أقوى رجال العالم وتجعل أزبارهم واقفة مثل أعمدة الإنارة وبدأت تتغنج في حديثها وتقترب مني شيئا فشيئا حتى لامست شفايفي شفايفي لم أستطع المقاومة وانهرت أمامها وأصبحنا نكيل لبعضنا القبل وأخذت أمص شفايفها ورقبتها وصولا إلى نهديها التي أسرتني بهم وقمت أشيل عنها ملابسها حتى تعرت وأنا مثلها وأصبحنا عراة وأخذت أمص نهديها وحلمات صدرها وهي تئن وتقول آآآآآآآه أأأأأأأأأه يا حبيبي كمان أرضع من أمك حبيبتك ومراتك أنا زوجتك سوسن أرضعهم مصهم عضهم بقوة ونزلت على بطنها حتى وصلت لكسها الجميل وكأني أراه لأول مرة وأخذت ألحسه وأمصمص أشفاره وهي تئن وتتأوه وتصرخ وأنا أزيد من لحسي لكسها ومص زنبورها الذي احمر من كثر مصي له وهي تقول خلاص يا أحمد أنا مش قادرة كفاية تعبت إديني زبك وحشني إديني حبيبي عايزة أمصه خلي مراتك تمص زبك وتشرب لبنه وتبادلنا الوضعية وأصبح زبي أمام فمها وكسها أمام فمي ونزلت مصا عنيفا لزبي وأنا أتأوه وهي تزيد من مصها لزبي حتى أفرغت مني في فمها وشربته لآخره ولم تترك نقطة منه وأخذنا راحة صغيرة وذهبت لتحضر ما نأكله وعادت وهي تتمايل في مشيتها ومنظر جسمها يغرينى وأنا في قمة الهياج من كثرة الإثارة جلسنا نأكل ما أعدته من أكل وكان الأكل يحتوي على الجمبري والكثير من المأكولات البحرية التي تزيد من طاقة وحرارة الجسم وبعد أن انتهينا من الأكل وغسلنا أيادينا ذهبت إلى غرفة النوم وغيرت ملابسها وعادت بقميص نوم وردي مثير جدا ونصف بزازها طالعين منه مما أثارني كثيرا فقمت وحضنتها وقعدنا نتحدث وكعادتها أخذت تغرني بلباسها المثير وأنوثتها الطاغية ورائحتها العطرية الفواحة التي تثير أقوى رجال العالم وتجعل أزبارهم واقفة مثل أعمدة الإنارة وبدأت تتغنج في حديثها وتقترب مني شيئا فشيئا حتى لامست شفايفي شفايفي لم أستطع المقاومة وانهرت أمامها وأصبحنا نكيل لبعضنا القبل وأخذت أمص شفايفها ورقبتها وصولا إلى نهديها التي أسرتني بهم وقمت أشيل عنها ملابسها حتى تعرت وأنا مثلها وأصبحنا عراة وأخذت أمص نهديها وحلمات صدرها وهي تئن وتقول آآآآآآآه أأأأأأأأأه يا حبيبي كمان أرضع من أمك حبيبتك ومراتك أنا زوجتك سوسن أرضعهم مصهم عضهم بقوة ونزلت على بطنها حتى وصلت لكسها الجميل وكأني أراه لأول مرة وأخذت ألحسه وأمصمص أشفاره وهي تئن وتتأوه وتصرخ وأنا أزيد من لحسي لكسها ومص زنبورها الذي احمر من كثر مصي له وهي تقول خلاص يا أحمد أنا مش قادرة كفاية تعبت إديني زبك وحشني إديني حبيبي عايزة أمصه خلي مراتك تمص زبك وتشرب لبنه وتبادلنا الوضعية وأصبح زبي أمام فمها وكسها أمام فمي ونزلت مصا عنيفا لزبي وأنا أتأوه وهي تزيد من مصها لزبي حتى أفرغت مني في فمها وشربته لآخره ولم تترك نقطة منه وأخذنا راحة صغيرة وذهبت لتحضر ما نأكله وعادت وهي تتمايل في مشيتها ومنظر جسمها يغرينى وأنا في قمة الهياج من كثرة الإثارة جلسنا نأكل ما أعدته من أكل وكان الأكل يحتوي على الجمبري والكثير من المأكولات البحرية التي تزيد من طاقة وحرارة الجسم وبعد أن انتهينا من الأكل وغسلنا أيادينا ذهبت إلى غرفة النوم وغيرت ملابسها وعادت بقميص نوم وردي مثير جدا ونصف بزازها طالعين منه مما أثارني كثيرا فقمت وحضنتها وقعدنا نتحدث وكعادتها أخذت تغرني بلباسها المثير وأنوثتها الطاغية ورائحتها العطرية الفواحة التي تثير أقوى رجال العالم وتجعل أزبارهم واقفة مثل أعمدة الإنارة وبدأت تتغنج في حديثها وتقترب مني شيئا فشيئا حتى لامست شفايفي شفايفي لم أستطع المقاومة وانهرت أمامها وأصبحنا نكيل لبعضنا القبل وأخذت أمص شفايفها ورقبتها وصولا إلى نهديها التي أسرتني بهم وقمت أشيل عنها ملابسها حتى تعرت وأنا مثلها وأصبحنا عراة وأخذت أمص نهديها وحلمات صدرها وهي تئن وتقول آآآآآآآه أأأأأأأأأه يا حبيبي كمان أرضع من أمك حبيبتك ومراتك أنا زوجتك سوسن أرضعهم مصهم عضهم بقوة ونزلت على بطنها حتى وصلت لكسها الجميل وكأني أراه لأول مرة وأخذت ألحسه وأمصمص أشفاره وهي تئن وتتأوه وتصرخ وأنا أزيد من لحسي لكسها ومص زنبورها الذي احمر من كثر مصي له وهي تقول خلاص يا أحمد أنا مش قادرة كفاية تعبت إديني زبك وحشني إديني حبيبي عايزة أمصه خلي مراتك تمص زبك وتشرب لبنه وتبادلنا الوضعية وأصبح زبي أمام فمها وكسها أمام فمي ونزلت مصا عنيفا لزبي وأنا أتأوه وهي تزيد من مصها لزبي حتى أفرغت مني في فمها وشربته لآخره ولم تترك نقطة منه وأخذنا راحة صغيرة وذهبت لتحضر ما نأكله وعادت وهي تتمايل في مشيتها ومنظر جسمها يغرينى وأنا في قمة الهياج من كثرة الإثارة جلسنا نأكل ما أعدته من أكل وكان الأكل يحتوي على الجمبري والكثير من المأكولات البحرية التي تزيد من طاقةوأثناء تلك الفترة كانت دائما ما تقولي لي أحمد أنت وحشتني كثير ونفسي تنيكني زبك وأشني قلت لها لسه أنتي في فترة النفاس لازم تتحملي وتصبري شوية هانت وبعد انتهاء فترة ولادتها عاد اللقاء الجنسي بيننا أكثر وأعنف من قبل ولم نتوقف عن ممارسة الجنس حتى الآن بصراحة أصبحت لا أستغني عنها ولا عن كسها وجسمها الجنسي وخصوصا هي ترضعني من حليبها الدافئ الذي يزيد من شهوتي وهياجي مما يجعلني أنيكها أقوى وأعنف من قبل واستمرت اللقاءات بيننا وما زال وهذا هو الحب الحقيقي. وكنت أطعمها بيدي ونتجول معا على شاطئ النيل ونجري فى الحدائق كالعشاق المراهقين ونتمشى فى الروضة وحلوان ومصر القديمة وأهمس لها بكلمات الحب وأقدم لها الزهور والحلوى والحلي على الدوام وأحب الجلوس أمام أمي وهي تكتحل وتتزين وتكون هذه أسعد لحظات حياتي وأنا أراها تكتحل. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My mother is pregnant with my child.txt |
126,780 | null | Me and my neighbor Thanaa | أنا وجارتى ثناء
أنا شاب فارع الطول رياضي كنت ألعب كرة السلة بأحد الأندية المشهورة وكنا نسكن بمنطقة المنيل. وكنا نسكن أنا وإخوتي بمنزل فيه 4 شقق اثنين فوق واثنين تحت. وواحدة من الشقق اللي تحت كان ساكن فيها مدرس بيشتغل في الكويت وكانت الشقة بتتقفل 11 شهر فى السنة ولا تفتح إلا شهر واحد لما يحضر المدرس فى إجازة الصيف.
والشقة المقابلة كانت شقة عاطف وهو بيشتغل بإحدى شركات الأمن ويتوجب عليه أن يسهر الليل كله خارج البيت بالعمل ومتزوج من ثناء وهى شابة بيضاء جميلة وعندها بيبي عمره 6 شهور. كانت علاقتي بيهم كويسة جدا وخاصة الزوجة اللي بتقضي معظم وقتها لوحدها وأهلها ساكنين فى الوجه البحري. وماليهاش حد فى القاهرة. كانت الزوجة ثناء دائما ما تنادي علي وتطلب مني أن أشتري لها بعض الاحتياجات. أو تطلب مني رعاية طفلها عند ذهابها للحمام وأخذ الدش. كنت دائم التواجد فى الشقة عندهم.
كنت معجبا بجسمها النحيف وصدرها الكبير نظرا لأنها كانت ترضع البيبي وكانت في بعض الأوقات تخرج صدرها وترضع ابنها وكنت أنا أنظر لصدرها وأتمنى أكون أنا البيبي. لأن صدرها كان أبيض مثل الشمع ولا أدري لماذا كانت لا تتحرج مني. ولكني كشاب كنت أشتهيها جدا بس كنت لا أجرؤ على أي شئ. بس في بعض الأحيان كنت آخذ منها البيبي وألمس صدرها عفويا لمدة ثوان وكانت الثانية دي متعة بالنسبة لي لأن صدرها كان ناعم جدا وساخن كنت بعدها أدخل التواليت عندهم وأمارس العادة السرية على اللمسة. كنت دائما أدخل الحمام بتاعهم وهو حمام وتواليت فى نفس الوقت لأن البيت كان نظام قديم. وكنت ألاقي هناك غياراتها الداخلية. وكنت أمسكهم وأمسح بيهم وشي وأحطهم على زوبري وكانت شهوه غريبة لما ألاقي كولوت من كولوتاتها وهو فيه بقع صفراء من إفرازات كسها.كان زجاج الحمام بتاعهم من النوع الأبيض المعتم المصنفر ولو حد كان جوه ممكن تشوف ظلال الشخص ده من وراء الإزاز وخاصة لو ولع نور الحمام ممكن تشوف خيالات. كنت دائما لما تسيب لي البيبي وتدخل الحمام كنت أذهب خلفها وأتمتع بخيالات صدرها. كان للحمام مفتاح بخرم كبير وكانوا لا يستعملون المفتاح فقط كانوا مركبين قفل جوه يقفل الحمام. بس لو بصيت من الخرم كنت تشوف اللي جوه.
كنت دائما أبص من خرم الباب ولو حظي كويس كانت بتقف عريانة فى وسط الحمام وكنت أرى طيزها البيضاء المستديرة وصدرها الكبير من الرضاعة وكان جسمها أبيض شمع وكانت لها بطن بيسموها بلهجتنا العامية المصرية سوة. كنت دائما أشتهي أن أراها عريانة وخاصة طيزها.
المهم كنت شاب ساخن وكل يوم بأسخن وكنت أمارس العادة السرية وأضرب عشرات على أي بنت أقابلها بالشارع حتى لو ابتسمت لي بس.
المهم كنت دائما أراقبها بعيوني لدرجة إنها قالت لي مرة عينك اللي عاوزة تدب فيها رصاصة وأخدت الكلام بالهزار وضحكنا وقلت لها يا بختها جوزها. قالت هوه فين جوزي بالنهار نوم وبالليل شغل. انتم كده يا رجالة قبل الجواز حاجة وبعد الزواج حاجة تانية. قلت لها إنتي لو مراتي ما أسيبكيش لحظة قالت أهو كلام لما أشوف لما تتجوز هاتعمل إيه.
مرت الأيام وهي كل يوم تلبس قدامي البنطلونات الاسترتش وتلبس البلوزات اللي على اللحم وخاصة فى الحر. وكنت أشتهيها ونفسي فيها.كنت أحس ساعات إنها بتحبني أكون معاها على طول وتتكلم معايا.....
في يوم دخلت عليها قالت لي أما عاطف جاب لي قميص نوم يجنن. قلت لها فين هو؟ أنا بأموت في قمصان النوم. جابته وشفته كان لونه وردي بمبى ومفتوح من الجنب وطويل ومعاه الكولوت والسوتيان بنفس اللون.
أنا شفت القميص بصراحة زبري شد وكنت هايج وكنت على الآخر.
لها إيه رأيك
عاوز أشوفه
عليكي . قالت
لي انت واد
قليل الأدب .
الحاجات دي
لجوزي وبس يا
قليل الأدب .
وضحكنا . قلت
لها طيب يبقى
ماليش في
الطيب نصيب .
قالت عيب
علشان ما
أزعلش منك .
المهم أنا
بصراحة هجت
عليها . وفي
يوم كنا
الصبح وفجأة
سمعت باب
وجوزها معاها
شنطة ونازل
على السلم .
نزلت لها
وفوجئت إنها
بقميص النوم .
وقلت لها هوه
راح فين
عاطف؟ قالت
أمه عيانة
وها يقعد
يومين تلاتة
فى البلد .
تعبانة .
المهم قالت
تحب تشرب إيه .
أعمل لك شاي
قلت لها آه بس
ها أروح فوق
أجيب حاجة
وأرجع . كان
زبري شادد
وخاصة إني
كنت شايف
طيزها من
الشفاف . طلعت
لبست شورت
رياضة واسع.
وتي شيرت
ورجعت .
كان زوبري
شادد وبارز
في الشورت .
وهي كانت لسه
بالقميص .
وأنا بصراحة
كنت بابص
عليها من ورا
وكنت خايف
تلاحظ تدخل
ملابسها .وكل
ما أشوفها
زبري يهيج
أكتر.... مش
عارف ليه هي
بقت بقميص
النوم مع
العلم إنها
كانت قد رفضت
المهم قعدت
على الكرسي
وحطيت رجلي
على كرسي
تاني وما
لاحظتش إن
راس زبري
خارجة من
الشورت . بصيت
على عينيها
لاقيتها كل
شوية تبص على
وتدخل لجوه .
المهم أخدت
ألاعبه قالت
كويس خليه
معاك لحد ما
آخد حمام
وأرجع . المهم
تنساب من
الدش رميت
البيبي على
سريرها وجريت
على الحمام
وبصيت من خرم
الباب وكان
منظر خطير
حسيت إنها
هايجة وحسيت
إنها عصبية
.بس زبري شادد
من منظر
وقعدت أدعك
في زبري
وفجأة قذفت
وجبت لبني
على الأرض .
دورت على
حاجة أخبي
جريمتي بيها
ما لاقيتش
غير بامبرز
الولد أخدت
واحد ومسحت
بيه الأرض
البامبرز جسم الجريمة
من الشباك .
هي خرجت من
وشافت بقع
قالت إيه ده
يا أحمد قلت
لها ده لبن من
بزازة الواد.
لشقتنا وكنت
هايج على
الآخر وزبري
لا يكل ولا
يمل شادد
وعاوز ألتصق
حتى بيها وبس .
كنت زي
شهوتي رهيبة
مش قادر أقف
في وش شهوتي
وخلتني جرئ
جدا ويحصل
اللي يحصل كل
يوم أشوف
جسمها عريان
وأسخن خالص
وخاصة كمان
زوجها سافر
يعني الجو
مهيئ.كلمتني ثناء
وقالت تعالي
اشرب الشاي
معي. المهم
نزلت وأنا
حطيت في
أنيكها مهما
كان الثمن
حتى لو دخلت
السجن. كانت
تحب تسمع
كلامي وتحب
تعمل معي
وتاخد برأيي
بس حسيت إنها
مش سعيدة
وإنها ما
تشبعش من
جوزها وإنها
والإهمال. هي
ما قالتش ده
بس أنا حسيت
غريبة في
الليلة دي
كنت هاتجنن
من زبري.
المهم روحت
ودخلت هي
تعمل الشاي
وكان المطبخ
بتاعها ضيق
روحت وراها
وعفويا لمست
طيزها بزبري
حسيت إن
جسمها قشعر
قالت يا أحمد
اقعد بره خلي
بالك من
البيبي وأنا
الشاي وأرجع.
هي طبعا مش
البيبي في
سريرها ولكن
هي تعبت من
ملامسة زبري
كانت البسه
بلوزة بيضا
استرتش إسود
والليلة دي
كانت فاردة
شعرها على
كتفها كنت
حاسس إنها
ونفسها في
كنت بابص لها
بشهوة غريبة.
كنت البس
الشورت وكان
زبري شادد
لقدام. وهي كل
شوية تبص
لتحت وتغمض
عينيها حسيت
إنها مشتهية
ونفسها بس
فيه حاجة
المهم دخلت
أوضتها تغير
هدومها. أنا
وحسيت إني
لازم أنيكها
مهما كان
الثمن. روحت
وراها بعد
شوية وفتحت
الباب. هي
شافت كده
زقتني وخاصة
إن بلوزتها
كانت مفتوحة
وصدرها طالع
بره أبيض
وردي. اتجننت
أكتر. قالت لي
إيه ده انت
بتعمل إيه
أنا هاصوت.
عيب عليك أنا
وثقت فيك عيب.
انت بتعمل
إيه يا أحمد؟
قلت لها
باعمل اللي
كنت عاوز
ونفسي أعمله
من سنتين.
وأخدتها بين
وزقتها على
السرير ونمت
فوقها وهي ها
تصوت حطيت
إيدي على
بقها. نزلت
على صدرها
وأنا بامص
فيه ومسكته
بعنف من فوق
ولم أستطع
وكانت البسة
حطيت إيدي
على كسها وهي
أحاول أمص
شفايفها وهي
بتلف راسها
يمين وشمال.
كنت متملك
منها ومتمكن
وماسكها بكل
قوتي فشهوتي
خلت قوتي
عشرة أضعاف.
كانت قد تعبت
من الحركة
المهم ابتدت
نزلت على
كسها من فوق
أعضه وهي تضم
رجلها علي
بطنها . المهم
دخلت إيدي من
لاقيت كسها
ملياني ميه .
حطيت أصابعي
في كسها. صرخت
صرخة غريبة
وتأوهت وهي
بتمسك شعري
وتشده عشان
أصيبها. كان
وجع الشعر
ولا حاجة لأن
شهوتي ألغت
الأخرى عندي .
ومسكت صدرها
ونزل اللبن
من صدرها
لأنها كانت
بترضع زي ما
انتم عارفين.
المهم نزلت
على كسها
الكولوت .
كانت فخادها
بيضا وناعمة .
كانت خلاص
ابتدت تهيج
الواقع. قالت
لي ها أقول
لأهلك قلت
لها أنا
الليلة يا
قاتل يا
مقتول قالت
لي ما كنتش
أحسبك كده
.حسيت إنها
وعايزاني بس
فيه حاجة
بتمنعها مش
أكتر ......
المهم مسكت
ونزلته لنصف
رجلها وكان
أبيض بورد
أحمر. مسكت
كسها من فوق
وحسيت إنها
خالص. نزلت
وشفت كس أحمر
طرابيشي كله
وخيرات. نزلت
عليه ألحسه
وهي تمسك
شعري وتقولي
كفاية كفاية
أرجووووووووك يا أحمد أف
مش كده استنى
هاقول لك
حاجة. قلت لها
مش عاوز أسمع
حاجة. قالت
ممكن نتكلم
أرجوك كلمني ...
وأنا شغال ......
طلعت زبري من
الشورت قالت
ها تعمل إيه
اعقل يا
مجنون أنا
أرجوك يا
أحمد انت
عارف معنى ده
إيه .... وأنا مش
سامع حاجة. بس
كل شهوتي
متجمعة في
راس زبري.
المهم حطيت
الراس عند
كسها وهي
راحت فيها
وقالت أف
عليك حرام
دخلت الراس
وهي تقول
أفففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففففحطيت لساني
على طيزها
وأخذت ألحس
طيزها وكانت
ناعمة وساخنة
ولذيذة .
المهم دخلت
صباعي من ورا
في كسها كانت
شورية كلها
ساخنة . المهم
حطيت زبري في
كسها من
ناحية طيزها
يعني من ورا
وأخذت أنيك
فيها وكانت
مرة طويلة
جدا ارتعشت
تلات مرات
وهي تقول لي
انت ليه عملت
كده أنا
زعلانة منك .
ورجعت شقتنا.
وأنا أتذكر
وأفتكر أحلى
ليلة وأتذكر
أحلى كس. بعد
شوية اتصلت
وقالت انت
ليه عملت كده
أنا زعلانة
منك أنا
زعلانة من
نفسي. المهم
قلت لها خلاص
طالما كده مش
وشي تاني .
وكان زبري
شادد للمرة
قفلت السكة
ورحت في
بساعة اتصلت
وقالت أحمد
أحمد مش
جايلي نوم .
قلت لها
اصبري. ونزلت
خبطت علي
بابها وما
فتحتش قلت
لها لو ما
فتحتيش مش ها
اوريكي وشي
وأخذت أصعد
السلم. وأنا
على السلم
فتح الباب .
ورجعت ما
عند الباب
دخلت من
ولاقيتها في
أوضة النوم
وهي البسة
قميص النوم
الوردي. جريت
عليها وأخذت
أحضنها ونمت
فوقها وحسيت
إنها تريد
وعايزة أكتر
وأكتر وكانت
ليلة ما
بعدها ليلة
ونكتها بعنف
وقالت في وسط
الكلام أنا
بحبك من زمان
يا أحمد...................
بثناء وخاصة
إن جوزها كان
دائما في
شهور وسنين
نيك وأحلى
نيك. وبقينا
على هذا
الحال حتى
الآن ولسه
شغالين مع
بعض لغاية
وكانت أول
نيكة في
حياتي. أرجو
أن تكون قد
أعجبتكم. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my neighbor Thanaa.txt |
126,781 | null | Zainab and Conrad, tale of an Egyptian woman and a German man | أنا زينب، مصرية، عمري 24 سنة، متوسطة الطول، سوداء الشعر ناعمته، سوداء العينين، بيضاء البشرة، ممتلئة القوام بلا إفراط، مصرية الملامح جدا، متزوجة منذ سنة تقريبا وعشت مع زوجي في أول زواجنا في بيئة متشددة جدا جدا فأنا وبنات أهلي وأهله جميعا نرتدي النقاب حينما نخرج ولكن عندما أكون في البيت يريدني عارية تماما فكثيرا ما كان في أول زواجنا يعرينني من ثيابي تماما ويجعلني كما ولدتني أمي ويتركني أتحرك في البيت بعد أن يغلق كل الأباجورات والنوافذ ويجلس يُراقبني ثم يخرج زبه ويداعبه ويطلب مني في أحيان كثيرة أن أمصه وأتعرى أيضا عندما أكون لوحدي حتى قبل الزواج ولكن في أحيان كنت أخجل وألبس القميص الرقيق دون أي ملابس داخلية (أندر وير) وبخاصة أثناء النوم.
وخلال الأسابيع الأولى من زواجنا كان ينيكني من كسي وبزازي ثلاث أو أربع مرات في اليوم ونظل أنا وزوجي عاريين تماما في البيت وقد أرقص له من غير هدوم فينقض علي مثل الوحش الكاسر ويلحس بزازي وكسي يريد أكله ثم يلحس كل جسمي قطعة قطعة ثم يرضع بزازي بعد أن يلقيني على ظهري ويأتي بعكسي فيضع زبه أمام فمي وهو يستمر في مص بظري ويطلب مني أن أمص زبه فأفعل ثم ينقلب وينيك كسي وبزازي بقوة وأنا لا أعلم كم مرة أرتعش حتى قبل أن يدخله في كسي وكان من الواضح أنه صاحب تجارب كثيرة قبلي أي قبل أن يتزوج ...واستمرينا
على هذه
أسبوعين أو
ثلاثة بعد
الزواج ثم
سافرنا إلى
(ألمانيا) كان
يعمل فيها
قبل أن نتزوج
وظل على
الأولى بقوة
من كسي ومن
بزازي وهو
تماماً في
البيت كما
كنا في بلدنا
واستمر على
هذه الحالة
طيلة شهرين
أو ثلاثة
أشهر حاول
فيها ألا
أحبل وحينما
كنت أسأله
لماذا يقذف
مني في
الخارج ولا
يريدني أن
أحبل كان
يقول: إن
الوقت لا
باكراً، ثم
توقف عن
فجأة وعندما
اتعرى أمامه
كما كان يطلب
مني وأرقص
وأنا عارية
لا ينيكني
نفسها أو كان
يجعلني أحيل
ويلعب بزبه
إلى أن يرتعش
دون أن
ينيكني .
إلى أن جاء
في يوم من
الأيام ومعه
ليزر) وضعها
في الخزانة
حتى المساء.
دخل المطبخ
وهو عاري
تماماً وزبه
نصف منتصب
وطلب مني أن
أخلع ثيابي
وأدخل إليه
بسرعة في
غرفة النوم
وعندما دخلت
وبدأت بخلع
الوحيد الذي
كنت أرتديه .
وهو عاري
تماماً على
السرير فوقف
ليزر ووضعها
في الفيديو.
فقلت له : ما
هذا ؟ سيدي
رقص جديد ؟
قال : انتظري
قليلاً .
وطلب مني أن
أستلقي على
بجانبه وأخذ
ينظر إلى
حتى ظهرت
فتاة شقراء
جميلة تمص
زباً كبير
جدا . وهذا
المنظر لم
يكن جديدا
علي لأنني كنت
من صديقة لي
في الجامعة
ولكني لم
أتوقع أن
يأتي بها
بنفسه هو
أشاهدها وهو
الذي يغار
علي كثيراً
ولا يتركني
أخرج إلى
دون النقاب
حتى في بلدنا
مصر وليس فقط
هنا في
ألمانيا ..
وقلت له إيه
ده ... ! إيه
المنظر ده ....
فقال بهدوء:
يا شرموطتي
هتنبسطي أوى
أوى .وبدأ يبوسني
أنقلب على
جنبي وجاء من
خلفي وهو على
جنبيه أيضا
ووضع زبه
كثيرا في
وركي جنب خرم
طيزي وأمسك
كسي بيده من
الأخرى أخذ
يداعب بزازي
النياكة في
الفيديو ثم
بدأنا ننيك
مع الفيديو
ونفعل كما
البطلة من
كسها وطيزها
معا كنت
أقول لطارق :
ماليكش غير زب
واحد ولا
حتخلي رجل
تاني ينيكني
؟ . فكان يدخل
صواعبه في
طيزي وينيك
كسي بس عمري
ما خليته
ينيك طيزي
أبدا ولا هو
فكر في كده
كأننا كنا
نفسنا للي
جاي ..
على هذه
كثيرة مسجلة
عن الدش أو عن
المتخصصة ..
فكنت أقول له :
جيب لنا
أفلام عربية
أحلى وبخاصة
اللبنانيات ...
ولكنه لم
اهتماما ..
وبعد أساببيع
جاء بسيدي
ساخرا وقال :
قد أتيتك
بسيدي عربي
ها هو .. نظرت
فإذا أنا
أعرف البطلة
تماما هي
زوجة صاحبه
طويل القامة
وشعره كشعر
ماكجايفر ،
دوناتيللا .
وبعد قليل
ظهر صاحبه
وهو ينيك
في بيتهم هما
أيضا .
مع الفيديو
شعرت شعورا
غريبا جدا ..
إثارة .. أو
خجل أو غير
قادرة أن
أحدده ... وأنا
أرى صاحبه
عريان وزبه
في إيد مراته
كمان وهي
تمصه بنهم
كبير وقوي .
ولما شافني
مرتبكة كده
قال لي : مالك
إيه رأيك ؟
قلت : منين ده
ومين صورهم؟
قال لي: شوفي
بيعملوا إيه
زيادة عننا
وبس .
ولما شافني
مستغربة جدا
قال لي: إيه
يعني الراجل
ومراته فين
الغلط ؟
ووضع زبه في
إيدي وقال : هو
زبه أكبر مش
كده يا بخت
مراته .
ناكني عادي
من بزازي بس .
وسابني أشوف
الفيلم وأنام ...
وأنا فضلت
أشوف الفيلم
من الأول ...
كانت ثابتة
يعني ما فيش
حد تالت
صورهم لأن ده
بيتهم وهما
في الصالون
ومش في غرفة
النوم ده
اللي قعدنا
فيه ...وفي
تأكدت أن هما
اللي صوروا
لأن بعد ما
خلصوا قام
الرجل وزبه
بيميل يمين
وشمال وهو
نصف منتصب
وفي صباح
التالي ترك
طارق الفيلم
في الفيديو
ولم يخرجه
ويضعه في
الخزانة كما
كان يفعل
وقال لي : خلي
بالك من
الفيلم وما
تخليش حد
يشوفه أحسن
ما ألعن ...
وأضرب ...
ففهمت أنه
يريد أن
أشوفه ، فشفت
يومها أكتر
من خمس مرات
وهو حوالي
نصف ساعة أو
أكتر بقليل .
ولما رجع
طارق قلت له:
جبت الفيلم
ده منين يا
طارق ؟
قال لي: مش
شغلك اتعلمي
وشوفي وبس من
غير أسئلة
كتيرة ... بس
إيه رأيك في
اتكسفت شوية
لأن الراجل
كان قوي جدا
جدا ونايك
أكتر من ثلاث
مرات من غير
ما زبه ينام
زي زب طارق
جوزي ... ولما
شردت شوية
ضربني على
فخذي شبه
العاري وقال
لي : إيه رحتي
فين ؟ . نحن
وبدأ يضحك
ويداعبني ..
وبعد ما
وكان يومها
خميس قال لي:
تعالي نريّح
شوية وبعدين
نروح مشوار.
فعلا بالليل
ورحنا ... الله !!
هو رايح عند
السيدي .. نظر
بطرف عينه
وقال لي:
خليكي عادية
ما فيش حاجة.
ولما دخلنا
اتجهت إلى
الركن الذي
في العادة
كنت بأقابل
فيه ونقعد
أنا هي مع بعض
وكونراد مع
بعض ، وكان
مرارا فى
بعثات أثرية
في مصر ...
وصعقت لأن
المدام كانت
هذه المرة
متحررة جدا
في ملابسها
عن عادتها
فقد كانت
ترتدي عادة
جيبة وبلوزة
واليوم كانت
ترتدي ثوب
سوارية - أو
قميص نوم
منزلي - قصير
جدا ومثير
وعاري الصدر
والظهر بلا
داخلية تحته
وواقفة جنب
زوجها .
ولما شافوني
مستغربة أوى
جاءت إلى
جانبي وقالت
لي : إيه رأيك
يا زينب في
الفيلم ؟...
كلماتها مثل
الصخر على
واتكسفت جدا
كونراد بيبص
علي ويضحك ..
لطارق أريد
أن أكلمه ...وضع يده على صدري ويده الثانية على وركي وفي فلقة طيزي وكسي من ورا وباسني في شفايفي جامد بعد ما شال النقاب بقوة عن وجهي.
نظرت في أثناء ذلك إلى كونراد وزوجته فرأيتهم يعملون كذلك وهو ينزع ثياب زوجته الخفيفة أصلا ويخلع ثيابه أيضا حتى أصبحوا عريانين مثل السيدي وزبه التخين الطويل في إيد مراته عايزة تمص فيه ....
هنا نظرت المدام نحو زوجي طارق وقالت: إيه هي عروستك أحسن مني؟
فقال الرجل الألماني (الأوروبي): يالا يا طارق مراتي آهي قدامك ملط من غير هدوم.
ففهم طارق وأخذ ينزع ثيابي ... أنا رفضت في البداية وبدأت أهم بالصراخ وبعدين لم أستطع أن أقاوم لأن زب الرجل الأوروبي التخين الطويل الضخم كان قدامي وعيني ما اترفعتش عنه لحظة واحدة وكلمات طارق بتقول: الآن يا حبيبتي جاء الزب الثاني الذي سينيكك. حتى أصبحنا عريانين تماما وحافيين نحن الأربعة ...
ثم دفعني طارق إلى جانبهم وجلسنا في الصالون عريانين تماما وأنا مكسوفة أوى أوى ... وبعدين قام كونراد وهو عريان وزبه التخين الطويل الضخم زيه بيميل يمين وشمال وأنا مش عارفة أنا فين في حلم ولا في علم ولا أدري ماذا سأفعل ... وحط موسيقى وخفف النور لغاية ما بقت الدنيا ضلمة تقريبا ومسك في إيد مراته العريانة . وقام طارق وهو عريان ومسك في إيدي وأخذنا نرقص سلو من غير هدوم ..
وأنا بابص للراجل الغريب وطارق بيبص على مراته وهما وكأنهم مش شايفينا ...
وبعدين طلعت المدام من حضن زوجها ومسكت في دراعي وقالت لطارق: يالا يا طارق عايزة أرقص معك شوية.
ومسكني الراجل من ذراعي وجابني إلى حضنه وأنا لا أدري ماذا أفعل ولا كنت قادرة على الكلام.ولكن
نظرت لطارق
فرأيته ماسك
المدام من
وطيزها ولا
ينظر إلى
أبداً فتركت
يمسكني من
الساخنة أوي
وزبه التخين
والساخن أوي
بيلمس بطني
لجوه وكانت
بتحرق رقبتي
ووجهي وهو
بيبص على وشي
وبيمصمص في
ونازل فيا
بوس في باقي
ورقبتي ولكن
يداه كانت
تتحرك على
ظهري ووراكي
بسرعة ودفء
وبقينا هكذا
قليلا حتى
الرجل ورح
وقال : أنا
لنأكل .
فجاء طارق
بعد أن ترك
واتجه إلي
ودفعني إلى
ووقف جنبي
ووقفت هي جنب
زوجها ونحن
لا نزال
عريانين ...
لم يكن على
إلا لحم
دجاج وويسكي
الرجل بفخذ
وقال : هذا فخذ
زينب يا طارق
سوف آكله فكل
أنت فخذ
امرأتي .
وقضم قضمة
كبيرة وبقوة
وهو بيطلع
فيّ وأنا
لست عارفة
ماذا أفعل أو
ماذا أقول ...
زي اللي
عايشة في
عالم ثاني
تماماً ما
هذا ؟ ومنذ
متى وطارق
مظبط كل شيء ؟
فضحكته مراته
وقالت: كول
يا حبيبي
طارق كول
فخذي زي ما
إنت عايز بس
سيب خرم كسي
علشان أتناك
فيه وإنتي
كمان يا زينب
ما تسيبيش
جوزي يأكل
الخرم ...
فحاولت أن
أضحك ولكن لم
أستطع حتى أن
آكل . فجاء
طارق ودفعني
بيده قليلا
وقال لي : يا
حبيبتي كلي
قليلاً من
أجل الويسكي.
ثم قام
كونراد وصب
من زجاجة
كأسين ووضع
فيهما ثلج ،
وأعطى طارق
واحدة وأخذ
واحدة ومشى
وإيديه كلها
لحم وقال :
يالا يا
تعالوا يا
جماعة .
وجلس على
الكنبة في
الصالون خلف
اللي عليها
الأكل وجلست
مراته إلى
وجلسنا أنا
وأخذنا نشرب
من الهباب .
بعد ما شربني
طارق منه أول
الأمر كان
طعمه غريب
وأنا أول مرة
أرى شيئاً
مثل ذلك ولكن
كنت أسمع عنه
ثم قامت
مراته غيرت
التي كانت لا
تزال تعمل ..
موسيقى رقص
وأخذت ترقص
عارية بدون
ثياب تماماً
شعرت بدوار
خفيف ولذة
كبيرة لأنها
حلوة وهي
عارية بلا
ثياب طويلة
سمرتها حلوة
كسها كبير
شوية ومتهدل
ما لهاش بطن
متريجرجة ...نظرت إلى طارق ورأيته ينظر إليها وكأنه يريد أن يأكلها ثم نظرت إلى الرجل فكان يتأملني ويتأمل أفخاذي وصدري ولا يعير أي اهتمام لزوجته العارية ولم أشعر إلا وقد سحبتني دوناتيلا من ذراعي وقالت: تعالي ارقصي معي.
وبدأنا نرقص أنا وهي عريانين، وطارق يتأملها وزوجها يتأملني وبيلعبوا هما الاثنين بزبهم. ثم أخذت تبوسني وتحضنني وتمسكني من كسي حتى ارتميت على الأرض فارتمت علي وبدأت تلحس كسي وتضع أصابعها في كسي وفي طيزي وتقول لي: يالله يا زينب يا شرموطة يا قحبة إحنا الشراميط بنحب كده.
ولم أشعر إلا وشيء ساخن ودافئ يدخل في كسي.
كان طارق جاء ينيكني وكان الرجل قد رمى مراته جنبي وبدأ ينيكها زي الـ cd تماماً وكان طارق عنيفا وقويا حتى إنه على غير عادته روى كسي بمنيه واستمر بالنياكة من غير زبه ما ينام وكانت إيد دونا بتداعب بزازي وبتشد الحلمة وبتسحب إيدي على بزازها وكل شوية تيجي وتبوس في شفايفي وتدخل لسانها في بقي وهي بتتناك من جوزها جنبي وأنا كل شوية بارتعش مش عارفة كام مرة وكل ما أذكره أن طارق كان قوي على غير عادته ونزل مرتين ثم ارتمى على ظهره كان الرجل بيننيك وأنا باشوف زبه بيدخل في كس مراته قدام عيني ياه هذا زبه الذي كنت أظن أنه هو الذي دخل فيّ في البداية وليس زب طارق المتعودة عليه....
ناكوا شوية أكتر منننا وبعديين شال الرجل زبه ونزل اللبن على بطن مراته قدام عيني وارتمى على ظهره وزبه لسه منتصب. كان هذا آخر مشهد أراه قبل ما يصحيني طارق من نومتي الخفيفة وأنا لا أعلم أصلاً إن كانت خفيفة أم ثقيلة وطلب مني أن أقلب على ظهري عشان ينيك طيزي. قلت له وأنا نعسانة: طيزي ولا بزازي زي كل مرة؟ قال لي: لأ .. المرة دي طيزك. فقت وقلت له: بتقول إيه؟ لا طبعا. إيه التخريف ده. وجيت أقوم عشان ألبس هدومي وأمشي لاقيته ثبتني على الأرض ومنعني من القوام والويسكي كان مدوخني وكنت مسطولة وموقونة على الآخر ما قدرتش أقاوم أكتر من كده .. ولاقيته فلقسني على الوضع الكلبي وإدالة دهان جيل عشان دي أول مرة.وكان كونراد بينيك مراته في نفس اللحظة من طيزها بشدة وطلب منها تغيير الوضعية أكثر من مرة ... لغاية ما رفعها على الكنبة وكانت زي العجينة بين يديه وهي تتأوه وتزعق ... فقلت لطارق بزلة لسان من الخمر: خليها في بزازي المرة دي ، أنا عايزة كوكو هو اللي يفتحني من طيزي. قال لي طارق: الله الله بقى كوكو. طيب أوكيه.
وكان طارق بينيك في بزازي وينظر إلى دونا وهي تنظر إليه وكان الرجل ينظر إلي وإلى بزازي الرايحة والجاية وزب طارق رايح جاي بينهم هيقطعهم.
فكرت قليلاً ... ثم سألت نفسي لماذا فعل طارق هذا ؟ هل من أجل أن ننظر إلى بعضنا .. ألن نتبادل مع بعضنا ؟..
كانت هذه آخر الأفكار في رأسي وزب طارق رايح وجاي بين بزازي وأنا أرتعش وأتألم وأشعر بدوار عجيب إلى أن صحّاني وكان لابس هدومه وبدأ يلبسني هدومي وخرجنا وسيبنا خلفنا الرجل والمدام عريانين وناميين على ظهورهم ورحنا إلى بيتنا من غير ولا كلمة نمنا في سريرنا وإيدينا كلها سائل مني ولحم فراخ وسوائل كس ولا أعلم ماذا ... حتى الصبح.
أيقظني طارق وهو عريان بينشف بالمنشفة: يالله يا حبيتي خدي دش وتعالى.
خلصت صلاة الجمعة وتأوهت قليلاً وكنت متعبة كثيرا ولا أزال دايخة قليلا وقمت من غير ولا كلمة ولكن أشعر بخجل قوي أو لست أدري ما هو شعوري؟ وما هو شعور طارق واستحميت وأفكار كثيرة تدور في رأسي لماذا فعل طارق ذلك وهو الذي كان بيزعق لي إن بانت إيدي شوية في بلدنا وحتى بعد ما أتينا إلى هنا .. وقضينا الأسبوع كله من غير ولا كلمة في الموضوع أنا خجلانة ومكسوفة وهو لا أعلم ما شعوره، وأنا أسمع بشيء مثل ذلك ولكن الرجال يتبادلون ... ولكن لم يحصل شيء من ذلك ..
ومضت الأيام حتى الخميس قال لي طارق: ما رأيك نشوف السكس ويشوفونا على الطبيعة ؟
فضحكت لأنني فعلاً كنت فرحة جدا وأنا أتناك والرجل يراني وأنا أراه وهو بينيك مراته ؟ رحنا عندهم وفتحت المدام وولكن هذه المرة لابسة من غير هدوم ... عريانة تماماً ولما دخلنا كان الرجل عاري كمان وزبه منتصب وهو بيقول: أهلا أهلا بصحاب النياكة.
وتعرينا كلنا وعملنا زي المرة السابقة تقريباً.ولكن حاول الرجل يدخل أصابعه بطيزي وهو يلعب من ورا لما كنا نرقص سلو وارتعشت بين إيديه وشربنا الويسكي وأكلنا قشريات وأسماك بالطريقة المتوحشة نفسها ونحن نضحك وانكنت أنا وهي مثل المرة الماضية بعد ما رقصنا عريانين أمام أزواجنا ولكن كنا قريبين من بعض كثيرًا حتى بعض الأحيان كنت أرتمي فوق المدام وهي ترتمي فوقي قليلا وكان جسم الرجل يلمس جسمي أحيانًا في مواضع مختلفة.
وصحاني طارق ورحنا مثل المرة السابقة تمامًا وأيضًا لم نتكلم ولا كلمة بالموضوع طول الأسبوع إلى أن جاء يوم الخميس خرجنا في المساء وكنت أظن أن طارق سوف يذهب إليهم ولكنه لم يفعل ... راح السوق واشترينا أغراضًا وكنت أظن أنه سيذهب بعد السوق ولكنه رجع إلى البيت وتعرينا من غير ولا كلمة من طارق وأنا خجلت أن أسأله لماذا لم يذهب ... وهو لم يتكلم أبدًا ولكن رقصنا أنا وهو سلو وناكني من بزازي ومن كسي وبقي وكل مسامة في جسمي كانت بينيكها وبينزل عليها مني ما عدا طيزي ... وبقيت الأسبوع الثالث لوحدي في البيت والأفكار تأخذني وتجيبني لماذا لم يذهب هذا الخميس إليهم؟
إلى أن رن جرس التليفون وكانت المدام تتكلم بالموبايل وتقول: افتحي يا زينب أنا على الباب.
ورنت الجرس وفتحت الباب من غير وعي. وقلت لنفسي: لماذا اتصلت بالتليفون ثم رنت الجرس؟!
ولكن دخلت هي وكنت أنا لابسة القميص الشفاف الخفيف فحضنتني وباستني وبدأت تخلع ثيابها وهي تقول: ما روحتوش ليه الأسبوع اللي فات؟
لغاية ما بقيت عريانة تمامًا وأمسكتني من إيدي ودخلت وهي بتقول: تعالي أنا مشتاقة ليكي موووت موووت ... قلعتني القميص وفضلنا عريانين نبوس في بعض وبعدين قامت وفتحت شنطتها وطلعت سيدي سكس سحاق لبناني واتفرجنا عليه وناكتني ونكتها ورحت قبل أن يأتي طارق ... لغاية الخميس.يوم الخميس
قال لي طارق:
هل تريدين أن
نفرفش اليوم
فضحكت وذهبنا
وعملنا مثل
كل مرة ولكن
كنا فوق بعض
ونحن نتناك ،
ولما أكلنا
هذه المرة
بيتزا رائعة
جابوا قطع
علينا نحن
الاثنين أنا
وهي بعد ما
وناما على
وابتدأ طارق
يأكل من على
بطني بعد ما
يمسح قطعة
التورتة في
جسمي أو في
كسي ويطعمني
وهما فعلوا
الشيء نفسه ...
ولما فضل فيه
عيدان شمع
بعد ما أكلوا
ولحسوا كل
عضو بجسمنا
بعد ما
ومربى التين ...
رأيت كونراد
بيدخل عيدان
الشمع في كس
وطيز مراته
وينيكها بهم
وكان منظرًا
جديدًا علي
فطلبت من
طارق يعمل
مثلهم ولما
كثيرًا بقوا
ينيكوننا كل
واحد ينيك
مراته ...
وهذه المرة
اتجه كونراد
وناكني بين
بزازي ، وفرش
بزبه بين كسي
حتى قذف
مرتين على
صدري وأشفار
كسي دون
إدخال .. بينما
كان يتفرج
على طارق وهو
دوناتيلا من
وعلى صدرها
وطيزها ..
ورحت في نوم
عميق ..
ولكن هذه
المرة أيضًا
صعقت عندما
أيقظني طارق
وهو لابس
ثيابه ورأيت
المدام دونا
لابسة ثيابي
أنا وواقفة
إلى جانب
فقال لي طارق
وهو ينصرف مع
دونا: سوف
أستعير دونا
وسأعود غدًا
مساءً. سوف
أتركك هنا.
ولما انصرفا
خلفهما ،
نظرت من حولي
فكنت لا أزال
عارية وعلى
جسدي حاجات
وحاجات ..
وكونراد إلى
جانبي على
ظهره عريان
بالنوم وملا
كنت متعبة
وأحب فكرة
أساسًا ...
أغمضت عيوني
ولم أشعر
بشيء أبدًا
غير شيء بعد
قليل ساخن
ويلحس بظري.
فتحت عيوني
وكان الرجل
يلحس كسي
وكأنه مراته
وبيبوس كل
عضو وجزء
فيّ ثم
قلبني بقوة
ونحن لا نزال
ودهن طيزي
وزبه بالجيل ..
ثم أدخل زبه
بطيزي بقوة
آه آه وصرت
أصرخ أصرخ
وأبكي وأقول:
أجيبهم ...
أجيبهم ...وبقيت خائفة كثيرا لأنه كان قويا ساخنا وطويلا وثخينا وأنا أتألم ولكن ظل ينيك وينيك وأنا أرتعش وأقول هو تعبان لازم يوقف علشان نناك مراته قبلي ثلاث مرات .. ولكنه ظل ينيك وينيك بقوة من طيزي التي بدأت تشتعل نارا .. ولكنه ناكني في طيزي حتى انتشيت فقط ولم يكمل ويقذف .. بل نهض وأتى بملابس كتانية فرعونية وألبسني إياها وكحل عيني بيديه بمكحلة فرعونية وزينني بطلاء الشفاه وبودرة الخدود والجفون بحنكة وألبسني نعلا فرعونيا حتى بدوت كأميرة فرعونية مصرية قديمة ، وأخذ يلاعب غواشي الذهبية المصرية وقرطي الذهبي ويلثم أنامل .. وهو يتكلم كلام حلو .. يا فرعونية ، يا ابنة النيل ، يا حفيدة الفراعنة ، يا كحيلة ، يا نفرتاري ، يا جميلة الجميلات إيزيس ، أشم فيك عبق النيل وأستشعر معك دلال المصريات وجمالهن الأسطوري الأخاذ ، وأستمتع بك يا سليلة بناء الأهرام وحلاوة التاريخ المصري الفرعوني وحتى البطلمي والرومانى .. يا بنت حتشبسوت وإياح حتب وتوسرت ورمسيس الثانى وتحتمس الثالث وسنوسرت الثالث ..
وأخذ يرقص معي وأنا بالملابس الفرعونية ويقبل كل ما تقع عليه شفتاه من وجهي وعنقي وصدري ، ورقصنا طويلا وهو يضمني ويتشمم شعري ويتحسسه ويداعبه ويدفن وجهه فيه وكأنه أمام أثر فرعوني ثمين ونفيس .. ويقول : ما أحلاك أيتها القادمة من بلاد الأهرام والنيل والفراعنة ، ما أروعك .. أيتها القادمة من بعيد ، من أفريقيا ومن الشمس الدافئة الشرقية ، من المتوسط ، أيتها القادمة من قلب التاريخ .. وأهداني إسورة كتف عريضة ذهبية عليها خرطوشان بالهيروغليفية وقال لي : إنه باسمك زينب ، وباسم ملكي هو اسم نفرتاري . وأخذت أتأمل عينيه الزرقاوين الجميلتين وأقبل وجهه في حب .. وشعرت بمدى حبه لي .. وخطر لي خاطر فتركته ودخلت المطبخ ووجدته قد دمس فولا مصريا ولا يزال ساخنا في قدرته تتصاعد أبخرته .. ووجدته خلفي يضمني ويقول : جلبته عبر أصدقائي ، ومستلزماته ، وتعلمت التدميس ، وصنعته خصيصا لتطعميني منه .. سأذهب إلى غرفة النوم وأنتظر ..وبالفعل بعد قليل كنت أدخل عليها حاملة طبق الفول المدمس وقد أضفت إليه إضافاتي وتوابلي المصرية من ليمون وزيت حار وكمون، وغمست له بالخبز البلدي وأطعمته.. وتعلم مني وأخذ يطعمني بودن القطة.. ثم لما انتهينا دفع الصينية على الأرض وضمني وخلع عني ثوبي الفرعوني.. وصعد فوقي وأدخل زبه في كسي.. وأخذت أتأوه: آه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه كبير أوى جامد، شبعتني.. رهييييييييييب.. لذيييييييييذ...
قال كونراد وهو يندفع في أعماق كسي: أنا عمري ما شفت كس روعة زي ده.. الكس المصري لا يعلى عليه.. بخيره.. كس أم دونا.. إنتي وبس اللي مراتي.. تقبلي تتجوزيني.. قلت له: طب وطارق؟.. قال: أنا واثق إنه بيموت في دونا، وعينه عليها من زمان..
وناكني مرارا في تلك الليلة في كسي وبزازي وطيزي.. وكل مرة بينزل مني على بطني أو صدري أو ظهري أو فخذي ثم بدأت بالبكاء من الفرحة ولم يتوقف أبدا... وكنت أقول بعد كل زمن قصير: حرام عليك ارحمني قليلا ليس هكذا أنا مشتاقة أتناك بزبك ولكن ليس هكذا... ثم أقول له بعد قليل: ناكني يا كوكو يا وحش أنا نعجة بين إيديك.. كلني بزبك وهو بينيك بقوة... ولم أشعر بشئ أبدا حتى الصباح.
كنت أنا وكونراد في أرض الصالون عريانين.... ولم أبدأ أهم بالقيام حتى كلمني وكأنني زوجته تماما فقال: يالله يا زنوبة نستحمى.. تعالي أريد أن أستحم.. ودخلنا الحمام ووقف أمامي في الجاكوزي وقال: يالله حميميني وابتدأت أنظف في جسمه وهو الرجل الغريب وأبوس فيه جزءا جزءا كان رجل... بس أنا أول مرة ألمس رجل غير طارق.. ولكن هذا الرجل مثل طارق أيضا ناكني أيضا وبرضا زوجي....
وفعلا.. اطلقنا إحنا الأربعة.. كونراد اتجوزني.. وطارق اتجوز دوناتيلا.. وكنا في منتهى منتهى السعادة.. وعملت لكونراد أكلات المطبخ المصرى الأصيلة اللى بيحبها جدا.. بابا غنوج ومحشى ورق العنب والطبيخ والطعمية والعدس والبصارة وحلوياتنا الشرقية البسبوسة والمهلبية والرز باللبن والكنافة والقطائف وكحك العيد..كونراد
اللي اتخطفت
على إيد
اللى خدعوا
أهلي وأهل
طارق وخلونا
سعوديين مش
مصريين ..
النقاب وعدة
التلفية في
الزبالة ..
كونراد .. وما
وفرتش معاه
أي دلال مصري
من اللي
بيحبه ..
دين بعض
وحضارة بعض
وعشقت نوع
الغريب بين
دينين وبين
جنسيتين ..
يعنى جواز
ترانسناشيونال ماريدج Transnational
Marriage و إنترفيث
ماريدج Interfaith Marriage.
وكان يحبني
ألبس له في
البيت دايما
الفرعوني ..
وعشنا أحلى
أيام حياتنا
ولدا وبنتا ،
الولد يشبهه
كثيرا مع
نفحة مصرية
كثيرا مع
ألمانية ..
وفرجني على
الرائعة في
وعرفت قيمة
بعيدا عن
التصحر وعن
الظلامية ..
وكلما زرنا
مصر كنا نزور
وكان كونراد
يقف أمام
ويقول : لم أعد
أشعر بكثير
من الشوق
إليكم أيها
قاطبة ، لأني
معي مصر كلها
في بلادي ،
فرعونية ،
قطعة منكم ،
الفاتنة ،
قطفت أجمل
زهرة لوتس في
ارتوت من
العظيم .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Zainab and Conrad, tale of an Egyptian woman and a German man.txt |
126,784 | null | Me and the young female doctor | أنا والدكتورة الشابة
قصتي التي سأرويها لكم هنا فصدقوني بأنها حقيقية وواقعية وبنسبة 100% وهي حصلت لي شخصيا مع دكتورة أخصائية عيون بعيادة خاصة بها عندما ذهبت إليها بعدما احمرت عيناي وأصابتني الحكة في جفوني وكأن عيوني تمتلئ بالرمل ولما لهذه الدكتورة من سمعة قوية جدا بالمهارة والخبرة بالمدينة التي أسكن بها - توجهت لها.
وكان عمري آنذاك بحدود 23 - 24 سنة. من مواليد برج العذراء.
كنت شابا أبيض الوجه أسود الشعر ناعمه غزيره مثل أميتاب باتشان. حجزت للكشف ونادت الممرضة على رقمي أخيرا فدخلت إلى الدكتورة. كانت شابة متزوجة في حدود 27 سنة (بيدها دبلة الزواج الذهبية) وممتلئة الجسم جميلة الملامح، ملامحها مصرية جدا، تعتني بأظافرها الطويلة بالنظافة والتشذيب والطلاء، نصفها السفلي مطلي بالشفاف ونصفها العلوي مطلي بالبنفسجي الموف، شفتاها رفيعتان طويلتان رقيقتان باللون الوردي الفاتح، وأنفها صغير وعريض قليلا، وأذناها رقيقتان، وعيناها ضاحكة جذابة، وجفونها حين تغلق عينيها مثيرة جدا، وحاجباها يميلان للرفع، لون بشرتها ناصعة البياض، وشعرها أسود ناعم غزير ويصل إلى أسفل كتفيها بقليل.. بسامة الوجه جدا وبشوشة كأنها لا تحزن أبدا، وجهها مريح طيب يطل منه مرح لا يتبدد، ولها طابع حسن في ذقنها.. جمالها هادئ قليلا ليست بالقصيرة القامة للطول أقرب ترتدي البالطو الأبيض المعروف طبيا إلى ما تحت الركبة بقليل تطل من تحته بلوزة رمادية رمادي فاتح مخططة بالطول خطوطا بيضاء ورمادية غامقة رفيعة، وهي بلوزة ذات أزرار كالقميص ومحبوكة عليها وطويلة الأكمام وعريضة اليقة، وجونلة بنية محروقة.
وسبب لبسها هذا لي زيادة بالإثارة.
واستقبلتني بابتسامة ونهضت وصافحتني. وأشارت لي بالجلوس، ثم سألتني وهي تتفرس في وجهي بشدة: مم تشكو عزيزي؟
فأخبرتها بالأعراض.نهضت وبلطف
قلبت جفني
وفحصتها جيدا
ثم عدلتها
وقلبت الجفن
وفحصتها .
وجلست على
وكتبت بعض
الأدوية في
وناولتها لي
استعمل هذه
القطرة وهذه
وستصبح أفضل
للشفاء. ثم
عادت ونهضت
وقالت : ولكن
يلزمني أكشف
على عينيك
مرة تانية !
وأشارت لي
لأجلس على
الشيزلونج ،
منظارا أو
عدسة وضعتها
على عينها ،
وأخذت تفحص
عيني ،
وفوجئت بها
تمسح على خدي
وتداعب طرف
أنفي قائلة :
انت زي الفل
حلوين !
بدأ زبي
يتحرك تحت
بنطلوني ،
وبدأت أشعر
بالإثارة ..
قالت لي : أنت
بحاجة إلى
فحص شامل
عزيزي أحمد .
أريد أن أكشف
على صدرك .
قلت لها : وهل
هذا مرتبط
بعيني ؟
قالت : طبعا .
ثم على الأقل
الاطمئنان .
فخلعت قميصي
، ولم أكن
أرتدي تحته
شيئا فظهر
نصفي العلوي
أمامها .
تحسست صدري
وهي تمد يدها
السماعة في
أذنيها وعلى
صدري .
قالت : جيد .
الآن لنفحص
نصفك السفلي ..
هيا تجرد من
بنطلونك وما
تحته. أريدك
عاريا تماما.
وبالفعل بعد
تردد تجردت
من ملابسي
كلها .. وأصبحت
عاريا. ومن
شدة الإثارة
انكمش زبي
ولم ينتصب .
جلست على
وقالت لي وهي
تمسك زبي
وتتفحصه : أهو
صغير هكذا
دوما ؟
احمر وجهي
وقلت بعد
تردد : لا . مش
دايما .
قالت : يحتاج
لأتأكد من
أنه سليم.
انتظر لحظة .
سأعود بعد
دقائق .
للحظات ،
أخذت أتأمل
تخرجها من
كلية الطب ،
وعلمت منها
أنها مولودة
في 15 يوليو .. أي
أنها من برج
السرطان ..
وكنت أحب
كثيرات من
هذا البرج
جدا لرقتهن
مثل الأميرة
الفقي وغادة
عبد الرازق ،
وقلت : فعلا
كما توقعت في
الدكتورة . لا
يمكن أن تكون
هذه الرقة
إلا من
مولودات هذا
البرج .
وعدت لجلستي
عاريا على
حين أحسست
وهي عائدة ..
واقتربت مني
وتناولت زبي
في يدها
تدلكه قليلا
ثم قالت : برضه
مش عايز يقوم .
بس أنا برضه
عندي الحل .
بوجهها على
وتناولته في
فمها وأخذت
تمصه ، حاولت
أن أمنعها أو
أقول لها
ماذا تفعلين
؟ لكن شهوتي
غلبتني ،
الهائلة من
إحاطة فمها
لزبي منعتني
من الكلام أو
المقاومة ،
وأخذت تمص
زبي بفمها
بيدها حتى
انتصب بشدة
وتضخم جدا ،
وهي تمعن
بعينيها في
عيني ،
التلذذ على
وجهي وفي
آهاتي ، قلت
لها : كمان يا
دكتورة سوسن .
كمان مصي زبي
كمان . لسانك
عسل وبقك
روعة حوالين
زبي .
استمرت في
المص . ثم نهضت
وتجردت من
الطبي ،
الصغير ،
الطويل حتى
فخذيها ،
الكعب .
ثم جلست على
كرسي جلدي
أسود ذي
عجلات مجاور
للشيزلونج ،
وباعدت بين
فجلست على
الأرض راكعا
بين ساقيها
وبدأت أتلمس
شفاه كسها
الحليق - إلا
من شعرات
قليلة فوق
متروكة عمدا
زادته جمالا -
غير المختون
، وألحس كسها
وأباعد بين
شفاه كسها
بأصابعي ،
وهي تهتز
وتغنج وتعض
شفتيها ، حتى
لمع من لعابي
، وازداد
جماله .
واستمررت في
لحس كسها
ومصه ، وقد
فكت أزرار
بلوزتها ،
وأخرجت من
ثدييها ،
وأخذت تداعب
بأنامله ،
حلماتها ،
يدغدغ كسها
وبظرها في
متعة ،
وإصبعي ينيك
مهبلها. وهي
فوق بظرها
لتباعد بين
شفريها .
وظللت ألحس
كسها .. حتى
بلساني على
لساني وشفتي
على شفتيها
وقلت لها :
عايز أنيكك .
وخلعت عن
حذاءها ..
وحافية إلا
من جوربيها
ذوي الحافة
عند الفخذين
كانا مثيرين
فأبقيتهما .
رائعتين في
الجوربين .ثم حملتها
على ظهرها
ووقفت أنا
على الأرض
وباعدت بين
فأسندت ساقا
على الشباك
معلقة فى
الهواء بين
على نحو مثير.
وبدأت أدخل
زبى فى كسها ،
وهى لا تزال
وتتأوه ..
تأوهنا معا
وقد أصبح زبى
كلها فى
وقبضت بيدي
من عند فخذها
على ساقها
على الشباك
لأعلى. وأخذت
أنيكها ، وهى
تباعد بين
شفاه كسها من
حول زبى
الأخرى تدلك
ثديها. ويدي
الأخرى تقبض
على فخذها
الآخر ثم على
ثديها الآخر.
ثم رفعتها
على المكتب ،
ورقدت على
المكتب ثم
جلست هى على
زبى تعطينى
ظهرها. وتصعد
وتهبط فوقى ،
تستندان على
المكتب ،
أقابلها من
تحتها وأصعد
وأهبط بجسدي
ووسطي. ويدها
وتدعك بظرها
، وهى لا تكف
عن الغنج
ويدي تداعب
أتأمل ظهرها
طيزها وهما
بخصري ولحم
وسطي وزبى
يظهر ويختفى
فى كسها وبين
وكان مشهدا
مثيرا جدا.
أنيكها على
هذا الوضع
لفترة ، ثم
نهضنا ،
وجعلتها تقف
على الأرض
وتنحني على
وتبرز طيزها
لي ، ومددت
الطرف الآخر
من المكتب
البني اللون
، ورفعت
كلها ما عدا
قدمها على
المكتب ،
ووقفت على
الأخرى ،
وأنا أقف
خلفها ،
مجددا فى
خلال النيك.
وقبضت على
ثدييها من
بيدي خلال
ورفعت ساقي
اليسرى أيضا
قدمي على
وأخيرا ،
قذفت لبنى
غزيرا وفيرا
فى أعماق
كسها.وأخرجت زبي، ورقدت الدكتورة سوسن على ظهرها على الشيزلونج وأشارت لي لأقترب، وبقي زبي منتصبا كالحديد، وصعدت على ركبتي عند ثدييها وأخذت أدلك زبي بيدي فوق نهديها ثم تركته ليدها تدلكه بخبرتها الطبية وهي تنظر في عيني حتى تأوهت وأنا أقذف على نهديها ويدها لبني وفيرا غزيرا. وابتسمت لي بابتسامتها الرائعة وبدت أسنانها الصغيرة الأنثوية من بين شفتيها. فانحنيت عليها وقبلتها بعمق. وقلت لها: أحلى علاج يا دكتورة سوسن.
ضحكت وقالت: بس ما تنساش الروشتة برضه. عايزة أشوفك تاني. هه.
تناولت ملابسي وقبلتها وبدأت ترتدي ملابسها وقلت لها: أكيد. باي يا قمر.
قالت: باي يا حمادة. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and the young female doctor.txt |
126,785 | null | Me and my son's father-in-law | أنا وحمو
عايزة أحكى
لكم عن
التى أعيشها
حاليا من حما
ابنى الذى
تزوج من ابنة
ثرى مصرى منذ
عدة أشهر
عينه زايغة
عليّ منذ
فترة فهو
أرمل منذ 20
عاما ويصفنى
نورا أخت
بوسى ، فأنا
جميلة جدا
وأرملة منذ 30
عاما وعمرى
حاليا 44 عاما.
ولم أفكر فى
الزواج منذ
وفاة زوجى فى
حادث وأحافظ
على رشاقة
جسمى بشكل
دائم إلا أنه
منذ تزوج
ابنى من ابنة
هذا الرجل
الوسيم وقبل
شهر رمضان
بشهر كنا فى
مارينا فى
قصره الخاص
وكنت فى
مايوه بكينى
وفى البحر
متعمدة من
يده لى ونحن
نلعب فى
ولكننى لم
أفكر ولم
أهتم حتى
وفوجئت به
فجأة يحضننى
بكل قوة فى
البحر ويضع
يدى خلف ظهرى
بقبضة يده
ويأخذ منى
قبلا طويلة
مص خلالها
لسانى وكان
زبره من داخل
الخاص به
يكاد يخترق
ولأول مرة
منذ رحيل
زوجى يلمسنى
رجل هكذا أو
يبوسنى أو
أشعر بزبره
على أعتاب
كسى ولم
الصراخ أو
الحركة حتى
شعرت بأنه قد
أنزل منيه
على كسى فى
الماء وكذلك
أنا حيث
انفجرت من
كسى حمم لم
تخرج منذ 20
وسرعان ما
ابتعد عنى
لأننى جميلة
جدا وماقدرش
يمسك نفسه ،
وخرجت من
البحر إلى
الحمام ،
وكان نصفى
غرقان من
لبنه ولبنى ،
وبعد دوش
سريع ذهبت
إلى النوم
ونمت 6 ساعات
لأول مرة فى
حياتى فكأنه
كان هناك شىء
فى جسدى
يثقله وخرج.
ومن يومها
وهو يتعمد
بالغزل خلسة
وأنا محرجة
هل أخبر ابنى
أو زوجته
وأتسبب فى
أزمة بينهما.
ويوم عيد
الفطر قبل
أيام كنا فى
السخنة وكنت
آخذ دوش وكان
ابنى وزوجته
فى البحر ،
خروجى من
البرنس فقط
لا غير فوجئت
به يحملنى
بين يديه إلى
سرير غرفة
نومه ويركب
عليّ بعد أن
خلع ملابسه
تماما.حاولت الصراخ فكان يبوسنى من فمنى ماصا لسانى وحاول فك البرنس عدة مرات بالعافية (عنوة) ولكنى كنت أقاوم وأخاف الصريخ حتى لا أفضح نفسى وابنى وهو مصمم قائلا: ((مش هاسيبك النهاردة ولو هاموت مش قادر نفسى أدوق طعمه)).
وبمجرد أن أمسك بنهدى بيديه غبت عن الوجود فلأول مرة منذ 20 عاما ينام على رجل على سرير و يمسك صدرى ويضعها فى فمه وبدأ يمص وأنا أعانى من النشوة وأخاف الفضيحة وطلاق ابنى ، وظل يبوس فى شفايفى ويرضع فى بزازى حتى هجت تماما خاصة وأن ما يمنع زبره عن اختراق كسى كان البرنس المغلق جيدا.
وسرعان ما انفجرت حمم كسى للمرة الثانية خلال أسبوع واحد بعد 20 عاما كبت بمجرد أن وجدت يده تدخل إلى كسى ويمسك به قائلا: ((مش حرام ده سايبها لوحده 20 سنة ده طلع له سنان من قلة النيك ولازم أعالجه)).
ومزق البرنس تماما حتى صرت عريانة تماما وهو عريان كذلك ولكنى مغلقة جيدا بفخذى مانعة رأس زبره الضخم من الدخول 4 مرات حتى فوجئت به يندفع من فوقى هاربا بعدما شعر بأقدام ابنته وابنى فى الطريق مسرعا إلى غرفته قائلا: ((حظك حلو المرة الجاية مش هاتفلتى منى)).
وقمت من على السرير لأرتدى ملابسى بسرعة وأفتح الشباك للهواء بعد أن امتلأت الغرفة برائحة منى ومنى وأغرق السرير والمخدات. وذهبت للنوم وأنا هائجة جدا ولأول مرة أمارس العادة السرية بإيدى وتدفقت حمم من كسى.
وطوال الأيام الماضية وهو يطاردنى فى التليفون فى منزلى الشخصى قائلا: ((نفسى أدوقك طعمه مرة واحدة ومش هاتنسيه أبدا)) ، وعلى بريدى الالكترونى.
وأخيرا فوجئت بابنى وزوجته يخبرونى أن حماه تقدم لطلب يدى وأنهم موافقين وأنه هايموت على ويسمونى نورا.
وطلبت مهلة للتفكير وصمموا على أننا نسهر فى نفس اليوم الذى هو أمس الأربعاء فى فندق ، وجاء والده معنا وسهرنا حتى الفجر فى ((الناىت كلوب)) وطوال السهرة عينه لم تنزل عنى ، كانت تفترسنى ، ويضع قدميه من تحت التراييزة على قدمى وكنت أضربه بقدمى ، واعتذرت عن الرقص معه.غادرنا الفندق إلى المنزل على أساس أنهم سوف يوصلونني بسيارتهم في الطريق ، فعرض والدها أن يوصلهم هما الأول ويذهب هو لتوصيلي ، فوافقا ، ولكنني اعترضت ، ولكنهم صمما وغادرا السيارة وتركاني معه لتوصيلي للمنزل.
وبمجرد نزولهم من السيارة انطلق بها إلى الزمالك حيث أسكن ، وفى الطريق سألته: أنت عايز مني إيه؟
فقال: نتجوز.
فقلت له: وإيه اللي انت عملته ده؟
فقال: انتى تجنني. انتى حتة ملبن ، ونفسى تبقى مراتى وهاعوضك عن كل اللى فات من عمرك.
ولم أجب أو أرد عليه حتى نزلت أمام العمارة ورفضت أن ينزل ليوصلني للشقة أو باب العمارة ، ووصلت شقتى وأغلقت بابها خلفى فإذا به يتصل على هاتفى المحمول ليقول بأنني قد نسيت شنطتى فى السيارة ولأنزل لآخذها ، وعدت ولما كدت أفتح باب الشقة لأنزل إليه حتى فوجئت به أمام الباب ويدفعني إلى الداخل ، ويغلق الباب واضعا يده على فمى قائلا: بلاش فضايح لأنى مستبيع.
ولم أستطع الصريخ خوفا من الفضيحة وحملني من وسطى إلى غرفة النوم وأغلقها بالمفتاح بعد أن ألقى بى على السرير قائلا: ((صوتى ماتصوتيش الليلة دخلتنا على بعض والصبح نكتب عند المأذون)).
فرفضت وقلت له: هاصرخ وأجيب البوليس.
فقال لى كلمة قذرة: ((كس أمك . النهاردة فيك نيك بجد مش زى كل مرة وعلى سريرك وفى شقتك وللصبح ولو حتى القيامة قامت هانيكك النهاردة يعنى هانيكك ده زبرى محروم من 30 سنة من النيك وانتى من 20 سنة كسك ما دخلوش زبر. ده حتى يبقى حرام عليكى)).
وما هى إلا ثوان حتى كان قد خلع كل ملابسه وصار عريانا تماما وحاولت الجرى فى الغرفة باتجاه البلكونة ، فأمسك بى وقال ((بلاش عناد انتى نفسك تتناكى النهاردة بس بتكابرى وكسك زمانه بيصرخ من يوم ما فلتى منى آخر مرة)).
وحملني على السرير وألقى بى وهو فوقى قائلا: بلاش عناد الليلة فيها نيك للصبح فاقلعى بشوية.
وقام بخلع ملابسى بعد أن مزقها وكذلك اضطر لتمزيق الكولوت حتى صرت عارية تماما وكان أول شىء هو أن وضع لسانه على كسى يلحس فيه وأنا أقاوم ، ثم اعتدل ونام علىّ وفمه فى فمى وزبره على عتبة كسى محاولا الدخول.وقفلت فخذاى
فإذا به يضع
يده على كسى
ليدعك فيه
بقوة حتى
السيطرة على
نفسى وفتحت
فخذاى فإذا
بى ولأول مرة
من 20 عاما أشعر
برأس زبر
يدخل فيّ فى
هدوء وبراعة.
فقد كان
بارعا فى
النيك وغبت
عن الوجود
وصرخت صرخة
مكتومة من 20
عاما وزبره
يدخل شيئا
فشيئا ، ولم
أدرى إلا
وأنا أفتح
قدماى على
وأضعهما على
ظهره لأدفعه
إلى أعماق
كسى ، وكان
فمه يلحس فى
صدرى وفمى
قائلا ((انتى
لسه شوفتى
حاجة )).
5 مرات يدخل
ويفضى لبنه
داخل كسى
ويعود مجددا
وأنا أدفعه
بقدمى مرة
أخرى ما كنتش
مصدقة أن
النيك متعة
وأننى لا زلت
مرغوبة من
بجانبى بعد 20
دقيقة من
النيك وكان
يأخذ نفسا
عميقا .
أما أنا فقد
كنت فى عالم
آخر لم أنتبه
إلا وهو يضع
زبره على فمى
قائلا : مصى !
ورفضت لأننى
لم أمص حتى
لزوجى ، فما
كان منه إلا
أن فتح فمى
ووضع زبره
لأمصه قائلا :
دوقى طعمه من
فوق .
وبدأت فى
المص وجاب فى
فمى مرتين
جميعا ثم
أخرجه وبدأ
فى تغيير
وضعى ليكون
وجهى فى
ورفضت قائلة :
لا . إلا كده .
أنا عمرى كده
حرام .
فكان رده:
واللى إحنا
عملناه يعنى
حلال . دى أحلى
حاجة فيك
طيزك . أنا من
يوم ما شفتك
أفتحها .
وفمه بلل
فتحة طيزى
بمائه ، وبدأ
فى وضع زبره
إلا أننى كنت
أرفض تماما ،
وكان مصرا
قائلا : مش
هاسيبك إلا
لما أدخله فى
وأفتحها .
وشيئا فشيئا
أدخله فى
طيزى وجاب
مرتين من
حليبه .
وبعد أكثر من
ساعة أحسست
بقواى قد
انهارت ، وهو
كذلك خاصة
بعد أن نام
وأخذنى فى
أحضانه . ولم
أشعر بالوعى
والحياة إلا
فى العاشرة
صباحا .
كنت عارية فى
السرير ،
وجسمى محمر
بلون الدم
ومرهقة جدا ،
وبزازى بها
تسلخ ،
بلبنه ولبنى .
أما هو فلم
أجده هو ولا
أى من ملابسه
، وحاولت
النهوض من
ولكنى لم
أستطع ، فأنا
فى حاجة
للنوم مرة
أخرى وقد كان
، ونمت حتى
مساء ، ولم
استيقظ إلا
على تليفون
منه قائلا :
صباح الخير .
دخلة (صباحية)
مباركة يا
عروسة .هابعت
لك ديليفرى
حالا شوية
وسمك قاروص
يعوض كل اللى
خرج منك ليلة
السماعة فى
وجهه ... لكنه
اتصل مرة
وأخبرنى أنه
قادم بعد
ساعة ومعه
ابنى وزوجته
، والمأذون ..
ولم أشعر
بنفسى إلا
وأنا أفقع
عالية طويلة .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my son's father-in-law.txt |
126,791 | null | Saad Al-Deen, his aunt and her daughters | أنا اسمي سعد الدين أعيش في إحدى ضواحي بيروت. عمري الآن إحدى وعشرون سنة.
هذه قصة حقيقية حصلت معي عندما كنت في الثامنة عشرة من عمري.
كان يسكن بجانب بيتنا خالتي تدعى نرجس. كانت خالتي في الثامنة والثلاثين من العمر أما بناتها فكانت إيناس في الثانية والعشرين وزينة في العشرين، أما جارتنا ليلى فكانت في الثانية والثلاثين من العمر لكن كانت جميلات جدا.
ذات يوم سرقت مفتاح بيت خالتي وصبيت عليه (عملت عليه نسخة) فكنت كلما تخرج خالتي وأولادها للجنوب أدخل أنا إلى البيت كنت ألبس ثياب خالتي وبناتها وكنت أتخيل نفسي أنيك خالتي والبنات.
و ذات مرة وأنا أبحث بين ثياب خالتي وجدت أشرطة فيديو فوضعتها وإذا بي أجدها أفلام سكس. كانت أول مرة أشاهد مثل هذه الأفلام اتضح لي لاحقا أن خالتي تشاهدها وتطبقها مع زوجها وصرت أسرق ثياب خالتي وبناتها الداخلية وأتشممهم في البيت ومن ثم أعيدهم واستمريت على هذا المنوال من دون أن يعرف أحد.
و ذات يوم كنت جالسا عند خالتي وكنا لوحدنا فدخلت تستحم فعملت نفسي أنني خرجت وجلست في الغرفة الأخرى من دون أن تدري خالتي انتهت خالتي من الحمام وخرجت ويا لهول ما رأيت! خرجت خالتي عارية كليا من الملابس. وللهول! تملك صدرا كبيرا وطيزا ممتازة جدا مشدودة تتلألأ فلحقت بها من دون أن تراني. جلست خالتي أمام المرآة عارية تسرح شعرها لقد رأيت كسها وما أجمل هذا الكس! لا يوجد شعر فوقه.
دهنت خالتي الكريم على صدرها حتى أصبح صدرها يلمع ثم ارتدت سروالا لا يغطي شيئا حيث الخيط الرفيع من الخلف وارتدت حمالة الصدر وارتدت قميصا شفافا وخلدت للنوم فاستغليت أنا الفرصة وخرجت وتوجهت للحمام مباشرة وحلبت أيري وأنا أتخيل خالتي أمامي.في العام 2002 وبعد ليلة رأس السنة بيومين طلبت مني ابنة خالتي إيناس أن أظهر لها الفيلم وطلبت مني أن لا أنظر إليها فأخذت الفيلم للتظهير بعد التظهير (التحميض) قلت لابنة خالتي: إني لم أذهب سأذهب غدا.
لأستغل الفرصة وأشاهد الصور ونظرا لأن ابنة خالتي طلبت مني أن لا أشاهدهم. لعب الفأر في عبي ببداية الأمر افتكرت أن هناك بعض المحجبات غير محجبات لذلك طلبت مني إيناس ذلك.
ولكن يا لروعة ما رأيت لقد كانت صور سكسية لخالتي نرجس وابنتيها وجارتنا ليلى وابنة خالي لميس. لقد كن يتصورن أولا بملابس الداخلية ومن ثم يبدأن بعمل البوزات (أوضاع التصوير) واحدة تفلقس وأخرى تلحس طيزها وأخرى تفتح كسها وواحدة تمص بزازها وعلى هذا الحال. فقررت أن أسحب على الصور (أنسخ الصور) فسحبت عليهم جميعا وأحضرت الصور لهن من أن دون أن يعلمن أني فتحتهم وشاهدتهم وصرت أحلب زبري كل يوم.
وذات يوم طلبت مني خالتي أن أظهر (أحمض) فيلم الفيديو لها فأخذت الفيلم وظهرته فتبين لاحقا لي أن صاحب الاستوديو أخذ نسخة عن الصور وبدأ يهدد خالتي والبنات معهن بفضح أمرهن إذا لم ينفذن له أوامره فنفذن له أوامره فهناك خالتي وبناتها وجارتنا وابنة خالي بمختلف المواضع فكان يأتي في الصباح ويخرج عند المساء ويمارس الجنس بعنف معهن وتبين أن فيلم الفيديو هو تصوير جلسات النياكة بين المصور والبنات وخالتي.
وأخذت الفيلم لنفس الاستوديو من دون أن أعلم أنه هو صاحب الفلم ومن ثم بدأ ابن الشرموطة.
وبعد أن مل من ممارسة الجنس مع خالتي وبناتها ومع الجارة وابنة خالي طلب طلبا غريبا أراد أن يذل أحد شباب عائلة خالتي طلب أن ينيك شابا وكانت الواقعة أن اختارني أنا كونه يعلم أنني ظهرت له الفيلم فقال لخالتي: إنني أريد أن أنيك الشاب الذي أحضر الصور وقبل النياكة أريده أن يفعل بعض الأشياء أولا أريده أن يرقص ببدلة رقص ومن ثم أريده أن يعرض أزياء بثياب البحر ومن ثم بالثياب الداخلية ومن ثم بثياب اللانجري ومن ثم ببعض الفساتين والتنانير (الجونلات) ومن ثم نبدأ عملية النياكة.وأعطاهن
مهلة ثلاثة
أيام حتى يوم
الجمعة وحدد
موعد الجلسة
مساء السبت
لكن المشكلة
كيف يخبرونني.
ومرت الأيام
حتى جاء مساء
الخميس فإذا
بإيناس قد
أتت إلي وقالت: سعد
الدين أنا
واقعة بمشكلة و
بحاجة لمساعدتك و
مستعدة أن
أنفذ لك كل ما
ففرحت لكن
لست أدري
ماذا تريد
مني إيناس
فدخلت إلى
منزل خالتي وكانت خالتي و
إيناس وزينة
وليلى وليمس
جميعهن موجودات وكن
يرتدين ملابس مثيرة
جدا. قلن لي:
هل تعرف ماذا
في الفيلم
الذي ظهرته؟
فقلت: لا.
الجهل فأتت
إلي إيناس
بالصور وقالت لي:
فكنت أنظر
إلى الصور و
أضع يدي لا
شعوريا على
زبري كأني
أول مرة
أشاهد هذه
الصور فقالت
لي إيناس: هذه
الصور وقعت
في يد صاحب
الاستوديو و
بدأ يهددنا
بها وفعلنا
معه بعض
لنرضيه وكي
لا يفضحنا.
فقلت لهن:
ماذا فعلتن؟
فقلن: سنريك.
ووضعوا فلم
الفيديو فرأيت
المصور أولا
يمص كس خالتي
بينما كانت
إيناس مفشخة
وتلعب بكسها
بينما كانت
زينة تمص بكس
ليمس وكانت
ليلى تلعب
ببزاز خالتي
ثم قامت
خالتي وأخذت
وضعية الكلب
وبدأ بنيكها
بطيزها بقوة
وأتى بزبر
صناعي وبدأت
إيناس بنيك
أمها من كسها
في نفس الوقت
تتأوه وتقول
له: نيكني
فوته أقوى
نيكي أمك يا
وهو عم
بيقول: بدي
نيكن كلكن يا
شراميط يا
وبدأ يدعك
ببزاز خالتي
ومن ثم نام
على ظهره و
جلست خالتي
فوقه وبدأت
بالصعود و
النزول على
زبره واستمر
بنيك خالتي و
من ثم مع
البنات ومع
الانتهاء من
الفيلم كانت
خالتي قد
أخرجت زبري
من البنطلون
وبدأت بلعقه
ومن ثم قامت
بفمي وإحداها
تلعب بصدر
زينة والأخرى
بصدر ليلى وكانت
ليمس تلحس
طيز خالتي
بعد أن
انتهينا من
الجنس قالت
خالتي: إن هذا
الشاب يريد
أن ينيكك و
يريد أن تعمل
عرض أزياء
أمامه.وأكدت خالتي لي أنهن مستعدات أن يفعلن لي كل ما أريد وأنهن سيسلمنني الشريط والصور لكي يطمئن بالي. رفضت في بادئ الأمر فلا يمكن أن أفضح نفسي وقلت لهن: حتى ولو أعطيتموني مال الدنيا لا يمكن ذلك فأنا شاب فكيف أتناك من شاب أو كيف ألبس ملابس نساء؟!!
وبيني وبين نفسي أثارني الأمر وبدأت أتمنى أن أفعل ذلك.
لكن قالت خالتي: ألا ترغب أن تنيك إيناس وزينة وليمس وليلى. ما عجبك كس خالتك؟
فقلت: موافق لكن على شرط أن ينفذن لي كل ما أريد وأن يحضرن لي كل ما أطلب.
جاء يوم السبت وإذا بي أرى المصور يدخل فينام عاريا على التخت وتم وضع كراسي جانبا فجلست خالتي والجارة والبنات عليهن وهن عراة وتم تحضير الثياب في الغرفة المجاورة لكي يكون كل شيء مفاجئ. وتم وضع شريط كاسيت رقص عربي فلبست بدلة الرقص وكانت خالتي قد حلقت لي قبل يوم شعر جسمي بكامله حتى أصبح جسمي كجسم فتاة وقد وضعت بزازا اصطناعية وكحلتني ووضعت لي طلاء شفاه على شفتي وعطرتني عطرا أنثويا مثيرا وبدأت بالرقص.
بعد أن انتهيت من الرقص بدأت بعرض ملابس البكيني ومن ثم الملابس الداخلية. كنت أرتدي الكولوت الرفيع وحمالة الصدر ثم بدأنا بعرض اللانجري.وكان الجميع ينظر إلي وأنا أعرض الأزياء فكان هو يلوح بأيره أما البنات فكن يلعبن بكسهن وبعد اللانجري بدأ خلع الملابس حتى وصلت لآخر قطعة. كانت تنورة (جونلة) قصيرة وضيقة وبلوزة قصيرة.
قام هو وبدأ بتقبيلي بفمي ويده الأخرى تلاعب طيزي ومن ثم قام بفك أزرار البلوزة وقلعني إياها ومن ثم بدأ يلاعب صدري ومن ثم قلعني التنورة والكولوت ثم يقبل رقبتي حتى وصل إلى طيزي فبدأ يلحسها ثم بدأت بمص أيره وبتمريغه على كافة جسمي حتى تهيج كثيرا.
ثم نمت على ظهري وجاءت إيناس إلى جنبنا وأعطته الكريم فدهن أيره به ومن ثم دهن طيزي به وبدأ يدخل زبره بقوة أكبر وأنا أتأوه وإيناس تقول لي: احتمل يا شرموط يا منيوك شايف النياكة شو حلوة.
وصرت أتأوه متل المنيوك وصرت أقول له: فوته أقوى أقوى.
ثم طلب مني أن آخذ وضعية الكلب فسألته عنها فقال لي: اجلس على رجليك ويداك.
</CORRECTED_TEXT>ثم أتى من الخلف و بدأ بإدخال زبره بقوة و بقوة أكبر و أنا أتأوه مثل الشرموطة و هو يقول لي: أنا كنت نفسي أنيكك من زمان أنت عامل لي راجل. خد يا شرموط يا منيوك خد لنيكك للصبح لأخلي البنات تنيكك و كل الناس.
ثم جاب المني في طيزي ونيمني على ظهري ومن ثم جاء بحبل وربطني بالسرير بحيث لم أستطع الحراك أبدا و بدأ يفوت أيره في فمي و من ثم جاءت خالتي بعضو صناعي و لبسته و قال لي: بدها خالتك تنيكك.
قلت له: لا.
و حاولت أفك نفسي فعجزت فبدأت خالتي بإدخال الزبر الصناعي بطيزي و أنا أصرخ و هو كان ينيك إيناس بطيزها و يقول: ليك أنت بتنتاك من البنات و أنا بانيك البنات و بانيكك يا شرموط ما راح خلي فيك نفس.
بعد أن انتهت خالتي أتت زينة و بدأت بنيكي و كانت تقول لي: راح خليك متل الشرموطة بايدي بدك تنيكني يا منيوك أنا بنيكك ساعة لبدي.
و كانت تدخل زبرها بطيزي حتى انتهت هي فجاءت إيناس و ناكتني أيضا: شو عاجبينك بزازي عاجبك كسي بس طيزك أحسن للنياكة بدي خليك شرموط.
فجاءت بجزرة كبير جدا وأدخلتها في طيزي فصرخت صرخة وقالت إيناس: ما عش فيه شايف قديش النيك جميل بدك نيكك يا أخو الشرموطة.
و فجأة و إيناس عم بتنيكني بتفوت أختي التي تبلغ من العمر 16 عاما وكانت ترتدي قناعا فلم أعرف أنها أختي إلا لاحقا. فتهجم عليها خالتي و تقلعها ثيابها. كانت أول مرة لأختي.
و هكذا بينما كانت إيناس تنيكني تدخل فتاة تضع على وجهها قناعا - وكانت هي أختي كما عرفت لاحقا - و كانت هذه الفتاة تلبس روبا شفافا فأتت خالتي إليها و قبلتها في فمها بينما جاءت زينة من جهة و لميس من الجهة الأخرى وليلى من الأمام و وقفت خالتي وراءها.
قامت ليلى و فكت رباط الروب و قامت زينة و لميس بخلع الروب لها بنفس الوقت و يا للهول ما شاهدت! شاهدت فتاة من أجمل ما تكون صدر كبير مرفوع و حلمة صغيرة زهرية اللون و ساقان مشدودتان أشبه بأرجل ملكة جمال و طيز متوسطة مشدودة تشبه طيز نانسي عجرم.
بدأت خالتي بمص صدر هذه الفتاة و أنا لا أعلم من هي إلى أن قام الشاب إلى تلك الفتاة و لحس لها كسها فتأوهت تأوهة بسيطة و عضت على شفتها عند ذلك.توقفت إيناس عن نيكي و قامت و ما زلت مربوطا. قامت و خلعت القناع عن وجه تلك الفتاة و إذ بي أرى أختي أسماء فلم أصدق ما رأيت في عيني هذه أختي أمامي تقف عارية.
قال لي المصور: سترى ماذا سأفعل الآن.
فاتت إلى لميس و فكت رباطي و طلبت مني أن آخذ وضعية الكلب فرفضت فهددني بأنه يصور كل الجلسة الآن فأخذت الوضعية و بدأت تنيكني و أختي تتفرج علي.
و من ثم قامت و أخذت نفس الوضعية أي وضعية الكلب و جاءها هو من الخلف و بدأ يلوح بزبره على باب كسها البكر و دهن كسها بالكريم و دهن أيره بالكريم و أدخل زبره دفعة واحدة داخل كسها فمزق بكارتها فصرخت صرخة رج البيت من ورائها فقلت له: سأقتلك.
فقال: لا تستطيع فأنت لست سوى منيوك شرموط أشبه بفتاة شرموطة تحب الأير و تحب النيك.
فقلت له: إنها عذراء.
فضحك فقلت له لماذا تضحك؟
قال: لأنها لم تعد كذلك الآن.
فتبين لي أن أختي كانت تمارس السحاق مع خالتي و ابنتيها و أنها متعودة على السحاق ولكنها فعلا كانت عذراء وفتحها المصور الآن و استمر في نيك أختي و قد احمر أيره من دماء عذريتها و استمرت لميس في نيكي و توقف عن نيك أختي و قامت أختي و مصت له أيره و نام هو على التخت و جلست أختي على زبره و بدأت تطلع و تنزل على أيره و هي تصرخ و تقول: نيكني أنا شرموطتك أنا منيوكتك و أنا خيه مناييكك.
و من ثم قامت عنه و جاء لي و بدأ ينيكني أمامها و أنا أصرخ و أتوجع بينما كان البنات ينيكن أختي و هي تقول: شايف النيك شو حلو يا خيه.
و استمر بإدخال زبره و إخراجه من طيزي و قام و حلب أيره في فمي و قامت أختي و لحست الحليب من عن فمي. و من ثم لبست الأير الاصطناعي و أتت إلي و قالت لي: أنا بس بدي أتناك لازم أنيكك و تشوف أختك كيف بتنيك انت شرموطي انت منيوكي أنا ملكي أنت.
فرفضت و إذا بالمصور يجلدني و يأمرني أن أنام على ظهري و ارفع رجلي للأعلى فأنفذ ذلك و تبدأ أختي بنيكي و هي و عم بتنيكنني تقول لي: مبسوط يا شرموط؟ مبسوط يا منيوك؟.
ثم طلبت مني أن أنام على بطني.
AUTHOR: N/Aنمت و
نامت هي فوقي
و بدأت في
نيكي و من ثم
جلست على
كرسي و جلست
أنا فوقها
على الزبر
الصناعي و
بدأت أطلع و
أنزل و هي عم
بتنيكني و هو
مفوت أيره
بتمي ثم أخذت
وضعية الكلب
و بدأت بنيكي.
و بعد أن
انتهت أختي
جاءت ليلى و
ناكتني أيضا
و بعد أن
انتهت ليلى و
جميعا جرت
التبادل حيث
الصور و
فيلم هذه
الجلسة التي
كنت أتناك
و لكني كنت
أذكى منهم
بعد أن
التبادل و
ذهبت أنا إلى
البيت و كأن
شيئا لم يحصل.
لكن أنا كنت
قد نسخت
الشريط و
أخذت الشريط
الذي صوروني
به و أنا
أتناك من
الرجل و من
خالتي و من
أختي و من
بنات خالتي. و
عملت له
مونتاج حيث
الموجود أنا
بها و أبقيت
التي فيها
خالتي و
بناتها و
معهن أختي.
و انتظرت
فترة لكن أنا
استمريت من
وقت لآخر
بانيك أختي
عندما نكون
وحدنا كنت
أنيكها بقوة
من كسها
لأنتقم منها
وكنت أمارس
من وقت لآخر
الجنس مع
ليلى عندما
يكون زوجها
لفترة طويلة
و استمريت
على هذا
و إذا بإيناس
يتقدم لها
عريس و حدد
موعد الزواج
فضربت لعبتي
حيث بعت نسخة
من الشريط
بالسر لها و
بأنني سأفرج
خطيبها عليه
إذا لم تنفذ
لي ما أطلب
وطلبت منها
أن تنيكها هي
ساعة ما أريد
مقابل أن
لأضمن حقي
أيضا تكتب لي
أمانة بقيمة 2
مليون دولار.
ووقعت خالتي
وبناتها على
ووضعتها في
خزانة سرية
أنا فقط من
مفتاحها. و
طلبت منها أن
تنيك ذلك
المصور و
مهلة لمدة
أسبوع أي
ليوم عرسها
وأرسلت نسخة
من الشريط
أهدده بها.
و إذا بإيناس
توافق على كل
شروطي فطلبت
منها أن
تنيكها يوم
زواجها.فأتت إلى البيت لعندنا هي و زينة فجلسنا بالصالة. فطلبت منهن أن يمارسن السحاق مع بعضهن. فدخلنا غرفة النوم فبدأن يقبلن بعضهن. ثم نزلت إيناس إلى صدر أختها زينة وقلعتها البلوزة والصدرية (السوتيان) وبدأت بلعق بزاز أختها وعضهم ونزلت إلى بطنها وقلعتها البنطلون والكولوت ورمتها على التخت (السرير) وبدأت بلحس كسها. ثم قامت زينة وقلّعت إيناس ثيابها وبدأت بمص بزازها وكسها ثم أعطيتهن خياطة وطلبت منهن أن ينيكن بعضهن بها فبدأن ينيكن بعضهن بها.
ثم خلعت ثيابي وأتيت بينهن وبدأت أقبل إيناس قبلا طويلة ثم نزلت إلى صدرها وبدأت أعضها بقوة حتى صارت تصرخ وتقول لي: أرجوك لا لا أستحمل.
ثم نزلت إلى كسها وعضيتها وثم صرت أدخل لساني داخل كسها وأصابعي على باب فرجها وبعدها نيمتها على ظهرها وبلشت أنيك فيها وأقول لها: خدي يا شرموطة خدي يا منيوكة أيري فيكي وبأمك نيكتيني هاديكي اليوم يا قحبة.
و صرت أدخل أيري بكسها وبطيزها أسرع فأسرع ثم نمت أنا على ظهري وطلبت منها أن تصعد فوق أيري وبدأت بالصعود والنزول عليه وصدرها يتخبط بوجهها من كبره وزينة تقبلها في فمها ثم طلبت منها أن تأخذ وضعية الكلب ونكتها من الأمام ومن الخلف من كسها ثم أتيت بكريم ودهنت فتحة طيزها ودهنت أيري وقلت لها: بدي أنيكك بطيزك يا شرموطة يا قحبة انتي.
صارت تقول لي: أرجوك اليوم عرسي أرجوك. لم أرضخ وأدخلت أيري بقوة بكسها وبطيزها ومزقت بكارتها فصارت تصرخ وتتلوى وصرت أدخله وأخرجه.
و من ثم قمت عن إيناس وأعطيتها غشاء بكارة أمريكي (أو صيني) لتضعه في كسها.
و بدأت بنيك زينة ثم طلبت منهن أن يرقصن لي ومن ثم وضعت فيلم فيديو ظهر به شابان ينيكون بعض فقالت لي: يا سعد هل ترغب في ذلك؟
فأتت بالعضو الصناعي وبدأت إيناس وزينة بنيكي وبعدها لبست ثيابي وقررنا الذهاب إلى العرس لكن حددت موعدا آخر لخالتي وبناتها.
بعد حوالي شهر ، دعوت خالتي وبناتها وجارتهن ليلى للقاء سيجمعني مع المصور الذي رضخ لطلبي وواقف أن أنيكه ..ــــــــــ 
(*) غشاء
الامريكي :
عبارة عن
نسائية يوضع
داخل المهبل
بـ 3 سم تقريبا
الفتاة على
ظهرها 15 دقيقة
يقوم فيها
بالتشابك مع
وتكوين غشاء
صناعي ،
ويغلق هذا
الغشاء فتحة
المهبل وهو
غشاء رقيق
داخله أنسجة
دموية تلتحم
مع المهبل ،
ورغم أنه
يغلق فتحة
المهبل لكن
به ممر صغير
على هيئة
فتحة ضيقة
تسمح بمرور
دم الحيض إلى
الخارج ،
ويزول غشاء
البكارة في
غضون ثلاثة
أشهر بعد
التركيب أو
في ليلة
بالإيلاج ،
وعند تمزق
الغشاء ينزف
الدم . بعد
تقريبا يقوم
بنزول بعض
الزائد من
المهبل وهذا
يدل على أن
الغشاء قد
تشابك 100% مع
الزائد ينزل
من فتحة
المهبل لا
يوجد داعي
للخوف منه هو
شيء عادي بعد
ما يأخذ
المطلوبة من
الغشاء يقوم
بلفظ الباقي
على شكل دم
يخرج من
المهبل . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Saad Al-Deen, his aunt and her daughters.txt |
126,793 | null | Salwa the shemale and her girlfriends | أنا سلوى وأنا شيميل. أي أنني امرأة ذات ثديين وجسد أنثوي تماما تماما، ولكن لا كس لي، فقط زب كبير وبيضات كالرجال، ولي طيز ينيكني الرجال منها. طبعا غير متزوجة، وأعيش حياتي كامرأة، ولي صديقات كثيرات، ولا أحد منهن يعرف حقيقتي.
في إحدى الليالي البارد جدا طلبت مني إحدى صديقاتي - نجوى - أن أقوم بتوصيلها لحضور حفل زفاف صديقتها مايسة نظرا لغياب زوجها وانشغاله الشديد في عمله. فذهبت بسيارتي إلى منزلها وضربت جرس الباب فدار الحوار التالي:
صديقتي: من الطارق؟
أنا: سلوى يا نجوى، هل أنت مستعدة لنذهب الآن إلى قاعة الأفراح؟
صديقتي: أنا جاهزة ولكن أنتظر صديقة أخرى لنذهب معًا للفرح (ممكن تنتظريها دقائق يا سلوى)
أنا: حاضر.
وبعد مرور ربع ساعة تقريبا توقفت أمامي سيارة يقودها سائق وبها فتاة وفجأة خرجت الفتاة من السيارة وهي ترتدي فستان سهرة مفتوح من الجنب و يظهر ساقانها الجميلة وإذا بها تدخل المبنى الذي تسكن فيه صديقتي. اعتقدت أنها هي تلك الصديقة التي تنتظرها صديقتي نجوى. وبقيت في سيارتي منتظرة خروجهما.
ولكن مرت تقريبا نصف ساعة ولم يأت أحد. عدت وضربت الجرس فإذا بصديقتي نجوى تقول لي أنها سوف تنتظر صديقة ثانية.
وقالت لي: إذا كنت تشعرين بالبرد ممكن تصعدي وتنتظريها معنا.
قلت لها: حسنا.
وصعدت إلى شقة صديقتي نجوى وجدت الباب مفتوحا وهي تحدثني من خلف الباب: تفضلي ادخلي في الصالون.
وفعلا دخلت، وعانقتها، واحتك نهداي بنهديها، وتبادلنا القبلات على الوجنات أربع مرات. ونظرا لأنني كنت لا أعرف صديقتها الأخرى تلك، ولم تدعوني هي للتعرف بها، بقيت في الصالون.
ونظرا للهدوء الناتج من عدم تشغيل مكيفات الهواء بسبب برودة الجو كنت أسمع جزءا من بعض الكلمات التي تدور بين نجوى وصديقتها.فجأة عم السكون وبعد مرور بضع دقائق سمعت أنات وشبه صراخ وبعض الكلمات المثيرة مثل (بقوة ، دخلي لسانك جوه أوي ، مصيها بشفايفك).
هنا انتابني نوع من الارتباك. ومن خلال تلك الكلمات شعرت بقضيبي من تحت فستاني يتصلب ويزداد تصلبا وبدأت أمسكه بيدي وأضغط عليه. وبدون شعور فتحت باب الصالون وذهبت إلى مصدر الصوت وقضيبي يسير أمامي منتصبا يكاد ينفجر من تحت الثوب الأنثوي المثير الذي أرتديه ووقفت خلف باب الحجرة التي ينبعث منها الصوت وقمت بفتح الباب برفق ويا لهول ما شاهدته وجدت نجوى مستلقية على ظهرها وصديقتها التي رأيتها تخرج من السيارة تقوم بلحس فرج نجوى ومؤخرتها متجهة نحوي. لقد بات واضحا أمامي فرج تلك الفتاة الجميلة وفتحة شرجها ويا له من فرج يلمع وكأنه قطعة من رخام ومؤخرتها الناصعة البياض كأنها تناديني تعال وأركب.
دارت في مخيلتي في تلك اللحظة أفكار كثيرة ... هل أدخل عليهما بغتة وأضعهما أمام الأمر الواقع. هل أطرق الباب. هل هذه الفتاة عذراء أم متزوجة. ولم أهتم. قلت: سأنيكها في كسها في جميع الأحوال ولو كانت عذراء طز.
بدون مقدمات قمت بخلع ثوبي وسوتياني وسرواليوأصبحت عارية تماما ، وأنا مسترسلة الشعر حلوة تقاطيع الوجه أنثوية ، والمساحيق تغطي وجهي ككل النساء ، كاعبة النهدين ككل النساء ، مثيرة الردفين ككل النساء ، ناعمة الصوت ككل النساء ، مثيرة الجسم والمفاتن ككل النساء ، ولكن زبي منتصب ككل الرجال!! .. كأنني فتاة سحاقية تضع زبا صناعيا بحزام ستراب أون تغطي به كسها لتنيك صديقتها. ولكن زبي طبيعي بلا حزام بل هو من لحم ودم وبيضاتي طبيعية ولبني طبيعي ، وشهوتي حقيقية. وخوفا من أن تكون تلك الفتاة عذراء قمت بوضع قليلا من لعابي على قضيبي. وفتحت الباب برفق دون أن يشعرا بي فقد كانتا منهمكتين في اللذة واللحس وسرت حتى أصبحت مؤخرة الفتاة أمامي عندها زدت كمية اللعاب على قضيبي وأرسلته مثل الصاروخ المبالغ في كسها فصرخت صرخة قوية جدا وأنزلت مؤخرتها على جسد صديقتي من المفاجأة والمتعة فأصبحت الفتاتين تحتي. لم تكن عذراء.عرفت
لاحقا أنها
مطلقة .
أخذت صديقتي
نجوى تصيح : ما
هذا يا سلوى .
من أين أتيت
بهذا الزب
الصناعي ؟.
فقلت لها :
ليس زبا
صناعيا إنه
زبي فعلا و الآن
الأوان أن
حقيقتي . فأنا
شيميل .
قالت نجوى
متعجبة :
شيميل ؟!! يعني
إيه شيميل ؟
فشرحت لها
بسرعة. فقالت
: يعني إنتي مش
ست ؟
قلت : لا ست بس
من نوع معين
حصل لي عيب
خلقي وبقيت
شيميل لي
بزاز وجسم
وشعر وصوت
ولبس ست لكن
مالي كس
إنما لي زب.
شعرت نجوى
بالإثارة من
حقيقتي .
الفتاة تصيح :
(آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآثم انحنيت
على الفتاة
شيرين أقبل
وأمص لسانها
بزازها بيدي
لدقائق. مما
أعاد زبي إلى
بالتدريج .
ثم أخرجت زبي
من الفتاة .
وبدأت أدلكه
بيدي ، وقد
عاد ضخما كما
كان منذ قليل .
صديقتي نجوى :
تنيكيني يا
سلوى...." .
ثم دفعت
شيرين من
فوقها وقالت
لي:" يالله يا
سلوى كسي
مولع نار
طفيه.... بزبك
الكبير..." .
و رفعت
ساقيها إلى
عينيها وهي
تقول "يا سلوى
حطيه بسرعة" .
وضعت زبي على
فرجها ولم
أدخله وكان
فرجها مبللا
جدا فأخذت في
دعك وحك
فرجها بزبي
وهي تقول
أكثر دخليه؟
دخليه" .
عندها قمت
بوضع رأسه
على فرجها
ودفعته دفعة
قوية عندها
وسكتت عن
ولاحظت أن
تنفسها أصبح
سريعا ثم
أخذت تقول
شيرين "مصي
صدري" ولكن
كلما تكلمت
قمت بإدخال
بشدة وبسرعة
تظهر واضحة
على جبينها
من اللذة
والألم .
وممصت قدميها
في يدي وأنا
أنيكها بقوة
، ونزلت على
أقبلها وأمص
لسانها ، ثم
تقاسمت مص
ثديي نجوى مع
شيرين. ثم
دفعتني نجوى
وقالت :
استلقي على
ثم قامت
وركبت فوقي .
لقد كانت
صديقتي نجوى
جميلة جدا. ثم
نزلت بجسدها
على قضيبي
وهنا شعرت
بالمتعة لقد
قامت بوضعه
في كسها
الحار الضيق
ونزلت عليه
بكل قوتها
وهي تقول "آه
آه آه فينك من
زمان... زبك
يجنن... زبك هو
روحي... من
اليوم" . أخذت
نهديها بيدي
، ومدت هي
يديها تداعب
الكاعبين ..
وهي مفتونة
بكوني امرأة
مثلها وعلى
الرغم من ذلك
أمتعها بزبي
وأقذف أيضا
كالرجال ..
وبذلك تشعر
معي بمتعة
الجنس مع
العادي) ومع
(السحاق) في آن
واحد .. وفي
شخص واحد هو
فجأة وجدت
شيء على فمي
فإذا هو فرج
صديقتها. لقد
ركبت على
وجهي وهي
تقول لي
"الحسي كسي"
وفعلا أخذت
ألحس كسها
أما صديقتي
نجوى فما
زالت تصعد
وتنزل على
قضيبي وهنا
طلبت منهن أن
تسجدا على
جنبا إلى جنب
الاثنتين مرة
أضعه في كس
نجوى ومرة
أضعه في كس
شيرين حتى
بالنيك .وشعرت أن
نجوى صديقتي
قد وصلت
منها ووضعتها
في كس
في النيك
بعنف وحينما
شعرت بقرب
نشوتي . قلت
وأنا أنيك
نجوى الآن
"سوف أنزل" .
فقالت : "نزل
في كسي ... خللي
يطفي ناري" .
فقذفت لبني
وفيرا غزيرا
في أعماق
مهبل نجوى.
لقد كانت
كمية المني
الخارج مني
كبيرة حيث
إنني لست
متزوجة ولم
أمارس الجنس
منذ مدة
أنزلت داخل
كسها صرخت هي
صرخة قوية من
شدة متعتها!
وهكذا أصبحت
ليلة العرس
نيك في نيك
ثلاثتنا معا
، وحولي نجوى
وشيرين ،
وهما تعبثان
معي القبلات
ألسنتنا ،
وقالت نجوى
بين القبلات :
بس مفاجأة
حلوة منك يا
سلوى. دي ليلة
ولا ألف ليلة.
وقالت شيرين
: إنتي طلعتي
لنا منين يا
سلوى. إنتي
لقطة ومش
هنسيبك أبدا.
ضحكت وقلت :
ولا أنا
هاسيبكم ...
هههههههههههههه. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Salwa the shemale and her girlfriends.txt |
126,798 | null | A rendezvous in the UK | أنا نوف ، من الرياض. طويلة ناعمة الشعر طويلتها فاحمتها ، رشيقة كالرمح. سافرت في رحلة عمل إلى لندن مع وفد من البنك الذي أعمل فيه وكانت الدورة لمدة أسبوعين وبالفعل كانت دورة جميلة بالفعل حيث تعرفت على شخص جميل وكان يعمل في الفندق الذي أقيم فيه بالمملكة المتحدة.
كنت بالفندق بعد يوم عمل شاق بالدورة حيث كان من ضمن الدورة عمل تطبيقي وقد وصلنا الفندق في المساء وكل واحد ذهب إلى غرفته. المهم لما وصلت الغرفة قلعت ملابسي بالكامل وذهبت إلى الحمام وعملت صابون رغوة ورجعت إلى الهاتف وطلبت من خدمة الغرف وجبة خفيفة وقلت لهم بعد نصف ساعة المهم رحت إلى الحمام وأخذت الدش وبالفعل حمام الرغوة ريحني كثير وخرجت بعد أن نشفت جسمي بعدها فركت جسمي بكريم للجسم ماركة شانيل ورحت للدولاب أخرج الملابس الداخلية اللي على بالي وكان لون الطقم ذهبي وعبارة عن سوتيان هاف كب ويقرص على الصدر وكولوت بخيط بس من الأمام قطعة خفيفة ومن الخلف بدون قطعة ومع شراب (جورب) الهيلاهوب (منقوش) لغاية الأفخاذ مع الحمالات له. المهم وخلال لبسي سمعت طرق الباب وقال لي الطارق : أنا الجرسون جيسون Jason.
المهم لبست روب كان عندي ومن كثر استعجالي اكتشفت بأنه شفاف بعد ما فتحت الباب وكان الجرسون شاب أشقر وجميل وسيم وذو جسم رياضي وسكسي وقال لي : أحط العشاء فين ؟
قلت له : على التراييز.
وكان ينظر لي بشراهة وقال لي : جسم جميل وسكسي وإذا حبيتيني إحنا نكون أصدقاء أنا ما عنديش مانع وده رقمي.
قلت له : ها أشوف يا ....
قال لي : جيسون. اسمي جيسون.
قلت له : ها أشوف يا جيسون.
وهو خارج شاف وركي بهيلهوب واحد والثاني ما لبستوش.
قال لي : ممكن ألبسك الهيلهوب قبل ما أمشي.
قلت له : بعدين أحسن.ما عطانيش
فرصة وجاب
ويده على
وركي وطبعا
أنا من كثر
شهوتي سحبت
نفسي إزاي
أعمل علاقة
مع أجنبي
وقلت له : ممكن
تمشي يا
جيسون ؟
قال لي : أنا
آسف على ما
بدر مني ولكن
جسمك جميل
وسكسي وجنني
وأنا شفتك
أكثر عن مرة
وإنتي في
واللوبي .
وبالفعل خرج
وجلست بيني
وبين نفسي
أفكر في أنه
بالفعل شخص
جميل ورائع
ومش ها أخسر
أي شئ أنا مش
في بلدي ومين
ها يعرف إني
نمت معاه أو
مع غيره ورحت
واتصلت بيه
وقلت له : إمتى
أقدر أشوفك .
قال لي : ها
أخلص بعد
ساعة .
قلت له :
عايزة منك
طلب تجيبه
معاك وإنت
جاي .
قال لي :
اؤمريني وكل
منفذة .
قلت له :
عايزة أربع
ملايات بحجم
اتنين منهم
بالكامل علم
بالكامل علم
السعودية .
مستنياك يا
جيسون .
وبالفعل بعد
ساعة سمعت
طرق على
الباب وكان
سعيد جدا ،
وجايب معاه
متطبقة بشكل
مربع ، واحدة
زرقاء مخططة
القديس جورج
خضراء مزينة
والسيف. وكان
في الغرفة
سريران يفصل
أباجورة ،
فجعلته يفرش
الزرقاء علم
بلده على
الأيمن ،
الخضراء علم
بلدي على
الأيسر .
المتبقيتين .
وتعجب مما
طلبته منه
ولكنه نفذ .
المهم جلس
طبعا على
ب&#وبالفعل دخل
إلى الحمام
وخلع ملابسه
وتركها هناك
كما أمرته ،
وجاءني بعد
قليل مبتسما
ويستر جسده
الحافي بعلم
جاك كالروب ..
فوجدني مثله
عارية حافية
التف بعلم
كالبشكير .
وطبعا بعدها
حملني على
يده ورحنا
على الغرفة
ونيمني فوق
السرير اللي
عليه علم
بلدي الأخضر
في أبيض وقام
يخلع العلم
الأزرق عنه
وألقاه على
الأرض فأصبح
عاريا حافيا
وجاني وصعد
فوقي وأنا لا
أزال مستورة
الأخضر وقام
يمص شفايفي
شوية شوية
ويده على
صدري ويلعب
وحده دون
بقية بدني
وسط القماش
والأبيض وهو
يبوس شفتي
ونزل على
صدري وأخذ
يبوس ثديي
ويمص صدري
وبعدها قلت
له : نام يا جيس
وقمت وأنا لا
أزال ملتفة
الخضراء أمص
رجله ووركه
وقمت ومسكت
زبه وبالفعل
انصدمت أول
ما شفت زبه
بالفعل كان
كبير وتخين
كمان. وقمت
أمصه وألعب
فيه من كل
وقمت أمص
وألعب فيهم
مسكته بإيدي
ورحت على
وإيدي على
زبه . قال لي :
ما تشيلي
اللي إنتي
لافة نفسك
بيها دي بقى .
قلت له : لا
أنا عايزة
كده ، عايزة
أفضل ملفوفة
بيها كده طول
النيك ، وده
ويثيرني .
قال لي : خلاص
براحتك .
وبعدها قال
لي إنه عايز
يلحس كسي .
وعملنا حركة 69
وهوه أول ما
حط لسانه على
كسي من فوق
وفير على
العاج الصلب
الذائب ،
زاحني من
فوقه وخلاني
الكلب يعني
صحراوي وقام
يجيب زبه
ويخليه على
فتحة كسي
بعدما زاح
الأخضر عن
يدخله في كسي
وحاول وكان
راس زبه كبير .
المهم دخل
شوية وأنا
أتألم وأقول
له: شووية
شووية .
وفضل يحاول
لغاية ما دخل
نصفه ثم كله
في كسي
ومسكني من
خصري من فوق
ودخل زبه
بالفعل لكن
سرعان ما
اختفى الألم
وقام يدخله
وينيك بعنف
كأنه ما ناميش
مع ست أبدا
قبل كده
وفضلنا على
هذا الحال
وبعدها خرج
زبه وحسيت
بحرارة وحكة
ولذة في كسي
وبعدها جاب
زبه وأنا في
نفس الوضعية
وقال لي: مصيه .
على هذا
الحال لفترة
نيمني على
الخضراء لا
تزال تغطي
نصفي العلوي
الزرقاء من
يلتحف بها
ويغطي بها
صدره وهو
ينيكني . ورفع
رجليا إلى
أعلى وجاب
زبه وحاول
يدخله من
الخلف . المهم
كان يؤلم
وجاب كريم
وخلاه على
راس طيزي
ودخل راس
وتألمت وفضل
يحاول يدخله
لغاية ما قدر
وفضل فترة
بدون حركة
وزبه في طيزي
وكان يحرقني
وفضل ينيك
وينيك وهوه
شال رجليا
وبعدها دخل
زبه في كسي
وفضل على هذه
الحال وفي
خلال فترة
النيك كان
ينزل على
صدري يسحقه
بصدره ،
يسحق الأخضر
، يجامع
الأخضر ،
ينيك الأخضر
، والأخضر
يمتع الأزرق
، يهيج
الأزرق ،
يسعد الأزرق
، وهوه
ويهز فيا
ويهدني هد
وأنا فرحانة
وفرحانة حيث
حصلت على من
يطفئ ناري
بالنيك .
وبعدها قام
عني وقال لي:
نامي على
جنبك .
رحت نايمة
على جنبي
وقام يدخله
في كسي وطيزي
وبعدها رفع
رجل واحدة
ودخله على
الجنب وكان
الولد خطير
وبعدها قام
وعايز ينزل
وقلت له: نزل
في طيزي وكسي
علشان أنا
بآخد حبوب
منع الحمل .وبالفعل نزل
في كسي جزء
الثاني في
طيزي وغرقت
الملاءة من
وطبعا أنا
نتكلم مع بعض
أكثر وأكثر
وقال لي:
يالا نروح
ناخذ دش.
قلت له: انته
ما بتشبعش.
قال: مستحيل.
المهم قمنا
علشان ناخذ
الدش. طبعا
أول ما وصلت
الحمام قام
كلها عني وهو
وبعدها قام
وخلى الماء
يصب وقال لي:
تعالي تحت
وجيت له
واقفة وهو
يمص شفايفي
وينزل تحت
ينسكب على
جسمي وبعدها
نزل على كسي
وقام يلحسه
بأشفار كسي
ويحاول يدخل
صباعه في كسي
وهو يلحس
وأنا ماسكة
راسه وأقول
له: الحس
وبعدها قال
لي: مصي زبي
وقمت أمص زبه
ينسكب وحسيت
بطعم عجيب
وبعدها ما
رحمنيش على
طول دخل زبه
بعد ما شالني
على صدره
وقام يهزني
وبعدها نزل
رجل واحدة
وقام ودخل
زبه في طيزي
وأنا أتمتع
وأتلذذ من
كسي ومن طيزي
وايد (جدا)
وأقول له: خف
عليا أرجوك.
وفضلنا على
هذا الحال
وبعدها قال
لي: يلا
اقعدي على
وقمت وجلست
عليه وقمت زي
لغاية ما
حسيت إنه ها
ينزل في كسي
وقلت له:
يالا نزل يا
حبيبي نزل.
ونزل وبعد
كده برضه ما
كانش شبعان
وقام ودخل
زبه مرة
ثانية في
طيزي بعد ما
وأخذت وضعية
الكلبي وقام
ينيكني بكل
قوة وهو ماسك
شعري والماء
يندفع على
وبعدها وما
حسيت إلا وهو
مطلعه من
وجايبهم على
فمي وقال لي:
اشربي المني.
وقمت أشربه
زي المجنونة.
وبعد طبعا ما
أخذنا الدش
طلعنا إلى
الغرفة وكنت
ونمنا قليلا
في حضن بعضنا
عراة حفاة
على فراشي
الأخضر في
أبيض ، وقد
التف كل منا
بعلم بلاده ،
بالأزرق ،
بالأحمر ،
الملاءتان ،
ونحن نتعانق.وصحوت على نفسي مستلقية على ظهري عارية حافية بلا أي غطاء أو ملاءة تسترني، على فراشي الأزرق في أحمر، ورجلاي متباعدتان، ورأس حبيبي جيس فوق كسي، ولسانه يلحس شفاه كسي المتهدلة بنهم وشراهة، وارتفع صوت غنجي في الحجرة، وأنا أبلغ النشوة مرة تلو مرة بلسانه المثابر الصبور، حتى ذبت على شفتيه وامتص عسلي مرارا، ثم اعتلاني ورفع رجلي، ودس زبه في أعماق كسي، فأغمضت عيني وعضضت شفتي، وهمت في عالم أسطوري، وهو يشعرني مع كل دخول وخروج لزبه، بحلاوة أنوثتي، وينقلني من متعة إلى متعة أكبر منها، ومن لذة إلى لذة أعظم من أختها، ومن نشوة إلى نشوة أشد.. وظل ينيكني نصف ساعة، ثم أنزل مني منيه غزيرا وفيرا جدا في مهبلي.. فلما أخرج زبه مني تساقط المني على ملاءتنا الزرقاء المخططة بالأحمر.. وكوّن بقعة ضخمة وواسعة عليها..
وارتدينا ملابسنا وطلبت منه أن يزورني وأن نكون على اتصال وبعدها قال لي: أنا ها أمشي وبكرة ها أشوفك بس أتمنى في شقتي وعلى فكرة ها اشتري لك طقم عجيب ها يعجبك.
وبعدها خرج بعد ما باسني وتواعدنا على اللقاء بكرة بعد ما أرجع من المحاضرات وطول فترتي في لندن كان معايا وزارني في بلدي بعد كده والتقي معاكم في مغامرة معاه يوم ما رحت إلى منزله. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/A rendezvous in the UK.txt |
126,802 | null | The Beauty and Loneliness Ahhhh, Fuck! | أنا امرأة متزوجة من إنسان عاجز جنسيا. تزوجنا وبعد الزواج عرفت أنه تعبان جسمانيا حيث إنه عنده دوالي خصية ولا يستطيع الجماع إلا إذا أخذ حبوب فياجرا. في ليلة وأنا نائمة فتحني وفض بكارتي بإصبعه كي يضمن ألا أفضحه يوما بأنني لا زلت عذراء. استمر الارتباط يشمله الحب ولكن لا تشمله المتعة الجنسية حيث إن الجماع لا يتعدى الخمس دقائق أخرج من بعده وأنا في قمة التعب حيث إني قررت بيني وبين نفسي أن لا أنشد الجماع إلا في حالة إن رغب هو حتى أضمن أن أتمتع.
سافر زوجي إلى إحدى الدول العربية للعمل وكان التواصل بيننا على النت. المهم قبل العيد الكبير قال لي انه أرسل بعض الأغراض مع صاحب العمل وأعطاني العنوان وطلب مني أن أذهب إليه أنا وأخي في بيته لآخذ الأغراض وأعطاني رقم تليفونه.
المهم اتصلنا وعرفنا أنه موجود. ذهبت إليه أنا وأخي وكان يسكن في مدينة 6 أكتوبر بالجيزة. جلسنا وجاب لنا الحاجة، وبعد قليل ذهبنا. وهو يسلم علينا ضغط على يدي من وراء أخي ونظر لي نظرة أحسست بشيء فيها. المهم روحت.
وإذا بزوجي يتصل ويطلب مني: إذا كان قدامك زوجة مناسبة لصاحب العمل كلميها لأنه يبحث عن زوجة.
وبدون أن يدري قال لي: المهم تكوني جامدة لأن الراجل ده عاشق للجنس شوفي وعرفيني.
المهم بعد أربعة أيام اتصل صاحب العمل بي وقال: لقد وجدت بعض الأشياء الخاصة بكم نسيت أن أعطيها لكم لو فيه إمكانية حد ييجي ياخدها لأني مسافر.
قلت له: إن أخي غير موجود ذهب إلى الجيش أنا حاحاول إني آجي آخدها.
قال: بس عرفيني إمتى حتيجي عشان أكون موجود.
اتفقت معه أني سوف أحضر عنده بعد يومين حيكون تاني يوم العيد. المهم صبح علينا العيد وكان يوم في منتهي الصعوبة أرى كل النساء تتجهز ليوم العيد وأنا أجلس لوحدي. كان يوم صعب جدا. اتصل زوجي وأعلمته بالحاجات اللي نسيها صاحب العمل قال: روحي خديها.قلت له: إن
أخي في الجيش
حاروح إزاي ؟
قال: اتصرفي
وخدي أي حد
معاكي هو
إنتي خايفة
ولا إيه ؟
أحسست في
كلامه بعدم
عليّ وكأني
واحدة لا
يهمه أمرها.
أول يوم
العيد جاء
عيدنا وكان
تاني يوم
للتزاور مع
أهلنا عرفت
أمي أني لم
أستطع السفر
معهم عشان
حاروح أجيب
الحاجات من
عند الراجل.
قالت لي: طيب
إزاي لوحدك ؟
إحنا حانيجي
بكرة الصبح.
قلت لها:
روحي ولا
تخافي علي.
في الصباح
الباكر سافر
أهلي وعند
الظهر اتصلت
به أخبره أني
سوف أحضر
عنده على
العصر ، قال:
المهم ركبت
ساعتين رحت
في ساعة
كانت شبه
خاوية من
الناس ،
تفاجأ بي
أمامه بعد
أقل من ساعة
قال لي: إنتي
مش قلتي
العصر كويس
أنا كنت نازل
دخلت وكان
البس عبايةخفيفة بايـن
من تحتها
جلسنا وقال:
تحبي تشربي
إيه ؟
قلت له:
مالوش لزوم.
قال: لا يمكن.
المهم جاب
عصير وجلس
سألني إن كان
زوجي قد
كلمني في
الزواج قلت
له إنه كلمني
وأنا بادور.
فطلب مني أن
تكون جميلة
زيي. خجلت من
كلامه ، وبعد
قليل من
الكلام رمى
كلمة أخذتني
قال: على فكرة
أنا عايز
عروسة تكون
وأضمن لك إن
حظها حيكون
حلو بس المهم
تستحمل بس مش
تستحمل زيك.
قلت له: إزاي
مش تستحمل
زيي ؟
قال: الهجر
يعني. أنا مش
وأسافر. أنا
حاكون معاها
ولو سافرت
حاسافر وأنا
متأكد أنها
مش حيكون
ناقصها أي أي
أي حاجة.
قلت: ربنا
قال: ممكن
أسألك سؤال
بس ما تزعليش ؟
قلت: إيه
السؤال اللي
ممكن يزعلني ؟
قال: بس
اوعديني ما
قلت: أوعدك.
قال لي: إزاي
إنتي عايشة
حياتك وزوجك
مسافر بقى له 6
شهور وحتى
وهو موجود
كان كأنه
مسافر ؟
اندهشت وقلت
له: انت بتقول
إيه ؟
قال: إنتي
صعبانة عليا
معقول إنتي
مستحملة كل
قام مسكني من
يدي وقال:
وعدتيني مش
قلت له: ما
يصحش الكلام
معي في مثل
تلك الأمور.
قال: إن زوجك
طلب مني أن
أتصرف له في
وعرفت منه
أنه يعاني من
ضعف لما شفتك
صعبتي علي.وجدتني دون
أن أدري أبكي
، وأخرجت
لأمسح دموعي
، لكنه سارع
وتفاجأت به
يجلس إلى
جانبي ويمسح
وجهي وجلس
يردد بعض
كلمات الصبر
وأحسست بيده
تلعب في شعري
من الخلف.
نهضت من على
الكنبة لكنه
مسك يدي
وأجلسني. وهو
يمسك يدي
تسري في جسدي.
لم يعطني
للتفكير هم
علي وتقبيلي
لم أعطه
الفرصة وقفت
وأنا متمكنة
وواثقة أني
التغلب عليه
ولكنه عندما
قبلني خارت
قوتي ولكني
مثلت أني
أقاوم وفي
داخلي رغبه
في رفض
وأثناء ما
أوهمته أنه
صراع للرفض
أحسست بزبه
وقد خرق
ملابسي ودخل
هو وملابسي
في كسي
بالقبل ولحس
وأنا عندما
كنت أمثل
الرفض كنت
أشده علي
فأحس برغبتي
في اللقاء
تركني ونظر
لي وأنا
مرتبكة لم
أعرف ماذا
افعل أخذني
من يدي إلى
غرفة النوم ،
وفي الممر
لغرفة النوم
سندني على
الجدار وفتح
رجلي وقبلني
وزبه يبعبص
من فوق
ملابسي لكسي
بأنهار من
لبن كسي تسقط
علي الأرض
وهو يسندني
حتى لا أقع.
دخلنا غرفة
النوم. هم
بخلع عبايته
ووجدت زبه
أمامه طوله
قرابة الـ20 سم.
سارع بخلع
ملابسي لكنه
وجدها تنخلع
أصبحت كما
ولدتني أمي
وأتصبب مني
أنثويا من
جلس على
وأعطاني زبه
لأمصه له
لكني لم أكن
أمصه بل كنت
آكله كم
اشتقت لأرى
زب مثل هذا
فهو طويل
نافضة كل عرق
كأنه زب
منفصل وبيده
يلعب في كسي
ويمسح لبنه.
بعدها نيمني
على السرير
وحط زبه بين
شفايف كسي.
لم أستطع
الصبر مددت
يدي وأدخلت
راس زبه في
كسي الضيق
أدخله بقوة
مع صرخة لأني
كنت بتفتح من
جديد. أحسست
أني دخت ويدي
تنبش في جلده
أشده على كسي.
قام دخل زبه
في كسي وخرجه
ودخل وخرج
ودخل وخرج
مرات ومرات
وأنا شبه
ميتة من
أنزل لبنه
وفيرا غزيرا
يطفئ نار كسي
ومهبلي ،
ويغذي رحمي ..
بعدها لم
ولفني على
جنبي ورفع
رجلي وهات يا
نيك في كسي
وأخذت أغني
زي شيرين عبد
الوهاب: آه يا
نيييييييييييك. آه يا
وكانت أول
مرة في حياتي
أتمتع كده.
قعد قرابة
النصف ساعة
حتى أنزل
لبنه في
أعماق كسي
جلسنا قرابة
الـ 4 ساعات
وهو يتفنن في
وإمتاع كسي
لأني كنت شبه
ميتة لم
أتخيل أني
سوف أحصل علي
تلك النيكة
طوال حياتي
والآن أصبح
شيئا موجودا
وأعيشه وكان
أحلى عيد
وأحلى عيدية
من زوجي
وأحلى عريس
لي حيث إنه
صرف نظر عن
وأصبحت من
وقتها وإلى
الآن وأنا
زوجته في
حضوره أو
أثناء سفره
أفكر فيه حتى
لما نزل زوجي
من السفر لم
لأنه أصلا لا
وجود له.
وشكرا لك
كثيرا يا
زوجي الحبيب. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/The Beauty and Loneliness Ahhhh, Fuck !.txt |
126,803 | null | My wife was getting fucked on bed, while I was under bed. | أول مرة أحس الإحساس ده .. إنى أسمع وأحس بكل شئ ومراتى بتتناك.
كنت غايب فى اليوم ده عن الشغل وصحيت بدرى لأن مراتى موظفة. صحيت بعد ما نزلت شغلها وأول ما صحيت لاقيت زبى موله ناااااااااار قلت أفتح الكمبيوتر أشوف حد كاميرا وماك أو أدخل موقع قصص ولا أفلام أضبط نفسي.
المهم خدنى الوقت لاقيت الساعة أصبحت 11 الصبح بسرعة وطبعا كنت قافل الموبايل عشان ما حدش يزعجنى وأعرف أتمتع مع نفسي.
وهوبا لاقيت حتة بت أمريكية بتلاغينى وفتحت لها الكاميرا وقلعت لها وهات يا سكس وفجأة الساعة 11 ونص لاقيت الباب هيتفتح قمت جرى شديت فيشة الجهاز وخدت هدومى وقولت أقفل الأوضة على أما ألبس.
وبعدين سمعت صوت مراتى بتقول:"تعالى يلا بسرعة قبل ما حد من الجيران يصحى.". سحبت هدومى ونزلت استخبيت تحت السرير وفوجئت بيها وواحد شاب أصغر منها معاها وهيا هات يا ضحك وشرمطة.
وبيسألها: هو جوزك هييجى إمتى ؟ . قالت له : كمان ساعتين . قال لها : ياديب أقدر أمتعك بزوبرين بسرعة . وهيا تقول له : لا لا لا لا لا لا بالراحة عليا عاوزة أتمتع كويس. وبعدين لاقيتها جابته وطلعوا على السرير وهات يا بوس ودعك . وقالت له: وريني حبيبي اللى واحشنى. قال لها : وانتى كمان واحشاه . وكل ده شوفته من مرايا التوالت لأنها مسلطة على السرير وقامت تمص له زبه وهو يمص بزازها ويلحس كسها ويقول لها : أيوه كده يا علقة مصى أوى يا شرموطة . وهيا تقول له : بامووت فى زوبرك الطعم ده اللى بيكيفنى . قال لها : وجوزك مبيكيفكيش ؟ . قالت له: لا أصله ما بيحبش المص واللحس . وبعدين قلبها وقال لها : وريني طيزك اللى بتولعنى يا متناكة . وهيا تقول له : أيوه طيزى هتتهبل على زبك . وقام قعد يمص طيزها وهيا تمص زبه وخرم طيزه 69 وكان منظر رهيب وكل ده مش عارف أعمل إيه أطلع أقتلهم ولا أستنى أشوف آخرتها صدمة عمرى مراتى المحترمة شرموطة وبتتناك على فراش الزوجية على سريرى.المهم سخنت
معاهم بس خفت
يطلع منى صوت
وقام قال لها:
افشخى يا كس
امك هاقطع لك
كسك. قالت له:
انا شرموطتك
نيك اوى نيك
جامد . وقام
مدخل زبه فى
كسها وهات يا
نيك وبعدين
الظاهر تعب
نام على ظهره
وهيا قامت
قعدت على زبه
وهات يا
تنطيط على
زبه اوضاع
وحاجات اول
مرة اشوف
وكانت بترفض
كل ده معايا .
وشوية وراح
منيمها على
ضهرها وهوه
فوقيها ورجع
ينيك وقال
لها : هانزل
انزل فين ؟ .
قالت له : زى كل
مرة يا واد فى
كسيييييييي جوه
دايما تسألنى
السؤال ده كل
مرة ودايما
تسمع نفس
الإجابة .. انا
عاملة حسابى
باخد موانع
قال لها : معلش
بس بحب
اسمعها منك .
وطبعا كل ده
جديدة عليا
ناموا وسكت
الكلام شوية
وخمس دقائق
قامت تلحس فى
صدره وتلعب
فى زبه قام
قال لها : لأ
النهارده مش
عاجبنى . قالت
له : طيب
قامت فشخت
طيزه وقعدت
تدخل لسانها
وصباعها فى
طيزه وهوه
يقول لها :
تصدقى إنى
تتجننى من
كسك . وهيا
تقول له : ده
انا اللى
هانيكك يا
متناك. وهو
يتهبل اكتر
ويلحس خرم
طيزها وكسها
وقام هايج
عليها وهيا
فنست وفشخت
وقالت له: كسى
تحت امرك . قال
لها : عايز
انيكك من
طيزك .. قالت
له : لا باحبه
ولا باحب
اللى يطلبه
منى ولا باحب
بيكتبوا عنه
قصص ولا اللى
الأفلام عنه ..
كل الأفلام
دلوقتى طيز
طيز إيه
القرف ده
معمولة ليه
يا بهايم إيه
كسى مش مكفيك
ولا مش مشبعك ..
السؤال ده
ودايما تسمع
منى نفس
الإجابة .. قال
لها : معلش بس
باحب اسمعك
بتهيجنى موت ..
وما كانتش
لأنها عمرها
ما سمحت لى
إنى انيكها
من طيزها.
وقال لها هو
العرص ما
مرتين ورا
بعض كمان ؟ .
وهيا تقول له :
بلاش السيرة
دى انا جاية
اتمتع نيك
اوى . وقعد
ينيك فى كسها
تانى وبعدين
نزل فى كسها
وهيا نامت
وهوه نام
وفجأة رن
قالت له : قوم
يلا البس
الساعة بقت
واحدة يلا
لو حد قابلك
فى الشارع او
البيت انتا
اوكيه . قال
لها : ماشى.وبعد شوية
بوس قام نزل
وهيا ريحت 5
دخلت الحمام
لاقيت نفسي
زى المجنون
قمت وبدون أى
مقدمات لبست
هدوم الخروج
وفتحت الباب
وقفلته زى ما
أكون جاى من
برة لاقيتها
فتحت باب
وقالت : مين ؟.
قلت لها : أنا
يا عمرى . قالت
لى: أهلا
تعالى ادعك
لى ضهرى .
ادعك إيه ؟
جسمك اللى
اتقطع نيك ؟!
المهم قلعت
ودخلت لاقيت
نفسي هايج
موووووووووت وهيا زى ما
يكون بتكفر
عن ذنبها
قعدت تلعب
وتهيجنى قمت
نايكها نيكة
عمرها ما
حصلت ونزلت 3
مرات جوه
كسها فى
الحمام وكنت
حاسس إنى
بانتقم منها
وهيا كانت
متمتعة أوى
بالرغم من
إنها لسه
متناكة من
زوبر تانى بس
مش عارف ليه
كانت هايجة
كده وبعدها
ونكتها تانى
فى الليلة دى
وبعد كده
بشكل رهيب
أكتر من
مرتين فى
وكنت متردد
مش عارف
أصارحها ولا
أراقبها ولا
أطلقها ولا
أكمل متعة
معها وأنا
عارف إنها
شرموطة . لكن
مزاجى وحبى
لها ومعرفتى
إنى كمان
باخونها مع
طوب الأرض
خلانى أستقر
على تكملة
معاها .. بقى
مفتوح open marriage
وعملنا كمان
تبادل زوجات
wife swap مع أصحابى
إنما إيه كان
روعة .. وجربنا
متع ما حدش
يتصورها. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My wife was getting fucked on bed, while I was under bed.txt |
126,804 | null | All the young men are horny | أيوه مساء الفل يا جدعان إيه فاكرني و لا إيه أنا بتاع البيضان جاي بقى النهاردة عشان أكلمكم عن الهيجان طبعا كلنا هيجانين أنا شايف واحد أهوه راح مطلع بتاعه إيه يا عم ده ما علينا أحكى لكم بقى حكايتى جاهزين هه ؟ زبري شد ساعة صبحية والجو كان ميه الميه قلت اصطباحة والفلم السكس وأقعد شوية مع دماغى شربت جوان في جوان في جوان لحد ما قام جايب داغي كل الشباب تعبان هيجان عايز ينيك عايز نسوان كل الشباب تعبان هيجان عايز ينيك عايز نسوان شغلت الفلم وشفت نياكة هجت بطريقة بنت متناكة قلت أما أبرز في الحمام مسكت زبري وجريت قوام قلت يا واد لأ ده مش كلام هات لك شرموطة إديها ونام كل الشباب تعبان هيجان عايز ينيك عايز نسوان كل الشباب تعبان هيجان عايز ينيك عايز نسوان قلت لازم أكلم فؤاد بقى عشان أنا تعبت أوييييييييي كلمت فؤاد قال لي شوية بيب بيب بيب عدى عليا لبست الطقم ضربت الجل نزلت يا مان قلت له هيجان قال لي وأنا كمان آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/All the young men are horny.txt |
126,805 | null | "Malak" the Saudi Woman and the Egyptian Men | أنا اسمي (ملاك) امرأة سعودية ناعمة الشعر وطويلته جدا بيضاء اللون جميلة بنسبة 85/100 طولي 180 سم وزني 62 كجم جسمي جميل لدي مؤخرة مفلطحة وعريضة وبارزة قليلا مخصرة وأنا ذات نهدين كبيرين. أعيش في الرياض. لم أكمل دراستي. ليس لدي إخوة ذكور كانت لدي أخت واحدة تكبرني وقد تزوجت من شخص مرموق وحنون جدا وذهبت لتعيش معه في جدة، وأنا ربة منزل ولا أعمل، وأبي متوفى وقد زوجتني والدتي وأنا في سن 20 سنة من شخص أصغر مني بسنتين طويل مفتول العضلات أسمر اللون كان همجيا جدا وكان يعاملني بقسوة شديدة.
وبعد سنتين من زواجي توفيت والدتي وأصبحت وحيدة ليس لدي ظهر أستند إليه إلا هذا الزوج العصبي وكان أكثر شيء يعجبني فيه، وهي الحسنة الوحيدة في حياته والتي كنت أراها فيه، هو أن لديه أسلوب جميل جدا في فن التعامل فقط أثناء الجماع الجنسي وأيضا قضيبه الطويل الضخم الذي إذا رأته أي فتاة ترتعب وتموت خوفا منه وطبعا هذا ما حصل لي في ليلة الدخلة وهي أول مرة أرى فيها هذا الزب الوحشي، كان زوجي في كل ليلة قبل أن يجامعني يبدأ في تسخين الموقف وتذويبي بحركاته ولمساته السحرية من قبلاته العنيفة ومص رقبتي حتى ينزل إلى نهدي الكبيرين الحجم ويرضع حلماتي الوردية ويعضهم ويعصرهم بيديه حتى يصل إلى كسي الضيق الذي رغم ضيقه قد اعتاد على ضخامة زبه من كثر نياكته لي ويطبق عليه بفمه ويلحسه ويتلذذ بلعقه وكأنه آيس كريم ويمصه مصا رهيبا وأبدا لا يترك لكسي مجالا ليأخذ أنفاسه حتى تنزل مني شهوتي الأولى وبعد أن يراني قد سحت وذبلت أمامه فوق السرير وقد تهيأ كسي للنيك فيقوم يمسك بساقاي ويرفعهما على كتفيه ويضرب برأس زبه على بظري عدة ضربات حتى أسمع إيقاعاته وتغميسه بالسوائل التي نزلت من كسي ثم يمسح به من الأعلى إلى الأسفل.كان يطرب عندما يسمع سيمفونية الفقاعات وهو يمسح شفرات كسكوسي الناعم ويبدأ في إيلاج زبه الضخم الطويل وإخراجه، وأصبح أنا كالدمية في يديه يقلبني كيفما يشاء وينكحني بجميع الوضعيات فتغمرني حالة من النشوى العارمة وأصبح مخدرة الأطراف وأعيش في عالم آخر وكأني عاهرة وظيفتي هي (امرأة للنيك فقط) . وعلى دوام هذا الحال أصبحت لا أستطيع أن أنام إلا بعد أن يعطيني زوجي الحقنة المنومة وكأني مدمنة مخدرات وخاصة أن لديه قضيب رووعة كل بنت تتمنى أن يكون لها زوج لديه مثل هذا الزب الجميل.
وبعد مرور عشر سنوات من الزواج والحياة غير المتكافئة وبدون أبناء وذات ليلة وبعد شجار طويل مع هذا الزوج المتعجرف الذي لا يبحث إلا عن راحته الجنسية شاءت الأقدار وطلقني ولم يرحم حالتي وفي صباح اليوم الثاني رجعت مكسورة الجناح إلى منزل أبي وقد قمت بإخراج المؤجرين منه وسكنت أنا فيه لوحدي لا أب ولا أم و لا أخت ؛ حتى جيراننا القدامى قد ذهبوا إلى مناطق أخرى وقد قاموا بتأجير منازلهم لعزاب فأصبحت هذه المنطقة لا يقطنها سوى العزاب و الأجانب.
وقضيت أول ليلة في منزلنا القديم وحيدة وحزينة ينتابني شعور من الخوف والحرمان وبعد مرور ثلاث أيام وقد هدأت نفسي ، بعد أن رأيت بأن منزل العزاب الذي بجوار منزلي كانوا ناس طيبين وقد تعاونوا معي بشكل ايجابي وأعانوني على صيانة المنزل وكنسه وتنظيفه حيث كان منهم السباك والكهربائي والصباغ والنجار وكانوا جميعا من المصريين - أي من جنسية أجنبية - ولمساعدتي أعطوني أرقام هواتفهم وقالوا لي: في حال صادفك أي عائق نرجو بأن لا تتردديَ في الاتصال بنا إذا واجهتك أي مشكلة.
لكن المشكلة الحقيقية التي كانت تصادفني هي عدم استطاعتي النوم أثناء الليل وذلك لأنني وبصراحة تعودت على ذلك الزب وتلك الحقنة المهبلية الكبيرة ثم تواليت الليالي وأنا فوق سريري أتذكر وأحترق ويشب كسي نارا ويكوي شوقا فالآن ليس لديه وحيس يؤنسه ويطفئ نيرانه في وحدته سوى إصبعي المسكين ولا أنام حتى أقضي حاجتي الجنسية بيدي.بعد مرور أسبوعين في منزلي تفاجأت بأن المواسير في دورة المياه كانت تسرب الماء بشكل كبير فما كان مني إلا أن اتصلت بمنزل العزاب وطلبت من السباك الشاب المصري الصعيدي محمود أن يصلح لي المواسير التالفة فلم يتردد السباك في خدمتي وأتى على الفور بعدته.
كانت الساعة الثانية ظهرًا وكان يلبس جلبابًا أبيض وقد رفعه إلى ما فوق الركبة ليسهل له النزول تحت المغسلة دخل إلى الحمام وشمر عن ساعديه وأنا أقف وراءه ونزل على ركبتيه وأدخل رأسه تحت المغسلة ومد بنفسه إلى الأمام ليصل إلى المواسير فارتفع جلبابه وظهرت خصيتاه الصغيرتان فتهيجت من هذا الموقف وأنا أصلاً مثارة، فأنزلت رأسي قليلاً حتى رأيت قضيبه الأسمر النائم فاجتاحتني الشهوة فلم أستطع منع نفسي من السقوط تحت زبه وخصيتيه الصغيرتين وبينما كان هو منهمك في تصليح المواسير تجرأت ومددت يدي بين أفخاذه وأطبقت على قضيبه وخصيتيه فالتفت لي مذعورًا فتبسمت له وقلت له: لا عليك لا تخف وأكمل عملك.
فصمت ولم ينطق بأي كلمة وراح يكمل تصليح المواسير وأنا أمسك بزبه وأدعكه وأدلكه مداعبة خفيفة حتى انتصب زبه بين يدي وعندما رأيته يتبسم وقد تقبل الوضع قمت وخرجت من الحمام وخلعت جميع ملابسي سلط ملط ودخلت الحمام وهو منهمك حتى الآن في التصليح ومن خجله لا يكاد أن يرفع رأسه فنزلت بين أرجله وأنا على ظهري وقد وسع لي الطريق حتى أصل لما أريد وكان قضيبه قد انتصب إلى أقصى حد له وكان ضخمًا ورائعًا كقضيب طليقي فبدأت برضاعة رأس هذا القضيب ثم أدخلته قليلاً قليلاً حتى ابتلعته بأكمله في فمي وكاد يسبب لي الغصة من كبره تمامًا كما كان قضيب طليقي.
وأصبح السباك محمود يتأوه - آآآه آآآه ياااه وكان يقول: روعة روعة..جامد
يا مدام ملاك، فلم تمر 5 دقائق وأنا أرضع من زبه كالعنزة الصغيرة (الصخلة) حتى صرخ السباك وأراد أن يخرج قضيبه من فمي فأمسكته من ظهره وشددت عليه حتى لا يخرجه من فمي فقذف ما في خصيتيه في فمي وكان قذفه كحنفية الماء الساخن حتى امتلأ حلقي وخرج وتدفق المني وزبه لحد الآن داخل فمي فلم أتركه قضيبه حتى نام واسترخى داخل فمي وأنا أمصه وأرضعه فقمت من تحته وجلس هو مستندًا على الحائط يأخذ أنفاسه ثم قال لي: مدام ملاك إنتي جميلة إنتي جامدة جدا.
فسألته مستغربة من سرعة قذفه ومنيه الكثير فقال لي بأنه محروم ولم يقذف ما في خصيتيه من 6 شهور ولهذا كان سريع القذف وكثير المني فعرفت أنه لن يتردد في نيكي مرة ثانية الآن، ثم قلت له: يجب أن تبدل ملابسك المبللة. فقام وخلع قميصه فأصبحنا نحن الاثنين عراة بداخل الحمام وهو ينظر لي بتلهف وكأنه لم يصدق ما هو فيه فسحبته إلى الصالة فوقف أمامي ثم انقض علي وضمني كالنمر عندما ينقض على فريسته وبدأ يمسك بنهدي الكبيرين ويقفش فيهما ويمصهما ثم ضمني وأطبق بكلتا يديه على مؤخرتي وحملني و وضعني على طاولة الطعام وهجم على كسي لحسًا وتقبيلاً حتى أنزلت على وجهه شهوتي وكان من فرط جنونه عندما رأى بأن كسي متهدل وضيق وجميل أراد أن يدخل رأسه فيه، فأمسكت به من رأسه وسحبته على صدري وكنت أضحك بصوت عالي على ما كان يريد أن يفعله، فرفعت أرجلي ومهدت له الطريق لنيكي فبدأ بإدخال زبه في كسي وإخراجه ببطء حتى أنزل لبنه مرة ثانية لكن هذه المرة في مهبلي في أعماق كسي وكان منيه غزيرا وساخنا ثم سقط فوقي يلهث من التعب ثم لبس ملابسه وشكرني كثيرًا وخرج إلى منزله.
وفي اليوم الثاني على الساعة الثانية ظهرًا رن جرس هاتف منزلي وعندما ردّدت عليه قال لي: أنا جارك حسنين النقاش الشاب المصري الإسكندري فقلت له: أهلاً بك ماذا تريد؟.
فقال: ألا تريدين أن أدهن لك المنزل؟. فرحبت بمساعدته لي ودعوته إلى منزلي ليرى ما يحتاج وأتى على الفور ومعه البويات.كان حسنين مصري الجنسية إسكندري يلبس جلبابا واسعا فقلت له: إني أريد أن أدهن الصالة باللون الأبيض. فقال: حاضر يا ستي إنتي بس تؤمري وأنا أنفذ. ثم ذهبت للمطبخ لأعمل له كوب شاي وعندما عدت له رأيته قد خلع الجلباب وركب فوق الخشبة الرافعة وبدأ في دهان (طلاء) الحائط وكان يلبس سروالا أصفر واسعا وكان ممزقا من الأسفل فوقفت بجانب الخشبة الرافعة وبدأت أتحدث معه وأنا أنظر إلى الفتحة الممزقة في سرواله وتعجبت عندما بان لي قضيبه.
كان ضخما وياله من هول ما رأيت وأظنه كان أيضا مثل قضيب طليقي فأحسست بأن بظر كسي قد انتصب وبدأت إفرازات كسي بالنزول فتجرأت ومددت يدي أتحسس سيقانه، وكان حسنين من النوع الأملس رجله خالية من الشعر فنظر لي وقال: مالك يا ست إنتي بتعملي إيه خلينا نشوف شغلنا بقى.
فأدخلت يدي في سرواله الواسع وقبضت على قضيبه الضخم وكان قد انتصب قليلا، فتبسم ونزل من فوق الخشبة الرافعة وبدأ في نزع ملابسي كلها وبدون أي مقدمات طرحني أرضا وَرفع سيقاني ووضع قضيبه المصري على كسي السعودي الهائج وقال لي: إنتي اللي بدأتي فتحملي ما سيصيبك. وصوب قضيبه في أحشائي بضربة واحدة فشهقت وابتلعت ريقي من اللذة والاستمتاع والشهوة وبدأ يدك قضيبه في كسي دكا مثل الحفار ومرت ساعة كاملة وهو على هذا الحال وأظن أنني أنزلت شهوتي 15 مرة حتى فقدت الوعي ولم أدري ما حصل بعدها.وعندما أفقت رأيت نفسي ممددة على السرير في غرفتي والمني يغطي صدري وأصبحت الساعة 6 مساء وخرجت ورأيته قد أنهى طلاء حائط الصالة وكان جالسا على عتبة باب الصالة يدخن السيجارة فلما رآني ابتسم وأعطاني سيجارة ودخنا معا ، وقال لي: ألف ألف مبروك وصباحية مباركة يا عروسة والحمد لله على السلامة.
ضحكت في رضا واستمتاع وقلت له: إنت عملت فيني إيه يا بعلي؟
ضحك وقال لي : أنا قلت لك إنتي اللي بديتي وذنبك على جنبك.
وفي اليوم الثالث اتصل بي الكهربائي المصري الصعيدي محمود وقال لي: مدام ملاك مش عايزة تعمل تشيك على كهربة البيت. فعرفت بأن رجال مصر ، أبناء النيل العظيم ، محمود وحسنين وماهر كلهم أصبحوا يحبونني ويشتهونني ويريدون نيكي فما كان مني إلا أن أعطيت كلا منهم مهمة لتصليح منزلي ويكون دفع أجرهم عن طريق كسي فتناوبوا في حفلة جماعية على من الساعة الثانية ظهرا حتى الساعة الثانية عشر منتصف الليل وكل بدوره وبوظيفته فأتممت صيانة منزلي وأيضا تسليك مواسير كسي الداخلية وصيانة نفسي بالكامل.
وقرر طليقي - الذي يعمل الآن في أبها - بعد فترة أن يصالحني ، وأن نتزوج مرة أخرى ، فرفضت في البداية لكن مع إلحاحه ، وافقت .. واشترطت عليه أن أبقى في منزل أبي طوال فترة غيابه في أبها .. وكان يعود إلى الرياض في عطلته يوما كل أسبوعين ونلتقي في منزلنا .... وكان ذلك ينا سبنا جدا ويثيرني وبقيت على علاقتي بعشاقي المصريين الثلاثة .. أستمتع برجولتهم وفحولتهم وأحلي بأزبارهم طوال الأسبوعين (طبق الحلو) .. وأحدق بزب زوجي (طبق الحادق) .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Malak the Saudi woman and the Egyptian men.txt |
126,809 | null | Madawi, the Saudi playful wife | أنا سامي سائق تاكسي مصري أعمل في الرياض بالسعودية. أخرج من المنزل إلى عملي بدري. كتير ألاقي كل ما أطلع بالتاكسي، يطلع معايا زبائن كتير يكونوا خولات (شواذ). ما أعرفش ليه حد داعي عليا يمكن.
المهم كل ما أطلع مع زبون من دول يقعد يكلمني عن النت كيف استخدامه.. وفي مرة زهقت قلت له وكان اسمه (متعب): اخلص وش تبغي؟
قال: فاهمني؟
قلت: إيه. تبغي مواقع سكس؟
قال: إيه. إش عرفك؟
قلت: ما انت أول واحد يسألني السؤال ذا.
وتكلمنا عن النيك (اللواط).
قال لي: أنا متزوج بس ما أبغي الكس.
قلت له: ليه خليك في الحلال غيرك ما حصّل.
قال: أنا أحب أتناكك.
قلت: هااااااااااااااه تبغيني أنيكك يعني؟
قال: يا ليت تطفي محنتي.
قلت له: طيب أنيكك بس إش المقابل؟.
قال: اللي تبغيه.
قلت: طيب وين؟ هنا بالسيارة؟
قال: لا بالبيت.
قلت: والمرة؟
قال: يا رجال عادي سيبك من مضاوي. يلا.
قلت في نفسي: إمم اسمها مضاوي. اسم حلو ومثير يا ترى هي جسمها زي اسمها.
ورحنا البيت ودخلني أوضة النوم الأوضة روعة جدا على فكرة أنا كلح أوي يعني أعطيه في وجهه.
قلت له: وين المدام؟
قال وبكل برودة: مضاوي شكلها بالحمام.
شوية وقلع الزبون هدومه. نكته وأنا مغمض. طيزه ملياني شعر وبعدين دخلت حرمته وسبته.
حد يشوف الجمال ده ويسيبه!
ودخلت علينا الحرمة، كانت ست الحسن، تشبه هيفاء وهبي جدا جدا، وكان اسمها (مضاوي).
قلت لها: أنا ضيف عندكم.
ردت بكل سهولة: هلا بالضيف!
قلت: هلا بيك ترى زوجك ما يستاهلك.
قالت: أنا ما أحس معاه بشي. شوي وأقلب رجال.
قلت: إش الرقة والحلاوة ذي.
قالت: كلك ذوق.
المهم كانت مضاوي لابسة روب توها خارجة من الحمام. شعرها ناعم أوي وعيون سود طولها حوالي 170 وزنها متناسب جدا.
المهم جلست جنبي. قالت: إش الكتب ذيين؟ تدرس بالثانوية ولا بالمتوسط؟.
قلت: لا تغلطين أنا مؤهل عالي.
قالت: مو بايّن عليك انته مرة قصير.
قلت: قصير بس خطير.
وحطيت إيدي على فخذها.قالت: أول مرة حد يحط إيده على فخذي.
وبقيت أطلع شوية شوية حتى وصلت للكس. بصيت لها.
قلت: السيارة وصلت المطار. وضحكت.
دخلت صواعبي في كس مضاوي المنتفخ (الكبيني) ما فيهوش ولا شعرة. وبدأت أبوسها. فمي في فمها. وبدأت تمص لساني. وقام زبي.
قالت: إش هذا.
قلت: زب وش تشوفي إنتي.
قالت: شكلك ماخذه من أبوك.
قلت: يلا نبدأ نركن السيارة.
قالت: يلا.
شلت الروب ورميته بعيد وبدأت أدخل زبي في كس مضاوي وهي تقول: آه آه آه آه آه آه آه آه آه زبك يجنن دخله كله.
وبقيت أدخل وأخرج بقوة وهي تتأوه وخرجته من كسها وبدأت تمص بقوة قلت: أنا بنزل!
وخرجته من فم مضاوي ودخلته في كسها الملتهب وفضيت في كسها وذهبنا إلى الحمام وأخذنا دش جميل كنت أمصمصها تحت الماء الدافي وألحس كسها ومن ثم خرجنا وقالت لي: لا تنسى بكرة تيجي. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Madawi, the Saudi playful wife.txt |
126,811 | null | Naglaa and 4 young men on the beach | أنا (نجلاء) ، من الإسكندرية ، عمري الآن 27 سنة. قبل سنوات وعندما كنت طالبة في ثانية جامعة طلبت مني إحدى صديقاتي أن أرافقها للخروج مع حبيبها لأن أهلها لا يثقون بخروجها إلا بصحبتي وقد وافقت مضطرة بحكم صداقتنا القوية. وفي يوم موعدها مع حبيبها التقينا سوية بمكان يبعد قليلاً عن دارنا وانتظرنا حتى حضر حبيبها بسيارته الفارهة فركبنا معه للتنزه كما أخبرتني صديقتي وجلست هي بجواره وأنا في المقعد الخلفي وطوال الطريق كانت حركاتهم وملامساتهم تدور فيما بينهما وكنت أتصنع بأني لا أرى شيئاً حتى لا أحرجهم. وأخيراً وصلنا إلى منطقة شاليهات وكابينات سياحية مطلة على الشاطئ ودخلنا أحداهما وهي تعود لحبيب صديقتي وبعد أن جلسنا قليلاً لاحظت نظراتهم الحائرة ووجدت نفسي مضطرة للخروج بأي حجة ليخلو لهم الجو وبالفعل تذرعت بأنني أود التنزه على الشاطئ لأستنشق عذب الهواء إلا أنهم منعوا ذلك بطريقة تدل على فرحتهم بمقترحي فغادرت المكان وبدأت نزهتي وبعد مرور وقت قليل شعرت بالعطش فلاحظت وجود قمرة صغيرة وسط الشاليهات وفيها المرطبات فاتجهت نحوها واشتريت مشروباً غازياً ثم عدت متجهة نحو الشاطئ وفجأة انفتحت أبواب إحدى الكابينات وخرج منها شابان وسيمان رياضيان بشورتات السباحة وسحباني عنوة إلى داخل الكابينة. حاولت الصراخ إلا أنهما سدا فمي بأيديهما وعندما أصبحت في الداخل رأيت شابين آخرين وسيمين ورياضيين أيضا بملابس السباحة أيضاً فمد أحدهم يده بسكين مطبخ كبيرة وأشار بها نحوي وقال: أي كلمة أو صرخة ستجدين نفسك في عداد الأموات... حقيقة خفت كثيراً وتملكتني الرهبة وبدأت بالبكاء والتوسل إليهم ...إلا أنهم مددوني على فراش كان في أرض الغرفة وبدأوا ينزعون عني ملابسي فيما تعاونوا على ضبط وتقييد حركتي بالضغط على يدي وفمي وساقي حتى خارت قواي من كثرة محاولات الإفلات والرفس بالأيدي والأرجل التي أبديتها في محاولة يائسة للتخلص منهم. وبعد أن أصبحت عارية من كل ملابسي بدأوا ينزعون شورتات السباحة وتقدم أحدهم بعد أن فتحوا ساقي وبدأ يمسح بزبه على كسي بعد أن بلله بلعابه كثيرا ودفعه بقوة اخترقت مهبلي وصرخت من الألم (إلا أن يد أحدهم كانت قد كممت فمي) وبعد أن اخترق قضيبه كسي بدأ يولجه في مهبلي بعصبية وسرعة كان خلالها الألم قد أتعبني حتى شعرت بدفقات منية حارة تندفع داخلي وتنحى جانبا ليساعد صديقه الذي دخل بين ساقي بدلا عنه وبدأ يمسح بقضيبه بين شفري كسي ثم أولجه وبدأ ينيكني نيكا قويا حتى أحسست بأنه سيغمى علي. وبعد أن قذف سائله في داخلي تنحى جانبا ليكمل ثالثهم كما بدأ من سبقه وبعد أن أفرغ ما بزبه من حليب ترك المجال لرابعهم الذي كان كالوحش فقد شعرت بأن قضيبه قد وصل إلى معدتي كما أنه تأخر بقذفه أكثر من أصحابه فبدأت آآآآهاتي ترتفع فقد تركوا فمي طليقا بعد أن تأكدوا من انتهاء مقاومتي وبدأ ولوج القضيب في مهبلي يضفي إحساسا غريبا لذيذا وممتعا جدا غير ما شعرت به في البداية فبدأت أتأوه بآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآحتى
أفرغ مني في
مهبلي فيما
أصدقاؤه قد
إلا أحدهم
حيث بقي
عاريًا وهنا
بالخروج من
أما هو فقد
دخل بجسده
بين ساقي
التي بقيت
مفتوحة فقد
خارت قواي
إلى آخر درجة
وبدأ يمسح
كسي برقة
ورقية ثم بلل
بلعاب فمه
عدة مرات
ومسح بها زبه
وبدأ يحكه
على شفري كسي
رعشات خفيفة
في جسدي
وخاصة ظهري
وبدأت أتلوى
دون شعور فدس
زبه في كسي
ببطء وبدأ
بهدوء ومعها
آآآهاااااي : آآآآآه
آي آآآآخ
آآآآوي ،
تتصاعد مع
وتيرة حركة
زبه داخلي
ولا أبالغ إن
قلت أنني لم
أعد أشعر بأي
ألم وإنما
اللامتناهية و الرعشات
لذيذة وفجأة
سحب قضيبه من
كسي ليتدفق
أول دفقاته
على شفري كسي
ثم سرعان ما
أعاده داخلي
ليكمل قذفه
في مهبلي
ورحمي وكأنه
كان يتلذذ
بمنظر مني
وهو ينساب
على أشفار
كسي وبعد أن
أفرغ آخر
قطرة من مني
في رحمي سحب
قضيبه ومسحه
على بطني ثم
ارتدى شورت
وخرج مسرعًا
فيما بقيت
أنا على حالي
غير مصدقة ما
حدث وكأنني
كنت أحلم .
وبعد انقضاء
قرابة النصف
ساعة نهضت
لأرى كثافة
المني بين
شفري كسي
وعلى ملاءة
مناديل ورق
وبدأت أنظف
نفسي واتجهت
إلى الحمام
حيث تبولت
وخرجت من
متجهة إلى
بينما قطرات
المني كانت
لا تزال تنزل
من كسي
بكولوتي .
وعلى الشاطئ
وجدت الشبان
ويتشمسون ..
إليهم ،
إليهم فلما
وأفسحوا لي
مكانًا بينهم
فأصبحت أنا
في الوسط وعن
يميني شابان
وعن شمالي
شابان ..
وسألتهم عن
بنفسي ..كان أحمد خريج معهد تعاون وراميبكالوريوس تجارة وتامر طالب في ثالثة ثانوي ووحيد متزوج ويعمل مهندسا إنشائيا في إحدى الشركات، كانوا جميعا من القاهرة وأكبر مني ما عدا تامر كان أصغر مني.. ورفعت الكلفة بيننا.. وبدأت أيديهم تمتد بالمداعبات لصدري ويدي ووجهي وشعري وساقي وبين فخذي من فوق ملابسي.. ثم أخذوني ليصطحبوني إلى الكابينة ولكني قلت لهم: لا بل أريد أن نمارس الحب هنا على الشاطئ على الرمال وتحت الشمس.. فابتسموا، وهزوا رؤوسهم بالموافقة بسعادة واصطحبوني إلى ركن منزو من الشاطئ حيث لا رقيب.. وفرشوا ملاءة ضخمة وعريضة على الرمال وخلعت عنهم ملابسهم بنفسي وأنا في غاية السرور.. وأخذت ألثم شفتي وحيد ثم شفتي تامر وأتنقل بين فم أحمد ورامي.. ثم جلسوا على الملاءة ووقفت أخلع عن نفسي ملابسي كالاسترباتز.. ثم رقصت لهم عارية حافية.. وجذبوني لأسقط في أحضانهم وأنا أضحك.. ثم تناوبوا على لحس كسي.. أحمد أولا ثم وحيد ثم رامي ثم تامر.. ونهضت وتناوبت أنا على تدليك أزبارهم بالهانجوب، رامي أولا ثم وحيد ثم تامر ثم أحمد.. ورقدت على ظهري ودعوت أحمد بطرف ظفري ليأتي ويعتليني وينيكني.. ويفرغ فيّ لبنه اللذيذ الوفير الغزير.. وهو يضمني بقوته وعضلاته ودفء رجولته ويحتضنني ويغمرني بعبارات الغزل ويقبل أذني وخدي.. ثم نهض عني ببطء، ثم دعوت رامي وفعل بي مثلما فعل أحمد وقذف في كسي أيضا.. ثم دعوت تامر ثم وحيد ولكن جعلتهما يقذفان على ثديي.. وكانت أشهى وأمتع اللحظات.. وبعدما انتهينا تحممت عارية في مياه البحر والأربعة يغنون لي ويسمونني "حورية البحر الإسكندرية التي هبطت علينا من السماء هدية".. ثم نهض أحمد وأتى بطقم بكيني أزرق جميل فأخذته منه سعيدة مغتبطة وارتديته ورقدت على الرمال عند غدو وروح الموج الخفيف الرقيق ومددت ساقي في استرخاء كنجمات السينما الجميلات.. ورقد الأربعة من حولي وضممتهم إليّ.. وغرقنا في دنيا من الملاعبات والمغازلات المتبادلة..ثم نهضت وقد تذكرت صديقتي وارتديت ملابسي على البكيني على عجل بعدما أعطاني الشباب البكيني تذكارا منهم ووددعتهم بالقبلات العميقة والأحضان الطويلة وقد امتلأت ثيابي بالرمال وسوائلي وسوائلهم.. على وعد بلقاء جديد..
التقيت بصديقتي وحبيبها وقالوا: يظهر أن نزهتك كانت جميلة فتأخرت هذه المدة.
فأشرت برأسي مبتسمة دون أن أنبس بكلمة واحدة وتوجهنا إلى السيارة ولم أخبر أحدًا بما جرى لأنني أنا نفسي غير مصدقة ما حدث وكأنه حلم جميل، وبعد مرور مدة نزلت دورتي الشهرية بموعدها وفرحت بها لأنني سوف لن أضطر لإخبار أحد بما جرى فقد كنت مرتعبة من احتمال أن أحبل وكيف أتصرف... وكنت ألتقي مع عشاقي الأربعة كل صيف كلما جاءوا للتصييف .. وفي الصيف التالي جلبوا معهم كريما مهبليا قاتلا للحيوانات المنوية .. وجعلوني أستعمله وهو ذو مفعول فوري يوضع قبل النيك مباشرة .. ولا نزال نلتقي حتى اليوم .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Naglaa and 4 young men on the beach.txt |
126,812 | null | Egyptian man's adventures with the sponsor's wife in Riyadh | أنا هشام
طبيب شاب
مصرى 29 سنة
بالرياض في
السعودية ،
قوى البنية ،
رياضى ، وسيم .
طول عمرى
باعشق الجنس
بس باحب
أمارسه على
وبامتع لما
أتفرج أنا
وبنت على
فيلم سكس
بنفس الوقت
ونسمع آهات
بعض ولما
أنزل حليب
زبى على
وبنت تصرخ من
المهم ما
حاولتش أنيك
حقيقى . وكان
شغلى كله
رجالة زى ما
انتم عارفين
فى مجتمع
منغلق زى
اختلاط . وده
ساهم فى
وفى مرة
قابلت على
الشات واحدة
عمرها 35 سنة .
حسيت بحلاوة
أشوفها على
الكاميرا ..
وأكلمها ..
حاولت أقرب
منها فى
الشات وأخدت
نتكلم بعد
الشغل على
تجرنى للجنس
على الكام
وكنت بخاف
على شغلى
ونفسى أحسن
انتفضح فى
يرحلنى ولا
وأتهان من
السعودى لكن
ما قدرتش
نتكلم على
بشهوة غريبة .
كانت بتلحس
كأنها بتلحس
زبى وكانت
الكاميرا فى
داخل كسها
وعشنا شهر
شهوانى 4 أو 5
باللييل كل
ويا خرابى
على جمالها
لما شفتها
الكاميرا .
كانت العنود
بطريقة لا
يتخيلها بشر
، وقالت لى
إنها مطلقة -
وانضح لى بعد
كده إنها
ميييييييييييييين - . كان
جسمها خرافى
صدر ملبن
منتصب وكانت
تتفاخر إنه
من غير حمالة
صدر وبطن . كنت
على طول أجيب
شهوتى وأنا
بلساني وطيز
حازز عليها
وكس مبطرخ
الكولون من
قدام لما
المهم مش ها
أطول عليكم.
وكان بينا
غمز ولمز
لحد التاسعة
صباح يوم
الجمعة 12/7/1430
نتكلم على
اللى حصل على
النت بينا
طول الفترة
اللى فاتت
نتكلم .قالت لى إن زوجها مسافر فى مأمورية تبع شغله من إمبارح فى الدمام ومش راجع قبل أسبوع.
وفجأة قالت لى إن النهاردة أول يوم تتمنانى حقيقى إمبارح، وإنها عايزة تيجى لى بيتى وسألتنى عن العنوان قلت لها.
شوية والباب خبط، وكانت صلاة الجمعة بعد ساعة. وفتحت. كانت منقبة ولابسة عباءة سوداء مثيرة مزينة ومخصرة قالت لى: أدخلنى بسرعة، أنا العنود.
أدخلتها ومددت يدى ونزعت عن وجهها النقاب، وأبعدتنى ضاحكة وخلعت عباءتها فإذا البكينى الملتهب يختبئ تحتها، ، وبدأنا نقرب من بعض وبستها فى الشفايف وبقيت أمص شفايفها وأعض فيهم وألحس لسانها وأنزل على رقبتها وأنا بافك فى السوتيان بتاعها ونزلت لصدرها ويا له من أجمل مليون مرة من اللى شفته على الكام كأنه صدر جديد بقيت أمص واألحس وأعضعض فى الحلمة وألعب بلسانى بينهم وهى تصرخ آهات مكتومة ونزلت لبطنها واألحس وألعب بلسانى والعنود خلاص مش قادرة نزلت لكولوت البكينى أنزله ولاقيت تحته كولوت أبيض ونزلت على كل جزء من رجليها ألحسه وأبوسه لحد ما حطيت راسى على باب الكس فوق الكولوت الأبيض ولاقيته غرقان وشفرات الكس ظاهرين جدا تحته وبدأت ألحس عسله والعب بلسانى فوق الكولوت وقلعته ودخلت لسانى جوه كسها.
الأميرة السعودية ارتعشت رعشة ما شفتهاش لا قبل ولا بعد وفضلت ترطن وتغنج باللهجة السعودى وبدأت تمسك فى راسى وتضغط عليها باتجاه كسها وأنا بادخل لسانى وقمت وحطيت زبى فى بقها وهى تمص وترضع وتلعب بكسها بنفس الوقت ونزلت أنيك بين بزازها بزبى لأنى كنت عارف اللى هى بتحبه من خلال الجنس على الماسنجر وأنيكها وقلبتها على بطنها وألحس فى كسها من ورا وأبعبص طيزها بصبعى وهى تصرخ وبعدين لاقيتها زقتنى نزلتنى على ظهرى وأقول لها: اصبرى يا سعودية يا لبوة.
تقول لى العنود بالسعودى ما معناه بالمصرى: لا خلاص مش قادرة يا المصرى.وراحت
وحاطاه على
باب كسها
وراحت قاعدة
مرة واحدة
بكل قوتها
عليه دخل جوه
رحمها وهي
تصرخ وتقوم
وتقع زى
وطلعته من
كسها لطيزها
وعلى كدا نصف
ساعة وكل ما
تحس إنى
هانزل تهدا
شوية لحد أنا
ما أهدا
وتبدأ تانى
بخبرة وشبق
وشهوة ما
شفتهاش فى
الجنسية لحد
ما خلاص
وشبعت طلعته
من طيزها
حططته فى
كسها وقالت
لى : نزل فى كسى
يا هشوم
علشان أشتاق
لزبك على طول .
ونزلتهم فى
كس العنود - ما
أحلى الكس
السعودى -
وملىت كسها
لبن بالهبل
ولحست زبى
وممصته ولبست
بعدها أربع
مرات نزلت
لبنى تلات
مرات فى كسها
ومرة فى
وهى بتلم
هدومها وقعت
منها صورة
راجل .. مسكت
بتاعى .. قلت
لها : مين ده ؟
قالت لى : ده
جوزى .
قلت : قصدك
طليقك .
قالت لى
بالسعودى ما
بالمصرى : لا
أنا كذبت
عليك . ده جوزى
ومبنفكرش فى
الطلاق . أنا
قلت كده بس
عشان أقربك
منى وخفت إنك
تبعد عنى .
اتكيفت أنا
أوى من
معرفتى بإنى
نكت مرات
الكفيل اللى
وقارفنى فى
وذاللنى آخر
ذل ، والعنود
ما كانتش
تعرف اللى
عند جوزها ،
وحملت منى
ولد زى القمر
سميته هشام
جوزها وكنا
بنتقابل فى
بيتى أحيانا
باقابلها فى
بيتها فى
غياب جوزها
بس مش كتير
للظروف اللى
عارفينها !!!!!!!!!!
وفضلنا أنا
ننام ونقوم
ونقوم وننام
على حب فى حب
لغاية ما
عرفتنى على
صاحبتها نوف ..
يا خرابى على
نوف ! ولكن هذه
قصة أخرى. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Egyptian man's adventures with the sponsor's wife in Riyadh.txt |
126,813 | null | Me and the married beauty of El-Mahalla El-Kubra | أنا وزوجة المحلة
لو أعجبتكم حقيقة قصصي أكمل الباقي
أنا شاب 28 سنة من محافظة الغربية.
بيتي أربع أدوار كنت في الدور الرابع بروح شغلي 4 عصرا وأرجع 1 صباحا. كان تحتي ناس من المحلة واحد وزوجته وعندهم بنت عندها 12 سنة. كان الزوج دائما مسافر شغله بييجي كل أسبوع. الزوجة نهى كان قوامها سمين بعض الشيء، صدرها منتفخ، شعرها أسود وناعم وغزير، عينين عسليين، مؤخرة متوسطة. كنا في عز الصيف وطبعا الصيف كيف. كان دائما شباك أوضة نومها على السلم مفتوح على البحري وأنا نازل وطالع للدور اللي فوق. المهم بدأت قصتي مع نهى في يوم النور اتقطع لأنها عملت قفلة في البيت. وطلعت ترن جرس الباب قصدتني في عمل الكهرباء. والدي رجل كبير ووالدتي متوفية.
قلت لها: أنا تحت أمرك.
نزلت عملت الكهرباء وبسرعة شديدة كنت خارج من الشقة لعدم وجود زوجها كانت بتتكسف جدا جدا.
المهم في يوم رايح شغلي، قالت لي: عاوزة منك طلب.
قلت لها: أنا في الخدمة.
قالت لي: عاوزة طقم رجالي على ذوقك.
قلت لها: موافق طيب المقاس؟
قالت لي: نفس مقاسك.
المهم أنا وافقت على الفور لعدم وجود حد معاها يقضي طلبها.
رحت شغلي وأنا راجع بعد منتصف الليل كان معايا الطقم أخبط على الباب طبعا الوقت متأخر أوي قلت الصباح ربنا. المهم وأنا طالع على السلم لاقيت أوضة النوم منورة والشباك كان موارب والجو حار جدا وعيني شافت أجمل نساء الدنيا إنسانة بروب بنفسجي لا يوجد لها قوام شبيه بين نساء العالم وشعر مفروش على سرير حرير في حرير.
المهم عملت صوت وأنا طالع فقامت ندهت عليا.
قلت لها: أؤمريني.
قالت لي: جبت الطقم؟
الكلام ده كله من ورا الباب بس بصوت واطي جدا قلت لها: أيوه جبته.
قالت لي: طيب ثواني هافتح.
وفعلا الباب اتفتح وقالت لي: ادخل على الأنتريه أنا جاية على طول.
قلت لها: مدام الوقت متأخر خدي الطقم وأنا أطلع على طول.
قالت لي: لا أنا عاوزاك.
قلت: ماشي.دخلت الأنتريه وبعد خمس دقائق لقيت ملكة تدخل الحجرة بروب مقفول أوى أوى ومداري صدرها بس مبين ملامح جسمها.
قالت لى: خالد جاى بكرة وأنا كنت عاوزة أعمل له مفاجأة بالطقم ده.
قلت لها: تمام.
قالت لى: بس مش عارفة هييجى مقاسه ولا لا؟
قلت لها: طيب وأنا شأنى إيه؟
قالت لى: هاطلب منك طلب ممكن تقيس الطقم أشوفه عليك.
قلت: حاضر.
وفعلا دخلت أوضة النوم وقفلت الباب عليا وفوجئت ورا الباب ستيانة وكلوت وروب وقميص والبارفان هيفرتكهم اتمنيت إنى أكون مكان خالد طبعا زمانها مظبطة نفسها للاحتفال باليوم ده.
نادهت عليا: أعمل لك شاى؟
قلت لها: ماشى ما أنا خلاص استحليت القعدة أوى. الحفلة شكلها جاية جاية.
لبست الطقم وخرجت. وأنا خارج نادهت عليا وقالت لى: ممكن تشوف البوتاجاز ماله مش عاوز يشتغل.
رحت شغلت البوتاجاز.
الجو كان حار جدا فى المطبخ.
فتحت الروب من على صدرها وقالت لى: الجو حار أوى.
قلت لها: أيوه.
قالت لى: الطقم يجنن بس استنى انت مش عادل القميص استنى هاعدله.
وفعلا أجمل إيدين لمستنى. كان يوم جميل أوى أوى. استغليت الظروف دى. قلت لازم أخليها هي تبدأ بأى شكل بس أنا مش من النوع اللى يحس ولا يهجم كدا لالالالا أنا ليا طريقتى الخاصة.
قلت لها: إنتى متزوجة من زمان؟
قالت لى: إتناشر سنة لكن لو حسبت الأيام الحقيقية إتناشر شهر (يعنى سنة واحدة) بالضبط.
قلت: ليه كدا؟
قالت لى: بييجى خميس ويمشى جمعة.
قلت لها: حرام يسيبك كدا.
ما علينا بدأت الخطة بقى يا جماعة. أنا بابدأ وهي بترد.
قلت لها: إنسانة جميلة زيك فى دنيا غدارة مش خايفة.
قالت لى: الدنيا كبيرة.
قلت: بس بحورها أكبر.
قالت: البحر بعيد عنى.
قلت: البحر فى عينيكِ والعشق فى إيديكِ والحنان بين رموش عينيكِ. قالت: انت مين بالضبط
قلت: أنا اللى القدر جابنى ليكِ أبعد من حواليكِ خوف إيديكِ وهزة عينيكِ ولهفة حنانكِ اللى مغطياكِ. لاقيت عينيها بدأت تغرب.
قالت لى: ممكن نقعد شوية؟
قلت: من عينيا.
قعدت مكانها على الأرض فى المطبخ. طبعا القعدة اختلفت خالص. الروب اتفتح مع القعدة. أجمل لفة رجل كانت منها.هي
سندت رجليها
على رجلي بس
بحنان اوى .
قلت : مالك
إنتى تعبانة
قالت : اوى
محتاجة حنان
قلت : انا
الطبيب .
قالت : الدوا
غالى .
قلت : دواكى
موجود .
قالت : بس
غالى .
قلت : لا مش
غالى .
بدأ عضوي في
الانتصاب .
بنظرة من
عينيها عليه
عرفت إنها
شايفاه .
قالت : انا
هاقوم . وهي
بتقوم سندت
عليه اوى حست
بوقوفه . انا
قمت معاها
وإيدى مسكت
وسطها .
قالت لى :
خلاص كدا
هتتعبنى اوى .
وادورت منى .
خوفها كان
بايـن فى
إيديها . قربت
من وراها
وبدأ قضيبى
يلمسها شوية
شوية .
مسكت دماغها
وقالت :
تعبانة .
قلت لها :
معاكى لآخر
لحظة ارح
تعبك .
قالت : صعب .
قلت : مفيش
صعب .
مسكت جمبها
كان كله
مطبات تقيلة
اوى ، وشوية
شوية إيدى
كانت على
صدرها .
ودخلنا أوضة
نيمتها على
ظهرها وانا
جمبها بس
دماغى قدام
وشها .
قلت لها :
مالك ؟
قالت لى :
بالحلم .
قلت لها :
حلمك حقيقة .
فتحت الروب ،
وشفت أجمل
صدر لم أره من
قبل ولا بعد
وأحلى كولوت
من بين رجلها .
سابت نفسها .
قالت : طيب
اقلع الطقم
علشان ما
يتبهدلش .
قلت : من
عينيا .
وفجأة النور
اتقطع قلعت
هدومى خالص .
قالت : انت
فين ؟
قلت : انا
جمبك .
قعدت على
جمبها ،
وفوجئت إن هي
كمان قلعت
خالص لأن نور
جسمها كان
بيضوى فى
الظلمة . قربت
من ودانها ،
وقلت : انتى مش
عطشانة ؟
قالت : اوى .
بوست ودانها
بلسانى على
بالراحة .
قالت لى :
وهمدانة .
قلت : انا
دواكى .
مسكت إيديها
وعلى صدرى
ديتها .
قالت : ياه دا
انت تمام اوى .
بدأت ألحس
صدرها أصل مش
هاقول لكم
انا مدمن
صدور جامدة
اوى . وبدأت
أطلع عليها ،
وهي تلقائى
فتحت رجليها.
وقالت لى :
انا مش بحب
إلا حاجة
واحدة .
قلت : هي إيه ؟ .
شدتنى من
ضهرى عليها .
بقى قضيبى
على مشارف
الحلوانى .
قلت لها :
ادخل السوق ؟
قالت : هيدور
على حاجة ؟ .
قلت لها :
اللى يطمع
فيه ياخده .
قالت : ماشى .
دخلتها رويدا
رويدا .
قالت لى : آه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه . انت
بتقتلنى .
قلت لها : دا
إحنا لسه فى
البداية .
سيبينى أنقى
بقى .
قالت لى : انا
بامـوت .
بدأت أدخله
وأطلعه برة
خالص ، وكانت
بتموت من
طلوعه برة
أساسا ، ولما
دخلته تانى
قبضت على
ظهرى .قالت لى : مش
زنقتها جامد
وبدأت أخبط
فى جدران
كسها حاكم
كانت خرسانة
يا جماعة.
قالت لى :
أيوه كدا خبط
كمان كمان
حسيت إن هى
نزلتهم عملت
عبيط وفضلت
أشتغل وهيا
أقوم ما
كانتش قادرة
خلاص بس أنا
بدأت أمسك
حلمة صدرها
قلت لها :
إنتى تجننى.
بدأت تحن
أكتر ، لفيت
زوبرى جوا
قالت :
هنا من أجل
رغباتكم. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and the married beauty of El-Mahalla El-Kubra.txt |
126,814 | null | Gabriel and Rasha. Me and an older woman. | أنا والتي أكبر مني بثلاثين سنة .. جبريل و رشا
أولا وقبل كل شيء إزيكم يا أصحابي
أنا سوف أحكي اليوم قصتي التي حدثت بالفعل
قصتي تبدأ وأنا عندي 17 عام واسمي جبريل أعيش في مصر ومن محافظة الشرقية. أنا عندي أخ أكبر مني بخمس سنوات ولا يوجد غير أخ واحد لي. تعرفت على الجنس من خلال الإنترنت وعرفت تقريبًا كل شيء.
وكنت أحب أن أطبق هذه العمليات مع أي حد.
أنا نسيت أقول لكم أن أمي متوفية وأبي متجوز ومرأته تعيش معنا أنا وأخي بالمنزل ولكن هذا ليس مهم المهم هو أنني بقيت أمارس العادة السرية حتى ملت منها.
وأنا كان عندي عم متوفى وكان عنده 2 بنت و 1 ولد. ولكن الولد متزوج ويعيش في محافظة أخرى. وإحدى البنات وهي الأخت الأكبر متزوجة وتوفيت وهي تلد طفلها.
وهذا الطفل كان أكبر مني بعام وبسبب قرب سني من رفعت وهذا اسمه بقينا إحنا الاثنين أصحاب قوي.
وفي يوم من الأيام سافر رفعت وكانت تريد خالتها التي هي بنت عمي أن تخرج إلى السوق وبنت عمي هذه اسمها رشا وعندها 47 سنة ولم تتزوج حتى الآن.
فطلبت مني مرات عمي أن أخرج مع رشا بنت عمي علما بأني باقول لها: يا أبله رشا.
فوافقت لأن أنا ما كانش عندي شغل لأني باشتغل مع والدي في المحل بسبب أن أخي مشغول في الجامعة.
وخرجنا إلى السوق بعد العشاء واشترت بنت عمي ما تريد من السوق وكانت تريد بعض الدواء من الصيدلية التي هي أمام المحل بتاع أبي.
وذهبت أنا وبنت عمي إلى الصيدلية واشترينا بعض الدواء ثم قالت لي بنت عمي رشا ونحن خارجون من الصيدلية: أنا تعبت وعاوزة أقعد شوية.
قلت لها: بس كده أنا معاياكي مفتاح المحل تعالي نقعد فيه شوية لحد ما ترتاحي.
فقالت: ماشي.
وذهبت وفتحت المحل ودخلت أنا وهي وقفلت 3 درف (ضلف) من باب المحل الذي يتكون من 4 درف وتركت واحدة وقعدنا نتكلم عن أنها مخنوقة من البيت لأنها ما بتخرجش إلا إلى السوق فقط لأن أمها تعبانة وما بتقدرش تخرج ولأن رشا كسلانة جدًا.وأنها تحس أنها لم تتزوج أبدا لأن عمرها الآن 47 سنة ولم تتزوج . علما بأنها اتخطبت أكثر من مرة .. وقالت لى عن أسرار لها لم يعرفها أحد حتى الآن غيرى .
فقلت لها : إنتى إن شاء الله هتتجوزى بس أصل إنتى مش ناقصك حاجة .
قلت لى : أقول لك على حاجة يا جابى (دلع جبريل) ؟
قلت لها : اتفضلى يا أبله رشا .
قالت لى : ماما بتقول لى إنتى مش هتتجوزى أبدا .
قلت لها : وماما بتقول كده ليه ؟
قالت لى : أقول وما تزعلش ؟
قلت لها : لا لا مش هازعل .
قالت لى : ماما بتقول إن أنا عندى برود جنسى .
قلت لها : لا لا ما تقوليش كده .
قلت لى : لا والله ماما بتقول لى كده .
أنا عقلى لف وقلت فى عقل بالى : هى دى اللى أنا بافتش عليها .
فقلت لها : طب ممكن أتأكد بنفسى ؟
فقالت لى : إزاى ؟
قلت لها : ثوانى بس .
وذهبت وقفلت درفة الباب المفتوحة وقفلت الباب كله من الداخل .
قالت لى : بتعمل إيه يا مجنون ؟
وضحكت ضحكة لم أنسها أبدا .
قلت لها : سوف أتأكد .
وروحت بايسها من فمها مرة واحدة هى فحاولت تقاوم بس بلا جدوى. ورحت مدخل لسان بين شفتيها وفضلت أمص لسانها . لاقيتها لسه بتقاوم رحت مادد إيدى داخل الجيبة وقعدت أحسس على طيزها من ورا الكولوت وساعتها زبى قام من نومته وتصلب مرة واحدة ولاقيتها بتقول لى : لا لا لا إحنا ما اتفقناش على كده والله هاقول لعمى (اللى هو أبى) وهاقول لماما إوعى بقى يا مجنون .
أنا خفت بصراحة رحت سايبها خالص وهى عدلت ملابسها وما اتكلمتش ولا أنا اتكلمت ورحت بعد تقريبقالت لى :
وتشوف إيه ؟
قلت لها :
ولا لأ ؟
قالت لى : طب
خلاص بقى
الموضوع ده
دلوقتى لأن
إحنا وصلنا
البيت ومش
الكلام ده
قدام ماما .
قلت لها :
أوكيه .
وبعد أسبوع
أي الجمعة
اللى بعدها
اتصلت بى
مرات عمى
وقالت لى :
معلش أنا
عاوزاك تخرج
مع رشا السوق
النهاردة .
قلت لها :
ماشى .
وذهب أنا
ورشا إلى
السوق .
ونحن فى
السوق قالت
لى : أنا عاوزة
أتكلم معاك .
قلت لها :
ماشى .
قالت لى : فين
قلت لها : فى
المحل أنا
وماحدش هناك
إجازة .
قالت لى :
ماشى .
وذهبنا إلى
المحل . ودخلت
أنا و رشا .
قالت لى :
جابى (أو يا
جوجو) !
قلت لها : نعم .
قالت لى :
اقفل الباب
خلاص يا جابى .
قلت لها :
أوكيه .
وقفلت الباب
من الداخل
وقعدت مع
أبله رشا .
قالت لى :
ممكن أعرف
إيه اللى انت
كنت عاوز
تعمله المرة
اللى فاتت
بالتفصيل يا
جابى ؟
قلت لها : فى
إيه بالضبط
أنا مش فاكر.
عملت نفسى
عبيط .
قالت لى : فى
موضوع البوس
وكده .
قلت لها : آه
ما أنا قلت لك
أنا عاوز إيه
المرة اللى
فاتت .
قالت لى : قلت
لى إيه ؟
قلت لها : أنا
عاوز أنيكك .
قالت لى :
إزاى وأنا مش
متجوزة يعنى
بنت بنوت يا
جوجو ؟
قلت لها :
خلاص إنتى
حرة .
قالت لى :
خلاص خلاص
موافقة هو
يعنى طايلة
أتجوز أصلا.
طب فين وإزاى
قلت لها : هنا
فى المحل أما
إزاى فدى
ماليكيش دعوة .
قالت لى : هنا
بس ممكن أبوك
ييجى .
قلت لها :
وماحدش جاى
خالص .
قالت لى : بس
بشرط محدش
يعرف حاجة يا
جوجو .
قلت لها :
طبعا محدش
هيعرف .
ورحت هاجم
عليها زى
الأسد وفضلت
أبوس فيها
وأمص لسانها
واحضنها وهى
معايا على
الآخر . ورحت
سوتيان لونه
بصلى رحت
وفضلت أمص
الأول وهى
تقول : بتعمل
إيه ؟
ما ردتيش
عليها وأنا
نازل مص فى
والشمال .
وبعد شوية
رحت قالع
اللى شيرت
والكولوت .وروحت فاكك
البصلى كل ده
واقفين على
رجلينا ورحت
محسس على
كسها بيدى
وهى تقول : آه
آه آه آه آه آه
أخخخخخخخخخخخخخ أف أف أف
أفففففففففففففف .
وأنا أحسس
وبعد شوية
رحت فارد
وتحتها شوية
خدادايات كنت
بانام عليها
فى ساعات
وأبات فى
المحل وقلت
لها : نامى .
ورحت بالله
زبى بريقى
وكسها كمان
ورحت مدخل
زبى مرة
واحدة على
طول لاقيتها
وتقول : آه آه
آه آه حرام
حرام عليك
كده ده أنا قد
أمك خلاص بقى
طلعه آه آه آه
آه أخ
أخخخخخخخخخخخخ أف أف.
ورحت مطلع
زبى مسحه من
دم بكارتها
ومسحت كسها
كويس .. ورحت
مدخل زبى
تانى ورحت
أنا سايب زبى
جوه كسها
شوية لغاية
ما تتعود
عليه وبعد ما
هدأت قلت لها :
ابدأ بقى؟
قالت لى :
ماشى بس
بالراحة يا
جوجو .
قلت لها :
ماشى يا أبله
رشا .
قالت لى : لا
ما تقوليش
لوحدينا يا
أبله رشا
وقول لى يا
حبيبتى أو أى
شئ تانى.
قلت لها :
ماشى يا
رشروش يا
وقعدت أدخل
وأخرج وأنا
خلاص بقيت
على آخرى
وأدخل وأخرج
وهى تصرخ
وتقول : آه آه
كان فينك من
زمان يا جوزى
يا حبيبى يا
جوجو .
وبعدين حسيت
إنى هانزل
قلت لها : أنا
خلاص هانزل
لبنى .
قالت لى : طب
خليه بره .
بنتكلم ما
لحقتش نفسى
وقذفت لبنى
بداخل كسها
الجميل .
قالت لى : ده
انت لبنك سخن
أوى أوى. ليه
كده دلوقتى
أحبل ؟
قلت لها :
تحبلى إيه بس ..
هاسألك سؤال :
إنتى لسه
بتيجى لك
الدورة ؟
قالت لى : لا ..
سنتين ما
بتجيش .
قلت لها : طيب ..
أمال خايفة
ليه من الحبل
؟ ما تخافيش .
قالت لى :
وقبل ما تقفل
الجيبة قلت
لها : ممكن طلب ؟
قالت لى : انت
تؤمر يا
حبيبى .
قلت لها :
ممكن تمصى لى
زبى ؟
قالت لى : بس
كده بس أنا
عاوزة أقول
لك حاجة إن
أنا مش باعرف
أمص .
قلت لها : بصى
دى بسيطة
خالص اقعدى
إنتى على
الكرسى ده.
وأنا بقيت
واقف أمام
رشا وقلت لها :
مصى كأنك
قدام مصاصة
سنانك خالص
عنه طبعا
إوعى تعضيه
دى مفيهاش
هزار .وراحت العب
أنا في بزاز
رشا وأحس
على كسها من
برة من على
الجيبة وهي
تمص بس كانت
فنانة في
المص وراحت
قاذف على
وقعدت ادلك
لبني على
بزازها زي
الكريم ، وما
وبعدين لبست
انا ملابسي
وهي كملت
وخرجنا من
ووصلتها إلى
طبعا أهلها
رافضين .. ده
أنا قد ابنها ..
وكذلك أهلي ..
لكن أنا وهي
أصرينا .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Gabriel and Rasha. Me and an older woman.txt |
126,815 | null | Me and my newlywed sister Afaf | أنا وأختي عفاف المتزوجة حديثا
اليوم أقص عليكم قصة لأحد أصدقائي ويقول فيها
قصتي هذه تختلف عن الكثير مما يكتب في هذا المنتدى، فما سوف أكتبه هنا هو قصة حقيقية حدثت بالفعل وهي ليست من نتاج التخيلات الجنسية التي يتسابق المشاركون في عرضها...وقبل أن أبدأ عرض قصتي أود الإشارة إلى أنني متأكد أن مثل هذه الأمور كثيرا ما تحدث في مجتمعنا وفي المجتمعات الأخرى، ولكن عادة تبقى أحداثها في طي الكتمان والسرية ولا يجرؤ أصحابها على البوح بها لأحد، ولكنني بعد أن تعرفت على هذا المنتدى أصبحت فكرة كتابة قصتي ونشرها لا تفارق تفكيري ليلا ونهارا، وحقيقة أن مجرد التفكير بنشر قصتي منحني شعورا بالإثارة...ولا أريد أن أطيل على أصدقائي القراء...قصتي كانت قدرا لا يمكن الفرار منه وكل ما حدث معي كان بدون أي تفكير أو تخطيط مسبق مني أو منها...إنها أختي عفاف التي تكبرني بخمس سنوات وهي أختي الوحيدة وأنا أيضا أخوها الوحيد وقد نشأنا في عائلة محافظة ومحترمة...وكانت علاقتنا طبيعية كأي اخوين إلى أن تزوجت أختي بعد تخرجها من الجامعة، وقد حدث هذا قبل عدة شهور. ورغم أن أختي هي فتاة فاتنة وجميلة جدا إلا أنني لم أفكر بها جنسيا مطلقا ولم أتخيل نفسي يوما أنني من الممكن أن تكون هي مصدر إثارتي، وكيف يحدث هذا وهي أختي، إضافة إلى أنها أكبر مني...وعلى أية حال إليكم الحادثة التي غيرت كل شيء بحياتي وحياة أختي:
بعد أن تزوجت عفاف انتقلت للعيش مع زوجها في شقتهما التي تقع في مدينة أخرى حيث إن زوج أختي يعمل مهندسا ويتطلب وجوده قرب موقع المشاريع وهذه المدينة تبعد عن مدينتنا نحو ساعتين...كانت أختي قد قضت بضعة أيام في زيارتنا حيث كان زوجها مكلف بزيارة أحد المواقع البعيدة وقد تم الاتفاق على أن أرافق عفاف بالعودة إلى منزلها لأنه أسهل على زوجها أن يعود مباشرة إلى بيته وقد اتصل بي هو وطلب مني أن أرافق أختي لأن مجيئهم إلى بيتنا ومن ثم عودتهم إلى منزلهم سوف يكون شاقا عليه وقلت له انه يسرني القيام بهذه المهمة. وفعلا أخذنا سيارة تاكسي لتنقلنا إلى المدينة التي تسكنها أختي...ووصلنا بعد ساعتين ومن الطبيعي أن المنزل الذي كان متروكا لنحو أسبوعين كان بحاجة إلى تنظيف من الغبار...وبدأت أختي بأعمال التنظيف وكنت أنا أتجول في المنزل أبحث عن ما يسلين لأنني سأقضي ليلتي عندهم وأعود في اليوم التالي إلى بيتنا...وفي هذه الأثناء سمعت صوت سقطة في المطبخ تلاها صراخ عفاف، ورُكضت إليها لأجدها ممددة على الأرض وتتأوه من الألم وعندما سألتها قالت أنها انزلقت قدمها وسقطت بعد أن التوت قدمها بشدة...وساعدتها على الوقوف ولكنها كانت تتألم بشدة...وأدخلتها غرفة النوم وتمددت على سريرها...وأمسكت قدمها لأرى مكان الألم وكنت أخشى أن يكون هناك كسر في قدمها إلا أنه تبين أنه مجرد التواء ولكنها كانت تتألم بشدة...وأثناء ما كنت أحاول تهدئتها كانت هي تتلوى من الألم بحيث انكشفت أمامي ساقاها. في البداية كان الأمر يبدو طبيعيا ولكنني بعد لحظات انتبهت إلى جمال ساقاها وأحسست بشعور من الإثارة، لقد كنا لوحدنا في المنزل وكنا في غرفة النوم وكانت قدمها الناعمة بيدي وساقاها مكشوفة أمامي...وبدون أن أفكر بكل ذلك حدث عندي انتصاب وقد استغربت في البداية ولكنني وجدت أنه شعور لذيذ وأخذت أحاول أن أرى مساحة أكبر من ساقاها السا حرة...وفعلا كانت أثناء حركتها تكشف المزيد إلى أن أصبحت أرى لباسها الداخلي بوضوح وكان لونه أصفر وقماشه خفيف جدا بحيث أحسست بأني أرى كسها من خلال اللباس...وقد جعلني هذا المنظر في حالة من الإثارة بحيث أكاد أقذف على نفسي...
ولكنني تذكرت أنه من الممكن أن يصل زوجها في أي لحظة...وقد
جعل ذلك
تختفي عندي
وقلت لها
سأجلب لك
حبوبا مسكنة
وذهبت إلى
وغسلت وجهي
ونظرت في
المرآة وقلت
لنفسي هل
جننت ؟ كيف
ترد مثل هذه
الأفكار إلى
بالك ؟؟ وعدت
لها بقرص
مسكن وأخذته
وطلبت مني أن
قدمها لأنها
تشعر أن
يخفف الألم
وفعلا جلست
أدلك قدمها
محاولا أن
أبعد نظري عن
ساقانها وأن
أبعد تفكيري
بها جنسيا ...
في هذه
الأثناء رن
أجبته كان
زوجها على
الهاتف وبعد
أن سلم علي
أعطيته عفاف
راحتها في
الكلام ...وبعد
ناداتني أختي
لتخبرني أن
أبلغها بأنه
سوف يتأخر
أسبوعا آخر
في مهمته
وقال لها
أنها يمكنها
أن تعود إلى
بيتنا لأنه
من المستحيل
أن تبقى
لوحدها لمدة
أسبوع كامل
ولكنها قالت
له أنها لن
تكون وحدها
وأنني سوف
أبقى معها
لحين عودة
...فقلت لها أنه
لا مانع عندي
يسعدني أن
أفعل ما
ولكنني أفضل
أن نعود إلى
بيت الأهل
لأنها تحتاج
إلى رعاية
بسبب قدمها
ولكنها قالت
لا بأس وهي
تعتقد أنها
ستتحسن في
التالي ...فعاد
إلى تفكيري
فكرة أن أقضي
كاملا معها
لوحدنا في
البيت ...فقلت
لها إذن
اتصلي بأمي
وبلغيها لكي
لا تقلق على
بقائي معك
...وفعلا ترتب
كل شيء بعد
دقائق ولم
يكن لأي منا
أن يرتب هذا
الأمر ولكنه
القدر ...وهو
الذي سوف
يقود إلى ما
سوف أرويه
لكم ، وبعد
ذلك قالت لي
عفاف أنه على
العشاء وسوف
توجهني هي
تكلمني وهي
تتألم في
بإعداد وجبة
وطلبت مني
بعد العشاء
أن أساعدها
بالذهاب إلى
وكانت أثناء
سيرها تتمسك
بي بشدة ولم
تتمكن من
المشي على
ووصلنا إلى
وتركها في
وأعدتها إلى
السرير بعد
انتهائها من
وكانت تتألم
بشدة وتوسلت
إلي أن أدلك
لها قدمها ...وفعلا بدأت
وكان هذه
تركيزي كله
في جسدها
التي اتقدت
في تفكيري
أكثر من
الأولى وأنا
أتخيل أنني
سأقضي معها
كاملا وكل ما
أحتاج إليه
هو أن أجتاز
الأخوي الذي
يربطني بهذه
الجميلة ،
وأنا فعلا قد
اجتزت هذا
الحاجز ولكن
بقي أن
تجتازه هي
أيضا ...
وبينما أدلك
قدميها وهي
تتلوى أمامي
على السرير
كاد قلبي يقف
عندما رفعت
ثوبها لأرى
أمامي أجمل
كس، حيث
اكتشفت أنها
قد نزعت
عندما ذهبت
إلى الحمام
...ولا أعرف كيف
أصف لكم كسها
بإمكانكم أن
عروسا لم يمض
على عرسها
سوى بضعة
شهور وهي
تعود لبيت
زوجها بعد أن
فتخيلوا كيف
هيأت له كسها
وكم هو ناعم
بعد أن أزالت
عنه الشعر
أنا كنت قد
الكثير من
وشاهدت فيها
مختلفة من
الكس ولكني
لم أر أبدا
مثل كس أختي
...كان لونه
وردياً ..وكان
كسها صغيرا
...وبظرها واضح
ففكرت هل
بظرها هو
هكذا أم أنه
قد انتصب
الإثارة ...وهل
يمكن أن تكون
تفكر مثلي !!!
كان الوقت
نحو العاشرة
ليلا وكنت لا
أزال أدلك
وأحسست أن
أصبحت بطيئة
ولا أعرف هل
توشك أن تنام
أم أنها تحس
بالخدر ...ولكن
خلال هذا
الوقت شاهدت
كس عفاف أكثر
من مرة
النظر في
تفاصيله لقد
تلتصقان إلى
بشدة ، وكنت
قد قرأت أنه
عندما تتهيج
الفتاة فإن
كسها يصبح
رطبا وشفرتا
الكس تلتصق
إلى الجوانب
...فهل أختي
متهيجة فعلا !!
بدأت أرفع
يدي إلى أعلى
تدريجيا إلى
أن أصبحت
أدلك منطقة
ووجدت أن
أختي تستجيب
إلى تغيير
وتهمس أن
وأحسست أن
تتغير وأن
حرارة تنبعث
منها ...فتحفزت
لأمد يدي إلى
أعلى الركبة
...فصدر عن أختي
صوت تنهد
وهمست نعم
...الآن أنا
أمسد لها
فخذها وهي
مستلقية في
وضع تكاد
وبمجرد أن
أخفض رأسي
قليلا أرى
كسها الرائع
وفعلا أنا
أراه وقد
أصبح رطبا
</CORRECTED_TEXT>إنه يلمع من الرطوبة وهي تتلوى الآن ولكن بشكل يختلف عن حالتها وهي تتألم، أصبحت أحس بها في حالة انسجام جنسي وهياج شديد وقد أصبحت أصابعي قريبة جدا من كسها، وأنا أحس بحرارة محرقة تصدر عن هذا الكس الجميل، كس أختي الحبيبة، وأخيرا تشجعت وجعلت أحد أصابعي يلمس كسها الملتهب فانتفض جسدها وأحسستها تكتم صرخة وتكتم أنفاسها وبدأت أحس بها ترتجف..فكررت لمسي لكسها ولكن هذه المرة أبقيت أصابعي تداعب بظرها إلى أن أفلتت أنفاسها وتمسكت بيدي وهي تتوسل حركها بسرعة...وتصيح نعم نعم...أسرع...بعد...أكثر...وبدأت رعشتها التي ظننت في البداية أنها رعشتها الكبرى أي أنني ظننت أنها سوف تنتهي بعدها ولكن اتضح أن هناك سلسلة من الرعشات وكأنها لا تنتهي أبدا.
أصبحت الآن أجلس عند كس عفاف وقد تركت قدمها وهي في وضع قد فتحت ساقيها بالكامل وثوبها مكشوف إلى بطنها وأنا ألعب بكسها وداعب البظر وأدخل إصبعي في داخل كسها وهي تقذف وتستمر في رعشتها وتقول استمر...وتتنهد وتقول أريد أكثر...ولم يعد بالإمكان التراجع فمددت رأسي إلى هذا الكس المتعطش وبدأت أقبل شفرتاها وأداعب البظر بلساني وجاءت هذه المرة رعشة جعلت جسدها ينتفض بحيث ارتفعت عن السرير وسقطت علي وهي تمسك برأسي وتدفعه إلى كسها وأنا لا أعرف كيف وهي بهذا الوضع الذي كان أقرب إلى الغيبوبة، لا أعرف كيف تمكنت يدها من إيجاد زبري المنتصب وكيف فتحت أزرار البنطلون...يبدو أن رغبتها الجامحة هي التي دلتها على الطريق إلى زبري بهذه السرعة والسهولة..والمهم أنها أمسكت به بقوة وهمست بي أدخله بكسي أرجوك...هي هذه اللحظة التي كنت أظنها بعيدة ها هي قد آن أوانها ولم يمض على البداية سوى ساعات قليلة..ها أنا أدخل زبري كله بكس أختي وكنا قبل ساعات عندما وصلنا إلى هنا نتعامل ببراءة وأخوية ولم أكن أجرؤ أن أنظر إلى أختي لمجرد أن يكون قد انكشف شيء من جسدها سهوا...ولم أكن أجرؤ أن أصدر صوتا حتى عندما أتبول خجلا من أن تسمع صوت بولتي...وها أنا أنيكها بكل رغبة وهي تتلوى تحتي وتحضنني بيديها وتصرخ أريد بعد...أريد أكثر...إن رعشتي لم تنتهي..آه
سأموت ...لا
تخرج من كسي
...هذه كلماتها
التي تكررها
وأنا أنيكها
إلى أن وصلت
إلى دوري في
أن أقذف
وكانت أقوى
رعشة أحس بها
تختلف عن أي
مرة سابقة
أنا عندي
جنسية مع
فتيات كما
أنني أمارس
عندما أحس
بحاجة إليها
، أي أنني كنت
قد قذفت آلاف
بحياتي ولكن
هذه المرة
تختلف ، ليس
لأنني أنيك
أختي فقط ،
ولكن كسها
فعلا يختلف
عن أي كس
عرفته سابقا
إضافة إلى
المحرقة ،
لقد كان كسها
كأنه مضخة
ماصة ، كنت
أحس به يعتصر
زبري بحيث لا
مجال لأن
يفلت إلا بعد
يستنفذ كل
طاقته ...
لا أعرف كم
من الوقت مضى
علينا ونحن
نمارس الجنس
أحسست بها
بدأت ترتخي
تماما عن
وكأنها في
نوم عميق
فقمت عنها
ولكنني بقيت
أقبلها في
الساحر ، ولا
أعتقد أنكم
تصدقون أنها
بعد كل هذا
كان وجهها
يبدو عليه
الملائكة ،
ورغم أنها
أكبر مني إلا
أنني أحسست
بها ساعتها
كأنها طفلة
جاءت توها
إلى الدنيا ،
كنت أقبلها
برقة على
نهديها ، رغم
كل ما فعلته
معها فأنا لم
ألمس صدرها
وكان ثوبها
لا يزال يغطي
فمددت يدي
إلى صدرها من
تحت ثوبها
وبدأت أرفع
ثوبها بهدوء
إلى أن نزعته
تماما ، الآن
أختي عارية
تماما أمامي
، وأنا أيضا
تعريت من
ملابسي كلها
، ولا أعرف
كيف أصف لكم
منظرها ،
إنها تفوق أي
وصف ، إنها
ليست من
البشر ، إنها
ملاك ،
يستحقان أن
يقضي الرجل
عمره كله
ويمتص منهما
السعادة ،
كان صدرها
أبيض ناصعا
التي تحيط
لونها بني
فاتح جدا ،
صغيرة لونها
بني ولكن ليس
غامقا وإنما
قريب جدا من
لون الهالة
التي تحيط
بها .
كنت أقبل
نهديها ثم
أصعد إلى
وأعود إلى
نهديها ثم
أقبل بطنها
وأضم صدرها
إلى صدري
...وأنا أفكر
أنني سوف أجن
إذا بقيت على
هذا الحال
...أحس برغبة أن
آكلها !!!وأنا على هذا الحال أحسست بيدها تداعب شعري وتسحبني إلى وجهها وبدأت تبادلني العناق والشم والضم والتقبيل ولم أكن أتصور أن للقبل مثل هذا الطعم!!! وأدخلت لسانها في فمي وكنت أمصه فتدفعه أكثر ، كأنما كانت تنيكني بلسانها في فمي لكي نتعادل ...واستمررنا في هذا الوضع إلى أن سحبت لسانها وهمست أريد ، فقلت لها ماذا يا عفاف يا روح قلبى؟ فقالت نيكني مرة أخرى يا حبيبى أحمد أرجوك... وسرعان ما كنت أعتليها مرة أخرى لنعمل واحدا أبطأ وألذ ......
تخيلوا يا أصدقائي عندما نكون في مثل هذا الاستسلام لسلطان الرغبة والجنس واللذة . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my newlywed sister Afaf.txt |
126,817 | null | Hooreyya the medical student and her professor | أعرفكم بنفسى أنا اسمى حورية محمد ، عندى 22 سنة طالبة بكلية الطب الفرقة الرابعة. أحب أفلام السكس جدا وداايما باخد من صاحباتى الجديد وبامارس العادة السرية فى البيت دايما.
أنا جميلة طولى 175 سم وزنى 70 كجم بزازى مدورين وحجمهم متوسط. وطيزى كبيرة شوية ومعروفة فى الشلة بتاعتنا بقمر الشلة. كانت كل صاحباتى بيغيروا منى ومن جمالى وكنت باحس إن كل الشباب بيبص عليا وكنت بتبسط أوى من كده.
كنت دايما أحب ألبس ملابس ضيقة بادى واستريتش بحب أظهر جسمى كله.
كان نفسى أتناك من زمان.
صاحباتى كانوا بيحكوا لى على مغامراتهم وأنا كنت بتجنن وباهيج. هما كتير طلبوا منى أروح معاهم بس ما كنتش بارضى. كنت باخاف وبتكسف الصراحة.
ولما وصلت الكلية أول 3 سنين برده كنت باخاف لغاية ما حسيت إن الكلية هاتخلص وأنا ما اتمتعتش بحياتى زى صاحباتى فقررت إنى أتخلى عن خوفى وكسوفى. كنت مستنية الفرصة تيجى لى وكنت نايوة أمسك فيها بإيديا وبسنانى.
المهم أنا كنت شاطرة فى كل المواد إلا مادة طب المجتمع كنت ضعيفة فيها. وفى سنة رابعة جالنا دكتور جديد جاى من جامعة الإسكندرية. وسيم طويل جسمه رياضى الصراحة كان فيه المواصفات اللى أى بنت تحبها. أنا طبعا كان نفسى فيه. كنت بافضل أراقبه طول المحاضرة وكان دايما باصص عليا وعلى بزازى. كنت بتعمد أدخل متأخرة عشان يشوف طيزى وأنا داخلة. وكنت بافضل أسأله وأتحجج للبنات إنى ضعيفة فى طب المجتمع.
عدا كذا يوم على نفس النظام وكنت كل يوم ألبس طقم أجمد وأضيق من التانى.
بعد شهر عمل لنا امتحان وطبعا كالعادة أنا ما عرفتش أحل كويس. تانى يوم حضرت المحاضرة بعد ما خلصت ناداني وقال لى: عاوزك فى مكتبى.
أنا الصراحة فرحت خفت وقلقت وكنت عاملة زى المجنونة روحت له ناداني قال لى: اقعدى يا حورية!وَلَمَّا قَعَدْتُ قَالَ لِي: إِنْتِي شَاطِرَةٌ فِي كُلِّ المَوَادِّ وَكُلُّ الدَّكَاتِرَةِ بَيَشْكُرُونَ فِيكِي وَإِنْتِي إِيهَ اللِّي مُخَلِّيكِي ضَعِيفَةٌ فِي طَبِّ المُجْتَمَعِ دِي مَادَّةٌ سَهْلَةٌ وَإِلَخْ إِلَخْ إِلَخْ.
سَكَتَ وَبَعْدَيْنِ قَامَ قَعَدَ عَلَى الكُرْسِيِّ اللِّي قُدَّامِي. أَنَا خِفْتُ وَحَسِيتُ بِإِنَّ جَسَمِي بَيَرْتَعِشُ مِنَ النَّشْوَةِ. قَعَدَ يُكَلِّمُنِي وَأَنَا مُتَخَيِّلَاهُ مَاسَكَنِي بَيْنِيكِ فَيَا فَضْلُ يَتَكَلَّمْ 5 دَقَائِقَ كَدَا وَبَعْدَيْنِ فَقَطْ مِنَ الحُلْمِ اللِّي أَنَا فِيهِ لَمَّا حَسِيتُ بِإِيدِهِ عَلَى رُكْبَتِي حَسِيتُ جَسَمِي كُلُّهُ اِتْنَفَضَ مِنْ مَكَانِهِ.
فَضَلَ يَقُولُ لِي: إِنْتِي شَاطِرَةٌ وَجَمِيلَةٌ وَأَنَا هَا خَلِّيكِي أَشْطَرَ وَاحِدَةٌ فِي مَادَّةِ طَبِّ المُجْتَمَعِ فِي الكُلِّيَّةِ كُلِّهَا.
فَضَلَ يُحَرِّكُ إِيدَهُ عَلَى رُكْبَتِي وَأَنَا سَلَّمْتُ لَهُ وَفِي نَفْسِي مَا صَدَقْتُ حَطَّ إِيدَهُ التَّانِيَةِ عَلَى رِجْلِي اليُمْنَى وَفَضَلَ يُحَرِّكَهَا هِيَا كَمَانْ (أَنَا كُنْتُ لَابِسَةٌ اِسْتِرَتْشَ وَقْتَهَا).
فَضَلْنَا عَلَى الوَضْعِ دَهِ حَوَالَى 3 دَقَائِقَ أَنَا حَسِيتُ بِنَارٍ فِي جَسَمِي مَرَّةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ قَامَ شَايِلُ إِيدَيْهِ الاِثْنَيْنِ وَقَامَ قَفَلَ البَابَ بِالمِفْتَاحِ وَقَامَ مَوَقِّفَنِي وَحَطَّ إِيدَهُ عَلَى وَسَطِي. وَقَلَعَنِي البَادِي وَالاِسْتِرَتْشَ وَكُلُّ هُدُومِي وَبَقِيتُ قُدَّامَهُ عُرْيَانَةٌ مِلْطَ.. وَقَرُبَ مِنِّي. حَسِيتُ نَفْسَهُ عَامِلٌ زَيِّ نَارٍ عَلَى رَقَبَتِي فَضَلَ يَبُوسُ فِي رَقَبَتِي وَيَلْحَسُهَا. وَأَنَا خَلَاصَ غَمَضْتُ عَيْنَيَّا حَسِيتُ إِنِّي فِي دُنْيَا تَانِيَةٍ. حَسِيتُ بِإِيدِهِ عَلَى ظَهْرِي وَفَضَلَ يَدْعَكَهُ وَيَنْزِلُ لِتَحْتُ لِغَايَةِ مَا وَصَلَ لِطِيَازِي فَضَلَ يُفَرِّكُهُمْ وَيَحُطُّ صَبَاعَهُ فِي طِيزِي. وَلَاقَيْتُهُ سَابَّ رَقَبَتِي وَشَفَّايَفِي وَنَزَلَ عَلَى بَزَّازِي يَرْضَعُ وَيَمُصُّ الحُلُمَاتِ وَأَنَا خَلَاصَ مِشْ قَادِرَةٌ.
فَضَلْنَا 10 دَقَائِقَ هُوَا يَدْعَكُ طِيزِي وَكَسِّي بِإِيدِهِ وَيَلْحَسُ وَيَمُصُّ بَزَّازِي بِلِسَانِهِ بَعْدَ كَدَا وَقَفَ وَقَلَعَنِي هُدُومِي قُلْتُ لَهُ: حَدٌّ يَدْخُلُ عَلَيْنَا يَا دُكْتُورُ.
قَالَ لِي: مَا تُخَافِيشْ مَاحَدَّشْ يِقْدَرُ يَدْخُلُ.
المُهِمُّ نَيَّمَنِي عَلَى المَكْتَبِ وَلَاقَيْتُهُ مُوَجَّهٌ زَبَّهُ نَاحِيَةِ كَسِّي صَوْتٌ وَقُلْتُ لَهُ: بِتَعْمَلُ إِيهَ أَنَا لَسَّهْ بِنْتَةٌ.
ضَحِكَ وَقَالَ لِي: بِجَدِّ.
قُلْتُ لَهُ: أَيْوَهْ.
قَالَ لِي: يَا سَتِّي عَمَلِيَّةُ التَّرْقِيعِ عَلَيَّا أَنَا مَا تُخَافِيشْ.
قُلْتُ لَهُ: أَحْسَنَ أَحْبِلْ.
قَالَ لِي: أَمَالِ دُكْتُورَةُ إِيهَ بَسْ.
وَأَخَذَ مِنْ دَرْجِ مَكْتَبِهِ كَرِيمٌ قَاتِلٌ لِلْحَيَوَانَاتِ المَنَوِيَّةِ.. وَدَفَعَ زَبَّهُ الكَبِيرُ جِدًّا قَلِيلًا فِي كَسِّي وَمَزَّقَ غِشَاءَ بِكَارَتِي. تَأَوَّهْتُ أَلَمًا وَرَغْبَةً وَتَسَاقَطَتْ قَطَرَاتُ دَمٍ قَلِيلَةٌ.. بَعْدَهَا أَخْرَجَ زَبَّهُ بِسُرْعَةٍ وَدَفَعَ بِمِكْبَسِ الكَرِيمِ المُرْهَمِ إِلَى أَعْمَاقِ كَسِّي وَحَقَنَهُ بِبَعْضِ الكَرِيمِ ثُمَّ أَخْرَجَهُ وَأَلْقَاهُ بَعِيدًا..وقال لى : يلا
يا قمر أنا
هادخله فى
كسك للأبد .
قلت له : لا ده
كبير وجعنى .
أحسن تعورنى .
قال لى : ما
تخافيش .
فتح رجليا
وأنا كنت
مرعوبة من
منظر زبه . زبه
كان كبير فضل
يلحس كسى
وشفايف كسى
ويحط صباعه
شوية وقام
حاطط راسه
على باب كسى
بالراحة أول
ما دخل راسه
حسيت انى
اتنين قلت له :
لا لا طلعه
طلعه مش
هاقدر .
وهوه ولا
أكنه سامعنى .
فضل يدخل
وأنا خلاص
حسيت إن روحى
عليا . ووصل
لآخره ووقف
من غير حركة
حسيت إن
الوجع بيروح
بتيجى مكانه
وكسى وسع . فضل
ساكت لغاية
ما بدأت أنا
أحرك وسطى
بالراحة كده
رايح جاى لما
بتجاوب معاه
بدأ يتحرك
واحدة واحدة
وأنا عمالة
أغنج : آآآه
أفففففف؛ أحححح
كمان .. عايزة
كمان .. زى ما
أكون عطشانة
وشربت .. زى ما
أكون تعبانة
فضل بقى رايح
جاى وأنا
خلاص حسيت
هاجيب من كسى .
30 دقيقة زبه فى
كسى لغاية ما
حسيت بيه
يرتعش وأنا
كمان ارتعشت
وقام جايب كل
اللبن بتاعه
جوا كسى فضلت 5
دقايق مش
قادرة أتحرك
وهوه لبس
هدومه وقام
مقومنى وفضل
يبوس فيا
وقال لى : إنتى
أجمل بنت
شفتها فى
حياتى .
وقال لى : أنا
ما عرفتش
علشان الوقت
ضيق بس
أكتر من
الرايحات .
قلت وأنا
بالبس هدومى :
هوه فيه أكتر
من كده متعة .
لبست هدومى
وبسته وخرجت
وفضلت فى
البيت 3 أيام
مش باقدر
أنام على
ضهرى من اللى
عمله فيا .
بعد ذلك . | null | Part 1 | Authors/Womenlover/Hooreyya the medical student and her professor.txt |
126,824 | null | My big cock, my wife Mohga and Dr. Enas | أنا اسمي خالد وأعيش في بلد فلاحين. عشت حياتي حتى وصلت 25 سنة ولا أعرف شيئا عن السكس ولا شيء. كنت أعمل في مصنع حجارة لصناعة الطوب، وكان أصدقائي يقولون أني بصحتي لأني كنت قوي البنية بسبب الجنس لأني مش بضرب عشرات ولا مرة.
المهم جيت في يوم زهقت من الشغل بسبب الأجر القليل، وفكرت في السفر إلى القاهرة وأعمل بشهادة التعليم. ودلوقتي كنت خلاص نايي على السفر و لقيت أبويا جاي وبيقول لي: عايزك في موضوع.
المهم لما بدأ يكلمني قال لي: يا خالد يا ابني انت دلوقتي كبرت وانت ابني الوحيد وعايز أفرح بيك يعني عايزك تتجوز.
فقلت له: أتجوز مين أنا ما باعرفش بنات.
فقطع كلامي: العروسة موجودة وهتعجبك المهم انت موافق؟
ففكرت شوية لاقيت إني هاحتاج إن لازم يكون معايا حد عشان يغسل هدومي ويعمل لي أكل. المهم وافقت من جوايا وقلت له: بس أنا مسافر كمان أسبوع هتجوز إزاي.
قال: خلاص الفرح يكون الخميس الجاي وبعدين يا سيدي حبها بعد الجواز.
المهم جه يوم الخميس وكنت عرفت العروسة واتكلمنا شوية ويوم الفرح لاقيت أبويا بيقول لي: أنا يا ابني علمتك وكبرتك واتعلمت كل حاجة إلا حاجة واحدة، ودي عشان انت مؤدب.
فسألته: إيه الحاجة دي؟
فقال: إزاي هتتعامل مع مراتك وخصوصا النهاردة وأنا النهاردة جاي عشان أعرفك.
وبدأ في الكلام وقال: دا اللى انت هتعمله ودا هيكون إزاي أولا انت بعد ما تدخل من باب الشقة هتشيل مراتك وتدخل لحد السرير وتنزلها بالراحة وتبوسها من خدها بحنية ونعومة وكلمها كلام رومانسي وبعد كدا شوفها هتتكسف لما تقلع قدامك أو إنك تغير برا وفي الحالتين تدخل عليها وتبدأ تلاطفها وتنام جنبها وتقلعها هدومها وهتلاقي زبك وقف يدوب تبله وتدخله في كسها بالراحة لحد ما تنزل نقط من الدم.
فقلت له: انت شايفني شفت كس قبل كده ولا هادخله فين.قال: أنا مش هاعرف أوصف أكتر من كدا . تعالى ، خد شريط سكس واتعلم وشوف إيه اللي بيحصل.
ورحت معاها وإداني الشريط وخدته ودخلت أوضة النوم بتاعتي وشغلت الفيلم وأنا لوحدي ولاقيت عروسة وعريس فيه وقلعوا الهدوم لحد ما لاقيت العريس بدأ يلحس كس مراته وهي عمالة تقول في آهات وتغنج وتتعولق وهو كان بيزيد وبعدها إداها زبه عشان تمصه وبعد ما خلصت مص بدأ يدخل زبه ويحطه في كسها ولاقيت نفسي سخنت ولاقيت زبي وقف وجيت أبص عليه لاقيته كبير كأني أول مرة أشوفه . كان أكبر من اللي في الشريط مرتين وتخين .
وجه ميعاد الفرح وكانت العروسة "مهجة" حلوة وجذابة من بختى الحلو . عملت كل حاجة لحد ما بدأت أمص كسها وكانت هي مستغربة من إني بامص كسها وكانت مستمتعة وبعد كده إديتها زبي عشان تمصه وقالت: لا.
فقلت لها: ليه دا أنا غسلته ونظيف.
ولما شافته اتفزعت ورجعت ورا . وقلت لها: في إيه؟
قالت: دا كبير قوي.
فقلت لها: عادي.
ولكن ما رضيتش تمصه أبدا ، فقلت لها: خلاص دلكيه بإيدك (هاندجوب) ..
وفعلا خليتها تتف فى إيدها وتدهنه بريقها وتدلكه مع إن إيدها ما كانتش سايعاه ، ولفيتها وجيت أدخل زبي في كسها ، وقسته قبل ما أدخله لاقيته كبير على كسها قلت: مش مهم أهوه نجرب ، وبعدين بدأت الخطورة ، جيت أدخله في كسها كان بيدخل بالعافية وقالت: لا لا لا طلعه مش قادرة هاموت.
مع إنه كان يدوب الراس بس وطبعا ما نزلتش دم ولاقيتها قالت: طيب دخل صواعبك.
بدأت أدخل صباعين كانوا قد الزب ، ونزلت دم . ولما جيت أدخل زبي تاني في كسها كانت هي تعبت وصعبت عليا فسبتها لكن أنا كنت هايج من الشريط ومالقيتش متعة زي اللي في الشريط .
المهم تاني يوم قلت هاسافر وأقعد في الشقة اللي أبويا إداها لي وسافرنا ودخلت الشقة. كانت واسعة وجميلة لكن دا ما فرحنيش بسبب النيك لأني كنت جعان نيك ولما جه اللييل قلت أقوم أجرب أنيك كده وحصل زي المرة الأولانية . قالت: آآه آه ما تدخلهوش .
ورحت قاعد جنبها وسكت كأني أنا غلطان وفضلت مهجة ساكتة وبعد شوية قالت: بص زي ما انت عايز .. أنا كمان عايزة .. ودلوقتي لازم نروح لدكتور.
</CORRECTED_TEXT>لكني عارضت وقلت: إزاي ما ينفعش ما أحبش إنك تنكشفي علي راجل غيري.
وبعدها بشوية قالت: خلاص نروح لدكتورة.
وبعد محاولة وافقت. وتاني يوم رحنا للدكتورة إيناس. وبعد ما دخلنا العيادة سألتنا الدكتورة: إيه السبب اللي انتم هنا عشانه؟
فقلت خليها هي تتكلم وبدأت مهجة في الكلام وقالت: أصل وقت الجماع مش باستحمل حاجة يعني.
فقالت الدكتورة: ممكن تتكلمي بصراحة ومن غير كلام رسمي زي كلمة الجماع دي واشرحي لي بالتفاصيل عشان أعرف أعالج المشكلة.
وكنت شايف إن الدكتورة إيناس دي جميلة كده وبزازها كبيرة لكن ما اهتمتش. ومراتي بعد ما سمعت الكلام ده اتشجعت واتكلمت وقالت: أصل أنا يا دكتورة اتجوزت إمبارح وطبعا لازم يكون في جماع بيننا.
راحت الدكتورة بصت ليها وقالت: هااااااااا إحنا قولنا إيه وبعدين ده جوزك مش غريب يعني.
فكملت مهجة وقالت: يعني لازم إنه هينيكني في اليوم ده. هو ما غلطش من ناحية البوس فحصل وكله تمام لحد ما بدأ يدخل زبه في كسي لكن أنا ما استحملتش ويدوب فتحني بصباعه.
فقالت د. إيناس: طيب اتفضلي نامي هنا.
ولاقيت د. إيناس قلعت مراتي البنطلون والكولوت وهي بتتعولق بس الصراحة أنا كان زبي بيتمنى لو ينيك قدام الدكتورة. ورفعت الدكتورة رجلين مراتي يمين وشمال كأنها بتتفشخ وبدأت تلعب في كس مراتي وكانت لابسة جوانتي وكانت بدأت تدخل صباع ومراتي يعني هايجة شوية وبعدها دخلت صباعين وعادي لحد ما دخلت 5 صوابع. فقالت: إزاي ما انتي كويسة بس أنا هاديكي كريم بس ده لجوزك وهو اللي هيستعمله.
فسألت الدكتورة: استعمله في إيه وفين وإزاي؟
فقالت: انت قبل ما تدخل زبك تدهن شوية على زبك وتدخله في كسها بس بالراحة وإلو في وجع تعالوا لي بكرة لأن مفيش وجع هايحصل وده المفروض.
ورجعت البيت ولما دخلت رحت قالع وأخدت مراتي على السرير وبدأت ألحس كسها شوية وبعدها دهنت على زبي من الكريم وجيت أدخل زبي اللي كان واقف من كلام د.إيناس وجيت أدخله دخل شوية عن الأول بس فضلت تقول: آه آه بيوجع آه شيله شيله.
مع إنه ما دخلش غير شوية صغيرين.وتاني يوم
وأول لما
شافتنا قالت:
إيه كسك وجعك
وكان كلام
أهيج. وقالت
لمراتي: طيب
انتي عرفتي
إيه اللي
قالت: أصل زب
خالد كبير
عليا وأنا مش
عارفة أعمل
إيناس لي: انت
بتعمل كام
وضع في النيك
فقلت: ما
أعرفش غير
واحد بس.
فقالت: وزبك
أد إيه ؟
فقلت: كبير.
قالت: أد إيه
يعني ؟
فقلت: كبير.
فقالت: ما
تعرفش مقاسه
فقلت: لا.
بيها بتقول:
طيب اتفضل
قمت وأنا
متردد بس كان
زبي مش واقف
ورحت وقلعت
إيناس مسكت
زبي وبتقول:
إيه دا ؟ دا
كبير وهو
نايم ولا كده
واقف ؟
فقلت: لا كدا
فضلت تلعب في
زبي لحد ما
وقف في إيدها
وكانت معجبة
بيه قوي،
وقالت: طيب
وقالت لنا:
انتم لازم
تيجوا لي
بالليل في
لأنكم ما
تعرفوش شكل
النيك وأنا
واعرف يا
خالد إنك
هتنيك مراتك
هنا قدامي
عشان تعملوا
تجيبوا لبس
البيت هنا
وأنا هافضي
مصدومين من
ورجعت البيت
وبافكر أنا
هايج نيك
ونفسي أنيك
ولما سألت
مراتي: إيه
رأيك هتروحي
ولا لأ ؟
وخايفة يا
خالد هو لازم
يعني. بس برضه
مش عايزاك
تزعل وأنا
شايفة إنك مش
أعمل أي حاجة
عشان تكون
مبسوط وسعيد
وما أكونش
سبب تعاسة
فقلت: خلاص
يبقى لازم
نروح. شوفي
هتلبسي إيه
فقالت: يا
كسوفي لا
طبعا أنا مش
هاخد لبس.
فقلت: خلاص
وأنا كمان مش
واخد لبس.
ولما جه
الميعاد كان
قلبي بيدق
ولما دخلت ما
كانش في ولا
شخص موجود
وراحت قفلت
الباب عشان
ما حدش يدخل
وقالت: أنا
جبت مرتبة
المكاتب على
بعض عشان
يبقى سرير.
كأنكم في
المهم أنا
سكت شوية
إيناس: يعني
هتنيكها مش
المهم قلعت
مراتي مهجة
وقلعت أنا
كمان عريان
ملط وبعد كده
قلعت مراتي
وبقت عريانة
ملط كل دا
وإحنا بنبوس
بعض لكن كنت
واخد بالي من
وهي هتموت
طلعنا على
وبدأت أدخل
زبي لكن
إيناس قالت:
لأ بله الأول.
فقلت: أنا
ريقي ناشف.
راحت بالة
زبي ولعبت
فيه شوية
شوية ووحدة
وحدة لكن
مراتي وجعها
لازم مراتك
توصل لشهوة
أكبر عشان
يروح الوجع
اللي عندها
ويتقلب يبقى
متعة ولذة
بلا أي ألم.
فقلت: إزاي؟
فقالت: أنت
ليك زوجة
فقلت: ليه؟
قالت: يعني
هتبوس مراتك
وتلعب لها في
وكمان عشان
تنيكها قدام
فقلت: لا أنا
متجوز واحدة
بس ولاقيت
مراتي خلاص
شوفي يا
دكتورة حد.
فقالت: لا ما
ينفعش ده سر
ما حدش يعرفه
مراتي بتقول:
خلاص يا
دكتورة ممكن
فقالت: أنا؟!
وقالت لها
مراتي: أيوه
إنتي شفتي
كسي وزب خالد
ولعبتي فيهم.
وقعدت د.
إيناس تفكر
وراحت قالعة
هدومها كلها
وبقت عريانة
ملط زينا،
وبدأت تمص
بزاز مراتي
وكانت إيد
بتمسك بيها
بتلعب في
كسها وزبي
وفضلت على
كده لكن ده ما
كانش حلو لأن
زبي كبر أكتر
وطبعا لما جت
تحطه في كس
لاقتها ما
قدرتش راحت
إيناس قايلة
لمهجة مراتي:
كده مفيش
قدامنا غير
التانية وهي
إن جوزك ينيك
واحدة تانية
قدامك ويمص
لك كسك عشان
ودلوقتي أنا
وقولوا لي
لاقيت مراتي
بتقول بجرأة
ما شفتهاش
منها قبل كده
، من كتر
الشهوة: أنا
مستعدة لأي
حاجه بس أعرف
أتناك وأبرد
كسي من النار
اللي فيه.
فقالت لي
إيناس: وأنت
إيه رأيك؟
فقلت: طيب
أنت كسك واسع
فقالت: وحتى
لو ما ينفعش
أنا نفسي
أتناك منك.
وقالت: طبعا
وضع النيك
الكلب مش
هينفع. أنا
هانام على
ظهري وأنت
هتطلع فوقيا
وتدخل زبك في
كسي ومراتك
نايمة جنبي
على ظهرها
زيي بس وأنا
بصواعبي.وفعلا نامت
على ظهرها
بعدما لبست
في رجلها
العالي وشفت
أجمل ست في
نايمة قدامي
وشفت أحلى
بزاز وكس
منتوف كأنه
متجهز للنيك
ووسعت لنا
مراتي لحد ما
أنام فوق
ولسه هامسك
زبي وأقربه
من كس
الدكتورة ،
طلبت الأول
إني أمص كسها
ونزلت أنا
على ركبي
مفنس لغاية
ما بقي بقى
قدام كسها
وراحت هي
منزلة إيدها
لحد كسها
وفتحته لي
وبقيت أمص
كسها وألحس
اللي كان
بينزل منه
وكان جميل .
إيناس بتقول
آهات وغنج
وتطلع أكتر
وخصرها لفوق
عليا وعلى
بقي وتمسك
بإيديها على
راسي وتلف
رجليها على
رقبتي من ورا
وتزنق بقي
أكتر في كسها
لما جابتهم
تحتي وبين
عشرميت مرة.
شاورت لي
وقالت لي :
يالا نيكني .
وقمت أنا
قربت إيدها
ومسكت زبي
عشان تدخله
في كسها ،
ولما جات
تدخله كان
كبير عليها
لكن حسيت إن
كسها واسع
ونزلت عليها
واحدة واحدة
لحد ما دخل
كله في كسها
وجوها .
شغالة نيك في
كسها بشدة ،
وبتلعب في
زنبور مراتي
ضوافرها ..
إيناس دي
خبرة خبرة ..
وبعدين كفها
كلها جوه كس
مراتي وفضلت
وتقول : آه ه ه
ه ه نيكيه قوي
بإيدك كلها ..
أنا عايزة
أتناك نيكيه
خليه يوسع .
لكن أنا كنت
مستمتع من
من كلام مهجة
مراتي وكس
إيناس اللي
لفت رجليها
حوالين ظهري
زي المقص
وشدتني ليها
أكتر وكأنها
كانت عطشانة
نيك . وكنت
مستمتع بكس
وبأبوس فى
الكبيرة ،
وعايز أنزل
في كسها
اللي متحوشة
في بيضاني
لكن لما
مراتي هاجت
على الآخر
راحت قالت
لمهجة مراتي :
بسرعة .
وقالت لي
إيناس : يالا
طلعه . مش عايز
تقوملي ؟
عجبك الحال
ولا إيه ..
هههههههههه .
لغاية ما
وقامت من
جَاءَتْ مَرَّاتِي
تَحْتِي مَكَانَهَا
عَشَانَ تَتْنَاكَ
دَخَلْتُ زَبِّي فِي
كَسِّهَا بَسْ
وَجَعَهَا ،
وَفَضَّلْتُ أَطْلَعَ
وَأَنْزِلَ بِسُرْعَةٍ
وَقَرُبْتُ أَجِيبَ.
وَقَفَتْنَا .. وَقَالَتْ
فِي نَفْسِي
بَعْدَيْنِ بَقَى
أَنَا هَاتِجَنِّن ..
وَقَالَتْ لِي:
أَنْتَ مَشْ
هَتْجِيبَهُمْ وَلَا
قُلْتُ لَهَا
سَاخِطًا: وَهُوَ
أَجِيبَهُمْ؟ ..
ضَحِكَتْ هِيَ
وَغَمَزُوا لِبَعْضٍ ..
قَالَتْ لِي
إِيْنَاسُ: اصْبِرْ
عَلَى رِزْقِكَ
عَشَانَ تَبْقَى
وَحَلَاوَةٍ مَا
تَنْسَيْشِ ..
وَقَالَتْ لِي:
أَنْتَ عُمْرُكَ
ضَرَبْتَ عَشَرَةٍ؟
فَقُلْتُ لَهَا:
أَنَا عُمْرِي مَا
ضَرَبْتُ عَشَرَةٍ.
لِمَرَّاتِي: قُومِي
مِنْ تَحْتِهِ.
وَإِدَاتَهَا زَبّ
بِلَاسْتِيكٍ قَدْ
فَسَأَلْتُ: وَدَهْ
لِيهِ الزَّبّ دَهْ؟
عَشَانَ يُوَسِّعَ كَسّ
مَرَّاتِكَ شَوَيَّةٍ
وَتَتَعَوَّدَ عَلَى
زَبِّكَ الْكَبِيرِ.
قُلْتُ لَهَا: طَبْ
مَرَّاتِي وَهَتْحَطّ
زَبّ فِي كَسِّهَا ،
طَيِّبَ وَأَنَا؟
ضَاحِكَةً: أَنْتَ
زَبُّكَ عِنْدِي
اللِّي تَقْدِرُهُ
وَتَمُوتُ فِيهِ
وَاللِّي دَوَاهَا
إِيْنَاسُ نَايِمَةٌ
تَحْتِيَا وَأَنَا
فَوْقَهَا وَفَتَحْتُ
وَقَالَتْ: يَاللَّا
نِيكْ. رَحْتُ رَافِعَ
رِجْلَيْهَا عَلَى
كَتَافِي وَدَخَلْتُ
زَبِّي فِي كَسِّهَا
وَهِيَ كَانَتْ
وَتَبُوسُنِي فِي
شَفَايِفِي وَوَشِي
وَقَالَتْ: آهْ هَهْ
هَهْ نِيكْ نِيكْ
أَحْحْحْحْحْ رَوْعَةٍ
دَخَلَهُ كُلُّهُ
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآوسبت مرات
مهجة في
وهي بتنيك
نفسها بالزب
البلاستيك ،
وشبعت كس
إيناس نيك ،
ييجي نص ساعة
كمان ،
وأخيرا قررت
بسرعة لحد ما
جبتهم جوه
كسها وكانوا
كتير أوي
ماليهاش آخر ،
وهي بتقول :
إيه ده كله ؟
دول كتير أوي
أوي ، انت
رهيب مفيش
منك ، املاني
كمان ، كسي
غرق ، أنا
شبعت لبن .
وعايز أقوم
وأخرجه ،
وبتقول : خليه
جواية إوعى
عايزاه جوه ..
خليك في حضني.
وحضنتني بين
وأنا ما صدقت
وهاتك يا بوس
في شفايفها .
وهي بتضرب
خفيف أوي
هيجتني أوي
أنيكها من
تاني .. لكن
المرة دي
وقبل ما أنزل
لبني للمرة
التانية ،
وقامت من
تحتي وجابت
كوب طبي
بسرعة ودلكت
زبي لغاية ما
نزل في
الكوبايية ..
ومرات كانت
متكيفة أوي
وكسها متكيف
من الزب
البلاستيك ،
بس قالت : مفيش
لبن يا
دكتورة يا
ريته كان
بلبن .
إيناس جابت
سرنجة حقنة
من غير إبرة
وشفطت بيها
لبني اللي في
وراحت لها
وفضلت تمص
وتلحس كسها ،
السرنجة في
كس مرات
جواها خالص .
ولما زبي نام
الدكتورة من
غير مرات ما
تسمع : إنتي
كنتي عارفة
إن الوضع ده
بيمشي في أي كس.
فقالت : أيوه
بصراحة أنا
أول ما شفت
زبك الكبير
اللي زي زب
جوزي وكنت
فاكرة إن
جوزي الوحيد
من نوعه قلت
لازم أتناك
منك وانتم
اللي طلبوا
مني إني
أشركك في
مراتك .
فضحكت .
مرات مهجة
بتاخد من
إيناس زب
صناعي وقالت :
خليه جوه كسك
كل يوم
ساعتين كل
يوم لحد ما
يوسع كسك
وخلي جوزك
ييجي هنا كل
يوم عشان
الطبيعي .
ولما كنت
أروح ليها
كنت بانيكها
وأرجع البيت
أنيك مرات
اللي اتحسنت
جدا وخلاص
خفت وبقت عال
العال وزي
العسل ، لحد
ما جيت في يوم
عرفي عشان
حبلت مني ،
إيناس بين
زوجين عرفي
وشرعي أنا
مهجة مرات
بانيكهم كل
يوم أو يومين
مع بعض وكس
دلوقتي ممكن
ياخد زبين مع
بعض مش واحد
وأنا بقيت
خبرة في
النيك ..وقررنا
نصارح جوزها ..
وننيكها أنا
وهوه مع بعض .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My big cock, my wife Mohga and Dr. Enas.txt |
126,704 | null | Mansour and the female pharmacist Solaf | اسمي منصور. مصري. ده قصة حصلت معايا من يجي أسبوعين ولحد دلوقتي أحداثها مستمرة والقصة بدأت من لحظة ما حسيت بألم براسي وزي ما هي المشكلة ما تستدعيش دكتور يعني الصيدلي يحلها يعني يعطيني مسكن. المهم لما حسيت بالوجع خدت بعضي ورحت لصيدلية جارنا أبو علاء المهم فتت ع الصيدلية فما لاقيتش جارنا أبو علاء وهو نادرا ما يسيب الصيدلية ولقيت مكانه صيدلانية حلوة جدا بتطير العقل - عرفت بعدين إن أمها سورية وتشبهها تماما ، وأبوها مصري - أنا لما شفتها راسي طاب وخف من غير ما آخذ دوا. المهم سألتها عن جارنا أبو علاء فقالت لي إنه مسافر هو وعيلته على إسكندرية يعني نقاهة وانو مش هايجي لييجي أسبوعين أو ثلاثة.
أنا بصراحة اتبسطت أووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو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بنفسي وقلت لها: أي حاجة تحصل معاكي قولي لي أنا هنا دايما في البلكونة بس اندهي لي أو إذا حبيتي ده رقمي أي حاجة تحصل معاكي كلميني.
أديتها الرقم.
وقالت لي: أوكيه.
على فكرة كانت سلاف بنت بتجنن وتطير العقل وكانت تشبه تماما الفنانة الجميلة سلاف فواخرجي في كل شيء في الشعر والعينين والوش والجسم والبياض والمرح والضحكة وطابع الحسن وحتى الصوت مش بس الاسم. يعني مستحيل حد يشوفها ومايحبهاش ولا يشتهي إنه يقضي ليلة معها وخصوصي لما تلبس ثياب الصيدلية يعني بالطو أبيض يكاد يتفتق ضيق أوي كده يعني صدرها بارز متحدي الكل وطيزها يا ويلي لما شفتها بصراحة تصلب زبي وبقيت أعدل فيه عشان ما تلاحظش وكان شعرها أشقر مفلول وسبل وعيونها زرق بيسطلوا وكانت أبيض من القطن يعني اشتهيت إنه أمسكها وما أفلتهاش أبدا وكانت شفايفها لونهن لون الورد الجوري أحمر وزي الفستقة يعني بنت تجنن.
المهم طلعت من الصيدلية ونفسي أفضل فيها مع سلاف تسلم لي فرحت للبيت ورحت قاعد فى البلكونة وقاعد أراقب حركتها بالصيدلية ويلي كانت زي الغزال تتحرك والشعر يتمايل والصدر يهز وطيزها كان طيز يجنن كده جاي كبير شوية بس بحلاوة يعني. المهم بصراحة كنت أراقبها وحاطط إيدي على زبي أفركه لأن سلاف دي هيجتني يعني هاعمل إيه.
المهم فضلت فين ما أروح وفين ما أقعد أشوفها قدامي وأتخيل مشيتها وصدرها وشفايفها المهم عدت فترة ييجي كام يوم ولا جوالي يرن يعني رقم غريب أول مرة أشوفه. المهم رديت وطلعت هي سلاف وإنه حاصل معاها مشكلة بالصيدلية قالت: يا ريت تيجي تحلها.
لأنها كانت لوحدها بالصيدلية. المهم رحت فكانت مشغولة مع واحد صايع عايز ياخد حبوب منشطة وحاجات زي كده. المهم عملت اللازم وحليت المشكلة.
المهم فهمت من كلامها إنها خايفة انه يرجع مرة تانية خصوصا لما تكون مناوبتها (نوبتجيتها) بالليل. المهم فقلت لها: بيزعجك إذا جيت وقعدت معاكي بالصيدلية كده بأطمن إنك فى أمان.
فقالت: مش عايزة أعذبك.
وأنا بيني وبين نفسي كنت منتظر فرصة زي دي. المهم.المهم الحيت
عليها قالت:
يا ريت يعني
بالوحدة جدا .
اتفقنا لما
بالليل آجي
ونسهر سوا.
المهم كنا
متفقين إن
ولازم على
الساعة 12 مساء
أكون عندها.
المهم رحت
للبيت وكنت
تعبان فنمت
وما حسيتش
بنفسي إلا
(المحمول) يرن
فشفت الرقم
عرفت إنها
سلاف وتذكرت
وقتها إني
واعدها إني
آجي لعندها.
المهم ردت
وقالت لي:
فينك يا
منصور إيه مش
على أساس
هتيجي ؟
قلت لها:
أوكيه آسف
كنت نايم
ونسيت خلاص
ثواني وأكون
المهم رحت
البس شورت
وتي شيرت
ورحت متعطر
وكده يعني
مضبط وضعي
أربع وعشرين
قيراط. المهم
دخلت على
ورحت قاعد
سألتها إذا
كانت متزوجة
أو مخطوبة أو
قالت: لا.
المهم هي
فهمت إن أنا
أتقرب منها
وكانت طبعا
ما عندهاش
مانع. المهم
رحت قايل لها
من بعد
سؤالها إذا
علاقات مع
بنات. ورحت
حكيت لها عن
المهني وعن
البنات اللي
معاهم إيه.
وهنا قالت
كلمة لفتت
نظري ، قالت:
هنيا لهم
البنات اللي
يحكوا معك.
بتعرفي كل
البنات اللي
أعرفهم ما
شفت بنت أحلى
ولا أرق ولا
أجمل منك.
فهنا ضحكت
ضحكة جننتني
ويلي على
هيستحمل إيه
ولا إيه
منين ولا
منين. المهم
قالت لي:
للدرجة دي
أنا حلوة ؟.
وقلت لها:
المهم رحت
مسك ايدها
وقلت لها:
إنتي بس لو
تعرفي قيمتك
عندي كنت
عرفتي قد إيه
إنتي أموره
وبدأت أتغزل
فيها فحسيت
إن البنت
سرحت. المهم
قطع خلوتنا
زبون كان
عايز دوا
وبعده جه
ييجي أربع
زبايين كمان.
المهم بعدها
رجعت وقعدت
بجنبي وكنت
حاسسها انها
وقعت فيا.
المهم في نفس
اليوم ده
حاولت إني ما
أعملش معاها
حاجة لأن دي
صيدلية يعني
مش هانرتاح.
بعد ييجي
يومين دقيت
وعزمتها على
الشقة يعني
عشان نقعد
المهم في
الأول عارضت
وبعدين قالت:
خلاص إذا
بدري هاآجي.
المهم أنا
عرفت وكنت
متأكد إنها
المهم وفعلا
على الساعة 9.دق باب الشقة
رحت فاتح
بالشورت بس
من غير تي
شيرت . المهم
طلعت اللي
على الباب
حبيبتي سلاف .
المهم لما
بالمنظر ده
قعدت تضحك
وقالت لي : إيه
كنت في
الحمام ولا
في ماتش
مصارعة ؟
قلت لها :
أنا في البيت
ما بالبش
إلا كده إذا
حابة ألبس
حاجة ما فيش
مشكلة .
فقالت : لا
كده أحلى .
المهم دخلنا
لجوا فقعدت
على كرسي
بتاعي وقالت
لي : إيه ؟
بتشتغل على
الكمبيوتر ؟
قلت لها : آه .
طلعت هي خبرة
في المهم
قعدت تقلب
وأنا خايف
الخاص بيا
اللي فيه
صور مع بنات
السكس اللي
مخزنهم .
المهم رحت
أعمل قهوة
ليها وعيني
عشان أشوف ها
توصل لمجلدي
ولا لا. المهم
فعلا كانت
بنت زمانها
وخبيرة على
وصلت للمجلد
وبدأت تقلب
بالصور أنا
هنا اتمنيت
الأرض تنشق
وأنا اللي
كنت معها
المؤدب اللي
عمره ما
اتكلم مع بنت
وقعدت تتفرج
كمان وكانت
مقاطع سكس
فلاحظت أنها
حطت إيديها
على كسها
وفركته من
البنطلون .
المهم فرحت
جايب القهوة
لما شافتني
جاي قفلت كل
حاجة كانت
نفسها . المهم
أنا رحت
القهوة ولا
كأني شفت
حاجة . المهم
قعدنا نحكي
وقالت لي :
والله انت مش
قليل ولا سهل
يا منصور .
قلت لها : ليه
يا حبيبي ؟ .
قالت : أنا
شفت الفيديو
بتاعك .
فقلت لها :
فيديو إيه ؟
قالت : اللي
الكمبيوتر .
فقلت لها : آه
دي كانت
نزوات .
فقالت لي : بس
تعرف انت حلو
أوي . هنيا لهم
البنات اللي
ينامو معك .
هنا أنا
تشجعت ورحت
قاعد بجنبها
وقلت لها :
وهنيا له
الشاب اللي
ينام مع بنت
زيك .
فضحكت .
المهم رحت
حاضنها يعني
لصقت صدري
على صدرها
ورجليا كانت
بين رجليها
تفرك كسها
وأنا أمص
ولسانها بس
كان طعمه
يجنن ولا
تسألوني إيه
كان وضع زبي
لأني كنت
عايزه يخزق
يعني كان
متصلب على
بطنها . المهم
بعدها بدأت
أفرك كسها
بإيدي وأبوس
بتطير العقل
ولا أحلى
كمان ورحت
أمص لها شحمة
ودنها وإيدي
تفرك كسها
وطيزها طبعا
لسه الشغل
يعني .بعدين
نزلت لصدرها
وكان صدرها -
زي صدر سلاف
فواخرجي -
يأخذ العقل
كبير وما
كانتش لابسة
سوتيان يعني
شئ سكسي.
المهم فرحت
أبوس بصدرها
من فتحة
الحفر اللي
كانت مطلعة
نص صدرها
وبعدين رحت
تتعالي أكتر
ورحت أمص لها
وأبوس صدرها
بزازها بين
وأسحبهم. هنا
البنت ولعت
على الآخر
وراحت ماسكة
زبي اللي كان
متصلب وراحت
وبدأت تفرك
بزبي بإيدها
وحاطة إصبع
بفمها وبتمص
وأنا بأمص
لها بزازها
اللي كانت
يعني كده
لونهم وردي
ونافر أوي من
بعد ما ساحت
وصدرها كان
أبيض يجنن
كبيرة شوية
وإيدي كانت
وهنا ساحت
سلاف على
الآخر وقعدت
تقول: حبيبي
ما عدتش أقدر
آه آه آه آه
حبيبي عايزة
زبك يالا
دخله في كسي
بس أنا عايز
ألعها أكتر
فرحت منزلها
وخليتها تمص
زبي وكانت فنانة
بالمص المهم
من كتر
هيجاني نزلت
لبني فنزلتها
على صدرها
بلبني ونزلت
شوية على
إيدها. المهم
رحت شايلها
وحطيتها على
كتفي ورحت
ألاعب كسها
وبدأت بإني
بدأت أحك
كسها براس
زبي وألاعب
زنبور كسها
براس زبي
وهنا صاحت
صيحة قلت
إنها بعد
الشر عنها ها
تروح فيها.
وقالت :
حبيبي أنا
عايزة زبك
دخله في كسي
في طيزي بين
بزازي في أي
مكان المهم
وفعلا عشان
ألعها أكتر
رحت مدخل زبي
في كسها
وأطلعه وهنا
وبعدين بدأت
أدخل زبي في
كسها وأطلعه
(على فكرة زبي
طويل يعني
حاجة تجنن).
المهم رحت
مدخل زبي في
كسها كله
أحيانا في
كسها لمدة
ييجي كام
دقيقة وأضغط
لجوه كسها
بقوة وهي
كانت بس تصيح
وتفرك صدرها
وتقول: أيوه
يا حبيبي
أسرع عايزاك
تنيكي بقوة
أنا بحبك
منصووووووووور يا عمري
آه أيوه
بسرعة يالا
المهم قربت
أنزل لبني
رحت مطلع زبي
من كسها
ومنزله وفير
غزير في
أعماق كسها
فقالت لي:
إحساسه في
كسي يجنن
طِعِم ولذيذ
أوي.المهم طلعت
زبي من كسها
ورحت مغير
تمددت أنا ع
السرير وهي
قعدت على زبي
وراح تطلع
وتنزل على
زبي وأنا هجت
ودخلت بيتها
وفضلنا نتصل
ببعض ونلتقي
لغاية دلوقت
ولسه أبو
الصيدلي ما
رجعش وأنا
أتمنى إنه ما
يرجعش أبدا
وتفضل سلاف
حبيبة قلبي
معايا يعني
لما يكون
بالليل أروح
عندها وبس
تقفل نرجع
لعندي للشقة .
وخطبتها من
واتجوزنا .
أحلى أيام
حياتنا . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Mansour and the female pharmacist Solaf.txt |
126,706 | null | Hala's adventure on her 5th wedding anniversary | اسمي هالة في الثلاثين من عمري متزوجة و أم لطفل، منذ ما قبل زواجي عرفت أني سأتعب مع زوجي كثيرًا بسبب صيته كثير نساء، أما أهلي فلم تتجاوز طموحاتهم أن أعيش مترفة مع رجل أعمال مرموق، و عن سلوكياته قالوا لي إني أستطيع تغييرها!!
حاولت مع سعد بطرق غير مباشرة أن أدعه يلازم البيت و أبعده عن شلة السوء، ونفعت أساليبي الاغرائية لفترة قدرت بالشهور فقط قبل أن يفلت الزمام مني و يعود زوجي إلى خبصاته، و كثيرًا ما كنت أجد في ملابس عمله واقيًا ذكريًا رغم أنه لم يستخدمه معي يومًا. و بولادة طفلي نسيت هموم قليلاً و قررت التركيز على ما ينفع ابني تاركة أمر إصلاح سعد للأيام.
لكن هل هموم كانت بسبب سلوك زوجي فقط؟ لا... كنت أقضي كثيرًا من الليالي التي يضاجع فيها غيري محموم من الشهوة لا سيما خلال أيام معينة من الشهر .. أتقلب في السرير و أحضن وسادتها أو أضعها بين فخذي متخيلة سعدًا يداعبني بأساليبه القاتلة و ينتهي بي الأمر إلى لهاث وبلل ودموع..
في ليلة عيد زواجنا اتصل بي ليلاً من مكتبه معتذرًا بأنه لا يستطيع الحضور والاحتفال معي بسبب عمل طارئ سيضطره إلى المبيت في المكتب!!! تظاهرت بقبول الحجة و همّمت بالبدء في نوبة بكاء، كنت قد وضعت طفلي عند أمي حتى نحتفل أنا و سعد براحتنا والآن أنا وحدي مع شموع وكيكة وورود لن يشاركني فيها أحد.
سمعت صوت المطر يتساقط في الخارج..تذكرت الغسيل و هرعت إلى الشرفة ، و ما إن بدأت لم الملابس من على الحبل حتى شعرت بحركة على الشرفة القريبة المقابلة، فإذا بشاب واقف يتأمل المطر، أو كان ينوي تأملني...
كان الشاب جامعيًا مستأجرًا للشقة مع أصدقائه..كنت أسمعهم أحيانًا يتحدثون بصخب أو يغنون و يتسامرون ، و كان ذلك يسليني و يذكرني بأيام الدراسة الرائعة.. تظاهرت بعدم رؤيته ..مرت ثوان قبل أن يفتح فمه ويمطرني بوابل من كلمات الغزل عن قوامي وشعري وملامحي المصرية الجميلة. بدأ بكلمات مهذبة مثل القد الميّاس والشعر الرائع.. ثم تحول إلى ألفاظ فاحشة كان لها وقع القضيب في فرجي.. حتى أني صرت أتباطأ في عملي كي يطول تلذذي بشعور أني مرغوبة ومشتهاة.. وكانت الذروة عندما قال ملمحًا إلى نهديّ البارزين: هل حليبكم رخيص أم غال كما في السوق؟ أتوق إلى قطرة.. مصة واحدة .. أما أنا فحليبي رخيص بل مجاني .. إنه يغلي غليانًا.. ألا تحبينه ساخنًا..مع البيض والسجق؟
وما إن رآني أكاد أنهي لم الثياب حتى انــدفع يقول: حسنًا.. إذا كنت خجلة أعطني إشارة ما .. برأسك برمش عينك.. وقبل أن ينهي كلامه أفلتت مني بلوزة وسقطت في الشارع.. شعرت بالخوف لا سيما عندما رأيته يدخل شقته مسرعًا وكأنما فهم أن تلك كانت إشارة مني.
دخلت البيت ووضعت الثياب على كرسي و أنا أنظر إلى الباب وقلبي يدق بعنف، و ما إن سمعت طرقات حذرة حتى بدأت أرتجف لا أدري خوفًا أم خجلاً أم ...رغبة..كان بإستطاعتي ألا أهتم ولتذهب البلوزة إلى الجحيم .. لكن هل أريد البلوزة أم من أحضرها لي؟.. فتحت الباب فتحة ضيقة جدًا تكفي لأخذ البلوزة أو للتظاهر بأني أريدها هي فقط ، ووجدت الشاب يمسكها وهو ينظر إلي بإمعان وعيناه تلمعان.. كان يبدو في بداية العشرينات عشرين واحد وعشرين بالكثير..لطيف الملامح.. سنه الصغير واضح..في مثل طولي ،حنطي اللون دقيق الجسم.. مد يده بالبلوزة دون أن يبدي اندفاعا للدخول ، أخذتها منه محاولة ألا أنظر إليه..أغلقت الباب بسرعة و أنا ألهث.. وفجأة وكأن كسي أطلق عواء رهيبًا دفعني لأن أعود و أفتح الباب.. لأجد الشاب واقفًا بابتسامته نفسها ، عندها دفعني إلى الداخل و أغلق الباب بقدمه بينما ذراعاه تحتضنني بعنف بالغ..وراح يلتهم شفتاي بنهم و أنا ذائبة في حرارة لعابه..ألقى بي إلى الأرض وانحنى فوقي ينزع عني فستان الحفلة التي كنت أظن أني سأبدأها مع زوجي..استسلمت لحركات جاري المجهول ..
AUTHOR: Womenloverعرى نصفي العلوي وخلع تيشرته المبلل ليلصق صدره العاري بثديي الممتلئين، ويبدأ بمص شفتي عنقي ونهداي بجنون وهو يهمس بـ (نعم ..نعم) لكن الـ (نعم) التي كانت تخرج من فمي كانت أقوى. كنت أحتضن رأسه المبلل بقطرات المطر وهذا لوحده أشعرني بلذة لا توصف .. نهض ليخلع بنطاله وسرواله الداخلي (كولوته) بسرعة وكنت أنا قد تخلصت من سرواليّ (كولوتي) الشفاف الذي أرتديه في المناسبات.. (أنت الخاسر يا زوجي العزيز.. انظر من حل مكانك الآن).. رفع الشاب ساقيّ ليمرغ وجهه في فرجي مداعبًا بلسانه وأنفه وأنا أتأوه وأشهق في كل ثانية وأمص أصابع قدمي في تلذذ واضح .. بدأ يدخل قضيبه الذي تمدد وانتفخ بشكل لا بأس به .. دخل قضيب الفتى في كسي المحروم ليبدأ معركة شرسة من النيك دامت نحو ثلاث ساعات ارتعشت فيها أربع مرات ..تناغمنا خلالها في قول نعم ..وفي المرة الأخيرة تناوبنا في الصراخ لدى وصولنا ذروة مشتركة لم يقطعها إلا محاولته الابتعاد فجأة ليقذف حليبه الساخن على الأرض وهو يزمجر دون وعي.. ولكنني فطنت إلى رغبته تلك ومنعته وأبقيته بداخلي أشده إليّ وقلت كلمة واحدة أو كلمتين .. عايزاها جوه .. فشعرت به ينتفض كعصفور بلله القطر بين ذراعي وحليبه الساخن يتدفق ليلسع مهبلي ويدغدغ بئر أنوثتي وعسلي .
ارتمى على الأرض لاهثًا، كنت أتأمله وأنا ألتقط أنفاسي وكسي شعر بالاكتفاء والشبع لكن إلى حين ..تبادلنا النظرات المبهورة ..وبينما نحن هكذا ..فوجئت بطرقة سعد على الباب.. هب كلانا واقفًا بذعر واندفع جاريًا حاملاً ملابسه إلى الشرفة وأنا ارتديت ثوبي بسرعة البرق وأخفيت الكولوت في يدي..عنده كان زوجي قد فتح الباب بمفتاحه ودخل وعيناه نصف مغمضتين.. من الواضح أنه مخمور ..مجعد الملابس أشعث الشعر ..بل وثمة خربشة واضحة في وجهه..هل رفضته امرأة أخيرًا وأفسدت عليه الليلة؟
قبلني ببرود متمنيًا عيدًا سعيدًا واعتذر عن كونه متعبًا ولا يستطيع الاحتفال ..دخل غرفة النوم وبالكاد خلع حذاءه ليرتمي بين الأغطية غارقًا في الشخير.
لم أجد الوقت لأغضب وأحزن بل كان همي أن يخرج ذلك الشاب بأي طريقة من البيت..
إلى الشرفة
لأجده يتلصص
على داخل
البيت وقد
ملابسه ..قلت
له: أسرع
الذهاب الآن
لقد نام.. خطا
الشاب نحو
الداخل بحذر
ثم التفت
كأنه أراد
سؤالي عن شيء
.. وإذا بعينيه
مجددًا ..جمد
في مكانه
وتقدم نحوي
..ظننت أنه
يودعني فلم
أقاوم ، لكنه
دفعني إلى
ليسندني على
ويلتصق بي
أوجعتني ..لا
أرجوك ..يكفي
زوجي ..سيس..
الناس ابتعد..
لم يصغ إلي
وقال بين
وهو يشمني: ما
أجملك وأطيب
ريحك! وكان
المطر بدأ
أشد من الأول
كلماتي في
ضجيج المطر
قبل أن تغيب
بين شفتيه
..كانت الساعة
نحو الثانية
بعد منتصف
الليل فلم
يكن ثمة
مخلوق في
الجوار يمكن
أن يرانا
الفستان عن
ليلتهمهما و
أنا أضغط
وجههما بيدي و قلبي
يدق بعنف
هائل.. أمسك
ببطن ركبتي
ورفع ساقي
لأفاجأ بأنه
فتح سوسته
ليحرر قضيبه
الذي عاد
وتصلب بما
لإشباعي..عقدت ساقي حول
أيره في
داخلي ..بدأ
بعنف و أنا
آتي بالرعشة
تلو الرعشة
ولا أسمع إلا
صوت المطر ..
ولا أحس إلا
تعتريني من
رأسي لأخمص
قدمي و أنا
أطوق هذا
الرجل بكل ما
أوتيت من قوة
وعضلات كسي
..سكبت مائي
على قضيبه
مرارا وقبل
أن ينبعد و
يقذف شلالاً
عارماً من
المني على
ضممته إلي
بقوة وتلقيت
العارم في
كسي الذي كان
ينتفض مع
الفتى وبقوة
تماثل قوتها
.. و هو يحاول
السيطرة على
نفسه لئلا
يصرخ ..ثم أخرج
قضيبه مني
وأنا لا
أريده أن
يفعل وأتكأ
..وأعاد قضيبه
إلى مكانه
..فجأة لم أعد
أراه ..يبدو
أنه خرج و أنا
شبه غائبة عن
وعيي ..رأيته
..التفت نحوي
لثوان لم
وجهه..ثم واصل
طريقه .
في اليوم
التالي لم
أترك جارة
إلا سألتها
عن الطلبة
لي إحداهن
الحي بعد
عند انتهاء
النصفية..وخلال هذين
الأسبوعين..حاولت العثور على ذلك الشاب (بائع الحليب الساخن) فلم أره ، حتى أنني استمريت واقفة لساعات قبالة شرفتهم..رأيتهم كلهم ما عداه .. إذا رآه أحدكم أخبروني ..أريد أن أشكره فقط على إحياء ليلة عيد زواجي الخامسة !! | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Hala's adventure on her 5th wedding anniversary.txt |
126,707 | null | The horny father seduced his daughter and fucked her | اسمي جنان وعمري 19 سنة. لي أخت صغيرة عمرها 12 سنة وأخ صغير عمره حوالى السنة. كنت أساعد أمي في تربيتهم... أعطيه قنينة الحليب أغير له حفاضه وكل ما هنالك. لن أطيل عليكم فقصتي مع أبي بدأت عندما كنت مرة أغير حفاض أخي. كان والدي يلاعبه بنفس الوقت وعندما فكيت له الحفاض كان زبه منتصبا!
نظر أبي إليه وقال عفويا: "هاها.. قائم معه العكروت!"
صرت أضحك معه... وضع والدي إصبعه على زب اخي وصار يلاعبه بشكل بريء وينظر إلى وجهه ويصدر له أصوات ولادية كي يضحكه... فابتسم أخي وصار يضحك... فقال والدي: "أكيد تضحك.. من لا يحب أن يلعب أحد بزبه؟!"
أثارني كلامه فقلت له: "هو لسه صغير على هذه الأشياء كي يفهمها." قال: "صحيح... الكبار فقط يستلذون بهذه الأشياء." قلت له: "غريب كيف يحصل معه ذلك وهو بهذا العمر ثم انه كبير.. حجمه كبير.."
فنظر إلي والدي مبتسما: "كبير؟ هذا لا شيء مقارنة مع حجمي!" قلت: "صحيح؟ أكبر منه؟" قال: "طبعا! فعضوي بدون انتصاب أطول من زب أخوكي وهو منتصب بثلاث مرات!" قلت له وأنا أرتجف من الإثارة: "صحيح هذا الكلام؟ أرني إياه!"
نظر إلي بإثارة مع ابتسامة استغراب وقال: "تريدين رؤيته؟!"
قلت: "نعم أريد رؤيته فأنا لم أر قضيب رجل بالغ من قبل."
قال: "حسنا.. سأريكي إياه لكن بشرط يبقى ذلك سر بيننا ولا تخبريه لأحد."
قلت: "موافقة"
عندها وقف أمامي وفك سوسته بنطاله وأخرج أيره منه فبدأ جسدي يرتجف بأكمله من الإثارة من منظره فهو فعلا ضخم رأسه كبير ولونه أسمر.
وضعته في يدي وقلت له: "هذا فعلا كبير لم أتوقع ذلك"
فقال: "هو نائم الآن.. لو أريتك إياه وهو منتصب لاندهشت!"
قلت له ببراءة: "كيف تجعله ينتصب؟"
قال: "الأمر بسيط.. الرجل ينتصب عندما يلعب بزبه أو عندما يشاهد امرأة عارية.."
قلت له: "سأخلع ثيابي أمامك لنرى ماذا يحصل.."
قال: "هيا.."افعلي"
بدأت أخلع
ثيابي قطعة
قطعة أمامه
حتى صرت
عارية كما
خلقني ربي
نظرت إلى أير
والدي فإذا
به ينتصب
ويرفع رأسه
في العلا مثل
الواقف الذي
يؤدي التحية
لهذا المنظر
وبدون أي
ترددّ ركعت
وصرت أداعبه
وألعب به فلم
يمانع أبي بل
استمتع بذلك
وصار يتأوه.
عندها وضعت
زبه في فمي
وصرت أمص
وأمسكته من
مؤخرته وصرت
أدفعها نحوي
كي يغوص زبه
أكثر وأكثر
في حلقي
فأمسكني من
رأسي ودفعه
نحو أيره
وصار ينيكني
من حلقي
بأيره مدخله
مخرجه حتى
صار كالعصا
فلم أستطع
السيطرة على
نفسي من
وتسطحت على
وطلبت منه أن
يأكل كسي ثم
لأول مرة.
لم أكن خائفة
من شيء
فوالدي أعلى
سلطة في
وأوامره هي
التي تنفذ
وبما انه هو
سيفتحني لم
أكن أخشى
أحدا على
الإطلاق ولم
أفكر بشيء
سوى بالتمتع
معه. وعندما
شاهدني أبي
بجسدي الشاب
انحنى أمام
كسي وبدأ
يأكله ويمصه.
لم أكن أعرف
لذة مص الكس
من قبل ولقوه
إثارتي مما
فعله صرت
أرتعش عدة
مرات في فمه
ماسكة رأسه
دافعة إياه
نحو كسي
مداعبة شعره
وهو يمص كسي
وزنبوري وكل
التي فيه.
تابع والدي
المص لفترة
أشعرني فيها
أني أنثى بكل
ما في الكلمة
من معنى وصعد
بشفايفه من
كسي إلى بطني
إلى حلمات
بزازي وصار
بشهوة ويا
لها من لذة لا
توصف. قلت له
الواحد: "بابا..
نيكني.. فوته
ما إن سمع
والدي ذلك
حتى أمسك
بزبه الغليظ
ووضع رأسه
على باب كسي
ودفعه دفعة
واحدة في قعر
كسي حتى
بيضتاه جسدي
ولم يتثنى لي
الوقت كي
أشعر بالألم
فاللذة التي
عندما بدأ
ينيكني فعلا
جعلتني أنسى
ألمي خاصة أن
كسي يستقبل
أيرا للمرة
والشعور به
وهو يدخل في
هذه المنطقة
الأولى مثير
لدرجة تشعر
بإحساس جديد
وغريب لم
تشعره من قبل.نزل من كسي
القليل من
الدم سرعان
ما انقطع
النيك وأير
الملطخ بدم
عذريتي يدخل
ويخرج فبدأ
ظهري ينزل
وصرت أصرخ
تحته وأتأوه
تماما كأني
زوجته فصار
ويولجه بكسي
للبيضات ثم
يسحبه ثم
يولجه ثم بدأ
يقذف في كسي
مسرعا حركة
وإيابه فيه
وبدأ يصرخ من
اللذة ومن
كثرة إثارتي
بدأ كسي ينزل
المني من
ظهري فعانقته
وتشنجت عليه
وصرت أعضه من
عنقه بلطافة
لم ينم أير
والدي من
الهياج.. ظل
منتصبا في
كسي وما هي
إلا ثوان حتى
رجع ينيكني
به بقوه أكثر
من السابق
وبدأ يخضه
ويخضه حتى
قذف في كسي
مرة ثانية..
فوقي وزبه
بقي في كسي...
شعرت بالمني
الكثير الذي
دلقه وسكبه
من ظهره في
كسي وأثارني
ذلك لدرجه
أردته أن
يبقى فيه
للأبد... وقد
تحقق حلمي:
قذف والدي في
كسي ذلك
اليوم خمس
لدرجة شعرت
ببحر من
المني يملأ
كسي وهذا
أثارني بشكل
غير معقول
خاصة أن كل
هذا الحليب
كان في ظهر
والدي وقذفه
كله في كسي
خلال عملية
نيك طويلة
أدخل خلالها
زبه الغليظ
في رحمي
وهشمه من
ومرت الأيام
ينيكني كل
يوم ويفرغ
ظهره في كسي
حتى حملت منه
وظل ينيكني
حتى خلال
الحمل وينزل
منيه في كسي
في كل مرة
وكان بودي
الإبقاء على
الحمل لولا
الخوف من
الناس كوني
صغيرة وغير
الذهاب إلى
عيادة إجهاض
للتخلص من
الجنين الذي
في بطني
علاقتي مع
والدي لكني
صرت أتناول
حبوب منع حمل
كي لا يتكرر
ما حصل . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/The horny father seduced his daughter and fucked her.txt |
126,711 | null | Amina | اسمى أحمد
وعمرى 25 سنة ..
المؤلفة من
أبى وأمى
أنجبانى بعد
طول غياب ..
بعد سنين
زواج طويلة ..
فكأنهما جدى
وجدتى الآن ..
كنا نعيش فى
القاهرة فى
عمارة قديمة
نوعا من خمسة
أدوار .. وكان
جارنا رجل
سخيف أقرع
ندعوه المسخ ..
كان له بنون
تزوجوا كلهم
وبقى معه ابن
صغير فى
الإعدادى ..
كان يدلله ..
وكانت زوجته
سيئة الطباع
شرسة تدعى
أمينة .. رغم
أنها جميلة
ذات جاذبية
يثير كل من
يسمعه حتى
ولو كان صوتا
شرسا مسعورا
عصبيا .. كانت
قمحية اللون
للاصفرار ..
البدن ..
مصرية صميمة ..
ورغم كونها
فى السابعة
إلا أنها
كانت تمتلك
شيئا ما
جذابا فى
وصوتها .. وفى
سمعت ابنها
يحادث ابن
جارتهم وهو
زميله ومن
نفس عمره ..
بأنه يمتلك
جنسية على
أسطوانة أو
فلاشة وأخذ
يغريه بها
حتى طالبه
بها وأخذها
منه فى غياب
أمينة .. التى
كانت متسلطة
نوعا وهى
الكل فى الكل
فى المنزل ..
ويبدو أنه
نسخها عنده
ثم عاد
إليه وكانت
أمينة قد
وصلت فتردد
ولكنها دعته
للدخول .. خطر
لى خاطر
لحظتها أن
تكون تلك
المرأة هى من
أعطت ابنها
أصلا .. قلت
وكأنى أثير
نفسى أكثر
مما هى مثارة :
بايّن عليها
دحيحة أفلام ..
وسال لعاب
أيرى ..
هذه المرأة
التى حين
تراها وتسمع
صوتها تشعر
كما لو كنت
ترى قباب
المزخرفة ..
وتشم عبق
وترتوى منه
بمرأى قصر
الشمع ..
المصرية من
الفتة إلى
المدمس ..
والبرامليى ..
أصبحت أنتظر
وسماع صوتها
قوامها من
السحرية .. وهى
الزرقاء على
العريضتين ..
الكعب ..كنت أترقب
العالى كل
صباح على باب
لشقتى .. وكنت
أتقلى على
جمر النار ..
عودتها .. وكان
زعيقها فى
لغرفة نومى
ويهتز لها
قضيبى شوقا
ورغبة ..
هناك بعصبية ..
لا عجب أن
تكون تلك
حالتها مع
ذلك الدميم
الأقرع شبيه
أبو حفيظة
وعمرو أديب ..
إنها تستحق
شابا فتيا
ويطلب لها
الرضا لترضى ..
هذه المثيرة
المعتقة .. كم
أحلم أن أمس
وخديها ..
وأقرص ثديها
من فوق
البلوزة ..
وأخلع عن
حذاءها ..
وأذيقها من
نغم الحب على
فراش الحب ما
ويسعدنى ..
إنها مهرة
عصبية جموحة
تحتاج جوادا
وهدوئها .. متى
يحين وقت
لأشفار كسها
الدسمة .. متى
يلطخ لعابى
المنوى حواف
مهبلها فى
رغبة ونهم
واشتهاء .. متى
تستجيب لى ..
وبدأت أتعمد
الغناء أغان
عاطفية جوار
مطبخها وأنا
فى غرفة نومى ..
وأتنهد ..
وأقرأ بصوت
مسموع قصصا
عن فتيان
أحبتهم نسوة
بسنين عديدة
وكيف أنهم
عاشوا فى
تبات ونبات ..
الجدار بصوت
مسموع لها ..
وأصنع أصوات
قبلات .. ظللت
على هذه
الحال مرارا ..
كانت تتوقف
عما تفعل فى
لتستمع لى ..
ثم بعدئذ
بدأت تستمر
فى عملها دون
اكتراث ولم
تعد تهتم لما
أقول وأفعل ..
وكنت أتحين
فرص بقائها
فى المنزل فى
غياب زوجها
فى العمل
وابنها فى
المدرسة ..
المطل على
غرفة نومها
وغرفة نومى ..
ولم يكن
فوقها سوى
خاليتين .. فلم
يكن أحد
ليلاحظ ما
أفعل سواها ..
وكنت أنظر
إليها وهى
بالمطبخ أو
بغرفة النوم
وألعق شفتى
وأرسل لها
قبلات فى
الهواء وأضم
شفتى معا فى
قبلة صامتة ..
وأنظر لها
تمتلئ شهوة
وأداعب أيرى ..
وكنت أراها
تنظر لى ثم
بشفتيها ...
وكانت ترتدى
حتى فى
المنزل وكم
وددت أن أرى
شعرها هل هو
ناعم وطويل
أم ماذا ..
وذات مرة ..ابتسمت لى
ورفعت عن
فرأيت شعرا
بنيا طويلا
ضفائر وكعكة
كبيرة لطوله
وكثافته ..
ولكنها كانت
والأخيرة ..
التى تجاوبت
معى فى شئ ..
وبعدها بقيت
وقبلاتى ولا
من مجيب ..
فلما نفذ
صبرى قررت
بخطوة حاسمة
ونهائية ..
تربصت لها فى
يوم وهى
وأهلى فى
زيارة لبعض
أصدقائهم ..
فتأهبت لما
كنت أخطط له ..
وواربت باب
شقتى قليلا
فلما رأيتها
فتحت الباب
وانحنت عليه
انتظرت حتى
عليها وكممت
وجذبتها نحو
شقتى وأغلقت
الباب بسرعة
ولم يلاحظ
أحد .. وكان
السلم خاليا ..
مسعورة شرسة
ولكننى لم
أدعها تفلت ..
وأخذت أهمس
لها بأننى
أحبها بل
عبادة وأعبد
التراب الذى
تمشى عليه ..
وأننى بعدما
عليها لن
أدعها تفلت
منى أبدا
مهما حصل ..
قتيلها أو
اليوم .. وأن
حياة أو موت ..
فصمتت قليلا
وقبضت عليها
بيد وباليد
الأخرى لم
أكف لحظة عن
فك أزرار
بلوزتها ..
سحرية كنت قد
تحته حتى
كانت حلمتها
لعبة ألهو
بقوة بين
أصابعى ..
حجابها عن
رأسها وخرج
لسانى يلعق
أذنها وخدها
فى لهفة
وقالت لى
بصوت متهدج :
ماذا تريد ؟ .
أنمتها برفق
ثمينة وزهرة
مرهفة على
فراشى الذى
لطالما حلمت
نائمة عليه
وأنا أغمر
وبدنها العارى
وأفعال الحب
والهيام .. قلت
لها : لا شئ .
فقط أتركى لى
نفسك تماما
وثقى بأنك لن
تندمى على
لحظة قضيتها
معى .. شعرت
فجأة عندها
وتتلاشى كأن
لم تكن .. وزاد
ذلك من شهوتى
ورغبتى فيها
وإثارتى ..
فأخذت أشمها
وأقبلها فى
كل أحاء
وجهها بجنون
ولهفة كأننى
طفل متشوق
حصل على
المفضلة .. ولم
تملك هى إلا
أن ابتسمت لى
أموميةساحرة مشفقة ..كأنها تقول لى: حذار من لهيب الرغبة في أن يقتلك .. اهدأ فإنى لك كما تريد .. لكننى بقيت رغم ذلك كمن أصابه الجنون ولم أستطع تهدئة نفسى ولم تبطئ دقات قلبى المتسارعة اللاهثة الوثابة إلا بعد دقائق أخرى حتى شعرت بالإشباع والاطمئنان نوعا .. فعدت لطبيعتى .. كان عطرها روعة .. وهبطت عند قدميها أخلع عنهما الحذاء العالى وأمسكهما برفق واعتزاز .. وأقبلهما .. ثم عدت لأقبل فمها السمين الشفتين وهى تبادلنى القبلات برفق أثارنى أكثر فكنت كمن شرب من ماء البحر الملاح وعاد أكثر عطشا .. وفككت الضفائر والكعكة فاستلقى شعرها الغجرى المجنون حتى خصرها وانتشر كالبحر على طول الفراش .. وأغرقت وجهها بلعابى وشراسة ولهفة شفتى ويدى وأسنانى .. وهبطت إلى عنقها الجميل وفعلت معه كما فعلت بوجهها .. وانطلقت بتؤدة وتلكؤ إلى نهديها نازعا عنها بلوزتها تماما وسوتيانها .. ثم أعدتها لوضع الرقاد .. وتعبدت لمصنعى الحليبيلين .. وسجدت لجبلى الملبن المكسوة قممها بالشيكولاتة المصرية الحلوة .. غرقت فى متعتهما الأسطورية الخيالية اللا متناهية القادمة من لا مكان .. ولحست عرقها الأنثوى الطيب الرائحة من على نهديها .. ولم أدع لهما شبرا من فوقهما ومن تحتهما إلا لحسته وقبلته وغرقت فيه بوجهى وعقلى وكلى وأعصابى .. ولحست غواشيها الذهبية حول يديها .. ثم هبطت أخيرا إلى جونلتها فخلعتها عنها وجذبتها لأسفل من قدميها .. ثم أتبعتها بكولوتها الأبيض الصغير ذى الحواف الدانتيل .. وقبلت ساقيها من فخذها مرورا بركبتها السمينة الناعمة المثيرة وحتى قدميها .. كانت ساقان مصرية ممتلئة جميلة ومثيرة وصميمية .. وقلبتها على بطنها فجأة ورأيت جمال وارتفاع ردفيها الحلوين .. وقبلتهما .. وهى تقوس ظهرها وترفع رأسها وتضحك .. وهى تحس بى أخيرا أخلع بيجامتى كلها وغياري متلعثما متسرعا متلهفا أضطرب فوقها .. وتشعر بقضيبى المبلل الغارق فى لعابه وشراهته وجوعه يندس بين فلقتيها ويندفع ذهابا وإيابا على أشفارها وشرجها دون إيلاج .. ولا دخول .. وبقينا على ذلك قليلا .. أتأوه وتضحك .. أتأوه وهى تضحك ..حتى بدأت أحك كمرتى في بوابة كسها وأشفارها .. مرارا وتكرارا وألطخ بلعابه جدران أنوثتها الخارجية والداخلية .. وأناطح البظر المعاند المتسلط بقضيبي الهائل .. ثم أولجته فيها وهي تحتي كاللبؤة المغلوبة على بطنها .. وشعرها يغطي ظهرها فغرقت فيه بوجهي وأزحته أخيرا على الجانبين على الفراش لألعق ظهرها الجميل السمين الشاسع الأنثوي .. ثم أخيرا قلبتها على ظهرها مجددا .. وهمست لها وهي لا تكف عن الضحك أن تطوقني كالمقص بيديها وقدميها حول ظهري ففعلت بكل حماس ودراية .. إنها فعلا خبيرة محنكة .. واندفعت إلى ملاهي ديزني لاند الكائنة في مهبلها أنهل من المتعة التي لا تفنى .. وأشعر بمذاق الأهرام والنيل ومصر القديمة وشارع المعز والحلويات المصرية في آن واحد في أعماقها تجتاحني وترفعني وتخفضني وترميني وتقذفني وتشطرني نصفين وتوحدني .. حرصت على أن أطيل الأمر فبقيت أضاجعها على هذا الوضع ساعة كاملة بقدرتي على وقف القذف وتأخيره كلما اقترب ودنا .. وبين لحظة وأخرى أهبط بفمي لأقطف ثمرة شهية من هذا النهد أو ذاك أو هذه الشفة أو تلك .. وأمص اللسان الجميل وألثم الخد الكلثومي الجليل .. وأخيرا ارتجفت وانهرت عليها وضمتني إليها وأنا أفرغ وأسكب كل ثمرتي الوفيرة الغزيرة اللا منتهية فيها .. في أعماقها .. في روحها .. في أنوثتها .. في جسدها .. لبني يملأ كسها ورحمها .. وهدأت أخيرا وبقينا على هذا الوضع مدة طويلة وهي تربت على ظهري بحنو وهدوء كأم رؤوم .. ثم نهضت عنها أخيرا ورقدت جوارها وهي مفتوحة الساقين لا تزال .. ولم ألبث إلا قليلا حتى قلت لها : ما رأيك ؟ نعمل واحد آخر ؟ .. فكرت في شرود وعيناها فارغتان: واحد آخر .. نعم ولم لا ؟ .. وبدأنا من جديد .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Amina.txt |
126,726 | null | Me and my pussy | استيقظت سهير في الرابعة فجرا. وهي تفكر في ذلك الجزء الحلو والجهاز اللذيذ الجميل من أجهزة جسدها الذي يدعى الكس بسببه سلمت نفسها إلى 3 رجال في شهر واحد. ذلك الجزء من جسدها الذي أقلق حياتها وجعلها تسلم نفسها لثلاثة رجال أحست معهم بقسوة الشهوة وقسوة حياتها الجنسية.
فهي لديها بيت وأولاد وزوج. ولكن لديها أيضا جسم رهيب شهي بهي كل الذي يشوفه بيبقى عاوز ينط عليه. نقطة ضعفها جسمها. لدرجة أن أحد الرجال الثلاثة قال لها إنتي جسمك كتير قوي عليا.
تزوجت سهير منذ 10 سنوات ورزقت بـ 3 أولاد الأكبر في التاسعة والصغرى في السادسة. تزوجت سهير زواجا عائليا عاديا بدون حب ولكنها تمتلك العاطفة والرومانسية وأكثر من ذلك لديها جسم شهواني رهيب يتكلم في أي وقت ويطلب في أي وقت. وخاصة وأنها تعمل في محلها الخاص وترى في عيون الرجال الشهوة ورغبتهم في ممارسة الافتراس الجنسي معها. من الرجال من يتكلم مباشرة على جمالها ورغبته فيها ومنهم من ينظر إلى جسمها نظرات تفهمها هي وتجعلها تغلي من الداخل وتجعل شهوتها تتحرك. لدرجة أنها وضعت فوط الدورة الشهرية باستمرار في الكولوت حتى إذا نزلت شهوتها بسبب الحر أو بالنظرات أو بالكلام فالفوط تشرب إفرازاتها الجنسية. كس رهيب جدا محتاج زبر حمار حتى يرضيه. فكسها عميق جدا للغاية حتى أن زوجها عندما يمارس معها كان يدخل إصبعه للداخل عميقا حتى يصل لجدار كسها فأي زبر صغير لا يشبعها فهي تريد زبرا من نوع آخر ورجلا شرسا مفترسا وقحا قليل الأدب سافلا منحطا فالرقة والنعومة لا تنفع مع هذا الكس. تريد رجلا مثل إنسان الغابة لا يعرف الرحمة.
سهير كانت تقاوم كل شئ: شهوتها وعروض الآخرين وإغراءاتهم. كانت حياتها العائلية هادئة مستقرة خالية من الإشباع الجنسي وكانت راضية بالمقسوم وكانت تكتفي بالدقائق المعدودة اللي بتقضيها مع جوزها وعند انتهائه كانت بتدخل الحمام وتكمل لنفسها.أدمن زوجها الخمر وأثرت على قدراته الجنسية والحيوية. فالخمر قد تسيطر على عضلات الانتصاب وتجعل الانتصاب غير كامل ولو حدث انتصاب يكون الارتخاء سريعا.
ازدادت معاناة سهير مع جسمها ومع هذا المكان اللذيذ الحلو (الكس). ازدادت سهير قلقا ورغبة وأصبحت غير قادرة على تحمل ندا ء كسها. ازداد التعب النفسي والعصبية ونشط الفرس الجامح اللي جواها اللي اسمه الجنس. وازداد جسمها طلبا لفارس يقود شهوتها ويرضي كسها الرهيب.
أنتم لا يمكنكم أن تتصوروا وجود مثل ذلك الكس الملئان بحجم كف اليد والذي يوجد بحلق الوادي بين فخدين ممتلئين وطيز مستديرة ناعمة. وصدر محتفظ بقوته وشدته. هذا هو جسم سهير الناعم، جسم أنثوي ولا أحلى راقصة من راقصات شارع الهرم فهو جسم طبيعي خلقة ربنا لا تعرف إليه المساحيق أو أدوات التجميل طريقا.
حقيقي أنا شفت الجسم وهجت وأثرت. جسم لا أصدق أنه موجود بأحد الأحياء الشعبية. جسم يقول للقمر قوم وأنا أقعد مكانك فهي لم تتجاوز الثانية والثلاثين.ابتدأت شهوة سهير تضعف مع توقف زوجها عن إعطائها جرعة الجنس اليومية حتى إصبعه توقف عن اللعب في كسها.
ازدادت سهير شهوة وهيجانا. في الأول ابتدأت تقاوم ولكن بمرور الوقت وهجوم كسها بشهوتها على جسمها أثر على فكرها وعصبيتها وجعلها طريدة الأفكار الجنسية الرهيبة. ابتدأت سهير باللعب في كسها لإرضاء شئ من شهوتها وإسكات كسها الرهيب. ولكن هذا الكس لا يرضى بالقليل لا يرضى بإصبعها هو فهو يريد حرارة من نوع آخر ولحم من نوع آخر يكحت في كسها. تريد أن تحس أن لحم كسها يقتحمه لحم ساخن ناشف شديد ويصل لأعماق أعماق كسها. فهي تريد زبر حقيقي. ومن معاناتها استسلمت أخيرا لأفكارها ولكسها الجميل اللذيذ.
استسلمت لأول العروض وهو رجل في الثامنة والثلاثين من عمره وأحست برغبة تجاهه. وقعت فريسة لأول كلمتين وأخيرا وصلت لسرير رجل غريب وهناك كانت تريد إخراج وإفراغ شهوتها وقلعت ملابسها وقلع الرجل ملابسه بدون مقدمات ولا تسخينات فالاثنان يريدان الإشباع ولا يهم أي شئ سوى وجودهما داخل بعض.هنا أدخل
الرجل زبره
بداخل كسها
وهنا اكتشفت
شيء رهيب فزبر
الرجل صغير
جدا لم يصل
إلى أعماق
العملية في
معدودة. وخيم
الصمت عليها
ولم تقل أي شيء.
ونزلت وهي
نادمة ندما
كبيرا على
هذه التجربة
اللي ما
منها شيء سوى
مرت أيام وهي
لا تعرف معنى
مشاكلها مع
معه لدرجة
أنها كانت
تنام في سرير
واحد مع
وهجرت سرير
لنفورها من
رائحة الخمر
المنبعثة من
وأصبحت لا
تطيق وجود
بالبيت فهي
فزوجها هو
زوجها فقط
باسم لا
بيهش ولا
أيام عدت
عليها بعد
الأولى.وفجأة ظهر في
حياتها رجل
من العمر
وجهه يملأه
شنب ومظهره
الخارجي رجل.
ابتدأ الرجل
كلام الحب
الحلو أقوى
من الطرق على
الحلو يلين
الرجل ناكها
وجعلها تسلم
بسرعة علما
بأن تجربتها
الأولى لم
يمر عليها
أكثر من
.كانت تقضي
معه ليال
الرجل ناكها
بمخها وهي
وتواعدا معا.
وفجأة حضر
الرجل في يوم
وأخذها إلى
طريق مصر
وهناك كانت
مزرعة من
شاليه. ودخلت
.وهناك نزلت
من السيارة
معه إلى غرفة
النوم وكان
سرير خشب
قديم ومرتبة
قديمة. لا
تليق بها
ولكن هناك 4
حيطان تفي
بالغرض ولا
تكشف الحال
سهير لأول
بوسة وراحت
فيها وكان
جسمها يرقد
على السرير
منتظرا هذا
ليغزو أعماق
كسها ويفتحه
من جديد
ونزلت منها
وخيوط بيضاء
أن يدخل لحم
زبر صديقها
الجديد بلحم
كسها ولكن لم
تشعر سوى
وأخيرا نظرت
لزبر الرجل
لاقته نائم
ليس فيه أي
انتصاب لا
الصمود أمام
كسها اللذيذ
المقطقط. فهو
إذا رأيته
وجدته ناعما
وله فصين
أملسين يقفل
على شفرتين
إذا لمسته من
الداخل تحس
إنك بتحط
إيدك جوه فرن.
كس نار نار
ومعها رجل
حمار لا يعرف
شئ. وهنا لبست
وطلبت منه
بتاعها وطول
السكة وهي
تحتقر نفسها
على التجربة
الفاشلة. فهي
لم تسترح ولم
تستفد شيئا
وحجة الرجل
أن كسها قوي
عليه وأنه
نفسيا لم
يصدق نفسه أن
هذا الكس سوف
يكون ملكه
دلوقتي وأنه
سوف يتمتع
بيه. نفسيا لم
يشد أو ينتصب.
بينها وبين
زوجها سكرا
وأفرط في
وترك زوجته
كحمل وديع
وسط ذئاب
وهنا قررت
سهير أن لا
تخوض تجربة
ثالثة وأن
وأخذت تقاوم
بإيدها هي.
ولكن هيهات
المجنون لا
يشبعه شئ ولا
الكس الجائع
يرضى فقط
تعرفت سهير
على حسن وهو
رجل متزوج
ودخل حسن
وحياتها عن
وابتدأت معه
قصة حب
الرهيبة. بس
هي بينها
وبين نفسها
كانت قد قررت
أن لا تخوض
الجنسية مرة
أخرى. ولكن
القوية كانت
أقوى منها
ولا تستطيع
أن توقفها
وكمان عروض
حسن وكلامه
بالحب أحست
سهير أنها لا
مقاومة هذا
الجارف الذي
والشهوة.في يوم كانت في الشغل أو في المحل بتاعها وفجأة وجدت حسن وجهها لوجه أمامها وتقابلت العينان وتلامست اليدان وكانت مقابلة كلها شهوة ورومانسية وشئ عمرها ما حست به من قبل.
تعددت لقاءات سهير مع حسن في الكازينوهات وزاد حسن العيار على سهير ، زاد من كلامه الحلو وشكواه من زوجته ورغباته الجنسية التي لا يتم إشباعها مع زوجته وأحست سهير أنها وجدت ضالتها المنشودة: رجل ظروفه شبيهة بظروفها وأحست أن رغبتها تتشابه مع رغبة وشهوة حسن.
تواعد حسن وسهير وسافرت زوجته لبلدها لزيارة أهلها وكانت شقته بإحدى العمارات الفاخرة بحي المهندسين وفي يوم أخذها هناك.
أحست سهير أن عواطفها لا تستطيع التحكم فيها فحسن امتلك كل شئ.
ابتدأ حسن بالكلام الجميل وبالأحضان الجميلة وحسسها بأنوثتها وحسسها برغبتها من خلال القبلات والمداعبات وأحست أنها أسيرة شهوة وحب حسن.
ابتدأ حسن بملامسة جسمها واببتدأ حسن بخلع ملابسها واحدة واحدة وأحست ساعتها أنها لا تستطيع السيطرة على نفسها. غير أن كسها ابتدأ بحركات وتقلصات عمرها ما أحست بها من قبل فشدت الشفرتين وأحست أن خرم كسها يفتح ويقفل وأحست بتيار وشلال إفرازات تنزل لدرجة أن مرتبة السرير امتلأت وأغرقتها بقعة ماء كبقعة زيت بالبحر . أحست أن معها رجلا حقيقيا.
ابتدأ حسن بمص الحلمات ولحس كسها وأحست أن حسن بيوصل إلى أعماق كسها وأخيرا وجدت نفسها عريانة كما ولدتها أمها وجسمها كله شاد وملئ بالشهوة أحست بلحظات شهوة غريبة مع حسن. وهنا أعلن حسن عن نفسه وأخرج زبره وكان زبر شديد ورأسه في حجم اللليمونة وأحست أن رأس زبر حسن تخترق كسها ولكنه كان كبيرا على كسها. أخذ في البداية بتفريش كسها حتى يتسع وأحست بلذة غريبة من فرشة حسن وفجأة هاج حسن واقتحم زبره كسها ودخل لأعماق كسها ولم تصدق ما تحس به عندما استطاع زبره أن يلمس جدار كسها الداخلي من الداخل أحست بضربات زبر حسن وهي تنقر داخل كسها مثل المطرقة والسندان.أحسست بمطرقة
حسن تخترق
كسها وأن لحم
زبره يكحت في
لحم كسها
وأحست أن
جدار كسها مع
كل حركات زبر
حسن يفرز
.احتكاك رهيب.
أحست سهير
بحب جارف نحو
حسن ممتلئ
والمتعة.كان ترفع رجليها
وتحضن حسن
وتأخذ زبره
بخبرة داخل
كسها ولأول
مرة تحس بشئ
غريب وعجيب .
وأحست أن
رعشتها لا
تتوقف من
بالحب . أحست
أنها تريد
تاني وتالت
ورابع .
أخذ حسن
بالراحة حتى
تسترجع سهير
الاثنان في
أحضان بعض
أجسام بعض
وكان زبر حسن
شادد وأحست
وتمنت أن حسن
يكون زوجها
حتى يكون لها
الذاتي من
والحب .
ابتدأ حسن
الجميل وقال
لها إن عمره
ما شاف جسم أو
كس زي جسمها
وكسها وهنا
أحست سهير
مرة أخرى ولم
تحس إلا أنها
قد هاجت
وناملت فوق
حسن ووضعت
زبر حسن في
كسها وأخذت
تطلع وتنزل
وزبر حسن
يخبط في
أعماقها من
تنسال منها
وأحست برغبة
أكثر. لقد
نسيت حياتها
فكسها رهيب
رهيب . كس سهير
وجد ضالته بس
للأسف على
سرير زوجة
حسن . أحست
فحسن رجل ذو
خبرة بالجنس .
وهنا أعلن
حسن عن
لسهير ولف
نفسه عليها
وركبها ورفع
رجليها وأخذ
ازدادت قوته
وأمسك جسمها
بقوة وأحست
سهير بلذة
وبألم جميل
واستمر كسها
وأخذ حسن
وهو يمسكها
من بزازها
بقوة وأحست
بألم جميل في
صدرها مع
العلم بأن
كانت شديدة .
كانت مسلوبة
وأحست أن حسن
أعماق كسها
وهي لم تعرف
ذلك من قبل .وهنا أحست أن
حسن سوف يقذف
إرادتها هي
كمان أحست أن
كسها بيفرز
رعشات غريبة
وعجيبة وأن
كسها بيقفل
ويفتح ويمسك
بزبر حسن
وأحس حسن أن
كسها ماسك في
زبره فقد
كانت عضلات
كسها قوية
وكان كسا
غريبا شفط كل
لبن أو مني
زبر حسن وأحس
حسن بمتعة
غريبة مع هذا
الكس الغريب
والعجيب فقد
شفط كل شئ في
وتمتعا وأحس
كسها براحة
غريبة بعد
مرتين من
والعجيبة .
المقابلة ,
ورجعت إلى
البيت وطلبت
من أولادها
إن ما حدش
ودخلت إلى
وارتمت على
وراحت في
ولأول مرة
تحس أن جسمها
سايب ويريد
ولأول مرة
تحس أن بكاء
كسها قد قل
وأن كسها
ساكن وهادئ
الراحة . ولما
نهضت من
نومها نظرت
في المرآة
وقد تجردت من
وأخذت تباعد
أشفار كسها
بيدها وتخرج
كعادتها منذ
صغرها وهي
لنفسها: إنتي
اللي ناكوكي
ناكوكي .. قال
لي عايز
أنيكك .. قلت
له تعالى
نكني ومتع لي
كسي. بقيتي يا
بت يا سهير
متناكة بجد ..
برخصة ..
عالمية ..
وليكي الشرف.
أخيرا وجد
الكس ضالته
ولكن تأتي
الرياح بما
لا تشتهي
السفن فقد
بين حسن
وزوجته رجاء.
بين سهير
وزوجها عزيز.
استمرت حياة
بالطريقة دي
عند الرغبة
وكل واحد
فيهم عايش
حياته .
ثم قرر
إدخال رجاء
وعزيز في
اللعبة .. لعل
ذلك يصلح من
معهما .. فقررت
سهير دخول
عالم السحاق
بل وأن تحظى
القيادة فيه ..
فعلمت من حسن
موعد خروج
زوجته رجاء
إلى السوق
وتبعتها دون
أن تدري بها
ثم التقت بها
عند بائع
الخضراوات ..
صلتهما معا ..
ولم يكن
عسيرا على
سهير اجتذاب
والودودة .. و
دعتها رجاء
بعد أيام
لزيارتها في
منزلها إذ
لقاءاتهما في
وأماكن أخرى
أخيرا سهير
رافقت رجاء
إلى منزلها
ذات المنزل
الذي طالما
شهدت جدرانه
بحسن حبيبها
وزوج رجاء ..وشربت
الشاي معا
وسرعان ما
الزوجية ..
فشكت لها
رجاء من
ضخامة قضيب
حسن وأنه لا
يمتعها بل
لأنها كسها
صغير يحتاج
فقط لأير
صغير ولذلك
تتهرب منه ..
وكرهت الجنس
نتيجة لذلك ..
وأحجمت عن
إقامة علاقة
مع رجال
آخرين غير
زوجها رغم
تقابلها ..
أولا مراعاة
لشرفها وشرف
وأولادها ..
ثانيا لأنها
لا تضمن أن
يكونوا ذوي
أيور أقل
طولا وعرضا
من أير حسن.
فقد تقع في
مطب كمطب
زوجها أو
ربما أزفت.
فضحكت إذ
كانت عكس
بالضبط ولكن
واحدة ..
أنها مثلها
تعف عن إقامة
علاقة مع
رجال آخرين
غير زوجها ..
النظرات وقد
أعمل فيهما
معول الشهوة
مفعوله .. همست
وصديقتها : ما
دمت تمقتين
الرجال لهذه
الدرجة فلم
لا تجربين
النساء ..
امرأة مثلك
وتريحها ..
وبدون خوف من
حمل ولا
للشرف .. ثم لم
تنتظر منها
ردا بل دنت
منها وبدأت
تداعب صدرها
برفق .. ولم
يتطلب الأمر
الكثير من
الإقناع .. بل
لاقى الأمر
داخليا لدى
رجاء وفضولا
لاستكشاف شئ
اسمه السحاق
ومع ذلك
تصرفتا كما
لو كانتا
متمرستين في
عالم السحاق
منذ سنين
أفضل قيادة.
نهضت سهير
وساعدت كل
الأخرى فى
التجرد من
ملابسها حتى
أصبحت كلتا
وحافية .. لو
رآهما رجل
على هذه
الحال لقضى
بقية حياته
يتقلب في
ويتنقل من
عسيلة هذه
إلى عسيلة
تلك .. وينهل
من المتعة
المزدوجة مع
ارتمت رجاء
على الفراش
عليها سهير ..
وبدأ تبادل
والهمسات .. ثم
حان وقت مص
الثدي .. وهبطت
سهير أخيرا
إلى الكس
الحلو .. كس
رجاء .. وفعل
لسان سهير
كعصا الساحر
في كس سهير ..
والتي ملأت
وعويلا ..
سهير مرات
ومرات إلى
قمة النشوة ..
ثم قلبتها
رجاء لتحل
محلها .. وفعلت
بها مثلما
فعلت ..وأنهتا
بوصلة دعك
أكساس وسحق
أفخاذ حتى
أدمغتهما من
اللذة .
ثم ارتمتا
منهكتين على
وراحتا في
نوم عميق ..
استيقظت منه
سهير أولا
وأيقظت رجاء
الحديث ولم
الفراش ولا
شيئا على
عريهما .. قالت
لها سهير من
بين ما قالت:
ماذا لو خانك
زوجك ؟ أعني
لعله يفعل
لأنه محروم
منك .. كانت
سهير تتوقع
أن تقول رجاء
وإياها أو
سأقطعه إربا
أو يا ويله
وسواد ليله ..
لكن رجاء
قالت ما أدهش
وأسعد سهير
في آن واحد ..
قالت مستخفة ..
يا ستي اللي
خدته القرعة
تاخده أم
شعور .. هوه ده
فيه واحدة
تطيق زبه .. ده
زبر ثور بعيد
عنك عايز كس
بقرة .. هههه
ولا تلقاكي
نفسك في واحد
زيه .. على كل
لو حصل ده أنا
هاصفع لها
ريحتني من
طلباته اللي
أنا مش قادرة
عليها .. ويبقى
بتاعه ..
هاقول ربنا
يهني سعيد
كانت سهير
تجس نبض رجاء
تمهيدا لما
خططت له مع
حسن ... وقد
وجدت النبض
سليم وعال
العال وزي
وأكتر .. لقد
سهلت عليها
رجاء المهمة ..
وفي يوم ... رن
رقم محمول
مجهول على
محمول رجاء
وهي عند
أهلها ..
بأن عليها
الإسراع إلى
بيت زوجها
فورا لأنه
يخونها .. كانت
هي سهير وقد
غيرت صوتها
مستأجرا من
سنترال قريب ..
لأن رجاء
تعرف رقم
محمولها .. ولو
أمرها في
الحال ..
وهكذا أسرعت
رجاء إلى
منزلها لتجد
سهير في
أحضان زوجها
حسن .. لم
تولول رجاء
فقط نزلت
بالشبشب على
رأس زوجها
الشتائم ..
هكذا رغم
المعتاد ..
لكنها سرعان
ما هدأت وقد
مشهد كس
صديقتها وهو
يتقبل زبر
برحابة صدر
متناهية دون
ألم ..
باديان على
وجه زوجها
وصديقتها ..
كلامها هي
نفسها ..
هاقول ربنا
يهني سعيد
هدأت .. ثم
جلست وقالت
مخاطبة سهير:
كده يا سهير ..
تخونيني مع
جوزي .. طيب ..
سهير: إنتي
بعضمة لسانك
اللي قلتي مش
هيهمك لو
خانك وإنك
بتاعه ..وعلى
كل أنا بأعرض
عليكي جوزي
ونبقى بكده
خالصين إيه
احمر وجه
رجاء خجلا
رغم كل شئ
تداعب كسها
خلف الثياب
لكنها نظرت
المرتعب ..
تستأذنه أو
تسأله رأيه ..
فهمت سهير
مغزى النظرة
وقالت : جوزك
مش هيمانع مش
كده يا سن سن ؟
.. قال حسن وقد
انحلت عقدة
لسانه التى
نتيجة الضرب
والشتم .. طبعا
.. وماله . أنا
ما عنديش
مانع أبدا.
قالت رجاء
متردّدة : طب
وهوه يعرف ؟ ..
ابتسمت سهير
بخبث رغم
فهمها مغزى
السؤال إلا
أنها تظاهرت
بعدم الفهم
وسألتها : هوه
مين ؟ ..
ارتبكت رجاء
بعصبية : جوزك
هيكون مين
يعني ؟ يعرف
باتفاقنا ده
؟ .. قالت سهير :
لأ ميعرفش ..
قالت رجاء في
قلق : طب ما
يمكن ما
يوافقش .. يمكن
يرفض .. قالت
سهير : لأ مفيش
راجل يرفض
قمر زيك يا
جميل .. يقدر ..
قالت رجاء : طب
وإزاي ده
هيتم ؟ .. كانت
سهير قد نهضت
عارية حافية
من الفراش ..
تنز من كسها
واقتربت من
الجالسة .. ثم
وبدأت في
وتجريدها من
ملابسها وهي
تقول : ده
إحنا بقى.
وسرعان ما
كانت سهير
السحاق في
الفراش وقد
جلس حسن مكان
زوجته في
المتفرج فقط
وربما تتدخل
لينيك سهير
مع ملاطفات
من لسان
زوجته ويدها.
فلما ملأ حسن
كس صديقة
زوجته لبنا ..
قام عنها
ورقد جوار
فصعدت زوجته
مكانه على
صهوة سهير
وبدأت وصلة
جديدة من
ومص النهود
ثم حك
ودخول لبن
حسن من هذا
الكس إلى ذاك
خلال السحق
والدعك .. ثم
هبطت رجاء
إلى كس سهير
لتلحس ما به
وتذوق لبن
زوجها لأول
مرة في
حياتها إذ لم
تمص له زبره
أبدا بدواعي
ضخامة الحجم ..
وقالت خلال
ذلك : مبروك
عليكي زبر
جوزي متعك
أكيد يا
متناكة .. بس
هاشرب لبنه
تذكار المرة
لما نهض
جلسوا فى
الصالة .. كي
تخبر سهير
وخطتها ..
كانت الخطة
أولا أن تذيب
سهير يوما في
شاي زوجها
للإقلاع عن
الكحول حتى
يفاجأ بنفسه
قد كره الخمر
دفعة واحدة
وأقلع عنها
بإرادته ..
ثانيا ..كان ثملا قليلا وعاد إلى المنزل وهو يمني نفسه بليلة عسل مع زوجته .. فلما دخل الغرفة وارتمى على الفراش وعانق المرأة الجالسة بقميص النوم الشفاف على اللحم - دون شيء تحته - واتجه إلى فمها ليقبلها ورأى وجهها في الضوء الخافت وشم رائحتها فوجدها ليست سهير إنما امرأة أخرى .. قال في ضعف وهو يحاول الخلاص من ذراعيها اللتين تعانقانه وتضمانه إليها .. أنتي مش سهير مراتي .. أنتي مين ؟ .. قالت له كأنما تأخذ طفلا على قدر عقله .. أنت مالك أنا سهير ولا مش سهير .. أنا ست نزلت عليك من السما .. نعمة يا أخي ولا انت مش وش نعمة .. جربني ومش هتسلاني أبدا .. كسي هيعجبك موووت وهتحلف بيه طول عمرك وتحكي وتتحاكى به طول حياتك .
ورفع عينيه وأخذ يتأمل بدنها المسجى أمامه في القميص الأخضر الزرعي الذي يشف عن كل مفاتنها .. كانت جميلة مثل زوجته .. بل ربما أجمل منها أيضا .. وشعر بالضعف تجاه كلامها وتجاهها .. وقد عمل فيها جمالها وأسلوبها في الإغراء ونعومتها عمله .. وشعر أنه أخطأ بسؤالها فأخذ يعتذر لها ويستسمحها بالقبلات والأحضان حتى رضيت وابتسمت له وجردته من ثيابه وهو يعانقها ويقبلها بلهفة وجوع وسألها عن اسمها فقالت : رجاء .. قال : حسنا يا ريري .. يا قطة .. وبدأ يدللها بريري وجوجو .. كيفما اتفق .. وبدأ الضحك واللعب والجد والحب بينه وبينها ..
فلما انخرط عزيز في نيك رجاء وأخذ زبه يدكها دكا ويدقها ويخيطها تحته .. وهي تعانقه وتضمه وتساعده وتمتعه بآهاتها وغنجها وقد رضيت عن زبه الصغير كل الرضا لأنه ينا سب كسها كانطباق المفتاح في القفل .. ورضي هو عن ضيق وصغر كسها الذي أذاقه متعا لم يعرفها يوما مع كس زوجته المبهوق العميق .. وملأ كسها لبنا طازجا وفيرا ..خرجت سهير
وحسن إذ ذاك
من مخبئهما..
وقد أنهى
عزيز قذفه في
كس رجاء وركد
الكاعب. وصعق
وقال: أنت مين؟ ضحك حسن
وقال: أنا جوز
السته اللي
انت هريتها
نيك وشبعتها
دق وخياطة
دلوقتي.. خجل
عزيز ونقل
بصره بين زوج
رجاء وبين
زوجته سهير..
زوجته وقصت
عليه القصة
من طق طق
عليكم.. وقرر
الأربعة منذ
ذلك اليوم
إقامة حفلات
تبادل زوجات
بينهما.. وجعل
مفتوحا وحرا..
كل يستمتع
بزوج الآخر
برضا جميع
هذه هي قصة
الكس الرهيب
قصة كس لا
ينام ، كس لا
يشبع ، كس لا
بالقليل ،
الكس اللي
ناكوه ويامـا
ناكوه، أرجو
أن تعجبكم
وهي قصة
حقيقية أعرف
صاحبتها. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and my pussy.txt |
126,748 | null | Mrs Rabab in the bus | اقتربت الساعة من الثامنة صباحا و أنا أجهز نفسي و أضع بعضا من المكياج الخفيف قبل أن أسلك طريقي إلى عملي بإحدى المصالح الحكومية .. اسمي رباب .. كان صباحا تقليديا بدأته بدش سريع لإزالة آثار ليلة باردة جدا من ليالي الجنس الزوجي التي يقوم فيها كلا الزوجين بتمثيل دور المستمتع رغم أن كلانا يعرف أن هذا لا يحدث مع الطرف الآخر .. لا أريد أن أظلم زوجي ماجد و لكننا وصلنا بالفعل إلى درجة خطيرة من البرود الجنسي جعلت كلانا يفقد شهوته و حميته للنيك رغم ما فيه من ملذات و متع .. و ذلك لأن هذه الحالة تصيب أي زوجين في إطار الممنوعات الجنسية العديدة التي تفرضها عاداتنا العربية على كل اثنين فلا يبادر أحدهما بكسر هذه العادات مهما كان السبب و مهما كان الداعي حتى لا يتهمه الطرف الآخر بأشياء ليست فيه كالانحلال الأخلاقي و الخيانة مثلا!!
ارتديت ملابسي على عجل حتى لا أقع في معضلة التأخير .. و توجهت إلى محطة الأتوبيس الذي سوف يقلني من منزلي بضاحية شبرا الخيمة إلى مقر عملي برمسيس و هي المنطقة الأكثر ازدحاما في العالم .. استقل الأتوبيس عادة لتوفير بعض النقود التي يمكن أن تساعدني أنا و ماجد خاصة و أن تبعات الزواج المادية لم نتخلص منها رغم مرور ثلاثة أعوام كاملة .. و رغم كون الأتوبيس وسيلة مرهقة جدا و جلابة للمعاكسات الجسدية التي لا تحترم وقاري و خجلي و حشمة ملابسي حتى أني صرت أتساءل ما هي المعاكسات التي يمكن أن تطول البنات غير محجبات و اللائي يلبسن ملابس ضيقة على الموضة إذا كنت أنا بحجابي و بملابسي الواسعة هذه أتعرض لهذا الكم اليومي من التحسس و الالتصاق الذي يصل أحيانا كثيرة إلى الملامسة في أماكن حساسة جدا من جسدي دون أن أعترض أو حتى أتذمر منعا لما يمكن أن يحدث من مشكلات بعد ذلك!!
صعدت إلى الأتوبيس .. و صعد خلفي رجل ثلاثيني العمر أسمر البشرة يبدو عليه الإرهاق بشكل واضح ..لا أدري ما الذي جذب انتباهي إليها بهذه الدرجة ولكنني كنت أنظر إليها فأجدها تبادلني النظرة بإعجاب واضح أرضى غرور الأنثى بداخلي .. فالمرأة مهما تزوجت ومهما تقدمت في السن تشتاق دوما إلى الإحساس بأنها مرغوبة ومثار إعجاب من الآخرين .. المهم أني لم أعرف هذه النظرات أي اهتمام وقطعت تذكرتي وتوجهت إلى المكان الذي أقف فيه كل يوم في منتصف السيارة حتى تأتي محطة رمسيس .. إلا إذا صعب حالي على واحد من سعداء الحظ الجالسين على أحد الكراسي فيقوم ليجلسني ويرحمني من الزحام الخانق وما فيه .. تلفت حولي لأبحث عن متطوع ليقوم بهذه المهمة فتوقف نظري أمام هذا الرجل الذي صعد معي من المحطة وهو واقف بجواري مسددا نظرات الاهتمام والغزل التي قابلتها بنظرات من اللامبالاة وعدم الاهتمام .. غير أن شكوكي في اهتمام هذا الرجل بي زادت .. ماذا يريد مني؟ هل يعرفني أم لا؟ هل هو رجل من الجيران وقعت عينه علي ذات يوم وأنا أنشر الغسيل بقميص النوم الأحمر ليلا؟ أم أنه يركب يوميا نفس الخط ويلاحظني منذ زمن وهذه هي أول مرة ألحظ ذلك!!
تقدم الأتوبيس في الطريق وكلما تقدم كلما ازداد الزحام .. وزاد الطين بلة أن المتطوع الذي كان يجلسني مكانه لم يظهر حتى الآن .. إلا أني لاحظت أن الرجل الثلاثيني أصبح أكثر اقترابا مني عن ذي قبل .. حتى أن أنفاسه الحارة كانت تلامس طرحتي كما تلامس نسمات الليل ستائر بيتنا .. أطراف جسده أصبحت ملامسة جدا لأطراف جسدي .. جسده الممشوق جعلني أتغير وأرتبك فعلا وأنا أفكر فيما ينوي هذا الرجل فعله في هذا الزحام الأعمى .. ولكنني لم أكن خائفة أو متضايقة من احتكاكه بي على عادتي مع هذه الملامسات كل يوم .. كان عطره الرجولي كأسراب الجنود الذين بدأوا يقتحمون ممالكي التي أراها تسقط أمامه واحدة تلو الأخرى .. شعرت وقتها بإحساس جديد اشتقت إليه منذ أيام خطوبتي الأولى لماجد عندما كان يتحرش بي في أركان متعددة من منزلنا .. بدأت أرتعش في وقفتي وأنا أشعر بيديه تلامس فخذي الأيسر في رقة وإثارة زادها الملمس الحريري للجونلة السوداء التي أرتديها ..إضافة إلى نسياني ارتداء الشورت مما جعل كف هذا الرجل موجها إلى لحمي مباشرة بلا ساتر اللهم إلا هذه الجونلة الحريرية التي بدأت تتعاون مع كفه و تتحد معه ضدي هي الأخرى!!
ازداد الزحام .. و اقترب الرجل بشدة من طيزي و أخذ يمرر كفيه بطريقة دائرية كنت أذوب معها عشقا و حبا لهذا النوع من الجنس الغير عادي و الذي أخرجني من عقلي و ثباتي .. بدأت أعتدل جدا في وقفتي .. و أشد عضلات طيزي جيدا حتى يشعر الرجل بممانعتي ما يفعله بجسدي .. و لكن هيهات أن تستمر هذه المقاومة اللذيذة أمام حريرية الجونلة و احترافية الرجل الذي دس خنصره في الجونلة و في طيزي وكأنه يجلس مع زوجته في غرفة نوم و ليس في أتوبيس عام .. لم أستطع أن أشد عضلات طيزي أكثر من ذلك .. ارتخيت أمام يديه الغير عاديتين و لمساته الأكثر من ساحرة .. بدأت أرتخي مجبرة حتى تتجول أصابعه اللعينة بحرية أكبر في طيزي وكسي حتى أني مددت يدي اليسرى للجانب قليلا حتى لا يراها أحد من الجالسين الذين كانوا إما في نوم عميق أو في ملكوت آخر!!
لم يعد هناك ما يمكن أن يفعله ذلك الرجل بي أكثر من ذلك في الأتوبيس .. و لم يعد يمكن أن أساعده أكثر من ذلك لاقتراب محطة رمسيس أخذت أسلك طريقي إلى الباب و أنا أشعر به يتحرك خلفي و ما أن نزلت حتى وجدته خلفي في كل مكان .. انحرفت عمدا عن سيري الطبيعي و أنا أختبر هذا الرجل فوجدته ماضيا في طريقي ملاحقا لي .. فبدأت أهدئ من خطوتي و كأنني أسأله ماذا تريد مني؟ ألا يكفيك ما فعلته بي في الأتوبيس؟ قلتها و طيزي التي كانت في مرمى أصابعه منذ دقائق و في مرمى بصره الآن تهتز بدلال في حوار أثارني مع عينيه التي لم تسقط من على الجونلة السوداء طوال الطريق .. و مع كل هذا توقفت أمامه و استدرت له و قبل أن أفتح فمي بكلمة لمحته يبتسم ابتسامة رجل منتصر و هو يقول لي "إيه الخيرات دي كلها يا وافرة الخيرات .. تعالي وراياً من غير كلام كتير !!"
تعطلت حروفي .. بحثت طويلا عن كلمة "لا" في معاجمي و قواميسي لكنني أسفا لم أجدها ..حاولت أن أتذكر ما يمكن أن يفعله بي هذا الرجل و كم المشاكل التي يمكن أن تنفجر في وجهي إذا سرت معه في طريقه لكنني لم أقدر .. حاولت أن أتذكر زوجي ماجد و ما يفعله من أجل إسعادي غير أني لم أستطع أيضا أن أتوقف عن سيري خلفه في زحام رمسيس .. انحرف يمينا إذا انحرف .. أكسر الطريق يسارا إذا كسر .. كنت قد فقدت تحكمي بنفسي و كأني أتحرك بالريموت كنترول الموجود في كفه السحري .. و رويدا رويدا بدأت أقدام المشاة تقل جدا .. بدأ البشر يختفون من الطرق المكدسة و نحن نقترب من نفق متربب و متسخ يبدو أنه لم يعرف الأقدام منذ سنين .. لقد دلف بي الرجل إلى مناطق ربما أراها لأول مرة في ميدان رمسيس رغم أني أعمل به منذ سبعة سنوات كاملة .. دخلت خلف هذا الرجل في النفق المهجور فإذا به يستدير و يواجهني بوجهه المرهق و قوامه الرياضي الممشوق .. تسمرت لثوان و أنا أستوعب المكان هل يمكن أن يراننا أحد؟ هل يمكن أن أخرج من هذا النفق بفضيحة؟ أم أني سأخرج بسعادة أشتاق إليها كثيرا مع هذا الرجل المفتول العضلات!!
لم يكن هو يمر بنفس التساؤلات لم يتحدث أصلا .. لم يعرفني بنفسه كما تقتضي أصول اللياقة .. بدأ في إكمال ما بدأه في الأتوبيس مباشرة .. أدارني للحائط أو ألصقني به إذ شئتم الدقة و رفع جونلتي و كأنه يقدم لها الشكر على حسن تعاونها .. انحنى على ركبتيه أمام طيزي الطرية و بدأ يقبلها بعنف اشتقت إليه كثيرا من ماجد الرومانسي في نيكاته لي .. بدأت أسنانه تقضم لحم طيزي بكل عنف و قوة يمتكلها هذا الرجل .. و أنا أنظر خلفي و أمرر يدي على رأسه مباركة ما يفعل طالبة للمزيد .. لم يعرني أي اهتمام لم يسألني عن شئ و هو يتمرغ كالمجنون في طيزي .. بدأ يباعد فتلة كيلوتي الرقيقة عن فلقتي لأشعر بلعابه الملتهب في شتي أنحاء طيزي بالفعل .. و لسانه اللين يلحس فلقة طيزي ألف مرة في الدقيقة .. لم يستطع الكيلوت تحمل ما يحدث مثلي تماما و أدركت أنه انقطع أمام هجمات ذلك البدائي المحترف عندما سمعت صوت انفصاله عن طيزي إلى الأبد ..لم أستطع أن أرفع طرف الجونلة إلى أسناني لأكتم أنفاسي وصوتي من الخروج ولكي أفسح المجال لأكبر مساحة من طيزي للظهور أمام ذلك القوي الرهيب الذي بدأ ينتهي من وضع أصابعه العشرة في خرم كسي - كسي الذي كان يشبه من الخلف جوزة الخروع المشوكة - من الخلف إصبعا يتبعه إصبع!!
انتهى الرجل من البعبصة .. أداراني فجأة لتلتصق طيزي العارية بالحائط هذه المرة .. أخذ يعبث بحجابي فرفعه حتى رقبتي وانقض على شفتي يمصهما مصا وناولتهما لساني وناولني لسانه وتبادلنا اللعاب والقبلات والضمات والأحضان وبدأ يفك أزرار قميصي ليخرج بزازي من حمالتهم السوداء وكدت أصعق وأنا أرى بزازي بلون برونزي كون شعاع شمسي أراد أن يشاركنا هذه اللقطة المجنونة من اليوم .. فبدأ الرجل يتمرغ ثانية ولكن في بزازي هذه المرة .. ساحقا أحلامي المنتصبة لاعقا كل مسام جلد أسعدها الحظ بتواجدها في بزازي في تلك اللحظة .. قبل أن يرضع مني في شبق وعنف ..!! ثم هبط يلحس بطني وسرتي هابطا إلى حيث أعلم وتعلمون .. وقد سبقته يده إلى كسي .. معبد أنوثتي ليبتهل إلي كي أرضى عنه وأسمح له بتذوق متعتي .. ذق يا أيها الوسيم .. تمتع ومتعني معك .. تمتع بي ومتعني بك .. وكنت غير مختونة مما فاجأه وأعجبه وأخذ يطري على كسي وأشفاره وبظره .. وترافق كلماته لمساته .. ومداعبات أنامله حول وفي كسي السعيد . ووصل بلسانه إلى بئر العسل كما يسميه .. إلى كسي .. وبهرني بمواهبه وبراعته في إثارتي ولحس كسي وأشفاري كما لم يفعل ماجد يوما من قبل حتى أصبحت أتوسل إليه أن ينيكني مرات ومرات.
أداراني للحائط مرة ثالثة .. لمحته يفرج عن زبره القوي الذي لم يقل قوة ولا جمالا عن جسده المفتول .. ارتمى على ركبتيه ليمصمص في كسي للمرة الملليون في ثلث ساعة قبل أن يدفع بزبره في حركة قوية إلى حضن كسي وإسفنج مهبلي في حركة عنيفة لولا تمسكي بأطراف الجونلة وخوفي من افتضاح الأمر لصرخت مع قوتها ألف مرة .. هذه هي أول مرة منذ أعوام التي أتناك فيها من كسي التي حرمني ماجد من لذتها كثيرا بدواعي كثيرة ..شعرت
بلذة مطبقة
لا تحتمل و
هذا الرجل
يدس زبره في
فتحة كسي
ثلاث مرات
في الثانية
يبدو أن
البدنية و
الرياضي قد
كثيرا في ذلك ..
لا هوادة في
النيك الذي
بدأ يتخذ حدا
جنونيا من
هذا الرجل
الوجود ..!!
اقترب قذف
الرجل .. شعرت
تجتاح ظهري
كله و حبات
العرق التي
تتساقط منه
على طيزي
وكسي الذي
ينيكه بلا
عقل .. ارتعشت
أنا الأخرى
ثلاث مرات و
أنا أداعب
بظر وأشفار
كسي سعيد
الحظ في هذه
النيكة .. و ما
هي إلا ثوان
إلا و شعرت
بسائل ساخن
جدا يستقر في
رحمي و بدأ
الهدوء يسود
المشتعل بعد
أن وصل الرجل
إلى قمة
نشوته و قمة
رجولته معي
في هذا
الموقف .. و ما
إن أخرج زبره
إلا و انطلقت
الرياح من
خرم طيزي
بصوت عال بعد
طول احتباس
انقباض كسي
بطيزي .. و لا
أدري لماذا
لم أشعر
بالخجل من
الفساء هذه
المرة .. فقد
تخيلت معه
أني أحلم و
أعيش في عالم
آخر بقوانين
أخرى و أحلم
معه حلما
نادر الحدوث ..
فها هي نسمات
ميدان رمسيس
و أشعة شمسه
تعانق طيزي و
تداعبها و
تنيك كسي هي
الأخرى مع
هذا المجهول
الذي لم يخرج
الجميل الذي
ما زال
منتصبا كجبل
المقطم مني
بعد .. وأخرجه
أخيرا وشعرت
بخيبة الأمل
لكنني وجدته
الثانية وما
لبث أن أدخل
أيره من جديد
في بئر
ومعبد متعتي
وبدأنا جولة
جديدة من
وغرقنا في
محمومة لا
تنتهي وهو
يداعب شعري
الناعم ثم
يقبله من آن
لآخر ويداعب
قرطي وأذني ..
أنا أتناك و
بالقرب مني
ألاف البشر
ممن لا يدرون
ما يحدث داخل
المهجور من
لذة و دعارة
استمتعت بها
حتى أذني ..
فلما أشبعني
وضما وشبع
الرائع يمتع
به بدني
ويطرب به كسي
ومهبلي ورحت
فى خيالات ..لم أفق من هذه التخيلات إلا على صوت المجهول يمنحني بطاقتين باسمه وهاتفه وعنوانه فتناولت واحدة وفهمت مغزى البطاقتين وكتبت له على ظهر الأخرى بقلم حواجبي الذي أخرجته مسرعة من حقيبتي اسمي وقبله مدام كي يعلم عنواني وهاتفي وعبارة "لا تتصل بي فيفتضح أمري عند زوجي" وتناول الرجل كاميرا الجوال الخاص به وحرص على التقاط مجموعة صور لطيزي المغرقة بلبنه الساخن ولبزازي ووجهي للذكرى .. قبل أن ينحني أرضا ليأخذ كيلوتي التركوازي ليمسح به زبره في هدوء قبل أن يدسه في جيبه كنوع آخر من الذكرى لهذا اللقاء غير الطبيعي في كل شيء قبل أن يتركني و يهرول إلى خارج النفق بعدما شكرني بالكلمات والقبلات وكلانا يملك رقم هاتف يمكن أن يجمعنا مجددا .. تركني هكذا غير قادرة على السير لخطوات معدودة وأنا مفشخة الأردافمرهقة العواطف!!
عدلت ملابسي وبدأت أضع بعضا من الماكياج على وجهي الغارق في عرق السعادة .. أنزلت جونلتي بعد أن أزلت آثار لبنه الدافئ من كسي بمنديل ورقي في حوزتي وفي هدوء بدأت أعد نفسي أنا الأخرى للخروج من النفق .. لم يهمني التأخير لأربعين دقيقة عن العمل بعد أن استعملت كسي في النيك للمرة الأولى منذ أعوام بل إني قررت أن أطلب من ماجد بقوة أن ينيكني فيه أثناء لقائنا الحميم في المساء فلن أدعه يتذرع أو يتهرب بأي عذر واه هذه المرة أبدا كما كنا نفعل منذ أعوام .. سأستمتع بالرجلين معا لمَ لا .. لقد أكد لي هذا الوسيم أني لا زلت مغرية وشهية .. سرت بلا كولوت وأنا سعيدة لملاصقة جونلتي الحريرية لطيزي المنهكة مباشرة فربما يغري ذلك مجنونا آخر ليعيد معي الأمر في نفق آخر .. أو في أوتوبيس آخر على أسوأ الفروض!! | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Mrs Rabab in the bus.txt |
126,755 | null | My students fucked me | اسمي سعاد وعمري 35 سنة وأعمل مدرسة في مدرسة ثانوية. وكان زوجي مسجونا بسبب دهسه بالسيارة لولد.
اقترحت علي صديقتي أن أدرس دروسا خصوصية أتخلص فيها من الفراغ وأحصل منها دخلا إضافيا.
اتفقت مع أربعة شباب أن أدرس لهم: رامي وعلاء و خالد و إيهاب. وأعمارهم بين 17 و19 سنة. وكنت ألاحظ نظراتهم الشهوانية لجسمي وأخذت الموضوع من حسن نية.
ومع الأيام قويت علاقتي مع الشباب وصاروا أصدقائي.
وفي يوم كنت أعطي درسا للشباب قال رامي: أنا رايح أعمل شاي.
قلت: مفيش مانع البيت بيتك.
جاب الشاي وشربنا الشاي حسيت بدوخة ونعاس شديد، ونمت من غير ما أحس.
صحيت من النوم لاقيت نفسي عريانة ملط ولا قطعة ملابس عليّ وكانت السوائل على جسمي ووجهي وصدري. وكان الشباب يتفرجون على التلفزيون صرخت: عملتم معايا إيه يا كلاب؟
رد عليّ رامي: اخرسي كل شيء مسجل.
وأخذ الموبايل وقال: كل شئ مسجل فيديو وإنتي من النهاردة ملكنا ننيكك وقت ما نحب وفي أي وقت وإلا هنفضحك.
وأخذوا نسخة عن مفتاح بيتي وجاؤوا في اليوم التالي بالليل. كنت نايمة صحيت على صوت بيقول: قومي اصحي.
صحيت شفت خالد حاط زبه على وجهي والشباب بيقلعوا هدومهم وقال: مصي.
مسكت راس زبه وبتردد شديد لحست راسه وبقيت ألحس وبالتدريج بقيت أمصه. حسيت زبه بيكبر في فمي.
اقترب منّي رامي وعلاء وبدأوا يقلعوني هدومي وأنا أمص زب خالد.
مسكني رامي وفتح رجلي وحط زبه في كسي وبدأ ينيكني. حسيت إني بدأت أستمتع خصوصا إن زب رامي طويل وغليظ.
ونام رامي على ظهره وقعدت على زبه يجي ربع ساعة وبعدين قام وطلعه من كسي وجاب لبنه على قدمي.
وطلع خالد زبه من فمي وحط إصبعه في كسي وصار يدخله أخذت أغنج قام إيهاب حط زبه في فمي عشان صوتي ما يعلاش. واستمر خالد يدخل إصبعه في كسي وكنت أتأوه وأغنج طلع إصبعه وحط راس زبه حسيت بمتعة رهيبة.
دخل زبه دفعة وحدة حسيته وصل معدتي.واستمر خالد ينيكني من كسي وإيهاب حط زبه في فمي حسيت بشعور مش عارفة أوصفه وعلاء مستني دوره.
نزل خالد حليب زبه في كسي وطلع زبه من كسي وقام علاء وحط زبه في كسي وصار ينيكني ونزل حليب زبه فى كسى.
وحط رامي زبه بين بزازي وناك بزازي وجاب لبنه على صدري وقعد على السرير.
رن جرس الموبايل رد علاء وقال: يالا نروح على البيت الغداء جاهز.
طلع الشباب أزبارهم من كسي ومن بين بزازي وأخذت أمص أزبارهم واحد ورا التاني لحد ما نزلوا حليب أزبارهم على بطني وصدري وظهري وقدمي وباسوا كل حتة في وشي ودفنوا أنوفهم في شعر راسي ولبسوا ملابسهم ورجعوا لبيوتهم.
قفلت الباب بالمفتاح ونمت على الأرض من اللذة والمتعة والتعب وصحيت الصبح استحميت ورحت على شغلي في المدرسة وبقيت عشيقة ممتلكة لطلابي. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My students fucked me.txt |
126,768 | null | An Egyptian Mother educates her sons how to fuck girls | الأم تعلم أولادها الشباب أصول ممارسة الجنس مع الفتيات .. أولادها ناكوها برغبتها .. كيف تحل الشرموطة مشاكل أولادها الثلاثة
الأم تعلم أولادها الشباب أصول ممارسة الجنس مع الفتيات .. أولادها ناكوها برغبتها .. كيف تحل الشرموطة مشاكل أولادها الثلاثة
ليلة الدخلة كانت بالنسبة لصديقتي (نازك) وهي في الثامنة عشرة من عمرها تاريخا فاصلا بين البنت البكر و حالة الثيب التي حصلت عليها بعد ليلتين من زفافها حيث إن زوجها كان في الحرب و لم يعطوه إجازة غير يومين وفي الليلة الأخيرة فتح لها بكارتها.. ورجع إلى الحرب مباشرة و لكن وبعد أسبوع عاد مصابا بتعب نفسي شديد أفقده أهليته وأعجزه عسكريا وجنسيا أيضا وتحول من مقاتل مسلح إلى مقاتل غير مسلح وخدم في صنف الإعاشة في الأفران..
المهم أن نازك ما شافتش زب زوجها غير ليلة الفتح المبين و ظلت كل فترة مرض وعلاج زوجها بدون زب ... وبما أنها ممرضة ذات خبرة .. قامت وعملت مساجات خاصة و التمسيد على البروستاتا وهي خبرتها ممتازة في هذا المجال.. وشوية شوية .. استعاد (زكى) زوجها ثقته بنفسه و استعاد فحولته اللي انهارت من الإصابة النفسية ، كانت تعمل له ماساج بحنية و احترافية و بعد شهر من ذلك راح يفحص البروستاتا .. صارت عنده قابلية النيك و أصبح زبه مسلح و من أسلحة الدمار الشامل .. قوي و ثخين و متدفق و سريع الحركة بفضل زوجته (نازك).. وظلوا يتمتعون بحياة جنسية لذيذة إلى ما قبل 6 شهور .
وذلك حين وصلت نازك إلى سن اليأس مبكرا 40 سنة بعدما خلفوا 3 أولاد .. كريم 22 سنة وممدوح 20 سنة وفكري 18 سنة وبدأت نازك تشعر أن زوجها زكى لم يعد يرغب بها ، وأنها فقدت أنوثتها ولم تعد تعجب الرجال ، وشعرت بضيق نفسي شديد نتيجة انقطاع الطمث عندها .
زكى كان ينام بغرفة منفصلة وحده و الأولاد ثلاثتهم بغرفة أخرى على يمين غرفته .
وزوجته تنام بالطابق الأرضي وحدها..لاحظ زكى أن
هناك حركة
غير طبيعية
بالبيت,, وقال :
يسهروا سوى
فيها إيه ... لأ
بس الحكاية
بتحصل بعد
منتصف الليل
و الأولاد
الأول و أمهم
بتحصلهم بعد
شوية ؟؟؟
كان يشغله
التفكير : ليه
المريب ده
بعد السهرة
الجماعية و
بعد منتصف
الليل اللي
كان دائما هو
نايم فيه
لغاية ما
يصبح الصبح و
يروح إلى
عمله.... بدأ
زكى يشك
بزوجته و
أولاده ... وظل
لأنهم ما
بيرجعوش إلى
غرفتهم أبدا
وعلى وجه
الصبح نزل
على أطراف
أصابعه و
بهدوء راح
إلى غرفة
زوجته وشاف
اللي شافه ..
شاف العجب
متمددة على
زب ابنها
(كريم) ومدخلة
زبه بكسها
متقابلة و
ممدود فوقها
يدخل زبه فى
طيز أمه من
وراء ، وابنها
الأصغر فكرى
واقف عند
رأسها حاطط
زبه فى بقها
ينيكها بيه
وبتمصه له ..
ونازك شغالة
غنج :
أحححححححح ..
إمممممممم ..
آآآآآآآآه .. نيك
طيزي يا دوحة .. نيك
كسي يا كيمو .. نيك
بقى يا كركر..
وكل ده وزكى
العمليات دي
من جزء من
شباك مش
مفتوح وهو
مسيطر على
على نيك كس
وطيز وبق
أمهم ، زب فى
والتانى فى
والتالت فى
بقها ،
زبين فى كسها
أو بقها ،
وأحيانا زب
فى كسها
والتانى بين
بزازها ، إلى
أن ارتعشت
الأم و لزقت
فيهم مش
عايزة تطلع
الأزبار من
وبقققققققها .
راحت أمهم
تبوس فيهم و
تشكرهم على
هذا الصنيع
العظيم وهذا
المعمور..وبعده...؟؟؟! ..
معا على مص بز
أو لحس أذن أو
تقبيل فم أو
تدليك طيز
أمهم نازك و
فرادى هذه
المرة فى
كسها ثم بين
بزازها أو
العكس ...
وأنزل كل
منهم فى كسها
بس ارتاحت
النيكة دي
قامت و بدأت
تبوس إيدين
ورجليها وكل
حتة فى جسمها
من سأسها
لأنهم فتحوا
لها وفتحت
لهم طريق
الآمن و
السرى للسكس
العجيب... وزكى
محتار يعمل
إيه ؟؟ ...
بدأت القصة
كلها منذ 6
أشهر كاملة ..
"بتعملوا إيه
يا كلاب؟!!"
صرخت نازك
وهى تقتحم
غرفة نوم
الجنسي وغير
الجنسي كان
يمتلكها منذ
الصباح. زكى ،
زوجها منذ
سنةٍ، مارس
الجنس معها
ومثل باقي
تركها محبطة
وغير سعيدة.
كريم وممدوح
وفكري ،
إخْفَاء ما
يقومون به.لم
يرتدون غير
الجينز أما
على الأرض.
اقتربت نازك
من السريرِ،
تحت صدرها
الممتلئ المثير تنظر
إلى ابنها
ممدوح وكان
في يده مجلة
ووجوه كريم
وفكري قريبة
من وجهه
ينظرون إلى
المجلة في
يده ،
وجوارهم عدة
مجلات أخرى
على الفراش.
احمر وجههُ
جانبا، وهو
لا يستطيع أن
ينظر في
عينيها. "ممممم
ماما، أنا
إحنا...... "
طاااااااااااا! ضربته
اليمنى على
خده لتنهي
كلامه .
"أنا شايفة
انت بتعمل
هيعمل فيك
إيه لما يعرف
إنك بتلعب في
الصورة كانت
على صفحتين ،
عندما رأتها
أثارت فيها
في جسمها،
تحت قميصها
انتصبت بقوة
الصورة كانت
عبارة عن
جَالِسَة فوق
رجل، وقضيبه
الضخم يمزق
لها فتحة
طيزها بينما
كانت تضع
إصبعها في
كسها الرطب.
مبتسمة. رمت
بعيدا عنها.
لوحدكم في
البيت، وفي
للبيت. . .
أَشُوف هذا."
تَنْظُرُ إلى
كريم. "أظن
لازم أقول
لأبوكم مش
كده !!" "مممممم لا
يا ماما ! لا ! "
كريم قَالَ.
"بترجاكي يا
ماما ما
لبابا ! " قال
فكري بخوفَ،
وهو يبكي. "لا
هاقول يا
ذلك، ولا
رحمةَ في
الواضحُ زاد
الحرارةُ في
كان أولادها
شبان في غاية
الوسامة ،
ولكن فكري
لطالما حبته
نازك وكان
مفضلا لديها
عن باقي
وتمنت لو
ضبطته وحده
كانت اعتلته
الآن وفورا
أيضا كان
شيئا تتمناه
وتحلم به
تحقيقه يوما
ما . وهل من
فرصة أفضل من
هذه الفرصة
لذلك ؟
عيونها إلى
أولادها. حيث
ظاهرة من
ويحاولون أن
لكن دون
تنقر قدمها على
نفسها. لكن هل
تستطيع ؟
مجلة مفتوحة
أخرى تعرض
فتاة أخرى
حمراء الشعر
أصابع في
المنتفخ!،ثم على
تدخلهم في
ورمتها إلى ابنها
"إيه ..؟ "
ممدوح قال.
"قلت، كمل
اللي كنت
" إذا كنت
بتلعب بزبك
وبتدلكه يلا
كمل ... دلوقتي
حالا وقدامي
سرتن .يلا انت
وهوه كلكم
والعب بزبك
عليهم وهي
تشد شعرهم
مثل جراء
صغيرة ،
نزعوا عنهم
ملابسهم .
فكري لما
يلبس ملابس
مثير، فكرت
في نفسها.
كل منهم
ركبه إلى
يحاول إخفاء
زبه الناعم
أفخاذه،وهو يرتعش.
"أنت " قالت،
تشير إلى
ابنها كريم.
بدون أي
استلقى حتى
ضرب رأسه
نظرت إلى
الشاب ,
تتسارع في
وشفاه كسها
تضغط على
"فكري. قلعه
"ماما. أنا
أقدر أقلع
لوحدي "
ثم قالت
لكريم ، "يالا
قلعه بسرعة ! "
اتكأ الولد
للأمام، مد
يده إلى
ملابس أخيه
لأسفل حتى
نزعه عنه.
"واااااااااااو"همست نازك
، كانت المرة
الأولى التي
ترى فيها
قضيب ابنها
بالكامل مع
رقعة من
تغطي عانته، رأس قضيبه
مغطى بسائل
شفاف .
خليه يكبر
العب فيه"
"ماما، ما
"أووووه، يلا
بدون كلام "
عيونها نحو
السقف ثم
ترمق ابنها
كريم بنظرة
النائم من
شدة الخوف
"يَاه ! "
صرخ الولد،
وهى تمسك به
"ماما ؟ "
"إيه ده ، إيه
أنا خلفت ولد
زي البنات
مخنث مش قادر
يخلي زبه
يقوم عشان
يلعب فيه
دَفَعَتْ فكري
"ممدوح هيخلي
زبه يكبر"
ثم قالت
وفمها غارق
عندما رأت
الثلاثة وهم
بجانب بعضهم
تماما. شعر
عانة فكري
والأسود كان أكبر
وأكثف من
ابنها كريم.
أما رأس
قضيبه فكان
أطول وأنعم .
"ذلك زبك، يا
فكري." أمسك
فكري قضيبه
باستحياء في
"إيه مالكم
يا كلاب ؟؟"
نازك قالتْ.
"في إيه
دلوقتي ؟ زبك
انت وهوه
ومنتصبين ,
نايمين زي
هاعرف أخليه
عيون فكري
مغلقة. مدت
نازك يدها
إلى زب فكري
وبدأت تدلكه.
الأخرى تدلك
زب كريم. تورم
قضيبا فكري
وكريم بسرعة
عندما أحسا
بملمس يَدِّ
شخص آخر:أمهما.
أيوه كمان يا
ماما " تنهد
فكري وهو يرى
أمه تمسك
وقضيب أخيه
تحت يديها.
قالت "كده
أحسن ... كده
أحسن بكتير"
تَرَكَتْ زب
ابنِها فكري
فوق صدرِه
الأملس. ثم
عادت وبدأت
تدلكه وفعلت
الأمر نفسه
بزب كريم ..
كان ممدوح
يتفرج على ما
يجري وهو
مشتاق للمسة
من يد أمه ..
صعدت الأم
نازك على
بملابسها ..
ونزلت على زب
ممدوح تمصه
والذي أغمض
عينيه وبدأ
يتأوه ،
وبقيت يداها
يد تدلك زب
تدلك زب فكري .
ماما كمان ،
إيدك ناعمة
أوي ،
صاح كريم
وفكري معا
ويدا أمهما
وإيابًا على
رأس قضيب
ممدوح ، تنشر
الشفاف على
أيووووووه ! "
تنهد ممدوح ،
عندما فتحت
أمه نازك
وابتلعت رأس
حلو اوي، يا
ماما " تَنَفَّس
ممدوح ،
وقبضته تمسك
بشَعَر أمه
لتوجه لها
رأسها. "كمان.
مصي زبي . بقك
زي العسل يا
ماما ..آااااااااا
607; حركي بقك
كمان لفوق
ولتحت. أوووه
يا حبيبة
قلبي، انتي
بتمصي حلو
أوي أوي.انتي
بتعرفي تمصي
الزب مية مية."
بسائل كريم
قضيبا كريم
يديها إلى
وقالت :
"ممممم، نعم،
أنتم بتحبوا
ماما تلعب
كمان يا ولاد
؟ مش كده ؟.
إنكم هتحبوا
ده كمان ."
بإصبعها في
فتحة طيز
كريم وفكري
الضيقة .
بصوت عالي ،
ارتفعت في
5;ااا !" ممدوح
يرفعها إلى
ليدخل قضيبه
أكثر في فَمّ
"إيه، يا
ممدوح ؟ " قالت
نازك من وسط
قضيبه الذي
يملأ فمها
الأخرى وهي
تخرج زبه من
فمها وتنزل
تلحس وتمص له
بيضاته. "في
إيه ؟ قول لي
يا روحي."
"أَنا ها .....
أنا مش قادر......!"
" هاتعمل
إيه، يا دوحة
؟ قول. هتنزل
في بقي ؟ يلا
نزل حليبك في
بقي بسرعة !"
"أيوه يا
ماما ! أنا مش
قادر أكتر من
كده ".
وعادت نازك
واحتوت زب
ابنها ممدوح
داخل فمها
وبدأت تمصه
مرة أخرى .
أمسك ممدوح
رأسُ أمه
بكلتا يديه،
وناك فَمّها.
"أوووووه ،
ماما ! أنا لا
......لا مش قادر
.....أنا ها . . . ."
نازك في
تدليك أزبار
كريم وفكري
في نفس الوقت .
"ماما ؟ أنا
هانزل !" ممدوح
أحسَّت نازك
تُشدّدُ ثمّ
رَأتْ ابنها
"اشربيه كله
يا ماما !
ابلعيه !
الحليب كله."
حنجرةَ أمه ،
الأولى من
الحليب نزلت
في حنجرته"
الشبقة دلكت
قضيب وبيضات
ابنيها كريم
وفكري حتى
أفرغا ما في
وسقطت نازك
على السرير
وسط أولادها
الثلاثة ،
عيونهم كانت
وكانوا أيضا
يحاولون أن
ثم نهضت نازك
من الفراش
واتصلت بمقر
عملها وقالت
لهم أنها لن
تحضر اليوم
لأنها مريضة
وتريد أن
تأخذ إجازة
السماعة إلى
ونظرت إلى
الشبان وهم
"ماما ؟
بتعملي إيه....
؟ " فكري
عندما ظهر
العاري أمام
المنتفخة برزت من
بين هالة
وصدر مخروطي
كبير كاعب
"ششش، يا
فكري. مش ده
اللي نفسك
تشوفه ؟ بزاز
وحلمات وصدر
حلمة بين
كل إبهام
ثم شدتها
بقسوة، حتى
جعلت حلمتها
أطول من قبل.
رأت أن
الثلاثة قد
عادت إلى
الحياة مرة
أخرى. مدت
بزها إلى
الأمام ثم
مدت يدها إلى
خلفها لتفك
تسقط على
الأرض. ثم
يسقط على
كتفيها ويصل
إلى أسفل
نازك، الآن
لا تلبس إلا
جوارب سوداء
بكيني أحمر
صغير الحجم ،
واندست على
السرير بين
الأولاد مرة
أخرى وأسندت
ظهرها على
"يالا يا
حبايبي ،
يالا مصوا لي
حلماتي ".
حثتهم على
ذلك وهى تلعب
بشعرهم كما
لو كانوا
أطفالا رضع.
حلمات بزي.
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ"بص على كسي."
اختطفت كولوتها المبلّلة مِن كريم وغمست أصابعها فيه "وااااو شوف قد إيه هو مبلول من كسي...".
"شمّه يا كريم" قالت، بينما مَسحتْ أنفَه بكولوتها القطني.
"أيوه, كده صح, يا واد. الآن, مُصُّ كُلْ كسي وحليبه من على كولوتي يالا بسرعة." "كس أمك" ضَحكتْ. "قد إيه شكلك حلو وكولوتي الأحمر بين شفايفك" أخذت منه الكولوت بسرعة خاطفة وأمسكت برقبته من الخلف وأمرته "الحسّ كسي يالا".
"يـــــاه" الأم الهائجة تنهدت عندما أحست بلسان الشاب يلحس كسها الرطب.
"بوسني, يا فكري (يا كركر)." وهى تمد فمها لفكري, وكسها كان ينيك بعنف وجهِ كريم.
لسانها تَلوّى إلى الخارج, يَشْقُّ طريقه بقوة في فَمِّ فكري الحار."أممممممممممممم ،مممممممم" أَنّتْ وتنهدت حول لسانِ الشابَ قبل أن تسَحْب فَمِّها مِنْه. معدتها تصلبت وركبها مرفوعة عاليا في الهواء, أفخاذها مفتوحة على مصراعيها, وتمَسك رأس كريم بكلتا يديها.
"أوه آه كمان!" جسمها اَهتز وارتعش وهى تغتصب وجه كريم. "أَنا هاجيب! كُلْني, يا ولد. كُلْ كسي لحد ما أجيب وأنزل على وجهك كله"
"آآآآآآه آه آه آه!" شَخرتْ, وانصَبّ عصيرها مِنْ كسها كالطوفان. "هناا هناا! هناا! مصّْ زنبوري, يا كريم! خليني أجيبهم!"
أمسكت رأسه حول زنبورها المَنتْفُخ, طيزها ارتعشت, ولما ازدادت حرارة كسها وقارب على بلوغ ذروته سائلها نزل من على ذقن الشاب وتساقط على الفراش.
أخيراً, تَركتْ قبضتَها من رأسه وارتمت على السرير, ضحكت. "يــــاه!" أَنّتْوأغلقت عيونها عندما أصبح ابنها فوقها، تحدق فيه، ونهض كريم وممدوح وساعدا أخاهما، فقبض كل منهما على ساق من ساقي أمهم، وبدأ فكري يدلك بظر أمه وأشفار كسها بأصابعه. ويداعب كسها برأس قضيبه قبل إدخاله.
أخذت نازك تمرر أصابعها على ظهر فكري.
قال كريم وممدوح فى صوت واحد: "ياللا يا كركر نيك ماما.. متعها واتمتع. وإحنا وراك."
ودخل زب فكري حتى آخره في كس أمه، وتأوها معا فى استمتاع، وأخذت نازك تدلك طيزه وتصفعه عليها.
"آاااااااااه أحححححححححح ، زبك كبيرررررررررررررررر وحلو يا كركر! نكني كمان.. نيك أمك.. نكني!"
ونزل الأخوان كريم وممدوح وتركا ساقي أمهم والتقم كل منهما ثديا من ثدييها يمصه ويعضه ويدلكه ويلحسه، وعادا يتنافسان فى اقتناص القبلات من فمها ووجنتيها وعنقها، وفى اقتناص الضمات والأحضان من أمهم المثيرة.
"أوووووه" غنجت نازك وتنهدت مع كل دفعة يدخل بها قضيب ابنها فكري في كسها. لكنها الآن تدفع كسها إلى أعلى ليدخل قضيب ابنها أكثر في كسها في حين كان بظرها منتصبا كما لو كان سينفجر "كده تمام. يالا نيكني بقوة، نيك كسي جامد يا روح قلبي يا كركر! حاسس بإيه يا روحي......"
"حاسس بمتعة ولذة مالهاش مثيل، يا ماما! كسك روعة روووووووووعة" قال فكري.
ثبتت نازك عيونها على ابنها فكري وهو ينيك لأول مرة كس أمه، ينيكها.
"أوووووه!" فكري همس، وهو يحس برأس قضيبه تلامس طيات وجدران مهبلها الناعمة الرائعة الخرافية بداخل كسها. "ماما، حاسس بح"
لَهثَت مِنْ
المتعة ،
وضمّت ابنَها
عليها بقوّة.
وبقي فكرُي في
حضْن أمّه نازك
لنصف ساعة
استمتع فيها
ووجنتيها ،
وقفش ودعك
ولحس ومص
وقرص نهديها
الكاعبين .
وهي تداعب
وتربّت على
وأردافه . ثّم
همسَت له : "انهض
يا بني واجلس
على طرف
السرير ."
وفعل فكري
ذلك .
أمّا نازك
فنهضَت من
وجلسَت على
كرسي مجاور
للسرير تنظُر
إلى ممدوح
وكريم وهي
تمص إصبعَها
ثّم تضعُه في
كسّها وتغرقُه
في سائلها ثّم
تضع إصبعَها
في فتحة
طيزها ثّم
بدأَت تدخلُه
لتستعد لما
سوف يأتي.
كان الشابان
ممدوح وكريم
لا يكفان
لحظة عن
أزبارهما ،
الأصغر فكري
، ولذلك لم
تتوقّف تلك
الرائعة عن
لحظة واحدة
خاصة وأن
النظر إلى
تلك الأم
وهى تداعب
صدرها وكسّها
وطيزها الآن
فكان منظرا
بالنسبة لهم .
توقّفَت نازك
عن نيك طيزها
ووقفَت على
وتوجّهَت إلى
اللذين نهضا
شهوتهم ،
وحملَها كريم
ودار بها في
ممدوح وهما
القبلات من
وثدييها ، ثّم
وضعَها ابنَها
الأكبر - كريم -
على الفراش
واستلقى على
ظهره إلى
جوارها ،
نازك بعدما
نظَرَت إلى
قضيبه وهو
واقف أمامها
فصعدَت على
جسده ووقفَت
فوقه ثّم
استدارَ&#أما ممدوح
وقف أمام
أمه وهو ينظر
إلى قضيب
أخيه يختفي
في كس أمه ثم
يظهر . لقد كان
مثيرا جدا
بقضيبه وبدأ
يدلكه وهو
يشاهد ما
يجري أمامه
حاجة حلوة
جدا ، نيك كس
ماما يا كيمو
، نيك أمك يا
كريم ،
الأم الشبقة
فقد نسيت كل
ما حولها
وغرقت في بحر
من المتعة
التي لم تحصل
عليها من قبل .
أحس كل من
كريم وممدوح
أنهما قد
قاربا على
فأسرعا من
حركتيهما .
صرخت الأم
أيضا "
570;آآآه، يالا
بسرعة أنا
كمان قربت
أجيب ، يالا
نيكوني انتو
بسرعة ما
توقفوش ،
يالا كسي
عايز كمان ،
طيزي عايزة
كمان ،
وسرعان ما أن
انتهى كل شئ
قذف الصبيان
ما في
داخلهما في
كس وطيز الأم
، أما الأم
فقد صرخت
صرخة قوية
وبدأ جسمها
وكسها يفرز
سوائل بكثرة
حتى هدأت
ارتمى ممدوح
على السرير
بجانب كريم
يحاول أن
أنفاسه ، أما
فاستلقت فوق
كريم تحاول
أن ترجع إلى
وعيها أمام
ممدوح فقد
فقد إحساسه
من فرط
الإثارة .
بعد مرور عدة
دقائق ليست
نزلت نازك من
فوق كريم
لابنها فكري
الذي كان
يتفرج على
النياكة ،
الفراش ،
جوار أمه ،
ونامت بين
كريم وفكري ،
ممدوح أيضا ،
وناموا لمدة
ساعة كاملة
الأولاد ويد
كل ولد تمسك
عنها ثم
افتكروا إيه
راح أعمل
فيكم إذا
على مجلات
بورنو تاني
زي كده مرة
توأنزل كل منهم في كسها بس ارتاحت وخلصت النيكة دي. قامت و بدأت تبوس إيدين أولادها ويبوسوا إيديها ورجليها وكل حتة في جسمها من ساسها لراسها, لأنهم فتحوا لها وفتحت لهم طريق المتعة الآمن و السري للسكس العجيب... وزكى محتار يعمل إيه ؟؟ ... | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/An Egyptian Mother educate her sons how to fuck girls.txt |
126,773 | null | A story of mothers swap | اسمى ( فاتن )
وأنا ربة
منزل عمرى
الآن 45 سنة
وأنا خريجة
ومثقفة نوعا
ما فطوال
عمرى أقرأ
والقصص خاصة
تزوجت لما
كان عمرى 19 سنة
وسكنت فى حى
شعبى زحمة
جدا لا يختلف
كثيرا عن
الحى الذى
كنت أعيش فيه
قبل الزواج.
ولم أعمل
أبدا طوال
حياتى إلا
فترة قصيرة
قبل زواجى
سكرتيرة فى
مكتب محاسب.
وزوجى يعمل
شيف فى إحدى
الكبرى ومعى
ولد ( معتز )
وبنت ( شهد )
ومعتز عمره
الآن 24 سنة
وشهد 22 سنة,
الوحيدة فى
الحياة الآن
الجنسية مع
زوجى فلقد
كانت عادية
جدا لا أشتاق
لها كثيرا
ونادرا ما
كنت أتمتع
فيها وكنت
أحس بنفور
ناحية زوجى
حيث كان
سمينا جدا و
رائحة فمه
سجائر و حشيش
دائما وكان
طوال عمرى فى
خيالى فارس
الرشيق الذى
أقرأ عنه فى
طوال الوقت.
بدأت من
حوالى ست
سنوات حين
كان عمرى 39 سنة
ووقتها كان
زوجى مسافرا
للعمل فى
ونوعا ما كنت
عنى. ونظرا
وقتها فلقد
اشترى لى فى
أول إجازة له
انترنت من
القريبة و
علمنى عليه
كيفية الشات
حتى نتكلم
عليه بدلا من
الغالية, ومن
وقتها تفتح
أمامى عالم
النت الذى
رأيت و شاهدت
عليه ما لم
أتخيله أبدا.
ولقد كان لى
جارة اسمها (
نصرة ) وهى
أكبر منى
بحوالى سبع
سنوات ( يعنى
كان عمرها 46
سنة) سمينة
وفلاحة جدا
وغير متعلمة
وربة منزل
مثلى وزوجها
يعمل سواق,
وكان عندها
بنتين وولد,
تدعى ( ولاء )
وعمرها الآن 29
سنة والبنت
الوسطى (
أميرة )
وعمرها 26 سنة
والولد ( سامح )
وعمره 23 سنة
وكان أصغر من
ابنى بسنة
أصدقاء جدا
جدا. وكان
معتز ابنى
يقضى عندهم
أغلب وقته
يلعب مع
الأتارى.كنت دائما
لا أراها فى
بيتها إلا
التى تظهر
أغلب جسمها
السمين , فى
البداية كنت
لا أهتم ثم
لاحظت نظرات
ابنى معتز
لجسمها ,
نهائيا من
الذهاب إلى
بيتهم .
بدأت مع سفر
زوجى منذ ست
سنوات. فلقد
كانت نصرة
تزورنى اغلب
الوقت لان
زوجها غير
موجود طوال
اليوم , وطبعا
كانت تجلس فى
بيتى وأمام
ابنى وبنتى
الشفافة رغم
أننى كنت
دائما أحتشم
وكثيرا ما
طلبت منها أن
ترتدى شيئا
أمام ابنى
ولكنها كانت
تضحك ولا
تفعل شيئا .
والمصيبة أن
بناتها كن
يفعلن مثلها
ويجلسن فى
البيت أيضا
الداخلية .
وفى يوم كانت
صباحى لأنه
كان عيد
ميلاد معتز
ابنى والذى
تم يومها 19 سنة
و يومها رقصت
ولاء و أميرة
العارية حتى
أمهن نصرة
تحزمت و رقصت ,
ويومها كنت
أول مرة
اكتشف أن
معتز ابنى قد
بلغ الحلم
وأصبح رجلا
منذ سنوات
وأنا غافلة
عن ذلك تماما
ولم أفطن له
إلا الآن لما
رأيته يداري
زبره بيده
داخل ملابسه.
و خلال
الأشهر التى
تلت عيد
كثيرة على
معتز وأصبح
يتأخر كثيرا
ليذهب إلى
بيت جارتنا
نصرة , حتى
نصرة نفسها
قد قلت
زيارتها جدا
وبدأ القلق
فى نفسى
وقررت أن
أراقبه .
ولكننى لم
أتوصل لشئ
لمدة أساببيع
حيث إننى لا
أعرف ماذا
يجرى داخل
بيت نصرة.
حتى جاءت
زوجها مفتاح
شقتها لأعطيه
لها لما تعود
من السوق
فجريت وعملت
نسخة من
المفتاح .
وبعد عدة
أيام رأيت
ابنى معتز من
وهو عائد من
وحده مبكرا
دون صديقه
سامح , ومن
السحرية فى
الباب رأيته
يدخل بيت
نصرة دون أن
يطرق بابى ,
وصبرت حوالى
نصف ساعة
وأنا القلق
يأكلنى أكلا ,
ثم تسللت
وفتحت باب
بيت نصرة
بهدوء شديد
ولم أجد أحدا
فى الصالة ,
وكنت أتوقع
فى عقلى أن
أجده فى وضع
مخل مع أميرة
أو حتى ولاء.
ومشيت بهدوء
حتى حجرة
النوم وكان
الباب مفتوح ,
وأقسم أننى
توقفت لا
وأحسست أنى
مشلولة وأنا
أرى المنظر
الذى كان
أمامى ..
فلم تكن
أميرة أو
ولاء , بل أمهن
نصرة ..رب البيت التى عمرها وقتها 46 سنة، وكانت عارية تماما وابنى معتز الذى تم 19 سنة منذ أشهر وجسمه القوى المراهق العارى بين فخذيها السمان وهو ينيك فيها بكل قوته.
ولم أستطع الصراخ وتوقفت مذهولة أشاهد وهم لا يشعرون بى نهائيا ومندمجون فى الجنس، وكان من الواضح أن علاقتهم لها فترة من الوقت، فلقد كان ابنى ينيك فى كسها و يمص لها بزازها، وكان واضحا أنه أستاذ ونوعا ما شعرت بشئ من الفخر وأنا أرى ابنى الصغير المراهق وهو يدفع سيدة فى سن و خبرة نصرة إلى الهياج وهو شئ لم يستطع أبوه أن يفعله معى.
وظللت واقفة حوالى خمس دقائق لا أعرف ماذا أفعل، ثم تسللت خارجة دون أن أقول شيئا، وجلست فى بيتى أكاد أجن ولا أستطيع التفكير، ودخل معتز بعد حوالى ساعة سعيد و مرح جدا ولم أتكلم معه فى شئ.
ومرت عدة أيام وأنا أفكر فى الأمر، وكان ما أشاهده على النت قد هيجنى جدا وبدلا من أن أفكر أن أنهى هذا الموضوع وجدت عقلى يخبرنى أن أبحث عن متعتى مثلما فعلت نصرة خاصة أن زوجى مسافر ولا يعود فى السنة إلا شهرين فقط. وطبعا أول من ذهب إليه تفكيرى هو سامح ابن نصرة. فهو الشاب الوحيد الذى يدخل بيتى الآن دون شك أو قلق وخصوصا أن عمره وقتها كان 18 سنة فلذلك كنت واثقة من أنه بالغ وشديد الرجولة.
وأخذت أفكر كيف أغريه أو أدفعه لعلاقة معى، وأخذت أنتظر الفرصة التى جاءت بعد حوالى ثلاث أسابيع من التخطيط، ويومها كانت ابنتى وبنات نصرة فى رحلة مع الكلية أما معتز ابنى فلقد أرسلته إلى عمه فى مشوار سيأخذ اليوم كله وانتظرت حتى وجدت سامح على السلم فنادبت عليه وأدخلته البيت، وأخبرته أننى أريده أن يصلح لى الكومبيوتر وكان ماهرا جدا فى تلك الأشياء وكنت أنا قد فصلت بعض الأسلاك داخل الجهاز حتى لا يعمل وتركته يحاول إصلاحه وأندمجت أنا فى تنظيف الحجرة أمامه بقميص نوم اشتريته خصيصا لتلك اللحظة، والغريب أننى كنت أحس بالكسوف خاصة أن القميص كان قصيرا جدا وظهره مكشوف تماما.وأنا غير أمه
تماما فأنا
قليلا ولست
سمينة مثل
أمه , وأنا
بيضاء ولست
سمراء مثلها
كما أنني
عمري وقتها 39
سنه ولست 46 مثل
وكنت أتحرك
في الحجرة
وأنا أرى
عينيه لا
جسمى أبدا
وتعمدت أن
أقوم بحركات
وأشياء رأيت
البنات على
النت يفعلن
مثلها , ثم
قررت أن أبدأ
في الجد حيث
كنت بدأت
أسخن جدا
فوقفت أمامه
وكان وجهه
أمام بزازى
تماما وقلت
له بمياعة لو
أنه حران
ويريد خلع
ملابسه فلا
مانع عندى ,
يخلع قميصه
ويقفز فوقى
بجسمه الشاب
لنسقط نحن
الاثنان فوق
السرير وأخذ
يبوس في كل
جزء في صدري و
كتفي و رقبتي
بجنون شديد
وأنا تركت له
نفسى تماما .
ثم سحبت وجهه
إلى أعلى
وبدأت أبوسه
في فمه
وتجاوب معي
بسرعة ويداه
جسمي بجنون
وهو يبوسني
بقوة كأنه
يفرغ كل شوقه
ويخاف ألا
تتكرر هذه
الفرصة و كان
مثل العجينة
في يدي يفعل
كل ما أريده
منه , في
البداية و
بعد البوس
بدأ يمص
حلماتي و
يعفص في
بزازي و بعد
أن تركته
كذلك فترة
فشخت فخذاي
وجعلته يلحس
كسي وكان
يبدو أنه أول
مرة يرى كسا
في حياته و
تأكدت أني
أول امرأة في
وأخذ يلحس
كسي بإخلاص
شديد حتى لا
يغضبني و كنت
مثارة بشدة
من لسانه
الجميل وكنت
لا أعرف لحس
الكس إلا من
الصور في
النت ولكنني
عشقته وكنت
أهيج فقط من
تخيل رجل
يلحس لي .
وتحقق الحلم
وكان بين
فخذي رأس شاب
صغير الآن
يلحس كسي بكل
حب وعشق , وبعد
حوالي نصف
ساعة من
قررت أن
وأخرجته من
بين فخذي و
خلعت له كل
ملابسه وكان
جسمه ممشوق
جميل وزبره
منتصب بقوة
وكبير ثم
وقفت أمامه
وخلعت تماما
كل القميص
عارية مثله
لأول مرة
أمام أحد غير
مذهولا ثم
أخذ يبوس
بطني و ظهري
وطيزي ..
ووقفت مثل
انظر له كأنه
عبد يبوس جسد
مولاته ثم
قررت أن
أعطيه نفحة
محبة و
أمامى و
أمسكت زبره
بيدي أدعكه و
أمصه و هو
يكاد يجن
أمامى و
يرتعش و
ويتحسس جسمي
العاري بعشق
رهيب.ثم بدأنا في
وأدخلته بين
فخذي مرة
أخرى بجسمه
ووجهت زبره
لكسي وبدأ
ينيك لأول
مرة في حياته
ورغم عدم
تمكنه في
البداية إلا
أنه كان ينيك
بحماس شديد
ومتعت معه
إلا أنه قذف
بعد فترة
صغيرة كمية
صغيرة من
المني ، وبعد
راحة و أحضان
قليلة انتصب
زبره مرة
أخرى وبدأ
ينيكني مرة
أخرى كانت
أحسن و أطول
من السابقة و
كان يريد
الثالثة و
لكني رفضت
لأن الوقت لم
بصعوبة وهو
يستحلفني أن
نكرر اللقاء
بتكرار ذلك
شرط ألا يخبر
مخلوقا وحلف
وأقسم مائة
مرة أنه لن
يفتح فمه.
وبالفعل بعد
ذلك تكررت
اللقاءات مع
سامح عدة
مرات كلما
جاءت الفرصة
وهو اكتسب
خبرة كبيرة ,
لقاءاتي به
فعلا لقاءات
عشيق و عشيقة
وكنت أنتظر
نيكه لي
بفارغ الصبر
حيث إنه أصبح
الوحيدة في
الحياة وكان
يبدع فعلا في
نيكه لي من مص
و لحس و بوس و
نيك يستمر
وكنت أعرف أن
علاقة ابني
معتز مع نصرة
ما تزال
مستمرة ,
وأصبح الآن
كل واحدة
منا تنام مع
ابن الأخرى .
الوضع فترة
طويلة وكل شئ
تمامًا ولم
العلاقة إلا
في الفترة
التي أتى
فيها زوجي من
الكويت ، ولكن
فور سفره كان
لي لقاء لا
ينسى مع سامح.
وكنت أتصور
أن الوضع
سيستمر هكذا
دون مشاكل ،
ولكن حدثت
لما كنت أنا
وسامح في
السرير معا
وفي عز
جماعنا ، وحدث
أن رجع معتز
من المدرسة
فجأة قبل
بكثير ليدخل
علينا ونحن
في السرير .
في البداية
وقف لا
الكلام وأنا
كذلك ولكنني
لملمت نفسي
وقمت وجعلت
سامح يرتدي
وينصرف وثم
الروب وأخذت
معتز وأخذنا
أنني أعرف كل
شئ عن علاقته
بأم سامح
نصرة وفوجئ
وأخبرته أن
من حق أمه أن
وبالجنس مثل
نصرة أو مثله .
ولم أتركه
يومها إلا
لما أقسمنا
نحن الاثنان
أن ذلك سرنا
ولن نخبر به
أحدًا.ولما كان كل شيء قد انكشف, سألته عن ميعاد لقائها القريب بنصرة. فأخبرني أنه سيقابلها غدا بعد المدرسة. وفى ذلك الوقت تركت ابنى يذهب لها وأخذت معى سامح وفتحت له باب شقته بالمفتاح الذى معى وجعلته يشاهد أمه وهى تتناك من ابنى. وفتحنا الباب عليهم ودخلنا, واندهشت نصرة فى البداية ثم أخذت تضحك وجلست معها وهى ما تزال عارية حافية كما كانت. وأخبرتها كل شيء وهى تنظر لى ولابنها سعيدة, ثم قامت وأحضرت سيجارة ووقفت تدخن أمامنا بجسمها العارى السمين وتضحك بسخرية سعيدة بالوضع الذى نحن فيه.
ومن وقتها تغير الوضع تماما وأصبحت كل واحدة منا تنام مع رجلها بمعرفة أمه وموافقتها. ومع زيادة علاقتى بنصرة وازدياد الثقة بيننا, بدأت نصرة تظهر على حقيقتها الماجنة الفاجرة.
واقترحت أن نذهب فى رحلة صيفية لمدة يوم واحد نغير جو دون أن يشعر أحد ولا حتى زوجها وخاصة ان الدراسة وقتها قد بدأت و المصايف خالية.
ويومها خرجنا من بيتنا صباحا بعد الفجر أنا و هى ومعتز و سامح وذهبنا لموقف سيارات المحافظات وداخل حمام الموقف خلعت حجابى لأول مرة منذ زواجى وكشفت شعرى وسرحته ووضعت مكياج وارتديت بنطلونا ضيقا وبلوزة قصيرة الأكمام.
ووصلنا إلى مصيف أبو سلطان بجانب محافظة الإسماعيلية وهناك وجدت نصرة بخبرتها تطلب من أحد السماسرة توفير شاليه على البحر لنا ولأولادنا ويكون معزولا وغير مكشوف, فعلا خصص لنا شاليها جميلا وطبعا لن نثير فيه أى شوأيامها زالت
كل الحواجز
بيننا وبين
أبنائنا حتى
أن سامح كان
أمام معتز
دون أن
وطبعا كان
وكانت نصرة
بفجرها تنزل
وتكشف طيزها
تحت الماء
وكان معتز و
سامح يغطسون
تحت الماء
فيها و كان
سامح قد تشجع
وبدأ يمسك
جسم أمه
ويهرج معها
مثل معتز
وبعد البحر
لنستحم و
طبعا لم
نرتد شيئا
وظللنا نحن
عراة تماما
وكنا أول مرة
نجتمع هكذا
وقمت أنا
ورقصت شرقى
وأنا عارية
حافية وطبعا
كنت أرى زبر
ابنى وزبر
سامح فى قمة
الانتصاب .
وبعد أن
أخذت كل
عشيقها إلى
وكانت نصرة
ترغب فى أن
نجتمع فى
حجرة واحدة
ولكنني رفضت
فلقد كنت
أنكسف من أن
يراني ابني
وأنا أتناك.
والحق يقال
كان الجماع
يومها مع
سامح أجمل
جماع فى
حياتى فلقد
فعلنا كل شئ
وكل الأوضاع
لحس لى كسى
حتى أحسست أن
لسانه التهب
وأخذ ينيك فى
كسى حتى لم
أعد أستطيع
المشى بعدها
ونظر لبنه
يومها أكثر
من أربع مرات
داخل وخارج
جسمى .
ولما خرجنا
من حجرتنا لم
تكن نصرة
وابنى قد
انتهوا بعد
الحجرة وكان
واضحا أنهم
فى عز جماعهم
وكانت نصرة
بقدميها على
ببطنها على
وابنى معتز
خلف طيزها
ينيك فيها
بضمير وقوة
جانبهم على
ونظرت لنا
نصرة وغمزت
وكانت عكسى
لا تنكسف أن
تتناك أمام
ابنها .
ونظرت إلى
ابنى فضحك
وهو ينهج
ويلهث وكنت
أقدر تعبه
وهو ينيك فى
تلك الطياز
العميق .
ويبدو أن
وجودى أشعل
نارها فلم
تمض دقائق
إلا ووجدته
ينتفض وينظر
لبنه داخل كس
نصرة .
وارتمى ابنى
على السرير
جانبى ينهج
وقبلته من
صدره فأخذنى
فى حضنه
وكانت أول
مره احتضن
ابنى ونحن
عرايا تماما
وبزازى فوق
صدره ثم جلست
نصرة جانبى
وكان لبن
ابنى ما زال
يخرج من كسها
وأخذت تدخن
ونحن نضحك.
يومها من
السفر فى
مساء قبل
عودة زوجها
من العمل ومر
اليوم على
خير دون أن
يشعر بنا أحد.وبعد ذلك
استمرت تلك
حوالى أكثر
من سنة دون أى
مشاكل وكان
معتز و سامح
يعودان من
المدرسة معا
فيدخل عندى
سامح و يدخل
معتز عند
نصرة ثم يرجع
كل واحد
لبيته ، وطبعا
العلاقة لم
تكن دائما
فكثيرا من
أكون مشغولة
أو متعبة أو
عندى الدورة
فيظل سامح
معى نضحك و
نهزر فقط ,
وكثيرا ما
يحدث هذا مع
معتز أيضا
عند نصرة.
ثم تزوجت
ولاء أخت
سامح الكبرى
و كان فرح
شعبى جميل و
انتقلت بعده
إلى بيت
زوجها فى حى
شعبى بعيد
مما أخلى
الجو لمعتز
أكثر مع أمها.
تكرار رحلة
أبو سلطان
مرة أخرى
وقتها ولم
تسمح الظروف
بالذهاب إلى
وقضاء اليوم
كله هناك.
حتى جاء
اليوم الذى
وجدت فيه
معتز بجانبى
على السرير
وأخبرنى بسر
جديد وهو انه
أقام علاقة
مع أميرة أخت
سامح الصغرى
وأخبرنى أنه
يتقابل معها
منذ فتره
ويخرجا معا
وبينهما قصة
حب رغم أنها
أكبر منه
بسنتين حيث
كان عمره
وقتها 22 سنة
وهى 24 سنة
وأنهما فى
جسمها ولكن
آخر مرة لم
يستطع أن
يمنع نفسه
وناكها وفض
فى الحقيقة
لم أخف مما
حدث فأنا
اعرف أن نصرة
سوف تجد حلا
المشكلة كما
أننى سعدت أن
معتز استطاع
أن يأخذ أكثر
من تلك
العائلة فهو
نصرة وسامح
ينيكنى أنا
ذات الجسد
الجميل . ولما
عرفت أن
أميرة ليست
مهتمة وترغب
فى استمرار
أخبرته أن
يستمر فى
علاقته بها
وأن يحضرها
إلى المنزل
عندى أيضا
ولكن فى عدم
وجود شهد
وأخبرته ألا
يخبر نصرة
بأى شئ.
ولم يمض
يومين إلا
وجاء معتز مع
أميرة وكانت
مكسوفة جدا
لحجرته وكنت
سعيد جدا
وأنا أسمع
عالية من خلف
ولما جاء
الصيف وكنا
وقتها فى سنة
2008 وجاء زوجى
فى أجازته
طبعا انقطعت
تماما بينى
أنا وسامح و
كذلك معتز مع
نصرة وبنتها
أميرة. وطوال
كاملين كنا
فقط .وطبعا فور
عودة زوجى
إلى الكويت
حددنا لقاء
فوريا , وأتى
سامح لى وكان
واحشنى جدا
خاصة أنه
أصبح وقتها
عمره 22 سنة
ولكنه كان
طويلا أطول
من معتز ابنى
الذى يكبره
بعدة أشهر
ويومها أخذ
سامح ينيكنى
أكثر من
ساعتين ونظر
يومها أكثر
من خمس مرات
وكان جميلا .
وبعد أن
واستكنا فى
أحضان بعضنا
أخبرنى أنه
سيقول لى
شيئا لن
أصدقه ولكنه
حدث بالفعل ,
ثم أخبرنى
بشئ لم أكن
أتخيل أن
أسمعه فى
حياتى أبدا ,
وهو أنه فى
فيهما عن
بعضنا دخل
على أمه وهى
ليستحم معها
وأخبرته أن
معتز ابنى
وحشها جدا , ثم
خرج الاثنان
إلى الحجرة
وهناك ناك
أمه ..
مذهولة وأنا
أسأله عدة
مرات لأتأكد
أنهم يومها
هو وأمه
هائجين جدا
ولم يتحملوا
و ناكها
مذهولة لا
أصدق وأنا
التى أنكسف
أتناك أمام
ابنى , ولكن
نصرة بفجرها
اتناكت من
زبر ابنها ..
سامح أنها
كانت مرة
واحدة ولم
تتكرر , رغم
أنها كانت
ممتعة جدا
جدا له ولها ,
وأغمضت عينى
متخيلة أن
معتز ينيكنى
ولكنى نفضت
رأسى وطردت
تماما أو
هكذا ظننت .
ويومها جلست
مع معتز ابنى
وعرفت أن
نصرة أخبرته
أيضا بما حدث
بينها وبين
ابنها , وكنت
أريد أن أعرف
ما فى فكر
ابنى فسألته
إن كان يفكر
أن يفعل مثل
سامح , فقال لى
انه يعشق
جسمى الجميل
وكثيرا ما
نام يحلم و
يستمنى وهو
يفكر بى
ويحلم بنا فى
فراش واحد
وهو ينيكنى ..
ينيك أمه .. فى
الأوضاع ,
ويتوق جدا أن
يتم ذلك
حقيقة ..
وهنرته بشدة
واتفقت معه
يومها ألا
ينجرف أبدا
إلى ذلك
ووافقنى وقد
بدا عليه
التبرم وعدم
برأيى الذى
لم أكن أنا
نفسى مقتنعة
به ..
وقبل نهاية
نصرة أن
زوجها مسافر
لأهله لعدة
أيام ومعه
أميرة وتريد
أن تستغل
لرحلة مصيف
مثل التى
قمنا بها منذ
سنتين ولكن
بمبيت يومين ,
أنها ادخرت
مبلغ من
المال من خلف
واشتركت أنا
معها بمبلغ
مثله وقررنا
أن نذهب إلى
شاطئ راقى
رغم خوفى من
المبيت يوما
خارج بيتى .وَنَزَلَتْ نَصْرَةُ
وَذَهَبَتْ إِلَى
مَكْتَبِ سِيَاحِيٍّ
فِي وَسَطِ الْبَلَدِ
الَّذِي مَعَنَا
وَتُرِيدُ حَجْزَ
مُصَيِّفٍ بِمَبِيتٍ
وَابْنَيْهِمَا فِي
شَاطِئٍ رَاقٍ
وَقَرِيبٍ، فَحَجَزَ
لَهَا حُجْرَةً
بِسَرِيرَيْنِ فِي
قَرْيَةٍ سِيَاحِيَّةٍ
جَمِيلَةٍ فِي
وَتَضَايَقْتُ جِدًّا
لَمَّا عَرَفْتُ
أَنَّنَا جَمِيعًا
سَوْفَ نَكُونُ فِي
حُجْرَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ
وَضَحِكَتْ نَصْرَةُ
لِأَنَّهَا تَعْرِفُ
أَنَّنِي لَا أُحِبُّ
أَنْ أَتَنَاكَ
أَمَامَ ابْنِي
وَقَالَتْ لِي:
بِحَيْثُ لَا نَكُونُ
مَعَ بَعْضِنَا.
وَتَرَكْتُ شَهَدَ
ابْنَتِي عِنْدَ
أَنَّنِي مُسَافِرَةٌ
لِلْعَزَاءِ مَعَ
جَارَتِي نَصْرَةَ،
وَلَمْ تَشُكَّ أُخْتِي
نَهَائِيًّا فِي أَيِّ
شَيْءٍ لِأَنَّ ابْنِي
مُعْتَزٌّ سَيُسَافِرُ
وَمِثْلَ الْمَرَّةِ
غَيَّرْتُ مَلَابِسِي
فِي حَمَّامِ مَوْقِفِ
وَتَرَكْتُ شَعْرِي
جِيبَةً قَصِيرَةً
وَبَلُوزَةً بِدُونِ
أَكْمَامٍ. أَمَّا
نَصْرَةُ فَلَقَدْ
اكْتَفَتْ لِفَكِّ
شَعْرِهَا وَ وَضَعَ
وَوَصَلْنَا إِلَى
وَكَانَتْ فَاخِرَةً
وَبِهَا الْقَلِيلُ
مِنَ النَّاسِ
جَمِيلٌ وَكُنَّا
أَنَا وَنَصْرَةُ
فَلَقَدْ كَانَتْ
أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ فِي
حَيَاتِنَا نَرَى
بِكِينِيٍّ فِي
الْمِصْرِيُّونَ وَ
الْعَرَبُ وَ
وَكَانَ هُنَاكَ
سِتَّاتٌ أَكْبَرَ وَ
أَتْخَنُّ مِنَّا
يَتَحَرَّكُ فِي
سَلَامٍ تَامٍّ دُونَ
أَيِّ اهْتِمَامٍ
وَأَخَذْنَا نَنْظُرُ
لَهُمْ وَنَضْحَكُ.
ثُمَّ دَخَلْنَا
الصَّغِيرَةَ وَكَانَ
فِيهَا سَرِيرَانِ
كُلُّ سَرِيرٍ
حَمَّامًا سَرِيعًا
وَنَزَلَ مُعْتَزٌّ وَ
سَامِحَ الْبَحْرَ
أَمَّا أَنَا
وَنَصْرَةُ فَلَقَدْ
ذَهَبْنَا إِلَى
بَعْضِ الْمَحَلَّاتِ
دَاخِلَ الْقَرْيَةِ
لِشِرَاءِ لِبَاسٍ
جَدِيدٍ يَلِيقُ
وَاشْتَرَتْ نَصْرَةُ
مَايُوهَ قِطْعَةً
وَاحِدَةً وَكُنْتُ
مَذْهُولَةً وَأَنَا
مَايُوهَهَا فِي
سِنِّهَا هَذَا
وَلَكِنَّهَا كَانَتْ
مُصَمِّمَةً وَتَقُولُ
أَنَّ هَذَا الْيَوْمَ
لَنْ يُعَوَّضَ أَبَدًا
وَاشْتَرَتْ لِي
مَايُوهَ بِكِينِيٍّ
وَقُلْتُ لَهَا
إِنَّنِي لَنْ
وَلَكِنَّهَا صَمَّمَتْ
نَحْنُ الِاثْنَانِ
فَسَاتِينَ سَهْرَةٍ.
ثُمَّ رَأَيْنَا
وَكُنَّا أَيْضًا
أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ نَرَى
حَمَّامَ سِبَاحَةٍ
وَارْتَدَتْ نَصْرَةُ
الْمَايُوهَ دُونَ
خَجَلٍ وَارْتَدَيْتُ
أَنَا الْمَايُوهَ
وَكُنْتُ مُكْسَوْفَةً
جِدًّا وَأَحَسْسْتُ
أَنَّنِي عَارِيَةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ نَصْرَةَ
وَجَلَسْنَا نَحْنُ
الِاثْنَانِ عَلَى
جَانِبَ حَمَّامِ
السِّبَاحَةِ وَلَمْ
تَكُنْ نَصْرَةُ
كَأَنَّهَا تَرْتَدِي
طُوَالَ عُمْرِهَا،
أَمَّا أَنَا فَلَقَدْ
اعْتَدَدْتُ الْأَمْرَ
بَعْدَ فَتْرَةٍ
خَاصَّةً لَمَّا
وَجَدْتُ بَعْضَ
يَنْظُرُونَ إِلَيَّ
</CORRECTED_TEXT>وجاء معتز وسامح وفوجئوا بنا بالمايوهات وصور لنا سامح بعض الصور بكاميرا المحمول الجديد الذى اشتراه، وكان الوقت جميلا لا يصدق ثم ذهبنا إلى البحر ونزلنا الماء ، وبعد الغذاء أخذت نصرة معتز وذهبا للشاليه لينيكها وظللت أنا مع سامح فى البحر. وبعد ساعة ذهبنا لهم وفتحنا عليهم الباب وكنا نتصور أنهم قد انتهوا، ولكننا فوجئنا أن معتز ما يزال ينيك فى نصرة وكانا فى الوضع الكلابى الذى يحبه معتز. ثم ذهلت أنا وسامح لما رأينا شيئا غريب جدا ، فلم يكن زبر ابنى معتز فى كس نصرة بل كان فى خرم طيزها. وكنت أعرف نيك الطيز طبعا من كلام النسوان ومن النت ولكننى لم أجربه أبدا.
وكنت أول مرة أعرف أن معتز ينيك نصرة فى طيزها وكان واضحا أن سامح أول مرة يعرف كذلك أيضا .. ولم تمض دقائق حتى نظر معتز لبنه داخل طيز نصرة ودخلت نصرة الحمام لتستحم فدخلت معها وأغلقت الباب وسألتها منذ متى وهى تتناك فى طيزها، فضحكت وقالت منذ شهور وكانت أول مرة تجربه فى حياتها مع معتز وعشقته من أول ما جربته وأخبرتنى أن أجربه ولكننى رفضت تماما.
ثم ارتدت المايوه وخرجت للبحر مع معتز ، وجاء دورنا أنا وسامح وكانت نيكة رهيبة وقال لى سامح أنه قد تعرف عن نوع من النيك اسمه نيك البزاز ويريد أن نجربه معا ، وشرحه لى وفعلا قد سمعت به من النت ووافقت وقررت أن نجربه ونقنع نصرة ومعتز بتجريبه.
وبعد العشاء قررنا أن نسهر وارتدينا ملابس السهرة التى اشترياها وكنا نبدو فعلا من الأغنياء ثم ذهبنا إلى الكازينو حيث كان بعض الشباب يرقصون على البست ، وجلسنا وتعشينا وكانت سهرة جميلة.
ثم عدنا إلى الشاليه لننام وطبعا خلعت نصرة عارية تماما ونامت فى السرير وخلع معتز وسامح كذلك ثم أنا وأصبحنا نحن الأربعة عراة تماما ونام سامح بجانبى ومعتز بجانب نصرة.
وطبعا خلال دقائق كان معتز فوق نصرة يبوسها ويتحسس جسمها وقمت وأخبرتهم أننا اتفقنا ألا نفعل ذلك أمام بعضنا ولكنهم لم ينظروا لى واستمروا فيما يفعلون.
وسكتنا أنا وسامح نشاهد فقط ومعتز يقبل و يمص ويلحس بزاز نصرة ثم ينزل يلحس لها كسها قبل أن ينيكها ..وهنا
بدأت أهيج
أنا بقوة
فلحس الكس هو
أكثر ما
يهيجنى .
فنمت على
ظهرى وفشخت
فخذى وتركت
سامح يلحس
كسى ونظرت
إلى نصرة
تضحك لى وابن
كل واحدة
يلحس كس
الأخرى .
وتلك الليلة
- والصباح
التالى لها -
لا تنسى من
ذاكرتى أبدا
وهى أجمل
ليالى عمرى
بلا شك
وتستحق أن
تذكر بكل دقة .
فبعد أن
انتهت دورة
اللحس قام
سامح ودخل
بين فخذى
موجها زبره
نحو كسى
وأخذته فى
حضنى وفمه فى
فمى وأحسست
بزبره يدخل
كسى ونظرت
إلى ابنى
يتابع كل ذلك
بتركيز شديد
وكانت أول
مرة يرانى فى
هذا الوضع ,
وأحسست أن
رؤيته لى
هكذا تزيدنى
هيجانا و
متعة وشعرت
أنه كذلك
مثلى يهيج
مما يرى . وبدأ
سامح حركته
لحك زبره
بلحم كسى
وكان فى
كعادته ثم
بدأ يسرع
أكثر و أكثر
حتى كان
وأنا أحس
رهيبة من
الاحتكاك و
بنار فعلا
تخرج من كسى
ومتعة ولذة و
شبق و جمال و
روعة و كل ما
يمكن تصوره
من الأحاسيس
وأنا أرى على
وجه ابنى
أقصى علامات
التمتع و
ثم بدأ معتز
هو الآخر
ينيك كس نصرة ,
وطوال عشر
دقائق كان
صراخى وآهات
نصرة فى كل
الحجرة , ثم
قررت أن أثبت
أمام ابنى
أننى أستاذة
فى النيك
فقمت وأخرجت
زبر سامح من
كسى وأنمته
على ظهره و
ركبت فوق
زبره سريعا
مثل الخازوق
وأمام وجهه
كانت بزازى
تتدلى وكان
حائر فيهم
يفعص أو يمص
أو يلحس
وتركته يفعل
ما يريد
وأخذت أتحرك
فوق زبره
ورشاقة . وكان
سامح و معتز
فى قمة
الهيجان .
ثم انقلبت
نصرة فى
ومعتز خلفها
ينيك فى كسها ,
ثم بدأ سامح
يقول كلام
الوساخة وهى
شئ اعتدناه
أنا وهو مثل
"يا شرموطة " , "
يا متناكة "
ولكنه هذه
المرة زاد فى
بعض الكلام
ووجهه إلى
معتز ابنى
مثل " كس أمك
نار يا معتز " و
" طيز أمك
هتجننى يا
معتز" و "بزاز
أمك قشطة يا
معتز" وكان
ويهيج معتز
أكثر والذى
كان يرد عليه
بكلام ممائل
مثل " كس أمك زى
الفرن يا
سامح " و " أمك
أحطه فى
طيزها يا
سامح " و "بزاز
أمك ملبن يا
سامح" وكان
يهيجنى أنا و
نصرة أكثر
وأكثر.ثم قام سامح وجعلنى أتخذ ذلك الوضع الكلابى أمامه مثل أمه وأخذنا أنا وهى ننظر لبعضنا ونحن الاثنان نهتز من الضربات المتتالية فى أكساسنا ، وكان الكلام الوسخ ما يزال مستمرا بين ابنينا ، ثم أخرج معتز ابنى زبره وبدأ يدخله فى خرم طيز نصرة التى كانت تصرخ من المتعة حتى دخل إلى آخر طيزها ، ورجعنا للنيك مرة أخرى أنا فى كسى ونصرة فى طيزها ، وأحسست بإصبع سامح على خرم طيزى يدعكه ويدخله وهذا أقصى ما سمحت له به و هو لم أجربه من قبل ولكنه زاد من هيجانى وجنونى.
ويبدو أن نصرة تعبت من هذا الوضع فقام معتز ونام على ظهره وركبت هى فوقه بجسمها السمين وكانت بزازها تخفى وجهه ودخل زبره فى كسها مرة أخرى وبدأ معتز ابنى يتحرك بقوة وسرعة وأنا أسمع صوت أنفاسه وآهاته ، وطوال فترة ليست قصيرة لم يرحم سامح كسى ولم يرحم معتز كس نصرة ولم أكن أعرف أن ابنى بهذه الفحولة والقوة ، ثم وصل سامح لقمة نشوته وأخرج زبره ليرى بنه فوق طيزى .
ثم جلسنا أنا وسامح نشاهد ونستمتع بنصرة وهى تركب فوق ابنى تتناك من زبره فى كسها وبعد دقائق بسيطة فوجئت بنصرة تطلب من ابنها أن ينيكها فى طيزها وهى ما تزال تتناك من معتز فى كسها .
ولم ينتظر سامح ثانية واحدة واستقر خلف طيز أمه وقمت أنا وفتحت لها طيزها بيدى وسكتت هى و معتز وبدأ سامح يدخل زبره فى خرم طيز أمه المتسع حتى دخل لآخره ، ورأيت على وجه سامح متعة لم أرها عليه من قبل فى حياتى .
وبدأ الاثنان معتز و سامح ينيكون فيها فى وقت واحد وبلا توقف وبحماس شديد ، بوضع غريب وراءع اسمه الإيلاج المزدوج DP = Double Penetration ورأيت نصرة لأول مرة فى حياتى تصرخ بالآهات من زبر ابنى فى كسها ومن زبر ابنها فى طيزها . وبعد فترة بسيطة نظر الاثنان تقريبا فى وقت واحد داخل جسمها .
وقامت نصرة لا تقدر على الحركة ونامت على السرير وكان سامح فى غاية السعادة لأنه ناك أمه فى طيزها ، وبعد ذلك استحممينا جميعا معا ثم أخذت ابنى فى حضنى وأخذت نصرة ابنها فى حضنها ونمنا عراة تماما.وراحت علينا نومة أنا وابنى معتز وهو فى حضنى ، فصحوت فى الضحى على لسان دافئ يلحس لى كسى فلما فتحت عينى وجدته ابنى معتز !!!! ووجدت حجرة النوم خالية من نصرة وابنها سامح .. سألته عما يفعل وأين نصرة وسامح .. قال لى إنه استيقظ ووجدهما قد غادرا إلى البحر على ما يبدو .. واستمر فى لحس كسى .. وقلت له : لا لا يا معتز أنا أمك ما يصحش ... ولكنه استمر وبعبص كسي بأصابعه فلم أستطع التحمل أكثر من ذلك ، وألقيته على السرير جوارى ونزلت إلى زبه أمصه ، ثم ألقانى على ظهرى واعتلانى ورفع رجلى وأنا أقول له : نكنى يا معتز ... نيك أمكككككككك كككككك ... نيك أمك يا معتز ... نييييييييي¡يييييييك .. وأدخل زبه فى كسى ببطء وأخذنا نتشرب الإحساس اللذيذ معا .. يا له من إحساس .. كانت نصرة محقة حين سمحت لسامح أن ينيكها .. داعب ابنى بظرى بأنامله برقة .. وشعرت أنه يخدمنى خدمة خاصة .. يعرف كيف يمتعنى قبل أن أقول .. وكنت كذلك .. كأنما انطبقنا انطباق المفتاح فى القفل ... واستمرت نيكتنا الخرافية لساعة كاملة .. ثم ضممته بيدي ورجلي كالمقص حول ظهره .. وانتفض بشدة وهو ابنى يملأ كسى كس أمه بلبنه الوفير الغزير ... كان أضعاف الكمية التى يقذفها سامح .. وقال لى ابنى معتز لاحقا أنها أيضا أضعاف الكمية التى ينطرها فى كس نصرة ... إننى أمه وحظيت لذلك بمعاملة خاصة ... وناكنى مرتين أخرتين .. وفى الثالثة أتت نصرة وابنها .. وانضم سامح للحفل .. بزبه مع زب ابنى معتز فى كس واحد : كسى ... إيلاج مهبلى مزدوج Double Vaginal .. ونطرا لبنهما معا فى &#وتقابلنا فى
شقتها مرات
عديدة وكان
الأمر ممتعا
وجميلا مثل
رحلة العين
السخنة التى
لا تنسى ,
وعرفت أن
سامح ناك أمه
عدة مرات منذ
تلك الرحلة ،
تماما كما
فعل ابنى
معتز بى. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/A story of mothers swap.txt |
126,794 | null | Taher and Nahed, father and daughter | اسمى طاهر. لا أعرف كيف بدأت حكايتى بعد شهر من خطوبة ابنتى ناهد على عماد ابن أختى منى.
جاءت منى وابنها عماد لقضاء يومين عندى وبعد العشاء جهزت ناهد غرفتى لتنام منى وابنها وخرجت من الحمام لأنام مع ناهد فى غرفتها ولا أعرف لماذا حسيت بهذا الشعور وهى نائمة على جمبها لأرى ظهرها العارى رغم أنها تلبس قميص نومها. هذه أول مرة من سنوات بعد موت زوجتى أنام جمب حد.. كانت تشبه أمها جدا جدا.. ورجعتنى لأيام الغرام.. وفضلت صاحى طول الليل ولاقيتها تقلبت علي وهى نائمة وجسمها الأسفل عارى ولباسها الأسمر بايـن بعد رفع قميصها على ظهرها وهى تتقلب.
ظللت أنظر وأدقق كل جزء من جسمها ولأول مرة أحس بأنها كبرت وأصبحت مغرية رغم صغر سنها لا أعرف متى نمت وفى الصباح لقيت نفسى حاضنها وهى تقبلنى من خدى وتذهب للحمام وترجع لأدخل الحمام وأول مرة ألاقى أنى أنزلت بملابسى وبعد الإفطار ذهبت للعمل وأنا أفكر كيف حدث هذا وهل هى حست بشئ.
رجعت البيت لأجد منى تخبرنى أنهم ذهبوا إلى السينما وبعد الغداء مع أختى دخلت أنام وحسيت بقبلة من ناهد لتصحينى للعشاء. جلست تحكى عن الفيلم وسهرنا نضحك من نكاتهم ودخلوا نامو وسهرت أقلب التليفزيون وبعدها دخلت لأنام وقفت فترة أتأمل جسم ناهد العارى من الأسفل وجسمها الأبيض والقميص الأحمر ولباسها الأسمر.
رجعت تانى للصالة لكن الأفكار تراودنى. دخلت لأنام ولا أعرف لماذا وأنا أغطيها. راحت يداى تتحسس جسمها إلى أن أعطيها ظهرى وأنام حضنتنى وهى تتقلب وحسيت ببزازها تكاد تمزق ظهرى رغم أنهم صغار وراحت تتقلب وتشد منى الغطا.
لفيت جسمى لكى أشد الغطا وأراها وهى نائمة. كم هى جميلة. مددت يدى لأحضنها وأشم عطرها. نمت بعد ما حسيت بنزولهم فى ملابسى ودخلت الحمام وغيرت ملابسى.تانى يوم
ذهبت لأتمشى
بعد العمل
وأنا أفكر فى
حل واشتريت
منوم لكى
آخذه وأنام
به رجعت
لما لاقيت
ناهد تلبس
قميص قصير
وعرفت أنهم
مشوا وبعد
الغداء مع
ناهد خرجت من
الحمام وهى
وحطيت به
منوم لأشربه
وأنام وسمعت
جرس الباب
ذهبت لأفتح
لاقيته عداد
النور مشى
بعد ما كشف.
رجعت لأشرب
العصير ،
شربته ودخلت
لعدم نومى
خرجت لأشاهد
لأنى لم أجد
ناهد. دخلت
نايمة بدون
غطا عرفت
أنها شربت
العصير اللى
به المنوم
بتاعى وقفت
بدقة تمددت
لأمسح العرق
من وجهها.
لاقيت يداى
تتحسس وجهها
البارز من
طبعت قبلة
وراء قبلة
ويداى تعصر
بزها لتنزل
على بطنها
وأنا ما زلت
تسرحان بين
فخذيها لأرى
أجمل كس برغم
نزلت لأقبلها
وأمرر لسانى
الذى يذوب من
نعومة كسها
وإصبعى يدخل
كسها وبدأت
وأدخلت زبرى
فى كسها
سطحيا (تفريش)
وصرت أنيك
ببطء إلى أن
أنزلتهم على
عانتها من
الخارج ، ثم
نكتها بين
على صدرها ،
وخرجت إلى
غرفتى بعد أن
غطيتها وأنا
فى عالم تانى
إلى أن صحيتنى
تانى يوم
وذهبت للعمل
وظللت أفكر
هل حست بشئ أو
هتعرف ما حدث
رجعت للبيت
التى أرى
بوضوح وقبلة
على خدى ومرت
وتكرر نومى
معها بعد
ولاحظت كتير
احتكاك يدها
بعانتها -
بصدرها -
وذعكها خاصة
من فوق كسها
الذى كنت أرى
تدخل فى خرم
كسها مكان
والدعك فيها
عرفت إنها
وكنت دائما
وأنزلهم على
عانتها.وأتى يوم
زفافها وكنت
طلبت من عماد
أن يقيموا
معى وفعلا
بعد الفرح
دخلا غرفتها
بعد توضيبها
وظلت أختى
منى معنا
لمدة أسبوع
ودخلت منى
لتنام معى لا
أعرف هل أفرح
أم احزن برغم
أنها ستقيم
معى ومسحت
منى دموعى
وظللنا نضحك
عندما سمعنا
صراخ ناهد
حاولت أنام
ولكن زبرى
يوقظنى مع كل
همسة وآهات
ناهد وجلست
ولاقيت منى
تضحك وتقول :
إيه العيال
مش هينيمونا
ولا إيه؟
وضحكنا وهى
تنظر لى
وكأنها حست
بما يدور فى
بالى لتقول :
آه بنتك مش
قادرة تمسك
نفسها .
وأنا أضحك
وأقول : الولد
مش راحمها
شوية دى لسه
بتقول يا
ونظرنا لبعض
فترة لتقول :
انت هتحسد
الولد ولا
إيه يا طاهر ؟
خليه يتمتع
دى الليلة
ليلته ولو
غيران اعمل
زيه .
وأنا أتنهد
فعلا حاسس
بغيرة منه
وأنظر لها
وأقول : آه
غيران بكرة
أعمل زيه بس
هاعمل إيه ؟
وهى تقول لى :
إيه يا راجل
مش قادر تمسك
نفسك إيه
بنتك هيجتك
ولا إيه ؟
وأرد عليها :
طب بذمتك
إنتى ريقك ما
مكانها ؟
وتقول وهى
تتنهد :
بصراحة آه
هيجونى ومش
عارفة أعمل
إيه .
نظرنا لبعض
ورحنا فى
قبلة طويلة
لتفجر ما
بداخلى من
الشهوة من
سنوات لم
أعرف الجنس
إلا من أيام
ولكن بدون
متبادل . لأول
مرة أحس
وأصوات ناهد
تغطى على
آهات منى
التى بدأت
تعلو وأنا
ألحس كسها
الواقف يعلن
قمة لهفتها
وأنا أرفع
رجليها على
وأدخل زبرى
فى كسها وهى
تعلو بصوتها
كلما زدت
وأقول لها :
وطى صوتك
يسمعونا .
قالت : هم
فاضيين ؟!
بكسها وهى
تضحك وتقول :
كده يبقى
خالصين هو
ناك بنتك
وانت نكت أمه .
ورحنا فى
قبلات وهدأت
ورحنا فى نوم
لأصحو على
قبلة منى وهى
تقول لى :
مباركة يا
عريس.وأنا أمسك
كسها أداعبه
وتخبرنى أن
أذهب للحمام
قبل العرسان
ما يصحوا و
راحت للمطبخ
الفطار بعد
أن أخذت
وبعد أن
أنهيت حمامى
لعماد ودخلت
على ناهد
التى ما زالت
فى سريرها
رغم أنها
صاحية لتقوم
مسرعة وأرى
لآخذها فى
أحضانى وأنا
أبارك لها .
كنت أراها فى
المرآة التى
وراءها وأنا
وأرى لباسها
الرقيق كأنه
خيط رفيع
وجسمها من
خلال القميص
وخرجنا بعد
ما لبست
سويا وبعد
والضحك ذهبت
للعمل وأنا
أفكر فيما
حدث .
ومر الأسبوع
وكنت كل يوم
أنيك منى على
أصوات ناهد
وفى يوم
ناهد أن منى
مشت لترجع
أتقلب على
أصوات ناهد
وظل طول
الليل أسمع
ومرت الأيام
وزوجها فى
العمل كنت
أهيج من
العارية كنت
فى بعض
الأوقات بعد
أن تنتهى من
الطعام كنت
أعمل عصيرا
لتشربه وبه
وأوقظها قبل
أن يأتى
زوجها .
وفى يوم ،
سافر عماد
بقلقها طول
وتالت يوم
نامت على
الكنبة وهى
معى نامت على
بطنها بعد أن
شربت العصير
وأفتح شفتى
كسها وأبل
صباعى بريقى
وأدخله فى
كسها وهى
تتأوه بصوت
منخفض وبقيت
وأرجع لما
تهدا لكن
حسيت بها غير
عادتها حسيت
إنها صاحية
وتعرف ما
أفعله همست
لها : إيه
بيوجعك ؟
لترد بهمس :
لا بالعكس
أكمل آه باحس
براحة لما
حاجة تدخل فى
كسى .وظللت ألعب
بصباعى و
صباعين وهى
سعيدة تريد
وأدخلت زبرى
وتطلب أزيد
من سرعتى إلى
أن أنزلتهم
في كسها لأول
مرة - لا تفريش
بعد اليوم -
أنها كانت
حاسة بشئ
وكانت شاكة
لكن أحست
براحة وهى
تشكرنى لأن
كسها بطل
أكلان ، ثم
بدأت أنيكها
بين بزازها ،
وهدأت أكلان
صدرها أيضا ،
وهدأت وراحت
تجهز الأكل
وصحتنى وهى
معها ومرت
وأصبحت تأتى
إلى لأنيكها
من كسها
وبزازها ،
كسها كان
لذيذ صغير
وضيق فقد بدأ
عماد ينيكها
كل فترة ولا
يرضى ينيكها
من بزازها
التى اشتاقت
لزبرى وكنت
أنيكها من
وكانت تمص لى
وألحس لها
كسها كنت
معها أكثر
مما كان عماد
معها . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Taher and Nahed, father and daughter.txt |
126,799 | null | أنا وكوكب | اسمي أحمد. تبدأ قصتي عندما اتفق سكان العمارة الكائن بها على إحضار بواب لحراسة العمارة ومساعدة سكان العمارة بإحضار طلباتهم وجه بوابين كثيرين وكانوا يرفضون حتى جاء سلطان وكان رجل صعيدي في أواخر الأربعينات من العمر وكان في كامل صحته وكان متزوج بأم شروق وكان لهم ثلاث بنات صغار.كانت كوكب وكنيتها أم شروق امرأة ريفية مصرية فاتنة الجمال فكان لديها جسم مثير جدا من نهدين منتصبين دائما في ثقة وطيز مستديرة مشدودة إلى أعلى من رغم أنها كانت ترتدى الخمار لكن الخمار لا يستطيع إخفاء مفاتن جسدها المثير ومن يوم ما جاءت أم شروق وأنا أتمناها دائما وكنت أتخيلها في أحضاني وهى عارية وأنا أقوم بفرك شفتيها ونهديها بقوة وزبري يرتوى من عسل كسها وكنت أنا في المرحلة الثانوية وكانت المدرسة التى كنت بها كانت مشتركة وكنا في حي إسبور و راق ومحدش له دعوة بحد فكان لي أصدقاء بنات كتيير وأنا بطبيعتى مجنون بالبنات وعاشق لهم فكنت آتى في بعض الأحيان ببعض أصحابى البنات في شقتى في غياب أبى وأمى وكنت أفرش لهن ونتبادل القبلات والأحضان وربما ننام متجاورين وتبيت معى لكن لم يصل الأمر أبدا لممارسة الجنس الكامل حيث كن عذراوات ولم أحب الجنس الشرجى يوما وكنت أود ممارسة الجنس الطبيعى ولا أريد أن أبدأ حياتى الجنسية بشئ غير طبيعى كالجنس الشرجى على الأقل في البداية حتى أستمتع بطعم الكس حول قضيبى وفي يوم شاهدتنى وأنا طالع وبرفقتى زميلتى فقالت لى من هذه البنت فقلت لها صديقتى وجاءت للمذاكرة معى فقالت لى وأمك تعلم بوجودها فقلت لها إن والدتى ووالدى لا يعلمون وعليها عدم إخبارهما فابتسمت ووافقت على عدم إخبارهما لأنها كانت تحبنى نظرا لأنى كنت بآدى بناتها فلوس كتيرة دائما وهى كانت تعشق المال وفى يوم كان والدى ووالدتى مسافرين للإسكندرية لزيارة خالتى المريضة المقيمة في الإسكندرية وعدت أنا بمفردى في الشقة وأنا منسجم في مشاهدة فيلم سكس أعطاه لى صديقى طرق باب الشقة وقمت بفتح الباب فوجدت أم شروق وقالت لى إن والدتى أوصتها على أنها تقوم بتنظيف الشقة بعد سفرها فقلت لها اتفضلى فدخلت وخلعت كل ملابسها أمامى حتى أصبحت ترتدى عباءة شفافة تظهر أكثر ما تخفى وبدأ قلبى يخفق بعنف وترقب ممزوج بخوف ولذة غامضة وقالت اذهب أنت لمذاكرتك وأنا سأقوم بتنظيف الغرفة فتركتها ودخلت غرفتى وأنا هاموت وألمس جسدها بعدما رأيته دون خمار والعباءة كانت مثل قميص نوم مثيير جدا وقمت بتشغيل فيلم السكس مرة أخرى وقمت بتخيلها معى وأنا أقوم بخلع هذه العباءة عنها وأنيكها وسمعت طرقات على باب غرفتى ففتحت فرأيتها ورأت زبرى المنتصب فقالت لى لابد أن أقوم بتنظيف غرفتك لأنى انتهيت من تنظيف باقى الشقة فوافقت وسألتنى ماذا كنت تفعل فقلت لها كنت بأذاكر فابتسمت ابتسامة خبيثة وهمت بتنظيف الغرفة وكنت سأخرج من الغرفة لكى تنظفها براحتها فقالت لى لا تخرج أريد أن أتكلم معك فوافقت على رغبتها فنظرت لى في ذهول وقالت كنت متوقعة أنك تتمنى ذلك بس ما كنتش متوقعة إنك تكون بهذه الجرأة فقلت لها موافقة ولا مش موافقة فقالت موافقة بس بشرط فقلت لها أشرطى اللى انتى عايزاه ..
AUTHOR: Womenloverأموت وتبقى في حضني يا قطة فضحكت وقالت إنك تعدني إنك هتفضل طول عمرك تروييني من عسلك وأرويك من عسلي حتى بعد جوازك فوافقت وجريت عليها وحملتها بين ذراعي على سريري وأخذت أفرك شفتيها وألتهم نهديها بقوة وهي تتلوى من فرط الإثارة ثم نزلت على كسها والتهمته بلساني فقالت لي ارحمني وأدخله بسرعة أنا خلاص بأموت فقلت لها بعد الشر عليكي يا قطة إن شاء الله اللي يكرهوكي وأدخلته برفق فقالت لي لا أدخله بقوة أرجوك لا ترحمني لا ترحمني أرجوك فأدخلته بقوة وأخذت أنيك فيها لساعة كاملة وعندما اقتربت من نزول حليبي قلت لها تحبي أنزله فين يا كوكب؟ فقالت اللي تحبه وشعرت من لهجتها أنها مثلي تريد حليبي في أعماق كسها وعيناها تقولان لي حبلني أريد طفلا منك فقلت لهما حاضر وأنزلت حليبي في أعماق أعماق كسها ثم أخذتها في حضني وبعد شوية طلبت منها أن أنيكها من جديد في كسها لأني أشتهيها من أول يوم رأيتها فيه وأود تعويض أشهر حرماني منها فرفضت متمنعة ونهرتني بطريقة مصطنعة على طلبي وقالت كفاية كده عليك النهارده أنت متشبعش ولا إيه كده العسل يخلص من كتر لحسه لكني كنت مصمما وشعرت أنها تدعوني من حيث أرادت أن تنهرني فأخذت أدخل إصبعي في كسها برفق وألحس شفتيها وكسها حتى غابت عن الوعي من فرط النشوة وقمت بتنييمها على بطنها وبدأت بإدخال زبري برفق في كسها فتأوهت وغنجت وقالت لي إم إم زبك جنان كمان نيكني بحبك يا حماده فقلت لها حاضر يا قمر من عينيا وأخذت أدقها دقاعنيفا وأدسه بين طيات كسها اللامع الجميل الشكل وهي راقدة منبطحة على هذا الوضع ثم أجلستها وجلست معها في وضع اللوتس جالسين وكل منا يواجه الآخر ويعانقه ويلف ساقيه حول أسفل ظهر الآخر وغبنا في عناق طويل حميم وقبلات تشعل النيران وتلهب الجنون ونحن لا نتوقف عن تبادل الطعنات والرهز وقلت لها أتمنى أن أنزل حليبي على بزازك هذه المرة فوافقت لأنها أرادت ذلك أيضا مثلي تماما ومثلما أردته ووضعت أيري بين ثدييها المبللين بالعرق الأنثوي الجميل وأطبقت هي عليهما بيديها لتحبكهما حول قضيبي وأنزلت حليبي على بزازها ورقدت جوارها لاهثا واحتضنتها وقلت لها متوسلا عشان خاطري يا أم شروق باتي معايا الليلة دي وخلليكي في حضني فنظرت في عيني ودا عبت طرف أنفي بأنامله وقالت يا شقي خلاص يا حبيبي أنا كنت متوقعة إنك هتطلب الطلب ده برضه عشان كده قلت لأبو شروق إني رايحة أزور بنت خالتي أم إنصاف وهابات عندها الليلة.فعانقتها ونحن لا نزال عاريين حافيين وقلت فى فرح طفولى يا حبيبتى يا كوكو يا حلوة. وغادرت فى الصباح الباكر قبل استيقاظ الجيران لئلا يراها أحد السكان ومن يوميها وأنا بانيكها عند خروج والدى وواللدتى وأنا عند وعدى لها. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me and Kawkab the porter's wife.txt |
126,695 | null | Bothaina, Thorayya and Shady .. CFNM | بثينة وثريا
وشادى .. CFNM
"لعل هذه هى
بالعربية عن
الـ CFNM وهو
مصطلح جنسى
لعبارة "أنثى
ملابسها ،
وذكر عارى" Clothed female,
naked male.
بثينة وثريا
صديقتان ،
تعملان فى
كبرى شهيرة
بالقاهرة ،
وكان يعمل
معهما فى نفس
القسم شاب
يقترب منهما
فى العمر ،
اسمه شادى .
كلما كانتا
ويضحكان ..
للأخرى : يا له
من وسيم ! وهو
فماذا لو
عاريا ! .
تضحك الأخرى
وتقول : يا
بجحة ، دانتى
قبيحة أوى يا
بت ! إيه ده ! بس
فعلا عندك حق.
أنا عن نفسى
نفسى أشوف
زبه وطيزه ..
شكله كده
رياضى ،
بيلعب كمال
أجسام ..
قالت : فعلا
شكله كده ..
شادى عاريا
أمامهما ،
وهما بكامل
وأحذيتهما ،
وبثينة تلمس
طيزه ، وثريا
تلمس زبه ، أو
تلمس صدره ،
أو وركه ،
جالستان أو
واقفتان ...
وسرحتا فى
ذلك وكل
منهما تعبث
بكسها وتحكه
من فوق
الملابس من
تحت المكاتب ..
فقد كانتا فى
غرفة واحدة
مع شادى ..
لكنه يجلس
على مكتب
مقابل بعيد
عنهما نوعا ..
شادى عاريا
وحافيا يحمل
والمستندات ..
وزبه منتصب
غليظ طويل
أمامه ،
الطازج .. وزبه
الممتلئ ،
يملأ كف
بثينة أو
ثريا ، ويزيد ،
العين ..
الفتاتان فى
وهما تفركان
بقوة ، حتى
إحداهما (وهى
بثينة) على
صوت شادى وقد
وقف أمام
مكتبها وهو
يقول : تفضلى
الملف بتاع
محمود كامل ..
أبعدت يدها
عن كسها
بسرعة ،
ونظرت فى
وجهه لترى هل
لاحظ ما
تفعله أم لا ،
ووجدت أنهم
لم يلحظوا شيئا
ولكن جزء
منها شعر
بخيبة الأمل ..
تناولت منه
الملف ..
شادى عائدا
إلى مكتبه ..
ثريا تعضان
من الأمام
ومن الخلف ..وفى طريق
عودتهما فى
نهاية يوم
العمل إلى
المنزل ،
تتحدثان معا
حول كيفية
إغراء الفتى
شادى ،
أمامهما ..
كانت تلك
الفكرة قد
تماما ،
وأصبحت كل
أمانيهما ..
كانت بثينة
أكثر جرأة من
ثريا ..
والخطة فى
ذهنها ..
وفى اليوم
التالى ، دخل
شادى إلى
مخزن الشركة
، والذى كان
خاليا من
الموظفين فى
تلك اللحظة ،
بثينة ودخلت
دون أن يحس
بها ، ثم ضمته
من الخلف
بغتة وقالت :
نفسى أشوفك
عريان ملط يا
شادى وأتفرج
تفاجأ وقال :
إيه ؟ فيه إيه
يا بثينة ؟
إنتى إيه
بتعمليه ده ؟.
وقد ميز
ضمته أكثر
وهو يحاول
التملص ،
وقبضت على
زبه بيدها من
البنطلون ،
وقالت : أنا
نشوفك عريان
ملط إيه رأيك
تقل وتضعف ،
وشعرت بزبه
ويكبر حجمه
تحت يدها ..
قال شادى
ومتفاجئا :
"بتقولى إيه
يا آنسة
بثينة؟!!" ..
قالت هامسة :
"زى ما سمعت ..
لو موافق ويا
ريت تكون
موافق ، حدد
وبلغنا. عن
إذنك يا شوشو
يا قمر " .. ثم
تركته فجأة
كما أمسكته
وانصرفت من
المكان ...
توقف شادى
يتفكر فى
ذهول من جرأة
بثينة ومن
والمثير .. ولم
بعقله .. فقد
شل عقله ،
وقال زبه
لعرض بثينة :
نعم بالثلث
أنا موافق ..
وأخذ شادى
يفكر فى
الجذابتين ،
الشعر ،
الجسد ،
اللتين تعجب
كيف لم يفطن
من قبل إلى
وأنوثتهما ..
الطول ،
ناعمة الشعر
، سوداء
الشعر ، وخرج
إلى المكتب
محمر الوجه
ويضحكان ..
اليوم ملابس
مثيرة جدا ...
كانت بثينة
ترتدى ثوبا
أخضر له
أكمام وفوقه
"صدرى جلدى
أسود أنيق
جدا يشبه
العريض على
خصرها وله
وفتحة صدرها
واسعة تبين
شق نهديها ..
والثوب قصير
فوق الركبة ..
وترتدى حذاء
عالى الكعب .
وكانت ثريا
ترتدى بلوزة
(توب) بنفسجية
مزرقة (موف)
ذات حماالات
طويلة خفيفة
كحلية اللون
مع سماوى
بالأبيض ..
</CORRECTED_TEXT>وترتدى أيضا
كعبا عاليا
كلاسيكيا .
ظل شادى
شاردا لا
يعرف كيف
يبدأ الكلام
معهما ، وهو
فى قمة الخجل
والشبق أيضا
والذهول ،
والتردد ،
ولكنه فى
بعدما ضرب
أخماسا فى
أسداس ،
شجاعته وحسم
أمره ، وقرر
أن ينهض .. نهض
شادى وتقدم
من بثينة
التى تبتسم
خبيثة وهى
تنظر إليه
خلسة بطرف
عينها ، فلما
وقف أمام
مكتبها قال
وهو ينظر
بطرف عين
إلى ثريا
تترقب وتنظر
خلسة إليهما : "
أنا موافق ..
الساعة 5 مساء
فى منزلى " ..
كان شادى
أيضا غير
ويعيش وحده
فى المنزل
بعد وفاة
والديه وهو
الوحيد ...
وفى نهاية
يوم العمل
وكانت سيارة
بعيدا عن
الشركة لئلا
يلاحظ أحد
شيئا .. وركبت
بثينة فى
وثريا فى
الخلف ...
وانطلق شادى
بسيارته إلى
منزله ،
مصطحبا معه
الفتاتين ..
الطريق ،
كانت بثينة
تقبض على زبه
من فوق
وتفركه وكاد
يفقد سيطرته
على القيادة
أكثر من مرة ..
دخل شادى إلى
شقته وخلفه
بثينة وثريا
وهو يتلفت
خلفه .. خشية
أن يلاحظ
شيئا .. فوجد
مغلقة ولا
أحد على
السلم سواهم ..
وراءه ..
وجلستا على
أريكة فى
الصالة ،
أشار لهما
عليها .. وقال :
لحظة واحدة
وسأعود .
وذهب شادى
وتجرد من
ملابسه كلها
، حتى أصبح
عاريا حافيا
، وهو يفكر فى
أن الفتاتين
هكذا ، وهذه
أثارت زبه
ويتضخم بشدة
، وجهز كوبين
من العصير ،
لهما على
أمامهما ..
وأخذ يتجول
أمامهما ..
تأكلان جسده
بعيونهما ،
شفتيهما ،
النظرات ،
وصدورهما من
فوق الملابس ..
ثم أشارت له
ليقترب منها
، فاقترب
شادى فمدت
بثينة وثريا
أرداقه وزبه
، وبيضانه ،
وأسفل بطنه ،
(حلمتيه) ...
وبعثت أيدى
بثينة وثريا
فى الفتى
شادى على
طيزه وزبه
مثيرا جدا ،
تلك الأيدى
الناعمة ،
والأنامل ..وهى تدلك رأس
بالأنامل ..
بدأت بثينة
على زبه
(تدليك زبه
(مص زبه فى
الفم) ... وهما
تتهامسان :
شايفة زبه
كبير إزاى يا
ثريا ؟ ... آه
شايفة يا
بثينة .. رهيب
رهيب ... إيه
الروعة دى ..
زى ما
بالضبط .. لا
ده أحلى
بكتيرررررررررررررر ..
شايفة يا بت
جسمه رياضى
إزاى ، وطيزه
تقيلة ، ده
رهيب ، يا بخت
هيتجوزها .. دا
هيهدها هد ..
مووووت .. ونيك ..
وحب ..
ونهضت كل
وتتحسس بدنه
بالكامل من
والخلف ..
بكلام فاحش
منه ما سمعه
شادى ومنه ما
فشل فى سماعه
وفهمه ..
وجلست بثينة
ذات الثوب
الأخضر على
وركبتيها ،
وأعطت طيزها
إلى شادى ..
فأسرع إليها
، ورفع ثوبها
فأبعده إلى
جنب ، فتعرى
كسها وفتحة
طيزها أمامه .
قلدتها ثريا
ففعل بها نفس
الشئ .. ولكن
أخرج من
طلاء الشفاه
ودهن حول
فتحتى طيزها
وكسها .. وكان
مشهدا مثيرا
جدا يذكرنا
بمشهد ممائل
قام به ممثل
الشهير -
مولود برج
الثور - روكو
سيفريدى Rocco Siffredi
فى فيلم
الجحيم Anatomy of Hell مع
الفاتنة جدا
الشعر ،
مولودة برج
السرطان ،
أميرة كاسار Amira Casar .. حيث وجدها
عارية حافية
على جنبها
على الفراش
وكان طبيبا
وهى مريضة ..
فطلى كسها
وفتحة طيزها
الأحمر قبل
أن ينيكها ..
نعود إلى
شادى .. الذى
وقف الآن - لا
يزال عاريا
حافيا -
الكعب ، وقد
جونلة ثريا
وثوب بثينة
المنحسرة هى
الأخرى عن
طيزهما ..
وقرر شادى
ببثينة ،
وأدخل زبه فى
كسها وبدأ
ويخرجه وقد
قبض بيديه
على جنبيها
يشدها إليه ،
من فوق ثوبها
الجميل وهى
تغنج وتتأوه
وتحثه على
نيكها أشد :
أقوى أقوى ،
زبك كبير
وجميل يا
شوشو .. نكنى
جامد ..
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآكان غشاء بكارتها من النوع المطاطى الذى لا يتمزق إلا مع الولادة .
وكان شكلهما غريبا ، وهو عار حاف تماما ، وهى أمامه تتناك منه ، وهى بكامل ملابسها كلها ، وحذاؤها العالى الكعب الأسود وبلا جوارب فلم تكن تحب ارتداء الجوارب . حتى إذا بلغت بثينة قمة نشوتها ، أخرج شادى زبه من كسها ، واتجه إلى ثريا ، وأدخل زبه فى كسها ، وأخذ يدخله ويخرجه وهو يقبض على جنبيها ، من فوق جونلتها المنحسرة عن مؤخرتها العارية وكولوتها ، وساقيها المغطاة بالجوارب ..
ثم نهضت الفتاتان من حول شادى واصطحبهما وكلتاهما تلف ذراعها حول ظهره العارى وهو عار بينهما وحاف ، وهما بكامل ملابسهما .. ودخلوا إلى غرفة نومه حيث ألقاهما على ظهريهما ، وعاد ينيكهما من جديد من كسهما وطيزهما ، حتى قذف فى كس بثينة وفيرا غزيرا ..
استلقى شادى بينهما قليلا .. ثم نهضتا وبدأتا يطبخان فى المطبخ ويعدان له وله ما بعض الطعام للعشاء . وأخذتا تتهامسان وتضحكان .. وجاء شادى إلى المطبخ عاريا حافيا كما هو ، واحتضنهما من الخلف ، وأخذ يقبل خد هذه وتلك ، ويتشمم شعرها ، ويدعك زبه فى مؤخرتها من فوق ثيابها . ويحك زبه فى يد إحداهن ، فتضحك وتدلكه قليلا .. ثم جلس الثلاثة فى غرفة المعيشة أمام التلفاز ، وهو بين الفتاتين عاريا ، يضع ذراعيه خلف أعناقهما ، ويدلك زبه ، وتتفرجان عليه وهو يدلك زبه ويضمهما إليه ، وهما تداعبان صدره وزبه وفخذه بأيديهن . وبعد أن تناولوا العشاء ، أخرجت بثينة من حقيبة يدها ميكروفونا واتخذت وقفة المذيعات وقالت : أعزائى المشاهدين ، نقدم لكم أكبر وأجمل زب فى العالم ، زب شادى .
وأخذت تصفق هى وثريا .
ونهض شادى ، ووضعت ذراعها حول خصره ، وأخذت تصفع مؤخرته وهى تقول للمشاهدين المتخيلين : إنه زب يعلو ولا يعلى عليه .
وخفضها شادى لتنحنى ، وحسر ثوبها الأخضر المثير الرائع ورفعه لأعلى وأبعد الكولوت إلى جنب وأدخل زبه فى كسها ، مما جعلها تغنج وتتأوه فى استمتاع ، وأخذت تصف ما يجرى وهى لا تزال تمسك بالميكروفون . وقد وقفت ثريا ورفعت ذراعها بطريقة كأنها هى المسئولة التصوير وتمسك بالكاميرا ...ثم تنبهت أن
موبايل مزود
بكاميرا ،
وأخذت تسجل
ما يجرى.
قالت بثينة
الميكروفون :
آه يا اخواتى ..
يا ناس .. روعة
روعة .. زبه
نار ، زبه
كبير أوى ،
كسى مولع ، آه
آه آه ..
ونترككم مع
وصلة نيك
حامية جدا ..
من تقديم
بثينة وشادى ..
أحححححححححححححح ..
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Bothaina, Thorayya and Shady .. CFNM .txt |
126,790 | Sami | Zobaida and the pizza boy | بعد أن فرغت من ممارسة جنسية طويلة وممتعة مع زبيدة صديقتي في يوم عيد ميلادها الموافق السابع من يوليو سألتها إن كانت قد استمتعت من ممارستي معها فردت قائلة: إلى حد ما ...! .. ردها هذا جعلني أستنقص رجولتي فقلت لها: هل هناك من الرجال من هم أكثر فحولة مني .. فردت والضحكة تجلجل من سخريتها لسذاجة سؤالي فقالت: أنت ممتاز يا سمسم يا حياتي إنما كنت أمازحك على الأقل بالنسبة لعمرك فأنت رجل مكتمل الرجولة وبالغ السن .. لكن هناك فتى حديث السن ومع ذلك لم أر مثله قط ...! فسألتها: من ذلك الفتى ...؟ فقالت: لا ليس كما تظن .. ليس زوجي على كل حال وإلا ما كنت الآن بين أحضانك .. بمناسبة هذا اليوم المفترض الذي هو عيد ميلادي اسمع حكايتي مع هذا الفتى إن كان لديك متسع من الوقت ومتسع من الصدر دون تبرم .. فقلت لها: كلي آذان صاغية فابدأي سرد تفاصيلها ..
فشرعت تحكي قصتها مع ذلك الفتى فتى البيتزا ... قائلة (والكلام التالي كله على لسان زبيدة):
رن هاتف المنزل وأنا ما زلت مستغرقة في نومي الصباحي كوني ربة بيت وليس لدي عمل ... نظرت إلى الساعة وإذا بها العاشرة صباحا ... استمر الهاتف يملأ رنينه أرجاء الغرفة ... نهضت وذهبت إليه بتثاقل ... وبكل بطء تناولت سماعة الهاتف وإذا بزوجي يخبرني بأنه ذهب لمحل البيتزا المجاور لمحل عمله وأن فتى البيتزا -الذي اختاره بنفسه كما قال- سيحضر لتوصيل 4 علب بيتزا وعلي أن أفتح الباب له ليقوم بعمله وأسلمني الطلبية ... فاستجبت لطلبه وأغلقت السماعة ... قبل أن آخذ نفسا وإذا بجرس الباب يرن .. لا شك بأنه الفتى ... كنت شبه عارية .. ارتبكت ماذا أعمل فجرس الباب استمر في إزعاجي ... فلم يكن أمامي إلا أن تناولت منشفة كبيرة (بشكير) كانت مرمية على الأريكة وغطيت بها صدري وجزئي الأسفل، فاتجهت ناحية الباب ففتحته، وإذا بالفتى أمامي باسما يقول بأنه قد حضر لتسليم البيتزا في العنوان الذي أخبره زوجي به ...فأردت تناول العلب منه فقال: لا مهمتي إنى أدخلها للمطبخ بنفسي لأنها تحتاج معاملة خاصة. قلت له: أتفضل أدخل...! فدخل وردد التحية ثم سأل: منين اتجاه المطبخ...؟ فأشرت له بأن يتجه إلى يمين الصالة سيجد المطبخ أمامه... اتجه إلى المطبخ وأنا أتبعه بخطواتي المتثاقلة ونظراتي المتفحصة له من الخلف وهو يحمل العلب وحقيبة عمله.. لم أتوقع أن يكون فتى توصيل الطلبات بهذه الضخامة فهو فارع الطول ومفتول العضلات كأبطال بناء الأجسام، رغم صغر سنه البادي على ملامح وجهه فقد كان من الواضح أنه في سن المراهقة، كنت أتخيله قبل ولوجه الباب بأنه في حجم فتى التوصيل النحيف القصير الذي كان يتردد على منزل أمي ليسلمها الجاتوهات والتورتات من لابوار.. بدأت المخاوف تدب في نفسي... لو استفرد بي هذا العملاق في المنزل فمن ينقذني من بين براثنه... لماذا زوجي اختار هذه النوعية من الفتيان.. ألم يخش علي منه.. لماذا لم يختار فتى أصغر حجما وأقل قوة حتى أستطيع مقاومته إذا ما هم بفعل شيء تجاهي... وقبل أن أبدد هذه الهواجس المخيفة من مخيلتي وإذا بصوته الجهوري ينطلق في أرجاء المنزل كزئير الأسد: يا مدام لو سمحتي لحظة...؟ فاتجهت مرغمة إلى المطبخ لأرى ما يريد... فعند دخولي باب المطبخ لمحته ينظر إلي نظرات غريبة زادت من مخاوفي.. وعلى الرغم من ذلك فأنا لا أنكر بأن مظهره الرجولي الصارخ وفتاته الشهوانية حركت في بعض رغباتي الأنثوية أمام فحولته الواضحة.. مددت خطواتي بتثاقل أنثى خائفة وجلة ناحية الحوض، فطلب مني صينية واسعة ليضع عليها العلب كي لا تمسها الرطوبة فتفسد فدنوت قليلا لأفتح باب الدولاب تحت الحوض... ففتحت الباب وأشرت له إلى مكان الصينية وعيني تراقب بحذر نظراته لأنحاء جسدي... فدنا هو ليخرج الصينية مع تعمده الواضح للاحتكاك بجسدي الطري... رفع رأسه فقال: أوكيه بس أنا محتاج كمان ورق نشاف..وتعجبت
من هذا الفتى
وشعرت بأنه
يتعمد إطالة
بيننا حتى
يتمعن أكثر
في بدني
المختبئ تحت
ويغتنم فرصة
علي كالوحش
بلا رحمة
ولكن لم تكن
لدي حيلة معه
وقلت أطمئن
نفسي لعله
مخلص فعلا في
عمله وحسن
النية وأنني
سيئة الظن
بعض الشيء ..
قلت له آه ورق
النشاف .. في
العالي ده
اللي فوق
الحوض .. قلت
ذلك لعله
يأتي به
بنفسه ويوفر
علي العناء
والخجل ..
ولكنه قال: لو
سمحتي افتحي
وخرجي لي
شوية من
الورق عشان
نحافظ على
الرهيفة دي ..
رفعت جسدي
لأصل إلى
العلوي حيث
كان موضعه
يفوق طولي
السنتيمترات فما كان من
التي تغطي
بعض جسدي
العاري إلا
أن انزلقت
لتقع على
الأرض ... بقي
جسدي شبه عار
تماما ... فلا
يغطيه سوى
ثوب النوم
الخفيف جدا
الذي لا يكاد
يخفي شيئا بل
يزيد الجسد
إغراءا ... حتى
أنني لم
أتعود لبس
أثناء نومي
أو حركتي في
بأن لا أحد في
البيت سوانا
الاثنين أنا
وزوجي .. فلا
شك بأني
عارية تماما
أمامه .. زاد
خوفي وخجلي
ووجلي معا ..
مشاعر الخوف
خلوتي بذكر
يشع فحولة لم
أختل بمثله
من قبل ... موقف
غريب اختلطت
فيه أمور لم
أدركها في
تلك اللحظات
والمثيرة ...
أسمع رجفات
ودقات قلبي
من الخوف ،
وأحس ببلل
تنساب من بين
مشافر فرجي ...
فالموقف لن
تقاومه أنثى
مثلي بها ظمأ
للجنس ، ولكن
خوفي من
ورغبتي في
الحفاظ على
عش زوجيتي
أكثر خوفا ...
زاد وجلي ... لم
أتجرأ على
الدنو لآخذ
لأغطي به عري
جسدي ... هو
يبدو أنه
اندهش من ذلك
المنظر فأخذ
يمصمص شفتيه
وزاد من
تركيزه على
تفاصيل جسدي
من الخلف ...
قال بلهجة
آمرة: مالك
وملبوخة ليه..؟
الدولاب ! ...
مددت يدي
المرتعشة من
لأتناول باب
الدولاب ،
شديد بدأت
فتح الدولاب ..
لا شك بأن
مؤخرتي برزت
أمامه بشكل
مثير .. ما إن
شرعت في
تحريك باب
لفتحه وإذا
به ينقض علي
ويقيد حركة
جسدي الرقيق
بين براثن
الحديديتين ...انطلقت مني
سرعان ما
أخمدها قبل
سماع صداها
بوضع كف يده
اليسرى على
فتحة فمي
وأنفي حتى
كاد أن
يخنقني فما
كان مني إلا
أن أذرفت
المكبوت عله
يرحمني ...
ردّدت بأصوات
مكتومة ...
أرجوك سيبني
يا فتى أنا زي
الكبيرة ...
ارررحمني ...
فأنا ست
متجوززززة ...
لم يستجب
ولا لقطرات
الحارة التي
كانت تنساب
على يده
والتي أوثق
بها قبضته
على صدري
وخدي وفمي ...
ضمني بكل قوة
إلى جسده
العضلات حتى
صرت كعصفورة
بين براثن
سبع شرع في
افتراسها ..
التصق جسده
بي تمام
الالتصاق من
الخلف .. أحسست
كالعمود وهو
يدك بعنف
أردافي كمن
يبحث عن مكمن
بينهما ...
حاولت عبثا
التملص من
بين براثنه
ولكن هيهات
لأنثى مثلي
أن تنفك من
هذا الوحش ...
كنت أرجوه
بصوت مكتوم
أن يسمح لي
بأن أتنفس
حتى لا أختنق ..
هو يبدو أدرك
خطورة أن يظل
مكمما لأنفي
وفمي معا
وخشي علي
وشعرت بحب
يكنه لي من
أول نظرة ..
فمن كثرة
أصبحت عيني
زائغتين ..
فخاف علي
وخفف هو من
قبضته عن
أنفي واستمر
بسده لفتحة
فمي لكي يكتم
صراخي .. استمر
يده جسدي
الطري من
المتورم ،
فيكاد تارة
أن يخترق به
فوهة فرجي
وتارة أخرى
فتحة طيزي
لولا أن
الخشنة كانت
تحول دون
ولوجه .. كم
آلمني ذلك
الصراع غير
بيني وبينه ...
وإن كنت أشعر
بجانب شرير
مظلم في عقلي
يشتهي ذلك
الفتى القوي
ولكنني أخذت
أصارع هذا
وأمنعه من
التحكم بي
واستمررت في
المقاومة ...
وفي خضم
صراعه مع
جسدي بدأ
يفعل فعله
بيده اليمنى
ليتخلص من
ملابسه التي
كانت العائق
قضيبه مواطن
عفتي ... أما
ثوب نومي فهو
لن يعيقه فهو
يكاد أن يكون
مفتوحا من كل
الجهات .. فهو
لباس عري
أكثر من
العري نفسه ..
ملابسه كلها
البرق تحت
قدميه .. لا
أدري كيف
التخلص منها
بتلك السرعة ...
فانطلق ذلك
مؤخرتي ..وبحركة سريعة أولجه بين فخذي حتى أحسست برأسه المنتفخ يدك بوابة فرجي وأشفار كسي .. انحنى برأسه ناحية أذني فهمس: سيبك من لعب العيال ده وحاولي تستسلمي لأني مش هاسيبك ومش هتفلتي مني النهارده .. من الأفضل تهدي عشان تتمتعي بجنس ما تدوقتيش زيه قبل كده ، لأن أنا خبير بإمتاع النسوان الشرقانة للجنس اللي زيك.. لم تبد عليه أي خبرة لحداثة سنه بالنساء .. بل كان من الواضح أن جسدي المثير الذي لم ير مثله من قبل هو الذي بث مثل هذه الحماسة وحركة الشهوة والفطرة التي صقلتها ربما أفلام البورنو التي كان مدمنا لها ومواظبا على مشاهدتها وتعلم أسرار الجنس منها تلك الأسرار التي اكتشفت أني مجرد تلميذة بليدة وخائبة وفاشلة وجاهلة وسباحة مبتدئة في بحرها بحر علم الجنس .. كان يهمس بتلك الكلمات بصوت مبحوح وهو مستمر في فرك بوابة فرجي بقضيبه الطري المبلل بلعابه التمهيدي المنوي .. إمم كم كانت كمرة أيره لذيذة الملمس عند أشفاري المتهدلة .. ورغم تشوقي لتذوق عسيلته واستطعام لذته إلا أن حياء الأنثى وبخني و عفة المرأة الشرقية نهرتني وواجبي كزوجة وفية لزوجها بالإضافة إلى كرامتي الجريحة -أن أنال هكذا كامرأة رخيصة من فتى أراه لأول مرة وأصغر مني بسنوات لا تقل عن العشرة - وتمنعي الأنثوي كل ذلك منعني من الاستسلام له والاستمتاع به فحاولت مرارا التملص من قبضته وإزاحة ذكره من بين فخذي ولكن دون جدوى .. ضغط على جلا تكترث لصراخي ومقاومتي وتهديداتي، فأنا أشتهي مغامرة معك وليلة بين أحضانك وبدني تحت بدنك.. وكأنه سمع ما أقول في قلبي فقد حرك جسده إلى الخلف. فأحسست بذكره الضخم ينسل قليلا باتجاه حركته.. فإذا هي مجرد حركة احترافية لهجوم أقوى لاقتحام فرجي... لم يعر صراخي المكتوم اعتبارا... فتح فخذي بيده اليمنى وحرك رأس قضيبه على بوابة فرجي. فما كان مني في لحظة غفلة إلا أن أولجه بعنف بكسي حتى منتصفه... شعرت حينها بأنه قد شق فرجي لكبر وضخامة عضوه.. صرخت صرخة مكتومة استطعت أن أسمع صداها يعود إلى مسمعي من جدران ذلك الصمت الذي يخيم على المكان وتلك اللحظات العصيبة... استمر يسحق جسدي وكسي على ذلك الحوض المبارك الذي كان السبب في جمعنا ببعضنا، زاد من عنف سحقه لجسدي ودك جدران فرجي بكل ما أوتي من قوة حتى أحسست بأنه قد مزق كل شيء.. استمر قرابة نصف ساعة وهو يفعل فعله بكل وحشية وأنا أطلق أنات الألم المكبوتة الممتزجة بلذة داخلية ماسوشية تجتاحني كلذة النساء اللواتي أدمن ضرب أزواجهن لهن خلال الجنس.. يبدو أن ألمي وأناتي كانت تزيده إثارة... بعد معركة موحشة يبدو أنه بدأ يصل ذروة شهوته حيث أحسست بزيادة اندفاعه الجنوني وتوغل قضيبه إلى أعماق أعماق فرجي.. فما هي إلا لحظات حتى أحسست بدفق مائه الحار يلسع قاع رحمي.. تواليت تلك الدفقات لثوان لتملأ فرجي.. فأحسست بالبلل من الداخل والخارج.. وارتجفت أعضائي كلها رغم أنفي من اللذة والنشوة الممزوجة بالخوف والألم.. وقالت لي نفسي أرأيت كم هو لذيذ الاغتصاب مع عنفه وخمشاته وإهاناته.. بدأ ببصيص من الطمأنينة يدب إلى قلبي ممتزجا - ويا للعجب وتناقض نفسي - بخيبة الأمل والتململ.. عله بعد أن قضى شهوته الملحة يخفف من نهمه وشدة افتراسه لي.. ولكن ويا لسعادة المرأة الشقية اللعوب بداخلي فما هي إلا ثوان وكان يعيد الكرة ويسحق كسي ثانية بذلك القضيب الصخري دون أن يخرجه أو يعطيه مساحة ضرورية من الراحة.. وكان هذه المرة متمكنا من ضبط نفسه فلم يقذف قط ثانية..أصبح
جسدي منهكا
لذيذا حلوا
من تلك
التي استمرت
لأكثر من نصف
ساعة ، شعرت
بأنها ساعات
من العنف
واللذيذة ..
ينيكني بكل
قوة دون
إنزال فهمس
ثانية في
أذني: مفيش
فايدة من
المقاومة ده
دخل وانفجرت
براكينه في
الأمر .. سيبيه
تاني يلعب في
كسك عشان
يمتعك ... لكن
استمريتي في
التمرد ولعب
العيال ده
هتتحرمي من
ويمكن يحصل
لك ضرر وأذى
من غير لازمة
، أما أنا
واستثارة يا
جميلتي ...
استمر في
همسه المثير
والمخيف في
الوقت نفسه ..
ترافق ذلك
الهمس مع
الحديدي دك
جدران فرجي
بعنف وللمرة
الثانية ...
وبدأ يقبض
على نهدي
بيده اليمنى
ويعض شحمة
أذني وكتفي
ويقبل قفاي
ويلحس خدي
وقرطي ... شعرت
بأن لا فائدة
من المقاومة
فقد اقتحم
بقضيبه موطن
عفتي التي
كنت أخشى
عليها وسقى
بمنيه كل جزء
فيها ، فعلى
ماذا أخشى
بعد ذلك .. فلا
أحد يرى هذه
المعركة وهي
تتكرر سواننا
الاثنين ..
فزوجي هو من
سبب هذا .. ألم
يرسل هذا
بزوجته .. ألم
يخطر ببالهه
أن فحولة هذا
الواضحة هي
عين الخطر
حين يختلي
بامرأة مثلي
تنضح أنوثة
وشبقا .. ألم
يدرك كل هذا ..
نتائج صنعه ..
فلن يترك له
هذا الفتى
سوى كسا
الغزير .. كل
هذا كان يدور
في خلدي ...
حتى يكمل
شهوته للمرة
الثانية عله
يهدأ ويفك
عقالي ...
مثير علمه
إياه جسدي
البورنو كما
عرفت منه
لاحقا استمر
ينيك فرجي
ويفرك نهدي
حتى أحسست
بأنه قد أولج
الأكبر من
قضيبه الضخم
في دهاليز
كسي وشعرت
بأنه يملأ
فضائه ..
وهدوء جسدي
برضوخ تام مع
ذلك النيك
المبرح ...
حقيقة كان
بارعا في
إثارتي ...
بدأت أسمع
بمؤخرتي ...
فسرت بين
ثنايا فرجي
اللذيذة من
ولوج قضيبه
المنتظم إلى
أعماق كسي ..
فتبدل الألم
تدريجيا إلى
متعة محسوسة
خالصة نقية
صرف ..حينما أحس هو بهدوئي وسكينتي بدأ يقلل من وتيرة سرعة إدخاله وإخراجه ... عاد ينادينني بهمس مثير ... حيث كان يردد:
جسدك رائع .. كسك أروع .. إيه الطياز والأرداف السكسية الحلوة دي .. كم أحسد زوجك لعبثه بمثل هذا الجسد الرائع كل ليلة .. يا له من محظوظ ...! ...
كانت أنفاس صوته الفحولية تلفح مناطق شعري ومؤخرة أذني اليسرى فتزيد من إثارتي ... بعد أن اطمأن لاستسلامي وسمع بعض أنات اللذة التي كانت تصدر مني باستحياء أزاح قبضة يده اليسرى من على فمي وجعلها تشارك يده اليمنى في فرك نهدي بشكل مثير ثم تناول يدي وقبلها ولحس غواشي ...
استمر ينيكني بهدوء تام وبتفنن .. كل ذلك حرك في جسدي تجاوب الأنوثة، فبدأ فرجي يذرف دموع اللذة ، هو يبدو أحس بتبلل فرجي .. فهمس : نعم كوني هكذا خليكي كده حلوة .. هأمتعك وتمتعيني ...
فالمقاومة تحرمك من كل متعة .. ضغط بكلتا يديه على خصري كمن يطلب مني رفع مؤخرتي ، وبتلقائية شهوانية فعلت ما أراد .. فالمقاومة الحمقاء من قبلي تحولت بقدرة قادر إلى استجابة واستسلام ...
سحبه تدريجيا من فرجي حتى انسل خارجا تاركا ورائه فرجا مفتوحا كمغارة على باب ... حينها غضبت من هذه الحركة التي تمت وأنا في بدايات استمتاعي بذلك المارد الضخم وهو يدك حصون فرجي ...فالتفت ناحيته مبدية احتجاجا صامتا على فعلته بنظراتي ...
همس : ما تخافيش هأرجعه بطريقة أكثر إمتاعا لك ...
ولعنت نفسي الأمارة التي جعلتني أستسلم وأدوس على كرامتي وشرفي .. وضع يديه على فلقتي أرداف وفتحهما .. طلب مني رفع مؤخرتي قليلا ... بصمت لبيت طلبه ...
أمسك قضيبه ليفرك به بوابة فرجي من الخلف برأسه الذي ازداد انتفاخا ... لا شك بأن فرجي لزجا مما أذرفته من ماء الشهوة .. حركت مؤخرتي من الخلف في مياصة وإغراء يمنة ويسرة كمن تستجديه وتغريه بترك العبث خارجا وإيلاجه إلى الداخل .. ففهم رسالتي .. بدأ يدفعه بهدوء إلى الداخل ..
شعرت به ينسل دون أي مقاومة حتى استقر في الأعماق أعماق كسي العطشان ... ما أمتع ولوجه الهادئ في تلك اللحظة الاستسلامية ..
مد عنقه إلى مناطق شعر رأسي همس : هل تحسين به ..لم أرد عليه سوى بـ "إمم" مايصة قصيرة و برفع خدي الأيسر كمن تعترف له بذلك وكطفلة مدللة تطلب القبلة على خدها... فحرك فمه ليلثم كل أجزاء عنقي ويقبل خدي الأيسر كثيرا جدا حتى استقر بفمه على شفتي فأخذ يمتصهما بعنف رجولة مثيرة، وقضيبه مستمر في دك جدران رحمي... زادني كل ذلك شهوة فتجاوبت معه فأخذ كل منا يمتص لسان الآخر بمتعة لا توصف... بدأت أسمع صوت انزلاقه في أعماق كسي للزوجة فرجي المبتل.. كان يتفنن في إدخاله وإخراجه ويحركه يمنة ويسره بصورة ممتعة... لم أتمالك نفسي من صد ارتعاشة عنيفة هزت كل أجزاء جسدي.. فتأوهت لأعلن صراحة لذتي الأولى معه والتي لا توصف... استمريت في التأوه.. هو زاد من عنف نيكه اللذيذ... كمن يعدني بارتعاشة أخرى تهز بدني ثانية.. فعلا لم تمر ثوان معدودة حتى واتتني ارتعاشة أخرى كانت أكثر إمتاعا جعلتني أصرخ ليملأ صوت لذتي أرجاء المطبخ... في ارتعاشتي الأخيرة والأولى كنت أعتصر قضيبه المنتفخ بعضلات فرجي حتى أحس بأنه يستمتع بذلك حيث كان يهمس: إنتي فعلا أمتع من مارست معهن.. إنتي مثيرة جدا... زادتني تلك العبارات نشوة وأرضت غروري الأنثوي بشكل لا يوصف.. فما كان منه إلا أن رفع جسدي المنحني على الحوض إلى الأعلى، فخشيت أن يوقف فعله الممتع والمسكر وأنا بأمس الحاجة إلى المزيد منه... فلم يمهلني لهواجسي فحملني وقضيبه غارق في أعماق كسي وأخذ ينيكني بطريقة لم أجربها قط مع زوجي أو غيره.. فكان يرفعني إلى الأعلى ثم يعيدني إلى الأسفل بعنف حتى شعرت بأن قضيبه ينسل في كل رفعة ليعود بعنف لينزلق ثانية إلى أعماق فرجي.. استمر هذا النيك الممتع لدقائق حتى واتتني ارتعاشتين متتاليتين... تحرك من مكانه وهو يحملني ويرهزني في نفس الوقت ليخرجني من المطبخ ويجول بي في الصالة وأنا أصرخ من لذة ما يفعل بي.. وسألني عن مكان غرفة نومي أنا وزوجي فأشرت له بصعوبة.. فاتجه بي إليها وفتح الباب برجله و هو لا يزال يريني من متعة أيره الكثير والعجيب.. كنت أسمع صوت ولوج وارتطام مؤخرتي في حوضه فكان ذلك يزيد ني إثارة... أعجبت واستمتعت بفعله هذا...تساءلت ما هذه القدرة العجيبة لهذا الفتى المدهش... يا لفتوته وشدة ذكره وهو يملأ كل تجاويف رحمي بالرغم من أنه قد سبق وأن أفرغ شهوته التي يمكن أن توقع جملا على الأرض من شدتها وغزارتها.. هل هناك فتيان ورجال آخرون بمثل مقدرته على صغر سنه... تساؤلات كثيرة ترددت في رأسي وأنا في سكرات تلك المتعة الخارقة والتي لم أعشها من قبل مع زوج أو عشيق... أنزلني حتى لامست قدمي الأرض... أحسست بأنه يحاول إخراجه من فرجي فلممت فخذي كمن تمانع خروجه، وكأم تخشى على طفلها من لسعة برد الجو القارس وتصر على بقائه في دفء أحضانها الحنونة... إلا أنه أصر على سحبه ليخرج خارجا... لمحته يهتز في الهواء كعمود إنارة.. عرفانا مني بعبث ذلك القضيب الماردالذي كاد أن يمزق رحمي مددت يدي لأقدم له الشكر على مجهوده الممتع.... فحين لامست أصابعي وسطه العريض حاولت عبثا أن أقيس عرضه فلممت أصابعي عليه فلم تكاد أن تتلاقى لكبره، فمررت أصابع يدي لتلامس رأسه المنتفخ... يا له من هول انتفاخ الرأس، فصممت أن أراه مباشرة لأتمعن في حجمه وتفاصيله... فاستدرت بجسدي ناحيته... فصرخت دون شعور.. يا للمصيبة...! كل هذا كان يخترقني...! كيف استطاع فرجي الصغير استيعابه.. لا شك بأنه قد ترك حفرة في ذلك الموضع...؟ قال: ألم يكن ممتعا... قلت: عند بداية اغتصابك لي كان مؤلما وموجعا جعلني أذرف الكثير من الدموع، ولكن فيما بعد وخاصة حين شرعت في النيكة الثانية كان ممتعا جفف دموع عيني ليستبدلها بدموع فرجي المثار.. يا له من قضيب ممتع... قال: حتى لا يغضب دعيه يعود إلى غمده... تجاهلت طلبه وسوفت لأقوي من شهوته ولهفته علي وقلت له: لماذا لم يقذف بعد قذفته الثانية..؟ ألم يثره فرجي المبتل.. ألم يتعب وينهك من ذلك الجهد المضني...؟ ابتسم بزهو.. قلت: عفوا من استفساراتي الغبية فعهدي بزوجي بأنه خلال ثواني من ممارسته الهزيلة يقذف مني قبل أن أستمتع... أما أنت فقد أنهكت قواي متعة ولذة وما زال قضيبك شامخا ومتصلبا.. فما هذه المفارقات العجيبة بينكم يا معشر الرجال.. رد علي وخشونة الرجولة بادية على ملامحه: ألم أقل لك بأني سأمتعك...!فأنا من النوع الذي يتحكم في وصوله إلى ذروة الشهوة أي (الإفراغ) ... وهذا يختلف بين رجل وآخر .. قلت : بالفعل لديك قدرة فائقة على الإمتاع فنحن النساء نفضل الإطالة في الممارسة حتى نستمتع أكثر ، كما يمتعنا الذكر الذي يملأ تجاويف أرحامنا ... فقال مبتسما : دعيه يعود إلى مكمنه ... خلليه يرجع مكانه فقلت له : قبل أن تولجه داعب جسدي وكسي حتى أثير ثانية ... فلبى طلبي فأرقدني على ظهري على فراش الزوجية .. ففارق بين فخذي وبدأ يلحس أطراف أصابع قدمي ثم ساقي إلى فخذي فتدرج إلى أن وصل إلى بوابة كسي فبدأ ممارسة اللحس الممتع لمشافر فرجي ومص بظري ... كانت أصابع يديه الخشنة تدغدغ جسدي حين كانت تتلمسه بإثارة .. يا له من بارع ومثير في حركاته فلم تمر لحظات حتى هيجني وبدأ كسي يذرف دموع الشهوة بغزارة .. لعق منه ما استطاع بلسانه فقال : ما ألذ رحيقك يا فاتنتي ... ورقد جواري على السرير وهز قضيبه أمامي .. كان منتفخا ومتعرقا ، وقال لي : مصيه ، ورغم أنني لم أعلم مص الزب ولحس الكس إلا على يديه ورغم أن تلك أول مصة زب لي في حياتي على الإطلاق لكنني أحببت أن ينيكني في فمي أيضا كما نلك كسي .. فأمتع فمي وأذيقه من حلاوة هذا الزب الرائع والشهي .. فما كان مني إلا أن أذعنت لشموخه وانتفاخه فنهضت من رقدتي على ركبتي فتلقفته بكلتى يدي أمسده وأدلكه تمهيدا لإيلاجه في فمي الصغير .. كانت كمرته الناعمة الدافئة تمتعني وهي تدغدغ بنبضاتها المتواترة أصابعي ... وجهت رأسه المنتفخ باتجاه فمي .. فمددت لساني لتلحس ذلك الرأس المتورم .. فتحت فمي إلى أقصى حد ممكن وأخيرا استطعت إيلاجه ولم أكتف بلحس الرأس ومص مقدمة حشفته ولكن قمت بتمرير لساني على بقية أجزائه السفلى حتى وصلت إلى مناببت الشعر ... ثم سحبت داخل فمي الواسع الفسيح كله أمصه واستمريت بلحس ومص جذوره فأثارتني رائحة وطعم رجولته المنبعثة من بين شعره الكث المكوم عند جذر قضيبه ورائحة العرق من خصيتيه ... ما أمتع تلك الروائح الرجولية للمرأة الشبقة جنسيا مثلي ، فقد أزكمت أنفي وزادتني إثارة ..
متعة أخذت
أمسد بيدي
طرفه العلوي
حتى الرأس
بأنامـلي كيس
صفنه وألحس
جذوره وخصاه
وأستنشق تلك
المثيرة حتى
أحسست بأن
كسي من شدة
يقطر ماؤه
على أرض
الصالة ... من
أحسست بأنه
انتفاخا ... هو
زادت تأوهات
لذته من عبثي
وخصاه ... قال
كفاية يا روح
قلبي .. يالا
نبتدي ...
وبصمت شديد
لرغبته ،
فأنا أيضا
كنت هائجة
أرغب في
ولوجه ليطفئ
لهبة هيجاني ...
وسحبني على
بدنه إلى أن
أصبح وجهي
يطلع في
فانقض على
شفتاي مصا ،
ونهدي فركا
ودعكا حتى
زاد من
إثارتي ،
باعد بين
فخذي ورفع
قليلا ساقي
بساقه وأمسك
ليوصله إلى
ثغور فرجي ...
فدعكه قليلا
ثم دفعه
ليولجه إلى
مستغلا ما
أذرفته من
مياه اللذة
اللزجة .. فدفع
بجسده حتى
أحسست بسفر
قضيبه إلى
الأعماق .. ما
أمتع ولوجه
الهادئ نحو
الأعماق ..
يكاد يسكرني ..
أخذ يحركه
قليلا ... فما
كان منه إلا
أن انقلب بي
وهو في
وأصبح فوقي
وأنا تحته
وطلب مني أن
ألف ساقي
وفخذي على
خصره ...قلت له
بتلهف : نـاوي
تعمل إيه
وناوي على
إيه ...؟ قال:
الطريقة دي
وتمتعك بشكل
أكبر ... وفعلا
كلما زدت من
التفاف ساقي
على خصره
يتوغل بشكل
أكبر ... بدأ هو
المثير فكان
يرتفع لينزل
بعنف على كسي
اللي زي
البغاشة على
حد تعبيره..
استمر في هذا
الممتع حتى
صرخت لأعلن
عن ارتعاشتي
الأولى من
هذا الفعل
الجديد ... هو
كان يزيد من
شدة فعله
ويهمس في
بكلمات جنس
ويتغزل في
كسي ويصفه
ببئر العسل
المغموسة في
المصفى ... كان
مرن البدن
فبدأ يعبث
بأصابعه على
بوابة فتحة
شرجي التي
أحسست ومن
شدة نيك كسي
لذتي تتسرب
عبر فوهتها
المثيرة على
بابها ... كان
عبثه بفتحة
طيزي ونيكه
يزيدني شبقا
، فكنت أصرخ
في وجهه دون
شعور : نيكني ...
نيكني ...
بقووووووة ...
جامدددد... ما
ترحمنيش ...
نننيك .. مزق
لي كسي ...مددت أصابع يدي إلى أصابعه التي تعبث بمؤخرتي ليزيد من عبثه المثير ويدفع ببعضها لتخترق فتحة دبري ... هو زاد من وتيرة نيكه وأوغل بعض أصابعه بفتحة دبري حتى جعلني أرتعش وأصرخ فلم يتماللك هو شهوته فأحسست بتقلص عضلات جسده المثير واشتداد عنف نيكه فما هي إلا لحظات حتى انفجرت براكين شهوته ليسقي بسوائلها المنهمرة والمتدفقة كسي الظمآن... فسكنت حركته فوقي ليكمل متعته بإفراغ ما لديه من حمولة في أعماق كسي ... كم كان لذيذا تدفق منيه وكم كان مثيرا نبض قضيبه وهو يقذف ... شعرت بأن كسي قد ارتوى فلما أخرجه ورقد بجواري على الفراش سال جزء كبير من حليبه ليبلل بوابة كسي وينسل إلى فتحة دبري ... مسحت السائل ليعم البلل كافة مناطقي الجنسية بما فيها فتحة دبري ونهدي وصدري ، ثم لعقت ما علق بأصابعي ... شعرت بأنه استمتع بنيكته الأخيرة ... قال: كم كنتِ رائعة...! ردّيت عليه: بل أنت من أمتعني بمتعة جنسية لم أذقها في حياتي ... ارتحنا قليلا فذهبنا معا إلى الحمام ونحن عراة تماما وحفاة ... أخذ كل منا يتبول وينظف مناطقه التناسلية مما علق بها من آثار النيك المبرح ... بعد فراغي من تنظيف نفسي دنوت لأفتح الحنفية لأملأ الحوض فلم أكد ألامس محبس الحنفية حتى أحسست به يعبث بمؤخرتي بأصابعه ويمدها إلى بوابة فرجي بغرض إثارتي ... أنا توقفت عن ملء الحوض بالماء لأستمتع بعبثه .. قام بدعك فتحة شرجي بأصابعه بقصد إثارتي دون أن يدرك أنها تثيرني وبشكل جنوني .. تهيجت فأطلقت أنات اللذة والاستمتاع ، لأول مرة أكتشف على يديه لذة كامنة في نفسي تنتظر فتى مثله ليستخرجها كالجوهرة النفيسة ويريها لي ويعرفني بها .. فلقد كنت ككل المصريات قطة مغمضة قبل زواجي وساهمت في ذلك تربيتي ومحاذير ونصائح أهلي وفقدت بكارتي بعد زواجي ولم أكن أعلم شيئا عن الجنس قبل زواجي إلا من حكايات مبتورة غير ناضجة لفتيات من عمري كن زميلات لي في المدرسة والجامعة ولم أمارس الجنس من الخلف أبدا مع زوجي من قبل يوما ولم أكن أعلم بأني يمكن أن ألتذ من شرجي ويمكن أن أدمن ذلك أيضا وأهواه بجنون ...ولذلك
لهذا الفتى
فيما يفعله
الآن وأخذت
أتلقى منه
متعة الحسية
بترقب وشوق
وشعرت كأنني
عدت عذراء
بنت بنوت ..
(عذراء الشرج)
.. من جديد
وأنتظر منه
أن يفتحني
ولكن الحياء
من طلب ذلك
منعني ... وبدون
أن أطلب منه
ذلك تمادى في
إثارة دبري
اللذيذة ، ثم
برك على
ركبتيه خلفي
ففلق فلقتي
وأوغل مقدمة
رأسه ليشتم
مؤخرتي ،
وصفعني على
طيازي مرات
ومرات ، ثم مد
لسانه ليلحس
فتحة دبري ...
كان خبيرا في
لحس الطياز
بصراحة .. بل
كان مستمتعا
بلحس طيزي
وتكرارا ..
وتعدى لحسه
خرم طيزي
ليمتد إلى كل
شبر من
أردافي مع
تدليك فائق
كأنه صيدلي
حقنة ويلين
طيزي لتكون
مُتأهبة لها ..
هذا جعلني
بنيكة ثالثة
مغذية من هذا
الوسيم تعيد
لي توازني
الجنسي الذي
كدت أن أفقده
من إغفال
زوجي لفنون
المثير .. فقد
كان لخمة
مثلي وخيبة
لا يعلم شيئا
قبل زواجه بي
جاهلا وكنت
مثله جاهلة
حتى فتح فتاي
اللذيذ هذا
عيوني لأعلم
أني قطيطة
جنس Sex Kitten
بالرغم من
كونه رجلا
يجب أن يكون
مقطع السمكة
وديله وله
كأقرانه من
الرجال قبل
الزواج حتى
وإن أنكروا
ذلك .. إلا أنه
كان لخمة ولم
تكن له أية
تجارب ولا
بالجنس فكان
كبنت البنوت
مثلي تماما
وما يكاد
ينتهي من
معي حتى
لسبات نوم
عميق ... الآن
وبعد أن
افتحت عيوني
واكتشف غباء
زوجي وجهله
وحمقه كم
يغيظني منه
ذلك أن أضاع
علينا لحظات
وممتعة كان
من الممكن أن
نقضيها معا
بدلا من أن
يكون الغريب
عني هو من
يدلني على
تلك الكنوز
الخفية من
كنوز الجنس
وأساليبه ،
الجنس الذي
جعلني أدمنه ،
الجنس الذي
خلب لبي
وجعلني بعد
هذا الفتى
أتقلب في
الرجال وأنا
على ذمة زوجي ..
رجال كثيرون
من جيراننا
وممن ألقاهم
والشارع حتى
التقيتك يا
فعوضتني عن
كل هؤلاء
فأنت ألف رجل
في رجل واحد ...
ألا يدرك
زوجي هذا بأن
لديها أكثر
من موطن
إثارة ومتعة ..ألم يشاهد
أفلاما لا
يكاد يخلو
أحدها من مثل
هذا الأفعال
من مص زب و لحس
كس وأوضاع
عديدة للجنس ..
ألم يسمع من
زملائه عن
متعة النيك
(المهبلي -
والنيك خلال
النوم ونيك
البزاز ونيك
الآباط ؟
ولكن ها أنا
وجدت من يعيد
إلي ذلك
المفقود ،
ويمتعني في
كل فجوة
إمتاع في
جسدي وبطرق
لم أكن أعلم
عنها شيئا
ولم أعلم
بوجودها حتى ...
استمر هو في
مؤخرتي ولحس
بإثارة لا
توصف ... ودام
لحس الفتى
لخرم طيزي
نصف ساعة
كاملة ... كان
من الواضح
أنه سرح مع
طيزي ونسي
الدنيا وما
فيها وفقد
بالزمن .. وكنت
أحرك أردافي
له في مياصة
كطفلة مدللة
أو قطة لعوب ...
عاد إلى
الخلف ليضع
قضيبه بين
فلقتي ... وأخذ
يحركه وينيك
فلقتي دون
إيلاج تماما
كنيك البزاز ..
أخذ ينيك
الوادي بين
فلقتي طيازي
حتى هيجني
كثيرا وأغرق
بكميات من
الذي زادني
بملمسه على
طيازي إثارة
وغلمة ..
قضيبه أفرج
بين فلقتي
حتى أحسست
دون ولوجه ...
أخذ يعبث
برأسه على
بوابة دبري
مثيرا ثم
ينزله ليدلك
بوابة فرجي
التي أحس
ملتهبة من
كثرة النيك ...
حين كان
ينزله إلى
فرجي كنت
أتفاءل بأنه
سيلبي لي
الثالثة ..
الجنس مع فتى
أصغر مني
بمراحل .. فكان
يثير مشاعري
ويلهب شبقي
الممهدة ...
توقف لحظة
حتى ظننته
سيبعد أيره
ثم عاد ثانية
يفرش فتحة
كسي ... أنا دون
إرادة دفعت
برغبتي في
مرة ثالثة ...
يبدو أنه فهم
رسالتي ...
وأخيرا دس
أيره بأكمله
في كسي وأنا
وتأوهت في
حنين له
كأنه يغزوني
مهبلي للمرة
الأولى في
حياتي وشعرت
به يبلل فتحة
شرجي ببعض
الريق ... وضغط
الوسطى على
الفوهة ليجس
النبض هل
سأوافقه على
ذلك ...؟ شعر
مستسلمة ...
ضغط أكثر حتى
أحسست بأن
طرف إصبعه
بدأ يفتحها
فوجد بعض
كما في المرة
لعذرية طيزي ...
أزاحه قليلا ...سألني:
عايزة ...؟ لم
أرد عليه
وإنما بقيت
مستسلمة لما
قد يقوم به ...
قال : خلاص ...
الظاهر إنك
عايزة كده ..
قلت : وعرفت
إزاي...؟ قال :
مش قلت لك إني
خبير في فنون
النيك ...! هوه
جوزك بيمارس
معاكي وهو
يبعبص طيزك
زي ما بعمل
دلوقتي ...
وهوه بتاعه
كبير؟ قلت له
بهدوء : جوزي !
سيبنا منه
دلوقتي ...
الصراحة أنا
ما كنتش أعرف
إن السكس ده
مزاج وكيف
قبل ما
أقابلك يا
واد .. ثم أضفت
الموضوع : حط
صباع تاني
كمان عايزاك
تبعبصني في
طيزي وانت
بتنيكني .. قال
طالعة من بقك
زي العسل ..
قال : معندكيش
كريم مرطب
أحسن صواعبى
توجعك ... قلت
له : حاول من
غير كريم أنا
حاسة كده إنى
بيهم أكتر من
غير كريم ...
قال : لكن .. قلت
له : خلاص بقى
أنا قلت لك
جرب وعلى
مسؤوليتي ...
أخذ يبعبصني
والوسطى في
طيزي وهو
ينيكني بزبه
في كسي .. وأتت
رعشتي مرات
كثيرة لا
أستطيع عدها ..
حتى قذف في
كسي للمرة
لهذا اليوم ..
ومع ذلك لم
يشبع وأخرجه
مني وكان
ناعظا كما هو ..
كأنه لم يقذف
ولو مرة
واحدة اليوم ..
قلت له دون
دي عايزاها في
طيزي ... قال
خائفا علي
بحنان : بس
يوجعك بلاش ..
قلت .. لا
عايزاها مهما
يكون .. قال لي
وهو ينظر
متفحصا فتحة
طيزي : بس واضح
إنك ما
مارستيش قبل
كده من ورا ..
قلت له : فعلا
دي هتكون أول
مرة لي وأنا
حاسة بإثارة
زي ما أكون
رجعت بنت
بنوت من تاني
بس المرة دي
طيزي هي اللي
هتتفتح مش
كسي .. تناول
الصغيرة في
يده وأخذ
يمصها ويلحس
بلهفة وحب
كطفل يلحس
الآيس كريم
والمثلجات ..
أو كمن يقزقز
لب وهو يفكر ..
ثم استسلم
أخيرا ووافق
لما رأى
العزم باد
على وجهي
وعلم برغبتي
بتجربة هذا
النوع المثير
من الجنس وأنني
بالمتعة ..
فقال : موافق
يا ستي هوه
أنا أقدر
أرفض للجميل
طلب أبدا ..
ضحكت وقلت له :
بس بشرط وإلا
أزعل منك ..
قال : إيه هوه؟
قلت : أما تقرب
تنزل تنزل
على بزازي أو
ظهري زي ما
تحب بس مش في
طيزي .. قال
لها : أوامرك
يا باشا .. ثم
حملني إلى
مجددا لأنه
أراد أن
ينيكني هذه
المرة على
سجاد الصالة ..وأنامني على ظهري ورفع ساقي حتى لامست أفخاذي صدري، فظهرت فتحة طيزي أمامه بوضوح مع فتحة كسي وغمس إصبعه في كسي وأخذ من مني وسوائلي ودسها في شرجي ودهن به أيره حتى اطمأن لترطيب شرجي ثم بدأ يضغط على الفتحة حتى أولج جزء من الرأس وبالرغم من تهيئتي التام لاستقباله أحسست ببعض الألم فصبرت .. هو استمر في دفعه حتى توغل الرأس ... حينها أحسست بأن طيزي قد انشق وبدون إرادة خرجت مني أنة ألم .. توقف هو ... قال: حاسة بوجع ...؟ قلت : شوية ... لكن استمر ... قال : ما تخافيش الوجع هيروح مع الممارسة متنسيش إن دي أول مرة تذوق فيها طيزك طعم الزب ... دفعه أكثر حتى انزلق أكثر من نصفه بكل سهولة كون الرأس فتح الطريق أمام ما تبقى ونتيجة السوائل اللزجة التي دسها الفتى في طيزي ... وضعت أصابعي على فرجي لأدعكه حتى أتلذذ وأنسى ما سببه دخوله من ألم ... بدأ هو يحركه تدريجيا حتى تعودت عليه وبدأت لذتي تزداد ... وأمسك بثديي وبدأ يفركهما وأنا استمريت بدفع مؤخرتي وفرك بظري لأبتلع المزيد منه ... أحسست بأنه توغل إلى الأعماق وملأ تجاويف طيزي ... وانعقصت أصابع قدمي لذة ولحست شفتي واستمر هو بفرك وعجن ودعك نهودي ودعك جدران شرجي من الداخل ... حينما أحس بمتعتي وسمع تأوهاتي مد عنقه ليهمس في أذني : يا خبر .. طيزك ضيقة جدا وساخنة ... يخرب بيت ده كس ودي طيز .. إنتي مرة ماليكيش حل بصراحة .. طيزك ولا تتاقل بكنوز الدنيا ... ده جوزك طلع حمار بصراحة إنه ما يستمتعش بالكنوز ده ولا عرفك بالمتعة دي ... كان فحيح همسه ودك قضيبه لأعماق طيزي قد جعلني في قمة الإثارة والشبق فلم أتمالك إلا أن واتتني الرعشة الأولى .. فصرخت : زبك لذيذ أوي ... إممممم ... نيكني نيكني ..نييييك ... طييييزي ... ما ترحمنيش ... قطع لي طيزي ... دخله لجوه لجوه للأعماق لجوه خالص .. ... زقه جامد ... استمر ينيكني حتى واتتني الرعشة الثانية ... فصرخت .. وكان كل منا يشيد بقدرات الآخر في الإمتاع ... وشعر باقتراب رعشته فنفذ ما طلبته منه وأشرط عليه وأخرج أيره من طيزي وأفرغ كميات هائلة ووفيرة من لبنه اللزج الثمين على ثديي وكان شعورا رائعا جلب لي الرعشة الثالثة من نهدي إلى فرجي وكل أنحاء جسمي ..وأخذت أوزع
الحلو على
أنحاء صدري
المساج أو
الحماية من
الشمس ، ما
أمتعه مني
وهو يتدفق
ليسقي بشرتي
وما أروع
لبنه وهو
يختلط مع شمع
رضاعتي .. فما
كان مني إلا
أن قبضت عليه
أضمه إلي
وحضنني و
مستسلمة بين
وعلى ذراعيه
من جديد
ليدخل بنا
غرفة نومي
ويرقدني على
اكتفى وتعب
وذبل أيره
وانسل داخلا
في شعر عانته
(شعرته)، إلا
أني أحسست
بأنه ما زال
شديدا ويرغب
في معاودة
الكرة .. وقال :
عايزة تاني ..
ابتسمت له
وهو يعلوني
وقلت في نفسي
ما انت كمان
عايز تاني
وهززت له
رأسي أي نعم
زدني من حبك
زدني .. فتركته
يعيد اللعبة
اللذيذة بكل
رغبة ... رفع
ساقي مرة
أخرى حتى
أفخاذي صدري
وتبدت له
فتحة شرجي
مجددا ودسه
قليلا في كسي
وتوغل في
وقال : أنا واد
بتاع بزاز
بصراحة رغم
حبي برضه
للطياز .. بس
صراحة كسك ده
ميتسابش ومش
ممكن أسلاه ..
حاجة تانية ..
قلت له وأنا
أتصنع الغضب :
يعني طيزي مش
عاجبالك ولا
إيه .. قال :
حلويين .. بس
كسك .. يا سلام
على كسك ..
متقوليليش ..
ده بميت طيز
سيبك انتي
مفيش أحلى
ولا أحسن منه ..
الطيز دي
وتسلية ع
الماشي بس
الأساس هوه
الكس والكس
لا يُعْلَى
عليه ..
هخليها في
كسك المرة دي
كمان .. قلت له :
زي ما تحب أنا
مستمتعة و كده
مستمتعة ...
قال : هامتعك
دايما ... فعلا
بدأ ينيكني
في كسي وقد
قبض على ساقي
في يديه
يحركهما كما
يشاء ثم يترك
ساقا ليداعب
بظري بإصبعه
فيجن جنوني
شهوتي أكثر
مما هي
مشتعلة وأنا
راقدة على
الفراش وكسي
مستسلم بكل
شبق لعبث
نيكه ...
فبينما كنا
في قمة
سمعنا صوت
رنين الهاتف ...
فقلت له : يمكن
يكون ده جوزي ...
قال : قومي
ردي عليه ..
فأراد أن
ليمكنني من
الذهاب للرد
على الهاتف ..
فمنعته من
ذلك فقلت له :
سيبه جوه
ونقوم مع بعض
عشان أرد
عليه ... قال
مازحا : جوزك
يشوفك من
وتبقى مشكلة
ويزعل ... قلت :
خلليه يشوف ...
هاحس بمتعة
ما تتوصفش
وأنا باكلمه
وزبك في كسي ..
فما تفوتش
علي الفرصة
دي ...لبيت طلبي
رويدا رويدا
بالصالة ،
وقبل أن نصل
توقف الرنين ..
قلت سيبه
واستمر في
عملك .. هيتصل
تاني ... فعلا
لم تمر ثواني
إلا والهاتف
رن ثانية ...
دنوت فرفعت
والفتى يزيد
من فعله
بمهبلي ..
وبغنج وأنات
متعة أقول ...
آللللو .. فيرد
زوجي: ماليك
فيكي إيه فيه
حاجة بتوجعك ..
سامع صوتك
متغير ..؟ رديت
عليه بغنج
أكبر: لا يا
حبيبي بس ما
شبعتش نوم
بعد اتصالك
الأولاني ..
اعتذر عما
سببه لي من
إزعاج ثم
جه ... اتكأت
على الجدار
بيدي اليمنى
وحثثت الفتى
على أن يزيد
من وتيرة
نيكه لي
لطلبي .. تأخرت
في الرد على
زوجي .. قال:
مالك ما
بتردديش يعني ..
جه ..؟ رديت
عليه بمكر
وبغنج أكبر:
أييييييوه .. جه
قبل شششوية ..
وبعدين رجع
وخرج عشان
يجيب لي شوية
حاجات من
طلبتها منه ..
لأن طلبيتنا
كانت آخر
طلبية فقلت
أخلليه يعمل
لي شوبينج ...
قال: لا صوتك
متغير بايّن
تعبانة ...خلاص
ماشي ... سيبيه
يتسوق وأنا
هأدفع له
أجرته لما
أرجع ... ثم
أردف قائلا
على فكرة
النهارده مش
الضهرية لأن
عندي شوية
أعمال مطلوب
فهأفضل في
الشغل لحد
ستة بالليل ،
فممكن تعوضي
نومك .. وما
على الغدا يا
حبيبتي ...
أبديت له
زعلا مصطنعا
لهذا النبأ
بينما كنت
فرحة .. فقلت
له: يا حبيبي
ولا يهمك ..
هأنام وهاخم
في النوم ... بس
ما تتأخرش
عليّ بعدما
تخلص شغلك ..
قال: لا مش
هأتأخر ..
السماعة ..
والفتى ما
زال يدك
أعماق كسي ..
التفت إليه
تملأني وقلت:
متعني يا
حبيبي ..
قدامك مفتوح
بإذن مسبق من
جووووووووزي ..
اسحق طيزي
وكسي زي ما
انت عايز
اللي تعجبك ...
استمر في
شغلك يا
حياتي فزي ما
المحروس مش
هييجي ..
الوقت اللي
تعمل فيه كل
اللي انت
عايزه ...
لأنحني على
ركبتي في وسط
الصالة ...
ركعت له
ينيكني بعنف
لم أعهده من
قبل حتى جن
جنوني .. فكنت
أصرخ ... نيكني
يا مجنون ..
نيك .. أحلى ما
فيك جنانك ..
وبحب فيك
وفتوتك دي ...
نننيك لغاية
ما يسمع
وغنجي ..ما أمتع ضخامة قضيبك وهو يمأل تجاويف مهبلي فما كان منه إلا أن زاد من وتيرة نيكه.. ثم حملني مجددا إلى غرفتي الزوجية وعاد يضاجعني وأنا تحته أواجهه وهو فوقي يتسلى في أكل قدمي والتغزل في وصف كسي الذي عامل زي البسكوتة الطعمة ولا زي شريحة التوست بالعسل الأبيض سايح وناييح.. آه من أوصافك يا واد ..ليرتكز قضيبه عموديا على فتحة كسي، وأنا بدوري رفعت عانتي لتتوافق مع حركته... ما أمتع نيكه بذلك الوضع.. وأتتني الرعشة التي لم أدرك كم ترتيبها في سلسلة الرعشات فزاد أنيني وتأوهي، وزادت أصوات انزلاق قضيبه في كسي خاق باق... فكان هو يتمتم ببعض الكلمات الجنسية المثيرة والجريئة... قال: إنتي منيوكة... يا شرموطة.. يا لبوة.. يا لايجة... كسك صغير وجميل وناعم زي الحرير ومفتوح زي البير... اتحملتيه من غير أي كريم أو مرطب... قال وجسده يزداد تقلصا، ونيكه يزداد عنفا: يا شرموطة قربت أنزل... قلت له: أرجوك عايزاها على ظهري فأخرجه مني وأجلسني على يدي وركبتي في الدوجي ستايل وأدخله مجددا وبدأ ينيك حتى قارب الإنزال، وفعلا قبل تدفقه أخرجه وووجهه وصوبه إلى ظهري فتدفق مني غزيرا لامعا أبيض كحبات اللؤلؤ ليستقر على منحنيات ظهري وينساب ويلتصق بأردافي... ما أمتع المني على ظهر وصدر المرأة منا ومص القضيب بعد خروجه من معركة نيك مذهلة... نظفت له ذكره من المني وممّا علق به من سوائلي الحميمية وآثار النيكة المبرحة... قال: انبسطتي... مش كنتي متضايقة في الأول... اعترفت له بأنني كنت منزعجة وخائفة من اغتصابه لي ولكن الآن أحس بأنه أعظم واجمل اغتصاب في حياتي.. احتضنني وتغطينا بالملاءة وقال: أحلى حاجة بعد الجنس النوم في حضن أجمل وأطعم قطة يا قطة! ونمنا في حضن بعض وقد تشابكت أيدينا وتلاعبت أقدامنا. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Zobaida and the pizza boy.txt |
126,722 | null | في سرير واحد مع زوجتي الاثنتين سمير وة نجوى | تزوجت زوجتي الثانية سمير ة قبل شهرين، بعد قصة حب عنيفة، رغم فارق السن بيننا، فهي في الثامنة والثلاثين وأنا في الثلاثين من العمر، وقد كانت زميلتي في الدائرة وهي مطلقة منذ خمس سنوات.
وقد أوقعتني سمير ة في حبها رغم أنني كنت أعيش حياة هادئة مع زوجتي الأولى نجوى، التي أمضيت معها عشرة أعوام من الزواج، وكانت امرأة جميلة في الخامسة والثلاثين من عمرها، وربة بيت وزوجة مخلصة وتعمل على إرضائي في الفراش بكل فنون الجنس وطرقه، وأنجبت منها بنتا وولدا، ولكن الحب أعمى كما يقولون.
تزوجت سمير ة، التي كانت لا تشبع من الجنس، وكأنها تعاني من عطش شديد بسبب سنوات الحرمان الطويلة، في حين كانت نجوى عندما أكون معها في السرير تسألني عن الفرق بين جسمها وجسم سمير ة وما الذي يعجبني فيها، وراحة عطرها المفضل، وهل لديها طرق لم نمارسها سابقا في المضاجعة، وهل تصل إلى الرعشة بسرعة أم تتأخر، وهل فرجها ضيق أم واسع، وغيرها من الأسئلة التي لا تنقطع حتى عندما يكون قضيبي في داخل فرج نجوى، التي تريد أن تعرف كل تفاصيل ليلتي مع سمير ة.قلت لها ذات
ليلة: ما رأيك
أن أجعلك
تنامين في
سرير واحد
معي وم
سميرة، في
ليلة حمراء؟
فذهلت ولم
تصدق، ثم
تبسمت كأنها
تتمنى ذلك،
بأن الجنس
الثلاثي Threesome
موجود بكثرة
في البلدان
الغربية حيث
يمكن أن
يمارس رجلان
مع امرأة MMF أو
امرأتان مع
رجل FFM ، وهي
طريقة لذيذة
، ونحن
الثلاثة أنا
وأنت وسميرة
متزوجون ولا
حرام أو مانع
من ذلك، بشرط
سميرة ،
فقالت: وإذا
رفضت سميرة؟
قلت لها :
اتركي الأمر
لي، غدا
ستكون ليلة
سميرة وسوف
آمر عليك
ظهرا بعد
وأجدك قد
وتزينت لكي
إلى شقة
سميرة، التي
بفارغ الصبر
لكي تلتهمني
قبل الغداء
وبعده، وفي
الليل، ولا
تشبع، إلا
عندما ترتعش
ثلاث أو أربع
مرات في
وعندما يكل
قضيبي عن
الوقوف أضطر
يدي وأصابعي
ولساني في
ومصهما ولحس
كسها، فتصرخ
من فرط اللذة
وتنام في وقت
متأخر، ثم
أجدها تداعب
قضيبي عند
وتقبل خصيتي
فبل الفطور!
نجوى، التي
ما يزال
متجددة، فهي
أستاذتي في
فوصلنا باب
شقة سميرة
وفتحت الباب.
وقد فوجئت
سميرة عندما
شاهدت نجوى
معي، وحاولت
ملابس النوم
التي تكشف عن
الرائعين ،
إلا أنني قلت
لها : لا تغيري
شيئا يا
عزيزتي، ،
فهذه نجوى
جاءت تزورك
ونمضي معا
وقتا جميلا،
فنحن عائلة
ومثلما أنت
وعروستي فإن
نجوى حبيبتي
ورفيقة عمري .
قبلت كل
الأخرى، وقد
تعمدت نجوى
أن تطبع قبلة
حارة على خد
جعلت سميرة
أكثر، وغير
مصدقة .ثم ذهبت سميرة إلى المطبخ لتحضير العصير فتبعتها وقبلتها من رقبتها ووضعت يدي على مؤخرتها واحتضنتها من الخلف بقوة ، وفي تلك اللحظة دخلت نجوى ضاحكة، وقالت: ما هذا الغرام، ما هذا العشق، لماذا لا تعطوننني جزءًا منه، فنحن شراكة، ومن حقي أن أنال حصتي من الحب؟!
ضحكنا كلنا، ووقفت نجوى إلى جانب سميرة لمساعدتها في تحضير العصير، فطلبت منهما أن تقبل إحداهما الأخرى بقوة، وتحتضنها، فبادرت نجوى لاحتضان سميرة وتقبيلها من شفتيها، في حين كنت أضمهما كليهما أنا من الجانب، وأضع يداي على طيز كل منهما وأدلكها بلطف وهما متعانقتان، ثم رحت أقبل كل منهما قبلة طويلة وأمص لسانها وأنتقل إلى الأخرى، وشعرت بكل منهما تريدان أن ينصهرا في أحضاني وتذوبان بين يدي، وقد أصبح قضيبي منتفخًا وهو يداعب فخذيهما ويحتك من وراء الملابس الشفافة بمؤخرة كل منهما!
شربنا العصير وقوفًا في المطبخ، وسميرة تنظر إلي باستغراب، وهي غير مصدقة ما يجري، ثم قالت: لا بد أن لديكم مؤامرة ضدي ، لا أصدق هذا الحب المفاجئ ، وخاصة من قبل نجوى.
فقالت نجوى: يا عزيزتي هذا الرجل حببناه المشترك، وعلينا أن نسعده ونرضيه بكل وسيلة، ونحن من غيره لا نساوي شيئًا.
فأيدتها سميرة، ولكنها ظلت حائرة متردّدة.
فطلبت نجوى من سميرة أن ترافقها إلى غرفة النوم لمشاهدة دولاب ملابسها، وبينما كانتا تستعرضان الملابس، أمام مرآة الدولاب، وقفت خلفهما، وقبلت كل منهما من رقبتها الخلفية، واحتضنتهما معًا، فرحت أمسك بنهد نجوى من جهة، ونهد سميرة من الجهة الأخرى، وأحك بقضيبي المنتصب مؤخرة كل منهما، وأداعبهما بلطف، وهما تتشاغلان بالحديث عن الملابس، وتبتسمان.
ثم اقترحت نجوى أن تنزع قميصها لتقيس أحد قمصان النوم لسميرة، وأصرت على سميرة أن تعطيها القميص الذي ترتديه لأنه جميل جدًا.بدأت سميرة
تنزع القميص
الذي ليس
تحته أي شيء
سوى جسدها
وهي خجلة
القميص من
الخلف، في
حين بدأت
نجوى تنزع
وجسمي يرتجف
من شدة
وكان قضيبي
يريد أن
فنزعته مع
ووقفنا نحن
عراة حفاة في
لحظة ذهول
ونشوة عجيبة!
سميرة من
ووضعت صدرها
البارز على
صدري، وقبلت
شفتيها بلذة
وقوة، وممصت
مؤخرتها من
الخلف بكلتا
يدي ، فشعرت
بها تتأوه
بلذة ،
وتتنهد بصوت
تتصاعد بقوة.
في حين وقفت
نجوى خلف
من جهة
الظهر، ومدت
يديها إلى
لتداعب بطن
سميرة، ثم
نزلت لتفرك
جانبي كسها ،
بيد واحدة،
وتمسك قضيبي
الذي يحت
المتصلب بكس
إدخاله في كس
سميرة، من
وراحت يدا
جسمي بقوة
وتنزلان إلى
تنزل إلى
خصيتي من
فتلتقي يد
سميرة ويد
نجوى على
الذي يكاد
شعرت أن
سميرة تكاد
تسقط على
الأرض، وقد
ذابت في
أحضاني من
نجوى، من
فجذبتهما معا
إلى السرير
وجعلت سميرة
تضع رأسها
وصدرها على
السرير، في
حين تكون
مواجهة لي،
على الأرض،
مثل الفرس،
وأدخلت حشفة
قضيبي في
طيزها الذي
بدا لونه
وردیا غامقا
ومشعرا، وهو
بصعوبة أمام
ورحت أضغط
إلى الأمام،
وعندما شعرت
دبرها جمعت
قليلا من
البصاق في
فمي ، ثم
بصقته في
فتحة الشرج ،
وأعدت إدخال
وقد شعرت
بسهولة إلى
الداخل هذه
المرة، في
حين أطلقت
سميرة صرخة
لم أسمعها
سابقا.وقد جاءت
والتصقت بي
من الخلف ،
وراحت تحك
الشعر، وقد
يسيح على
طيزي وفخذاي
، في حين كنت
مشغولا في
ضرب طيز
سميرة بقوة،
وهي تئن
وتصرخ مثل
الشرسة. ولم
تتحمل نجوى
فعضتني من
كتفي وكادت
تقطع جزءا
منه، وهي
بصراخ سميرة
وراحت تمد
يديها ،
تحت فتحة طيز
وتدفعهما لتدخلهما في
كس سميرة من
كنت أسيطر
بصعوبة على
وعندما شعرت
أن اللحظة
آتية لا ريب
فيها، أخرجت
بسرعة من دبر
وأدخلته في
كسها بقوة،
وراح أهتز
بعنف فوقها،
انهارت على
إثرها ورمت
بكل ثقلها
على السرير،
الطويل فوق
الأبيض، وهي
تطلق شهقة
وعصرت قضيبي
بشدة في داخل
فرجها الذي
القوية، مع
تدفق سائلي
في أعماق
ورحمها، وقد
ارتعش جسدي
واهتز بقوة
وكأنني أسقط
من مرتفع
شاهق، لأطلق
وقد ظلت
أجسادنا نحن
نجوى من
الخلف تواصل
خلفي، وتحك
كسها الرطب
لأنها لم تصل
النشوة بعد،
إليها بأية
طريقة، في
حين بدأ
ويخرج من فرج
استدرت إلى
نجوى، بعد
استراحة فوق
جسد سميرة
الراقدة بلا
وضممتها إلى
صدري، ثم
لتحتضن جسد
سميرة من
الخلف ،
ووقفت خلف
نجوى وهي
ترتجف بين
الممتلئ ،
تحتك بطرف
الذي يحاول
الحركة دون
جدوى، بعد أن
دفع كل طاقته
المخزونة في
داخل كس
الساخن.رحت أداعب
فتحة طيز
نجوى بأطرافي ثم
نزلت لأمسك
والوسطى معا
في داخل الكس
الحار، ثم
قبضت بين
إصبعي على
حبة البظر
وليونة، وكانت نجوى
مؤخرتها إلى
وتحريكها في
أعماق كسها، وقد راحت
تزداد، وصوت
تدريجيا، وقد أمسكت
بإحدى يديها
وراحت تفركه
لعله يتمدد،
من جديد،
فشعرت به
وبدأت تحكه
على فتحة
طيزها، حتى
فسحبتها من
ونزلت معها
على السجادة
في أرضية
مستلقية على
ساقيها على
كتفي وأدخلت
قضيبي في
المحمر دفعة
ساقاها على
بيديها على
مؤخرتي، لكي
تدفع قضيبي
في أعماق
الساخن، ولم
أستطع القذف
السائل في
خصيتي بسبب
يوميا، لكني
اللزج الحار
يفيض ويسيل
على جوانب
الذي تقلص
بشدة ليعصر
قضيبي، بعد
أن أطلقت
صرختها التي
تسكرني منذ
عشرين عاما
كونية لا
مثيل لها،
وهي تقول:
قبلني يا
حبيبي، لا
اعتصرني بين
رقدنا على
السرير عراة
حفاة نحن
الثلاثة، في
غفوة لمدة
ساعة، ثم
تناولنا ألذ
وأجمل غداء،
اللطيفة ،
ولاحظت برق
الحب واللذة
في عيون
كانت تلك
أجمل وألذ
مشتركة، وقد
تكررت عدة
مرات، كل شهر
وكانت كل من
تنتظران يوم
من وراء
يوما للقاء
وقد عشت وما
زلت سعيدا
بين أجمل
وألذ زوجتين
في العالم،
المشترك ! | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/In one bed with my two wives Samira and Nagwa.txt |
126,697 | null | Hayat and her twin sons | حياة
حياة امرأة مصرية جميلة .. في الثامنة والثلاثين من عمرها .. طلقها زوجها وترك لها ولديها التوأمين المتماثلين أحمد و محمود .. ويبلغان من العمر الآن 18 عاما .. وهبت حياة حياتها لأولادها وكانت تحبهما كثيرا .. وخصوصا أحمد .. وكان محمود يضيق بذلك أحيانا خصوصا حينما تخطئ في اسمه وتنادية بأحمد .. كان الفتيان وسيمين للغاية .. شعرهما ناعم وأسود .. مليحا التقاطيع .. من مواليد برج العذراء .. وكانت أمهما من مواليد برج الجدي ..
كانت تدللهما وتطعمهما بيدها .. وإن خصت أحمد بالدلال أكثر من محمود .. وكانت تنيم أحمد معها في فراشها وغرفتها كثيرا ولا تدعه ينام مع محمود في غرفتهما .. وذات ليلة استيقظت حياة على صوت أحمد وهو نائم ويحلم حلما فاحشا على ما يبدو وامتدت يده لا إرادياً إلى ثدي أمه وأخذ يقبض عليه ثم تحركت أنامله إلى ما بين فخذيها .. كل ذلك من فوق ثياب نومها الخفيفة الرقيقة .. وخشيت أن توقظه فيفزع ويخجل .. لذلك قالت في نفسها لعله سيبعد يده سريعا ويعود لنومه العادي .. لكنه استمر في التنقل بين كسها وثديها من فوق ملابسها .. وأثر ذلك فيها .. وبدأت تشعر بالاغتلام والإثارة .. وشعرت بنفسها تقترب من ابنها أكثر وتلف ذراعها حوله لتضمه إليها .. وكانت ليلة باردة .. فالتصق بها لا شعوريا وسمعت تأوهاته .. وتحركت يدها كأنها تملك عقلا مستقلا خاصا بها .. لتقبض على أير الفتى الوسيم داخل سرواله بيجامته .. واستيقظ الفتى وخجل قائلا : أماه ... قالت : لا تخجل يا عزيزي بم كنت تحلم ؟ .. قال : أخجل أن أخبرك .. قالت : لا أخبرني ولا تخجل .. فحكى لها وبيدها لا تفارق أيره .. فقالت له بعدما قص عليها الحلم مع فتاة خيالية ما .. ألا تحب أن تحقق هذا الحلم .. احمر وجه أحمد وقال : نعم .. قالت له : تجرد من ثيابك كلها هيا .. فنهض أحمد من الفراش وفعل كما أمرته ووجدها تفعل الشيء نفسه بملابسها .. حتى تساويا في العري والحفاء ..فرقدت حياة مجددا على الفراش وأشارت لأحمد بإصبعها فصعد وجعلته يعتليها. وأمسكت بأيره وأولجته فى كسها وتوالى كل شئ بعد ذلك سريعا. وفعلت الغريزة فعلها بالفتى. فأخذ أحمد ينيك أمه حياة بقوة ولهفة, وهى تضمه وتلاطفه وتقدم له شفتيها وثدييها حتى انتهى به الأمر مولجا أيره لأعمق أعماق مهبل أمه. ومنتفضا بكل ذرة فى كيانه وكل شبر فى بدنه, وهو يقذف منيه الوفير الغزير فى كس أمه. وأصبحت تلك عادتهما كل يوم فى غفلة من محمود. وأخبرته أمه أن يحفظ السر ولا يخبر محمودا. لكن الظروف وقفت حائلا دون حفظ السر حيث سمع محمود ذات ليلة تأوهات صادرة من غرفة أمه وكان الباب مواربا وشاهد كل شئ. حينئذ شعر محمود بالحقد على أخيه والغيرة منه, ورأى أن يدبر لتكون له أمه مثلما هى لأحمد. وهكذا تنكر فى ملابس أحمد ولم يكن يحتاج للكثير من العناء حتى تظنه أمه أحمد فهى تخطئ فيهما دائما. واستغل شبهه المذهل إلى حد التطابق بأحمد. ودخل غرفة أمه متسللا وأحمد غائب فى الجامعة وتعلل هو بالإجهاد ولم يذهب. وكانت حياة نائمة قليلا وانتهز الفرصة واقترب منها وبدأ يتحسس جسدها ويلاطفها. قالت فى نعاس ودون أن تفتح عينيها وهى تستجيب لمداعباته: أهو أنت يا أحمد؟ هل عدت من الجامعة؟ قال لها محمود مقلدا أسلوب أحمد: نعم عدت يا أماه. أنا جائع لجسدك يا أماه فدعينى أنهل منه قليلا. قالها باستعطاف فاستجابت له. ورفع ثوبها الخفيف ولم تكن ترتدى كولوت. ثم كان قد تجردبسم الله
أحمد بيصعب
عليا باحس
إنه غلبان
إنما أنت جرئ
عليك .. على كل ..
تعال .. خد
البز .. والتقم
محمود ثدي
أمه في فمه
يمصه ..
وضاجعها في
ذلك اليوم
ثلاث مرات ..
ونام فوقها ..
وجاء أحمد
فشاهد ذلك ..
فربت على ظهر
أخيه العاري
الراقد فوق
أمهما وقال:
أنت وصلت ..
مبروك يا
عريس .. يالله
بقى خد
كفايتك دوري
بقى .. وخلع
ثيابه في
طرفة عين
وسرعان ما
ناك أمه أمام
أخيه واختلط
لبنه بلبنه
في كس أمه
وعلى أيره ..
ثم أبعدته
أمه عنها
سيبوني بقى
أستحمى يا
وسخ أنت وهوه ..
أروق نفسي
وآجي لكم ..
واستحمت ..
دخلا عليها
معها ولم يخل
الأمر من بعض
والملاطفات ..
الثلاثة وهي
بين ولديها
وذراع كل
منهما يطوق
العاري .. وكل
منهما يقبل
خد .. ويلعق
أذن .. ويداعب
نهد .. ويلمس
جنب ويصفع
ردف .. وهي
تقول ضاحكة:
يا بختي بيكم ..
كل واحدة
ليها حبيب
إلا أنا ليا
اتنين ..
الاتنين زي
واحد في
المرايا .. يا
حلويين .. يا
طعميين .. يا
أماميير ..
عليها في ذلك
اليوم أحمد
ومحمود نيكا
ولحسا وغزلا
بأنهم في
السماء .. ثم
المزدوج حيث
يرتطم أير
أحمد بأير
محمود في كس
أمهما حياة
ويقذفان معا
منيهما معا .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Hayat and her twin sons.txt |
126,696 | null | A story of a beauty named Wedad | دفيتها من
البرد ..بدأت قصتي في إحدى ليالي يناير في إحدى شقق المعمورة بمدينة الإسكندرية. أنا شاب عمري 25 سنة غير متزوج معتاد على قضاء خميس وجمعة في شقتي بالمعمورة. والمعمورة منتجع سياحي مغلق، وفي الشتاء يكون عدد رواده قليل. في أحد الأيام سمعت طرق على باب شقتي الموجودة في الدور الأول. وعندما فتحت باب الشقة، يا له من منظر! سيدة في أواخر الثلاثينات من عمرها ناضجة وجمالها لا يوصف. فملامحها مصرية حلوة وعيونها سوداء كبيرة مثل عيون المها وشفايفها منتفخة مثل الكريز وهي متهيجة كأنها خارجة من جحيم بوس ومص وخدودها وردية وعلى وجهها ابتسامة تأخذك في جنة من النشوة بمجرد النظر إليها فقط. وجسمها مثل غزال بري وصدرها نصفه مكشوف وبارز من البلوزة كأنه يريد أن يتحرر منها. لونه برونزي وحلماتها بارزة كأنهما أثيرتا جنسيا مرات ومرات. ترتدي بنطلون جينز يفصل ويشرح كل ملامح جسمها شرحا تفصيليا ولا أعظم دكتور تشريح وأهم شيء واضح شفرات بظرها ورسومة من خلف البنطلون. وأثارت ملاحظتي لدبلة زواجها الذهبية في يدها اليسرى ولم أستطع سوى النظر لتلك التفاصيل البديعة ولم يأخذ نظري من هذا الإبداع سوى حينما تكلمت لم أسمع صوت أعذب من صوتها. وبصراحة لم أتهيج أبدا ولا تأثرت جنسيا من قبل بأي امرأة مثلما تأثرت بتلك المرأة. سمعتها تغني لا تتكلم فهي كما علمت بعد ذلك أنها كانت في زيارة لأحد أقاربها في المعمورة وبحظي الجميل انفجرت إحدى إطارات سيارتها أمام عماراتي وعندما شاهدت نور شقتي فكرت في أن تبحث عن شخص يغير لها الكاوتش خشية أن يقلق أقاربها وأولادها عليها. فسألتها عن عمر أولادها فقالت بأنهم في سن المراهقة. قلت لها لأهدئ من روعها إذن لا تخافي فلم يعودوا صغارا وعندما خرجت لأساعدها بدأت الأمطار تهطل بغزارة في هذه الليلة والبرودة في هذه الليلة شديدة جدا وهي وقفت كثيرا في الخارج قبل أن أقنعها بالدخول وفي الحقيقة أنا لم يكن لي أي نية سيئة تجاهها وهي كما علمت سيدة متزوجة ولكن جمالها الباهر وهطول المطر على بلوزتها وضح صدرها كأنها عارية فلم أستطع أن أمنع عيني من النظر إليه بصراحة ابتدأ شوشو يلعب في دماغي وابتدأت مظاهر احترام هذا الجمال الباهر تظهر فابتدأ قضيبي يقف لها باحترام وهي لاحظت نظري على صدرها وحاولت تغطي نفسها بإيديها ومستمرة في الارتعاش من شدة البرودة. قلت لها أهلا بيكي أنا بصراحة معنديش هدوم حريمي هاجيب لك أي لبس من لبسي عشان تبطلي ترتعشي وإديتها فوطة كبيرة تنشف بيها نفسها وقلت لها حالا هاجيب لك لبس خدت الفوطة بمنتهى الخجل ودخلت الحمام وقفلت الباب ورائها. بصراحة أنا كنت عايز مفيش حاجة تمنعني من النظر إلى صدرها العريان فكرت أديها بلوفر رقبته واسع عشان ما اتحرمش من صدرها الغاية في السكسية ولما رجعت معايا البلوفر شاهدت منظر تفصيلي ليها وهي بتقلع هدومها وبتنشف جسمها كان باب الحمام من الزجاج المصنفر اللي بيبين خيال اللي جوه بس مش واضح. وبصراحة أنا هجت عليها قوي وقضيبي يريد أن ينطلق من الكلوت ولكن قلت ممكن تصرخ أو تعمل أي رد فعل كلمتها من ورا الباب انتي اسمك إيه قالت ودادقلت لها افتحي الباب خدي البلوفر يا ودادوتعالي في التكييف عشان الجو برد عليكي فتحت الباب وخرجت إيدها بس بعدت إيدي شوية عشان أكتشف أكبر مساحة من جسمها للأسف ما ظهرتش غير إيديها اللي زي الزبدة البلدي البيضاء قالت البنطلون برضه مبلول ممكن بنطلون عشان أنا هاقلع بنطلوني عشان أنشفه بالمكوة قلت في بالي النهارده هاتبقى ليلة مش حمرا بس دي هاتبقى كل الألوان إديتها بنطلوني طبعا كان كبير عليها لبسته وخرجت وكانت ماسكة البنطلون من قدام بإيدها عشان ما ينزلش أول ما شفتها كان شكلها يضحك وهي ضحكت وبان إنها ظريفة ودمها خفيف بس فكرة البلوفر كانت ممتازة صدرها أصبح مكشوف مش بس كده دة أنا شفت إحدى حلماتها لونها وردي طبعا قلعت الجزمة وماشية حافية والمنظر رجليها بالموزنكير الأحمر يخبلوا وأنا مش عارف أبص على إيه ولا إيه دخلت الأوضة اللي فيها التكييف وكانت ما زالت بترتعش قلت لها ممكن أعمل لك حاجة ساخنة تدفيكي ما اعترضتش حصلت بعد كده حاجات كتير أحضرت لها مشروبا ساخنا لكي تدفئ برودة جسمها رغم أن هناك طرق أخرى للتسخين مثل الملاعبة والمداعبة والتحسيس وإشعال نار الشهوة التي تقضي على كل برودة.مرت
دقائق عديدة
وهى لا تزال
ترتجف فقد
كان هناك
نقيضين فى
نفس الحجرة
هى ترتجف من
شدة البرودة
وأنا أنتفض
من شدة
السخونة فقد
كان صدرها
يشعل نار
الجنس داخلى
حرارة ممكن
أن تزيل
التى تشعر
بها ماذا
أفعل فهى لا
تزال ترتجف
من البرد رغم
بطانية ورغم
الساخن وقد
بدا أنها
رعشة مرضية
وقد بدأت فى
الدخول فى
غيبوبة كان
لابد أن أفعل
للوعى مرة
أخرى فهى
مستلقية على
السرير كل
جسمها تحت
وما زالت
ترتعش دخلت
معها تحت
الغطاء وهى
تكاد لا تشعر
بى ومن مرضها
أصبحت لا
فانسلت منه
جزء أحسست
أنها بلا
بنطلون من
جسمها فرفعت
الغطاء فيا
جمال ما رأيت
فهى نائمة
على أحد
وظهرها لى
فأنا لم
أشاهد من
ظهرها إلا
كلوت أسود أو
جزء من كلوت
يحتوى على
أجمل طيز
عينى فلم
أشاهد مثلها
حتى فى أفلام
السكس لقد
كان الكلوت
تقريبا بين
فلقتى طيزها
فقد كانت
مكشوفة ترتج
شديدا بفعل
فدخلت تحت
من الخلف لعل
سخونة جسمى
تستطيع أن
تسخن حسمها
وهى إلى الآن
لا تشعر بشئ
وبدأت أعمل
تدليك لها
وأنا جسمى
لجسمها من
الخلف وبدأ
قضيبى يريد
أن يمزق أى شئ
يمنعه من
فلقتى طيزها
ويدى لا تزال
تدلك وتحس
على جسمها من
الخلف ومددت
يدى من داخل
البلوفر إلى
صدرها من
الأمام لأصل
إلى صدرها
وبدأت ألعب
واحدة بعد
واحدة وبدأت
أدعك فيهما
بشدة والآن
فقط تغيرت
تأوهاتها من
البرد إلى
ولكنها لا
تزال غير
واعية بما
يحدث بها
استمريت فى
حضنها من
الخلف بشدة
وأكاد أؤكد
أن عضوى تحرر
من قيوده فى
ووجد المكان
الذى يريد أن
يستقر فيه
فقد اترشق
بين فلقتيها
دون أن أحاول
إيلاجه وقد
خفت كثيرا
رعشتها وأنا
ما زلت أدعك
فى بزازها
عليهما ضغطا
خفيفا ومع كل
ضغطة أسمع
وتزيد من
إلصاق جسمى
بجسمها وقد
كأنهما جسما
واحدا وقد
صار هناك
ضغطا آخر من
قضيبى غير
الراضى عن
الحالى يريد
أن يتقدم
معاركه هو
الآخر إلا
أننى أمنعه
فبدأ يضغط
وضعته فى وضع
ليكون نائما
بين فلقتيها
لكى لا
يخترقها وقد
أحسست بأن
طيزها بدأت
بطريقة تريد
بها أن تلتهم
كل قضيبى وقد
بدا أنها
أيضا تريد
لهذا القضيب
أن يخترقها
وفجأة تغير
وضع جسمها
وأصبح وجهها
أمام وجهى
كأنها تخرج
منى وتعود
إليها فبدون
تفكير مددت
أنفاسى من
ملتهبة بعد
أن كانت
تملأها فقد
أصبحت أهوى
بعض لقد
امتدت تلك
طويلا فأنا
لا أقبل ولكن
أمتص رحيقا
من شفايفها
هذا الرحيق
والعذوبة فى
جعلتنى لا
أفكر فى
تركها مرة
أخرى وهى لا
تزال فى عالم
آخر كأنها فى
بقضيبى وقد
عام فى بركة
من سائله
الذى نزل منه
ولم تمر إلا
لحظات حتى
وجد طريقه
إلى أعماق
كسها بكل
سهولة وقد
بدأت ترتجف
ليست من
البرودة بل
من الشبق
وأخذت أدغدغ
بوابة كسها
وتكرارا حتى
أرفع من درجة
بدأت فى
بعنف شديد
وهى مغلقة
رجليها حول
ظهرى لا
تريده أن
يخرج ولكن فى
هذا الوضع لا
توجد قوة
تحول من
دخوله ليصل
إلى المنتهى
وشمالا وهى
فى قمة
لقد جاءت
رعشتها مرات
ومرات وأنا
أيضا وصلت
إلى المنتهى
وبدأت فى
القذف فى
رحمها وعلى
مهبلها وهى
أصبحت لا
تتأوه فقط
ولكن بدأت فى
الصراخ صرخة
وبعدها ساد
صمت رهيب
وقلت لها
هامسا ما
وأطيبك وما
أطيب ريحك
وما أعذب
فرجك وأحلى
لذتك ورقدت
بجوارها على
منتظرا ماذا
سيحدث حينما
تفاجأ بى
وتفاجأ بما
حدث لها.
ولكنها حين
فعلت آخر شئ
كنت أتوقعه
قبلتنى فى
فمى ونهضت
لأنى أنقذت
مفيش حاجة
هنا تتأكل..
أرسلت إلى
أشهر محل
كباب وكفتة
العشاء معا..
ثم ودعتنى
ولم نتكلم
عما حدث.. ولم
أعلم أهى
تعلم بما جرى
أم لا خصوصا
وجلست على
أمامها فى
فى قلق.
ورجوتها أن
تترك لى
ورقم هاتفها
عليها فقط
لكنها تمنعت
وسوفت حتى
انصرفت وأنا
حزين أنى لن
أراها مرة
أخرى ولن
أعلم مكانها.
لكننى حين
ذهبت إلى
غرفتى وجدت
بطاقة عليها
بالروج.. وقد
تركتها فى
غفلة منى..
لنفسى وأنا
بخفة على كفى
وقلت: كده يا
قطة ماشى لنا
ملهلبة قريب
إن شاء الله.
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126,759 | null | Mahmoud's story with his wife Nahed and another man | زوجتى ممتلئة الجسم قليلا، ثدييها كبيران وطيزها مستديرة ممشوقة القوام، والأكثر من ذلك أنها تحب الجنس بطريقة غير عادية، تحب تتناك جدا جدا جدا. شهوتها غير عادية كنت أنيكها بالثلاث ساعات ولا تشبع أو تمل أو تهدأ، وكانت تصرخ من كثرة الشهوة وصوتها يرتفع وتشد في شعري وأنا بانيكها فهى جنسية بطريقة غير عادية. المهم كانت لنا صديقة لزوجتى اسمها سميرة وسميرة فتاة جميلة جسمها متناسق كثيرا ما تخيلت نفسى وأنا بانيكها وزوجها رضا رجل ضخم الجثة جسمه ممتلئ بالعضلات وكنا لا نخجل في التكلم عن الجنس دائما ونحكى ما نفعله مع زوجاتنا وأيضا زوجاتنا تحكى ونقعد نضحك كلنا وكنا دائما نتبادل الزيارات.وفى يوم من الأيام كنت فى بيت رضا أنا وناهد وكنا نضحك ونشرب الخمر. ولكنى دائما ما أصاب بالدوار بسرعة. كنا نضحك ونتكلم فى الجنس. وكنت ألاحظ أن سميرة تتجه بنظراتها نحوى. وبصراحة كان الخمر يلعب بدماغى وزبرى وقف. وكانت سميرة تتكلم عن زوجها وعن كيفية ممارستها للجنس معها وعن أنه عنيف جدا معها. واقترح رضا أن نشاهد فيلم سكس. ورحبت ناهد وسميرة بذلك. فتوجه رضا إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر وشغل فيلم سكس من النوع الجامد جدا. وسكتنا جميعا ونحن نلهث من الإثارة. وزبرى وقف على آخره. وابتدا رضا يلعب فى صدر سميرة وهي تتأوه ببطء وإيده بداخل كسها تلعب ببظرها. وأنا أشاهدهما وأنا مذهول. وفجأة لقيت إيد ناهد على زبى تلعب فيه وأنا غير موجود ولا حاسس بأى شئ غير إنى مستمتع جدا بسميرة زوجة رضا. ونظرت ليا سميرة وقالت مالك يا محمود انت زهقت من مراتك ولا إيه طيب تعالى يمكن أبسطك أنا. أنا ما كنتش مصدق نفسى جسمى كله عرقان وزبرى عامل زى الحديدة وما حسيتش غير وهيا بتمسك زبرى من تحت البنطلون وجوزها عادى جدا ولا هوه هنا. وكانت زوجتى ناهد على أحر من الجمر نظرا لهياجها الشديد للجنس. ولكنى لم أبالى بها أبدا لدرجة أنها خلعت البلوزة بتاعتها وراحت تقبلنى. ولكنى كنت غير موجود ما حستش بنفسى غير وسميرة تشدنى من القميص فى نفس اللحظة اللى قام زوجها من جانبها إلى جانب زوجتى وقد خلع كل ملابسه إلا الكولوت. كنت غير مصالحقيقة أنا فعلا كنت هاموت من الشهوة جئت أضمها بين ذراعاتي وفى صدري قامت بعدتني عنها وبصوت واطئ قالت لي لا لا مش على طول كده انت الأول عاوز تنام معايا؟ قلت لها آه ده حلم حياتي ده أنا أدفع عمري كله وأنام معاكي قامت وطت صوتها خالص وقالت لي بوس إيدي الأول وقل لي أنا خدامك وخدام تراب رجليكي ذهبت موطئ على إيدها وأنا زبري هينفجر وبوست إيدها وقلت لها أنا خدامك وخدام تراب رجليكي وتحت أمرك راحت إدتني إيدها التانية أبوسها بس المرة ديه من غير ما تتكلم ذهبت بايس إيدها التانية وأنا راكع على الأرض ما اكتفتش هيا بده كله واستمرت في تعذيبي وحطت رجل على رجل وقميص النوم الطويل المغري يظهر أجمل رجلين رأيتها في حياتي وقالت طيب بوس رجلي كل ده وأنا لا أعرف ولا أدري ماذا تفعل زوجتي ورضا ولكن سأحكي لكم ذلك بعدما انتهى .. بصيت لرجلها ولقيتها مسكت شعري بإيدها ورمت وشي ناحية رجله وما حسيتش غير وأنا بابوس رجله من أول صباع رجله الصغير وهيا تضحك ضحكة تخلى أعظم رجل في العالم يركع لها وقالت بوس وأنا أبوس مشط رجلها ولقيتها ترفع قميص النوم قليلا وأنا أطلع مع القميص لأبوس ساقها وتستمر في الرفع لحد ركبتها ثم فخدها ثم عندما اقتربت من الكولوت لم أتمالك نفسي فهجمت على كسها مرة واحدة وقطعت الكولوت الإسترنج وهجمت بوجهي كله لألتهم كسها وهي قالت أوه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه بطريقة لم أتخيلها. لم أتمالك نفسي من كثرة المتعة وأنا ألحس هذا الكس الشهي وتمنيت أن أظل داخل هذا الكس إلى الأبد.أدخلت
لساني كله
بداخلها وهي
تتأوه أوه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه
كمان يا
محمود كمان
يا حبيبى
وأنا ألتهم
منه التهاما
لدرجة أنى
كنت أشرب
مائها أول ما
ينزل منها ثم
طلعت على
صدرها ومسكت
حلمة صدرها
وقعدت أمص
فيهم بطريقة
جنونية وهي
تتأوه وأنا
أفعص بصدرها
قرابة العشر
دقائق ولا
أسمع حتى
صراخ زوجتى
العالى جدا
والجنونى لم
أتمالك نفسى
إلا وسميرة
تقول لى يالا
بقى سمحت لك
تدخله فيا
وفتحت رجلها
وهي نائمة
على الكنبة
لأشاهد أجمل
كس وطلعت
زبرى وكان
متوسط الطول
لأدخله بها
ووضعته على
باب كسها
بأنها تضع
يدها على
كسها وتسده
وتقول لى
أتريد أن
تدخله قل لى
إنك خدامى
أنت ومراتك
وفى أى وقت
أعوز أى حاجة
أنا أو جوزى
نعملها فيك
أنت أو مراتك
هنعملها قلت
لها أنا
ومراتى تحت
أمركم قالت
لى جوزى ينيك
مراتك فى أى
وقت وأنا
أتناك منك فى
الوقت اللى
يعجبنى قلت
لها اللى
انتى عاوزاه
بس حرام كده
زبى هيموت.
ضحكت ضحكة
وقالت لى دخل
يا خدام يا
وسخ وشالت
إيدها من على
كسها وقبل ما
تشيل إيديها
كنت أنا مدخل
زبرى بأقصى
قوة داخل
كسها لقيتها
بتقول آه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه
يا وسخ !. وأنا
ما كنتش قادر
أتحكم فى
نفسى .. عارفين
القطر كنت
عامل زى
القطر .. داخل
طالع بسرعة
غير عادية
تتأوه تحتى
وتقول : كمان
كمان أكتر مش
قادرة دخل
بسرعة. وأنا
ما كنتش حاسس
غير بزبى
موله نار
أطفيها فى
سميرة بأقصى
قوة لحد ما
حسيت إنى
هاجيبهم رحت
مطلع زبرى من
كسها وقلت
لها نامى فى
وضعية القطة
راحت مقلوبة
على طول ورحت
مدخلة فيها
بأقصى ما
ومسكتها من
وسطها وهات
يا آهات وغنج
لما قلنا يا
بس وطيزها
قدامى وأنا
مش قادر من
كتر الهيجان
قعدت فى
الوضع ده
حوالى ربع
ساعة وبعدين
خلليتها تحتى
تانى وأنا
لحد ما حسيت
إنى خلاص
هاجيبهم رحت
مدخله لآخره
وسكت خالص
وبطلت حركة
بيتنفض وأنا
بانزلهم فى
كسها كمية
مهولة غير
غرقتها فى
وفضلت نايم
ومدخله فيها
على الكنبة
وأنا فى قمة
عرقى وألهث
من قمة التعب ..شوية وبصيت
على مراتى
ورضا لم
أجدهم بس كنت
أسمع صوت
صويت ناهد من
الحجرة قمت
وقامت سميرة
قالت لى
تعالى نستحم
عقبال ما
جوزى يخلص
نيك ناهد
أصله هيطول..
دخلت معاها
ونكتها تانى
هناك ونزلت
فى كسها
وسأترك ناهد
تكمل وتروى
لكم ماذا حدث
تروية ناهد:
أنا كنت
قاعدة بشاهد
الفيلم مع
جوزى ورضا
وسميرة لحد
ما جوزى حسيت
إنه عاوز
ينيك سميرة
أنا كنت فى
قمة هياجى
وبصراحة كنت
دايما أنا
كمان بتخيل
رضا إنه
بينيكنى بس
قلت أحاول
أخلى جوزى
يبص لى
وينيكنى أنا
بس محمود ما
كانش هنا
خالص كان
مركز على
سميرة قلعت
اللى أنا
أخليه يكون
معايا ما
عرفتش مع إنى
جسمى أنا
أحلى من
سميرة بس هي
تقدر تغرى أى
رجل وأنا
أعرف كده
المهم لحد ما
لقيته بيبوس
ولقيت رضا
قام من جنبها
وبيبص لى
بنظرة وحشية
نظرة كلب
جائع وأنا
بصراحة من
قووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو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إنى
كنت هاموت
عليه راح
مدخل زبه فى
وقال لى يالا
يا متناكة
انتى هتلاقى
زب زى ده فين
انتى مش
هتموتى من
كتر الهيجان
وحب النيك زى
ما بتقولى
عملت نفسى مش
عاوزة أمص بس
ملمس زبه
القوى زادنى
أتجاوب معاه
لحد ما حس إنى
سخنت قوى شال
إيده من على
شعرى بس أنا
ما قدرتش
أشيل زبه من
بقى لأنى كنت
هاموت عليه
وقعدت أمص له
فى زبه وألحس
فى بيضانه
وألحس راس
زبه ببقى
وأمسك فى زبه
وأقفش فى
وهوه يتأوه
ويئن من
النشوة لحد
ما زبه بقى
عامل زى
الصارى وكبر
لدرجة عدت
العشرين سم
على حسب ظنى
ونظرت إلى
جوزى لقيته
بيبوس رجل
سميرة فقلت
خلاص الليلة
ديه ليا مع
رضا وإنى
جسمى ممتلئ
وصدرى وطيزى
كبار إلا
ولقيت رضا
شالنى من
وسطى وأنا
حوالينى وسطه
وطلع بيا على
الأودة وأنا
الأودة لقيت
سرير كبير
راح مينمنى
عليه وفاتح
رجلايا وقعد
يدخل لسانه
جعلتنى أصوت
بصوت عالى
جدا لأنى
دايما مش
باعرف أكبت
بصوت بصوت
عالى جدا
وقلت له
بسرعة شوية
حرك لسانك ...
فقال لى : لا يا
اسكتى ...
جبتهم من
طريقة لحسه
وأنا باقول
آه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه لدرجة
أنا ما كنتش
متخيلاها فى
حياتى من علو
صوتى وقعدت
ضميت راسه
بين رجلايا
من كتر
واتقلبت على
بطنى ورجعت
اتقلبت على
ظهرى علشان
يطلع لسانى
بقى من كسى
وده مش هنا كل
ما باتقلب
يتقلب بجسمه
معايا وبعد
كده لقيته
قام وبعد ما
كسى فتح على
الآخر ومسك
زبه بإيده
وأنا فاتحة
رجلايا .آه
أخيرا الزب
ده كله هيخش
فيا ومسك زبه
وقعد يخبط
على باب كسى
استحلفه بكل
غالى ورخيص
إنه يدخله
لحد ما دخل
بالراحة ثم
قعد يدخل
وأنا أوسع
جدارى مهبلى
لكى يستوعب
ذلك الكس
وبصوت واطى
أقول آه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه لحد
ما دخل نصفه
ثم طلعه تانى
ودخله مرة
فأطلقت صرخة
مدوية آه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
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بيزوم
بزبه وأنا
بانزل بقوة
وأتلوى بين
أحضان رضا
وبعد كده رضا
نزلنى وبقيت
واقفة أنا
وهوة على
الأرض ورح
رافع رجل
واحدة من
رجلايا لفوق
خالص لحد ما
لمست كتفى
وأنا متوجعة
ديه فتحة كسى
صغرت ورح
مدخل زبه
مذهول من
اللى بيحصل
لمراته وأنا
باصوت وأقول
لرضا: كمان يا
رضا كمان يا
حبيبى آه ه ه ه
ااااااو مش
قادرة أنا
معاك لبكرة
وتحت أمرك...
سمعت سميرة
لمحمود البس
انت وامشى
علشان مش
دلوقتى خالص...
وشفتها وهي
بتغمز لى
غمزة لم أفهم
محمود قال لا
مش هامشى أنا
رحت مصوتة
فيه وقلت له
امشى يا راجل
براحتى غور
مش عاوزاك
توقف لى
سيبنى على
راحتى وأنا
هارجع لك
متخافشى مش
هاتوه ولا
القطة أنا مش
عيلة صغيرة
تخاف عليها..
قام قال لى
طيب خلاص..
ومشى هوه
ومشيت سميرة
برة الحجرة
ومشى... شوية
ودخلت سميرة
علينا وقالت
لى حظك حلو
شوقى ابن
خالة رضا
اتصلت بيا
وهوه جاى
قدامه 3 دقايق
هوه فى
اللى جنبنا
هييجى ينيكك
هوه كمان قلت
لها مستعدة
اتناك من طوب
الأرض... رضا
نام على ظهره
وأنا نمت
عليه ودخلت
زبه فى كسى
وهوه حضنى
وقعد ينيك
فيا وأنا
باصوت وأغنج
وأصرخ صرخات
تزيده شهوة
بتلحس فى في
زب جوزها وفي
وحوالين كسى
بشهوة غريبة
لحد ما كسى
وسع حوالين
زب رضا وكمان
خرم طيزى وسع
ودخلت سميرة
فى طيزى صباع
والتانى لحد
ما أنا ما
كنتش قادرة
وأخيرا صرخ
رضا وقال
قلت له
جيبهم برة ع
الأرض أحسن
أحبل.. قال لى
كس أمك يا
هاجيبهم فى
كسك وأنا
عايز أحبلك
ومسكنى جامد
من ضهرى وشل
حركتى وقعد
يتنفض وحسيت
ببلبنه السخن
بيترش على
حيطان مهبلى
ويداعب عنق
رحمى.. وقلت
فى نفسى أكيد
هيسيبنى بقى
وبتاعه ينام..
لاقيته لا
نام ولا حاجة
ولا كأنه نزل
نقطة لبن
ينيكنى برضه
بكل نشاط
وحيوية.. قامت
سميرة وقالت
دقيقة وجاية...أنا ما كنتش حاسة غير بزب رضا سبتها هيا طلعت ودقيقتين ولقيت حاجة مهولة بتخش فى كسى زى ما يكون زب رضا بقى زبين واتضاعف وفقس صرخت بأعلى حسى وكانت عروقى نفرت منى وقلت سميررررة ... وبصيت لقيت سميرة جنبى بصيت وراها لقيت واحد زبه لا يقل عن زب رضا وزب جوزى بينيكنى فى كسى راخر وبيدخل فيا بأقصى ما عنده وبيحك زبه فى زب رضا مع وجود لبن رضا اللى سهل العملية وهما بينيكونى سوا فى كسى .. طلع شوقى ابن خالة رضا لقيته مرة واحدة وهوه مدخل زبه فى كسى بيشلنى من وراكى ووقف بيا وبعدنا عن رضا وقعد شوقى ينطقنى على زبه زى ما رضا عمل فيا وفى كسى قبل كده .. وبعدين نيمنى على ضهرى جمب رضا وهاتك يا نيك فيا لوحده برضه وما اشتركش معاه رضا الظاهر شبع منى وحاب يجامل قريبه فسابنى له بحالى كلى .. أنا كنت خلاص مش قادرة من كتر الشهوة قعد ينيك فيا هوه لوحده قرابة ساعتين ونص ونزل فيا تلات مرات ورضا بيتفرج لحد ما نمنا إحنا الأربعة كلنا على السرير - أنا وسميرة ورضا وشوقى - كلنا عرق والرجالة الاتنين حاضننى بينهم فى النص ومهملين سميرة اللى كانت نايمة على الطرف لوحدها وبق شوقى بيمص فى بزى اليمين وبق رضا بيمص فى بزى الشمال وبت معاهم الليلة دى وتانى يوم روحت لجوزى وكانت أحلى مرة اتناكت فيها. | null | Part 1 | Authors/Womenlover/Mahmoud's story with his wife Nahed and another man.txt |
126,775 | null | Two brothers swap their wives with each other | زوجتى نانا فتاة جميلة في الثلاثينات تملك جسما جميلا وكنت أراها ولا أصدق أنها ملكتي وحبيبتي خصوصا وأنني أيضا في الثلاثينات وتعشقني ومغرمة بي.
بعد زواجنا بستة أشهر التحقت بعمل لدى شقيقي من أبي وأمي سعد وقامت بينهما صداقة قوية لدرجة أنها كانت تعلم أدق التفاصيل عن حياته الجنسية مع زوجته سلوى وكم كان شقيقى تعيسا معها إلى أن تطورت الأمور إلى الغزل غير العفيف وكم يتمنى أخي سعد أن ينيكها ولو مرة واحدة.
والصراحة بيننا كاملة فكل ما يدور بينهما تروي لي بالتفصيل ورأيت الشهوة واضحة في كل حواسها وهي تقص على ما يدور بينهما قلت لها وبكل صراحة أنه ليس هناك ما يمنع أن تستمتع معه.
فوجئت في البداية لكن كان من الواضح أن الفكرة قد راقت لها وبعد القليل من النقاش وافقت شريطة أن أكون موجودا معهما وهذا ما أريده.
فجاءت في اليوم التالي وأخبرتني أنها دعته على العشاء معنا في يوم الخميس وجاء شقيقي سعد وكانت زوجتي في انتظاره على نار وقد لبست ثوبا يكشف عن جميع مفاتنها وكأنها دعوة مفتوحة لنيكها ولا تتخيلون مقدار الشوق والشهوة التي كانت في عيون كلاهما رغم محاولتهما كبت ذلك.
أكلنا وشربنا حتى الثمالة وطلبت مني زوجتي أن أضع موسيقى راقصة لكي يرى أخي كم هي راقصة ممتازة وذهبت لتبدل ملابسها وعندما عادت فاجأتنا بالتغيير وقدومها شبه عارية وما يغطي جسمها فقط شال أسود وكولوت شفاف يبرز طيزها وكسها بكل وضوح وهنا وصلت الأحداث لمرحلة يصعب السيطرة عليها وقلت لهما: سأجلس أتفرج وخذا راحتكما كأنني غير موجود. تفضلا.
وطبعا لم يمانعا.
جلست أتفرج ورقصت زوجتي حوالى خمس دقائق ثم رمت بالشال وأصبحت فقط بالكولوت.
ما أن رآها أخي على حالتها هذه حتى قام بمساعدتها وخلع عنها ما تبقى من ملابسها.
</CORRECTED_TEXT>شعرت حينها
وأنا أرى
زوجتى عارية
مع رجل آخر
إضافة لكونه
أخى من لحمى
ودمى بتهيج
كبير و
انتصاب هائل
لم يعرفه زبى
منذ سنوات.
خلع شقيقى
ملابسه وما
أن رأت نانا
زبه الكبير
المنتصب حتى
ركعت على
ركبتيها و
انهالت على
زبه مصا و
لحسا تبتلعه
كله فى فمها
لتقبله و
تلحس رأسه و
تداعبه برأس
استمر الحال
حوالى عشر
دقائق وهى
ترضع و تمص
زبه و تهمس له
بأنها فى قمة
التهيج وكم
هى متشوقة
لأن ينيكها
فى كل مكان من
جسدها ولم
يترك شقيقى
وأخبرها بأن
طيزها تجنن و
الغارق فى
عسله يريد
فمه ولسانه
وأنامها على
الموكيت و
نزل بلسانه
ينهل من كسها
و بدأ فى نيك
كسها وطيزها
لم أسمع فى
حياتى صوت
زوجتى مثلما
سمعتها وهى
ترجوه أن
ينيك كل خرم
فى جسدها
كانت تصرخ : آه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
نيك كل مكان
فى جسمى زبك
موووووووووو نار ولعت كسى
إلى أن صاح :
مانيش قادر
هأنزل لبنى
هأنزل .
فطلبت منه أن
ينزل منيه
على وجهها
أمسكت زبه
بين شفتيها
إلى لحظة
الانفجار و
مصت كل نقطة
مما كان به و
رأيتها لأول
مرة تبتلع
المنى ,
استمرت تمص
زبه إلى أن
رعشتها من
نيكه فى كسها
أدمنت زوجتى
النيك من
وأدمنت أنا
تتلوى و
تتأوه بين
يديه ولكي
أكون أمينا
أقول لقد
تركت لها
كامل الحرية
لكى أستمتع
أحلى أفلام
سكس على
الطبيعة فقط
كنت أتفرج
عليهما فى
وكانت تغريه
أمامى و تقول
له أن
يعتبرنى غير
موجود و أن
وتقول له :
نكنى هنا
أحسن .
وكنت أستمتع
جدا برؤيتها
وآهاتها وهى
تتناك .
وفى أحد
الليالى أتى
أخى كالعادة
وكانت فى
أيضا أحلى من
أى عروس
لابسة ببى
دول شفاف و
استرنج (ثونج)
ونهود عارية
تكاد تصرخ من
الساخنة و
وكانت فى قمة
الجنسى و هو
كان أكثر
هياجا وقال
لها : أنا واخد
عشانك قرص و
نص - فياجرا -
وعايز أنيك
فيكِ لغاية
ما أشبع .ردت بدلال:
يا ريييييت
تنيك فيا
لغاية الصبح
أموت فى زبك
وتنزلت إلى
وأخرجت زبه
تلاعبه و
تلوكه بين
شفتيها و
استمرت تمص
فى زبه فترة
راكعة على
ركبتيها وهو
يتأوه: آآآه ه
ه ه ه مصى
كمانننننن نن
ناااااااااار عليكى.
قالت له: كسى
مشتاق لك
أكثر- لك
يومين ما
نكتوش - .
فهمت وقتها
كم أصبحت
زوجتى تدمن
زب شقيق
وتنتظره على
المهم شقيقى
لم يضع الوقت
و قلبها على
الأرض فى وضع
الـ69 بعد خلع
البيبى دول و
فطار البيبى
دول على
المقعد و
الكولوت إلى
مروحة السقف
التى أرستها
على الأرض
الشهوة بكل
منهم و لحسن
حظى كانت
طيزها فى
مواجهتى حيث
أراها من
كانت تمص زبه
بجنون و تقول:
رأس زبك
عمرى ما شفت
زب واقف كده.
وكان ينهل من
كسها بلسانه
و أصابعه
اثنين أو
ينيكوا كسها
وكانت تصرخ
من الشهوة:
حرام عليك ما
أستحمل أكتر
من كده. نكنى.
ارقب عليا.
خلى زبك يقطع
تصرخ بشدة:
لأللأللأللأللأ كده
هاموت كسى
فلاحظت أنه
أدخل إصبعه
الأكبر فى
كسها و بدأ فى
نيكها به و
ازداد صراخ
وغنج حبيبتى:
أرجوك نكنى
فى كسى وبين
بزازى هتجنن
عمرى ما
اتناكت بين
فما كان من
أخى إلا أن
قال لها:
بزازك جميلة
وكبيرة قوى.
عايز أدهنهم
هاتى كريم.
قالت لى:
عايز ينيكنى
بين بزازى.
صعدت إلى
غرفة النوم
وجلبت لها
زيت تدليك.
قلت لها: خذى
بيبى أويل.
دهن زبه
وبزازها و
بدأ فى دعك
بأصابعه و مع
صرخاتها و
توسلها لكى
يرحمها و
ينيكها بزبه
فى بزازها.
جنونية مع
دخول زبه بين
بزازها و بدأ
فى نيك
وسمعت صوتها
كما لم أسمعه
من قبل كانت
تترجاه: نكنى
بزاااااااااااااااااااازى عايزة
زبك كله ينيك بزازى.
و كانت من
فرط شهوتها و
هياجها تضرب
رأسها فى
إيدها وهو
نازل نيك فى
بزازها واستمر
على كده حوالى
نصف ساعة إلى
أن صرخ: خلاص
هأنزل لبنى
الحليب على
وفمها و مصت
كل نقطة منه
حتى الثمالة
ودعكت اللبن
الباقى على
بجنون ولهفة.
وجاء أخى
مساء يوم
التالى و
كانت زوجتى
فى انتظاره
شبه عارية
ولكن فى
وجودى غير
وجلسنا و
وكانت زوجتى
تجلس ملاصقة
له و أكاد أرى
الرغبة تقفز
من عينيها ثم
التفت إلى
قائلا : إيه
رأيك نخليها
رباعية ؟
فهمت فورا
قصده و لكنى
سألت للتأكد :
يعنى إزاى ؟
قال : يعنى
أنت بتتفرج
علينا كل مرة
بننننننننن ..
وعارف إنى --
عبارته فقد
أحس بحرج و
قلت : عارف إنك
بتنيك نانا
قال : أيوه
ونفسى أنت
كمان تنيك
سلوى- زوجته-
جميعا فى نيك
جماعى رائع ...
قلت له : بس
إزاى وأنا ما
أعرفش مراتك
ولا حتى
شفتها ؟
قال : أنا
كلمتها و هى
موافقة و
عشان نخرج من
حالة الملل
خصوصا بعد
فترة زواج
طويلة و كنت
نايى أجيبها
معايا بس فضلت
نتكلم سوا
الأول ..
وافقت طبعا
بل ووجدت نفسى
وفرقعت كؤوس
الخمر فى صحة
نيك سلوى
زوجة أخى
فقالت نانا :
خلاص تبقى فى
صحة نيكى أنا
نحتفل مع بعض
الثلاثة و
الويك اند
القادم تكون
سلوى معنا.
وجاءت نانا
راكعة أمام
مقعدى و فى
ثانية أخرجت
زبى من
وبدأت بمصه
جاء أخى سعد
من خلفها و
بخفة خلع
عنها ثوبها و
كانت عارية
تماما كما لو
كانت تعلم
فلم تكن
ترتدى أى
داخلية وبدأ
فى لحس ظهرها
وسريعا خلع
شقيقى سعد كل
ملابسه و ركع
خلفها واضعا
زبه مواجها
وأصابعه من
الأمام تعبث
ببظرها و
شفرات كسها
لم تصمد
طويلا و بدأت
فى صرخات
الشهوة .
انقلب الوضع.
نامت نانا
على الأرض
وركع أخى سعد
لينال زبه
حظه الوفير
من فم نانا
التى كانت و
كأنها أول
مرة تشوف زب
رأسه حتى
يختفى فى
فمها ..
</CORRECTED_TEXT>ازداد هياجى جدا برؤيتها و نزلت بين فخديها وجدت كسها غارقا فى عسله وأنا أمص و ألحس فى كسها و بظرها وفمها بين التأوهات و بين مص زب شقيقى سعد ولم أستطع المقاومة وبدأت فى نيكها و ما زال زب أخى سعد فى فمها و أصابعه تعبث ببظرها وزبى إلى آخره ينيك فى كسها المتورد إلى أن انفجرت بالمنى فى أعماقها و أتتها رعشتها و سألتها لتنظفه بفمها الجميل.
انقلبت إلى وضع الكلب. فمها يمص زبى مرة أخرى بينما كسها و طيزها فى مواجهة أخى سعد. أحسست أننى على وشك إنزال المنى مرة أخرى فأخرجته من فمها و فضلت المشاهدة لبعض الوقت رأيت أخى سعد يبلل أصابعه من منيى فى كسها ويدعك بالسائل حلماتها وبزازها إلى أن استرخت و بدأت فى التأوه مرات عديدة وزاد شقيقى سعد من تدليك ثدييها وأصبح ينيك فى كسها ويدعك بزازها بأصابعه فى وقت واحد إلى أن ازداد صراخها: خلالالالالاص موتنى بس أرجوووك نكنى الـلـه يخلييييييييييييييك دخله فيا.
وسمع رجاءها و بدأ فى نيك كسها و كلما ازداد صوتها و هياجها ازداد هو فى نيكها ثم أنامها على ظهرها ولاعب كسها برأس زبه لمرات عديدة وهى تصرخ: دخله دخله أرجوك. وظل ينيك فيها حوالى 20 دقيقة وهى تأتيها رعشتها لمرات كثيرة. و كنت من ناحية أخرى قد بلغت نهايتى يكاد زبى الانفجار اقتربت من فمها و لم أستطع المقاومة فنزل المنى على وجهها الجميل وشقيقى سعد أيضا قذف منيه على شفتيها فضحكت قائلة : شبعتوني حليب قبل
فى اليوم وسلمت على
قبلة خاطفة و
ما أن جلست
حتى راحت
القصيرة فى
خبر كان وأطل
بكس يكاد
ينطق بما فيه
وزوجها - أخى -
يقول أنها
باردة فى
أحسست مما
رأيت أنه كان
كلاما فقط
ليصل إلى كس
نانا وطيزها
اللى جننوه
لأن سلوى هى
الأخرى لا
تقل أبدا عن
نانا فقد
كانت أشبه
جنسية و غير
للانفجار فى
أى لحظة .
وضع شقيقى
سعد شريطا فى
الفيديو و
قال: الشريط
ده يجنن .
وكان جميلا
فعلا لامرأة
شبقة جدا مع
أربعة شباب
وبدأت أسمع
من سعد و نانا
وسلوى فسلوى
أعجبها الزب
السميك اللى
كان فى كس
البنت أما
نانا فكان
بكمية المنى
اللى نزلوها
الأربعة على
وجه البنت
وأحححح و يا
ريتهم عليا
أنا .
وترد سلوى:
ولا النيك
اللى كان فى
ناااار .
وأنا أسمع و
كدت أنزل على
روحى من
فى أقل من
دقيقة رأيت
نانا وشقيقى
سعد تحتها
عارية و بدأ
وصلة نيكها
بأصابعه مع
لحس كسها و
فتحة طيزها و
تتوالى من
أاحححححح! كسى
نارررررر .
و أنا أنظر
وأسمع بدون
وعى تام لما
يحدث حولى
إلى أن
زوجة أخى
سلوى: إحنا
يعنى بس
عليهم كده ؟
قلت: لا أنا
مستنيكى يا
ولم أكمل
كلامى ويداى
تعبث فى
ووجدت نفسى
أخلع عنها كل
وأصبحت فى
حالة هيجان
لم أشعر بها
من قبل وبدأت
سلوى وأنا
النارية و
انتهت راكعة
على ركبتيها
تمص زبى وأخى
سعد راكب
نانا على
أرجله فوق
أكتاف شقيقى
سعد و زبه
كأنه يقسم
كسها نصفين
ولم أتمالك
نفسى , وسألت
زوجة أخى
سلوى أن تجلس
على زبى
فجلست و مالت
للأمام و
يواجهنى و
ظهر بظرها
أمامى ووجدت
نفسى أدلك
بظرها و
إصبعى الآخر
يدلك بظر
نانا لأول
مرة رغم فترة
لم نكتشف
متعة دعك
البظر ونيك
البزاز إلا
مع أخى سعد
وزوجته سلوى.
و عند رجوعى
لاقيت سلوى
بتدعك فى بظر
وبزاز نانا و
سعد ما زال
نازل نيك فى
كسها ونانا
صوتها يكاد
يكون واصل
ناااااااااار أحححححح نيك فيا
لبكرة .وَرَعَشَاتُهَا
تَتَوَالَى وَ
كُلَّمَا ازْدَادَ
هَيَاجُهَا وَ
صُرَاخُهَا زَادَ
سَعْدُ مِنْ سُرْعَةِ
النَّيْكِ فِيهَا وَ
طَلَبَتْ مِنِّي
سُلْوَى زَيْتَ
وَوَضَعَتْ عَلَى
وَدَلَّكَتْهُ عَلَى
بُزَّازِ نَانَا
الَّتِي أَخَذَتْ
تَصْرُخُ وَتَغَنَّجُ
فِي اسْتِمْتَاعٍ.
قَلْبُهَا سَعِدَ
إِلَى وَضْعِ
الْكَلْبِ وَ بَاعَدَ
بَيْنَ أَرْجُلِهَا
وَابْتَلَعَ كَسَّ
نَانَا زَبَّ أَخِي
سَعْدٍ بِكَامِلِهِ
مَرَّةً أُخْرَى وَهِيَ
تَتَأَوَّهُ مِنَ
سَأَلَتْنِي سُلْوَى
بِدَلْعٍ: اتَّعَلَّمْتَ
يَا لَا وَرَأَيْنِي.
وَجَاوَرَتْ نَانَا
عَلَى الْأَرْضِ فِي
نَفْسِ الْوَضْعِ
وَكَانَتْ طَيْزُ
سُلْوَى مِنْ أَجْمَلِ
مَا رَأَيْتُ
وَكَسُّهَا ضَيِّقٌ
مِثْلُ كَسِّ نَانَا
مَعَهَا فِي كَسِّهَا
مُمْتِعَةً كَثِيرًا
اسْتَمَرَّ الْوَضْعُ
لِفَتْرَةٍ ثُمَّ
أَصْبَحْنَا أَنَا
وَأَخِي سَعْدٍ
وَالْبُزَّازِ إِلَى
أَنْ أَتَتْ رَعَشَاتُ
كُلِّ مِنْ نَانَا وَ
سُلْوَى مَرَّاتٍ
عَدِيدَةٍ وَ
مَنِيَّنَا كُلُّ مِنَّا
فِي كَسِّ زَوْجَةِ
الْآخَرِ وَعَلَى
وَأَصْبَحَ تَبْدِيلُ
زَوْجَاتِنَا هُوَ
الْأُولَى، أَصْبَحَ
الْوِيْكِ إِنْدِ
إِمَّا فِي بَيْتِنَا
أَوْ بَيْتِهِمْ
لِسَنَوَاتٍ وَإِلَى
الْيَوْمِ. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Two brothers swap their wives with each other.txt |
126,720 | null | My adventure with the gorgeous goddess Isis | صعدت أنا إلى الشرفة بهدوء. لم أكن أريد أن أزعج سيدي أمنحتب. وأزال المخاوف بشأن وضعه، وكان يلبس تنورة كتانية بسيطة، مثل التي أرتديها. والزينة الوحيدة له سوار يحيط ذراعه اليسرى، وهو شكل ذهبي للإلهة سخمت ذات رأس الأسد. لاحظ اقتراني، على أية حال، وبينما كان يربط صقر صيد في معصمه، التفت لي. انحنيت له بعمق.
"إنه طائر جميل"، قال لي الفرعون أمنحتب. "ما رأيك، حنحريب؟"
"بالطبع هو طائر جميل، يا سيدي،" أجبته. رفرف الصقر بجناحيه، ثم استقر. تحول رأسه من جانب إلى آخر، كما لو كان يستمع إلى كل واحد منا.
"يا سيدي"، قلت. "لقد كتبت الكلمات الأخيرة للأحكام الخاصة بك لهذا اليوم."
هز أمنحتب الثالث رأسه. وقال لي: "وترغب في العودة إلى بيتك".
أحنيت رأسي. وقلت "إذا شئت ذلك، يا ملكي".
ابتسم فرعون وقال: "ثم إنني سوف أطلب منك العودة مرة أخرى عندما يبحر آمون رع من جديد".
"نعم، يا سيدي"، قلت له، وانحنيت مرة أخرى. وأصلت الانحناء حتى غادرت حضرة فرعون. ومن هناك، اتخذت طريقي من القاعات العليا للقصر.
غادرت القصر على مضض إلى حد ما. كانت لدي حديقة في المنزل، ينبغي أن أرعاها وأعتني بها، وكنت قد أهملتها لمدة ثلاثة أيام. حتى الآن لم أكن أرغب في ترك صحبة الناس. نظرت إلى أعلى ولاحظت أن رع قد انتهى تقريبا من إبحاره في زورق الألف سنة عبر السماء. سيهبط الليل في وقت قريب، وستخرج الحشرات من مكامنها. لا يزال علي أن أمشي إلى المنزل، لم أكن أملك ترف ركوب الجمل أو الحمار. ومع ذلك، فأن أكون كاتبا في قصر فرعون كان أكثر مما كنت أحلم به وآمله. كل هذا، حتى الآن كنت وحيدا. لا ينبغي للرجل أن يكون وحده، كنت أعرف ذلك، وكنت قد سمعت والدي، الذي كان هو نفسه كاتبا، يقول هذا مرات عديدة.
كما فعلت عدة مرات أثناء المشي إلى المنزل، قلت وتلوت صلاة صغيرة لإيزيس، والدة الخصوبة، للتخفيف من وحدتي ولتحقيق أمنية قلبي.كنت في كثير
من الأحيان
أرى الناس من
أهل المدينة
يسيرون على
الأقدام ،
ويتجولون ،
رجل وامرأة،
رجالا ونساء
، تتشابك
أيديهم. وذات
مرة ، رأيت
القوي يضاجع
محظية له.
وصلت أصوات
شغفهم وحبهم
لي ،
وكان البيت
هو عزبتي
كانت صغيرة ،
مع فناء صغير
في الجزء
وغرفة النوم
الخاصة بي.
كانت امرأة
ريفية تأتي ،
وهي جزء من
الفلاحين ،
يوميا ،
المكان. لا
أعرف لماذا
فعلت هذا ،
بالكاد كنت
أمضي وقتا
هناك. قضيت
معظم وقتي في
صحبة فرعون.
حول الناس ،
ولقد أحاطت
بي الوحدة
حين ما تت
كان مجرد
حادث ، وكنت
أعرف أن
أوزوريس قد
قرر أن الوقت
قد حان
لوفاتها. أنا
على ثقة من
دون شك أنها
قد نالت
عادلة من قبل
أنوبيس ،
ووجدت أن
قلبها خفيف
مثل ريشة
ريشته. إنها
في الأبدية
الآن ، حيث
إنني في يوم
من الأيام
سوف يجتمع
بها مرة أخرى.
عند دخول
المنزل ،
وضعت لفائف
من ورق
البردي على
طاولة داخل
المنزل. مضيت
في طريقي إلى
الخلف ، إلى
الصغيرة. كنت
قد شيدت
حديقة صغيرة
هناك ،
جدران الطين
العالية ،
مع الأعشاب
التي كانت
تنمو في بعض
الأحيان. في
وسط الساحة
كانت هناك
بركة صغيرة
(حوض صغير)
كنت قد حفرتها.
بالمياه من
نهر النيل ،
المياه نمت
هذه الليلة ،
مع ذلك ، يبدو
أن هناك شيئا
مختلفا ينمو
ويتحرك في
الحوض. أضاء
ضوء القمر
جسما في
كانت امرأة.
كانت عارية
ومن دون
ملابس. وكانت
ظهرها. وكان
شعرها طويلا
وأسود. كنت
أرى فقط
أطراف شعرها
تختفي تحت
الماء من
طوله. وتموجت
المياه حول
خصرها بينما
كانت تستحم.
خطوت أنا
واقتربت ،
محاولا أن
أكون هادئا ،
لا أرغب في
ربما كانت
التي تريد
ببساطة أن
وأنا أقترب
كان وجهها
رائعا. أعرف
الآن أنها
كانت أجمل
رأيتها على
ورقيقة ،
ولكن عيناها
أظهرتا قوة
AUTHOR: Womenloverوقد تم
تزيين عنقها
بسلسلة من
الذهب ،
والتي تتدلى
منها علامة
عنخ من
الذهب، رمز
وكان ثدياها
ممتلئين ،
وشاهدت لمحة
فقط من الشعر
الأسود في
أسفل بطنها
"هل أخفتك؟"
لم يكن لدي
أي فكرة ماذا
أقول لها. "لا"
، أنا كذبت.
"على الرغم من
أنه ليس من
بالنسبة لي
أن آتي إلى
البيت لأجد
غريبة تستحم
في حديقتي".
خرجت من
البركة ،
الطويلتان بلا
جهد يذكر على
الأرض. وجعل
ضوء القمر
الماء على
جسدها يلمع
وبدت ذات
وميض بينما
كانت تسير
"من أنت؟"
ابتسمت وهي
تخطو نحوي.
شعرت بجسدها
المبتل يلمس
جسدي وهي
سحبت فمي
لأسفل ،
ليقترب من
"شخص ما
يستمع" ، قالت
لي. ثم قبلتني.
وبث فمها
الصغير في
شعورا رائعا
لا يصدق وهو
يلتصق بفمي
ويقبله. شعرت
بفمها ينفتح
، ثم بلسانها
يداعب برفق
شفتي. فتحت
شفتي من
تلقاء نفسها
، وخرج لساني
لسانها. وقد
انضغطت فجأة
أفواهنا معا
في قبلة
قبلتها لوقت
طويل بدا
كأنه الدهر
والأبدية ،
بينما يداي
عند نقطة ما
، دخلنا
سريري أوجد
نفسه على
الفور تحتنا.
جلست هي فوقي
، وخلعت ببطء
تنورتي ، ثم
بلطف وهي
تلحس ساقي
اليمنى. كان
رائعا لا
يصدق. تمنيت
فقط أن تسير
في المسار
الذي أتمناه
وفعلت ذلك ،
لعقت فخذي ،
مرة واحدة ،
ثم مرتين. كنت
أهتز بشدة
وأقع من
السرير في كل
مرة لسانها
يلمس قضيبي
فيها. ثم حركت
رأسها فوق
زبي ، وأخذته
في يدها ،
وأدخلت طرفه
بين شفتيها.
شفتيها ،
ربما لتسمح
لي أن أفهم
كيف سيكون
شعوري حين
يدخل زبي في
كسي فيما بين
بمجرد أن
أخذت زبي
داخل فمها
حوالي نصف
الطريق (نصف
زبي) ، بدأت
تمصه وترضعه.
تحرك رأسها
بشكل إيقاعي
وهبوطا على
زبي ، وضمت
ونفخت خديها
وهي تمص.
تأوهت ،
وشددت شعرها
، مشيرا إلى
أنها يجب أن
تتوقف.لم تكترث لي، وأزالت يدي من شعرها وشبكت أصابعها حول رأسي. شعرت بنفسي أتشدد، ثم شعرت بحرقة هادئة وأنا أفرغ المني من زبي في فمها. بقيت تمص حتى أصبح ذلك لا يطاق. سحبت وجهها بعيدا عن قضيبي اللين المنكمش الآن. ابتسمت في وجهي بلطف.
بالتأكيد كان هذا حلما. لعلني قد أكلت شيئا من اللفاح (اليبروح - بيض الجن) في وجبتي الأخيرة. اعتلتني المرأة، وتسلقت علي وركبتاها على صدري. وعندما أصبح فخذاها على جانبي رأسي، نزلت بكسها على وجهي. لحست بجدية بين طيات كسها، وتذوقت البلل الذي وجدته هناك. كانت مثل العسل. أوه، يا لحلاوتها! ثبت شفتي على شفاه كسها المتهدلة الممتلئة. أردت أن أمص كل رحيقها من كسها. وجد لساني بظرها الصغير، وأخذت أدغدغه وأثيره، ولعبت به، ومصصته. تحركت واهتزت ذهابا وإيابا على وجهي، وهي تحك منطقتها السفلى الثمينة على لساني. رفع البصر عن ولمتي تلك لأجد رأسها قد تراجع إلى الوراء. كانت يداها تمسكان ثدييها، وأصابعها تقرص وتلوي حلماتها.
سارت يدي حول جسدها، ووجدت أصابعي أصابعها، ومن ثم انضممت لها في اللعبة. سرعان ما بدأت في الاهتزاز بعنف، وتحولت آهاتها المكتومة إلى صرخات قوية كما أنها أعطت صوتا لهزة الجماع لديها. شعرت بها تلف فخذيه حول رأسي بقوة، وبدأ فرجها يتقلص ويتشدد على لساني. اهتز جسدها قليلا، ثم أزالت ساقيها من مكان استراحتهما بجانب رأسي. تبادلنا القبلات مرة أخرى، وتراقصت ألسنتنا. وبينما نتبادل القبلات، فركت يداها زبي شبه المنتصب، ليصل بسرعة إلى الصلابة الكاملة والانتصاب الكامل.
اعتلت وركي مرة أخرى، واهتزت جيئة وذهابا فوقي. شعرت ببللها، وانزلق قضيبي المنتصب بسلاسة بين طيات شفاه كسها. نكتها على هذا الوضع لبعض الوقت، وأخيرا، بلغت هزة الجماع وقمة النشوة مرة أخرى. كانت قمة صغيرة، والتصقت بي وعيناها السوداوان تبتسمان.
مددت يدي بيننا، وبحثت عن زبي، وحين وجدته، وضعت رأسه على فتحة كسها. ثم خفضت نفسها علي، وغلفتني بكسها الضيق، والرطوبة، والدفء.وبدأ
بطيئا ،
وركاها على
وركي ، وطحنت
عانتها في
عانتي. انحنت
إلى الأمام ،
فمال ثدياها
نحو فمي. ثبت
شفتي على
حلمتيها ،
أولا على
واحدة ، ثم
على الحلمة
أخرى. وبدأت
أرضع كأنني
مولود رضيع
الولادة ،
حلمتيها بين
بلطف. تأوهت
وغنجت من
أصابعها في
شعر رأسي
وعبر صدري.
لم أستطع منع
نفسي من
إلى داخل
كسها. أخذ
كسها (غمدها)
الساخن بشكل
لا يلاطف زبي.
تسحبني في كل
مرة أتحرك
أعمق داخل
كسها. أنا
وضعت يدي على
وركيها ،
وبدأت أمارس
الحب مع هذه
المرأة ،
التي قد
واشتد شغفنا
وزاد تمايل
وركيها ،
التزاوج هذه
التي كنا
نؤديها قد
كانت ترفع
نفسها علي ثم
تنخفض. وكنت
ألتقي بها في
كل مرة تهبط
فيها بجسدها
إلى أسفل ،
ودفعت زبي
عميقا فيها.
في كل مرة
كانت تتأوه ،
وأنا أشخر
مثل بعض
شعرت نفسي
أندفع بشكل
أقوى وأسرع
إلى كسها.
أخيرا ، تشدد
جسدي وتجمد
وأنا أندفع
بزبي في كسها
الأخيرة ،
عميقا فيها ،
وضخخت وقذفت
المنوي من
زبي في جسدها
، في كسها.
ضممتها إلي
وجها لوجه.
بحنان وهمست
في أذني. "ليال
كثيرة سمعت
ودعاءك ،"
قالت. وأضافت
"في كل مرة كان
قلبي يتوق
إليك. فعلت
ذلك ليس من
الشفقة ،
ولكن لمحبتك
، ووفائك ،
ومن النادر
أن يتحدث رجل
لم أستطع أن
أصدق ما سمعت.
بالتأكيد لم
تكن هذه هي
إيزيس ، أو
كما تسمى في
بعض الأحيان
ابتسمت في
الظلام. لم
أسألها أكثر
من ذلك ،
وقبلت ما
قدمته لي.
رحنا في نوم
جاء الصباح
وبدأ آمون رع
رحلته عبر
أشعة ضوئه
خلال غرفة
تذكرت عاطفة
ولقاء الليل
، وبحثت في
سريري عنها.
كنت وحدي. على
الرغم من أنني
كنت عاريا ، ولا
أزال أرى
لقائنا علي ،
شعرت بأن هذا
كان حلما.نهضت وارتديت ملابسي، وخطوت إلى الحديقة لأسقي وأروي الأعشاب والفواكه قبل أن أعود إلى قصر أمنحتب.
لاحظت البركة وتأملتها. كانت هادئة وساكنة وصامتة، وتتحضر وتستعد لحرارة النهار. على صخرة جلوس بجانبها، تلألأ شيء في ضوء الصباح. ذهبت لأرى ما هو. على الصخرة كانت سلسلة من الذهب. كانت قلادة تتدلى منها عنق ذهبية، رمز الحياة الأبدية. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My adventure with the gorgeous goddess Isis.txt |
126,796 | null | He made his maid fuck her son | صاحب البيت
خلى الخادمة
تنيك ابنها
فاتن امرأة
جميلة مصرية
صميمة فى
من عمرها ..
وزوجها مصاب
بالشلل وهو
أكبر منها
بنحو خمسة
أعوام ولها
منه ابن وحيد
هو أحمد
عمره 18 عاما ..
اضطرت فاتن
للعمل تحت
ضغط لقمة
العيش والكد
على عائلتها
ابنها بعد
إصابة زوجها
الكلى الذى
أقعده عن
العمل وحصل
على معاش
قليل لا يكاد
وابنها الذى
وتحبه كثيرا ..
كانت فاتن من
مواليد 7
يوليو بينما
أحمد من
مواليد 15
سبتمبر ..
وكانت فاتن
تعمل كخادمة
فى البيوت
لأنها ربة
منزل أصلا
ولم تنال حظا
وافرا من
التعليم رغم
ذلك كانت
ذكية متوقدة
الذهن وكان
ذلك مما يعجب
أحمد وغير
أحمد فيها ..
وأخذت فاتن
تتنقل بين
وكانت تحاول
المسنة كيلا
الأزواج أو
الزوجات ..
لكنها لم تكن
تدرى ما
يخبئه لها
القدر ..
حالها على
هذا المنوال
منذ أن كانت
فى الرابعة
حتى أصبحت فى
والثلاثين ..
ثم رآها أحد
متوسط العمر
ويدعى رامز ..
كثيرا وعلم
من المخدم
بأسلوبها فى
المسنة .. وشعر
أنها مغرورة
وقرر كسر
أنفها .. لذلك
رشى المخدم
كثيرة وطلب
منه أن يرسل
فاتن إليه
على عنوانه
بأنه شيخ
كبير يحتاج
إلى عناية
خاصة ..
وبالفعل كان
ذلك فلما
انخدعت فاتن
بسلامة نية
إلى منزل
رامز وطرقت
الباب فتح
لها رامز وهو
يرتدى روبا
على اللحم
وصدره مفتوح
وقال لها
ولكنها لم
تدخل لما
رأته ورأت
شبابه وعلمت
من هيئته أنه
مهتاج فرفضت
الدخول لكنه
عنوة وغصبا
لكنها تملصت
منه وهو
يحاول ضمها
وقالت له يا
حيوان ابتعد
عنى وصفعته
بشدة فتركها
مذهولا ومضت
منصرفة تسب
لكذبه عليها
وخداعه لها و
تتوعده ..لكن
رامز قرر
إغلاق كل
أمامها إلا
بابه فاتصل
وأبلغه بما
جرى ووعده
بمال أضعاف
ما منحه من
قبل إن هو
بخشونة ولم
يدلها على
مخدوم آخر
مهما توسلت
له. وكان رامز
بحكم طبيعة
عمله صاحب
نفوذ في
كلها فقرر
التوصية على
فاتن عند
معها بنفس
وأخذ يرش
حتى تم له ما
وهكذا داخت
فاتن السبع
دوخات وبدأ
ما ادخرته من
مال قليل
ينفد وبحثت
عن وظائف
أخرى لكن لم
تفلح فإما هي
وظائف شاقة
لا تناسبها
كامرأة وإما
كان صاحب
العمل طامعا
في جسدها
بشهوة .. وضاقت
أمامها كل
السبل وأغلقت
في وجهها
الأبواب ..
لذلك لم تجد
بدا من
لرامز وقد
علمت أنه سبب
ما جرى لها
من مصاعب .. كي
تتوسل إليه
لعله يرق
لحال سبيلها ..
وبحثت عن رقم
هاتفه من
وعنوانه من
دليل الهاتف
حتى عثرت
عليه فدونته
ثم اتصلت به
بقدومه فرحب
بها وأخبرها
بأنه في
انتظارها ..
ذهبت إليه
وقد تعطرت
إلى حد ما
وتجملت لا
تدري لماذا
ولكن هذا ما
حصل ..
وفتح لها
الباب بنفس
الروب ورحب
بها ودعاها
فدخلت .. ووقفت
في وسط
التي لا تدري
ماذا تفعل
وكيف تتصرف
وإلى مكان
تذهب .. قالت
له وهو
بابتسامة .. ما
المطلوب مني
الآن ؟ .. قال
أن تكوني
خادمتي .. في
كل شيء .. قالت
حسنا .. ولم
تكد تنهي
كلامها حتى
وجدته يجرها
جرا إلى غرفة
نومه .. ولم
تدر كيف حصل
هذا ولكنها
لم تشعر
بنفسها إلا
وقد تمددت
على الفراش
عارية حافية
لا تدري كيف
ومتى استطاع
تجريدها من
بهذه السرعة
الخاطفة حتى
أنها ظنت
أنها قدمت
عليه عارية
حافية من دون
ملابس أصلا
منذ البداية ..
ثم سرعان ما
ماثلها هو
الآخر وكان
مثلها عاريا
حافيا وقد
تجرد من روبه
عليها .. وأولج
أيره في كسها ..
يضاجعها ..
شردت بذهنها
وعاشت في
ذكريات أخرى ..
كان الجنس
معه سريعا
رتيبا بلا
متعة ولا لذة ..
مجرد مهمة
ثقيلة ووجب
لازم مضطرة
أن تؤديه
منه بأسرع
وقت ..حتى
أنها لم تشعر
بشفتيه وهما
شفتيها ولا
لسانها ولا
الماجنة تصف
ما كانا فيه ..
فقط استسلمت
له كما
الجثة لمبضع
التشريح .. حتى
إذا شعرت
يتدفق غزيرا
وفيرا فى
مهبلها شعرت
بالراحة لا
باللذة ..
للخلاص من
هذه المهمة
الكريهة غير
فيها .. فلما
نهض عنها
لاهثا وغادر
بعيدا كأنه
متقزز منها
ومنصرف عنها
لكنها وبخت
نفسها على
هذا التعلق
به وقالت إيه
يا بت هتحبيه
ولا إيه ده
اغتصاب ..
الأمر ونهضت
فى ضعف لا
تدرى سببه
أهو نفسى أم
لشدة وطول
نيكه لها حيث
نظرت إلى
ساعة الحائط
وعلمت أنه
بقى عليها
ينيكها ساعة
كاملة وهى لا
تدرى وتظنه
الإنزال ..
بعدما مسحت
كسها جيدا من
الورقية وهى
تلعنه فى
سرها .
ثم خرجت إليه
وكان جالسا
واضعا ساقا
فوق ساق فى
عظمة لا يهتم
بها كأنها لا
شئ .. فاقتربت
من الباب
وقالت فى
خفوت : أنا
ماشية ..
بحاجة تانى ؟ ..
وهى لا تدرى
أستلبى له
طلبه لو أصر
على بياتها
معه أو نيكها
مرة ثانية أم
ستفر من
المكان .. ولا
تدرى هل
سؤالها بغرض
أم من أجل
أجرتها عن ...
عن الخدمة .
نهض كأنه كان
ناسيا وتذكر ..
آه أجرتك
نسيت معلش ..
ثم أخرج من
جيب روبه
رزمة ضخمة من
المال منحها
إياها .. وتعمد
أن يجعلها
تخفض رأسها
وتمد يدها له
كى يضع فيها
بتأفف منه . ثم
تركها حتى
فتحت الباب
لتغادر وقال
اليمنى خارج
داخلها : غدا
فى نفس
إوعى تتأخرى ..
قالت فى طاعة
واستسلام :
وظلت حال
فاتن على هذا
المنوال كل
يوم مع رامز
يستمتع بها
الرائع .. حتى
مضى على ذلك
كاملان .. حتى
اعتادت عليه
فى النهاية
الواقع وقد
أيقظ فيها
يضاجعها على
تستفيض معه
فى الكلام
حتى علم
وحال أسرتها
وعلم بأن لها
ابنا مراهقا ..
فواتته فكرة
شيطانية .. وظل
يخطط لها ..وكان محافظا
رغم ودها
معها على
واستمر يغرس
فى قلبها
الخوف منه
ومن نفوذه
وبطشه .. وبدأ
يشغل لها
أفلاما عن
المحارم بين
الأم والابن ..
تعثر فى
غرفته وهو
غائب على
مجلات محارم
مصورة أو قصص
مكتوبة ..
لكنها كانت
تتقزز منها
وتقول لها
مستنكرة: كيف
يحصل ذلك ؟ أم
وابنها ..
تستفيض فى
شتم ولعن
أصحاب هذه
والروايات ..
حتى رأى أنها
لن تسعى
والرضا ..
لذلك قرر
سلاحه الآخر:
فأغلق بابه
فى وجهها
لنحو شهرين ...
حتى عادت
إليه مرغمة
تحت ضغط
تتوسل له
لتعرف ما سبب
جفائه لها
وهى المطيعة
له الملبية
لكل طلباته ..
فقال لها:
أريدك أن
تغرى ابنك
ينيكك وأنا
أشاهد ها هنا ..
قالت له
مذهولة: ماذا
تقول ؟ أنت
مجنون .. أنت
مريض .. يا كلب
يا ... ولكنه
صفعها فبكت ..
قال لها: يا
انتى ليكى
مين غيرى
ويأكله .. يا
تنفذى اللى
بقولك عليه
يا هتتقفل
قدامك كل
البيبان حتى
بابى اللى
كان دايما
مفتوح لك
وهاسلط شوية
خولات على
ابنك ياخدوه
فى خرابة
وما ينفعش
راجل بعد كده .
ارتعبت فاتن
على ابنها
الوحيد ..
وسرعان ما
ووافقت ..
ابتسم لها
رامز وقال:
أهوه كده يا
جميل خلليك
حلو ! ..
غرفته وبدأ
فصل جديد من
والمتعة ..
بدأت فاتن فى
التفكير فى
الأمر كيف
تغرى ابنها ..
أنها شعرت
بكسها يتبلل
ويترطب من
المحرمة تلك ..
وعلمت أن
كسها مشتاق
أيضا لتجربة
مثل هذا
الأمر .. مشتاق
حبيبها ..
دخلت فاتن فى
تلك الليلة
منزلها على
أطراف أصابع
قدميها ..
وذهبت إلى
واطمأنت من
نوم زوجها
صلاح .. ثم
خرجت دون أن
تحدث صوتا
لئلا توقظه ..
لغرفة ابنها
أحمد .. ووجدته
ممددا على
فراشه على
جنبه الأيمن ..
غارق فى سبات
عميق .. حسرت
عنه الغطاء
بيجاما .. بدأت
تنزل سرواله
برفق .. ولكنه
أفاق ونهض
وقال: ماذا
تفعلين يا
أماه ؟ ..
Your response:
FILENAME: Authors/Womenlover/He made his maid fuck her son.txt
وكان محافظًا
رغم ودها
معها على
واستمر يغرس
في قلبها
الخوف منه
ومن نفوذه
وبطشه.. وبدأ
يشغل لها
أفلامًا عن
المحارم بين
الأم والابن..
تعثر في
غرفته وهو
غائب على
مجلات محارم
مصورة أو قصص
لكنها كانت
تتقزز منها
وتقول لها
مستنكرة: كيف
يحصل ذلك؟ أم
تستفيض في
شتم ولعن
أصحاب هذه
حتى رأى أنها
لن تسعى
لذلك قرر
سلاحه الآخر:
فأغلق بابه
في وجهها
لنحو شهرين...
حتى عادت
إليه مرغمة
تحت ضغط
تتوسل له
لتعرف ما سبب
جفائه لها
وهي المطيعة
له الملبية
لكل طلباته..
فقال لها:
أريدك أن
تغري ابنك
ينيكك وأنا
أشاهد هنا..
قالت له
مذهولة: ماذا
تقول؟ أنت
مجنون.. أنت
مريض.. يا كلب
يا... ولكنه
صفعها فبكت..
قال لها: يا
أنت لك
مين غيري
ويأكله.. يا
تنفذي اللي
بقولك عليه
يا هتتقفل
قدامك كل
البيبان حتى
بابي اللي
كان دايمًا
مفتوح لك
وهاسلط شوية
خولات على
ابنك ياخدوه
في خرابة
وما ينفعش
راجل بعد كده.
ارتعبت فاتن
على ابنها
وسرعان ما
ابتسم لها
رامز وقال:
أهوه كده يا
جميل خليكي
حلو! ..
غرفته وبدأ
فصل جديد من
بدأت فاتن في
التفكير في
الأمر كيف
تغري ابنها..
أنها شعرت
بكسها يتبلل
ويترطب من
المحرمة تلك..
وعلمت أن
كسها مشتاق
أيضًا لتجربة
مثل هذا
الأمر.. مشتاق
دخلت فاتن في
تلك الليلة
منزلها على
أطراف أصابع
وذهبت إلى
واطمأنت من
نوم زوجها
صلاح.. ثم
خرجت دون أن
تحدث صوتًا
لئلا توقظه..
لغرفة ابنها
أحمد.. ووجدته
ممددًا على
فراشه على
جنبه الأيمن..
غارق في سبات
عميق.. حسرت
عنه الغطاء
بيجاما.. بدأت
تنزل سرواله
برفق.. ولكنه
أفاق ونهض
وقال: ماذا
تفعلين يا
أماه؟..قالت :
اهدأ يا
سأعلمك شيئا
كثيرا ولكن
دع نفسك لى
تماما ولا
تخف فأنا أمك
ولا يمكن أن
أؤذيك .. هدأ
الفتى وقبضت
أمه على أيره
وأخذت توقظه
مدربة من
أصابع يدها
وهى تقول
لابنها : ألم
تعشق فتاة من
قبل يا حبيبى
؟ .. قال : كلا يا
أماه .. ما
العشق ؟ ..
قالت : ولم
السرية يوما
؟ قال : وما هى
هذه العادة ؟
لا أعلم ما
تقصدين يا
أماه .. كان
فتاها ساذج
وصغير ولا
يعرف شيئا عن
الجنس .. قالت
له : ولا حتى
إزاى ؟ .. قال
فى تساؤل
حقيقى : إزاى ؟
.. قالت له :
حسنا دعك من
هذا وركز معى ..
وبدأت تقبله
فى شفتيه
وقالت له : هذه
هى القبلة
أأعجبتك ؟
قال نعم يا
أماه زدينى
منها .. قالت
ولكن عليك أن
تفعل مثلى ..
تبادليةقبلنى كما
أقبلك .. قال
حاضر ..
وبالفعل بدأ
الفتى يتعلم
القبلة وأمه
مستمرة فى
تدليك أيره
حتى شعر بلذة
ذلك فقال لها :
لا تتوقفى يا
أماه أشعر
بمتعة هائلة ..
فهزت رأسها
باسمة .. ثم
قال لها : آه
أشعر أنى
احذرى يا
أماه .. قالت
له : كن على
راحتك تماما ..
وتبول كما
تشاء ذلك لن
يضايقنى بل
هو المطلوب
متعتك .. فصرخ
الفتى وقذف
المنى غزيرا
على قبضة أمه
وعلى الأرض
فقد كانا
جالسين على
طرف الفراش.
قال لها
مندهشا : ما
هذه المادة
البيضاء يا
أمى ؟ ليست
بولا ولا
بلون البول ..
قالت : هذه
لذتك يا
حبيبى .. تحصل
حين تتزوج
امرأة .. فتقذف
فى كسها
الأطفال .. لم
يبد الفهم
على الفتى ..
قالت له :
سأشرح لك
عمليا وثق بى
وسيكون أحلى
درس تأخذه فى
حياتك .. قال
بلهفة : متى يا
أماه ؟ قالت :
ليس الآن ولا
هنا فى هذا
المكان .. بل
فى مكان آخر
ولكن عليك
تماما دون
نقاش وحفظ
السر بيننا
وبينك وإياك
أن تذكر شيئا
وإلا خاصمتك
مدى حياتى .
قال : حسنا يا أماه
لن أقول أى شئ
وقالت له : غدا
فى موعد
اليومى فى
عصرا سنخرج
معا . واتصلت
برامز تبشره
فقال لها :
حسنا سأخلى
لكما الجو ..
ومعك مفتاح
الشقة .. خذى
راحتك .. ولكن
والخداع .. فلى
عيون وآذان
هناك تخبرنى
وعصيانك .
قالت : حاضر
وأنا أقدر.ثم ذهبت وفتاها في اليوم التالي إلى شقة رامز .. وتساءل الفتى: بتاعة مين الشقة دي يا ماما؟ قالت: بتاعة واحدة صاحبتي يا حبيبي مش متجوزة وعايشة لوحدها .. استأذنتها فيها ساعتين زمن .. ودخلا .. وقررت أن يكون لقاؤهما في غرفة النوم على الفراش .. وكان رامز دون أن تدري قد وضع كاميرات مراقبة في كل مكان بالشقة حتى المطبخ والحمام ليسجل لقاءها بابنها كاملا وبوضوح من غرفة سرية في الشقة وادعى أنه خرج كي تكون على راحتها تماما فقد شعر بفطنتها أنها رضيت واشتهت لقاء ابنها دون حاجة لغصب أو إكراه وبالفعل قدمت له أروع ما عندها دون أن تدري أنه يراقبها بل ويسجل لها كل لفتة وكلمة وحركة وحرف .. أجلست فاتن ابنها أحمد على الفراش وخلعت عنه ملابسه شيئا فشيئا حتى أصبح عاريا حافيا وفعلت بملابسها المثل حتى أصبحت مثله عارية حافية .. وانحنت على أيره تدلكه وتلحسه وتقول له: هيه؟ صباح الفل! إزيك النهاردة! أكيد مشتاق ... ثم نهضت وقالت لفتاها: ألا يشعرك بدني العاري بشئ؟ بدأت الغريزة تتحرك وتلح في أعماق الفتى وقال: نعم يا أماه أود احتضانك ومص بزازك ممكن؟ قالت فرحة: ممكن يا حبيبي يا للا .. بدأ أحمد يحتضن أمه وهي واقفة وهو جالس على طرف الفراش .. ويستشعر ببشرة ظهرها ولحم ظهرها .. والذي أثاره كما أثاره بدنها السميك الممتلئ .. وانتصب أيره وهو لا يدري ما هذا ولا لماذا .. قال لأمه: ألیس بهما لبن؟ قالت: كلا ولكن البزاز لها وظائف أخرى غير الرضاعة والبن وظيفتها المتعة لك ولي .. للماص والممصوصة .. فبدأ الفتى يمص حلمة أمه اليمنى ثم اليسرى ويتلمس ثدييها ويقبض عليهما .. وبقى مع ثدييها لمدة نصف ساعة كاملة ساحرا في متعتهما ثم انتقل إلى شفتيها .. فلما شبع بوسا فيها .. قالت له: خلليني أنام على السرير عشان عايزاك تلحس كسي .. فتركها ترقد .. وقال لها: ما هو الكس؟ .. أشارت له ولمست بإصبعها أشفار كسها المتهدل غير المختون وقالت: هوه ده الكس .. تعالى المسه بإيدك .. فبدأ يتلمسه بفضول وتعجب ويقارن بينه وبين أيره ..في الجواز
يدخل زبك في
كسي وتطلع
وبعدين تنزل
اللبن أقوم
أحبل أو مش
لازم أحبل ..
إنما دي
بتكون لذة
ليا وليك ..
ياللا انزل
الحس بقى ..
وكان كسها
جميل الشكل
مغرى بالحس
وقالت له : بس
إياك من العض
أحسن أموت في
إيدك بجد ..
ماشى .. وشرحت
له البعبصة
في الكس
بتكون إزاى ..
فلما أشبعها
لحسا في كسها
واستلذ بماء
كسها .. قررت
إتمام الأمر ..
يعتليها و
أفسحت له بين
وشرحت له
وقبض على
رجليها في
قبضتيه ..
وبمجرد أن
ذاق أيره بئر
المسمى كسها
وغمس رأسه
وعماده في
ديزني لاند ..
حتى شعر
وشعرت معه
أنه يخبئ تحت
مغوارا لا
يشق له غبار
في أمور
النيك ..
فأبدع فيها
وأضاف عليها ..
وشعرت معه
بمتعة مطلقة
مطبقة ما لم
تشعر بمثله
مع رجل من قبل
قط .. وضمته
إليها بشدة
حوله كالمقص
تشده إليها
وتسجنه سجنا
لذيذا في
حضنها .. وفقدا
ومروره .. وهو
ينيكها مرة
بعد مرة
وكلما قذف
فيها استمر
أيره منتصبا
ناعظا ..
للقتال بلا
توقف كأنه
آلة قدت من
صلب أو صخر ..
من صوان أو
فولاذ ..
مرارا من شدة
اللذة التى
مرة بعد مرة
حتى طارت فوق
السحاب في
عالم آخر غير
هذا العالم ..
عالم من خيال ..
وهو يروى عطش
وتكرارا ..
وناما الفتى
في حضنها تلك
الليلة ولا
يزال أيره
مغمدا في
ومهبلها حتى
الصباح ..
وعادا إلى
بيتهما مع
طلوع الفجر
سكارى بنشوة
ومنذ تلك
المرة لم
يقربها رامز
وهى زهدت فيه ..
لكنه دعاها
إلى شقته
ليتكرر نفس
ما جرى بين
الفتى وأمه
مع ابتكار
أوضاع جديدة
وتمرس الفتى
أكثر وأكثر ..
خزانة رامز
التى تصور
أحمد وفاتن ..ولم يقتحم
لذتهما إلا
مرة أو مرتين
أحب الجلوس
على الطبيعة
وكلاهما يظن
أنه لم يسبق
له مشاهدة
ذلك من قبل
وأخبرت فاتن
أحمد بأن
رامز هو شقيق
يتواجد في
الشقة. وكان
أحمد محرجا
في البداية
لكن أمه
وأثاره وجود
شخص ثالث
التي تدخل
رامز في سياق
متعتهما.. هدد
الأم بفضح
أمرها لو لم
تقبل بأن
ينيكها أمام
ابنها هذه
المرة وكفى..
نيكة الوداع.
والغريب أن
الفتى شاهد
النيك كله
نيك أمه ولم
يبد عليه
الضيق بل على
العكس دلك
أيره وقذف في
فأمه لما
مستمتعا بما
يجري عليه من
رجل غريب غير
أبيه وغيره..
أخذت تخرج له
أفضل ما
عندها من
فكان من حظه
ومن حظ رامز
الذي ناكها
لساعتين عدة
مرات و في عدة
أوضاع وقذف
فيها وابنها
ويدلك أيره.
بل ونهض وأمه
تناك في وضع
القطة وهبط
بفمه تحتها
وأخذ يلحس
بظرها وهي
تناك. ويشعر
بأير رامز
يتحرك في
مهبل أمه فوق
لسانه حتى
خلب لبها.
يقول أحمد:
هذه قصتي مع
أمي ملاكي
قطتي.. لحمي
يضم لحمها..
يعانق لحمها..
يلاطف لحمها..
بلحمها.. وهي
وأنا أتأمل
الجميل من
قدميها إلى
ساقيها إلى
وأقبل يديها
في الوقت
نفسه. وألحس
أنامل قدمها
بقدمي.. وأحك
قدمي في
التي أحبها
بعدما ننتهي
من متعتنا..
وأطعمها.. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/He made his maid fuck her son.txt |
126,730 | null | The female teacher and her student's father | طلبت مني زوجتي نهى أن أذهب إلى مدرسة ابنتنا بدلا عنها - وكانت هي التي تذهب دوما -لحضور اجتماع الآباء والمدرسين في المدرسة لعدم وجود وقت شاغر لديها.
كنت أنا في الخامسة والثلاثين من عمري ، وكان لي محل لبيع الملابس النسائية الجاهزة.. وفي الوقت نفسه رغم أني متزوج فقد كانت أحاسيسي ومشاعري الجنسية متأججة دائما ... لهذا تراني أتنقل بين زهور حديقة النساء من زهرة إلى أخرى دون أن أكون ملتزما بامرأة واحدة.
حضرت الاجتماع ، وبعد انتهائه كانت ابنتي معي ... تقدمت منا إحدى مدرسات المدرسة وسألت ابنتي قائلة: هل هذا والدك؟
أجابتها: نعم ... إنه أبي. عندها مدت المدرسة يدها لي قائلة: أهلا تشرفنا... إن ضحى (تقصد ابنتي) طالبة مجتهدة...
قلت لها: هذا بجهودكم.
ردت: أستاذ ... أعتقد أني رأيتك قبل هذه المرة ولا أعتقد أنك حضرت اجتماع الآباء من قبل؟
قلت لها: ربما.... أنا صاحب محل لبيع الملابس النسائية. فعلا لم أحضر من قبل وكنت أرسل زوجتي لتحضر بسبب مشغولياتي.
ردت قائلة: آه ... تذكرت ... قبل فترة اشتريت منك بعض الملابس... أرجو أن نكون أصدقاء.
قلت لها مبتسما: هذا شرف لي ومحلي تحت أمرك.
قالت: شكرا ... إن شاء الله سأزورك.
هي (سوسن) :
كنت في الثلاثين من عمري... امرأة جميلة إلى حد ما... تزوجت أخواتي الكبيرة والصغيرة أما أنا فأتى الحظ لي أو القسمة منذ عشرة أعوام وتزوجت بشاب وسيم يسعد أي امرأة ترتبط به جسديا وروحيا لكنني لم أكن أشبع رغم فحولته ورومانسيته ، ورغم إنجابنا لابننا محمود (10 سنوات) وابننا فريد (5 سنوات) ، اكتشفت أنني أحتاج لرجل آخر إضافي ، لمغامرة مختلفة محرمة خارج إطار الزواج ... كنت في الليل عندما أخلد إلى النوم بين أحضان زوجي ومنيه يدغدغني في كسي لا تغفو عيني مباشرة لأن أفكاري تأخذني إلى عالم آخر... كنت أفكر بالفارس الآخر الذي سيأخذني بين أحضانه ...وأروح أبني
حتى إذا بدأت
عندي اللذة
تراني أخلع
وأروح أفرك
بظري بإصبعي
أو بالمخدة
حتى يترطب
كسي من اللذة
التي أشعلت
وأرعشته كله.
هكذا كنت
عندما رأيت
والد ضحى
أعجبني ...
انسقت إليه
لا شعوريا
وهو يقف مع
يكلمها ...
هناك قوة
جذبتني إليه
لا أعرف
كنهها ربما
لأنني أتوق
إلى طعم رجل
آخر وكنت
دوما أتمنى
أن أجمع بين
رجلين قويين
على إمتاعي
وأكون زوجة
الفاجرة .. رغم
أن أي امرأة
عادية مكاني
ومع زوجي
ستكون مشبعة
جنسيا ولن
تشكو من أي
حرمان ولن
تعرف أي جوع
جنسي ، أما
أنا فكانت لي
وكان زوجي
رغم فحولته
التي لا غبار
عليها لا
يشبعني ... لا
أعرف ولكن
الذي أذكره
أني انجذبت
إليه وشعرت
أنه مبتغاي
نسيت في حومة
الكلام أن
أذكر لكم أن
زوجي شاب
وسيم وثري في
مقتبل العمر
يكبرني بعام
واحد تزوجنا
بعد قصة حب
بيننا ... وكنا
زملاء في
الكلية ...
بفترة خطوبة
طويلة نسبيا
(لعامين) ... لا
أعرف كيف
اتفق مع
والدي على
زواجه مني ... و
بالزواج لم
أطلب منه
فترة زمنية
للتفكير وهل
أفكر في
بحبيب قلبي
بل قلت
مباشرة ودون
تردد : موافقة.
تزوجنا قبل
عشرة أعوام
إلا أن أملي
خاب معه فقد
كان يشبعني
بالكاد رغم
أنه ينيكني
يوميا ،
ويبقي شبقي
إلى النيك
وعندما أطلب
منه أن
ينيكني أكثر
من مرة في
اليوم كان
يضحك في وجهي
ويقول : ليست
الحياة فقط
نيك ... الحياة
وجميلة ... ثم
ألا تكتفين
بمرة واحدة
في اليوم ،
ومن أين آتيك
المقدرة ،
الشخصية .. ثم
ويقول: اذهبي
واشتري لك ما
لقد ضقت
بأطفالي يا
عزيزي ، قد
وأرضعتهما ،
لأتفرغ لك
ولنفسي .كنت
لا أريد أي
شيء سوى أن
أخوض مغامرة
جديدة مع
فارس آخر قوي
التي لا تشبع
، وشغفي
الغرام التي
لا يرتوي ،
مع زوجي ...
اللامتناهية... عندها فكرت
أن أبحث عن
حبيب إضافي
يشبع هاتين
إلا أنني لم
أكن جريئة في
تلك الخطوة ،
فإنني لا غني
لي عن زوجي
ولكني أريد
المزيد ،
أريد حبيبين
معا ولا
أستغني عن
أحدهما ولا
أقلل من
أحدهما ،
فواحد منهما
يكفي أي
امرأة عادية
امرأة فوق
عادية ... حتى
إذا رأيت
والد ضحى قلت
مع نفسي:
لأجرب معه...
إنه شاب وسيم
ومتزوج مثلي
وحتما إنه
متأجج شبقا
بعد أن حريت
عنه بطريقتي
وعلمت أنه لا
يشبع من
الغزل ومن
كانت جميلة
إلى حد ما...
يعجبني هذا
الجمال ...
امرأة ناضجة ...
أخبرتني ضحى
أنها قد
تزوجت قبل
عام من شاب
وسيم ... وكنت
جدا ويثيرني
إقامة علاقة
معهن ، فقلت
مع نفسي : إنها
فتاتي ... سوف
لن أضيعها ...
سأقضي معها
أجمل لحظات
الجنسية ...
ولكن كيف؟
ورحت أسأل
عنها ضحى
كثيرا حتى
أنها مرة ردت
علي قائلة:
أبي إنها
متزوجة وأنت
متزوج ...
قلت لها :
أعرف ولكنه
سؤال فقط .
كنت بين يوم
وآخر أذهب
إلى المدرسة
لآتي بضحى
نهاية اليوم
علني أحظى
بلقائها ...
وفي أحد
الأيام خرجت
ورأيتها ...
تقدمت منها
أتعرفينني ؟
ضحكت وقالت:
إنك والد ضحى .
قلت لها : كيف
هي بالدروس ؟
قالت : إنها
جيدة .
ثم دعوتها
لزيارتي إلى
المحل إذا
كانت ترغب
بشراء بعض
وقالت : سآتي.
هي (سوسن) :
رحبت بدعوته
المحل ... وهذا
ما جعلني
أشغل تفكيري
به طيلة
اليوم وكذلك
في الليل ...
كنت أفكر كيف
أجعله يسكت
شبقي الجنسي
؟ كيف ينيكني
؟ ومرة أقول
لا ... إلا أنه
يعود واقفا
أمام تفكيري
سيضمني بهما
بقوة كما
ينيكني زوجي ...إن زوجي يصعد علي ويغمرني بالقبلات وكلمات الغرام والغزل وبعد أن أصبح شيكولاتة منصهرة بين أنامله يدخل أيره في كسي ويدكني لمدة لا تنتهي، وبعد أمد كأنه الدهر، يصب سائله الوفير الغزير في كسي وينزل عني ويضمني في حضنه وينام. ولكنني ورغم امتلاء كسي بالمني حتى التخمة أتبطر وأبقى شرهة ومتهيجة وراغبة في صوت رجل آخر ولمسة رجل آخر وأير رجل آخر وشفاه رجل آخر، أريد الجديد والمزيد، من الفحولة والشباب والفتوة، أريد شابين زوجين شرعيين أو غير شرعيين يتشاركان في كأنني توّرتة شهية ... اشتهيت ذلك جدا حتى أصبح حلم حياتي .. اشتهيته لا كما تشتهي فتاة رجل ... ملأ تفكيري فأصبح كل ما فيه هو كيف أجعله ينيكني؟ خاصة في الليل وأنا أنام قرب هذا الجسد القوي وهو يدفئ خدودي بأنفاسه ويضمني بقوة كأنني أمه ... زوجي ...وهكذا نظرت إليه وهو نائم وخاطبته: آسفة أريد حبيبا إضافيا ولا غنى لي عنك ولا عنه ... سأتركه ينيكني ويقاسمك في ... سأرتاح جنسيا معه كما أرتاح معك ... سأجعله يروي عطشي الجنسي بمساعدتك .. بكما معا أروي وأشبع وأسعد، بكما معا أبلغ النجوم .. لي كفان لألمس وأداعب أيرين .. ولي أذنان لتعبث بكل أذن شفتان، ولي عينين لأراكما يا حبيبي الاثنين، ولي ثديان ليتمتع بهما كلا الفمين .. فمك وفمه ..
لم أكد أفتح محلي حتى كانت هي أمامي ... امرأة ناضجة ... حتما إنها مهيأة للنيك ... كان كل شيء يدعوني إليها ... بسمتها ... مشيتها ... تقليبها للملابس الداخلية في محلي ... حركتها بين الخانات التي تعرض الملابس ... انحناءاتها ... كل شيء هو دعوة صريحة لي ... إنه نداء المرأة للرجل ... أعرف أن جسدها هذا المتلوي بين أغراض المحل غير مرتوي جيدا من الجنس .... كانت في ملامح وجهها دعوة لي أن أنيكها.
هي (سوسن):
أعرف أنه ينظر لي ... وأعرف أن نظراته لم تترك تضاريس جسدي الثائر اللا مشبع برغبة الجنس ... كنت أنظر إلى الملابس وتفكيري قد أخذني إلى أن أفكر به ... كيف سينيكني؟
سأترك جسدي له يفعل به ما يريد ... سأمنحك يا والد ضحى جسدي ... سأجعلك تنيكني كما تنيك امرأتك الجميلة وكما ينيكني زوجي الوسيم ... أغمرني نيكا ...
</CORRECTED_TEXT>هاأنا أتيت
لأسلمك جسدي ...
لتنيكني ...
أنا أتيت...
أشبع نزواتي
مؤقتا وأمهد
لتكون زوجي
الإضافي ...
وحدك هذه
المرة ولكن
ستكون على
فراشي وفراش
زوجي ، ستكون
أنت وهو
وأنا بينكما
راقدة عارية
حافية أتلمس
شعر صدرك
وشعر صدره ،
وأعبث في
شعرك وشعره ،
وألثم فمك
وفمه ،
وأتلمس كتفك
وكتفه ،
وأقبل كل شبر
في جسديكما
من قمة الرأس
حتى أخمص
القدم ،
أتلمس ظهرك
وظهره وصدرك
وصدره ويدك
ويده وخدك
وخده ، وأقبل
وجهك ووجهه ،
أيام الزوج
الواحد التي
لم تشبعني ...
قلت له بابتسامة
: هل هناك مكان
أجاب على
الفور وكأنه
ينتظر مني
هذا السؤال:
تفضلي هنا .
وفتح باب
جانبي .. دخلت
وأنا أريد أن
أقول له : هيا
أدخل معي
لتنيكني... إلا
أني خجلت ..
كانت غرفة
صغيرة على
فراش نظيف
وبسيط ... وقد
علقت مرآة
الإنسان وهو
واقف ...
مهيأة للنيك ...
تساءلت: كم
امرأة ناكها
هذا الرجل...
حتما إنهن
كثيرات ....
سأضاف لهن
هذه الساعة ...
سيضيفني إلى
قائمة نسائه ...
سأجعله رجلي
وحدي ... سوف
أنسيه كل
نساء العالم ...
مع نظيره في
زوجي القوي ...
آه يا ضحى
لماذا لم
تعرفيني على
والدك قبل
هذه الأيام ؟
ذهبت ألغير
التي أريد
لقياسها على
جسدي ... نزعت
الثوب الذي
أريد شرائه ...
لدعوته صحت
بأدب: أستاذ
إن سوستة
الثوب لا
تعمل ممكن أن
دخل ... يا لها
من لحظات ...
دخل من
سأسلمه جسدي ...
ووقف وراءي ...
كانت أنفاسه
أنفاس من
يريد أن ينيك ...
نقلت لي
شبقه الحار
لي ...
قال لي :
انحني قليلا
السوستة ...
كان أفضل طلب
طلبه رجل مني ... طلب مني أن
أنحني قليلا
السوستة ...
كنت أنتظر
هذا الطلب ...
انحنيت أكثر
من اللازم
بحيث كانت
طيزي قد
أصبحت بين
فخذيه ...
أحسست بذلك ...
وأحس هو بذلك
بحيث تحرك
مارده الذي
كنت أنتظره
من تحت
بنطلونه ...
صحت به في
قرارة نفسي:
تقدم أكثر ...
وكأنه قد
أفكاره مع
أفكاري ...تقدمت نحوي
فأحسست أن
أيره الذي
انتصابه قد
سد فتحة طيزي
من خلف الثوب
.... تحركت حركة
بسيطة فنزل
أيره إلى ما
بين فخذي
وأصبح على
فتحة كسي
الحامي ... كان
هو يتعمد
التأخير في
قفل السوستة ...
عندها دفعت
طيزي إليه ...
لم أتحمل
التأخير ...
فما كان منه
إلا أن
لافا إياهما
حول بطني ... لم
أقل شيئا ولم
يقل هو أي
كلمة ...
سحبني إليه
ثم حملني
ومددني على
أنا متأكد
أنها ناديتني
لأنيكها ...
دخلت ... قررت
أن أتأخر في
غلق السوستة
استجابتها ...
وأنا أحاول
غلق السوستة
دفعت بطيزها
إلى وسط فخذي ..
ثم تحرك
طيزها حركة
بسيطة أشعلت
الشهوة في
جسدي ... راح
المنتصب بين
بالقرب من
كسها ... عندها
لم أصبر
فطوقت بطنها
بساعدي ...
ومددتها على
الراوي :
وأخذ يجوس
بلحم جسدها
البض النابض
بالشهوة ...
يتحسس مواضع
إثارتها ...
أنفاسه تنفث
واللذة على
جسدها... كانت
شفتاه قد
تعرفتا على
فذهبتا في
قبلة عميقة .
فيما تحسست
يده اليسرى
جيدا... حرك
أصابعه على
بظرها بشكل
مما جعلها
مخدرة بلذة
الجنس ...
وراحت تتأوه
آه آه آه آ ...
ولا يعرفان
كيف أصبحا
عاريين ... كان
أيره مفاجأة
لها... كان
كبيرا ...
وحسدت نفسها
عليه ...
فزادها ذلك
وراحت تمرر
يدها عليه ...
داعبته ....
وبدون شعور
منها سوى
شعور من تريد
أن تتلذذ
راحت تدخله
في فمها
وتمصه ... وكان
هو مستمرا في
مداعبتها ...
ثم سكنت
حركته وراح
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآزاد من سرعة
مما جعلها
تتخدر من شدة
النيك الذي
يماثل نيك
زوجها لها
كأنهما توأم
متماثل ...
وكانت هي
تتمنى أن لا
تنتهي هذه
التي جعلتها
تصل إلى
النشوة عدة
مرات ... فراحت
تحثه على
المزيد من
النيك وهي
تقول: نيكني ..
نيكني .. حلو ..
حلو .. دخله
كله .. أكثر ..
أكثر ..
وراح هو
التأوه لذة
ونشوة ...
......وعاشا أجمل
والجنسية ...
لقد أنساها
تتزايد منهم
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآه حتى قذف
في كسها الذي
بمائها .
فلما نهض
عنها ، بقيت
كأنها نيكت
نصف نيكة أو
لم تنك ..
إنها بحاجة
من رجلين
مختلفين ،
فزوجها نصف
الباقي من
القمر ،
فبهما معا
وحده يكتمل
القمر ، وإذا
نهض عنها
حبيبها ،
إنها تشبع
بأربع أيدي
وليس بيدين ،
وتشبع بفمين
وليس بفم
واحد ،
بأيرين وليس
بأير واحد ..
فتأكدت من
نظريتها ،
بفكرتها ،
الذي رحب بها
وتعجب من
ورغبتها ،
وأثاره ذلك
منها ، فما
عاد يشتهي
امرأة سواها ..
بالأمر فرفض
بشدة ولكنها
بقيت تلح
عليه ، وملا
كان يحبها ،
قبل الفكرة
وحركت فيه
شهوة إضافية
غريبة ولكن
ولذيذة جدا ..
وتحقق حلمها
ورقدت عارية
حافية بين
الفحلين ،
معا .. وتنهل
هي من
وغزلهما ،
وكلماتهما ،
وتمص أير
وتدلك أير
زوجها ، أو
بيديها ، أو
تلحس فم هذا
وأسنانه أو
تقبل يد ذاك
وتجس عضلاته
لأنفاسه ..تداعب سرة
هذا وتلعق
أذن ذاك ،
حبيبها بين
بينما ينيك
زوجها كسها ،
أو يقبل
حبيبها كسها
، أو يقبل
يديها ويلحس
نهديها ،
ويلحس زوجها
، ويمتزج لبن
داخل كسها ،
أو على
ثدييها ..
ما أسعدها من
يخطبان ودها
لها الرضا ،
ويبذلان لها
كل ما
لإسعادها ،
ومتخصصان في
وروحيا ،
العشرة لها
شموعا ..
ولكن نهى أم
ضحى ، وهي
صاروخ لا يقل
عن الصاروخ
سوسن - ونهى
تعمل موظفة
في شؤون
النظرية - (32
سنة) لاحظت
غياب زوجها
المتكرر عن
محله ،
وتعيينه لمن
ينوب عنه في
المبيعات ،
نعم بقيت
مزدهرة كما
في حضور
زوجها ..
ولكنها -
لتخليه عن
المعتاد -
شعرت بوجود
امرأة أخرى ..
ولكن لم
التيقن من
شعورها حتى
عرفت بالسر
العجيب حين
وقع في يدها
شريط فيديو
في دولاب
زوجها ، يصور
لقاءاته مع
وزوجها ..
فثارت في
وأرادت أن
توا جه زوجها
وتطلب منه
الطلاق ..
ولكنها عادت
وغيرت رأيها
بالإثارة من
الفكرة ..
وقررت أن
تنفذها ولكن
ليس مع زوجها
وزوج حبيبته ..
مشغولان مع
حبيبة القلب ..
بل ستنفذها
مع اثنين من
طلاب الكلية
العشرين من
عمرهما للتو ..
كلهما حيوية
وسامة ..
بينهما أيضا
معها في فراش
واحد .. وتتمتع
.. وتصور
الأول أو
الثاني على
شريط فيديو
تكون بطلته ..
إشمعنى سوسن ..
هي أحسن مني ..
لزوجها ..
وفوقه بوسة ..
وربما تأخذ
زوجها وزوج
سوسن لفة أو
لفتين .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/The female teacher and her student's father.txt |
126,795 | null | Tareq and his gorgeous teacher | طارق
دائما لا
تتوقف مع
متعة الجنس
بدأت قصتي مع
جارتي ناهد
متزوجة منذ
سنتين في
البيت الذي
وعندما أقف
في البلكونة
(الشرفة) كنت
أرى غرفة
نومها كاملة
حيث إنها
تعمل مدرسة
وزوجها لا
أعلم ماذا
يعمل ولكنه
كان كل صباح
يستيقظ يفتح
وكنت أختلس
النظرات إلى
غرفة نومها
حيث إنها ما
زالت نائمة
وهي كانت
دائما تنام
بقميص قصير
جدا وعندما
أنظر إلى
غرفتها أرى
لحمها من
أسفل ووقتها
بأطلع زبري
وأقعد أمارس
(أسرتن) لحد ما
أجيبهم وظل
هذا الوضع ما
يقارب الشهر
ونصف حتى
وقتها خفت
كثيرا من أن
شيئا فكنت
على يقين
بأنها تعرف
أني أراها
ولكن كنت
بحرص أكثر
وفي مرة من
هذه المرات
رأت هي زبي
وهو منتصب
ففزعت ودخلت
بسرعة ولم
أعد ما سبق
ذكره مرة
ثانية وبعد
امتحان نصف
العام كانت
درجاتي في
مادة العلوم
ضعيفة جدا
بحيث إني كنت
أحتاج إلى
تقوية فيها
وهنا كلمتها
لإعطائي درس
وحينها فرحت
جدا وخفت جدا
من أن ترفض
لوالدتي على
ما كنت أفعله
وافقت مع
أنها لا تعطي
وكانت أول
مرة أذهب
إليها في
المقابل لنا .
كانت وحدها
في المنزل هي
وكانت ترتدي
قميص نومها
ومن فوقه روب
قصير فوق
رقبتها فكم
كانت رجلاها
رائعتين ..ساقان
بشكل رائع لا
أقدر على وصف
مهما قلت
الدرس الأول
وأنا شارد
الذهن تماما
في جمال
ساقيها وهما
لاحظت ذلك
قالت لي ركز
في الدرس مش
في رجلياي
وقتها احمر
وجهي وانتهى
الدرس الأول
وكنت سعيدا
لأني رأيت
أرجلها عن
قرب وجاء
موعد الدرس
وهذه المرة
كانت أحلى
بالنسبة إلى
فتى في ال 12
من عمره وكان
هناك ابن
بدأنا كنا
نجلس في غرفة
وكنا نجلس
إلى سريرين
وأخذ ابن
أختها يلعب
من حولنا حتى
تعلق في
وكأنه يعرف
ماذا يفعل
وأخذت يداه
صدرها وكنت
أقول لنفسي
يا ريتني
مكانه وفجأة
وجدت أمامي
صدرا جميلا
جدا عندما
أوقع عنها
هذا الروب
وكانت لا
تلبس سوتيان
وهي جالسة
وعندما رأيت
صدرها ظللت
ناظرا إليه
وظللت على
هذا الوضع
وأنا ناظر
إلى صدرها ما
دقيقتين وما
توقفت عن
النظر إلا
حين فوجئت
بها تضربني
على وجهي
قلما خفيفا
وتقول لي إيه
عجبك ؟
وصعقت من
جرأتها.وبعد ذلك بدرسين جلسنا مرة أخرى في غرفة الأطفال ولكن هذه المرة جلست إلى جواري وعندها وقف زبي بطريقة وبسرعة غريبة جدا وأحسست بحرارة عالية لا أعرف إذا كانت من جسمي ولا من أين وبدأنا وقامت بوضع يديها على زبري بدون أي مقدمات وهي تشرح ولا كأن إيديها على زبري ونظرت إليها وهي ناظرة إلى الكراسة وبتشرح ما قدرتش أتحمل فوضعت يدي على ما بين فخديها فضربتني وعندها قمت لكي أخرج ولكنها أرجعتني لكي نكمل الدرس وعندها وضعت يدها على زبري مرة أخرى ولكن هذه المرة لم أحرك يدي ولكن رجعت بظهري على السرير ونمت وقتها قالت لي ما لك قلت لها ما عدتش قادر قالت لي مش قادر إيه وكل ده وإيديها لسه بتلعب في زبري قلت لها مش قادر أتحمل قالت لي بتوجعك قلت لها لا أبدا بس تعبان شوية وعندما بدأت أرتجف وكانت سريعة مثل البرق في إخراج زبي من موضعه ووضعه داخل فمها وابتلعت كل ما نزل منه فعجبها ولم ينم زبي فقالت لي أنا هاديك درس في الأحياء هاتحبه بس ما حدش يعرف أوكيه قلت لها لا وأنا خايف ليه ما أعرفش مع إن لما كان زبي في بقها كان شعور جميل وما إن سمعت كلامي حتى انقضت علي كالوحش الجائع الذي قد حصل على فريسة وركبتني في وضع الفارسة وأخذت تحك كسها بزبي وتبوس فيا وبدأ الخوف يروح تدريجيا بدأت أستمتع بما يحصل وهي تتألم ولا أعرف ما السبب وكانت الأصوات التي تصدرها تزيد من هياجي وهي تقول آه آه آه آه آه آه ممممممممم وظلت تتحرك فوق زبي وأحسست بأن زبي مبلل من كسها وكأنها تبول علي وعندما ارتعش جسمي مرة ثانية قامت بسرعة وجلست أمام زبي وأخذت مني على صدرها وفي بقها وكانت تبلع كل ما نزل منه ووجدت أكله لم أذوقه في حياتي من قبل وهجمت على كسها كالوحش أمصه وألحسه وحتى كنت أعضه بعض الأحيان فكان صوت أنينها وتألمها يزيدني هياجا وبعد ما يقارب النصف ساعة وهي تتلوى وقد ارتعشت مرتين وتقول دخله بقى يا ابن الكلب وكلما كانت تشتم كنت أقوم بعض كسها أو حلمات بزها المنتفخ فوصلت إلى مرحلة من النشوة لم أصل إليها من قبل ونسيت أنها متزوجة و أنها مدرستي الجميلة فأخذت أشتمها يا متناكة يا شرموطة عاملة إيه دلوقتي يا بنت المتناكة ترد تعبانة دخله بقى وقمت وقفت وبدأت أحركه على كسها وهي تقول حرام عليك خلاص مش قادرة وأخذت أطحنه وأطلعه بسرعة شديدة مما أدى بها إلى إنزال آخر وفي هذا الوقت كنت أنزل معها في كسها وكان لبني يغرق مهبلها وأنا في كامل لذتي بنيك مدرستي الجميلة والقذف في كسها وأخذت وقتا بعد انتهائنا وبقيت جاثما عليها مغمدا أيري في أعماقها وأخذت أقبلها أغمر وجهها وشفتيها بالقبلات وأنهضتها وضممتها بالحضن تلو الحضن وكنت أحب تقبيلها واحتضانها وأخذت أقول لها أنا ولا جوزك ؟ وردت وقالت ده خول كس أمه ده زي أختي ..
AUTHOR: Tareqما
مخلفين إلا
عيل واحد بس
وبقينا على
الوضع ده
لمدة سنتين
كل يوم
الدرس وآخد
منها فلوس
كمان بعد ما
كانت هيا
إنها تقول
لأمى أنا
بقيت أهددها
إني ممكن
أفضحها فى
الشارع. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Tareq and his gorgeous teacher.txt |
126,703 | null | My brother's wife Nargis and her married girlfriend Himmat | عندي زوجة أخ جميلة بمعنى الكلمة منذ أن دخلت منزلنا ومن النظرة الأولى أحسست بشيء غريب يربطني بها ومنذ ذلك الحين وأنا أتخيلها في نومي وفي الحمام ودائما" في بالي لما أتى اليوم اللي كان فيه زوجها خارج المنزل وبصراحة كان مسافر إلى دولة خليجية للسياحة وكنت أنا في تلك الفترة قد كذبت عليها وقلت لها أني حلمت بها ذات يوم أني عاشرتها وهي تفاعلت مع القصة وأنا أكلمها على الهاتف وهي تطلب مني أحكي كل شي بالتفصيل لما وصلت بالكلام عن المعاشرة قالت لي تكلم بدون رسميات خليك فري كأني حبيبتك وقلت لها حاضر وقالت انت بتحب الجنس ؟ قلت لها موت قالت أنا أكثر منك قلت هل نجرب من فينا أكثر قالت أوي بس لما يسافر أخوك .وَلَمَّا ذَهَبَ زَوْجُهَا ذَهَبَتْ لَهَا يَوْمَ ثَانٍ وَطَلَبَتْ أَنْ أَنَامَ مَعَهَا فَوَافَقْتُ وَكَانَتْ خَائِفَةً جِدًّا. وَلَمَّا دَخَلْتُ عَلَيْهَا كَانَتْ بِاللِّبَاسِ الْعَادِيِّ طَلَبْتُ مِنْهَا أَنْ تَذْهَبَ لِتَرْتَدِيَ لِي شَيْئًا مُثِيرًا وَبِالْفِعْلِ جَاءَتْ وَآه مِنْ مَجِيئِهَا وَطَلَبَتْ مِنِّي أَنْ نَذْهَبَ وَنَسْتَحِمَّ. قُلْتُ لَهَا أُوكَيْ ذَهَبْنَا وَاسْتَحْمَيْنَا وَانْتَهَيْنَا مِنَ الْحَمَّام. وَبِدُونِ مُقَدِّمَاتٍ حَمَلْتُهَا وَرَمَيْتُهَا عَلَى سَرِيرِ الْأَحْلَام. وَأَنَا وَهِيَ بِدُونِ مَلَابِسٍ وَارْتَمَيْتُ عَلَيْهَا مِثْلَ الصَّقْرِ وَمَصَيْتُ شَفَاتِيهَا مَصًّا لَمْ تَرَهُ مِنْ قَبْلُ حَتَّى انْتَفَخَتْ شَفَاتِيهَا. وَعِنْدَ ذَلِكَ اتَّجَهْتُ إِلَى خَدَّيْهَا وَرَقَبَتِهَا وَلَمْ أَمُرَّ عَلَى مَكَانٍ فِي جَسَدِهَا الْجَمِيلِ إِلَّا وَمَصَيْتُهُ لَهَا. وَيَا مَحْلَاهُ مِنْ جَسَدِ شَعْرٍ طَوِيلٍ وَالْعُيُونِ وَاسِعَةٍ وَالْأَنْفِ طَوِيلٍ وَالصَّدْرِ كَبِيرٍ كَأَنَّهُ مَانْجُو بَاكِسْتَانِيٍّ وَالْخَصْرِ مُفَصَّلٍ وَالطَّيْزِ مُدَوَّرٍ وَجَمِيلٍ وَرَهِيبٍ يَلْفِتُ الْأَنْظَارَ وَالسَّاقَانِ جَمِيلَتَانِ مُمْتَلِئَتَانِ وَهِيَ مُتَوَسِّطَةُ الطُّولِ مِثْلَ الْبَلْطِيَّةِ. وَأَنَا أَتَصَوَّرُ نَفْسِي فِي حُلْمٍ وَلَا فِي عِلْمٍ. هَا هِيَ الَّتِي كُنْتُ أَحْلُمُ بِهَا طُوَالَ هَذِهِ السِّنِينَ. هَا هِيَ فَرِيسَةٌ أَمَامِي يَا سَلَام. وَبَعْدَ مُدَّةٍ مِنَ الْمَصِّ اقْتَرَبْتُ مِنْ كَسِّهَا الْجَمِيلِ الْأَحْمَرِ الَّذِي مُسْتَحِيلٌ أَنْ يَخْرُجَ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ غَيْرَ الْعَسَلِ الْجَمِيلِ وَكَانَ مَحْلُوقًا قَبْلَ مُدَّةٍ بَسِيطَةٍ فِي الْحَمَّامِ أَمَامِي. وَأَنَا فَضَّلْتُ أَتَمَعَّنَ فِي هَذَا الْكَسِّ الْجَمِيلَ ثَوَانٍ بَسِيطَةٍ حَتَّى اقْتَرَبْتُ مِنْهُ وَهِيَ اهْتَزَّتْ مِنْ اقْتِرَابِي لِهَذَا الْمَكَانِ وَلَحَسْتُهُ أَوَّلَ لَحْظَةٍ هَزَزْتُهَا بِكُلِّ مَا فِيهَا وَبَعْدَهَا الْتَهَمْتُهُ كُلَّهُ فِي فَمِي وَجَلَسْتُ أَمُصُّ فِيهِ حَوَالَيْ نِصْفِ سَاعَةٍ حَتَّى قَرُبْتُ أَنْ أَنْزِلَ وَأَخْرَجْتُهُ مِنْ فَمِهَا وَقُلْتُ لَهَا حَانَ وَقْتُ الْجَدِّ هَيَّا. وَانْقَلَبَتْ عَلَى ظَهْرِهَا وَأَمْسَكْتُ بِزَبِّي وَأَدْخَلْتُهُ فِي كَسِّهَا حَتَّى دَخَلَ كُلُّهُ وَهِيَ تَصْرُخُ مِنَ الشَّهْوَةِ وَالْفَرَحَةِ بِدُونِ أَلَمٍ وَأَنَا بَادَلْتُهَا نَفْسَ الشَّعُورِ وَفَضَّلْتُ أُدْخِلَ زَبِّي وَأُخْرِجَهُ مِنْ كَسِّهَا الْجَمِيلِ حَتَّى قَرُبْتُ أَنْ أَنْزِلَ وَأَخْرَجْتُهُ وَقَلَّبْتُهَا عَلَى بَطْنِهَا وَأَرَدْتُ أَنْ أُدْخِلَهُ فِي كَسِّهَا مِنْ وَرَاءٍ وَكَانَ كَبِيرًا عَلَى كَسِّهَا الصَّغِنُونِ الضَّيِّقِ وَبِالْفِعْلِ أَدْخَلْتُهُ وَأَخَذْتُ أُنِيكُهَا وَبَطْنَهَا وَبَدَنَهَا كُلُّهُ مُلْتَصِقًا بِالْفِرَاشِ فِي وَضْعِ الْكَلْبِ الْكَسُولِ حَتَّى قَذَفْتُ فِي أَعْمَاقِهَا غَزِيرًا وَفِيرًا وَأَخْرَجْتُ قَضِيبِي وَبِدُونِ شُعُورٍ لَمْ أَحْسِسْ إِلَّا وَيَدٌ تُمْسِكُ زَبِّي بِقُوَّةٍ بِدُونِ عِلْمِي وَبِخَوْفٍ مِنِّي مَاذَا رَأَيْتُ؟ رَأَيْتُ خِيَالَ بِنْتٍ أُخْرَى تُدَلِّكُ زَبِّي فِي كَسِّهَا وَأَنَا أَسْأَلُ مِنْ هَذِهِ لِأَنَّ النُّورَ مُطْفَأٌ فِي الْغُرْفَةِ وَالْجَوُّ رُومَانْسِيٌّ وَلَمْ أَسْأَلْ مِنْ أَنْتِ لِأَنِّي كُنْتُ فِي قِمَّةِ شَهْوَتِي وَبَقِيَ أَيْرِي مُنْتَصِبًا وَإِذَا بِهَا تَقُولُ لِي: أَنْتَ مَجْنُونٌ مَجْنُونٌ مَجْنُونٌ...
AUTHOR: Womenloverمن هذه
اللحظة سميت
نفسي مجنون
جنس . المهم
فضلت أفكر من
هذه البنت
اللي كسها
كان ضيق أضيق
من طيزها رغم
إنى ما انكتش
طيزها بس
أهوه تشبيه
وبعد مدة كان
الشعور جميل
بيننا وفضلت
أفكر ولكن
سرعان ما
وهجمت على
وجهها وفضلت
أمص شفايفها
وبدون ما
وفضلت أدخل
زبي في كسها
وأخرجه وأنا
أسمع الأنين
منها ومن
زوجة أخي آه
آه آه آه آه آه
آه آه آه آه آه
آه آه آه آه آه
آه آه آه آه آه
آه آه آه آه آه
وأنا في
وإذا بزوجة
أخي تمسك زبي
وتخرجه من كس
وتدخله في
المشحون من
أنيكها بقوة
من كسها وهي
تقول ارحمني
زيد من قوة
النيك وأنا
أزيد وحتى
أخرجته وأنا
أبحث في وسط
الدامس أين
الكس الثاني
وإذا بالبنت
ناحية زبي
وأنا في قمة
وفضلت أنيك
من أحببت مرة
زوجة أخي
ومرة البنت
حتى قربت
أنزل فادخرت
مني للبنت
وضممت جسدها
إلي من خلفها
والتحمت بها
تماما وسكنت
حركتي تماما
وكمرتي في
أعمق أعماق
وأخذت أنتفض
وأنا أمنحها
ثمرتي كاملة
وافرة وسكنت
هي في حضني
لفترة ليست
حتى هدأت
الكبرى ثم
سحبت نفسها
مني بلطف
ونهضت هي
وزوجة أخي
معا في حضني
وأنا أذوق فم
الاثنتين كرز
شفاه الأولى
وشليك شفاه
تدغدغ صدري
وإذا بالنور
يضاء ويا
للهول ماذا
رأيت إنها
صديقة زوجة
اللي يامـا
كنت بأحلم
بيها وأتوسل
لزوجة أخي
لكي تعرفني
عليها لكي
أنيكها ولم
أعلم أنهما
سوف تجتمعان
علي في يوم
مثل هذا
الجميل . رقدت
إلي مثل
تداعب قدمي ..
وأنا أتسلى
بمعانقة همت
وتقبيل نرجس ..
ولمس نرجس
ثمار هاتين
يا لهوى على
اللى زى
الشربات. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My brother's wife Nargis and her married girlfriend Himmat.txt |
126,735 | null | null | عندي واحدة ساكنة في البيت بتاعنا اسمها سلوى مشكلتها إنها غاوية سلف وشراء أجهزة كهربائية بالقسط وبيعها بنص تمنها عشان تسدد فلوس الديون القديمة وتبدأ في ديون جديدة.
المهم وصلت ديونها لأمي بس إلى 6000 جنيه.
كانت بتستلف عشان تدفع للمحامين عشان القضايا اللي رافعاها عليها المعارض وكانت ما بتطلعش عند حد غيرنا وبس وملما عرفت بالفلوس اللي عليها لأمي قابلتها برهة وإديتها الفلوس عشان تديها لأمي وأكتب عليها وصل أمانة بالمبلغ لأنها رفضت تكتب الوصل لأمي وهي بتحب الفلوس قوي.
فلما شافت الفلوس وافقت وماضت على الوصل مع اتفاق بيني وبينها إن محدش هيعرف إني إديتها فلوس حتى أمي بدأت أتقرب منها بحجة إني عندي مشاكل ونفسي أتكلم مع حد.
وبدأنا نخرج مع بعض لمدة سنة خروج وبس وكنت بادية ها فلوس عشان تسدد اللي عليها للمعارض وما كنتش بأسألها على الفلوس اللي عندها. وكان اتفاقنا إننا أصحاب وبس وبدأت تشتكي من جوزها إنه بيضربها وكلامها بدأ يتغير معايا.
وفي يوم اتصلت بيا وقالت لي أنا مخنوقة وعاوزة أقابلك. واتقابلنا. قعدت تعيط وتتكلم إن جوزها بيضربها وإننا لو مش في مكان عام كانت ورتني صدرها والضرب اللي عليهم.
خدتها في حضني وراضيتها. وروحت.
لحد ما جالي ألم في ظهري ورحت للدكتور فقال لي عملية الغضروف وكنت داخل على شلل لاقيتها وبدون مقدمات مسكتني وقعدت تبوسني من شفايفي وكانت أول مرة حد يبوسني وقعدت تعيط عليا.
وبعد أربع شهور من العملية وقفت على رجليا تاني وكان أول طلب لي بعته ليها في رسالة هوه إني عاوز أبوسها زي ما باستني.
رفضت وقالت: خايفة البوسة تجر طلبات تانية بدأت أبعد عنها.
اتصلت بيا وسألتني: الفلوس ليها علاقة بالبوسة ؟.
قلت لها: أنا بحبك واتأكدت إنك بتحبيني في المستشفى.قالت لي:
هاقول لك
تقدر يا
حبيبي تؤجر
لنا ولو أوضة
نتقابل فيها
مرة في
الأسبوع ؟
قلت لها: لا
عشان مش
معايا فلوس
بعد العملية.
قالت لي: أنا
أتجوزك. هات
لي شبكة.
ما كدبتش خبر
ورحت أنا وهي
عند الصايغ
دبلة وسلسلة
قلت لها: لا
يوم الدخلة.
وفعلا أمي
خرجت في يوم
وجوزها راح
إديتها رنة،
طلعت، وكانت
لابسة ترنج
الشبكة هههه
بوسة طويلة
قوي. وبدأت
أمسك جسمها
من غير خوف
وحسست على
صدرها وعلى
رقبتها وقمت
من مكاني،
وقلت لها:
يالا ندخل
قالت لي: بس
مش هنعمل
حاجة عشان
لسه مكسوفة.
وعدتها إن
أول مرة مش
هنعمل حاجة.
ودخلنا على
وبدأت أبوس
فيها. وهي
تقول لي: أنا
وقعدت ألحس
فيهم، ومديت
إيدي جوه
أمشيها على
طيزها، ورحت
على كسها.
شدت إيدي
وقالت لي:
هنزل إحنا
قلنا إيه.
المهم نزلت
معايا إن
الجاية دخلة
ويوم الدخلة
اتصلت بيا
الصبح ونزلت
عندها ضلمت
الشقة وقفلت
الباب على
الأوضة اللي
جنبهم، كانت
جلابية بلدى
ساتان سكري
مخططة إنما
رهيبة، راحت
وقالت: من
مفيش كسوف.
لاقيتها ملط
قدامي. رحت
رميتها على
وطلعت فوقها
، وقعدت أنيك
فيها ساعة
ونص من كسها
ومن طيزها.
ومن يومها
وأنا معاها
كل يوم بعد ما
ينزل جوزها
الشغل يعني
كل يوم
الساعة 8.30
تعرفوا إني
وقعدت تحلف
إن جوزها مش
عشان زبه
بسرعة وإن
أنا جامد
عشان لسه
بخيري لأني
أصغر منها
بتسع سنين هي 35
سنة وأنا 26 سنة
. وكانت تزعل
لو قلت ليها
في يوم عندي
شغل. القصة دي
حصلت لي بجد. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Borrowing and fucking.txt |
126,756 | Mahmoud | Bothaina, my German language teacher | عندما كنت في المدرسة الخديوية الثانوية كنت أنظر لمدرسة الألماني بسبب بثينة لكونها جميلة ورقيقة وبالرغم من أنها مطلقة وكان الكلام عليها كثيرا من المدرسين إدانى الشعور بكل ليلة أحلم بأنى أنام معاها وغرقان في العسل ولكن أصحى كل يوم من الحلم وأروح المدرسة وأتكلم معها أغازلها بكلام كله عسل وشعر.
وكانت مبسوطة لأنها كانت رومانسية وجميلة جداااا. كانت لا تزيد وزنها عن 60 كيلوجرام والطول لا يزيد عن 160 سنتيمتر. وكانت رفيعة القوام ورشيقة وبيضاء والصدر والطيز لا هي كبيرة ولا صغيرة. كانت امرأة كما يقول الكتاب. وبعد فترة رحت عشان أقول لها: أنا عاوز آخد درس عندك.
وهي تقول: أنا ما بتديش دروس.
ولكن كنت أقول لها كذبا: أنا مش فاهم حاجة وأنا هاسقط.
وأترجاها وبعد محاولة قالت لى: خلاص أنا هاديك لوحدك ومش هاخد منك فلوس. دا انت زي أخويا الصغير.
قلت لها: دا انتى لو صغيرة أو أنا كبير ماكنتش أسيبك لو طار فيها رقاب.
وبعدين كنت أهزر معاها ولكن كل المدرسين والمدرسات كرهونى عشان أنا ماشى معاها وبس. طز. في حد يعرف القمر ده ويبص على الزبالة دى.
وفى يوم معاد الدرس قالت لى: يالا عشان تاخد الدرس.
فرحت وركبت العربية معاها ورحت لحد بيتها والبيت بتاعها طلع يبعد عن بيتى بشارعين بس. وقلت لها: دا أنا ساكن هنا وأنا ملك المنطقة وأنا ابن المنطقة. كلام الصيع يعنى. والمهم طلعنا فوق للشقة بتاعتها ودخلت في الصالة وقالت لى: اقعد وأنا هاغير جوه.
ولما خرجت كانت البسة روب أبيض ومجسم كل جسمها وكانت جامدة وأنا بابص عليها قالت لى: مالك؟
قلت لها: أنا ما بأشوفش الجمال ده غير في التلفزيون.
فضحكت واعدنا ناخد الدرس وأنا بأفكر فيها ومش مركز خالص ومرة واحدة حطت رجل على رجل وكانت رجليها ناعمة وحلوة وكنت بابص على رجليها وأتنح فقالت لى: انت بتبص على إيه؟
قلت لها: مفيش.قالت لى : لا
انت بتبص على
رجليا .
عاجبينك أوى .
قلت لها :
بصراحة آه .
قالت لى : ما
يغلوش عليك .
قلت لها:
يعنى آخدهم
وأنا مروح .
فضحكت وقالت
: انت شكلك مش
مركز وتعبان .
تعالى لى
الساعة 9
بالليل عشان
انت تريح
وأنا كمان .
و المهم وهى
بتفتح الباب
لزقت فيها من
غير قصد وزبى
كان واقف
فبصت عليه
وضحكت وقالت :
يا حرام ده
انت تعبان
قوى .
قلت لها : آه .
قالت لى : روح
ولا انت
هتبات هنا .
قلت لها : يا
ريت .
بصت وضحكت
وقالت : هو
تلقيح جتت
ولا إيه .
وأنا لما
روحت خلاص
ونمت وضبطت
المنبه على
الساعة 8 ورحت
فى النوم
وأنا بأحلم
إنى بانيكها
وأنام معاها
، ولما صحيت
جهزت ولبست
وأكنى عريس
وزنى وقلت
لنفسى : لا
نيكها لا
اتفضح . ولما
رحت خبطت على
الباب وفتحت
وهى شكلها
كانت نايمة
وقلت لها : صحى
النوم .
فقالت لى : دا
أنا تعبانة
أوى .
قلت لها :
سلامتك إن
شاء الله أنا .
قالت لى : بعد
الشر عنك يا
حبيبى .
قلت لها :
حبيبى ! والله
طالعة من بقك
زى العسل .
وقلت لها :
قولى كمان .
قالت لى : بطل
ويالا .
ودخلت غسلت
وشها وفتحنا
الكتب وجات
قاعدة جمبى
أوى فرحت
وقالت لى :
ياااه دا أنا
تعبانة أوى .
قلت لها : من
إيه ؟
قالت لى :
جسمى مكسر .
ورجعت لورا
وحطت إيدها
على رجلى
ناحية زبى
رحت مسكت
ناحية زبى
وبصت وقالت
لى : إيه ده .
زبك كبير أوى
كده ليه ...........
فتنحت وقلت
لها : آه ه ه ه
ده تعبان قوى .
ورحت مسكتها
من صدرها وهى
قاعدة تبوس
فيا وتمص فى
وتلعب فى
رحت خلعت
الروب وقعدت
أمص فى حلمات
صدرها بجنون
وصدرها وقف
ومسكت راسى
ونزلتها على
كسها فنزلت
وقعدت أمص
وأمص وهى
تغنج : آه ه ه
آه ه ه آه ه ه
آه ه ه .
وتمسك راسى
أوى وبعديين
وقعدت تمص
زبى لحد ما
جبتهم على
صدرها وقالت
لى : يالا نخش
جوه على
السرير .
وجابت فوطة
وقعدت تمسح
زبى وصدرها
وقعدت تمص
تانى لحد ما
وقف وقالت لى :
يالا نكنى .
ونمت عليها
وقعدت أبوس
فيها وأدخل
زبى واحدة
واحدة وهى
بتقول : آه ه ه
آه ه ه آه ه ه
آه ه ه . لا .
دخله كله .دخلتها مرة واحدة وصرخت وقعدت أطلعه كله وأدخله تانى وأدخله وأطلعه تانى لحد ما بقت ملبن وقالت لى: يالله جيبهم فى كسى يالله.
وقعدت تلعب فى كسها وتتلوى وقعدت أنيكها لحد الساعة 3 الفجر.
وقعدت كل يوم أنيكها ولغاية دلوقتى ...... | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Bothaina, my German language teacher.txt |
126,820 | null | Egyptian Azza and the Syrian pleasure. Viva Nile and Barada. | عزة المصرية
ولذة سوريا ..
لقاء النيل
قصة اليوم
(لقاء السحاب
بين النيل
وبردى وبين
ودمشق وبين
الغريّة المصرية
وقمر الدين
السوري) على
صاحبتها عزة.
عزة حسن، من
مواليد برج
بنت متوسطة
نحيفة الجسم.
لها صدر صغير
لحجم جسمها.
فيها الدلال
الطول. وجهها
عادي بس رقيق.
بنت فيها
جاذبية و
أنوثة. خلصت
دبلوم تجارة
وتعيش مع
أسرتها بحي
شعبي. كانت
تجلس بالبيت
وظيفة ولكن
التجارة لا
يأتي بوظيفة
انتظرت في
البيت عدلها
أو ابن
الحلال كما
يقولون. هي
جدا تحلم
والحياة كما
كل بنت
طبيعية. ولا
تعرف من
الجنس شيئا.
لم يكن هناك
حب بحياتها
غريزتها أو
شهوتها. كانت
تحلم أن تجرب
والبوسة مع
زوجها. كانت
دائما تشعر
الجنسية وهي
صغيرة السن
حتى أن
ابتدأت في سن
وكانت تضغط
على كسها
بإيدها لحد
ما تشعر
بالراحة غير
كانت دائما
الأولاد ولا
تلعب إلا مع
البنات وهي
لا تدري
لماذا تخشى
كبرت عزة حتى
بلغت سن
عشرة وكانت
قد أحست
وأحست أن
وأحست أن
ازدادت عن
الأول كثير
شاردة لا
تفكر إلا
بهذه الحفرة
التي تسمى
الكس. كانت
دائما تحس
وتحس إن كسها
وبينبض. تحس
إن صدرها
بيشد وينشف
ونفسها حد
يضغط عليه.
ابتدأت تحس
للنوع الآخر
وتتمنى حتى
ولو أن تكلم
واحد أو حتى
يبتسم ليها
ولكن خوفها
يمنعها من أن
تدع أي شاب
وكانت صبورة
على جسمها
أصبحت عزة
أصبحت عزة لا
تعرف سوى أن
هناك شئ
بيتحكم فيها.كانت بالمدرسة تسمع كلاما عن العلاقات الرومانسية والجنسية وكل بنت بالمدرسة تقول خبراتها وكل بنت تقول رأيها وآه من المراهقات وكلامهم يتعب ويحرك المشاعر بس كانت صبورة على أحاسيسها الجنسية وتبتعد عن أي مؤثرات قد تأخذها لبعيد.
وكن عزة كانت تسمع فقط وكانت غريزتها تتحرك فقط داخليا ولا تظهر شهوتها أمام أي بنت ولكنها عندما تنفرد بنفسها كانت تظهر جميع عواطفها مع نفسها بالضغط على صدرها وكسها باليد ودي كانت فقط شهوتها وكانت أيضا بتضغط برجليها على كسها.
خرجت عزة من المدرسة المتوسطة وحصلت على دبلوم تجارة ولكن دبلوم التجارة الآن لا يأتي بوظيفة محترمة يا إما بائعة بمحل أو أشياء أخرى بسيطة. كانت عزة قد حصلت على عمل كبائعة بمحل ملابس بوسط البلد. وكانت تركب المواصلات من بيتها في عزبة النخل وهي منطقه معروفة بالقاهرة. وفي كل يوم كانت بزحام المواصلات تتعرض لتحرشات جنسية تجعلها تفقد صوابها وكانت صبورة لا تستجيب لشهوة أي رجل يلتصق بيها أو يلمس جنبها أو طيزها بإيده. كانت صبورة وتحاول أن تتناسى شهوتها مع أن شهوتها نار وكسها فرن نار. فقط عندما تدخل سريرها كان كل ما يحصل لها بالي وم يمر أمام عيونها كشريط سينمائي وتبدأ بالضغط على كسها وصدرها ولا تلمس كسها تحت ملابس نومها. وبعد صبر تشعر بالنشوة وبأن حممها قد قذفت للخارج كانت صبورة جدا وتنتظر حلالها وزوج المستقبل اللي قد يشبع عواطفها وشهوتها.
اضطرت عزة لترك الشغل نظرا لما تقابله يوميا من احتكاكات جنسية بالمواصلات وكذلك من صاحب محل الملابس اللي دائما يتحرش بيها ويريد أن يقبلها ويحضنها بمخزن المحل وهي تدفعه وتجري وتقاوم شهوتها وتصبر على كل غريزتها كانت تتعذب كتير.
في يوم صيفي حار جدا دق باب بيتها العريس المنتظر. طلع مدرس الإنجليزي اللي بيعمل في سوريا من خمس سنوات .كان طلع بيبحث عن بنت بطبيعة عزة الهادئة الطيبة .كان طلع بنظر أهلها العريس اللقطة الجاهز من مجاميعه البيت والشقة وعربية جمرك نويبع وحساب بالبنك.كان إمكانياته المادية تسبقه وتسبق شخصيته ورجولته. لم تفكر عزة إلا أولا بالإمكانيات المادية وكمان أخيرا الحلال اللي ح يشبع غريزتها وقد عميت أعينهم عن أشياء أخرى. كانت أيام الخطوبة معدودة، العريس الجاهز والشقة الجاهزة فقط شنطة ملابسها. كانت أسعد بنت في الدنيا خلاص بعد صبر سوف يأخذها العريس المنتظر ويشبع رغباتها الجسدية.
تم الزواج في ظرف شهر نظرا لاستعجال العريس الزفاف حيث أجازته القصيرة وارتباطه بإحدى المدارس الحكومية السورية.
تم الزفاف بليلة جميلة بصالة أفراح وكانت تلبس فستان أبيض جميل وكانت تتزين وازدادت رقة على رقتها وجمال على جمالها فقد كانت ليلة عمرها. كانت تجلس بجانب عريسها وهي تفكر ماذا سوف يحدث عندما ينفرد بها عريسها. كانت مرعوبة وخاصة من أول بداية الجنس وفك غشاء بكارتها. فقط خائفة من الألم. المهم تم زفاف العروسين إلى غرفة بفندق كبير بوسط البلد.
كان السعادة والخوف يسبقان قدميها إلى غرفة الزفاف.
ودخلت إلى الغرفة وكان طلعت مدرس إنجليزي لم يأخذ من الثقافة شيئا سوى تعليم اللغة وكان شرقيا جدا. كان هم طلعت مع عزة هو إثبات رجولته غير المكتملة. مسكها وباسها وشد الطرحة بتاعتها وأخذها بحضنه والركوب عليها وعزة مثل الحمل الودبع قد خدرت من أول لمسة لجسمها فكانت صابرة طيلة حياتها انتظارا للحظة اللي تحس فيها بأنوثتها ورغباتها وشهواتها. كانت عزة تسبح ببحر عسل الشهوة وأحست أن كسها شلال إفرازات ساخنة وأحست بأن يد طلعت تعبث بكسها وأحست بشهوة جميلة مليئة بالخوف من المنتظر.
وهنا طلب طلعت منها أن تخلع فستانها، قالت له في خجل: اطفي النور أو انتظرني لحد ما أغير ملابسي.
المهم دخلت الحمام وخرجت منه وهي ماسكة فستان الفرح في إيدها ولابسة قميص نوم أبيض مثير مفتوح من الجانب وماسك على وسطها وتحته حمالة صدر بيضاء جميلة رقيقة وتحت القميص كولوت أبيض رقيق على قد كسها فقط ومن ورا شفاف ناعم.
شاف كده هاج
عليها وكان
قد لبس
وزبره اندفع
إلى الأمام
من منظر
أنوثة وشهوة
مال طلعت على
عزة وأخذها
في حضنه
وابتدأ بلمس
صدرها وهنا
حلمات صدرها
للأمام وقوي
صدرها مثل
الحجر . وأحست
أن كسها
بيفتح ويقفل
وأن شفرات
كسها مفتوحة
زي البير
محتاجة شئ
يدخل فيه أخ
وأخ من إحساس
ممتع زي ده
لعزة . ولأول
مرة لا تعيش
مع خيالها
ولكنها تعيش
مع رجل حقيقي
وبنفس الوقت
المهم أخذ
ومص شفايفها
وأخذ طلعت
قميص النوم
وعمل ماساج
لكس عزة ودخل
إيده من تحت
وأحس طلعت
برعشة جسم
عزة وأحست
عزة بيد طلعت
تعبث بكسها
وأحس طلعت أن
كس عزة ملئ
والساخنة ....
وهنا نزل
ورأى كسها
نظيف تماما ...
وهنا نزع
حمالة الصدر
وأمسك صدرها
وأمسك حلمات
وكانت وردية
للخارج وهنا
هاج طلعت
ورفع رجل عزة
ودفع زبره
للداخل وهنا
أطلقت عزة
صرخة ودخت
من ألم الزبر
الغشاء وهنا
قذف طلعت
حممه بداخل
كس عزة وهدي
طلعت من
الشهوة ونام
على ظهره
وراح في نوم
عميق وقامت
عزة من
السرير وهي
تحاول تمسح
نتيجة فتح
البكارة وهي
تنظر إلى
طلعت زوجها
وهو نايم
جنبها وراح
في نوم عميق
بعد ما أنهى
راحت عزة في
سبات عميق من
الألم وتعب
يوم الفرح
ولم تدري
بنفسها إلا
في الصباح
وأن طلعت
بيحاول ضمها
إلى صدره
شهوته وكانت
ونفسها تأخد
قسط أكتر من
الراحة. فقط
وضع طلعت
صباعه في وسط
كسها وهنا
أحست عزة
وأحست إن
وأحست انه
ليس عنده صبر
فقط رفع
رجلها على
كتفه ودخل
زبره بكسها
سريعتين فقط
لم تستمر سوى
دقيقة أحست
بشئ ساخن
لذيذ يملأ
كسها بس في
نفس الوقت لم
تشعر هي
فقط أحست
العادية .....
نام طلعت على
ظهره وهي
أحست بشئ من
العصبية ....
وناملت وراحت
بالنوم ولم
تدري سوى
يباركوا لها
بالصباحية .وفي اليوم التالي سافر العروسان إلى شرم الشيخ . وهنا كان طلعت أكثر رومانسية وعودتها على اللمسات والقبلات وكانت من آن لآخر تحس بالنشوة والرعشة بس كانت تحس بأنوثتها من يد طلعت وأحست بمتعة غريبة . كانت تلبس قمصان النوم المختارة بعناية وألوانها الغريبة .
تعودت عزة على مداعبات وأحضان زوجها وكانت تصبر على أشياء منها عدم الإحساس بالنشوة الكاملة . كانت تصبر وتصبر على زوجها الأناني . كانت تحس إنها عاوزة أكثر عاوزة إشباع أكثر وهو يأخذ مزاجه ويروح في نوم عميق . فقط كان الزواج بنظرة هو الأكل والشرب وإنه يجيب داخل كس زوجته . كانت صبورة جدا وأحست بهيجان أكثر . مسكينة عزة مع شهوتها ورغباتها وجسمها الساخن الدافئ .
سافر طلعت بعد شهر العسل عائدا بسيارته إلى سوريا ليقوم بعمل الإقامة لزوجته . مرت الأيام على عزة ببطء جدا وأحست كل يوم بالشهوة تزداد أكثر وأكثر وأحست أنها نفسها في زوجها البعيد عنها وكانت صابرة . أحست عزة بالشوق والحرمان وأحست بأنوثتها تتحرك أكثر من الأول . وكانت من آن لآخر تذهب لبيتها وتمسك بيجامة زوجها وتأخذها في حضنها وتنام بيها على السرير . وكانت تقلع ملابسها وتلبس بيجامة زوجها وتحس فيها بالشهوة . كانت شهوتها رهيبة وكل يوم تزداد . وكانت صابرة على بعد زوجها . كانت عزة تنتظر مكالمات زوجها كل أسبوع ويقول لها : لسه الورق ما خلصش .
المهم في يوم كانت ذاهبة لشقتها وهنا انتظرت الأسانسير وجاء جير&#دخلت شقتها
ووضعت يديها
على كسها
وأخذت ولأول
مرة بتدليك
كسها وهي
تفتكر هذا
الجار اللي
وضع يده على
كسها وأحست
بأن الشهوة
تنطلق من
كسها وأحست
براحة ورجعت
للبيت وهي
تنتظر في كل
يوم خبرا من
والسفر له.
ومرت أربعة
شهور ولم
تسمع عن
زوجها شيئا
بس كانت
صابرة على
وعايشة أمل
أن تسافر
في يوم كانت
عزة راكبة
وأحست أن
الشاب اللي
بجانبها يضع
كوعه على
صدرها وهنا
أحست أن يد
ابتدأت تعبث
وابتدأت تحس
ولكنها قفزت
وجرت على
نومها وهي
رهيبة رهيبة
وضغطت على
كسها وأفرزت
مرت الأيام
عليها بطيئة
وصلت لستة
شهور وهي
صابرة على
زوجها حرك
وسافر. وهو
مشغول بشغله
إلى جنيهات.
المهم ذهبت
عزة لمحل
لتعلم مبادئ
وإشغال وقت
فراغها. وكان
مشرف المحل
شاب شكله
ظريف ولطيف
ولبق وعنده
معقولة عن
تسأل الشاب
والشاب من آن
لآخر يجلس
بجانبها وفي
بعض الأحيان
لثواني فخذ
الشاب أو كتف
جسمها وكانت
تحس برعشة
تهز كيانها
ولكنها كانت
تبعد وتحاول
أن تتناسى
شهوتها كانت
صابرة على كل
في يوم طلبت
من الشاب أن
يعلمها شيئا
فطلب منها أن
تأتي بفترة
الظهر لأن
ساعتها ما
بيكونش فيه
حد غيرها قفل
الشاب المحل
وابتدا يشرح
لها وهي تحس
وأحست إن جسم
الشاب كل
شوية يلتصق
بيها كانت
شوية وتفتكر
ثم تبعد كانت
والصبر وهنا
أحست إن
الشاب بيحط
إيده على
فخدها وأحست
إن كسها
بيرتعش.استجابت عزة
لید الشاب
وهنا مال
الشاب علیها
وهنا انتفضت
عزة من
وقالت للشاب:
لا أنا ست
وقاومت شهوة
الشاب وعادت
البیت وهي
تبكي لفراق
متعة وحب
ودفء الزوج.
وفجأة رن جرس
وإذا بزوجها
یزف الخبر
أنه سیأتي
لها لقضاء
إجازة الصیف
لسفرها إلى
والعیش معه.
حضر طلعت
وأخذها من
المطار إلى
شقتهم ودخل
الشقة وفتح
ولكنها كانت
ترید شیئا
أهم من
الهدایا ،
كانت ترید
أحست أخیرا
بعد معاناة
عشرة شهور
على فراق
وبعد محاربة
الرجال في
جسمها وبعد
ابتدأ طلعت
والجنس غیر
الكامل فقد
كانت فقط تحس
وكان شغله في
كسها لا
یتعدى دقیقة
ویقذف وینام.
كانت صابرة
وفقط تتمتع
من القلیل.
ذهبت عزة إلى
واستقرت مع
زوجها هناك
وأحست أن
الدنیا قد
ابتسمت لها
وهناك كانت
شقتها جمیلة.
كانت في
البدایة تحس
زوجها بها في
الشهر الأول
من العام
وكان زوجها
وكانت دائمة
بالسوق وتحس
الجنسي من
الشباب وفي
الزحام ممكن
تجد شاب
یلمس طیزها
وكانت تشعر
بأن جسمها
ویرتعش. كان
زوجها كل
لیلة فقط
ینام معها
ویضع زبره في
كسها ویفضي
منیه وهي لا
تحس بشيء سوى
أنها تتركه
ینام وتخرج
كانت تحس
ولكنها كانت
وصبورة على
كانت في بعض
تخرج وتجلس
بمفردها وهي
تفكر في
شهوتها وفي
الجنسي الذي
لیس فیه متعة
ولا تحریك
لغریزتها.بدأ زوجها بالدروس الخصوصية. وأحست عزة بالفراغ الشديد . وأحست أن زوجها لا يتواجد طول اليوم بالمنزل لذهابه لبيوت التلاميذ وإعطاء الدروس وأحست أن زوجها يهتم باللايرات أكثر منها . حتى يوم إجازته ينام في البيت ولا يسأل سوى عن الأكل والطبيخ والغسيل . أحست عزة بالفراغ وأنها وسيلة فقط لتلبية شهوات ومطالب زوجها . أحست عزة بالوحدة والحرمان وبكت رهيب.
كانت تخرج معه في كل أول شهر لشراء مستلزمات البيت وكانت دي فسحتها المفضلة الذهاب للجمعيات التعاونية والأسواق الشعبية . بيوم كان السوق الشعبي ملياناً عن آخره وهي تلبس فستان خفيف من حرارة الجو . وكانت تقف أمام أشياء لتختار منها وزوجها مشغول بأشياء أخرى ولم تحس إلا بشاب يقف خلفها وزبره شادد وأحست أن الشاب بيزنق فيها بشدة وأحست بشهوة غريبة من ذلك الزبر اللي يكاد يخترق طيزها وأحست أن زبر الشاب بعد دقيقة يتحرك بحركات متتابعة والشاب يتركها ويمشي بصت للخلف وإذا به شاب وسيم شامي حلبي محروم. أحست عزة بالاشمئزاز من نفسها ومن حياتها وأحست أن زوجها بإهماله لها بيجعلها ضعيفة جدا . أحست أن شهوتها بتزداد وأنها نفسها في متعة أكتر وأكتر . نفسها في الإشباع ، نفسها في المداعبات ، نفسها في القبلات ، نفسها في أشياء محرومة منها ومن حقوقها الشرعية مع زوجها الأناني اللي ما عندوش هم إلا التحويش.
كان بعض طلبة الثانوي يأتون إلى بيت الأستاذ طلعت للدروس الخصوصية وكانت لا تستطيع الخروج من غرفتها وكان يفصل المطبخ وغرفتها عن الصالة ستارة. وبيوم كانت بالمطبخ وزوجها بالدرس بالخارج ومعه 3 طلبة سوريين طبعا: كفاح ونضال وجهاد. كانوا فى غاية الوسامة والبياض واللطف ، وكانت أجسامهم رياضية ، كالقطط السيامية. وفجأة وهي لابسة جلابية بيت قصيرة وخفيفة وإذا هي تتقابل وجها لوجه مع الطالب كفاح وهو ذاهب للحمام وهنا خافت وجرت وخبطت في كفاح وأحست أن الطالب كفاح بيمسكها عفويا وأحست أن جسمها ساخن من مسكة الطالب وقفلت على نفسها ولم تخرج.وبالليل
جلست لوحدها
في غرفة
وزوجها نائم
اللي حدثت
لها وأخذت
بكسها حتي
كانت تبكي من
وتندب حظها
ويجب أن تصبر
لأنه زوجها
ويجب ألا
تعرف أي أحد
غيره . كانت
دائما الصبر
علي شهوتها .
كانت تحارب
برود زوجها .
كانت دائما
تحارب الكبت
والحرمان .
ابتدأت تحس
وعجيبة كلها
غزل ورغبة
جنسية من شاب
أو عدة شبان
وخاصة عندما
يكون زوجها
غير موجود
بتقلقها وفي
نفس الوقت
وأحست إن فيه
حد بيهتم
وابتدأت ترد
ما عادتش
تقدر تصبر
أكتر من كده.
عزة : آلو .
(بالشامية) :
آلو . أهلين
حبيبتي عزوز .
أخيرا القمر
رد عليا
وعبرني .
عزة : انت
تعرفني .
كفاح : طبعا .
عز المعرفة .
عزة : انت مين
كفاح (ما
بالشامية) :
أنا كفاح
اللي خبطتي
فيه عند
الحمام يا
جميل يا
العسل بشهده
إنت . بحبك
بموت فيكي
وفي تراب
رجليكي يا
حلوة .
وظل يتلو
عليها قصائد
الغزل ،
ومسرورة جدا
بمغازلاته ..
ولكنها ظلت
وتتمنع لكن
دون صد قوي ..
ولكنه كان
لحوحاً وظل
برقة .. ثم قال
بأنه يرغب في
لقائها ..
عزة : أنا ست
متجوزة ..
وجوزي يبقى
بتاعك ..
كفاح : الحب
والقواعد .. إن
كنتي خايفة
نتقابل في
بيت صاحبي
نضال .. وما
تخافيش مش
هيكون موجود ..
هيبقى البيت
فاضي علينا
إحنا وبس يا
حلو .. إوعى
تقولي لوهو يرى
الفستان الرائع الذي
كانت ترتديه
حورية من
السماء ، بل
وأيضا امرأة
شهية وأنثى
ملتهبة ،
صاروخ أرض - جو
.. وقال لها
وهو يشغل
أغنية جميلة
راقصة : تسمحي
لي بالرقصة
دي يا عزوز .
ومد يده
إليها ،
فرفعت يدها
إليه ، ولف
ذراعه حول
خصرها ، وبدأ
يرقصان على
الحلوة ..
وضمها إليه
بلطف ، وغمر
والرومانسي ة
والغزل ..
فذابت بين
كالشيكولاتة المنصهرة ،
ودخلت في
عالم خيالي ..
وكانت لمسات
وضمات يده
لخصرها وقرب
أنفاسه من
وجهها ،
وقلبه يدق
فوق قلبها ،
وصدره يحتضن
صدرها ..
ووجدته بعد
قليل يحملها
بين ذراعيه
ويتجه إلى
غرفة النوم
ويخلع عنها
ببطء وهو لا
يكف عن غمر
بالقبلات ،
الكلمات ..
وجردها من
ثيابها حتى
أصبحت عارية
مستلقية في
على الفراش ..
حينئذ بدأ
يخلع ملابسه
ببطء أيضا
وهو يبتسم
لها .. ويداعب
الكاعبين ..
ليداعب كسها ..
حتى صار
عاريا حافيا
وكان زبه
جميلا أكبر
من زب زوجها
ورفع رجليها
عاليا وبدأ
يحرك رأس زبه
على كسها حتى
قالت له : دخله
مش قادرة
إمممممممممم ..
وبدأ الفتى
السوري كفاح
يدخل زبه في
كس حبيبته
وتوأم روحه
المصرية الفاتنة عزة
، يدخله
قليلا قليلا
، حتى ارتطمت
ببشرة عزة ،
وشهقت عزة
وزب كفاح
يملأ جنبات
ويشبع جوعها
الطويل .. ولفت
ذراعيها حول
ظهره تضمه
إليها بقوة
أكثر ، وتقول :
نهديها ..
ويهبط بوجهه
إلى وجهها
يمتص شفتيها
بنهم وجوع ..
وبعد ساعة
كاملة من
اللذيذ ، صاح :
هانزل !
قالت : نزل في
كسي يا روح
قلبي !
طوقت عزة ظهر
وذراعيها ،
وانتفض كفاح
، وأحست عزة
اللذيذ يغرق
مهبلها ،
ويمتع كسها ..
وضمته إليها
أكثر ، وظل
يقذف لبنه في
كسها خمس
دقائق كاملة
حتى أفرغ ما
عنده ، ورقد
فوقها ،
وراحا في
سبات عميق
لنحو ساعة .
نهضت بعدها
عزة من تحته
وقبلته وهو
وتمسك بها
وقال : إلى أين
أنت ذاهبة ؟
قالت : إلى
بيتي . لقد
تأخرت . لابد
أن أعود قبل
مجيء زوجي
طلعت .
قال كفاح
متبرما : حسنا .
وإن كنت أود
لو تبقين معي
للأبد .
قبلته من
وحذاءها ..
وضمته ..
وانصرفت ..
علاقة عزة
بكفاح لعدة
شهور تالية ،
في بيت نضال
الذي يحيا
وحده بعد
وفاة والديه
وزواج أخته ،
حتى جاء يوم -
سافر فيه
طلعت إلى
حماة في
وسيمضي هناك
ثلاثة أيام -
دعاها فيه
كفاح للقاء
في الكازينو
هي وأصدقاءه
نضال وجهاد ،
وذهبت عزة ،
الأربعة معا
في مواضيع
عامة ،
وأسئلة عامة
، ثم قرر كفاح
الحوار في
بيت نضال ،
واصطحب عزة
وصديقيه ،
والضحك وعزم
نضال الجميع
على عدة كؤوس
من الويسكي ،
وشربوا نخب
الصداقة ..
جميعا في
الشراب .. ولم
تدر عزة
بنفسها إلا
في ال&#عادت
وتذكرت ما
جرى ليلة أمس
، في لمحات
وخاطفة ، في
تلك الليلة
الحمراء ،
وهي تخلع
والكلمات ،
على نيكها في
كسها وبين
بزازها ، وهم
يضحكون وهي
تضحك في
نابية ،
جريئة ،
أكثر .. كان
شعورا لذيذا
جدا ..
ووجدت عزة
نفسها تنهض
بعدما تذكرت
كل ما جرى
الماضية ،
وجدت نفسها
تنهض إلى
وتقول - ولا
تدري كيف
قالت ذلك - :
نعم أعلم أن
ما حدث ليلة
أمس كان على
غير إرادة
ولا وعي منا ،
وأنكم لم
تقصدوا ذلك
ولا أنا .
إنها آخر مرة
ولن تتكرر .
وأنا أقول
لكم لا بل هي
المرة قبل
الأخيرة .
فيما بينهم ،
وبينهم وبين
عزة ، التي
أضافت : نعم ،
وكنا غير
واعيين .
وأريد منكم
أن نفعلها
لآخر مرة
ونحن واعون
وفي وضح
النهار .. ولكن
أنبهكم أنها
فعلا آخر مرة
، لأن حبيبي
الوحيد هو
كفاح ولا أحد
سواه . فقط
مفاتني مرة
أخرى وأخيرة
مرة أخرى
وأخيرة .. هيا !
وزال خوفهم
وحرجهم ..
ونهضوا ببطء
وأسرعت هي
التي تسترها
عنها فبدت
عارية حافية
أمامهم ..
ونزعت عنهم
التي كانوا
عراة حفاة
تحتها ..
وبدأوا جولة
ممتعة جدا
أخرى وأخيرة
من النيك
اللذيذ ..
وعادت بعدها
لمجاريها ،
وعادت بعدها
علاقة عزة
بكفاح وحده
دون سواه . ولم
يحاول أي من
نضال أو جهاد
أو كفاح أو
عزة خرق
الاتفاق ..
وكانوا نِعم
الأصدقاء ..
وفي يوم بعد
نحو شهرين من
هذه الحادثة
أحست عزة بشيء
غريب وآلام
وعلمت أنها
حامل بأول
طفل . وتساءلت
هل هو طفل
زوجها طلعت ،
أم طفل كفاح
أم طفل جهاد
أم طفل نضال.
تناست كل شيء
الطفل اللي
ممكن يعوضها
عن حب وحنان
زوجها .
الولد وكان
شامي وسيم
أبيضاني جدا
يشبه نضال
بشكل مش
معقول ..
عندئذ اتخذت
عزة قرارها
وتطلقت من
طلعت ،
بكفاح ،
طفلهما ،
وسموه (قصي) ..ثم أتبعتها
وأسموه (تيم) ..
وهدأت وشبعت ..
وأحبت .. وعاشت
بقية حياتها
في سوريا في
بيت دمشقي
جميل ، في
سعادة وهناء
وطمأنينة ،
وكانت أخت
كفاح "سلاف"
الجميلة أعز
صديقة وأخت
لها ، وكذلك
كانت أمها
الطيبة (كندة)
التي تذكرها
بأمها ،
وخالتها (أمية)
والهادئة .. | null | Story of the Day (Meeting the clouds between the Nile and Barada, and between Cairo and Damascus, and between the Egyptian beauty and Qamr al-Din the Syrian) | Authors/Womenlover/Egyptian Azza and the Syrian pleasure. Viva Nile and Barada.txt |
126,699 | null | Young man's experience with a shemale | في أحد الأيام وبينما كنت أتسوق بأحد المراكز التجارية ، لفت نظري سيدة رائعة الجمال ترتدي ملابس مثيرة جدا تظهر أكثر مما تخفي وكان مظهرها مثير للغاية فنهديها الكبيران يكادان يخرجان من سوتياتها وسرتها ظاهرة وأفخاذها الجنسية تغري كل من رآهما وشعرها الأسود الناعم يتدلى على رقبتها.
فأخذت ألاحقها وأنا أتأملها وأمني نفسي بالحصول عليها وقضاء وقت جميل معها وفعلا كنت أتبعها من مكان لآخر حتى أني أدركت أنها انتبهت أن أحدا يتبعها فأخذت تمشي أمامي بطريقة جنسية وتتعمد أن تنحني لتظهر ما تخفيه تحت تنورتها القصيرة حتى سال لعابي من حركاتها فاستجمعت شجاعتي واقتربت منها فنظرت إلي وقالت لي: لماذا تتبعني وماذا تريد مني ؟
فأجبتها على الفور بأني ظننتها إحدى صديقاتي وأعتذرت لإزعاجها وهممت بالابتعاد فاستوقفتني قائلة: أعتقد أنك تكذب علي وذلك للتحدث معي.
فصارحتها بأني فعلا كذبت بسبب أني أعجبت بها وأرغب بالتعرف إليها ودعوتها لتناول القهوة فوافقت وفعلا جلسنا بأحد المقاهي وأخذت أحدثها عن نفسي وتجرأت بحديثي وأخبرتها عن مغامراتي ورغبتي بأن أكون صديقا لها فوافقت وطلبت مني موعدا فأجابت بأنها الليلة متفرغة فأعطيتها عنواني وافترقنا على أن تلتقي بشقتي تلك الليلة.
وذهبت لبيتي وأنا أمني نفسي بلقاء جنسي حميم وسرحت بمخيلتي وأنا أداعب أيري بيدي وأتخيلها بجانبي عارية فأمصمص حلمات بزازها وأداعب زنبور كسها وهي ترضع أيري ثم أركب فوقها وأدخل أيري بأعماق كسها وأنيكها ثم أدخل زبي بطيزها وأستمتع بنياكتها حتى أفرغ حمم أيري كالبركان المنفجر وكل هذا وأنا أتخيلها وألحب أيري.فجأة
استفيق من
عندما شعرت
أني جبت ظهري
بيدي وفضيت
حليب أيري
بخيالي وبعد
أن أخذت
حمامًا منعشًا
أنتظرها على
نار وما هي
إلا لحظات
وإذ بجرس
الباب يرن
ففتحت الباب
ورأيت أمامي
ملاك ساحر
نتردش ومن ثم
كثيرة ومنها
عن الجنس
بين الرجل
والمرأة وعن
وهنا اقتربت
منها وأخذت
وأدخلت يدي
حلماتها وهي
أدخلت يدها
وأخرجت زبي
من مخبئه
ودأعبته حتى
انتصب وأصبح
ونزلت إليه
وتلحس لي
بيضاتي وأنا
بقمة النشوة
للغرفة حيث
وتمددت على
فأخذت تخلع
بدلع وغنج
وكان ضوء
ونزعت لها
ورحت أفرك
حلماتها وهي
مطبقة على
أيري تمصه
وترضعه حتى
بلغ مني
التهيج حده
فمددت يدي
وهنا كانت
فبدلاً من أن
أرى كسًا
رائعًا يليق
بهذا الجسم
وجدت أيرًا
كبيرًا مثل
أيري بل
فذهلت وأنا
أتأمله وكأن
المفاجأة قد
عقدت لساني
فنظرت إليها
فقالت لي
إنها كانت
تريد أن
بذلك ولكنها
لم تقدر
وقالت لي: إذا
كان ذلك
مزعجًا لك
وفعلاً قامت
وقلت لها إني
صدمت ولكن لا
بأس بتجربة
شيء جديد
بزبها وأخذت
سريعًا ورحت
أحلبه وأنا
أتأمله حيث
إن هذه أول
تجربة لي
فنزلت هي إلى
زبي ورحت
وأنا محتار
ماذا أفعل
وبيدي زب
كبير وجميل
فقررت أن
أجرب أن
وفعلاً أخذت
أمرر لساني
عليه وألحسه
وأفرك لها
أيرها بفمي
ورحت أمصه
وأرضعه وكم
كان لذيذًا
بشراهة وهي
ترضع زبي حتى
بلغت مني
الشهوة فقلت
لها إني أريد
أن أجرب أن
فرطبت أيري
وأدخلت أيري
بطيزها وكم
كان منظرها
ممتعا وأنا
بزبها وأنا
أحلبه تارة
وأرضعه تارة
أخرى حتى
أحسست بأنها
تريد أن تجيب
ظهرها (تنزل
لبنها) بيدي
فأخذت أحلب
زبها وأنا
مستعد لكي
أشرب المني
منها وفعلا
أخذت أرضع
أيرها حتى
نزلت حليب
أيرها بفمي
وشربته بنهم
ومتعة ونشوة
ثم عاودت
مضاجعتها من
طيزها حتى
جبت ظهري
(أنزلت لبني)
وفضيت لها
حليب زبي
أنفاسي وكم
ووددتها على
أمل بلقاء
ثان. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Young man's experience with a shemale.txt |
126,709 | null | الأخصائى التدليك وجارة صديقه | في بداية شهر الحرارة والرطوبة شهر أغسطس من العام الحالي .. أخبرني صديق لي أن زوجته أخبرته أن جارتهم تعاني من آلام بالظهر والرقبة وبعد مراجعتها الطبيب أشار عليها بعمل جلسات ماساج للظهر والرقبة ....
ولعلمه بقدرتي ومهارتي بهذه الجلسات والتدليك الاسترخائي والعلاجي فقد طلب مني أن أقوم بعمل تلك الجلسات ، وحيث إنني في إجازة من عملي بالجامعة (لا آخذ فصلا صيفيا) .
وفي مساء اليوم التالي ، دعاني صديقي لقراءة التقارير ومقابلة جارتهم . وفعلا في الساعة الثامنة مساء ، كنت بضيافة صديقي ، وتم استدعاء المرأة. كانت ذات جسم متناسق ، جميلة الملامح ، سمراء البشرة ، ذات بسمة ساحرة ، فأخبرتها أنني سأحضر بعض الكريمات معي في اليوم التالي ، وسأحضر حوالي الساعة الثامنة مساء .... إلا أنها أصرت أن أعمل لها أول جلسة بنفس الليلة وأن لديها الكريمات اللازمة وبإمكانها شراء أي كريم ضروري حيث إن الصيدلية قريبة جدا منها كما أنها ستدفع أي مبلغ أطلبه مقابل تلك الجلسات ....
وبعد إلحاح منها ومن صديقي وافقت أن أعمل لها أول جلسة في نفس اليوم ، فاستأذنت للعودة لبيتها لعمل الجلسة وطلبت مني مرافقتها ، وخرجت معها إلى شقتها .... كانت شقة مريحة وذات تصميم جميل للأثاث وذوق رفيع ....
فجلست أنتظرها لتقوم بعمل حمام ساخن لظهرها ورقبتها ... وعدم تشغيل أي جهاز تبريد بالغرفة التي سأعمل لها المساج بها ... وبعد دقائق حضرت فتاة تطلب مني بكل أدب مرافقتها إلى سيدتها ... دخلت الغرفة وإذا بها ملاك جالس على سرير يلبس قميص نوم أبيض شفاف يظهر شعر المرجان من تحته.
فطلبت منها النوم على صدرها لأتمكن من الوصول إلى ظهرها ورقبتها وطلبت شرشف لأستر بها نصفها الآخر ... وبدأت أحرك كلتا يداي على ظهرها. ما أحلى ملمسها. كانت ناعمة ولا يوجد أي خدش فيها ... وعندما وصلت لرقبتها ولامست أطراف أذنها كنت أسمع آهات مخنوقة.كانت الفتاة جالسة خلال تدليكي للسيدة فأمرتها أن تحضر لي كوبا من القهوة أو أي مشروب آخر أطلبه، إلا أنني اعتذرت عن شرب أي شيء في الوقت الحالي حتى نهاية الجلسة.... إلا أن الفتاة غادرت الغرفة وبقيت أنا والسيدة.... وعند عودة جلدها على أصابعي وضعت كمية من الكريم على رقبتها وظهرها، واضطررت أن أجلس من فوقها حتى أتمكن من القيام بحركات أصابعي بسهولة وكأنني على مقعد بدون ظهر فقالت: ها أنا بين يديك افعل ما تريد....
فجلست القرفصاء فوق ردفيها وبدأت أحرك كل عضلة في رقبتها وظهرها ولم أصل بالقرب من ردفيها (طيزها) إلا أنها أشارت بأن نهاية عمودها الفقري يؤلمها جدا، فنزلت أدلك تلك المنطقة، وهي تحاول إزاحة الشرشف عن طيزها لأصل إلى مكان الألم. يا لها من طيز! إنها رائعة ناعمة ممتلئة... وعندما أقترب من خرم طيزها أسمعها تتأوه وترفع طيزها تلامسني بها، بدأت أشعر بأن المرأة بحاجة لشيء آخر، فسألتها عن زوجها فأفادت بأنها أرملة منذ عشر سنوات ولم تحت بأنها لم تعاشر رجلا منذ ذلك الحين وأنها تكتفي بالسحاق مع الفتاة التي بالشقة.... وأن هذه الفتاة هي مديرة المنزل ولا يوجد أحد غيرهما بالمنزل .....
وعندما انتهيت من تدليك ظهرها ورقبتها أشارت إلى أن فخذيها من الخلف تؤلمانها من كثرة الجلوس وعدم الحركة وطلبت مني تدليكهما... يا لها من امرأة محنكة... وكشفت عنهما كأنهما أمواج البحر وبلون المرجان وأصبحت عارية تماما سوى مما يسمى الكولوت الذي لا يستر حتى خرم طيزها... اشتدت بي الرغبة بممارسة الجنس معها، وما يمنعني صديقي الذي أوصاني بها.....
وبدأت ألامس فخذيها من الخارج ومن الداخل وبدأت تفتحهما مع كل حركة من يدي حتى أصبحت المسافة تقارب نصف المتر بينهما وظهر قليل من كسها اللامع وكأنه كان جاهزا للمداعبة، وكلما اقتربت يداي منه، تحاول أن تضمهما وتمنعهما من الابتعاد.... وعندما شارفت على الانتهاء، فجأة انقلبت على ظهرها، وقالت: هناك شيء لم تدلكه: ثدياي وكسي وبكل صراحة... ألم ترغب بأن أرتاح من آلامي كلها....اقتربت مني
تقبلني وكأن
صادرة عن فرن
وتمص شفتاي ،
القميص ثم
وأنا جالس لا
أتحرك من
الصدمة . لها
صدر يحمل كل
بز فيه أسدا .
ما أجملهما !
وتفاعلت بعد
أن لامست
زبري ،
لأمتص العسل
من ثديها
بأصابعي ،
وشعرت بأن
جسدها يرتجف
عاصفة ،
ويرجوني أن
أنيكها بكل
قوتي لتعوض
الماضية ،
وبدأت ألحس
كل جسدها
وأضرب بظري
بلساني ،
الوسطى تدلك
خرم طيزها ،
دموعها نهرا
يسري على
وكأنها تبكي
على تلك
السنين ،
تزداد ،
وبدأت أداعب
كسها بزبري
كساريةعلم ،
بالدخول ،
ودخل إلى عمق
كسها ، وهي
تصرخ وتطلب
المزيد ، وقد
ثلاث مرات ،
قبل أن أصل
إلى النشوة ،
وحاولت أن
أخرج زبري
ليقذف حممه
خارج كسها ،
إلا أنها
ومنعته من
الخروج ،
وطلبت أن
أقذف في كسها ....
وفعلت ،
وعندما أحست
به صرخت
وتلوت وسكنت
وكأنها في
غيبوبة ..... خفت
أن تكون قد
حصلت لها
مشكلة ... إلا
أنها كانت في
قمة نشوتها ...
فأخرجت زبري
وجلست أداعب
جسدها وإذا
بها تنقلب
على صدرها ،
وتطلب مني أن
أنيكها في
طيزها ، رغم
أنها لم
تمارس النيك
في طيزها من
قبل ، وكنت
الرائعين ،
ثم أقترب من
خرم طيزها
وأمد إصبعي
الفتحة وهي
تتأوه حتى
توسع خرم
طيزها ، ومع
قليل من
الكريم ،
بدأت أضغط
زبري الذي
شبابه حتى
أخذته في
طيزها ، وضمت
خرم طيزها
عليه خائفة
من خروجه حتى
النشوة مرة
أخرى .
إخراجه سمعت
آهات أخرى ،
ولما نظرت
لمصدرها ،
رأيت الفتاة
عارية تماما
وتعبث في
كسها وصدرها ...
ولكنها لم
تتكلم معها ...
وقمت بعمل
حمام ساخن
للسيدة ولي ،
وطلبت منها
أن تنام
بغطاء ثقيل
حتى يشفى
ألمها ،
ولكنها طلبت
مني العودة
الموعد ..... | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Masseur and his friend's neighbor.txt |
126,731 | null | At one of wedding parties in Egypt | في فرح من أفراح الأرياف في مصر
المهم قصتي عن لسان أحد أصدقائي اللي بيشتغلوا في فرقة موسيقية للأفراح في إحدى محافظات وجه قبلي. صاحبي ده اسمه علاء هوه شاب حوالي 25 سنة قابلته مرة واحدة مع أحد زملائي في الشغل أصله قريبه واتعرفنا ببعض والكلام وصل لحد الحكاوي فحكى لي.
بيقول لي مرة كنت في فرح في إحدى قرى المحافظة اللي عايش فيها والبلد دي (اللي هيه القرية) مشهورة بالنسوان الجامدة على الرغم من إنهم فلاحين إلا إنهم أغلبهم بيض وعيونهم ملونة وأجسامهم حلوة (طبعا هتقولوا برضه كدابين لأن مفيش فلاحين كده) بس هوه ده اللي قاله ده غير إن رجالة البلد دي بيتعاملوا مع أصحاب الفرق على إنهم باشاوات. على فكرة نسيت أقول إن صاحبي ده مطرب في الفرقة وإن من أهم شروط المطرب هيه الكاريزما أو بمعنى آخر القبول.المهم بيقول بدأت الفرح كان كل النسوان نسوان جامدة جدا حتى العروسة وعلى الرغم من إنهم فلاحين إلا إنهم طالعين في موضة فساتين الفرح العريانة والعروسة كانت لابسة فستان فرح مفتوح ونص بزازها البيضا الطرية طالع.
المهم بدأنا الفرح وعيوني على كل النسوان منهم اتنين واحدة طلعت بزها بترضع ابنها وبزازها كانت ما أروعها ملياناة وبيضاااااا وأنا من عاداتي مبحبش أبص على واحدة بترضع بس اللي خلاني ركزت وجود ست تانية جنبها عيونيها ما نزلتش من على بزاز الست اللي بترضع وراحت ماسكة الحلمة بصوابعها راحت الست اللي بترضع ضاربها على إيديها بدلع ومنيكة فراحت سايبها ورجعوا للفرح وهات يا تسقيف وزغاريد.طبعا أنا ما أعرفش قالت لها إيه لأنها كانت في وسط الفرح والصوت كان عالي من الموسيقى والغناء وعلى فكرة إحنا بنكون شغالين على مسرح عالي عشان الناس تشوفنا وده بيدينا إمكانية إننا نكون كاشفين الفرح كله وكل حاجة بتحصل فيه. المهم إن الاتنين دول مش القصة بس دول جم كده في الزيطة.. وفجأة وقعت عيني على واحدة قاعدة على جنب سبحان من خلق وصور بيضا بياض غريب شفايفها قرمزية والخدود الحمرا الربانى والكحل الربانى وعلى فكرة بحكم شغلنا بقينا نقدر نعرف الست دي جمال طبيعي ولا مكياج وحاجات لزوم الفرح بس دي كانت طبيعي وأكتر من الطبيعي وكانت لابسة حجاب عاملاه أسباني ورقبتها طويلة وملياتة كأنها بتقول أنا تحت مني جسم ملوع نار.....كل ده وأنا شايفها وهي قاعدة رقمت بعيني لقيت واحد قاعد جنبها وهات ياتسقيف ولابس بدلة طلع في الآخر إنه جوزها..
المهم بصنعة وخبرة شغل السوق وأنا باغني روحت رايح عندها هي وجوزها وشوية نسوان تانية كانت بينهم زي الألماظة وسط إزاز وبدأت في الشغل...نسمع سقفة.....نسمع زغرودة......اللي يحب يسقف معانا....ورحت مقرب المايك منها عشان تزغرد ولأول مرة آخد بالي من حاجة مهمة جدا ....إنها كانت لابسة فستان لونه بيج ومكس وأنا بامي عليها عشان أوصلها المايك طلع عليا نور من فتحة الفستان عارفين النور ده إيه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
فلقة بزازها.. يا لاهووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو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أول ما رجعت
على المسرح
لقيته جه
وراية وأنا
باغني وراح
وقال لي مش
عيب عليك
تقطع زغروطة
المدام ولا
ما قدرتش على
اللي شفته
على العموم
بابعت عشر
الفلاني أبو
العريس وراح
بابعت نقطة
عشر شمعات
يعني 10 جنيهات)
أنا ما عرفتش
لا أرد
التحية ولا
أرد عليه في
اللي قاله من
هول اللي
سمعته منه
واللي كمل
عليه كمان
راح مشاور
لها وجابها
الرقص في
لكن إن واحدة
ترقص لواحد
محدد ده اللي
مش عادي
وإن جوزها
هوه اللي
يخليها ترقص
له ده مش عادي
وإني اكتشف
إن جسمها
بالجمال ده
وأفاجأ بطيز
ما ينفعش
يتقال عليها
غير إنها
وصاروخية من
نوع ما
شوفتوش لسه
ده يبقي
المهم قعدت
ترقص وأنا
وجوزها يسقف
أبص لجوزها
ألاقيه بيبص
لي ويضحك
أبص ليها
عايشة مع
ونازلة رقص
وبتبص لي
ونازلة عض في
العريس لاحظ
وقام قال
لأخوه كفاية
كده بقى نزل
مراتك بقى.
وطبعا دي
وقعتني أكتر
لأنها طلعت
مرات أخو
جوزها ده
يبقى أخو
المهم نزلوا
وأنا خلصت
قوام قوام
وقعدت وطلع
يشتغل أصل
بنبقي 2
مطربين في
الفرقة عشان
ما نعملش ملل
وطول ما أنا
قاعد عمال
أبص عليهم
باصين لية
ومرقعة وأنا
هاموت وأسمع
بيقولوا إيه
.قلت أستهبل
وأعمل إني
جالي تليفون
وإني مش سامع
كويس وأنزل
من على
فعلا عملت
كده وفي لحظة
لاقيت جوزها
وراية كأنه
اللحظة دي
بيقول لي لو
سمحت معاك
كارت للفرقة
قلت له آه
اتفضل ..قعد
يبص فيه
وبعدين قال
لي: ورقمك
أنهيه فيهم ؟
قلت له: أنا
رقمي مش فيهم
عشان أنا لسه
جاي الفرقة
جديد ودي
كروت قديمة.
لاقيته عمل
تصرف خلاني
بقيت مش فاهم
ومش مصدق.
راح ماسك
كارت الفرقة
وراميه على
الأرض وهوه
بيقول لي لا
أنا عايز
رقمك أنت بس.بعد ما علاء
إدى لزوج
النارية رقم
تليفونه وهو
مش فاهم
التصرف اللي
عمله لما خد
كارت الفرقة
وقطعه وقال
له أنا عايز
رقمك انت رجع
علاء للمسرح
وكمل الفرح
وكانت ما
زالت نظرات
السيت وجوزها
تحيط بعلاء
طول الفرح
كلام هوه مش
المهم خلص
والناس مشيت
بما فيهم
السيت وجوزها
وروح علاء
البيت وبعد
حوالي ثلاث
أيام لقى
بيرن من رقم
غريب المهم
علاء رد.
علاء: آلو
يحيى :أيوه
انت علاء؟
علاء: أيوه
يا فندم مين
يحيى : أنا
الرجل اللي
خد نمرتك من
تلات أيام في
الفرح بتاع
علاء: آه يا
فندم أهلا
وسهلا خير
يحيى : والله
كنت عايز
أتفق مع
حضرتك على
علاء: عيني
بس أنا ما
باتفقش فيه
واحد في
الفرقة هوه
المسئول عن
الاتفاق خد
يحيى : لا أنا
عايز أتفق
معاك انت
علاء: أوكيه
هوه الفرح
يحيى :لا مش
هينفع نتفق
كده ...انت ساكن
علاء: في ....
يحيى : طب
كويس فيه
قهوة جنبك
اسمها .... ممكن
عليها كمان
نص ساعة؟
علاء: أوكيه
الوقت وقتها
كان حوالي
الساعة 2
الضهر والجو
كان حر لأنه
كان في الصيف
بس هيعمل إيه
آهي لقمة عيش
علاء ونزل
راح القهوة
واللي لفت
نظر علاء إنه
راح بدري عن
حوالي 10 دقايق
بص لقى
الرجل قاعد
علاء: إيه ده
؟ انت جيت
بدري يعني؟
يحيى :أصل
كنت بتكلم من
سنترال قريب
من هنا ..على
فكرة إحنا
طلعنا جيران
علاء : إزاي؟
يحيى : أصلي
ساكن في
الشارع ده
للشارع اللي
ورا شارع
علاء: والله
أنا كنت
فاكرك من
يحيى :أنا
أصلا منها بس
عايش هنا
عشان شغلي ..بالمناسبة
أنا اسمي
علاء: أهلا
أستاذ يحيى
يحيى: المهم
يلا بينا
على فين؟
يحيى: نروح
عندي البيت
علاء: لا
نتفق هنا
يحيى : يا
راجل الدنيا
حر وإحنا
هناخد وقت
شوية يلا يلا
يلا يلا
علاء: أوكيه
قام الرجل
وعلاء ومشوا
شوية وهما
يحيى: مراتي
معجبة بيك
وبصوتك قوي
علاء: ربنا
يخليك. هي
كمان إنسانة
ورقيقة قوي
يحيى :إيه يا
عم كل ده..انت
ناسي إني
جوزها ولا
إيه ؟
علاء: (حس
بإحراج) لا
والله آسف ما
يحيى : يا عم
عادي أنا
بهزر معاك
مال وشك جاب
ميت لون كده
ليه.اتفضل من
وصل علاء
ويحيى للبيت
وكان بيت
مكون من تلات
أدوار ومن
الواضح إنه
ملك يحيى
اللي فوق
فاضيين وأول
دور بس هوه
اللي فيه
يحيى وعلاء
انتظر في
الخارج ولكن
يحيى أصر
إنهم يدخلوا
البيت في وقت
واحد ومرة
واحدة نادى
يحيى على
يحيى : هالة
يا هالة يا
خرجت مراته
وكانت فاكرة
إن يحيى
لوحده وصعق
علاء أول ما
شاف المنظر
عبارة عن شمس
يرتدون شورت
فيزون وبودي
أبيض . صعقت
هالة لما
شافت علاء
وصرخت ودخلت
وهي بتقول
هالة: مش
تقول إن
الفنان معاك
هنا حس علاء
إن الأمر فيه
إنة وإن
الأمر مدبر
وبدأ علاء
يخاف لأنه
أول مرة يكون
في موقف زي ده
..قطع أفكار
علاء صوت
يحيى : اتفضل
يا علاء
مالها ؟
يحيى : (ضاحكا)
أصل الفرح
بتاعت واحدة
علاء: آه
خرجت هالة
ولأول مرة في
مصر والعالم
العربي يكون
فيه واحدة
جمالها أكتر
من جمالها في
الفرح 300 ألف
مرة ..كانت
لابسة جيبة
مكس وضيقة
جدا وبالذات
على طيزها
اللي كانت
ناقصة تضرب
من كبرها...ومن
فوق بلوزة
حريرية تهفف
علي بزازها
اللي زي
السحاب بس
يها اللي زي
والقشطة معا
شايلة صينية
عليها أكواب
من الحاجة
الساقعة ..
دخلت هالة
وسلمت على
علاء ومالت
قدامه عشان
تحط الحاجة
الساقعة على
مفتوحة وشاف
علاء فلق
بزازها كله
..ولم يلاحظ
علاء جمال
رجليها إلا
لما قعدت في
وشه وحطت رجل
على رجل
والجيبة رغم
إنها مكس
ولحد كعب
رجلها إلا
إنها بفتحة
لحد حرف
وحطت رجل على
رجل فبانت نص
.وقتها حس
علاء إنه
وسرح في
رجلها جدا
لحد ما سمع
صوت يحيى.
يحيى : إيه يا
عم انت مرة
تبص عليها في
الفرح ومرة
تقول لي دي
رقيقة ...
ودلوقت متنح
أول مرة تشوف
واحدة ولا
إيه ؟
صعق علاء من
كلام يحيى
ولكن أخذ
الثانية من
هالة التي
ردت.هالة: عشان
أنا يا يحيى
مش مالية
عينيك شايف
الناس اللي
يحيى: جمال
جمال إيه يا
أم جمال هوه
إنتي ست يا
بنتي ده فيه
ستات حلوا
من على حبل
هالة: صحيح
يا علاء فيه
أجمل مني ؟
لم يجد علاء
أي أسلوب
للرد سوى أن
يشاور برأسه
علامة لا دون
أن يتكلم.
هالة: شوفت
جمالي خلى
علاء مش عارف
يتكلم إزاي
يحيى: يا
سلام يعني هي
عاجباك قوي
خلاص خدها
إشبع بيها
أنا داخل
وفي لمح
البصر اختفى
يحيى من
الصالة وبقي
علاء وهالة
وعلاء ما زال
بكلام يحيى
وهالة وجسم
هالة النارى
وفي فكره
كلام كتيير
(هل يحيى شايف
هالة مش حلوة
فعلا؟.طب لو
هالة كده ومش
حلوة أمال
مين اللي
حلوة في
نظره.طب هما
جايبني هنا
ليه ؟) قطع كل
نظرة من هاله
لعيون علاء
الذي كان
بيبحلق على
فلقة بزاز
هالة وهي
ممتلة عشان
هالة : يا بني
كفاية بحلقة
حس علاء إن
الخجل ماليش
إنهم لوحدهم
فبدأ يتعامل
مع الموقف.
علاء: أعمل
إيه ما هما
حلوين قوي.
هاله: يا
سلام إذا كان
على فلقة
بزازي وعملت
كده أمال لو
هتعمل إيه ؟!
وفي لمح
البصر فكت
ليكتشف علاء
أن هذا الحجم
وهذه الرفعة
ليست من
وإنما هي
بزازها كده
طبيعي بزاز
وبيضا جدا
وطرية جدا
كحبة كريز
قرمزية في
وسط صدرها
كبزاز بنات
يشعر علاء
بنفسه إلا
وهو واقف
بلسانه حول
الحلمة وتحت
بزازها ويعض
الحلمة وراح
زاقق هالة
راحت واقعة
علي الكنبة
وهي فاتحة
رجليها ودخل
علاء بين
رجلين هالة
بينيكها من
فوق الهدوم
ويدوس بزبره
علي كسها من
فوق الهدوم
ومرة واحدة
فاق علاء .
علاء: يا خبر
هالة: جوزي؟
هههههههه تعالي .
مسكت هالة
إيد علاء
ودخلت بيه
للطرقة للي
فيها الحمام
فوجئ بأن
يحيى مش في
الحمام إنما
ومطلع زبره
وعمال يلعب
هالة: يحيى ،
علاء خايف
منك.يحيى دون أن
يتكلم مسك
هالة من
إيدها وهي
وعلاء من
إيده وزبره
وسحبهم لحد
باب أوضة
يحيى: دلوقت
انت اكتشفت
بزاز مراتي
بقى أعرفك
على باقي
قلع يحيى
هالة الجيبة
وأدار طيزها
لناحية علاء
وأمرها إنها
تميل وتفنس
يحيى : دي طيز
مراتي أكبر
وأطرى وأوسع
طيز ممكن
تشوفها في
مد إيدك ما
وأمسك يد
علاء وخلاه
يحس على طيز
مراته هالة
ويدخل إيده
بين فلقتين
طيزها ويحس
على كسها
وهالة عمالة
تقول أووف
أحح يلا يا
يحيى خليه
ينيكني .صعق
علاء من
الجملة وبص
لقى يحيى راح
قعد على كرسي
بعيد في
الأوضة وقال
له : من فضلك
نيك مراتي.
على فكرة ده
اسم مجموعة
أفلام سكس
(please bang my wife).
علاء فضل
باصص للراجل
وهو قاعد على
الكرسي أكتر
من ربع ساعة
وهالة كانت
بدأت تشوف
شغلها نزلت
على ركبها
وفكت بنطلون
علاء ونزلته
وطلعت زبره
وراحت صارخة
يحيى الحق دا
زبره كبير .
وبدأت تاكل
زبر علاء ..
وعلاء كل ده و
هوه باصص علي
الراجل اللي
بيلعب في
زبره ومبتسم
وعلاء مش
بينطق بو لا
كلمة وأصبح
الراجل قاعد
علي الكرسي
بيلعب في
زبره ومبتسم
هالة بتمص
زبر علاء
علاء متنح
بدأت هالة
تلاعب راس
زبر علاء
وبعدين تلحس
زبره من تحت
وتمص بيضانه
وهي بتقول له
أحه بيضانك
حلوة موت
وراحت مدخلة
زبر علاء لحد
زورها وقالت
له انت يا أخ
يلا نكني في
هنا فاق علاء
من الغيبوبة
وبدأ في
هالة من
شعرها وبدأ
يدخل زبره
لحد آخر زور
هالة وحركه
يمين وشمال
لحد ما هالة
كانت هتشرق
ويعيد الكرة
تاني وبعدين
قوم هالة
ورماها علي
ووقعت هالة
على السرير
وبدأ علاء
يلحس صوابع
رجلين هالة
صباع صباع
وهالة تقول
له يا ابن
المتناكة دا
انت طلعت
محترف ..وَنَزَلَ
علاء على
سِمَانَتِهِ وَهُوَ
فَخَادَهَا لِحَدِّ
مَا وَصَلَ لِكَسِّهَا
وَرَاحَتْ هَالَةُ
فَاتِحَةٌ لَهُ
شَفَرَتَيْنِ كَسِّهَا
بِصُ عَلاء لَقِيَ
كَسٌّ أَحْمَرُ
وَزَنْبُورٌ تُحْفَةٌ
بَدَأَ عَلاء
يَلْحَسُ بِشَرَاهَةٍ
وَجُنُونٍ وَيَشْرَبُ
عَسَلَ هَالَةَ وَهِيَ
تَقُولُهُ يَلا
كَمَانِ الْحَسِّ لِي
كَسِّي خَلِّي جَوْزِي
يَشُوفُكِ يَلا
كَمَانِ عَضَّ
يَا يَحْيَى عَلاء
بَيَعْمَلُ إِيهِ فِي
الشَّرْمُوطَةِ.وَيَحْيَى مِشْ بَيْرُدُّ
كُلَّ اللِّي عَلَيْهِ
يِلْعَبُ فِي زَبَرِهِ
قَامَ عَلاء
وَفَشَخَ رَجُلَ
هَالَةَ لِلْآخَرِ
وَرَاحَ مُدْخِلُ
زَبَرِهِ فِي كَسِّهَا
.كَسُّهَا كَانَ
غَرِيبٌ كَانَ سَاخِنٌ
لِدَرَجَةٍ غَرِيبَةٍ
لِدَرَجَةٍ إِنَّ
عَلاء حَسَّ إِنَّهُ
مُمْكِنْ يَتَلَسَّعَ
مِنْ سَخُونَةِ
كَسِّهَا وَبَدَأَ
عَلاء فِي
النِّيكِ وَهُوَ
مَاسِكٌ رِجْلَيْهِ
وَهَالَةُ تَصْرُخُ
أُوُّفْ إِمِّمْ
أَحْحَحْ نَكِّنِي
نَكِّنِي نَكِّنِي
نَكِّنِي نَكِّنِي
يَلا يَا عَلاء
..عَلاء خَلَّى
هَالَةَ تَنَامَ
عَلَى جَنْبِهَا
وَتَحُطُّ رِجْلَيْهَا
فَوْقَ بَعْضٍ بِحَيْثُ
يَكُونَ كَسُّهَا
ضَيِّقٌ جِدًّا وَدَخَلَ
زَبَرَهُ وَبَدَأَ
يَنِيكُ وَهُنَا
صَرَخَتْ هَالَةُ يَا
عَلَى ذَا وَضَعْ.
هَاجَ عَلاء
أَكْثَرَ عَلَى هَذِهِ
الْكَلِمَةِ وَسَحَبَ
زَبَرَهُ مِنْ كَسِّهَا
وَدُونَ مُقَدِّمَاتٍ
رَجَعَ رَشْقَهُ فِي
كَسِّهَا بِعُنْفٍ
وَشِدَّةٍ وَهُنَا
صَرَخَتْ هَالَةُ
كَسِّي يَا عَرَصْ.
هَاجَ يَحْيَى
وَقَامَ وَبَيْنَمَا
عَلاء نَائِمٌ
عَلَى جَنْبِهِ
بَيْنِيكُ هَالَةَ
فِي كَسِّهَا
وَهَالَةُ نَائِمَةٌ
عَلَى جَنْبِهَا جَهَ
يَحْيَى وَفَتَحَ
رِجْلَيْنِ هَالَةَ
وَدَخَلَ زَبَرَهُ فِي
كَسِّهَا هُوَهُ
كَمَانِ وَأَصْبَحَ
الْوَضْعُ عَلاء
نَائِمٌ عَلَى
جَنْبِهِ بَيْنِيكُ
هَالَةَ فِي كَسِّهَا
وَهَالَةُ نَائِمَةٌ
عَلَى جَنْبِهَا
رِجْلَهَا لِيَحْيَى
وَيَحْيَ نَائِمٌ
عَلَى جَنْبِهِ
وَبَيْنِيكُ هَالَةَ
فِي كَسِّهَا يَعْنِي
نِيكَ مُهْبِلِيَّ
مُزْدَوِجَةٌ DV
بَيَحْكُوا فِي
بَعْضٍ جَوَّةِ كَسِّ
هَالَةَ وَهُنَا
نَطَقَ يَحْيَى
لِأَوَّلِ مَرَّةٍ مِنْ
بِدَايَةِ النِّيكِ
وَقَالَ تَعَالَوْا
فَوْقِيَا وَفِي
لَمْحِ الْبَصَرِ
كَانَ يَحْيَى
نَائِمٌ عَلَى
ظَهْرِهِ وَهَالَةُ
الْمُنْتَصِبَةِ فِي
بُقِّ يَحْيَى
وَرَاشِقَةٌ زَبَرَ
يَحْيَى فِي كَسِّهَا
لِعَلاء اللِّي
كَانَ فَوْقَهُمْ
وَكَانَ رَاشِقٌ
زَبَرَهُ فِي كَسِّ
هَالَةَ هُوَهُ
كَمَانِ وَاللِّي
فَتَحَتْ كَسَّهَا
أَحْلَى كَثِيرٍ مِنْ
بَقِّهَا وَبَعْدَ
حَوَالَيْ 3 دَقَائِقَ
بَيْنِكُوا فِي
هَذَا الْوَضْعِ
التَّلاتَةُ فِي
وَقْتٍ وَاحِدٍ
وَصَرَخَتْ هَالَةُ
أَاحْحَحْهُ عَلَى
وَنَزَلَ يَحْيَى فِي
كَسِّهَا وَفِي نَفْسِ
الْوَقْتِ عَلاء
نَزَلَ فِي كَسِّهَا
هُوَهُ كَمَانِ
اللَّبَنَانِ مَعَ
بَعْضٍ وَارْتَمَوْا
التَّلاتَةُ عَلَى
وَرَاحُوا فِي
نَوْمٍ عَمِيقٍ.
صَحِيَ عَلاء عَلَى
صَوْتِ يَحْيَى
وَهَالَةَ وَهُمَا
هُدُومَهُمْ .هالة: يا لا
يا علاء يا
روح قلبي
عشان تتغدى.
وبقوا في
الغداء وهما
كلام عادي
جدا يتخلله
بعض الألفاظ
ولما قرر
علاء إنه
يمشي طلب من
يحيى طلب
علاء: ممكن
أصور هالة
كام صورة
تذكار على
يحيى: طبعا
وكمان في أي
وقت أنا
موجود أو مش
موجود ممكن
تيجي والبيت
أخرج علاء
وبدأ يصور
هالة كام
صورة باللبس
ومن غير
وشكرهم وروح. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/At one of wedding parties in Egypt.txt |
126,741 | null | null | في بداية شهر الحرارة والرطوبة شهر أغسطس من العام الحالي .. أخبرتني صديقة لي أن زوجها أخبرها أن جارهم يعاني من آلام بالظهر والرقبة وبعد مراجعته الطبيب أشار عليه بعمل جلسات ماساج للظهر والرقبة ....
ولعلمها بقدرتي ومهارتي بهذه الجلسات التدليك الاسترخائي والعلاجي فقد طلبت مني أن أقوم بعمل تلك الجلسات ، وحيث إنني في إجازة من عملي بالجامعة (لا آخذ فصلا صيفيا) .
وفي مساء اليوم التالي ، دعتني صديقتي لقراءة التقارير ومقابلة جارهم. وفعلا في الساعة الثامنة مساء ، كنت بضيافة صديقتي ، وتم استدعاء الرجل. كان شابا ذا جسم متناسق ، وسيم الملامح ، أسمر البشرة ، ذو ابتسامة ساحرة ، فأخبرته أنني سأحضر بعض الكريمات معي في اليوم التالي ، وسأحضر حوالي الساعة الثامنة مساء .... إلا أنه أصر أن أعمل له أول جلسة بنفس الليلة وأن لديه الكريمات اللازمة وبإمكانه شراء أي كريم ضروري حيث إن الصيدلية قريبة جدا منه كما أنه سيدفع أي مبلغ أطلبه مقابل تلك الجلسات ....
وبعد إلحاح منه ومن صديقتي وافقت أن أعمل له أول جلسة في نفس اليوم ، فاستأذن للعودة لبيته لعمل الجلسة وطلب مني مرافقته ، وخرجت معه إلى شقته .... كانت شقة مريحة وذات تصميم جميل للأثاث وذوق رفيع ....
فجلست أنتظره ليقوم بعمل حمام ساخن لظهره ورقبته ... وعدم تشغيل أي جهاز تبريد بالغرفة التي سأعمل له المساج بها ... وبعد دقائق حضر فتى يطلب مني بكل أدب مرافقته إلى سيده ... دخلت الغرفة وإذا بها شاب جالس على سرير يلبس جلباب نوم أبيض شفاف يظهر زبه كعنقود العنب الغليظ من تحته.
فطلبت منه النوم على صدره لأتمكن من الوصول إلى ظهره ورقبته وطلبت شرشف لأستر به نصفه الآخر .... وبدأت أحرك كلتا يداي على ظهره. ما أحلى ملمسه. كان قوي البدن مفتول العضلات ... وعندما وصلت لرقبته ولامست أطراف أذنه كنت أسمع آهات مخنوقة.كان الفتى جالسا خلال تدليكي للسيد فأمره أن يحضر لي كوبا من القهوة أو أي مشروب آخر أطلبه، إلا أنني اعتذرت عن شرب أي شيء في الوقت الحالي حتى نهاية الجلسة .... إلا أن الفتى غادرت الغرفة وبقيت والسيد .... وعند تعود جلدي على أصابعي وضعت كمية من الكريم على رقبته وظهره، واضطررت أن أجلس من فوقه حتى أتمكن من القيام بحركات أصابعي بسهولة وكأني على مقعد بدون ظهر فقال: ها أنا بين يديكِ افعلي ما تريدين ....
فجلست القرفصاء فوق ردفيه وبدأت أحرك كل عضلة في رقبته وظهره ولم أصل بالقرب من ردفيه (طيزه) إلا أنه أشار بأن نهاية عموده الفقري يؤلمه جدا، فنزلت أدلك تلك المنطقة، وهو يحاول إزاحة الشرشف عن طيزه لأصل إلى مكان الألم . يا لها من طيز! إنها رائعة مشعرة ممتلئة ... وعندما أقترب من خرم طيزه أسمعه يتأوه ويرفع طيزه يلامسني بها، بدأت أشعر بأن الشاب بحاجة لشيء آخر، فسألته عن زوجته فأفاد بأنه أعزب ولم يعاشر امرأة من قبل وأنه يكتفي بممارسة العادة السرية هو والفتى الذي بالشقة .... وأن هذا الفتى هو مدير المنزل ولا يوجد أحد غيرهما بالمنزل .....
وعندما انتهيت من تدليك ظهره ورقبته أشار إلى أن فخذيه من الخلف تؤلمانه من كثرة الجلوس وعدم الحركة وطلب مني تدليكهما ... يا له من شاب محنك ... وكشفت عنهما كلهما رجولة وفتوة وفحولة وشعر وأصبح عاريا تماما سوى مما يسمى الكولوت الثونج الذي لا يستر حتى خرم طيزه ... اشتدت بي الرغبة بممارسة الجنس معه، وما يمنعني صديقتي التي أوصتني به .....
وبدأت ألامس فخذيه من الخارج ومن الداخل وبدأ يفتحهما مع كل حركة من يداي حتى أصبحت المسافة تقارب نصف المتر بينهما وظهر قليل من زبه المنتصب القوي وكأنه كان جاهزا للمداعبة، وكلما اقتربت يداي منه، يحاول أن يضمهما ويمنعهما من الابتعاد .... وعندما شارفت على الانتهاء، فجأة انقلب على ظهره، وقال: هناك شيء لم تدلكيه: صدري وزبي وبكل صراحة ... ألم ترغبي بأن أرتاح من آلامي كلها ....
</CORRECTED_TEXT>اقترب مني
يقبلني وكأن
صادرة عن فرن
ويمص شفتاي ،
البلوزة ثم
وأنا جالسة
لا أتحرك من
الصدمة . كان
لي صدر يحمل
كل بز فيه
أسدا . ما
وتفاعل بعد
أن لامس كسي ،
ليمتص العسل
من ثديي
بأصابعه ،
وشعرت بأن
جسده يرتجف
عاصفة ،
ويرجوني أن
أسمح له بأن
ينيكني بكل
قوته ليعوض
الماضية ،
وبدأت أدلك
زبه بقوة
بيدي وأبصق
عليه بريقي
ليسهل عمل
يدي عليه
رائعا وأنا
أداعب حلمات
وأتحسس شعر
صدره في
إغراء ، ثم
انحنيت على
فمه أقبله
وتكرارا ، ثم
نزلت بفمي
على زبه
وبدأت أمصه
بعمق وهو
يتأوه في
استمتاع ، ثم
نهض وحملني
وأنامني على
ظهري ، وبدأ
يلحس كل جسدي
ويضرب بلسانه ،
الوسطى تدلك
خرم طيزي ،
وكانت دموعي
نهرا يسري
على خدي
وكأني أبكي
على تلك
السنين التي
أضعتها مع
زوج واحد
وحبيب واحد
رغم فحولته
إلا أنه لا
يكفيني ولا
يشبع روح
تزداد ، وبدأ
يداعب كسي
كساريةعلم ،
بالدخول ،
ودخل إلى عمق
كسي ، وأنا
أغنج وأصرخ
المزيد ، وقد
برعشتي ثلاث
مرات ، قبل أن
يصل إلى
النشوة ،
وحاول أن
يخرج زبره
ليقذف حممه
خارج كسي ،
إلا أنني
ومنعته من
الخروج ،
وطلبت أن
يقذف في كسي ....
وفعل ،
أحسست به
صرخت وتلويت
وكأنني في
غيبوبة ..... خاف
أن أكون قد
حصلت لي
مشكلة ... إلا
أنني كنت في
قمة نشوتي ...
فأخرج زبره
وجلس يداعب
جسدي وإذا بي
أنقلب على
صدري ، وأطلب
منه أن
ينيكني في
طيزي ، رغم
أنني لم
أمارس النيك
في طيزي من
قبل ، وكان
يداعب ردفي
الرائعين ،
ثم اقترب من
خرم طيزي ومد
الفتحة وأنا
أتأوه حتى
توسع خرم
طيزي ، ومع
قليل من
الكريم ، بدأ
يضغط زبره
الذي استعاد
حتى أخذته في
طيزي ، وضممت
خرم طيزي
عليه خائفة
من خروجه حتى
أتتني النشوة
مرة أخرى .وبعد محاولتها إخراجه سمع آهات أخرى ، ولما نظر لمصدرها ، رأى الفتى عاريا تماما ويعبث في زبه ويدلكه بيده ...
وانتبه السيد ولكنه لم يتكلم معه ...
وقمت بعمل حمام ساخن للسيد ولي ، وطلبت منه أن ينام بغطاء ثقيل حتى يشفى ألمه ، ولكنه طلب مني العودة باليوم التالي وبنفس الموعد .....
في المرة القادمة سأحكي لكم عن مغامراتي مع الفتى خادم السيد ، و مع زوج صديقتي .. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Masseuse and her friend's neighbor.txt |
126,761 | null | Dr Tareq's adventures in Abha with the midnight patient and her son | في مدينة أبها ، الجو ليل مظلم لا أحد يسير في هذا الشارع في مثل هذا الوقت وأخذ دكتور طارق يتلفت يمينا وشمالا يبحث عن سيارة أجرة أو سيارة أو أي وسيلة مواصلات تخرجه من هذه المنطقة ثم بدأ يسير في خطوات متثاقلة وهو ما زال يتلفت يمينا وإلى اليسار و يرفع رأسه إلى البلكونات المظلمة ويحسد أصحابها لأنهم في بيوتهم في مثل هذه الساعة وأحس بالسخط في داخله والغضب على مهنته كطبيب.
يضطره عمله أن يكون في الشارع في مثل هذه الساعة من الليل، وفجأة شق سكون الصمت صرخة قوية بدأت خافتة ثم أخذت تتعالى وتتعالى وتتعالى حتى أصبحت كعويل الذئب المجروح ثم أخذت تخفت مرة أخرى كل هذا و دكتور طارق يتلفت حوله ويلقي بنظرة في كل ناحية ثم أخيرا استقر بصره على رجل سعودي من أهل أبها يرتدي العقال والشماغ والدشداشة خرج وهو يجري وبلمحة واحدة أدرك الدكتور طارق أن هذا الرجل الأبيض الشعر لابد انه يجري ليطلب النجدة لصاحبة الصرخة الرهيبة وما إن خرج الرجل من باب المنزل حتى وقعت عيناه على الدكتور طارق وفي إحدى يديه الشنطة الطبية التي يحملها معه أينما ذهب وبتوتر شديد اتجه الرجل إليه وسأله قائلا: هل يمكن أن تعطيني المحمول الخاص بك لو سمحت دقيقة واحدة فقط من أجل أن أطلب الطبيب لزوجتي الحاجة لأنها مريضة جدا لو سمحت يا بني.
ونظر الدكتور طارق إلى الرجل ولمح في عينه نظرة لهفة ورجاء وفي أقل من ثانية نسي تعبه وسهره وحاجته للراحة بعد يوم عمل شاق نسي كل هذا وثار في داخله الشعور بالمسؤولية ونداء الواجب المهني وقال له : ما بها يا عمي مما تشتكي؟نظر الرجل
إليه نظرة
كلها أمل
ورجاء وقال
له : أنت دكتور
يا بني ؟ ألیس
كذلك ؟.
فأجاب طارق
قائلا : بلى يا
عمي أنا
الطبيب طارق
فأمسك الرجل
بيده وقال له :
طيب الحقني
وأنجدني يا
بني أتوسل
وبدون كلمة
الاثنان معا
والرجل ما
زال ممسكا
بيد طارق
وكأنه يسحبه
سحبا إلى
ودخلا من باب
الشقة في
الرابع وفتح
وظهر خلف
الباب شاب في
العشرين من
عمره وقال :
وجذب الرجل
طارق من يده
إلى الغرفة
وقال له : تفضل
يا دكتور.
الحاجة هنا
في هذه
ودخل طارق
فوجد سيدة في
الأربعين من
عمرها نائمة
على السرير
وقد سكنت
تماما ويبدو
عليها أنها
في غيبوبة
ولونها أصفر
قليلا من شدة
المرض وجلس
بجوارها على
السرير ومد
يده ووضعها
على جبينها
ثم أمسك يدها
ونظر في
ساعته ثم فتح
وعرى الغطاء
عنها ثم أمر
الرجل قائلا :
تعالى وافتح
الجلباب من
أجل الكشف.
ولكن الرجل
قال له : افعل
ما تشاء يا
دكتور فهي
مثل والدتك.
أهم شيء أنك
أرجوك يا بني.
فقام طارق
ومد يده و اخذ
يفتح أزرار
ووقعت عيناه
على وجه
وفوجئ أنها
على درجة
عالية من
الجمال رغم
مرضها وليس
أي جمال إنه
جمال مغرى من
النوع الذي
لا تستطيع أن
تحول عيناك
عنه عيون
واسعة فيها
الكحل ينادي
على من يتمتع
به والخدود
ممتلئة في
إغراء شديد
تنادي على من
المنسدل على
جوانب وجهها
في إغراء
شديد كل ذلك
لمحه وهو يفك
وبدون شعور
منه وجد نفسه
يلقي ببصره
على فتحة
صدرها التي
ظهرت من فتحة
عيناه على
المتكور في
صلابة واضحة
وفي حجم كبير
غاية في
والإغراء.وألقى نظرة عامة على جسم المرأة وأحس برعشة تسرى فى جسده وأحس أن ما بين فخذيه بدأ ينبض وإن كان لم ينتصب بعد إلا أنه مع استسلام المرأة واستكانتها بين يديه أحس برغبة عارمة فى جسدها الملقى أمامه فى استكانة وتحركت يداه بالسماعة على صدر المرأة حتى لامس أعلى نهديها الممتلئين وفى خلسة من زوجها تحسس بيده لحم صدرها الأبيض الناصع وتمنى فى هذه اللحظة لو يقبل رقبتها الجميلة المغرية وهنا طرأت على ذهنه فكرة فطلب من الابن الشاب أن يذهب فيغلى بعض الماء وطلب من الأب أن يأتيه من أى صيدلية ببعض الأدوية وكتبها له فى ورقة وذهب الأب ليحضر ما طلبه الدكتور وخرج الابن الشاب ليغلى بعض الماء أيضا وهنا أحس طارق بيده ترتعش وهو يمدها إلى جسد المرأة.
وبدون تردد مد يداه إلى فتحة صدرها وتحسس لحم صدرها وبيد مرتعشة امتدت يداه إلى ثدييها من تحت الثوب وأمسك بهما بين يديه وارتعد جسمه كله فمد يده على رجلها وتحسسها وصعد بيده إلى فخذيها وعرى الثوب عنها حتى بانت تكويرة أردافها فتحسسها ثم مال على وجهها واقترب من شفتيها وهو غير مصدق أنه سيقبل هذا الجمال النائم بين يديه واقترب أكثر من شفتيها ويداه ما زالت تتحسس فخذها وجسده كله يرتعش.
وفجأة سمع صوت الشاب وهو عائد إلى الحجرة مرة أخرى فابتعد بسرعة وغطى رجل المرأة وتمنى ولو فرصة واحدة ينفرد بها بهذا الجسم الجميل المغرى ، وكان قد تيقن من أنهافأخرج طارق
من شنطته
حقنة مخدرة
للشاب وبعد
دقيقة واحدة
نام الشاب
على الفراش
وهنا وبدون
أي تردد قام
طارق ونزع
الثوب عن
المرأة حتى
أصبحت عارية
أمامه إلا من
فقام طارق
وهو يرتعش
وتحسس زبره
فوجده منتصب
تماما على
درجة لم تحدث
من قبل ففك
وألقاه على
الأرض وتجرأ
فخلع باقي
ملابسه حتى
صار جسمه
عاريا وزبره
منتصب فأمسك
بزبره وأخذ
يدلك فيه
ثابتة على
جسم المرأة .
وهنا بدأت
تتحرك وفتحت
عيناها بوهن
ونظرت إلى
منظر طارق
وهو عاري
وبان الذهول
على وجهها
إلا أنها لم
فاقترب طارق
منها ونام
ولامست فخذه
وامتدت يده
على بطنها
أمامه وهمت
المرأة أن
تصرخ بصرخة
خافتة إلا
أنه اقترب من
فمها والتهم
شفتيها بفمه
وكتم فيها
الصرخة إلى
أنات اعتراض
فتحسس بيده
وظهرها وفك
وعرى ثديها .
وارتعد جسمه
بنار الشهوة
وشفتاه ما
زالت تلتهم
والتهم حلمة
ثديها ومد
يده الأخرى
الكولوت عن
هذه المتعة
الراقدة بين
الدنيا فلم
يعد يهتم ولا
يبالى لأي
شيء إلا أن
ينال هذا
النارى ألقى
الكولوت على
واعتلى جسم
بجسمه واحتك
زبره بلحم
بطنها فثار
جسده وثارت
دماء الشهوة
والرغبة فيه
واصطدمت يده
برجل ابنها
النائم على
الفراش ونظر
طارق إلى
النائم كيف
يملك أبوه
هذا الجمال
وحده .ونظر إلى المرأة فوجد الدموع تنساب على خدودها وفى عينيها نظرة فوجىء أنها نظرة رغبة مع إحساس بالندم أو الذنب لم يعرف أيهما. وبدون تردد وعيناه على عين المرأة امسك برأس ذكره وفى لحظة غاب فيها عقله أدخل رأس ذكره فيما بين فخذيها فى الداخل وأحس بحرارة ودفء كسها وشعر بطعمه الرهيب وارتعش جسمه وبكت المرأة وبضعف يائس حاولت أن تدفعه بيدها فأمسك بيدها وأخذ يمص فى أصابعها وذكره يدخل إلى أعماق كسها ثم يخرج وصدرت منها أنات وآهات ضعيفة فأثاره ضعفها واستسلامها ودموع عيونها فازدادت رغبته وأسرع فى حركة زبره والمرأة تتلوى تحته وكأنها نسيت مرضها وألمها وابنها النائم بجوارها واحتضنته بيدها وتحسست ظهره وطيزه وهمست فى أذنه : إيش انت ؟ نكنى آااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااافأثارتها
جسمها بقوة
وأخذ زبره
يقذف المنى
فى كسها من
الثانية ...
ثم قام عنها...
ووقف ينظر
إلى جسمها
وهو يشعر
والمتعة ..
ووقع نظره
على ابنها
وتخيله وهوه
ينيكها وخطر
على باله
سؤال هل زبره
كبير أم صغير
وهل يمتع
الفتيات أم
لا ؟؟؟؟ وفى
لحظة جنون
اقترب من
الشاب ونام
بجواره وقبل
شفتيه ومد
يده وتحسس
زبره من فوق
الذى يرتديه
وأمسك بزبره
ثم نزع
عنه وأخرج
زبره بين
يديه ثم خلع
عنه جميع
ثيابه وأخذ
يدلك فى زبر
الشاب حتى
بدأ ينتصب
ووجده فى حجم
زبره تقريبا
وأحس أنه فى
غاية الجنون
لما أحس
برغبة أن يمص
زبر الشاب
فاقترب منه
وتحسس بطنه
واقترب من
زبره ولمسه
ووضعه فى فمه
وأخذ يمصه
ويمصه بقوه
ثم نهض ورفع
رجلى الشاب
وأخذ يحك
زبره فى خرم
طيز الشاب
النائم وأخذ
يحكه حتى أحس
بخرمه هذا
وقد بدأ
وينادى على
هذا الزبر أن
ثم بدأ طارق
يدخل رأس
زبره فى خرم
الشاب فأحس
برغبة أن
يكمل وبمتعة
واقترب حتى
دخل زبره فى
خرم طيز
الشاب فبدأ
النيك مع طيز
الشاب وأخذ
يتأوه وهو فى
قمة المتعة
وزبره داخل
فى أحشاء
الشاب وجعل
ينيك طيز
وينيكها وهو
يدلك زبر
الشاب بيده
بقوة حتى شعر
أن زبره أصبح
أصلب وأشد
وانطلق زبره
الكثير فى
داخل طيز
الشاب فى نفس
اللحظة التى
انطلق فيها
زبر الشاب
الكثير على
بطنه وعلى يد
طارق وأحس
بمتعة ليس
بعدها متعة
فأخرج زبره
من طيز الشاب
وأخذ ينظر
إلى جسم
ووقعت عيناه
على المرأة
فوجدها تنظر
إليه ثم تنظر
إلى جسد
ابنها نظرة
صامتة .
وبدون أى
كلمة اقترب
منها ووضع
شفتيه على
شفتيها فى
طويييييييلة ثم
قام وبدون أن
ينطق بكلمة
ملابسه وأخذ
شنطته وخرج
من الشقة
وأغلق الباب
خلفه وذهب من
حيث أتى. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Dr Tareq's adventures in Abha with the midnight patient and her son.txt |
126,765 | null | The Peasant and Bread | في محافظات كثيرة مصرية تعلم عن أمر العيش البلدي الذي أصبح أخيرا عبارة عن نظام كشك وتأتي الفلاحات إلى الكشك من كل مكان. أنا أسكن في شارع يوجد به كشك عيش، عمري 19 سنة، أحب جدا الجنس وأتمناه ولكني لم أمارسه إلا مرة واحدة حتى الآن وهي عندما أتت إحدى النساء اللاتي يشترين العيش وكنت أنا ساعتها متخانق مع أمي خناقة جامدة وهي سابتني ومشيت راحت عند أختها. للعلم أنا والدي متوفي وأعيش أنا وأمي وأخوي أخوي صغير بيروح أي حتي أمي بتروح فيها فلما اتخانقت مع أمي سابت البيت وراحت عند والدتها والدتها في قرية في الأرياف. المهم أنا انتهزت الفرصة جبت واحد صحابي حولنا نجيب حريم روحنا اشترينا حشيش وطبعا توبس (واقى) فرصة بقي مش هتكرر ومعانا 100 جنيه قولنا عشان الموزة اتصلنا بواحد صاحبنا على الموبايل كان يعني دايما بيقول أنا بعرف بنات شراميط اتصلنا بيه قولنا يجيب هو معرفيش يجيب حد غير واحدة وكانت عاوزة 300 جنيه وعشان مفيش فلوس قضيناها حشيش وبس وبعديين اتفرجنا على سكس وفات أول يوم تاني يوم نزلت اشتريت حشيش ونفضت لصحابي كان معايا فلوس كتير قولت هقضي اليوم لواحدي ونفضت للشلة قاعد أشرب لغاية الصبح وأتفرج على سكس على الكمبيوتر أنا عندي أفلام سكس كتير أوي عندي عشرين جيجا سكس المهم طلع النهار عليه وأنا مش عارف حاجة لقيت باب الشقة بيخبط خوفت جدا افتكرتها أمي قولت أعمل نفسي نايم عقبال ما أشيل الحاجات نضفت بسرعة والجرس عمال يضرب شلت الحشيش وكل حاجة. لقيت واحدة من بتوع العيش من الفلاحين البسة عبايه سودة وايشارب طويل يعني فلاحه بس أنا كنت هايج أوي.كانت بيضا
وحلوة بس
مفيش مكياج
ولا أي حاجة
أنا قلت
اتفضلي دخلت
هي فاكرة في
حد في البيت
دخلت جبت
السكينة من
وبصيت عليها
وهي في
الباب بتاعه
كان فيه فتحة
كبيرة من فوق
وأنا كنت ببص
بالعقل أوي
لما لاقيتها
خلصت حمام
اللي هي كانت
لابسها روحت
فاتح باب
الباب من غير
تربّاس ولا أي
حاجة بتقفله
كده وخالص
فتحت الباب
دخلت هي
ظهرها وتشد
روحت حاطط
السكينة في
ظهرها وإيدي
على فمها
وقلت لها أي
صوت هاقتلك
وحطيت إيدي
التانية على
ببعبوص خفيف
كده وقولتها
بصوت واطي
أنا هنيكك
معايا لإما
هاقول إنك
وجاية تسرقي
ولو عملتي
حاجة هاقتلك
ومش هتسجن
هاقول إنك
عليا وعاوزة
تسرقيني في
ومعاكي منوم
الأفضل إني
أنيكك وأنا
مش قادر
ونفسي أنيك
من زمان
وانتى فرصة
مش هتتعوض
قلت لها ده
كله وأنا
إيدي على
فمها وروحت
منزل الشورت
وقولتها اقلعي
تقاومي عشان
وأنا قلعتها
وكانت لابسة
تحتها كلوت
وقلت لها دلوقتي
قدامك حل من
الاتنين إما
تنزلي قدام
وتبقي فضيحة
أو أنيكك
بهدوء وشلت
إيدي من على
فمها عشان
أسمع أجمل
وأحسن رد في
حياتي قالت
لي ماشي بس مش
عاوزة حد
يعرف بالّلي
حصل قلت لها
أوكيه ولا
أكني شوفتك
هي طلعت من
الحمام لبس
كلوت من تحت
أما بالنسبة
لفوق كانت
لابسة تي
شيرت تحتها تي
شيرت تاني
ولبس كتير
أوي المهم
فضلت أقلعها
لغاية لما
أول لما وصلت
للسوتيان قلت
لها إنتي منين
قالت لي مش
هتعرف عني
أي حاجة
دعوة كانت
لابسة غواية
ذهب في إيدها
وسلسلة ذهب
أنا جيت
الذهب ما
رضيتش قالت
لي لأه
قولتها بس
قالت لي لأه
روحت بوستها
وفضلت أبوس
وفضلت ألعب
شوية ورحت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولعته بعد
الأكل قومت
ورفعتها على
ودخلت زبري
في كسها على
طول من غير ما
ألعب ولا أي
حاجة وفضلت
زيادة عن
حوالي تلت
ساعة فى كسها
وهي بتطلع
أصوات بنت
متناكة وأنا
خايف حد من
يسمع رحت
قفلت الشباك
وكل حاجه
بعدين ريحنا
شوية دخلت
جبت أكل
قعدنا ناكل
وبعدين قمت
فاتح الدرج
افتكرت بقي
اللي كنت
جايبها عشان
وقعدت أضحك 100
جنيه ماجبتش
وجت ببلاش
المهم ضربت
هيجتني جامد
البرشامة مع
الحشيش اللي
ولع | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/The peasant and bread.txt |
126,789 | null | Fatima, Mary and Rachel An Arabic story | في شتاء عام 1935، وتحديدًا في الإسكندرية، في الزمن الذي عاشت فيه الديانات السماوية الثلاث معًا بسلام، وكان المصريون ثلاثة أديان. حينها كنت لا أزال أعمل لوقت متأخر من الليل في مكتب وأمامي كوب من الشاي الذي صنعته للتو.
وعند الساعة الثانية صباحًا دق جرس الباب. حينها قمت من الكرسي وتوجهت نحو الباب ونظرت من خلال فتحة الباب وإذا بي أرى صديقي العزيز فتحي ومعه ثلاث نسوان في منتهى الأنوثة والغنج. فسلم علي فتحي ثم الثلاث نساء اللاتي معه وقبلنني، فعرفت أنهن بنات من الطبقة الراقية في البلد التقى بهن في التياترو وعزمهن على بعض الخمر، ثم انصرفن إلى بيوتهن، ثم اتصلن به وكن سكرانات قليلاً وطلبن منه طلبًا غريبًا.
وتفاجأت بإحداهن وهي ترفع ملاءتها السوداء أمامي كاشفة عن جسم كلون الحليب الصافي وبدون ملابس داخلية مبدية نهديها الكبيرين ذي الحلمات الوردية النافرة فقلت: لا يا فتحي كدا كتير أوي كدا مش حاعرف أشتغل.
قفز فتحي وهو يقول: ما تطريها يا عم عزت.... أعرفك دي فيفي صاروخ الشاطبي وملكة جمال الشاطئ ودي ميمي دلوعة زيزينيا ودي ريري ملكة جمال كيلوبترا وعروسة البحر الأبيض المتوسط كله ودة يا جماعة الأستاذ عزت أكبر نيك فيكي يا إسكندرية و صاحب أعرض زبر في المنطقة كلها خخخخ.
غمزت لفتحي بعيني فجاءني فقلت له: إيه الحكاية يا عم فتحي؟
قال لي فتحي: أبدًا البنت ميمي وريري كانوا مع بعض في بيت فيفي وسخنوا وهاجوا على بعض. قامت فيفي اتصلت بيا وقالت لي: عاوزين زبر جامد دلوقتي وعاوزين نسكر ونسهر للصبح. قمت عديت عليهم ولاقيت البنت ريري عاملة تلحس في كس صاحبتها ميمي.. طبعًا الاثنين من غير هدوم وبالعافية لبسوا ملايات وجوم معايا.
قلت له: طيب نروح على بيتي كلنا. يالا تعالوا معايا يا حلوين في الأوتوموبيل واطرق انت يا فتحي.تصنع فتحي الغضب وقال لي: ماشي يا عم عزت .. اللي ياكل لوحده يزور.
ضحكنا وخلع فتحي واصطحبت الجميلات الثلاث فاطمة ومارى وراشيل (أسماؤهن الحقيقية) في سيارتي إلى منزلي. وشعرت كأنني بباريس في لوحة تحكيم باريس Judgement of Paris ، وسط الآلهات الثلاث العريانات الشقراوات الفاتنات: هيرا و أثينا وأفروديت.
وجلست جواري في السيارة ريري ولمحت في صدرها سلسلة ذهبية جميلة تتدلى منها نجمة داود بين ثدييها الكاعبين .. وجلست ميمي وفيفي في المقعدين وراءنا. وبدأت ريري تتحسس فخذي برقة وكان زبي هايقطع البنطلون ويطلع منه وبحركة كده مني جسيت جسمها كان زى الملبن تحت الملاءة وجبت رجلي لزقتها برجلها وأعمل أن المطبات في السكة بتهزني وأدعك رجلي بفخدها زبي وقف زى الحديد. وهواء الكورنيش الذي نسير جواره لا يخفف من سخونتي ودفئي..
وانحنت ريري علي وأخذت تقبلني في عنقي .. وكدت أصطدم بالرصيف .. وأخذت تلحس وجنتي وأذني.. وأخيرا وصلنا.. وتوقفت بالسيارة وحمدت الله أن بيتي قريب وإلا لكنا عملنا حادثة..
صعدت أنا الأول ثم أشرت لهن فتبعنني وصعدن ، وطرقن الباب ففتحت لهن ، ودخلن وأنزل ميمي وريري ملاءتهن حتى خصرهن وانكشف نصفهن العلوي عاريا تماما ، وأما فيفي فكانت ترتدي فستانا جميلا.. ولم تكن ملتفة بملاءة.. ودققت النظر في عنق ميمي فوجدتها أيضا مثل ريري ترتدي سلسلة ذهبية ولكن كان صليب جميل يتدلى منها.
قلت لهن: أهلا وسهلا أيتها الجميلات.. ويا ريري يا ميمي ويا فيفي.
قلن: أهلا بيك يا أمور.
وفيفي قالت بحنان: هاعمل لكم حاجة نشربها وتدفينا.
قلت لها: وليه بس تتعبي نفسك.
قالت لي: تعبك راحة يا عسل.
ودخلت المطبخ.
فيفي جابت كاكاو وجت. شربنا وقعدنا ندردش مع بعض وتعرفنا على بعض أكتر.. أسماؤنا وشغلنا وحياتنا.. كانت ريري (راشيل) حسناء متزوجة وميمي (ماري) فاتنة مطلقة وفيفي (فاطمة) بنت بنوت عذراء جميلة.. وكن زميلات وصديقات من أيام المدرسة..
وقمنا ، وقلعت فيفي الجميلة بنفسي ، وبقت عريانة ملط ، ولاقيت في صدرها سلسلة ذهبية لكن تتدلى منها ماشاء الله.حملتهن بين ذراعي واحدة واحدة وهن يضحكن، وأرقدتهن على السرير الواسع، وأصبحت الجميلات الثلاث أمامي مستلقيات متلاصقات متجاورات عاريات وحافيات على فراشي وسلاسلهن الذهبية تتألق لامعة على صدورهن البيض، ونجمة داود والصليب والماشاءالله تتألقن في الوادي الفاتن بين نهودهن.
تأملتهن على هذا الوضع طويلا، حتى قالت لي فيفي: إيه؟ مستني إيه؟ تعالى وانت مش محتاج عزومة.. هههههههههههههه. ورفعن أيديهن وحركنها معا يدعونني إلى الصعود بينهن مثل هارون الرشيد.. وصعدت.. فأصبحت فيفي عن يميني وميمي وريري عن يساري وأنا بينهن. وامتدت أيديهن المحلاة بالغواييش إلى زبي وأخذن في التنافس على لمسه وتدليكه وتحسسه، وتحس صدري وأرجلي وبطني، بينما امتد ذراعي حول أعناقهن أضمهن إلي بقوة وأوزع القبلات واللمسات والتقيفشات على شفاههن وخدودهن وآذانهن وشعورهن وأثداءهن وحلماتهن وأقراطهن وغواييشهن وسلاسلهن.. وكأنني وسط مأدبة شهية خرافية أسطورية من الجنة من الفواكه والتين والأعناب.. وبقينا على هذا الحال لساعة كاملة.
بعدها قالوا لي: لازم تبتدي بواحدة فينا بس والاتنين هيقعدوا على كرسيين قرب السرير يتفرجوا ويستنوا دورهم.. عشان تحس بطعم كل واحدة فينا.
قلت لهن: خلاص ماشي.
قلن لي: من اخترت؟
أشرت على ريري وقلت: اخترت ريري.
ضحكت ريري وقالت لي: اللاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااراحت نايمة
ومسكتني من
فيا ولفت
رجلها علي
وسطي وأنا
بقيت فوقها
وبقى كسها
قدام زبي رحت
مدخله وهي
تغنج وتقول:
ساببتني أخرج
زبي من كسها ،
وأنا وهي
عريانين ،
وأنا نايم
على ظهري وهي
قامت ميمي
وقربت من
وقالت لها :
بتقولي له
منهمممممممم عشان
تتناكي إنتي
وإحنا لأ . طب
قومي يا ريري
أما آخد
نصيبي أنا
كمان. قومي يا
قطة يالا .
ريري (راشيل)
على السرير
ووسعت لنا
مكان . وأنا
نايم على
ظهرى وطت
ميمي (ماري)
عليا ومسكت
زبي ونزلت
فيه بوس ولحس
وممص . زبي وقف
زى الأسد وهي
بتممص فيه
وأنا حطت
ايدي على
صدرها وفضلت
أدعك فيه
وفضلت أرضع
فيهم ولحس
في صليبها
الذهبي وهي
تغنج :
أحححححححححح ارضع
بالراحة إيه
ده .
وأنا أقول
لها : عمرى ما
شوفت الجسم
النارى ده
على حد .
كانت جميلة
زي ريري
وجسمها روعة .
مديت إيدى
على طيزها
عليها وأحس
عليها وأقفش
فيها ولعبت
بصبابعي في
كسها وأنا
بأقول : إيه
المهلبية دى .
أنا هاقطع لك
طيزك من شدة
النيك .
قالت لي ميمي :
لأ . نيكني في
كسي . طيزى حسس
وقفش فيها بس .
قلت لها :
أمرك يا أحلى
ست في العالم .
وميديت إيدى
من وراها
الوسط بتوع
إيدى مدخل
صبابعين في
كسها وإيدي
بتلعب في
بزها وهي
تقول لي : انت
عاوز كله مرة
واحدة ؟! .
وأنا أقول
لها : ده أنا
هانيكك في كل
حتة في جسمك
العسل ده .
قالت لي :
إزاي دي ؟ هو
النيك بيكون
في أى حتة ؟! .
قلت لها :
طبعا أما
يكون جسم زى
ده يتنك في
كل مكان حتى
بين صدرك بين
وتحت بطك
وبين طيازك
حتى في شعرك
أنيكك فيه .
قالت لي : يا
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ميمي
جنبي على
السرير على
ظهرها ونزلت
على بقها
أبوسها في
وأمص لسانها
ووشها كله
بالقبلات ،
الصليب اللي
في السلسلة
على صدرها
واللي هياكل
من صدرها حتة
، وأقفش في
الكواعب ،
وقمت بعد كده
وقفت على
ركبي بين
رجليها ،
وفضلت أدلك
لها بزبي على
شفايف كسها
وهي تغنج :
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ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه ه ه ه
ه ه ه ه هوطلعت زبي من
كسها بإيدها
وفضلت ميمي
تحسس عليه
عينيها منه
وهي تقول:
605;ممممم نيكك
605;مم نيكك شهد.
وقامت ميمي
وبدأت تبوسه
وتدعكه في
وشها كله.
وكانت فيفي
تجلس خجولة
بعدما كانت
جريئة ولم
تأتي لنتمتع
معا مع أنه
فحملتُ ميمي
بين ذراعي
وقبلتها في
واتجهتُ إلى
كرسي ريري
الخالي ..
عليه .. ثم
حملتُ فيفي
بين ذراعي
وأنمتها على
الفراش ..
وامتد يدي
إلى ساقها
تمسدها بلطف.
ثم صعدت بيدي
إلى نهديها
فكان إحساسا
جميلا جعل
فيفي تستند
بظهرها على
ظهر الفراش
برأسها إلى
الخلف وتغمض
عينيها فكأن
النعاس قد
فبدأت أتحسس
بشفتي فيما
كانت إحدى
يدي تضغطان
على ثدييها
وبدأ جسم
فيفي يتلوى
دون أن تعرف
هي السبب في
ذلك وبدأت
أصعد بشفتي
نحو شفتيها
فيما ازداد
ضغطي على
ثدييها فلم
تعد تحتمل
تتجاوب معي
وتمص شفتي
فأخذت أمص
لسانها وهي
مستسلمة لي
وهنا بدأت
بمص حلماتها
مثيرة حيث
كنت أضع
الحلمة بين
شفتي وأمصها
ببطء ثم أمرر
لساني حولها
الذهبية في
نهم كما فعلت
تماما بصليب
ميمي ونجمة
وابتلت فيفي
وغرق الفراش
بسوائل هياج
كسها ومددت
يدي بين باطن
أناملي على
وشفري كسها
فرفعت فيفي
سوكانت تنظر إلى وجهي وهي نصف مغمضة من شدة النشوة فكان وجهي محمرا. ثم نزلت برأسي بين فخذيها حيث رفعت إحدى ساقيها والساق الأخرى على ظهري وبدأت ألحس في بظرها الذي سينفجر من شدة الحرارة. وصعدت بشفتي على سرتها وبطنها ألحسهما بلساني ثم إلى صدرها ألحس حلماتها وأمصهما وقضيبي بين فخذيها وحركته تزداد اقترابا نحو كسها ببطء. فبدأ جسم فيفي بالارتعاش أكثر وبدأت ترتجف وأمدت يدها لتمسك بقضيبي المتضخم حتى توقفه عن تقدمه. فأبعدت يدها وبدأت أحاول إدخاله في مهبلها بحكه بين أشفار كسها المبتل فدخل منه قليلا وبدأت فيفي في الصراخ: آآآي آآآآآآآي ي آه أأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأي.
فسحبته ثم بللت يدي بلعابي وبللت رأس قضيبي وأخذت شفتيها بين شفتي ثم عاودت الكرة مرة أخرى ودفعته ببطء ليدخل ذلك القضيب الضخم كله في مهبلها الصغير وتمكن ويا للعجب ذلك المهبل الصغير من احتضان هذا القضيب الضخم المتين الطويل كأنه جزء من فرع شجرة عدا أنه ناعم من رأسه حتى خصيتي فحتى شعر عانتي كان محلوقا وبدأت أولجه في مهبلها وفيفي تصيح وتغنج: آآآه آآه أأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأي واه ه ه ه ياااااااه أوي كم حرارته عالية مولع نارررررررررررررررررررررررر أحس أنه سيحرق أحشائي آآآه آآآي آآآه ه آآآو.
وكانت يدي تسحبان فخذيها نحوي بقوة شديدة جعلت دخول قضيبي في مهبلها كاملا وأخذت أدخله وأخرجه بسرعة بدأت معها فيفي بالاستمتاع والتأووووووووووووووووووه آآآه أأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأأوأخذت المشاء الله تهتز في الوادي الفتان بين نهديها الكاعبين بشكل مثير جدا ، ولأن قضيبي كان يحك بنظرها فقد بدأت تسحبه نحو جسدها ليتوغل في أعماق كسها وفجأة بدأت أقذف لبني وفيرا غزيرا لا متناهيا معظمه في أعماق كسها والقلة الأخيرة على شعر عانة فيفي الخفيف الأسود ومن قوة دفقاتها حتى الأخيرة منها وصل لبني إلى صدرها وحتى رقبتها ثم سحبت مناديل ورقية وبدأت أمسح قضيبي حيث كانت عليه بعض البقع الحمراء فنظرت فيفي عندئذ إلى كسها وسحبت منديلا تمسح به كسها فشاهدت دماء بكارتها وأصابتها الرهبة.
فجلست بجوارها وأخذت أقبلها من شفتيها وأنا أهمس في أذنيها: لا تخافي يا قطتي فقد أصبحت امرأة كاملة .
فقالت له: يا للفضيحة إني لست متزوجة بعد .
فقلت لها وأنا أغمرها بالقبلات والأحضان: لا يهم فبعد ذلك ستشبعين لذة دون خوف فلا حاجز يمنعك من الارتواء وهناك ألف طريقة لتداراك كل شيء .
المهم قامت فيفي وحضرت لنا فيفي الأكل ، وجاءت ، وأنا قعدت وسطهم زى هارون الرشيد وسط الجواري دي تحط لي حتة في بقي ، ودي تقول لي: خد دي مني ، وتحضنني وأآكلها بإيدي ، ودي تبوسني في خدي وتعض صدري ، وأنا في غاية السعادة بصراحة .
قررت أن أتزوج الجميلات الثلاث .. وتطلقت راشيل ، وتزوجتهن جميعا وجمعت بينهن ، بين فاطمة وماري وراشيل. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Fatima,Mary and Rachel An Arabic story.txt |
126,808 | null | Meen Yiqdar Ala Ommy | في البداية احب اعرفكم على نفسي ... انا اسمي حسام 20 سنة من بورسعيد ابدرس في كلية تجارة
قصتي او اقصد مسلسلي او سلسلتي ستبقى عبارة عن حلقات ارتجالية يعني منظمة لكن مش منتهية ... وهيكون معظمها عن .. امي،،، سهام 48 سنة مطلقة وبتشتغل في اتيليه لتأجير فساتين الزفاف...
خلينا نتعرف ع السته دي شوية ... ست متسلطة شخصيتها قوية جدا بتسيطر وتتحكم في كل حاجة وف اي حد،، واكيد انا من ضمنهم....
يمكن اللي مساعدها في كده ,,,,, جسمها... والللي لو جينا نوصفه هنقول انها ست ضخمة ,, ومش معنى كده انها تخينة لكن ,,, طويلة، وممكن نقول مليانة شوية لكن مش اوي،، ويمكن اللي مبين كده هو حجم طيازها وبزازها... لكن ممكن نقول ان جسمها يشبه ستات المصارعة.. لون جسمها قمحي,, وشعرها اسود..
مش عايز اطول عليكو في الوصف وهنسيب بقية الوصف في الاحداث نفسها..
عايز بس الفت النظر انه يمكن تحسو بملل شوية في اول 3 او 4 اجزاء لكن متأكد ان بعد كده المتعة كلها جاية... وده بسبب اني من النوع اللي بيهتم بالمواقف اكتر ما بيهتم بالسكس نفسه.. وشايف ان المواقف نفسها هي اللي بتهيج .... يعني ممكن تحس انك بتتفرج على فيلم وفيه مواقف واحداث...
يعني القصد, انك لو عايز تهيج فعلا حط نفسك مكان اي حد من الابطال او عيش المسلسل كله وحس انك فيه والاحداث بتحصل ادامك ,,,, ايا كان نوعك انا متأكد انك هتلاقي اللي بتحبه....
من الاخر عشان مطولش ... لاول مرة هعمل حاجة مظنش حد عملها قبل كده ... اللي حابب يشوف محارمه في المسلسل ده .. هيكلمني على الايميل ويديني اسم ومواصفات اي حد من محارمه وهيشوفها في المسلسل في اقرب جزء ممكن ...
وورونى بقى مين امه او عمته او خالته او ايا كانت من محارمه ... هتقدر على امي ^_^؟
وعلى فكرة انا اللي هحدد مين هيقدر عليها ^_^
مستنيكو كلكو تجيبولي ابطال .. ونشوف مين يقدر على امي
وده ايميليمن بعد ما أبويا طلق أمي من خمس سنين واللي مش عارف كان سبب الطلاق إيه، عايش أنا وأمي وأخواتي إسماء 24 سنة، سارة 18 سنة، ندى 12 سنة... وطبعًا كانت أمي هي المتحكمة في البيت سواء كان بعد الطلاق أو قبله.... عايش حياتي عادي زي أي شاب كلية وصحاب ونت وشغل..
عايشين في حالة كويسة ومش ناقصنا حاجة، لكن أمي حكمت عليا أني أشتغل مش عشان فلوس لكن عشان شايفة أني كده هبقى راجل ولازم أعتمد على نفسي من دلوقتي "أنا مبقتش صغير"...
نقلنا لبيت تاني من بعد ما أمي بدأت الشغل من أربع سنين.. ونقلنا عشان نكون قريبين من مكان شغل أمي فنقلنا فوق منطقة الاتيليهات واللي فيها محل أمي ...
يمكن كنت بسأل نفسي كتير أن شغل أمي مبيجبش فلوس كتير وخصوصًا أن أبويا سافر بعد الطلاق ومش بيبعتلنا فلوس... ومع ذلك كنا عايشين في مستوى كويس ... وده اللي خلاني استغرب وأسأل نفسي .. أمي بتجيب الفلوس منين؟؟؟
مش عايز أقول أن الموضوع ده أخد وقت كتير من حياتي .. لكن أنا كنت عايش حياتي دلع في دلع وعايش حياتي لنفسي وبس - وده طبعًا برة البيت بس لكن بدأت آخد بالي من تصرفات أمي شوية .. كانت بتتأخر برة البيت كتير وطبعًا بحجة الشغل ومش عايز أقول أني كنت بسألها عن تأخيرها لأن طبعًا محدش في البيت يقدر يسألها سؤال زي ده ,,, ولكن هي من نفسها كانت بتيجي تقول وأنا متأكد أنها حتى لو مقلتش مكنش هيفرق مع حد ولا حد هيسأل...
المفروض أن أنا وأخواتي بنبقى كلنا برة البيت الصبح أنا ف الكلية وأختي إسماء ف الشغل .. كانت بتشتغل في سنترال تحت البيت .. وأمي هي اللي جابتلها الشغل ده .. وسارة ونـدى في المدرسة ... وأمي بتبقى لوحدها ف البيت الصبح نايمة طبعًا..
وف يوم كان عندي محاضرات في الكلية ولما رحت اتفاجأت أنها اتلغت فرجعت البيت بدري.. لكن لما رحت ملقتش أمي ، دورت ف أوضتها وف الحمام وف كل حتة ف البيت لكن ملقتهاش..غيرت هدومي
وقعدت اتفرج
ع التلفزيون,,
وبعد ساعة
لقيت باب
بيتفتح وامي
داخلة واول
ما شافتني
اتفاجأت لكن
على طول عدلت
واتصرفت على
وقالتلي: ايه
اللي جابك
نامت لانها
مركزتش في
وعديت اليوم
وبعدها بكام
يوم وانا ف
الكلية حسيت
باني تعبان
شوية وقررت
ارجع البيت ..
وبرده لما
رجعت البيت
ملقتش امي في
أي حتة في
البيت ..
ساعتها سألت
نفسي ممكن
تكون فين
بدري كده .. هي
بترجع من
الشغل بليل
متأخر وملما
بترجع كمان
بتسهر ادام
وبتنام بعد
الفجر .. ايه
اللي مصحيها
بدري كده
وراحت فين؟؟
بدات اشك ان
الموضوع فيه
حاجة مش
وقررت اني
ابقى اركز في
الموضوع ده
واعرف ايه
السر فيه..
وبدأت ايام
كتير ارجع من
الكلية بدري
وفي مرات
كتير منهم
مكنتش بلاقي
امي ,, عشان كده
قررت اني
اراقبها ,,
وفعلا في
يوم نزلت على
اساس اني
رايح الكلية
ولكن فضلت
واقف برهة
ومستني امي
تنزل عشان
واعرف بترو
في الصبح
بدري كده لكن
عدى وقت طويل
وامي منزلتش ..
فقدت الامل
وقررت اطلع
البيت وقولت
اكيد مش
ااجلها ليوم
تاني .. لكن
اتفاجأت اني
لما طلعت
البيت ملقتش
امي .. استغربت
وقولت جايز
تكون نزلت
وانا ماخدتش
بالي لكن
افتكرت اني
مشلتش عيني
من ع البوابة
واكيد انها
مخرجتش من
العمارة ..
ساعتها فكرت
وقولت اكيد
يبقى هي لسه ف
وفقدت الامل
اني الاقيها
في اليوم ده
وقررت ادخل
انام واااجل
ليوم تاني ...
وفعلا كررت
نفس الموضوع
ف يوم تاني
لكن مخرجتش
برهة العمارة ...
لكن استنيت
في الدور
اللي تحتينا
وشوية وسمعت
صوت باب
وعرفت ان امي
خرجت وبسرعة
قررت انزل
عشان متنزلش
تشوفني لكن
لما نزلت
دورين بصيت
نازلة .. ولما
طالعة لفوق..
طلعت ورايها
براحة لغاية
ما لاقيتها
داخلة السطح ..
ودخلت ورايها
بشويش ..
داخلة اوضة
فوق السطح ,,
والمعروف ان
الاوضة دي
فاضية ومحدش
بيدخلها ..شوية وسمعت صوت حد طالع ع السلم .. جريت بسرعة ونطيت ع السطح التاني ووقفت ورا السور اشوف مين اللي طالع .. لاقيته عم شعبان البواب دخل وقفل الباب وراه بالقفل .. وبعدين دخل الاوضة .. اتمنيت اني ادخل الاوضة وراهم لكن خفت .. وقولت استنى لغاية لما يخلصو احسن .. وبعد ساعة لاقيت عم شعبان خارج من الاوضة وفتح باب السطح وخرج وبعده بشوية لاقيت امي خارجة وبتعدل هدومها ونزلت هي كمان .. بسرعة نطيت تاني ع السطح ودخلت الاوضة واتفاجئت لما لاقيت مرتبة ومخدة ع الارض وشوية كراكيب في الاوضة وبان ان كان حد بيربي فيها حيوانات او حمام حاجة زي كده .. عرفت ساعتها طبعاً ان امي كانت بتتناك ومن مين؟ عم شعبان البواب ...
نزلت البيت وانا مش مصدق نفسي .. ودخلت البيت لاقيت امي في الحمام بتستحمى دخلت اوضتي وقفلت الباب عليا ورميت نفسي ع السرير وفضلت افكر في اللي حصل ده لغاية لما روحت في النوم .. صحيت على صوت اختي سارة وهي بتصحيني عشان الغدا وبتقولي: اصحى يا حسام عشان تتغدى صحيت ورحت غسلت وشي وبعدين روحت عشان اتغدى .. وفي وسط الغدا لاقيت امي بتقولي: انت مروحتش الكلية النهارده
ولا ايه؟ اتخضيت، لكن لحقت نفسي بسرعة: لا روحت، بس تعبت ورجعت بدري رديت: بقالك كام يوم بتتعب وبترجع بدري ,,
ايه الحكاية؟ بدأت اقلق,, رديت: معرفش مالي اليومين دول ,, بقيت بتعل وبدوخ وانا ف الكلية
رديت: مانت لو تخليك في كليتك وشغلك مش هتتعب، سيبك من الحاجات التانية دي قولتلها: حاجات تانية ايه؟
بصتلي بعصبية , خوفت وسكت وكملت
وبعد الغدا نزلت الشغل ,,"وبالمناسبة انا بشتغل في محل مجوهرات ذهب للزفاف وغيره" وبرده امي هي اللي جابتلي الشغل ده
وانا ف الشغل فضلت قاعد سرحان بفكر في اللي حصل في اليوم ده وانى اكتشفت ان امي بتتناك ومن عم شعبان البواب ... فضلت افكر وافكر .. زبايين تدخل وزبايين تخرج وانا عمال افكر في الموضوع ده لغاية ما روحت البيت وبرده دخلت اوضتي وفتحت اللاب توب بتاعي وقعدت ع النت وحبيت اخرج من الجو اللي انا فيه ده فتحت الايميل والفيس لكن ملقتش حاجة جديدة..فقررت
افتح مواقع
سكس اهو اي
حاج تخرجني
من الموضوع
اللي انا فيه ..
اتفرجت على
افلام وشوفت
صور ومفيش
حاجة ركزت
فيها خالص
ولا شدت
انتباهي .. كل
تفكيري كان
في الموضوع
اياه لغاية
ما عيني وقعت
على كلمة قصص
ومكنتش دخلت
القسم ده قبل
كده.. لكن
معرفش اية
حصلي وقتها
وقررت اني
ادخل واقرا ...
وفعلاً فتحت
القسم وبدات
اقرا كل
القصص اللي
ليها علاقة
وقريت قصص
كتير لغاية
ما لاقيت قصة
تشبه قصتي ,,
والبطل في
القصة عشان
يتأكد صور
امه وهي
بتتناك بعد
ما خبا
كاميرا في
المكان اللي
كانت بتتناك
فيه .. دخلت
دماغي وفضلت
مدة افكر
فيها واحاول
اقنع نفسي وفي
نفس الوقت
خايف ومش
عايز اعمل
كده ,, لغاية ما
وصلت في
الاخر اني
هعمل كده
وفعلاً اجرت
كاميرا من
اللي جنب محل
الشغل بتاعي
لمدة يومين
وعلطول طلعت
السطح ودخلت
ودورت على
مكان اخبي
بحيث متكونش
بايناة ..
الموضوع كان
صعب لكن قدرت
اخبيها في
اللي كانت في
الاوضة ,,
وتاني يوم
الصبح طلعت
السطح عشان
قبل ما يطلعو ..
وشوفت امي
خارجة من
البيت دخلت
بسرعة عشان
وبعدين جريت
عشان استخبى
ف السطح
التاني .. لكني
انها مطلعتش
ولا هي ولا عم
شعبان .. نطيت
ع السطح تاني
براحة وروحت
بشويش ناحية
باب السطح
وملقتش حد
خالص ..
اماله امي
راحت فين ؟...
دخلت قفلت
لبكرة ولما
اخلص ابقى
عشان صاحب
كان مبلغتي
انه محتاج
الكاميرا في
اليوم ده
عشان عنده
ضغط شغل..
استنيت تاني
يوم واتمنيت
انهم يطلعو
في اليوم ده ...
عشان مبقاش
الكاميرا ع
وفعلاً تاني
يوم طلعت
لغاية لما
امي تطلع من
الشقة عشان
واسجل .. وفضلت
واقف اراقب ع
السلم لغاية
لما لاقيت
امي طالعة من
الشقة.. جريت ع
وجريت ع
كالعادة ..وتمنيت
انهم يطلعو
اليوم ده
وفعلا بعد
شوية لاقيت
امي داخلة
هدومها وهي
ماشية لغاية
ما دخلت
ولاقيت عم
شعبان داخل
وراها وقفل
باب السطح
وفضلت واقف
يخرجو لغاية
ما حصل حاجة
لاقيت صوت
بيخضني من
وراياي بيقول:
انت واقف هنا
بتعمل ايه؟
بصيت وراياي
لما لاقيتها
ميرفت مرات
اللي كنا
فيها قبل ما
للعمارة دي..
قالتلي: ايه
ده؟ حسام!!
انت بتعمل
ايه هنا
ارتحت شوية
وحاولت اغير
انتي اللي
بتعملي ايه
ردت: احنا
الاوضة دي
على اوضة فوق
السطح اللي
احنا فيها"
قولتلها: ايه
ده؟ بجد ؟
الاوضة دي؟
قالتلي: هي
مش اوضة .. دي
شقة.. انت
صغيرة بس
عشان بتبص
عليها من برة
ايه ده؟
اتغنينا اوي
وقالتلي: بس
انت برده
بتعمل ايه
احنا كمان
نقلنا في
اللي جنبكو
قالتلي: ايه
ده؟ بجد؟
امال بتعمل
ايه ع السطح
شوية ,, لكن
ردت: اصل
احنا آآآ في
واحد بيطلع
دايما ع
السطح ويقطع
وصلة الدش
بتاعنا ..
فانا طلعت
بقى عشان
ارقب واعرف
مين ده
اهااااااا؛ طيب.. اسيبك
انا بقى عشان
اروح احضر
ماشي.. مبسوط
اني شوفتك
ميرفت 38 سنة..
ست شخصيتها
قوية برده
ومحدش يحس
انها مرات
بوابات خالص
وكأنها كانت
حاسة نفسها
احسن من كل
السكان في
اللي كنا
فيها .. وانا
كنت متعلق
بيها جدا..
لكن كان
دايما في
مشاكل بينها
وبين امي..
شكلها كان زي
اي شكل ست
ريفية عادية ..
لكنها كانت
بتحاول تبقى
زي ستات
المدن عادي
وكانت فعلا
كده .. وكان من
الصعب ان حد
يفرق بينها
وبين ستات
المدن .. كانت
بيضة وطويلة
شوية وجسمها
ولدين شحاتة 14
سنة وخميس 10
سنين... وجوزها
سعد 42 سنة"
لموضوعنا ..بعد ما ميرفت
اوضتها او
شقتها رجعت
الاوضة تاني
لغاية ما
لاقيت عم
شعبان خارج
وفتح باب
السطح وخرج
امي من بعده
برده بتظبط
ونزلت دخلت
بسرعة اتأكد
من الكاميرا
ولاقيتها في
وبتسجل .. وقفت
ونزلت البيت ..
الكاميرا دي
من النوع
الحديث .. يعني
بتسجل على
شرايط لكن
فيها هارد
داخلي وممكن
تسجل على
ميموري .. وهو
كان مديني
الميموري ..
وعلمني ازاي
وازاي انقل
من الهارد
والعكس .. لكن
انا احتياطي
سجلت ع
الهارد وبعد
كده حطيت
ونقلت عليه
الفيديو من
الميموري في
اللاب عندي
الفيديو كت
من ع
الميموري ..
ولاقيت صاحب
بيتصل بيا
وانا بنقل
وبيقولي انه
ضروري عشان
طالعة شغل
قولتله خمس
واجبهالك ..
وفعلا بعد
خمس دقايق
خلص نقل ..
وقفلت اللاب
ورجعت البيت ..
على طول دخلت
على اوضتي
وفتحت اللاب
عشان الصوت ..
كانت امي
نزلت الشغل
ساره ونده
بيزاكرو في
اسماء بتنظف
البيت .. وفتحت
اتفرج .. كانت
ضعيفة شوية
لكن مش بطالة
وقدرت احدد
كويس لدرجة
ان وش امي كان
واضح جدا
واي حد
هيتفرج ع
الفيديو كان
هيعرف انها
هي .. بدأ
دقيقة وظهر
هدوم بتترمي
ع الارض ..
وبعد شوية
لاقيت امي
بتنام ع
المرتبة وهي
وكلوت وحاطة
ايديها على
كسها وبتلعب
فيه وشوية
وصوت باب
بيتفتح وعم
شعبان بيدخل
وقلع هدومه
ورماها ع
الارض وفضل
الفلاحي ونط
على امي وفضل
يبوسو في بعض
وبعديين حط
ايده ورا
ضهرها وفك
وفضل يبوس
ويمصمص في
بزازها وهي
بتدعكله في
شعره ونزل
براسه لحد ما
الكلوت وفضل
يلحسلها في
كسها وهي
بتلعب في
ومكنش بايـن
عليها اي
حاجة ولا
بتتأوه ولا
اي حاجة ..
الظاهر ان
كانت قوية في
السكس كمان ...وشوية
ولاقيت امي
بدأت ترفع
رجلها شوية
شوية وعم
شعبان عمال
يلحس في
وبعدين وصل
وبعدين امي
رفعت رجليها
في وشه
وقالتله انت
مش قولت انك
النهاردة ,,
بصلها شوية
وبعدين مسك
رجليها وفضل
يلحس فيها
وهي مستمتعة
بكده وكان
المنظر كأن
خدام بيخدم
ستة .. وهي
قاعجة زي
الملكة وهو
بيلحس زي
الكلب ,,
حتى عم شعبان
امي اتحكمت
فيه .. شخصيتك
رهيبة يا امي
بعد شوية من
اللحس امي
كفاية بقى
كده .. تعالى
يلا حط زبك في
كسي ..
قلع عم شعبان
اللباس وحط
زبه في كسها
وفضل ينيكها 10
وبعدين طلع
زبره وجاب
على بطنها ..
راحت امي
نامت على
وقالتله: يلا
حطه في طيزي
وخلصني ..
حط عم شعبان
زبره في طيز
امي وهي
نايمة عىل
بطنها وفضل
يطلع وينزل
عليها وهي
ولا بتعمل
حاجة .. وفضل
الوضع كده 5
دقايق وطلع
عم شعبان
زبره وقاله:
هجيبهم .. راحت
امي لافة
واخدت زبره
في بؤها
وفضلت تمصه
لغاية ما
جابهم في
بؤها ,, شربت
امي اللبن
وقالتله: يلا
خلاص كده..
وقوام شعبان
لبس هدومه
ونزل وامي من
بعده .. فضلت
يومين اتفرج
ع الفيديو
وانا مش قادر
افهم موقف
امي اللي
كانت بتتناك
في صمت ولا
كانت متأثرة
بأي حاجة
خالص ولا
بتتناك ..
وفضلت مدى
افكر اعمل
بالفيديو ده
لكن موصلتش
وفي الفترة
دي حصلت
مشكلة بيني
وبين امي
بسبب اني
بتأخر عن
الكلية ..
ويومها امي
بطريقة صعبة
اداما اخواتي ..
منها وقررت
اني اذلها
اللي معايا ..
لكن برده
مكانش عندي
اللي تخلينى
اعمل كده ,,
لغاية ما
قررت اني
تتفرج ع
وانا مش ف
البيت عشان
تفكر كويس
قبل ما تعمل
حاجة ... وكان
طالعين رحلة
عشان الطلع
معاهم .. وقلت
ان هي دي
الفرصة لان
الرحلة كانت
هتقعد 3 ايام ,,
وقبل ما
اسافر طبعت
الفيديو على
سي دي وادتها
تتفرج عليها ..
سألتني عن
ايه اللي
قولتلها: لما
وانا مستني
ارجع عشان
اشوف امي
هتعمل ايه
وانا ف نفس
الوقت خايف
اني اواجهها
.....تفتكروا اني
هقدر اذل امي
او اتحكم
تفتكروا اني
انا اللي
هقدر عليها
؟؟ وكده من
اول جزء؟؟
عدت ال 3
ايام وخلصت
ورجعت تاني
بلدي.. اترددت
كتير قبل ما
اروح البيت
وكنت بفكر
اروح ابات في
أي حتة تانية ,,
فكرت كتير
وخفت من
مواجهة امي ,,
لكن في الاخر
قررت اني
اروح البيت
الساعة 1 بليل..
لما روحت
لاقيت امي
لسه مطلعتش
من الشغل ,,
فرحت ودخلت
غيرت هدومي
على طول ونمت,,,
صحيت تاني
يوم العصر من
كتر تعب
السفر,, لاقيت
امي في
بتحضر الغدا,,
دخلت الحمام
غسلت وشي
كنت عطشان
وكنت متردد
ادخل المطبخ
على امي ,, دخلت
عشان اشرب,,
امي لفتلي
نورك يا ماما
قالتلي: كانت
قولتلها: اها
كانت ممتعة
ممتعة اوي؟
يبقى اكيد
كان في بنات
يا خول
يعني مش كتير
قالتلي: طيب
ركز بقى في
وعشان ترجع
الشغل قبل ما
تاخد اجازة
هو انا من
امتى باخد
قالتلي: انت
دلوقتي في
سنة تالتة ..
يعني سنة
مهمة مش زي
اولة وتانية
قالتلي: طيب
يلا بقى روح
حضر السفرة
عشان الغدا..
خرجت احضر
السفرة وانا
مزهول .. معقول
تكون لسه
من 4 ايام.. كنت
او على الاقل
بايخة ,, طلعت
معايا كانت
غريبة اوي ,,
اول مرة
باسلوب كويس
كده... هو ايه
اللي بيحصل
حضرت السفرة
وقعدنا عشان
نتغدى ,,
ولاقيت امي
مهتمة بيا
اوي ..
بايديها حتى
وهي نفسها
لاحظت اني
وقطعت هي كل
ده وقالتلي:
انت مستغرب
ليه؟ اصلك
اول مرة تبعد
عني فترة زي
دي .. ووحشتني
قولتلها: لو
كده يبقى
هسافر كل
وكملنا غدا
وبعد الغدا
بقيت افكر في
اللي حصل ع
وتصرفات امي
بيا,, وفكرت
اني احاول
اعرف اذا
كانت شافت
الفيديو ولا
لسه..فكرت في
طريقة أتأكد
بيها,, وخفت
بصراحة ,,
فحاولت الف
وادور عليها,,
جبت سي دي
فيلم عربي
كان عندي
وخرجت من
الاوضة ..
لابسة هدومها
قولتلها: ايه
ده؟ انتي
قالتلي: اها
رايحة الشغل..
في حاجة؟
قولتلها: اصل
كنت جايب
فيلم ع السي
دي ده وعايزك
قالتلي: معلش
.. خليها لما
ارجع من
الشغل بقى ..
يلا سلام
ومشيت.. قولت
في نفسي,, حتى
الحركة دي
نتيجة,, طب
اعمل ايه ,,,,,
لفيت بصتلها,,
قالتلي: هو
السي دي اللي
انت كنت
كان في ايه؟
وسألتها: هو
قالتلي: لا
نسيت ,, انت
عارف الشغل
بينسيني كل
قولتلها: لما
قالتلي: ايه
حكاية لما
هتعرفي دي؟ ...
طيب ع العموم
ابقى فكرني
بليل اتفرج
استنيت بليل
وانا قلبي
وقلقان ,,
اخواتي نامو
والساعة بقت 1
ونص وامي لسه
مرجعتش من
الشغل ,, قعدت
شوية ع النت
وفتحت مواقع
سكس وفتحت
قسم القصص
وفضلت اقرا
عشان اعرف
ازاي اتعامل
في الموقف ده ,,
خصوصا ان
القصة اللي
قريتها قبل
كده ,, ام الواد
فيها حبته
بس اكيد
الوضع معايا
مختلف ,, امي دي
مفيش حد زيها ,,
وصعب انها
تقبل ان حد
يتحكم فيها
او حد يعمل
معاها كده ,, او
حتى يحصل
الموقف ده,,
قريت كتير
وبردة ملقتش
ام زي امي ,,
كل الامهات
بتجيب ورا
وبتسلم,, طب
اعمل ايه
انا؟؟ ايه
المنيلة دي....
شوية ولاقيت
امي جت ,,
طلعتلها ,,
قالتلي: ايه
ده انت لسه
قولتلها: اها
مش جايلي نوم
طبعا,,, مانت
رجعت من
الرحلة لبخت
نظام نومك
خالص ,, ضبط
نومك يا
حاضر,, تحبي
العشا لغاية
ما تغيري؟
وقالتلي: ايه
ده؟ بجد؟ انت
قولتلها: اها
بجد .. عادي
يعني ,, مش انتي
امي حبيبتي
(بيني وبينكو
كنت بحاول
اعمل أي حاجة
اكسبها بيها)
قالتلي: ماشي
يا سيدي ,, بس
ياريت تكون
بتعرف تعمل
حاجة بس
متقلقيش ,,
ابنك شيف
قالتلي: ماشي
ياعم الشيف
وريني...ودخلت تغيرت هدومها,
ودخلت انا المطبخ
وحضرتلها العشا. امي
غيرت هدومها وخرجت دخلت
الحمام وخرجت. كنت
انا حضرت العشا, قعدت
عشان تتعشى وقالتلي: يلا
عشان تتعشى معايا.
قولتلها: انا
اتعشيت مع اخواتي خلاص.
قالتلي: يعني
هتسبني اتعشى لوحدي.
قولتلها: طب
هاجي اقعد معاكي.
وروحت قعدت
جنبها وهي
بايدي زي ما
هي عملت
معايا ع
الغدا ,,
قالتلي: ايه
يا واد
الحنية دي؟
عشا وكمان
وانا حاولت
بالكام لحظة
دول قبل ما
تتفرج ع
تتقلب سواد
بعد العشا
قعدنا نتفرج
ع التلفزيون
شوية ,,, امي
قالتلي: انا
هقوم انام
انا بقى.
قولتلها: طيب
ماشي ,,
وانا ملجلج:
بس انتي كنتي
تتفرجي ع
قالتلي: اها
الفيديو,,, طب
ما تيجي
تتفرج معايا.
ايه؟ لا اجي
ايه؟ مينفعش
اجي طبعاً,, ال
اجي ال,,
امي اتسغربت
وقالتلي: في
ايه ياواد
قولتلها: لا
مفيش .. اصل
آآآ اصل انا
آآآ اصل في
شغل لازم
قالتلي: طب
ما تخلصه بعد
ما نتفرج ع
قولتلها: لا
اصل شغل كتير
ولازم اخلصه.
قالتلي: طب
ليه قبل كده.
قولتلها: انا
كنت عملت جزء
وبعدين قولت
اريح شوية
وارجع اكمل.
قالتلي: طيب
ماشي براحتك
ودخلت امي
وجريت انا
دخلت على
اوضتي وقفلت
الباب عليا,,,
عدى ساعتين
ومفيش ولا حس
ولا خبر,, خرجت
من الاوضة
وروحت ناحية
اوصحيت تاني
يوم,, اخواتي
سارة ونده
كانو في
واسماء في
الشغل ,,
والظاهر ان
امي كانت في
اوضتها ,, دخلت
الحمام اغسل
وشي وبعدين
دخلت المطبخ
اكلتلي كام
حاجة كده ,,
وطلعت عشان
اتفرج ع
شوية ولاقيت
امي بتندهلي,,
وحسيت ان في
حاجة ,, وقولت
اكيد شافت
روحت بشويش
وفتحت الباب
قاعدة ع
وشكلها كان
مصدوم ووشها
كان بايـن
عليها معيطة,,,
تعالى يا
احمد اقعد
هنا ادامي
خدت كرسي
وقعدت ,, فضلت
ساكتة شوية
قالتلي: هو
انت جبت
الفيديو ده
وفضلت ساكت
كتير ومش
عارف ارد,,
بصتلها وانا
قالتلي: انت
اللي صورتها؟,,
صورت امك يا
اتحرجت بعد
ومعرفتش ارد ,,
بس افتكرت
اللي هي
عملته ,, وهي
اللي خلت
واحد زي عم
ينيكها ,,
وافتكرت اني
لازم ابقى
قوي وواثق ف
نفسي وانا
بتكلم عشان
متأثرش عليا...
غيرت نظرتي
ونبرة صوتي
امي؟ امي
اللي خلت
قالتلي: انت
بتعايرني يا
قولتلها: انا
مش بعايرك,,
انا ابنك ,, انا
قالتلي: طب
مش قبل ما
تحاسبني ,,
تعرف ظروفي
ظروف ايه؟؟
واية هي
الظروف اللي
تخلي واحدة
زيك تعمل
اللي انتي
قالتلي: انت
تعرف اية
عني؟ انا
واحدة مطلقة
بقالي 5 سنين
لوحدي ومن
البيت للشغل
ومن الشغل
للبيت ,, وانا
مش صغيرة
واكيد كنت
محتاجة راجل
قولتلها: اها
,, والبواب ده
هو الراجل
قالتلي: اية
ده؟ انت
مشكلتك في
صححت كلامي
وقولتلها: لا
طبعا ,, بس
برده موضوع
انه بواب ده
قالتلي: هو
انا لاقيت حد
تاني وقولت
يامـا عرسان
قالتلي: كلهم
طمعانين في
فلوسي ,, ومكنش
حد فيهم
بيحبكم وانا
كنت خايفة
اتأثرت شوية
بكلامها ,,
وقولتلها: بس
برده مش كده ..مش لدرجة
قالتلي: معلش
يا حسام كانت
غلطة ,, بس عشان
خاطري انسى
الموضوع ده
انسى ازاي ؟
انا كل مرة
بتفرج ع
عشان احاول
اقنع نفسي
انك مش انتي
اللي بتعمليه
كده,, دانا طول
بتفرج عليه
وبحاول اكدب
اللي انا
قالتلي: ايه
ده؟ هو انت
كنت بتتفرج
عليه ازاي
وانت ف
الرحلة؟ هو
انت معاك
نسخة تانية؟
قولتلها: اها
عملت نسخة
تانية ليا
قالتلي: ليه
عملت نسخة
قولتلها: مش
مهم ,, مش وقته
الكلام ده
قالتلي: عشان
خاطري يا
حبيبي هات
النسخة اللي
معاك دي عشان
محدش يشوفها
تبقى فضيحة
قولتلها: لا
النسخة دي
هتبقى معايا
قالتلي: انت
عايزها ليه؟
شوية وبعدين
عشان يوم ما
تفكري تغلطي
تاني او
بطريقة وسخة,,
يكون معايا
حاجة ادافع
بيها عن نفسي
قالتلي: انت
بتهددني يا
قولتلها: اها
بهددك ,, واي
غلطة صغيرة
بعد كده ,, هخلي
فضيحتك تبقى
هتفضح امك يا
اللي تعمل زي
اللي عملتيه
يبقى لازم
يتعمل معاها
قالتلي: ماشي
يا حسام
سبتها وخرجت
ووقفت ع
اوعي تنسي
الكلام ده ,,
عدت فترة
كبيرة ,, وطول
الفترة دي
شايف امي
انها تتكلم
معايا ,, وكان
كلامنا كله
في حدود
والمهم بس,,
كنت زعلان
على زعل امي ,,
عذرتها لما
عرفت انها 5
سنين محرومة
من السكس
واكيد كانت
نفسها تتناك ,,
وبرغم زعلي
عليها كنت
برده بفتكر
اللي هي
عملته ,, وبفرح
عشان على
الاقل خلصت
من طريقتها
معايا...خلال الفترة دي برده، كنت بتفرج ع الفيديو كل شوية ، لكن في الفترة دي بدأت الاحظ حاجة مكنتش باخد بالي منها خالص ، جسم امي، وبزازها الكبيرة وهي بتترقص وهي بتتناك ، وطيزها الجبارة اللي اكبر من كاوتشات العربية ،,,
خدت بالي اني عندي احلى جسم سكسي معايا ف البيت وانا كل ده نايم,, في الاول الفكرة بدأت تيجي في دماغي ، لكن برده كنت بستبعدها ،، لكن من كتر دخولي على قسم المحارم ، خلاني افكر في الموضوع كتير ،
خصوصا،، ان في الفترة دي كانت عيني بتقع على امي وهي بتستحمى ،، بسبب انها كانت بتستحمى والباب مفتوح ،، ومكنتش بتعمل كده قبل كده ،، وبقيت اشوفها وهي بتغير هدومها وهي بتسرح شعرها ،، وبدأت اخد بالي من طيزها وهي رايحة جاية في البيت ،، وبدأت فعلا افكر في امي ،، بقيت احلم ان الجسم ده يكون معايا على سرير واحد ,,,
الفكرة بدات تعذبني وتتحكم فيا ،، وكتر دخولي على قسم المحارم وافلام الامهات اللي بشوفها ، كل ده خلى الفكرة تسيطر عليا وتديني الثقة اني اعمل كده,,,
لكن موضوع تسلط امي كان حاجز كبير ادامي ،، وفضلت افكر كتير ازاي اقنعها ،، وفي لحظة اكتشفت اني غبي ،، وانا اقدر اخليها تبقى زي الخاتم في صباعي,, مانا معايا الفيديو اللي بهددها بيه,,,,
قررت اني ابدأ معاها بشكل بسيط في الاول،، وبعدين لو مانعتش ابقى اهددها,,
وفعلا جاتلي الجرأة ودخلت عليها المطبخ وهي بتطبخ وحضنتها من ورا ،، وقولتلها: هو الجميل هيفضل زعلان مني كده كتير؟ فضلت تشتغل
ومردتش عليا,,, مسكت بزازها وحطيت وشي جنب خدها وقولتلها: طب الجميل يرضيه نفضل متخاصمين كده؟ قالتلي: انت عايز ايه يا حسام؟ قولتلها: هكون ايه يعني؟ بصالحك يا قمر قالتلي: تصالحني؟ مش كنت بتهددني؟ قولتلها: ما خلاص بقى يا قمر ..
</CORRECTED_TEXT>كنت متعصب وغيران عليكي قالتلي:
غيران عليا؟
قولتلها: اها
غيران عليكي ,,
انتي مش امي
حبيبتي ,,
تكوني ملكي
قالتلي: ملكك
انت ازاي ؟
قولتلها: اها
ملكي,, يعني
بتاعتي انا
قولتلها: اها
وتعملي كل
اللي اطلبه
منك .. وانا
هنفذلك اللي
انتي عايزاه
تفتكر هتقدر
تنفذلي اللي
انا عايزاه؟
وبعدين ايه
اللي انت
هتطلبه مني
هطلب منك زي
ما اطلب بقى ,,
هطلب منك
ناكل لوحدنا ..
ااكلك بايدي ,,
بايدك ,, اشربك
عصير ,,
تدعكيلي في
شعرك ,, اعملك
مساج,,, كده
قالتلي: طب
ما نتجوز
وماله؟ انتي
عندك مانع؟
قالتلي: انت
يالا ولا
قولتلها: لا
ولا بستهبل
ولا حاجة
ولفيت ووقفت
ونزلت على
ركبتي,, ومسكت
سهام,,, تقبلي
قالتلي: لا,,,
دانت اتجننت
قولتلها: انا
مجنونك يا
سوسو ,, انا
بموت فيكي
ومقدرش اعيش
من غيرك
فضلت تضحك ,,
قولتلها: ها؟
قالتلي: بس
برده انت مش
تنفذلي اللي
انا عايزاه
قالتلي: انا
النسخة اللي
معاك يا حسام..قلبت وشي
قالتلي: يا
حسام انا
اصلي خايفة
اي حد يشوفها
واتفضح ,, وانت
اكيد مش
عايزها يعني ,,
وبعدين ادي
شوفتني اهو
ولا غلطت
تاني ولا
بقيت بطلع
بطريقة وسخة
زي ما نت قولت
قولتلها: هو
انتي كنتي
قالتلي: مانا
برده كنت
مصدومة يا
حسام ,, اصلك
بتهددني ,, ودي
وجعتني ,, ابني
اللي ربيته
وعملتله كل
حاجة بيحلم
بيها ,,
قالتلي: ها ؟
قولتلها: لا ,,
خليها معايا
متزعليش ,,
خلينا ننسى
كل ده ونعيش
حياتنا وي ما
اتفقنا على
ايه؟ احنا مش
خلاص هنتجوز
؟ واتفقنا كل
واحد ينفذ
قالتلي: يعني
هتعملي مساج
انتي سبتي كل
حاجة وركزتي
قالتلي: اصل
جسمي تعبان
بقاله كام
قولتلها: من
كتر الشغل ,,
انتي بتموتي
نفسك في
قالتلي: اعمل
ايه؟ مش عشان
اجيب فلوس
خلاص من
انا راجل
البيت,, وانا
مقبلش ان
مراتي تصرف
وقالتلي: سيد
قولتلها: طب
يلا عشان
اعملك مساج
والكلوت ,,
وراحت ع
وناملت على
بطنها ,,, روحت
قعدت جنبها
وبعدين نزلت
على ظهرها ,,
دايقني ,,
قولتلها: اصل
مدايقني ,, مش
عارف امسجلك
ظهرك بسببه
قالتلي: طب
ما تقلعهولي
وسكت معرفتش
ارد قالتلي:
في ايه
يابني؟ ما
فضلت ساكت
بصتلي وضحكت
متحلمش ,, انت
بس لكن ولا
ايدك هتلمسي
بزازي ولا
عينك حتى
هتقع عليهم
وقلعته لكن
من غير ما
اشوف بزازها
فعلا ,, وكملت
مساج في
ظهرها,, وكنت
كل شوية
بحاول انزل
</CORRECTED_TEXT>وانا بعملها
مساج هيجت
عليها اكتر ,,
معقولة امي
ادامي ,, وكمان
بعملها مساج,,
بدأت اهيج
وبدأ جسم امي
يتحكم فيا ,,
وبقيت بتمنى
لغاية ما
خلاص يا حسام
كفاية كده ,,
انا ارتحت..
فضلت قاعد ,,
وقالتلي: قوم
بقى عشان
اقوم البس,,
قومت وقفت ,,
وقالتلي: ما
انيت مكسوفة
مين ولا ايه؟
قالتلي: انت
عايز ايه يا
خول؟ اطلع
ماشي يا جميل ..
مسيرك في يوم
تحن ,, ملكش
غيري برده
وقالتلي: انت
مش ممكن
النهارده يا
خرجت وانا مش
مصدق نفسي ,,
شكلها قربت
وشكلي خلاص
هنيك امي,,,
شكلي خلاص
قربت اخلي
كلبة تحت
تخدمني ,,,
عدى اليوم
عادي بعد كده
وجه اللليل
وامي رجعت من
الشغل ,, ودخلت
غيرت هدومها
الحمام ,,
لاقتني محضر
العشا في جو
وشموع بقى
وحركات (اصلي
كنت نايو
ادخل اللليلة)
ضحكت وقالتلي:
انت مش طبيعي
قولتلها: دي
اقل حاجة
اتعشينا عشا
رومانسي ,,,
وبعديين امي
دخلت تنام ,,
دخلت اوضتي
وقلعت هدومي
ولبست شورت
بس ع اللحم ,,
حاجة من فوق,,
ورشيت برفان
مثير ودخلت
اوضة امي,,
وروحت انام
جنبها,, هي
قالتلي: انت
بتعمل ايه؟
ايه؟ هنام
جنبك,, انتي مش
مراتي ولا
قالتلي: انت
بتتكلم جد
ولا ايه؟
وانا ايه
اللي هيخلني
قالتلي: انت
عايز ايه
قولتلها: ولا
حاجة ..عايز
انام جنب
مراتي آآآآ
اقصد امي
فضلت بصالي
شوية وبعدين
قالتلي: ماشي ,,
لما نشوف
نمت جنبها ,,
وهي بصت
روحت واخدها
في حضني,,,
ايه؟ في ايه؟
قالتلي: شيل
عادي بدفيكي
قالتلي: انا
كويسة ,, اهمد
ماشي ,, بس
متزعلش انت
يا جميل
نمت عادي
وفضلت احس
على دراعها,,
انتي عارفة
اني بحبك ولا
قالتلي: اها
اخدت بالي
الاخيرة دي
مانتي اللي
بتديلي فرصة
قالتلي: احنا
مش اتفقنا
ننسى اللي
قولتلها: صح,,
عندك حق ,, ننسى
وروحت بايس
قالتلي: طب
وده اسمه
عادي ببوس
قالتلي: ايه
حكاية مراتي
قالتلي: لا
يعني بس مش
اللي اخدتها
وانا بغير
هدومي بدأ
يشتغل وخوفت
كل ده يروح ع
وبدات اهيج
ومبقتش عارف
اسيطر على
بصراحة كده
عايز امارس
شالت ايدي من
عليها بسرعة
وقالتلي: انت
ايه حكايتك؟
انت عايز ايه
وناوي على
قولتلها: ما
تبطلي عبط
بقى وتعالي
نعيش اللحظة
قالتلي: لحظة
ايه اللي
نعيشها يا
ايييييييه؟؟ احنا
هنلبخ؟ يعني
هو ماشي مع
البواب وانا
سكتت وبصت في
البواب مش
احسن مني ,,,
وبعدين انتي
امي ,, وانا احق
من الغريب
قالتلي: ادي
قولتها ,, انا
امك ,, مينفعش
يا حسام
قولتلها: لا
ينفع ,,
وبصراحة بقى
انا نفسي
فيكي .. ولا
تحبي افضحك
اللي معايا
قالتلي: انت
تاني يا
قولتلها: اها
بهددك .. عشان
اتفقنا انننا
ننفذ طلبات
بعض ,, وادي
انتي اهو
بتستهبلي من
قالتلي: احنا
اتفقنا ننفذ
طلبات بعض
اها, لكن
انها توصل
ملليش دعوة
بالكلام ده
كله ..يا تنفذي كلامي
يا أمّي تتفضحي
اتأثرت كثيرًا
وكانت هتبكي,,
وقالت لي: طب
قلت لها:
لماذا نؤجلها؟
قالت لي: أصل
أنت فاجأتني ,,
وكذلك أنا
عندي الدورة
وقلت لها: يا
,, وأي وقت؟
قالت لي: ماذا
أفعل طيب؟
قلت لها:
خلاص نتركها
غدًا ,, بس كوني
وإيّاك أن تنسي
قالت لي: ماشي
قلت لها: يا ليلة ..
نامي في يومك
الفقير هذا ..
ذهبت على الفارغ
قالت لي: ماذا
هذا. أنت
أخذت لي
حبيبة أيضًا؟
قلت لها: أها
يا أختي ,, فكيف
سأقدر على جمع
مثل هذا؟
وبدأت تضحك,,
فنظرت إليها
وضحكت أنا أيضًا
قلت لها:
نامي نامي ..
بس كوني
ذاكرة بعد ما
تنتهي الدورة ..
أنا حاجز
بعدها على الطول
قالت لي: ماشي
نمنا وعدى
اليوم هذا على الفارغ ,,
ولم أستطع
الخروج بأي
ننام ,, حتى
لم أستطع
أن أقبّلها,,
لأنّها كانت
مصدومة ولم تأخذ
على الوضع ,, وعزّيتها..
مرّ يومان,,
اليومين كنت
هائج عليها
جدًّا وكل
قليل أسألها
عن الدورة
تقول لي لم
ورأيت منها
أجمل حركات
ومناظر ممكن
أراها ,,
وهاجني الآخر
ولم أستطع
أتحكم في نفسي
حتّى سألتها في
مرّة عن
وقالت لي
أنّها انتهت,,
استعددت كثيرًا
اليوم هذا
وأخذت حبيبة
بردّها ودخلت
جالسة تعمل
شعرها أمام
المرايا ,,
دخلت من
ورائها ووضعت
يدي على
وقبّلتها في
خدّها ,,
وقلت لها:
يا ليلة .. أنا
لا أستطيع
قالت لي: ماشيارقصي
يا جمل
شغلت اغنية ع
الكمبيوتر ,,
وفضلت ترقص
معاها ,,
هيجتني ع
الاخر بنت
المتناكة ,,,
مبقتش قادر
اتحكم ف نفسي,,
وقومت رقصت
معاها وروحت
لافف ورايها
السوتيان ,,
عشان اشوف
احلى بزاز في
لدرجة ان
لساني طلع ,,
وبقيت شبه
الكلب بتاع
الكرتون ,,
وفضلت واقف
مكاني مركز
في بزازها مش
عارف اتحرك ,,,
هي بطلت رقص
ايه؟ مالك؟
قولتلها: دول
يعجبو اللي
وروحت عليها
ابوسها,, لكن
هي حاشتني,,
وقالتلي: يا
حسام عشان
خاطري,, انا
قلقانة من
الفيديو ده ,,
لو بتحبني
النسخة اللي
قولتلها : ده
النسخة دي
هتفضل معايا
بين الجلد
واللحم ولا
ابدا . | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Meen Yiqdar Ala Ommy.txt |
126,745 | null | Me, my wife and the porter's son | قد تزوجت منذ سنتين من امرأة عادية الجمال ولكنها فائقة الأنوثة وكنت أسكن بالطابق الأخير وكانت شقتى تقع تحت السطح مباشرة وهى تأخذ ممر يمين شقتى وشمالك سلم لسطح العمارة وكان للممر باب خارجى مثل باب الشقة وأى حد من سكان العمارة حب يطلع يعمل صيانة مثلا للدش فكان لازم يرن علينا الجرس أنا أو مراتى تفتح له الباب وكان فى أوقات كثيرة فى الصيف نجلس فى هذا الممر نشرب الشاى ونخرج التلفزيون ونستمتع بنسيم الصيف أو نصعد على السطح ونجلس وأوقات كثيرة كنت بانام مع مراتى برهة الشقة ونمارس أجمل الجنس وكان بواب العمارة عنده شاب ولكن هذا الشاب به عته قليل فعندما نريد أى شىء من أى ماركت نتصل بعم سالم البواب ويطلعها معه ابنه عطا بالأسانسير وعادتنا كانت ماجدة مراتى بتستقبله بقميص النوم أيا كان شكله فكان عطا يخرج لسانه ويبرطم بكلام ويشاور على بزازها مثلا فكانت تضحك وتقول لى : الواد عطا عينه منى.
وأضحك أنا أيضا وبى قليل من الشبق وفى يوم كنت طالع الشقة وقبل أن أدخل تذكرت بأن أنظر على الخزان وهل يحتاج إلى نظافة أم لا وفعلا صعدت وسرعان ما سمعت صوت الأسانسير وبصيت من جزء من السطح يكشف الممر وباب شقتى ووجدته عطا فقلت أكيد ماجدة مراتى كانت عايزة حاجة.وفعلا كان
عطا معه كيس
خضار ورن
للباب وخرجت
ماجدة ويا له
من مشهد كانت
ترتدى بيبى
دول مشجر
أحمر فى أسود
قصير يدوبك
مغطى طيازها
وكانت فاردة
شعرها مع
فتحة بزازها
اللى يدوبك
القميص مغطى
ونظرت ماجدة
من العين
السحرية من
فوجدته عطا
وفتحت وقالت :
إزيك يا واد
يا عطا ؟
وعطا لما شاف
بزاز مراتى
اتجن لم ينظر
لها بل كانت
موجهة على
فضحكت ماجدة
وقالت : بتبص
على إيه يا
واد ؟
وشاور عطا
وبلغة الخرس
على بزازها
وأشار بيده
مع شفتيه
بأنها حلوة
وضحكت ماجدة
وقالت له : قول
لأبوك أنا
عاوز أتجوز
أنا كبير
جوزنى .
ودخلت ماجدة
الشقة وقالت
له : استنى
أجيب لك حاجة
ودخلت وجابت
له حتة جاتوه
وخطفها عطا
وقطع حتة
منها وأخذ
يشاور على
بزازها وعلى
وماجدة تضحك
وتقول له :
عاجبينك ؟
ويشاور عطا
بهز رأسه آه .
وتضحك ماجدة
وتشاور على
بزها تقول له :
عاوز تعمل
إيه فيها ؟
ويشاور عطا
بيده إنه
عايز ياكلها
وفجأة طلعت
ماجدة بزها
وقالت : أهوه
هاتعمل إيه ؟
وهجم عطا على
بز ماجدة
مرات ى
ويتغير وجه
ماجدة من شدة
المحن وتخرج
له البز
ويأخذه أيضا
ويبتعد عطا
عنها ويرفع
ويخرج زبره
ماجدة من
الرهيب فهو
طويل وعريض
ونظرت ماجدة
فى ترددد
وقالت : يخرب
بيتك يا عطا
إيه دا كله ؟
وسكتت قليلا
واقتربت منه
بيدها ونزلت
ماجدة على
وأخذته بين
شفتيها ثم
وقالت : لا
باقول لك إيه
يا واد انزل
روح لأبوك
يالا .
وفضلت تزق فى
عطا وأخرجته
من الباب
ودخلت الشقة
وقد رأيت عطا
يمسك زبره
ويضرب عشرة.
دخلت بعد عطا
ما نزل ووجدت
زوجتى ماجدة
وجهها محمر
ومتلهفة جدا
للقائى فقلت
لها: مالك إيه
اللى هيجك
كده ؟
فقالت : لا
أبدا شهوتى
قامت عليا
لوحدها .وجدتها
وتمسك زبرى
تقطعه مص
ونيمتنى على
الأرض وقلعت
وجلست بكسها
عليه إلى أن
بقوة وفرح
إلى أن دخلت
أخدت الدوش
بتاعى وأنا
أفكر فى مزيد
من الإثارة
فكرة وقد
فعندما خرجت
للعمل وعدت
تانى يوم
نادت على
عطا أعطيته
زوجتى وقلت
له أن يحضر
أشياء أخرى
من الماركت
وطلعت أجرى
بعد ما عطا
مشى إلى
وطلعت على
وكلمت ماجدة
من الموبايل
هاتأخر فى
ساعتين وأن
عطا هايجيب
لها حاجات
أراقب ماجدة
وبعد دقيقة
وجدت ماجدة
طالعة عارية
تماما تنظر
من الممر على
وبعد خمس
دقائق طلع
عطا وخبط على
الباب وفتحت
ماجدة الباب
وهى خلفه
ودخل عطا
وراءه الباب
ورأها عطا
وخبط رأسه
بيده ، خبط
بيده على
رأسه وقالت
ماجدة : إيه يا
واد يا عطا
وأشار عطا
بيده على
شفتيه ووضع
قبلة وردت
ماجدة: مش
عايز ده؟
وأشارت إلى
كسها ثم
أدخلته إلى
ونزلت إلى
الباب أسمع
ولم أسمع غير
آهات ماجدة
ولكننى كنت
أريد أن
أراها وهى
بتتناك من
كسها المهم
مر حوالى ثلث
ساعة وسمعت
ماجدة بتقول
له : يالا انزل
وجريت أنا
إلى السطح
تانى ورأيت
عطا نازلا
وهو يبعث
قبلات فى
الهواء إلى
وماجدة تقول
له : أخ لو انت
عاقل يخرب
بيتك يالا
ومرت حوالى
ساعة ونصف
وأنا على
السطح أفكر
كيف أرى
بتتناك من
عطا قدامى
وخاصة أن عطا
عقله على قده
غير مقلق لى
ودخلت شقتى
ماجدة وهى
سعيدة وكانت
ترينج سوت
ومرت الأيام
عادية إلى أن
جاءت ماجدة
فى يوم وقالت :
حبيبى بكرة
عايزة أنفض
وهاتصل بأم
السيد عشان
تيجى تنضف
معايا.وفرحت جدااا
فقلت جاءت
اللحظة اللى
انت عايزها
فأم السيد
امرأة فى
عادية كأى ست
ولكنها تملك
طياز يسيل
لها اللعاب
ده غير أنها
مايصة شوية
وذهبت إلى
ولكننى مشيت
بدرى ورحت
إلى البيت
فوجدت أم
السيد لسه
داخلة البيت
وكانت ماجدة
بنطلون قديم
قماش ضيق جدا
وتحججت بأن
خلصت بدرى
وطلبت ماجدة
منى أن أدخل
آخذ دوش قبل
نظافة البيت
وعشان أم
السيد تغير
وفعلا أخذت
دوش سريع
وخرجت ودخلت
أم السيد وهى
بيضاء قديمة
ولكنها تبرز
واتجهت أنا
فى ركن من
الشقة وأخذت
معايا وقعدت
أقرأ ولاحظت
يريدون أن
يحركوا بعض
الأثاث فقلت
لماجدة : ما
تندهى على
فردت أم
السيد : صحيح
وسكتت ماجدة
وتكلمت عبر
ونادت على
عطا وصعد عطا
وهو سعيد
وجاء وسلم
واشترك معهم
فى تحريك
بتاخد حاجة
من على الأرض
اتفرتك من
وراء وظهرت
فلقة طيازها
كاملة وضحكت
وقالت: طيب
أغير إزاى
دلوقتى ؟
فقلت : وعلى
إيه دا عطا
وأم السيد
فضحكت ماجدة
معايا ولكن
عطا لم يبرح
فلقة طياز
وانتصب زبره
من تحت
ماجدة وقالت :
شوف الواد.
ونظرت وضحكت
وكأن شيئا لم
يكن ونظرت أم
السيد وقالت :
يخرب بيتك يا
بعد خمس سنين
بعد موت جوزى.
وضحكت أنا
وقلت : يالا يا
أم السيد
عريس اهوه.
فضحكت وقالت
: لا أنا هاخده
معايا وأنا
فضحكنا كلنا
ولكن عطا
أشار إلى
ماجدة بأنه
عايز ينيكها
تانى وتعمدت
ماجدة أن
تتصنع عدم
الفهم وأنا
أيضا ولكننى
سخنت إلى
فأخذت عطا من
يده وأنا
أضحك متجها
إلى ماجدة
وأم السيد
تشاهد فقلت
له : عايز إيه
منها ؟
وأشار على
طيزها فقلت
لماجدة : لفى
يا روحى الواد
وردت ماجدة :
أحييه لا.
فقلت : لفى يا
بنتى الواد
ولفت ماجدة
طيزها فقلت :
آهى عايز إيه
تانى ؟
وأشار بيده
على زبره أن
يدخل جوانها
فقلت : يالا
طلعه.وقلع عطا
وظهر زبره
فشهقت أم
السيد من
منظره فقالت :
مش خسارة
يبقى عبيط .
وضحكنا ولكن
ماجدة كانت
فى وادى تانى
أكتر لكى نرى
كسها فأخذت
ريقى ووضعته
على كس ماجدة
وامسكت زبر
عطا ووضعته
على كس ماجدة
واقتربت أم
السيد منا
أكتر ومسكت
طياز مراتى
أكتر ووضعت
راسه بين
شفايف كس
مراتى وقلت
لعطا : يالا
ادخل .
فدخل عطا بكل
قوة وصرخت
ماجدة وأخذ
عطا يدخل
ويخرج فى كس
ماجدة مراتى
ناحية أم
السيد دون أن
وميلتها على
وأنزلتهم ويا
لها من طيز
كبيرة وطرية
وفتحتهم عن
آخرهم ووضعت
وجهى داخلهم
وتركت فلقات
طيازها تقفل
على وجهى
وأنا أخرج
وأدخله داخل
كسها فصرخت
أم السيد
وقالت : دخله
أبوس إيدك
بقالى خمس
سنوات ما فيش
حد جيه جنبى
أرجوك .
وعند دخول
زبرى بكسها
قمطت بكسها
فعرفت فعلا
بأنها من
زمان لم
يقترب منها
أحد وأخذت
أنيك فيها
وهى تجيب ،
ونزلت لبنى
فيها . وفضل
زبرى واقف
فقلت لها : أنا
نفسى أنيكك
كمان مرة فى
كسك .
وهى بنار
تقول : أنا
خدامتك .
وفعلا أخذت
التى تنزل من
كسها ودهنت
زبرى تانى
بصوابعى فى
أدخل زبرى
بالراحة فى
كسها . كل هذا
وعطا ينيك
ماجدة من
كسها ثم يقف
ويذهب ويرضع
لها بزازها
واحدة واحدة
، ويقطع بقها
بوس ، ويمص
لسانها فى
بقها وتمص
لسانه فى
بقها. دخلت
زبرى فى كس أم
السيد للمرة
والتى كادت
أن تسقط
مغشيا عليها
من الفرح
والمتعة .
أنزلت فيها
لبنى للمرة
ترواح تتشطف
فى الحمام
وتنضف كسها
من اللبن
وترجع نضيفة.
وفضلت أتفرج
على عطا وهو
بينيك ماجدة
وشغالة بلغة
الخرس وهى
وتوشوشه وهو
هيتجنن ..
وأخيرا شدها
له جامد وفضل
يتنفض .. كان
بينزل لبنه
والوفير فى
وفعلا راحت
أم السيد
وغسلت كسها
من جوه وبره
ورجعت كأنها
ما اتناكتش.وأمسكت عطا
وأمسكت زبره
ووضعته على
فتحة كس أم
السيد فدخله
فيها وهى
تغنج وهو
يصرخ بلغة
الخرس ،
لجسمه جامد ،
وشغال نيك فى
كسها . وكان
على زبرى
بقايا سوائل
مهبل أم
السيد فقلت
لهم : يالا
ندخل أوضة
النوم نكمل
هناك .
واستلقت أم
السيد على
رجليها لفوق
وفشخت وأدخل
عطا زبره فى
كسها مرة
أخرى واتجهت
أنا إلى
ماجدة وقد
استلقت هى
رجليها جوار
أم السيد
فقلت لها
تتناكى من
سوائل أم
السيد التى
كانت على
ووضعتها على
فتحة طيز
ماجدة مرات
ولكن لم تكن
كافية فأخذت
من سوائل كس
ماجدة ولبن
عطا فيه
وأمسكت عطا
وأخرجت له
زبره من كس أم
ورأت ماجدة
ذلك فأنزلت
سائلها مرة
ووضعت زبر
عطا على فتحة
أدخله ببطء
ودخل نصفه
وصرخت ماجدة
وقالت آه ه ه ه
مش ممكن . بلاش
. خرجه بيوجع.
فهدأت من
ماجدة قليلا
وأبعدت عطا
عن طيزها ،
وأخذت ماجدة
ومسحت كسها
المحبوك بها
، ثم أشارت
ضاحكة إلى
عطا ،
وهو يصيح وهى
تضحك وأخذ
كالقرد ،
وبقيت أنا
أدلك زبرى
الذى اكتفى
بنيكتيه لأم
السيد . وكان
عطا قويا
بدرجة عجيبة
، وظل ينيك
ماجدة لنصف
ساعة وهى
تغنج وتشهق
تحته حتى
أنزل سائله
المنوى فى
أعماق كسها
ورحمها. وبقى
فاعتلى أم
السيد على
طول وناكها
فى كسها لنصف
ساعة أخرى ثم
قذف منيه
داخل كس أم
السيد التى
لدرجة الشبع
وقد شبعت من
رؤية ماجدة
وهى تتناك من
عطا حتى
عندما جابهم
ووضعت زبر عطا
بسوائل أم
وماجدة فى
فمها لكى
تلعق آخر
نقطة لبن من
زبر عطا وتلعق
ماجدة من على
وهكذا كنا
نحتفل فيما
بعد نطلع عطا
ينيك معايا
ماجدة وكانت
أم السيد
بتيجى علشان
تتناك بس
وهكذااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa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| null | null | Authors/Womenlover/Me, my wife and the porter's son.txt |
126,779 | null | A story of a Lebanese mother | قصة محارم أم وابن
قصة حقيقية حدثت : لكن ليست معي
أنا أعلم أن الكثيرين لا يستطيعون أن يتفهموا ... أو ربما يتخيلوا ... كيف أن أنبل المشاعر الإنسانية وأسماها ... وأعني بها تلك المشاعر بين الأم وأولادها ... أو بين الأخ وأخته ... كيف لتلك المشاعر أن تتحول إلى علاقة ليس فيها شيء من النبل أو الإنسانية ... تتحول إلى علاقة بين أجساد صماء ... أجساد لا يحركها إلا رغبة حيوانية عارمة بإشباع نهم الجسد ... لجسد آخر ... ليس من حقه حتى مجرد التفكير به ... ولكني أعلم أيضا أن كثيرا من المراهقين في مثل عمري الذين يرون أمهاتهم كأول أنثى تقع عليها عيونهم ... يرونهن في أحلامهم على الأقل ... يرونهن عاريات ... كاشفات الصدور الممتلئة التى لطالما رضعوا حلماتها ببراءة الأطفال ... يرونها في أحلامهم تتراقص أمام عيونهم ... تطلب أفواههم المراهقة ... فتمتد أيديهم إلى نهود أمهاتهم تداعبها وتعتصرها وتقبلها وتمص حلماتها ... فتنتصب أزبارهم وهم نيام ... ويبدأون في مضاجعة أمهاتهم اللواتي يرونهن في أحلامهم ... يرونهن أمهات راغبات جامحات ... يستمتعن بمداعبة فلذات أكبادهن لأجسادهن العارية ... وفي الحلم ... يقبل الجميع على الجميع ... وتبدأ مضاجعة عنيفة مثيرة ممتعة ... تنتهي بأن يقذف هؤلاء المراهقون بحليبهم ... ولكن ليس في أكساس أمهاتهم ... بل في سراويلهم ... هذا على الأقل ... ما كان يحدث معي ... أثناء نومي ... بمجرد أن وصلت إلى سن البلوغ وسن الانتصاب وسن القذف ... ولكني لم أتخيل يوما أن تلك الأحلام المزعجة اللذيذة يمكن لها أن تتحول حقيقة واقعة بغفلة من الزمان ... وتلك قصتي مع أمي. اسمي سامر ... من مواليد برج السرطان ... كنت في السابعة عشرة من عمري ... الأخ الأكبر لشقيقتي سامية التى كانت تصغرني بسنتين ... أما والدتي فاتن ... فهي كانت كل دنيايوومحور حياتي منذ أن وعيت قليلا على هذه الدنيا ... والدتي فاتن جميلة بكل المقاييس ...جسدا ووجها
وروحا ...
ومثقفة ...
تفيض حيوية
وشبابا ... رغم
أنها كانت في
الثلاثينيات من عمرها ...
وكانت تثير إعجاب كل من
يحدثها أو
حتى ينظر في
عينيها ...
وكنت دائما
أفخر بها أما
لي ...
وأصاحبها في
زياراتها ...
بل وأشعر
عارمة بمجرد
أن أمشي
قربها أو
أحدثها أو
حتى حين
تتحدث مع أي
شخص آخر ..
كانت من برج
الحوت وتشبه
نورمان أسعد ...
هذه كانت
مشاعري تجاه
أمي في يقظتي ...
أما في
منامي ... فتلك
حكاية أخرى ...
في منامي كنت
أراها كل
ليلة تقريبا ...
ومعشوقتي ...
لا أشبع من
العاري ...
فأقبل عليها ...
أزرع زبي في
كل فتحات جسد
أمي ... وكنت
دائما أراها
هي المبادرة ...
وهي الراغبة
الجامحة ...
تستمتع بكل
ما أفعله بها
... بل وتطلب
المزيد ...
وأنا أبذل
قصارى جهدي
حتى أعطيها
المزيد ...
وأستفيق من
نومي مبلل
ثيابي بمني
الذي لا ينام
... أستفيق وأنا
ما زلت هائجا
على عهر أمي ...
فأسرع إلى
الحمام ...
وأفرغ ما
تبقى من
حليبي ...
أنتهي ... ألعن
وألومها على
تلك الأحلام ...
التي لم
أتمنى لحظة
واحدة أن
تصبح حقيقة
واقعة وفي
كثير من
الأحيان كنت
الهروب من
صحبة والدتي
إلى صحبة
والدي ...
إلى صحبة
سامية ...
أستطيع أن
أخفف من
والدتي على
نفسي ...
سرعان ما
أعود مهرولا
إلى حجر
وصحبتها ...
سامية ... لم
تكن سوى نسخة
مصغرة عن أمي
... خاصة بعد أن
بدأ صدرها
بالتكور ...
وبدأ معه غنج
ودلال وجمال
يثيرون في
المتمرد ...
يثيرون فيه
شريرة ...
تجعلني هي
أراها في
كثير من
الليلية ...
أما والدي
فقد كان عكس
تماما ...
وفي كل مرة كنت
أتقرب إليه ...
أستغرب كيف
لأمي أن
تتزوج مثل
هذا الرجل ...
وكنت دائما
أقول في نفسي
أنه لا بد
الكثير ...
فوالدي لا
يعرف من
الدنيا إلا
والتجارة ...
لا يملك أي
جامعية ...
وثقافته شبه
معدومة ... حتى
أن شخصيته لا
تثير إعجاب
احد ... وكل من
يتقرب إليه
لا يفعل ذلك
إلا طمعا بشيء
من ماله ... بمن
فيهم والدتي ...
وكان والدي
يغار من أمي
كثيرا ...
ويغار عليها
أكثر ...رغم
أنني أعلم
أنه يخونها
كثيرا ...
فما له
الكثير يجلب
إليه الكثير
من النساء ...
وأمي تعلم
ذلك ... غير أن
كانا دائما
صاغرا طائعا
إلى حضن أمي
التي لم أشعر
يوما أنها
تشكو من شيء ...
أو تعاني
نقصا من شيء ...
أو أنها
بحاجة لأحد.
إلى أن جاء
ذلك اليوم ...
وتلك اللحظة
التي اكتشفت
فيها ضعف
والدتي ...
اكتشفت فيها
أما غير أمي
وأحبها حتى
الجنون ...
اكتشفت فيها
أن أمي ليست
سوى ككل
البشر ...
مخلوق ضعيف
عاجز ... وقعت
تلك اللحظة
الحاسمة في
حياتي وحياة
عائلتي كلها
...عندما ... وفي
ليلة ليلاء ...
استيقظت من
نومي قاصدا
المطبخ أطلب
شربة ماء
تروي عطشا
أثناء نومي ...
وفي طريقي
إلى المطبخ
لمحت ضوءا
خافتا من
الكبير ...
أثار فضولي ...
فاقتربت من
الذي كان
بابه مغلقا
قليلا ... وما
أن همممت بفتح
والولوج إلى
الصالون حتى
تسمرت كل
مفاصلي ...
وسكنت كل
حركاتي بعد
أن سمعت صوت
بكلمات لم
أسمعها تخرج
من فمها أبدا
... كانت تقول: "
آه ه ... شو حلو
زبك ... إيه جيب
ضهرك كمان
مرة ... بدك
أفتح لك كسي
أكتر ..."
المزيد من
كلمات لم
أذناي من قبل
... وقليلا جدا
ما سمعتها من
بعد ... كلمات
أثارت كل
شعرة في جسدي
حتى لتخيلت
أني ربما ما
زلت نائما
أحلم بواحد
من تلك
التى اعتدت
عليها ...
ولكني لم أكن
نائما هذه
المرة ... ولم
أكن أحلم ... بل
في كامل
يقظتي ... وفي
كامل وعيي ...
واقفا على
قدمي ... حاولت
التراجع ...
فأنا لم أرغب
برؤية وجه
آخر لوالدتي ...
ولكني لم
التراجع ...
وفتحت الباب
بكل هدوء ...
باتجاه مصدر
الخافت ...
والدتي أمام
الكمبيوتر ...
شبه عارية ...
بل عارية
تماما من
الأمام ... ولا
يغطي جسدها
من الخلف سوى
روب رقيق ...
وكانت تضع
على رأسها
سماعة تخاطب
بها شابا
صغيرا على
المقابلة من
الكمبيوتر ...
كان الشاب
كما رأيته
على الشاشة
عاريا أيضا ...
يمسك زبه
ويداعبه ...
وكأنه يحلب
زبه أمام
والدتي التي
هي أيضا رفعت
على الكرسي
التي تجلس
عليها تداعب
كسها للشاب ...تفتح لها
شفاتيها كسها
تارة ... وتارة
أخرى تفرك له
أحد ثدييها ...
وبين هذه
وتلك ... تدخل
أصابعها في
كسها ... ثم
أمام عيني
الشاب الذي
لا بد وأنه قد
حلب زبه
وتكرارا على
وقع تلك
التى ترييها
إياها أمي ...
وزبه الذي
كان أكبر
بكثير من زبي
لا يزال
منتصبا ...
الممحونة ما
زالت تطلب
منه المزيد ...
في تلك
التي رأيت
فيها ما رأيت
... وسمعت فيها
ما سمعت ...
شعرت وكأن
الأرض من
تحتي تتحرك ...
وبدأت أفقد
توازني ... ثم
سمعت نفسي
أصرخ ... ماما ...
وبعدها لم
أعد أعي
تماما ماذا
جرى ... ثم فتحت
عيوني لأجد
نفسي على
تمسح وجهي
بالماء ... لقد
فقدت وعيي
إذا ...
واليتي إلى
سريري ... وبعد
أن بدأت
أستعيد وعيي
شيئا فشيئا ...
نظرت في وجه
أمي ... فكان
شاحبا إلى
الاصفرار ...
تحاول أن
ترسم على
ولكن دون
جدوى ... ثم
وفورا نزلت
عيوني على
جسدها ...
وكأني أريد
أن أتأكد أن
ما رأيته ليس
حلما ...
تلبس ذات
الرقيق ... غير
أنها ضمته
بأحكام على
جسدها فلم
أعد أرى شيئا
من لحمها ...
ولكن كان
واضحا أنها
لا ترتدي
شيئا تحته ...
فأدركت أنني
لم أكن أحلم ...
وان واليتي
كانت تمارس
أبشع صور
الجنس مع أحد
الشبان على
الكمبيوتر ...
وفجأة شعرت
بغضب شديد ...
ووجدت في
نفسي جرأة
اعتيادية ...
قابلها ضعف
غير اعتيادي
من أمي ...
بحدة: " ماما ...
شو كنتي عم
تعملي على
بالغة ...
وترددت ...
أجابت: " شو
قصدك ... ما كنت
عم بعمل شي ...
على كل حال
انت تعبان
هلا ... نام
وبكرا بنحكي"
ثم همت
بالنهوض عن
سريري ... ولكن
من أين
النوم وقد
شاهدت ما
شاهدت وسمعت
ما سمعت ...
استويت على
سريري ...
وأمسكت بيد
أمي بقوة
مانعا إياها
من المغادرة ...
ثم قلت لها: "
ماما أنا شفت
كل شي ... مين
الشاب اللى
كنتي عم تحكي
معه؟ " وعادت
أمي إلى
ثانية على
سريري ...
ولكنها كانت
شبه منهارة ...
طأطأت رأسها
الاثنتين ...
وبدون أن تنظر
إلي قالت: " طيب
... شفت كل شي ...
شو بدك هلا؟ "
سؤال وجيه ...
ماذا أريد
الآن ... ماذا
أريد بعد أن
رأيت ما رأيت ...ماذا عساي أستطيع أن أفعل بأمي التي كانت في أضعف لحظاتها ... بل لوهلة ... شعرت أني لست أمام أمي التي أعرفها منذ نعومة أظافري ... شعرت وكأني أمام امرأة عاهرة ممحونة قد قطعت عليها متعتها ... فلمعت عيناي ... وتملكتني إثارة شديدة ... وبلا أي ترددد ... امتدت يدي إلى روب أمي ... وفتحته لها ... فتدلى صدرها الضخم أمامي حقيقة واقعة بعد أن كنت لا أراه إلا في أحلامي ... لم أدري ماذا كنت أفعل ... ولم تبد أمي أي ردة فعل غاضبة ... بل أشاحت بوجهها عن وجهي ... ولم تحاول حتى إعادة ضم قميصها على صدرها ... وكأنها تقول لي: " هيا افعل ما تريد بأمك ... هيا أطلق العنان لغضبك ... هيا أطلق العنان لشهوتك المراهقة ... هيا اقتحم حرمة جسد أمك" وفعلا مددت أصابعي الخمسة إلى ثدي أمي ... فقبضت عليه اعتصره ... ثم مددت اليد الأخرى إلى الثدي الآخر ... رحت أعتصرهما بعنف ... ووالدتي لا تبدي أي حراك وكأنها تحولت إلى صخرة صماء ... وكان صمتها يزيد من شراستي ... فامتدت يدي إلى ما بين فخذيها المضمومين ... أريد أن أنال من كس أمي ... فرحت وبعنف أحاول الوصول إليه بأصابعي ... وتمكنت من فتح فخذيها بعد مقاومة ضعيفة منها ... ودموع ملأت عينيها دون أن تسيل على وجنتيها ... ولم تتفوه بأي كلمة ... وعندما وصلت أصابع يدي إلى كسها ... بدأت أداعب شعر كسها الكثيف بأصابعي الخمسة ... وانتصب زبري بشكل لا سابق له ... فكشفت الغطاء عن جسدي ... وأنزلت سرواليي بيد واحدة فيما يدي الأخرى ما تزال تداعب كس أمي ... وقفز زبي واقفا ... توقعت أن تنقض والدتي على زبي المنتصب بشدة ... توقعت أن تفعل كما أشاهدها في منامي ... تقبض عليه بيديها الاثنتين ... تقبله بحنان ... وتمصه بشغف ... ثم تنحدر إلى بيضاتي لتبللهم بلسانها ... توقعت أن تنام قربي على السرير وتفتح لي ساقيها ... وتطلب مني أن أنام فوقها ... أن أنيكها بقوة ... أن أقذف حليبي في كسها ... ولكنها لم تفعل شيئا من ذلك ... بل اكتفت بالنظر إلى زبي وأنا أداعبه أمامها ... دون أي تعبير على وجهها ... دون أي إشارة على أنها تستمتع بما أفعل بها ... بل كانت نظراتها توحي بالضعف ... والعتب علي لاستغلالي الوقح للحظة ضعفها ... ولكن هيهات أن أتوقف ... فلم يكن عقلي يعمل ...كنت
كثيرا بما
أفعل ... إنها
أول مرة أحلب
زبري أمام
امرأة ... أول
مرة ألمس
فيها لحم كس
امرأة بينما
أحلب فيها
نفسي ... وكانت
كل جوارحي في
اتجاه واحد ...
في اتجاه
إشباع جموحي
وشهوتي لجسد
امرأة عارية ...
ولم أتوقف ...
بل تسارعت
لزبري ...
لمساتي لكس
أمي ... أحاول
إيجاد فتحتها
بأصابعي ...
وما أن تحسست
أصابعي بلل
كس أمي ... حتى
راح زبي يقذف
عاليا دفعات
متتالية من
مني أبيض
ثائر هائج ...
قطراته في
الهواء ...
لتحط في كل
مكان على
جسدي وعلى
سريري ... وعلى
أفخاذ أمي ...
وبعد أربع أو
خمس قذفات ...
نهضت والدتي
عن سريري ...
عدة مناديل
ورقية قائلة: "
ارتحت هلا ...
خذ امسح
نفسك ... وبكرا
إلنا حديث
طويل " ثم
غادرت غرفتي ...
حائرا تائها ...
لست أدري ...
أأندم على
فعلتي ... أم
والفخر بما
جنتها يداي ...
النوم الآن ...
وغدا يوم آخر.
وجاء الغد ...
ولم توقظني
أمي كعادتها
كي أذهب إلى
المدرسة ...
وهذا يعني
أنني وأمي
وحيدين في
المنزل ...
جلست على
سريري أفكر
بأحداث ليلة
البارحة ...
بدءا من ضبط
المجون على
النت ...
لوالدتي ...
التي كانت هي
أصلا عارية ...
ومن ثم
المثير ...
القليلة لي ...
والتي لم تكن
تخلو من شيء
من التهديد ...
في البداية
شعرت بالخوف
قليلا ... فأنا
أعرف والدتي
جيدا ... قوية
وذكية ... وهي
إن أرادت أن
تعاقبني ...
فتستطيع ذلك
وبكل سهولة ...
ولكن عليها
أولا أن تجيب
عن السبب
الذي جعلني
أتجرأ عليها
وأفعل بها ما
فعلت ... عليها
أن تفسر ما
تفعله على
في منتصف
الليل مع
المراهقين ...
عليها أن
تبرر عهرها
المهين أمام
الكمبيوتر ...
وهل مجونها
هذا يقتصر
على ممارسة
الجنس عبر
النت ... أم
يتعداه إلى
الصريحة ...
إنها لن
تستطيع أن
تفسر شيئا ...
لقد كان فعلي
القبيح ليس
إلا ردة فعل
على فعلها
الأقبح ...
بالقوة في
نفسي ... بل
شعرت أنني قد
ملكت جسد أمي
... أفعل به ما
أشاء ... ومتى
أشاء ... ودب
النشاط في
جسدي ...فارتديت
وتوجهت إلى
الحمام وأنا
أحضر نفسي
لجولة ثانية
مع والدتي ...
قلت في نفسي
أنا أحب أمي
كثيرا ... وهي
تحبني أيضا ...
فما المانع
من أن نترجم
هذا الحب إلى
الجنس وقد
الأصعب ... وهي
الأولى التى
خطيناها معا
منذ سويعات
قليلة ... ثم أن
والدتي ليست
بتلك السيدة
الفاضلة ...
هي تتعرى
للشبان على
النت ...
وتمارس معهم
أقسى أنواع
المجون ...
أجسادهم ...
والصورة ...
فلما لا
واحدا من
الشبان ... وأنا
بها منهم
جميعا ... وفي
أفكار كثيرة ...
ورحت أتخيل
نفسي أنيك
أمي واستمتع
وساعات ... ولم
أستطع منع
نفسي من
على تخيلاتي
لما سأفعله
بجسد أمي
بمجرد أن
أخرج من
الحمام ...
وبعد أن خرجت
... لم أرتد
ثيابي ...
بل اكتفيت فقط
بلف منشفة
صغيرة على
وسطي ...
بالكاد تغطي
عورتي ...
وتوجهت إلى
المطبخ ...
أبحث عنها ...
لم أعد
التحمل ...
شيطان رجيم
فأحالني إلى
وحش صغير
هائج ... ووجدت
أمي في
المطبخ تحضر
الإفطار لي
ولها ... ولم
تكن ترتدي أي
ملابس فاضحة
كما تخيلت ...
فشعرت بنصف
قوتي تنهار ...
للحظات في
عليها هكذا ...
قواي ثانية
بمجرد أن
هيئتها على
الكمبيوتر ...
وما أن أدارت
ظهرها ...
حتى أسرعت
عليها ... وقبل
أن تتمكن من
لمواجهتي ...
بذراعي من
الخلف ...
واضعا كفي
على كلا
ثديييها ...
ودفعت بزبي
على مؤخرتها ...
بالقول: " صباح
الخير يا
أحلى ماما "
ولكن وبهدوء ...
الاثنتين كلتا
وأنزلتهما عن
صدرها ...
لتواجهني ...
رأتني شبه
عاري ...
قالت لي بهدوء
ولكن بحزم: "
روح يا سامر
البس ثيابك ...
وتعال لنحكي"
ودون النظر
إلى وجهها ...
وبتأفف واضح ...
جلست على
أقرب كرسي في
المطبخ ...
وفتحت ساقاي
ليظهر لها
زبي شبه
منتصب ...
لها: " أنا هيك
مرتاح ...
احكي شو
بدك تحكي "
تفاجأت أمي
من تجرؤي
عليها بهذا
الشكل الوقح ...
وكادت أن
تنفجر غضبا
في وجهي ...
أدركت أن ما
شاهدته منها ...وما سمعته
يخرج من فمها
من كلمات
بذيئة مثيرة
على شاشة
كانا أكبر من
قدرتي على
ضبط نفسي... بل
أكبر من
قدرتي على
الواضح مع
الشديد معي...
وبعد أن كظمت
غيظها... جلست
على كرسي آخر
وألقت على
والدين... وما
هو مسموح وما
هو ممنوع
علينا فعله...
تحاول أن
تشرح لي
السبب الذي
الجنس عبر
النت... وأنها
إنما تفعل
ذلك كي تتهرب
من معاشرة
والدي الذي
لا تطيق
وفي نفس
الوقت لا
تريد أن
تتورط في
علاقة مع
رجال آخرين
قد تؤدي بها
إلى دمار
أكيد... قالت
لي كلمات
كثيرة... فهمت
بعضا منها...
ولم أفهم
الكثير منها...
لأن عقلي كان
فاقد القدرة
على التفكير
السليم... وكل
ما كنت أفكر
به كان ذلك
المتدلي بين
فخذاي... وكيف
أستطيع أن
أشبع شهوة
عارمة طاغية...
تمكنت من كل
جوارحي... بعد
أن شاهدت
وسمعت أذناي...
ولمست يداي...
شهوة امرأة
عارمة للنيك
وللحليب دسم
شهي... تريده
أن يتدفق
غزيرا في كل
فتحات جسدها...
ليروي لها
ويخفف عنها
أريد تلك
المرأة بأي
ثمن... حتى لو
لم تكن تلك
المرأة سوى
أمي... ولست
أنا سوى
وأنهت أمي
بالقول: " أنا
يا سامر ما
بدي أخسر
إبني... ولا
بدي إياك
تخسر أمك...
وأنا بحبك
أكتر بكتير
من حبك لإلي...
ولأني بحبك
مش ممكن أعمل
معك شي غلط
أندم عليه كل
عمري... وعلى
كل حال أنا
بوعدك إني ما
بقى أقعد على
بس كمان بدي
إياك توعدني...
إنك تشيل من
راسك فكرة
الجنس معي
لا أدري لماذا
لم أشعر أن
والدتي جادة
بما تقول...
يردع مراهق
صغير مثلي...
ليس بتلك
الطريقة... يا
أمي... تمنعين
مراهقا عن
متعة حقيقية
ماثلة أمامه...
ليس بتلك
تستطيعين أن
تمحي من رأسي
ما رأيت وما
سمعت من شهوة
طاغية لديك
لمتعة الجنس
التى أنا
أشتهيها منذ
سنوات... ليس
أستطيع أن
أنسى متعة
رؤيتك عارية...
ثدييك ولحم
كسك وشعرته...وملذة حلب
زبي وأنت
يتطاير في كل
اتجاه من فرط
شهوتي إليك...
وما دامت أمي
تفاوضني على
قائلا: "طيب
أنا بوعدك
انو أحاول
هالفكرة... بس
بعد ما
بالزلط كمان
مرة... وآخر
مرة" وبعد
تردد طويل...
وتذمر واضح...
أجابت: "أنا
رح ألبي لك
طلبك هالمرة...
بس كون أكيد
إنك رح تندم
كتير إذا
طلبت هيك طلب
مرة تانية" ثم
شرعت بإنزال
فستانها من
الخلف... وهي
ما تزال
وبان لي
بشموخ... لا بل
تلمعان بسحر...
خلف حمالة
صدر سوداء...
عيوني على
وبتوتر شديد
رؤية والدتي
تنزعهما عن
يا الهي... أمي
تتعرى له كي
يشبع جوعه
للحم النساء
الذي يشتهيه
ليل نهار... بل
تتعرى كي
تشبع شهوة
عارمة تموج
في داخلها...
شهوة حب
يهيجون على
وبعد تردد
بسيط... شرعت
بفك حمالة
قائلة: "انت
مجنون... وأنا
مجنونة أكثر
منك" وهكذا...
مسحت من رأسي
كل ما قالته
لي طيلة ساعة
وتدلى لي
صدرها للمرة
ولكن هذه
المرة كان
أجمل بكثير...
هذه المرة
أراه في وضح
النهار... هذه
المرة... أمي
تكشف لي
ولم أعد
أتمالك نفسي...
بكلتي يداي...
وشفاهي... بل
بوجهي كله...
أقبلهما بشغف...
بنهم... بعد أن
الخمسة في
فمي... وسمعت
صوت أمي تقول:
"آه ه... يا
مجنون شو عم
تعمل... آه... آه"
وكانت آهات
محنتها تلك...
الرحمة التي
تطلقها على
ما تبقى في
نفسي بعض من
ضمير... وبعض
من مهابة
لأمي... وزالت
كل المحرمات
وضحاها... زال
كل شيء بلحظة
مجون منها...
وبلحظة غفلة
من الزمان...
وصعدت برأسي
نحو رأسها...
ينشد فمي
فمها... وتبحث
عن شفتيها...
وعبثا حاولت
أمي تجنب
لقاء شفاهنا...
وانهارت أمي
دفعة واحدة...تخيلتني واحدا من هؤلاء الشبان الذين تخاطبهم كل ليلة بأبذأ العبارات الشهوانية... وراحت تمص شفتاي بعنف... وتدخل لسانها في فمي ليقابل لساني... وإحدى يديها وصلت إلى زبي تدلكه بعنف... ويدها الأخرى تمزق ما بقى عليها من ثياب إلى أن وصلت إلى كيلوتها... فرفعت حافتها عن كسها... وبأنفاس لاهثة متقطعة... وفمها ما يزال في فمي... سمعتها تقول: "بدك تنيك إمك يا سامر... يلا نيكني... نيكني... نيكني وريحني وارتاح" أما أنا فطار صوابي... ولم أعد أعي من أين تأتيني كل تلك المتعة... هل من لسانها يداعب لساني... أم من شفتيها تحرق شفتاي... أم من يدها التي جعلت زبي قطعة من حديد صلب... أم من تعريتها بتلك الطريقة... أم من آهات شهوتها وكلماتها المثيرة... أم من أنفاسها اللاهثة الحارقة... ولا أدري كيف أجبتها: "إيه يا أمي... بدي نيكك... أعطيني كسك أنيكه... علميني النيك عشان أبسطك وتبسطيني" وبسرعة البرق... دفعتني أمي عن جسدها... وأجلستني على الكرسي الذي كنت أجلس عليه... ويدها ما زالت تقبض على زبي الذي كان ملتويا إلى الأعلى من شدة انتصابه... ثم وقفت... لتجلس سريعا في جحري الصغير... وليلج زبري كله... حتى البيضات... في كس أمي... ولأول مرة في حياتي... شعر زبري بحماوة الكس... وبزوجتها الرائعة الممتعة... وانطلقت من صدري آهات عالية متتالية... مع انطلاق دفعات هائلة متتالية من مني زبري... عميقا في كس أمي... لينساب على أفخاذي وبيضاتي من كسها المفتوح على مصراعيه... وارتخت مفاصلي كلها... وأعضاء جسدي كلها... عدا زبي... الذي ما زال منتصبا يدك جدران كس أمي في كل اتجاه... ومنذ تلك اللحظة... لم أعد أنا الذي ينيك أمي... بل أمي هي التي تنيكني... كانت تقوم وتقعد على زبري بشكل هستيري... فتحطم بأفخاذها أفخاذي... وصدرها العاري الملتحم بصدري يكاد يحطم ضلوعي... ولعاب فمها ملأ وجهي كله... وكانت كلما اقتربت رعشتها... تشدني من شعري بعنف... وتضغط بقوة على أفخاذي وصدري... وتخرج من فمها عبارات قاسية... فكانت تقول: "يلا يا عكروت... نيك أمك بعد... آه آه... جب لي ظهري كمان... آه ه... شفت كيف بينيكوا الكس... مبسوط هيك... آه ه... عكرت عأمك كمان... يلا نيك... نيك"وعبارات أخرى كثيرة...شعرت معها
أن أمي في
حالة غضب
شديد ... شعرت
نفسها ...
تعاقبني على
بالحصول على
جسدها ...
نفسها على
مجونها مع
الآخرين ...
المراهق ...
أما أنا فلم
يكن يهمني
ماذا تقول
أمي ... أو
بماذا تشعر ...
أو كيف
تعاقبني ... ما
كان يهمني هو
أن يبقى زبي
في تلك
الممتعة ...
بالكس ... أن
يبقى فيها ولا
يخرج منه
أبدا ... كنت في
حالة نشوة
خيالية ... لم
أستفق منها
إلا بعد أن
قذف زبي ثلاث
مرات في كس
أمي ... ثلاثة
مرات في نصف
متواصلة من
نيك هستيري ...
نصف ساعة
كانت كافية
لتجعل أمي
ترتمي سريعة
على أرض
المطبخ ... بعد
أن أتت
شهوتها عدة
متتالية ...
وأنا ما زلت
جالسا على
الكرسي الذي
ثبتتني عليه
أمي بثقلها
كله ... ولكني
غير قادر على
الحراك ... كنت
فقط ... أنظر
إلى أمي
الممددة عارية على
أرض المطبخ ...
وصدرها يخفق
بشدة ... وكسها
ينزف ألوانا
مختلفة من
بحليب أيري ...
وبعد أن هدأت
أمي قليلا ...
وقفت بصعوبة
بالغة على
قدميها ...
بقربي ... ولم
تلتفت إلي ...
ولم تكلمني ...
وتوجهت إلى
غرفتها ...
لترتمي على
سريرها وهي
ما تزال
عارية تماما ...
وبعد قليل
تبعتها إلى
سريرها ...
لأجد دموعا
غزيرة تسيل
على وجنتيها ...
وما إن
اقترب منها ...
حتى غطت
عريها بشرشف
السرير ...
قائلة لي
بلهجة آمرة: "
روح البس
تيابك ...
وفطورك جاهز
لأمرها ...
متوجها إلى
غرفتي ...
وبدأت أشعر ...
ولأول مرة ...
منذ الليلة
الماضية ...
بدأت أشعر
أنني وأمي قد
جدراننا ضخمة
سميكة ... | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/A story of a Lebanese mother.txt |
126,819 | null | My story with Mona the mall's visitor | قصتي مع منى
مرتادة المولات
تبدأ القصة من دخولها إحدى المولات. دخلت منى وده اسمها وعمرها حوالي 36 سنة متزوجة وعندها ولدان محمد (16 سنة) ومحمود (سنتان) وفي إحدى المحلات كانت تشتري ملابس وكانت البائعة سيدة تدعى مها وكان عمرها حوالي 46 سنة وكانت السيدة مها جميلة المنظر وجسمها كان سكسيا من الدرجة الأولى.
فنادت عليها منى علشان تعرف تمن فستان عجبها فقالت لها: عادي جدا يا آنسة حضرتك ممكن تقيسيه ولو عجبك تحت أمرك الفستان وصاحبة الفستان.
طبعا منى كانت تعتقد أن السيدة بتتحدث لها بلغة البيع والشراء.....وكانت حسنة النية معها لأنها لم تتوقع أنها سوف تدخل مغامرة جنسية من الدرجة الأولى تغير لها حياتها الجنسية تغييرا كليا وفعلا السيدة وكان اسمها مها أخذت منى للغرفة اللي يتم فيها تغيير الملابس... ودخلت منى ومها قالت لها: اتفضلي الفستان قسيه.
ابتدت منى تقلع هدومها وكانت لابسة بنطلون جينز ضيق وبادي كان يظهر جمال نهودها وكانت ترتدي تحتهم كولوت فتلة لونه أحمر وسوتيان ضيق عليه لون وردي... وخلعت منى البنطلون والبادي ووقفت بالكولوت والسوتيان ولم تكن تتوقع المفاجأة لأن مها فتحت عليها الستارة وقالت لها: قسيته؟
وتفاجأت منى ولكن مها كانت متعمدة أن تفتح عليها الستارة لكي تتمتع بمشاهدة جسم سكسي لا يختلف عليه اتنين.
فردت عليها منى بخجل وهي لا تعرف ماذا تفعل وقالت لها: لسه.
فدخلت مها معاها في الغرفة وقالت لها: آسفة بس علشان ما حدش يشوفك وإنتي بتغيري.
فتردد منى وقلقت من كلامها ولكن علشان سيدة فلم تهتم وغير كده إن منى كانت أيضا تمارس السحاق ولكن على خفيف وكانت عين مها على جسم منى ولم تتحرك عنها وعن صدرها النافر الكاعب السمين الجميل الممتع....
</CORRECTED_TEXT>فعلا لبست
منى الفستان
وطلبت من مها
أن تغلق لها
السوستة وده
اللي كانت مها
منها فلفت
لها منى يعني
طيز منى أمام
جسم مها
وقربت مها
ببطنها من
طيز مها
وضغطت عليها
خفيفة ومنى
لاحظت كده
ولكنها كانت
قد اهتاجت من
صدر مها
الكبير فلم
تبدي أي
وقالت لها
مها: إيه رأيك
عجبك يا آنسة
فردت منى
وقالت: جميل.
فقالت مها:
الفستان ده
هدية من
المحل ليكي.
وهنا عرفت
منى أن
الفستان تمن
لجسدها ولكن
من الذي
سيتمتع بجسد
منى هل هو شاب
أم رجل كبير ؟
فقالت لها
منى: متشكرة
جدا ممكن
حضرتك تشوفي
الحساب كام
وأنا هادفع
في الخزنة.
فقالت مها:
والله ما آخد
منك فلوس ده
هدية مني
وتغيرت نبرة
صوت مها وهي
تقول لها:
لأحلى جسم
ولأروع صدر
وأحلى أفخاذ.
وهنا بدت على
منى الدهشة
وكانت مها
تقول الكلام
ده وهي تقترب
من وسط منى
وبتقول لها:
إيه وسطك
الجميل ده
حرام إن راجل
يتمتع بيه ده
اتخلق بس
ومسكت وسطها
وهنا أصبحت
منى في حالة
هياج وده هشة
في الجنس
ولكن مع من مع
سيدة كبيرة
المشكلة ؟....
هي أكيد
عندها خبرة
وممكن تقدر
تمتعني ... بس
ممكن أكون
غلطانة ..
وفعلا كانت
منى غلطانة ..
لأن اللي
هيمتعها مش
مها ..
وفي أثناء
تفكير منى في
كلام مها
كانت مها قد
وضعت يدها
على صدر منى
الأخرى ما
زالت على
وسطها (خصرها)
وقالت لها:
إنتي بايّن
عليكي بتحبي
تلعبي بصدرك
كتير لأنه
كبير أوي.
فلم ترد
عليها منى
وكان سكوتها
علامة على
فزادت مها من
مسك صدرها
وفكت لها
وأصبحت منى
كما رأتها
مها أول مرة
وأخرجت مها
صدر منى من
وأخذت تمص
الواحدة تلو
الأخرى وكان
لذلك الأثر
في هياج منى
أكثر من
نادت مها
فجأة: يا أحمد
أحمااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااكان شابا
وسيما ناعم
الشعر شعره
مثل شعر
ماكجايفر أو
باتشان ،
يبلغ عمره 22
عاما ، وكان
أسمر البشرة
نوعا بجمال
سمرة النيل ،
ليست كسمرة
النوبة بل
سمرة أهل
المصريين ،
العضلات ،
القوام ،
طويل القامة.
وابتسم وقد
وقع بصره على
منى العارية
وأخذ يأكلها
وتقول فى
سرها: يا
كانت عينا
تتأملان كل
شبر فى جسد
منى ، فجسمها
جميل وصدرها
كبير ومشدود
ولونها بني
فاتح يميل
للون الوردي
كبير وعلى
كسها شعر
قالت مها
لمنى وهى
تقرص حلماتها
وتبعد يدى
منى التى
تحاول ستر
نهديها: ابني
أحمد اللى
معاكى على
طريقة دفع
ثمن الفستان.
بابنها إلى
منى وتركته
وقد ضم منى فى
حضنه .. التى
أخذت تقاوم
الإفلات من
عناقه ، لكنه
كان قويا ،
وغمر وجهها
ولحس أذنها
وقال لها :
إنتي جميلة
جدا. اسم
القمر إيه ؟ ..
قالت: منى ..
سيبنى أمشى
قال لها: كده
من غير ما
نتحاسب يا
قالت: مش
قال :
هدية منى
ليكى يا
وأخذ يقفش
بإحدى يديه
استسلمت منى
الفتى وصوته
الحلو وبدأت
في التأوهات
وأحست منى أن
تبلل وأخذت
تداعب شفرات
كسها بيدها
ولكن أحمد لم
يترك الفرصة
ليد منى في
بكسها فأزاح
بيده يد منى
وأدخل يده من
تحت الكولوت
وقال لمنى :
إنتي شهوتك
عالية أوي
إنتي مبلولة
خرج أحمد يده
من تحت
ولحس صوابعه
بطريقة تدل
على أنه يعشق
النساء بشكل
غير عادي....
وعندها قال
لمنى: إنتي
مفتوحة ؟.لم ترد عليه
منى لأنها
كانت في حالة
غير عادية
فلم تتوقع
أنها سوف
تقابل هذه
السيدة وهذا
ابنها وغير
أنها كانت في
حالة هيجان
غير عادية
تمنعها حتى
من فتح
فأعاد أحمد
السؤال وهو
يضغط على
بطريقة غير
عادية فردت
منى بصوت غير
مسموع: طبعا
أنا متجوزة
من ستاشر سنة
إيه مش بايـن
عليا ؟!
قال: أبدا
خالص. بايـن
عليكي بنت
بنوت ..
وضمها بقوة
أكبر تدل على
هياجه وقال:
ده هيجني
أكتر عليكي ..
ولسه متجوزة
آآآآآآآآآآه .. وعندي
ولديـن واحد
ستاشر سنة
سنتين بس .
قال: أحلى
وأحلى. أحب
أنا .
وهنا قام
أحمد وخلع
لها الكولوت
وأصبحت منى
بدون كلت
معلقة فيها
بظهر صدرها
من فوق
ونزل أحمد
وأخذ يلحس كس
منى بطريقة
تدل على أنه
خبير في
اللحس وكان
يدخل لسانه
بين شفرات
كسها ويحركه
زنبور منى
الأخرى كان
يحاول إدخال
إصبع في طيز
منى ولكن لا
جدوى من ذلك
فمنى ليست
مفتوحة من
طيزها مما
زاد هياج منى
أكثر وأكثر .
اقتربت منى
على الشهوة
قال لها أحمد:
هاتي في بقي
أنا عاوز
أشرب ميتك
هاتي عسلك
هاتيه يا
عمري .
وهنا لم
تستطع منى
منع نفسها من
أن تذيق مها
طعم عسلها
الجميل وهنا
اكتشفت منى
أنها لا تزال
في الغرفة
بسرعة وهنا
طمنها أحمد
وقال لها: ما
تخافيش أنا
قولت للبنت
اللي بره
مفيش حد ييجي
البروفة لأن
أنا بأعمل
شغل فيها .
وهنا أدركت
منى أن البنت
هي الأخرى
متعاونة مع
الفتى وأمه ...
وعزمت على
المشي ولكن
أحمد قال لها:
إنتي رايحة
فين أنا عاوز
أتكلم معاكي .
فوافقت منى
بعد تردد
وتمنع لأنها
كانت تريد أن
تعرف المزيد
عن هذا الفتى
الجذاب الغريب
وهذه السيدة
وهنا توجهوا
خارج المحل
وقالت أمه
مها: هالحقكم
حالا ..
وعندما ركبت
منى السيارة
وقادها أحمد ..
قالت: هي أمك
مش هتيجي ولا
إيه ؟
مسرعا وقال
لها: لأ.حاولت منى
والقفز من
لكنه منعها
بيده القوية
، وقال :
معاكي بقى ده
أنا قلت إنك
عقلتيني .. يا
بنتي إهدي
وصدقيني مش
هتندمي .
وأدخل يده
بحنكة في
ملابسها حتى
فوجئت به
يقرص حلمتها ..
وهو يضمها
إليه ويسرع
ينهب الطريق
وراحت منى
وأحمد البيت.
المهم بعد
لما منى
وأحمد راحوا
على البيت
دخل أحمد في
الأول وطلب
من منى
ودخلت منى
وهي منتظرة
الجديد إيه
اللي ممكن
يعمله أحمد
معاها. طبعا
اتعرفوا على
بعض في
المهم عندما
دخلت منى قال
لها أحمد: خدي
حريتك خالص
اعتبري نفسك
في بيتك.
ودخل أحمد
الحمام وهو
في الحمام
ندى على منى
وقال لها
تخلع هدومها
وتدخل. وخلعت
منى هدومها
عارية حافية
كان أحمد
واقف وساند
بإيده على
الحائط وزبه
واقف وكبير
ومواجه لمنى
فدهشت منى من
المنظر فلم
تتوقع أن
يكون أحمد
ويمتلك أيضا
جسما سكسيا
جميلا جدا
فأحست منى
أنها ابتلت
الشهوة مما
رأت فجسم
أحمد القوي
وزبه الرائع
كفيل بأن
يجعلها تأتي
شهوتها مرات
عديدة دون أن
تلمس بظرها
ولا كسها ...
المهم كان
أحمد ساند
على الحائط
وزبه في
مواجهة منى
فدخلت منى
وبدون أي
كلام أو
مقدمات مسكت
زبه بإيدها
وأخذت تفرك
فيه بكل
قوتها وأحمد
يقول لها:
كمان يا
حبيبتي جامد
يا قطتي...
فاهتاجت منى
من سماعها
صوت الشاب ده
وأخذت تمرر
يدها على زب
أحمد ثم نزلت
وأخذت تمص في
زبره وأحمد
يلعب بايده
في كسها
يفرك بيها
حلمات صدرها
ثم أوقفها
قبل أن يقذف
بقليل ثم
وذهبوا إلى
غرفة النوم.
أنام أحمد
منى على
السرير وطلب
من منى أن
يلحس لها
كسها فوافقت
فبدأ أحمد
يلحس كس منى
لكي يتذوق
عسله اللذيذ
اللي ما زال
طعمه في فمه ....
يلعب في
حلمات منى
ويفركها لها
ومنى بتقول
له: آآآه
آآآه الحس
كمان يا
حمادة .. يا
أموووور .. يا
روحي .. الحس
هيجتني انت
طلعت أستاذ ..وأحمد يهيج
أكثر وظل
يلحس ويفرك
بزاز منى
وكسها إلى أن
أتت شهوتها
ثم أدخل
إصبعا ثم
إصبعين ثم
ثلاثة في كس
منى وبدأ
ينيكها بيده
وهي تغنج حتى
أتت شهوتها
ثم قام أحمد
وقد أخرج
أصوابعه من كس
منى ورفع
رجليها وقبض
على زبه في
يده وده ن راس
الزب بريقه
وحاول إدخال
الرأس في
ولكن منى
كانت تشهق من
حجم القضيب
تتوقعها من
هذا الزب
الحلو من
وشبابه ، وهو
ضخم مثل زب
زوجها ولكن
ما يثيرها
أنه زب جديد
ورجل جديد
متعة جديدة
جديدة لم
تعهدها أبدا
من قبل ولم
تكن تتصور
أنها ستجربه
يوما أبدا .
وكان أحمد
كلما يدخل
واحدا يتوقف
عن الحركة
إلى أن يتشرب
هو ومنى
اللذيذ . كان
كس منى ضيقا
كأنها لم
تنك قط في
حياتها مما
زاد من متعة
الفتى. وظلوا
على هذا
الحال إلى أن
دخل كل
القضيب في كس
منى وظل أحمد
يدخل قضيبه
ويخرجه في
منى ولكن منى
من روعة الزب
الشاب لم تعد
تستطيع أن
تأخذ حتى
نفسها ولكن
لو تستطيع
الكلام كل
اللي كانت
هتقوله :
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآفي هذه اللحظة نسي أحمد كل شيء في الدنيا من سعادته لسعادتها والمني تحداها وأخذ زبه يرمي ويقذف لبنه الوفير الغزير الفياض بداخل رحمها وهي تعطيه من الضم والمص والآهات والنشوة أكثر مما أعطاها ولا يزال يحرك زبه والمني اختلط مع إنزال منى وسوائلها الحريرية الأنثوية.
كانت حرارة كس منى قوية وأحس أحمد بإنزالها وبلوغها النشوة من حرارة عسل كسها وتأكد لهأنها أنزلت معه بنفس الوقت واللحظة وبادلته المتعة وأوصلها لقمة الذروة.
أبقى أحمد زبه داخل كسها وقتا طويلا وهي تضمه بيديها من خلف ظهره، وهو لا يكف عن تقبيلها ومعانقتها. كانت تتحدث عن أشياء كثيرة ومنها أنها قالت أنها لأول مرة في حياتها تحس بالمتعة الجنسية الكاملة والتي كانت تحلم بها والأمان الذي كانت تفتقده.
ونزل على جسمها وظل يلحس جسم منى من قمة رأسها حتى أخمص قدميها ثم قبلها من فمها قبلة حارة وقال لها: "إنتي من هنا وراحة مراتي وأنا جوزك ولازم تفضلي معايا أنا مش هاقدر أبعد عنك خالص".
وكان أحمد يتمنى في نفسه تكرار نيك منى لثاني مرة لكنه لاحظ أنها تعبت وأصابها النعاس من الراحة النفسية والجنسية حتى كانت توشك أن تنام لكنه نبهها وجلسا قليلا وشربا عصيرا وأكلا بعض الأشياء وأثناء الأكل والشرب كانا يتبادلان البوسات والشراب والأكل من الفم للفم --- الضحك والفرفشة والكلام والدردشة والمواعيد الجاية حتى اعتراها الإرهاق تماما، وتذكرت هي البيت .. وكان هذا حوالي قبل طلوع الشمس واستأذنت لتنصرف.
فقال لها: "ماشي. كفاية عليكي كده يا قطة النهاردة".
واتفقوا على موعد تاني يتقابلوا فيه .....
وقلبه كان معها ورافقها حتى وصلت إلى الباب. راقب الشارع ولم يجد أحدا ثم باسها بوسة الوداع .. ثم مشت منى بخطوات سريعة للبيت.
وده فعلا قصة حقيقية عن لسان منى زميلتي ولكن القصة دي حدثت بالفعل من أسبوع ولم ألتقي بمنى من يومها ولكن سوف أخبرك ببقية مغامرتها مع أحمد حين ألتقي بها. | null | null | Authors/Womenlover/My story with Mona the malls visitor.txt |
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