1 value
Yeah, we are definitely on Route 27.
Okay. We are at a rest stop on Route 27. Okay. There is no Route 27. Okay, either 93 or 76?
I don’t know, I’m sorry, I always slept in the back when we drove up here.
Hey, can you send somebody up and down 76 and check every rest stop, and, and also 93?
Yeah, no they don’t do that.
Ugh, okay, well somebody will come and save us.
I mean have you seen a car come by here in the last hour and a half?
I think we should call Ross, maybe he can get a car and come pick us up.
No! No, I am not getting in a car with Ross, we will just have to live here!
But if...
No you guys, I am not getting in a car with him, you’ll have to think of something else.
Oh good, oh Joey and Chandler are back.
So the going for help went well?
I’m telling you man, I saw it.
Yeah, well, you’re wrong! Okay, you’re wrong.
I’m not wrong! I wish I was. I’m sorry. Bet that barium enema doesn’t sound so bad now, huh?
I know.
Let’s try a look…of far off…wonderment.
Okay, we’ll-we’ll gaze into our future and we’ll think about our marriage and the days to come.
What is the matter with your face?!
I mean this picture is supposed to say "Geller and Bing to be married," not "Local woman saves drowning moron!"
Don’t laugh at him!
We’re gonna find love!
Yeah, I’m pretty confident about that.
That’s what makes it so easy for me to be 80% happy for Monica and Chandler!
It would be nice to have a little guarantee though.
What do you mean?
Well y’know, some people make deals with a friend, like if neither of them are married by the time they’re 40, they marry each other.
You mean a backup?
Yeah, yeah I got that.
You do?
Are you serious?!
Yeah, I locked him years ago!
Wh… So… If neither of you are married by the time you’re 40, you’re gonna marry Joey.
Yep, we shook on it. Yeah but believe me that is not how he wanted to seal the deal.
Oh, seriously?
Yeah uh, what am I gonna do?
Yeah, I’m sorry man. You wanna go watch?
Good morning.
Hi Tag! Hey, so did you have fun with uh, with Joey last night?
Oh yeah! We went to the Knicks game.
Ohh that’s nice.
Then we went to this bar and he hooked us up with all these women!
Wo-women? You mean like old women?
Well kinda old, like 30.
And I never used to be able to just talk to girls in bars, but I got like 20 phone numbers last night.
That’s great! Wow man, so Joey must’ve really taught you some stuff huh?
A little.
How you doin’?
Phoebe, we are so proud of you! You're amazing!
I know.
So does it really hurt as bad as they say?
What did you just say?
You roll another hard eight and we get married here tonight.
Are you serious?!
Yes! I love you! I've never loved anybody as much as I love you.
I've never loved anybody as much as I love you.
Okay, so if an eight comes up, we take it as a sign and we do it!
What do you say?
Okay! Come on! Let's go! All right!
Okay! That's a four! And where-where's the other one?
It went under the table.
Nobody move! Okay, you look that way; I'll look this way!
Here it is! Here it is!
That could be a four or a five. It's your call.
It's a four.
I think so too.
Well that’s it. I’m done. Whew! There come the meat sweats.
Well Joey, we’re all…we’re all very proud of you.
Yes, I believe we can expect a call from the President any moment now.
Is there anything we can do for you?
No just, nobody press on my stomach.
You can keep those pants by the way.
Whoa—hey—wh-wh-what do you got there? What is that? Pie?
Yeah, you want some?
Ah, just cut me a little sliver.
A little bigger.
Little bigger.
Are you afraid you’re gonna run out?!
Cut me a real piece!
Phoebe, oh my God! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?
I need to talk to you, it’s pretty urgent. It’s about Monica and Chandler.
Oh my God!
Of course, of course.
Umm, would you please excuse me for a moment?