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Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Sex with three people is called a threesome. | Sex with two people is called a twosome. That is why they call me handsome. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I accidently lost some chromosomes today | Now I'm feeling rather down |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Why don't bald people use keys? | Because they don't have any locks |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I accidentally butt dialed my proctologist once... | I told him it was an accident... he said I was full of shit |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Did you know that animals make a different sounds depending what part of the world you are in....? | For example, in China, Dogs makes a sizzling sound! *I know I am going to hell for this but this was an old joke that was told to me. * |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A black guy with a parrot on his shoulder walks into a bar | The bartender asks: Hey cool, where'd you get it? The parrot says: Africa |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Why do ghosts have trouble meeting girls at bars? | Because they're only there for the boos. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What does Superman put in his drink? | Just ice. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an agnostic and a dyslexic? | Someone who lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Breaking News: | As if it isnt broken fucking enough |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Need a joke for valentines card | Valentines is tomorrow and i just wondering anyone could tell me a jokes so i can write on it to my gf Thank you!! |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | For Sale: French WWII Rifle | Never fired. Only dropped once. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Damn girl, are you Muslim? | 'cause that ass is bomb. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I painted my computer black | so that it would run faster, but now it doesn't work. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | If it's yellow, let it mellow | If it's brown, stop it at the border and submit it to extreme vetting. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Quiet guy in class had this gem of a response | Military history class. We have this one guy in class who doesn't really say much and tends to keep to himself; just figured one of those 'man of few words' kinda guys. One day, we were discussing the planes used in WW2. Ensuing discussion goes as such Professor: So what planes did we have during that time? Student 1: Well we had the Cobra and Mustang Professor: Ok and what did the Japanese have? Student 2: Japanese had zeros Professor: And what was the main difference between us and them? Quiet kid: We didn't crash as much The professor tried to keep it together but started rolling, dropped his marker, and said 'Class dismissed'. We had 20 minutes left. Thanks quiet kid |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Three Nuns Die | In a car crash and go to heaven, Sister Margeret, Sister Patricia, and Sister Mary. They meet Peter at the gates of heaven. Peter : " Before any of you get in, you need to wash the part of your body in the fountain of holy water that has been lustfully used to sin" Sister Margeret walks to the fountain and washes her hands. Peter : " Thankyou Sister Margeret you may walk through", Sister Patricia, your next. As Sister Patricia walks up, Sister Mary quickly runs and pushes her out of the way and gets to the fountain first. Peter : "Wait your turn!!!!, you cannot push in like that!!. Sister Mary: " Please!!! , Please!!!, let me wash out my mouth before Sister Patricia puts her ass in it!" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A guy stuck his head into a barbershop and..... | A guy stuck his head into a barbershop and asked, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looked around the shop full of customers and said, "About 2 hours." The guy left. A few days later, the same guy stuck his head in the door and asked, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looked around at the shop and said, "About 3 hours." The guy left. A week later, the same guy stuck his head in the shop and asked, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looked around the shop and said, "About an hour and a half." The guy left. The barber turned to his friend and said, "Hey, Bob, do me a favor, follow him and see where he goes. He keeps asking how long he has to wait for a haircut, but he never comes back." A little while later, Bob returned to the shop, laughing hysterically. The barber asked, "So, where does he go when he leaves?" Bob looked up, wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Your house!" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What did one muffin say to the other? | 'Whew! It's hot in this oven!' How did the other muffin reply? 'Holy shit! A talking muffin!' Go easy on me, it's my first post to reddit. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A woman is at home when she hears someone...... | A woman is at home when she hears someone knocking at her door. She goes to the door opens it and sees a man standing there. He asks the lady, "Do you have a Vagina?" She slams the door in disgust. The next morning she hears a knock at the door, its the same man and he asks the same question to the woman, "Do you have a Vagina?" She slams the door again. Later that night when her husband gets home she tell him what has happened for the last two days. The husband tells his wife in a loving and concerned voice, "Honey, I am taking an off tomorrow so as to be home, just incase this guy shows up again." The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both ran for the door. The husband whisperes to the wife, "Honey, im going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question because I want to a see where he's going with this." She nods yes to her husband and opens the door. Sure enough the same fellow is standing there, he asks, "Do you have a Vagina?" "Yes I do." says the lady. The man replies, "Good, would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife's alone and start using yours!" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A British guy, a Frenchman and a Russian were in a bar debating | whether Adam and Eve were British, French, or Russian. The British guy says, " Obviously they were both British, observe how Adam offered Eve some of his apple after he received it from her, true British manners". French guy says: "Non, non, monsieur they were both French. First of all they were both NAKED, and Eve was so feminine and seductive and drove Adam nuts". Russian guy says: "Both of you are wrong. I can prove conclusively that Adam and Eve were nothing but Russian. They had no clothes. They had no heat. All that was left to eat was one lousy apple and they called it paradise!" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | An Englishman, an Irishman and an American | Get drunk in a bar on the top floor of a skyscraper. The American says: "There's an updraft on the 7th floor that allows you to jump out this window and land on the 4th floor." "Bullshit" says the Irish. So the American jumps from the top floor and sure enough; just as he goes past the 7th floor, he slows down and lands on the 4th. "Fucking fun!" says the Irish guy as he jumps. And falls to his death. "You're a right cunt when your drunk Superman!" says the Englishman |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | How do you give a vampire a concussion? | Hit it with a bat |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Redneck murders are hard to solve. | Never any dental records and all the DNA's the same. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Why did the Spanish guy rob a train? | He had a *loco*-motive |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? | About 50 pounds. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Luke cage | In marvels luke cage everyone thinks that luke has super powers because he's bullet proof. But bullet proof black people isn't a super power it's straight up evolution. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I just realized how gay my clothes are. | They come out of the closet every morning. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What kind of deodorant do dwarves use? | They don't like to choose but when they do they pickaxe |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Someone stole my Microsoft Office, and they're going to pay. | You have my Word. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I have the most boring job of all... | I run an oil drill rig. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | The Imperial Wizard of the KKK was just found dead near a river in Missouri... | Man, the moment the EPA gets threatened people start dropping white trash in our water. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Condoms don't guarantee safe sex anymore.... | My friend was wearing one and got shot by the woman's husband. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Life is like a box of chocolates | I don't like chocolate |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What's the problem with lawyer jokes? | Lawyers don't think they're funny, and other people don't think they're jokes. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A girl with no arms and legs goes to the beach | A girl with no arms and no legs goes to the beach with her mother. While they are sitting on the beach, she starts crying and tells her mother that she's never gotten a hug before and she thinks the lifeguard is really cute and has her mother ask him if she can get a hug from him. Mom goes up to the lifeguard and tells him her daughter wants a hug. So he comes over while she is still crying and gives her a hug. As he's walking away, she starts crying more and the lifeguard asks what is wrong. She says she's never had a kiss before and asks if he could give her a kiss. The lifeguard is a little reluctant but gives her a kiss. As he is walking away the girl starts crying hysterically, and now the lifeguard is thinking, what the hell is wrong with her. He says to her "what's wrong" and she says back, "I've never had sex before, I've never been fucked"... the lifeguard then picks her up, walks over to the ocean and throws her in and shouts "THERE! NOW YOU'RE FUCKED!" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | How many dead hookers does it take to change a light bulb? | Apparently not three because my basement is still dark. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What do you call Chewbacca's Chinese cousin? | A Fortune Wookie |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What's the difference between tired and exhausted? | When you run in front of a car, you get tired. When you run behind a car, you get exhausted. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Adele didn't originally want to perform at the Grammy's but they bugged the crap out of her till she said yes. | They must've called a thousand times. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Caught my penis cheating on my wife today. | Luckily after a few beatings, it learned it's lesson. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | If you are deaf and you have Parkinson's... | that like having a stutter? |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | You know how they say "a woman's work is never done"? | Maybe that is why they get paid less. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Ordered 4 drinks at McDonald's..... | they wouldn't think all 50 chicken nuggets were for me. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | My Grandfather told me my generation is to reliant on technology. | I told him, "no Grandpa, yours does." Then I unplugged his life support. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | It must suck to have your period on valentines day | But an even bigger pain in the ass. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I just put my hair in a bun. | It wasn't very nice, I think I'll try it with a croissant next time. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | My favourite sport starts with a "T". | It's golf. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A couple of hunters from Wyoming are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. | He doesn’t seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator, in a calm soothing voice, says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy’s voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?” |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | My neighbours named their child "Saturn". | That's not something I'd call my child, but it has got a ring to it. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I love dead baby jokes | Because they never get old. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I asked my wife where she wanted to go for dinner. | She said, "Somewhere that has fish." So I pushed her in the river. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | My girlfriend and I were moving each others comic book collection and now we both have to see a chiropractor. | Because we both have back issues. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Is there a reason you ate that entire fish sandwich? | To be honest, I did it for the halibut. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Schools should have a class designed for introverts... | *anti-social studies* |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | what is blue and has 27 tits? | the trashbag at a cancer clinic. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I just made life a whole lot simpler for an overweight friend of mine... | I explained to him that every restaurant in town is an "all you can eat" place. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What did the internet say to it's history? | "Cache me outside, how 'bout dat?" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | An American man goes on a business trip to Japan. | And he arrives there a day early before the meeting. So he decides to enjoy the night-life a little bit. The man goes out to a bar, picks up a lady after having a few drinks, and takes her back to the hotel. Eventually they start having sex and the lady keeps saying, "Oshi Moshi! Oshi Moshi!" The man thought that was weird but he kept going. The next day, he meets some business men on a golf course and sees one of them shank the ball. The guy is absolutely livid and shouts, "Oshi Moshi!" The American man looks at him and asks, "I hate to bother you, but what does 'oshi moshi' mean?" The golfer replies, "wrong hole!" |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Why did the princess marry the barbarian? | Because she thought he was brutiful |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Coding Jokes | post coding jokes I will <br> your heart |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | It's not fair to compare Trump to Hitler. | Hitler appreciated the arts. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Do you know the most outstanding thing about our illegal immigrants? | Their warrants. (Here come the down-votes!) |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What's the difference between Harry Potter and the Jews? | Harry Potter rode the train back. I'm not apologizing. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | In which mountain range do fruit trees primarily grow? | The Apple-achian mountains. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I used to smoke weed in the 90's | Now I don't care what temperature it is |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | So an Irish man walks out of a pub. | What? It could happen. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Did you hear about the potato the Russians put into space? | They called it Spudnik |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I use to like going skiing. But that hobby... | Went downhill so fast |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | As a wine enthusiast, I am appalled by Trump's recent executive orders. | What right does he have to ban sommeliers from entering this country? |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I was walking past a construction site and the guy hammering on the roof called me a paranoid little weirdo... | morse code. [Credit goes to Emo Phillips] |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Why does a squirrel swim on it's back? | To keep his nuts dry |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | How big was the iceberg that sank the Titanic? | Cap size |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Some crocodiles can grow 17-20 ft | But most have 4 |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Lost my job today... | Told my boss I was always late cause I had diarrhea .. he told me I was full of shit |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I was inquiring about seating for two at a new restaurant and they asked if I had reservations... | I said that I had some, but that I was willing to give it a try. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What can you make with epileptic lettuce? | A seizure salad |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What do you call a fake noodle? | An impasta |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | If you're ever attack by a group of clowns.... | Make sure to go for the juggler. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Law and Order | In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially anus. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Booty Unit. These are their stories. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Why did Germany almost go bankrupt? | Because the Holo-cost a lot of money. Anne Frankly, it wasn't worth it. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What did the egg say when it turned up? | Om lit |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Someone just asked me if I'd take a bullet for the last person I had sex with | Sure, she's a bitch, but of course I'd take a bullet for my cousin. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | I use to be a car racer... | But I didn't have the drive for it and I drifted away from that career. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | The reason for the wage gap is that men have high paying jobs like doctor, lawyer, etc. while women usually have lower paying jobs... | female doctor, female lawyer, etc. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What is the easiest way to tell if somebody is vegan? | Oh, don't worry. They'll tell you. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A joke for St. Patricks Day | What is long, green, and has an asshole every 3 feet? A St. Patricks Day Parade |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | So I was telling my dad | That the entire team that worked on finding Nemo had to take fish biology 101. Then he says "so does it ever bother you that the fish are talking?" That was the hardest I laughed in a while |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | How many testicles does an Oak have? | Tree |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | The only mistake I ever made... | Was buying a pencil with an eraser on it. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What do you call a guy thats half Mexican and half Chinese that wears only one sneaker? | Juan Chu |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | What does a mexican use to cut his pizza? | Little Caesars |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | Breaking News: Bill Gates has agreed to pay for Trump's wall | On the condition he gets to install windows. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | The man approached the very beautiful..... | The man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked, “You know, I’ve lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?” “Why?” “Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere.” |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | My Son got sent home from school for the third time this year for letting a girl wank him off in class... | ...I told him "maybe teaching isn't for you.." |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A Hispanic carpenter is feeling depressed | After living a life of always reading other people's directions and instructions to do his job, he decides he wants to to make his *own* decision for once: Committing suicide. So he scribbles down some words on a piece of paper and reviews what he wrote, nodding in approval. He hops into his car in his garage and tapes a garden hose to the exhaust pipe. He starts his car and puts the hose in his mouth, inhaling deeply, anticipating the sweet release of death. Soon after, he succumbs to his poison of choice and falls down, dying slowly as if he was simply falling asleep. His wife comes home and discovers him. Horrified, she sees a piece of paper next to him and picks it up, thinking it will be a suicide note to give her some clarity on what made him choose this terrible act. In familiar handwriting, she sees scribbled on the page: **INSTRUCTIONS** Step 1: Connect José to hose B |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | One night a man walks into a bar looking sad..... | One night a man walks into a bar looking sad. The bartender asks the man what he wants. The man says “Oh just a beer”. The bartender asked the man “Whats wrong, why are you so down today?”. The man said “My wife and i got into a fight, and she said she wouldn’t talk to me for a month”. The bartender said “So whats wrong with that”? The man said “Well the month is up tonight”. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | A Genius, an Old Farmer, and a Boy Scout are on a plane... | ...The pilot enters the cabin and says, "I'm terribly sorry. I've done everything I can, but the plane is falling and going to crash. Now, there are only 3 parachutes on this plane. I've got a wife at home with 2 young kids and another on the way, so I'm going to use one of them." He then picks up a parachute, puts it on, and jumps out of the plane. The Genius says, "I am the smartest person in the world. My death would be a huge loss because of my immense knowledge. I simply must survive this crash." He follows after the pilot. The Old Farmer looks at the Boy Scout and says, "Well, son, I've lived a long, fulfilling life. You have your whole future ahead of you. You take the last parachute." The Boy Scout replies, "Don't worry sir, we'll both survive. The Genius took my backpack." |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? | It doesn't matter, because feminists can't change anything. |
Write a joke that starts with the following setup | An old lady was talking to her husband on Valentine's day evening.... | "Dear, honestly answer this. What did you think when you saw me the first time 50 years ago?" He says "I thought I so want to suck your titties dry and fuck your brains out..." Wife giggles hearing this answer. While biting her lips she says "Well... what do you think of me now?" He says without skipping a beat " I think I did a fairly good job!" |
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