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Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. | Tom le pidió a Mary que trajese pasta de dientes y papel higiénico del supermercado. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. [/INST ] Tom le pidió a Mary que trajese pasta de dientes y papel higiénico del supermercado. <s> |
Tom became tired of always having to pay the bill every time he went out with Mary. | Tom se cansó de tener que pagar siempre que salía con Mary. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom became tired of always having to pay the bill every time he went out with Mary. [/INST ] Tom se cansó de tener que pagar siempre que salía con Mary. <s> |
Tom became tired of always having to pay the bill every time he went out with Mary. | Tom se cansó de tener que pagar siempre la cuenta cada vez que salía con Mary. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom became tired of always having to pay the bill every time he went out with Mary. [/INST ] Tom se cansó de tener que pagar siempre la cuenta cada vez que salía con Mary. <s> |
Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. | Tom cree que el rico merece ser rico y el pobre merece ser pobre. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. [/INST ] Tom cree que el rico merece ser rico y el pobre merece ser pobre. <s> |
Tom certainly had plenty of opportunities to go to concerts while he was in Boston. | Ciertamente Tom tuvo muchas oportunidades para ir a conciertos cuando estuvo en Boston. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom certainly had plenty of opportunities to go to concerts while he was in Boston. [/INST ] Ciertamente Tom tuvo muchas oportunidades para ir a conciertos cuando estuvo en Boston. <s> |
Tom certainly looked and sounded better than he did last month when we visited him. | Tom sin duda se veía y escuchaba mejor que el mes pasado cuando lo visitamos. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom certainly looked and sounded better than he did last month when we visited him. [/INST ] Tom sin duda se veía y escuchaba mejor que el mes pasado cuando lo visitamos. <s> |
Tom hit the nail on the head when he said our team lacks enthusiasm and motivation. | Tom acertó cuando dijo que nuestro equipo carece de entusiasmo y motivación. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom hit the nail on the head when he said our team lacks enthusiasm and motivation. [/INST ] Tom acertó cuando dijo que nuestro equipo carece de entusiasmo y motivación. <s> |
Tom wanted Mary to talk to John about the problem she was having with his children. | Tom quería que Mary hablase con John del problema que ella estaba teniendo con sus niños. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom wanted Mary to talk to John about the problem she was having with his children. [/INST ] Tom quería que Mary hablase con John del problema que ella estaba teniendo con sus niños. <s> |
Tom was sentenced to five days in jail and a year on probation for drunken driving. | A Tom le condenaron a cinco días de prisión y un año de libertad condicional por conducir borracho. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom was sentenced to five days in jail and a year on probation for drunken driving. [/INST ] A Tom le condenaron a cinco días de prisión y un año de libertad condicional por conducir borracho. <s> |
Tom was sentenced to five days in jail and a year on probation for drunken driving. | A Tom lo condenaron a cinco días de prisión y un año de libertad condicional por conducir en estado de ebriedad. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom was sentenced to five days in jail and a year on probation for drunken driving. [/INST ] A Tom lo condenaron a cinco días de prisión y un año de libertad condicional por conducir en estado de ebriedad. <s> |
We'll need a head hunting agency to find the right man for this executive position. | Necesitamos una agencia caza talentos para encontrar al hombre adecuado para este puesto ejecutivo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: We'll need a head hunting agency to find the right man for this executive position. [/INST ] Necesitamos una agencia caza talentos para encontrar al hombre adecuado para este puesto ejecutivo. <s> |
When he returned, he brought a baseball cap and gave it as a present to his friend. | Cuando él volvió, él trajo una gorra de béisbol y se la dio como regalo a su amigo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: When he returned, he brought a baseball cap and gave it as a present to his friend. [/INST ] Cuando él volvió, él trajo una gorra de béisbol y se la dio como regalo a su amigo. <s> |
After she lost her job, she couldn't afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away. | Después de perder su trabajo, no podía permitirse alimentar a los perros, de modo que los regaló. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: After she lost her job, she couldn't afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away. [/INST ] Después de perder su trabajo, no podía permitirse alimentar a los perros, de modo que los regaló. <s> |
By this time next year, you will have visited almost all the famous places in Japan. | Por estas fechas del año que viene, habrás visitado casi todos los lugares famosos de Japón. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: By this time next year, you will have visited almost all the famous places in Japan. [/INST ] Por estas fechas del año que viene, habrás visitado casi todos los lugares famosos de Japón. <s> |
China has imposed a no-fly zone over several disputed islands in the East China Sea. | China ha impuesto una zona de exclusión aérea sobre varias islas en disputa en el Mar Oriental de China. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: China has imposed a no-fly zone over several disputed islands in the East China Sea. [/INST ] China ha impuesto una zona de exclusión aérea sobre varias islas en disputa en el Mar Oriental de China. <s> |
He doesn't want to leave the room because he's afraid that he'll catch another cold. | Él no quiere salir de la habitación por temor a volver a resfriarse. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: He doesn't want to leave the room because he's afraid that he'll catch another cold. [/INST ] Él no quiere salir de la habitación por temor a volver a resfriarse. <s> |
He studied the scientists considered to be the most significant of the 19th century. | Él estudió a los científicos considerados como los más significativos del siglo XIX. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: He studied the scientists considered to be the most significant of the 19th century. [/INST ] Él estudió a los científicos considerados como los más significativos del siglo XIX. <s> |
Her car might be more pleasant to drive, but it also costs her more for maintenance. | Su auto puede ser más agradable de conducir, pero también le cuesta más la manutención. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Her car might be more pleasant to drive, but it also costs her more for maintenance. [/INST ] Su auto puede ser más agradable de conducir, pero también le cuesta más la manutención. <s> |
I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer? | Sé que has estado esperando harto tiempo pero, ¿podrías tan sólo esperar un poco más? | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer? [/INST ] Sé que has estado esperando harto tiempo pero, ¿podrías tan sólo esperar un poco más? <s> |
I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. | Lamento que un compromiso previo me impida aceptar su gentil invitación. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. [/INST ] Lamento que un compromiso previo me impida aceptar su gentil invitación. <s> |
I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. | Creí que habíamos comido todo lo que había en la casa, pero encontré otra caja de galletas. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. [/INST ] Creí que habíamos comido todo lo que había en la casa, pero encontré otra caja de galletas. <s> |
I've been agonizing over whether to do what Tom suggested or do what Mary suggested. | He estado angustiado sobre si hacer lo que Tom sugería o lo que sugería Mary. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: I've been agonizing over whether to do what Tom suggested or do what Mary suggested. [/INST ] He estado angustiado sobre si hacer lo que Tom sugería o lo que sugería Mary. <s> |
If my wife calls, just tell her I'm in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed. | Si mi mujer llama, solo dile que estoy en una reunión importante y no puedo ser molestado. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: If my wife calls, just tell her I'm in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed. [/INST ] Si mi mujer llama, solo dile que estoy en una reunión importante y no puedo ser molestado. <s> |
If you want something to be done right, sometimes you've just got to do it yourself. | Si quieres algo bien hecho, a veces solo tienes que ir a hacerlo por ti mismo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: If you want something to be done right, sometimes you've just got to do it yourself. [/INST ] Si quieres algo bien hecho, a veces solo tienes que ir a hacerlo por ti mismo. <s> |
Is it true that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from citizens who want them? | ¿Es verdad que los inmigrantes ilegales están quitando puestos de trabajo a los ciudadanos que los quieren? | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Is it true that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from citizens who want them? [/INST ] ¿Es verdad que los inmigrantes ilegales están quitando puestos de trabajo a los ciudadanos que los quieren? <s> |
It was no coincidence that both Tom and Mary were in the cafeteria at the same time. | No fue coincidencia que Tom y Mary estuvieran en la cafetería al mismo tiempo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: It was no coincidence that both Tom and Mary were in the cafeteria at the same time. [/INST ] No fue coincidencia que Tom y Mary estuvieran en la cafetería al mismo tiempo. <s> |
She advised him to see the dentist, but he said he didn't have enough time to do so. | Le aconsejó que fuera al dentista, pero él dijo que no tenía tiempo suficiente para hacerlo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: She advised him to see the dentist, but he said he didn't have enough time to do so. [/INST ] Le aconsejó que fuera al dentista, pero él dijo que no tenía tiempo suficiente para hacerlo. <s> |
She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. | Ella le compró un perro. Sin embargo, él era alérgico a los perros, de modo que tuvieron que regalarlo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. [/INST ] Ella le compró un perro. Sin embargo, él era alérgico a los perros, de modo que tuvieron que regalarlo. <s> |
The Titanic's lifeboats only had enough space to carry about half of those on board. | Los botes salvavidas del Titanic solo tenían espacio suficiente para llevar a cerca de la mitad de los que iban a bordo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The Titanic's lifeboats only had enough space to carry about half of those on board. [/INST ] Los botes salvavidas del Titanic solo tenían espacio suficiente para llevar a cerca de la mitad de los que iban a bordo. <s> |
The coach urged his team not to be complacent following their four consecutive wins. | El entrenador instó a su equipo a no ser complaciente después de sus cuatro victorias consecutivas. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The coach urged his team not to be complacent following their four consecutive wins. [/INST ] El entrenador instó a su equipo a no ser complaciente después de sus cuatro victorias consecutivas. <s> |
The company is owned by a group of entrepreneurs who started it right after the war. | La compañía pertenece a un grupo de empresarios que la pusieron en marcha justo después de la guerra. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The company is owned by a group of entrepreneurs who started it right after the war. [/INST ] La compañía pertenece a un grupo de empresarios que la pusieron en marcha justo después de la guerra. <s> |
The day after going to the gym, parts of my body hurt that I didn't even know I had. | Al día siguiente de ir al gimnasio, me dolían partes de mi cuerpo que desconocía que tuviese. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The day after going to the gym, parts of my body hurt that I didn't even know I had. [/INST ] Al día siguiente de ir al gimnasio, me dolían partes de mi cuerpo que desconocía que tuviese. <s> |
The library near my house is now open only three days a week due to budget cutbacks. | La biblioteca cercana a mi domicilio sólo abre ahora tres días a la semana por recortes presupuestarios. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The library near my house is now open only three days a week due to budget cutbacks. [/INST ] La biblioteca cercana a mi domicilio sólo abre ahora tres días a la semana por recortes presupuestarios. <s> |
The management finally succumbed to the demand of the workers and gave them a raise. | La gestión finalmente sucumbió a la demanda de los trabajadores y les dio un aumento. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The management finally succumbed to the demand of the workers and gave them a raise. [/INST ] La gestión finalmente sucumbió a la demanda de los trabajadores y les dio un aumento. <s> |
The more you look, the more you will see, and the more interesting they will become. | Cuanto más mires, más verás, y más interesantes se volverán. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The more you look, the more you will see, and the more interesting they will become. [/INST ] Cuanto más mires, más verás, y más interesantes se volverán. <s> |
The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. | Las muestras fueron reunidas de doscientas instituciones médicas de todo el mundo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. [/INST ] Las muestras fueron reunidas de doscientas instituciones médicas de todo el mundo. <s> |
Tom and Mary were in the middle of a heated argument when John walked into the room. | Tom y Mary estaban en medio de una acalorada discusión cuando John entró a la habitación. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom and Mary were in the middle of a heated argument when John walked into the room. [/INST ] Tom y Mary estaban en medio de una acalorada discusión cuando John entró a la habitación. <s> |
Tom believes it's absolutely necessary to drink at least a liter of water every day. | Tom cree que es absolutamente necesario beber al menos un litro de agua todos los días. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom believes it's absolutely necessary to drink at least a liter of water every day. [/INST ] Tom cree que es absolutamente necesario beber al menos un litro de agua todos los días. <s> |
Tom bought an engagement ring for Mary with money he inherited from his grandfather. | Tom compró un anillo compromiso para Mary con el dinero que heredó de su abuelo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom bought an engagement ring for Mary with money he inherited from his grandfather. [/INST ] Tom compró un anillo compromiso para Mary con el dinero que heredó de su abuelo. <s> |
Tom claims he doesn't watch much TV, but he watches more than three hours every day. | Tom nos asegura que no ve mucha televisión, pero ve más de tres horas todos los días. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom claims he doesn't watch much TV, but he watches more than three hours every day. [/INST ] Tom nos asegura que no ve mucha televisión, pero ve más de tres horas todos los días. <s> |
Tom doesn't have many clothes. That's why you always see him wearing the same thing. | Tom no tiene mucha ropa. Es por eso que siempre lo ves usando lo mismo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom doesn't have many clothes. That's why you always see him wearing the same thing. [/INST ] Tom no tiene mucha ropa. Es por eso que siempre lo ves usando lo mismo. <s> |
Tom found some skeletons in the cupboard when he was researching his family history. | Tom encontró varios secretos embarazosos cuando estaba investigando su historia familiar. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom found some skeletons in the cupboard when he was researching his family history. [/INST ] Tom encontró varios secretos embarazosos cuando estaba investigando su historia familiar. <s> |
Tom laughed at some of Mary's jokes, but he thought some of them weren't very funny. | Tom se rió de algunos de los chistes de Mary, pero pensó que algunos de ellos no eran muy divertidos. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom laughed at some of Mary's jokes, but he thought some of them weren't very funny. [/INST ] Tom se rió de algunos de los chistes de Mary, pero pensó que algunos de ellos no eran muy divertidos. <s> |
Tom put up with the pain for a couple of weeks before finally going to the hospital. | Tom aguantó el dolor por un par de semanas antes de ir finalmente al hospital. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom put up with the pain for a couple of weeks before finally going to the hospital. [/INST ] Tom aguantó el dolor por un par de semanas antes de ir finalmente al hospital. <s> |
Tom sat staring at the tropical fish swimming around in the aquarium in his bedroom. | Tom se sentó mirando fijamente al pez tropical que revoloteaba en el acuario en su habitación. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom sat staring at the tropical fish swimming around in the aquarium in his bedroom. [/INST ] Tom se sentó mirando fijamente al pez tropical que revoloteaba en el acuario en su habitación. <s> |
Tom wanted to stick around to see what would happen. Unfortunately, he had to leave. | Tom se quería quedar a ver que sucedería. Desafortunadamente, se tuvo que ir. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom wanted to stick around to see what would happen. Unfortunately, he had to leave. [/INST ] Tom se quería quedar a ver que sucedería. Desafortunadamente, se tuvo que ir. <s> |
Tom warned Mary that John was nothing but trouble. However, she ignored his warning. | Tom avisó a Mary de que John no era sino un problema. Sin embargo, ella ignoró el aviso. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom warned Mary that John was nothing but trouble. However, she ignored his warning. [/INST ] Tom avisó a Mary de que John no era sino un problema. Sin embargo, ella ignoró el aviso. <s> |
Tom's parents don't want Tom and Mary to live together until after they are married. | Los padres de Tom no quieren que Tom y Mary vivan juntos hasta que estén casados. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom's parents don't want Tom and Mary to live together until after they are married. [/INST ] Los padres de Tom no quieren que Tom y Mary vivan juntos hasta que estén casados. <s> |
Visitors are usually asked to remove their shoes before they enter a Japanese house. | Usualmente se pide a las visitas que se saquen los zapatos antes de entrar a una casa japonesa. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Visitors are usually asked to remove their shoes before they enter a Japanese house. [/INST ] Usualmente se pide a las visitas que se saquen los zapatos antes de entrar a una casa japonesa. <s> |
Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense. | ¿Por qué no podría la verdad ser más extraña que la ficción? Después de todo, la ficción tiene que tener sentido. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense. [/INST ] ¿Por qué no podría la verdad ser más extraña que la ficción? Después de todo, la ficción tiene que tener sentido. <s> |
With many students chatting, it was difficult to hear what the professor had to say. | Con tantos estudiantes hablando, era difícil oír lo que el profesor tenía que decir. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: With many students chatting, it was difficult to hear what the professor had to say. [/INST ] Con tantos estudiantes hablando, era difícil oír lo que el profesor tenía que decir. <s> |
You should always spend time doing things that help your children get ahead in life. | Siempre deberías ocupar tiempo en hacer cosas que les ayuden a tus hijos a salir adelante en la vida. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: You should always spend time doing things that help your children get ahead in life. [/INST ] Siempre deberías ocupar tiempo en hacer cosas que les ayuden a tus hijos a salir adelante en la vida. <s> |
Let's go to the movies next time. "What makes you think there will be a next time?" | La próxima vez, vayamos al cine. "¿Qué te hace pensar que habrá una próxima vez?" | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Let's go to the movies next time. "What makes you think there will be a next time?" [/INST ] La próxima vez, vayamos al cine. "¿Qué te hace pensar que habrá una próxima vez?" <s> |
An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants. | Un bebé no es capaz de hablar, así que tan solo grita hasta conseguir lo que quiere. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants. [/INST ] Un bebé no es capaz de hablar, así que tan solo grita hasta conseguir lo que quiere. <s> |
At the funeral, the widow looked very dignified, with her black suit, hat and gloves. | En el funeral, la viuda lucía muy dignificada con su traje, sombrero, y guantes negros. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: At the funeral, the widow looked very dignified, with her black suit, hat and gloves. [/INST ] En el funeral, la viuda lucía muy dignificada con su traje, sombrero, y guantes negros. <s> |
Daddy, let's make faces at each other and see who can keep from laughing the longest. | Papá, juguemos a "a ver quién se ríe antes". | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Daddy, let's make faces at each other and see who can keep from laughing the longest. [/INST ] Papá, juguemos a "a ver quién se ríe antes". <s> |
Do you think you have to be able to pass for a native speaker to be an effective spy? | ¿Crees que haya que poder hacerse pasar por un hablante nativo para ser un espía efectivo? | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Do you think you have to be able to pass for a native speaker to be an effective spy? [/INST ] ¿Crees que haya que poder hacerse pasar por un hablante nativo para ser un espía efectivo? <s> |
Generally speaking, we Japanese are a little too timid in speaking foreign languages. | En general, los japoneses somos un poco demasiado tímidos para hablar idiomas extranjeros. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Generally speaking, we Japanese are a little too timid in speaking foreign languages. [/INST ] En general, los japoneses somos un poco demasiado tímidos para hablar idiomas extranjeros. <s> |
He made it clear that he had no intention of becoming a professional football player. | Dejó claro que él no tenía intención de convertirse en jugador profesional de fútbol. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: He made it clear that he had no intention of becoming a professional football player. [/INST ] Dejó claro que él no tenía intención de convertirse en jugador profesional de fútbol. <s> |
He turned the bottle upside down and shook it, but still the honey wouldn't come out. | Puso la botella boca abajo y la agitó, pero aún así la miel no salía. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: He turned the bottle upside down and shook it, but still the honey wouldn't come out. [/INST ] Puso la botella boca abajo y la agitó, pero aún así la miel no salía. <s> |
I don't know what I'm going to do with my cat now that I'm moving to another country. | No sé qué voy a hacer con mi gato ahora que me estoy mudando a otro país. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: I don't know what I'm going to do with my cat now that I'm moving to another country. [/INST ] No sé qué voy a hacer con mi gato ahora que me estoy mudando a otro país. <s> |
I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation. | Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerles a todos su colaboración. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation. [/INST ] Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerles a todos su colaboración. <s> |
If people who smoke are deprived of their cigarettes, they get nervous and irritable. | Si los fumadores son privados de sus cigarrillos, se ponen nerviosos e irritables. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: If people who smoke are deprived of their cigarettes, they get nervous and irritable. [/INST ] Si los fumadores son privados de sus cigarrillos, se ponen nerviosos e irritables. <s> |
If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago. | Si quieres escuchar una historia aterradora, te contaré un sueño que tuve hace unas semanas. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago. [/INST ] Si quieres escuchar una historia aterradora, te contaré un sueño que tuve hace unas semanas. <s> |
In London, the police are always worried about finding a bomb on the train or subway. | En Londres, la policía siempre está preocupada por encontrar una bomba en el tren o en el metro. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: In London, the police are always worried about finding a bomb on the train or subway. [/INST ] En Londres, la policía siempre está preocupada por encontrar una bomba en el tren o en el metro. <s> |
In all of my travels, I have never seen a more beautiful mountain than Mount Everest. | En todos mis viajes, nunca he visto una montaña más hermosa que el monte Everest. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: In all of my travels, I have never seen a more beautiful mountain than Mount Everest. [/INST ] En todos mis viajes, nunca he visto una montaña más hermosa que el monte Everest. <s> |
In many countries, the main reason that people come to big cities is because of work. | En muchos países, la razón principal por la que la gente se va a las grandes ciudades es el trabajo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: In many countries, the main reason that people come to big cities is because of work. [/INST ] En muchos países, la razón principal por la que la gente se va a las grandes ciudades es el trabajo. <s> |
It may seem like a crazy idea, but I think we should go visit Tom and Mary right now. | Tal vez sea una loca idea, pero yo pienso que deberíamos visitar a Tom y María ahora mismo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: It may seem like a crazy idea, but I think we should go visit Tom and Mary right now. [/INST ] Tal vez sea una loca idea, pero yo pienso que deberíamos visitar a Tom y María ahora mismo. <s> |
It was after a meeting in America that he decided to write a book for non-scientists. | Fue después de una reunión en los Estados Unidos que decidió escribir un libro para los no científicos. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: It was after a meeting in America that he decided to write a book for non-scientists. [/INST ] Fue después de una reunión en los Estados Unidos que decidió escribir un libro para los no científicos. <s> |
It was five days after she graduated that my daughter left Osaka Airport for Germany. | Cinco días después de su graduación, mi hija partió a Alemania desde el aeropuerto de Osaka. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: It was five days after she graduated that my daughter left Osaka Airport for Germany. [/INST ] Cinco días después de su graduación, mi hija partió a Alemania desde el aeropuerto de Osaka. <s> |
Ladies and gentlemen, due to an accident at the airport, our arrival will be delayed. | Damas y caballeros, debido a un accidente en el aeropuerto, nuestra llegada se retrasará. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Ladies and gentlemen, due to an accident at the airport, our arrival will be delayed. [/INST ] Damas y caballeros, debido a un accidente en el aeropuerto, nuestra llegada se retrasará. <s> |
Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas. | Haz tus reservas de avión temprano, porque los vuelos se agotan enseguida en Navidades. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas. [/INST ] Haz tus reservas de avión temprano, porque los vuelos se agotan enseguida en Navidades. <s> |
Many native speakers of Japanese have trouble hearing the difference between B and V. | Muchos hablantes nativos del japonés tienen problemas para oír la diferencia entre la B y la V. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Many native speakers of Japanese have trouble hearing the difference between B and V. [/INST ] Muchos hablantes nativos del japonés tienen problemas para oír la diferencia entre la B y la V. <s> |
My love for you won't let me tell you everything. Some things are better left unsaid. | Mi amor por ti no me deja contarte todo. Es mejor no contar algunas cosas. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: My love for you won't let me tell you everything. Some things are better left unsaid. [/INST ] Mi amor por ti no me deja contarte todo. Es mejor no contar algunas cosas. <s> |
The airline provided free accommodation to stranded passengers as a goodwill gesture. | La aerolínea ofreció alojamiento gratuito a los pasajeros atrapados como un gesto de buena voluntad. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The airline provided free accommodation to stranded passengers as a goodwill gesture. [/INST ] La aerolínea ofreció alojamiento gratuito a los pasajeros atrapados como un gesto de buena voluntad. <s> |
The antiques my father left when he died turned out to be nothing but worthless junk. | Las antigüedades que dejó mi padre al morir resultaron no ser más que basura inútil. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The antiques my father left when he died turned out to be nothing but worthless junk. [/INST ] Las antigüedades que dejó mi padre al morir resultaron no ser más que basura inútil. <s> |
The bomb blew Tom's house to smithereens. Fortunately, he wasn't at home at the time. | La bomba voló la casa de Tom en cenizas. Por suerte, él no estaba en casa en aquel momento. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The bomb blew Tom's house to smithereens. Fortunately, he wasn't at home at the time. [/INST ] La bomba voló la casa de Tom en cenizas. Por suerte, él no estaba en casa en aquel momento. <s> |
The number of students who were late for school was much smaller than I had expected. | El número de estudiantes que llegaron tarde a la escuela fue mucho más pequeño de lo que esperaba. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The number of students who were late for school was much smaller than I had expected. [/INST ] El número de estudiantes que llegaron tarde a la escuela fue mucho más pequeño de lo que esperaba. <s> |
The old man in the wheelchair told me that he knew my mother when she was a teenager. | El anciano en la silla de ruedas me dijo que conocía a mi madre cuando era una adolescente. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The old man in the wheelchair told me that he knew my mother when she was a teenager. [/INST ] El anciano en la silla de ruedas me dijo que conocía a mi madre cuando era una adolescente. <s> |
The sudden increase of cars is causing a large number of traffic accidents every day. | El repentino aumento de vehículos está provocando un gran número de accidentes de tráfico cada día. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: The sudden increase of cars is causing a large number of traffic accidents every day. [/INST ] El repentino aumento de vehículos está provocando un gran número de accidentes de tráfico cada día. <s> |
There is no other country in the world where earthquakes are as frequent as in Japan. | No hay otro país en el mundo donde los terremotos son tan frecuentes como en Japón. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: There is no other country in the world where earthquakes are as frequent as in Japan. [/INST ] No hay otro país en el mundo donde los terremotos son tan frecuentes como en Japón. <s> |
They usually have breakfast at half past seven o'clock and eat their lunch at twelve. | Ellos normalmente desayunan a las siete y media y almuerzan a las doce. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: They usually have breakfast at half past seven o'clock and eat their lunch at twelve. [/INST ] Ellos normalmente desayunan a las siete y media y almuerzan a las doce. <s> |
Tom and Mary both wanted to go to Boston, but neither of them could get the time off. | Tom y Mary ambos querían ir a Boston, pero ninguno de ellos pudo conseguir vacaciones. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom and Mary both wanted to go to Boston, but neither of them could get the time off. [/INST ] Tom y Mary ambos querían ir a Boston, pero ninguno de ellos pudo conseguir vacaciones. <s> |
Tom could tell by the smile on Mary's face that she had had a good time at the party. | Tom podía adivinar por la sonrisa en la cara de Mary que ella se lo había pasado bien en la fiesta. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom could tell by the smile on Mary's face that she had had a good time at the party. [/INST ] Tom podía adivinar por la sonrisa en la cara de Mary que ella se lo había pasado bien en la fiesta. <s> |
Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be laid off from work. | Tom no podía descartar del todo la posibilidad de que pudiera resultar despedido del trabajo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be laid off from work. [/INST ] Tom no podía descartar del todo la posibilidad de que pudiera resultar despedido del trabajo. <s> |
Tom is the first guy Mary has really been interested in since she broke up with John. | Tom es el primer chico en el que Mary ha estado verdaderamente interesada desde que rompió con John. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom is the first guy Mary has really been interested in since she broke up with John. [/INST ] Tom es el primer chico en el que Mary ha estado verdaderamente interesada desde que rompió con John. <s> |
Tom played a Spanish folk tune on his English horn at a Chinese restaurant in France. | Tom tocó una canción popular española con su corno inglés en un restaurante chino de Francia. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom played a Spanish folk tune on his English horn at a Chinese restaurant in France. [/INST ] Tom tocó una canción popular española con su corno inglés en un restaurante chino de Francia. <s> |
Tom pulled out some necklaces from his bag and told Mary to choose the one she liked. | Tom sacó algunos collares de su mochila y le dijo a Mary que eligiera el que le gustara. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom pulled out some necklaces from his bag and told Mary to choose the one she liked. [/INST ] Tom sacó algunos collares de su mochila y le dijo a Mary que eligiera el que le gustara. <s> |
Tom took me to a restaurant where you can eat as much as you want for thirty dollars. | Tom me llevó a un restaurante en donde puedes comer todo lo que quieras por treinta dólares. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom took me to a restaurant where you can eat as much as you want for thirty dollars. [/INST ] Tom me llevó a un restaurante en donde puedes comer todo lo que quieras por treinta dólares. <s> |
Tom volunteered a good deal of his time to helping those less fortunate than himself. | Tom dio voluntariamente una buena parte de su tiempo en ayudar a aquellos menos afortunados que él mismo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom volunteered a good deal of his time to helping those less fortunate than himself. [/INST ] Tom dio voluntariamente una buena parte de su tiempo en ayudar a aquellos menos afortunados que él mismo. <s> |
Tom was kicked out of his house by his parents when he confessed to being an atheist. | Los padres de Tom lo echaron de su casa cuando él les confesó que era ateo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Tom was kicked out of his house by his parents when he confessed to being an atheist. [/INST ] Los padres de Tom lo echaron de su casa cuando él les confesó que era ateo. <s> |
When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends. | Cuando tengas dudas di la verdad. Eso confundirá a tus enemigos y asombrará a tus amigos. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends. [/INST ] Cuando tengas dudas di la verdad. Eso confundirá a tus enemigos y asombrará a tus amigos. <s> |
You're playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on. | Estás jugando con fuego si seguís andando en moto sin casco. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: You're playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on. [/INST ] Estás jugando con fuego si seguís andando en moto sin casco. <s> |
We were invited to their wedding. "Is that so? Well, what are you going to get them? | Fuimos invitados a su boda. "¿Sí? ¿Y qué le van a regalar?" | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: We were invited to their wedding. "Is that so? Well, what are you going to get them? [/INST ] Fuimos invitados a su boda. "¿Sí? ¿Y qué le van a regalar?" <s> |
A lot of companies are going under lately because banks are so tight with their money. | Un montón de empresas están hundiéndose últimamente porque los bancos son demasiado agarrados con su dinero. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: A lot of companies are going under lately because banks are so tight with their money. [/INST ] Un montón de empresas están hundiéndose últimamente porque los bancos son demasiado agarrados con su dinero. <s> |
A pre-dawn raid has netted a large stash of illegal steroids and several bags of cash. | Una incursión antes del amanecer ha incautado una gran reserva de esteroides ilegales y varias bolsas de dinero en efectivo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: A pre-dawn raid has netted a large stash of illegal steroids and several bags of cash. [/INST ] Una incursión antes del amanecer ha incautado una gran reserva de esteroides ilegales y varias bolsas de dinero en efectivo. <s> |
After years of suffering, she finally decided to forget the past and begin a new life. | Después de años de sufrimiento, ella finalmente decidió olvidar el pasado y comenzar una nueva vida. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: After years of suffering, she finally decided to forget the past and begin a new life. [/INST ] Después de años de sufrimiento, ella finalmente decidió olvidar el pasado y comenzar una nueva vida. <s> |
All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. | Todas las familias felices se parecen entre sí, cada familia infeliz lo es a su propio modo. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. [/INST ] Todas las familias felices se parecen entre sí, cada familia infeliz lo es a su propio modo. <s> |
American politics are interesting to watch, especially during a presidential election. | La política americana es interesante de ver, sobre todo durante elecciones presidenciales. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: American politics are interesting to watch, especially during a presidential election. [/INST ] La política americana es interesante de ver, sobre todo durante elecciones presidenciales. <s> |
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. | La democracia es la peor forma de gobierno, con excepción de todas las otras que se ha probado. | <s> [INST] You are going to do a Spanish to English translation. Sentence: Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. [/INST ] La democracia es la peor forma de gobierno, con excepción de todas las otras que se ha probado. <s> |