stringlengths 5
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stringclasses 2
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int64 0
The film is way too full of itself ; it 's stuffy and pretentious in a give-me-an-Oscar kind of way . | negative | 0 |
The movie is concocted and carried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the nicest thing I can say is that I ca n't remember a single name responsible for it . | negative | 0 |
Watching `` Ending '' is too often like looking over the outdated clothes and plastic knickknacks at your neighbor 's garage sale . | negative | 0 |
You ca n't believe anyone would really buy this stuff . | negative | 0 |
It desperately wants to be a wacky , screwball comedy , but the most screwy thing here is how so many talented people were convinced to waste their time . | negative | 0 |
The skills of a calculus major at M.I.T. are required to balance all the formulaic equations in the long-winded heist comedy Who Is Cletis Tout ? | negative | 0 |
From the choppy editing to the annoying score to ` special effects ' by way of replacing objects in a character 's hands below the camera line , `` Besotted '' is misbegotten | negative | 0 |
My advice is to skip the film and pick up the soundtrack . | negative | 0 |
Filled with low-brow humor , gratuitous violence and a disturbing disregard for life . | negative | 0 |
An unsophisticated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . | negative | 0 |
Solondz is without doubt an artist of uncompromising vision , but that vision is beginning to feel , if not morally bankrupt , at least terribly monotonous . | negative | 0 |
Alas , getting there is not even half the interest . | negative | 0 |
Deuces Wild treads heavily into Romeo and Juliet\/West Side Story territory , where it plainly has no business going . | negative | 0 |
Hart 's War seems to want to be a character study , but apparently ca n't quite decide which character . | negative | 0 |
Theological matters aside , the movie is so clumsily sentimental and ineptly directed it may leave you speaking in tongues . | negative | 0 |
This latest installment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made B movie is long gone . | negative | 0 |
Novak contemplates a heartland so overwhelmed by its lack of purpose that it seeks excitement in manufactured high drama . | negative | 0 |
Been there , done that , liked it much better the first time around - when it was called The Professional . | negative | 0 |
The film is all over the place , really . | negative | 0 |
It dabbles all around , never gaining much momentum . | negative | 0 |
The action quickly sinks into by-the-numbers territory . | negative | 0 |
Forages for audience sympathy like a temperamental child begging for attention , giving audiences no reason to truly care for its decrepit freaks beyond the promise of a reprieve from their incessant whining . | negative | 0 |
When -LRB- Reno -RRB- lets her radical flag fly , taking angry potshots at George W. Bush , Henry Kissinger , Larry King , et al. , Reno devolves into a laugh-free lecture . | negative | 0 |
Such a premise is ripe for all manner of lunacy , but Kaufman and Gondry rarely seem sure of where it should go . | negative | 0 |
Burns ' fifth beer-soaked film feels in almost every possible way -- from the writing and direction to the soggy performances -- tossed off . | negative | 0 |
While this one gets off with a good natured warning , future Lizard endeavors will need to adhere more closely to the laws of laughter | negative | 0 |
Another boorish movie from the I-heard-a-joke - at-a-frat-party school of screenwriting . | negative | 0 |
Too much of the movie feels contrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the story would n't work without all those gimmicks . | negative | 0 |
It 's hard to understand why anyone in his right mind would even think to make the attraction a movie . | negative | 0 |
And it 's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it . | negative | 0 |
The ethos of the Chelsea Hotel may shape Hawke 's artistic aspirations , but he has n't yet coordinated his own DV poetry with the Beat he hears in his soul . | negative | 0 |
Why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone seek out a respectable new one ? | negative | 0 |
The obnoxious special effects , the obligatory outbursts of flatulence and the incessant , so-five-minutes-ago pop music on the soundtrack overwhelm what is left of the scruffy , dopey old Hanna-Barbera charm . | negative | 0 |
The movie 's downfall is to substitute plot for personality . | negative | 0 |
It does n't really know or care about the characters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordained events . | negative | 0 |
All mood and no movie . | negative | 0 |
Press the delete key . | negative | 0 |
Simone is not a bad film . | positive | 1 |
It just does n't have anything really interesting to say . | negative | 0 |
Once he starts learning to compromise with reality enough to become comparatively sane and healthy , the film becomes predictably conventional . | negative | 0 |
Wait to see it then . | negative | 0 |
There 's no disguising this as one of the worst films of the summer . | negative | 0 |
Lacks the spirit of the previous two , and makes all those jokes about hos and even more unmentionable subjects seem like mere splashing around in the muck . | negative | 0 |
This hastily mounted production exists only to capitalize on Hopkins ' inclination to play Hannibal Lecter again , even though Harris has no immediate inclination to provide a fourth book . | negative | 0 |
Death to Smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly - as-nasty - as-it - thinks-it-is joke . | negative | 0 |
Over and over again . | negative | 0 |
The threat implied in the title Pok mon 4ever is terrifying -- like locusts in a horde these things will keep coming . | negative | 0 |
The film never gets over its own investment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , race , and class . | negative | 0 |
To call this film a lump of coal would only be to flatter it . | negative | 0 |
The film falls short on tension , eloquence , spiritual challenge -- things that have made the original New Testament stories so compelling for 20 centuries . | negative | 0 |
By the end of it all I sort of loved the people onscreen , even though I could not stand them . | positive | 1 |
It 's not an easy one to review . | negative | 0 |
At best this is a film for the under-7 crowd . | negative | 0 |
But it would be better to wait for the video . | negative | 0 |
The whole talking-animal thing is grisly . | negative | 0 |
Never Again , while nothing special , is pleasant , diverting and modest -- definitely a step in the right direction . | positive | 1 |
But here 's a movie about it anyway . | negative | 0 |
The punch lines that miss , unfortunately , outnumber the hits by three-to-one . | negative | 0 |
Those who trek to the ` plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves . | positive | 1 |
But ticket-buyers with great expectations will wind up as glum as Mr. De Niro . | negative | 0 |
A determined , ennui-hobbled slog that really does n't have much to say beyond the news flash that loneliness can make people act weird . | negative | 0 |
Too daft by half ... but supremely good natured . | positive | 1 |
Fails in making this character understandable , in getting under her skin , in exploring motivation ... Well before the end , the film grows as dull as its characters , about whose fate it is hard to care . | negative | 0 |
It 's a shame that the storyline and its underlying themes ... finally seem so impersonal or even shallow . | negative | 0 |
Woody , what happened ? | negative | 0 |
Juliette Binoche 's Sand is vivacious , but it 's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile . | positive | 1 |
It 's supposed to be post-feminist breezy but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on Oprah . | negative | 0 |
You can tell almost immediately that Welcome to Collinwood is n't going to jell . | negative | 0 |
Throughout all the tumult , a question comes to mind : So why is this so boring ? | negative | 0 |
Cattaneo reworks the formula that made The Full Monty a smashing success ... but neglects to add the magic that made it all work . | negative | 0 |
A rip-off twice removed , modeled after -LRB- Seagal 's -RRB- earlier copycat Under Siege , sometimes referred to as Die Hard on a boat . | negative | 0 |
Totally overwrought , deeply biased , and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are The Greatest Musicians of All Time . | negative | 0 |
You can practically hear George Orwell turning over . | negative | 0 |
Behan 's memoir is great material for a film -- rowdy , brawny and lyrical in the best Irish sense -- but Sheridan has settled for a lugubrious romance . | negative | 0 |
Lazy filmmaking , with the director taking a hands-off approach when he should have shaped the story to show us why it 's compelling . | negative | 0 |
If it were any more of a turkey , it would gobble in Dolby Digital stereo . | negative | 0 |
If nothing else , `` Rollerball '' 2002 may go down in cinema history as the only movie ever in which the rest of the cast was outshined by LL Cool J. | negative | 0 |
How do you make a movie with depth about a man who lacked any ? | negative | 0 |
On the evidence before us , the answer is clear : Not easily and , in the end , not well enough . | negative | 0 |
The film 's trailer also looked like crap , so crap is what I was expecting . | negative | 0 |
More trifle than triumph . | negative | 0 |
The movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotional conviction . | negative | 0 |
Festers in just such a dungpile that you 'd swear you were watching monkeys flinging their feces at you . | negative | 0 |
Lyne 's latest , the erotic thriller Unfaithful , further demonstrates just how far his storytelling skills have eroded . | negative | 0 |
It sounds like another clever if pointless excursion into the abyss , and that 's more or less how it plays out . | negative | 0 |
Rumor , a muddled drama about coming to terms with death , feels impersonal , almost generic . | negative | 0 |
Report card : Does n't live up to the exalted tagline - there 's definite room for improvement . | negative | 0 |
Does n't deserve a passing grade -LRB- even on a curve -RRB- . | negative | 0 |
The pacing is deadly , the narration helps little and Naipaul , a juicy writer , is negated . | negative | 0 |
Maybe he was reading the minds of the audience . | positive | 1 |
... if it had been only half-an-hour long or a TV special , the humor would have been fast and furious -- at ninety minutes , it drags . | negative | 0 |
Bean drops the ball too many times ... hoping the nifty premise will create enough interest to make up for an unfocused screenplay . | negative | 0 |
Blood Work is laughable in the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overworked elements from Eastwood 's Dirty Harry period . | negative | 0 |
The movie is too amateurishly square to make the most of its own ironic implications . | negative | 0 |
-LRB- Lee -RRB- treats his audience the same way that Jim Brown treats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects . | negative | 0 |
And Lee seems just as expectant of an adoring , wide-smiling reception . | positive | 1 |
There 's not one decent performance from the cast and not one clever line of dialogue . | negative | 0 |
No amount of burning , blasting , stabbing , and shooting can hide a weak script . | negative | 0 |
It 's an odd show , pregnant with moods , stillborn except as a harsh conceptual exercise . | negative | 0 |
Nearly all the fundamentals you take for granted in most films are mishandled here . | negative | 0 |