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inspired by a true story tale is full of 1970's feeling but is disjointed in the telling this is the tale of a black college who ends up in at a closing center in a bad neighborhood and somehow puts together a swim team the film around for the first half hour until howard as our hero gets the kids into the pool it picks up at that point by becoming somewhat engaging though it still about there is a good story in this and its clear why howard and mac took part in it but the script is poor and most of the direction seems intent on making it feel like instead of making us feel anything for the story br br not the disaster that some reviews made it out to be it instead suffers by all of the recent sport true stories coach carter glory road etc which at least knew that you have to at least work with the story to make a movie as opposed to just letting the audience suffer because its true | 1negative
i hope the people who made this movies read these comments the choreography was horrid the plot was and the actors where so low budget power rangers appears 5 star to this junk br br the fight scenes where so slow you could actually see the actors waiting for each other to perform the next move camera cut and poor lighting could not cover up the cheap effects the lightning was just plain stupid the weapons looked like something out of a final fantasy game and the bow and arrow was just dull as anything i have ever seen br br next movie you decide to make try in some better script and try actually spending some time on your stunts br br honestly there are shows on t v that play ever night and are thrown together in a few hours that look better than this one br br stick to martial arts unless its as poor as your acting then take up | 1negative
the film tells upon the title role gerard depardieu confronting against during the french revolution the film is based on real deeds they are the following as lawyer in the of the king louis and the of the republic being minister of justice in the convention and of club he creation as the of public salvation which he but was by starting a period of revolutionary known besides in the film appear other historic as now a famed filmmaker louis david saint just br br the picture especially the happenings surrounding the facing off of the principal figures one time partner revolution and execution although gives results a contemporary about the modern thus is and is who was the prime minister the martial law in and with similar name than actor played gerard depardieu is excellent in the title character and portrayed also in roles are awesome actors as the recently deceased jacques dinner game in paradise and angela the tin drum the motion picture is well directed by considered the best polish director the flick will like to historical cinema buffs | 0positive
i had no expectations never saw previews for and enjoyed the characters contemporary music and sharp dancing in this light hearted movie even though 98 of the dialog is english great thing for me i wish the dvd had subtitles to help with some of the quick moments when the character's accent can be difficult to understand i wouldn't judge this movie against bollywood films but just on it's own merits as fun entertainment a musical people movie br br i'm hooked on ali as an actress and her interviews in the bonus material indicate she is a nice person i have since watched this movie several times gets better each time | 0positive
this movie was such a waste of my money it was disgusting as well as disturbing honestly i would never recommend this movie to anyone who thinks of a movie where a girl blows her dog seriously it was a waste of my time i kept watching the movie hoping it would get better and a plot would emerge but that never happened i'd rate the movie an f this movie should have been rated r for its disturbing nature i would never let children of any age see this movie this movie sucks this movie is horrible this movie was a waste of my time i could have spent the night doing some worth my time instead of renting this movie this movie was a waste of gas money to get to the store and definitely a waste of two dollars to watch it pretty much no one should watch this movie this movie should be banned and burned | 1negative
first of i should point out that i used to love the as a child and i really enjoyed the movie even though i am in my br br but this movie was so bad i was ashamed to have been a fan in my youth br br ok ok i know this is a movie for kids and isn't aimed at people like me anyway but this is my thoughts on the movie for other people of my age br br the main downfall in this film is the itself it has to be the most annoying character i have seen in a child's movie possibly even more annoying then the young child in monsters inc it has the most annoying voice and around singing stupid things and making even more stupid comments i know movies aren't exactly high brow but this was insulting to even a 2 year intelligence br br secondly where was the story previous had a least a point to the story yes i can see this was about accepting people who are different to you into your hearts but really it ended and i felt like i had watched a 5 minute cartoon on kids tv br br i don't have children of my own but when i do i fully intend to show them quality children's movies like the movie toy story and finding even though they are too childish for me these days i can see how they would be of great appeal to young children not so with this appalling attempt at a movie br br oh and one more thing not enough he should have his own movie | 1negative
i love this film i've seen it 1000 x on dvd and i cant say enough about it it has it all comedy awesome action and incredible stunts fx samuel jackson steals the show here big time i dont think there a moment that he's in that he funny everyone knows that when you make an you make an ass out of you and the f x are great the bridge truck explosion is incredible although the sound all that great when samuel drives out of the truck the sound is off a little i think and what he says is priceless for those of you who own it on dvd put the audio in french it's even emotional moments are great when the bad guy discovers that charlie's daughter is his is great this is a great film that no action fan can do without i also island aside from all the negative publicity it kicks | 0positive
pointless and pretty silly film that is just basically a of clips from horror science fiction and suspense films there are unnecessary shots to an audience watching the clips and donald and nancy allen are among audience members who turn to the camera and explain why we love horror films not a bad idea but all the explanations are obvious movie horror helps us deal with real horror you are at the mercy of the filmmaker in a theatre and pretty trite also the clips are shown very quickly and the changes are kind of jarring and shown out of context these bits aren't very scary at all and it's real short i saw it in a theatre back in 1984 and was that i paid 5 00 for an minute movie br br still it is reasonably well edited and allen and seem to be enjoying themselves for people who have an interest in knowing more about terror this might be fun and interesting but if you're a horror fan like me you'll probably be bored silly good idea bad execution no pun intended i give it a 3 | 1negative
i have seen cheesy kung fu fight films living in they come on in of sitcoms in america i have seen movies make fun of themselves but this film belongs in the sad category of fight films that try too hard with awful actors awful props and awful music to be taken seriously i seriously felt pity for the person who composed the music for this movie how sad it must be to be a composer who has to out crap like what i thought should have been titled generic ninja fight scene 1 or variations on a bad guy pointing a gun at a girl's head when backed into a corner or the daring flight of the helicopter then the fight scenes were over and the credits rolled those actually had me in tears laughing if the special effects weren't proof enough that this was low budget the fact that only two or three of the crew members presumably locals which although good for the much needed economy was probably done solely to save money have ever done anything since this series of movies they rented equipment despite making sequels to this movie that was pretty funny too the thing that really had me going though was not the music which left me half expecting an animated slaughter from g i joe to pop up but the ending i suppose this would be a spoiler if there was really a plot to spoil but when the american ninja drops the girl into jackson's arms and then takes off his mask i wanted to see him jump off the roof and jackson drop the girl to catch him br br i think that would have been the perfect punchline for this joke of a movie | 1negative
i have this movie on a collection of b movies it's not restored in fact the audio was difficult to for the first few minutes br br at first it seemed like a typical haunted house film and feels very much like the of clue murder by death house on haunted hill etc br br about a half hour into the film the storyline takes a really interesting twist and it goes from being a cliché melodrama to something entirely different and far more entertaining than i had initially thought br br check it out it's a great deal of fun even if the long clips and wider shots and near lack of music score make it feel a bit by today's standards | 0positive
this is perhaps the most ridiculous crap i have ever watched three stories about completely stupid and random things are occasionally interrupted by a bus and a boring monologue about relationships by a stupid man christ knows why so many people got involved in this highlights green man reading jean paul the mans dinner guest and her horse hair products a ridiculously woman in the third short who suspected a man of foul play just for taking an interest in her generic activities br br i need to use up a few more lines apparently so may as well mention some more stupid things about the film the first film involves a man driving a talking car around and its demands for absolutely no apparent reason the only way you would watch this film is if you were blind and had other in your personality and brain it is kind of funny in an ironic way but also extremely like being forced to chew for a very long time on a | 1negative
the museum of the moving image here in new york recently put on a of jacques films having fallen in love with his paris i decided this was not to be missed br br largely through extended shots and structured scenes the movie depicts two avant garde theater companies preparing their of seven against and additionally we are shown the day to day lives of two individuals connected to the companies a working class woman named who finds creative ways of men out of their money and a young man named colin who visits local posing as a deaf mute and plays shrill at the until they pay him to go away the first four hours or so are devoted to establishing the characters and their before a somewhat loose whimsical plot finally emerges involving a conspiracy and the of secret letters br br the film is largely about life on the of society the theater companies are a affair using their elaborate emotionally which are really something to watch to distract themselves from the fact that their acts are unlikely ever to be staged or even seen colin and both have very few friends who only briefly find any excitement or purpose after the conspiracy touches them as they are to find out more about it the film on the consequences of normal society in several memorable sequences including a long shot of colin as he wanders the streets of france shouting poetry to himself as such the film has been referred to as an analysis of 1960's br br there is not a frame of the film that is not with energy and the fact that much of the dialogue and movement is improvised makes the characters much more spontaneous much more immediate the camera also becomes an important character in this regard throughout the movie boom shadows are visible here and there or other similar errors yet they seem natural and fit with the flow of the action because the camera is so important a player br br more than anything for me the film seems a great example of another way of making movies a for film outside the usual pattern for me it was a mind opening experience even more than paris though the latter bears many similarities of theme and structure a must see for anybody the nature of art | 0positive
ah how refreshing to see a vision of 18th century england complete with mud the and and accompanied by a delightful soundtrack to boot this is the story of robert and gentleman fallen on hard times captain lee miller and how they get together and rob the pigs is a hard nut but is far too polite for that and thus becomes 'the gentleman he falls in love with lady rebecca tyler who to be frank is the only weak part of the whole and wants to impress her br br the costumes are fantastic big colourful historically beautiful alan gets all the best threads and the best lines as lord rochester sporting a very non 18th century the music shifts between glorious and bass laden which doesn't as you think it should do in a historical film the script is fast moving and with modern day this is not there are hilarious parts disgusting parts sit on the edge of your seat and your parts but the whole thing along and is wonderfully entertaining throughout this is cheer in the cinema stuff | 0positive
this is one ugly movie not only is it badly acted but it absolutely destroyed the book as well horrible how you could mess up such a classic book is beyond me but they sure did don't even think about even renting this | 1negative
kirk and the crew are visiting a mining colony on a remote planet rich in resources the devil in the dark is the a very unusual based life form which through solid rock the has been killing and it is decided must be destroyed but how br br it is hard to continue this review without writing a spoiler so instead i simply concentrate on the technical aspects of the episode and touch on its themes the special effects are ok but many of the scenes with the look a little absurd the acting is fairly average for some of the are a little awkward has the most difficult role of all in devil in the dark and he pulls it off well br br why is this still a favorite of mine br br devil in the dark is really an and morality play disguised as an adventure more than many episodes of this great tv series it brings home the importance of maintaining an open mind and at least some degree of empathy toward others plus it involves one of the most interesting if not plot twists in the original series br br enjoy | 0positive
the summary was promising but watching the movie was a huge disappointment nothing happens in this movie plot is linear and without surprise normal characters stay normal until end of the film weird characters stay weird until end of the film there is even not a single to foul the viewer into thinking that the bad guy is someone else than the most obvious candidate on the positive side actors play quite well and there is a tiny bit of atmosphere in the movie but much too little to be any significant br br people who vote 10 for this movie either didn't see it or are member of the movie production team 4 is well paid | 1negative
has this ever happened to you i go into my local video store and see a few new in the film noir section i spy a copy of a new arrival of a film i have never seen called naked its from one of those mail order video companies that offers mostly looking copies of hard to find titles the description on the box sounds good the film has players i like sterling hayden gloria and gene barry so i take it home and watch it about ten minutes into this film i started having second thoughts about half way through this film i started to dislike it by the time the film ended i not only disliked it i it the film opens with cops questioning al willis on suspicion of robbery other than being drunk the police have nothing on him when he pushes a cop and demands to be allowed to go home the cops beat him up detective arrives lets the cops finish the beating and then willis is in the clear willis he will get revenge later one of the police officers is shot dead with no evidence other that willis is sore about the beating make willis his sole suspect despite the fact that his boss names a pair of as suspects him but for lack evidence willis is released the next day two more cops are killed by a bomb this time goes to the that willis owns and tries to beat a confession out of him doesn't know it but a local whose paper has been department of police brutality a picture of trying willis and is fired but continues his pursuit and willis to mexico where willis has a mistress manages to convince his mistress who willis treats rather rough to help him prove willis is a killer what this film lacks is a convincing script the script looks as if only a rough draft was written and shooting began before a finished script was completed things happen characters personalities change plot twists occur for no real reason other than that script calls for it other than the fact that willis likes to tip a glass now and than there is nothing in the early part of the film to make us think that he is a crazy killer that on his wife he treats his wife his kid and employees well early in the film one gets the impression that its is the one whose is a loose cannon he seems to casually of police brutality for no reason is convinced from the very start willis has criminal past he seems to operate on the of the old communist secret police everyone is guilty of something we just have not found out about it yet later shows kindness to mistress and young son now we are supposed to like him sorry the early impression i got of stuck with me too long and he is also a dumb cop only after he is fired and goes to mexico does he run a background check on willis and discovers that a warrant is out for him in why didn't he think of this before because this film hadn't used up enough running time the cast is good gene barry does well considering how poorly conceived his role of al willis is i'm big fan of 40's and 50's crime thrillers but not only did i not think this film was good it left a bad taste in my mouth something many modern films do but older films rarely do | 1negative
i saw it at a german press screening without giving too much away most critics really seemed to like it very much there was even applause afterwards which is quite unusual for that species from my point of view and until now it was the funniest movie of the year it keeps the charm and wit of the three w g shorts and it is with many references to these and other movies of course there are obvious to monster and werewolf movies especially to an american werewolf in london jaws king kong and even to peter jackson's dead alive but also to other genres br br characterization was better done in chicken run but that movie had a complete new cast where introduction was necessary here you are already able to know the two main characters so the new wallace and movie is enjoyed best if you watched and liked the shorts already yet it also works on its own chicken run had the more convenient but also more storytelling plot instead this new masterpiece keeps that and somehow more isolated feeling of the w g shorts children should also enjoy it very much especially because of the sweet if you love cute this is a must see for you and because has a lot do to and really steals the show children also love dogs but many jokes are thought for a more adult audience there are even soft sexual in it the movie manages like shrek 1 2 and the to high level entertainment for the whole family with adding a british and at least a little bit darker edge to the humour of american animated movies br br the animation is as expected superb and they kept true to the style because they didn't put in too many digital effects i realized just a few when it came to br br finally the score works fine in the movie although one of the main themes definitely is borrowed by randy score br br the bad thing is it will probably take another six years from now until we can see a new animated gem from nick park co | 0positive
i gave this movie a chance only because it had very good reviews after seeing the trailer i thought what an unfunny movie full of clichés but i decided to give it a shot because trailers often don't portray the movie very well what a waste of time the movie is worst than the trailer and after spending 2 hours watching it i couldn't recall one single line that made me laugh the funniest parts of the movie were the parodies but that also is pretty i couldn't relate to any of the characters nor hope that they will be together because i found them utterly stupid the plot is extremely predictable and comedy for people who are either still in high school or feel that way mentally | 1negative
where should i begin with this movie all i know is that it is a mess be the script story or the actors first of all this movie is very disappointing from salman khan who gave us a fun hum le and jo before this second is getting really annoying appearing in every stupid movie since glad stopped this nonsense the story is stolen from the wedding singer but ruins the funny movie the dialogues are lacking i may have laughed here and there but entertained no salman khan was tolerable in the above mentioned movies but here he is insane his character is poorly written one minute he is poor and next minute you wonder how is he poor looks like a plain and wasn't putting any effort she luckily redeemed her career with because her career was going around this time put a little charm here with her looks but it is still not enough jackie is wasted beauty and acting has ran away from her because she chose such a horrible script looks beautiful but puts little performance gets the award for worst supporting actor they need because there have been terrible movies in india he says stupid dialogues dances terribly looks weird and is not in his regular form just to tell you there is more to the cast who are also terrible if it weren't for awesome beauty in life de i wouldn't give the movie a point otherwise the dancing by salman was terrible was dancing like a wind in otherwise i wish the costumes were given a make over and the rest of the cast and their monkey dancing had been blown away from the wind the good song of the album was o o which doesn't have a good enough same goes for the half way decent title song otherwise this movie and the rest of the songs are a no no for everyone | 1negative
ill conceived sequel the absurd idea of having the killer snowman on the rampage at an island resort where there is no snow or cold weather brings back the spirit of the psychopath returning thanks to a scientific experiment providing foreign elements which life to his it's the best i could do to explain this preposterous concept br br i could go into depth about how he winds up at the island in order to numerous tourists but i simply find no reason to bother because it'd all be so anyway the filmmakers think it wise to kill off the pretty girls not ten minutes after their arrival i mean seriously why worry with even introducing them to us if we can't enjoy our eye candy no longer that this br br the snow murder scene takes the cake ice from the sand so that a victim can fall on them oh and another girl is stabbed with a pair of br br look i get what's coming to me when i sit down to watch a killer snowman movie such a ridiculous supernatural slasher will either your oh it's such a wonderfully cheesy horror movie or have you why the hell you're wasting time with such nonsense jack frost has the power to freeze water then how were they able to melt him in the first film and causes the island resort to snow one sequence has jack pool water a swimming model under the sheet result being her drowning with nowhere to escape oh there's also a recreation of the tongue stuck to the icy pole bit from the christmas story dude br br i gotta hand it to the cast though they're real troopers for trying to make this wretched material entertaining christopher perhaps returns as sam to face his old nemesis as does as his wife the attempts at tongue in cheek humor for me at least fell flat but the cast soldiers trying to make the most of a very difficult situation with spirited performances they do their best to rise above the pitiful premise and dialogue br br a development occurs which the danger towards those still around to face off with jack his altered water thanks to the introduced foreign elements allow him to anti freeze and even worse he now can through jack up what appear to be which to reveal little with black eyes mouth and sharp teeth the killer snowman costume and little puppets introduced later in the film might produce belly laughs if you are in the mood for such but i personally found this junk rather hokey that's the purpose behind it i suppose cheap from those willing to embrace this and unbearable the is an obvious homage to where we get a bar scene where the little are celebrating in number over victims at the resort the weapon against them it's explained that when jack went to kill sam in the first film both fell in a truck bed full of anti freeze an from jack's belly was chest when he pushed them out a window into the truck bed and i guess in their being being linked by the jack inherited banana or so this is what we are led to believe and in doing so both in a sense br br such a film as this defies simple explanation it's a film with effects and plot so terrible one might find the presentation enjoyable because of it's many | 1negative
now i watched this when i was one sunday and my and uncle were visiting one day with my 2 cousins one was 11 the other 9 we stuck on the tv and to paris had just started my cousins both had said that they watch two of a kind sometimes and i said they could watch the film if they liked since i was in no fit state to get up i just stayed in the living room with them and ended up watching the film i have to say as a person who has no interest in those kinds of tv shows or films i actually enjoyed it it must have been the alcohol lol but i do admit it would probably only appeal more to girls aged between 6 and 13 but it was a movie to pass the time there's always a movie or a show that you don't think you'll like but for a laugh you enjoyed it | 1negative
this home movie is basically rubbish but you have to give them 3 10 for trying the blood is rubbish but the that kills them is quite funny and i think the concept is good and make up is ok for a home movie however thank god it was only minutes long and the twist at the end is quite literally fight club as in almost as trash as the film just read this comment don't watch the film | 1negative
i love the other reviews of this movie they mirror my attitude i am a 70's sort of guy minus disco and star wars there was nothing great about this movie except for a chase scene that is why it was good because it was tough basic and roy carried the movie which was based on the crew the 7 ups that backed up gene hackman in the french connection the people in it were believable and average who burned themselves coffee showed fear in chase scene and almost lost it after a close call crash br br maybe it would be easier to tell you what it lacked there was no fancy weapons just basic and crude off there was no tough guy ala tarantino there was no kung fu or samurai nonsense and no fancy trick shooting either there was no clever guy who carries out some complicated scheme based on hundreds of things going just the way he planned including everyone else's reactions the criminals were bad guys but they didn't shoot people for the hell of it as a matter of fact there was a body count of just three something that the average movie these days would pass in the opening credits it could be a g movie today no bus load of orphan school children were kidnapped nor were terrorists threatening to kill half of the city there were no high tech nor were the crimes themselves very moving or ingenious the highest tech thing i saw was a touch tone wall phone it had no subplots or amusing character developments also no sex or women except for one wife who did some screaming as the buddy our hero had her br br it was some little undertaker who exploited his connections with the local mob and the police to kidnap local for some easy the was played by tony lo who did a great job as good as roy schneider buddy the head of 7 ups cop whom he informed and exploited what ever happened to tony lo he seemed like a pacino shoe in good looking and talented what it did have was a great nyc backdrop to a simple crime story locations that were bleak and without being a study it had a simple plot that involved this kidnapping scheme where one of cop got accidentally involved literally accidentally dragged in then accidentally shot dead since buddy and his 7 ups are a hot dogs unit both the and thought he was involved since the as plain clothes cops to lure the into obviously the figured they had lawyers and rights to protect them from normal police even the were plain old and ugly no godfather or soprano here br br it is a good basic movie with a standout chase scene between two 70's d even the cars were plain and not even a or a am like the acting and the story in the days of batman uber hype or 24 levels of intensity scenarios this movie reminds us that less is better it should be shown to movie screen writers and directors as a not to then ultimately insult us with stunts and clown psychotic behavior | 0positive
this movie is simply rubbish i have to say i am an expert of rubbish movies i the 1 rating for movies that are rubbish but funny but this film is just tedious and certainly not crappy in a funny way but crappy in a crappy way it gets a 2 so those of you out there can between the ones that will make you laugh and the ones that will make you fall asleep there are scenes in this movie where the actors are looking at something their expressions are of and there wide eyes and slack jaws tell the audience that what they are looking at is going to be profoundly amazing this simply isn't it's just a or even more desert it has to be pretty god damn awful for me to walk out let me tell you i walked out and so did quite a few people | 1negative
yes this bizarre feature was written by john shot in toronto it's yet another '80s era feature about the dangers of the urban jungle where the police fear to go and the homeless and the criminal classes are the only inhabitants into this mix comes the myth of wild thing a young man raised by a bag lady after his parents were murdered by a dirty cop on the take and the local crime lord robert stir in the local do priest sean and clueless social worker kathleen and you have a recipe for some rather action sequences is the standout amongst the cast and cinematographer does a pretty good job otherwise this is a rather action that won't satisfy action fans and will leaves slack | 1negative
ok i gave this a three a three it deserves only one star no questions asked br br if your going to look at the movie seriously and take it as a b horror movie than yes it will get one star but i believe it is apparent within the first minutes of the movie what we are dealing with is a piece of crap br br with this movie me and the buddy i was watching it with could of turned it off and put on something more hollywood but instead we just decided to rip this whole movie apart from start to finish we laughed so many times it was almost if i was watching a comedy br br the acting is terrible the effects and death sequences are so bad the story complete crap br br but the fact they are trying to make a serious horror movie priceless br br the most memorable part for me is when two of the characters are walking in a supposed dark basement which is clearly lit and they pretend to not be able to see into bones hanging from the ceiling just terrible br br so if you want to laugh at how crappy this movie is along with the fact it was made in 2004 than see this movie br br wait why am i writing so much no one knows about this movie i doubt anyone will even read this | 1negative
unlike what one reviewer said this is not a ripoff of force in that one lieutenant hal put together his own little squad from academy to repeat in extreme justice this operation has the from the higher ups of the just how far they the exact methods used is open to question br br this special squad seems to be quite the for the of the those that have forgotten their first duty is protection and service which is why scott glenn thinks lou diamond phillips a detective with more than his share of with internal affairs for excessive use of force is perfect for the squad br br what should have sent him running from phillips is the fact he's got a nice live in relationship with a reporter field that one certainly threw me in this film you'd think that lou would be the last guy he'd try to for his team br br and what his team is is a death squad they target follow them and wait to catch them in the act then it's open season br br extreme justice went very overboard in trying to make a point there sure would have been no harm in waiting for a gang of bank robbers to finish the robbery and taking them down outside no civilians got hurt when the citizens of did that to the or waiting until three finish the job before moving in that's what were asked to believe here br br and frankly i couldn't buy it a lot of good players get really wasted in this one | 1negative
this is more than a sat afternoon special well written if very low key there is a lot here if you look for it catch the cat companion for instance it not only could have been a comic book it should have been a comic book the comic industry as well as the film's missed the boat on this one of the least know really great films a great script by john is a strong point but the acting is good as well probably the best super hero film i've ever seen short on special effects but long on believability this one's a keeper i have never seen a dvd of this film but i used to own a vhs version good hunting | 0positive
i rented this movie primarily because it had meg ryan in it and i was disappointed to see that her role is really a mere supporting one not only is she not on screen much but nothing her character does is essential to the plot her character could be written out of the story without changing it much | 1negative
i really wanted to like this film especially after all the buzz i'd heard revolving around it but sadly it just didn't work for me paranoid park suffers from the same lost in translation did if you use very little dialogue be heavy on the slow motion close ups and concentrate on pieces of fabric in the setting then your story will magically come across as deep and thoughtful br br much of the plot line if you can find a plot of this film is contrived i wasn't impressed with the it all being the way the protagonist deals with the accident so what are we supposed to believe he grew up happily ever after and wrote a book about his experiences thus was for that horrific incident br br what is i suspect supposed to be a film that evokes empathy for a young man who is and faced with an impossible moral instead creates a portrait of a future personality he has no connection to anyone around him and by the end of the film has no real sense of what is right or wrong he has no direction at home and feels nothing for his friends what we have is a portrait of a non person a spirit that merely through life as he weaves his way along on his i don't feel for him at all and honestly i wish he'd been caught the entire film not necessarily on his feelings of guilt but on how he is going to avoid punishment and or for a bad decision he not only gets away with it he finds a way to subtly it quite a frightening negative message the suggestion being that so many of our youth are so from right and that they simply make up the rules as they go along serving themselves for good or ill i find it an insulting on today's youth and the pretentious arrogance of the film maker thick with every plodding step and shifting eye br br he did murder the guard but if you blink your eyes you miss it whether it was an act of mercy or not is hard to say it could be he was so he out with his when he runs to the security car one of the of his is with blood | 1negative
rated tv 14 for sexual content and language br br i remembered hearing about this show back in 1998 when it used to play on the channel i didn't watch it then but now it plays on the channel i have seen about four episodes of this show and i must say it is fairly intelligent and funny br br the show stars jason alexander of seinfeld fame and also tim of rocky horror picture show and it fame the show is about a duck who is a police officer he basically does his job as a policeman while with personal problems this show is fairly funny at times and fans of animated comedy will like this | 0positive
br br this movie is best enjoyed amidst a large audience with the giggle fits br br very frequently the characters in are seen staring ahead intensely at nothing very intense unhappy faces very very serious during these moments there is very serious sounding music just to make sure the viewer realizes that the scene being watched is not about fun and games br br the more entertaining portions of this film come in between the many stares we learn that the women of the community have two duties one is to breed as many male babies as possible for their husbands the second is to stay employed so to free their husbands from having to work what do these men do with their ample free time they pray and we learn that at home they pray out loud i give you thanks for not creating me as a woman and at their place of worship they pray to give thanks for male br br along with the praying there are many scenes of antics screaming and endless head and bodies back and fourth and mixed in with everything are many intricate and bizarre or simple but just as odd activities br br the cream of the unintentional comedy comes from the sex the imagery of an hot and bothered man body with his wife in bed while attempting to keep his from falling off his is unforgettable br br every sex scene is funny but one that stands out is when a husband his face against his beautiful wife's feet oh yes we are finally entering the land of but no the feet stops before anything happens and the husband begins his looking head and body until the scene ends br br there are three attractive females in near states of however contains absolutely no nudity technically there is some interesting imagery and pleasing uses of light and colors by the director br br for a more believable educational and entertaining treatment of the plight of being an female of holding a book in a world where respect is by the speed by which a man can a phrase from ancient i suggest barbra br br | 1negative
so i decided to watch the entire puppet master series and had just watched parts 1 3 which i thought were all excellent they had a unique charm to them and a certain intelligence that i really appreciated about a year ago i even saw puppet master vs demonic toys which of course was bad but still a terrific guilty pleasure and fun to watch br br from the very beginning of this film i knew it was in trouble the cheesy power rangers style egyptian skull villain who watches the puppets through his glass came straight out of left field all of the to this franchise in this story were completely absurd suddenly we have a grand assortment of all kinds of new and random characters and plots that are a far cry from the first three films i seriously doubt that when the first puppet master was being penned the writers had visions of someday seeing an egyptian power rangers villain monsters annoying twenty somethings who seriously can't act and are supposed to be brilliant scientists but never say anything intelligent and a lame puppet who's head can into the ghost of br br another thing that greatly disappointed me in this film was that it completely ignores what happened in the last entry part ii since iii was a prequel suddenly the puppets are back at bay back in their case minus blade and for some reason is willing to help his puppets again he betrays them in part ii for his love of elsa this isn't explained at all and so with that and all of this other junk thrown in i was no longer amused br br i'm a huge fan of ridiculous b movies a if you will i even collect laser of rare b movies you can't find on dvd and so it takes a lot for me to say that this was one of the most absurd movies i have ever seen in my life i still love those puppets the original ones blade and the rest and if they had only stuck with what they had rather than trying to fix something that wasn't broken well the series might still be alive and in good health that being said even though the reviews aren't so great i'm really interested in checking out puppet master retro sounds like an interesting one that pays great tribute to the original themes | 1negative
i think that the movie was really good subject acting and ali music were marvellous although the director has succeeded in showing the status of women in rural areas and how they suffer at the hands of male dominated culture he has neglected character a bit and has more on the violence faced by her | 0positive
from time to time it's very for the to watch some silent film about the harsh life of the common people in order to remind themselves of the and the comfortable life that they have enjoyed since the beginning of mankind or even in comparison with the complicated and hard work that common people have to endure everyday since the rule the world br br and that's what happens in the love light the first film directed by dame france marion who will be famous afterwards in the silent and world thanks overall to her work as a screenwriter better for her certainly because her career as a film director doesn't impress this german count br br the film tells the story of dame angela dame mary pickford a merry italian girl who lives surrounded by a an important difference of opinion between upper and low classes prefers to live surrounded by luxury
she has two brothers and a secret admirer but all she gives him in return is indifference destiny begins to work hard and pretty soon war is and dame two brothers and in the next reel both are dead but destiny is even and dame angela meanwhile falls in love a german and to make things worse she doesn't know that her is a spy and that the light that she sends to him every night from the she maintains thinking that is a love don't mean but sink any damn italian boat at sea
br br fortunately for dame angela pretty soon her german spy will be found by the in her house in which she was hiding him a not strange fact indeed because it is not an easy task for a german to go but the german spy will prefer to die before being captured by those italians br br from that german love a half baby will born the wicked destiny at full but a greedy who has a particular idea of will carry away her son with the of a catholic nun who has taken the of to a fact that will put dame angela at the verge of insanity br br but meanwhile dame secret admirer has returned from the war and you can think that finally dame life will improve a tremendous mistake because destiny has in store for her that the returned soldier is blind but as they say in germany it may be a in disguise and finally dame angela will recover her son and will start a new life with her blind in a poor italian village in what it is supposed to be a happy ending for the common people br br as this german count said before it was much better for dame frances marion that she continued her career as a screenwriter because as can be seen in the love light she had a lot of imagination to incredible stories
but a completely different subject is to direct films and her silent debut lacks emotion and rhythm in spite of the effort of dame pickford to involve the audience with her many the nonexistent film narrative causes indifference in the making this the kind of film where only dame pickford herself provides the interest and not her circumstances br br and now if you'll allow me i must take my leave because this german count must send morse from the north tower to one of his rich | 1negative
all but the youngest americans are probably familiar with the iconic call of from little timmy or whatever the kid's name was his little head off for his border friend these same americans may or may not be familiar with the fact that made the leap from television to movies or was it the other way around i'm clearly too lazy to do any research here and the painted hills is one of those it is irresistible to make a this movie has gone to the dogs pun so i won't even though i technically just did but in a way it has playing man's best friend gets top billing the dog gets top billing now i'm not familiar with how actors or their agents but here's how it plays out in my mind br br movie okay in the credits it's gonna be and with as movie ha ha kid calm down calm down movie okay i think i see co lead billing movie oh god let go of my arm top billing top billing for you now let go of my arm br br so the dog gets top billing and with the rest of this shell shocked cast i suppose it's understandable we get lovable old jonathan the his young whiny and apparently friend tommy loser lin taylor and lovable old religious pilot pete the meat of the plot here could be summed up in a few sentences so i'll save you the actual pain of watching the movie jonathan is a with a dog named and his partner dies while he is at his claim he gets a new partner named lin who becomes obsessed with the gold and jonathan for some reason gives to whiny little tommy lin kills jonathan sees it and lin tries to kill then lin tries to kill tommy then tommy it gets cold and carries out an elaborate plan to get revenge on lin which he or she does the end br br unless you have a deep unsettling need to see a movie even then there's got to be a better movie than this just avoid the painted hills when it's not dragging on at limited ability to similar in style perhaps to keanu reeves always the same facial expression only the body moves setting up the obvious using several minutes of film or insulting native americans everywhere with its white actor in ugh how me running bear stereotypes the painted hills is fit only for or people who have some kind of connection to through their days as a old that vein of gold | 1negative
as a of ms frank i remember being so excited that the play was being re made for tv that is until i saw it this film is a prime example of how important casting is and how directing plays such an important part in creating the sense of purpose the casting of any central role is crucial to a production of this sort shows like and man of la are totally on the charisma of the lead actor and in the cast of this movie the whole thing is destroyed by the atrocious casting of melissa gilbert in the lead role there is not one single moment that ms gilbert even comes close to the sensitive mature spirit of anne ms gilbert is white bread throughout the movie the only time i was close to tears was during the reading of most haunting line i still believe in spite of everything that people are truly good at heart this is spoken by ms gilbert so rushed so lacking in conviction that she might has well and achieved the same effect film and dance legend champion was the dialogue coach for this production she should have her despite ms gilbert ruining diary other performances are satisfactory for the most part special kudos to joan as edith scott as peter and clive as mr does not have the deep soul and spirit as otto as does the creator of the role on stage and film joseph but he's okay doris roberts and james as the van are relatively superficial in their parts they're shrill and but again only on the surface this could be due to the fact that the pacing of the project is way too rushed as noted in previous this film in 45 minutes shorter than the film version the difference to the pauses for dramatic effect which apparently is necessary to the appropriate mood for the story this is not mandatory viewing especially for youngsters learning about anne frank for the first time stick to the original film version and or even better the tv production of anne frank the true story starring ben kingsley which is the closest thing to capturing the and reality of situation ever filmed note especially appalling is the fact that marshall who plays sister is not included in the opening credits along with all the other members of the secret she's listed in the post credits along with the actors playing and mr if i was ms marshall i would have | 1negative
i watched this film thinking that it was that other radio station zombie flick the production values and low rent cast soon gave away that this was another one of the those cheap sci fi channel style knock offs br br the central performance from bill is initially quite engaging as the dubious radio shock jock but as the film goes on becomes less and less convincing as he is actually required to act the rest of the cast have little to do other than look concerned and have no depth whatsoever br br the cinematography is dull flat and completely uninspired like so many of these kind of films it doesn't even manage a decent bit of convincing gore the zombie make up is literally pathetic apart from one notable exception towards the end of the film br br the film tries to originality and a message into it's of half baked and ripped off ideas by somehow this with towards islam and the war on terror this is woefully handled with all the intellectual of a 6 year old as the characters and seemingly the writers are unable to the difference between race and religion describing all people of a certain skin colour as muslims most notably one character is revealed to be muslim by skin colour alone at the same time the muslim terrorists who cause the are the usual stereotype br br presumably the far far superior had a similar budget as dead air yet shines everywhere where this film fails miserably | 1negative
going into this movie i was a bit i have always been a bit about movies i've always enjoyed decent animated movies but was always different to me but this one caught me by surprise wallace and are extremely lovable characters and it's a great story with jokes for all ages there's the silly fart jokes for the kids and the subtle but over the head of young kids jokes for us older people very neat and while the story had holes it kept my interest beginning to end br br it's so rare to find pure and humor these days this movie was all the more refreshing wallace and go doing their normal thing which is the that ruin people's but this time they find themselves fighting some form of a freak huge rabbit that their built traps can't even keep under great laughs and a great hour and a half of fun if you have not exposed yourself to wallace and i highly recommend this movie br br the only reason i rate it a 7 and not higher is because it's still a family movie and i don't have kids i enjoyed it but if i had been watching it with some little rats and my wife it'd be at least a 9 for sure give it a shot | 0positive
this is one of the most satisfying of the book to tv adaptations the actress who make us believe that a could be sexy makes us believe that a spy and can have some redeeming qualities br br the tv plot line does not follow story exactly but is both exciting and rewarding as a retelling of a darn good yarn if you have a for romance in uniform there is a lot of sexual energy between our man and the lying made me wish her role was closer to that in the books but no matter there is enough hero hero redeemed hero in rage hero in flight and hero in battle to keep you to your dvd play | 0positive
this movie's script is from others most notably the core another bad movie it's pretty clear why luke perry doesn't get much work but to see the beloved lt commander michael to something like this is just sad br br i really can't think of one plot twist that isn't seen coming a mile away that's not an exaggeration br br special effects are very poor even by tv standards the flow at the beginning of the movie the coming global disaster starts things off at a very amateurish level and it gets no better from that point on | 1negative
one thing i have noticed about british horror movies from the 1970s is that they don t hold up to repeated viewing theatre of blood is a case in point as are all those anthology movies add the beast in the to the list br br much of the drama of this movie revolves around the build up of a plot revelation at the end once you know what the revelation is this becomes a rather flat film it does open with a fairly good hook but after that we re treated to long boring sequences of two old ladies making small talk correct me if i m wrong but how many people watch a horror movie expecting a couple of old ladies making small talk the only sort of interest to be found in the beast in the is the anti smoking stance some people have mentioned that this is an anti war or anti military film but watch carefully and you ll see that a lights up for a fly he gets killed rather strange considering attitudes to smoking t nearly so hysterical as they are nowadays | 1negative
really don't care that no one on here likes this movie i do and that's what this review is about lou diamond phillips is great in this comedic role that line about train a b and c is now to me an instant classic the cg is great yeah train looks a little fake but the aliens wow do they ever rock todd bridges where's arnold and mr wow he's been out of the loop guess that's what jail does to you a bullet train is on it's way to las vegas with the senator for him to deliver a big speech a meteor has just hit and now all of a sudden we got aliens running loose aboard the train and our hero cop has to save the day to make matters worse his ex wife is on board arguing with him i just thought this movie was so wonderful a must see if you like action | 0positive
this movie is just brilliant acting is just amazing the end is so incredibly sad i cry every time i see this film it's the kind you never get sick of and can see again and again an absolutely amazingly brilliant movie | 0positive
i'm just filling this comment out because i couldn't stand the fact that a positive comment was featured on the complete information page i really think this to be the worst movie ever made in my country this is not only because of the terrible plot the crappy english and a tension that is as flat as our country no it is because this was a serious attempt to make a good action movie the hollywood standard it had to be the european action movie of the year for this purpose they even hired van actor in the academy award winning picture to do the job i don't mind bad films i can even enjoy them if they are b movies but i can't stand movies that are terrible but supposed to be a type movies | 1negative
this is the greatest example i can think of to prove the theory that when hollywood runs out of good ideas they make an awful sequel and ruin the first one now don't get me wrong i absolutely love the first i even liked the third one pretty good but this movie is atrocious i am a huge fantasy sword movie fan and i hated to see such a terrible sequel made to such a classic as the first so why do i hate this movie so much well where do i begin first of all the whole idea of the movie is ridiculous and his evil older brother who was nowhere mentioned in the first movie huh cross over into our world via a handy dimensional time gate ya see earth just happens to be on the same parallel plane as world whereas with the first movie you're led to think the movie just takes place in the past but with this one you're shown it's a completely whole other world altogether that's just one of the many things i hated about this sequel it didn't work with masters of the universe and it sure doesn't work here either movies like this should take place and stay in their own time line and their usual surroundings for sake what's next in new york er uh bad example moving on br br after a device called a to use as a threat against his enemies to rule his own kingdom so it's up to his his eagle and his tiger not a painted one this time to go off and save the world but along the way they have the help of a young cool and hip daughter who gets caught up in this whole mess and she show's around l a takes him for a in her and helps get him out of tight situations here and there how convenient right and speaking of convenient i found it awfully convenient and easy for to sneak into a highly military base and get away with a stolen highly destructive nuclear weapon even with half the u s army and l a p d after him to easy even for an evil barbarian from another world there are many plot holes in this i don't know where to begin like why did go to the l a for at the end of the movie he absolutely has no reason whatsoever to go there and wouldn't that be like the last place you'd lure your greatest enemy who just so happens to have the handy ability to control animals br br and don't you just love these kinds of movies where the police are portrayed as total idiots and even with half a dozen cops firing at one guy they still don't manage to hit him the police in this movie belong in the police academy series they are about as useful in this movie as reading glasses are for the blind even the title of the movie makes no sense 2 through the of time they never actually went through a time because the movie isn't set in the future of world it's set in a parallel world along in the plane so they never actually go through time only a dimensional world along theirs so no actual time travel is involved at all this movie tries to come off as funny and it does not because of the humor but because it's just so bad and that's putting it mildly the acting dialogue plot characters and ending are all so cheesy it's hilarious what more can i expect from the guy that brought us return of the another bad sequel sorely missed here is don wonderful directing and serious feel of the first one avoid this piece of garbage like the plague and stick which the first one and maybe the third one if there's nothing better on t v | 1negative
the movie is more of a of corruption in the whole american system the of those who vote who do not matter is so proved in the machines that end of voting a comedian to the office politicians are such a joke that we almost need a comic to represent us as we have been laughed at for years around the world have become a way of life for americans and will be the only thing left after he leaves office none to soon oddly the only person of honesty is someone not even elected to the position and tells the truth in the end the story is very subtle and if you go to it for laughs it ain't happening leaves a lot for thought overall i enjoyed it | 0positive
if you believe that any given war movie can make you really feel the war you need to see called the are flying in english it tells the story of and boris who are in love on the verge of wwii they are walking along the watching the fly by when the war starts boris is promptly sent off to war hides out with a family and ends up marrying the son whom she does not love boris meanwhile continues through the countryside fighting the nazis and experiencing all the horrors of war until he he runs out of energy when working in a military hospital receives this news she refuses to accept it until body arrives home on one of the trains simultaneously the radio that germany has and the allied powers have won the war the soviet union lost 27 million citizens but it's the start of a new era br br this movie did a very good job showing the human impact of the war not only in the battlefield but also how it affected the population this is definitely a movie that everyone should see | 0positive
the main problems of are related to the tremendous script mistakes that only a will just the main question is what's is the purpose of the killer in his lying in the middle of the floor the film tries to show that the killer's aim is to cause evil and destruction in his victims he loves to play with the lives of other people and to feel control over their the fears and so why does he just pretend to be dead between the two main characters a tremendous can a man pretend to be dead for more than one or two hours without moving a single muscle or even without breathing in order not to be discovered by two men who are in the same room it has not sense at all except to be the final d effect of the movie the killer seems to have always the control along the plot and if it's lying like a dead body this can't be possible finally it doesn't work the right place for the killer should have been a darker and shadow behind the false shadow the male nurse but not the floor of the white room the director shouldn't have showed the killer's face and maybe the site where he is hidden then the film would be a quite good thriller however is just a fiasco hitchcock please come back | 1negative
i just wanted to write a quick response to all those people who give this film a bad review because they think it isn't funny or that it's boring br br here's the trick the film is not meant to be just a comedy it's got some depth to it like many films it deals with people living in some of the odd of our society who are trying to work out how to put together a fulfilling life for themselves br br unfortunately the movie and home video don't deal well with subtlety and drop this in the comedy bin it is funny but a lot of the humor is off beat however the heart of the movie is not about the humor but about the people in it br br it may not be one of the greatest films in the world but it is solid and entertaining br br and the cast is one of those that shows why casting is an art itself michelle is great and this may be the film that showed she had some acting chops to add to her beauty is a big hoot and gets to chew the scenery in the way only she can in a role which requires it throw in oliver joan cusack in smaller roles and the talented dean and even chris and you've got a great cast throughout which here as usual makes a great difference br br matthew is fun but more important he's a major in this movie hot cute and sexy br br sit back expect the unexpected and let the movie take you where it wants to go and you should have a great time | 0positive
i guess my husband and i are a little slow we don't usually warm up to a series until they are almost at the end of their production life in this case we didn't start watching until almost the season i'm not sure how it escaped our radar for so long other than the fact that we are not big fans of tv viewing our our such that we don't like to commit to watching series every time they come on and we didn't have a yet so i guess it wasn't until starting running reruns on their daily in the that we started watching consistently br br by the time we got hooked there were only a couple more left before the series was canceled but we still watch it almost daily on i almost prefer to see series this way because you can watch multiple episodes day after day and it helps to build continuity and what's going on with the characters without having to wait a whole week br br but the episodes stand alone in the since that the stories don't carry over from week to week but that is fine with me because you can watch an episode then miss weeks and still pick back up br br my only criticism is the writing wasn't always consistent some episodes would be outrageously hilarious and then some would only be mildly funny so i'm not sure it had the quality of writers that seinfeld or raymond had but i loved the casting and the characters are all quite believable and realistic kevin james is just plain funny to look at so even if the plot isn't that great james body language and expressions make the show worth watching is great as the play it straight wife i think its harder to play the straight character for laughs than the comedic character and she does a great job she has a knack at sarcasm and insults like no one else she is one tough cookie and who can forget arthur as dad who lives with them in their basement br br this a great series and i was sorry when it cancelled but a big thanks to for keeping the king alive in reruns | 0positive
while the movie has its flaws it brings to light some of the problems that come with living in a country that has no democracy it makes you empathize with the people under such a government and makes you want to learn more about their lives their struggles and a potential leader san it makes one wonder why our government will places we are not wanted yet ignore those who ask our help | 0positive
i got some free tickets via the times to see this little know irish movie called i'm i didn't know a thing about it so had no before i went in br br the film is about two guys who are confined to their wheel and live in a home michael steven robertson suffers from and james suffers from muscular please excuse any spelling mistakes they form a bond as seems to be the only person who can understand what michael is saying they eventually leave the home to live in a flat in by themselves they immediately employ the help of an attractive girl to look after them the two friends eventually both fall in love with the same woman thats the story in a nutshell but there are lots of laughs and tears along the way in fact being as i was i found the tears were flowing way too often in fact i don't think i've cried so much watching a movie since the elephant man this film is a huge drain on the emotions both in the fun stuff and the sad stuff the acting is absolutely spot on james is my tip for greatness he's a great irish actor and i think he has a great future ahead of him steven robertson who plays michael was superb too and it wasn't until today that i found out that he doesn't suffer from and it was just some superb acting brenda is also in this film and plays the part of the manager very well the other great part has to be she was wonderful as the love interest and i we'll be seeing more of her on the big screen in the near future br br the thing that makes this film work is not only the between the two leads but the script which is just so witty it literally is on fire i still can't help repeating some of the lines in my head even now br br the photography is good although very bleak but then it is capturing a certain type of area of ireland the music is great in this film too as well as the choice in songs the use of the johnny cash cover of the nine inch nails track is inspired br br if i had to sum this film up in one word it would be this film is very very funny and then on the turn of a its very very sad i still can't believe that still two days after seeing the film looking back on it i both laugh and almost cry this film is amazing and i hope it goes far although i can't see that as its advertising budget is probably very small br br so go see it i urge you you wont regret it | 0positive
okay i grew up on who but haven't loved a doctor since tom baker christopher made me love who again and i'll be furious with him forever for leaving br br the writing is grand the acting superb the directing which was dreadful in the old days is just fantastic i was very skeptical about this programme and watched it merely out of being forced but am now a huge fan and love it i have a of a screaming then br br a few of the things i love about the new programme 1 people actually notice when rose disappears off the planet some of the old shows an assistant would drop off for a while and then come home like nothing has happened no one noticed 2 chris doc loves rose romantic or not will be but there is no doubt that 9 loves and cares about his companion he'd destroy the world if he had to to save her which the old show was lacking often a doctor wouldn't care if he never saw his again 3 they talk and think like real people when rose is shown something outlandish or new such as aliens she acts like a real person would i never liked it when an assistant from the old show who never saw anything alien would just fit right in and adapt instantly i want to see the surprise on face when she sees a plastic come to life she gives that to me br br the few things i don't like about this series 1 nearly everything happens on earth london or and i was sort of hoping for a more off world sort of show 2 that left so quickly he really made the show brilliant br br but i can let those few things go i far more enjoy the series than i ever expected to so i don't mind if they have stuff set on earth br br just don't take this show seriously it's fun it's smart it's entertaining but it's not a super serious heavy duty show it's pure fun and pure british and i can't get enough watch it with an open mind and just put your brain into neutral and enjoy br br ps don't watch series 2 or later series 1 was brilliant the first few episodes of series 2 were good but don't watch it once it gets to love and monsters utter rubbish completely destroys the show | 0positive
visconti was and is one of the most influential cultural figures of his generation but adam low the director of this thing allows the stronger voice to be how can it be what a missed opportunity we come out of this ordeal knowing less of what made the master great and more about the things one shouldn't care at all the beautiful images belong to world the embarrassing interviews to the likes of and to adam tiny little world a must to avoid | 1negative
2002 a turkish film shown in the u s as distant br br was directed produced written and filmed by br br br br this movie is a gritty and somber version of the clash between a city mouse played by and a country mouse played by br br both men are superb actors and the plot allows them to demonstrate their acting skill died in an accident shortly after the movie was completed br br in most country cousin city cousin tales the contrast between rural and urban life styles is portrayed in a humorous fashion in this film there's little humor or even warmth both men br br have lost touch with human society 's work as a br br commercial photographer for a company gives him no satisfaction he has divorced a woman he clearly br br still loves and has no satisfying human relationships br br has lost his job because of a factory closing in his small town and doesn't have the skills or the energy to find work in the city his human interactions are primarily confined to silent observations of the other people who cross his path he's clearly a warm and caring person but can't express these qualities in an urban environment br br the cousins don't relate well to the world and they don't relate well to each other neither makes an effort to act in a way that would provide an opportunity for bonding or br br in a sense this film portrays an opportunity wasted br br each cousin could have provided at least part of what was lacking in the other's life instead they steer parallel unhappy the two men are distant throughout which is a situation suggested by the film's title br br one of my friends mentioned the masterful way in which builds detail upon detail these details ultimately tell us more about the characters than we might have learned by simple exposition br br was shown as part of the rochester labor film series it's not a labor film in the traditional sense of that genre it is a labor film because it demonstrates the effects of unsatisfying work and br br this is a quiet absorbing dark film although it doesn't make for happy viewing i walked out of the br br theater realizing that i had seen a truly creative and br br important movie this film is worth finding and seeing | 0positive
yes i am sentimental and yes i love movies where kids are the better humans true does have some logical or even plot shortcomings these are more than by the kids' great acting first movie role at all and the charm of a dogma film i liked this kind of art long before the dogma ever since well i cried through the last fifteen minutes which is a higher tear factor than or fly away home had for me | 0positive
i just saw this movie on showtime in the wee hours of the night i was viewing the beginning with one eye open but instead of off to sleep i became invested in this nail bitter of a movie it was very believable and engaging i could have done without so much profanity as with every david mamet movie i see but thoroughly enjoyed the experience i know teenagers swear but i don't need to listen to it anyways the story had some interesting surprises which i won't reveal but if you have a chance to catch this movie on showtime i think you will enjoy it as much as i have | 0positive
this film is an insult to the play upon which it is based the character of claude has been beyond recognition leaving a painful performance that does not even vaguely resemble the original plot shame shame shame they have also cut a fair number of the original score of change the context in which the songs are sung this the air of the film and causes the viewer who is aware of how this should be to as the writer of this screen play gives a wife turns sheila into a spoiled rich girl claude as a cowboy and kills by sending him to vietnam instead if one is not familiar with the original plot i assure you this is not a bad film for you to see but if you ever wish to see the original or are as i am a die hard fan of the classic play you would do best to avoid the film altogether one really must stick to one or the other | 1negative
i have not seen a better comedy than the king of queens for many years i rate it one of the best ever i've just returned to ireland from arizona on american from a trip and by chance they showed several episodes i laughed my head off and later i asked the to play again and they did thank you the acting from all the team is first rate and especially from kevin james and stiller but from all of the cast in fact the acting is superb i love all the cast they are so funny there is a hard edge in the king of queens that i love and is seldom seen in today's tv comedy both and kevin play off each other so well that every situation is believable and hilariously funny i have just purchased the 2nd season while i was in this week and i intend buying the full set the next time i am in the us my son who is old also loves this show and its brilliance is that it has the magic to reach out to different generations i would like to thank all those involved with this amazing show it's so appreciated to see this kind of tv show in what is in my opinion an era of poor tv fair in general these days with the exception of re runs of seinfeld and such like thanks for a great show | 0positive
this is a good episode but it's not my favorite a lot of people love it and on a creative level it's brilliant most of the episode has no dialog which is such a cool idea and handles the silence really well plus this episode introduces tara who i like a lot but i don't like or the or maggie walsh and they seem to get a lot of screen time in plus i don't think the gentlemen are that scary and i get tired of watching the around i know that i'm in the minority but i tend to fast forward parts of of course there are other parts of the episode that i think are great so if you're watching on dvd i recommend seeing this episode it really is a classic br br revolves around the entire town losing their voices looking demon guys called the gentlemen arrive to gather seven hearts from human victims but if they hear a human scream they die so they steal the voices of everyone in town buffy and the try to figure out what's going on while the also start investigating meanwhile comes to realize how much means to him and meets a fellow witch named tara buffy and finally come face to face while fighting the gentlemen they are both stunned about what they learn he's a and she's the in the end buffy saves the day but she now has to deal with her new knowledge of secret life br br really the creativity of can't be seen in a basic outline of its plot it's the overwhelming silence of the episode that makes it so great the characters try to communicate in different ways white out boards obscene finger gestures etc and it all just works really well after a while you forget that there's no dialog because they're all so good at expressing themselves during the talking parts of the episode there are a lot of references to the importance of really hearing each other claims that won't really talk to her ignores spike and and insists that spike move into apartment buffy quickly the word for when she talks to so she won't have to explain her calling and then at the end when buffy and really do learn the truth about each other they sit there with nothing to say it's all pretty cool br br there are a lot of good parts to this episode i love that people keep forgetting that they can't talk buffy and both try to use the phone can't use the voice recognition thing in the elevator people try to scream it's basically what everyone would really do if they suddenly had no speech and i think it's hilarious that spike has to move in with they'll also share an apartment for a little while in season seven and spike have a fun that's just hilarious also i like the beginning of tara and relationship tara plays an important role for the rest of the show and she and are pretty cute together it's nice to see them just starting out br br on the downside i don't understand how the gentlemen are choosing their victims they just seem to around and pick random people also i don't like i've never liked him but from on i'm pretty much just waiting for angel to come back to town and beat him up finally what happens to olivia after this it seems like we just met her she and have a relationship going fine and then she's suddenly dropped i don't get it br br my favorite part of the episode who are the gentlemen lecture to the the whole scene is wonderful and his over heads are just hilarious he makes some similar looking in season first date pretty much anytime starts drawing monsters it's just gonna be fun | 0positive
the runner is one of the most controversial films of the year and it's not just one of those invented by people to sell tickets no this is a film that was actually pulled from release because the producers began to fear for their safety of their actors that may give you an idea of just how sensitive and some of the material is the runner is an important film for our modern world because now more than ever we need stories that show the reality of war not just action movies that the violence it was adapted from the best selling book and some critics have charged that something was lost in translation but if you don't bring the of the novel into the screening you will be very moved | 0positive
i just watched this movie on bravo and it was absolutely horrible it has the plot of a shannon movie without the nudity the premise was interesting enough a winning ticket in a secluded area and people who have reasons why they want the money the characters were trite as were the observations on human nature and greed br br for a movie called class it had very little to do with class differences other than the first 20 minutes and the predictable ending this movie could have done a lot better if there had been more characters with motivations to get the ticket and was a who done it br br the acting wasn't fantastic but it's hard to seem believable with such a terrible script lindsey is very cute and i'd like to see what she could do in a better production with a better script she's probably the only reason why i sat through the whole movie br br | 1negative
the of al br br who shot br br lands the part of gypsy in the tv remake br br these are some of the great mysteries of the 20th century how else can i say it except i thought she was awful mannerisms poor acting ie that blank stoic stare while he co star in the scene speaks and a singing voice that most voice would rate mediocre but she is stunningly gorgeous and after all wasn't that what the gypsy character is all about in on her looks she didn't cut the in the talent department br br as for the rest bette is fantastic whether or not she's playing herself or playing mama rose it works either way and i for one thought russell was as exciting as in the original peter as is the perfect understated foil to over the top mama and he's the medium between hot dish and stone cold is right br br one final to the man responsible for decades to come of cher jokes bob drag queens would kill for the and on display here coming up and br br | 0positive
this show was incredible but too for most people if you had never truly seen a european variety show in the 70's or 80's or at least a mexican one the entire show would probably be lost on you if you had this show was a dead on satire of the phony spectacle and that these shows dive into at their worst by a chain smoking suave wannabe with a and his ultra glamorous and of an ex wife variety is a variety show that tries to get off the ground every episode but always into in fighting and acts gone very wrong the are joined by johnny a dim witted side kick who seems to have been named because blue are a very popular product in his country and that means the kids will like him which of course they don't br br the result was a hilarious spoof of variety shows in general imagine the arguing that probably happened during the last days of the sonny cher show now imagine it's happening in front of you and the stars are trying to keep their now add cheesy acts and a euro mentality booze accents and now you have variety br br have you ever heard a musician whose music was pretty much written for other musicians too variety did this for comedians way too for the standard american audience it was funny as hell and doomed | 0positive
if you watch this series you will get an interesting 10 chapters about a sleeper story and each characters and more intense with a br br nice story nice characters and performs but something is wrong for me of course the final is wrong you wait ten chapters hoping a great final it doesn't matters if they fulfill its or not but well i think is not enough its a small final for a big series also i hoped more about characters stories br br but i repeat it's and interesting miniseries if you don't want to wait with large series 22 24 chapters watch it i give 7 of 10 | 0positive
man i remember this show with nostalgic i really because he wasn't the conventional hero he was more than a futuristic texas cowboy the man had the of a bear the vision of a walk and the of a i can't remember that one br br the action sequences were great i remember that would always use his named translated to spanish anytime he was in big troubles br br this was a quality action cartoon i loved the characters the dialogs the music and of course the opening credits sequence long live to him a cult classic in my opinion and a must see | 0positive
if you read the plot summary for mad max you've just ruined the first 1 hour and 10 minutes of the film you've also found out that mad max takes place in post apocalyptic australia which will be helpful because otherwise you won't have any idea what's going on the film made in 1979 tries really hard to be stanley kubrick's a clockwork orange 1971 only that film in all its actually makes sense and leaves an impact this film does neither and ends up being a car bike stunt filled romp that crashes like every vehicle in the film does br br the first thing wrong with mad max is that it tries to sell itself as a revenge tale when no vigilante appears to take revenge until the final 20 minutes if the first hour were to 20 30 minutes and then the final 20 added on and then another hour added after that mad max would be a cool action film with a great vigilante protagonist instead mel gibson has to wait around and act like a sissy for 2 3 of the film and then have a sudden to seek revenge i've yet to watch the sequel road warrior and i have to admit i'm excited for it only because i want to know what he does next this first film was mostly a waste of time br br george miller does some great action stuff here but his over the top symbolism is absurd and the unbearable cheesy reaction sequences every time a character discovers something horrifying like a burnt hand or what have you completely ruins those moments its a terribly cliché b movie technique br br there is absolutely no value or subtle critique of society in this film no matter what you might think a great action sci fi movie at least makes a point but the gratuitous violence done by random weird doesn't say anything of value even the villain feels off alex of clockwork only and completely the pg violence just does not allow the violence of this gang to settle in and get a reaction from the viewer it just it up if anything br br i'll give credit for the amount of stuff the film crew blew up and crashed into things and miller does a great job making you feel the intensity of the everything else is mediocre at best and then after an hour of mediocrity you get something good and the film ends 20 minutes later i'm just crossing my fingers road warrior will fulfill the expectations of where this film ends otherwise that's more time wasted steven c br br visit my site at http com | 1negative
what can be said about a movie about a cross dressing gangster not that much with the average indie style film making this film has the timing all wrong editing is just awful as far as the gangster story it might have been pulled off if the gangsters didn't lack character everyone just seemed to be there for some sort of punch line none of which were funny the usual suspects in this film are the hooker with the heart of gold the dying mafia father that wishes his son would make his business the best friend with the zany one liners but the main character the gangster that likes to dress up like a girl only his motivation for dressing up like a girl is that he got by a woman weird the ending of the movie had to be the nail in the coffin it was anti climatic to say the least i mean i understand how indie filmmakers don't have the equipment for a proper shot out but they might as well been using water guns overall i would say the hype leading up to it red carpet premiere in it was a disappointment | 1negative
this is a stupid movie when i saw it in a movie theater more than half the audience left before it was half over i stayed to the bitter end to show i caught it again on television and it was much funnier still by no means a classic or even consistently hilarious but the family kinda grew on me i love jessica anyway if you've nothing better to do and it's free on t v you could do worse | 1negative
terrible below par not bad good brilliant br br warning minor spoilers br br homosexuality these day's is hardly the taboo subject it was over forty years ago however it must be said that perhaps more so in america than say over here in the u k it can still be a subject just look at the whole of in the some years ago in the us it's with and that writer paul in to the small town mentality of middle america and the way the press in the us as well as in the uk make such a big deal in outing a celebrity you need only look at when will young and stephen of came out of the closet br br the movie on howard kevin kline a high school english teacher in his home town the local people are preparing themselves for oscar night as one of the cameron drake matt dillon came from their town and was a former of cameron who plays a gay soldier in a vietnam epic wins the award only to out howard as being gay during his acceptance speech this could not come at a worse time for howard who is just day's away from marrying his and fellow school teacher emily joan cusack as you would expect the media reaction is and life upside down not only does he try to convince his family and friends that he is not gay but sleazy news reporter peter tom br br although this was billed as a screwball comedy it's clear that and director frank oz are also attempting to be satirical you only have to look at the early scenes at the oscars and the way the people of home town as well as the teaching board of the school react to his outing br br sadly the film doesn't live up to the promise we see early on in the movie this is a pretty flat attempt to make social commentary out of a wacky comedy a good cast is sadly wasted on a script that never really delivers the amount of laughs and is no where near as insightful as it thinks it br br kline gives us the same kind of endearing performance that he gave us in his earlier comedy making howard an instantly likeable character cusack too is good value as weight obsessed while tom very well against type as a gay news reporter bob is a joy also as the principal of the high school where howard works it's great to see him on the big screen for a change it's a shame that it had to be this br br the performances as good as they are can do little to rescue the movie from being a rather dull affair while a couple of scenes do offer some amusement namely the inspired scene where howard attempts to make himself seem more by listening to a self help tape there is little to enjoy and when things can't seem to get any worse to a sickening finale that in to over the top sentiment i also couldn't help but feel that my intelligence was being insulted appears to be too sleazy a character to become the man who his before getting a good story while finally come to the rescue in the film's climax seems at first to be too self involved a character to care a about what happens to his former teacher after all it's he who caused all the trouble in the first place br br and isn't exactly dire but when you consider the likes of better work like 'a fish called you can't help but feel that here is a great talent being sadly wasted br br rating | 1negative
out of all the parodies of star wars i've seen this is probably the funniest not because of the premise star wars with simple instead of but because of how poorly acted it is this is and it makes it hilarious and since everyone knows its no one complains the special effects were also as awful as can be and include a on a visible string that shoots and an egg on a string this short is funny for any fan of star wars which i'm not or anyone that has 15 minutes to kill great short br br my rating out of 13 mins not rated | 0positive
i don't know what dick steel was talking about but i found this film to be one of most thrilling epics to date as for or deep impact or for that matter the day after tomorrow is pale in comparison for what i know of films most of the in films are basically run of the mill flicks or one of which of global warming this how ever ran a different course a course of natural means where the is beginning to to such a degree that it will take another piece of land with it for the ride what the scientific teams had to do was create a way to stop the from going to far and sinking japan altogether in most cases this would simply be called shifting on i found the characters rather appealing in every way from the child who lost her mother only to face her own demise among unfamiliar friends or the rescue girl who does all the she can to save lives in the face of disaster or a man who thought he could change her mind not to be such a dare devil and go with him to safety only to become the hero himself and save his and let's not forget how the rest of the world just them all back only to be forgotten by having the world turning their backs on the japanese citizens who cried for help this was a great movie in all aspects what dick is trying to say is that this movie was not hollywood made that it was made in japan that it had characters which rival other actors around the world that the effects are very gorgeous as he mentioned but it's all he was waiting for and nothing else he lacks the vision of what's important to everyone and why this film had every element of feeling of and of humanity i thought this film was top rate and i have seen many disaster films to know that japan sinks was possibly one of the most original and well thought out projects i have witnessed i really hope will make another of such films oh and by the way i am not japanese though in many ways i wish i was i am canadian born and raised and an avid movie buff in all aspects visions are bitter and not worth the effort to be recognized as an opinion dick you should watch it with a more open heart and mind don't just look for the eye candy which makes a films content look for what's more important and understand it they may not be american but the japanese have the market lately for some of the most breath taking and down right gritty film making to date which is why spending 25 000 000 is just what the doctor ordered you heard right 25 000 000 to make this film now you tell me was it worth it or was it worth it because american actors weren't in it | 0positive
there is a reason to call this a teen flick out of 100 possible points i would put it somewhere in the teens it is predictable the acting is horrible especially the minor roles and above all else it is super predictable the ending is so hokey that i should have left early and maybe it would have passed by the way could you call the male lead a i bet if it really happened someone in my school district would have said so finally in the school i grew up in even though the average class had over 1000 students we could have picked out a like as being a fraud and we would have her out of the crowd my final word is save your time when it comes on tv watch something better like the stock quotes | 1negative
this is truly without one of the worst slasher movies ever made i know it came out in the 80's following a tendency started by friday the 13th the prey copies the mentioned movie in many aspects the woods setting the killer the dumb teens the gore etc br br but the prey is as bad as you might expect i didn't even remember about it if it wasn't for coincidence br br well the killer is in fact human so don't expect a supernatural killer in the likes of jason the situations rather boring and lack of tension gore violence etc it just does not works for a slasher flick br br the acting is simply horrid the score is horrible a combination of boring with cheesy 80's tunes i won't even mention the technical aspects of the movie because believe me it seems that it cost only 20 dollars br br please avoid this one like the plague it's one of the worst movies i've ever seen and that's something to say thank god it seems to have from earth | 1negative
i'd heard a lot of bad things about this film before seeing it but thought all the negative comments were probably down to the film's low budget and poor acting both of which i can deal with when it comes to zombie films however what i didn't count on is this film being really really boring if there's one thing you can count on from low budget zombies its gore and entertainment but unfortunately this film has neither i'm quite surprised because the previous two horror films i've seen from director bob clark and black christmas were both highly inventive and entertaining films but children shouldn't play with dead things just doesn't cut it the plot line follows a group of young adults that travel to a burial island in order to mess about with to bring the dead back to life however they soon learn that playing with things they don't understand is a really stupid idea when their actually bring the dead back to life and the corpses of the island return to feast on their blood br br the plots sounds like it could lead to a decent flick but what i didn't mention is that the interesting parts don't start until the final twenty minutes and as this is a ninety minute movie i'm sure you can guess that this isn't a good thing the opening hour and ten minutes are padded out with poor acting and even worse characters i can understand setting up a situation so that the horror is more potent once it comes along but please if you're going to spend so long on it you've really got to make it interesting all of the characters in the film are over the top and annoying and personally i just wanted the zombies to hurry up and eat them the film is not without its merits however as the atmosphere is a standout lucio fulci would show seven years later how an isolated island and flesh eating zombies can blend well but bob clark already did it with this film the direction isn't bad either but it's brought down by poor make up effects and a distinct lack of blood which isn't likely to please fans of zombie movies overall i really can't recommend this film but if you're a hardcore zombie fanatic you may get a kick out of it | 1negative
most critics seem to have this film like so many other charles bronson vehicles as just another of mindless violence and while there is a fair amount of mayhem death wish 3 is not that awful of an effort particularly for fans of the series and its star br br this time out aging charlie's paul is let loose by a police chief desperate to clean up a rough part of new york city the trigger happy vigilante moves into the heart of gang territory where he once again becomes a one man army in an urban war of good versus evil bronson at least the older version is truly at his best br br i'm not saying death wish 3 is a classic indeed to the eye it has a of the characters are generally made of cardboard the violence is over the top a man well into his 60s and dozens of young but in the tradition of the original death wish and later films such as falling down with michael douglas it has a definite crowd pleasing charm who doesn't want to see get their due there are also some great cheesy moments and one liners so common in 1980s films when a tenant of his apartment building sees setting up a trap for instance the vigilante says he's the herd a line only bronson can truly make work br br so you see the key to enjoying death wish 3 is to accept it for what it is it ain't spielberg and it ain't art so throw the popcorn in the and have fun with it | 0positive
i enjoyed 11 i thought it was quite enjoyable helped by the performances and the direction however i was disappointed with this film don't get me wrong it is not a complete dud thanks to the stellar performances from brad pitt catherine zeta jones george clooney and matt damon especially and the efficient direction from steven soderbergh however the film really does suffer from truly pacing some of the film was so slow i almost fell asleep between one key twist second the plot is very convoluted and there are many twists and turns that makes it hard to keep up the camera work wasn't as innovative as it was in the first movie either whereas in the first movie it was smooth and professional it was jerky and awkward here and the music wasn't particularly memorable the screenplay also wasn't as witty or as fun and the film felt anti climatic at the end of the day it all felt a bit too lazy despite the expert playing and direction so much potential but really a missed opportunity 4 10 cox | 1negative
i like action movies i have a for b flicks with bad dialogue and wooden acting so i've been my brain to come up with one of my guilty pleasures that was worse than this blockbuster i can't you'd be hard pressed to put together a bigger piece of p than this bruce willis vehicle br br is the story and i use that term loosely of a team of super flying off to destroy an before it destroys the earth realistic not really but who cares it's an action flick i'm not the premise br br minor spoilers br br the movie begins with a couple of scenes designed to introduce the threat and the characters bruce willis is the tough as nails leader of the team and spends his first bit of screen time chasing around ben affleck with a gun for the act of sleeping with his daughter for some reason that didn't make me laugh it was forced like everything in this movie br br the team is called in because they're the only people in the whole wide world who can the okay i'm prepared to accept that premise if it gets us to the action the supposed meat of the movie more attempts at humor with each character going out to do some crazy nutty thing before blast off again lame finally they take off here's where the movie really ed me off they arrive on the rock and set to work would you believe it nothing works right and everything has a suspenseful ten nine eight one oh surprise surprise we saved the day again br br and don't even get me started on the jerky when i saw it in the theater i thought i was going to be sick i can only assume they were trying to cover up the holes left by the insipid performances by cutting away to a different shot every few seconds and this from someone raised on mtv mr short attention span himself br br just when i thought it couldn't get any worse wait there's a ending that was so tacked on it made the rest of the film a virtual citizen kane br br summary the weren't witty the plot well i said i'd let that one go the acting was bad really bad even billy bob couldn't rise above the script which was worse again bad i didn't even mention the dumbest love scene in the history of motion pictures think animal br br rating 1 out of 10 i'm giving a half point for steve who makes me smile against my will and another half point for the times i was able to look at the lovely tyler and attempt to ignore her acting performance this is far and away the worst movie i've gone to see in the theater ever | 1negative
i don't know what it is about the crew from but everything they produce seems to be genius in its simplicity and stupidity is so incredibly dumb and funny that it's almost comedic excellence sometimes it makes absolutely no sense but who cares br br it made me laugh my ass off a must have for the jackass | 0positive
it must be said that the director of the cell has quite established himself with his first feature which happens to rank as one of the most visually astounding films in contemporary cinema br br the cell is more of a visceral experience than a film as a thriller it rises above most of its peers with competent editing and a chilling score effectively providing an exceptionally suspenseful atmosphere however it is ultimately skill for elaborate and disturbing set design and imagery that carries the film's sense of terror br br as with several recent films i have been shocked by the among those who have commented about the cell in of the film i will address a few of these issues the plot appears to be the main concern and while it is not revolutionary and borrows heavily from the silence of the it was never intended to be the most important aspect of the film the plot itself is a vehicle through which vision simultaneously horrifying and wondrous is presented to the audience much in the same way that the plot of the silence of the is secondary to the fascinating study of its two lead characters and while the silence of the is clearly the superior film it is irrational for one to the plot of the cell and in the same breath praise that of the silence of the br br my final concern is the mention of mtv style directing it pains me to see the of directors who use innovative camera and cinematography techniques a camera has the potential to be much more than simply a tool with which to record events angles pans colour and so forth are all used to their full extent in the cell with the purpose of creating the sense of a dream like state that could not have been otherwise achieved this is essential to the film as the entire premise behind it is the of a serial killer's if you simply want a series of static shots stick to stage plays and give up cinema altogether br br that being said the cell is thoroughly entertaining terrifying and breathtaking in both its pacing and design anyone who is able to look past the perhaps uninspired yet never dull screenplay will find one of the best films of the year 2000 | 0positive
i thought i was wasting my precious 50 bucks going to watch this movie but at the earnest request of my friend who is an fan of i decided to turn up for the movie going at this cheap theater really bothered me i had seen king kong for 50 bucks at one of the best theatres in town the movie starts of and surprisingly i wasn't complaining br br a great story and some really wonderful wonderful acting on and part a who has dedicated her life to the well being of her mother and step sister a spare me the spelling who thing all the time also gives a stellar performance br br the story is that is a and after getting brutally raped on her field job as a reporter her levels really increase her fiancée leaves her for the person she became in all her world comes down upon her her elder step sister takes care of her and in her imagination believes that she has been married to her fiancée has 5 children and they stay in park which really is a place in new york the plot goes on as becomes as she believe no one believes her and she is being held captive in her home from her husband as fate would have and her fiancée meet up when they both are out on a trip 11 years after the brutal rape her fiancée has no existence in her real world she cant recognize him her fiancée now married and a father of two children feels it is his duty to correct the wrong he did 11 years earlier and he promises to take her to park and he does he takes her to a place in which supposedly looks like her husband's home as her fiancée is talking on his cell phone he loses track of everyone comes looking for her but she is nowhere to be found she finally gets what was denied to her her family her own imaginative family in her own world at park br br i must say that it touched my heart i myself am now a fan of direction the camera work is superb and the quality of performance is spell gives a solid performance as the child gives another mind blowing role as the elder sister who has the load of keeping the family another neat and quiet role i don't know why this guy doesn't get big breaks he has so much potential lastly she still the audience even if she is not in front of the camera and behind it br br a very well deserved 8 10 | 0positive
the timing of this film being released could not be better particularly in light of all the turmoil in this world today the film is a heartwarming endearing and witty a piece if you have siblings and still have parents alive this will hit home well for the viewer if you've lost your parents then it will touch you deeply the laughs come frequently the ensemble cast works very well together and are believable this film is intelligently written and the lines that come from each of the actors make the viewer laugh out loud frequently there are moments that will bring tears to your eyes as well i would recommend this film to anyone who respects the of family and can follow an intelligent film | 0positive
based on the manga comic of well known artist this animated feature was a slight disappointment to me br br the story is good but the animation is merely ok while it could should have been the movie is imo adequate but seems somehow flat uninspired if you know what i mean a wasted opportunity if you consider that another work by ghost in the shell is considered a classic in many respects it set new standards for japanese animation and among other things a brilliant series called stand alone complex br br i consider this worth a rental unless you're a fan of and want it all do check out the original manga which comes highly recommended | 0positive
and her three are enjoying the high life with their devoted human mistress until the wicked butler edgar with his eyes on a big inheritance decides to them and get them out of the picture how can these fragile creatures cope in the unfamiliar countryside and the streets of paris only by meeting the alley cat a rough diamond with romance in his heart after they get a taste of the wide dangerous world he them home and edgar gets his just at the wrong end of a horse as always it's really the voices rather than the animation that are the heart of the disney magic phil harris is brilliant as eva as is well eva but perhaps the most memorable turns are by pat and george lindsay who turn the old and into a couple of bumbling southern fried their scenes with edgar and the musical numbers with cat and his cool dude band are classic most striking about seeing the now is how deeply disney's style of animation has changed since this was at the cutting edge in 1970 perhaps the nostalgic dated feel are just a result of being down in belle paris but the are a pity and the animation and overall pace much less frenetic sometimes a relief than in more recent efforts such as | 0positive
i could not believe how terrible and boring this hollywood remake was it's so dreadful it easily lands a place in my top 10 worst films of 1998 about the only thing it had going for it was bruce willis who should stick to action films as a completely killer who'd kill his own mother for the right price but i'd rather listen to talk american for a week than listen to richard nauseating irish accent again but this film is also implausible unconvincing uneven unimpressive and lands sidney in a rubbish role to make a possible career comeback one for purposes entirely | 1negative
this is one of those movies that i can watch again and again and not get tired of it it is by far one of the best comic book adaptations ever i liked this one even more than x men in fact this movie is sort of a cross between x men and the matrix and it came out before either wesley snipes does a great job with the character of blade he is just not an super hero also this movie isn't to get a pg 13 rating sure comic books are for kids mainly but i like a little more in my movies let's face it if we were in these situations we would up a storm to so it is more realistic this comic book adaptation also has something that many don't a good fight in the end between the bad guy and good guy let's face it none of the batman movies had a very good ending fight | 0positive
i saw the film yesterday and really enjoyed it although there were several clues which i could realize after second time watching i was not able to awake the dawn case maybe this was my the of a woman was became with me go key sentence of the film let me go out from deep deep inside of your brain and we will both be free a film that forcing the limits of human conscious and brain anybody who have seen the would realize the similarities with breaking dawn a man that could not escape from his conscience again a psychological and an abstract concept meets it in an human body and he will just be free of accepting and realizing there is no way of escape also i want to mention about the performances of in spite of having not many experiences from actors and actresses to director all reasonable performance that have created a which would increase the quality of the movie | 0positive
friday night with jonathan ross must have those in charge of ross their little together they know the bbc lacks imagination when it comes to talk shows so when they have jonathan ross at their they are quite settled to just sit back and let a half wit command this br br ross spends most of the show his ego and smiling about how much the bbc is paying him the show is a complete copy of many us chat shows leno conan o brian the list goes on but he and his team have clearly seen what works on the masses can also be done for the dumb masses in the uk also br br the unfortunate situation he has no competition has gone by the reality is he was never really up to much except a ego can't we have someone funnier and on british screens instead of jonathan ross once ross has built up his ego enough he will then proceed to the very boring concept of the stiff celebrities in the green room so trying to get on with each other if an a is present which is so often the case these days as there are no other chat shows they can turn to to promote their latest movie he will spend the next hour either with them or trying to be their best friend in the universe when he had on a man that cares nothing for ross genuinely was begging for his mobile phone number as common policy on this show is for jonathan ross to get number so he can be seen in the right company when not working of course said it how it is and simply said no i don't like you dead pan serious br br ross needs to be from all awards and tv shows the masses will get over it | 1negative
this movie is awful at first i thought it may appeal to children due to the ewoks the fury little people from stars wars after sitting through this monstrosity of a movie i am certain that not even a 4 year old would find this movie interesting the special effects are by far the best of this movie and compare well for other tv movies the script is bad the actors especially miller and unbelievably bad and the flick is so predictable that i still can't believe i was able to not touch the forward button on my vcr however i came close to switching this mess off more than once | 1negative
during the sci fi marathon of january 1999 this episode was the last one aired in the 20th century in my time zone eastern it was new year's eve and when the clown starts singing we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here i realized that this was clever nod to it being new year's eve because that tune is also the tune to old lang coincidence we will never know br br i love this story for the little touches the tear on the the antics of the clown and the hit yourself in the head ending this and the art santa are the only ones that are about christmas br br my personal top five episodes after five characters 1 the hunt 2 the after hours 3 the 4 the lonely 5 little girl lost | 0positive
five guys who were in the together reunite years later to go camping were they run into their childhood as well as escaped in this supreme unfunny supposed comedy most of the cast are content to simply phone it in and don't really seem to care about the film in the least the writers were so lazy that the names of the characters are for the most part the name of the actors that respectively play them richard gets really old really quick even the late great character actor james can't save this stinker even though he's one of the few actors in the film that doesn't totally embarrass himself i hardly a smile much less had anything that would reasonably be even as a laugh awful br br my grade f | 1negative
larry clark is not renowned for his talents as a writer or a director but he has made some undeniably important films kids bully and to a lesser extent ken park all achieve their intended purpose shock and even disgust these films are in their content and use their controversial nature to expose very serious problems in modern youth kids exposed us to the of a i d s and sexual among the young bully touched upon similar issues ken park dealt somewhat ham with sexual abuse and suburban all of these films exposed something horrifying and left a bad taste in your mouth br br is about a group of poor hispanic from south central las angeles who go to go to beverly hills to that's it br br is nothing br br it has no substance it has an essentially nonexistent narrative and like kids it features a cast of first time actors who were drawn out of the films setting however unlike kids none of them have any semblance of talent there is better acting in porn this film features without a doubt the most terrible performances i've ever seen in a feature film one can respect larry clark to exposing these young men to the film making process but these kids are absolutely cringe worthy folks might i add that apparently these also produced the soundtrack which features some of the most inept garage punk you'll ever hear my advice is to pop a couple of before you enter the theater or you'll regret it afterward br br but then again it's not like they had much of a script to work with every line that is is a contrived delivered and irritating beyond all measure the story itself is ludicrous it starts out reasonably enough but soon slips quite unexpectedly into sheer absurdity this begins of course with a with a pair of rich white girls followed by a series of clichéd national encounters characters being killed off for no reason and finally resulting in a ridiculous anti climax shots go on much longer than they need to be prepared to watch people fall of for about fifteen minutes straight overlong lingering shots of characters doing nothing or down streets but then again with the script at a pages they need as much useless filler as possible perhaps would have worked better as a short film br br anyways i could go on like this this is the worst film larry clark has made yet for those of you who are interested in seeing a clark movie if only for his shocking antics look elsewhere this is by far the film he's made yet and it's also the worst it's flat out horrible like uwe boll horrible definitely the worst one i saw at the festival br br 1 10 | 1negative
the premise of the story is common enough average family wants out of the rat race wants to find the simple life so they move from california to lake kids in br br the lake is beautiful they have an old house but wait there may be something in the lake people are being murdered and no one knows how never mind why is excellent a familiar face for lifetime viewers valerie is also good since this film was made in maybe the writer should produce a sequel br br you will also enjoy barry corbin as the town eccentric and anderson as a bruce dern crazed military man br br while the story plot is a bit over the top if you are a movie buff you will be reminded of similar scenarios from psycho deliverance as well as other horror stories of that genre several camera shots and sequences will give you a sense of br br sit back and enjoy if you don't take it too seriously it is very entertaining and better than for example the more recent movie br br i know what you did last summer it seems they made better movies in the good old 80's | 0positive
i suspect this board will soon be full of comments from over emotional people dear john as a pearl and a ride and all the other vacuous words this film's target audience typically employs br br i am most definitely not this film's target audience but i do not dislike romantic dramas either as long as they are well made so here is my objective take on the flick br br it is not good br br it's not a bad movie either but the plot development where it should've been moving forward right around the middle to be precise and as for the ending it almost felt as if they had run out of ideas so they suddenly said hey let's just film a last scene real quick put some sentimental string soundtrack over it and end it that way even amanda beauty could not save this too gave a good performance but you can only do so much with a flawed script br br speaking of the music it is predictably and from the voiced high pitched female folk singer surely chosen to appeal to the majority of college age girls that will go see this movie to the strings and piano it only anyone paying more attention to the film as a whole rather than to his own feelings the film has a good beginning and the major conflict that us into the second act were all promising so was part of the second act itself as the story then the film just dropped the ball beyond that i'd have to give spoilers br br dear john is not a bad movie but it doesn't work as it should either if you want to see a truly moving film about prolonged love waiting to be reunited go watch which was truly superb | 1negative
2 has a dreadful reputation due only to the fact that it is a sequel to a highly held classic people have the film on a lot of grounds but they all ultimately back to the fact that this is not br br i would begin by saying that we should just take out of the and consider this film on its own merits but i think that would be unfair the movie does have a lot in common with its predecessor the class related themes of versus and the desire to fit in to a class above your own are as prevalent here as they were in the first movie the two things that are truly lacking here are bill murray and rodney who are replaced with dan and jackie mason respectively br br now i am not about to try and argue that comes close to murray in the movie but jackie mason is an admirable to he comes off as a cross between and arnold but without biting too heavily on either i wouldn't say that he is anywhere close to being as funny as is in but there is a whole lot more point to his character and his dilemma in the film br br chevy chase only pops up and handful of times in the movie which is another common complaint maybe these particular didn't notice that he only popped up a few times in the first movie for my money his scenes here are a lot funnier if somewhat over directed br br while i'm on the subject it is really the over direction of this movie that brings it down it comes across as far more self conscious in its attempts to get a laugh many of the jokes are and there's far too much of the who seems to have taken on a far more personality and a voice just in case we didn't grasp the idea that its meant to be funny br br characters are similarly home particularly the smarmy kids jackie mason rarely misses a beat and is consistently likable and very funny but we didn't need the tango sequence at all the director is clearly not of the same school of thought as harold not to suggest that was subtle but the jokes here are just a little and most of them are unnecessarily with a quirky music cue br br all things considered this is a fun goofy movie with something to say about class and identity that very few movies at the time were saying don't be put off by the low rating on imdb check it out for yourself | 0positive
tells of a naive virgin who decides to have a baby but isn't quite sure how to go about it this easy going little sleeper is full of quirky characters and tongue in cheek humor fresh fun mold breaking stuff i happened to really enjoy this flick for whatever that's worth recommended for lovers of romantic comedy who want something different | 0positive
i've seen this amusing little times the only problem is its currently on video or dvd certainly a for a dvd release the much missed richard jordan plays an ex pat american whose just been released from prison he finds himself a job as an in a bank it all goes well until he finds himself in a bank heist with his ex david niven plays the mastermind its an enjoyable little romp hopefully studio or anchor bay will come to the rescue look out for john rhys davies before he struck it big with of the lost of the in a small role as a | 0positive
you can generally ask two questions concerning 80's low budget horror films and this demon in particular 1 is it a good film no 2 is it a fun film you bet demon wind is a filthy and nauseating tale filled with cheesy make up effects and nasty violence the story is pretty much non existent and involves a group of young people revealing the horrible secrets of one of the apparently his grandparents used to live in a devil neighborhood and evil in the form of demons and fog still around there but i got to hand it to this film from start to finish it the diabolical undertones the playful gore and the relatively decent acting all together make this film raise high above the mainstream uninspired 80's slashers for sure it shows some creativity and guts literally where other productions from this decade fall into routine and oblivion more easily this creators clearly got inspired by the success of the evil and perhaps even demons but what the heck it's fun and made with lots of enthusiasm although this film does have a pretty high what the f ' standard at times especially near the end when flashbacks and laser shows are happily being mixed and what the hell is the story on those two wannabe nonetheless demon gets my recommendation if your likes aren't too high concerning crap horror | 1negative
Subsets and Splits