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it's nice that these three young directors have produced films with good productions values and decent acting there's some good work here br br unfortunately they suffer from what much of modern gay cinema recycled plots too familiar devices i have seen the pool setting way too many times in gay male films and hackneyed scripts most of all is dorothy whose preposterous premise is that a cute young guy will have trouble getting laid in nyc due to a of gay guys in his br br in terms of cinema these shorts play like tacky little gay not a lot of imagination in their writing or execution basically they follow a point and shoot shot reaction shot master shot convention which becomes painfully dull after five or so minutes there's hope for cinema in the works of todd and the late great marlon but not here these films are incredibly and their values basically to a gay sensibility which is probably why they play so well at gay film festivals | 1negative
the good things first i agree with another viewer who said that gene raymond has a marvelous drunk scene he does i was to finally get a chance to laugh and there were other moments i found amusing parents in the bathroom with the and the scene in the restaurant with robert trying to make carole lombard jealous by sweet to a stranger br br but overall i was i love carol lombard and most of hitchcock and i understand the laid on productions by the code but this was embarrassing and awful to watch of course i knew they'd end up together this is a romantic comedy after all but it made no sense it happened too fast plus i can't believe the of love when confronted with such behavior both physical and | 1negative
i won't go to a and say it's the best love story of all time as some have said that's fine people feel very deeply about this film you either love it i believe or you simply hate it i don't want to say the best of all because that is simply too for me to make a statement like that however i feel very about the english patient as well as millions of other people do br br the awards say it all br br i don't agree with critics on many levels however the ones that picked this one i couldn't agree more br br 9 oscars br br wins br br other nominations makes this love story on the top of the bunch br br from the director anthony the story that bursts onto the screen and as mr from t v s seinfeld said i simply can't take my eyes off of it in this instance i don't agree with response but the story builds and takes the right time needed to make it's case beautifully the cinematography john won multiple awards as well as it ought too i have not really paid much attention to juliette until now well not entirely true i loved her performance in sabrina lovely story of a somewhat complicated relationship next to harrison ford but this was simply an incredibly character for her and as deeply talented as she is she simply in her own subtle and way she was just what this film was looking for i'm truly glad that it was her performance and not another actress ralph was also spectacular in portraying count de i had a new respect for his ability after seeing this one what can you say except see this picture again | 0positive
my sister dad and i are really into d d and one night we were netflix looking for a movie to watch when this one came up we thought we would try it out and i ended up almost dying from laughter the writing and acting in this movie is so amazing witty characters great interaction and hilarious moments kept us in the entire time i love this movie it might not make that much sense for those who don't know about dragons but nevertheless it is a good movie this only goes to show that movies don't need an budget and big name actors actresses to be a success check it out if you want a good clean comedy | 0positive
the presentation is very to my notion as documentaries often are michael moore's is far more convincing but has far too much media and political influence cant wait till saturday when i get to see the the game of their lives goes right of center i have started a collection of movies from off the internet due to out of on decade wanna see good documentaries stick to the history channel or try you cant go wrong with them my friend cant go wrong the seventies were ten years of reruns or so the old times would have you to believe disco died and it is gone forever when elvis died o yes we all did | 1negative
only the qualifies as a gritty good western this gregory peck versus the indians is a suicide mission without a trace of humor veteran director gordon douglas has a grim harrowing epic with an ideal cast of tough guys under considerable pressure even jr superbly as a powerful arab ostensibly territory edmund h north a place in the sun harry brown drew their screenplay from western film maker charles marquis taut novel about a group of die hard cut off from any escape route who must prevent murderous from a devastating raid against helpless white north and brown stick to novel for the most part and the last minute revelation when it seems that there is no way that our heroes can survive another of native a this turn of the century tale develops an effective claustrophobic feeling in the second half of the action douglas and company take studio bound sets and make them look convincing during the hours the crisp black white photography of going my way cinematographer lionel this western a grim look that its tension and atmosphere actor michael who later played the chief villain in guns of the magnificent seven is extremely effective in a small role as the hated indian leader br br only the opens with over voice narration by army joe harmony this is my ground i'm a for the army had my work cut out for me for a long time behind that pass there is the whole nation there is a graphic of the territory with the mountains across the screen with a pass they used to come out of the pass killing everything in sights then we built a it up the pass just like a in a bottle things was fine for a while but them is pretty smart one day the bottle blew the apart we are shown the burning remains of with a dead man to a wall and a lance sticking out of his belly captain richard lance gregory peck of 12 high and his men in on and capture michael and joe harmony jeff corey of true wants to shoot him on the spot harmony points out is the that started this whole business captain lance the army doesn't shoot prisoners joe predictably harmony is at this he's no common he's just as near to a god as a can get if you shoot him now things will quiet down without stirring them up the rest of those indians will get reasonable just as fast as they can you take him in alive you'll have every in the territory coming after him we have had three years of this you can stop it now just as predictably captain lance refuses to kill and decision to take the indian back sets things into action br br colonel drum herbert of union station surprises lance when he tells him he should have shot as it is they need to get to another post everybody from the troopers to joe harmony knows that taking to grant is asking to die the are in the mountains and the is under strength meantime we are introduced to the daughter of captain cathy barbara of kiss tomorrow goodbye and young lieutenant william gig young of they shoot horses don't they and they play a part in a major narrative you see lance and both want to marry cathy clearly cathy wants lance colonel drum refuses to let lance take to grant because drum cannot spare lance drum changes the orders and is given the mission at the last minute and everybody is shocked lance has never changed an order furthermore lance saw cathy and kissing in public and everybody thinks lance has out of jealousy indeed one officer that orders is about a possible as the bible predictably escapes and the surviving troopers and harmony bring back a dead br br although drum expects a relief of 400 troopers to arrive any day harmony points out to lance that will attack has seen the and knows their lack of strength lance to take 6 or 7 men of his choosing to man and prevent from a war party the in the mountains keeps the indians from riding through in strength instead they must come through one at a time lance believes his men can them until the relief arrives drum gives him and lance picks the worst men all of them hate him and would willingly kill him br br only the the new breed of military western after world war ii this is not a ho john ford western indeed own men want to kill him and this the attitude of troops during the vietnam war when they their own officers lance bears the of the few who know about the circumstances that brought about the change of orders putting in charge of the detail the black white photography enhances the dire nature of this western only the amounts to a last stand western until the last minute reportedly peck hated this movie but then this is not a spit and polish western in technicolor if anything only the lives up to its warner brothers origins it is small but significant and it is with loads of drama and characters virtually a dirty dozen western | 0positive
i have never seen a more unrealistic movie than this foul piece of dung the acting was over the top the direction was tacky and amateurish the script was just a joke the story looked penned by a person that has never been around a high school football game much less a professional game and why why did oliver stone feel the need to place himself in this movie as an actor he was terrible playing the most unrealistic ever he could not even get hired to do professional wrestling then you have jamie foxx who throws like a girl but he is a tad more athletic than the aged dennis quaid seriously stone wanted to direct this film at 16 year old males with add that is why we hear the loud music the quick cuts and numerous edits it just became a bad mtv video shame on al pacino for doing this crap cameron diaz heck that no talent takes any role that comes down the when lawrence taylor is the best actor you got going well your movie sucks and this one does | 1negative
this film was utterly horrible stupid premise and horrible acting by all whoever wrote this trash should be reminds me of a hack student film but worse who ever produced this should give up now i know opinions are and all and some may think this fantastic as some think 1984 was fantastic well get off your horse and watch some real films ok the acting was tolerable and with better direction could have been far better but it didn't so it suffers i don't know how much more i can say about this waste of film other than to totally trash it anyways it was horrible and i recommend to avoid it like the plague if you come anywhere near rent the movie beside it instead | 1negative
br br never ever take a film just for its good looking title br br although it all starts well the film suffers the same you see in b films its like at a certain moment the writer does not any more how to end the film so he ends it in a way nobody suspects it thinking this way he is ingenious br br a film to be listed on top of the garbage list br br | 1negative
i saw this turkey in the theater but i had a good time the special effects aren't worthy of a grade school production a toy boat representing a moving at on flat waters while wind driven fog blows in the opposite direction the red and blue add that extra dramatic touch whatever vincent price was supposed to bring as narrator is completely overshadowed by dreadful production work calling this a documentary is like calling britney spears a musician about 20 minutes into this something struck me as very funny maybe it was overly dramatic of the used line they into the devil's triangle cut to black next story once i started laughing my friends joined in next time said the crucial line someone in the back out good after that it got almost as many laughs as a marx brothers film nobody stayed for the dreadfully serious second feature of the gods | 1negative
as much as 'the showed that we're still going to get classic x files drive showed that the x files was going to explore new territory they start by giving us a unique to drive with the news camera footage it was an interesting transition from the the tv to the real events i would've liked it even better if they had kept that news footage camera for the entire and not cut to the inside of the car upon viewing this episode live back in 1998 i was thinking am i on the right channel that first by me with big words that i don't understand i think she learned her lesson to always wear a mask before performing an silly what is the deal with the lighting in the lab it's as dark as a tomb in there how are they supposed to see what they're doing in there assistant director gets his first lines in this episode i have no love lost for that man he is the third recurring character in a row that is introduced that you love to hate the first two being diana and jeffrey i guess the producers felt that there was too much love going on for and so they needed to add some characters to give our favorite agents some grief and our as fans i love the suits worn by and her team with the cool helmet light boy it's really or in dry northern at night can we say the word effect drive is a cool episode but looking at route on my u s there's no way could've a speed of 70 100 on that road if he had been on i 80 the maybe but no way on a state road with that many all of the filming inside the car looked very authentic excellent job by rob it looks nothing like the old days of the obvious blue screen or clip of passing scenery outside a car window on a stage this was a fun episode but some of the inaccuracies keep it from being a great episode it keeps you on the edge of your seat so hold on for a fast ride | 0positive
br br this is the best mock documentary of a dog show that i have seen in a long time a very long time well lets face it ever isn't that part of the charm the idea of actually going to the trouble to make a movie mocking a documentary about an event that most people would find odd in the first place even if there were no big laughs one would still be at the thought any movie that attempts something new scores highly in my proverbial book i loved the dogs too | 0positive
for an evening of pleasure and terror cheap special effects cheesy lines yep its the original 1978 movie starting geoffrey land as peter and jill as martin and directed by al br br the movie is about an evil ancient spirit that possesses a nurse at a hospital then she starts killing doctors one by one the acting was okay but some of the acting was robotic the storyline was good but the sex scenes were just thrown in there probably to get more views the directing was bad and the special effects looked like a drawing the effects didn't fool anybody the death scenes were pretty good but the director mixed too many things in there that didn't make any sense like the sex scenes the nudity the football player and many more br br overall its a good movie but not the best br br 7 out of 10 | 0positive
dracula john carradine visits dr stevens who believes everything can be by science he wants to cure his agrees then lawrence jr pops up looking for a cure for his turning into a werewolf frankenstein monster is discovered too but doesn't really do anything br br very ambitious plot for a universal horror film from the 1940s trying to cure the monsters by science is actually an interesting idea also this movie has beautiful sets love the castle to doctor lives in tons of atmosphere is very well directed great use of shadows and has pretty good special effects br br the acting is all good except for carradine he tries but i could never accept him as dracula also lionel pops in playing as always the chief of police this is pretty much forgotten and as a stupid film but i think it's very good it's also to last time the universal monsters were done seriously the next film was in 1948 in meet frankenstein it's a great film but the accent is more on comedy br br the only real flaw here is there's a lot of plot for minutes and some gaps in logic why does dracula try to bite lovely martha when he's being and why and how does the doctor get into his castle still these are small complaints recommended | 0positive
you gotta be a fan of the little man but i found on carmen dull unimaginative and totally not funny br br chaplin is retelling the story of carmen and plays a big role himself as don jose it's a story about men and the women they love although it's unclear why one would love such a woman as carmen as she is playing the men against each other br br as i said i didn't think much of it chaplin made dozens and dozens of better movies so you can leave this one on the br br oh and i'm curious what the difference is between this movie and the version or is it just an imdb mistake br br on the whole 3 10 | 1negative
i enjoy b movies i think bruce campbell is a very watchable actor i love how he delivers his lines dead 2 and of were great movies i liked however i don't know if i'll ever watch this movie again and i bought it now after saying that i bet the commentary tracks and special features will be worth watching this movie just has far too many holes for me to actually enjoy even as a movie first off ted was annoying just flat out annoying there was nothing to his badly acted written character that hasn't been done better a thousand times before the directing sadly was sub par and the choice of some shots i don't expect woody allen or james cameron here but campbell did not deliver br br i did not purchase this thinking it was going to be an oscar movie like but still i'm disappointed i would have been happy with or 'the i got much less by the end of the movie there were no scenes that popped out to me no dialogue that within me even had a classic line for sake i do not recommend this movie | 1negative
mary pickford plays annie rooney the daughter of a cop that lives in the tough part of town she is a rough and young lady of age somewhere between 12 and 16 who loves to but down deep has a heart of gold br br this is a very typical style of film for mary pickford like so many of her films she plays a young girl even though she was nearly 40 when she made little annie rooney and like so many other stories she was both and courageous as a result i had a strong feeling of now if you haven't seen her other films this isn't an issue however she is essentially playing a character much like the one in or daddy long legs though these two other films are a lot better now this isn't to say this is a bad film just that it's certainly not among her best work mostly due to a rather story that is very heavy on sentiment but not especially convincing entertaining but not essential viewing unless you are a huge fan of the | 0positive
my guess is that the producers of this low budget space horror film wanted a serious movie but the director had his heart set on a parody so this is what we get set in an abandoned spaceship 1000 years in the future and with characters and props right out of the 90's the set is some industrial complex maybe an oil whatever they use is as is so the controls consist of old tv equipment one location is obviously the employees and sports an old tv and vcr as well as a water with plastic tiny and get the best lines arguing throughout the story the dialog is packed with terms that are pretty dated even now a ok daddy o but then maybe the century is very retro when the captain declares the ships is a load of from the station you know this is all a put on its a bit of alien part shameless rip off of all the best sci fi and horror titles at one point casper even tells his pilot to make it so with a straight face this film would have been better if they had just let everyone run with the satire but they keep attempting to make the story serious maybe the were on the set that day anyway not a bad boredom killer if you aren't too fx are as good as the sets are bad | 1negative
a fine romantic comedy errol flynn shows what a touch for comedy he possessed a talent that probably shows some of his true self the comedic writing on this film is excellent parker does a nice job as ex wife whom errol is trying to win back is also easy on the eyes the sets 1940's and style where appropriate br br comedic timing and wit are displayed to full effect here watch his double takes his ability to counter punch with a snappy comeback or act the straight man and his total believability and sincerity where required this guy could act it is a shame errol did not get a chance to do more roles like this throughout his career he was multi talented to the extreme if you enjoyed it happened one night with gable and or some of the william powell and myrna loy comedies you will enjoy this br br well paced and lots of laughs a lost diamond of a movie | 0positive
have you heard the theory of where a copy is than the original 2 is a perfect example of that they try to everything from the first movie now in a few cases this work robert stack is actually a little better than ted knight when they play essentially the same character i actually like randy quaid who is no more or less offensive than bill murray in the original but jackie mason is no rodney and worse of all demonstrated once and for all that dan is one of the worst comedy actors of all time there is very little that i like him in and nailed the coffin shut on his comedic career as far as i'm concerned he seems to feel the same sticking more to like driving miss daisy and factor other than that it's mostly been there done that for 2 watch the original twice rather than each version once and you'll get more for your rental money | 1negative
i don't know where most of you were at but where i watched the film we didn't have people singing as some have told they experienced we had people laughing mostly at the campy plot line the horrible dance sequences and the singing of the likes of brosnan the only people in the audience who seemed to be enthralled with the film were the seventies generation folks who were some how the past with the songs i was a dj in the seventies and even went to the concert at in in of so i did appreciate them then and i still do now but this film should have gone the same way as their and ended in divorce the sequences were so poorly staged the dubbing and editing absolutely horrible and this has to be worst production i cannot believe an academy award winner would so low as to do this piece of garbage so save your money wait for it to come out on dvd and then maybe spend your money on something better like cat | 1negative
the toxic br br the idea of this movie is that a person that the common population would call this person a and then after being thrown into a barrel of toxic waste mutated into a superhero that is completely sounded ok even for 1985 this movie is listed as a horror i even have read of a cult following with this series br br now this movie even given when it was made was so bad that i couldn't stop watching the acting is horrible even for an independent film that i think was to be the horror part of this movie br br drug dealing godzilla entrance i'm all for movies that promote anti drugs heck i even like godzilla and well i'm not into it but even still i think that the heights of would love to give this movie the 1000 hand slap and ground salt into the eyes of the people that made this movie br br personally i am almost ready to write to the film company that made this and ask them for the or so of my life back br br to me 1 out of 10 is too high it's too bad that there isn't a 0 zero or even negative to place on a movie here br br in other words this movie is j u n k would rather watch paint dry and deal with explosive then have to watch this movie ever again i would be the first person that would use not only the of this movie as but i would be up for a movie and script burning | 1negative
if you like soap series you might like this film i recommend this film to fans of dutch soap series like or even american stuff like the bold the beautiful if you don't like that stuff stay away from this movie it has the same kind of visual style the same quality of acting direction and writing the film was a big hit at home territory but wasn't sold anywhere else outside holland and pretty strange for a commercial film like this br br maybe it says something | 1negative
words alone cannot describe the sheer beauty and power of this film br br think toy story now think toy story circa 1934 now imagine the animation looks as as fluid think of the movie not as something adults and children can enjoy but imagine it as a br br imagine trying to do something like that back in 1934 somehow the delivers in a story where toys come to life and one of them is trying to deliver an orange to his sick owner delivers a level of animation completely unexpected it's so fluid you will wonder for a long time whether what you see is really stop motion animation br br comparing toy story and the is an in plot wise while toy story is a children's story adults can enjoy the is a dark chilling story aimed at adults meaning no your kids won't like it one bit br br still get it if you can you might be able to find it along in dvd and and prepare to be stunned at what was able to do back in 1934 with a couple of puppets | 0positive
before i start i need to inform you that i love horror films with a passion love them i have seen thousands and rarely does one come along that i do not like i am very of the horror genre one of the greatest lines in movie history is in the film ed wood where ed wood johnny freaks out and yells at the overly critical producers after they comment on plan cheap sets and continuity problems you don't know anything haven't you ever heard of of disbelief ' well i try to bring that suspension of disbelief philosophy with me to every horror film i see and it usually works unfortunately it didn't work for me during the screening of massacre br br strike one br br the first thing you'll notice about this film is that it is shot on video and has that crummy hand held home digital camera style the camera work and quality are so bad it makes daytime look breathtaking in comparison in fact it makes troma and full moon video releases look good and that's bad br br strike two br br jim this filmmaker probably himself a chip off the ol' corman but nothing could be further from the truth roger corman shot fast furious and under budget but was able to deliver a tight original film though delivers a cheap film he his viewers and perhaps other artists as he steals entire pieces of james from the deep and battle beyond the stars musical scores and drops them into massacre on the back of the box art and during the beginning credits the music score is attributed to dan an extra in deathstalker ii you will also notice how massacre jumps from video to film and back again as lifts entire scenes from both party massacre and from the deep this deception years earlier in his horrible version of not of this earth br br strike three you're out br br while massacre does have some nudity 40 year olds playing teenagers and the set of fake breasts that i have ever seen in a horror film ugh the murders are relatively what the heck is that all about the film is titled massacre but a handful of off screen killings in my opinion does not add up to a massacre it doesn't even add up to a bad bite br br the film's story is fair enough unseen killer stalks a of old playing teens until the van runs out of gas and the girls are forced to hold up in secluded two story mountain home i won't ruin the ending for you but this is one of those films where the person who is obviously the killer is not obviously the killer massacre would have been great if it were shot on film directed by joseph and had special effects by tom instead it is an effect less shot on video travesty by jim br br i beg of you please don't buy or rent this abomination if we keep supporting these the more of this talentless video garbage they'll produce go out and rent the the last house on dead end street or the burning instead you'll be glad you did | 1negative
it was so very long ago 1960 but i have never forgotten this series and often wished it would so taken with it i with mr then president of standard oil which the presentation on he sent me a photo of the actually a rendering used behind the credits br br to the opening theme music of my family and i gathered around our black white tv to drink in shakespeare's words as spoken by a group of excellent but relatively unknown players at least to american audiences at the time br br we were introduced to such actors as sean connery dame tom patrick garland julian glover and robert hardy i have continued to enjoy their ever since one of the most interesting things was the way in which the actors continued to age in their respective roles as shakespeare's king plays were presented perhaps for the first time in order br br i wish i could tell those actors just how much that series meant to me br br if age of kings could be on vhs and or dvd it would so please those of us who long to see it again and those who missed it the first time around br br good news has just a dvd of an age of kings see their july 2009 page 19 or call them free i just ordered mine | 0positive
maybe it's unfair to dislike a movie for what it isn't rather than what it is but i approached this hoping that finally a filmmaker would make a movie about small town rural gay men and women instead the focus is primarily on the outrageous big news of the locals and those in areas and the really gruesome torture murder of a young gay man br br so much time devoted to stupid people about aids sin and so much time devoted to the preacher about the bible and gay people getting what they deserve br br i wanted to see more of the people that came to the small town gay bar not those who opposed it in addition the young man who was murdered isn't even from this town br br the whole movie works as a warning rather than a celebration and it's very suspect | 1negative
this is as good as it gets br br this is six episodes briefly what life may have been like when dinosaurs ruled the earth done in the style of a nature documentary this show does away with talking heads instead just gives us the good stuff with the dinosaurs attempting to survive br br certainly this isn't a true documentary since none of what we see on screen can be to with any but its a best guess and an entertaining one at that here is a show that brings dinosaurs to life in a realistic way that doesn't involve them eating people this is a show that should be shown to any kid who loves dinosaurs since it will them with the oh wow factor to go out and find out more it will also entertain the hell out of them and you br br see this if you love animal shows or nature or science or disney true life adventures except no one really gets killed or just a really good trip to somewhere else run out and get yourself a copy your brain will thank you | 0positive
there's not much anyone can say about this flick the plot is quite simple two police officers who also happen to be lovers are using a as a in order to catch a criminal with the help of the lady of the house played by hardcore chloe as anyone can guess there's a few plot twists and some but the writing was just horrible even for a movie br br i've read some previous about nicole accent she plays the female cop yes it's hard to understand what she's saying at times but i think i've placed it i did some around i think she's from germany hence her odd sounding accent she makes an impression even without speaking however she's got a great looking body br br there were a couple of from behind sex scenes in this movie that were quite graphic for a film excellent work there the three way scene toward the end wasn't bad either br br spoiler alert br br i kinda knew the female cop was gonna turn into a part time call girl at the end she enjoyed her three way way too much br br end spoiler br br i'm not gonna about the story too much seeing as this is a low budget direct to video flick however it just seems like i've seen way too many movies in this genre with a similar type of storyline br br women b chloe and were okay as the eye candy sex b scenes were kinda short but good story c a recycled plot but whatever works eh overall b | 0positive
hey look there's anna great american improvised new wave or independent you want to call it that not as good as godard or and not flawless but hey such realism style warmth and humor i love that ny accent you don't know nothing forget about it just like the french new wave it's about young people falling in love or just hanging around is so cute she's adorable wonderful ben also good reminds me of a film you won't forget br br a steady 26 5 out of | 0positive
this movie was really well written and was very entertaining there was great acting in it too luke perry did a very convincing job like he always does if you are looking for a movie to watch this should be at the top of your list there is a mixture of comedy drama and action you can literally feel what the actors are feeling at points i was very impressed by this movie the special effects were very well done the whole movie was very convincing this movie is one of my favorites what happens is north america could be torn apart and jack and his team have to try and to stop an by destroying north america it was a very cool and creative idea i loved this movie and i know you will too | 0positive
i originally seen the flash gordon serial on and thought it was fun and awesome i overlooked the special effects of the rocket ships with and the big dragon monster with who cares this is 1936 and it was a serial so each week they would show a new chapter buster played flash gordon 3 times in all 3 serials then in 1939 he played buck rogers in 1933 he played tarzan the he was a very busy actor beautiful jean rogers played sexy frank shannon as professor and charles played the evil the he makes darth vader look like a the serials were very close to the alex raymond comic strip space travel was just a dream at the time not to mention ray guns and television this one stands out as the best serial ever the sequel flash trip to mars is 2 chapters longer the next flash gordon the universe is only 12 chapters and then there's the natives of men lion men shark men the feature version leaves out the shark men scenes for the full effect you must see the complete serial i heard george lucas was inspired by flash gordon when he did star wars flash gordon was from universal studios and the music on the soundtrack is from many universal movies like bride of frankenstein werewolf of london daughter etc even today flash gordon continues to delight people young and old 10 out of 10 | 0positive
this film is perfect for over the top cheesy zombie lovers its a film you can laugh at from the acting to the terrible zombie action that being said i gave this a 4 outta 10 for effort horror is a hard genre to make going down the list the bad points of this film were as following br br bad make up terrible sound and sound effects really bad continuity cheesy dialogue one song played through the whole film couldn't act and in my opinion one of the worst i've seen terrible ending racist moment and stealing character named br br the good points good costume police officers seemed to have the best acting the actors with less lines or small roles did appear to be better good attempt with gore br br i don't wanna bad mouth the film its funny to watch of these bad points and i think thats what makes this film ok if it was any better i don't think it would of made any difference but it wouldn't be interesting to see a remake with all the same cast as i believe they have possibly improved over the last 7 years | 1negative
while disney have been the animation studio for the past 70 years there have always been rivals to their supremacy when this review was written in 2009 for example companies like and to a lesser extent warner brothers and were bringing out animated movies that could be said to challenge the disney back in the beginning in that late and early when disney was serving cinematic like snow white and the competition was provided by brothers dave and max despite releasing two very commendable films they never quite the market many their downfall to the commercial failure of mr bug goes to town released the same week as the attack on pearl which gave the american public something more significant to think about than going to the cinema to watch a cartoon that this film has faded into relative obscurity is a travesty br br in a of garden in the city a bunch of bugs are in dire danger humans use the land as a and and other right on top of the homes as they go honey shop owner mr voiced by jack fears that the future is bleak and wonders how he will ever be able to raise his daughter honey voiced by pauline in more secure surroundings a highly creature c beetle voiced by pierce offers to provide her a place to live if she will accept his hand in marriage but honey is much more interested in her childhood sweetheart the cheerful and optimistic voiced by stan freed believes that everything is about to be resolved for the better but is left looking foolish when beetle and his pair of comical manipulate the crisis to their own end only at the very end as their becomes the foundation for a huge new do the bugs switch loyalty back to as they look to him to lead them a new safe home away from the destructive influence of humans br br what really works in this film is the delightful characterisation all the bugs are cleverly developed and designed for maximum audience appeal the bumbling villains the fly and the hilarious names if you stop to think about it are particularly memorable equally admirable is the storytelling drive even the youngest of children can enjoy this story while at the same time it conveys a message for older audiences about the way human can impact upon the survival of time has inevitably dated some aspects of the film and when viewing it the audience needs to accept and forgive these occasional signs of general age and wear but on the whole mr bug goes to town is an accomplished funny and very presented animation with a worthy message to boot | 0positive
an odd of light the bedroom of dr craig burton arnold and his wife as they are making love about two hours are for as they embrace seemingly under during a session with psychiatrist dr susan lindsay craig discovers that his wife was by aliens this notion as absurd and is quite happy to news to her husband that she is indeed pregnant after their trying for ages to get pregnant is frightened at of the not being his this from a check on his low count with odds especially high that he could in no way have his wife awkward experiences with the inside her leads to some scary her doctor david finds that the ultra sound gives some unusual results of the developing appearance but it's craig who notices that it resembles an alien sparks cutting out the equipment even off through reveals the experience of her but believes her problem is psychological not with no one believing his wife's alien theory craig turns to dr bert brad whose work is in the studies of alien life and but bert is reluctant to help craig who will go to the ends of the earth to save his wife's life from possible harm tragic results occur as and others try to keep craig from his goals of cutting the thing out believing he is mad craig will still pursue his task trying to drag bert down this path with him br br grim absorbing horror tale about one man's struggle to save his wife from the harm of beings no one else believes exist thankfully character isn't some but an intelligent doctor who wishes to learn more but his pursuit of the truth of aliens isn't hostile he does hope to learn from but isn't incredibly demanding in this goal the story is told realistically it's easy to understand why others might craig off his rocker doesn't take the character too far but expresses the distress of his current situation how can he save his wife from this and prove to others that he's not nuts deserves credit for the demands of the difficult scenes where her unfortunate character is naked on this table being and by these things is fine in her limited but important role as the voice of reason in a situation where her seem out of control psychologically the monster effects are and effective i think the film works quite well and director deserves credit for himself for this film at least the final twenty minutes as craig tries to perform his surgery with a scared bert watching the crazy situation is nail biting br br you know fans of fire in the sky might dig this flick | 0positive
i saw this movie and was bored out of my mind i am a fan of but i can't understand why charles let this disaster be made spoilers ahead br br i can't believe would let his friends sleep on the ground outside in a dangerous situation and go out to a bar and a few cold ones without standing watch the story was complete nonsense even for comic strip characters it takes them long to get to france plus once they get to france i had a feeling that the writer i still can't believe it was didn't know what to do once they got there br br is best made in 30 minute episodes not 80 minute movies br br go home charlie brown you are at your best there br br | 1negative
i was a huge fan of comics when i was a kid and watched every one i never heard about this movie when it was released but i watched it with my kids last night i remembered the comic well enough to know that a lot was added to the story for the film some of the changes i thought were a bit corny like the dancing and the daughter almost everything about her but i found most it amusing enough most importantly seeing the reactions as my kids watched it confirmed that the film pleased its target audience as a family film it works better than other titles i've seen many of the names that weren't in the book i found had the same appeal as ones that were overall an enjoyable family film regardless of whether you're an fan or not | 0positive
contrary to what many may believe as this movie being an against the system type of movie and attitude it is an excellent portrayal of the system in question and how ridiculous it truly is the funny parts in the movie are in fact funny because they speak the truth about the world around us anyone who finds this movie to be unrealistic is simply denying the self evident truths about life and that is to learn what you enjoy that is what college should be about br br i come to find that a comment must have at least 10 lines i think i have given my opinion on the matter so i now write a couple more lines just as filler i hope you have been entertained during this time i encourage you to go see the movie it is well worth your while so long as you follow it and yourself in the movie | 0positive
i completely forgot that i'd seen this within a couple of days which is pretty revealing in itself the version of of the locked door country house mystery i had heard that it was an engaging and witty update so it appeared from the likable title sequence and a few neat touches in the opening scene but the film very quickly ground to a halt and became vaguely tedious and wholly unsatisfying br br as a mystery the major problem is that it is by the audience like the worst agatha it depends on a character appearing in the final act with a wealth of background information that we have not been to as a film be it comedy or thriller the crucial problem is that characterisation is almost non existent with the exception of the killer everyone is a face value version of the typical suspects in the typical country house murder story reporter suspicious fiancé scientist father a surprisingly poor michel etc there's no depth and little of interest and the frequently over or performances don't help you frankly don't care about anyone in it so there's no or suspense only claude rich and in the last reel pierre get anything to work with and only in the last reel does the film get close to a sense of that is too fleeting to be really effective br br for the rest we get endless exposition and a couple of would be comic set pieces a promising one with a photographer trapped inside a grandfather clock is just too poorly thought through to pay off with dennis reduced to irving the for the last third of the picture i'm not fond of country house movies or agatha christie style so those who are might it a lot more slack but i found it a poor show as rich says when the mystery is revealed it's all rather something of a disappointment | 1negative
i've seen this movie twice on international film festival the movie is in competition and i really hope that will get one of the awards at least the best image award br br as a silent cinema fan i'm interested in contemporary movies that quote or recreate the language of the year cinema the previous reviewer the quotes from fritz lang and w as i see it the movie references directly metropolis and the character of his plots but i didn't see in it there's a more obvious homage though the moon with a here smoking human face and the paper made painted mountains and city landscapes i enjoyed the film mostly for its visuals and in the meantime i found very interesting the story on and the creative means of communication used by the inhabitants of the city from this perspective this movie is an unique on the of the silent cinema because in the films of the silent period one can hardly find stories with mute characters in this case can be whether the story on the stolen voices was the motivation for the silent film form or there's an intention to play upon the of the silent films another example of this kind of i found in guy careful where the inhabitants of a mountain village have in using their voices i intend to write a paper on it if you know movies related to this topic please let me know br br i highly recommend film to every one of the critics called it the jewel of the festival br br ps winners were announced and the film won the award for best cinematography | 0positive
is about a somewhat arrogant reasonably wealthy man who discovers that his mother is dying and finds himself looking after his sister who has syndrome he can't be bothered with her and basically just wants to get her off his hands he has better things to do at one point he finds that he has to take her by car she doesn't like flying across the country br br if that all sounds familiar to you it is probably because you have seen ' a film far superior to its ' that it copies the basic premise heck it a few characters and even scenes too is not the fundamental problem with the film the fundamental problem is that i did not care about these characters br br the brother kenny kevin is a bit of a he has a girlfriend who comes and goes in the story and who learns to like the syndrome sister again this is taken from he is a journalist trying to get an interview with a doctor who is facing a scandal when he ends up looking after the sister he doesn't have much time for her and sometimes leaves her alone for a little too long when she wanders off he becomes even towards her am i spoiling anything by saying that he becomes a loving person by the end of the film br br is not determined to be she is ' and wishes people would stop treating her differently she is played by paula an actress who does have syndrome and her performance is easily the best thing about the film why did the screenwriter not explore her character more well probably because that would mean the characters would get in the way of the story when we surely already know the story anyway didn't the filmmakers see the problem they were creating br br for a film about a dying mother and her handicapped daughter the father is absent i think he is dead but i'm not sure it is surprising how little impact the film has on the emotions of the viewer the scenes are performed in such a standard dull way with such standard predictable dialogue that i found myself rolling my eyes br br i have nothing against sentimentality in films but it only really works if you care about the characters here the characters are so uninteresting and two dimensional that i didn't really think there was much to care about rain man' has an emotional climax but that moved me because i cared about the characters br br talking of this film has a stinker there is sequence at the end of the film that starts off as an unbelievable situation and ends up in even worse territory an cruel trick is played on the audience the sequence is designed to move the audience but ends up being horribly manipulative and the intelligence of the viewer audiences aren't stupid and they know when the film is cheating what a cheap shot br br there is not one scene in this film that has the impact it should there are a few sequences that are funny yes but when the characters talk to each other i can practically see the screenplay in front of me moving predictably and never hitting anything that touches the mind or the heart there are those arguments that are reserved especially for the movies where the other character knows exactly what the is why don't supposedly films not realise that in real life anger can be irrational and sometimes people can't express their emotions and they might say things that don't make sense or not be able to say anything at all all of the actors in this film deserve better material this film is not based on fact but i think a documentary on a family with a syndrome member would be much more interesting that way we might have had truth and emotion for some reason the characters in this film think that an emotion only involves saying something and making a suitable facial expression br br out of 5 | 1negative
this is a charming movie starring everyone's favorite cartoon in this feature we follow the band of on an unforgettable balloon race around the world although there are including an orphan penguin all in all it's a great family film | 0positive
is one of the most realistic depictions of war ever set to film this is not an action film by any means though the pacing is faster and there is most action than in most any other bergman movie nor is this a of war or unlike most war movies in fact the gritty realism and the deliberate ambiguity of the character's has a very contemporary feel br br is a darkly lit movie that should be watched at night so as to let it work it's magic many of the effects are conveyed but so effectively that some scenes compete in intensity to a contemporary insanely huge budget film like saving private ryan of course the action in is on a much smaller scale but it is impressive none the less br br while the film making style feels contemporary the setting of the film feels timeless and the war torn countryside and even the yet intact hamlet could be anywhere any time and this film is not so much about specific historical events with specific names and dates but about universal human reactions to and chaos br br the acting in though typically impressive from and is not of primary importance in this film unlike most other bergman movies through much of the film they are much as we are bergman has the war on them and through them on the audience and their reaction is perhaps what any of our reactions might be br br highly recommended 10 10 | 0positive
of time was an project but ended up being a pretentious movie this film is a good example of how to tell a simple story in a complex manner the plot of of time is fairly simple and comes down to two words love triangle because of those love crossing stories jealousy hate and love are the main dynamics displayed by the characters the narrative part is seen through eyes leslie cheung lives in the desert where he acts as to various and becomes the tool of destiny through which vengeance is achieved unfortunately of time fails in telling these simple stories of love and hate wong lost himself driven by a desire to make each frame of the film a painting and an aesthetic experience in fact beside the casting of beautiful actors men and women everything else is a failure in this movie dialogs are and not original at all quality is very much the editing is one of the worst ever seen at least by me in the genre and finally the filming of the rare sword fight is very confusing and unappealing even the attempt of building artistic scenes is not always achieved the so call erotic women on a horse scene is ridiculous not erotic and useless wong wanted to deliver 100 minutes of pure aesthetic experience and forgot that a film is first about how a plot is told by forgetting that he delivers an awkward movie that doesn't even fulfill its artistic objective | 1negative
this sequel to problem child is just as bad as the first one it still teaches kids that it's o k to be bad it's impossible for me to recommend this movie to anyone | 1negative
no no is a beautifully animated film and a relief from the many heartless soulless cgi movies being made the and color backgrounds were a surprise after to no spirited away and no moving castle being so similar the style worked well for the film and was done exceptionally well the time and effort put in to this is greatly appreciated as it gives the characters so much more life the detail and care it takes makes the movie turn out so much better there are several great scenes throughout the movie that have lots of movement and action the greatest to me being a scene were sisters into massive wave like fish while she runs on top of them the story is simple but fairly well written and played out the plot stayed focused around character relationships and while it wasn't played out as well as in no my neighbor it is still great i felt that each character had the an appropriate amount of screen time unlike spirited away which was so with distinctive characters that it could have been stretched out into an entire series the spirit there was a another whole movie right there my only real problem with the movie was the end the way its in the english version at least makes it seem like there's going to be some great test given to which turns out to be just him promising mother that he will love though putting more thought into this leads me to think that translation may not be that accurate to the actual meaning in that the test is the promise and that deep down he really means it the movie did seem to end abruptly though other than that the movie was great and i highly recommend it | 0positive
i haven't any idea how could regard this as a decent b western or how one said the plot was more cohesive than most nothing could be from the truth this movie is one huge non it is an to the noble b western films of the i have seen many of wayne's early lone star and republic westerns and this one is easily the worst br br the bad guy is known as the shadow for crying out loud initially the scheme is holding up open sided stage simultaneously his gang all of the cattle in the territory then they decide to move on to bank robbery to do this they need to shoot up the town with a machine gun no explanation of why that's necessary or how he got that little toy br br no single scheme is revealed in enough detail to suggest a plot here the shadow is obviously just a generally bad guy with all kinds of generally evil schemes br br he his to his gang through a fake wall safe knock knock who's there he is apparently because whenever his henchmen need to talk to him they knock on the wall the safe opens and he's there i can just imagine that he has met them face to face and says i have some secret to give you about our next evil deed meet me at the wall safe and i'll give 'em to you just why the shadow requires the safe to communicate with his army of is like most of the elements of this mess never explained br br he has a nifty tunnel to the ol' hollow across the street from which point various of his baddies perform he also has a hidden not in his secret behind the fake safe but out in the main room br br when not behind the safe he hangs out on his cow less ranch as we learn that he has murdered the true owners of the ranch two brothers and assumed the identity of one the daughter of the dead brother has recently arrived from 1930's nyc judging by her wardrobe and she apparently never met her real uncle because he her too br br if you thought that bad guys always wore black hats and good guys white hats you need to see this movie here the good guys all their hats in favor of white head bands that make them look like they have all suffered head wounds before any shots have been fired it's like a game of pick up basketball only wayne has them their heads instead of just taking off their shirts br br perhaps the of all is the ending immediately after the shadow and his gang we jump far enough into the future to see wayne and his wife the while niece on the front of their home never mind that there has been romance there is playing with wayne's 3 4 year old son dressed up in fun br br no thanks to this nonsense wayne went on to become a screen legend only a super star or not could this entry in a film resume long live the duke | 1negative
this movie has bad writing and bad editing it is difficult to follow what is going on because nothing any of the characters do makes much sense some major occurs every 30 seconds as a result none of the action sequences are at all interesting the movie is two hours worth of throw away scenes which are connected merely by the fact that they share common actors this movie doesn't even have enough of a sense of humor to be a good bad movie | 1negative
a beautiful film cleverly shot with an eye to war era detail and considering it is set during wwii minimal violence br br a small cast weaves an journey through the of the from loved ones as the pilots for england the from the will touch hearts scenes love friendship and betrayal the theme of betrayal runs deep through the movie from betrayal of love to betrayal of friendship and finally the betrayal shown by the communist regime to former pilots post war br br a desperately sad film all the more so because it is so accurate i would recommend it to everyone | 0positive
this is a wonderful movie i've only seen it twice and i've been looking for it again for ever i'd buy it if i could find it while it's sad it shows three things how much a man can love a woman how hard some people want something and how hard people work to overcome their limitations | 0positive
i was surfing through imdb one day when i stumbled across the curious adventures of mr how obscure it was i decided to set off looking for it thanks to it didn't take me long so i bought it for a dollar and when i got home i watched it although i must say i was quite impressed br br three of the paintings in a king's apartment a a and a self portrait of the king who is just as selfish and sadistic as the actual king himself come to life one night while the king is sleeping the and the escape while the painting of the king calls the police in order to capture the couple fortunately for the couple mr comes in to help them often mocking the police and the king br br the back of the dvd case describes this film as a surreal visual delight and an underrated entry in the history of classic animation i couldn't agree more with it considering that much of the backgrounds look rather bizarre and many of the characters are weird which include the depressed citizens of an underground city and hungry lions that are by the music of a blind man who kind of looks like andy not to mention mr himself is somewhat eccentric the film is very creative and mostly fun to watch and its only flaw is that it can be slow moving but overall this film was very good and it comes recommended by yours truly br br grade b awesome | 0positive
i really liked two one of my friends rented it the other night and we were really impressed with how good it was and how cool the main guys were i wonder if they are thinking of making a sequel because that would be excellent br br two rocks | 0positive
i did enjoy watching jerk around the crew in this episode though after a while the whole thing just seemed a little too long sure the were kind of funny for a while and the ending was a pretty good way to wrap the whole thing together i think the problem was that i enjoyed seeing when he was full of and fun the fun seemed to when became and nasty talk about a mood killer going from the obnoxious but host to the guy kirk to death but despite this the episode was enjoyable and worth my time for die hard this is a must see for others it's just a pretty run of the mill one | 0positive
just saw the movie it's actually pretty good the left me an impression of either yet another one man show turned film la de nice or an expensive stupid french comedy surprisingly it's neither secret agent is stupid but at least he sort of knows it whereas i've always found that james bond was stupid but acted like a smart dialogue is witty with a lot of tongue in cheek humour that one would expect from a british rather than a french movie the women and the music are beautiful a refreshing trip into the past when the bad guys were ex nazis or soviet cars were shiny and france had | 0positive
i was looking through tv guide last night and saw a movie starring heather on who i liked in movies like boogie nights and austin powers so i decided to watch it it started out ok but you could tell the story was lacking and at about half way through it started to i do not remember this movie being in the theaters and i'm sure if it was it wasn't there long the acting was stale and unconvincing the dialogue was silly and predictable and the story was confusing and stupid one of the worst movies i have ever seen and i like movies like the ones this has been compared to like fight club but this one doesn't come close heather has done much better things since i gave it a 2 out of 10 but thats because i on the wrong number i meant to give it a 1 | 1negative
it has been almost 50 years since i saw jennifer for the first and only time i did not know the name of this movie until i looked it up on this web site but i have told many people especially my how movies do not have to include graphic details in order to you and leave powerful impact the story introduces you to concepts which if true put in a very dangerous situation each time miss discovers a new fact she draws the viewer into her confusion and fear br br this movie has such impact on me that almost 50 years later i still list it as one of the most frightening movies that i have ever seen yet this movie does not contain the blood and gore which became popular shortly after this movie was made it's amazing what impact a good story and great actors can make | 0positive
although it away from the book a little you can't help but love the atmospheric music and settings br br the scenes in bath are just how they should be although if you have watched it as many times as i have you notice that the background people are the same in each scene but that aside i like the scene where they are in the hot but did the men and women really together like that you could see all the men around the outside at the women it also seemed strange that they all had their hats on but perhaps this was the style at the time the ballroom scenes were very nice the dancing and the outfits looked beautiful i especially liked dress in the first ballroom scene br br looked suitably but i enjoyed the bath scenes better br br gives a good but not exceptional performance as catherine gives the best performance as mrs allen i feel br br ugh peter as mr he just talks a load of rubbish and is not a as he should be it's hard to think of him being in love with catherine but then the book never really gave that impression either br br general is played reasonably well by hardy and stuart also gives a sort of good performance as ingrid did not give a good performance as as for john well he gives the impression of a seedy and man perhaps not the character portrayed in the book but i quite like it br br i can handle scenes being cut from a book adaptation but when new scenes and characters are added it usually me the i hate her she is not part of the story and neither is her page boy br br some of the script is peculiar when catherine is asking about her mothers death she asks i suppose you saw the body how did it appear what a silly thing to say calm response is stupid too br br anyway please tell me if you agree or disagree with me | 0positive
i was looking for attack on 13 there the film is that memorable who is the star of this ethan hawke or matt dillon i can't tell who the lead actor is that's a pretty big point against the movie right there gabriel who have needed the money this badly could he de is stunning but only because of her amazing body it took me ages to finally work out she's sister off friends i agree that the so called people attacking the station are pretty crap as far as tactics go we were even taught better basic skills than this in basic training br br avoid this even the snow doesn't want to fall on a bus full of prisoners very bad continuity indeed br br avoid like the plague | 1negative
years ago sara a young girl witnessed her parents being murdered now as an adult she suffers from various mental did i mention she has an imaginary friend this film the viewer not into a sense of tension mind you but rather a sense of boring i found it hard to sit through as i could feel my growing and with each endless minute of mindless and supposed is sara going crazy or is it the a better question would be who cares and the answer to that no one no one at all skip this film save yourself some time better suited to do other more worthwhile tasks br br my grade d | 1negative
one of the most famous of all movie serials still interesting today although it does have an old movie look to it the second serial looks better but simply does not equal this one actors have a good time especially and great editing by the universal expert crew the musical score was in from destination unknown the invisible man the black cat and werewolf of london and what great action music it was if there was a choice for all time best serial this arguably should be 1 | 0positive
the recent dvd release of good humor man the film as comedy it's hardly a comedy rather a dull indie film about a group of losers supposedly set in the 70s there is attention paid to period details with overly muted color taking its place the monotonous soundtrack only serves to the of the film perhaps that is the point but it does not add to the enjoyment of the viewing experience the of losers only like to hang out at one location the it seems like the of the film as a comedy is meant to people into renting or buying this film which is a complete waste of time | 1negative
mild spoilers frankie machine had been dealt a bad hand in life a card dealer at an illegal gambling in his chicago neighborhood he was when the joint was by the cops and given six months in jail br br while behind bars frankie was treated for his heroin addiction at the hospital and learned how to play the drums as part of his program now out of prison and back in his old neighborhood frankie is trying to put his life back together by getting a union card in the musicians union and then a job as a drummer in a band and put his old life behind him but instead it catches up with frankie in no time at all in the man with the golden arm br br otto ground breaking 1955 film about heroin addiction with frank sinatra giving the performance of his life as the drug addicted card sharp frankie machine the man with the golden arm frankie tries to from the life that he lead but has this monkey or better yet gorilla on his back that just won't let him performances by the entire supporting cast starting with friend arnold attempt to get frankie back on his feet by a suit of clothes for him ends up putting him and frankie in the and almost back to prison until his former boss at the gambling him out br br there's as well as emotionally crippled wife parker who sees that her hold on frankie is and is slowly driven to madness murder and suicide there's drug dealer with darren in one of his first acting roles who's hold on frankie is only good as long as he stays addicted and goes out of his way to make sure that he does br br there's the owner of the gambling joint that frankie works at as it's top card dealer robert who like goes out of his way to get frankie back to work for him even though if he's arrested again hopes for a new and better life will go down the drain and then there's next door neighbor and friend molly kim novak who goes to almost impossible to get him over his addiction by him up in her apartment it's there that he goes cold turkey and almost ends up dying trying to kick the habit in one of the most harrowing sequence ever put on film br br a no holds movie with explosive performances by everyone involved makes the man with the golden arm one of the great classics of realism in motion pictures coming out of the 1950's | 0positive
i loved this film it has a great heart and great bones i stumbled onto it by chance and i had no not even an of this movie from or reviews or word of mouth i remember reading many years ago a journalist who commented on the value of watching movies without having them by the pre judgement of reviews or the false of the this seems to be the single most common source of the negative reaction to the film failed to meet expectations of it being a comedy or a slice of life or character driven had no expectation about the film and so it was comedic but i only laughed once or twice without being a comedy it was about a person but so eccentric that it wasn't slice of life it was about a character but the character was so intelligently optimistic and of her instinct to life that it wasn't the angst driven sentimental melodrama so typical of american film as i wrote that i realized that writer director lisa krueger managed to poke fun at this schlock american sentimentality in the husband very cleverly too and was able to keep the sentimental ending from the screen when the husband returned with his tail between his legs ms krueger bravo now i will be watching this film again as it is getting better and better as i reflect on it br br performance as is brilliant i loved how subtly but completely she was able to portray and convey intelligent awareness of her commitment to her words and actions she knew that in keeping her word with a band or friends or husband that she was setting herself up to and or disappointment in a world that was unable to honour commitment as she was able to do but even with that strength she was fully connected to humanity and with a fully committed heart their and failures the character of was amazingly well acted and i left the film surprised that i had no of awards nominations for it okay not that surprised as american awards tend to go to women in roles filled with angst and the proper amount of nudity which this film did not have what it has was far better which was heart in this woman's discovery of herself with the assistance of new friends and a self br br i admit to being a bit of a soft touch for eccentric characters who manage their while remaining honest and true to themselves as they move through the of what societal behaviour and if people must to in your world then this film will not be to your liking that was it seems one of the common threads in the br br and i am always a sucker for a good play on words when it raises questions of human behaviour and philosophical values until this movie i hadn't made the emotional connection between being committed to a cause or honesty or something and being committed to an insane asylum at what point does one's commitment to a personal sense of truth and action in life become a one way ticket to insanity this sounds like a simple question or one that is easily as being but is it and yet few of the critics i think maybe two commented on this aspect of the film either directly or br br a lovely film 8 10 br br | 0positive
two movies the fifth element the same subject to save the world the same main actor bruce willis one difference is very inferior to luc film some spectacular special effects don't succeed in hiding a and conventional screenplay several parts of the movie are showing it i think about the speech and especially relationship with his daughter grace at the beginning of the movie he tends to neglect and her and this makes her weary then at the end of the movie it's true love and understanding that shine in him on another hand the movie falls in the following trap michael bay takes his subject too seriously of course the movie tries to be funny but the result doesn't work as the humor introduced in the movie is often crude and pretty low level whereas in the fifth element the humor was zany and to overlook the serious side of the action the movie suffers from two other it often falls into the ridiculous the russian astronaut and almost all the actors are bad used bruce willis is all the contrary of his fifth element 's character he plays the he man he it up and sometimes he's unbearable the other actors are barely credible in their own roles particularly sinking crew it seems that this crew is here just for having fun one of them is taken for being very but he looks like a fool and poor tyler she's at the just to be br br when the movie was released in france in august 1998 bruce willis expressed is of saving the world his was probably justified by this spectacular but poor movie | 1negative
how do you make a totally unappealing movie out of a story by one of america's most famous authors watch this film and find out maybe i am author carson but i was impressed by the heart is a lonely hunter and was hoping for something memorable here too forget it br br vanessa redgrave looks like a man with her short and clothing i never found her much to get excited about in almost any movie anyway rod as a preacher how insulting is that unlikable characters one after the other well maybe that's the book too and i am being unfair to this film i am not familiar with the story other than what i saw on screen and this was so unappealing a movie that i could never recommend it to anyone br br it's just one backwards person after another in a town outside of some nice cinematography here and there there is nothing to recommend how anyone could sit through 100 minutes of this is amazing br br i didn't even go into how bad this is directed there is good news this was the only film simon directed | 1negative
you got to see it to believe it shot in hollywood on the strip in the middle of the sleazy anything goes 70s this cheaply made flick must of really packed the inner city theatres back in the day then again i bet it had a one week run actually its pretty hilarious the acting is dreadful the direction non existent but the hair clothes rotten pre disco music and the general out and out of the story are mind sleazy its very sleazy highly if you can find it | 0positive
four stories about the drug trade in europe become over the course of this 6 part miniseries in germany a businessman is arrested on drug charges and his wife attempts to save her family by continuing her husband's illegal trade meanwhile the british home secretary travels to to an aid package that he hopes will stop the drug flow from that country even as he does this however his own daughter to heroin addiction their family apart this is the miniseries on which the american film and miniseries were based the original is far superior to its two the poverty and desperation of the third world are portrayed very well it is stark and brutal | 0positive
jack frost returns with an army of balls that can only be by being shot with super loaded with that for a plot the film on such a ridiculous premise that it barely raises an when characters are killed with and are by you might even say the whole movie is on thin ice boom br br admittedly there are some fantastic one liners including a remark about the murderous shark br br fair enough times are hard but that does not excuse the of the actors to take part in such utter tripe br br for those fans hoping to see jack frost be prepared to accept him as merely a up the beach with corny voice over commentary | 1negative
as joe bob would say this movie relies a lot on the talents rather than their talent this early 1990's show the babes in fest has very little to redeem it other than showing beautiful women nearly naked joe martin little brother proves once again that his movie career will be nowhere near what his brother's career is br br avoid this one unless you like watching beautiful women in skimpy clothing it's about the only thing that it | 1negative
not too much the classic top gun or independence day when it comes to fighter jet excitement yes the movie top to bottom is based on a truly fictional example of how anyone can pull off a rescue but it is cool because it breaks all traditional rules the kid doing what he wants to do in a jet the way he wants to do it br br i can't really put my finger on just what i love about this movie but others i know that saw the movie feel the same way about it i do i think its just basically a lot of fun but maybe a little too unrealistic for some to buy into br br again regardless i loved it people who i know saw it loved it so its definitely worth seeing to make your own decisions about it put it this way i thought that top gun was one of the best fighter pilot movies ever and i like this movie just as much if not more than top gun don't miss out do see it a truly inspirational movie | 0positive
the movie is powerful as a political statement about extraordinary rendition torture and the politics of the war on terror others have already commented on these and other aspects of the movie my review may contain spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie you may not want to read beyond this point br br several questions are raised by this movie first of all was the protagonist guilty or not there is no satisfying explanation for why the decided to have him picked up and rendered in the first place is there an innocent explanation for why he got phone calls from what the thinks is a terrorist if there is the movie does not seem to give one and that made the whole movie quite unsatisfying to me it is all well and good to make statements about whether torture is right or wrong but first prove to me that they tortured the wrong person then we will take it to the next step br br if the protagonist was guilty then what was achieved by releasing him perhaps we was well trained to resist up to a certain point and then pretend to break down and give answers that can be proved wrong with a little research thus to lead the to believe that they had tortured an innocent man into without actually being guilty however there is nothing in the movie that proves he is guilty either br br the various other loose ends out there are 1 so a rogue cia agent has him released and back home what the from picking him up again a little publicity in the washington post please give me a break here if a senator is not willing to put his neck on the line to on his behalf what does have to fear 2 if the has been tracking what phone numbers are being called by whom why couldn't they listen in on some of the calls to figure out whether anything is being discussed 3 the plot is even more stupid anyways any criminal with more than a dozen brain cells would his criminal business on an anonymous cell phone line not on one that can be back to him and his house br br the whole movie revolves around at the heart strings by showing graphic and gratuitous scenes of torture but when you think about it with any more depth there is nothing of substance in this movie only plenty of unanswered questions and the feeling of what that is it at the end of the movie | 1negative
this episode introduces us to the dress uniforms worn here by captain commander and lieutenant the plot of this episode deals with 2 groups of separate alien the and the who try to capture and eat each other at every turn the 2 sides really hate each other and it is up to and to contain them and keep them out of trouble br br meanwhile a mysterious goes around the ship and killing a few of the crew members but at the end of the episode this same possesses a valuable member of the crowd will they be able to rescue him so that they maybe able to continue on with their on going mission of space exploration br br note this episode marks irish actor second appearance on after encounter at he portrays one of yellow security guards | 0positive
this is a lame comedy br br here's why a man and wife sitcom okay br br the husband is a bag the wife is the einstein br br how original is that br br jerry stiller is just the same guy on seinfeld br br the gags are lame no witty one liners br br i have had enough stop this now br br the last word stupid the destruction of the average white guy continues on abc the worst part kevin james is actually a funny comedian he just isn't here is great eye candy but is unlikeable wasted talent is the word bad sitcom | 1negative
the plot of this movie is as dumb as a bag of hair jimmy plays a character that could have been upset by the of the story he is evil and a wife it's a character as far from his and la law roles as you could possibly get br br if you've thought he had the looks and the acting chops to play the really bad boy role your present br br but mary louis parker wears black and little black throughout the movie br br she has always had some of the greatest legs in the history of the movies this makes the movie well worth it for this leg admirer br br i'd buy the dvd for this reason only if it was available | 0positive
the young and talented spanish director clearly shows us he is a serious film maker anyone it should have a look at his latest film the sea inside this is a movie that has been rewarded with numerous not only in spain but throughout the world wherever this wonderful movie has been shown br br if you have not seen the film perhaps you would like to stop here br br is a man confined to bed being he depends on the kindness of strangers for everything since his accident only thinks in one thing alone how to end his life this is the moral issue at the center of the story based on the real life br br mr tells the story from point of view there is nothing here that is false or manipulative on his part after all he relies on facts that were well known in his country as this case became a cause in favor of a theme that no one in that country wanted to deal with in spain br br with its background of being a roman catholic country spain has evolved into one of the most societies in europe a distinction that is more notable because of its long years dominated by a dictator yet in spite of the advances in that society the idea of taking one's own life is something not clearly understood by the majority of its citizens who still considered this subject as something that could not be done in their country br br was a man that loved life he lived an intense life as a young man when he as a sailor to discover the world having no money this was the only way for him to see other lands experience other cultures love affair with the sea is something that people in learn to love from their childhood imagine how that same friendly sea is the one that takes away life as he knew it in a second goes from a vibrant young man into a br br family is by the experience suddenly they must leave everything aside to take care of him at home his brother and sister in law are stoic people that deal with the situation as a matter of fact their lives become something of an because life comes first they tend to the sick man without or for the sacrifices they must make to keep him alive br br that is why in their minds the can't comprehend wishes to end it all haven't they given up having a normal life to take care of him this moral issue heavily on these and simple people because in their minds they are doing what came naturally br br the second subject of the movie is the legal issue of the and the well meaning people that suddenly enter life in their desire to help him put an end to his suffering there's julia the lawyer who is herself handicapped and suffers from a rare there is the fish worker who becomes with br br makes a brilliant his transformation is total we don't doubt from one moment he is no one else but the man on that bed mr can only use his face in order to convey all the emotions trapped inside mr makes this man real this is perhaps best role of his career he surpasses his own award winning performance as the late cuban poet he portrayed in before night falls br br in the supporting roles makes an impressive appearance as julia the woman fighting her own physical problems lola is also effective as the soul that loves deeply as brother shows a man at a of his own life mabel makes a compassionate the sister in law that never asks anything of life but tends to without questioning why she has to do it at all br br mr also has composed the haunting music score for the film he is a man that never to surprise one wonders what his next project will be but one wishes him success in whatever he might decide to do in the future | 0positive
it's very true that this film defies convention by not spelling out the plot for the viewer while some may have a problem with having to figure it out for themselves i embrace for its there is a plot it's just that it may not be immediately accessible to a lazy viewer this is a film that invites numerous interpretations as all great art does however this film is also very entertaining making it a rare film experience it's simultaneously provocative and fun | 0positive
alexandra wrote a horrible sequel to margaret masterpiece book published in the 1930's margaret sold out their rights and for big bucks allowed alexandra to write a piece of junk book even worse than barbara romance novels i was a huge fan of margaret book and the fake sequel by alexandra was written just to cash in for money br br although i always admired the acting talent of kilmer and timothy dalton this is a really terrible film the script is horrible and full of clichés ann cameo as belle is so awful i wanted to slap her br br the only worthwhile thing in the movie is sean bean who gives a masterful performance as the sexy villain lord sean performance is along the lines of the man you love to hate and portrays an sex symbol br br but sean bean is only in the first half of the movie so you then have to be tormented with watching an incredibly long 6 hour movie with an boring script br br don't waste your money on this film unless you are a hard core sean bean fan and just watch it for his wonderful performance | 1negative
one of the of the early sound era is that they couldn't make westerns because they had trouble recording sound on location in fact it was the financial of the depression that killed off the genre at least in the a budget however in the period 1931 before the economic had really kicked in the a western notable examples including the billy the kid and the big trail was perhaps the biggest of them all a western shot in an early widescreen process appropriately titled thanks to a recent dvd release we now get to see the widescreen version alongside the that was shot simultaneously br br the director was walsh a man for whom the spirit of adventure lay in vast and thus in many ways a perfect choice he makes great use of the wider frame to show off the western landscape at its most breathtaking very typical of walsh are a number of shots towards the beginning such as the one where a woman is most of the screen is tightly filled by the and other clutter but in one corner we see the wilderness out when the train gets going the open plain is gradually revealed to us with pulling away like stage these shots are not so effective in the version yet on the wider expression of the was never better br br but there's an unfortunate to this when it comes to dialogue scenes tendency is to place the actors in the middle of the shot as if they were in an imaginary box the extra becomes just that extra it may seem logical at first because it means that height wise we see as much of the actors as we would in a picture however it makes the players look small and insignificant within the frame while all the background business the shot and there is a lot of background business in the big trail when widescreen re emerged in the 1950s many directors would make the same mistake before eventually that in scenes it is better to frame actors from around the chest up losing some of their height but allowing them to fill the screen br br it's a pity because the big trail is a particularly well balanced and finely scripted effort the romance and revenge subplots are simple but well defined and do not to each other or the story it could have been a great intimate epic but it loses dramatic weight because every time characters start talking to each other we get distracted by of cattle or whatever else is filling every spare inch of frame still sensitivity to deeply emotional romantic moments is still on display and he manages to make the final scene effective and memorable there are also some nice comedy touches largely courtesy of comical el br br the big trail is also notable for being john wayne's first lead role while wayne is another victim of the distant framing in dialogue scenes we do at least see his strong physical presence and hear his warm but vocal delivery he betrays his lack of experience but the potential is clearly there sadly that potential wasn't widely realised at the time and he spent the rest of the decade it in b pictures before he finally hit stardom also appearing in this picture is wayne's buddy and later prolific character actor ward bond he's not credited but you can spot him in a number of scenes most around the 80 minute mark where he is stood to left br br the big trail is a glorious epic that manages to defeat itself as a drama and it was this scale that would put the western and widescreen to bed for some time and although the 40s and 50s are now regarded as the golden age of the western it was by then a changed genre with stories of individual adventure and in an established west no better or worse but of a different form the early period was the end of an era in which westerns could be truly gigantic | 0positive
at the very beginning the look at a control that reads 8 miles of the cost of california and no i didn't that they really did not realize the put of the cost instead of off the coast these people must have been morons br br it's good if you're into terrible movies but the sheer fact they couldn't catch a simple spelling issue make me believe they really didn't put any effort into creating the movie whatsoever the navy uniforms are not correct at all in any manner whatsoever br br wow completely ridiculous but good if you are looking for something insanely stupid to watch how these folks made any money off this is beyond me | 1negative
the name of this film and the clips that i saw caused me to believe that this film would have excitement and interesting moments i was disappointed the desert were interesting but this film along at a pace it started fine with an underground cave and something coming out but then tried to involve us with the lives of some very unlikeable human beings as they found dead bodies or should i say with some flesh on them they began a search for the reason why at times it became somewhat different as something was following them in the desert some type of black or something that would begin to eat the flesh of humans as the flesh was upon a bag of bones began to creep after the remaining humans the reason for this black as we find out was pretty bad ants then the ending made no sense i guess the of this film will be when you have an and see an quickly kill it before the friends smell your flesh | 1negative
story about a widowed father claude bringing up his four daughters emma page is loved by big hunky ernest dick lola lane is by an old but wealthy man kay lane wants to become a singer ann lane is a romantic drop dead handsome felix jeffrey a business associate of their father comes to stay with them all the sisters fall in love with him then tough cynical mickey john garfield enters the picture br br very entertaining movie was a big hit and nominated for five academy awards it's beautifully directed by michael has a pretty good if predictable script and a very attractive cast especially also this was john first film and made him a star this was so popular there were three or four sequels which i never saw this is an engrossing entertaining big budget soap opera well worth seeing | 0positive
i felt compelled to write a review after seeing the only review which gave this film a high 9 10 rating i say suspicious because it looks less like a review but more like a publicity statement perhaps the filmmaker himself or one of his mates has written that review naughty naughty br br i watched this movie on the channel on sky tv expecting it to be truly awful the special effects used were to be honest very very good for a low budget film and some of the acting wasn't that bad either but most of the acting was really awful but well done for trying as i expect most were pals of the filmmaker br br i think the filmmaker has done really well by trying to punch above his weight i did find some of the film funny because it was trying to be super cool when it just wasn't br br if you don't take this film too seriously and watch it whilst drunk with some mates you might well have a good time but probably not in the way it was intended this film is no way a 9 10 but worth watching for a laugh bearing in mind it was made on a very very low budget and in fairness due credit to those involved in it's production | 1negative
after being off the air for a while columbo returned with some new made for tv mysteries that while not being as good as the original series are better than the shows that were done in the later br br murder can be to your health used the then and i guess now if you think about it true crime shows as the situation for a murder the murder is committed by a very successful true crime show host george hamilton in a nice bit of casting his chain smoking nemesis who lost the job to him played by peter attempts to blackmail hamilton when he discovers a porno video hamilton made with an actress in his days hamilton uses to deliver the death blow via poison giving himself an as well br br columbo is brought in to find out what happened you know the rest highly entertaining | 0positive
all the hype all the adds i was that i missed this on the big screen where this film worked was in the little details in everything else it failed arnold has done so many better performances in the past few years i thought the days of and last action hero were gone from our lives sadly this film to the lowest common and arnold to a face muscle that just knows how to shoot guns and blow things up in a cliche last moment and at one other time that was predictable from the start we see a of the actor that has he is more than what he got paid for early in his career i was with the film as it never broke new ground or went anywhere but where you expected it to | 1negative
very curious that and hanks would team up for this obviously they believe it strange because it should carry the title charlie war the lie br br how could the time frame leave out the real history that while of the russians the cia was providing support for the and today's world of terrorism in 1990 bin laden went home to as a hero of who along with his arab legion had brought down the mighty of the soviet union in afghanistan br br to avoid any connection to bin laden is to say again hollywood cares little for historical truth charlie wilson a hardly more like a gone amok | 1negative
this discovery channel documentary part biblical study part treasure hunt all might have sat well in it's television origins but falls flat as a feature film right from first glance of it's cheesy looking cover art one may cast doubts upon the integrity behind this serious subject shown on front case the search for tomb to a generic action that looks more national treasure or tomb then any informed debate and examination of the historical burial site should such is the way in which the entire proceedings br br more curious child then worthy come across as self indulgent while his research comes across as manipulative for all the fascinating revelations this filmmaker tries to on his viewers through supposed evidence a of statements the same research and over and over proves the lost tomb of jesus has very little information to back up the albeit claims what this amounts to is a very frustrating attempt to beat the audience over the head with the same small factual evidence in support of this authenticity which ironically from it while together many of these mini found together to support the jesus of theory this research a well rounded approach to continuously pursue this obsession there may be some impressive factual data which helps shed some light on many traditional christian held beliefs but essentially the shady nature of this project made it come across as merely an exploitation piece at a time when the da code was all the rage br br in the end the cheesy cover art was right despite my appreciation for documentary form the lost tomb of jesus takes an always interesting topic and turns it into overlong and adventure hunt any relevance and for the uninspired motivations behind this team by the time these tomb have finished their reluctantly having to stop research because of social demands viewers are left with the sense the director was on this mystery whether it was there to begin with or not there are a few genuinely potent moments where the of history come through this documentary in ways but all the exploring and in the world still left this misguided vanity piece in an uneasy void of response | 1negative
if you took all the stock elements of a shrek movie grumpy ogre annoying cute kitty obligatory dance number etc put them in a and it to 20 minutes you'd have this mess painful to watch i may have laughed once the story and dialogue are rushed beyond with the voice actors sounding like they in their lines the final rendition of the christmas story poem felt like it was written by a in five minutes and boy a little eddie murphy goes a long way with its desperate attempt to be hip and current this show will be long outdated and forgotten while classics like the will remain timeless a sad waste of effort by all involved a jumping of the shark for the shrek franchise | 1negative
this is a hard movie to come by in the us but if you can find it and you're interested in the life and music of you're in for a treat it's quite historically accurate richard looks like at this period in time emily karen is quite a bit than the real karen but that was an i was happy to discover i think what really struck me though was how well captured outrageous personality barbara rose was also a treasure if she looks considerably younger than rose did at that period it is more than made up for in how well she captured obsession with it's an easy film to recommend i should note that when she saw passion my wife had no particular for or knowledge of and his music but she was totally captivated by the film | 0positive
not only did the effects and acting in this movie bite but the story was terrible br br a scientist discovers that a will hit the moon world leaders ignore him he builds a shelter then everyone is upset that he is playing god br br how lame he built the thing why is everyone entitled to access totally lame story don't waste your time | 1negative
excellent story telling and cinematography poignant biting social commentary br br superb effects well filmed and acted br br however the parallel action between the present and the travel adventures though very well done at times drags on a little too much about 3 and over the flow of the story br br i first read the book as a child and enjoyed the parts about the giants and the tiny people but the book lost me when it got to the floating island and the land of the well although the adventure plot may sound like a children's story it's in fact a very adult story full of symbolism about the moral in england at the time of jonathan swift the author of the novel that the film is based upon | 0positive
there have been many movies on living the american dream and this is one of them br br first of all on the technical side there is a lot wrong the audio is bad i had trouble understanding the dialogs here and there and the camera positions could have been better br br they really tried to come up with a good movie but for example the part where they show how jonathan is himself in the dream with girls drugs and alcohol is done very badly the acting is very poor as well from all the characters in the movie br br i had a hard time watching it from the beginning till end and couldn't wait for the movie to be over br br if your expectations are low and you're bored on a sunday with bad weather watch it if you in for a deep story with action then this is not your movie br br normally i would not have give a score of 1 but of 4 5 for this movie but the reason i gave it a 1 is because of the bad audio and camera uses not to mention the bad cut scenes with cheesy effects | 1negative
the mtv sci fi animated series is brought to life with playing the title character a freedom fighter who fights in the city of 400 hundred years into the future for her latest mission she has been sent to kill the city's leader but she secrets along the way br br falls under the category of good premise mediocre execution interesting story yet the film was a little dull a lot of people are saying that this is one of the worst movies of the year and that's not true at all it may be a disappointing film but it's an average film at best i have never seen the cartoon version of the movie so i can't compare the two it's probably better because they have a chance to explain the story more the film is not that confusing but it's easy to get lost if you're not familiar with the material the acting was alright nothing special gives a good performance and seems dedicated to the film the rest of the cast also give decent performances including lee miller frances and there are also more than a few interesting characters in the film including friend br br the problem with is that it takes itself too seriously it carries the same serious tone throughout the entire film and that gets a little there's no humor and the film becomes a little boring at times this is the same problem that had because the film is so serious the dialog sounds cheesy and the serious scenes seem forced the action scenes are pretty good but that's not what the film is really about so don't go in expecting just an action movie the twist at the end isn't mind blowing but it's still a nice ending and better than other thrillers that have come out this past year hide and seek the costumes are little weird but still look nice and interesting the visuals were are also done well so the film at least looks nice so the movie may be a case of style over substance interesting to look at but may not hold your attention for a very long time in the end it's not the best film out there but it might for a decent rental rating 4 10 | 1negative
seems to have a love hate relationship with many of its viewers i personally loved the movie and everything about it br br the acting in some places could be improved upon but the filming adds to the atmosphere where the acting can't in some areas the dialogue is a bit cheesy and over dramatic but really what do you expect from the late 90s over all dee did an amazing job in writing what i believe to be one of the most terrifying thrillers i've ever seen it plays on the fears of many age groups adult parents and children every parent fears that their children will get too involved with chat rooms and will meet strangers from the internet and it does happen in the real world and every child and adult fears being kidnapped and tortured against their will that happens too in the real world which is what makes this movie such a sensitive subject for many br br my only warning is if you know you are sensitive to things such as strong violence visible torture and gore then you do not want to see this movie if you are unsure about if this movie will entertain you then read as many reviews as you can ask people you know who have seen this movie and be prepared to turn the movie off at any time should you become disturbed | 0positive
how on earth can you have such fantastic actors in such a miserable creation this is one of the most stylized pieces of rubbish i have seen in a long time not only is it poorly written it is a product of shoddy direction and editing the cinematography is so horribly manipulative and unoriginal and the montage beyond belief the actual ideas behind the plots toxic waste climate change are all fine to begin with but where the production direction team takes them is a big of filth the likes of which are seen in one episode and this is a scientific series i am a and all i can say is that the science in this film is utter crap almost embarrassing to watch i really felt bad for the actors involved since they were all extraordinary | 1negative
this is a classic american movie in combination with comedy romance dream you may say ' there have been lots of these kind of films already but just believe me you'll find this a good one because it's well directed scripted and played amanda just amazing she's humor cute charming both inside outside the screen she's the man indeed the message i get from it is to pursue your own fairy tale what i mean is not the one with prince princess but namely it tells us to hold your faith dream things that make you regret for your whole life if you don't do that one of those movies you can't miss out in your life | 0positive
i'm not into reality shows that much but this one is exceptional because at the end the viewer gets something useful out of it besides entertainment i don't have children but lessons will be a great help when and if i ever do my only complaint is that the show has been watered down since it has been in the us i prefer the british version with the approach is it just me or does anyone else find the us version to be a bit soft now it's the i guess we need a of sugar to help the medicine go down after all still nothing wrong with a sappy happy ending is there | 0positive
im sure he need the money for a life saving operation or transplant in all honesty i think this review qualifies as a better movie than thanks for listening | 1negative
the film begins with a dandy where three are quickly down by a bounty hunter a bounty hunter who bears more than just a superficial to the man with no name from the clint eastwood trilogy of dollars for a few dollars more and the good the bad and the ugly br br immediately after you see this man in a gold train filled with union soldiers naturally the is attacked and the soldiers all fight like blind guys so they are quickly however in a twist one of the the gang leader gilbert and rides away with the gold soon catches up and is about to find out where the gold is hidden but just at that moment the army turns up and kills the however the man with no name wannabe thinks knows about the treasure and perhaps a given to by the holds the key a strange also is thrown into the mix all three want the gold and all three seem pretty macho br br overall this is not a particularly distinguished western much of it is the plot some of it is that george hilton a despite the american sounding name isn't as interesting as eastwood or some of the other spaghetti western stars but most of it is because the soundtrack simply sucks so often the music doesn't even come close to matching the acting and it seems almost randomly added plus it just isn't very good stuff as well this clearly isn't the work of music master of the spaghetti genre br br overall just a time and not a particularly good one to boot | 1negative
it is hard to imagine anyone making a tom cruise film look good hard indeed but this one makes him look good very good actually it makes him look like sir john gielgud celebrating very good acting day with a performance br br the acting from the entire ensemble to rise above the and failed the fault was in part let us be fair that the plot bore as much resemblance to the wells original as did the butchered of the human victims in the film to their living predecessors both were and of more attractive predecessor but to describe a plot such as this to be a bit holy is to say of the my this kitchen has a remarkable lot of holes unless that is holes are your bag in which case this film will itself to you br br the fault in the other part was that these were dvd actors who knew full well one assumes that this was their that would wind up on the 5 dvd shelf and at that br br so should you watch it why yes of course you should you are a miserable and deserve punishment | 1negative
man i had my doubts i love kathy bates but i thought how good can this be i had never even heard of this thing you know it was one of those things we gave it 20 minutes and we'll turn it off if it sucks and we were locked in from the get go this is a very fun movie it's quirky you know i mean you've got a singer a murderer and a believable one you have farce then kathy bates in all her acting rupert everett finally acting to his real potential dan and a dwarf that will make you laugh out loud i tell ya you'll laugh you'll cry br br maybe i had a weird week but i think this film is on the level of fried green tomatoes if you don't like that movie maybe you won't like this but i think it was a great movie i went out and bought the dvd | 0positive
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