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let's get it clear from the start i am an with the emotional sensitivity of stone therefore i consider dramas of people with social or whatever they have and cry on and on about it as stupid movies with poor taste i mean if you have a message you can tell it without the help of sick or pitiful people br br however i liked this movie it is about people with incredible bad luck as personal health goes but they don't cry about it quite the opposite they try to live and people try to protect or take care of them by them from real life the message is live life to the even if the ending is as sad as possible br br my conclusion as sick people dramas go this one is a keeper it is sad yet hopeful i like james even if he does seem to always play the arrogant rebel i also say that steven robertson played very well either that or he really has partial | 0positive
this movie is highly improbable read the other reviews to see why br br i would say that most of the characters were plastic but they didn't even afford themselves that little luxury they just act like cardboard of course they had to get real surfers for the surfing contest roles so that's a crap shoot whether they can act at least didn't give a crap and just went with it but lance br br the one character who true was portrayed by lopez who didn't really act he was himself pretty much he's quite to people the only reason i gave this movie a 2 instead of a 1 was because i was laying out a on my when it came on some cable channel late one night that saved me from having to pay full attention to this silly little time no way i would go out of my way to watch it | 1negative
i'm totally agree with from comments about this film non can't see what's the big deal about this film some of the references in this film fly right over the head of foreign viewers and mostly are the ones who would actually it ' it's still not quite the truth and as a chinese i do although i don't speak because we do have the similar in too i know that it's really hard to understand and to accept this as a reality but it is definitely not a real i was pleased to see this film outside because it will and definitely be banned in too which means either you get it in copied or or hope that someone to be kind enough to it in the internet this is not an violent teen drama ' because it portrays the reality which exists in and in too in an interesting way sad humour i was just a little sad to know that this film got about 20 cuts in censorship what a waste | 0positive
is the latest film to come from mike office space judge and it certainly follows a similar theme of that film in the fact that it is an observation of stupidity and how mediocrity can overcome relatively speaking it is a story about joe bauer luke wilson who is quite literally the most average guy in existence joe and a prostitute named rita become the test subjects for a military project of a chamber they were to remain suspended for only one year but due to lack of joe and rita are forgotten about and accidentally wake up 500 years in the future br br here's the scary part this film explains in a very realistic and plausible way how the entire population of became absolutely retarded with no natural the evolution of the human species does not necessarily favor the and strongest people for progression of just the people who breed the most unfortunately those people happen to be sucking trailer trash idiots who breed like this of the stupid people has caused an effect on societal growth and now joe and rita are the two human beings on the face of the planet if it helps imagine the entire population as just a hybrid of and seeing this nightmarish joe learns of and attempts to track down a time machine to see if he and rita can get back to when they came from and that's basically the whole plot br br but despite how one dimensional i may make it sound this movie is higher brow than you can nuances are everywhere and anyone can see glimpses warning signs if you will of modern day dumb of everyday life and turning it into the train wreck on display in the film has some truly awesome showcases of realistic put on a i don't want to give anything away and ruin jokes for you but let's just say that it is pretty i can see how some would say that it is just a lot of toilet humor but it odd as it may seem has a purpose to show how dumb and crass these people are br br this film unfortunately is destined to see the same fate as its predecessor office space no one will see it in theaters but everyone will about discovering this awesome funny movie when it comes out on video my only complaint for the film would be that the flow of the narrative sometimes gets broken so they can do a guide to the galaxy type exposition on how things got to be where they are but it is a necessary evil and is better here other than that good characters funny jokes and better than average social commentary wrapped up in a funny bow br br final note if seeing our youth becoming gang wanna acting like redneck ghetto trash and being proud of it if you are educated and in anyway and can see how our country is out of control into an of stupidity for god watch this movie | 0positive
a friend and i went to see this movie we have opposite opinions about but after watching this movie we agree on the following the way to have an inaccurate documentary is to make it about a foreign country in which you were not present when the events happened no matter how talented or how much you in the film if you are truly looking to learn about another countries history watch something made by natives of that country otherwise you won't be able step away from your bubble and those who try to force their views and opinions about something to which they don't belong are really their power to make it even worse the director chose to not talk about the embarrassing involvement of the cia with regime she decides to dealing with the only subject for witch her country has much to explain to but this is not surprising because both the director and the cia are the of by trying to affect the at very different levels of course br br if the director was really interested in helping she would have a native to make the documentary in any case there are numerous made documentaries films and books about the subject such include no de las de la etc the director of the fall of should spend her time the numerous problems in her own country or at least the involvement of her country in the matters of other nations | 1negative
when i attended college in the early 70s it was a simpler time except for a brief in 1994 i've been totally free of the influence of illegal ever since and i've never it until now has got to be hands down the best movie to watch when stoned the odd state it creates is very strange when you're not smoking anything but i'm sure that it would seem completely normal after a big not that i'm this you understand the narration provided as it usually is in quality cinema by a victim trapped in a painting would be ideal to help the stoned viewer to follow along as things get complicated plus everything in the film is pretty from old fashioned natural breasts to the bucket of fried chicken br br now there's also no question that the young man with the hand problem is absolutely away in the film at one point you just know that he's going to say hey when i move my hand it leaves trust me you'll know when you get to that point br br the only other thing we have to address is this how good can a film be when at least half the budget was spent on moving a huge bed frame around for interior and exterior shots br br definitely a must see for horror but suitable for the general audiences under the right conditions if you know what i mean and i think that you do it only earns four stars because i can't actually say that it took any talent to make | 1negative
as a writer and a jewish woman i was let down tremendously by this movie the dialogue is hackneyed and the characters too engaged with lines ranging from the to the stunningly melodramatic aren't allowed to expand into genuinely individuals the one trick musical score tries to make up for the into the silence to jar the viewer and the script out of br br like an adolescent revolutionary on a self righteous this film is blown away by the wisdom of its revelation is wrong and thoroughly its on this point the artistic crime is a complete lack of imaginative development the moral crime is the of human beings to caricatures and | 1negative
business vs personal conviction profit vs art br br as with any documentary that the large against the small producer the viewer will have to take the side of one or the other based on their own believes this is as much a documentary of the new way of doing things that is bringing us against the old traditional ways where character and the art of making things matters almost more than getting the product sold br br if you have to remember one thing from this movie it is that the masses can no longer decide by themselves they just follow the taste of one or a couple of critics that tend to and taste in the same way as used to do for the fast bite something parker himself admits to in the film against a backdrop of a king sign it is all about image against content as another says that is the easy way the way easier than taking the time for a nice wine to mature easier than to your own taste by trying and trying yet over again controlled taste is easier br br there is a of hope when even some of our cousins across the ocean agree that a few people are the taste of to the and ensure a maximum of it gets sold to the grey masses and difference is sacrificed for the extra buck it is nice to see that not everything or everyone is giving in to even across the ocean br br as in many other areas of today's world of a few and reduced freedom of choice us all let everyone make up their mind and decide what to go for too much kills the mind and taste difference brings and healthy competition and will allow for choice and not just packed more of the same sells easily and a lot and brings everyone to the same level the lower one br br on this i am going to open up a nice bottle and wish you a | 0positive
i love cheesy horror movies i think dead alive and bad taste are great and i think party massacre ii not even related to this movie are hilarious but this movie absolutely i didn't laugh i didn't even enjoy it you can see all kinds of mistakes that aren't even campy the best take of the scene where the woman out the window is the one where she her head on the give me a break br br don't rent this thinking it's related to the party massacre series it's awful and i don't even have a clue how it got any distribution rent it with a fake name and burn it do everyone else the favor | 1negative
a pair of cinematic references to not only in plot but in style a pair of references to the historic case of the players that survived in the by eating the dead members of their flight to only an excuse the movie uses to delve into the extremes men are willing to go to defeat isolation and obtain social acceptance br br the script is extremely creative and hopefully is going to leave the viewer laughing and wondering | 0positive
a stupid movie with a stupid plot feels like they threw every imaginable cliché in a i especially liked the part where two teenage girls gets the french president to clean the water because we all know how dedicated america is to of the environment anyone and the french chef who has apparently never seen or a this is why people think americans have no culture that and the fact that we meet your kids when they come to europe to see the world i e eat at in foreign they are not as dumb as the two in this movie but they have just about the same amount of cultural enlightenment and good manners | 1negative
historical movies always take liberties conversations are where no one could actually know what was said customs are to be to modern audiences etc however historical films about actual historical should make at least a minimal nod to history this film does not the only scene i actually remember is when our hero surprises an assassin who creeps into his chamber at night he confronts the dangerous intruder with i don't remember sending for room service the main entertainment value is in its badness i recommended my local video story put it on the shelf | 1negative
back in 1983 michael jackson's popularity was such that if he wanted to make a 1 million horror music video with the american werewolf team and featuring the voice of vincent price then that was exactly what he was going to do and never has a music video created such a sensation before or since when it was released on vhs this 13 minute short became the world's largest selling musical of all time but odds are you already know all about it as whenever there's a list of the greatest music videos of all time this one almost takes the top spot br br it begins with michael jackson walking down a dark street with his date after their car has broken down he explains to her that he's not like other men damn right and then the full moon appears from behind the clouds his girlfriend stands there and screams and screams and then screams some more during a lavish transformation sequence as michael jackson becomes a werewolf he chases her through the forest catches her and we cut to a movie theatre ah all of this is just occurring in a horror movie that michael jackson and his date are watching br br so we're five minutes in and still no sign of the song thriller much anyway you must know how it goes from here dancing singing graveyard vincent price zombies what's the problem then end credits end credits for a music video thriller isn't one of michael most memorable songs but even by today's standards it sure is a bitch of a visual experience if you still haven't seen it in it's entirety then you definitely should someday soon | 0positive
so many literary adaptations are there are many reasons for that but usually it is the need to cut down a complex novel to the size of a screenplay the dead is unusual it had to be as the short story itself is a tiny relatively short gem it may in fact be the finest short story in the english language in beautifully spare language it tells of the realization of gabriel that his life and the lives of so many around him are controlled by memories of the dead even his own wife of many years loved a man now dead more than him br br to bring such a short story to the cinema was always going to be john huston did a magnificent job he never gave in to temptation to play it up or use fancy technique to expand on the story it is simple and true with outstanding acting the only slight miss step is the use of music to the devastating final br br its rare indeed for a movie version of a literary masterpiece to be itself a masterpiece but i think its fair to use this term for this movie its not a piece of film making but it is simple and pure i always think of movies when i think of the dead its at that level of and simplicity and deep wisdom | 0positive
i never when i started watching this dvd that i would be totally by it within minutes the story was completely absorbing and entertaining the acting was superb the biggest surprise of all was how i would be so completely enchanted by the love these two young women across the screen their initial physical encounter for me was by far the most tender romantic delightful enthralling love scenes i have ever witnessed on film i literally stopped breathing i could not believe the chemistry between the two actresses with no nudity or graphic sex they conveyed more passion and than any american production could ever hope to bravo to the author the screenwriter the director and the cast | 0positive
ok what was this story about again i am afraid that i never read the book and frankly this was one of the most confusing movies that i have ever tried to watch in a long time i get a bit confused on the number of flashbacks between the nurse the patient and the man with no thumbs the film didn't even really explain what they were looking for in the desert until they found it or even how in the world they all knew each other to come together br br after recently seeing the pride and prejudice movie with colin i have been trying to do a study on his film career by watching other movies of his and other than what a girl wants i am not finding much where he played in that was any good i am definitely not saying that he wasn't good he is really one of the best actors i have seen in the modern day film but the content and quality of the films he plays in have a lot to be desired br br the english patient is another perfect example of where the director writer and crew are just too close to their subject matter to see that the viewer is not getting the picture literally the entire movie seemed to be to showcase ralph as a dramatic actor with long periods of that was a bore nothing is really explained and every one of the subjects from the beginning seems to need a br br scott character seems to enjoy describing erotic stories standing in front of a totally male audience and other men other than her husband colin who plays her husband does not necessarily have all his in place and is supposed to be a secret agent i guess and ralph walks around like a roman mr sorry colin who thinks he knows it all the rest of the cast is cast pun intended to the four winds as the plot wanders on br br the subplot of the mental of the nurse juliette and her motives and involvement with andrews is another confusing element that leaves the viewer with an taste but of course the viewer is still how in the world the first two characters thomas and ended up having sex the first time anyway what was the attraction there was no chemistry and no build up just a slap thank you br br and isn't it romantic that ended up a helping the germans by giving them to the desert sarcasm br br to describe this movie i would have to simply say how to impress your with your and cheat on your sweet adorable husband who loves you br br the final unbelievable section of this plot is to how anyone would choose ralph over colin had very little opportunity to demonstrate any of his acting talents in fact when watching the movie i thought it must have been one of his first the scene where he had been waiting for his wife all night was perhaps the only two second clip that is worth seeing in the movie at that i have no interest in watching it again br br the best scene i liked was the plane crash where is trying to take them all out too bad he missed it would have saved an extra twenty minutes of even more film desert scenes were pretty neat though | 1negative
it occurred to me while watching imaginary heroes that any screenwriter attempting to make a drama about family relationships should seriously consider killing off a kid or two in the opening reel as a way of getting his characters to open up and reveal themselves there must be something to this storyline for it seems as if every other family drama that comes down the uses this device in one form or another paradise and mile are just two of the more recent examples that spring immediately to mind although one could reach back to a golden like who's afraid of virginia to make the point as well it's not that the death of a child is an subject for serious films to explore far from it it's just that like any topic it can be so that it becomes just another movie cliché a convenient bit of narrative to get the ball rolling and to give the characters something to with for the remainder of the time we get to spend with them br br the latest such work is imaginary heroes a film that borrows heavily from what is one of the earliest and perhaps best known examples of the family with the death of a child genre the academy award winning ordinary people like the characters in that earlier film the seem on the surface to be the ideal suburban family until one day their oldest son matt who is the golden boy and thus the apple of his father's eye kills himself with no explanation one minor difference is that the son in ordinary people dies as a result of an accident not a suicide it is younger brother tim who winds up finding the body and who assumes the role of protagonist in the film each of the remaining family members with the tragedy in his or her own way matt who has always lived in the shadow of his older brother becomes more and more estranged from the father who has virtually ignored him all his life and begins to turn to drugs for ben the father becomes up in feelings of and guilt turning away from both his job and his family his wife sandy is the most complex character in the film a free spirited child of the who feels oddly in the role of mother and wife as she a basically marriage in she spends most of her time after the tragedy trying to with her pot smoking past br br as written and directed by dan harris imaginary heroes emerges as a wildly uneven film for every scene that feels real and authentic there is another that comes across as and one sometimes has the sense that harris would like to every possible life situation he can think of into his screenplay an admirable goal perhaps but one that makes the film unnecessarily melodramatic in the process instead of with the characters and being caught up in their plight we often find ourselves thinking oh come next for teen suicide is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the hot button topics covered in this film the screenplay also touches on drug and alcohol abuse physical abuse sexual identity conflict life threatening illness even gay incest it is this everything but the kitchen sink mentality in the writing that the movie of much of the credibility it needs to really make us care br br that is not to say that imaginary heroes is a bad or film much of what it has to say about relationships and values in the 21st century is insightful original pointed and profound prime credit for its success goes to the actors weaver and jeff daniels who deliver sensitive performances in their respective roles it is they who triumph over the narrative to our brains and touch our hearts moreover harris in his direction achieves an effectively tone throughout but one that is frequently by some badly needed flashes of daring dark comedy br br imaginary heroes may appear and derivative at times but its fine performances and subtle mood shifts make it a film worth watching | 0positive
new year's day the day after a few too many and mixed with a bunch of at midnight my wife and i discovered the local cable company is offering up the digital channels for free for the month of january we had a choice do we make use of the channels or do we start watching the eight seasons of x files on dvd that we received from our daughter for christmas br br we elected for the digital since the dvds are going nowhere and we need something like ten twelve hour days to watch all the x files beginning to end the drive in channel was offering a horror classic three movie marathon asylum 1972 house of the damned 1996 and the pit and the asylum is well reviewed here and the pit and the was on too late for us to watch which meant we could really only be properly critical for house of the damned br br to be honest we tried to be serious about the movie since its stars have reasonably good acting greg william over written and alexandra paul the only babe who could act although she has the body of a ten year old boy unfortunately we soon to under the influence of a little hair of the dog as we each out the names of movies from which this dog borrowed its scenes the shining hell house house on haunted hill ghost br br the acting especially by real life daughter wasn't too bad considering the silly script they had to work with the cgi for 1996 was hilarious at its worst point in the final scene when it should have been the most horrific it was so bad my wife and i in laughter br br overall acting 4 5 script 2 5 0 5 | 1negative
baby boom was bad enough basically making a series of every straight mans nightmare is worse yeah watched a few always made me feel better after a bad day it reminded me it could be worse guy was rich successful single smart man and dating from singers to actresses then his screw up of a cousin his biggest mistake on him in reality it would have been straight to foster care i'm sure this was definitely a series oh and what's all the about the baby change most the time it's probably a doll besides at that age it's nothing more than a prop anyways br br any case i'm glad it didn't last more than a year | 1negative
i watched this movie based on the comments of a few that said that is was bad but funny but you need to be warned that this movie has the worst special effects ever produced they make 1950s science fiction movies look like works of art this is funny at times but annoying for the most part and to compound the problem with the seriously pathetic special effects is the total lack of logic that a majority of the events depicted one of my favorites is where three of the characters drop hundreds of feet into a tunnel created by the and arrive to find it fully lit the have also managed to hook into the power very impressive but this is just one example and for what its worth the music sucks the acting sucks the two cute girls are annoying the obnoxious guy is annoying the so called handsome lead man is a geek and the black girl who fall for him is a fool her father is the worst actor i have ever seen i am not sure the brief moments of humor can possibly make up for the experience | 1negative
contains spoilers br br this movie is utter crap do not watch br br there is no one in this movie to root for or even like except for the wife and she wins by everyone is selfish and many things happen that make no sense br br the acting is mediocre at best and everyone too heavily about everything no one can even cry br br if you leave the room for even a second then something totally out of left field will happen and it will make no sense whatsoever br br for example i left the room for a second while character was sleeping with her manager i come back seriously about 4 minutes later also i'm pretty sure there was a commercial somewhere in there and she's sleeping with that guy br br i gave up on this movie around the time that was being an ass to his fiancé in the car because she didn't want to call off the wedding br br i wasted 2 hours of my life you shouldn't | 1negative
the movie starts off as we see a footage of a huge back in the 30's in america then a short story is shown about a creepy looking farmer who made a deal with satan to get good hired young men to work in his garden killed them and used as scarecrows he also fed the ground with their blood some time after 2 cops come to visit him one of them gets shot by another one kills the farmer himself after that the present day is shown and some guy named sean is told that he has an old farm left as inheritance he decides to go there with some friends to see what's up little did sean know that the next night is the night br br as for me this movie had a good story for a horror flick but low budget and poor special effects just ruined it dark is a perfect example of lazy film making for example we see a scarecrow a usual guy wearing a funny cheap mask chasing a girl when he raises his hand we get to see a normal human skin below his instead of some rotting flesh the gore is not very impressive as well there are some nasty killings by our lovely scarecrows but everything is very cheap and unrealistic surprisingly the acting is somewhat ok in this flick or i better say its believable some nude scenes are presented as well for the fans even a lesbian scene but those scenes don't save it br br verdict good music good story solid acting but awful effects cheap gore and plot holes slow this movie down not really recommended | 1negative
i laughed out loud several times during this film though give it a glance and you would think it was something else altogether i adore the pace and the way it slowly burns into you as you are presented these beautiful gives us something else here shows us something i had not seen since his last film he is exceptional and via his method of the camera and allowing action to take place before us he opens the door on humanity and we into a place that reflects our own lives our little lives it is powerful stuff it is the simplicity with which he allows the events to take place that creates the opposite feeling of complexity everything in front of the camera is anything but simple attention to detail is extraordinary i believe most scenes if not all are sets built from scratch according to his designs i cannot recommend this film highly enough for me it took me to a place and i came out of it having witnessed a world and beautiful and and splendid at once alien and familiar this film is brilliant and life i know because i came out smiling feeling wonderful it has taken him seven years to make this if he only made this one film he would still be up there with the | 0positive
i had no idea what this movies was about it jumps from plot line to plot line incoherent ideas with one another it simply doesn't make sense br br the chopped up time line doesn't help either we start in present day get a flash back to the past and then return to the future only to go back into the past br br this movie is also filled with horrible sappy lines and cliché themes such as princess and the you cant have me even in my death lines you don't even love me enough line cliché to the max br br fighting scene were horribly corny lighting was constantly misplaced which the cg with the actors you could tell some of the backgrounds were clearly cg br br although the society in moon was quite interesting br br i wouldn't really recommend his to anyone avoid if possible br br if you found this comment hard to follow the movie would be equally as bad | 1negative
this film is a of various idiotic cliches for instance boy meets rich girl and gets her to fall in love with him by her in college an over used backdrop in recent indian commercial films a male of sexual conquest the climax is predictable having been used ad in several other films as with many other recent commercial hindi films the film with the of songs which probably contributed to the film's success more than anything else | 1negative
this film is an absolute disgrace i thoroughly enjoyed the original airport and i can't believe how the same people could produce this nine years on first of all the acting is bad the original had actors who had done quality non disaster films before but this one uses actors who have done the disaster movie circuit already kennedy wagner also george character seems to get promoted very quickly he is now the lead in the film but his character isn't strong enough to carry it off he has lost the charm and humour of airport 1970 and the character is now just boring have i mentioned the plot is it at all believable that someone would send a missile after the no there are also too many loose ends scenes that have no relevance whatsoever to the plot the scene where the hot air balloon lands on the the chase of the thief in charles de airport are two such scenes both would be interesting if only they had something to do with the actual story there also many unanswered questions why does open the window and fire a at the other plane why does robert character kill himself he must have another stupid and way of why is there no after the missile almost blows up the why are the back so bad it looks as though a cartoon missile is following the although it does work well when the plane lands in paris why does think that he is in a flight when he turns the over why does he get a hero's welcome in the cabin of the plane after having terrified the passengers and why is the ending so poor if it can be called an ending at all given their one dimensional no one seems to notice this the given to the young couple on the plane by the girl's coach is the man who plays the is annoying and the woman with the problem is just plain silly the scenes where susan is lying on the roof of her and the when she tells wagner that she still loves him are quite awful in conclusion this film should have been the climax of the previous three airport films instead it is a diabolical sub moronic complete and utter waste of time money energy celluloid and talent remember when asks the french pilot if he has ever landed on his belly this film certainly does the belly flop and lands flat on its nose | 1negative
trite and unoriginal it's like someone watched immortal beloved and and decided to mix them together and in the process steal other formulaic plot parts from other movies to make another one as with most historical movies nowadays there are some inaccuracies as history is manipulated to better suit the story which is understandable for the most part for example during the remaining days of life it was necessary for other people to write down what they needed to say in order for him to understand them that of course would have been a to have to show on screen the script although filled with some lines doesn't quite capture the feel of that time period and coupled with some bad acting seems rather contemporary diane is nice enough to look at but she still has lots to improve on her craft ed harris doesn't work for me as and i mostly blame gary for that overall not a very good interpretation of the musical life better just find yourself a copy of immortal beloved br br http com reviews | 1negative
as cute and adorable as they are the story of three singing just doesn't seem to have enough meat to it to sustain it for an hour and a half i thought that the first half hour or so of this movie was well worth watching it was fun it had a few laughs in it it was full of energy then it somehow just lost that i wouldn't even say it faded away because it seemed quite abrupt to me the fun was gone the laughter disappeared my daughter noticed it too she's 4 she laughed several times in that first part of the movie then her laughter stopped perhaps it took on too serious a tone the evil movie producer working the to death something happened anyway and it wasn't for the better br br of course the movie is trying to tell the story of how the alvin simon and theodore began everyone knows the christmas song here we discover how they met dave and got their start the movie is updated to the present time although their real origin is noted by street address of 1958 which was the year when the animated singing were first created jason lee did a pretty good job as dave and the voices were also pretty good david cross as the evil ian irritated me to be blunt and i couldn't figure out the point of the character of claire played by cameron richardson she added little to the movie it's a movie you can watch with the kids it's probably a movie you'd only want to watch with the kids in fact it gets a 4 10 from me | 1negative
i watched this film awhile ago and the only thing i can remember about the film is how absolutely horribly bad it was its definitely in my top 5 worst films i have ever seen and to think i had to my mates to get this film out at the video shop my reputation has been shot to bits because of this film will my mates ever trust me again i doubt it they always say don't judge something by its cover they were right when i saw the cover to gang boys i thought wow this looks great as it had a load of skin heads on the front cover running riot with metal bars don't watch this film i can't think of anything else to say the acting is bad the story is bad its just bad | 1negative
i can't see how a film of this quality only gets an average of 5 7 from imdb voters it's a classic australian production that resembles recent efforts such as love and other the sugar factory occasional coarse language russian doll people the secret life of us la strange planet fresh air dust off the wings doing time for etc as a 19 year old student in perhaps his best role yet on par with at least with a bored over religious mother gets the shock of his life when she decides to in the same course as him and before you go thinking another goofy movie it's not there's some real substance here sure it's a simplistic view of life in general and arts students in particular but then they are rather simplistic under all that philosophical aren't they and maybe the study of character is a little muddled at times but the film is bright funny and has some important messages the principle cast is terrific cusack and are wonderful and rose see her also in the of 1967 is so underrated it's not funny she's a beautiful fresh confident actor who deserves every she receives i gave my mother frank 8 10 | 0positive
this miniseries is a reasonable sequel to the original gone with the wind if one views this on its own merit and not immediately following the original it comes out pretty good i am sure that most viewers will question the performances of scarlett and but it seems unlikely that anyone else could have done better many of the characters here are new to this storyline so comparison in those cases mother uncle henry hamilton will is not a problem no one will every be leigh or clark gable br br the best part of the whole production is the beautiful scenery of and ireland watch it for that alone obviously this was a high budget tv miniseries it follows the book for a while then has a totally new plot when scarlett goes to ireland br br the acting is credible if nothing special kind of the way i feel about roger moore following sean connery for james bond | 0positive
i saw this on television more years ago than i can remember but never forgot the performance of sammy davis jr i just by chance thought to look for it on video this rendition of and is a treasure i would love to see it again and introduce my son to it as well i just can't imagine why it is not as one of the greatest performances sammy davis jr every gave whoever is responsible for not bringing this to audiences should be ashamed of his her ignorance i will continue to look for it though maybe the responsible for such things will come to realize the forgotten work of so many african american actors | 0positive
the brave one seems to indicate that the main character of course is brave i'd disagree the more brave thing to do in a situation like the one that happens to her getting brutally beaten along with her fiancée who doesn't live another day from it is to go after the criminals without to a total distorted view of society jodie character is a radio personality who's is walking the streets and recording what goes on we're given no real depth aside from had someone she loved he died the police don't pursue it she gets a gun she gets somewhat but not really involved with the lead into the character and so were left with something from past movies the vigilante code of justice where taking the power in one's own hands is all there is but we're never too sure if is sane or not if the filmmakers take a position one way or another that is until the end which is such a stupid message to take anyway dog included as overbearing metaphor while making the new york city of today which has become significantly than say twenty years ago look like you'll get or beaten if you go down just the right alley or just sit alone on a subway car br br there could even be a somewhat better movie in the midst of all of this perhaps just in the subplot with detective who is involved in some custody battle of a child that isn't his and a woman who he's not linked to and a step father who i don't know what aside from parking lots and being a bad dude but we're left to a script that's both ham and disjointed with logic it becomes laughable for example to see that at first the logical side of unable to really shoot properly as seen in her first shooting in a store at the convenient moment of a robbery of a wife by the husband and then giving way to the illogical of her crack shot at shooting at a driving a car head on at her and killing him and just in time to not get run over it doesn't help that style with the camera becomes a little more than it's called a for a reason not because it can in and out br br ironically the script and direction become very good or rather work the best they can under the desired circumstances when looking at the actual beating scene under the bridge caught between a video taped point of view by one of the criminals by the regular film in a pace that is perfectly and when first comes back on the air to her radio show and she up trying to do her old and speaks out a the about how afraid she is this scene from performance to the clear direction and script is the best scene in the film but aside from that there's just a lot of into a psychology that's flimsy is she a de niro in taxi driver or a bronson in death wish we have her narration over scenes some of it doesn't have to do at all with her radio show how disgusted she is with walking around at night nothing to do but her self task of cleaning up the streets but unlike death wish a movie that held more ambiguity and never held an answer at the end in a revenge scenario the path of endless violence just to a message one that won't be news to anyone who's seen a second of lifetime movie of the week melodrama br br the actors make do with what's given and in the end it becomes much more frustrating trying to stay with the anticipated the hackneyed plot turns and the plain old inexplicable plus the unintentionally hilarious like a few by howard after getting shot in one scene and the temptation to walk out grows stronger and stronger it's a very picture with only a few moments of genuine interest and clear headed convention | 1negative
pictures movies is not a fitting word for them really are somewhat their visual qualities are reminiscent of expensive high class tv commercials but unfortunately pictures are feature films with the of wanting to entertain viewers for over two hours in this they fail miserably their but rather soft and than steamy erotic qualities non br br is a remake of a film by visconti with the same title and and granger in the lead the original tells a story of senseless love and lust in and around during the italian wars of independence moved the action from the 19th into the 20th century 1945 to be exact so there are men in black shirts german uniforms or the of the but it is just window dressing the historic context is completely br br anna plays the attractive woman who falls for the amoral ss guy who always puts on too much she is an attractive versatile well trained italian actress and clearly above the material her wide range of facial expressions boredom loathing delight fear hate and ecstasy are the best reason to watch this picture and worth two stars she this basically trashy stuff with an astonishing amount of dignity i wish some really good parts come along for her she really deserves it | 1negative
i remember this movie the 1st time i saw it but it has grown on me i love the costumes and poses the actors make the humor the cinematography the soundtrack the scenes are very rich and it moves very quickly every time i watch it there is something new that catches my eye as is probably the only thing that ruins it but not enough br br also the in this movie is different it is not the same character you can see that the character has been given like qualities because i'm assuming anne wanted it in but there is no reason to trash this movie just because it's not like books it's a fascinating by itself | 0positive
we can conclude that there are 10 types of people in this world br br those who understand and those who do not those who understand put this movie to its grave along with while those who do enjoy this movie for the sake that none of this crap could happen ever br br for a movie to attempt to be a modern movie with fiction applied to it it has failed horribly only a old and below can enjoy and only and up could be scared to have their identity taken it out on the main market for a value i watch it now it is more boring than when it was first released | 1negative
like another poster mentioned a local boston tv station showed this multiple times over the years on saturday they paired it with the first sequel return of the br br now i haven't seen it since then but it never left me aside from the atrocious dubbing and faded color this was a pretty good fantasy technically it isn't horror until the statue comes to life at the end it's just about a village ruled over by an evil man there's a giant stone statue there that the villagers keep praying to to help them to no but things go too far the comes to life and destroys the bad guys but then it starts going after the good guys too well done with some cool special effects at the end loved how he got rid of the main bad guy also there was an enchanted forest worked in which was kind of interesting too br br no masterpiece but an unusual fantasy horror film worth catching but not if it's the dubbed print | 0positive
for me this is a good series i am kind of disappointed that and died but more upset that micheal to everyone about who killed them and if any one can answer this what was that guys name who was supposedly henry he was like the leader of the others or was that ms clue anyway if you know his name cool well trying to think of what can possibly happen next after they finally didn't press the button does that mess up the whole project thing and i personally thought it was cool how they had that key thing underground that used to shut off the thing yeah and what was the whole point of that i am just glad they didn't press the button finally but what happens to the people in the like mr echo john charlie and well probably died but what about the others i think they survived i forget well this is just my little thing on what i thought about this season finale | 0positive
who really wants to see that disgusting violence disgusting sex for such a long time i do not want to but i always stayed true to my philosophy to watch any movie as bad as it may be this was the hardest right after next friday br br it's basically just crap how can you possibly call it anything else the story of a roman emperor as an excuse for gore and t a yeah yeah hey it's realistic they have been like this fine but why bother us with it i don't care if it has been like this and there are a lot of scenes where i truly doubt it the point is why should anyone wanna see it problem is there is only one reason you could like the film and that would be that you like violence there's nothing special about it just cruelty you can say cool as you'd say in splatter slasher movie but horror movies with violence at least can give you chills and excitement maybe characters you care about but here everything is dark dull and boring every character is mad the story of an emperor who can't deal with his power what in the very first scene he runs naked through the woods with his sister i have no problem saying that we saw a madman for 2 1 2 hours br br but maybe you get turned on by seeing helen being pregnant and dancing or 5 minutes of hardcore scenes that some people see as the message of the movie or yeah right that was fun real birth scenes how hilarious humans animals who cares let's just treat them as toys br br i don't care what anyone says this is no movie this is just 2 1 2 hours of blood and sex and disgusting go watch a porn movie if you want sex or watch a horror flick if you want violence at least those movies don't pretend to be some artistic masterpiece and they are shorter br br 0 10 6 1 6 0 4 | 1negative
when i saw this film it reminded me of all the greatest dreams i had mostly filled with robots br br i can relate to problems and i have a similarity to and this is a great film to watch if you're a who is bitter and eccentric like me all in all watch it before it's out of print | 0positive
or glenda was edward d wood first attempt at directing a feature film for this he chose a topic near and dear to his heart the art of a man wanting to dress in women's clothes to his credit wood tried to deal with subject matter that was largely taboo in 1953 unfortunately wood had neither the budget nor the know how to make the film br br the story opens with a prologue by bela lugosi that makes little sense and then moves to the discovery of a dead glenda daniel davis aka ed wood inspector warren with the help of psychiatrist dr timothy farrell tries to understand why a man would want to live and die this way br br is engaged to barbara fuller and is reluctant to tell her of his obsession and that's it we see endless stock footage shots of anything from traffic to soldiers landing on the beach interspersed with shots of wood walking down the same street dressed as either or glenda and looking at women's clothes in a store window poor old bela who was down on his luck and by wood keeps popping in throughout the story i'm not 100 sure but i think scenes were added for his name value after the body of the movie was completed br br to add to the confusion of narration farrell as dr also provides off screen narration lugosi keeps saying take care take care as well as some about snakes and and puppy br br the story also deals with a who has a successful sex change operation and tries to explain the difference between that person and character s the dream sequences are laughable a wedding sequence in which someone dressed as the devil appears is a good example wood also gives us an apparent rape scene with the actors fully but leaving little to the imagination for 1953 br br this film along with other classics were so bad that they became by the public as cult classics over the years for that reason they have survived to this day | 1negative
i got to watch this one without commercial and let me tell you even for a tv movie it was pretty predictable the actors did a job with what they had and the cast was pretty accomplished barry jane seymour frances fisher etc however the script was not only predictable except for the last scene but the dialogue was and sounded as if it was lifted from a third rate romance novel jane psychotic monologues were laughable i'm sorry but i find it hard to believe that anyone that creepy would no whatsoever as bad as russell was in black widow and she sure it up she at least had the sense to play her pseudo characters somewhat straight seymour is a much better actress but didn't overcome the material here br br lastly the musical score is incredibly cheesy it's almost a satire of its genre like a kenny g a movie with such a lackluster and derivative script really should have gone for something | 1negative
the monster will look very familiar to you so will the rest of the film if you've seen a half dozen of these teenagers trapped in the woods movies okay so they're not teenagers this time but they may as well be three couples decide it might be a good idea to check out a nearly abandoned ghost town in hopes of finding the gold that people were killed over a century and a half before you'd think that with a title like massacre some interesting things might happen they don't in fact only about 1 10 of the film actually takes place in the mine i had teams of terrified for their lives in the confines of their praying that black lung disease would get them before the grim his grisly revenge but instead i got twenty somethings and in one case in the woods a gang of morons with a collective i q that would have difficulty pulling a plastic ring out of a box of cracker much less a buried treasure from an abandoned mine no suspense no scares and plenty of embarrassing performances give this turkey a 3 for nudity | 1negative
i kid you not yes who's that girl has the distinction for being one in a string of films that bombed but i actually liked this movie more than desperately seeking susan in susan character is to being second to arquette and is not given much to work with no to but in madonna plays this zany outrageous character only done in an 80s style while it may seem cheesy today this is actually one of best and one of her most underrated films br br madonna plays an ex con who is sent to the for a crime she didn't commit she's being released from jail after four years of good behavior dunne who is also a very underrated actor plays a lawyer who has the unpleasant task of picking her up from jail to take her to the bus station of course when these two get together that's when the madness happens sir john mills has a small role as the rich businessman who has a huge mansion in the middle of manhattan with a on his roof br br this movie parodies everything rich people the sleazy characters who live in harlem and totally destroy rolls the gay cops who follow madonna and dunne around town and stuck up wendy who has slept with every cab driver in new york city played by morris who was girlfriend caroline in sixteen hilarious plus dunne is also in charge of a rare breed of reminiscent of bringing up baby plus madonna had a great blonde 80s look back in those days and the movie has a great soundtrack throw this all into the mix and you have the of br br madonna is the queen of deadpan acting there are times in the movie where she says a line totally straight and surprisingly it turns out to be funny that's how some of the best comedy should be played straight madonna should have done more comedy and it was a shame that she did not choose to do so later on she became much more controversial and got into more of the dark sexually charged roles in the notorious movies body of evidence and dangerous game br br some people say madonna cannot act and that is fine people are entitled to their opinion but i believe the real problem is that people cannot see the difference between madonna playing a character on film instead they still see only madonna and that is main reason why she is given more respect for her music than for her movies it's still a fun screwball comedy of the 80s not for everyone i'm sure some of you will dislike it so i would recommend it mainly for madonna fans but you never know you might be surprised and like it br br interesting note one of friends from her early 80s new york club days who plays was a member in the bands kid and the and band | 0positive
eddie murphy put a lot into this movie by directed wrote starred and produced this story about two owners in the 30s who try to fight and corrupt cops from taking over their club a great cast in murphy foxx richard danny aiello della reese and a gorgeous guy that would make it worth seeing on its own but the story just hold up interest or give the great cast enough to work with on a scale of one to ten a 4 | 1negative
i have been hooked on since through 2001 2002 2nd season when i tuned in to see 10 minutes early thanks to i now have all but 2 episodes on tape right up through last night 4 9 i am a middle aged straight male and this is the only weekly tv show i watch br br i love this series because a lauren graham is a damn fine looking woman and funny and smart to boot b the dialogue is extremely well written c it is flat out hilarious putting overrated garbage like everybody loves raymond to shame many current tv comedies have been heavily influenced by the highly successful and much pit known as married with children where the viewer is encouraged to and feel superior to the characters in the characters have faults but we can see our own in them and laugh with them not at them this is stimulating tv where the writers challenge us to keep up with rapid fire and out of left field pop culture literature current events references i get immense pleasure out of watching these episodes over and over again catching all the one liners and references to previous episodes stars hollow is its own little world one that i will happily continue to visit as long as the series runs | 0positive
i had never seen the original death wish in the book either death wish i film however death wish 3 was the very interested film the well known vigilante paul tried to visit his friend charlie but he only visited him for a couple of minutes before he died because of charlie didn't pay the protection to the huge and infamous underground gang by after some during his time in jail learned that who he fought with in jail had his own agenda to make the new york city in the and also his influence by sending his henchmen to set the crime every time everywhere and everyday due to the chance given by richard who know his profile well and like him very much decided to set the war with and his gang br br i accepted that death wish iii was one of the most and extreme violence action film which i had seen from the past this movie used the very way to tell the story no story telling and less unnecessary scenes which was the one merit of the movie on the next issue violence was used in the film i believed that many of viewers could like the action scene of death wish iii because it showed the crude extreme and blast of action for every minutes of the movie especially the climax scene of the movie and the death of which i thought that it was the maximum action scene br br for about the cast i think everyone was good and get through their role charles bronson made everybody believe that he still be great as paul he didn't look like the big old cat but the great vigilante also did his job very good his main villain role in the movie made him look nasty and look like the big bad guy however the role of kathryn davis in this movie was pathetic she didn't look like the main character i thought that she was appeared only two or three scene before she was killed by and his to make a heat on paul she could have more role to appear br br for my comment the style and extreme violence made this movie great for extreme action film fans fast paced with back and forth style made this movie very interested to watch nevertheless this movie had some silly scene and some plot hole first the scene when faced paul for the first time it was very corny because you attacked your favor guy before you want him to help it similar to how you punch some guy before you try to borrow him some money haha that's like a joke although i liked the plot twist when was shown later that he helped because at first looked like the villain very much due to his act to but when the movie went to the climax everything was that he had no hidden agenda with br br in another case the ending scene of the movie set back me it stumble on everyone's feeling because it ended too easy gang members looked unbelievable after they found that was dead before his girlfriend and other followers decided to escape finally allowed paul to fly out from his town before the police caught him i thought that this style of ending scene could be found in many cannon film's movie but i dislike it br br for the summary i am ok with death wish 3 due to my explanation i first the cast and the action was very good and so extreme even it had some scene i don't like and extreme of violence could be the best short description of this movie | 0positive
this is probably the second best of the death wish movies death wish 5 is the best one br br death wish 3 reminds me of west side story with a new twist not even the recent flick gangs of new york can measure up with one new york neighborhood in death wish 3 which is plagued not by two rival gangs but one big gang a gang that is willing to do things like cutting a person to death with an if he on its set br br deborah who plays a public plays gently in this action packed movie that is filled with a lot of shoot em up violence so like in death wish ii death wish iii scores with its gentle romantic moments as well as its violent moments only the james bond love interest scenes would do much better br br and in addition to his plays with this new gun called the it reminded me of the dirty harry movies when callahan used his in force sudden impact and dirty harry the gun packs a big punch and when kills with it he doesn't care if the gun has a big kick in it br br and that missile that killed off the main gang leader well that is something would not use an missile as his regular vigilante weapon that is way too military for him | 0positive
is no doubt someone's attempt at originality but what we have here is art in its most morbid grotesque form so for that has my respect but to be realistic it makes no difference what this abomination is about but for the record br br in the ultimate in incoherent horror we begin in an unknown time in an unknown place right off the bat we are into the psychotic nightmare that is a god is seemingly depressed himself with a razor i mean really trying like hell to end it all it takes a while why wouldn't it after this ultra morbid introduction something is happening something is rising from the corpse say hello to mother earth what does she do well she gives birth to a thing the thing would have probably preferred to stay in the but that's life the psychotic nightmare realm of the thing the only way it knows how the thing along with mother earth is by unknown with evil intentions being the only clarity available from this point on things drag as they've never dragged before interesting grim images with a totally decent soundtrack is the high points of the remainder not to give the impression that i don't recommend this because i do but only once and only for people with an appreciation for the dark side br br from my description it may appear that i don't get trust me i get it and yes is art if i've ever seen it everything in this film regardless of how unrelated it may seem is significant that perhaps is the only thing that makes art with that said most of us require some form of entertainment value and this is coming from someone who enjoyed the probably the most intriguing first five minutes i've seen in a film but let's be realistic the next 7 hours and minutes would put one in a coma that is unless it's just meant for some kind of psychedelic purposes in that case never mind but how would one rate such a uniquely boring masterpiece depending on how much your attention span can take it should be either 1 or 10 any other number just wouldn't make a statement it hurts to do this but as far as entertainment value goes just ain't it 1 1 | 1negative
this short film certainly pulls no punches the story is of a butcher who kills an innocent man who he believes has sexually his retarded daughter the film goes onto depict how the butcher serves his time and returns to life with his daughter in care and having to come to terms with a life with no future br br the graphic opening scenes of a horse being slaughtered and the full frontal birth of the daughter puts you a brutal frame of mind that stays with you throughout the film br br the snappy flow of the film is very direct and adds to its brutality consequently alot of ground is covered in the 40 minutes you are taken in fully with the non life particularly after he loses his daughter to social services and his business his story continues in the excellent film | 0positive
everyone is a genius in something albert was a genius in science william shakespeare was a genius in literature and the boys from the war on everything are truly comedy geniuses their satire tv show is a constant hit on the australian broadcast abc after a small start as a satire newspaper the popularity when given their own television show never short on controversy with the cast members will do everything some of it even being arrested for chris taylor going on sunrise a very popular live morning television show and telling his partner to f k off creating a fake and driving into high security area and doing a very funny satire of a australian ad about by following around yelling out no gary no no gary no while controversial the show is funny and worthy of running for years to come | 0positive
i loved this film the audience i was part of loved this film and the little 7 year old girl who was with me loved this film we all laughed at the the visual humour and the good feeling you left the cinema with when it ended i could easily see why it was such a huge box office success in france i am planning on buying the dvd so i can see it again and laugh at all the bits i missed as i was laughing so hard the first time | 0positive
originally as a sequel to the party massacre series this film falls flat on it's face with a new title first off if you are going to include the word massacre in your film's title you better deliver this one certainly does not there is no gore no on screen murders and no chainsaw as the box art would lead you to believe instead we get a paper thin overdone plot about a group of who get stranded in an abandoned cabin on the way to a football game only to be one by one again this film could have been ok if the gore was a bit why directors especially those doing direct to video flicks are afraid to show any gore is beyond me now i am not a huge fan of excessive gore but come on why else would anyone rent a movie called massacre besides that problem the film suffers from a shot on a home video camera it looks cheap sounds cheap and the actors aren't all that good it tries to throw us off track to who the killer may be but even that fails the ending ends up being a ridiculous mess folks if you run across this film walk away and go find the original party massacre 2 out of 10 | 1negative
iron eagle may not be the most believable film plot wise but the characters are well written and very well acted if you cannot believe the characters the film is a flop br br i believe the photography especially the photography is superb i believe it is far superior to top gun to which it is endlessly compared it is one of the best pieces of photography i have seen the soundtrack by basil forgive the spelling is great and well with the rock tunes i wish that portion of the soundtrack were available br br jason does well as the teenager who suddenly has to grow up in a rush and and the realities of life death and lou is as both hard bitten and yet human as he recalls pilot deaths br br there are lots of movies out there that you watch once and don't care to watch again then there are those movies that get you for one aspect or another and you can watch it again and again iron eagle is that kind of movie | 0positive
this is such an exciting documentary it was by far one of the most fun films i've ever seen i highly recommend it to anyone it's such a fun look at different musical styles exciting people at the between modern and traditional that is and great cinematography that captures beautiful scenes in and watching the film made me want to book a flight for right away br br great footage of a turkish br br also his sister she is awesome br br priceless performances by amazing turkish musicians br br the gorgeous voice of singing in br br and amazing and of a gypsy group from br br last but not least bands mixing turkish music and rock as well as music expressions and others | 0positive
i can't understand why imdb users would rate this movie 5 2 10 it really is great very funny i would strongly recommend this movie for all of you adults teenagers and especially children br br the story is about a 14 year old kid who always tell lie at home and school one day he had his of writing a 1000 word story but he didn't so the teacher told him to write it and gave her in 3 hours or he would have to go to summer school yep he wrote it in 2 45 big fat liar i think it was a story of himself on the way to the school he hit a of a famous hollywood producer and he gave him a ride but the kid forgot the story in the he told his parents and the teacher but of course they did not believe him and the movie producer he took the kid's story as his new movie big fat liar when the kid saw the trailer of the movie he told his parents he had written it but they didn't believe so he and his friend had to go to l a to prove one thing the truth is never overrated br br enjoy this great movie you won't be disappointed don't trust the 5 2 10 rate it should be 9 10 believe me br br p s so sorry my english isn't good enough to make a better comment | 0positive
having some time before going to work i looked at my 50 movie pack comedy classics dvd collection and picked the most obscure title in the pack boom starring a forgotten grace hayes classics is obviously the word here since most of the titles i've never heard of and i suspect they're all in the public anyway this movie also stars her son peter and his wife mary who i just found out is a new orleans native from the state i live in with benny as a shop and hall taking a break from the east side kids as buddy the plot about a vaudeville mother trying to turn her rich son into a responsible one with him unaware of who she is is for the birds and doesn't have many funny scenes though i did like celebrity and his dance with hall in drag and the songs and dances are entertaining in themselves however is all over the place with his confusion of the american of the time and almost everything concerning him makes no sense whatsoever though i did like his funny dance since this was only minutes that i'm sure played on the lower half of the double feature bill i'll be and give this one a 3 for the few entertaining bits that i mentioned enjoying | 1negative
don't let the rating of 5 9 as of this writing on 12 8 fool you this is one excellent film br br i cannot how this got such a rating considering being so solid at all levels the direction acting cinematography all good the story is interesting and original and my only as far as understanding why the rating is such sits in the fact that it is probably the type of movie that people rating might not normally see br br i it to playing modern rock for an 80 year old you might be young brought up on it and love it but he or she has not been and as a product of a different time and taste doesn't care for it br br if you like films and can handle movies based more on real people versus those comprised of mindless action enormous flashy budgets and mediocre talent give this one a try next time you see it on br br | 0positive
this movie me i could not get a grip on it thought i might be missing something glad to see that most of you agree with me this isn't always the case see my recent review of re br br to upon the faults of this film any further would be a glorious waste of time so i will br br they're dressed like but it's modern times right no i don't get it when i picked up the box i thought zombie western cool that's how it was presented haven't seen that yet hope they did a good job br br they didn't they tried to create an iconic character that would a series they didn't br br they tried to make an aussie indie zombie flick on the caliber and perhaps riding on the coat of the very well done undead they didn't br br okay maybe they just wanted to make a confusing disjointed mess of film that might ultimately be edited into something watchable they didn't this is the new number 2 on my list of worst zombie movies ever there are really just the two so far day of the dead being the first not to be confused with day of the dead which is one of my favorite zombie movies of all time if you're gonna make a zombie movie and i'm not a zombie movie maker i'm just a make a good one flight of the living dead is a good example of decent recent zombie br br if you're really you might think well didn't they at least throw in something to make us feel like we didn't want our money back guess what they didn't | 1negative
if you speak french or can put up with sub titles you will really enjoy this movie if on the other hand you just want to see god's most beautiful creatures this is a must see not an ounce of in sight king eat your heart out sophie body is the epitome of perfection and everything i had ever about her part is even in english even the fact that she was nude with john did not detract for her beauty sophie is a ten if ever there was one and are 9 oh yeah it is a pretty good story several little vignettes are woven together in a sort of six degrees of style | 0positive
last night i got to see an early preview of nation because i love everything that christina does i was very excited at first but as the movie continued i started to wonder where it was going based on a true story it is simply about christina character and her struggle with depression drugs friends and family as you can probably tell from the title in my opinion this movie moved too fast and it was way too dramatic i would say there was a dramatic moment every five minutes and the movie moved through her life extremely fast and this left no room for us to connect with christina character christina performance was fantastic as always but jessica lange stood out throughout the whole movie and i believe this movie's success will be all because of her and christina i would rate this 4 out of 10 and i would suggest you rent this one or read the books by elizabeth they are good and definitely worth checking out | 1negative
hell to pay was a disappointment it did not have anywhere near the substance of a b western movie and should in no way be compared to a fantastic movie like the dialog was dull the plot was the soundtrack was unnecessary and the acting was awful even the professionals could've taken some lessons from the sunset carson school of acting the only positive thing about this movie is that it some of the top cowboy in the nation but you can see them in a better light in any video the of this feature makes it very and the preview is decent but it's all over after that | 1negative
is a pointless exercise go to gold coast get drunk and have sex worthwhile ambitions maybe but not highly intellectual the plot is a simple as a few sentences assigned to each character and nobody is helped by the cliches out here br br something that would help is the casting everybody looks too old these characters are supposedly out on their own in steps to yet they all look way too old to be believable in the role br br | 1negative
if as i just pointed out in the goat keaton is following the tradition of the comics finding themselves at odds with the law this short the last released before he did tramp tramp tramp was based on another comic being married to a and trying to get away for some secret two timing dating laurel hardy did this in several films as did fields and chaplin br br i have a problem with it why do these characters always marry such nasty women and there is an interesting side issue why don't you find female comics married to male counterparts to these i can't recall any except in a carol skit where the two members of two couples discover that they prefer having someone give it back as good as they get a kind of mutual but also that their not married to a type as for the fact that the comics do marry i suppose one can imagine they get what they deserve or do they ollie really deserves a wife who throws and at him yeah he went to that convention in sons of the desert that ruined her plans but he wanted to get some private time there is nothing suggesting he and stan cheated on their wives actually he is by mae because he to her while stan and told the truth to his wife br br here harry's wife alice ward is shown at the start talking to her mother about how she keeps him under strict control we see harry at his job it is saturday morning and the job ends at for the rest of the weekend this was before the idea of a five day a week 40 hour a week job in industry he works in a where he hits red hot metal into shape an early joke about he is a small light man not the muscular type to swing a hammer he just misses his trying to give a man a light he calls home to explain things and gets an from the for being two minutes late br br on the way home harry meets his pal steve who has met two nice sweet girls who would just love to have a date harry is but agrees to it after talking to the girl he agrees to pay for the hot dogs for the he has a silver half dollar in his pocket but his plans seem when his wife discovers his hidden of he keeps it hidden under the living room and finds it by walking along the edge of the but his wife spies on him and all of it later she him talking to himself and her in contempt she gives him back a dime and says he can treat his date to a br br but harry has a second of and dresses up for the date and goes out he and are apparently late and blames harry but harry tries to make it up to him he produces two prostitutes they get into a when wisely says they are not the type of girls he'd term as nice eventually the girls do show up and the date begins but soon harry is hiding in the seat as his wife drives past in her and the girls boy friends turn up angry at their two rivals br br the short works well and is amusing and gives one a better idea of the persona that harry developed in his brief stardom as a comic master he is constantly put upon by others he misses his because some stranger keeps asking for a smoke and a light and in the end the stranger gets his own the nice girl who is harry's date has a little dog who chases him away he rests between two cars that both start driving away and he ends up wrapped around a pole it certainly demonstrates that had his screen persona down pat by the time that he made his features if only he could have kept the complex whole together beyond those three first features | 0positive
let me just say i love the horror genre to the extent that i see every single one that i can get my hands on regardless except really low quality b movie horrors which i could do without and recently have become a big fan of eastern horrors little did i know that a korean horror would be the one that tops my list beating off such as the japanese or the american ring or even quality us movies such as the sixth sense and the others and the widely acclaimed hong kong horror 'the br br previously 'the had stood as my favourite horror but it seems to me that i prefer the beauty of 'the tale of two any day the story is extraordinary and rather open to interpretation thus allowing repeat viewings although chances are you'll want to watch this again and again just because the movie is so masterfully shot the story is likely one of the best in the genre to date the acting is top notch too from the entire cast and the scares when they come have the potential to you like anything within the ring i did find myself glued to the screen at those points unable to take my eyes off br br still i am glad it didn't come back to haunt me later that did from the ring after all such feelings are unpleasant and the tale of two sisters leaves you with an uneasy feeling but one that hopefully won't leave you without sleep but leave you satisfied that you have seen something quite special but do remember if you don't understand the plot after the first viewing a repeat viewing is more than advised i personally didn't have time for this since it was late so i through scenes on the dvd some numerous times until i had a good synopsis in my head and after looking on the net seemed pretty much nailed it on the widely agreed interpretation and the satisfaction from solving a puzzle like that is wonderful br br all in all a masterfully crafted horror that is unlikely to produce the same remake its been purchased by simply because of the korean content and everyone is advised to catch this in the theaters or on dvds while they can its one of the best you will get unfortunately due to the type of movie this is there is no way to even talk about the story without spoilers so its best to do what i did watch it without knowing a single thing except its 'a tale of two and be prepared for something that is unlikely to be matched for some time | 0positive
i have no read the novel on which the runner is based my wife and daughter who did thought the movie fell a long way short of the book and i'm prepared to take their word for it but on its own the movie is good not great but good how accurately does it portray the havoc created by the soviet invasion of afghanistan how convincingly does it show the regime that followed i'd rate it c on the first and b on the second the human story the american who returned to the country to rescue the son of his childhood is well done but it is on this count particularly that i'm told the book was far more convincing than the movie the most exciting part of the film however the in and later a mini contest in california cannot have been by the book i'd money on that | 0positive
i just watched for the first time since seeing it in the theater almost 20 years ago and while i remember liking it at the time i don't remember being blown away by it like i was today i really can't complain about anything in this movie craig is excellent as the lead character of i never understood why he hasn't had a more successful career because most of his early work is outstanding as good as is is even better his portrayal of the psycho dr is unforgettable and steals the show the rest of the cast which includes doug is very good save for the ridiculously over the top redneck sheriff the visuals are good and in some shots great the danny composed score is as good as it gets and is among his best work the ending was epic with action for close to twenty minutes overall is a tremendous accomplishment for clive barker and ranks as my favorite of his movies just slightly ahead of 9 10 | 0positive
wtf do any of his books movies end in a happy ending the was good but enough with the depressing endings already i'm told that he writes about realistic situations that people deal with in real life understandable but sometimes it's nice to see people who have sacrificed their whole lives to only get to a mediocre unhappy time in their lives to finally find the true meaning of happiness and are able to live it out for the rest of their days don't we already know what really happens in real life can't we for one moment an hour and a half live through a movie that ends on a happy note that gives us hope for our own br br yeah i know but for real i think we need to movies that end like this one with a warning beware no happy ending | 0positive
i never thought i'd say this about a biopic but there is a near over abundance of characterization especially concerning emotions and too little on the literal in his life by the end i'm not sure if he dies he's supposed to or if his sister finally dies she's supposed to or if the director spent a little too much time on the that's an inside joke in case you missed it wrote a children's book called night on the however this glimpse inside the mind of a writer who poetry and fairy tales from his imagination is very intelligent creative entertaining and emotionally powerful br br all this despite the fact that everyone is animated as animals like in many of stories br br some of the visuals are truly astounding especially considering that it was a made for tv movie seriously some of them like the sequence with birds blue light rival parts of however i still can't stand computer animation when it is mixed with animation the cgi trains are horribly obvious even more so than the train br br 8 10 | 0positive
i just saw this at the toronto international film festival in the beautiful theatre i was blown away by the beautiful cinematography the brilliant adaptation of a very play and last but not least the performance of al pacino who was born to play this role which was perfectly balanced by an equally strong performance from jeremy br br the film explores the themes of love vs loyalty law vs justice and passion vs reason some might protest that the content is anti however they should consider the historical context of the story and the delicate and nuanced way in which it is told in this adaptation br br 9 10 | 0positive
i don't know how this movie has received so many positive comments one can call it artistic and beautifully filmed but those things don't make up for the empty plot that was filled with sexual i wish i had not wasted my time to watch this movie rather than being it was a poor excuse for promoting strange and behavior it was just another hollywood attempt to convince us that that kind of life is normal and ok from the very beginning i asked my self what was the point of this movie and i continued watching hoping that it would change and was quite disappointed that it continued in the same vein i am so glad i did not spend the money to see this in a theater | 1negative
br br lets murders your wife my father seemingly innocent conversation between two strangers bruno anthony and guy haines when they meet over lunch on a train journey guy a solid respectable player whose problem is that his wife the won't divorce him so he can marry daughter anne laughs the whole conversation off as a joke the following week he isn't laughing any more in a scene of classic hitchcock suspense bruno stalks through a carnival and her as he does her glasses fall off and we see the murder reflected twice through her cold hearted and amoral bruno his part of the deal completed approaches an appalled guy expecting even him into his bit ' matters are not helped when and younger sister turns up guy of murder so accused of a murder he didn't commit and expected to commit another what is guy going to do the power of this film is in the presentation of human beings as having a murderous side to their nature and this hitchcock does to perfection | 0positive
i can't stand people who comment on this program or other hbo programs as too graphic or unnecessarily graphic or that they contain gratuitous nudity violence etc br br guess what prison life isn't pg 13 the gratuitous graphic content is true to life of this situation prison contains rape killings drug deals and if you don't like it then don't watch the program i'm certainly no fan of prison rape but if it was left out of the show i'd be surprised and lend the show less credibility if the prisoners didn't curse it would just be silly sure it's gratuitous language but that is realistic br br the show is good some of the viewers not so much i guess | 0positive
lights of new york was the first all talking feature film there had been of course the jazz singer released in as the first feature film dialog however this film released in july is virtually for its place in film history it had started out as a short but gradually more was tacked on until in at minutes it accidentally became the first all talking feature film it opened to a house run and to warner bros surprise made over a million dollars that was good money back in br br the plot is quite simple two country buy into a shop on broadway that as a speak easy for the a gangster when they learn the truth they can't afford to get out because the younger eddie has all of his mother's money tied up in the place kitty is the younger girlfriend and gangster has an eye for turning in his older girlfriend for a newer model chorus girl kitty a cop is killed while trying to stop the men from a of and the sees it as an opportunity to frame eddie thus getting kitty for himself br br this early is loads of fun for the of these works sure the plot is and the dialog stilted but there is something you don't see much of in early background musical had originally been used for this very purpose and here they are still using it for musical along with the dialog and there are singing and dancing numbers the scenes in nightclub are used as an opportunity to show off what films could never do before musical numbers there is even a wild eyed with some heavy makeup left over from the silent era that is a hoot to watch br br could not go at this point due to the static camera so the scene in the park between the two lovers eddie and kitty is and cheaply the looks like something out of an ed wood movie or perhaps a high school production of our town br br as the girlfriend delivers her lines with punch she's a real considering what lines she has to deliver to the so you think you can have any chicken you want and throw me back in the deck huh mixed anyone and then there are her final lines i've lived and i've loved and i've lost did someone get paid to write this dialog was making a good success of her career after some in silent films the evil sister in seventh heaven when a fatal car accident cut her career short br br then there is eugene palette the older of the two in our story his frog voice natural delivery of lines and appearance gave him a long career as a character actor usually appearing as a put upon family man businessman with a gruff exterior and heart of gold in fact mr palette is the only member of this cast who still has a notable career in films just three years after this movie is released br br finally there is the question of where is that hidden were still at this point and it's fun to figure out where they've hidden it there is one famous scene though where everybody can pretty much figure it out is in his office talking to his two henchman who seem to comprehend as slowly as they talk about taking eddie for a ride if you watch this scene you'd swear the phone on the desk is a character in this film it's front and center during the whole conversation the is likely planted in the phone br br there is something heroic about these flying blind in the face of the new technology of sound you have silent actors who are to using for expression who know how to play to a live audience but don't know how to make the same impression on a camera booth and you have dialog writers either trying to write conversation as as they did title cards or filling up films with endless br br check this one out it is not boring moves fast and is loads of fun if you know what to look for and no i don't expect this one to ever be out on ray but i hope that the folks at warner brothers add it to the warner archive soon so everyone can see it | 0positive
this is the worst hindi film i have ever seen it to all the stereotypes of bad hindi films the plot is ridiculous the acting over the top and shah rukh manages to fit in a couple of song sequences even though he is playing the character of a dumb man | 1negative
it was a movie that made ya think a little some parts a little cheesy some parts pretty good plot did at times and just when you thought sandra found a friend the friend was fraud or dead all i got to say is that dennis miller should have been in the whole movie his character was the best very refreshing after all the crap went through he would have lifted me and through the | 0positive
i had never heard of dead man's bounty when i saw it at the dvd store a few weeks ago and i thought i had stumbled upon an gem since it had val kilmer in it in a truly unique role sadly it wasn't more than ten or fifteen minutes into the movie that i realized that this is a disaster of epic proportions the first clue you will see of how genuinely awful this movie is comes near the beginning when you have a bunch of in an old saloon laughing like a bunch of in a scene that goes on about five times too long it's unbelievable how bad it is and sadly it doesn't get any better br br val kilmer is featured on the movie's cover box maybe to trick you into thinking that he has a role in the film but unfortunately his bizarre role as a dead man is overlooked in favor of focusing on a bunch of half wit crooks and the most inept of a unique town sheriff that i've ever seen in a movie he's played by linda who is unable to or in covering his polish accent immediately making it impossible that the movie is meant to take place in the american old west br br does have this type of frontier past i don't know my knowledge of polish history is not my strong point but i can tell you this the sheriff as he is known in the movie is the worst representation of law that i can ever remember seeing in a movie he is introduced in a truly ridiculous scene where he is wearing some kind of and a of men take turns him in the face before they start hitting him he explains that they can each hit him once and then after the first round they will each hit him again and if he can identify who is throwing the punches they lose what the hell is this crap i am completely at a loss to explain why a scene like this would ever be put into any movie br br throughout the movie the sheriff continues to appear more and more beaten and and drunk and until ultimately he does nothing but show up occasionally stumbling on screen and the you see there is a lot of talk and for a hanging the details of which are as meaningless as the rest of the movie br br it takes place by the way in a town that consists of nothing more than two wooden buildings facing each other across a bit of dirt that is more of a path than a road my understanding is that it is a part of that is supposed to look enough like the american where none of the characters except maybe the dead guy could possibly have come from br br i have heard that val kilmer accepted the role because he was intrigued by his unique role and also by director minimal use of dialogue in favor of a on cleverly timed of images in unique visual montages br br yeah whatever br br seems to me that was unable to overcome what must have been the truly satisfying feeling that he must have gotten when he was offered the role personally i would really feel that i had reached quite some level of success if someone approached me and offered me probably a few hundred thousand dollars to come and lay still for a while i like to think that he didn't even read the script for this mess because if he did i am at a total loss to understand why he accepted the role br br at any rate the movie opens with a man bringing in the corpse of a man played by kilmer seeking the reward soon he finds himself in a ludicrous love story involving the town prostitute the alcoholic sheriff and lots of mayhem involving a series of stupid stupid characters br br there is also a extensive and preposterous lack of understanding of american in one scene a man cuts a in half and the into eyes for what reason i can't imagine and then later a man makes a short speech over corpse in which he explains that he was one of the finest men we ever had and then he proceeds to his head off with a what the hell br br not convinced yet here are some more reasons not to watch it in one scene the sheriff appears to be covered with ash except for the perfectly clean areas around his eyes and what can only possibly be described as bright red a man gets a head wound that his head and body in blood in a he it with smart near the end the sheriff appears to have a broken arm sitting at the bar he puts a rope around his neck and it to his injured arm and uses his good arm to pull on the rope his shaking beer glass in his bad arm to his mouth rather than using his good arm to drink also smart br br why doesn't he just use his good arm i have no idea that like everything else in the movie makes no sense whatsoever like the title summer love are you kidding me avoid this mess at all costs br br in the meantime here's something for the imdb goofs page br br errors made by characters possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers this movie got made ha | 1negative
spoiler spoilers spoilers i found the film amusing it was weird and i enjoy it i laughed a lot so the bottom line is that i recommend the film however i have problems with what wanted to say the plot is very simple betty a hard life house wife watch her husband being murdered and while having forgotten everything she had seen she follow her true love for a soap series character dr david greg kinnear simple enough but not enough to hold a 95 minutes film and here comes the big question what is the film all about the reference to the wizard of oz is obvious betty and dorothy are both from kansas however while dorothy come at the end of that film to the conclusion that there is no place like home betty doesn't come to any conclusion and by the end of the film we are left wonder what has she learned from her experience and the answer is simply nothing it seems not to affect her at all br br than is the film about the different between reality and fantasy could be but the scenes that are dealing with this subject are short and serve no more than a joke and not as a serious plot line that can take the film to other places and by the way the truman show dealt with this subject in a much better way br br the film could be about obsession betty is obsessed with the soap series and charlie morgan freeman is obsessed with betty show two sides of obsession and he seems to forget that obsession in any form is dangerous and should be condemned he seems to have sympathy to obsession because he sees it as a harmless one br br all a long the film we have scenes that in itself could have been a subject for a whole film but are left for us to think about without that they will have impact on the characters br br the ending is simply a make up that has nothing to do with what we saw before it's a shame because the film could have been if he would have concentrate in one or two subjects as it is it's about a lot but actually say nothing br br what we are left with is the feeling that we have seen a little film amusing and weird that could have been much much more | 0positive
even before this film it is clear to see that ali g has become the exact character he set out to parody i am not a fan of baron character anyway but was curious to see how a man of so little talent was able to convince universal studios to a near 1 and a half hour feature film out of a 3 minute joke br br a paper thin plot is just a of penis and marijuana jokes and i must admit i did cringe when i saw such respected as charles dance and michael so low for saying that i must admit even if i am quite ashamed to that i did raise a on more than one occasion and however bad this film was it was never boring and never once did i consider switching it off mainly due to the gorgeous saying that only watch this film if you are a teenage aged between 14 to 17 and you find dick jokes hilarious | 1negative
i saw this on cable someone had to lose their job for this one for air just because a movie is made does not mean it has to be shown savage instinct should be shown in all film classes it is the perfect for how to not make a movie the editing alone is so you'll think it was assembled by a team of trained poorly monkeys traveling across canyon road in the back of a and drunk the audio is often not acting i can't call anything i saw here acting hmmm can't call it that either failing that works all that being said it is hilarious i cannot stress enough that there is not one factor in this film other than the hilarity derived from it's own incredible fun in a strictly sort of way watch it if you dare | 1negative
i really liked this movie i watched it last night on the public system the part i liked about it was the fact that they dealt with issues of today not in the future or the past they basically had some terrorists take a van or two and rent them out to be car bombs i think what the movie could have showed was people in different countries at the same time it did show the fact that england or any other country isn't prepared for an attack on the that they showed i have never heard of any of the actors or actresses in the movie so i can't really say if they are normally their parts after the movie they had this of experts talking about if something like that could happen here in the u s it was a thought provoking discussion | 0positive
what can i say i couldn't sleep and i came across this movie on mtv i started watching it with every intention of changing the channel if it started to get lame as so many anti drug movies do but i got sucked into this movie and i couldn't stop watching nick did an amazing job with his character and in my opinion he really made the movie something worth watching i was interested in the soundtrack to the movie or even the movie itself and mtv com was no help at all but believe it or not amazon com is taking pre orders for the august release of the movie on dvd i know i had a hard time tracking it down and i'm sure other people might have had the same problem i'm buying my own copy so i can over nick while my eyes out at the same time thanks to the emotional storyline | 0positive
this movie was made only 48 years after the end of the civil war most likely in anticipation of the of the end of the war in the film there are of battles and the people of the era that look rather impressive and realistic it also provides a different and more balanced view than just its contemporary birth of a nation a absurd and racist film because of this this short film would be excellent for use in the to discuss the war and tell the story of a very young man that runs away to as a drummer the boy makes good and is a hero though the film ends rather a definite convention of the day not a great film but a decent plot decent acting and little of the over the top acting you often saw in other films of the day br br one annoying aspect of this film was the too frequent use of title cards to describe or set the stage for stuff that was really obvious it got annoying from time to time | 0positive
is less funny and less interesting than any episode of where is their bob denver do they even have a a french man moves to to attend classes he moves in with some other students who are no more interesting than himself and they do and say uninteresting things this movie is unbelievably bland the only bright spot was a pretty french girl who played a lesbian she places her hands behind her head and reveals not the usual of dark hair but bare does not a good movie make was funny so was la cage and le makes you wonder what is going wrong with french comedy | 1negative
is an excellent blend of music light comedy and drama with a picture perfect performance by peter and and romantic supporting performance by clark is able to show the shy teacher that wishes so much to be loved by his students and is only able to express his love when he married clark she brings him the world what a lot of flowers and he is forever changed he becomes the beloved of through tragedy but knows he could only have achieved his goal through love the songs with the exception of the music hall number are all thought songs coming from character's emotions and thoughts and the more you listen to them the more beautiful they become walk through the world with me and you and i finest moment is the final speech he gives to the students it was the reason for the oscar nomination as a teacher we question what book learning ever gets through but as says we did teach them how to behave with each other and that is what really counts beautifully filmed perfectly by john williams and one of the most moving films about love and how it can change you did i fill the world with love the boys sing their school song by the end realizes he was able to do it but only cause catherine was there | 0positive
people please don't bother to watch this movie this movie is bad it's totally waste of time i don't see any point here it's a stupid film with lousy plot and the acting is poor i rather get myself beaten than watch this movie ever again | 1negative
if one were to return to the dawn of the talking picture one would a bright future for harold lloyd unlike his he was comedic actor trained on the legitimate stage not a performed raised in the of the music hall or vaudeville circuit he had a good voice which matched his image moreover from on his silent films had sequences based on sound gags lost on the audience e g the bell sequence at the fall from the and the monkey sequence in the kid brother yet sound features consistently failed at the box office once the novelty of welcome danger had lloyd blamed his fall on many sources but never realized that the glass character's enemy was not sound but the great depression pre depression audiences with optimism may have for this ambitious go in whom they saw their surrogate depression audiences him as the person likely to on their and throw them in the this problem of character choice is perception as an glad sincerity of course is a but it is that lloyd despite his own tragic upbringing could never play a convincing down and outer perhaps this is because he feared returning to that state the fails for these reasons but it alone suffers from the revelation of pro fascist agenda many film believe that lloyd was to make this film because he saw the of as a bent on the rich and soft on crime we should remember that he was not alone in this feeling demille had directed this day and age a pro police state drama the previous year we should also remember that america was by tax and continues to be motivated by those who want something without paying for it suffered because it treated lightly in a comedy and because its release was particularly ill timed given the events in germany in that year the production code of 1934 would ultimately the of vigilante justice and the rule of law as it might be the ideal of the the good all powerful leader who brings about a once freed of the and on this dates to classical for this reason fear laughter even though it acts as a safety ironically the mere existence of a film which the experience of the country of its origin shows that america was secure enough to accept criticism one sees no parallel criticism in hitler's germany or italy but can one laugh at the humor of film is to the right and might have been written by dr himself if he'd had a sense of humor of course it an alternative history in which a chosen one order and lost honor by any means necessary and does so with good nature and fun impending approached by the left is of course the great dictator this latter film has the benefit of being set in another country and based on a actual persona and events the great dictator produces few laughs today because it under the extent of human evil but it succeeds despite its and inappropriate because it has the distinct advantage of being by history lloyd however should be credited for two things first he neither made any further pro fascist films nor produced any subsequently pro allied films during the war second he never sold to television the post 1945 world had seen the face of and it wasn't amusing | 1negative
the distribution was good the subject could have been and comic whereas he described the wandering of an old non credible communist looking for loving instead of this the atmosphere is nor lively nor heavy | 1negative
i work at hospital and was also working at texas children's hospital women's hospital and west during allison first the shots of the hospital are sadly suburban the texas medical center has a daytime population similar to wall street there are huge professional buildings and was the largest children's hospital before it in size twice with its is one of the largest hospital in world the texas medical center is bigger than that of yet the best hollywood could are that of some hospital in the middle of nowhere besides the real of the hospital taken decades ago also they combined several real life characters and portrayed them all in one super nurse i actually know the medical s working in the blood bank two where actually working at the time but the movie shows only one pregnant there was a pregnant and another that took the precious patient research for more info i will not mention their names there was no nurse in the real life lab scene hollywood combined these two most likely to save time and money in the movie military true had to transfer the our babies and to all the way to why you may ask when we have the largest children's hospital just down the street because texas children's hospital refused to take them you read right they refused being employed by them i was ashamed needless to say i'm no longer with that facility any other comments would be repetitive to the ones already posted by the people that who actually live here or lived through the experience | 1negative
please be aware that this film has nothing to do with the radio city music hall as an re the music hall i know what is and what is not associated with the new york the film's theodore is just the music hall no are in the film only wonderful ice plus superb actors and fun just thought you would like to know truly a wonderful film you will never guess who the is while watching this film till the very end what a superb plot and beautiful ice one never sees that kind of performances any more the theater and the center theatres in new york city had ice performances on stage | 0positive
i really enjoy this movie the first time it was on turner classic movies all the actors did very well but steals the show again like always he is so sexy this is one of the movie that you do see emotions actually this movie this is the first i ever seen him laugh because he plays very strong larger than life and serious roles in other movies in this movie you see both a tough and sensitive side of seems to be a in this movie that is amazing how eats the glass cup and speaks in his russian tongue it drives me crazy in love i don't understand when both and kerr they both have very good chemistry stars in a movie together and then always die at the end it kind of reminds you the king and i in a way | 0positive
as muppet movies go this is easily and clearly the best it features loads of cameos by big named comedic stars of the age a solid script and some great songs and them together in a of the best display of talent the story is basic and the jokes are many in order to both the adults and the kids to which this was without exposing them to their parents may not find br br this is simply fun but it is also a well made well written beautifully endearing classic br br it rates an 8 9 10 from br br the fiend | 0positive
dr is a mad scientist who is trying to find a cure for a cause of when he a piano concert he is stricken by the beautiful daughter of the and sets out to woo her but when she wants nothing to do with him he her father with the virus in an attempt to money and his daughter in exchange for a cure br br that is the basic premise for this b grade low budget thriller i have to say i was by this movie not that it was terrible it wasn't but there was nothing particularly noteworthy about it either it was entertaining enough for a viewing but is not one that will stay in my memory br br the dialog is a bit corny at times and the acting is just mediocre the story is fairly predictable and doesn't really give us anything new of course i can't complain too much about a movie that has a guy in a gorilla suit who serves almost no real purpose and a doctor with a like stare that fails to his victims br br it may be worth a watch if you like this sort of movie but don't go into it with too many expectations | 1negative
there's not really that much wrong with crash of the basically it's a few episodes of rocky jones space ranger into a film it is extremely dated however treatment of is a good example of this one has to remember that it was to be shown to children in the 1950's in this respect it succeeds if you like children's sci fi from the 1950's go ahead and take a look at it you'll see john in a pre sgt role he does a pretty good job in it all in all i'd give it a 6 out of 10 not great but not bad | 1negative
mark played and hyde br br michael was the dad br br tim was the plastic surgeon br br did you even see this movie i doubt it br br was fairly popular at this time for playing the popping doctor on has been funny in anything he does from movies to series to stand up comedy if i ever find this movie on dvd i will definitely buy it i recorded this movie off of hbo back in and have pretty much worn out the tape one of the funniest takes on the hyde theme ever br br of course with all the cocaine references in this movie it'd be as being way too politically incorrect today as would cheech and chong too bad because it is funny funny funny | 0positive
i was only when renting all the boys love mandy lane as i instantly remembered hearing reading a wide variety of opinions both positive and negative in the short period of time between its brief cinematic release and the distribution towards shelves supposedly this was the most ingenious and refreshing new horror film in years with non stereotypical teen characters and unpredictable plot twists for a change okay the basic concept may perhaps sound reasonably innovative but inevitably the screenplay quickly to the same old and irritating slasher clichés and once passed that point even the nifty can't save the film from dreadful mediocrity the opening sequences are indeed terrific and literally bath in a ambiance which actually makes it all the more painful to witness the film sink towards the ordinary level of slasher flick after the sublime intro a drunk macho kid his jump off a in order to impress the titular beauty all the boys love mandy lane turns out to be just another and uninspired horror movie about a bunch of idiotic kids getting stoned and horny on a secluded ranch before getting killed off by a not so maniac the film's entire pretentious set up faster than a house of cards we never get a proper explanation why mandy herself behaves so and towards all her because she grew up an orphan perhaps oh boo the boys soon enough illustrate they'd settle for sex with any random bimbo and not exclusively with the divine mandy and the final twist albeit undeniably offbeat is just plain senseless the middle section of is rather boring and doesn't even offer any genuinely horrific excitement shotgun killings please or authentic sleaze my generous rating 4 out of 10 entirely goes to the grainy and unsettling 70's filming style with faded colors bizarre but beautiful and the surprisingly marvelous soundtrack director jonathan for the classic bobby song sealed with a kiss to play during the trailer and end credits whereas i initially was convinced the film would inevitably feature barry cheesy love song mandy | 1negative
i saw this movie in the early 70's when i was about 10 old on tv it was on after school and as i watched i was so drawn into the whole idea of the two going on a mission to another planet that i asked my mom if i could get the out she let me so i wrapped the of the around the channel so the was hanging in front of the this movie is the first one i ever paid enough attention to and cared enough about to record just the audio there were no at the time the plot will have you hanging onto every word every minute of this film the ending will blow your mind after watching the journey to the far side of the sun you will have flash backs in your mind about it for a long time i did replay the audio recording for many years and saw it over and over in my mind then maybe 15 years later when were common and they sold tapes in stores i always looked for it but never found it but when the internet came along one day i searched for it and purchased it in a second so after about 30 years after seeing it for the first time i got to see it again wow it was spectacular just for reference i must have watched it 50 times since | 0positive
a superman cartoon br br when america its new the an elite force of japanese spies strikes stealing the with girl reporter lois lane aboard and the destination either tokyo or destruction it's time for superman to get involved br br this was another in the series of excellent cartoons initially created by max for paramount studio they feature great animation and taut fast moving plots meant to be shown in movie theaters they are miles ahead of their saturday morning counterparts bud is the voice of superman joan alexander does the for lois lane | 0positive
yes said title line does actually appear in this movie why i'm not sure when the line was actually being said didn't somebody in the crew filming at some point laugh i would have liked to see the from this movie mostly because i think they would be more entertaining than the movie itself br br by director jim i know what you did last summer comes a teen slasher movie that seems to assume we haven't ever seen a teen slasher movie before of course he's not to be given all the blame there are also three writers responsible and this is somehow based on a video game that's still in production the title of said game is but upon looking for information on it i came up with absolutely nothing br br and so we begin the movie i would like to say before i continue that i wasn't expecting this to win an oscar when i am in the right mindset i enjoy a fun horror movie to pass the time i think there exists an opportunity for an effective original and smart slasher movie is not this movie br br there is almost no character development at all that's fine you don't expect a whole lot however instead of a well cast of a few this movie decides to introduce us to the following many horror movie cliché characters br br 1 the final girl she has just broken up for her boyfriend this means that at some point in the movie when they are in peril they will decide to get back together again which more than likely means he will die and she will be the last remaining survivor of the movie is played by without much enthusiasm i might add br br 2 the boyfriend he's just around to co exist with the final girl until his demise sure he can save her but he's doomed and we know it eric is played by jonathan jackson br br 3 the usually horror movies only feel the need for one of these but here we have two they they steal they might show their breasts not in this case or they might possibly be a of the genre they also wander around in lit areas all on their usually saying things like hello is there anybody there and patty suitably named are played by phillips and br br 4 the jackass sure he looks pretty but he's the idiot in the movie that's inserted purely to be an idiot he says stupid things does stupid things has obviously never seen a horror movie and is one of enjoyable kills you watch this kind of thing for sean is played by d j br br 5 the girlfriend she loves the jackass even though pretty much nobody else does and she's usually the one left alive for a while so she can scream and cry until she starts and gets left behind rachel is played by laura br br 6 the creepy janitor in this case the creepy gas station attendant enough said ray is played by rick br br i could continue but i think you get the picture the remaining characters aren't so much common as they are equally there's the gay guy as ricky who definitely got robbed as far as screen time is concerned and the one who knows what's going on of course none of that matters because at first everyone always thinks that one's crazy is played by good br br there are a couple other characters namely a deputy played by method man but he and others are killed off pretty quickly and get even less character development than the following clichés br br so you're probably thinking why does this movie require such a deep analysis it's just a summer horror flick for out loud based on that question does it deliver the goods yes and no the acting isn't particularly convincing even given the amount of talent involved phillips was for her performance in larry bully and has been an up and coming talent for a while now br br so what about the gore there's some that's really about it a lot of the bits are cut namely a scene involving face and a used to remove paint from cars br br to the credit there are a couple interesting scenes i liked the bit where part of a house was literally ripped off so that the villain could get to the characters br br if this had all been centered around a smarter screenplay in which the characters didn't make the same dumb mistakes literally hundreds of horror movie characters had made before them it might have made for a more enjoyable experience all of the most interesting characters are immediately killed off in the first third of the movie and then it just becomes a not particularly interesting until we know it's just the creepy janitor and the final girl br br i suppose i must be a little jaded but as a horror film fan i'm left wondering why i should have bothered when i could easily have written a better screenplay myself i won't even mention the numerous instances of terrible cgi | 1negative
if anything william was an who wanted a piece of the action in regards to whatever was popular during the time i mean a flick in kentucky who would of it i can just imagine the enthusiasm he must've had getting pam quite a hot item to star in his picture if you are pretty familiar with the genre baby doesn't necessarily stray too far from formula despite a change of the film still deals with a ruthless businessman shark who in on companies using stooges to them in order to get their br br is a former cop working in chicago who returns home at the request of her father's partner brick austin assault on 13 father despite bullying tactics his man in town is pilot a wannabe gangster with stooges who aren't that menacing rather in nature so thin skinned they hire hit men outside of town to shoot up the building won't give up his company and this eventually costs him his life when a warning through the use of force leads to his being killed will get her revenge on all those responsible for his father's death in other words ass is grass can you dig it br br seeing with a is enough to sell this particular film the novelty of the setting being in is part of the package you even get to see a chase in with gangsters not necessarily the most polished kind one might be to seeing in a chicago or new york during this period in lots of blood from bullet bodies torn apart by gun fire and colorful characters such as a shark in dress named walker and pilot who is one of the least scary you are likely to see who show up during the film most having the misfortune of coming in contact with a very angry the plot itself is nothing special but is always worth watching and plenty of action sequences to keep his target audience entertained a modest success for and one of his more accomplished films | 0positive
Subsets and Splits