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what a refreshing change from the pg movies that have teen girls jumping in and out of bed young high school boys counting how many girls they can hook up with kids drinking doing drugs etc etc etc carl has written so many books that are enjoyable but hardly classic literature but he has finally written something that middle school kids want to read and this movie sends a message to kids that maybe they can make a difference that maybe their voices can be heard filmed in south florida the scenery is beautiful and natural and real who cares if its predictable and a little corny so was free willy and look how well that did this is a good family movie a rare breed
screenwriter steve effort following upon the wildly breaking away is a of clichés coincidence and melodrama perhaps he lived some of this if so i'm sorry to say he was inexplicably unable to any of it convincingly br br in fairness he's not helped much here by arthur penn a talented director who's done remarkable work in the past bonnie and clyde little big man but fails to any energy or into narrative br br the cast struggles as best they can but are with weak motivation and dialogue should be reserved particularly for craig whose performance the impending quick fade of his leading man career as well as the embarrassingly miscast as the film's extremely unlikely fatale ' br br it all seems longer than it is and any points made are heavy handed and obvious see arthur earlier take on the subject of the 60's the and restaurant it's everything this one isn't
the worst film i have seen in the last 12 months the plot of the story was uninteresting the movie ended when he became khan i always thought there happened something really interesting afterwards i knew that and all the areas where the movie played have beautiful landscapes but the movie didn't profit from that the jokes where really poor the narrator himself could have told a bit more about history traditions etc my co viewer knew nothing about that at all so he was a bit lost i was so looking forward to see this film but was really disappointed after all it was one out of 3 movies i have ever seen in cinema where i considered to leave before the end
this movie has some good performances as others have pointed out but suffers as others have pointed out except for the people who apparently are either friends of the filmmaker or the cast to otherwise explain why they would this a 10 from some self conscious and self absorbed film school padding and excess plots this is the type of plot that sex in the city could handle in a half hour episode so there was no reason for it to be even an minute movie a perfect example of wasted footage is the fast montage in the first third of the movie some of the back story is but too much time for example was spent on daria character with the sex boyfriend and on the back story for paulie who was not a realistic character although the actor did a decent job with the lines he was given br br the worst aspect of the movie was the level of amateurish parts from in the material to bad jumps and edits poor camera positions angles lighting problems throughout and most a poorly written script with a badly developed concept if the writer also the director and lead had with someone he might not have ended up with a 100 rotten score on rotten tomatoes which further the ability of anyone to truly believe the people who gave it a 10 on the rating system here
very enjoyable 50's western i have it in my collection and recommend it to western fans br br mostly victor movie and quite well done in my br br he's a who joins a frontier post as a red cloud caught three of them on their land and took their they all joined as after their loss br br victor has set his on the wife and lives life on the post without much regards to br br action done quite convincingly but no great depth or much feeling to other characters br br 50's westerns are my favorites and this easily to a satisfaction a western of this kind is in the pages of the past and perhaps never to be made much again one to enjoy gave it a 7 rating likely 6 8 worthy but films like these become more precious over time br br for film noir fans the big steal they live by night side street are most wonderful movies to be enjoyed bought and viewed noir seems to resemble westerns in a way some long ago and never forever
maybe our standards for movies have since born on the fourth of july full metal jacket and platoon this movie has a predictable plot bad writing bad acting bad directing bad special effects etc compared with other vietnam movies this one is completely unbelievable
this is a wonderful film as a film it gets an 8 out of 10 as a filmed piece of accurate history one wishes to be more loving but it is a 5 out of 10 and i think i am actually being very br br what was he like that man of horse and who was the youngest boy general in the union army of the american civil war and ended dying with all his command in the greatest military victory of the north american indian bloody handed ambitious clever too clever indian indian friend and national hero his death in was treated as a national tragedy and pushed him into a position of fame equal to washington lincoln jackson and grant lee and jackson it is only with a growing awareness of the mistakes made in his career the overly ambitious hot that his reputation yet to this day george armstrong remains the best figure in our military to lose his last battle i can't really think of a similar one maybe general jonathan forced to stay with his men on the death march but survived the march and the second world war br br has appeared in more films than far better due to the western adventures and little big horn pity that the details of the real career were never handled so lovingly as walsh and errol flynn handled them in this film but even in 1941 the legend was still potent olivia de portrayed who was recently pointed out in another film review on this thread survived george until 1933 so her effective handling of the story was still in place eight years later was seen as our but brave knight and with the shadow of world war ii closer we had to keep the myth and bury the truth john ford would have fully understood this and it br br so we get the view that he was a hot but he was patriotic although almost pushed out of west point by which was true was in the class of and it would have been really stupid to be about such a fighter that year you see most of the so called military talent from west point from robert e lee down was southern and joined the the union needed every northern point man they could find br br civil war career should be given closer study he was attached to the staff of general in chief george b and distinguished himself in the campaign and other eastern front but he was a and he would rise under the eyes of grant and buddy phil sheridan in the latter parts of the war in particular he served with dash and distinction at the battle of creek which ended the threat of the in the valley it also hit hard on a personal level his close west point friend stephen joined the and rose to a position like wounded sat with all through the last night alive br br following the war things fell apart he wanted to make his major permanent it wasn't as it was a battlefield promotion they only had a lt to give him in the army along the frontier he tried to play politics making the error of supporting president andrew johnson on a political trip in and finding most hated johnson as an inept idiot he supposedly admired the indians he certainly was in writing of them and the west but he caused a genuine military massacre in of indian women and children that ended with a court martial later during the he would support indian claims against a ring of politicians that went up to the secretary of war william who bought and sold indian for profit it ruined and left a black eye on the grant administration it put him into the with grant and who was former commander and sheridan barely saved his career then he was sent on the final big horn campaign and arrived br br that career is worth a real film but would it be too critical should we hold a man of the to the standards of 2007 would we like that done to us in a hundred years certainly it could happen but i'm not sure we'd like it br br 1941 style fit flynn like a with his giving the closest to a dance performance in any of his major films his final movie with olivia de is with a melancholy due to the fate of the hero's character in support actors like sidney stanley arthur kennedy and anthony quinn did very nicely as friends or even kennedy as an entertaining piece of myth making it remains high but as a study of a complex military hero it is not what it should be
this film is based on a true story the author of the novel bearing the same title had a brother who turned mentally ill i found this film very moving following the main character's path down into illness to see how he tries to cope with life after and how he makes friends at the mental institution it all is very convincing there are quite a few funny incidents also in the the title of it gives nothing away concerning the story you must watch it to understand and listen to the music which is and turning your heart and soul upside down and back as the film moves on a must see for everyone
i very well remember the bad press this film got because of the court order against moore using the name lone ranger or his black mask at personal appearances quite apart from any consideration of the film's quality this was the absolute height of arrogance and stupidity on the part of the producers and their and i suspect that the lesson was well learned after this film which was widely perceived as some sort of for the responsible for the court order against moore br br in more recent times it has become the when a legendary film or tv project to invite the original star or stars for cameo appearances and rightly so show some respect you idiots and even if they turn up their at the which has happened at least the offer was made this is proof positive that film producers studio executives and entertainment are not quite too stupid and arrogant to be taught by example
i'm a fan of good plausible action movies and i'm a huge fan of the elite military such as the navy finally i'm a huge fan of michael sadly none of those allowed me to really enjoy this movie at the time i gave it another chance more recently when i bought the dvd here's the problems with this movie in a quick list 1 it's a poor mans top gun for example including a virtual music video of the seal team playing golf with a soundtrack of the boys are back in town which concludes with charlie sheen doing an inane chase to get his car back br br 2 this is quite simply a charlie sheen movie when sheen was trying to be famous before he started doing stuff like hot shots reports i've heard indicate that sheen was a baby on the set and it affected the roles and direction the rest of the actors in the movie got br br 3 is the head of the seal team yet sheen seldom him any seal showing the lack of discipline that character does or who the team as he does wouldn't even have made it through training let alone gotten on a team br br 4 are cross trained on weapons yet in one part of the movie a seal has to figure out how to use a u s missile br br there are a few good scenes in the movie the assault entry at the beginning bill paxton as god and some of the footage in what was supposed to be at the time overall though this movie is a loser
every great romantic comedy needs conflict between the romantic leads to lend suspense anticipation and to the plot this story falls completely flat in this area there is no conflict at least none that would the eventual joining of the two lead characters and so suspense is flat there is no anticipation and there really is no at all br br the chemistry between richard gere and diane lane is representative of friendship at best and with the talent of these two particular actors i was quite surprised during the movie i expected them more to play a game of and chat about the weather than see any moving passion br br while i'm a fan of both actors i do believe that the casting in this movie was off or perhaps the direction was off base and it their the writing was very weak which also might have the performances most certainly the script could have used some help from some writers who have real experience putting the heat in romance br br this movie may be worth watching on a rainy sunday afternoon but only after it's on the cheap shelf br br sorry diane and richard gere
the simpsons of course started off with christmas special on an open fire which had basic drawings and not laugh out loud jokes but this episode has probably the first laugh out loud joke in it and from here the show just gets better and better this episode centers around bart who in this episode on a test from martin and gets into a school for the highly gifted this leading to bart his friendship with his dad and losing all of his mates the episode is very humorous and shows what was to become the greatest show ever to come out overall fans of the show will love this episode as it features the character's exactly as they became 20 years later so watch this episode in a pack of season 1 and enjoy early doing what it was meant to making people laugh i rate this episode 73
this film marked the end of the serious universal monsters era and meet up with the monsters later in and meet it was a somewhat yet fun attempt to revive the classic monsters of the wolf man monster and dracula one last time br br i say because in the previous film house of frankenstein both dracula and the wolf man are killed according to how the vampire and werewolf legends say they should be dracula by the and the wolf man by a silver bullet yet somehow they return in house of dracula with no explanation this movie could have played as a kind of prequel to house of frankenstein if the frankenstein monster plot wouldn't be continuing into house of dracula from house of frankenstein and if the wolf man didn't get then be no plot holes but since this is not the case the plots of dracula and the wolf man make no sense br br however ignoring these plot holes house of dracula is a classic atmospheric horror film that's fun to watch it has many high points especially seeing the wolf man get i know i just said that this shouldn't have been included but it was nice to actually see him get after all this time and the scene with the lady playing on the piano then all of a sudden playing a haunting melody when under spell was very eerie dr transformation into the dr mr hyde type character was also done very well br br and it's great to see dracula frankenstein and the wolf man together one last time br br out of
the movie is about a futuristic video game on a system that is almost like virtual reality the only copy of the video game is damaged when an assassination attempt is made on the designer jennifer jason leigh unless it can be the many years and million dollars spent on the development will all go to waste the only way to the game however is to actually go in the game with the only person she feels she can trust jude law this movie was pretty good but doesn't really pick up until very late in the film the best thing about this film were the twists toward the end definitely worth seeing 7 10
at first i thought that this one was supposed to be somewhat of a comedy horror when i had seen the body in the with the lady just standing there screaming over and over again but as the film on it got more and more flat the plot was silly with a man upset that the of real estate have gone up so now he to call up some radio and out his fury because he has nothing better to do then the law gets involved and tries to make us feel that they really care who the is and go out of their way to track this guy down one suspect after another are accused this movie is terrible and the slow moving love scenes of adrian b and her husband are boring and made me just fast forward the movie avoid it
i have loved the book a little princess for most of my life and was very excited that there was a movie but i was appalled at this adaptation not only is the acting wooden and the plot a convoluted mash of various incidents in the book but the theme is all wrong the real theme of the story should be that a girl can be a princess only when she behaves like one as sara does when she gives 5 of her 6 to a child even when she herself is very hungry the theme of the movie seems to be that all girls are which actions considerably and seems more like it should be written on a hallmark card than applied to this story br br there are many other things wrong with this movie too many to list but here are just a few of the larger ones this story should be set in in the mid not america during the first world war miss is harsh to sara from the start making her actions when sara is left much less startling than they would be if she was sweet at the beginning as she is supposed to be nowhere is it mentioned that is black father does not come back he is dead it is his closest friend and in the diamond mines who finds sara and her to her proper place in fact the diamond mines are not even mentioned at all though they are the source of wealth br br all through everything that sara has faced she always acts like a princess giving what she can and those who hurt her she would never have called a two faced bully such a thing is completely out of character for her and the entire philosophy that she is to be well no matter what br br this is by far the worst adaptation of a book to the screen that i have ever seen with the notable exceptions of ella enchanted and anne of green the continuing story the plot of the book is wonderful and written so i do not understand why the director felt that it needed to be changed to make it interesting i would suggest that anyone wishing to know this story should watch the 1987 version which is far superior or better still read the book it will be more worth your time than the hour and a half wasted on this version on the movie
this is a thoughtful film that lays bare the of the so called upper class and those who work for them the and have robert shaw does a job in his role as the correct steven who helps lady franklin sarah miles overcome her mental depression at the outset however steven has many mixed feelings regarding this lady of the upper class he inevitably falls in love with her which of course is the societal boundaries that separate them br br i have not read anything prior to this and only judge the movie as i have seen it i consider it a very honest story about the realities of daily living and the conflict of what we might wish or expect from life and what we get it's a fine drama worth seeing again
i was rather appalled to see the low rating this movie received here personally considering it fun family fare it revolves around a young teenager sandy who is sent by his mom to key to spend the summer with his uncle porter while there he befriends a named lots of adventures ensue amid the predictable nephew uncle bonding as well as a little romance for sandy with a local girl br br i'm a great crocodile fan myself so absolutely loved paul hogan in his role as and comical uncle porter for starters he keeps an endless stock of spaghetti in his house to serve as his usual meal with a wood from the lord of the rings appeared quite competent playing the young sandy a boy at first none too fond of his forced summer vacation locale br br of course the is magnificent and there are some wonderful underwater scenes set in the florida keys it was apparently filmed in the this adaptation of makes great family entertainment a sweet sentimental and fun movie that is infinitely superior to many of the cinematic offerings for youngsters nowadays
this was a get up and go horror movie with an intelligent cast and a director with great vision to really capture the mood of the story i highly recommend this movie
touching bollywood epic melodrama about a 10 year old girl who finds out that she's adopted and is determined to find her birth mother the film's major success is the performance of p s who plays the girl the first half of the film is very good there are a few really good songs too especially the number that introduces the protagonist unfortunately the film's second half which takes place in war torn feels like an entirely different and disappointing movie it's big on explosions and special effects with soldiers and rebels running from and being by stunt all the film can offer as insight are cheap like some day there must come peace and perhaps the children will find a way the final sequence where the daughter and mother are reunited is good but so over the top with the music and a well timed that it feels like a cheat i know i know it's all in the style of bollywood but this is a story where big moments simply detract from the simple powerful central story bollywood could certainly use a little restraint at times too
like another ticket i saw a nice cute poster about this film it's five star review and awards won thought what the heck let's by a ticket for myself and my two sons bad idea the movie was not a family film it was gratuitous and it contained nothing worth watching
after 15 minutes watching the movie i was asking myself what to do leave the theater sleep or try to keep watching the movie to see if there was anything worth i finally watched the movie what a waste of time maybe i am not a 5 years old kid anymore
i was surprised once more my darling had not generated enough votes at this writing for a user rating it's a comedy i have enjoyed many times over the years robert mission places him in some very improbable situations and he's just the man for the job he maintains his trademark look throughout the film and hysterically too ann plays his eccentric who assumes a relationship that does not exist her character is enough to warrant the killer but remains cute and br br among the of b movies from the late 1940's and 1950's once more my darling is a standout this one is worth looking for
truly script and i was very disappointed with marc singer for to be in it br br i actually walked out of the theater about 15 20 minutes into it and my money back i have actually walked out of a movie only 3 times in my life i am years old and this is the only one that made me mad enough to demand my ticket price back if i could have i would have gotten a on the popcorn too this was a truly lousy movie and there is no excuse br br for one thing how does someone who was raised as a pre tech barbarian learn to drive a car in california driving a car is a somewhat skill and in california even i should know i live there
the cast of all that returns for good humor in the good a place similar to an old fashioned fast food restaurant the comedy is terrific the fun is non stop and though cliché is a for kid and family comedy br br a movie for all ages this movie is meant to enjoy laugh and pretty much a lazy movie for a rainy day as that's what i'd save this movie for a rainy day usa aired it today and since i know that the cast of all that is in it i thought that it might be a bit of a chuckle but in good fun as thompson and mitchell probably one of the best young of that time were terrific together the pieces came together and everything worked out and it made it into good family fun together with some lazy day work to get off the bad day br br may i take your order
ok this is one strange film fans of ed wood jr will appreciate the inventive techniques director george barry like stock footage and cheesy voice overs he can make a crack in the wall into a plot device there is more humor than horror here but i found it an uneven blend you will be laughing and crying and probably wondering why you got your hands on this barry explains in the introduction that filming began on this movie in 1972 and was completed in 1977 at a cost of 10 000 that's months and 9 too much if you like your cheese on the campy side with vintage '70s gore you might find this an irresistible and freaky
thus starts one crazy summer the evil twin of better off dead how can any movie be bad when the opening lines are sung by david lee roth br br this movie is a total blast pairing again john cusack with curtis armstrong but this time adding to the mix has great funny results the nerve of everyone around curtis is the son of a deranged military with and moore with natural breasts wow as the love interest of once again depressed cusack br br the story is well simple enough the laughs are there but both savage steve holland films have a certain quality to them they are funny but they are also sweet the scene where curtis finds a blown up doll in the target practice beach and begins about how a little girl won't be able to sleep was dumb funny and touching the animation used throughout is quite surreal the boat is hysterical complete with u and doll overall a fun film though not as good as better off dead
i am giving this movie vampire a 2 rating mainly because it had no sex or nudity other than that i am not sure why it was ever made it was more like a training exercise in how to make a movie with a very limited budget the characters derek and were the best actors they were followed closely by the biker dude with the pants and silver belt he was ok too most of the movie was filmed in some kind of distribution warehouse if you got tired of watching the kung fu kick boxing stunts you can check out the of scott and other cleaning products you will have a lot of time to do this trust me i almost started to make a list the dialogue and kung fu stunts were extremely slow they talked slow fought slow etc i don't know why at least with the extra slow delivery of the actors lines you could hear everything very distinctly i am trying hard to find good stuff to say about this movie we watched it all the way to the end to see if got any better but it didn't we never could decide if the actors really knew martial arts or were just acting like they knew martial arts you can watch yourself and decide my favorite line was something like vampire speaking what are you looking at other man your bad dental work
i gave this 9 stars out of a possible 10 if it had had just a bit more plot line i would have given it 10 br br nonetheless it is a highly interesting film br br playing a likable old should have been given the oscar for her performance br br emily grace portraying alice whom i had never seen before also does an excellent job and has the body i think i've ever seen on film br br in a beat to heck old car alice has lit out from the n e for florida where she has a friend or maybe it's her sister i'm not sure and that's my fault not the film's and high hopes of going to college which she and her family can't really afford br br she seems rather vulnerable out there on the road alone and sure enough she encounters some slightly rough looking characters and shortly after that it's discovered there's a hole in one of her br br she is at a rest stop at the time and is by a woman named sandra and her husband bill an older couple who are traveling in an br br they're going south to florida and take her under their wing but is everyone quite the way they're presenting themselves flashbacks and paranoia enter the story as our young heroine learns some new lessons about life
while the date doctor concept is the one thing that saves this film from being an otherwise average romantic comedy with a standard plot for the genre i found it enjoyable enough to elevate my opinion of it so i ended up liking it a lot more than if it'd had just a mediocre plot without many twists will smith does a great job as always acting as the man who his life to men how and how not to win over women ever since his failed attempt to keep his college girlfriend plenty of laughs as he tries to help his latest patient overweight albert kevin james successfully court beautiful co worker cole also when he decides to rid a woman he meets in a bar of the turkey who just doesn't seem to get she doesn't want him around he finds himself attracted to sara eva it appears to be a big deal for him so i guess since college he never actually his own rules on himself unfortunately sara is a who is interested in the date doctor who got a seemingly guy like albert together with especially after player jerk vance jeffrey breaks her best friend's julie ann heart and hints the date doctor he saw disgusted him when she doesn't realize that he refused to see him still trouble follows and is stuck left wondering about what to do with his own relationship while not being any great help to albert when he tries to figure out what more to do in his the acting is good there's a great deal of humor and some other fine points with meaning character is witty and wise sometimes managing to be both at once true the where the woman is at something the man hasn't truly done why do they always show that as common and irritating guess it wouldn't have been if it was the 1st not time i've seen it but the rest of them were completely new i only wish this movie was longer i remember being able to watch 3 5 of it while it was playing on a tv once but i still it's definitely worth the money to pay for its
movies like this give independent films a bad name this simply a boring of with no structure whatsoever i wouldn't be surprised if the screenwriter was completely stoned if you want to see a good comedy watch half baked it's no award winner but at least it made me laugh the film was obviously made on a budget every scene either takes place in someone's house someone's apartment or some location if the writing was good and the dialogue was interesting i would've ignored the film's budget like in the case of edward films but obviously that's not the case this time around br br i quote robert deniro from a tale when i say there's nothing in the world worse than wasted talent everybody in the cast is talented luke wilson alicia murphy jeremy all talented performers and they all have been in much better movies the actors give it their all but they couldn't go too far with such a lame script the only scene i found interesting was jack cameo where he sings a song about being in the woods and of course there was the brief strip club scene at the beginning which i also found appealing br br the characters are uninteresting and the story barely exists many movies are awful but at least you understand their intentions what was intention the world will never know br br my score 2 out of 10
ok let me start off by saying this isn't a horrible movie by any means it's just not good i recall one poster saying the acting isn't campy it's just nuanced no i've seen nuanced japanese and asian acting i'm sorry you're wrong this is camp br br the characters are totally unsympathetic the deaths are totally random and utterly meaningless the writing is bad i'm fine with disbelief i'm fine with not having everything handed to me in terms of plot but this movie has no plot one reviewer stated this movie is set in a small town where people are going nuts over and that's not a that's the entire freaking film i've just saved you nearly an hour and a half there is nothing more to it no character development no plot development no explanations no resolution and not even the acceptable within the realm of j horror lack of resolution just nothing br br in addition the musical score is done by someone who obviously wasn't actually watching the movie at the time because it's random enough to cause is one thing and done well it can be brilliant see dark water but here it just seems as if the score was designed to go with another movie all together br br the best example i can give is it's as if the japanese remade evil dead without any of the clever bits or good acting it just falls flat it's j horror without the horror
i really didn't see this one coming roy had me out i am the perfect sucker for a static camera long live king and i was laughing hysterically for the first fifteen minutes of the film he hit me straight between the eyes you have to be a brilliant man to make self pity hilarious reminds me of the third mate on the in dick a man who took the whole of life to be a practical joke that the good lord himself is playing on us and the web of in this movie is truly hilarious br br the level of satire is at fever pitch you have one self on about the cruelty of the world and then totally ignore a spiritual self reflection crying out in agony the very depths of are i really never thought it possible to go further than the silence in this respect however the of the self love and self regard by every single character in this film is we are shown an existence where the talentless and the against a world they believe has been towards them they truly are legends in their own living rooms the human beings in this film make self deception and self a great br br only one woman in the film appears to have any sort of understanding of what is going on an old woman who refuses to leave a down praying for the forgiveness of all mankind her speech is the most of the modern world i have ever heard she reveals through her that what is wrong with the world is not to be fixed by mere there are not a just a few faults there is an of corruption that can only be by and judgement day watching this movie puts me in the mind of a naked monk stood deep in a cold river at midnight screaming out a thousand for the sins of humanity another grand is that it is clear that her are and in fact she is stopping everyone going home at closing time br br this is not a film for the smug no one is no are left on the no one group of humans is to the glory of another group never has there been a greater more more astonishingly beautiful of our sins it is a film for the end of the world it is the grand the great hideous practical joke of human life br br from the of images it is too difficult to pick a favourite i slapped my and almost fell off my chair in the cinema screaming with laughter as a man attempted to pull the from under a set service i won't spoil what happens but the suspense builds up and something truly unexpected occurs it is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen in a cinema i am quite reserved and i just couldn't control myself that is the measure of the greatness of this film br br the shooting of you the living is we are shown the palette of an artist and sky blues set alive by the shock of there is never a tone out of place it's like an hour and a half of colour the obsession that must have gone into putting that colour scheme in place is extraordinary and no shot is wasted as with all great movies there is not a spare inch of celluloid br br perhaps the best film i've ever seen
the acting was very sub par you had acting like triple dumber forest ranger brother a scott look alike as his who i guess your supposed to care about but there is no emotional involvement anywhere you have the stupid lesbian not that i have any thing against lesbians i don't just stupid ones who keep running around in a like shirt and a like hat who keeps asking if anyone saw her dead lover br br the villain could be scary and there is a morality tale somewhere about trying to fight age and death but it is lost in this movie points out to the soon to be victims the way back into town while obviously there are city lights behind him br br also a of ed but it as a citizen of we have had our share of monsters dahmer and mccarthy but if your going to use it it right br br god why do i watch all these terrible films oh yes i am a for punishment and i watch these so you don't have to
beyond the clouds is in many ways the film i have ever seen not for its cult appeal gore or even for its ideas but because of the elements that combine to make this a masterpiece of cinema beyond the clouds was directed by antonioni one of most famous directors however if you gave this film only a quick watch over i mean it would seem one of those melodramatic and often pointless romances this movie deserves great attention to the point of all its cheese by cheese i don't mean a slice but a whole brick of the music seems like it's from some italian porno the story and dialogue like they are from a corny japanese soap and the are so obvious you want to yourself on the head br br but once you get passed all this you are engaged in an existential work of art the cheese into the subtle filming and draws our attention perfectly to what needs to be known the basic plot is of four chapters unrelated and all about love what we learn is that no matter what happens or what is said people cannot communicate to each other instead they can only communicate through each other i suppose that's why the dialogue and plot is so cheesy because the conversations are overly irrational with lack of and people's reaction overly melodramatic br br i left that film thinking to myself maybe all life is one big melodrama we judge our feelings towards others as real and i hate because i have reason but what does the hated think maybe they think that my hate is stupid and in other words melodramatic br br so melodrama is actually an existential function a corny romance is simply human interaction put under a glass allowing us to see the of who we are and what we do br br this is a great film i recommend it to all
the story of todd evokes memories of the work of classic writers like charles dickens and more contemporary writers like edward gory as a musical it naturally becomes more like the musical les both deal with the grim effects of poverty in the industrial revolution and the breakdown of organized society but this musical is different from les in one very important aspect stephen the who can adapt to any style to be sure he's had his and failures but one thing about his shows you can always count on they will be something unique who would have thought someone would write a musical about a who people's throats and makes them into meat did and he did it the entire show is set in a factory to suggest the ever present effects of the misery of those at the bottom of society and this serves the needs of the show perfectly the and are moved throughout to suggest streets and and bridges techniques are borrowed from and with the visual and set changes then to top it all off cast the great angela lansbury as the practical and humorous mrs and george with his operatic voice as the murderous todd and you've got yourself a stellar musical vehicle the rest of the cast moves smoothly through the clichés of the love story perfectly except for and who sound a bit too forced if the and from the broadway show could be here it would be perfect acts while he sings more than on the album and the accents don't sound as forced here through it all score never fails to the dark seriousness of the story as i said he can adapt to any style in he the style of in pacific he captures the subtle art of asian music into the woods knocks off the bar disney style songs and covers a history of american music here however he does wonders in making his score distinctly english from songs to operatic and to society to gilbert sullivan style and yet still the show remains deadly serious even though it more laughs than any musical comedy in it still is a grim warning on the of taking revenge here is where this movie makes a mistake in cutting the solo in which he himself out of guilt for his crimes without it the judge is just a conventional villain and this movie's point is that there are no straight villains both todd and the judge learn too late the horrors of having to accept responsibility for their actions and todd loses everything in his obsession this is well brought out by the chilling of the grim yet of todd ending the show with todd and rising from the grave to tell us that the end is the same in a world full of vengeance only vengeance attend the tale of todd he served a dark and a vengeful god to seek revenge may lead to hell but everyone does it and seldom as well as as todd the demon of fleet street
i hated this film simply put this film is so bad that i almost want to disregard ever watching it and never again mentioning it but on the other hand i can't resist a good bashing and if there's one thing that almighty does for the audience it is that it brings out the best criticism br br the film a sequel to the much funnier bruce almighty starts out by the audience to a mere supporting at best character in the original film that's right this film shows no jim carrey or jennifer not even a small cameo appearance you know your film is bad when the guy that agreed to do ace venture when nature calls won't even have a short walk on role but somehow they manage to keep morgan freeman as god while sitting in the near empty theater bored out of my mind at the lack of comedy i couldn't help but wonder how much money it took to secure freeman for this film then it hit me an hour ago it's just a throwaway role that takes up all of 20 minutes in the 100 minute film god just pops up in between scenes to tell to build the sure i know morgan freeman won't look at this film in a year and think it's as good as his roles in the redemption and million dollar baby but it's easy money br br where was i oh yes the plot sometimes it's so hard to keep focused on the plot when you realize that you gave more thought thinking about the plot than the writer of the screenplay did anyway steve carell has apparently left his job as a news anchorman for a job as a yeah with no transition in between he never turns to his wife and says i think i want to be a it just happens within the first five minutes and you are forced to deal with the big transition well as a he is to partner for a bill by john character when suddenly god appears to tell to build an no hey how you doing the weather bit just i want you to build an evidence of bad writing that god is giving him clues to build an after a fan hold up a sign saying 6 14 when he's walking past his son whose watching a baseball game br br that's basically the plot of almighty there are some random supporting cast members that do their best at creating comedy but they don't do very well because they aren't given hardly any screen time it's just your basic run of the mill family building an film oh and also there's that obligatory scene where a father has to his plans with his kids and wife because he becomes busy with work they walk off disappointed but they understand as do all the other times in film this has happened just once would i love to see the youngest kid turn to his father and kick him in the and tell him you're a real bastard for your plans with us i'm going to turn now there's also that drama that you'd expect from the father with his family when they realize the wife actually the three kids have no problem helping dad build an that he's gone crazy and he claims god wants him to build a big boat but don't worry his family decides to stick with him i just spoiled the drama br br another problem with this film is that there is hardly any good comedy going on i know the decision was made to rate have this be a pg film to get a bigger crowd reaction but i don't think i'm in the minority when i think that family humor is more than just guys getting kicked in the nuts and animals maybe i'm wrong and that's what quality family humor has been reduced to and if it is please bring me more adult comedies so i won't have to sit through anymore of this crap pun not intended br br the ending is extra cheesy all of a sudden the film takes a dramatic cgi filled turn that makes me to think how it is a terrible waste of cgi i bet it was expensive too finally after all that waiting we are told why god wanted to build an and boy oh boy i hated the reason why i'll spare the details but it was like watching or reading a murder mystery and having the killer turn out to be the person who walked behind the main character for one second and had no lines br br oh and then there's a nice touch at the very end the song gonna make you sweat everybody dance now plays over the credits and we are then subjected to the dancing of the cast i don't get it they spend 100 minutes making a comedy and then they wrap it up with a thriller i swear i haven't been that scared watching steve carell dance since well never there you have it folks almighty is the scariest film of all time br br all in all i thought it was a wasted experience i'm at all the talented actors carell freeman and goodman appearing in this bore fest alongside lauren graham the woman from girls that has yet to prove to me that she can act her way out of a paper bag but most of all i'm surprised at my will power to actually sit through the whole film without walking out br br rating out of
i was very impressed with with this film which was directed by the story was about a young woman who suddenly has lost all memory of the last three days and has suffered nightmares about on the moon she can not explained how this has happened to anyone one day a arrives for her from the island of where she goes to visit strangely though people seem to know her even though she has never been there before also her dreams of on the moon come back to her br br i thought that this was a very strange italian movie that seemed very haunting at times and there was also strange images in the film that seemed to stay with you throughout the the time you were watching the film i would recommend this film to people just to see how good it is highly recommended
this film proves a theory i have had for quite some time in australia as long as a film deals with the right topic it will be a success regardless of how terrible it is aussie park could not possibly be any worse the acting is beyond terrible the plot is basically a poor warriors knock off and the filmmakers clearly have no idea about ethnic gangs in australia an irish gang in twenty first century sydney the last time any irish gangs were in australia was about a hundred years ago in the time of the but because it's about ethnic rivalry one of four topics guaranteed to be a success in australian cinema along with struggling families minority groups and the biography of a famous australian it won multiple academy awards i've always suspected that australian critics will lap up any rubbish that deals with these issues but part of me thought or at least hoped that they had their limits this film proves otherwise so to all you australian aspiring film makers out there don't bother putting thought into your film or choosing people who can actually act or even getting your facts right just write a script about some poor family trying to make ends meet or someone of a foreign race coming to australia and having to deal with racial prejudice and stereotypes or if you want to take a out of these people's book some ethnic gang fighting some other ethnic gang that isn't actually plausible in the period the film is set and your film will win five academy awards regardless of how pathetic it is
i watch a lot of movies dvd features and classics you name it the night i watched mile my wife who had ordered it on the internet said she remembered it from when she was in high school that it had stayed with her all of these years somewhat reluctantly i sat down with our daughter son and was from the opening sequence to the end titles we all were br br she who remembered the original and our kids 18 and 16 who had no idea what the movie was about couldn't believe it our favorite scene bar none when peter so his fist down and says i'd do it again it didn't violence because it was a defense crime but such intensity we couldn't believe it when his fellow cell mates gave him their food in support of his efforts there wasn't a dry eye in our house br br someone please make more movies like this one unbelievable
the sea inside a film by br br has always single handed the flag for spanish cinema for years now out of nowhere came genres and some new blood to the otherwise spanish industry now in a big he switches from psychological terror to social drama well the big ones would be are audiences ready to embrace the swing and more important can he hold the flag this is the story of a sailor that in his was from the neck down in an accident at the sea and his fight with the spanish government for the right to end his life the story has the of an afternoon made for tv melodrama and the only way this is going to work is through words and honest performances and they both come in and co write in a way where the audience is not meant to be lead blind to a death end but they are encouraged to make up their own minds in the process and that is a brilliant stroke this is not a movie pro death but a movie in favour of the ultimate of our time liberty there is a few laughs spare a long the way like when the church comes home in a wheel chair to beliefs but is mostly a valley of tears through out punches coming from all even when you think you are safe his father that to that point didn't make any sense comes up with the most moving line of the entire movie it is a heartbreaking experience specially when seems more full of life than most the people wandering the streets and everyone around him tries to convince him of the wonders of life even those who are helping him to but when you strip a man of his the film is almost exclusively built on close ups bringing a claustrophobic feeling that makes the audience more sympathetic with that's for the actors a huge challenge that must their whole performances with their eyes and the eyes don't lie was not granted his second oscar nomination probably in favour of eastwood but in my opinion he was the only one who could have fox this role reminds me of the great gregory peck in to kill a where the acting looked and i has reached that status where the line of what is acting and what is real has become completely i was never fond of his early work but since live flesh he is on a roll los al the dancer upstairs and the oscar nominated before the night falls made him an international star and although he and come from the same background is fascinating to see how different paths they took and how has now become a real reference for spanish cinema in the whole world a golden globe 14 jury prize at and probably an oscar with from the chorus boys directs co write edits and puts music to a high caliber drama he has pull it what about some science fiction now whose life is it anyway
wow i suspected this one to be bad but now i find myself just at a loss for words honestly no words of mine can do this movie any justice br br i'll try to say something anyway br br this truly is one unique gem one of the worst kind br br la given his background as an actor doing a whip fight with a zombie during the movie's climax a true stroke of genius without a doubt br br it rarely happens that i laugh out loud when watching a movie alone it happened numerous times with this one br br the accents of the actors man the accents and the dialogues i heard them speak and the acting itself i just couldn't believe what i was hearing br br that fat uncle so when walking up to the house together with his little nephew for no apparent reason whatsoever br br tits yes there's and female ass there's even a naked chick in a a beer br br that one stretch his mouth over his face kill was the bomb a true highlight br br the comedy aspects were just totally i just couldn't believe what i was seeing and hearing for a while i even thought that they were unintentional shaking my head in disbelief but about halfway in the movie i started to get the bigger picture guess it took me half a movie to dumb down half of my brain to finally get it br br i had a really hard time believing this movie but it's good really i think it had one black chick walking up to a very tiny opening it and then saying look at all the space and she said it like she meant it i mean that's good dialogue and good acting right br br oh and perhaps needless to say la whip skills suck major ass in the dark power it's really sad and pathetic to behold that's all part of the comedy of course or wait i might be wrong no yes i'm wrong la was amazing with the whip it was the fault he messed it up cutting his together and all or wait it might have been the camera he filmed from the wrong angles then why didn't phil say anything that's it it's the director's fault br br but it's a good movie br br i'm just gonna quit talking about it i have nothing meaningful to say anyway except for the fact that i hope my brain will recover from this experience some time soon
i have no read the novel on which the runner is based my wife and daughter who did thought the movie fell a long way short of the book and i'm prepared to take their word for it but on its own the movie is good not great but good how accurately does it portray the havoc created by the soviet invasion of afghanistan how convincingly does it show the regime that followed i'd rate it c on the first and b on the second the human story the american who returned to the country to rescue the son of his childhood is well done but it is on this count particularly that i'm told the book was far more convincing than the movie the most exciting part of the film however the in and later a mini contest in california cannot have been by the book i'd money on that
i have really nothing to add to all the other comments save this to me the film looked like a silent film slowly being adapted to sound the text boards bringing the story along that impression i suppose along the way the actors were allowed to leave the stilted theatre like acting very much looks like a typical early silent movie heroine at the beginning of the film but at the end is allowed expressions gus the reminded me of the comic characters of shakespeare plays and sounded to me like an early donald duck br br it truly amazed me that it was all filmed on location and even though the dust of all the horses and cattle the view it must actually have been like that for the real it also was clear to me that many of those indians must have been real and i didn't any overt racism towards them and john wayne looks so incredibly young as someone who became a real wayne fan through the trilogy by john ford and thought that stage coach was wayne's first as a leading star this film was a revelation the plot is very simple again reminding me of a silent film but the is very real indeed an amazing film to have been made with that technique and under those conditions in 1930
the student is not a typical movie sure the nudity and sexual is there but it's not all for laughs stephanie scripted a socially compelling well written tits ass movie which confronts the topics of racism economic rape abortion medical public health issues human rights the vietnam war free love and drug four sexy college roommates are taking their at the same time sharon is assigned to the care ward farrell to public health administration barbara leigh to and karen to these four have ample opportunities to and of which they take advantage much to the delight of male viewers these are women at the height of the sexual revolution after all and are as intelligent as they are horny and beautiful visceral yet low budget action sequences are interspersed throughout there's a very bloody at the resistance movement in which two policemen are shot and killed along with several members of the group an anti vietnam war protest of dressed young people of all races painted like becomes violent with cops beating the effective trip sequence on the beach consists of beautiful weird and confusing and memory montages with hyper sensual overtones in short the student is a thoughtful and compelling reflection of the times expressed through real women's perspectives since it was written and directed by a woman but it's still fun and despite its treatment of subject matter
this seventh yes you read right the seventh puppet master movie shows how the demented group of dolls came to be by a french who uses them to get revenge on a group of ancient who are after him once they learn that he holds the secret to life it was taught to him by a also on the run before he died he used this power to bring normal puppets to life this sequel is basically nonsense upon even more nonsense like most of the puppet master sequels due to the rating we don't even get any entertaining puppet murders come to think of it there are no damn puppet murders if there was one franchise that needed to be cut off it would be this one no more god please no more
at the heart of almost every truly great crime thriller is a carefully considered planned out high stakes super crime which 9 times out of 10 is committed by a bunch of likable grey scale morality for who life isn't fair for whom getting back at the man is well something worth cheering for first time screenwriter james v script for gets this half right he made extra double sure that we've got nothing but sympathy for the recently iraq war veteran the short who's about to have his house taken away by an evil bank brother i've been there and he gave a good family friend in mike matt dillon who is super nice and gets him a job at the car company that he works at with lawrence and some weird french dude jean reno these guys like to have fun and play pranks but they are also serious car guys too so that means they carry guns and are tough br br after a short while as one watches one might start to think as i did that maybe just maybe this is going to be some kind of awesome tongue in cheek heist movie with some on the nose characterizations that move the story along its natural course up the personal stakes of all involved in hopes of a really really clever plan with lots of potential sh moments i mean the music alone is heist movie gritty edgy beats working as we're treated to close ups of characters who say things like as a matter of fact i do and are you crazy for 45 minutes or so the movie had some serious genre flick potential br br then things start to really stink these these idiots have no plan there's no ok here's what we're gonna do scene no no no black van or masks despite their as can be seen in a trailer no these guys are going to steal million dollars from their own which are only being by contact over the radio despite being with some fancy big deal and they aren't even going to sit down and discuss it hell mike only tells about the plan the night before which is completely ridiculous but of course got his house to think about so as long as mike promises that one will get hurt ' he's on board guess what though somebody gets hurt why because besides driving the into an abandoned factory to hide the money they have no plan that was it that was how far they thought things out so naturally things start to unravel these cats deserve everything they get for being so br br this script frankly feels like it's like the product of some bad game car robbed by its own guards go despite some half decent that could have maybe taken the film in a few interesting directions the story just completely falls apart and pretty soon nothing makes sense or is even remotely plausible br br when filmmakers don't have a cool hook for their heist their characters seem stupid and and when characters are stupid and it's hard for an audience to in them and their story and when that happens any suspense out the bottom of the movie leaving a laughable hollow br br skip it 3 10
like some other people wrote i'm a die hard mario fan and i loved this game br br this game starts slightly boring but trust me it's worth it as soon as you start your hooked the levels are fun and they will hook you your mind turns to i'm not kidding this game is also and is beautifully done br br to keep this spoiler free i have to keep my mouth shut about details but please try this game it'll be worth it br br story 9 9 action 10 1 it's that good 10 attention 10 average 10
this film has to be as near to perfect a film as john ford made the film is magic a masterpiece the reason ford was well ford if you want to know why ford was great this one explains it br br the photography of course is superb black and white as black and white should be wonderful shots not an over the shoulder conversation in it pure ford great moments big and little the famous ripped pants of ward bond apparently two dogs kept the set and fighting so ford wanted to use them in the fighting scene but instead of fighting one dog ran away and the other attacked ward bond and ripped his pants which caused ford no end of a whole scene around a rope the way ben johnson burn then his rope wonderful and anticipation of the final harry naive of the usual ford line about being scared and not showing it horse accidentally falling in him and its left in the film johnson and bond are fantastic in that scene lord help any ford actor who does not stay in character while the camera is rolling even when a horse falls on top of you br br a couple of very sweet romances not on the whole focus two very likable leads not to mention for the girls the number of times the cameras focus on ben rather delightful br br lots of old time getting lines and roles cliff frank some wonderful character studies mostly of faces staring all the villains and main stars a set of villains to rival any group in any western br br many many shots of faces groups children women small things happening in the background ford seems to love images of women in allowing the moment as cross rivers and the camera br br this is probably not a western as much as an picture that happens to be set in the west br br lucky the film was made in 1950 because it is impossible to imagine such a film could be ever made again but then it is such a work of art that it would be a to attempt it
i've read all the on this muddled semi noir and am puzzled at the high regard for what seems in the cruel light of 2007 a very sloppy late rko line product all that endless documentary footage of fish waves fish waves has little to do with the central conflict and just the running time the editing is downright scenes just end and are followed by other scenes that have little to do with what them the dialog bears the stilted of the origins high that never could have come from the limited of these people but what's really surprising is how horribly the triangle is on all sides i love stanwyck but she and and out wildly an performance several below her standard douglas at being lovable then goes onto a would be murderous rampage and is similarly hammy as is ryan and shouting most the less interesting second couple at least provides recognizable human behavior keith whose character is kind of a by today's standards nevertheless is smooth and as much younger one brother and marilyn monroe as his girlfriend is natural and on coast and all that footage while largely irrelevant is interesting as a document of what the town looked like amid all the these two are islands of sanity a final point and a spoiler perhaps the office it but does anybody believe the happy ending for a second stanwyck may have into being an but i give the marriage a month
this has got to be the worst movie i ever seen in this movie just does not have what he needs to be funny i think the reasons that the naked gun and the like movies is that they did not require to be funny he just played the roles as straight as he could while all of the comedy that went on was mostly visual but when you put him in a movie where he has to be funny he isn't the movie had only one good part and this may be considered a spoiler by some and that the beginning credits were animated if the whole movie had been animated it might have been good i had no intention of seeing this movie when i saw the ads for it and the only reason i did see it was because the tickets were given to me by someone who won them in a radio contest this is the first and probably only movie i have ever walked out on on a scale of 1 10 i give this movie a score of 100
this movie made me think of how i could write something about it without personally the director and all the actors who as an australian i am proud of for actually getting out there and making a film br br but the movie itself let me tell you a story br br found this dvd in my local rental shop yesterday and had vague of the reviews at the time of cinema release here so i thought i would give it a go br br for some reason i decided to watch the before i watched the actual movie not something that i usually do turned the off halfway through as i'd had enough cringing at the we so wonderful for putting together such a hard hitting film with such a raw attitude br br the movie ugh full of clichés and pathetic character development the actors well done guys you are and i applaud you and just like a team is only as good as the coach that directs them you unfortunately did not have a great script to work with br br i felt that the movie actually so many of the subjects that it seemed to want to cover i have seen many reviews here that refer to it as nothing more than a soap agreed br br finally and forgive me if i don't phrase this correctly i was extremely disappointed that there were no optimistic overtones at all yes we all know that life is full of hard stuff and yes we know that things such as incest do occur but i really find it hard to applaud a movie that has not one piece of joy in it i believe that a director has a responsibility to put it in there somewhere otherwise the movie is all about them and their feelings they have created it for themselves not for an audience br br which i think is the basis of why this movie isn't so great the special features mention that the director wrote the screenplay in a hour sitting the day after he himself tried to end his own life well it may have been for him to do this however the movie of self when you know the story behind why it was written i feel horrid i'm going to write a movie about feeling horrid note i have read the interview with andrew urban and understand why needed to write something to help him through his own issues but i believe there is a line in film that cannot be crossed the line of making a movie purely for your own emotional needs and i feel that this is what has unintentionally happened here br br by his own admission the director had no technical experience at all and sadly this makes the movie come off looking like nothing more than a year twelve media project br br as for any that this movie should be studied at school or that all teenagers should watch it not sure there either because there is a very dangerous line at the end i too have been in a place where i have thought that someone who no longer has to is but as an adult i do worry that this line could be influential on a young viewer that was in a vulnerable frame of mind might be in there to promote discussion but again it reflects no possibility of redemption or joy in this story as a whole in fact it almost that there is more sadness to come br br i haven't seen elephant but i just might go find it given all the comparisons here br br nothing personal here guys i do hope you can make another movie someday and we all have to start out somewhere so forgive me if i've been too harsh i am glad that you are proud of what you created which in the end is what life is all about it's not a movie i would recommend though br br oh i did like the way the time frames often thought that was an interesting way to film br br but the whole its the quiet ones you have to watch we already know that
sometimes i think that somewhere in the lifetime office complex there is a room where the writer's hang out with a large wheel on the wall sort of like the big six ones in the latter have a lot of spots where you win even money and fewer for higher amounts until there are perhaps a couple which pay bigger bucks br br but i picture the wheel having about six different genres on its wheel with two of them appearing the most labeled the psychotic neighbor or the with a hidden past or secret or both lifetime movies have a few repetitive story lines and these two seem to be the most br br the category can have a of long standing but some person appears or an event occurs exposing that the good wife was once a hooker one of the couple was involved in some act long ago or that something else in one of the background in different than presumed etc etc or as in this flick one of them has entered the marriage with the most of aims br br one constant in all of their genres is that the husband or other males are usually clueless vacuous and slow to have any idea what in the hell is going until the climax or at best very late in the proceedings unless the male is the not the case here br br whether the might be the neighbor or as in this offering the wife it is always fascinating how easily successfully and effortlessly they proceed with their deeds they manipulate many of the others them as necessary assume various poses and more than you can count with success until just before the end br br the lead actor here like many in this movies is an old hand i noticed that another film in which he starred was titled the perfect neighbor br br finally the vengeful perfect wife in this flick those in her path with more expertise and ease than the most experienced and competent button man in don family could and i couldn't help but imagine that jack character as good as it gets with his massive could provide to the anti heroine to assist in dealing with he obsession which was the basis of this
this has to be one of the most beautifully morbid films i have ever seen has created a living painting that unfolds with horrific violence sex and a retelling of the life of jesus christ the high contrast and thick of grain make you question yourself as to what you are really seeing at times but the use of combined with the extreme contrast create an incredible viewing experience this film is not for everyone i think you have to keep an open mind and not be so quick to this film for its content which if extremely rough but does make a fairly important statement about creation god and humanity whether this film is a work of art or shock value trash is open to discussion
i saw this film when it first came out and hated it i just saw it again 27 years later i actually liked some of it although robin williams was totally wrong for the role what i remember most about hating the film is that it was almost the complete opposite of what i had understood when i read the book since i haven't re read it i can only give you my impressions from the past but i am sure of one thing the film is a to family life whereas in the book almost all traditional including and perhaps especially marriage are shown to be that we would be well rid of the only positive in the book is the wondrous nature of children something that only the very beginning and ending of the film really captures with that incredibly gorgeous baby floating in the air too bad williams doesn't have a of his charm my low mark is therefore from the fact that the film the book as a film on its own it better but only for a few key performances mary beth hurt is wonderful i think anyone watching it would fall in love with her and john as an ex football player who has had a sex change operation is fantastic he never once it up or made the character anything but commendable and as such his performance had an incredibly integrity i watched him closely during all of his scenes and never once was he anything except nothing in his performance ever came near the performance of a drag queen and that made all the difference in fact of all the people in the film his is the only one which is it is worth seeing this film only for his performance
is a charming if slightly animated movie that considering it was made in the 1941 has stood the test of time incredibly well now i have to admit i have a soft spot for to as it is called in the united kingdom having watched a vhs version taped of the tv by our parents many times with my siblings imagine my surprise when i woke up this morning just in time to catch it on channel four at never the less the film was just as delightful as i remembered it with the animation standing the test of time and a lovely moral tale which should appeal to parents and children alike maybe one day i to shall share this forgotten classic with children of my own with a nice running time for kids and a simple yet involving storyline there really is something for everyone in this tale of the little guy coming good i really could see this being successfully remade in cgi take note pixar
yes cried a couple times and so did englund and most probably you will too the whole cast is back in action and has stepped up to become the true leader of this gang of messed up i mean this in the best possible way i first thought maybe or steve o were the main go to guys nope the main man is now johnny don't get me wrong everybody and i mean everybody is great in this flick right from the get go you're laughing and believe you me don't plan on that smile of yours i personally think the movie definitely has better moments than the first you know when you go into a theater and you kind of don't want to have high expectations for it well this movie blows all expectations away if you love jackass you can go into this with gigantic expectations no matter what you'll laugh your ass off if you're not laughing the reason is most likely someone has a gun in your face telling you if you laugh you die or maybe you are embarrassed about the sound of your laugh or the highest is that you were eating jack sh t for breakfast and jack left town all i have to say is prepare yourself to have a sore face after the movie
the movie is apparently based on a popular french horror novel by arthur from not that i had ever heard about it before but has been a popular subject before for movies and mini series the first movie got released way back in simultaneously with the novel arthur was a part of a group of writers who wrote and produced films and novels simultaneously the character is one of his best known creations br br once upon a time sophie was a promising new european actress who would hollywood she has now however dropped back again to movies like this one nothing wrong with playing in french quality movies since it's the country she from but this movie is just br br problem is mostly that the movie relies on its special effects to make the movie good and scary well horror and special effects never really have been a good combination though with some exceptions here and there it's not like the special effects are bad in this one especially for an european movie it is simply good but it s just misplaced since the movie gave the feeling it could had easily done without its effect it would had actually made the movie a better and scarier one to watch no doubt about that really br br the movie is just not ever tense or engaging to watch also since the movie seems to have difficulties picking the right approach at times the movie picks a light and just less serious approach while at others it clearly attempts to be a good scary horror movie this is mostly the reason why the movie just doesn't work out on any level you can say that the movie is even a bit boring it all also definitely gets worse toward the ending after a while you just stop caring about this movie and its story and you start wishing you had decided to watch something else instead br br the editing seems totally off it uses too fast cuts without much style while the fast editing was obviously intended to give the movie a good modern style also the time line is just plain messed up at times as if some sequences got edited in the wrong order br br the musical score is also really annoying and at times doesn't even sounds to fit the movie as if it all long got scored before the movie finished shooting i can't believe composer bruno is an oscar nominated composer the musical score is almost just as annoying as the movie its sound effects br br the movie is filled with many characters which you however just couldn't care less about it also just seems very unlikely that a woman like sophie would ever fall for a man such as the movie also features julie christie which is nice but just doesn't add much to the movie br br a horrible watch br br 3 10
i am surprised that this well above average 80's comedy scores only a 5 2 from all the imdb voters dan does his usual satirical turn as a con who a great opportunity to steal a contract from his he to california to start his work giving advice on a radio show pretending to be the infamous dr lawrence the only person that knows he's an is the drunken priest walter matthau who comes along to be by new found wealth having him charles throws in a good supporting performance too for its genre i think this film deserves the same as or 7 5 10
i just caught this on showtime not even fun in a bad movie kind of way one of the monster flicks i've ever seen plus the tv reporter in the movie was that annoying from a past season of survivor the only amusing thing was that the secret base was the house from fantasy island and a million other movies and tv shows the place is located in the l a area i fully expected mr and to come out and the if had gotten eaten by the snake i might have given this movie a 2 but oh well watching people stand there and scream for five minutes while the or the over them instead of making a run for it was pretty funny especially because you could really tell that they were just screaming at an empty spot where the computer animators would later paint in the monster i nearly fell out of my chair though when in a flashback scene they brought in either the or the then normal size in some solid steel with some air holes into it wouldn't a wire cage have lol guess they couldn't afford to rent a real and i have to remember i rent showtime for their series and not their movies
jessica plays daphne the sexually suburban teenager struggling with the hell of high school neighbor is buddy richard a depressed middle aged man still angry over his wife daphne is attracted to world of prostitution because it promises to cure her of barely legal boredom and loneliness once buddy daphne of her secret he hires her to help him accept the loss of his wife the entire film takes place at the hotel yet details of each character's history are exposed through dialogue and flashbacks their with the story's twist br br both actors truly understand and become their particular character delivering a convincing sincere performance their on screen chemistry critical to the entire film is genuine br br the film's dialogue is natural real to life the writer undoubtedly did his because all references are industry and character age appropriate daphne is intelligent yet clearly still an year old buddy may be middle aged but still not the hackneyed type normally depicted in film daphne and conversation primarily deals with their despair and frustration with life but is still comical at the right times although the general mood is very relaxed the dialogue has its own forcing the audience to become toward the character's conditions and uncomfortable at their straightforward br br the incredible soundtrack truly captures the essence of the film each track sentiment actually to the scenes and characters even existing from the film the truly expresses you are central theme loneliness br br you are alone is a less conventional piece that deals with of notions typically not spoken definitely worth it's the sort of thought provoking film that forces you to question your own of loneliness
to those of you who've made comments on this film earlier and hoped to see it again i hope you did it was broadcast today on lifetime movie network i to dish br br karen arthur directed william and barbara in this gothic like tale expertly the lighting editing and dialog contributed greatly to the film and and peterson were perfectly cast for the roles both playing sensitive bold and characters the screen play was excellent as well the supporting cast br br not having known ahead of time i guessed correctly the story was based on truth and now that i know it i must make the as santa is a hop skip and a jump from br br as an engineer i was fascinated with the theme of the unique construction of the and the man who designed and built it who was he an angel but the storyline and it's several plots of how it came to be is what most you you certainly get a strong sense that god in his heaven was in every detail of this entire drama in history for you who have seen the film you know what i'm talking about for those of you who haven't i won't spoil a minute of it br br bon holiday br br bob jr missile systems
i have to admit i had never heard of this movie i caught it last night on i thought it was hysterical i laughed so hard and loved the ending image what a marx brothers movie would like if they with and x and then all dropped br br funny and edgy are two words these days this movie sure has that plus about 200 iq points of most comedies today and to boot i had to be up at 6 00 am and watched it until 2 30 i over slept and missed my still worth it i would not recommend renting it i would recommend it it was that good br br the only warning i have is that so of the references are dated and might not be gotten by younger people bare with it and use your head br br i would have to put it in my top comedies of all time
it has been a long time since i have been to a movie as lame and boring as this one it is one thing to have a slow pace where characters are being developed in a way or some aspect of the movie clearly is enhanced by such pacing such as in translation however there is a difference between slow progression and outright as happened in this one i guess from the look on helen face she must have been by the disappearance of her husband surprise surprise what a creative moment the meeting of the mistress and wife was sarcasm and what a great way that the whole story fell apart at the end truly a masterpiece
before i took a job as a reviewer i never went to films like this and thus remained unaware that at the soul of the hollywood film lies a deeply woman hating spirit that on putting its knocking little knees on the silver screen for all to either empathize with or or is this just a particularly bad year an ugly trend br br here we have yet another seemingly sweet innocent beautiful woman turned lethal weapon the kind that us that beneath every pair of eyes and instincts lies a wild eyed beast guaranteed to make everyone's life within 50 miles a living hell br br this is jewel tyler whose simple dreams include having her own little house a backyard and a home entertainment system unfortunately randy matt dillon in his first film in 3 years the dim bartender she picks up at one night to rob is less oriented the kind of guy who drinks beer out of a toilet he prefers to down in his dead mother's house with few creature save his collection br br in that same low rent bar the devil in the red dress also into cousin carl the highly amusing paul reiser a lawyer with an ego the size of st louis when things go south within hours enter the widowed detective with a heart of gold john goodman the result three men sustain big bad on the clad of steven tyler and that make them do things that common sense would normally like get involved in the first place br br multiple points of view and flashbacks together the front page news about how easy it is to fall victim to one's especially if you're male as each of these men relates his perspective to a his desire to possess the jewel colors the of the situation about 70 minutes later things come together in a reasonably amusing way but it's amusement from the same source that tells you that the stuff on the popcorn actually tastes like br br is the first film by norwegian commercial and music video director and his is clear during some of the fantasy segments including one about a car wash soap and a that you can probably it's also the debut project from the production company owned by michael douglas who's found his as a in a br br dillon and tyler are unlikely to win any gold for this one though given the one of their overdone film noir type characters you can't really fault them several minor roles drag out unexpected guests plays psychiatrist and andrew clay as both the and his even scarier brother finally an for all that br br this film speaks volumes about the dynamics between men and women or men and their but ultimately you'd probably find more lasting psychological truths in a bugs bunny episode i will say that it's better funnier more sophisticated than other recent gems like but should we really have to choose what to see based on what ranks lowest on the scale
the dead truly is a work of art clearly john huston meant to show that he was still in the full glory of some passion by making it even as his body was failing him this movie is affecting and in the mind long after it is done reading the short story certainly adds more depth to the characters especially inner turmoil but the essence is all there in this film as a statement by an artist of his love of life and his craft the dead stands alone
jr returns to along as the mummy seeking his mate whose soul now in the beautiful host of high priest of george leaves john carradine in charge of to continue their evil doing ways tom robert must find a way to save his beloved from certain future mummy terror br br routine predictable entry in the series proves that nearly every film follows a specific format formula the city is threatened by a one armed corpse masked in who seems to have been gifted with power to choke the life out of able men who are restrained with relative ease by a mere from frank who saw in action and knows a great deal about egyptian history in the previous film the tomb proves that anyone who happened to survive a previous encounter with the mummy is sure to die if he returns in the next flick well produced but lacks originality that would set it apart from the other films in the series sadly carradine through his role as the evil embarrassing script mistake has who is known for a crippled lame right arm carrying an unconscious with both arms for long with no ill effects one aspect the shocking climax where attempt at doesn't go according to plan as holds his damsel in distress hostage lifts the film from the slightly
this movie bombed at the box office and in the voting here but i loved it one measure of a movie's worth is how much of it you can still remember after 25 years i won't bore you with a list but there are dozens of deeply comic scenes also a good story and great casting the inept robbers are a hoot see it and judge if it ever gets on tcm
you will likely be sorely disappointed by this sequel that's not a sequel is a classic but this movie is about as far from being a classic as you can get what a joke special effects that aren't very special horrible dialogue non acting and a laughably ridiculous subplot quickly and not to mention fleeting tacked on with about a third of the movie left did i mention the story is less then lame there's no way this was supposed to be serious horror movie yet it's to stupid to be funny in any good way the rating it currently has 4 8 10 is too generous if you ask me my rating for an american werewolf in paris a 3 5 10
i am an avid julie andrews fan and i just watched this for the first time on dvd the director's cut version i was very surprised that it was rated g how did they get bedroom scenes a seduction story line two strip acts and war shooting blood into a g rating weird i would rate it pg 13 br br other than that i thoroughly enjoyed the movie it was a beautiful showcase of voice and talent the acting was great the storyline was a little weak leaving gaps that could have been filled with some good dialogue there were too many no talking just walking scenes for me i would have liked to see the the relationship between julie and rock so that the intense love would be more believable
crap i accidentally watched this film thinking that it was the swimming that was released in 2003 i seriously regret wasting an hour of my life sitting through it shame on whoever gave this junk an award i thoroughly this film in fact i didn't see it through to the end after an hour i could no longer stand it i am disgusted that people are amused by such a lousy script which tries and fails to rip off a dozen other human interest stories and such ad acting painful i rate it 1 star out of 10 an amateur could make a much much greater movie
dirty war is absolutely one of the best political government and well written t v in the 25 years br br the acting is superb the writing is spectacular br br war reveals the true side of why we are not ready to respond to a nuclear and terrorist attack here on american br br dirty war should be made into a major motion picture it's that good i highly recommend this great drama to everyone who desire to know the truth br br this t v drama reveals how british intelligence attempt to expose a terrorist plot and conspiracy to destroy innocent victims because of involvement in the iraq war br br the scenes of different parts of london england are also spectacular br br dirty war is a must see
this is a movie from my childhood i can still hum the theme song at the drop of a hat i remember getting to stay up late to watch this movie with my father usually two to three times a year we always referred to it as giant robot although the effects in this movie are crude compared to today's standards they were perfect for this movie's genre i am also a big fan of the japanese monster movies so this movie fell right in to place with the others it's been years since i've seen this movie would love to get my hands on a copy of it to share with my 8 year old daughter
okay this movie starts out and it looks like it's going to be a cute comedy about a completely obsessed soap opera fan she has no touch with reality whatsoever outside of the soap sort of the of the main characters in and runs away to los angeles to meet a fictional character well it is a cute movie but at the same time it is also a dark very violent movie about two who are out to kill betty for reasons way to complex to here either would have been enough on it's own but nurse betty contains both stories at once and the effect is very jarring i didn't much enjoy it
i recently rented this film on dvd and thought it would be an interesting choice seeing as i am both from the north of england and also interested in film making however it soon became apparent that this film seemed to lack a decent level of development script wise the characters were weak and often stereotyped and the story lacked substance the subject matter could be an interesting basis for a film however the delivery of this appeared naive and br br the ending felt as though it was casting judgement on the characters and rewarding where the filmmakers felt necessary this felt a little awkward and silly and seemed at odds with the used in the style of shooting for me the film dealt with the characters and subject matter in a rather heavy handed and clumsy manner it felt as though the writer had already decided how he wanted to end the story and set about crow everything else in to fit it br br another point that i feel strongly about is the watered down ken feel the film had i get quite upset that uk film can't see that there is more to british films than it has become almost a safe option film is an infinitely wonderful for imaginative ideas and it is not being exploited by uk feature film producers there is a lot of talent here in the uk it's unfortunate that most of these individuals end up either making music videos and commercials 100 of the time or they go to america br br love hate would have worked better if it had been cut down to 30 or 60 minutes and appeared as a one off tv drama
if you're a sane person and you have seen films before then you cannot tolerate this piece of for more than 20 minutes and if you do stay there longer then it won't be because you'd expect akshay or not govinda please but because you value your money too much and you want at least a short on the in the in return of the money they robbed you off its hard to believe that the director who gave us a cult film like can fall to such levels alright he's repetitive but now he's coming out of all third rate and expects us to laugh because he's brought in and akshay kumar no sir this ain't going to work now especially with this stupid script of yours even comedy films can have meaningful scripts anyone br br govinda doesn't have much to do so can't comment akshay kumar was boring some of the worst joke possible lara had real scope for acting in this one but she fails miserably the only high point of the film possibly is acting but she's there only for the first 10 minutes br br i don't think this film is worth any more space probably not even this much so final warning don't watch it
i was very disappointed by this movie ms english who says that she is a fan of the original movie seemed to have taken a great piece of artistic work and transformed it into a flat ho hum you've come a long way baby production i tried to like meg mary haines but she was just boring she didn't seem to feel anything about her husband's affair there was no emotional struggle no deep hurt in the original 1939 movie norma mary haines felt betrayed shocked vulnerable confused and angry the 2008 production was more about some fake theme actually my wife's words and didn't make you shed a tear or even chuckle the only performances that were note worthy we're of debra messing and bette midler i wanted more of bette there was really no protagonist in this movie the sylvia character had too many sub themes to it and crystal allen had no fire the remake of the department store encounter with and miss was luke warm also the pacing was slow as well obviously the 1939 version needed to be updated but this one wasn't it the reason that the original version worked so well was that the characters were dealing with man problems a subject by the way which isn't out dated the magic of the original movie was that the movie was about both while you never saw the men
this is probably one of the best portuguese movies i ever saw i absolutely enjoyed the plot because by the way the story was developing you would get more involved on how their world was really upside down there is just only one part that doesn't really seem to fit in the movie which is the girls' strip it does not add anything important to the story it looks like it's just there for a men entertaining purpose the ending is a bit unexpected though at the same time somewhat expected if you don't understand then follow me after so many strange the viewer is so used to that ending the movie with totally unexpected relationships like and sounds totally natural after seeing the rest of the movie but most of all is a movie that makes you think hard trying to solve the mysterious laugh your head off with their unlucky lives and mess with your perception of what can happen in just a few minutes when you turn your back away from something for all that i rate it 8 10
four things intrigued me as to this film firstly it stars of popular fame who is always a pleasure to watch it features brilliant new zealand actress owen it is filmed in association with the new zealand film a friend recommended it to me however i was utterly disappointed the whole storyline is absurd and complicated with very little resolution acting is fine but owen is unfortunately under used the other actors and actresses are all okay but i am unfamiliar with them all aside from the nice which are throughout the movie and and owen this film isn't very good so the moral of the story is don't watch it unless you really want to
wow this was a very how to say it different type of movie it calls itself a comedy but it really out loud funny at all it was insane if you are willing to accept that 3 people survive a of a global scale why not 4 or 5 and why did it suddenly end without anything happening they could have made this much better by simply having another element in the plot such as a female for the ugly dude or something br br i watch it it that bad sorta funny at times i guess br br schneider
i read about this film on line and after seeing the generally positive reviews it has received and viewing the trailer i decided to check it out for myself what a disappointment it starts out well enough the opening scene was actually pretty tense but from there it's all downhill i can see that the filmmakers were trying to do something different with this movie but by doing so they took all the enjoyment out of watching it those choices combined with the c s i editing use of music and montage lack of suspense scares or humor really drag this film down there's too much and to many subtle clues so when the first twist arrives early on you already know how the movie is going to end i gave the movie three stars because i think the cast did a good job other than that i can't recommend this movie
unusually cold and silly drama from director sydney plot revolves around couple in a plane wreck leaving their to find and connect on their own intimate level romance novel writing gets treatment although i thought the performances by leads harrison ford and scott thomas were fine slick production holds interest even though the plot keeps covering the same ground and never builds any emotional momentum as a result the climax in the airport is a big what '
well i will come clean and admit that i was forced as part of my history degree to watch this film and then write a short film review as part of my grade br br yet even if i had watched the film alone at my own i found it extremely boring and absurd the style is dated beyond its years and the acting is rather than use dialogue they instead exchange eye popping at each other or sometimes into thin air for me such over the top acting does not convey any greater emotion and after seeing an extreme close up face for the time i was praying for the film to end br br the most disappointing though is how wrong character is this man was nasty his murderous thugs and his character cowardly for me the film was nothing but a piece of propaganda inaccurate and dull
this is the last film of one of the greatest directors in the history of cinema he intended to after this film so in a way it is his artistic testament he died a couple of years after making the film and though it is said that he intended to return to directing destiny decided that this was indeed his last and what a film br br the last film in the three colors french trilogy is actually a very swiss film set in one of the two main characters is a swiss retired judge and immediately comes to mind but there is more switzerland in the cool atmosphere in the lack of communication of the characters in the that cruelty of life several characters who start with little relationship will come together at the end in a moving and human final which only a great artist could have staged br br little else can be said that was not said and written hundred of times yes the film starts slowly and the fans of the american style of action movies or will get first and will get lost as viewers they deserve it the film gets quality as it advances and one of the not so hidden messages is that real life and real humans are more interesting than the hollywood cartoon and plastic action and characters cinema quality is very original the image being a in as the title shows acting is fabulous with irene and jean louis the later in what will remain the best role of his old age br br a great film seeing it again probably adds and i am happy to have it recorded on tape 9 10 on my personal scale
this one is a cut above the usual t a with the spirit of a dead actress returning to claim the film role she believes is rightfully hers and using the body of an aspiring young actress to do so br br as always the sexy newman the is main attraction her presence the mildly attractive o'brien br br plot 1 2 out of br br sex nudity out of
the subject is banal even in 1942 it is war propaganda the are among us and they are doing all they can to the war effort and to prepare their victory and their of power then and their establishing an effective state but hitchcock has to make it a real thriller so he a first that succeeds but one of the victims the friend of the one who dies in it becomes the prime suspect and run away for the that him to so to say visit the country and discover the organization of the local nazis who have and support in the top society and use the small little whites to do the dirty work the chase after the real takes our young false suspect from los angeles to new york and to the top of the organization he meets a blind who believes his senses to know the is not guilty his niece who is a star of the advertising but also a frenetic and fanatic who only thinks of going to the police then the rich and his nest of then on the road some sympathetic and friendly truck driver and the long of a circus going around and their dwarf woman sisters and a few other of that type and he discovers the target in a city an electric that provides los angeles and its war industry with the energy they need he takes part as a in the organization in the of a military ship when it is launched and finally with some creativity and grease he and the niece manage to get the whole lot up most of them arrested and the first a certain falls down from the torch of the statue of liberty that one won't on the old electric chair but hitchcock is not yet in his habit of having a personal cameo appearance in his own films so don't look for him it's well built and well performed but it is only a propaganda film with an extra style br br dr jacques university paris university paris 1 university saint quentin en
a film first and foremost should be good storytelling it should be entertaining and entertaining doesn't necessarily mean laughs and it doesn't necessarily mean light it basically means you're not bored while watching it br br as brilliant as 2001 may be it is a difficult film to watch especially for the current video game playing generation its slow pace and the sometimes amount of time it takes for an actor to perform a single action e g the attempt to rescue the crew member floating in space will stretch your patience on the other hand the cinematography is brilliant the film cleverly directed the ending thought provoking and the score the score is chilling especially as the crew in the approaches the on the moon boy i had big time this doesn't happen often when i watch films and is a testament to kubrick's directing skills br br it is considered a classic and many people consider it the best science fiction film of all time that alone is a good reason to watch it if you haven't done so yet however just because everybody else thinks it's a brilliant film doesn't mean you have to force yourself to like it you either will like it or you won't perhaps the slow pace isn't such a bad thing after all directing your attention to something rather static and slow paced for 2 1 2 hours might teach you a lesson it will certainly be a different experience to all these fast moving fast paced images we are subjected to these days whether commercials music videos or video games br br i myself think it's a memorable film but not one i'm eager to watch again anytime soon unless i'm in a particular mood for slow paced films br br hence 7 stars out of 10 from me
i'm surprised that the comparison hasn't been made yet between mind of and the television program the awful truth which ran a few years ago by controversial director michael moore the show would begin in the exact same as this show with moore with the audience and introducing segments namely short documentaries and skits which had been put together in an attempt to thoughts about current issues the difference rarely past the superficial and the what he says and does is often and rude and insults the ability of his audience to make decisions for themselves there's a difference between being edgy which i have no problem with but tries too hard to accomplish this and ends up coming off as arrogant and with little backing he does however make points occasionally but often in order to get to them one has to sit through some pretty mind numbing attempted shock humor
i'm in a film class and i know that i don't know everything about film but this is one of the worst stupidest retarded and waste time movies that i have ever seen and i saw they are both equally terrible is boring and nothing interesting even happens in the film its not really a heart warming story and pat nothing i'm not saying there should be fighting and crap blowing up but it would up this more than bland film the kids they fond to act in this film may have been the real kids from island they sounded stupid and couldn't act as as far as i am concerned this was a stupid idea for a book and an even worse idea for a movie i don't know why this movie was even made top five worst movies of all time
the worst movie ever made if anyone asks you what is the worst movie you've ever seen tell them fiction of all the movies i've ever seen this gotta be the most lame experience even the sequels are pure masterpieces compared
first of all i'm not one to go all sappy over movies i saw friends in the 70's when it was first released i was about 17 years old at the time even now at age 50 i still can remember some of the scenes the movie is sweet and sad and may actually be too tame for teenagers today but i loved it the story is about innocence the of young love and the determination of 2 young people to make a better life for themselves then they had at home at the time it was pretty to have a movie about a couple of young who successfully setup house and have a baby on their own i'm not surprised the movie and john's soundtrack are almost unknown today the music is beautiful it was unforgettable
perhaps not miyazaki's best work but i couldn't help but love it to death a five year old boy finds what he thinks is a stuck in a bottle he saves its life and keeps it in a bucket as a pet but it really is a magical being the daughter of a human wizard and a sea as the boy names her is taken back to the sea by her father who tries to her from returning to land and becoming human but she gets into his magic and does what she wants to do the story is simple and cute where the film really comes alive though is in its tremendous artwork the drawings are more child like than in any of miyazaki's other works but there's beauty in its simplicity as with all of his films miyazaki creates this world of imagination that i was just so in awe of seeing it in the theater brought back memories of what it was like when the opening notes of jo score for princess washed over me and gave me just short of a decade ago the score here is equally as wonderful i wanted to live in this world and never leave it
words cannot describe how horrible this movie is well maybe they can i'll take a stab at it 1 pitiful hollywood makes more talking animals set in graphics apparently script and storyline aren't needed anymore br br 2 violent kids movie but yet one of the characters is attacked and killed br br 3 blatantly stupid the movie is actually depicting the farm animals as having human abilities in the fish could talk but for the most part they are still fish we only hear the english as a translation in the animals are actually speaking english that other people can understand br br 4 no smart story line or even any smart humor ok the 13 year old dog on was funny br br 5 the black cow is actually played by a black actress the pink cow is played by a white actress the black cow was playing a stereotypical black person br br 6 ignorant no such thing as a male cow that i'm aware of i believe we call them if we are going to expose our children to it might as well have the facts correct br br 7 boring and my 4 year old had us leave after 45 minutes he practically fell asleep br br i'm sure this movie will make millions which is unfortunate because it only proves to hollywood producers that the american public at large is just filled with waiting to pay 8 bucks just to get some peace and quiet from the kids for an hour or two an unfortunate why should the producers spend real money when the returns will be the same either way
as an avid gone with the wind fan i was disappointed to watch the original movie and see that they had left out many important characters luckily the film on its own was a wonderful piece when the book scarlett came out i read it in hopes of following two of my favorite literary characters on their journey together while the book lacks any true quality it remains a good story and as long as i was able to separate it from the original was and still is enjoyable however i consider the six hours i spent watching the scarlett miniseries to be some of the worst spent hours of my life any of the original character traits so well formed in margaret book this series also turned the story of the sequel into one of rape murder and relationships that even the book scarlett stayed away from the casting for many of the characters refused to examine the traits that had been so well formed in both the original novel and film and even carried through in the second book and again leaves out at least one incredibly crucial character in the novel scarlett o'hara butler follows her estranged husband butler to under the of visiting extended family after coming to an with she agrees to leave and proceeds to with her o'hara relatives in eventually she her cousin a passionate leader of the to ireland to further explore her family's roots that go deep and is eventually named the o'hara the head of the family while her duties as the o'hara keep her engaged in her town of scarlett out into the world of the english and instantly becomes a sought after guest at many of their parties she having been by time and time again eventually agrees to marry luke the earl of until comes along in a clichéd night on white horse type of a rescue the scarlett miniseries fails even to do this justice raped by her fiancé and by her family the series shows scarlett thrown in jail after she is blamed for a murder her cousin committed br br i advise anyone considering spending their day watching this to this decision
i read comment and thought they must have been watching an entirely different picture br br i just watched the film this morning and was quite surprised br br to address comments br br trail street is a very well done western br br and randolph scott was in it quite a bit br br hayes was funnier than i've ever seen him br br the bad guys had very good as far as i was concerned br br plus br br it was interesting to see robert ryan as a straight laced good guy he's usually so slimy br br in all a good western very well acted and written br br i liked the background story of kansas and the winter that supposedly helped it become a state too br br i thought the girl who played susan was lovely can't think why she didn't become a bigger star
the is undoubtedly a classic australian tv series well defined characters tight scripts varied and interesting locales great guest stars and a ambiance all combined to make this series a special one br br sadly andrew has passed on from germany does not appear unfortunately to have enjoyed small screen success in his native country the abc has repeated the series many times yet a dvd release is yet to happen br br the series is one which is timeless it is as likely to strike a with viewers today as it did in its own day come on abc release the on dvd
as a total movie geek with the fortunate job of video store manager i tend to watch all sorts of movies from good to very very bad this was a movie with so many corn ball lines cheesy cgi effects and predictable plot points that i ended up laughing before switching it off after 30 40 minutes the creature feature genre of movies has been putting out some pretty awful stuff in recent years godzilla 2000 anyone but this movie makes me think the creators weren't even trying it might be worth checking out just for the make fun of me potential count the but i couldn't in good conscience recommend this movie to anyone
is it just me or the fact that the evil racing team is japanese and that their arrogant star is german seem a little over the top maybe that is how it is on the international racing circuit but if all america had representing them are like cody and his mechanic chris peter who must have been still learning how to act then i would be rooting for another country formula movies can be good but the characters have to be likeable and no one meets that in this movie to put it a very bad movie
is above all a masterpiece of widescreen cinematography for this alone the film is well worth one's time the stark wide open and of eastern montana are captured in the spare muted earth tones of or early spring the gigantic grey peck is the film's protagonist the film comments both subtly and not so subtly on about a dozen issues of western landscape the dialogue can be trying at times yet the images and concepts are powerful enough to lift the film the 1950's period works so well here and is executed so well i think that the passing years will be kind to this film
a letter to the guys i tried guys i really tried i tried so hard not to watch this movie i would leave the room when it was on or jump on the computer when the wife watched it this is her second favorite movie the godfather being first which i love br br i ended up catching little bits of this movie and finally after maybe a year i was actually sitting down watching it with her i can't believe i am saying this but i loved this movie dalton plays a great and has his down pat plays a delightful scarlett full of fire and and nothing is going to stop her br br my favorite scene is when she is overseas in ireland and the government is going to tear down a house because they are behind in the rent scarlett gets all mad at this and pays the entire debt thus making a huge name for herself around this small town br br all i'm saying guys is you might want to try this movie especially if you are a fan of gone with the wind it does take a little bit to get used to the new actors but i think you will find them refreshing
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