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the director was probably still in his early learning stages when he tried his hand at westerns have a look at the outfits everybody looks well well well dressed and well as though ready for church even the horses look well and shiny this is a western for crying out loud it's supposed to look dusty nasty and and then there's the amateurish acting of the females in this bird the whole lot a dozen or so all pretty and well were just raped and widowed but hardly a tear flows instead they all look with great interest if not downright lust at the newly arrived magnificent seven who they subsequently feed and comfort with love during their battles with the the same directing criticism goes for lee van who does a reasonable good acting job our lee playing the law just lost his dear wife but lee hard as rock shows no emotion whatsoever and finds himself within days of his demise in the arms of a widow with whom he together with her walks off into the future the and then there's another thing that always kind of bothers me with this type of films it doesn't matter how many dynamite induced explosions take place in the middle of a pack of some 50 horses never mind how many shots are being fired at the on top of them only the crooks get killed and the always go their way in one piece i know silly it's just a movie it's not the worst western ever made but prepare for some serious | 1negative
after reading the comment made about this movie and currently watching it i can understand how the person felt about it the decisions made were after listening to common sense when the movie came out i had heard the information as to how it came about the storyline was made from an actual event during an award show an actor the people attributed the award to a former school teacher unexpectedly outing the person br br of course many people come of the closet most every day each outing is different for each person in real life the outcome of any individual is gonna be different as well and a to accept who they are is the most important thing in life to reach personal happiness for those around them the joy and honest acceptance can make life much more fuller for the movie the outcome of how howard is is a lot more comical than real life and the acceptance of the community showed the others that howard was himself and nothing else br br overall the performances were crazy the memorable quotes and use of music add to the types out there in the world but taken with tongue and cheek humour it's a movie sit down watch with an open mind and laugh your head off | 0positive
i admire and this movie is a masterpiece i'd recommend to buy this movie on dvd because it's a movie you might want to watch more often than just once and trust me you'd still find little meaningful details after watching it several times br br the characters except for the grandmother perhaps are all very balanced no black and white even though you follow the story from the perspective of the two protagonists there is also empathy for the other characters br br i think the imdb rating for the movie is far too low probably due to its politically controversial content | 0positive
this filmmaker wanted to make a movie without having a story to tell and did so really awful of unlikely unexplained and plot line all without character or clear motivation br br we get cliché instead of characters one in particular is the and beautiful crime boss who projects an overdone tough guy persona and casts a cartoonish shadow of over the actual tough guys who have been brought in to work for her nothing much startling to look at in the film except for one shot when the boys hit the road and one of them carries a tiny as in the smallest from a complete american set in a bright sky blue without explanation or otherwise it's standard visually one other exception is a compelling shot of a beautiful bridge in | 1negative
good idea shame about the actual movie would of liked it to be a bit more scary and explain more about the characters and who exactly the evil woman was if she was torturing those kids why were they helping her kill and not helping others kill her its a bit of a come down from malcolm in the middle br br i think it would of from being slightly longer and going into more detail with the characters although after about an hour i was wondering when it would end br br would of been better too if the actual characters that killed them were not in reality it sort of made them crap looking and what happened to the frankie character he fell into a bed of wild so should of been safe however the computer game showed him as game over ie dead next thing he appears with that irritating blonde to rescue the guy afraid of fire who i noticed had no about flipping the lighter when demon lady was after him br br too many inconsistencies in this movie to really enjoy it however might make you think twice about playing that new computer game | 1negative
my friend made me sit down and watch this film this is out there material god the devil heaven hell and a restaurant thrown in for good measure br br four guys and a who dies when and how is that's the story you'll never guess the ending for this one a realized little gem of aussie cinema hats of to the team that made this one br br 10 out of 10 | 0positive
we start all of our reviews with the following information my wife and i have seen nearly 100 movies per year for the past 15 years recently we were by receiving lifetime movie passes to any movie any time at no cost so we can see whatever we want whenever we want the point of this is that critics count for zero your local critics or the national critics like ebert are really no different than you or me the only difference is that they get to write about the movie and are forced to see hundreds of movies whether they want to or not therefore it is our belief that if you get your worth for two hours of enjoyment that is good enough for us we never ever listen or read the critics we only care about our friends and those who we know like the same things as us well enough about that br br when meryl streep the head of the in the movie says the united states does not torture it got a big laugh at this movie it is of course a lie that the bush administration has denied time and again it is a very good movie and it is scary in what they can do to us as we lose all of our civil rights they can simply snatch you anywhere and tell know one that they have done it in this case they snatch a man who has a name similar to those who killed thousands on 9 11 he is of course just like you or i and so they take him to a secret location outside of the us to torture and him br br very frightening well acted by jake and reese and the entire cast | 0positive
for the most part michael is a disaster ten minutes of charm and worth of br br travolta and do their best frequently rising above nora numbingly banal script but the film moves like a and even within its fantasy context the characters behave on a regular basis who let the story of a lifetime an apparent angel living on earth out of their sight br br someone forgot to tell romantic comedy that william hurt brilliant in so many other films is no tom hanks the movie's climax the word contrived may be shooting for heaven here but unfortunately michael is a long long ride through cinema heck | 1negative
deep water the and ambitions on an ordinary man in a compelling documentary the and archive footage are a fascinating insight to the late 1960's and a ground breaking round the world race the personal conflicts of duty to family self and reputation are played out in one of the most memorable and affecting films i have seen i was not familiar with the history of this story and the drama was successfully and clearly directed the story is mostly to the participants with heroes and villains implied rather than exposed most of the interpretation is left open to the viewer allowing room to personally relate to the situations and characters this movie is a bitter sweet experience with an entertaining mix of thoughtful suspense joy and drama | 0positive
episode no thirteen of the excuse the incredibly gay supernatural tv series sam and dean winchester to where they have been called upon by an old flame of to investigate a string of mysterious murders occurring in their small town as it turns out a large pick up truck with an unseen driver is running down african americans on a desolate stretch of road while dean attempts to his past love affair more towns people turn up as the cause appears to be due to a past racial incident back in the 60s causing a frustrated redneck spirit to remain in ghostly seeking to kill black route is another good installment which isn't i've noticed which contains a few notable aspects to the pair of main characters such as dean getting laid and admitted regret for having left college the killer truck come across as the most terrifying thing in the world though for an hour long show it does it's job well not a hands down fantastic episode but a solid concept with more horror movie references | 0positive
my favourite story from from the jones was born to play the part of the maniac axe swinging madman steve dixon having seen him before in tango cash i can state this actor never got the proper credit he deserved a jealous husband takes in his wife showing an interest in a hunky young worker he's just employed and you know when dixon finds out there's gonna be hell to pay the young worker ted billy receives an almighty beating from dixon leaving him blind now how is a blind supposed to work a tribute to black humour if there ever was one the co stars do a pretty good job too supporting ted when dixon when he has his initial about his wife another man behaviour making the bond stronger closer between the colleagues one even stated he became a changed man when he got married though ted should have done the wise thing and left when he could | 0positive
there was a lot of hype of this movie and the commercials made it seem like it would be great sadly like bring it on 2 bring it on 3 glory of the original bring it on there is shameless stereotyping throughout the film the lines given to the actors were for all the races involved in the film the performance of hayden was sub par both in terms of acting and there were several scenes in which i literally because i was embarrassed for the cast because the scene lines plot etc were just so stupid my recommendation to the makers of any future bring it on films is that you should hire good and teach them to act because the acting of the cast was horrendous and their lack of ability made them completely useless to the film only great character | 1negative
i can't stand people who comment on this program or other hbo programs as too graphic or unnecessarily graphic or that they contain gratuitous nudity violence etc br br guess what prison life isn't pg 13 the gratuitous graphic content is true to life of this situation prison contains rape killings drug deals and if you don't like it then don't watch the program i'm certainly no fan of prison rape but if it was left out of the show i'd be surprised and lend the show less credibility if the prisoners didn't curse it would just be silly sure it's gratuitous language but that is realistic br br the show is good some of the viewers not so much i guess | 0positive
i would like to know if anyone know how i can get a copy of the movie that's the way of the world it's been about 30 years since i've seen this movie and i would like to see it again earth wind fire the nation with their inspirational music and themes it was unfortunate that this group didn't take off like their counterparts in the early 70's but as previously stated racial tension existed in the united states which exposure for the african american musical groups it is good to see that earth wind fire continuing their success i would like to add this movie to my collection someone please help me if possible thank you for your attention shaw | 0positive
this is a film by the director of the notorious in the realm of the senses a film so sexually and controversial it was banned for a while this film takes place initially in in japan and stars the very pretty as the wife of a driver who falls for a much younger man who her in kind that man comes to her as she was sleeping and her though she soon is rather willing to be soon they are having an affair and plot to kill husband to be together forever they do and throw him down a well however they didn't count on the ghost of the dead husband haunting and others in the village this film is visually very stunning the use of shadows this tale of murder for passion ms who is still active as an actress is especially very good in her role its sexual at times but not like in the realm of the senses some of what ensues is up to our imagination i found this film to have a of mood that makes it very watchable a little creepy but that goes with the territory i'd recommend this | 0positive
my wife and i met doing a professional production of the merry widow in 1982 in english but a straight translation br br only the very basic of the original plot is visible in this adaptation most of the characters have been deleted along with the entire b plot and all but one of the characters remaining have been most of the characters in the movie aren't in the either the action has been moved from paris to at first washington and then to the fictional country of which the movie has and only later to paris the net result is that we don't reach the beginning of the original play until about 45 minutes in br br and the main source of tension in the plot is deleted too in the original years before count and the heroine were very much in love but his family refused to allow them to marry because she was poor it's his broken heart that has rendered him a playboy now that as a widow she's the woman in the world she still loves him and he still loves her but his pride won't let him admit it to anyone even himself and she must spend three acts playing mind games to break him down the of the aristocrat with money problems who won't admit that he's in love with a rich woman for fear of what people will think the main plots of a substantial of for decades after the widow in this movie they've never met before which rips out not only the heart of the whole thing but nearly all the comedy br br lamas does a pretty decent job though br br an interesting musical point is that several times we hear a or so of an extra song written in english despite the title for the london which was not as far as i know usually found in american productions until the 1980s or so | 1negative
also known as the tormented or the or the ridiculously titled the eerie midnight horror show is a forgotten exorcist rip off which contains one of the best horror moments i've ever seen the scene is when the comes alive this great spooky scene is unforgettable and totally effective great it's a shame the rest of the movie doesn't maintain the level of creepiness during that scene br br this is one of the most frustrating movies ever imagine the producers deciding to to make an exorcist copy but while making it they actually succeed in creating something truly original a possessed of man which is shocking when you think about it but then completely forgets their original idea in order to make a boring and uninspired exorcist rip off had the film continued with the possessed concept with the characters trying to destroy it etc this film would have but once the girl becomes possessed by the spirit of the she never tells anyone from where the demon came from she and the script completely forgets the haunted which is stupid br br if you like so called euro cult movies the first 45 minutes deliver unlike any other euro cult movies but after the scene when the girl has a vision of being and she gets the remaining 45 minutes suck boring it goes nowhere fast as it tries to badly the exorcist so watch the first 45 minutes of and enjoy the 1970s fashions the sleaze and the amazing statue comes alive to the girl scene but after the first 45 minutes press stop and and might as well go clip your | 0positive
i finally managed to see this movie after so many years of br br i was so curious to see if this movie it is as bad as some people say br br and my opinion is that this movie it wasn't bad at all on the contrary it was amazing br br i enjoyed every second from it from the beginning until the end br br the actors were great they sent me the feeling that i was living the story at the same time as the movie was playing br br the landscapes were so beautiful were the film was shot and it did me also the music was extraordinary and i have nothing br br to br br i think that the plot was very original i don't think that i saw a movie like this br br it is a shame that it isn't recognized all over the world to bad for those who didn't get the chance to see it i give this movie 10 10 | 0positive
that's about the only redeeming quality in a movie that otherwise insults the viewer's intelligence by losing track of time plot and reason for being produced br br plus how that guy with the glasses ever got a gig in hollywood is beyond me | 1negative
edge was one of the most disturbing films of 1986 and for a year that also saw blue you know thats saying something viewed today its lost little of its power and remains much better than the overrated kids the previews for kids played it up to be an expose of the of the youth in reality it was little more than an exploitation film based mostly around shock value edge was promoted as a teen exploitation flick but was in much better the only times it goes from being disturbing to is the constant image of the dead nude body outside of that the film is thought provoking and for all its minor flaws quite realistic br br keanu reeves known for being a particularly wooden performer gives his best performance as a burned out teenager is equally sympathetic and likable dennis hopper on the comeback trail with this blue and gives a great performance as the creepy yet pathetic hippie generation glover while always entertaining to watch seems a bit out of place as the manic and leader of the group the best performance however is definitely daniel as the murderer john is its a shame he didn't become a bigger star as hes a much better actor than reeves br br the film is overall fantastic and daring don't mistake this for another lame john hughes clichéd high school flick such as the breakfast club this is a shocking piece of that with the viewer fans of this movie are advised to check out a canadian film from 1981 called out of the blue directed by dennis hopper its another shockingly bleak examination of the generation gap and despite its obscurity may have been an influence on edge 7 10 | 0positive
going into this movie i was a bit i have always been a bit about movies i've always enjoyed decent animated movies but was always different to me but this one caught me by surprise wallace and are extremely lovable characters and it's a great story with jokes for all ages there's the silly fart jokes for the kids and the subtle but over the head of young kids jokes for us older people very neat and while the story had holes it kept my interest beginning to end br br it's so rare to find pure and humor these days this movie was all the more refreshing wallace and go doing their normal thing which is the that ruin people's but this time they find themselves fighting some form of a freak huge rabbit that their built traps can't even keep under great laughs and a great hour and a half of fun if you have not exposed yourself to wallace and i highly recommend this movie br br the only reason i rate it a 7 and not higher is because it's still a family movie and i don't have kids i enjoyed it but if i had been watching it with some little rats and my wife it'd be at least a 9 for sure give it a shot | 0positive
i really should have learned more about this movie before renting it it was one of those movies where you keep watching it it's got to get better then when it ends you feel stupid for having wasted precious time in your life that you can never get back ice t did his bad guy thing and well that was the highlight of the evening the pictures of the looks like it was done with a little toy inside of a box and the scenes were funny because you could see the strings attached to the space suits the script was lacking and the car chase scene with the guy bleeding and going unconscious was incredible because he drove better than i could have on one of my best days all in all i have seen worse but this sure isn't one i'd recommend or want to remember | 1negative
this was really a nightmare of a film i saw it about nine years ago on cable tv and haven't forgotten it since is a 10 year old boy who lives in the streets of brazil and leads a criminal life in the company of his teenage friends and they steal sell drugs and murder in order to survive each day in the first half of the film is caught by the police and sent to a sadistic foster home where he witnesses every kind of abuse from the older inmates and guards to the rest of the kids one night boyfriend is killed after a beating so and his friends decide to escape during a riot the rest of the film shows descent into a criminal life he doesn't show any feelings or after killing someone maybe because he knows that good feelings are of no use in the world in which he lives but there is however a gentle scene in the middle of the film and his friends are at the beach missing and wishing one of his friends from the was there i thought it was a poetic and melancholy scene in the middle of all these horrible events the boys are obviously longing not only for their friend but for a better life director hector is a brave and depressing film that doesn't shy away from showing the reality many people including myself tend to ignore or this film will probably open your eyes and make you a better and compassionate person | 0positive
i didn't have much high hopes for this one before seeing it the story stereotype at me br br i mean come on it's so stupid the plot line about the innocent that realizes that the people who created him are then decides to change everything br br i had to see it three times the first two times i fell asleep because i was so incredibly bored by it it's very rare that movies bore me so much i fall asleep during them the third time i forced myself to watch it simply to be able to warn people about it br br i got the distinct impression that the people responsible for this mess had tried to take all the cool neat things from other scifi action movies and put them together to make a kick ass movie they took the robot lots of action thin story stereotype characters and a big fight in the end and threw it together unfortunately the movie sucks the acting is so wooden you could build a house out of it the storyline plot is absolutely laughable the and editing is horrid the direction is non existent and to top it all off everything is so cliche and ridiculous that it just the hell out of you br br i was left with the feeling that i could've spent the time watching this one doing something much more creative like my or watching the grass grow | 1negative
where to begin this film is very entertaining if you are new to the wonderful game of however if you live outside the us and do follow the game it is laughable various traditions such as the which is by the new zealand all blacks and only by the all blacks the leader of the is usually the member of the team with the best this is one of the most important conventions of the modern game and has been and represented by the writer the film itself is quite well directed however it is the poor script and over all execution that lets it down heavily taking into account is is based on a real story it does a great deal of clichés in the storyline i would strongly suggest that any american interested in watch this film then watch what actually is on youtube because the portrayed in this film has been distorted and so far from what it really is | 1negative
well unlike most people i went into this movie expecting it to not be that good and it turned out to be an awesome film pretty cool plot i love the idea of it but what really made this movie was the actors they all did an incredible job and it was pretty cool to see and dillon work together it's a movie where you go in thinking right away you will be able to predict whats going to happen but it quite turn out how you predicted i don't want to give away anything about the story so i wont but i suggest giving this one a chance if you saw the movie money train and enjoyed that you would love this movie maybe everything lawrence touches is gold | 0positive
this is definitely one of the better documentaries i have seen looking at family relationships and marriage i saw capturing the a short while ago and have to admit i thought this was better br br the story is not an incredibly shocking one but it is a great examination of trapped personalities and cold war block the viewer through family footage and after the fact interviews his interview style is sensitive and and his insights are clear and br br street is a great examination of personalities and relationships over 40 50 years of social change the social and potential for redemption | 0positive
this movie's script is from others most notably the core another bad movie it's pretty clear why luke perry doesn't get much work but to see the beloved lt commander michael to something like this is just sad br br i really can't think of one plot twist that isn't seen coming a mile away that's not an exaggeration br br special effects are very poor even by tv standards the flow at the beginning of the movie the coming global disaster starts things off at a very amateurish level and it gets no better from that point on | 1negative
is certainly an experience and a out of the ordinary experience at that the use of colour is fascinating and at times frustrating a lot of what happens on screen is incredibly difficult to make out your view is either by a sudden bizarre change in colour and tone characters in the way and random cuts to the sky the sound is very haunting and a welcome addition it really aids the and hopeless tone that this film br br as for what is about the rape of the environment and theory feels pretty accurate to me but i wouldn't spend a lot of time focusing on the meaning it's virtually it's clear the director didn't want to explain anything he simply presents it as it is and if you want to search for a meaning that's up to you br br watching is definitely not a walk in the park but i was captivated from the opening it really is like watching a person's worst nightmare what we see is at times and very unpleasant but there is a surreal beauty in there if you're an art house experimental fan and you haven't yet seen make it a i doubt you will ever forget it i sure know that i won't | 0positive
slow moving but smart passes you by as if you lived it filled with thought provoking ideas art race and being cool that one thing hit me hard was the ideas about the rock roll br br all the performances were improvised i will say it again all the performances were improvised sounds like a gimmick but its not it makes these characters real and like some one you would hang with this also an amazing thing when you think about how strong the character are in this film right from the beginning in the title sequence it immediately establish ben as an by the way he moves though the crowd br br okay it breaks down like this if your a person who lives the jazz rocker lifestyle of cool you will like it if your smart and understand great cinema from total crap you will love it and if your both then it might be you br br but if your none of these then you will probably think its boring and say it doesn't follow one line and write a crap review like ben | 0positive
not many people outside have had an opportunity to become familiar with brilliant he's very popular in for his fantasy short stories i believe none of them has ever been translated english alas to make a long story short the main character of books is a traveling monster a man of extraordinary and skill he's pretty much your favourite style cool guy unfortunately no one would figure this out after watching the film the movie is nothing but a collection of random scenes featuring and other characters from but not remotely resembling the plot and dramatic pace of the original event the fact that some of the shots in the film show attractive naked women does not add any quality to it the movie gets worse and worse with every minute and does not even meet the of bad it's actually category if you really are into and want to learn something about read the books instead | 1negative
this is my favorite horror film a close 2nd to i saw dark when it first came out in theaters in 1983 at the theater where i worked br br i was born in 1963 so i have a certain love for horror films despite them being a little dated and the dialog not well written what i thought was so original about it was that the phenomenon of has not been addressed at least to my knowledge at that time and is a very real phenomenon br br i didn't care if adam west was in it nothing against him but his supporting role was not memorable but thought meg was good casting the little known donald from and from as an ambiguous scientist who studies on abilities was sadly overlooked as a gay guy i was paying more attention to david mason daniels meg unfortunate but gorgeous boyfriend he's selling real estate in texas now br br i felt the film in two ways who was discovered to have murdered 6 girls in his surreal apartment had a funeral that was sparse in the fact that not only was he mysterious a but a killer as you know these types are buried without second if corpses were going to be mobile they would dragging their feet the filmmakers could have gone for the schlock walking arms out stretched zombies but for what would be believable kudos the from eyes at his like he's his kingdom of dead cast an eerie light in the that will stay with you for years if you've ever gone to a even on a sunny day you will notice that they have their own lighting caused by glass windows don't get me started on the silence even himself looked like someone who could pass as an eccentric perverted old man the score was one of a kind and memorable and i keep kicking myself for not getting it on when it first came out the track shooting was done where it was supposed to be i especially liked the carefully planned characteristics of each corpse the bride the badly child still holding its teddy bear the grandmother the tall thin black guy and the half faced world war ii vet and the green eyed elderly who was the first to the even corpses can be good actors i suppose the only thing i had to about was the arm that came out of one of the and choke boyfriend couldn't possibly be done unless a corpse was put in laying on it's stomach and feet first but why it looked a little to fresh too br br the film begins eerie with us never seeing face until the last quarter of the film which is like a birthday present as he is picking up teen girl in his daughter's psychic flash we then see his body away in his one bedroom apartment where we see he's his craft by into his wall the rest does drag as the like group julie into a final by spending the night inside the but it is a well placed build up to the horror later the movie isn't bloody in any sense of the word the part is when daughter uses a mirror to feed his power back to him and he then i've always felt that a power like could never die and a sequel could be worth looking into i can see it now one dark night ii turning in the grave but let's face it the film stands alone i heard the film had other titles but the original fits br br a remake would be pointless but if there were to be one i would write better dialog and some scenes such as show the studies on abilities done in the lab instead of hearing about it on a tape in this information age something like that would be well documented on dvd and more corpses why just raise the ones in the when power could spread to the graveyard too let's just say i'd hate to be one of the persons who had to clean up the mess at the end of the climax something that too can be shown i think having one of the sisters recognize one of the corpses as a relative would have added some good if disturbing character with cg effects some awesome scenes with remains would be off the wall br br say what you will about dark but it has it all so see at least once in your life or death | 0positive
everyone told me to see flower and i finally did what a wonderful movie the perfect pick me up for a sunday night monday morning matthau and hawn were good but ingrid bergman really made this movie after all it was really about her the truly great actors can do anything and miss bergman proves it she shows us in the course of one film a range few people display in their entire career the scene in the dance club was as hysterical as it was touching even as the film drew to its obvious conclusion i found myself cheering for miss dickinson as if she were the boston red sox thankfully she made out no pun intended much better | 0positive
it became apparent in the first 25 mins of watching this that the writers really wanted to make a feature length film and they probably certainly enjoyed the whole process but then seemed to forget the fact that it needed a decent plot if the best they could do was have 3 of the characters enter the real world and have sorts of amusing then they should have left well alone i didn't laugh once and that whole adventures of baron time thing going on in the middle was very very poor contrived and very loose it just seemed like a stop tour of anything they thought work just to drag it out to a feature br br full of holes the characters needed the writers to carry on writing in order to save them yet jeff managed to write himself into the sub story time filling william and mary and era if he could do this then why didn't they just carry on writing themselves duh and audition what was that for i mean what was the point he did it and we heard nothing else whatsoever about it br br my main point is that while i loved the series this was an ill thought out seemingly rushed project put it this way the plot was so poor that if we didn't already know the characters and as a fan i had a certain loyalty to carry on watching and we relied solely on the the story itself this would have fallen flat on its face at best it would have gone straight to video and at worst would never have been made in the first place or maybe that should be the other way round truly dreadful | 1negative
this is basically a comedy with somewhat odd pacing due to some dramatic elements for michael j fox and paul it was their first film fox had previously been in a short lived tv series and a tv movie br br since the movie is basically a race hunt type movie like run it's a mad mad mad mad world or more recently rat race there are no main characters instead there are groups of characters splitting the screen time and allowing for tons of mini plots usually these kind of movies are a way to the maximum amount of stars or semi stars onto a film br br this one has teams with one being the primary team which fox belongs to who are the only characters to be developed their plot is more of a stereotypical disney about a college boy not paying attention to his younger brother who he thinks of as a lazy punk since they are forced on a team together along with the older brother's girlfriend they are forced to work together since this is the main plot it gets the most screen time br br some of the other silly plots stand out the blue team is about an overweight rich kid whose dad just wants him and his friends out of the house they end up with a cool van which had an on board computer in 1980 to instantly solve the plus play video games with the time saved one member stephen went on to play dr on st elsewhere and later was on 5 i'll also admit that i still laugh when while trying to a word comes up with this is much funnier than bart in my opinion br br the other three teams have plots that are somewhat linked together the green team is a bunch of frat boys with mostly beer jokes which into a breakdown for one when the hunt leads to the blue they get a chance to the red team with two and two fun loving twins the white team of are lead by eddie who was previously in grease but went on to play a critical computer geek role in and later tim sidekick in some of the series br br if you grew up in the 80's then there are some classic moments in the movie that bring back memories the early video from back when they were cool is always a plus in my mind look for paul and his quarter shooting guns there is also a golf course and a roller disco br br the movie is actually an okay family movie simply because profanity is almost non and the small amount of sexual humor is completely innocent the odd pacing thanks to the yellow cheesy dramatic moments will put parents to sleep while their kids can giggle at giant at fat oh they actually have a special that must be it right | 0positive
oh how i laughed during those first couple of scenes this silly little film about an 11 year old who carries a gun steals cars stores houses money from other kids burns houses shoots rats buys drugs drugs to his mother and his friends and then kills a guy what a great comedy but it wasn't intended to be a comedy it was intended as a social drama how can this be the events in this film are absurd and ridiculous the characters are all stereotypes right out of a 4 year comic strip induced immature imagination the dialog is laughable people talk like morons it's a very dumb film br br the first scenes are indeed very funny for all the wrong reasons but the unintentional hilarity of the idiotic premise runs out after a short while and after that the laughs come only rarely by that time the viewer can't believe what he is seeing and is alternately amazed and bored by what follows if he has at least half a brain cell br br a short film but feels like an eternity the film actually is a seriously intended attempt to show the world of a young while imitating movies vastly superior to it like fun there is just such an air of about everything the kids the adults everyone lacks credibility both in their actions and dialog the kid in the lead his way through the film as though he had seen all the jimmy cagney movies at least a hundred times and typically enough the kid isn't portrayed as a of evil but instead as a misunderstood little artistic talent but of course every young is misunderstood society made him bad poor child br br the film is embarrassing a collection of stale occasionally hilarious clichés put together to make a movie that lacks intelligence and meaning the intellectual level of the film is zero | 1negative
i am coming out fighting here because this film was so well shot and so well cast that i am twice as angry about its de evolution than i would have been with a lesser work without revealing too much of the plot i can only say that part one of my 2 vhs set was an unnerving unfolding delight of bizarre but plausible plot developments the lead character was suitably like but also intelligent and very very open the events that he is rapidly forced to come to terms with are the of his parents the culture shock when his roots with a complete breakdown of english society in the sixties his father's dubious transformation into the of and the turning of his cousin into a feminist as his best friend suddenly becomes an icon of the punk movement in the seventies among other things br br what made me so angry was the amount of detailed work each actor put into creating and establishing their characters in the first part only to have the whole thing into very bad porn episodes in the second part far too many to justify plot development and far too explicit to even seem erotic my biggest pet is when directors let their private with the truth of their movie and this to me was a supreme example br br i felt a bit like i'd been invited to a party of very clever funny strangers only to have the doors locked and the guests not allowed to interact and all of us forced to watch bad seventies films instead what an insult to the hard work of these amazing actors why not just make a flick to begin with and why cast a great lead character who can actually act and then cut away from him whenever he is building up to a great performance i almost felt as if he too was growing tired of the endless sex scenes where all he did was lie there his for yet another naked actress br br bottom line part one is minor genius part two is second soap opera i know the book is quite explicit but i felt that these fine actors were as exploited in real life as their characters were in the movie and it made me quite angry and very uncomfortable only john waters can pull off such a dubious of actors and plot and have it seem artistic my suggestion is to only watch the first part toss the second in the proverbial rubbish heap and you will love the forever score a f 0 | 1negative
always enjoy the classic horror films however this film was really a big waste of time and if it were not for john carradine playing the mad man doctor who is able to control human beings through his experiments this film was made during ii and john carradine was a german nazi working to find a human weapon against the entire world bob steele playing in many roles as a cowboy or gangster and in this picture bob seemed bored to death with his role in this film and acted like this was his first film jeff gave an outstanding performance with great comedy which helped keep the audience attention i hate to criticize a film made in 1943 but this is really a big disappointment if you like john carradine and the roles he played as count dracula throughout many films during the 1940's you just might like to watch john doing his best | 1negative
i just saw this movie last night and after reading all the reviews i expected a good emotional sports film what i got was something clichéd and boring yes i thought it was boring i saw the all star getting hurt long before the game i figured maybe they'd wait for him to collapse until ya know the game before the big one but i guess the first game is good enough br br the relationships were also very clichéd with the drunk father i will say impressed me however and the boy who wants to stay and help his mother br br i especially liked the random girls melissa and maria who were in the movie for all of 5 minutes and placed there simply to get the football boys some action off the field i thought ok now how does this work into the plot again maybe i missed the point beyond well they play football in a town that loves it so the girls throw themselves at their feet point br br the sports action had some good points but most of it was so rushed i think the first game lasted longer than the montage of the entire and i wasn't so sure about the continuity of the down clock in the final game br br i guess i could see this movie winning the for best sports film if it was the only one released honestly though i found it to be a boring movie full of people obsessed with the for a better football film see remember the | 1negative
love is hard to find in this fast food society that we live in so man called makes it duty to help men find love with women that they are beyond in love with his rules are that he only helps you find love and not just some casual sex which seems like a great deal but soon word begins to spread around and people begin to get the wrong idea about what he does which begins to the relationship with woman he just met that he is in love with br br i have to say it's really nice to see will smith in a movie that doesn't have him trying to save the world from aliens or robots there are no jaw dropping effects nor is he showing off his up body he's just a normal human being in this movie which was really nice he doesn't necessarily stretch his acting in this movie but then again the story doesn't call for that but all the same it was nice to see him relaxed and not showing off his ripped body to make those of us without six packs jealous his character here is as with all his characters likable witty and very charming which is something that almost all the characters in this odd love tale seem to share the kevin james character is just a regular guy that needs help up with the girl of his dreams which really makes you feel for the guy and root for him every step of the way the only character that was a sore spot for me was the character because she's so cold and that it's hard to believe that smith could fall for her he must love a challenge i guess br br now this is the part of the review in which i'll make a joke about how i would never need because i'm such a player but i just got through writing about 16 reviews for another web site plus i'm still working on a little project so i'm a little jaded right now the movie is packed with enough charm and likable characters with funny lines it slowly but surely falls into the sea of formulaic romantic movies in which after the big scene where the terrible secret comes out everyone is forgiven and the relationship is even better than before but hey there's like movies about the underdog so i guess one more movie having a predictable ending that's been done to almost death doesn't cause much harm i really like the message of the movie as well because in the end you don't need a formula to get the right girl just be yourself and all will fall into play which is theme of the movie and why it works so well i'm sure if it had turned out that the james character gets the girl after following everything that the smith character said then it would have being a pretty empty movie but as it stands it works really well br br despite being predictable this is a perfect date movie it's sweet it's funny and it's romantic so anyone that watches this movie on a date should be getting some after it's over and by some i mean sex | 0positive
in earlier films his ideas sometimes his ability to them he was always a great writer but it took him some time to get his style of camera work and storytelling down pat br br the of four seasons is one of first movie to make great use of color from the bright green in the to the bright red at the funeral a funeral in a fassbinder movie who'd have thought br br his camera work was getting there too but it was still fairly the occasional seem a bit uncomfortable at times and unnatural but then again fassbinder was still coming out of his purely avant garde phase this might be because michael isn't behind the camera but instead the slightly inferior br br still this is fassbinder and you get your fix here broken dreams shown so vividly and as to alienate audience and drive them into a depressed just what the doctor ordered an early classic that shows remarkable progression when compared to his first films released only 2 years prior | 0positive
br br i was fascinated to read the range of opinions on from awesome breathtaking and most things between right down to golden turkey i find myself in the latter camp br br the producers obviously thought that if they mixed plenty of over the top violence with of four letter they'd have another lock stock and two smoking on their hands a pity that they forgot to include wit style charm and flair and it was certainly a mistake to feature a visit to welles' classic the lady from thus serving to remind us how much better cinema can be br br john hannah gets his shirt off at every opportunity a huge american drives around in a mini minor as for cult status and even the beautiful amanda can't add any class to these proceedings br br if you want to see a good brit film try the sublime | 1negative
this is one of the best lesbian films i have ever seen this series brought joy and sadness of true love being set in the was an amazing look at lesbian lives and desires of lesbian women the cast was beyond expectation is an amazing actress i have never seen her other works but her portrayal of made me connect with her feeling her and pains and love the one thing i feel most important is connecting with the characters in anything i watch if anyone has doubts on seeing this film think twice this is a must see series well done again to bbc we need more lesbian films that portrays real love and hurts like this one living in canada i had this dvd and i am so thrilled to have purchased it | 0positive
the all i have is 5 dollars and my wedding ring scene was a riot i also at the scene in the bar where hyde the horse and the bird to the japanese guy and said pearl harbor buddy i think my iq is higher than but i'm not sure because i can't count that high br br funny thing this 10 line seems as though they would bash you for making your comments too long not too short i hope i don't make it to 1 000 words before i get to line 10 br br i'm still two lines short me while i think and drink or drink and think it depends on whether my hands are faster than my mind good i think i've made it to the 10 line limit thanks for reading | 0positive
due to this show getting cut early i never realized why until i recently read the story behind the series i felt this show never got its as one of the greatest shows this show is iconic in nature and deserves the movie it was always intended to have if not with the original a team cast at least with the cast into the story line or a lengthy cameo perhaps at the end it to the late smith this cast gave so much to bring happiness to us growing up they deserve one last ho the fact that the series ended openly because they the series is reason enough this crew and cast made us realize as children the essence of being one of the good guys especially seeing how screwed up the world is today i think a version like the original should be put into motion i have already read the previews and i know these are not the plans but if anything a straight to dvd movie i sure would buy it i really do not get how crappy shows get series but this great show which still runs regularly today and probably gets watched more than some of the current garbage shows of today don't we will always remember the incredible hulk series knight rider and the a team because those kind of shows carry through time i am almost positive these knew ones you see about detectives will not even be remembered in 10 years so why not bring back something and show the people what staying power is all about and how these old shows really are all about | 0positive
of the booth play and the 1939 movie is a major disappointment the cast of women is excellent most of the individual scenes work but nothing hangs together there is no connection from scene to scene almost as if the film was crafted in parts and then assembled in a granted the story of a woman dealing with her husband's infidelity and how she is helped and by her friends is a less shocking one now in an age when divorce is so common but at the same time its just as as ever i just wish they could have managed to connect all of the pieces together because as it stands now you really don't feel pulled along by the plot wait for cable | 1negative
i'm not sure whether i like this film or not i think it is creepy and completely weird glover as always gave a great performance as i think his performance was really good and one of his best but i don't like the character at all keanu reeves performance was really good and i truly felt for his character over all i think the whole cast gave great performances as felt like the characters were real i disliked some but genuinely felt sorry for others keanu reeves i would like to know if that was the original ending that the film was supposed to have as it didn't end how i expected it to i was disappointed in the ending and i don't feel that it did the rest of the film justice if you are into creepy weird and really well different movies go for this one if you like things that are normal please stay away | 0positive
i'm a huge fan of legendary director kazan his movies often deal with people trying to overcome their weaknesses be it obsessive love in in the grass poverty in a tree grows in brooklyn or racism in while looking for other movies made by kazan i stumbled across a movie that was based on a novel by arthur miller the movie called focus stars william h macy who happens to be one of my favorite actors and laura dern it deals with anti in a very realistic way br br character seems to go along with the in his neighborhood and on his job until it affects him personally that's the key here the reason he acted wasn't because he knew it was wrong and he wanted to take a stand he acted because he was now considered an and he began to experience the same looks the same remarks and the same brutally that mr david experienced br br the movie is very well written and well acted meat does a awesome job of playing a dirt bag both macy and performances are outstanding it's easier in life to go along with instead of going against sometimes in order for people to take a stand things have to impact their lives or the lives of their loved ones only then will some find their moral | 0positive
chop shop the second feature from is a rare breed it is an american film that tells a story not usually found in american cinema the story of the of a minority living in poverty it is a work of simple beauty shot on location in queens new york in the shadows of stadium chop shop is neo realism to the core featuring a cast of non actors it has more in common with de classic thieves than anything made in the united states there is no score or soundtrack all the music and sounds are watching it feels like watching a great foreign film it takes us to another world because it is so to see however this other world is not post world war ii rome or or new it is contemporary new york city br br tells the story of better known as he is a 12 year old latin american kid with no parents or family unit to watch after him he lives in a tiny room upstairs in the auto shop that he also works at he shares the same bed with his teenage sister neither of them have made it passed second grade though young is tough and mature he acts as the head of the small family he his sister up with a job and he himself does anything he can to make a buck when not working at the chop shop he sells dvds on the streets and candy in he for auto parts and sells them to the many auto the street where he lives br br is when he learns his sister is working nights as a prostitute he himself becomes in by the law he begins to steal first car parts and later like antonio the desperate protagonist in thieves we cannot blame for becoming a thief it is merely survival and save up in hopes of buying a food van for 4 500 they see the van as their way out and there is much optimism however as is usually the case in neo realism we know this will only lead to disappointment br br riveting performance is what gives to chop realism here is a 12 year old character that needs to be independent and naive whether he is directing cars to the shop selling movies and bars or playing with his sister in their room it is authentic br br chop shop is a reminder that not all american children grow up in a land of opportunity lifestyle is what many in middle class white america consider they act the poverty and in foreign lands while their coffee and reading the new york times on sunday morning but make themselves blind to it on their own streets once you watch chop shop you will think differently of the kids candy on the subway br br more reviews at www com | 0positive
my mom and i went to see this film because my brother is serving in the u s peace in the same region in which it's set halfway through the film i decided that given its failure to measure up to what it pretends to accomplish the title is pretentious the subject it deals with could have made for an excellent documentary but because of its poor execution it left me far less educated about the issue than i had hoped to become i agree with laura jane from canada powerful message but lacks focus i also agree with the user who commented that this narration free style is the opposite of that of michael moore but i don't agree that it presents varying points of view and invites the viewer to decide for him or herself i do agree with one comment that a lesson is better learned when we draw the conclusions ourselves however our conclusions can't be anything but poorly if we are presented with little relevant information from which to draw them br br the main points of the documentary seemed to be that 1 the african people who live near lake victoria are very poor and suffer greatly 2 the introduction of to lake victoria inflicted by europeans ruined its 3 the surrounding lake victoria are on the economy br br the best things i can say about the film is that it attempted to relate the perspectives of the average people in sub africa which unfortunately is an among films and that it attempted to portray poverty as the result of a dysfunctional economic system rather than a universal inevitable phenomenon i liked the irony it captured in the massive amount of fish leaving the country in the face of a i appreciated the portrayal of how out of touch the u n team assigned to the region was with the people like almost all documentaries that don't have the word women in the title this film fails to do a good job representing women's voices the majority of the talking done in interviews is that of men br br maybe i need to watch the film a second time in order to catch some key points i might have missed but i failed to theory of the relationship between the introduction of to lake victoria and the living conditions for living near the lake furthermore i could be wrong but it struck me that could do well to improve his interview skills not only did the questions he asked and the he included seem to be but he seemed to have a real knack for making awkward and uncomfortable br br the most compelling development in the film is the suggestion that the of now functions to mask the of arms and that the real economy over is that of war not fishing sadly away from a expose of the idea or at least the interview with the reporter who seemed to know what he was talking about in regards to the weapons and cops out with a decide for yourself approach br br if nightmare was meant to the myth that first world exploitation of the third world gives them a chance for a better life it didn't do a good job of it if it was meant to depict how the weapons industry in the u s and europe is responsible for much armed conflict around the world it didn't do a good job of it if it was meant to portray what drives people to prostitution it didn't do a good job of it if it was meant to cast light on the inability of the u n to carry out its mission it didn't do a good job of it if it was meant to say that earn from the isn't worth the human cost of with mother nature to create a product it didn't do a good job of it if it was meant to imply that would be much better off had europeans never come it didn't do a good job of it | 1negative
Subsets and Splits