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He comes home from work and nonstop watches radical religious programming at loud volumes for hours, and even insists on watching it while we are trying to eat dinner. It really disturbs the peace and these religious programs have content in them that's so ignorant, it absolutely infuriates me. I try to tell my father that he is watching stuff that is misinforming and will probably brainwash him but he disagrees with me. The stuff that is in these programs is so laughable that it sounds like articles from The Onion, except the people preaching this are dead serious. It infuriates me beyond belief that he is being convinced to believe stuff like this. I don't know if I should let him be or watch my loved one be taken over by this bullshit. | Father nonstop watches loud, ignorant, and radical religious programming for hours on end, disturbing the peace in our home. He's starting to believe the misinformation these programs feed him too. The whole thing stresses me out. |
So I've had low self esteem for the last few months or so. It seems like the only time I can be fun and confident is when I'm in the atmosphere of knowing what I'm doing, and that is in the chemistry lab (this is in a university/academic setting). She's seen and graded my work, so she knows what I'm capable of. We've bantered back and forth sarcastically, but I'm still unsure if she has noticed that I have a crush on her. Should I even ask her out? Is it weird to ask out someone who is supposed to be teaching you? I don't mind dating after the semester but given my plan on asking her out, I'd still have to see her at least once, which would be kinda awkward if she said no, but I could deal with it. I guess my biggest question is, would she even date a younger guy who was technically her student? Do you guys have experience in that? How did it turn out? | Is it weird to ask out your teaching assistant (as a student of the class)? Could it even work? What are you experiences when you chose to ask out/date an older person who was your TA(teaching assistant)? |
My friend, lets call her Anne, has recently moved back to the area since living across country for a few years. She has been going through a lot health wise and also recently her grandmother passed away. Since shes been back I realized how much of a terrible job I have been in reaching out to her to hang out so Ive been making an honest effort to invite her to do things. I should note though that if I didnt reach out to her she probably wouldnt either. This past Wednesday I invited her out to dinner but she declined saying she was just recovering from being ill due to her health conditions and went on to say she she was celebrating a big promotion at her job and would love to do something this weekend to celebrate with me and a mutual friend of ours who is flying in for the weekend. This friend is her best friend and someone I was much closer to in high school but drifted apart from as time went on...when we do happen to see each other its fun, nothing awkward. Anyway, come friday I texted her to ask her plans as she didnt seem to have any when she mentioned it. She replied going to the local bars saturday night so I left it at. Come saturday I reached out to her to confirm the plans and so I could plan accordingly and she states we were still on. But then around 11:30pm I get a text from her saying "Sorry I have to cancel, sooo sorry for the inconvenience. Im mad/ annoyed and going to bed". I was completely fine with this as I hadnt even started getting ready because I had a feeling it would end up that way. Well about 45 minutes later Im on snapchat and our mutual friend posted a few snaps, I look and see it is her and Anne at a bar (not the one that she told me she wanted to go to) drinking away! I couldnt help but feel shitty because it appears that I had been "played". Im trying not to jump to conclusions and have been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt by thinking it really couldve been that her plans had change but then quickly turned around. Now today I received a text from her about 6 hours ago asking if I would be free tonight or tomorrow for dinner but I just have no interest responding or ev going to dinner because of her actions the night before. Am I being childish for ignoring her texts and not wanting to go out? And should I even mention our mutual friends snapchat and how I feel about the whole situation? I dont want to make a big deal and seem all emotional but hell thats exactly what I am and Im really just embarrassed that I couldve been played by someone who I thought was a good friend. Edit: some words. | friend cancelled plans with me stating she was going to bed but 45 minutes later I saw her on someone elses snapchat out at a bar. Im hurt, should I bother saying anything? |
Sophomore year of college my best friend's roomate turned out to be the single most homophobic person I have ever met in my life. For example, we were in their room and I asked him what he would do if his son were gay. He said he didn't want to even talk about it because it would jinx it and was bad luck. Fast forward a semester and we're all at the local mall and this guy buys a hat. A completely blank, flat-brimmed all purple hat. Says he's going to have his aunt embroider something on it. Fast forward another few months and the blank completely purple hat has still not left the bag. Another friend and I are on our way to lunch when we see this guy wearing the purple hat. About a half hour later I remember that it was campus-wide "Wear Purple to Support Gay Pride" for national LGBTQ week. Here's the most homophobic person on campus, wearing a completely blank, all purple flat brimmed hat, and completely oblivious of what day it is. We brought it up to him that night in the dining center in the form of a joke. He looks around, sees nearly everyone wearing purple, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone take a hat off faster. He did not find the irony as funny as we did at all. Needless to say he never wore that hat again. | Crazy homophobic guy buys blank purple hat. Wears it for the very first time several months later. Happens to be Wear Purple for Gay Pride day during LGBTQ Awareness Week. Hilarity ensues. Never wears hat again. |
Okay, I will try to make this as short as possible. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and I couldn't be happier with our relationship. I could go on and on about how absolutely amazing he is. I envisioned a life with him, marriage, kids, white picket fence, the whole shebang! Now here is where my dreams of a life together go to shit: Last week he gets a call from an agent in LA saying that he got a role in a new indie movie and that he will be needed for filming in LA for the month of January but he should consider moving to LA to pursue acting full time. Now, this is not necessarily a new topic of discussion for us. In the past we have had this discussion several times, though the discussions were never serious or definitive, they were more of just ideas to him at the time and at that time we weren't super serious so it didn't really resonate with me. So when we talked last week about his decision to move to LA I was completely caught off guard. Needless to say, I was/am devastated. I feel like I am going to lose my best friend and the love of my life. Even though he has assured me numerous times that he loves me deeply and is 100% committed to making us work long distance (seeing as we would only be 5hrs away), I still am hurt and saddened by his decision to leave. I want to support and encourage him on his journey to pursue his passion; I have want to have him resent me or regret his decision to not go and pursue acting. At the same time its very hard for me to come to terms with. I would love to go with him but I have a 5yr daughter who needs me more and a good job I cant/don't want to leave. Any advice to help me to cope with a LDR is much appreciated. | Boyfriend of 1 year is moving to LA to pursue his passion. I love him and want to make it work. We want to do a LDR. Any advice to help cope with his new decision. |
Hi reddit. Could you help me in determining if i'm being an egoist in this situation? My parents have been together for 29 years and have one habit- every year they have a fight which almost ends up in divorce. This time it begun because my father works shifts and he would be working one night while his brother's sons pay a visit to their grandparents and stay at my parents place. My mother got furious and wants dad to stop working night shifts and my father doesn't want to do it. They had a huge fight resulting in lot of tears (as always), accusations etc. My mum makes much more money than my dad and is complaining that he cannot provide, in the same time she wants him to change his job to less paid one, but one that would enable them to spend more time together. Dad doesn't want it, so a month ago they had a huge fight and stopped talking. Here is the deal- they separately talk to my sister and complain at each other. They don't communicate directly but only by her. My sister is concerned a lot and wants them to end up fighting because she is tired of being their point of venting. She wants me to speak with my father to convince him to quit those night shifts. They didn't drag me into their conflict as I am pregnant and they don't want to upset me. My sister on the other hand wants me to help her in making them stop fighting. I don't want to take part in it as this is their marriage, they are grown ups and if they are not able to resolve conflicts in a mature way that is not my problem. I explicitly told my sister multiple times that neither I am taking sides nor interfere and adviced her to follow my lead. Today she texted me asking for help again and for one more time i told her i will not engage myslef in this conflict. She called me an egoist and was very upset that she is left with this situation alone. I told her that her behaviour was just enabling my childish parents, but it seems that she believes that they need her to end up the conflict. Reddit, please help me, is my lack of engagement normal? I wouldn't like my parents to interfere with my marriage, and that's why I don't want to take part in this circus. | my sister wants me to help her resolve my parent's marriage issues, i don't want to take part in drama. Edit 1:my sister is actually 25. Sorry for any typos/mistakes, I'm submitting from mobile. |
The honest advice is that there is no easy way to break this cycle. You just have to suck it up for a couple weeks and just go work out - no matter how tired you may be. Exercise (properly) every couple days for two weeks and then take stock. Although it may not seem like it when you're breathless and sweating balls, if you look back you will notice that (1) the workouts are slightly easier (or you've increased resistance, distance, etc.) and (2) it's not as difficult to motivate yourself to go (you aren't as tired). I believe it takes about 3 weeks for something to become a habit. After a couple weeks, the process of turning exercise into a habit is underway. It will be tiring and generally sucky at first, but stick with it and you will get results. And it will get easier. | How do you break this cycle? You suck it up, get off the couch, and yawn on the treadmill for a few weeks until the yawning stops. |
First of all, I'm not talking about "creative visualization" but I suppose it could be related. Specifically I am referring to the process of visualizing an object, face or scene in your mind's eye or daydreaming. When I visualize something it's very vague and impressionistic. For example I close my eyes and visualize my bedroom and just see blackness. However I can still somehow see the room enough to describe it... but I don’t see it in front of me like in an afterimage optical illusion (I guess I see it in my mind’s eye?). I have had moments — usually before falling asleep — where vivid, detailed and realistic mental imagery comes into my mind's eye. But this is not something I can control or do so in waking hours. I have also had lucid dreams (where one realizes one is dreaming while dreaming) so I know my mind is capable of it. A few years back I asked this question to friends, some said they had extremely vivid mental imagery and some said they suck at visualizing and see nothing. My problem here is that the answers were subjective — what I think of as vivid might not be the same as their definition. I explained it as follows: is the imagery photographic? When you close your eyes is what you see like looking at a photo? So is there a way to cultivate this ability if by nature you do not possess it? I can't really find much information on this topic on the internet. It seems odd to me that it hasn't been explored more fully or perhaps I wasn't searching with the right terms. | When you close your eyes and daydream, is it as vivid as watching TV? And does anyone know how I can make my mental imagery more vivid? |
during a very nasty and selfish part of my life, i took two of three tabs of potent LSD (of which i was supposed to save to do WITH my then-girlfriend the next day) out of boredom and hedonism. i had gone home from school early to do so, as to have the house to myself. i take one tab, hoping i can be satisfied off that and drop one with my girl the next day, but of course, after 2 hours, one doesn't seem to be doing it for me. i drop another tab. i eat the second tab and get in the shower, and was terrified to realize that after 20 minutes (i'm a guy, but god damn i like a long hot shower) i started coming up, and coming up fast . drying off my body felt very cartoonish and alien. i threw on some ridiculous house-outfit and sat on my porch and braced myself the best i could. keep in mind, i was by myself (and 17 at the time). cars driving by sounded and looked like giant spaceships. the clouds above me swelled and changed into images of my imagination uncontrollably. the big tree in my front yard had the illusion of hundreds of wiggly, snarling old man faces. the grass in my front yard seemed to grow feet high and then shrink to inches, while changing hues by the second. at this point, i'm freaking out a little bit. the trip is uncontrollable, super-intense, and extremely disorienting. i start to feel extremely guilty about taking the hits, and toil in my own acid-filled head how i'm supposed to tell my girlfriend how i fucked up. she got off school at 215 and it was about 130, and i experienced maybe the longest and most agonizing 45 minutes of my life waiting to call her, tell her how i fucked up, and to come save me before my parents come home and realize im completely fucked out of my mind. of course, my mom beats her to my house, is bewildered immediately by my behavior, almost doesn't let me go out because im acting sick (sweaty, big pupils, went home from school with a "headache"). i manage to get out of the house with high tensions and suspicions, but just barely held myself together. | I took two hits of LSD that i was supposed to save to do with my girlfriend the next day, had a guilt trip while tripping balls completely alone for 5 hours, narrowly escaped my mom that already assumed i had a drug problem. |
My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. It's always been a healthy relationship with minimal drama and open communication. But last fall, when he started grad school, we decided to live apart. We had been living together for about 3 years. He moved to another city to be closer to school and I moved in with friends. We're only a short train ride away or a 30 minute drive. At first I thought living apart would be great, we would re-establish our independence and individuality. I believed in the age-old saying, distance makes the heart grow fonder. But as soon as school started, he got so busy. We only talk once a day for 10 minutes on the phone before bed and see each other once or twice a week. Whenever we are together, he's always stressed out about school. At first, I put a ton of effort into the relationship; sending him snail mail, coming up with activities and dates for us. He hasn't reciprocated. And recently, I've stopped caring as much. I still care about him deeply and enjoy the time we get to spend together. But at this point it feels like I'm not even in a relationship. It feels like I have a really good guy friend. Living alone has made me a lot more independent. I've started having all of these urges to see what else is out there before I settle down. I've been with the same guy since I was 21. I think I want to have more experiences. But I also want to be with him eventually in a different situation. We get along so well and I know that he would be a great life partner. I love him and would really miss him if we broke up. We have had a few recent, long talks about the relationship. He doesn't want to break up. But I haven't told him about my curiosity to date other people. He hasn't done anything terribly wrong aside from neglecting the relationship. I've had no complaints about the relationship until this life chapter. Am I crazy to leave him so I can date some shittier guys just to realize that he was way better (which I pretty much already know)? Could I suggest a break and then go back to him after I've had my fun? Is that fair? If it aint broke don't fix it? How could I change our situation so I would be happier? Thanks for reading. | I feel that BF of 5 years and I are growing apart. We still love each other and I want him to be my life partner. Should we break-up or stick it out? . |
My boyfriend's cousin--let's call her Ann--has a history of depression and self-destructive tendencies. She's a cutter and constantly has new slits up and down her arms. She's currently in the hospital recovering from her second suicide attempt in a year. According to my boyfriend (who lives 2 hours away), She's been in therapy for a while now, but considering recent events, it seems that not much is getting through to her. Ann's apparently been the focus of the rumor mill at her school and it's really affecting her. On top of that, her boyfriend turned out to be a serious dirtbag and pretty much raped her while she was drunk at a party. This is all way more than I experienced when I was in high school, but I have been affected by a good friend's suicide so I know the horrible aftermath and suffering of loved ones. Her parents are Asian immigrants, harsh, and just don't know how to handle the situation. Her father calls her stupid and her mother just cries all day because she doesn't know what to do. Her cousins have all moved away, and what I think she's really lacking is an older sister figure for guidance. I don't know Ann very well and I've only got to spend time with her at their family functions, which are few and far between. I do however, live less than a mile away from her and I want to help her in any way I can. How do I approach her/the situation? How do I let her know I care about her without her feeling like I'm intruding on her privacy? This is a deeply personal aspect of her life and I don't want to make her feel ashamed, embarrassed, or betrayed because I know. I'd love any thoughts on this, especially from others who have been affected by suicide in any way. Thanks for reading. | Boyfriend's cousin, who is little more than an acquaintance to me, just attempted suicide. She doesn't have a very strong support system or any older, trustworthy relatives who she can confide in. Need advice on how to let her know I care and want to help. |
Hey, so there's this guy that I work with who is very quiet and somewhat shy. He's very inexperienced with girls, and as far as I know has never had a girlfriend or been to a dance in his life. I am somewhat shy/quiet as well, but him and I have hung out a few times. He is short (like 5'5) and might possibly be insecure due to acne/height. I was thinking of asking him to go to my schools homecoming with me, but if he doesn't like dancing in front of people because he's embarrassed, would this just be cruel? How would I get him comfortable? I'm not going to grind on him or anything like that, but I don't really know how to dance so would this just be a fucking trainwreck? Pretty much everyone goes to hc, its a really popular dance so I'm afraid he would feel overwhelmed... If I were to ask him, when should I do it? Are there any creative ways to ask? Should I do the cheesy thing where I do it with food/cards etc., or just straight up ask him? | Would it be cruel to ask a shy guy to hc when he's never been to a dance? How would I go about doing it? |
So Maisie and I have been friends for a short period of time, say 18-20 months. We've bonded over a lot of things I don't have in common with any of my other friends. My current bridesmaids are women who have been in my life from five to twenty five years; all really close friends plus my sister. Over the last year or so, Maisie and I have become really close. We text every day and I see her a lot as we work in the same area. She's become the first person I go to for advice and I've become the same person for her. I think very highly of her and can see our friendship lasting for a really long time. She is also friends with my fiancé and they get on really well. So my question is, I would like to ask her to be my bridesmaid - I'm getting married in July next year - but as I've already asked my other friends six months ago, and have a messenger group called "bridesmaids" with them, I'm worried she would feel like an afterthought. I don't want the message to be "yeah in January I didn't think that much of our friendship but yay you've made the cut!" How do I go about asking her and making sure she feels good about it? She's really sensitive and has self esteem issues so I want to make sure she doesn't feel like I'm asking out of politeness or anything. Hope this makes sense, I'm really tired! | want to ask my friend to be my bridesmaid but I asked my other friends six months ago, before this friend and I were as close as we are now. How do I ask her without making her feel like an afterthought? |
About 4 years ago I would go to the athletic club right after school. Now after school a lot of people at my school either went to one of the two athletic clubs in our town to work out and talk about the day. I was in 10th grade at the same time and just started going. There was this one kid that was quite badly built in the 9th grade that went to my school. He had tiny legs but a huge torso. I felt bad for the kids knees. Well one day I'm in the weight room and he's in the back on the leg press rotating with a friend. Now this kid is athletic nor been working out for a long time to even attempt ridiclous weight. Anyway, he decides to tell his friend to load down the leg press with plates because he wanted to leg press 600. I stop my shoulder shrugs to see this kid attempt the weight. If he does it he'll have earned my respect since he could leg press more than me at the time. He sits down, lays back, pulls up the lever, and the weight comes flying down like a bird that had been shot in flight. As it falls down, the kids knees had been pressed into his chest pretty much and when it came down he let's out the most obnoxious and longest fart that everyone without headphones turned around to look at this him on the leg press. The trainers had to run over and left the weight off of this poor kid. He cancelled his gym membership shortly after that. | Fat kid at the gym shit himself EDIT: I'm sorry for any grammar issues it's finals week and 6:14 am. I also have a lot more stories from my athletic club. |
not me, but in the early 70s my dad was a hippie in college, long hair, long beard etc. He was driving his very beat up volkswagon beetle on an icey stretch of country road through a very rich area. when he crossed a bridge he lost control because of the ice and did a 480 and was now in the opposite lane. Just then headlights appeared and the car swerved and hit the side of the bridge, totaling it. Dad gets out, its a freakin classic, pristine (not any more) rolls royce. The driver gets out, asks if my dad is ok. A passing policeman stops and starts talking to the man, telling my dad to go wait by his car. Dad notices that the man has a very younger, skimply dressed woman in the car. The cop comes back, tells him no problem get out of here. Dad realizes it was a super wealthy local with his mistress. | Dad causes a rolls Royce to total, driver is a super wealthy man with his mistress, cops show up and tell dad to leave, no problem. |
I met (online)my father's son about 4-5 years ago and have kept it comtact(not close) on Facebook since. He is the only person from that side of my family who knows I exist and our father asked him to not tell anyone. I could have contacted them but have not. It is not something important to me. I found out a couple days ago that he passed away by heart attack in his sleep. I know my mother was very in love with my father and he hurt her a lot, however, she has not had any contact with him. She is a very reserved woman and I'm not sure she would be concerned at all to know, at least not publicly. She will not find out he's passed unless I'm to tell her. I've, more or less, decided I'll tell her, and also asked my "father figure"(moms former bf of my life) if I shod and he agrees I should. However, I've never told someone anyone has died before and I'm not sure how to go about it, especially in this situation. My mother has been very independent/alone since I was born(even when in her relationship) and I'm concerned about how this will make her feel. How should I go about this? | biological father, mother's love of 20 year ago, passed an not sure if/how I should tell her. She will not find out if I do not share. Should she know? |
32/m here. Like the title says, I'm one of those people who sometimes over-analyzes things. I know it always helps to get a dose of common sense by throwing my questions out to the rest of the world. I'm interested in asking out a woman I volunteer with for a few hours each week. I'm going back and forth between two options: 1) The first is to wait until next week when I see her in person, and ask her then. The issue is that because of the nature of the volunteer position, there are always lots of other people around, if I run into her at all. So it could be more tricky and awkward to actually get her alone to ask her. Also, even though some posters will just tell me to man up, I'll be straightforward and say I'd be more nervous doing it in person, especially if I'm feeling pressured to catch her before I don't see her again for another week. 2) Option #2 is to add her to Facebook, and then ask her out that way. The issue here is that it may come off as slightly stalkerish to add her, since to even know what Facebook account to add, I had to do a slight bit of Googling to find her last name and figure out which pictureless FB profile was hers. Didn't have to do any extreme creepy searching or anything, but I still don't want to give a bad first impression. I just put her first name and her grad school program into Google, and the first result is a page of student profiles. The main reason I'd lean towards the online way is that if I ask her in person I have a whole week of build up an anticipation ahead of me. I don't care that much if she says no, so there's an appeal in asking her out online and getting the answer over with. | Want to ask girl out. Not sure to do it in person, where it may be more awkward due to the situation, or online, where I may look slightly stalkerish for adding her to Facebook first. |
It's not about perfection. It's about attitude. A big girl who carries herself well and is friendly and doesn't constantly distress herself over her weight is much more attractive than someone who is obviously awkward and shy because of her weight -- even given the same body type and weight. Yes, I speak for myself, because I've experienced it. I've been 30 pounds heavier than I've wanted to be for two years now. My attitude gradually shifted from self-loathing to making jokes about it (which still comes across as insecure) to enjoying my life and realizing that other people judge me much more on whether I'm smiling at them versus whether my waist is this-or-that. It's like this: the skinny girl who acts timid and weird with you because she feels too skinny versus the girl who has accepted herself and her body shape is very like the big girl who acts similarly. Unwittingly, it seems, insecurity shines through brightest when it's unconscious. When I realized that I was not at a weight I wanted to be, but owned it as the present reality and didn't act as though every customer at the counter or every joe on the street were judging me, I received in return the kind of positivity I had had before. I was the one judging me, and I acted in a way that other people didn't want to have to deal with my angst about it, all the way down to something as simple as eye contact. | Your attitudes about yourself are more important than whether your frame is svelte or not. The more un-self-conscious you are, the more people respond to that positively. |
Over the election there was a lot of talk regarding how we can't trust electronic/computerized/internet voting. As a tech-major I find this talk ridiculous, but can't support my argument. I feel that if we can create secure banking transactions, the same technology and methods could be employed for elections. | Help me win an argument against my professor who doesn't trust anything electronic. For what reasons can we trust electronic voting for elections? (edit) the argument isn't bullet proof, but I would like to at least make an argument. |
My previous roommate has owed me a sum of $500.00 since November 14th of 2012. I thought he was a good friend so let me explain a little. We made a verbal agreement that he would not pay his half the final month of rent since he was moving out early, and in return, I would keep his half of the security deposit. Fair enough. I have known him for a few years so whatever; right? Well, since then the move out inspection and security deposit returned we had in our minds the wrong amount. We were expecting to get in return close to $800 after usual wear and tear (seeing $800 is what we thought we paid for it) but turns out, the documentation team for our complex only shows us paying $299 for security deposit. Doesn't make sense but I have no paperwork to back up my side so what can I do. I send messages to my previous roommate explaining he still owes me money for his final month of rent as well as the final half of utilities for that month. He acknowledges the fact he owes me money. His father gets involved and has a phone conversation where we make verbal agreement he will submit payment to me by the end of January; 31st at the latest. I have communicated multiple times via facebook chat, gmail messages, and phone calls with them but am getting no response. What can I really do to rectify this situation? | old roommate owes me $500. Lives in different state now. Knows he owes me $500 and wont pay up. I have conversation between us to use as evidence. What can I do? |
We'll be hitting our 2 year anniversary soon. I can't figure out whether she means something to me or not. When we are back home during breaks (both of us are in school), there is an about 1.5hr driving distance between us. Usually during breaks I have no desire or need to talk to or text her. When she's in town and asks to hang out, it's a 50/50 whether I want to hang out with her or hang out with my guy friends - usually I oblige her because I feel guilty about not wanting to hang out with her when she's in town. When we are together, it's a lot of fun. Her smile and laugh make me feel great and her bubbliness makes for a great time. I have no trouble talking to her at all and in general I have a great time with her. In college we both are busy so I only really see her at night when she comes over to study/sleep and select nights when we get dinner/go out. Otherwise I have no desire to talk to or text her... Can you guys gauge what's going on? I feel like after almost 2 years I shouldn't be so ambivalent with my feelings. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it..... | I have no desire to talk to or text my girlfriend of almost 2 years when we are apart, but when I'm with her I have a lot of fun and enjoy her company. What does this mean?? |
I once didn't shit for 6 days, I was on a festival and the fucking port-o-potty's are revolting. The first few days I didn't really need to shit, I shit daily at home but when I'm out my shit train just never leaves the station. By about the 4th day I did start having poo tingles, the toilets were now at their worst and I really couldn't be arsed so I held them down with not much effort. The travel back home was early in the morning, we packed all our stuff and every bit of relaxing I did stimulated a serious need to poo. I felt 5 months pregnant and had developed some serious cramps on this day. Once aboard the train I finally had the opportunity to take a dump, but the train was stuffed as fuck and the toilets arent much better than the ones on the festival. I decided I'd be a man and hold it up till I got home. The bike ride home was the most excruciating thing ever. I felt like my guts were ready to explode with a screeching alien poking its head out of the hole. I came home, threw my bike against the wall, ran awkwardly through the garden and without ever saying a word to my family I immediately ran to the toilet. There was no pushing whatsoever required at this point, there was a build up of pressure that pushed outward at a formidable force. The only problem with that was that the poo was the size of a small dog and was hard as a rock. My eyes watered up and I nearly cried as my butthole got stretched to inhumane proportions in a quick flow. I let out a man-shout as the chocolate child left my bowels and made a small tsunami in the toilet. My mom came over to greet my after the week she hadn't seen me, also wondering why I'm doing hercules moans, instead the foulest of stenches greeted her nostrils and she quickly gained insight as to why I was making horse-in-labor sounds. I hope you enjoyed this distasteful story | Never hold your shit until it becomes the size of a bulldog. Edit: wowzers gold, now not only my anus is no longer a virgin but also my reddit gold membership, thank you kind stranger! |
Friend once was having problems with her family so she stayed with mine for a while. Didn't mind too much at the beginning since she is a pretty good friend. During the time she stayed with us, she stayed up late, slept in late, demolished our food supply, used up our internet to the point where we had to upgrade, didn't clean the floors like she was supposed to or wash up until it was like 11.00pm claiming it was 'too hot' to wash up earlier in the evening, left her clothes on the floor even when my mum asked her repeatedly to pick up them, left used plates and cups in her room to the point that they became mouldy and, worse of all IMO, came with us to all the family events, excluding Christmas. She ended up moving out just after two months later to live with her grandparents and didn't last a week. She's now living with another friend. Despite her slob behaviour I'm still good friends with her and am seeing her tomorrow. | Friend stayed over from the end of October to the beginning of January and was a slob. Discovered I could never live with her but am still friends with her. |
I had a very strong connection with someone that I met from class last semester, and he took me on a date to an event and we hung out a few times. Over winter break though we got in a fight, where both of us were kind of in the wrong as far as how we handled it, and we stopped talking for about a month. A week or so ago, I saw him and was civil. I said hi and asked him how he was doing, but I was about to start working so I kept it brief. Then the next day I received a message from him apologizing about how he handled things and that he has been thinking about talking to me again for a long time but it didn't feel right to contact me until after he saw me. His apology sounded genuine, I apologized again for things, and then we had a lighthearted conversation. We talked about hanging out but hadn't until last night. I went over to his place to watch a movie and hang out. He was talkative but mentioned that he didn't get much sleep this weekend and was really tired.We finished the movie and were cuddling, and then we started getting somewhat physical. Previously before things ended, we hadn't gotten intimate yet. Well last night one thing led to another and we both asked each other if it was okay before we moved forward with each step sexually but we ended up performing oral on each other. After oral he basically passed out because he was so tired, we didn't really cuddle. And this morning he was still dead asleep. He kept apologizing that he was really tired. He walked me outside when I left and gave me a hug, but didn't kiss me at all this morning. I'm probably thinking too much about it, I just worry that we moved too fast after a lot tension. Also, kissing didn't feel as passionate as kissing did before our fight, at least until we became intimate later in the night. I'm wondering if that's because of the negativity I felt toward him for the past month. Is it normal to feel that way after a fight like that? I don't know if I should say anything or if he was feeling that way too. I don't want to drag on something that potentially isn't there anymore. I'm still willing to try to see if things will get better, but I don't know how to talk about that without seeming like a worry wart. | hooked up with someone I had a previous connection with, but we weren't talking for a month. Don't know how to move forward from here. |
America? Oh hell... the list is ENORMOUS. Lets see: -Student loan debt being used to pay government bills (and they wonder why home sales are down when college grads owe outrageous bills for their mediocre education?!) -The Tea Party (nuff said... freaking whack jobs) -The Republican Party (Rich peoples pampered lap dogs) -Corporations essentially run America. -We don't get to know what is in our food -We don't get to know what is in our water -We don't get to know what chemicals are used to 'frack' (even though it's causing water to be ignitable in sink faucets) -General citizens have to borrow money at some 6-15+ times the rate corporations and banks loan it to each other. -Corporate profits, Big Oil profits, etc far outweigh the value of human life in this country. -Republicans cut food stamps at the same time they gave larger subsidies for farmers and raised the military budget (because we needed to "save money" and the poor are always the easy targets in this country) -Christian nuts trying to pressure the local, state and federal government - all while claiming they are "under attack" by Atheists and/or other religions. I would go on, but it's already too long and I barely scratched the surface. | America is eating itself from the inside out while the 1% and their government lackeys try to profit from it as fast as possible before the country crumbles to dust. |
Back in Junior High (around 16 years ago in Canada) my school annually held a stock market game which lasted the whole day. The purpose of the game was to teach kids about the market and buying stocks. All grade 7 and 8 students would take part in teams of three in the gymnasium. Basically the game was intended to be a simulation of the market, with students having the option of buying a couple of commodities ( Oil, Gold, something else) and a few stocks. Every 10-15 minutes or so a teacher would announce fake news such as "An Oil spill occurred" and then students would have the option of responding to the news by racing to the 'trading desks' and either buying or selling their commodities or stocks and influencing the price of those assets. At the end of the day the winning team was the one that accumulated the most total wealth. Of course all teams were to have the same amount of fake cash to start the game. Fortunately, a couple of days before the game, my teacher, who was one of the leading organizers, thought it'd be great idea for her students to count equal portions of cash to be put into envelopes for all the teams - instead of doing it herself or having other teachers do it. As I was menially counting cash I thought "why not secretly pocket some extra cash for my teammates and I for the stock game?" and passed this thought on to my two fellow teammates in the class. Needless to say my team killed the game. We just had soooooo much cash. At the end of the game we ended up having almost all the oil and gold. I vividly remember us laughing with evil tycoon glee as the trading desk attendants said to other teams there's no more oil and gold left to sell them. Our total wealth at the end of it all was, from what I recall, something ridiculous, like 10 times that of the 2nd place team. Whereas the difference between the wealth of the 2nd and 3rd place team was something like 1.5 times. | Cheated at a stock market game for the entire school by secretly 'stealing' tonnes of the fake cash before the event. Destroyed all other stock market players in the game using my excessive cash. |
Coming home today from my grandparents' place, I decided that I was too tired from shoveling snow. Instead of taking the stairs like usual, I decide to just go jam in with the crowd waiting for the elevator. Now, this elevator wasn't small but with everyone wearing big ass coats and jackets it became a tight fit after everyone stuffed themselves into the metal death trap. I, being near the outside of the crowd, ended up right in front of the button panel and was stuck there for the duration until someone got off. The fucking amazing thing is that this damn elevator likes to shake a bit before moving. Not like a violent shake but one that might make you waver a bit. However, me being stuck in the corner of the elevator lost my balance and smashed my arm on the button panel. Immediately the people next to me went: "what the fuck mate?" "oh dammit" It was like I had just accidentally done something so heinous that I got the stare aimed at me. | Don't ever smack all the buttons on an elevator or you'll get death glares. Edit: It might be more exact to say I only hit the buttons for ground floor to 12th (out of 20 floors). |
I love my BF, but I don't think we are right for each other. He has anger issues (says lewd things and has destroyed some of my things), drinks around 10 beers every day, never cleans up after himself (to the point where we've gotten bugs) and blows all his money on beer and McDonald's and is constantly broke. When I first met him I didn't really care and didn't know about his temper, but I want to do things with my life and not live in a pigsty and I just feel like this is going nowhere. We've discussed things but at the end of the day, he is who he is, I know he's not changing anytime soon. Additionally we've both emotionally cheated with people online. So while I know I want to break up, I can't bring myself to do it. I don't really know why but I think its attachment, plus the fact that I know he'll be upset and I don't want to hurt him, especially since I think he is depressed. Has anyone else ever experienced this? How did you deal with it? Edit: spelling. | I think my relationship with my Bf is going nowhere. I want to break up but am attached and don't want to hurt him. How do I deal with this? |
Inspired by [this post]( This is what I've recently done with, what could possibly be, my last friend. She was the only person I've connected with in a vary long time. We used to talk for hours and hours, and could share things with each other that we couldn't do with anyone else (and I mean priiiiiiivate things*) . Recently though things have been changing and we've been growing apart, which has been hard for me to say the least. My other friends have all left state, and now with her drifting away, I'm alone and too socially awkward and shy to make new friends (even on the internet or in games with people I have things in common with). I don't even know where to begin. Anyway I could tell I've probably been acting clingy because I miss her so much. I miss talking with her, I miss trying to be there when she needs me, and I miss having her as a close friend above all else. I'm fairly sure she's been avoiding me, and that cuts me deep. The thing is I don't want to be a problem for her, so I've told her we should stop talking (I think she's too sweet to call it off, or maybe she just felt sorry for me). She didn't fight or argue which made it easy, but that also just confirms my belief she wants to end our friendship too. She'll be better off without me, but I can't say the same for myself. I haven't talked with another human longer than a few minuets in about a week now, and before I met her, that was common. Well I'm not going back to that misery, I'm glad she'll never know what became of me...I don't want to hurt her, I mean, that would defeat the purpose of ending our friendship at all. I would hate to have her live with that guilt (even though it's not her fault). | forever alone + helium exit bag. Anyway reddit, has anyone else ever removed themselves from someones life so that person could have a better life? |
I like to think that my parents raised my twin brother and I quite well. They had a unique approach that basically came down to teaching us respect by being our friends. I never really viewed them as all-powerful or scary simply because of this. From day one, they showed me that you can be best friends with your parents and not have to worry about them screaming at you for something stupid. I'll kind of make it short and sweet: They never punished my brother and I by grounding or yelling or hitting, etc. Instead, they would let us know that they were disappointed in us if we messed up; this made us feel horrible because, like I said, they were our best friends- we didn't want to disappoint them. They weren't strict with us. As soon as we got our licenses, we were allowed to go where we wanted, when we wanted. They just told us to let them know where we were going. They understood that sex is a natural thing and that it will most likely happen at a young age, so instead of saying "ZOMG COOTIES AND TEETH ARE IN VAGINAS", they just told us to stay protected. Actually, it was more like "you're either going to be having sex, doing drugs or both, and we'd prefer the former with protection." Now my brother could be unruly at points, but overall we've both been pretty good kids. Neither of us do/have done drugs (not straightedge, just have no interest in them), though we do sex the wimens. We're both going to school for medical jobs and I like to think that we make our parents proud. Good luck with whichever path you choose :D | treat your kids as equals, but let them know you have the upper-hand. Doing so will make them think of you more as a friend than a tyrant |
small confession: i (m22) have a huge sock fetish. i also have a wonderful gf (f24) that i've been seeing for almost a year. i feel like i should tell her, not sure the best way to go about it. we have a good easy going sex life, but vanilla (and thats never been an issue). i don't know, girls in long socks (argyles, thigh high tube socks, boot socks hell even toe socks) populate my brain. our sex has always been naked and she really only has 2 fun pairs lol. any good way to share? | guy (me), with a thing for girls in long socks, wanting to get it off his chest to his girlfriend, and overthinking it way too much. eek thanks! |
so the situation isn't much more complicated than the title reads but after she posted it, I just asked her about it and her feelings on it and let her know that I was wondering if she felt that she wanted a polyamorous relationship. She got really defensive and angry and said that she feels like she shouldn't have to reassure me about our relationship and that she is only with me. Maybe I am overthinking it, but I don't understand why she posted it then. Does it seem weird or was I really just reading into it too much? ** | girlfriend posted a pro polyamory article on Facebook, didn't know how to take it, so I asked her about it. Now she is angry. What should I do? |
So, we both met through an ex muslims social group. We stayed friends for about a year, then I realised I really liked him, I dropped some hints and he asked me out! Great. We have been together about 2 years now, engaged for 3 months. We have no plans to get married any time soon, I'm finishing university and he is focusing on his job and promotions etc etc we think maybe in about a year or so. We have shared everything together, did all the things our old religion forbade us to do together safely. It's difficult being an ex muslim, suffering death threats if you come out and just living a double life to not suffer that. That's why I told him I would be coming out to my family soon, before our wedding. I don't want to live a lie anymore, be one perosn infront of them and someone else infront of my friends and him. If they disown me, fine, I'll just move away with him. (We decided moving away would be the easiest way to live more comfortably given our apostasy) So, I've decide that that's what I was doing and that I was sure of it. He was very supportive of this. I asked if he would also come out to his family and he said no. Very very bluntly. He said he didn't want to risk losing them, especially since his parents are elderly he doesn't want to "ruin their last few years with this bombshell". He said when they died he'd come out to his siblings only. Both our families are VERY religious and strict and believe apostates deserve the death punishment :/ Anyways, I said fine, I get that but it was when he said when I'm around his family I have to pretend to be Muslim. Y'know.. Dress like a Muslim with the hijab etc but I don't want to, I am not that perosn anymore. I don't want to lose him but I don't want to carry on with this double life. Because I know it will just backfire in the future. We agreed if we had kids we would raise them like us, atheists. If they wanted to be religious, we don't have an issue. But, I don't want his family to brainwash our future kids and teach them about Islam because they believe we are muslim. I have no idea what to do. He is adamant this is the best plan but I think it's too much hassle. And losing him would just be too much for me, he's the only person I have! But I know I can't marry him like this... | my ex muslim boyfriend wants me to pretend to be muslim aroudn his family and refuses to come out to them. I think this is a bad idea and am having second thoughts on marrying him. |
I bitched out and went into a more lucrative field, but I have a few friends that "went all out". One is a tattoo artist now who actually has made a name for himself by winning a few competitions. He's been a guest artist at a few shops, but nothing huge. I would say he's happy with his voice even if he's not as big of an artist as he hoped to be. Another friend went to film school and is currently living in LA trying to find work. He hasn't been too successful, but I've received some very provocative Snaps of some very attractive women that he's been hanging around with. As a disclaimer he's the type of person that thrives on attention so I'm assuming that he wants to be an actor, but wants to be taken as a serious artist so he chose film school, which might add to his lack of success with finding work. He's also very attractive which could explain the women. Despite his lack of success I'm pretty jealous of him. It's also worth considering that even as non-successful artists they still tried and no longer have to wonder " what if?" Which is something I'll always wonder about not pursuing music. | Two close friends tried and haven't yet been successful, but both are happy with their lives. While you might not "make it" it's probably better than doing something you're not interested in. I choose Computer Science over Rock and Roll and I miss it every day. |
Me and my so have been together for 6 months. We're both in a community college and planning to transfer next year. I feel like I am being used. Her emotions sometimes are like a roller coaster. I don't know what I do to her to make her angry at me. I have tried to do everything for her to be happy. Like, last quarter in statistics, she was struggling in that class. Even though I took that class already and forgot almost everything. I went back to study in order to help her with the materials. I also did other things for her like helping her with her essays and did her homework when she was feeling overwhelmed. I try to help her with everything I can help. However, she can sometimes get me at me for no real reason. Today, she asked me to go hiking with her. I said I didn't want to go because I had work the next day. She kept begging me and I was kidding around by saying I was not going. Then, she simply ignored me. She told me she didn't want to ask me to do anything I didn't want to do. She told me to gain weight and get buffed because I am scrawny. For the record, I have never gotten mad at her not even once regardless of what it is. She knows I have been on anti-depressants and am relatively sensitive with things people say or do to me. It will just make me really depressed. She's also my first for everything. Everything was perfect until lately. I have come to the point where I don't know if I can maintain this relationship where I get depressed when she gets mad at me. I also feel like it will make me feel worse if I decide to break up with her because I like her so much and feel like she's the one for me. | I never ever get mad at my so. I try to help her with everything she needs. She gets mad at me for very little reasons and it makes me feel really depressed. I feel like I am being used. |
I'm in a relationship of almost 3 months and it's amazing. I love my gf so much. But this problem keeps arising... I'm constantly jealous. The issue is that this is all the time. If she laughs at another guys joke I get jealous of that guy. If she gets help from another guy, I get jealous. If she is alone with another guy, I get really jealous. Now keep in mind this barely happens because she doesn't have a lot of friends... But she does have one who is very close. He is a male of the same age as her and everyday they have a class together in which they spend the time having a good time, just the two of them. She and this guy have been best friends since childhood. She isn't someone to cheat and I know she never would but whenever she is there with him I get jealous to the point where I feel sick to my stomach and I feel depressed. A lot of the time we have boring texting conversations... But amazing time when we are together. I often feel like I'm not enough. How do I make the jealousy go away? | I often feel jealous anytime were around men together and she has a really close guy friend who makes me especially jealous. I want to stop being jealous |
we've been dating for about 2 months, I have drunkenly mentioned the exclusivity thing and hated myself for doing so but he agreed. We've finally slept together now and it was great but I'm just so scared that he's going to just change his mind/stop talking to me completely. My last boyfriend of over year all of a sudden stopped texting me back within an hour or two and was taking ages to reply - reading my messages but not replying etc whilst still being online for a period of time. I wouldn't normally have an issue with that if it wasn't so different to how it normally was. I found out that my gut instinct was right and that he was sleeping with someone else. After that broke up I had a series of dating people, sleeping with them and them never talking to me again. Last night I got drunk with some friends and I ended up texting him saying that I was worried etc but I sent a load of messages late at night so obviously he wouldn't reply because he was in bed. It's the day after and I want to know how/if I can pull this back :/ | relationship past includes cheating and never being spoken to again. Now dating someone and worried I may have been too clingy/scared them off. How do I pull it back? |
As has been mentioned, one cat gets lonely. Two cats (if they like each other) will keep each other company. However, there are many things to consider: You roll the dice when you get a cat. Some are a pure joy and others are almost demonic. They aren't really exchangeable; so you should be prepared to put some time and energy into training and working out the balance between the things cats do instinctively and the preservation of your furniture and belongings. This is not easily done when when you are not there. Two cats are happier (assuming they get along). Two happy cats double your chances of normal behavioral issues; which may balance out the risk of issues with one miserable cat. Two cats, who do not get along, significantly increase the risk of behavioral issues. Cats can have health issues that require you pay attention. Should you get a cat with a health problem, expect to work overtime, because nothing a vet does to a cat is cheap. Feeding them cheap food will just about guarantee things like kidney disease and/or diabetes as they get older. The right diet is expensive and time-consuming. Read up on this and ask yourself if you are prepared for that commitment. Cats can live for a long time. You must consider them when you want to travel, or move (think pet deposit), or cohabit with another person (think other pets and allergies). | Don't get cats until you are settled in a place with plenty of space and have plenty of time and money to lavish on them. |
This fuck up happened a couple years ago when my husband and I were walking with our kids in the mall. We stopped to look at a display of family portraits and glamour shots. The girl that worked there started to offer a free photo session and a portrait for $15. I was wary of this I knew they would try to sell a full packet and we couldnt afford it but my husband was lured in and decided to go for it since my 1 and 2 yr old actually still looked clean for once. The session went great and we picked the portrait we were going to purchase. The girl was very nice but not a very good salesperson she didin't push us to buy anything we didnt ask for. I was relieved, and while she went to show us the frame it would come with I told my husband we were so lucky she was not trying to force us to buy stuff. She took a long time so we start quietly flipping through a newborn album. The photos were adorable just of the same baby different poses and then the last picture is just weird, like not the same quality or style. The very hairy very chubby father is shirtless, he also has this sparkle coming off of his glasses and a creepy smile, he is holding the naked baby which is very bright pink color while the rest of the photo is black and white. We start to snicker and look at eachother and start to giggle. While we were laughing she returned and not alone, she was with a man . I am still grinning about the picture and so is my husband until we both realize as the man is introducing himself that he is the hairy chubby man from the photo, which is laying open right in front of us and its very obviouse we were laughing about it. He asks us if we were interested in any of the package options. We say no, just the one and quickly pay and leave. I think she had brought him so he could be the one to sell us or try to push the whole packet but it was so awkward that he didnt. I think this because when I went to pick up my framed portrait he seemed like a normal pushy salesman offering a bunch of portrait options to a couple also getting the $15 photo. | My husband and I laughed at a funny photo that was not supposed to be funny, while the subject of said photo saw us . |
People of Reddit please help me with what to say. So almost a month ago my boyfriend broke up with me. We had been dating for 5 months. Some backstory: We met when I was at Uni and he lives in Sydney and I in Melbourne. At first I thought the distance wouldn’t work but we spoke every day and I frequently traveled to Sydney for my course. He traveled down to Melbourne also. I met his sister and all his Sydney friends. We had never had a fight. Everything seemed to be going perfect. Then one day he came home and said ‘I don’t see a future’ ‘this isn’t working’. I told him if it was the distance I was planning to move to Sydney since I also had a job opportunity. He said it would change things and he had made up his mind. It was such a surprise, there were no warning signs and it seemed to just come out of nowhere. It has really broken my heart. I am trying really hard to move on but I keep thinking what was the ‘real’ reason he suddenly changed his mind. I haven’t spoken to him since two days after the breakup when I returned to Melbourne. I know there wasn't another woman, the sex was amazing, we got along incredibly well. I'm going to contact him via facebook chat. | I want to know why he did it. What should I stay to start a conversation that would help me get some piece of mind. Any suggestions/examples would be much appreciated. |
Posted before Here is one to warn your grandparents about. My grandma received a phone call from a "lawyer" in a "mexico jail" that claimed that her grandson messed up and was in jail, and if she didn't send $2000 dollars to "this address" he would be executed, she asked to talk to her grandson and they put someone on the phone that didn't sound like her grandson, but told her to help him and send the money. she went to the bank, and the bank teller mentioned that it was unusual for her to take out that much money. Luckily she decided to call my brother on his cell to double check, and luckily he answered and told her he had no idea what she was talking about. | a pretend layer calls elderly claiming there grandchild is in a mexico jail and will be executed unless $2000 dollars is send to an address |
ok so lets start at the beginning, for some reason my dadcand his wife didnt do their taxes for 7 yesrs. My dad is going through some sort of midlife crisis and just up and quit his job because of how he was being treat. Time passes they need money so they come to me and ask if I can do the daunting task that is their taxes. After many hours they are getting retro on many things as well as over $12000 according to my calculations. A month passes and they ask me where it is, I don't know 2 months again they ask, still haven't received. Curious the other day I call to see if they got anything and the wife says they didn't but she called and they aren't getting anything at all its all in late penilty. Weird I thought and I felt bad. She gave the whole we are so poor pity speach. Then not 2 hours later her sister comes and asks if I can do her taxes. I tell her no you don't want me to I can't get good returns, I didn't even get one for my dad. She says her sister not only got her tax return but my dad's as well and forged his signature and deposited it so he doesn't know. Now I'm really upset about this and try and get her to admit it to me by tricking her saying I got a letter saying they got the taxes back. She says not to tell my dad goes off on my completely words are exchanged and now she has all her kids calling me because I called her a cunt. I feel bad about the whole situation and didn't want to even get involved but also don't want my dad to get screwed over. My dad has a gambling Problem so I can see her wanting to manage money, however she used it to buy a horse and a trampoline thus far, things I wouldn't see as sound investment. What do you think? Am I in the right or wrong? Would you stay with someone not only hiding a large sum of money from you buy your money? Should I have just ignored the fact I was even told this? I'm laying awake with a damned if you do damned if you don't sort of mindset | did my dad and his wife's taxes for last 7 years, a lot of money was supposed to be given back. She saisaid they didn't get anything, caught her lying, told my dad, now all siblings are mad at me. |
I don't know what it is or why it happens, but if a girl shows me attention for like 2 days in a row then they can just basically have their way with me. When a girl has been talking to me for a couple of days in a row, I feel like they fancy me and we might get in a relationship soon. This is a massive problem for me cause I'm now afraid that when I find someone I won't actually like them, I'll just like the attention they're giving me. Also I hate when this happens because I over think stuff WAY too much (e.g. I start thinking 3 or 4 months ahead) and it just messes with my life. Does anyone have the same kinda thing? Or maybe some advice or something. Thanks | if a girl shows me a lot of attention then I think they fancy me and we could get together. This messes with my mind and I need help. |
I think my worst was when I was pregnant with my son. I was driving to work with my now ex husband to give them a note from my doctor. Traffic was a little busier than usual and I was in the fast lane on the interstate trying to pass a super slow big rig, when suddenly my hood flies up and smashes my windshield. I tried slowing (I was doing about 80mph), but I couldn't get into the slow lane, so my only option was to try to get in the grassy center divider. As soon as my car hit the freshly cut grass it fishtailed and we started sliding sideways down the divider on two wheels. After about 1/8 of a mile it finally came to a stop and landed on all four tires. The window was down the whole time and the damn car was full of fresh clipped grass. We get out after catching our breathe and pull down the hood, and realize that the hood latch was completely gone. I took a wrench and beat the hood into a reasonable shape and ripped out some old speaker wire to tie the hood down. Drove to work and the car was fine.... aside from the mangled hood and shattered windshield. | Hood flew open and smashed windshield causing me to slide sideways down the divider. Tied it down with speaker wire and made it to work anyway. |
My sister is dating this guy that I absolutely hate. It all started in March before her birthday. Legal age here is 18 and her birthday was on March 23. I was planning with My sister a good 6 months before her birthday. The first red flag went up when he asked me why I would want to take her to a bar. He then started telling me why I shouldn't take her out, then he started saying that I wasn't going to be responsible for her and let her get taken home by some sleaze. He lost major points for questioning my responsibility. She then texted me a couple days later asking if i wanted to go out for dinner with her and her boufriend on her birthday, so the bar was out of the question and obviously he had manipulated her some way to change her mind. The next straw was when he typed on her wall "FUCK YOU" after they broke up for a second time. I suggested that if they were going to break up then to stay broken up. He then messaged me and swore at me, said some rude things that she had obviously mentioned. They ended up getting back together and are currently dating. He bought her a promise ring that looks like an engagement ring. She's a completely different person since she's been dating him and not in the good way. I can't stand to be around her for longer than 10 minutes, so I'm glad I don't live at home. I honestly have no idea what to do. I dont want this relationship to carry on because I'm positive he's going to punch her one day and start beating on her. Also, I'm starting to dislike her as well. And she's blood. I know she won't listen to me but I want her to see that this is an unhealthy relationship and that there's a very good chance she'll lose me as a sister. | I hate my sister's boyfriend and I'm starting to hate her because since since she's been dating him she is a completely different person and I want her to see that it's going to end up an abusive relationship. |
So I started seeing this girl living 35 minutes away from me, she works a lot and I haven't seen her since before thanksgiving break. It might be her work schedule because she said it's really busy during this season and she has finals and stuff so I can believe that. However, she barely texts me... only replies with 1 sentence, usually 1 or 2 words most of the time and doesn't text me unless I text first, and sometimes doesn't text back at all. And I have to ask her often about when I can see her, and it's usually maybes and after next week I won't be able to see her until January. BUT in her credit she drove 35 minutes to see me a few hours after she got chemotherapy treatment, this was the last time I saw her. Also, it seems in person that she really likes me(which she has said, and has already said I love you a few times even though she made me promise not to fall in love with her since shes moving away in 8 months) also, she very strongly hinted at asking her to be my girlfriend on the 3rd time I ever saw her, and I really liked her so I did. The mixed signals really are confusing me. I didn't text her all day today to give her space/the opportunity to text me first and she hasnt texted me so I plan on talking to her tomorrow about the communication stuff. It might just be how she texts.. but it's messing with my head. | Girlfriend of 1 month seems to be happy and very into me in person, but acts somewhat distant over text and I have to do all the work of talking/planning to see each other. Mixed signals are confusing me. Thoughts? |
I realize I'm very late as well, but honestly I was very surprised at the other answers, and would like to share mine. My experience was very different than the others saying that it was taught in a dry manner. I went to school in Fukuoka, which is the prefecture that Kokura(the city that was the initial target for Nagasaki's A-bomb), and lived around 2 hours(by car) away from Nagasaki, so this probably has a lot to do with it. Honestly, the education we get about the A-bombs seems to vary a lot depending on where you live, since I've also heard that the students in Tokyo get little to no anti-nuke education. Anyways, I was a student in a regular all-Japanese school from when I was 11 to 18. The first year was the roughest, as I was born in the Statesand grew up there till then. A couple of months in, we had a (mandatory) school trip to Nagasaki. The trip consisted of sightseeing, and while half of it was war-related, and all of the sites that pay respect to the people that died because of Japan's atrocities were omitted from the trip. We did go to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, where we looked at the exhibit, and then went into a conference room and listened to a survivor tell her story about losing her sister. (I could get into a more graphic story, but I'm already writing a really long response...)During the story, she often mentioned how she hated the Americans, which made 11-year-old me feel sad, as I identified more as an American back then than as a Japanese person(I had dual citizenship). When I expressed this to my classmates/teachers though, I was called self-centered and wasn't allowed to talk about it. The teacher even told me that saying things like this would make my other classmates uncomfortable, so not to do this. Later in the semester, we were forced to come to class on August 6th to watch more sad movies about the nuclear bomb and write about our feelings on it. Of course this time I didn't dare to stray from the agenda - I wrote about how the experience must have been really bad and that war was bad, and that I want world peace. My teacher of course lapped this shit up, as I was now following the goal of this whole program and he had done a good job. The rest of my school career in Japan felt pretty much like this, gauging what the teachers wanted me to think, and writing up papers based on this bullshit just to get them to stop breathing down my neck, but that'd be another full page. | education varies a LOT geographically, and if you're closer to the sites you're more likely to get nationalistic education from teachers trying to teach you how to feel. edit: formatting |
he's young, handsome enough, and makes a ton of cash in san francisco way over 100k, trouble is he's an asshole to everyone except kids and old people. I tell him to start living a nice life, but he just is too arrogant and insecure to bring anyone into his life that hasn't forced their way in since he was a teenager. ie. he's flying to New Zealand in a month, by himself for no particular reason other than I told him he should travel. | Mandatory summary/question! friend's an asshole to everyone except kids and elderly, hugely financially successful in big city with 0 friends living only to go to work. |
I finally thought I met the girl of my dreams and we had an amazing 5 months together, but then she decided after a simple text from her ex saying I still love you was reason enough to run back to him. She says she stills loves me and thinks we have a future together, but she just wants to be friends until she can figure things out with her ex. I have a hard time understanding her running back to a man that treated her bad and cheated on her regardless if they had 3 years together. Usually by this point I have moved on and forgotten it all, but I can't shake the feeling she's the one for me even a month after she went back to her ex. I know she's young and a first love is something truly hard to move on from, but the mistakes her ex has made should be unforgivable and easy to move on from when you have a man in front of you who cares about you and wants to do right by you and you claim to love. Maybe I am just too nice of a guy and she's taking advantage of it, but what we have just feels too real to just give up on. | Is it possible to be friends with the girl I see spending the rest of my life with and being patient while she figures things out with her ex, or am I just crazy and stupid for hanging on and hoping she comes back to me? |
My first Beagle did this. She learned (quite quickly) that she could put the leash in her jaws, slide her teeth back and forth, and scissor the leash. This led to freedom to follow those rabbit and deer trails. It was a hard habit to break. At first, I used bitter apple; but then she learned how to slip her collar. (Their necks are often thicker than their skulls, so slipping a collar is pretty easy.) Get a harness to walk her in. It keeps the leash out of the way of her mouth. That's what ultimately worked for me and prevented the collar slipping issue. You mentioned jogging her for a couple miles. What might work better is walking her those 2 miles and allowing her to sniff. That nose work better satiates the Beagle's brain. These little dogs are true hounds -- a hound's hound. They aren't a greyhound, though. They can't run down a rabbit through sheer speed. They have a different ability to hunt -- stamina. They can track the prey all day until it corners itself or gives up out of exhaustion. Your little pooch has amazing endurance. Luckily, you don't need to completely zap them of energy to get them to nap (like, say, a breed like a Border Collie). A 2 mile walk through some wooded areas with plenty of sniffs will go a long way. | try bitter apple; get a harness to get the leash away from her mouth; walk instead of jog in a wooded area with lots of sniffs. And head over to /r/beagle and post a pic. |
My first tech job was doing grunt work for a big pharma company that was building a major expansion. The new building had 6 floors, dozens of labs, and hundreds (if not thousands) of ethernet jacks. Each one needed to be tested and documented. I technically was a subcontractor, and my company got paid based on the number of work tickets that were closed. Testing the jacks was quick, but writing up the tickets for each and every jack was a PITA; the ticketing software was unintuitive, slow, and there was no way to batch load tickets. I physically tested all of the jacks (plug in a tester and verify the link; about 30 seconds of work per jack) in a couple of days. I then wrote a vbscript that would take input from an excel spreadsheet and execute a macro in the ticketing client (literally tabbing between each field and entering the information for each jack, with timed pauses for network latency and whatnot). Manually writing up tickets took an average of about 4 minutes, but the script could bang them out in under 20 seconds. I had been given three weeks for the jack testing project. With all the physical work done in under a week, the rest of the time was dedicated to documenting the tests. I fired up my script and let it run while I basically did little to no work (I vaguely recall leaving going to the movies). I thought I had built in a timed throttling mechanism to make the interval seem more "realistic" (do ticket, wait 300 seconds, do another ticket). Well, I had commented out the pause for testing, and didn't turn it off when I did the real thing. It managed to finish every ticket in less than a day. At first I panicked because surely this would stand out as humanly impossible (it was), I confided in my coworkers who all pretty much surmised that I was fucked. A few days later I was approached by my manager, who congratulated me on achieving the lowest cost-per-ticket in the history of the company, invited me to a fancy lunch, told me that I would be getting a bonus, and that a promotion was on the way. He didn't even care that the amount of work I actually did was so little, because he was able to bill the client for each of the tickets at the same rate as any other work ticket; and there were thousands of them. From them on I was regarded as some sort of programming god, even though all I had done was a dinky little script that any trained programmer would no-doubt scoff at. I used that bit of notoriety to get my boss to pay for various training and certification programs. It's been 9 years since I wrote that script, and now I'm making a very comfortable living as a systems engineer. | A simple, inelegant, broken script I wrote so I could duck out of work early managed to initiate a series of events that lifted me from being a lowly chair-spinner to someone with an actual career. |
I used to work at a Coffee Bean in studio city and got into great conversations with some folks. I was exchanging cop stories with a customer when she told me this gem that happened to her. I have no proof, and it wasn't me, but she has no reason to lie. > She was with her friends one time in Philly, and one thing led to another and the jokes and playing around somehow went up to the next level where they were splashing around in a fountain. It doesn't take long before a cop pulls up, gets out of his car and starts walking toward them. > The girl gets up, and as the cop approaches, says "These aren't the droids you're looking for". The cops face remains expressionless, and in a monotone replies "These aren't the droids I'm looking for." Then walks away gets into his cruiser and drives off. edit : This story is mine and I completely forgot about it until I read rckid13 talk about drinking and it jogged my memory. Back in HS, my friends and I went down to the shore to my friend Mike's beach house. Long Beach Island is practically deserted in the off season, and there were only one or two other houses occupied on our street. One of which was next door, and had six or seven really loud guys partying. Not long after, the cops show up, obviously alerted by some old people who were unable to sleep. As we're all sitting on the front patios, we can clearly see the cops talking to the rowdy kids next door. I hear one cop say to the others, "I'm gonna go check these guys out", and comes over our way. By this time, we've picked up all the beer bottles and are just sitting outside on the patio. The cop comes up and asks us a few questions, shining his flashlight around. He then centers it on me and asks "You're all over 21, right?", then proceeds to shine his flashlight down onto the wood of the patio, where a single neglected beer cap lay sitting. I reply yes, to which he says as he's leaving, "Good answer". We let out a sign of relief and then proceeded to have a fantastic night. second edit Back in my small town back in north Jersey, we were on a first name basis with the cops. Our town was about 2 or 3 square miles wide. We used to hang out in this parking lot for the train station, and the cops knew to pass by every now and then. It was mainly a socializing spot, as we had nowhere else to really go. ANYWAYS, One of the Sergeants used to come by and bullshit with us, and one time unloaded his glock and let us play around with it. He then proceeded to inspect all our fake ID's and tell us which ones were good and which ones weren't. | Heard of a cop thats a huge star wars fan, got let off for drinking, and held a cops gun (empty) and got my fake ID checked. |
Reddit, I have no idea if I am being a psycho or not. First off, I have been dating my SO for 4 years now. Recently, he tells me that his parents (really wealthy) decided to send him and his brother to Europe for 40 days. Yes, you read that right, 40 days. Out of the blue. So, he then tells me he's leaving in 6 days. Of course, I want to spend as much time as possible with him because that's a long ass time to be away from someone, and not to mention we hardly even get to speak due to the price of long distance texting/calling. He saw me twice within the six days. The two days he saw me were the very beginning of the six days, so he didn't even make time to see me right before he left to say goodbye. He promised he would contact me the night he got there. It's been 4 days and I haven't heard from him. Some people think it's ridiculous how he didn't care about spending time with me before such a long trip and how it's absurd he can't even find the time for a less than 5 minute phone call. Than on the other hand, some people are telling me that he just didnt find the time before he left since the whole trip only had 6 days to be planned, and how the phone call isn't a big deal because he's on a vacation. I'm hurt because I feel like he didn't think too much about my feelings. What do you think, Reddit? I miss my best friend. | Boyfriend went to Europe for 40 days with only a 6 day heads up before he left, didn't spend much time with me, and I haven't heard from him since he got there |
I'm curious as to why you think this is your fault. You mentioned your shift in beliefs to atheism, is that the only thing that makes you think you're the cause or was something left out? If so you might want to add it into your post as an edit so this doesn't get asked again and again and I apologize if it has already been answered. You're most likely wrong. Keep in mind that your parents have been together probably twice as long as you've been alive, give or take a few years, and a lot can happen to shape a relationship and he dynamics involved in that time. Remember that much of who you are is their doing, directly or indirectly, coherently or subconsciously, genetically or socially, you are a product of your parents. Any fault that could be yours for their rift(s) goes back to them because of this. You're hard headed eh? I bet that comes from one or both of their influences (sounds like mom but maybe dad too). You decided that there is no God? I bet that choice came from somewhere, maybe too much pressure to follow their religious choices or too little information while you were forming your own opinions. | Any reasons that you might have to find fault in yourself was likely influenced by your parents, and goes back to them. It's not your fault. |
We're both in high school. I'm a senior, he's a junior. I met him a month ago and we immediately started talking. He doesn't have any female friends, is really nerdy, and doesn't talk much. I really liked him at first because he's had an interesting life and listens to me. We're only in one class together, but it's a lecture hall and we never see each other. We also have no mutual friends. I see him all the time with friends outside of school, but we haven't really been on a date yet. We've been planning one for weeks, but I keep making excuses because I have huge doubts and don't want to lead him on. I was really excited to be with him at first, and we started meeting up a lot during school. I know all of his secrets and vice versa. We're really close, emotionally. I thought he was just shy and awkward with people he doesn't know very well, but a month later he still hasn't opened up. He can't hold a normal conversation because he's so god damn boring and awkward. I'm charismatic, outgoing, and talkative. I absolutely can't stand being with him. In fact, I try to avoid it. He's a smart, nice, interesting, funny guy, but he's not fun to be with! When I think about my fun guy friends, I can't imagine any reason I'd date him over them. I'd much rather hang out with them. I love laughing and talking, and I don't do much of those with him. A date would be beyond awkward, especially with all the doubts I'm having. I've been asked out by five guys this month. He's never been asked out. I know that if I break this off, he'll not only be crushed (he says he loves me), but he also won't date anyone for years. Should I "break up" with him? How? | I've been with this guy for a month, but we haven't been on a date because I keep making up excuses. He's a great, nice guy, but no fun to talk to. I hate being with him. I can't see this going anywhere. |
Pretty terrible, actually. When we first got together my wife was insatiable, inappropriate, and wild as all get out. She was down for anything. And I mean anything. And it was great! Many years, some extra pounds, and two kids later, and I'm still ready to go but she's as cold as a starfish. It's really starting to bother me. I'm pretty open about how I'm feeling in this area and she simply doesn't care. Her canned response is, "There's more to life than sex and it seems like the only thing you care about!" My response to that is, "There is more to life than sex, but sex is a pretty goddamned important part of a relationship as far as I'm concerned." I make and manage all of the money. I do all of the work around the house. I can't get her to make the occasional phone call to conduct some business or do simple chores. I'm fairly certain she's suffering from depression or some other malady, but I can't get her to take the steps to take care of herself. | We went from swinging from the chandeliers to her laying there literally asking me if I'm almost done. Wife is suffering from some emotional / chemical imbalance and won't seek help for it. Feels bad man. Feels real bad. |
I met a girl and things went extremely well, we get along with each other and have gotten close with each other, things got intense over a weekend and she recently sent me a few messages saying that we need to stop. Her parents are apparently never going to allow anything to happen with me and her due to my race (she's indian, I'm not). Apparently she is falling in love with me and it will have to end. I've told her I want to talk it through face to face rather than over text since I hate doing stuff like this with text. My question is where do I go from here? Is it worth meeting her after this or should I deal with the emotional stuff myself and get over it? The worst part is we work in the same office. | I'm not the same race as her, she's apparently falling for me and her parents will disown her if anything happens between us (I'm Turkish she's Indian). |
The thing is I really do like her, a lot. I would like to tell my friend how I truly feel about her, but the problem is, her parents will not let her date until she is 18. I had met her 2 years ago, when my friend, (who she is cousins with) introduced me to her, we then got each others contact and had become great friends. However I don't want to keep an internet relationship with her, I want it to be material. Is it worth waiting until then? Should I tell her how I feel? | I [15M] want to confess my true feelings for my best friend of 2 years [16F] but her parents wont let her date. Is it worth waiting? |
I'm left with one grandpa and he already lives with us at home. Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma - Secondly, I'm happy to hear you found the greens in the razor, I feel like that just gives the best smile especially after losing someone. I just came here to say that after losing my grandmother when I was like 12, my grandfather came to live with us - he stayed with us for another 12 years before passing a few years ago, and I just wish I had appreciated the fact that he was in our home more. We developed a really close relationship and it was fantastic having him around, but it wasnt until he was gone that I wish I had just gone and asked him more questions (he had such an incredible viewpoint on everything - such an intelligent man) and just cherished the time we spent more. Not trying to get all sappy, and I know this is off topic, but figured I would share and just say how lucky you are to have your Grandfather around and living with you. It is a really awesome thing. RELEVANT: My dad has always come off as the straight edge-never-did-any-drugs kind of guy. One day, my sister found an old scrap-book my mom and dad had made when they were in their early 20's and there were pot leaves drawn all over the place. | Enjoy the time with your grandparents, especially those who live at home with you. My dad and your grandmother would have gotten along really well. |
I've been dating my girlfriend now for almost two years. She is the absolute love of my life, the most incredible, smart, beautiful, funny girl i've ever met. We have the most amazing times together. About 8 months ago i started bringing up the fact that she never makes plans with me. Any time we hang out, it is me who asks to hang out, it is me who makes the plans, it is me who does everything. I would also take the leap not knowing if she was available or not which I felt is unfair because i am always available for her. Its been almost two years and she has never surprised me and asked to come see me, she doesnt make plans with me. I have been so vocal about this and how it kills me and her answer is always "I dont like to make plans" yet a lot of the time she has plans with her friends. She is the most incredible person in the entire world but this is eating me alive. I dont feel wanted, she knows this, yet she cant just make a single plan with me because she doesnt like plans. I am almost out of self esteem and i dont know what to do. She means the world to me and it feels like i mean nothing to her. Its an absolutely terrible feeling :( | My gf is incredible and i love her so much but i always make the plans. ive told her for 8 months how it hurts that she never asks me to hang out and nothing has changed. im miserable. |
Hi, I'm a decent 85% grade average New Yorker and I'm starting to stress pretty hard on college stuff. I don't know which ones to look at because I don't fully understand how the undergraduate system works. My older cousins tell me that first I must take some mandatory classes to earn a minimum amount of credits to then start going towards the thing I want to study for. If it helps to know, I want to study English to become a high-school teacher, as well as learn more about Education in general to work with kids better (And hopefully, make their experience of looking at colleges/making themselves look better for colleges not as scary as it is for me.) I don't know how hard should I be worrying at this age as a Junior, but since my 3rd quarter is starting and my adviser is giving me the times to look at SAT's, I feel some weight bearing down. | New Yorker Jr. with around 85% average Looking towards becoming and English teacher as well as a type of educational specialist to help kids comprehend school better, should I be worrying too much. First time posting here so pretty nervous about College. |
If you've studied mythology (especially non-christian/jewish mythology of around the same time period), a lot of what is claimed about Jesus is extremely similar to what is claimed about other religious mystery cult figures, to the point where it seems blindingly obvious that Jesus (as we know of him) was another mystery figure that was made up specifically to appeal to Jewish people. The true teachings of these mystery cults was actually not the surface teachings at all, rather they were allegories and the true symbolism would be revealed in initiation rites that probably involved tripping on some sort of psychedelic (probably mushrooms). If you re-read the Bible with a critical eye, there are some strong indications that this was the case, for example, the letters of Paul never refer to the historical fact of Jesus, always to the mystical aspect. It was only between 200-300 CE that the claim that Jesus was a real historical person became the doctrine of the church and the secret initiation rites were lost to history. | The "gnostic heresy" was what the first Christians actually believed and is a lot closer to "pagan" beliefs than what Christianity has evolved into today. |
Our three and a half year old has been fully potty trained since before he was three and has not had any issues with wetting the bed up until a month ago. We've tried making sure he has had no drinks after dinner; he has to use the potty before bed even if he doesn't want to; tried putting him in pull-ups to discourage him since he hates "wearing diapers like a baby"; we've given him beach towels to use as blankets as a hopeful deterrent; we've tried both positive and negative reinforcement to see what will help. Part of why we're trying to "dissuade" him is that we don't believe they are all quite accidental. He has also wet himself a number of times while awake and then won't alert us to the problem, and he even once pooped in his sister's bed, yet took the time to go grab toilet paper to wipe and left it on his sister's table. We are at a loss here. Last night even, he went to bed about three hours later than usual, had nothing to drink after a normal-timed dinner, and used the potty right before crawling in bed. And he still peed. Any advice? | Son has been wetting the bed consistently for past month, and nothing we do seems to work and we can't figure out why he's doing it. Please help. |
Hello there! Thanks for taking the time to look at this for me. A few months ago I had to leave my job as a Contracts Manager at a building company due to late payment (8 weeks) and after attempting conciliation (which failed) it went to the Employment Tribunal. The respondent failed to respond to the court, at all, and as a result, I recently had a Rule 21 judgment made in my favour. After a week or so I rang my old company regarding the payment awarded by the ET (In the end it was Unpaid Wages + Claim Fee + Untaken Holiday + 2 weeks notice). The financial controller, on picking up the phone said they were appealing it and I would receive the paperwork. As far as I am aware, the window to appeal closes in about two weeks, so far they don't appear to have lodged any paperwork to file the appeal (which I am convinced would be dismissed). However, I'm still out of pocket to the tune of the high 4-digits, and will likely need to go through the HCEO route - my question is: Do I need to wait for the appeal to be struck off/expired before I start chasing my money? Or is there anything else I'd need to do? | Employment Tribunal found in my favour a few weeks ago, still unpaid, old company said they were going to appeal. Can I go for enforcement procedures yet or wait for the appeal window to close? Thanks |
I've had difficulty maintaining or enjoying relationships with friends and family my entire life. Hanging out with friends feels like an uncomfortable chore I often prefer to avoid, and being around family feels like commitment I wish I didn't have. I can't say I feel "love" for any of these people, and I feel that they are disposable to me in that, should they disappear or die, my life would not be for the worse. The things about them that irk me aren't glazed over with a candy coating of "but I love them" feelings, which makes it difficult to overlook those things. To get it straight, I don't dislike people at all. I enjoy conversing with them to an extent. I understand human interaction is necessary for quality of life. I do enjoy spending spending time with my SO, when I have one, but usually get bored or tired of dealing with their flaws. I currently have a boyfriend who I care very much about, but even then I get a bored feeling every so often or I feel like life would be better without him complicating it. The fact that I can't connect with people bothers me only because I know I will have to deal with them for the rest of my life. It would be uncool of me to simply leave them in the dust, no matter how nice I think it'd be. Does anyone have this problem, or can identify it? Any thoughts on dealing with it? | i don't love any of my friends or family, and that makes it hard to like them. If my family and friends disappeared, it wouldn't matter to me. Can this be fixed? |
I dropped my gf (now fiancée) off after we had grabbed shakes from sonic following the homecoming dance (2006). I was pretty tired from the 40 hour straight gaming session I had (grand marshal grinding has severe importance amirite?), so my eyes kept closing while I was driving. I convinced myself that I was fine... Less than 10 minutes away from my parents house I fell asleep (god damn heated seats are a killer). I woke back up with adrenaline pumping through me in a ditch much below the road with a fence on my right and a telephone pole less than 20 feet in front of me going over 60 mph. Right then, the only thought I had was "fuck, I'm dead." For some reason I was at peace with this possibility, but still life was preferable. I turned the wheel left as hard as I could then I heard a loud crashing sound as everything went black. I came to an indeterminate amount of time later (it was around 2 AM so no one had appeared yet) and proceeded to look over and see the dashboard of the car pushed up against the back of the passenger seat as well as the rest of the carnage (broken glass, twisted metal etc). Flooded with endorphins and not feeling any pain whatsoever, I extricated myself from of the car, walked up to the side of the road, and proceeded to flip shits about how I'd just totalled my $10k volvo stationwagon (swag-ass ride). In the middle of looking at the destruction, everything went black and I hit the pavement unconscious again. I eventually woke up to some guy who decided to stop and help me out, and a few minutes later an ambulance just casually driving by (not called) stopped and I got lifted inside as the endorphins were starting to wear off (the falling unconscious over and over again probably wasn't helping). I remember cops came by and tried to get me to make a statement while I was without any pain meds in the back of the ambulance before they got an IV in; I don't think they got much out of me besides "my parents are going to kill me." | thought I was going to die when I totalled my car breaking a telephone pole in half and had to pay for the god damn telephone pole as well as medical bills. Fuck you Tennessee. |
I talked to a girl (17, as am I) that I haven't talked to for 2 years today across facebook chat. Back when I used to talk to her more, I really liked her, but when I talked to her today I was getting no response. Here is the chat: me: hey - i havent spoken to you in ages her: omg literally think it may have been years?! me: yeah, i havent talked to anyone from (drama club) for around 2 years - so how are you? her: yeahh I'm good thanks, you? me: im not too bad, do you still go to (drama club)? her: yeeeeeee me: people still go? her: yeahhhh (I just got two one word answers in a row - im now struggling thinking of what to say) me: not a single person has left? her: yeahh a few, I've moved to (another club - same place different time) now me: oh really, how comes And thats it - no reply there. Whilst I understand that she must be busy, as am I (there were a few lengthy gaps between messages) but I didn't want to send another message as I didn't want to come off as clingy - I was trying to catch up with her, not spam her with messages. I can always try and talk to her again when she is next online, but I don't think I should. Even if I did, how would I start the conversation? I know this whole post has been very weird, me posting a text transcript and all, but I would appreciate any help at deciphering this to work out what my next steps should be. | Today I talked to a girl who I haven't talked to in years, but was getting one worded replies. Do I bother taking any further steps? |
Hello everyone! I am a rising junior in college and worked as an intern last summer at the same company that I'm interning at now. We are offered the option of contributing to the company 401k that has 4% matching for each 1% we put in, up to 2% (so 8% total). I'm contributing 12%, and I have a well-established emergency fund of about 4-5 months. My question is this: My current 401k is with Vanguard. The Vanguard Roth IRA funds are all higher expense ratios than in my 401k (ex. S&P500 index fund is 0.02% in 401k, 0.05% in Roth IRA). I expect to make $100-110k/year after graduation if I continue working with this company, and I currently make ~$30-35k per year between internship and scholarships. In order to harvest tax savings, should I roll over the traditional 401k funds to Roth IRA at the end of this internship? I only have about $1300 in account as of 6/14/16. Thank you for your help. | Traditional 401k has lower expense ratios than Roth IRA. Current income ~$30-35k. Future income ~$100-110k. Should I rollover to Roth IRA for tax benefits? I only have about $1300 in account as of 6/14/16. |
The graphic design studio I'm interning for was working with a company that does direct mailing. We were redoing their whole brand identity; so everything was new-- company name, logo, colors, print material, website, the entire look. They decided to STOP ALL PRODUCTION/WORK and wait for us to finish our designs before they would start working again. I wasn't with the studio for the entire time, but I think this was about 10 weeks or more of this company sitting on their asses not doing anything. Also, the studio is charging way way less to do all this stuff, and MORE than they asked for, than they charge other companies. It was fantastic, beautiful work. Everything is almost done, the website just needed a few more nitpicky tweaks, and they call my boss and actually screamed at him over the phone so loudly that we could all hear over the phone, about charging too much, not working fast enough, and blaming him for their decision to stop working for several months. Some choice words from them were: "I AM FUCKING FLABBERGASTED." They also wanted us to remove the credit to our studio in the footer of their site just to spite us. Didn't hear back from them for a few weeks. They called back to say they were sorry about how they acted, and wanted us to do more work with them. We had already accepted that we probably weren't going to work with them again in the future, since they apparently hated us, and told my boss that they could have found "a kid on Craigslist to do all this for $75." Unfortunately, we are going to keep working with them because money. | Studio works with company, company stops production for 10+ weeks to wait on design, yells obscenities at studio, but then comes back when they realize they can't get design work for $75 on Craigslist. |
So this lady I work with named Seva is hella Greek. She speaks English with a heavy accent and a lot of the time if I say a word with more than two syllables she will look at me like I'm crazy and say "Whass dees means?" Friday she was looking at her pay stub and kept asking me what does PTO mean. I thought she meant to say POT (paid overtime) but she kept insisting it said PTO. Even got a bit aggressive but we argue all the time so used to her flying off the handle. My manager, who is also Greek but has an American accent, walks in and asks what all the commotion is about. I looked at him and said, "Nothing. Seva is just dyslexic as fuck." I expected her to not know what it meant and just give me a crazy look but instead she just went ape shit. She started by yelling "I'm not dyslexic!" Then went off in Greek for about 30 seconds just throwing insult after insult. I couldn't understand most of it because she was talking so fast but I did hear her call me a jerk off, tell me to go to hell and go fuck myself, then finished off by calling me a stupid American. Turns out dyslexia is a Greek word lol. And that pretty much how I found out that narcissist is a Greek word as well. My manager and I got a kick out of it. It's always funny when she gets worked up and loses her shit. | called a Greek dyslexic thinking she wouldn't understand. Turns out it's a Greek word. Seva and I are very close and she was not offended by what I said. We go back and forth like that at least twice a day but it's all love. |
I have been casually dating someone for ~6 months or so. I say it is casual because we've never been exclusive or labelled it, but I have completely fallen head over heels for him. He has been diagnosed as bi-polar and borderline, long ago. He is on medication. I don't know if he does any therapy now but I believe he has in the past. He used to have a substance abuse problem but has done AA and been stone cold sober for 2 & 1/2 years. He's got a history of self harm and suicidal urges. He's self aware and up-front about these issues. I haven't seen the typical things associated with his illnesses, like flying into rages, saying abusive things or stuff like that. He apparently gets along with his kids' mom, hangs out with her and the kids every week, and other women from his past seem to pine away for him so I'm not seeing abusive asshole red flags. Instead his pattern (I've heard he's done this to other women too) has been to love bomb me, lot's of texts and affection and sweetness and making me feel like a million bucks and then--cut me off. Twice now he has charmed the hell out of me then later changed his mind and said he doesn't want to be romantically involved with me. It hurts like hell. There were two months of no contact but I ran into him four weeks ago and I guess now I've signed up for the third wave of this ride. We had three consecutive romantic weekends where he was so mushy gushy, and now he's not messaging me or making time for me, so I guess I'm getting cut off again. At no point does he ever say that he doesn't like me. He is pretty consistent in saying he "likes" me, "cares" about me and/or "respects" me, (ugh) even when it's in the context of dumping me. He has said something to the effect of being afraid of me at some point. Or he's used the excuse of not wanting our relationship to go sour and he become ostracized from my social circle. Is this the classic BPD fear of abandonment? If so is there anything I can do to cut through it? How do I talk to him about it? Or am I just getting played? I kind of feel like I'm getting played. I'm just so infatuated with him. His hot-and-cold routine is leaving me vulnerable and heartsick. I'm having a real hard time distinguishing the man from his illness, and maybe it doesn't matter, maybe his illness is who he is. | It's basically that Katy Perry song; he's hot then he's cold. Should I be patient because he's mentally ill, or write him off ? I'm mega lovesick. |
I blame my cousin for it, as it happened at my 92 year old Maternal Grandmother's funeral. The story goes like this: My Grandmother recently (as in May) passed away. She suffered for almost 11 months before giving in to her illness, thankfully, in her sleep. I'm not a crier, and never have been, really. I'm not trying to sound manly either, I just don't react by crying. Many times I've wondered what is wrong with me. Even this time... I mean, I held my mother sobbing in my arms, I held my sister sobbing in my arms, and I even saw my dad crying while holding my mom. Nothing. Not one tear. I'm a music teacher, and I also sing semi-professionally. At the request of my mom, I sang "On Eagle's Wings," which is a standard tear-jerking funeral song, at the service. Still, I held it together, and sang the crap out of that song with all the feeling I could muster for my Grandma who loved to sing. All the while thinking to myself, why am I not crying!? At the end of the funeral my Grandfather requested that the six male cousins be the pall bearers of her casket. Now, for a description: we are all tall (over 6 feet), mostly athletic (I run, the others are firefighters, football coaches, and EMTs) "burly" men. We carried the casket down the very long aisle and were all fine and stoic in our duty, but right as we were loading the casket into the hearse I heard Cousin #1 on the front right corner take a huge breath in, I turned my head to look and saw a single solitary tear rolling down his cheek. Then the dam broke as I take a choked breath in and tears start flowing down my face like I've never experienced before gushing out of both eyes with racking sobs filling my chest, Cousin #2 on the front left corner in front of me turns around suddenly to "see what was wrong", sees my face and then his screws up and the tears flow on him too, this causes Cousin #3 to my right, Cousin #4 immediately behind me on the rear left corner, and #4's brother on the rear right corner to all lose it uncontrollably. Damn that felt good. I miss you Grandma!! | Hadn't cried over anything in a long, long time. Thought something was emotionally wrong with me. Grandma's funeral solved this problem in a huge finish with 6 "burly" male cousins balling like small children in a movie-like collapse of stoic resolve. |
I got divorced a few months back from a 6 year marriage. We never spent any time together and I didn't want to be in that type of relationship. Since my divorce I've been on a few dates but not with anyone that I felt a connection with. All of them ended up as just a fun night out with a friend. Then I went out with "rose" and we clicked instantly right away. It's been a great couple months but I'm starting to feel like I need to see more of her. We see each other maybe once or twice a week but talk constantly via text and snapchat. Main issue here is I'm not sure whats normal... I've never dated. I was in a 7 year relationship that started in high school, then after that I was in a marriage for 6 years. Now I find myself in a weird situation where I was used to seeing my SO every day and being able to hug/kiss someone basically whenever I want to. Whereas now I see my GF once or twice a week and I'm having a hard time feeling like that's enough. Am I asking too much to see each other more often since we've only been seeing each other for a couple months? Is it normal to have this much of an attraction towards someone you just met or am I the "overly attached boyfriend"? Is this something that I specifically need to work on or is it just that we might not be compatible relationship wise? Are there other people that feel the way I do? we're supposed to meet today after work to discuss our expectations. I don't know if we're on the same page. | I have no clue how to date, no clue whats normal, and if my expectations are too high I want reddit to shove me back to reality. |
Does anyone else here feel the, to quote Robert Downey Jr., "sinister undertones" of SOPA and PIPA? I feel like this is shadowy oppression of younger generations by older ones who don't want to lose the power they've gained. Surely, when something you crave is being threatened by a growing force, you want to disarm their greatest weapon. Our generations' greatest weapon is the internet. Our knowledge and understanding of it is what makes it a useful tool for the flow of new ideas. Ideas our generations may think to be fundamental, but theirs think to be radical. So I ask you reddit: Do you believe that SOPA and PIPA are for what congress would want you to believe? | Perhaps you believe as I do, that they are trying to start silencing us while they still can. Pardon any grammatical errors. I also appreciate people pointing out logical fallacies. |
The "Five Factor Model" of personality identification, which includes a measure of extroversion, has been proposed for the last few decades in psychology circles. But, I think the agreement in the field is that introversion itself is not necessarily a prima facie disorder. In fact, a number of applied diagnostic tools recognize introversion as ideal for certain professions and better-suited to certain social and cultural functions than extroversion. It's when introversion becomes another name for an identifiable mood or anxiety disorder (depression, anxiety, phobias, OCD) that the psychology and psychiatry communities see a real problem that needs to be addressed. | Introversion is not a disorder, it's one facet of a complex personality description. Google MBTI for a fun, possibly pseudo-scientific (some take it more serious than others) application of this concept. |
My girlfriend and I are "high school sweethearts" and have been together for going on 7 years. During that time I've graduated college and have a relatively high-paying career in a fairly senior position in my company, while she still has several years of study ahead. We've lived together for over 5 years now. A few years ago we moved to a new city for something new, but during that time I was working to support her through college, leaving me with effectively no money or motivation to do anything else, and leading to regular fights and growing resentment. It was also during that time I started seriously questioning whether I'd gotten into a serious relationship too soon. I've done very little travel, had no serious relationships before that, and generally not been the most outgoing person back then, so feel like there's a lot I've missed out on in life and that in a few years it'll be too late to have those "young adult" experiences. We ended up having to move back home for a few months before she starts graduate school, and while things are much less tense now and I've been able to get some decent savings together, I'm afraid if I go with her it will just be a repeat before, and I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I've gotten into something too serious too young, and am only going to regret it more and more as time goes on. I want to make a change and spend several months of next year travelling, but feel like I can't because she wouldn't be able to support herself at college and would be lonely without me. We've talked about the travelling part (not the underlying feelings...) and it would be the perfect time for it since we'd be moving anyway, but while she is supportive of it, she also says how much she'd miss me and how sad she'd be, and we've also been going over how expensive everything would be for her. Plus there's the issue of what that much time apart can do to a relationship... Meanwhile friends and family are starting to ask us when we're getting married, having kids, etc, which is nowhere near what I'm thinking. My parents in particular would be very upset if we broke up or anything and might make family things a bit awkward (she's effectively part of our family now). Basically I feel like I'm being steered down a path for the rest of my life that I don't think I'm ready for, and want to experience all the things I've missed out on life, but there's no other way. Thanks for any advice you have. | Got into serious long term relationship fairly young, feel like I'm missing out on life, want to travel, have new experiences, etc, but have to support partner and deal with social pressures. |
She's got a boyfriend". Don't even go there, even if she's on her way out, getting out of a relationship takes time and people need to heal up before they can move on. Jumping from one relationship to the next only means suffering and pain, a lot of it actually. I personally would consider it a very bad move to attempt to get with a girl who's in a relationship, even if she claims the relationship is ending. If she ends it, you let some time pass (weeks) and then make a move, different story, but from how you describe your situation right now, I would be very cautious. That's not that I have not seen this 'relationship jumping' work, but often it spells a lot of trouble. | Don't make a move on her and don't wait on her. If she breaks up with her boyfriend and is still interested in you after a while, she'll come around and things will happen, but don't count on it. |
I once saw a series of pictures of a couple having sex on a motorcycle. I work at a grocery store that has a photo developing area, i was working back there this day and this guy comes in and hands me 4 rolls of film and asks for one hr photo. As i was running the developed film through the computer to check all the photos first the first picture i come across is this chick giving the man that had given me the film a blow job. Not pretty. Unfortunately there is a policy in our store that we have to go through all of the film and just not print any unappropriate ones. So i had to look at 4 rolls of film of this guy banging this chick (she wasn't very attractive unfortunately) and then i had to explain to the guy when he came back why he couldn't have pictures of his film. | I had to look at 4 rolls of film of two ugly people having sex on a motorcycle. Then explain why customer couldn't have pictures. |
My second semester at college I was taking a night class in History of Western Civ 1500-Present. Professor tells us straight up day 1 that we'll have a 10 page term paper on a person we'll cover in the course. Time goes by, I find out as the course goes that most of the folk in the class are much older and smarter and more dedicated than me. (It was a night class and I was a freshman while they were advanced history majors taking the course as people who've come back to college years later.) Anyway, the semester goes and goes and we never talk about the paper again. I lose my syllabus somewhere along the way but I figure, hey. It'll probably be due around finals time. I had never written a 10 page paper before, much less a research paper with academic research. Didn't even know how to do a bibliography. About a month left in the course I show up to class. "Okay everyone. I need a topic for what you've already decided your paper is on that's due next week just so I know." Um...what? I hadn't started. Didn't have a topic, and had no idea how to write and research a paper. Oh, good news though. I had one week to figure it out. Fuck a duck I said and ended up choosing the bad-ass of all bad-asses himself, General George Patton. I scrambled and put in a weeks straight worth of long nights, calling up friends for help on bibliography citation, and having someone teach me how to use the academic library system available through my school. Finally the night before it was due I finished. I had the minimum of sources and pages and I knew from all the work I did do that I wasn't doing justice to the man, Patton. But to paraphrase what Patton once said, my ounces of sweat saved a gallon of blood of what could've been a bloodbath. Ended up getting a B+ too. I was content. I learned a lot, but I will never procrastinate like that again. | I had to write a research paper in one week that I had all semester to do. Plus side, I learned a lot about George Patton. |
I know this isn't quite in the spirit of the OP's request, but here is an example of how I was probably a shitty roommate. My sophomore year of college I lived in a small dorm room with my best friend. Over the course of the year I pulled a bunch of pranks on him (hid pennies in all of his stuff, changed his computer background to a photoshopped picture of him on a unicorn, hid his cellphone inside of his computer case, et cetera). The final and best prank involved changing all of the contact numbers on his phone to my name, so every time he had a call my name showed up instead of the person who was calling. | My sophomore year of college I pulled a number of childish, yet easily reversible, pranks on my roommate that likely qualify me as a horrible person. |
Ok so in my chemistry class, our class teacher's assistant lurkes in /r/askreddit and I don't know how to make myself known to him. I want to make him get up and shit his pants the way I introduce myself as a fellow redditor. I need your suggestions please reddit community. | Can you suggest ways to introduce myself that would make myself known only to other redditors? edit: i have the class next, i'll keep you posted on my decision. |
I met this couple about 2 years ago (let's call them Harry and Sally), while they were on a break. Their relationship was always a mess. Neither of them trusted each other around other people, and they both got addicted to cocaine. Last September, Harry decided to travel for a while to be away from her, then he stayed about 5 months roaming around Europe. While he was travelling, I hanged out with Sally a lot, and then I really started knowing her better. Before this, I used to think she was the cause of all their problems. When he came back, I helped them a lot with their struggles, and was always there for both of them, and eventually they got back together. They've managed to quit all (illegal) drugs they used, and for a while they were ok. One day, about 4 months ago, Harry calls me and says they have broken up again, this time for good. When I met Sally after that, I could see she was totally heartbroken, and, again, did my best to help her cope it. I began telling them both they didn't need each other, about how they seemed better, and all that. Long story short, they got back together (again), and (again) it seems it is ok. Nowadays I hang out with Sally more than I do with Harry, and I've realized I want her really bad. We have a lot in common, we like the same songs, same movies, we've had similar problems in our families and personal lives, and she is extremely beautiful. A few days ago, Harry told me that the last time they broke up, she told him she maybe would go after me. The thing is, she might have said this just to spite him, I feel a lot of tension between her and me, specially when we're alone. I know that it's not a big deal, but this has started to eat me up. Every time I see her, I feel more attracted, and I don't know if I should step back before I do anything I might regret. Even though I know Harry only 2 years, he is one of my closest friends. I've been noticing he has been farther from Sally and me, and I think he may have noticed what I feel for her. | My friends have an extremely complicated and abusive relationship. She is getting closer to me, he is getting cold and distant from us, and I don't know what should I do. |
Hello Reddit, This is my first post after lurking for so long, but I'm in need of some serious advice. My girlfriend, from Italy, and I have been together for a year. We met online through a pen pal website and met in person in February, where we fell deeply in love. She decided to move to the states to be with me. However, if anyone knows the US immigration system, it is extremely difficult for someone to immigrate here legally short of marriage. Since we didn't want to just get married after meeting, she decided to get a student visa and attend school since her last university was shut down and she didn't get to finish. She goes to school and we now live together happily. But things took a bad turn. International students are required to always pay all their (expensive) tuition up front. Back in her home country a massive storm did severe damage to her family's home, and the money she had saved for school had to be used to repair her home for her family. She now risks having to leave school and go back to her country, and if she left I would be unable to financially support myself and I'd lose my current home now. We looked into getting her student loans, but the government does not help international students, so they need private loans. However, no private lender will give an international student a loan (even with a co-signer) unless they have a SSN or a Individual Tax ID number (ITIN). My girlfriend tried to get an ITIN, but they won't give her one unless she's working... and she can't work on a student visa. Catch-22. Many people have just said "get married"... but I want to be able to marry her with some dignity, not do it just to keep her here on a greencard. I want to be able to save money for a ring and give her at least a nice wedding that she deserves because i love her so much, not some terrible courthouse thing. Plus, immigration could throw it back in our face and say it was for a greencard and not for love (even if it is) and null everything. Overstaying a visa is also a bad choice, because the SEVIS system that tracks students could send ICE to our house to get her with an arrest warrant (I've seen it happen before already). Reddit, do you have ANY ideas on a way I may be able to keep her here? I have until December to figure out something... please help. Losing her would be the worst thing to ever happen to me :( | girlfriend is international student who can no longer afford school b/c storm ruined her house in home country. Tried to get student loan but can't. If she leaves I lose my home and love of my life. Want to marry when ready, not for greencard |
Oh god my sophomore year my roommate was a ghost. The first time I met him was on move in day. He had already moved into the dorm room since he works at the campus cafeteria, so I moved my stuff into a room that was already arranged to his liking. The first time I enter the room we introduced ourselves, and within the minute, he says that he has to go. He immediately turns to the door and sprints down the hall. A few minutes later my parents finally reach my room and ask about my roommate. I told them that I introduced myself and he said he had to leave. They never met him. Fast forward to the next day. The room is still unsettled, suitcases are still unpacked, and our lofts are not assembled. I finally convinced my friends to come to my room to help assemble my lofts and finally meet my weird roommate. Well I brought them into my room and introduced him to them, but the conversation didn't progress after that. The room was full of blank stares until my friends started to assist me in building the lofts, while my weirdo roommate leaves the room to go on his usual lonesome walk with his iPod. Fast Forward to the first weekend. He is gone. No where to be found for hours on end. Friday and Saturday pass without a remnant of his presence. I initially decide that went home without telling me, so I hold off calling campus police. Sunday came and the same scenario occurs. By 8pm I was in the process of calling campus police when he finally walks back into the room. The following Friday after I finished my morning classes, I proceed to my dorm room to relax. I open the door and there is him, packing his belonging with three adults with campus shirts. Before I can ask, he says, "Hey I'm moving out, can you leave for a minute?" Confused, I went to my friend's room next door to tell him the news, and waited. It was the last time he talked to me. My friends continue to patronize me by telling me he never existed and that I am John Nash. It was such a weird experience that sometimes for a second I do wonder if he isn't real. Occasionally, I'll be walking around campus, and catch a glimpse of shaggy hair walking alone with an iPod and a black leather jacket. | My roommate left within a week without meeting anyone in the dorm thus my friends joke that I am John Nash in A Beautiful Mind. |
I think I've always had quite an insecure personality because of highly critical Asian parents, and being a huge academic and nerd when I was little meant not really focussing on my looks hence was a bit of a wallflower till I graduated etc. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with good genetics and I live a healthy life and now wear makeup and do my hair and wear decent styled clothes, so I think I'm okay physically. I have my hobbies of reading, movies, dance, music and acting, so it's not like I think I'm a boring person. However, I'm plagued by inadequacy and fear of being left by my boyfriend. How come when I was single I was happier with myself? I think we have a good relationship, and he always praises me and tells me sweet things and is active in my life. But sometimes I see him flick through photos of models on Instagram in front of me, or comment on hot girls and it makes me so sad. I told him that and he said he'll be more aware, but I'm more upset that he has these thoughts at all. I don't even think about other guys. And he's the one who says he's in it for the long term! Is this just a guy thing? He and I are 21 and 22 respectively. | I am more insecure about my adequacy and attractiveness as a person more in a relationship than when I was single. Is this normal? Aren't you supposed to be feel loved and special in a relationship? Am I just really insecure? |
I don't even know where to start. I will try to make this as brief and to the point as possible. Basically, I wrote this essay for my sophomore english in college about the social impact of lyrics on our society. Within the essay, I quoted Martin Luther King Jr., Immanuel Kant, and Albert Einstein. I also put lyrics from a Marilyn Manson song and an Eminem song on my essay as well. I clearly stated within the text of my essay who said what, and which artist these lyrics belonged to. However, I did not not put a source for these lyrics and quotes within my works cited page, seeing as that I clearly stated the originator of each quote and lyric within the text of my essay. I also have a works cited page with all the sources of my information for the research that I have included in my essay. Yesterday in class, I checked my school's academic resource website to see what grade I received on my essay, and in return I see no grade, but feedback saying I needed to resubmit my essay for no credit with corrected citations for my quotes and lyrics. This essay accounts for 33% of my final grade, so receiving no credit for this essay means I am failing my english class. I went to my teacher asking about my situation and if there is anything I can do, and she claims that what I have done is plagiarism and that she is doing me a favor by not reporting me to the proper authority. I asked her if there was anyone I could talk to to refute this and in return she explained to me that in order to talk to her dean, she would have to report me for plagiarism, and then I could refute my plagiarism accusation to her dean. What she is telling me is that her dean is harder on the rules than her, and he would not cut me any slack regarding my situation. Her excuse was that I had a lot of time to check my school's academic resource website and change my essay to turn it in as late credit, and that I should have known better. So basically she gave me 2 options: I can either take a failing grade in the class by receiving no credit on my essay, or she can charge me with plagiarism which would grant me access by speaking to her dean. I want your guys' help on this whole situation I am in, and I will try to post my essay up later so you can all analyze it so I can get your feedback on this whole ordeal. | Turned in essay, gave credit to originator of quotes and lyrics within the text, but did not have it within my works cited page, now being accused of plagiarism and receiving a failing grade in my English course. |
I got banned from Sunday school at my grandparents church when I was about 6. My grandparents were very religious, my parents never cared never took me to church basically they are Christmas Christians. The one thing they did do was get me cartoon videos of biblical stories so I knew the references but all the characters looked the same except some had brown beard and some had grey beards. So I'm staying with my grandparents for a week, they take me to church, I go to Sunday school during the service and the teacher has me read a very basic Jesus story ("see Jesus run, see Jesus save" blah blah kinda stuff) so I finish reading it and afterwards I look up at the teacher and ask I I may ask a question. She says of coarse. And I ask "Was Jesus the guy with the boat?" (I thought he was Noah) at which point the girl next to me (I remember thinking she was little so this bitch must've been about 3) looks at me and says "You don't know who Jesus is? You're going to hell" and then holy fucking shit panic ensued. All of the other kids had never seen a dirty heathen sinner before and there she was, in their Sunday school class. They all start screaming and run into the corner to get as far from me as possible. Except one, one kid hides under a table. The teacher then tries to regain peace and order and offers everyone these chocolate chip cross shaped cookies and then gives me a death stare and says "none for you". She then calls some one into the room to watch the other kids and walks me back into the church service going on to my grandparents in the front row and explains that such an ungodly child needed to be taught better and she would never have guessed one of their grandchildren would be raised "like that". My grandparents then grabbed me and walked me out of the church crying. They tried to bring me back maybe 2 years later and they refused to let me in the class. You'd have thought knowing Jesus so well they'd have been more forgiving or wanted to invite me to break bread with some other sinners like tax collectors or prostitutes. Strange. | asked if Jesus was the guy with the boat in my first Sunday school class instigating a baby Christian riot against the godless heathen. Got banned from Sunday school. Didn't even get a god damn Jesus cookie. |
Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) Went to the doc for this procedure. He did not use enough anesthesia or it wore off mid procedure. Nurse looked at me and she asked if I could feel it cause I was starting to sweat and get nervous. They were sticking a needle in my testicle and I could feel it aspirate. It freaking hurt like you could not believe. He injects more anesthetic but the damage has already been done and I am more conscious of it than I probably should be. Cue the drive home. (Live in Japan - wife is Japanese) Driving on the highway. Wife gets lost and has us going the wrong way. Car is old, suspension sucks and the drive lasts longer than I care for. Hate that I have to take over driving and get us home. Sorry this is long. Have no AC and it is summer (I have an AC unit now). Balls be hot and sweaty with bandage, gauze and tape on it. Can not wash it and have that hot sweaty ball smell. Doc told me not to masturbate or do anything sexual for a while. I do anyway, shit hurt. | Had a needle stuck in my testicle, anesthesia wore off mid procedure. Had to drive home in a shitty car. Be summer and horny and masturbated, causing more pain to my already drained testicles. |
What you are doing is taking her argument (I am fat and overweight) at face value and using logical arguments to convince your friend that she is incorrect. A perfectly logical response, but a very male one. You should keep doing it, but understand that it alone may not be enough, because it doesn't address the underlying cause. Logical arguments will not work on your friend because she is not thinking logically. She hasn't analyzed the facts and come to an informed conclusion that she's overweight. No, there is likely something much deeper going on. One of the most fucked up things about our culture is on many levels we evaluate women based on appearance alone, while we evaluate men based on appearance and ability. That's changing, but we're not even close to being done. Plus which your friend has had magazines and advertisements and TV shows telling her not-so-subtly that she has to be more attractive ever since she could read. The result is for many women, their sense of self-worth is tied very closely to their sense of personal appearance. And this door can swing both ways- being satisfied or unsatisfied with her appearance can affect a woman's sense of self-worth, and if a woman is feeling good or bad about her self-worth that can affect how she perceives her own appearance. Throw in a bit of depression and you have a vicious self-feeding cycle: she feels bad about herself, so she feels like her looks don't measure up, which makes her feel bad about herself. Without knowing more, I'd say there's definitely something else going on with her friend. Perhaps she is depressed, perhaps she has family or relationship problems, perhaps the guy she liked rejected her or is going for someone else, or perhaps there's no cause whatsoever. But I'm pretty sure the core problem is with her feeling bad about herself for some other reason, not her weight specifically. So I'd suggest listen carefully to what she says and how she says it, with the goal of trying to determine the real problem. And try to (subtly, NOT overtly) reinforce her self worth and make her feel like a million bucks. | Or, put differently- her weight issues are a symptom, not a cause. Your efforts to treat her weight issues are failing because they are not treating the underlying cause. //edit: to whoever downvoted me, I'm honestly curious why? |
Sam is a best friend of mine. We have a long and winding history, but came of age together and saw each other through ups, downs, petty crime, family drama, deaths, love, betrayal, etc. I know Sam better than anyone, and because of this I know how he has struggled his whole life with depression. It's something he's pretty private about, although it's impossible for him to hide it since it colors every action he does. He's the kind of person that you just look at and think, "oh, poor guy." His depression is that palpable (or at least to me). About 6 months ago his mom passed away, which was a gut-wrenching end to a really sad life. She struggled with mental illness and addiction, which kind of bled into each other and drowned her and everyone that loved her. It's left unsaid, but clear she drank herself to death. Sam is already such a sensitive guy, that I really worried about him and how he would cope. He seemed OK for a few months, obviously distraught but oddly at peace, and I did what I could as his friend to talk about serious shit when he wanted to (almost never), or just distract him with food and fun times. He was always really candid about how appreciative he is of our friendship, how thankful he is that I "show up," etc. He also said his New Year's resolution was to be more emotionally available. But all of the sudden, he kinda dropped out. He stopped answering my calls and texts, whereas we had hung out solidly once a week beforehand. At first I was selfishly annoyed at him being a flake, but I kinda figured after awhile that he couldn't keep up the front of acting normal around me and sank into his depression. I just sense that he feels so worthless and ashamed that he can't even bring himself to talk to me. For the record, he knows I know he's always struggled with depression, but it's not something he's ever really talked about openly. Also, I "have my life together" in a traditional way, and I've always suspected that he's felt in my shadow, or like a jealous sibling in that way. I know a lot of this is me just analyzing him without his permission or participation, and that might not be fair; I am just struggling to understand his actions because he's pulled this shit before - making grand plans with me and/or others, and then disappearing. It's been about a month since we last talked, maybe more. I'm getting really worried about Sam. He has absolutely no support system; maybe one other friend he lets into his life at times. I will call him occasionally, knowing he won't answer, but just offering a lifeline. Is this enough? Should I just give him space to work out his own shit, or should I step up and try harder to break through? | My very old friend suffers from chronic depression. His mom recently passed away, and he is ghosting on me, someone he has leaned on in the past. How can I help him? Or should I? |
My wife's father was a drug addict and non-violent felon. While in prison, he was attacked and beaten (literally) almost to death. After an extensive fight for his life, he recovered to an existence of disablity and brain damage. During this time my wife and I had a child. He was released from prison to his parents; his wife was unable to care for him due to her job. My wife's father understands (barely) that he has a grandchild. Sometimes he thinks my son is his child, but most of the time he understands that my son is his grandchild. I don't know how to explain what's happening. My wife's grandparents are taking care of my wife's father. My wife's grandparents hate my wife's mother. My wife's mom takes care of our son when we want to go out, and normally her huspand accompanies her. Normally this is fine, but recently her husband's parents have been completly unreasonable. My wife's father's parents have begun to withhold his blood clolt medication if he goes with his wife. Moreover, if he doesn't accompany them to church or any famlial outing, they withold his medication to force him to go with them. We want him to partcipate in his grandchild's life, but they continue to prevent that by withholding his medication. If it was my grandparents, I would stop it, but my wife is hesitant to confront her grandparents, so I'm left frustrated and incensed that their son, their disabled son, has his medication withheld because he would rather spend time with his grandson and/or daughter than his parents. I am so angry and frustrated at my wife's grandparents. I don't understand how anyone could deny life saving medication to their son. I want to stop this. I NEED to stop this. What should I do?! | My wife's father was beaten in prison; his parents, who hate his wife, are preventing him from taking care of his grandson with his wife by denying access to his blood clot medication. I don't know what to do. |
I was dating this girl, and her sister and our mutual friend wanted to change her mouse pointer to a picture of my head. I sent them a picture. Then they started thinking... What if we changed EVERYTHING on her computer? Background, log in screen, home page, anything and everything. But they needed pictures. So my girlfriends sister and our friend drove over an hour and a half to my house, and then we went out to the park and did a three hour photoshoot. I, a male, basically did pin up photos in the park. I stripped out of my shirt seductively. Behind me, the coast was clear. Behind the camera, there were a bunch of college students setting up for a party. It was awkward, and I felt so weird, but when we ran the virus on her computer it was incredible. | As a guy, did a pin up photoshoot to change my girlfriends computer images and stripped in front of a bunch of college students in the park. |
We went to a Catholic girls school. Our 20 year reunion is next weekend. I created a "Class of 1996" facebook group a few years ago and most of our class (about 60 girls) are on it. We organised to all meet up next weekend at a pub for a 20 year reunion. One of the girls added me as a friend about a year ago and until recently it's been a 'normal' facebook friendship in the vein of 'someone I haven't seen for a long time'. Recently, she started engaging me with Facebook messages intimating that her husband is violent. I have previously escaped serious domestic violence, so this caught my attention. Last weekend she said she would like to come over for a cup of tea. I gave her my current address. just before she was due to come, she cancelled. Ever since then, her behaviour has really started to concern me. She writes me massive Facebook Messenger posts 4 or 5 times a day. I don't post much on Facebook, but I do use Messenger to communicate with my family. I noticed now that as soon as I send someone a message, I immediately get a message from her. It feels like she is watching to see when I'm online. This week, she came to my house when I was at work and left me a painting in my mail box. (She did the painting. it's really good). She has gone and liked almost all of my Facebook posts for the past few months. That makes me feel like she's reading through my profile in detail. she has also sent me massive (war and peace length) emails several times a day, every day this week. she was going to come over today but I cancelled. She does not have my phone number (thank GOD) but she has tried calling me via Facebook messenger. This morning (Sunday) she FB messaged me before 6am and tried to call me 3 times before 7am. She now is sending me messages that make me feel a bit guilty (saying that her 4 year old son is sad that I don't want her to come over today). After I did not answer her calls, then I got a message from gmail at 7.25am saying that someone had tried to access my emails from a Windows desktop (I have a Mac) and that they had put an extra security question on there because it looked suspicious. The person trying to access my account failed the security question. i honestly think she's started to stalk me. I organised the 20 year reunion... should I go to it? Thanks in advance for useful opinions. | I organised a high school reunion but not sure if I should go as I may make my stalker situation worse. Also what the hell can I do about the stalker situation generally? |
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend since November of last year and so far things have been going okay. I like him a lot but we have differing ideas on how often we should communicate and see each other. In the beginning we texted everyday, all day, with me always starting the conversations and spent 6 days out of the week together. I let him know early on that I'm not used to it and like to have some time to myself. I let him know I would be okay not talking to him for a whole day or not seeing him for a day or two out of the week. It's just always how I've operated and he said he thought that it was strange and the idea of not wanting to talk to your SO for a whole day was ludicrous. Lately, he's been the one to initiate more of the conversations but as he works full time he won't respond for an hour or longer to a text. I find this incredibly irritating and have even asked him to just wait to talk to me until after he's done working but he always says he's too tired by then. And as I am a full time student I usually only get to see him two or three times a week and use what little free time I have to study or try to relax. This leaves us exactly nowhere as he gets upset that I require so much space and I get irritated that he needs so little. I'm not sure how to handle this and would really appreciate some advice. | My bf and I have different opinions on how often a couple should see and speak to each other and it's starting to cause a rift in our relationship. |
I have a 7 year old brother who gets treated like crap by the rest of the family. My mom is a good mom to him, and of course I treat him well, alone with my fiancé who loves him to death. Well my grandmother(which is my mom's mother) my aunt alone with everyone else treats him like pure black sheep. I can think of a lot of examples of how he gets treated like it, but the one that comes to mind, which has been most recent is that him and two of my cousins were at a birthday party of another cousin, my grandmother was also there. She gave my two cousins and hug and says "these are my babies" while my brother is staring around and didn't give a hug at all. She doesn't acknowledge my brother is even her grandson and hasn't since he was born. My Aunt also treats him like crap, I can think of tons of examples of how she treats him like a black sheep as well. Not only do they treat my brother like crap, they treat my mom like crap as well. They lie to her, come to the house starting fights with her, and talk down to her like a dog. Yet, she forgives them and takes my brother to family dinners and I don't go because of the drama. Mainly how they treat my brother. I have an 9 month old little boy who they always want to see and I hardly take him around them. However, My mom always ask if they can see my baby. I don't understand on how it doesn't bother her because of how they are hell bent on seeing my son, and NEVER gave a damn about hers. It gets even worse, He has a dead beat for a dad with no father figure except my fiancé who treats him like a son. | my brother and my mom gets treated like trash by the family and I'm sick of it. I don't understand why my mom hasn't disowned them. |
I'm going to be travelling Eastern Europe with a mate around the beginning of September time. We're flying into Berlin then taking it from there. What would be the cheapest way to travel from Berlin? Would it be a good shout to buy a 5 in 10 interail pass or buy train tickets as we go from each station? | Interail ticket or buy from the station on the day? I should say we're looking to go Prague, Budapest and Krakow and anywhere else people recommend. We're not sure how long we will want to stay in each place. |
This weekend, I went to the After Party for my school Formal. It was pretty late by my standards, starting at 12am, and finishing at 3. I had recently told one of my friends that I was interested in pursuing a relationship with someone called Tayla. Little did I know that he would proceed to talk me up to her during the Formal. He didn’t know that I had asked her out less than an hour before, and that she was really excited about it. When I came back and sat down with them, I didn’t go along with him, and instead, started awkwardly laughing while Tayla pretends not to hear anything and stares off into the distance while my friend is practicly shouting, “I can feel the sexual tension between you two!” Moments later, I am called for photos, where straight afterwards, I needed to go home. I was so nervous talking to Tayla after that awkward encounter that I said goodbye to everyone at the table EXCEPT for Tayla. Fast forward a few hours, I’m at the After Party, and it’s now 2:00am. Jack’s told others about me and Tayla, and now everyone knows that I’m interested in her. I was getting sick of people teasing me about it, and so in my tired, delirious state and in desperation to shut everyone up, I stand up and shout, “The gayness is real in me!” Well, that shut everyone up, and everyone begins hugging me and people saying, “I have 2 gay friends now!” The next day at school, my friend, who was the few who genuinely believed I was gay, began telling people in my grade. Today when Tayla came into class she was pretty quiet and didn’t say anything about what happened on the weekend. She probably thinks I’m awkward as fuck, and worst of all that I’m gay and not interested in her. | After asking a girl out, I was sick of people teasing me about it, and told everyone that I was gay to shut them up. Now that girl think's I'm gay. |
I had a major crush on this one girl at my summer camp- she gamed, was into computer science/programming, cute, athletic, intelligent, just all around way out of my league. I started crushing hard right after I met her. Now, I'm not confident socially or particularly good looking, but I decided that, fuck it, we're only here for a month, mine as well- so since I'm a scaredy cat I wrote her a letter and put it under her door. Now most people would have reported me for being a major creepo but according to her she really liked it and wrote back. Unfortunately, there was another guy at the summer camp her friends were pressuring her into hanging out with, and the whole relationship thing just felt really awkward to her. I ended up dancing once and gaining a really good friend, but at the end of it she flew back to Texas and I drove back to Georgia. Our summer camps never synced up again, and we've both outgrown the age limit- it's unlikely we'll ever see each other again, but I'm so happy I just get to talk to her and that I have the memories. | Summer camp girl was out of my league and out of my region, she wasn't into relationships but I got the memories and a dance, so I'm happy. |
You answered your own question: Solid Resume and application Meets merits to perform the work Solid references This is more than you can get from a lot of "normal" folks these days...if anything his candor and willingness to be upfront should be seen as a testament to the positives you have already found. I don't get why telling the truth is a negative these days. | I would hire the man, and hope if it was me in his shoes I would be judged on my honesty, merits, and ability to complete my work rather than past. |
So some background, I have a huge crush on this girl I've been friends with since highschool (now we're at the same university). You can say we're best friends and I know about all her past relationship details, so I also know that she had a complaint about her ex not getting her a glass of water once and how inconsiderate he was. Now, the thing is, we've made out a few times and I just recently confessed that I have real feelings for her but she didn't seem like she felt the same. She has previously said she would sleep with me to other people but it seems her feelings towards me are pretty hot and cold so that might not always be the case. I want to spark up any feelings she might have towards me by leaving flowers at her apt in a glass of water saying "here's that glass of water he didn't get for you." Is that too much too soon? Should I just give her space and let her come to me after I confessed my feelings towards her? | confessed my affection towards good friend of mine/crush and want to give her flowers in a way her ex would've never done but she is very adamant that we are best friends who like to makeout sometimes. |
Subsets and Splits