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I'm in my first year university and I got into residence during my second semester. During first semester it was hard to find friends to live with because no one really know how I lived, I guess. (or people don't really like me... that's probably it) And so once I moved into residence, my new roommate and the girls in the room across the hall decided that we should all live together next year. We narrowed it down to two places; the first was a newly renovated house, where the rent was over priced, and its near the house I lived in last semester; the second was an apartment unit that had updated appliances, equally as spacious, but it only had one bathroom. People are skeptical about 4 girls sharing one bathroom, but I've done it before so I don't think that it's going to be a problem. We decided to invite our parents down to see the two houses because they would want to know where we'd be living and what they're (partially) paying for. It ended up that only my mom could come down last weekend and she wouldn't let me live in the first house. I don't like the first house, so I wasn't really complaining. The other girls understood... except for my roommate. My roommate lead the mission to still get that house and find a replacement for me which forced me and my mom to go and search for a new place for me, living with strangers/by myself, for hours. When we finished our search, the girls agreed to "compromise with me" and "have it my way" which kind of contradict each other... anyways it's been four days since she's last talked to me and it's really starting to suck. | My roommate's mad at me because she can't live in the house she wants to live in, and so she hasn't talked to me for days which has made me sad. |
OK, so my husband left this afternoon for a work trip. We have been talking about renovating our backyard, so I thought hey, I'll start by staining and sealing our crappy wood fence and maybe inspire some additional backyard projects when he sees how much better it looks! We got married a week ago and I'm also determined to be a good wife, blah blah. I don't normally finish projects I start and I suck at anything of this nature, but I will make it work. So I make my way down to my local hardware store and with some help from a store associate, I've got my brush and color and am ready to go. I set up my little work station and open up the can, and start tentatively staining the first plank. Success! It's a gorgeous color and I'm proud of myself. I start working on the rest of the section, and step back and admire my handiwork. This was going to take longer than expected, but I was determined to make this work. I continue on, but notice something happening. Maybe it's because the sun is setting. No, that doesn't seem to be the problem...why is this shit turning blood red? I turn over the can and it says STIR THOROUGHLY BEFORE USE. GOD DAMMIT. By not stirring it, all of the color had settled to the bottom. So not only is it a lot darker than the other planks, it looks more like paint and I'm almost out of this can. I'll most certainly have to buy 5 more cans and go over all the planks I just did. I know it's fixable, I just need to let it dry and survey the damage tomorrow. Probably gonna need to sand it out a little. But now I'm completely unmotivated, the sun has gone down, I'm sweaty, cranky, and I'm going to head out for a beer with friends. | started staining fence in backyard, didn't read directions, fucked up, now I don't want to finish before husband gets home and it looks like shit. |
A filmmaker friend is doing a documentary on the Daniel Berrigan affair, a fascinating point in history, and a story with tons of local ties here in Maryland. The gentleman in question, Boyd F. Douglas, Jr., had a ringside seat to the proceedings and his perspective could help ensure the full story is told. I know without question that if he'd rather not be found, the filmmakers would step back and let him be. They'd like to hear that from him if possible though. Thought the power of reddit might be helpful in their search. Thanks for checking it out. | Help some honest filmmakers find a helpful witness to history, if you can. If not, click the link and keep your eyes peeled for a well made, thought provoking documentary. |
A friend [27M] I've known since we were 11 and I [27F] recently started dating. We've known each other for ages but never really hung out with the same group of friends until recently. Several months ago I ended a terrible relationship that lasted 8 years, ruined my credit, destroyed my self esteem, and kept me isolated from all my friends. The last girl he was dating was pressuring him to get married (they'd been together for 4 years) he wasn't ready so she broke up with him and toyed with him with an on-again off-again situation for a few months before he officially ended it and cut her off 15 months ago. We're both serial monogamists. He and I have been dating for 2 months now, both of us have stated that we're not ready for another relationship quite yet. I know I need to learn to love myself without needing someone else to care for me to feel validated and I told him this from date #1. He has not shared what is keeping him from being ready. I've asked (indirectly so he wouldn't feel pressured) and he has not said much. We talked on Christmas day that while neither is ready for a relationship, we do want one together and are trying not to move too fast so as not to ruin any chance of something special in the future. I however, pointed out that I felt our dates were more relationship structured than date structured; he agreed. We see each other just about everyday - all our friends hang out together so it's not like we're always alone - we text-chat-email constantly throughout the day, we're taking things very slow (2nd base so far) and I have met his whole family and joined in some of his family celebrations from thanksgiving to Christmas and we have plans to be each other's dates for New Years. None of these are things we did before we started dating. So here are my questions: *What is the difference between dating and a relationship? I've met his family, his mother gave me a gift at Christmas (that I was not expecting) and we took a road trip to see his dad - this sounds very relationship-y to me. *When a guy like this says he's not ready for a relationship, what are some possible causes? *How do I ask him what he needs in order to be ready and if I can help? I'm afraid I'll be ready before he is, especially not knowing what he's struggling with. | Can't differentiate between dating and a relationship; neither of us is ready for a relationship even though we both want one with each other in the future. |
We've been together for a little over a year now. In the past he always made time to see/call me and I would stay with him almost every night. His dad died a few months ago and ever since then he's become more distant. He's had trouble coping because his family has disregarded his feelings and blamed him for the accident that killed his dad when there was nothing he could do to prevent it. Since then he's been refusing to or making excuses as to why I can't come over, even when I've had something going on and really needed him to be there for me. Usually the excuses revolve around his two older sisters being at his place, which always means he won't let me come. One of the sisters and I have had problems in the past but she has told him she accepts that we're together so its not a problem anymore. I have no idea why the other sister is a problem though and he hasn't told me. When it comes to the phone calls, I ALWAYS answer the phone. the only time i don't is when I'm sleeping. He rarely, if ever, answers the phone when I call though, even though I've told him how much it bothers me. The only excuse hes ever given me was that he never answers the phone for anyone, which isn't really true. I honestly don't know what to do. Leaving him isn't an option for me, I just want to know how to handle this situation. Am I overreacting or is this a legitimate reason to be annoyed? | fiance never answers phone and frequently makes excuses or comes up with reasons that i can't come over. this is all a recent change. i know for a fact he isn't cheating. how do i handle this problem? leaving him isnt an option for me. |
Hi, I'm posting here because I need advise that relates to inferiority. You see, I just left my job because I was very unhappy that I feel like a dumb piece of weakling crap in the team. Each time I'm asked a question I am always afraid to answer because I'm scared to be wrong and be judged that I'm stupid even when I really know the answer. After leaving my job, I'm not really sure if I want to get another one because I'm afraid to be in the same scenario. I've been always like this even during school. I feel scared when I'm with students who are doing well so I intend to move classes where the students are a little less serious about studying. I want to change and I want to change now. I want to become someone I always wanted. Someone who can communicate well without being scared of being wrong nor being judged. I need your advice reddit. | suffering from inferiority, need advice to boost self esteem Edit: Thanks people I've read it all, I'm going to try do it. I need all the advice I can get so thank you so much :) |
I am pretty few hundred miles away from home away at school. Most of our relationship has been from a long distance. However, I usually come home for weekends pretty often. Well last time we were together was about a month ago and it looks like it will be about a month before I can go home. Lately she's been going out with her girlfriends a lot. And I am okay with that, and I trust her and all. When she goes out she usually tells me when a guy hits on her at the bar. I'm okay with that too. She's attractive and I would be more concerned if she wasn't occasionally hit on. What I'm mainly concerned about is her lack of interest in calling and texting me lately. She seems not to care. Then today she tells me she's going to lunch with a friend. I ask who and she says it's one of her girlfriends. Then later I get a text saying that her girlfriend couldn't make it so she is going to lunch with guyfriend. Well I ask who is that because I never heard his name before. She says it's just a friend. He goes to local university. I wonder how she met this random guy. This is when I say distance is getting to me and I can't wait to be done with school (which I will be next month). She says I have nothing to worry about and we're fine. She says "It's hard living a completely separate life with you three and me here." I am doing my best and trying to trust her. I never say she can't do anything like going out or hang out with an ex. Maybe distance is just getting to me really bad. I would go home for a weekend or something but I can't because of finals. So they're probably at lunch right now and it's killing me a little bit. Am I just freaking out and paranoid? Could my girlfriend be getting less interested in dating me? Is this a date? | Long distance seems to be putting more distance between us especially with her going to lunch with guy I've never heard of. Am I just freaking out and paranoid? |
When I was in college, my roomates and I used to enjoy the occasional libation. One night, we came home from the bar, drank some more, and then started to pass out. Roomates A and B (myself included) passed out in the living room on couches. Roommate C puts a frozen pizza in the oven, goes into room, locks door, passes out. Roommate D is in his room on the second floor sleeping because he had to work at 6 or 7 the next morning so he hadn't come out with us. Eventually, Roommate D wakes up because he is choking on smoke. Also, because house was in student district, it had every smoke alarm in house was a different make with a different alarm, and every single one was going off. He rolls out of bed and crawls downstairs to find smoke billowing out of the oven and the entire house filled with smoke. He opens a door and starts trying to air out the house by opening and closing the door while yelling loud obscenities at Roommates A and B asleep on couches. Then bangs on door of Roommate C for 10 minutes trying to wake him up. All three drunk roommates are so drunk that all fail to be roused by any amount of screaming, slapping, kicking, etc. Eventually, just before Roommate D had to leave for work, smoke is mostly cleared. Pizza is a black piece of charcoal in oven. Roommate D leaves strongly worded note to all 3 other roommates explaining situation and chastising roommates for general stupidity. I'm fairly certain that without Roommate D, Roommates A-C would have succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning. So, | version, almost killed by frozen pizza. Also, the best/worst part is that the very next night, different roommate does the exact same thing, everyone passed out, saved by roommates girlfriend before the smoke got as out of control as the night before. |
So here's some backstory: I [16M] haved liked this girl [16F] (let's call her jen) for a couple of months. I thought as a way to have an excuse to finally go on a date with her, I would ask her to Homecoming. I did, she said yes. But later that day, she called me and backed out because she liked a guy more and thought he might ask her (he did, they are dating now). Fast forward to today, another girl 16F asked me to homecoming. I am aware that she liked me but I was really surprised when she asked me. I wanted to say no, but she made this really sweet poster and asked me in front of her friends and kinda trapped me into saying yes. So now that I have said yes, I'm not going to back out because that's not the right thing to do. But the question is, how can I let Peyton down after homecoming? I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like she wasted her time since we are friends and I care about her. | got rejected when I asked a girl to homecoming, but another close friend asked me in front of all our friends and pressured me into saying yes. I don't want things between us to be anything more than friends. |
When I was a sophomore in high school, a guy developed a crush on me. We went out on one date and then I nicely told him that I wasn't interested. He called me every horrible name in the book, then started telling all our friends that I was a slut, whore, etc. I had never been in a relationship, hadn't even had my first kiss yet, nothing. It got to the point where he was calling and messaging me daily, telling me that I had ripped his heart out, that he was cutting himself, that he wanted to die and it was my fault. He also punched a boy in the face once for hugging me. I had no idea what to do or how to handle it. My best guy friend was there for me all the way through, but it went on for months before I finally told someone in authority and his mother was contacted. She told them it was my fault and that he had every right to act that way because I had "led him on." | Boy in high school stalks 14-year-old me, threatens to kill himself because I wouldn't date him, and when the school contacted his mother she said it was my fault. |
I love him but he doesn't pay attention to me. I just feel like our only connection is our 5 yo daughter. We've been having a hard time lately where he makes mistakes [like not sticking up for me against his family when I was hurt by his sister] and I am still getting over the fact that he can't put me first. I feel on the back burner. Has anyone else ever wished their relationship was better or different? I have no romance.. but I want it. I talked to him about it, but he doesn't try at all. All he cares about is getting drunk and having sex. He says he loves me but I don't feel as appreciated as I did 7 years ago. I feel lonely. Thoughts anyone..? | My bf doesn't appreciate me or pay attention to me and I don't think he will change.. I may be wishing he was more like someone else. [no one in particular] |
I found my small dog on the streets and took him in. (not neutered) I have thought I house trained him. He never really went the bathroom in the house, just urine marking. However, he still urine marks in my house and other people's house. (I know house training and urine marking are not the same. I also know urine marking is more likely to happen in other people's homes. I also know urine marking is more common with non neutered animals.) My real question is, How do I teach my dog to stop urine marking in my house or others? The big problem is, I don't have a yard, and he doesn't go potty when I stand still and don't walk him. When i walk him he never "pees" just a bunch of urine marks while i walk him. I want to just take him out to one spot and have that be his potty spot, or at least have him "pee" and not urine mark. I have read everywhere that there really is nothign to do. I realize getting him fixed will help. But i am worried that won't work because he never pees, just marks. | My dog never goes pee when going to bathroom, he just urine marks everywhere when I walk him. How do i teach him to pee and not urine mark while walking, or in my house? |
I was asked to go to church camp with my friend for a recruitment drive they were having. I explained that my stance is all members of every church should be consider child molesters until proven otherwise as when there is a child molester in the group it is covered up and no justice is ever received. I told him I would never allow myself to be part of something so wrong and he stopped talking to me becuase of it. Fast forward 4 years and we see each other in high school. We start talking again and a couple of weeks later out of the blue he explains to me that he should of listened as he was molested at the same camp he was trying to get me to go to and his parents called him a liar until 3 other boys said the same thing. His relationship has never been the same with his parents since. He hates them for putting him in the situation and then not believing him when he tried to come to them for help. The two men that were raping kids never saw jail time they were moved to another church and no one was told where. He tried to file a police report but was told because he was a minor he had to have his parents and they would not believe him. I feel bad for him but this is the kinds of things I have come to expect from religious people so I was not surprised. | Declined to go to friends church camp because I consider religious people evil. Friend was molested at the camp and I made the right choice. |
9 month old relationship, you are in college, she's in highschool and essentially wants to go on a date with someone else... Yeah, good luck on "not wanting to break up". I expect an update post in a few weeks where you are so distraught she cheated on you. | You are young, she is younger, life goes on. Break up and get over it. I don't know why people so young always get so hung up on these relationships. |
This will probably get buried, but when I was in 5th grade I tried out for soccer at the local elementary school. I was homeschooled and my family had just moved into the area, so I didn't know anybody and was pretty nervous because I was really tall and uncoordinated. I don't remember any of the tryouts, just that as they were wrapping everything up they decided to have a goal kicking contest against the highschool soccer team where one kid would get to try to kick a goal on the highschool teams goalie. How they decided to pick which kid would shoot the goal was by the coach holding the ball up as high as he could and running around the field till some kid got the ball from him. Well, being the freakishly tall awkward homeschool kid had it's advantages here. Y'see, I was pretty much a whole head taller than any of the other hundred elementary school kids that tried out for soccer that day. So in a short time I had grabbed the ball from the coach and all of a sudden there I was, 10 year old me, lined up ready to kick the ball at the highschool soccer goalie. Now the adrenaline rush from grabbing the ball is starting to wear off and I'm remembering that I'm the super-uncoordinated tall homeschooled kid and I'd better not miss the goal and just freaking aim to not make a fool out of myself in from of over a hundred people that I don't know. I get in position to kick and everything gets really quiet till the the coach blew his whistle. I lunge forward toward the ball and kick it with all the might a 10 year old can muster. the ball sails up and to the right. The goalie lunges that direction, but the guy didn't have a chance. The ball sails into the net in the topmost, rightmost corner of the goal. Everybody cheers and the coach comes over and congratulates me and lets me pick out a Capri-sun. I got so many high fives and some of the guys from the highschool team came over and congratulated me. I felt freaking awesome and to date that is the best Capri-sun I've ever had. | I was an awkward unathletic homeschool kid in a new town who got to try to kick a goal against the highschool goalie in front of over a hundred people I didn't know. I made the goal, got a Capri-sun and Bad-Ass homeschooler status |
I've been with my girlfriend about 2 months now, and I fear we may be encountering communication problems that need to be resolved. (We live approx 1 hour from each other and the train is £25) My girlfriend is a very shy, laid-back and introverted person. Because of this, she rarely expresses her feelings for me. At first I saw this as a good quality as it meant that she wasn't constantly clingy or emotional. Now I'm beginning to worry as she shows very little affection at all, on the few occasions throughout a week that she'll instigate a conversation via text, she usually ends it within a number of minutes by giving me nothing to respond to. It appears as if the conversations have.. dried up. There's very little to talk about other than what she's doing during the day. She's unemployed, all of her friends are at university & she's not in education. What bothers me the most is that she's making less and less effort to try and talk to me, and she's only been to my home once, when her mother was picking me up for a weekend with her. Otherwise, I've spend £25 every couple of weeks to visit her. At first, I didn't mind too much... I completely invested myself in the relationship with her as I found almost every aspect of her attractive, and her feelings towards me were mutual. She has a particularly close relationship with her mother, and I believe she spends more time going out on daytrips and on holiday with her mother than the average person of her age. It may also be worth noting that she was dating her ex-boyfriend for a year while finding him sexually unattractive - she's still a virgin - and his entire personality bland and unattractive. Despite all the negatives, I am very in to her. She's a very nice, elegant and genuine girl that is rare to come by, so I don't want to lose her if I can help it. | Should I ask her to try and make more of an effort with me? If so, how do I do that without offending her and appearing needy/clingy/insecure etc? Any input would be much appreciated. |
Before I say anything, I want to acknowledge that I am in the wrong. Drinking is obviously supposed to be done responsibly, and I did not do that. I have learned my lesson and am working on fixing it, and have enlisted a couple friends to hold me accountable to make sure this never happens again. Basically, for two nights in a row, I got way too drunk and made my bf take care of me. The second night I did NOT intend to drink that much, I drank what I thought was a reasonable amount for a fun night, but what I did not think of was that alcohol was still in my system from the night before and it compounded the effects leading to me getting black out drunk again. I ended up being extremely crazy and embarrassing him in front of his friends, and he's furious. The thing is - after the first night, he really did not act that angry with me, so I just thought that it was not that big of a deal to him. At our age, lots of people get super fucked, and I've taken care of drunk friends plenty of times and I just put it in the past the next morning because I care about them. My question is, is this an overreaction on his part, or do you think it's well-deserved and that I should take the lesson and move on? What is the best way to go about apologizing in a way that makes him understand that that overly-drunk person is NOT who I am in real life? He's dealt with a few abusive relationships in the past, so I understand that he sees this as a red flag. However, I really do not do this often at all - these were probably the worst nights of my life, and I have no idea where all of this behavior came from. EDIT: Some of you have asked exactly what I did. Basically, I left the house not fully dressed, I lost something that belonged to one of his friends, I caused him to get into a fight due to all the guys trying to touch me due to not being fully dressed, I didn't get into the club so we had to take a taxi back to his apartment and leave his friends which was quite expensive, and I tried to kiss one of his friends because he was being very nasty to me toward the end and I thought that it was appropriate retaliation. I also apparently kept trying to hit him every time he tried to help me. However, apparently he wanted to just take me to the hospital because he was worried I had alcohol poisoning, but his friends encouraged him to just take me with them to the club. Thanks guys... | Got too drunk twice in a row, embarrassed my BF in front of his friends, now he wants to break up with me. How can I salvage the situation? |
Me [M19] Her [F19] in a LDR because of college. Dating over four months. We have a great relationship and we love one another very much. There are a few issues that come up from time to time, but we always talk about them and always do what we need to do to right the wrongs. She is very dedicated to her school work. She is driven to get a 4.0GPA in university and I am very proud of her.(I tell her that too!) She keeps falling short by just a bit. Right now she has above a 3.8 which is fucking hard if you're an engineering major. EVERY TIME she doesn't get a 100 on a test, it ruins her day. It doesn't just ruin her day, it makes her fucking depressed as hell . I would be upset if I didn't do so well on a test as well, but she becomes extremely angry and irritable and annoyed. Sometimes it really takes a toll on me. I want to bring it up but don't know how. Of course, I can't do it while she is upset(like today). I supposed I should wait until I am with her next in a week and a half. | Girlfriend becomes extremely angry after a test if she didn't get a 100%. She is dying for a 4.0GPA and really puts in the effort. How angry she gets seems unhealthy. What insight does reddit have? |
So first off I want to thank /r/relationships for their input on the situation. I spoke with my gf the other day openly and honestly and basically told her I felt disrespected from the whole situation and that I want things to work out as we've gone through too much and much more than this and came through. She explained to me that she was feeling like we plateaued in our relationship and that we were at a bit of a stalemate. I understand as she's already graduated from college and I'm about a year away from graduating. This is an issue because she actually is ready for marriage but I want to be done with undergrad first. After many tears we decided on a somewhat mutual break up with intentions of hopefully getting back together when we are a bit farther along in our lives so we can marry. With that said she can't promise that regardless of what happens we will be able to marry(if she meets someone and they hit it off and get together) but she still feels her future is with me just not right now.She says she just likes the attention the guy gives her but can't reciprocate them. Because of this she doesn't want me to wait around for her as I told her I cannot promise that right now as it's something is have to deal with myself. She wants to just be friends and I told her I can't do that. She knows that but can't not have me in her life. A lot more was said and spoken but that's pretty much the overall.She still loves me but can't give me the love that i want from her right now. | We've broken up. She wants to be single and figure things out for herself and I have to work to moving on with possibility of not getting back together. |
My situation: 19, female, just finished my first year of university away from home. After having the out-of-town experience, decided it was too expensive to do again so I moved back into my parent's house and will be going to university here. I have a 8 hour job from Monday to Friday. I currently do have a pet dog but she is more of a family dog then my own. So I want to buy a bunny. The one I am looking at is 12 weeks old Netherland Dwarf Bunnies, a [harlequin]( Sex of bunny is unknown for now. He/she is fully weaned and and well handled. The breeder has offered the bunny, cage, feed, and shavings for $100. This will be my first pet other then my dog. With my steady summer job, I will be able to support it financially. But my mother is really against pets in general. The only reason I got my dog was because my step-dad and step-sister wanted a dog too. But it is just me asking for a pet. I just don't know what to do to convince her. If I cannot convince her now, I will not be having an animal companion besides my dear old dog till I move out in 3-4 years. | Mom won't allow pet bunny even though I have clearly shown my independence, competence, and have the financial stability to support the animal. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated. |
Did anyone actually like Edward Scissorhands? (the person no the movie) Anyone at all. I'll answer that: No. He was viewed by pity (Kim, Kim's mom), a servant to the townspeople, and hated by everyone else. But in reality they all did hate him. He had nothing really redeeming about him except that he could do things that they wanted him to do. He looked weird he talked weird he acted weird... Nobody liked him. They all hated him but used him because he was good at things they wanted... I always thought that if I got good at enough things (lifting, programming, mathematics, running, physics, etc) that I would be able to be liked because people would want me to do things for them. "Help me with this and we can hang out later." "Wow it's so awesome you can do all those things can you teach me." etc.. And I just realized through this movie no matter how good I am at something people are still going to hate me because I can't fit in with them. No matter how highly I get paid, or what I do I'm going to end up in a house shut off from the world making it snow or some shit. I'm not really sure who to talk to about this and I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now. I'm very confused. | I am Edward Scissorhands and I realized that I won't make any friends just like him's caused a crisis in what I believe about making friends. |
Hi. Throwaway for obvious reasons. This also makes me super uncomfortable to type but I will just go ahead and say it. I live with my parents and 3 other siblings, two older brothers [19 & 21], although one is studying and comes home every so often when he's on vacation. I also have a younger sister [11], so basically it's just my parents, my brother, sister and me that is usually at home on a day-to-day basis. We have an ipad that everyone uses, even though we have our own phones and laptops and stuff. But the problem is, I keep finding porn on the history or on open tabs when I use it. It makes me really uncomfortable and I havent yet brought this up with anybody. I know it could be coincidental as in, some random page redirecting to porn, but somebody MANUALLY typed things into there. I know this is laughable now, but stuff like "hot lesbians kissing" or "fucking videos" and fucked up shit like that. I always make sure to just cross off the tabs and clear the history, but I can't bare doing this from time to time. I don't know if it'd be my brother, because he's old enough to know to delete the history and why would he be so stupid to use the ipad in the first place?! The thing is, my sister has been using the ipad and a few months ago my brother found out on the history that she was watching some dodgy things. She started crying and saying it wasnt here, but I felt like my brother got found out and blamed it on her :/. It's making me really uncomfortable to think that its my little sister, becasue she's completely clueless about stuff like that?! Can someone please tell me how to deal with this? Its such a horrible situation and I want it to stop. | I keep finding porn on the ipad that my family uses. This has been happening for months, I'm not sure how to confront or deal with it. |
Met a girl through a local IRC channel. I was 21/22 she was 25. This story takes place over 3 encounters. We had hung out a few time prior to the first encounter. First encounter: I had just helped her move and we made plans to go see "What Dreams May Come" in 2 weeks. I go to kiss her good night, and get told that she just doesn't feel that way and that I was too young for her. Second encounter: It was a get together for the IRC channel with a bunch of other people. We hung out and BS'd for a while. Nothing happened other then we confirmed we were still on for dinner and the movie. Third encounter. Plan was to meet at 5:30 at olive garden. I get there 5:20 or so. She isn't there. I put my name on the list since it was slightly crowded. 6:00 or so they call me and figuring she can't be that much longer get seated. 6:30 I'm sitting there like a putz blowing off the waiter holding off ordering other then my drink. 6:45 She finally shows up. We decide to just get an appetizer so we can still make the movie. As we are eating she starts telling me how she is freaking out a bit. After Encounter 2, she went home with one of the other guys at the get together. She ended up sleeping with him and was upset because she enjoyed it so much. So clearly I've been friend zoned. But this also put me in shock. The reason she was upset, the guy was 17. (18 in a month or so but still jailbait) So I'm sitting there feeling like an idiot because she made me wait over an hour. And then all that's going through my mind was, "She wouldn't kiss me goodnight because I'm 'too young', but she'll schtup a 17 year old" I should of walked out right then and there but I actually wanted to see the movie. And of course the movie being a roller coaster love story emotionally wrecked me even more. I wish my luck in meeting women has increased since then but alas I cannot. | Girl friendzones me saying i'm too young (me 21/22, her 25) then tells me the details on how she screws a 17 year old and enjoyed it. |
That the party that they thought I was innocently caught at that was "just supposed to be a small gathering when things got out of hand" was actually all planned by me from the start. Some background: my parents don't drink, a party that I helped to plan at my friends house got busted and I had to call my parents to pick me up. I told them that I thought it was just supposed to be a sleep over and a small track gathering but someone invited more people and someone brought alchohol and drugs and it got out of hand. What really happened was we planned the party to be like that from the beginning, I think over the course of the night 150+ people had come through and I bought all the alcohol and helped to make the brownies they found in the kitchen. The party was even cover on the news for a few days. If they ever knew I would be a dead man. | I got caught at a party, my parents thought I was caught at the wrong place at the wrong time but I actually planned the whole thing and bought all the alcohol. |
Hey guys. I will try to keep this short. Basically, I'm the only child (27F) of parents in their mid-50s, who were always those parents who never really got along but stayed together for my sake. And as the only child of over-educated, stubborn, immigrant parents, I've been deeply entangled in their dysfunctional bullshit during various stages of my life. My dad finally filed for divorce 1.5 years ago, and recently it became final. My beautiful childhood home is about to be sold. While my dad is going to be perfectly fine living on his own, my mom is completely incapable of living independently and is now forced to start from square one after working insanely hard her entire life to maintain that beautiful home. I've been having a really hard time with all of this. While I intellectually understand my father's reasons for needing to move out, I also feel incredible resentment for him for putting my mom in this situation. I cry for the breakup of the only family I've ever known, I cry for the house I grew up in, I cry at the thought of my parents growing older without each other for support. I'm living at home currently with my boyfriend (26M). When the house is sold, we'll pretty much have no choice but to move somewhere shitty with my mom because she won't be able to live by herself probably for a while. The whole thing just makes me deeply, deeply sad. | I'm wondering if anyone else has had the experience of being an adult (specifically, an only child) when their parents divorced. I feel like that's a nightmare that's totally different from being a child when it happens. Any thoughts/advice? How do I emotionally deal with this? |
My boyfriend (I'll call him Drew here) and I have been together for a little over a year now. We met online and are long distance (about 500 miles). We see each other about once every 2 months, but they are 1-2 week long visits and when we are not together we Skype every night/all weekend. I'd say we're very much in love. Drew has a pretty bad self image. I talk to him about it all the time. He's given me a few reasons for it, and I'll summarize/list them here for time sake: He has gained 15-20 pounds since we have gotten together (but so have I!) and is overweight (NOT obese)- this is his biggest reason He has troubles with the law over something he didn't do but was charged with- he's on probation now and this makes him feel like a loser He's been treated for very mild depression in the past. This is something I can be understanding of. He often says I am way too good looking for him, which is completely untrue All of these things make him feel inadequate/not good enough for me or our relationship. He's is still, in my eyes, the most handsome man in the world. He is loving, understanding, and kind to me and the perfect man in my eyes. I don't care about his legal troubles, I know his character is good and he's very intelligent. I'm going off to college soon and he sometimes makes remarks like "there's going to be so many guys hitting on you". At first, this was a worried statement, but it turned into more of a slightly sensitive joke. I would never cheat on him, and I think he trusts me enough to know that (he's never shown signs otherwise). All of this, I think, stems from his terrible self-image. What can I do to make him realize just how much I love him? I tell him every day, multiple times a day. How do I help him become happier with himself? I just want my Drew to love himself as much as I do. | My boyfriend has a bad self esteem and doesn't feel good enough for me. How do I make him see how handsome he is to me and how much I love him? |
Hi. This is a bit of a peculiar situation, and I think I know what I should do, but I can't quite bring myself to do it. This is a long story, but I will try to make it as short as possible. My mother passed away two years ago. I always thought I was an only child but, about six months after the funeral, an adoption agency called me and informed me that I had a half-sister (4 years older) who wanted to get in contact with me. I was absolutely floored by this, but we ended up meeting and she's now an important part of my life. My husband and I did some digging and found out that my mother had had two other children who she had given up for adoption - one is now dead, and the other - this was a real shock - is three years younger than me. I got in contact with her, and she's also part of my life now. It turns out she had been in regular contact with my mother (I had no idea), but she always refused to tell her who her father was or anything like that. Last week she told me that she wants to do a DNA test to find out if we are full of half-sisters. I don't want to do it. I know there are two possibilities: either my mother had an affair and my father forced her to give the child up, or she is my full-sister and both of them decided they didn't want to keep her. I had a happy childhood, I do not remember anything from the time when this happened, and I don't remember my parents ever arguing. I know it's horribly selfish, but I don't want to know whether or not we're full-sisters. Either way, this is going to change how I remember my parents and there's no way of asking them about what happened. If I don't know either way, it's somehow easier to pretend that neither of the above options are what happened. I now I should do it, I know that she has a right to know - but also I just don't think I can do it. I can't help thinking that the result will change nothing for her, but will change so much for me. And then, if I refuse, it will most likely destroy the relationship I have with her. | I found out I have a sister. I don't know if I can stand to do a DNA test to know whether we're full or half sisters because it will completely change how I remember my parents. |
I'm going to try to be very simple with this. We have known each other since high school and we eventually became friends my freshman year in college. I've seen her date a couple of my friends but I felt nothing towards her so that wasn't a problem. Not until my junior year in college. We went to a lot of parties and I know she did a bunch of guys in between parties. We became very close friends and eventually dated and became boyfriend and girlfriend. It went well for a while until I began questioning how heavily I felt for Her, I felt like I didn't love her with the intensity she deserved. I know she cared about me A lot but I felt it wasn't fair because I didn't feel as strongly even though I loved her I wasn't IN love with her (cliche but true.) The problem here is that she was my first serious girlfriend and relationship. And I am not her first anything. We broke up about a year ago because of jealousy issue from all the guys she's been with and because I lost feelings. She was deeply hurt and I was too. Over time she felt better and found others to be with and I have found no one, although we remained good friends and nothing more. Recently I know she has been spending time with someone who lives down my street and I am very tempted to do something bad to him but I won't for fear of legal issues. I found out they at least made out heavily and left hickies on her neck which triggered something within me to make me angry and depressed. I told her it isn't her fault and I don't blame her but I can't help but feel hurt, empty, and alone because she's my only ex and still my best friend and I love her very much so thinking about her being with other guys like that really really hurts me inside. I have a hard time dating other girls but I don't know what else to do. Help me please. If something is unclear I will be happy to clear it up. | I am best friends with my ex and I get jealous when she finds a new boyfriend or friend with benefits and it really hurts, don't know what to do. |
I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 that I haven't had for more than a couple months. My screen became defective yesterday for no apparent reason. It had horizontal bars across the screen that affected the display, but not the touch properties because I could still use it. Other than that the phone was fine. No cosmetic damage because I took care of it and always had a case on it. Today I decided to take it back. Overnight it got worse and half of the screen became unresponsive, I couldn't unlock it because I couldn't enter my full pattern code. It basically turned it into a modern-day pager. I took the case off so they could examine it easier when I got to the store. Then it happened. A thin, hairline crack appeared under the screen. No more than a centimeter or two long. When I arrived to the store, what do they blame the screen malfunction on? The crack. Of course cracks aren't covered in the warranty. So I'm out of a phone because of taking my cover off and accidentally creating a single hairline crack. | Screen malfunction, take case off before going to Verizon. Stress from pulling case off creates hairline crack that Verizon blames be for. Doesn't help me a bit. Thanks Verizon. |
Little backgroung about myself. I am a immigrant who is in here in US legally. Summer of 2007, I used to work two jobs one overnight hotel frontdesk and then bar cook during the day. After my day shift at the bar, I was getting ready to head to another job. I was just minding my own business listening to my ipod and riding the bus. A middle age man enters the the bus and then starts talking to me. So I take out my earphones and asked to repeat the question as I didn't hear him the first time. He asks why I am in the country. I was really surprised with his question so I told him I am here to study and work. For no reason he got really mad and got in my face for no reason. He then starts to yell at my face saying that I should not be in his country. I am stealing job from all Americans and should go back to whatever "shitland" I came from. I was dead tired and didn't want to get into any trouble so I just continued to listen to my ipod and go on my way. Listing to this the bus driver got angry and threw the guy out of the bus. I was really sad to see how some people visualize immigrants but then really pleased to see that humanity still exists. I tipped the guy $20 and then thanked him for standing up for me. | A guy told me I should not steal job from Americans because I am an immigrant. Sorry for my grammar. English is not my native language. |
My friend and I went to our guy friend's house. We were dicking around on his treadmill, and they all bragged they could spring 10 mph on it. Being the retard I am, I attempted. I was going good for a few seconds and decided to stop. Then I realized that if I tried to hold onto the bars, I'd lose my balance. I did anyways, because I couldn't run anymore, and collapsed, still holding onto the bar. My friends (3 of them) all started laughing their asses off as one of them tried to turn it off. The fucking track thing on the treadmill, going 10 mph, was scraping the shit out of my legs. Eventually, it also pulled down my shorts, to reveal my white granny panties (I don't usually wear these) to my guy friends. Really funny, but it makes my guy friends blush if I bring up the incident. | I was going 10 mph on a treadmill, fell, fucked up my legs, and pulled down my shorts in front of my guy friends (was wearing ugly-as-fuck granny panties that day). |
The matter of the fact is that its something you're uncomfortable with and will affect the relationship one way or the other, please ignore the people saying things along the lines of > Why should it matter to you how many people she's slept with Because in the end, you can only be comfortable with what you are comfortable with. It's possible that it was rash to solely break up with her over that particular fact, but it doesn't mean you were wrong to do it. We don't know anywhere near enough to say otherwise. | are you overreacting? We can't tell you for sure. Were you wrong to make the decision in the end? No, you want what you are comfortable with. |
My implied message was that reddit is basically a sounding board for the democratic party. All other opinions that are expressed to the right of center, without an EXTREME passive context, are immediately downvoted into oblivion. I agree in part with your opinion, but the political system we have encourages such behavior. For the system to truly improve, major campaign finance reform must be passed. A tiered voting system (aka a system where you rank candidates 1 to 3 on a ballot, with first place getting the most points and so on) would help, and so would term limits for every major office. America is faced with some tough choices, and we need our leaders to compromise while being able to take risks along the way. Our current way promotes neither. | I'm frustrated with the state of any political links on reddit. There is no true discussion, it's just a massive orgy of bias and hive-thinking. |
During the Great Flood of 1927 the powerful lawyers, bankers, and business men of New Orleans had the levee on the opposite side of the river dynamited to prevent flooding in the city. Only thing is, there had already been enough breeches up river to remove all fear of flooding in New Orleans by then. This act was done not to protect the city but to quel the concerns of the city's financiers in London and New York. With all the powerful of the city onboard with the needless flooding a spot in the levee which appeared to be particularly vulnerable was picked, it was at a near ninety degree bend in the river. The people of the soon flooded lands were given sometime to clear out and then the day came to dynamite the levee. Crowds gathered to watch the alleged salvation of the city and a damn good hydro/pyro show. However, it turned out that the levee at this particular part of the levee was made of hard packed clay and the dynamiting took the better part of a day, but they eventually made a breech and the lands on the western side of the river began to flood. The inhabitants of the flooded land, mostly Isladors who were poor trappers and swamp people (yeah I said swamp people), were told they would be offered lodging in New Orleans as well as payment for lost property and earnings. While they were given shelter in the city after the flooding of their lands they were kicked out after a few months and reparation claims jammed up and avoided as best as possible. There may well be some inaccuracies in my telling of the story, I was trying to remember it as best as possible from a few years ago when I read about the events in John M Barry's incredible book Rising Tide. | Shit got real soggy in the US in 1927, some rich assholes in New Orleans flooded some poor folks land on the other other side of the river because some rich assholes in London and New York were nervous. |
As the title says, me and my boyfriend are breaking up, on my initiative, for multiple reasons. After talking about everything we both agreed that if we weren't going to work, there was no use trying to force something that won't work. Some back story though, we've been together for going on 3 years now and currently live together and share all of our expenses . We decided in December to break up, but wanted to spend the holidays together, hence why I'm still in the apartment. So far, the only thing we've talked about in terms of splitting things up and everything is that I will move out and I'll keep the dog. Finances, personal items, gifts, etc. haven't been talked about yet. Now up until this point our finances have worked this way. I have a personal account, since I'm an avid shopper, which I use for personal expenses. Together we have a joint bank account where all our shared expenses come out of, and he also uses it as his main bank account. He does not have one since he was really bad with money before we met and racked up overdraft fees with about 3 different banks. Now I also handle all our major expenses. I take care of rent and utilities, as well as make sure the car payment is made, and everything along those lines. He follows up with me every once in a while, but I pretty much just take care of it and he understands that. Today however, I went to pay rent and instead of using checks, which I feel are just too much of a hassle, I always get a money order from the bank. When I went to grab one, I was told that there was not enough in our account. Upon looking over our account history, a few days after Christmas my boyfriend apparently withdrew over $6000 out of our account and put it into a personal account that he opened up (which he won't have been able to do without me helping him establish a history with the bank due to his previous money issues). Now admittedly pretty much none of it was from my paycheck, most of it was from a charity event done in his honor. However the whole point of that money was to help with medical expenses (he has a medical condition at the moment and no insurance) and rent, etc. due to him losing his job. Should I be upset? I mean I understand the money is technically his and I'm moving out and whatever. But we haven't even discussed anything financially related, he did it without telling me, and now I can't pay our rent. I don't even know how to ask him about it without sounding like a dick. Any advice? | Boyfriend of three years, whom I'm breaking up with, moves almost all the money in our joint account to a new personal account he opened. Now I'm unable to pay rent and he did this all without talking to me. |
I discovered that I had a relatively high-functioning form of Borderline Personality Disorder almost a year ago. Since then I've been getting the appropriate treatment and have improved substantially. I used to be extremely emotionally overreactive and unstable. Now the bad emotions still come, but more infrequently, less intensely, and I can neutralize them myself without taking them out on anyone else. I've recently reconciled with my former partner of 2.5 years and have explained my progress and treatment to him. Most importantly I've stressed that, while support is welcome, my issues are my own responsibility and I don't expect him to take on the burden or suffer because of it. We're moving slowly and things have been good, but every once in a while I think my issues still alarm him, undoubtedly because he associates them with how I was when I was much worse. For example, a few nights ago we were having a lively debate over dinner. The conversation took a triggering turn, which was mostly my fault, and I immediately regretted it and asked that we change the subject for that reason. I excused myself to the restroom to calm myself down, and was smiling and friendly when I returned to the table, though still a little shaken. I think he was initially afraid that I was going to break down; I assured him that I wouldn't and explained to him what the problem was, but that I was and will be fine. The night ended without issue, but was still momentarily stressful for both of us. My question for those of you who've been in the other person's shoes is this: how can I minimize that sense of "walking on eggshells"? I know it's not super fun sometimes and ideally if I just didn't have triggers it would be a lot easier. I'm very conscientious of how I act, though, and try to take as much ownership for my mental health and its effects as possible. I think I'm stable enough to handle being involved with someone, though obviously there will be bumps here and there, and I want to understand what the best way to navigate those bumps is, and more broadly how I can be as good of a partner as possible despite my issues. I know I can't preempt other people's feelings, and that with some people it just may not work. Still, I would really welcome your input on how I can be as considerate and respectful as possible, and to minimize the impact of my personal problems upon the relationship. Thanks in advance! | I've been working on my mental health issues and have gotten pretty good at keeping them under control. Given that they still exist, though, how can I best handle them such that they don't put stress on a partner? |
Okay so a little back story her. Me (19M) and my girlfriend have been dating since early high school and the relationship we have is really good and I love her. I am straight and she is bisexual (plays a part in the story). Lately though we haven't really talked to one another like we usually would. Its been different. We are both going through some separate things right now. Okay on wards to the problem. So she has left for a conference with 4 of her friends (all women) and I thought this would be good and helpful for the both of us since this gives us sometime apart from each other. To cut the costs of a hotel, they had decided to all stay in one room together. This is perfectly fine with me because I trust my girlfriend 100%. The problem that comes into play is the sleeping arrangements. I believe that she is sleeping in the same bed as one of her close friends. The thing is that the close friend is in love with her. I know this because this friend had confessed that she loved her and me and my girlfriend talked about it. She doesn't feel the same way. They still hang out and do stuff with each other because they are still close friends, which is also fine with me because I know that this friend does mean a lot to my girlfriend. I would only have a problem if this friend tried to make a move on her. But yeah, I dont know how to feel about this sleeping arrangement. It makes me uncomfortable that she is sleeping in the same bed as her but I don't want seem to be controlling and tell her she can't do something. I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting because there is also other people in the room. I have overreacted before. So I came her for some outside help. | So my girlfriend is out at a conference with 4 friends. They are all sleeping in the same room and she is sleeping in the same bed with someone that has feelings for her. Is this okay? |
I wonder this alot... Here's what I came up with. If you look at a full color spectrum (in paint or something, the square with tons of shades) it visually makes sense, the shift from red>orange>yellow>green>cyan>blue>purple back to red... It makes perfect sense to our eyes. But thinking more about it, this probably doesn't prove anything. I guess it could prove our colors aren't random? It could be our colors our shifted. "My" rainbow is red>orange>yellow...indigo. If I looked at "your" rainbow, it could be indigo>red> The more I think about it the more my brain hurts... The thing about it is then the rainbow wouldn't make 'sense'. | Color spectrums making "sense" tell me that the colors we see probably aren't random, and rainbows (in combination with the spectrum) making "sense" in the way they do tells me our colors arent shifted. I'm thinking we all have the same perception of color. |
I've tried so much to get these guys some deserved attention before.. Hopefully some of you see this, and give them some business. Back in 2011 when the storm "Irene" did so much damage, I had family that fled up into VT, thinking they'd be avoiding it. They were obviously mistaken. They had no power, no access to credit cards, or ATM, intermittent cell usage, almost no food, and some cash. They were stuck in the general area, too, as the roads in all directions were out. They were able to use the cash they had to purchase some food & water at a gas station they could get to, and that was open. When we eventually got in touch with them, and I found out where they were, I called every business within reach of them. I managed to reach the Fat Italian, and Outback Pizza, in Killington, VT. I was calling to plead with them to allow me to pay a contact of theirs outside of their area in exchange for credit for my family stuck in their area. Both of them barely listened to me before saying it wasn't necessary, and that if my family could get to them, they'd take care of them. I was so relieved, and excited to let my family know. The Fat Italian is a gas station, too, which gave my family the luxury/security to know they could continue to use the car to charge their cell phones, and still get out of there when a road opened up. We went from them not using any of their phones except to check in with us regularly, to them being able to enjoy them, watch movies, chat, etc.. Moral improved greatly, and helped some young kids from being very scared! If I'm in that area, I give them as much business as I can while there, and leave very large tips. | The people at Fat Italian, and Outback Pizza, in Killington, VT offered to help my family without any concern for payment while they were stuck there after Irene. I hope those of you near them will give them some business for being awesome people! |
Portions of the blood must legally be thrown away after its shelf life has passed. For red blood cells this is six weeks, and this is invariably thrown out sometimes, but by no means "most". However, one whole blood donation is separated into all of its parts, which are all used separately for separate emergency medical functions. So, even if the red blood cells expire, the plasma or the platelets can be used to save a person with severe blood loss and an inability to clot blood at the wound. Additionally, some blood is thrown out due to the presence of certain antigens, but the prevalence of this is heavily reduced by the pre-donation questionnaire. If all of these questions are answered truthfully and the phlebotomist allows you to donate, it is unlikely that your blood will be unhealthy for transfusion. If you do not donate enough blood in a certain amount of time, it becomes unhealthy for the donor, and the donation must stop. The blood that had been donated will not be in high enough concentration with the pre-added anticoagulant, and thus will also have to be thrown out. But, once again, this happens rarely. | Hospitals and donation clinics are required to throw some blood away, but not really that much. Even if some parts of the blood are thrown out, the donation can help in other ways as well. |
I've been with my girlfriend for two years, and relocated over 1,000 miles away with her for her schooling. Where we relocated I have no friends or family, but her family lives here. Her mom is absolutely insane. She is drunk almost every single day, and she acts like a toddler most of the time. She will completely blow up over totally random crap, and say/do things frequently that are difficult for me to accept or be around. At the moment we are both staying with them for reasons outside of my control (for at least another month) and I've had trouble getting to sleep so I can work in the morning because of her drunken rages. She will verbally abuse the shit out of my gf's dad (who is a very cool guy) and my gf, but she mostly avoids attacking or addressing me in this state. Here's the thing: this woman has been drunk and doing this same thing for the past 20 years. Her husband doesn't care that much, as he's been living with it for so long that he just kind of rolls with it. She won't ever change this behavior. She's done things like reading my gf's blood test results, frequently flies into inconsolable rage over my girlfriend doing drugs (which she doesn't), will call my girlfriend a "stupid selfish bitch" while me and her are sitting together relaxing, etc. She also happens to be one of the most selfish/self-centered people I've ever met. Her husband provides all their income (she spends a lot of it on alcohol) and she literally, every day, stays at home drinking and watching TV. She has the intellect of a 5-7 year old, but from what I can tell she doesn't have any congenital mental disability, she's just been drunk for 20 years. She has no understanding of boundaries or setting, and will do/say what she damn well pleases no matter what sort of company she's in (but since she just stays at home and drinks, mainly no company). I think my gf might be the one for me. The one I'd like to spend the rest of my life with. But I would struggle having this woman in my life forever. I feel like this is a really shitty thing to get hung up on, but I don't want to be related to this woman or have her in my life indefinitely. My gf is one of the most amazing people I've ever been with though, and I'm constantly amazed that I found her and just went for it. My gf has talked before about just cutting her mom out of her life, but that would mean cutting her dad out too, and her dad as I mentioned is a really cool guy that I like and get along with, and was the person that emotionally supported her growing up in this sort of environment. I really don't know what to do about this. | I love my gf, but spending the rest of my life with her mom being part of it would be stressful and difficult. Not sure how to deal with it. |
First off, I want it to be known that I used to suffer from BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and still have insecurities to this day with how I look. He is fully aware of this. Also, I want to note that I know that I am incredibly hard to be with due to my insecurities and past. I wish I was a better girlfriend in so many ways. I tend to put up walls because I am afraid of getting hurt again. For the past year or so things have been really hard. I have a traumatic past I am trying to work on with counseling and during this he has done his best to stick by my side. However, lately he doesn't seem interested in me sexually at all and would rather watch porn than be intimate with me. Also, he's starting to say sweet compliments to me less and less and instead seems to say small things here and there critiquing the way I look (and this makes me feel even more insecure and brings back some issues with my BDD). So now I am seeking validation from others about how I look (I let him know - I don't want to do things behind his back). Then today we got in an argument. I said that I am feeling insecure when he looks at other girls and that's part of where my eating issues are coming from at the moment. (I feel like he's more sexually attracted to them so I am trying to become more sexually attractive for him - I want to be good enough. I want to be beautiful to him). He then responds and says "You look bad anyway this way." (referring to me being too thin - I am 115ish lbs at the moment) I broke down completely. I was genuinely trying to open up to him about something that makes me feel insecure and then he says that to me. (A minute or so later he says "I mean, you are the most beautiful girl in the world but I just don't like you thin" and "I am done BSing you and just want to be honest" It felt disingenuous and like he was saying it to make up for what he just said to me) Another side note thing that is less important but is still bothersome is that he doesn't buy me gifts for holidays. Is that normal? I asked for even a card - I am not materialistic in the least but I would at least like a card acknowledging my birthday, Christmas, etc.. My main question is this though - should I stay in a relationship with someone who is making me insecure or should we take a break so I can focus on bettering myself? | I am insecure and overly sensitive, boyfriend (who is amazing in so many ways but sometimes does and says things to really hurt me) is making it worse for me at the moment. Should I stay or go? |
Long story: A few months ago, the (ex)girlfriend of my girlfriend's close friend has issues with my girlfriend and her close friend being, well, close. Therefore, she keeps trying to shame my girlfriend on Facebook publicly (e.g. creating pages dedicated to shaming my girlfriend) under a false account. The sad thing is my girlfriend's close friend seems to be defending his girlfriend and says she won't do something like that. That's also the reason why my girlfriend has distanced herself from her close friend ever since. Fast forward to now, that girl and my girlfriend's close friend apparently broke up and so the close friend is trying to make up to my girlfriend. The problem is, the girl is now back with another round of her annoyance. This time, she's now attacking both my girlfriend and me. Creating pages and false accounts just attacking us in ways she can think of. I don't know why she's doing this even though she and my girlfriend's close friend already broke up. I guess she's bitter or something? So now my question is, how do we deal with her? It's not easy to say that we should just ignore and block her because she knows some acquaintances of ours which could sever ties with potential jobs and the likes. Creating a new Facebook account isn't a viable option since I also use my Facebook for business purposes and I have a lot of my professional contacts there. Not including the personal URL that is already well established. | We have someone that's constantly trying to wreck us in public. How do we deal with her? Thanks in advance, good citizens of Reddit. :/ |
Since I'm married and work full time, I don't have too many natural situations where I can meet female friends. I met this one girl at a party (let's call her Jane) and she was extremely outgoing, gave me her number and even made the overture to get drinks together the next week. We are both hetero and there was no question about the intention of this- just as friends. Fast forward to the next week- we get drinks, have an amazing time, we're both laughing and she even shared some pretty personal stuff with me. I left thinking "Cool, we're gonna hang out again!" The next morning she texted me telling me how fun it was, how she wants to hang out again. Everything's fine, right? Since then I've extended two overtures to meet up (not just us alone, either- I'm inviting her to things with my other friends). She didn't even RESPOND. The two overtures were sent a few weeks apart, so it's not like I was clingy or creepy. I just extended an invite, no response. Wtf? The last time I saw her she obviously had a great time, and I can't think of anything I did between then and now. It doesn't really matter if she's my friend or not, but I don't want to miss some major mistake I'm making, and then continue to make it with other potential friends in the future. Any idea of what I may have done? | Had an awesome "friend date" with another woman, she texted me back, and then suddenly started ignoring me. Any ideas of things I could have done wrong? |
You already seem to know this... but your BF is acting like an inconsiderate asshole. First he mooches off you. Then he gets a job and tells you it's OK for you to rest up for a bit and mooch off him for awhile since you worked your ass off for him, BUT he changes his mind soon after, once it starts being inconvenient for him. Then you get a job so you feel like you're pulling your weight. Then he bitches because he has to give you a ride. Is there any pleasing this fellow? | You're dating a bitchy asshole. Tell him to grow up and realize that shit happens and life isn't all sunshine and rainbow fairy farts. He's lucky he has someone that will put up with his whiny ass. |
Hey all, I'll keep this short. I met this guy on Badoo and we've been speaking for around 3-4 weeks now and i'm quite into him, we added each other on facebook & insta and I stopped using Badoo since speaking to him. He has a lot female followers & friends on facebook/insta and they all give him a lot of attention and by the looks of it he interacts with a lot of females on a daily basis. We went on our first date yesterday and spent most of the day together, in which he was regularly using his phone. I got suspicious and every now and then whenever I had the chance to do so without getting caught I opened up badoo on my phone to check when he was last online, and realised that he was logging in very frequently (roughly around an hour each time) talking to other girls whilst on a date with me! I also realised he logged back in after our date ended and was frequently on it after, again, talking to other women.. Is this normal behaviour for a lot of men who use dating apps? Should I not worry about it and continue dating him? Or is this a huge red flag and should I be concerned and cut it off now? | met guy on badoo, been speaking for around 3-4 weeks now, had first date yesterday, he was regularly talking to other women on badoo throughout our day together, should I be concerned? |
A little background: I am a young male (early 20s). I have been dating the same girl now for a few years, and we are a happy couple with a very satisfying sex life. We have lots of sexual excitement and we both satisfy one another. That being said, I still do jerk it quite often. I'd say I average once a day or so - maybe a little less. She knows I do this, and has no problem with it, especially since I usually do it while looking at some of the pics / videos I have of her (my GF). She pleasures herself on a semi-regular basis as well, and I quite enjoy hearing about it. I have never put forth a serious effort to quit, because I see no real reason to, however, any time I have "tried" to quit, I have failed. I tell myself "hey maybe lay off for a few weeks" but that usually results in failure since in the moment of desire I see no reason to hold back. I am just wondering if anyone else has had success quitting, and if it has improved your sex life in any way. I often wondered if a lack of masturbating would make sex even better. If I get confirmation of this, then it might motivate me enough to stop. | I am dating a girl, have a good sex life but I still masturbate a lot. Would my sex life be better if I stopped? |
Some context. In late November, I decided it would be a good idea to invest in a nice 64gb micro sd for my HTC M8. I'd had the phone for about 16 months at this point and was debating updating to something else. Wanting to clear some space off my phone at the time, I moved all my pictures/albums over to the SD card. Coming into the fuck up, a few days ago, I bit the bullet and swapped to the S6 Active, and only had contacts and stuff transferred over as I had all my pictures 'safely' put on SD. Originally, I had put the SD card into the box the phone came in, but had later changed my mind and put it in my wallet at my cousin's house. Fast forward to 30 minutes ago, and I ripped my house apart to find a converter. Pop it into my computer but nothing shows up. Keep trying for a while until I choose to inspect the SD card and see a crack running diagonally across it. I look into where it was in my wallet, and it was up against the raised lettering part of my debit card. FML Only thing, is that I had a back up from 7/2014, so all 2 years of pictures isn't completely lost | I was a dumbass and put my 2 year old phones micro SD card in my wallet, causing it to malform and lose all my pictures past 2 years. |
3 things: My real name is Jesse Ventura I am named after the ex-wrestler/former governor of Minnesota In my high school there was a mentally challenged student named Jessie Ventura So story time: In the 8th grade we take placement tests to determine where we are put in high school. I was expecting my results months after school was over, but never received a letter. Fast forward to the first day of high school, I am excited to meet all my new teachers. I knew I did well on my placement tests, but was surprised when I was in a room with mentally challenged kids while the instructors are scratching their heads as to why I'm enrolled in that class. Meanwhile, my Jessie counterpart was placed in pre-ap classes probably wondering why she wasn't in her regular curriculum classes. Apparently it was the slight letter change that caused so much confusion in the office. Glad that was sorted out. Part 2: Being named after a well known person has its benefits, for example teachers learn my name faster and often give me nicknames (Jesse "The Body" Ventura after the wrestler of course). Sometimes however it doesn't work so well. A friend and I went snowboarding once at Snow Summit in Big Bear, CA. During the snowboarding, we had to have our entry ticket visible at all times on our clothing. Somewhere in between falling numerous times on the snow, my ticket came off and got lost. One of the workers spotted me without a ticket and immediately thought I had snuck in, so he asked my name. Now I was 14 and didn't have an ID on me, so the second I told him my name was Jesse Ventura, he flipped the fuck out "Don't lie to me you little shit! You don't have a ticket and I will call the police on you for trespassing." So they take me to the security area and have me stand on a wall while they take pictures of me so that the security will recognize my face in the system and alert any workers of me. They threaten to call the police if I don't give them my name, but they won't believe me (I can understand why) and give me condescending remarks about why kids are assholes. I don't know what to do since my credibility is thrown out the window and no one will believe me when all of a sudden my friends dad comes in with receipts and a furious expression on his face as to why I am under some sort of arrest. He threatens to sue and the security buckle like jackasses looking to avoid a lawsuit. I guess if you yell loud enough and threaten to sue, you can get your own way. | My friends dad saved my ass when security thought I was lying sneaking little "asshole." As well as avoided having to take special ed my entire freshman year. (I apologize for any errors, I'm writing this on an iPhone) Edit: Accidentally a lot of words. |
When I was about 5 or 6 years old, my family was driving to my grandparents lake home. A car passed us on the highway, and then a woman was pushed out of the passenger side door. My dad barely avoided hitting her. He pulled over to the side of the road to try to help, but another car stopped and let her inside and drove away. This was in the mid-1980s, so my dad drove to the next exit and pulled into a bar and called the 911. I remember the bartender giving me and my sister quarters from the register to play Pacman while we waited for my dad to file a police report. A few months later, my dad was a witness in the trial. It turned out the driver of the first car was the woman's husband. Their marriage was going south, and rather than get a divorce, he decided to try to kill her. Apparently, everyone who knew them was aware that they'd been fighting, so he figured if he pushed her out of the car on the highway, he could say they were fighting and she jumped out. My dad was supposed to have run over her, but he was able to serve and miss her. The husband's best friend was behind us. He had been supposed to hit her a second time to make sure she was down, but since my dad swerved, he was out of position and missed. The car that picked her up was just another random person who stopped to help. They got her to safety and called the police as well. | someone tried to kill his wife by throwing her in front of my dad's car while me and my sister were little kids in the back seat. |
So my SO and I have been dating for about 2 1/2 years. We're in love and this is both our first serious-non-casual-dating relationship. He has been in college and I have not (health reasons) so we've been seeing each other for about once a week for the entirety of our relationship. Maybe twice a week during the summers. In the interest of background information, we've talked before about the future. He's been ambiguous about being married because his parents are recently divorced and he says he doesn't want to put me through that further down the road. He's suggested a common law marriage which isn't encouraging. When I asked him about living together, he was doubtful about that too since he values his personal space and time. He's made it clear that he loves me and that he wants to be with me but I don't know what the next step is. We recently had an argument about how much time we spend together. I know he's really busy (he's putting himself through school with a shitty part - time job that drains the life out of him) but I want to spend more than a Friday evening together. I told him that I'm not accusing him of neglect or anything but I want to know what he wants. He seems fine with a once a week date arrangement but I am not. I asked him if it's because he prefers his space? But I told him we didn't have to address that now. I feel like that last part might have been a mistake since it keeps bothering me. I'm just afraid I'm trying to force the issue. Also, sex has become an issue. I crave sex more than he does and this has always been apparent but lately he hasn't had the energy or desire during our dates. I feel awful because he can tell when I'm disappointed despite my efforts to hide it. I will never pressure him for sex but I also can't help but feel a bit rejected and frustrated. He's always been one to go comatose after going once when I can go a couple more times but now he just falls asleep right away on our dates. I know its stress but he also does it after he's gotten a full night's sleep. I ask him if it might be something to see his doctor about but he always shrugs it off. We love each other but I'm afraid our differences are going to cause problems down the road like when I invite him to live with me or even farther down the road when I would like us to be married. Our relationship, besides maybe our mismatched sex drives, works well as is but I'm afraid if I ask more of him it'll start crumbling. What should I do in this situation? I don't want to lose him but I want more out of the relationship. Quick edit: paragraph spacing | I want to spend more time with SO but he is resistant. Also we have different plans for the future but we want to stay together despite that. |
I love my wife a lot and we get along generally very well. I'm sure she'd be an amazing mother to future children and that we could grow old together as best friends forever. With that said, we are sexually incompatible. She is one of the millions of men and women out there that is not opposed to sex, but is disinterested and could do it less than once a month and be fine. I feel like she wants a best friend that she can rely on to help her raise a child; not a lover. We've had 3 or 4 fights regarding my higher libido and desire to be intimate in some way and she always seems to bring up the same thing. "Why don't you just find someone better?" she says in a sad, self-pitying, tone. She has used this line in one form or another frequently enough that now I can't help but give it some thought. I've never been surprised with a sexual favor, I'm not allowed to go down on her because she feels uncomfortable, and she doesn't do that for me because she thinks it's gross. When we have sex, it's always the same. I honestly feel like I'm missing out on that part of my life. Yet, I don't want to replace her. If it was possible I'd want to figure out how to get her to fit into that role. I don't want to give up my friend and partner in life over sex, but this issue isn't one that's going away. I know eventually the relationship will be doomed if things don't change. I've already told her that I don't want kids until we figure this out. I know our level of intimacy will just fall further after children; making things even more tense between us. I'd rather not divorce after we had kids or be like my dad who stuck around for 20 years until we were all grown up. I feel like I'm at the point where I need to challenge her suggestion in order to get things to change for the better. Normally I make a fuss about saying I don't want anyone else, but maybe I shouldn't anymore. Any suggestions on what to do would be really appreciated. | Wife tells me I should find someone better than her. I don't want to give up on her, but maybe this time I shouldn't disagree. |
Hi So a little background first: I've met her more than two years ago we started hanging out a lot, but she ended up in relationship with another guy. After short time Anna broke up with him and started to be really interested into me. I ignored her then because i felt like i was this guy's replacement for her. In June 2015 we renew contact with each other, started hanging out a bit, after summer more often. At the start of November i attempted suicide, she visited me in hospital. After i got out of hospital i decided to try again and called her to say goodbye. She drove to me and with her mother encouraged me to go to psychiatric hospital, saying that she has a lot of problems and could not deal with this situation. So I went there. After i came back to school and "normal" life we started becoming closer to each other, we bought each other Christmas gifts, went to New Year party, we spent whole party together, later she told me she had great time and is without me she wouldn't have fun at all. About two weeks later her attitude towards me started changing. She canceled our meetings, stopped texting me, started avoiding me in school and limiting time during our encounters (She had to go to toilet, learn, etc.). I wanted to know what is going on and she got upset with it, told me she is fed up with everything and she doesn't want to meet me, talk with me and so on and blocked my phone number. Two weeks after that (This Monday) i bought her gift for her birthday. She wasn't home when i came to give it to her so i left it there. Two days later she wrote me that it was an unneccesary gesture but she thanks me anyway. Next day i wrote to her, saying that I want to talk with her because I have no idea why her behaviour towards me changed and that I want to improve our relation. She wrote back and told me that she doesn't want to have contact with me at all and I should stop trying, because i am not the type of person she wants to be close with. I went to her house, where I met her mother who told me that her daughter had some accident with leg at the night and they spent a lot of time in hospital so i shouldn't really analyse what she said. Could anyone give me some advice what should I do? The change in her behaviour was really sudden. I know something not good is happening with her and don't know how can i help. One important thing to mention is that she had a quite abusive relationship before (She ended it in May last year). She became really important to me and i really care for her. | My friend stopped all contact with me all of sudden and i would like to get some advice what should i do because i'm clueless. |
I've been a member on a hockey forum for quite some time now. Over the past while, the Mods had been treating me like utter shit. I won't get into details. Last night, I publicly bashed them and their kiss-ass followers. Now keep in mind, I've had an amazing history on this site and have helped them grow. Well, they banned me. That much, I'm okay with. What I'm not okay with is that in their "Banned members" thread, they have some personal information of mine displayed. This includes my full name and email address. What can I do Reddit? | Site banned me after I bashed them, my email address and full name are being publicly displayed. EDIT 1:This is not a subreddit or any part of Reddit. Completely different site. |
Ok, so my neighbors recently moved to the house next door to mine, after spending 6+ very noisy months remodeling it. They spend their days out at work or something and during the day the noise is very annoying. This wouldn't be such a problem if the guys working at the house weren't so loud. They start playing the radio on max volume at 8:30 am and singing along, talking loudly, being pigs...This is driving me crazy!!!! But I don't know the new neighbors very well and the last thing I want is to pick a fight with them, but at the same time, I kinda want them to know this is not ok and they should do something about it. I would talk to the guys myself, but I am scared... I live alone with my mom and those guys are scary... What should I do? | Neighbors have been remodeling their new house for months, the guys working there are very loud. Don't want to pick a fight but can't stand it anymore. Need advice on how to handle this. |
Male 32 230 5'8 Caucasian Meds: Paxil 10mg daily Multivitamins USA Hey guys. For the past year or two I've really gotten out is shape. I recently started eating better and starting to exercise. I have noticed for a while my body always seems slightly shakey, and have had hand tremors for a while(runs in family) But over the last 6 months, I've noticed that anytime I exert myself, I shake. If I hold something heavy, like a few bags of groceries, for longer than a few minutes, my arm will shake and tremor slightly for a few hours. I also feel very weak after starting exercises and such. For instance a did a 10 minute kettle bell routine yesterday that was heavy on legs. Immediately after my legs are tight, and jelly like. I have trouble going down stairs, and feel the same today, it almost feels like my muscles just get instantly fatigued when doing normal tasks that I never had problems with. | whichever muscle group I use for very small simple tasks seem to tremor for hours afterwords. PS recently had blood work, everything was good except vitamin D which I am supplementing with now. Glucose was 80 on 8 hour fast. |
Wait, so guys are allowed to have one night stands no problem, no questions asked, but when a woman does it, she's more interested in herself and can't communicate? We don't know her side of the story. Maybe after they had sex, he came extremely clingy. >I fucked up something perfect... The OP edited that part out, but seriously, if that's the way he was coming off to her, I'd say she dodged the bullet. He probably came off way too strong. There was some sort of attraction to cause the date, they dated, there was an attraction so they had sex, he became clingy after sex because "OMG A GIRL TOUCHED MY PENIS I LOVE HER OMG I'M NOT FOREVER ALONE ANYMORE", she gets creeped out, he asked for a second date, she says "no thanks, things were moving too fast (maybe he said some things to make her uncomfortable, like saying how they were going to get married, she should meet his mom, etc.. etc..)" he talks to his friend, she says it was a test because women be crazy, yo. He comes on Reddit, looking for his bros to be all like "Dude, yo, bro, that bitch be crazy! You lucked out! She doesn't know what she's missing!" and so forth. | Don't stick your dick in crazy if you're a guy. If you're a woman, don't like crazy stick it's dick into you, which it sounds like this poor woman did. |
So my girlfriend and I (and occasionally, me trying to motivate my girlfriend) are trying to eat a lot less sugar in our diets for health and fitness reasons. As far as food, we're pretty much fine; almost everything we eat is home cooked by one of us, and we're good at controlling our consumption of processed food (little to none). Our kicker is juice. Juice is killing us, so much sugar is in juices and soft drinks. However, the issue isn't so much 'drink more water', we can both drink water all day, but the issue comes up with both of us agreeing that water isn't very..palatable with a lot of dishes. I can easily not drink a soft drink, but the thought of washing down a delicious steak I made with...water, isn't very satisfying. | Is there an alternative 'sweet' drink that we can buy, or even better, make, that isn't loaded with a shitton of garbage, sugar or calories? |
A little background on us: Me and my girlfriend met on Reddit in just a normal thread(nothing like /r/gonewild and such) and started talking and really clicked better than I have ever clicked with anyone, we literally have everything in common and stand for the same things. This wasn't a catfish like kind of deal, we Skyped right from the beginning and for hours a night every night and texted a lot - still do. After we realized that this could be something more serious, we decided to plan a trip for her to come up to see me(she's in Florida, I'm in Massachusetts.) and then we planned another a month later, and then another. We clicked better in person than we did on Skype. Nothing was a lie and everything was pretty straight. My girlfriend is on a full scholarship and was in a program that aloud her to start college at 16 and is now graduating with her associates this year. She loves my area and did before she met me and wanted to start a career here and move here after she finishes her degree at the end of the year. But, she decided a few weeks ago she isn't as passionate about her field and wants to pursue her true passion in cooking - but it will keep her down there for an extra two years. We talked about it and I am supportive of it, but 2 years is long. I do love this girl and we both think it is becoming more serious. I've just never been in a long distance relationship before. I am beginning to believe the corny phrase "Absence makes the hard grow fonder" because its amazing when we finally see each other face to face, its just a big commitment I don't go to college, I got training in high school to become a certified welder and work full time, its tough because I am now kind of settled into my career and although it was a thought to move where she is, the money really isn't down there for what I do and wouldn't work and we are forced to kind of stay put, I was hoping people on here who are in long distance relationships or hopefully someone who married there long distance girlfriend and have a good success story of how they went about it would be awesome! Thanks for reading this far! | My girlfriend and I are long distance, thought it was only going to be for a short while but she is staying there for school for 2 more years. I;m very supportive of it, but don't know how to go about it, and keep the flame lit. |
Our goats always got a lot of abcesses. Worst was when our sheep got flystrike. WARNING: NSFL. Though this probably applies to a lot of stories in this thread. One of our sheep had scours (diarrhea) from eating new grass in the spring after being on hay all winter. This was in late spring (May or June) when we put the sheep out to pasture. It was pretty warm, like 70s or 80s, and the outside layer of the diarrhea crusted over and dried... but not before flies had laid thousands of eggs. This was not noticed by my sister, whose turn it was to care for the sheep while our dad was away on business. So I put some grain in their feeder, and I'm filling the water buckets for the sheep, and I notice one of them didn't get up to come over the grain... as a matter of fact, that ram lamb was lying on his side, panting, looking pretty distressed. So I hop the fence, approach him through a dense fog of otherwordly stench, and notice that his backside is... shimmering... kind of. When I get closer, I see hundreds of maggots writhing in and on the shit covering his ass. So I heave him up on my shoulders, carry up to the hose by the house, and start hosing the shit and maggots off. Those hundreds of maggots? Thousands. They'd eaten the shit under the hard crust, then started in on the stinking necrotic flesh from where the diarrhea had rotted away his skin. They had eaten his asshole, his testicles, and a good portion of the skin in the surrounding area. I ended up using a wire scrub brush and a pressure attachment on the hose to get them all off, then gave him a nice bleach-water bath on the hind end. I managed to only puke 4 or 5 times during the ordeal; my sister, who I made help, was not so lucky. She puked so hard that there was blood in it, from her nose, and from her eye sockets. But, in the end, it made for an amusing story for how the eunuch (ewe-nech?) sheep Half-ass got his name. | Scours is another name for diarrhea in an animal. Flystrike is a maggot infestation on a living creature. Flystrike can neuter an animal. It is the foulest of the foul. Edited for formatting and to remove HTML tags. |
You feeling like you have to say yes in order to keep it from being awkward is sexual harassment. You haven't done anything wrong. That being said if you do actually like him don't pursue a relationship while working together. Tell him you respect him to much to jeopardize HIS job. His job is on the line not yours. | I fell in love with my mom. Unknowingly he also liked me. He asked me out after I moved to a different location. Nothing but rainbows and butterflies since. You can find love anywhere, even work |
Okay I probably know what your thinking after reading my title. No she's not pregnant. I wouldn't going to you guys if that was the case. It's actually this, my girlfriend of two years graduated high school a couple months back and was to go away at college. Since I'm still in college but was close to her house (cuz I go to community college near her house) so that was what made it work but the original plan was that she would be away at college. Basically 30 minutes north of my house but an hour away from my college. I wanted to release some pressure of having a relationship and be mutual friends and we were planning on doing that until this morning. She has been having this chronic headache condition and she went to go see a neurologist to see any options and this ended that she will have to have brain surgery to prevent her from becoming blind in the future. So I have no fucking clue to do cuz I need to have less pressure in my life to finish college but I don't want to be the douche bag of century and break up after brain surgery. So guys if you can, some advice would be very appreciative. | My girlfriend is having brain surgery but I want to be pressure free of having a relationship for me to finish out college and focus on me but don't want to break up and not be there for her. |
Hello all! Appreciate the advice. I am 28M and I have been going to the same local coffee shop for a year now. I've always thought this girl was super cute but I was in a relationship earlier so I never really pursued it outside of just ordering and being pleasant. I'd like to ask her out on a date and get to know her better. I am thinking of upping the conversation from just ordering to some friendly banter and maybe a little flirting if I genuinely find something about her cute that day (hair, earrings, shirt etc). If that goes well after a few conversations I'd like to ask her out on a date and I am wondering what you guys think? I know its hard when two people are complete strangers and I really don't want to come off as some weirdo hitting on her. I've always been a little shy too but sometimes you just have to take a chance right? | Want to ask out my barista but I don't know her. Any tips for making it less weird ladies? If you were a barista how would you want to be asked out? |
Long story short, female friend, known her a long time, I felt like she was dropping hints and after pursuing her a bit, I feel she is either playing hard to get, or is using my attention for validation. She's been sending mixed signals. I've been contemplating talking to her about it and possibly getting some distance from her for a while. Is this a good idea? Should I talk to her about it first, go straight to telling her I need space for a while, or just avoid her and not say anything? My impulse is to say something, but I don't know if that is the best course of action. I don't want to come off as needy or desperate. I also want to try and avoid the whole "confessing your feelings" vibe. I would ideally like to talk to her in person about this, but because I've been extraordinarily busy, I might have to text her. If need be, would texting her be OK? We're also both 21 if that makes a difference | Thinking about talking to a female friend about her mixed signals. Is that a good idea? Is texting her in this situation a bad idea? |
Hi. He has untreated aspergers. One way it manifest is how he does not react to stress well. I started Uni this week and need more help around the house. He works full time while I am housewife and senior uni student who does some volunteering weekly. I do 99% of the chores/cooking/laundry, he does trash. This week is hectic, so he said he'll do dishes. He doesnt and they pile in the sink. He also procrasinates trash. Also doesnt help with laundry (small machine means one half load per day) or anything else. If today was a free day I could and would have done all of this but today I spent 5 hours at Uni... He is sick with a cold, but still... it is small chores. You arent vomiting or a fever. Plus you took today off bc of your cold thus you have time. Well... shit hit the fan during dinner. I spill soy sauce on an expensive pillow. He just sits there while I franticly try to fix it. I ask for help and direct him what to google. We get the pillow case off together... and he brings me detergent. So normal so far? Pile of dishes he said he would clean in the sink... pillow bigger than me... dont want it getting stained more by dirty dishes. No room on counter bc there is a pan he said he would clean. I ask for help and he refuses. So i deal and throw it into the washing machine... oh wait It is full of wet clothes, and the dryer is clean with dry clothes. Another chore he didnt do. Toss wet clothes into hamper and put pillow case in. Let it air dry i guess. Then I go to him and shit the table is a mess from dinner. He is too busy/sick and says he is incapable of cleaning up. So i snap and say im not doing this. Im going to bed and off I go. He is now in freak out mode. He cant move. He cant do anything. Why? Cauze aspie. I am tired of it. I shouldnt have to cry and beg for help. You want us to go to a concert tomorrow so sickness isnt the issue. You know i had a long day. You know how stressed i am yet you go back on everyword. Tomorrow i need to go to class and do apparently every chore. I also need to somehow clean the actual pillow... the one he forgot to mention was stained as he was too busy on laptop to care. Thing is... i have 6-7 hours of uni!!! And other errends to do!!!' Obviously i cant make the concert so he will get upset... but what am i suppose to do???? Im so tired. Why must it be like this? Why must he clam up and become immobile when I need him most??? | husband is a mild aspie who clams up when there is stress. This leaves me begging and needing help but not getting it. Im tired of it. What can I do? |
I'm leaving to college in a week, but my girlfriend is staying in the area (she's going to be a senior in high school). My college is about an hour away from where I live, so I'll be able to come home about once a month. We have been dating steadily for about 5 or 6 months, and recently she told me to get condoms (so I assume that means she wants to have sex before I leave). The initial plan for us was to stay together for as long as we could and maintain a LDR, but now I'm having second thoughts about that. I care about her deeply, but I don't know how I'm going to resist temptation for so long, especially if I'll want to enjoy the typical college experience. My question is, should I have sex with her, and should I stay in a relationship? I know sex is a big deal (we're both virgins) and I want to do it because I care about her deeply and we're both ready, but if we do I can't just break up with her before I leave. Would it even be best for me to remain in this relationship? I would love to be single when we're apart but maybe "hang out" all the time whenever I'm back, but I don't know how to phrase that to her without sounding shallow... Help! | GF wants to have sex for the first time before I leave for college, but I'm not sure if we should stay in a committed relationship. |
I'm an intensivist. It seems that my job is to uncover someone's misdiagnosis, and I get many of them. Some are just mistakes of ignorance. But the worst I can remember is an ER doctor who wanted to admit a patient for gastrointestinal hemorrhage (bleeding from the gi tract). This is a very common diagnosis to get admitted to the ICU, and wouldn't have received much special attention from me, but something told me to be suspicious. I went to see the patient in the ER. It took me less than 10 seconds to realize that the patient actually had bleeding from the back of his throat. He said he could feel it bleed there, and would sometimes cough the blood out or swallow it. This actually made a difference because, besides bleeding to death, he could also die from choking on his own blood. From this, I gathered that the ER doctor never actually saw the patient. He just made something up that could get an ICU admission. He could not have seen the patient because I discovered the diagnosis in less than ten seconds. That meant he could not have been in the room with the patient for even ten seconds. | Lazy ER doctor made up a diagnosis without ever seeing the patient. Patient knew what was wrong with him, and would've just said so if asked. |
I had a small investment in bitcoin that turned into a large investment. Throughout the mtgox shutdown, I figured I could make a living day trading bitcoin in volatile market. I quit my job, moved 15 hours away to a beach community and considered myself loosely retired. I wasn't reckless about spending; all of the things I own are completely paid off and I have no debt. 1 & 1/2 years later, and bitcoin isn't panning out in the way I hoped. I still have 10k (CAD) in the bank, but haven't been making enough to keep a positive cash flow. I'm looking at going back to work, but have no idea where to start. I don't know how to represent on my resume that I've essentially be unemployed for a year, and haven't really gained any skillset other than dumb luck. What can I write on my resume/say to prospective employers about my work experience that will convey positive and desirable skills? . | made a decent amount of money from online investment. quit my job, moved far away. 1 & 1/2 years later, not planning out in the way I hoped. What can I write on my resume/say to prospective employers about the last 1 1/2 years? |
So, a few weeks ago I began talking to a guy [18/m] who just has the same exact personality as me. We get along very well and we plan on dating, but, he is too scared to ask me. Tonight at a football game I heard he wants to ask me to start a relationship, but he told me he doesn't want to go to the game with me. I'm very confused about all of this. Any Idea to why he is doing this?? | I like a guy a guy likes me. He's too scared to ask me to start a relationship. Heard he'll do it tonight at a football game, he said he doesn't want to go tonight. I'm confused.. |
I have been soul searching and realized that I have always craved for a deeper connection with someone. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years. Deep down inside, I realized there was always something missing from our relationship. I have always wanted a deeper connection with someone but loved my boyfriend and stayed for the fact that he accepts me. Our conversations usually hit the surface of things, such as how was your day, what did you eat, etc. However, I am not one for small talk and desire to discuss things about the world and about philosophical outlooks. I recently met a stranger for coffee and had a strong connection. We had discussions on outlooks in life and seeking meaning in the world. He was incredibly funny, imaginative and mentally stimulating which woke my heart up and aroused me mentally and physically. I am a very independent woman who does not need a man. But I want a man who can make me become a better me, who intrigues me and the only issue I can come by is that sometimes with men I've dated, they feel that a woman must validate their existence as a man by making them feel like I must need something from them. For those that can relate and have experienced something similar, what are your thoughts? What would you do/ have done if you were in such a given situation? | Realized that I am searching for something deeper with someone but have been in a LTR with a man for 6 years that I love. |
I created a user just to say the following: There's nothing wrong with motivating people. This claim is however, not entirely true. It all depends on the drug, the dosage, and time. When you take drugs, "Happy substances", like dopamine and serotonin are released in excess quantities. You have receptors in your brain that react to these substances. When these receptors are forced to handle an abnormally high amount of traffic for a long period of time. They start to shut down. Unfortunately, they never go back to 100% once the damage is done. However! To cause this kind of damage you're gonna have to abuse heavy drugs for a long period of time. I'm an addict, and an alcoholic, who's been clean for almost 3½ years. I took opiates, opioids and benzodiazepines daily for about 3 years. I would also buy and use everything else that became available. As long as I had money. During the last 3 months before I got help, I was mixing Alcohol, Buprenorphine, Lorazepam, Pregabalin (Lyrica) and Amphetamine daily. My parents had been saving money for me and my brother since we were born. I got it on my 18th birthday and spent it all in about 2 months. I'm 23 years old now. I've been depressed all my life but now it's not as "deep" as it used to be. The anxiety is also a lot easier to handle since I got clean. But I'm unable to feel satisfied or excited about anything. I have to force myself to play video games. I am currently waiting while my doctor and psychiatrist decide which tests they want to run on me. They suspect.. (drum roll). You guessed it. Braindamage caused by substance abuse. If you've smoked every single day for 3 years, or if you've done amphetamine daily for a few years. You'll most likely be fine. It won't feel like it at first. But give it a year or two. The world gets brighter in time. Unfortunately there are some of us who went to far. If you're one of them, don't expect a 100% recovery. Be prepared for anything in between 60-90%. In the end it doesn't matter as long as you don't give up. I'm personally really excited about deep brain stimulation. But there are a bunch of people working day and night, on countless ways to help you. And as we speak. Their solutions are getting closer. In fact, they're just around the corner. | Heavy drugs can damage your brain in ways that reduce your ability to be happy. But there is a bunch of new science just around the corner that will be able to change that. Hang in there! |
First off I should mention I've never been on a successful blind date. I think my friends purposely try to torture me by finding these girls. The one I remember as the worst. She was a Vegan, no one mentioned that to me. I guess she didn't think it was important to mention that to me when I told her I'd cook us dinner and asked if she was picky. So I spent a good hour making a fucking amazing Italian dinner none of which she'd eat. So we went to a vegan restaurant and I ended up eating what equated to grass, while she told me about how our "meat culture would be the end of us all". We than went to go see a movie. Midway though the movie she tell me, "let's go I want to show you something". I'm thinking - ok fine things are starting to pick up a little ;) we go back to my place and she runs up the stairs to my room. I say I'll be up in a moment and run to the bathroom to do a quick prep for sexytimes. I walk into my room with my shirt off and a grin on my face. She's sitting at my computer and has a website open. I venture over to see what it is... It's about woman's liberation and oppression movements depicted in modern movies. For the next 10 min I nod my head pretending to understand the crap coming out of her mouth in hopes that I might still get laid...she was really cute. After she thought she convinced me of what ever she was saying she saw my old Calvin and Hobbes poster and said, " I never likes that comic". The dick was willing, but the heart and mind knew better. I looked her in the eyes and said, "get the fuck out". | Blind date with a radical vegan feminist who I thought I might get lucky with, but instead kicked her out for not liking Calvin and Hobbes. |
Background: We dated for 3 years. The relationship was great and we were in love. Something then went wrong and we broke up September 2013. We still see each other everyday due to college and we also have remained close friends. I didnt regularly think about how I felt about her for the next few months after breaking up because everything was okay. However, from January 2014, she started seeing a new guy, and then I realised what I lost. They moved quickly in the relationship. They were quick to say they loved each other, they were quick into having sex and they were quick into planning for the next couple of years together. Through all of this I started to feel awful. I think its mainly jealously but it feels like so much more...I'm not over her and I still love her. So over the past couple of months Ive been really down. Ive been going out and talking about it to try and help but I still feel awful. My ex has also been very supportive of me and has tried to make this easier (which she has). However, nothing has really helped greatly and I still love her. So onto the problem, I was driving home at midnight after seeing a mate(male) and I drove past her house because we live close to each other. I noticed her boyfriends car on the drive, but it was parked infront of my exs brothers car, so theres no way of getting the boyfriends car out. Thats when I realised he must be staying the night...I suddenly felt shit and felt like I was having a panic attack... I asked myself why I had this reaction, since I already knew they had regular sex, and I came to the conclusion that Im jealous that he gets to do all these things that I want to do with her. Not the sex but just spending the night together and sleeping together. We had sex before but never slept together because I wasnt allowed to spend the night...but suddenly this new guy is allowed? I just feel awful and want it all to end... I guess Im just asking for some advice to help cheer me up, to help me realise that this doesnt matter...I just need encouragement that this will all be okay. My ex is my best friend so im not going no contact, as that would hurt both of us. I just need to read something to pick me up | Driving home, noticed ex's boyfriends car was still at her house late at night meaning he was staying the night. I then felt so so so awful |
My only issue is that if you swear constantly, people have difficulty in recognizing when you are actually upset for real. And it often makes the speaker sound dim, but not always. ;) | my only fucking issue with this mother fucking question is that idiot fucktards are too fucking stupid to god damn understand when I'm actually fucking upset for mother fucking real bitch! |
I'm new to posting. Sorry for any mistakes in advance. I've got a roommate that works during the day. He has his own room and is on the other side of the floor. Anyways, he texted me today asking why I've been browsing reddit on his computer while he was out. Obviously, I hadn't. But, I was surprised to see his chrome history from yesterday filled with visits to reddit. He doesn't use reddit. I do. So, naturally, he thought it was me. But, since it isn't, I'm now really curious as to what this is. We don't know anyone who would sneak into his room and browse reddit for fun. He said nothing was missing in the room. So, burglary is out. I thought that I might've logged into gmail while on his computer before. The browsing histories would have synced and would explain everything. But, that wasn't the case either. I haven't been in that room in weeks since we last hung out. I also double checked my own chrome history. It didn't match with his. Anyone have any idea? | Friend thinks I snuck into his room to browse reddit. I didn't. He has chrome history as proof. Want to know any possible explanations / solutions. |
Original post in seddit: Well against my better judgment I continued to entangle myself with this girl (for 3 weeks) . We had talked a lot, and made out a few more times (no sex, she stopped it all). She said she needed more time to sort out her emotions, and I played to emotional support the whole time. Tonight after not responding my text the whole night, I confronted her and asked her what's wrong. She sent me a lengthy text saying she didn't mean to play with my emotions, but she still loves her abusive boyfriend (go figure). She asked if I still want to hang out in groups, but no alone together I said I respect her decision, wished her luck, and told her we need to keep our distance from now on. I don't want to have anymore misunderstanding in the future. She gave me a final "k", and that was the end... I could have sworn that I knew it was bad news getting involved with this girl. Well, it was a stupid lesson for me to live by.. | got dumped by a girl who can't get over her abusive bf of 5 years. I'm stupid. I'm not really looking for any lecture right now. I know I was stupid for ignoring the warming signs. I just could use some consolation right now. |
I'm in a French Lit class entitled "Memory and Trauma in France after 1945" and I have to write a final term paper. Fine. My only problem is I absolutely CANNOT write a paper I'm uninterested in or one in which I won't learn/realize something. I'm not asking you to do my homework for me or anything of that nature, but I need a topic and thesis by Friday and for the first time in my life, I'm at a complete loss. Give me a prompt and I'll pound that paper out, but the professor was basically like "write about anything in any of the books we've read". Great. IRL I'm a psychology major, so I'd like to write on something vaguely psychological, which shouldn't be too rough with a class on Trauma...and the French. That being stated, here are the books I've read and my current elementary ideas on them: Dora Bruder (Patrick Modiano): too long ago to remember anything other than his repetition of Dora Bruder's missing ad. Could maybe write on the parallels between the life of Bruder and Modiano, but I doubt very seriously I could come up with 8 pages. W or the Memory of Childhood (Georges Perec): 2 books in one essentially, could write on the autobiographical chapters and his self-questioning of childhood memories, could write on fictional chapters and parallels to concentration camps. Flanders Road (Claude Simon): no. Just no. Have you read it? No way in hell. Ourika (Mme Claire de Duras): Relgion as a coping method? Orientalism? Colonialism? Being raised in someone else's culture involuntarily? Help me out here Reddit. I need someone to throw around ideas with and the three other people that somehow decided to take this class are just useless. | Need thesis vaguely relating to one of the aforementioned books by Friday, why can't you just give me a prompt so I can mindlessly pound out a boring paper I'll immediately forget after I've turned in? (Because you won't learn anything, that's why) |
Charles Barkley a straight forward, tell it as it is, bad ass motherfucker. He always has been. That chick probably deserved the tip, but I have no doubt that he would give a $0 tip to a waitress that was being a total lazy asshole. People get butt hurt over some the shit he says and does, because they are too PC. The only negative thing I've ever heard about him is his gambling, but shit. Losing $500,000 in a night is like me losing $100. He's richer than fuck, and you can't take it with you. Every fan story about him is nothing but positive. By all accounts, Michael Jordan is a narcissistic, ego maniac, and doesn't give a single fuck about the feelings or well being of anyone not in his tax bracket. The amount of stories about him like this almost make me question the validity of them because certainly no one could be that absurd of a cunt. He apparently is. He's also a cheating, lying, degenerate gambler, and it's widely thought that his own father was murdered over his gambling debts to the mafia. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was fixing games. He had the talent to do so, and David Sterns bitch ass would look the other way because Jordan was a cash cow. He was literally billions of dollars to the NBA. If you make your company a lot of money, they won't give a fuck if you break a few company policies. If you make them billions, they will let yo do whatever the fuck you want. That nigga can ball though. | Barkley is the shit. Michael Jordan is a ginormous cum box of a cunt face by all accounts provided by someone who isn't in his tax bracket. |
Essentially, you can get away with a lot of things that you would get arrested for as an adult. Starting a fight with someone you don't like. Teenager: Fight gets broken up and you get detention Adult: Fight gets broken up and you might get charged with assault or end up in jail Smoking Weed Teenager: Parents catch you and take your weed. Worst case scenario you get probation. Adult: Police catch you and take you to jail. Best case scenario you get probation. | Most punishments that you get growing up are a slap on the wrist compared to what the punishment is in 10 years, so enjoy it while you can. |
So i ended my relationship with my gf 6 weeks ago because I thought it was the right move for both of us. We were graduating law school and I didn't see a future for several reasons (introvert v. extrovert, i love to cook v. vegetarian, etc). I was pretty upset about it because we were really good friends and shared a lot of mutual interests. I thought it was all normal to be sad about breaking up but it has not faded since and I miss her everyday. I don't know if it just takes time or if I really do still have feelings and should try and win her back. Even posting this I am confused and not sure what I feel. I do not want to be unfair to her and string her along but I also do not want to let go of someone I truly care about. I really want to at least stay friends but at this point I am not sure if I can handle that. Is it just too early? Not really sure what advice I am looking for but wondering if anyone has been in similar situation and how they handled it. | broke up with gf after 7 month bc is didn't see a long term commitment but i cant stop thinking i made the wrong decision |
Semi-update to [this]( Basically, this man has been my best friend since I was 14, and we were inseparable throughout high school, even losing our virginities to each other. We took a relatively short break when he moved to a different state for college, maintaining the friendship, and ended up back together shortly after his return. Three weeks ago, I found texts from him to his co-worker about how happy she makes him and how much the curves of her body turn him on. I immediately confronted him, assured that they didn't have sex, then promptly went no contact except to let him know that I didn't hate him but didn't want to stay friends. Since then I've gotten some great support from family and the very few friends I've told, and the group therapy sessions I was in previously for coping with transferring to big school etc. Two nights ago, he sent me a message on facebook saying how much he really missed me. I asked last night why he would, and told him it's really best we not talk. After I told him there was a huge chance that this is our last conversation ever, he asked if he came to me right now on his knees crying, saying that he loved me, and made a mistake, and would do anything to make it right, would I take him back. I told him to give me a day to think about it. I love this man, and my strong resolve is definitely wavering. Is he just desperate not to lose me completely? I happen to have a group therapy appointment today, and additionally wanted to ask you all since my experience is so limited. But is reconciliation even a good idea? We had our whole lives planned, and we know each other better than we know ourselves. He hurt me so badly, but can working past this be for the best? I'm just so confused. | Three weeks ago, I saw very suggestive texts on my ex's phone and decided that I didn't want to be in a relationship with someone so willing to disrespect me. Broke NC yesterday and he begged for forgiveness. |
He was having fun with state property in a dangerous environment of course. Dangerous to the people he 'serves.' In Hawai'i i've seen cops circle the block with sirens blasting four times in a row at breakneck speed all for no reason, all the while endangering innocent people. My friend (who is an older chick) was friends with a cop and they drove around like this in Waikiki. The cop had been drinking and would drive up to his cop friends and joke about how he was drunk. Who is going to stop them? | some cops in Hawai'i are irresponsible and endanger the lives of the people they are there to protect. As a side note, the bike cops hide behind bushes and write tickets to people on longboards. Thanks tax money. |
Not today, a few months ago, but the real fuck up happened last night. My buddy (We'll call him A, fitting because he name starts with an A) has for a long time been having severe anxiety. It all started when we first met a few years ago. He had to stop smoking weed and started smoking that fake "legal" shit (At the time) I don't know if it's still legal in some states. Well smoking that shit, and poor diet lead to him having heart palpitations and panic attacks over simple things as ingesting one or two beers. He would drink a glass of wine and start feeling "the fear". I let him know that my unprofessional opinion is that he was having panic attacks. I use to suffer from them, and they seemed similar. So in true friend fashion, I tell him to go see a doctor about it. Well he finds the most pill farming doctor (Not on purpose mind you) and the doc agrees that it is severe anxiety. So he prescribes BARS of xanax. The 5mg. At like 90 a month, and he takes them, right down to the prescription. Which leaves him happy half the day, and zombie the other half. The first few weeks we start going back out, and he is back to my old light hearted friend again. Eating spicy feed which he use get attacks from the heartburn itself. (I've never had it that bad so I thought the high dose might have been necessary). But still, I think to myself this is too high a dosage and NINETY at that? In a month? But I let it go. Well last night, my buddy decided that if he can eat spicy foods and all that without getting "the fear" he would have a glass of wine. My friend is now in the hospital after flipping his car three times coming home from a restaurant. He is in ICU and I cannot see him yet. There are a lot of people who will say this is not my fault, but he would have never went to that doctor without my recommendation. Chain events lead to me almost losing my friend. | Told my friend he might have anxiety, ate pills like a pharmed out junkie per docs orders, and drove on a glass of wine almost losing his life. |
Maybe NSFW? Not sure. So technically this happened yesterday through today at about 4am. So I use a menstrual cup as an alternative to pads and tampons because it's cheaper ($40 for like 5 years), cleaner, environmentally friendly, etc. I also live with my dad, who didn't know I do this. So my period ended yesterday and that morning I took out the cup, cleaned it out, and thought I put it in my drawer in the bathroom. I come back to the drawer that night to get toothpaste and lo and behold, the cup is gone. So I'm frantically trying to figure out where I put it because it would be really awkward to explain to my dad what it is. I end up looking in the shower, garbage, basement, etc. I even dig through my own vagina for a minute to make sure I didn't somehow leave it in and forget about it. It has vanished into thin air. So then I think, maybe my dad found it and kept it because he didn't know what it was. So I go to his room (it's 3am at this point) and wake him up and try to be vague about the situation, but end up having to explain menstrual cups to him. As I'm talking, I see our dog on his bed and realize that the dog might have taken it. He tends to drag things into the yard, which is bad because our neighbors and their very young children share the yard with us. So now it's 3:30 in the morning, I'm outside in my pajamas looking through the yard and finally find it covered in dog saliva. It sounds really gross but I invested $40 in this thing, so I don't want to throw it out. Decided to keep it. I'm dreading next month. | Dog got my menstrual cup; searched through yard in my pajamas until 4am; now I have to put something that was once in my dog's mouth into my vagina. |
My semester was going good and I was passing all my subjects then halfway through my grandmother died, because of this I found it really hard to concentrate and fell behind in my classes and ended up failing a semester. Now I got an email saying that I have to withdraw from the faculty of science, I only needed 4 more courses to get my BSc. I am now preparing to submit an appeal and explain situation in 300 words. | My life just got screwed, grandmother died, failed classes and forced to withdraw from univeristy with a mountain of debt and several wasted years of my life. Trying to submit an appeal. |
Bit of context, we've been dating nearly a year and have had very few hiccups, everything is super awesome and I love her. However I can't help myself from getting ridiculously jealous or worried everytime she does something without me. For example, I'm currently travelling with my family overseas, and we haven't seen each other for about a week and a bit. During that time she's been working lots and not doing much else. Last night she went to a work Christmas party, and even though I know she works only with women (mainly older too), my mind kept wandering, and I kept thinking about if she was chatting with some guy at the party, and if they hit it off and so on. I hate feeling like this because I know that she wouldn't do anything like that, or at least I'm 95 percent sure. We both love eachother and tell eachother everything, and she's an terrible lier too. We did have one hiccup in our relationship where she kissed a guy when she was drunk a few months back. That really hurt me, but the guy who kissed her literally only preys on girls with boyfriends, and she (unfortunately) has very little natural assertiveness and gets pretty flirty when she's drunk (which I hate). She's told me she doesn't want to go out without me anymore, which I think is her acknowledging that she can't really trust herself, which is where I think this jealousy/worries come from. At the same time, she's totally amazing and I know that she'd never cheat on me intentionally. Yet I still worry that she does, even to the extent that I start obsessing that she deletes message conversations from her phone before she sees me, even though I'm positive she doesn't. I don't want this to impact our relationship. I'm very aware of what I say to her in regards to my stupid worries, because I don't want her to start thinking that I'm controlling her life due to my unjustifiable jealousy. Should I just force myself to stop worrying about her and let her actions disprove my worries? I'm not sure :/ | I get worried and jealous about my girlfriend even though I shouldn't be, usually about things that people wouldn't generally worry about. Don't want it to impact our relationship. |
Bring on the throwaways. For me, it is my severely dysfunctional mind. I entertain the ideas of every horrible act a human being could commit and I am not appalled by it. Rape, murder, molestation, genocide, the works. All of these things run amok in my head all day, every day and I love these thoughts. At the same time, however, I know that all of those things are horrible and I do not condone ever committing them by anyone. I believe that we should be judged by our actions, not our thoughts and so I spend almost every hour of every day wrestling with who I am vs who I appear to be. My friends and family always hound me for spending most of my free time sleeping, not knowing that when I am asleep, I cannot judge myself or have to fight off thoughts that would send chills down their spines. My dreams however, are normally an unleashing of the corrupt images that float in my head all day and in some sick perverted way, I get to experience some of them via my subconscious. There is no limit to what I experience. I am not so much bothered by the thoughts as I am that I know I would lose everything if it ever slips out into the open. My friends and family do not understand the gravity of what I mean when I tell them that they could not last a day in my head. They know something is abnormal, which is why I started talking to a therapist at my mothers request. When I touched on the subject of what I think about most of the day, the therapist began avoiding the topics without me even getting to the really horrible things. I no longer see a any mental health professionals since I went through three of them in 4 months trying to just have an outlet for what I felt and thought. | I entertain ideas of mass murder, genocide, rape and molestation while acknowledging the perverted nature of it. I condemn individuals who let their fantasy and negative thoughts control their actions. I live a life of generosity and kindness while living with a sometimes debilitating psychosis. |
i've had chronic pain for almost my whole life. it's basically killed my self esteem because i never feel good enough. i look alright for my situation but some things people say just get to me. and don't judge me on my age. everyone matures differently and i'm the type of girl that's matured very fast, not saying i know everything but i'm aware of alot. my boyfriend and i have been together since december, known eachother for a good year before that. he's my best friend and very supportive. but he doesn't think before he speaks. he makes a ton of money, and i make almost none. if i talk about how nice it would be if i could buy a car, he cuts me off and says i would never be able to afford it. i know that, but i can still dream. but he doesn't believe in that. he only thinks i should talk about waiting things only if i can afford them. it really hurts. my dad does the same thing to me, and i should be used to it now but i'm not. to me, they are trying to make me seem lazy. like i choose not to work hard. but i can't do physical labor like them. my body is shit but my mind is amazing. i'm taking a course for office education, trying to make a start but it doesn't seem good enough. my dad is encouraging but my boyfriend seems to think that what i'm doing isn't that great. i've also had problems with my body image, mostly because i never feel good, health wise. i always try to look good for my boyfriend, to show that just because i'm in pain doesn't mean i can't look good. usually it's good, he compliments me and whatnot. but the other night, we were hanging out with his friends, chatting and having some drinks, me being quiet because i was the only girl and out of the blue, in front of his friends and me, he says that he prefers chicks with big tits and athletic bodies. i have small boobs and can't actually work out. it was humiliating. the alcohol didn't help me feel any better. but i just got up and went and hid in my car and broke down. i know alot of guys like big tits. but to say that to all of his friends with me right there is the lowest thing i've ever witnessed. i try pretty hard to hide when i'm in pain and look half decent just for him. he apologized, i even talked with his brother and roommate. but i feel so hurt still. i don't feel like i'm really good enough at all now. how the hell do i get this feeling to stop without starting any fights or problems? i'm basically stripped of my pride. physically and emotionally. | chronically ill, causing esteem issues and making it harder to work. boyfriend shits on me for wanting nice things, and makes me feel pretty much worthless saying indirectly that i don't meet his physical requirements. |
Long story short I met a girl a few months ago and we've become really close good friends. We talk, text constantly, and spend quite a lot of time together and have mutually become best friends in a city that is brand new to the both of us. I've started to care about her as more than just a friend but haven't pursued it and have no plans to as she isn't single. She started dating someone right before we met who unfortunately is a bit of a douche and they've nearly broken up a couple times and I get the feeling that the days of their relationship are probably numbered. So /r/relationships[1] I was curious what your perspective would be on how I handle this? I'm currently going on dates with other women and really value this girl's friendship but if in the future we are both single at the same time I would likely ask her out. I guess I'm wondering if there are things I should do differently that wouldn't box me into "like-a-brother" status in her mind. I hate the term "friend-zone" as it demeans the awesome relationship we already have but I'm just curious how to tiptoe this line of staying really good platonic friends but not ruling myself out as a possible romantic interest in the future. | Should I act at all differently with a really good female friend who I would be interested in pursuing romantically if and when we are ever both single at the same time. |
Hiyas! I've got a question. I've pretty much decided to leave my partner of 7 years for a variety of reasons: I want to live fully on my own, with no safety net (financially or emotionally, I need to be more of an adult and rely on myself) I want to get to know myself. It recently came to my attention that I don't really know who I am or what would make me happy. I've been working on what would make me happy, and I think this would. I've been pushing aside my feelings and needs for the sake of others' happiness for my entire life. I want to make me happy I want to explore polyamory, as I recently realized I am polyamorous (and my partner is strictly monogamous, through no fault of her own!) our sex drives are not really compatible. I have a very low sex drive (at least right now), and hers is much higher than mine. I've been feeling less desire to be affectionate with her, though I've been trying to keep it up anyway (she's been needy-er than I have the energy for lately) I'm an introvert, and need time to 'recharge my batteries.' In the past, I've been able to recharge with her there. Now I need to be alone to recharge, she drains me too fast these days. I feel super shitty when I can't give her what she needs (affection/sex). I don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling inadequate and hating myself for not being able to give her what she needs. I'm thinking of talking to her about all of this on Thursday or Friday (it's Tuesday now, in case anyone forgot =P), but I feel bad waiting. I want to wait so: I can think through this decision thoroughly and not rush it (though I want to) I can talk to my therapist on Thursday (next available time) to get her opinion/thoughts on it. Maybe she'll see a side I didn't she may not need to go into work for a few days (so she has time to recover) she can have more support (friends/family more available on the weekend) It's hard to not tell her, but I don't want to make this any harder on her than it has to be. Any advice on whether I should tell her now (and negate the reasons for waiting) or if it's okay for me to wait until Thursday or Friday? | Leaving partner of 7 years. Want to wait a few days as I think it'll be better for both of us if it's closer to the weekend. Should I do it now (when we're both more unprepared), or is it okay to wait a few days? |
This happened to me this summer, im fact less than a month ago. It is not an interesting story, but it is the truth nonetheless. I was travelling through Croatia and had spent a few days in Dubrovnik when I met up with a large group I knew. Together we hit the bars and clubs, but I wasn't in it for women, I was just having pure, unadulterated fun. After more than a few drinks and much awful dancing I met two swedish girls on the dancefloor and got talking; I introduced one to a Scottish friend I'd also just met and we all hit it off instantly. The flirting heightened and both couples ended up making out on the dancefloor. At this point I suggested leaving the club and heading to somewhere secluded, perhaps one of the nearby stunning beaches. To my surprise they agreed and we walked towards the coast, still in high spirits due to alcohol and the intoxicating effects of sudden infatuation. We reached the waters edge and the scotsman and I looked at one another in disbelief, as if we hadn't expected to get this far. At this moment both girls began to undress and from then the night becomes a blissful blur. The cutting cold of leaping into the ocean and the Swede's warm embrace stand out amongst my memories of the evening. | A slight humble brag - alcohol, youth and outgoing natures collide to create a memorable night. But I wouldn't call it interesting unless you were there. |
So Me(Straight male) and Aeran(female but is transgender so guy, and this is the name he wants to go by). So me and aeran are both 19 , live together , and go to the same college and have been dating for 9 months with no problems. Now aeran told me about him being transguy and i have no clue what that meant so i asked him at the time and he explained that its a girl wishing to addressed and treated as a guy, none of that Victoria secret , perfume mess. I thought about it and I decided that it was a small sacrifice i could make for the better of the relationship because it doesn't effect anything psychically and I assumed that it was just going to be a mental change. So months have past and aeran finally told me that he wants to start taking Tshots(testosterone the point where his body doesnt produce estrogen) and get a boob reduction (He is currently a B).Now this started to bother me because when she told me I thought everything was going to be the same and not change. But after the Tshots and the boob reduction+plus the fairly short hair I wont feel like im dating a girl anymore and thats just going to be it. The thing is I understand that im dating a guy, But i assumed that He was still going to have psychical female traits, which has kept me going through this relationship. But after the Tshots and Boob reduction Im feel like im going to lose that mental support and not be able to date him anymore. | Is it ok that I feel this way? How should I deal with this? Does anyone Know the effects of Tshots to the extent she want to take it? |
Prior to the break up, I was so confident that I needed space. My ex and I had trouble going out and doing things together because of different tastes in.. everything. I decided that I was too young to get tied into a very serious relationship (which is what I would consider we had together) and I got scared off by her talking about moving in together and having kids at 21 (scary). I truly felt like there was more for me out there, and I didn't want to skip out on it because I was in a "comfortable" but very exclusive relationship with her. We had no friends in common and not much we both liked to do other than lay around and watch netflix or go out to dinner (which was hard because she was extremely picky). It got to the point where I began looking at other women, specifically co-workers. I had begun having a lot of fun with female co-workers and especially a lot of fun at our staff party on Monday night. It made me think about how my (now ex) girlfriend wasn't in to going out and dancing with me, which is something I loved to do. Now that it's been about 24 hours, I can't stop thinking that I may have made the wrong choice, even though I know it wasn't. I've never been on the delivering end of a break up before, and because of the length of this relationship I haven't much other relationship experience. Can someone tell me if this is normal? I still love her, but I just don't want to be with someone who doesn't enjoy the same things as I do. | Girlfriend of 3.5yrs broke up. I dumped her because she wasn't fulfilling and we had a hard time going out and having fun. Been a day, I feel like I made a mistake up but I know I didn't. |
I met the man I love when I was 16. He was 20. The very first words we ever said to each other when we met in person were "Hello, boyfriend."and him responding with, "Hello, wife." I knew right away he was someone I was going to want to spend my life with. But, the first day it really 100% hit me that he was it for me occurred later. One day, he came to my house to pick me up for a date. He had texted me prior and asked if I liked cheesesteaks (to which, I didn't mind). I assume we're just going out to a restaurant and tell my mother that I'll be back that night. I get in his car and we start driving. I ask where we're going. "To get cheesesteaks." "Okay." And while he's staring at the road, he - for the first time - muttered that he loved me. The fact that those words created the emotions they did in me were shocking - the intensity of joy was not something I expected. I forget that I don't know where we're going. 300 miles later, i look at my SO and ask, "We're... we're not going to Philly, are we?" The man quite literally just glanced at me dead in the eye and says, "Where else would we get cheesesteaks at?" Being 16 at the time, I turned my phone off and called my mother the next morning in New Jersey to ask what she wanted on her sandwich. She wasn't happy with him. At all. But I'VE always been a wanderlust, yet never actually traveled. My SO literally spontaneously took me to a completely different place, just because he was hungry for food, because we could. And, in that moment, I couldn't stop picturing me and my best friend - telling me to get in the car whenever I want to go somewhere. Also, after that, we had an unfortunate choice to make, which left me severely depressed. He wrote me the most beautifully written letter about how he sees me and about our future together. It's those little things too. | SO kidnapped me at 16, taking me across state lines. Told me he loved me for the first time. Also won me over with this ability to articulate sentences on paper once and support me at all time. |
Before I begin the story, my cat has been to the the emergency vet, checked out, and cleared to come home. He is alive and well. However he is now lethargic and not acting himself. Here's the back story... In the AM of Tuesday, I look down next to my bed and my cat is there laying on all fours. He lifts his head and meows. Everything is fine. I turn over in bed and I hear a loud guttural meowing of pain. I look back down and he is on his side and then rolls on his back. Mouth open, tongue hanging out, eyes open. I pick him up and he is completely limp. I take him to the living room and place him on the floor so I can put some pants on. When I come back out, he lifts his head slightly, as if he sees me, and lets out a faint meow, then goes limp again. Eyes still open. In the car, my wife is holding him and is no longer limp. He is aware and meowing. The emergency vet reported back, after taking a look, that the only thing they found was that his anal glands were rather large and needed to be expressed (so they did). He's had the anal gland problems before, and has shown similar symptoms (weak back legs, crying), but never has be exhibited a "passing out" behavior and going limp. Everything else was OK. They said you could take him home to monitor him, otherwise a chest x-ray would be required to really understand if there's anything else. I opted to take him home and monitor. As soon as we get home, he walks directly towards his food and eats. Then, lays down on the floor and rests. Everything seems fine. He's lethargic but nothing out of the ordinary for the ordeal he's been through. He did get up to eat and drink a few times, but since last night he's been laying in his cat bad and just completely lethargic. He responds to his name, lifts his head, and purs when I get close or pet him, but he's not himself. He didn't greet me this morning (usually he meows and wants to be held - he just stayed in his cat bed). This afternoon is the same. Still in his bed, really tired and slow. I asked him if he wanted treats and he responded by raising his head and meowing. He normally gets up and runs to the kitchen but he just put his head back down. I brought the treats to him, and he got up. But once he ate them he went back to laying down. Should I be concerned? Was his "passing out" episode just because of the possible pain he may have been in with his large anal glands? | Cat appeared to pass out, went limp. Vet only found large anal glands. Now that he's back at home, he's noticeably lethargic and not himself. |
To be honest I have become a dick, though not so much in this way of demeaning them. Rather other little things, like I work at the local repair shop, and they get the extra 50 dollar 'you made my life a living hell in high school tax'. Yes this makes me the same ass hole to them as they were to me, and yes revenge is petty. But I don't care what all the after school specials say, until I get an apology for what they did I will continue to treat them as the dicks I knew them as in highschool until the show me different. On the flip side those who didn't make my life hell in highschool, or if I just didn't know them, don't get the extra charge, and even get a copy of my secondary work e-mail (it is on a system where we have 5 adresses that all link to a central mail box, 1 of them is our primary, and the other 4 are secondary, each of which is only up for one week of the month so we don't get flooded or people trying for free tech support). Now this doesn't mean I look down on them, I know full well that they possess skill sets I don't. I have no idea where to start when it comes to fixing my car, one peddle makes it go fast, one stops it from going fast, is about my extent of knowledge for them. I can't do my own plumbing, I can't build a house. There are many things I can't do that they can. | I am an ass to those who bullied me in highschool, but I don't look down on them because of what they did in highschool. |
Let me start this with the girl[17 f] I have known for 11 years and is very attractive. I used to know everything about her but she changed a lot and doesn't tell me a lot but she said she like me multiple times but didn't want a relationship at the time. Just recently like 5 months ago started talking again after 2 years. We have always like each other and I have screwed it up a lot because I wanted to date right away. I am talking to her and trying to get her trust back again. The other girl[17 f] is very smart and I have known her for 2 years but have never hanged out after school. She talks to me a lot more then the other girl when I txted her and seems to really like me. Should I go for the one that will take time but I have known forever or the one that like me and is ever nice? | Stuck between two girls. Should I go for the one that will take time but I have known forever or the one that like me and is ever nice? |
Backstory: I own an English Bulldog, which breathes loudly and looks intimidating. He also doesn't like new people or other dogs. Because of this, we always keep him on a tight leash, and avoid taking him around huge groups of people or dogs. 9-10 months ago a guy ran up on my dog, frightened him and made him bite the jacket of the man, which removed one of his buttons. Flash forward: We are now 1 month into our lease renewal, and the head of the condo/apartment building said we have to get rid of our dog or leave the apartment because this guy complained at a condo board meeting on Monday. Is this even legal, for an event that happened on the old lease that long ago? Is there any legal action I can take? Also, there have been no biting events since, and I will have to pay a large fee for vacating the apartment 1 month into the lease. | My dog bit a guy's jacket 10 months ago, and just complained now, which is getting us kicked out of the apartment 1 month into our new lease. |
It's not really a "porn" story because there was no sex, but I'm going to tell it anyway. My friends had a party last summer. Normally, these things are basically a sausage fest, with one or two girls at most. Anyway, one of the girls invited her cute friend, who decided to invite two of her female friends. We were all pleased that we would actually have an even ratio for once. They show up, and it was somewhat disappointing. The girl who brought them was cute, but taken. The other two were 18 and 24 years old. The 24 year old was just fucking ugly. The 18 year old banging hot, slim, and had an incredible rack. Large breasts, but not large enough to throw off the proportions. When they showed up, I basically just sort of accepted that it was out of my league. I'm average looking, and also 31 years old. I wasn't interested in the ugly girl, and the younger one was, well, young, and very good looking. I had no intention of making any moves. Well, later on in the evening, we're sitting on the couch. Drinks have been had, and we're sitting around playing XBox 360. Just me and this girl. I remember looking at her and saying something, but I was very tipsy and borderline drunk at the time. It wasn't anything remarkable, just casual conversation. I closed my eyes for some reason, and the next thing I knew, her tongue was in my throat. Hmmmm. Strange. She just kissed ..... me? I wasn't hitting on her, or even trying to do anything. We were just sitting there, playing video games, and bullshitting. And thus the rest of the evening was spent making out all over the apartment. Some heavy petting, but it didn't go very far. Played with her breasts a bit, and just made out a lot. Saw her again two days later, and haven't seen or heard from her since. I got her number and texted her like once, but that was it. I sent her a friend request on Facebook, and she never responded. She certainly wasn't shitfaced that night, but we were all pretty tipsy. Maybe she sobered up and realized she made out with a weird older geeky guy. | 31 year old average looking guy makes out all night with a smoking hot 18 year old girl and he's not sure how it even happened. |
Here to represent the stay-at-home parent demographic. I get up at around 7:30am and cook breakfast, then eat it with my husband before he goes to work. My two-year-old gets up and I feed him breakfast as well. Then I take my kid to the park or something for a few hours. We come home and I feed him lunch. We play for a while, then he has his nap. While he's napping, I'll eat lunch. I'll use the remaining time (could be three hours, could be 45 minutes) to do chores like laundry, work on a creative project, or futz around on Reddit. When my kid gets up we play some more. Once my husband is done with work, he spends time with the kid and I work out in the bedroom. Then I start on dinner. We all eat dinner. From that point it's bathe the kid, read to the kid, put the kid to bed. At this point it's around 8. Then me and the husband watch Netflix or play video games until bedtime at around 10:30. | Being a stay-at-home parent involves long hours of being ready to do anything, but probably you'll be able to fit in a lot of nothing as well. |
Subsets and Splits