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We've been together for just shy of a month now, and she is very sweet, no doubt about it. However, she is also very shy. I'm her first boyfriend and, without having asked but getting the feeling from her, most likely also the first guy she's kissed. I had one previous girlfriend whom I broke with about 5 months ago, we were together for 3 months and had sex for the last 1½-2 months of our relationship. Now, I fully acknowledge that she is shy and doesn't want to move too quickly, that's cool. But I do of course want our relationship to be more intimate than just holding hands and kissing. While we were watching a movie last weekend in her bed, I was laying down and she was cuddled up in my arm, head resting on my shoulder, all very nice. We were holding hands and I felt that she was slowly tugging my hand every couple seconds, moving it closer to her breasts. So I decided to let my hand gently slip over her breasts, and since she didn't react negatively, sorta just let it rest there. Lasted maybe 15 minutes until she at some point nonchalantly, without mentioning it, just pulled my hand down to her side again. As I was leaving, I decided to bring it up, and just said "Hey, sorry if I moved a bit too fast earlier". She was confused by what I meant, so I brought up, and she just said "Oh, I didn't really even notice it". She didn't mention whether she cared about it or not, but seeing as she didn't say "please don't do that again", I feel like I'm in the safe zone. Things haven't been weird about, so it's not really a thing you'd notice when we're together. So, after that sorta rambling explanation, have any of you ever been in relationships like this, where everything is a first for her (or him), while you've already been through it all once? How did you approach things to move the relationship forward, how much time did you take, etc etc. Thanks in advance for all of your responses :) | Girlfriend is new to everything relationships, I've been there once before with someone who was already "experienced". How do I move our relationship to something more intimate without obsessing about it? |
I've known this girl since the beginning of the school year, around September. She's in many of my classes and she seemed to flirt with me and I did have a crush on her. She asked if we were friends on multiple occasions, in which I stupidly replied "yes" or "of course" without anything much to say. But, around October-November, she got a boyfriend, who is also a classmate that I know. Personally, I believe that this guy is really nice, but he is childish and doesn't really like her. I'm in two of the classes with the couple, and I never see them really engage in conversations. I've seen the couple hold hands maybe twice? And that was in the beginning. In fact, while I was sitting by her, she loudly mentioned that she would play a song that she was discussing with her friend when she broke up with her boyfriend. I think she likes me because she always complements me on my attire. Also, we tease each other from time to time but we never hung out outside of class (but this week she helped organize a class dinner at a restaurant I work at ). She also remembered a word of a poem I wrote the beginning of the year that I didn't even remember and she complemented me on my writing ability. But the real indication I got was when she wrote a really sweet and deep letter in my yearbook. I wrote something, nothing special in hers. But, she thought what I wrote was "eloquent" and she wrote that she had "love in her heart" for me and that I was an "inspiring" person to her throughout the year. It's the end of the year and we're going our separate ways in two months. I'm not exactly sure if this is just platonic love she feels, or something deeper. Is it worth even asking her out at this point? I would want a meaningful relationship, I'm not into the whole idea of just hooking up or friends with benefits. I really admire this person too, so I wouldn't want to make this an awkward experience to reflect upon down the line. | there's a girl i like, she has a boyfriend, now i'm wondering if I could go out with her. But also, wondering if its too late. |
A few weeks ago I met this girl and asked her to coffee. We meet and ended up hitting it off pretty well. I mean I'm kinda awkward but we talked for good 4 hours the first night. We agreed that we'd meet again soon. Now give me a minute to explain a few things. About 6 months ago I ended a relationship with a long time girlfriend for complicated personal reasons. Part of that is that I believe I have a sort of depression that has been giving me problems for long time. I'm still not entirely over her, but I want to pursue this new girl, it's been 6 months after all. We arranged to go out on Saturday. It ended up raining and screwing the plans up, but she ended up coming over to listen to music, talk, and watch netflix. I was nervous because I'm not the most smooth person, but we talked, played some music, watched a movie and had a bit to drink. After the movie I decided to make a move. We started making out (but my bed is small) and I ended up just kinda being on top of her a bit uncomfortably, but whatever, things were going well. Things got heavier and we start getting naked. I went down on her for a while, but afterwards didn't get really much contact with my penis from her. We were about to start having sex, but I just couldn't get it up. It was really really really embarassing, but she seemed cool with it and we just watched some more tv before I took her home. We still kept good conversation but it was a little awkward I felt (mostly because of how humiliated I felt). One other point is that when she was naked I realized how crazy good looking she was. I'm not a bad looking guy, but I felt a bit self conscious with my shirt off. We ended the night with a hug (I didn't really make a move to kiss her because we had both smoked and were kind of cottonmouthed). I know I'm probably reading into things too much, but this is just kind of a big deal for me. I really think this girl is cool, and would love to get to keep hanging out with her. Should I mention the other night to her in any capacity? Should I hope that I get another chance and just go with it then? Do you think I fucked up too bad? How do you go about talking about this kind of thing when you don't really know the person that well? | Met really cool/gorgeous girl. We were about to have sex but I couldn't get it up. She seemed cool about it but I was humiliated inside. What is your advice on handling it from here? |
I went to Hong Kong, years ago. Stayed at the Grand Hyatt. Asked for a restaurant recommendation - they suggested Quanjude, right next door, which I know nothing about. I walk over, the place is empty, I get a table, look at the menu. Waiter comes to take my order, I order something like beef with broccoli, the waiter cocks an eyebrow and says, half-surprised, "You don't want the duck?" and I, having had sub-par duck in a couple places before, say "No thanks". He shrugs, goes and gets me my beef. The food arrives, and it's fine. Very good, in fact. At the end of the meal, I pay, and leave. My trip ends, I go home. About a month later I'm reading about Peking Duck, and of course the name Quanjude just comes up over and over and over again as probably serving the world's best Peking Duck. | I go to Hong Kong, very possibly for the only time in my life, stumble across possibly the world's best restaurant for Peking Duck, and unknowingly blow it off for some humdrum beef with broccoli. FML. |
This is honestly the best answer. Sit down with a spreadsheet (pen&paper, Excel, google docs, etc) and just compare plans, using the different rows to match up benefits. It might not all be in numbers. Also, when I was looking at my first health insurances, it was mind boggling all the numbers and technical/lawyer speak. For your first year, focus on things you plan on using, like allergy shots, prices for routine physicals, coverage for glasses/contacts. Get the best plan you can find for things you care about at the best price, and go from there. In a year or so you should get into open season and you can reevaluate how your Health Insurance worked for you. A year's experience will also teach you a lot about how things went. | version: Pick the best insurance you can by focusing at what benefits you need and the costs you will incur. Then experience it for a year and you will be much wiser. |
All four frats at my college had hazing and sexual assault scandals. Three of them were pretty openly racist. Most of them had chants or songs about how much better they were than the other frats. It's just personal experience for me- I dunno' about /u/handsomepantsy, but that's why I stayed out of the frats. (well, one of the reasons) Wait, what? Why the fuck am I being downvoted for sharing a personal experience..? I wasn't saying that it's indicative of all greek organizations. Jesus fuck, reddit. TIL reddit is over-protective of its greek organizations. You kids are thin-skinned. | Angry frat kids are mad that my personal experience did not match up with their personal experience even though I'm not arguing that it always will. |
I used to be stressed about schoolwork. Not so much getting it done, but getting it done perfectly. I wanted to show my teachers that I understood everything. I wasn't getting enough sleep, so I'd be tired in school and unable to focus. I didn't have much of a social life, either. I was focusing so much on getting everything done just right. But this past year, I changed that. I stopped worrying so much about trying to prove my knowledge to my teachers. I focused more on just learning things for myself and knowing that I understood them. Often times I understood topics completely, but I had a hard time communicating it back to the teacher. By just accepting that knowing for myself that I understood the topics, I became much happier. I worried less about getting grades, and more about actually learning. I am now much happier, have much more free time, and a good social life. | I used to really stress out about getting straight A's. I started focusing on actually understanding the material, and I am a much happier person. |
I deserved it. I'm leaving my job. It's a shitty situation, and I came home this weekend to relax. Mom and dad are going on vacation, so I had to drop them off, using their car, at the airport at around 4 A.M. for their flight at 7. Combine that with a relatively late night, and I had no sleep. Dropping them off went fine, but I was doing 140km/h (87mph) on the way back, dreaming of my bed. Until I saw the flashers. I'm not sure what possessed them, but my parents have chosen not to keep the vehicle license and registration in the actual vehicle itself, so the officer, who is pulling me over at 4 in the morning, now has to deal with a possible stolen car doing an extremely high rate of speed. In Ontario, the speed I was going would have resulted in at least a $250 fine, and several demerit points to add to my license. Had he tailed me any earlier, I might have inadvertently been going 50km/h over the limit, which is grounds for instant suspension of license and repossession of the vehicle. In short, by any measure of the law, I was going to be solidly fucked. I know enough about the law to say only what's necessary and never admit to my rate of travel, but I've been raised that if I've done wrong I own up to it. This officer, who pointed out that he'd been at the scene of a number of highway crashes, and that I had only a license, no registration or insurance, was as nice as he could legally be to me. Due to only having one ticket in three years, this offense is recorded as being ten over the limit (A $40 fine with no demerits), and though I've gotten two tickets for failing to produce insurance and registration, merely going to court with the pertinent documents will have those tickets removed. I am way luckier than I have any right to be. So wherever you are, officer, thank you. | What could've ended with me in jail, a $2000 fine, impounding of the car and suspension of my license turned into a fine, and no demerits. Thanks, officer. I promise to drive more responsibly. Edited for clarity and consistency |
Me and my girlfriend have been dating for a couple of years now. Things have recently gotten a bit rocky. Her relationships with a few of her friends fell out and she changed a bit as a result of it. I also have gone through a lot socially in recent months and believe I have probably changed too. We separated last month, as we were fighting over petty things and figured time apart would be best. That last for about a week, then she asked me to hangout. We hung out and things seemed relatively normal, if not a bit awkward. When i'm driving her home she says how she thinks it isn't a good idea for us to hangout anymore because we'll never work past the problems we had if we don't give it time and that she still needs space. I was completely confused, because she was the one that asked me to hangout. Once I dropped her off she sent me a text explaining how she doesn't know how she feels or what to do anymore. I sent one back, and that was the last I heard from her. It's been about two weeks now. She said she needed time and space, and I'm giving her that. I personally think things are over and shes avoiding talking to me about it, but I'm really not sure. I can't stand just not talking about it and not doing anything about it, as I feel things are still up in the air. I don't know how to approach her, or even what I'd say if I decided to talk to her again. I guess i'm looking for an outsiders insight into what her thought process was during all of this. One minute she cared and was trying to work on things, the next she acts like I don't exist. I'm not very bright when it comes these situations, so any opinions are appreciated. Just looking to be less confused hopefully. | Me and GF break up with the prospect of "working on things", she asks me to hangout saying she misses me, afterwards she says she needs more space. Haven't talked for two weeks. Don't know how she feels. |
About a year ago I was working at a Greek styled fast food restaurant. In general our orders took slightly longer to make than if say, compared to McDonald's. A man comes up to me at the cash, and asks where his plate is ( this was about 3 hours into my shift on a saturday, and we probably only had about 30 customers so far). Thinking I heard wrong I replied with " well what would you like" . Immediately frustrated with my response he goes on saying he ordered an hour ago and I told him that he can sit down while the order would be prepared (the restaurant is in a food court, therefore there were plenty of seats, in and out of view) After a bit of discussion between me and him, he pulls out a bill dated the day before as proof of purchase, and demands I make him a new plate. I point out that this isn't even from today and that he was just trying to get free food from me, meanwhile people are now lining up and he isn't budging. Despite my short patience, I somehow managed to not lose it on his ass as he started coming back every time we finished a mini rush (6-10 people). This went on for about 45 min to an hour, him just entering the line and removing himself from it once denied again. Finally my coworker just cussed the hell out of him and called security to escort him out. | Guy uses an old discarded bill as proof of purchase in order to obtain free food at a fast food restaurant, on the claims that I forgot to make his plate. |
He is my ex-boyfriend but we have been having casual sex for over a year. He NEVER told me about this. I found out when I joined his Xbox party with his friend who he was telling. He had went to a party and made out with a girl, and almost hooked up with another one (apparently she was too slutty for him so he didn't). I snapped saying why didn't I know this? I talked to him about it tonight and he said I am annoying. He said we are no longer dating so he can do whatever he wants and there is nothing I can do about it. However, if he made out with another girl, he could have sex with another girl if he hasn't already and just never told me! Maybe I'm paranoid but I feel I 100% have the right to know what he is doing. Things like STDs come to mind. Should he be telling me or if it really none of my business? It also hurts me that he would tell his friends about this but hid it from me... | FWB made out with a girl at a party, had no intentions of telling me until I found out by mistake. He said because we aren't dating what he does is none of my business. |
How young are we talking? Because if you mean like middle school or mid-teens, I'd say give a fuck about school. When I was younger (like, just 3-4 years ago) I blew off schoolwork and didn't get the help I needed with school when I should have, so now as a senior getting all of my things in line for college I'm extremely stressed and worried about getting into the school I want to, and the possibility of having to go to a "lower-entry" college next year and doing well-enough so that I can transfer to a better place. | do your homework. (And, for the record, there's obviously nothing wrong with community/technical colleges, it's just that that's not what I'm looking for and would much rather not have to go to one and do all this transferring stuff.) |
Some of you may consider this one "weird." I no longer believe it is a good idea to discuss your pay or finances with others unless it directly affects them. I used to think it was silly that a lot of people (especially people older than me, I'm in my 20s) consider salary such a taboo subject. My mom doesn't even tell me how much she makes...she didn't even tell me when I was living with her. To this day I have no idea and now I'm happy with that. I believe that discussion of pay with friends, coworkers, or sometimes even family can breed contempt, envy, or even discouragement (in my case all three). A friend I went to high school with landed a job in IT after college and I wound up in chemistry. He started with pay that was significantly higher than mine (not disclosing the exact amounts here) and it made me pretty jealous. He has been able to live much more comfortably and get "toys" that I could never afford. It seriously had me hating my own job when I should have be grateful to even get what I'm making (though I am still unhappy at my job for reasons besides pay). I'm still able to afford my own place, eat nutritiously, got my wife (then fiancee) a modest but attractive engagement ring, had a nice but affordable honeymoon, and am planning a short vacation to Colorado in the spring. I wouldn't be worried about how I'm doing financially next to my friends or family if I didn't even know their salary in the first place. I think my first 18 or so months in the work force after college would have been a little happier and less stressful if I just kept such things to myself and asked my friends to do the same. At this point I won't even give my pay anonymously. | Discussing pay with others, even close friends or anonymously, can cause very unhealthy covetousness and I think I'm a lot happier just not knowing others' pay or disclosing mine. I used to think secrecy with such things was silly but now understand the secrecy. |
And why does this offend Nerds so much? Who gives a shit if someone wants to be a Nerd-lite? It likely arises from the common thread that keeps cropping up in this thread: elitism (I hope I chose the right term here). Whether it's gays and lesbians [excluding bisexuals as "traitors"]( Instagram [democratizing access to sick waves]( the deaf [ostracizing those who want to be able to hear]( or nerds recoiling at less typical people identifying as nerds; people love having their own community and their perceived control over it. The encroachment of the "other" is a threat to their sense of identity through the subculture even though those people were always there but not as visible. | Republicans grew up with Leave it to Beaver on Tv so they panic when hispanic, gay, liberals try to get gay married with a white picket fence and taking all the raps then shooting up the jobs. |
I'm stupid, head over heels, in love with this girl. My family loves her. Her family (because they're back in country) doesn't know me so well, but they like me. She's only been here for a year and a half, so her cultural heritage is still really strong and I recognize that I'm an ignorant American man. Is there anything I should know about being in a relationship with a Filipina BEFORE I make that mistake and screw up? So far we've only hit one such pitfall which is that apparently any kind of PDA is a no-go in the Philippines. | I'm in love with a Filipina immigrant and I don't want to do anything to make her uncomfortable, so can you guys tell me things I should be doing and things I shouldn't? |
Today, in the totally unserious mood of a Friday afternoon at school, I made a huge mistake. People at my school play this game called "Oreo". If you lose, the winner picks a person for you to ask out. Well, today, I was asked out (the guy lost at Oreo). And for some reason, I thought it would be hilarious to just flip the guy off. Of course everyone at his table, including him, burst in to laughter. He flipped me off right back. No hard feelings, right? Wrong. First I should mention that this kid is no angel. He constantly swears, and makes a ton of innapropriate jokes. I usually don't get in trouble, so you can see why I need advice. Anyway, at the end of the day, he went over and TOLD on me, even though he had given me the finger right back. I have no idea of what to do on Monday, can you guys please help? | I flipped off a kid at school, it was all laughter, he did it back, then proceeded to turn me in. I don't usually get in trouble, advice is desperately needed. |
This is going to sound like bragging or something but it really is not. Out at my usual place with mates on Friday and I ran into a girl I got friendly with last week. Cool. Started chatting and all that and it was going well. A few minutes later, another girl I hooked up with 2 weeks ago walked in and spotted me. At this point, I'm stuck on a table with the 2 of them and their friends. Both are grabbing for attention and seemingly unaware of each other. It was exhausting trying to isolate them and divide my attention all night and both want to see me again. This is where my problem is. Both girls are super cute, good fun and easy to talk to and I have dates with both of them this week. I don't wanna fuck them around and don't know how to handle this situation! Help! | met 2 girls at the same place the other night, both super keen and have dates lined up with both. Don't want to fuck them around. Wat do? |
So my girlfriend slept with one of her college friends a couple years ago, and while they don't talk anymore, they are still part of the same friend group who occasionally get together. She asked me if I wanna hang out with her and her friends in a couple days, and he will be there. I feel like I wouldn't enjoy myself because of that, but I don't know whether or not it is normal for me to feel odd about it. UPDATE: Well, just hung out with him and her plus a couple of other friends. Shook his hand upon greeting him; tried to shake again when he was leaving but claimed he was "a hugger" and gave me a hug. I feel awful. | Girlfriend's past sexual partner is in her friend group and she wants me to hang out with him in addition to the rest of the group in a couple days, but I feel strange about it. Is that normal? |
I usually always think of it as a story, but in all honesty there really isn't that much to tell. I got a crush, got attached because her and I were semi close with one another after a while, and I cared more than she did. Seems to happen a lot to me actually. Anyway with this girl I thought she'd like an easter egg because loads of her and my friends were away for the easter break in Italy enjoying the hell out of it and she wasn't as she couldn't make it. When people there asked me who the egg was for, and why I blew a hefty amount for it, considering they usually only cost around €2-€5, I told them it was for my mother . Again, I am a dumb. I also had no space to fit it in my own bags on the way back so I asked my friend if I could store the easter egg I bought for my "mother" in his, which he didn't care about. He laughed the hardest after the fact, it's worth saying. But yeah, after I returned from italy I met up with her for like 5 minutes because she said she was "sick", which she was in fairness but she was also headed off to meet someone more important than I was at the time. Gave her the egg, hugged, then off she went. That was on a saturday, come monday I'm pretty much a laughing stock to many people I thought were my friends. I didn't see the hilarity of the situation because for some reason I was really hurt. And yeah, the necklace was probably the creepiest part of it all. But she kept it so whoo I guess I win? | If you're interested in a girl don't let it build it up to some pointless endeavour of an occasion, just fucking say it or forget about it and shut up. 4th and most of 5th year sucked. |
I slept with my ex (let's call him Kurt) in June, 3 months into my relationship with my current ex-boyfriend (who we'll call Harry). I cheated because I thought the relationship was going nowhere & that I was going to end it. But then things changed. I did not sleep with Harry until that August (after the cheating episode with Kurt). Soon after I fell in love with him & sleeping with Harry was amazing. Harry dumped me in March for a trust issue, which turned into my confession about the cheating with Kurt. I no longer talk to Kurt in any way, shape, or form. Harry was extremely hurt, for good reason. We're now in no-contact this month and it's killing me. I have been unfollowed on Twitter and unfriended on Facebook. Is this due to the no-contact protocol, or do you think he's trying to move on? I want nothing more than to start over with Harry. I love him. It was a one-time offense and I am truly sorry & have changed. I'll do anything and everything to be the best I can be for him. So, thoughts? Suggestions? | I cheated on my boyfriend once with my ex and regret it immensely. He dumped me. I love him and I want to reconcile the situation and start over. Thoughts & suggestions? |
I know you guys have probably heard it all before but I feel as if I need a tailored response. Basically in the past 2 years I have emerged from a cave troll state into an outgoing, 'party' kind of person. Only problem is I missed out on those experimentation age that teenagers go through and when it comes to social interactions I have no f**king clue in what to do. All my friends now have girlfriends/ boyfriends and I am the one who is left out, I get incredibly shy around girls until I get to know them (work that one out). 2 of my best friends are girls. The one girl that I am totally obsessing over has just landed HER long time crush/ ex/ hookup/ I don't know. I get this feeling of pain when I see them on my facebook newsfeed kissing or holding hands. When that notification popped up that she was in a relationship with so and so I literally felt like I was kicked in the balls multiple times with my own self pity. I wanted to tell her for so long how I felt about her but I just couldnt get the words out or I just froze (something I have not done around her in YEARS). I just don't know how to develop these social skills that most teenagers seem to already have e.g. last weekend it took 4 mates + a lot of alchol for me to realise that the girl that was constantly touching me and dancing with me was actually flirting with me.. I mean come on an idiot could pick that up. It wasn't until later that I realised what was going on and by then some other dude had his tongue 6ft down her throat. I am lost in the realm of love and lust. Please someone explain to me what I am doing wrong. | Cave troll looses weight, starts becoming outgoing, still choked up around girls, can't even tell when someone is flirting oh and best-friend is in relationship and heartbroken |
My uncle recently married a woman he was dating for less than a year, which is sort of a trainwreck. Anyway, she has a daughter about my age who is really beautiful and we have a ton in common. She lives about an hour away, and she is going to the same university as me in the fall. I met her for the first time this past weekend at a pre-holiday gathering that our family had. My uncle, as usual, was pretty drunk. He came up to me and said something to the effect of, "She's hot, why don't you go make a move!" It just took be back because 1) that is his stepdaughter; 2) he is saying she is hot; 3) he wants me to hook up with a relative (by marriage). His wife told him it was inappropriate but her daughter, I'll just call her Sarah, was bashful about it but seemed somewhat open. We talked a lot at the gathering and she definitely was flirty. My uncle even told me I could go there any time I wanted and could stay in her room because, "You two are cousins, after all." His new wife eventually said I am sweet and that she would love for someone like me to be with her daughter. I have two somewhat related questions. First, is my uncle being a creep, in general? He has never been in my business about dating before, not that we are all that close. We have also never talked about girls or anything. Second, we are not blood relatives and probably would have hit it off had we met under other circumstances. Is there any reason why I shouldn't hook up with her or at least go and hang out some? It would be nice to have a friend at the university, anyway. I'm kind of shy, and I feel like this would be a good in. If it doesn't work out, then we can just be friends. I feel like this might work out for me but am concerned that I am overlooking something. | Uncle really wants me to hook up with his new stepdaughter, and it is kind of creeping me out. Then again, we did hit it off and it could be convenient. Not sure what to do. |
When I'm severely depressed, he cuddles with me and lets me cry. He strokes my hair and tells me he loves me, and makes sure I eat and take my medication. When I'm anxious, he lets me squeeze his hand (I'm sure it hurts him) and breathes with me, and reassures me that I'm safe. My SO is the best thing to ever happen to me. He is patient and kind and nurturing. He is my biggest advocate, my best cheerleader, and he loves me even when I have trouble loving myself. Two days ago I was feeling down and I really had to push myself to get things done. I made a list of 20 things (#1 was "get out of bed") and decided when I got them all done I would get a reward. I was thinking a frozen yogurt or something. I tell my SO about it, and he decides that my reward should be a nice dinner and suprise flowers. He picks me up and tells me I look beautiful. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and jeans with my greasy hair in a ponytail, and he still thought I was beautiful. | My SO is so perfect I sometimes wonder if he's a real person. Edit: Thank you all for your wonderful comments. My SO definitely knows how much I appreciate him, and enjoyed your comments as well. |
hawksfan88 - Even the gangly goofy looking Doctor needs love. David Tennant was amazing, yes, but the Doctor incarnation of David Tennant was downright evil (think about how many things he killed, or help kill). Matt Smith's incarnation is a bit more... what's the word. Care-Bear? Yes I like that, Care-Bear with a smart tie... and his "Oh" face is WAY better. | Both are good in their own way, but would slip Matt Smith a Xanax and ride it like I stole it. UpBoat for Hawksfan88 for DWregardless |
So basically title says it all, he hasn't physically cheated but I still feel extremely betrayed and hurt by the fact that he has developed this relationship with another girl. Backstory- I have just started a new job and haven't had much time to spend with my bf and he's been waiting on a call back from a job(which he got yay!) so he has had heaps of time on his hands to play games and stay up late. Before I started working I had the time to play games with him and enjoy each others company, but when I started working things became strained so we decided to have a break. While on this break he started talking to a girl online and developed a close relationship, and this side of him came out that I haven;t seen in a long time, he was calling her beautiful, telling her that he looked forward to coming back to talking to her, exchanging photos, all these things that I've wanted to hear for so long and have told him. We decided to get back together but he continued to talk to her for a few weeks after without me knowing. My confidence has been shattered, I turn 23 tomorrow, I'm feeling old, unappreciated, ugly. I've talked to him about it(although my timing is horrible, I had to wake him up on night at 3 in the morning because I couldn't sleep because that was all I could think about) and he says that talking to her made him feel like a teenager again and being online makes it easier to talk and forget about things. They have since stopped talking, although I would be more comfortable if he deleted and blocked her because she would not understand and I don't trust him to tell her what has happened. I should mention that I have huge trust issues, I don't trust anyone, not my bf, not my mum, not even myself. I hate that he's given so much more love and attention to someone else, he's been saying that he can't be bothered to always reply to my skype messages when we're not together but then he's had 1000's of messages exchanged with his new friend, it break my heart. But I don't want to give up on this, he makes me so happy when we are together and since this has happened I feel like we are closer(and the sex omg) But it still gets on my mind and in the way sometimes. How can I help myself get over this and any things to spice up our relationship? Sorry for the rambling wall of text | BF developed a close relationship with a girl while we were on break and continued a short while after we got back together, how do I get over this? |
Hi reddit, this is a throwaway account because I don't want to use the main one. So I know the title isn't very clear so I'll explain the situation with more details. So my friend 21 M he's tall, handsome, muscular, attractive and good with sport. He got it all. Except his taste in girls. He complains to me a lot about girls who only want sex and not serious relationships which makes sense considering where he looks for them. Anyway, long story short he asked to present him better girls because I know some in college. So I did like he asked and he dated the girl for five months before they broke up because they were fighting a lot. After that he spent some time blaming me for it because apparently I didn't chose the right girl for him. So a few months go by and he asks me about this girl who's my best friend. Since she did have crush on him u decided it was okey to set them up for a date. And it went well for a while until he started to see her spending a lot of time with me a problem and now they'retaking a break because she doesnt like how he's jealous of me . The thint id I've been friend with her for a long time and while I'm single I don't have any feelings for her more than a genuine friendship and the same goes for her. But he still thinks she spends more time with me which must mean something . I honestly don't even believe why he would be jealous. He's much more good looking and attractive than me, and girls usually look at him and never think of looking at me twice. So I don't understand why he would be insecure ? I like him and I like her and I don't want to stop hanging out with her just so he can stop assuming there is something more than friendship and she doesn't want to stop hanging out with me either but at the same time I don't want to lose him because of his unreasonable jealousy. So what should I do ? How can I try to assure him I have no feelings for and that when we spend time together it's just friendship and nothing more. | Best friend asks me to help him with his dating life. However he blames me every time when things go wrong. Especially now that he's dating my best friend. What should I do ? |
American here. The fact that the sand in playgrounds has been replaced with woodchips and those soft rubber shreddings. I'm convinced it's making kids/future generations a bunch of soft, spoiled pansies with no guff. Sand, along with all of the sharp and dangerous things that can hide within the grains, built character and kept the youth on the tips of their toes, always prepared for the worst but making the best out of it at the same time. | sand creates warriors who take risks and reap the wonderful rewards... woodchips and soft rubber shreddings create spoiled Sallys that have everything handed to them and are always right. |
I hava a dilemma that I am in. Karen, my girlfriend of 7 months is leaving in 2 weeks to go back to Brazil. This is my first serious relationship. She has been in America for a year being an Au Pair(live in nanny) to a family close to where I live. We have had a great relationship so far, we love each other and she even lost her virginity to me. I can definitely seeing myself marrying a woman of her type. Keep in mind that I am 22 years old. Before I met her I had been planning on going to Brazil for about a year and train jiu jitsu, learn Portuguese, teach english and have an awesome time. Karen is a very shy girl, very different from other Brazilians, and I am the exact opposite of her. We have a great time when we are together, but since the beginning I always imagined being single in Brazil because of all the crazy things I hear from my many Brazilian friends. Karen and her family have offered for me to stay with them for about a month while I can settle, get a teaching job, and find a place to stay in Sao Paulo(she lives in a town 2 hours away). The thing is, I don't exactly trust myself in Brazil to even have a girlfriend. I am a very moral person and I NEVER see myself cheating on someone I love. My girlfriend knows how things are in Brazil and I don't think she trusts me either. We have talked about this in passing but never had a serious conversation about it until tonight. I would hate to stay at her house with her family and then just dump her like a dickhead because I want to fuck a bunch of hot ass Brazilian girls. I would hate to dump her in any situation, but I think that is the course I am going to take. I feel like a total dick, but I am also young and I'm not sure if I want to settle down at this young of an age. I also feel like a total dick because she lost her virginity to me , we have been such a great couple, we have been in only one fight, and we love each other. She is leaving in 2 weeks and I am still saving money to have a savings for when I go to Brazil, in case if I don't get a job immediately, or if I ever have an emergency. I basically don't know what I am going to do, how I am going to do it, and when. Please give me some advice. | Brazilian girlfriend is going back to Brazil, I am planning on going too but don't trust having a girlfriend in a country with a very promiscuous culture. |
Ok, so let me preface by saying that I [23/M] have only had 1 serious relationship, which lasted nearly 5 years. So, needless to say, Im new to the whole dating thing. About 6 months after I broke up with my ex, I started talking to this really great guy [30/M] that seems to be everything that I want in a partner. He's very intelligent, attractive, financially stable, and we share similar views on several topics. We have been talking for about 2 months now and usually hangout about twice a week due to our busy schedules. I told him early on, about a month in, that I was starting to like him. He responded by saying that he wasn't particularly searching for a relationship, but wasn't opposed to one if it should happen. He's introduced me to his friends and family, and Ive done the same - to me, this shows that he's at least interested in becoming serious. After about a month and a half of talking/hanging out, we had sex. Nothing really changed between us afterwards, but he recently told me that it didn't "qualify" because he doesnt want me to fall in love (whatever that means). Im not really sure what to think about the whole situation. There are times when he seems extremely interested in having a relationship and then times when it seems like he could care less about me. The last thing I want to come off as is needy and desperate, but at the same time I don't want him to lose interest. I guess Im just working off of my last relationship where we were "official" after the second date. | So, is this normal? How long do people usually talk before becoming official? I understand that there's no standard and each relationship is different, but Im still confused. le sigh |
There are three main credit bureaus in the US: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. Most lenders will only check one when looking to offer credit. When you have a soft inquiry, it's consumer initiated (e.g. you pay for or get your credit report/score for free), used by an existing creditor (Discover Card gets my report every month), used to preapprove offers (e.g. American Express can buy a list of people in a geographical area with certain incomes/credit scores, etc.), or used in a capacity that does not involve extending credit (e.g. an employer background checks you, including your credit report). Soft inquiries are not impactful on your credit. Only you, the consumer, can see soft inquiries; other businesses, regardless of type of inquiry, cannot see your other soft inquiries. A hard inquiry is one that extends to any creditor. This can be revolving credit, a car/home loan, cable TV (you owe them money after you use the service and can order on demand, etc.), and some banks (they use it as a way to verify identity, and Schwab allows margin loans on the brokerage). Hard inquiries impact your credit and can be seen by other creditors for two years. They affect your FICO score mostly for six months and don't affect score after 12. Again, most people checking your credit report only check one bureau. Schwab only checks Equifax. They make two hard inquiries when you open an account on Equifax. Any lender that uses an Equifax credit report/FICO score will see them and it will count against your score (typically by only 10-20 points) for 6 months, and the few remaining points for months 7-12. After 12 months they don't impact your credit anymore. If an issuer doesn't check Equifax, creditors won't see Schwab's inquiries. Thusly, they don't affect your score at other issuers. Creditors typically report the status of open lines to all three bureaus, but only check with one when looking to open an account. Deposit accounts do not show up on credit reports and do not affect credit score; schwab uses the inquiries for identity verification. | Unless you have virtually no credit history or a ton of hard inquiries on Equifax already, the two from schwab are a non-issue that will have a minimal effect on your score. |
As an adult, to be honest, most of the reason I do it is because I know how fucking stupid I was. Don't get me wrong—I was a straight A student, and most of the adults in my life at the time would have called me very mature for my age. However, because I'm myself, I know that in practice I was still basically an idiot. I had a lot of knowledge; the problem is that as a teenager you generally have very little life experience to give you any context for that knowledge, so it's mostly useless. | I was a smart and 'mature' teenager, but in retrospect I know it still would generally have been wise for any adult to ignore most of what I said. |
We have been together for one year. I have a good job in a good city, and so does she. This city is usually cited as one of the best places to live in the country. I am from here, I like it here, and all of my family is here, but she hates it here and desperately wants to move back home to New York. We are pretty serious, and we discuss marriage and children, and she says that if we are to get married, that I must be willing to move to New York with her at some point. I am in a industry that makes is harder to move than usual. I make good money, enough that we feel rich here. I think that if I move, there is a better than even chance that I will make less, and even if I do make the same amount, I will go from owning a house, to barely affording a tiny apartment. Not only that, but then it will be me far from my family and lifelong friends instead of her. I like New York, but if she is serious about me, If I matter, shouldn't she be willing to stay? This is a pretty serious question, because I realize that it could easily by flipped right back around on me. E.g. "If she is worth it, shouldn't I be willing to move?" I just don't know what to think, and it comes up again and again. | She wants to move, I want to stay. If she loves me, shouldn't she be happy here? If I love her, should I be willing to move? |
Okay, so this all started a while ago. About a month ago, my dad told me that this coming weekend, my aunt and uncle planned a weekend trip to go fishing up north. However, this Thursday, is my high school prom. I declined saying that I didn't want to go because I was going to be doing stuff with my friends. At first he was rather open about, asking me deeper questions why I didn't want to go, if it was because I really didn't want to go or if it was just the date that caused and issue, and he seemed really understanding which I found strange. Fast forward to today, that has changed. Yesterday, I was constantly being grilled with questions by my father, like if I changed my mind and similar questions. My father was pretty hot headed that day, and snapped at me for something else. He's been giving and my mother the guilt trip, saying how this is going to be my last fishing experience before I leave for the Army, that it's not nice to refuse something my god-parents planned for me, etc. He even blamed my mother for her lack of social-ness with his family as the reason why I didn't want to go. I wouldn't say we have a bad relationship, but we really don't talk at all. He doesn't know that I have depression and have been going through a lot lately. I feel like the way he's raised me has made me grown up too fast, and I don't see him the same way another teenager would see his father. I see him as more of a problem than anything else. Everything has to be perfect and everything has to be his way. He said he'll pay for my suit, shirt, and clothes for prom, but now* he's like "It's your money - do what you want with it". I am thinking about just giving into his demands so I can stay financially safe before leaving this crazy house forever. | I didn't want to go on a family trip because it was the same weekend as prom. Dad was alright with it at first. Later we had a fight and now he's giving me a guilt trip, refusing to pay for any of my shit. |
Here's what happened to me: I was working at a job for 2 years. I got into it with a coworker who was senior to me but not a supervisor of mine. Tempers got hot so I left the premises before I did anything dumb. I got a call later in the afternoon from my supervisor (who had been out sick that day) asking what happened and after I explained myself and asked if I should come back in, he told me not to worry about it and that he would see me in the morning. I got back in the next morning and after about an hour, my supervisor called me into a conference room and had my last check already drawn up and a document for me to sign that had 4 items on it. The 4 items were "reasons" that I was an unsatisfactory employee and all of them were complete bullshit. My employee file was empty of even a single reprimand. The company had issued our bonuses 3 weeks prior to this, and I received the maximum out of a 4 tiered bonus structure that employees at my position were entitled to. Not the performance bonus of a chronic problem employee. This was in late 2007, when economic news was gloomy and companies were looking to dump employees. I just happened right at the right time for the top brass and the order was given to fire me for my first infraction of any kind in 2 years. Anyway, when I got into the conference room, nothing was said except "I'm sorry I have to do this," and the implication was that I could sign the paper legitimizing why I was being terminated and I would receive my last check. At the time, I didn't really understand that I would have gotten it anyway. I just knew it was a lot of money and I was facing unemployment, so I signed, gathered my stuff and left. The next week, I decided to file for unemployment while I looked for a new job but got a letter from the unemployment office stating that they had rejected my claim for benefits on the grounds that I was terminated due to my own actions. They listed, verbatim, the 4 things on the paper I had signed. So I was not entitled to unemployment benefits (for which my former employer would have had to pay in a chunk for as long as my unemployment lasted) going into an unemployment nightmare that some people still haven't gotten out of. I ended up getting a job 2 months later and haven't been unemployed since, but I think the boss who cashed in on my naivety is a complete prick. | They can't deny you unemployment benefits if they just let you go, but in an effort to avoid paying for it, companies will pull all kinds of shit that one needs to really be on the lookout for to avoid getting shafted. |
went to sleep drunk after a bit of drinking in college and some drunk chick that was there followed me and climbed into my bed after her friend gave her the choice to leave with her or stay in my dorm room bed with me without me saying a word but i was too tired to fuck her apparently so i just passed out with her expecting the D. | she climbed into my lofted dorm bed without me saying a word and i was too tired to give her the D she had scaled up to get. Maybe next time, Kat. |
Before my father immigrated from China, he became a chef as a backup option. He came to the United States, tried going to school (UA WILDCATS!) but that wasn't working for him so he decided to cook. His sister had an established restaurant where he worked for some time but my dad wanted his own so he opened one and subsequently fell into extreme debt. He went back to China to find a wife and coming back to America together, they worked out of debt and into pretty good monetary standing. Having worked at other restaurants, they learned the tricks of the trade (ie, haggling for better food prices, etc.) and eventually bought another restaurant to run (16 years and counting!). When I asked them why they hadn't tried to do anything else, they shrugged and said that this is what knew: shit happens and you could find yourself having the best to suddenly having nothing. You duck your head down, do the hard work and hopefully your future generations will not have to work as hard as you do. By making me and my siblings work in the same restaurant, we learned the same lesson. I was taught pride, work ethic, stubbornness and very good customer service that I may have not gotten from other sources so I view it more as a cultural aspect that happens to coincide with the American dream of having a paid-for home, car, and college expenses with money to spare. | My parents cook the best fucking Chinese food you'll ever have and being that they are from China, they know that at any moment, shit can turn from good to bad very quickly so hard work is expected and that goes pretty well with the 'American Dream'. |
Hey guys, so I have dated this girl for 7 months, and she is the first girl that I trully loved. I took our relationship very seriously and wanted it to go further by time. Anyways after 5 months of dating, she broke up with me, it was the first time that I cried about someone, because I really cared about her, but she wanted it so be it. I didn't beg her back, nor contacted her in anyways. After a month of the break up, I started feeling way better and started slowly forgetting about her, but then she messages me, and we talked for sometime that day, and the next day I found myself confused, because I really started moving on, but her messaging me made me go to square one. We started talking everyday ever since she messaged me, untill we got back together. It lasted two other months, untill I noticed she started chaning alot, so I asked her what's going on, she didn't tell me only after a long period. She told me that she likes another dude. My heart was broken, but I got over it really quickly acknowledging she left me for another dude and I don't have to waste more time on her anymore. See days go on and just yesterday she messages me again, I didn't respond this time, because I know I might just go back to square one. But I still think I should respond and see what she has to say. What do you guys think about all this? | My ex contacted me again(second time after breaking up with me) after telling me she's having feelings for another guy. Should I respond to her and see what she has to say or just ignore her? |
I'm not seeing this in here anywhere so I guess I should chime in with this information. I'm not a scientist, I'm a junior in high school and I studied this stuff in an AP bio course I took, so sorry if I don't word things as eloquently as some of you brilliant people might. Bees, in a lot of bee farms, are not being raised naturally, because naturally raising bees is not quick enough to mass produce honey to sell. What do I mean by "raised naturally"? I mean that bees are being given synthesized food instead of what they are supposed to eat. Given how quickly bugs like bees breed and evolve, these fake foods have been having serious genetic effects on bees, like colony disorder. Colony disorder is exactly what it sounds like, the bees don't act as they should. They lose their order. They fly away or they die because they have no sense of order in their colony anymore. This can be because of the fake food they are being fed to make them more productive for profit or because of synthesized colonies. Some beekeepers will substitute in a new queen should the old queen die. This will work a good portion of the time, but the other times the bees will just reject the queen and colony disorder occurs. Yes, your pesticides have an effect on our fuzzy yellow and black friends too, but that isn't the main cause. The main cause here is that greedy business owners want more money in less time so they will synthesize the food the bees eat and the colonies they live in. Again, I'm not a scientist with a degree, but I am not just talking out my ass with this stuff. Look it up if you don't bee-lieve me. | We save the honey bees by getting all beekeepers to raise their bees naturally. By raising bees naturally, we can prevent colony disorder and rebuild their population so that they don't die out. |
Chick here. Yes, yes and yes. When a chick is in love, it's hard to impossible for her to notice the motives of man friends. A good, honest woman will figure that he knows she's taken, so there's no way he's trying to cross the line. Because she doesn't think of cheating, she can't imagine someone would be after her while she has a bf. Believe me, she just thinks he's a caring friend the same way she looks at her chick friends. I have a man friend who goes over the top and it took my bf to point it out. Girls treat other girls with the same kind of attentiveness and social generosity, so the way he's treating her is how most of her friends treat her. (Like mailing her postcards... girls are used to getting stuff like that from girlfriends... it just makes her see him as thoughful and a little gay, if anything.) And even though I can objectively say my friend is super attractive, generous, funny and a lot of great things, I never thought about being with him, but instead which of my chick friends I should introduce him to next. | She thinks of him as one of her girlfriends. I can see where you're annoyed, but I wouldn't stress about it. Let it go. If he has bad intentions, his efforts are futile. |
We've been together about 4 years now, and he's great. Nothing outside of normal relationship 'problems'. However, because of the age difference, my friends and family have given me a lot of crap. They don't take the relationship seriously, even though we've been together for so long. He doesn't help the situation. I asked him to come with me to my dad and step moms wedding, he said he would come, he said he got stuck in 'traffic', and halfway through the reception (after I had told everyone he was on his way, just late) he said he wasn't going to make it. Huge let down. Now, my best friends sister is getting married. My best friend doesn't like boyfriend, and she thinks the relationship is creepy. She has repeatedly told me there is a guy that will be at the wedding she wants to hook me up with (even after I say I'm not interested). Now, and important thing to note is that the wedding takes place on a Saturday of a huge festival here in town, a festival that that business my boyfriend owns will be working. I ask him if he will come with me, he said he's not sure if he can get someone to cover. Again, he is the owner, and the other person working it will be his brother. I asked him about a week ago to go with me, and he said he wasn't sure if he could make it. The RSVP deadline is tomorrow and I asked him again, and got a definite no. I'm really disappointed. I mean, honestly, I almost expected him to say no, but I wanted to be surprised. Not only do I now have to go alone to a wedding where I will only know a handful of people, but I know everyone will be asking where boyfriend is. I feel like if he really wanted to come with me, he would. I don't know what my course of action should be. I obviously need to tell him I'm disappointed, but I'm not sure how to approach the subject. What would you guys do? | Boyfriend has once again said no to going to a major function with me. Has 'legitimate' excuses every time, but I'm tired of going to weddings alone. What would you do? |
A 4 year old could learn metric (Celsius would have to be ingrained however, just because you use the temperature scale you grow up with), so that's a non issue. Imperial is the only one we have to "remember", but most of it is so ingrained that it's second nature. 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet/36 inches to a yard, 5280/1760 feet/yards to a mile (we don't use that conversion much, but most people know it), 8 ounces to a cup, 2 cups to a pint, 2 pints to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon. Those are the only real conversions you might use in everyday life. And anyways, you're forgetting that most people don't work in STEM fields, so they don't need to concern themselves with metric. Still, most people could still do metric if they had to, just because it's so simple. The thing is, most people don't "instinctively" know how long a kilometer is, or how much a kilogram weighs (inb4 "a kilogram hur hur") but you know what I mean, or how much a liter is (maybe we might on this, because of soda). Tell an American to find a gallon of milk, or a 5 gallon bucket, or a pint of creamer, and they could. Tell them to walk off 20 yards, or say your penis is 7 inches long, and they'd know what you were talking about. Or say it's 75 degrees outside. You get the point. Whereas while most Americans could measure out 75 mL in a graduated cylinder and tell you how much of a liter that is, they'd give you a blank look if you told them to put 400 mL of water into a recipe. Or say "the airport is 3 km that way". Or say it's 30 degrees Celsius, and we wouldn't know whether to wear a coat, or a tank top and shorts. Or say someone weighs 90 kg. | I guess the point I'm trying to make is, we can use it, especially in a lab setting, but when it comes to instinctively knowing what a measure means, imperial is the way to go, for us. |
My best one, although I have many (sadly): I had the bright idea that my friends and I could partially chop down a thin tree, climb up in it, and then jump off partway down. We were real monkeys in trees, so we were experienced with leaping off of them as they bent over, going tree to tree that way, etc. So we started with a holly tree, and I got to go first in the tree since it was my idea. It took more chopping than expected after I was up there (despite all our pre-chopping), but then it finally started going over. Backwards for me, naturally; despite the way we had notched it. The I was only maybe 15 feet up, and this was maybe a 4 inch trunk at that height, with a fairly soft wood (holly) relatively speaking. About halfway down I jump off, and have the realization that I did not consider the many branches that were about to land on me. I roll to the side and the tree hits with really surprising force, leaving about a one inch furrow in the ground where the trunk hit. Needless to say, we misjudged the mass and momentum at work... and the noise. My friend's mom heard the free to down, came to see what was up; and chewed us out for cutting down trees. We did not tell her I had been in there, and the risk of being caught again was the main reason that we didn't try this again with another kid up the tree. After all, we had a better handle on the mass now... | I did lots of stupid things as a teenager, a few of them were near misses or resulted in minor injury, but they were all really... creatively stupid, let's say. I could go on and on with these, but most worked out perfectly fine, somehow. |
Met her in a country foreign to us both. By the end of the month there together nothing could drive her from my mind. Completely head over heels for her but sadly we're from almost literally opposite sides of the planet. Even sadder, we're compatible on almost every opinion and the one's that we disagree on don't even seem to matter. (even though they're a couple of the big one's like religion) Tried to write it off as a summer fling/ crush. Didn't work. We started up as pen pals and didn't physically see each other for 4 years just frequent texts and letters. I'm sold. She's the one, she drives me to become good enough in my field so I can get a job regardless of where I am in the world. Silver lining: Then this past week she just spent here with me in my home town. Literally could not stop smiling. Just her presence made the past 4 years worth it. Dropping her off at the International terminal was the single worst thing I've felt in the last few years. (If you saw a grown ass man leaving the International terminal at O'Hare crying as he left the terminal yesterday afternoon, Hello!) | Knew after I realized I was only working towards being able to be wherever she is. I love what I do, but it's only a gateway to the thing I love more, her. |
I used to work at the busiest movie theatre in my city. My very first shift working in concession was a Saturday night. Another co worker was standing by me helping me out since I was new. Everything was going pretty good. Then a lady came up and asked for a medium popcorn (note that my co worker and I both heard her say MEDIUM popcorn). I go to grab the medium popcorn and place it on the counter and then read out the price. The customer looks down at the popcorn and then gives me a death stare and yells "I ASKED FOR A FUCKING LARGE POPCORN!" I was stunned. This was my first job and didn't expect someone to be so rude. My co worker looks at me stunned as well and I can just read her mind thinking "she definitely ordered a medium". But since I can't argue I just say sorry and quickly get a large popcorn. The stress of the busy night and now this lady yelling at me, brought tears to my eyes. When I came back to the counter my face was red and I was trying to hold back the tears. Then this lady says "You don't have to be a bitch about it!" to which I reply "I'm really sorry and I didn't say anything." and she says "well... It's in your face!" and I'm just thinking the only thing that shows on my face is I'm about to start crying. A kind lady that was waiting behind this bitch tells her "She's only a trainee!" (my name tag said trainee), "please calm down." the bitch turns to her "Don't tell me to calm down or I'll knock you out!!" She walks away and I was just stunned. | My first job working at a busy movie theatre, a lady bitches me out for getting her the wrong size popcorn (even though I got her what she originally ordered). Also threatened to punch out another customer. |
When I'm trying to do a project for school I literally can't just sit there and do it without zoning out, just stopping working every few minutes... and if I'm watching a show on my computer, I often get disinterested, even if I like the show, and try to manage looking at stuff on other tabs. I can't find ANYTHING I'm ever looking for! And I use to get mad a bit because I KNEW it was somewhere I've already been looking, I just didn't see it... it still happens today, but I have a lot more patience about it now. For example, I was looking for my cell phone today, I just hear it beep and vibrate from a text, and it's somewhere on the right side of my desk... It's a Galaxy S2, so this thing is literally a ~2.5x4 in BLACK rectangle, somewhere on the corner of my light-colored wood desk... I looked for over a minute, and decided to call it. The screen lit up, it was LITERALLY right in front of me, just sitting right fucking there. 2 feet from my face, directly in front of me. I don't even have any clutter on my desk. Am I going fucking blind?? Caffeine really doesn't affect me either. It might make me a little jittery if I have a lot on an empty stomach, but not hyper or awake. My memory is TERRIBLE. I'm constantly forgetting things, especially tip of the tongue things. It's so annoying. Long-term memory is bad too, I barely remember anything from my childhood. Every now and then something will be brought up, and I might vaguely remember something about it, but that's it... There are some memories that I have, and those ones I remember vividly! Some are mundane, and some are of fun times I had as a kid... I cherish those few memories. I get depressed that I can't really remember my childhood like others seem to be able to. The worst part? I'm not diagnosed with ADHD. I'm 20, and (fun fact, just zoned out right here and started reading other comments there, caught myself doing it.. lol) I just feel too embarassed to ask the doctor if I have it. Are there definitive tests? Like, I was having trouble swallowing things, and after going to the hospital and getting tests done I was fine, I just get a tense throat when I have anxiety attacks, which I apparently have all the time when I'm not eating at home - fear of chocking and looking stupid and stuff... Long story short, I don't want to be convince myself there's something wrong with me again, just to have it be nothing and feel like an idiot... So, what's the process like? | I might have ADHD, how can I find out for sure? I don't want to go to the doctor asking, just to look like an idiot if I don't. |
for the past three months me and this girl have been talking a lot in class and over text. We both flirt a lot and she has tried to hang out with me. The thing is that I was always unsure if she was just a flirt or not because she comes off like that and because she has a boyfriend (Even though she doesnt act like it.). So 2 weeks ago we were in class and we were making a lot jokes about us having sex together. So after class she sent me a message saying "You so want me." and I responded "I do but im smart enough to know I cant have you." She then said "You probably could if I was single." After that I started questioning her and it turns out so has some feelings for me but she still saids she likes her boyfriend a lot and doesnt want to break up with him. Idk to do, apart of me wants to wait and see what happens between us but another part of me saids that its not right for me to do this and that Its going to get me hurt and hurt her in the process. What do you guys think? ** | This girl I like who is very flirty admitted to having some feelings for me even though she saids her and her boyfriend have a good relationship. Should I kept pursuing her or move on? |
We've both had multiple people tell us that it's unusual for childhood friends who have always had a brother-sister type relationship to become romantically attached. We are Mennonites and grew up in a tight-knit community, and she's been my close friend since we were around 4 years old (I got teased for having a girl as a friend, as most kids didn't do this in our community). We started feeling romantic feelings and strong attraction when we were teenagers but we weren't allowed to date or have a romantic partner until we were in our early 20s when I received permission from her parents to court her for marriage. We're getting married in August and we can't wait! We finally get to express decades of repressed feelings so it's incredibly exciting. She still lives in the Mennonite community with her parents, but she'll join me in California once we're married, so that's extremely exciting for both of us in itself. We get along unbelievably well because of the length of our friendship; people tell us all the time that they envy how close we seem and how much fun we seem to have. But many people, both younger and older people, have told us it's unusual (some have even said creepy) that we've been like brother and sister since we were little children and are now in love and getting married. Is it weird that people with our history have fallen in love and are getting married? Or is it actually auspicious (as we think)? | My fiancee and I are Mennonites and grew up in a close-knit Mennonite community as close friends since early childhood (like brother and sister, except even better really). Is our quasi-sibling past weird and does it bode favorably or poorly for a marriage? |
I'm having a issue right now and don't know how to deal with it. I guess in a way it is petty but I don't like how it makes me feel. My boyfriend has always been very loving and caring. He is really great. he is divorced and says that he thought he couldn't love again until he met me. The problem that I'm having is that i recently found out that all the things that he has been saying to me he has said in the past before me but after his ex wife to some other girl online. Now I confronted him and he gave a lame excuse saying he was helping the girl get back at her boyfriend. Now i don't believe this for one min. The problem that i'm having is that I know am questioning the validity of all the things that he is saying including his feelings for me. I mean if you can tell basically the same thing you said to me to some other female then of course that doesn't make me feel very good. I'm so confused and don't know what to do at this moment. Where do I go from here. Need help | Don't know how to believe what he is telling me is the truth. found msg where he is saying the same things to another girl online. before we got together |
When I was four my brothers and I climbed over a barbed wire fence. I got my pant leg stuck and I reached down to untangle it. Little me got stabbed by a barn and freaked out and pulled my hand back causing a checkmark shaped scar going from my palm up the wring finger I almost lost. Knees scarred from bike wreck at ten. Large round scar near elbow from around ten years old caused by slipping on a wet floor and catching my arm on a mirror pane that was not framed. The chunk was so deep I did not even feel it at first. Large scars near both elbows from riding a 21 speed bike downhill as fast as possible and the chain broke causing my feet to hit the ground somewhere near 20 mph. Matching scar on the back of calf from the bike pedal digging into it. The my inability to move correctly from that caused me to sprain my ankle three days later. Something which kicked off a long line of ankle twists and sprains that has left me with a limp 90% of the time. And big scars on the front of my calves from being dragged downhill by my car while I was wearing shorts. Of course that was before I freed myself, got my pinky broken, and proceeded to chase it downhill until it hit a mile marker and turned sharp right and drove straight into a tree. | born under a ladder with a broken mirror in hand. Ninja edit: forgot about the scar on my index finger from where my dumbass brother shot me with a bb gun when I was 9. |
My boyfriend has given me an ultimatum. [F22/M24] I am an extremely shy, depressive, extremely introverted woman, and as a result I have few close friends. My boyfriend E is the same way; naturally, we met on the internet. We’ve had an international long-distance relationship for two years and have lived together intermittently for a total of four months so far (we schedule a lengthy visit every 3-6 months). We get along absolutely perfectly in any context (“soul mates,” if you will). We only disagree about one issue, and it is preventing us from taking the next step in our relationship (i.e. E moving to the US to marry and live with me). E desperately wants to have children someday, but I absolutely do not. Nothing about the idea appeals to me: I value flexibility, independence, and tranquility; I am afraid of pregnancy’s effect on my body; I don’t want to give up my career for any length of time; I don’t like being around children; I feel I would make my children as neurotic, depressive, and fucked up as I am. I see having children as the end of my life. I know that I am young, and droves of adults everywhere tell me that I am likely to change my mind. I’ve combed dozens of books and internet forums searching for anything that could cause me to do so, and I’ve found nothing. People tell me kids are an emotional decision, and all I need to do is to wait until I’m older. This is not enough of an answer for E. He can’t spend 10 years waiting for me to change my mind, because if I don’t it will both scar him emotionally and put him that much further behind in starting a family. He has said that he is sick of agonizing over the issue and needs an answer now: either we break up, or I agree to put the relationship on a trajectory toward having children at some point in the future. I realize that the rational thing to do is to break up. I just feel that E is part of my very being at this point; he’s also my only friend. Everything about the relationship is perfect except for this. If we break up, we would not be able to communicate anymore—it would be too painful—and we would never see each other again. I would be left wholly and immediately alone in the world, and I would have no closure, because the breakup would be carried out online. I am considering consenting to have ONE child someday. I would be biologically compelled to love it, right? Oh god, please help me. | Do I agree to have children with my boyfriend at some indeterminate date, or do I break up with my partner and only friend, never seeing or hearing from him again from that moment onward? |
I've been dating an amazing girl from my friendship group for about a month and a half now. I'm her first everything, as of a week and a half ago. She's hot, funny, smart, modest. Genuinely- if the circumstances were different I would be happy to fall in love with her. But I got out of an awful two-year relationship about 7 months ago. I'm over the ex, but I still feel like I need more time to spend with myself. The previous relationship was for all of the first two years of university so I missed out on a lot of partying, flirting, travelling that I've been making up for somewhat. In the last 7 months I've discovered so much about myself and I feel like I've grown a lot. While I like her a lot- I also feel like I need to spread my wings and explore all the possibilities of being young and responsibility free. This girl is really really into me, and us having sex was a big step for her (she'd never even kissed a guy before we met). I feel like if it was more equal then I could wait, see how things developed but as time goes on she's going to fall in love with me (she was crushing on me for a long time before I asked her out) and I'm not sure I'll be reciprocating. I feel like if I wait in the hope that I can make a decision then I'll not only be hurting her more than necessary. I've already fucked up by us having sex. She deserved to do all that with someone who could be what I think she thinks I am right now, if that makes sense. Someone who could commit to her and love her. I don't regret it one bit but I feel like she might. It's not that she's a delicate flower or some shit like that, but she is really shy and I feel like I've taken advantage of her. I don't know. Maybe I'm not giving her enough credit. I've made a lot of questionable decisions and I'm aware that I'm not the good guy here, but how do I go about telling her all this? I feel so rotten about it I'm tempted to just not go through with it but she deserves honesty. I just don't want to make things worse than I already have. | Been dating girl for month and a half, was her first everything, not sure I want to fall into a relationship at this stage in my life. How do I tell her that? |
I've been going out with my boyfriend for 6 months now, and while he's absolutely wonderful, I keep having nagging doubts in my mind that I need to end this relationship. The first issue is hygiene, not bodily hygiene (which he's great about), but the way he maintains his home. All his furniture (and the whole house in general) reeks of dog and there's fur matted everywhere in his home. Flies are a constant. I've seen him leave his dogs' accidents on the floor for days at a time without thinking to clean it up. I try to avoid spending the night at his house because his bed is so matted with fur from his dogs sleeping in bed with him and his room just smells unpleasant at times. I've been bitten by fleas while spending the night. I've talked to him about my issues with this and he was very hurt and offended that I thought there were hygiene issues. We compromised on him washing the sheets more often, which he kept up with for a few weeks, but he's backslid into the way he was. He's also a pretty heavy smoker. Like, he needs to buy 2-3 packs a day kind of smoker. I second hand smoke pretty regularly because I spend so much time with him. I've talked to him about this also, a conversation which led to us almost breaking up, but we compromised on him trying to cut back from "excessive" to "moderate." I really saw him putting in an effort at first, but he's backslid on this as well. I've come to an impasse where I can either bring up these issues again for renegotiation, or I can just break up with him and be done with it. He doesn't sense anything wrong because he feels he's putting an effort in. Obviously I don't want to break up because I love him. He doesn't keep his home clean and he's a heavy smoker, but as a person, he's one of the most wonderful people that I've met. This being said, I know he's also quite set in his ways, and it'll be better for the both of us if I nip this relationship in the bud before it gets more difficult later on. I guess I'm conflicted as to whether I should stick it out and try to work through this together, or if I should just move on. And if worse comes to worse and I decide to break up with him, how do I do so tactfully knowing full well it'll completely blindside him (he won't be expecting the break up at all)? | Boyfriend's home is gross and he smokes too much. I've brought up these issues before, he put in an effort to change, but he's sliding back into his old ways. Stick it out and renegotiate, or break it off? |
We've been together for about 2 years, and other than this problem I love my boyfriend very much and wouldn't dream of ending things. He is normally a very mature, capable, and intelligent person, but whenever he gets sick or minorly injured he turns massively childish. Recently, for example, he was in a snowboarding accident in which he got a couple minor cuts, a few bruises and hurt his chest (but based on what the ER doctor said, probably did not fracture any ribs). He was up in my parent's cabin with the rest of my family when this happened, and basically complained the entire rest of the trip. My family were good sports about it, but he put a big damper on the vacation for all of us because he just stayed shut up in his room by himself and whined about how much he was hurting every time someone would go in and check on him. When we left, he decided he couldn't carry his Jansport backpack out the door so handed it off to my 86 year old grandfather to carry for him into the snow and ice (I had my hands full myself) I stayed there with him for the whole rest of the vacation, missing all the activities I had originally planned. I've also been driving 2 hours back and forth to his apartment since then (about 2 weeks ago) to do his grocery shopping, his laundry, and fetching things from other rooms while he lies on the couch. Most of this time he's been alternatingly grateful and snappy/whiny, and complains about even things that are unrelated to his injury (e.g. violently shivering when the room gets a bit of a draft. Basically just milking it for all its worth.) It has not been just this instance either, for instance, he once skipped 2 days of work because of a small canker sore on the back/side of his mouth. I hate to be so annoyed by this because I swear, when he's in a normal state of mind he's incredible. And I know that he would be incredibly willing to take care of me if I ever needed it. I just don't know how to approach this without sounding like I do not want to be there for him, or undervalue any sort of suffering he might actually be going through. I want him to be able to come to me, but I also want him to grow a bit of a backbone sometimes. ...What to do? | Boyfriend becomes, in my opinion, a massive baby when confronted with any sort of physical discomfort. How do I approach this and still be a supportive girlfriend when he truly needs me? |
The thing I've learned about being in a relationship is that it can only happen if you're happy with yourself. In a way, you have to love yourself before you can be loved. My suggestion to you: focus on becoming content with who you are. I felt the same way you did back when I was in high school. I felt like I had accomplished a lot but at the same time I felt conflicted because my friends were in relationships and I had never even met anyone who I could even remotely see myself in a relationship with. It bothered me for a long time, but eventually I stopped dwelling on what I was missing and started focusing more on what I was good at, what I wanted to do, and what made me happy. As soon as I stopped thinking about how I felt like I deserved love or deserved a relationship, I found a great girl. The weird lesson that I learned though throughout my entire development of my relationship was that the harder I tried to be loved, the less it happened. The thing about being loved and being in love is that it comes from being yourself. It's not something you can create at will, and it's not something you can make another person do. Before you can be loved, you need to love yourself. To love yourself, you just have to go out and do what makes you happy. Become great at something, go on adventures, develop your hobbies, try to involve yourself in things that make you feel accomplished. For me, that meant getting fit. For you, it may mean accomplishing even more things. It's different for everyone. Last of all, learn to manage your expectations. Instead of feeling like you need to do something in order to be loved, do things because you want to do them. Real love is based around an attraction to who you are as a person, not what you do. Know that it won't come easy, and it isn't guaranteed, and that there may be long times where you will not have it. But that doesn't mean you will never get it, that you aren't loveable, or that you aren't doing enough. It just means you have not met the person who appreciates you for you. Genuine appreciation is hard to come by, but it makes the world of a difference. Appreciate people, and they will appreciate you. Eventually, maybe that appreciation will turn to something more. | You don't have to do something to be loved, you just have to be yourself and the rest will come on it's own when the time and person is right. |
I been with my fwb Kelly for over two years now. In the meantime I am pretty sure we both have dated and seen other people. For me she has been my consistent, drama free girl.We both do pretty well for ourselves we are urban professionals, no kids etc. Everything prior to this has indicated she is a happy person. Wednesday night she ended up coming to my place, she brought over a pintrest recipe that she wanted to make together. We made food, had sex, she wanted to spend the night. I told her that she can spend the night on Saturday that I have work tomorrow. She insisted, I told her it isn't happening. She told me alright and headed off to the bathroom. I am on my computer and then I hear crying, and she locked herself in the bathroom having a breakdown. She starts crying how she is a failure in life, that her sister has a family, and she is wasting away her life sucking dick and a bunch of other stuff. She sobbed for like an hour and a half, and then I walked to her to her car. She texted me the next morning saying that she was sorry about it. I called her she declined saying that she is still emotional and didn't want to talk. I sent her a couple texts she didn't reply to but then she texts me out of the blue about an hour a go asking if we are still on for Saturday. I really don't know whats going on with her. I am friends with her sister on fb, if I was I would contact her sister, but Kelly might be embarassed and not want to talk about it. Legitimately I don't know what to do here, Kelly seems to just want to forget this whole break down like it never happened. I am kind of worried about her and I really don't want her to do anything crazy in my place. | fwb had a break down, I don't know what to do, she still wants to see me tomorrow. question about my account. it says that my post was 4 hours ago but I only made this account an hour ago what's going on? |
A couple weeks ago my gf was laying in my bed and I was at my desk, naked, and she decided that I looked sexy and wanted to take a few pictures. I agreed after saying that they are only for her and she can't send them or show them to others. She agreed. Fast forward to last night.. My gf and her sister were out at the bars last night. Her sister, is getting married in December and they were talking about her fiance and me and the wedding and how everyone was doing. I'm not sure who brought it up, but something led to both of them showing each other a picture (I believe just a single picture each) of their SO. When my gf got to my apartment after the bars she was quite drunk and told me about her evening. She mentioned this, and didn't really know how to react. I had told her previously that the pictures were only for her, even if they were hardly identifying. The picture was a full body shot from neck down to toes of me naked with an erection. I ignored it for now and took care of her for the night and put her to bed. Today I've been thinking about it more and I don't know what I really think or should do about it. On one hand, she only showed a picture of me and my penis to her sister. On the other, it was a private photo and she had agreed to keep it private. What should I do about it besides simply bringing it up to her? I don't know what I want accomplished by discussing the issue with her. What would you do and how would you feel in the same situation? | GF showed her older sister a picture of me and my big dick. She also saw a picture of her sister's fiance's body and penis. I don't know how I feel and what I should say about it. Help! |
It's not super embarrassing, but when I was about 13 or 14 I had lived in St. Louis with my family for about 2 years, and we had made a trip back down to our old home in Dallas, TX. We decided to stay with my grandma, and my brother and I broke out beds in her work room. It was getting fairly late for me at the time (around 10 or 11) and all the adults were in the breakfast room talking. I was watching MTV at the time, and they were doing some special about something that probably wasn't even remotely close to music...and to be honest, I don't care what it was about. I don't know who she was, where she was from, or what color her eyes were, but I remember she had a pretty good amount of cleavage showing. I was mezmerized. Every time she turned to talk to her cohost, and then back to the main camera, her boobs jiggled. Every time she laughed, or even slightly chuckled, her breasts ruffled around in her shirt. Every ti-you guys get the point. Anyway, I realized, pretty quickly, that something was occurring below my waistline. I had never experienced anything like it before and I became entranced by it. I realized after that, that when I touched it, it felt good. At that time, I decided that me, the mental image of the female MTV host, and my new body trick should go to bed. After laying in bed, and thinking about those chesticles, and continuing to touch the massive erection I had, I felt like I had wet the bed, but had felt really bad about it. Right after I had cum, my (younger) brother comes into the room, and I decided to pretend like I was asleep...I was pretty ashamed because I didn't know what had happened to me. I now know that my grandma had to have gone to get the sheets for laundry and thought, "What's thi- Oh my..." It's a story I really have never told anyone, but the internet provides anonymity right? | I was visiting my grandma's house with family. By myself, I watched an MTV special with a breastically gifted host, sprouted my first erection, promptly went into my grandma's workroom, and molested myself until I "wet the bed." |
I moved in with my current roommate, "Alex" this semester. He's a random roommate, I didn't know him beforehand. He's kind of a bro, but we got along well enough. We started working out together, I'm a pretty small framed guy (5'7" and 150 lbs), so he offered to help me with weight lifting (he's 6'1" and 225 lbs), and in return I'll run with him (I was on the X country team and played soccer in high school). Anyways, about a month ago we were on the track at our school, and there's a group of girls running. Alex and I started running by them to chat them up. We end up agreeing to run together, and I hit it off with "Amy", who was also the only girl that was single in the group of three. All three of us ended up going to get something to eat, we all have fun, and Amy ends up giving me her number afterwards. It was a little awkward, Alex makes a dumb joke and ends up giving her his number. I end up taking Amy out a few times that week afterwards, we really clicked so we decided to exclusively date. She told me that Alex tried to text her (she sent a message saying it was her in case they saw each other again) but she just stuck to one word answers and non-committal stuff. We've been together pretty much every day since, and she's been in our dorm a lot. This is where the problems are kind of starting. I'm pretty sure he still wants her, and he's been doing a couple of things. 1-He's not normally in our dorm a lot. Whenever I bring Amy there, he's always there. This has gotten in the way of us having sex, we've only been able to a couple of times since she doesn't want to bring me back to her sorority house to "do the deed." 2-He's been kind of putting me down when Amy is around, mainly about my physical appearance, and how I'm so little compared to him. He's also brought up the fact that I play a lot of Xbox in front of her (I've joked about being a little geeky with her, she's definitely not). 3-He compliments her all the time. This is pretty straight-forward. What do I do here? I plan on saying something to him, but I don't want to escalate things, because I'm his roommate. I could probably just switch places with one of the kids on our floor if it really came down to it. In all honesty, I thought about just telling him not to come in my bed room and shutting the door. My girlfriend said that we could have done that to begin with, but I thought it would be weird. | My dorm mate likes my new girlfriend, has been putting me down in front of her, not giving us any privacy (which I've done for him once already) and complimenting her. What to do here? |
Myself (31f), Tasha (32f,) and Tammy (31f) have known each other since middle school. We were all teen mothers and we're all part of a friends circle of our high school friends who were also young moms. Tammy and Tasha had kids with a set of brothers. Tammy's baby's father was a decent guy and his family really liked her and supported their grand child. Tammy's son was the first grand child. Two years later Tasha had a daughter with the other brother. Things didn't go well. He cheated on her while she was pregnant and left her for another chick. He's never been in his daughter's life but does pay child support. There is a possibility that Tasha made life difficult for him so he got fed up and cut ties. She can be a difficult person and has a tendency to be bitter. Tammy and Tasha were best friend's for awhile but after the whole brother fiasco and the grandparents picking one child over the other Tasha decided she hated Tammy. Or so I've been told. When it is brought up Tasha seems most fixated on that part and has never mentioned Tammy actually betraying her in any way. Now here is my delimma, I invited Tasha to my wedding and my Fiance invited Tammy. Tammy is a mutual friend. I hadn't realized this until 4 days before the wedding. That's right, I'm getting married this Saturday and this all came to light tonight. Tammy and I have been hanging out more lately since we live very close now. Today she gushed to me about the dress she picked out to wear to the wedding and how she took the night off work. That's when I realized she was coming. She was listed as a +1 with another friend so it didn't even click. Two days ago Tasha texted me asking if Tammy was coming and I said I didn't think so. Now, Tasha has been wishy washy about coming the whole time and originally declined her RSVP'D but is now "probably" going. What am I supposed to do? I like both these girls as friends. None of my other girlfriends that are coming have any issue with Tammy and would love to see her. Tammy has no issue with Tasha. Tasha is the only one with the issue. Ugh! Help me reddit. P.S. This "beef" has been going on for a decade. | Invited two friends to my wedding. One has beef the other doesn't care and would like to make amends. Told friend with beef that the other wasn't coming. Wedding is Saturday and this mess began tonight. What do? |
I'm American. She's German. We got married in a courthouse with a few of my family members and friends present (8-10 people). We had 90 days to get married when she came over on a Fiancee visa, so originally we planned to have a small courthouse wedding, then have a nice wedding where both of our families could get together. After reviewing the costs and the logistics of having a big wedding, and both of our parents saying they weren't going to help with wedding costs, we said fuck it - the courthouse wedding will have to do. Minimal cost, had everyone who attended over to eat and socialize at our 1 bedroom apartment afterwards. Guests left and we just hung out with family until they left the following morning (my family lives in another state from where we live and got married). The plus side - no debt from the wedding. I got married 3 years out of college (2008) and was staring down the barrel of 50K+ in student loans. Not taking on any wedding debt allowed us to take multiple honeymoon trips over the course of 3 years that would had been out of the question if we had wedding debt on top of the student loan debt and the credit card debt I had racked up in college. The not-so-down side - I feel I dodged a bullet by not having a big wedding like I had thought we would have. By getting married this way, I started to see who really were my friends by the ones that congratulated me and wished us well. I learned to drop the ass hats that asked questions along the lines of "So how does one go about meeting and marrying a German girl?" or "How did YOU get HER?" as their way of "subtlety" implying that I had a mail order bride. This was a good jumping off point to take stock of my friends and acquaintances, and realized that they would have only showed up for the free booze and not left a gift. I KNOW - I saw it happen at my sister's wedding and the groom (my sister's husband) insisted my parents pay for open bar, and when his no-class buddies showed up (most in trucks with oversized tires and the best-fucking-man showed up sans sleeves like some sort of Larry the Cable Guy reject) and only stayed until the bar shut down due to running out of alcohol. The groom's friends promptly left without any of them leaving gifts. Congrats to you both! | convince your SO to have a small, inexpensive (not necessarily cheap, but frugal) wedding with close friends and family. Save your money to spend on yourselves like for a trip or your said house. |
We've been dating since September '13, and in the beginning I thought that I could talk to him about anything. I learned that it is not so. I feel like every time I try to talk to him about our relationship he ends up just making me feel guilty for the way I feel, and I highly doubt it's on purpose. Whenever I talked to him about anything (haven't since January), he just seems to get defensive for no reason. At the end of one coversation, I asked him if I ever did anything to upset/aggravate him, and if I did to let me know because it might be something minor I could change/not do again and he told me that he knows there have been times, but he doesn't remember them because he just "lets it go". Which is fine if he wants to do that (though I don't think it's healthy), but am I being overbearing or something by preferring to talk about it? He's also said that in comparison to how good of a boyfriend he is in other areas, I really shouldn't be complaining, like he makes up for it or something (not his exact words). Example: I told him it'd be nice if he held my hand as often as he used to | need to learn how to communicate with SO without feeling guilty. Let me know if I need to give better clarification. It's all jumbled in my head currently. |
My SO has often been sort of self-deprecating recently and it's starting to bother me, but I'm not sure if it's something that's just in my head or something I should bring up. On my end, I've been dealing with anxiety and I've caught myself a few times overreacting to things that are meaningless, which is why I'm questioning myself now. She'll make "joking" comments about her appearance, like walking by a mirror and going "wow I look scary", or "I'm getting chunky", or if I mention I want to buy her something nice, she'll say "a facelift". Sometimes I can't tell if she's just trying to be funny or she's actually insecure. I think she's beautiful, and I tell her that all the time, so it's starting to really bother me that someone I find attractive and want to have sex with is constantly bashing their own appearance. One time we were cooking dinner, and she spilled all over her dress and asked if I had something she could wear, so I fetched her a button-down shirt and was loving how hot she looked in it, telling her she looked like my sexy office affair. I was enjoying the view utnil she walks by the window and sees her reflection, stating she was getting a saggy butt or some shit. From there I was immediately turned off and barely even interested in her for the rest of the night. It's like her self-deprecation is making me less attracted to her. It's starting to really get under my skin when she makes comments like that. Is that something fucked up on my end that I need to work on? I complement her all the time, I don't know what to do to make her feel more attractive. We've been dealing with some bumps in our relationship, mostly due to things happening in our personal lives (mostly career-related) overflowing in to our relationship, so I really hate to add another thing to stress over when we're trying to work through other issues. | SO's self-deprecating humor is really getting under my skin, not sure if it's something I need to learn to look past or tell her to knock it off. |
Very new to reddit, sorry if I haven't learned all the rules yet. I'll try to keep this as short as possible but some history is required. I met Derek 5-7 years ago, we messed around on and off for a couple years but never dated. He started dating this girl Dominique 3.5 years ago and they eventually moved in together 7 months ago. For most of their relationship he and I were still texting, flirting, and slept together 2-3 times. Dominique had no idea and never questioned him because he was very sneaky. He told me some of his ways to hide things from her like deleting texts, using an app to lock any pictures I sent him, etc. He told me how unhappy he was with her and frequently talked about breaking up with her. I moved away to a different city 3 days drive from him but we kept in touch. Then in January of this year he road tripped out my way because he has family out here and he ended up coming to see me and things happened. We ended up falling for each other and realized it was time to try having a real relationship. He was back and forth for a while, saying he needed more time because of the apartment, their dog etc. I finally told him if he wanted me he'd make it happen. He ended up breaking up with her, packing his things and moving out here to be with me. He got his own place and has been living here at his own place for almost 2 months, officially asked me to be his gf a month ago. Now for my problem... He cheated on her with me, and once a cheater always a cheater, right? I'm terrified of him doing the same thing to me. He's the sweetest, nicest person I've met, our sex life is amazing and I should be happy. But I feel like I'm waiting to be blindsided like he did to Dominique. I've told him all of my fears and he says it's different with me, he's happy and says I give him everything he was missing, that he wants to be with me forever. I have no reason not to trust him, he hasn't done anything suspicious, he says I can go through his phone whenever I want (which I don't want to do)... and yet I have all this anxiety and it's starting to affect our relationship. We're arguing more and he complains that I should just let myself me happy, that he'd never hurt me. What are some things I can do to build trust with him and get over this? I'm tired of arguing about my worrying and I don't want to ruin this relationship before it can even go anywhere. | I was the other woman, now I'm scared of it happening to me and all my anxiety about it is causing problems in my new relationship! |
I work at Pizza Hut as a server. And today I had a table of 4 people, 2 couples. One of the females was sort of, less feminine, if you will, than others. She had the broad shoulders, the big arms and calfs, and was even sporting athletic shorts and a t shirt to go along with her running shoes. All in all, she was a pretty masculine looking gal. Plus, her voice was deeper than I expected too. Anyway, I took their order, which included appetizers; an order of cheese sticks and an order of mozzarella stick. I put her order in and waited for it to be called, just like normal. 10 minutes past, 20 minutes past, 25, 30 and so on, up until she and her family had been waiting nearly 45 minutes for their appetizers. The lady ends up coming to the check out counter and cursing out the manager, yelling that she had been waiting for her appetizers for an hour and that she wasn't going to pay for them. The manager went back to the cooks and told them to get on the order right away. At that moment her actually order of pizza got called out, so I went and asked the frustrated lazy if she wanted me to bring the pizza now while it's hot, or if she wanted me to put it under the lamps so they could wait for their appetizers. She responded with something along the lines of "No, I want my fucking pizzas now and just bring me the appetizers whenever they're finally done cooking. I've been waiting too long so I'm not paying for them bro." She came off very masculine and angry, and in my defense she even called me "bro". And that's when it slipped. I responded with "yes sir", I fumbled my words a bit and re-responded with "yes ma'am". At that moment she shouts something along the lines of "YOUR EMPLOYEE JUST CALLED ME A MAN! FIRST IM WAITING AN HOUR FOR MY FOOD AND NOW IM GETTING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST". Loud enough for the whole front section of the restaurant to hear. She ended up filing a complain to one of the higher ups and got her appetizers complementary. Needless to say she didn't give me a tip. | Told a rather "butch" lady "yes sir". She got even more offended after she had been waiting for her order close to an hour prior to that. Got corporate involved and managers and everything. |
Yesterday I was waiting in line to pay for groceries. When I'm next, two of the servers finish with their customers at the same time and chat for about 30 seconds. This irritates me a bit, but whatever, they were kinda young, probably flirting. I go up, the guy scans my stuff. I remove my cash from my wallet and hold it out to him, but in the 2 seconds it's taken him to do this, he's gotten bored and is checking his phone. I hold the cash out at him for a solid minute or so before he decides to take it. My revenge: I do not pack my stuff, or anything, until he has my change ready and is holding it out to me. Then I very slowly and carefully pack my two items. I take that bag and put it on the ground. I reach down and swing up my backpack, taking my time. I check my phone for a couple of seconds. I Pick up one of the two bags I had before I came in, slowly. I transfer it to my other hand. I pick up the second bag I had before I came in, slowly. I transfer it to my other hand. I pick up the new grocery bag, slowly. I transfer it to my other hand. I spend a couple of seconds trying various combinations of bags in hands. I check my phone. I put them all down again in order to take, at last, the change. | You make me wait because your phone's more important, I make you wait because I'm petty. ETA: Forgot to mention that I didn't say thanks to him. |
I'm 19 and jobless with no work history or experience, dropped out of high school and am not currently in college. I knew that I was not in the right situation to raise a kid, and that I wasn't ready to handle such a huge responsibility emotionally or mentally. I had thought about giving it up for adoption, but I thought of all of the children who are already waiting to find a family, and decided that I didn't need to add another to that list. The thought of going through child birth also terrified me. So two weeks ago I went in for an abortion. I was put under for the procedure, so the last thing I remember after being wheeled into the OR was waking up in recovery. When I went in for my follow-up my gynecologist was surprised by how well-adjusted I seemed. I've been doing pretty damn well, actually. Everything's been fine. But to be honest, the only reason I'm so fine mentally is because I've been viewing the entire thing as scientifically as I possibly can. I never referred to it as a baby. Only as an embryo. I paid a lot of attention to the fact that even though it had nerves, the nervous system hadn't yet developed to the point where it would be able to feel pain. I thought like a scientist throughout my entire pregnancy and my recovery in order to feel detached from it, so that I wouldn't feel regret. But sometimes, my thoughts slip. I think about the fact that it wasn't just an embryo, but a baby. My baby. My boyfriend's baby. I think about whether it would have been a boy or a girl, whether its eyes would have been green or blue, if it would have inherited my curls. I think about the fact that it would have been due on February 2nd, and that if it had been a boy I would have named it Brandon, middle name Lee. And I think about the fact that it would have been my first child. Mine. It's hard to break out of that mind set when I slip into it. I knew what I was facing when I went into the procedure. I also knew that it would probably be the only time I'd be able to go through an abortion, and now that I've gone through it, I can safely say that if I do get pregnant again, I'm keeping it. I'm still pro-choice, but I personally won't be able to handle a second abortion. All of the what-if's would drive me mad. So, | I'd rather not think about the fact that up until two weeks ago I was growing a new human inside of me and that I'll never get to know the first child I conceived. |
So me and my friend have literally known eachother for almost all our lives and went to school together since pre-school (where we met). She's a transgender person and went through all that while we were in high school which was when we stopped hanging out for a while because being quite honest I was a homophobe and still possibly am but I was able to get past that after a while since she and I had been so close. I kinda still looked at her as a guy friend for most of high school but she started looking really different, got boobs and i think a nosejob (she wont tell me), so I had to stop seeing her because it was overwhelming for me. The last semester of school we got really close and were hanging out everyday like we used to and I kinda forgot about the transgender thing, since she was way happier which made hanging out with her such a positive experience for some reason. She just really intrigued me how smart she is and it was like a new person the way her personality shifted, making it very easy for me to look past her fault. I always was pretty certain she had a crush on me but didn't ever want to make me uncomfortable because she was a lot less touchy and more serious around me. We've been living together for the past 6 months or so because we go to school in the same city and only recently has she gotten really comfortable bundling up for a movie or falling asleep on me. I really want to start getting serious with her but part of me feels like this is lust and that I can't actually look past that part of her andi'll be able to tell once she's naked. The other part of me wants to just forget that person in middle school but just the thought of what her genitals actually are makes me cringe even though she looks fine in a bikini or topless. Sorry if this is jumbled or has run on sentences i have not slept in almost two nights. Any advice would be amazing but I am especially curious if anyone has been in the same or similar situation and what you did. Thanks | best friend was born a man and I feel like I cant get over that no matter how attracted to her I am P.S: i fucked up the title |
My dad has a weird sense of humor. He gets on these kicks of long stretches of running with a joke or theme that was never funny to begin with. For example, for an entire weekend he called me every fat joke imaginable because I have gained a few pounds. Keep in mind, even after gaining "a lot" of weight, I still only weigh 130 lbs. 5' 4" tall so that's still on the pretty thin side of your average person. I just laughed it off and kept saying haha, very funny. Look at yourself, lol. Recently, he's gotten into this kick that my pets look like they are dead and stuffed and keeps leaving comments on my Facebook photos to that effect. Who does your taxidermy? Yep, they look pretty dead to me. Stuff like that. Now, I have three fur babies, so I post a lot of pictures of them. I keep deleting his comments because they are wierd and inappropriate. My dad and I haven't always gotten along. We only see each other maybe once a month. Facebook is a main way of communicating for us. I don't want to block him from commenting or unfriend him because I want him to be able to use Facebook to communicate. How should I tell him that he can only comment on my Facebook if it's not offensive or inappropriate? How do I explain why his comments are not funny? He can be kind of immature (age is just a number) so I can see him saying something like, fine if you don't want me to talk to you I won't... | my dad keeps commenting that my pets look dead and stuffed on my Facebook photos. How do I tell him that is not funny/weird/to stop? Without cutting him off or offending him? |
I dated my best friend off and on for about 2 years, we'll call him J. J and I were and still are undeniably perfect for one another. I then moved to Australia and J and I broke it off as it was just 'young love' and we're not the OMG LET'S GET MARRIED kind of people. Haha. After about 6 months after the move we decided to try to do a long distance relationship. This worked well for about half a year and we were happy despite the distance. I decided to fly back to America to see him for my birthday and stay for about 3 weeks. I made sure everything was good between us and he said he wanted me to come. A week after I booked the $1800 (non-refundable) ticket, he broke up with me. I was crushed. I went back anyway but we didn't really speak and he didn't even wish me happy birthday. Fast forward about a month and I met a new guy, we'll call him R. R is my current boyfriend and he's wonderful. We've been together for 6 months, he's helped me through a lot and vice versa, and we lost our virginity to one another. But realistically we are no where near as compatible as J and I are. J and I recently started speaking again and both admitted we still loved each other. But I also love R. This is where things get a little sticky: I'll probably be going back to America at the end of September for University as I don't qualify for student loans in Australia. R is well aware that I'm probably leaving but has been nothing but loving and supportive. But I feel like if I'm going back, should I stop seeing R for J if we're going to e together in 6 months time? Or should I allow myself to continue falling in love with R? What am I supposed to do? I don't want to hurt anyone but I feel like I'm fucking with R and J and myself. | Ex ended our long distance relationship and screwed me over, I began dating a new guy, fell in love, lost virginity, but I realized I'm still in love with my ex too. |
When you're starting young (under 25), your investments have 40 years to grow. If you're dumping money into a 401K or IRA, those are most likely mutual funds. Over the course of 40 years, the $50 per month that you put in when you're 25 years old will become a massive chunk of cash. As your salary gradually increases, you just gradually increase your investment with it. The simple fact of starting so early is mathematically amazing, but it's also psychologically amazing, because you get used to automatically investing at a very young age, which makes it easier and easier to increase the amount as your salary continues to grow. Seriously, as long as you start young and just continue to plug away, you've beaten all the formulas. Most financial advisors make their money off of people who start thinking about retirement at age 40 and have a shitload of saving to do. But that point, you'll have 15 years of noninvasive (meaning, not enough to have altered your social life and experiences in any meaningful way) savings plus 15 years of compound interest, you could very easily be sitting on $250,000 at that point even if the stock market is incredibly mediocre for those entire 15 years (highly unlikely). | If you can start young and be consistent, even if it's small, you will still be wealthy by the time you retire. That's the beauty of compound interest. |
me and my friends have a gmail chain mail that is approaching like 10,000 emails. but anyway, one of the people on the list i hadn't met before because he was a friend of a friend who moved a couple hours away. So, I happened to tell a racist joke or 20 over the course of these chain emails. Then one day I'm planning to go up to my friends place and visit for a night of drinking. So a few days before im going up there, my friend emails me and says yo, i dont know if you know, but so and so is black. I was like shit, is he mad that i made those fucked up jokes. And he said he doesnt know, he thinks its ok since we are friends and all. So I like emailed him and apologized for the racist shit and all that and he says its all good. So now im feeling like a huge fucking dick hole the whole rest of the week and the entire ride up there. So anyway I get up there and this white dude comes up to me and says hey bro im so and so. He wasn't black after all.. | I got trolled into thinking that a friend that i hadnt met IRL yet was black after posting racist jokes to an email chain and felt like shit for a week. |
All right, guys, here's the stitch. Me and this guy have been dating for about 15 months now, and I really think he could be the one. We click on so many levels, and I've never felt this way about any guy before. I'm 21 years old, though, and he's 26 - so, there's that, haha. Anyway, while we get along in so many different ways, and have so many common interests, there's always nitpicky things that upset me. I don't know if I'm being ridiculous, or if I'm in the right, and if so, what do I do, and yadda, yadda, yadda... All summer long, we played WoW together, quite often. I'd take my laptop over to his place, his to mine, play with him, etc. Throughout the summer, though, I'd get a little butthurt when I knew he was playing WoW (at home, not with me), and yet he'd ignore my texts for hours on end, 6-7 hours sometimes. I've talked to him about this, explained that it kind of bothers me, because it kind of comes off to me as if he's more into the game than talking to me. While I understand that this isn't the case and everyone needs time to themselves, I can't help but feel a little bummed out, which makes me wonder if this really is just a personal problem (self esteem, ego, what have you) and something I need to sort out for myself. Which is why I came for input from you fine people. Otherwise, we get along great. He's a quiet guy, I'm an outgoing chick (but only in social environments; I get really quiet when I'm on my own) and we work really well together. I'm in college (which makes me wonder if it's also jealousy, as I've quit WoW upon starting this semester) and he lives about an hour away and unemployed, so I only get to see him occasionally. We have talked about this situation before, and although he's said he'll make amends (he recognizes it as an issue with himself) there's been no change. I don't get angry, nor passive aggressive about things with him; we communicate very well, have an awesome sex life, and really, really fit with each other. That's one reason why I really wanna figure out what's wrong with me, haha. So, basically, I guess what I'm asking is this: Am I ridiculous to be bothered by his, kind of, ignoring attitude? Or is he in the right, and I need to chill out? Be honest, people. Please, I want to make this work with this guy. Thanks guys! | Boyfriend plays WoW for 6-7 hours at a time, and often doesn't text me back. Makes me feel like he's choosing the game over me, even though I know that's not the case. Yes, we've talked about this situation before. What do? |
So I met a girl, she asked me out, I'm 17 (m) years old and I recently asked her if she wanted to be my girl and she said yes. one super mega socially akward first-kiss later, I am typing this. I have a feeling that its going too fast, and I also have a feeling that she isn't too enthusiastic about seeing me. though that might also be because I'm paranoid around relation ships (longer story than you could imagine). she recently (I think??) broke up with her ex-boyfriend, though I don't know much about that, some people seemed to be confused about me being her new boyfriend aswell. how do I know she really loves me? I also feel like everything I do is the wrong thing to do, since with 'love at first sight' it seems as if she believes/believed* I am perfect, which I am far from. I don't want to mess this up since I never got such an opportunity :/ | girl says it was love at first sight, I'm not sure if its going too fast and I have a feeling that I disappoint her with every step I take. |
This is my first post on reddit, so please bear with me (22 M) if I chose the wrong section. Recently, I found out from some mutual friends that my girlfriend (26 F) had gotten drunk during a rocky spot/break in our relationship and had sex with another man. My understanding of this break is that we'd just take some time away from each other. I thought that she understood that. She's the kind of drunk that has no self control and can't remember anything. I found this out while hanging out with these mutual friends and my girlfriend. She denied it at first and I wanted to believe her, so I did. A week or so later, my friends tell me that she admitted in a text that she had sex. At that point she ended up admitting that things most likely happened with this other guy. Just to expand on things a bit, my girlfriend told me that she was going to tell me on her own eventually, but she was waiting for the right time. She also told me that she didn't mean for it to happen, but was too drunk to really control herself. Now this all happened a few months ago, and we had become a lot closer and stronger since then. I'm pretty much devastated right now because of this. I love this girl so much and I'd like to ask you guys if you think it's worth it for me to try and work through this. | Girlfriend slept with another man while on a short break, not sure whether to try or work it out or not. Edit - Added more clarification. |
pop culture as it exists today is nothing more than a supremely well-tuned marketing device. the primary focus being to sell you on the idea that you are not enough as a person, you need to purchase better, newer more updated material things in order to have worth. you need to be sexier, stronger, more macho, more gangster, have more money ,a faster car, designer clothes and above all flex more attitude. it's an ultra-narcissistic version of reality crafted by boardrooms of marketing experts whose job it is to make you feel inadequate so you spend more money at the mall. while you're there shopping chances are they're pumping the approved mainstream pop music in the stores you visit, (or you're willingly listening to it on your ipod) so you subconsciously feel like you're in a music video, you're the star shopping to the soundtrack of the newest celebrity rockstar's "hit" song! (you know, the one that sounds like a ringtone, with an autotuned rapper or singer who's lyrics contain heavy egotistical bravado that reinforces the message of "i'm number one, fuck everyone else, i'm gettin mine, i'm a rockstar, you JEALOUS OF ME!"). it's funny how that's always the message being sold: you're not being a shallow human being, they're just ALL haters. go shop more. be a rockstar. ultimately, people who succumb to these directed marketing ploys become emotionally attached to the "feeling" of being a celebrity, spending money, while shopping to mainstream pre-packaged pop soundtracks where they can indulge their rockstar fantasy. however, they fail to see that this entire reality is nothing more than a form of hypnotism. they are being lied to, and buying into it 100%, they are being hypnotized into a false sense of self and willingly buying into a false version of reality. a reality where they can NEVER be happy, they are always inadequate. | pop culture is a narcotic. but yea, i guess what i find baffling is how so many people are unable to simply be themselves, rather than glom onto false celebrity idols, and attempt to mold themselves into adopting a fabricated caricature as their identity. |
I'll try and keep it short for you. Basically, I (18) and my girlfriend (also 18) have been together for over a year. We're in our first year of college, albeit 360 miles and 6 hours driving distance away. We've made a long-distance relationship (LDR) work—trust me on that one. It's basically been the best time we could have ever asked for. Her parents, of traditional Vietnamese culture and upbringing, are understandably strict and not as progressive as most American households are. The Asian parent stereotype of demanding good grades to lead to a well-paying job is, unfortunately, often not a stereotype. So even though she has pulled great grades in her first quarter of college, her parents simply cannot stand the idea of her having a boyfriend: it can hamper her ability to study, it can distract her, it is ultimately harmful. They have always felt this way, but just tonight, they pulled her aside, sat her down, and told her to break up with me, once and for all. They've met me, although I suppose reluctantly. They mentioned I'm "not that special," yet they also contradictorily say, "Nothing against him" (I'm roughly translating their Vietnamese into English). I don't necessarily need to bore you and flesh out all the details here. All I can say is that even though I know that my SO and I are young, even though statistically our relationship apparently shouldn't work, even though the odds seem overwhelmingly stacked against us...I just don't think it's right that any relationship should end like this—especially since we are adults by law. With all that said, I have one question in addition to a request for advice: Is anyone here able to translate English into Vietnamese? I have an idea, and it's far-fetched, but really, is there anything to lose at this point? I want to write a letter—a very calm one—to her parents, and RESPECTFULLY and CAREFULLY tell them a bit from my perspective. No barbs, no insults—just a letter that just might change their mind. | Have girlfriend worth fighting for. Her Vietnamese parents want best for her, decree us to split. I need a friendly Redditor who can translate my English letter into Vietnamese. |
I lost my virginity at age 16 on vacation in Cancun, Mexico. I had been drinking with other teenagers at the resort (it was pretty easy to get drinks) and this guy was nice to me and we ended up making out. Drunk and adolescent me decided it was a good idea to go to his hotel room, where things progressed a lot further than I wanted. I tried to tell him no, but to me, it seemed like I was better off waiting for it to be over. I never told anyone, I'm not sure if I was embarrassed or guilty, but I definitely didn't feel like a "woman". Now, going on 23, I am starting to realize that this one event in my life may be what is causing a lot of self esteem issues and insecurities, as well as my constant need for sex. I mean, girls have this idea in their heads about the first time they have sex, how it is supposed to be candlelit and intimate, with "I love yous", and I think that everytime I have sex, I hope it might turn out like what my idea of my first time should of been. into each others eyes...being told I'm beautiful, just sweet sweet intimacy. But no guy has done that for me yet. | Unwanted virginity loss in Cancun, Mexico to some guy at 16. Since then, intimacy issues, self esteem problems, and the constant need to have sex LIKE ALL THE TIME. |
I lived in Iceland as an exchange student, in a small town that didn't have a movie theatre, so one night me and 4 hefty friends (they're all 6 ft+ and massive Icelanders, I'm tiny comparitively) take a [yaris]( and drive to the capital, [Reykjvk]( to catch a movie. On our way back, we were in for one hell of a ride. If we had known this big of a storm was coming in, we probably would have all tried sleeping in the car. As some of you may know, a Yaris isn't heavy, but having 4 hulk-like Icelanders squished inside helped a little. The wind sheer coming off of the mountains was so strong I could hardly believe it. Since the mountains butt right up against the coast, storms there have hurricane force winds. When we started our drive back to my town, I wasn't too worried. That was until I couldn't help but notice not just us, but every car on the road was swerving erratically. My butthole only clenched further when I saw a wave in the ocean crash against a gust of wind, blow directly upwards and disappear into the wind. The actual reality of driving back was a grueling, butthole clenching journey, but man oh man I knew the proverbial shit was nearing the fan when I saw a fucking horse trailer flipped over on the side of a straight road. It wasn't even icy that day. We made it back safely, about 2 hours later than planned, to very worried (host)parents. | Hurricane forces in Iceland made my butthole pucker like a motherfucker Oh and one time a rock hit me in the face while I was walking to school. It wasn't even a particularly "stormy" day. edit: spelling |
I met her in 2007. I was 20, she was 18 turning 19 and she has always been around since then. I didn't fall for her in the beginning because we were still young and at that age she was more immatured than what I prefered, still lived at home and had some childish behaviours, like she could make random weird noises just for the hell of it, also smoked cigarettes in her room with just the window cracked open, so nothing happen initially. But we stayed in contact, talked on MSN every now and then, I met other girls, she met other guys, we hanged out every couple of months, and one time when we both were single we slept together, and it was mindblowingly awesome, so we kept doing it but then I had to move across the country for work, and this was in 2011, so we had to end things. Then she met her current boyfriend, and she has been faithful to him all this time, but now she he proclaimed that she has fallen out of love with him, but she is still with him out of convience, she knows he isn't the shit, but the relationship is good every now and then so she clings on for those moments but she knows it is going to end eventually. Now she is talking to me like she did back when she was single, about how hot she thinks I am and that she loved when we got together and all that, even though she isn't single. I'm in the process of moving back, so I could in awhile be geographically close to her as well, but since she "initiated" this while she still had a boyfriend I somehow feel that this is a red flag and this might not be something I should pursue? What do Reddit think? | A girl I have known for 7 years has fallen out of love with her boyfriend and wants to end things with him, but she has started to show interest in me before she broke it off, should I leave this alone? |
Wall 'o text ahead) My childhood was fairly middle class. My parents worked hard and made sure we had what we needed. My brother was the yes man of the family, I was the one who always debated, that being the one thing my father and I would do for hours. I moved out to my girlfriends house at 18, and we lived with her mother. The mother was bedridden, about 400 lbs or so, on disability, and for the most part sat and read (and re-read) the over 1,000 romance novels stacked in her bedroom. She would take monthly trips to the mental hospital where she would stay for a week or two until she was less suicidal. Ironically very little of this touched me mentally or emotionally, I was too busy working and taking care of the house when she was gone with my girlfriend. In one week, three things happened that completely threw me for a loop. I lost my job due to my boss not liking the fact that I was getting more recognition than her for the work I did (another story for another time). My girlfriend ended our relationship on the day I was moving to our new apartment, to date a guy who had been sleeping with her and her two friends for the past month. My car was totaled by a gang of peckerwoods, who we (being the gang banger next door and I) chased through the city at 2am. And finally, after all of that, I lost the apartment because I was then the lone leaseholder and the apartment manager decided not to let me rent. I ended up on the streets for about 6 months, managed surprisingly well. Learned some tricks and generally managed to survive by working the odd job and offering some protection to those who would share what they got. Finally sucked it up found an under the table job which got me back into a small place with another friend I'd met on the street. Never did tell my parents or family, or even many of my friends.. just dropped off the face of the earth for awhile. Some of the things I did see and experience in those six months though really forced me to get over any pre-conceptions I had about life and how fairness doesn't really work. (Although surprisingly Karma on the street worked out far more than in regular society) | Lost job, got dumped, roving gang destroyed my car, became homeless for six months, found an odd job and moved my way back into society. Figured out fairness was a dream and karma was far more real. |
I'll give it a try, cause it is quite a disturbing story, especially for such a peaceful area as my neighbourhood. So, I live in a relatively large city in Poland, and my neighbourhood is known for its parks and green areas, especially one close to my house, a rather large park, full of romantic couples and women with children, nothing dangerous, an idyllic bucolic. One day when I was going out I noticed a smoke somewhere from the bushes, so did my neighbour, however I haven't stayed for investigating as I was late for my school and my neighbour assured me he already called the officials, so off I went. Later when I returned I saw shittons of police and there was general questioning, as I didn't know anything it went rather fast. However, later I learned that the fire was actually a burning corpse of a woman. Even later when all details were known, the story has spread: Generally, a middle aged woman decided to try online dating, and she met an another woman. She wasn't lesbian, but since she started talking to that other person she quickly got into the whole homo stuff. The other woman she wrote to insisted to meet as soon as possible, for a person from teh interwebz it does sound fishy immidiately, but it didnt for her. They picked a relatively safe place, which is a park near my home. When the two women met, the victim, probably expecting hot lesbian sex under some trees, was quickly assaulted by her "friend", with a help of an unknown to her male. They say she was raped, beaten to death, cut heavily and later set on fire. All in the vicinity of mothers with children and teenagers in love. Everyone was shocked that something like that happened here, and everyone was even more astonished that no one reacted to her calls for help, had there were any. Passerby's probably assumed that it isn't anything that bad, as it is a safe neighbourhood, probably some kids playing. Playing rape and body mutilation ಠ_ಠ. I spent my childhood here but because of that I no longer consider that place as safe as it used to be. | A woman met a lesbian on the internet, once they met she was raped by said lesbian, all with the help of her friend, beaten up, cut up and then set on fire, all in a place full of children and happy people. |
My FWB [23F] seems to just want to be friends with me [25M] and says she doesn't want to have sex with me anymore. She says most of the time she feels like a slut for having sex outside of a relationship. We're pretty close, so I believe this is the real reason. I've known her for about 3 years now, and we were once romantically involved for a short period of time. I really don't know what to think about this. We're both single, lonely, horny. I sincerely like her, I like her company and I am very much sexually attracted to her. I've had the best sex of my life with her. A relationship is out of the question for personal reasons. That said, I think I'm more emotionally invested in her than the other way around. I provide her with a lot of emotional support. She calls me at night, almost every night, and I'm there to try to help her out when she's down. I see her when she's feeling lonely, and wants someone's company. I do this because I like her, I enjoy her (female) company, and I also like sex. She wants to downgrade and keep things as a casual friendship. However, I don't know if I can do that. I would be constantly tempted That said, I sincerely like her as a person and don't want to lose her friendship. How am I supposed to manage this relationship? It seems that I provide her with what she wants (emotional support and a lot of attention), but the only thing I want in return from her is sex. She provides me with nothing else. | FWB no longer wants to have sex. I don't know if I can just be casual with her, but I sincerely like her as a person. What do I do? |
Hi Reddit. I’ve seen you guys help a lot of people and bring a ton more through some tough times. This is a throwaway account but I was hoping you guys might hear me out and possibly have some leads in the right direction for me. Here’s my sob story: I started out as a pre-med student in college but by Junior year I decided that it wasn’t for me (too much time for schooling and a lot more money than I could ever afford). I have been a long time animal lover and decided that it was my calling to help animals and teach everyone about their conservation and care. I have done some AMAZING work in internships from hand feeding sharks to helping rehabilitate boat-strike sea turtles. Sounds great right? Here’s the problem: I can’t find a job. I went to a pretty respectable school and got a still respectable degree. However, my parents continuously hound me that I’ll never find work in exotic animal care and that I’ve essentially screwed my life up by not going to med school. I hear it on an almost daily basis. Now I have some intense student loans breathing down my neck as well as my parents saying “I told you so”. I live in the Toledo, OH area and am looking (hoping) to relocate to the Chicago area. I have applied to almost all of the veterinary clinics I could think of, applied to zoos in both areas, I’ve even checked out animal shelters. I know that I’m fresh into the real world (23 years old) but I need some glimpse of hope that I won’t be working a minimum wage job at a bakery for the rest of my life. The anxiety of upcoming crazy payments on student loans, the berating my parents give me every day, and the thoughts of regretting my college decision are sending me down a pretty bad path. I know that the economy is terrible right now and the unemployment rate in Ohio is awful, but I am determined to do what I love and to make it through this transition. I’m in need of some advice, Reddit. Anyone in this line of work? Anyone know anyone or have any connections in/around Toledo or Chicago who works with animals who might be able to help a fellow redditor out? Advice on the college/real-world transition? I could really use some positivity in my life. Thanks, Reddit. | I’m a college graduate who dropped out of a pre-med program and having a difficult time finding a decent job working with animals (preferably exotic animals). In need of advice on job searching in this field and life transitions. |
If being sly then all results that contain Wikipedia to garner all wiki articles. Hoping that it doesn't start with "Wikipedia an early attempt at an online encyclopedia that failed early 2013." How cold fusion works. The story of the invention of immortality. How F | ive works. How room temperature superconductors work. How cancer was cured. Wars of the last 100 years. And I really be ticked if it said, "In early 2013 Person X filed the world changing patent X." |
The elderly woman living upstairs my parents', I've heard her son yell at her numerous times, so loudly that I can sometimes hear him clearly shout "shut up" more than once and for her to stop bothering him. They're violent screams. Sometimes I even hear thumps, objects dropping and furniture being moved around. I'm often at my parents and I hear him almost every time. It happened again a few nights ago, and once more, I froze. I felt like a coward for not doing anything at the moment and once the noise stopped. I don't know how to handle this, I want to report it without causing further trouble for her... as in... if ever cops came to investigate and left, I'd be afraid of her son being even more abusive towards her if he thinks she's the one who called the authorities on him. I also don't want my parents to encounter any problems if he figures out we're the neighbors who did this. What do I do? She has been living upstairs way before my parents and I moved in when I was a kid. It's always been her and her son. I've never had any real contacts with her except waving to each other when she's looking out her window. We did that for years, every day when I came back from school, she was there. Then I grew up, started working full-time, got a life and would come home very late. Just tonight, I went over to have dinner with my parents, I saw her walking to the window and looking out for the first time in years... I waved at her, but she didn't do anything. Either she didn't see me or doesn't recognize me anymore. This made me a bit sad. | Son screams at his elderly mother so often that my parents and I are scared for her. What do I do without any backlash against her and my parents as neighbors? |
I had a friend disappear mysteriously from the high school I was attending. A little background: She was a new transfer for the school year and for the first half of the semester hanged out with a different crew of kids, then later on some drama and she stopped hanging out with them. I approached her after a couple lunches seeing her sit alone and from there on she opened up to the people that I knew. The disappearance: At the time that I knew her she was bi-sexual and her parents were rather strict traditional Asian parents. She didn't know how to open up to them. I was probably one of her closest friends at the time and one week she told me that she finally told her parents. She said her parents weren't happy, and they were having her see a psychologist that happens to be their aunt. One day I get called into the guidance counselor's office, I step in and I see her along with our school's psychologist. They tell me to step in, so I step in. I don't really remember the details of what we talked about or if we did even talk. All I remember is she had some tears and we hugged and I left afterwards. Come the next week I don't see her in school (our school was rather small 7-12 with only 750 kids roughly). I give it until Friday and I become suspicious as to what happened. I check her social media outlets to see if she's still updating. Her Facebook is gone, her Deviantart has no recent activity, Twitter has no recent activity, nothing at all. If anything, I felt helpless. Come the end of the school year, I'm walking towards the tennis courts and I see her in the passenger side of a vehicle and she enters the school. I run afterwards and I am able to catch up to her. We talk for maybe 5 - 10 minutes. She comes off very cold, says her psychologist said to get away from the environment she was in because that was what was affecting her. Teacher says that she needs to have the student take her final so we need to go away. I walk away, and I'm struck with defeat almost. Felt as if she just up and left and disappeared. Honestly, this was the first time I've ever lost a friend in such a way. If anything, what I learned most from this was that I really disliked the idea of people forcing their children or their peers even to be something they don't want to be. I still look her up on the internet from time to time and I still cannot find a trace of her. | friend's parents didn't like her being a bi-sexual. she disappears and at end of school year tells me psychologist said it was because of environment she had to leave. |
My boyfriend and I are currently in a long distance relationship. It's not going well because he isn't very "affectionate" to begin with, so over the phone it's even worse. We were planning on moving back together soon but nothing final. I've been having a really tough week, and I've been extremely upset, and he'd just ignore me...and I'd tell him, "hey, I feel so bitter and unloved, you have nothing to say? call me? call me? I AM UNHAPPY!" He doesn't. I am suspecting he is cheating on me, or just not into me, RIGHT? Why isn't he responding to me? I am supposed to be your girlfriend. Today was the last straw... I did NOT want to break up with him over text at all. I texted him asking when would be a good time to call. No response. I call one last time. No response. I text "We're over." I see him on facebook and asked if he got my text. He said yes. I asked if he wanted to talk or just end things. He said "I don't want to but you do" You gotta be fuckin' kidding me though. I want to talk it through! I want to remain friends. I gave him countless opportunities to talk to me and comfort me so I didn't have to do this. I didn't want to. I still love him. I don't know what to do. He's just become completely withdrawn. Why won't he talk to me if he doesn't want to break up? I don't get it. | My boyfriend ignored me the past week then when I had enough of it I told him it was over but he wanted to stay together. Why won't he talk to me if he doesn't want to break up? |
Hello, I am a high school student (Canada) in grade 11 and the girl I want to talk to is in grade 12. She is also taller than me by about half a foot. I do not know her name and we have only exchanged some glaces a few times. I think the best time to talk to her would be in the cafeteria before any classes start and her friends are not around, I have spotted her there regularly in the early hours. I really appreciate some ideas on how to get things rolling. What are somethings I can say? I also want to get her number so we can hangout and eventually I can ask her out on a date! Thanks for any help you give if I can't respond in time. | I want to get a girls number that I have not talked to before. She is taller and in a grade above me. Finally, the best time for me to go up to her is in the morning before class starts. Thanks! |
I work at a grocery store. We have a specific section of the store that sells "organic gluten-free" foods. Don't get me wrong, gluten intolerance is one thing (I can only imagine how inconvenient and annoying that must be to actually have) but just being a dumb fuck and buying it because you think it's healthier is another. People don't buy lactose-free products if they aren't lactose-intolerant so why would you do it with gluten-free products? If you actually took two seconds to fucking google what gluten is you would understand it isn't unhealthy, doesn't cause health problems, and is just something that is found in wheat products. Wheat and grains are nutritious and are required for a healthy diet, so by depriving yourself of these nutrients your actually paying MORE to be unhealthy. It's all just another marketing technique to get stupid people like you to pay twice as much for bland tasting food. We also have a seperate organic produce section apart from the regular produce. If you would rather pay twice as much for organic produce then you are being suckered out of your money. Hey, do you know what the difference is between an organic banana and a non-organic banana? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. I don't understand people who would rather pay 4$ for a bunch of organic bananas instead of 1$ regular bananas. They say that organic produce is pesticide-free and fresher or whatever, but every supermarket fruit or vegetable has to be exposed to some kind of pesticide to keep away from bugs or animals, and your stupid for believing otherwise. Just do your research. Granted, I'm sure some are truly pesticide free but most aren't. There are people in third world countries that would kill to have an accessible grocery store and I'm sure they aren't worried about gluten free or organic produce. You will not die by eating a regular banana. The customers who buy into this usually say things like, "It's so important to feed your children gluten free products and to eat organically. They will be so much healthier." You fell for the classic, do it for the children, advertising. To be healthy all you have to do is eat for nutrition and exercise regularly. By eating a gluten free cookie or an organic carrot you will not change in any way unless you completely switch your eating habits and lifestyle. On the bright side, I'm happy gluten free foods are now more accessible to people who do suffer from gluten intolerance, so good on you mates. I grew up on ramen and pb and j and I'm not dying of cancer or anything because of gluten filled foods or non-organic tomatoes so take my gluten filled asshole and kiss my ass, you pretentious fuckers. | Gluten-free foods are intended for people with gluten intolerances and gluten has not shown to cause any health risks, so if you buy itand you don't have a gluten intolerance then your paying extra for no reason and I hate you. |
I've been in a FWB should with this guy for about 4 months now. Things initally got confusing because lines were not clearly defined. I had ended things briefly because I wasn't getting what I had wanted. We decided to resume things but with clearly defined rules (no parent/friend meeting again, emotional support etc). This has been going on for about 2 months now. I was pretty happy with this arrangement initially but the last time we hung out (about a week ago), we just cuddled, I left his house feeling like crap about myself. Now I don't think this is what I want anymore, I think I deserve better and want to actually create meaningful relationships with people (i used to be capable of meaningless sex but I've seemed to have 'switch gears'). Anyways, I just want some time to breath and think about this before I terminate it (its been about 5 days), as I'm going through a pretty stressful situation and I'm trying to decipher if it's me lashing out or actually feeling this way. Should I just keep ignoring him until I come to a verdict (he talks to me everyday), or should I tell him I need some time...? I just don't want to start drama if it need not be required. | Confused on if a fwb relationship is something I still want. Just wondering if I should tell my fwb that I need space or could I just continue ignoring him. I don't want to start unnecessary drama if it need not be required |
First of all I'd like to say that I think he's a really great guy; I really care about him. Basically, we've known each other for about 7 months now and we started going out 2 months ago; I love hanging out with him and I miss him when we're not together. Although we only get to see each other atleast once a week because we go to different schools and we have exams to prepare for so we have little free time. But then I get these sudden feelings of... emptiness when I'm around him or thinking about him, like we'll be making out or I'll be texting him and my mind will just go blank and I'll feel completely emotionless. I don't know why I feel like this when I do really like him, at least I think I do, however I don't know why I feel this emptiness. I've only ever been in one other relationship before but it was long distance and the guy would suffocate me with text messages and skype calls, to the point where I genuinely could not stand to be talk to him. Sometimes I think my current boyfriend can be suffocating (without actually doing anything wrong), but then I think he's moving things too slowly; there's just no middle ground. I know if we broke up I'd be devastated, but I just can't understand why I feel like this. I feel as though I'm missing information out, if I am just tell me and I can see what I can do, thanks guys. | I really care about my boyfriend but I'll suddenly and randomly feel emotionless and empty; completely devoid of thought when talking to him or near him. Why? |
Got the chance to go anywhere in the world no matter what the cost. For my 18th birthday/graduation my grandma said I could go on vacation with her anywhere in the world, price is not an option. She did this for my older brother a few years back and is doing it for my younger brother also. Her reasoning is that she has plenty of money but won't be around forever (she is 75) so she wants us to have one amazing memory with just her. I chose to see Europe, went on a two week cruise that had multiple stops in Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Malta. I was on a cruise for two weeks at 18, able to legally gamble and drink on the boat, and had my own room. It was hands down the greatest two weeks of my life and something I will always remember. When I told my grandma that, she said the fact that I felt that way was worth the money she spent (around $16k for the two of us). Easily the best present I have ever received. A close second is when my aunt, who hasn't had a job for 6+ years because she couldn't find work and was putting herself through grad school without a job, gave me $500 for graduation. Literally brought me to tears opening the card knowing how much money that is to someone out of work. That meant a lot. | Grandma took me to Europe for a two week cruise, best 2 weeks of my life. Aunt without a job gave me huge grad present. |
So eight months ago I met this amazing guy, and we starting dating a month later. When discussing boundaries I told him a firm boundary is that I wanted to wait until marriage to have sex and he said he was fine with it. Through the entire relationship I've been wanting to take it slow since I've been hurt before in the past, and he's been nothing but respectful of my boundaries. There have been no major bumps in the relationship, and I couldn't be happier. Although he is fine with me wanting to wait, I feel guilty that I'm holding part of myself back, and I'm finding it harder and harder to justify with myself wanting to wait for marriage when I know that I won't me giving my virginity to the wrong guy. After telling him this was a firm boundary, I have no idea how to bring up that I'm now open to the idea, and I am wondering if it's even worth it to bring it up since he says he's fine anyway with waiting. | Have amazing boyfriend that I want to give virginity to after saying I wanted to wait until marriage, don't know if I should bring it up. |
I work at a small office. It's my first real job after getting my degree, I've studied a lot to get that formation and it was hard. All started alright, everything seemed promising, until a coworker had a huge fight with our boss (woman at her 50's). He asked to leave and acted rather unethical, harming my boss the work we developed there. Things went downstairs, everything went wrong with the office's projects. My boss started to blame me for it. That I was naive to rely in our co-worker. That I'm unexperienced. And such harasses went on until I started to talk back to her. My customers like me really much, and so do my coleagues. My numebers are good and I'm the kind of worker that delivers it. And my boss seems to dislike it and try to expose my flaws as much as possible. This week I've received a warning for checking too much my phone. AND I SWEAR that I do not even text back my boyfriend for all day long. I don't even touch my cell phone. God. It's so evident that she is forcing me to quit! I'm at this job since may this year. Before that I've been through hard times to get this job. Before that I came from another complicated internship that lasted for less than 3 months. And seems like things are irreversibly messed up here. I'm quite aware of my strong personality. And I'm aware that the fact that I have talked back to my boss could have caused this. I just can't help it. I only do this when I feel like I have a point. And I'm 100% confident that my point is fair/right. As pharmaceutical industry professional, I'm affraid that in my country, doesn't matter the company, I'd only find workplaces with such issues. I know that if I quit that job, will be hard to find another one, and I'm afraid that any other job this could happen too. What do you guys Think? Sorry the wall. | My Boss is clearly harassing me. The jobmarket is hard. I have a temper and I'm not willing to change it. Things are messed up much? |
So recently, within the last week, my friend expressed how I should take her new roommate out on a date as she thinks we would be a great match. Yesterday she sent me her number as well as reiterating how I should take her out and do something fun. I have a general idea of what I would say if I did, however; my dilemma is A-we've never met and B-I'm not even sure if this girl knows I have her number. So I'm not entirely sure how to go about asking for a date without being mega creepy. So far my general thought process is as follows, i'm going to use some arbitrary names to make this easier to follow. "Hey, my names Ned, Cat's friend. Cat has told me a little about you and I was wondering if you might want to go out sometime? maybe grab a bite to eat or go for a nice hike." Basically i'm wary of the entire sentence after the introduction portion, again as i'm not sure if her roommate is even aware of any of the happenings between Cat and I. | Friend gave me her new roomy's number to set us up, not sure if the roommate knows of me or that I have been given her number. Not entirely sure how to ask her out without coming across as a giant creeper. |
last august i got out of a 5 year relationship with someone who was awesome, just not the one for me. one thing that stood out was the fact she NEVER game me blowjobs no matter how much i said i wanted them, not to mention she was awful when she gave them. all they did was feel wet, not pleasurable at all. i would always tell her that she didn't make me feel wanted or special when it came to sex. in my 5 year relationship i got 3-4, not joking, not kidding, you may not believe me. i mean, she sucked my dick during sex or foreplay to get me hard, but only a few times finished me off, sucked from start to finish even though she claimed to love it. i just started dating this new girl who gives amazing bj's and gives them frequently enough. i have cum more from bj's in the last month than i did all those 5 years. and it is so much more than just pleasure. i makes me feel wanted and special. it is nice knowing that there is someone out there that wants to give me pleasure. they are happy when i am. it is just amazing. just this week at the beginning of the night she told me how she was looking forward to giving me an amazing bj at the end of the night, and oh boy was it. she just went to the doctor's the and has something going down there that is nbd but she said that it looks like bj's for me for three weeks. i would have NEVER heard my ex say something like that. man, i love bj's. side note: i know some guys just don't like them, not judging, but i will never understand. | if you have an SO bj's are much more than just for pleasure. they make you feel sexy and special. give your man bj's if he likes them. |
It was about four years ago when I first met Gary in college sophomore year. We became pretty close through our study groups, and a few meals together at a dining hall since we both lived in the same dorm. We clicked so well I still remember most of the conversations I had with Gary during our very first meal together. We talked about music, what we wanted to actually study but couldn't, and such. We also used to watch movies together at a dorm with our classmates. I really liked him. I liked how he cared about me, helped me with studying, exploring different genre of music, supporting on random things which I hardly ever saw from anybody else. And then one day He told me that he had a big crush on me. I just laughed it off, and never talked to him again ever after. I did not trust in my feelings, I was thinking that I was too naive and young to be in a relationship. Most importantly, I was Way too shy. Now, I really miss him because of those genuine feelings I received from him, but then I am scared of reaching out to him (we are still friends on a social media) because It's been too long since I stopped talking to him, and I don't know how those four years have changes us and whether we could be compatible to each other or not. | haven't talked to a friend that I developed feelings for over years/ need advices on what I should do. Contact or no, if yes, what should I tell him? |
When I first met my boyfriend, he was all over me sexually. We would go sometimes 4-5 times a day. After he asked me to be his boyfriend a few months ago, something has changed but I don't know what. Suddenly he is telling me how beautiful his ex is, and telling me he likes to have a free/open dynamic where he can comment on how hot other girls are, even though I'm "the only girl he thinks of sexually". He also originally said this ex was evil, but now has decided to be friends with her. Apparently they like to talk about their past sex life together, but he said if that makes me uncomfortable, he doesn't have to see her anymore. I don't consider myself a jealous person, but this made me feel weird. Also, when he's drunk around other girls, he says stuff like: "Wow, you'll have no problem finding a boyfriend, because you're so hot!" - it's in a really friendly / nice way, so I'm probably overreacting on that. I don't know, maybe some couples love to talk about how hot other people are, but this is just not my thing in relationships. And finally, we were fooling around last night and I was kissing him to initiate sex, and he said: "Wow, someone's horny". It just made no sense after the beginning where he was initiating sex multiple times a day. He could tell it upset me and immediately started kissing me back. I'm starting to feel over-sensitive and jealous and inadequate. I love him a lot, and I know he loves me too, but I'm getting the sense we may not have similar values in relationships. I feel like he wants us to have this super open / honest / cool relationship, which is fine, but I also think empathy and respect are important. If I ever mention this stuff, he's really nice about it and apologizes, but he keeps doing it. I also don't want to be that girl who's telling him he can't see his ex, or can't comment on other girls. He seems so much more comfortable in his own skin, so maybe I just need to break things off and learn how to be comfortable in mine too. | Boyfriend used to be all over me sexually, now he's looking for a more open / free dynamic, which makes me feel insecure and not enough. |
Get it in writing, and take some roofies before your viewing session. You won't survive the movies without it, and you won't get your end of the bargain without the contract. | This is silly and dumb, and will NOT be worth it. Your girlfriend should not require coercing to do things for you, and Twilight is stupid and bullshit. |
I am physically challenged, because I have muscular dystrophy. Luckily I can still get around everywhere, I even commute by car to my university. I walk significantly slower than average. Between classes I was crossing the street using the pedestrian crossing. A pickup truck that had just been salting the local area, revved its engine and honked at me to hurry up. After I crossed a few more feet I turned around to tell them to calm down, but the passenger just rolled down their window, and drove away. It might seem entirely silly to the most of you but, I had been having a bad day already and as soon as I got off the street, I cried. I called the university police which was a bit confused, but said they would keep an eye out for the pickup (I didn't get the plates). Year to year, my condition gets worse and its more and more difficult to walk. I thought that people had the common decency to let others use the crosswalk calmly. I never cross on a red light, I never jump under a car, I even let them go by by waiting at the sidewalk and waving for them to go fist (at a stop sign or whatnot). My condition is also socially weird. If you see me in a room, you won't really notice that I have MD (especially because I'm 19, so I should be physically fit). Its only when we walk somewhere further, that it gets weird, and I have to ask them to slow down or explain my condition. This has definitely affected my social life, because its difficult for me to come out to people about it. This kind of turned into a rant, but writing about it has helped me a bit. I've stopped crying about it at least. If there's anything you should really take away from this, then: let people cross calmly using the pedestrian crossing. And don't always assume that everyone who looks young is physically fit, because they might have a physical disability. | don't honk at people when they cross the street (legally), even if they do so slowly. Don't assume that every young looking kid out there is perfectly fit. |
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