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of course i love her, and all i wanna do is be with her, ya know "young love" and all that shit. but every time i ask to see her, or go out, or come round i always get denied because she's too busy, always because of family and her part time job and college. we haven't seen each other in over a month and every time i try to compromise she responds with i don't know or we'll see. She doesn't text much but responds to mine, we rarely get to see each other at all. the last time was around a month ago. before that i can only remember seeing her a few times over the space of 3-4 months and only for about 2-3 hours. the thing is she says she really wants to see me too. But it really gets painful for me and does affect me because i tend to overthink things. It also makes me feel selfish sometimes because all i'm doing is messaging her and it starts to feel like i'm annoying her because of her response times. and it feels as if she doesn't appreciate me as much as i appreciate her. | we never get to see each other, she's always too busy. i'm always trying to compromise and find a way, she 'doesn't know'. we haven't seen each other in ages. |
Im a 23-year-old guy. I've never been in a romantic relationship. I have turned down the girls that have shown interest in me (out of fear) and am completely undeveloped in the area of intimate relationships. It is dawning on me that if i were to get into an accident / catch some disease (etc) and were to become actually unable to date / form a relationship, i would not be able to deal with looking back at the healthy me who was not strong enough to really get to know someone. I think about this every day. It fuels my desire to constantly improve myself so that i am 'worthy' of a relationship. I know this is bullshit, that i am good enough for a relationship right now and could make some girl very happy, but i dont feel it. what do i need to do in order to change my thinking and actually form a healthy relationship? | The potential poignancy / regret of not entering into my first relationship when i am physically able to is filling my life with stress (and perhaps it should be) |
reasons to be on TOR "Normal People use TOR They protect their privacy from unscrupulous marketers and identity thieves. They protect their communications from irresponsible corporations. They protect their children online. They research sensitive topics. They skirt surveillance. They circumvent censorship. Activists & Whistleblowers use TOR When groups such as the Friends Service Committee and environmental groups are increasingly falling under surveillance in the United States under laws meant to protect against terrorism, many peaceful agents of change rely on Tor for basic privacy during legitimate activities. Human rights activists use Tor to anonymously report abuses from danger zones. Human Rights Watch recommends Tor. Tor has consulted with and volunteered help to Amnesty International. Global Voices recommends Tor. Tor can help activists avoid government or corporate censorship that hinders organization. In one such case, a Canadian ISP blocked access to a union website used by their own employees to help organize a strike. In east Asia, some labor organizers use anonymity to reveal information regarding sweatshops that produce goods for western countries and to organize local labor. Journalists and their Audiences use TOR Reporters without Borders. The US International Broadcasting Bureau. Citizen journalists in China. Citizens and journalists in Internet black holes(Tunisia, Yemen etc.) Business executives use Tor Security breach information clearinghouses. Seeing your competition as your market does. Keeping strategies confidential. Accountability. The Military use TOR Field agents. Hidden services. Intelligence gathering. Law enforcement officers use TOR Sting operations. Online surveillance. Truly anonymous tip lines. | TOR is a tool that is used by respectable citizens as well as criminals. Do not be fooled by those that wish to circumvent your freedoms |
Nowhere near as creepy as some of these, and I might have told this before, but here goes. I was in Hong Kong June 2013 for nearly a week. Had an ok time, and at about 6:00 on the final day of my trip I get on the metro towards the border checkpoint with mainland China. At 6:00 on a Sunday there was literally nobody on the subway, besides me. At the very first stop a uniformed police officer wielding a pistol gripped 12 gauge enters the same car I am on and I immediately freeze. I was already looking at the base of the seats across from me and did not move. The cop slowly walks past me and I thought I was going to burst into flames as I felt his stare. It wasn't far to the next station, and as he got to the next door, he got off just as quickly and quietly as he got on. Fast forward nearly an hour and I'm at the checkpoint. Hand the girl at the window my U S of A passport and as soon as she opened it, she asked if I had another form of ID. I've never been asked this in any of my travels and just freeze for a couple seconds and then she asks if I have a driver's license. I almost didn't bring it with me, but thankfully I did and handed it to her. After she examined both IDs rather carefully I was free to pass. I had known he was there, but obviously didn't know then that I had been staying about a block from where Edward Snowden was, and our time overlapped. Only a few years apart in age, American, kinda skinny/average height, brown hair, short well trimmed goatee . . . yep. He headed to Russia a few days later, and shortly after more details of his escape came to light. Edit--grammar and adding | in Hong Kong while Edward Snowden was and was suspected of being him trying to leave the country by a scary ass shotgun toting cop and later the immigration officer at the border. |
Models, like the standard model or relativistic or quantum, are used to predict future events by observing past and current events. The idea is that by observing past events for long enough relationships can be found. Now, once you start to create the model and "fill" it out, there starts to exist an internal logic or "theme". Reading into how Einstein formed his theories are interesting and unique in a way. What I think you're struggling with is the notion that models need to adhere to common sense and common sense is some sort of test that information needs to pass through to be correct. What I think would help is to think of your perception of reality as just another model. What you're thinking of as true and physically real is just your brain modeling its perception. The problem arises because your brain is not as accurate in predicting future events than our current physics models. So when certain predictions arise not from past observations but from the internal consistency of the logic of certain models, people struggle with the idea "Yeah, but whats really happening?". There is no objective "really happening". An example would be the black hole. Once you have a few elements of a model, given that a,b,c are true or some relationship exists, additional relationships or predictions can be made. The model starts evolving not through additional observations or data but through its own internal logic. A simple way to explain this would be if you measured a=b and b=c. You could deduce a=c. Bringing the long winded lesson back to your question, Why do we use these abstract models? Because they're simply more accurate and a more useful explanation despite their abstractness and difficulty of access. While we say that our model(for the given situation, i.e. Newtonian mechanics on Earth or quantum mechanics on planck scale) is probably not absolutely true, its the best we have. | Your common sense model of reality is not as useful or accurate as our other models. Their predictions are still valid even though they don't coincide with any individual's personal model of reality. Your satisfaction with the idea of singularity is independent from its veracity. |
Hmm...I always wondered what my response would be when someone asked me this question. Fuck. My biggest regret is the absence of homework during my stint at MB high. It was my sophomore year and had just joined the ranks of the wind ensemble, the second tier to the jazz band. There, it was our responsibility to sign our instruments out for daily practice. The slots next to my name remained empty except for the colorful signatures of my fellow classmates that neighbored them. At the moment I convinced myself that my ever dying love for music could fill the cavity of skill and technique. Both remained empty, but my arrogance drew me forth.. For the moment. When the semester came to a close, I was informed that my combined efforts of vanity and Ill placed confidence earned myself a B+. "Whatevs, better than an F!" Little did I know that a single week of practice would have earned me an A-. The lowest form of of the highest achievement that my snarky attitude prevented me from grasping. But again: whatevs. Senior year was at its last stretch. With it, came news of a scholarship to Humboldt state. ($40,000) I packed my bags and waited for orientation... I never got there. That B I earned my sophomore year was more than enough to convince the admissions office to revoke that scholarship and any chance of redemption. So there I was. With no one else to blame but myself. The withdrawal of said scholarship took with it more than just a chance at a better life. It took my pride. Killed my ego. And depleted the munition of my faults: my confidence. That's when the cliché ensued. With no concept of self worth left, I took to the usual suspects: liquid courage and self destruction. I'm still here in my home town working an hourly job making less in a year than what my scholarship was worth. I would have graduated this time next year. | was an arrogant bastard. Lost my scholarship. Now my life is an aimless ship sinking in an ocean of booze, admits a haze of narcotics. |
I'll try to keep this general and to the point. My girlfriend and I had been talking about moving out for a year now, and never had mainly due to the fact that I'm a full-time college student (enrolled in a 4 year program at my states smallest college) who doesn't have the money or time for that kind of commitment. However, she recently went to "look" at an apartment about 30 minutes away from my parents house, which is walking distance to the college. The next day, she informed me that she had actually signed the lease for the apartment and had gone shopping for furniture. I was shell-shocked, because we had just been talking about how it was terrible timing to look for apartments, and 24 hours later, she had one. But I was never asked to move in, and it was never brought up at all. But then a few weeks later when she finally had to stay the night in the apartment, it was suddenly my fault that I wasn't there, and that we didn't get to move out together, and that she was alone.. I didn't know what I did wrong, or how it had come to be my fault, and I was very confuse. It eventually blew over, and things sort of went back to normal.. until this week. A few major life decisions came up that she had to make decisions on. And every single decision was made without talking to me. I thought that being together for 3 years would have made my opinion worth something, but in every case, it seemed like she didn't care about my opinion, or how it might affect our future together.. Worst of all, one of the decisions meant that she would have to live in this town indefinitely, and considering job prospects for me here are pretty bad, she never even bothered to ask me. | Girlfriend was forced to move out and make big life decisions, I was not consulted on any of them, and now I don't know what to do |
I've posted this story elsewhere before, but here it goes again, Title pretty much says it all. I [22/M] broke up with my Girlfriend [21/F]. Although I truly care for her very deeply, she's just too busy with work, school and volunteering and I was tired of being pushed aside. Every time I'd try to make plans, it was always one reason or another why she couldn't make it. And more and more it just seems like she was losing interest. Usually this would be pretty cut and dry, but she got really emotional when I ended things with her and she left quickly without saying anything. I told her that our schedules just weren't compatible anymore and that we should have some space. I also made sure to tell her that I still liked her and cared for her very deeply—which is no word of a lie. If she was so emotional, why didn't she prove this when she had the chance in our relationship? I really want things to work between us and I do want to reach out to her, but I think it would best to stick with my guns on this one. I guess if someone truly likes you, they will find a way to make it work. | Girlfriend seems uninterested during the last days of our relationship. When I break up with her, she gets emotional and doesn't seem to take it well. Did I make the right choice? |
I feel silly making a post about this on the internet, but I am sort of at a loss about whether I am being too sensitive or I just need to let this go or what. My Dad has not been involved in my life as more than someone who sends money and shows up once a year or so since I was six. It's mostly been my mother, my step-father and me. Consequently, my aunts and my grandparents have also been minimally involved in my life. My grandparents, I give a little bit more of a pass on this one, because they at least called me and would try and pick me up and see me from time to time. Before anyone asks, I am very confident my mother at no point 'kept' my family from me. This has been entirely something that this side of my family did on their own. Once I was in my 20's, Dad's family starting trying to have more contact with me. My aunts specifically have been reaching out. They send me birthday cards, sometimes texts and emails and I get invited to events my father is attending also. My father is mildly mentally disabled, and I think they generally expect me to sort of 'look after him' at these events. This may seem innocuous, but it drives me crazy. Seriously. I hate it, and I have no idea how to escape it. I end up going to weddings, funerals, I get birthday cards from these people who are essentially strangers, pretending to know me, and I'm supposed to be comfortable and ok with this. NO ONE will acknowledge that there is a 20 year period where pretty much no one spoke to me and I didn't see anyone. I'll make jokes about it and everyone will change the subject. I strongly suspect they keep me around because they don't want to have to deal with my father as he ages, and so they don't have to be responsible for him. All I know is for awhile I used to try and reciprocate contact through emails, Facebook, letters, what have you, and I got nothing. No one would add me back, write back, what have you. The contact seems to have to be on their terms. Am I being crazy? Too sensitive? Can I just tell these people to leave me alone? Return their birthday cards? What do I do with this? It's awful. It makes me feel very anxious and it's so wildly inconsistent that once I get my feet under me, they swoop back in and knock me sideways again. I have a hard time drawing boundaries with them too because they feel like strangers. It makes me feel crazy. I want them to go away and not come back. Is that unreasonable? How do I do that? Do I have to tell them? | I barely know a side of the family that keeps inserting themselves in my life in annoying little ways after ignoring me for years. Do I put up and shut up or can I tell them to get lost? |
My biggest regret would be how I used to think in terms of myself and only myself with out realizing the harsh consequences of not taking into account the feelings of others who associated themselves as friends with me. I pissed over many a friendship during high school and it collectively ended up with me having no friends when I graduated or anything to show for the lack of friends I had earned myself. It's been about three years since I graduated and as of about 5 or 6 days ago I had managed to rekindle the last of the most important friendships I had fucked up and for what's honestly the first time since I've graduated high school I haven't felt like a huge fuck up for being an overly objective douche. My other much shorter regret is being a superb fat autistic child and weeaboo for the first 3 years of highschool(plus all the years leading up to highschool). One very bad and much needed reality check from a girl I crushed on showed me that: A. I was overly romantacizing a delusional fantasy in my head about a girl I was nothing more than a friend by proxy to other friends and B. that the second I vocalized these feelings into words to her I had officially fell into the realm of stalker but my mind wasn't able to figure that one out and continued to do so until multiple people including her told me very flat out what I was doing. | 1. I couldn't stop thinking objectively til I lost all my friends that mattered. 2. Social skills a bit earlier would have helped me out tenfold and prevented me from being a super creepy stalker. |
your interest is calculated and paid off each time you pay a loan amount, so every month. You also pay off some of your principal with each payment. the amount depends on your interest rate and length of the loan. For credit cards, they keep your minimum payment low to cover the cost of the interest and a tiny amount of principal(what you actualy bought with the card). This way they keep a high principal on the card to pocket as much interest as they can. So for credit cards if you only make the minimum payment every month you are basically only paying the interest. This is similar with high interest loans. Now, if you pay above the minimum, you've already paid the interest for the month by paying the minimum. the excess above the minimum is therefore directly paying the principal down. with less principal, there is less to charge the following month, so your interest you pay the following month will be lower, and therefore more is paying down the principal, etc. until the loan is paid off. | credit cards and high interest loan monthly minimum payments = paying only the interest. Amount paid above the monthly minimum = only paying the principal. |
I personally purchased one of the early HyperSonic Sound System directional audio speaker systems for a company I worked for. These devices were intended for marketing purposes, but I had bigger plans. I did a proof of concept where I had wanted to eliminate the expensive initial and recurring costs associated with headsets in a call centre environment. We had tens of thousands of employees and we were constantly repairing or replacing headsets, cables, amplifier boxes and batteries. New purchases, frequent theft, broken headsets, hygiene concerns regarding the re-use of headsets, it all added up to a very costly expense. My idea: a static emitter (no moving parts) above the employees cubicle that flooded their private seating area with audio from customer calls. It was pretty much a "headless headset" where private audio was beamed directly into their head. When they sat within their 4x4 cubicle, they could hear the customer and no one else could. They could completely interact with their customer all the while not wearing any headset or other apparatus (a small noise-cancelling microphone was placed below the monitor.) I purchased a unit, tested it out, and it worked better than expected. I could interact with other users without wearing a headset and it was completely private, even when surrounded by hundreds of other employees. It was a strange feeling though hearing the customer without anything placed against your ear. Having a fixed emitter also eliminated expensive maintenance, inventory control, and support costs. It worked, but unfortunately people just weren't ready for this type of technology. It was too unnerving, unorthodox, and they found it just plain weird. So, now it just sits in a box. | I beamed audio into employees heads, it blew minds and was deemed too radical and unnatural to be used by humans let alone within a business environment. |
I dated this guy for a few months. I'll call him A. We had been dating a few months and had a clean breakup. Things between us got really serious really fast. During the relationship, however, we'd always fight a lot over small things. But it all boiled down to him never having enough time (between school, work, his son, social time, and me.) and me wanting all the attention. At first he would sacrifice important things for me but eventually he realized the things he was sacrificing were important, thus I didn't get the attention I once did. So I would get upset with him constantly. He'd pull away from me constantly getting upset. So I'd get upset more. It was a vicious cycle. We broke up and remained friends. Talked occasionally but not often. We'd still hang out and cuddle and have sex and watch movies. It was more of a friend's with benefits relationship except we still had some feelings. I wanted to stay where I was for him. I changed my mind about moving to stay because of my feelings and how strong they seemed. A few months after we broke up, I moved across the country. And now he wants me back more than anything. He says we can hang out more and we'd try dating again and this time it would work because we know our flaws and how to resolve them. He says he's not happy without me and that he'd even pay for my flight back home. My feelings for him haven't changed since we started all this so it's hard to discern what's true and what's being said to get me back. The only reason I'm conflicted is because ever since I moved here it's been a struggle of not trying to be homeless and finding somehwere to live without burning through my savings. I don't have a job and now I'm having to go 6 hours south to stay with a friend until my soon to be roommates can work something out so we can stay where. I'm about ready to give up and go home because moving out here seems like a terrible idea since everything keeps going wrong. I'm giving my soon to be roommates 2 months to fix their stuff before I give up and go home. And if I go home.. I don't know what I'd do about A. Is it worth it to go back? I wish I had a book of answers. Edit: As stated in a comment below, I've considered long distance. I've been in a long distance relationship before and they're so hard. I'm afraid that if I do that, things will work out here and I'll end up staying and waste his time. (because ldrs only work if one moves closer to the other.) Also if I go home, I'd have my job and a room to stay. Most likely my car if it doesn't get sold. Which is more than I have where I currently am. | Dated A. Broke up with A. Moved cross-country. Things are going to shit. A wants me back. Heavily considering going back simply because nothing is going right here and he wants me back. |
Ok so I know this is a trivial thing, but it's been nagging at my conscience for a while now so I figured I'd ask Reddit. My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year and everything is great. He's an awesome person. Prior to us dating, I had a FWB thing going on with this one guy for about 7-8 months. We saw each other once every 1-2 weeks. Towards the end he seemed always too busy to meet up, and I got the vibe he didn't want to see me anymore, which was fine with me as I was wanting to seek a more serious relationship at that point. I met my now-BF 6 months later. Early on in our dating, my boyfriend stayed at my place one night. The next morning we decided to get breakfast and he asked if I had a fresh shirt he could wear. I'm rather petite so I don't have much in men's sizes. The only clean thing I could come up with was a t shirt from my former FWB. I felt a little weird giving it to my BF but at that point I didn't know exactly where our relationship was going, and it seemed like an inconsequential thing. He asked me where it came from because he liked the graphic on it... I shrugged and said I thought it was my brother's. I wasn't gonna tell this guy I was just recently dating and really into that it was from the last guy I hooked up with... Fast forward to now, the shirt pretty much lives at my BFs house. He has claimed it and wears it often, and has even mentioned he likes it cause it reminds him of me. This makes me feel guilty... Plus we live in a large town but not large enough to not occasionally run into people. We actually ran into the FWB guy once, and I have some mutual friends with FWB still. I'm paranoid of running into FWB with my boyfriend while he's wearing that damn shirt. So should I tell my boyfriend about the shirt's origin, should I just live with it, or do I steal the shirt back and make it...disappear? | my boyfriend loves this shirt that he thinks is from me but that I got from a former FWB. I feel guilty when he wears it and wonder if I should do something about it. |
I have always wanted to create some sort of show with a character driven plot that is funny. That being said, its really hard to create a show all by yourself! There's a reason that all the good shows on tv are there, and I'm too lazy to try and emulate their means of success. That's why I had the idea to crowd source it. By splitting up the work over the internet, we could achieve the same results as a quality tv show but with none of the hassle. I envision a production schedule consisting of fleshing out the shows script, having the animator(s) work it out, and then recording music and voices..... but all over email. Because it will belong to the people, I can also foresee the plot being at least partially fan directed. Animation obviously makes the most sense because it would be hard to get real people acting in the same "room" from different locations. Anyway, it would need to start with finding an animator. If you or someone you know has this ability, leave a comment! I will get back to you with my rough ideas and together we can flesh out the first episode. After we get our animator(s), we would need to get people for music and voices and all that stuff, but they would all also be co-writers. I just think it would be cool, because personally I'm not very talented in the arts, but what if we could combine enough people who are, and do it solely over the Internet? | I want to make an animated series but I'm to lazy to do it alone. Want to help out from the comfort of your own chair? |
This was actually a long time ago but it still confuses the hell out of me. We were highschool sweethearts and had one of those relationships where we loved, argued, and made-up constantly. Lots of passion and drama. We fought A LOT but we were also inseparable for 4 years. She hinted at wanting to get married for a while and I decided to propose when I was done with school. Right before I was going to propose to her, I went out of state for school and was going to be gone for 9 months. I offered her to come with me but she didn't want to leave. My plan was to come back and surprise her with a marriage proposal. But a month in she called me on my birthday to tell me that she was breaking up with me and that she was hooking up with someone. By her tone she sounded like she was trying to punish me. I was devastated to say the least. Planned on spending the rest of my life with her and I never expected her to treat me so cruelly. I never got an explanation but figured she had some kind of seperation anxiety or maybe she fought I was leaving her. Never forgave her for that and never recieved an explanation. What do you think happened? When she found out that I was about to propose to her someone did tell me that she got really upset and felt regretful. About a year after, she called me out of the blue to tell me that she had a sexual dream about me and tried to talk about meeting up. I just tried to be polite and got off the phone with her. | Was about to propose to GF of 4 years but she called me when I was out of state to intentionally break up with me in the painful way she could've. |
Yeesh, this is a mess. You're not wrong that he's behaving entirely inappropriately in this situation, but you also need to work on your own issues. This dude isn't helping your anxiety problems in any way, whatsoever. He's definitely still carrying a torch of some kind for her - whether it's just that he stills wants her to be in his life, or he still has feelings for her, he's not dealing with this in a mature manner. Some people are able to maintain friendships with their exes, but they do usually understand that the boundaries of these friendships have to be very different, especially when new partners become involved. He's acting like they're still together in how comfortable he seems to be spending time/making conversation with her. To be entirely honest, asking for his facebook passwords and to look through his phone is a little overbearing. Obviously, the dude's being fishy as shit, so I can understand why you asked this, but a lot of people would have problems with this. Some people view sharing passwords as a sign of trust - others view it as an invasion of privacy. Obsessing over what he's done with previous exes isn't going to help you in any way. I can kind of understand why he's reluctant to share this information, as it's only upset you more from what you've posted. Being concerned about his exes' physical appearance, their TV watching habits, how open they were with each other, their pet-raising abilities, etc. is only hurting you, and never going to lead to anything productive. Your relationship is not these previous relationships. The main thing is that he understands you aren't comfortable with the way they interact, and he paid lip service to this idea - but then immediately went back on it and decided to let her back into his life. That's a flagrant disrespect of your boundaries, and it sounds like he's not willing to change. Either accept the fact that he wants her to constantly be a part of his life, or, more realistically, get rid of him and find someone who's not going to help drive you into panic attacks. It's been 5 months and you're already having such a hard time, how do you think it would be in a year? | The two of you have very different boundaries of what's acceptable regarding exes, drastically different views of privacy and trust within a relationship, and he's not making any effort to accommodate your feelings with regards to these disparities. Find someone more appropriate to your preferences. |
I suppose it's crazy for me to assume he would stand up for us? No, it's not crazy. It's wrong of him not to. You are his choice of companion for life. If he is serious and has self-respect he ought to stand up and protect his choices. If nothing else... Like, I dunno, love and respect towards you... I had a similar problem, but the parents were... bat-shit crazy at the time, and he "broke up with them" a year ago. Still very little to no contact. It's always sad when parents are dumber than wood and put their child in a situation where he/she has to choose between parents and loved ones. Parents fail to see that while they are parents and all... They are the past, maybe the present, but they are not the future of their child. The child will choose the future - love and relationships. And even if he doesn't, the relationship with such parents will be forever damaged. | You are in a position to say all that to him. And you are in position to interpret his reaction. In a health relationship he should stand up for you (as in - the two of you). |
I hate sports (especially hockey (which is blasphemy in canada) and soccer), I love nickelback, i don't care for the beatles (I like several of their songs and think john lennon was a cool guy but I find them vastly overrated) I enjoy the star wars prequel trilogy, I find jar-jar binks to be funny at times, I think christopher hitchens was a douchey alcoholic, richard dawkins is a twat, and I Love Nu-metal | I have likes/dislikes that make me hated both in reddit and IRL and I don't give a flying fuck what either side thinks, and no i'm not trolling i'm speaking my mind |
We've gone on a few dates. Met his friends. He slept over twice. Haven't had sex with him. Texted everyday for two weeks then he disappeared for two weeks. Ran into him coincidentally then it picked up again, said he wanted to visit (he lives an hour away), is radio silent on the day. Disappeared for another week. Now he sends me a text asking if I was at this one event which I know he knows I wasn't there. Do I even respond anymore? I mean yeah we are friends so I feel like I should say something but... | Obviously have feelings for him but tired of the emotional yo-yo. How do you think I should respond? I feel like guys like this never change... |
Hi. I rented a Toyota Camry from car rental place yesterday in order to go on a mini-road trip a few hours away. Today, during a routine traffic stop, the policeman noticed an open container in the back seat of the car. My sister (also my coworker) used her company discount to rent the car, so she could be in deep trouble if I happen to get a ticket for this. I'm currently pulled over while the police officer discusses this with his colleagues. On top of this, I can't get ahold of anyone from the car rental company. The over the phone reps I have spoken to have been incredibly rude and apathetic. Yesterday, the representative at the desk charged me twice what she quoted me originally, refused to take my company discount and would only take my sister's (even though we work for the same company). | open container that is NOT mine left in rental car that I just rented. Currently pulled over. What do I do here? Is the rental company liable, or am I? |
A little back story: I am a working mom with a 2 year old and a 13 week old. I work four 10 hour days, Tues-Fri. My husband decided to be a stay at home dad and start online school to finish his degree when our first child was born. I am able to support us financially and it ended up working out perfectly. We just had baby number two and our plan was the same. I go back to work after maternity leave and husband stays home with the kids. We both knew that adding kid number two would be more of a challenge, but we felt we were ready for it. The first week that I went back to work my husband told me that it was the hardest thing he had ever done. I figured he just needed to find his routine and the newborn needed to get used to the new routine. However, 4 weeks after going back to work, I feel like things are getting worse for my husband. Our newborn is very clingy and fussy when I am not around. He is a breastfed baby and does great when I am home on the weekends. He naps well, hardly ever fusses, and is already sleeping 10 hours through the night. When I am gone my husband struggles to get him down for a nap and endures what he calls "mega meltdowns" at least once daily. Then of course there is the 2 year old and she is VERY active (aren't they all). I get texts or calls at work where my husband is desperate. Sometimes the texts say that he is losing his mind or he will call and tell me that he doesn't know what to do and he is very frustrated. This gives me serious anxiety since I am unable to do anything while at work. I already prep all meals and clean on the weekend so he doesn't have to do busy work while he is with them. Are there any dads (or moms!) who stay at home and could offer some advice for us? I keep telling him that the older the baby gets the easier it will get for him, but he's not so sure. | Husband is struggling with 2 year old and 13 week old while I am at work, need advice on ways to make it easier (if possible!) |
My girlfriend of 5 years would occasionally disappear with no warning. I would kiss her on my way out the door to work and not hear from her for several days. She shot up a bunch of heroin one night while I'm at work (I am working graveyard shift at this time) and come home in the morning to find her passed out with the needle in her arm and vomit/half-dissolved pills she had thrown up all over the floor. I help her get off the junk (she led me to believe she wanted to) and things are okay for a while. She threatens to kill herself and I call 911. (PS. 911 won't help if they are making threats, only if they actually try something.) She leaves me after the incident for the first time. Fast forward to me getting another apartment, one that I can afford on my new single salary. She asks if she can sleep there because she has no home. I (stupidly) agree. She brings her new boyfriend, a lowlife she met at the bar, and he decides to move in as well. I have zero self-respect at this time and allow it. She eventually steals my car ('94 ford explorer, so it's not a BIG loss, lol?) and the two of them go across the country. She calls saying she needs money to get home; her boyfriend turns out to be a scumbag (who woulda thought?) I tell her I would send a train ticket but not money. She hangs up on me. Fast forward several month to me getting on with my life. I have to move back in with my parents for various reasons and have started going to school again. She calls from Arizona asking for her birth certificate, etc. All of her stuff went to the waste transfer station and put into a machine similar to the thing that crushes cars, only it's made for garbage. Anyway, I stupidly decide to try again and patch things up with her, and move to Tucson to be with her. After about a month of panhandling for tobacco (never for liquor; we spent our own money on that) and getting addicted to crack cocaine and meth, I somehow ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. A week in there and no calls, no visits, no nothing. I take a city bus back to our apartment. Find my suitcases sitting outside the door, opened, a lot of stuff missing, and full of leaves/rainwater/etc. I still have a key so I go inside to find her with her legs in the air and a guy between them. I end up in jail. You can try to guess why. Fast forward to now: my probation is over this year, and I have been clean & sober for 3 years. I am still single, partly because I am 'not ready' for the whole relationship thing, but mostly because I need to get back on my own feet before I try to sweep some one off hers. | The only time a man does anything stupid is to get the attention of a woman. I found some self-respect after hitting the bottom and now life is great! e:clarified some stuff |
We've all had those songs that tickle us in just the right way to get our emotions flowing. It could be nostalgia, anger, happiness, love, or anything extremely potent. It could be a different song depending on what's going on in your life too! I know I've had a couple in the few years of my life where I figured out what music is. Here's my most recent story, though: On my way home from work today, heading home to get ready for a date with the girl that I love, I turned off the crap radio and played a Cloud Cult CD that makes me happy every time I hear it. I started singing along by track 5, "You Were Born," and I imagined a future me sitting in a hospital room with my wife, whoever she may be, screaming her soul out. Then, suddenly in the over-dramatized sitcom version of the happiest moment of my future self, my daughter/son is born. No matter who I'll be with for the rest of my life, what flings and one night stands I will have had, no matter how many hearts I will break or how many times my heart will be broken, no other person in the world will experience the love that I want to share with my future children. I couldn't help but tear up as I listened to the melody and imagined singing a hushed, slow version of the song to my young one, calming them as I put them to bed for the night. I'm nowhere near ready for a child, but I have never been so excited for that opportunity. | Listended to You Were Born by Cloud Cult and cried the joyful tears of the future father in me Any other stories from you guys? |
So I used to get a magazine delivered to my house on behalf of my ex. I got through the final issue today. I have a few other little things belonging to her and it'll probably fill up an envelope. I've had pangs of uncertainty about sending it though, partly because she still hasn't returned my things. She was far from perfect and I know friends would slap the shit out of me for even debating it. I feel like she's hurting, and honestly I feel bad that I never got to apologise. She wanted us to get married and I just pushed her away and never was just honest about why I didn't want to get married (fears of leaving my father alone). I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. Send her stuff, write the letter of apology, and hopefully it sparks something in here to return my stuff while also giving me the closure of knowing I apologised. | Have unfinished business with an ex. Want to return her stuff with a letter of apology (even though she has no intention of doing either). |
I once went to a "Things you find in the woods" themed party with a friend where we both dressed as moonshiners (old jeans, dirty white t-shirts, suspenders, clay jugs, our brown coats which look like Carhartts when a truck pulled next to us as we crossed the street. Sitting in the truck were three what I assume-to-be frat guys. One points at us and says "Hey, you're a couple of faggots," (I will freely admit that we did look quite the Brokeback Mountain pair). Figuring turnabout was fair play I shrugged and said "Yeah, well you fucked that guy in the ass," and pointed to his friend. "Oh yeah?" Shrug again. "Yeah," I said. "Sure," and we continued on our way. A minute later we hear something that sounds like an icicle hitting the sidewalk in front of us. Looking around vaguely, we wondered what it was when the aforementioned truck peeled out ( totally inconspicuous) and sped off down the road. It took us a minute to realize they'd been so angry at my horribly lame comeback, they'd taken the time to circle the block, pack an ice-ball, throw it at us and miss, and then sped off down the road. Our friends were wondering why we were in hysterics when we arrived at the party. | Some tools threw an ice ball at my friend and I, missed, and peeled off down the road, all because I'd said the same stupid insult to them as they had said to me. \ Edit - Commas |
This fuck up happened when I was like 11 years old and while playing with a friend in the forest of our home town in Western Germany... Being two young and unexperienced boys, I and a friend found a strange thing in the woods where we have always played since we were little kids... We weren't sure what it was, though. It had the length of an adult forearm and was made out of rosty metal, that slowly fell apart. We thought it was some old rusty thing of a tractor, because you can find a lot of old farming tools and such in our woods. Little did we know, what it really was... So we pulled it out of the ground to play with that 'metal thingy'. "It could be a spike of a plough?! Should we try, if we get it destroyed?". "Yes, let's burst this thing!". We washed it in the nearest stream and tried to break it by smashing stones on it. Just a bit of the rusty metal jacket came off... It didn't work as we expected, so we started throwing it in the air as high as we could and saw it landing right in front of our feet multiple times. Didn't work either... At the end of the day, we took it home for disassembling it. When we started scratching it with a screwdriver to get under the hood of the metal and hitting it with a hammer, my friend's father heard us. He came into the room, saw the second world war bomb, quickly pulled as apart from it and evacuated the house... He then called the Police who called the bomb disposal... The "Bomb Guy" as we called him took the explosive out into the garden to defuse it. He had to controlledly detonate it, because of the bad shape it was in... Later he said: "You're some lucky guys. This thing seems to be in a very bad shape. Glad you aren't one of those kids, who try to destroy such bomb." Yeah... Sure we aren't... The day after I got accused of being a thread to the entire family of my friend. I got called the "crazy bomb kid" who is a bad influence for other kids and dangerous for almost killing himself and a friend and trying to destroy a bomb in my friend's basement. Needless to say that I lost my very best friend due to this... The parents of my friend forbid me to meet him ever again... The bomb looked like one of these: | Found an old bomb in the woods. Didn't know what it was. Tried to destroy it. Didn't work. Friend's father caught us. We had to call the bomb disposal. They detonated it. Lost best friend due to his parent's reaction and my dumbness... |
I was in love once with my ex boyfriend. We stared dating because he was persistent and I slowly developed feelings for him. However, I have never had a crush on him or anyone in my whole life. I here people talk about crushes they've had and can't relate. I know I'm attracted to men, sexually, and can identify a person that fits my "ideal" boyfriend, but I've never seen a guy in class, work, or a social event, and gotten all giddy inside and craved to talk to him. I've searched online for advice on never having crushes but all I get is info on asexuality but that's not me. I'm heterosexual and was in love for 2 years but I've never had a crush. The only "crushes" I've had were on fictional characters from TV shows or movies and celebs. Any advice? I'd like to know why I'm like this and if it can or should change. Maybe I'm just a very picky person when it comes to seeing a man that I'm really attracted to? | I've been in love before with my ex bf and am heterosexual, but have never had a crush on a guy, only fictional characters and celebs. It's concerning because it's not typical of humans to go this long without crushing. Any advice is great! |
My wife and I are currently dealing with a tough nut. Our soon to be 6 year old son has had silliness issues that seem to be exacerbated by certain friends at school. He's a smart kid and a good learner but we're noticing at home, school and also at karate (we were hoping it would transfer some discipline) that he has a very hard time behaving. It can range from making silly faces, to refusing to listen when told to do something. I know a lot of blame lays with us as he was our first born and we were more than likely too easy on him when he was younger. As a background he was diagnosed with celiac 2 years ago. He also has severe pooing issues as a result of the celiac which we're trying to work through. He has accidents even now and psychologically we think he's afraid to poo because they used to hurt so much. If it matters he has younger twin bro/sis. The younger brother is confirmed autistic. His sister, as far as we know, is perfectly normal. She's also silly but the benefits of girls is that she knows how to listen and control herself. If it matters our kids eat fairly well and we definitely don't encourage junk in the house. TV I think we'd all agree we watch too much of but we don't feel our kids are outside the norm. Other than this issue, the pooing and the celiac he's your normal boy. | my wife and I are at our wits end on how to deal with our sons shortcomings in terms of dealing with structure and authority. |
I compare them as apples to oranges. Cumberbatch's Sherlock is more about what Miller's Sherlock can become detective-wise while Miller's Sherlock is what Cumberbatch's Sherlock can become person-wise. I think of them as narrative arcs for Sherlock as a character. Elementary is the beginning while Sherlock is the middle/end. That being said I like both series' for different reasons. I like the way that they handled Sherlock (character) in Elementary more. I feel like in Sherlock (series) it's a running gag that he is bad with people and because of that it doesn't lead to many points of him gaining social skills just more toleration. In Elementary, the reason why he is so stand offish is because he's afraid he'll get attached to them and then lose them like he did Irene which will then make him relapse into addiction once again. The addiction is a double edged sword also because it's a reminder of an obstacle he relied on and is getting over. Another thing that I feel is better handled in Elementary is the interaction between Watson/Mycroft and Holmes. Watson in Sherlock feels like he's just there for ideas. He doesn't provide as much input save for few specific moments where he has to be a doctor. He feels more like a moral compass than a partner to Holmes. Watson in Elementary is a lot more hands on because Holmes begins to teach her his methods so she provides a bigger weight when it comes to cases and she's on equal footing with Holmes. Mycroft also feels better in Elementary because he's been more developed as a person and as a brother to Sherlock (character). At no point in Sherlock (series) do I feel like there is a tangible relationship between them as brothers. He feels like more of a supporting role or a resource to Sherlock. Something that I prefer from Sherlock is that it's less procedural cop drama which I expect nothing less of when each episode is basically a movie. I also like the way that they analyze things better with the words floating and the mind palace moments but once again budgetary concerns of movie to tv series. Also one thing that I prefer of Sherlock to Elementary is the fact that each episode is basically a story from Doyle's works just remade into modern settings with modern twists which Elementary has done quite well but not as often for obvious reasons. | I feel like they're completely different in their approach to Sherlock Holmes as a character but I prefer Elementary's Holmes' personality as well as his relationship to Watson and Mycroft and I prefer the more cinematic and true (storywise) approach and detective quality's of Sherlock's Holmes. |
Can any of you, Texas natives or people that have visited there, give me an idea of what is like in the Irving/Las Colinas area? I don't want to pass up this opportunity but rednecks(at least the ones here on the east coast) are assholes, and I've always had that stereotypical picture in my mind of Texas as desert and rednecks, please help change my opinion. Another thing that worries me is that I am a daily cannabis user, and I don't want to be harrased by police more than I already am. | maybe moving to texas, what's it like there? EDIT: Thanks for the thoughts, I don't actually think its all desert and rednecks, I was just trying to make the point that I don't know anything other than what's represented by the stereotypes. |
I have met many tech savvy old people in my day (just take a peek into any server room) and they seem to keep up with tech just fine (they might cling a bit more to the old tech, but they still "get" the new stuff). I also know many 20 somethings that think a router is something they used in shop class. | tech savvy people will typically remain tech savvy and people that could give 2 shits about tech will more than likely be just like old Luddites today. |
that we have a group of people on the planet now who would simply fail in a true evolutionary process. This demonstrates a common and fundamental misunderstanding of the principles behind natural selection. The qualitative traits which we humans beings so admire - like strength, intelligence etc - have no inherent value in an evolutionary context, beyond the extent to which they contribute towards the passing on of one's genes. In an evolutionary context such traits can be as likely detrimental as beneficial, since larger brains/more powerful muscles require more energy. A brain which consumes 20% of an organism's daily calorific intake, for example, had damn well better be worth it. Also, environment plays a crucial part in natural selection. Human beings have created an environment in which the vast majority of individuals make it through to child-bearing age. In this environment, traits which facilitate survival become less important than traits which facilitate actual procreation. So, if indeed people of lower intelligence are having more children it is because they possess the traits most conducive to passing on their genes in the environment they inhabit. That is the simple, stark beauty of evolution: the rules do not change. Of course every environment is temporary and how long ours will last is anybody's guess. | No species can bypass natural selection. All they can do is change their environment to the extent that the traits which are conducive to the passing on of genes become different. |
Sex with no condom means my foreskin moves back and forward quite a bit, I also have lots of foreskin. Lots. [Kinda like this actually]( . So I hadn't gotten her fully wet yet and I was pushing into the sex, little by little until I slipped on the bed and fell into her kind of suddenly. It hurt, it hurt her, but from there on it got better until it was going well. I pulled out a bit after a while to adjust the position and noticed some blood, asked her if it was her time or not and when she said no, then I realised my cock was killing me. Bloody torn banjo string and when she went to stand up to go to the bathroom blood squirted from her vag, little squirts of blood came out with each step to the bathroom and we both had to wash off in the shower. Poor little willy, he's recovered since though! | Broke my banjo string inside my girlfriend, didn't realise and kept going until she filled up with blood and it started leaking out. edit: structure |
That the next time someone needs me, I'll be too afraid to act. I've had both happen before. Been to afraid once or twice. Found the will to act other times. The shame and amount I hate myself from those times I was too scared is fucking awful for me. Like, we had this dude living with us and he brought his dog. Didn't get along with our dog, both pitbulls. I'm the only one in the room when they go at it for the first time. His dog was closer to me, so I grabbed her collar and shoved my dog away. My dog backed off immediately and I was able to grab her, but she was small and a fucking pit, so she wriggled out like immediately. She charged him and we're lucky he was taller, having the high ground it was easy to not get bit even though he wasn't ready. I lunged forward and wrapped my arm around her and, of course, she bit down. It hurt so bad, and I was incredibly lucky that she was old because her teeth were so dull she didn't break skin, just bruised fucking everything in my arm. It looked like a dip stick, the ice cream, with all the funny orange and red colors. Anyway, I'll always feel good about getting right in there, even if I did it the wrong way, because what if she got lucky and hurt our dog? Or my dog got in there and just killed her? While I was right there...? I would hate having to live with that like I have to live with the time that kid got in my friend's face and I didn't punch the kid in the mouth. Or the time the kid put a knife in my face. It was a tiny knife and I hate that I didn't just fucking headbutt him or something. Anything. Instead I went to the hospital after he got a perfectly clean hit in and his buddies came over to start kicking me. | I have a Green Lantern tattoo. It reminds me to always overcome the things that make me afraid. That's why I'm here. Bring me your demons, for I shall slay them with glee. |
My mom is a single mother with several kids. We've lived next to this awful neighbor for 20 years. He is married, highly religious and has 5 sons. He has done several things over the course of these years. It started off with him watching my mom with binoculars (once while he was naked) as well as one other neighbor, her husband was rarely home. He stood out on his deck and just watched them. One time he parked an old, broken down 12 passenger van in front of our house. We asked him to move it, he refused. I almost got ran over by a car trying to cross the road because they couldn't see me behind the van. His wife moved it and he came and moved it back saying "no woman will tell me what to do." Cops were called, he moved it. Another time, he drove his brand new snowmobiles through our yard... in the summer. He spread lies to our church group telling them my mom cussed him out and that my juvenile delinquent brother held him at gunpoint. Every time my mom gardens or his outside, he finds reasons to go outside, he waters his lawn or sits on his deck. One thing he's always had a problem with is our yard boundaries. My mom started a retaining wall along our yards, so he called the cops on her claiming it was his yard. They came and he fed them with lies about how crazy she was and how she always calls the cops on him. We hired someone to measure the real boundaries. The 20 feet of "his yard" was ours. We put up the fence and hope we're rid of him. | neighbor is a psychopath, we put up a fence EDIT: forgot to mention, he got our 3 year old life loving cocker spaniel taken away for being "vicious"-ly jumping on him |
Not me, but a guy I met traveling. Take it as you will, but it was a riveting story, and I don't do it justice He was originally going to go to school, get a job and ride the rails of convention. However, all that changed when he visited his sister in Egypt in 2010 during the Arab Spring. His sister lived in an apartment very near to where all the riots were taking place, and it was an utter scene of chaos. Death was all around them, and irrespective of nationality, white people were being targeted. My friend, his sister, her fiance, her fiance's parents, and their 2-year old nephew barred themselves inside the apartment for just over 10 days. They shortly ran out of food, and slept very little. The fiance had a broken ankle so my buddy took up the role of guard the entire time. He sat by the door sleeplessly with make shift weapons (golf clubs, pans, a small knife, etc) and he thought he was going to see his nephew starve before his eyes. They were fortunate enough to have radio contact with the Australian embassy there, and they were able to flee to a bus at 4am (during prayer) and make it safely to the airport. However, hundreds of people were starving there, and when my friend and his family were given food, people were literally climbing over each other to try and take it from them. Finally, they caught a plane out of Egypt, back to Australia. Once home, his mother wept for a week straight, and he slept for nearly a week as well. Instead of his earlier life plans, he resolved to accomplish everything he ever wanted to do instead. Beginning with travelling the world, which is when I met him. He says that being so close to death made him realize how ephemeral life is, and that it can be taken away at any time. Cheesy I know, but he said that common life lessons like that one are only truly taken to heart when you undergo an experience like he did. He maintains it was the best thing to ever happen to him. | guy was planning on living an average life, happened to be in Egypt during the Arab Spring, now he has an admirable seize the day mentality |
Reddit, I'm in love with my best friend but she has a boyfriend who she has been dating for a couple months. She and I have hooked up a couple times while she has been with him but she doesn't want to leave him. I'm not planning on doing that again with her b/c it just really sucked when she went back to him but she says she still has feelings for me. She has been dating this guy from the time I met her. She says that she has feelings for me but that her feelings for her boyfriend are stronger than for me right now. However, she also keeps saying that she doesn't want me to like completely rule out the possibility of us one day being together in the future b/c I mean, she and I are best friends and she says she knows she won't be with him forever. She says she knows we would be so happy together and that i would treat her really well but she just wont leave him. She also says that she hopes one day that she falls in love with her best friend, me. Additional info and not to sound cocky just to further explain my confusion: I'm 20, Male, College student, shes 19 and goes to my school, he goes here too... I'm better looking than her boyfriend (she has said a couple times how cute she thinks i am and how i'm in better shape than anyone she's ever dated) I treat her SO SO MUCH better than him. We have the EXACT same sense of humor, i mean, we're best friends for god's sake! He can't make her orgasm... i can... multiple times... BASICALLY GUYS I'm really confused as to what to do because I can't just stop hanging out with her! shes my best friend! we have been from the freaking moment we met at the beginning of last semester, but at the same time, it really sucks being in love with her when she has a boyfriend... What do you guys think? | I don't know what to do b/c we are best friends and hang out all the time but she has a boyfriend but also likes me and our emotions keep getting in the way. |
Throwaway b/c reasons. Apologies in advance for the disorganization. I just got off uni for the summer and my mum offered me a part time job at her herbal supplement company she just started working at doing grunt work. Basically I'd be moving boxes and packaging products and generally just helping around. The first couple of times I came to work I ended up doing just that, but earlier today when I came to work she started giving me new assignments that weren't grunt work. The first time I had to make a bullet-list type info sheet describing some of her company's new herbal products (all the positive effects). I said okay because it didn't seem like such a big deal. So I looked up information on the herbs on google (she told me to google it) and typed it out, but then she shows me later that it's going to be on flyers and in pamphlets for her company. After I finished, she told me to take the sheet I just typed up and make blog articles and make sales-pitch type blurbs about these products that will go online and maybe in her company magazine. That's when I realize that this is kind of weird, because I know nothing about her product or her company besides they sell herbal supplements and stuff. The information I got is from google and they're using this to push product? I'm no expert and this is definitely not right so I tell her I don't feel comfortable writing because I just googled all this shit today and I don't really know anything about it. Then she tells me that it's fine and do the same thing for the articles and if I need to make find anecdotes instead of studies. I was already heavily leaning towards declining this work and then she told me to write a huge one about a cannibidiol-based product along with the history of cannabidiol and a bunch of other things so they can use it for sales. I'm definitely not okay with this. How can I tell my mum that I politely won't be doing this work and prepare for the backlash? She's a type-A personality, really pushy and get-in-your-face type and escalates/berates quickly when she doesn't have her way. I usually just go along with what she says but I feel like what she's having me do isn't correct. | Mum wants me to write articles that will be used in sales and marketing to promote her company's new health-related products, but I'm uncomfortable writing them b/c if I did I would be pulling it out of my ass and they'd publish it. |
I'm a little jaded from my last relationship (me - f25, him m26) I can't tell if I'm hesitant on a new relationship because I'm jaded or because of "deal breakers" - I dated the last guy for over a year, and things ended when he said he didn't really love me anymore, so I said there was no point continuing the relationship. We've been broken up for almost 3 months now, so I've had time to get over it. Anyway, this new guy I'm seeing is a musician (deal breaker for me, as I've dated a few musicians, and my latest ex is a musician [lots of touring, shows, and generally self-absorbed])...I get along great with this guy, and he has a job, and music is more of a hobby, so I let it slide. However, the more we talk, the more it seems like he wants to pursue music. Secondly, I'm going to school, and plan on being able to provide for myself and my possible future children, but it would be nice if the person I'm with could help provide as well if necessary, and this guy I'm with dropped out of school after two years...he's contemplating going back, but again, it's unsure. Thirdly, and this is completely superficial of me and is by no means a deal breaker, but for some reason it's bugging me (I think I'm just looking for reasons to not be with him)....but he wrote me, not really a love note, but a mushy note nonetheless, and he wrote "your" instead of "you're".... I really like this guy (m25, btw) and we get along really well. I'm letting things slide because I think I'm just jaded after my last relationship, but I'm taking things slowly just to make sure. | New guy I'm dating has a few "deal breaker" qualities; letting them slide because I'm probably jaded after last relationship. What are your deal breakers? |
when my boyfriend of a year & I broke up, I told him I didn't want to talk to him at all for a few months because it would just be too hard. When we started talking again it was really easy to fall back into that false sense of "I really love this person and we get along so well, they make me so happy" and then you realize that they just make your emotions go up and down on a big roller coaster because it's over and you realize hanging out and/or talking/texting/whatever probably isn't a good idea. Anyways, it's been almost 4 years since that breakup and we still limit our talking to every few months, where he will text just to say hi. I realized that any regular communication with him is unhealthy so I had to stop. I understand how you feel with him contacting you out of the blue, but I think you handled it really well and continue to stay strong! :) | It takes a long time to get over someone you really cared about, and chances are talking to them/having them in your life will just make your emotions go on a roller coaster |
I live in a small town in California, and attend a private high school within that town (most students do not live in that town, and commute from nearby cities). My school has a policy where students are not supposed to park on the streets, even if they are legally parked, and the school issues tickets to students who park on the street ($50 for first infraction, $100 for second, etc. with further penalties for future violations including meetings with parents and parking privilege revocation). The school also restricts and fines students who drive on certain residential streets in the neighborhood. These rules are outlined in a document sent to students. The school claims that these rules are part of the school's agreement with the Town Council, and that they were part of the contract that students signed to be enrolled at the Passes to park on school campus are only given to students who drive carpools, as well as how far one lives from the school. (Students who live farther away are given priority, and better spots. There is, therefore, precedent for parking policies to be based on where the student lives.) There is also an off-campus lot, accessed by a school shuttle, without the carpool requirement; this lot, however, is unlikely to have spots available, according to the school parking coordinator. My car is not registered with the school, since I did not apply for a parking pass. Instead, I have been parking on the street, in front of the house of a very close family friend, about a block from the school. I have an agreement with that family friend to park in front of their house. (In case it matters, that family friend was, until recently, on the town council and the mayor.) However, the school has recently started giving me school-written tickets, and insisting that I pay them despite my explanation of my agreement with my friend. The school administration also told me that they will continue issuing tickets for parking there, and will subject me to further consequences. Does the school have a right to issue tickets to students legally parked on public streets, especially those whose vehicles aren't registered with the school? Does the school legally have the ability to enforce these tickets? Do I not have a right, as a resident of the town, to park on its streets, and can I do so in my capacity as a resident of the town instead of as a student? What can I do about the tickets I have been issued? Thank you so much!!! | Private high school issues tickets to students who legally park on the street, even if those students are taxpaying residents of the town and have individual agreements with local residents to park there, and their vehicles are not registered with the school. Parking coordinator is a dick. |
We were in French class together, but she rarely would talk and so I never knew her name until a week or two before the end of term when the teacher called on her spontaneously. Armed with her first name and the internet, I searched for everyone on Facebook with the name "blahblah" at BlahBlah University. Her profile picture wasn't of her so I got discouraged but found one that looked interesting and decided to look at it anyway because it was Doctor Who themed. I clicked on it and it happened to be her profile. Then I awkwardly initiated a Facebook conversation about Doctor Who and stuff. Eventually we were in the same class again and using all my social savvy, I got her to study with me. Eventually I asked her out and the rest is history. This takes place over the course of about 2.5 years but for about 1.5 years of this, I was dating another girl so it makes sense that it took so long. | Stalked the shit out of this girl in my French class, cozied up to her using the ol' study buddy method and eventually asked her out. |
What you are saying about class makes sense, but it's also important to distinguish between legal and cultural discrimination. Gays are perhaps the last group that is explicitly, systematically discriminated against by law. Technically, it is illegal to discriminate against women and minorities, but yet cultural attitudes that produced very entrenched positions in society continue to exert influence - hence why many minority groups remain poor and so few women are elected to high office, for example. But for gays, it's explicitly and legally unequal for them to marry. It's easier to get behind challenging inequality like that because the objectives are clearer and definitive; it's less murky. | Gay rights movements aren't asserting that the gay plight is worse than the minority plight, but rather that they face clear-cut legal discrimination where minorities (and women) no longer do. What you're asserting is that cultural discrimination is worse than legal discrimination, which is another issue entirely. |
Hi! I have been crushing on a guy for a few months now and would really like an outsiders viewpoint on this. I met him through a club in college and we found out we had a lot in common (same major, classes, etc.) and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Most of times we have hung out, it has been with other people present, but he'll often bring up a story to me specifically and always laughs at my jokes, etc. We occasionally walk with each other and are alone, and sometimes it is kind of awkward, but I'm not sure if he is nervous or just ran out of things to talk about. He also snapchats/texts me every once in a while. I also know that guys will find a reason to touch/brush against someone they are interested in, which I have noticed has happened a couple of times just within the last few days. All my friends are telling me I should go for it, and while this is all fine and dandy, I just can't tell if he also has a crush on me, or if he is just being a friendly/nice person. It has been a while since I've had a boyfriend, so I could be reading these things wrong. | I am sort of bad at this kind of thing, so opinions would be greatly appreciated! Does he like me, or am I just a friend? |
I'm a 23 year old male with an okcupid account I hadn't checked in over six months. Upon logging in yesterday for the first time in forever, I saw I had a message from a cute 21 gal. This was the message: You were in my quiver, and since I'm pretty sure I'm probably more awesome than you are...I thought I'd send a helloooo your way. Only, she sent the message 6/9, so almost a month ago. I sent a reply, although I didn't explain why it had taken me so long to respond (thought of it after the fact). This was my response: hey! sorry it took me so damn long to respond. I'm pretty sure my awesome score just went down a few notches for you MIGHT have me beat. How are you on this hot day? Somehow I just never saw the email a month ago that I had been sent a message on OKC. I think that last line in my response was kinda dumb now that I'm looking at it...No response from her yet, although I know she's read it because she logged in and viewed my profile yesterday also. Anyways, on to my question. Would I be better off sending a second message explaining what took me so long to respond? I don't want her thinking I was dating someone at the time. Or should I just forget about it? Also, to the ladies of /relationships, how would you handle this situation? Would you think to yourself "dude took too long, lost his chance" even if you were still single (which her profile says she is)? Edit: | girl messages me on okcupid a month ago, i just now see it and respond, no response from her yet, should I continue to pursue, and if so how? |
Sort of post break-up: I was very casually dating a guy we'll call Bob. Bob and I had been on one date, and it was definitely a situation where he invited me under the pretense of going as a group when really it was just us. I was kind of into him so I was willing to give it a go. At this point in time I was still in the process of ending a somewhat messy relationship with my neighbor, and was honest about it. Initially he seemed miffed (yea, cause I asked to be tricked into a date) but ok with it. A few days later a taxi drops him off in front of my house at 2 a.m. and he is waasted. Proceeds to berate me and throw a hissy fit in my living room before going up to my bed and curling up in the fetal position. Crying ensues. He then tries to call his ex-girlfriend, only to find that she has blocked his calls; this sets off another crying jag, with him then asking ME for comfort. I left the room and got in my roommate's bed (out of town) before realizing that was silly and kicking him the fuck out of my bed and my comfy sheets. | Guy shows up at my house wasted and throws a tantrum, then goes fetal on my bed, crying and calling his ex (who had blocked his number), before finally getting the boot. |
I'm not OP, but I avoid them when I can because of their dumbassery. Basically, what happened is that my credit card, which was expiring soon, was sent to my bank instead of my house as I'd requested. Since i didn't show up to pick it up, they destroyed it and marked it as destroyed. This didn't cause a problem with any institution except Paypal. When my credit card was reissued, it still had the same number, although the security number and expiration dates were different. Paypal would not recognize that this was a valid card, even after resubmitting the new expiration date, etc... Emailed customer support (no joke) 16 times, requesting an actual human being instead of the bot that kept emailing me the same instructions on "how to fix my problem." When I finally was able to speak with a human, he suggested that I request a new card, with a new number, from my bank as Paypal had no way around the issue I was in. Yeah, that sounds great, Paypal. Let me just update every single other aspect of my life and cancel my card because you have a glitch that has my card number stuck in "expired" mode. My account still works, but it sometimes takes up to a week for payments to go through. Oh yeah, and that thing about some Paypal passwords that were accidentally released? My account wasn't on the list, but before I knew that I tried to change my password. Turns out you can't unless you have a "valid" credit card on file. You can still access your money, you just can't access any of the information that makes it "safe." 9_9 | credit card expired, Paypal refused to update information when a new card arrived. Two years later, it's still not resolved, but I don't give a fuck anymore and only use them if there's absolutely no other choice. |
Mother of 2 children here. During a tough custody battle with my ex husband I willingly stopped fighting and gave him primary custody. I only see the children every other weekend now. I moved 40 miles away and am attempting to rebuild my life. Day to day life is very difficult. The separation has distanced me emotionally from the children. Overall the situation is pretty awkward for everyone. My family and I no longer have communication. I have estranged myself from pretty much everyone I know and no longer answer phone calls or emails. | I willingly gave up custody of my kids during my divorce 2 years ago. Everyone secretly hates me so I alienate myself from the world. |
I met my best friend in my first year at college lets call her emily right off the bat me and emily clicked really well in general we have a really open n honest friendship we jokingly flirt with eachother she calls me ''Bae'' and i call her babe and so on we talk and text every single day tell each other good morning and goodnight on a daily basis Untill recently i never felt anything for her but as the months went on i began really falling for her i eventually told her how i felt expecting her to feel the same atleast a tiny bit but her response was she doesnt see me like that but that she wont know how things will fall into place in the fuuture but im not sure if she was just being nice, our friendship is still intact nothing is akward or weird but i have no intention on giving up on us getting together but im not sure exactly how should i bring it back up in a couple months or what? | Fell for my best friend and dont know if i should tell her i wont give up on us being together how can i win her over?! or should i just move on?. Sorry if my format is wrong never posted before! |
Twenty minutes. Drunk and walking out of a nightclub alone, a man said something to me (didn't really hear exactly what). For some reason I stopped and turned to him and he took my hand and we went across the street to a theater (the kind with a stage, not a movie theater). He said it was a family business, I didn't really question it. We went to a green room and I told him I wasn't going to have sex with him even before anything happened since I was drunk and he was extremely attractive and I knew it was probably going to happen anyway. To try to prevent any sexual tension from being created, I whipped out my phone and said "have you heard of a site named Reddit?" and proceeded to enlighten him to the art of rage comics a la f7u12. Nothing could kill a mood like poorly drawn comics, right? Eventually we left the green room and walked through the dark theater to leave through the front. I don't know what it was...maybe the darkness or maybe it was because I bit him, but soon we were making out. He asked me to hold on while he went to get a condom, I have no clue where he got one from since he went into the lobby of the theater but he was back in no time. We proceeded to have what at the time was the best sex I've ever had. Probably the spontaneity of it. Apparently his dad owns the theater. I asked him a couple of days later what he said to me. I guess he simply said "I like your style." Yep, all it takes. We still hang out every now and then. | Met a guy as I was drunkenly walking home, went to a theater across the street, tried to prevent us from having sex by showing him rage comics, ended up having sex, dad owns the theater and he's rather wealthy. |
Went to a gas station close by and asked that $20 be put into my tank, the attendant takes my card while the gas is being filled and goes to charge my card elsewhere. He comes back and has a $20 charge on my card, but for some reason the tank was still getting filled, I ended up with $5 more being put into my tank, and he asks for the money. I don't have any cash on me and say hey you made a mistake, I'm not correcting your mistake. He starts yelling and basically throws my stuff back at me. I'm thinking never coming here again... Flash forward like 2 weeks. I've gotta go to the same gas station, because it's late at night and I'm out driving and desperately need gas. I get the same attendant, and he recognizes me and tries to refuse me service because he fucked up. He says the only way he's going to give me gas is if I pay HIM $5 after I fill up the tank. I'm fucking pissed. I say I'll do it, and to just give me $20 in my tank again. he does it. and then I go to give him the $20 and he asks for the extra five. I scream at him I'm not giving you $5 because you fucked up the last time you gave me gas. Drove off, Haven't been back there since | Guy gave me $5 extra gas, wanted me to cover his mistake, remembered me 2 weeks later, almost didn't give me gas, gave it to me asked for the $5 that he mistakenly gave me. I told him to fuck off |
I worked at a Subway in my hometown of about 10,000 people. The main Subway restaurant in town (we have 2) is right across the road from a strip of bars (sketchy nightclubs, etc). So, one night, while working the night shift, an guy comes in who was clearly extremely drunk (note: night shifts at this Subway are extremely boring, so when drunk people decide they want a late night sandwich, it's usually the highlight of our nightly entertainment). He proceeds to order the sandwich that is inspiring this post: A "rib" sub (for those familiar with imitation rib, it's as awful as it sounds - barely food), with EVERY sauce. He seemed dead set on the second point, so I decided to have as much fun with the order as possible. After adding the usual (ranch, southwest sauce, etc.) I asked him if he wanted mayo from all 4 mayo bottles we have (there are multiple bottles of some of the more popular condiments). He quickly responded that he wouldn't have it any other way. I obliged. I then asked if he wanted regular mayo as well as light (our default mayo is light mayo, and usually only use regular upon request). He said "of course!". Then, logically, I asked if he wanted regular and fat free honey mustard... his answer did not change - he wanted EVERY sauce. I decided to go in the back and get the Ketchup we use for the breakfast sandwiches and add that too, along with oil, sub sauce, hot sauce, BBQ sauce... literally everything we had. If there were two or more bottles of the same thing, he got a double helping. I folded this "mess" into a plastic subway bag and he happily paid for his order before sitting down in the restaurant and demolishing the whole thing in about 2 minutes. He then stumbled back to the cash and informed me it was the best sub he's ever had. I'll never forget that experience. Happy customers get what they want. They're always right. | I made Subway soup out of a rib sub and every sauce we had in the store, served it to an intoxicated customer and made their night. |
I am a freshmen in college and my girlfriend broke up with her ex boyfriend, who goes to a different college out of state, over Thanksgiving break to be with me. Before you berate me for this know that the ex wanted to be in an open relationship because he was sleeping around. Anyhow despite my gf having a long talk with him in person over thanksgiving break and multiple long phone callssince then he refuses to leave her alone. He texts multiple times a day, most days about random things going on in his life just the way he did before they broke up, and is consistent with his good night love texts every night. I finally texted him about this a few days back but he claims that my gf, who he has known for a year, is like a sister to him and that neither her nor I can change that and that texts like "hey pretty girl ;)" are sent to all his female friends. My gf does not respond to any of his texts but they are not stopping and he is honestly hurting our relationship. | Ex boyfriend who is far away refuses to stop texting my gf love texts despite her ignoring them and asking him not to. He claims that he sees her as a sister and that neither her nor I can change that. Not sure what to do. |
I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for a few months following an allergic reaction. I had a depressive episode in mid-March and am now on an antidepressant. Most of my symptoms have been relieved, however, I'm still dealing with some residual stuff, primarily anxious thinking. My boyfriend and I have been together a year and he returned from studying abroad in late March. I have no doubts about my relationship with my boyfriend - we are very well suited for each other and I believe we have a solid future. He has been nothing but supportive and accommodating through everything. We're going to be living together for the upcoming school year starting in August. Since he's been back, things haven't been the easiest. I wasn't in good shape mentally when he returned and then had a weird transition period when I first started my antidepressant. As of now, I'm feeling the most "myself" and am getting used to normal life again. I really expected him to make things better for me, as when I'm with him I'm normally happy and feel I can really be myself. I developed some relationship anxiety after feeling bad that he wasn't making me feel better. Upon realizing I was expecting him to "fix me" and that my problems are more about me feeling disconnected from myself and unrelated to our relationship, the anxiety subsided. I occasionally still have difficulty feeling at ease when I'm with him and allowing myself to relax and enjoy it, rather than pressuring myself to feel good. The times when I allow myself to just be in the moment and don't overthink have been the best. I have no doubts about our relationship and ultimately feel the same about him as I did before any of this. I think I may also be nervous about the reality of moving in together and feeling more "pressured" to feel perfect. Our relationship dynamic is also very easygoing so I think I may be having trouble relaxing because everything else seems like it's been hard lately and I'm not used to it. | I'm getting over depression and am having trouble feeling "normal" with my boyfriend as I'm getting used to feeling like myself again. Has anyone else experienced this weird adjustment period following long distance/depression? |
Hey reddit, I have quite a big problem at the moment. As the title states, I've been with my girlfriend for almost 5 years now. She's only my second girlfriend, and the first wasn't anything serious. We started dating in high school, and things started out really rough. The details of those first 2 or so years is probably enough to write a short novel, so to put it shortly, there's been other guys, she's treated me like she didn't care about me, and she's done things she regrets. It's almost as if she was testing me for those two years to see whether or not I actually sincerely care about her, and it seems like I've passed. After those two years, she's shown so much affection and love towards me, and that seems to be growing more and more each day now. Honestly, I have a girlfriend that actually truly loves me, and I couldn't ask for more. However, the real problem starts now. Everyone has their "first love" and mine was in middle school (a bit early, I know). Anyway, she's basically the one that got away. We're still friends and talk occasionally, and I always thought she was absolutely stunning, but that was never a problem until now. We were talking today and she sent me a friendly picture and video because she was too lazy to text. I never thought a mere picture/video could make me rethink my 5 year relationship. I would never cheat on anyone, and I definitely don't want to hurt my girlfriend one bit. The thing is, if this "first love" told me she wanted to be with me right now, I wouldn't leave my girlfriend, but if I were single, I wouldn't even think twice about it. The thing I'm confused about is, should I be in any relationship if I have these thoughts about (an)other girl(s)? If I can picture myself being with another girl, should I be in a relationship? Does it make it worse that this "girl" I can picture myself with is a girl I already had feelings for? Now, the point of this isn't that I want to be with my "first love," or that I even have feelings for her. The feeling that picture gave me made me think. If I can think this way about a girl other than my girlfriend, then shouldn't I be single rather than in a long term relationship? Should I keep my options open and have "fun" rather than "settling down" at such a young age? Don't get me wrong, I love my girlfriend, but if I'm having these thoughts about this girl, does that mean my feelings have faded? Or is it normal to have these thoughts? Sorry for the spam of questions, I'm still young and there's a lot I don't know. I'd really appreciate it if any of you could take the time to read this and give me some real advice because I am honestly confused right now. Thanks so much in advance. | In great long term relationship, gets pic from first love, can picture myself with her, don't know if I should be in any relationship because of these thoughts. |
Original post: A brief summary of my original thread: married 5 years. Hubs is unemployed, a bit emotionally abusive, depressed, and doesn't do too much. I support us both and attend school. Tired of his laziness and manipulation. I was really overwhelmed by the number of responses the thread got. Thank you to all who had constructive advice. So, this morning we had a conversation that got extremely emotional, and I left. Grabbed a bag of clothes and my laptop and got a hotel room. I was trying so hard to make him understand where I'm coming from, to salvage something. And he doesn't get it. He offered to do all the chores going forward but I don't think that's going to be the thing to make me happy. And I doubt that would be sustainable. He cried and said I'm being selfish and I don't appreciate him. But maybe he has a point. Maybe I didnt realize how good I had it. He said who else will rub my back after work and listen to my work woes? And that's true. He let me go though and hugged me before I left and asked me to tell him that I found a safe place to stay tonight. All day today I just wanted to text him and fill him in on what was happening in my day at work. And now I'm sitting alone in a hotel room sobbing and thinking ive made a huge mistake. I just want to go home. I don't know what I should do. Is it just emotions getting in the way, or did I really make a huge mistake In leaving? I feel so sick to my stomach and just want to hide under the covers in a dark room for a week. | Left hubs, sitting in a hotel room crying and feeling g regret. Wondering if I should just go back home and try to make things right. |
My girlfriend has been extremely depressed for several months now and its making my life hell. I have depression also and have attempted suicide before but in the last two years I have gone to therapy and started medication to help with it. Nearly everyday she talks about how she hates herself and everyone around her and how she would be better off dead. I used to urge her to go to therapy or talk to the doctor about getting medication but nearly every time that ended with one or both of us angry and in tears. All I want for her is to find help for her depression because it is destroying her life and our relationship. She also has terrible self confidence and will talk about how ugly she is and whenever I try to convince her otherwise by telling her how many people think she is pretty and attractive she ends up crying and I end up frustrated because she cares more about one asshole telling her she isn't attractive than my or her sisters or even random people who compliment her opinions. I used to try to tell her nearly everyday about how beautiful she is or how she should get help for her depression but I have honestly completely given up trying to change her mind or get her to seek help. Im sorry this has gotten rambly but the fact that she is so depressed and absolutely refuses to get help of any kind is ruining this relationship and I don't know if it is worth it anymore. I love her so much and I want her to be happy more than anything else but I don't know if I can continue when all she does is complain about her looks and talk about how she is worthless because it makes me really depressed too and it hurts to see the person I love most falling apart and not even trying to stop it. | girlfriend is extremely depressed and refuses to get help and this makes me really depressed to as I love her and want her to be happy but she just lets her life get worse and worse everyday. |
I want to start off by saying I know my dad is paying for the party and I totally appreciate him doing so. He is spending A LOT of money and I know that everything he is doing is well intended. Before I started planning he told me to pick what I wanted and just tell him what it would cost/ what he needed to get. HOWEVER, it's like he has neglected all of that, and it's like he's throwing himself a party. Here's a list of everything he's done to change my ideas about what I want for the party. •My whole family is from Mexico but I was raised in Texas, because of this I want a semi-country theme with country music and set up. My dad however wants a big Mexican style party. He claims he doesn't know how to dance to country music and none of the family does(they do). Not to mention my friends love it too. •I'm a vegetarian so I suggested pasta/salad/breadsticks. He wants to kill a cow or a couple of goats to feed everyone. If he does I literally won't be able to eat at my party. • I want to have a DJ for music so he have a good selection and we can play a mix of country/cumbia/bachata/ect. So everyone can dance and have a good time. Nope he wants a live band, his friends band, who only play music in Spanish • I want a super formal "prom" type dress code and my dad wants a casual jeans and boots thing. We can't even agree on a venue and I'm just so upset that he will have his way and I won't enjoy my party at all and be miserable:( My mom has been no help because she's just crazy passive and had left me to deal with my dad alone. Please help me with ideas on how I can talk to him or come to an agreement! Thanks in advance:-) | My dad and I disagree on everything in terms of my graduation party. Need help with how to talk to him and come to some agreements |
Hello, there is a game that I have been searching for with my friend since earlier September last year. It's clear enough that I have been unable to find it and this is why I turn to you Reddit, please aid us. According to him it was a old PC game where the main character is a boy who wears pajamas. It is a 2-D platformer and during the opening cutscene there is a group of people (presumably his family) attempting to awaken him. Apparently a family member places a stick of Dynamite under the boy to get him to awaken and in turn the blast scatters the family across the world. The main goal of the game is to then gather your lost family members. The game's levels are based upon the world's cultures and my friend believes that the game's checkpoints were phone booths (he is not positive about this detail). The game was bought 10-13 years ago and was not 8-bit, but it was fairly old. It was also not made by a big name company such as Nintendo. The game is not Pajama Sam. Here is a link to my friend's original post about the game: [ | Old pc game at least 10-13 years old, main character is some boy in pajamas, family uses dynamite that scatters them across the world to wake up main character, goal of the game is to find the family in cultural based levels. What is the game's name? |
She said she felt like it wasn't fair that she was trying to control certain aspects of my life. She's been motivating me to get a job (I want to too) and stuff but never felt mean or pushy. Just supportive. She just broke up with me and said she didn't feel like it was fair to either of us. But I just don't understand. I love everything about her and it just really sucks. I told her she wasn't but she kept saying she felt like she was. | I just need some kind of support, or help, or advice. Girlfriend broke up with me because she felt like she was too controlling, even though I disagree. |
For the last few months, I know my best friend has been struggling with depression and her relationship situation. She has a lot of issues. At the same time, I've gone through many major changes in my life, and while having psychological problems, my life is headed in a good direction. However, I feel that my friend never really lets me share things from my life, and when I tell her something I'm happy or proud about, I feel that she always criticizes me and talk about how she would do it, implying that she would do it better (for example working out). She always makes assumptions on what I'm talking about, and I basically have to argue for her to actually listen to what I'm trying to say. On the topic of working out, she was adamant that weight training was the most beneficial, and I had to reiterate several times how I want to combine cardio with weight training. This is just an example, she does this with a lot of things. Basically being a bit of a know-it-all because she doesn't let me finish before going on about how to do it "correctly". It has come to the point that I'm starting to avoid her and dreading running in to her, because that means I have to talk to her. She also has a tendency to talk a lot, for a long time. I feel like I'm being a bad friend for this bothering me, but I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. At the same time, I feel like her criticism of me is due to her being jealous of my life going better than hers. | my best friend is going through a rough time (and has for a long time), and I feel that she's acting selfish and being arrogant. I'm starting to avoid her because I feel like I can't put up with it any more. |
So I took a nanotechnology class at university, and for the end of term presentation, we had to pick and research a topic of our choice by reading a whole shitload of papers. So this one ESL student gets up to present on "The Nano Car". He gets up and starts talking about using 50nm "nano cars" as vehicles for drug delivery in the blood system. He even had a little picture that he drew with a car and a tiny drug capsule bonded to it. For anyone that doesnt know: 50nm is 500 atoms wide. We cannot make an actual car 500 atoms long. We have some awesome technology, but we can not make functional cars 500 atoms long. And yet this guy is talking about using nano wheels and a motor and all this other impossible stuff. The professor eventually cuts him off when he notices a citation at the bottom of a slide. The prof says "I think that I know the paper that you are referencing there, and in one section, they use a metaphor to compare a nanodot drug delivery system to a car. So just to clairify, this is a metaphor for a car. Not an actual car." The student nods his head, clearly not understanding the prof. The prof says "you do know what a metaphor is right?" The student shakes his head. I had to walk out to stop from laughing. | This ESL guy had done a 20 minute presentation and a 25 pg report worth 45% of his final grade based off a metaphor "A nano dot is like a nano car", thinking that the nano car was the reality. |
When I was in my early 20s I worked at Trader Joe's in Daly City, CA. As some of you might know working in such a position the company really tries to promote employees having a cheerful and disposition and good, friendly customer service. Given that I enjoyed receiving raises every 6 months I played along and displayed my awesome level of customer servitude. One day about 15 minutes after I got home from work there was a loud knock on my front door. So I got up and opened it but when I did there was nothing there but a messily folded and taped up note that was kind of hastily taped to the wall outside my front door. The note was hard to read as the sentences didn't quite make sense and the grammar and spelling had many errors. A few things were clear however, the note mentioned me by name, mentioned me being "always being really nice" to the person, and that whoever wrote it had done a great deal of thinking for what mine and her plans were for the future. She said that we had met at a, and I remember this line to this day only because it was so bizarre, "a typical high, tech, futuristic day camp". The next situation occurred when I decided to drive instead of walk to work and when I got to my car I realized that the door was cracked a bit, not wide open but just resting on the spring that pops a car door open. There was another note... more of the same shit but this time I was really unnerved as the note was on my seat inside of my care which I am quite sure was locked. The third and final incident was a third note just as odd, and cryptic as the first two but only this one stated she had included pictures of herself for me to hang on my walls... they were photocopies of a drivers license of a 35 year old lady that I had never seen before. Since the photocopies had all of the address and such I finally decided to call the cops and just have a discussion about the whole situation. It turns out it was a mentally ill lady who was on a steady prescription of some serious meds. Her sister took care of her and she only lived 2 blocks away from me. Apparently one of her favorite things to do during the day was walk her crazy ass down to Trader Joe's and get free snacks at the demo kitchen, where I frequently worked. | Good customer service will get you a stalker. Who will follow you home on your walk from work and leave notes for you/break into your care. |
It was a warm summers day, I had skipped a french lesson in year 9 (8th grade) due to it being a test and I hadn't revised. I spent the time just sitting in one of the toilets playing on my phone and after the lesson was done I continued on to my next lesson. However, I was found out, upon asking me why I had missed my lesson my teacher said I could be facing suspension. So, naturally the first thing I jumped to as an excuse was that I had constipation, so, he walked me to the school nurse and told her i had constipation and I had missed a lesson so she could give me some laxatives. I tried to cheek the pills, I fucked it up and swallowed them instead. Spent the whole day trying not to shit myself and feeling a little shit, and my friends kept punching me in the stomach the whole day. BUT I HELD IT IN. Just. | Skipped class. Teacher caught me. I said I couldn't poo. Got given laxatives, nearly shat myself for the whole day whilst everyone tried to punch me to make me shit. |
1+2: Act with confidence. I carry a big ass police flashlight in my manpurse so if a person comes at me i'ma take them down with a hit to the temple. Scenario 1: 2 O' clock in the morning walking home man approaches me from other side of the street walking in the middle i'm walking on the right side walk. Hand goes into bag and I stare him right in the eye. He says "Whats in the bag?" I say "Take one more step closer and I'll show you" Now I'm watching his hands very closely he has them in his pockets which i probably think that there isn't a gun but if he's got a gun and wants to shoot me there's nothing I can really do about that. He walks at his same pace and place for about another whole city block while I'm staring him right in the eye (AN ETERNITY) and then goes "whatever man" and walks away. The risk was not worth the reward. Scenario 2- Again 2 o clock (I'm a musician so I was practicing late nights) man comes out in front of me whips out about a 2 inch knife and I actually Laugh Out Loud. I say "wow you can stab me anywhere and it won't hit anywhere vital" then my hand goes to my flashlight. It's always on the top with the handle facing my back so I can get to it very quickly. He goes "what's in the bag" I say "take one step closer and you will find out." He then runs away back down the ally. People think that I actually have a gun in my bag. So if they don't have a gun they think they are out-gunned so to speak. Some tips: Walk on the outside of the sidewalk so no one can turn on you real fast from the ally. If possible walk through parks where you have lots of space around you. Walk briskly and be alert no cell phones or earplugs. Imagine a bad guy being around every corner (This will also help your first person shooter strategy). NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER GET INTO THE TRUNK OF A CAR EVEN IF THEY HAVE A GUN ON YOU. THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE YOU SOMEWHERE SECLUDED AND DO BAD THINGS TO YOU AND PROBABLY KILL YOU ANYWAYS BETTER TO DIE IN THE STREET THEN IN A SWAMP SOMEWHERE. 3 If they have a gun on you and you don't have a gun thats drawn before theirs you are at their mercy unless you are a martial arts expert Source: Both parents are police Disclaimer: Follow this advice at your own risk I assume no responsibility. | Act with confidence and people will be scared to mug you if they don't have a gun. Don't get into the trunk of a car, bad things will happen. Edit:typos |
When I was 17 I was working at a local movie theater in my home town. I had grown a dreadful hate of going into work after school. So, one day I decide "No, I don't feel up to someone bitching to me about how much butter they want on their popcorn." and decided to call in sick. When I called, with no idea what sickness I had in mind to say I had, the manager said that two people had already called in and I would need a doctors note, I decided on an ear infection, to be able to skip work. I nearly died when I thought about how fucked I would be, seeing how it was my first and only job and with a shitty ass reference would make it nearly impossible to find another. So, after contemplating what I would do, whether it was just to come clean about it or write my own doctors note. I decided I would write my own note and pray to cthulhu that I wouldn't lose my only reference. I went on the net and looked up 'how to write a doctors note'. I found a local doctor and took the header from the website and address, actual phone number from said doctor, and wrote out exactly what I thought a doctors note should look and sound like, I also had my girlfriend sign the doctors name. Went into work the next day and handed the note to the manager. My heart skipped three beats when she said, "ok looks good you'll get a weeks pay while you get better and just call me when you get better so I can put you back on the schedule." my jaw dropped and I walked out with my best sick ear infection poker face I could muster up. | I wrote a fake doctors note to get out of work for one day and got a whole week off and got paid for it. |
Hi Reddit. I used to work at a library and I want to further expain this tip, especially to all the parents out there on reddit. I know these days the market for children's products is saturated with overpriced toys designed to increase your child's intelligence. The science behind them is dubious at best. If your kid has books, he/she'll be okay. And this is the best way to get them. At the library we had a seperate section for books on sale. It was always open. It was $.10 for children's books. Thing was, we always had stacks of books behind the scenes waiting to be de-commissioned and sold. Decommissioning a book (for us) took a literal 10 seconds per book. So if you're a trustworthy looking person or know the librarian, you can ask to shop those stacks and pay for them. Please consider making a small donation with your purchase as well. If you're making a $4.20 purchase, tell them to donate the change. Any little bit helps-those books you bought cost the library $. And they'll spend even more $ than they'll get back just replacing that empty spot on the shelf with another. It really is like an animal shelter in many senses. Go adopt these books. They just want to be read! | libraries are awesome. Ask a librarian if there's more books to be sold in a stock room somewhere. Answer is usually yes. Educate your kids with said books. |
I took this job in the hope that it would help me land a training job in surgery or neurosurgery (the system in the UK works slightly different to the residency system in the states). I did not unfortunately make the cut for these training programmes, and I am essentially now without any prospect of entering training. Unlike the US, the UK healthcare training system is not based upon common sense, and the longer you take from internship to enter training (in my case i was doing a master's degree), the more it works against you, even if you can account for the time constructively (i.e. i wasn't sitting on my ass). I took this academic job because I was told it would be a certain guarantee into a surgical training job but alas, this did not materialise. Basically, now, there is no point me being in this job. I may as well use my time to do locum work (i.e. temping as an ER doctor) and reassess my priorities, as I am already 'long in the tooth' with regards to entering training in the UK (I am only 28 and I feel like I am 72 in career terms, FFS). I may use this time to sit my US Boards, as I have heard that even though for patients, the US healthcare system may be absurd and incomprehensible (insurance costs, Obamacare etc), for doctors entering training, the system is incredibly fair and there is always 'light at the end of the tunnel.' | took this job with the hope it would land me a surgical training post, it didn't, now there is no point me being in it. |
Happened a couple days ago.... Get drunk with a few friends after an exam, decide we should definitely go find a bar/club to dance and party. After far too many taxi rides we end up at the only club that's open past 1am on a Tuesday. After a few slippery cocktails and making eyes at a pretty lady across the bar I make my move. We start making out, she's wearing quite an intoxicating scent and things start to heat up. After a few seconds I notice a disturbingly familiar taste, she's using snus. Personally I think snus tastes like bloated death in a small bag and avoid it at all costs since it makes me gag. Being the gentleman that I am however, I decide that telling this poor girl that her mouth tastes like bloated death would be in bad taste. So I go in for some sexy neck kissing, a decision I immediately regret when I realize I've now ingested the taste of lucifer, i.e. her fucking splendidly pungent perfume. This paired with the snus is just a little too much for my drunken state to handle and I dry heave onto her neck, turn around and bolt to the bathroom where my slippery cocktails make a brief but distinct re-appearance. Needless to say, I did not get her number...... | Kiss a girls gross tobacco bag, bail to the neck, get a mouth full of perfume, followed by a mouth full of vomit, followed by generous amounts of self loathing. |
BreakUp]Why do I want her back? _ Me [19/M], her [18/F] So, my 1 year relationship with a girl I was living together with since day 2, recently ended. The past weeks in our relationship I wasn't happy at all. I thought of other girls, I was easily annoyed by my girlfriend, but also had nightmares about losing her. I was very confused and only spent time with my computer and didn't really talk with her or anything. Now some days ago, she told me she couldn't keep it that way and wanted to break up. Ofc I was crying like a baby the moment she said that, and I couldn't get her to give me a second chance. Some days later, she (drunk) told a friend of mine she wants ME to talk/write to her, and that she only ended the relationship because I didn't care about her the past weeks, and it's not like she doesn't love me anymore. I did text her (funny enough, even some minutes BEFORE she told my friend) and she didn't answer. So I visited her at work and she was like "I can't trust you that you're being serious that you want me back and still love me" Asked her if we could drink a coffee some time, and she said "Well, yes. But don't get hopes on anything". Some minutes later, after talking how her day was etc, she said "We shouldn't see each other for a while, so that we both can get over it". No I really want her back, no idea why thought. I wasn't happy at all in the last weeks of our relationship, but now that she's gone, I miss her. I also texted her again and wished a good night, but no answer either. I'm confused. Why did she even tell my friend that she wants me to talk to her or whatever when she doesn't even answer? Is she already done with us, did she already stop caring about the relationship and now wants to move on? I don't get it. | Mandatory summary/question! GF broke up with me. Didn't enjoy the last few weeks of the relationship, but now I want her back. She ignores my texts but told friends of mine that she wants me to call/text her. I'm confused. Is she already done wit us? |
Guy here. About a month ago, I got out of a 3-month relationship; it was okay but I didn't feel like it was going anywhere in particular, and I'm in college so I didn't feel like wasting my time. Invited some friends over that night for drinks and a bit of dancing (not to mention to help celebrate my recent birthday), and after some drinking games and a bit of photography I wound up having a threesome with two girls I had been flirting with for over a year. We were interrupted midway through, started pretending like nothing had happened, and the two girls left with another guy to go streaking for a bit. I was left with a third girl who I had thought was pretty cute for a while, so we made out until they got back. The guy was high and drunk, so he passed out and I stayed up talking with makeout girl and one of the threesome girls. Around 5am we went to grab breakfast at Sheetz and talk shit about the other guy. | Broke up, had a threesome and made out with a third girl in the same night. Being single is what you make of it, so hang in there buddy! |
Last year, most of my close friends graduated with the exception of one [M21]. So for the first month of this year so far, I've been hanging out a lot with his friends. I thought things were going well. I was never super close with any of these people, but over my time in college I did get to know them and have hung out with them a bit before, so I'm not a complete stranger. Well, they threw a surprise party for one of the people in the friend group. If I just wasn't invited, that would've been fine since I wasn't close to the person and I've only known them for a month. Instead, I drove them to the store to get the supplies, helped plan what would be used for the cake, helped chip in to pay for it, and they talked openly in front of me about it even asking if I had pans to help bake, never once during all this even hinting that I wasn't invited until yesterday. I found out for sure two days ago when they suddenly excluded me from the planning (but still talked about it in front of me) and when I asked my friend he mentioned they find me annoying and abrasive at times. I have no idea what it is I did because in all honesty it seemed like things were going really well and this feels like a fairly sudden change? I can't help but wonder if they were originally planning on inviting me and then changed their mind and sat my friend down and told him (he had a list of reasons they feel this way) The real kicker is one of the other new people in the group who I've been getting along with who was invited talked to me last night about how hard it is to break into a group and he feels so left out, he asked me if I was getting the birthday person anything because he didn't know if he should since he barely knew her and was only close to one of the other people in the group... But he never mentioned the party so I almost wonder if they put him up to it? Furthermore one of their other 'friends' who they consider annoying was invited. The person who's birthday it was posted photos on Facebook including a panorama of the whole group. How do I deal with this? Honestly a part of me is considering asking for the money back and for money for gas to be spiteful. | I was not invited to a surprise party for someone I'm not close to- a party that was waived in my face, that I helped pay for, plan for and drove people around to buy things for. |
GF knows my username so throwaway. My gf and I have been living together for a little over a year now and with that came the usual changes any couple who lives together experiences. One change in particular has slowly become a point of concern for me. My gf showers about once every 4 days on average. Now while I shower once everyday, I'm not some clean freak and have no problems with this normally. However recently I've noticed myself being deterred by her when it comes time for us to get frisky. Her skin feels greasy, I can taste saltiness when kissing her neck, and let's just say that doggy-style has me more thinking about the smell than what I'm currently doing. I'll say though that I fully understand there's always going to be a varying degree of that going on with everybody, but at this level it's very, very hard to remain in the mood. So my first question is: is this normal for women to shower this infrequently? I understand a woman's showering process is usually more tedious than a man's so I don't expect them to do it as much. Now if this isn't normal, how in the world can I say this to my gf? She's very self-conscious about that sort of stuff and I know if I don't choose my words wisely she might end up in tears. | Gf showers about once every 4 days leaving me not wanting sex. Is that frequency normal for a woman? How can I bring it up to her in a nice manner? |
I saw a horse get its head knocked off by a pickup truck. The truck must have been doing 80 miles per hour down a rural highway and the horse just stepped out of the woods and hung its head out across the road. I was driving about 100 yards behind the truck, and saw the whole thing happen. At first I didn't even know what I was looking at. I just saw break lights come on and there was a large brown mass writhing in the road. As I got closer, I could see it was a horse, and the head had been COMPLETELY torn off. The neck was shooting blood like a fire hose. I'm talking a 20 foot gush that sprayed all over the side of my car as I drove past it. I got out to check on the driver and he was in shock, had no idea what had just happened. But the most horrifying part about the whole thing, the part that really made my stomach turn was the reactions of the other horses that were penned up across the street and had witnessed the whole thing. I've never seen animals that freaked out before in my life. They were screaming and bucking and tripping over one another. It was like they understood exactly what they had seen. I guess the dead horse was one of their friends that had somehow managed to escape from the pen. Anyway, I snapped a few cell phone pictures because I was sure that nobody would believe me when I told them about it. Also, I found the horse's head - it had been thrown about 60 feet away from the body in the ditch. I had nightmares about this whole ordeal for weeks afterwards. It was, by far, the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. | Saw horse get head knocked off with guillotine precision by speeding pickup truck. Blood got all over my car. Afterwards, saw other horses hysterically grieving their dead friend. |
This is a throwaway because my fiance reddits. In a way I hope he finds this, because I'm going to express the concerns I have without worrying about hurting any feelings. We've been together for 7 years, nearly 4 of which we have lived together, and basically all of which was due to us having a daughter together. I got pregnant in high school, and we had a moment shortly after her birth that we hit a very all-time low. We hated each other, I was exceptionally clingy, and he was lying constantly. We broke up in August, and were back together about May/June the following year, though were cautious with it. I always wanted to get back together because I wasn't sure what else to do. I hated the idea of being alone, and now so many years later I feel like I may have forced myself to love him. And that why I always feel so horrible now. I do love him. He is my best friend, he is everything, but for some reason.....I just don't feel happy with my life. I don't look at him and think, " YES my future is right here" I force myself to think, "this is my future and I must accept it." I know he loves me, but lately it does not feel that way. We have not been intimate in months, and the last times we have tried he hasn't been able to keep his performance. There may be a medical reason as to why he is having issues and we are looking into it, but months later there is still no answer, no performance, and I'm starting to feel undesired. I hate the idea that we are together just for our daughter. I do not want something like that for her. I also hate not knowing 100% if I love him the way I should love him, or if I love him in a way that isn't viable for a relationship. we have built a life together, and I feel like i'm being forced to watch it slowly fall apart. I'm unsure what to do, but I have suggested couples therapy to help mediate through my emotions, and to explain to him how I feel without blaming him because it is NOT his fault. These are my feelings, my worries, my issues, but all the same i'm hurt, I feel lonely, and I just want someone to be a friend I can count on. | I'm not sure if I love my fiance the way I should love him, and I feel like our relationship may be coming to an end |
I was recently hired as a receptionist to a physiotherapy office. I basically do the regular admin stuff a receptionist does such as scanning, filing, calling clients etc. We have 3 receptionists who work together in the office, myself included. I'm new to the job, one of my coworkers, we'll call her Jesse, was assigned to show me the ropes and to train me since she's been working there as an admin herself for 10 years already. Her title is "manager", the title given to her via seniority. We do the same job as she is a receptionist herself, her title is simply honorary. Anyway, ever since I was hired and she was assigned to train me, she's been giving me passive aggressive treatment, nit picking little details, complaining to other coworkers behind my back and often in front of me. Her attitude belittles me and makes me feel anxious as she creates a negative/toxic work environment that is very unpleasant for me and probably for other coworkers too. Her training given to me is inadequate and when I ask her for help she constantly runs off, saying she doesn't have time for this, or giving me exasperated attitudes, then proceeding to passive aggressively complain to others in FRONT of me. I have previously complained to the owner of the physiotherapy office (Bob) to no avail, as well as sending an email to Jesse regarding her behaviour towards me. In the email, I mentioned that she created a negative working environment for me and that we should cooperate, to work together to create a productive workplace. She did not reply to the email and has since continued on with her tirade. Bob's reaction to the email initially when I talked with him was that he was supportive and he agreed with me, but a few days later said that I had to basically put up with her, since she is a "manager" and stated that there will always be difficult people to work with in the workforce, especially if one is a "superior". So my situation still stands. The other receptionist, we'll call her Emily. Emily is the director's daughter, she has developmental learning disabilities. She is unproductive at work, she texts on the job, she basically doesn't do anything and gets away with it as her mother is the director of the office. Emily doesn't help me at work, and in fact, I have to do some of her work as she is lazy, she doesn't pull her weight in the receptionist office. I have to do some of her filing work and whatnot. My main concern is dealing with Jesse, how do I get across to Jesse to cease her nasty behaviour at work? Her attitudes create an unpleasant environment for me to work with everyday. | I'm a new hire, bitchy coworker constantly nitpicks at my work and is passive aggressive towards me. In addition, her training given to me was inadequate. How do I deal with this situation, or to get Jesse to listen and have her dial down her attitude?? |
I don't know if I'm a boring person, I always felt I had interesting things to say. But lately I can't help but feel incredibly uninteresting. Everytime I call my girlfriend over the phone, we talk for hours. But there are these periods in between of absolute silence that will last for a long minute before one of us ends up stumbling into a topic we dont really care to talk about. Are we starting to exit the honeymoon period and realize we're incompatible, or is this normal? To endure long periods of silence amongst each other multiple times? I always envisioned us as a couple that would talk non-stop, sometimes interrupting each other, but now its like we're hoping the other will speak and say something so we dont have to come up with something to say ourselves. I dont know. Is this issue usually indicative of a boring life? I feel like most people talk about things happening in their lives or people they've met or talked to and other gossip. I dont have hardly any social life and I think in a weird way that might be making this relationship suffer? | I dont know what to say to my girlfriend, and I dont know if this is normal or not, or if its the result of not having a social life. |
I've actually been involved in a foursome/gangbang. It was me, two close friends of mine, and a foreign exchange student from New Zealand. I had sex with her in my Spanish teachers house (my Spanish teacher was her host mother). After people found out about it, word gets out about her sleeping with numerous other guys. She decides to come with me to my friend J's house and my other friend C ends up showing up there too. My friend C is the biggest man-whore you'll ever meet and being a very good looking guy doesn't hurt his chances at all. He decides he wants to fuck this girl too so he just straight up asks her "would you want to fuck all three of us?" She shyly says yes. Immediately, he picks her up and puts her on top of J's pool table. When J and C show that they plan on fucking her at the same time, she stops and says she'd rather take turns. The lights go off and C has the first turn. J starts loudly beating off in the corner and all I see is C's ass thrusting in the little light the room has. C finishes and it's J's turn. He bends her over and there's a huge fucking problem. She apparently hasn't wiped her ass good enough and the smell of shit hits his nose. His boner is dead. No coming back. This whole situation of watching both of my friends try to fuck this girl isn't working for me at all. There's not even a wiggle down there. I leave and about that same time my friend gives up any hope of getting hard again. The whole night went a lot worse than planned. | What started out as a 3 on 1 gangbang ends in a friend and I watching another friend fuck an exchange student. 1/10 would never try it twice. |
Sex in a new, empty apartment while a thunderstorm rolled through all night, with an ex-girlfriend I remained friends with after a breakup. We'd met up to see some bands play, and she told me she'd gotten a new apartment about 10 miles away, was practically begging me to come stay with her there that night. No furniture, no nothing. I think I had a pillow and blanket in my trunk. But I'd promised my best friend I'd be back at his place to hang out with friends in our hometown. | Passed up an opportunity for a night of incredible sex with an ex-gf on the floor of an empty apartment she just signed a lease on. Bummer. It would have been amazing. |
When I was young my aunt commissioned a portrait of her two kids. My aunt had a combined account with her husband, they each gave each other an "allowance" per month that included bills they would need to pay exc. She really wanted a portrait painted of her two kids, but her husband thought that would be a waste of money. So she started saving the parts of her allowance she didn't spend in a shoe box in the closet. 3 years later she had enough, and commissioned the painting. Her husband was furious. My parents have split accounts and bills, to this day my father checks the closet in the hopes of finding a similar shoebox. My uncle, who has a joint account with his wife, thought what my aunt did was terrible. | Aunt with joint account saved her allowance in a shoe box to buy a painting, husband angry. My parents have separate accounts, hope each other have similarly hidden money for awesome stuff. The answer lies in how you'd feel about finding money in the closet. |
Well OP unfortunately I don't have any advice for you but I do have a question about how this has affected you and if it made you look at your father differently? My husband has a similar situation where he has a son who is 12 and was born when he was 15 (the mother was 19) and when the boy was born his mother took off to BC (we are in Ontario) and told my husband the best thing can he could do is sign away all rights. Fast forward 12 years and she is now back in Ontario, we have 2 children (4 and 2) and she contacted us (my husband also spend several years trying to find his son from 18-22) and said she would like my husband to be a part of his sons life. We met him once, my husband gave her money,my husband bought the boy a laptop for school and made plans to cone get him (3 hours from us) and bring him down for the weekend. He drove all the way there and she was nowhere to be found. 2 weeks later she messages us and says there was a badscene with her ex and she had to flee, he makes plans again and gives her more money and she disappeared again. After (me) finding out that her ex is violent and she is on welfare and her parents are on welfare and her brother is a drug dealer I decide I done want my children to be involved in this family and asked my husband to tell her he would not be giving her any more money until she signed the contract from our lawyer saying that he could have access to the child and have a chance in court to get his rights back she disappeared again. I'm worried about what I should tell my children (if anything) about their older brother. What would you have liked from your parents? | my husband had a similar situation as your dad and I worry about my children being affected, what would you have wanted for them to do? |
I've had good interactions with the police; My friends and I (koreans) were hanging out in the parking lot of our local 7-11 and there were also officers hanging out there as well. A group of vatos (hispanics) drove up to us and said "go back to china fucking chinos" And then proceeded to throw a random mixture of beverages at us and our cars and then speeded off. The police officers came up to us and asked if they were our friends, we said that they weren't and they ran into their vehicle, promptly rolled the windows down and said, "We'll get them for you, that's a fucking hate crime" and sped off into the distance, tires screeching. Another instance was at the same 7-11 with the officers. We were hanging out at the parking lot pf the 7-11 when drunk korean wannabe gangsters came out of their car (even the driver was drunk) some of them went into the store and one guy(the idiot) began to piss on the wall of the store, oblivious to the officers standing 10ft away from him. His friends come out of the store, the officer yells "HEY" but these guys are so thugged up that they thought it was us and began trying to pick a fight with us. Fast forward they were all cuffed and the wall-pisser had noidea why he was getting cited and kept yelling "fuck the pigs". Idiot didnt even know that you're not supposed to pee in front of the police, much less at the wall next to the entrance. | Cops catch racist thugs for hate crime Cops catch dumb guy peeing on a wall in front of them; his friends pick a fight with us, they all get cuffed. |
I'll try to make it as short as possible. I, M(18), have known this girl, F(18), for about 3 years, since we were in the same high school. We kinda started talking since the beginning of the last year, so I can say that we are on good terms. After the school ended, we met a few times during this summer, first time because she borrowed my book and had to give it back, and next times were without any particular reason (stuff like "hey, wanna hang out?"). I realised that I have feelings for her. 3 days ago we had our last meeting, because the day after she went away to another country (pretty far away) to study in a university. I gave her a box of chocolates and a red rose. After a few hours of strolling and walking her back home, our meeting ended, well, ambiguously, and I'm not sure what she feels or what's on her mind. There were some signs that maybe she's interested, but I'm not too sure. I obviously didn't have the courage to kiss her on the lips goodbye, but she is coming back in December, and then I hope I'll finally get the courage to do so. However, I found out that what I'm most worried about, more so than our meeting in December, is that she'll find another guy during these few months of studies. There isn't much however I can do about that, or can I? Now I really, really don't want to screw up this chance, I will message her about once per 2 weeks, (you know, not to give away the signs of being clingy), but I'm not exactly sure if I should keep it 100% casual, or maybe give away some subtle attraction signs. What do you think? What advice could you give me? As I said, I really don't want to waste this chance. If this helps, I'll disclose how our last meeting ended: As socially inexperienced as I was/am/will be, after a while of hugging, she kissed me in the cheek, and I kissed her on the neck (cringe!), as I later found out, kissing woman in the neck usually signifies sexual motives, but I was unaware of that then. After that she said that when she comes back "I can tire her as much as I want". Any advice or explanation of what it all can mean will be deeply appreciated. Thanks | A girl with whom I want to start a relationship has gone away for a few months to other country, I need an advice on how not to screw up when we meet when she comes back |
I wrote a paper on this for a religious pilgrimage class in college, so I hope you don't mind if I add a few things. There are a ton of Christian and Buddhist references and undertones all at the same time. The name Mr. Anderson is a reference to Jesus. It can be seen as Andrew's son. Andrew comes from the Greek 'Andros' meaning 'Man.' Jesus referred to himself as the 'Son of Man' more often than not in the Bible. This correlates with Jesus being the savior of humanity and Neo being the 'One' destined to save the surviving humans. Also Neo and One are anagrams. among other things, you can view Neo as Jesus, Trinity as the Holy Spirit, and Morpheus as The Father. When Neo is shot and dies at the end, he is dead for three minutes, Trinity kisses him and he comes back, having defeated death. The bible says Jesus was dead for three days and resurrected with the power of the Holy Spirit. Some of the more mystic aspects can be attributed to Buddhism, Gnosticism, and other Eastern faiths. The Oracle represents Gnosticism as secret knowledge given to only a few. The most obvious Buddhist reference is Morpheus describing the matrix as the wool pulled over your eyes. Buddhist influences can also be seen in the training sequences, as Neo is trained to remove himself from the rules of the matrix. Morpheus is also John the Baptist, Heralding the appearance of 'The One.' Cypher represents Judas Neo and Trinity can be viewed as Adam and Eve. This gets more fleshed out in the next movies and I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's there. I don't remember the significance, but the matrix is green and the real world is blue. Anyway that's some stuff I remember. | The Matrix is full of religious references, some eastern, but mostly Christian. Also, I'm not trying to push any beliefs, just saying things I noticed. |
I had a very long conversation with my GF about the issues we've been having. Her OCD leads to very intrusive thoughts about people dying and abandonment, and when we fight, she loses her mind (and subsequently I lose mine). She has put on a lot of weight and acknowledges that certain things need to change. She keeps telling me that it's her OCD that causes her to not change them. This is a text that she had sent me: "the one thing that is going to be very difficult for you to understand about ocd is that its not logical. i logically know that if something is wrong with me i need to get it fixed. mentally, its too scary for me to even want to confront. i mean, i almost didnt have my laparascopic surgery. i almost botched my colonoscopy because i didn't want to do them because its scary. and those things should have taught me that things will be okay, but it didn't. because that is what ocd is." I still feel like she's using it as an excuse. Maybe I'm dumb about this, but I even say that I need to break up with her if things don't change and this is what I'm told. I know that I can't be happy if things stay the way they are. She makes me very angry to the point where I almost want to be violent towards her because logic completely escapes in her in these situations. | GF's OCD makes me crazy, I feel like a bad person. Edit: Thank you everyone for the insight. I'll try to have another talk with her about this later tonight. |
Link to original: We had a long discussion about the issues a few days ago..... And as it turns out, the issue wasn't jealousy at all! I started to talk to her about it and at first she was pretty shut down.. But after I told her that she was the most important thing in my life and I will gladly throw away this whole music business if she wanted, she started crying pretty heavily. She told me that it wasn't the duet that was the problem- it was that the music thing had taken off so quickly and she didn't have time to really process everything.. We went from this typical, dinner at 6, netflix watching, wedding talking couples, to me playing music up to 3 or 4 nights a week and she just felt alone, "Even though I'm with you while you play." So we talked a little more, I told her that I would cut the performances down a bit and would try to make sure we set aside some couple time... It became clear to me that S this took off, I really only focused on the next set, and neglected the things I have always done to keep her feeling secure. She said she was afraid that this sudden "success", if you can call it that, was going to turn me into a different person.. And we just had a long, good talk and got everything squared away... Said our I love yous and everything is good! Sorry for the pretty boring update, but I suppose that's how these things go when the relationship is right! | I love my girlfriend, she loves me.. She supports me in all that I do, I just have to make sure I'm not losing sight of what's most important when I'm getting excited about my music. |
Not a police officer, but a former RA. I was dealing with a lock-out on Halloween weekend. Our buildings have doors that unlock via ID card swipes, so tons of people were losing and forgetting their IDs. The kid who was locked out was dressed as Tito from Rocket Power. I told him that he couldn't get back in his room if he didn't give me an ancient Hawiian saying. He didn't know any and was super drunk, so he got a little upset. I explained to him that I was kidding and I'd let him back in. While he fills out his lock-out form, I go to get the master card for the building. Our hall director told us that if we lost it, we would face severe consequences...and of course the card isn't where it should be. I inform Tito that it might take a while for him to get into his room. We panic. Thankfully, there's a sign-out sheet for the master card so you can see who signed it out last. I call the RA who had it before me. It turns out he has it. He's at a party. He slipped the card into the pocket of his costume's pants (he was a sailor that year) and left for the night. Tito got back into his room at around 2 AM. | Tito from Rocket Power gets locked out of dorm, has no ancient Hawiian sayings, and a sailor went to a party and took the key that would let him in. |
so my girlfriend of three years is pretty serious about wanting implants. she is still self conscious about their size no matter how many times i tell her that i love her for who she is. personally i dont like the idea of going under the knife for something cosmetic but at the same time if it really will help her feel better about herself, im not going to stop her. she goes to school about 2 hours away and we see eachother about twice a month. it sucks but we both feel we have something really great. she says its just for herself but obviously she will be getting more attention from other guys and thats what concerns me. now she is already very attractive (guys try to talk to her a lot) but im worried the extra attention may pull her away from me. she is pretty social (goes out atleast one night per weekend) and i know she meets other guys and stuff and im cool with that but she would get much more attention with her new breasts. also she is an A and wants to go to a smaller sized C. i trust her so much but recently she did break that trust so maybe im just being a psycho boyfriend haha have any of you guys been through a similar situation? and women of reddit, can you give me some advice as well? | girlfriend wants implants. i want her to be happy but am worried about extra attention from other guys EDIT: constructive comments only please, this hasnt even been up for 5 minutes and theres already assholes commenting |
I've (26f) been dating this guy (28m) for ~6 weeks. I asked a few weeks ago if he was just looking for a FWB situation, he said he had never done anything like that before, and while it seemed implied that our situation was more than that, it wasn’t explicitly stated. We’ve been seeing each other most days. I’ve been introduced to his parents/a couple of his close friends, and he was physically affectionate to me around them, so I know he’s not “hiding” me. I’m wondering if it’s reasonable to broach topic of bf/gf status? I don’t want to be seen to rush things, and I’m happy to take it slowly, but I also don’t want to inadvertently find myself in a long-term situation with someone who has no intention of progressing things. Not sure if it’s too soon, or if I should just let that evolve naturally without bringing it up? | Been dating a guy for 6-weeks. See each other most days. Met each others’ parents. Wondering if 6-weeks in is too early to bring up boyfriend/girlfriend status. |
I've recently taken on a greater leadership role where I work and have been taking on more responsibility. Today our one sales guy was off on a training course and to maintain productivity I forwarded his office phone to my mobile phone. After many calls perfectly I had one that I needed his input on so I sent him a text, "Hey give me a call on your next break, thanks." A few minutes go by and I'm at my desk responding to an email and my mobile rings. I grab it and answer, it's a robot talking to me. It rattles off a phone number and and proceeds to tell me it's got a text to land line message for me. Eagerly I wait as it squeaks out it's choppy robot message... "Hey give me a call on your next break, thanks." | I forwarded an office phone to my mobile and then texted that same phone and and was confused why I got a text to land line on my mobile up until it read the text to me. |
Disclaimer: I don't think this goes in /r/relationshps since because. Anyway, here's how it is: I'll start by saying I'm 17 and so is she (or will be on the 17th.) So, yes, I'm quite young. Where to start? I'll start with me. Like I said, I'm 17 and am not very physically attractive. However, I do think (and am told) that I have a unique personality. I'm also the local computer person and regularly help her (and others) with computer problems. Anyway, her: she is beautiful. I like everything about her, her personality, the way she looks, etc. She's a lot smarter than she thinks she is. Let me try to keep all this relevant, I've a crush on her since 5th grade. On Sunday, I'm going on a club trip to England/Scotland for a week and a half. On July 14th she leaves for Brazil for a year for foreign exchange, and likely won't come back to my town for her last year of high school. The last I can see her for a long time is July 9th. Now, we've been good friends for a while. These past two years, I've 'seen' (as in she told me after words) her do weed and get hammered at parties and go through two boyfriends who live elsewhere. I told her, at New Years, that I liked her. Sadly I told her over the phone since I was in Kansas. She sort of avoided me for a while, then things went back to normal. In the past few weeks really started to talk to me, more than normal. Even initiating conversations that aren't about fixing her computer. She's complained about not having friends, even her boyfriend won't text her back. She's really going through a Forever Alone phase. Anyway, there's a lot more I want to say about the situation, and Reddit might not be the place to ask this, but I'm on the fence here. Should I meet with here and just go and tell her that I really like her and have for a long time? Should I just try to be her friend and see her off? If I told her how I feel, when should I do it? I'm really at a loss here. Please help, thanks.. | I've liked a girl for 5+ years whose living for 1 year, possibly permanently. We're good friends. Should I tell her how I feel? How? |
Today on my lunch break I decided to start watching the first episode of "Better Call Saul" on my computer. I had a limited amount of time left on break, and I knew I could only get about 15 minutes in. It started up with some odd background music and a guy working at a Cinnabon place. I knew Breaking Bad's style was kind of weird sometimes, so I just went with it. The music continued, and Saul was introduced. He was in a court case defending some teens. I couldn't really hear what he was saying over the background music, so I just assumed the director was going for some artistic intro for the main character. 10 minutes later and I still couldn't make out any dialogue. The music was so loud, and my break time was about up. I decided I'd watch the rest later, so I paused the video. The music continued. I exited full screen and realized my Spotify had been playing the "Deep Focus" playlist - one that has a lot of instrumental/spacey sounds that could definitely serve as some good background music. I wasted the rest of my break, and have to rewatch the first 15 minutes of the show. Good job, me. | Watched 15 minutes of a new show on my computer during lunch break with Spotify playing louder than the show itself, so I didn't hear any of it. |
I met someone (unfortunately online) who seems really cool. Someone who makes me laugh and someone I really look forward to talking to. We started Skyping each other. Unfortunately, she lives about 3 hours inland from me, which requires a decent amount of planning to hang out. She has expressed interest in hanging out, but whenever I bring up plans she gets iffy. Just the other night though I laid everything out that we could do one afternoon x, x, and x and that we would have a lot of fun. Also that I am not coming to hook up with her. She just kept saying that she feels weird about meeting me as opposed to other guys closer by (who she admittedly has not had a great track record with). Mentioned that she feels dirty meeting all these guys (she has had 8 other dates, but hasn't really skyped or befriended them as much as she has me) -- like a whore. I asked her if she wasn't comfortable with me (which is ok) but she said I was fine and that she just feels like she isn't as fun of a person to hang out with in person. After insisting that we would have fun and that I can go home any time, she changed her mind and said we could give it a try. So we set up a day and I was going to call her the day before just to make sure she was still completely ok. I don't know what gives though or what to say when she gets pessimistic about that. She specifically said "I want to hang out with you but I just don't know" Maybe she is nervous about what would happen? | Girl nervous about meeting me and claims that she feels uneasy with her self or track record with guys or something. I just don't know what it is or how to comfort her. |
Enter the Puppy. So last week I walked into my petsmart and was handed a beagle mix and it was like the stars aligned and he was perfect. He's a cute little guy and I've wanted a dog for a while now. I got him without much fuss and took him home. I had large dogs as a child and didn't think a smaller dog would be a problem. I work and my girlfriend goes to school for short chunks of time through out the week. When I got him home I watched him to see what he knew. He used his training pad (Since he's not gotten his 2nd Parvo Shot and where I am has issues with it.) and I thought, "Good dog I wont have to trap you in a single room." He also didn't make much fuss about being crated to sleep so I thought I had won the jackpot. Flash forward one week. His Potty Pad use-age has deteriorated. He started out finding things like the potty pad peeing on them like tissue paper left over from Christmas that my girlfriend had pulled out for the puppy to play with. She's had a dog before but never a puppy and we've always had a cat and little critters like a hedgehog to play with who love things like that... And the puppy did too, he squatted right there and pee'd all over it while it was on the couch. When he does use the pad he tends to just use the edges so it still runs off onto the tile. Today I've made the decision that I'll need to confine him to the kitchen. He cried for a bit when he realized my girlfriend and I were still in the apartment but is now doing what he usually does in the kitchen and is sleeping. Questions 1) Do I leave him in the Kitchen all the time? 2) If I leave him in the Kitchen all the time how does he get exercise? I have a small not-quite galley style kitchen. 3) On the Potty Pad I was using the 2 items rule I use with my cats litter box if they used it twice I should change it... I'm guessing that was a mistake. | Got a puppy and proceeded to destroy his potty habits. How fix? Edit: I live in an area that has problems with parvovirus ~100 dogs die of it a year where I'm at. Going outside until he gets his second shot has risks. |
Hello! I started going to university away from my home town one and a half years ago. I used to have a hard time making new friendships and am really shy, so I was really stressed at making new friends fast. I early started hanging out with a guy that seemed okay, I was just happy to have someone to hang out with. We quickly became like "best friends" i.e. always sitting together at lectures, always eating lunch together and studying together. I thought I would get to know more people with time, but it hasn't really happened. The problem is that I don't really like hanging out with person and don't consider him a close friend. We don't have anything in common and are very different. I have tried expanding my social circle but (while being bad at getting friends already) I feel he is holding me back. He is not so social himself, and doesn't seem interested in getting to know more people. While myself, although being shy at first, like socializing. I have tried avoiding him, but it is hard since we see each other every day and I have no one else I always can talk to. He have no other friends in class so I would feel like a douche telling him after over a year that I don't want to hang out anymore. I am also worried that I will get no new friends and simply be alone myself. This is also a recurring problem I have. In (equivalent) high school I had a friend I din't really enjoy being with that also was kind of lonely. I eventually avoided him and just hung out with people I liked instead. He soon after became medically depressed and couldn't finish school. I still feel guilt over letting him down, and I think that is why I now have got myself in the same problem. What should I do? | I only have one friend in university who I don't really like. He isn't very social towards others. Should I dump him as a friend? How? |
7 dates, 6 sleepovers, mind blowing chemistry...then girl is busy for 6 weeks, and then texts that she doesn't have time for a relationship because she is now 2 months late finishing PhD. - i understand that this girl is legit busy because she is having a hard time finishing her PhD. I don't blame her for feeling stressed out, and i don't want to add to her stress. Ideally, i'd just see her for dinner and a sleepover once a week until she is finished, but she doesn't seem to want that...which feels odd to me. I'm inclined to wait for her, because i really like this girl...i could see a long term future. I just want to make sure that i'm not actually being blown off in an attempt to be very polite, where she just doesn't want to hurt my feelings. I know that it would come off as needy and clingy to actually directly ask that question. - since i'm head over heals for this girl, i'm aware that i might not be thinking rationally. So, what do you guys think. Did she really give me the heave-ho without wanting to hurt my feelings...ala, the slow fade...or is there really a chance? - | After 7 dates, 6 sleepovers, great chemistry, girl says she doesn't have time for a relationship. Is this a blowoff...or might she really be interested, and i just need to wait it out. i really like this girl. |
Stupid question, I know. I'm a damn idiot. I'm the type who always pays the card in full. Without question, never fail. The last time I paid interest on a credit card was in college. I've had this Amex for 3 years and was always on time. I didn't technically miss a payment, but am kicking myself over this oversight. Timeline: 5/12/16: Made a $96.40 purchase at Best Buy 5/13/16: Statement Closes. I see "Minimum Payment $35", due June 8. The actual balance was about $750 or so, I think. (5/14/16: My mom breaks her hip and arm, requiring a hip replacement and sling, sending the card payment out of my head) 5/22: Return item to Best Buy This counted as a statement credit, and from this point, the amount due shows as $0. Later that week, my wife and I traveled to visit my parents and help out after my mom was out of the hospital and rehab. Ran errands, made charges, got reimbursed by my folks. Between helping my mom and taking a new med for sudden nerve pain that causes memory issues, it completely blew out of my mind that I hadn't paid the full balance. (I'm kicking myself as I type this). 6/13/16 - Statement closes. I went to pay it today, and noticed that there were about $17 worth of interest charges. Thankfully, no late charges, because the $96.40 from Best Buy shows as a "payment/credit" on my statement, but still friggin interest. What are my chances of having that interest waived if I call American Express? I know it was my fuck-up, but I'm hoping that there might be a shot at one of those "one time courtesy" things. $17 won't break me, but I find it incredibly frustrating that I screwed up and got bit with interest. And yes, berate me all you want, folks. I'm a fucking moron. | Accidentally accrued interest on Amex due to an item return counting as a payment. Forgot to pay rest of statement. Got charged interest. Any chance of the interest being waived? |
We had a prom for for sophomore, junior and senior year, went to all of them but only the first two have a good story. First one I wore my brothers tailored made full length overcoat (think matrix cause I was), I thought I looked bad arse (I did not). Anyhow want to be hardcore afterwards me and two of my friends go out drinking, we all lied to our folks about staying at each other houses. Anyway we don't get in any place and end up sleep on the streets with the pigeons, dressed in a full suit and a mother fucking overcoat. Next year I'd learned my lesson I booked a hotel room for all my friends. Went out to the bars afterwards, we pumped into some older guys who went to our school and me being the big bad wanna be get challenged to a shot drink competition with their best drinker. I lose. Keep my shit together get my friends home and get the others back to the hotel. One friend needs to head home so I go out with his gf make sure he's okay and put him in a cab. I'm fuck right now and decide I need a hot dog from seven elven. I have a shit load of cash on me for the hotel room as I'm walking away eating my hot dog two hookers approach me and ask if I'm interested, I pull a Yao Ming and walk on. Then I think shit man, I have never been laid, nothing happened tonight, I'm loaded and no-one would ever know. So I run after the hookers, they bring me to a public toilet and blow me with their tits out. I was brought up catholic and moved into my parents room to sleep on the coach, and I kid you not my mom asked me to give her "a blow by blow account" I was convinced she knew of how the night went. I told my friends I got drunk and lost. Never told anyone for a long time but now they all know the real story. | First prom fell a sleep on the streets, second got drunk and paid for two hookers to give me head in a public toilet...that I had to walk by with shame for the next 2 years. |
Sorry if i'n in the wrong sub, but I really don't know where to go... So here's the story, we have been dating for 4 months now, and we both love each other, and have had lots of good times, but every so often another wave of things like these creeps up, and she gets really depressed. She has had a troubling past, before I met her she used to cut herself, puke, and starve... She has been talking to a counselor, and that has helped her with those problems(she stopped doing stuff like that), but she has so many more things that are bothering her. She is having body image issues, she hates herself, she thinks she is ugly, and fat, and that I shouldn't lover her, and neither should anyone else, she thinks she is stupid, that she has no future, that she doesn't have any friends (she has quite a few), and that nobody cares. She says everything about her is wrong. Her parents are divorced, and she lives with her mom, her dad was abusive to her, and her family before he left. She wishes she was dead, and thinks that she would be better off that way. She thinks I shouldn't love her anymore, she won't trust me, and won't believe me. I'm the only one who knows all this, she won't tell it to her counselor, because she doesn't want to "backtrack", because she thinks her family is going to hate her if she does, I want to get her help, or tell her counselor or her mom all this, but I don't know what she would do if I did. She told me she would never trust me again if I told anyone else. She thinks she is fine because she is already in counseling. She has said that she wants to cut, puke, and starve again, but that she won't because of me. She has been working in a nursing home, and has seen a lot of people die, one of her favorite residents died recently and she is sad whenever any of them go. I don't know if this is desensitizing her to death, but I worry that it is, and that she might take her own life. I have been as supportive of her as I possibly can, but now i'm really worried about her well being, and I don't want her to hurt herself, all of this has been getting worse, or at least I think, it might have been like this from day one, but she's been letting me in slowly, and letting me know all this. She needs professional help, but thinks her family will hate her for getting it, and that even if she got it there wouldn't be a way to pay for it. It feels so bad to see her this sad. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if you read this far, thanks. | Gf has lots of things troubling her, but won't tell anyone but me, and is possibly becoming suicidal. She's already in counseling, but wont tell the counselor everything. |
Subsets and Splits