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My ex and I met when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore in college. In total, we dated about 1.5 years, but with a break of a few months in the middle. We were good and bad together. It was the most passionate and loving relationship I've ever had with another human being. He was my world. It wasn't healthy, and I know that now, but it doesn't change how I felt then. We spent as much time together as possible. It was pure, unadulterated love. But we were young, stupid, and immature. I didn't know the definition of "co-dependency" at the time but I fit it to a tee. He was incapable of communication and had been scarred by his parents' divorce and remarriages. Neither of us knew how a relationship was supposed to work and we fought constantly. Despite that, we were head over heels and planned to get married. Even his mother was showing me her mother's ring that he wanted to propose with. Shit was serious. We've been broken up for about a year and a half now. He broke up with me over email because he couldn't stand to do it in person. He cut all contact with me because he knew if he didn't, he wouldn't be able to walk away. I thought I would get over him, but I still haven't yet. I don't fully know why he broke up with me because he refused to talk about it. I'm with someone else and I do love him, but it's nothing compared to my ex. I still think about him far more than I should (and before people tell me to dump my current boyfriend, I don't need to hear it. I know and I'm working on it). I know my ex hasn't found anyone else, and I'm still friends with all of his family on Facebook. I can't help but wonder if he misses me. And I can't help but wonder if, we had been older, things would've worked out the way we planned. I know this isn't healthy and I know, logically, things are over and will never go back to the way we were. Even though the root of our issues was immaturity, we likely wouldn't have worked as a married couple, and I need to accept that. But for some reason I just can't. Some days the ache still feels as raw as it did the night he broke up with me. It's not fair to my boyfriend, it's not fair to me, and it's not healthy. How do I get over this? | My ex and I dated for 1.5 years, and we ultimately ended because of immaturity and whatever else he was feeling. It's been 1.5 years since we broke up and I still can't get over him. How do I make this stop? |
My family has always had some dramas, namely caused by a clash between my mum and sister. As young as 8, I can remember being a mediator between their arguments. My sister and I went a number of years without talking due to simply not getting along (typical teenage arguments) when she moved out at 15. Over the last few years we have managed to mend that and become friends. The last few months, though, she has begun to lash out at me or our mother over disagreements. The first was a month ago, when she decided she would like to go to university. We were supportive but also realistic about it, but she did not take the realistic parts well, such as saying university was difficult. She sent me a long facebook message telling me how family were supposed to support her and how she had done so much for us, etc. I replied but did not get anywhere. My dad talked her down from her saying that we were not being supportive enough. Today came the second disagreement, where I refused to give some of my hay bale (for my pets) to her. There is a drought at the moment for hay so it is difficult to get. I refused as if I run out, I will have nothing to use for my animals' bedding, and she also did not offer money. This led to her sending me a long facebook message telling me I am selfish and should feel bad about myself, which I did not reply to. At the moment she owes me around $500, which I have been struggling to get back. I am concerned that with all this drama, I am not going to be able to get the money back. I am used to it since I was a child, watching the arguments, and have generally felt like my sister wished she was an only child and felt like she should be treated as one. My parents have brought us up well and given us all we needed - it seems to be how we accepted that between me and my siblings (younger brother, 20). My sister often says she is done with my mother and close to not having anything to do with her. I am tired of the drama being blamed on other people. I do feel she needs to solve her own problems rather than blaming other people. How do I deal with this situation? I like to keep the peace and don't want my family not speaking to each other. I am unsure what to say to my sister when she is looking for a fight, and I often feel like I am walking on eggshells if I disagree (which I have every right to do). Any advice is appreciated. Sorry if this is a bit clumpy, I was just writing as things came to mind but trying to keep it concise. | Sister (25) often blames Mother/Me for her problems, creates issues when she doesn't get what she wants. Feels like a ticking time bomb. Unsure how to approach the situation. |
this didnt happen today but awhile ago,when i was 11 me and my brothers were playing on our ps4,then our mom called us,we went to her,i was the last one to get out of the room(its mandatory that i say that the door had a problem and if u close it,it doesnt open unless ur inside the room,and it opens with difficulty,i didnt kno that)i closed the door,we went to mom she told we had to do some chores,we did it and were returning to the room to continue playing,when we went,we tried to open the door but no avail,it wasnt gonna open,we waited untill our dad came from work and told him,he kept yelling at us,he tried but cldnt open so we had to wait atleast a day for someone to come,when it was time for bed we didnt have anywhere to sleep and it was COLD and the blanckets were in our room but our parents had 1 big blancket,my bothers took it and refused to share and we slept on the floor,and i cldnt sleep because of the wheather,and just when i thought it cldnt get any worse,the power went out.the next day a man came and fixed it, what me and my brothers forgot was that the ps4 was open and my brother's laptop was open too and my phone was at it's loudest volume and playing music so the phone played a combination of songs that i sang and my voice in them was horrible(it was plugged in the charger and the power went out for one hour) he seemed VERY annoyed(they were next to each other in the playlist)they were all together 100 minutes of my horrible voice,he finished,i closed the songs. | locked myself and my brothers out of our room,slept on the floor in a verycold wheather ,the man that fixed the door spent an hour listening to my terrible voice |
My friend got me an interview at a nursing home. The interview went great, and I'm more than qualified for the job I applied for. The person that interviewed me was the director of nursing and she basically told me I was in, so I filled out some paperwork. I went to turn it in to a different person and she said I would have to take a drug test, which they do in-house. I told her up front that I take adderall for ADHD and it would come up positive for amphetamines, and I've never had trouble finding employment for the 5-6 years I've been taking it. I took the 5-panel pee test and sure enough it came back positive for amphetamines. I told her I could have my doctor fax a script over, but she said it was the policy of the owner not to hire anyone that fails the drug test under any circumstances. I asked to speak to an administrator or the owner him/herself but she declined. I tried to talk to the person that interviewed me but she was busy so I just left a message with my friend that got me in. I got a call back today, and the director wanted me to have my doctor fax my prescription over. She said she would do everything she could to get me hired, but it is the owner's policy not to hire anyone that failed the drug test regardless of the circumstances. This seems like discrimination to me, but I might be wrong. Adderall is a fairly common prescription, as are benzodiazipines like xanax. So is what they're doing discrimination? | Failed drug test, provided prescription, probably still won't get hired because of the owner's policy of not hiring any prospects that fail the drug test regardless of circumstances. |
So I've been texting this girl for the better part of every day for the past 3 weeks or so. We've been talking about a many different things, some serious but not overly so. In addition to that, we've been spending multiple hours alone together pretty frequently, every other day or so. We do things like watch movies, study, hang out in a hammock together. I really dig spending time with her. The problem, if you want to call it that, is that she has been in a relationship with a guy for almost 3 years. She hasn't really ever talked about him around me. The only time she's spoken about him to me is when she talked about the time she cheated on him early in their relationship. I don't want to make a move because I don't want to be someone she cheats with but I also like her a lot so I don't really know what to do. And I'm not even sure if she feels that way towards me or just sees me as a friend. | I like this girl and spend a lot of time alone with her but she has a boyfriend. Wat do? Thanks for any advice guys! I appreciate it. |
My and my boyfriend recently graduated from uni and are now working very stressful jobs. We've been dating for two years. The first year of our relationship was great, but the second year has seen a constantly reappearing struggle between balancing work, family, friends, and seeing each other. It's become really cyclical and it's destroying our relationship. We always are okay for 2 months or so at a time and then everything implodes again. My boyfriend recently sat me down and said he's now having doubts about the long term as with our careers we're only going to get busier. He's willing to work on it and so am I, and he does love me. But he doesn't want to keep going in the relationship if we can't find some way of fixing the problem. I was always the sort of person who thought that the breakup excuse of being too busy was a cop-out until I saw it in my boyfriend. My boyfriend has really awful time management skills due to ADHD. He's working full time and also running an online business. He's been pushing away his friends, his family, and me because he needs a longer time to process information effectively and focus. So when he says he's busy, it's not because he's wasting time or intentionally not prioritising me (as I had always thought), it's because he genuinely feels like he doesn't have enough time in the day. I work a similarly high stress position so I'm also busy, but I still tend to have a more flexible schedule than he does. He's mentioned to me he feels the burden of having to schedule dates. I had always thought this was a pure prioritisation issue and that he just wasn't as invested in the relationship so I stopped initiating plans as much because it felt like he was always turning them down. But I didn't realise this just added way more stress to his life and made our relationship even more difficult. I always thought that was the problem––that he didn't love me as much or the same––but it has dawned on me that he genuinely is confused with how to balance work and our relationship. I love him more than anything else on the planet. I realise now I've been so unfair to him… But I also need to know how I can now fix this. We've been through so much together, and our relationship thrives when we spend time together. I just need constructive advice on how to address this. Please, I'm sort of desperate. | I always thought my boyfriend was emotionally distant or unavailable. I now realise he just has no idea how to manage his time. Our careers are important to us, but he's important to me too. How can I fix this problem? |
Hello Reddit, I am a regular 18 year old guy, works out a lot and does martial arts. I have extremely loose joints and the point where I can pop all my joints out of place and move my tendons in my hands. I know I have subluxation of my shoulders, which really affects my work outs because I feel like any second my shoulder will pop out of place and destroy my shoulder. ( I had a traumatic experience doing incline dumbbell ) I also crack my neck, back, and anything else I can crack. But the part that is extremely irksome is my seemingly masochistic NEED to pop my joints in and out or crack my hands. Its not super extreme to the point where I am sitting there looking all weird popping myself, but sometimes when I get really anxious I start popping and moving everything around. It sort of hurts, but I feel like I need to feel that pain...because it satisfies my urge...if anyone knows what I mean. Its really annoying because sometimes I literally cannot sit still or hurt myself trying to crack something that I shouldn't. Can anyone offer advice to help me stop or can anyone relate? | I cant help but succumb to my masochistic need to pop my joints in and out when I get anxious. It hurts but it feels good at the same time. Any suggestions or ideas to stop? Can you relate? |
First, therapy is great (if you can afford it). Second, I found that only by accomplishing things and giving myself permission to fail did I overcome a lot of my anxiety issues. Meaning, it takes time on your own to develop any sense of identity and self-esteem away from those rants. I also had perfectionist parents that went on and on about how I couldn't do anything right. I had unconsciously internalized their standards as my own, and anytime I failed to meet those standards, I repeated their insults as a kind of mantra to myself. I had loads and loads of anxiety and it sucked. After a time I accomplished lots of things, had a kid, got plenty of praise from friends/bosses/peers and figured out I was fine and downright awesome with tons of different talents. I also saw my own parents failures that they refused to see themselves. I realized they had been trying to hide their own faults by both magnifying my failures and by deflecting my attention onto my own failings. My self-esteem grew. I realized I could work at getting rid of their standards and have my own. It took a lot of time and effort to learn to be ok with what I consider failing (getting a B+ on a test, for example). When you're ok with making mistakes, you'll try more things and find there's a lot of stuff your really good at. | My parents were shitty perfectionists too. They do this because they don't want anyone else to see their failings. Stop internalizing their standards and stop repeating their abuse to yourself. Therapy helps. |
I feel that your post shows a complete misunderstanding of forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't for the forgiven, even if they think it is. Forgiveness is something that you can do for yourself. That anger and hate that you hold isn't hurting the person that you harbor it against in the slightest, but it IS hurting you. Forgiving them allows you to get rid of it. It allows you to free your mind of the matter. It's often very difficult to forgive, but if you want to move past something, you must do it. If your bully was to come to you in humility and shame and apologize, what they're doing is accepting responsibility, swallowing their pride, and giving you a chance to move past that point. They won't just say, "Hooray, free pass!!!!" if you forgive them, because that would mean that they didn't actually understand or truly feel apologetic. They can move on without your forgiveness, because they have to forgive themselves, which may take time, but it doesn't require anything from you. | Your hate and anger can only hurt you. Forgiveness is a way to get rid of it. It doesn't do anything for the forgiven. Sometimes it actually makes it harder for them. |
Background: I started an accelerated graduate program a few months ago, and my schedule has been pretty crazy since. I have a conference to go to soon, and then to my parents for Xmas. He is taking a few classes to finish up his undergrad and hopefully applying to med school, so he has a decent amount of free time. So, despite me being busy I make sure that every single night is cleared out for just us to spend time together--I make dinner and then we hang out, watch TV, etc. We have sex every single day, even when I'm pretty tired because I love him and want to make sure I am not neglecting him (his libido is much higher than mine). But, it feels like every few weeks he gets upset with me and sulks all day because of a few things: in the mornings I let him sleep in while I get some work done before heading into school so we don't spend more than half an hour together; I don't always want help finishing when we have sex, particularly since I've been stressed with finals and conference prep lately; and because I don't want to have sex multiple times a day. I don't know what more I can do, because my personal bandwidth is maxed out as it is. I slave all day so I can have my work done before the evening so it's all about him. I have good sex with him every single day. He isn't a morning person, and is super crabby whenever I have asked him to get up at the same time as me. I feel like he isn't getting how much of an effort I put in. He has so much free time (only in 3 classes, no job) and I get that he wants to spend it all with me, but I have tons of responsibilities as a grad student. It makes me feel like he is being immature, a concern I've had previously. When one of these things bothers him, he shutdowns and won't really talk to me--he just sulks, and to me it's like he is trying to get me to feel guilty and apologize. I hate it so much! Our relationship is so strong besides this, and I've never been happier but every few weeks this stupidity rears its head and I am getting progressively more and more annoyed each time it does. It worries me for our future, because he wants to go to med school and I don't think he understands how much more stressful and taxing that'll be, on both of us. Sorry about this wall of text! I just want to hear some impartial opinions on whether I am over-reacting and need to see this from his perspective more, or if I need to talk to him about his behavior? | I feel like my boyfriend expects too much of me, and when I don't fulfill his crazy expectations he sulks like a little kid and it's driving me crazy, and making me question if I'm the problem and not him. |
Hey r/Relationships I have a big decision to make! I'm graduating with a BFA in only a couple months, which is great. The problem is that I have been living in the same city my whole life and I really want to move far away for at least a year to experience living somewhere totally new, I've picked Berlin. My boyfriend of 6 years however, doesn't want to come with me. We've had problems in the past, but he quit drinking entirely 5 months ago and life has been so much better for both of us. He really loves me with his whole heart. I love him too, I just feel like if I don't go to Berlin now, I might never get the chance again. After I have a career and someday kids, it will be harder/impossible to just run away for a year. Am I really stupid to leave? I don't have any adults in my life, just other people my age who if anything have less experience then me in these matters. I'm 27 by the way, not a teen with all the time in the world. I keep seeing friends not being able to find love and a stable relationship, am I out of my mind for actively giving that up? Neither of us are willing to do long distance Would you move to Berlin for a year while you have no responsibilities, or hang on to true love because its more important?? Maybe I seem whiney because they are both good options and I seem spoilt, I'm not, I'm really super poor, but I have some left over bursary and can save up by waitressing over the summer and I have a friend in Berlin who can hook me up with a dishwashing job there. This is a hard choice for me, and no one I know can give me any perspective. | I (f\27) don't know if I should leave my boyfriend (m/32) behind to follow a dream or stay for love and always wonder. Thanks! <3 |
Caucasian Male 26 5'6 200 lbs. I've been suffering with ankle pain ever since I was a teenager. Now that I want to try to become healthier and lose weight which I've tried many times the ankle pain that I get keeps me from being active like I would like. I get pain on the outer side of both of my ankles. It's a feeling like my ankles will snap off. My feet can become a little numb feeling as well. Almost feels like I lose circulation in my ankles/feet. It becomes severe until I sit down and release the stress on my feet. In college I walked a lot and walked to the train everyday and I would suffer greatly and it would cause me a lot of extra time to get there. I cut the grass every week in the summer and the walking really puts strain. I really want to keep walking more but the pain just prevents it and it's a real overall health problem for me. It doesn't seem to improve with walking more often and it doesn't improve with Dr. Scholls inserts either. I'm just confused at what it could be other then being overweight, seems like it's more then that. Can anyone recommend exercises, shoes, or other treatments that could help my condition. Thanks so much! Sorry for the long read. | Ankle pain on outer side of leg since I was a teenager. Feet get numb, feel like my ankles will snap if I keep walking. Possible lack of circulation. Tried better shoes, gel inserts, exercises. Nothing has helped. Any advice? |
At the beginning of this semester, I realized after a few weeks of being in school that I really didn't want to take classes this semester, nothing really was going on where I NEEDED to take a semester off... I just wanted to relax emotionally. I told my parents and they basically laughed in my face, they are extremely strict and every week always asking about my grades etc. As the semester went on, I withdrew from my two online courses knowing I was going to flunk them if I went on, and continued to go to my two other courses. During midterms, I got extremely sick and missed a week of classes, which messed up one of my courses I already was slacking off with. This meant I only had one course I wasn't flunking. I decided that I wouldn't be too emotionally distraught passing one class, and that I'd get my shit together next semester. But what bothers me is the fact I did all my work, scored shitty on my tests (especially my last 2 tests... my childhood companion pup of 15 years died a month before finals) and ended up failing the course when I miscalculated I had a B and already shared with my boyfriend and parents that I had received the passing grade. I knew I was going to feel pretty shitty about wasting money but I had no idea I was going to flunk every single class. I'm sitting here thinking of how to talk to my parents about it, if I even should... or just keep a white lie of that I passed all my classes except my math one, which they already knew I probably wouldn't have with my dog passing. I know that next semester I am completely going back to my normal study habits of getting good grades but I don't really know how to feel right now. When it comes to signing up for next semester and having to retake the flunked classes, should I try and get around my parents noticing it's the same course? I don't really know how they would react knowing every class is flunked honestly. I knew this was going to happen but now I have no further plans. | I'm a shitty, wasteful student who doesn't know whether to tell her parents she flunked every single class and if telling a white lie, how to play it off. |
I've known this guy a couple months, via mutual friends. Recently, he's started texting me and trying to get me to hang out with just him. The first time, I had to say no because I had other plans. The next time, I started to get the idea he was aiming more for a date than a hangout. There's a movie coming out soon that I really want to see, and I'm new to this area. I don't have many friends here, especially not friends who would be interested in this movie. He's pretty much the only one. So I texted him and invited him to the movie. When he said yes, I bought two tickets, and then let him know that he could either reimburse me the $10 for his ticket or buy my refreshments at the movie. He texted me back and said he wants to pay me back for the ticket and buy my popcorn. I'm really uncomfortable with this. I really feel like he's trying to angle this in a direction I don't want, but I don't know how to respond to this message, and I don't feel like the "I'm not interested" conversation is a good one to have via text message. I don't really know what to do. | Friend seems to be trying to angle an invitation I made into a date, and I'm not interested. I'm not sure how best to handle this to nip it in the bud. |
I'm new to this subreddit mainly because I've never needed it, until now. So if I make any mistakes, then I apologise in advance. This all happened a few days ago. I went round my friend's house, let's call her Abbie. She isn't a typical girl, quite introverted, is very secretive around everyone, has mental issues (no specification, only that there is more than one). I've known her for around 8 months and at this point she may be beginning to trust me. When I arrived, no one answered the door despite me knocking the door several times. I stood outside knocking for about 5 minutes until her grandmother arrived in a car to see who was at the door. She let me in and I had to wait for about 30 minutes for Abbie because she was having a shower and getting dressed, bearing in mind that her brother was still in the house at that time. However, the reason the brother didn't answer the door is to do with a different event that I do have knowledge of. This is where it started getting odd. Her grandmother, who's probably in her late 50s, begins to have a conversation with me as well as Abbie's brother despite being in different rooms. It's all general conversation until she quietly asks me if Abbie seems better lately, I reply "I think so" and then her Grandmother mentions something about a horrible incident that 'must've' affected Abbie. I had no knowledge of an event like this happening and I avoided asking what it was out of respect for Abbie, as she may tell me in her own time or never at all. When her grandmother left, I waited another 25 minutes in the living room for Abbie to get ready. We greeted each other and she turned on Netflix. At this point, I was shaking with anxiety because of what I had been told and whether I should ask about it. When I finally asked about what happened, Abbie didn't seem uncomfortable but gave little eye contact while she browsed on her iPad briefly. Abbie said that her grandmother was overreacting. Abbie also added that she is able to block things out easily and has a poor long term memory (said in another conversation later on) This has slightly scared me but then again, grandmothers do have a tendency to overreact, so I'm stumped on what I should do next... So I ask of you, fellow redditors, should I try and find an answer from Abbie/a trusted mutual friend or should I leave it where it is and accept her answer? | A friend's Grandmother told me that a horrible thing happened to a friend of mine and now I'm unsure whether I should follow up on it and find out what happened. |
We are veterinary students (together 10 months) and we flew to her home to spend Xmas with her family. I have spent this vacation meeting and ingratiating myself (through much effort) with her family, and I have been successful. So far as I know, they love me. We spent Xmas together with her parents in her home. We had a wonderful day, and I broke my bank account buying amazing presents for her and her family. Later on she became upset because I said something potentially offensive during a game of cards. She was complaining about people forgetting the rules to her family's traditional game of cards. I needed clarification on a rule (because I recently learned the game) and I jokingly told her that she should not scowl at me. She was upset because her family has been poking fun at her for being crabby, and she saw my comment as an addition to this accusation. She became furious that I affronted her by saying this, and she grew upset and withdrawn and unpleasant. When I talked to her about it, and learned why she was upset, I apologized very sincerely and tried to reconcile the issue, but she did not accept my apology and remained angry, and went to bed coldly and upset. I was planning to ask her father's permission to ask her to marry me within the next 3 days. The fact that she can explode and resent me on such an important day, over such a small issue (and despite a sincere apology), makes me wonder if I want to spend my life with her anymore. Please help me by giving me any advice that you can. I feel like I cannot maintain peace between us when she is upset, regardless of the reason or the effort at remediation. How can I resolve my doubts in the face of her short fuse? Please help me | My gf exploded on me over a tiny issue when I was preparing to ask her father's permission to ask her to marry me. I need advice on how to handle my doubts, when I feel like I am treated unfairly. Please help. |
I had never met my fathers dad. My dad hates him and until the day my dad dies will always hate him. So I have never met him. When I was about 20(Still lived at home) my girlfriend was there as was my sister. My grandfather called the house and said he was coming over to drop something off. My girlfriend calls me and tells me this, so I leave work and head home. When I get home about 20 min later, I find out he already left. My girlfriend see's that I am bothered by missing him and tries to comfort me by saying "Don't worry, he didn't even ask about you." We are still together and I bug her about this every now and then =-) | never met my grandfather, he finally came to my house,I missed him as was at work, girlfriend comforts me by saying "Don't worry, he didn't even ask about you" |
Many people will say Voldemort, and it is true that he is the main villain. But Voldemort is the Villain of books. He's the third world dictator that you hear about in the news, he's basically the wizarding world Hitler. He's a xenophobic cult leader that kills for the fun of it. But while Voldemort’s crimes are numerous, but they’re distant and fantastical. We don't meet villains like Voldemort in our day to day lives (hopefully). The villains in our lives are the Umbridges of the world. The abuse the petty amount of power they have to make your life miserable. The teacher who double checks your test for things to mark you wrong. The Secretary who "forgets" your phone calls on occasion. The HR manager that watched you like a hawk for find something to write you up for. The manager that delibrately scheduals you for inconvenient shifts. The Umbridges of the world are so much more personal to us because we meet them, unlike Voldemort. | Voldemort is the villain we hope to never face. Umbridge is the villain we face every day. Edit: Yes you may have heard this before. [It was me!] ( |
I'll try to keep this short! Background I've always been an on again/off again (very casual!) jogger, typically doing 3 - 5 k My knees have always been finicky, and I went to a physio who thought I had "runner's knee" Pre-pregnancy, my "runner's knee" would flare up when I got to the 8 - 10 k distance range, even if I had a decent base (doing a C210k type program) Current Problem I had my baby a year ago, so all in all I haven't run for about 1.5 years. I'm quite slim and have been doing aerobics-style classes for the past year, so I'm not totally out of shape. Body weight exercises, aerobics, bikes and ellipticals are all fine. However, when I run even the tinyiest bit, or even go on a long walk or a hike, my pelvis gets very sore and tight, and my knees start hurting very quickly. I already am doing general squats/lunges/stretching type things. I'm starting to feel like running just isn't for me anymore. Which is a bummer, because I really enjoy running! Has anyone had something similar? Can anyone recommend some stretches or exercises that might help? Should I see a Dr? Or should I just see a physio? Not quite sure how to proceed. Thanks! | I think pregnancy messed with my body, now I can't even run even the smallest amount without pain in my pelvis and knees. I'm fairly certain the problem isn't just that I'm completely out of shape. |
I'll start: I just got home from the Avengers midnight premier at my local theater. It was an awesome flick. In the hour leading up to the movie, beachballs were inflated and smacked around. Harmless fun. Until people intentionally begin spiking them. At everyone. Going out of their ways to do it. When someone would object, the entire theater began to chant "asshole, asshole" and continue with the douchebaggery. At one point, a soldier, fatigues and all, spike the ball in the face of an Asian girl. Moments later, as she stared him down on the verge of tears, the theater began to chant "USA, USA." I cannot imagine how that girl must have felt. I hope someone video taped that, and I hope it goes viral. This child's play continued until someone from the theater finally took the beach balls away, which of course, was met with more chanting of "asshole, asshole." Interspersed throughout all of this were obscenities of all sorts, being shouted all around the theater. There were lots of kids present. I'm sure they learned a lot of good life lessons tonight. | People at Avengers premier purposely spiked beach balls in others faces. In-fatigues U.S. soldier spikes ball at Asian girl. Theater responds by chanting USA, USA. People suck. |
I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place to post, but here I go: So I'm making a website, a blog service kind of thing. The thing I can't seem to figure out how to do is how am I supposed to let people type in a form, and then retrieve that, but at the same time format it into html, then put it into a mysql database so that I can output it when someone looks at their page? | How does reddit know that I basically put there without me putting the , and how can do something similar? edit: oh shit, reddit doesn't know that I put a linebreak there. Regardless, how would I go about doing this? |
My boyfriend (henceforth known as S), and I have been dating for a little under two years. This is his first relationship, and the only reason he isn't on the streets. However, it's taking a toll on me as well. He doesn't let me speak to other guys, he will pout if I get frustrated, and he will guilt me if I try to go home early (~9:00 pm), or if I answer calls from my mum or boss. he's previously threatened suicide and if we argue he retaliates by not sleeping or eating. He had a very difficult childhood. From the ages of 1-4 he lived on the streets in Vancouver's DTES, which is notorious for violence, drugs, theft and murder, as you'll see later. His father then decided to sign S and his sister J over to the MCFD, and they were placed in fostercare. Due to J's bad behaviour (she has NAS/FAS), both she and S were moved over ten times through different homes. This had a huge impact on him. Once he turned seven, he and J were placed in a permanent home where S was physically and emotionally abused. When he was 13, his father who was still homeless on the DTES was stabbed to death. S didn't get any counselling. S's mother had broken off contact when he was a toddler, so he had no support there. About a year ago, J moved out with a lot of help from their foster parents. They give her money, and buy groceries for her when she blows all of her wages on booze, so she can still get rent and a stipend paid for by the MCFD. S had no help, so my aunt offered a basement suite he could rent, and he moved there on May 1. Since we started dating, he has been buying me extravagant gifts: a white-gold locket, a dress, a DVD, books. this makes me feel guilty and indebted to him. Combined with the fact that he will be crushed if I leave him, I'm miserable. I'm committed, but I'm feeling more and more restrained by his threats and "rules." I have a few other boys interested in me who i would feel more comfortable with dating because I think they would be less intense. I really need suggestions regarding any of this. | boyfriend with crappy childhood becomes controlling and hurtful once he moves out and only has me for support. I feel restrained by his rules, and guilty about breaking up because of gifts he has given me, and his dependence on me. |
My mother told me her husband was my real father. Bullied my whole family into not telling me. I found out when i was 16 when my Uncle and Mother got into a fight that the man I knew as my father wasn't really my father. I come to find out that i'm half Middle Eastern (My mom had relationships with a middle-eastern man) and was hiding it from me because, i'm assuming, shame or fear how i might look at my step-father. There was a lot leading up to this point of finding out. Little pieces of the puzzle kinda coming together. My step-father and mother both have blond hair/blue eyes, i have black hair brown eyes. My Grandpa always told me "One day you'll understand" when i would go to him with my complaints of how my step-father treated me, My step-father treated me like a red headed step-child(no offence to redheaded step children of reddit). I Found out, as well, that I had a sister to my real father. I had no clue i had another sister for 18 years of my life. My mother bullied them from not coming around as well. So there was a tremendous amount of fear that my mother would do something stupid to me/herself (i guess?) if they said anything. My uncle, being the ballsy man he is, told me when i was 16. I can't explain the emotions i had, too many to list. | I was told my step-father was my real father for 16 years of my life. At the age of 18 also found out i had a 'long lost' sister |
I have been living with my Bf for just over a year now. He is completely introverted. In fact he has no friends besides two guys he skypes with regularly to play video games. He's a great guy. He is funny and open with me but just completely shuts down when other people are around, even if he knows them relatively well he will hardly talk. I am a social person. I just started grad school and I'm meeting new people and I want him to come out with me and be in that part of my life (most of my long time friends live about 2 hrs away so we hardly see them). I want to have people we do things with, maybe couple friends and he has mentioned wanting that in the past too. It's come to the point where people hear me talk about him but have never met him and always ask where he is. I'm running out of excuses and I'm tired of living separate lives. I'm also getting bored. I want to be able to have friends over at our place and have him come out and have a good time not babysit him because he is awkward the entire time. I want to have conversations with him and groups where he actually participates. I want to see him have fun in a group setting. Is there anyone that can give me some advice on how I can approach this situation with him? Iv tried having conversations about it but he just tells me that's who he is or he makes excuses not to even try. | My boyfriend has no friends and is a complete introvert. I want him to come out and be social with me and some new people Iv met in grad school. What can I do? |
Friends of a friend let us join them in line for a Matthew Good concert for which all tickets were general admission. They were near the very front, and camera crews for a local news station approached us to ask questions about the band. I was the firs to be asked anything, and they asked me "What are some of the key messages you get from Matt Good's music". I barely knew who he was, I just liked his beats and melodies without paying attention to the lyrics. My answer was "Oh, I can't think of a particular messages because there are just so many. None come to mind right now." I felt like a complete idiot, and I knew how ignorant I sounded but didn't realize it on time to say something as simple as "I still really love his music and can't want to see this show." My friend then comes in unsolicited and talks about some in-depth stuff about third world issues and how Matt related to it in one of his songs. Made me feel that much more oblivious and embarrassed. In the end, Matt Good cut his set in half, playing only 5-6 songs until he stopped playing/singing on a track without his band mates noticing till a few seconds later. He announced to everyone "if one more person throws trash on stage, I'm leaving". I didn't know this was shortly after his unforgettable shoe-in-the-face incident during a performance in BC. Back to the show I was at, during the next track some drunk kid who looked no older than 13 was crowd surfing and when he got close enough, he threw a plastic cup that hit Matt in the face. Concert over. | Got asked an intelligent question when in line for Matt Good concert by news person with a huge camera in my face, answered like a complete ignoramus, and I couldn't help but think I was being broadcasted on national television (never confirmed). |
I hope this helps - when I moved away from home at almost 20 I moved two states away with very little money. Had to figure a lot of this stuff out on my own. :) Here goes: Avoid credit cards like the plague that they are. If you have to get one, only use it in a true emergency, and pay it back as soon as you can. They're an easy trap to fall into, and a terribly difficult one to get out of. Read every lease agreement carefully. Understand the terms of the lease inside and out. When you're doing your move-in checklist, make sure you are as picky as possible. Do not feel bad about this - most landlords will be okay, but some will try to charge you for things that you didn't do, and this is your way of protecting yourself. Also - take pictures of everything. If you get a roomie, make sure you both have a good understanding of who's responsible for which bills/chores etc. If you live alone, an easy way to keep the place clean is to do about 10-15 minutes of cleaning each day immediately when you get home from work. It keeps it from getting out of hand, and if you do this regularly you won't end up having 10-15 minutes worth of mess to clean up. Save up a little bit of money each month. Typical advice is to have a 3-6 month safety net just in case. Also: Learning to cook is an excellent skill to have. It saves money, it can be relaxing, and your current/future significant other will appreciate it. A good book that teaches basic recipes and technique would be Mark Bittman's How To Cook Everything. | Credit cards can be money pits with spike traps, be thorough with the move-in checklist, understand rules/division of labor/bills if getting a roomie, clean a little each day and it won't get out of hand, save money, learn to cook ('cause delicious). |
i think i might be borderline insane. I fucked around with some drugs, and ever since my perception on the world has changed so much, to the point where all my mind is doing is pondering life, and meaning. i go through my day normally, do my schoolwork, enjoy spending time with my friends, love my girlfriend, but i feel like it's all just a front sometimes; like everything around me is just a projection of what my mind wants, like i'm the only person truly alive, and everything else is just made up. i have way too many thought processes that have lead to this conclusion for me to even try to recount any of them, and it all began with the drug experimentation last spring. the only thing that lets me think i'm sane is that a crazy person wouldn't know they were crazy, so for me to think i'm crazy i can't really be crazy. crazy, right? | i feel lonely sometimes, even when im with a group of friends having a great time, because i think it all might be my imagination and everything is fake. so reddit, any of you ever felt like that? |
Obligatory this happened around 10 years ago. summer 2005, I was at a summer camp, walking in the hallway minding my own business. Then suddenly a kid just ran across the hallway yelling"Surrrrrprice Pizza Party!!!'. Being the grade five kid that I was (and the fact that the surprise pizza party was supposed to come two weeks ago), I jumped up and yelled "Yes!" Here is where I fucked up. You know sometimes when you get too excited you flail your arms around and try to grab things? Well, as I jumped up, I grabbed the fire alarm. "Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!', the alarm bell just went crazy and what little of my life flashed before me as I realized my father will kill me if he knows about this (military man, always beat me if I did something wrong). I panicked and went berserk on the alarm bell, smashing it with all the tools I can find hoping it will stop ringing (at the time I didn't know how the fire alarm system worked, that if one bell rang ALL THE BELL RANG). 'Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun..' I've managed to make a dent on the bell but then I heard another bell rang off from the hallway across mine. Tears in my eye, I realized the situation is beyond my power and decide went outside. Three firetruck and two police car came, and everyone in the camp is outside and confused. After about forty minutes, the firefighters and police officers made sure there aren't any real fire in the area and just left. The principal of the camp saw the inks on my hand (when you pull the fire alarm, there is a special ink on the back of the lever) and called my father. Surprisingly, I did not get beat up this time, but got a three week detention instead. | I got too excited and made three fire trucks and two police car came! (Not sorry for my grammar or my sentence structure, deal with it B| ) |
So this happened to me last night, and it kind of made me sad. As Ive mentioned from my previous posts, I'm 5'7 and just lost 63lbs [382->319] since the end of Feb. 2012. I have an hour glass shape, so when I lose a considerable amount of weight, its easily noticeable and shows. Well I haven't seen my best friend in about a month an a half due to life getting in the way. Since the last time I saw her Ive lost more weight and it is noticeable. Since I started losing weight she hasn't said anything, but I was hoping this time she would mention how well Im doing; and she didn't. She basically made this super fattening/carb dinner that I didn't really eat since it was so high in calories and what not. I don't value my accomplishments on her, but sometimes it would be nice if she'd talk to me about it. She too is overweight, pretty much around the same weight I was starting out. I sometimes think she's jealous that I was able to change my lifestyle around and lose the weight. | My best friend isn't very supportive So my question to everyone: How are your friends handling your weight loss? Are they supportive, or secretly trying to sabotage you? |
OK I have known this girl (22) for almost 9 years now. And she is coming out of a 5 year relationship with one of my other good friends.I have liked her for sometime now and not sure what to do. I helped her through the breakup. And now she is kinda warming up to me in more than a friend way. I would love a relationship with her but I'm not sure of the repercussions of this possible life changing decision. Looking for guidance for the situation or if someone has been in my shoes. | Best female friend of 9 years is coming out of 5 year relationship with male friend. Helped her with the break up and now she acts like she wants to start a relationship. HELP? |
I'll start by quoting you: > I know I need to start thinking about my future. Chill out man, you're only 23. The average life expectancy for a male in a rich country is around 82 years old, you've got a LOT of time before you're too ripe. Think about your future? What's the point? You want to start painting the kids' bedrooms? You're young, you've got time, a lot of it. Now let's address the "main" issue : >I just fear that she isn't "perfect" or "the one" "The one" and "The perfect girl" are merely concepts. The idea that someone will be "The one" for you comes from romantic movies and popular belief. Guess what? The one doesn't magically appear. You find someone, get to know her, you love her (or him) and spend a part (big or not) of your life with her/him. There you are, you've got the one : the girl you went through life with, had a few bumps on the road but solved them together. From what I gather, I'll be blunt, you are emotionally immature, let me quote: >I have never been with a girl that does NOT like her hair being pulled, until her. Also she loves when I give her oral- and I will go for a while, but she will quit on oral for me in less than 5 minutes unless its a 69- but even then 10 minutes is the max. Really? She doesn't like hair pulling? THAT is the only downside you can find to your relationship with her? Those are small bedroom issues, sit down with her, talk about it but don't be an ass about it. Don't try to force her to accept but try to find why she doesn't do it and see if the both of you can work around the issue. Pro tip : this can be applied to any issue. Last but not least : >The thing is that I have interests in politics, law and history while she does not. I can't even remotely talk to her about it. Same as before, sit down, talk, try to get why you can't talk about your field of studies anymore. Maybe that's all you were talking about before and she got fed up? Only she knows, and you've got to be the one who tries to solve problems, especially since you're the one having a problem on your own here. | Drop the act, stop complaining about little to non issues, don't leave someone you love for said non issues and try talking with her about the bedroom stuff |
So, long story short, my boyfriend Neil slept with my roommate John 3 weeks after Neil and I broke up (lasted for a month, we both learned a lot, and decided to try building the relationship again), claiming he was in despair and had little hope that we'd ever get back together. Naturally, I was very upset with the news, as my roommate lied by omission by saying nothing about it during the month that Neil and I were separated, which I felt was a huge disrespect to me. Now that we're back together, I've made it clear that I don't feel comfortable with them hanging out one on one, and they've agreed to not do so until things become less tense (and to be perfectly honest, I'll ever be comfortable with it). My issue currently though, is that I get uncomfortable whenever it's just us three in the apartment; where Neil and John are talking and laughing together while I feel tense and awkward. What should I do to address the the matter without looking like a possessive, paranoid control freak? I've set boundaries already, but it seems like I may need advice; help me please. :( | I'm uncomfortable with my roommate and boyfriend being around each other because of recent sexual history; what are healthy boundaries and ways to deal with this WITHOUT having to move out or coming across as a control freak? |
The first and only time I ever had to call 911 was last winter. A few friends and I went to go see Lone Survivor at the local movie theater. After seeing the movie we all piled into my car with high hopes of greasy fast food. However our dreams of frostys and baconators soon came to a halt when my car wouldn't start. Now my car had just been in the shop a few days prior and I had paid a pretty hefty bill to fix a number of issues so needless to say I was pretty annoyed. At this point I smelled gasoline and glanced under the car. Sure enough there was a tiny puddle accumulating (less than what you would get if you spilled a third of a bottle of water). I called AAA, gave my member info and everything seemed fine. I tell him my approximate location in the movie theater parking lot and I tell him where to tow my car which humorously was about 1/4 mile down the road. Then he asks what exactly was the problem with the car: AAA: "What did you say was the problem exactly?" Me: "Well I tried to start my car and it wouldn't start, I smelled gas and-" AAA:"GASOLINE!?" Me: "Yea there's an extremely small area under my car where it was leaking" AAA:"Sir you're gonna have to call the fire department to have them come clean that up before we can do anything" Me: "Uh ok, like is there a special number for something like this or is-" AAA:"911 sir, you have to call 911 as soon as we get off the phone, the tow truck is on the way" Me: "Thanks" I get off the phone with him and dial 911. 911: "911, Whats your emergency?" me: "My car broke down and I called AAA, they told me I had to call you to clean up a tiny puddle of gas under my car" My friends are laughing hysterically because of how stupid the situation was. I told her my location and all of the info and got off the phone. Not even 10 seconds after I got off the phone, we heard sirens. The first firetruck arrived and we flagged it down. Then the rest of the gang arrived. In total, there were 3 firetrucks, 6 fire police vehicles, 1 police car, and 1 ambulance. They asked me what car was mine and proceeded to sweep what can only be described as cat liter under my car. Once that was done, they all left leaving me more embarrassed than ever before in my life. | Car broke down and was leaking tiniest bit of gas, AAA told me I had to call 911, 11 firefighters dumped cat litter under my car while people gathered around in awe. *Edit: Formatting |
I kept it as blunt as possible but sorry about the length She is a manager at a fast food restaurant I started working at recently (Only job I could get near my university). From introduction we really hit it off, but this meant the only environment we ever really got to spend time together in was work. As a result relationship hit a glass ceiling where we would only ever be friends and while I don't think it's been friend zoned, attempts at building the relationship outside the parameters of work might come off as dramatic or unexpected. I plan on taking her out to do something ambiguous in the sense that it could switch between romantic/friendly based only on the content of the conversation. I'll probably do this by taking her into the city to a restaurant by the river and then take it from there based on the mood that is set at dinner (Movie if conversation is flat, walk by the river if it's romantic, shopping if it's just a friendly night etc.) What I am struggling with is how to elevate the content of that conversation from being friendly to romantic. I've been working on the issue for a while by trying to make our conversations more romantically oriented but I just can't. We're both quite outgoing but at the same time both fumble really badly when it comes to talking about more meaningful topics (ie. The love interest) and this is the root of the whole issue - as I'm worried she won't know how to receive the information. I don't feel like I can just bluntly tell her I have feelings for her without it coming as a shock to her and I don't know where to start the build up. | what hints do you drop to a friend to let them know that you are attracted to them? How do you sway a conversation from being friendly to romantic? PS she has eyes that will melt your heart |
Is this normal? Basically the story is that we went to a party of one of her friends where I knew a few people but not many. From my point of view I wanted to make a good impression with her friends so tried to talk to everyone there and make a good impression. This involved to talking to girls and guys. I was constantly going back to my gf though and talking and being with her but whenever I was with her and someone was nearby and I'd introduce myself she'd just wander off. Apart from that I thought the night went well, I got along with everyone there. From her point of view she said it made her feel really uncomfortable that I was talking to girls. She said I shouldn't initiate a conversation with any girl but if I'm spoken to then I can respond politely but try my best to not extend the conversation. She claims that none of the other non-single guys there talked to any girls but I don't think this is quite true however it may be that I spoke more than the other guys. I feel I talked to everyone more than most though. Apparently someone at the party told her that she was 'generous' to let me talk to so many girls. We've talked about it and she claims that it's not that she doesn't trust me but rather that it just makes her feel inherently uncomfortable. I can sort of understand but at this level it seems very extreme, maybe if I had sat down with a single girl for the whole night and talked to only her then I could understand her discomfort but I kinda just floated around and tried to chat with everyone regardless of gender. She has now basically given me the ultimatum that I can't be with her if I continue to be friendly with girls and not simply 'polite'. I feel like she basically wants me to be dismissive and icy to other girls which I myself don't really feel that comfortable doing. It's not really that I have an urge to talk to girls, I don't really care as I'm in a relationship, but more than I feel like there's a bigger issue here and that I'm basically being put on a chain. This issue hasn't come up in the past as I don't have any female friends locally and the few times I've talked with her friends has been with her there as well. How normal is this? Am I in the wrong here? Or is it not that clear cut? I don't think I'm sleezy or anything and I definitely wasn't hitting on or flirting with any girls there. I was talking to the guys that were there in exactly the same way as the girls. I should probably also mention that she is from an eastern culture. I don't know if that changes anything. | gf has given me ultimatum that I can't be with her if I want to talk to girls and not simply respond politely if spoken to. How normal is this? |
I have a reputation among my friends for having terrible luck with sexual experiences. These are a few of the gems: 1) Hooking up with a girl while EXTREMELY intoxicated. Things progressed, and I began going down on her. She was enjoying herself, all was well, until all of a sudden I look at her, let out a meek "I'm sorry," and run and throw up in the bathroom. My friends found me an hour later passed out on the bathroom floor. I assume she let herself out. 2) First time having sex with a girl, my mom walked in on me. 3) Was with an on and off hook up buddy, when all of a sudden, in the middle of hooking up, she starts BAWLING, telling me about how her dog had died that day, how she didn't know what she was doing with her life, and how she thought she was a slut. Driving her home was the most awkward 15 minutes of my life. **4)This one takes the cake. I swear to you Reddit, by the atheist gods of narwhals and bacon, that this story is true. I was but an innocent boy of 16, when I met a girl on a cruise. We got along great, hooked up, and exchanged information. About a month later, she told me she wanted me to come see her. I was a horny high school kid, so of course I was willing to do so, even though she was a full 6 hour drive away from me. I drive all the way up there, meet up with her, and we start to hook up. Things are going great, clothing is removed, I couldn't be happier. Then, she starts to get down, and it dawns on me that I am about to get my first blow job. I'm sure many of you Redditors can attest to this, the excitement you feel before your first blowjob is unparalleled. Everything is amazing, and you feel like nothing could possibly go wrong in that moment. Then, right as she is about to begin, she looks up at me with big blue innocent eyes, and says: "Did you know it's possible to bite a dick off?" I imagine this is how Taylor Swift felt when Kanye stole the mic from her. Everything came crashing down. Thoughts raced through my mind, ranging from how the hell could she know that, to why she would possibly say something like that, and most importantly, what the hell was she planning to do me. The situation was completely ruined. She started to give me head, but after these horrible thoughts I finally just asked her to stop and drove home with horrible feelings of disappointment, and spent six hours trying to not focus on the image of a mangled, bitten dick that had been forming in my head. | Threw up while going down on a girl, one girl started crying, mom walked in when I was losing my virginity, and some girl threatened to bite my dick off. |
Okay I posted this one awhile back under another throwaway but I cant remember my ID so I'll type it out again. It was absolutely awful. So anyway I'm a guy and I was with my two best friends (another guy and a girl) and we were about 15 or so. The girl had been liking us both for a long time but we were both way more into N64 and such for the longest time and she finally gets our interest by having us over to swim at her pool - she also just kind of grew up that year so filled out the bikini better than I ever remembered. Anyway she takes off her top and tells us if we got upstairs with her we can see the rest. Fast forward to upstairs and she asks if she can jerk us off. This would be the first time for all 3 of us. So anyway she starts with one of us in each hand and she's obviously way better with her right, or my friend is just too excited. He comes in about one minute and it just goes everywhere all over her hand and arm. She runs off to the bathroom downstairs to go wash it off before she finishes me off. I hear a door slam down there.. Whatever, she's just leaving the bathroom. We're laughing our asses off waiting for her to come back at how ridiculous the situation is. Cue her big black dad coming in saying "What's so funny guys?" Time slowed down. I saw my future, or lack of it, because this guy was going to choke me to death. There are two guys with their swim trunks around their ankles, one with a raging hard on, the other one dripping spooge onto a towel. Both on your 15 year old daughter's bed. How the fuck do you react to that? Luckily his absolute shock saved us and my friend blurted out "we're gay!" And all was well. The mom was a super ultra granola liberal who goes out of her way to accept absolutely everything. Thinking on our feet after we cover our rapidly shrinking dongs we said that we just realized we were gay and their daughter was allowing us to explore ourselves in a safe place at home while she hung out downstairs. (she has been HIDING this whole time, the traitor). The mom acts as if she knew we were gay all along and I'm not sure to be happy or sad about that. Now we still hung out with her after this and they believed us to be gay for YEARS. Still do, I guess. For graduation in highschool the mom bought us a book of gay literature published by teenagers. At my graduation party. With my grandmother and everyone there. | One guy comes in a threesome, girl runs off to wash, girls parents come home and are confronted by two naked guys on their daughters bed, we say we're gay and they totally buy it. |
I used to wait tables at a Japanese restaurant located in a suburb of Portland, OR. The location of the restaurant was about 10~20 miles from a rural community that is known to be composed mostly of white, middle aged, bigoted farmers. One day, A bit before my shift began, a couple came in who more or less resembled [Josh Brolin in No Country for Old Men]( As my shift started, the waitress waiting on them left and I took over her tables, including this one. Now, before I continue, a little bit of background on myself. I am half Japanese, but have been told many times that I resemble either a) a Hispanic person or b) [Laurence Fishburne]( So, a few minutes after I took the table, the sushi chief finished up their rolls and handed it to me to take out to them. I proceed to take the food out to them and place it on the table, and say my automatic, "Here is your and is there anything else I an get for you?" His reply caught me off guard, "I didn't know spics serve Sushi." At this point I was pretty shocked and didn't have a reply other than, "uh. I'm Japanese." to which he replied something among the lines of, "You don't have to lie to me, son. I know your family is working in my fields right now" From this point on, this gentleman spoke to me in Spainish, of which at this point I didn't speak or understand at all. As I was the only waiter at this point (this was about an hour before the dinner shift, and about 30 mins before the rest of the waitstaff for the night would be coming in) I was forced to deal with them. So about the second time the guy summoned me to his table in Spanish, I began speaking to him in Japanese, and continued to do so until he left. The funny part is - I wasn't saying any stuff to him only things like, "There is a cat.", "The tree is blue.", "Your face looks like a horse" and so on. He did tip well though... | Half Japanese high-school student waiting tables in a Japanese restaurant on the hicky side of a Portland suburb is called a spic by a costumer who proceeds to speak only in Spanish. Student counters by speaking only in non-sense Japanese. |
I'll try to keep this short. I was together with her for 6 years. It was a really shitty 6 years for me. She has A LOT of psychological issues. Was unemployed, can't show love, hates to cuddle... this list goes on. Basically, I gave her everything and she improved a lot, now she is in therapy, has a job and doesn't completely freak out when someone touches her. I feel we made real progress and we both grew as humans through this relationship. However, I am moving for a job out of the country. and I know this relationship will not work out being so far apart. She is not that far to keep a relationship healthy on that distance. i don't hold it against her, I really do not. Also I tend to get really really jealous (ramains as my previous guy cheated on me and she did in the first year but never since, I am not proud of it). I am just convinced that it will not work out and when I spoke to her, she agreed. So we broke off and decided to stay good friends, since I am also her main source of trust. Now we have this awkward relationship where we discuss really really intimate things and I know she feels terrible although she plays fine (I learned to read her subtext). And I feel horrible like I left her alone and I also still love her. To make everything worse a good friend is hitting on me and thinks now is his chance. I'm sexually frustrated because I have not had sex in years (due to her condition) but I am still emotionally attached to my last SO. On top of moving, getting to the new job, finishing my degree and stuff, I kind of lost track on everything. Help? | Had a SO with psychological issues. Worked on it together. Left her because I am moving and it is draining me. Feel like I failed her. I am a horrible friend and wife. |
We were on a school trip to Washington DC with my politics class and in the airport I got stopped for a random bag search. My teacher (really cool guy, friendly and my favourite teacher) had to stay with me because I was a minor and I just so happened to be on my period at the time, so my bag was crammed full of enough supplies for the 9+ hour flight. So while the coolest teacher in the world is stood next to me, the airport security guy unzips my bag pocket and pulls out a tampon. However, I'd stuffed so many of them in there that the zip only just shut - so when he pulled one out, the rest literally exploded from my bag, hitting the security guy, me, and the teacher. He was super chill about it, but it was kinda (extremely) awkward for tampon shrapnel to rain down on him while I stood there. Classes weren't awkward or anything after that though, so I guess it turned out okay?? | class trip, airport security random search causes tampons to explode from my bag and hit my teacher (as well as me and the security guy). Awkwardness ensues. (edited for grammar) |
I can attest to the fact that teenagers are completely oblivious. I had an enormous crush on a girl for a few years in middle-high school. Whenever we had a class together I would always join her group or hang out when there wasn't anything to do. We had gym together freshman year, I always tried to spend time with her because we never had to do anything. But up until a year or two ago, I didn't realize just how much she was doing the exact same thing to me. I remember leaning on the wall messing with my iPod for the whole class period. She walked up and stood there with me the entire time. I was too nervous to say anything, so we didn't talk, but she stayed the whole time. We were sitting up against a wall instead of running one day, she grabbed my hand and put it maybe 3 inches from her crotch and said "I shaved last night, feel how soft I am." I just kept my hand there for a second and said "pretty soft." She mentioned having sex before randomly in conversation a few times. She gave me, and nobody else, a hug on a daily basis. And for some reason I completely blocked this memory out until maybe last year, but she asked me if I wanted to hold hands on the way to the bus on multiple occasions in middle school, and I always agreed. Looking back, I have no idea why I couldn't tell she had a crush on me too. | Had a crush on a girl for a few years, tried to spend time with her in school. She had a crush on me too, did a lot to show it, but I never noticed. |
Hello, I have been dating my bf for 9 months now. I love him dearly and have never had this type of chemistry or genuine connection with ANYONE. There have always been a couple topics that set him off with me. Mainly, spending time together and his inappropriate contact with his ex girlfriend or other females. Side note: He has never introduced me and his ex but continues contact I am a complete push over and NEVER follow through on threats. He knows and acts like he can get away with anything. He has even gone as far to say " I know you are not going to do anything. You never follow through" The latest thing we had an issue over is me trying to join in on a 18 person relay race that is taking place in over 5 months. Last year we had a hard time with it because he did the race with his ex girlfriend in the beginning of our relationship. I drove 3-4 hours away to surprise him at the finish line and he chewed me out and told me "he would not ruin her day and put her through meeting his new gf." So I went home. I was hoping to start getting in shape and though we could do it this year. I got all the info and asked if he could get me involved and in contact with the team to see if they need another girl. He lost his mind and started telling me I don't have control and I need to back off. The last thing he said to me was "that he was not going to do the race now. and if I did to leave him and his to out of it. and to find my own F@*king team." I have been in realizing that That he flips at anything she is involved in and that he talks to me like this. I have a hard time "giving space" or "taking time apart" because I love him and I don't like that feeling of disconnect. If this were not an issue this man is "the one" but there is obviously something wrong What do I do!? How do I show him this is not okay and no one should be spoken to like that. | Boyfriend swears at me and pushes me away when I try to get involved in his interest. And some of these interest include activities with his ex girlfriend. Which he avoids me meeting. How to open someones eyes to the fact that they're so disrespectful. |
As summer is coming up, my SO and I wanted to go on a short vacation (likely 1 night 2 days) to a popular retreat that is only 2 hours away from the city we live in. We would pay for this vacation ourselves. Might I add we've been together for 6 months now. The problem is, my parents are the very worried, I-don't-trust-you type, so I'm not exactly sure how to approach them with this. His parents don't mind him going for vacation as he is a bit older. I'm 19 but I'm quite mature for my age (but they don't think so), and I am a responsible person. I have a job and I get good grades in university. I know that if I ask them they'll think negatively of it because I'll be alone with a guy and I won't be at home with them. My SO and parents have met for a while already and they seem to be fine with him although they're probably still skeptical of our relationship for whatever reason. My parents are not the most familiar with him, but that's also the problem here; they think that just because they're not familiar with him, I'm not either. My parents are pretty much the type that won't let go of me. We're really looking forward to spending our first summer together! I'm just not sure how to approach my parents with this situation and how to get their permission and trust. | SO and I of 6 months want to go on a 1 night 2 day retreat 2 hours away from the city we live in, but unsure of how to ask for permission from my untrusting and attached parents. |
I've been with my partner for 2.5 years. We have a great relationship, but there's this one blip. All of the women in his life, whether they be his mother, other relatives, or exes, have been housewives/housewife types. We've discussed all of our future plans, and we've discussed at length the fact that I want my own career outside of taking care of our house and future kids. He feels uneasy about it, because the only women he's known in his life have stayed at home while the husband works. The ones he has known to hold jobs that also have families are emotionally distant from their husbands and kids. I tell him to trust me, and he says he will, and believes I can handle multiple things at once. We're both at a point now where we're both holding full time jobs, more or less with the exact same schedule. We've been through me doing full time school, holding a part time job, volunteering with our church on the weekends, and having a relationship and outside social life together. I know having kids, a marriage and a full time job are on a different plane than these things, but I do have a lot of faith in my ability to give the most amount of attention as I can to multiple things at once. I still sense a little bit of unease when we bring future kids and working up to him. He knows I'm nothing like the other women he's witnessed with full time jobs and families, but I feel sometimes like I don't have anything else to tell him but "trust me." It's starting to get a little frustrating. Am I wrong for that? What else can I say to ease his fears? (Please, no "you should break up" advice. I want to try and fix this to the best of my ability before considering pulling any plug.) | My partner has had little experience with women working full time while having a family, and the experience he has had has been negative. How do I convince him that I'm not gonna forget about home life while working full time? |
My boyfriend and I have been together off and on for about 2 years now. We started out as friends, and friends with benefits, and then stopped talking for a while because of a bad fight. When we started talking again, we decided we really missed each other and liked each other and started dating. A month in I cheated (I know I feel like a horrible person; keep reading) with a guy I had been with during the summer. I felt horrible immediately after, but the guy and I never told anyone. My boyfriend and I broke up mutually, 4 months later. We had a lot of stupid fights and decided we both needed to focus on school, but we didn't rule out a relationship in the future. We stayed somewhat friends, and got closer again as we regained our ground. We've been together for like 8 months now, and really he's my best friend. So I already know I am, and feel like the most terrible person, I cheated, it happened once and I regret it with all of my heart, but it still happened. I read an article once about a guy who slipped up and told his wife and it ruined their marriage and he concluded by saying it would have been so much better had he not told her. It was a one time thing, but I feel so terribly guilty for it. It happened more than a year ago and we even broken up since, but I feel like I should tell him. I feel so guilty and it breaks my heart that I could do something so horrible to someone that I love so much and who means so much to me. So my question is, what do you guys think I should do. I don't care about me, but what is the best thing to do for him? Is it selfish for me not to tell him, or is it selfish for me to tell him? I know what I did is horrible, but if the situation was reversed, I wouldn't want to know. If it was a one time thing and a huge mistake, I wouldn't want to know. | Is it selfish to bring it up after a year and after breaking up, or is it selfish to pretend it never happened? Edit: [UPDATE]( Some of the comments on here helped, and I decided to go for it and tell him. He responded surprisingly well. |
So I finally decided to get off my butt and lose weight. First couple of weeks or so, I hustled. I was feeling good. I wasn't expecting to drop ten pounds or anything, but I did drop out 5 pounds or so. So now, I didn't get to go to the gym for a couple of days due to some family staying over and me sticking with them taking them out and such. Now, Ive been watching what i eat. Every now and then, I'll be defeated by the smell of the junk food and cave, but for the most part, I'm on top of that stuff. I JUST weighed myself and i gained those 5 pounds back. Now I don't feel good anymore, I feel like a slob and just nasty. Why did this happen? was It really because I didn't go those couple of days? | Stopped going to the gym for a two days and I gained the five pounds I worked so hard for to lose. Was that really the cause? |
I had a knee injury that ended my football playing in high school. I let that be my excuse for 4 years to not workout. I got back to the gym a little over year ago but was lax about it. At the beginning of summer I was bored in a city where I had an internship but no one to hang out with. Hit the gym because why not. When I saw the results after just doing it consistently by the end of summer, my will to workout went into overdrive. | just find a way to stick with it. I did it because I had nothing else better to do thankfully. Good luck. You can do it. |
I prefer blackberries. Many parts and nearly all accessories are interchangable. Most modern blackberries have SD card support. They're very, very durable and easy/cheap to fix in case you happen to break something. Almost all BB's (besides the storm) connect to devices and charge with a standard USB port. The headphone jack is nothing special (actually some iPhones do require special headphone jacks because of the depth.) A blackberry fits into my existing technology ecosystem perfectly, without buying proprietary adapters, connectors, dealing with BS software installs, etc. Also, it's trivial to save/backup/restore all your data from one device to another. I have a 6 year old blackberry in the closet for emergencies. If something happens to my current hardware, I just restore a backup and go. iPhones are very nice, have really cool games and apps, and are a bit sexy. If you use your phone for "fun" then I strongly recommend it. The amount of cool apps and games available for iPhone are unrivaled on any platform. You're going to pay through the nose, for the plan, battery changes, any work done, etc. Not for a budget or longevity. I don't recommend anything running windows mobile, only for the fact that you absolutely cannot be far from a power source for long. Email was pretty crappy on them as I recall until recently as well. HTC devices are usually leading edge in terms of hardware and "features" - but most of them are on windows mobile. You're also not going to get any serviceable parts that will go from one model to the next. I tend to shy away from the bleeding edge- I want my phone to work solidly and you don't get that on 1st gen hardware (which seems like most HTC stuff is.) Good bang for the buck though. Nokia has fallen out of my favor since the smartphone paradigm shift, but they've got some hot stuff coming out. The N900 comes to mind. | If long term support, cost, and stability are your main concerns, Blackberry. If you want something cool (actually really cool) and trendy get the iPhone. |
Hello! Recently 3 friends and I have run into a serious problem. There is a moose, Tom, who keeps harassing us. He goes out of his way to make our lives miserable. We've decided to do something about it but unfortunately have been tricked (You'd be surprised how easy it is to be outwitted by a moose) into agreeing to only use natural means in our fight. Our best ideas are: • Leading him off a cliff. • Raising a bear to fight the moose for us • Raising a bear weary of cliffs to fight the moose for us by a cliff • befriending a different moose, lighting him on fire and attacking Tom with him. (How could a flaming moose not give us a significant advantage?) What is the best way for us to go about offing Tom once and for all? PS: No animals will be hurt based on your advice. PPS: We want some serious suggestions as one of my friends is extremely paranoid about the prevalence of moose attacks in Boston this time of year. | a few friends and I were recently discussing (for over 90mins) the best way to deal with an angry moose, should it just be the 4 of us stuck in the woods with it. What is the best plan you can come up with? |
My Algebra teacher was also a football coach... For the rival High School across town. He got kicked off of out football coach team last year and started coaching at the rival high school and teaching at my current high school. (My high school always kicked their asses.) Now this guy looks like fucking Pauly D to the max. Like Jersery shore dick wad right? Like if I saw him walking around I would not think he was a math teacher for a school that places over 75th in the nation... Anyways, at the start of the year he said things were going "to be chill". All this guy did for the first semester was put the homework up on the board and told us to get to work. No one ever did the homeowrk and we all jsut talked all period long and he would just sit at his desk with his Mac Book Pro and texting what I would assume to be his girlfriend (by the way he smiles so much at his phone)... We'd have a test once a month with 5 questions on it and a "bonus" question worth the whole test grade... Basically 5 question = 1 point each. The bonus question would be 5 points. Second Semester rolls around and he just stops putting the homework on the board (He never even checked it really he just asked if we did it and he believed us...) This went on until the last 2 weeks of school. At that time he told us, word for word: "Aight guys, so basically like I'm not going to be teachin here next year so like lets just fuck around. Were gonna be havin a pop quiz and the quiz is gonna be like... 150 points... Anyways heres the pop-quiz: DID YOU HAVE A FUCKIN BLAST IN MY CLASS OR WHAT? (At which point we all say yes and he then precedes to go on some story and we all get 150 points extra credit)" i got 225 points out of 200. A+. | Teacher didn't give two shits about what we did and gave us 150 points extra credit (out of a class total of 200) for "having a fucking blast in his class" I didn't learn shit. |
So I'm fairly new to reddit and the community is great, so I found this sub today with the hopes you guys can help me out with a problem I've been dealing with lately. So here it is: I have been together with my girlfriend for about four months now, however we have been friends for about three years (I've been wild about her the whole time, and have just recently just broke the "curse of the friendzone"; go me right?!). For the sake of this post remaining anonymous , we'll call her Jill. Anyways, so probably a year and a half ago I introduced Jill to a very good friend of mine (also for the whole anonymous thing we'll call him Bob) Bob. The whole length of this friendship Bob has known I've been crazy for Jill because we've talked about it many times, and the only time Jill and Bob ever really interacted in person was when I was the intermediate. This all changed back in august however when Bob and I moved in together, now he's seeing a lot more of Jill and their friendship begins growing. Keep in mind, Bob still know I'm crazy about Jill, and Jill's starting to show sings that she's feeling the same way about me. So now Jill and I are together, we have been since late september. She stays at the apartment all the time and honestly I feel like our relationship is great; we both agree we've never been happier. However Bob shows, at least what I pick up as obvious signs of interest in Jill. He's more excited when Jill walks into the apartment than I am, and always strikes up conversations with her; he even now texts and snapchats her more than he does me. Should I bring up my concern with either Jill or Bob? Or is this just something that would be better kept to myself and see how things play out? I'm really at a crossroads here and really would appreciate some advice or words of encouragement, especially because usually either Jill or Bob are the ones to be providing me with those comforts. | Introduced my two best friends to each other, then started dating one of them. Now my roommate/best friend is showing signs of interest in my girlfriend and I dont know what to do! |
Hi /r/relationships! I've seen the kind of advice this community is capable of giving and am looking for any kind of suggestions to help me with this problem I'm having. My wife and I have been married for 3 years and some odd months, but have been dating since high school (ca. 2006). I currently have a full time job with benefits and I am also attending college online. My current income is enough to provide us with a mortgage payment on a 15 year loan + all utilities and bills paid. However, this is about as much as I can manage alone besides a small portion of my paycheck going to a personal retirement account of my own. My wife attended college for 3 years and left with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design & Web Design. The first two years of our marriage were financially spectacular. She made double what I am making currently and we were able to start 2 separate retirement accounts, with minimal credit card debt. However, troubles at that company led to her being laid-off. Since then, she has been working part-time, at home for a very small business. This only adds up to about (~$300/month) and is only enough to cover our grocery bill. For the past year and a half, we have had multiple arguments about the situation. Usually, it would happen while I was paying bills and over lunch. I will calmly ask her, "How is the job search coming?" or "What are your old coworkers up to?" and this ultimately leads to her not talking to me. I sense that she is sick of me asking. I know that she has applied to a few jobs in the past and feels discouraged because she obviously hasn't gotten any calls back. Guys, I tried everything in the book besides applying for jobs using her information. I don't know what to do at this point. I have tried assisting her by looking on the internet for jobs in the area, but she just shrugs them off or is not interested in the company. We are living comfortably, and I feel she has gotten a little too used to this. She sleeps in every single morning and only wakes up to do about 2 hours of work on our PC at home. At the very least, I would like for her to be taking courses for a certification to make her resume a little more valuable. I even pointed her to free coding courses online! I am worried because I want to continue contributing to her retirement account as well as pay off our remaining credit card debt, but cannot do so on my income alone. | My wife has been out of a full time job for almost 2 years. We argue when the subject comes up and she stops talking to me. What do? |
I'm 18, soon to be 19 and have always had the thought of opening a business. Not sure on a specific type yet, mostly because I'm still really young, and only have a few thousand saved up. But anyway, at the moment I'm working for a small franchised business, and it's poorly run. They still make a profit and have a strong customer base, but there are so many changes that I noticed they could make to increase profit, and their customer volume. This gives me confidence that I could run a successful business, because they are making so many mistakes that I would not make. Anyone ever take the risk to open a business at a young age? Even if not alone, with a partner, etc. | The business I work for is making stupid mistakes which is holding them back, and I would not make the same mistakes. This gives me confidence in starting my own business. Anyone ever take the risk at such a young age? |
American households make little to no attempt to differentiate the space between outside and inside. In fact, many houses attempt to invite the outside into the space within, and several architectural movements, since the early 1960's, even, have beckoned nature into the domain with such gestures as a high frequency of glass, lack of elevation change at doors, and the manipulation of program (allowing the user to choose where the living room begins and ends, the parameters of the kitchen, and, quite often, even the restroom). Japanese architecture has always made a very clear distinction between outside space and inside space, and this is indicated by old houses having a two to three inch elevation change, and, in later years, only a two to three inch door frame which one must consciously step over to enter the house. I truly believe the reason certain people don't take off their shoes when entering their house is because of years of design influence which prompted the ideas that the best architecture is that which sets itself perfectly within nature without disturbing the landscape. Architects like Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies Van de Rohe tried to truly connect with the land, and, because of this, the ideas of "outside" and "inside" have been greatly blurred in American architecture. Wright's Prairie Movement was focused on houses which set themselves as low to the ground as possible, using horizontality to dig into the already flat landscape and seem as unobtrusive as possible. | It is either decades of conscious design effort to destroy the borders of "public" and "private" or, another explanation: Laziness. Or, people really hate their carpets and want to see them grimy and filthy. |
My roommate and I celebrated Valentine's Day evening by drinking and watching a movie. Drinking a lot. I remember throwing up in the bathroom. Then I remember him in my bed with his hands in my underwear. I remember removing his hands, and them moving to my breasts, then back to my underwear when I removed them again. I remember feeling physically tired of fighting and thinking "Ah, fuck it. I never liked that boob anyway." Reddit, I know it's not as bad as many offmychest posts, but I feel like shit. I told him I appreciated his help and sent him back to his own room, but when he came back asking how I was feeling I said "sober and groped," and explained that I didn't remember anything since the bathroom. He's apologized four times so far, and I'm feeling bad because I know he feels shitty I'm not being a source of comfort to him. But I just want to take a million showers, except that I don't want to see myself naked. How do I get past this? P.S. The date earlier was with another guy, and was wonderfully awful. | He said God brought us together and I could live in his (real) fallout shelter when the nuclear bombs hit. Then he gave me a nondisclosure agreement to sign. Really nice guy, though. |
TIFU by trying to being social First post on reddit also I'm 15 hence the wording used. Sorry in advance if it annoys you. So I was at school just randomly hanging out and stuff, normally don't involve myself with conversations because I'm not really that type. I had just finished eating a chocolate covered muslibar so my teeth were all dirty when one of the girls asks me to go with her and see the Korean students that are at the school for the year, I still don't know why she picked me out of all the guys there. Anyway we go over and introduce ourselves and I sort of try not to smile to big then we leave sort of quickly and day finishes. Skip forward like 2 days and one of the Korean girls messages me and starts talking to me. It's going sort of fine until she says something I don't really understand. I ask one of my friends who talks to them lots and he has no idea. Then like 2 hours later she is mad at me because he asked her what she meant saying I was confused. She then messages me and now she's angry with me for not really any big reason. She wants me to meet her friend tomorrow who "has something to me" that was the statement I asked about. So now I'm sitting here all confused and not really wanting to show up tomorrow. | Korean student is angry at me because I asked my friend about something and he asked her what it meant. Please I mean no offence in any way to Koreans I'm just very confused |
Well, the issue is a little bit hard to summerize in one sentence, so i will do my best to explain. I met my current girlfriend a few weeks ago through a friend, things clicked pretty fast between us, and two weeks later i asked her out. There is one twist: I know she had a boyfriend for almost a year at the time. She mentioned that she just has no feelings for him since the beginning and they have drifted apart at this point. I know this is not very fair to the guy (who seems like a nice guy), and it is not the right thing to do. And i definitely know the saying "if she cheated with you, she will cheat on you." But I put some thought into it (i have had long term relationships, and seen enough girls to make the judgement that she is not that type of girl) I made the decision to ask her out anyway, and if time goes back i will make the same decision. So, she broke up with him, and we started dating. She did not mention me to him, as me appearing only accelerated the process, and she wanted to break up for a long time. Only problem is, her ex did not take it well at all. Which is also part of the reason why she couldn't do it sooner--he is very attached to her, and would actually cry if the topic is mentioned. He started to leave things at her doorstep, showing up to her work (she wasn't there, but got yelled at by her boss for this as he refused to leave when he was told to). Now she feels both uncomfortable and frightened. Don't get me wrong, her ex is not abusive or anything, like i said, he's just overly attached. In his mind he's just winning her back by doing these things. It's just, he is making her life miserable, and he doesn't realize it. Her and his friends tried to reason with him, he doesn't listen. I tried to comfort her but there is only so much I can do. And of course, he didn't know about me. And we both decided to not tell him about me, not because I'm afraid of the consequences, but rather because it shifts attention away from the problems that had caused the break up, and towards the fact that she "ran away with another guy". Which, like i said, played a very small part in her decision. In addition to that, i've been to that side of the table, and I know it will make him feel worse than getting dumped. I won't be affected either way, but for his sake I think it's the best to not mention about me in the conversation. And of course, it's not good for my gf's reputation either. So reddit, what should I (or her) do in this situation? | GF broke up with ex and started dating me. Ex did not take breakup well, started harrassing her (in his mind, winning her back). And he doesn't realize that she is dating someone else. |
I went to go visit family in Veracruz, they had a fairly large villa. Beautiful place (given this is pre-ultra violence Mexico) had large fields, trees, and a vast assortment of the most well behaved dogs. I love dogs, I became very friendly with an American Bulldog named "Plastico". Well, I was an insomniac from a very young age, and keen to exploration (Indiana jones) so, one night I'm staring at the ceiling and I hear some of the dogs playing outside. I was told that there may be coyotes out there so as to watch myself at night. I went anyway. I walked through to an outside living room thing, that had an open wall to the field and wood area. I saw the dogs playing and jumping around. I fucking saw them jumping around a point as if a person was in the center playing with them. I moved closer, feeling safe with the dogs, that's when I saw them. About five men, about three feet in height. They payed no attention to me, I was quiet. I saw them move around, playing with the dogs. I couldn't say exactly what they looked like, but they were brown and with shades of green. Pretty fast and they jumped fairly high for their size, they didn't make any noise I heard. I didn't register what I was seeing. I walked back into my room, hoping they didn't follow me back. I told my uncle the next day, he said they were Gnomes that lived in the trees. He was a pretty serious guy, not keen on jokes. He said how he leaves food out on a desk and they "suck the life out of it". I had hard nights after that. | I think I saw a group of Gnomes in Mexico. I don't know if anyone has read this far, I would really like someone to tell me they've seen something like that. |
I'm under the impression that my BF of 1 1/2 years only puts up with me as he pity's me for not having friends. I'm not a weird loner, I would actually consider myself to be an extrovert and I find it fairly easy talking to people but I just have a hard time trusting people. I always seem to think people have secret intentions to why they want to know me, I know that sounds super weird but my ex financially abused me. I was young and naive and honestly believed he loved me and only cared about me ( tragic ). This truly opened my eyes to how cruel and selfish people can be so now I always analyse people and try and get to know them before I open up to them, this can make it difficult to making new friends. Also my ex before the ex that financially abused me was controlling and paranoid ( I sure know how to pick them ) he always tried to stop me from seeing my friends by arguing with me and the fights we use to have was so exhausting that it just got to the point where I didn't want to go out any more and just stayed in with him as it was easier, this led to me losing my school friends as I never kept in contact. Now back to the actual point to why I have this thought, the other week he told me that he doesn't like hanging out with me any more. This made me think so WTF are you here?? For sex?? I asked him what his intentions were and why he was here but he just said "I don't know." I told him to leave as I was too upset to speak. I had some time to think and thought about certain things he has said such as "you don't go out much, do you?" And " you need to do something." Hearing those comments has encouraged me to go out, I went to a yoga/ meditation class the other week, was a bit awkward as I thought it would be more yoga so I wore yoga pants thinking we would actually be doing yoga and everyone else was dressed in casual clothing as it was mostly just waving your arms around and meditating. Its obvious he's feels sorry for me, isn't it? Now I'm thinking should I leave him? Am I holding him back from being with someone he could be happy with? Please help me see logically as I feel like my judgement is clouded by emotion | I think my BF thinks I'm a loner. He said he doesn't enjoy hanging out with me. Should I leave him so he can be with someone he enjoys being with? |
My boyfriend and I met in high school and have been dating for 4 years now. Three of these years I've been away at a college three hours away from him. In the past we usually took turns visiting each other every month and also skyping and texting often. But in the last year he has started a new job that is M-F 9-5 and also has classes M-T 7-9pm. So he hasn't been visiting me. At all this school year. We keep getting into the same argument every other week about how he won't visit me. It upsets me because I'm driving 3 hours every month to see him but he isn't willing to do the same. I feel like I am putting more time and effort into the relationship than he is. I don't know if I'm overreacting or not. Everything else about the relationship is great and when we are together its all sunshine and butterflies. But there is a small, selfish part of me that wants to say you need to visit or else this relationship isn't going to work... | My boyfriend of four years never visits me up at college even though I visit him often and I feel hurt that I put more into the relationship than he does. |
Hi reddit. New user here. Before her I had never had a gf as I'm a pretty weird guy (history of probable undiagnosed depression or BPD, almost committed suicide a few years ago). I didn't find her, she found me and was interested. After a while I started to be interested in her too, as she is also a pretty damn strange (and interesting) girl with lots of unresolved issues. We started dating about 10 months ago. I had the first kiss with her. I had the first time with her. (She does have lots of experience though). We became closer and closer. We started talking about our problems (very private ones) and help each other, and we started an official relationship. I have always been a little distant from her (I am very paranoid and scared of being emotionally in touch with people), but in the end I started working out that. It was going well. We were two cute weirdos. Then the problems came. Without any warning about 1 month ago she told me the was not in love with me, and for her a relationship without being in love is not fullfilling enough. Well, actually I'm not IN love with her either, but I don't see any problem. I've never been in love with anyone. I liked a lot of girls, I even loved them sometimes, but I never felt like being IN LOVE. English is not my first language so I don't know if you understand the difference. She though, has been in a relationship for 3 years and told me she knows what TRUE LOVE feels like. And after that, she feels our relationship is "empty". And she thinks this is unfair for both of us. The big problem is that we are not ready for breaking up and saying goodbye. We really love each other and have a very strong bond, and we are attracted physically and mentally. She proposed me an open relationship, without actually changing anything about the way we see each other but this way we can do our experiences. I am destroyed by this. I completely trust her good intentions. She insists staying with me, and that this will not change in any way what we feel for each other. But I don't even feel like it has a sense walking in the street holding hands anymore. Sometimes we're still very happy, have great sex, cuddle, talk about ourselves, just like nothing happened. Other times I can only think we are on a sinking ship. Opinions? | depressed guy and weird girl have a nice relationship that ends abruptly beacause they're not in love. Now have open relationship and are still very important for each other, but the guy doesn't find a sense in that. |
I'm currently in mortuary science school to be a funeral director, so, I embalm people in my clinicals. My first case was a person a little overweight. We had trouble with fluid distribution because his arteries had plaque in them. My professor had us feel them with our fingers so we could tell. and WOW. IT literally felt like small pebbles all throughout his artery we had raised for embalming. I lost 30 lbs a year back from eating better portions. Unfortunately I didn't have the motivation to exercise or eat that much healthier after that. Nothing like this has inspired me more to eat healthier now and exercise. I thought, wow, holy fuck, this will be me if I don't live a healthier life style. Nothing for me has been more of a kick in the ass to live better. Maybe it will be worth something to you! Good luck everyone! You only get the body you're in for your life, treat it well. | Embalmer in school, feels arteries with plaque in them for the first time, it feels like pebbles in your arteries. Finally got the kick in the ass to start living healthier. |
NE) As the title says, I'm being targeted in an online gossip forum and it's taken a toll on my work life and mental state. The website is the very first thing when googling my name, and it's very hurtful and nasty stuff. Looking into the website, they only remove a post if there is provable false in (claiming I have an std when I can produce a medical report claiming I do not, or lawyer intervention). Long story short, a guy texted me looking to hook up, I declined, his girlfriend saw the texts and went APESHIT on me. She completely disregarded the fact that I turned him down numerous times and all that, I have all the texts saved on my phone as proof, to which she replied "I don't give a shit about those, your a home wrecker and a piece of shit" yada yada yada. Well, I got a call from a friends PARENT asking if I knew about what had be put up. What's even worse, she used a photo of myself and my brother in his military clothes, which is not cool for him, although he's not aware of it. I'm wondering if I have legal basis to get a lawyer involved to send a cease and desist letter or if it could be escalated to suing to get this damn post down. She (the poster and her friend, who supposedly made it) will not listen to me when I ask them to remove it. It's turned into quite a mess, and although I've been great about ignoring it, I can't help but think it's hurting my yoga teaching career, as it comes above my yoga page. Any advice would be appreciated. She keeps claiming I'm the bad person, but with everything I have saved from her and her boyfriends attacks, it's clear they are the instigators. She even said "you messed with the wrong crazy girlfriend" after showing her I turned him down each time! And begged him to leave me alone. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. | gossip on the Internet slandering my name with untrue claims, hurting my business and my life in general. Have proof that I'm not in the wrong and she is just a nasty, crazy girlfriend. |
Hi /r/jobs. I'm new to this community and hoping that some of you with experience can provide advice on my upcoming milestone: quitting my first full-time job. Background: I work in marketing for an FMCG company where I started as a management trainee straight out of university. I've been with them for 3.5 years but their turnover has been very high; out of a commercial team of ~40 I'm third-longest standing, and have seen the team turnover twice during that time. Regardless, I have (mostly) enjoyed my time with the company and they've given me some great opportunities. I've decided to move on simply because it's time for a change. They're the only company I've ever known and I want to learn new ways of working / brands / cultures. I have decided to go traveling for three-ish months and then attempt to find work in Europe (opposite side of the world for me). I do not have a job lined up, but I do have enough money to support myself for a while and worst case scenario I can always come back home! The task ahead: As I'm required to give six weeks notice, I will be handing in my resignation on Monday (eep!). This is my boss' first day back at work following the Christmas break and he will only be in the office for a few hours before he flies out to a business conference; I have one window. This is a big deal for me and my concerns are as follows: I'm a very emotional/empathetic person. I hate feeling like I'm letting people down, and I know that I will in this situation (my boss has been extremely supportive, I'm highly valued to the company and they won't see this coming - not bragging, sorry!). How do I deal with this, ease my guilt/fears and not burst into tears while I'm doing the actual resigning? I know that they'll try and talk me into staying (taking a career break instead / work with the same company in Europe), and when that doesn't work the company has a history of turning "nasty" when you resign. E.g. "Don't you know how bad the situation is in Europe? You'll never find a job." or "We have invested so much into you, and now you're leaving? I can't believe you would do this to us." Again, I'm not really sure how to deal with this. Phew! A bit of a novel, sorry. I realise that I may be building some of this up in my head, but it doesn't make me feel any better in preparation for Monday. Can anyone with more experience provide some insight and advice? | Quitting my first ever full time job on Monday and very worried about how it will go down. Any advice on how to act / handle myself? Edit: formatting. |
TIFU. I work at a vet clinic and yesterday a man came in to get x rays for his cat. For those of you who don't know x rays for a cat are around 500$. I told him the price and he was reluctant but said he had to do what he had to do. He asked if there was a discount for disabled people (he only has one arm) and I tell him unfortunately no. Here's where I fuck up, at the time of drop off owners are only required to pay 75%, he wanted to pay this now and the rest later. I warned him the price may go up depending on how many xrays or if there are needs needed. He asks his sister to sign the paperwork for him as he only has one arm and it works be quicker and leaves. Later on, we do add charges and when he comes to pick up his pet I charge him out according to my program. The day is over and I'm looking over the sales for the day. The computer is 111$ over. I look through all the receipts and realize I never charged the poor man his 75%, I charged him the full 100% and then charged him for the remainer PLUS the meds. My manger looks at me and makes me call him and ask for the card number to refund him right away. I call and he struggles to find the card I'm ashamed, get the card number say goodbye. I try to run it through the machine "UNSUPPORTED CARD". YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! I call him again mortified at this point and explain, I get the right number he gets his refund. | I over charged a disabled man's vet bill when he didn't really have the money to spend. Called him to do a over the phone refund, copied the wrong card number, had to call him back. Mortified forever more. |
Just because we are designed to be able to eat meat, doesn't necessarily mean we are supposed to eat meat. Or all meat at least. Glass bottles are designed in a way that makes them tempting for one to wish to insert into one's anus to aide sexual or masturbatory pleasure. This does not mean we should use any beverage container as a sex toy, whether glass, plastic, metal or other material, as the anus is a vulnerable area and is therefore very susceptible to damage from any object which has not been carefully designed by experts. In the same way, not all foods that can be ingested should be ingested. In another analogy, a lactose intolerant person maybe perfectly capable of downing two pints of milk, this does not mean that those closest to him/her believe that s/he should. Before I go, I, as a vegetarian, feel duty bound to provide a lecture on why one would be a vegetarian, sorry. We humans are designed in such away that it would be unquestionably easy to just reach our fingers up, and jab our eyeballs out . The only reason we do not is that our mind tells us not to, it can do this in various ways: Some people will never even consider poking their eyes out , just as a giraffe never considers eating meat. And some people have grown up in a vegetarian community. Some people will be too scared of the pain to poke their eyes out , just as through electric shock treatment a gerbil can be trained to not eat it's young. And some people have allergies or have had a vulgar meat experience. For some people the desire to see is greater than the curiosity that drives them to poke their eyes out . Just as a child will often reject a new taste, the truth is that some people just plain don't desire meat (no matter how strongly you waft that bacon or salmon scent down the hallway). Some people believe there is a moral code, and their principles that they hold as true tell them that to poke out one's eyes would be immoral "you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." (1 Corinthians 6.20) in the same way many vegetarians will not eat meat because they feel like they are doing wrong when they do so. So we are vegetarian for the same reason that we do not poke our eyeballs out . As it is clearly wise to not poke our eyeballs out, it must therefore follow that it is wise to be vegetarian. Anyway, that's most of what I have to say on vegetarianism, I hope you have learnt and were not injured by any of it. | In the same way that you would not damage your anus, you should avoid certain foods. And for the same reason that you do not poke your eyeballs out, you should become vegetarian. |
Well...I'm really kind of ashamed to admit it and this is the first time this has ever happened, but 2 days ago, we were both pretty drunk and I started to pitch a fit about him being a little over enthusiastic about wanted to see one of my girl friend's boobs during a truth or dare game. After arguing for a good minute about it and he slaps me really hard. I started crying, and freaking out, he slaps me again. I don't remember what I said back at him, but then he choked me - like both hands around my throat for like 20 seconds before he let me go...The next day, he's crying and apologizing for what he did because he's never hit a woman, let alone choke one before. I'm not afraid of him and I do believe he's a good guy...I guess I'm just confused about what I should do, even though it seems really obvious. I don't know if I should tell anyone because I don't want our friends to look at him differently. And if I leave him, we're still going to see each other a lot because of how small our college campus is and we both live in the dorms...And on top of all that, I'll be graduating and leaving in May. Should I just tough it out until I leave? | My boyfriend and I got into an argument while drunk, he slapped and choked me. I'm confused about how I should feel and what I should do. |
Once my car broke down in a bad neighborhood. You know, the "crack den and prostitute motel" part of town. I made it to a gas station before dark and got out and lifted the hood of my car to pour some water in the radiator. I lifted the hood and started to pour water in the radiator when I turn and notice about 5 homeless guys who had been picking through the garbage bins for cans start walking towards me. I had noticed 2 when I pulled in just digging for cans in the garbage, but it seemed like the others came out of nowhere. One asked me if I needed help. "No thanks, I've got it". I didn't want to seem rude, the guy could have legitimately wanted to help. Some of the others were saying things I couldn't hear. Even after I declined the help, ALL of them kept approaching and I started to get back in my car and grab my phone when I hear a loud "HEY!!!". A large, butch homeless woman came charging out from behind the car wash. She yelled and told the guys to scram and to get away from me. The guys retreated post haste. She came up to me and told me the guys were scum and it was dangerous for me to be here by myself, and she would stay with me until AAA got there. She introduced herself, and went into the gas station to get some water to pour into the radiator and told me to stay in the car. She poured the water and even looked under the car and diagnosed the problem (she said she used to work on cars)- busted coolant hose. So we sat there (she insisted I stay in the car) as she stood or sat on the ground next to me and told me her story. Long story short, she moved down here to be with her girlfriend, things went bad, she didn't have a place to stay or a job, wasn't familiar with the area, and she wanted to get back home (out of state). About 30 minutes later AAA got there. She only asked if I knew where she could get a bus pass. I told her where the soup kitchens were that I knew of that may be able to help her out. She didn't ask for any money, but I gave her $20. I thanked her and she walked off into the sunset. Haven't seen her around since. | Homeless woman fends off posse of creeps after my car breaks down, diagnoses my car problem, and stays with me until AAA shows up. edit- spelling! |
We've been together almost a year now. My GF has many good qualities, but what I liked about her the most was that she seemed to be a good person. She puts others needs before her own, volunteers regularly with a local homeless organization, and has always presented herself as someone with a strong sense of right and wrong. I've found her to be honest and trustworthy, which is why I'm so confused by this. A couple we know just got engaged last week, and we were invited to the engagement dinner. Even though my GF is good friends with the girl who got engaged, she told me she didn't know if she could go. I asked her why, and she confided in me. Turns out that about a year into their relationship (almost 4 years ago) the guy cheated on my GF's friend with one of my GF's other friends. This friend told my GF about it much later, not realizing that my GF knew the girlfriend. In the past year or so, my GF has gotten closer to the girl who was cheated on, and has grown apart from the other friend (for unrelated reasons). I asked her if she was going to tell, and to my shock, she said she wasn't sure. She's known for about a year, and thinks that it's too late to say anything now since the wedding is in full gear (they've already booked a venue and other costs). She also doesn't think the guy would cheat again since it happened early on in their relationship, a long time ago, and that the two are "madly in love" now. She would rather distance herself from the girl than be responsible for ruining her life. I told her she should meet with the bf and make him confess, but she said she didn't know if she could do that or if it was the right thing. I asked her if she would want to know if it was her, and she told me that, surprisingly, no, and that was why she has kept the secret to herself. She said that if I ever cheated on her, she would be happier not knowing. But she sounds conflicted as to whether she's doing the right thing. While I see where GF is coming from, I'm disappointed. This is tarnishing my view of her because it makes me question her capacity for honesty. Here's my question, am I being dramatic? She didn't cheat on me, so why should this bother me? Is she actually doing the best thing possible in this situation? I tend to view things in b/w, and I want another perspective. | GF knows that a friend has been cheated on, but is reluctant to tell. It makes me question if she's really as good a person as I thought she was. | My husband and i have a little boy who will be two in the next few weeks, hes your typical little boy. You know that stage, touch all the things! Terrorize the dog and cat, say no to everything mommy and daddy tell him. Now, im more firm with him than my husband. When our boy throws a tantrum throws himself on the floor, screams with big crocodile tears, its a good show for sure. It makes me so sad seeing him that upset, but i know that i cant give in to him every time he throws a fit because hes not getting his way. I will let him sit there for a minute or two, then go to him and tell him why mommy said no. ( this morning i was a terrible person for not letting him push the kitchen chair to the window so he could fall out) anyway, when its just he and i his tantrums are very few and far between. When my husband comes home however, they are constant. Hes got my SO so wrapped around his little finger that its totally undermining everything ive done with him during the day. My husband cant stand to see our son bawling and screaming, it hurts his heart. I get it, it hurts me to but i dont want our son to become spoiled because he always gets his way. | my husband coddles our son when he throws tantrums and says im being to harsh. I dont want our kid to become a brat, need advise on how to get my husband to see my side of this |
My friend F just got back from traveling across Asia, after working with a refugee program in Thailand. We became very intimate the night before she left and then she traveled for 9 months straight across Asia, at first she kept in touch with me regularly but then it became less frequent for obvious reasons. She came back early this month and invited me to go out with her and her bro and another friend of her bro's to go clubbing. It was surprisingly an unenthusiastic moment when I saw her. That night she also invited me to go to a party she was having at her house the following night but I couldn't make it, but then I suggested we have coffee another day. She agreed. Then F and I meet for coffee, it started out as a regular conversation and then my feelings started coming back for her. When she left the states, I fell hard for her, and then after she left the feelings slowly went away, then my feelings arose again when she came back. We talked about some very personal things about us and our families, and all the shit we've been going through and were holding each other by the end of the conversation. We get up to leave, and then I tell her before we part ways that I still have feelings for her, and that I wasn't asking for a relationship, but that I was merely asking for a date. But then she tells me that she doesn't want to start something if she just knows it's going to end, she said this because she knows she's going to leave the country in the following months again, who knows for how long. She also says that she doesn't want to end up hurting me, and doesn't want to risk falling for me and then wanting to stay in the states with me, even though I know I couldn't and wouldn't tie her down, and she wouldn't let that happen to her anyway. I refuse to believe this malarky that she gave me, we're two people that like each other very much, and I want to start something anyway even though I know she's going away. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering if we could've had something special. So what I'm asking is that, should I try again? I still have genuine feelings for her and care about her very much, and I know that she still thinks fondly of me too, but she's too afraid of letting go and experiencing something new with me. Should I even bother? And if I should, how should I approach the subject again? | Boy likes girl, girl likes boy but is too afraid to start something with boy because she's leaving the country again for however long. Should boy try again? |
Hey guys, this is both our first relationship that has spanned over 3 months. So we're both quite young and inexperienced with relationships. A little back-story: Back in Dec. 2013, we almost broke up because she feels guilty of the fact that she does not like me as much as I like her. She feels guilty because she's never had a guy that cared for her so much, plan a surprise b-day party, hide little gifts, etc. She doesn't know why she isn't liking me as much as I like her, and she thinks its unfair to me. I acknowledge this fact, and I said it doesn't matter right now, it takes time in a relationship to really like someone. We decide to continue with our relationship as though nothing has happened. So yesterday, we hang out at my place, and I ask her what her summer plans are, and she says she wants to do some traveling. I know how much she loves traveling and I casually mention that it would be awesome if we traveled a little together too in the summer. She breaks down and starts crying. She says she does not want to travel with me and she doesn't know why. She's confused with her feelings and she brings up the same situation from Dec. 2013; its been 3 months and she still feels the same way. I like this girl, but I don't love her. Throughout the whole relationship we've been happy and having fun. Her family and friends like me. I hate to say this or even realize this, but she's right because this is not fair to me. I am not being appreciated for the efforts I put into this relationship. I have 2 options: A) This is just a bump in a relationship. I convince her to give this relationship more time. I think its too early to just give up on this relationship. It's hard to let someone who makes you happy go, but I think this option is unfair to her since I would be the only one happy and she would still be guilty. B) We break up. End things properly and on good terms. Perhaps, even have break up sex. | Girlfriend is confused about her feelings towards me. She feels guilty of the fact that she does not like me as much as I like her. Should I save the relationship or end it? |
hi guys. This is my first post so please be gentle :) I'm 23, living at home with my parents in the UAE; did uni in Australia (lived alone then), and moved back home (coz of job opps etc). Turns out my parents are now extremely controlling over my life - insist i don't have my life in order because I'm too distracted by my boyfriend (of 1 year - all my close friends and family, minus the rents, know us to be a healthy, productive couple). side note: parents are very career driven They make it very hard for me to see him. Banned me from going to his house, family parties etc. I'm freelancing at an advertising agency, earning a monthly salary but am looking for a better career now. Again, rents think bf is distracting me from this (untrue since he helps me job hunt). Finally decide to take a trip overseas alone to clear thoughts; dad agrees and thinks its a great idea; but out of the blue says i have to now come with him to India. I refuse but he insists and i have to shell out $$$ for a trip i don't want to make (i've also just returned from a trip to india). More controlling things have happened but I've finally been pushed over the edge. I want to leave home and lately I've been nothing but depressed and negative - rents see it as "me putting myself in this situation.. and it's all in my head". Any discussion leads to arguments where I get frustrated and they make me feel guilty :( Can anyone offer any advice on what to do? I'm so desperate | Parents over controlling; don't let me see bf so i have to lie; now controlling travel plans & even weekend plans; want to leave home but can't or I'll be guilt tripped for life. HELP! |
Images of suspension letter given today) Hello. Today I got suspended from Mcdonald's (UK) for taking a slice of cheese off a Big Mac that I had just cooked (after it has touched the meat) and giving it to a person on till who was waiting for a Big Mac no cheese grill for a long period of time, so in a state of panic and momentary lapse in concentration, I handed over the burger after taking the slice of cheese (an act that is done EVERY SINGLE DAY in the restaurant by employees) It turns out the customer was lactose intolerant and obviously came back to complain (rightfully so) as I endangered her safety. The only manager on shift came in and made me aware on my break and I admitted straight away informally, after a little more informal discussion; she said I would be OK (keeping my job-wise) but she had to contact the store manager to let him know what had gone on. An hour later I got invited into the office and got suspended (to my surprise, as it happened fairly quickly) and given the letter that you can click on above. This is the tricky part. My past disciplinary records are not good (please do not judge me as a person based on these disciplinaries, there are various reasons as to why I am the way I am with work). I am currently on my final written warning (there is so much behind this and as to why I still have it in my personal log) and I am not really a needed employee but yet have been working there since August 2010 part time (I'm at uni). My question is, do I have a leg to stand on regarding this issue or am I well and truly f***ed? If anyone requires anymore information that may help, please ask. I have tried to summarise as much as I can but there are lots of other minor details! | Took a slice of cheese off a mac when they needed mac no cheese grill, still some cheese connected to the meat, customer had allergic reaction and kicked off. I've been suspended for it Thanks very much :) |
We were on lockdown because a large man fleeing from an attempted warrant arrest hid in the building. This started just as lunch was ending, and the police told us to stay out of the building while they sweep through to find the guy. We get the all clear and go to class. About an hour later (we did block scheduling, so classes were 90mins) someone noticed something odd along the walls of the room the dance class was held in; Turns out this huge black dude was hiding behind a set of black curtains, in a room full of teenage girls. He decided he'd rather just step out and said "Don't worry, I do not want to hurt anyone. I'm just going to leave", then left the room with his hands raised in plain view. I've gotta admit, that's a pretty good way to handle that while minimizing the psychological damage he'd caused amongst those students, I can respect that. Anyway, back on topic. So he left, but we went on lockdown. I was in an art class at the time. Teachers were freaking out, kids were scared and hiding under the tables, and rumors were being exchanged. I was a bit worried at first, since he was sighted just down the hall, but then I thought about it; He had 2-3 exits within 50ft of the room he was in, and if he was in fact going to pull something, we'd hear about it. So I said "fuck it" and played a game on my DS for the hour the lockdown lasted. When they finally caught him, he was indeed unarmed, and wanted for the particularly unintimidating crime of credit card fraud. The dancers were still shaken though, but I can't blame them for that hell of a jumpscare. | A large black guy running from the cops hid in a room full of teenage girls in tights. The first lockdown in over 20 years ensued, people lost their shit. |
My girlfriend and I have been going out for 8 months. Certainly not a long period of time, but enough to have engendered deep feelings for one another. When I'm with her, she makes me a better person and is the most intelligent and funny girl I've personally met. And now, because of the length we've dated, I'm starting to think of the future and I know for sure that I want to be a father at some point. Not now, not even five years from now, but in the future for sure. She is pretty adamant about not wanting kids. She's 24 and this is her first ever relationship of any kind. At first, I figured that was a "not right now" but she says that considering where she's at in her career (film production) that she doesn't think she'd be able to sacrifice the things necessary to care about a baby. I've read plenty of examples and known people who have said similar things but as the years went on loosened their views, eventually decided to have kids and love their children. Is it too early on for me to be thinking about this? Should I consider getting out now? Any help is appreciated. Thanks everyone! | At 8 months together, very much in love, but we see future differently -- I want kids, she does not. Am I wasting my time or is it too early on to worry about? |
Two experiences here. Both the same year.... 1st, 7th grade, middle of the year in middle school. I was a pretty socially awkward kid, didn't talk much, didn't bother people. Was slightly hated on for being on the small/smart side but I dealt with it...until that one day....It was gym class, some fight broke out in the hall ways, so of course gym teachers had to leave to go help, they told us all to sit cross legged and everyone did....for about half a minute then, some ass wipe got the idea to have everyone in class beat on one kid...guess who it was...that day I was horribly scarred of gyms (ENTIRE FUCKING CLASS RAN AT ME) whats worse the dickhead of a gym teacher blamed it ALL one me and I was the only one in trouble. don't remember the punishment though. 2nd incident happens near end year. So this new kid transfers into class, and let me say no matter how much I got bullied this kid got it worse, even more than my gym incident. Everyone hated him, hell even me, just because the way he acted, he was a little braggart with his shit bringing in gameboys and all that fun stuff and showing it off. So me and the kid have a math class, and everyone knows he kept his shit in his pack so the moment the teacher turns away to take a step outside (no idea why) a random kid runs to mr.transfer student and takes his pack, dumps all that shit out and everyone is grabbing his stuff (I'm just at the side of the room near the door watching all this go on). other stuff happens yadayada, teach comes in stops everything but the kid is crying his eyes out. So here comes the moment, right after class I'm just walking up the stairs then all of a sudden instantly pulled back by my pack strap and WHAM the kid hits me of all people. Now while I was weak, I didn't take that kinda shit, so after recovering myself I got up dem stairs chased him down and headbutted him (I believe I fractured his skull a bit) then gave him a knee. Was like fuck yeah....and then he kicks me in the stomach, now while this wasn't so bad, I remind you, we are at the top of the stairs so doing the math you can reason I fell....alot, down the entire flight right into a radiator which I cracked a rib on. This incident caused me to be so mother fucking wary of stairs that I don't take them if I can help it (well then again that's most of 'merica anyways) | Was jumped by entire gym class and blamed for it, and was kicked down flight of stairs and now am forever wary of them. Edit: Still no idea as to why the kid attacked me. |
No. I tried to give as much detail as possible, but I guess I didn't describe the situation enough... Our apartment building itself is about four units, two upstairs and two downstairs, all of which the front doors open up to the outside. Our apartment complex is about six of these buildings around a common courtyard. All of the kids usually play outside in the courtyard and, although some of the older children play outside unsupervised, when my son is outside either my wife or I (or both) sit in the courtyard and supervise. There is usually a group of parents that we sit with and socialize while the children play. The typical scenario is the following. We're playing in the courtyard when the neighbors come home. They stop by and say hello before going inside. Their son and my son start playing and run upstairs while we're all talking. Does that make more sense? | The apartments open up to a courtyard which is like a small playground in a small town... not like a New York or Chicago high rise complex. |
I was 24. My best friends 'casual' girlfriend wanted to 'venture out'. I started to go along with it-- we would make out and such in bars while he wasn't there. One Wednesday, she gets rushed to the hospital with a body gone numb and they discover brain cancer. That Saturday (72 hours later), she falls brain dead on her parents couch. My best friend will never know about her 'venturing out'. | Don't piddle your dick in other people's relationships, because if one of them drops dead the next day, you'll be living with it the rest of your life. |
Everyone is intimidated by everyone else in some form or another. Intimidation is caused by feelings of inadequacy which we all have, whether or not the reasons for those feelings are real. Realizing this, how does one deal with those feelings? The sappy advice would be to "get in touch with 'you' and what your goals in life are, and then 'learn to be ok with who you are.'" Real advice: Intimidation is a form of fear. Fear isn't bad, and in fact can useful. The way to deal with fear is reason, and then courage. Others here have laid out the "reason" argument: She left him for you. You obviously provide her with something an Ivy-league lawyer making six figures couldn't. Could be the "working all the time" thing, or it could be that you have a huge penis. Whatever it is, it's important to keep in mind the "courage" thing. Courage isn't fearlessness, it's moving forward and accomplishing what you want in spite of your fears and worries. So, focus on YOUR relationship with YOUR girlfriend, not her past relationship with her EX-husband. When you happen to run into him, stick your hand out, shake, and be civil. If he isn't civil to you, remain civil and keep your cool. Your girlfriend thinks you are better than he is, don't give her a reason not to by demonstrating your insecurity and acting foolish. Chances are the ex-husband feels just as insecure about you because his wife left him for you. | She's with you now, don't act like an insecure bitch. It's ok to be insecure, just don't let it affect your relationship. And to quote fight club "You are not your fucking khakis." |
Join the club. I went through a similar thing. Start small and improve your life one step at a time. What are you eating? Whats your exercize like? Sleep patterns? I started by going to the gym and running, check out fitness websites and get a good playlist on an ipod or something. Dedicate an hour or more a day of just getting out of the house. This in turn leads to more confidence slowly and will allow you to readjust to social norms. Regarding the anxiety, two things helped me, an ssri sertraline and also working at a bar. See your doctor for a talk about your anxiety and regarding the second i reckon everyone should work in hospotality at least once. The pay is usually shit but you meet some great people and hopefully some really nice girls too! | get yo ass outa the house one step at a time. Dont try to too much too fast or youll relapse into bad habits. Edit; forgot to add. START TODAY. Procrastination is a bitch, dont let it win |
Definitely. I grew up in an active, "rugged" area, where a lot of people were into hiking, skiing, and a bunch of other outdoor activities. Consequently, almost everyone was fit, and they made the most of their best features. I now go to an "intellectual" school in a large city. No one gives two shits about their appearance—a lot of people can't even be bothered to shower with any regularity. Greasy hair and rampant body odor does little to improve your appearance, but no one cares. I don't think it depends as much on the size and wealth of the town; I think it's more of a culture thing. When I was growing up, smelling bad and wearing dirty clothes meant that you were poor, so everyone made sure they were always clean and dressed in the best they could afford. At my college, this motivation to look good is completely lacking, and so we have a lot of "ugly" people. | Yes. Taking care of yourself (exercise, brushing your teeth) goes a long way toward making an "average" person more attractive. Some places, people just can't be bothered. |
We've been together about 4 months now, I'm almost 18 and he just turned 20. I've always had a weird feeling about him when it comes to trust and what not. I just expected it was because he had hooked up with so many girls before me (but had never had sex), and the last guy I had been with (for almost a year and a half) had never even kissed a girl before me. My boyfriend spends a lot of time at my house, and today I got home to check my gmail to find he had not logged out of his. Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I searched his email for my name... I know I really shouldn't have done that, I would flip a bitch if anyone searched through my email and what not. I feel it was very wrong of me to do such of thing, but now I don't know what to do because of what I saw. I found this one gmail chat conversation with one of his good female friends of the past couple of years. It was from about three months ago, so we had only been dating for a month. It was a very long conversation mostly consisting of him begging his friend and trying to make a deal with her to show him "hers" if he showed her "hims," ya know? She sounded like she didn't really want to but was getting horny, and they talked about getting off and such. Overall, my boyfriend was being kind of perverted, in my opinion, and I was taken aback about the things he was saying and how much he wanted to show her his penis over video chat. He also told her how much he had fantasized about taking her bra off in High School. Now that that is out. I don't know what I should do. I can't be mad at him because I was the one searching through his email. And it would be unfair for him to think I was mad at him without a reason. But I also can not forget what I read, and almost view him in a new light... So, reddit... What would you do in this situation? I'm conflicted. Feel free to ask questions and I can clarify if need be. | I found a conversation between my boyfriend and another girl in which he was very adamant about showing her his penis after we had been dating a month. |
A bit about me: Self-employed, low on work. kind of at slow point in my life. live in a house on my parents property. A bit about her: currently on medical leave, french teacher. successful. She and I had been dating since late november of 2014, but I have cared about her very very much. She has been through alot, including rehab (she struggled with drugs and depression most of her life) last month, but I knew who she really was deep down and was there for her and supported her through it all. After struggling through those times, a few nights ago I told my best friend how I finally felt that I was very happy with how the relationship was going and that I felt good and confidant. Two nights ago I took her bowling with me, for her to meet some of my friends for the first time. (theyre near my age). After taking her home that night, I could tell something was bothering her, and it turned out to be the age difference and how it makes her uncomfortable. In her words "I dont mind our ages when its just us" and that "i should be with some young girl my age" and later on she said "Im at a point in my life that im finally ready for a house and family and stuff". I told her numerous times that I think shes beautiful and that her age means nothing to me. The day before she literally sent me a text saying i "was her dream guy". What changed? I sucks im still at home, and it looks like im a dead end, but I am trying to make things happen I wish i could say something for her to have faith in me, that i want the same thing. What do I do? I do love her and care about her, but is there nothing I can do to bring myself (or bring her and I) to the same level? | good relationship, says im dream guy, breaks up with me a day later, says shes ready for a house and start a family after meeting my friends |
I believe that this is a major grey area. For example if it is a mental disorder I.E. depression the people should seek medical help from psychiatrists and psychologists because it is a chemical imbalance that can be fixed through trial an error with medication. I have had experience with this because when I was on anti-depressants the first that I was put on made everything a thousand times worse. So much worse that I ended up sitting with a knife to my throat trying to decide why I shouldn't end everything. Luckily reason won and I didn't slide the knife. However the second anti-depressant I was on made everything so much better and I was able to weed myself off of the medication. Secondly I am ok with people who are going through major medical issues that are untreatable(I.E. stage 4 cancer) to be able to consciously take their own life. The reason I'm ok with this one is because the people going through these medical issues have thought out most everything in their future and most of the time, at least from what I have personally seen, they do not want to live with the pain and they do not want to put their families through the torment of them dying slowly. I have had many conversations with my mom, who was diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer last year and has been dealing with thyroid cancer for the last 8 years, about how tired she is, and how much pain she is constantly in. We have also talked about how she won't go through any more chemo because it will not help her much any more and she is tired of it. She has also told me how sometimes she does wish she had died a while ago so she didn't go through everything that she had gone through. If she did end up taking her own life at one point I know that I would obviously be devastated, but I would understand her decision. I also believe that the only reason she doesn't do it is because she wants to she my niece grow up, and see me get married and have children of my own | depression/ mental disorders: get yourself fixed Major medical conditions that you will most likely not live that long through: I believe that you don't need to suffer through it of you don't want to. |
To understand why this had to happen, I'm taking you back to this weekend which was in Vegas, but this actually happened this morning. The weekend was awesome and crazy and all that, but that's not what I'm here to talk about. On Sunday, I was still kind of drunk at closeout and I left my phone chargers in the hotel room. I spent most of the day with friends that were still there, then took the long drive back home. Sunday evening, I go to plug in my phones and pass out and obviously can't find my chargers because I left them in Vegas. Whatever, I'm tired and will get some new ones after work the next day. We have to be at work at 5:45 to catch a 45 minute van that takes us to our office. I'm tired but I make it yesterday. End of the day comes around and I get back in the van and head back to the main office. Well, turns out I left my keys at that office, so I had to get a ride home and figured I'd just need to figure something out this morning. My phones are both dead at this point but hey, it's one day, what can happen? I had a really important meeting today that was with some higher-ups that was going to give me more responsibility. I didn't realize I couldn't get a hold of anyone to take me to work until it was too late to really do much about it. So I got some rollerblades on and decided to just do what I can. I got horrible blisters on the way but I was determined. Unfortunately I was late (I really wasn't even close) and missed the van pool. Okay, I'll just rent a vehicle out. We have to sign in the vehicles with these little key fabs (which are on my keys in the other office) or else it makes a huge fuss the whole way, but I did it anyway. I hobbled into the meeting but I was told I didn't need to be there anymore. After the meeting I talked to my boss and explained the whole situation. I'm being written up for using a car without signing in, and now I don't get the project that was supposed to be mine. As a bonus, my feet are currently killing me and this weekend I lost a LOT of money. | Left phone chargers out of town, left keys away from home, didn't make it to a big meeting in time, and now I'm in an awful spot. Edit: Meeting was today, Tuesday. Got back from Vegas Sunday. |
I'm a 25-year-old full-time college student who also works 40+ hrs a week in a physically demanding job. This is also my thesis year, and I'm finding that the stress, anxiety and exhaustion are so overwhelming that I get to the point that I cant focus on any task at hand. I'm looking for ANY advice on how I can possibly distress myself in the moment (i.e. stretching or meditation) that has worked for you, so I can focus on what needs to be done. Too often, I've found myself beginning an assignment and giving up an hour into it because I'm either too drained after work or to anxious that I convince myself that it would be easier to be done at another time... Or my favorite procrastination excuse: I need more time to think about what I'm trying to say in the assignment. | exhausted and stressed 24/7. Need ideas on how to manage it so I can focus on schoolwork. PLEASE and thank you!! EDIT: No, I'm not procrastinating anything by submitting this. I reward myself with Reddit after I do my homework |
Being identified as gifted meant that I got to do special programmes for being such in primary and intermediate, but it was only an hour once a week - in primary school, the rest of the time the school didn't have resources to deal with my 'giftedness' so while everyone else was doing spelling/reading/maths, I would get told to do whatever I wanted. I thought it was great at the time, but it really instilled an I'm-smart-therefore-I-never-have-to-actually-try-at-anything mentality, which resulted in me becoming the laziest student ever with a college transcript chock-full of Bs because I never learned how to study. Meanwhile, my brother was never really a great student with maths/english/science etc and was told by teachers that he'd never be at my level - once he got to his later high school years and was able to take a full schedule of art electives (He'd an incredible painter), missed out on Dux (our version of valedictorian) on a technicality and works harder than anybody I know. | my 'non-gifted' brother is a far more successful student than me because he had to work to get his grades, rather being able to skate through and be lazy like me. |
First I'd like to note that I've always been very introverted (not shy) person and never been good at making friends. I have acquintances and I get along well with my coworkers etc. but I've only ever had a few "deeper" friendships in my life. During my early teenage years, I was completely alone and pretty heavily bullied at school, but later (when I was 17 or so) I became friends with 3-4 other girls in our school. They were the first real friends I ever had, especially one of them (I call her Gwen), who I became really close with. Our little group spent very much time together, before we graduated and for a couple of years after that. Then we started to drift apart. I met my SO who later became my husband. I studied, graduated, found a job. I tried my best to keep in touch with all the girls (Gwen especially), but it seemed we saw each other less and less. One of us (I call her Susan) moved abroad, another ("Amy") met a pretty conservative guy, had a baby and voluntarily left our group, because her values had changed drastically (she became a bit homophobic etc, which caused confrontation between her and rest of the group). Gwen's life went down very different road than mine. She never finished any studies and to this day, she hasn't (to my knowledge) worked a day in her life. For a moment, she dated a 17-year-old girl with serious mental problems and her friends seemed to be younger every year. I'd like to think I always tried to be supportive and not judge her, but one day she wrote to me that she no longer wants me to be in her life because I'm so different and that I can't understand her with my "perfect straight marriage" and my job. She removed me from her Facebook and even though I tried, she never gave me a change to talk things through. I was crushed, because despite everything, she was and still is the best friend I've ever had (except for my husband). Since then, I rarely saw anyone from the group other than accidentally. Two of them are still my facebook friends and we occasionally talk there, but it's not like it was, we've become distant. I've tried to meet with them, arrange some girls night out, but it seems there's always this "yes, it would be nice sometimes, let's see..." and then I never hear from them again. This is mostly with Susan, who is still close with Gwen and others (apart from Amy I think). I had hoped that maybe through Susan I could even reconnect with Gwen one day. But none of this seem to be happening. I'm happy in my life mostly, I enjoy time with my husband and alone, I like my job a lot and I'm close with my family, but there are times when I desperately miss my girls. Should I give up and move on? Or should I still try? | Miss my old friends. We have become distant and my best friend cut me out of her life couple of years ago because our lives were too different. Should I still try to reconnect? |
Back in September, my fiance slept with a random girl (whom he met in a bar). We had been broken up for a week, so I forgave it. He volunteered to never see or talk to her ever again. But, turns out, he has been secretly seeing her behind my back for all these months. He says that they are "just friends" so I tried to work through it with him. I poured effort into a solution and finding a compromise, but he wouldn’t budge and refused to stop talking to her. Needless to say, we are no longer engaged. Well… today. I sent him a flurry of hurtful text messages out of pure anger and frustration. And they were really ugly. EX’s : "fuck you, and fuck her for being better than me" …and… "you treated me like a 2nd place piece of shit" …and… "I hope she's worth it" …etc, etc, etc… Lots of F-bombs and cussing. He replied somewhere in the middle, telling me that I was being mean. But I just kept at it. I was sooooo angry and hurt. I honestly, don’t care if they are just friends, I feel betrayed and he refused to acknowledge it. At the time, I felt like my texts were completely justified. But now, I just feel bad. I’m not a mean person. But I feel mean and hurtful. I hate how he hurt me, but I do still love him, I don’t want him to feel hurt. He’s gotten me to this hurt/angry text spot before in other situations, but this was reeeaaalllly bad. Do I apologize? Do I let it go? I’ve never been in a situation even close to this before. I don’t know what the right way to respond is. What's appropriate, what's not? EDIT/UPDATE: He emailed me this morning, said that I was being scary, and that "this is not how good people react." ...and he infuriated me again with, "are you seeking revenge? For what?" I was stupid, and replied with a long explanation, in not the nicest words, and I did not apologize. I have since deleted every trace of him from everything. But now, I'm back to feeling bad. I didn't know even that I had this ugly side. He stated that I wasn't behaving like a good person :( | my fiance was having a secret relationship, I got really mad, acted immature, sent him A LOT of horrible texts, and now I feel bad. |
I talked to a girl on OKCupid for a while. She was smart, pretty, and seemed to have a neat personality. Didn't take it too seriously as I'd never done the online thing before, but I had to admit I was a bit excited. We talk more and more and end up deciding we want to meet. The first few times don't work out so much as far as the "meeting" part goes. Plans change last minute, she's seeing a play at my college but it is with an ex-boyfriend who is now friend so it'd be a 3rd-wheel awkward thing going on, so on so on. Eventually I tell her I'll help her at this festival she's helping to run Called the SeeDTime festival. It's in the Appalachian mountains and I drive about 4 hours down there. This isn't desperation or anything; I actually like stuff like this. There were a lot of country people there and it was neat hearing their stories. I don't regret going at all. But my main purpose was this girl. I get there and walk around for a bit. She eventually finds me and we have an awkward hello, then she says she has to help set up more stuff. I help at a booth with a nice older lady (she gave me a hug goodbye when I finished). I don't see the girl I came to see the entire time (but I did see a band with a banjo, keyboard, and turntables), and the festival eventually ends. I go inside the building the festival was held near and we talk for about 60 seconds before she goes off to talk to someone else. Didn't see her again for the remainder of that time. When I get back home, she sends me a thank you note for going to the festival (both online and off), don't hear anything else from her ever again. | Meet girl online, things go well, decide to meet, end up not meeting until I drive over 4 hours to volunteer at a festival with her where I talk to her for maybe 3 minutes. |
I'll tell you about one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life that all started with a poorly-controlled fart. So I was sitting in the library at the university that I attend just waiting half an hour for my bus to go home. Anyways, the time came to walk to the bus stop. So I stood up from my chair and, as I did so, I let a fairly loud fart squeak out. Loud enough that the 3 or 4 people around me heard. So I escaped as quickly as possible; but, when I got to the stairs, I realized I had forgotten my water bottle (it was my favourite one too), so I had to return to the scene of my embarrassment and grab it. So then I went down to the bus stop just in time to see my bus leaving. I, not wanting to wait another half hour, tried to run and catch it. Now, it was February in Saskatchewan; and, of course the road was icy and I slipped and fell. Not only that, but I ran a few steps while falling. When I got up, I realized that my pants had ripped. To top it off, I had missed my bus. So, down trodden, I walked back to the library to nurse my wounded pride. As I was going, I tried to spit. Spitting in the middle of winter after running is not a good idea as the spit tends to get really gross and stringy. So I spit on my sweater. | Farted in the library and ran away, had to go back to get favourite water bottle, ran to catch bus, had very ungraceful slip, ripped pants open at the crotch, missed bus anyways, spit on self. Piss poor day all around. |
This kid and I kept flirting with one another in 9th grade. He was short, awkward, blonde hair, like, 100lbs because he was so scrawny. Kind of annoying, too, and really religious (his FB statuses these days are usually Bible quotes.) I was a little desperate at the time. A lot of my guy friends friendzoned me because I wasn't very girly. Everyday after school we just stopped at Wawa for some Cheeto's, then we just when back to one of our houses to play Ocarina of Time (10 minutes of gameplay per person) or Starfox or something. Hell, we all got so comfortable with each other, they just played 64 in their boxers and nobody gave a single fuck. By the end of the year, I could relate more to guys about guy problems than I could relate to other girls. Lots of lesbian rumors. But I digress. Anyway, I needed a boyfriend that didn't see me as a guy friend. So I led this kid on until I realized his flaws were really really big. He was a sophomore, but he followed me a lot, and he called me on the phone noting when he saw me that day and with whom ("You were outside J-201 with your friend Derp McDerpson and you were laughing a lot, k bye. hang up " So later this kid gets the balls to call me and ask me out. I told him no and that I liked my best guy friend. It was mostly like, "Oh, that's really cute that you like me, but I like the guy who I've known for 5 years and hasn't made a move on once." Kid got really heartbroken and he slouched a lot for the rest of the year, didn't ask out another girl since, eh, maybe December of his junior year. | I led on this religious kid and kind of shattered his dreams when he asked me out. You are not an asshole, bro. I'm probably worst kind of girl out there. xD |
That A) Ghettos are somehow created by the choices of black people and B) Detroit's fall from grace is the fault of its current residents. Ghettos were easily created due to the lack of housing laws in the early 20th century and they were easy to maintain after housing legislation came about due to racial steering (showing different residences to minorities to steer them into separate neighborhoods) and other discriminatory practices. It is also very difficult to leave the ghetto because of the lack of socioeconomic mobility. A court case in 1974 made it virtually impossible for children to go to public schools in other districts. Since the ghettos were packed into certain districts, guess which schools those children were forced to attend. This issue is also why the residents cannot be blamed for Detroit's current state. Detroit hinged upon the auto industry and the investment that came with that. When the auto industry left the city for the suburbs, the investment left, too. Ghetto residents had no way to leave with the exodus of Detroit's economy, leaving the discriminated to deal with the lack of economic stability. To add on to that, Arab (mainly Chaldean) immigration boomed in the coming decades, and they were given jobs that weren't given to the black population (convenience stores, gas stations, etc.). The Chaldean attitude toward employment generally revolves around the family, leaving even fewer chances for black residents to find employment in an already economically fragile city. | Black residents of Detroit were herded into communities, forced to stay in Detroit when the money left, and had job opportunities snatched away (no malice implied) by other minorities who were viewed more favorably by the white businessmen. |
So during a Secret Santa gift exchange some people on my floor were doing earlier this year, one person didn't have a gift for his person. His reason was the following: So he went to a sex shop and bought a blow-up sex doll for his person. After blowing it up for whatever reason (I think it was to make unwrapping it awkward as hell for the recipient), he panicked and threw it down our dorm's garbage chute. Turns out it was a midget sex doll. | Guy in secret santa exchange throws his gift to another person away because he accidentally bought a midget sex doll instead of a full-size one. |
Met this guy about 3 weeks ago. We had an awesome first date..I did spend the night, but we didn't have sex. I've seen him 4 times since then. We did sleep together the 2nd time, and every time we have gone out, we've had a sleepover. I'm very sexually and physically attracted to him and it seems he is attracted to me as well. I've met a few of his friends, we go on dates to nice places, we cuddle, and when we walk down the street he puts his arm around me and kisses me in public. He tells me I'm super pretty etc....He makes comments like when we pass a restaurant "we should go there at some point" which I take as a good sign. I'm confused about him. I went away to Florida on Wednesday until yesterday and I was hoping to see him shortly after I got back. We did text a bit this weekend too...He definitely doesn't seem to be a big texter, which he did tell me he'd rather talk on the phone to people. But he is the type that will text, then respond like 45 minutes later, sometimes 2 hours later which is strange to me. I don't know if he does this normally (to other people) he doesn't have his phone out when we are together. He texted me last night and asked me to do something this coming weekend. That's in 4 days. Am I reading into this too much? Am I being a crazyperson? I got out of a 3 year relationship a few months ago (that I'm totally over btw) but dating seems so foreign to me. Is it normal to see someone you're into only once a week? Is this how it is in the beginning? Last week I saw him twice, but I assumed this week would be the same since I hadn't seen him. Obviously i like him a lot...I think it's FAR too soon to ask him where anything is going, but I also don't just want to be a booty call since I do like friends say if I was, he wouldn't ask me to go out on the weekends, he'd save that for his friends or whatever else. He does need to get up early for work during the week, but we've also done stuff on weekday nights once. I know this seems silly, but any insight would be great. | Dating a new guy, we seem to be into each other, so why do we only see each other once or twice (at most) a week? |
Like most of these stories, this didn't happen today, but yesterday. Also, I would have put this up yesterday, but upon reading the story you'll understand why. And sorry for not having any evidence :( So my mom recently bought a box of these delicious mozzarella sticks that are rather expensive. I was going to use the oven but it didn't say how much to use for how much I wanted (about 4-5), but the microwave did, so I put them in for the given time (8-9 minutes) I didn't know you were supposed to use the fan in the microwave. About 3 minutes into the cooking, I begin to hear sizzling and I think that is a good thing, as I was starving. 5 minutes in, I smell something really, really rancid coming from the kitchen, I run in, stop the microwave, and there are 4 carcasses of bread with black puddles next to them. I tried to pick it up, but it was too hot. I grab a kitchen glove and try to pick it up, but one of the puddles managed to go through the plastic and stuck to the revolver. I manage to get it out with a slight tug and immediately throw it into the sink and turn cold water on. Upon cooling it down (managed to not light on fire) I got the burnt cheese out and found out they had melted the plastic, creating foxholes in the plate (and yes, one managed to get through). I decided to throw out the plate. | Tried to make cheese sticks in microwave. Didn't turn fan on. Melted foxholes into plate and one managed to make a hole in it. Threw plate in garbage. |
I have a small business. I ran it myself for years doing taxes myself no problem. I hired two employees and paid them cash no problem. In 09 I started to get them "On the Books" for business purposes. One employee left with no notice right as I was filing the paper work and I ended up swamped in work for a few months, then got lazy. Never filed it always figured I'd do that next (day week month) take your pick. Last year I just paid off my one employee cash for her tax refund. Unfortunately new employee has kids etc and needs his paper work to file for all sorts of stuff. I've never filed it but have all the forms and have been withholding. How do I get this all taken care of. Most of the info I find online is aimed at personal taxes and the companies I see that help with filing back taxes are all scams or have horrible reviews on BBB. Do I need a accountant or a tax lawyer or is their a IRS program I can use? I'm hoping reddit can help. Your my last best hope for the future. | Have Small Biz, Fucked up employee with holding and filing. How to fix? Thanks Follow Up: Took all my paper work into an accountant. Hope it goes well. |
I dont have any other choice, its too long of a story to explain and you wont honestly care, im only so tolerant from a lifetime of abuse, neglect, and bad luck, Im numb. Ive had the 1000 yard stare on my face since I was born. Im 21 now but ive been thousands in debt, locked in the looney bin, picked on by my family and friends, bed wetter til 12, moved from state to state, a freak, been in jail, faced multiple felonies, dropped out of college, had my heart ripped from my chest, ran away, Ive been at rock bottom more than I want to admit. Im no saint, I am a piece of shit, but i can do things, i have a list of proven accomplishments that put me a step ahead other my age but my list of fuck ups is just as long and that holds me back. I am shy and introverted, when I am upset I retreat to a hobby and try to master it to remind myself im worth something and ive succeeded, it's not hard for me to impress someone, but its not hard for me to feel abandoned and afraid and want to be alone and i end up fucking things up because of it. | Im really good at dropping my mirror, getting all the pieces back together perfect, but then dropping it because my hands got too sweaty from the task. |
The one thing that I can say for a fact about Crohn's Disease is that no two people have it the same way. One guy might be able to control it completely by diet. The next can't even come close to controlling it without medications and surgery. That lady might be able to eat what she likes most days with a minimum of discomfort except when she has a flare up. That lady over there might never be too sure how food is going to react even if it's something that she had no trouble with last week. My husband is in that last boat. Bonus for him? He is missing half his large intestine and a third of his small intestines as well as his gall bladder. He might be able to eat fajitas with all the fixings (except for bell peppers, but that's just because they are gross) for a few months, then one night they put him in the hospital. The trouble is that it's the same with soup. Today soup is fine. Tomorrow it causes great pain and suffering. He's in the "you never know for sure if you can eat today" category. Sadly it has taken years (and a lot of wasted food) to figure out the daily shopping thing. I still suck at it, frankly, because there are days when I just don't want to go to the damn store again. I go because I love my husband and if he thinks he can eat steak that night, then by God he is getting steak. | No two people have Crohn's Disease the same way, so there are no safe foods for everyone - and for some, no food is ever guaranteed safe every time. |
Subsets and Splits