1 value
Many things use both the licence and the card number now, and so replacing and getting a new card number can at least reduce the possible instances of fraud.
Personally I think it's false reassurance as only a new licence/customer number can fully prevent fraud in the future though.
>You'd have to go in, prove fraud has occurred, and request the process.
Which is useless since this is a pre-emptive change. Fraud hasn't occurred.
>Many things use both the licence and the card number now, and so replacing and getting a new card number can at least reduce the possible instances of fraud.
That's a good point. I know for a fact most banks don't use card number to validate though, just licence number, name, and state.
>Personally I think it's false reassurance as only a new licence/customer number can fully prevent fraud in the future though.
100% agree with you. It sounds like they've announced something without actually understanding the problem or the solution.
Explains the high number of betting ads we see here on reddit
Clubs NSW love their money laundering!
The ads are out of control, the gambling industry is out of hand.
Clubs NSW money laundering
I think of it this way: by having most of the world's poker machines here, we're saving the rest of the world from this gambling addiction. I bet we have much to be proud of!
Down with clubs NSW! Scum of the earth
Blow up the pokies
I think Wollies is also the biggest owner of pokies in NSW too
Poker machines are a very specific subsection of electronic gaming machines (mostly slots).
Japan for instance has 2 million pachinko machines (glorified slots) which is way more than Australia's 200k pokie machines.
I'm not saying we don't have a gambling problem. We do, we lose the most per person of any country in the world. But I'd rather that people didn't cite misleading stats.
Does anyone have a fact check on this?
I got this after a quick google but am also not sure of the reliability. Says Australia has 2.59% of the world poker machines in 2019.
where did you get those figures cos I thought NSW actually had 25% of the world's pokies? Fukin woeful either way tho
Tbh I am not sure why ppl are so against pokies. It’s like drugs, I am for total legalisation of EVERYTHING and personal responsibility (same with seatbelts btw).
What's more shameful is that people actually use them, if people didn't use them, they wouldnt exist.
Took a while for me to figure out what a "poker machine" even was.
And they serve not one social benefit. It's all bad.
found a source to back this up idk how reliable it is
Is this real?
Its cultural and would be racist to criticise our hobbies here in nsw
I like pokies. I like having them on every street corner pub. My mate came to visit a few weeks back and did a pub crawl down George St and played pokies in every venue. It was heaps of fun
Yeah I’ve been trying to block them, but it seems you can only block the user posting them and it seems they setup a few users to post the same thing.
I think it would be better if we could opt out of certain advertisements types altogether.
It is, the ads are everywhere. Can't go to most pubs these days without seeing a wall of a dozen TAB screens.
The fact they're going so hard on the whistle-blower who brought to light the fact Clubs NSW was failing to stop money laundering makes me hate them even more.
Woolies spun the pubs and clubs (hence pokies) part of the business out a while ago. It is Part of Endeavour group now.
Woolworths owned/owns the Aristocrat brand that manufactures and runs the poker machines. Pulling in hundreds of millions if not billions in profit every year.
I don't know if they still own or have shares in the Aristocrat brand anymore.
I am with you on this, doesn't seem right. I was recently in Nevada and they were everywhere, every petrol station seemed to have at least 3.
I think the stats come from here: https://www.australianethical.com.au/blog/australia-needs-to-kick-its-pokies-addiction/
> Australia is home to 18% of the poker machines on Earth, despite making up just 0.3% of the global population. There are just under 200,000 poker machines in Australia, half of which are in NSW.
I’d be with you if their advertising was more heavily regulated, and the negatives of heavy usage was more in your face. Gambling spaces currently are packed with what are essentially addicts. Treat them like tobacco and alcohol - heavily taxed, covered in warnings as befits their status as a public health concern.
Because they were designed to turn people into zombies for profit.
Because gambling addiction causes massive societal harm.
Australians lose over $20 million gambling annually. Almost half of problem gamblers are vulnerable to severe harm including financial problems leading to bankruptcy, housing stress and homelessness, family violence and relationship breakdown, neglect and maltreatment of children. Problem gambling can also lead to mental and physical health problems including depression, anxiety, suicide and suicide ideation.
It's fucking tragic...I worked as a gaming attendant and it sucked the soul out of me watching people play them.
Especially gambling ads because of how addictive it is and how it can destroy lives
The tab screens aren't ads. They give us gamblers the vital information we need to lose our money in an informed manner.
Its because clubs NSW already know and has for many years, but it makes them money so why do anything about it?
True but it's essentially the same ownership. Just a dodge so they can pretend not to own the "vice" brands any more.
Nah, I think they own pubs and clubs. Aristocrat is publically listed, I don't think anyone investor owns over 10%. Aristocrat doesn't get a cut of pokies revenue in Australia, they just sell the machine. They do get a cut of revenue in other countries tho
Indeed. But why are you taking away a person’s right to be zombified?
Yeah, and?
Obesity is a problem (source: I am obese)
When I have issues due to it, I don’t come crying anywhere. Sure it’s genetic in my case and sucks but what can I do. I 100% do not expect the government to start monitoring my calories intake.
Same with gambling.
Some people won’t be able to handle it and will go broke.
What government should offer is support, education and rehab for those who seek help, not reducing the number of pokies.
The whole environment has been engineered to put the user into a trance-like state where all sense of time vanishes...
Looks like woolies owns about 15% of Endeavour, not a majority as you suggest but also not 0.
They do get a cut for servicing the machines as well for those venues contracted with them.
Found the pokie machine vendor!
They are not really comparable issues. I’m sure the women and children being beaten by their partners/ dads due to gambling addiction and family stress would like action taken. Besides, I’m not calling to ban all gambling, but we don’t need pokies on every street corner. Casinos are enough.
Barely any visible clocks, dark rooms where you can't tell the time of day and an almost repressive kind of smell...can't say I miss working there.
I am not a pokie machine vendor
I am not a pokie machine vendor
Ahm, someone beating someone up is not pokies fault. This is domestic violence and I would want all these people locked up in jail.
And no, casinos are not enough unless there are more casinos.
And I think in some places they have staff offer free drinks?
It is the pokies fault. They are programmed to be addictive and to take people’s money. That is guaranteed to cause social fallout. Why do you need so much access to them? I have hobbies I enjoy, I don’t demand I can do them at every pub in Sydney
Only soft drinks, coffee and tea etc. It's illegal to offer free alcohol...I'm sure it happens anyway though.
Well I don’t consider it a ‘hobby’. Just like drinking (which btw is also addictive, can cause social fallout and is available everywhere).
The staff are so nice to me. I love it here.
*proceeds to put entire fortnight's paycheque through the machine*
If you find a cane toad (and are positive of your ID) you can put them in a container in the fridge. This will induce a state of torpor. You can then freeze the toad to kill it, and dispose of it in general waste.
There are also places (i am unaware of specifics) that could use the toad corpses for study or to create toad traps / tablets.
I knew we’d get something other than locusts down here to signify the end times
Fair enough. They couldnt do a worse job running the place than we have.
the cane toads are taking over australia
Can we emphasise the 'positive of your ID' bit a little more strongly?
The last thing we need is to start a broad anti amphibian panic that sees people indiscriminately lashing out at our dwindling frog species with extreme predjudice.
They'd do a better job mate, lets face it. A lot better ; )
Not their fault they are here. As well as being cruel its also not very effective.
Photos taken from a friend’s perspective.
Hey there
I have recently got a letter in the mail saying that my license has been suspended for three months. For more context I am a green p Plater and I was doing 121 in 110zone and I got caught by a cop with a radar gun, when he pulled me over he said that we would put the speed down to 110 so I don’t loose my licence and I will have 1 demerit point remaining.
After paying the fine in August I got a letter in the mail saying that my license will be suspended for 3 months starting 18th of October. I’m just wondering if there’s any way of fighting this like taking it to court or did they make a mistake
Any help will be appreciated
You paid the fine so the matter is settled. If you wanted to contest the details of the infringement you had time to do that prior to paying the fine.
You're a pedestrian for 3 months.
shit out of luck mate
You contest before paying. Paying is confirmation of the details and triggers the subsequent consequences.
Suspension on P2 also means an additional 6months until you can go for your Open licence, plus the three months of suspension itself.
What did it say on the fine you paid?
Go to court and plead guilty but ask judge for reduced suspension, normally they give 2 weeks as it is the minimum, they cannot give u no suspension. Make sure u bring a few letters saying why u need your license, for example job, carer responsibility etc. I did this one week into my red ps (got done for speeding), judge generally will tell u off but they want to get through everyone they need to see, and I noticed they’re more lenient with green Ps.
I'm a little confused. Did you pay the fine within the time limit specified? Did you use the fine details to pay the fine (just so the payment could be put against the fine)?