Some villages have disappeared (for example, deserted medieval villages), sometimes leaving behind a church or manor house and sometimes nothing but bumps in the fields.
Tiɣarmaten tiyyad imasnat in (ilmital, tiɣarmaten tin kel eru) , alwaqqan iyyad tayyin in egliz tan meɣ ehan maqqoran d alwaqqan iyyad awar n imos tiɣiš daɣ abara tan
Other villages have grown and merged and often form hubs within the general mass of suburbia—such as Hampstead, London and Didsbury in Manchester.
Tiɣarmaten tiyyad idnaynat tolas aqqalan idagan daɣ ammas n addinat n suburbia - šund Halpstead, Londre d Didsbury dagh Manchester
Seen as being far from the bustle of modern life, it is represented as quiet and harmonious, if a little inward-looking.
Ujjijan daɣ akayad tamudre tan amarad, eqqal a issosaman tolas inhajjan daɣ akayad n ammas net
These (such as Murton, County Durham) grew from hamlets when the sinking of a colliery in the early 20th century resulted in a rapid growth in their population and the colliery owners built new housing, shops, pubs and churches.
Win (šund Mrtin, County Durham) idwalan daɣ harat iɣawnatan alwaq wan anji n min tan timakaten daɣ iwityan azzarnen n 1900 eway id awen tiwwat daɣ armud n ichaɣib d massawisn n min ten idayan ehan, bitigi, pub d egliz tan eynaynen.
Maltby was constructed under the auspices of the Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company and included ample open spaces and provision for gardens.
Mattby tiday ti Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company , ahan ti idagan ajjotnen d win ifirjan
The typical village had a pub or inn, shops, and a blacksmith.
Taɣrimt tan tiditt ila Pub meɣ hotel tan , bitigi tan d enhad
However, some civil parishes have no functioning parish, town, or city council nor a functioning parish meeting.
Hak id ijja awen,ihanan n aɣabad iyyad war axdeman, aɣrim, aɣrim wan andarran war ilen ihanan n tiɣaymaten nasan axdamnen
In Scotland, the equivalent is also a community council, however, despite being statutory bodies they have no executive powers.
Daɣ Scotland, tigdah net eqqal komsay wan tawset,awa war n imos as aqqalan idagan wi ɣanninen addabara tan, war ilen assahaten tin addabara tan
The district of Danniyeh consists of thirty-six small villages, which includes Almrah, Kfirchlan, Kfirhbab, Hakel al Azimah, Siir, Bakhoun, Miryata, Assoun, Sfiiri, Kharnoub, Katteen, Kfirhabou, Zghartegrein, Ein Qibil.
Distrikt wan Danniyeh ila karadat timirwen n taɣrimt d sadisat eha Almrah, Kfirchlan, Hakel Al Azimah, Siir, Bakhoun, Miryata, Assoun, Sfiiri, Kham,oub, Kateen, Khirhabou, Zghartegrein, Ein Qibil
Dinniyeh has an excellent ecological environment filled with woodlands, orchards and groves.
Dinniyeh ila ahizazaɣ iknan milɣaw idnayan akal n ihiškan, Orchard tan d grove tan
Villages in the south of Syria (Hauran, Jabal al-Druze), the north-east (the Syrian island) and the Orontes River basin depend mostly on agriculture, mainly grain, vegetables, and fruits.
Taɣrimt daɣ tamasna i Syria ( Hauran, Jabal al-Druze) ,agala -i-alqiblat (Syrian Island) d tagacha tan ejarew wan Orontes tamudre nasan fuk tijja daɣ tixijjas, hullan attaɣam, aratan n akal, aratan n ihishkan
Mediterranean cities in Syria, such as Tartus and Latakia have similar types of villages.
Iɣirman n syria tin Mediterranée šund Tartus d Latakia olah nat iššikil n tiɣarmaten
"Every urbanization is a ""pueblo"" unless is elevated by decree to the next category."
“Urbanizasyon fuk eqqal ““Pueble”” har hin inkiz s edag iyyan n afalla has “
However, this is a generality; in many states, there are villages that are an order of magnitude larger than the smallest cities in the state.
Awen harat ilsan ikallan, dagh addawla tan ajjotnen, illan tiɣarmaten ojjarnen hullan iɣirman madroynen ahanen addawla
In some cases, the village may be coterminous with the town or township, in which case the two may have a consolidated government.
Daɣ idagan iyyad, taɣrimt tohar iyaka id aɣrim edag wen issin fuk addoben ad ahoran alxakum
Hempstead, the largest village, has 55,000 residents; making it more populous than some of the state's cities.
Hampstead taɣrimt a ojjaran fuk izzaghan daɣ is 55.000 n awadim; awen ijje a ilan addinat ojjarnen wi tiɣarmaten n addawlat tiyyad
The village of Arlington Heights, Illinois had 75,101 residents as of the 2010 census.
Taɣrimt tan Arlington Heights, Illinois izzaghan daɣ is 75.101 n awadim awa id izjaran daɣ tuddant tan 2010
Villages can incorporate land in multiple townships and even multiple counties.
Tiɣarmaten ti addobat nen adkul n akal dagh iɣarman ajjotnen hak id addawla tan ajjotnen
The largest village is Menomonee Falls, which has over 32,000 residents.
Taɣrimt ta tojjarat isim net Menomonee Falls daɣ izzaghan 32.000 n awadim
"In Maryland, a locality designated ""Village of ..."" may be either an incorporated town or a special tax district."
“Daɣ Maryland , akal s isim net ““teghrimt tan.... taqqal aɣrim assirtayan megh distrikt n timzal n baya”
At that time Traditional rulers used to have absolute power in their administrative regions.
Azzaman wen imuzaran win attarex kala ilan tanaya timdat daɣ rejion tan nasan
Every Hausa village was reigned by Magaji (Village head) who was answerable to his Hakimi (mayor) at the town level.
Hak taɣrimt n Haoussa tan aminakal jas Maigaji (amuzar n taɣrimt) s inta daɣ amuzar net war eqqel ar Hakimi (mer) n aɣrim
They have mud houses with thatched roofing though, like in most of the villages in the North, zinc roofing is becoming a common sight.
Ilan ihanan ideynen s akal ilsa alammuz šund awa ijjanat taɣrimen n tamasna , zinc roofing eqqal a oharan
Others are lucky to have wells within a walking distance.
Iyyad irrizaɣ as ilan tersen daɣ edag tan ehozan
An atlas is a collection of maps; it is typically a bundle of maps of Earth or a region of Earth.
Atlas eqqal karti tan artaynen; eqqal šund akamus n karti tan n akal meɣ n rejion n akal
This title provides Mercator's definition of the word as a description of the creation and form of the whole universe, not simply as a collection of maps.
Isim wen ehak almaɣna i awa s illaɣat Mercator as eqqal samal n axalak d iššikil n alɣalim fuk , wadden ghas karti tan artaynen
A desk atlas is made similar to a reference book.
Biro n atlas olah id alkittab wan iɣanni net
"In cartography, a contour line (often just called a ""contour"") joins points of equal elevation (height) above a given level, such as mean sea level."
“Daɣ kartografi, iyaka eɣlayan (s alwaq iyyan isim net ““taɣelit” assirtay titbaqqa n tigdat (tizzijrit) s a ojjaran edag šund edag wan ejjarew”
The gradient of the function is always perpendicular to the contour lines.
Griyaj wa olaɣan harkuk ozɣaɣ i iyaka tan win taɣelit
Contour lines are curved, straight or a mixture of both lines on a map describing the intersection of a real or hypothetical surface with one or more horizontal planes.
Iyaka tan win taɣelit akrambayan , oɣad meɣ tartit n iyaka tan fuk fal karti tassuknat ammas n arori n tiditt ilan iyyan meɣ abyon tan ajjotnen ozɣaɣnen.
In 1701, Edmond Halley used such lines (isogons) on a chart of magnetic variation.
Daɣ awatay wan 1701, Edmond Halley ijja iyaka tan šund win daɣ ( isogons) fal karti tilat magnetik variation
In 1791, a map of France by J. L. Dupain-Triel used contour lines at 20-metre intervals, hachures, spot-heights and a vertical section.
Daɣ awatay wan 1791, karti tan France ijja J. L. Dupain-Triel ijja iyaka tan jir ila 20 n metir, hachure tan,hachure,spot-height tan d edag ibdadan
Isobaths were not routinely used on nautical charts until those of Russia from 1834, and those of Britain from 1838.
Isobath tan intaned harkuk a ijjanen fal karti nautik tan har win Russia ɣur awatay wan 1834 d win Britania daɣ awatay wan 1838
As late as 1944, John K. Wright still preferred isogram, but it never attained wide usage.
ɣur amindi awatay wan 1944, John K Wright assof isogram mušan kala war ewed alxidmat ajjen
Despite attempts to select a single standard, all of these alternatives have survived to the present.
Erem fuk wa ijja i nefran n harat iyyan azzuken , fella tan wi yadnen win fuk illa ti har amarad
Weather stations are seldom exactly positioned at a contour line (when they are, this indicates a measurement precisely equal to the value of the contour).
Stasyon tan akayad n azzamanan charnaš tajjin tenasse taɣadat ghur iyaka wan taɣelit ( alwaq wa ti ijjan , awen isakin iddikud n awa tinfa taɣelit)
In meteorology, the barometric pressures shown are reduced to sea level, not the surface pressures at the map locations.
Daɣ meteo, iddikudan win adu id izjarnen ifnazan har wan ejarew mušan wadden iddikudan win arori fal karti
Isallobars are lines joining points of equal pressure change during a specific time interval.
Isallobar tan aqqalan iyaka tan osaghnen titbaqqa n amutti n iddikud daɣ jir alwaq
Isallobaric gradients are important components of the wind as they increase or decrease the geostrophic wind.
gradient tan win Isollobar tan aqqalan harata olaɣnen n adu fal as tiwwadan meɣ fannazan ašiwninki n adu
An isotherm at 0 °C is called the freezing level.
Isotherm ɣur 0 °C isim net edag wa sammedan
From these contours, a sense of the general terrain can be determined.
Ghur tigheliyen tin ,ittur n general terrain addobat ad it w aghil
In cartography, the contour interval is the elevation difference between adjacent contour lines.
Daɣ kartografi, awa ilan jir taghelit imos tizzijrit ta tizlayat iyaka tan n taɣelit win sider
Two or more contour lines merging indicates a cliff.
Issin megh tiɣeliyen ajjoten n iyaka olanat id adaɣ
Usually contour intervals are consistent throughout a map, but there are exceptions.
Harkuk taqqan jir taɣelit tila alɣma fal karti mušan ille mušan
Whether crossing an equipotential line represents ascending or descending the potential is inferred from the labels on the charges.
Jir ɣas a okayan fal taɣelit tida id ogdanat megh a issewadan meɣ ifnazan eqqal anachach ɣur label tan wi fal šarj tan
Acid precipitation is indicated on maps with isoplats.
Asirmad n acid precipitation tiwar fal karti tan s isoplat tan
Contour lines are also used to display non-geographic information in economics.
Taɣeliyen n iyaka sakninat har ajjudi isalan n a war n aqqel jografia daɣ ekonomi
Such isolines are useful for representing more than two dimensions (or quantities) on two-dimensional graphs.
šund tagheliyen n iso tin daɣ aqqal nat a olaɣan i asukni n a ojjaran tahiriken sanatat (meɣ tazzayen ) fal graph tan win issin.
In interpreting radar images, an isodop is a line of equal Doppler velocity, and an isoecho is a line of equal radar reflectivity.
Dagh afaham n taliwen tin radar tan, isodrop taqqal taɣelit n Dppler velocity togdahat d isoecho eqqal taɣelit n radar reflectivity togdahat
Line color is the choice of any number of pigments that suit the display.
Dumu n taghelit eqqal nefran n iddikud fuk n tisilmagh ti inhajjanen id asukni
Line type refers to whether the basic contour line is solid, dashed, dotted or broken in some other pattern to create the desired effect.
Išikil iyaka imos as taghelit tan iyaka tassohat, titbaɣtabaɣ megh tarza daɣ desin iyyan i a tijru innugh wan otasan
Numerical marking is the manner of denoting the arithmetical values of contour lines.
Ešwal wan iddikud eqqal immik s itiwajraw arithmetic value wan iyaka wan taɣelit.
If the contour lines are not numerically labeled and adjacent lines have the same style (with the same weight, color and type), then the direction of the gradient cannot be determined from the contour lines alone.
A fal iyaka tan win taɣelit war eššelan tolas iyaka tan win sider olahan ichikil ( olahan tazzayt , dumu d ichikil) dihen asatoɣ wan gradient war addobat ad ej ɣur iyaka tan win taɣelit ɣas
A properly labeled contour map helps the reader to quickly interpret the shape of the terrain.
Taɣelit n karti tijjat ešwal iknan taddobat ad tidhil emaghir net i ad ifhim daɣ armud tulat n terrain
Then the coordinates of other places are measured from the nearest control point through surveying.
Dihen coordonate tan win idagan i yadnen itkadan ɣur titbaqqet n awikkil ta tojjarat ehiz s tan akayad n iddikud
This phenomenon is called datum shift.
Immik šund wen isim net datum shilft
More ambitious undertakings such as the Struve Geodetic Arc across Eastern Europe (1816-1855) and the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India (1802-1871) took much longer, but resulted in more accurate estimations of the shape of the Earth ellipsoid.
Alxidmaten ti iknanen uglay šund tann Struve Geodetic Arc daɣ alqiblat tan Eroba ɣur awatay wan (1816 har 1855) d Farak n Tigonometrical maqqoran n India ɣur awatay wan (1802 har 1871) ahoj mušam ewad ittus n mirda tan n dumu wan Ellipsoid wan akal
An approximate definition of sea level is the datum WGS 84, an ellipsoid, whereas a more accurate definition is Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008), using at least 2,159 spherical harmonics.
Almaɣna hin ikkan iddikud wan ejarew inta s datum WGS 84, ellipsoid, as ijja awen almaɣna wa oɣadan hullan inta s Earth Gravitational Model 2008 ( EGM2008) isaxdaman 2.159.spherical harmonics
When used without qualification, the term latitude refers to geodetic latitude.
Alwaq wa ti exdam awadim wala musnat net isim wan latitude itawan i geodetic latitude
The datum shift between two particular datums can vary from one place to another within one country or region, and can be anything from zero to hundreds of meters (or several kilometers for some remote islands).
Datum shift jir issin datum tan izlay s edag s iyyan daɣ addawla megh rejion iyyat addobat ad eqqil harat ghur bannan har timad n metir tan ( meɣ metir tan ajjotnen i island tan wi ajjujnen)
For example, in Sydney there is a 200 metres (700 feet) difference between GPS coordinates configured in GDA (based on global standard WGS 84) and AGD (used for most local maps), which is an unacceptably large error for some applications, such as surveying or site location for scuba diving.
Ilmital, daɣ Sidney illan ti 200 n metir (700 n atkul) izlaynen jir isalan win GPS wa ehan GDA ( iknan fal standard WGS 84 wan alɣalim) d AGD ( exaddaman hullan i karti tan tin akal) harat eqqalan tajjarzazzal maqqorat i aplikasyon tan iyyad chund win eket n iddikud meɣ ajarw n edag s alamaɣ daɣ aman
Since reference datums can have different radii and different center points, a specific point on Earth can have substantially different coordinates depending on the datum used to make the measurement.
Alwaq wa id datum tan addoben ad ikrichan radii izlayan d titbaqqa n ammas izlaynen, titbaqqet fal akal taddobat akaraš n coordinate tan izlaynen fal datumm ijjan eket
The most common reference Datums in use in North America are NAD27, NAD83, and WGS 84.
Datum tan oharnen axdamnen daɣ tamasna n Amrik imosan NAD27, NAD83, dWGS 84
"This datum, designated as NAD 83 based on the adjustment of 250,000 points including 600 satellite Doppler stations which constrain the system to a geocentric origin."""
“Datum wen itawan in i NAD 83...ijja fal aqqad n 250.000 n titbaqqet han 600 n satelit tin stasyon Doppler assibdadnen system ghur geocentric origin”””
It is the reference frame used by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and is defined by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) (formerly the Defense Mapping Agency, then the National Imagery and Mapping Agency).
Awen eqqal ilan adiriš s Department of Defense wan Amrik (DoD) exdam siris tolas ikfe National Geospatial-intelligence Agency (NGA) almaɣna (a eruwan Defene Mapping Agency dihen National Imagery and Mapping Agency)
It was used as the reference frame for broadcast GPS Ephemerides (orbits) beginning January 23, 1987.
Eqqal a fal ijja anifham i Broadcast GPS Ephemerides ( orbits) issintan ɣur ayor wan tindufan daɣ achal wan 23 n awatay wan 1987.
It became the reference frame for broadcast orbits on June 28, 1994.
Eqqal a fal ijja anifham i Broadcast orbits ɣur ayor wan awzem wan karad n achal wan 28 n awatay 1994.
WGS 84 (G873) was adopted as the reference frame for broadcast orbits on January 29, 1997.
WGS 84 (G873) eqqal a fal ijja anifham i broacast orbits daɣ ayor wan tindufan dag ašal wan 29 n awatay wan 1997
WGS 84 is the default standard datum for coordinates stored in recreational and commercial GPS units.
WGS 84 eqqal Default Standard datum i coordinate tan aghzannen daɣ GPS tan win dallol d mamala
For example, the longitudinal difference between a point on the equator in Uganda, on the African Plate, and a point on the equator in Ecuador, on the South American Plate, increases by about 0.0014 arcseconds per year.
Ilmital, uzlay n tichijrit jir tatbaqqet ghur equator s Uganda daɣ Afrikiya d titbaqqet ɣur equator daɣ achrut n Amrik wan ajala iwwid s 0.0014arcseconds dagh awatay
Most mapping, such as within a single country, does not span plates.
Ijji n Karti tan ajjotnen šund daɣ ammas n addawla iyyat war ilsa plate tan
Ptolemy credited him with the full adoption of longitude and latitude, rather than measuring latitude in terms of the length of the midsummer day.
Ptolemy iflas ti s atkul n tizzijrit hak id tahrike uhun eket n tahrike daɣ tizzijrit n ašrut n achal n awelan
Mathematical cartography resumed in Europe following Maximus Planudes' recovery of Ptolemy's text a little before 1300; the text was translated into Latin at Florence by Jacobus Angelus around 1407.
Kartografi tan matematik tolas amasughal dagh Eroba ghur ajjaraw ijja Maximus Planudes i akatab wan Ptolemy ad orakan i 1300: akatab wen iffisar ti Jacobus Angelus dagh Latin dagh akal wan Florence ghur awatay wan 1407
They then choose the most appropriate mapping of the spherical coordinate system onto that ellipsoid, called a terrestrial reference system or geodetic datum.
Dihen sannafranan ijji n karti wa ofan i sistem n coordiate tan fal ellipsoid s isim net Terrestrial Sistem meɣ Geodetuic datum
φ, or phi) of a point on Earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and through (or close to) the center of the Earth.
φ, or phi) n titbaqqet fal arori n akal eqqal harat wa illan jir equatorial plane d taɣelit toghadat ta hi tikkat ɣur titbaqqet ten d tokay (meɣ tahoz in) s ammas n akal
All meridians are halves of great ellipses (often called great circles), which converge at the North and South Poles.
Meridia tan fuk ilan tizunawen n itarmisan maqqornen ( tawaghrinen s tijjililluwa maqqornen) ahalnen siha s pole tan win tamasna d win ajala
The antipodal meridian of Greenwich is both 180°W and 180°E. This is not to be conflated with the International Date Line, which diverges from it in several places for political and convenience reasons, including between far eastern Russia and the far western Aleutian Islands.
Antipodal meridian wan greenwich eqqal 180°W and 180°E dagh edag iyyan. Awen war oher harat n taɣelit ta s itawan International Date Line ta id tifalat s idagan ajjotnen fal iddililan n folitik d n bannan eha jir alqiblat n Russia d Aleutian Islands win ataram
Coordinates on a map are usually in terms northing N and easting E offsets relative to a specified origin.
Coordinate tan fal karti harkuk iktaban isim tamasna wan N d E i alqiblat i asilmad n iɣinni
In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Daɣ jografia , tahrike taqqal coordinate n jografia tisalmadat s edag n tamasna-daɣ ajala n titbaqqet fal arori n akal
Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth.
Tahrike inta id tizzijrit alwaq iyyan tajinat atiwaɣir iyyan i asilmad n edag s tiditt n samalan fal arori n akal
The second step is to approximate the geoid by a mathematically simpler reference surface.
Tikkelt tan sanatat inta s itur n ahiz wan Geoid s referens raqqisan n matematik
Lines of constant latitude and longitude together constitute a graticule on the reference surface.
Iyaka tan win tahrike d tišijrit aqqalan fuk nasan graticule fal arori n referens
"Since there are many different reference ellipsoids, the precise latitude of a feature on the surface is not unique: this is stressed in the ISO standard which states that ""without the full specification of the coordinate reference system, coordinates (that is latitude and longitude) are ambiguous at best and meaningless at worst""."
“Alwaq ti illanat ellipsoid tan ajjotnen izlaynen , tahrike tan tiditt n samal fal arori war taqqel iyyat ghas. Awen itiwaɣal dagh ISO Standard allaghat nen as “a fal wadden s amasirsar imdan n system wan coordinate, coordinate tan ( taha tahrike d tišijrit) aqqanan eɣaf hullan tolas war ilen almaɣna””
The plane through the centre of the Earth and perpendicular to the rotation axis intersects the surface at a great circle called the Equator.
Abyon wa ɣur ammas n akal eqqalan a ozɣaɣan i rotation axis azun arori ghur tajjililwayt ta maqqorat s itawan Equator
The time variation is discussed more fully in the article on axial tilt.
Amutti n alwaq ijja fal majrad ajjen dagh artikl fal axial tilt
The situation is reversed at the June solstice, when the Sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer.
Talgha timutti ɣur awzem wa darat alwaq wa id tafukt taha edes n Tropic of Cancer
Since latitude is defined with respect to an ellipsoid, the position of a given point is different on each ellipsoid: one cannot exactly specify the latitude and longitude of a geographical feature without specifying the ellipsoid used.
Alwaq wa id tahrike tila almaɣna daɣ semɣar n ellipsoid, edag n titbaqqet iyyan izlay fal ellipsoid fuk: war ti illa i addoben ad izli tahrike d tišijrit n samal n jorgafia daɣ war imel ellipsoid war s exdam
Geographic latitude must be used with care.
Tahrike tan jografia t inhajja id axadam iijan esawey
The evaluation of the meridian distance integral is central to many studies in geodesy and map projection.
Aminšiš n ujjij wan meridian eqqal a ehan ammas n farak tan daɣ geodesy d asukni wan karti
There are two methods of proceeding.
Illanat sanatat tikarsiwen i anuttif net
When converting from isometric or conformal to geodetic, two iterations of Newton-Raphson gives double precision accuracy.
Alwaq wa id tisammaskala Isometric meɣ conformal s geodetic, illan ti issin iteration tan n Newton-Raphson hakkinen isalan oɣadnen
The differences shown on the plot are in arc minutes.
Tamezlayt ta fal terrain tiwar tišangay tan minit tan
The transformation between geodetic and Cartesian coordinates may be found in Geographic coordinate conversion.
Amutti n coordinate tan win geodetic Cartesian addoben ad tiwajriwan daɣ amakal n coordinate tan win jografia
In general the true vertical at a point on the surface does not exactly coincide with either the normal to the reference ellipsoid or the normal to the geoid.
Titbaqqet ta tiknat aqqad fal arori war tijiyit id alwaq wa id ellipsoid talgha net ta tolaghat meɣ geoid net wa olaghan
Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface, or the surface of a celestial body.
Tišijrit tan coordinate tan win jografia isladan alqiblat-dagh-ataram n titbaqet fal arori n akal megh fal arori n atri n išinnawan
The prime meridian, which passes near the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England, is defined as 0° longitude by convention.
Prime meridian wa itikiyan edes n Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England, itawaghir s 0° dagh tišijrit s anifham
Local time (for example from the position of the sun) varies with longitude, a difference of 15° longitude corresponding to a one-hour difference in local time.
Alwaq wan akal ( ilmital ghur edag wan tafukt) izlay s tišijrit, ila tezazlit n 15° n tišijrit togdahat id alwaq iyyan izlayan n n akal
The principle is straightforward, but in practice finding a reliable method of determining longitude took centuries and required the effort of some of the greatest scientific minds.
Mabda i raqqisan mušan s tiditt ajjaraw n tikarse n taflist i almud n tišijrit ijja timad n iwityan tolas azilzam musnaten maqqornen n ešaraj wan science
His prime meridian passed through Alexandria.
Prime meridian itiki fal Alexandria
He used a prime meridian through the Canary Islands, so that all longitude values would be positive.
Assaxdam prime meridian daɣ Canary Islands har id isalan win tišijrit ad alaɣan