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To stay or work within a country's borders aliens (foreign persons) may need special immigration documents or permits; but possession of such documents does not guarantee that the person should be allowed to cross the border. | A fal arha (awadim wan anftagh) ad eqqam megh ad exdim daɣ alxadudan ilzam ti ad ila ilkadan n imassukal meɣ ilkadan win turhagaten n awen muchan tila n ilkadan win war ehik awadim turhagat n aki alxadud |
Most countries prohibit carrying illegal drugs or endangered animals across their borders. | Addawla tan ajjotnen imnaghan fal awadim ad eway taba ta labasat egh arizzej erhinan s alxadudan nasan |
In places where smuggling, migration, and infiltration are a problem, many countries fortify borders with fences and barriers, and institute formal border control procedures. | Daɣ idagan taha trafik, išikilan n addinat d taɣdiren aqqalan marsal , addawla tan ajjotnen tajjin assahat daɣ alxadudan s iɣalayan n tazoli griyaz tan tolas izizakken ašareɣa tan i awikkil n alxadudan |
This is common in countries within the European Schengen Area and on rural sections of the Canada–United States border. | Awen ijjit daɣ addawla tan win edag wan Schengen daɣeroa d ihandagan n asuf win alxadud wa jir Canada d Amrik |
Rivers: some political borders have been formalized along natural borders formed by rivers. | Ijirwan, alxadudan iyyad n folitik ijja fal hassanat anifham hak id alxadudan wi ijjan ijirwan |
In the Hebrew Bible, Moses defined the middle of the river Arnon as the border between Moab and the Israelite tribes settling east of the Jordan. | Daɣ alinzil wan alyahud, annabi Musa illaghat as ammas n ejarew wan Arnon eqqal alxadud jir Maob d tawseten tin Izrail daɣ alqablat n Jordanie |
Examples are Lake Tanganyika, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia on its west shore and Tanzania and Burundi on the east; and the Great Lakes which form a substantial part of the border between Canada and the United States. | Ilmitalan imosan ejarew wan Tanganyaka s taha jamahiriya tan Congo Demokratik d Zambia ataram n asilim net ,Tanzania d Burundi fal ašrut wan alqablat d ijirwan wi maqqornen aqqalnen achrut wa maqqoran n alxadud jir Canada d Amrik |
Mountain ranges: Many nations have their political borders defined along mountain ranges, often along a drainage divide. | Itattaran n tidɣaɣen : Addawla tan ajjotnen ilanat alxadudan n folitik nasnat ijjanen dagh assagh id itattaran win idaɣan alwaqqan iyyad tazunt n ajilmam |
One example is the defensive forest created by China's Song Dynasty in the eleventh century. | Almital iyyan eqqal aroj wan amagaz tikna China’s song dynasty dagh awatay wan 1100 |
For instance, the boundary between East and West Germany is no longer an international boundary, but it can still be seen because of historical markers on the landscape, and it is still a cultural and economic division in Germany. | Almital, alxadud jir Germany tan alqablat d tan ataram ibas eqqal alxadud n jir addawla tan mušam dagh akayad eqqal ti fal ešwalan win kel attarex fal edag wen saddeq eqqal tazune n attarex d ekonomi wan Germany |
Maritime borders exist in the context of territorial waters, contiguous zones, and exclusive economic zones; however, the terminology does not encompass lake or river boundaries, which are considered within the context of land boundaries. | Alxadudan win isikilan fal ijirwan illan ti dagh ezarag wan aman fal tila addawla alxaqqan, idagan osaghnen d idagan n ekonomi; saddeq tasassaghrawt ten war taqqel fal alxadudan n ijirwan s win ijlan al ezarag wan alxadudan win amadal |
Airspace extends 12 nautical miles from the coast of a country and it holds responsibility for protecting its own airspace unless under NATO peacetime protection. | Airspace ijja eghtas iddikud n 12 kilometir fal aman i alxadud n addawla tolas iwar ti addaman n aɣalas n airspace net dagh tilalt n ašareɣa wan NATO n addaman s alwaq wan alɣafiat |
However, there is a general agreement of vertical airspace ending at the point of the Kármán line. | Hak id ijja awen, ille anifham ijjan fal airspace eghtan imaddin ghur titbaqet tan iyaka wan Kaman |
Overall border regulations are placed by national and local governments and can vary depending on nation and current political or economic conditions. | Addaman n alxadudan fuk iwar alxakumat tolas izlay ghur addalwa s iyyat d talghiwen tin folitik d tin ekonomi |
Working across borders – Harnessing the potential of cross-border activities to improve livelihood security in the Horn of Africa drylands . | Alxidmat dagh alxadudan - tinaq assahat n timachghulen tin alxadudan i asammuti n tamudre alxer dagh isik wan Africa drylands |
Human economic traffic across borders (apart from kidnapping) may involve mass commuting between workplaces and residential settlements. | Amatikwi n ekonomi wan addinat daɣ alxadudan ( awa war n imos tikra) ahan ti tamašarwayt jir idagan n alxidmat d n win tamazduq |
It can enable and stop movement, across as well as along borders. | Addobat tehakke n turhajat d asibdid n imatikwiyan hak id dagh alxadudan |
Many cross-border regions are also active in encouraging intercultural communication and dialogue as well as cross-border economic development strategies. | Rejion tan ajjotnen ahanen edes n alxadudan iknanat tebadde dagh asissiki n isalan win jir agna tan d majrad hak id tikarsiwen n efes n ekonomi dagh alxadudan |
Since its conception in the mid-80's, this artistic practice has assisted in the development of questions surrounding homeland, borders, surveillance, identity, race, ethnicity, and national origin(s). | Ghur ighannan net dagh tazune n awatay wan 1980 , alxidmat ten tidhal dagh efes n isistanan wi id aqqalnen akal, alxadudan, awikil, kartidant, techne, tawseten d akal wan iddiwil |
Borders can include but are not limited to language, culture, social and economic class, religion, and national identity. | Alxadudan ehen awal, agna, tumast dagh tamazduq , addin, d kartidant tan iddiwil |
"These artists are often ""border crossers"" themselves." | “Kel isuhagh win alwaq iyyan “takayan alxadudan” intaned iman nasan |
In general, a rural area or a countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities. | Akal wan assaxra megh wan isilman eqqal edag n jografia ehan asilim n tigharmaten d ighirman |
Typical rural areas have a low population density and small settlements. | Idagan win assaxra s tiditt ilan išaɣib andarran d timizdaɣ madroynen |
Predominantly urban regions have less than 15 percent of their population living in a rural community. | Rejion tan aghrim ojarnen ilanat a id orakan i 15% n išaghib nasan dagh tawseten tin asaxra |
Rural northern regions are predominantly rural census divisions that are found either entirely or mostly above the following lines of parallel in each province: Newfoundland and Labrador, 50th; Quebec 54th; Ontario, 54th; Manitoba, 53rd; Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, 54th. | Rejion tan n assaxra tin tamasna aqqal nat a daɣ tojjar tuddant tan n divizion izdaghnen s ijjit nasnat meɣ hullan s afalla i iyaka tan n akal fuk: NewFoundLand d Labrador, 50th; Quebec 54th;Ontario, 54th, Manitoba, 53rd, Sasktchewan, Alberta d British Columbia , 54t. |
The U.S. Census Bureau, the USDA's Economic Research Service, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have come together to help define rural areas. | Biro n Amrik wan tuddant , sarwis wan imugh ekonomiwan USDA d Biro wan axakam d azruf (MOB) osan id artayan i ad idhilan idagan win assaxra |
The 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107–171, Sec. | Ašareɣa wan tiwijjas n awatay wan 2002 (P.L. 107-171, Sec |
"According to the handbook, Definitions of Rural: A Handbook for Health Policy Makers and Researchers, ""Residents of metropolitan counties are generally thought to have easy access to the relatively concentrated health services of the county's central areas." | “s alkittab Handbokk, almaghna tan n assaxra: Alkittab i kel folitik win assexat d win kel farak, ““ imazzaghan n addawla tan ti maqqornen aghilan addinat raqqis hassan ajjaraw n sarwis tan win assexat n ammas n aghrim” |
"This became the Goldsmith Modification definition of rural. """ | “Awa eqqal amutti n almaghna wa ikfa enhad i assaxra””” |
"President Emmanuel Macron government launched an action plan in 2019 in favour for rural areas named ""Agenda Rural""." | “Alxakum n Amanokal wan France Emmanuel Macron issamatakway addabara i timaɣutar i idagan win assaxra daɣ awatay wan 2019 s isim net ““ Ajenda wan assaxra”” |
In Scotland a different definition of rural is used. | Daɣ Scoltland ille almaɣna n assaxra izlayan |
RBI defines rural areas as those areas with a population of less than 49,000 (tier -3 to tier-6 cities). | RBI sir is idagan win assaxra imosan idagan s išaghib nasan orak id 49.000 n awadim (ad orak an i 3 har ad orakan i 6 tiɣarmaten) |
Rural areas in Pakistan that are near cities are considered as suburban areas or suburbs. | Idagan n assaxra daɣ Pakistan wi ahanen edes n tiɣarmaten itawan hassan idagan n suburb tan meɣ suburb tan |
Suburbs might have their own political or legal jurisdiction, especially in the United States, but this is not always the case, especially in the United Kingdom where most suburbs are located within the administrative boundaries of cities. | Suburb tan intaned deɣ inhajja as ilan folitik tan ašareɣa tan nasan hullan dagh Amrik mušan awen ijja , hullan daɣ United Kingdom s ijjit n suburb tan net ahan ammas n alxadudan n tiɣarmaten |
In others, such as Morocco, France, and much of the United States, many suburbs remain separate municipalities or are governed locally as part of a larger metropolitan area such as a county, district or borough. | Daɣ iyyad chund Maroc , France d daɣ ijjit n Amrik , suburb tan ajjotnen aqqalan ikallan azunnen meɣ ijlan fal axxakamat tan as aqqalan ašrut n aɣrim maqqoran šund county , district meɣ borough |
The terms inner suburb and outer suburb are used to differentiate between the higher-density areas in proximity to the city centre (which would not be referred to as 'suburbs' in most other countries), and the lower-density suburbs on the outskirts of the urban area. | Ismawan win ammas n suburb d asilim n suburb tawaghrin i d izlayan jir idagan wi s ijjitan addinat nasan ahoznen ammas n aghrim ( s war itwin suburb tan dagh addawla tan ajjotnen) d suburb tan wi s madroyan addinet net n karke tan win edag wan aghrim |
In New Zealand, most suburbs are not legally defined, which can lead to confusion as to where they may begin and end. | Dagh New Zealand, suburb tan ajjotnen war ilenat almaghna dagh acharegha , awen isajraw tewaghne n eghaf sa s taqqal s edag wan asinti d wan amindi nasan |
The word suburbani was first employed by the Roman statesman Cicero in reference to the large villas and estates built by the wealthy patricians of Rome on the city's outskirts. | Isim wan Suburbani inta s isim ezzaran s eghra amanokal n Roma Cicero villa tan ti maqqornen d ihanan wi idayan imissirha win kel ehare n Roma dagh karke tan n aghrim |
By the mid-19th century, the first major suburban areas were springing up around London as the city (then the largest in the world) became more overcrowded and unsanitary. | Ghur tazune n awatay wan 1900 , idagan wi azzarnen n suburb tan wi maqqornen chajaran id akal edes n Londre fal as aghrim ( dihen wa ojjaran dagh alghalim) idnay addinat d iban assexat |
The line reached Harrow in 1880. | Iyaka ewad Harow dagh awatay wan 1880 |
"The Met's marketing department coined the term ""Metro-land"" in 1915 when the Guide to the Extension Line became the Metro-land guide, priced at 1d." | ‘’ Sarwis n marketing wan Met iwat isim wan “Metro-land”” dagh awatay wan 1915 alwaq wa id gid har iyaka eqqal gid wan Metro-land ijjan alqim daɣ ašal 1. |
"In part, this was a response to the shocking lack of fitness amongst many recruits during World War One, attributed to poor living conditions; a belief summed up in a housing poster of the period ""you cannot expect to get an A1 population out of C3 homes"" – referring to military fitness classifications of the period." | “Daɣ ašrut iyyan, awen eqqal alwazab n tikma fal iban assexat i inaxdiman win akinnas n alɣalim wa ezzaran, assijra talɣiwen n tamudre labasnen; ta-ite id išinšaš alkad dagh ammas n ehan s azzaman wen ““ war tordem ajjaraw n A1 n išaɣib daɣ 3 ihanan””- majrad ijjan fal assexat n ilier tan azzaman wen”” |
The Report also legislated on the required, minimum standards necessary for further suburban construction; this included regulation on the maximum housing density and their arrangement and it even made recommendations on the ideal number of bedrooms and other rooms per house. | Alkad saddeq eɣtas ašeraɣa ta tilzamat i awa id eqqalan ikarosan daɣ suburb tan; awen ehay ašareɣa wan iddikud n ijjit n ihanan d ikannan nasan, saddeq ijja addabara tan i iddikud wa s inhajja daɣ tehannit d dagh ammas n tehanniten n ehan ti yadnen |
Within just a decade suburbs dramatically increased in size. | Daɣ iddikud n maraw iwityan suburb tan ijjan ijjit ermadan |
Levittown developed as a major prototype of mass-produced housing. | Levitton egɣna id išikil n ehan wa maqqoran |
Shopping for different goods and services in one central location without having to travel to multiple locations, helped to keep shopping centers a component of these newly designed suburbs which were booming in population. | Išanši tan n ilalan ajjotnen d timašɣulen dagh edag iyyan deɣ as war tissekala s idagan ajjotnen, idhal i aghalas n bitigi tan daɣ suburb an wi eynaynen ijjitnen daɣ išaɣib |
The Highway Act of 1956 helped to fund the building of 64,000 kilometers across the nation by having $26 thousand-million to use, which helped to link many more to these shopping centers with ease. | HighWay Act wan awatay wan 1956 idhal s asaraf wan edey 64.000 n kilometir dagh addawla aqqalnen 2600.000 n dollar wan Amrik idhalnen s asarghis n assagh n bitigi tan win |
Some suburbs had developed around large cities where there was rail transportation to the jobs downtown. | Suburb tan iyyad aghnan id edes n tigharmaten ti maqqornen edag wan abara tan tin tazoli s alxidmaten nasan tin ammas n aghrim |
The product was a great housing boom. | Harat eqqal ijjit maqqoran n ihanan |
With 16 million eligible veterans, the opportunity to buy a house was suddenly at hand. | Taffawt i ašinš n ehan raqqis hullan dagh addawla ilan 16 n milyon n alɣiskir win aritret |
Developers purchased empty land just outside the city, installed tract houses based on a handful of designs, and provided streets and utilities, or local public officials race to build schools. | Kel efes išinšan akal war n idey dagh ebarid n aghrim, idayan daɣ is ihanan ijjanen fal takbizzet n desin tan, ikkasan tišariten d sarwis tan megh imuzaran win akal amiramaran dagh edey n lakkolan |
Veterans could get one with a much lower down payment. | Kel alɣiskir win aritret addoben akarach n iyyan s iddikud daɣ azruf andarran |
The growth of the suburbs was facilitated by the development of zoning laws, redlining and numerous innovations in transport. | Tiw-ad n n suburb tan issarɣas ti id efes n ašareɣa tan win iketan n akal, eway id awen haratan ajjotnen eynaynen dagh tamatakwayt |
African-Americans and other people of color largely remained concentrated within decaying cores of urban poverty. | Kel Afrikiya win Amrik d addinat iyyad ijji tan daɣ ammas n ihanan alliqawnen arkahnen n suburb |
After World War II, availability of FHA loans stimulated a housing boom in American suburbs. | Darat akinnas n alɣalim wan issin, emel n tadhilt tan FHA eraw id ijjit n suburb tan daɣ Amrik |
Economic growth in the United States encouraged the suburbanization of American cities that required massive investments for the new infrastructure and homes. | Tiwwat tan ekonomi dagh Amrik tikfa assahat i asiwid n suburb tan dagh tigharmaten n Amrik azzilzam nen tinaghla n izurfan ajjotnen i ikarosan d ihanan |
"An alternative strategy is the deliberate design of ""new towns"" and the protection of green belts around cities." | “Tikarsay iyyat taqqal edey n ““iɣirman eyaynen”” d addaman n timintikawen dalatnen edes n tiɣarmaten” |
Federal subsidies for suburban development accelerated this process as did the practice of redlining by banks and other lending institutions. | Tidhilen tin Alxakum i efes n suburb tan issarmad awen chund awa ijja echwalan šajjaɣnen wi ijjanat bank tan d tagayen ajjotnen s amarwas nen akal |
Virginia Beach is now the largest city in all of Virginia, having long since exceeded the population of its neighboring primary city, Norfolk. | Virgina Beach taqqal amarad taghrimt ta maqqorat n Virgina fuk net, tillat ta šajret alwaq wa id okay ichaɣib net wi taɣrimt tan edes net, Norfolk |
A greater percentage of whites (both non-Hispanic and, in some areas, Hispanic) and lesser percentage of citizens of other ethnic groups than in urban areas. | Iddikud maqqoran n išig-gaghan ( Hispanic tan hak id wi war imos Hispanic tan) d id iddikud andarran n kel akal n tawseten tiyyad ojjar wan idagan iyyad |
Compared to rural areas, suburbs usually have greater population density, higher standards of living, more complex road systems, more franchised stores and restaurants, and less farmland and wildlife. | Daɣ tigdaht nasan id idagan win assaxra, suburb tan ilan iddikud ajjen n išaghib ,iknan tanuflayt, sistem tan n abara tan ajjotnen, bitigi tan d restoran tan ijjraw nen turhagat d akal n tiwijjat d arizzej andarran |
"However, of this metropolitan population, in 2001 nearly half lived in low-density neighborhoods, with only one in five living in a typical ""urban"" neighborhood." | “Hak id ijja awen, daɣ išaɣib wen aɣrim wa maqqoran, daɣ awatay wan 2001 a hin ohazan tazune nasan tizzaɣ daɣ ikallan war daɣ ijjit n ichaɣib s iyyan daɣ sammos izzaɣ daɣ a olahan id “akal n ““aɣrim”” |
Throughout Canada, there are comprehensive plans in place to curb sprawl. | Daɣ canada fuk net, illan ti addabara tan ajjotnen i afanaz n edey nasan |
The majority of recent population growth in Canada's three largest metropolitan areas (Greater Toronto, Greater Montréal, and Greater Vancouver) has occurred in non-core municipalities. | Ijjit n išaɣib daɣ karadat tiɣarmaten n canada ti maqqornen (Greater Toronto, Greater Montreal d Greater Vancouver) ijja daɣ tigharmaten war n infa harat |
This is due to annexation and large geographic footprint within the city borders. | Awen war ti id erew ar attarmis d adiriš maqqoran n jografia daɣ alxadudan n aɣrim |
In the 2016 census, the City of Calgary had a population of 1,239,220, whereas the Calgary Metropolitan Area had a population of 1,392,609, indicating the vast majority of people in the Calgary CMA lived within the city limits. | Daɣ tuddant tan 2016, aghrim an Calgary ila iddikud n 1.239.220 n išaɣib as ijja awen aɣrim n Calgary wa maqqoran ila iddikud n 1.392.609 n ichaɣib issilmadan fal ijji n addinat n Calgary CMA izzagnen daɣ isilman n aɣrim |
In the UK, the government is seeking to impose minimum densities on newly approved housing schemes in parts of South East England. | Daɣ UK, alxakum erha ad izilzim afanaz n ijjit n addinat daɣ addabara tan net eynaynen n ideyan n ihanan daɣ išrutan n tamasna daɣ alqiblat i England |
Suburbs can be found in Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey, and most major cities. | Suburb tan illan ti dagh Guadalajara, aghrim wan Mexico, Monterry d dagh tigharmaten ti maqqornen |
"As the growth of middle-class and upper-class suburbs increased, low-class squatter areas have increased, most notably ""lost cities"" in Mexico, campamentos in Chile, barriadas in Peru, villa miserias in Argentina, asentamientos in Guatemala and favelas of Brazil." | “Alwaq wa id tiwadnat suburb tan dagh timizdagh tin tilaqqawen d kel assahat, ikarbanan win tilaqqawen awidan hullan “”lost cities”” dagh Mexico, campamentos dagh chili, barriadus dagh Peru, Villa miserias dagh Argentina, Asentamientos dagh Guatemala d favelas dagh Brazil” |
In an illustrative case of South Africa, RDP housing has been built. | Awen ijja hullan dagh South Afrika , ihanan win RDP idayan |
In certain areas such as Klang, Subang Jaya and Petaling Jaya, suburbs form the core of these places. | Dagh idagan iyyad hund Klang, Subang Jaya d Pelaing Jaya, Suburb tan aqqalan tinfa n idagan win |
In the suburban system, most trips from one component to another component requires that cars enter a collector road, no matter how short or long the distance is. | Dagh sistem wan suburb tan, isikilan ajjotnen ghur iyyan s wa yadan azzilzaman i torfen ijjuch n abara tan s itawan ‘collecotr road’ war izlay maqqor megh madroy iddikud net |
If a traffic crash occurs on a collector road, or if road construction inhibits the flow, then the entire road system may be rendered useless until the blockage is cleared. | A fal toda toruft fal ‘collector road’ megh a fal edey wan abara imnagh anmisis n torfen dihen sistem n abara tan fuk ad eghfil har aki marsal |
This encourages car trips even for distances as low as several hundreds of yards or meters (which may have become up to several miles or kilometers due to the road network). | Awen omar s isikilan n torfen s idagan ewadnen timad ajjotnen n yard tan meɣ n iɣallan ( addobat nen ad awidan har kilometir tan ajjotnen meɣ kilometir tan fal awa ijja rezo wan abara). |
Taken together, these two groups of taxpayers represent a largely untapped source of potential revenue that cities may begin to target more aggressively, particularly if they're struggling. | A fal ammitkal daɣ edag iyyan, taqqimen tin sanatat n imazalan n baya tan aqqalan edag n asidu n albarakat s issintanat tiɣarmaten edes nasnat s assahat hullan alwaq wa id miɣannan |
French songs like La Zone by Fréhel (1933), Aux quatre coins de la banlieue by Damia (1936), Ma banlieue by Reda Caire (1937), or Banlieue by Robert Lamoureux (1953), evoke the suburbs of Paris explicitly since the 1930s. | Isuhaɣ win kel France chund la zone wan Fréhel (1933), Aux quatre coins de la banlieue wan Damia ( 1936), Ma banlieue wan Reda Caire ( 1937) megh Banlieue wan Robert Lamoureux (1953) immijradan n Suburb tan tin Paris har awatay wan 1930. |
French cinema was although soon interested in urban changes in the suburbs, with such movies as Mon oncle by Jacques Tati (1958), L'Amour existe by Maurice Pialat (1961) or Two or Three Things I Know About Her by Jean-Luc Godard (1967). | Sinema wan France ijjach ichaɣil net isalan win amutti n suburb tan daɣ s film tan šund Mon oncle wan Jacques Tati ( 1958), l’Amour existe wan Maurice Pialat (1961) meɣ Two or Three Things I Know About Her wan Jean-Luch Godard ( 1967) |
"The 1962 song ""Little Boxes"" by Malvina Reynolds lampoons the development of suburbia and its perceived bourgeois and conformist values, while the 1982 song Subdivisions by the Canadian band Rush also discusses suburbia, as does Rockin' the Suburbs by Ben Folds." | “Asahagh wan 1962 ““Little Boxes”” n Malvina Reynolds lampoon efes n suburbia d sarho tan net ghur bourgeois tanas ijja awen dagh awatay wan 1982 asahagh wan subdivizion tan ijja Band Bush wan Canada illaghat s Suburbia chund Rockin’ the suburbs wan Ben Folds” |
Over the Hedge is a syndicated comic strip written and drawn by Michael Fry and T. Lewis. | S afalla fuk ille strip ijrazan wa iktab tolas s ijja Michael Fry d T. Lewis desin net |
British television series such as The Good Life, Butterflies and The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin have depicted suburbia as well-manicured but relentlessly boring, and its residents as either overly conforming or prone to going stir crazy. | Serie tan n Talavizion tan Britania chund The Good life, Butterflies dhe Fall d Rise wan Reginald Perrin idlajan Suburbia hullan mušam išildaš harkuk tolas imazzaɣan net ilkaman hullan meɣ jannin isibuddal tan |
A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town (although the word is often used to describe both hamlets and smaller towns), with a population typically ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. | Vilaj eqqal taqqimt n amazaɣ n addinat meɣ tawset tojjarat hullan harat n iɣaw natan muchan orak id taɣrimt ( kuddegh as war ti illa isim n teɣare n n harat n ighaw natan d taɣirmen) ilan išaɣib illan jir harat n timad meɣ efdan. |
This also enabled specialization of labor and crafts, and development of many trades. | Awen dagh ikfa turhajat s tighir dagh ezaraj in alxidmat iyyan d efes n mamala tan ajjotnen |
The size of these villages varies considerably. | Timghare n vilaj tan win tizlay hullan |
Desa are generally located in rural areas while kelurahan are generally urban subdivisions. | Desa harkuk izzaghan dagh idagan n assaxra as ijja awen Kelurrahan izzaghan dagh ighirman |
A desa or kelurahan is the subdivision of a kecamatan (subdistrict), in turn the subdivision of a kabupaten (district) or kota (city). | Desa megh Kelurahan aqqalan tizunawen n Kecamatan (subdistrict) , edag iyyan tizunawen n Kabupaten (district) megh Kota ( taghrimt) |
In Malaysia, a kampung is determined as a locality with 10,000 or fewer people. | Dagh Malaysia , Kampung eqqal aqqal n 10.000 n awadim megh ad orakan |
All Muslims in the Malay or Indonesian village want to be prayed for, and to receive Allah's blessings in the afterlife. | Inasliman fuk nasan n taɣrimt tan Malaysia meɣ Indonesia arhan amud i ad ikrišan tisuraf n Allah daɣ alzannat |
Mainland Singapore used to have many kampung villages but modern developments and rapid urbanisation works have seen them bulldozed away; Kampong Lorong Buangkok is the last surviving village on the country's mainland. | Akal wan Singapore kala ila tiɣarmaten ajjotnen mušam efes wa eynayan d armud n alxidmaten tin ijjuš n aɣrim, eway id sarsan teraze, Kampong Lorong Buangkok inta s vilaj wan uchray eqqiman fal akal wan addawlat |
Vietnam's village is the typical symbol of Asian agricultural production. | Vilaj wan Vietnam eqqal hullan tiset n ammad wan tiwijjas daɣ Asia |
In Slovenia, the word selo is used for very small villages (fewer than 100 people) and in dialects; the Slovene word vas is used all over Slovenia. | Daɣ Slovenia, isim wan Selo ijja i vilaj tan madroynen ( id oraknen i 100 n awadim) d daɣ awalan; isim vas dagh awal wan slovene inta a itawaɣrin daɣ Slovenia |
It could be relative to a Sanskrit like Afgan word deh and Indonesian word desa. | Addobat as ohar harat id Sanskrit chund isim n Afgan Deh d wan Indonesia desa |
Approximately 46% of all migrated people have changed their residence from one city to another. | A hin ikkan 46% n addinat i imassukal win jir ikallan sammutayan tamazduq nasan ghur addawla iyyat s ta yadat |
The lowest administrative unit of the Russian Empire, a volost, or its Soviet or modern Russian successor, a selsoviet, was typically headquartered in a selo and embraced a few neighboring villages. | Harat wa andarran dagh Empire wan Russia, Volost megh amachray net wan Soviet Union megh wan Russia, selsoviet, iday dagh Selo tolas eqqal isasan vilaj tan hanen edes net |
While peasants of central Russia lived in a village around the lord's manor, a Cossack family often lived on its own farm, called khutor. | Hak id ijja as kel tiijjas win Russia izzaghan dagh vilaj tan edes n lord manor, egadaš n Cossack alwaq iyyan izzaɣ daɣ tawajjos net s isim net Khutor |
There is, however, another smaller type of settlement which is designated in Ukrainian as a selysche (селище). | Ilan išikil n tamazdu andarran s isim net daɣ awal wan Ukraine selysche (селище). |
They represent a type of a small rural locality that might have once been a khutir, a fisherman's settlement, or a dacha. | Aqqalan šund sokni n edag n assaxra andarran s kala eqqal Khutir , amazzaɣ n anafrad n imanan meɣ dacha |
However, ambiguity is often avoided in connection with urbanized settlements by referring to them using the three-letter abbreviation smt instead. | Hak id ijja awen daɣ tewaɣne n eɣaf war taha timizdaɣ tin aɣrim tawaɣrinen s karad iɣasan artaynen smt. |
They became really popular during the Stolypin reform in the early 20th century. | Aqqalan a ilan isim ɣur reform tan stolypin ghur išilan azzarnen n awatay wan 1900 |
Larger villages can also be referred to as a Flecken or Markt depending on the region. | Vilaj tan maqqornen addoben atiwaghir s isim wan Flecken megh Markt as izlay s rejion tan |
For example, in areas such as the Lincolnshire Wolds, the villages are often found along the spring line halfway down the hillsides, and originate as spring line settlements, with the original open field systems around the village. | Ilmital, daɣ idagan šund Lincolnshire Wolds, taɣrimt ta iddayan edes n iyaka n tăkaswart, ahninat as timizzaɣ edes n iyaka ilanen sistemt tan n alasal edes n taɣrimt |