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c5ce05f592fa3bd489a0dded6943ab3f | [63]
1908 electoral vote results
Roosevelt, frustrated by his own relative inaction, showered Taft with advice, fearing that the electorate would not appreciate Taft's qualities, and that Bryan would win. Roosevelt's supporters spread rumors that the president was in effect running Taft's campaign. This annoyed Nellie Taft, who never trusted the Roosevelts.[64] Nevertheless, Roosevelt supported the Republican nominee with such enthusiasm that humorists suggested "TAFT" stood for "Take advice from Theodore".[65]
Bryan urged a system of bank guarantees, so that depositors could be repaid if banks failed, but Taft opposed this, offering a postal savings system instead.[59] The issue of prohibition of alcohol entered the campaign when in mid-September, Carrie Nation called on Taft and demanded to know his views. Taft and Roosevelt had agreed the party platform would take no position on the matter, and Nation left indignant, to allege that Taft was irreligious and against temperance. Taft, at Roosevelt's advice, ignored the issue.[66]
In the end, Taft won by a comfortable margin. Taft defeated Bryan by 321 electoral votes to 162; however, he garnered just 51.6 percent of the popular vote. | text | {
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c078f9d75ef05604dd992b1cb4d7de2e | [67] Nellie Taft said regarding the campaign, "There was nothing to criticize, except his not knowing or caring about the way the game of politics is played."[68] Longtime White House usher Ike Hoover recalled that Taft came often to see Roosevelt during the campaign, but seldom between the election and Inauguration Day, March 4, 1909.[69]
Presidency (1909–1913)
Main article: Presidency of William Howard Taft
Inauguration and appointments
Further information: Inauguration of William Howard Taft
1909 inauguration
Taft was sworn in as president on March 4, 1909. Due to a winter storm that coated Washington with ice, Taft was inaugurated within the Senate Chamber rather than outside the Capitol as is customary. The new president stated in his inaugural address that he had been honored to have been "one of the advisers of my distinguished predecessor" and to have had a part "in the reforms he has initiated. I should be untrue to myself, to my promises, and to the declarations of the party platform on which I was elected if I did not make the maintenance and enforcement of those reforms a most important feature of my administration". | text | {
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c870a96c92996ae45f007c7a76e9d8c0 | [70] He pledged to make those reforms long-lasting, ensuring that honest businessmen did not suffer uncertainty through change of policy. He spoke of the need for reduction of the 1897 Dingley Tariff, for antitrust reform, and for continued advancement of the Philippines toward full self-government.[71] Roosevelt left office with regret that his tenure in the position he enjoyed so much was over and, to keep out of Taft's way, arranged for a year-long hunting trip to Africa.[72]
Soon after the Republican convention, Taft and Roosevelt had discussed which cabinet officers would stay on. Taft kept only Agriculture Secretary James Wilson and Postmaster General George von Lengerke Meyer (who was shifted to the Navy Department). Others appointed to the Taft cabinet included Philander Knox, who had served under McKinley and Roosevelt as Attorney General, as the new Secretary of State, and Franklin MacVeagh as Treasury Secretary.[73][74]
Taft did not enjoy the easy relationship with the press that Roosevelt had, choosing not to offer himself for interviews or photo opportunities as often as his predecessor had.[75] His administration marked a change in style from the charismatic leadership of Roosevelt to Taft's quieter passion for the rule of law. | text | {
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182c809ac5d35bf0ca871f0e40bcd87c | [76]
First Lady's illness
Early in Taft's term, in May 1909, his wife Nellie had a severe stroke that left her paralysed in one arm and one leg and deprived her of the power of speech. Taft spent several hours each day looking after her and teaching her to speak again, which took a year.[77]
Foreign policy
Organization and principles
BEP engraved portrait of Taft as President
Taft made it a priority to restructure the State Department, noting, "it is organized on the basis of the needs of the government in 1800 instead of 1900."[78] The Department was for the first time organized into geographical divisions, including desks for the Far East, Latin America and Western Europe.[79] The department's first in-service training program was established, and appointees spent a month in Washington before going to their posts.[80] Taft and Secretary of State Knox had a strong relationship, and the president listened to his counsel on matters foreign and domestic. According to historian Paolo E. Coletta, Knox was not a good diplomat, and had poor relations with the Senate, press, and many foreign leaders, especially those from Latin America. | text | {
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2571ec5c750944d99f85a39326613e58 | [81]
There was broad agreement between Taft and Knox on major foreign policy goals; the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs, and would use force if necessary to enforce the Monroe Doctrine in the Americas. The defense of the Panama Canal, which was under construction throughout Taft's term (it opened in 1914), guided United States foreign policy in the Caribbean and Central America. Previous administrations had made efforts to promote American business interests overseas, but Taft went a step further and used the web of American diplomats and consuls abroad to further trade. Such ties, Taft hoped, would promote world peace.[81] Taft pushed for arbitration treaties with Great Britain and France, but the Senate was not willing to yield to arbitrators its constitutional prerogative to approve treaties.[82]
Tariffs and reciprocity
At the time of Taft's presidency, protectionism through the use of tariffs was a fundamental position of the Republican Party.[83] The Dingley Tariff had been enacted to protect American industry from foreign competition. The 1908 party platform had supported unspecified revisions to the Dingley Act, and Taft interpreted this to mean reductions. | text | {
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6cb4d388fb2bd70c969bc3f4b672cc69 | Taft called a special session of Congress to convene on March 15, 1909 to deal with the tariff question.[84]
Sereno E. Payne, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, had held hearings in late 1908, and sponsored the resulting draft legislation. On balance, the bill reduced tariffs slightly, but when it passed the House in April 1909 and reached the Senate, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Rhode Island Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, attached many amendments raising rates. This outraged progressives such as Wisconsin's Robert M. La Follette, who urged Taft to say that the bill was not in accord with the party platform. Taft refused, angering them.[85] Taft insisted that most imports from the Philippines be free of duty, and according to Anderson, showed effective leadership on a subject he was knowledgeable on and cared about.[86]
When opponents sought to modify the tariff bill to allow for an income tax, Taft opposed it on the ground that the Supreme Court would likely strike it down as unconstitutional, as it had before. | text | {
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8ef74156a821fede2212276dd61fce36 | Instead, they proposed a constitutional amendment, which passed both houses in early July, was sent to the states, and by 1913 was ratified as the Sixteenth Amendment. In the conference committee, Taft won some victories, such as limiting the tax on lumber. The conference report passed both houses, and Taft signed it on August 6, 1909. The Payne-Aldrich tariff was immediately controversial. According to Coletta, "Taft had lost the initiative, and the wounds inflicted in the acrid tariff debate never healed".[87]
Newton McConnell cartoon showing Canadian suspicions that Taft and others were only interested in Canada when prosperous
In Taft's annual message sent to Congress in December 1910, he urged a free trade accord with Canada. Britain at that time still handled Canada's foreign relations, and Taft found the British and Canadian governments willing. Many in Canada opposed an accord, fearing the U.S. would dump it when convenient as it had the 1854 Elgin-Marcy Treaty in 1866, and farm and fisheries interests in the United States were also opposed. After talks with Canadian officials in January 1911, Taft had the agreement, which was not a treaty, introduced into Congress and it passed in late July. | text | {
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70f7b8f103487960da3546963ce3bff1 | The Parliament of Canada, led by Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier, had deadlocked over the issue. Canadians turned Laurier out of office in the September 1911 election and Robert Borden became the new prime minister. No cross-border agreement was concluded, and the debate deepened divisions in the Republican Party.[88][89]
Latin America
See also: Dollar Diplomacy
Taft and his Secretary of State, Philander Knox, instituted a policy of Dollar Diplomacy towards Latin America, believing U.S. investment would benefit all involved, while diminishing European influence in regions where the Monroe Doctrine applied. The policy was unpopular among Latin American states that did not wish to become financial protectorates of the United States, as well as in the U.S. Senate, many of whose members believed the U.S. should not interfere abroad.[90] No foreign affairs controversy tested Taft's policy more than the collapse of the Mexican regime and subsequent turmoil of the Mexican Revolution.[91]
Taft and Porfirio Díaz, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 1909
When Taft entered office, Mexico was increasingly restless under the grip of longtime dictator Porfirio Díaz. Many Mexicans backed his opponent, Francisco Madero. | text | {
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35ac405140708bb05f6bc587b9f8ca0 | [92] There were a number of incidents in which Mexican rebels crossed the U.S. border to obtain horses and weapons; Taft sought to prevent this by ordering the US Army to the border areas for maneuvers. Taft told his military aide, Archibald Butt, that "I am going to sit on the lid and it will take a great deal to pry me off".[93] He showed his support for Díaz by meeting with him at El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, the first meeting between a U.S. and a Mexican president and also the first time an American president visited Mexico.[94] The day of the summit, Frederick Russell Burnham and a Texas Ranger captured and disarmed an assassin holding a palm pistol only a few feet from the two presidents.[94] Before the election in Mexico, Díaz jailed opposition candidate Madero, whose supporters took up arms. This resulted in both the ousting of Díaz and a revolution that would continue for another ten years. In the U.S.'s Arizona Territory, two citizens were killed and almost a dozen injured, some as a result of gunfire across the border. | text | {
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c071772ac0afc5915748b76b952019ec | Taft was against an aggressive response and so instructed the territorial governor.[91]
Nicaragua's president, José Santos Zelaya, wanted to revoke commercial concessions granted to American companies,[j] and American diplomats quietly favored rebel forces under Juan Estrada.[95] Nicaragua was in debt to foreign powers, and the U.S. was unwilling to let an alternate canal route fall into the hands of Europeans. Zelaya's elected successor, José Madriz, could not put down the rebellion as U.S. forces interfered, and in August 1910, the Estrada forces took Managua, the capital. The U.S. compelled Nicaragua to accept a loan, and sent officials to ensure it was repaid from government revenues. The country remained unstable, and after another coup in 1911 and more disturbances in 1912, Taft sent troops to begin the United States occupation of Nicaragua, which lasted until 1933.[96][97]
Treaties among Panama, Colombia, and the United States to resolve disputes arising from the Panamanian Revolution of 1903 had been signed by the lame-duck Roosevelt administration in early 1909, and were approved by the Senate and also ratified by Panama. | text | {
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e988ccfac42c951b3dee23536e9e0aff | Colombia, however, declined to ratify the treaties, and after the 1912 elections, Knox offered $10 million to the Colombians (later raised to $25 million). The Colombians felt the amount inadequate, and requested arbitration; the matter was not settled under the Taft administration.[98]
East Asia
Due to his years in the Philippines, Taft was keenly interested as president in East Asian affairs.[99] Taft considered relations with Europe relatively unimportant, but because of the potential for trade and investment, Taft ranked the post of minister to China as most important in the Foreign Service. Knox did not agree, and declined a suggestion that he go to Peking to view the facts on the ground. Taft considered Roosevelt's minister there, William W. Rockhill, as uninterested in the China trade, and replaced him with William J. Calhoun, whom McKinley and Roosevelt had sent on several foreign missions. Knox did not listen to Calhoun on policy, and there were often conflicts.[100] Taft and Knox tried unsuccessfully to extend John Hay's Open Door Policy to Manchuria. | text | {
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8483fd06afa1e2e568959fe61b519533 | [101]
In 1898, an American company had gained a concession for a railroad between Hakou and Sichuan, but the Chinese revoked the agreement in 1904 after the company (which was indemnified for the revocation) breached the agreement by selling a majority stake outside the United States. The Chinese imperial government got the money for the indemnity from the British Hong Kong government, on condition British subjects would be favored if foreign capital was needed to build the railroad line, and in 1909, a British-led consortium began negotiations.[102] This came to Knox's attention in May of that year, and he demanded that U.S. banks be allowed to participate. Taft appealed personally to the Prince Regent, Zaifeng, Prince Chun, and was successful in gaining U.S. participation, though agreements were not signed until May 1911.[103] However, the Chinese decree authorizing the agreement also required the nationalization of local railroad companies in the affected provinces. Inadequate compensation was paid to the shareholders, and these grievances were among those which touched off the Chinese Revolution of 1911. | text | {
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fd4b18c570a13975a1493e0127d7bb12 | [104][105]
After the revolution broke out, the revolt's leaders chose Sun Yat-sen as provisional president of what became the Republic of China, overthrowing the Manchu dynasty, Taft was reluctant to recognize the new government, although American public opinion was in favor of it. The U.S. House of Representatives in February 1912 passed a resolution supporting a Chinese republic, but Taft and Knox felt recognition should come as a concerted action by Western powers. Taft in his final annual message to Congress in December 1912 indicated that he was moving towards recognition once the republic was fully established, but by then he had been defeated for reelection and he did not follow through.[106]
Taft continued the policy against immigration from China and Japan as under Roosevelt. A revised treaty of friendship and navigation entered into by the U.S. and Japan in 1911 granted broad reciprocal rights to Japanese people in America and Americans in Japan, but were premised on the continuation of the Gentlemen's Agreement. There was objection on the West Coast when the treaty was submitted to the Senate, but Taft informed politicians that there was no change in immigration policy. | text | {
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ab3418a407cd42a54c8d64a53165f978 | [107]
Taft was opposed to the traditional practice of rewarding wealthy supporters with key ambassadorial posts, preferring that diplomats not live in a lavish lifestyle and selecting men who, as Taft put it, would recognize an American when they saw one. High on his list for dismissal was the ambassador to France, Henry White, whom Taft knew and disliked from his visits to Europe. White's ousting caused other career State Department employees to fear that their jobs might be lost to politics. Taft also wanted to replace the Roosevelt-appointed ambassador in London, Whitelaw Reid, but Reid, owner of the New-York Tribune, had backed Taft during the campaign, and both William and Nellie Taft enjoyed his gossipy reports. Reid remained in place until his 1912 death.[108]
Taft was a supporter of settling international disputes by arbitration, and he negotiated treaties with Great Britain and with France providing that differences be arbitrated. These were signed in August 1911. Neither Taft nor Knox (a former senator) consulted with members of the Senate during the negotiating process. By then many Republicans were opposed to Taft and the president felt that lobbying too hard for the treaties might cause their defeat. | text | {
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6b4dddaab9a6b30743860ed8f122d856 | He made some speeches supporting the treaties in October, but the Senate added amendments Taft could not accept, killing the agreements.[109]
Although no general arbitration treaty was entered into, Taft's administration settled several disputes with Great Britain by peaceful means, often involving arbitration. These included a settlement of the boundary between Maine and New Brunswick, a long-running dispute over seal hunting in the Bering Sea that also involved Japan, and a similar disagreement regarding fishing off Newfoundland. The sealing convention remained in force until abrogated by Japan in 1940.[110]
Domestic policies and politics
See also: Mann–Elkins Act
Official White House portrait of Taft by Anders Zorn, c. 1911
Taft continued and expanded Roosevelt's efforts to break up business combinations through lawsuits brought under the Sherman Antitrust Act, bringing 70 cases in four years (Roosevelt had brought 40 in seven years). Suits brought against the Standard Oil Company and the American Tobacco Company, initiated under Roosevelt, were decided in favor of the government by the Supreme Court in 1911.[111] In June 1911, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives began hearings into United States Steel (U.S. Steel). | text | {
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77c51b8be852ef1ff6b368750296e7ef | That company had been expanded under Roosevelt, who had supported its acquisition of the Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company as a means of preventing the deepening of the Panic of 1907, a decision the former president defended when testifying at the hearings. Taft, as Secretary of War, had praised the acquisitions.[112] Historian Louis L. Gould suggested that Roosevelt was likely deceived into believing that U.S. Steel did not want to purchase the Tennessee company, but it was in fact a bargain. For Roosevelt, questioning the matter went to his personal honesty.[113]
In October 1911, Taft's Justice Department brought suit against U.S. Steel, demanding that over a hundred of its subsidiaries be granted corporate independence, and naming as defendants many prominent business executives and financiers. The pleadings in the case had not been reviewed by Taft, and alleged that Roosevelt "had fostered monopoly, and had been duped by clever industrialists".[112] Roosevelt was offended by the references to him and his administration in the pleadings, and felt that Taft could not evade command responsibility by saying he did not know of them. | text | {
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ecf2964b6f86a75a0ed866bd71222de6 | [114]
Taft sent a special message to Congress on the need for a revamped antitrust statute when it convened its regular session in December 1911, but it took no action. Another antitrust case that had political repercussions for Taft was that brought against the International Harvester Company, the large manufacturer of farm equipment, in early 1912. As Roosevelt's administration had investigated International Harvester, but had taken no action (a decision Taft had supported), the suit became caught up in Roosevelt's challenge for the Republican presidential nomination. Supporters of Taft alleged that Roosevelt had acted improperly; the former president blasted Taft for waiting three and a half years, and until he was under challenge, to reverse a decision he had supported.[115]
Ballinger–Pinchot affair
Main article: Pinchot–Ballinger controversy
Roosevelt was an ardent conservationist, assisted in this by like-minded appointees, including Interior Secretary James R. Garfield[k] and Chief Forester Gifford Pinchot. Taft agreed with the need for conservation, but felt it should be accomplished by legislation rather than executive order. He did not retain Garfield, an Ohioan, as secretary, choosing instead a westerner, former Seattle mayor Richard A. Ballinger. | text | {
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a40c4339a06c8dd962acaa2157bedd56 | Roosevelt was surprised at the replacement, believing that Taft had promised to keep Garfield, and this change was one of the events that caused Roosevelt to realize that Taft would choose different policies.[116]
Roosevelt had withdrawn much land from the public domain, including some in Alaska thought rich in coal. In 1902, Clarence Cunningham, an Idaho entrepreneur, had found coal deposits in Alaska, and made mining claims, and the government investigated their legality. This dragged on for the remainder of the Roosevelt administration, including during the year (1907–1908) when Ballinger served as head of the General Land Office.[117] A special agent for the Land Office, Louis Glavis, investigated the Cunningham claims, and when Secretary Ballinger in 1909 approved them, Glavis broke governmental protocol by going outside the Interior Department to seek help from Pinchot.[118]
In September 1909, Glavis made his allegations public in a magazine article, disclosing that Ballinger had acted as an attorney for Cunningham between his two periods of government service. This violated conflict of interest rules forbidding a former government official from advocacy on a matter he had been responsible for. | text | {
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e005a88b1ef9a9e7f78728973047fe04 | [119] On September 13, 1909 Taft dismissed Glavis from government service, relying on a report from Attorney General George W. Wickersham dated two days previously.[120] Pinchot was determined to dramatize the issue by forcing his own dismissal, which Taft tried to avoid, fearing that it might cause a break with Roosevelt (still overseas). Taft asked Elihu Root (by then a senator) to look into the matter, and Root urged the firing of Pinchot.[119]
Taft had ordered government officials not to comment on the fracas.[121] In January 1910, Pinchot forced the issue by sending a letter to Iowa Senator Dolliver alleging that but for the actions of the Forestry Service, Taft would have approved a fraudulent claim on public lands. According to Pringle, this "was an utterly improper appeal from an executive subordinate to the legislative branch of the government and an unhappy president prepared to separate Pinchot from public office".[122] Pinchot was dismissed, much to his delight, and he sailed for Europe to lay his case before Roosevelt. | text | {
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2d540f8efbeed7b23c771ae1b3192c6a | [123] A congressional investigation followed, which cleared Ballinger by majority vote, but the administration was embarrassed when Glavis' attorney, Louis D. Brandeis, proved that the Wickersham report had been backdated, which Taft belatedly admitted. The Ballinger–Pinchot affair caused progressives and Roosevelt loyalists to feel that Taft had turned his back on Roosevelt's agenda.[124]
Civil rights
Taft announced in his inaugural address that he would not appoint African Americans to federal jobs, such as postmaster, where this would cause racial friction. This differed from Roosevelt, who would not remove or replace black officeholders with whom local whites would not deal. Termed Taft's "Southern Policy", this stance effectively invited white protests against black appointees. Taft followed through, removing most black office holders in the South, and made few appointments of African Americans in the North.[125]
At the time Taft was inaugurated, the way forward for African Americans was debated by their leaders. Booker T. Washington felt that most blacks should be trained for industrial work, with only a few seeking higher education; W. E. B. DuBois took a more militant stand for equality. Taft tended towards Washington's approach. | text | {
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8d5a7b9f2517c5f2e7642aa717f7bdf9 | According to Coletta, Taft let the African-American "be 'kept in his place' ... He thus failed to see or follow the humanitarian mission historically associated with the Republican party, with the result that Negroes both North and South began to drift toward the Democratic party."[126]
Taft, a Unitarian, was a leader in the early 20th century of the favorable reappraisal of Catholicism's historic role. It tended to neutralize anti-Catholic sentiments, especially in the Far West where Protestantism was a weak force. In 1904 Taft gave a speech at the University of Notre Dame. He praised the "enterprise, courage, and fidelity to duty that distinguished those heroes of Spain who braved the then frightful dangers of the deep to carry Christianity and European civilization into" the Philippines. In 1909 he praised Junípero Serra as an "apostle, legislator, [and] builder" who advanced "the beginning of civilization in California."[127]
A supporter of free immigration, Taft vetoed a bill passed by Congress and supported by labor unions that would have restricted unskilled laborers by imposing a literacy test. | text | {
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24e8526dd1ae5c1c05122cb2bc8a0c1e | [128]
Judicial appointments
Main article: William Howard Taft judicial appointments
Taft promoted Associate Justice Edward Douglass White to be Chief Justice of the United States.
Taft made six appointments to the Supreme Court; only George Washington and Franklin D. Roosevelt made more.[129] The death of Justice Rufus Peckham in October 1909 gave Taft his first opportunity. He chose an old friend and colleague from the Sixth Circuit, Horace H. Lurton of Georgia; he had in vain urged Theodore Roosevelt to appoint Lurton to the high court. Attorney General Wickersham objected that Lurton, a former Confederate soldier and a Democrat, was aged 65. Taft named Lurton anyway on December 13, 1909, and the Senate confirmed him by voice vote a week later. Lurton is still the oldest person to be made an associate justice.[l] Lurie suggested that Taft, already beset by the tariff and conservation controversies, desired to perform an official act which gave him pleasure, especially since he thought Lurton deserved it.[130]
Justice David Josiah Brewer's death on March 28, 1910, gave Taft a second opportunity to fill a seat on the high court; he chose New York Governor Charles Evans Hughes. | text | {
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a5f03670222469ef7c27a450f076d58c | Taft told Hughes that should the chief justiceship fall vacant during his term, Hughes would be his likely choice for the center seat. The Senate quickly confirmed Hughes, but then Chief Justice Fuller died on July 4, 1910. Taft took five months to replace Fuller, and when he did, it was with Justice Edward Douglass White, who became the first associate justice to be promoted to chief justice.[m] According to Lurie, Taft, who still had hopes of being chief justice, may have been more willing to appoint an older man than he (White) than a younger one (Hughes), who might outlive him, as indeed Hughes did. To fill White's seat as associate justice, Taft appointed Willis Van Devanter of Wyoming, a federal appeals judge. By the time Taft nominated White and Van Devanter in December 1910, he had another seat to fill due to William Henry Moody's retirement because of illness; he named a Louisiana Democrat, Joseph R. Lamar, whom he had met while playing golf, and had subsequently learned had a good reputation as a judge.[131]
With the death of Justice Harlan in October 1911, Taft got to fill a sixth seat on the Supreme Court. | text | {
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55876794fb5b02dfe4d4e66f03159b14 | After Secretary Knox declined appointment, Taft named Chancellor of New Jersey Mahlon Pitney, the last person appointed to the Supreme Court who did not attend law school.[132] Pitney had a stronger anti-labor record than Taft's other appointments, and was the only one to meet opposition, winning confirmation by a Senate vote of 50–26.[133]
Taft appointed 13 judges to the federal courts of appeal and 38 to the United States district courts. Taft also appointed judges to various specialized courts, including the first five appointees each to the United States Commerce Court and the United States Court of Customs Appeals.[134] The Commerce Court, created in 1910, stemmed from a Taft proposal for a specialized court to hear appeals from the Interstate Commerce Commission. There was considerable opposition to its establishment, which only grew when one of its judges, Robert W. Archbald, was in 1912 impeached for corruption and removed by the Senate the following January. Taft vetoed a bill to abolish the court, but the respite was short-lived as Woodrow Wilson signed similar legislation in October 1913. | text | {
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1bd36f3f4e8c1556bb0f22f873d9538b | [135]
1912 presidential campaign and election
Further information: 1912 United States presidential election
Moving apart from Roosevelt
1909 Puck magazine cover: Roosevelt departs, entrusting his policies to Taft.
During Roosevelt's fifteen months beyond the Atlantic, from March 1909 to June 1910, neither man wrote much to the other. Taft biographer Lurie suggested that each expected the other to make the first move to re-establish their relationship on a new footing. Upon Roosevelt's triumphant return, Taft invited him to stay at the White House. The former president declined, and in private letters to friends expressed dissatisfaction at Taft's performance. Nevertheless, he wrote that he expected Taft to be renominated by the Republicans in 1912, and did not speak of himself as a candidate.[136]
Stanley Solvick argues that Taft abided by the goals and procedures of the "Square Deal" that Roosevelt promoted in his first term. The deepening dispute came as Roosevelt and the more radical progressives moved on to more aggressive goals, such as curbing the judiciary, which Taft rejected.[137]
Taft and Roosevelt met twice in 1910; the meetings, though outwardly cordial, did not display their former closeness. | text | {
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a02d7d3eb50825a77228ce600141f39b | [138] Roosevelt gave a series of speeches in the West in the late summer and early fall of 1910. Roosevelt not only attacked the Supreme Court's 1905 decision in Lochner v. New York,[n] he accused the federal courts of undermining democracy, and called for them to be deprived of the power to rule legislation unconstitutional. This attack horrified Taft, who privately agreed that Lochner had been wrongly decided. Roosevelt called for "elimination of corporate expenditures for political purposes, physical valuation of railroad properties, regulation of industrial combinations, establishment of an export tariff commission, a graduated income tax" as well as "workmen's compensation laws, state and national legislation to regulate the [labor] of women and children, and complete publicity of campaign expenditure".[139] According to John Murphy in his journal article on the breach between the two presidents, "As Roosevelt began to move to the left, Taft veered to the right."[139]
During the 1910 midterm election campaign, Roosevelt involved himself in New York politics, while Taft with donations and influence tried to secure the election of the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Ohio, former lieutenant governor Warren G. Harding. | text | {
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b90e171e4d70682abdfb782374919761 | The Republicans suffered losses in the 1910 elections as the Democrats took control of the House and slashed the Republican majority in the Senate. In New Jersey, Democrat Woodrow Wilson was elected governor, and Harding lost his race in Ohio.[138]
After the election, Roosevelt continued to promote progressive ideals, a New Nationalism, much to Taft's dismay. Roosevelt attacked his successor's administration, arguing that its guiding principles were not that of the party of Lincoln, but those of the Gilded Age.[140] The feud continued on and off through 1911, a year in which there were few elections of significance. Wisconsin Senator La Follette announced a presidential run as a Republican, and was backed by a convention of progressives. Roosevelt began to move into a position for a run in late 1911, writing that the tradition that presidents not run for a third term only applied to consecutive terms.[141]
Roosevelt was receiving many letters from supporters urging him to run, and Republican office-holders were organizing on his behalf. | text | {
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ab0c2e20ae4dfc15f5359d60fa81fe75 | Balked on many policies by an unwilling Congress and courts in his full term in the White House, he saw manifestations of public support he believed would sweep him to the White House with a mandate for progressive policies that would brook no opposition.[142] In February, Roosevelt announced he would accept the Republican nomination if it was offered to him. Taft felt that if he lost in November, it would be a repudiation of the party, but if he lost renomination, it would be a rejection of himself.[143] He was reluctant to oppose Roosevelt, who helped make him president, but having become president, he was determined to be president, and that meant not standing aside to allow Roosevelt to gain another term.[144]
Primaries and convention
Further information: 1912 Republican National Convention
Taft with Archibald Butt (second from right)
As Roosevelt became more radical in his progressivism, Taft was hardened in his resolve to achieve re-nomination, as he was convinced that the progressives threatened the very foundation of the government.[145] One blow to Taft was the loss of Archibald Butt, one of the last links between the previous and present presidents, as Butt had formerly served Roosevelt. | text | {
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747f8ce82c0a8f57ee4aa270ce4838cc | Ambivalent between his loyalties, Butt went to Europe on vacation; he died in the sinking of the RMS Titanic.[146]
Taft and Roosevelt – political enemies in 1912
Roosevelt dominated the primaries, winning 278 of the 362 delegates to the Republican National Convention in Chicago decided in that manner. Taft had control of the party machinery, and it came as no surprise that he gained the bulk of the delegates decided at district or state conventions.[147] Taft did not have a majority, but was likely to have one once southern delegations committed to him. Roosevelt challenged the election of these delegates, but the RNC overruled most objections. Roosevelt's sole remaining chance was with a friendly convention chairman, who might make rulings on the seating of delegates that favored his side. Taft followed custom and remained in Washington, but Roosevelt went to Chicago to run his campaign[148] and told his supporters in a speech, "we stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord".[149][150]
Taft had won over Root, who agreed to run for temporary chairman of the convention, and the delegates elected Root over Roosevelt's candidate. | text | {
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4a48641b76669207d445b61c32ad0d41 | [149] The Roosevelt forces moved to substitute the delegates they supported for the ones they argued should not be seated. Root made a crucial ruling, that although the contested delegates could not vote on their own seating, they could vote on the other contested delegates, a ruling that assured Taft's nomination, as the motion offered by the Roosevelt forces failed, 567–507.[151] As it became clear Roosevelt would bolt the party if not nominated, some Republicans sought a compromise candidate to avert electoral disaster; they failed.[152] Taft's name was placed in nomination by Warren Harding, whose attempts to praise Taft and unify the party were met with angry interruptions from progressives.[153] Taft was nominated on the first ballot, though most Roosevelt delegates refused to vote.[151]
Campaign and defeat
Campaign advertisement arguing Taft deserved a second term
Alleging Taft had stolen the nomination, Roosevelt and his followers formed the Progressive Party.[o][154] Taft knew he would lose, but concluded that through Roosevelt's loss at Chicago the party had been preserved as "the defender of conservative government and conservative institutions."[155] He made his doomed run to preserve conservative control of the Republican Party. | text | {
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47a88eafd2140ed9c45002f4aba911c3 | [156] Governor Woodrow Wilson was the Democratic nominee. Seeing Roosevelt as the greater electoral threat, Wilson spent little time attacking Taft, arguing that Roosevelt had been lukewarm in opposing the trusts during his presidency, and that Wilson was the true reformer.[157] Taft contrasted what he called his "progressive conservatism" with Roosevelt's Progressive democracy, which to Taft represented "the establishment of a benevolent despotism."[158]
Electoral vote by state, 1912. States won by Taft are in red.
Reverting to the pre-1888 custom that presidents seeking reelection did not campaign, Taft spoke publicly only once, making his nomination acceptance speech on August 1.[159] He had difficulty in financing the campaign, as many industrialists had concluded he could not win, and would support Wilson to block Roosevelt. The president issued a confident statement in September after the Republicans narrowly won Vermont's state elections in a three-way fight, but had no illusions he would win his race.[160] He had hoped to send his cabinet officers out on the campaign trail, but found them reluctant to go. Senator Root agreed to give a single speech for him. | text | {
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7d6e66b00b35597fd429513294d885b7 | [161]
Vice President Sherman had been renominated at Chicago; seriously ill during the campaign, he died six days before the election,[p] and was replaced on the ticket by the president of Columbia University, Nicholas Murray Butler. But few electors chose Taft and Butler, who won only Utah and Vermont, for a total of eight electoral votes.[q] Roosevelt won 88, and Wilson 435. Wilson won with a plurality—not a majority—of the popular vote. Taft finished with just under 3.5 million, over 600,000 less than the former president.[162] Taft was not on the ballot in California, due to the actions of local Progressives, nor in South Dakota.[163]
Return to Yale (1913–1921)
With no pension or other compensation to expect from the government after leaving the White House, Taft contemplated a return to the practice of law, from which he had long been absent. Given that Taft had appointed many federal judges, including a majority of the Supreme Court, this would raise questions of conflict of interest at every federal court appearance and he was saved from this by an offer for him to become Kent Professor of Law and Legal History at Yale Law School. | text | {
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14d4aa33877a29a5732f897b2e094e12 | He accepted, and after a month's vacation in Georgia, arrived in New Haven on April 1, 1913 to a rapturous reception. As it was too late in the semester for him to give an academic course, he instead prepared eight lectures on "Questions of Modern Government", which he delivered in May.[164] He earned money with paid speeches and with articles for magazines, and would end his eight years out of office having increased his savings.[165] While at Yale, he wrote the treatise, Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers (1916).[166]
Taft (left) with President Warren G. Harding and Robert Lincoln at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, May 30, 1922
Taft had been made president of the Lincoln Memorial Commission while still in office; when Democrats proposed removing him for one of their party, he quipped that unlike losing the presidency, such a removal would hurt. The architect, Henry Bacon, wanted to use Colorado-Yule marble, while southern Democrats urged using Georgia marble. Taft lobbied for the western stone, and the matter was submitted to the Commission of Fine Arts, which supported Taft and Bacon. | text | {
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ac19aac5ceab7e4e68039483838bfa04 | The project went forward; Taft would dedicate the Lincoln Memorial as chief justice in 1922.[167] In 1913, Taft was elected to a one-year term as president of the American Bar Association (ABA), a trade group of lawyers. He removed opponents, such as Louis Brandeis and University of Pennsylvania Law School dean William Draper Lewis (a supporter of the Progressive Party) from committees.[168]
Taft maintained a cordial relationship with Wilson. The former president privately criticized his successor on a number of issues, but made his views known publicly only on Philippine policy. Taft was appalled when, after Justice Lamar's death in January 1916, Wilson nominated Brandeis, whom the former president had never forgiven for his role in the Ballinger–Pinchot affair. When hearings led to nothing discreditable about Brandeis, Taft intervened with a letter signed by himself and other former ABA presidents, stating that Brandeis was not fit to serve on the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, the Democratic-controlled Senate confirmed Brandeis.[169] Taft and Roosevelt remained embittered; they met only once in the first three years of the Wilson presidency, at a funeral at Yale. They spoke only for a moment, politely but formally. | text | {
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8aa184f2426a0c118a28ade95bf22a1c | [170]
As president of the League to Enforce Peace, Taft hoped to prevent war through an international association of nations. With World War I raging in Europe, Taft sent Wilson a note of support for his foreign policy in 1915.[171] President Wilson accepted Taft's invitation to address the league, and spoke in May 1916 of a postwar international organization that could prevent a repetition.[172] Taft supported the effort to get Justice Hughes to resign from the bench and accept the Republican presidential nomination. Once this was done, Hughes tried to get Roosevelt and Taft to reconcile, as a united effort was needed to defeat Wilson. This occurred on October 3 in New York, but Roosevelt allowed only a handshake, and no words were exchanged. This was one of many difficulties for the Republicans in the campaign, and Wilson narrowly won reelection.[173]
In March 1917, Taft demonstrated public support for the war effort by joining the Connecticut State Guard, a state defense force organized to carry out the state duties of the Connecticut National Guard while the National Guard served on active duty. | text | {
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36b161b133469496bfaa584977cd0188 | [174] When Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany in April 1917, Taft was an enthusiastic supporter; he was chairman of the American Red Cross' executive committee, which occupied much of the former president's time.[175] In August 1917, Wilson conferred military titles on executives of the Red Cross as a way to provide them with additional authority to use in carrying out their wartime responsibilities, and Taft was appointed a major general.[176]
During the war, Taft took leave from Yale in order to serve as co-chairman of the National War Labor Board, tasked with assuring good relations between industry owners and their workers.[177] In February 1918, the new RNC chairman, Will H. Hays, approached Taft seeking his reconciliation with Roosevelt. While at the Palmer House in Chicago, Taft heard that Roosevelt was there having dinner, and after he walked in, the two men embraced to the applause of the room, but the relationship did not progress; Roosevelt died in January 1919.[178] Taft later wrote, "Had he died in a hostile state of mind toward me, I would have mourned the fact all my life. I loved him always and cherish his memory. | text | {
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df0fe21a56a2542de3f37472bca7227d | "[179]
When Wilson proposed establishment of a League of Nations, Taft expressed public support. He was the leader of his party's activist wing, and was opposed by a small group of senators who vigorously opposed the League. Taft's flip-flop on whether reservations to the Versailles Treaty were necessary angered both sides, causing some Republicans to call him a Wilson supporter and a traitor to his party. The Senate refused to ratify the Versailles pact.[180]
Chief Justice (1921–1930)
Further information: Taft Court
Chief Justice Taft, c. 1921
During the 1920 election campaign, Taft supported the Republican ticket—Harding (by then a senator) and Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge; they were elected.[181] Taft was among those asked to come to the president-elect's home in Marion, Ohio to advise him on appointments, and the two men conferred there on December 24, 1920. By Taft's later account, after some conversation, Harding casually asked if Taft would accept appointment to the Supreme Court; if Taft would, Harding would appoint him. Taft had a condition for Harding—having served as president, and having appointed two of the present associate justices and opposed Brandeis, he could accept only the chief justice position. | text | {
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39064a8fceb996992ea9eeb3963b30b0 | Harding made no response, and Taft in a thank-you note reiterated the condition and stated that Chief Justice White had often told him he was keeping the position for Taft until a Republican held the White House. In January 1921, Taft heard through intermediaries that Harding planned to appoint him, if given the chance.[182]
White by then was in failing health, but made no move to resign when Harding was sworn in on March 4, 1921.[183] Taft called on the chief justice on March 26, and found White ill, but still carrying on his work and not talking of retiring.[184] White did not retire, dying in office on May 19, 1921. Taft issued a tribute to the man he had appointed to the center seat, and waited and worried if he would be White's successor. Despite widespread speculation Taft would be the pick, Harding made no quick announcement.[185] Taft was lobbying for himself behind the scenes, especially with the Ohio politicians who formed Harding's inner circle. | text | {
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d882c7bd7dfedb2851d6ce818479731f | [186]
It later emerged that Harding had also promised former Utah senator George Sutherland a seat on the Supreme Court, and was waiting in the expectation that another place would become vacant.[r][187] Harding was also considering a proposal by Justice William R. Day to crown his career by being chief justice for six months before retiring. Taft felt, when he learned of this plan, that a short-term appointment would not serve the office well, and that once confirmed by the Senate, the memory of Day would grow dim. After Harding rejected Day's plan, Attorney General Harry Daugherty, who supported Taft's candidacy, urged him to fill the vacancy, and he named Taft on June 30, 1921.[185] The Senate confirmed Taft the same day, 61–4, without any committee hearings and after a brief debate in executive session. Taft drew the objections of three progressive Republicans and one southern Democrat.[s][188] When he was sworn in on July 11, he became the first and to date only person to serve both as president and chief justice. | text | {
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8b75d213e52852d0fa2e568874a68eb4 | [2]
Further information: List of United States Supreme Court cases by the Taft Court
Commerce Clause
The Supreme Court under Taft compiled a conservative record in Commerce Clause jurisprudence. This had the practical effect of making it difficult for the federal government to regulate industry, and the Taft Court also scuttled many state laws. The few liberals on the court—Brandeis, Holmes, and (from 1925) Harlan Fiske Stone—sometimes protested, believing orderly progress essential, but often joined in the majority opinion.[189]
The White Court had, in 1918, struck down an attempt by Congress to regulate child labor in Hammer v. Dagenhart.[t][190] Congress thereafter attempted to end child labor by imposing a tax on certain corporations making use of it. That law was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1922 in Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co., with Taft writing the court's opinion for an 8–1 majority.[u] He held that the tax was not intended to raise revenue, but rather was an attempt to regulate matters reserved to the states under the Tenth Amendment,[191] and that allowing such taxation would eliminate the power of the states. | text | {
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7af2cbbdbe011ffb153d2340239bc01 | [2] One case in which Taft and his court upheld federal regulation was Stafford v. Wallace. Taft ruled for a 7–1 majority[v] that the processing of animals in stockyards was so closely tied to interstate commerce as to bring it within the ambit of Congress's power to regulate.[192]
A case in which the Taft Court struck down regulation that generated a dissent from the chief justice was Adkins v. Children's Hospital.[w] Congress had decreed a minimum wage for women in the District of Columbia. A 5–3 majority of the Supreme Court struck it down. Justice Sutherland wrote for the majority that the recently ratified Nineteenth Amendment, guaranteeing women the vote, meant that the sexes were equal when it came to bargaining power over working conditions; Taft, in dissent, deemed this unrealistic.[193] Taft's dissent in Adkins was rare both because he authored few dissents, and because it was one of the few times he took an expansive view of the police power of the government.[194]
Powers of government
In 1922, Taft ruled for a unanimous court in Balzac v. Porto Rico. | text | {
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efd1f6c96dbf088b2f95349e345cecf3 | [x] One of the Insular Cases, Balzac involved a Puerto Rico newspaper publisher who was prosecuted for libel but denied a jury trial, a Sixth Amendment protection under the constitution. Taft held that as Puerto Rico was not a territory designated for statehood, only such constitutional protections as Congress decreed would apply to its residents.[195]
The U.S. Supreme Court in 1925. Taft is seated in the bottom row, middle.
In 1926, Taft wrote for a 6–3 majority in Myers v. United States[y] that Congress could not require the president to get Senate approval before removing an appointee. Taft noted that there is no restriction of the president's power to remove officials in the Constitution. Although Myers involved the removal of a postmaster,[196] Taft in his opinion found invalid the repealed Tenure of Office Act, for violation of which his presidential predecessor, Andrew Johnson, had been impeached, though acquitted by the Senate.[197] Taft valued Myers as his most important opinion.[198]
The following year, the court decided McGrain v. Daugherty. | text | {
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732598f1448c16d5ee6d2d8d8fab1ae6 | [z] A congressional committee investigating possible complicity of former Attorney General Daugherty in the Teapot Dome scandal subpoenaed records from his brother, Mally, who refused to provide them, alleging Congress had no power to obtain documents from him. Van Devanter ruled for a unanimous court against him, finding that Congress had the authority to conduct investigations as an auxiliary to its legislative function.[199]
Individual and civil rights
In 1925, the Taft Court laid the groundwork for the incorporation of many of the guarantees of the Bill of Rights to be applied against the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. In Gitlow v. New York,[aa] the Court, by a 6–2 vote with Taft in the majority, upheld Gitlow's conviction on criminal anarchy charges for advocating the overthrow of the government; his defense was freedom of speech. Justice Edward T. Sanford wrote the Court's opinion, and both majority and minority (Holmes, joined by Brandeis) assumed that the First Amendment's Free Speech and Free Press clauses were protected against infringement by the states.[200]
Pierce v. Society of Sisters[ab] was a 1925 decision by the Taft Court striking down an Oregon law banning private schools. | text | {
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4b5174ab012e2a37a2171c67f5c3cab0 | In a decision written by Justice James C. McReynolds, a unanimous court held that Oregon could regulate private schools, but could not eliminate them. The outcome supported the right of parents to control the education of their children, but also, since the lead plaintiff (the society) ran Catholic schools, struck a blow for religious freedom.[200]
United States v. Lanza[ac] was one of a series of cases involving Prohibition. Lanza committed acts allegedly in violation of both state and federal law, and was first convicted in Washington state court, then prosecuted in federal district court. He alleged the second prosecution violated the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Taft, for a unanimous court, allowed the second prosecution, holding that the state and federal governments were dual sovereigns, each empowered to prosecute the conduct in question.[201]
In the 1927 case Lum v. Rice,[ad] Taft wrote for a unanimous Court that included liberals Holmes, Brandeis and Stone. The ruling held the exclusion on account of race of a child of Chinese ancestry from a whites-only public school did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This allowed states to extend segregation in public schools to Chinese students. | text | {
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43e9fe8f8316a17e01363f078b769f56 | [202]
Administration and political influence
Time cover, June 30, 1924
Taft exercised the power of his position to influence the decisions of his colleagues, urging unanimity and discouraging dissents. Alpheus Mason, in his article on Chief Justice Taft for the American Bar Association Journal, contrasted Taft's expansive view of the role of the chief justice with the narrow view of presidential power he took while in that office.[203] Taft saw nothing wrong with making his views on possible appointments to the Court known to the White House, and was annoyed to be criticized in the press. He was initially a firm supporter of President Coolidge after Harding's death in 1923, but became disillusioned with Coolidge's appointments to office and to the bench; he had similar misgivings about Coolidge's successor, Herbert Hoover.[204] Taft advised the Republican presidents in office while he was chief justice to avoid "offside" appointments like Brandeis and Holmes.[189] Nevertheless, by 1923, Taft was writing of his liking for Brandeis, whom he deemed a hard worker, and Holmes walked to work with him until age and infirmity required an automobile. | text | {
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89f5e70c9a84ea23dce81ff7a7079caf | [205]
Believing that the Chief Justice should be responsible for the federal courts, Taft felt that he should have an administrative staff to assist him, and the chief justice should be empowered to temporarily reassign judges.[206] He also believed the federal courts had been ill-run. Many of the lower courts had lengthy backlogs, as did the Supreme Court.[207] Immediately on taking office, Taft made it a priority to confer with Attorney General Daugherty as to new legislation,[208] and made his case before congressional hearings, in legal periodicals and in speeches across the country.[209] When Congress convened in December 1921, a bill was introduced for 24 new judges, to empower the Chief Justice to move judges temporarily to eliminate the delays, and to have him chair a body consisting of the senior appellate judge of each circuit. Congress objected to some aspects, requiring Taft to get the agreement of the senior judge of each involved circuit before assigning a judge, but it passed the bill in September 1922, and the Judicial Conference of Senior Circuit Judges held its first meeting that December. | text | {
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ee082479c75a314c165fdcd1f8c8de75 | [210]
The Supreme Court's docket was congested, swelled by war litigation and laws that allowed a party defeated in the circuit court of appeals to have the case decided by the Supreme Court if a constitutional question was involved. Taft believed an appeal should usually be settled by the circuit court, with only cases of major import decided by the justices. He and other Supreme Court members proposed legislation to make most of the Court's docket discretionary, with a case getting full consideration by the justices only if they granted a writ of certiorari. To Taft's frustration, Congress took three years to consider the matter. Taft and other members of the Court lobbied for the bill in Congress, and the Judges' Bill became law in February 1925. By late the following year, Taft was able to show that the backlog was shrinking.[211]
When Taft became Chief Justice, the Court did not have its own building and met in the Capitol. Its offices were cluttered and overcrowded, but Fuller and White had been opposed to proposals to move the Court to its own building. | text | {
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a2eb2774640925bcb500ecf8906205ec | In 1925, Taft began a fight to get the Court a building, and two years later Congress appropriated money to purchase the land, on the south side of the Capitol. Cass Gilbert had prepared plans for the building, and was hired by the government as architect. Taft had hoped to live to see the Court move into the new building, but it did not do so until 1935, after Taft's death.[212]
Declining health and death
Taft is remembered as the heaviest president; he was 5 feet 11 inches (1.80 m) tall and his weight peaked at 335–340 pounds (152–154 kg) toward the end of his presidency,[213] although this later decreased, and by 1929 he weighed 244 pounds (111 kg). By the time Taft became chief justice in 1921, his health was starting to decline, and he carefully planned a fitness regimen, walking 3 miles (4.8 km) from his home to the Capitol each day. When he walked home after work, he would usually go by way of Connecticut Avenue and use a particular crossing over Rock Creek. After his death, the crossing was named the Taft Bridge. | text | {
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77df97b1a5e85bab1b29303a6c0d70e6 | [214]
Taft followed a weight loss program and hired the British doctor N. E. Yorke-Davies as a dietary advisor. The two men corresponded regularly for over twenty years, and Taft kept a daily record of his weight, food intake, and physical activity.[215]
Taft insisted that Charles Evans Hughes succeed him as chief justice.
At Hoover's inauguration on March 4, 1929, Taft recited part of the oath incorrectly, later writing, "my memory is not always accurate and one sometimes becomes a little uncertain", misquoting again in that letter, differently.[216] His health gradually declined over the near-decade of his chief justiceship. Worried that if he retired his replacement would be chosen by President Herbert Hoover, whom he considered too progressive, he wrote his brother Horace in 1929, "I am older and slower and less acute and more confused. However, as long as things continue as they are, and I am able to answer to my place, I must stay on the court in order to prevent the Bolsheviki from getting control".[217]
Taft insisted on going to Cincinnati to attend the funeral of his brother Charles, who died on December 31, 1929; the strain did not improve his own health. | text | {
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901bfcf21f23e24c7ddad22a04e197f7 | When the court reconvened on January 6, 1930, Taft had not returned to Washington, and two opinions were delivered by Van Devanter that Taft had drafted but had been unable to complete because of his illness. Taft went to Asheville, North Carolina, for a rest, but by the end of January, he could barely speak and was suffering from hallucinations.[218] Taft was afraid that Stone would be made chief justice; he did not resign until he had secured assurances from Hoover that Hughes would be the choice.[ae][219] Taft resigned as chief justice on February 3, 1930. Returning to Washington after his resignation, Taft had barely enough physical or emotional strength to sign a reply to a letter of tribute from the eight associate justices. He died at his home in Washington D.C. on March 8, 1930 at age 72, likely of heart disease, inflammation of the liver, and high blood pressure.[218][220]
Taft lay in state at the United States Capitol rotunda.[221] Three days following his death, on March 11, he became the first president and first member of the Supreme Court to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. | text | {
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5d8545677870d59c236cf98309ed3649 | [222][223] James Earle Fraser sculpted his grave marker out of Stony Creek granite.[222]
Legacy and historical view
Taft's headstone at Arlington National Cemetery
Lurie argued that Taft did not receive the public credit for his policies that he should have. Few trusts had been broken up under Roosevelt (although the lawsuits received much publicity). Taft, more quietly than his predecessor, filed many more cases than did Roosevelt, and rejected his predecessor's contention that there was such a thing as a "good" trust. This lack of flair marred Taft's presidency; according to Lurie, Taft "was boring—honest, likable, but boring".[224] Scott Bomboy for the National Constitution Center wrote that despite being "one of the most interesting, intellectual, and versatile presidents ... a chief justice of the United States, a wrestler at Yale, a reformer, a peace activist, and a baseball fan ... today, Taft is best remembered as the president who was so large that he got stuck in the White House bathtub," a story that is not true.[156][225] Taft similarly remains known for another physical characteristic—as the last president with facial hair to date.[226]
Mason called Taft's years in the White House "undistinguished". | text | {
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f4210bcbd0eaee70992f979a04a58e5c | [206] Coletta deemed Taft to have had a solid record of bills passed by Congress, but felt he could have accomplished more with political skill.[227] Anderson noted that Taft's prepresidential federal service was entirely in appointed posts, and that he had never run for an important executive or legislative position, which would have allowed him to develop the skills to manipulate public opinion, as "the presidency is no place for on-the-job training".[166] According to Coletta, "in troubled times in which the people demanded progressive change, he saw the existing order as good."[228]
Inevitably linked with Roosevelt, Taft generally falls in the shadow of the flamboyant Rough Rider, who chose him to be president, and who took it away.[229] Yet, a portrait of Taft as a victim of betrayal by his best friend is incomplete: as Coletta put it, "Was he a poor politician because he was victimized or because he lacked the foresight and imagination to notice the storm brewing in the political sky until it broke and swamped him?"[230] Adept at using the levers of power in a way his successor could not, Roosevelt generally got what was politically possible out of a situation. | text | {
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c35730285a8aa0e8df7a57e853cf906d | Taft was generally slow to act, and when he did, his actions often generated enemies, as in the Ballinger–Pinchot affair. Roosevelt was able to secure positive coverage in the newspapers; Taft had a judge's reticence in talking to reporters, and, with no comment from the White House, hostile journalists filled the gaps with quotes from Taft opponents.[231] And it was Roosevelt who engraved in public memory the image of Taft as a James Buchanan-like figure, with a narrow view of the presidency that made him unwilling to act for the public good. Anderson noted that Roosevelt's Autobiography (which placed this view in enduring form) was published after both men had left the presidency (in 1913), was intended in part to justify Roosevelt's splitting of the Republican Party, and contains not a single positive reference to the man Roosevelt had admired and hand-picked as his successor. While Roosevelt was biased,[232] he was not alone: every major newspaper reporter of that time who left reminiscences of Taft's presidency was critical of him.[233] Taft replied to his predecessor's criticism with his constitutional treatise on the powers of the presidency. | text | {
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1fa2b381798e2508a6210b5116115f4c | [232]
Fifty-cent stamp issued for Taft (1938)
Taft was convinced history would vindicate him. After he left office, he was estimated to be about in the middle of U.S. presidents by greatness, and subsequent rankings by historians have by and large sustained that verdict. Coletta noted that this places Taft in good company, with James Madison, John Quincy Adams and McKinley.[234] Lurie catalogued progressive innovations that took place under Taft, and argued that historians have overlooked them because Taft was not an effective political writer or speaker.[235] According to Gould, "the clichés about Taft's weight, his maladroitness in the White House, and his conservatism of thought and doctrine have an element of truth, but they fail to do justice to a shrewd commentator on the political scene, a man of consummate ambition, and a resourceful practitioner of the internal politics of his party."[236] Anderson deemed Taft's success in becoming both president and chief justice "an astounding feat of inside judicial and Republican party politics, played out over years, the likes of which we are not likely to see again in American history". | text | {
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] | null | null |
fba11a5e0d978b512d43d70bd8267f01 | [186]
Taft has been rated among the greatest of the chief justices;[237] later Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia noted that this was "not so much on the basis of his opinions, perhaps because many of them ran counter to the ultimate sweep of history".[238] A successor as chief justice, Earl Warren, concurred: "In Taft's case, the symbol, the tag, the label usually attached to him is 'conservative.'It is certainly not of itself a term of opprobrium even when bandied by the critics, but its use is too often confused with 'reactionary.'"[179] Most commentators agree that Taft's most significant contribution as chief justice was his advocacy for reform of the high court, urging and ultimately gaining improvement in the Court's procedures and facilities.[179][190][239] Mason cited enactment of the Judges' Bill of 1925 as Taft's major achievement on the Court.[190] According to Anderson, as chief justice, Taft "was as aggressive in the pursuit of his agenda in the judicial realm as Theodore Roosevelt was in the presidential".[240]
Taft's boyhood home in Cincinnati
The house in Cincinnati in which Taft was born and lived as a boy is now the William Howard Taft National Historic Site. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 80
} | [
] | null | null |
3ca3dded88b78384c90c40474eae7ec3 | [241] Taft was named one of the first Gold Medal Honorees of the National Institute of Social Sciences.[242] His son Robert was a significant political figure, becoming Senate Majority Leader and three times a major contender for the Republican nomination for president. A conservative, each time he was defeated by a candidate backed by the more liberal Eastern Establishment wing of the party.[af][243]
Lurie concluded his account of William Taft's career:
.mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}While the fabled cherry trees in Washington represent a suitable monument for Nellie Taft, there is no memorial to her husband, except perhaps the magnificent home for his Court—one for which he eagerly planned. But he died even before ground was broken for the structure. As he reacted to his overwhelming defeat for reelection in 1912, Taft had written that "I must wait for years if I would be vindicated by the people ... I am content to wait."Perhaps he has waited long enough. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 81
} | [
] | null | null |
ee5af866eb19f5ffeb0e6c17ce90401d | [244]
0:27 Collection of film clips of the president
2:04 Speech: "The Farmer and the Republican Party", Kansas City, Missouri, 1908
See also
Bibliography of William Howard Taft
Taft on U.S. postage stamps
.mw-parser-output .reflist{font-size:90%;margin-bottom:0.5em;list-style-type:decimal}.mw-parser-output .reflist .references{font-size:100%;margin-bottom:0;list-style-type:inherit}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns-2{column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns-3{column-width:25em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns{margin-top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns ol{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns li{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .reflist-upper-alpha{list-style-type:upper-alpha}.mw-parser-output .reflist-upper-roman{list-style-type:upper-roman}.mw-parser-output .reflist-lower-alpha{list-style-type:lower-alpha}.mw-parser-output .reflist-lower-greek{list-style-type:lower-greek}.mw-parser-output .reflist-lower-roman{list-style-type:lower-roman}
^ Vice President Sherman died in office. As this was prior to the adoption of the Twenty-fifth Amendment in 1967, a vacancy in the office of vice president was not filled until the next ensuing election and inauguration.
^ 1889 Ohio Misc. Lexis 119, 10 Ohio Dec. reprint 181
^ Alphonso Taft died in 1891 in California, retired because of illness contracted during his diplomatic postings. See Pringle vol 1, p. 119.
^ 79 F. 561 (6th Cir. 1897)
^ Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway Co. v. Voight, 176 U.S. 498 (1900). Only Justice Harlan dissented from the opinion for the Court written by Justice George Shiras. See Lurie, pp. 33–34.
^ 85 F. 271 (6th Cir. 1898)
^ 175 U.S. 211 (1899)
^ His son, Douglas MacArthur, would also become a general and famously fight in the Philippines.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 82
} | [
] | null | null |
b78a74938d447f5a3c34cf4aea327db0 | ^ Fuller's longevity was a source of frustration and some humor in the Roosevelt White House. Secretary Root originated a running joke that Fuller would be found alive and clinging to his seat on the Day of Judgment, and would then have to be shot. See Anderson 2000, p. 328.
^ In one of which Secretary Knox was said to be a major stockholder. See Coletta 1973, p. 188.
^ Son of the late president
^ Hughes was 67 when he began his second period on the court, as chief justice succeeding Taft.
^ The others being Harlan Fiske Stone and William Rehnquist.
^ 198 U.S. 45 (1905)
^ The "Bull Moose Party", named by Roosevelt's comment he felt as strong as a young bull moose
^ Sherman was the last American vice president to die in office.
^ Taft's eight electoral votes set a record for futility by a Republican candidate matched by Alf Landon in 1936.
^ Sutherland was appointed to the high court in 1922.
^ The Republicans were Hiram Johnson of California, William E. Borah of Idaho and La Follette of Wisconsin. The Democrat was Thomas E. Watson of Georgia.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 83
} | [
] | null | null |
a10f974a1421006692ea87eaf825f524 | ^ 247 U.S. 251 (1918)
^ 259 U.S. 20 (1922). Justice John H. Clarke dissented without opinion.
^ 258 U.S. 495 (1922) Justice Day did not participate and Justice James C. McReynolds dissented without opinion.
^ 261 U.S. 525 (1923)
^ 258 U.S. 298 (1922)
^ 272 U.S. 52 (1926)
^ 273 U.S. 135 (1927)
^ 268 U.S. 652 (1925)
^ 268 U.S. 510 (1925)
^ 260 U.S. 377 (1922)
^ 275 U.S. 78 (1927)
^ Stone was made chief justice in 1941 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
^ Wendell Willkie in 1940, Thomas Dewey in 1948 and Dwight Eisenhower in 1952
^ .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Jost, Kenneth (1993). The Supreme Court A to Z. CQ Press. p. 428. ISBN 9781608717446. Archived from the original on December 14, 2020. Retrieved January 2, 2019.
^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Gould, Louis L. (February 2000). Taft, William Howard. American National Biography Online. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 84
} | [
] | null | null |
112cb9900d389029809ad198b53792a1 | ISBN 978-0-679-80358-4. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
^ Lurie, pp. 4–5.
^ Lurie, pp. 4–7.
^ "10 birthday facts about President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft". National Constitution Center. September 15, 2018. Archived from the original on October 20, 2020. Retrieved January 28, 2018.
^ Jackson, Abby; Sterbenz, Christina (December 6, 2015). "The 13 most powerful members of "Skull and Bones"". Business Insider. Archived from the original on October 28, 2020. Retrieved December 6, 2020.
^ Jump up to: a b "Obituary: Taft Gained Peaks in Unusual Career". New York Times. March 9, 1930. Archived from the original on July 1, 2017. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
^ Lurie, p. 8.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 49–53.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 54–55.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 57–58.
^ Lurie, pp. 10–11.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 63–67.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 95–105.
^ Lurie, pp. 13–15.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 80–81.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 106–111.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 110–114.
^ Rosen 2018, p. 27.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 120–123.
^ Lurie, pp. 28–30.
^ Lurie, pp. 36–38.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 143.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 23.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 85
} | [
] | null | null |
3f0b2732d427d04baa2ebfe2c0940d6 | ^ Jump up to: a b Pringle vol 1, p. 148.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 150–153.
^ John E. Noyes, "William Howard Taft and the Taft Arbitration Treaties."Villanova Law Review 56 (2011): 535+ online Archived July 26, 2020, at the Wayback Machine covers his career in international law and arbitration.
^ John P. Campbell, "Taft, Roosevelt, and the Arbitration Treaties of 1911."Journal of American History 53.2 (1966): 279–298. online Archived March 7, 2021, at the Wayback Machine
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 159–162.
^ Lurie, pp. 41–42.
^ Lurie, p. 44.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 174.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 175.
^ Lurie, p. 50.
^ Lurie, pp. 52–55.
^ Burton 2004, pp. 35–37.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 242–247.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 251–255.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 6–7.
^ Lurie, p. 64.
^ Lurie, pp. 70–71.
^ Morris, p. 380.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 264–265.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 279–283.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 305–310.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 261.
^ Lurie, p. 67.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 293–295, 301.
^ Minger, pp. 269, 274.
^ Minger, pp. 281–282.
^ Minger, pp. 285, 291.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 86
} | [
] | null | null |
d45cc8b13de50f070c24d0cc7b776f83 | ^ Jump up to: a b Anderson 1973, p. 37.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 321–322.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 337–338.
^ Morris, pp. 523–526.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 347.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 348–353.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 15.
^ Jump up to: a b Coletta 1973, pp. 15–16.
^ Morris, p. 529.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 16–18.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 45.
^ Morris, pp. 524–525.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 358–360.
^ Lurie, p. 136.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 374–376.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 57.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 58.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 19.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 393–395.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 395.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 45.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 383–387.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 50.
^ Rouse, Robert (March 15, 2006). "Happy Anniversary to the first scheduled presidential press conference – 93 years young!". American Chronicle.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 60.
^ Rosen 2018, p. 61–62.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 68.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 71.
^ Scholes and Scholes, p. 25.
^ Jump up to: a b Coletta 1973, pp. 183–185.
^ Anderson 1973, pp. 276–278.
^ Lurie, pp. 102–103.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 87
} | [
] | null | null |
8ab10d8ad00375b8ca8a7b0d0d5b09ac | ^ Coletta 1973, pp. 56–58.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 60–65.
^ Anderson 1973, pp. 102–108.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 65–71.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 141–152.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 593–595.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 185, 190.
^ Jump up to: a b Anderson 1973, p. 271.
^ Burton 2004, p. 70.
^ Burton 2004, p. 72.
^ Jump up to: a b Harris 2009, pp. 1–2.
^ Burton 2004, pp. 66–67.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 187–190.
^ Burton 2004, pp. 67–69.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 186–187.
^ Scholes and Scholes, p. 109.
^ Scholes and Scholes, pp. 21–23.
^ Anderson 1973, pp. 250–255.
^ Scholes and Scholes, pp. 126–129.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 194–195.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 196.
^ Scholes and Scholes, pp. 217–221.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 198–199.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 199–200.
^ Scholes and Scholes, pp. 19–21.
^ Burton 2004, pp. 82–83.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 168–169.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 154–157.
^ Jump up to: a b Coletta 1973, pp. 157–159.
^ Lurie, pp. 145–147.
^ Lurie, p. 149.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 160–163.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 77–82.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 483–485.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 85–86, 89.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 88
} | [
] | null | null |
2f6aebf82c3a41897629beb6b460a765 | ^ Jump up to: a b Coletta 1973, pp. 89–92.
^ Pringle vol 1, p. 510.
^ Lurie, p. 113.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 507–509.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 94.
^ Pringle vol 1, pp. 509–513.
^ Harlan, Louis R. (1983). Booker T. Washington : Volume 2: The Wizard Of Tuskegee, 1901–1915. USA: Oxford University Press. p. 341. ISBN 978-0-19-972909-8. Archived from the original on May 5, 2016. Retrieved September 26, 2015.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 30.
^ Katherine D. Moran, "Catholicism and the Making of the US Pacific."Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 12.4 (2013): 434–474.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 28.
^ Anderson 2000, p. 332.
^ Lurie, p. 121.
^ Lurie, pp. 123–127.
^ Lurie, pp. 127–128.
^ Anderson 2000, pp. 339–340.
^ "Biographical Dictionary of the Federal Judiciary". Federal Judicial Center. Archived from the original on July 30, 2016. Retrieved February 13, 2016. Searches run from page, "select research categories" then check "court type" and "nominating president", then select the court type and also William H. Taft.
^ "Commerce Court, 1910–1913". Federal Judicial Center. Archived from the original on March 9, 2016. Retrieved February 13, 2016.
^ Lurie, pp. 129–130.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 89
} | [
] | null | null |
83d61da1a39588ebfee67087b1281141 | ^ Stanley D. Solvick "The Conservative as Progressive: William Howard Taft and the Politics of the Square Deal" Northwest Ohio Quarterly. Jun1967, Vol. 39 Issue 3, pp. 38-48.
^ Jump up to: a b Pringle vol 2, pp. 569–579.
^ Jump up to: a b Murphy, pp. 110–113.
^ Murphy, pp. 117–119.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 222–225.
^ Pavord, pp. 635–640.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 226–230.
^ Lurie, p. 157.
^ Anderson 1973, pp. 183–185.
^ Lurie, p. 158.
^ Hawley, p. 208.
^ Lurie, pp. 163–166.
^ Jump up to: a b Hawley, p. 209.
^ Lewis L. Gould, "1912 Republican Convention: Return of the Rough Rider" Smithsonian Magazine (Aug 2009) Archived November 28, 2020, at the Wayback Machine
^ Jump up to: a b Lurie, p. 166.
^ Gould 2008, p. 72.
^ Dean, pp. 29–30.
^ Pavord, p. 643.
^ Anderson 1973, p. 193.
^ Jump up to: a b Bomboy, Scott (February 6, 2013). "Clearing Up the William Howard Taft Bathtub Myth". National Constitution Center. Archived from the original on May 29, 2016. Retrieved May 29, 2016.
^ Hawley, pp. 213–218.
^ Milkis, Sidney M. (June 11, 2012). | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 90
} | [
] | null | null |
b1781a0658bf35b8bcee94c20e0a4072 | "The Transformation of American Democracy: Teddy Roosevelt, the 1912 Election, and the Progressive Party". First Principles Series Report #43 on Political Thought. The Heritage Foundation. Archived from the original on October 3, 2016.
^ Pringle vol 2, p. 818.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 832–835.
^ Lurie, pp. 169–171.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 836–841.
^ Gould 2008, pp. 132, 176.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 5–12.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 856–857.
^ Jump up to: a b Anderson 1982, p. 27.
^ Gould 2014, p. 14.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 19–20.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 45, 57–69.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 859–860.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 47–49.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 69–71.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 890–899.
^ "Taft Joins Home Guard to Defend Connecticut". The Washington Post. Washington, DC. March 25, 1917. p. 5. Archived from the original on March 8, 2021. Retrieved March 21, 2018 – via
^ Gould 2014, pp. 87–91.
^ "Taft and Davison now Majors General". New-York Tribune. New York, NY. August 8, 1917. p. 2. Archived from the original on March 8, 2021. Retrieved March 21, 2018 – via
^ Gould 2014, pp. 93, 95.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 91
} | [
] | null | null |
a72e2d5341a43236be1977ac4c0ae451 | ^ Gould 2014, pp. 107–110.
^ Jump up to: a b c Warren, p. 360.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 110–134.
^ Pringle vol 2, p. 949.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 166–168.
^ Gould 2014, p. 168.
^ Pringle vol 2, p. 956.
^ Jump up to: a b Pringle vol 2, pp. 957–959.
^ Jump up to: a b Anderson 2000, p. 345.
^ Trani & Wilson, pp. 48–49.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 170–171.
^ Jump up to: a b Mason, pp. 37–38.
^ Jump up to: a b c Mason, p. 37.
^ Regan, pp. 90–91.
^ Regan, pp. 91–92.
^ Regan, p. 92.
^ Pringle vol 2, p. 1049.
^ Torruella, Juan (1988). The Supreme Court and Puerto Rico: The Doctrine of Separate and Unequal. San Juan: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. pp. 96–98. ISBN 978-0-8477-3019-3.
^ Regan, pp. 94–95.
^ Myers, 272 U.S. at 166, 176
^ Pringle vol 2, p. 1025.
^ Regan, pp. 95–96.
^ Jump up to: a b Regan, p. 96.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 985–986.
^ White, G. Edward (2015). "The lost episode of Gong Lum v. Rice" (PDF). Green Bag. 18 (2): 191–205. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 92
} | [
] | null | null |
ffc5d24efd484ba232e506720d95b2a6 | Archived (PDF) from the original on March 2, 2021. Retrieved April 5, 2021.
^ Mason, p. 38.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 1057–1064.
^ Pringle vol 2, p. 969.
^ Jump up to: a b Mason, p. 36.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 973–974.
^ Warren, p. 359.
^ Scalia, pp. 849–850.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 995–996.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 996–1000.
^ Warren, pp. 361–362.
^ Sotos, John G. (September 2003). "Taft and Pickwick". Chest. 124 (3): 1133–1142. doi:10.1378/chest.124.3.1133. PMID 12970047. Archived from the original on January 31, 2013.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 963–964, 1072.
^ Bivins, Roberta; Marland, Hilary (2016). "Weighting for Health: Management, Measurement and Self-surveillance in the Modern Household". Social History of Medicine. 29 (4): 757–780. doi:10.1093/shm/hkw015. PMC 5146684. PMID 27956758.
^ Bendat, Jim (2012). Democracy's Big Day: The Inauguration of Our President. iUniverse. pp. 36–38. ISBN 978-1-935278-48-1. Archived from the original on April 7, 2015. Retrieved October 17, 2015.
^ Pringle vol 2, pp. 963, 967.
^ Jump up to: a b Pringle vol 2, pp. 1077–1079.
^ Anderson 2000, pp. 349–350.
^ "William Taft: Life After the Presidency | Miller Center". October 4, 2016. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 93
} | [
] | null | null |
deb42b37048ba01a830a5185edaa1504 | Archived from the original on September 20, 2021. Retrieved September 20, 2021.
^ "Lying in State or in Honor". US Architect of the Capitol (AOC). Archived from the original on May 18, 2019. Retrieved September 1, 2018.
^ Jump up to: a b "Biography of William Howard Taft, President of the United States and Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court". Historical Information. Arlington National Cemetery. Archived from the original on December 6, 2006. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
^ Gresko, Jessica (May 25, 2011). "Supreme Court at Arlington: Justices are Chummy Even in Death". The Huffington Post. Archived from the original on August 6, 2010. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
^ Lurie, pp. 196–197.
^ Coe, Alexis (September 15, 2017). "William Howard Taft Is Still Stuck in the Tub". Opinion. The New York Times. Archived from the original on November 3, 2020. Retrieved December 28, 2017.
^ Allan D. Peterkin (2001). One thousand beards: a cultural history of facial hair. pp. 36–37. ISBN 9781551521077. Archived from the original on March 7, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2016.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 259, 264–265.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 266.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 260.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 265.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 94
} | [
] | null | null |
d2fdd6b2f4ec5819dd3a32cf80330437 | ^ Coletta 1973, pp. 262–263.
^ Jump up to: a b Anderson 1982, pp. 30–32.
^ Coletta 1973, p. 290.
^ Coletta 1973, pp. 255–256.
^ Lurie, p. 198.
^ Gould 2014, pp. 3–4.
^ Coletta 1989, p. xviii.
^ Scalia, p. 849.
^ Coletta 1989, p. 201.
^ Anderson 2000, p. 352.
^ Lee, Antoinette J. (December 1986). "Chapter 1: The Property: Its Development and Historical Associations". William Howard Taft National Historic Site: An Administrative History. National Park Service. Archived from the original on March 5, 2016. Retrieved February 26, 2016.
^ "Gold Medal Honorees". National Institute of Social Sciences. Archived from the original on July 2, 2019. Retrieved April 23, 2020.
^ Rae, Nicol C. (February 2000). Taft, Robert Alphonso. American National Biography Online. ISBN 978-0-679-80358-4. Retrieved February 26, 2016.
^ Lurie, p. 200.
Sources and further reading
Main article: Bibliography of William Howard Taft
Anderson, Donald F. (1973). William Howard Taft: A Conservative's Conception of the Presidency. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-0786-4.
Anderson, Donald F. (Winter 1982). "The Legacy of William Howard Taft". Presidential Studies Quarterly. 12 (1): 26–33. JSTOR 27547774.
Anderson, Judith Icke. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 95
} | [
] | null | null |
5e6543e54aac79b1c34002b75d8741f2 | William Howard Taft, an Intimate History (1981)
Ballard, Rene N. "The Administrative Theory of William Howard Taft."Western Political Quarterly 7.1 (1954): 65–74 online.
Burns, Adam David. "Imperial vision: William Howard Taft and the Philippines, 1900–1921.". (PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 2010) online
Burton, David H. (2004). William Howard Taft, Confident Peacemaker. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph's University Press. ISBN 978-0-916101-51-0.
Burton, David H. Taft, Roosevelt, and the limits of friendship (2005) [1].
Butt, Archibald W. Taft and Roosevelt: The Intimate Letters of Archie Butt, Military Aide (2 vols. 1930), valuable primary source. vol 1 online also vol 2 online
Coletta, Paolo E. "William Howard Taft."in The Presidents: A Reference History (1997)
Coletta, Paolo E. "The Election of 1908" in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. and Fred L Israel, eds., History of American Presidential Elections: 1789–1968 (1971) 3: 2049–2131. online
Coletta, Paolo E. "The Diplomacy of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft," in Gerald K. Haines and J. Samuel Walker, eds., American Foreign Relations: A Historiographical Review (Greenwood, 1981)
Coletta, Paolo Enrico (1989). William Howard Taft: A Bibliography. Westport, CT: Meckler Corporation.
Coletta, Paolo Enrico (1973). The Presidency of William Howard Taft. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 9780700600960.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 96
} | [
] | null | null |
1d91a42d1842f5d692e1d45fc99ac562 | Collin, Richard H. "Symbiosis versus Hegemony: New Directions in the Foreign Relations Historiography of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft."Diplomatic History 19#3 (1995): 473–497 online.
Dean, John W. (2004). Warren Harding (Kindle ed.). Henry Holt and Co. ISBN 978-0-8050-6956-3.
Delahaye, Claire. "The New Nationalism and Progressive Issues: The Break with Taft and the 1912 Campaign," in Serge Ricard, ed., A Companion to Theodore Roosevelt (2011) pp 452–67. online
Ellis, L. Ethan. Reciprocity, 1911: A Study in Canadian-American Relations (Yale UP, 1939)
Goodwin, Doris Kearns. The bully pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of journalism (2013) online
Gould, Lewis L. The William Howard Taft Presidency (University Press of Kansas, 2009).
Gould, Lewis L. (2014). Chief Executive to Chief Justice:Taft Betwixt the White House and Supreme Court. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-2001-2.
Gould, Lewis L. (2008). Four Hats in the Ring: The 1912 Election and the Birth of Modern American Politics. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-1564-3.
Gould, Lewis L. "Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Disputed Delegates in 1912: Texas as a Test Case."Southwestern Historical Quarterly 80.1 (1976): 33-56 online.
Hahn, Harlan. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 97
} | [
] | null | null |
24dc769e783b2448782ffe1768cc91ef | "The Republican Party Convention of 1912 and the Role of Herbert S. Hadley in National Politics."Missouri Historical Review 59.4 (1965): 407–423. Taft was willing to compromise with Missouri Governor Herbert S. Hadley as presidential nominee; TR said no.
Harris, Charles H. III; Sadler, Louis R. (2009). The Secret War in El Paso: Mexican Revolutionary Intrigue, 1906–1920. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 978-0-8263-4652-0.
Hawley, Joshua David (2008). Theodore Roosevelt: Preacher of Righteousness. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-14514-4.
Hechler, Kenneth W. Insurgency: Personalities and Politics of the Taft Era (1940), on Taft's Republican enemies in 1910.
Hindman, E. James. "The General Arbitration Treaties of William Howard Taft."The Historian 36.1 (1973): 52–65 online.
Korzi, Michael J., "William Howard Taft, the 1908 Election, and the Future of the American Presidency," Congress and the Presidency, 43 (May–August 2016), 227–54.
Lurie, Jonathan (2011). William Howard Taft: Progressive Conservative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-51421-7.
Manners, William. TR and Will: A Friendship That Split the Republican Party (1969) covers 1910 to 1912.
Mason, Alpheus T. Bureaucracy Convicts Itself: The Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy of 1910 (1941)
Minger, Ralph Eldin (August 1961). "Taft's Missions to Japan: A Study in Personal Diplomacy". | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 98
} | [
] | null | null |
1b7f566b0391d3d87e1ae446903657ac | Pacific Historical Review. 30 (3): 279–294. doi:10.2307/3636924. JSTOR 3636924.
Morris, Edmund (2001). Theodore Rex. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-394-55509-6.
Murphy, John (1995). "'Back to the Constitution': Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Republican Party Division 1910–1912". Irish Journal of American Studies. 4: 109–126. JSTOR 30003333.
Noyes, John E. "William Howard Taft and the Taft Arbitration Treaties."Villanova Law Review 56 (2011): 535+ online covers his career in international law and arbitration.
Pavord, Andrew C. (Summer 1996). "The Gamble for Power: Theodore Roosevelt's Decision to Run for the Presidency in 1912". Presidential Studies Quarterly. 26 (3): 633–647. JSTOR 27551622.
Ponder, Stephen. "'Nonpublicity' and the Unmaking of a President: William Howard Taft and the Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy of 1909–1910."Journalism History 19.4 (1994): 111–120.
Pringle, Henry F. (1939). The Life and Times of William Howard Taft: A Biography. Vol. 1., detailed coverage, to 1910
Pringle, Henry F. (1939). The Life and Times of William Howard Taft: A Biography. Vol. 2. vol 2 covers the presidency after 1910 & Supreme Court
Republican campaign text-book 1912 (1912) online
Rosen, Jeffrey (2018). William Howard Taft: The American Presidents Series. New York: Time Books, Henry Holt & Co.
Schambra, William. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 99
} | [
] | null | null |
87c42eb339be6607f29e0d5c64719d97 | "The Election of 1912 and the Origins of Constitutional Conservatism."in Toward an American Conservatism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). 95–119.
Scholes, Walter V; Scholes, Marie V. (1970). The Foreign Policies of the Taft Administration. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press. ISBN 978-0-8262-0094-5.
Schultz, L. Peter. "William Howard Taft: A constitutionalist's view of the presidency."Presidential Studies Quarterly 9#4 (1979): 402-414 online.
Solvick, Stanley D. "William Howard Taft and the Payne-Aldrich Tariff."Mississippi Valley Historical Review 50#3 (1963): 424–442 online.
Taft, William Howard. The Collected Works of William Howard Taft (8 vol. Ohio University Press, 20012004) excerpts.
Taft, William H. Four Aspects of Civic Duty; and, Present Day Problems ed. by David H. Burton and A. E. Campbell (Ohio UP, 2000).
Taft, William Howard. Present Day Problems: A Collection of Addresses Delivered on Various Occasions (Best Books, 1908) online.
Trani, Eugene P.; Wilson, David L. (1977). The Presidency of Warren G. Harding. American Presidency. The Regents Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-0152-3.
Supreme Court
Anderson, Donald F. (Winter 2000). "Building National Consensus: The Career of William Howard Taft". University of Cincinnati Law Review. 68: 323–356.
Crowe, Justin. "The forging of judicial autonomy: Political entrepreneurship and the reforms of William Howard Taft." | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 100
} | [
] | null | null |
6ae7045e7708ce699a4e8f047f2d7225 | Journal of Politics 69.1 (2007): 73–87 online
Fish, Peter G. "William Howard Taft and Charles Evans Hughes: Conservative Politicians as Chief Judicial Reformers."The Supreme Court Review 1975 (1975): 123–145 online.
Lurie, Jonathan. The Chief Justiceship of William Howard Taft, 1921–1930 (U of South Carolina Press, 2019).
Mason, Alpheus T. The Supreme Court From Taft to Burger (2nd ed. 1980)
Mason, Alpheus Thomas (January 1969). "President by Chance, Chief Justice by Choice". American Bar Association Journal. 55 (1): 35–39. JSTOR 25724643.
Post, Robert. "Judicial Management and Judicial Disinterest: The Achievements and Perils of Chief Justice William Howard Taft."Journal of Supreme Court History (1998) 1: 50–78. online.
Post, Robert C. "Chief Justice William Howard Taft and the concept of federalism."Constitutional Commentary 9 (1992): 199+ online.
Regan, Richard J. (2015). A Constitutional History of the U.S. Supreme Court. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. ISBN 978-0-8132-2721-4.
Rooney, William H., and Timothy G. Fleming. "William Howard Taft, the Origin of the Rule of Reason, and the Actavis Challenge."Columbia Business Law Review (2018) 1#1: 1–24. online.
Scalia, Antonin (1989). "Originalism: The Lesser Evil". University of Cincinnati Law Review. 57: 849–864.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 101
} | [
] | null | null |
4b61f449010dfb91a4402e618b04f854 | Starr, Kenneth W. "The Supreme Court and Its Shrinking Docket: The Ghost of William Howard Taft."Minnesota Law Review 90 (2005): 1363–1385 online.
Starr, Kenneth W. "William Howard Taft: The Chief Justice as Judicial Architect."U. of Cincinnati Law Review 60 (1991): 963+.
Taft, William Howard. "The Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Under the Act of February 13, 1925."The Yale Law Journal 35.1 (1925): 1–12.
Warren, Earl (January 1958). "Chief Justice William Howard Taft". The Yale Law Journal. 67 (3): 353–362. doi:10.2307/793882. JSTOR 793882.
Wilensky, Norman N. (1965). Conservatives in the Progressive Era: The Taft Republicans of 1912. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.
| text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 102
} | [
] | null | null |
9492206dcad5d59c619fa2f27ee4d07c | External links
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William Howard Taft at Wikipedia's sister projects
Definitions from WiktionaryMedia from CommonsQuotations from WikiquoteTexts from Wikisource
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William Taft National Historic Site Archived April 25, 2006, at the Wayback Machine
Text of a number of Taft speeches Archived January 30, 2015, at the Wayback Machine, Miller Center of Public Affairs
Audio clips of Taft's speeches, Michigan State University Libraries
William Taft Edison Recordings Campaign - 1912, audio recording
Media coverage
William Howard Taft collected news and commentary at The New York Times
William Howard Taft: A Resource Guide Archived March 7, 2021, at the Wayback Machine from the Library of Congress
Extensive essay on William Howard Taft and shorter essays on each member of his cabinet and the First Lady – Miller Center of Public Affairs
"Life Portrait of William Howard Taft" Archived December 25, 2018, at the Wayback Machine, from C-SPAN's American Presidents: Life Portraits, September 6, 1999
"Growing into Public Service: William Howard Taft's Boyhood Home", a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) lesson plan Archived April 8, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
Works by William Howard Taft at Project Gutenberg
Works by or about William Howard Taft at Internet Archive
Works by William Howard Taft at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
William Howard Taft at IMDb
.mw-parser-output .navbox{box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;width:100%;clear:both;font-size:88%;text-align:center;padding:1px;margin:1em auto 0}.mw-parser-output .navbox .navbox{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .navbox+.navbox,.mw-parser-output .navbox+.navbox-styles+.navbox{margin-top:-1px}.mw-parser-output .navbox-inner,.mw-parser-output .navbox-subgroup{width:100%}.mw-parser-output .navbox-group,.mw-parser-output .navbox-title,.mw-parser-output .navbox-abovebelow{padding:0.25em 1em;line-height:1.5em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .navbox-group{white-space:nowrap;text-align:right}.mw-parser-output .navbox,.mw-parser-output .navbox-subgroup{background-color:#fdfdfd}.mw-parser-output .navbox-list{line-height:1.5em;border-color:#fdfdfd}.mw-parser-output .navbox-list-with-group{text-align:left;border-left-width:2px;border-left-style:solid}.mw-parser-output tr+tr>.navbox-abovebelow,.mw-parser-output tr+tr>.navbox-group,.mw-parser-output tr+tr>.navbox-image,.mw-parser-output tr+tr>.navbox-list{border-top:2px solid #fdfdfd}.mw-parser-output .navbox-title{background-color:#ccf}.mw-parser-output .navbox-abovebelow,.mw-parser-output .navbox-group,.mw-parser-output .navbox-subgroup .navbox-title{background-color:#ddf}.mw-parser-output .navbox-subgroup .navbox-group,.mw-parser-output .navbox-subgroup .navbox-abovebelow{background-color:#e6e6ff}.mw-parser-output .navbox-even{background-color:#f7f7f7}.mw-parser-output .navbox-odd{background-color:transparent}.mw-parser-output .navbox .hlist td dl,.mw-parser-output .navbox .hlist td ol,.mw-parser-output .navbox .hlist td ul,.mw-parser-output .navbox td.hlist dl,.mw-parser-output .navbox td.hlist ol,.mw-parser-output .navbox td.hlist ul{padding:0.125em 0}.mw-parser-output .navbox .navbar{display:block;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .navbox-title .navbar{float:left;text-align:left;margin-right:0.5em}showvteWilliam Howard Taft
10th Chief Justice of the United States (1921–1930)
27th President of the United States (1909–1913)
3rd Provisional Governor of Cuba (1904)
42nd United States Secretary of War (1904–1908)
Governor-General of the Philippines (1901–1904)
6th Solicitor General of the United States (1890–1892)
1909 inauguration
Dollar diplomacy
Income Tax amendment
Payne–Aldrich Tariff Act
Weeks Act
Wireless Ship Act of 1910
North Pacific Fur Seal Convention of 1911
Mann–Elkins Act
Radio Act of 1912
Defense Secrets Act of 1911
Pinchot–Ballinger controversy
Commission on Economy and Efficiency
U.S. occupation of Nicaragua
United States Chamber of Commerce
Ceremonial first pitch
State of the Union Address 1912
Judicial appointments
Supreme Court
First Oval Office
Chief Justice,Supreme Court
Supreme Court career
Judiciary Act of 1925
Creation of the Supreme Court Building
Taft Court cases
Other actions
Taft Commission
Insular Government of the Philippine Islands
Philippines Civil Governor, 1901–1904
Taft–Katsura agreement
1906–1909 Occupation of Cuba
League to Enforce Peace
National War Labor Board
Life and legacy
Early life
Birthplace, home, and historic site
Woodbury Point
Taft Bridge
U.S. Postage stamps
Taft, Montana
High school (New York City
Los Angeles
San Antonio)
1908 Republican National Convention
1908 U.S. presidential election
1912 Republican National Convention
1912 U.S. presidential election
Helen Herron Taft (wife)
Robert Alphonso Taft (son)
Helen Taft Manning (daughter)
Charles Phelps Taft II (son)
William Howard Taft III (grandson)
Robert Alphonso Taft Jr. (grandson)
Seth Taft (grandson)
Alphonso Taft (father)
Louise Taft (mother)
Charles Phelps Taft (brother)
Henry Waters Taft (brother)
Horace Dutton Taft (brother)
Peter Rawson Taft (paternal grandfather)
Progressive Era
Pauline Wayne (cow)
Backstairs at the White House (1979 miniseries)
Theodore Roosevelt (2022 miniseries)
← Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson →
showOffices and distinctions
Legal offices
Preceded byJudson Harmon
Judge of the Superior Court of Cincinnati 1887–1890
Succeeded bySamuel Furman Hunt
Preceded byOrlow W. Chapman
Solicitor General of the United States 1890–1892
Succeeded byCharles H. Aldrich
New seat
Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit 1892–1900
Succeeded byHenry Franklin Severens
Preceded byEdward Douglass White
Chief Justice of the United States 1921–1930
Succeeded byCharles Evans Hughes
Political offices
Preceded byJacob Gould Schurmanas Chairman of the Schurman Commission
Chair of the Taft Commission 1900–1901
Succeeded byHimselfas Chair of the Philippine Commission
Preceded byArthur MacArthur Jr.
Governor-General of the Philippines 1901–1904 Served alongside: Adna Chaffee
Succeeded byLuke Edward Wright
Preceded byHimselfas Chairman of the Taft Commission
Chair of the Philippine Commission 1901–1903
Preceded byElihu Root
United States Secretary of War 1904–1908
Succeeded byLuke Edward Wright
Preceded byTomás Estrada Palmaas President of Cuba
Governor of CubaActing 1906
Succeeded byCharles Edward MagoonActing
Preceded byTheodore Roosevelt
President of the United States 1909–1913
Succeeded byWoodrow Wilson
Party political offices
Preceded byTheodore Roosevelt
Republican nominee for President of the United States 1908, 1912
Succeeded byCharles Evans Hughes
Preceded byWarren G. Harding
Persons who have lain in state or honorin the United States Capitol rotunda 1930
Succeeded byJohn J. Pershing
Awards and achievements
Preceded byHiram Wesley Evans
Cover of Time June 30, 1924
Succeeded byJames Stillman Rockefeller
showArticles related to William Howard Taft
.mw-parser-output .div-col{margin-top:0.3em;column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .div-col-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .div-col-rules{column-rule:1px solid #aaa}.mw-parser-output .div-col dl,.mw-parser-output .div-col ol,.mw-parser-output .div-col ul{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .div-col li,.mw-parser-output .div-col dd{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}showvtePresidents of the United StatesPresidents andpresidencies
George Washington (1789–1797)
John Adams (1797–1801)
Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809)
James Madison (1809–1817)
James Monroe (1817–1825)
John Quincy Adams (1825–1829)
Andrew Jackson (1829–1837)
Martin Van Buren (1837–1841)
William Henry Harrison (1841)
John Tyler (1841–1845)
James K. Polk (1845–1849)
Zachary Taylor (1849–1850)
Millard Fillmore (1850–1853)
Franklin Pierce (1853–1857)
James Buchanan (1857–1861)
Abraham Lincoln (1861–1865)
Andrew Johnson (1865–1869)
Ulysses S. Grant (1869–1877)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877–1881)
James A. Garfield (1881)
Chester A. Arthur (1881–1885)
Grover Cleveland (1885–1889)
Benjamin Harrison (1889–1893)
Grover Cleveland (1893–1897)
William McKinley (1897–1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909)
William Howard Taft (1909–1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921–1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923–1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929–1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945–1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–1961)
John F. Kennedy (1961–1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969)
Richard Nixon (1969–1974)
Gerald Ford (1974–1977)
Jimmy Carter (1977–1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981–1989)
George H. W. Bush (1989–1993)
Bill Clinton (1993–2001)
George W. Bush (2001–2009)
Barack Obama (2009–2017)
Donald Trump (2017–2021)
Joe Biden (2021–present)
T. Roosevelt
F. D. Roosevelt
L. B. Johnson
G. H. W. Bush
G. W. Bush
showvteUnsuccessful major party candidates for President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson (1796)
John Adams (1800)
Charles C. Pinckney (1804, 1808)
DeWitt Clinton (1812)
Rufus King (1816)
Andrew Jackson (1824)
William H. Crawford (1824)
Henry Clay (1824, 1832, 1844)
John Quincy Adams (1828)
William Henry Harrison (1836)
Hugh Lawson White (1836)
Martin Van Buren (1840)
Lewis Cass (1848)
Winfield Scott (1852)
John C. Frémont (1856)
Stephen A. Douglas (1860)
George B. McClellan (1864)
Horatio Seymour (1868)
Horace Greeley (1872)
Samuel J. Tilden (1876)
Winfield Scott Hancock (1880)
James G. Blaine (1884)
Grover Cleveland (1888)
Benjamin Harrison (1892)
William J. Bryan (1896, 1900, 1908)
Alton B. Parker (1904)
William Howard Taft (1912)
Charles Evans Hughes (1916)
James M. Cox (1920)
John W. Davis (1924)
Al Smith (1928)
Herbert Hoover (1932)
Alf Landon (1936)
Wendell Willkie (1940)
Thomas E. Dewey (1944, 1948)
Adlai Stevenson (1952, 1956)
Richard Nixon (1960)
Barry Goldwater (1964)
Hubert Humphrey (1968)
George McGovern (1972)
Gerald Ford (1976)
Jimmy Carter (1980)
Walter Mondale (1984)
Michael Dukakis (1988)
George H. W. Bush (1992)
Bob Dole (1996)
Al Gore (2000)
John Kerry (2004)
John McCain (2008)
Mitt Romney (2012)
Hillary Clinton (2016)
Donald Trump (2020)
All presidential candidates
Third party candidates
showvteUnited States Secretaries of War and the ArmyDepartmentof War(1789–1947)Secretariesof War
B. Lincoln
W. Crawford
P. Porter
J. Porter
G. Crawford
J. Davis
S. Cameron
A. Taft
J. Cameron
R. Lincoln
W. Taft
D. Davis
Assistant Secretariesof War
D. Davis
L. Johnson
Under Secretariesof War
Departmentof the Army(1947–present)Secretariesof the Army
C. Alexander
Under Secretariesof the Army
A. Alexander
E. Johnson
showvteUnited States Solicitors General
Acting officeholders shown in italics
showvteJustices of the Supreme Court of the United StateshideChief justices
John Jay (1789–1795, cases)
John Rutledge (1795, cases)
Oliver Ellsworth (1796–1800, cases)
John Marshall (1801–1835, cases)
Roger B. Taney (1836–1864, cases)
Salmon P. Chase (1864–1873, cases)
Morrison Waite (1874–1888, cases)
Melville Fuller (1888–1910, cases)
Edward Douglass White (1910–1921, cases)
William Howard Taft (1921–1930, cases)
Charles Evans Hughes (1930–1941, cases)
Harlan F. Stone (1941–1946, cases)
Fred M. Vinson (1946–1953, cases)
Earl Warren (1953–1969, cases)
Warren E. Burger (1969–1986, cases)
William Rehnquist (1986–2005, cases)
John Roberts (2005–present, cases)
showAssociate justices
J. Rutledge* (1790–1791)
Cushing (1790–1810)
Wilson (1789–1798)
Blair (1790–1795)
Iredell (1790–1799)
T. Johnson (1792–1793)
Paterson (1793–1806)
S. Chase (1796–1811)
Washington (1798–1829)
Moore (1800–1804)
W. Johnson (1804–1834)
Livingston (1807–1823)
Todd (1807–1826)
Duvall (1811–1835)
Story (1812–1845)
Thompson (1823–1843)
Trimble (1826–1828)
McLean (1829–1861)
Baldwin (1830–1844)
Wayne (1835–1867)
Barbour (1836–1841)
Catron (1837–1865)
McKinley (1838–1852)
Daniel (1842–1860)
Nelson (1845–1872)
Woodbury (1845–1851)
Grier (1846–1870)
Curtis (1851–1857)
Campbell (1853–1861)
Clifford (1858–1881)
Swayne (1862–1881)
Miller (1862–1890)
Davis (1862–1877)
Field (1863–1897)
Strong (1870–1880)
Bradley (1870–1892)
Hunt (1873–1882)
J. M. Harlan (1877–1911)
Woods (1881–1887)
Matthews (1881–1889)
Gray (1882–1902)
Blatchford (1882–1893)
L. Lamar (1888–1893)
Brewer (1890–1910)
Brown (1891–1906)
Shiras (1892–1903)
H. Jackson (1893–1895)
E. White* (1894–1910)
Peckham (1896–1909)
McKenna (1898–1925)
Holmes (1902–1932)
Day (1903–1922)
Moody (1906–1910)
Lurton (1910–1914)
Hughes* (1910–1916)
Van Devanter (1911–1937)
J. Lamar (1911–1916)
Pitney (1912–1922)
McReynolds (1914–1941)
Brandeis (1916–1939)
Clarke (1916–1922)
Sutherland (1922–1938)
Butler (1923–1939)
Sanford (1923–1930)
Stone* (1925–1941)
O. Roberts (1930–1945)
Cardozo (1932–1938)
Black (1937–1971)
Reed (1938–1957)
Frankfurter (1939–1962)
Douglas (1939–1975)
Murphy (1940–1949)
Byrnes (1941–1942)
R. Jackson (1941–1954)
W. Rutledge (1943–1949)
Burton (1945–1958)
Clark (1949–1967)
Minton (1949–1956)
J. M. Harlan II (1955–1971)
Brennan (1956–1990)
Whittaker (1957–1962)
Stewart (1958–1981)
B. | text | {
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] | null | null |
848065bfe3d2928f73a8938da727b49a | White (1962–1993)
Goldberg (1962–1965)
Fortas (1965–1969)
T. Marshall (1967–1991)
Blackmun (1970–1994)
Powell (1972–1987)
Rehnquist* (1972–1986)
Stevens (1975–2010)
O'Connor (1981–2006)
Scalia (1986–2016)
Kennedy (1988–2018)
Souter (1990–2009)
Thomas (1991–present)
Ginsburg (1993–2020)
Breyer (1994–2022)
Alito (2006–present)
Sotomayor (2009–present)
Kagan (2010–present)
Gorsuch (2017–present)
Kavanaugh (2018–present)
Barrett (2020–present)
K. Jackson (2022–present)
*Also served as Chief Justice of the United States
.mw-parser-output span.smallcaps{font-variant:small-caps}.mw-parser-output span.smallcaps-smaller{font-size:85%}showvteAmerican governors-general of the Philippines1898–1935Military government (1898–1902)
Insular Government (1901–1935)
Smallcaps indicate military governors
Italics indicate acting governors
showvteCabinet of President Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909)Secretary of State
John Hay (1901–1905)
Elihu Root (1905–1909)
Robert Bacon (1909)
Secretary of the Treasury
Lyman J. Gage (1901–1902)
L. M. Shaw (1902–1907)
George B. Cortelyou (1907–1909)
Secretary of War
Elihu Root (1901–1904)
William Howard Taft (1904–1908)
Luke Edward Wright (1908–1909)
Attorney General
Philander C. Knox (1901–1904)
William Henry Moody (1904–1906)
Charles Joseph Bonaparte (1906–1909)
Postmaster General
Charles Emory Smith (1901–1902)
Henry Clay Payne (1902–1904)
Robert Wynne (1904–1905)
George B. Cortelyou (1905–1907)
George von Lengerke Meyer (1907–1909)
Secretary of the Navy
John Davis Long (1901–1902)
William Henry Moody (1902–1904)
Paul Morton (1904–1905)
Charles Joseph Bonaparte (1905–1906)
Victor H. Metcalf (1906–1908)
Truman Handy Newberry (1908–1909)
Secretary of the Interior
Ethan A. Hitchcock (1901–1907)
James Rudolph Garfield (1907–1909)
Secretary of Agriculture
James Wilson (1901–1909)
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
George B. Cortelyou (1903–1904)
Victor H. Metcalf (1904–1906)
Oscar Straus (1906–1909)
showvteRepublican Party
National Union Party
Third Party System
Fourth Party System
Fifth Party System
Sixth Party System
1856 (Philadelphia): Frémont/Dayton
1860 (Chicago): Lincoln/Hamlin
1864 (Baltimore): Lincoln/Johnson
1868 (Chicago): Grant/Colfax
1872 (Philadelphia): Grant/Wilson
1876 (Cincinnati): Hayes/Wheeler
1880 (Chicago): Garfield/Arthur
1884 (Chicago): Blaine/Logan
1888 (Chicago): Harrison/Morton
1892 (Minneapolis): Harrison/Reid
1896 (Saint Louis): McKinley/Hobart
1900 (Philadelphia): McKinley/Roosevelt
1904 (Chicago): Roosevelt/Fairbanks
1908 (Chicago): Taft/Sherman
1912 (Chicago): Taft/Sherman/Butler
1916 (Chicago): Hughes/Fairbanks
1920 (Chicago): Harding/Coolidge
1924 (Cleveland): Coolidge/Dawes
1928 (Kansas City): Hoover/Curtis
1932 (Chicago): Hoover/Curtis
1936 (Cleveland): Landon/Knox
1940 (Philadelphia): Willkie/McNary
1944 (Chicago): Dewey/Bricker
1948 (Philadelphia): Dewey/Warren
1952 (Chicago): Eisenhower/Nixon
1956 (San Francisco): Eisenhower/Nixon
1960 (Chicago): Nixon/Lodge
1964 (San Francisco): Goldwater/Miller
1968 (Miami Beach): Nixon/Agnew
1972 (Miami Beach): Nixon/Agnew
1976 (Kansas City): Ford/Dole
1980 (Detroit): Reagan/G. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 104
} | [
] | null | null |
36b5dd40c2ecc832c4ea398b995ed16c | H. W. Bush
1984 (Dallas): Reagan/G. | text | {
"url": "",
"_split_id": 105
} | [
] | null | null |
1c4f3dbee6fab2e12d9c27848c1cf66d | H. W. Bush
1988 (New Orleans): G. H. W. Bush/Quayle
1992 (Houston): G. H. W. Bush/Quayle
1996 (San Diego): Dole/Kemp
2000 (Philadelphia): G. W. Bush/Cheney
2004 (New York): G. W. Bush/Cheney
2008 (St. Paul): McCain/Palin
2012 (Tampa): Romney/Ryan
2016 (Cleveland): Trump/Pence
2020 (Charlotte/other locations): Trump/Pence
2024 (Milwaukee)
Lincoln (1861–1865)
Johnson (1865–1868)
Grant (1869–1877)
Hayes (1877–1881)
Garfield (1881)
Arthur (1881–1885)
Harrison (1889–1893)
McKinley (1897–1901)
Roosevelt (1901–1909)
Taft (1909–1913)
Harding (1921–1923)
Coolidge (1923–1929)
Hoover (1929–1933)
Eisenhower (1953–1961)
Nixon (1969–1974)
Ford (1974–1977)
Reagan (1981–1989)
G. H. W. Bush (1989–1993)
G. W. Bush (2001–2009)
Trump (2017–2021)
U.S. SenateleadersandConferencechairs
J. P. Hale (1859–1862)
Anthony (1862–1884)
Sherman (1884–1885)
Edmunds (1885–1891)
Sherman (1891–1897)
Allison (1897–1908)
E. Hale (1908–1911)
Cullom (1911–1913)
Gallinger (1913–1918)
Lodge (1918–1924)
Curtis (1924–1929)
Watson (1929–1933)
McNary (1933–1940)
Austin (1940–1941)
McNary (1941–1944)
White (1944–1949)
Wherry (1949–1952)
Bridges (1952–1953)
Taft (1953)
Knowland (1953–1959)
Dirksen (1959–1969)
Scott (1969–1977)
Baker (1977–1979)
Stevens (1979–1980)
Baker (1980–1985)
Dole (1985–1996)
Lott (1996–2003)
Frist (2003–2007)
McConnell (2007–)
U.S. Houseleaders,Speakers,andConferencechairs
Pennington (1860–1861)
Grow (1861–1863)
Colfax (1863–1869)
Pomeroy (1869)
Blaine (1869–1875)
McCrary (1875–1877)
Hale (1877–1879)
Frye (1879–1881)
Keifer (1881–1883)
Cannon (1883–1889)
Reed (1889–1891)
T. J. Henderson (1891–1895)
Reed (1895–1899)
D. B. Henderson (1899–1903)
Cannon (1903–1911)
Mann (1911–1919)
Gillett (1919–1925)
Longworth (1925–1931)
Snell (1931–1939)
Martin (1939–1959)
Halleck (1959–1965)
Ford (1965–1973)
Rhodes (1973–1981)
Michel (1981–1995)
Gingrich (1995–1999)
Hastert (1999–2007)
Boehner (2007–2015)
Ryan (2015–2019)
McCarthy (2019–)
T. Morton
R. Morton
Chair elections
Parties bystate andterritoryState
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
American Samoa
District of Columbia
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
Affiliated organizationsFundraisinggroups
National Republican Congressional Committee
National Republican Redistricting Trust
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Republican Governors Association
College Republicans
Congressional Hispanic Conference
Log Cabin Republicans
Republican Jewish Coalition
Republican National Hispanic Assembly
Republicans Abroad
Teen Age Republicans
Young Republicans
Republicans Overseas
Republican Main Street Partnership
Republican Majority for Choice
Republican Liberty Caucus
Republican National Coalition for Life
Republican Study Committee
Republican Governance Group
Liberty Caucus
Freedom Caucus
Ripon Society
The Wish List
International Democrat Union
Timeline of modern American conservatism
showvteCabinet of President William Howard Taft (1909–1913)Secretary of State
Philander C. Knox (1909–1913)
Secretary of the Treasury
Franklin MacVeagh (1909–1913)
Secretary of War
Jacob M. Dickinson (1909–1911)
Henry L. Stimson (1911–1913)
Attorney General
George W. Wickersham (1909–1913)
Postmaster General
Frank Harris Hitchcock (1909–1913)
Secretary of the Navy
George von Lengerke Meyer (1909–1913)
Secretary of the Interior
Richard A. Ballinger (1909–1911)
Walter L. Fisher (1911–1913)
Secretary of Agriculture
James Wilson (1909–1913)
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Charles Nagel (1909–1913)
showvte(← 1904) 1908 United States presidential election (→ 1912)Republican Party(Convention)Nominees
President: William Howard Taft
Vice President: James S. Sherman
Other candidates
Philander C. Knox
Charles W. Fairbanks
Robert M. La Follette
Joseph B. Foraker
L. M. Shaw
Democratic Party(Convention)Nominees
President: William Jennings Bryan
Vice President: John W. Kern
Other candidates
George Gray
John Albert Johnson
showThird party and independent candidatesSocialist Party
Nominee: Eugene V. Debs
VP nominee: Ben Hanford
Prohibition Party
Nominee: Eugene W. Chafin
VP nominee: Aaron S. Watkins
Independence Party
Nominee: Thomas L. Hisgen
VP nominee: John Temple Graves
Populist Party
Nominee: Thomas E. Watson
VP nominee: Samuel Williams
Other 1908 elections: House
showvte(← 1908) 1912 United States presidential election (→ 1916)Democratic Party(Convention)Nominees
President: Woodrow Wilson
Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall
Other candidates
Champ Clark
Judson Harmon
Oscar Underwood
Thomas R. Marshall
Eugene Foss
Republican Party(Convention)Nominees
President: William Howard Taft (incumbent)
Vice President: James S. Sherman (incumbent; nominated but died before election)
Nicholas Murray Butler
Other candidates
Theodore Roosevelt
Robert M. La Follette
Progressive Party(Convention)Nominees
President: Theodore Roosevelt
Vice President: Hiram Johnson
Socialist PartyNominees
President: Eugene V. Debs
Vice President: Emil Seidel
showThird party and independent candidatesProhibition Party
Nominee: Eugene W. Chafin
VP nominee: Aaron S. Watkins
Socialist Labor Party
Nominee: Arthur E. Reimer
VP nominee: August Gillhaus
Other 1912 elections: House
showvteLain in state (United States)Lain in stateUS Capitol rotunda
Clay (1852)
Lincoln (1865, funeral)2
Stevens (1868)
Sumner (1874)
Wilson (1875)
Garfield (1881)
Logan (1886)
McKinley (1901)
L'Enfant (1909)1
Dewey (1917)
Unknown Soldier for World War I (1921)
Harding (1923)2
W. H. Taft (1930)
Pershing (1948)
R. A. Taft (1953)
Unknown Soldiers for World War II and the Korean War (1958)
Kennedy (1963, funeral)2
MacArthur (1964)
H. Hoover (1964)
Eisenhower (1969)
Dirksen (1969)
J. E. Hoover (1972)
Johnson (1973)
Humphrey (1978)
Blassie / Unknown Soldier for the Vietnam War (1984)
Pepper (1989)
Reagan (2004, funeral)
Ford (2006–07, funeral)
Inouye (2012)
McCain (2018)
Bush (2018, funeral)
Lewis (2020)
Dole (2021)
Reid (2022)
National Statuary Hall
Cummings (2019)
Ginsburg (2020, funeral)4
Young (2022)
House Chamber
Hooper (1875)
Herbert C. Hoover Building
Brown (1996)
Old Senate Chamber
Chase (1873)
Lain in honorUS Capitol rotunda
Chestnut and Gibson (1998)
Parks (2005)
Graham (2018)
Sicknick (2021)
Evans (2021)
Williams (2022)
Lain in reposeEast Room
Harrison (1841)
Taylor (1850)
Lincoln (1865, funeral)2
McKinley (1901)
Harding (1923)2
Roosevelt (1945)
Kennedy (1963, funeral)2
Great Hall of theUS Supreme Court
Warren (1974)
Marshall (1993)
Burger (1995)
Brennan (1997)
Blackmun (1999)
Rehnquist (2005)
Scalia (2016)
Stevens (2019)
Ginsburg (2020, funeral)2
Senate Chamber
Byrd (2010)
Lautenberg (2013)
Bold - Presidents and chief justices • 1 Died in 1825, exhumed and honored before reinterment • 2 Lain in repose and Lain in state
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Categories: William Howard Taft1857 births1930 deaths1900s in the United States1910s in the United States19th-century American judges19th-century Unitarians20th-century American judges20th-century American politicians20th-century Unitarians20th-century presidents of the United StatesAmerican legal scholarsAmerican people of English descentAmerican people of Scotch-Irish descentAmerican prosecutorsAmerican UnitariansAmerican FreemasonsBoston University facultyBurials at Arlington National CemeteryChief justices of the United StatesColonial heads of CubaFellows of the American Academy of Arts and SciencesGovernors-General of the Philippine IslandsJudges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth CircuitJudges of the Superior Court of CincinnatiLawyers from CincinnatiMembers of the American Philosophical SocietyMembers of the American Antiquarian SocietyOhio RepublicansPoliticians from CincinnatiPresidents of the American Bar AssociationPresidents of the United StatesProgressive Era in the United StatesRepublican Party (United States) presidential nomineesRepublican Party presidents of the United StatesSons of the American RevolutionTaft familyTheodore Roosevelt administration cabinet membersUnited States federal judges appointed by Benjamin HarrisonUnited States federal judges appointed by Warren G. HardingCandidates in the 1908 United States presidential electionCandidates in the 1912 United States presidential electionUnited States Secretaries of WarUnited States Solicitors GeneralUniversity of Cincinnati College of Law alumniUniversity of Cincinnati College of Law facultyYale Law School facultyYale College alumniSkull and Bones SocietyPeople from Kalorama (Washington, D.C.)Woodward High School (Cincinnati, Ohio) alumniOld Right (United States)Psi UpsilonHidden categories: Webarchive template wayback linksCS1: Julian–Gregorian uncertaintyArticles with short descriptionShort description matches WikidataWikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pagesWikipedia indefinitely move-protected pagesFeatured articlesUse American English from February 2022All Wikipedia articles written in American EnglishUse mdy dates from May 2022Articles with hAudio microformatsPages using Sister project links with hidden wikidataArticles with Project Gutenberg linksArticles with Internet Archive linksArticles with LibriVox linksArticles with ISNI identifiersArticles with VIAF identifiersArticles with WorldCat identifiersArticles with BIBSYS identifiersArticles with BNE identifiersArticles with BNF identifiersArticles with CANTICN identifiersArticles with GND identifiersArticles with J9U identifiersArticles with LCCN identifiersArticles with NDL identifiersArticles with NKC identifiersArticles with NLA identifiersArticles with NTA identifiersArticles with PLWABN identifiersArticles with VcBA identifiersArticles with DTBIO identifiersArticles with CINII identifiersArticles with FAST identifiersArticles with MusicBrainz identifiersArticles with NARA identifiersArticles with RERO identifiersArticles with SNAC-ID identifiersArticles with SUDOC identifiersArticles with Trove identifiersArticles containing video clips
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98cfef92fc18245b15ce9efd6a06c070 | Toggle the table of contents
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1Early life
2Early political career
Toggle Early political career subsection
2.1Tennessee state legislator
2.2Jackson disciple
2.3Ways and Means Chair and Speaker of the House
2.4Governor of Tennessee
3Election of 1844
Toggle Election of 1844 subsection
3.1Democratic nomination
3.2General election
4Presidency (1845–1849)
Toggle Presidency (1845–1849) subsection
4.1Transition, inauguration and appointments
4.2Foreign policy
4.2.1Partition of Oregon Country
4.2.2Annexation of Texas
4.2.3Mexican-American War to war of the war the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
4.2.4Postwar and the territories
4.2.5Other initiatives
4.3Domestic policy
4.3.1Fiscal policy
4.3.2Development of the country
4.3.3Judicial appointments
4.4Election of 1848
5Post-presidency and death (1849)
7Polk and slavery
8Legacy and historical view
9See also
13Further reading
Toggle Further reading subsection
13.1Primary sources
14External links
James K. Polk
124 languages
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President of the United States from 1845 to 1849
.mw-parser-output .hatnote{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output div.hatnote{padding-left:1.6em;margin-bottom:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .hatnote i{font-style:normal}.mw-parser-output .hatnote+link+.hatnote{margin-top:-0.5em}"James Polk" redirects here. | text | {
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a0b62173b2545f88413593fdd9328699 | For other people with the same name, see James Polk (disambiguation).
.mw-parser-output .infobox-subbox{padding:0;border:none;margin:-3px;width:auto;min-width:100%;font-size:100%;clear:none;float:none;background-color:transparent}.mw-parser-output .infobox-3cols-child{margin:auto}.mw-parser-output .infobox .navbar{font-size:100%} .mw-parser-output .infobox-header, .mw-parser-output .infobox-subheader, .mw-parser-output .infobox-above, .mw-parser-output .infobox-title, .mw-parser-output .infobox-image, .mw-parser-output .infobox-full-data, .mw-parser-output .infobox-below{text-align:center}James K. PolkPortrait by Mathew Brady, c. 184911th President of the United StatesIn officeMarch 4, 1845 – March 4, 1849Vice PresidentGeorge M. DallasPreceded byJohn TylerSucceeded byZachary Taylor9th Governor of TennesseeIn officeOctober 14, 1839 – October 15, 1841Preceded byNewton CannonSucceeded byJames C. Jones13th Speaker of the United States House of RepresentativesIn officeDecember 7, 1835 – March 3, 1839Preceded byJohn BellSucceeded byRobert M. T. HunterMember of theU.S. | text | {
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e82205b559d0237b700f7d089119bdaa | House of Representativesfrom TennesseeIn officeMarch 4, 1825 – March 3, 1839Preceded byJohn Alexander CockeSucceeded byHarvey Magee WattersonConstituency6th district (1833–1839)9th district (1825–1833)
Personal detailsBornJames Knox Polk(1795-11-02)November 2, 1795Pineville, North Carolina, U.S.DiedJune 15, 1849(1849-06-15) (aged 53)Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.Resting placeTennessee State CapitolPolitical partyDemocraticSpouseSarah Childress (m. .mw-parser-output .tooltip-dotted{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}1824) .plainlist ol,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul{line-height:inherit;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .plainlist ol li,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul li{margin-bottom:0}
Samuel Polk
Jane Knox
EducationUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (AB) .hlist dl,.mw-parser-output .hlist ol,.mw-parser-output .hlist ul{margin:0;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .hlist dd,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt,.mw-parser-output .hlist li{margin:0;display:inline}.mw-parser-output .hlist.inline,.mw-parser-output .hlist.inline dl,.mw-parser-output .hlist.inline ol,.mw-parser-output .hlist.inline ul,.mw-parser-output .hlist dl dl,.mw-parser-output .hlist dl ol,.mw-parser-output .hlist dl ul,.mw-parser-output .hlist ol dl,.mw-parser-output .hlist ol ol,.mw-parser-output .hlist ol ul,.mw-parser-output .hlist ul dl,.mw-parser-output .hlist ul ol,.mw-parser-output .hlist ul ul{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .hlist .mw-empty-li{display:none}.mw-parser-output .hlist dt::after{content:": "}.mw-parser-output .hlist dd::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist li::after{content:" · ";font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output .hlist dd:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist li:last-child::after{content:none}.mw-parser-output .hlist dd dd:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist dd dt:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist dd li:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt dd:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt dt:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt li:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist li dd:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist li dt:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist li li:first-child::before{content:" (";font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .hlist dd dd:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist dd dt:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist dd li:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt dd:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt dt:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt li:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist li dd:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist li dt:last-child::after,.mw-parser-output .hlist li li:last-child::after{content:")";font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .hlist ol{counter-reset:listitem}.mw-parser-output .hlist ol>li{counter-increment:listitem}.mw-parser-output .hlist ol>li::before{content:" "counter(listitem)"\a0 "}.mw-parser-output .hlist dd ol>li:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist dt ol>li:first-child::before,.mw-parser-output .hlist li ol>li:first-child::before{content:" ("counter(listitem)"\a0 "}PoliticianlawyerSignatureNicknamesYoung HickoryNapoleon of the Stumpshow
Other offices
1833–1835: Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee
James Knox Polk (November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849) was the 11th president of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849. | text | {
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94f142d3b9d6293f53dd5c93af3229ee | He previously was the 13th speaker of the House of Representatives (1835–1839) and ninth governor of Tennessee (1839–1841). A protégé of Andrew Jackson, he was a member of the Democratic Party and an advocate of Jacksonian democracy. Polk is chiefly known for extending the territory of the United States through the Mexican–American War; during his presidency, the United States expanded significantly with the annexation of the Republic of Texas, the Oregon Territory, and the Mexican Cession following American victory in the Mexican–American War.
After building a successful law practice in Tennessee, Polk was elected to its state legislature in 1823 and then to the United States House of Representatives in 1825, becoming a strong supporter of Andrew Jackson. After serving as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, he became Speaker of the House in 1835, the only person to have served both as Speaker and U.S. president. Polk left Congress to run for governor of Tennessee, winning in 1839 but losing in 1841 and 1843. | text | {
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c98cc3c7d6f5b14b9589c385f0a4b652 | He was a dark horse candidate in the 1844 presidential election as the Democratic Party nominee; he entered his party's convention as a potential nominee for vice president but emerged as a compromise to head the ticket when no presidential candidate could secure the necessary two-thirds majority. In the general election, Polk defeated Henry Clay of the rival Whig Party.
After a negotiation fraught with the risk of war, he reached a settlement with Great Britain over the disputed Oregon Country, the territory, for the most part, being divided along the 49th parallel. Polk achieved victory in the Mexican–American War, which resulted in Mexico's cession of the entire American Southwest. He secured a substantial reduction of tariff rates with the Walker tariff of 1846. The same year, he achieved his other major goal, re-establishment of the Independent Treasury system. True to his campaign pledge to serve only one term, Polk left office in 1849 and returned to Tennessee, where he died three months after leaving the White House.
Though he is relatively obscure today, scholars have ranked Polk favorably for his ability to promote and achieve the major items on his presidential agenda in his single term. | text | {
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59a715e4dd78fee05fa7cc304f51afaf | He has also been criticized for leading the country into a war with Mexico that exacerbated sectional divides. A property owner who used slave labor, he kept a plantation in Mississippi and increased his slave ownership during his presidency. Polk's policy of territorial expansion saw the nation reach the Pacific coast and reach almost all its contiguous borders. He made the United States a nation poised to become a world power, but with divisions between free and slave states gravely exacerbated, setting the stage for the Civil War.
Early life[edit]
Further information: President James K. Polk Historic Site
Reconstruction of the log cabin in Pineville, North Carolina where Polk was born
James Knox Polk was born on November 2, 1795, in a log cabin in Pineville, North Carolina.[1] He was the first of 10 children born into a family of farmers.[2] His mother Jane named him after her father, James Knox.[1] His father Samuel Polk was a farmer, slaveholder, and surveyor of Scots-Irish descent. The Polks had immigrated to America in the late 17th century, settling initially on the Eastern Shore of Maryland but later moving to south-central Pennsylvania and then to the Carolina hill country. | text | {
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eb6a6fffc4179ed715c8b9d4ea09ae62 | [1]
The Knox and Polk families were Presbyterian. While Polk's mother remained a devout Presbyterian, his father, whose own father Ezekiel Polk was a deist, rejected dogmatic Presbyterianism. He refused to declare his belief in Christianity at his son's baptism, and the minister refused to baptize young James.[1][3] Nevertheless, James' mother "stamped her rigid orthodoxy on James, instilling lifelong Calvinistic traits of self-discipline, hard work, piety, individualism, and a belief in the imperfection of human nature", according to James A. Rawley's American National Biography article.[2]
In 1803, Ezekiel Polk led four of his adult children and their families to the Duck River area in what is now Maury County, Tennessee; Samuel Polk and his family followed in 1806. The Polk clan dominated politics in Maury County and in the new town of Columbia. Samuel became a county judge, and the guests at his home included Andrew Jackson, who had already served as a judge and in Congress.[4][a] James learned from the political talk around the dinner table; both Samuel and Ezekiel were strong supporters of President Thomas Jefferson and opponents of the Federalist Party. | text | {
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2bce1fabfde7f207d0f4b04952dc607c | [5]
Polk suffered from frail health as a child, a particular disadvantage in a frontier society. His father took him to see prominent Philadelphia physician Dr. Philip Syng Physick for urinary stones. The journey was broken off by James's severe pain, and Dr. Ephraim McDowell of Danville, Kentucky, operated to remove them. No anesthetic was available except brandy. The operation was successful, but it might have left James impotent or sterile, as he had no children. He recovered quickly and became more robust. His father offered to bring him into one of his businesses, but he wanted an education and enrolled at a Presbyterian academy in 1813.[6] He became a member of the Zion Church near his home in 1813 and enrolled in the Zion Church Academy. He then entered Bradley Academy in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where he proved a promising student.[7][8][9]
In January 1816, Polk was admitted into the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a second-semester sophomore. The Polk family had connections with the university, then a small school of about 80 students; Samuel was its land agent in Tennessee and his cousin William Polk was a trustee. | text | {
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3c3af35a854937bdf6f57ea03111e448 | [10] Polk's roommate was William Dunn Moseley, who became the first Governor of Florida. Polk joined the Dialectic Society where he took part in debates, became its president, and learned the art of oratory.[11] In one address, he warned that some American leaders were flirting with monarchical ideals, singling out Alexander Hamilton, a foe of Jefferson.[12] Polk graduated with honors in May 1818.[11]
After graduation, Polk returned to Nashville, Tennessee to study law under renowned trial attorney Felix Grundy,[13] who became his first mentor. On September 20, 1819, he was elected clerk of the Tennessee State Senate, which then sat in Murfreesboro and to which Grundy had been elected.[14] He was re-elected clerk in 1821 without opposition, and continued to serve until 1822. In June 1820, he was admitted to the Tennessee bar, and his first case was to defend his father against a public fighting charge; he secured his release for a one-dollar fine.[14] He opened an office in Maury County[2] and was successful as a lawyer, due largely to the many cases arising from the Panic of 1819, a severe depression.[15] His law practice subsidized his political career. | text | {
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e5b6d4d6acad02a1608c25d91fddc62d | [16]
Early political career[edit]
Tennessee state legislator[edit]
By the time the legislature adjourned its session in September 1822, Polk was determined to be a candidate for the Tennessee House of Representatives. The election was in August 1823, almost a year away, allowing him ample time for campaigning.[17] Already involved locally as a member of the Masons, he was commissioned in the Tennessee militia as a captain in the cavalry regiment of the 5th Brigade. He was later appointed a colonel on the staff of Governor William Carroll, and was afterwards often referred to as "Colonel".[18][19] Although many of the voters were members of the Polk clan, the young politician campaigned energetically. People liked Polk's oratory, which earned him the nickname "Napoleon of the Stump."At the polls, where Polk provided alcoholic refreshments for his voters, he defeated incumbent William Yancey.[17][18]
c. 1846–49 daguerreotype of James K. Polk and Sarah Childress Polk[20]
Beginning in early 1822, Polk courted Sarah Childress—they were engaged the following year[21] and married on January 1, 1824, in Murfreesboro.[17] Educated far better than most women of her time, especially in frontier Tennessee, Sarah Polk was from one of the state's most prominent families. | text | {
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24416317218a2f46e79a67f6a979f62c | [17] During James's political career Sarah assisted her husband with his speeches, gave him advice on policy matters, and played an active role in his campaigns.[22] Rawley noted that Sarah Polk's grace, intelligence and charming conversation helped compensate for her husband's often austere manner.[2]
Polk's first mentor was Grundy, but in the legislature, Polk came increasingly to oppose him on such matters as land reform, and came to support the policies of Andrew Jackson, by then a military hero for his victory at the Battle of New Orleans (1815).[23] Jackson was a family friend to both the Polks and the Childresses—there is evidence Sarah Polk and her siblings called him "Uncle Andrew"—and James Polk quickly came to support his presidential ambitions for 1824. When the Tennessee Legislature deadlocked on whom to elect as U.S. senator in 1823 (until 1913, legislators, not the people, elected senators), Jackson's name was placed in nomination. Polk broke from his usual allies, casting his vote for Jackson, who won. The Senate seat boosted Jackson's presidential chances by giving him current political experience[b] to match his military accomplishments. This began an alliance[24] that would continue until Jackson's death early in Polk's presidency. | text | {
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ab70e143034dc214b2ed0f4944f2546f | [2] Polk, through much of his political career, was known as "Young Hickory", based on the nickname for Jackson, "Old Hickory". Polk's political career was as dependent on Jackson as his nickname implied.[25]
The house where Polk spent his young adult life before his presidency, in Columbia, Tennessee, is his only private residence still standing. It is now known as the James K. Polk Home.
In the 1824 United States presidential election, Jackson got the most electoral votes (he also led in the popular vote) but as he did not receive a majority in the Electoral College, the election was thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives, which chose Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, who had received the second-most of each. Polk, like other Jackson supporters, believed that Speaker of the House Henry Clay had traded his support as fourth-place finisher (the House may only choose from among the top three) to Adams in a Corrupt Bargain in exchange for being the new Secretary of State. Polk had in August 1824 declared his candidacy for the following year's election to the House of Representatives from Tennessee's 6th congressional district. | text | {
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46d45fa464ef3fa2fc51547b3e359601 | [26] The district stretched from Maury County south to the Alabama line, and extensive electioneering was expected of the five candidates. Polk campaigned so vigorously that Sarah began to worry about his health. During the campaign, Polk's opponents said that at the age of 29 Polk was too young for the responsibility of a seat in the House, but he won the election with 3,669 votes out of 10,440 and took his seat in Congress later that year.[27]
Jackson disciple[edit]
Further information: Presidency of John Quincy Adams, Presidency of Andrew Jackson, Bank War, 19th United States Congress, 20th United States Congress, 21st United States Congress, and 22nd United States Congress
When Polk arrived in Washington, D.C. for Congress's regular session in December 1825, he roomed in Benjamin Burch's boarding house with other Tennessee representatives, including Sam Houston. Polk made his first major speech on March 13, 1826, in which he said that the Electoral College should be abolished and that the president should be elected by popular vote.[28] Remaining bitter at the alleged Corrupt Bargain between Adams and Clay, Polk became a vocal critic of the Adams administration, frequently voting against its policies. | text | {
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ee4f7b73236fc5f55820ac6073c9636e | [29] Sarah Polk remained at home in Columbia during her husband's first year in Congress, but accompanied him to Washington beginning in December 1826; she assisted him with his correspondence and came to hear James's speeches.[30]
Polk won re-election in 1827 and continued to oppose the Adams administration.[30] He remained in close touch with Jackson, and when Jackson ran for president in 1828, Polk was an advisor on his campaign. Following Jackson's victory over Adams, Polk became one of the new President's most prominent and loyal supporters.[31] Working on Jackson's behalf, Polk successfully opposed federally-funded "internal improvements" such as a proposed Buffalo-to-New Orleans road, and he was pleased by Jackson's Maysville Road veto in May 1830, when Jackson blocked a bill to finance a road extension entirely within one state, Kentucky, deeming it unconstitutional.[32] Jackson opponents alleged that the veto message, which strongly complained about Congress' penchant for passing pork barrel projects, was written by Polk, but he denied this, stating that the message was entirely the President's. | text | {
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4f15d7e8a88e785f7f0ac6b7c06aff5b | [33]
Polk served as Jackson's most prominent House ally in the "Bank War" that developed over Jackson's opposition to the re-authorization of the Second Bank of the United States.[34] The Second Bank, headed by Nicholas Biddle of Philadelphia, not only held federal dollars but controlled much of the credit in the United States, as it could present currency issued by local banks for redemption in gold or silver. Some Westerners, including Jackson, opposed the Second Bank, deeming it a monopoly acting in the interest of Easterners.[35] Polk, as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, conducted investigations of the Second Bank, and though the committee voted for a bill to renew the bank's charter (scheduled to expire in 1836), Polk issued a strong minority report condemning the bank. The bill passed Congress in 1832, but Jackson vetoed it and Congress failed to override the veto. Jackson's action was highly controversial in Washington but had considerable public support, and he won easy re-election in 1832. | text | {
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