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"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第1章\n君邪突然醒了过来。\n他甚至还不等睁开眼睛,下意识的右手一拍地面,就要跃起身来。\n此乃是非之地,生死一发,不可久留!\n这是他醒来的第一个念头,这是一个优秀杀手几乎已经形成本能的触觉!\n身子跃起半空,突然手臂一软,居然完全不能支撑住自己身体的重量,砰地一声,又重重地摔了回去!\n一时间,君邪惊骇欲绝,这是怎么回事?!\n随即他便突然发现,自己的身下,居然是一张软软的床铺!\n举目四顾,原来自己置身在一间装饰得颇为华丽的房间。\n只是,却是空空如也,除了一张四方桌子之外,就只剩下了自己躺在一张“巨床”上面,真的是一张“巨床”,\n这张床真的很大,起码能睡下七八个人,甚至不会有很拥挤的感觉!\n这是怎么回事?\n我不是在与人战斗之中吗?\n怎么会到了床上??\n君邪此刻的思维还停留在沉睡之前,或者应该说是……暂时停留在前世最后的一点思绪之上!\n君邪是一个杀手,而且是一个特别优秀的金牌杀手,自出道以来,五年的时间里出手无往不利,成功率为前人所无的百分之百!\n因此成为杀手榜排行第一位的头号杀手,而“邪君”这个名字也因此在世界黑道上排行高居榜首!\n而他还有另外一项第一的殊荣,就是他的追杀悬赏,也已经牢牢地霸占了世界悬赏榜第一位达三年之久!!\n曾经有很多一流杀手接过这个任务,可是他们都死了,而“邪君”却还活着!\nY国一位富豪悬赏一亿美金,收买“邪君”的性命,而接了这单买卖的两个杀手,两个当时和“邪君”齐名的世界级顶尖杀手,却在三天之后齐齐死于非命。\n在那之后,再没有人愿意接这个死亡任务,人人敬而远之,尽管悬赏又多次增加,却始终无人敢揭榜。\n钱再美妙,如果没有性命去享用,又有什么意义!\n“邪君”之名,成为了黑道悬赏榜的一项禁忌!\n而“邪君”之名,威慑各国黑道!\n有很多人都知道“邪君”其人,但却没有一人知道这个“邪君”,这个杀手之王,究竟长得什么摸样,到底是个什么样的人?!\n君邪的性格,正是人如其名,一个字:邪!两个字,很邪!三个字,非常邪!\n他从来都是独断独行,从不与任何人联手。\n更没有半个朋友!\n而且,他接生意,不仅要看买家,还要挑目标!\n他看不顺眼的客户,哪怕出再多的钱,请他去杀一个毫无反抗能力的乞丐,他也会毫不犹豫的拒绝。\n但他看到某人该杀的时候,会自动的下手。\n然后却找到这个人的对手家门口去索要酬金,不给还不行。\n而往往这家人却是从来都没有雇佣过他甚至连听说都没听说过他的……\n传闻……有那么一次,他杀了一个恶贯满盈的人贩子,却找不到苦主;没办法之下向一位被拐卖的小女孩讨来了一枚一毛钱的硬币,还振振有词:我从来就没做过不要酬劳的买卖,绝对不会例外……\n他这种性格,让了解他为人的师傅和师兄弟们无语到了极点……\n传说……曾经有一次,他事前把厕所里的纸巾清走了,他师父去蹲坑的时候没有纸了,要求他送一点卫生纸过去,结果他趁机索要了五十万美金的劳务费,他师傅就范了……\n至于原因……\n是因为那天他把所有的师兄妹都叫到了厕所门口,而且还请来了几位美女参观……\n但是他认为自己最大的缺点就是,他实在太有爱了。\n作为一个杀手,而且还是一个双手沾满血腥的顶尖杀手,这句话曾经让无数的人嗤之以鼻!\n他的说法并非毫无根据。\n在国内,他最看不得富人欺压穷人,尤其是看不得那些官宦欺压平民,在国外,他看不得有人欺压本国人!\n为了他这一“爱国”性格,不知道惹出了多少滔天大祸。\n但就是这样的一个人,想要雇用他的人却依然是趋之若鹜!\n为何?\n他不但枪法超群,弹无虚发,还有一身神鬼莫测的武艺!\n不论是拳掌还是刀剑,都有着一身不俗的修为!\n不过,最大的原因始终是,他任务的完成率,是百分之百!\n这一成绩真是史无前例!\n他是杀手界当之无愧的终极杀手!\n也是全世界迄今为止,唯一的一个从未有过任何失手记录的杀手中的巅峰强者!\n但,这位金牌杀手,骨子里却居然是一个典型的愤青!\n而这一次,又是他自告奋勇;听说M国密谍在Z国的昆仑山出土了一件价值连城的秘宝,并且在国安得到消息之前就已经偷运回去了,于是君邪这个典型的愤青,怒了!\n泱泱华夏的宝物,还是在此和平年代,怎么能还落在M国人手里?!\n君邪单枪匹马地杀了过去,狂傲之极的单挑将近一百个M国特工,暗杀陷杀到最后的正面搏杀,在杀死七十多人之后,终于将那秘宝抢到手中,而当时的M国特工们都已经被他杀破了胆子,若是他想走,必定可以从容离去!\n而君邪心中也有着绝对的把握!\n但就在他的手接触到那件秘宝——一尊只有巴掌大小的玲珑宝塔之后,一件意外到极点的灵异事件出现了,他受伤的手抓到了那小塔,突然感觉浑身麻痹,顿时就一动也不能动了,甚至就算是眨眨眼皮也做不到了!\n他没有注意到,自己伤口之中流出的鲜血正不停地涌入那座小塔之中,那座很精致、很玲珑也很邪门的小塔之中……\n他最后的记忆中,只看到不下于五十枚的微型手雷向着自己飞过来,二十多支各类枪支向着自己喷出了火舌,而自己空有一身本领,拥有着将这些人一举杀掉的实力,却是悲哀至极的一动也不会动了!\n这种感觉让人发疯!\n想不到我君邪纵横一世没有敌手,居然如此冤枉地死在了这里,不过老子也不算亏,这一生死在我手下的贪官污吏土豪恶霸各国特工加在一起也足有上千之数了,够本了,值!\n别人都是含笑九泉,老子是含笑入地狱!\n这一世,我活的轰轰烈烈,过得潇潇洒洒!\n问心无愧!\n虽然我杀了不少人,可那些人,绝对没有一个是不该杀的!\n既然如此,杀了,就不悔!就算为此入地狱,又如何?!\n杀杀杀杀杀!\n杀尽一切肮脏!\n荡涤一切罪恶!\n纵然我是一个为人所不齿的杀手,又如何?!!\n悠悠世间,又有那个能够像我一般活的这般潇洒?过得这般快意?!\n“哈哈哈……”君邪想到这里,不由得意的笑出声来。\n“少爷,你……你怎么了?”旁边一个怯生生的声音响起,似乎是被他的举动给吓坏了,已经有股想要哭的味道。\n接着一支冰凉的小手就摸上了他的额头。\n少爷?\n我现在不是在做梦?\n也不是到了地狱吗?!\n君邪一个激灵,猛地睁开了眼睛。\n接着一股陌生的记忆突然从心底冲了上来!\n一段段陌生的记忆信息潮水般涌进脑海。\n君邪如同被雷击一般,怔住!\n自己在另一具身体里?\n再度投胎转世了?\n可是前世的记忆怎么还历历在目呢?\n难道是没有喝孟婆汤?!\n还是借尸还魂?!\n一是穿越了?\n二就是附体重生了?!\n君邪愣愣地瞪着眼睛,半天也没明白眼下是怎么档子事,半晌一动没动。\n就在旁边那只小手惊惶地在他的眼前晃来晃去的时候,君邪突然狂喜地叫起来:“他妈的!\n果然是好人有好报!\n不管是怎么回事,反正老子是没死,居然有这么好的事情,看来本大爷前世一定积累的无数的功德,估计是无量功德!?!\n哇哈哈哈……”\n一声惊叫,身边一个十来岁的小女孩抖抖索索的躲到了一边,俏丽的大眼睛惊慌地眨动,死死地盯着眼前的梦魇一般的“少爷”,娇小的身子簌簌颤抖、脸色愈现苍白,就仿佛是一只受到了剧烈惊吓的小鹌鹑。\n又一声惊叫,声音很是凄厉,只是这声惊叫,却是发自君邪自己的口中。\n因为他突然发现自己刚才的声音又尖又锐,就像一个女孩子,难道自己的那啥不在了,不要啊!\n君邪第一个反应就是不顾仪态,不管身前有个小妹妹,不顾一切,一把抓在了自己裤裆里。\n总算抓着那个熟悉的一团,君邪长长地出了一口气,上天待俺确实不薄啊,还是有这话儿的。\n刚才可吓死我了,老子还以为穿越到了某个姑娘的身上……\n君邪抹了把冷汗。\n定了定神,君邪开始查看自己的这具身体。\n经脉郁结,浑身肌肉松弛,关节僵硬……\n这哥们咋混的?\n身子可实在够弱!\n真是够糟糕的!\n君邪暗暗嘀咕,不过不要紧,只要经脉没给我弄碎了,只要有个三五七年,本大爷又将站立在世界之巅了!\n打定了主意之后,君邪这才想起来,自己现在置身的所在貌似是一个完全陌生的世界!\n这里怎么也不象自己熟悉的地球!\n自己在这里可是真正的举目无亲,什么都不懂得,什么都不知道!\n这个世界什么规矩?\n这个世界有什么?\n把这些都想了一遍,以这位冷血杀手兼邪君的心理素质,居然也有些惘然起来。\n看着古色古香的家具和床铺,身上完全不属于自己那个时代的特殊衣服;在得知不死而且穿越的欣喜慢慢地平静了下来,随之而起的,却是一阵心乱如麻……\n原来,真的……能再活一次……\n这个本来很令人振奋的念头才一冒上来,霎时间又从心底涌上极多的失落和痛苦,那是一种无根浮萍的微妙感觉,让他的鼻子有些发酸,眼睛也有些酸涩,心口有些发堵;君邪自嘲地勾了勾嘴角,几近一生无泪的他,险些落下泪来。\n故国难舍、故土难离!\n我原本以为我能够很洒脱,原本以为我能够轻易放下,怎料事到临头,一切都成了真实,却才突然发现,我放不下,我真的放不下啊。\n原本以为在世上早已无牵无挂,可是现在才发现,自己的牵挂,居然是多的数不清!\n最重要的是,在这片陌生的土地上,自己再也找不到那份属于自己的归属感!归属感……\n我骨子里始终是外人……\n君邪静静地闭上了眼睛,轻轻侧了侧头,在无人发现的时候,一滴泪水无声的滑落……\n这是两世为人的第一滴泪!\n男儿有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心时!\n怔怔的看着面前铜镜之中这张年轻的近乎有些稚嫩的面孔,脸容稍见瘦削,薄薄的嘴唇,长长地眉毛斜飞入鬓,显得一双眼睛有些细长,锋锐的感觉。\n君邪苦笑一声,喃喃地道:“不得不说,这家伙长得还是不错的,蛮清秀的,就是是不是有点太小白脸,太娘娘腔了一些。”\n想想自己的前世,那是何等的威风何等的煞气?\n虽然长得也不是特别的招人喜欢,眼睛小了些、细了些,鼻梁也低了点,总体形象也貌似太大众化了一点,可自己是标准的男人啊!\n那些小白脸,虽然男人大丈夫有的他们也有,可是自己自己就是看不起他们,怎么也没想到,一穿越却穿到了一个标准小白脸身上,尤其这小白脸儿长得还挺漂亮,……\n“伙计,是你把我带过来的么?”\n右手轻轻地抚摸着左手手腕上一个小小的宝塔形的图案,那个宝塔图案很似一个纹身。\n君邪脸上浮起一丝骄傲,纵然我穿越了,这东西也还是在中国人手里,可没有让它落到洋鬼子手中去!\n这个宝塔形的图案,可不正是与君邪拼命抢夺的那个玲珑小塔一模一样!\n虽然它已经变作了自己手上的一个小小图案,但君邪却很肯定地知道,这就是那个小塔!\n他自己也说不出为什么,但心中就是有这种感觉,很实在,也很玄妙。\n看到这唯一能够为自己带来前世慰藉的图案,君邪心中巨浪翻滚,自己也不知道那是一种什么样的感觉。\n只是他一向沉稳的心性,却使得自己的脸上什么也没有表露出来。\n依然是一片淡漠!沉静!\n突然,正被他轻轻抚摩着的小塔图案突然发出了一阵混蒙蒙的黄光,然后君邪突然感到一阵头重脚轻,接着就感到自己脑海里似乎是多了一件什么东西,而手上的那个图案,也突然消失不见了……\n“怪事!”晃了晃脑袋,君邪啧啧称奇,这玩意儿还真是够奇怪的,先从一个巴掌大的小塔变成了自己身上的纹身,接着又奇迹似消失了。\n难道这玩意竟然真的是什么传说中的神仙宝贝?\n“少爷,老太爷请您过去一趟。”\n就在君邪想要查看一下自己头脑里多了什么东西的时候,突然一个声音响了起来。\n“请我过去?”君邪挑了挑眉毛:“干什么?”\n凭啥老东西让我过去我就得过去?\n当我是他孙子啊?!\n这句话还没问出来就咽了下去,这才想起来,貌似那老东西还真是自己的爷爷,起码是这个身体的爷爷来着……\n“这……奴婢不知。”小女孩惊恐地看了他一眼,低下了头,长长地睫毛慌乱地眨动,两只脚一前一后,小小的身子微微侧转,随时准备狂奔而逃的样子……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 1\nJun Xie suddenly woke up.\nHis right hand instinctively slapped the ground, intending to jump up even before his eyes were open. \nThis was a dangerous place where life and death was but a hair’s breadth away. He must leave immediately!\nThis was the first thought that came to his mind upon waking up, a state of mind that has become part of his instincts as an excellent assassin.\nAs his body began to rise into the air, suddenly his arm felt weak and was no longer able to support the weight of his body. Peng! He fell back down to the ground.\nJun Xie fell into a state of extreme shock for a moment. What is going on?\nHe then realized that his body was actually lying on a soft bed. \nObserving his surroundings, he found himself within a magnificently decorated room. \nHowever, with the exception of a set of square table, the room was empty. The only other item in the room was the giant bed that he fell onto. \nThis giant bed was truly enormous as it could support at least seven or eight people on it without the feeling of being cramped for space.\nWhat happened?\nShouldn’t I be in the middle of an intense gunfight? \nHow did I end up in bed? \nJun Xie’s mind ran back to his memories before he went to bed, or more precisely … the last memories he could recall in his past life.\nJun Xie was a killer by profession, a particularly outstanding gold ranked assassin. Ever since his debut 5 years ago, there was no place he could not infiltrate and his rate of success was a hundred percent.\nThus, he became the number one assassin in the rankings list of assassins. At the same time, the name “Evil Monarch” rose to the first spot of the underworld’s top ranked experts.\nIn addition, he also occupied the honourable number one spot for bounty offered for his head. Indeed, his bounty was number one amongst the world’s bounty ranking for a good 3 years.\nOnce an innumerable number of first-rate assassins daringly took on the job, but the only reward they obtained was death while the “Evil Monarch” lived.\nA wealthy person from Country Y once offered a shocking reward of $100 million to buy the life of the “Evil Monarch”. The ones who accepted this task were two assassins who were equally infamous as “Evil Monarch”, the pinnacle existence of assassins… They died three days later.\nEver since then, no one was willing to take up the suicide mission. Even after the reward was increased numerous times, still no one was willing to step up.\nNo matter how wonderful money may be, what was the point if you are dead? \nThe name “Evil Monarch” on the other hand became a taboo amongst the underworld’s bounty list.\nThe name “Evil Monarch” became a symbol of fear for the underworld figures in each country. \nThere may be many who knew of the existence of this “Evil Monarch”, but none who knew the appearance of this King of assassins. What kind of person is he or she? What kind of character is this “Evil Monarch”?\nJun Xie’s character is true to his name. To sum it in one word: Evil! Two words: bloody evil!! Three words: God damned evil!!!\nHe would always act alone, unwilling to work together with anyone. \nNeedless to say, he has no friends.\nWhen accepting missions, he would be extremely fussy not only towards his clients but also towards the target!\nShould a client he found detestable offer him an enormous reward to kill a defenceless beggar, he would reject without any hesitation whatsoever. \nHowever, when he saw someone who deserved to die, he will voluntarily step up to assassinate said person. \nAfter which he will go find the said person’s enemies and request remuneration from them. No was not an option! \nThese hapless folks were often people with no history of hiring him; some have never even heard of him before…\nIt was said… He once killed a human trafficker, but was unable to find any victims party. Seeing no other solutions, he switched his target towards a little girl who was abducted and extorted a dime from her. A dime! He passionately stated: I will never have any part in a business without any rewards; absolutely no exceptions will be made…\nHis character and way of conduct leaves his master and division members who understood him speechless…\nIt was said… He once cleared away the toilet papers in a toilet before his master went in to defecate. After the deed was done, the master realized the problem at hand and requested his aid to bring toilet papers. He took this opportunity to extort $500 thousand in labour fees from his own master. His master… gave in.\nAs for the reason…\nThat day, he called up all of his division’s senior sisters to the toilet entrance and even invited several beauties to join in.\nHowever, he fervently believed that his biggest weakness was that he was too much of a loving person. \nConsidering his identity as a pinnacle level assassin with blood soaked hands, this statement made countless people puke.\nHis claim was not exactly baseless.\nWhen within his home country, he detested seeing the rich oppress the poor, especially the officials’ oppressive behaviour towards the common people. When in foreign countries, he detested seeing his own people oppressed!\nHis “patriotic” character has stirred no small number of frightful disasters.\nEven with such a character, many clients would still rush to line up for his services.\nReason?\nHe possessed superior marksmanship, eyesight and immeasurable martial arts prowess. \nHis cultivation in both fistfights and sword fights are exceptional. \nHowever, the biggest reason remains that his rate of success is one hundred per cent! \nThis achievement was truly unprecedented!\nHe was the ultimate assassin in the assassin realm!\nHe was also the only one amongst the peak level assassins with an unblemished record!\nHowever, this gold ranked assassin was fundamentally a typical hot-headed youth!\nHis last mission was another “volunteer” job; he heard that Country M’s secret organization secretly unearthed a priceless treasure from the Kunlun Mountains of Country Z. They then secretly smuggled the treasure home before Country Z found out about it. As befitting a hot-headed youth, Jun Xie exploded in fury!\nIn these peaceful times, how can a national treasure be allowed to fall into the hands of foreign Country M?!\nJun Xie singlehandedly massacred his way towards the treasure, proudly facing off against nearly one hundred secret service agents of Country M. He employed sneak attacks, traps and his combat skills to kill over seventy agents before finally laying hands on the treasure. At that moment, the secret service agents’ courage had been shattered to pieces. If Jun Xie wished to, he could easily waltz out of there. \nOf that matter, Jun Xie had absolute confidence!\nHowever, the moment his hands went in contact with the treasure – a palm sized exquisite paGoda, an unexpected supernatural incident occurred. At that critical moment, his entire body became paralysed. Forget trying to move his body, he could not even blink! \nHe did not notice the blood from one of his wounds gushing into the small paGoda; the delicate, exquisite and heretical looking small paGoda…\nHis last memories were that of no less than fifty pieces of mini grenades flying straight towards him, accompanied by over twenty firearms shooting at him. While he still has the skill and strength to wipe out these men in one fell swoop, he could only watch in sorrow, as his body would not move anymore.\nThis feeling was truly infuriating!\nI never imagined that I would actually fall today in such an absurd manner. Nonetheless, I’ve lived a good life! Those corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies that have died by my hands number at least over a thousand! My life was worth it!\nOthers would smile as they enter the Nine Springs, while I smile as I enter the depths of hell!\nI have had a spectacular and grand life! \nI have no regrets!\nAlthough I killed many people, they are all scum who deserved it! If it is just, why fear anything? \nEven if this act would drag me down to hell, so what?!\nKill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!\nExterminate the dirty scums!\nClean up every criminal!\nEven if the world is to condemn me as a murderer, so what?!\nIn this world, is there any other who can live as I did? What a delightfully unrestrained life!\n“Ha ha ha ……” at his point, Jun Xie couldn’t help but let out a loud laughter.\n“Young Master, you… are you all right?” a timid voice came out from beside him, seemingly terrified by his actions. The voice holds a hint of someone who’s about to cry. \nA cold little hand was placed onto his forehead.\nYoung Master? \nThis is not a dream? \nThis is not hell either? \nJun Xie awakened, promptly opening his eyes. \nThen suddenly a set of unfamiliar memories rushed up from his heart! \nMemories and information then surged into his mind. \nJun Xie felt as though he was struck by lightning!\nHe was now inside someone else’s body?\nOr did he already reincarnated? \nBut how could he still vividly remember his past life? \nCould it be I did not drink Old Lady Meng’s soup? \nOr did I actually end up in someone else’s body?\nDid I transmigrate to another body?\nOr is this a bodily rebirth?\nJun Xie stared coldly for a long time without any movement, and yet he still could not understand head or tails of what happened.\nWhen the little hand was moving about before his eyes, Jun Xie suddenly laughed madly: “Son of a bitch!\nGood deeds really do fetch a good reward!\nFor me to survive, I would never have expected such a good thing to happen. It appears that the great me must have accumulated no small merits in my past life, perhaps even immeasurable amounts of merits?\nWaha ha ha… “\nHearing his sudden shouts, the roughly ten-year-old girl beside him trembled in fear and ran to hide in a corner. Her big pretty eyes blinked in confusion and fear as she stared at the nightmarish “young master” and her body quaked. Her face was pale, looking almost similar to a frightened quail.\nAnother scream suddenly resounded, this scream sounded wretched but it was shouted by Jun Xie himself.\nThis was because his voice was found to be of a high pitch, akin to a girl’s. Could it be? That part of me is gone?! Nooo!!! \nIgnoring the fact that there was a little girl right in front of him, Jun Xie’s immediate reaction was to grab his crotch.\nWhen he finally found that familiar “part” of his body, Jun Xie breathed a sigh of relief. Heavens truly did not mistreat me, I can still have children.\nThat really scared me though; I thought I transmigrated into a girl’s body… \nJun Xie wiped away the cold sweat.\nAfter a while, the Jun Xie began to inspect his new body.\nStagnant meridians, atrophied muscles, joint stiffness…\nWhat kind of person is this?\nHis body is too fragile! \nTruly a crappy one!\nJun Xie secretly whispered, but it does not matter. As long as the meridians are not destroyed, three to seven years is all it will take for the great me to stand at the top again!\nAfter making up his mind, Jun Xie realized something. He was currently in a completely different world!\nNo matter how he looked at it, this does not seem like the Earth he was familiar with!\nHe was currently alone in this world; he neither understand anything nor does he know anything!\nWhat were the rules of this world?\nWhat was this world?\nAfter putting all these factors into consideration, even a cold-blooded assassin of Jun Xie’s calibre could not help but feel frustrated.\nObserving the antique looking furnishing and bedding and the clothes on his body that was completely different from those from his time, his joy of not dying began to subside. In its place, a feeling of confusion welled up…\nIt seems like its true… I’ve been granted a second chance…\nThis should have been a very exciting prospect for anyone, but a sudden feeling of innumerable loss and pain welled up from within his heart. It was a subtle feeling with no antecedent, causing his nose to feel sour, his eyes to turn watery, his heart to suffocate; Jun Xie’s mouth turned into a self-deprecating one as he began crying for the first time in his life.\nGiving up on my homeland and planet is hard! \nI thought I could be free and easy. Originally I thought I could easily let it go, that was my belief at my last moments. And yet when everything became real, I suddenly found that I can not let go, I really can not let go!\nI originally thought that I had not a care in the world, but now I suddenly realized that the things I care about are so numerous I can barely count them!\nThe most important part is that in this strange land, I cannot find my own sense of belonging! A sense of belonging ……\nMy soul has always been an outsider ……\nJun Xie closed his eyes as he gently inclined his head to the side. When no one could see, a tear silently fell down…\nThis was the first tear of a man from two worlds!\nDo not belittle men who cries, everyone has a time where they have to endure sadness!\nStaring into the bronze mirror, he saw a young and somewhat childish looking face, his face appeared slightly thin with thin lips, long eyebrows slanting upwards towards the temple and a set of fine eyes gave off a sharp feeling.\nJun Xie laughed bitterly and mumbled: “I have to say, this kid’s got some good looks, quite the handsome one, but he looks a bit too much of a flower boy, and his voice is too much like a sissy’s.”\nRecalling his past life, his appearance was simply impressive and full of killing vigour! \nEven though his look was not exactly the popular type, his eyes were a bit small, a bit thin, his nose was also a point lower. While his overall appearance seems rather average, at least he was a standard male! \nEven though there are some real men amongst these flower boys, he personally looks down on them. How could he have expected, he would end up transmigrating into the body of a flower boy? Not to mention this was quite the handsome flower boy…\n“Are you the one who brought me over, mate?” \nHis right hand gently stroked his left wrist where a very small paGoda pattern was visible. The paGoda pattern looked similar to a tattoo. \nOn Jun Xie’s face was etched a trace of pride; even when I’ve ended up transmigrating I still managed to keep this item safe instead of letting it fall into the hands of foreigners!\nThe paGoda-shaped pattern was none other than the exquisite paGoda that Jun Xie traded his life for. \nEven though it has transformed into a small tattoo on his hand, Jun Xie can confidently say that this was the paGoda in question! \nHe was unable to explain how he knew of this, only that his heart was telling him so, a real and yet mysterious feeling.\nSeeing the one thing that brings him a sense of comfort, stemming from his past life, Jun Xie’s mind rolled about in turmoil. He was unable to ascertain what kind of feeling is this. \nEven so, he maintained a calm and collected disposition, not showing anything on his face.\nIt was still an indifferent atmosphere! Quiet!\nWhile he was gently stroking the small tower pattern, it suddenly emitted a burst of foggy yellow light causing Jun Xie to feel lightheaded. He sensed that something seemed to have entered his mind, following which the pattern on his hand disappeared…\n“Strange!” Shaking his head, Jun Xie felt amazed. This toy really was strange, it started as a small palm-sized tower, transforming into a tattoo on his hand, and then it miraculously disappeared.\nCould this stuff actually a legendary treasure?\n“Young Master, the Old Master is asking for you.” \nJust as Jun Xie was about to investigate what it was he sensed in his mind earlier, a voice suddenly came out.\n“Asking for me?” Jun Xie raised his eyebrows: “Why?” \nWhat qualifications does this old geezer have to command me to go meet him? \nDoes he think I’m his grandson or something?! \nBefore he could utter those words, he swallowed them. Thinking about it, that old geezer really was his grandfather, or at least his current body’s grandfather…\n“This… I do not know.” The little girl looked at him with a terrified expression before lowering her head, her long eyelashes blinked in panic. Her legs are positioned one before the other, her body slightly tilted, she looked as if she was ready to make a run for it.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第10章\n君老爷子自然没有想到,今天晚上的异常根本就是他的孙子得了一项天大的好处,根本没有什么人来刺杀!\n却一味的联想到其他方面去了。\n他听说君邪大半夜的跑到落月湖里去洗澡,气愤愤的去睡了觉,没想到睡的正香却又被一阵鸡飞狗跳惊了起来,一问居然又是君邪这边发生了问题,登时一头火就冒了出来。\n“我没事,好的很,真的好的很。”君邪下意识的一把将毛巾抓了过来捂在了裆部,满脸窘迫。\n赤条条的在水里一丝不挂,却突然闯进来了十数个大老爷们,人人居高临下地看得通透无比,饶是君邪的脸皮厚的很,心境也够沉稳,却也还是有些受不了。\n“捂什么捂?\n就你那点东西,在爷爷面前还有什么害臊的?\n记得你小时候爷爷还天天一边一只手抱着你,另一只手捻着玩来着。”\n君战天一句话让君邪几乎一口气憋晕了过去。\n背后,那几个五大三粗的侍卫双肩耸动,每个人大毛脸都憋得通红,个个喘着粗气。\n有好几个偷眼斜斜窥看着少爷捂着的地方,挤眉弄眼的互相做眼色,眼中神情跃跃欲试,似乎有比一比的劲头……\n“谁干的?”君战天一张脸沉了下来,如寒冰,杀机隐现。\n“呃?”君邪有些糊涂,转眼就明白过来,做出一副惭愧的样子垂下头:“没看清,我就倒了。”\n“废物!”君老爷子气哼哼的骂了一句,语气中满是失望。\n仔细看看孙子,确定没什么事情,也就没了在这里看孙子裸体的兴致,就自己孙子的小身板,一点也没有兵家子孙的素质,大姑娘身上都没这么白!\n哼!实在是……\n他无奈地点了点头:“你好好休养吧。”\n转身走了出去,一众侍卫也纷纷跟了出去,君邪这才长出了一口气,将捂在胯下的毛巾取了下来,一头冷汗。\n翌日,君战天老公爵在皇帝的金銮殿上大发脾气,指着几个国舅太师什么的皇亲国戚、首辅大臣的鼻子一顿破口大骂,情绪异常的激动,并扬言,若是再有人去行刺自己唯一的孙子,每一家都要拿出一条人命来再说别的!\n沉寂了十年的老元帅一旦发飙,满朝文武噤若寒蝉,连当朝皇帝也轻声细语的连连安慰。\n不过也有不识相的,大皇子的老丈人,也就是当朝御史大夫宋世谊本是新晋贵族,借着大皇子的势爬到了如今位置,对这位老公爵认识不深,又自恃身后有大皇子撑腰,便顶撞了君战天两句,并向皇帝陛下参了一本,却当场被君战天打的脸如猪头,还掉了两颗牙齿。\n大皇子硬着头皮出来劝解,被老公爵一脚揣在小肚子上,成了滚地葫芦。\n经此一事,所有人都很害怕,没有一个人敢动了。\n最后还是皇帝陛下和稀泥、打圆场,亲自担保君三少今后的人身安全问题,君战天才愤愤不已的拂袖而去。\n临走时在各位皇子的支持者身上一个个的扫了一眼,让那些人人人都是两腿颤颤如面条……\n老公爵已经有十年没有发过威了,十年不动,一朝发威,却令得满朝文武顿时屁滚尿流!\n在金銮殿上居然大打出手,连皇子都敢动手,还有什么是不敢的?!\n唯有皇帝陛下看着君战天离去的背影,却是从心中长叹。\n君战天今日这一番发飙,虽然威风;但皇帝陛下却已经知道,君家的那位仅存的三少爷已经让这位老爷子彻底的失望!\n再联想到君战天曾经向自己请求迎娶灵梦公主,现在想来,那应该就是君战天为了保全君氏家族血脉而做出的最后的努力。\n而自己当时却无情的拒绝了。\n君莫邪但凡有一点出息,君战天都不会这样在金殿上暴跳如雷,今日之所以如此失控,只因为老爷子已经看不到君家有任何的未来!\n君战天和君家在国内国外树敌无数,只要他撒手西去,仇敌们谁都不会放过他的子孙。\n所以老爷子现在绝不介意强势到底!\n谁敢动我君家动我孙子,我就先动你!\n反正我君家已经如此了,我何必还要忍辱负重?!\n难道煊赫一时的君家,曾经是天香帝国保护神的君家,难道就这么没落了下去?\n皇帝叹了口气,心中突然感到了极度的后悔。\n或许当年,不应该……\n见识了老公爵的强势,军方老部下们人人眉飞色舞,所有暗中打着主意的人也纷纷打消了原有的计划,即便是被当场落面子的大皇子,也没有更多的怨气,说到怨,他也只会埋怨自己的老丈人,不知好歹,自取其辱,没看见这老东西已经半疯狂了吗?!\n当然仍有不少人心中不忿,难道你这老东西还能长生不老不成,等你咽了气,当日就让你君家绝种断后!\n但,顶多也就是现在心中想想,在天香帝国,没有任何势力有胆量在君战天老公爵在生之日,明目张胆的对抗老爷子!\n惟有……\n当朝太师、首辅大臣李尚一直冷眼旁观,不发一言,但君老爷子离去之后,却很是隐秘的皱了皱眉头,脸上随即露出了笑容。\n看来,君战天对自己这个不争气的孙子还是维护的很啊。\n既然如此,那么,君莫邪就是君战天的弱点了?\n这么一个弱点,可实在是太好掌握了,当一个人有了明显缺点之后,无论这个人本身的实力多么强大,又拥有多么强盛的底蕴,都不再足畏……\n无人注意的角落,李太师与对面的护殿将军孟如飞互相看了一眼,各自嘴角牵出一丝神秘的笑容。\n君家,君邪的房间里。\n门关上,可儿羞红着俏脸,扭身也要逃出去。\n“你很害怕我?”君邪擦着自己身体,反正也早就被这小丫头看光了,再看看貌似也没什么打紧的,人家小姑娘都不在乎,自己一个大老爷们怕什么。\n“怕。”可儿赶紧点头,却又觉得不对,急忙改口:“不,不不……怕。”\n君邪笑了笑,就那么赤条条的从木盆里站了起来,可儿又是一声尖叫,捂住了自己的眼睛。\n君邪赶紧穿起衣服,来到可儿面前,微笑道:“睁开眼睛吧,没事了。”\n可儿慢慢将手挪开了一条缝,偷偷看出来,发现君邪确实已经穿上了衣服,这才放心的将两只手拿了下来,俏脸红红的,煞是可爱。\n君邪看着小丫头着实可爱,忍不住伸出手,在她头上轻轻拍了拍。\n可儿顿时又是一惊,抬起头来看时,却发现君邪眼睛里一片温煦,就像是看到了小妹妹的大哥哥一般,不知为何心中一定,竟然不再害怕了,想道:“现在的少爷,看起来倒也挺顺眼的。”\n心中刚一这么想,突然又是一惊:“我怎么会这么想?他明明还是那个好色之徒,纨绔恶少!我决不允许他玷污我的清白!若他用强,有死而已!”\n她不由地倔强地又退后了一步,满脸警惕之意。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 10\nGrandpa Jun naturally would not have guessed that last night’s incident was in fact a huge heavenly blessing for his grandson, there was no assassins at all! \nAnd yet he managed to somehow connect these two unrelated dots together. \nAfter hearing that Jun Xie had jumped into the Luo Yue Pond to take a bath, he went to sleep with a heart filled with anger and resentment. Unexpectedly, while he was sleeping soundly, he suddenly woke up with a start, his heart filled with inexplicable fear. Asking around, he received news that there was a problem with Jun Xie, causing his anger to ignite.\n“I’m all right, all good, I am really all good here,” Jun Xie subconsciously grabbed a towel to cover his crotch, his face filled with embarrassment. \nHe who had been stripped naked without anything left to cover himself had to suddenly face tens of elderly men who came charging in; his body left vulnerable to all eyes. Even though Jun Xie has a very thick skin and a calm state of mind, he was still somewhat unable to accept this.\n“What are you trying to cover up?\nDo you need to be so ashamed to show that thing to your grandfather?\nI still remember back when you were still a baby, I would often carry you with one hand, while the other hand would play around with that thing.”\nJun Zhan Tian’s words almost caused Jun Xie to choke to death.\nAt the back, the body guards shoulders relaxed, everyone’s face turning red as they restrained themselves, breathing heavily. \nSeveral of them stole side glimpses towards the area that the Young Master had covered. Some of them started glancing at one another, their eyes winking and signalling at one another, almost as if they were comparing something…\n“Who was it?” Jun Zhan Tian’s face fell, turning as cold as ice, his killing intent unleashed.\n“Huh?” Jun Xie was confused, but quickly came to understand what Grandpa Jun meant. He then made a face full of shame and lowered his head. “I fell before I could see anything.”\n“You wastrel!” Grandpa Jun swore; his voice filled with disappointment.\nAfter taking another close look at his own grandson to ensure that he was indeed all right, he no longer had any mood to continue looking at his naked body. With this small physique, his grandson simply does not look like a grandson from a military family. Not even a young lady’s skin can be compared with him in terms of whiteness!\nHmph! This truly is… \nHe reluctantly nodded. “You go have a good rest, then.”\nAfter that, he turned and headed out, followed by the bodyguards. It was only after that could Jun Xie give out a sigh of relief, putting away the towel covering his bottom area, a cold sweat trickled down.\nThe next day, the old Duke, Jun Zhan Tian let loose his temper within the golden imperial hall. Pointing at several lords, ministers, imperial relatives and even the Chief Chancellor, he unleashed a barrage of curses. Having had his emotions agitated to an abnormal high, he threatened that if anyone were to attempt to assassinate his only grandson again, then every family will have to give out one life as compensation!\nHaving stayed quietly for the past few years, Jun Zhan Tian’s eruption of anger rendered the entire royal court, both civil and military faction trembling in silence. Even the Emperor himself had to repeatedly comfort him in person.\nBut there were also those who were insensitive. The Eldest Prince’s old supporter, the Royal Doctor, Song shi Yi, was a newly promoted noble. He was able to climb to his current position with the help of the Eldest Prince’s influence, but did not have much knowledge about this old Duke. Counting on the backing of the Eldest Prince, he contradicted Jun Zhan Tian’s words and tried to get the Emperor to support him. He was thrashed on the spot by Jun Zhan Tian to the point where his face became a pig’s, also losing two teeth.\nThe Eldest Prince steeled himself and came forth to persuade Jun Zhan Tian, but was granted a kick to his stomach, causing him to roll backwards on the floor. \nAfter that incident, everyone became fearful, not a single one dared to move. \nIn the end, the Emperor had to personally come forth to pacify him, smoothing things over and promising him that he would personally guarantee the safety of Third Young Master Jun. \nOnly then was Jun Zhan Tian willing to leave with a face filled with indignation. Just before he left, he stared at each and every one of the princes supporters, causing their legs to turn unsteady like noodles…\nThis old Duke had been staying his hand for a good ten years. After ten years, he finally threw a fit, scaring the absolute crap out of every civil and military officials of the Royal Court.\nWithin the golden imperial hall, he even dared to strike the Prince, what else would he not do?\nHis Majesty, the Emperor observed Jun Zhan Tian as he marched off, and was the only one to give out a deep sigh from the bottom of his heart. \nThe prestige and might that Jun Zhan Tian showed today was truly imposing, but the Emperor knew all too well that the Third Young Master who was the only successor of the Jun family had thoroughly disappointed this old general. \nThinking back on when Jun Zhan Tian had personally come to him, requesting a marriage for Jun Moxie and Princess Ling Meng; that was probably Jun Zhan Tian’s final effort to preserve the Jun bloodline.\nHowever, His Majesty had mercilessly rejected the request.\nAs long as Jun Moxie was still breathing, Jun Zhan Tian would never throw such a huge fit in the golden imperial hall. The reason he went out of control today was due to the fact that he could no longer see any future for the Jun family. \nThe Jun family’s enemies both within and without are incalculable; once Jun Zhan Tian dies, his enemies would never show any mercy towards his grandson.\nThis was the reason why the old Duke had no qualms about going all out! \nWhoever dares to harm my Jun family, my grandson, I’ll harm you first! \nSince my Jun family had already been forced to such straits, what else is there to fear?\nThe Jun family was once the awe-inspiring patron saint of the Tianxiang Kingdom. Could it be that they will simply decline into oblivion like this? \nThe Emperor sighed, a pang of regret throbbed in his heart. \nPerhaps back then…\nAfter having experienced the might of the old Duke, the military officials were all enraptured, while those who had made secret plans for the old Duke immediately decided to drop those plans. Even the Eldest Prince who had suffered a huge loss in face did not show any grievances. At the end of the day, he would only blame that old supporter of his. Ignorant and disgraceful, did he not notice that this old Duke had gone half-mad?\nOf course, there were still many of them who held onto their grievances within their hearts. You old thing, you think you can continue living forever? The day you die is the day the Jun family become extinct!\nHowever, this was something that they can only think about deep within their hearts. There are no powers amongst them within the Tianxiang Kingdom with the courage to blatantly confront the old Duke!\nOnly…\nThe Royal Preceptor, Chief Chancellor Li Shang had been staying seated without saying a single word, but once Grandpa Jun left, his eyebrows was secretly raised, his face shaped into a smile. \nIt seemed that Jun Zhan Tian was quite protective of this disappointment of a grandson. \nIn that case, then Jun Moxie was Jun Zhan Tian’s weakness? \nSuch a kind of weakness is simply too easy to grasp. When a person’s weak point is revealed, then no matter how strong that person may be, or how much background that person may have, they are no longer worth fearing…\nStaying at a corner without being noticed by anyone, the Palace Army Captain, Meng Ru Fei who was standing opposite Preceptor Li looked at each other, their faces showing a mysterious smile.\nJun Family, Jun Xie’s Room.\nThe doors were closed; Little Ke’s face was blushed red, as she obviously wanted to escape.\n“Are you scared of me?” Jun Xie wiped his body. Since this little girl had already seen his naked body before, seeing a little more makes no difference. Since this girl does not seem to care, why should he?\n“Scared,” Little Ke nodded her head immediately. But she then thought about it and quickly said. “No, no, not… scared.”\nJun Xie laughed before standing up, getting out of the bathtub… naked. Little Ke screamed again, covering her eyes.\nJun Xie quickly put on his clothes before going in front of Little Ke, smiling. “You can open your eyes now, it is all right now.”\nLittle Ke slowly opened a small crack between her fingers, secretly peering from the hole. After realizing that Jun Xie had truly gotten clothed, she was able to set her mind at ease and put her hands down. Her face was still of a reddish hue, truly lovely.\nSeeing how cute she was, Jun Xie could not stop himself from reaching out and gently patting her on the head.\nLittle Ke was surprised, she raised her head and found that Jun Xie’s eyes were filled with warmth, akin to that of a big brother seeing his little sister. Not knowing why, her heart calmed down, no longer feeling fearful. She thought: “Right now, the Young Master actually looks pleasing to the eye.”\nAfter having these thoughts, she was suddenly startled: “How can I even think that? He is obviously still the lascivious, debaucherous and detestful baddie! I will not allow him to defile my innocence! If he uses force, then I’ll just die!” \nShe could not help but took a step backwards, her face becoming completely alert.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第100章\n慢慢沉到了湖底,君莫邪才睁开眼晴,眼前一片湛蓝的水色,辨别了一下方向,轻轻滑动,向着那艘画肪潜了过去。\n不多时,只觉得眼前一暗,知道己经来到了那画肪船底之下,君莫邪悄无声息的浮了上去,一只手紧紧扣住船底,一边将手中的芦苇含在了嘴里,真气一吐,长长地芦苇管关节尽通,悄悄地伸在了船边。\n一股清新之极的空气瞬间传进了君莫邪己经几近室息的肺里,顿时一阵轻松。\n这一连串的动作若是有任何一个环节出了砒漏,都势必会前功尽弃,更会引动敌人的察觉,甚至是招致杀身之祸!\n君莫邪并没有进一步的举动,只是静静地等着,半点也没有不耐心。\n曾经的猜测和疑虑,现在都己经消失不见。\n那几个杀手到底上不上这一条船,他更己经不放在心上。\n既然选择了目标,就绝不后悔!\n直觉中,他就认准了这条船!\n所以他有无尽的耐心。\n只要还能呼吸,他就能等下去。\n就好像自己前世凭着直觉追踪杀人或者潜伏一样,安静的等着。\n这一刻,他,又是那位杀手之王!邪君!\n良久,终于有声音传来,几声女子的娇笑,和男子粗扩的声音响起,一路说笑着,船身微微晃动,君莫邪头顶上咚咚的脚步声响起,有数个人先后走上了这船。\n一个,两个……六个人!\n君莫邪默默的数着。\n若是之前的那三个杀手己经全员来到的话。\n一干杀手一到了船上,那种特有的阴冷气息顿时让君莫邪的思感起了反应,在这冰凉的水中,感受着那阴冷的杀气,君莫邪竟突然有了一种亲切、怀念的微妙感觉。\n这,才是自己的世界啊!\n世家的锦衣玉食,荣华富贵固然舒服自在,但君莫邪这位杀手之王,更向往的却是无拘无束,如同大草原上的狼王那般,傲啸天下,虽然危机四伏,但却君临天下!\n那种痛苦中蕴含着刺激,孤独中享受着寂宾,单身只男独闯天涯,横剑当胸冷眼问天!\n十步杀一人,千里不留行!\n这,才是君莫邪心中最大的梦想。\n但很可惜,在这个世界的身份,让君莫华拥有这种机会的可能无疑渺茫到了极点。\n那六个人进入船抢之后,只听见茶壶和茶杯轻轻的触碰,然后是几个人吱溜吱溜“的喝茶声,谁都没有开口说话,只有几个女子的在不时的轻轻的笑着,软语温存。\n良久,一个声音沙哑的道:”月儿姑娘,不知刘大人什么时候能够过来?\n我兄弟在这里等着,可也不是个事啊。\n上次刺杀公主,乃是何等的罪名!\n现在全城仍自搜捕,风声丝毫未缓,观如今我们身上又带上了这万金难买的玄兽筋,同样是惹人觊觎的东西,万一若是这个……”\n一个女子的声音轻轻地娇笑着,满不在乎的说道:“赵堂主,你这可有些过虑了啊,这里,可是霓裳阁啊,你不会不知道,霓裳阁乃是什么地方吧?”\n“霓裳阁自然无事,不过,却也以防万一吧!\n前者行刺一事,搞得风声鹤唳,我等撤退无门……己经耽搁了许多时候,如今又有这玄兽筋在身,久留天香,实非善事吧!”\n那姓赵的似乎有些不好意思,讪讪地道。\n“赵堂主如今想着及早抽身,只怕不是为了什么官府搜捕吧!\n上次任务失败又如何说,难道堂主打算就此推过吗?……”\n女子这句话,不无嘲讽之意,但那赵堂主却只是低低哼了一声,并没有开口反驳。\n反是另一人愤愤地道:”月儿姑娘此言差矣,大是欺心、前次任务失败的责任如何在我们一方,若不是你们情报不确,我们如何会铩羽而归;\n若是早知道公主身边有一位天玄强者护卫,我们组织又岂能只做如此安排?\n任务等级又如何之会是区区三级任务!\n以我们前次布局的实力,要想在一位天玄强者保护下杀死公主,那无疑是痴人说梦。\n此番损兵折将,就算是二爷,也要对我们堂主做出一个交代的。”\n那女子沉默了一下,方才缓缓道:“你们始终是收了银子的,我方请你们去杀一个银玄级实力的公主难道不是事实?\n而且,我们耗费了良多气力,调开公主身边的绝大部分实力,可谓给你们创造了最便利的条件,若是这样你们仍然无法得手,这似乎是你们自身的问题了,至于说什么天玄强者……\n呵呵,先不论他有没有这个人,就算有,那也己经是你们的事情。我们己经付足了银子,所想看到的只是我方想要的结果,而不是所谓的推委理由。”\n顿了顿,可以清晰地听到那女子站了起来,缓缓酿步,语声低沉但却清脆:“妾身不过乃一小女子,这件事情你们跟我说没甚大用,少安母躁,待等刘大人来了,你们自跟他说吧。”\n坐在了椅子上,端起茶盏,眼皮也不撩一下,一时间船舱中气氛尴尬无比。\n几位杀手几曾受过这等气,见那女子如此的强词夺理,顿时有人怒哼了一声,待要发作,便在这时,画肪船头轻轻一动,又是两个人走了进来。\n君莫邪伏在抢底,只感觉这两个人一进来,顿时抢中的气氛凝重了起来。\n想必来的乃是一位大有身份的人物,而且,必然是位一流高手。\n君莫邪只觉得面前渐渐昏暗,己是入夜。\n灵雾湖两岸各色灯火映照在水面,五彩缤纷,如梦如幻。\n“这是怎么回事?”\n来人看到船抢中气氛诡异,沉声问了一句,声音甚是威严。\n语气之中透露出一种久在高位的气度。\n“刘大人,前日刺杀之事,我们血剑堂需要刘大人给一个说法。”\n那沙哑声音的杀手首领不卑不亢地道:”为何从来没有人提起过,在灵梦公主身边,另有一位天玄强者护卫?\n这件事情,害得我们组积出动的人手全军覆没,损失可说极大,“还可是我血剑堂近年来少有的事情!”\n“哦?赵堂主的意思,也就是说,刺杀任务没有完成反而要怪在我们头上?”\n那位“刘大人”不紧不慢,口气中似乎还带着一点笑意。\n杀手首领嘶哑着声音,沉郁地道:”刘大人,你亦是一流高手,这件事情,跟我们血剑堂的威名有什么关系?\n我们血剑堂向来是受人钱财、与人消灾,无论是谁,照杀不误!\n但任务进行也一向是根据雇主提供的准确情报,然后才能确定任务的难易级别,再派出相应的人手,一击必杀!”\n他这里说的慷慨激烈,船般底下的君莫邪却几乎鄙观他到死!\n作为一个杀手,而且是一个久负盛名的杀手组织,居然会相信雇主的情报?\n真是滑天下之大稽!\n哪怕是雇主的情报千真万确,杀手组织和杀手本人也需要再详细的核实一遍的!\n相信雇主,等于是拿着自己的小命在开玩笑!\n只听那人继续道:“但现在,在灵梦公主这件事上,你们无论是隐藏了又或者是疏漏一位天玄高手这个极端重要的事实!\n若是堂主大人早知其中有天玄高手参与,又岂会只派出两个小小的金级杀手?\n恐怕堂主大人亲自出手也未可知!\n究其原因,乃是你们情报不周所致……又怎么怪得了我们血剑堂?\n别的不说,此次刺杀的等级也绝对不能定为三级刺杀!”\n他这番话说得甚是激烈,口气也颇为不客气,但那刘大人却出奇的没有生气,沉吟了起来。\n良久方道:“你确定?那人…当真是天玄高手?”\n“千真万确!”\n杀手首领极为肯定地点了点头:“不仅如此,事后听说,那位天玄高手,飞刀之色碧蓝如海天,当是天玄巅峰的修为,而且飞刀之中灌注玄气十足,但出手却是轻飘飘的没有半点威力,用意大抵是威慑!\n这样的控制能力,几乎己经是传说中的至尊神玄的控制力!\n这位天玄强者,我敢打包票,此人虽是天玄巅峰,但一只脚,己经迈进了至尊神玄的门槛!”\n杀手首领越说,越是庆幸,幸亏此次行动自己没有亲身参与,否则的话,现在的自己也己经是一具冰凉的尸体!\n越想越是觉得自己实在是切切实实的从鬼门关上转了一圈,越说越是余悸犹存,心中对面前的这位“刘大人”的意见也就越大,到得后来,眼神己经有些不对。\n丫的不是骗我们来送死的吧?\n“天玄、天玄顶峰高手……”\n刘大人起身跋步,皱起眉头喃喃自语:“京中宫中什么时候又出观了这样一个人物?\n为何连她们也……实在是古怪。古怪之极!”\n“刘大人?请问此事该如何了解!”\n黑衣杀手见他久久不说话,忍不住问道。\n“嗯?哦,呵啡……既然此事千真万确,那么此事便须回禀二爷,再另做计议。”\n刘大人沉吟着:“有天玄高手护卫,一般的刺杀己经没有效果了……”,\n他抬头看了面前三人一眼,虽没说话,但言下之意分明是这几个人己经不够分量了。\n“刘大人说的不错……我等亦有自知之明,有这等天玄高手在,只凭我们几人是无法刺杀公主的。”\n那杀手首领强忍胸中怒气,道:“不过,连消息也得不到的人,貌似也没有什么用处吧!”\n“哦?哈哈……”刘大人一怔,随即大笑几声,话锋一转,道:“不过,你们连君莫邪也没有杀死,这等良机一去不回,委实是可惜之极!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 100\nSlowly sinking to the bottom of the lake, Jun Mo Xie opened his eyes to a world of azure colored water. After reorienting himself, he proceeded to slowly walk toward the pleasure boat.\nIt was not long before the water had turned pitch dark, indicating that he had already arrived underneath the boat. Jun Mo Xie silently floated up before reaching out with one hand to tightly hold on to the hull. The reed held in his other hand was placed in his mouth and, with a sharp exhalation, the long piece of reed quietly extended out of the water by the side of the boat. \nA breath of fresh air filled Jun Mo Xie’s nearly asphyxiated lungs and a burst of relaxation involuntarily rush through his body.\nA single careless mistake in this series of maneuvers and all his efforts would have gone down the drain. His targets would certainly become alert to his presence and possibly even try to kill him, leading to a fatal disaster!\nJun Mo Xie took no further actions and only waited motionlessly without showing any signs of impatience. \nHis previous anxiety and misgivings have all but disappeared. \nHe no longer worried in his heart whether the assassins will board the boat. \nSince he had already selected his targets, there is no room for regret!\nIntuition! He firmly believes that the assassins will come on this boat!\nTherefore, he was endlessly patient. \nAs long as he can breathe, he will wait. \nIt was just like in his previous life when he had to rely on his intuition to pursue murderers or hide from his enemies. \nAt this moment, he is the King of assassins! Jun Xie!\nAfter some time passed, there finally came the sound of a young lady’s delicate laugh and the echoes of boorish men talking and laughing. As people embarked, the boat swayed, and the thudding of footsteps could be heard coming from above Jun Mo Xie.\nOne, two…six individuals!\nJun Mo Xie counted in silence.\nIt seemed that three more people had joined the party of assassins that have arrived earlier.\nOnce the party had boarded the boat, their distinctive cold aura suddenly caused a reaction in Jun Mo Xie’s mind. In this ice-cold water, the cold killing intent made Jun Mo Xie feel a sense of familiarity.\nThis is my world!\nThe extravagant life of a noble—the glory, splendor, and wealth—admittedly was very comfortable, but Jun Mo Xie was the King of assassins. He yearned to be unfettered like the king of wolves, arrogantly howling among a vast expanse of rolling grassland. Even if danger lurks around every corner, he still chose to be a king looking down on the world!\nSuffering leads to growth; the lonely enjoys the loneliness. A solitary shadow charging into the unknown, brandishing his sword in defiance of the heavens. \nTen steps to kill a person, a thousand miles without leaving a trace!\nThis is Jun Mo Xie’s grandest dream.\nUnfortunately, it is uncertain whether Jun Mo Xie will have such an opportunity in his current body.\nNo one spoke after entering the boat’s cabin. Only the sounds of teacups softly touching followed by the “sipping and slurping” of tea and the occasional gentle laughter of a young lady could be heard.\nIt was only after some time had passed when a hoarse voice spoke up. “Lady Yue’er, do you know when Lord Liu will arrive?\nMy brothers have been waiting here and we’ll get nowhere like this.\nThe assassination attempt on the Princess is a serious criminal charge!\nThere is still an ongoing manhunt in the city! That incident hasn’t even died down yet and we are already tasked with safekeeping these priceless Xuan beast tendons. If by any chance something was to happen…this one…”\nA girl’s delicate laugh was heard before she voiced out unperturbed. “Hall Master Zhao, is there such cause for alarm? This is the Ni Chang Pavilion. Don’t tell me that you are now aware of what kind of place Ni Chang Pavilion is?\n“There will naturally not be any mishaps here at Ni Chang Pavilion, but we can never be too careful! \nThe failed assassination attempt has already put us on edge and backed up against a wall. With the many delays and the Xuan beast tendons now in our possession, it really would not be wise to stay any longer in Tianxiang!” \nThe one surnamed Zhao was feeling somewhat embarrassed but replied nonetheless.\n“So Hall Master Zhao is only thinking of washing his hands of this problematic situation. Perhaps the reason isn’t just some manhunt! \nWhat do you have to say about your failure? Don’t tell me the Hall Master plans on shifting the responsibility at this point?…” \nThe young lady chided derisively. Hall Master Zhao only gave a snort and did not open his mouth to retort.\nHowever, one of his men spat in contempt. “Lady Yue’er, your words are too unfair. Surely we are not the only ones at fault for the previous mission’s failure. If the intelligence you provided had not been wrong, would we have returned having failed so dramatically?\nIf we had known earlier that a Sky Xuan expert accompanied the princess, would our organization have planned the assassination like so?\nThe mission difficulty is clearly not a trifling grade 3!\nIt was an impossible task to challenge a Sky Xuan expert with the strength of the members who were previously dispatched.\nWe demand that Er Ye provide our Hall Master with an acceptable explanation for the losses we have suffered.\nThe young lady was silent for a moment and then slowly replied. “You received the money. Our side requested you to kill a princess with the strength of Silver Xuan, did we not?\nAnd we had spent considerable amount of resources to arrange for a majority of the strength by the princess’ side to be away at that time. It could even be said that we have create the ideal conditions for you. If this is still not enough for you to succeed, then it is obviously you that is lacking. As for the Sky Xuan expert…\nhehe, whether or not this person really appeared, is still your problem. We paid you for results and not excuses.”\nAfter a brief pause, the sound of the young lady standing up could clearly be heard. Slowly pacing back and forth, a low but clear voice said. “I am but an insignificant young lady. Speaking to me regarding this business is not worth your while. Don’t be impatient. When Lord Liu arrives, you will have plenty of opportunity to speak to him yourself.”\nShe sat down on a chair before picking up a cup of tea. For a moment, an incomparably awkward atmosphere filled the cabin.\nThe assassins were extremely angry after hearing the young lady’s sophistry. In the time that one of the assassins was about to flare up, the bow of the pleasure boat swayed slightly as two individuals made their way onboard.\nThe atmosphere in the cabin had shifted once again with the appearance of these two persons. \nPresumably, one of the new arrivals has a significant background and is certain to be a peak level expert.\nJun Mo Xie could sense his surrounding gradually dim—the onset of night. \nOn both shores of the Spirit Fog Lake, all kinds of lanterns shine upon the water surface, all the colors in profusion, as if a scene from a dream.\n“What is going on?” \nA profound and imposing voice asked after having felt the strange atmosphere in the cabin. \nThe penetrating manner of speaking revealed an eminent status kind of bearing.\n“Lord Liu, our Blood Sword Hall demand that you provide us with an explanation for the business regarding the previous assassination attempt.”\nThe hoarse-voiced assassin leader continued without reservation. “Why were we not informed that a Sky Xuan expert is escorting and protecting Princess Ling Ming?\nOur forces were caught unaware and have been entirely wiped out. The losses we suffered this time were unprecedented for my Blood Sword Hall!”\n“Oh? So according to Hall Master Zhao, the assassination mission was not completed but the fault lies with us instead?”\nLord Liu said unflustered and seemingly with a smile. “Then with the Blood Sword Hall’s reputation, I’m sure we can renegotiate a lower payment for your lack of results.”\nThe assassin leader’s hoarse voice replied. “Lord Liu, you are an expert. How does this business have anything to do with the Blood Sword Hall’s reputation?\nOnce our Blood Sword Hall accepted payment, regardless of whom, we have always killed with no mistakes!\nBut the missions have always been conducted under the assumption that the employer provided accurate information to determine the degree of difficulty and then dispatch the appropriate task force to ensure one hit one kill!”\nWhile he was speaking with such intense vehemence, Jun Mo Xie was actually down below almost despising him to death! \nAn assassin, even one who is leading a seasoned assassin organization, naively trusts in their employer’s information? \nTruly ludicrous! \nEven if the employer’s information was accurate, the assassin organization and the assassins themselves need to vet the details! \nTo blindly trust your employer is to gamble with your own lives!\nThe man continued to speak. “Whether you were purposefully concealing or just overlook this crucial piece of information, the fact remains that a Sky Xuan expert had been present!\nIf our Grandmaster knew beforehand about the Sky Xuan expert’s participation, he would not have only sent two Gold Xuan level assassins!\nPerhaps our Grandmaster would have personally undertaken this mission!\nThe reason the mission was not completed was because your information was not satisfactory—how can the blame be on my Blood Sword Hall?\nNot to mention that this assassination absolutely was not just a grade 3 mission!”\nAlthough his tone was rather blunt and disrespectful, Lord Lie inexplicably was not angered.\nInstead he muttered to himself irresolutely for a while before asking. “Are you certain? That person…was actually a Sky Xuan expert?”\n“I am absolutely certain!”\nThe assassin leader nodded his head with extreme vigor. “The Sky Xuan expert’s flying daggers were dark blue in color so his level of cultivation must have reached a peak level. What’s more, the control he displayed was as light as a feather as if he hadn’t used any power, indicating that his intention was deterrence!\nThis level of control is already nearing the legendary skills of the Supreme Divine Xuan level existence!\nI dare to guarantee that although this expert is still in the Sky Xuan Realm, he is but one step away from the doorsteps of the Supreme Divine Xuan Realm!”\nThe more the assassin leader spoke, the more fortunate he felt that he had not personally participated in the operation this time. Otherwise, he may very well already be an ice-cold corpse! \nAt this point, he felt confident that he had actually been tiptoeing around the gates of hell. His heart has already grown suspicious of this “Lord Liu” sitting in front of him as his eyes slightly narrowed. \nYou did not intentionally deceive us so that we’ll throw away our lives right?\n“Sky Xuan…Sky Xuan peak level expert…”\nLord Liu paced back and forth, creased his brows and thought to himself. “When did such a person appear in the capital?\nWhy are they…so unconventional? Too abnormal!”\n“Lord Liu? How should we proceed with this matter!”\nThe black-clothed assassin had waited for a long time without speaking but finally had to ask.\n“Yes? Oh, well…since you are sure about this matter, then this must be reported back to Er Ye.”\nLord Liu muttered. “To have the protection of a Sky Xuan expert, ordinary assassination methods will be ineffective…”\nHe raised his head to glance at the three men in front of him. Even though he did not speak, the implication is clear to those people that they are no longer adequate.\n“What Lord Liu said is not wrong; we are also aware. With this Sky Xuan level expert present, just the few of us are incapable of assassinating the princess.”\nThe assassin leader said, holding back his anger with great difficulty. “But people that cannot even produce accurate information don’t appear to be very useful either!”\n“Oh? Hahaha…,” Lord Liu trembled but immediately laughs before changing the topic of discussion. “But you did not even kill Jun Mo Xie, such an opportunity gone forever, is indeed a great pity!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第101章\n“可惜!可惜之极,君莫邪若是死了多好!也能让君老匹夫心痛一时!”\n那月儿姑娘有些咬牙切齿地道,听到君莫邪居然没死,显得惋惜至极。\n船舱下的君莫邪在脑海中细细搜寻,大惑不解。\n记忆里没得罪这位“月儿姑娘”呀,怎地现在这女子的口气倒活像是被君莫邪强暴了一百次似的怨毒?\n刘大人慢慢沉吟着,逛:“此事既然已至如此地步,关于雇佣你们刺杀公主的事情就暂时到此为止吧,而玄兽筋也已经顺利到手,在这个当口,你们左右去意已生,我会设法安排你们离开天香。\n呵呵……至于剩下的事情,我自会回禀主子,看他老人家如何安排,或者会再次与贵堂合作也未可知;尚麻烦诸位回去的时候,代为向血剑堂主问好。\n并说一句:此事虽然不成,二爷同样感激。”\n他说到最后一句话的时候,语音突然变得无比郑重。\n显然,这句话,乃是那所谓的“二爷”的原话。\n君莫邪无声无息的撇撇嘴:谁还不知道那所谓的二爷就是二皇子?\n偏偏你们还一副神秘的样子!\n“多谢刘大人,在下必定原话带到,至于如何离开,我们自有另外的渠道,就此告辞!”\n随即三个人一同起身,抱拳行礼。\n“玄兽筋已经放在月儿姑娘手中,三十根一根不少,事成之后,还望知会一声。\n属于我们的那一份,我们自会前来取回。”\n刘大人呵呵笑道:“不必客气,诸位回去的时候,还请问一下,上次提过的刺杀某君的事情,不知道堂主大人考虑好了没有,无论结果如何,请尽早给个知会,拜托了!”\n“是。”三个人鱼贯而出,转瞬消失在夜色之中。\n刘大人等人却未出去相送。\n“月儿姑娘,那事之后,宫中已经进行了一次大清洗,三位的人手都有颇有折损,不过,这对我们来说,并无大碍。\n毕竟,这件事情无论从哪一方面去看,都是老大的人搞出来的。\n所以你要将我们以前商定的事情尽快的做好,一旦若是传出消息,就尽可能的安排一些人手进去!\n注意,要单线联系!”刘大人压低着声音,急促地道。\n“是,这一点请刘大人和二爷放心,我们已经准备了很久,而且选出的,全是处子。”\n月儿姑娘柔美的声音响起:“格格,刘大人,若不是为了二爷的大事,连月儿都想着去宫里玩几天呢。”\n“哈哈,月儿姑娘的国色天香,谁能受得了月儿姑娘你的诱惑?”\n那刘大人笑了一声,压低了声音,道:“二爷嘱咐,玄兽筋制作手弩的事,要尽快进行,可能随时用得上,一刻也不得耽搁。\n这件事情,目前风声正紧,各方都盯着我们,我们始终不方便出面,一切都交给月儿你了。\n月儿姑娘为难地道:“这个我当然知晓,可是这批玄兽筋实在大过罕见,\n若使用一般的钢铁为材料,恐怕无法物尽其用;\n但又势必不能找京城的神兵谱制作,神兵谱固然手艺精兵,独步天香,可惜树大招风太容易泄漏消息。\n目前唯一能做这件生意的,也只有同样以擅长兵器制造出名的江南赵氏商行,\n在拍卖之前我已经派人去联系,只是目前还没有得到回应。”\n“恩,此事越快解决越好,宁可以双倍薪酬,也要尽快完成。”\n刘大人慎重地说道:“这种东西,对我们的将来有莫大的作用。\n二爷可是花费了几乎天价的代价,又冒大险让血剑堂的人代为出面,才换到了这些玄兽筋,万万不能有一点点闪失。”\n“这个属下自然晓得。”\n月儿姑娘轻轻的一笑,道:“刘大人,不知道我拜托二爷的那件事情,有什么具体结果吗?”\n那刘大人口气之中颇有难色,道:“月儿姑娘,那君战天始终是天香国军方柱石,想要刺杀于他,谈何容易?\n就算是血剑堂堂主,连公主皇子都敢刺杀的人物,在这件事上,也是一直犹豫到现在,不能作出决定!”\n“若是我们出动二爷的派系人手,栽赃君战天谋反的话,在君老儿刚刚大闹京城之后,陛下正是心中恼怒的时候,一定会有效果的!”\n月儿姑娘的口气甚是愤恨之极:“我做梦都在想着君老贼家破人亡,这次明明就是一个极好的机会,二爷怎地就轻轻放过了呢!”\n“那决计不行!”\n刘大人断然否定了这一提议,“这样动君战天,天香国军方至少要动一半;\n我们针对君战天本人可以,但决不能针对派系;\n二爷想要的,可并不是一个支离破碎的天香国。”\n“君老贼害得我国破家亡人离散,听你这么说,难道……”那月儿姑娘口气中有些失望,诺是二爷不能够替我做到这件事情,那我们为什么要依附于他?”\n“大胆!”刘大人厉声叱了一句,旋即放缓了音调,道:“月儿姑娘,此事始终是急不得;血剑堂现在正在犹豫着,等到他们在宇唐帝国的事情办完,几位当家一碰面,到那时,二爷定然有法子令他们就范。\n血剑堂三位当家,可全是天玄修为,最神秘的魁首,传说更是至尊神玄的超级高手!\n对付区区一个君战天,绝对不是什么难事。\n再说,君战天已经是风烛残年,就让他苟延残喘几个月,又有什么关系?”\n那月儿姑娘哼了一声,还是有些愤愤,但却再也不吭声了。\n君莫邪心中一震!\n他们居然在预谋刺杀自己的爷爷!\n而那杀手组织“血剑堂”,竟然三位当家都是天玄修为!甚至更有一个至尊神玄的魁首!\n只是这一震,由于人在水中,本是无比平静的湖面未免露出一点点轻微之极的水花声。\n声音虽然小的不可闻,但君邪依然顿时心叫不妙。\n“谁?!”只听得一个声音厉声道:“船下有人!”\n行迹已露!\n君莫邪来不及多想,身躯一转,双脚在船底狠狠地一蹬,整个人顿时如一条硕大的箭鱼一般从水底激射了出去,急速向着远方游去。\n轰的一声,画舫顶层四分五裂,一条人影带着浑身金灿灿之中夹杂着丝丝淡黄的光芒,冲空拔起,飞凌五丈之高!\n双目如雷轰电闪,四处一扫,便发现了君莫邪在水底急速远去的身影。\n金光一闪,落回船上,顺手抓起船上艄公的长长的竹篙,刷的一声,便如一道黑色闪电,带着缭绕的金色玄气,从手中飞出,射向君莫邪在水底的身影,同时身子凌空飞扑,顺着那竹篙飞去的方向,一掠而来,身子在夜幕中衣袂飘飘,金光闪闪,犹如天神降世。\n正是那位刘大人!\n金品巅峰!只需再前进半步,就是地玄水准了!\n君莫邪闪电般向着远方急游,突觉头顶压力重重,身躯所处的四周水流也似突然凝固了一般,同时感到一股巨大的危机瞬间笼罩了自己,霎时间毛骨悚然!\n并不转头,君莫邪已经清晰感觉到,这股危机正是对准了自己的背心疾穿而来,若是避不过去,必然是一个大大的血窟窿!\n心念疾闪,瞬间调动起全身功力,开天造化功全力运转,顿觉周身压力一减,身子尽力一侧,前胸挺出,后膺突出,中间的腰部猛地一收一歪,整个人脱节一般变成了一个标准的“S”形。\n真是魔鬼身材,前凸后翘!\n唰!长达四丈有余的竹篙几乎是擦着君莫邪的肌肤,从腰部插了下去,无巧不巧地穿过了衣衫,更连底裤也穿了过去,深深地插进了淤泥之中。\n君莫邪只觉得大腿一凉,一阵撕扯的刺痛,几根弯弯曲曲的毛发顿时飘在了水里。\n若是这竹备再偏离半寸,恐怕君大少就要去伺候皇帝陛下了,顿时头皮一阵发炸!\n一般的竹篙不过两丈,但灵雾湖水深,竹篙也就相对地长了一些。\n君莫邪一挣,竹篙插在他衣服与肌肤之间,居然没有挣动;右手一翻,小巧的飞刀出现在手里,向后一划,“嗤”的一声顿时自由,两片衣袍就像两片蝴蝶,分向两边,中间一个白白的身躯,若是女子,却是甚是诱人的。\n天空中,那道散发着金光的身影正迅猛的扑了下来,还未及水面,已经激的水面上涟漪大起,平静的水面上深深地陷了下去,形成了一个漩涡,连深深插在淤泥之中的竹篙也露出了一点头。\n君莫邪在水底,睁大着眼睛看着天空中飞扑下来的人影,心中哼了一声,突然身子一挺,猛的上冲。\n呃,别着急,他可绝不是冲上去与这位对目前的他来说还是一位不可逾越的高山的金玄巅峰高手拼命!\n身子利箭般上升,快将要浮出水面的一瞬,突然左手一推,一道水箭嗤的冲出,射向空中落下来的人影,另一手抓住竹篙,身子一个千斤坠,同时向着反方向急速游动,开天造化功全力运转,嗡的一声,小腿粗细的竹篙居然在水底被拉成了弓形,发出“咔咔”的声音,令人牙酸。\n在弯到极致的时候,君莫邪积聚的力气也告罄,猛然松手,赤裸裸的身子向着远方极速游去。\n弯曲的竹篙带着庞然的大力,“嗡”的一声反弹了出去。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 101\n“Pity! Such a pity! It would have been better if Jun Mo Xie was killed! At least, that would have made his bastard grandfather’s heart ache!”\nLady Yue’er said between gritted teeth. Hearing that Jun Mo Xie had unexpectedly escaped death caused her to feel extremely regretful. \nUnder the boat, Jun Mo Xie was wracking his brain but was at a loss as to how he had offended this “Lady Yue’er.”\nJudging from the bitter resentment in this young lady’s voice, it sounded as if she had been violated a hundred times by Jun Mo Xie!\nLord Liu slowly pondered and said. “Now that this situation has escalated to this point, the mission to assassinate the Princess will be temporarily called off. We are fortunate to have acquired the Xuan beast tendons without a hitch. At this juncture, I can make arrangements for your departure from Tianxiang.\nHaha…as for the other issues, I’ll personally report to my master and see what the old man has planned. Perhaps we may have to collaborate with your hall once again, and I’ll have to inconvenience everyone to return at that time.\nPlease send greetings to the Blood Sword Hall’s Grandmaster on my behalf and tell him “although this was a failure, Er Ye is still grateful.’”\nHis voice suddenly became very solemn when he said these last words. \nApparently, this sentence was quoting the direct words of this so-called “Er Ye.” \nJun Mo Xie was speechless as he twitched his mouth. Who doesn’t know that Er Ye* is the Second Prince at this point?\nAnd you still try to be so mysterious!\n“Lord Liu, thank you for your generous words. As for our departure, we naturally have our means. We’ll take our leave!”\nThe three men immediately stood up and cupped their fists. \n“The Xuan beast tendons have been given to Lady Yue’er for safe keeping. Thirty tendons is not a small number so we hope that we will be informed as soon as this matter is resolved.\nThat which belongs to us, we will personally come back to retrieve.”\nLord Liu laughed. “No need to be polite. When you return, please ask the Grandmaster if he had given some thoughts to our request to assassinate an emperor. Regardless of his answer, please inform our side as early as possible!”\n“Yes.” The three men filed out and disappeared into the night. \nLord Liu did not send them off.\n“Lady Yue’er. The palace had already conducted a thorough purge after the incident with the princess and all three sides have lost men. But this does not concern us.\nWhat’s more important is that the one behind all this is most likely the eldest brother.\nTherefore, you need to complete your assignment we’ve discussed earlier as quickly as possible. In case the information leak, do your best to arrange some subordinates to get into the palace!\nBe vigilant and maintain only a single line of communication!” Lord Liu lowered his voice and spoke urgently.\n“Yes. Lord Liu and Er Ye can rest assured. I have already made preparation a long time ago and have selected only virgin maidens.”\nLady Yue’er’s gentle and beautiful voice echoed. “If not for Er Ye’s important plans, even Yue’er would want to go to the palace to play for a few days.”\n“Haha, Lady Yue’er is one of Tianxiang’s top beauties! Who can resist your charms?”\nLord Liu laughed a while before lowering his voice once again to speak. “Er Ye has ordered that we move forward with the plans to create crossbows out of the Xuan beast tendons. They might be needed at any time, so there is not a moment to waste.\nSince many parties are watching our every move, it would be inconvenient for us to be personally involved. That is why we entrust you with completing this task.”\nLady Yue’er replied uneasily. “I naturally understand, but these strips of Xuan beast tendons are too exceptional.\nUsing ordinary steel would not be able to bring out the full potential of these tendons.\nUnfortunately, we will not be able to employ Shen Bing Pu, even though his craftsmanship is unrivaled in Tianxiang, since a tall tree attracts the wind—attracts unwanted attention.\nOur only option is to do business with Jiangnan’s famous Zhao Clan Trading Company.\nI have already sent messengers to get in touch with them before the auction, but I have not received a response yet.”\n“The sooner this issue is resolved, the better. We are even willing to double the payment if that is what it takes.”\nLord Liu said cautiously. “These crossbows will be crucial to us in the future.\nNot only has Er Ye paid an almost prohibitive price, but he is also taking a significant risk to involve himself personally with the representatives from the Blood Sword Hall. Before this business with the Xuan beast tendons is completed, we absolutely cannot have any mishaps.\n“This subordinate naturally understands.”\nLady Yue’er gently smiled before continuing. “Lord Liu, do you know what came of the matter I asked of Er Ye?”\nLord Liu’s voice became quite solemn. “Lady Yue’er, Jun Zhan Tian is a cornerstone of the Tianxiang Kingdom. Killing him is easier said than done.\nEven the Blood Sword Hall, who dares to assassinate a princess, will still hesitate and not make their decision so lightly when it comes to Jun Zhan Tian!”\n“Er Ye only needs to mobilize a fraction of his manpower! We can frame Jun Zhan Tian for plotting a rebellion by taking advantage of the recent uproar the old man caused in the capital. With anger clouding His Majesty’s mind, the result will be obvious!”\nExtreme resentment was palpable in Lady Yue’er’s voice. “Even in my sleep, I dream of the death and destruction to that old man’s family. Is Er Ye going to let this decisive opportunity slip away!”\n“That’s out of the question!”\nLord Liu resolutely rejected this suggestion. “Jun Zhan Tian controls at least half of the power in Tianxiang.\nWe can target Jun Zhan Tian himself but not when it may implicate his entire faction.\nWhat Er Ye wants is not a fragmented Tianxiang Kingdom.”\n“Jun Zhan Tian left my country in ruins and my family dead or scattered. Listening to your words, don’t tell me…” Despair was evident in Lady Yue’er’s voice. “If Er Ye is not capable of accomplishing this task on my behalf, then why would I continue working with him?”\n“Outrageous!” Lord Liu harshly scolded before lowering his voice. “Lady Yue’er, your personal grudge is not a priority. Blood Sword Hall is still hesitant so wait until they have completed their assignment in the Yu Tang Kingdom. At that time, Er Ye will certainly have ways to make them submit.\nThe three masters from the Blood Sword Hall are all at the Sky Xuan cultivation level, and their mysterious leader is even rumored to be a peak level Supreme Divine Xuan expert!\nDealing with a trifling Jun Zhan Tian would certainly not be a complicated matter.\nBesides, Jun Zhan Tian already has one foot in the grave, what’s the harm in letting him struggle at death’s door for a few more months?”\nLady Yue’er snorted angrily but did not say a word.\nJun Mo Xie trembled!\nThey are planning the assassination of his grandfather!\nNot only were the assassins from “Blood Sword Hall” actually three Sky Xuan level experts but their leader is apparently at the Supreme Divine Xuan cultivation level!\nBut because the lake surface had been incomparably tranquil, the water had unavoidably made an incredibly slight splash sound when he trembled. \nAlthough the sound was almost inaudible, Jun Xie still immediately cursed in his heart.\n“Who’s there?!” A voice snapped. “There’s someone under the boat!”\nHis position has been exposed!\nJun Mo Xie didn’t have time to think before turning his body around and firmly kicking off the bottom of the boat. His body looked like a big swordfish as he violently shot off underwater, quickly swimming far away.\nAn explosion rocked the pleasure boat as the roof of the cabin disintegrated into a shower of splinters. A figure layered in a bright and dazzling golden radiance, stormed into the air almost five zhangs high!\nLike a flash of lightning, his two eyes sweep across in all direction to discover Jun Mo Xie’s silhouette escaping underwater at great speed.\nWith a flash of golden light, the figure returned to the boat to seize the helmsman’s long bamboo pole*. Shua! With a heave, the pole looked like black lightning enveloped in golden Xuan Qi as it flew out from his hands towards Jun Mo Xie’s underwater silhouette. At the same time, the figure launched high up in the sky and flew out in the same direction as the bamboo pole. Gliding over the lake surface with the sleeves of his robe fluttering, this dazzling golden figure appeared as if a God had descended to earth.\nThis is precisely Lord Liu!\nPeak Gold level cultivation and just a half step from Jade Xuan level!\nJun Mo Xie continued to press on and swam toward the distance when he suddenly sensed layer upon layers of heavy pressure pushing down from above. The water surrounding his body felt as if it suddenly froze and a feeling of impending crisis grew within his heart. His blood rapidly ran cold!\nWithout turning his head, Jun Mo Xie could sense that the trajectory of this attack would penetrate his torso. If he is unable to avoid it, then there would inevitably be a bloody big hole!\nSwiftly making up his mind, he instantly circulated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune at full strength. Feeling the stress on his body reduced, he exerted all his effort to lean to one side, puff out his chest, stick out his butt, and suck in his waist—his appearance that of an “S” shape. \nA really, really killer figure with curves in all the right places!\nShua! The four zhang long bamboo pole barely scraped by Jun Mo Xie’s skin, continued past the small of his back, coincidentally threading through his clothes and even through his underwear, before deeply inserted into the lake bed.\nJun Mo Xie felt a chill running down his thigh and a stinging pain as short curly hair suddenly floated around in the water. \nIf the bamboo pole deviated by a hair’s breadth, he feared that Young Master Jun will wait upon His Majesty the Emperor. He immediately burst into a cold sweat!\nStandard bamboo poles are only two zhang in length, but the bamboo poles used at Spirit Fog Lake are relatively longer because of the depth of the lake.\nJun Mo Xie struggled to get free. The bamboo pole that was inserted into the space between his clothes and flesh unexpectedly did not budge. A small and exquisite flying dagger appeared with a flip of his right hand before he made a quick backward slash and became free. Two pieces of gown resembling a pair of butterflies parted to either side of him to reveal a stark naked body in between. If this was a young lady, then it actually would have been very alluring.\nUp in the sky, the golden figure quickly descended. Before even touching the lake surface, the speed of his descent had caused waves to ripple out and the water under his feet to sink just enough to expose one end of the bamboo pole.\nJun Mo Xie eyes opened wide as he watched the figure sweeping down from the sky. Snorting in his heart, he suddenly straightened himself and rushed up towards the surface.\nHmmph, don’t worry; he would never rush up to fight. As he is now, a Gold Xuan peak expert is still an insurmountable mountain.\nAs his body shot upwards, his left hand suddenly punched out right as he was about to reach the surface to create a water arrow that exploded toward the falling figure in the sky. Simultaneously, his other hand grabbed the exposed end of the bamboo pole as he rapidly swam back into the lake. Circulating the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune at full strength, the bamboo pole was unexpectedly pulled into a crescent shape and continued to issue out cracking sounds that cause people’s teeth to sour.\nWhen the pole had been bent as far back as possible, Jun Mo Xie suddenly lets go after exhausting his strength reserves, his naked body swimming away extremely rapidly far away.\nThe bent bamboo pole straightened out with tremendous energy, and a droning “weng” sound ricochet out.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第102章\n君莫邪早已看出,这人扔出这竹篙,一来是为了击杀自己,但还有一个用意,就是万一一掷不能杀伤自己的话,还可以用来立足借力。\n这一点,从他的落下姿势就可以看出来,他落势虽猛,但却是双脚在下落下来的,而若是一般高手在这种情况下,通常都是头下脚上,那样的话,速度要比这人现在的速度要快一倍以上!\n这也说明了一点,这位刘大人,这个高高在上的金品巅峰高手,他……不懂水性!\n这便是君莫邪在这一瞬间分析出来的事情,所以他立即选择将竹篱拉偏。\n只要拉开了竹篙,他下来之后无处借力,那么,淹死他也追不上自己!\n但君莫邪没有料到,竹篙不仅很坚韧,而且湖底的淤泥也够深,居然拔不出拉不断,看看那人即将落下,只好放手,落荒裸游而逃。\n赤条条的身子,就像一条大白鱼夹着一点鸟黑的水草……\n那位刘大人早已打算的好好的,这偷听的人只知道逃跑,必然不是什么厉害角色,自己完全可以搞定。\n自己虽然不懂水性,但有竹篙借力,进可攻退可守,实在不行一个翻身就能回到船上;所以他毫无顾忌,竹篙出手之后人随即落下,迎面一道水箭射来,刘大人衣袖一拂,顿时扫到一边,这一来轻易试出对方功力不高,更加放心的落下;但哪里知道临近水面的时候,两眼一扫,刚刚还在眼前闪现的竹篙头部,居然巳经没有了踪迹!\n这一来顿时怯了起来,人在空中,后力已尽,新力不生,如同飞蛾扑火,吧唧一声落进了水中。\n刚刚落水还未来得及回过神来,就看见面前不远处两片大白屁股摇曳着向远方深水处滑去,不由得大怒起来!\n正在这时,突觉前方水流有异,嗡的一声,一根长长的竹篙带着汹涌的水流急速的反弹了回来!\n若是他懂得水性,自然可以及时避开,但他不懂水性,落进深水正在慌张,心神不属,哪里还顾得上这些“啪”的一声,打的又狠又准,先是竹篙中部重重地抽在了他的两腿之间,一声撕心裂肺的压抑的惨叫还未来得及发出,身体本能的一弯,接着竹篙头部又“轰”的一声砸在了他的脑门上!\n惨叫一声,刘大人被砸成了一个鹞子翻身,在巨大的力量的作用下,带着一蓬灿烂的血光离水飞出,就像一条晒干的咸鱼,直挺挺的向着画舫的方向飞了过去,脑海中残余的最后的印象,竟然就是面前那对摇曳的大白屁股……真的好白!\n画舫上另一条纤细的身影轻灵曼妙地飞了出来,居然是灿烂的银光……那月儿姑娘身子一抄,将刘大人的身体接在手里,按着身子便凭空飞了回去,原来腰上绑了一条绳子……\n月儿姑娘回到船上,神情复杂的看着远方,那偷听的人已经无影无踪,前方几十丈外,便是一片茂密的芦苇丛,在这等一片漆黑的夜里,经过这一耽搁,就算有心想追,也是追不上了……\n先前威风八面的刘大人,此刻已经是奄奄一息的躺在自己脚下,昏迷不醒……\n另一边满是芦苇的隐秘处,君莫邪余悸犹存的爬上岸,趁着夜色裸奔而去,心中无限庆幸。\n若不是这次受伤,开天造化功再进一步的话,恐怕这次还真要栽了!真是好悬哇。\n砰地一声打倒一个刚刚完事心满意足的从青楼出来两腿发虚的走在路上的嫖客,君莫邪非常利索的扒下他的衣服,匆匆忙忙套在自己身上,一溜烟的没了影子。\n地上,留着一个赤条条肥胖胖的身体呈大字型仰面朝天,胯下一条小蚯蚓似地东西软塌塌的歪着头丑陋之极。\n君家八名侍卫发了疯似的满世界寻找自家少爷,他们可是深知此事的厉害之处的,若是此事让君老爷子知道,八个人的保护不利的罪名那是无论如何郁逃不掉的。\n若是万一这位公子爷再出什么事情……几个人不敢再想下去了。\n直到夜幕沉重,八个人才疲惫的返回,刚到大门,就见一个貌似很象自家少爷的人,从另一边急匆匆的走过来。\n为什么说很象自家少爷呢?\n因为那人穿着一件极不合身的外袍,样子狼狈得一塌糊涂,\n君大少爷虽然是个十足的纨绔败家子,但人样子总还算不错,所以平日里非常注重自身的仪表,决计不会如眼前人这般的邋遢!\n估计是人有相似吧?\n不过那八名侍卫定睛仔细辨认,同时惊喜地呼叫一声,喜不自胜!\n这个貌似很象自家少爷,却又应该不是少爷的邋遢行人,可不就是君大少爷又是那个?\n“你们八个人怎么回事?\n下午那阵居然被灵梦那丫头的狗屎护卫给吓得呆了吧!\n哼哼,我叫了你们好几次居然没反应。”\n君大少一边急匆匆的赶路,一边摇着头先发制人,一卧恨铁不成钢的样子:“不就是一个天玄初阶高手吗?居然能将你们吓成那个样子?\n看你们呆怔怔的,我就有气,干脆自己先走了!”\n呃?啊?\n八人顿时想起,在夜孤寒那怒极的一声怒吼之后,自己似乎确实有那么一瞬间失神,难道就是在那一瞬间,少爷叫我们我们没反应,然后气呼呼的自己走了?\n目瞪口呆地看着君莫邪,八个人脑诲中同时一片混乱。\n他们居然没有想起来问问,既然是一个人走了,为什么会和我们同时回来?\n我们可满天香城的四处找您很久了,这么长的时间里您到哪里去了?\n还有,您身上这件肥大的,只有暴发户才会穿的俗不可耐的外袍又是怎么回事?\n还有,您的头发怎么好像是湿的?\n“别愣着了,赶紧把那个焚经荷给我。”君莫邪一只脚已经匆匆地跨进了大门,头也不回地吩咐道。\n众侍卫这才如梦方醒,机械的移动脚步,跟着神秘的少爷走了进去。\n几乎所有人郁在纳闷,今天少爷的脚力怎么这般的迅速,鬼上身了?\n不快怎么的呢,君大少爷现在袍子里面还是真空的,凉飕飕的极不得劲,得赶紧去换衣服,万一被别人知道,自己其实先裸游,再裸奔,然后才扒光了别的男人的衣服回来,君大杀手的一世英名可就全丢在灵雾湖了……\n君府的大门在众人身后紧紧关闭!\n夜色已深,明月在天,君无意悠然坐在轻椅上,悠然地自斟自饮,静静地等待着侄儿归来。\n天空中柔和的月色汪在他刚毅的脸庞上,明明暗暗,眼神中一片宁静、深速。\n希望、奢望、冀望,又或者是……绝望!\n院门一响,换过自家衣袍的君莫邪笑嘻嘻地走了进来。\n君无意缓筑转过轮椅,很从容也很冷静的看着君莫邪,上下审视了一番,发现没有问题才松了口气:“听说你下午在盛……宝堂大大的出了一次风头?”\n“是啊!”君莫邪直言不讳:“盛宝堂太嚣张了!”\n突然觉得不对,三叔说到盛宝堂的时候,为什么会在中间顿了一下?\n口气也不大对劲啊。\n君无意垂下眼帘,默然,良久,慢慢地道:“你知不知道,一得到了这个消息,我直接出了一身冷汗,你爷爷表面看是没什么,可是我知道,他也在后怕!\n莫邪,叔叔知道你颇有胆气,可是……若非必要,若非生死关头,千万不要与盛宝堂发生任何冲突。\n盛……宝堂……我们君家还招惹不起,至少暂时是这样的,明白了吗?”\n这句话,他说得极慢,几乎是一字一句,真的很难想象,如此服软也似的话语竟从他这样的铁骨男子汉口中说出!\n君莫邪亦是一怔,缓缓在他面前坐下,道:“三叔,这可不像是你能说的话啊,难道这个盛宝堂竟真的如此可怕吗?连你也怕了他们!”\n君无意别过头去,不让他看到自己眼中神色,清冷漠然的道:“若是只有我一人,我自然惹得起盛宝堂!\n甚至,是比盛宝堂更加强大一百倍的,又能如何,人生一世、草木一春,大不了就是一死而已!\n而你也是一样,莫邪,我知道你胆识过人,天不怕地不怕,就这点三叔我很欣慰,可是,我却总觉得你对家族的代入感并不是很强烈,所以,我希望你应承我!\n无论到什么时候都要记住,你是世家子弟!在你的身后,还有一个盘根错杂的庞大家族,君家!”\n“家族,在绝大多数时候都会是你最大的助力,但有些时候,也是你最大的掣肘!”\n君无意抬起头,目光炯炯,却似是含着很多说不清道不明的东西:“只要家族还有希望,我们……就万万不能放弃!这是世家子弟的荣耀,也是世家子弟的悲哀,更是责任!”\n君莫邪默然良久,才展颜一笑,道:“我明白了!”\n“明白了就好。”\n君无意温和地笑了笑:“就为了此事,我已经等了你一晚上。\n如今既然你明白了,就陪我喝一杯吧。”\n“喝酒么?暂时不行,只怕叔叔最近的十天半个月之内都不能饮酒。\n因为我要恭喜三叔,那五种药材,如今已经齐备了。”\n君莫邪微笑着:“而那诊脉金针,早在半月前也已经准备妥当!\n三叔,再有十天功夫,你现在坐的这东西,就可以拆掉烧火了,而烧火的那天,也正好是可以取消忌口的期限!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 102\nJun Mo Xie noticed a long time ago that, while this man had aimed to strike him dead with the bamboo pole, he had also held back so that he could use the pole as a foothold. \nThis point is further supported by his diving position; he had kept both legs pointed down toward the lake during his descent. An ordinary expert in this scenario would typically dive head first which would more than double his current speed.\nThis exposes a critical weakness. This Lord Liu, this aloof and dominant peak Gold Xuan level expert, he…does not know how to swim!\nJun Mo Xie had figured out this point in that split second. Therefore, he immediately pulled back the bamboo pole. \nAs long as he could pull apart the bamboo pole, that Lord Liu will have nowhere to find a foothold and would have to drown himself to try and catch him!\nBut Jun Mo Xie did not anticipate that the bamboo pole was not only very tenacious, but the lake bed was also very deep. Having pulled on the pole to no avail and realizing that the man is closing in, he was forced to give up. \nA stark naked body, resembling a big whitefish squeezing a bit of jet-black water plant, swimming away…\nLord Liu had decided earlier that this cowardly eavesdropping individual would certainly not be a difficult opponent. \nAlthough he doesn’t know how to swim, he can still attack, retreat, and defend with the aid of the bamboo pole. When the water arrow shot out at him, Lord Liu waved his sleeves and immediately swept it to one side. This revealed that his counterpart’s skill is not high, and became even more relieved. But when he neared the water, he discovered that the bamboo pole head that was recently just in front of him had unexpectedly disappeared!\nPanic. Like a moth to the flame, he was unable to stop himself from plunging into the water.\nBefore he had time to collect himself, he saw two big white buttocks not too far in front of him gently swaying toward the distance–and he couldn’t help but become angry!\nAt this moment, the water in front of him churned with life and, with a droning sound, a long bamboo pole surge up violently, propelling a current of water at great speed!\nIf he knew how to swim, he would naturally evade in time. But he didn’t know how to swim, was still panicking from the plunge, and was preoccupied with thoughts of drowning. How would he be able to pay attention to this “bang” sound? The bamboo pole that had been haphazardly drawn back earlier was situated between his two legs. Striking hard and fast, a blood-curdling scream had not even been issued yet when his body instinctively bend forward and his forehead smashes into the bamboo pole!\nLetting out a pitiful cry, Lord Liu was sent flying and spinning like a kite with its string cut, losing so much blood that he had appeared like a salted fish that’s been dried in the sun. Flying toward pleasure boat direction, the last memory before his consciousness faded was facing a pair of big white buttocks gently swaying…they were very white!\nA quick and agile figure flew off from the pleasure boat, unexpectedly radiating brilliant silvery light. Lady Yue’er received Lord Liu’s body in her arms before returning to the boat with the rope that she had tied around her waist earlier…\nAfter landing back on the boat, Lady Yue’er had a complicated expression on her face as she looked toward the distance—the spy was long gone. In this pitch-black night and after this delay, there was very little chance she would catch up even if she had wanted to give chase…\nThe previously awe-inspiring Lord Liu is now dying at her feet, unconscious…\nHidden in a clump of reed on the other side of the lake, Jun Mo Xie still had lingering fear as he crawled ashore. He took advantage of the night to go streaking, all the while thanking his lucky stars.\nIf he had not cultivated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to its current level, perhaps he would already have been severely injured if not dead! He really must be blessed.\nKnocking out a satisfied patron coming out of the brothel whose two legs were too weak to walk, Jun Mo Xie very nimbly pulled off his clothes and disappeared like a wisp of smoke.\nOn the ground, a stark naked and plump body splayed out in the shape of a “大,” facing the sky. A small, earthworm-like thing collapse askew in his crotch area…\nThe eight Jun Family bodyguards were going insane looking everywhere for their family’s young master. They are acutely aware that they are in a difficult situation; if Grandpa Jun was to become aware of their dereliction of duty to protect the young master, then they would not be able to escape punishment. \nIf this young master’s grandpa creates havoc again…these men did not dare to continue this line of thought.\nAfter searching late into the night, the eight exhausted bodyguards returned to the main gate of the Jun Residence. Suddenly, they caught a glimpse of a figure that looked very similar to their family’s young master and hastily ran over.\nWhy are they not certain this is their young master?\nBecause that man was wearing an extremely ill-fitting robe and his appearance was a total mess.\nAlthough Young Master Jun is a completely good for nothing debauchee, his appearance was always regarded as pretty good as he usually attaches great importance to how he looks. That is why they half-determined that this sorry figure is not the one they are searching for.\nBut can two different people look that similar?\nSo those eight bodyguards continued to stare intently, and simultaneously called out in a pleasant surprise, unable to contain their joy!\nThis looks very much like their young master but also appear to be just a dirty pedestrian. That’s just the way Young Master Jun is?\n“What are the eight of you doing? \nI was scared stupid in the afternoon by that little girl Ling Meng’s bulls**t bodyguard. \nHumph! Humph! I called out to you all several times and was surprised when no one responded.” \nYoung Master Jun hurried along while shaking his head, appearing to hate iron for not becoming steel—resenting them for not being there when he needed them. “Was he not just a Sky Xuan level expert? You got that scared?\nI’m getting angry just looking your stupid expressions. You might as well go first!”\nUh? What?\nThe eight men immediately recalled that after Ye Gu Han had bellowed out in extreme anger, they had been despondent for a split second. Could it be that the young master called out right at that moment but we did not respond, and so he ran away after panting with rage? \nThey stared dumbstruck at Jun Mo Xie; their minds were all simultaneously confused.\nThey actually hadn’t remembered to ask: Since you went off by yourself, why would we come back at the same time? \nWe went to all four corners of Tianxiang City to look for you. Where have you been all this time? \nFurthermore, why are you dressed in the loose-fitting, intolerably vulgar clothes that only the newly rich would wear? \nFurthermore, why does your hair look like it’s wet?\n“Don’t be distracted and quickly give me the Blazing Heart Meridian.” One of Jun Mo Xie’s leg has already crossed the threshold of the gate and didn’t even turn around before speaking. \nThe bodyguards woke up as if from a dream, mechanically moving in step, to follow after the mysterious young master inside.\nAlmost everyone was bewildered. How are the young master’s legs moving so rapidly? Was he possessed?\nHow unpleasant. Frigid wind awkwardly blew inside Young Master Jun’s current billowing gown as he hurried to change clothes. If people ever find out that he first swam naked, ran naked and then stripped another man of his clothes, then his entire life’s illustrious reputation as an assassin would certainly be lost in the Spirit Fog Lake…\nThe Jun Residence’s gate closed tightly shut behind everyone!\nDeep into the night when the moon was high in the sky, Jun Wu Yi was still sitting in his wheelchair as before, absentmindedly drinking by himself and calmly waiting for his nephew to come. \nIn the sky, the gentle moonlight spilled upon his steadfast face, light and shadow danced across his tranquil and abstruse expression.\nA wishful gaze, a hopeful gaze, an expecting gaze, or possibly…a desperate gaze!\nA sound came from the courtyard gate as a Jun Mo Xie, dressed in his own gown, walked in with a grin.\nJun Wu Yi slowly turned his wheelchair and unhurriedly and calmly examined Jun Mo Xie up and down to discover no issues only then relaxed and said. “I heard you…created a large commotion in the afternoon at Magnificent Jewel Hall?”\n“Yep!” Jun Mo Xie spoke bluntly. “Magnificent Jewel Hall is too arrogant!”\nBut he suddenly sensed that something was wrong. When Third Uncle spoke about Magnificent Jewel Hall, why did he pause in the middle?\nHis tone is also not very suitable.\nJun Wu Yi had downcast eyes and was silent for a long time before slowly speaking. “Do you have any idea that I broke out in a cold sweat once I got this news. Your grandpa appears to be fine on the outside, but I know that he is scared!\nMo Xie, uncle know that you have courage, but…unless it is absolutely necessary—a life or death crisis—never have any conflict with Magnificent Jewel Hall.\nOur Jun Family…cannot…afford to offend the Magnificent Jewel Hall, at least for the time being. Do you understand?” \nHe spoke this sentence very slowly, carefully pronouncing every word; it’s hard to imagine that such words of resignation came from the mouth of such an unyielding, lionhearted man.\nJun Mo Xie was stunned, slowly sat down in front of him and said, “Third Uncle, it’s not like you to say these words. Is this Magnificent Jewel Hall really so frightening? Even you are afraid of them!”\nJun Wu Yi turned his head away, wouldn’t let him see the look in his eyes and replied in a cold, indifferent tone. “If I were alone, I’d naturally not be afraid of the Magnificent Jewel Hall!\nEven if the Magnificent Jewel Hall were to be stronger by a hundredfold, what can they do? A man has but one life, grass but one spring*, so if death comes then so be it!\nAnd you too, Mo Xie, I know that you fear neither the heaven nor earth and this Third Uncle is very pleased. But I always feel you don’t have a strong sense of family, so I want you to promise me!\nTo always keep in mind that you are the youngest generation of a noble family! That behind you, there is a large and deeply rooted Jun Family!”\n“Most of the time, the family is your greatest support, but occasionally, it can also be your most significant setback!”\nJun Wu Yi looked up. His eyes betrayed many things that he could not put into words. “As long as there is hope for the family, we…must not give up! This is the glory of the family and also its tragedy and responsibility!”\nJun Mo Xie was silent for a long time before replying with a smile. “I understand!”\n“It’s good that you understand.”\nJun Wu Yi smiled mildly. “In this matter, I have been waiting for you all night.\nSince you understand now, have a drink with me.”\n“Drink? Let’s postpone this for another time. I’m afraid Uncle will not be able to drink wine for the next fortnight. \nBut first, I would like to congratulate Third Uncle because the five kinds of medicinal herbs are now in our possession.” \nJun Mo Xie smiled. “And I have already determined from checking your pulse that you were ready as early as a half month ago!\nThird Uncle, in another ten days, you can tear down the thing you are sitting on now and light it on fire. That day also happens to be when the restriction on your diet can be lifted! ”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第103章\n君无意手一颤,酒杯中的酒洒了出来。\n默默地看着自己右手扶着的轮椅把手,长久的凝视着,只感到自己的心中惊涛骇浪般翻滚了起来!\n十年残疾!\n今朝终于迎来了一丝曙光!\n直到离去,君无意始终沉默着,再没有说一句话!\n三日之后,君战天老爷子直接封了门!并交代下去:即日起,除了陛下有旨,任何人不见!\n若是有任何人敢擅进内院一步,格杀无论!\n整个君家,气氛一下子变得如临大敌!\n紧张的让人喘不过气来!\n内院门紧闭,门外,整整两排侍卫人人刀剑出鞘,映射着天上烈阳,熠熠发光。\n暗影处,人影憧憧,君家曾经威震京城的力量,此刻再度展现。\n而且这次出动的,尽都是跟随了君战天几十年的中坚力量,任何一个人,都是值得信任且绝对忠诚的!\n哪怕是身上有任何一点的疑问的人,都被摒弃于这次行动之外!\n这次的疗伤事宜,一定要杜绝所有可能不可能的外在威胁,一丝一毫都不能懈怠!\n内院中周围四丈高的围墙之下,中间放置了一个硕大的铁盆,这只铁盆的容积几乎可以说是一个小号的蓄水池了,里面早已经储满了水,被架了起来,下面的烈火熊熊燃烧,六名大汉不住的添着柴火,水面上已经微微地泛起气泡。\n君战天一身青衣,满脸的肃穆,倒背的双手上戴着奇怪的手套,将双手,双臂完全都包裹在里面,连一点肌肤也没有露出来,在院中踱来踱去,显得心中极为不宁静。\n反而一边一身白衣的君无意神情平静,似乎在一夜之间,他已经摆脱了心灵的梏桎!\n君莫邪在一边,一张桌子上,放着一个大玉盆,两手快速地将一株株九叶草、通心草和断续根,按一定顺序放置在玉盘上,然后捣出汁液,顺着斜面流到下边的一只广口瓶中,动作异常的迅速,次序却是井然不乱。\n终于,君莫邪大喝一声:“三叔!”\n君无意浑身一震,明黄色的地阶玄气猛地一震,身上覆盖的衣袍瞬间鼓荡炸开化作粉碎,君战天老爷子一把抱起他的身体,平平展开。\n君莫邪低喝一声,瞬间将捣出汁液之后的药物残渣均匀地抹在君无意身上任何一处地方!\n君莫邪药方中的这五种草药,可尽是剧毒之草!\n随便一种也是见血封喉的剧毒之物,虽然现下只得三种混合,但药渣敷在君无意的身体的瞬间,君无意顿时觉得自己似乎突然被扔进了熊熊烈火中,从头到脚炙痛起来,闷哼一声,咬紧牙关!\n额头上冷汗刷刷的冒了出来!\n三大剧毒同时上身,这种痛苦不言而喻!\n但这些痛苦还仅仅只是开始而已!\n药渣撒完,君莫邪连一顿没顿,顺手抄起捣出来的药汁玉瓶,左右熟练无比的在君无意下巴上一捏,君无意本是紧咬牙关蓦然张开,君莫邪已经将一玉瓶的汁液倒进了他的喉咙里!\n几乎来不及反应,那瓶汁液已然顺喉而下,而这汁液好不厉害,竟彷如一团火烧了下去一般,在内外交煎之下,君无意嘶声闷哼一声,终于忍不住要大叫几声,来发泄一下身体的痛楚,刚一张嘴,君莫邪已经抄起一旁早已准备好的一团白布,死死地塞进他的嘴里。\n君战天老爷子一阵哆嗦,君莫邪这熟练之极的流畅,简直和那些用刑用惯了的酷吏没有任何分别,甚至过犹不及!\n老爷子看着都有些不忍了,孙子折腾儿子,让老爷子怎么看得下去!\n“这是必要的手段,在极度的痛苦之下,再坚韧的人,也会出现神志模糊的现象,如果不塞住嘴,在剧痛之下,极有可能会咬断舌头。”\n君莫邪一把抄起旁边放置的裂肠花,砰砰两下砸得粉碎,忙里偷闲,居然还解释了一句。\n蓦然,三大剧毒同时在君无意体内会师发作,君无意赤裸的肌肤机会是在瞬间尽数都转化成紫黑色!\n就在刚刚变了颜色的那一刻,裂肠花的碎屑已经均匀地洒在了他的身上!\n君莫邪动作可谓是快到了极点,一把将白布团从君无意嘴里扯了下来,下一刻裂肠花的毒液已经贯喉而入!君无意还未来得及做出任何反应,那团白布已经又再度塞进了嘴里。\n君无意志来得及一声闷哼,两眼瞪得几乎凸出来,两个眼球之中,满布血丝!\n那裂肠花的毒性还在三种剧毒同时全面发作之余,疾起直追,从内到外的迅速扩散蔓延,君无意只觉得丹田之中一阵烧痛,接着就是如同要焚烧灵魂一般的痛苦从丹田下十年前受伤的部位疯狂地涌了上来!\n在这一刻,君无意身上内部一旧四新五种剧毒同时运行起来,彼此冲击对抗,一身光裸的肌肤居然在眨眼之间变成五颜六色,各据一方,十年没有知觉的腰部和双腿如同正被钝刀子据骨头一般撕心裂肺的痛了起来!\n终于把十年前那隐匿起来的秘密剧毒逼了出来!\n君莫邪稍稍松了口气,两眼紧紧盯着君无意两腿之间那活儿,在这等千钧一发的关头,君莫邪脑中居然鬼使神差地冒出了一个念头:貌似不如我的……大!\n正在这样想的时候,突然君战天老爷子激动的叫了起来:“起来了,起来了啊!”\n白胡子哆嗦着,指着自己儿子胯间,果然,那玩意儿正在摇头晃脑,突然间一柱擎天!\n差点顶在老爷子俯身查看的鼻子上,君三爷那啥超过了十年的时间未得一用,今天一朝雄起,自然是非同凡响的。\n君莫邪手里抓着焚经荷,被老爷子这一嗓子吓了一跳,差点掉在地上,白了白眼训斥道:“肯定是要起来的,要是不起来,不就说明治疗失败了嘛?\n真是!值得这么大惊小怪的嘛?”\n君老爷子呃呃连声,丝毫不以为意孙子居然教训自己,脸上却是涌现出了止不住的欢喜,这玩意儿恢复了,就代表着自己残疾了十年的儿子重新恢复了男人的基本功能,别的不说,起码又能为君家开枝散叶了啊,这对于一直只有君莫邪这一根独苗而始终耿耿于怀的君老爷子来说,简直就是至大的福音!\n君无意嘴唇哆嗦着,脸上痛苦的肌肉痉挛,这一刻居然又涌起来了一种极度的羞臊的感觉,君三爷想当初也是鼎鼎大名的铁血男儿,百战勇士,如今竟……\n仅存的神志看着这一老一少两人,居然都在目不转睛地盯着自己那根不受自己控制的宝贝,连痛带臊之下,干脆闷哼一声,直接昏厥了过去!\n眼不见心不烦吧!\n至于嘛,一老一小两个大男人盯着一个壮年男人的胯下宝物猛瞧?\n那老的,简直就想伸手摆弄一翻了,还然不让人活了?\n这本就不是一个正常男人能忍受的事!\n虽然那时自己老爷子,可君三爷毕竟也三十多了不是?\n周围正在猛添火的几个大汉纷纷伸头看看,看过之后一个个满脸惭色,低头下去,没命的添柴,大将军不愧是大将军啊,虽说是十年不用了,也依然是雄风沙沙,我辈不及,自卑啊……\n终于,君无意肌肤的表面从各种颜色各据一方变作了连成一大片的花花绿绿!\n“就是现在!”\n君莫邪大吼一声,一把揪出了白布团,左手迅速地捏住了君无意的下巴,右手将手中那昨夜用开天造化功催了一夜的乌黑的焚经荷果衣一下子捏破,\n顿时黑漆漆的汁液刷的涌出,点滴不漏地滴进了君无意的口中,然后仍照旧塞嘴,这次塞嘴之余,又用另一条白布在君无意脑后打了个结,\n这样一来,估计就算是打死君无意,他也没有办法把那白布吐出来了!\n完毕,君莫邪顺手将焚经荷的果衣扔在一边,右手运起开天造化功,贴在君无意的前胸,精纯的灵气汹涌进入!\n就是在这一瞬息之间,君无意的身体几乎是以肉眼看得见的速度,如同吹气一般迅速涨大,一条条的经脉血管慢慢地在皮肤表层凸显出来,弯弯曲曲的就像无数的黑色小蚯蚓,狰狞恐怖而又极其的恶心!\n君莫邪大喝一声,军战天老爷子伸手一招,天蓝色的玄气梦幻般地洒出,旁边的一具只得常人大小的竹筏“刷”的凭空飞到了大锅里,此时,锅里的水已经是接近沸腾!\n君莫邪喝一声,突然双手托着君无意的身体轻飘飘地飞起飞临半空,君无意的身体平平落下,正好不偏不倚的落在了竹筏上,仰天平躺。\n君莫邪一声清啸,身子轻飘飘的落在了锅沿上,身子猛的俯下,两手一张;君战天老爷子看的真切。\n在这一瞬间,君莫邪的两只手上突然无中生有的多出了十几根闪闪发光的银针!\n银针一闪,第一针便“刷”的插进了百会穴,动作干脆利落,丝毫没有迟疑,即便以君老爷子的沉稳,也浑身一颤,那可是人体最致命的死穴啊,终于忍不住闭了闭眼睛,接着又揉了揉眼睛。\n就在他揉眼睛的短短瞬间,君莫邪手中的银针已经迅速发出,全部没入君无意的身体各个大穴位,内中不乏多处死穴,接着一声轻啸,脚尖一勾,君无意的身体凌空翻了个身,趴在了竹筏上,露出了背部。\n君莫邪两手一展,又是各有数十支银针在手上出现,亦是一闪即逝,没入了君无意的宽阔脊梁!\n舒了口气,手一伸,“刷”的一声将竹筏抽了出来扔了出去,君无意的身体直接翻滚着进了滚烫的开水之中!\n随着水的温度慢慢的升高,水面上不断发出“咕嘟咕嘟”的开锅声音,随着蒸煮,君无意的全身毛孔,七窍之中,尽都不断渗出乌黑的汁液来,只得片刻,便将偌大一大锅水染得漆黑如墨!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 103\nJun Wu Yi’s hands trembled and the wine from his cup to spill.\nHe silently looked at the wheelchair handle that’s supporting his right hand. Although he remained completely motionless on the outside, his heart was pounding, and his mind was reeling from the news!\nTen years as a cripple!\nNow he can see a glimmer of light!\nJun Wu Yi remained taciturn and did not say a word before Jun Mo Xie left.\nThree days later, Jun Zhan Tian directly sealed the main gates and made an announcement: In the following days, no guests will be welcomed except by the royal decree of His Majesty!\nIf anyone dares to take a step inside the inner courtyard without permission, he will be killed without question!\nThe oppressive atmosphere that enveloped the Jun Family was as if it were the eve of a great battle! \nThe air was so thick that some were unable to breathe!\nThe doors to the inner courtyard were securely closed. Two rows of guards stood at attention outside with their swords unsheathed. The blades of their swords were glistening with the reflection of the ardent sun in the sky. \nHuman figures could be seen moving in the shadows. The might of Jun Family that had once shaken the capital was out on full display at this moment.\nMoreover, these guards were all veterans who have served for decades as the backbone of Jun Zhan Tian’s elite forces.\nEven if they have any personal misgivings, they will discard such thoughts when they are on assignment. Each and every one is loyal and worthy of trust!\nEvery possible and even impossible threat must be accounted for during this operation. Not a single thread or hair can be out of place!\nOn the other side of the four zhang tall perimeter walls, a massive iron caldron was positioned in the center of the inner courtyard. The size of the caldron was so great that it can be described as a small-sized water reservoir. It has previously been filled with water and was raised on top of a raging fire. Six burly men continuously added firewood as bubbles start to emerge on the water surface.\nJun Zhan Tian’s entire body is dressed in black and was wearing a pair of strange gloves with long sleeves that completely covered the rest of his arms. A solemn expression appeared on his face as he paced anxiously back and forth in the courtyard. \nIn contrast, the white-clothed Jun Wu Yi’s appearance was exceedingly tranquil. It seems that he had come to terms with his inner demons and cast off the shackles on his heart!\nJun Mo Xie was nearby organizing the Nine Leaf Grass, Common Heart Grass, and Persistent Severing Root on a table next to an oversized jade basin. Both his hands proceeded to put the herbs into the basin, mashed them to extract their juice, and collect it in a wide mouthed jade bottle. His movements were swift but controlled and methodical.\nJun Mo Xie finally called out. “Third Uncle!”\nJun Wu Yi trembled from head to toe as a bright-yellow Earth level Xuan Qi rippled out and shredded the gown covering his body. Grandpa Jun flashed forward to support his son’s body in a supine position. \nJun Mo Xie promptly spread the dregs that remained in the basin on every inch of Jun Wu Yi’s body.\nThe five medicinal herbs prescribed by Jun Mo Xie were all highly toxic weeds! \nJust one by itself is so lethal that a victim can take no more than seven steps uphill, eight steps downhill or nine steps on level ground before dying. Now with three of the herbs, Jun Wu Yi instantly felt as though he had been thrown inside a blazing inferno as searing pain spread from head to toe.\nHe held in a groan and clenched his jaws as cold sweat dripped down from forehead! \nThe kind of excruciating pain caused by applying three deadly toxins simultaneously on his body cannot be put into words!\nBut this was only the beginning!\nWithout any hesitation, Jun Mo Xie swiftly snatched the jade bottle, pressed down on Jun Wu Yi’s chin to open his clenched jaws, and poured the contents of the bottle down his throat!\nThe concentrated liquid had slid down Jun Wu Yi’s throat before he had time to react, causing him to feel as if a ball of fire was burning him from the inside out. He couldn’t endure the pain anymore and was just about to shout out in pain when Jun Mo Xie heartlessly stuffed his mouth with a balled-up piece of plain white cloth he had prepared long ago.\nJun Zhan Tian shivered as he watched Jun Mo Xie work with such practiced ease that he was even beginning to suspect that his grandson may have tortured others before! \nHis expression became increasingly disturbed; how can a father continue to watch his son suffer at the hands of his grandson?!\n“This is something that had to be done. Even a person with a high tolerance will succumb to this extreme pain. It is highly likely that he would have bitten off his tongue if I did not intervene by stuffing his mouth.”\nIn the time that Jun Mo Xie took to explain himself, he had already prepared the Intestinal Cracker Flower in the same way as the previous three herbs and even took a short break.\nSuddenly, the three deadly toxins simultaneously flared up inside Jun Wu Yi as his skin transformed to a shade of purple and black! \nThe change had just appeared when Jun Mo Xie sprinkled the Intestinal Cracker Flower fragments evenly on his body. \nMoving at extreme speeds, Jun Mo Xie removed the gag in his uncle’s mouth, poured the Intestinal Cracker Flower’s extract down his throat, and stuffed his mouth once more before he was even aware of what happened!\nJun Wu Yi let out a muffled scream as his bloodshot eyes bulged out.\nThe potent extract of the Intestinal Cracker Flower reacted explosively with the cocktail of poisons already inside his body and rapidly spread from his insides out. Jun Wu Yi could feel a wave of soul-searing pain rush forth from his dantian and frantically course through the parts of his body that had been severely injured ten years ago!\nThe four poisons did not exist in a state of harmony inside Jun Wu Yi’s body and was constantly attacking and resisting each other. His bare skin transformed once again—this time to the colors of the rainbow—as an unbearable pain emerged from the parts of his body he had thought would never have sensation again!\nThe deep-seated poison that has hidden in his legs for a decade is finally being forced out!\nJun Mo Xie sighed in relief as he stared attentively at the crotch area between Jun Wu Yi’s legs. At such a critical moment, Jun Mo Xie couldn’t refrain himself from thinking in his mind: it appears that mine is…bigger!\nWhile this thought surfaced in his mind, his grandfather was having an emotional outburst. “Stand up! I said stand up!”\nThe old man’s white beard trembled as he vigorously pointed at his son’s crotch. As if heeding the call, the little Wu Yi shook its head before suddenly becoming a pillar that can support the sky! \nhe movement was so sudden that it almost pushed against the bridge of the old man’s nose as he had previously moved closer to lean over in examination.\nWhen Jun Mo Xie proceeded forward with the Blazing Heart Meridian, his grandpa jumped up in fright and almost fell over. Shaking his head, Jun Mo Xie reprimanded. “He needs to stand up. If he can’t stand then what is the purpose of this treatment?!\nIs it worth making such a fuss over something so small?!”\nGrandpa Jun repeatedly hiccupped, unconcerned about his grandson chiding him, as his face lit up with a hard to conceal delight. His disable son has finally recovered a man’s basic function after ten long years. To speak of nothing else, the Jun Family could at least grow branches and scatter leaves*. This was something that he had always brooded over and his son’s recovery simply could not have arrived at a better time! This was great news!\nJun Wu Yi’s lips trembled and his face grimaced in pain. A warm sensation could be felt in his lower region followed by the stench of urine. In his mind, he thought that the originally famous iron blood man, veteran of a hundred battles, has now unexpectedly…\nOnly in his fading consciousness, he can see two men—one old and one young—unexpectedly unable to take their eyes off of his junk as he loses control of his bowel movement. Between the smell and the shame, he gave a pitiful groan before directly fainting!\nWhat the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over!\nAs to the pair of men doggedly staring at the middle-age man’s treasure? \nThe old one wanted to reach out to fiddle with it! \nThis isn’t something an ordinary man can endure! \nEven if he is his father, isn’t Jun Third Master more than thirty years old?\nThe several men who had been maintaining the fire all poked their head up in succession to take a peep before quickly lowering their head in shame and returned to adding firewood. An impressive general is an impressive general. He can still be so awe-inspiring even after ten years of inactivity. We really are inferior…\nAfter a while, every part of Jun Wu Yi’s skin finished changing into a bright multicolored color—\n“It’s time!”\nJun Mo Xie roared. His left hand swiftly pressed on Jun Wu Yi’s chin while his right hand circulated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to break the skin of the Blazing Heart Meridian.\nA viscous black liquid gushed out and dripped into Jun Wu Yi’s mouth before he gagged his mouth again, but he also used another strip of cloth to cover his mouth before tying a knot behind Jun Wu Yi’s head.\nEven if he regains consciousness, it’s impossible for him to spit out the white cloth!\nFinishing up, Jun Mo Xie effortlessly discarded the skin of the Blazing Heart Meridian. His right hand continued circulating the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune as he firmly pressed against Jun Wu Yi’s chest and directly injected his Spiritual Qi!\nIn the blink of an eye, Jun Wu Yi’s body swelled up like a balloon at a speed visible to the naked eye. His meridians gradually appeared on the surface of his skin meandering like countless purple earthworms, appearing sinister and extremely nauseating.\nAt Jun Mo Xie’s prompting, Jun Zhan Tian reached out with one hand before an illusory tool formed from azure colored Xuan Qi materialized out of thin air. In no time at all, he had finished constructing a crude bamboo raft before throwing it directly into the large caldron. At this moment, the water temperature had almost reached the boiling point!\nJun Mo Xie leaped up into the air with Jun Wu Yi’s body before releasing him over the large caldron. Right before impact, his body slowed down before gently landing face up on the bamboo raft.\nJun Mo Xie followed soon after, landing as light as a feather on the raft and extending out both hands.\nUnder the earnest gaze of Jun Zhan Tian, several dozen shimmering silver needles appeared out of thin air on both of Jun Mo Xie’s hands!\nA needle flashed as it inserted into Jun Wu Yi’s Bai Hui point*. His movement was direct and efficient and did not betray the slightest hesitation. Even the usually steady Jun Zhan Tian shivered from head to toe; just one misplaced needle could strike a lethal acupuncture point and kill his son. But even his best efforts couldn’t stop him from blinking and rubbing his eyes.\nAt the moment he rubbed his eyes, the silver needles in Jun Mo Xie’s hand rapidly issued forth and entered the rest of the acupuncture points on Jun Wu Yi. Jun Mo Xie kicked out with his tiptoes to flip Jun Wu Yi’s body in the air before landing prone on the bamboo raft.\nJun Mo Xie extended out his two hands once again causing more needles to appear. After several more flashes, all the silver needles were inserted Jun Wu Yi’s wide back!\nWith a sigh of relief, Jun Mo Xie pulled the bamboo raft from under Jun Wu Yi and his body directly rolled into the steaming hot water!\nThe water surface constantly let out “glug glug” boiling sounds as the water temperature steadily rose. Jet-black liquid continuously exuded from Jun Wu Yi’s pores and the seven orifices of his head*. In a moment, the large basin of water had dyed pitch-black in color similar to ink!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第104章\n君战天老爷子眉梢狂跳,两眼瞪得溜圆!\n这种疗毒的办法,实在是见所未见,闻所未闻!不过,之前针刺死穴而不死,却已足以证明这疗伤手段是有效的,\n不过再看看自己的一身老排骨,又看看开着锅的水,老爷子还是打了个寒颤:若是自己下去,就算是天玄境界的护身玄气,估计也顶不了多久,或者不到一时片刻就能熟吃了也说不定……\n几个添柴的大汉也是满头满脸的冷汗,不仅是热的,也是吓得!\n太疯狂了……居然将活人放进开水锅里就这么煮?\n万一……万一若是把人煮死了,可咋办?\n就这温度,想不煮熟只怕都很困难吧!\n君莫邪依然稳稳地站在锅沿上,两只眼晴一眨不眨地看着随着水流在锅里翻滚的君无意的身体,密切的注视着每一点变化,脸色镇静,冷静,平静,毫无表情,近乎冷酷!\n突然,君莫邪毫不犹豫地伸左手入开水,一把将君无意整个捞了上来,一进一出,手上已经起了一层大大的燎泡。\n一半是开水烫的,一半却是被剧毒腐蚀的!\n但君无意的身子却是截然相反,一片白暂,已经尽数褪去了之前那恐怖的古怪颜色。\n“刷”的飞了下来,落在君老爷子身边,君老爷子刚刚接住,君莫邪已经一刻不停的将空着的右手按在君无意的丹田上,开天造化功再度全力发动!\n良久良久,君莫邪的脸上越来越是苍白,君无意的脸上却是越来裁是红润……\n终于……\n君无意身上的金针一点一点的从体内被逼出,摇摇颤颤,终于蹼的一声,一根银针带着一溜黑血飞了出来……\n接着,是下一根……终于,最后,百会穴上的银针哧的一声飞出,带出一溜细细的血污,竟然是六色的……\n君莫邪闷哼一声,缓缓收回手掌,盘膝而坐,缓缓调息。一张脸惨白如纸!\n在他收回手掌之前,君无意霍然睁开眼晴,两眼之中赫然射出两道锋锐的光芒!淡蓝色!\n竟是淡蓝色!这意味着?\n剧毒尽去!封印亦开!而君无意积蓄了十年的玄气尽数爆发,加上焚经荷的巨大功效,居然在这短短的一刻之间,从地玄中阶直接提升到了天玄初阶!\n眨眼之间,连升三级!\n不仅如此,在焚经荷的功用之下,君无意从此,便是百毒不侵之身!\n一个超级强者,就此诞生!\n见到这片淡蓝的光芒,君战天老爷子顿时跳了起来老高,张大着嘴巴,口中荷荷有声,两眼怒突,如同见鬼!\n自己苦练了大半辈子,现在也只得天玄中阶而已,而自己的这位残废儿子,虽然也曾被称为是武学天才,但在他这等年纪能够冲上地玄中阶已经是相当之难能可贵的了;更何况还身受重伤在轮椅上度过的十年空白?\n就是这样,居然在封印一旦打开之后,直接坐着大箭一般提升到了天玄!\n难以置信!\n老爷子摇着头,心中感觉很是混乱,三分喜悦、三分欣慰、三分兴奋、还有半分惶恐,最后半分竟疑自己身在梦境之中!\n一方面高兴的想要大唱大跳,另一方面震惊的有些无语,一时间心中百味杂陈,竟然说不出话来,即便此刻真的是在梦境之中,也愿这美梦晚醒片刻!\n君无意清晰地感觉到自己十年来毫无知觉的双腿,传来了麻酥酥痒痒的怪异感觉,亦同时感受着经脉中玄气通行的畅快出味,心中突然一阵感动!\n我,终于又能够站起来了!\n当年的敌人啊,我君无意,就要在不久的将来找你!找你讨回你欠我的债!\n身子一动,就要站起来切实的体会一下重新用两条腿走路是什么感觉。\n“三叔,暂时仍需坐着,不可妄动,请再忍耐一时。”\n身后传来君莫邪有些疲惫的声音。\n“此时尚需凝神静气,运转玄气,一则那焚经荷药力庞大,内中毒性已经因对抗之前的五种毒素而排泄出体外,但内里的补益却尽数留存于三叔体内了,若不能及早化解,容为己用,反而不美,再则,三叔下半身的肢体十年未动,血脉闭塞,亦需得运行三百六十周天之后,方能使周身血脉真正随心顺畅,那时才可保无虞。”\n君莫邪闭着眼晴,缓缓地道。\n这种心情急剧狂喜的时刻,正是一个人修炼道路上的一大障碍!\n若是在这种情况下抓紧时间入定,巩固心神,对今后的修为提升和精神境界有着莫大的好处!\n要知那五百年年份的焚经荷药力何其庞大,可以以一己之力,以毒攻毒对抗之前君无意体内的一旧四新五大剧毒,毒性之猛烈可想而知,然焚经荷除了毒性猛烈之外,补益效果亦是极为出众,效果绝不在毒力之下,君莫邪的疗伤医案,原订方案便是以毒伐毒,借焚经荷之毒力,强行对抗另五大剧毒,再借沸水银针之助,一举驱毒,这一节,并无意外,颇为顺利,再下来,本应是借焚经荷除却毒力之外的强大补益作用出养内身,如此却须得半月之久,才得痊愈,毕竟君无意乃久废之身,骤得巨大的出补,未免虚不受补,须得慢慢进行,徐徐调理之。\n但君大少爷在日前发觉自己的开天造化玄功,除了可以为自己调理之外,亦可救助他人,且功效宏大,遍观两世记忆,也无任一功法可与之比拟,更有一妙处,竟是不惧世间一切毒力,当真不负“造化”之名!\n君大少爷一番盘算之下,改了原订计划,驱除毒力之后,直接以本身功力,滋养君三爷的内身,而此法不但见效,且功效更见卓越,只刚才一时三刻之间,便已今君三爷脱胎接骨一般,而那焚经荷的庞大补益无处宣泄之余,尽数化为玄气真元,融入三爷体内,而三爷这十年来的闭门苦修,效果也非泛泛,两股玄气真元瞬间便融合归一,而这许多玄气真元至少可相当于常人五十年以上的精湛功力,这也就可以解释了,君无意残废十年,虽然十年中依旧苦修玄气,却也不应一朝得复,便可一越成为天玄高手的原因了!\n这一切,始终均要归功于君莫邪的“造化”玄功,令一切都是水到渠成!\n君无意身子顿了一下,不敢怠慢,依言坐好,竭力的控制着心中万般情绪,努力的让自己平复下来,尽快浸入修炼中,即便如此,仍是足足花去了比以往入定十倍以上的时间,才终于稳定下心神,玄气也终于按照正常线路开始流动,慢慢地进入了物我两忘之中。\n君莫邪只打坐一会,清耗掉的开天造化功的功力已经在鸿钧塔狂涌出的灵气中迅速补充回来。\n缓缓起身,迎面正对上君战天激动的眼神。\n“莫邪……”君战天看着孙子,怔怔地看了一会,突然间摹然的就老泪纵横!一句话也说不出来。\n令敌国君主、大将闻名丧胆、闻风即逃的一代名将竟失态至此?\n君莫邪心中一酸,黯然低下了头。\n这许多年来,又谁能知道这位老人心中有多苦?\n禁受着什么样的痛苦煎熬?\n原本儿孙满堂,其乐融融,位高权尊,一人之下万人之上;突然间两个儿子先后喋血沙场,仅存的一个儿子亦终生残废!\n这对于一个父亲来说,是何等难以忍受的事情?\n少年丧父,中年丧妻,老年丧子!\n位极人臣的君战天,却将这三条都占全了!\n但上天却还是嫌打击的他不够沉重,他一直精心培养的两个孙子,也是他全部的希望之所在,在新婚前夕征战沙场,一去不回,尸骨无存!\n消息传来的当口,君战天正在命人布置新房,等待着孙子回来成亲,等待着把重孙子,正是满心的欢喜,满怀的憧憬的喜悦时候!\n消息传来,君战天一衣间须发皆白!\n往日欢声笑语,一家人团团围坐的天伦之乐的情景宛若还在眼前,但却一去不回!\n偌大的家族,除了自己之外,只剩下了一个残废的儿子和一个最不争气的纨绔孙子!\n满目苍凉!\n于是君战天从此消沉了下去,他已绝望,亦已无望!\n但!在这满心满怀满眼的无望之中,自己曾经无比失望的孙子君莫邪横空而出,一洗之前的纨绔样子,变得傲骨铮铮,进退有据,而且心计深沉,思虑灵活;隐隐然有老谋深算的架势。\n这本已经让君老爷子老怀大慰,大感振奋之极!\n没想到更大的惊喜还在后面。\n自己儿子曾令天下良医、名医、神医束手无策的残疾,居然也在这个时候被孙子治愈了!\n苍天怜悯啊!\n君战天终于老泪纵横,喜极而泣!\n数十年的郁闷和忧虑一扫而空,苍天垂怜,我君家也能有今天,有了希望,有了未来!\n君家不但后继有人,而且青出于蓝而胜于蓝,老大就算是此刻闭上眼晴,也可以含笑九泉,再无遗憾了啊!\n于九泉之下的君家历代祖先,亦可坦然笑对!\n老爷子激动的,已经不会说话,只是身躯一个劲的颤抖着……\n良久……\n一声低沉的清啸,君无意黑发飞扬,目中神光迸射,从地上缓缓站起——十年了,第一次凭借自己的双腿真正地站了起来!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 104\nJun Zhan Tian’s eyebrows twitched violently, and his two eyes opened so wide they became perfectly round! \nHe had never seen nor had he ever heard of this poison therapy, but the fact that Jun Wu Yi’s still alive was already sufficient proof of the treatment’s effectiveness. \nHowever, when the old man looked down at his body and then back up at the open caldron of water, he felt a chill run down his back. If he were to fall in, he estimated that he wouldn’t last long even with Sky Xuan Realm Xuan Qi protecting his body. Perhaps, it would only take a short period before he is cooked and ready to eat…\nThe men stoking the fire were also drenched in cold sweat; not because of the heat, but because they were terrified!\nThis is crazy…to actually cook a living person in boiling water?\nWhat if..what if he dies, then what?\nWith this temperature, it would be difficult not to boil something thoroughly!\nJun Mo Xie was firmly standing on the rim of the cauldron, his unblinking eyes watching Jun Wu Yi’s body that is gently revolving in the water for any signs of change. Jun Mo Xie maintained a calm disposition; his face serene, expressionless, and unfeeling!\nSuddenly, Jun Mo Xie extended his left hand in and out of the boiling water without hesitation and fished out Jun Wu Yi’s body. Just that momentary exposure left large blisters on his hand;\npartly from the scalding temperature and partly from the corrosive effect of the toxin!\nIn contrast, Jun Wu Yi’s skin had turned fair and white; the frightening and grotesque colors from earlier have all but faded.\nAt the moment his body flew down and landed in Grandpa Jun’s hands, Jun Mo Xie already placed his right palm on Jun Wu Yi’s dantian and unleashed the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune at full strength!\nAs time passed, Jun Mo Xie’s complexion became increasingly pale while Jun Wu Yi’s skin became increasingly rosy…\nFinally—\nA silver needle was forced little by little out of Jun Wu Yi’s body—shaking and trembling—until the needle was expelled, triggering a spurt of black blood to fly out.\nAnd then the next…until finally, the needle inserted into the Bai Hui point flew out, leaving a fine trail of six colored blood.\nJun Mo Xie exhaled as he released his palm and quickly sat cross-legged; he calmly controlled his breathing—his face had alarmingly become as pale as paper! \nBefore he released his palm, Jun Wu Yi eyes had suddenly opened to issue forth an acute light! A light blue radiance!\nLight blue! This meant?\nThe deadly poisons, unsealed meridians, and Jun Wu Yi’s ten years of accumulated Xuan Qi all exploded out at the same time! Along with the high efficacy of the Blazing Heart Meridian, he had directly broken through from Earth Xuan level to the Sky Xuan level!\nAscending three stages in the blink of an eye!\nNot only that, but Jun Wu Yi will henceforth be immune to hundreds of poisons after being refined by the Blazing Heart Meridian! \nA super-strong expert was born!\nSeeing the light blue radiance, Jun Zhan Tian immediately jumped up high, laughed out loud, and his eye bulged out as if he saw a ghost! \nHe had diligently trained for a greater part of his life and had only reached the Sky Xuan level. It had already been remarkable that his son had cultivated to the Earth Xuan level at his age; all the more so when he had achieved this result in the space of ten years that he had been severely injured and wheelchair bound.\nBut to be able to ascend to the Sky Xuan Realm as if riding a rocket after opening his sealed meridians!\nUnbelievable!\nThe old man shook his head, his heart was torn; happy, grateful, excited, a little terrified, but mostly still questioning if this was actually happening! \nOn the one hand, he was so happy that he wanted to sing and dance. On the other hand, he had a bittersweet feeling in his heart; bitter because this could all be a dream and sweet because he had not awaken from it yet.\nJun Wu Yi felt a tingling sensation surge from his two legs that have been paralyzed for past ten years. The Xuan Qi effortlessly coursed through his meridians. He was moved to tears! \nI am finally able to stand up again!\nEnemies of the past, I, Jun Wu Yi, vow that I will hunt you down soon enough, and you will pay for your sins!\nHe stood up with one swift motion to experience the sensation of using his two legs to walk again.\n“Third Uncle, you still need to sit down for the time being. Please be patient and endure for a short while longer.”\nJun Mo Xie’s tired voice came from behind. \n“It is imperative that you currently condense and circulate your Xuan Qi. The medicinal strength of the Blazing Heart Meridian is high, and it has already neutralized and flushed out the other poisons. However, all of its therapeutic effects remain untouched within Third Uncle’s body. If you do not absorb it as soon as possible, it will degrade and the benefits will be lost. Moreover, Third Uncle had not moved your legs in ten years so your blood vessels will definitely be blocked. You will require a long period of rehabilitation before you can make a full recovery.\nJun Mo Xie closed his eyes and slowly explained.\nThis unexpected breakthrough was a moment of ecstasy but also a major obstacle in one’s path of cultivation! \nIf one can seize this unique opportunity to meditate and strengthen their mind, there will be great benefits toward one’s consciousness and future cultivation!\nOne has to know that the medicinal strength of a five-hundred-year-old Blazing Heart Meridian is extremely formidable; it can singlehandedly fight against the poisons that were previously within Jun Wu Yi’s body. But other than the Blazing Heart Meridian’s fierce toxicity, its therapeutic effects are also exceedingly outstanding. According to Jun Mo Xie’s plan, he would borrow the Blazing Heart Meridian’s potency to forcefully resist the other poisons’ toxic effects and then he would utilize the boiling water and silver needles to expel the poison in one go. There were no accidents when he was executing these steps as everything went rather smoothly without a hitch. Subsequently, he intended to revitalize his uncle’s body using the Blazing Heart Meridian’s therapeutic properties. This method would still require at least half a month for Jun Wu Yi to fully recover. After all, his two legs have been disabled for a long time and would be unable to absorb this sudden large dose of nourishment. He would need to take it slow and gently recuperate.\nBut Young Master Jun perceived a few days ago that his Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune could not only be used to nurse his health but can also be used on others. He cannot recall any other abilities in his two lives that are comparable to this miraculous skill. And one of the topical benefits is that the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune can cure all the poisons in the world!\nSo Young Master Jun decided to modify his original plan and used his Xuan Art to nourish his Third Uncle’s body after the poison had been neutralized. Not only did his idea work out but the results had far exceeded his expectation; Third Uncle’s body had been completely reborn within an hour of the treatment and the therapeutic benefits of the Blazing Heart Meridian were not even needed. Instead, its essence had entirely transformed into pure Xuan Qi and assimilated into Third Uncle’s body. When this was combined with the Xuan Qi accumulated from Third Uncle’s ten years of bitter closed-door cultivation, the amount of pure Xuan Qi was equivalent to the product of at least fifty years of ordinary cultivation. This explained why Jun Wu Yi could break through to become a Sky Xuan Expert!\nAll of this was credited to Jun Mo Xie’s “Fortune” Xuan Art; as the saying goes, when conditions are right, success will follow naturally!\nJun Wu Yi paused and did not dare to dismiss his nephew’s instructions. Sitting cross-legged, he tried his utmost to clear his mind so that he could enter the state of cultivation as quickly as possible. Even so, it took a lot more time than usual for him to stabilize his consciousness. As the Xuan Qi finally began to circulate throughout his meridians, he slowly became unconscious of the boundary between himself and the outside world.\nJun Mo Xie had only sat down for a moment before Spiritual Qi had rushed out of the Honjun PaGoda and replenished the energy he had depleted from using the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. \nSlow to his feet, he saw Jun Zhan Tian’s meaningful glance and the emotions expressed in his eyes.\n“Mo Xie…” Jun Zhan Tian stared blankly at his grandson for a moment before bursting into tears! This old-aged, white-haired Grandpa Jun was unable to say a word and wept bitterly.\nA once-in-a-generation, famous general who have caused sovereigns to be stricken with fear and generals to flee at his presence, had unexpectedly lost self-control?\nJun Mo Xie couldn’t help but feel pain in his heart as he solemnly lowered his head.\nWho knows how much the old man had suffered over the years? \nWhat kind of torment had he endured?\nHe originally enjoyed many descendants, joyous and harmonious, respected and revered, and served only one and had dominion over millions. Suddenly, two of his sons passed away in succession as casualties of war and his surviving son was crippled for life.\nHow can any father bear such a burden?\nAn orphan in his youth, a widower in his middle-age, and bereaved father who lost his sons in his old age!\nJun Zhan Tian had reached the highest official position but had lost everything else!\nBut Providence did not think he had been punished severely enough. The two grandsons that he had put his heart into nurturing, where he had placed all his hopes and dreams, would never return from their military expedition on the eve of their weddings. Even their bodies were never recovered.\nBefore the news arrived, Jun Zhan Tian was in the midst of ordering people to decorate the bridal chambers, looking forward to his grandsons’ return to get married and the day he can hold his great-grandson. He believed from the bottom of his heart that this moment would be the happiest in his life.\nWhen Jun Zhan Tian received the news, his hair and beard turned white overnight! \nThe former days of a loving family sitting in a circle cheerfully talking and laughing were gone forever! \nBesides himself, such a big family had been reduced to a handicapped son and a disappointing grandson!\nDespair filled his eyes!\nAs a result, Jun Zhan Tian’s spirit continued to go lower; he had already fallen into depression and lost all hope!\nBut in his moment of absolute despair, his once incomparably disappointing grandson, Jun Mo Xie, had an unexpectedly change of heart; gone was the debauchee, replaced with a lofty and unyielding character who acts according to propriety—profound in his schemes, flexible in his thoughts, and circumspect in his attitude. \nThis had already brought comfort to Grandpa Jun’s heart and had raised his spirits immensely! \nBut he didn’t expect that the biggest surprise was yet to come…\nAll the renowned doctors from the Kingdom had diagnosed his son’s disability as impossible to treat, yet his grandson had now achieved the impossible!\nHeaven is merciful!\nJun Zhan Tian’s tears fell unhindered as he cried tears of joy! \nAll of his sorrow and anxiety these past ten years have been swept clean. Heaven’s mercy allowed his Jun Family to be able to have today and have hope for the future!\nJun Family had not only gained a capable heir, but the student had also surpassed the master. The old man closed his eyes at this moment and did not have any regrets! \nHe could proudly face the ancestors of the Jun Family! \nThe old man was deeply moved and remained speechless, but his body continuously trembled…\nAfter a long time…\nA deep, low, and clear hum was heard as Jun Wu Yi’s black hair flew up; light burst forth from his eyes as he slowly got off the ground—this is the first time in ten years that he had relied on his two legs to stand up!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第105章\n慢慢地低下头看着自己健壮有力的双腿,慢慢地活动了几下,还踢了踢腿,突然哈哈大笑,笑着笑着,却笑出了满脸纵横交错的泪水。\n这位当年的铁血男儿,曾经叱诧风云一时的大将军,即便在当年自己惨遭暗算的时候都没有流泪,却在自己恢复的时候,泪眼滂沱!\n泪眼中,看到自己的老父亲和自己的侄儿微笑着站在自己身前,满脸的温煦看着自己。\n君无意一阵激动,疾步踏上两步,突然扑通一声跪了下去:“不肖孩儿无意给父亲大人请安了!”\n十年了,十年没有这样大礼参拜自己的父亲了!\n君战天浑身颤抖,语声也几乎颤抖的不成腔调:“我儿……起来,快,快起来……”\n“莫邪!”君无意站起来,深深地看着君莫邪:“三叔这条命,是你小子给救回来的……”\n他话还没说完,君莫邪叫笑了起来打断了他:“三叔,您这话说得,您本来也好好的活着来的,\n再说了,我可是您亲侄儿,难道一笔能写出两个君子,我们一家人何分彼此,哪里还用得着说什么谢谢?没得折杀了我这个做晚辈的。”\n君无意豪爽地笑了起来,深深地看了自己侄儿一眼,在这一刻,心中全心全意的做下了一个决定:既然我现在已经站了起来,君家重担自当由我一肩扛起!\n我君无意蒙尘十年的长剑再度出鞘,不为社稷,不为黎民苍生!\n只为君家,只为了——莫邪!\n“三叔。”君莫邪突然嘿嘿呵呵地笑了起来,笑得颇为诡异、不怀好意,笑得让两人摸不着头脑,一头雾水的看着他。\n“三叔,虽然你的本钱不错,不过……”君莫邪笑得浑身抽搐:“这样雄赳赳气昂昂的屹立,虽然爷爷肯定是很愿见的,但侄子我可还是会害羞的。您是不是该遮一遮,哈哈哈……”\n君莫邪挤眉弄眼的看着君无意胯下,原来君无意自从疗伤以来,浑身上下仍是赤裸裸的一丝不挂,待到发现自己痊愈,心情激动之下,竟然全没顾到这一节。\n到现在依然在直挺挺的暴露,摇头晃脑,很是有些昂扬的样子。\n十年待旦,不知何日试枪呢?\n君战天被他一言提醒,再看看自己儿子雄壮的那啥,也不禁吹着胡子哈哈大笑。\n君无意一张脸顿时变成了紫茄子,恨恨的咬牙切齿:“小兔崽子,你给老子等着!回头再收拾你!”\n“刷”的一声消失了,剩下这祖孙二人毫无形象的抱着肚子开怀大笑……\n稍顷,君无意一身青衣,嗖的过来,摩拳擦掌地道:“小子,有种别跑。”\n君莫邪吓了一大跳,惨叫一声:“救命啊,咱不会打架啊……”转身就逃。\n但他现在的速度怎么比得上君无意这位刚刚进阶的天玄高手,一路上屁股被打得啪啪作响,精准不已。\n君莫邪一边笑一边跑一边求饶,君无意全然不理,照揍不误。\n君莫邪没法,一个箭步窜到了君老爷子身后,揪着衣袂左右闪躲,君无意哼哼怒叫,连追带打。\n纵然是君老爷子天玄中阶高手的定力,仍是被这两人转的头晕脑胀,不过却是快意之极的哈哈大笑,这样的天伦之乐,实在在这个家庭中已经有太久太久的时间没有出现过了啊……\n见那六名烧火的大汉正准备抬起那大铁锅去倒掉,君莫邪顾不得正在挨揍,急忙大声叫道:“停!这可是好东西来着,不能倒!”\n这么一说,君无意和君战天同时诧异:君无意胖揍了侄儿一顿,揍得全家三人都喜笑颜开,早已去了那股窘困之意,含着笑站在一边。\n“这是多有用的东西,怎么能随便倒掉呢?这可是有大用处的。”\n君莫邪将众大汉从铁锅旁边赶走,一转身,从一边拎起一个皮囊。\n从里边咕嘟咕嘟的倒了不少的东西在一大铁锅漆黑如墨的水里,顿时就像是滚油中倒进了一勺凉水,噼里啪啦的炸响起来。\n君莫邪倒完迅速地倒纵了回去,只见那锅中溅出的黑水落在地上,哪里就立即一片乌黑!\n君无意和君老爷子均是目瞪口呆:这样的剧毒,实在是太……恶毒了!\n“你倒进去的,是什么东西?怎地这么霸道?”\n君老爷子不耻下问,老爷子也看出来了,自己的这个孙子,身上古怪极多,万万不能以平常之理揣测之。\n“其实就是蛇毒,只是种类稍微多一些,”\n君莫邪笑眯眯地道:“这里合共有十三种毒蛇的蛇毒。”\n说着,君无意指着大铁锅:“爷爷,三叔,你们看;三叔的这锅里洗澡水,本就是由六种剧毒合成,不过因为彼此之间的相生相克,反而造成了相安无事。\n但再加入了这些蛇毒激发之后,这一大锅水却是天地间至毒之物!\n我们只需将它么拌匀,然后用水稍稍稀释之,放到一个个木桶里;然后将家族武士的兵器锋刃插进去,浸泡一段日子,便立即成了见血封喉的毒兵!\n待到战时取出,嘿嘿嘿嘿……”\n太毒了!太恶毒了!太卑鄙了!太无耻了!\n若是这样的兵器刺到敌人身上……只在手上脚上划破一点点油皮,便足以致命啊!\n如此的绝毒之物,就算是以君老爷子天玄中阶的修为,自问也未必能挨得一时三刻!\n当真恐怖!\n分外的令人胆寒!\n君战天和君无意两人脖子越深越长,眼睛越瞪越大,在这一刻看着君莫邪的眼神如同看到了一个地狱中逃出来的恶魔,不约而同的激灵灵的打了个寒颤……\n相对于君家的和乐融洽喜气洋洋而言,而此刻的太师府却是一片愁云惨雾!\n李振和孟海洲虽然被盛宝堂当场给赶了出来,李家更是被剥夺了此后进入盛宝堂的资格,但只要孟家的包厢还在,就完全不是问题。\n再者,最重要的是,之前交易成功的玉珊瑚终于被这两人完整无缺的抱了回来,只凭这一点,就是大功一件,至少也是功大于过的!\n而在李悠然见到玉珊瑚之后,含着微笑听完了李振心惊肉跳的回报,正在李振揣揣不安的以为李悠然要大发雷霆惩罚自己的时候,却没想到李悠然轻飘飘的说了一句:“哦?花了五百万两吗?不贵不贵。\n这件事怎么说也有唐家参与了竞争,你们能够将这玉珊瑚买回来,就已经很不错。\n振弟,稍后你可去帐房李总管那里,将你垫付的那三百万两领取出来好了。”\n对于李家被取缔进入盛宝堂的资格这种奇耻大辱,李悠然竟然连提都没提,当真是令人费解。\n这一句话,让李振和孟海洲几乎不相信自己的耳朵,几乎认为站在自己眼前的不是李悠然,而是换了一个人一般——什么时候悠然公子变得这么好说话了啊?\n两人愣了半天,才如梦初醒,费解归费解,眼下却是没事了,不禁大大的舒了一口气,千恩万谢的出去了。\n李悠然静静地坐着,微微地笑着,看着面前这晶莹的玉珊瑚,\n良久才吐出了一口气,自语道:“还真是差点大意了。竟没算到唐老爷子也是需要这东西,\n若是万一失之交臂那可就真成了我的过失了;\n不过这样的价格若不是这两个纨绔去了,换个人只怕就会一次而懦弱放弃了吧?\n这,或者是纨绔的唯一好处了,所谓尺有所短、寸有所短,人尽其用,物尽其用,大抵就是这个意思吧……”\n说到这里,呵呵笑了两声,手心潜运玄气,浑身金芒一闪,接着收手,一脸喜色:“传言果然没错,这东西那种固然蕴含着非常庞大的天地元力!\n若是爷爷吸收了这元力,就算不能重新修炼玄功,但延年益寿却是不在话下,绰绰有余的。”\n优雅的站了起来,捧起了玉珊瑚,向着太师李尚的书房走去。\n书房中,李太师眯着眼睛看着面前的玉珊瑚,脸上露出舒心的笑意,一来为了自己身体,二来为了孙子孝心,李太师突然感觉到,人生至此,有孙如此,夫复何求?\n“爷爷,事不宜迟,若是让别人察觉,或有夜长梦多也未可知。\n不如现在我就以我师傅曾经说过的办法,由我催发元力,然后爷爷尽快将这好东西吸收了吧。”\n李悠然温文的笑着,风度闲雅。\n李尚呵呵笑了一声,沉思道:“也好。你去将他们几个叫出来吧,为咱爷孙护法。”\n李悠然嗯了一声,啪啪的拍了两下手掌,瞬间,外面刷刷的声音响起。\n一个人恭谨地道:“老爷,少爷,我们已经将书房周围三十丈严密控制,是否还需增加?”\n李悠然温和地道:“够了。”\n外边人答应一声,没了声息。\n李尚欣慰地看着孙子,问道:“你师兄他们可已经回去了吗?”\n李悠然道:“是,他们已经回到山上,一路平安,未有甚意外,祖父大人关切之意,我一定代为转告。”\n李尚咳嗽两声,笑了笑,道:“咱们祖孙,怎地说这些做什么?\n可惜你师傅不能亲身下来,若是他能前来,我们李家就有了最大的保障,唉。”\n说着长叹一声。\n“师傅他老人家正在准备三年后的齐天峰之约,暂时恐怕是绝对不能分心的。\n不过有几位师兄相助,相信应付天香国之内这些事情,还是绰绰有余的。\n只要不是大军征战,我们完全可以什么都不用顾忌。”\n李尚不置可否地点了点头,沉沉地舒了一口气,有些振奋道:“既然事不宜迟,现在就开始吧。”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 105\nSlowly lowering his head to inspect his now healthy and strong legs, he moved with caution at first before gradually progressing to kicking as his confidence grew. Suddenly, he broke out in emphatic laughter and laughed and laughed and laughed until he was in tears. \nThis general who had once shaken the world, an iron blooded man who did not shed tears when he suffered a plot against him, had broken down in tears when he had recovered!\nHe saw, with tears in his eyes, the affectionate moment between his father and his nephew. \nA surge of emotions overwhelmed him and, with a quick two steps, suddenly plopped down on his knees. “This unworthy child pays respect to father!”\nIt’s been ten years…ten years where he could not kowtow* to his father!\nJun Zhan Tian was trembling from head to toe as he faltered. “My son…stand up. Quickly. Quickly stand up…”\n“Mo Xie!” Jun Wu Yi stood up and stared deeply at Jun Mo Xie. “You have given me back my life…”\nBefore he could finish, Jun Mo Xie’s laughter interrupted him. “Third Uncle, you speak as if you were not already alive and well.\nBesides, I’m your nephew; could it be that we have to write out two “Jun” with one brush? There’s no need for petty distinctions between family members. Not to mention that this is my duty as part of the younger generation.”\nJun Wu Yi let out a deep, hearty laugh and stared deeply at his nephew; he had made a wholehearted decision at this moment: Since I can stand, I’ll bear Jun Family’s heavy burden upon my shoulders!\nMy, Jun Wu Yi’s, long sword that has been covered in dust for ten years is once more unsheathed; not for king and country, and not for the common people!\nBut for the Jun Family, and for—Mo Xie!\n“Third Uncle.” Jun Mo Xie suddenly started laughing uncontrollably; it was rather strange as if he harbored mischievous intention. The two men were at a loss and looked at him in confusion.\n“Third Uncle, your asset is quite substantial, but…” Jun Mo Xie was now shaking all over from laughing, “…this valiant and spirited bearing; although grandpa definitely won’t mind, your nephew is still a little embarrassed. You should…cover up, HAHAHA…”\nJun Mo Xie winked as he gazed toward Jun Wu Yi’s lower half. Jun Wu Yi had been stark naked during his treatment and subsequent meditation. After he had discovered his complete recovery, he had completely neglected this point under his emotional state of mind. \nUp until now, he was still exposed, wagging his head in a high-spirited manner.\nTen years waiting for this day and he did not know when to test his gun?\nJun Zhan Tian was prompted by Mo Xie’s words to look at his son’s majestic thing and also couldn’t help blowing his beard as he burst into loud laughter.\nJun Wu Yi’s long face immediately turned purple like an eggplant, indignantly gnashing his teeth. “Little brat, you just wait a minute, and I’ll come back to teach you a lesson!”\nHe barely made a sound as he disappeared; leaving behind a grandfather and his grandson hold their stomach, laughing without any restraint or regards to their image.\nA short while later, Jun Wu Yi reappeared dressed in black, rolling up his sleeves as he said. “Boy, have some guts and don’t run.”\nJun Mo Xie jumped out of his skin and screamed. “Save me! I will not fight…” turned around and ran away. \nBut how can his speed compare to Jun Wu Yi who had recently advanced to Sky Xuan expert? The “pow pow” sound of buttocks being struck echoed out around the courtyard.\nJun Mo Xie was laughing one moment then begging for forgiveness the next as he ran for dear life. Jun Wu Yi completely ignored him and continued to beat that a**. \nSeeing no other choice, Jun Mo Xie suddenly stopped to change direction before taking a big leap forward to hide behind Grandpa Jun. Jun Wu Yi snorted in exasperation and continued to chase and strike.\nEven though Grandpa Jun had the strength of a Sky Xuan expert, he still became dizzy and light-headed from these two people running circles around him. However, he was not upset at all but rather enjoyed this moment as he continued to laugh. It had been a very, very long time since this scene of family love and joy had appeared in this household.\nSeeing the six burly men who had tended to the fire preparing to tip over the giant iron cauldron, Jun Mo Xie hastily shouted out. “Stop! I still have a use for that so do not dump it!”\nWhen he yelled out, Jun Wu Yi and Jun Zhan Tian were simultaneously flabbergasted. Jun Wu Yi wasn’t seriously disciplining his nephew; all three men had been grinning from ear to ear. He had long since forgotten about the awkward situation.\n“How can you dispose of it so casually? This is incredibly valuable.”\nJun Mo Xie drove away the men by iron cauldron and picked up a leather bag that was off to the side. \nHe poured its content into the pitch-black water, and the surface exploded just like pouring water onto hot oil.\nJun Mo Xie quickly backed away after he emptied the bag, only to see the black water splash out from the cauldron onto the ground. The ground where the water landed immediately turned jet-black!\nJun Wu Yi and Grandpa Jun were dumbstruck. This poison is too…malicious!\n“What did you add? How can it be so tyrannical?!”\nGrandpa Jun did not feel ashamed of asking and learning from his grandson; the old man understands that his grandson had lots of strange tricks up his sleeves and cannot fathom that anything he did is ordinary.\n“It was just snake venom, but there were many different kinds.”\nJun Mo Xie explained unhurriedly. “There are thirteen kinds of viper venom altogether.”\nJun Mo Xie pointed at the big iron cauldron. “Grandfather, Third Uncle, take a look. The bath water in the cauldron is comprised of six highly lethal poisons, but their overbearing properties perfectly complement and subdue one another causing them to exist in harmony.\nAdding the snake venom disrupts this precarious balance and converts the water in the cauldron into the deadliest poison between heaven and earth!\nIf we immerse the weapons from our family’s armories in this solution for several days, then the soldiers under our command will be able to wield weapons that will cause our enemies’ heart and lungs to fail.\nIf this is deployed during wartime, hehe hehe…”\nToo cruel! Too malicious! Too despicable! Too shameless!\nIf such weapons were used against enemy soldiers…, just a small cut on the skin would be capable of killing a man!\nEven Grandpa Jun with his Sky Xuan level cultivation might not necessarily survive past an hour if he was afflicted by this ultimate poison!\nHorrifying! \nIt really made one feel terrified!\nBoth of Jun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi stretched their necks with their eyes wide open, staring at Jun Mo Xie like they were looking at a demon that had escaped from hell and simultaneously broke into cold sweat…\nCompared to Jun Family’s harmonious joy and jubilation, a cloud of anxiety hang over the Grand Preceptor’s manor at this moment!\nEven though Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou were driven out of the Magnificent Jewel Hall, and the Li Family had been prohibited from returning to the auction house, it was only a minor inconvenience so long as they still have access to the Meng Family’s box. \nMoreover, the two of them had successfully bided on the Jade Sea Coral and brought it back to the manor without incident. Just this point is already a great achievement—it would be fair to say that this is their biggest achievement to date!\nBut after Li Youran saw the Jade Seal Coral, the smug smile that Li Zhen had kept concealed was replaced by fear and trepidation as he recounted the events at the auction house. Li Zhen had thought that Li Youran would punish him in anger and waited on tenterhooks until Li Youran gently said one line. “Oh? Only 5 million taels of silver?\nThat’s not bad considering you were able to obtain the Jade Sea Coral even with the Tang Family’s interference.\nLittle Brother Zhen, you can go to Accountant Li and receive payment for your advance of 3 million taels of silver.” \nLi Youran unexpectedly did not mention the shame and humiliation from having their access to the Magnificent Jewel Hall revoked. It was truly baffling.\nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou could hardly believe they were hearing and were almost convinced that the person standing in front of them is not Li Youran but a body double—when did the young master become so nice?\nThe two of them were staring blankly for half the day as if they had just woken up from a deep sleep. They were trying to understand what happened but couldn’t come up with anything. In the end, they couldn’t help but sigh deeply and just thank their good fortune.\nLi Youran was calmly sitting with a faint smile on his face as he looked at the sparkling and translucent Jade Sea Coral in front of him.\nAfter a while, he deeply exhaled and thought to himself. “I was almost too careless not to have considered that old man Tang would also want this item.\nIf I had let this great opportunity slip, it would certainly have been due to my negligence.\nIf I had not sent these two white silk pants* but sent someone else, wouldn’t the latter be intimidated by the exorbitant price and give up on bidding for the Jade Sea Coral?\nThis may be the only good quality of being a white silk pant. As the saying goes, every dog has its day. Everyone will have good luck or success at some point in their lives. This is probably what that means…”\nHaving thought up to this point, he chuckled softly before circulating Xuan Qi through his palm into the Jade Sea Coral. A golden aura had flashed across his whole body before he pulled back his hand, a cheerful expression on his face. The rumors were true; there was an extraordinary amount of pure energy inside this treasure!\nIf his grandfather can absorb this energy, it would still easily extend his life even if he cannot cultivate Xuan arts again.\nGracefully standing up, he walked toward Grand Preceptor Li Shang’s study while holding the Jade Sea Coral.\nInside the study, Grand Preceptor Li narrowed his eyes as he examined the Jade Sea Coral in front of him. A happy expression soon revealed itself on his face, not just because of the benefits to his health, but more so because of his grandson’s filial piety. Grand Preceptor Li suddenly felt blessed to have such a grandson in his life; what more can he ask for?\n“Grandfather, the matter should not be delayed. A long night is fraught with dreams*—we do not know if the others will catch on.\nWhy don’t we follow the method that my master had previously disclosed? Let me promptly draw out this pure energy, and then grandfather will absorb this treasure as soon as possible.”\nLi Youran smiled with poise.\nLi Shang chuckled and then pondered. “That is also good. You go and get your men to come here so that we can start cultivating.” \nLi Youran nodded in agreement before clapping his hands twice; the footsteps of someone approaching was heard moments later. \nA respectful and sincere voice reported. “Lord, Young Master, we have already cleared the area thirty zhangs surrounding the study. Is this adequate?”\nLi Youran gently said. “Enough.”\nThe people outside responded by not making a sound.\nLi Shang looked at his grandson with satisfaction and asked. “Your seniors have already returned?”\nLi Youran replied. “Yes. They have already returned to the mountain and had a pleasant if not uneventful journey. I will certainly convey Grandfather’s concerns on your behalf.”\nLi Shang coughed twice, smiled and said. “Why is a grandfather and grandson talking about this?\nIt’s unfortunate that your master cannot personally take action. If he can come, our Li Family will be much more reassurance.” \nHe heavily sighed as he reached this point.\n“Master is already preparing for the appointment in three years at Qi Tian Peak; I fear that we absolutely cannot be distracted for the time being.\nBut with the assistance of those several seniors, I believe we can still easily deal with the internal affairs of Tianxiang Kingdom.\nSo long as it is not a major military campaign, there is nothing for us to worry about.”\nLi Shang gave a noncommittal nod, deeply exhaled a breath, and said encouragingly. “Since there is no time to lose, let’s commence now.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
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