listlengths 2
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第73章\n君战天铁青着脸,满身杀气,大踏步走出点将台,翻身上马,就要策马而行,有几个地方,他始终还想要亲眼看着其化为灰烬,才算告慰自己孙儿的“在天之灵”!\n突然,黑暗中,似乎夜色一阵荡漾,一个比黑夜还要漆黑的身影,幽灵一般出现,虽然近在眼前,但众人似乎依然看不清他的真面目。\n“影子?你怎么来了?是陛下让你来的?”君战天抬头,问道。\n“这是陛下赐下的。”影子手一扬,一张轻飘飘的白纸落进了君战天的手中,迷雾中的脸似乎笑了一下,却更显得诡异骇人之极,声音瞬间化作一条无形的线,钻进君战天的耳朵,道:“陛下说,你孙子应该尚未身陨!并让我带给你两个字:平衡!”\n他着重说了“平衡”这两个字。\n他的声音很是干涩,而且很有些不情愿,似乎对一次性说这么多话,很不习惯的样子。\n“莫邪未死?”君战天莫名的一阵狂喜,顿时想起自己委托的那名神秘人物:难道是他,将孙儿救走了?\n上前一步,急切地问道:“影子,我孙儿的伤势是否严重?”\n影子说完转身就要走,似乎一刻也不愿停留,即使是对眼前这位军方第一人,也似乎毫无兴趣一般。\n但听到君战天问话,仍是很不情愿的多说了几个字:“没死,重创!”说完扭了扭头,看了看君战天身边的君无意一眼,哼了一声,嗖的一声没了踪影。\n君战天刚刚燃起的希望瞬间被一团冷水浇灭,霎时间只觉得浑身冰凉!\n影子最后看向君无意的那一眼,等于是在提醒他,以君莫邪的伤势,或者不会死,但恐怕也不见得比君无意强得了那里去。\n君战天死寂的心刚刚变得热乎,又被浇的冰凉!\n难道,我君家唯一的后人,也会成为一个残废吗?\n这么一想,君老爷子心底的怒火,狂怒,竭斯底里的燃烧了起来!\n在此之前,经常和孙儿作对的,好像有孟家和李家!\n无论今天的事跟你们有没有关系,就拿你们开刀了,算你们倒霉了!\n君战天心中大骂一声,翻身上马,咬牙切齿地道:“大军跟我走!跟老子去抄家!”\n……天可怜见,影子看向君无意的那一眼,根本没有君老爷子所自以为是认为的“提醒”啊,实在是,另有原因……\n这一夜,注定了是个杀伐之夜!\n随着君战天冲天一怒,一片血腥笼罩了整个帝都!\n京城之中战马来回奔驰,不断地有一个个朝廷大员的家里燃起火头,响起兵器交击的声音,和一声声惨叫。\n在影子尚未出动之前,无数个黑衣人似乎从黑暗中突然现身的幽灵,已经蒙面跳进了一个个官员的府邸……\n一些官员家里,根本来不及反抗,就被手起刀落,血光四溅……\n刑部侍郎孟志宇,李桥;两人份属李家和孟家的阵营,在保皇派上,更是属于大皇子一方的人物,平日里便与君家很不对付;这两家在今夜首当其冲的遭殃了。\n战鼓还在密集敲打中,两家的宅院里已经刷刷刷跳进几个黑衣蒙面人,从看门的侍卫门房杀起,一路尸体冲进了正厅,冲进了卧房,两位可怜的朝廷官员连话也没来得及说,就被砍掉了脑袋,接着全家无一幸免,随即就是火光冲霄……\n当朝御史铁颜,听到战鼓声之后,这位因儿子随同君战天作战,却因抗拒军法被斩首而与君战天做对了好几年的老御史义愤填膺,认为是扳倒君战天的机会来了,披衣下床连夜起草弹劾君战天的奏折,才写了一半的时候,突然门窗轰的一声一起破碎,几个黑衣蒙面人鬼魅般直闯进来,抓起还未写完的奏折看了看,冷笑一声,异常野蛮的团成一团塞进了可怜的老头的喉咙里,然后刷的一刀,连脖子带奏折砍成两半!\n另一位御史周梦成,这位在君无意战败负伤致残之后上奏君无意作战不力,导致君无意被免职的御史大人,酒醉后爬上小妾的身体呼呼大睡,却被人赤条条的抓起来,一刀削掉了两腿之间那话儿,然后一剑捅进心脏,尸体赤条条的挂在了自家院子里的大树上,瞪着死不瞑目的眼睛看着自家的宅院火光冲天……\n另两家从君家阵营里叛变投到二皇子麾下的礼部官员钱万贯和吴云,住宅有些远接近城门,听到君家的聚将鼓立即感觉不妙,深悉君老爷子作风的他们顿时非常明智的作出决定,立即收拾一下准备连夜出城避避风头,却在到了城门口的时候,被大军铁骑团团包围!\n为首的军官一边高喊抓刺客,一边箭如雨下,不给任何分辨的机会,直接下令格杀!\n钱家一百多人在南城门口活生生的变成了刺猬,连脸面也分辨不清楚了……\n另一边的吴家将近六十人在西城门统统被杀,尸体被砍得稀烂,更被浇上了火油,熊熊燃烧,一时间尸体的烧臭味弥漫了九重天……\n在这两家人的尸体旁边,树立了两个高高的木牌:刺客的下场!\n还有一位单身的御史沈重云大人半夜起床入厕,清晨却被发现光光的白屁股朝天,脑袋深深地插进大便坑里,已经不知道憋死了多长时间……\n这些平日里位高权重的官员们,这一刻就像是一群羔羊陷身在了狼群的包围之中!\n一时间,整个京城,如同世界末日!\n君老爷子的怒火,彻底地燃烧了整个帝都!\n今夜的事情,远远的超出了皇帝陛下的预料,直接导致了他在知道之后当场愤怒的摔碎了能够看到的一切东西……\n君家秘密力量的全面展现,如鬼如魔嗜血杀戮的疯狂,在这一个不宁静的夜晚,用鲜血和生命震惊了整个京城所有的高层,也狠狠地刺痛了很多的人,更有不少人惶惶不可终日!\n每个人都在思量着,思考着,面对这等不可抗拒的力量,自己应该怎么办?\n是否应该考虑一下重新站队的问题?\n尤其是三位皇子,每个人都召集了自己的所有幕僚,连夜紧急商议。\n君家的庞大势力,在这一刻,更是让三位皇子人人都眼红之极:若是这样的力量掌握在自己的手里……\n但正在商议的过程中,突然三个王府一起起火,接着无数的被砍掉的人头带着滴溜溜的鲜血扔了进来,将这三位天潢贵胄吓得几乎魂不附体,王府侍卫大肆搜查,却连毛影子也没有一根,还被军方巡城的铁骑赶鸭子一般赶了回来……\n不过,京中望族却也有例外的,比如李家,孟家,宋家这三大家族,底蕴雄厚的他们,在遭受到黑衣人突如其来的攻击之后,家族高手迅速的反应过来,截住黑衣人厮杀,但仍然有阵阵浓烟伴着汹涌的火头喷薄而起……\n李家密室中,几个人听着外面的喊杀声,均有些按耐不住的想要冲出去。\n其中一人,白衣白袍,三十多岁年纪,面目冷峭,甚是傲然。\n看他身形气度,正是从唐万里老爷子手下杀死秦虎灭口的白衣天玄高手。\n门打开,李家大公子李悠然走了进来。\n“悠然,让我出去吧;这些黑衣人最高的也不过是玉玄修为,何足道哉,我们几个人随便出去一个,都能够立即遏制他们。\n我真不明白,自己家里都被打上门来了,为什么你还是这样慢吞吞的?\n他们既然想找死,我们自当成全这些不知死活的家伙!”白衣人皱起眉头,神情有些愤怒。\n他一向心高气傲,什么时候却要像见不得人一般藏在密室里不敢露头?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 73\nJun Zhantian’s face was set with iron-like resolution, his entire being radiating killing intent. He left the military stage and went to his horse. There were a few places that he intended to personally see through. He must personally see it burn to ashes; only then could he comfort his grandson’s ‘soul in Heaven’!\nSuddenly, a part of the dark night seemingly moved, and a figure that appeared to be even darker than the night appeared mysteriously. Even though this person was standing before them, everyone was unable to discern the features on his face.\n“Shadow? Why are you here? Did His Majesty send you?” Jun Zhantian turned and asked.\n“This is a present from His Majesty,” Shadow raised his hand and a piece of white paper floated towards Jun Zhantian’s hand. A smile seemed to appear on his blurry looking face and he spoke out in a peculiar and terrifying voice. The voice transformed into an invisible thread, which then entered Jun Zhantian’s ears. “His Majesty said that your grandson should still be alive! His Majesty also told me to give you this word: Moderation!”\nHis voice placed a certain emphasis on the word “moderation”. \nHis voice was dry and seemingly laced with a sense of unwillingness, as though he was not accustomed to talking this much.\n“Moxie is alive?” Jun Zhantian became ecstatic as he suddenly recalled that person he entrusted Moxie with: Could it be that he was the one who had saved my grandson?\nJun Zhantian stepped forward and asked anxiously. “Shadow, how is my grandson’s injury?”\nShadow had already turned around and was about to leave, seemingly unwilling to stay. Even if the person before him is the most powerful general within the military forces, he had no interest in staying. \nHowever, after hearing Jun Zhantian’s question, he reluctantly answered. “Still alive, heavily injured!” After saying that, he shook his head. He then stopped to gaze at Jun Wuyi who was beside Jun Zhantian. Giving out a “heng”, he then disappeared without a trace.\nThe spark of hope that had ignited within Jun Zhantian was suddenly extinguished by a pot of cold water! Jun Zhantian felt himself shocked senseless. \nThe gaze that Shadow had used when looking at Jun Wuyi had seemed as though he was trying to send a message: Even though Jun Moxie would not die from his injuries, his condition would not be any better than Jun Wuyi.\nJun Zhantian’s heart, which had been rendered lifeless, had just turned warm, but was now frozen solid! \nCould it be that the only heir of my Jun Family would end up being a cripple? \nWith these thoughts swirling within his mind, Grandpa Jun’s heart exploded with raging fury!\nIf he was not mistaken, the ones who would always go against his grandson back then were the Meng and Li Families!\nI do not care if today’s matter have anything to do with you people, I will just throw all of you onto the chopping board! Consider this your unlucky day!\nJun Zhantian cursed loudly within his heart. He jumped up his horse, gritted his teeth and shouted. “Soldiers, follow me! We are going on a raid!”\n… The reason Shadow glanced at Jun Wuyi was not for the sake of giving Grandpa Jun any ‘message’. He simply had a different reason…\nThis night was destined to become a bloody one!\nJun Zhantian’s sky piercing rage would encase the entirety of the capital city in a rain of blood!\nWithin the capital city, warhorses galloped back and forth. One after another, the residences of many high-ranking officials were set on fire. The sounds of weapons clashing and miserable screams filled the air.\nBefore Shadow had appeared, countless men in black had started moving about in the darkness. Like ghosts, they infiltrated the residences of court officials one after another…\nSome of the residences had no opportunity to resist at all and the officials fell before their swords, blood splattering all over…\nTwo assistant Ministers of Justice, Meng Zhiyu and Li Qiao are both members of the Meng and Li factions respectively. They are also supporters of the Eldest Prince. They were usually very unfriendly towards the Jun Family. However, tonight, their two families had to suffer greatly.\nAs the war drums were still resounding, several men in black leaped into the residences of these two court officials. Beginning with the gatekeepers, these men left a trail of blood as they made their way into the main hall before breaking into their target’s bedrooms. The two pitiful court officials did not even get the chance to say a word before having their heads lopped off. Thankfully, their family members were spared. Soon after, their residences were set on fire, their flames burning brilliantly in the night…\nOne of the current Imperial Censor, Tie Yan had always been at odds with Jun Zhantian. His son had followed Jun Zhantian to war but ended up breaking military laws and was beheaded. This incident caused him to become outraged for years. Hearing the sound of the war drums, he thought that he finally had the chance at striking down Jun Zhantian. Quickly getting out of bed, he got dressed and started working on an impeachment petition. Halfway through, his window was suddenly broken as several masked men in black charged in like ghosts. They snatched up the unfinished impeachment petition, glanced through it and sneered. Rolling up the petition, they brutally forced it down this old man’s throat before cutting off his neck, the petition also cut in half in the process!\nAnother Imperial Censor Zhou Mengcheng had come forth after Jun Wuyi lost the war and ended up becoming a cripple. Back then, he had charged Jun Wuyi with the accusation of being an inept commander, leading to Jun Wuyi’s dismissal from military duties. Tonight, he had drunk some wine and was sleeping together with one of his concubines. Unexpectedly, he would end up being snatched up in his birthday suit. Next, his prized possession between his two legs was cut off before being stabbed in the heart. After which he was hung naked from one of the great trees within his residence. His eyes, which had remained open onto death, stared silently at the flames devouring his residence…\nAnother two families which had once been part of the Jun Family’s faction but had turned coat and joined the Second Prince’s faction felt a sense of foreboding after hearing the sound of the Generals Summoning Drum. Qian wanguan and Wu Yun, these two men were well aware of how Grandpa Jun usually acts. Even though their residences were slightly far from the city gates, they made a wise decision: Leave the city immediately! They quickly tidied up some of their belongings and proceeded towards the city gates, planning to escape in the middle of the night and lay low. However, when they arrived at the city gates, they found themselves surrounded by an army!\nThe officer leading the soldiers shouted out orders to catch assassins, signalling for the archers to let loose their barrage. He did not give anyone the chance to explain themselves! \nAt the South Gate, over a hundred members of the Qian Family were transformed into ‘porcupines’, their faces becoming unrecognizable…\nAt the West Gate, the nearly sixty members of the Wu Family were all killed, their corpses rendered into a bloody pulp. After which, their bodies were doused with oil and burned. The stench of burning corpses immediately rose up to the Nine Heavens…\nBeside the corpses of the two families, two tall wooden signs were constructed: assassin’s retribution!\nAn unfortunate Imperial Censor had woken up in the middle of the night and entered the toilet. The next day, he was found with his bare buttocks hanging in the air, his head shoved deep into the excrement pit. One could only guess how long he had to suffocate before dying…\nThese officials who held high positions had at this moment in time turned into a flock of lambs surrounded by a horde of ravenous wolves!\nOn this night, it seemed as though the end of days had descended upon the entire capital! \nThe raging flames of Grandpa Jun’s fury completely engulfed the capital! \nThe extent of what transpired had gone beyond what His Majesty expected. When His Majesty received the report, he immediately became furious to the point of smashing anything he could lay his hands upon…\nThe Jun Family’s secret forces rampaged about just like a pack of bloodthirsty ghosts. Under the chaotic night and the unbelievable amount of bloodshed and death, the show of force from the Jun Family’s secret forces had shaken the prominent members of the capital city. Many of them were badly hurt while even more were shaking in fear! \nEvery one of them shared one line of thought: Against such an unstoppable force, what can they do? \nPerhaps they should consider organizing a new group of defenders for their homes.\nThis was especially true for the three Princes. Each of them had summoned their allies and called for an emergency meeting. \nThe massive power held by the Jun Family had caused the three Princes’ eyes to turn blood red: If only they were able to grasp such a kind of power…\nHowever, in the midst of their discussions, their residential palace suddenly caught on fire. Following that, countless number of decapitated heads were thrown inside, their blood staining the grounds. The three Princes were scared out of their wits and immediately ordered their palace guards to search around. However, nothing was found. In addition, when they tried to search outside, they were forced to return by the patrolling soldiers…\nNaturally, there were exceptions amongst the many big families. For example, the Li Family, Meng Family and Song Family. Their foundations were deep and strong. When the masked men in black started their attacks, their family’s experts quickly reacted to stop their attacks. However, the fire attacks on their family continued…\nIn the Li Family’s secret chamber, there were several people who had wanted to head out after hearing the cries of battle occurring on the outside.\nOne of them was dressed in white robes and over thirty years in age. His face was cold and prideful.\nJust by looking at his bearing and manner, one would be able to deduce that he was the Sky Xuan expert who had killed off Qin Hu in front of Old Master Tang Wanli.\nThe door of the chamber opened and the Young Master Li, Li Youran walked in.\n“Youran, let me go out. Among these men, the strongest should only be at around the Jade Xuan level of cultivation, what is there to fear? Anyone of us here is enough to put a stop to them.\nI really cannot understand. These men’s attacks have reached your own doorstep, and yet you choose to remain indifferent about it.\nSince these men have a death wish, then we might as well help them fulfil it!” The white robed man frowned, his face expressing indignation.\nHe had always been a proud and arrogant person. Since when did he become a coward that needed to hide away in a secret place?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第74章\n“不!万万不可!”李悠然在这等时刻,居然依然沉静的微笑着:“宁可整个李家大宅尽被烧成了白地,也不可妄动!”\n他笑得有些异样的温柔和冷狠:“只要人还在,李家就依然存在。但你们几个若是出去了,姑且不论外面的黑衣人会如何;但有一点我可以肯定,立刻会有无数的目光聚焦到这里!\n一旦你们几个的身份曝露,甚至也不用曝露,只要你们现身,那么,李家从此之后势必将举步维艰!\n而且,玄丹在李家的传言也会立即传的沸沸扬扬,到那时候……大事去矣。”\n“师兄,你们就在密室之中,千万不要出来!\n一旦京城风声过后,我立即安排送你们出城!\n如果今后有事情,我会随时跟师傅和师兄求助。”李悠然微笑着,笑得淡然潇洒:“这次我不仅不阻止,还要多送几个人给他们杀!\n我倒要看看,君老公爷这次,如何收场!”\n“这,可是造反的不赦之罪,就算朝臣可以容忍,皇室可以容忍吗?”李悠然非常难得的在脸上露出了一股冷笑的神色。\n“好吧。既然如此,我也不说什么,随你吧。”白衣人脸上露出不满的神色,又有些无奈的点了点头:“小师弟,有时间回去看看,师父他……对你很是放心不下。”\n“师兄放心,我会的。”李悠然淡淡笑着,走了出去。\n就在这时,突然半空中有一道旗花火箭“轰”的炸裂,爆出五彩缤纷的烟花,绚丽之极。\n随着烟花绽放,所有黑衣人突然一起撤退,如退潮一般迅速脱离了战圈,脱离了所发生战斗的地方,转眼间跳上围墙,奔出大门,一闪一闪之间,已经消失在苍茫夜色之中……\n紧接着,轰雷般的马蹄声响起,数千铁骑汇成一道洪流,军容严整,萧杀之极的急速而来!\n转眼间已经聚拢李太师府门口停下,一连串的号令响起,骑兵们井然有序的左右分开奔出,瞬间,就已经将李家大宅围得水泄不通!\n大门“轰”的一声被撞开,君战天君老爷子浑身煞气,大踏步地走了进来!\n身上天蓝色光辉闪烁,显然已经运起本身的天玄气,虽然以他的身份量李家也不敢动他,但什么事也要预防个万一,小心驶得万年船。\n两侧,两队精锐士兵分成两列鱼贯而入,刀剑闪烁。\n“李家所属之人,给本公爷全都出来,京中出现刺客,全城搜拿!”君老爷子提气大吼,声震数里。\n“呵呵呵,原来是君老兄亲自到来,舍下真是蓬荜生辉啊。”太师李尚满脸亲切的笑着,从大堂中迎了出来,三步并作两步,热切的就像是在战乱中失散后多年不见的双胞胎兄弟重逢了。\n君战天板着脸,道:“李太师,请管教好你自家的下人和亲属,灵梦公主殿下今日受到刺杀,君某捉拿忤逆刺客,职责所在,若有误伤,概不负责!”说着一挥手:“搜!”\n“慢!”李尚白须飘动,踏上一步,温和亲切的神色须臾一变,须发乾张,大声道:“君老公爷,你虽是本朝军方主帅,帝国公爵,自是位高权重,但本太师亦是当朝一品,也为帝国公爵!\n若无皇上亲笔旨意,有哪个敢在我李家放肆?!”\n君战天冷笑,眼神中带着一丝隐隐的竭斯底里,慢慢道:“太师言下之意,难道说当朝一品位高权重就有窝藏刺客的权利不成吗?给我搜!\n但凡有阻挠搜查者,格杀勿论!”\n顿时身后的数百士兵一拥而入,就要冲进李家各宅院搜查。\n李尚气得浑身发抖,大吼道:“君战天,你如此肆无忌惮,越权行事,当真想造反不成吗!?”\n君战天哈哈大笑。\n“太师之言才是当真奇怪,本公此行只是为了搜查行刺公主殿下的刺客,那里越权?\n如何肆无忌惮?怎地就要造反了!\n太师一而再、再而三的阻挠本公搜查,难道真与那刺客有些关联不成?”却再也不理他,挥手令士兵快些搜查。\n便在此时,一个白衣青年微笑着站了出来,正是大公子李悠然。\n只见他恭恭敬敬的对君战天行了一礼,道:“君老公爷若是奉旨搜查,李家上下当然不敢违抗;但若是没有皇上圣旨的话,君老公爷如此擅入一品大员家里大肆搜查;呵呵,纵然君老公爷身正不怕影子斜,可我李家还是要几分颜面的,这话一旦传出去,似乎对谁都不好看吧?”\n君战天冷眼看着面前这个循循儒雅的青年,却又不禁想起了自己孙子莫邪,想到自己孙子本可以比李悠然更强,却横遭毒手!\n想到这里,怒火一阵大炽,冷冷问道:“你待如何?”\n“晚辈只是想请教君老公爷一个很简单的问题,君老公爷口口声声到本宅搜查刺客;但且不论老公爷是从何处得到情报,道我李家窝藏刺客,但若是从我李家搜不出刺客,老公爷却又如何?”\n李悠然温文的微笑着,却是进逼了一步。\n“那样的话,君老公爷是否会给我李家一个交代呢!”\n君老爷子大笑一声,突然踏前一步,狠狠一巴掌打在了他的脸上,“啪”的一声脆响,接着一脚踹在李悠然小肚子上,顿时将他踢倒在地,大怒喝道:“老夫搜查刺客,连你爷爷李尚也不敢对着老夫多放半个屁,你个小兔崽子算是个什么东西,也敢出来唧唧歪歪指手画脚?\n跟老子要交代?这个就是交代!”\n“呸”的吐了口唾沫,“真是笑话,没有搜到刺客,自然说明你们李家清白,抓不到刺客当然要继续搜查,还能怎么样?\n我倒要问问你们李家,从老到小一个个拼死命的阻拦本公捉拿刺客,如此的拖延时间,却不知又是何用意呢?\n难道你们李家要造反,本就是此次谋刺公主的主使者?\n若是在你们拖延的时间里,刺杀公主的刺客乘机逃遁了,你们李家有几个脑袋来担当这个罪名?”\n这番话,却是对着李尚说的,显然,面前的李悠然,在老爷子心里,连平等对话的资格也没有。\n就算是两军对敌,也是要讲层次的。\n资格不够上去了,只能是找死找虐。\n李悠然不是不明白这一点,但眼见着爷爷受辱,里面密室中更还有几个决计见不得光的人,万一真被搜了出来,那可就黄泥巴掉进了裤裆里,不是屎也是屎了。\n只得硬着头皮出来,只希望君战天能够稍稍自恃一些军方第一人的风度,这件事情挡一挡也就过去了。\n哪里知道君战天今天非但风度不要了,貌似是连老脸也不要了,一巴掌一脚,出的又快又狠。\n李悠然虽然是武学天才,但限于年岁,目前也不过是修炼到了金玄初阶的水准,距离君老爷子的天玄那是天差地远,再加上猝不及防,结结实实的挨了一巴掌,受了一腿,只觉得头脑中一阵轰鸣,眼前金星乱冒!\n君老爷子虽然没有真个动用玄气,但李悠然在近千人注视之下,这清脆的一巴掌,却像是打在了他的心上!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 74\n“No! Absolutely not!” At this moment, Li Youran had actually let out a calm smile. “I would rather have the Li Residence burnt to the ground than mobilize you!”\nHis smile contained a peculiar mix of tenderness and chilling ruthlessness. “As long as our people still lives, the Li Family will also remain. But if you were to show yourself, what the masked men in black does no longer matter. One thing I can be certain of, we will end up attracting the attention of countless eyes!\nOnce your identities are exposed, or even if your identities do not become exposed, the Li Family would end up in hot soup!\nIn addition, the rumours that the Xuan Core is in the hands of the Li Family would spread out in all directions. When that happens…”\n“Senior brother, please remain in this secret chamber for now and not come out!\nOnce this matter settles, I will immediately arrange for someone to send you out of the city!\nIf there are any other matters that require your help, I will immediately notify master and fellow seniors,” Li Youran laughed lightly. “This time, not only am I not going to stop him, I will even send some more people for him to kill!\nI am curious to see what would happen to this Old Duke in the end!”\n“His heinous actions are no different from the crime of rebellion. Even if the royal court is somehow willing to overlook it, would the Emperor tolerate it?” A rare sneer appeared on Li Youran’s face.\n“Very well. If that is the case, I won’t say anything else. I will follow your wishes,” The white robed man’s face expressed dissatisfaction, but he nodded helplessly. “Junior Brother, if you have the time for it; you should go visit master. Master has been… worried about you.”\n“Senior brother can be assured, I will definitely do so,” Li Youran smiled faintly and walked out.\nJust then, an aerial signalling firework exploded in the skies with a “boom” sound. Its explosion created an array of colours in the sky, beautiful to the extreme.\nAfter the firework was set off, all the masked men in black retreated immediately, just like the receding tide. They disengaged from their battles and retreated, some leaping across the walls while others rushed out through the doors. Within the matter of a few blinks, they have all disappeared into the vast expanse of the night…\nSoon, the thunderous sounds of hooves resounded as thousands of cavalry reacted. In an orderly manner, the cavalry units of the military rode towards the Li Residence at best speed! \nIn just moments, they had all arrived before the door of the Grand Preceptor Li’s Residence. A series of commands rang out and the mounted soldiers urged their horses to move, surrounding the Li Residence!\nThe main gate was smashed open with a “boom” and Grandpa Jun Zhantian stepped inside, his body exuding killing intent!\nHis body was covered with a sky blue glow, a result of channelling the Sky Xuan qi within his body. Although it was likely that the Li Family would not dare to do anything against him due to his identity, he must place considerations on ‘what if’s. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.\nOn either side, two teams of elite soldiers entered the area in two rows, their swords flashing.\n“All members of the Li Family, get out here! assassins have appeared within the city and I am now conducting a search on the entire city!” Grandpa Jun roared loudly, his voice shaking the entire residence.\n“Hehe, it turned out that Old Brother Jun had personally come. You honour my humble abode with your presence,” The Grand Preceptor Li Shang’s face was all smiles as he stepped out from the main hall. Step by step, he showed the eager demeanour of someone who had just been reunited with a long lost twin brother.\nJun Zhantian’s face remained passive. “Grand Preceptor Li, please keep your underlings and relatives in check. Princess Ling Meng had just suffered from an assassination attempt. Thus, I am now performing my duties in searching and capturing the assassins. If anyone here gets injured due to interfering with my military duties, I will not be responsible!” After saying that, he waved his hand. “Search!”\n“Hold!” Li Shang stepped forward, his white beard flowing lightly. The gentle look on his face flickered momentarily before he said in a loud voice. “Senior Duke Jun, you are the Grand Marshall of the kingdom’s military forces, a Duke of the kingdom, a person of great authority and weight in the royal court. However, I am the Grand Preceptor, another person of great authority in the court, and also a Duke!\nWithout His Majesty’s decree, who would dare to be presumptuous within my Li Residence?”\nJun Zhantian sneered, his eyes revealing traces of emotions. “Grand Preceptor, are you trying to imply that any high ranking official within the royal court have the right to harbour assassins within their homes? Go search!\nAnyone who dares obstruct, kill them without mercy!”\nSuddenly, hundreds of soldiers marched in from behind, heading towards the Li Residence’s inner areas with the intention of searching. \nLi Shang’s body trembled in anger and he shouted. “Jun Zhantian, you are acting brazenly, overstepping the bounds of your office! Are you planning to rebel?”\nJun Zhantian laughed out loudly.\n“Grand Preceptor sure knows how to joke! This senior official is simply trying to root out the assassins who tried to assassinate the Imperial Princess. How is this action of mine overstepping the bounds of my office?\nHow could this be considered brazen? How am I planning to rebel?\nGrand Preceptor, you have been trying to stop me from searching your residence for quite a while now. Could it be that there is a connection between you and the assassins?” After saying that, Grandpa Jun ignored him and waved his hand, signalling for the soldiers to speed up their searching speed.\nIt was at this moment that a white robed youngster stepped forth; it was none other than Li Youran. \nHe gave a ceremonious salute of respect to Jun Zhantian before speaking up. “Since Senior Duke Jun wishes to conduct a search, our Li Family’s underlings would certainly not oppose you. However, without His Majesty’s decree, Senior Duke Jun’s action today would be tantamount to a wanton act of trespassing into the home of a high ranked court official. Hehe, even if Senior Duke Jun is not fearful of the consequences, our Li Family still needs to uphold some of our reputation. If this matter were to be spread out, then both our reputation would end up being smeared!”\nJun Zhantian coldly stared at the refined looking youngster standing before him. He could not help but recall his grandson, Moxie. His grandson could have ended up being even more powerful than Li Youran, but had ended up suffering from a sinister attack!\nWhen he thought about that, his fury burst out and he coldly asked. “What are you suggesting?”\n“This junior only have a simple question to ask of Senior Duke Jun. Senior Duke Jun keeps reiterating that you wanted to conduct a search of my family’s residence to find assassins. It does not matter from where or how Senior Duke received the information that our Li Family is harbouring assassins. However, what will Senior Duke do if you are unable to find the assassins within my family’s residence?”\nLi Youran gently smiled and took another step forward.\n“Should that happen, Senior Duke Jun will have to give our Li Family an explanation!”\nGrandpa Jun laughed out loudly. Suddenly, he took a step forward and threw out a vicious slap at Li Youran’s face. A “pa” sound rang out, followed by a kick from Grandpa Jun directed at Li Youran’s stomach. After kicking Li Youran to the ground, Grandpa Jun spoke out in anger. “This senior is in the process of searching for assassins! Not even your grandfather dared to fart in front of me, but you? What are you? You dare come out to start a debate and find faults with this senior?\nYou want an explanation? This is my explanation!”\n“Pooh!” Jun Zhantian spat out. “What a joke! If we could not find the assassins, that would naturally mean that your Li Family is innocent! If we cannot capture the assassins, then we will obviously have to continue searching! What else is there?\nI am more interested in asking you this. Your Li Family, from the seniors down to the juniors have been desperately trying to stop me from conducting a search for the assassins. What are you planning? Could it be that your Li Family is planning to rebel?\nAre you the mastermind behind the Imperial Princess’ assassination attempt?\nIf the assassins were to successfully escape due to your actions of delaying my duties, do your Li Family have enough heads to bear this responsibility?”\nThese words were directed at Li Shang. Clearly, Grandpa Jun did not view Li Youran as someone with the qualifications to even talk to him.\nEven in a confrontation between military forces, rank must be considered. \nIf a bunch of rookie soldiers with no qualification were to be sent to the battlefield, they would only end up being suppressed and massacred. \nNaturally, Li Youran understood this logic. However, he could not stand the sight of his grandfather being humiliated so. In addition, there were indeed some people that must not be found staying inside their hidden chambers. If those people were to be found, that would be akin to having yellow mud smeared onto their underwear. Even if it is not poop, everyone will still think it is poop. \nEven if the Li Family is not guilty, everyone will still think the Li Family is guilty! Left with no choice, he had to step forward and hope that Jun Zhantian would consider his status as the number one person within the military forces and let this go.\nHow could he have guessed that the current Jun Zhantian no longer cared about his status or reputation? A slap and a kick, executed in a flash! \nLi Youran may be a genius, but his experience is limited. His current level of cultivation is only at the Gold Xuan, a difference of Heaven and Earth compared to Grandpa Jun’s Sky Xuan. In addition, he was caught off-guard; and thus had to endure a slap to the face and a kick to his stomach. All he could feel was his mind ringing and stars spinning before his eyes!\nEven though Grandpa Jun did not utilize any xuan qi in his attacks, they were both done before the eyes of thousands. For Li Youran, this slap of his was akin to a strike to his heart!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第75章\n李悠然默默地从地上站起来,眼中阴狠之色一闪而没;仍旧保持温文尔雅的态度,谦和的微笑道:“君老公爷教训的甚是,是晚辈唐突了。万望君老公爷不要见怪才是。”\n他就这么笑着,看着君战天,笑容甚是真诚,居然有着浓浓的惭愧,似乎对自己刚才逾越的行为很不好意思。\n君战天双目一张,突然莫名间感觉到了一种无形的压力。\n就凭这份沉稳,就绝对不是个简单的人物!\n恐怕是个能够阴死人的狠角色!\n君战心中不由长叹:若是莫邪好好的,恐怕这小子就将是他年轻一辈的最大对手了!\n冷冷转身,嘲讽道:“李家的种,果然都是阴的。”太师李尚顿时胡子气得直抖颤。\n君战天这话的意思,足足是骂惨李家祖宗十八代!\n“统统让开,让他搜!\n若是搜不出来刺客,君老匹夫,明日金殿,老夫要和你在皇上面前好好的理论理论!\n且看你这老儿还有没有这般硬气!”李尚冷冷的一挥手,拂袖转身,坐到一株花树下,闭上眼睛,岿然不动。\n君战天一挥手:“细细的搜!任何地方都不要放过!一点蛛丝马迹也不要放过!”身后近千士卒齐声答应,凶神恶煞的冲了进去。\n瞬时之间整个李家大宅陷入了前所未有的鸡飞狗跳之中。\n李家大宅稍远处,停了一顶极其普通的轿子,另有四个人站在轿旁的四角位置,脸上神色漠然;轿帘轻轻揭开一条线,一双沉睿的眼睛向着这边看着,侧耳在细细的倾听着这边。\n此人清癯的脸庞,微微有些方正,但两道眉毛斜斜飞出,便如两条青龙翱翔在云霄之中,就算不言不动,也自有一股不怒自威的凛然气势。\n听了一会,他微微的闭了闭眼睛,喃喃的道:“君战天这次与李家硬撼,却是有些过了。\n李家自然有许多关乎自身安危的机秘不能揭露,若是一旦揭开,恐怕李家就没有了。\n君战天显然不肯轻易善罢甘休,但现在帝国却同样不能没有李家。”他似乎有些头痛的皱了皱眉头,轻轻道:“影子,若是有异常,就由你就出面解决这场闹剧吧。”\n外面没有半点声音,但这人知道,自己的命令,已经清清楚楚的被接受。\n他又闭上了眼睛,手指头轻轻敲着身旁一个玉石小茶几,两道眉毛,就像两条青龙逐渐的皱在了一起,心中忽然掠过了一个念头:李尚这个大孙子李悠然,倒不失为一个人才,只不过是一个很危险的人才……\n君战天的士兵一路搜寻过去,翻箱倒柜,处处哗啦啦的响动,似乎这些人并不是来搜查刺客的,而是纯粹就是来搞破坏的!\n砰!一个硕大的花瓶被摔了出来,摔得粉碎;太师李尚脸上狠狠的抽搐了一下,那可是世上仅有的……\n砰!\n砰……\n君老爷子冷着脸提着马鞭看着,呼呼地喘着气,喝道:“给我狠狠地搜!”纵然是在这么严肃的时刻,身后众人也无不转过头去偷笑。\n搜……也……能用“狠狠地”这个形容词?君老国公的用词显然是很不“专业”的!\n貌似“砸”还差不多!\n狠狠地砸!\n“这老货倒也有趣!生怕别人不知道他是故意闹事的!索性再稍看片刻!”轿子里的人忍不住展颜一笑。\n随着这句“狠狠地”,士兵们“搜查”的更加的“用力”了。\n将近两千士兵涌进李家,如同战时攻进了敌方的城池,摔得摔,砸的砸,较诸蝗虫过境犹甚,李家众人集中在院子里看着,一个个心头都在滴血。\n那……可全是钱啊。\n看了一会,轿子里的人微微闭上眼睛,低声道:“应该不会出什么大事,就此回去吧。”就放下了轿帘,靠在软座上,闭目养神。\n君战天那老儿显然已经领会了自己的意思,只是在显眼处摔摔砸砸,但凡是李家的机密重地,却是根本不去碰触。\n看来,这里应该是出不了什么大事了。\n我倒要看看,经过这么一闹,京城之中哪个世家还敢随便站队?\n轿子里的人微笑着;斗要控制在小范围之内斗,若是危害到了国家社稷,那么,今日就是一个……警告!\n轿子起,无声无息而去。\n君战天岿然不动,君无意却在那轿子离去之后,回头淡淡的看了一眼。\n“报元帅,没有发现刺客的踪迹!”一个接一个的士兵过来报告。\n君战天大怒,喝道:“难道刺客飞上天了不成?不在李家?我们去别家看看!”\n带着众士兵转身出门,翻身上马,呼呼隆隆,却是向着孟家的方向去了。\n李家中人看着如同乞丐窝一般的庭院,一个个欲哭无泪。\n太试李尚捶着自己的腰,从地上艰难地坐了起来,李悠然急忙上前扶住,祖孙两人对望一眼,均看到对方眼中的怒火、以及一分半分的侥幸。\n“爷爷,先前那些黑衣人,明眼人一看就知道,那根本就是君战天麾下的人!\n君战天贼喊捉贼,强加莫须有的罪名,此举,无异于造反。\n既然没有搜出刺客,爷爷大可在明日早朝之时,连同各级官员,重重地参他一本。”\n李悠然沉思着,道:“君战天明显有些发狂的迹象,私自调兵,擅闯朝廷大员家里,大肆搜索。\n呵呵,若是以李家这些许财物,换取君家的倒下,爷爷,这笔生意还是做得过的。\n反之,若是爷爷全无动静,只怕反会被怀疑是做贼心虚了!”\n李尚皱着眉头,深深的叹了口气,沉重地道:“悠然,你天资聪颖,智慧过人,凡事谋略方面,也均能够料敌机先。\n堪称年轻一辈第一人,爷爷素来欣慰。\n不过,你却还是有一些缺憾;\n比如说,政治。\n你年纪始终还是太小了一点,眼光也要差上一线啊!”\n“政治?”李悠然有些不解:“难道以君战天如此大罪,还不足以令陛下处置君家吗?”\n“足够?不够不够!远远不够!”\n李尚霜白的眉毛抖了抖,方才在君战天面前那股子气愤和无奈的表情已经没有了,取而代之的,是无尽的老谋深算,显然,方才的怯懦尽是伪装的。\n“你始终不明白君战天在陛下心中的分量;只是简单的跟你提一点,陛下的性命,最少有六次以上,都是这个君老儿救回来的。\n当年,若是君战天真有造反之意,或者有哪怕那么一点点野心,也早已登上这帝皇之位!\n天家确实无亲,但却决计不会真正置对自己绝对忠心的人于死地,这就是君家明明几近后继无人,却仍能常镇三军的根本原因所在!”\n“就以方才的些须事情来说,你便真以为能够扳倒君战天吗?”\n李尚嘿嘿的笑了两声:“你真以为君战天就这么没脑子,把我们李家往死里得罪?\n而且,你以为君老儿刚刚的举动,真的将我们得罪到毫无转换的余地了吗?”\n李悠然果然聪颖,瞬间已经明白了许多,脸色一变,道:“难道……”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 75\nLi Youran silently got up and straightened himself, a ruthless coldness flashed across his eyes before disappearing. He maintained his courteous attitude and said with a humble smile. “Senior Duke’s teachings are true. Please forgive this junior’s offense.”\nHe said those words with a smile. Looking at Jun Zhantian, his face expressed a smile of sincerity which was able to even portray him feeling a deep sense of shame. It seemed that he was truly embarrassed by the words that he had just spoken earlier.\nJun Zhantian’s eyes widened as he suddenly felt an invisible pressure. \nJudging by his calm demeanour, this brat is no ordinary individual! the younger generations!\nHe is likely the ruthless type that could toy with people to their deaths! \nJun Zhantian sighed inwardly: If Moxie remains healthy, this brat would become his biggest rival amongst the younger generations!\nHe coldly turned around and scoffed. “The Li family line is indeed all of the sinister* type.” Grand Preceptor Li Shang’s beard trembled. \nJun Zhantian’s words was the equivalent of cursing all their ancestors of the Li Family!\n“Everyone move out of the way and let him search!\nOld bag Jun! If you cannot find the assassins, this senior will have a good ‘discussion’ with you before His Majesty tomorrow!\nWhen that happens, I will see if you can still maintain this toughness!” Li Shang coldly waved his hand, turned around and stormed out towards a flower tree. He sat down below the tree and closed his eyes, not making any more movements.\nJun Zhantian waved his hand again. “Search in detail! Do not miss out a single spot and do not leave a single stone unturned!” Nearly a thousand soldiers behind him shouted their affirmation in unison and fiercely rushed inside.\nInstantly, the entirety of the Li Family was turned upside down to the point of having chickens fly and dogs jump.\nOn a spot situated some distance away from the Li Residence was a normal looking sedan chair. Four figures stood around the sedan chair, their faces were filled with indifference. The curtains of the sedan chair were lifted to reveal a profound set of eyes observing the situation in the Li Residence. \nThe person’s ears were focused on listening in on the conversations within. This person possess a clear face which is somewhat squarish. However, both his eyebrows are slanted upwards, just like a pair of dragons soaring to the Heavens. Even without moving or saying anything, he exuded a prestigious awe-inspiring aura.\nAfter listening for a bit, this person closed his eyes and murmured. “The amount of stubbornness shown by Jun Zhantian against the Li Family this time is indeed a little overboard.\nIt is only natural for the Li Family to have many secrets pertaining to the protection of their family that would prove dangerous if revealed. If these secrets were to be exposed, the Li Family would disappear.\nJun Zhantian would not let them off easily, but the Kingdom still have need of the Li Family,” The person frowned, seemingly having a headache. “Shadow, if anything unexpected were to happen, you will need to step forward to solve it.”\nNot a single sound could be heard outside, but this person knew that his command has been received. \nHe then closed his eyes, his fingers tapping a tea table made of jade. Both his eyebrows moved, seemingly coming closer and intertwined with one another. A thought suddenly flashed through his mind: This grandson of Li Shang is not just a talent, he is a very dangerous talent…\nJun Zhantian’s soldiers ‘searched’ all the way as they moved, turning over containers and toppling cabinets, causing things to fall and crash. It seemed as though these men were not trying to look for assassins, but were here purely to carry out acts of destructions!\n“Peng!” A huge vase was thrown out and shattered into pieces. The Grand Preceptor Li Shang’s face twitched violently for a moment: The number of those vases is only…\n“Peng!”\n“Peng!”\nGrandpa Jun glanced around with a cold countenance as he held on to his horsewhip. Inhaling deeply, he shouted. “I want you to search viciously!” Even though the atmosphere was very solemn, those standing behind him all turned their heads and secretly laughed. \nThe act of searching… could the word ‘viciously’ be used for such an act? The Senior Duke Jun’s use of words was apparently quite ‘unprofessional’.\nThe word vicious should be used for ‘crush’! \nCrush everything viciously!\n“This old thing can be quite funny! It almost seemed as though he is afraid that people would not know that he is simply trying to create havoc! Let us observe for a little longer!” The man in the sedan chair could not help but let out a smile.\nHearing the word “viciously”, the soldiers proceeded to ‘search’ with even more ‘force’.\nNearly two thousand soldiers poured into the Li Residence, acting as though they had just broken through into the enemy fortress. Anything that can be thrown was thrown; anything that can be destroyed was destroyed. Every member of the Li Family stared at this spectacle from the courtyard, blood dripping out from their hearts: \nAll that… is money ah!\nAfter a moment, the man within the sedan chair closed his eyes slightly and whispered. “There shouldn’t be any problem here, let’s go back.” He closed the curtains and leaned upon the soft seat, before closing his eyes.\nThe old Jun Zhantian had already understood his intentions and had only destroyed the things that were placed conspicuously. As for the secret areas in the Li Residence, he had chosen to avoid it. \nIt seemed that there would not be any problems here.\nI would like to see if any family would still dare to pick sides again after this round of chaos! \nThe man within the sedan chair smiled: Even if you want to fight, you must fight within certain limits. Once your actions endanger the safety of the kingdom, then what happened today would be… a warning!\nThe sedan chair left quietly without a trace. \nJun Zhantian continued standing still, but Jun Wuyi turned his head to look for a moment after the sedan chair had left.\n“Reporting to Grand Marshall, no trace of the assassin was found!” One by one, the soldiers came forth to give their report, each of them stating that the assassins were not found. \nJun Zhantian turned furious and shouted. “Are you trying to say that the assassins have flown off to the skies? Hmph! They are not in the Li Residence? Then we will go to another residence to search!”\nLeading the soldiers, he strode out of the main gate, jumped up his horse and rode forward. The direction he took was the one leading towards the Meng Family…\nThe members of the Li Family stared at their compound, which had been turned into a beggars living area, tears flowing down their eyes.\nThe Grand Preceptor Li Shang patted his waist as he struggled to get up from the ground. Li Youran quickly came forth to help him up. Both grandfather and grandson looked at one another in the eye and saw the anger evident in them.\n“Grandfather, anyone with good eyes could tell that those men in black from back then belonged to Jun Zhantian!\nJun Zhantian kept touting ‘searching assassins’ as an excuse and threw false charges at others. This action is tantamount to rebelling.\nSince he could not find any assassins, tomorrow grandfather can get together with a group of officials and heavily step down on him.”\nLi Youran considered. “Jun Zhantian is obviously showing signs of going crazy, mobilizing the military for personal reasons, trespassing into the homes of court officials and searching wantonly.\nHehe, if we could bring about the demise of the Jun Family with the destruction of these properties, then that would be quite the acceptable transaction.\nOn the contrary, if Grandfather chooses to stay your hand, others might think that you have a guilty conscience.”\nLi Shang frowned and gave a deep sigh. He spoke in a deep voice. “Youran, you are a talented genius, possessing a wisdom that surpasses the masses. Even in the area of strategy, you have proven yourself to be capable of identifying the enemy’s weak points. \nWatching you become the number one amongst the talents of your generation, grandfather have always felt happy about it. \nHowever, you also have your weak points. \nOne example would be the area of governance. \nYou are still too young. As such, the things you could see is still limited!”\n“Governance?” Li Youran became puzzled. “Are you saying that this amount of crime by Jun Zhantian is not enough for His Majesty to take action against the Jun Family?”\n“Enough? No, it is not! It is far from enough!”\nLi Shang’s white eyebrows quivered, the earlier expression of anger and helplessness that he had shown before Jun Zhantian earlier had evaporated. Instead it was replaced with an expression of endless amount of shrewdness. Obviously, the expression he had shown earlier was fake.\n“You still do not understand just how much trust His Majesty have towards Jun Zhantian. For starters, His Majesty’s life had been saved by Jun Zhantian at least six times or more.\nBack then, if Jun Zhantian had wanted to rebel or if he had even the slightest bit of secret ambition, then the seat of the Emperor would have been his a long time ago!\nIt is true that there can be no love within the royal family. However, one would never truly treat an absolute loyalist as a mortal enemy. This is also the main reason why the Jun Family which has fallen to the point of nearly losing all their successors could retain so much power over the military!”\n“Simply with those few things that happened earlier, did you think it is possible to bring down Jun Zhantian?”\nLi Shang laughed out for a bit. “Did you really take Jun Zhantian to be such a brainless person who would offend our Li Family to a bloody end?\nFurthermore, based on his earlier movements, did you think that he had forced us into a road of no return?”\nLi Youran was a brilliant person. In just moments, he had gained understanding of many of the points spoken. His face changed greatly and he said. “Could it be…”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第76章\n李尚阴沉沉的笑了笑:“哼,今天这件事,若是没有陛下的亲自授意,现在的李家已经是遍地尸体;绝不会有一个人活下来!\n而君战天,他原本的打算应该就是这样的。\n若不然,他不会大张旗鼓的调动军队!\n但其中必然有什么原因,让他改变了初衷。\n而能够让君战天打消主意的,整个天香国,只有一个人,就是皇帝陛下,\n对了,或者还有一人,就是那个纨绔子君莫邪,你刚才告诉我,说那纨绔子九成已经死了,\n只怕未必,\n若是君莫邪真的身故,就算有陛下的阻挠,君老儿也未必就肯善罢甘休,\n所以君莫邪应该未有生命危险,\n且这个消息当是君老儿刚刚才得到的。”\n“所以今日,就君战天这老儿也很是无奈。这件事,我们看似无辜倒霉,但,相信还有比我们更倒霉的。”\n李尚笑了笑:“公主殿下被刺,这件事可说已经刺痛了陛下,所以,君战天发疯,陛下正好利用这个时机,在三位皇子之间,要重新洗牌了。”\n“凡是曾经向三位皇子之中任何一位有所靠拢的家族和官员,今夜必然会被警告一批,放逐一批,处置一批。\n而皇宫里面的那些,恐怕现在都已经处理完了,可惜了我们之前做的准备!”\n“君战天这次的发狂虽是意外,其实也属必然,若是我们之前的布局掌控了君莫邪,这老儿只怕早就发狂!\n而皇帝陛下正好利用了他今次的发狂,然后……呵呵呵……\n皇帝陛下借此机会,削弱君家的军权,然后打压我们各大世家,将事情彻底的压下去!\n君老儿身后之人乃是皇上!\n而真正最高明的,其实也是皇上!\n你说,能够扳倒君老儿吗?”\n李悠然实在有些震惊,他万万没想到,这些政治老油子考虑的竟然是如此的深远,甚至彼此之间对彼此的心思,都揣摩的清清楚楚,尤其是站在天香帝国最高位置的那人!\n“皇帝陛下雄才伟略,自然不想自己的继位者是个无能之辈;所以他既想让三位皇子争个高低,却又不想事情变得无法控制;所以一旦过分了,就会全部清掉,重新来过。\n所以,三位皇子虽然时时明争暗斗,但京城中的真正的大家族却绝不会贸然参与进去。这,就是最大的原因!”\n“记住,今天以前的事就算了,在局势未到绝对明朗化之前,万万不可轻易站队!\n看看今夜,”李尚指了指天空中到处飘起的黑烟:“凡是提前站队的,此刻都上天了。”\n“既然如此,难道今日之事,我们就此算了不成?”李悠然问道。\n“怎么可能就此算了?就算我们李家肯,陛下也不肯的。”\n李尚老奸巨猾的笑了笑:“所以明日肯定还是要告御状的,这样陛下才有理由一举打压各大家族,达到他最终的目的。\n我们若是不配合,以后会很难做的。”\n李悠然陷入了长久的思考之中,他自幼聪明,凡事举一反三,无论文武,都是天才中的天才。\n但此时听到这些话,才知道自己到底年幼,终究还是欠缺了一份政治觉悟以及一份老谋深算。\n轻轻抚着脸上被君战天打过的地方,李悠然眼神瞬间变得阴寒如毒蛇。\n君战天,你这一巴掌,我这一生都不会忘的。\n同样鸡飞狗跳的乱状又在孟家进行!\n孟家,被折腾地较诸李家更形彻底,几乎就被君战天拆了房子,但饶是如此,君战天却仍是郁闷不已。\n因为,这根本不是他最开始的打算,也不是他最想要的结果。\n这次事件过后,恐怕很长的一段时间之内,京城都会呈现风平浪静的景象,至少在表面上是这样的。\n既然陛下说过莫邪未死,那么,老夫这次就为陛下再做一回枪,也还是值得的。\n只不过此事,实在有些虎头蛇尾。\n老夫的本意,是想将这些人全部杀光的,现在虽然杀了一大半,但最想杀的,却没有杀成……\n就在这时,突然一个声音急切的响了起来:“君战天,你,老匹夫!你够了吧!”\n君战天顿时身躯一震,似乎不敢相信自己的耳朵,慢慢的转身看去;顿时眼睛一直,脸上突然露出大喜欲狂的神色。\n一个瘦小枯干的老头儿怀中抱着一个人,如飞来到了他的面前;气喘吁吁,满身大汗。\n但君战天已经顾不得他,“刷”的飘身下马,三步两步迎上去,从他怀中接过来,声音居然有些颤抖:“莫邪?”\n这两位回来的也真是巧,在事情几乎落幕的时候,非常及时的赶了回来。\n君邪看着面前这突然惊喜过度,明显是从绝望中走出的老人,抱着自己,如同抱着天下最贵重的珍宝!\n脸上那深深的皱纹中蕴含的浓浓的关切,那种失而复得的狂喜,手指头都有些颤抖,一双老眼中,竟然激动的眼眶通红!\n君邪心中,剧烈的抖颤起来……\n这可是一位执掌百万大军,铁血沙场百战而回的硬汉子啊!\n居然在见到自己的孙子还活着的那一刻,突然的惊喜,让他孱弱的就像是一个风烛残年的老人,那舐犊情深血脉相连的亲情……\n君邪在这一瞬间,居然从心底涌上了一种酸涩的感觉,这种感觉,很温暖,很舒服,还有一种鼻头发酸的感觉……君邪突觉咽喉有些发堵,鼻孔好像也不透气了,有种想要哭的感觉。\n这就是自己曾经梦寐以求的亲情吗?\n前世今生,谁曾经这么在乎过自己?\n前世今生,谁能够为了自己悍然调动一个国家的军队?\n前世今生,谁曾为自己如此的不顾一切!\n谁曾经为了自己而如此的绝望?\n谁曾经为了自己而欣喜欲狂?\n谁曾经为了自己连名声、性命、家族……什么都不顾了?\n看着面前的老人,君邪毫不怀疑,这位老人,完全可以为了自己,将青天捅一个窟窿!\n因为……自己就是他唯一的希望!唯一的念想!\n旁边,君无意残疾的身体不知何时从马上飘了下来,就这么坐在冰冷的地上,看着君邪的眼神,满是欣慰,满是惊喜!还有满足,一双虎目之中,不知何时已经含着晶莹的泪花,却偷偷转过头,滴落,然后转回来,轻轻微笑……\n这就是我的亲人!\n难道还要抗拒吗?\n不!\n君邪在这一瞬间,突然彻底地接受了自己这副身体,接受了这个家庭!\n接受了这个世界!不管是思想,还是心灵!\n为了面前这位老人,这个家!\n从此之后,我叫君、莫、邪!\n我是君家的人!\n天香国,天香城,君家!就是我的家族!\n君老爷子差点激动得老泪纵横!\n自己的孙子,虽然看起来只剩下一口气,但,毕竟没死!\n而且,伤势看起来,也不是像传说中的那样严重。\n老天保佑啊!\n只要他还活着,一切都会好起来的!\n失而复得的欣喜,让这位老人两眼湿润,身躯也有些颤抖,摇摇欲坠,这一夜的煎熬啊……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 76\nLi Shang Smiled wryly. “Heng! If His Majesty was not behind what happened today, then our Li Family would be nothing but a land of corpses by now. Not a single one of us would be left alive!\nThat should have been Jun Zhantian’s original intention. \nIf that were not the case, he would not have gone to the extent of mobilizing the army! \nSomewhere in between, something must have happened to change his mind. \nAs for the one who could cause Jun Zhantian to change his mind, there is only one such person in all of Tianxiang, the Emperor! \nOh, there is another: his grandson, Jun Moxie. Earlier, you told me that the debauchee had already died. \nIt seems that may not be the case. \nIf Jun Moxie had truly died, then even His Majesty may not be capable of holding Jun Zhantian back. \nThus, I conclude that Jun Moxie should still be alive. \nIn addition, Jun Zhantian should have only received this information just now.”\n“Thus, Jun Zhantian actually had very little influence about everything that had happened today. Even though we seemed to have fallen into misfortune for no reason today, I believe there would be others far worse off when compared to us.”\nLi Shang laughed. “The assassination attempt on the Imperial Princess has provoked His Majesty. Thus, His Majesty has decided to make use of Jun Zhantian’s anger to rearrange the power base of the three Princes.”\n“All the families or officials that had chosen to side with the Princes would receive a warning tonight. Some would even be exiled or harshly dealt with.\nAs for those within the Imperial Palace, the ‘rearrangement’ has probably been finished by now. A pity, all our preparations…”\n“Jun Zhantian going mad today was unexpected, but it was also an inevitable occurrence. If we had grasped onto Jun Moxie back then, this old man would probably have gone mad a long time ago!\nThus, His Majesty decided to take advantage of Jun Zhantian’s act of madness to… hehe…\nHis Majesty would take this opportunity to weaken the Jun Family’s military power, and then suppress the powers of the other big families like ours before suppressing this incident!\nThe mastermind behind Jun Zhantian is none other than the Emperor himself!\nThe Emperor is also the one with the most understanding of what had happened tonight!\nSo then, do you think we could do anything to that Old Jun?”\nLi Youran felt somewhat shocked. He could never have imagined that his grandfather’s mind had already seen so far ahead. He had even clearly understood the thought process of those involved, especially the thoughts of the one standing upon the highest position within Tianxiang Kingdom!\n“His Majesty, the Emperor is a man of great talent. It is only natural that he does not wish for his successor to be an incompetent person. Thus, His Majesty allowed the three Princes to compete, however, His Majesty also does not wish for matters to escalate beyond control. That is why once the three Princes’ actions went overboard, His Majesty would clear the board and restart everything again for them.\nThis is the biggest reason why the great families with true power within the city would never join the struggle between the Princes!”\n“Remember, let go of everything that had happened today. Until the situation had stabilized, never take action!\nJust look there,” Li Shang pointed at the heavy amount of smoke billowing up into the skies. “All those who chose to take actions in advance have all been sent on their merry way to Heaven.”\n“It that is the case, does that mean that we will have to do nothing after everything that had happened today?” Li Youran asked.\n“How can we simply do nothing? Even if we want to, His Majesty would not want to,”\nLi Shang smiled craftily. “That is why we must still lodge a complaint tomorrow. Only with that would His Majesty have a reason to suppress the great families, which is His Majesty’s true intention.\nIf we do not go along, we would be in trouble in the future.”\nLi Youran entered a state of deep contemplation. He is a smart person, a genius in both civil and military affairs. \nHowever, listening to those words, he came to realize just how lacking he was in the understanding of political affairs.\nGently stroking the part of his face that was slapped by Jun Zhantian, his eyes flashed with a chilling glint, just like that of a poisonous snake.\nJun Zhantian, I will never forget this slap of yours.\nMeanwhile, the Meng Residence was currently having their ‘dogs jump and chickens fly’…\nWhen compared with the Li Family, the Meng Family had it far worse. Their homes had been ‘searched’ to the point of being demolished. And yet, Jun Zhantian felt only depression within him. \nBecause this was not what he had intended to do, nor was this the results he had intended to achieve.\nAfter this incident, the capital will turn calm for a long period of time. At least, that was how it would appear externally.\nSince His Majesty had said that Moxie is still alive, then this senior will become a ‘spear’ for His Majesty. Doing so is quite worthwhile, although the ending is somewhat anticlimactic. \nThis senior’s original intention was to kill off all these people. \nAlthough a large number of them had been finished off, the most important ones could not be killed…\nAt this moment, a hasty sound suddenly rang out. “Jun Zhantian, you… you ignorant old man! Stop it!”\nJun Zhantian’s body suddenly shook, as though he could not believe what his ears was hearing. Slowly, he turned around, his eyes staring straight, his face revealed a mad look of joy.\nA thin, withered looking old man appeared, his arms carrying someone to his chest. The old man shot out and appeared before Jun Zhantian, panting and sweating profusely. \nHowever, Jun Zhantian paid him no attention. He quickly dismounted off his horse and rushed towards the thin old man. Jun Zhantian retrieved the person being held close to the thin old man’s chest and spoke in a trembling voice. “Moxie?”\nCoincidentally, these two people returned just as everything was about to be wrapped up…\nJun Zhantian’s expression of surprise clearly showed that he had just escaped from the clutches of absolute despair. He held onto Jun Xie as though he was holding onto the world’s most precious treasure! The deep wrinkles of his face harboured the intense amount of concern he was feeling. \nThis is the ecstatic feeling of finding something that one had thought to be lost forever. His fingers trembled in concert with his body while his eyes had turned red from excitement! \nWatching all this, Jun Xie felt his heart shaking…\nThis is a commander of a millions soldiers, a resilient iron blooded man who had returned victorious after hundreds of battles! \nBut, seeing his own grandson alive at this moment made him surprised, his bearing suddenly transformed into that of a frail and ailing elderly person.This is an emotion born deep within a person’s flesh and blood…\nAt this moment, Jun Xie felt something well up from the bottom of his heart. It was a feeling, an aching feeling that gave him a sense of warmth and comfort. In addition, he felt his nose turning sour… Jun Xie suddenly felt that it had become hard to breath, his nose had seemingly stopped working, a feeling which made him feel a desire to cry out.\nIs this the affection that he had once desired in his dreams?\nIn both past and present, is there any who had shown so much care for him?\nIn both past and present, is there any who would mobilize the armies of an entire country for his sake?\nIn both past and present, who could throw away all their concerns for his sake?\nWho would have fallen into absolute despair for his sake?\nWho could become so happy to the point of insanity for his sake?\nWho could disregard their own reputation, lives and family…. for his sake?\nWatching the old man before him, Jun Xie had no doubt that for his sake, this old man would even pierce a hole through the skies! \nBecause… he is his only hope! The only thing he could hold onto!\nBeside, Jun Wuyi’s crippled body had at an unknown moment descended from his horse, sitting upon the cold ground. Looking at Jun Xie, he was filled with surprise, happiness and satisfaction! His pair of tiger like eyes had unknowingly turned teary. He secretly turned his head, allowing the tears to drop down before turning back, a smile etched on his face…\nThis is my family!\nAm I to resist all this?\nNo!\nAt this moment, Jun Xie had suddenly accepted his identity, accepted his family! \nRegardless of ideals or mind set, he had accepted this world!\nFor the sake of this old man before me, and this family!\nFrom today onwards, I am JUN.MO.XIE! \nI am a member of the Jun Family! \nTianxiang Kingdom, Tianxiang City, Jun Family, this is my family!\nJun Zhantian’s tears almost exploded with excitement! \nEven though his grandson seemed grievously injured, he remained alive! \nIn addition, a closer inspection showed that his condition was not as serious as he had been told.\nThank the Heavens!\nAs long as he is alive, everything will be all right! \nEverything will be all right! Having become so overjoyed, this old man’s eyes became moist, his body trembling and swaying unsteadily. Tonight has been a trying one…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第77章\n次日的朝堂之上,各党派争执之激烈,较诸农贸市场犹甚。\n上朝参见陛下的惯例之后,先是片刻的沉默,很有点万木无声待雨来的意思!\n包括皇帝陛下,看着蓦然空出来的十数个位置,和面前摆着的高高的一摞弹劾君战天的奏折,也不禁有些怔忡,虽在意料之中,但也大大的意料之外,这太过火了吧?\n虽然昨夜就得到了消息,也发过了火,但那毕竟是一张纸上的几个人名而已,现在看看,朝堂上几乎空了一小半……\n打个比方说,一个学生在课堂上上课,这个班级有一百人。\n晚上听说三十个同学退学了或者转学了,不会觉得怎样。\n但第二天面对空荡荡的教室的时候……这个比例,跟目前的天香国朝堂上,也差不了一些。\n昨天一夜,以公主被刺,君老爷子发难为起点;天香城之内,烽烟处处,遍地杀机。\n超过十位以上朝中大员身首异处,而这些人之中,有不少人,是曾经号称与君家不死不休的……\n除了这个特征之外,另外的一个共同点就是,这些人,则是目前已经倒向三位皇子之中某一人的,只不过这一共同点点,所有人都心知肚明,都不会在嘴上明说,这个节骨眼胡言乱语貌似和找死没有分别的说。\n昨夜遇难的之中,有资格站在这里的共计十二人,不偏不倚,正好是份属三位皇子阵营的,各自有四个人。\n其中有刑部侍郎一人,吏部侍郎两人,执事一人,礼部三人,户部一人,御史三人,呃,还有两位大学士,这还只是面前能看到的,那些看不到的,还有多少?\n这些人一起完蛋,本对朝野可说是极大的震动,甚至有动摇国本的危机,不过这一切在某些高人的运作之下,也就那么回事了,虽然这位高人目前自己也气得眼珠子发蓝……\n另有些眼尖记性好、手腕通达博闻强记的大臣,有意无意间发现,这次进宫,皇宫里貌似是多了不少的生面孔,原本那些熟悉、甚至是很熟悉的面孔,绝大部分都已经不见,比如原本那位御前带刀侍卫首领慕容千军,当初可谓是一日三迁,官位晋升之速,极之罕见,可是,就这位“极之罕见”的、慕容家族的后起之秀,现在也不知道到哪里去了……\n看来,皇宫里的血腥不比外面少多少啊,不少人心下忐忑起来。\n“昨夜到底发生了什么事?怎地今天少了这么多人?谁能告给朕知道?”\n皇帝陛下可是“政治局”中高手中的高手,闭了闭眼睛,恶狠狠地用余光瞪了一旁闭目养神的君战天一眼。\n君老公爷昨夜很累,从他的脸上就能看出来,要不,在朝堂上岂能这样?就差打呼噜了……\n皇帝陛下这揣着明白装糊涂的一句话,掀开了朝堂攻击的序幕,顿时大殿上呼啦啦跪下一大批人。\n“陛下,您可要为我们做主啊。”一大帮大臣齐刷刷的两眼含泪,悲苦交加,叩首如捣蒜。\n“众卿有事,可细细道来,尽都平身说来。”皇帝皱着眉头,一副纳闷的样子。\n此言一出,顿时数十位大臣全部对着君老公爷君战天开了火,说他自恃功高,无视帝国军法,为一己之私擅自调动军队的有;说他枉顾帝国律法,不顾皇家威严,行事肆无忌惮的的有;说他擅闯大臣住宅,纵容属下打砸,无法无天,罪大恶极的也有,甚至还有说老爷子拥兵自重,意图造反的也有……总之林林总总一连串的罪名,足足列了三四十条,说得那个证据确凿,那叫一个真啊!\n后来更是直接大肆建议,应将君战天革职查办,凌迟处死,全家抄斩,诛灭九族等等……一时间大殿上激烈无比。\n人人满脸通红,个个义愤填膺,到最后更是上升到了“不杀君战天不足以清君侧,不杀君战天不足以平民愤”的历史高度。\n君战天仰着头站着,眼睛微微闭着,看着满殿君臣在表演,心中担忧孙子伤势,心想待会怎么开口,跟皇上将那几个最好的御医头子带回家去……\n“君战天!你这老儿竟当真如此肆无忌惮,可还有什么话要说?”皇帝陛下的声音很严厉,似乎要暴怒了!\n“陛下容禀,老臣昨日闻听公主竟于皇宫外大道上被刺,虽然公主福大命大造化大,未有损伤;但贼子如此丧心病狂,亵渎皇室尊严,却委实让老臣怒火万丈;更闻线报,刺客极有可能还有后续行动,而且还是针对皇族成员和朝中大员进行刺杀的大行动,老臣唯恐有所耽误,将造成弥天大祸;来不及禀报陛下,便擅自调动军马,围剿刺客。\n在这一点上,老臣确实是犯了冒失之错,请陛下明察,请陛下责罚!”\n皇帝嘴角一抽,强行忍住。\n你这老小子都说得这么明白了,我还明察个屁呀!\n你将自己说的这么大仁大义的,我要是惩罚你,岂不是成了昏君了?\n你让朕怎么接茬?!\n“说下去。”皇帝陛下皱起眉头,看似有些不喜,不用这个接茬,还真就不知道怎么接了!\n“是;老臣心忧此事,不及报备陛下,便夤夜起身,来不及换装便飞马赶到校场,虽然调兵甚快,但无奈刺客有备而来,一时间城中大乱;老臣奋不顾身,一马当先,冲杀在前,浴血奋战,顶着无数的刺客刀剑,终于遏制了这场大祸,更将刺客尽数格杀!\n这批刺客人数极众,合共愈数百之数,尸体已然悬挂于城门示众;惟老臣不敢居功,只因尚有遗憾之事,老臣虽竭尽所能,仍有几十位官员未来得及等到老臣救援,便已经惨遭刺客杀害!\n这全是因为老臣动作太慢,才酿成如此惨祸!\n老臣愿意领此不察之罪。”\n君老爷子长叹一声,声音甚是悲切:“那,可全是我天香国的栋梁之臣啊。”揉了揉眼睛,貌似唏嘘不已,实则有些困了……\n听君老公爷如此这般的一说,殿上众大臣面面相觑:啥?还领不察之罪?领你妈的头啊?\n瞧您说的,您根本是拯救了整个天香国的大功臣!\n当机立断,挽狂澜于即倒,拯社稷于飘摇的擎天之柱;外带维护皇室尊严的最大忠臣!\n貌似不狠狠的奖励您您都会觉得太亏了,还领罪?\n再说了,这里的人,有谁不知道昨天那些黑衣人全是你君家的人?\n刺客?\n真是滑稽之极!\n什么叫颠倒黑白?\n这就是了!\n见过不要脸的,可真没见过这么不要脸的。\n愣能把杀人当捉贼、抄家当功绩,这简直就是一种超凡脱俗的境界啊!\n高山仰止!\n至于悬挂在城门示众的那一批冤死鬼,若是让刑部大牢的牢头去辨认一下,定然会发现人人都很面熟:那根本就全是一干狱中关押的死刑犯,只不过被你君大元帅给提前执行了……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 77\nOn the next day, the Imperial Court was filled with disputes from various groups. The scene was no different than a bunch of merchants and farmers arguing at the marketplace.\nAfter the ritualistic greeting towards His Majesty, the atmosphere turned silent. Just like the calm before the storm…\nBefore His Majesty was a pile of petitions calling for the impeachment of Jun Zhantian. His Majesty observed the Imperial Court and was surprised to see the numerous number of vacant positions. Even though he had already expected it, this result had greatly exceeded his expectations: This, isn’t this a little too much?\nEven though he had already received the report last night, whereupon he had become enraged, that was simply a report with the names written on it. However, His Majesty was now looking at the results with his own eyes. A good chunk of the Imperial Court members had disappeared … \nIf one were to compare, this would be like a classroom with a hundred students.\nIf someone were to receive the news in the middle of the night that thirty of those students had either transferred or dropped out, that person would not feel much. \nHowever, when that person sees the empty space within the classroom… This comparison was probably not a bad way of describing what had happened to Tianxiang Kingdom’s Imperial Court.\nYesterday night, after the Imperial Princess suffered from an assassination attempt, Grandpa Jun took action, issuing a declaration that a calamity had occurred. Within Tianxiang City, flames started rising rampantly and people were murdered everywhere. \nMore than ten high-ranking members of the Imperial Court ended up being decapitated. In addition, many among these people were once bitter enemies with the Jun Family…\nBesides that, all those men also shared one other common aspect. These men had all chosen to side with one of the Imperial Princes. However, this common aspect was something that everyone had chosen to keep within their hearts. At this point in time, blurting that out would be no different than courting death!\nAmong the victims of last night’s incident, there were twelve who had the qualifications to stand here today. Coincidentally, they were separated into fours divided equally amongst the three Princes.\nAmongst them was an assistant Minister of Justice, two assistant Minister of Personnel, three from the Minister of Rites, one from the Minister of State Revenue, three Imperial Censors and two scholars. This was only those that could be seen here. As for those who could not appear today, how many was there?\nThese people who had come together were those who had constantly opposed the ‘rough’ members of the Imperial Court and had been badly hurt during the kingdom’s present crisis. However, within the mind of a certain highly positioned individual, this was simply part of his plans. Even though last night, he himself had been angered to the point of having his eyes turn blue…\nAs for those ministers with sharp eyes and powerful retentive memory, they realized something. Today, there was an increase in new faces within the Imperial Palace. As for those familiar faces, most of them had disappeared. One such example was the Captain of the Armed Guards, Murong Qianjun. He was a talent whose promotion speed was considered ‘rare’, at times getting promoted three times in a day. However, this rising star of the Murong Family had at this point in time disappeared to who knows where…\nIt would appear that the carnage within the Imperial Palace was no less bloody compared to the outside. A high number of people became nervous.\n“What happened last night? Why did the number of people become so little today? Who can tell me?”\nHis Majesty was indeed a master amongst masters in ‘political affairs’. Blinking his eyes, he used the peripheral side of his eyes to stare at Jun Zhantian who was dozing off. \nSenior Duke Jun was truly feeling sleepy thanks to yesterday’s events. This was obvious just by looking at his face. Otherwise, he would not have dozed off in the Imperial Court; he had even nearly started snoring…\nHis Majesty’s act of pretending to not know what had happened was the opening act for the Imperial Court members to begin their barrage of accusations! Within the Imperial Hall, a large number of people went down on their knees.\n“Your Majesty, we beg you to administer justice for us,” A huge number of ministers spoke out with tears flowing down their eyes, their faces showing grief stricken expressions as they kowtowed vigorously.\n“Dear Ministers, if you have anything to say, just say it out in detail. Rise up and tell me all about it,” The Emperor frowned, a puzzled look was etched on his face.\nOnce His Majesty finished his sentence, tens of ministers all turned on Senior Duke Jun, Jun Zhantian. They started their barrage of accusations: Even though he is someone who had accomplished great merit for the kingdom, he disregarded military laws of the kingdom. He mobilized the kingdom’s military forces for personal reasons. He disdained the laws of the kingdom. He viewed the powers of the Imperial Family with contempt. He had acted with wanton abandon. He trespassed the residences of ministers. He allowed his subordinates to wreak havoc and act lawlessly. There were even some heavyweight accusations: He had amassed his own personal army. He has the intention of rebelling… In short, there were innumerable accusations aimed at him, all supposedly backed with conclusive evidence!\nLater on, the accusations escalated to an even greater level, where it was recommended that Jun Zhantian be dismissed and his entire family decapitated, going so far as exterminating his nine kindred… In just a brief moment, the atmosphere of the Imperial Court had become intense.\nEveryone’s face were flushed red, each and every one of them were filled with indignation. In the end they all chorused out. “Not killing Jun Zhantian equals endangering the Imperial Family’s powers! Not killing Jun Zhantian, the people would not be appeased!”\nJun Zhantian turned his gaze up, his eyes slightly closed. Watching the performance by all the ministers in the Imperial Court, he could only think of his grievously injured grandson. He was contemplating on how to ask His Majesty to loan him the best Imperial Doctor…\n“Jun Zhantian! You old thing, you actually dare to act in such a brazen manner! What do you have to say for yourself?” His Majesty questioned him in a very harsh tone, seemingly furious!\n“Your Majesty, yesterday, this minister received news that the Princess had suffered from an assassination attempt just outside the Imperial Palace. Thankfully, the Princess’ luck was good and she managed to escape unscathed. However, hearing that those criminals dared to act so wild; going so far as to profane the dignity of the Imperial Family, this old minister felt a bottomless anger spout out from within my heart. This minister then received further news that the assassins may harbour the intention of following up by trying to assassinate the members of the Imperial Family and high-ranking officials of the Imperial Court. This old minister fears that any delay would bring about irreparable disaster. Thus, this old minister had mobilized the army before reporting to Your Majesty, all for the sake of capturing the assassins. \nIn this regard, this old minister had indeed committed a mistake. This old minister begs for Your Majesty’s careful inquiry and just punishment!”\nThe Emperor’s mouth was about to lash out, but had forcibly held himself back: \nYou old brat! You have already said everything in detail, what else do I have to inquire? Inquire my ass! \nYou portrayed yourself in such a righteous light, punishing you would make me a muddle-headed ruler!\nHow am I supposed to continue this act?\n“Continue speaking,” His Majesty, the Emperor frowned, seemingly unpleased. His Majesty was truly at a loss on how to continue from there.\n“Yes! This old minister felt worried about this matter and did not have the time to inform Your Majesty. This old minister got up in the middle of the night and rushed to the military field without having the time to finish dressing. However, even though the mobilization of soldiers was executed quickly, we were helpless to stop the assassins. Those assassins had come prepared and had instantly turned the city upside down. This old minister exerted every last drop of effort without reserve and served as vanguard to wage a bloody battle against the many insidious assassins. After a long time, we finally managed to curb this disaster and finished off those assassins!\nThe total number of these assassins amount to a whopping hundreds; their bodies were then hanged for public display before the city gates. However, this old minister dared not claim credit for these actions because there were some regrettable events. Even though this old minister had tried my best, there were tens of officials whom this minister failed to reach in time resulting in them being brutally murdered by the assassins!\nTheir horrible deaths were all due to this old minister’s carelessness and slow response to this situation!\nThis old minister is willing to accept the punishment for my crime of carelessness in executing my duties!”\nGrandpa Jun sighed, his voice mournful. “All those lives are the pillars of our Tianxiang Kingdom…” He rubbed his eyes, appearing to be on the verge of crying. In truth, he was feeling sleepy…\nAll the ministers within the Imperial Court heard Senior Duke Jun’s words and turned to face one another: What? You are willing to accept punishment for your crime? Accept your mother’s head!\nListening to you, you are simply the great hero that has single-handedly saved all of Tianxiang Kingdom!\nActing decisively, turning the situation around in a matter of moments, the one who carried a heavy burden to save the common people, the loyal minister who placed the importance of protecting the dignity of the Imperial Family before all else! \nSince you have put it that way, not giving you a great amount of reward would be tantamount to a huge loss of reputation, and yet you say you are willing to accept punishment?\nBesides, is there anyone here who does not know that those men in black are part of the Jun Family?\nassassins?\nWhat a joke? \nHow does one describe the act of reversing black and white? \nThis is how! \nWe have seen shameless, but we have never seen such a high level of shamelessness before! \nTurning the act of raiding other people’s residence into a meritorious deed, this level of bullshitting expertise had reached a completely new realm!\nA mountain worth revering!\nAs for those dead men that were left hanging for display to the public, if the Prison Chief of the Minister of Justice were to go check it out, he would certainly find that their faces were very familiar: Because those people were simply a bunch of death row prisoners. However, their execution date was bumped up by you, Grand Marshall Jun!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第78章\n众大臣一阵鄙视之余,正准备要再度攻伐,说实在的,君老爷子的自圆其说实在是不堪一驳,老爷子始终乃是武将,肚子里墨水实在有限,能有个自圆其说的由头已然难得,再要求这个由头面面俱到、天衣无缝,那却是痴人说梦了!\n不意此时却见一个须发皆白的老头儿重重地上前一步,这老头身材魁梧,跟君战天两人站在一起,就仿佛是两座雄伟的高山;两腮的胡子豹子胡须一般往外炸着,满脸的横肉,一身的野蛮,正是独孤老爷子,军方仅次于君老爷子的第二号人物,京城目前第一大鳄,独孤纵横!\n天香国第一横蛮人物!\n第一泼皮人物!\n第一滚刀肉!\n第一大家族的主事者!\n乃是一位脸皮厚度堪称宗师,拿着无知当学问,提着大刀讲理由的货色;满朝文武谁都忌惮三分,就连当今皇帝,也拿他毫无办法。\n他老人家这一站出来,众人才发现,忍不住一个个心中嘀咕:这丫不是已经几年都不上朝了吗?\n怎么今天却来了?\n挑在这么一个敏感的时期,这个老愣头青却出现在这里,有些不大寻常啊。\n独孤纵横圆圆的眼睛一瞪,如同山林中的熊瞎子一般,一抱拳,粗声道:“陛下,公主遇刺,满朝官员遇刺,确实是动摇国家社稷稳固的根本大事,多亏了君老匹……君战天当机立断,才消去了这一场弥天大祸!\n老夫认为,君老儿此举,并无错处!非但无过,反而有功!大大的有功!”\n旁边一个瘦削的山羊胡子老者冷笑道:“如此祸国殃民的逆臣贼子,搅乱朝廷天下,这样居然还算有功的话,岂不令天下人齿冷?”\n这位浑身上下不到半两肉的山羊胡子,乃是孟家的三号人物孟友方,昨夜数他的家里被摧残地得最惨,几乎连屋瓦也找不到半片完整的,一个朝廷大员带着自己的一家人在富贵繁华的京城之中餐风露宿过了一个通宵,憋屈的几乎吐血。\n此刻见这军方两位大佬当众颠倒黑白,实在是忍无可忍,跳了出来。\n独孤纵横大怒,一转身,恶狠狠地瞪着孟友方,大嘴一张,黄板牙暴露,声振屋瓦:“操你姥姥!你这个酸狗屎!\n你的意思是说,老子说的不对?嗯?”\n他一发怒,顿时头发胡子竖的更直了,大嘴一张,貌似要将这瘦小枯干的山羊胡子一口吞了下去,凶神恶煞之极。\n旁边,独孤无敌大将军立即跳出来呐喊助威:“孟友方,你啥意思?\n我爹跟陛下说话,也是你这老小子可以插嘴的!”伸出蒲扇般的大手,就要去抓住他的脖子拎起来。\n众大佬无不侧目。\n这对父子,真是……无敌了,居然在金殿上就大耍流氓手段!\n皇帝陛下乃是这出戏的主使者,此刻也不由得瞠目结舌!\n“够了!”皇帝陛下怒喝一声,暴怒的站起来:“一帮文武大臣,就在金殿上污言秽语,更兼大打出手,成何体统!泼妇骂街吗?”\n皇帝这一发怒,顿时人人都噤若寒蝉,除了君家、独孤家、李家、孟家、宋家、唐家、慕容家等各大家族的老爷子,其余人等无分官职大小都立马跪了下来,齐声道:“臣等有罪,愿领陛下惩处。”\n“好了,这件事情,朕也清楚了;君战天本意虽是捉拿刺客,但处事不当,也确实造成了京城骚乱,罚俸一年,另令其闭门思过三个月,不过因其擒杀刺客有功,另赏黄金千两,千年老参一只,军方一干事宜,暂由独孤纵横全面主持;另外,你们几大家族,不分青红皂白,只顾一己之损失,随便诬陷大臣,各自降一级;为避免骚乱,家族军权回收军部一年;一年之后,再行处置。”\n罚俸一年,闭门思过半个月、然后再赏黄金千两,千年老参一只!\n这对于君老爷子而言,这还是惩罚吗?\n简直就是公开的奖励加公开放假……\n也就只有那“军方暂时有独孤纵横全面主持”这句话,好像还有些别的意思,不过这也很不牢靠;各大臣一个个偷眼看着独孤世家父子二人这一对滚刀肉,人人心中都是想到:若真是如此,还不如仍君战天这老儿继续主持的好,这独孤家的父子二人,比君战天可横蛮多了……\n起码君老爷子在正常的时候还是挺讲理的,但这对独孤父子,貌似从来都是不讲理的,自己的家族私军落到了这对父子手里,那还有好?还能回来几个?\n一时间几乎所有人心中都在痛骂差点挨揍的孟友方:陛下背后主使,独孤纵横都出面了,你还横插一杠子,不是不自量力,自取其辱是什么?\n你自己倒霉就算了,还得连带我们一起跟着,你什么玩意啊……\n几乎所有人都露出一副失魂落魄的表情,姑且不论是不是装的,不过至少表面上看起来,每一个都是很真实的,立身于朝堂之上,若没有几分作伪的手段,实在是很难长久的。\n唯有十来人仍然是低着头一脸愤怒,委屈的不行的那些人,却是真正的愤怒、不甘。\n不过这些人随即被各大佬们暗暗的记住了:连这点风头都看不明白的人,注定没什么大用!回去之后一定要教训自家子侄,跟这几个人一定要保持距离,否则,不定啥时候就被拖下了水……\n“卿等尽都是国家栋梁啊,居然在金殿上就如此……朕实在是很失望!无比的失望!”皇帝陛下很怒,怒不可遏!\n几乎是一连串的宣布完这些处罚之后,重重的道:“此事就这么定了,谁也不必多言!退朝!”\n礼部尚书孙成何急忙高叫一声:“尚请陛下留步……”这位,正是唐胖子没过门的老丈人。\n所有老人尽是一阵鄙视,没看到陛下急着回宫去体会刚才的“爽”劲呢,左右逢源、君临天下,玩弄、掌握所有人于股掌之间的快意,一举打压了京中所有家族,使整个京城风平浪静,这是多爽的事情啊。\n你偏挑这个节骨眼滞留陛下,还想好吗?\n真是个二傻!\n“还有何事?”皇帝陛下明显火气很大,本来是装的,不过一备滞留,假的也有向真的衍变的趋势。\n“陛下容禀,按我朝惯例,今日乃是一年一度的金秋节,那沿袭下来的金秋才子宴之事,是否……?”\n这位礼部尚书大人明显是缺根筋啊。\n二百五的不轻啊!\n所有的朝中大臣们都在暗中叹息,眼下是什么时候了?\n家家都在哭丧,那个还有心情关心什么金秋才子宴?\n你小子根本就是二傻他爷爷——老傻,以后可得注意了,别跟这傻货凑合,没准那天就栽他手里了!\n果然,皇帝陛下勃然大怒,重重地道:“金秋才子宴?眼下正值多事之秋,还提什么金秋才子宴?\n若是朕没有记错的话,前数日朕才钦点的两位负责金秋才子宴筹办的大臣,已经在这被刺客刺杀的名单里了吧!”此话说完,重重的用手指头点了点面前桌子上的名单,甩了甩袖子,一脸狂怒,拂袖而去。\n谁也没有看到,皇帝陛下转身之后,咧了咧嘴,似乎很舒心的样子……\n确实谁也没看到,不过一干老臣也尽都很隐讳的偷偷一乐,果然不出自家的谋算……\n皇帝陛下走了,所有跪着的人也一个个拍着自己的膝盖站了起来,几位大佬相互看了一眼,人人眼中都有一种“果然不出我所料”的眼神,李尚哼了一声,斜了一眼君战天,皮笑肉不动地道:“老君,恭喜你了啊。\n孙子好了没?”\n李尚本是故意要提起君战天的伤心事,就算这次不能扳倒他,那么,也得让这老家伙生生气,起码得恶心恶心他,也是好的。\n但君战天一听这话,却顿时被他提醒了起来,也顾不得理他,撒开脚丫子顺着皇帝陛下离去的方向就闯了进去,“陛下,陛下……”借那个御医不死先生用用,急啊。”\n众位大佬人人都是一个趔趄。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 78\nA look of contempt burst out from the faces of all the ministers and they prepared to start their verbal attacks once again. Truth be told, Grandpa Jun’s explanation and justifications were simply unbearable and too easy to refute. After all, Grandpa Jun was first and foremost a general. His skills in civil affairs was simply too limited. For him to actually be able to come up with an explanation was already a rare occurrence. Asking for a detailed and seamless explanation was absolutely ridiculous!\nUnexpectedly, an old man with white hair and beard stepped forward. This old man possess a stalwart figure. Standing beside Jun Zhantian, it seemed as though there were two majestic mountains imposing their grand aura within the Imperial Court. His moustache spread out explosively to the side cheeks and beard. A wild looking face and a loutish body. This was none other than Grandfather Dugu, the second most powerful person within the military in Tianxiang Kingdom, and the number one predator within the capital city: Dugu Zongheng!\nHe is the number one savage individual in Tianxiang Kingdom! \nThe number one unreasonable individual! \nThe number one tough shank! \nThe number one great family… great families’ House Master*. \nThis man has a skin so thick he could be revered as a master in skin thickness! This is a character who would brandish his ignorance as knowledge! This is a character who would talk about large swords when discussing reasons! All the members of the Imperial Court, be they from the civil or military affairs showed some degree of fear towards him. Even the present Emperor had no way of dealing with him.\nIt was only after he stepped forward did the members of the Imperial Court realized his existence. They could not help but whisper to themselves: This old man had not attended the court for years now.\nWhy did he suddenly appear today?\nFor him to appear at such a sensitive moment, something is obviously not right.\nDugu Zongheng’s round eyes widened, just like a mountain bear. He then cupped his hands and spoke in a coarse voice. “Your Majesty, the assassination attempt on the Imperial Princess and the officials of the Imperial Court is indeed a national situation that could cripple the foundations of our kingdom. Thankfully, this old bag… Senior Duke Jun Zhantian was quick and decisive in his actions, thus succeeding in averting this terrible disaster!\nThis old one thinks that Senior Jun’s actions this time is not a mistake! He is not only innocent; he has also earned himself a merit! An astounding amount of merit!”\nA thin old man with sheep like beard who was standing beside him sneered. “After this traitor defied the authority of the ministers and disrupted the Imperial Court’s affairs, he is lauded as someone who earned himself a merit? If this is how the Imperial Court works, then won’t we end up being despised by the people of the world?”\nThis thin old man with barely any flesh on his body and a sheep like beard is one of the three most capable individual from the Meng Family, Meng Youfang. Last night, his house suffered the highest level of damage. Not even a single tile was left whole. A high ranking member of the Imperial Court had to bring his own family out into the rich and bustling capital in the middle of the night to eat the cold air and sleep under the starry skies of the night. The amount of suffocation he felt nearly caused him to puke out blood! \nWatching these two military leaders reversing black and white, he was unable to hold it in and stepped forward.\nDugu Zongheng became enraged. He turned around and viciously stared at Meng Youfang, opening his mouth that revealed a yellow set of teeth; his voice shook the tiles in the Imperial Court. “Screw your granny! You are worth less than dog poop!\nYou mean to say that this senior is wrong? Hmm?”\nAs if acting in concert with his fury, his beard exploded out, his facial hairs standing upright. His mouth was opened wide, as though he wanted to swallow the thin old man with sheep like beard, his entire being radiating an aura of violence.\nBeside him, the great general Dugu Wudi immediately stepped forward to support. “Meng Youfang, what are you trying to do?\nMy father is in the middle of a conversation with His Majesty! Do you think someone like you have the qualifications to interrupt them?” His hands extended outwards, his palm opened wide like a palm leaf, intent on catching him by his neck.\nAll the senior ministers rolled their eyes: \nThis pair of father and son, is truly… invincible (wúdí). They actually dared to bully others in the presence of His Majesty! \nHis Majesty, the Emperor who was supposed to be the main character of this play could not help but stare in a dumbfounded manner!\n“Enough!” His Majesty, the Emperor thundered loudly and stood up in fury. “A group of civil and military ministers arguing with one another, and starting a fight upon the Imperial Court! What do you plan to do next? Are you going to start throwing obscenities around?”\nHis Majesty’s wrath caused everyone to become silent, except the Old Masters from the Jun Family, Dugu Family, Li Family, Meng Family, Song Family, Tang Family and Murong Family. As for the rest, they all immediately knelt down and spoke out in unison. “This minister is guilty, I am willing to accept Your Majesty’s punishment.”\n“Very well, I have already understood the gist of what happened. Jun Zhantian had originally wanted to capture assassins, but had made errors in his mobilization of the army. His actions caused the city to fall into chaos. As punishment, one year’s worth of salary will be deducted. In addition, I decree that you are not allowed to leave your residence for three months. However, in light of your contribution of capturing assassins, I reward you a thousand gold liangs and a thousand year old ginseng. Military matters will temporarily be handed over for Dugu Zongheng to handle. Next, you great families chose to ignore the truth and focused only on your own losses, blatantly accusing other ministers. All your positions are now downgraded by one rank. In order to avoid riots from happening, all military authority of the great families must be returned to the Military Division. It will be reassigned again one year later.”\nDeducting one year’s worth of salary; not allowed to leave home for three months; a reward of a thousand gold liangs; a thousand year old ginseng! \nCould this still be considered a punishment towards Old Master Jun? \nThis is simply a reward plus holidays…\nThere was also the ‘military matters will temporarily be handed over for Dugu Zongheng to handle’. This sentence seemed to be hiding a different meaning. However, there was a problem here. All the ministers turned to look at the Dugu Family’s pair of ‘tough shanks’. They all had the same thought: If this is how it is to end, won’t it be better to have Jun Zhantian continue handling military matters? These pair of father and son from the Dugu Family is even worse than Jun Zhantian…\nAt the very least, Old Master Jun is generally a reasonable person. However, this pair of father and son had never been reasonable before. Now that their family’s private forces was about to fall into their hands, they wonder how many could come back.\nIn just a moment’s time, nearly everyone started cursing secretly and almost lashed out at Meng Youfang: His Majesty was manipulating everything behind the scenes. Since Dugu Zongheng had already appeared, why did you have to step in and interfere? You do not recognize your own strength and weakness; however don’t you at least understand the meaning of the word ‘humiliation’? \nIf you want to jump down the cliff, you should just jump down alone. Why the heck did you drag us down with you? What kind of damaged goods are you…\nAlmost everyone in the Imperial Court revealed an expression of one who had just lost their soul and vigour. It does not matter if it was real or fake. What was important was that it looked real on the surface. As a member of the Imperial Court, they must have the ability to put on an act. Otherwise, it would be hard for them to continue serving for long.\nHowever, there were around ten or so people within the Imperial Court who lowered their heads, anger etched upon their faces. \nThese were all men who could not stomach their grievances; they were truly enraged and were unwilling to simply let it go. However, all of them have had their identities noted down by all the senior ‘grandfathers’ of the Imperial Court: They could not even recognize that a performance is in progress, these people have no future in store for them! When we go home later, we must inform our sons and grandsons to keep a distance from these people. Otherwise, who knows when we would end up being dragged down by them…\n“You fellow Ministers are all the pillars of our kingdom. To see such a scene occurring in this Imperial Court today… I am disappointed! Very disappointed!” His Majesty was furious, unstoppably furious!\nAfter having meted out the punishments, His Majesty said heavily. “This matter will be resolved following my commands. No one is allowed to disobey it! You may leave now!”\nThe Minister of Rites, Sun Chenghe** shouted out loudly. “Your Majesty, please stay…” This person was none other than Fatty Tang’s future father-in-law.\nAll the senior grandpas of the Imperial Court burst out with a look of contempt: Could you not see that His Majesty is heading back to his chambers to relish the ‘joy’ from earlier. Ever resourceful, overlooking the world as its sovereign, delightfully manipulating everyone within the palm of his hand, suppressing all the great families influence and authority in one fell swoop, bringing stability to the entire capital city. How joyful would such an experience be? \nHowever, you actually chose this moment to restrain His Majesty? Do you not want to live a good life anymore? \nWhat a silly idiot!\n“What do you wish to discuss?” His Majesty’s face was a mask of fury. His Majesty’s fury had originally been staged, but after having been restrained his false countenance of fury has started turning real.\n“Your Majesty, please understand, this one is in charge of ceremonies. However, today is the day for the annual Gifted Scholars’ Autumn Festival Feast. What should I do…”\nThis Minister of Rites is clearly missing the capacity to judge the situation. \nThis is not a light problem ah! \nAll the ministers in the Imperial Court sighed inwardly: Could you not see what kind of situation we have here? \nEvery family is filled with weeping and mourning, who would be in the mood to care about a Gifted Scholars’ Autumn Festival Feast? \nThis brat is simply an idiot… I will need to pay attention next time. I must not get too close to him, chances are he will be the death of me!\nSure enough, His Majesty was greatly furious and spoke out in a heavy tone. “Gifted Scholars’ Autumn Festival Feast? We are currently in the middle of troubling times, how can you even bring this up?\nIf I recall correctly, I had appointed two ministers to be in charge of organizing the Gifted Scholars’ Autumn Festival Feast just a few days ago. But these two men are amongst the names of those who’ve been assassinated by the assassins!” Having finished speaking, he pointed vigorously at the list of names on his table. Flicking his sleeves, His Majesty walked out with an expression of rage on his face.\nNo one was able to see it, but when His Majesty had turned away, the sides of his lips curled, as though he was happy…\nIndeed, no one was able to see it. However, all the old ministers were secretly feeling pleased with themselves as well: As expected, everything went according to my predictions…\nAfter His Majesty had left, everyone patted their knees and got up from their kneeling position. A few of the elder ministers looked at one another with an ‘as expected’ gaze. Li Shang snorted at looked at Jun Zhantian through the corner of his eyes. “Old Jun, congratulations.\nHas your grandson gotten better yet?”\nThe reason Li Shang had mentioned this matter to Jun Zhantian was for the sake of pissing him off. Even if Li Shang could not do anything to him this time, he could still prod Jun Zhantian until he chokes. That would not be too bad. \nHowever, once Jun Zhantian heard that, he suddenly recalled what he wanted to do. Ignoring Li Shang, he immediately ran in the direction that His Majesty had went. “Your Majesty, Your Majesty… I need to borrow that Death Warding Imperial Doctor for a while, this is an emergency.”\nAll the ministers in the Imperial Court stumbled.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第79章\n独孤纵横斜着眼,甚是鄙视:“看这老家伙,孙子受点伤居然紧张成这样,毫无身为大将军之风范,真正鄙视之,吾竟然官职位居此等匹夫之下,天地同悲!”\n独孤无敌咧着大嘴,配合着自家老爷子,小鸡啄米一般点头:“就是就是,鄙视之极,天地同悲。”\n众大臣同时摇头,无限鄙视:就你们独孤家的,哪怕是少一块油皮也要喊破天,亏你们还在这里鄙视人家君战天,真正的恬不知耻!不过独孤老爷子的拽文倒是说的似模似样,估计是哪个狗头师爷帮着斟酌的……\n恩?难道斟酌了好久?\n这可是个惊天的消息啊!\n难道军方不和?\n想到这里,众老狐狸人人都是心中一阵嘀咕。\n见儿子如此的配合自己,独孤纵横老爷子大乐,大感老怀安慰,揪了揪胡子:“还是俺家好,一家伙出来十来个,个个龙精虎猛的,不像君家,就一根毛。”\n独孤无敌顿时又是小鸡啄米一般点头:“就是就是。”\n众人一阵恶寒:才一句话又泄底了,一家伙出来十来个?\n你以为你那儿媳妇是母猪吗?\n真真是粗鄙不堪!\n再说了,你老小子三个儿子加一起将近二十个老婆,只有十来个孙子孙女你也好意思吹!\n不理这一对一个吹一个捧自鸣得意的父子,一个个摇着头走了出去,回家去了。\n就把这两天发生的事情,当做一个貌似挺精彩的闹剧吧。\n早知道是这样的,唉。\n不多时,宫门守卫就看见君老爷子得意洋洋的带着一个头发胡子都白了的老头,拎着一个药箱,出了宫门,君战天自己骑马,另外居然还有一顶轿子!\n看来老爷子进宫之前,居然连请御医的轿子都准备好了……\n真是……算无遗策,周到啊!\n啥叫高人,这就叫高人!\n君莫邪君大少爷躺在床上,努力地做出一副病入膏肓的样子,实际上心中已经在大呼过瘾。\n小萝莉可儿小心翼翼的服侍着,一勺一勺的往嘴里舀冰糖燕窝粥,人参莲子羹,八宝芙蓉汤,……\n总之是能吃的大补物品,可劲的吃了一个遍,唯一让他不爽的是,老爷子还整来了不少的六级玄兽血,\n据说这也是罕有的大补之物,\n不过君莫邪每次都是捏着鼻子灌下去,或者抽空就倒在了床边的桶里……\n太难喝了!\n哥哥我又不是野人,犯得着给我喝生血嘛?\n多不卫生啊,就不怕闹肚子?\n当然,让他爽的不止是这个,关键是通过这次受伤之后,君莫邪发现,脑中的鸿钧塔一直处在高速的转动之中,从中出来的灵气白雾也更加的浓郁,一遍一遍的冲刷着他体内的经脉,尤其是受伤的地方,更是成了重点照顾对象,不到一天一夜的功夫,体内的剑伤居然已经愈合了七七八八。\n随着几声咳嗽,咳出来几块浓黑的血块之后,胸口的沉闷也已经减轻了许多;大腿上的剑伤,看起来很非常相当特别的严重,毕竟几乎透明了,但在灵气的不断滋养之下,也已经感觉不到痛处;唯有全身一阵阵的麻痒,让君莫邪有些难受,不过也有些舒服,正所谓,痛并快乐着……\n还不仅如此,因为这次受伤的关系,鸿钧塔中的灵气不断的输出,似乎不到君莫邪身上的伤口结疤脱落便不会罢休一般,君莫邪当然不肯放过这等修炼的大好时机,很干脆地全面开动开天造化功,引导着这有如实质地灵气在经脉中穿行,这一运功,顿时发现了不同之处,灵气犹如凝成实质一般在经脉中冲撞,在因剑伤而造成的经脉堵塞冲击几次之后,便霍然开朗,几乎是以肉眼可见的速度,感觉到了经脉中气流的一点点扩大,一点点变粗……\n若是以往,遇到这种情况,鸿钧塔中早已停止了输出,但这次却是完全没有停止的意思,君莫邪当然乐得如此,索性放弃了对剑伤的治愈,一门心思的引导灵气,壮大气流,闷声发大财。\n君莫邪突然感到自己的这种行为近似于诈骗……人家好心好意的帮你治疗伤势,你却利用这个机会来提升自己,就好像奸商利用人们的善心谋取暴利一样……\n不过这样的诈骗,我宁愿多来几次啊!\n我已经诈骗上瘾了!\n不骗白不骗啊!\n君莫邪心中呼喊着,更加抓紧了“诈骗”的速度……\n否则万一伤势痊愈了,灵气又跌落到原始状态,那怎么办,如今已经习惯了如此高质量的灵气输送,一旦打回原形,上哪哭去,难道还能再自裁两剑,以换取这样的修炼氛围?\n可惜灵气输出仍是会或多或少的治疗各个创伤部位,即使再慢也好,始终在痊愈的过程之中,当感到大腿上的剑伤也发出了痒酥酥的感觉之时,鸿钧塔中的灵气终于减缓了输送的速度,又维持了片刻之后,转速终于缓缓地停止了,意识海重归一片沉寂之中……\n君莫邪一震,终于醒了过来,心中大叹可惜,貌似我还没有享受够的说——这种修炼突飞猛进的速度,实在是太迷人了啊。\n运气内视之下,经脉之中一道透明的气流缓缓流淌,比起受伤之前,竟然在这短短的一夜之间,增加了一倍!\n若是按照这个世界的玄气标准来衡量的话,至少已经是八级玄气左右的修为,而且非常的精纯!\n在这个九品之下皆蝼蚁的世界,银玄金玄刚起步的强者之林中,纵然是非常精纯的八品玄气也是不值一提的;但可不要认为君莫邪这种速度很慢了,要知道,他来到这个世界,满打满算也不过一个半月而已,而在这区区一个半月的时间里,他从本身原本的三品玄气一举提升到了八品!\n这种修炼速度,就算是至尊神玄那些老不死来看,也是要惊掉一嘴老牙的!\n若是这个世界有解剖学研究所之类的东东,一旦发现君莫邪这样的练功速度,不被抓去大卸八块研究一个遍那才真叫见了鬼!\n君莫邪舒心的喘了口气,顿时感觉自己这次伤受的真是……他奶奶的值啊!\n甚至琢磨,是不是隔段时间就自裁两剑!\n一位侍卫进来禀报:“少爷,唐公子来看望您了。”\n君莫邪哦了一声,随即想起来了什么,若无其事地将枕头边的一个布包塞进了被窝里,才以一种有气无力的声音道:“去请唐少爷进来吧。”\n随着一阵沉闷的脚步声,唐胖子喘着气,很是艰难地走进了君莫邪的房间,偌大的卧房,似乎突然间变得狭窄了起来。\n“三少哇,你可吓死我了。”\n唐源一脸震惊:“我听说你去见先帝了,哭了半夜,整整半夜啊,你说我们兄弟要是真的天人永隔了,你可让我怎么活呀!”\n君莫邪有气无力的看了看这胖子,真想跳起来一脚踹出去!\n不过现在自个要扮演重伤,只好暂时饶他一会。\n但眼神已经赤裸裸的要吃人了……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 79\nDugu Zongheng squinted his eyes as he looked on with contempt. “Look at this old bastard. Just because his grandson was a little hurt, he became so anxious. He does not have the bearing of a great general at all, how disdainful! For someone like me to be outranked by such an ordinary man, what a worldly tragedy!”\nDugu Wudi curled the corners of his lips and spoke out in support of his father while nodding his head. “Indeed, indeed, how despicable, a worldly tragedy!”\nAll the ministers shook their heads in unison as they looked at them with utter contempt: A mere scratch would have been enough to cause you people from the Dugu Family to raise a sky shaking havoc. And yet you actually have the gall to despise Jun Zhantian, how shameless! However, the words that Grandfather Dugu spoke today seemed rehearsed. It seemed one of the head clerks must have helped him out with the script…\nEn? Could it be that he had rehearsed this for a long time? \nThat is a shocking revelation! \nCould it be that something is going on in the Military Division? \nThinking about this, all the old foxes in the Imperial Court felt shocked.\nSeeing his son supporting him with complementing words, Dugu Zongheng laughed happily. Stroking his beard, he said. “In the end, my family is still the best. Producing nearly ten heirs in one go, each of them are skilled dragons and fearsome tigers; unlike the Jun Family which only have a single fur.”\nDugu Wudi nodded like a chicken pecking down at grains of rice. “Indeed! Indeed!”\nA wave of contempt burst out from the crowd again: With just one sentence, you started bragging about your family foundation. Producing nearly ten heirs in one go? \nDo you take that daughter-in-laws of yours as sows? \nHow unrefined! \nBesides, your three sons have a total of twenty wives but only nearly ten grandchildren; you think you are qualified to brag about this?\nIgnoring the prideful pair of father and son, they all shook their heads and left as they headed home.\nLet us just assume that everything that had happened in these two days as an exhilarating farce. \nIf only we knew it would end like this… sigh.\nA while later, the palace guards saw Grandpa Jun triumphantly escorting an old man with white hair and beard who was carrying a medical chest out the palace. On the horse that Grandpa Jun rode on, there was actually another seat prepared!\nIt turned out that even before entering the palace; Grandpa Jun had already prepared a seat for the doctor…\nTruly… a detailed plan!\nWhat kind of person could be called a master? This is what you call a master!\nThe great Young Master Jun, Jun Moxie was lying in bed, putting in every effort to appear ill. But in truth, he was inwardly feeling joyful.\nThe Lolita, Little Ke carefully served him, scooping spoonful of sweet bird’s nest soup for him. There were also ginseng soup, eight treasures lotus soup… \nas long as it is nourishing, it would be prepared for him. The only thing which made him unhappy was that Grandpa Jun would occasionally prepare a generous sum of Sixth level Xuan Beasts’ blood. \nAccording to him, this was a rare nourishing stuff. \nBut, Jun Moxie would have to cover his nose and pour it down his throat or pour it down the bucket beside his bed…\nIt is simply too hard to stomach! \nI am not a barbarian! Is it worth it to give me blood to drink? \nHow unhygienic is it? Would my stomach even survive?\nNaturally, these were not what had made him joyful. After having suffered from this injury, Jun Moxie realized that the Hongjun PaGoda within his consciousness was constantly rotating at high speed, releasing a rich amount of white, misty Spiritual Qi. The qi swept through his body’s meridians again and again, focusing onto the damaged area. In less than a day, the sword wound on his chest had been fully healed.\nAfter several coughs, some thick black coloured blood came out; the damaged area on his chest had also been reduced considerably. As for the wound on his thigh where one could see through to the other side, it only seemed serious. After the continued restoration effects of the Spiritual Qi, he was no longer in pain from the wound. The only thing that gave Jun Moxie some discomfort was the waves of itchiness and numbness, which occurred every now and again. However, Jun Moxie still felt comfortable. After all, there is the saying: No pain, no gain…\nThat was not all, the Hongjun PaGoda’s Spiritual Qi kept gushing forth as though saying that it would not stop until the wounds on Jun Moxie’s body have disappeared. Naturally, Jun Moxie would not miss out on such a good opportunity to cultivate his Arts. He quickly activated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, leading the near solid form of Spiritual Qi as he channelled them through his meridians. While he was exercising the Arts, he realized something different this time. The Spiritual Qi turned into a semi-solid existence as it pummelled the area of the meridians that were suffering from blockages due to the sword wound. Almost instantly, the blockage was burst open. After that, he could clearly feel the qi flow within his meridians expanding bit by bit, becoming thicker bit by bit…\nUnder such circumstances, the Hongjun PaGoda would usually stop releasing the Spiritual Qi. At this moment however, it did not show any signs of stopping at all. Jun Moxie became elated. He gave up on his plans to restore the damage from the sword wound and focused obsessively on leading the Spiritual Qi in order to increase his qi flow, secretly becoming joyful over this fortunate event.\nJun Moxie suddenly felt that his behaviour was similar to those of scammers… Others were being kind to help you treat your injuries, and yet you took advantage of this opportunity to increase your own strength. This was just like the act of making profit from other people’s kindness…\nHowever… Such a type of scam, I would very much like to commit a few more!\nI am already addicted to it! \nWho would not want to do this kind of fraud? \nJun Moxie cried out inwardly as he grasped onto the opportunity provided by this ‘scam’.\nOtherwise, what would he do when the Spiritual Qi’s intensity dropped down to its former level after his wounds were fully healed? He has now become accustomed to this high quality delivery service of Spiritual Qi! Once his body has been fully restored, he could only cry: Or perhaps I should stab myself again in order to gain such a suitable condition for cultivation?\nUnfortunately, some of the Spiritual Qi would still move towards the wounded areas and slowly began restoring those parts. During the moments when the wound on his thigh was being restored, the feeling of itchiness started to appear as well. The emission speed of Spiritual Qi from the Hongjun PaGoda began slowing down. After a few more moments, the speed of its rotation also slowed down and finally returned to its former state of silence within his sea of consciousness…\nJun Moxie woke up with a start and gave a sigh within his heart: I still have not had enough… this fast rate of cultivation is simply too alluring. \nActivating his inner eye, he could see a transparent qi flow slowly moving through his meridians. In the short span of just one night, the size of this qi flow had doubled! \nIf one were to use the Xuan Qi cultivation as a standard of measure, then his current level of strength was at least at the Eighth level Xuan Qi! In addition, his qi had a high grade of purity!\nIn this world where Nine and below are but ants, Silver and Gold Xuan experts were aplenty. No matter how pure his Eighth level Xuan Qi may be, he was still not someone worth discussing. However, do not make light of Jun Moxie’s speed of cultivation. Just in case anyone had forgotten, he had only arrived into this world roughly a month ago. Within this one months’ time, he successfully improved his body, which was only at the Third level Xuan Qi up to the Eighth level Xuan Qi! \nIf those old Supreme Divine Xuan geezers witnessed this practice speed, they would be shocked to the point of having their old teeth drop out!\nIf this world has an Institute of Anatomy where they dissect things in their studies, then upon learning of Jun Moxie’s speed of cultivation, they would likely move out to capture him and dissect him for studying purposes! \nJun Moxie gave a pleasant sigh of relief. He suddenly felt that the injury caused by the sword was… too bloody darned worth it! \nHe had begun to seriously consider if he should just stab himself again!\nA bodyguard entered and reported. “Young Master, Young Master Tang is here to visit you.”\nJun Moxie gave an “oh”, then he suddenly remembered something. He calmly picked up something that was wrapped up with a cloth beside his pillow and stuffed it into his blanket. Then, he used a feeble voice to speak. “Invite Young Master Tang in.”\nFollowing that, the sounds of heavy footsteps could be heard. Fatty Tang panted as he stepped into Jun Moxie’s room, his face expressing exertions. At the same time, the vast room suddenly seemed much smaller.\n“Third Young Master, you scared me.”\nTang Yuan’s face was a mask of shock. “I heard that you were killed and cried for the whole night. If we brothers were to be forced to part ways forever, then how am I supposed to live?”\nJun Moxie stared weakly at the fatty before him. He had the urge to jump out and kick him out! \nHowever, he was currently playing the part of a heavily injured person. He will have to spare him for now. \nHis eyes on the other hand was spouting flames…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第8章\n君邪知道,自己因缘际会,遇上了旷世难遇的奇缘!\n这“开天造化功”如此神秘莫测,成效必然不同凡响!\n而这九层玲珑塔,想来更是一件了不起的宝贝!\n君邪就算再无知,总也听说过中国神话传说中的鸿钧老祖,传说这位大神可是太上道君、元始天尊和通天教主这三位大神圣的师傅,那可是牛逼到不得了的巨人物!\n这座塔既然冠以鸿钧之名,又怎么会差到哪里去?\n君邪几乎有些迫不及待要开始修炼这开天造化功了,但总算他心性沉稳,勉强克制了下来,这才有时间查看自己身体,不由得大吃一惊。\n只见自己皮肤表面罩着一层黑黝黝粘糊糊的无比恶心的东西,还不停地散发着令人作呕的恶臭,居然有厚厚的一层!\n一个存在于传说中的名词突然出现在君邪脑海中:洗经伐髓?!\n难道我就这么痛苦了一次,却将身体内的杂质全部排了出来?\n君邪顿时欣喜若狂!\n若是早知道会有这等效果,那……刚才多痛一会也行啊!\n诚然,以君邪的心性而论,只要自身实力可以提升,受些痛苦算什么,即使这些痛苦是那么的难以忍受,也是无所谓的!\n君邪兴奋地站了起来,强忍着身上传出的恶臭,一溜烟跑到家中的水塘边,噗通一声跳了下去。\n突然好几个声音同时喝问道:“什么人?!”\n君邪哼了一声,道:“是我!少爷想洗澡,任谁都不许来烦我!”\n“哦,原来是少爷。”就此无声无息。\n书房中,君老爷子皱着眉头:“什么声音?”\n管家老庞迅速出去,随即又进来,躬身道:“是少爷,说是跳到落月湖里洗澡去了。”\n“洗澡?!大半夜的跳到落月湖洗澡?”\n君老爷子顿时鼻子都气歪了,声音都差点走了调,气急突然大吼一声:“这孽障!”\n拂袖而去,睡觉去了。\n这几天来一直盼望的孙子改邪归正的幻想突然就此彻底消失无踪,只觉得胸中气闷闷的说不出的不舒服。\n世事就是如此,希望越大自然失望越大,君老爷子真的恨不得现在就将那孽障抓过来一顿棍子打他个满屁股桃花朵朵开,让这个不争气的孙子知道花儿为什么这样红……\n君邪静静地仰面漂浮在水面上,整个身体平躺,只靠着两手两脚不时的轻轻动作,使身体不致沉下去,不禁大感惬意。\n完全洗去了身上那厚厚的污垢,君邪感觉自己仿佛是从粪坑里爬了出来一般,一阵神清气爽,唯一有些遗憾的是,现在的自己虽然真正的与这具肉身合而为一,但自身的修为还远远达不到能够内视的地步,更不能与前世相提并论,但一次性能排除如此之多的身体杂质,眼下身体筋骨的程度绝对会令自己大吃一惊吧?\n君邪想着想着,不由嘴角微微地笑起来。\n远处的侍卫远远看到少爷就这么漂浮在水面上,一动不动地却沉不下去,不由地纷纷瞪大了眼睛。\n少爷修炼得这是什么神功啊?\n居然就这么漂在水面上?\n这若是按照玄气修为来解释的话,最少也是达到了玉玄的境界才能做到的啊啊!\n泡了一会,君邪便赶紧地上了岸,身体确实是清爽了,但是随之而来的却是虚弱,极度的虚弱的感觉!\n毕竟原来的君三少几乎将这身体搞得只剩下一副空架子,现在再经过这么激烈的洗经伐髓,灵神归一,君邪没有直接晕过去已经算是意志力超人了。\n强自支撑回到房间,君邪换上一袭轻柔的白袍,端起娇俏的小萝莉可儿送来的一碗燕窝粥,嘴角浮起一丝玩味的笑容。\n不管在什么世界,实力,都是第一位的!\n人,可以没有势力,但决不能没有属于自身的实力!\n就算是在前世,君邪也没有像现在这样急切地渴望实力的提升!\n孤独一人在这个世界,君邪觉得,唯一能够让自己彻底安心的,就是自身强大的实力,足以掌控众生生死的巅峰实力!\n而现在,君邪自信自己已经掌握了另一个宝库,那个神秘的宝塔,就是君邪今世最大的倚仗,君邪绝对不相信,这么一个神秘莫测的宝塔,里面就只有这一篇开天造化功的功诀,定然还有别的作用!\n而这些作用,都要等着君邪慢慢的一点一点去挖掘!\n还有,那号称“亘古第一功”的开天造化功,更是让君邪心中隐隐有了底气!如此玄异的功法,岂会是平常之物?\n慢慢地回忆了一下那开天造化功第一重“光照大衍”的运行线路,君邪盘膝坐在房间的地上,心神合一,宁神吐纳,缓缓的运行起来……\n“灵光性动,光照大衍;意上九霄,足踏仙泉;乾坤自握,心即宝山;神魄九炼,不堕黄泉……”\n运功一遍,很意外地毫无感觉,也没有出现半点所谓的气感,然君邪并不气馁,又一遍运行起来,紧守灵台,毫不放松。\n也不知道过去了多久,君邪已经按照开天造化功的介绍运行了不下于两百周天,依然毫无反应!\n经脉之内始终死气沉沉的,长时间的盘膝而坐,让君邪的两条腿都麻了起来,这具肉身虽然经历了洗经伐髓,但肉身的负荷能力却还未得到真正的开发,甚至连头脑也感觉晕晕的,这已经有即将晕倒的迹象了。\n君邪再度长吸了一口气,努力地保持脑中的清明,心中也发了狠劲:我就不信练不出气感!\n论邪,我才是第一位的!\n谁能邪得过我这个邪君?\n老子偏不信这个邪!\n老子不信任何邪!\n但任何邪都要信我这个邪!\n我是邪君!\n我才是邪中的君王!\n再一次的进入了漫长的吐纳之中,良久,君邪感觉到自己的身体似乎已经完全不听自己使唤了,全身肌肉都几乎僵硬,按照开天造化功的线路运行了又有不下于三百个周天了,依然毫无所觉!\n君邪闭着眼睛,完全的将身体的疲惫强行忍住,心中只有一个执拗的信念:再来一个周天……再来一个周天……再来……\n终于,不知道又过了多久,君邪突然隐约感觉头顶泥丸宫微微一跳,接着一热,经脉之内突然出现了一点点感觉,但那感觉却是微弱游丝,若非全神贯注,几乎不能察觉,这道气息诚然细如游丝,几乎是若有若无的,但本质却是异常实在的,这样的内息真的很古怪,因为初习内功之人,纵然可以修炼出气感,也决计不会如此凝实,只是,刻下处于浑浑噩噩之中的君邪却完全没有意识到这点。\n就在这根细若游丝,却异常实在的气息,刚刚出现的时候,在君邪的思海之中,那座七彩流光的小小宝塔,突然缓缓飞了起来,在半空中慢慢地旋转着,每一次旋转,均有一大蓬浓郁的白雾喷薄而出,白雾缓缓地飘在半空,有无数肉眼无法发觉的白色雾丝突然浮现在君邪的身体表面,再慢慢地渗入君邪的肌肤之中,渗入君邪的经脉里……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 8\nJun Xie realized that his strange situation had further granted him a mysterious encounter of epic proportions!\nThis ‘Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune’ is immeasurably mysterious, and its effectiveness will undoubtedly be far superior to others.\nAs for the Nine Layered Exquisite PaGoda, he had no doubt that this is an incomparable treasure!\nNo matter how ignorant Jun Xie may be, even he had heard of the mythical legend of Hongjun Laozu. It is said that this Great God is the Master of the Three Great Sage Gods: Taishang Dao Jun (Honoured Lord of the Dao and its Virtue), Yuanshi Tianzun (Honoured Lord of the Origin) and Tongtian Jiaozhu (Grandmaster of Heaven). These individuals are heaven-shaking myths without equal under Heaven!\nFor this paGoda to be named after Hongjun Laozu, its abilities can never be questionable.\nJun Xie was almost overwhelmed by the desire to immediately practice the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, but was finally able to restrain himself. Calming himself down, he inspected his own body and could not help but feel surprised.\nThe surface of his skin was completely covered by a layer of black, greenish muddy liquid. The unbelievably disgusting muddy liquid was releasing a sickeningly foul stench. In addition, it was a very thick layer!\nA name with legendary qualities and origin suddenly appeared within Jun Xie’s sea of consciousness: Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser? \nCould it be? After just that one time of extreme pain, all the impurities within my body have been ejected out?\nJun Xie became uncontrollable ecstatic! \nIf only I knew earlier that there would be this kind of miraculous effect, even another round of pain would be no big deal!\nIndeed, as far as Jun Xie was concerned, no amount of pain can be compared with the benefits of increasing his body’s strength. As long as his body strength can be upgraded, what was a little bit of pain? No matter how unbearably painful it might be, it was still worth it!\nJun Xie stood up in excitement. Enduring the stench emanating from his body, he swiftly ran towards a pond within his family residence. Unhesitatingly, he jumped in with a resounding plop.\nSuddenly, several voices rang out in unison, asking: “Who is it?”\nJun Xie snorted and replied: “Me! This Young Master wants to take a bath; nobody is allowed to disturb me!”\n“Ah, it is the Young Master,” After that, no more sound was heard.\nWithin the study, Grandpa Jun wrinkled his brows: “What was that?”\nHousekeeper Pang quickly went out to check. He immediately returned and replied with a bow. “It is the Young Master, it is reported that he jumped into the Luo Yue pond to take a bath.”\n“A bath? He jumped into Luo Yue pond in the middle of the night to take a bath?”\nGrandpa Jun’s temper began to rise again, his nose became twisted, his breath became short, he shouted with an uneven voice: “This damned creature!”\nIn a huff, he went to sleep.\nFor the past few days, he had been looking forward to his grandson turning over a new leaf. At this moment, his expectations had been shattered into a million pieces. All that remained was an unspeakable discomfort throbbing within his chest.\nSuch is reality, the greater the hope, the greater too the disappointment will be. At this moment, Grandpa Jun really wanted to drag in the damned brat and beat his ass with a stick until it peachy flowers ‘blossom’. Then this ungrateful grandson of his will realize why the flowers are so red…\nJun Xie was floating quietly upon the water surface. His body was straightened and he relied on both his hands and feet to gently stabilize himself from time to time, allowing him to float on without sinking. Jun Xie felt himself awash with a feeling of comfort.\nAfter having washed away all the thick layer of dirt on his body, Jun Xie felt as though he had just climbed out of a pit of excrement. His body was completely refreshed. The only problem was that even though his mind and soul had completely melded as one with this body, its strength is still nowhere close to where he was back in his past life. However, after having ejected so many impurities from his body, the current state of his physique, muscles and bones must certainly have improved to a shocking level. Right?\nThinking about this, Jun Xie’s mouth curled into a smile.\nA distance away, the house guards saw their Young Master floating on the water surface. They bulged their eyes as they stared at Jun Xie who was floating on the water surface while remaining motionless, not sinking in the slightest. \nWhat kind of divine art is the Young Master practicing? \nTo think that one can float on the water surface just like that. \nIf one were to utilize their Xuan Qi to achieve this feat, than they would require at least a minimum of Jade level Xuan Qi to do so!\nAfter dunking himself for a while, Jun Xie quickly rose out of the pond. While his body was indeed refreshed, what follows was a feeling of weakness, an extremely exhaustive feeling of weakness!\nConsidering how the original Third Young Master Jun never took good care of his body, and considering the painful process of Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser that he just had to undergo, not fainting on the spot was quite the superhuman feat for Jun Xie.\nSupporting himself through sheer will, Jun Xie reached his room. After having changed into a set of white robes, the tender Lolita, Little Ke brought in a bowl of bird’s nest soup, her mouth set with a playful smile.\nNo matter what world it is, strength remains the number one priority! \nPeople may be able to live without having influence, but they must never be lacking in personal strength! \nEven in his past life, Jun Xie had never been so impatient and desirous of enhancing his strength!\nBeing thrown alone into this world, the only thing that could give Jun Xie peace of mind is strength. A strength so powerful, he can hold the life and death of multitudes within the palm of his hand.\nAs of now, Jun Xie confidently believed that he had mastered another treasure, the mysterious paGoda. It remained the biggest trump card for Jun Xie in this new world. Jun Xie believed that the secrets within this unfathomably mysterious paGoda would not be limited to just a mere Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. There would surely be other secrets hidden within it! \nAs for what they may be, that will be up to Jun Xie to slowly unravel them in due time.\nIn addition, for the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to be proclaimed as the “First Eternal Art” strengthened Jun Xie’s inner conviction. This mysterious art cannot possibly be an average run of the mill technique.\nSlowly recalling the practice methods of the first part of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, “Great Overflowing Illumination”, Jun Xie sat down cross legged on the ground. Mind and body as one, entering a tranquil state of respiration, he slowly began…\n“The aura moves Nature, the great illumination overflows, to surpass the Nine Heavens, to thread upon the Celestial Fountain, grasp the Universe; the heart becomes a treasure mountain, the divine spirit’s Nine refinements, never to fall into the Yellow Springs…”\nAfter having commenced practice following the method in his mind, he unexpectedly felt nothing at all. Not the slightest bit of qi can be felt, but this did not discourage Jun Xie at all. He started practicing again, monitoring his body at all times without letting it relax at any moment.\nAfter who knows how long, Jun Xie had already practiced following the methods inscribed upon the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to regulate his body no less than two hundred times, and yet there was still no reaction!\nHis meridians have remained inactive from the beginning to the end. Furthermore, the prolonged amount of time sitting cross-legged had caused Jun Xie’s legs to become numb. Even though his body had undergone the Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser process, the capabilities of the body had yet to be developed. At this point, even his mind had started feeling dizzy and the signs of fainting could be perceived.\nJun Xie took a deep breath one more time, trying hard to keep his mind clear, a resolute spirit emanating from his heart: “I don’t believe I cannot succeed in forcing out the qi!\nWhen it comes to being evil, I am number one!\nWho can be more evil than I, the Evil Monarch?\nThis senior will succeed!”\nThis senior will never fall before other evils! \nBut other evils must fall before the evil me! \nI am the Evil Monarch! \nI am the Sovereign of all evils!\nOnce again, he entered the state of respiration. After a long period of time, Jun Xie felt that his entire body would no longer obey him, his every muscle feeling strained and stiff. He had regulated his body according to the instructions of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune no less than three hundred times, and yet nothing can be felt!\nJun Xie closed his eyes, forcibly pushing back all the feelings of exhaustion within his body, in his mind there was only one line of thought, a stubborn conviction: One more time… one more time… one more time… more… more…\nFinally, after an indeterminable period of time, Jun Xie suddenly felt a slight change in his Niwan Palace within his head. After that, with a flush of heat, a little change could be felt in his meridians. But that feeling was weak and trifling, unnoticeable unless one were to constantly monitor every part of the body. While the qi flow was as thin as gossamer thread, almost to the point of it being non-existent, its essence was truly abnormal. This flow of qi was truly bewildering. For those who practice internal arts, even if they manage to practice to the point of feeling the flow of qi, it should not have condensed to become a solid existence flowing within the body. However, the current Jun Xie who had practiced to the point of stupidity was currently unable to realize this.\nAt the very moment that the abnormal flow of qi similar to gossamer thread appeared, the miniature seven coloured radiant paGoda suddenly rose up from Jun Xie’s sea of consciousness. It slowly rotated in the air, exuding a huge amount of white mist with every cycle. The white mist slowly floated around; countless white threads formed by the mist, unseen by the naked eye, suddenly formed upon Jun Xie’s body surface. Those threads then slowly penetrated Jun Xie’s skin, all the way down to his meridians…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第80章\n“幸亏兄弟你没死,要不我以后可就太寂寞了,没了你,我真不知道怎么办才好了。”\n唐胖子擦了擦汗,接过可儿递过来的茶水,美美地喝了一口,这才回头叫道:“来啊!快将我唐家给君三少的礼物抬进来!”\n君莫邪饶有兴趣的看着门外,实在不知道这位仁兄来看自己送的礼物居然是需要“抬”的,到底啥东西?\n两个人抬着两个大箱子,吭哧吭哧的进来。\n顿时,君莫邪的卧室里被唐源和两个大箱子这三个庞然大物彻底占据,几乎连可儿都没有了容身之处,要缩起双脚蹲坐在了椅子上。\n唐源挥挥手令他们出去,嘿嘿笑着,献宝似的神秘兮兮的打开了木箱子,贼忒嘻嘻的瞄了瞄君莫邪,这才让开了身子,君莫邪探头一看,几乎晕了过去。\n里面居然尽是高级的疗伤药,一盒一盒,一瓶一瓶,一包一包……包装精美,药味扑鼻,一看就知道价值不菲;君莫邪心中实在是很怀疑,这胖子是不是把城中的药铺都搜空了?\n这些药物,若是一般人受了伤,确实是很有用,也是很实用地,甚至其中有些就算有钱也未必能买得到的,但问题就是……君莫邪不同于其他人啊,他完全不需要这东西!\n这些东西对君莫邪来说,等于一堆巨大的垃圾!起码也是鸡肋!\n呻吟了一声,君莫邪有气无力地道:“胖子啊,真是难为你了,您带来的这些药,我这一辈子就算每天都受伤七八次一直活到一百岁也够用了,你这不是来看我的,你简直就是来诅咒我多受几次伤啊……”\n唐源啪的合上这木箱,得意洋洋地道:“三少,哥哥我的手段如何?凡是天香城有的伤药,哪怕是圣品,绝品,也全部都在这箱子里了!”\n说着,突然神秘兮兮的凑在君莫邪耳朵边上,鬼鬼祟祟的道:“三少,最底下那一层,那可是我专门花费了大心血才搞到手的,可遇而不可求的好东西啊。\n你可得小心藏好了啊。”\n“虾米?”君莫邪稍有兴趣,挑了挑眉毛,问道。\n唐源瞟了一眼可儿,猥亵的笑了笑,才压低着声音道:“最底下可是你最感兴趣的东西,是烈女宝、欢乐草、淑女淫,贞妇倒、金神枪、不倒棍、捅穿墙、吊百斤、……”\n“停!停停停!”君莫邪一阵头大如斗:“这都是些什么希奇古怪、乱七八糟的玩意?那啥……吊百斤是什么东东?”\n“吊百斤啊,嘿嘿嘿……”唐源淫亵的笑了笑,指指君莫邪的胯下,低声道:“意思是说,你只要吃了那东西,你那啥就能足足吊起一百斤的……呃,好东东吧。”\n这胖子倒是活学活用,君莫邪顺口出来一句“东东”,居然没加解释他就明白了是啥意思还能接着利用上了。\n“草!您饶命吧,别在这恶心我了!”\n君莫邪一阵头痛:\n“赶紧拿走!要是让爷爷看见了,估计先把那啥给我掐断了,我还要保住慧根呢!您可别害我了!”\n“你怕啥?这玩意儿,是个男人就喜欢,估计君老大人也有,老大人年纪可是不轻了,没这些东东助阵,就算雄风犹在,也未必……嘎嘎……”唐源不知死活的笑着,突然……\n“什么玩意儿我也有?”\n一个沉重的声音响了起来,君战天老爷子大踏步到了门口,一脸纳闷地看了看唐源,再看了看拥挤不堪的卧房:“这是怎么回事?你小子刚才说什么呢?”\n我的运气就这么背?\n唐源目瞪口呆,豆大的汗珠一滴滴冒了出来,眼珠子滴溜溜乱转,肥胖的身体下,顿时被汗水浸出了一滩水渍,要老命啊,刚才那话要是让老爷子听到……\n“这是一堆啥东西?”君老爷子有些恼怒:“乱七八糟的,还不赶紧清走?”\n唐源急忙哈哈的站起来,点头如鸡啄米:“是是,马上清走,就是一些普通药材,没什么特别的。”\n他一说话,君老爷子顿时反应过来:“胖子,你小子刚才说什么玩意儿我也有?”\n唐源的脸霎时五官挤在了一起,脸色由白变红,由红变青,胖胖的腮帮子止不住的哆嗦起来,两条大腿,也有痉挛的趋势……\n“呃,胖子是说,您老雄风犹在什么的,还说陛下的雄风豪气,爷爷您也有;不过觉得有些犯忌,就不敢再说了。”\n君莫邪急忙打圆场,看胖子这可怜的样子,估计君老爷子再说一句话,他就吓得瘫了。\n“这有什么犯忌的?也值得吓成这样子?\n老夫我本就是雄风犹在,豪气长存,这本就是事实嘛!”\n君老爷子甚是鄙视的看了看唐源,教训道:“以后没事,不要老是拉着我们家莫邪去那些不三不四的地方,以前尽是跟着你学坏了。”\n“啊?”唐源一阵惊愕;老爷子您怎么颠倒是非啊,当初分明是我跟着你孙子才学坏的……\n君老爷子哼了一声,在老人家心里,自己的孙子自然是好的,是乖的,以前之所以不争气,主要也是跟着这帮损友学坏了……\n挥手进来几个侍卫,将两个箱子抬了出去;唐源一急:“那第二个箱子里面……”\n君莫邪也是一头汗:这小子第二个箱子里不会比第一个箱子还要不堪吧?\n那可真是被他害死了……\n君老爷子一挥手,令全部送到了君莫邪的小仓库里去,可儿也跟着去了。\n两人才松了一口气,不约而同的吐了口气。\n一个白发白须白袍的老者,慈眉善目,满脸清和之气;提着一个小药箱走了进来,唐源顿时一惊,恭恭敬敬地站了起来,道:“方先生。”\n这位方先生,正是当朝御医之首,方回生。\n在天香城中,有一个响亮的绰号:方不死!\n意思就是说,不管你受了多重的伤,只要方御医伸了手,那你就肯定死不了!\n此言虽然夸大了些,但方回生的医术之高明,却是毋庸质疑,纵是华佗扁鹊复生,大抵也就不过如此的样子。\n唐源昔年曾经得过一场大病,京中群医束手无策,关键时刻,正是这位方回生方大夫出手,将他的小命救了回来。\n所以唐源对方回生很是感激,毕竟是救命恩人。\n方回生颔首一笑,甚是慈和,也不说话,坐在床边,一伸手搭上了君莫邪的腕脉,同时细细的观察他的脸色,翻翻他的眼皮,甚至让他伸出舌头来看了看。\n就在这一刻,君莫邪心中突然冒出了一个念头。\n内力控制着体内劲流,顿时动荡了几下;经脉跳动,顿时显得颇为异常。\n这种不属于这个世界的神秘力量,当然没有人能够看得出来。\n方回生脸色渐渐凝重起来,他本以为君战天急匆匆的向陛下要人,请自己过来,完全是小题大做,但此时一探脉,却突然发现面前这少年体内的情况,竟然是出乎预料的糟糕透顶!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 80\n“Thankfully, you did not die. Otherwise, I would be left alone. What would I ever do without you?”\nFatty Tang wiped away his tears. After that, he drank a cup of tea that Little Ke brought in and called out. “Come! Quickly lift up and bring over the gifts that my Tang Family has prepared for Third Young Master Jun!”\nJun Moxie turned his attention to the outside, he was curious as to what kind of gifts did this brother of his prepared. He had even used the word “lift” for the gifts, what kind of gifts could it be?\nTwo men carried in two big boxes into the room, their faces showing an expression of extreme difficulty. \nSuddenly, Jun Moxie’s bedroom was completely occupied by Tang Yuan and the two big boxes. Even Little Ke did not have any place to be at; she could only try to shrink her legs as she sat on a chair.\nTang Yuan waved to have the two men move out and laughed. He moved about with a mysterious air as he giggled and glanced at Jun Moxie. After opening the box, he moved away to let Jun Moxie see the contents within. Seeing it, Jun Moxie nearly fainted.\nPlaced within the box were high-grade medicines, boxes after boxes, bottles after bottles, packages after packages… all of them were perfectly packed and the smell of medicine assailed one’s nose. One look was enough to confirm that the things inside were all valuable items. Jun Moxie wondered: did this fatty sweep up all the medical shops within the capital?\nFor the common people that had been injured, these medicines would certainly prove useful. In fact, those medicines were necessary. Moreover, some of these medicines might be impossible to obtain even if one has money. However, there was a problem here… Jun Moxie is no ordinary person; he has absolutely no need for this stuff!\nIn Jun Moxie’s eyes, these items were no different from a pile of garbage! At the very least, it was only chicken ribs*!\nGroaning, Jun Moxie spoke feebly. “Fatty, you have had it tough. However, even if I were to get hurt every day, all these medicines could probably last until the day I reach a hundred years of age. Are you here to visit me, or to curse me so that I get injured more?”\nTang Yuan slapped down on the box, closing it and spoke in a triumphant demeanour. “Third Young Master, what do you think of your brother’s acquisition techniques? As long as the medicine is available in Tianxiang City, regardless if it is the holy grade or pinnacle grade, all of it is now within these two boxes!” \nAfter saying that, he secretly moved close to Jun Moxie and whispered furtively. “Third Young Master, those in the bottom layer are the ones I have spent a huge amount of effort in acquiring. Those are all rare items that are very hard to find. \nYou must hide them carefully.”\n“What is it?” Jun Moxie felt himself becoming interested; his eyebrows were raised as he asked.\nTang Yuan gave a furtive glance at Little Ke and then smiled indecently before replying. “The ones at the bottom are those that you are most interested in, treasures to make females strong, Joysong Grass, Kinky Lady, Chaste Breaker, Golden Spirit Spear, Infallible Rod, Wall Piercer, Hundred Jin Hoist…\n“Stop! Stopstopstop!” Jun Moxie was shocked. “What in the world are all those weird stuffs? What is that… Hundred Jin Hoist, just what is that?”\n“Hundred Jin Hoist, hehehe…” Tang Yuan let out an obscene smile again. Pointing at Jun Moxie’s crotch, he whispered. “It means that after you eat that item, then that part of you could hoist up a hundred jin (60.5 kg)… err, good stuff!”\nHearing Jun Moxie use the words ‘stuff’, Tang Yuan decided to call it ‘stuff’ as well.\n“bloody hell! Don’t do this to me, that is simply too disgusting!” \nJun Moxie felt himself coming down with a headache.\n“Quickly move it away! If my grandfather sees it, he might decide to just cut that part of mine off! I want to take it with me even after I die! Don’t bring such a kind of calamity to me!”\n“What are you scared of? As long as one is a man, he will certainly appreciate this item! If I am not mistaken, Senior Boss Jun should also have this item. After all, his age is nothing to scoff at. Without the help of this ‘stuff’, even with his glorious bearing, he may not be able… kaka…” Tang Yuan laughed out recklessly. Suddenly…\n“What item do I also have?”\nA deep, profound voice sounded out and Grandpa Jun stepped into view just outside the doors. A puzzled expression was on his face as he glanced at Tang Yuan before looking at the crammed room. “What is going on here? What were you just talking about earlier?”\nWhy is my luck so shitty! \nTang Yuan was shell-shocked, large drops of sweat perspired out from him, his eyes rolling about in disorder. The floor below his obese body had, in an instant become drenched with a pool of sweat: Oh, my pitiful life! If those words earlier had been heard by Old Master Jun…\n“What is all this stuff?” Grandpa Jun showed an expression of annoyance. “What a mess, quickly move it away!”\nTang Yuan immediately straightened himself, nodding his head like a chicken pecking on grains. “Yes, yes! I will immediately take them out! These are all some common herbs and medicine, nothing special about it.”\nAfter he spoke out though, Grandpa Jun spoke out again. “Fatty, what was the item that you said I have?”\nThe facial features on Tang Yuan’s face suddenly contorted together, his complexion turning white, then red, then green. His fat cheeks trembled non-stop and his thigh quaked…\n“Uh, Fatty was saying something about your imposing aura, he even said that His Majesty’s aura could also be felt from you, but decided to stop because the subject was too much of a taboo,” \nJun Moxie quickly stepped in to smooth things over. Watching the poor Fatty’s pitiful figure, he estimated that Fatty would probably turn to stone from just another word by Grandpa Jun.\n“What is so taboo about that subject? Do you need to be scared to such heights?\nThis senior simply possess a grand and imposing aura, a heroic aura that would never fade, this is simply a fact!”\nGrandpa Jun looked at Tang Yuan with an expression of disdain and continued. “In the future, do not invite our Moxie to go to those shady places anymore. Back then, he became bad because he followed you all the time.”\n“Ah?” Tang Yuan became shocked: Old Master, how could you flip right and wrong to such an extent? Back then, I was the one who followed your grandson and turned bad as a result…\nGrandpa Jun snorted. In his heart, his own grandson was naturally a good grandson. As for all the disappointing things which happened back then, the main reason would naturally be due to this bad apple of a friend…\nThe two bodyguards came in and lifted up the two boxes. Tang Yuan then urgently said. “The second box…”\nJun Moxie started to sweat himself: Could it be that the items within the second box are even more unbearable than the first? \nAre you trying to get me killed…\nGrandpa Jun waved his hand, commanding the men to carry away the two boxes of gifts away. Little Ke also went along with them. \nIt was only then that the two of them let out a sigh of relief.\nAn old man with white hair and beard walked in; his face was one of kindness and harmony; he carried with him a small medical chest. Tang Yuan became shocked; he quickly bowed in a respectful manner and saluted. “Sir Fang.”\nThis Sir Fang was none other than the Chief of the Imperial Doctors, Fang Huisheng. \nThose within Tianxiang City also gave him a resounding nickname: Death Warding Fang! \nThe meaning behind this name was that no matter how grievous one’s injuries may be, once the Imperial Doctor Fang treats that person, then that person will never die! \nThis description towards him may have been exaggerated, however, his expertise within the field of medicine was indeed indisputable. If Huatuo and Bianque were to return to life, then he would probably be at this level.\nIn the past, Tang Yuan had fallen seriously ill and all the doctors within the capital were unable to cure him. During the most critical moment, this Sir Fang had appeared to treat him, saving him from the brink of death. Thus, Tang Yuan showed a great level of respect towards Sir Fang. \nAfter all, he was the one who saved his life.\nFang Huisheng nodded and gave a gentle smile. Without speaking, he sat on the bed and his hands grasped onto Jun Moxie’s wrist, feeling the pulse on his wrist. He carefully observed Jun Moxie’s complexion, pulling up his eyelids and asking him to extend his tongue out for observation.\nIt was at this moment that an idea suddenly popped into Jun Moxie’s mind.\nUsing his internal energies, he exerted control over the qi flow of his body. It suddenly moved, causing his meridians to pulse in a seemingly abnormal manner.\nThis method was something that this world has no knowledge of. Naturally, there was also no one who could detect this method.\nFang Huisheng’s face gradually turned serious. He had originally assumed that Jun Zhantian was simply making a mountain out of a molehill by dragging him here. However, after having checked this patient’s pulse, he suddenly realized that this youngster before him was in a truly terrible state!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第81章\n君战天见他脸色不妙,不由心中忐忑,问道:“老方,怎么样?”\n方回生怜悯的看了看君莫邪,摇了摇头,叹了口气,道:“性命大抵是无碍的,不过,其他就很糟糕。”\n“很糟糕?”君老爷子大惊:“有多糟糕?”\n“经脉郁结,隐隐有枯竭之像;五脏受损,这个……”他叹了口气,抬头道:“三少是不是曾经经过剧烈的体质锻炼?\n而且,是完全超出了身体承受能力的那种?”\n君战天越来越感觉不妙,道:“是,曾经有那么七天,就是昨天之前还……”\n“那就是了……”方回生缩回了手,霜眉紧皱,道:“人力有时穷,三少的身体,本就虚弱,亏空;全凭强韧毅力而承受身体难以负荷地高强度训练,身体筋脉如何承受得起,已然受了暗伤;若是仅仅如此,只需终止那训练,调理得宜,便有痊愈的机会;但偏偏就在这个时候,百上加斤,胸腹间中了刺客一剑两脚,致使五脏尽伤,更为剑其气摧伤了内腑,彻底引发了积蓄的暗伤,两伤相叠,岂有幸理,这也还罢了,最最难办的反而是,被利剑重伤之后,未能及时止血,导致失血过多,如今能保住性命,已经是不幸中的大幸了……”\n他摇了摇头,道:“此番之后,三少能够保住性命,做一个普通人已经是上上大吉了,而且,日后若是再有剧烈的活动,便会有头晕目眩、五内如焚的感觉,甚至动辄有性命之危。”\n君战天一呆,脸色大变,问道:“竟有如此严重?神医可有调理的手段吗?便一点痊愈的指望也没有了不成?”\n方回生叹息一声,道:“仍是那句话,人力有时穷,我虽被称道为神医,又那里当真有那通神手段,眼下这诸般情况累积在一起,纵然神仙再世,只怕也要无能为力。\n君老,望子成龙,人同此心,固然是心情殷切之事,但,也要量力而行啊。”\n说着提起笔来,开了个方子,道:“按这方子,每日三煎,小心调理,或可回复一二,但至于那玄气修为,相信已经是终生无望了!”\n君老爷子呆若木鸡,连旁边的唐源也是目瞪口呆。\n但,从这位医学的泰斗嘴里说出来的话,又有谁敢怀疑?\n又有谁有资格怀疑!\n强笑一声,君战天黑着脸,道:“能够保住性命落不下残疾,能如常人一般的行动自如就好,至于玄气……天香国无数的人终生不曾接触,不也照样建功立业吗?”\n话虽这样说,但老爷子语气中的失望,却连唐源都听得出来。\n唐源安慰道:“是呀,就像我们现在当朝的李太师,不外就是一个文弱书生嘛?还不照样是纵横朝堂,一人之下万人之上?”\n唐胖子这句话本来只是应奉之意,没想到君老爷子听得心中怒火大起,以为胖子拐着弯骂人呢,要知道,李太师的玄气,可是君战天当年亲手废掉的,从而也导致了两家直到现在也解不开的冤仇,也是永远无法化解的冤仇……\n“滚!”君老爷子一声怒吼。\n唐胖子被老爷子唬得浑身一哆嗦,屁滚尿流的逃走了,到了也不知道自己怎么得罪老爷子了,自己明明就是顺着老爷子的话说的来着。\n方回生叹口气,收拾起药箱,也告辞了;君老爷子安排几名侍卫送他回去,自己却坐在孙子床边没动。\n这个举动不禁导致方大神医心中有些腹诽:这一来一回,待遇相差何等之大啊!\n一回头,发现君莫邪居然还在笑,君老爷子叹了口气,怒道:“你小子笑什么?\n老夫费尽了多大的心力,才请动千里无影跟踪随行保护你,你倒好!自作聪明,出尽手段,将人家甩掉了,怎么样,最终闹成了现在这般模样,你说说你,你……我怎么说你才好!唉!”\n君老爷子摇头叹气,只感觉自己一辈子能叹的气,只怕在今天已经全叹完了。\n“请爷爷宽心。”君莫邪看着君战天眉宇间浓浓的关切,只觉得心中暖呼呼的,不忍再瞒着他,道:“刚才方先生的诊断,是我自己动了些手脚。\n其实,我的身体,根本就没有他所说的那么严重。”\n说着呵呵一笑,玄功运转,脸上病容顿时一扫而尽,变得神采奕奕。\n“嗯?”君战天神情一震,一阵极度的狂喜涌上了他的脸庞,但随即,狂喜的神色还未来得及散开,就又罩上了一层疑虑,和一点明悟。\n“我想听听你的理由!任何的一点,甚至是,你的……想法。”君战天的眼神变得很犀利,看着君莫邪,似乎在审视自己这个孙子,心中究竟想的什么。\n同时,君战天转头喝道:“从现在开始,这间房子周围三十丈之内,我不允许见到任何一个有耳朵的东西存在!有违者,杀无赦!”\n外面一声答应,接着“刷刷”的声音不断响起。\n只须臾之间,外间似乎已经变得一片寂静,万籁无声。\n瞒着御医,就意味着欺瞒皇上!\n所以君战天很小心。\n君莫邪平躺着的身体突然坐了起来,就穿着那一身睡衣,他紧了紧腰间的布带,走下了床,安安稳稳的坐在了太师椅上,坐到了他爷爷君战天君老爷子的对面。\n这个动作,让君老爷子惊喜,看来自己的孙子的身体果然已经无恙,这孙子当真是好手段,连当世有数的神医方回生竟也被他瞒过了!\n但随即老爷子的脸色变得郑重了起来,他能预感到,君莫邪接下来的话,必然会是非常严肃的,也许还是自己不愿意听的。\n甚至是有些大逆不道的!\n所以老爷子一早就隔绝了这所房子的任何信息,除非有传说中的至尊神玄高手藏匿偷听,否则决计无人可以瞒过老爷子的耳目。\n从君莫邪这么多年的隐忍,以及到现在的伪装受伤,君老爷子无不嗅出了不寻常的气息。\n他甚至能猜到,自己的孙子大致能说些什么,所以他才格外的严肃、郑重了起来!\n“因为君家现在真的很危险!\n我不得不站出来,本来纨绔一生才是我原本的本意!”\n君莫邪开口了,却是先将自己摘了一下:“可惜,君家现在第三代只得我一个了,我就算想置身事外也不行了,所以我现在绝对不能进入京城各大家族的严密防备的视线里去!”\n“这一点我了解,也猜到了。”君老爷子捻着胡子:“单纯这一点的话,你现在的装伤,就很成功,我很欣慰。”\n“还有,就是爷爷此前的行动,虽然一举震慑了京城各大豪门,但君家实力尽显,无论是在朝在野的影响力还是暗中的力量,都过于庞大了,而这样的力量本是皇家不能容忍的。\n同时这次的事情也是一桩大大的犯忌的事情!\n不过一来无巧不巧的迎合了陛下的心意,顺水推舟地让陛下完成了京城权利的重新洗牌;二来因为陛下顾及往日情谊和爷爷的无数大功;三来也因为爷爷年事已高,三叔重伤致残,孙儿我纨绔不成器,才避免了陛下疑忌。”\n“但这种事情可一而不可再;此次侥幸已经是很勉强,下次则未必!\n就算是此时,若是让陛下查知孙儿的纨绔是假象,重伤之假象,势必猜忌之心反而会加倍,届时恐怕君家大祸便会即刻临门!\n这就是孙儿装伤的最大原因之所在!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 81\nObserving the discouraging look on Sir Fang’s face, Jun Zhantian could not help but feel apprehensive. He asked. “Old Fang, how is it?”\nFang Huisheng looked at Jun Moxie with an expression of pity. He shook his head and sighed. “His life in in no danger, but as for the rest, they are in terrible shape.”\n“Terrible?” Grandpa Jun was shocked. “How terrible?”\n“Stagnant meridians, with faint signs of over exertion, his internal organs are also damaged, this…” he sighed before raising his head. “Did the Third Young Master undergo a rigorously intense physical exercise just before this?\nIn addition, the intensity involved is one that exceeds what a person’s body could shoulder!”\nJun Zhantian felt a sense of foreboding as he replied. “Yes, he had once done that for about seven days. In fact, just the day before yesterday…”\n“There’s the problem…” Fang Huisheng retracted his hands, his eyebrows wrinkling. “The human body can sometimes be deficient, and Third Young Master’s body was originally weak to begin with. With a deficient body, even if one has the perseverance to endure a high intensity physical training, how could the body’s muscle and veins endure it? If it was only this hidden injury, all he needs to do is to stop the training. With the proper lifestyle, he could be cured. However, it was at this moment that his chest suffered from an impact of over a hundred jin in strength due to the sword wound and the kicks from the assassins, resulting in the injuries to his internal organs. The injury to his internal organs also aggravated the hidden injury from his training. Now that these two injuries have stacked, how could it be managed? That’s not all. The worst part was that after being stabbed by the sword, his wound was not wrapped up in time, leading to the loss of too much blood. For him to be able to stay alive right now is already a great fortune…”\nHe shook his head and continued. “After such an incident, for Third Young Master to successfully preserve his life and become an ordinary person is something to be highly grateful for. In addition, if he ever partakes in any intense activities in the future, he would suffer from dizziness and painful agony which could even endanger his life.”\nJun Zhantian’s face turned blank and pale. “It is actually so bad? Don’t Divine Doctor have any methods for restoration? Could it be that there is absolutely no hope at all for him?”\nFang Huisheng gave a sigh and said. “I can only tell you the same thing. The human body is sometimes deficient. Even though I am touted as the Divine Doctor, I do not actually have divine skills. Now that all these injuries have come together, I fear that not even an immortal could do anything about it. \nOld Jun, you wish for your grandson to become a dragon, but that is what everyone wishes for. No matter how earnest your desire may be, one must know one’s limits.”\nAs he spoke, he produced a writing brush and started writing down a prescription. “Follow the recipe stated here and prepare it for him three times a day. Prepare it carefully and he may be able to recover a bit. As for his Xuan Qi cultivation, I believe that is no longer a possibility.”\nGrandpa Jun was stupefied. Even Tang Yuan who was standing beside stood with a stunned expression.\nHowever, who could dare doubt the words coming out from the mouth of this leading figure in the medical profession? \nWho could have the qualifications to doubt him?\nJun Zhantian forced himself to smile, his face dark. “If he can preserve his life without suffering from any disability and live on like a normal person, that is good enough. As for Xuan Qi… there are many other people within Tianxiang Kingdom that have no knowledge of Xuan Qi, however they could still contribute.”\nDespite saying that, the disappointment within Grandpa Jun’s tone was clear to even Tang Yuan.\nTang Yuan tried to comfort him. “That is true. Just look at our Imperial Court’s Grand Preceptor, is he not merely a frail scholar? However, he could still dominate the Imperial Court, standing below one and above millions.”\nTang Yuan’s words were said with good intentions. However, listening to those words caused Grandpa Jun to become enraged, thinking that Fatty was indirectly scolding him. Back then, Grand Preceptor Li’s Xuan Qi cultivation was personally destroyed by Jun Zhantian. That incident was the cause of the enmity between these two families, an enmity that could never be reconciled…\n“Scram!” Grandpa Jun roared out in anger.\nGrandpa Jun’s roar caused Fatty Tang to tremble and he ran off, nearly crapping himself as he did. Even then, he could not understand what he did to make Grandpa Jun so mad. He was clearly only trying to support Grandpa Jun’s words.\nFang Huisheng sighed. He packed up his chest and started to leave. Grandpa Jun arranged for a few bodyguards to send him back while he himself sat down beside his grandson’s bed.\nThis action from him caused the Divine Doctor Fang to feel somewhat displeased: What a huge difference in treatment before I came and after!\nTurning around, Grandpa Jun found Jun Moxie smiling. He sighed and said angrily. “What are you smiling at, you brat?\nThis senior spent so much effort to invite an expert tracker to protect you. Instead, you decided to be a smart aleck and used some methods to get rid of him. Now look at you! Tell me… what should I say to you now! Sigh!”\nGrandpa Jun shook his head and sighed. He felt that his lifetime’s worth of sighs had all been used up today.\n“Grandpa, please be at ease,” Watching Jun Zhantian’s face frowning due to concern, Jun Moxie felt his heart turning warm and could not bear to hide it from him any longer. “The diagnosis for Sir Fang earlier was simply a result of my tampering.\nTruth be told, the state of my body is nowhere near as bad as what he had described.”\nHaving said that, he activated his body’s xuan skill and his sickly face was suddenly replaced with a radiant complexion.\n“En?” Jun Zhantian was startled and an expression of ecstasy washed over his face. However, before the expression of ecstasy could spread over his entire face, a look of doubt appeared, followed by a look of realization.\n“I want to hear your reasons! I want to hear every single one, and even… your plans,” Jun Zhantian’s gaze turned sharp as he stared at Jun Moxie, as though he was trying to examine this grandson of his and what he was thinking of doing.\nJun Zhantian immediately turned around and shouted. “From this day onwards, I forbid anything that has ears to enter within thirty zhangs (91.2 m) from this room! Anyone disobeys, kill without mercy!”\nA sound of affirmation came from the outside. Following which the sounds “shua shua” could be heard in succession.\nIn only a few moments time, the outside had turned silent, not a sound could be heard.\nHiding the truth from the Imperial Doctor meant fooling the Emperor! \nThus, Jun Zhantian was being very careful!\nJun Moxie who had been lying flat on the bed suddenly sat up. Wearing only his pajamas, he tightened his cloth belt and walked off the bed. He sat down onto the chair in the room, his face facing Jun Zhantian who was seated just opposite him.\nThis action from him caused Grandpa Jun to become surprised. It would appear that Jun Moxie’s body was indeed fully healed. This grandson of his truly has some good techniques. He had even managed to fool the great Divine Doctor Fang!\nHowever, Grandpa Jun’s face turned solemn. He could feel that what Jun Moxie planned to say would inevitably be something very serious. It might be something that he had no desire to listen to; \nit could even be something outrageous! \nThus, Grandpa Jun had acted to cut off any possible leak in information. As of now, the only one that could eavesdrop on them without being detected by Grandpa Jun would be the legendary Supreme Divine Xuan expert.\nJudging by how long his grandson had hidden his talents and how he had faked his injuries, Grandpa Jun could sniff out the unusual atmosphere that was currently brewing. \nHe felt that he could even guess what it was that his grandson was going to say, leading to him becoming particularly serious.\n“As of now, our Jun Family is in a really dangerous spot!\nThus, I have no choice but to step up. Otherwise, I would have followed my original plans of living the rest of my life as a prodigal debauchee!”\nJun Moxie spoke. His first move was to ‘slap’ himself in the face. “Unfortunately, I am now the only one left in the third generation of the Jun Family. Even if I do not wish to enter the stage, I no longer have that choice. As such, I must not allow myself to garner the attention of the great families or their precautionary measures!”\n“This much I understand. It is also one which I have already guessed,” Grandpa Jun stroked his beard. “On this point alone, your action of faking your injuries has been very successful. I am also pleased with that.”\n“In addition, there is the previous action taken by grandpa. In one night, you shocked all the great families within the capital city. But by doing so, our Jun Family’s forces have been revealed. Regardless of whether it is your power in the Court or the military or even in terms of hidden forces, they are all much too powerful. Such a kind of power is not something that the Imperial Family could tolerate. \nAt the same time, your actions were actually a great crime! \nHowever, it just so happened that your actions complemented His Majesty’s plans, leading to His Majesty yielding on that in order to complete his plans to re-shuffle the balance of power within the capital city. Secondly, His Majesty was probably taking into account of the past friendship between you two and your countless contributions to the Kingdom. Thirdly, grandpa is already old while Third Uncle is paralyzed. As for this grandson of yours, I am but a worthless debauchee. All this allowed His Majesty to not feel any doubts towards you.”\n“However, this is something that could only happen once and never again. We are already pushing our luck with this, the next time we may not be so lucky! \nIf His Majesty were to find out that grandson’s debauchery ways are but an act or if His Majesty were to find out that the news of my heavy injuries* were false, then the suspicion within his heart would double. Such an occurrence would cause a calamity to descend upon our Jun Family! \nThis is the biggest reason for me to fake my injuries!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第82章\n唐源回到家里向唐老爷子汇报了此行经过,老爷子嗟叹不已,没想到君家将门世家,唯一的一个后人却只能转走文官的道路了,真是可悲复可叹啊。\n至于君老爷子突然大怒的事情,唐源吞吞吐吐地说完,果然唐老爷子也是大怒:“蠢货!\n不知道的事情瞎说些什么?李尚那老不死当年就是被君战天一拳打爆了丹田才……滚蛋!”\n唐源如何还不知道自己拍马屁拍到了马腿上,立马抱头鼠窜。\n前后不过一天的时间,君家三少君莫邪的消息就传遍了整个京城。\n前段时间,有小道消息,盛传京城有数的纨绔子弟君莫邪君大少爷在家里改邪归正,发愤图强,各家都有所耳闻,不过这个消息实在是太“惊人”了一点,甚至有些人还就此事展开了秘密的调查,调查了君莫邪以往的诸多行迹,君莫邪当然不可怕,就算再可怕也只是一个弱冠少年而已,但可怕的是君家有了继承人,后起之秀,那可就真正了不得了。\n而今天这个“沉重、悲痛”的消息一传了出去,顿时很多人都松了一口气,甚至成了一个笑料,一个茶余饭后的谈资:一个纨绔,突然浪子回头、改邪归正走上正途,然后训练了自己几天把自己直接给练废了,发愤图强之前多少还有点玄气修为,如今呢,彻底地废了……这……世间还有比这个更好笑的事情吗?\n至于这个消息的真实性,这次真的没人怀疑了。只因为两个来源,都是真实到了权威的——君莫邪的铁杆损友唐源亲眼目睹,传了出来!\n大内第一御医,号称不死先生的方回生亲自诊断!\n谁敢怀疑?\n谁怀疑简直是跟自己过不去了:这些贵族家庭谁不惜命?\n方回生等于是这些人生病受伤之后的生命保障!结交好了方回生,那便等于是凭空多了一条命啊!\n谁若是敢说一句:我对方神医的话表示怀疑不信!恐怕这个人不出半天就会被唾沫星子淹死了……\n事实上,能够在这位方神医眼前做手脚,别说区区君莫邪了,就算是君老爷子本人,也没那道行!\n“没想到那个君莫邪居然会是这样子?不大对劲啊。”\n太师府中,李悠然看着对面的三个人,挺秀的眉毛微微的皱了皱:“李峰,你能够确定,这话真是方神医本人说的?”\n“我能够确定!”外面传来一个苍老的声音,太师李尚颤巍巍的走了进来。面对自己的孙子,李太师的脸上满是快意!\n君战天,你这老匹夫再牛又怎么样?\n但你君家注定了没落,这一点,神仙都不能挽回的!\n君莫邪走文职之路,莫说他本来就是烂泥扶不上墙,就算真是天纵之才,难道我们会让他有崛起的机会?\n要知道,帝国的文官,可都在我们几家的掌握里!\n李悠然展颜笑道:“既然爷爷也这么肯定,那么君家对我们来说,就再无任何威胁可言了。”\n李尚点点头,告诫道:“所以今后,暂时仍然不得招惹君战天!这个老东西,可是真的会杀人的!”说着,他警告的看了看李悠然。\n李悠然之前当众被君战天打了一巴掌、踢了一脚,李太师虽然知道自己这个孙子能忍,但也知道李悠然睚眦必报的性格,虽然嘴上不提,脸上不露,但心中是决不肯放下此事的,一旦有机会,定要报复回来!而现在李尚的意思就是,劝李悠然打消这个报复的念头!\n毕竟,现在的君战天,放眼举国上下,是一头谁也招惹不起、已经半疯狂的老狮子!\n尤其是在眼下,皇帝陛下如此回护他的当口下,更是万万惹不得!还有,昨夜君战天暴怒之下显露君家的隐藏实力,着实令人震惊!\n面对那等实力,无论是哪个家族,若是贸然正面撞上去,都会头破血流惨不堪言!就算是各大家族中实力稍弱一些的,被君战天在一夜之间灭族,那也不是一件太难的事情!\n李悠然眯了眯眼睛,微笑道:“祖父大人放心,那等不智之事,孙儿等是决计不会做的。不过君莫邪嘛,偶尔玩玩,也无伤大雅吧?\n一个刚刚失去了玄气修为的人,必然会沉醉于酒色之间,而小辈之间的事情,想必祖父大人和君老大人都不会太在意。”\n李尚微笑,道:“莫要太过分就好。”\n四个孙儿齐声答应。\n皇宫里,皇帝陛下斜靠在龙椅上,背后枕着一个软垫,微微眯着眼睛,脸上神色平静。\n方回生恭谨的站在他的对面,低眉顺目。\n“那……君莫邪果然无法……恩?”皇帝陛下在良久之后问出了这么一句。\n“是。据老臣诊断,此事断无虚假!”方回生肯定地道,习惯性的抚了抚胡子,道:“君莫邪一向顽劣成性,胡作非为惯了,若是能够就此老老实实,倒也不失为京城百姓之福。”\n“百姓之福吗?呵呵呵……”皇帝陛下飘飘忽忽地笑了几声,微微闭上了眼睛。\n“老臣告退。”方回生见状,会意的行礼退了出去。\n在他退出去之后,皇帝陛下的嘴角露出了一丝隐不可查的微笑,笑得很是舒心,很是放心……\n刻下的君老爷子等于是放了三个月的大假,在外人眼里,这位老爷子好像是性情大变,经过了这段事情之后,似是有些心灰意冷。\n一系列举动,都让人感觉到了匪夷所思。\n甚至皇帝陛下曾经专门派专人前来慰问了一次。\n比如:\n君老爷子走出门,突然大怒,喝道:“周围哪里来的这么多的大树?\n统统给老子砍掉!\n天气慢慢的冷了居然连太阳都见不到!\n这是什么混账说法?”\n于是,一声令下,君家周围方圆五六里地,寸草不生!\n另外,君老爷子看着围墙,又是大怒:“围墙这么矮,岂不是随随便便的小偷都能来去自如?给老夫加高!”\n于是原本两丈高的围墙连夜加班增高了一倍,而且,不知道是哪里来的构思,老爷子命令,将围墙顶上插满了足有半丈高的荆棘,密密麻麻,这下子真是,就算是一只鸟也未必有胆子敢停在上面了……\n又如,君老爷子貌似是看着自己的废物孙子越来越不顺眼了,或者是这段时间大兴土木上了瘾,居然在自家院子里又隔开了两个小院子,同样高高的围起,将君莫邪圈禁在了里面。\n至于另外相邻的两个院子,左边是君无意的,而右边,则是管清寒的。\n这两个院子,面积着实不消,足足占据了君府一半大小。\n另外一半,君老爷子一人独处,不时的有摔砸东西的声音传出去;所有君府下人们个个噤若寒蝉,连走路说话都不敢大声了……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 82\nJun Zhantian remained silent, but he was secretly nodding in agreement within. What happened back then had occurred because he was in the depths of absolute despair. He had originally intended to die together with all of those people, but was held back by His Majesty. \nIn addition, his grandson had returned safe and sound, leading to a change of heart for Jun Zhantian. \nEven if what had happened went according to His Majesty’s plans, if the one involved was not the Jun Family, if it was any other great family, then that family would have been flattened by now! \nThinking about it now, Jun Zhantian could not help but feel a great amount of fear.\n“Grandpa, you have chosen to place utmost loyalty towards the Imperial Family, of that there is no doubt. However, that is only your own choice,” Jun Moxie said. “Although our Jun Family seems to possess a power capable of upending the world, the truth is that our family power is dependent of a single Imperial Decree from the Emperor!\nWith just one decree, our family would collapse to pieces in an instant!\nI am not accustomed to such a kind of feeling. I believe that Third Uncle is also not used to this!”\n“I have never liked the idea of placing my own fate in the hands of others. That is why I would rather be a debauchee for the rest of my life. However, my life as a debauchee has been forced to an end. Thus, I needed to change. And the change that I want… is to place the fate of our Jun Family within our own hands!”\nJun Moxie calmly looked at Jun Zhantian. “This is my highest goal and my ultimate intention. It is also the main reason for all my actions!”\n“To place our fate within our own hands! For you to have these kinds of thought means having the desire to rebel!” Grandpa Jun shuddered as he stared sharply at Jun Moxie.\n“Grandpa, you misunderstood me. In grandchild’s opinion, those who desire to be an Emperor and those who are Emperors are all fools. Especially those who desire to become an Emperor whose reputation would spread across the world, those people are a fool amongst fools!”\nJun Moxie scoffed and smiled. “Even if it means grasping the power to upend the whole world, even if it means overlooking the entire world as its sovereign, even if it means being flanked by beauties everywhere I go, none of those could entice me, none of those interest me.”\n“You!” Grandpa Jun’s chest rose up and down in succession, his white beard was scattered in a mess. For Grandpa Jun who had constantly upheld the ideals of loyalty, these words had profaned the one person he had sworn his loyalty to. If the one speaking was not Jun Moxie, then the person would have been killed long ago!\n“Grandpa, honest people do not beat around the bush, today I am going to let it out!\nHis Majesty would never allow our Jun Family to maintain such a huge amount of power in addition to having a highly capable heir!\nFor His Majesty, such a kind of occurrence could only represent a threat to his sovereignty!\nMy father, Second Uncle and my two brothers, sooner or later I will be seeking the answers to what had happened to them. If I find any conspiracy within their deaths, then I will certainly demand justice from whoever is involved!” \nJun Moxie stated in a calm manner: \nVery well, since I have accepted my identity as Jun Moxie, it would only be fitting that I do something for this family. In addition, this matter is probably the biggest wound afflicting the Jun Family.\nGrandpa Jun slumped down and gave a sigh, he slowly pondered the matter before standing up and turned around. “Back when the First Emperor was laying the foundations of Tianxiang Kingdom, he intentionally moved the great families of the kingdom into Tianxiang City and awarded them with high positions and nobility.\nThere were two benefits to this move: First, with all the great families grouped together, the act of controlling them would also become easier. Secondly, the great families would act to mutually restrain one another, creating a balance in power amongst the great families. With such a system in place, the Imperial Family would be able to cope with anything that might happen and control everything within the kingdom.”\n“With the exception of the Ye Family that was removed years ago, the current Tianxiang City has the Jun Family, Li Family, Dugu Family, Murong Family and Tang Family serving as great families, each located in different locations of the city, each holding onto a mutual understanding of non-aggression. Of course, in recent years there was the addition of the Meng and Song Families. \nBut a closer inspection would reveal that these two are but over glorified clowns. They are in no way capable to standing on equal footing with the great families mentioned earlier.”\n“The military side is being controlled by our Jun Family and Dugu Family. Even though Murong Family is currently trying to dip their hands into the military powers, they will never succeed as long as Dugu Family and I exist! \nAs for the Li and Meng Families, they appear to be our greatest rival. They are always thinking of how to tear us apart at all times. In addition, there are some intermarriages between these two families. As for their successors, the Li Family has managed to produce a peerless talent, Li Youran! \nThe danger posed by them would naturally increase as a result!”\n“The Song Family on the other hand, have always kept a low profile and can thus be ignored for now. As for matters of the military, our Jun Family and Dugu Family had always competed against one another in that respect. We would be making a fuss even on normal days. That old thing, Dugu Zongheng and me would always bicker with one another. However, that is not the main point. The main point here is that even though our two families act to keep one another in check, the both of us have dedicated our loyalty to the Imperial Family; we would not truly go all out against one another. \nThis is something you must remember. \nThis is also the main reason why our Jun Family could survive this long within the Imperial Court!”\n“Among the various great families, the Murong Family has great ambitions, something worth noting, and yet not worth bothering.”\n“Each of the great families has their own thoughts. However, until the day His Majesty chooses to clear the entire structure and change the balance of power within Tianxiang, the great families will remain safe. This is something that every one of the great families have come to understand.”\n“As such, we are presently at a time where you members of the younger generation move about against one another. We of the older generation would simply observe the mess that you make on the side lines, but at the same time we are also noting down which one amongst the younger generations could pose a threat. \nFor you to be able to see through this aspect, Grandpa feels very pleased.”\nGrandpa Jun had avoided discussing the subject of Jun Moxie investigating into the deaths of the two generations of Jun Family members. Instead, he chose to discuss about the current situation within the capital city.\n“Three years ago, His Majesty had planned on establishing a Crown Prince. But after some tests, His Majesty had to let go of that idea. His Majesty decided instead to let the three Princes compete against one another while he observes from behind the scenes. \nHis Majesty believed that all three sons of his are wolves! \nAnd in the ensuing struggle between these three wolves, the winner would become His Majesty’s successor.”\nJun Moxie sneered, but chose to remain silent on the subject.\nAt the same time, Grandpa Jun gave a bitter smile and shook his head. “However, in the end, a wolf will remain a wolf. It can never transform into a tiger, nor could it transform into a dragon!\nEven if it becomes the king of wolves, a wolf is still a wolf!\nUnfortunately, His Majesty does not have any other candidates and could only force them onwards, suppressing them when needed, deterring them when necessary, taming them continuously and teaching them when possible!”\n“The old foxes from each great family would most certainly be able to identify this situation. Thus, for the sake of preserving their family, they would never join the struggle between the Princes. However, there would still be some people from the great families who would get close to one of the Princes. These men would maintain their anonymity and also the balance in power!”\n“At present, the only ones with absolutely no involvement with the three Princes are our Jun Family, Dugu Family and the Li Family.”\nGrandpa Jun’s words seemed inexplicably irrelevant to what Jun Moxie had said earlier. It almost seemed as though he was talking to himself, and yet it also seemed like he was talking to Jun Moxie. At this point however, he finally concluded. “Thus, as long as you know what you are doing and do not go too far in creating a mess, I will not care about what it is you plan to do; I will only support you. So, go ahead and do what you must.”\nAfter saying that, Grandpa Jun rose up with a somewhat tired expression. “As of now, Grandpa can no longer deny that I am old. I can only watch on the side lines. \nAs for your Third Uncle’s body… uh, disabled or not, our Jun Family, all will depend on your actions. \nNo matter what happens, as long as you do not lead our Jun Family down the road of no redemption, that is enough!”\nJun Moxie’s eyes glinted, he had clearly grasped the meaning behind Grandpa Jun’s words: “Do what you must.”\nThese words were quite meaningful.\nNo wonder he had given me a detailed analysis of the situation within the capital first. It turns out the gist of what he wanted to say are these words. \nThe meaning behind these words is that I can do whatever I want, while the Jun Family will remain as a source of support and yet would not interfere.\nHowever, once shit hits the fan, we will fish you out…\nHowever, why did he pause once he mentioned about Third Uncle’s disability? \nThis question was answered almost immediately –\nJun Zhantian’s face revealed an expression of comfort as he looked at his grandson. “As for your Third Uncle’s legs, if you really have a method of healing it, you had better grasp onto the current time and proceed.\nRegardless of what the results may be, it is best for you not to delay it anymore. If you keep delaying, it won’t just be your Third Uncle who is anxious, someone else would be even more anxious.”\nHaving said that, Grandpa Jun glared at him and scolded. “Heng! You two, do you take this senior to be a senile fool?\nOne is my grandson, the other is my son, while this is my Jun Family’s Residence!\nYou think you could hide this from me? Could you? What a ridiculous joke!”\n“Err,” Jun Moxie felt awkward. Tapping his nose, he explained. “I was simply worried that you would become disappointed if this attempt fails. That would be bad.”\n“I have never had any hopes at all regarding this matter!” Grandpa Jun blew on his beard, his words shooting out like a punch, severely striking at Jun Moxie.\n“In the event that a ‘what if’ actually occurs and you brat actually manage to cure him, did you think this senior would be so stupid as to declare it to the whole world? \nWould I fear that the whole world do not know about it? \nIf I did that, won’t everyone would start moving their gaze and attention towards you two, creating conspiracies after conspiracies to harm you? \nIf you dare hide anything from me again, this senior will smash both your buttocks! \nI will make sure that the both of you cannot even crawl out the door!”\nJun Moxie stared in a dumbfounded manner and could only say “uhh” repeatedly.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第84章\n又过了几天,君老爷子突然又来了兴致,令人在君府中心的花园里大兴土木,无数的名花被连根刨掉,直挺挺的矗立起来了一座塔状高楼,足有七层,并在最顶层安置了一个哨塔,监视周围动静。\n没事的时候,君老爷子经常带着人马在君家附近的几个官员府第门口周围转来转去,深夜中也突然会有马蹄的声音轰的一下响起,喊杀声震耳欲聋——老爷子在发挥余热,练兵!\n但这一练兵可不要紧,在这几天里,在君家附近的几户官员越来越是心惊肉跳,终于不惜花重资另行购房,搬走了。\n然后还未等有人入住,君老爷子一声令下,几座府第,统统夷为平地!\n闲来无事,君老爷子更是将府中的侍卫,当做正规军士一般狠狠操练!\n然后君家外采购的人员透露出的消息,君老爷子在没事的时候,经常借酒消愁,喝得酩酊大醉……\n对这一点,大家都很理解:无论是谁在刚刚看到了希望的时候突然又直接绝望,都会受不了的,幸亏老爷子酒品还不错,不至于四处借酒撒疯,算是不幸中的大幸。\n其实大家也能理解……\n对孙子本就失望之中,突然看到了孙子改邪归正的希望;但刚刚看到这希望,却传来了孙子被杀的消息;刚刚产生希望的心刚刚绝望,却又接到了孙子还活着的消息;刚刚接到孙子还活着的消息,还没来得及欢喜,却被告知孙子已经成了一个废人……\n这不是故意耍着人玩呢吗?\n这样剧烈的几起几落,就算是神经再坚韧的人,能支撑得住不神经错乱大家就已经是万分佩服了!\n大家将心比心,若是自己遭遇到了这种事情,只怕自个早就崩溃了,表现还不如君老爷子呢,因此对君老爷子的种种异常也就纷纷释然,见怪不怪了。\n可怜的老东西,被老天爷这么玩弄,没疯掉已经不错了。折腾吧,只要不来折腾我就行。几乎所有人都是这个想法,甚至是一向睿智的皇帝陛下,也多多少少有些这样的念头。\n在君家大院里面,被所有人公认为的禁区里,君莫邪欢畅的笑着,替对面的君无意斟上了一杯酒,酒水清冽,浓香扑鼻,清澈见底,让人未饮先醉。\n“想不到莫邪你还真有这本事。这酒当真是……绝世佳酿啊!\n之前喝过的那些,当真就是垃圾!”君无意轻轻饮了一口,陶醉的眯起了眼睛。\n另外一个角落里,四名五大三粗的武士,在挥舞着铁锤,拉着风箱,做着铁匠的工作,炽热的火焰几乎成了银白色,将里面的一大块铁块烧的通红,然后夹出来,一边扬起鼻子狠狠地嗅着空气中弥漫的酒香,一边狠狠的抡起大锤一锤一锤下去,浑身汗水淋漓,但锤下的铁块却是始终不见有多大变化,可见这铁块的坚固已经到了超乎想象的地步……\n少爷说过,只要将这块铁每天砸到了令他满意的程度,每人赏美酒一壶!\n天啊,这样的好酒,恐怕皇上他老人家都未必喝过的啊!\n这岂能不让四位嗜酒如命的武士卖了命的工作!\n“酿酒,不过是诸班杂技中的一小道饵。免得我们自己还没得喝。天天喝那种的混账劣酒,真是让人难以忍受!”\n君莫邪优雅地喝了一口,眯着眼睛,饶有兴趣地问道:“三叔,听说爷爷第一次喝这种酒的时候,喝醉了?”\n“听说是……喝醉了。”君无意皱了皱眉,沉起脸来教训:“背后不要议论长辈!”\n君莫邪摸了摸鼻子,依然有些兴致勃勃,不死心地问道:“听说爷爷喝醉了酒还唱歌?还将头插在猪头肉里睡着了?”\n“你小子!找揍啊?把实话都说出来了,就不知道忌讳一点吗?”\n君无意又好气又好笑:“谁让你事先不说明白这酒这么烈?你爷爷没来找你算账就已经很不错了。他可是足足的洗了一上午的胡子才洗干净……”\n“哦……”君莫邪坏笑一声:“爷爷酒量貌似不咋地。”\n“不说这个了!”君无意实在是有些不自在,对讨论君老爷子十分的不感冒:“倒是你自己,是不是该准备准备了。”\n君莫邪顿时苦起了脸,举起酒杯,借酒消愁似的一饮而尽,长叹了一声。\n君老爷子前几天突然异想天开,因为君莫邪现在的玄气修为不高,君老爷子也没法给他找什么陪练,而且也担心泄密,前几天突然灵机一动,请动管清寒来给君莫邪喂招!\n这便开始了君莫邪的地狱之旅。\n实际上这是老爷子故意的恶整自己的宝贝孙子,谁让这家伙瞒了自己这么多年?\n真正该揍!\n君莫邪很无奈。对着自己没过门的嫂子,总不能一击必杀吧?\n但若是不一下子制服对方,那便开始自己受虐。\n毕竟自己的开天造化功虽然神妙,但一共也只练了不到两个月,如何是从小修炼玄气的管清寒的对手?\n现在已经是即将突破银品玄气的关口了啊!\n抛开自己的那些杀人伎俩,用本身的真正实力对抗修为远胜自己的嫂子,跟被“虐待”完全没有区别的!\n说来,管清寒其实是很不情愿,一让她对着君莫邪便浑身不舒服,但却不好意思违拗君老爷子的意思,只好勉为其难的过来了一次。\n没想到这一过来,却上瘾了:虐待这个家伙的感觉,实在是……很过瘾、很舒服的说!\n尤其是君莫邪现在眼中脸上皆没有了原来那种色色的神色,这让管清寒在提高戒备的同时,也不觉得多么难受了。\n而且,还有一个理由就是,君莫邪新酿的酒有一种用果子酿制的,甜甜的,特别好喝,除了后劲稍微大点,简直就是酒中天品,在外边根本就喝不到!管清寒一喝就喜欢上了。\n过来揍一顿小叔子出出心头恶气,然后还能顺便拿两壶好酒作为酬劳——如此有益身心的事情,而且还是顶着君老爷子吩咐的大帽子随心所欲的虐,每天做个十次八次也不嫌多,不做实在是天理难容啊!\n“唉!”君莫邪长叹一声,突然想起一事,问道:“三叔,你令人搜集的药物,怎么样了?这么长的时间过去,想来应该差不多了吧?”\n君无意叹息一声,道:“裂肠花、通心草和断续根都已经有了,而且数量不少。但那焚经荷却是没有半点消息;至于九叶草,这味药草比较稀有,且用到的人比较少,也不易发现;前几天好不容易听说金香商行发现了三株,正运往京城,我急忙让人去等着买,却没想到去的时候居然已经被人买走了……”\n“被人买走了?”\n君莫邪一下子警惕起来,挺直了背脊:“那种药若不是经脉堵塞的重伤,根本不会用得上!怎么却在这等节骨眼上被人买走了?\n难道是之前走漏了消息,有人在针对我君家?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 84\nA few days later, Grandpa Jun suddenly have the interest to built a tower in the middle of Jun’s family villa, flower viewing courtyard, uprooting countless famed flowers, now stands a towering building with a total of seven floors, then at the top floor he built a outpost, monitoring the surrounding area.\nwhenever he is free, Grandpa Jun often takes his his subordinates and strolls around nearby officials buildings surrounding the Jun’s family back and forth, you may also hear the sound of horse hoofs and battle cries during late night, training drills!\nbut all that training don’t matter to Grandpa Jun, within a few days, officials within the surrounding have been shook afraid, soon they couldn’t take it anymore, sold their property and moved out. \nbefore anyone could move in, Grandpa Jun released an order to raze all the empty residences to the ground, leaving flat plains.\nwith nothing else to do, he also made the villas guards follow the regular army training harshly. \nleaked information coming from the Jun family servants also states, whenever Grandpa Jun have nothing to do, he always drink himself til he is pissed drunk, forgetting his troubles….\nat his actions, everyone can empathize, whoever saw a ray hope, then it gets extinguish suddenly, no one can take that feeling. its a good thing that gramps tolerance for alcohol is good, so that he won’t escape and become an alcoholic.\nin fact everybody understands…..\nalready feeling despair and no future for his grandson, then suddenly seeing hope for his grandson turning over a new leaf and repenting. having that speck of hope, and then having been told that your grandson has been killed all of a sudden. feeling joy from that lingering hope, then extinguished feeling despair, and renewing that hope when you found out that your grandson is still alive, before you can even celebrate that your grandson is alive, you found out that your grandson loss his cultivation and became a disable…..\nisn’t fate just screwing around with people intentionally?\nsuch dramatic twists, even when presented to someone with a strong psych, if they don’t go delirious from this, they are someone to be admired.\nif this were to happen to me, I would have collapsed a long time ago, can’t even stay sane, or in a better emotional state than grandpa Jun.\npoor old thing, being pranked like this by the heavens, not going crazy is already a fortunate news, jokes on him, as long as I don’t get played all is fine, pretty much everybody is thinking the same as the next one down the block, even the emperor have the same mindset.\nWithin the courtyard of the Jun Family, Jun Moye smiles joyously, and fill a cup of wine for Jun Wuyi, liquor clean as water, fragrant to the nose, clear to see the bottom, letting any that smells it go into a state of intoxication.\nMoye, i can’t believe that you have this ability, this wine is really…. peerless without equal! \nthe wine i drank in the past is really just garbage! Jun WuYi took a small sip, and then closed his eyes feeling intoxicated,\nin the next corner, four muscular martial artists wielding iron hammers, pulling the bellows doing blacksmithing, fiery flames turning silver white in color, letting the metal piece inside burn to a crimson, then taking it out, while their nose sniffs the air fill with the fragrance of the wine, their arms hammering away, their body fill with sweat, but the metal piece doesn’t seem to have any changes occurring to it, its hardness reach unimaginable proportion.\nYoung master said, as long as we hammer this piece of metal to a state that is to his satisfaction, everyone will be rewarded a pot of wine! \nGosh, this fine wine, not even the emperor should have tasted it! \njust this alone allows the four drunkards put their life on the line for their work!\npeerless wine? this is just childs play, unless we have to, drinking that damn liquor you call wine everyday is really unbearable! \nJun Moye drinks his wine elegantly, closed his eyes, and with interest said third uncle, it is said that the first time grandpa drank this wine, he got drunk?\nI heard… he did get drunk, Jun Wuyi frown and said, don’t talk behind your elders back!\nMoye rubbed his nose, enjoying the moment, not backing down, he asked, when gramps got drunk, it is said that he also started singing? and he also stick his head in a pan of cooked pork head?\ndamn brat! looking for a beating? why don’t you shut up about it, why didn’t you say that this wine is this strong.\nJun Wuyi said amusingly with displeasure, your grandpa not looking for you for a beatdown is already a good thing, he has to wash his beard for the whole afternoon just to clean it.\noh… Jun moye grinned: grandpas tolerance for alcohol sucks.\nlets not discuss this anymore, Jun wuyi feels this topic is is uncomfortable, this is his father they are talking about, how about you? shouldn’t you be preparing as well?\na frown appeared on Jun Moye’s face, he raised his cup and drank like he is drinking to bury his problems, releasing a long sigh.\na few days ago, grandpa jun’s mind is filled with worry, because Jun Moyes Xuan Qi cultivation is too low, and he couldn’t find anyone to spar with him, and he’s worried about information leaks, suddenly he had the bright idea of having Guan QingHan to spar with with Moye! \nthis move began his journey to hell.\nin fact this is just to prank his precious grandson, who let him hid his intentions for so many years? \ndefinitely needs a beating!\njun moye feels really helpless, facing his sister in law that didn’t get married, he shouldn’t just insta-kill her right? \nbut if he doesn’t subdue her right away, he will be the one taking the beating,\neven if his art of unlocking heavens fortune is mysterious, he only start cultivating it about 2 months, how could it be a match for guan Qinghan, who started praticing xuan arts when she was young? \nalso she is about to achieve a break though to Silver rank! \nthrowing his skills as killer away, and using his own strength to fight with her, there is no difference because he trained as a killer!\ntruth to be told, Guan QingHan doesn’t want anything to do with Moye, facing Jun moye makes her really uncomfortable from the heads up to the toes down, but she is reluctant to reject grandpa Juns request, so she came over once,\nbut unexpectedly she got high from this request, abusing this guy, the feeling is just… very comfortable to say!\nespecially when there isn’t anymore lecherous stares from Jun moyes, this which put Guan qinghan on her guard, lowers the uncomfortable feeling coming from moye in the past,\nalso there is another reason that makes her want to come over, which is the new type of wine that moye brewed with fruits, very sweet, just stronger than the average wine. its taste like just like heaven, you can’t find it outside anywhere! she liked it the moment she drank it.\ncoming over to give brother in law a beating fanning out her anger, also in the process getting two pot of fine wine as reward, with no consequences, especially when Grandpa Jun is encouraging her to abuse moye more, everyday eight to ten times is not considered enough, now who wouldn’t like this job!\nSigh! Jun moye gave a long sigh, then he suddenly remembers something. third uncle, the herbs for the medicine that i asked you to find, any luck? its already a long time, pretty sure you should be done collecting them?\nJun Wuyi gave sigh, Intestinal cracker flower, Common heart grass, and Persistent severing root. i have collected a good amount, but that Blazing meridian lotus i haven’t have the slightest news about it, now nine leaf grass, this herb is relatively rare, not many people uses it, and not easy to find, just a few days ago i heard that JinXiang trading firm discover three stalks, and they are shipping it to the capital, i sent some people to buy it, but who could have known that it was already brought….\nsomeone brought it?\nmoye suddenly wary, straighten his back, this herb is useless besides healing blocked meridians wounds, but why was it brought at this crucial time,\nunless this information was leaked, and someone is plotting against my jun family?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第85章\n“不会!”君无意肯定的摇了摇头:“这件事,就连寻药的人也不知道到底为什么去寻,更不知道跟我有关系。\n想来不会是针对我!\n不过,这样的巧合,却实在是太巧了一些,难道是天意弄人,不让我复原?”\n“三叔可曾传下命令,查一下到底是谁抢在三叔之前劫走了那味药?”\n“已经在查,不过这件事情刚刚发生,还没有查出来。”君无意淡笑着,似乎并不着急,反而安慰他道:“三叔已经等了这么多年,也不在乎多等个一两月,莫急、莫急。”\n沉沉地点了点头,君莫邪拈着酒杯,怔怔的想了起来,却越想越是感觉没有头绪。\n君无意见他出神,也不打搅他,只是自斟自饮,自得其乐。\n细碎且有几分熟悉的脚步声响起,君无意突然笑了起来。\n管清寒一身胜雪之白衣,俏脸满布冰霜,慢慢走了过来;随着她渐渐的走近,君莫邪似乎感觉到一座冰山慢慢的压了过来。\n让人感觉到,这个貌美如仙的白衣女子,就连那一颗芳心,也早已冰冻了……\n对于管清寒来为他试招这件事,君莫邪可是抗议过好多次了;他自我认为,以自己的搏击水平,欠缺的只得功力一项而已,在这个世上,若是单论杀敌技巧,那么,自己自称第二,就绝对没有人敢称第一!\n但这个秘密,君老爷子是不知道的,这也不能让老爷子知道,所以老爷子很坚决的拒绝了君莫邪的抗议;尤其是在第一天目睹了管清寒几近于“虐待”一般的试招之后,老爷子只留下了一句话,就扬长而去。\n那句话是:老子很满意,继续给老子狠狠地揍!\n君无意今天,还是第一次见到,所以当然要瞪大眼睛瞧个明白。\n一个月以来,自己作为长辈,在这个侄儿身上频频吃瘪,君无意自然不肯放过这个赏心悦目兼出气的机会,毕竟这样的机会可是不多见啊。\n我真的不会打架啊!\n还有就是,男子对女子,若不是生死仇敌,有一些部位实在是很难下的去手啊。\n这些手段不能应用之余,君大少爷可以拿来应敌的东西可就不多了,尤其是面对玄气修为远在自己之上的嫂子大人,功力高者全力施为痛快淋漓,功力低者反而缚手束脚,强弱之势更不可逆,怎到君大杀手不黔驴计穷,叫苦不迭!\n管清寒静静的站着,就仿佛是冰山上一朵遗世独立的雪莲花,清高脱俗,高不可攀,却又孤傲清冷,冰清玉洁!\n“今天能不能不打?”君莫邪可怜兮兮地提出了条件:“我可以多送你两壶酒,好不好?”\n“不好!”管清寒脸色清冷如故,纤白如玉的双手一拍,却拍出了一片黑气!\n九品玄气!\n你,准备好了吗?”管清寒无惊无喜地看着他,似乎在看着一个很耐打的人形沙袋。\n“呸,不给你酒你会那么积极?\n老天爷你不是玩我吧,居然给了这个女人名正言顺揍我的机会!\n我还不能真个还手!准备?准备有鬼用吗?”君莫邪心里很怒。\n自己对老爷子的隐瞒固然引起了正面效果,就是引起了老爷子的希望,但同时也有负面效果,被孙子蒙了这么些年,肯定让老爷子很不爽,所以管清寒试招,完完全全就是老爷子安排的恶整自己的阴谋!\n或者应该说这是“阳谋”也说不定!\n偏偏自己还要哑巴吃馄饨,心里有数嘴上说不出,最可气的还是,自己明明有N多手段可以对付这个女人,可是自己就是不能用!\n明明可以轻易摆平,却要恬着脸被虐,难道自己是被虐狂!\n人世间最悲惨的事莫过于此,不知道什么时候老爷子才会撤销这项惩罚?\n如果一定要我对爷爷认错才可以结束这个惩罚,我会很诚恳的对爷爷说三个字:对不起!\n如果可以给这个惩罚定一个结束期限,我希望是——下一秒!\n君莫邪正在胡思乱想中,却竟见眼前青气缭绕,一只欺霜胜雪的玉手当胸一拳打了过来。\n这一拳,看似凭空而来,管清寒可是毫不放松争取在最短的时间内完成殴打任务,拎着被害人的两壶酒赶紧回去,慢慢品尝,那个有功夫陪这小混蛋戏耍。\n虽然眼前这家伙近来的行事貌似多少有些改变,但管清寒依然没有半点兴趣跟他多呆哪怕一丝一毫的时间!\n拳脚打在肌肉上的“啪啪”声亦如同下雨,劈了啪啦地十分紧凑,貌似还很清脆悦耳;君无意一只手举着酒杯,看着场中强弱悬殊到了极点、且无聊到极点的打斗,忍不住摇头失笑。\n老爷子惩罚自己这个无赖侄子的主意还真是妙不可言啊。\n正在这样想着,突然两眼一凝,脸色一变,变得无比的郑重,两眼紧紧的盯着君莫邪的动作,竟然连酒杯也来不及放下!\n刚起君莫邪一个动作引起了他的注意!\n之前管清寒一掌拍至,复一脚踢出,两招连接的甚是紧凑;当时君莫邪身子一转,手肘动了一下,却又缩了回去,接着就被打倒在地!\n这本是很寻常也不起眼的一个动作,但落进君无意这个纵横沙场的大将军、一代地玄高手眼里,却是无比的惊心动魄!\n沙场搏杀,讲究的是一招制敌,出手判生死!\n但君莫邪这个下意识的动作,虽然最终收回了,但君无意也清楚的看到,君莫邪的肘尖所对之处,分明是管清寒的咽喉所在!\n彼时只需稍稍用力,立即就能治管清寒于死命!\n这也还罢了,更重要的还是那一动作的时机,实在是太寸了,恰好就是那一掌一脚两招之间的衔接空挡,管清寒的武功孰非泛泛,那两招之间衔接亦是颇为紧密,那细微的空挡几乎是稍纵即逝,便说是白驹过隙也差不多,那个瞬间也可说是管清寒这两招至大的破绽!\n管清寒那时候绝对没有任何办法应付这鬼神莫测的一击!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 85\n“It is unlikely”, Shaking his head, Jun Wu Yi remarked. “The fact that the Jun family has been looking for this herb is known by only a few and even fewer know that it is me who has been looking to obtain it.\nIt is impossible for anyone to make a connection with us purchasing this herb to the fact that it is crucial for my recovery.\nAlas, it is only a fateful coincidence! Don’t tell me…is the will of the heavens attempting to hinder my efforts to restore my health and heal my injuries?!”\n“Third Uncle, I would like you to order your men to find out who was it that stole this herb away from us!”\n“I have already launched an investigation into this incident. But, this happened just recently and not much time has passed since then. ”, Jun Wu Yi said with a light smile. He did not seem in much of a hurry and to comfort Mo Xie, he said, “Third Nephew, it has been so many years since I’ve lived like this! It does not matter to me much if my recovery is postponed by few more months…it’s all good…it’s all good!”\nJun Mo Xie’s face grew solemn and he lifted his cup to slowly sip wine while seemingly in a dazed state. It was as if he was pondering something and Jun Wu Yi had no clue what this scheming nephew of his had immersed himself in. \nJun Wu Yi decided to not to disturb him and proceeded to entertain himself and enjoy the amorous wine.\nHearing the familiar footsteps, Jun Wu Yi broke out into an involuntary smile.\nGuan Qing Han slowly walked in, dressed from head to toe in a pretty, white dress. She looked just like a snowflake, wafting in with a beautiful appearance that seemed to be extremely pure. But as she slowly neared Jun Mo Xie, he felt a huge pressure weighing down on him as if a massive iceberg was pressing down on him. \nWhen people would look at this beautiful woman who had skin like jade and with such a cold disposition, they would even feel her heart had become cold a long time ago…\nAs for the sparring sessions with Guan Qing Han, Jun Mo Xie had tried to protest against this arrangement many times, but it was to no avail. Jun Mo Xie knew his own fighting capabilities and it wasn’t that he had a lack of skill. In fact, when talking about skill in which one could kill his enemies, in his previous world, if Jun Mo Xie claimed that he was second, no one would ever dare to claim to be first!\nBut, this was something that his Grandpa did not know and he wanted to keep this secret from him. So, despite all his attempts to avoid the daily spar, Grandpa Jun had firmly rejected him. Especially on the first day, when Grandpa Jun observed the absolute “abuse” that his grandson faced in the hands of his granddaughter-in-law, he left saying only one sentence.\nThis sentence simply was, “I am extremely satisfied. Continue to beat up this brat to an inch of his death without any mercy!”\nFor Jun Wu Yi, today would be the first time he would get to see his nephew beaten up. \nFor this past month, this nephew of his had always been outsmarting him each time, leaving him extremely frustrated. Hence, Jun Wu Yi had absolutely no intention to let this opportunity to vent his anger and frustration on his nephew escape. After all, such perfect opportunities were few and rare!\nI really can’t keep fighting with my sister-in-law!\nThere are some things that a man should never do! Unless a man has an enmity with a woman to the point of no return where it would only end with one of their deaths, one should never lay a hand on a woman.\nBy deciding to not use vicious methods, the “Evil Monarch” did not have many ways to deal with his opponents, especially when facing opponents like his sister-in-law who had a cultivation far above his own. Having a much higher skill in martial arts when facing such opponents, even if they would give him a handicap, the difference in strength was something that Jun Xie could never overcome using wits and tactics alone. This made him whine constantly.\nGuan Qing Han stood there motionless, looking as if she was a lovely snow lotus flower. Refined, lofty, and unattainable, but at the same time, she was also aloof, cold, pure, and noble!\n“Can we not fight today?” Jun Mo Xie made a pitiful expression and continued, “I can give you two more pots of wine as compensation. What do you say?”\n“NO!” Guan Qing Han glared at him coldly. Her fine hands, which seemed to be carved out of jade, shot out in front of her and they glowed with a blackish colour! \n9th Level of Xuan Qi!\n“Are you ready?” Guan Qing Han looked at Jun Mo Xie with an apathetic look within her eyes. There was neither anger nor joy within her expression. She just simply viewed him as an extremely durable sandbag!\n“Bah! If not for the wine that I give you, would you be as enthusiastic about this?\nHeavens…you don’t actually spar with me. All you have found is a justifiable reason to beat me up!\nI truly am unable to fight back! Ready?!” Jun Mo Xie was extremely furious.\nJun Mo Xie’s “plan” to conceal oneself deeply and hide their true potential surely had a positive effect and this was the cause of Grandpa Jun’s hope. But, it also also had a negative effect along with it. The grandson of his hiding his abilities from him certainly made Grandpa Jun extremely unhappy and this sparring session with Guan Qing Han was completely arranged by him to get revenge against him for hiding his abilities! \nOr to put it into better words, “Open Revenge”!\nThis was something he could only say within his head and curse, but never out loud! The most annoying thing was that he had more than enough means that were required to deal with this puny woman, but he could not use them as he had to restrain himself!\nHe could easily settle this situation, but instead he chose to constantly deal with this tyranny and abuse. Was he becoming a masochist? \nThe most tragic thing in all this is that I don’t know when Grandpa will end this punishment?\nIf admitting something could end this punishment, I would honestly say three words to Grandpa, “I am sorry!”\nIf this punishment had a deadline, I hope with all my heart that it is the very next second itself!\nJust as Jun Mo Xie was letting his imagination run wild, he unexpectedly saw a light, soft, snow-coloured hand which was covered with Qi, flying straight at him. \nThis punch, seemingly out of nowhere, was actually Guan Qing Han cheating in order to finish up the task of beating this brat up in the shortest possible time and then carrying back two pots of his fine wine to drink in leisure. She had little interest in spending any more time that she had to with this perverted guy!\nAlthough this guy’s behaviour had seemingly changed recently, it could very well be him trying to put up a front. No matter, she had no interest in spending a second longer than she had to with him.\nAs the fist came flying forward, making a whistling sound in the air, her muscles were also making a light noise along with her moments. “Pa pa pa”. It was just akin the sound of the light, falling rain on a summer morning: very compact, crisp, and sweet! Jun Wu Yi only raised his cup of wine, savouring its taste and watching the scene being played out in front of him. He couldn’t help but laugh .\nFather’s idea for punishing Third Nephew is truly wonderful! \nAs Jun Wu Yi was leisurely thinking, his eyes suddenly constricted. His earlier expression of boredom and casualness suddenly turned into a solemn one. His gaze was firmly fixed on Jun Mo Xie and he did not even bother to put his cup down.\nJun Mo Xie’s sudden movement caught his complete attention!\nBefore Guan Qing Han had thrown a punch, she had also planned to follow it up with a decisive kick. These two moves were performed one after the other in an almost fluid motion. But, Jun Mo Xie’s body slightly made a small turn before his elbow shot out. Just as this happened, Jun Mo Xie retracted his elbow back and then, at the very next instant ,he was knocked to the ground by the punch-kick combo!\nThis small action seemed extremely insignificant and also obscure, but Jun Wu Yi was someone who had been a general and had faced countless of enemies on the battlefield. To him, this was an extremely thrilling observation!\nIn the battlefield, one had to pay an extremely high attention to his enemy’s moves. Even a second of carelessness could result in instant death! \nJun Mo Xie’s subconscious reaction to Guan Qing Han’s move, although it was quickly pulled back, who was Jun Wu Yi? He was an Earth Xuan Qi rank expert. He could clearly see every move of Jun Mo Xie and he clearly saw that, elbow was directly aimed at the larynx of Guan Qing Han!\nIf Jun Mo Xie had followed through with that move, it surely would have been Guan Qing Han’s doom.\nWhat was more important was the timing of that action. It was placed exactly between the interval of the two moves. One should know that Guan Qing Han had been practicing cultivation since she was a child and her moves were performed almost at the same time. The almost fleeting moment between those two moves was practically insignificant, but it was still a flaw in her move! \nGuan Qing Han would have had no opportunity to react to this unpredictable blow!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第86章\n莫邪真的有这么高明吗?\n或者是巧合也说不定吧?\n君无意心中疑虑着,复又凝神观战,但接下来的一招又一招虽然都是君莫邪在挨揍,但落在君无意眼里,君莫邪每一个动作只需用上力道,每一次都会在管清寒打倒君莫邪之前杀死她!\n甚至……一招之间不止一次!\n君无意沉默住!细细地观察着。\n这一招,君莫邪躲闪地恰到好处,已经抬起的拳头中指有一个明显的突出,若是顺直线击出,就是管清寒的后脑!\n这里,正是人体中又一个最脆弱的环节!\n这一招,君莫邪膝盖方位、动作有异,呈尖锐型,若是不退反进的话,正是……下阴致命之处!……\n心脏!\n太阳穴!\n尾椎!\n在那之后,眼睛、咽喉、耳后……\n管清寒打得痛快淋漓意气风发,君莫邪躲得吃力异常叫苦连天,君无意却在一边看得心惊肉跳……大汗淋漓!\n这一头大汗,却是为管清寒流的,每过几招,君无意就要后怕一次,以他的眼力,也要在一顿之后才能判断出这一招管清寒面临的凶险,而这时已经又过去了几招!\n而管清寒自身无数次面临死神召唤,却仍意气风发的全然不知!\n而君莫邪每每强自收住已经要发出本能反应、致命杀招的意图却也被君三爷洞悉了!\n太可怕了,即便以君三爷地玄高手的境界、超强的定力也几乎坚持不下去了!\n这……\n有道是当局者迷、旁观者清,这里的旁观者不仅是清明,简直要吓死了!\n他甚至不敢贸然打断这场微妙的死亡游戏!\n唯恐自己一语出口,惊扰到了君莫邪,那么,一个收手不及,管清寒顷刻之间就会香消玉殒!\n君莫邪这动作的犀利干脆,就算是君无意两腿完好也是万万来不及阻止的!\n终于,君莫邪被打倒在地十次,管清寒自觉圆满地完成任务,一句话也不多说,向君无意告了罪,拎起两壶酒,头也不回的得胜而去。\n自始至终,不喜不怒,脸色清冷如故,这么剧烈的动作,居然没有出汗,显得痛殴君莫邪对管清寒来说,简直是游刃有余,毕竟是高阶玄者对待低阶庸手,这样才合理啊!\n君无意呆呆地看着管清寒离去,心中震惊无与伦比!\n据他的计算中,在刚才的打斗中,若是当真生死搏杀,管清寒至少已经死了足足四十七次!\n而且每一次君莫邪最终都能全身而退!\n这是一个何等可怕的数据!\n要知道君莫邪现在表现出来的只有四品玄气,而管清寒已经是九品玄气,马上就要突破进入银品玄者境界的年轻一辈的高手啊!\n难道低阶玄者无法战胜高阶玄者的传说会被自己这个侄子所打破?!\n不,现在这个已经是一个事实了!\n而真真最可怕的还是,君莫邪的那些个动作,分明都是下意识的本能反应!\n但每次却是都在他即将出手的时候强行收回!\n这说明了什么?\n这意味着什么!\n君无意浑身冷汗涔涔!\n这说明了君莫邪对杀人已经是驾轻就熟,做出这些动作来的时候完全是无意识的!\n甚至不用思考,不用考虑,受到攻击的时候自然而然就能够找出敌人的弱点发出致命一击!\n杀人,已经是本能!\n唯有如此,才会出现这样的情况!\n这得杀多少人才能磨练出来这样的本能反应?\n即便以君无意的定力,也几乎不敢再想下去了。\n见惯了军中骁将,也见惯了沙场搏命,更习惯了血腥杀伐;经历过了无数的冷血杀手刺杀,更曾亲手培养出许多杀手的君无意,一生之中征战百多次,杀人无算的他,也从来——都没有见到过这样可怕的人物!\n怪物!\n不出手则罢,一动即杀人!\n杀人,已经彻底融进了本能,成为了神经反射的第一个反应!\n而这个可怕的、残酷的、恶魔一般的怪物,居然就是自己的侄子!\n那个被全帝都公认为废物的侄子!\n君莫邪!\n君无意呻吟了一声,捂住了眼睛:我看到了什么?\n我一定是在做梦!\n如果是噩梦的话,让我快点醒转吧!\n噩梦?\n若莫邪能拥有如此强大的实力,又怎会是噩梦!\n这一刻,君无意又突然想起了君莫邪在恳请君老爷子收回成命的时候所说的话:爷爷,我不会打架!真的,我真不会打架啊!\n名满京城的纨绔公子不会打架?\n当时听到这句话,君老爷子的第一个反应就是在君莫邪屁股上狠狠踹了一脚,然后吹着胡子指着门口大吼一声:滚出去!\n而当时同样听到这句话的君无意差点笑出声来;实在是太好笑了。\n不会打架,固然可以理解为不会打架,也未尝不可理解为……\n而现在他才彻底的、真正的了解了这句话里面的真实含义:君莫邪,他确实不会打架——他只会杀人!\n这种纯粹到了极点的杀人技巧,已经融进了他的血液,融进了他的灵魂,融进了他全身的每一处骨骼和每一寸肌肉、每一根神经!\n若是沙场将士拥有了这样的技巧,纵然在百万军中,只要他还有力气,他就不会倒下!\n而他的敌人将成片成排成山的变成尸体!\n杀手组织中的杀手若是拥有这样的技巧,势必会在大陆上引起神秘杀手杀手神话!\n无论是什么人拥有了那样的技巧,都可以化身为篡命的死神!\n到了这样的境界,杀人已经是一种习惯,已经是一种本能,又或者是一种巅峰艺术,甚至是至高无上的成就!\n就像是画功大成的宗匠祖师,随手一笔,就是青山绿水传世之作!\n那是所有战士和杀手都梦寐以求、却从来没有人能够达到过的杀人巅峰境界!\n但君莫邪,自己的侄子怎么就能做到?\n怎么可能是君莫邪?\n君无意心中增加了一个大大的疑问,他到底从哪里学来的?\n他又是怎么练成的?\n最重要的是,他拿什么练成的?\n君无意感觉到,自己的这个侄儿,自己越来越看不透了,虽然他目前表现出的仍然只有四品玄气修为,但就从他刚才的表现,君无意觉得自己已经需要仰望!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 86\nWas Mo Xie really so clever? Or maybe it was just a simple coincidence? \nJun Wu Yi cleared his mind and watched the spar in front of his eyes with concentration and rapt attention. \nHe carefully watched each and every move that was made and though it seemed like move after move would only hit Mo Xie and served to beat him up, in Jun Wu Yi’s eyes, a completely different scene was being played out! Just before each of Guan Qing Han’s moves would hit Jun Mo Xie, Mo Xie’s body would make slight actions and all it needed was put force behind it and that would have been enough to kill Guan Qing Han! \nSometimes, this occurred more than once between her moves..!\nJun Wu Yi stayed silent and carefully observed the scene in front of him,\nThis move, Mo Xie dodged to the right and has clearly raised his middle finger a bit while forming a fist…hmm…if you trace where that is pointing towards, that is…Guan Qing Han’s brain! \nThat was another one of the weakest parts in the human body!\nThis move, the position and movement of Mo Xie’s knee…the action is sharp and swift. If he had not retracted it in time, it would have hit her vagina! Another fatal weakness of the human body…\nHeart!\nThe temple!\nSpine!\nAfter that, the eyes, throat, ears…\nGuan Qing Han seemed extremely spirited and happy at the fact that she got to beat up this perverted brother-in-law of hers. Jun Mo Xie was trying to strenuously avoid her moves while moaning and groaning, but Jun Wu Yi who was watching from the side was completely stunned while sweating in fear from head to toe!\nWhile he was sweating profusely, Guan Qing Han continued on with her onslaught of blows without stopping at all. Every few moves, Jun Wu Yi would slightly cringe with fear on the side. With his superior eyesight and knowledge, he could easily see the danger in which Guan Qing Han was in with each passing move.\nThe pitiful Guan Qing Han who had unknowingly faced death a countless number of times was still enthusiastic about beating up Mo Xie without a clue of what could have happened to her.\nJun Mo Xie was constantly releasing a subtle killing intent, so it was understood by him.\nPlainly horrible! Even Jun Wu Yi, who was an Earth Xuan Qi Realm expert, with all his powers of concentration could barely keep up.\nThis…! \nJust like the saying goes: like father, like son. A dragon would not birth a sheep and an observer who could see this would be scared to death!\nHe did not even dare to interrupt this delicate, little game of death! \nLest his own words prove to be a form of distraction to Jun Mo Xie and he accidentally lose control over his concentration leading to Guan Qing Han’s death! \nThese movements of Jun Mo Xie were too sharp and fast, so even if Jun Wu Yi’s legs were intact and perfectly functional, he still would be too late to stop the inevitable.\nFinally, it was only after Jun Mo Xie was knocked down ten times before Guan Qing Han decided to come to a halt and did not continue to pursue him any further. \nFrom start to end, she had not said a single word. Without talking much, she simply picked up two pots of wine before she left for her own courtyard. Also, she had no expression of anger, her face was precisely the same as before: extremely cold. In spite of all that intense action, she did not have a bead of sweat on her while Jun Mo Xie looked completely beat up. This task for Guan Qing Han was practically one of no difficulty. After all, he had a “pitiful” cultivation level, so it was quite reasonable!\nJun Wu Yi stared blankly at the departing figure of Guan Qing Han while his mind was still reeling in shock! \nAccording to his calculations, in the earlier fight, if it was a real life or death battle, Guan Qing Han would have died at least 47 times by now! \nAnd every single time, Jun Mo Xie actually forcefully withdrew!\nWhat kind of a frightening battle strength was this! \nA person who was at the Fourth Level of Xuan Qi was capable of fighting with a person at the Ninth Level Xuan Qi. Not only that, this person was also about to break in the Silver Xuan Qi Realm!\nTo overcome the level and realm difference and to still be able to fight on an equal grounds, would this record be broken by his nephew!?\nNo, it was already been broken by him!\nAnd the most terrifying part was that all those movements by Jun Mo Xie were instinctive reactions and were completely controlled by his subconscious! \nBut, what he did was actually forcefully withdraw his strike each and every time! \nWhat did this show? \nWhat did this mean?\nJun Wu Yi was completely drenched in cold sweat.\nThis showed that the act of killing had already been ingrained to his very bones, so he could make these moves even if he was completely unconscious or asleep!\nEven without thinking, even without considering, he would be able to attack naturally by identifying the enemy’s weakness and issuing a fatal blow!\nKilling was already an instinct!\nOnly in this way would such be the case!\nThis…how many people has he killed to hone this skill and perfect it to this extent?\nEven Jun Wu Yi who was a veteran of many wars was afraid to think any more of this matter.\nHe was used to seeing blood and gore on the battlefield caused by the soldiers, experiencing numerous assassinations of cold-blooded killers, but all of those people had been personally trained and raised. Even then, those people with so many kills under their belt were quite insignificant when compared to his third nephew who could act without even thinking…he had never seen someone who was so adept at killing!\nMonster!\nThere were no simple strikes within his moves. Each move would have only resulted in death! \nKilling had been completely melted into his bone until it had become his first reflexive action!\nAnd this terrible, cruel, demonic monster who was so strong was actually his nephew!\nThe one the whole empire had termed and recognized as a waste.\nJun Mo Xie!\nJun Wu Yi groaned and slowly closed his eyes. What the hell am I seeing? \nI must surely be dreaming! \nIf it’s a nightmare, please let me wake up from it quickly!\nNightmare? \nIf Jun Mo Xie can have such powerful strength, why would it actually be a nightmare?\nIt was at this moment that Jun Wu Yi remembered that Jun Mo Xie had urged his father to stop the sparring matches by saying, “I am truly unable to fight”.\nThe grandson of the General cannot fight? \nAt that time I heard these words, the first reaction that Father had was to kick his ass severely and then point at the door screaming, “Get the hell out!”\nAt that time, when I also happened to hear these words, I almost burst out laughing. It was simply too funny.\nUnable to fight, of course! It cannot just be understood as an inability to fight, but it might also be thought of as…\nAnd now completely understood the real meaning behind those words. Jun Mo Xie was unable to “spar”. He would kill!\nThere was purely due to the extreme killing techniques incorporated onto his blood, soul, every inch of his body to every inch of his bone, muscle and every nerve!\nIf military soldiers had such skill, even when facing a million troops, as long as he had strength left, he would not fall down. \nAnd his enemies would become nothing more that a pile of bodies which could be lined up to form a mountain!\nIf assassins’ had such techniques, it would only give rise to the rumors of the mysterious killer in the continent.\nWhichever person had that kind of skill could transform it to preserve life and usurp death!\nTo such a person, killing was already an habit. An instinct or a pinnacle of art and even a supreme achievement! \nJust like a grand-master artist would be able to blend in all what they see and capture the feelings within, a martial artist could also do so.\nThis was the dream of all warriors and assassins, but no one had ever been able to reach the pinnacle of killing! \nHowever, Jun Mo Xie, his nephew, could do it?\nWas that even likely?\nJun Wu Yi had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask, Where was it that this brat learnt to kill? \nHow did he even practice? \nMore importantly, what did he practice?\nJun Wu Yi felt that his nephew was so mysterious and he was unable to see through him. Although his current cultivation was only at the Fourth Level of Xuan Qi, from his earlier performance, one surely couldn’t look down on him!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第87章\n君莫邪若无其事的拍了拍身上的尘土,扭着屁股坐到了椅子上,这点些微伤损对他来而言,实在是不足挂齿的。\n开天造化功运行一周天,就啥事也没了。\n毕竟管清寒不会真正的下狠手!\n突然感觉对面有异,一抬头才发现,自己的三叔,这位纵横沙场的大将军,正以一种无比震惊的眼神!\n应该是无比惊悸的眼神,看着自己;眼睛深处,满是浓浓的审视,甚至还包含了一丝恐惧、一丝讶异、一丝敬畏!\n“你到底……是怎么做到的?”君无意沉着脸,眼睛鹰隼一般的看着他:“谁教你的?谁有这样的本事,是传说中的某个至尊神玄高手吗?”\n君莫邪一怔,随即明白过来,突然呵呵的笑了起来,半晌,举起酒杯一饮而尽。\n“欲练豪侠胆,须有杀人心!”\n君莫邪嘿嘿一笑:“三叔真正想问的,恐怕是我到底杀过了多少人,才有目前的境界?”\n从君无意的神色中,君莫邪知道,自己的这位精明三叔已经看破了什么,自己的本能反映纵能及时抑制,但迹象总还是有。\n或许管清寒当局者迷,更兼实力太过有限,难以觉察,但君无意是何等人物?\n既为地玄高手、战场百战骁将,又得旁观者清的便利,岂有看不出来的道理?\n君无意哼了一声,厉声道:“莫邪,战场杀敌,篡敌性命,乃是无可奈何之事;但你从未投身军旅,却能练了这么一身杀人的功夫,究竟是怎么练的?这样的境界若没有大量的血腥历练是没有可能修成的……”\n君无意的声音有些颤抖,更多的是愤怒:“你长年在帝都……难道你是用平民百姓的生命练成的?”\n“三叔也饱经生死阅历的大行家,却说这般的外行话!杀人的功夫,未必就一定要通过杀人才练得成。”\n君莫邪轻描淡写的道:“其实只要你可以真正地熟悉、了解了人身上的每一处骨头,每一处关节,自然而然也就会了。”\n他眯了眯眼睛,道:“人类的身体,无分男女,皆有两百零六块骨头,也就是说,亦有两百零六处关节!从人体大腿以上,无论前后左右上下,都有能够一击而致人死命的要害位置存在!\n而无论什么样的招式,只要打出来,就一定有他所不能防护的致命部位露出来!”\n“要动手,必然会调动骨头,利用关节。而受力最大的,就是那些被利用到的部位,在这种时候,没被利用的那一部分就是破绽,足以致命的破绽!\n等你找到了这个破绽之后,那么,他正在利用的那一部分,也成了破绽!\n对这些全部通透之后,找一个对自己最有利对敌人最不利的位置,也就轻而易举!\n我之前跟爷爷说,我不会打架,是实实在在的真心话,今天我若全力反击,今天嫂子会死多少次,至少一百次!\n不知三叔有没有全部数出来呢!”\n君莫邪眯着眼睛,洁白的牙齿闪着光:“不得不承认,我已经习惯了这种本能,出手的落点几乎一定就是这样的位置,一击致命的位置!\n在这世上,对人体最了解的莫过于医者,但三叔你几曾见过医者是因为杀了太多的人才学会救人的!”\n君无意怔住,怒道:“你这是强词夺理!”\n君莫邪叹了口气,道:“其实三叔很清楚,从小到大,三叔基本是看着我长起来的,这两年虽然不经常见面,但君家的情报组织几乎对我每天去了哪里,每一个时辰做了什么,都有详细的记录。\n呃,甚至就是我眠花宿柳的时候,也记录了时间长短、女子是谁,连那女子的生辰八字家庭出身十八辈祖宗也都调查的详详细细。\n三叔,难道你认为,我真的有本事无声无息的杀人嘛?\n这样的猜测实在是很荒诞的,对吗?!”\n君无意啼笑皆非,瞠目结舌!\n“难道真有天生的杀手之王者?”君无意瞪着眼睛,突然感觉脑海中一片混乱。\n这完全颠覆了他的常识,让这位铁血悍将也不由得迷惘了起来……\n君莫邪暗暗地抹了一把冷汗,悄悄地长出了一口大气。\n妈呀,憋死我了。\n糊弄这位今世三叔实在是很困难的啊!\n“可是你,怎么会对这种杀人的东西这么感兴趣?\n而你的成就竟还是如此之高的!\n这与你的身份……也太……”君无意依然没有放弃,追问道。\n“三叔,我君莫邪自从来到这个世界,还从来没有杀过任何一个人呢。”君莫邪眸底深处掠过一丝寂寞和渴望;摊摊手,一脸的真挚和诚恳。\n这样的表情,实在是太真切,任何人一见都会立即知道,他说的绝对是实话,是心里话!\n这也确实是实话!\n不过君莫邪口中所说的“我君莫邪来到这个世界”的意思,却是指君邪真正接受了这个家庭,为自己改名君莫邪起开始算的。\n就在这时,可儿静悄悄地走了过来,行了个礼,道:“三老爷,少爷;门外有人求见三老爷,说道是有急事禀报。”\n说着,眨着眼睛看着君莫邪身上的泥土,小萝莉有些心痛:可怜的少爷,又被虐待了,最近少爷和蔼了很多,实在不该受这份虐待的!\n君莫邪急忙道:“快让他进来!”\n总算来了个救命的,来得太是时候了。\n不多时,一个青衣汉子稳重的走了进来,步履有力,眼神锐利,面容沉着,君莫邪打量了一下,心道这人倒算是个人才,不错不错。\n“将军,已经查出了买走九叶草的人。”\n“是谁?”君无意君莫邪同时出口问道。\n“是……唐家的大少爷,唐源。”\n那人抬眼看了君莫邪一眼,才有所顾忌地说了出来。\n“唐源?!”君莫邪顿时有些不可思议的叫了出来:“这胖子买九叶草干什么劲儿?是唐府中有人需要这味药材吗?”\n“这……属下暂时不知。”\n君无意、君莫些叔侄二人对望一眼,都没有说话。\n那人知趣的退了下去,静悄悄的消失。\n“不会是……泄露了风声吧?”君无意沉思着。\n“决计不会!”君莫邪十分肯定的回答道,转眼又皱起了眉头:“不过这胖子为什么要买走九叶草呢?”\n想了一会,抬头道:“三叔,记得你曾经说过,此次发现的九叶草共有三株?”\n“不错!”\n“既然如此,在唐胖子手里总比在别人手里强,我想办法让他吐出两株来就是!这件事情交给我了!”君莫邪深有把握的道。\n唐胖子赌博输掉的佩玉和佩剑还都在自己手里压着,若是自己开口跟他换两株药草,保证这胖子跑得比兔子还快!\n算是让这死胖子拣个便宜吧!\n“也好。”君无意淡淡的笑着,看了看自己的腿,眼神中露出一丝激动,就差最后一味药了,焚经荷!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 87\nJun Mo Xie calmly patted off all the dust on his robes as he slowly got up and sat down lazily on the chair. The injuries he suffered were practically insignificant to him and they really weren’t even worth mentioning. \nThe Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune was running at full power and rapidly healing him. \nAfter all, Guan Qing Han did not really mean to injure him or attack with killing intent. \nSuddenly Jun Mo Xie felt something and looked up to find his Third Uncle, a veteran of countless battles, looking at him up and down with a shocked manner!\nHis eyes betrayed how horrified he felt and if one looked deep into them with scrutiny, they would find that they contained a hint of fear, a trace of surprise and even a flash of awe!\n“…In the end…how is this possible…?” Jun Wu Yi stared with his eyes almost popping out and continued, “Who was the one that taught you such skills, a person of the legendary Supreme Divine Xuan Rank?”\nJun Mo Xie was startled for a moment. Then, he understood what had actually happened and broke into laughter. After a long while, he raised his cup to drink the wine in one go and said,\n“To have honed such a skill, one must have the heart of a killer!”\nJun Mo Xie said smilingly. “Third Uncle, is the real question you are trying to ask how many people I have killed to reach my current state?”\nFrom the look on Jun Wu Yi’s face, Jun Mo Xie understood. His shrewd Third Uncle already had seen through his instinctual actions. Even though they had been suppressed in a timely manner, there would still be an action no matter how small it was. \nPerhaps Guan Qing Han could be fooled. Her strength was too limited and her insight was very lacking. But who was Jun Wu Yi? \nWith his high level of Xuan Qi cultivation, experiences from numerous battles, and the opportunity to observe the fight from a third person’s perspective, how could he not see the truth?\nJun Wu Yi grunted and snapped at his nephew, “Mo Xie, during war, in the battlefield, enemies take each others lives and that’s the natural course of order. But you…you have never joined the army and were still able to learn to kill in such an effective manner. How is this possible? This ability of yours is not possible unless your hands are completely drenched in the blood of countless people…”\nJun Wu Yi’s trembling voice became angrier, “You have always been inside the Royal Capital…did you use civilians to achieve this…?\n“Third Uncle, you’ve experienced countless life and death battles and hence seem to think in such a way. It is not necessary to kill and slaughter to hone a killing technique to such a level”,\nJun Mo Xie calmly continued. “In fact, as long as you can truly familiarise yourself with and understand the human body: its every bone, every joint and every nerve, then this would all come to you naturally.”\nJun Mo Xie closed his eyes and said, “The human body, irrespective of sex, has two hundred and six bones. That is to say, there are also two hundred and six joints from the body over the thighs, both around, up and down! A fierce blow to any of these places can be extremely deadly to the existence of a person!\nAnd, no matter how a person moves and how well they defend, there would absolutely be some place that would be left completely defenseless!\n“To fight would involve the usage of bones and the movements of joints. While using maximum force at some points of the body, the other part which is not being used becomes a flaw, a fatal flaw!\nOnce you find this flaw, then the part that he is using also becomes a part of the flaw.\nSince all these details on your enemy becomes apparent, it would become quite easy to find a countermeasure against him.\nI had told Grandpa that I’m unable to fight. The truth is, I’m unable because if I did fight, there would be only one result. Sister-in-law’s death! In fact today, she could have died numerous times, over a hundred times at the least!\nI wonder if Third Uncle was able to count all of them!”\nJun Mo Xie, his eyes glittering and teeth showing while he grinned said, “I have to admit that I’ve become accustomed to this instinct of placing my blows at the weakest links in a human body.\nIn this world, the best understanding of the human body is possessed by doctors, but Third Uncle, you would have rarely seen doctors who are killers because most of them only learn how to cure and heal!\nJun Wu Yi stared blankly and was stumped for words. He then angrily said, “You’re just twisting words to force logic!”\nJun Mo Xie sighed and said, “In fact, Third Uncle, since I’ve grown from a baby to now, you’ve watched me grow up. Two years in between, though, we did not meet often, but Grandpa’s spies were always following me every single day, every hour of the day and maintained a detailed record of every action I did. It was even to the extent of where I slept every night.\nNot only that, they also recorded the length of time I spent with each woman, who the woman was, her family’s background and also her ancestors in complete detail!\nUncle, do you truly believe that I really possess the ability to kill quietly in spite of all this?\nDon’t you think such a thought is completely absurd?!”\nJun Wu Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he looked on utterly stumped!\n“Is there really something such as a natural killer?” Jun Wu Yi stammered, his mind in complete chaos. \nWhat he had just learnt completely defied his common sense, and looking at his nephew he felt completely perplexed…\nJun Mo Xie secretly wiped the cold sweat off his brows as he quietly relaxed and felt at ease. \nOh my goodness! Third Uncle nearly caught me. \nTo fool this Third Uncle really was not a simple matter as I thought it was!\n“But you..how would you be so knowledgeable?\nAnd your achievements are also very high!\nThis is your identity…too…”, Jun Wu Yi did not give up and continued to ask further.\n“Uncle, ever since your nephew came to this world, I have never killed anyone”, Jun Mo Xie said deeply and within his eyes, one could see a hint of loneliness and longing. This was a look of absolute sincerity and honesty. \nThis expression was too real and anyone who would see this would feel that he had said the truth, the absolute truth!\nThis was indeed the truth! \nBut the words that Jun Mo Xie said, “Ever since your nephew came to this world”, he was not referring to Jun Mo Xie rather “Jun Xie”, the “Evil Monarch”!\nAt this point, the little loli maid walked in and bowed down cutely before saying, “Third Young Master, there is someone here to see you. He has told me he had to report something very important and it was urgent” \nThen she looked at Jun Mo Xie covered in all dirt and she felt pity for him. Poor Young Master, he has been abused a lot recently. He has also been very nice these past few days, so he does not deserve to get beat up this ruthlessly.\nJun Mo Xie quickly said, “Just let him enter!”\nFinally, it seems it is time to help Third Uncle recover.\nNot much time passed when a man dressed in all black walked in with a steady pace radiating an aura of strength. His face was calm and when Jun Mo Xie looked at him, he could tell that this person’s talent was not bad at all. Good. Very good.\n“General, we have identified the person who bought the Nine Leaf Grass.”\n“Who is it?” Jun Mo Xie and Jun Wu Yi simultaneously asked.\n“The young master, his name is…Tang…Tang Yuan” \nThe man looked up at Jun Mo Xie and was hesitant to speak the name.\n“Tang Yuan!?” Jun Mo XIe suddenly shouted out with surprise and said, “For Fatty Tang to buy the Nine Leaf Grass, has something happened within the Tang Clan?”\n“I do not know this, sir…for now…”\nJun Wu Yi and Jun Mo Xie, the nephew-uncle duo, both looked at each other for a long time without speaking. \nThe messenger bowed down and quickly left the room without making a sound.\n“The information was not leaked…?” Jun Wu Yi mused softly.\n“I suppose not!” Jun Mo Xie replied. His eyes twinkling and then, he frowned. “But why did Fatty have to buy this herb?”\nMo Xie thought for a moment and said, “Third Uncle, I remember you had said that the discovery of this herb led to three strands of it?”\n“Yes!”\n“So, I just have to get Fatty to spit out the other two strands of the herb for my use!” Jun Mo Xie gasped deeply and thought. \nFatty Tang had lost a lot of things during that gambling bet and he had saved his ass! If he didn’t cough out these two strands of the herb, he would ensure to make Fatty run faster than a rabbit!\nThe fat bastard would still be getting it off cheap!\nJun Wu Yi let out a faint smile as he looked at his legs revealing a faint trace of emotion. Finally I only have to obtain one last medicine: the Blazing Heart Meridian!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第88章\n目标一步步逼近,君无意心中莫名的感到患得患失。\n事不宜迟!君莫邪立即动身,去找唐源。\n万一那药被胖子给糟践了,想要再找的话可能又要多费一番功夫了,这事始终是拖得越久,越容易出现变故。\n颤颤悠悠的坐着轿子,君三少一脸病容,有气无力的到了唐府;刚到大门,就见里面一个浑圆的特大号肉球叽里咕噜的滚了出来,一身肉色袍子,唐源大少爷今天这一身打扮,着实是很有特色,若是再小上几号,恐怕会被人一铲子锄到了盘子里,然后就当做四喜丸子端上了饭桌……\n“三少,你怎么来了?身子可大好了?不是要找哥哥戏耍吧?”\n唐源高兴的看着君莫邪,神色之间,却是一片真挚的欣喜。\n“我来找你。”君莫邪掀着轿帘子:“怎么,你要出去?”\n“是啊,我正待要去盛宝堂耍耍,那里今天居然有些好货色,老爷子让我过去,将一件东西拍下来。”\n唐源伸手入怀,刷的一声掏出了一大叠银票,在手里哗啦啦拍了拍,笑得一张脸变成了弥勒佛:“这次可是奉命去耍,瞧瞧,这么厚一摞!等我把那玩意拍下来,估计还能剩下不少。\n三少,届时我们再去千金堂玩两把?”\n“不会又押老婆吧?”君莫邪撇了撇嘴。\n“哎,三少,是兄弟就不要提这事。”\n唐源如此圆白的脸上居然也显出了几道黑线:“那是被人陷害啊!若是平常状态下,哥我就是赌神再世,这绝对不是传说!”\n“我要是能相信你这张破嘴,还不如相信这世界上有鬼!”\n君莫邪嗤之以鼻,接着脸色一整,无视唐源霎时间皱起来如苦瓜般的委屈脸色,单刀直入的问道:“别急着走,我这次来是有要事找你。”\n“啥事?咱兄弟俩啥事不好说!”唐源眨巴眨巴眼。\n“听说你从金香药行买走了三株九叶草?现在我的伤正好用得到那东西,快,拿出来给我!”\n君莫邪毫不客气,直接张嘴就要。\n“你听谁说的?这简直是黑天的冤枉啊!我最烦恶那些草啊叶的了,这你还不知道!”\n唐源浑身肥肉激动的一阵颤抖,肥脸涨得通红:“我啥时候见过那玩意儿?什么九叶草七叶草,我压根就不知道!”\n君莫邪的脸色沉了下来:“唐源,你不知道?\n老子好容易跟你张一回嘴,你居然跟老子说不知道?\n你那玉和剑还要不要了?\n他妈的,老子回头就扔进粪坑里!”\n“我是真不知道哇!”\n唐源急得跳了起来,这对他来说可是个超难度的动作,咬牙切齿指天顿地赌咒发誓:“大哥,我那敢蒙您的,谁要是知道那玩意,就是乌龟儿子王八蛋……呃?金香商行?”\n刚发完誓,突然一个激灵瞪大了眼睛,大声地叫起来:“他妈的,三少,你刚才说金香商行?”\n“你还没聋!”君莫邪哼哼了两声,斜着眼睛看着他,看这胖子在耍什么花招。\n虽然表面上看起来他实在不像是一个会耍花招的人。\n“那里是我家的产业!”唐源腮帮子一阵哆嗦,小眼睛溜圆:“我收集了所有我能找到的珍贵药材!\n就是五天前去自家的药行搜刮了一遍,然后送到了你府上……”\n说着说着,唐源一拍大腿:“正好那天新到了不少新鲜草药,我也不知道具体都有什么玩意,反正听掌柜介绍说质地都挺上乘,我就干脆一起打包,塞进了箱子里,都给你抬过去了。\n如果有那什么九叶草七叶草的话,那就是在你家了。”\n“呃?!”君莫邪顿时瞪圆了眼睛,吃吃道:“你那天不是光送的那啥……吊百斤什么的?”\n“兄弟,你不是脑子进水了吧!”\n唐源艰难的翻了翻眼皮,鄙视了他一眼:“我给你寄了很多东西。事实上,这些东西被分成两层,在第一层,在数百种草药中,有许多具有惊人的品质,但并不罕见。\n我把所有珍贵稀有的草药都藏在它们下面,这些草药是我花了一大笔钱才买到的。\n那天我才要说,就被你家老爷子骂了出来,这几天我还在担心那玩意在里面会不会发霉长毛了,那些好东西,不是自家兄弟,我可是舍不得送的……”\n说完,唐胖子总结道:“所以,我没草,你有草。”\n君莫邪一个趔趄,差点一头从轿子里面栽出来。\n老半晌,才从牙缝里蹦出来了两个字:“我……日!”\n顿时再没有了与唐源扯皮的兴趣,君莫邪心急火燎的就要往回赶。\n万一那玩意在箱子里真发了霉,可就糟糕透顶啊!\n这胖子可真是作孽啊!\n唐源一把拉住:“急啥,三少,你大病初愈,又难得出来一次,跟我去拍卖会吧。\n听说今天不少的好东西!\n咱哥俩去扫荡一番,多好。”\n说着从怀里掏出来了一张纸,手指沾了沾唾沫捻开,水萝卜一般的手指指点着:“看看,看看,还有明光佩玉、琉璃花朵、海底玉珊瑚……这全是好东西啊。”\n“我哪有时间陪你胡闹……”君莫邪一缩头就要回轿子,但话刚说了一半,头也刚缩了一半,突然瞪大了眼睛,像是老母鸡被卡住了脖子一般‘呃呃’了两声,突然转了语气:“好!就去看看!咱哥儿俩去扫荡一番!”\n说着安排一个侍卫立即回家,让他通知可儿立即将唐源那两个箱子里的东西全部倒腾出来,一一小心放好;顺便吩咐多带些银票到盛宝堂来。\n因为,君三少赫然发现,在这个拍卖物品单子的倒数几行,赫然有一件物事——焚经荷!\n他妈的!这可真是……踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫啊!\n君莫邪在心里兴奋的骂了一声!\n盛宝堂。\n那是一个足以令到天香国绝大部分权贵们为之疯狂的所在!\n也是一个真正的高层次的贵族们消费的地方。\n那里,是天香国最大的一个拍卖行,但却也绝不仅仅只是一个拍卖行而已。\n那里除了一些可遇而不可求的极品珍宝之外,但凡是你能够想得到的,这里就有!\n只要你有足够的钱!钱能役鬼、亦可通神!\n这句至理名言无论是前世或是今生,都是非常的适用!\n吃的,喝的,玩的,用的,杀人的东西、抢劫的工具、玄兽的皮毛、高级玄丹,超一流的神兵利器,极品的装饰,甚至是男女奴隶……\n实在是太多太多!\n只有你想不到的,却没有你找不到的!\n只要走进了盛宝堂,无论你原本的生活多么的奢华、自身又是多么的富有,你都会发现,原来自己还欠缺太多的东西!\n原来自己还有许多东西还没有尝试过!\n原来自己的精神生活和物质生活都是这样的贫瘠!\n于是,不到花光你口袋里面的所有铜板,一般人是不会舍得出来的!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 88\nMy goal is just a step away now! Jun Wu Yi felt his heart beat faster with excitement and eagerness to know the outcome of the treatment.\nWithout further ado, Jun Mo Xie immediately left to pay a visit to his beloved friend, Tang Yuan. \nHe was afraid that the idiotic fatty might have wasted the herb or spoiled it. If he had to personally find the herb again, it would cost the Jun family both time and money, not to mention the mental anguish and the ginormous effort required for the search. As for matters such as these, the longer one delayed, the more prone the situation was to turn into misfortune.\nPlaced on a sedan, stretched and laid back, Third Young Master Jun Mo Xie slowly arrived at the Tang Residence. He came to the door only to be greeted by the sight of a big round meatball-shaped human walking out from within the residence wearing a skin-coloured gown. Today, Tang Yuan, the Tang Clan’s young master, wore a dress which was characteristic to his physique to such an extent that very few would find something amiss if rice was served in a bowl with him as a meatball dish on the side plate…!\n“Brother, how come you came here today? Has your body completely recovered from its injuries? You probably came over because you were stifled and bored and wanted to play with your brother, right?” \nTang Yuan looked at Jun Mo Xie with a pleased look and his voice contained a hint of concern, but one could plainly see the joy and sincerity within his actions and words!\n“I came to see you”, Jun Mo Xie lifted the sedan’s curtain and continued. “What, are you going out somewhere?”\n“Ah…yes! I’m going to the Magnificent Jewel Hall to enjoy and bid on a few items. There is actually some good stuff there today. Grandpa let me go to have some fun today”,\nTang Yuan reached inside his robes and bought out a big stack of bills and money. He whistled and clapped in excitement and his face was lit up just like a laughing buddha! “This time, I was in fact ordered to check things out properly and look out for some exquisite items. I was even handed such a huge pile of money.\nJun Mo Xie, I say that we both go there and bid together, what say?”\n“I don’t believe you’ll pawn your wife this time, right? Jun Mo Xie jested.\n“Hey, don’t mention those measly things”,\nTang Yuan’s perfectly round and white face had a few black lines and wrinkles all over as he continued to speak. “I was framed and set up during that time! If we played under normal circumstances, your brother here is simply the gambling God who is spoken of within the legends!”\n“I wish I could believe that broken mouth of yours. In fact, I might be better off believing in the existence of ghosts in this world rather than that mouth”,\nJun Mo Xie wrinkled his nose and his face on a whole became solemn. While ignoring the invite made by Tang Yuan, he got straight to the point and asked, “Don’t be in a hurry to leave and spend away your wealth. There is something important because of which I’ve come looking for you.”\n“What is the matter? Let your brother know all your worries!” Tang Yuan blinked a few times and said earnestly.\n“I heard that you bought three strands of Nine Leaf Grass from the Jin Xiang Trading Company? It’s something that I need quite urgently because of my current injury. Take it out for me right now!” \nJun Mo Xie was quite direct with what he wanted and said it straight to Tang Yuan’s face.\n“Who actually told you this? This is just treating me unjustly! I don’t know what this Nine Grass Leaf is!”\nTang Yuan shivered while his fatty body flushed red in excitement. “I’ve bought this stuff? What Nine Grass…Seven Grass…? I simply don’t know what this is!”\nJun Mo Xie’s face fell and he retorted, “Tang Yuan, you tell me that you don’t know?\nI, your father, am talking to you now with great difficulty here and you bastard, actually have the guts to say that you don’t know?\nIf it wasn’t for me, I wonder where your precious sword and piece of jade would have been?\nI should have flushed them along with you down the toilet!”\n“I really don’t know!”\nTang Yuan was visibly anxious as he jumped about in place and while gnashing his teeth, he began to swear. “Brother, would I dare to even attempt to fool or hoodwink you? I surely have no clue about this matter and if I’m lying, let I, Tang Yuan, be turned into a toad this very instan…uh…? Jin Xiang Trading Company?”\nJust as Fatty Tang finished his oath he suddenly yelled out loud, “Dammit, Mo Xie, did you just say the Jin Xiang Trading Company?”\n“You are not deaf, are you. Well, at least that is established now!” Jun Mo Xie hummed with displeasure and looked at Fatty, wondering if he was playing a trick on him. \nAlthough, on the surface, he didn’t seem to be acting out a scene.\n“That was contacted by one of our branches!” Tang Yuan, his cheeks puffed up and eyes wound up in a way that they were perfectly circular, continued to speak. “I gathered all the precious herbs that I could find.\nI plundered every chemists’ shop to collect them in a box and sent it over to your family’s estate…”\nTalking continuously without pausing, Tang Yuan continued, “There were a lot of herbs that I had found and packed all of them together in the boxes that I sent over. I have no clue to what in the world were the exact contents of those boxes.\nAnyway, if you’re telling me that I actually bought all of this Nine something herb, it would surely be in your house inside the box.”\n“Uh..?!” Jun Mo Xie lightly coughed while speaking. “That…didn’t you just send some Hundred Jin Hoist or something?”\n“Brother, it isn’t your fault. Your brain is probably very confused, right?”\nTang Yuan rolled his eyes while continuing to speak. “I sent a lot of things to you. Actually, the things were divided into two layers and in the first layer, within the hundreds of herbs were many which have amazing qualities, but not so rare. \nIt was beneath them that I hid all the precious and rare herbs that I had to spend an extensive amount of money to acquire.\nBefore I could explain everything to you, I was actually scolded by your Grandpa. I was even worried about the herbs getting spoilt without being taken care of properly. Brother, those were something which I had to strengthen my heart to part with…”\nThen, Fatty Tang concluded, “So, I do not have the herb. You probably have it!”\nJun Mo Xie reeled from shock after learning this and almost fell of his sedan. \nHe pondered for a while before letting out three words from his mouth, “I…have it…!”\nSuddenly he held no more interest in interacting with Tang Yuan and wanted to head home as soon as possible. \nIn case the box really did form molds and the herb got spoilt, it would be the most terrible outcome! \ndamn, this fatty causes a lot of trouble!\nTang Yuan pulled a long face and said, “What are you so anxious about? You’re still recovering from your illness and rarely do come out. Since you have finally come out, let’s go to the Magnificent Jewel Hall together.\nI heard that they have a lot of good things over there today.\nYou and I can go in and take away all the good stuff!”\nFatty then pulled out a sheet of paper while licking his fingers to twist open the paper. Then, he pointed at the contents, shouting excitedly, “Look…look…jade ornaments, jade glass flowers, seabed jade coral…these are all extremely good items!”\n“I don’t have the time to horse around with you!” Jun Mo Xie rested back onto his chair, but just as he said those words, his head turned back reluctantly and then suddenly stared back at Tang Yuan before swallowing a mouthful of saliva, which made him seem like he was swallowing a chicken’s egg whole as he made a noise, “uh…uh…”, and suddenly said, “Well, sure! Let’s go to the hall together and see what we two brothers can acquire at that place!”\nHe then arranged for a bodyguard to go home immediately, so that he could inform Jun Wu Yi immediately about the two boxes gifted by Tang Yuan and shift all the things out while carefully putting away each of the items within. He also instructed him to bring over some money for him to spend at the Magnificent Jewel Hall.\nThis sudden change in his attitude was because he, the Third Young Master, had found out that in this auction’s list of materials, there was an impressive item which he wanted: the Blazing Heart Meridian!\nFu*k! This is really beyond being lucky anymore! It’s like being blessed by the Heavens themselves. \nComing all the way over here was not a waste of time after all!\nMagnificent Jewel Hall.\nIt was a place which could even make the majority of the Tian Xiang Kingdom’s highest officials dream in fantasy and go crazy! \nIt was a place which was for the consumption of nobles.\nThis was Tian Xiang Kingdom’s largest auction house, but it was much more than a simple auction.\nIn the Kingdom, to find the best treasures, it would be an extremely tough challenge which would almost to never succeed even in decades to come. However, whatever treasure you could think of, this place would certainly have it!\n‘As long as you had enough money, even Gods and demons can be your slaves.’\nThese words, whether in Jun Xie’s past life or the present, were very suitable!\nFood, drink, playthings, killers, robbing tools, mysterious beasts’ hide and fur, superb magic weapons, the best decorations and even men and women as slaves…\nOne could find everything! \nIt was too much. You just had to think about it and it was impossible not to find it.\nJust after walking into Magnificent Jewel Hall, no matter how luxurious your original lifestyle and how rich you were, you would realize that you still lacked many things in life!\nOne would realize that there were many things that they had yet to try!\nThey would feel that their spiritual and material life had been extremely barren!\nSo, in order to not spend all that you own and become completely broke, the average person would want to come out and not let his thoughts or judgement get clouded by this treasure paradise!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第89章\n当然,盛宝堂也不是随便什么人都能够进来的!\n不过盛宝堂还是给天香皇室留了面子,里面最大的一个包厢,就是专门留给天香皇室的。\n无论有没有人来,这个包厢,永远空着。\n另外几个国家,也在这里拥有各自包厢,只不过相对稍微小一些。\n至于天香城之中各大世家,都各自有一个包厢,不过要定期支付一笔数目不菲的“包房费”就是,从来没有那个世家会因为这个特殊的规矩而不悦!\n相反,拍卖场周围的高层包间,除了有限几间之外,几乎都是固定的,因为其余的座位基本都是在大厅,若是世家子弟在大厅落座,却是没的丢了自己的身份!\n所以,盛宝堂的包厢,早已经蜕变成一种身份的特殊标志!\n极为罕见能够有什么新贵加入。\n另外,盛宝堂从表面上来看,似乎旨在疯狂的敛财,对所有政务事务纷争一概不感兴趣,更从来不会过问。\n但若是有什么逃犯或者什么的逃进了盛宝堂,以为能够获得庇佑的话,那可就大错特错了。\n盛宝堂会将之五花大绑完完整整的押出来,反而节省了官方、相关人员追捕的时间。\n无论错疏是否在那人、初衷又如何,你潜入盛宝堂,意图祸水东引就已经是最大的罪过了!\n君莫邪眯着眼睛,看着宽如城门般的盛宝堂大门,君三少爷本身虽然没有踏足过这里,却也知道,盛宝堂几乎每一天都在举行拍卖,但真正的精品,每个月只拍卖一次。\n而今天,很凑巧,正是这一天。\n而精品拍卖会从来都会很热闹。\n盛宝堂的另一个最大的奇怪之处,就是所拍卖的物品。\n几乎没有人知道来历,也没有人见过盛宝堂有什么收购行为或者典当行业,所有的拍卖品好像都是盛宝堂自己生产的一般,这一点更加的成了一个谜。\n唐胖子貌似是来过几回了,回过头来招呼,君莫邪急忙跟了上去,跟在他身边的八名侍卫留下一名等待那回去取银票的侍卫,剩余七人鱼贯而入。\n君莫邪正走着,突然皱起了眉头!\n这个盛宝堂,确实很不简单啊?\n自从一进入大门伊始,便先后有五六股神念在自己身上扫了一遍,几乎是每走两步,转过一道弯,就会被检查一次!\n这让君莫邪心中警觉大起!\n据他的推测,这几个暗中的人每一个都拥有不低于玉品玄气修为的实力!\n这还只是来自盛宝堂内部的检查。\n在君莫邪的身后,走来的两伙人,每个人的身上都带着一股阴森的杀气——同类的味道!\n这是君莫邪最熟悉的东西,自然不可能会认错!\n而且这两伙人彼此之间防范重重,一个个活像是身处在战场上一般。\n所以君莫邪断定,身后的这两伙人,绝对不会是朋友。\n再往前走,上楼没走几步就是唐家的包厢了。君莫邪在一手扶上楼梯的时候,似乎踉跄了一下,没有站稳一般。\n借这个机会回头一瞥,只见有六个黑衣人向着另一边走了过去,三人一伙,分别进入了两个包厢。\n其中一个,门口帘子上绣着一朵金灿灿的郁金香;另外一个包厢却是黑布帘子,绣着一朵洁白的雪莲花。\n此刻的大厅里早已经是人满为患了,但一个个安安稳稳的坐着,却是一派融洽祥和。\n一个个侍者端着盘子有条不紊的穿插来去,人数虽众,却始终是安静之极。\n毕竟,这些人自我感觉,都没有在盛宝堂撒野的资格。\n走进包厢,君莫邪斜着眼睛看了看属于自家君家的固有包厢,雪白的帘子上,一朵硕大的血兰花在狰狞的开放,不由苦笑一声。\n自从君家定下了这个包厢以来,君家人一共进去了貌似还不到两三次,也不知道爷爷是怎么想的,始终会定期缴费,到现在还留着,实在是很给盛宝堂面子。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 89\nOf course, Magnificent Jewel Hall was not a place that anyone could enter as they pleased.\nBut, at Magnificent Jewel Hall, they gave face to the Tian Xiang Kingdom and inside their place, one of the biggest box was reserved for the royal family of the Tian Xiang Kingdom. \nIrrespective of if someone from the royal family came or not, this place would always be reserved and kept ready. \nSeveral other countries also enjoyed this privilege of having their own private box but of course, when compared relatively to the royal family’s, they were smaller.\nIn the Tian Xiang Kingdom, each of the major families had a balcony of their own but each of them had to pay a substantial amount of ‘reservation fee’ on a regular basis and because of this particular rule, no other family was unhappy. \nIn contrast to other auction houses around the country, in addition to the limited number of rooms, almost all the other seats had a fixed seating, which were basically in the large hall. And, if the youngsters of the major families actually were seated in the hall, it wasn’t even the least bit loss of their face!\nSo, Magnificent Jewel Hall’s box area had already transformed into a special status symbol!\nIt was extremely rare for people with newfound wealth to be added to this exclusive guest list.\nIn addition, Magnificent Jewel Hall on the surface seemed as if it was only interested in making money like crazy and that it wouldn’t be interested in government affairs and would not interfere either. \nHowever, if there was any fugitive who escaped to the Magnificent Jewel Hall and hoped that they would receive their blessing, they would have been delusional! \nMagnificent Jewel Hall would just tie them up and charge them of their crimes and would actually save the time of the officials to hunt down the criminal. \nRegardless of who you are, trying to stir up trouble in the Magnificent Jewel Hall is the biggest mistake one can make.\nJun Mo Xie closely looked at the wide gates that appeared before him. These were the tall majestic gates which were the entrance to the Magnificent Jewel Hall and though Third Young Master Jun had never set foot in here, he too knew the workings of this auction place. Here at Magnificent Jewel Hall, almost every day they would have an action to sell off items but, the items of great rarity, the ones which were priceless were only sold in the auction once a month.\nAnd today happened to be that very special day!\nAnd always during this period, the Magnificent Jewel Hall would be extremely lively.\nAnother biggest oddity of this Magnificent Jewel Hall was the items that it would auction. \nAlmost no one knew the origin of these items and no one had ever seen the Magnificent Jewel Hall perform any form of acquisition or let people pawn items for money. Were all the items manufactured by they themselves? This had become a really big puzzle!\nFatty Tang seemingly had come over here more than once as he turned and greeted a few of the bodyguards stationed over there. Jun Mo Xie followed Fatty and left behind eight of his bodyguards to collect money from the others he had sent over to his residence while the rest moved in with him.\nAs Jun Mo Xie was walking, he suddenly frowned.\nThis Magnificent Jewel Hall is really not a simple place!\nSince the time he had walked into the door, there was at least five or six times that different spiritual awareness swept through him, inspecting his whole body and at every corner!\nThis made Jun Mo Xie’s heart to beat faster!\nAccording to his calculations, the cultivation of all those experts was surely at the Jade Xuan Qi level!\nThis was just assessing the strength through internal inspection!\nBehind Jun Mo Xie, came two groups of people, each of them emitting an eerie murderous aura. \nThis was something that Jun Mo Xie was most familiar with and could absolutely not be mistaken. \nAnd one could see the heavy tension between the two groups, it was just like armies facing off each other on the battlefield! \nJun Mo Xie immediately concluded that the two groups following him were definitely not friends.\nMoving forward and walking up the stairs behind Tang Yuan, Jun Mo Xie suddenly seemed to slip on a step and stagger back. \nHe took this opportunity to glance back and saw six people in black walking the other way. Both the groups walked into two different boxes. \nOne of them was covered by a curtain which was embroidered with a golden tulip flower while the other had a black cloth curtain on which there was an elaborate embroidery of a white snow lotus.\nAt this moment, the hall was already overcrowded, but everyone was sitting comfortably and the whole atmosphere was calm, harmonious and peaceful. \nA waiter was walking around with a tray and although the number of people was enormous, it was extremely quiet. \nAfter all, these people felt that they were not eligible to run wild inside the Magnificent Jewel Hall.\nInside a box, Jun mo Xie looked at the insides of his own box to observe the Jun family’s box. There was a white curtain upon which was drawn a huge blood red coloured orchid flower and he couldn’t help but smile. \nSince the Jun family had bought this box, Grandpa had seemingly come here less than two or three times. Grandpa surely does not know how to manage wealth well and still paid regularly to keep this box. He really gave Magnificent Jewel Hall too much face!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第9章\n此刻的君邪依旧如前的浑浑噩噩,无惊无喜,继续保持运功状态,似乎全然没有察觉到这一切一般。\n说起来,这开天造化功固然神妙莫测,为亘古以来最上乘的功决,可是天道有凭,修炼一事本就是逆天而行,最为考究个人的心性,而这门功决的入门功夫最是难练,除了需要大毅力、百折不挠之外,还需要有大机缘!\n所以亘古以来,即使有人有机会修炼这开天造化功,有成者却是极少的!\n试想,若是寻常的心智不坚之辈,恐怕运行百十个周天不见反应也就放弃了,毕竟这般的枯燥不是一般人能够受得了的。\n而且神魂若是稍弱,根本不能坚持下来,像君邪这样的能够一口气运行几百上千个周天的怪胎,以从未有修炼经验的人来说,根本就是绝无仅有!\n就算有人有这样的毅力,也会因为神识不够强大而在这个过程中而走火入魔!\n但君邪却偏偏就就具备了修炼开天造化功的所有要求,君邪本就是一个性格极为坚韧的人,认准了一件事情,从未改变过初衷。\n这种性格说得好听一点就是执着,说得难听一点就是死脑筋,不撞南墙不回头;但君邪却是撞了南墙,撞破南墙也不回头的主!\n如今修炼起这第一难练的开天造化功,正是王八出门遇上鳖,原来大家是一家人。\n除了心性之外,君邪本身的福缘也起了很大部分的作用,鸿钧塔,正是君邪最大的福缘,本身并无大机缘之庇护,也是决计没有希望入门的。\n此外,君邪本是穿越的灵魂,神识本就不弱,又得鸿均塔之助,与君莫邪的肉身形神归一,神识更强大。\n以上种种,竟然让他在一夜之间一举突破了第一重难关!\n这份成就,不但是空前的,只怕也是绝后的!\n头顶泥丸宫越来越跳动的厉害,到得后来更是有规律的跳动起来,越来越热,君邪的白皙的脸庞慢慢的变得通红……\n这一坐,竟然一直到了凌晨天色微明之时!\n君邪明显感觉到,身体内运行的那细细的如同丝线一般的气感越来越是活泼,更逐渐地连成了一条线。\n就在这条条细线最后一个环节连接起来的时候,君邪蓦然间感到眼前突然五光十色,色彩斑斓,似乎全世界的花朵一瞬间在眼前绽放,所有的七色彩霞都围绕在自己身边一般,同时似乎头顶上雷声阵阵,霎时间电闪雷鸣,轰隆隆作响。\n但君邪现在眼睛却还是闭着的,也就是说,这些,都发生在他的思感之内!\n这,正是开天造化功第一道难关:定心!\n君邪虽然明明“看到”这些奇异景象,但却始终牢牢记着,自己修炼的时候,乃是闭着眼睛的!\n也就是说,自己本应是看不见得,但现在却是偏偏看到了,这代表什么?\n这说明了这一切全是虚幻的!\n所以君邪毫不在意,紧守灵台那点清明,继续运功,不闻不问。\n“轰”!就像一颗炸弹,在君邪的脑海之中突然爆炸,君邪身躯一震,突然感觉自己失却了分量一般,神魂飘飘荡荡,哇的一声,吐出了一大口鲜血,远远喷了出去,紧接着便晕了过去。\n这口鲜血喷在雪白的床单上,竟然诡异地呈现乌黑的颜色,宛若固体一般,居然并不流动,看上去,简直就像一块漆黑的炭块。\n君邪晕倒在地的身体在他没有知觉之中慢慢抽搐着,肌肤之中再度慢慢地渗出点点乌黑的汁液,将君邪身上轻柔的白袍慢慢的一点点的浸湿、涂黑……\n这才是真正意义上的洗经伐髓!\n先前的那身体内渗出的污渍,只是排除了肌肤或者肌肉里面的大部分杂质,而刻下排出的,才是真正属于骨骼内部的,至于君邪吐出的那一口浓黑的血块,更是体内五脏之中的杂质,亦是人体最难排除的人体污浊之物!\n君邪现在的状况,若是用修道的人来讲,是为“脱凡”之境!\n也就是说,从现在开始,脱离了凡夫肉体的桎梏,正式迈进了修道的行列!\n要知道每一位修道者成就“脱凡”境界,都要经历一段相当痛苦而又漫长的过程,用时短者数月,长者数年或者数十年,更有甚者,便是终此一生也是无法达到这个境界!\n而君邪居然只得一个晚上!\n这实在是奇迹之中的奇迹,若是说了出去,凡是修道者只怕也是没有一个人肯相信!\n这当然不是君邪的体质特殊,也不是因为君邪现在的精神力强大的缘故,其中自然另有原因,那白雾便是其中最为重要的因素,那本就是最为纯净的天地灵气!\n只不过君邪此时还不知道而已。\n君邪前世虽然是一个武功高手,但却从未接触过修真领域,甚至在他的认知之中,所谓的修真成仙根本就是无稽之谈!\n所以,就算他明明白白的知道自己身上的变化,也只会以为自己是走了一个什么大运罢了。\n君邪再次醒来的时候,发现自己已经到了一只大木桶里,周身皆是温暖的热水包围着自己,还有两只绵软的小手,在努力的为自己擦洗着身体。\n睁开眼睛一看,却发现小侍女可儿头发也被汗浸湿了,脸上被热气熏的通红,小手中正拿着一块软柔的布巾,气喘吁吁地在为自己清洗着身上。\n小小的嘴唇紧抿着,脸上满是一副窘困的要哭的表情,一双俏丽的眼睛刻意地望着头顶上,唯有需要换一个地方擦洗的时候才会低下头来看一眼,却又接着把眼睛挪开……\n“小丫头害羞的表情可实在是忒可爱!”\n这么一想,君邪神思顿时回归,这才发现自己身上竟然是一丝不挂的。\n不由有些不好意思,干咳了两声,道:“还是我自己来吧。”\n说着就要去接过可儿手中的毛巾。\n一声惊叫,可儿抓着毛巾退出老远,哆哆嗦嗦的看着君邪,眼睛满是惊慌失措:“少少少……爷,你你你……醒了?”\n无奈的叹了口气,君邪道:“如果不是我醒了,难道跟你说话的是鬼?”\n“鬼?!啊!”可儿又是一声惊叫,君邪突然发现自己可以清楚地看到这个小丫头脸上的细细汗毛都竖了起来,一张小脸煞白煞白的真如见了鬼一般。\n君邪不由得叹了口气:“别叫了,就算是真见了鬼,也不过是你现在这个脸色了,你的演技实在是很到位了。”\n“砰!”的一声,房门突然被撞开,一个魁梧的身影大踏步的走了进来:“莫邪,你醒过来了?发生了什么事?”\n正是君战天君老爷子,身后还跟着几名侍卫。\n君老爷子的声音很愤怒,刚才已经将守卫君邪的三十六名侍卫都痛骂了一遍,昨天的事情可以说是意外,想不到今天又来了这么一次!\n老爷子气冲牛斗,快要爆炸了:难道我君家看起来就这么好欺负?\n看来老子不发发威还真不行了!\n要是人人都打上我孙子的注意,这日子还过不过了?\n老爷子将君邪的晕倒当成了有敌人刺杀……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 9\nAt the moment, Jun Xie remained in a dazed state, neither surprise nor joy can be seen on him. He continued practicing the art, regulating his body, seemingly unaware of what had happened.\nThis Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune is truly immeasurably mysterious, the most superior type of skill since time immemorial. Even if there is still a Heaven, the path of cultivation has always been an act of defiance against Heaven, one that puts a person’s disposition to the test. As for this beginner part of this skill, it was truly difficult to practice to the extreme. Other than perseverance and indomitable will, one must also be blessed with this huge opportunity!\nThus, since long ago, even if someone were to obtain the opportunity to practice this Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, the chances of them succeeding were exceptionally low! \nThinking about it, if the practitioner’s heart was not firm, that person would likely have given up after practicing for a hundred times and not see any results. This level of dullness is not something that any ordinary person could withstand. \nFurthermore, if a person’s spirit was any weaker, it was unlikely that they would be able to endure it. From the perspective of cultivators, a freak like Jun Xie who could operate the practice routine up to thousands of times is simply one of a kind!\nEven if some were to possess this kind of perseverance, without a sufficiently strong spiritual awareness, they would end up suffering from qigong deviation!\nAs for Jun Xie, he happened to possess all the right characteristics necessary to practice the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. Jun Xie had always been an extremely unyielding type of person, once he set his mind towards something, he will never change it.\nTo put it in a good way, he is a man of high perseverance. To put it in a bad way… he is a brain dead zombie. Without crashing into a wall, they’ll never turn back. But Jun Xie is the monarch of all brain dead zombies who will crash into the wall until he breaks through the wall and still not look back. \nToday, he who had started practicing this Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune can be compared with a tortoise that had gone out and bumped into a turtle. As it turns out, they are one family.\nBesides having the right character and mindset, Jun Xie’s luck also played no small role. Obtaining the Hongjun PaGoda was the biggest blessing for Jun Xie, if he had not had the luck to obtain it, then he would have no hope of stepping upon this path.\nIn addition, Jun Xie’s soul was one that had transmigrated over, his spiritual awareness could not be weak. With the help of the Hongjun PaGoda, Jun Moye’s body condition was restored while his spiritual awareness became even stronger. \nAll these factors added up, allowing him to abruptly break through the first heavy hurdle in merely one night’s time!\nNot only was this achievement unprecedented, it would likely become unrepeatable!\nThe Niwan Palace within his mind began pulsating with an even stronger force, eventually it began following a regular pattern. As it got hotter and hotter, Jun Xie’s white skin slowly became completely red…\nAt this moment, it was already the break of dawn and the sky had cleared!\nJun Xie could clearly feel that the qi within his body, which was like delicate thread of silk was becoming livelier as they gradually linked together to form a line.\nWhen the last of the threads came together in unison, completely connecting with one another, Jun Xie suddenly sensed a brilliant light coming to life before him. The light was filled with colourful and varied speckles, as though the entire world’s flowers had bloomed before his eyes. The afterglow of all seven colours revolved around him. At the same time, thunderous roars burst forth from his head, suddenly accompanied by lightning. Thunder and lightning rumbled.\nHowever, Jun Xie’s eyes remained closed. This meant that all these were occurring within his sense of awareness! \nThis was the first hurdle of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune: Calm Heart!\nEven though Jun Xie could clearly “see” this strange atmosphere, he also firmly remembered that when he began practicing, he had closed his eyes! \nThis imagery was something he should not be able to see, and yet he was able to! What could this mean? \nThis meant that everything before him was nothing more but an illusion!\nWith that in mind, Jun Xie chose to ignore it, continuing with his exercise; his face was a mask of indifference.\n“Boom!” Akin to a bomb, an explosion erupted within Jun Xie’s sea of consciousness. Jun Xie’s body suddenly convulsed, feeling as though his body had lost something that was once part of it. His spirit swayed about, and then he abruptly spat out a mouthful of blood far away. He then fainted.\nThese mouthful of blood fell onto the white sheets on the bed, but strangely a black colour emerged from it, seemingly a solid substance. Unexpectedly, it did not flow down, and seemed just like a piece of dark charcoal.\nJun Xie’s body fell onto the ground, his body twitching unconsciously. Once again, a dark liquid was slowly forced out from the pores of his skin, slowly rendering Jun Xie’s light coloured robe wet, bit by bit, becoming black in colour…\nThis was the true result of the Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser!\nPreviously, when his body had discharged out a layer of filth, those were only the impurities within the skin and muscles at most. At the present moment, what he was forcing out of his body are the impurities within the skeletal frame and his inner organs. As for the blood that Jun Xie had spat out, those are the impurities within the five organs, the most difficult of all the human body parts to cleanse!\nJun Xie’s present situation, from the perspective of those who cultivate the Way of the Dao, would be none other than the “shedding” process! \nThat is to say, from now on, he had escaped from the shackles of worldly possessions and desire. He had officially entered the path of cultivation!\nFor those who practice in the Way, reaching the “shedding” stage would be preceded by a rather painful and lengthy experience. There are those who spent months, years or even decades in order to reach this realm. Some even spent their entire lives in vain and failed to reach this stage.\nAnd yet, Jun Xie achieved it in the span of one night!\nThis was truly a miracle amongst miracles. If this news were to spread, it is likely that none of the ascetics would believe it!\nObviously, this was not because Jun Xie’s body is special, or was it due to Jun Xie’s high level of spiritual power. The reason lies elsewhere, and that was none other than the white mist. The white mist was the most important factor, as it is the purest form of Spiritual Qi from Heaven and Earth.\nHowever, Jun Xie had yet to realize this.\nIn his past life, Jun Xie was a martial arts expert, but had never come across the realm of cultivation. From his viewpoint, all these so-called cultivation in order to achieve immortality was nothing more than a nonsensical subject!\nAs such, even if he were to realize what had happened to his body, the only thing he would think of was that he had an unbelievably huge stroke of luck.\nWhen Jun Xie woke up, he found himself within a large barrel filled with warm water encompassing his body. There were also two little soft hands working hard, scrubbing his body.\nOpening his eyes, he saw the young maid, Little Ke. Her head was wet from perspiration and her face red from the heat. Her small hands were holding onto a piece of soft towel, she panted as she cleaned his body with it.\nHer tiny lips were pursed up tightly, her face filled with an expression of embarrassment, almost to the point of near crying. Her pair of pretty eyes were deliberately directed upwards, only glancing down for a moment when there was a need to scrub a different area. After that, she would move her eyes away again…\n“This little girl’s shy expression is simply too cute!”\nThinking about this, Jun Xie’s thoughts suddenly returned back towards himself as he realized that he was actually bare naked.\nUnable to stop his own feeling of embarrassment, he gave two dry coughs and said. “I’ll do it myself.”\nAfter having said that, he reached out for the towel in Little Ke’s hands.\nGiving a surprised yelp, Little Ke ran far away while clutching the towel. She trembled as she looked at Jun Xie, her eyes were filled with a sense of panic. “Youngyoungyoung… Master, you… you’re awake?”\nJun Xie gave a helpless sigh and replied. “If I am not awake, then are you talking to a ghost now?”\n“Ghost?! AHH!” Little Ke let out another scream, this time Jun Xie suddenly realized that he could clearly see the minute little hairs on her face standing up, her face becoming deathly white as though she had really seen a ghost. \nJun Xie found himself sighing again. “Stop screaming, even if there is a ghost, their face is probably not as scary as yours, your performance is truly applaud worthy.”\n“Bang!” The doors of the residence burst open with a bang and a stalwart figure walked inside, taking huge strides each time. “Moxie, you’re awake? What happened?” \nIt was none other than Grandpa Jun; behind him were several bodyguards.\nGrandpa Jun’s voice was filled with anger, he had just finished giving a thunderous ‘lecture’ to those thirty six bodyguards assigned to protect Jun Xie. What happened yesterday could be considered an unexpected accident, but how could he have guessed that it would happen again today? \nGrandpa Jun’s temper was wholly incited to the point of detonation. Do you think you can bully us so easily?\nIt seems this senior will have to show some of my might about!\nIf everyone decides to target my grandson, then how are we going to spend the rest of our days?\nGrandpa Jun had assumed that Jun Xie’s fainting was due to an assassination attempt…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第90章\n“那两个包厢,是谁家的?”君莫邪有意无意的指了指那两伙黑衣人进去的包厢,问道。\n“老大,您不会是发烧烧糊涂了吧?还是脑子真进了水!”唐源瞪着眼睛看着他:“那是老二老三两位皇子的包厢啊,再旁边的那个则是大皇子的。\n三位皇子包厢连着的,你连这个都不知道?”\n唐源想了一圈,这才想起来面前这位似乎自己在盛宝堂从来没见他出现过,自己最近可是承了这哥们好几次大人情,自己刚才说的又确实不着四六,不由一咧嘴,拍拍自己肥厚的脸庞:“是我发烧烧糊涂了,脑子还进水了!”\n君莫邪瞪他一眼,也知道这货是滚刀肉,索性闭目养神不再理他;心中却滴溜溜的转动起来。两位皇子的包厢,居然进去了两伙杀手!\n这真是……有些古怪呀。\n会不会,与前几天的刺杀有关系呢?\n如果是的话,这笔账可是得好好算一算的,毕竟,老子还挨了两剑两脚没讨还呢,老子两世为人,那里吃过这么大的亏……不过,前几天的刺杀是哪一位皇子做的呢?\n万一冤枉了好人怎么办,不过也没关系,左右是亲兄弟,冤枉了也就冤枉了!\n“三少,李峰和孟海洲那几个小子也来了。就在我们隔壁孟家包厢里。”唐源低声道,声音中带着几分咬牙切齿:“这几个兔崽子,老子早晚要他们好看!”\n自从知道了当日就是这几个小子设局整治自己,害自己差点连未过门的老婆都给输掉,唐胖子就恨得牙根疼,可是近来京城正值多事之秋,老爷子早告诫家中上下不得轻易招惹是非,尤其特别警告了自己这个最能惹祸的宝贝孙子。\n“哦?隔壁包厢?这么近啊……”君莫邪嘿嘿笑了笑,眼珠一转,“胖子,你今天要是能应承我一个条件,我就让你今天狠狠地出一口恶气!怎么样?”\n“咱兄弟一场,什么不好说,只要能出这口恶气,什么条件我都应承!”唐源顿时来了精神。\n“今天这拍卖会,我有几样东西一定要得手,但我又不想让别人知道那东西是我得了。”君莫邪直截了当地道:“我出银子,你帮我喊价,给我拍下来就行了。\n只要你办成了,今天我就让他们几个人在你手下狠狠地栽一回跟头,玩死这几个小子!”\n“这是什么话?”唐源怫然不悦:“你想要的东西,我买下来送给你就是了,咱俩谁跟谁啊,至于说的那么郑重吗?\n平白污了自家兄弟情分!”\n“那不一样,亲兄弟也得明算账!我从不占别人便宜,但我也从来不会让人占我的便宜!”君莫邪哼了一声。\n这句话,正是他前世今生最好的写照。\n“行行行,依你!只要能整治到那几个兔崽子,什么我都依你!”\n君莫邪微微一笑,凝息静神,神识水银泻地一般洒了出去。\n他的重点,当然就是隔壁包间和两位皇子的包厢。\n在凝聚了开天造化功的神识的探测下,里面任何一点波动,都不会瞒得过他!\n虽然不能眼见,但却比亲眼所见更加的有效!\n又过了片刻,本就异常静寂大厅,似更静了几分,台上的幕布缓缓拉开,露出一个五光十色的高台,面对着大厅的这一面,竟然是一整块紫砂石,上面镶嵌着数以千百计的各色名贵宝石,在灯光的映照下,熠熠发光;使人在这一瞬间,有一种沉浸在梦幻中的感觉,又似是满天星斗突然集中在了这里,瑰丽之极。\n一个紫衣老者站在台上桌子前面,一名银衣少女手中捧着一个托盘。站在他身后。\n这两人的穿着颜色若是平常穿出来都颇有些刺眼,多半会被人骂神经病;但此刻在台上五光十色的宝石映射之下,却如同是神仙中人,超然脱俗!\n客套了几句之后,紫袍老者并不多罗嗦,立即进入了正题——这正是拍卖老手的老练之处;没有任何人有兴趣听他说什么欢迎感谢;说一辈子欢迎,不如手中的锤头一落,这个道理大家当然是懂得的。\n“第一件拍卖品,是……”\n连续六件拍卖品出去,虽然每一件都可算稀世奇珍,但大多是装饰之物,对这些东西,君莫邪自然是不感兴趣。\n而隔壁的孟海洲等人与两位皇子的包间,也都是没有任何一点动静的。\n而这几样物品,尽都是落到了大厅中一些豪阔的商人手中。\n但随着一样比一样的价格高昂,却让君莫邪有些烦躁起来。\n焚经荷虽然罕见,但终究只是一株药草罢了,而且功效十分偏门,在这个世界并未能真个挤身入高等药材之列。\n但若是照着这个势头下去,轮到焚经荷的时候只怕会是一个天价!\n怎么会是这样?难道其中另有什么猫腻不成?\n捏着侍卫带回来的几百万两银票,君莫邪皱起了眉头。\n突然,他一直弥漫在两位皇子与隔壁房间的神识突然起了一阵波动,君莫邪睁开眼睛,看着唐源:“他们要行动了,看来下一样物品,应该就是孟海洲他们要的,而且是颇为在意的。”\n君大杀手清晰地感觉到,那阵波动,正是来自隔壁李振孟海洲等人的包厢,隐隐含有很是振奋的意思!\n看来,他们对接下来的这件东西,盼望已久!\n“接下来的这件物品,相信大家也有耳闻。乃是海底玉珊瑚!\n紫珊瑚和各色珊瑚大家都见过,未算稀罕,不过这株玉珊瑚却尚是首次出现在盛宝堂;相信整个大陆见过这类玉珊瑚的高贤,也未必能有几人,至少在今日之前,老夫是从未见过的。”\n那紫袍老者微笑着,身后的白衣少女两人合力,抬上来一件用红布绸子罩着的物事,轻轻放下。\n“胖子,他们要的就是这玩意!\n起拍价一出,你就立即将价格抬上去!\n不要给他们先出价的机会。”\n君莫邪笑了笑,叮嘱道。\n他凝注在隔壁房间的神识,已经清楚的感到,这玉珊瑚一出现,那几个人的心跳猛然激烈了起来,结合先前波动,便已肯定这个玉珊瑚乃是他们此行志在必得的东西;如此良机,岂有不捣乱的道理?\n“确定?这玩意,万一被咱拍回来,顶多就是一个摆设啊!”唐源瞪圆了眼睛。\n“确定!”君莫邪肯定的点点头:“放心吧。”\n唐源一咬牙:“好!”出于对君莫邪的信任,唐源根本没有考虑,就直接选择了相信。\n红布绸子一揭开,一株通体雪白的珊瑚出现在众人眼前,发出晶莹的光彩,却是分外的柔和细腻;整株珊瑚足有三尺宽度,四尺高度!\n这样的大件,就算是普通珊瑚也值得不少的银子,更何况是举世罕见的玉质珊瑚?\n“玉珊瑚,宽两尺八五,高三尺九,厚一尺,内涵天地元力。\n放置家中,对于玄者修炼大有好处,可稳定心神,不惧心魔。\n起拍价纹银十万两,每次加价,不得低于一万两。”\n紫袍老者话音刚落,一个破锣般的嗓子立即响起:“本公子出一百万两!”正是唐源唐大少爷。\n霎时间全场静悄悄的没有了半点声音!\n几百双眼睛齐刷刷地射了过来;唐源努力的挺起大肚皮,顾盼自豪。\n开什么玩笑?\n起拍价只得十万两,你第一次叫价就叫到了一百万两?\n那让别人怎么叫价?\n就算你志在必得,可也没这么败家的啊!\n慢慢加价的话估计顶多有个五十万两左右也就拍下来了;这家伙居然直接第一次就叫了一百万两!\n这丫有病!\n所有人都鄙视的看了胖子一眼。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 90\n“Those two boxes belong to whom?” Jun Mo Xie pointed out to the boxes that the two groups had just entered and asked.\n“Bro, do you have a fever or something? Is your head really muddled?” Tang Yuan stared at him and said, “Those boxes belong to the second and third prince of our Kingdom.\nAll the three Royal Princes have their boxes in a line, side by side, don’t you even know this?”\nTang Yuan grinned and his face resembled a buddha as he thought, I’ve never seen this guys over here at the Magnificent Jewel Hall, but he recently did help me out in my time of need and did a big favour. He can be arrogant because of that and I owe him one! He patted his own plump cheeks and said, “I’m the one who has fever and am confused as my head is muddled!”\nJun Mo Xie stared at him, he knew that he was a crafty bootlicker and simply closed his eyes ignoring him completely. He was then contemplating in his heart, the people who went into the two prince’s boxes unexpectedly were releasing killing intent and were seemingly assassins! \nThis…this was really weird!\nDid these men by any chance have anything to do with the assassination attempt a few days ago?\nIf so, I must verify this account very carefully, after all, I also suffered at the hands of those fiends and was not only stabbed and kicked mercilessly but was also left a step away from death. I did not even have a chance to repay the damage done to me, as a man, I cannot live in this world after suffering from such humiliation…however, which emperor’s son was the one who orchestrated that assassination attempt? \nIn the case of accusing a good man of wrongdoing, it is wrong, but, it does not matter much as these men have wronged their own flesh and blood!\n“Mo Xie, Li Feng and his accomplices have also come and next door to us is the Meng clan’s box.” Tang Yuan whispered while gnashing his teeth: “Those bastards, sooner or later, I want to take special care of those bastards!”\nSince that day where he realised that these boys had played a trick on him and he had almost lost his wife in the game, his heart filled up with hatred and he clenched his fist in anger. But, recently, in the capital, Grandpa Tang had warned everyone that one can’t easily make black white and vice versa and it’d be best to not provoke his most precious baby grandson.\n“Oh? The adjacent box? So close eh…?” Jun Mo Xie let out an involuntary smile and said, “Fatty, today, I shall promise you one thing, if you agree to one of my conditions, I shall help you vent out your frustrations. What do you think?”\n“The humiliation I experienced in that gambling game was something I’ve never faced before. As long as you can help me with this resentment of mine, whatever your conditions may be, I shall agree to them!”\n“Today, in this auction, I have a few things that I absolutely must win. But, I do not want people to know that it is me who has bought it.” Jun Mo Xie said bluntly: “I do not have much money right now, I want your help to outbid others and give me the products later on.\nAs long as everything goes goes down well, I’ll also let few of those mongrels make wish that they were dead instead!”\n“What is this?” Tang Yuan retorted with anger and visible displeasure. “Is this how you treat your brother? If you want something, I’ll buy it for you, we two are brothers! What is the need to talk about all this?\nYou are so serious that it tarnishes the relationship that we share!”\n“That’s not the case! We sure are brothers, but, that comes later. I never would take advantage of others and would never let others take advantage of me!” Jun Mo Xie grunted.\nThis sentence was a code that he lived by in his past life and he staunchly believed in it.\n“Okay, I agree to you! As long as there is some retribution to those bastards, I’m all yours!”\nJun Mo Xie smiled, and then closed his eyes to concentrate on letting out his spiritual awareness. \nHis target of course were the adjacent box and the boxes of the two princes. \nUsing the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, he could disperse his spiritual awareness out and would be able to notice even the slightest fluctuations in his surroundings. \nAlthough he was not using his eyes to see, this was infact much more effective than him using only his eyes to observe as nothing could escape his notice under his spiritual awareness.\nThen after a moment, this exceptionally silent hall, became even more quiet and one couldn’t even hear the sound of a person breathe. The curtain on the stage slowly opened up, revealing a colourful stage and there appeared to be a purple coloured stone on it. This was inlaid with hundreds and thousands of colourful precious stones and light was shining and reflecting off this, completely covering the stage. When people glanced at this, they would feel like they’ve entered a dreamland and feel extremely comfortable in an ethereal state. The whole look was magnificent to the extreme!\nAn old man was standing in front of a purple table and behind him stood two dazzling women holding a tray. \nThe two women were wearing a silver coloured body fitting dress and as a man would lay their eyes upon them, they couldn’t help but have nefarious thoughts within their brains irrespective of how strong headed they usually were. Under the bright lights of the stage and coupled with their stunning innate beauty they did not look like humans but rather like two fairies who had descended from the heavens to grace everyone with their presence!\nAfter a few polite words of greeting, the old man did not continue to bother with the pleasantries and immediately came down to business without beating about the bush. This man was this auction house’s seasoned veteran, he knew that no one was interested in him expressing his thanks, or his greetings and welcoming message, all they cared about was him to drop his hammer down and begin the sale of items.\n“The first item for auction is….”\nSix consecutive items were auctioned out. Though each one of those can be considered as rare and exotic, but most of them were merely decorative items. These items were something that Jun Mo Xie was obviously not interested in.\nIn the adjacent room and the boxes of the two princes, also displayed an extreme lack of enthusiasm when these items were bought out and there was no noticeable activity. \nThese items, all of them fell into the hands of some rich businessmen seated in the halls down bellow.\nBut, going with this trend of sky high prices, Jun Mo Xie felt somewhat weary. \nAfter all, the Burning Heart Meridian although rare, it is just another herb with good healing abilities and decent efficiency. It is not a particularly life saving herb and could not even be placed on the list of top ranking herbs. \nBut, if this trend continues, by the time they bring out the Burning Heart Meridian, I’m afraid it will fetch an astronomical price!\nHow can this be? Don’t tell me that I’d have to employ some other trick?!\nTo make up for things, his guards had bought back a few million taels of silver, Jun Mo Xie frowned thinking of all this.\nSuddenly, Jun Mo Xie felt some discussions happening in the room with the Li and Meng family members with his spiritual awareness and he opened his eyes to look at Tang Yuan and said, “They really want whatever is next it seems and both of them want the same article. Moreover, the Li Family seem to be more interested in it and are looking quite concerned”\nJun Mo Xie could clearly understand from the fluctuations in their room that the people in the room were experiencing the feelings of being elated, anxiety and excitement! \nIt seems that the next item is something that they’ve long waited for!\n“The next article of this auction, I believe each and every one of you have heard of the Jade Sea Coral! \nThe amethyst and mixed corals are something which we have seen and cannot be considered as truly being rare, but the strain of Jade Sea Coral that we have here today is something which has appeared for the first time in the Tian Xiang Kingdom! Even in the whole continent a few might have seen such a high grade coral, at least until today, this old man here has never seen such a precious treasure!” \nThe old man smiled gently and the silver clad girls behind him walked forth, carrying a tray in their hands. With a slow action of their hands, they unveiled the tray which was covered in a red silk cloth which made the whole hall sit at the edge of their seats and await in anticipation!\n“Fatty, those guys want this stuff!\nMake the starting price as a big one and immediately shout it out!\nDo not give anyone else an opportunity to bid at all!”\nJun Mo Xie smiled and called out. \nWith his spiritual awareness spread out, he could clearly feel that when the Jade Sea Coral appeared, those people’s hearts heated up quite a bit and combined with the fluctuations that he felt earlier, he was completely sure that their trip to the auction house this time round was simply because they were determined to win this piece of Jade Sea Coral. With such a good opportunity being presented to him in a lovely silver platter, how could he not help but intervene and mess up things for them?\n“Are you sure? This stuff if we bought it, it is at most a beautiful decoration piece! Ah!” Tang Yuan exclaimed with eyes becoming completely round.\n“I’m sure!” Jun Mo Xie nodded his head and continued, “Rest assured. There is no need to worry!”\nTang Yuan without the slightest bit of hesitation said, “Understood!”. He never even took a moment to consider if what Jun Mo Xie said was reliable or if he had hidden intentions. Tang Yuan chose to directly belive his brother completely and unquestionably!\nAs the red silk cloth came off, the whole body of the winterberry coloured Jade Sea Coral was revealed in front of everyone’s eyes and it issued a crystalline brilliance but at the same time gave off the effect of being extremely soft and delicate. The Coral was a foot in breadth, three feet in length and was four feet in height! \nSuch a large piece of Jade Sea coral, even if it was of the ordinary kind, it would have fetched a lot of money, not to mention this rare winterberry one!\n“Winterberry Jade Sea Coral, a foot in breadth, three feet in length and four feet in height with the earth element force.\nWhen placed at home, it would help in the process of cultivation of Xuan Qi and also strengthen your spirit!\nThe starting price of this would be a hundred and twenty thousand and each increase in bid is to be of ten thousand. Please place your bids now!”\nJust as the Old Man’s voice faded away, a voice rang out in the auction hall, echoing and booming throughout, “I bid one million!”. This voice belonged to none other than the Tang Clan’s Young Master, Tang Yuan!\nAll of a sudden the audience made no movements nor any sound! \nAlmost all at the same time, a pair of hundred eyes turned to look over and there stood Tang Yuan trying to stand straight with a lot of effort, his big belly staring at all proudly.\nAre you kidding?! \nStarting price of one one hundred and twenty thousand but you went ahead and called the first bid at a million? \nDon’t you even want others to bid? \nEven if you are determined to win, you do not need to be so extravagant! \nOne ought to slowly increase the price and maybe for this, it might reach a price of half a million. But, to directly call a bid of a million on the first bid, isn’t that a bit too much?\nArgh! This is sick and evil! \nEveryone had these thoughts ringing in their heads and looked over at Fatty with annoyance!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第91章\n隔壁房间中,孟海洲和李振更是气得鼻子都歪了,不算英俊的小脸瞬间就绿了起来!\n要说一百几十万两银子对他们而言,虽然不是小数目,却也不算是太大的数目,还是负荷得起的!\n可是前次千金堂一役,输得这几个小子鸡毛鸭血,就差点没脱裤子了,如今手头实在是不宽裕!\n而这件玉珊瑚偏偏又是他们此行一定要得到的东西!\n盛宝堂每次拍卖前三天,都会循例给天香城各大家族送去一张拍卖物品的清单,而李悠然在一见到这玉珊瑚的名字的时候,立即就下了命令:不惜一切代价,也要将这玉珊瑚弄到手!\n其实这拍卖清单君家也有,不过君家从来不参加这类场合,久而久之,这份清单也就到达君家门房就止步了。\n所以君莫邪反而不知道这宗事。\n再说君无意搜集药材的事又是极为隐秘的,知道的人就在君家也只有三数人知道;若不是凑巧去找唐源,只怕连这焚经荷也要错过了……\n这玉珊瑚对别的玄者来说,虽然珍贵,却也只是一件辅助修炼的东西而已,但对于被废掉了玄气的太师李尚来说,却实实在在是一件延年益寿的活命法宝!\n甚至,会有重新修炼的希望!\n因为,李悠然从一个可靠的渠道得知,这个玉珊瑚若是采用特别的方式吸取里面的天地元气,对李太师这种玄气被废的人甚至有断脉重续的希望,而且,很有把握!\n而这种作用,知道的人非常少!\n李悠然已经秘密寻觅良久,却始终未曾发现玉珊瑚的踪影。\n如果李太师的身体能够多撑上几年甚至几十年,对李家来说,这是多大的作用?\n所以这尊玉珊瑚对别的人家只是一件玄奇的装饰,但对李家来说,却是关系到整个家族的前途!\n如今突然出现这东西,对李家来说,无疑是天降横财!\n所以李家对这玉珊瑚是志在必得,李悠然对孟海洲和李振也是下了死命令!\n若不是考虑到李悠然亲自出马目标太大,反而会被人从中作梗,恐怕李悠然早已坐在了这里了!\n孟、李两人联手而至,打算凭两大世家的威名,早早的叫一个较高的价,应可唬出其余买家,购得这件宝物,对此事两小子已经做足了万全的准备!\n哪想到在这节骨眼上蹦出一个如此讨厌的大胖子,而且还是宿敌!\n不仅如此,还有一个神念无比强大的君莫邪早已察觉了他们的意图。\n不过这一点他们却是不知道的!\n饶是台上的拍卖师久经阵仗,也被唐源这横空而出的一嗓子吓了一跳。\n良久,隔壁包厢传出一个咬牙切齿的声音:“我出一百二十万两。”\n李振两人实在是不得不硬着头皮出价,不过两人带得银子却也还是够的,这一百二十万两却也还在预算之中,至于一下子再多出二十万两,也不无吓退唐胖子的意思!\n不意这个声音还未来得及落下,唐源已经扯着喉咙叫起来:“唬我啊!两百万两!”\n胖子叫的那叫一个酣畅淋漓,这种空口说白话抬价格还不用真出银子的事情,尤其是还能让那几个讨厌的家伙大出血,真是……爽啊!\n隔壁的李振和孟海洲几乎吐血!\n这次李悠然拨下来的银两一共只得两百万两,两人当时还感觉是占了大便宜,毕竟这玉珊瑚虽然稀罕,但底价也就只有十万两银子,顶多也只需四五十万两白银已经是极限,两百万两绝对是只多不少!\n两人甚至考虑着如何昧下一笔银子揣进自己腰包,补贴一下前次的损失,哪想到被唐胖子这个搅屎棍搅局,才叫了一次价,价格就抬到了顶峰!\n若是再接着喊下去,剩下的银子,可就自己来出了啊。\n至于回去找李悠然报销……这主意两人连想都没有想过。\n“两百四十万两!”这是李振的声音。\n听得出来,这位太师府的公子哥已经是怒发冲冠了,小脸由绿转蓝,已经有发紫的趋势了。\n“唐源,你就真的这么想要这玉珊瑚?这玩意对你根本就没用!”\n“屁话!\n你怎么知道这玩意对老子没用!\n即使它对我毫无用处,你又何必大放厥词呢?\n你以为你自己长得俊啊?!”\n唐源哼了一声,一顿脚,浑身肥肉剧烈哆嗦,连包厢也摇晃了两下,大吼道:“三百万两!”\n隔壁呼哧呼哧喘粗气的声音甚至在这等隔音效果良好的包厢里居然也能听得见了。\n孟海洲的声音明显有些结巴了:“三百五十万两!”也不知是气得,还是怎么地。\n这边才一喊出口,立即从包厢里蹿了出来,来到唐家包厢门口,扭曲着脸道:“唐胖子,之前那件事你已经索要了我家两百万两银子,远远超出你所损失的,你还想怎么样?\n须知做人做事不能做的太绝!\n凡是留一线,日后好相见!”\n“咦?\n你们俩这可真是太奇怪了,唐源先喊得价,出口就是一百万两,并无人争价,明明就已经得手,分明就是你们故意在跟唐源作对抬价格,用心恶毒,大家都看得出来;怎么现在却成了唐源的不是?”\n唐源还没开口,君莫邪已经诧异地叫了起来:“你们李家和孟家讲不讲理了?”\n他一开口,突然对面的天香皇家包厢里一个少女的声音惊喜地叫了起来:“是君莫邪。”却是独孤小艺的声音。\n声音里满是欢欣,满是欢喜,满是……如释重负。\n“君莫邪!没你的事,你少在这多管闲事!”孟海洲铁青着脸。\n上次就是被这家伙坏了好事,事后更被家里狠狠地“家法”了一顿,不仅偷鸡不成蚀把米被唐源敲诈了两百万两银子,而且到现在伤还没好利索,此刻一见又是这两人在一起,真是气不打一处来。\n“我的事就是三少的事!\n少废话,想要东西就拿出银子来,没银子赶紧滚蛋!”\n唐源一挺肚皮,气涌如山的大喝:“本公子出四百万两!\n敢跟老子争?\n老子别的没有,就是有钱!\n告诉你,老子就是钱多了烧得慌!!\n现在,你敢吗?\"\n现在,所有人都看了出来;一边是孟家李家,一边是君家唐家;这分明就是这四大家族的公子哥儿在斗气了;所有人都很知趣地闭上了嘴巴。\n在君老爷子刚刚血洗京师之后的现在,大街上鲜血未干,谁有这个胆子蹦出来挨刀?\n狠狠地骂了一句脏话,孟海洲气得浑身颤抖的站在包厢外,真想就此拂袖而去,但终究是不敢违拗临来时李悠然的交代,只好打落牙齿和血吞,恨声道:“我出五百万两!\n五百万两银子!\n唐源,你有种和我比吗?”\n君莫邪微微眯着眼睛,神识微妙的探测着孟海洲的激动的情绪;见他已经接近竭斯底里的地步了,知道这恐怕是孟海洲和李振所能够凑出来的最高数目!\n若是唐源再喊下去,只怕当真就弄假成真砸在自己手里了,便向唐源使了个眼色。\n唐源会意,哈哈大笑道:“孟家果然是财大气粗啊,五百万两银子!\n以多出十倍的价格买一只只值五十万两的玉珊瑚,佩服佩服。\n本少爷银子不够了,这次就让给你了。”\n说着凑近孟海洲,神秘兮兮的压低声音道:“姓孟的,其实我今天没带钱,刚才就是喊着玩来着。”\n孟海洲双目顿时瞪得溜圆,脸色煞白,手指头哆嗦着指着唐源,良久,噗的一口血喷了出来,仰天就倒。\n“太脆弱了吧,随便说说而已。怎么会真没带钱?”\n君莫邪连连摇头,袖手旁观的看着孟海洲咣当一声重重的摔在地上,鄙夷地道:“连这么一句话也受不了,真正鄙视。”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 91\nIn the next room, Meng Hai Zhou and Li Zhen’s face instantly grew unsightly as they heard this. \nSay hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, although not a small number, for them it wasn’t too much either! It was a number that they could afford without much difficulty!\nAnd after the loss that they took in the Thousand Gold Hall, these kids’ pants were taken down and were beaten till their asses turned black and blue. And this trip that they made here was under specific directions. \nTheir aim was to acquire this Jade Sea Coral at any cost!\nMagnificent Jewel Hall, three days before each auction, it would routinely send to every major family in the Tian Xiang Kingdom, a list of all the items which were to be auctioned on that particular day. And, when Li Youran reviewed this list and saw this Jade Sea Coral up on the list of items, he immediately sent out an order, “The Li Family must get hold of this Jade Sea Coral at any cost!”\nIn fact, this auction listings, was regularly sent to the Jun Family too. But, the Jun Family never seemed to participate in any of such occasions and over time, they stopped sending the list to the Jun Family’s residence. \nBesides, Jun Mo Yi’s intention to collect herbs for his treatments were extremely secretive. \nIn fact only three people in the Jun residence knew about the whole situation. If it wasn’t for the coincidence of me running into Tang Yuan today, I’m afraid that we surely would have missed the chance to obtain this Burning Heart Meridian…thought Jun Mo Xie.\nThis particular Jade Sea Coral, although valuable and has excellent properties, it is but secondary and only serves as an auxiliary item for cultivation! However, to Grand Preceptor Li Shang, who had a broken dantain, this was a magic treasure which could ensure longevity! \nThere was hope for re-cultivation! \nBecause, Li Youran had found out from a reliable source that, using this special type of Jade Sea Coral along with some special methods, it was even possible for one with a broken dantain to cultivate again! How fortunate would the Li family be if Li Shang could cultivate again?!\nAnd this effect, only a select few in the entire Tian Xiang Kingdom knew about it. \nLi Youran had been long looking for this secret, but, it had always eluded him!\nIf Li Shang could prolong his life by a few more years or decades, to the Li Family, how much of a benefit would it be? \nSo, this piece of Jade Sea Coral might just be an expensive piece of decoration but to the Li Family, it directly affected their future!\nNow that this has appeared in the auction, it was a great opportunity!\nSo, the Li Family was determined to obtain this Jade Sea Coral and Li Youran had ordered Li Zheng and Meng Hai Zhou to obtain this item at all costs. \nIf Li Youran knew that his meticulously thought out plan would be broken down today, he would surely have taken this issue up personally and would not have left it for his lackeys!\nThe Meng and Li family teaming up with these two family’s extreme prestige if they bid early on, with a huge amount they would be able to intimidate all the other interested parties.This was the ‘big’ plan that they had come up with in order to acquire this item without much difficulty. \nHow would they have expected that they would encounter this fatty today? Their old enemy!\nNot only that, Jun Mo Xie with this spiritual power spread out, had already realized their intentions completely. \nBut, this was something which no one knew!\nThough the old man on the stage was a well experienced auctioneer, the loud shout by Tang Yuan still managed to startle him completely.\nFor a long time, there was complete silence in the hall when suddenly one could hear the gnashing of teeth and a shout, “I bid 1.2 million.”\nLi Zhen really braced himself to let out this bid. In reality though, this was not the maximum of their budget, and they could go more as much as 2 million, but it was just in a hope that it might scare Fatty Tang away!\nWithout even faltering a beat, Tang Yuan roared at the top of his voice, “Fools! Are you trying to scare me away with this pitiful amount?! I bid 2 million!”\nFatty really and truly shouted out with all his heart! This activity to make those annoying guys bleed, was an especially fun and enjoyable activity!\nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou next door almost vomited blood as they heard this!\nFor this bidding war, Li Youran had handed them about 2 million taels of silver. These guys had estimated that though that piece of Jade was rare and precious, it would go for about 1 million in the worst case scenario.\n2 million was definitely a lot of money and totally excessive! The two of them even were plotting on how to seize some of the leftover money and pocket it. They were planning on taking it as a compensation for their losses in the Thousand Gold Hall.\nNow, all of their plans were spoilt as this damn Fatty had been calling ridiculous prices and forced them to go even beyond than what they could.\nAs for asking Li Youran for reimbursement for the money they might be spending extra…they did not even dare to imagine that!\n“2.4 million!” This was Li Zhen’s voice. \nHe was already extremely angry with his face turning green to blue to purple from the rising frustration and anger and shouted.\n“Tang Yuan! Do you really want this Jade Sea Coral? This stuff is absolutely of no use to you. Just give it up!”\n“Bullshit!\nHow do you know that this is useless to I, your father!\nEven if it is useless to me, why are you spouting this rubbish?\nYou believe you are very smart and intelligent?”\nTang Yuan grunted and stamped his foot down making the whole box tremble and shouted, “3 million!”\nEven though the walls of these boxes were soundproofed but with all the yelling, everyone could hear the commotion that was taking place.\nMeng Hai Zhou’s voice sounded out a bit stammering with anger, “3.5 million!”\nAfter he called out, he jumped out and came to the door of the Tang Family’s box and shouted, “Fatty Tang, before, because of the incident at the Thousand Gold Hall, you already extorted my family of 2 million taels of silver far beyond what your losses were. What do you want now?\nYour behaviour here is clearly unreasonable!\nI’ll be sure to remember this in the future!\n“Huh?\nYou two are really strange! Tang Yuan was the first to bid 1 million on this piece of Jade. No other person was interested, There was no haggling. He clearly had won the bid. But, it was clear that you deliberately bid later on to increase the price of this item. It is you who has malicious intentions against him, this, everyone here can see and testify too. Now, how come you accuse my good friend here of your crimes?”\nIt wasn’t Tang Yuan who said these words but Jun Mo Xie. He continued, “Now you tell me, isn’t it your Li and Meng family which is being unreasonable?”\nAs Jun Mo Xie said that, in the opposite box of the Tian Xiang Royal Kingdom, there sounded a girl’s soft voice which sounded pleasantly surprised, “Jun Mo Xie is…”. \nThis voice was full of joy, excitement, full of…relief.\n“Jun Mo Xie! This is none of your business. Don’t poke your nose into this!” Meng Hai Zhou’s voice sounded with his face livid and voice full of anger. \nThe last time he had seen him, it was when he was out to teach this debauchee a lesson and swindle him. But, the whole plan blew up in his face, with him losing all of his money. Because of this, he had to face a ‘family discipline’ action by the elders at his family. But, this did not end there as, Tang Yuan had come back later and then blackmailed him for additional 2 million taels of silver! The injuries he had faced after the beating had not healed yet and seeing these two together now, it did not really bring pleasant feelings to his mind!\n“My affair is his affair!\nNow, cut the crap. If you want something, then take out the money! If you have no money, then get the hell out!”\nTang Yuan shouted like a madman with his belly fat rolling all over the place. “I bid 4 million!\nWould you dare fight?\nYour father, I, is filled with money!\nI’ll tell you something, I’ve so much money that I cannot simply burn it away fast enough!\nNow, do you dare?”\nEveryone in the hall was looking up astonished. On one side was Li and Meng Families together, while on the other you had the Tang and Jun families! This clearly had become a fight between these four major families to vent out their grudges and resentment and ceased to be a simple bidding war. Everyone simply watched on discretely with their mouth closed.\nGrandpa Jun had just caused a bloodbath in the capital recently and the blood on the streets had not even dried up yet. Who would have the courage to cause trouble?\nFiercely swearing, Meng Hai Zhou was trembling with anger standing outside the box. He really wanted to walk out of this whole mess but in the end did not dare to go against Li Youran as he would have his teeth broken and would also have to swallow it back down with his blood. With frustration, Meng Hai Zhou shouted, “I bid 5 million!\n5 million taels of silver!\nTang Yuan, do you have the guts the compete with me?”\nJun Mo Xie squinted slightly. With his spiritual awareness spread out, he could easily pick up every fluctuation in emotions of the people surrounded by his soul’s power. He could make out that Meng Hai Zhou was close to the point of hysteria. He also knew that this was probably the highest number that Meng Hai Zhou and Li Zhen would be able to scrape out! \nFor Tang Yuan to bid any further, it would simply result in drilling a hole through their pockets and having to take home that piece of Jade.\nTang Yuan understood and laughed, “Young Master Meng really has a deep pocket eh? 5 million taels of silver!\nPaying 10 times more than the 500,000 that this piece of Jade is worth, I really admire you. Admire you from the bottom of my heart!\nThis Young Master has not enough money to continue, and I’m willing to give this piece of Jade to you.” \nHe then leaned over and whispered into Meng Hai Zhou’s ear mysteriously, “Young Master Meng. in fact, I did not have any money at all today. I was just bidding for fun!”\nMeng Hai Zhou’s eyes suddenly became round and wide, staring at Tang Yuan with a pale trembling finger pointed at him he stood there for a few breaths of time before coughing up blood and staggering back!\n“Young Master Meng is extremely weak eh? Fatty just casually said that he had no money” \nJun Mo Xie repeatedly shook his head as he looked at the shivering Meng Hai Zhou as he fell to the ground and then contemptuously said, “You cannot even stand such a simple sentence eh? Real contemptuous!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第92章\n唐源幸灾乐祸地晃着大脑袋:“就是就是,真正鄙视,其实我带钱了,真的带钱了,如果没带钱,我怎么也不敢贸然喊价,这可是盛宝堂来着,这么简单的真话假话都不会分辨,还有脸活着,要是我早找棵歪脖树上吊死了,就这样的他家里大人也放心他出来,还随随便便给他那么一大笔钱,只好全家一起鄙视了。”\n这一幕闹剧下来,终于还是孟海洲以超出十倍的绝对高价,拍下了那尊他志在必得的玉珊瑚,不过,这幕无论落在无论哪个外人眼里,也都要十分鄙视的。\n花五百万两银子,买一件最多也只值五十万两银子的玉珊瑚,都已经不能算是败家了,这种境界已经上升到根本就是在作孽的地步了!\n而且还引不起半点让别人同情之意;这桩事落在一般的“明眼人”眼睛里,这尊玉珊瑚分明是唐源志在必得的东西,毕竟唐胖子先出的价,而且一开口就是“一百万两”已经大大地超过了玉珊瑚本身的价值,而李家和孟家这两个少爷很明显的是哄抬价格发坏的。\n只不过没想到哄抬了一番之后,价格虽然抬上去了,但对方却识机收手不要了,反而砸在了自己手里,等于是搬起石头砸了自己的脚。\n恶有恶报啊!\n众人纷纷看着唐源:小子,太嫩啊,要是你不这么急,慢慢喊价的话,他们哄抬一会你也就买到手了。\n而看着孟海洲李振的眼神与看唐源的眼神居然是一样的,相同的幸灾乐祸:小样的,再让你这样的混蛋小子使坏!砸自己手里了吧?该!\n唐源异常配合的摆出一副受害人的表情,苦着脸,心里可是乐开了花。\n看着李振和孟海洲两人失魂落魄的样子,只感到无比的解气,这次可是什么仇都报了,连本带利的报了!\n舒服、痛快、爽啊!\n这时,盛宝堂的侍者已经将那用红布绸子盖着的玉珊瑚送了过来。\n李振和孟海洲咬着牙,心中痛得滴血,却还要强行挤出笑脸。\n他们若是一直哭丧着脸,倒也没事;但那种明明肉痛却又松了一口气的感觉,却引起了君莫邪的注意。\n对这玉珊瑚没有什么了解的他在问了问唐源也没有答复之后,心中更加疑惑起来。\n这玩意儿对他们定然有大用!\n恩,对敌人有用的那就肯定的是对自己不利的!\n不行,一定要破坏掉才好!\n不管他们有啥用处,总之变成没用的君莫邪才会放心。\n“哇!这就是价值五百万两银子的玉珊瑚啊!\n果然是神仙放屁,不同凡响啊。”君莫邪皮笑肉不动的看着李振小心翼翼地接过玉珊瑚,撮起嘴唇吹了声嘹亮的口哨,脚尖轻轻碰了唐源一下。\n唐源会意,顿时做出一副直勾勾的表情,看着那玉珊瑚,长吁短叹,满脸哀怨的道:“三少哇,这可怎么办?\n老爷子在我来之前可是下了死命令要将这玩意拍回家的,可是现在……你看看,哥哥我可真的要死了。”\n这句话说的声音不小,李振等人当然听到了,顿时郁闷之情减了不少,原来这也是唐老爷子势在必得的东西,怪不得这胖子这么拼命。\n这么一想,反而有些沾沾自喜起来。\n没想到我们兄弟无意之中居然击败了唐老爷子?\n真是……爽啊!\n君莫邪嘴角一撇,脸色一变,不屑一顾的道:“不就是一尊珊瑚嘛?\n瞧你们两家争的脸红脖子粗的!\n就这样的货色,我家好几尊呢,老子不稀罕。”\n“什么?”\n李振霎时满脸涨红:“君莫邪,少吹牛皮!\n就你们君家穷酸的要命,能有这等好东西?\n还好几尊?\n你也不怕风大闪了舌头!”\n君莫邪顿时脚底下安了弹簧一般跳了起来,脸红脖子粗的道:“李振,你什么意思?\n就这等珊瑚,陛下曾经赐给我爷爷好几尊呢,无论那一尊都比你这一尊大得多!\n哼哼,真是少见多怪!”\n李振哈哈大笑,道:“真是可笑,君莫邪,你这土包子知道什么?\n这是玉珊瑚!玉珊瑚懂吗?真是懒得理你!”\n“我家那个也是玉珊瑚,有这么……这么大!”君莫邪用手比划着,“唐胖子见过的,我还能骗你们。”\n比划了一下,似乎觉得有些不形象,干脆上前一步,在李振抱着的那玉珊瑚上空比划起来。\n他这一比划可不要紧,比划出的足足比李振抱着的玉珊瑚大出一倍还要多,最后鼻孔里嗤的一声,极为不屑地道:“我家那个乃是通红的,比你这个好多了!”\n但心中却是一动,在比划的时候,君莫邪暗中运动了开天造化功,突然感觉到一丝丝细微的气流从玉珊瑚之中滚动着,而且自身的原本的玄气线路感受到这股气流的时候,明显地活跃了起来!\n原来这玉珊瑚居然是对玄气有用!君莫邪心中哼了一声。\n不过这股气息有些类似自己鸿钧塔中的灵气啊。\n这样想着,君莫邪有意识的引导这股气流进入自己经脉,准备来一个釜底抽薪,但却顿时觉得一阵难受,意识海中的鸿钧塔一阵旋转,灵气潮水般涌出,居然在瞬息之间将这股外来的气流逐了出去!\n难道相斥?!\n君莫邪眼珠一转。\n这时,李振已经被君莫邪气得七窍生烟,气咻咻的刷的一声将红布绸子揭开,吼叫道:“你看清楚!这是玉珊瑚!玉珊瑚!\n你家的乃是普通的红珊瑚!操!你懂个屁!”\n君莫邪哈哈大笑:“不管什么珊瑚,质地都是一样的!李振,你可真是个傻帽!五百万两买一尊垃圾!”\n说着随随便便的伸出手在玉珊瑚上捏了两下,皱皱眉,道:“貌似有些不一样。”\n说话间,开天造化功全力运转,一缕细细的却精纯的气流霎时间势如破竹的攻了进去,在里面占据了一个方位!\n两股截然相反的气流相撞,竟然将里面原本的气流驱逐到了一边。\n但随着君莫邪的收手,原本的气流立即反噬,迅速回涌,将开天造化功的气流严严实实一层一层的包围了起来。\n君莫邪悄悄以神识一测,两股气流激发之下,此刻的玉珊瑚里面已经是一团狂暴气息!\n肚子里不由得阴笑一声,貌似……不能用了呢哇哈哈。\n“怎么样?跟你家的垃圾红珊瑚不一样吧?哈哈哈……”李振难得占了一回上风,见到君莫些吃瘪的样子,心中无限爽快。\n“果然不大一样。”君莫邪脸色有些苍白,收回手,摸了摸鼻子,一脸疑问:“同样是珊瑚怎么会不一样呢?”\n唐源大感诧异,也凑上前摸了摸,啧啧称奇。\n孟李二人虚荣心顿时膨胀,大感有面子,哈哈大笑不绝。\n良久,才带着志得意满的表情,狠狠地看了看君莫邪和唐源,道:“看够了吧!你们是没有吧?!眼馋吧?!啊胖子,嘎嘎嘎……”\n慢条斯理的包了起来,一边包一边斜着眼睛看着唐源,颇有幸灾乐祸之意。\n哼哼,你没拍到玉珊瑚,回去看你家老爷子怎么收拾你这货!\n不过,唐家老爷子主使,恩,这个理由用来抵消那些银子,说不定会有报销的希望呢……\n君莫邪一脸的尴尬,心中却是狠狠道:“老子阴不死你才叫怪了!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 92\nShaking his head, Tang Yuan retorted, “It is truly despicable! In fact, I have some money with me to use for the bidding. But, if I did not have sufficient money, I dare not outbid others. This is the Magnificent Jewel Hall after all! Even if one had to admit the truth, they still would have enough face left to live. If not, I’d rather suggest to hang yourself from a tree to save face for your family so that they can at least come out of the house in peace. But, it seems that your family has given you a lot of money to spend so casually on such a cheap item; the whole family is looking to despise and scoff at others! Truly looking at others with disdain eh?”\nAs the whole farce on the Jade Sea Coral came to an end, it was Meng Hai Zhou who paid ten times the amount to obtain it and seemingly won the bidding war. But, in the eyes of all those present there was nothing but contempt for Meng Hai Zhou and they truly despised him.\nTo buy an item worth a maximum of 500,000 for 5 million, could not even be considered thrifty anymore, it was simply in the realm of insanity!\nBut, at the same time, Meng Hai Zhou also received a lot of sympathy from those in the hall. They all thought that this Young Master was short sighted and even conceited. He went a bit overboard and received the appropriate ‘rewards’ for his actions. This Jade Sea Coral was something that Tang Yuan was clearly determined to win. After all, Tang Yuan shouted the price of 1 million straight out after the item was bought out and this bid of 1 million was much more than the Jade Sea Coral was worth, while, the Li and Meng duo were clearly trying to drive up the price of this item to make things difficult for the Tang Family because of their familial disputes.\nJust that, he had not expected that although the other party seemed to be determined to win this item, but in the end they played their hand a bit too forcefully with the 10 times bid because of which Tang Yuan had no option but to withdraw from the bidding war. But, this foolish action by Meng Hai Zhou was simply tantamount to shooting oneself in his own leg!\nWhat goes around comes around eh? Karma surely exists.\nPeople who were watching Tang Yuan sighed and thought, Ah kid! You are simply too naive and simple. If you had simply started to bid on this item slowly and carefully, you might have just bought it. There was no need to rush and bid like crazy making your intentions known!\nWhen one watched the expressions of Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou, it was unexpectedly the same as Tang Yuan’s, but Tang Yuan’s expression was actually the one which depicted taking joy in calamity and delight in disaster! He was exceptionally happy of playing such a dirty trick on them. How was it to shoot yourself in your own feet, you bast*rds?!\nTang Yuan outwardly showed the expression of the one being the victim here and others having ganged up on him and taken advantage of him while he suffered a big loss, but, inside his heart he was delighted. \nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou were both driven to the extent of poverty by him and looked like complete fools in front of others. This not only helped him vent his frustration, but also let him have his payback at his enemies with interest! \nIt was comfortable feeling, he was happy, it was simply great!\nAt this time, the servant of the Magnificent Jewel Hall walked over with a tray carrying the Jade Sea Coral which was covered with a red silk cloth. \nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou were gnashing their teeth and their heart was bleeding with pain, however, they still managed to squeeze out a smile in the end to keep up pretences.\nIf these two simply continued to cry their hearts out and felt saddened by this turn of events then that was one thing, but, despite them having a heartache, they also felt a glimmer of relief and this immediately caught Jun Mo Xie’s attention. \nThe origins and the true mysteries behind this Jade Sea Coral was something that he had asked Tang Yuan about, but, he too was unclear about it and this led to him having more doubts about this!\nThis stuff seems to be exceptionally useful to them and looks like they want to obtain it all cost. \nHmm…what is useful and advantageous to one’s enemy is extremely disadvantageous to oneself! \nThis is not good, I must destroy this opportunity!\nNo matter what the use of this is, in short, only when it becomes useless will Jun Mo Xie feel at ease.\n“Wow! This is the precious Jade Sea Coral worth 5 million eh?\nSurely enough, it is like even the fart of an Immortal is outstanding eh?” Jun Mo Xie laughed and chided as Li Zhen stood there and carefully received the Jade Sea Coral. At the same time, Jun Mo Xie let out a soft whistle before nudging Tang Yuan gently with his toe.\nTang Yuan immediately understood Jun Mo Xie’s intention and suddenly put on a solemn expression, looked at the Jade Sea Coral and sighed and with a sad face said, “Third Young Master Jun, what is to be done?\nBefore I came down here, Grandfather had given me a order to obtain this piece of Jade and bring it back home else he’d give me a beating, but now, you see…your Elder Brother here might actually get killed!”\nThe words spoken by him were not whispered and Li Zhen and others could easily hear all that was said clearly. Upon hearing this, they somewhat felt a lot better from their previously depressed state. They now realized why this guy was bidding so high and also what gave Fatty the courage to go almost all out!\nBut thinking of all this, they now felt a bit pleased with themselves.\nThey did not expect that they had unexpectedly managed to defeat Grandpa Tang and inflict damage upon Tang Yuan! \nReally…it was great!\nJun Mo Xie curled his mouth and his face changed into a dismissive attitude and said, “Well, isn’t that just a piece of Jade Sea Coral?\nWhat are you guys getting so flushed and angry by struggling over something like this?\nThis is something that my family has several of. I, your Father, say with confidence that it is not rare at all!”\n“What?”\nLi Zhen’s face instantly reddened as he shouted, “Jun Mo Xie, you little braggart!\nYour Jun family is already so poor and it is on the verge of collapsing and on the decline, yet you still claim to have such a good item?\nEven several of these?\nAre you not worried that you might die by choking on that big glib tongue of yours?”\nJun Mo Xie suddenly jumped up and sprang to his feet and then angrily rebuked, “Li Zhen, what are you talking about?\nSeveral of this type of Jade Sea Coral was bestowed upon my grandfather by His Majesty The Emperor. Not only that, those are much bigger than this one that you are holding!\nHmph,I’m really surprised at your stupidity and ignorance!”\nLi Zhen laughed and said, “This is really ridiculous Jun Mo Xie! What does a bumpkin like you know about what this is? This is a Winterberry Jade Sea Coral!\nA Winterberry Jade Sea COral, do you understand? I really cannot be bothered to talk to you!”\n“My Family also has such Jade Sea Coral. They are so…so big!” Jun Mo Xie wildly gestured with his hands. “Fatty Tang has seen them, I am not lying to you!” It seemed that Jun Mo Xie simply did not believe that Li Zhen understood what he was trying to say with his gestures and hence even made Tang Yuan his witness. \nJun Mo Xie got closer to Li Zhen to show how big his Jade Sea Corals were in comparison to the ones Li Zhen was holding.\nAs Jun Mo XIe was gesturing, he seemed to draw out a size of more than double of what Li Zhen was holding and then snorted in disdain as he said, “My family’s items are much better than the one you are holding!” \nBut, as Jun Mo Xie was gesturing wildly, in his heart he was secretly executing the Art of Unlocking Heavens Fortune at top speed and directing it towards the Jade Sea Coral. He suddenly felt a faint trace of air current coming out of the Jade Sea Coral. Upon coming in contact with this, he found that his Xuan Qi in his body became much more dense and significantly became active!\nSo, it turns out that this piece of Jade Sea Coral is extremely useful for cultivation of Xuan Qi! \nJun Mo Xie snorted in his heart. But this aura is somewhat similar to my own Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda eh? \nWith an intention from his mind, he prepared to take in these streams of gas into his own meridians and assimilate with his own Qi. But, as he did this, he suddenly felt extreme discomfort. He realized that inside his own consciousness, the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda had started rotating, emitting a white mist which actually pushed out this foreign gas from his meridians!\nThey repel each other?! \nJun Mo Xie exclaimed as he squinted his eyes.\nAt this time, Li Zhen was simply seething with anger looking at Jun Mo Xie’s antics. He quickly took off the red silk that was covering the the plate and roared, “This is a Winterberry Jade Sea Coral! Winterberry!\nWhat you have at your place is the ordinary kind! Ordinary! You know fart!”\nJun Mo Xie simply laughed and said, “Whatever! No matter what type of Jade Sea Coral it is, the texture and the quality of the material remains the same! Li Zhen, you really may be a country bumpkin! To use 5 million taels of silver to buy trash!”\nHe then proceeded to casually place his hand on the Jade Sea Coral. Rubbing it, the frowned and said, “Hmm…looks a little different” \nJun Mo Xie quickly operated the Art of Unlocking Heavens Fortune at its full power and then suddenly inserted a thin wisp of the formidable white gas inside the Jade Sea Coral!\nThese two types of gases collided against each other opposing each other’s existence seemingly as if only one can stay while the other has to disappear! \nThe internal gas became distorted moving all over the place and churning around trying to remove the wisp of white gas. But, with Jun Mo Xie being so close at hand, how could he let that happen? He was opperating the Art of Unlocking Heavens Fortune at its full power covering and surrounding the internal gas layer by layer with his white gas.\nJun Mo Xie with his powerful soul could now make out that at this moment this piece of Jade Sea Coral was nothing but a huge mass storing wild violent gases which would dissipate with time! \nJun Mo Xie stomach was clenched hard as he laughed internally evilly, This piece of Jade Sea Coral is now something that cannot be used….wow…haha…\n“How is it? Compared with the junk that you have at home, it is not the same, right? Hahaha…” Li Zhen laughed his heart out thinking of winning the argument. The seemingly disappointed appearance which implied Jun Mo Xie accepting his loss was extremely refreshing for him.\n“Really is not quite the same.” Jun Mo Xie with his face pale, pulled his hand back. Rubbing his nose, his face puzzled, he questioned, “Even though both are Jade Sea Corals, how is it not the same?”\nTang Yuan also touched it and was also seemingly in great surprise and amazed. \nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou’s egos gained a huge boost seeing their reactions. Their chest swelled with great pride and were laughing without a break. \nOnly after a great time, they looked with disdain and fiercely stared at both Jun Mo Xie and Tang Yuan before scoffing, “That’s enough of staring at this treasure. You don’t have this right? Aren’t you envious? Oh Fatty….hahaha!” \nThey both looked over at Tang Yuan, gloating with all their heart.\nHmm…you did not manage to obtain this Jade Sea Coral. It would be wonderful to see how you go back and deal with your Grandfather! \nAlso, making the Tang Family lose…hmmm…maybe there is still hope for us to be compensated for today’s loses!\nJun Mo Xie had a look of embarrassment, but in his heart he thought, WIth what I, your father, did, it would be you two who would be dead!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第93章\n有这么一场败家子大争夺为垫底,接下来的几轮拍卖虽然也均以不菲的价格成交,却并没有太大的波动,自然也就不怎么引起轰动了。\n之后,终于等到了君莫邪翘首以盼的焚经荷。\n“焚经荷,剧毒之草。\n又名化骨烟,常人沾上一点就有魂飞魄散之灾,不过,对于特定的人群来说,却又是足以起死回生的无价之宝!\n尤其若是人中剧毒之后,服下此物,反有克制毒物,颇有立竿见影之功效。\n若有高级玄者在旁借此驱毒的机会引导焚经荷毒素化入四肢百骸,反而能否极泰来造就出百毒不侵之身!\n起拍价,纹银二十万两!每次加价,依然是不得低于一万两。”\n紫袍老者捧出了一个白玉盒,打开盒盖,一株通体黑色的带叶荷花静静伫立,散发出妖异而又危险的色彩。\n“怪不得压到了最后,原来是已经变成黑色的焚经荷,看这色泽灰黑,年份当在五百年以上!\n这可比普通的货色的效果要强很多了,确实是好东西,五百年年份便在前世也是难得一见的宝物。”\n君莫邪松了口气,低声道:“胖子,这个是我要的!”说着竖起了三根手指头。\n心中暗暗地道,你解释的虽然已经很详细了,但却依然忽略了这焚经荷的另一个重要用处,不过,若是你们真知道的话,只怕也未必会再拿出来拍卖吧!\n焚经荷,这乃是在玄玄大陆上的叫法,在地球上,只要是超过了二百年限的焚经荷,它就会多一个名字——天地桥!\n这可就蜕变成了所有的武者梦寐以求的东西,只要利用特殊方法祛除毒性之后服下这个,可以在瞬间打通郁结经脉,贯通天地之桥,足足可以提升练武之人二十年功力以上!\n至于说有五百年年份的焚经荷,更是极品中的极品,有了它,君无意复原的希望便在百分之九十以上!\n这还只是君莫邪保守的估计!\n君莫邪的话和台上的紫袍老者的话一同落下尾音,唐胖子的声音便突然响了起来:“我出三十万两!”\n这个声音一出,偌大的大厅中每个人的嘴角都是抽了抽:这败家玩意儿又跳出来了,虽然这货这次只加了十万两,不过相比较于每次一万两的加价,这也是十倍啊!\n可千万别和他争,万一把价格抬上去了这丫又不要了,砸自己手里边,那可就哭都没地方了。\n没见孟家那位公子哥当场吐血了吗?\n于是乎,在唐胖子出口之后,全场居然瞬间冷了场!\n愣是半晌都没人接话。\n说实话,那紫袍老者此刻也稍微有些傻眼。\n难道这最少能拍出八十万两的焚经荷就这样三十万两拍出去不成?\n不过盛宝堂就这规矩,有顿了片刻,老者再度举起了定音锤,沉声道:“唐公子出三十万两,还有更高的吗?”顿了顿,道:“三十万两,第一次……”\n“三十万两,第二次……”\n突然一个嘶哑的声音狠狠地道:“老子出三百万两!”\n出此天价的不是别人,正是那李振。\n唐源眼见自己得手,却被李振横插一杠子,不禁大怒,腾地一声跳到包厢门口,大吼道:“麻辣隔壁德!还敢和老子争,老子出五百……”\n突然嘴巴被人捂住了,却是君莫邪。\n这句话虽然没说完,却是仍然让大厅里所有的人都出了一身冷汗。所有人都猜得出来,这胖子要喊的是“五百万两!”\n疯了!\n这胖子肯定是疯了!\n君莫邪拧着脖子走了出去,满脸病容未消,跋扈之态已显;\n一提袍子,一只脚“噗”的一声踩在了包厢外面的栏杆上,随手一拨,把头上的帽子摘了下来,拿在手里,衣袍大襟斜敞着,两眼歪歪斜斜恶声恶气的大喝:“李振!你这个王八蛋!刚才是你小子叫价?你作死吗?!”\n“就是本少你待怎地?这里是拍卖行,你出得价,我出不得价吗?你咬我啊?!”\n李振气冲九重天,不假思索的跳了出来,也是一副恶形恶状。\n“我要怎地?呸!”\n君莫邪将一副浪荡子弟败家子的摸样演绎的淋漓尽致,嘴歪眼斜地大吼:“他妈的,就凭你小子这刚掏空了的口袋,你还能拿出三百万两银子?\n姓李的,不是我小瞧你,你现在给我拿出三百万两来我看看?\n只要你拿出来,这棵草就是你的!\n你要是拿不出来,他妈的,老子倒要问问,你们两家三番两次的为难胖子,到底是干啥?\n你们和唐家有仇?!\n还是和唐老爷子有仇?!”\n对面的独孤小艺笑颜如花,咯咯笑道:“看这家伙这样子,真是令人讨厌!\n好好的黑莲花,居然被他说成了一株草。\n真没见识,嘻嘻……”\n旁边的灵梦公主诧异地看了她一眼,伸出手摸摸她额头:这姐们今天不是发烧了吧?\n刚才还是一副心事重重的样子,怎么现在马上变了一个人?\n这几天里,独孤家为了独孤小艺一个人闹的人人不安宁。\n因为这位小姑奶奶这几天突然变样了,\n原本的开朗之极的活泼性格莫名其妙地消失不见了,\n动不动就落泪,然后就一个人坐着发呆,不吃饭更是经常地;\n这让独孤无敌大将军心痛的不得了,\n偏偏自己和几个老婆轮番出战,也问不出什么来,\n只能看着女儿一天天消瘦下去;\n独孤无敌打不得骂不得,郁闷之极,只好逮住几个儿子和侄儿都揍了一顿。\n请动了灵梦公主来与独孤小艺做伴,这才稍稍改善。\n日前收到盛宝堂的拍卖通知,便赶着两人来散散心,独孤小艺也是千不情愿,万般无奈的出来了,哪知道一到了这里居然瞬间啥毛病也没了!\n怎能不让人吃惊之极?\n难道这盛宝堂另有灵丹妙药?!\n李振等人面面相觑,他们现在别说三百万两,几个人凑一起能凑出十来万两就是不错的了,那里还能凑出三百万两如此一大笔钱,不禁面露难色。\n“一帮子穷鬼!真是懒得理你们。”\n君莫邪极为不屑的嗤了一声,拍拍自己的屁股:“老子放个屁也比你说的话值钱!什么玩意儿,没银子充什么大尾巴蛆?”\n说着狂傲的面向大众,君莫邪一副不是我的银子花着不心疼的样子:“还有谁想要?别客气,来吧。”\n说着打个响指:“不过几百万两银子而已。”\n众人纷纷转头,充耳不闻,就当他这句话是放了个屁。\n几百万两买一株草药?\n你当是能活死人肉白骨的仙草啊!\n正常人谁会做这样的傻事!\n两股不知道来自哪里的庞大的精神压力向着君莫邪突兀地压了过来;君莫邪脸色一白,心念电转,机灵灵的打个寒颤,骂道:“真是鬼天气,怎地这么冷?”\n两股精神压力围着他绕了一圈,没有发现什么异常,瞬间又消失了。\n君莫邪心中冷笑两声,真被你们试探出来了,那大爷也就不用走江湖了。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 93\nWith such a large bid happening early on in the auction process, although in the next few rounds of auctions the money spent was not less, it wasn’t something astonishing and naturally did not cause much of a sensation. \nAnd finally, it was the turn of what Jun Mo Xie had come here with high anticipation, the Blazing Heart Meridian!\n“The Blazing Heart Meridian is a highly toxic variety of grass. \nAlso called as Bone Mist, when an ordinary person is exposed to it by even a bit, they would be frightened stiff! It would be akin to their very soul flying away and scattering into the wind! However, for a certain set of people, it can enable them to have an unexpected recovery. It would be a truly priceless treasure for them.\nEspecially if people are infected with highly toxic poisons, a small dose of this would have high restraining effect on the poisons and quite immediately at that.\nIf an advanced Xuan Qi cultivator could use this to expel poisons from a person’s limbs, he would be absolutely fine as this would prevent the poison from invading the healer’s body and causing damage to his cultivation and body. \nThe starting price is a whole 200,000 taels of silver and each additional bid has to be a minimum of 10,000 taels of silver.”\nThe Old Man held a white box in his hand and slowly opened the lid. There lay a single stem of lotus which was in its entirety completely black! It was slowly emitting enchanting and at the same time a dangerous set of aura and bewitching colours.\n“No wonder the aura that it releases is so refined! The whole lotus has a deep black colour. Just looking at that black colour one can easily make out that this has aged for over 500 year!\nThis is a lot stronger and has a better effect than the effect of the ordinary stuff. This is really good stuff, aged for over 500 years! It is surely a rare treasure.”\nJun Mo Xie sighed with relief and then whispered, “Fatty Tang, this is what I want!” and then he held up three fingers!\nWhile in his heart he secretly thought, although the explanation that you gave is already quite detailed, but still you have missed one important use of this Blazing Heart Meridian. But, if you actually come to know about this use, I’m afraid you really would not be ready to auction it off!\nAs for the Blazing Heart Meridian, in the mysterious continent on Earth where he was from, once this herb had aged over 200 years, it was given another name – Heaven and Earth Bridge! \nThis herb can be transformed into something that all warriors could only dream about, by using some special methods, after the removal of the toxicity inside this herb, if one consumed this, their Meridians even if stagnant would be vitalized and would traverse the bridge between Heaven and Earth! It was enough to increase more than 20 years of martial arts skill!\nAs for this herb which was aged for over 500 years, it was best among the best. With it, restoring Jun Wu Yi’s health would have a probability of more than ninety percent! \nAnd this was just a conservative estimate by Jun Mo Xie!\nJun Mo Xie’s words and the Old Man on stage’s words ended almost at the same time and Fatty Tang’s voice immediately rang out, “I bid for 300,000!”\nJust as this sound rang out, in the hall, everyone’s lips twitched. This prodigal son has come out! Although this time his bid is only an increment of 100,000, but compared to the minimum 10,000, it is still 10 times the amount! \nIt is best not to even try and fight him. What if the price went beyond a limit and this guy just backed out. Wouldn’t it be just shooting yourself in your own foot and then having no roof to cry either? \nWho hadn’t seen the Meng Family’s Young Master spitting blood on the up there?!\nAs a result, after Fatty Tang’s bid, the audience went completely cold with silence in an instant! \nThey were stunned for a long time and spoke no words.\nTo be honest, that purple robed Old Man at the moment was somewhat dumbfounded. \nThis Blazing Heart Meridian surely could sell for over 800,000 but would he have to sell to for a mere 300,000 taels of silver? \nBut the Magnificent Jewel Hall were stringent on their rules and nothing could be done. The Old Man paused for a moment before raising his hammer and saying, “Young Master Tang has bid 300,000, are there any higher bids?” He paused a bit before continuing, “300,000 going once…”\n“300,000 going twice…”\nSuddenly a hoarse voice fiercely yelled out, “I bid 3,000,000!”\nThis price was offered by none other than Li Zhen!\nJust as everything was going well for Tang Yuan, his moment of joy was interrupted by this Li Zhen. He could not help but be furious and jumped out of the box into the doorway before yelling, “You characterless neighbour! You dare fight and struggle with I, your father? I bid 500…” \nsuddenly Fatty Tang’s mouth was covered by none other than Jun Mo Xie. \nAlthough he did not finish that sentence, but still, every person in the hall broke into cold sweat. Everyone could guess that this Fatty was about to shout 5,000,000!\nCrazy! \nThis Fatty must be simply mad!\nJun Mo Xie twisted his neck and walked out. Though his sickly appearance was still there, he seemed extremely domineering.\nOpening the curtain, his foot landed outside with a ‘pop’. Waving his hand, he took off his hat unbuttoned his long flowing robes, before shouting, “Li Zhen! You son of a b*tch! Are you seeking your death by bidding?”\n“Who are you to have a say in this? This is the auction house! You can bid a brice, but, I cannot? Go bite me!” \nLi Zhen flushed with anger before he too jumped out of his box but managed to trip in his landing!\n“Who am I?! Bah!”\nJun Mo Xie looking at him as if spotting a black sheep among the herd, twisted his mouth before saying, “Just drop this act! You just happened to empty your pockets with your previous bid and now you can also come up with additional 3,000,000 taels of silver?\nLi Zhen, not that I think any less of you, but, can you show your 3,000,000 to me now?\nAs long as you can come up with that amount of money, the herb is yours!\nIf you cannot bring out that amount, damn, I’d like to ask what is it that you two have against Fatty Tang and why are you making things difficult for him on purpose? \nDo you and Tang Yuan have grudges? \nOr is it with Grandpa Tang that you have grudges?!”\nOpposite to them, one could faintly hear Dugu Xiaoyi let out a faint chuckle before saying, “Looking at this guy like this is really annoying!\nThis Black Lotus, it is said that there really is only one strand of it.\nTruly don’t know, hehe…”\nPrincess Ling Meng who was sitting beside her reached out to touch Xiaoyi’s forehead, This sister does not have a fever today, right?\nA moment ago it was the look of worry, and now, a changed attitude?\nThese days, in the Dugu Family, there was trouble everywhere because of Dugu Xiaoyi. \nBecause, this little lady had suddenly changed a lot these days.\nOriginally, she had an extremely cheerful and lively personality but, this inexplicably disappeared.\nShe was quick to tears and even would sit in a daze, would not eat often;\nit made General Dugu extremely sad.\nHe and several of his wives had also enquired to what was the problem but to no avail.\nHe was forced to watch his precious and beloved granddaughter become thinner with each passing day.\nGeneral Dugu could not do anything to change this situation and was extremely depressed about it. To relieve his frustration, he had caught several of his sons and nephews to administer a beating to them!\nHaving Princess Ling Meng keep this Young Mistress of the Dugu family keep company had slightly improved her condition.\nRecently, she had received a notification from the Magnificent Jewel Hall about the auction and these two came out here in a bid to catch some fresh air and relieve themselves hoping to enrich their mood but, Dugu Xiaoyi was extremely reluctant with this idea. But, who would know that after coming here, her sickly appearance would actually vanish and she would be in high spirits! \nHow can that not be extremely surprising? \nIs this Magnificent Jewel Hall some kind of divine healing medicine?\nLi Zhen looked at his friends and thought, Not to mention the 3,000,000, if I am able to borrow from a few people here, even if I manage to collect 100,000 that will be a great thing! Now, looking at the 3,000,000 figure, he could not help but be flabbergasted.\n“A bunch of trash! I really cannot be bothered by you!”\nJun Mo Xie snorted in disdain before patting his ass and continuing, “Even, I, your father’s fart is more valuable than the words that you spoke. The silver you have, cannot even be compared to the amount of maggots in shit, now can it?”\nIn an extremely arrogant manner, Jun Mo Xie turned to towards the public, showing that their pair had no need to spend additional money before shouting, “Who else wants this herb? You are all welcome to try, come on!”\nThen with a snap of his fingers added, “But be ready to bring out several million taels of silver.”\nPeople in the Hall pretended as if they heard nothing and turned a deaf ear to Jun Mo Xie’s provocations. \nMillions to buy a herb? \nThis is just simply asking to be robbed! \nWhich normal sane headed person would do such a stupid thing?\nTwo parts of huge spiritual pressure descended upon Jun Mo Xie from an unknown location abruptly; Jun Mo Xie showed a snowy white complexion and he started running his mental power at full force. Jun Mo Xie was quite cunning and he understood what was going on. He started to shiver a bit before shouting, “It feels terrible, why is it so cold here?” \nThe spiritual pressure that were overlooking him, checked him out thoroughly and upon not finding anything amiss, they instantly disappeared.\nJun Mo Xie sneered at the two in his heart, For you two Uncles to hope to grasp anything from me, you guys are nothing but mere circus performers in my eyes!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第94章\n这时,那紫袍老者目光一暝,然后点了点头,似乎是听取了什么人在说话,脸上稍稍现出一丝难色,随即隐没,开口道:“焚经荷!唐源公子已然出到了五百万两,可有人比五百万两这个价格更高?”\n君莫邪顿时一个趔趄,瞪眼道:“老人家未免太过为难人了吧,此事分明是李振恶意抬价,哪里关我朋友的事,为何居然强行将价格提到五百万两?”\n“未参与出价者不得发言搅乱拍卖!”紫袍老者不理会君莫邪,只向唐胖子道:“唐公子可有异议!”\n唐源竟一反平日的嚣张气焰,悄声道:“我刚才不是还没说出多少么……”\n君莫邪心道这唐胖子怎地好似胆子突然小了,哪里有之前的嚣张跋扈,倒是怪事,不过他怎么甘心就此以五百万两的天价买下焚经荷?\n这是扯谈的事!\n况且此事似乎盛宝堂故意为难的意思!\n君莫邪那骨子里的邪傲岂能吃这亏?\n不由冷笑道:“难道盛宝堂竟然要强买强卖?\n方才唐胖子的话若是作准的话,那也只有叫出五百两字。\n什么时候说五百万两了?\n若是盛宝堂认为可以,那就五百两银子成交好了!”\n的确,刚才唐源确实只叫出了“五百”二字,后面的万两还没来得及出口,就被君莫邪捂住了嘴巴。\n双方一时间竟然僵住,而那李振等人却尽都面露喜色,摆明要看君,唐两人笑话。\n大厅中众人也都缄口不言,一遍是盛宝堂,一边是君家,那一边自己也惹不起啊。\n突然,一片寂静之中,另个虚无缥缈的声音响起:“盛宝堂的规矩不容破坏!既然出了价,那就是做数的!”\n那声音虚无缥缈,却又似无处不在,清楚地传入在场所有人的耳中!\n紫袍老者闻言面色一端:“盛宝堂从不会强买强卖,无论君家,唐家是否会再踏足,今天这笔拍卖都已经成立了,刻下是唐源公子出价五百万两!”\n那神秘的人物一说话,这紫袍老者的态度居然瞬间强硬了起来。\n即便以君大杀手的沉稳也不禁面色微变,他倒不是过于诧异紫袍老者的强硬,那五百万两固然是个天价,却还不怎么摆在心上,他真正诧异的,反而是那突如其来,虚无缥缈的声音,出声者功力之高,竟然与之前会的天阶初期高手夜孤寒不相上下!\n但,但这样的高手为何要为难胖子呢?\n或者,是为难自己?\n实力是一回事,但君莫邪的狂傲却也不允许自己吃这个哑巴亏!\n开玩笑,这可是五百万两银子!\n虽说那株五百年年份的焚经荷功效极大,正是治疗君无意的最佳药物,物超所值,莫说五百万两,就算再高一倍,君大少爷是要志在必得的,可是真正价值的志在必得是一回事,充冤大头却又是另外一回事。\n以眼下的情况,被人强逼着以五百万两白银的价格成交,无论这笔交易是否划算,单说这股憋屈劲就足以憋屈死自己!\n而且,盛宝堂在这一点上明显有写强词夺理了!\n君莫邪平生最看不惯的,就是以势压人的人!\n此事当然更加的不会例外。\n“什么规矩不容破坏?哈哈哈……”\n君莫邪如果说先前是装的,这一刻可是真有些生气了,冷笑道:“若是这样的话,本少爷天天坐在这里抬高价钱,索性让你们盛宝堂挣个够!”\n“君公子这话是什么意思?本座可不是理解为,名震天香国的君氏要与我盛宝堂作对?”\n那虚无缥缈的声音不喜不怒,在上空回荡,但话中那沉沉的威压之意却是压的人喘不过气来。\n在场所有人都有怜悯的看着君莫邪,只要这败家的小子一出声应下来,那可就是为天香国君家惹来了滔天大祸啦。\n这个君莫邪可真是不知死活呀,连盛宝堂也敢惹?\n李振海洲等人却是眉飞色舞,今日虽然花的银子有些多,但若是在这件事上,让君家和盛宝堂结下梁子,就算多花十倍的价钱,那也值啊!\n对面的孤独小艺急的直跺脚:“这个猪头!他怎么竟然公然对抗盛宝堂?这,这可如何是好?”\n焦急之情溢于言表,在她身边的灵梦公主若有所思的看着她,目中忧色更浓。\n君莫邪心中警惕性更浓,这说话的人分明是故意向君家和盛宝堂两大势力的对立上引,难道盛宝堂和君家有仇?\n这么一想,君莫邪更加不会乱说话了。\n“空口白牙的说话,谁不会说?\n你说唐源说出了五百万两,那么在场的谁听到了?\n怎么我听到的却是只有‘五百’两字?\n另外,李振出价三百万两银子,盛宝堂有没有想过,他拿的出来还是拿不出来?\n若是拿不出来,岂不是说空着口袋抬价格?\n你问我君家是不是与盛宝堂作对?\n那本公子倒要问问,此事是不是盛宝堂故意安排好的敛财手段?”\n君莫邪这句话一出,举场皆惊!\n这句话等于是说盛宝堂与李振联手抗唐源的银子!\n这可是对盛宝堂声誉严重的打击!\n偏偏盛宝堂今日在这一点上却是有所疏漏,被君莫邪抓住了这个破绽!\n在盛宝堂明显有些不公正的故意为难下,君莫邪天不怕地不怕的公然跳了出来指责!\n大厅中顿时静悄悄的,胆敢如此质疑盛宝堂的,几百年来还未有过!\n今天众人算是开了眼界,长了见识了!\n君莫邪又是一怔,盛宝堂方才就是故意为难,但现在却明显又想放水,这到底是怎么回事?\n先是为难,接着又自食其言,出尔反尔,怎么会发生这么诡异的事情?\n其中恐怕定然有自己所不知道的内幕存在!\n少顷,那虚无缥缈的声音响起:“李家李振公子,你刚才出价白银三百万两,可能拿出现银吗?”\n那李振正在旁边看君,唐两人的笑话,幸灾乐祸之余突然听到那声音问到自己,他也算心思转的极快,连忙躬身一礼:“晚辈之前仍是不愉那唐源几次三番搅乱盛宝堂拍卖大会的秩序,这才挺身而出制止,揭破其丑陋嘴脸。”\n那声音又些不耐烦地道:“本座没有问你的动机何在!本座只问你可有出价的三百万两白银!”\n李振不由一阵尴尬,“晚辈现在并无三百万两白银,不过晚辈只是不愤唐源搅乱会场,并非是可以搅局!”\n“混账!”\n那声音似乎是再也忍不耐不住地呵斥一声,冷然道:“既然没有足够的银两,凭甚出价!\n搅乱会场的如何是唐家唐源,分明是你!\n你破坏本堂规矩,岂可如此作罢,来人!\n将此人即刻逐出盛宝堂!\n李家包厢即刻取消,永久剥夺天香城李家踏足盛宝堂的资格!”\n话声一落,顿时上来几个侍者,直接架起李振,架了出去,那李振平日里也是嚣张惯了纨绔中人,为此刻竟却无反抗,连讨饶求情的话竟也没出口,脸色惨白,浑身瘫坐一团肉泥。\n君莫邪冷眼旁观,越来越感到不对劲!\n这明明是有些恼羞成怒的表现啊,为什么会这样子?\n李振纵然有错,可也绝不到就此剥夺李家进入盛宝堂的资格的道理!\n心道这边处置了胡乱喊价的李振,下边就该是自己和唐源两人了,不过我倒要看看,盛宝堂如何自圆其说,任你有千条妙计,本公子一概不理!\n最多也剥夺君家进入盛宝堂的资格,那有什么大不了的?\n哼哼,若真是那样子,等我开天造化功已有所成就,第一件事就是先将盛宝堂烧成一团白地。\n还有就是,此事李振扔是故意捣乱,谁看不出来?\n那盛宝堂的人也不是傻子,自然更加一清二楚,但却在为难自己之后,又突然态度急转直下,此时处置李振,明显有借机下台的意思!\n突然,君莫邪心中升起一股明悟:之所以出现这种诡异的情况,难道是有人干预?\n所以盛宝堂才改了初衷!但这人又是谁呢?谁有这么大的能量?\n心中正想着,只听到那神秘的飘渺的声音道:“君莫邪,虽然此事仍是李振从中搅局,但你曾经出言侮辱我盛宝堂,你依然要给我盛宝堂一个说法!”\n声音颇为严厉,显然余怒未消。\n君莫邪有了刚才的明悟,心中大定,知道对方不过是想下台而已,那么你可真是找对人了,本公子现在羽翼未丰,自然是要让你漂漂亮亮的下台阶的。\n但等我玄功有成,老子头一件事就是杀上门来,一把捏死刚才这个说话的混账!\n君莫邪哈哈大笑道:“本公子几时侮辱盛宝堂了?\n是吧?\n李振恶意捣乱,本公子不慎被他蒙蔽了,而盛宝堂慧眼如炬,民察秋毫,终于将这害群之马揪了出来加以处置,不畏权势,铁骨铮铮,盛宝堂果然不愧是盛宝堂啊,本公子佩服的五体投地!”\n豁然转身,君莫邪大声道:“诸位可看到了嘛,盛宝堂拍卖行果然是天下第一等公道的地方!\n价格公道,童叟无欺,铁面无私,此等商会岂能不令人钦服?\n岂能不让我等汗颜无地?\n本公子为有盛宝堂这等争议的商会坐落在天香城而感到无比自豪!\n来来来,让我们大家共同鼓掌,为盛宝堂喝彩吧!”\n说完,君大公子一脸真挚的钦佩和崇拜,率先呱唧呱唧地鼓掌,同时大声说道:“你们为何还不鼓掌?\n难道你们对盛宝堂有意见?\n若是那样,本公子第一个站出来为盛宝堂鸣不平!”\n顿时全场掌声雷动!\n所有人一边鼓掌,一边心中大骂:无耻啊!真是无耻啊!\n这君莫邪公子无耻的程度,脸皮之厚,令我等自愧不如,拍马难及啊!\n唯与孤独小艺一脸兴奋,笑颜如花,使劲地拍着小手,终于放下心来。\n那神秘的声音也静了下来,再也不出声了。\n在盛宝堂的一间雅室中,两个白衣中年人相对而坐,其中一个白衣中年人狠狠地咬着牙,满脸的郁闷,手起一掌,将前面的桌子拍得粉碎,低声狠狠道:“君莫邪!好个奸猾小子!本座饶不了你!”\n另一个白衣人闭了闭眼甚是不赞同的样子,皱眉道:“此事本就是你的不该!如何怪得了那小子?”\n那白衣人哼了一声,不满地到:“但这焚经荷,恐怕对那君无意……”说道这里,突然住口。\n“君无意?”另一位白衣人豁的站起身来:“你什么意思?”\n那白衣人哼了一声,闭上眼睛,再一不说话了。\n另个白衣人瞪着眼睛看了他半晌,森然道:“我不管你和君无意之前有什么恩怨,但他现在已经残废了,等于一生尽毁!\n你若是还要对付他,我就杀了你!”\n这句话说得斩钉截铁,毫不留情。\n显示了说得出就做得到的决心!\n那白衣人冷冷的哼了两声,转过头去,不再说话了。\n另一个白衣人冷冷看着他,突然道:“此次拍卖,原本没有焚经荷!\n却突然添加这个东西,中间究竟是什么原因?\n焚经荷,是谁给你的?\n为何偏偏要到天香城来拍卖?”\n先前那白衣人冷冷翻了翻眼皮,道:“若是你想知道,不妨回去问问几位长老。\n莫要对我露出这副审问的嘴脸!\n你真以为我怕了你不成?”\n“是不是……”另一个白衣人脸上更加冷峻:“是不是……她……让你专门送给君无意的?要不然,这次九长老为何一起前来?”\n先前那白衣人浑身一震,厉声道:“你胡说八道什么?区区一个君无意,难道值得我们牺牲九长老一半功力?”\n“我并没有说九长老要牺牲!你这么说是什么意思?”\n另一白衣人脸上泛起杀机:“是你从中搞鬼?”\n“那又如何?君家只花三十万两银子就买了回去,还不一样是落到了君无意手里?”\n“放你妈的屁!”\n“只有焚经荷有屁用?没有神玄高手疏通惯功,在焚经荷剧毒之下,君无意只有死的更快!”\n“你这卑鄙小人!我要杀了你!”\n“够了!”\n远远地从虚无缥缈中传来个声音甚是苍老,却严厉:“都不必再说了!”\n两个白衣人相对看了一会,目光凌厉,如两柄利剑在空中交击!\n终于各自都是冷哼一声,背对背盘膝坐下,谁也不理谁了。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 94\nAt this moment the Old Man in the purple robe, closed his eyes and then nodded his head. It seemed as if he was listening to what the people were talking about. His face displayed a slightly pained expression, then disappeared without trace before he opened his eyes and shouted, “Tang Yuan to buy the Blazing Heart Meridian has already bid 5,000,000, is there anyone who wishes to bid higher than 5,000,000?”\nJun Mo Xie suddenly reeled back and stared at the old man on stage and said, “Senior, this matter is a bit troublesome. The situation here is clear that Li Zhen is indulging in malicious bidding and has no means to back up his bids. Whereas none of my friends actually did so, why is it necessary to force the price to 5,000,000?”\n“People not participating in the bidding process of this auction are forbidden from speaking and disrupting the process!” Jun Mo Xie was completely ignored by the purple robed old man and simply turned towards Fatty Tang before saying, “Mr. Tang may raise the objection!”\nTang Yuan who usually was filled with arrogance, now, was totally submissive and quietly whispered, “I did not happen to say how much exactly just now…”\nJun Mo Xie suddenly observed that this fat friend who usually was bursting with courage, cower over and act meek. It was totally unlike his usual self where he was arrogant and despotic. Now, he was acting strangely even when faced with paying the astronomical amount of 5,000,000 silver taels! \nThis was utter nonsense!\nMoreover, it seemed that the Magnificent Jewel Hall was deliberately making things difficult for them. \nJun Mo Xie pride was something that was deeply seeped into his bones. How could he eat this loss by laying low?\nWith a sneer he said, “It seems some things are really hard to sell, even if it is the Magnificent Jewel Hall.\nFatty Tang just called out ‘500’ and nothing more.\nWhen did he say 5,000,000?\nIf the Magnificent Jewel Hall really wants to sell, then, 500 silver, it is a good deal!\nIndeed, it was just as Jun Mo Xie said. Fatty Tang only called out ‘500’ and did not have enough time to shout out ‘5,000,000’ before Jun Mo Xie covered his mouth.\nFor some time, both the sides actually froze. Li Zhen and others actually had a happy expression on their face, looking at Jun Mo Xie joke around with the Magnificent Jewel Hall! \nThe crowd was completely silent as on one side you had the Magnificent Jewel Hall and on the other side, the all powerful Jun Family! Both sides were powers that they simply dared not offend! \nSuddenly breaking the stillness in the hall, there sounded a voice. This voice was something that no one could locate where it came from. It seemed to come from everywhere and at the same time, nowhere! “The rules of the Magnificent Jewel Hall cannot be broken. Since a bid was made and the price spoken, that is it!” \nThe voice was vague and soft but it could be heard clearly by everyone present! \nThe complexion of the purple robed old man suddenly changed as he said, “The Magnificent Jewel Hall will never buy or sell using compulsion. Regardless of whether the Jun and Tang Family’s Young Masters will visit again, it is inconsequential. Today, this auction house has established that it was Tang Yuan who has placed the bid of 5,000,000!”\nAs soon as the mysterious character spoke out, the attitude of this Old Man had clearly toughened up in an instant. \nEven Jun Mo Xie who was the best killer and had a calm countenance, couldn’t help but be surprised and there was a slight change in his expression. 5,000,000 taels of silver was surely a lot of money, but, this was not something that was so huge that it would be coveted by the Magnificent Jewel Hall. The real reason was, the unexpected voice that sounded out. The voice transmission clearly showed how high the skill of that master was and it was even comparable to the initial stages of the Sky Rank!\nBut…but, why would such an expert want to make Fatty Tang feel embarrassed? \nOr, is it to make things difficult for me? \nStrength was one thing, but, Jun Mo Xie was haughty by nature. How could he eat this loss by simply lying low, without speaking out his grievances? \nThis fight over 5,000,000 taels of silver was simply a joke to him! \nWith the great effect of the 500 year old Burning Heart Meridian on Jun Wu Yi’s treatment, the value for that, not to mention 5,000,000 taels, even if he had to pay twice, the Third Young Master Jun was determined to win this item. But, winning a bidding war and paying the appropriate amount was one thing and being taken advantage of was another altogether!\nIf right now, he was forced to hand over 5,000,000 taels of silver for the transaction, regardless of whether the deal was something which was cost effective in the overall perspective, he would be stifled and would feel like dying all together! \nMoreover, it became clear at this point that the Magnificent Jewel Hall was simply trying to twist words to force logic! \nWhat Jun Mo Xie most hated was seeing people use strength to oppress others! \nAnd, this situation was no exception. \n“What is the rule that shouldn’t be broken? Hahaha…”\nJun Mo Xie, if previously was simply playacting, but at this moment became really angry. With a sneer, Jun Mo Xie continued, “If that’s the case, then this Young Master would sit here every single day to rise prices and let the Magnificent Jewel Hall fill its pockets!”\n“The son of the Jun family, the implications behind your words are not understood by me. Is it that the reputed Tian Xiang Kingdom’s Jun Family wish to go against my Magnificent Jewel Hall?” \nThat voice immediately rang out in the hall and it was filled with anger. Everyone could clearly see the hint of threat veiled in that sentence and the heavy pressure being emitted by that person made it difficult for many people who were seated in the hall to breathe. \nThe people observing this situation develop, all watched Jun Mo Xie with pity in their eyes thinking, All because of this debauchee son running of his mouth, he has attracted a disaster to his home. \nThis Jun Mo Xie really acts recklessly eh? He even dares to provoke the Magnificent Jewel Hall eh?\nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou were totally elated! Although today, they had spent more and more money, but if it is in this matter, if the Magnificent Jewel Hall and the Jun Family became enemies, even spending ten times the amount would totally be money well spent!\nIn a box opposite them, Dugu Xiaoyi anxiously stamped her feet down saying, “This pig head! He actually dares to openly defy the Magnificent Jewel Hall? How can this be of any good?” \nWith extreme anxiety she held Princess Ling Ming’s hand as she observed on with even more concentration.\nJun Mo Xie’s heart grew extremely vigilant as he heard the words spoken by that expert. This guy is clearly deliberate in creating a rift between the Jun Family and the Magnificent Jewel Hall openly, do we have some grudges with the Magnificent Jewel Hall? \nThinking up to this point, he decided to speak no more nonsense and cut to the chase.\n“Filling the empty parts with gossip, isn’t that the truth? \nYou said that Tang Yuan bid an amount of 5,000,000, but who here can testify that they heard this? \nAll I heard was ‘500’ and nothing more. Isn’t that what it should be then? \nIn addition, Li Zhen bid an amount of 3,000,000 taels of silver. But, has the Magnificent Jewel Hall not thought of if he can take it out or not? \nIf he can’t take it out, is it right to rise prices with empty pockets? \nYou asked if the Jun Family is going against the Magnificent Jewel Hall? \nThen I have to ask, is this a means of accumulating wealth by the Magnificent Jewel Hall that it has deliberately arranged?”\nAs Jun Mo Xie said these words, everyone present was surprised and shocked! \nThis sentence was simply tantamount to say that the Magnificent Jewel Hall and the Li Family had teamed up to fleece Tang Yuan of his money! \nThis would be a serious blow to the reputation of Magnificent Jewel Hall! \nThe Magnificent Jewel Hall had made an oversight of this particular point and Jun Mo Xie promptly seized this flaw! \nThe Magnificent Jewel hall in some obvious manner of injustice were deliberately making things difficult and Jun Mo Xie had fearlessly jumped out to openly accuse them of their wrongdoings! The hall was completely quiet and one couldn’t hear the people breathing. \nTo dare question the Magnificent Jewel Hall, who no one had opposed in hundreds of years! \nToday, the people were enlightened and grew in experience!\nJun Mo Xie was completely stunned! The Magnificent Jewel Hall had deliberately made things difficult for them and wanted to embarrass them but suddenly, they recant and go back on their words and actions? \nFirst oppress, then change their behaviour? This was truly strange!\nIt seemed as if he himself did not know if an insider existed or not! \nWhile Jun Mo Xie was thinking this, the voice sounded out again, “Li Zhen, you just bid 3,000,000 taels of silver. Would you care to take the money out?”\nSitting comfortably, Li Zhen and company were enjoying the scene being played out and were happy at Jun Mo Xie and Tang Yuan’s misery. But, suddenly when Li Zhen heard the voice being directed at him and all his happiness suddenly crumbled down. His thoughts ran real quick before he bent in ceremony, “Before, I, of the younger generation was still unhappy that Tang Yuan was repeatedly upsetting the Magnificent Jewel Hall’s decorum and that’s why I felt the need to step up and come forward to expose his dark and ugly face.” \nThe voice with impatience quickly retorted, “This Lord, has not asked you of what your motivation was. I only asked you about the 3,000,000 taels of silver that you bid.”\nLi Zhen could not but be embarrassed before saying, “Junior here does not have 3,000,000 taels of silver, but, this junior acted merely because of the disruptions caused by Tang Yuan and not to disturb the proceedings of the Magnificent Jewel Hall”\n“bastard!”\nThe voice now seemed to have totally lose its calmness and did not even bother to disguise its anger. The voice then coldly sounded, “Even without having the requisite amount of silver, you still dare bid?!\nDisturbing the proceedings at this place, how is it Tang Yuan that’s disturbing and causing a ruckus? It is clearly you who doesn’t hold the Magnificent Jewel Hall in any regard at all!\nYou broke the rules of the Magnificent Jewel Hall, how can I let this pass? Guards, come!\nThis person is expelled from the Magnificent Jewel Hall effective immediately!\nThe Li Family’s box is effectively canceled and they are permanently disqualified from ever setting foot into the Magnificent Jewel Hall!”\nAs the voice sounded out, several waiters appeared outside the Li Family’s box. Li Zhen directly stood up and directly started to walk out. He was someone who was extremely arrogant and had been accustomed to such a lifestyle since he was young. However, at this moment, he gave no resistance, did not even bother to plead for mercy! His face pale and slumped over he walked out. \nJun Mo Xie sitting on the sidelines, felt something was more and more wrong!\nThis clearly is the case of flying into range out of humiliation! But, why are things going this way? \nEven if Li Zhen made a mistake, that is simply not a reason enough to throw him out and deprive the entire Li Family of its qualifications to enter the Magnificent Jewel Hall.\nIf I actually had handled the matter of this malicious bidding of Li Zhen improperly, it would have been Tang Yuan who would have been forced! I’d like to see how the Magnificent Jewel Hall justifies all their actions.\neven if you have a thousand good ideas, your father, I, am not afraid! At worst, what is it that would happen? The Jun Family lose rights to enter the Magnificent Jewel Hall? What is the big deal!\nIn that case, after achieving more success in the Art of Unlocking Heavens Fortune, the first thing I’d have to do would be to pay a visit to these Magnificent Jewel Hall guys.\nLi Zhen was causing trouble from the beginning, who couldn’t see that?\nThe Magnificent Jewel Hall is not composed with a bunch of fools. Naturally they could clearly discern the situation but still intentionally made trouble for Jun Mo Xie. But, after being embarrassed, his attitude turned around suddenly and he focused his attention on Li Zhen!\nSuddenly a thought came about in Jun Mo Xie’s head, DId the situation develop like this because someone intervened? \nTherefore, the Magnificent Jewel Hall had to change their original intention? But, just who is this person? Who has such huge capabilities?\nJust as Jun Mo Xie was thinking this in his heart, the voice sounded out again and everyone could hear clearly, “Jun Mo Xie, although it was Li Zhen who had committed an error and flouted the rules of our Magnificent Jewel Hall, but you still insulted my Magnificent Jewel Hall. You gave no face to me and my Magnificent Jewel Hall and I need an answer to this!” \nThe voice sounded quite harsh and apparently still contained and apparently some of the anger still lingered in his voice!\nJun Mo Xie still had questions that were left unanswered and he was seething with anger bellow. Though this was the case, he realized that the mysterious person was leaving room for saving some face for himself and Jun Mo Xie decided that it would be best if he made a strategic retreat right now and played along. I’m still a fledgling without much of a power. \nThough that is the case, once my cultivation of this Xuan Qi succeeds and reaches higher realms, I, your father, would surely be happy to drop in and put away with these pitiful pleasantries.\nThinking up to this, Jun Mo Xie said, “When did this junior insult the Magnificent Jewel Hall?\nRight?\nThis Li Zhen simply had a lot of malicious intentions against me and I was completely hoodwinked and blinded by his schemes. But, the Magnificent Jewel Hall’s mental perception is like a torch. You wouldn’t let a new feather get harmed. You came out and saved everyone from this rotten apple without fear of the power backing him up. You are unyielding in your righteousness and the Magnificent Jewel Hall is surely worth its reputation. This junior has admiration and nothing but admiration for the Magnificent Jewel Hall!”\nSuddenly Jun Mo Xie turned and said loudly, “You guys can see that this Magnificent Jewel Hall is surely the number one under the heavens!\nThey have their products reasonably priced and treat both the young and old honestly. If they weren’t impartial and just, how could such a chamber of commerce make one respect them?\nJust by doubting them wouldn’t it make others blush with shame?\nTo see how the Magnificent Jewel Hall handled this controversy, this junior to have the esteemed and noble chamber of commerce like the Magnificent Jewel Hall in the Tian Xiang Kingdom is really proud!\nLet us all cheer and applaud for the Magnificent Jewel Hall!”\nThen Jun Mo Xie with a face filled with a look of sincere admiration and worship, took the initiative to clap loudly before continuing to talk, “Why do guys not applaud for our magnificent Jewel Hall?\nDo you people have other differing opinions?\nIf so, then this junior would be the first to seek grievance on behalf of the Magnificent Jewel Hall!” \nImmediately the audience broke into a thunderous applause! \nWhile all were applauding, they were cursing in their hearts, Ah…! Shameless! Truly shameless! \nThis Jun Mo Xie is shamless to a different degree altogether! He is so thick skinned that he is not ashamed of this ass kissing at all!\nOnly Dugu Xiaoyi, among everyone present had a look of excitement. She was smiling happily and clapping vigorously, full of relief!\nThe mysterious voice quieted down too and did not speak anything else.\nInside the Magnificent Jewel Hall, in an elegant room, two white clothed middle-aged men sat opposite to each other. One of the white clothed man gnashed his teeth fiercely while his face was depressed. He brought his hand down slamming on the desk hard, which crumbled from being unable to bear the blow and fiercely whispered, “Jun Mo Xie! You are a really crafty young fellow! This lord will not spare you!”\nThe other white clothed man closed his eyes and gave a very disapproving look. Frowning he said, ”This thing you shouldn’t have, how strange that it was that young kid who got it”. \nThe previous white robed man grunted in dissatisfaction as he said, “But, that Blazing Heart Meridian, I’m afraid that Jun Wu Yi…” saying up to this point, the man stopped.\n“Jun Wu Yi?” The other white robed man stood up saying this and asked, “What do you mean?” \nThe white robed man grunted, closing his eyes and did not speak for a long time.\nwhile the other just stared at him for a long time before declaring in an awe inspiring manner, “I do not care about what grudges you and Jun Wu Yi have had in the past. But now, he is disabled and his life is destined to be doomed!\nIf you have any plans to deal with him, I will kill you!” \nHe said this with absolute ruthlessness without a hint of mercy.\nThis showed that he had the determination and intent to follow through with whatever he said! \nThe white robed man simply grunted twice and then turned away without speaking.\nThe other white robed man looked at him cold before suddenly saying, “The auction, originally did not have the Blazing Heart Meridian!\nBut, it suddenly appeared, what is its exact source?\nAlso, this Blazing Heart Meridian, who was it that supplied it to you?\nAnd the most important of all, unexpectedly, request you to sell it in the Tian Xiang Imperial city?”\nThe white robed man simply gave a cold shoulder to him and kept his eyes closed. He thought, If you really want to know, then why don’t you ask the elders?\nDon’t show your questioning face here.\nDo you really think I’m afraid of you?\n“Yes or no…” the other white robed man’s face became more solemn as he continued, “Yes or no…she…specifically sent it as a present for Jun Wu Yi? Otherwise why would nine elders come together?” \nUpon hearing the white robed man’s eyes snapped open as he shouted, “What nonsense are you spouting? A trifling Jun Wu Yi, don’t tell me is worth for us to sacrifice half the power of nine of our elders!”\n“I did not say anything about sacrificing nine of our elders power! It was you who said it. What do you mean by that?” \nHis face again became murderous as he asked “What dirty tricks are you employing?”\n“So what? As long as the Jun Family is spending 300,000 taels of silver to buy it, is it not the same as it falling in the hands of Jun Wu Yi!”\n“Your Mother’s Fart!”\n“Only to give the Blazing Heart Meridian is of less use than fart! Without a Divine Xuan expert controlling the process, with the poisonous potency of the Blazing Heart Meridian, Jun Wu Wi will only die faster!”\n“You bastard! I will kill you!”\n“ENOUGH!”\nThere came a voice from far, and it was very old but severely scolded the two, “Do not make me repeat myself.”\nThe two had their swords out just ready strike one another. \nThey looked viciously at each other before finally sitting back down without saying a single word.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第95章\n大厅中,君莫邪满脸笑容,四面抱拳团团行礼,笑得合不拢口:“感谢感谢,感谢大家对盛宝堂的支持,本公子感同身受,无限荣宠啊啊。\n下面,本公子宣布,拍卖继续进行,大家可以随便出价,呵呵,不必客气。”\n你小子算是什么东西?\n瞧你这话说得,跟盛宝堂的大掌柜似的,真正鄙视到了极点!\n所有人心中一起大骂!\n若是白眼能够砸人,此刻的君莫邪已经被铺天盖地的白眼珠砸的粉身碎骨!\n若是鄙视可以伤害,君莫邪现在已经体无完肤!\n终于,原本那神秘人的声音不曾出现,另一个清朗的声音悠悠地响起:“之前焚经荷的叫价乃是李家李振搅局,出价无效,按原定价格进行!”\n果然是两个人!\n君莫邪心中一笑。\n想必就是这两个人之间意见不统一吧,恩,后来的这个人应该还是强势一点的。\n台上的紫袍老者脸色又是一变,随即满脸无奈道:“焚经荷,先前唐公子已经出价三十万两银子,叫价两次,还有没有比三十万两银子更高的?”\n连问数次,无人答话。\n在刚出了这么大的事情的现在,谁还敢来触犯君莫邪这位天不怕地不怕的愣头青和唐源那位崽卖爷田心不疼的超级败家子?\n于是:“三十万两银子第三次!成交!”\n“当”的落下定音锤,紫袍老者只觉得心中憋闷不堪,自己主持拍卖数十年,就属这一次最是郁闷。\n两个败家子将拍卖完全搅乱了,本来能够拍卖出上百万两的东西居然只拍出了三十万两!\n这若是除去收购价格,几乎等于白送……\n唐胖子瞬间经历大喜大悲,竟半晌没明白过来是怎么回事,总算君大杀手心性沉稳,几巴掌把这个丢人的家伙拍醒过来!\n对面,独孤小艺撇着小嘴,很是愤愤地道:“真是没天理了!\n那家伙竟以那么低的价格拍到了!\n真是可恶!\n讨厌啊讨厌啊!”\n嘴上说着可恶,两只漂亮的大眼睛却是变成了月牙儿,似乎从心底笑了出来,那里有半点厌恶的意思。\n灵梦公主一脸狐疑地看了看她,见到独孤小艺突然间神采飞扬的样子,撇着小嘴看着对面的君莫邪在大耍流氓手段,而这小摇头神色间居然丝毫也没有往日的厌恶之意,反而很是欣赏!\n灵梦公主心中突然冒起了一个匪夷所思的念头,不由得大吃一惊:“小艺,你,你,你不会是看上这浪荡子弟了吧?!”\n乍听这话,独孤小艺瞬时粉脸通红,皱起娇俏的小鼻子,伸了伸舌头,面红耳赤的分辨:“哪有?\n我哪有看上那样的纨绔败家子?\n哼哼,居然敢抢本姑娘的天外陨铁,真是胆儿肥了!\n不好好地教训教训,怎能消我胸中恶气,一找到机会本姑娘就好好地修理他一顿!”\n说着凶恶的竖起柳眉,一派咬牙切齿状。\n灵梦公主浑身泛起一阵无力的感觉。\n作为独孤小艺多年的闺中密友,她岂能看不出此刻的独孤小艺外厉内荏、欲盖弥彰,分明是快乐得不得了的样子却偏偏还要装出一副凶神恶煞的样子,但真正的心事却是谁也能够一眼就看的出来。\n再想想独孤小艺本来一肚子的闷闷不乐,心神不属;但刚才一听到君莫邪的声音,却顿时生龙活虎起来,这一切的一切,似乎都不言而喻,指向了唯一的一个可能,可是这个可能也太匪夷所思了,那简直就是一场噩梦啊……\n独孤小艺快乐的哼哼两声,眨眨俏丽的大眼睛:“就是因为他是纨绔子,所以才需要好好教训!让他知道本姑娘的厉害,哼哼哼,嘻嘻……”\n说到后来,自己忍不住笑了起来,眼睛中满是憧憬,显然心中已经在想着如何教训君莫邪了,一副心驰神往的样子。\n灵梦公主更加的忧心忡忡起来。\n这件事情可是非同小可啊,纵然是独孤小艺要责怪自己,自己也要尽快的通知独孤无敌大将军。\n独孤世家唯一的掌珠,京城公认的绝世名花之一的独孤小艺,与那个君家的浪荡子弟????\n这……叫什么事啊!\n一朵鲜花插在了牛粪上已经不能形容,简直就是暴敛天物啊!\n就不说别的,就从皇家的角度说,君家第三代唯一的孙子与独孤世家最宠爱的孙女结合,也是绝对不愿见的结果,必然会引起一场朝野变动!\n所以……不行!\n我一定要阻止此事!\n决不能让小艺毁在这纨绔子弟手中!\n灵梦公主神情复杂的看了看独孤小艺,又看了看君莫邪,心中暗暗打定了主意。\n焚经荷可说是以最便宜的代价顺利到手,君莫邪有些兴奋,心中却是一阵凛然,综观自己两世所会之高手。\n气度如今日盛宝堂这两位隐身高人者却亦少有人及,自己如今实力未壮,难以匹敌如此强梁,说不得,只要再扮一阵纨绔小丑了。\n接下来,唐大公子很顺利地拍到了唐老爷子要的东西:一卷神风剑录。\n君莫邪只翻看了两眼,就毫无兴趣的扔给了唐源,心中无限鄙视:这等花哨剑术,居然也好意思拿出来拍卖!居然还花了两百万两银子!\n不过接下来,君莫邪突然身子一震,脸上露出一丝讶异!\n在那焚经荷到手之后,君莫邪便把自己的神识尽数集中到了那两个皇子的包厢之中。\n早知道那两个包厢中除了这六个人之外再也没有其他的人物在里面,心中本还感到奇怪;却意外发觉两个包厢中的六个人居然齐齐消失了,可谓相当的突兀,而且绝对没有走大门!\n不过君莫邪另有一点可以断定,那就是这六人并没有离开盛宝堂,难道,那两个包厢之中还有隐伏的暗道不成?\n而下一刻,君莫邪的神识又发现了刚刚遁去的阴寒之气,却是混进了大厅里的人群之中,顺着看去,却见他们连服饰面目也改变了。\n就算有人当面看去,也绝对认不出这就是刚才进入包厢的人。\n其中三人聚集在中间,而另三人却到了另一边,显得泾渭分明。\n一个个尽都是团团富家翁的样子。\n不过,这批货物之中,到底有什么是值得这样两个杀手集团如此眼热的呢?\n甚至连两个皇子也有参与?\n君莫邪将唐胖子手中的单子拿了过来,一项项的在还未拍卖的物品中间看了过去。\n终于,将目光停留在最后一项拍卖物品上:三十条六阶玄兽白角牛的牛筋!玄兽筋!应该就是这东西了。\n除此之外,其余的尽都是属于装饰品和奢侈品一类的东西,并无太过实用的东西,而杀手集团是绝不会要那类东西的。\n他们要的从来只会是能够对人的生命产生致命威胁的东西。\n这里面,只有玄兽筋才符合他们的要求!\n不过,要这么多的玄兽筋干什么?\n没理由让杀手都改用鞭子杀人吧?\n难道是……制作特强的弓箭?!\n一想到这里,君莫邪的心中砰砰的跳动起来。\n若是用六阶玄兽筋制作弓弦,那么,弓箭的威力至少能够提升两倍以上!\n可是,这样的弓箭固然威力惊人,但九品以下的玄者实力不够,却是绝对拉不开的!\n正因为如此,若是以银玄又或者是金玄级别的高手应用此弓,此弓却无疑会成为绝对的利器!\n纵然是玉品地玄之流的强者,在猝不及防之下,恐怕也会着了道儿!\n而以十张以上的这样弓箭联合狙杀,相信足足可以威胁天玄的高手!\n看来,定是如此!\n果然,玄兽筋一出,分属于两个皇子阵营的刚刚进去的六个人终于开始了彼此间的竞价,而且竞争之状况更显激烈!\n价格节节攀升,不大一会居然就攀升到了五百万两的空前高度!\n在这个价位上便已经将其余参与竞价的人全部赶跑了,但就算只剩下他们两家遥遥对峙,谁也是不肯退让半步!\n一番拉锯战最终下来,三十条玄兽筋竟攀升到了一千三百万两的高价,终于被二皇子一方的那三个杀手所得!\n这几乎是近年来在盛宝堂所拍卖出的单项最高价格,堪称天价!\n“三少,看到了吧,这还只是一批六阶玄兽筋而已,若是三十颗六阶玄丹,恐怕价格还要翻上几番上去;三少啊,你现在应该知道我家丢的那东西到底有多重要了吧!”\n唐源咂咂嘴:“那根本就是无价之宝啊。”\n“我们也走吧。”\n君莫邪站了起来。\n他心中还在盘算着,若是能够跟踪一下,或者能够查知这批货最终流落到什么地方去,那就比较理想了。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 95\nInside the Hall, Jun Mo Xie had a smile on his face. Clasping his hands together, he began to salute at the people all around and laughing with a smile that extended from ear to ear he said, “Thank you. Thank you for everybody’s show of support for the Magnificent Jewel Hall. This junior shall be grateful for this personal favour. \nEveryone, please, let the auction continue. Please feel free to bid casually and as much as you’d like. There is no need to be polite.”\nWhat kind of a despicable fellow is this kid? \nTo see you lick the heels of the Magnificent Jewel Hall and portray them as if they’re the best kind of shopkeepers in the world, it is truly despicable to the extreme point!\nEveryone present was simply cursing him in their hearts. \nIf supercilious thoughts could smash a person to death, then Jun Mo Xie, currently would be bearing down on an earth shattering amount of pressure and the end would be for him to simply die horribly!\nIf despicable behaviour could hurt, then Jun Mo Xie would right now be filled with cuts and bruises.\nFinally that mysterious voice did not sound out again, when after some time another voice sounded out clearly, “Before, during the bidding process of the Blazing Heart Meridians, it has been deemed that the bid by Li Zhen is invalid, and the auction shall continue with the original price!” \nSure enough, it was two people! \nJun Mo Xie thought this and smiled in his heart. \nSurely there wasn’t any unity and agreement on their views. Right, uh…then this person should still be a little strong eh?\nThe complexion of the purple robed man on the stage changed and then with frustration said, “The Blazing Heart Meridian was previously bid on by Tang Yuan for 300,000 taels of silver. I had called out the price twice, is there anyone who is offering more than 300,000?”\nEven after being asked repeatedly, no one ventured out a bid. \nEven disregarding the events that transpired earlier, who’d want to go offend Jun Mo Xie whose grandpa was a Sky Xuan expert and to add to that, the fearsome grandpa of Tang Yuan who doted on his grandson. Who would dare to get on the wrong side of these two Young Masters?\n“300,000 taels of silver, goes thrice! Sold!”\nWhen the purple robed man slammed the hammer down he was completely feeling oppressed. He had been managing and hosting auctions for over a decades and yet had never felt so depressed before.\nBecause of two prodigal children of big families, the auction has become totally messed up! This item which could easily reach the price of 1,000,000 taels of silver is being sold for merely 300,000! \nThis price is almost akin to simply giving away the Blazing Heart Meridian.\nFatty Tang had experienced great joy, only to be saddened instantaneously and half of the time, he has not understood what really was going on. Jun Mo Xie’s disposition finally calmed down. The opportunity was almost about to slip away from his hand.\nSitting across them, Dugu Xiaoyi cast an extremely angry look before saying, “There is no justice here!\nThat guy actually succeeded in obtaining at such a low price!\nIt is truly repulsive!\nI hate it! Ah!” \nWhile the words that were coming out seemed hateful, her two beautiful big eyes actually turned into two crescent moons and she seemed to laugh from the bottom if her heart and there wasn’t the slightest hint of disgust contained in it.\nPrincess Ling Meng looked suspiciously at Dugu Xiaoyi who was obviously in high spirits and suddenly looked over, skimming across she thought of Jun Mo Xie who this ‘Lady’ was always bullying. But, sitting in this room, she apparently did not have the usual look of disgust that she had in the past, but a look of appreciation! \nPrincess Ling Meng suddenly had a bizarre thought and couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise, “Xiaoyi, you…you…did you take a fancy to this debauchee of a man?”\nHearing this, Xiaoyi’s face became completely red as she wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue. Undoubtedly blushing, she said with resolution, “Who has?\nHow can I take fancy to some prodigal son of a family?\nHmm…it is just that this girl’s Meteorite Iron was taken by him, his guts is real big!\nHow can I forget this? This girl is just waiting for an opportunity to pay him back in full!” \nAs she was saying this, she lifted her eyebrow and clenching her jaws tightly.\nPrincess Ling Meng from head to toe was feeling completely powerless as she heard these words. \nDugu Xiaoyi was a close precious friend of her for many years. How could she not see through her and was fully exposed. Xiaoyi was truly happy from unlike what her appearance seemed and the concern that she was showing, came from the bottom of her heart and this was something that any random observer could tell.\nThinking again, she realized this Dugu Xiaoyi had been depressed and her mind was not in place. But, just as she heard Jun Mo Xie’s voice, she suddenly seemed to become totally lively and bursting with energy! All of these were self evident, and it could all only lead to one possibility! This possibility was so unthinkable that it simply was a nightmare!\nDugu Xiaoyi blinked her big pretty eyes twice and happily hummed before saying, “Because he is such a debauchee, all he needs is a good lesson to let him know how powerful this girl is…hum…hum, hehehe…” \nas she finished saying this, she could not help laughing. Her eyes were full of longing, apparently already thinking about how she would teach Jun Mo Xie a lesson and a fascinated look.\nPrincess Ling Meng simply grew more worried about this issue. \nThis is no trivial matter! Even though Dugu Xiaoyi had only herself to blame, we also had to inform her father, the magnificent general Dugu Wudi about this. \nThe Dugu Family is a peerless family in the capital, moreover, Dugu Xiaoyi is the sole beloved daughter of the family who is always doted upon by everyone! To compare her with the Jun Famliy’s dissolute and waste of a heir? \nAh…it would be akin to a lovely flower being stuck in a cow dung!\nThe absurdity simply cannot be described! It would just be a simple wanton wastefulness of the nature’s lovely products! \nTo say of nothing else, just to think on behalf of the imperial family, the Jun Family’s Third Generation’s only grandson and the granddaughter of the Dugu Family, the result is simply terrifying! This would lead to complete change in the government and the public! \nSo…no!\nI must stop this!\nI must never let Dugu Xiaoyi fall in Jun Mo Xie’s hands. \nPrincess Ling Meng gave a complex look to Dugu Xiaoyi and secretly made the decision on Jun Mo Xie in her mind.\nObtaining the Blazing Heart Meridian at a cheaper price, Jun Mo Xie was extremely excited from the bottom of his heart. \nHe looked at himself and knew that such appearance of two masters at the Magnificent Jewel Hall is rare and infrequent. My own personal strength is not strong enough. I just simply have to wait and be patient and have act as the joker in the meantime.\nEventually, Tang Yuan bought what was requested of of him by Grandpa Tang without a hitch. IT was a single scroll on the way of the sword!\nJun Mo Xie simply cast a look at it and then expressed no interest in that martial book. He simply looked down upon Tang Yuan for having bought such a thing. This book which can be classified as only fancy fencing, they actually bid for it and even spent 2,000,000 silver to acquire it! \nBut then, Jun Mo Xie was suddenly startled and then his face showed a trace of surprise! \nAfter obtaining this Blazing Heart Meridian, he had sent his spiritual sense out to cover the boxes of the two princes which had six people in them. \nBut, he was surprised to find that at of this moment, both the boxes were completely empty! There was absolutely no one in them and none had walked out the door. It seemed as if they simply disappeared!\nHowever, Jun Mo Xie concluded that these six people did not leave the place. Is it that those two boxes have a secret underground passageway? \nThe next moment, infact, Jun Mo Xie managed to find a trace of the lingering spiritual energy in the air and traced it back into the crowds down below. What he saw down there surprised him greatly! They had changed their clothes and even the look of their faces! \nEven if someone managed to take a look at these men face to face, it would be hard for them to be able to recognize them.\nThree of them had gathered in the middle of the hall while the other three to the sides of the hall.\nThey all had the appearance of wealthy men.\nBut, among all the goods in this place, in the end what is it that has got these to groups totally enticed? \nEven two of the Princes are involved!\nJun Mo Xie took the auction list from Fatty Tang and started scouring the items that were mentioned. \nFinally after going through the list he managed to find out the item that had even bought the two Princes to the auction house! 30 strips of tendons from a rank 6 Xuan beast! Xuan Beast’s tendons! It had to be this item.\nIn addition, the rest of the stuff on the list was just something which can be considered as luxurious decorations and other small stuff, things that did not have too much of a practical use. \nWouldn’t they want something that would have a huge offensive power and could produce a threat to life? \nSeemingly on the Xuan Beast’s tendons would meet their requirements!\nBut, what are they going to do with so many tendons? \nDo they have a reason to change to whips as their weapon of choice for their killers? \nCould it be…it is going to be used for making particularly strong bows?\nAs his thought progressed to this point, Jun Mo Xie’s heart started beating really fast.\nIf the tendons of a rank 6 Xuan Beast were used to create a bow, then the arrow if shot from such a bow would have its power increased by more than twice! \nHowever, though such a kind of bow and arrow would be incredibly powerful, the strength of a 9 Xuan Rank cultivator is insufficient and surely wouldn’t be able to pull the string of the bow!\nBut, because of this, if it were Silver or Gold level Xuan rank experts, this type of weapon would undoubtedly become an absolute weapon! \nEven a Jade Xuan Rank expert might meet his end at the hands of such a bow’s user if he is caught in a moment of unawareness or surprise! \nAnd, a group consisting of more than ten such bow wielding users would surely have the power to even pose a threat to the lives of Sky Xuan level masters!\nTruly, it’s what they’re thinking!\nSure enough! Just as the Xuan Beast’s tendon came out, the group belonging to the two princes immediately began to bid against each other and the situation was a fierce competition between the two factions! \nPrices continued to rise and before long it reached 5,000,000 taels of silver which was an unprecedented height! \nAt this price, surely the rest of the people in the hall would have simply been sent packing home, but even if these two were relatives, they refused to even concede half a step!\nAfter a long bidding process, the price of the 30 strips of Xuan Beast’s tendons actually climbed up to a sky high price of 13,000,000 taels of silver and was obtained by the killer group of one of the two Emperor’s sons! \nIn the recent years, in all of the auctions that the Magnificent Jewel Hall had organized, this can be considered as the single item with the highest price!\n“Jun Mo Xie, see this is just the tendons of a rank 6 Xuan Beast. If it were a demonic core of a rank 6 Xuan Beast, then I’m afraid, the price would have been even higher. Jun Mo Xie, now you must know that how much of an important thing was lost by my family!” \nTang Yuan snapped, “It is simply priceless! Ah…!” \n“Let’s go!” \nJun Mo Xie stood up.\nhis mind still wondering, If I’m able to trace it back or find out where they are going to keep it finally, it would be extremely ideal!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第96章\n可惜呀,君莫邪心中有些惋惜。\n上次那老头在把自己送回去之后,却因为另有急事离开了,要半年之后才会回来,若是他在的话,此时正好派上用场;他的追踪技巧可谓是一绝的,至于现在……\n君莫邪看着跟着自己的那几个侍卫;凭心而论,这些人也都是君老爷子精挑细选出来的,一位金品玄者,七个银品玄者,实力也算是相当不错的了。\n起码在天香城里,是足以保护君莫邪无恙的。\n如果君莫邪需要他们保护的话。\n但君莫邪却清楚的知道,若是让他们去跟踪那三个杀手,是没有任何意义的。\n就算侥幸追上了,也只会在很短的时间里变作八具尸体!\n据君莫邪看来,那三个人,每一个都是金玄巅峰,更何况是以杀人为职业的人!\n威胁,既然发现了,就要一定要彻底消灭掉!\n养虎为患,那是傻子才做的事情!\n怎么办呢,无论如何也要想办法追踪。\n起码得把那些玄兽筋搞到手,就算无法搞到手也要设法毁去,毕竟这些玄兽筋所能带来的后果过于可怕了!\n君莫邪心中想着杀人,自然而然的在外探的神识中带出了一股森然的杀意!\n而就在这时,一股凌厉到极点的威压铺天盖地般的突兀压来,顺着君莫邪刚刚流露的一丝杀气,直指而来!\n这次的目标很明显,就是君莫邪本人,也非常只精确,连就在他身边的唐源也没有波及到半点!\n这股气势,比先前说话的两个神秘人物还要强大得多!\n而这股强大到极点的气势,让君莫邪真正的大吃一惊:这个来自盛宝堂的神秘高手绝对要比自己爷爷君战天老爷子更强,难道竟是传说中的神玄级高手?!\n君莫邪甚至已经隐约猜到这股威压的来意,自己刚才在那三个杀手退场的时候,神识波动了一下,顺着那三个人离去的方向追踪了一下,又流露出了一丝油然的杀意。\n而就是这一点点微弱的波动、一丝丝的杀意,却立即被这位神秘的高手察觉了!\n由于玄气的特殊,天玄之下的高手,根本无法利用神识无声无息的探测!\n所以君莫邪才会如此的肆无忌惮的使用,没想到这次居然能够被人抓个正着,这个隐身在暗处的神秘人的修为之高已是可见一斑!\n不过,盛宝堂中向来是关注拍卖品的居多,而君莫邪此次明显是跟踪离去的人,被发现也就不足为奇了。\n尤其,这人的精神力量还是如此强大的强者!\n不过君莫邪唯一有把握的是,这个人只发现了自己的神识,并不能确定自己就是君莫邪!\n那要有与自己差不多的神识功能才行!\n而君莫邪坚信,自己的开天造化功,在这个世上,必然是独一无二的!\n所以他自信,自己虽然暴露了杀气,但本尊却并没有暴露!\n但君莫邪清晰地感受到这股强力的威压,心中也正在为难;看这股神识的来势,若是自己不加以抵抗的话,恐怕对自己的心神大大有损,但若是利用神识防御或者反击,自己的神识功效虽然比对方的神奇,但却远远不如对方强大!\n这可如何是好?\n正在犹豫之间,那股强大的神识已经即将临身了!\n最后一刻,在谢君莫的意识深处,玲珑鸿钧宝塔突然开始全速旋转,同时开始散发出五彩璀璨的光芒,将他的灵魂完全覆盖。\n向着那股袭来的强大神识慢悠悠地“迎接”了过去。\n那股强大的神识急如闪电而来,但与鸿钧塔的气息相触的那一刻,突然就像是一片小小的雪花突然落到了烧得通红的火炉里,瞬间消弭无踪!\n泥牛入海般消失得无影无踪,甚至没有激出半点的波澜。\n这种上古奇珍,华夏第一仙人遗宝,开天辟地的灵异之物,又岂是一个区区至尊神玄的凡人的能量可以比拟的?\n恐怕就算这个世界所有的神玄同时联手,对神秘莫测的鸿钧塔来说,也只是小菜一碟而已!\n鸿钧塔霞光一收,缓缓落回原位。\n在它落下的同时,君莫邪已经同时关闭了自己的神识。\n但这一切,却只有君大杀手一人明了,连被反击的隐身高手也绝对不知其中玄机!\n盛宝堂地下密室之内,一个闭着眼睛盘膝而坐的素衣老者身躯猛地一震,猛地睁开眼睛,眼中射出不可置信的神色,脸上神情一片剧烈的后怕,汗珠刷刷的流了下来。\n自己再怎么说也是已经迈进至尊神玄的人物,但自己的神识压迫而去,外边那人竟似全没有半点反应,毫不费力的就化解了,好像自己的神识在对方的眼中就像一粒尘埃一般不值一提!\n这说明了什么?\n“神玄巅峰!\n惟有神玄巅峰的高人才能如此的举重若轻、轻描淡写的化解我的神识冲击,且又不被我觉察,只有这样才能解释如此诡异的一幕!”\n这白发老者震惊之极的脱口而出:“这天香城里怎么会有这种神龙般的人物?\n这天香城最近将要发生什么大事不成?”\n“君莫邪!”\n一个清脆悦耳的声音在背后突兀地响了起来,君莫邪转头一看,却见独孤小艺满脸凶巴巴的走了过来,点点下巴:“呀,原来你还没有……啊。”\n她本来想说:原来你还没有死啊。\n但话到嘴边,突然又说不出口了,似乎自己心中极端的不愿意将“死”这个字联系到君莫邪的身上,哪怕是开玩笑,也是太不好听、太不吉利了。\n“原来是独孤小姐。”\n君莫邪笑吟吟的上下打量了她一番:“多日不见,独孤小姐愈发的漂亮了,真是让我心里痒痒的很啊。”\n唐源在一边大吃一惊,忍不住就要转身逃跑:我的君大爷、君祖宗,您的胆子怎么这么的肥了,连这位小姑奶奶您也敢调戏?\n莫不是以前没被揍够还是怎么地?\n要说君莫邪所避忌诸人之中,连爷爷君战天也只列次席,概因有这个辣手无情的小姑奶奶长期占据首位!\n这件事情,唐源是知道的无比清楚的。\n可是,接下来发生的一连串的事情,让唐胖子一直到回到了他自己家中还感觉自己是在做梦,没有醒过来。\n听了君莫邪的话,独孤小艺竟然非常意外的没有发怒,反而是俏脸一红,凶巴巴的表情霎时间消失不见,居然羞答答的低下头,含羞带臊的低声道:“真的么?真的比以前更好看么?人家每天都照镜子,怎么不觉得!”\n“啥?!”……唐源呻吟一声,摇摇欲坠——大白天见鬼了啊!\n又或者眼前之人并非是独孤小艺,而是她的孪生姐妹什么的?!\n君莫邪也汗了一下,顿时也觉得有些毛骨悚然,这位小姑奶奶今天是玩得那一出啊!\n点头如鸡啄米:“是的是的,真的真的。”\n“肯定是减肥见成效了,那我回家后继续减肥。”\n独孤小艺雀跃的跳了起来,落下地来这才想起了什么,俏丽的大眼睛一瞪,凶神恶煞地道:“君莫邪!\n你刚才说什么?\n你居然敢吃我豆腐?!\n脑子进水了!\n真真是大胆了你!”\n君莫邪越发觉得这妞今日貌似很有些不正常了,怎么回事啊,一会变个脸,让不让人活了?\n就在这时,独孤小艺怀中一阵蠕动,一个雪白的小脑袋伸了出来,小小的耳朵。\n小小的鼻子,小小的嘴巴,粉红的舌头,一双眼睛湿漉漉的说不出的可爱,四个嫩红的小爪子抓啊抓的,竟然是一只很是迷你型的小动物。\n“玄兽!我的天!”唐源惊叫一声,瞪大了眼睛:“铁翼豹的幼崽!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 96\nWhat a pity! Jun Mo Xie had some regret in his heart. \nAfter the last time, that old fellow had some urgent matters that he had to take care of and had left saying that he wouldn’t return for another six months! If he was here, then his incredible tracking skills would surely have come in handy at this point of time…\nJun Mo Xie looked over at this own guards. Firm and strong, these were the men that Grandpa Jun had himself selected personally. They had varying strengths of at the Gold and Silver Xuan level and could be considered as quite good.\nIn the Tian Xiang Imperial City at least it was sufficient for them to be able to protect Jun Mo Xie against all dangers and threats in broad daylight. \nWhen Jun Mo Xie would need them, they would be there ready to serve!\nBut, Jun Mo Xie knew that it would make no sense to have him command these men to follow and track the movements of those killers.\nEven if these men managed to keep up with them and catch up to them, then only in a very short period of time, all there would be left would be eight corpses! \nAccording to Jun Mo Xie, each of the three men, had a cultivation at the pinnacle of the Gold Xuan realm and in addition to that, they were killers by profession!\nThreat once discovered, it must be wiped out and stopped at its very root! \nTo allow the tiger to grow up and create a disaster would be an extremely foolish thing to do.\nIn any case, there had to be a way to track these back! \nAt least if I cannot get my hands on those Xuan Beast’s tendons, I should at the very least destroy them! After all the consequences of the weapons made out of them is extremely terrible!\nJun Mo Xie with the thought of killing, involuntarily let out his spiritual sense which was filled with awe-inspiring killing intent!\nJust at this time, Jun Mo Xie suddenly felt an enormous spiritual pressure descend upon him cutting off his own spiritual sense.\nThe goal of this pressure of extremely clear, it was Jun Mo Xie himself. Not only that, it was extremely accurate, even Tang Yuan who was at his side was not affected in the slightest manner!\nThis imposing manner was much more formidable than the previous two mysterious characters!\nThis extremely strong spiritual sense gave Jun Mo Xie a real surprise! This mysterious master from the Magnificent Jewel Hall seems to be far stronger than my Grandpa Jun! Is this actually the legendary Divine Xuan level master?!\nJun Mo Xie even managed to slightly guess the reason for this spiritual sense to come out. When those three killers had left the auction hall, he had his spiritual sense spread out wanting to track them down but then he let out a hint of killing intent which led to the change in the fluctuation of his spiritual sense.\nAnd, this little bit of feeble fluctuations, the slightest intention to kill, was immediately spotted by this mysterious master!\nBecause of the special mysterious gas that he had, the experts bellow the Divine Xuan realm simply could not detect his spiritual sense! \nSo, Jun Mo Xie simply used it without a second’s thought and did not expect that this time he would be caught red-handed! The strength of this man hidden in the dark was completely evident and he did not expect for such an expert to be here!\nHowever, the Magnificent Jewel Hall had always been concerned about its auctions and for Jun Mo Xie who had been tracking them, to have been found out is not surprising. \nEspecially considering what kind of an expert this man was with such strong spiritual pressure!\nJun Mo Xie was however sure that this man had only found out his spiritual sense and he couldn’t identify that it had been him! \nThat is because, to identify the spiritual sense, they had to be similar! \nBut, Jun Mo Xie firmly believed that his Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, in this world, was completely unique! \nSo, he is confident that though his killing intent had been exposed, he had not yet exposed his identity!\nBut, at this moment, Jun Mo Xie was clearly feeling a strong oppressive pressure bearing down on him and it was making it difficult for him to hold on. He thought, If I do not fight back, then I’m afraid that my own mind would be greatly affected. But, if I use my soul to fight back, though mine has my magical and mystical effects, his opponent’s was far stronger than his! \nWhat could he do?\nWhile he was hesitating, the strong spiritual sense had already started to oppress his body and cover it completely!\nAt the final moment, deep inside Jun Mo Xie’s consciousness, the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda suddenly started rotating at full speed and at the same time started emitting a multicoloured radiant light and completely covered his soul.\nHe could feel this new type of force slowly ‘meet’ the one that was oppressing him.\nAs the strong spiritual sense came crashing down on him, the light from the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda met with it and it was akin to have a little snowflake falling on a red-hot stove, the pressure was eliminated without a trace!\nIt completely disappeared, not even the slightest trace of shockwaves were left.\nThis ancient treasure, a relic, it was simply amazing with supernatural capabilities! Its blessing was even comparable to the energy of a Divine Xuan realm expert’s!\nI’m afraid even if all the powerful experts in this world came together, yet, for this Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda, to handle them would be an extremely simple and easy matter!\nThe light from the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda slowly rescinded back down. \nDuring this whole period of time, Jun Mo Xie had his eyes completely closed and was concentrating on his consciousness and soul.\nBut, everything that occurred was only understood by Jun Mo Xie. Even the mysterious expert who had been counterattacked would have no clear idea on what had exactly happened!\nWithin the Magnificent Jewel Hall, in an underground chamber, there sat on old man cross legged with his eyes completely closed. He suddenly shook his head and opened his eyes fiercely. One could see and incredible look in his eye and a trace of fear flashed past in his facial expression, Even beads of sweat started to flow down his forehead.\nNo matter what, he was an Divine Xuan realm expert. But, his spiritual sense when it had been oppressing someone, the other person without even the slightest of difficulty, simply and effortlessly resolved it. In comparison, it seemed as if his soul’s power was just a speck of dust when compared to the other person. \nWhat did this show?\n“Peak of Divine Xuan realm! \nOnly a person at the peak of the Divine Xuan realm would be able to receive my spiritual pressure with such ease and would be able to nullify it so quickly and effortlessly. It is the only possible way to explain this situation!” \nThe whitehaired old man was completely stunned and blurted out, “This…how is there such a supreme figure in the Tian Xiang Imperial city?\nIs it that something big is about to happen here?”\n“Jun Mo Xie!” \nA clear and crisp voice sounded from behind abruptly, and Jun Mo Xie turned to look and was surprised to find Dugu Xiaoyi over there. She came over with a savage look plastered over her face and said, “Ah…so you haven’t…ah…!” \nShe was just about to say, ‘you haven’t died’ but couldn’t bring herself to say it. \nThe word ‘died’ itself seemed morbid and she and extreme reluctance to add that word in the same sentence as describing Jun Mo Xie even when it was just in the context of a joke.\n“So, it is Miss Dugu Xiaoyi.” \nJun Mo Xie said smiling and looked up and down at her appearance before saying, “I’m seeing you after many days. Miss Xiaoyi seems to have become all the more beautiful! IT is simply giving me a psychological itch.”\nTang Yuan who was standing on one side was totally taken by surprise! He could not help but turn and stare at Jun Mo Xie: My Ancestor! Jun Mo Xie, how is it that your guts grew so much that you even dare to take liberties with this angry little sister! \nIs it that all the beatings that you received previously are not enough?\nIn Jun Mo Xie’s heart, even his grandpa, his who was a Sky Xuan realm master and an expert at fighting only held a second place in his heart, but his sister-in-law was the one who truly held the most cherished position in his heart. \nThis was something that Tang Yuan knew very clearly.\nHowever, a series of events that happened next, let Fatty Tang to believe that he was yet dreaming and had not woken up yet…\nAfter listening to the words of Jun Mo Xie, Dugu Xiaoyi actually was surprised and not angry, but, also slightly blushed! Her fierce expression completely disappeared and she started blushing and lowered her head while whispering, “Really? Do I really look better than before? I look at myself everyday in the mirror and I do not think so!”\n“What…?!” Tang Yuan let out a groan and felt his mind crumbling down, Ah…hell it is broad daylight! \nIs the person in front of me not Dugu Xiaoyi but, her twin sister or something?!\nJun Mo Xie also started to sweat a bit and suddenly felt a bit creeped out. This sister today, what has gotten into her? \nNodding slowly he said, “Yes, yes! It has dropped. Definitely dropped!”\n“It must be effective then, to lose weight! Then I’ll go home and continue to lose weight!” \nDugu Xiaoyi said excitedly as she was jumping about, and then suddenly stopped as she remembered something adn then started at Jun Mo Xie with those beautiful eyes viciously before saying, “Jun Mo Xie!\nWhat did you say a moment ago?\nYou dare make fun of me slyly?\nYour head has sure got muddled! \nYou’ve really got bold!\nJun Mo Xie was more and more sure that something was wrong with this girl today and she was totally not acting like her usual self!\nJust then, from Dugu Xiaoyi’s bosom, a small snow white head stuck out. \nIt had small eyes, small ears, a small nose and a lovely small pink tongue which it was wagging and completely wet. It also had small little paws which it was flailing about and trying to grasp at something with small nails at its ends. It was a really cute small little animal.\n“A Xuan Beast! Oh My God!” Tang Yuan screamed and then staring at it he said, “An Iron Panther’s cub!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第97章\n铁翼豹,七阶高级玄兽,进入成年期可飞行,四爪足能抓裂铁石,动作敏捷,速度飞快,极通灵性,成年铁翼豹足能匹敌天玄初级高手而有余!\n颠峰实力的铁翼豹足以匹敌一般的八阶玄兽,而这样的高级玄兽的幼崽更是难觅难求,万万想不到独孤小艺竟然拥有一头。\n不过看这小小的一尺多长的身子,很明显是刚出生不久的铁翼豹幼崽!\n独孤家族真是好大手笔,竟然能够弄得来这么可遇而不可求的东西给女儿当宠物!\n而现在,这只小小的铁翼豹幼崽正努力地从独孤小艺怀里往外爬。\n一双黑漆漆的眼珠看着君莫邪,竟然是一股渴望之意!\n“乖乖小白白,不要乱动。姐姐一会喂你吃好东西。”\n独孤小艺大感奇怪,自从三天前父亲好不容易弄来这小东西,自己一看就喜欢上了;而且由于刚出生就离开了母体的关系,小豹子身体比较虚弱,也不怎么爱动,一向只在自己怀里窝着,今大怎么反应这么剧烈的想要出来呢?\n“原来他叫小白白啊。”\n君莫邪只看了一眼,笑了笑,夸了一句,道:“真是个可爱的小家伙。”\n君莫邪一向对这些野兽类的无爱,嘴上随意敷衍了一句,就想转身离开,毕竟还要设法追踪那些来历神秘的杀手呢。\n见他转身,那小小的铁翼豹突兀地“吱、吱”的叫了起来,焦急不堪的奋力从独孤小艺怀中向外挣扎,四只粉嫩的小爪子努力的抓挠,看它努力的方向,竟然就是君莫邪君大少爷。\n“这小家伙好像很喜欢你。”\n杜孤小艺瞪着圆圆的大眼晴,有些震惊。\n自从自己得到这个铁翼豹幼崽,自己吃喝睡都带着这小东西,也没见它对自己有多亲热,今日第一次见到君莫邪,怎么竟是这般反映?\n真是奇哉怪也!\n“可是我并不喜欢它啊。”\n君莫邪皱了皱眉,斜着眼晴看了看这只所谓的“七阶高级玄兽”,惋惜地摇了摇头,可惜,这小玩意实在太小了,若是能再大一倍的话才勉强能够炖一锅啊。\n独孤小艺哼了一声,对君莫邪的说话颇为不喜,犹豫了一会,见到自己的小白白知此的渴望,终于还是不忍心,抱着小小的身体走到君莫邪面前,求道:“小白白这么喜欢你,你抱它一会吧,你把小白白哄开心,我就原谅你刚才吃我豆腐的事。”\n隔得君莫邪越近,那小小的铁翼豹幼崽神情更显振奋,口中“呜呜”地叫着,向着君莫邪伸出了嫩嫩的爪子,就像婴儿伸出小手渴望着大人抱他一抱一般,眼神中满是渴望和欣喜。\n犹豫了一下,君莫邪心中叹了口气。\n被这么一打岔,再想要追踪到哪几个杀手的可能己经是一点也没有了,无奈地伸手接了过来。\n小豹子一到他怀里,顿时惬意的舒了舒手脚,像是伸了个懒腰一般,极为贪婪地呼吸了几口君莫邪身上的气味,粉红的小嘴中发出惬意至极的哼哼声音,毛茸茸的小脑袋在君莫邪怀中拱了拱,舒舒服服的枕在他胸前,居然就要入睡了,看它这样子,竟然好像是做好了长期安居乐业的打算。\n独孤小艺在一边看得一双俏丽的大眼晴发了直!\n这,这,这是怎么回事?\n这小东西虽然小,但自从到了独孤世家交给独孤小艺以来,似乎它也知道了独孤小艺就是自己以后的主人,虽然还未请驯兽师来进行正式认主,但它己经不排斥自己了。\n而相反的,对独孤小艺之外的任何人,都是从不假以任何辞色的,就算是抱着它回来的独孤无敌也不例外。\n今日怎么对初次见面的君莫邪这么亲近?\n这也太反常了吧!\n其实君大少爷也是百思不得其解,更觉得这事实在是有些玄异,有些无奈地看了看这个准备在自己身上久居的小家伙,苦笑道:“这就是一旦认主就会终生不变的玄兽?\n还是七阶顶峰的高级货色?\n怎么比一般的小狗还容易拐骗?\n传言不可信啊!”\n君莫邪这家伙太可恶了!\n人家都不介意他吃豆腐的事了,他竟还让自己下不来台!可恶啊!\n可是……\n更加难以相信的事情出现了:小家伙见独孤小艺似是要来抱自己离开,居然猛地睁大了眼晴,眼晴中满是敌意,口中“呜呜”连声,凶恶的张开还没有长出牙齿的嘴巴威吓,同时嫩嫩的小爪子死死的抓住君莫邪的衣襟,居然死活不肯离开这个初次见面的陌生人的怀抱。\n独孤小艺抱住它的身体,一拉居然没有拉动。\n四只小爪子就像固定在君莫邪的身上一般,身体被扯了出去,爪子兀自紧紧抓着君莫邪的衣襟不放,口中更是吱吱大叫,无比的不情愿。\n独孤小艺挠了挠头,震惊的看着君莫邪,突然冒出了一句话:“君莫邪,难道你是它妈妈啊?”\n君莫邪顿时满头满脸的黑线!\n这叫什么混账话?\n我要是它妈妈?\n那我岂不是也成了畜生?\n莫说孤独小艺和唐源不知道发生什么事,就连君莫邪自己也是莫名其妙;其实君大少爷身怀的鸿钧塔,那最纯正的天地灵气早已将他的身体改造得大不正常了,再加上开天造地功的神妙效果,君莫邪的身上,简直比唐僧肉,充满了天地间最为精髓的灵气。\n而这些纯正到极点的天地灵气,普通人和一般级别的玄兽是感受不到的,但对这些高阶玄兽来说,却是它们成长最最最需要的东西!\n尤其对这些年幼高阶玄兽来说,更是最为无法抵挡的致命诱惑!\n费了好大的劲儿才将小家伙从自己身上摘了下来,衣服居然被扯了两个大窟窿。\n君莫邪不理他急得吱吱叫的焦急,刷的扔在了孤独小艺怀里。\n“还给你。千万抱好了。”\n孤独小艺急忙小心翼翼地接住,嗔怪地瞪了他一眼:“你就不能温柔点?摔到了怎么办?”\n小家伙被独孤小艺抱在怀里,急得吱吱叫着,样命挣扎,一个劲地向着君莫邪这边凑合,眼中居然湿漉漉的似乎有泪,甚是幽怨的样子。\n独孤小艺看得心中一软,就要再次送过来。\n君莫邪吓了一跳,一跳闪开,远远地站着,狼狈地道:“不早了,我先走了。”\n转身落荒而去。\n独孤小艺恨恨地跺了跺脚,嘟囔了两句,突然对着怀中的小豹子嗔怪道:“都怪你,怎么这么没出息,他是你妈还是你爸啊!”\n小豹子睁着大眼晴无辜地看着她,突然垂下头去,很是失落似的看着君莫邪离去,口中低低“呜呜”两声,无精打采地靠在她怀里,一点劲头也没有了。\n“好了好了,顶多过几天我带你去找他玩好了。”独孤小艺道。\n小豹子距离通灵地程度还远得很,自然听不懂她在说什么,更没有任何反应,反而是独孤小艺自己,说出了这向话后。\n突然自己心里反而感到一喜,接着又是一阵难为情,自己也弄不清楚这是为什么?\n“咦?灵梦公主呢?她明明跟我一起出来的,怎么突然就不见了?”\n独孤小艺这才发现,自己的姐妹居然不见了,不由皱起黛眉,大为诧异,抱怨了两声:走也不告诉我一声,真是……太过分!\n君莫邪带着侍卫,告别了唐源,向君府的方向而去。\n拐过路口,却发现前面静静地停着一顶轿子。\n周围数十名侍卫严密保护,比上次的阵容可强大得多了。\n轿子前面站着一个孤傲,寂寞,甚至有些凄凉的身影:夜孤寒!\n灵梦公主竟然在这里等着他!\n“原来是灵梦公主殿下亲临?当真人生何处不相逢,我们又见面真是有缘啊。”\n君莫邪诧异的挑了挑眉毛,他一说话,夜孤寒冷电般的目光就直射了过去,听着他油腔滑调的说辞,不由得皱了皱眉头。\n“君莫邪,我找你还有正经事。”\n灵梦公主缓缓从轿子里出来,脸色冰冷,修长的眉毛又些厌恶的轻轻皱着,一脸拒人千里之外的寒冷。\n你找我有正经事?\n难道还有甚不正经的事吗?\n有求于人,当礼下以求,居然还摆出这种脸色给我看?\n君莫邪心中诽谤,脸上却是一副大喜过望的样子:“有缘千里来相会,公主有事尽管吩咐,不管是不是正经事,我都一定尽力而为……\n啊!难道是公主终于对我的一片痴心起了回应,要找我做驸马爷了嘛?\n真是天可怜见,天从人愿,天意弄人……”\n一连串的胡说八道脱口而出!\n夜孤寒重重的一哼,目中杀机四射,喝道:“大胆!竟敢胡言乱语,当真放肆!”\n“大胆!竟敢胡言乱语,当真放肆!”\n君莫邪不甘示弱的猛喝回去:“你是什么东西?本少爷在这里跟公主说正经事,这里到你这无名小卒插话的余地?”\n君莫邪当然不会不认得夜孤寒,那天给君莫邪印象最深的,就是这个夜孤寒。\n不过却不是因为他高绝的武功,而是因为夜孤寒临了居然还称赞那个自杀的杀手首领的那一句话:好汉子!\n这个迂腐到了极点的评价,让君莫邪对这位这个世界的同行很是齿冷,自然印象深刻的很,也鄙视的很。\n夜孤寒目光一凝,定在君大少爷身上,四周气氛瞬息之间变得异常凝重起来,一股子凄凉萧瑟的氛围突然升起,这正是夜孤寒即将暴怒杀人的前奏!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 97\nIron Winged Panther, a high grade Xuan Beast with the potential to reach rank 7 upon reaching adulthood! It could crush iron with its legs, had an excellent movement speed and had an extremely high level of intelligence! A fully grown Iron Winged Panther had enough strength to be a worthy opponent to a Sky Xuan realm expert. This Iron Winged Panther was a high level beast which had a formidable strength was enough to rival a normal rank 8 Xuan Beast! \nSuch a high levelled Xuan Beast’s cub was really hard to find and Jun Mo Xie never thought that Dugu Xiaoyi would actually be in possession of one.\nBut, looking at its barely a foot long body, it was obvious that it was a new born cub of an Iron Winged Panther! \nThe Dugu family was really a big and strong family! To have such a scarce thing being given out as a pet to their beloved daughter! \nAnd now, this little Iron Winged Panther cub was trying to climb out of Dugu Xiaoyi’s arms and was struggling to get out. \nA pair of dark eyes looked at Jun Mo Xie, unexpectedly with the look of desire!\n“Be good Little White, do not struggle. Sister here will feed you great food…” \nDugu Xiaoyi was greatly surprised. This little thing was obtained by her father through great efforts, three days ago. However, because of being separated from its mother, the Panther simply just grew weaker. It did not love and always simply rested in her arms without so much as moving about. But, how did it have such a huge reaction suddenly to the point of wanting to leave the comfort of her arms?\n“So, he is called Little White eh?” \nJun Mo Xie took one look, smiled and the praised, “What a cute little guy” \nJun Mo Xie did not particularly love this little beast. The words spoken from his mouth were simply to maintain pretences and lacked complete interest. What he wanted to do was to find the whereabouts of those there mysterious killers and their base of operations and hideout.\nAs he turned to see, that little Iron Winged Panther abruptly started to shout, “grr…grr..”, it was extremely anxious and struggling unbearably. It kept trying to break free from Dugu Xiaoyi’s hold, struggling outward, its four pink paws scratching with all its effort to reach out in the direction of Jun Mo Xie, the Jun Family’s Young Master!\nThis little guys seems to like you.” \nDugu Xiaoyi stood there staring with her big round eyes a little shocked. \nSince they received this little Iron Winged Panther cub, all it did was to eat and drink itself to sleep and she had not seen it behave in an affectionate manner with anyone! Today, it was the first time that it had met Jun Mo Xie, how was it so affectionate? \nIt was strange indeed!\n“But I do not like it ah…” \nJun Mo Xie frowned and squinted and partly looked at the so-called ‘Rank 7 High Levelled Xuan Beast’, but unfortunately shook his head. But unfortunately, this little one is too small. Even if its size doubled, it would be barely enough to stew only a single pot! Ah…!\nDugu Xiaoyi snorted, the way Jun Mo Xie was speaking was something that she did not quite like. She hesitated for a moment, only to see that this Little White had an extreme desire to go to him. Finally she couldn’t bear it and holding the tiny body of the cub she went before Jun Mo Xie and begged, “Well, Little White really likes you. You hold it for a while now and coax it to make it happy. In return, I’ll forgive you about you commenting on my weight previously…”\nAs the separation between Jun Mo Xie and the cub became lesser, that little Iron Winged Panther cub looked even more excited and its mouth completely open, it was ‘whining’ with happiness. It held out its soft and tender paws towards Jun Mo Xie like how a baby would hold out its arms for an adult to pick it up. Its eyes held a complete look of longing and joy.\nHesitating for a moment, Jun Mo Xie sighed in his heart. \nWith such an interruption, he wouldn’t be able to track the three killers but there was no way out of this. He reluctantly stretched out his hand and took the cub over.\nAs the Panther got into Jun Mo Xie’s arm, it gave out a very satisfied expression and stretched its legs like a king and stared around sleepily. It greedily took a few breaths of the air around Jun Mo Xie and issued and extremely satisfied growl with its pink tongue showing! It snuggled it head along Jun Mo Xie’s arm and acted as if his chest was a lovely pillow and actually went straight to sleep. Looking at its behaviour here, it seemed to have made a long term plan to live over here.\nDugu Xiaoyi who was on the side stared at Jun Mo Xie wide-eyed with her big pretty eyes! \nThis…this…how is this possible? \nLittle white, though small, when taken by the Dugu Family, it was handed over to me and had almost recognised me as its master.\neven though its specific trainer had not been recognised. Hence, it had not even bothered to give a second glance to others and Dugu Xiaoyi was the only one it would be ready to be with without any exception.\nHow is it that it meet Jun Mo Xie for the first time today and yet is so close? \nThis is simply too weird, right?!\nIn fact, even Jun Mo Xie found this matter to be extremely puzzling and thought that there was more to this matter than that met the eye. However, he looked helpless at the little guy who had surely made his long term plan to stay at this new new home that he had found and then said smilingly, “Isn’t it that a Xuan Beast will recognise only one master during its life time and would be incomparably faithful?\nA rank 7 high levelled Xuan Beast?\nHow can it be comparable to a common household puppy that is so easy to abduct?\nImplausible rumours ah…!”\nJun Mo Xie, this guy is simply outrageous! \nI do not mind about the earlier fat thing, but, he want as far as to make me feel ashamed to leave! Spiteful! Ah!\nBut…\nAn even more unbelievable thing happened: the little guy seeing Dugu Xiaoyi stretch her arms to pick him up, actually suddenly stared at her, his eyes full of hostility, the mouth growling repeatedly. Even though it had not grown many teeth, it opened its mouth and showed a ferocious expression trying to intimidate her, while his tender little paws tightly grasped on to Jun Mo Xie’s short and actually refused to leave the stranger that it had met of the first time!\nDugu Xiaoyi cringed onto its body and tried to pull it away. \nLittle White’s four little paws were tightly fixed on to Jun Mo Xie’s body. Even his clothes tore a bit but it was holding on to him and shouting out loudly as it was being parted away from Jun Mo Xie, one could easily see its extreme reluctance.\nDugu Xiaoyi scratched her her and looked shocked at Jun Mo Xie when suddenly a sentence came to her head which she involuntarily blurted out, “Jun Mo Xie, are you his mom…eh?\nJun Mo Xie suddenly started sweating, his forehead covered with black lines!\nWhat kind of a darn sentence is this? \nI’m its mom?\nWould I not be a beast then?\nNot to mention Dugu Xiaoyi and Tang Yuan who did not know what happened, even Jun Mo Xie himself wasn’t exactly sure, in fact the point was that, Jun Mo Xie was the master of the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda, and the Qi that had transformed his body was not exactly of the normal kind, coupled with the fact that he was practicing the Art of Unlocking Heavens Fortune which had marvellous effects, Jun Mo Xie’s body was far better than what anyone could imagine, and between heaven and earth, it was filled with the purest essence of Qi.\nThese pure worldly Qi, for ordinary people and Xuan Beasts, it would generally go unnoticed, but for these High Levelled Xuan Beasts, it was one of the most important things that they needed the most to grow! \nEspecially for this young high-end Xuan Beast, it would be the most fatal irresistible temptation!\nAfter the great when the little guy was finally picked off from Jun Mo Xie, in his torn clothes, there actually was a big hole!\nJun Mo Xie simply ignored the little guy’s anxious growling, and brushed his clothes off before throwing it into Dugu Xiaoyi’s arms. \n“Here it is, back to you, just to hold him properly.”\nDugu Xiaoyi hurried to catch it carefully and then rebuked him angrily, “Can you not handle him gently? What are you going to if he falls down?”\nDugu Xiaoyi held the little guy in her arms, while he was squeaking with anxiety and was struggling to get out of her grasp like his life was one the line. He kept looking towards Jun Mo Xie and even managed to improvise, his eyes actually became wet and tears seemed to roll out of his eyes. He even gave a look filled with resentment to Dugu Xiaoyi. \nDugu Xiaoyi seeing this, her heart softened a bit and she felt that it was necessary to send the little guy over for some time again.\nJun Mo Xie was shocked at seeing this, he hopped out of the way and stood far off, and embarrassedly said, “I’m getting late. I shall leave first.”\nHe then shamelessly turned away.\nDugu Xiaoyi bitterly stamped her foot down and muttered a few words in anger. She suddenly turned to face the little guy in her arms before rebuking him, “I blame you! How are you so good for nothing, acting as if he is your mom or dad!”\nThe Iron Winged Panther opened its eyes and looked with an innocent face at her. He suddenly hung his head down and looked as if it faced a bug loss as Jun Mo Xie left. Its mouth issued a whining sound as it rubbed itself listlessly against her arms, and the little happiness that he had shown was completely gone.\n“Well, well, at most only a few days and I’ll take you to him to play” Dugu Xiaoyi finally said this to cajole the little cub. \nThe little cub’s development was still far from having the ability to understand human tongue and could naturally not understand what she was saying. Hence there was absolutely no response from it. But, Dugu Xiaoyi herself, as she uttered these words, she was thinking to herself. \nBut, at this, her heart was suddenly feeling a hint of joy, then there was another burst of embarrassment and was not sure why that happened!\n“Huh? Princess Ling Meng? She obviously came out together with me, how did she suddenly disappear?” \nDugu Xiaoyi found that her sister had actually gone somewhere. She wrinkled her nose and was greatly surprised as she complained, Not letting me know and go, really…this is too much!\nJun Mo Xie with his guards, bid farewell to Tang Yuan and proceeded to walk away in the direction of the King’s house. \nHe turned at the intersection but found himself to be facing a big sedan chair which was parked quietly over there. \nIt was surrounded by numerous strong figures and was much powerful than the previous lineup. \nStanding in the front of all this was a lonely desolate figure, Ye Gu Han!\nPrincess Ling Meng was here, waiting for him!\n“So, it is Ling Meng, Her Royal Highness in person? Even when we do not want to meet, it seems that were are predestined to meet in this life.” \nJun Mo Xie was surprised and raised his eyebrows as he said these words. Listening to his glib rhetoric words, she could not help but frown.\n“Jun Mo Xie, I actually came to find you for something serious.” \nPrincess Ling Meng slowly came out of the the sedan chair. Her face was cold, and her slender eyebrows raised in disgust, and refused to look in a thousand miles radius of this despicable fellow.\nI found you for something serious?\nYou even find me for something worthless?\nYou actually have the face to see me in this fashion and ask for something? \nJun Mo Xie was sneering and enraged in his heart, but he put on a smiling face before saying, “Ah…although the princess told it is a serious thing, even if it wasn’t, I will do my best……\nAh…is it that the Princess finally is going begin responding to my infatuation and going to ask me to be my consort?\nReally, it seems that the heaven pities me and grants me things that I’d want, God is really great…” \nhe blurted out a string of nonsense!\nYe Gu Han’s voice filled with killing intent sounded, “Bold! You dare utter such nonsense! Really presumptuous!”\n“Bold, daring and presumptuous!”\nJun Mo Xie shouted back, “How dare you interrupt when this Young Master is talking with this Princess when she told that she has serious business that needs to be spoken, who are you to butt in?”\nJun Mo Xie of course did not put Ye Gu Han in his eyes. He had not left much of an impression on him. \nIt was not because of anything else, but because of how he had praised that killer with the words, “Real Man” on that particular day. \nJun Mo Xie felt to use such words to describe that man was a useless thing and felt nothing but despise towards Ye Gu Han.\nListening to Jun Mo Xie talk like this in a seemingly dignified manner, Ye Gu Han was about to burst into flames of fury and was about to go on a rampage and kill this brat!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第98章\n君莫邪虽然不知道这几个杀手为什么会到了这里,但对方既然停下脚步,显然是已经发现了灵梦公主的车队,这是毋庸置疑的事情。\n之所以停下脚步,只怕是因为感受到了夜孤寒这位天玄高手那强大的气势而不敢轻举妄动吧。\n你们现在这等着,我跟公主有正经事要做。\n君莫邪一脸严肃的对随从的几位侍卫说道:“我和公主要谈情说爱,说些私话,你们就不要在一边打扰我们做正经事了。”\n听到这句实在有些恬不知耻的话,侍卫头领张口结舌的看了他一会,才终于低头答应道:“是,少爷。”\n短短的三个字,居然几乎结巴了三次。\n心中在暗暗腹诽:您和公主谈请说爱?\n少爷您的脸皮真不是一般的厚啊!\n看公主殿下那样子,光把脸上的冰霜刮下来也能冻死你!\n只怕是您去受虐不想让我们看到丢脸才是真的。\n我们又不闲的蛋疼,哪里有兴趣在这种时候跟着你?\n正经事?\n你敢说你自打出生到现在,做过几件正经事呢!?\n君莫邪跟着灵梦公主走过去,在他的思感中,能明显地感觉到自己三人每走一步,对面街口处的三位杀手便要跟着退一步,等到转过街口,那三人已经这在几十丈外的另一路口之处了。\n不过看来这条路是他们的必经之路或者是其他原因,居然直到现在仍然没有离去。\n而这些,夜孤寒显然也已经觉察到了,他嘴角噙着冷笑,他虽然感觉不到对方乃是杀手,但从对方波动的精神力看来,明显也是高级玄者这却是不用怀疑的事实。\n心中虽然并未将这三人看得多重,但右手已经轻轻接在了剑柄上,只要对方稍有异动,夜孤寒便会在第一时间将这三个人全部灭杀!\n事关灵梦公主的安全,夜孤寒决不允许自己出现任何闪失!\n天玄级强者在这天香城之中,还是能够如此横冲直撞全无顾忌的。\n“君莫邪,本宫要告诫你一件事情。”\n灵梦公主终于停下脚步,俏生生地站在拐角处,柳眉微蹙,似乎在组织言辞,颇有几分难以开口的意思。\n“公主殿下请讲当面,我洗耳恭听就是。”\n君莫邪背脊靠在墙上,曲起一条腿,脚底撑在背后的墙面上两手臂一高一低,软塌塌的垂下,脑袋一歪,看着灵梦公主,一副吊儿郎当轻浮浪荡的懒散样子。\n夜孤寒看他这不堪的样子,活像是一个街头流浪汉,不由地鄙夷的哼了一声,转过头去,宁可不看他这种不堪入目的丑态。\n心中感叹君战天一世英雄,唯一的继承人居然是这么一个怂货!\n真是可悲亦复可叹!\n看来君家的败落,已经是板上钉钉的事情了吖。\n可惜了这满门忠烈的名声!\n君莫邪同样心中鄙夷的哼了一声:别看你小子是天玄高手,跟哥哥我相比,你还真是太嫩了啊,居然欠缺起码的警惕性。\n少爷这样子看起来虽然有些像流氓又有些像狗撒尿,但撑在背后墙壁上的这只脚,却随时能够让我做出一切的反应及后续变化,只需稍一用力,无论是前后左右升空跃低,我都是确保自身进退自如。\n两只手一高一低,正有利于我在任何情况下保持平衡!\n只要有我这只脚还在墙上借力,就算是至尊神玄在我面前想要杀我,我也能够在第一时间里逃出去!\n可再看看你,还天玄高手呢,知不知道就刚才那一转身的空挡,若是本少爷有心取走灵梦这丫头的性命,那一瞬间就已经足够宰她三次了!\n自大的白痴!\n还有这样做保镖的,还觉得自己灰常的尽职尽责——真真地可悲亦复可笑!\n“莫邪公子,独孤小姐乃是我最要好的好姐妹,所以……”\n灵梦公主顿了顿,咬了下嘴唇,有些为难,但为了独孤小艺终身幸福不要毁在面前这个轻浮浪荡子身上着想,终于还是一鼓作气的说了下去:“……所以,我不希望你以后跟小艺再……接触的过多,你……明白我的意思?”\n“本公子不是很明白。”\n君莫邪很干脆地摇头:“公主殿下有大学问,本少这个纨绔子弟却是没有的。\n公主说的话如此的云里雾里、莫测高深,本少才疏学浅还真就不能领会,不如公主殿下把话四四六六的说清楚,不是更好!”\n君莫邪这说的倒真是实话,并没有装傻充愣的意思,若是原本的君莫邪,恐怕马上就听了出来。\n但是现在的他,以他前世那无比迟钝的情商,到现在他连独孤小艺对自己有好感都没有看出来,还在心中一个劲的惆怅着,怎么才能避开那随时变脸的刁蛮女呢,能听的出来灵梦公主如此隐讳的话那才叫见鬼!\n“莫邪公子,一味的装傻就没意思了,你真的不明白本宫的话吗?\n公主皱了皱眉,心中很是动怒:“不管你明不明白,但是小艺却决计不是你可以配得起的。\n今日我索性将这句话跟你说明白了,以后不要纠缠小艺,免得自讨没趣!”\n“哈哈……”君莫邪大笑一声,斜着眼睛问道:“公主殿下未免管的太宽了吧?难道你是她妈?!”\n突然“哦”了一声,一脸的恍然大悟,颤抖着肩膀怪笑起来:“原来你是在吃醋,哇哈哈……\n“你!下流……”灵梦公主顿时气得娇躯发抖,嘴唇都哆嗦了起来。\n君莫邪上一句话对一个未出阁的大姑娘来说,简直是最恶毒的讽刺,更不要说对方还是公主殿下!\n“妞,拜托请你先搞搞清楚!\n究竟现在是谁在纠缠谁?\n明白?他妈的只有调查过真相,才有发言权,懂?\n堂堂一国公主,连这么点浅显的道理都不明白!\n怪不得别人都说胸大无脑,虽然你的胸并不大!”\n说着君莫邪虚虚伸着手掌,带着色色的邪笑,似乎凭空感觉了一下,咂了咂嘴,有点惋惜:“荷包蛋一样的居然也无脑?你咋回事?”\n君莫邪可不管你是什么公主不公主的身份,什么皇室、公主,在他桀骜不驯的心里,跟一般大户人家的女儿也没啥两样,更不要说灵梦公主现在的要求早已激起了他的反感!\n我惆怅不能避开小丫头是我的事,可是你让我主动避开小丫头却是在指派我做事,这绝对是性质截然不同的两件事,也正是君大少爷最反感的事,所以君大少此刻的心中可是相当的不爽。\n要不是顾忌一边的夜大杀手,估计早就搞灵梦公主几下了!\n老子该怎么做事,还要你一个丫头片子来唧唧歪歪?\n老子什么都会做,就是不会怜香惜玉!\n灵梦公主深深地吸了口气,两眼寒冷刺骨:“君莫邪,你若是一意孤行,勿怪我将此事告诉独孤无敌大将军,到时候会有什么后果,你心中应该比我清楚吧?\n彼时,就算是君老公爷也护你不得,大家可就都不好看了儿!”\n“您可吓死我了!我好怕!”\n君莫邪一脸的恐惧,拍着胸口,声音颤抖,动作也甚是夸张:“心中怦怦跳呀怦怦跳……”\n突然神色又是一变,道:“您快去告诉他吧,万一要是晚了,嘿嘿,你知道,男人在某些方面都是很冲动的,老爷们又不是大姑娘,要那么好看干什么,您快点去吧,我这里感谢公主殿下了!哈哈……\n君莫邪肆无忌惮地道。\n心中暗想,老子拜托你快点去吧,最好你让独孤小艺那妞被他老子永久性禁了足,别再来找老子的麻烦,那我可真的要感激你了。\n“好,好,好!君莫邪,言出如风,你到时候可不要后悔!”\n灵梦公主起得娇躯直颤,俏脸都发了白,自己好心好意提醒,一时为了独孤小艺着想,另一方面,却也是为了君莫邪好。\n万一真搞出事来,独孤家族可是真个不怕君战天的,别人或许不敢。\n若是君莫邪真的做出了什么不可原谅的事情,独孤无敌将君莫邪抓过去一刀咔嚓了这种事情可是完全做得出来的。\n若是那样的话,君家和独孤家族必须结成死仇。\n两大军事集团一旦开战,整个大香国就要灰飞烟灭了。\n两人话不投机,不欢而散。\n分手的时候,两个人都是不约而同的一脸冷笑。\n君莫邪册了侧脑袋,嘟囔道:“真是吃饱了撑的,无聊的人到处都是,又不是我老婆,居然管的着我泡妞?\n真是狗咬耗子多管闲事!”\n灵梦公主的肺都要气炸了,死死地瞪着她那双美丽的大眼睛,高耸的胸口剧烈的起伏着,真真险些被他气得吐血,一句话也不想再说,转身就走。\n一路走一路狠狠的跺着小脚,咚咚有声,似乎要将脚下的大地跺穿了。\n若是再在这里多呆一会,天知道会不会被他气死或者气疯!\n真是难以理解,这样的卑鄙无耻龌龊肮脏下流混蛋下三滥下九流的恶心东西,独孤小艺怎么会被迷了心窍,居然对他动了情心?!\n夜孤寒铁青着脸,一飘身子,来到君莫邪面前,冷冷道:“似你这等垃圾,我本来不屑动手,不过你实在太过于可恶,今天我便代君老公爷教训教训你!\n也让你知道一下不是什么人都可以为你戏弄的!”\n他在一边看着听着,早已经忍无可忍,能忍到现在才出手,已经算是非常有修养了。\n君莫邪一撇嘴,冷笑道:“呸,你算是个什么玩意?居然一张嘴就能够代表一国重臣、帝国大公爵?真是可笑的很!”\n心中无限鄙视,对这种在出手之前还要说上一大箩筐的话的人,君莫邪心中早已定义为白痴!\n尤其还是一个杀手类型的人物,那就更加的不可原谅了!\n夜孤寒顿时双眼圆睁,气得眼珠子都发了蓝,高高的举起了手掌,就要猛地落下去!\n总算体会到了灵梦公主刚才的心情,这小子实在是太欠揍了!\n“天玄高手打人啦!\n天玄高手夜孤寒欺负人啦!\n快来人啊,快来人看看天玄高手痛殴一个手无缚鸡之力的普通人的绝世风采啊,真是令人倾倒万分啊,救命啊……”\n夜孤寒手掌还没有落下去,君莫邪不想暴露自己,却也不想吃亏,本着好汉不吃眼前亏的原则,已经放声呼喊起来,声音嘹亮之极,用词也是犀利已极。\n夜孤寒惨白了十几年从来就没变过的脸色,瞬间涨的通红。一半是气的,一半是涨的。\n太无耻了!忒无耻了!人居然能无耻到这种地步,简直就是令人发指!\n“你……”夜孤寒举起的手变成了指着君莫邪,手指头气得发抖,这对一位天玄高手来说,简直是不可想象的事情!\n憋了半天,夜孤寒居然出了一句在君莫邪的前世非常经典的一句话:“做人不能无耻到这种地步!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 98\nAlthough Jun Mo Xie does not know why these killers ended up here, it’s clear that the other party had not moved a step after discovering Princess Ling Meng’s entourage. There is no doubt about it. \nThe reason they paused was because they detected Ye Gu Han’s formidable Sky Xuan presence and so did not dare to act rashly.\n“You wait here first. The princess and I have important matters to discuss.”\nJun Mo Xie explained while looking at his bodyguards with a serious face. “The princess and I still have to exchange caresses and whisper some affectionate words. Don’t disturb our serious business.”\nHearing these truly shameless words, the leader of the bodyguards was gaping and speechless while he stared at him. Eventually, he bows his head in consent. “Y-Yes, young master.” \nJust three short words had almost caused him to stutter three times.\nThe leader was secretly cursing in his heart. You caressing and whispering sweet love with the princess? \nYoung master, you truly are thick skinned! \nLook at how the royal princess is glaring at you with those chilling eyes as if she want to freeze you to death! \nI’m afraid the truth is that you are going to suffer masochistic abuse but don’t want us to witness your humiliation. \nWe also have better things to do so why would we even want to follow you this time? \nSomething serious? \nDo you dare to say that you have done even one serious thing since you born up until now!?\nJun Mo Xie walked forward with Princess Ling Ming. In his mind, he sensed that just as his retinue of bodyguards moved forward, the three assassins across the street had begun to move as well. By the time Jun Mo Xie had turned the street corner, the three assassins had already proceeded a few dozen zhangs down the street. \nBut it seems that this just so happen to be their destination since it didn’t appear as if they had any intention of leaving.\nBy now, Ye Gu Han had already detected their presence as well, and he held in a frown. Although he was not aware that the other party were assassins, it is apparent from the spiritual power fluctuations that the other party had a high level of Xuan cultivation. \nEven though he doesn’t know their intentions, he had already placed his right hand upon his sword hilt. If they have any sudden movements, Ye Gu Han will immediately exterminate these three men!\nConcerning the safety of Princess Ling Ming, Ye Gu Han will never allow any accident to happen!\nA Sky Xuan level existence can act with impunity in a place like Tianxiang City.\n“Jun Mo Xie, I have a warning for you.” \nPrincess Ling Ming’s charming figure finally came to a stopped. She knitted her brows, apparently organizing her thoughts as she seems to have a bit of a difficulty broaching this subject.\n“Royal Princess please speak frankly. I’m all ears.” \nJun Mu Xie’s back has moved against the wall, with one leg bent such that his feet prop up against the wall. After raising one arm, lowering the other, and then tilting his head, he gazed at Princess Ling Ming. A truly a sloppy, frivolous, indecent and despicable appearance.\nYe Gu Han could not stand looking at him like this, the spitting image of a street bum, and snorted before turning away. He would rather not look at this eyesore’s shameful display. \nIn his heart, he pitied Jun Zhan Tian, a hero of a generation, for having such a good for nothing as his sole heir! \nTruly regrettable! \nIt seems that the Jun Family’s decline is already a matter of certainty. \nHow unfortunate for a family that has sacrificed so much for their country!\nJun Mo Xie gave the same snort of despise in his heart. You’re supposed to be a Sky Xuan expert, but compare to with me, your big brother, you are too inexperienced actually to be lacking even the minimum level of vigilance.\nEven though this young master appearance resembled a street bum or a dog taking a piss, but this leg being propped up against the wall can let me react appropriately to sudden changes and push off at any time. With the slightest exertion, no matter from which direction, from the sky or down below, I can still secure a path of retreat for myself.\nWith each arm raised and lowered, it is a lot easier to maintain my balance which would be advantageous under any circumstance!\nEven if a Supreme Divine Xuan expert were to appear in front of me right now and wanted to kill me, I’m confident I can still escape so long as I can push off against the wall with my leg! \nBut look at you, a Sky Xuan expert who did not understand that form followed function and turned away earlier. If this young master had the mind to take the life of this daydreaming little girl, that split second would have been more than enough to kill her three times over! \nWhat a moron! \nAnd to think this bodyguard believe that he’s responsible and dilegent—truly tragic and laughable!\n“Jun Mo Xie, Lady Dugu is my closest and best friend, and so…” \nPrincess Ling Ming paused and bit her lips, feeling a little embarrassed. But the thought that Dugu Xiao Yi’s lifelong happiness was currently in the hands of this frivolous debauchee in front of her, she gained her resolve and blurted out in one breath. “…And so, I don’t want you to harass Xiao Yi again in the future…too much flirting, you…understand what I mean?”\n“Jun Mo Xie does not understand.” \nJun Mo Xie shook his head as if startled and started sweating profusely. “This lowly debauchee does not have your royal princess’ profound knowledge.\nThe words princess spoke is too difficult to understand. Forgive this one’s ignorance. Might I suggest your royal princess make your words as clear and direct as possible?”\nJun Mo Xie was speaking the truth and was not just playing dumb. If he were the original Jun Mo Xie, he would have immediately understood. \nBut having never been in a relationship in his previous life, he had not realized Dugu Xiao Yi’s feelings for him until now. He had already been in a chronic state of depression as it is from having to constantly avoid that bipolar and unruly female. Hearing what Princess Ling Ming said about this taboo subject was like hearing news from hell!\n“Jun Mo Xie! There’s no point in acting stupid. Do you really not understand what I’m saying?!”\nPrincess Ling Ming frowned and felt annoyed in her heart. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t get it, but you are not good enough for Xiao Yi.\nAll I want today is for you to promise never to bother Xiao Yi again so as not to invite trouble!”\n“Haha!” Jun Mo Xie laughed out once before narrowing his eyes and ask, “Isn’t your royal princess stepping out of line? Are you her mother?!”\nThen with an “Oh” sound, his face lit up as if in sudden realization before a strange smile emerged. “So you were jealous! Wahaha!”\n“You!” Princess Ling Ming’s delicate frame suddenly trembled in anger, and her lips were quivering uncontrollably. \nJun Mo Xie’s words were simply a malicious mockery to an unmarried woman, not to mention that the person involved is a royal princess!\n“Woman, let’s first make things clear! \nJust exactly who is harassing who? \nUnderstand? F**k your mother. Wait until you have properly investigated the truth before you start mouthing off, understand? \nA princess of a kingdom does not even understand such simple logic! \nNo wonder other people say you have big boobs but no brain, even though your chest is small!”\nJun Mo Xie extended his hands out and began fondling the air with an evil grin. He gave a little sigh and said, “Unexpectedly same as poached egg and also brainless? What’s wrong with you?”\nJun Mo Xie couldn’t care less about her identity as a princess. What royalty? There is no difference between a princess and a daughter of a notable family in his heart, not to mention that Princess Ling Ming’s demands have already aroused his enmity!\nAvoiding that little girl is one thing, but ordering him to avoid that little girl is another. He opposed the royal princess as a matter of principle. This was also a sore subject for Young Master Jun to begin with so he wasn’t in a good mood at the moment.\nIf it were not for his apprehension about those assassins leaving, he would have long taken down Princess Ling Ming!\nDo the way I, your father, handle business need the input of a little girl like you? \nWhatever I do, I will never be softhearted toward women!\nPrincess Ling Ming exhaled deeply and glared at him with two bone-chilling eyes. “Jun Mo Xie, If you remain so stubborn, do not blame me when I inform this matter to Great General Dugu Wu Di.You should know better than me what will happen at that time.\nEven Grandpa Jun may not be able to protect you. It will not be pretty for anyone!”\n“You are scaring me! I’m so afraid!” \nJun Mo Xie’s face showed fear as his voice trembled, patting his chest in very exaggerated movements. “My heart is thumping and thumping……”\nHis expression suddenly changed as he urged, “You should quickly go and tell him. Leave quickly now. When the evening arrives, hehe, you know a man will have urges in that particular region of his body. This master is not a lady like you who must act with propriety. You should hurry up and go. I have to thank your royal princess! Haha!”\nJun Mo Xie did not hold back his words. \nThinking to himself, I, your father, request that you leave quickly. It will be for the best if this leads to Dugu Xiao Yi being grounded indefinitely by her father. If that were to happen, then I’d really need to thank you.\n“Good! Very Good! Jun Mo Xie! Words are like the wind, so you better not regret when the time comes!” \nPrincess Ling Ming’s tender figure trembled with anger, and her charming face paled. She had her heart in the right place when she gave her warning; first in consideration for Dugu Xiao Yi, which incidentally also benefited Jun Mo Xie. \nIn case this actually causes an incident, the Dugu Family really will not fear Jun Zhan Tian. \nIf Jun Mo Xie really did something unforgivable, a situation where Dugu Wu Di will apprehend and execute Jun Mo Xie could actually happen.\nIf she means to go through with this, then the Jun Family and Dugu Family will inevitably become mortal enemies. \nAnd with two big military clans at war with one another, the whole Tianxiang Kingdom will become scatter ashes and dispersed smoke.\nThe two would not be agreeable and parted on bad terms. \nAs if it was planned, both individuals sported the same sneer on their faces. \nJun Mo Xie turned his head away to the side and muttered to himself. “I really ate my fill to the point of bursting. Braindead people everywhere. She’s not even my wife, and she wants to control my dating habits? \nWhat gives you the right to stick your nose into other people’s business!?”\nPrincess Ling Ming’s lungs were about to burst with rage, her two beautiful eyes in a death stare, and her chest violently heaved up and down. He almost made her vomit blood. Not saying another word, she turn around and left. \nWalking away, she ferociously stamped her little feet making thumping sounds, seemingly wanting to bore through the ground beneath her feet. \nIf she stays here any longer, only God knows if she will go insane from her anger!\nIt was truly difficult to understand why Dugo Xiao Yi’s heart is unexpected moved by this kind of despicable, shameless, vile, filthy, lowly reprobate of a person?!\nThe pale-faced Ye Gu Han arrived in front of Jun Mo Xie and coldly said. “You’re the same as trash. I usually disdain using force, but you are too abominable; today, I will act on behalf of Grandpa Jun and teach you a lesson! \nI’ll make you understand there are people you cannot afford to offend!” \nHe had overheard their conversation earlier and had already been at his wit’s end. It could already be considered an extraordinary accomplishment to be able to endure until now.\nJu Mo Xie curled his lips and sneered. “Pah! Who the hell are you? You open your mouth and somehow can represent one of the foremost officials, the Grand Duke of the Kingdom? Truly too ridiculous!”\nHis heart filled with disdain. Jun Mo Xie already regarded people who talk big before fighting as the definition of an idiot! \nAnd considering the fact that there is still killers on the loose, this became even more inexcusable!\nBoth of Ye Gu Han’s eyes instantly shot open as an azure blue radiance issue forth. His raised hand was about to descend! \nHe finally understood Princess Ling Ming’s frustration just now and decided this kid is in need of a spanking!\n“A Sky Xuan expert is beating someone!\nSky Xuan expert Ye Gu Han is bullying someone!\nCome quickly, come and see a Sky Xuan expert beating up a person who is so weak he can’t even truss up a chicken. Help!” \nYe Gu Han’s palm haven’t even moved when Jun Mo Xie already shouted out extremely sharp words in a loud and clear voice. He did not want to lose. As the saying goes, as wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him.\nYe Gu Han’s deathly pale complexion that hasn’t changed in ten years instantly flushed a deep shade of red.\nToo shameless! Truly too shameless! For a person to be so shameless to this extent, it really makes one’s hair stand up in anger!\n“You……” Ye Gu Han’s raised hand trembled as he pointed at Jun Mo Xie in anger. This Sky Xuan expert simply cannot imagine this situation! \nAfter a long time, Ye Gu Han finally choked out a sentence to Jun Mo Xie, “Do not be shameless to this extent!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第99章\n夜孤寒被他气得差一点从无比正常的巅峰状态当场走火入魔、闻言“刷”的一声就从君莫邪眼前消失,彻底地没了踪影。心中暗暗决定:\n这小子虽然玄气垃坡,武力低的没谱,但这张嘴却着实是天下第一等的猛毒嘴巴,今后还是少接触为妙。\n万一那一天要是真的被他气死过去,那自己可就真的创造了玄玄大陆上堂堂天玄高手被一个纨绔子弟当场气死的记录了!\n短短的时间里,连动手都没有,更不要说是受伤,却居然有无数次气血翻腾、想要吐血的冲动!\n这种经历在自己一生中还真是从未经历过的。\n就算练功走岔了经脉也没有这次来的严重的说。\n“老子气不死你才叫见鬼!不过还是要多谢你们替我解决了麻烦。\n哼了两声,眼看着灵梦公主和夜孤寒都被自己气的七窍生烟的离去,君莫邪看着两头空空的街道,诡异地笑了一下,撑在墙上的左脚一用力,“刷”的一声跃了起来,“嗖”的蹿上墙头,贬眼工夫就不见了踪迹。\n灵梦公主一直到上了轿子,犹自觉得浑身依然在一阵阵的颤抖,眼前一阵阵的发黑,大口大口的喘着气,只觉得心里憋闷得不行,胸口简直要爆炸了一般。\n旁边的侍女吓得魂不附体,一个劲的给她拍拍胸口,拍拍背上,为她顺气。\n好半天才平静了下来,只觉得浑身无力,整个人如同大战了一场,直如虚脱了一般。\n这还是平生第一次被人气的到了这种地步,心中直有一种要将君莫邪碎尸万段的冲动!\n“转道击独孤府。”灵梦公主吩咐道。\n夜孤寒夜大高手满脸发黑,瞬间变得发白,然后又变得通红,旋即又再变黑,整个人如同在表演变脸一般,唯一的遗憾就只得红黑白三色……\n若是再多几色,就是名副其实的变脸大宗师了!\n身上升腾着的怒气几乎有毁灭一切的冲动,两眼直直的看着前方,就像一座燃烧着的火山。\n君家八名侍卫忐忑的看着他,心中无限担心。\n怎么公主和这个人过来了我家少爷却没过来?\n少爷刚才在大叫,到底是怎么回事?\n这人不会真把少爷给打哭了吧!\n虽然感受到了夜孤寒身上的惊人气势,也明知道这个时候最好不要惹这个人,危险得很,但犹豫良久,还是护主之情占了上风,终于壮着胆子开口问道:“这位近卫阁下不知我家少爷……”\n“滚……”夜孤寒双目赤红,一头花白长发根根直立而起,插向苍穹,怒发冲冠凭栏处,一声怒吼,悠长雄壮,直震得苍天大地也颤了几颤,面前众人无不脸上变色,心中终略乱跳,人人立足不稳差点摔倒。\n尽显天玄高手的高绝实力!\n这股子怒气总算发泄、爆发、倾泻了出来!\n再要不发泄出来……恐怕自己能憋出内伤来了!\n一声长啸震动九城!\n京城中无数高手瞬间察觉,顿时一股股强大的神念先后冲天而起,在京城上空徘徊起来,\n人人都很好奇。\n发出这声怒吼的这位高手气势如此强大,起码也是地玄巅峰高手!\n是什么原因能将这样的高手气成这个样子?\n这声音里蕴含的那股子怒火直欲焚毁天地,这可是人人都听得出来的啊!\n小酒馆门口,宋老三猛地睁开了浑浊的老眼,眼神一片诧异:怎么这么像是小夜的声音?\n目送着夜孤寒和灵梦公主的车驾离去,侍卫们这才忙不迭地冲了过去。一看之下,空空如也,早己没有了自家少爷的影子,不由的一个个连声叫苦!\n这个古里古怪的近卫不是把少爷杀了,甚至是毁尸灭迹了吧!\n君莫邪异常灵活的从暗影处潜了出来,就仿如一倭影子一般,高速穿行于小巷中,思感早己茧延了出去,紧紧地缀上了同样在高速远去的一行黑衣杀手,君邪一路急速走着,双手不停的动作,走出不过几丈,整个人的脸面己经完全变成了另一副样子。\n看上去像是一个三十多岁的中年人,头发也分外地乱了起来,这样的人,在帝都的大街小巷可谓是不计其数,要想从人群中找出这么一个人来,实在是难上加难。\n三转两转,君邪飞也似的冲出了街道,脚下脚步似缓实快,迅速穿过,经过一个成衣店之后,速度并没有半点减缓,但身上的月白色袍子己经变成了藏青色的寻常百姓服色。\n而那家成衣店的老板懵然不觉,依旧喜笑颜开地招揽着顾客……\n而前面的几名杀手,明显的十分谨慎。\n在转了几个地方,迂回了数次之后,一个个也改换了原有装束,尽作寻常买卖人打扮,一路不紧不慢的向东而去,一边走一边交谈,不时发出一阵阵笑声,似乎交谈得极为欢畅,从三人脸上看来,也是一副属于男人的猥琐表情,这样子在外人看来,应该是谈到了女人的样子,一副标准的嫖客嘴脸。\n这伙杀手组织的水准确实是很不简单;君邪心中感叹。\n这样的伪装,在前世固然只要是杀手就会明了,但现在在这个世界中这两个人居然能够做得如此自然,显然是训练颇为有素;而更为难得的是,这两个人将身上的杀气也隐藏得滴水不漏,这才是真正高明的地方。\n若不是自己的灵觉能够探测对方身上那种同类的阴寒,几乎是无法追踪的。\n或者也可以说,除却自己,根本没有人能够以同类的方法予以追踪!\n如此兜兜转转地追逐了一盏茶的光景,前面传来轻微的水声,另有一阵阵悠扬的丝管之音,隐隐有女子在低吟弹唱,一股从淡到浓的女子脂粉气味传了过来,这些杀手的目的地看来己经到了。\n灵雾湖!\n君莫邪终于明白了这几人为什么一定要经过那条街道。那里,乃是去灵雾湖的必经之路,若是换个方向,必然要绕个大圈!\n不过若是换了自己,却宁愿再多绕个大圈,这样才能更形万无一失!\n一路跟到这里,君莫邪己经变换了三身装束,甚至是身高体型也都变换了三次!\n天香城、灵雾湖,乃是所有男人的天堂。\n这里,有无数的美女“燕瘦环肥,应有尽有,只要是你能够想到的,这里就一定有!\n在这里,随便你走进那一座楼阁,随便你踏进哪一条画航,只要你有足够银子,你想怎么玩就怎么玩,爱怎么玩就怎么玩”随心所欲无所顾忌!\n但,你若是没银子,那还是趁早吧,连胖的跟唐源似的那种中老年职业妇女也不会多看你一眼!\n自然,这个世界也有很多传说,什么才子佳人,青楼才女多情,私定终身终成眷属之类的。\n但传说毕竟只是传说!\n传说从来都是非常美好的,可惜。观实却是异常残酷的。\n很多的寒门士子自特容貌俊雅,腹有才华,便拿出一副风流文人的样子来到这里,企图也谱写一曲才子佳人的神话故事。\n满心想着能遇到一位红颜知己容貌园色天香对自己一见钟情,并且幻想着自己一跃而上从此仗着自己的才华和脸蛋做个吃软饭什么的行当……\n但很可惜,兜里可怜的几个铜板被掏干净之后,纷纷无情的被扔了出来。\n有的甚至被扔进了灵雾湖淹个半死,甚是斯文扫地,很是提醒了他们,传说固然是令人向往的“但兜里没有足够银子,传说就是让你去送死的,而且是死的稀里糊涂窝囊不堪……\n也不想一想,青楼是什么地方?\n所谓妹子无情,戏子无义!\n青楼正是最多前者的地方!\n来到青楼的男人哪一个肯守身如玉糟糠之妻不下堂?\n来到青楼这种地方装情圣,简直比做了妹子立牌坊的人还要让人恶心得多!\n看惯了人间冷暖世情凉薄的青楼女子,岂会看不出这些所谓的才子们在温文尔雅的外表之下所隐藏的坏心?\n无怪乎唐源曾经说的话,看到坏蛋一刀砍死利利索索,但看到伪君子便要一直折磨一直折磨一直折磨到他精神崩溃也不解恨!\n此言深得我心!\n君莫邪贴墙隐影,靠树匿形,扶草如风,明明是一个大活人,却就像一个有形无质的影子,似乎任何的东西都可以成为他的掩护,一路跟来,莫说前面的三个杀手没有发觉他,就是一路上的行人,也没有一个人注意到他。\n只见前面的三个人,一副色欲熏心却又豪阔之极的样子,暴发户一般走进了灵雾湖边一座很是豪华的楼阁之中——霓棠阁。\n在他们一行人进去之后,附近的一艘画舫突然缓缓滑了过来,停在霓裳阁临水的一面,静静的不动。\n君莫邪心中一动,看了一会,见船上除了舶公之外,竟然再没有别的人了,像是在等着接人的样子。\n这情况,似乎有些蹊跷吧,再说,人刚进去,一直停在另一边的画舫就靠过来了?\n也太巧了一些吧?\n君莫邪牙根一咬”就赌这一铺!\n一阵微风起,水面上的芦苇丛中一片芦花纷纷扬扬的飘起,在黄昏中平添了几分如梦如幻的味道,显得面前的一切,都是如此的不真实。\n君莫邪却趁着这阵芦花的飘起,整个身子似乎溶进了漫空的芦花里,身子一动,迅速飘行到了十数丈外,借助岸边一棵粗大的柳树藏身,复顺手折了两根芦苇拿在手里,便无声无息的滑进了水里,当真如落进水里一根轻飘飘的羽毛一般,连些微涟猜都没有激起,这却是君大少爷近来精进极多,若是在半月之前,却还未有如此造诣。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 99\nYe Gu Han was so angry that he very nearly went off on that devil child right then and there. He disappeared before Jun Mo Xie’s eyes with a “swish” sound and secretly decided in his heart.\nAlthough this brat’s Xuan Qi is garbage and his martial arts are mediocre, his poisonous mouth truly is first under the heavens. I better not run into him in the future. \nIf a day comes when he angers me to death, then I’ll certainly set a record in the Xuan Xuan Continent as the first Sky Xuan expert to be angered to death by a debauchee!\nIn that brief period, he hadn’t even fight not to mention getting injured, yet his Qi churned, and he want to vomit blood! \nHe has never experienced something like this in his life. \nEven the backlash from when his martial arts cultivation went astray hadn’t been this grave.\n“I, your father, will be damned if I didn’t anger you to death! But I still have to thank you for solving my problem.” \nJun Mo Xie snorted and watched Princess Ling Ming and Ye Gu Han leave while spouting smoke through their seven orifices. After checking both ends of the empty street, he gave a curious laugh and pushed off with his left foot, leaping up on top of the walls with a “swish” and disappearing with the blink of an eye.\nPrincess Ling Ming climbed straight onto the sedan chair. Her body was still trembling from head to toe, her sight shrouded in darkness, her lungs venting vehemently and her heart practically exploding out of her chest.\nThe maids to her side were frightened out of their minds, continuously patting the princess’ chest and massaging her back in an attempt to relieve her anger. \nThe maids took the better part of the day to calm her down and felt as if they had just come back from waging war. \nThis is the first time in Princess Ling Ming’s life that she had been angered to this extent, so much so that she had an urge to dismember Jun Mo Xie’s body into ten thousand pieces!\n“Head to the Dugu Residence!” Princess Ling Ming commanded.\nYe Gu Han’s face became black, then pale, then red, before change back to black. It was like this person was putting on a face changing performance, but the only regret is that there were no alternatives to red, black, and white color. \nIf there were a few more colors, than he would be worthy of being a face changing grand master! \nThe anger rising in his body gave him the urge to destroy everything. Both eyes looked straight ahead like an erupting volcano.\nThe eight Jun Family bodyguards were sweating profusely as they watched him, their hearts filled with anxiety. \nHow come the princess and this person have come back but our family’s young master still has not returned? \nDid our young master not shout out just now? \nThis person wouldn’t have beaten our young master senseless right!\nEven though Ye Gu Han’s fury was palpable and the bodyguards were aware that this was a dangerous time to provoke him, their sense of responsibility to protect the young master still prevailed in the end. Finally plucking up the courage, one of the guards opened his mouth and asked. “This distinguished lord……do you know my family’s young master…..”\n“Get lost!” Both of Ye Gu Han’s eyes became blood red. His long, gray hair rose up as if to pierce the sky. His furious bellow was drawn-out and full of power, causing the heavens and earth to quake. The color drained from everyone’s faces, their heart wildly beating as they were shaken to the point of almost falling over.\nThis was the absolute strength of a peak Sky Xuan expert!\nAll the pent-up anger in his heart finally poured out like torrential rain! \nIf he had not vented out his anger just now, he was afraid that he might have suffered from internal injuries!\nThe shout shocked the entire city!\nCountless experts in the capital instantly became alert as they soared up into the sky to hover over the capital. \nEveryone was curious. \nAn expert that can issue forth a voice this imposing is at the very least a peak Earth Xuan expert! \nWhat could cause this expert to become so infuriated? \nEveryone can tell from the fury in his voice that he wanted to burn down heaven and earth!\nBy a small tavern doorway, Old Song suddenly widened his turbid old eyes in astonishment. How come I can hear little Ye’s voice? \nWatching as Ye Gu Han and Princess Ling Ming’s sedan chair leave, the Jun Family bodyguards hurried into the alley to find it empty; not even a shadow of their young master could be seen. The guards couldn’t help but cry out bitterly to the heavens over their rotten fate!\nThe young master has not only been killed in this old and dirty alley, but even his corpse had also been completely obliterated!\nJun Mo Xie appeared from the hidden depths of the shadows, rushing through the alley, his spiritual senses already spread out so as to closely match the swift speed of the black clothed assassins. Jun Xie’s hands ceaselessly moved and, before he had even advanced one zhang, his face completely transformed into that of another person.\nHe now resembles a man in his mid-thirties, and his hair was slightly disheveled. This ordinary appearance could be found everywhere in the capital and would be difficult to identify this person in a crowd.\nJun Xie flew out onto the main street after several twists and turns, his feet under him seem as though they were moving in slow motion but was actually quite fast. After passing through a clothing store, his speed had not slowed down in the slightest but his moon white gown had changed into navy blue commoner garment. \nThe owner of the shop was now unconscious, still sporting the same ear to ear grin to welcome customers……\nThe assassins ahead were obviously very cautious. \nAfter changing directions and taking multiple detours, each and every one had already changed their appearances to that of ordinary merchants and peddlers. They were neither fast nor slow as they traveled eastward, talking while walking, occasionally letting out fits of laughter as if sharing a very enjoyable conversation. Vulgar expressions were seen on their three faces, appearing to other people as if they were having perverse thoughts about women, like a stereotypical patron of brothels.\nThis assassin group’s level is not simple. Jun Xie sighed in his heart.\nIt is true that in his past life, such disguises were clearly understood by assassins. But now there are three people in this world can do it so naturally, so it’s clear that the training is quite well-established. What is even more impressive is that the three had concealed killing intent such that not one bit can leak out. This place really has superior talent.\nIf not for his spiritual sense being able to detect the cold yin aura from the other party, they would almost certainly be impossible to track.\nIn other words, there is no one else that can use this tracking method apart from him!\nIt was in this way, going around in circles as if chasing a teapot*, that faint sounds of water were soon heard from up ahead, accompanied by the melodious sounds of a string instrument and the voices of women singing. After the fragrance of a woman’s cosmetic had become more and more concentrated, the assassins’ destination became readily apparent.\nSpirit Fog Lake!\nJun Mo Xie finally understood why these people had to pass through that particular street; it was the only road that leads directly to the Spirit Fog Lake. Any other route would inevitably lead to a long detour around the lake! \nBut if he wants to change his appearance, then he would rather take this detour several more times. He will almost certainly not be caught!\nAnd along the way, Jun Mo Xie already changed his clothes three times and even transformed his height and body type three times!\nTianxiang City’s Spirit Fog Lake is the heaven for all men. \nThere are heavenly beauties here of all shapes and sizes. As long as you can imagine it, you will certainly find it here! \nPatrons could wantonly enter one of the many pavilions or step foot on a merrily-decorated pleasure boat. Whatever you can think of you can try. Whatever you desire you can do. As long as you have enough money, you can do as you please without any worries!\nBut if you don’t have money, then…you’d better just leave. Even old and even older escorts as fat as Tang Yuan will not spare you a look!\nThis world naturally has their fair share of fairytales: gifted scholars and beautiful maidens*, escorts falling in love, vows of marriage without parents’ approval, how love will find a way, and so on. \nBut a fairytale, after all, is only a fairytale!\nFairy tales always have happy endings, but unfortunately, life can be very cruel. \nMany poor and vain scholars, who thought in themselves that they were handsome and talented, had put on a distinguished intellectual appearance to come here in an attempt to create their own fairytale story. \nThey had anticipated that a divine beauty would fall in love with them at first sight, and how their charm and talent would allow them to live on the earnings of these escorts…\nUnfortunately, they had all been heartlessly thrown out in succession after only being able to fish out a pittance of copper coins from their pockets. \nSome were even thrown into the Spirit Fog Lake and were drowned half to death. Their misfortune reminded them that fairy tales are certainly appealing, but without enough money in their pocket, you will just throw your life away and die in a stupid, meaningless and shameful manner…\nThink about what kind of place a local brothel is? \nEscorts don’t talk about love and courtesans only talk of nonsense! \nAnd a brothel is a place that is filled with the former! \nWhat man would visit this kind of establishment and agree to remain chaste if his wife is not in the room? \nPretending to have pure intentions at a brothel is like giving the escorts a certificate of achievement*. How detestable and patronizing!\nFor the women who been accustomed to seeing the very worst in people, how could they not see through the half-assed scholarly and cultured pretenses for what it really is?\nNo wonder Tang Yuan once said that bastards were cleanly killed with one sword stroke, but hypocrites were continuously tormented and tortured until they collapsed from a mental breakdown.\nHe always kept these words close to heart!\nJun Mo Xie concealed himself among the shadows, sticking to the walls and hiding behind trees. His body seem as though it possessed an almost intangible and elusive quality and was able to become one with anything he used as cover. Not one passerby along the way noticed his presence, not to mention the three assassins he is following.\nBut looking at the three men in front, ** dominated their thoughts, but they kept up a perfect gentleman’s appearance. These nouveau riche entered a luxurious building in the outer reaches of Spirit Fog Lake—Ni Chang Pavilion.\nAfter the party went in, a nearby pleasure boat begins to slowly row over before coming to a stop in the waters near the Ni Chang Pavilion.\nJun Mo Xie was stunned by what he saw. Apart from the helmsman outside, there was surprisingly no one else on the boat. \nIt seemed as if it’s just waiting for him. This situation seemed a little odd. What’s more, the people that have since gone onboard have stayed on the other side of the boat?\nIsn’t this too good to be true? \nJun Mo Xie gritted his teeth. Let’s take a gamble!\nA sudden gust of wind rose up. Amidst a clump of reed, a piece of reed broke loose before gently drifting away on the surface of the lake. A hint of dream-like quality accompanied the arrival of the setting sun, forming an uncanny scenery.\nJun Mo Xie planned to exploit these drifting reeds. His entire body seems to merge effortlessly into the clumps of reeds by the side of the lake and soon came within a dozen zhangs of the boat. Hidden behind a thick willow on shore, he broke off two pieces of reeds to hold in his hands and slipped soundlessly into the water. His movement in the water was as light as a feather such that he did not arouse even the slightest ripples. Actually, he had only recently achieved this level of movement after vigorously training. If it were a fortnight before, he would not have been able to move in this way.",
"role": "agent"
] |
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