You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'elbow connection'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Plumber Joe made an elbow connection, But the pipe insert failed its inspection. Joe was right round the bend: He could not comprehend Why the flow took a plumb wrong direction. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'old fart'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I met an old man down in Haiti, Who wed a young lassie named Katie; But this ancient "old fart" Was foredoomed from the start: His virility dwindled at eighty. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'raw rookie'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The essentials well-conned in the past Help decide which raw rookie will last. Fundamentals learned well Suggest who will excel, Though it's nice to be smart, strong and fast. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'market trading'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In stock market trading you dabble, And treat all your clients like rabble. When they find out your ruse And the shouting ensues, It will not sound like words, but just babble. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bury'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Two Indian tribes on the prairie Agreed that their hatchets they'd bury. Each was buried, instead, In another man's head. Just a few stayed alive, but not very. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'live ammo'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Full of dread, the young lad wants to run From the fray, but there's work to be done. Though his body may shake, There must be no mistake With live ammo inside of his gun. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'short sword'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> For the latest in medieval wear, Try a short sword that's curved there's one there. If swords are your passion, That falchion's in fashion — The choice of combatants who care. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tiny dictyostelids'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Tiny dictyostelids say, "Yo! Get together, amoebae! Food's low! Who needs to have sex? We'll just join as a grex And then form fruiting bodies. Let's flow!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'giving alms'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you follow the words of the psalms And set silver in supplicant palms Of the poor and the needy (But not of the greedy), This action is called giving alms. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'charolais'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Charolais are not quite what they seem; They've a lacteous white color scheme. But the cows know the score; Their meat's what they're for: Steak Diane and not Devonshire cream. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'earth tremor'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An earth tremor strikes in a wink, And the bar lounge is shaken. I think That I'm far from content With this seismic event: It seems hell-bent on spilling my drink. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'arytenoids'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The arytenoids, true, have the knack Of hanging around at the back Of the larynx, like gourds. They support vocal cords. They're where microbes will often attack. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'smoking syringe'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's no smoking syringe, it is true, So give benefit of the doubt, credit due For what Barry has done, Though some doubters have fun— 'Stead of cheers they're all yelling out: "Booo!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'elite'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Many restaurants love the elite. The A-list don't wait for a seat. Whenever they're spied, They are ushered inside, While the rest of us stand in the street. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fats fatted'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The fat fats fatted fat in a fat — Obese fops slathered grease in a vat. Using fine silken mops, They slopped unctuous glops Before adding a frog-toe and bat. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bitterns'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We bitterns are cryptic we hide Like nobody's business. We bide In tall reeds. Thickly necked (Well, for herons), we're decked In dull, circumspect browns; yellow-eyed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'favorite disc'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> First my favorite disc wouldn't play. Then my boss said, "I'm cutting your pay." Then a deal fell through (yay!) And my car died (hooray!). An enjoyable (not) kind of day. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'parenthetical phrases'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Parenthetical phrases are fit 'Twixt these symbols in text that you've writ: They're a way you can show (So the reader will know) Your intent to digress for a bit. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cornerman'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Said my cornerman, "Step on the gas! In this ring, you're the best. Show your class! He can't hit you he's slow, Hasn't landed a blow." "Watch the ref, then he's kicking my ass!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'trust'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I don't trust you. I'm sure that you're lying. What you're selling, I simply ain't buying. I can tell when you lie. There's a tell in your eye: You don't blink when the truth you're denying. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'screamed dacryohemorrhea'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A Halloween gag went awry, And a guy gave a torturous cry. When I warned, "It appears There's real blood in your tears," He screamed "Dacryohemorrhea! My eye!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'careerism toxic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My nephew's a young engineer Who has blindly pursued his career. He has split from his wife, Has no personal life— His careerism's toxic, I fear. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bible complete'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The Bible's complete? An illusion. We apocryphalists urge the inclusion Of a trove of old text. Why refuse? I'm perplexed. The Book's tired, and needs a transfusion. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'acanthocephalous look'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The "acanthocephalous look" (In a styling gel's Best Uses book) Shows coiffures that are spiny, Like a porcupine's heinie, On the head of what must be a schnook. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bedcover neatly'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Made of heavy imported brocade, Our bedcover's neatly arrayed At the base of the bed; We should spread it instead, But we don't, 'cause the bed's never made! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'crave'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> After ten pints of beer cross your lips, What you crave is a large fish and chips. Scoff it down like a pig Till your bum is so big It could cause its own lunar eclipse. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'clover supporting'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As a job-changing, husbandless mother, I've moved from one stage to another. I'm carrying over (Not rolling in clover), Supporting an indolent brother. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mary conceptive'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Asked a skeptical Sunday school tot, "So was Mary conceptive or not? Could she generate, maybe, An earthier baby If Joseph were given a shot?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bios'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's a bug in my BIOS, you see— My computer's not talking to me. And I can't talk to it, Not a byte nor a bit! Can you fix it for me, for a fee? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'signed holden'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The actor had added this note On a glossy—for one fan he wrote, "Your silence was golden, For which I'm beholden. Much obliged," (signed) "B. Holden" (end quote). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'carbon copies'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Carbon copies are made on a screen Of a fax and/or Xerox machine, And in wombs. Sorry, you And your twin sister Sue Are just hard to distinguish between. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sandalwood scents'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We thought we had found a good deal, For these sandalwood scents seemed a steal. But this stuff is just rot; We're incensed, and we're not; We were duped, 'cause this dhoop isn't real! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cochlea wrongly'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The new implant has gone on the blink— Wired my cochlea wrongly, I think. I 'hear' sound as a smell Which is all very well, But some of those noises sure stink. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'manic young'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Hmm…A manic young lady…was mocked? Nah…A beady-eyed blighter, half-cocked… Meh…Oh, wait! He's from Crewe… Ugh…Like that would be new… (Please be patient. Your author is blocked.) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'anthropomorphizes'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> One who anthropomorphizes tries To perceive things through too-human eyes. Did you think that car smiled? Think your dog is your child? Sorry, neither one's us in disguise. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pick'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I have cherry-picked this. Now it's mine! With this neat little phrase, I define How I got in there quick And could pickily pick What seemed best. For what's left, get in line! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'old fart'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Exasperation! That's just what I feel Stuck in traffic. I fume at the wheel. Like this moron ahead— Is he drunk? Is he dead? Hit the gas, you old fart! What's the deal? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'allen funt'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Candid Camera—always a laugh. Allen Funt was too funny by half. With his camera hidden, His victims were ridden, And often were caught in a gaffe. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'feel threatened'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I feel threatened—a bad situation; We can't have a calm conversation. Let's de-escalate tension For conflict prevention. We'll profit from de-escalation. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'barbados'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Barbados was once where I'd sleep, But America's now where I leap. I've no horns and no wool, Though of meat I am full; I'm an immigrant Blackbelly sheep. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'beamed'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Dad, today I begin my career In a field that I know you hold dear. It's garbage removal!" He beamed his approval While proudly suppressing a tear. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chigoe'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The chigoe's a tropical flea That when pregnant is happy to be Nestled right in the skin Of your foot or your shin. "Free maternity service!" cries she. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'awoke'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I awoke in a bus on the road To the hospital I was the load. I was pinned on a gurney For the length of the journey Like a high school class specimen toad. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'airplay'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> All the airplay you get will add up: Soon the royalties top up your cup. Count the times your song's played And make sure you get paid; Pay your "dues" and they'll see that you sup. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'arteritis'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My arteries sure got inflamed! I consulted a doctor acclaimed. Looking up, he said, "My, Arteritis. No lie." "So fix me up fast!" I exclaimed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'boa constrictor'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's a quite contradictable claim That your boa constrictor is tame. It appears that you've lied: There's a lump in its side That can still be heard screaming your name. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'carouser'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A carouser careens down the street, Barely able to stay on his feet. He acts like a lout As he staggers about; His behavior is far from discreet. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lips adipsin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> She's so fat, and no wonder; here's why: 'Cause she dips in the ice cream and pie. And she dips in the chips With her fingers and lips. Adipsin would help...if she'd try! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'avogadro'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Avogadro was counting his moles, Which are fur-balls with claws and these goals: As they tunnel around, Avocados are found, Which the critters drag back to their holes. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'surfer dan'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Surfer Dan enjoys surfing while nude. He was asked, "What's an aerial, dude?" He replied, "That is where Me and board are mid-air. If I come down in coral, I'm screwed." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chianti'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Mr. Waters? A call's on the line, With a gender I just can't define: Someone born long ago To an actor you know — It's Chianti, the fruit of Divine. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'vast desert'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The vast desert's a featureless waste, As though God slapped it down in great haste: Neither valley nor rise, Just those infinite skies… Then Las Vegas, so fittingly placed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sometimes flirtatious'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My sister is sometimes flirtatious— At times, she gets downright audacious. She'd cloyingly say To a man made of clay, "Oh, you're really just too argillaceous!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cloves'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Of this eugenin, can't get enough! 'Cause I sell it to makers of snuff, And they line up in droves For my essence of cloves. Some prefer a strong sniff to a puff. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'american idol'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> American Idol's a show I enjoy. Why? I really don't know: Awful singing, odd judging, And, maybe, vote fudging. I'm missing it now. Gotta go! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'truthfulness'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An exaggerator's one I decry; She'll exaggerate, tell a white lie. Her truthfulness? Lax — Lies by stretching the facts, And those stretchers she'll always deny. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'connection katie'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though I struggled to make a connection, Katie only showed strong disaffection. Her utter estrangement Made any arrangement The subject for further rejection. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'parson'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Our harried and put-upon parson Has two chavvies, José and Kim Larson. His nine-year-old boy Is an absolute joy, But the younger's in prison for arson. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'paparazzi'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Their attitude always offends. They use tricks that will help gain their ends. With a sharp closeup lens They'll invade your new Benz— Paparazzi are never your friends! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'scrabble'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Got a bigram (just two letters long) Playing Scrabble? It's hard to go wrong! Seeing be, me, and no Beside he, we, and dough— Which one of these doesn't belong? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bloodfest'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you're planning to go to the pix For a bloodfest, do not invite chicks. Watching bloodshed on screen, They can get really mean And pick up many handy new tricks. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'wealth'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Now grown old, at the end of my days, The error I see of my ways, So I'll cease being greedy And cede to the needy My wealth. (Yes, indeedy, crime pays!) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'printing cyberart'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Once the famous old master named Titian In a dream found a future commission Where computers would aid Printing cyberart made Of his Pablo van Rijn a transition. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'acting'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When a child hits the terrible twos, He discovers the way to refuse. It's called "acting out": He'll have tantrums and pout, Agitating his parents to booze. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'blunderkin someone'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A blunderkin's someone inept, Like the lumbering doofus who stepped On my foot on the bus And, on hearing me cuss, Proved at punching extremely adept. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chuck stake'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> At Chuck's steakhouse Chuck gave me a break — Lent me money, a large bet to make. But Chuck's bucks, they went south, So I'm down at the mouth, Sad 'cause gamblers have eaten Chuck's stake. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'print jobs'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Damned I.T. crew should all be dismissed. Major print jobs are gone from the list: They're dequeued foully tossed; No doubt data's been lost. Someone search the fool hard drive. I'm pissed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'daffodil heralds'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> With its bright yellow, trumpet-like part, Every daffodil heralds the start Of the triumph of spring; Massed together, they bring Such a fanfare of joy to the heart! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'brought cashews'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We'd prepared for a 50-mile hike. "I've brought cashews and peanuts," said Mike. "Also raisins and cheese And some take-out (Chinese). Is there anything else you would like?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'even tempered'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Even-tempered? Well, maybe it's true, For anger's a thing I eschew. When given a choice, I do not raise my voice, Though I might raise an eyebrow (or two). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'frugal living'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Scrimp and save. It will pay in the end," Said my dad. "Frugal living's your friend. The less buying exceeds Just your day-to-day needs, The less time caught in want you will spend." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'arrows bestow'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> See Cupid's swift arrows bestow Wondrous love; they set hearts all aglow. May he reach in his quiver And surely deliver His arrow from bow to your beau. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'abyssoliths'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An intrusive and strange case of piles — Where the surface tops forty square miles — Sees the bowels of the earth Give abyssoliths birth, With their rocks of mixed igneous styles. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'small'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Should the size of my member appall Any woman because it's so small, I agree, then submit, "With agenesis, it Would not have developed at all." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sell bonds'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Bond-washing's the cure for my pain; I sell bonds, then repurchase. It's plain: If the coupon that's paid Goes to him, with this trade I've turned income to capital gain. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lake blue'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The cloud-covered bowl near the peak Made us think of returning next week For a view of the lake— Much enjoyment at stake— Because Crater Lake's blue is unique. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dapper dan'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Per the terms of the bet, we exhumed Dapper Dan, who'd been swiftly entombed. There he lay: spiffy suit, Sharply smelling of Brut. So I lost. He was perfectly groomed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fling'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A woman and I had a fling: It's a short sort of sexual thing. Cuz her hubby felt stung, Out the door I was flung— Now my ass and my arm's in a sling. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'levi'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When you're shopping for Levi's or Lees You will see some that flare at the knees— Not too much, just a bit. Those are boot-cut, to fit Over Blundstones and Red Wings with ease. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'maze'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In a maze, you can't easily wend Your way to an exit. You spend Time and effort in vain Yet inside you remain. Many paths come to naught a dead end. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bangers'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> He's an Englishman, born down in Devon, Sent to France at the age of eleven. When homesick, he broods On his favorite foods— Says that bangers and mash would be heaven. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'equivocalness'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Equivocalness is confusing. It's vagueness an author is choosing, So his words are misleading. When his method's succeeding, He may judge the result is amusing. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fowling'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I advanced through the field of damp rye With my shotgun, my fowling piece, by. The morning was hushed Till a fine bird was flushed With a clatter, and made for the sky. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'angles addition'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Here's a puzzle, I'm sure you'll agree: What's the sine of the sum A plus B? To untie all such tangles We use single angles— Addition formulae give us the key. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'carnivorous utricularia'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The carnivorous Utricularia Can thrive in a watery area. Named bladderworts, they Will consume tiny prey And are found from Peru to Bavaria. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'agar weird'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Agar agar's a weird sort of food, Made of seaweed, first boiled and then stewed. It makes a firm jelly, That's not at all smelly: It's food for a prude, not a dude. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dolly'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A dolly engaged in pure folly: She rode on a tiger Bengali. Her smile, full of grace, Can be seen on the face Of the tiger, who dined on the dolly. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'atmolysis'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Atmolysis this is the act Or the process by which I extract A gas from a gas; At diverse rates they pass Through a plate. That's a little known fact. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mooring'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's a post on the deck, or a pair, With a lintel, at times. Now take care To bitt a strong cable: Exceedingly stable, This mooring, or towing, affair. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'prosperous place'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Those who dwelt here left barely a trace Of what once was a prosperous place. All house sales have slumped. Shops and pubs have been dumped. It's a ghost town with no saving grace. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'grasses'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Agrostology taxa abound; Not all grasses are jointed, I've found. If they're smooth, but have edges, Those edges mean sedges, While reed stems, cut crosswise, are round. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sang rhyme'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Asking strangers to spare him a dime, A once proud, now sad, man sang a rhyme Of the world's Great Depression — A plaintive expression Of joblessness marking that time. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'gotta sneeze'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Gotta sneeze 'cause I'm feeling a breeze: Gonna freeze, ill at ease, geez Louise! All the people just stare — I should hide! Under where? I'm exposed in my new BVDs. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'glassworks recycles'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> With a furnace (electric or gas) A glassworks recycles old glass From the windows of cars And old bottles and jars, So don't throw them outside on the grass! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'great feasts'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As a chef to the town's upper crust, I prepared the great feasts they degust. Till I served them one night Chicken Tartar Delight. In one course, my career just went bust. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'church music'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In the pop charts, church music's a bit Of a flop: should its song-writers quit? It's the Devil who has The most tunes with pizazz, So I wonder who'll write the next hit. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'eclegm'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Mix some syrups with oils and you'll get An eclegm. (Are you wondering yet?) If you swallow a dose, You may think it tastes gross, As it's medicine. Who would have bet? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'persuasion'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My son will debate, on occasion, Opponents of any persuasion. When the topic's profound He tries dodging around— Circumvention's his tactic—evasion. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cheap brandy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The bartender offered cheap brandy. "No fine cognac?" I whined—wasn't handy. So I had to decline, Mulled and ordered dry wine— Told the barkeep, "Your cab tastes like candy!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'preach praising'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm all things to all people and preach, Praising censorship, freedom of speech; Vegetarian eating, Though steak takes some beating— Mine's rare; working hard—where's the beach? <LIMERICK_END>