You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'plumber'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As the temperature rose through the summer, The workman complained, "What a bummer! Stuck testing this heating — No wonder I'm bleating. On sunny days, who'd be a plumber?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bunny girl'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Is a bunny girl what I could be? Four foot ten inches tall; look at me, With my long, furry ears And my hopping that clears Fences—ouch! Now I've twisted my knee! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'aunt sadie'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When Aunt Sadie arrives at the station, She's banished. "We bar relocation To Sayville," she's told, "If you're female and old!" Sadie's suit I call antidiscrimination. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'biddable guys'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To an auction I went and laid eyes On what would have been best of all buys. Other men expressed like, But the man at the mike Said, "My wife isn't biddable, guys." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'homicidal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> That show on TV makes me bridle My rage (to degrees homicidal!). I'm checking my urges To murder those scourges — The slothful American Idle. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'avenaceous'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To judge by its sound, avenaceous Must mean "venal, avenging, audacious." But no, it denotes Only "of or like oats." The impression, it seems, was fallacious. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dytiscidae'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Was there ever a papal decretal On Dytiscidae (viz. water beetle)? In its youth, each bug revels, So they're called water devils. That's an awfully good topic retreatal. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'furtive factions'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Seems wherever I turn, I can't win: Furtive factions—can't fit myself in. The dynamic at work Makes me feel like a jerk, And their games? Don't know where to begin. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'state lottery'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I just won the state lottery whee! Now it's off to the bar on a spree. Though my luck mostly sucks, I won five hundred bucks. Folks, I'm buyin' the drinks are on me! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ovary'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though not wealthy, with holdings baronial, The red alga has plans matrimonial. "My ovary's simple, Less large than a pimple, And each cell's an egg, carpogonial." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'venomous guy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's this venomous guy on our site — Brought our forum a serious blight. He's a nasty, tendentious, Forever contentious Old troll who likes picking a fight. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'armenia'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm too frail now for trips to Armenia— Their mean neighbors induce neurasthenia. I'll miss Ararat's sight Every Yerevan night; I'll make do with Armeniopenia. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'field'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Her field may be physics or chem, But she also can sew up a hem. She can close a big deal And then cook a good meal. She's for real; she's a woman—a femme. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'botryoidal like'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Botryoidal like fruit of the vine: It's used when you wish to define The odd types of shapes Made by bunches of grapes; So think about that with your wine. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ark'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Since I finished this ark, God expects Me to round up and fill this ship's decks With all beasts two by two, Male and female. No clue How I'm s'posed to, on some, check the sex. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'plummeting headlong'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I am plummeting headlong, not charily, Down a slope I'd avoid ordinarily. So why don't I care? There's a slavering bear Just an inch from my backside, primarily. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cousin claude'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> All the neighbors see fit to applaud The career of our young cousin Claude, But his parents are nervous. The US Foreign Service, They imagine, will send him abroad. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'jane austen'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When Jane Austen took time to decide In the Bennet home who would abide, Five daughters she chose, With no sons to impose, Not from prejudice but from her pride. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dentist'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> What dentist can ever compete With Doc Sweet, who loves words obsolete? When he pulled out my tooth, He informed me, "In sooth, Your premolar I had to extreat." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'confessionist'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A confessionist? This fellow's chief Life objective's professing belief Upon which his faith's built. He's not blurting out guilt To police, when he's caught as a thief. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lyon'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's called agrodolce in Rome, Aigre-doux when Lyon is your home. Its sour-sweet taste In a sauce or a baste Adds real zest, says my friend Chef Guillaume. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bidirectional cable'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Peripherals we can enable Demand bidirectional cable. They duplex the bytes For reads and for writes, And tangle in back of the table. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'spin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I can spin like a top in one place Or leap like a bird into space, But I pay quite a price For wild antics on ice, Since I break all my falls with my face. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'activated alumina'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Activated alumina's made By taking the hydrated grade And heating it gently. It's used, incidentally, As a drying or filtering aid. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bachelor'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Here's a riddle for you, guess the catch: What's single but also a batch? It's time to confess. Did you think, as a guess, That it's bachelor? Natch, it's a match. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'young crab'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A young crab, introduced to a shrimp, Sidled close and said, "Hey, you're a wimp! As a fellow crustacean, To a distant relation, I can tell from your shell you are limp." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'afford shorts'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's a lawyer I know, in dismay— He's without any clients who'll pay. And he can't handle torts If he can't afford shorts. So he's briefless, then, wouldn't you say? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'frontiersman'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Having promised to hold land just won, A frontiersman was helped by a gun To remain "on the edge" Of the new world. This pledge He had made for a place in the sun. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sea captain'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The captain, face pale, turned to me. "Here, use this bailing out this huge sea!" "Captain, give me a pail If you want me to bail. This spoon's not for sea, it's for tea!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'barnacle geese'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An experienced bird-watcher said He'd seen barnacles fly overhead. Was there liquor involved? No. The problem's been solved: We say barnacle geese now instead. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'adenomatous tumor'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Adenomatous tumor of mine, I declare you're a cinch to define: You start out in a gland, But won't get out of hand Because (best of all traits) you're benign! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'squeal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> No hero, my dog's apt to squeal. His training? It just missed ideal, For in canine uniqueness, He does have one weakness: Obeying, "Achilles, now heel!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lipid digestion'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> This reaction, for Seth, is esthetic, And lipid digestion magnetic. When asked to explain, He declares, "In the main, 'Cause the process is chylopoetic." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'capo'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> This capo—of crimes he's a shaper As he writes out a plan for each caper, With each detail complete; All obsessively neat, In straight lines on his pad's feint-ruled paper. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'grains tons'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Every bullet is weighed using grains. Tons and tons are shipped out on my trains. Then my tanks, ships and planes Turn you into remains. Counting headshots, I tally the brains. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'hair'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> One fine day, on a bet or a dare, A designer set fire to her hair. Though her friends were appalled When she ended up bald, They admitted she'd done it with flare. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'anon someone'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The writings of ancient Egyptians Provoked a debate on ascriptions. "The author? He's gone. Let's call him Anon," Someone said, but the rest had conniptions. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'explosion ensued'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An artillery shell slammed down (thud) Near my foxhole and sprayed me with mud. I, quick, fell on my face, But through luck or God's grace, No explosion ensued. 'Twas a dud. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'two biscuits'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Help me Doctor, won't you hear my plea? I'm convinced I'm two biscuits, you see, That go nicely with cheese. Can you diagnose, please?" "Yes, you're crackers, and ten quid's the fee!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'viagra'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Jack, I'm back in the saddle again — Back in business!" "Oh yeah, Glen? Since when?" "Since I started Viagra — Then came a Niagara Of ladies who love virile men." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mountain ash'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Fifty bucks for a white mountain ash? That's a steal, I decide in a flash. May I charge that amount? I must shop on account On account of I don't have the cash. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pixelized manner'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Pics I place in my digital scanner Are transformed in a pixelized manner To a bitmap or tiff Or a jpeg or gif, To be used for a book or a banner. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'herbs chenopodium'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Here's the reason I harbor an odium For the genus of herbs Chenopodium: When I baked and ate bread Made from goosefoot, it led To the pot and a lot of Imodium. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'berliner'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> John F. Kennedy, once in Berlin, Proudly spoke out in German: "Ich bin Ein Berliner!" He told, With a voice sounding bold, Of a "war" called the "cold" we should win. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cannonball made'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A cannonball's made out of stone Or of iron or steel, and it's thrown, Or propelled, by a gun To kill, maim, or stun— As feared, in its day, as a drone. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'built upside'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though an A-frame the house was to be, With the builder I could not agree! Now the home has renown 'Cause it's built upside down— A mistake reading prints made it "V"! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'whole note'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A note with a lengthy duration, As written in music notation, Is the double whole note. It's defined, someone wrote, As two whole notes in close combination. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'using atrazine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If your weeds like to soak up the sun, Using atrazine frustrates their fun. It was sprayed on the farms, But it caused greater harms To the farmers; today it's on none. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'doss house'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though he'd scarcely had money for rent, The doss house still made him lament Just how poor he'd become, That he'd bed down with scum In a room that so marked his descent. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sam proposal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though he'd hoped that his tone would be amatory, Sam's proposal seemed sharply exclamatory. He yelled, "Marry me now!" Bess said, "Don't have a cow. When you shout like a lout it's inflammatory." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fair winds'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Master mariners, sensing a breeze, Would all hope these conditions would please. They would make fervent prayer For a generous share Wishing fair winds and following seas. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'false pretense'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> False pretense and false pretense the same. All your lies and your scamming they're lame. Double-dealing orations, Misrepresentations! You scalawag fraud is your game. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'best leporello'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The opera house rafters would ring When Fernando Corena would sing. The world's best Leporello, This round-bellied fellow Of buffo was truly the king. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bruise'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When I fight, I'm no good and I lose, So I ooze and turn colorful hues. I'm a mope, you'll perceive, But I hope you'll believe In my story: the birth of the bruise. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'heard maude'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In the downpour, the guys heard Maude mutter: "There's a flood, 'cause I gave Joe my cutter. I was out for a stroll When Joe cut a big hole In the downspout that leads from the gutter." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'trump card'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Their attorney was looking aghast. Up his sleeve was one trump card (his last): "If you offer to squeal, I could try for a deal, But our options are sure going fast." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'twitcher'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A twitcher, in search of a bird, Made a promise that everyone heard. "If that isn't a chat, I'll devour my hat!" It was not; he was true to his word. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'suffer puncture'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's a cult leader living in Wales Who sleeps on a sharp bed of nails. You'd think at some juncture He'd suffer a puncture, But his novice beneath never fails. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chondromatous tumours'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though chondromatous tumours may scare, They're benign, so you needn't despair Or bemoan that they've grown In your bone, 'cause it's known That a death from chondromas is rare. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'anthropolite fossilised'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Anthropolite fossilised finds Show in stone human forms of all kinds. From these we infer How their bodies once were, Although not what occurred in their minds. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'pre chewing'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> You've been fledged, Red the first of the brood. It's now time to leave home, I conclude. I have taught you to fly, Evade predators nigh — And I'm sick of pre-chewing your food. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'afternoons'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Afternoons are the best time of day. I eat, then I rest, then I play. I sit out on the chaise And I happily gaze At all that is passing my way. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'skullish like'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Like the shell of a ship" would be hullish. "Like the shell of your head" would be skullish. "Like a guy who is boring, Who gets people snoring, Who's shallow and slow" would be dullish. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'timber'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The backcut's his last cut of all— On the opposite side of the fall. He will hack at the tree, Give a push, and it's free. Then the logger makes "Timber!" his call. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dental gold'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's a lucrative job—so I'm told. What attracts me? The term dental gold, Which refers to high billings. It's what? Dental fillings? An alloy? That's knocked me out cold! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'young dove'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Any small or young dove, many know, Is a dovelet and, while it is so, Cooing lasses confirm That it's also a term They are dubbed now and then by a beau. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'haunted houses'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Haunted houses are best viewed by night, When there's not one sane person in sight. If gales blow while it rains And ghosts rattle their chains, Then they're sure to deliver a fright. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'desultoriness'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "Desultoriness: state that I'm in. I'm more aimless than ever I've been. I'm slapdash, erratic And unsystematic," He said, randomly sipping his gin. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'wall tire'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> See those racers out getting their kicks, As their bicycles speed down the bricks? Not a one will acquire A stiff black wall tire— A rubber and carbon black mix. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'kurt lovers'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Some in Prague, some in Perth—their disperseness Just highlights Kurt's lovers' diverseness. "Their extreme multiformity Will stress the enormity Of my harem," he cries, spurning terseness. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'limericks'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I find limericks are always a flop. Though with gusto they start at the top, All my great expectation Succumbs to frustration Down here, when abruptly they stop. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chlorine gas'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Chlorine gas, horrid weapon of war, Though now banned, left a legacy for The descendants of those Whom it choked. No one knows The full cost of the woes that they bore. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'get hard'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Any guy can get hard, but you're weak In the lovemaking realm. You must seek Out a book on "how-to," So you learn what to do To please women; bone up on technique. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'chytrids'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In digesting dead chitin in bogs, Or by killing off legions of frogs, What the chytrids have got In a zoospore pot Isn't likely to go to the dogs. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'english complexion'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A duchess I'd otherwise cherish Is light-skinned and pale that is, fairish. What wrecks that perfection Of English complexion? Her makeup too caked and too garish. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sid likes'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Sid likes cornflakes for breakfast each morn. His wife Sadie's reaction is scorn. "You reread the same box Every morning," she mocks, "With such passion, you'd think it was porn!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'black sheep'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Flock of sheep in a field what a sight; And they bring me a cause of delight. See, their fleeces are black, Save for one by the track: Here the 'black sheep' is one that is white! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'motive'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Your lame claim that you've scored a big deal Is pure hype, though I see its appeal. You're so bogus! It's clear That your motive's just sheer Phony crap—it's your lying that's real. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'arris appears'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When two moldings should happen to meet At an angle that's sharp and discrete, An arris appears. But not, to my ears, Richard 'Arris's 'orrible feat. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'spigot'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though the spigot says "Cold," you get hot, And the tub that I "fixed" leaks a lot. My unartful dodgery Too often is bodgery, Since handy with tools I am not. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'declined'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "You want me," he said. She declined. "I won!" He was two laps behind. There's no dream, it would seem, Too far out, too extreme. He believes, but it's all in his mind. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'foreign muck'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I like my food plain, nothing flash. That foreign muck's nothing but trash. Forget pasta and rice And leave out the spice. Just give me my bangers and mash. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'daddy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "My father's at peace," she said, musing, "Up above," though her words were confusing. I thought what she said Meant that Daddy was dead, But he's not. He's just upstairs and snoozing. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dermoplasty grafting'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In dermoplasty, grafting of skin Can replace nasty scars on your chin. Could a skilled plastic surgeon Make you once more a virgin, Fool a groom who's obsessed about sin? <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'freeze'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Freeze him out, no compunctions, no pity. I don't care if his dad owns the city. The creep's widely abhorred. If he isn't ignored, I've got plans for him none of them pretty. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'gin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As I read your mean verse, I must grin. I will wed her: this beauty I'll win! She is courtable, see, Not to you, but to me, Since I too am besotted with gin. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'hailstorm'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A hailstorm just swept through the city. Though the hailstones sure looked very pretty, Their effects were not nice— Those big, white balls of ice Badly dented my car. What a pity! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'signal thailand'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Five broad stripes on a flag can mean "yes" If their colours are not in a mess: Blue, white, red, white and blue. Start with red though, then you Signal Thailand (if "no" was your guess). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'architrave'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If an architrave fits round a door, Then an archivolt adds some decor When your door has a curve. So I hope you'll observe That with both, you've got moldings galore. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'small yacht'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Went on-line and I found a small yacht. Made a bid and so now it's been bought. Sent my check for the sale Via certified mail; When it's signed for, I'll know it's been got. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cranberry juice'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Here's a tip that you may find of use: Whether urine is sparse or profuse, To assist the rejection Of bladder infection, Drink oodles of cranberry juice. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'aging sadie'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Aging Sadie (who's known as a pro) To the altar is eager to go. But her chances are few For a sober "I do", 'Cause her booty is turning to dough. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'elephantry'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The elephantry: they were our tanks, Troopers mounted on elephants. Ranks Next of cavalry came. The foe lost, we won fame, And that night to the Lord we gave thanks. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ufo abductee'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A disturbed UFO abductee Was informed, "Soon, examined you'll be. So please kindly disrobe And prepare for the probe." He responded, "You talkin' to me?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'billy chicken'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> On your knees, Billy Chicken, and beg! Count to twelve 'fore I shoot off your leg. You don't mess with this lout: I'm tough inside and out. I'm a salty, half-cracked, hard-boiled egg. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'differential psychology'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Differential psychology's keen On comparing behaviours between Individuals instead Of groups. This has led To new knowledge as yet never seen. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fine wine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In describing fine wine, to excel You must capture its scent very well. When you rate its bouquet, Make a point not to say, "This here wine's got a really good smell!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cream sauce'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It's a cream sauce with mushrooms and zing, Which pimiento or peppercorn bring. With turkey or chicken, It's good, but will thicken Your waist if you eat à la king. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bergenia blooms'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Pink bergenia's blooms, clustered gems, Brighten spring and late winter. Long stems Rise from 'elephant's ears' (That's how each leaf appears: It's a name Mrs E Phant condemns). <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'devotement'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Devotement is what you could call The state of a girl's bedroom wall When it's strewn with a mix Of some mooned-over pix, Justin Bieber appearing in all. <LIMERICK_END>