Abolishing it will not prevent people from obtaining guns.
We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms
we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings
Abolishing mandatory retirement can reduce welfare expenditure and increase self-reliance
We should end mandatory retirement
we should end mandatory retirement because it should be up to each individual what age they feel they are unable to work any longer
Abolishing mandatory retirement sends a strong message about the importance of ending age discrimination
We should end mandatory retirement
Ending mandatory retirement would help relieve the burden on pension systems of an aging workforce .
abolishing nuclear weapons is a good action to take. nuclear weapons are dangerous and could expose the planets to extreme destruction
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
Abolishing nuclear weapons is an unrealistic goal. The technology exists and it will be used.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
Abolishing nuclear weapons is the only way to ensure that those weapons never fall in the hands of nefarious actors, such as terrorist organizations.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
Abolishing nuclear weapons would be a first step toward world peace.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
Abolishing nuclear weapons would benefit all of humanity.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
Abolishing nuclear weapons would diffuse existing tensions between a number of nuclear states, such as Israel and Iran, the USA and North Korea, and India and Pakistan.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
abolishing nuclear weapons would put us at greater risk.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Maintaining nuclear weapons is incredibly costly to nations who have them, and abolishing nuclear weapons would allow us to put that money towards more productive causes, such as infrastructure or welfare.
abolishing safe places will put many people at risk of harm.
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else.
abolishing safe spaces has to be recognized because people who has such a problems already have support from institutions and doctors.
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else.
abolishing safe spaces helps to get people out and about.
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else.
abolishing the right to keep and bear arms will remove a lot of guns off the street and keep people safer.
We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms
the right to keep and bear arms is putting everyone in danger and making mass-shootings more easily done.
abolishing the right to keep and bear arms would put all innocent people at risk because people who want to kill will find a way to do so and innocent people will be defenseless
We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms
the right to keep and bear arms is putting everyone in danger and making mass-shootings more easily done.
abolishing the right to keep and bear arms would save lives and change the destructive gun culture that we see in some countries.
We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms
we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings
abolishing the three strikes law would save money
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
we should abolish the three-strikes laws because this causes inconsistencies in sentences and assumes that the prior convictions were rightfully handed down.
abolishing the three strikes will prevent minor crimes from being punished the same as worse ones
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
three-strikes laws makes criminals less likely to reoffend.
abolishing the three-strikes laws is mandatory because is not supporting evidence and not following the evidences in such a cases is abstract and not part of our western society.
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
we should abolish the three-strikes laws because this causes inconsistencies in sentences and assumes that the prior convictions were rightfully handed down.
abolishing would lead to a drop in innovation and advancement because there would be no benefit to developing new ideas if they could be used by others without them having to do the work.
We should abolish intellectual property rights
we should abolish this because it could give someone a monopoly in the certain inductural sector and give them the unfair chance.
abolition is futile. there will be some countries that refuse to comply, which will mean only terrorist counties will have these devestatingly destructive weapons
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
abolition of nuclear weapons is an essential part of creating world peace. no nation should possess the power to entirely annihilate another with such long-term destructive weapons.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
about 40% of the residents in the area are living in poverty, largely due to the blockade.
Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended
The blockade hurts Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas and violence against Israel. It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of terrorists.
Absolute judgments may lead to people paying for crimes they did not commit
We should abolish capital punishment
capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime
absolutely not. the great president donald trump is turning the country around and saving us from the financial disaster that the last eight years were leading the united states towards.
We should adopt an austerity regime
adopting an austerity regime is necessary when our country is struggling, it is the only was to ensure a flourishing economy in the future. ending the debt ensures our country does not collapse.
absolutely not. there is nothing wrong with people attempting to spread the word of their faith and attempting to get others to follow. this has been done for centuries, and spreading faith is a positive .
We should ban missionary work
we should not force our ways and beliefs on other groups of people
absolutely supporting legalizing sex selection as some parents not able to have male or female kids so having a choice to choose the gender of next kid is absolutely amazing.
We should legalize sex selection
legalizing sex selection is a good option for people looking to have a specific sex of child.
absolutely this should be illegal and punishable.
We should prohibit flag burning
we should prohibit flag burning because it disrespect those that fought (and died) for our country
absolutely wrong to ban homeschooling because that helping kids to archive their success at school.
Homeschooling should be banned
homeschooling should not be banned because in some circumstances for example children living in remote locations it is the only way a child can receive an education
abuse and bullying are rife among foster children it does not provide stability just temporary solutions
Foster care brings more harm than good
Foster care children may have many adverse outcomes that persist throughout childhood, such as poor peer relationships, behavioral problems, or other mental health difficulties
academic education has been promoted at the expense of vocational education and this needs to be re-balanced by subsidizing vocational education.
We should subsidize vocational education
vocational education should be subsidized to encourage and help adults to learn a new trade.
acceptance into college and if jobs should be based on merit, not the race of the applicant. affirmative action perpetuates the very thing it's designed to fight.
We should end affirmative action
affirmative action should be ended as it actually prevents an employer from hiring a better qualified employee and creates negativity in the workplace
access to information is a crucial right for a voter in a democratic society
We should subsidize journalism
Without journalism people have no way of having the information that empower them to make informed voting decisions, making journalism central to democracy and therefore in need of subsidization.
Accidents due to causes like driver error, distracted driving, and intoxication, for example, would be eliminated if everyone had an autonomous car,
We should stop the development of autonomous cars
autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel.
According to multiple studies, children who go through the foster care system are more likely to deal with mental health issues and disorders than their peers.
Foster care brings more harm than good
Foster care children may have many adverse outcomes that persist throughout childhood, such as poor peer relationships, behavioral problems, or other mental health difficulties
according to science there are two genders so the current language is sufficient
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
According to the American Cancer Society, "scientific evidence does not support claims that naturopathic medicine can cure cancer or any other disease".
We should ban naturopathy
naturopathy is a scam that preys on vulnerable people. people end up paying a lot of money for something that does not work and does not improve their health.
according to the united nations human rights council, the blockade of the gaze strip is a human rights violation and believe that food, fuel, and medicine should be readily supplied.
Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended
Humanitarian arguments against the blockade are overblown, as the blockade is not designed to prevent things like food and medicine from entering Gaza, but rather weapons and other resources that may assist Hamas.
Accurate I.Q. measurements allow parents to help their children improve their cognitive skills
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
IQ tests allow teachers and parents to direct additional resources to children who need them the most, i.e., those with low IQ scores.
achieving high levels of education is positive for the nation
We should subsidize vocational education
While many who graduate from universities struggle to find high paying jobs in their field, graduates of vocational schools have high employments and high standards of living.
acting at a young age not only gives a child the experience that is needed but it also gives them confidence as well as making money that they can use for later on in life
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting can be a very prosperous career, and it would be a shame to take this option away if a child is truly willing to do it.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting can be an amazing opportunity for children which could potentially lead to a full career.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting exposes children to a variety of people and places, giving them valuable life experience they would not receive otherwise.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting is an art and not a job so banning the use of children in acting roles is preventing children from exploring their creative ability in that area and should not be banned.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting is an exhausting profession and deprives children of their childhood
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting is very trying. it places a huge strain on children, and many end up being abused or using drugs to escape the pressure.
We should ban the use of child actors
Children should be allowed to grow up at their own pace, child actors have an abnormal upbringing and are exposed to things at an early age which makes it difficult for them to then lead a normal life.
Acting may be a dream for a child and we do not want to crush their dreams.
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting on children in films with strong plots could generate traumas in the future
We should ban the use of child actors
child actors grow up to struggle with drugs, alcohol and low self esteem problems
acting puts too much pressure on children and they are too young to handle it
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting takes away the opportunity for a child to be able to live their lives like a normal child
We should ban the use of child actors
the use of child actors should not be banned as youthful actors can take on roles that provide inspiration for young people
acting takes children away from their education and normal childhood pursuits
We should ban the use of child actors
child actors grow up to struggle with drugs, alcohol and low self esteem problems
actingteach kids to adapt to changing situations.
We should ban the use of child actors
child actors grow up to struggle with drugs, alcohol and low self esteem problems
activism often leads to corruption in the judicial system
We should limit judicial activism
activism often leads to corruption in the judicial system
activist judges are an important part of bringing about legislative change
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism is essential in keeping the interpretation of the law up to date, enabling problem areas to be addressed in court.
activists judges aren't the ones shaping the laws. they're not "all" the people for who the laws are voted for. judicial activism has to be limited to only check for overuse of the power by governments
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism undermines the rule of law
acts that benefit the whole population must come before the individual.
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism takes care of everyone and not just those at the top
adapting such a practice will abolish the black market where such a trade takes place.
We should legalize organ trade
legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant
addiction, drugged driving accidents, increased crime and a negative impact on health from secondhand smoking is just a small list of legalizing marijuana cost
We should legalize cannabis
cannabis is known to lead to dependency as well as further drug seeking behaviors and should not be legalized.
Administering lethal injection violates the Hippocratic oath of doctors.
We should abolish capital punishment
capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime
Adolescents are still trying to find their place in society. There is an incredible amount of pressure to fit in. Therefore they will feel pressured to choose cosmetic surgery in order to reach this acceptance.
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Allowing minors to access cosmetic surgery would put even more pressure on them to conform to certain unrealistic aesthetic standards.
Adolescents can be very self-conscious about their appearance. If a student thinks their uniform is unflattering, it may cause them discomfort and embarrassment.
We should abandon the use of school uniform
uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance.
Adolescents have a lot of hormonal changes happening. These fluctuations in hormones can cause rash and emotional decisions that are not rooted in careful consideration - which is vital when deciding to have a cosmetic procedure.
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools is very very important for our lifes ans security
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
Adopt this language because it is inclusive and adapts to new generations.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting a austerity regime can actually slow economic growth.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting a gender neutral language may take away from ones identity. gender is part of a persons identity.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting a gender neutral language would help stop confusion on what to say.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
Adopting a gender -neutral language would not be controversial and would not offend anyone.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
Adopting a gender neutral language would not be good in certain settings and situations, like a formal speech.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
adopting a multi party system helps keep ideas fresh and gives us choices.
We should adopt a multi-party system
the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics
adopting a multi-party system leads to a more consensual style of poltics where broad cross party agreement is necessary to get things done
We should adopt a multi-party system
a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people
adopting a multi-party system leads to the formation weak and unstable coalition governments
We should adopt a multi-party system
Multi-party systems are not efficient. The ruling coalition often has to negotiate with the minority parties in its coalition in order to pass legislation.
adopting a multi-party system would be good for the country.
We should adopt a multi-party system
we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems.
adopting a multi-party system would require a costly overhaul to our entire political system and the consequences of such are unpredictable.
We should adopt a multi-party system
a multi-party system could cause too much in fighting between groups that should be cooperating.
adopting a third and even fourth party may complicate the system such that the political system would require a complete overhaul, which would take a long time to get used to.
We should adopt a multi-party system
a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election.
adopting a zero tolerance in schools doesn't allow for a second chance when a child really did not mean to do what they did.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
adopting a zero tolerance in schools will help reduce the amount of bullying that happens.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
adopting a zero tolerance policy can be harmful to children who are suspended or expelled from schools it can affect their education and if not supervised properly they can become engaged in illegal activities
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
adopting a zero tolerance policy helps to keep the school environment safe for children it also reduces favouritism because there isnt room for subjectivity
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
adopting a zero tolerance rule in schools is good for safety.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
adopting a zero-policy in schools allows for a safer educational environment.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
adopting a zero-tolerance policy helps to combat violence and drug abuse in schools
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
adopting a zero-tolerance policy in schools could unfairly ruin lives as the brains of minors are not developed and maturated enough to truly understand consequences.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
adopting a zero-tolerance policy in schools is unfair since it takes no account of the circumstances of the infraction
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
adopting a zero-tolerance policy on schools would create fear for students and make the learning environment less pleasant.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school.
adopting a zero-tolerance policy was shown to work in new york with crime and so would help in schools too.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
adopting a zero-tolerance policy will create safe environment for children as all wrong behaviours will be punished accordingly.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
adopting an austerity program will ultimately hurt us more by cutting funding on important programs and increasing our taxes.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society
adopting an austerity regime is necessary when our country is struggling, it is the only was to ensure a flourishing economy in the future. ending the debt ensures our country does not collapse.
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
adopting an austerity regime is the best way for the country to reduce its huge debt
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt.
adopting an austerity regime is the best way to pull ourselves out of the situation we currently find ourselves in financially
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
adopting an austerity regime is the best way to reduce the budget deficits we currently are faced with
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
adopting an austerity regime is the only effective means for pulling us out of the economic tailspin we currently face
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
Adopting an austerity regime lowers people's confidence in the economy and discourages investment.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society
adopting an austerity regime may negatively impact the demand side of the economy, hampering economic growth.
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity only leads to economic contraction that endangers the chance of reducing the debt.
adopting an austerity regime will have a negative effect as markets begin to question and doubt
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society
adopting an austerity regime would costs tax payers.
We should adopt an austerity regime
adopting an austerity regime is necessary when our country is struggling, it is the only was to ensure a flourishing economy in the future. ending the debt ensures our country does not collapse.
adopting an austerity regime would improve the country and lead to a flourishing economy after reducing out debt, which is greatly needed to continue being a world leader.
We should adopt an austerity regime
austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse