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1,300 | train/M71558.wav | दकषण अफरकम पन २०१८ वशखम And now let me give you some advice for your friends masters chaloner and grenville that much of their property has been taken away and put into other hands i know and probably they expect it will be restored upon their application to the king |
1,301 | train/M47066.wav | And two brown hands were held up to receive the letter but jake preferred to deliver the important document himself here you are he said riding alongside the window and dropping the letter into her eager hands बढ नरमण दरघटनक परव नतलई अब इनदरचकम जनमएक चडनथ |
1,302 | train/M58375.wav | परकशत गरनक लग He paused again and smiled third house after the rectory which is marked up on the gate my name is herbert herbert herbert to be precise lawford took out his pocket book and a card mine he said handing it gravely to his companion |
1,303 | train/M73968.wav | All the memories of knights of chivalry and of romance that i have ever read and they all paled before your championship and the sacrifice and the high spirited leadership that it signifies where you lead i believe thousands of other men will follow १८ अरब १८० It was good to be alive he thought free something accomplished with leave to tell a girl |
1,304 | train/M11450.wav | मनयत दनछन १४ औ शखरम The sensations produced during a state of hypnosis are very interesting as may be supposed they differ greatly in different persons कलस स अधदश |
1,305 | train/M81600.wav | १९३८ क बच You jest with my inferiority now you are cruel as well as foolish the agitation would certainly weaken so thought the administration to their great surprise however in the face of that reckless and extreme sentence the longest picket line of the entire campaign formed at the white house in the late afternoon of november tenth |
1,306 | train/M25381.wav | Sufficient for five or six persons seasonable from august to march note a very good economical pudding may be made merely with apples boiled and sweetened मर रत मड फटम हजर असफल भय |
1,307 | train/M12236.wav | And will make it approach certainty without limit as just stated the principle applies only to the verification of our expectation कथहरम उललख हन परसदध छन अभनत एडड अलबरटल तयसअघ मरएकलई समत पन नपलक वदशक जन गत गउद तरफ नपल कङगरसक |
1,308 | train/M64100.wav | You must tell me which you use mister hoskin can tell you better than i you cant have a better master do you copy much here asked mildred i paint portraits when i can get them to do when i cant i come here and copy |
1,309 | train/M58800.wav | It was a kindly thought of yours to place it there dad but eh i didnt put it there i thought that sort of thing came in your department isnt it the butlers job to supply drinks to the nobility and gentry well it doesnt matter जमम भएक रकम |
1,310 | train/M27292.wav | And all was as sweet and happy as a spring day but at the end of that time the fiddler began to wonder what was to be seen in the castle the queen was very fond of him and was glad enough to show him all the fine things that were to be seen मनतरलय कनत बल |
1,311 | train/M68986.wav | He returned to his former preoccupation with the councils possible intentions he began to reconsider the details of howards behaviour sinister glances inexplicable hesitations then for a time his mind circled about the idea of escaping from these rooms पदबट रजनम दए |
1,312 | train/M79584.wav | But he also may be the worst of adventurers one can never tell dear i wish now that i had not humored you in your plan to bring him to the castle im afraid i have done wrong you have seen too much of him and |
1,313 | train/M25339.wav | I always did hate that thing she said tom was continually frightening me with it i remember as if to be rid of unwelcome memories she shut her mouth tight कर इतहसबट पन खतबरहरम नल जयतष इतहस वषयक |
1,314 | train/M76192.wav | अपमनत गर Then he was reminded that he must crumble the bread and he was awfully excited snatched up the bread and began pulling it to pieces and flinging the morsels on the grave come fly down birds fly down sparrows he muttered anxiously |
1,315 | train/M39666.wav | This scientific method of approach he rightly perceives has so pervaded our mode of thinking that it is the subtle and most disintegrating force that is shattering the religious foundations doctor james t shotwell |
1,316 | train/M66729.wav | Likely enough then we may assume that our athletes will be able to fight with two or three times their own number i agree with you for i think you right भजन गरन गर |
1,317 | train/M61429.wav | गरन कम भय कष करनत भननछ Talked about but not in a harmful way and rather bored right up to the time when america came into the war theoretically she had a tremendously good time i think this must be near the truth of her biography said sir richmond २०४६ सलक रजनतक |
1,318 | train/M60799.wav | And showed him how to draw the water pinocchio set to work as well as he knew how but long before he had pulled up the one hundred buckets he was tired out and dripping with perspiration he had never worked so hard in his life परगत गरक ह |
1,319 | train/M13207.wav | Then he heard the bachelor groan and he knew that it was so he hurried up to where the trap was cant you get out said he no said the bachelor i cant the best way to get |
1,320 | train/M87651.wav | Our situation is perhaps deplorable but at any rate it is very plain either we are on a continent and then at the expense of greater or less fatigue we shall reach some inhabited place or |
1,321 | train/M19933.wav | The bestower of blessings skilful engineers had solved the problem of water distribution by irrigating sun parched areas and preventing the excessive flooding of those districts which are now rendered impassable swamps when the rivers overflow ज समपनन तथ कन पन कवत |
1,322 | train/M55881.wav | Inevitable english utilitarians how ponderously and respectably they stalk on stalk along a homeric metaphor expresses it better in the footsteps of bentham |
1,323 | train/M86256.wav | Only so long as she took proper precautions against it in a week her school would be over and then she would get elder johnson or some one else than wain to take her back to patesville |
1,324 | train/M82065.wav | Consequences of repelled urticaria whitish violently itching swellings of the skin on the head and nape of the neck like nettle rash after the rash disappeared the whole of the right side was paralyzed with violent delirium even unto rage |
1,325 | train/M41104.wav | कम स कम ५ हपत पछ छरहरलई कसर सपरन भनर रख I remember weena kissing my hands and ears and the voices of others among the eloi then for a time |
1,326 | train/M44540.wav | कषतर न २ अनतरगत आफन करयम नरनतरत Its stars were not above but far below like fallen stars still in unbroken constellations the dome itself was full of darkness and far below lower even than the lights करयक फलबट |
1,327 | train/M2461.wav | कसम नरमर नजर Which concerns our early battles against the hans and not our more modern problems of self control our victory over the seven han ships had set the country ablaze the secret had been carefully communicated to the other gangs बस वरषसमम असटरलयक |
1,328 | train/M15465.wav | मतर परयग गरन Especially between persons of the same sex has already made its influence felt in earliest childhood i mean the love rivalry with the especial emphasis of the sex character the son even as a small child |
1,329 | train/M88313.wav | I lifted the bulls of guisando i flung myself into the cavern and brought to light the secrets of its abyss and my hopes are as dead as dead can be and her scorn and her commands as lively as ever to be brief |
1,330 | train/M55956.wav | In the world of letters in tones of genuine admiration incapable of flashy make believe incited by a lust for gain चटटनम बसर गउ जपनक कनदरकत |
1,331 | train/M1972.wav | Mary stuart less concerned with the church and more with the woman part of the question had little respect for her sister elizabeth and wrote to her as queen to queen and coquette to prude your disinclination to marriage arises from your not wishing to lose the liberty of being made love to |
1,332 | train/M53850.wav | The order of the day was literally as far as colored men were concerned no rights which white men were bound to respect chaskey brown wm henry washington james alfred frisley |
1,333 | train/M16618.wav | And most heartily did she rejoice in the happier circumstances attending her entrance within walls so solemn she had nothing to dread from midnight assassins or drunken gallants she caught it in both of hers and laying her cheek lovingly against it looked up at him with tears trembling in her eyes i know it papa she murmured |
1,334 | train/M4478.wav | Suddenly another idea took possession of his mind so used to misfortune that it was scarcely capable of hope the idea that the noise was made by workmen the governor had ordered to repair the neighboring dungeon |
1,335 | train/M70039.wav | Removing the menace to nyjord for all time medvirk ulv had said a life form that cooperates and aids other life forms it may kill in self defense but it is essentially not a killer or destroyer चरभवर लकतनतरक परट नपलक एक रजनतक दल ह |
1,336 | train/M67176.wav | कम गर पन Was the object of the fierce and jealous hatred of his old lieutenant dak kova the jed who had captured me and i could not but note the almost studied efforts which the latter made to affront his superior |
1,337 | train/M3161.wav | आफभनद सनहरलई Desirous of mister morlands assistance as well in giving encouragement as in finding conversation for her guest whose embarrassment on his fathers account she earnestly pitied भरत तलसपर नजक |
1,338 | train/M26334.wav | And the peace of god which passeth all understandings shall keep my heart and mind through christ jesus जन १९६२ म The rescuer of jamie duff but i did not think of that for a while shaken with terror and afraid to dismount and be next the ground i called upon andrew as well as my fear would permit but my voice was nearly unmanageable |
1,339 | train/M83778.wav | तयस चलचतरम उतपल John perceived that his messenger would exercise penetration and act with energy while jeremiah was soothed by philips caution in not hastily admitting the probability of any charge against dickinson and in giving full weight to his previous good conduct and good character |
1,340 | train/M79761.wav | And certainly did look very much like the extremity of some spar the rest of which was under water whatever it was however it served well enough for their present purpose all the boys were grown up and done for by this time so it is scarcely worth while saying anything more about them you may see the twins and nibs and curly any day going to an office each carrying a little bag and an umbrella |
1,341 | train/M9000.wav | Nicholas rostov took a close and prolonged part in the defense of his country but did so casually without any aim at self sacrifice and he therefore looked at what was going on in russia without despair and without dismally racking his brains over it |
1,342 | train/M38048.wav | Drank a health to the bride the health was immediately pledged by all present to the great confusion of our poor blushing sophia and the great concern of jones upon her account |
1,343 | train/M65792.wav | Your hearts with strong affection fraught his weal in every labour sought and the true valour of your band was blazoned wide in every land early in august eighteen ninety four thousands of jellyfish about the size of a shilling had fallen at bath england i think it is not acceptable that they were jellyfish but it does look |
1,344 | train/M89863.wav | My boots were somewhat the worse for wear and my old fashioned clothes understood well enough by pioneers along the trail were dilapidated i was not the most presentable specimen for every sort of company |
1,345 | train/M72199.wav | She asked making involuntary diversion from the calamitous theme rubbish for the will o the wisp listen to this paragraph about english concert audiences it was as necessary to him as to her |
1,346 | train/M15900.wav | He perceived that you were not a doctor said craggs when they reached the corridor झरनहर परमख परतबनधत थय तयसक लग तपईजसत दखएर हरक मल बब थइन |
1,347 | train/M6240.wav | बसबस गररहक शरपहरलई So gilbert didnt go back on you after all said missus harmon andrews contriving to convey an expression of surprise in her tone इसलमल मसलमनहरक लग यसक नरमण हनछ Ha that sounds like some one who cant get out of bed exclaimed the bunny uncle i wonder who it can be perhaps i can help them |
1,348 | train/M44968.wav | On a mattress was laid sister agnes with one nun watching in the chair beside her her countenance was so much changed that emily would scarcely have recollected her had she not been prepared to do so कषतरम आफन समबनधहरम खटट जसत दईतर |
1,349 | train/M64300.wav | भटन आइरहनछ I can tell you niece replied don quixote if these chivalrous thoughts did not engage all my faculties there would be nothing that i could not do nor any sort of knickknack that would not come from my hands particularly cages and tooth picks |
1,350 | train/M36247.wav | पन सकन छ मरस कसटल Lined with seal fur his long sword stuck out from under his cloak on his head he put a knitted cap of bright colors then he walked to the kings feast hall and went through the door |
1,351 | train/M37197.wav | धरपछ मतर पतजबट गयक तथ सगतकर थए I dont think you care for anything you dont really care for england when you praise it you dont care for america even when you pretend to abuse it i care for nothing but you dear cousin said ralph if i could believe |
1,352 | train/M34127.wav | पकषल नपलक परचन यसर सर अवसथम मखय पषठम गरएक And that lowly virtue is more to be regarded and esteemed than exalted vice dulcinea besides has that within her that may raise her to be a crowned and sceptred queen for the merit of a fair and virtuous woman is capable of performing greater miracles |
1,353 | train/M38278.wav | The feet of an american botanist a chinaman two tibetan ponies यत मखय बजरदख Who had stolen the kingdom from mariannas father had died leaving his brother garabin in charge of the kingdom and of the interests of his little son prince desire नरदशक अभनतर रचनकर |
1,354 | train/M60777.wav | चमबकय कषतर बनछ जडक वकस एक उन अवइसय सलसलक The principia with additions and improvements had yet to appear but fame had now come upon him and with fame worries of all kinds by some fatality principally no doubt because of the interest they excited |
1,355 | train/M53897.wav | असटरलयलई सयकत रजय दश तहर आदसग He put an arrow through it and it turned a somersault and fell over dead |
1,356 | train/M24319.wav | आफन करयकलक परयग In order to play him a famous one but what the duchess marvelled at above all was that sanchos simplicity could be so great as to make him believe as absolute truth that dulcinea had been enchanted |
1,357 | train/M58688.wav | मओवदसग एकत भएपछ Next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of whats in the market |
1,358 | train/M36559.wav | And the fullest measure of educational freedom enjoyed by the roman that aspasia in spite of all the odds against her was able to rise to such a pinnacle of glory does not prove that she was the superior of her countrywomen छरक रपम |
1,359 | train/M90263.wav | I seized the cudgel which had fallen to the floor at the commencement of the battle and swinging it with all the power of my earthly arms i crashed it full upon the head of the ape crushing his skull as though it had been an eggshell |
1,360 | train/M77590.wav | As these words fell on polytes ears it was evident his impudence and indifference had received a severe shock he seemed confounded and hung his head as if thoroughly abashed still he preserved an obstinate silence |
1,361 | train/M79127.wav | One two three four five said monte cristo five millions why what a croesus you are this is how i transact business said danglars it is really wonderful said the count above all |
1,362 | train/M26585.wav | तरथक तरथटन गरन Fleda went off into a eulogium upon the intelligence of hay makers in general and the strength of mind barbarians are universally known to possess the manner still more than the matter of this speech was beyond the withstanding of any good natured muscles |
1,363 | train/M75679.wav | In any case if they had learned to use their hands and their inventiveness or adaptability they would have been the better for it that the innumerable multitude of people who can do nothing of the kind बझङ डट दरचल |
1,364 | train/M75511.wav | The king seemed desirous of embracing every opportunity by which he could express a contempt and disregard for them no one was at that time sufficiently sensible of the great weight which the commons bore in the balance of the constitution |
1,365 | train/M5503.wav | He says that business and duty which he cannot explain detain him here but that he will soon leave of which he will give us due notice heaven hasten the period said the mother impatiently |
1,366 | train/M89023.wav | A bishop of castle gwent with a small band of followers the leader of this flock was known as saint malo and he gave his name to the seaport but in actual practice made it possible to obtain more than double service it has been in practical use for many years on some of the leading railroads of the united states |
1,367 | train/M73383.wav | Barboza rose scowling from his seat and dropping his hand on the hilt of his facon said who is this who forbids me basilio barboza to sing of eighteen forty i forbid you shouted the stranger in a rage and smiting his breast |
1,368 | train/M83801.wav | Two iron pointed sticks two rifles and two shot belts were for my uncle and myself hans as a cautious man had added to our luggage a leathern bottle full of water which with that in our flasks would ensure us a supply of water for eight days |
1,369 | train/M70569.wav | Puffin was silent a moment in appreciation of these noble sentiments but you put in a lot of work over them he said at length often when im going up to bed i see the light still burning in your sitting room window |
1,370 | train/M53421.wav | खच नपरन And cares less than either of the others for gain or fame far less lover of wisdom lover of knowledge are titles which we may fitly apply to that part of the soul certainly |
1,371 | train/M40500.wav | And the distance he had already covered was a considerable one he looked back the town looked like a model of a town with little toy houses and different colored roofs among the trees that made a darker patch on the pattern of the valley floor गई लई आउन यह चतर ६ गत How would you account for the prodigious benevolence exercised towards the interesting young french lady |
1,372 | train/M15091.wav | Draped and frilled and floriated and still laden with countless articles of use and ornament were continually reinforced with purchasers by emissaries canvassing the crowd गरदएक थय कशर कमर मनज पशचम नपलक पहड य उपजतहर पन |
1,373 | train/M89538.wav | The other eye and his mouth behaved similarly the latter loosing upon the quiet air one shriek of mental agony before the little dog scrambled to his feet and gave further employment to his voice in a frenzy of profanity |
1,374 | train/M5722.wav | Work this grant of power to the territorial legislature certainly not it could not and that it did not is evinced by the fact that they had cast the mould on the other side so as not to move my fathers coverlet the poor old pensioner had been true to her promise and mans last garden was blooming like his first flower bed my mind if any i had |
1,375 | train/M15217.wav | But her observer was less struck by this than by the corresponding change in owen leath the latter when he came in sight had been laughing and talking unconcernedly with effie चनदरम डइमस ह |
1,376 | train/M261.wav | But can that which is neither become both i should say not and both pleasure and pain are motions of the soul are they not yes but that which is neither |
1,377 | train/M30261.wav | And his single visit to that city had formed the landmark of his life he never tried to comfort me as the others did the ignorant man knew better alone i sat by my fathers grave with my mothers ready before my feet |
1,378 | train/M40432.wav | इसलमम ईशवरलई मनवक अधक गन गए Should i find any traces there of that search which had finally ended over my head in the attic i was met at the door by ellen she wore a look of dismay which i felt fully accounted for when i looked inside |
1,379 | train/M58847.wav | कवतहर लखन Are very precipitous and are formed almost entirely of rocks the river at that point passed between two of these hills when the ice flowed down it surrounded these hills yet did not sweep over their tops but left great piles of glacial drift कम मनछ मतर |
1,380 | train/M71611.wav | The girl has spirit she remarked in an encouraging tone as if she were discussing some absent person upon my word amelia i rather like the look of her well my good woman जनमएक थए |
1,381 | train/M79229.wav | Out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much उनल मनषयलई सनदश |
1,382 | train/M66759.wav | But the moment the gesture was made his countenance fell his mirth stopped while that of his companions redoubled and the change was so obvious that the audience shared in the laughter but the subject neither saw nor heard |
1,383 | train/M13202.wav | Youve often asked us three to come and stay with you toad in this handsome house of yours well now were going to when weve converted you to a proper point of view we may quit but not before take him upstairs you two and lock him up in his bedroom |
1,384 | train/M23590.wav | परवत सयङजक समनम आवदन आउन हनल He willingly imposes duties on himself towards the former and the latter and he will frequently sacrifice his personal gratifications to those who went before and to those who will come after him चरय चलदथय नक परभवत छ |
1,385 | train/M80214.wav | भएक य तरहर My trouble is too heavy for me to hope relief the king has taken my brothers and means to put them to death i thought to rescue them by means of my horse bayard but while i slept some thief has stolen him the old man replied यस उपसल नगरक |
1,386 | train/M50816.wav | एकसथ चतम रखर Then comparing our original city which was under a king and the city which is under a tyrant how do they stand as to virtue they are the opposite extremes he said for one is the very best and the other is the very worst |
1,387 | train/M24573.wav | गरखलहरलई धर सङखयम But the ears of an owl are a very miracle of sensitiveness they can catch the squeak of a mouse at a distance which for ordinary ears would make the sharp clucking of a chipmunk inaudible |
1,388 | train/M44549.wav | He was a harvard sophomore and realized his own importance quite as much as the girls did but still there was always the chance that he would come into the room just for a minute and tell them some of the latest cambridge news परतबनध पन लगइय |
1,389 | train/M18855.wav | This talkativeness as lincoln himself realized was a very valuable asset leaving home he found in a venture at yankee notion pedling that glibness meant three hundred per cent in disposing of flimsy wares |
1,390 | train/M52238.wav | In it egypt was an independent country with a social system of an advanced type the spontaneous product of the genius of the people and it was the one in which under native rulers the land was filled with the marvellous pyramids temples |
1,391 | train/M84016.wav | You would allow i said that there is in nature an upper and lower and middle region i should and if a person were to go from the lower to the middle region would he not imagine that he is going up |
1,392 | train/M30921.wav | One or two shots from the far side warned them to come more slowly and colonel winchester drew his men up on a knoll waiting for the rest of the army to advance तरफबट बलरहन भरतपर मड सडकक चतवन र गरख |
1,393 | train/M72190.wav | But his partner took care to make him run an incredibly large odd number as a wind up to every over mister benyon did not seem to be distressed by the exertion in the least mister barker emphatically did this is a great sacrament but i speak in christ and in the church |
1,394 | train/M20112.wav | गनधजक नकटतम शषयहरम दललक But let us now pass on to pliable as he so soon and so completely discovers himself to us under john bunyans so skilful hand look well at our authors speaking portrait of a well known man in bedford who had no root in himself |
1,395 | train/M28746.wav | There had grown up little by little a very distinct and strongly marked rapport or magnetic relation i am not prepared to assert however that this rapport extended beyond the limits of the simple sleep producing power |
1,396 | train/M84598.wav | Then back across the line of march again twenty five miles then south another thousand feet across again and so on thus we advanced all the way to north carolina varying our cross country march from two to twenty five miles according to geological formation |
1,397 | train/M53811.wav | पतर वतरक ३३ Some things that stay there be grief hills eternity nor this behooveth me there are that resting rise can i expound the skies how still the riddle lies |
1,398 | train/M89091.wav | Into a horrible crocodile of some unknown metal while between the two there stands a pillar also of metal with certain characters in the syriac language inscribed upon it which being translated into kandian and now into castilian |
1,399 | train/M42229.wav | परन बनप पनत Came slowly up with us thank ye kindly doctor says he you came in in about the nick i guess for me and hawkins |
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