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1,100 | train/M12309.wav | मच नगरपलकम परन Langley wyndham had reasons for congratulating himself that everybody was out of town and that he was left to himself in his rooms in dover street for one thing it gave him opportunity for cultivating miss cravens acquaintance तयस यग वशषम य गउम खतपत |
1,101 | train/M29027.wav | अनय मनदरहरक तलनम But a great step in advance has been taken when a special class of magicians has been instituted when in other words a number of men have been set apart for the express purpose of benefiting the whole community by their skill बरम परशसकहरल अल उततरक कषतरलई जलप मवबट एसएलस |
1,102 | train/M55816.wav | Was taught back to within a few years of the time christ came on earth and from that time on has got bigger in power and influence over the minds of men so that the majority of civilized people give justice to their fellows because this religion tells them to do so the bible |
1,103 | train/M17207.wav | And in the utmost confusion for want of a prompter not a soul except miss arbe knowing a word or a cue of any part but his own and miss arbe who took upon her to regulate every thing |
1,104 | train/M29673.wav | Poor missus low we can foresee that there is much grief in store for her and some rocks ahead too in the political career of her husband phineas was still in london hanging about the clubs doing nothing गडकट रजहर कवसत घरक नज कठ हनथय |
1,105 | train/M75817.wav | Many of my friends are under the impression that i write these humorous nothings in idle moments when the wearied brain is unable to perform the serious labours of the economist my own experience is exactly the other way |
1,106 | train/M38182.wav | ईशवर बरलक ववह गरन परथय खत नखलकन नपल And the more i dwelt upon it the more hopeless it appeared my course of study आकर बढइदय |
1,107 | train/M55694.wav | Then was king mark heavy thereof and all the court when sir tristram heard of this he was ashamed and sore grieved and that it could not be indulged in a democratic community of honest people his own firm he said bought thousands of bushels of oats from the farmers and converted them into the celebrated eagle eye breakfast food three packages for a quarter |
1,108 | train/M50163.wav | Ameer ali was instantly thrown into the most dismal prison that they could find and ordered to be kept there until the king had time to think in what way he should be put to death meanwhile the king determined that the princess ought in any case to be married without delay नसकन गर बनद गरए कसमक दशयल यह |
1,109 | train/M83544.wav | When they saw a huge boar closely pressed by the hounds and followed by the huntsmen making towards them grinding his teeth and tusks and scattering foam from his mouth as soon as he saw him don quixote bracing his shield on his arm मर नम रम |
1,110 | train/M59362.wav | अनय सन ठल चकरम धर महतवपरण He had come there ardently wishing that she might be allowed to go to his aunt and resolved that he would take her himself if it were possible but now he almost thought that she had better not go |
1,111 | train/M25678.wav | जनत परवक परधन He dropped into his chair what her answer really said was if you lift a finger youll drive me back back to all the abominations you know of and all the temptations you half guess |
1,112 | train/M65106.wav | Fact one for me to establish the wives of men like you men much before the world men in the thick of strife social and political often receive letters of a very threatening character कसत करम हर |
1,113 | train/M8501.wav | पप छनट गरन ११ बज रडय छउक गउहरम पन परमणत गर पन परयतनरत रहन |
1,114 | train/M4060.wav | An i gwine take em ovah to missy stearnes place in de wheel barrer den i gwine red up de house an take de keys to mass gimble de agent den polly an me we go back to our own lil house in de lane yondeh |
1,115 | train/M47833.wav | Possibly a momentary success magnified to the dignity of a permanent device by an overenthusiastic inventor such criticism however did not disturb edison he knew that he had reached the goal long ago by a close process of reasoning यद उकत समहल |
1,116 | train/M40924.wav | That i entirely forgot to fire the left barrel and lowered the rifle from my shoulder with the intention of reloading if i should be given time fortunately for me the lion was so distracted by the terrific din and uproar of the coolies behind him that instead of springing on me नकप एमल परमख |
1,117 | train/M55767.wav | And it sounds the death knell of our society well simply be laughed out of existence in life as in dreams however things often go by contraries the avonlea people did not laugh they were too angry they could carry on but a small part of that commerce which at present subsists between them and consequently could give but a small part of that encouragement which they at present mutually afford to each others industry |
1,118 | train/M23438.wav | कयमपसहर रहक छन But their black bodies were painted with red and white stripes and bits of down and feathers were stuck on their skin some had only white stripes over the places where their bones were which made them look like skeletons flitting before the fire or in and out of the surrounding darkness ०५३ सलक गठवनधन ओखलढङग खटङ सलखमब |
1,119 | train/M46096.wav | यस अवधम समभव For there is no other way of escape with these words she breathed on the window and her breath froze on the pane then she led milan out of the room with her shut the door and threw the key away मनउन गरनछ |
1,120 | train/M44037.wav | य तलहर वशवम आम कयनसरहरक लग अङगरज नमक परयग गरनछ Facebook which was located in the stern and opened into the officers mess well be quite comfortable here i told conseil with all due respect to master conseil replied as comfortable as a hermit crab inside the shell of a whelk |
1,121 | train/M18784.wav | This was the beginning of a busy period especially for poor uncle john who had many details to attend to personally the next morning the electricians arrived and began stringing the power cables from the paper mill to the newspaper office |
1,122 | train/M74268.wav | परसदध कमएक छन On an old stump while he went to look at a nest of blacky the crow when he came back unc billy wasnt there i never did see unc billy hurry as he did the minute farmer browns boys back was turned |
1,123 | train/M59593.wav | At the thought that perhaps his trusty right hand man was in some danger of his life so cautiously which in the strange light of these latitudes objects spring into vision as he stood scanning my camp there arose beside him a laden pony and at its head a tibetan peasant |
1,124 | train/M30834.wav | And becomes a meadow soldering the sand reef to the mainland while the lagoon has been filling the waves have been so deepening the sea floor off the sand reef |
1,125 | train/M77169.wav | तलब भरतक सरवचच It will create a considerable sensation it will divert your thoughts from a mournful subject it will give me pleasure to do it it will not alter my determination it would be ill advised |
1,126 | train/M47463.wav | That would be turning your visit into an evil indeed wherever you are you should always be contented but especially at home because there you must spend the most of your time i did not quite like at breakfast |
1,127 | train/M78531.wav | All the nobility of france were engaged in this enterprise the english were kept in alarm great preparations were made for the reception of the invaders and though the dispersion of the french ships by a storm |
1,128 | train/M70412.wav | What do you wonder the voice was so close to striped chipmunk that it made him jump he whirled about there was johnny chuck who had tiptoed up as softly as he knew how to give striped chipmunk a scare johnny grinned |
1,129 | train/M57732.wav | कसल लखक भनर Or bidder a born calculator he was agitated by questions such as these why are there exactly six planets is there any connection between their orbital distances |
1,130 | train/M24092.wav | And bore her with an easy motion into a flowery dale by degrees her mind became composed and she laid herself down on the grassy bank to sleep when she awoke |
1,131 | train/M15359.wav | And determined to lay siege to the flower queens palace but the queen caused a forest of flowers as high as the sky to grow up round her dwelling through which no one could force a way |
1,132 | train/M9758.wav | The evening wore away with no abatement of this soothing politeness and her spirits were gradually raised to a modest tranquillity she did not learn either to forget or defend the past |
1,133 | train/M15613.wav | बरल मछ And one flew west and one flew into the cuckoos nest lloyd added quickly eugenia joyce or elizabeth |
1,134 | train/M72882.wav | And was preventing the whigs from voting lincoln started off at a gait which showed his interest in the matter in hand he went up to radford and persuaded him to leave the polls without a moments delay one of his candid remarks is remembered and recorded |
1,135 | train/M65750.wav | Its never wrong to do that she had listened eagerly as i say and it was her nature to understand quickly i wonder if you appreciate what you say if you do you take a great responsibility you frighten me a little कलपरसद रजलदवर लखएक |
1,136 | train/M52440.wav | For what a perversity both royal and feminine she wanted all the freedom for herself in short like any other woman she would rather love than be loved that is until surrender day should come |
1,137 | train/M68616.wav | मर आमल दख नपललई उततम As subsistence is in the nature of things prior to conveniency and luxury so the industry which procures the former must necessarily be prior to that which ministers to the latter |
1,138 | train/M56544.wav | मनवजञनक अनतर ह अनतसमम रहय But she never uttered a sound then of a sudden the cock crew and all the evil spirits vanished at the same moment the crow appeared and hopped all round the room with joy |
1,139 | train/M3141.wav | Martial does indeed speak of a young maiden in whom were combined the eloquence of plato with the austere philosophy of the porch and who wrote verses worthy of a chaste sappho but this was evidently a great exaggeration for we have no other evidence of her existence पछ पन हनछ |
1,140 | train/M24596.wav | ज १ खत न ह जनहस Said i have broken the law they will die some have died show us now where his old body lies the body he cast away because he had no more need of it it is this way man who walked in the sea पछ जनत यसलई |
1,141 | train/M55678.wav | Pillars fell beams crumbled to ashes while round the altar of sacrifice the people of jerusalem lay heaped together slain in such numbers in the holy place that their blood flowed down the broad marble steps in a heavy crimson stream |
1,142 | train/M68858.wav | नपल कङगरस नकप यस उदहरणम घर Because you see when a new baby laughs for the first time a new fairy is born and as there are always new babies there are always new fairies they live in nests on the tops of trees and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are |
1,143 | train/M1979.wav | दकषण अफरकबट बहरए कन दन सइबर Who was always boasting of his bravery when no danger was near but who invariably retreated without orders at the first charge of the engagement being asked by his captain why he did so replied captain |
1,144 | train/M31747.wav | यस जतम मनस Inevitably was with him at moments such as these it seemed it always seemed that with an unopened letter of hers in his possession it was as though he were about to open a page in the book of fate and read |
1,145 | train/M608.wav | उन २०१० म भनक खक तपई यह परबनधक २०५४ सलम एसय So far as the japanese are concerned the emperor lives is himself deity the emperor is the object to live for and to die for the japanese is not an individualist |
1,146 | train/M28748.wav | As lived both east and west of the mountains when the territory was created in march of eighteen fifty three instead of going in ox teams or even sleds thus when dogmas lead it what the man really and in general wills remains still the same |
1,147 | train/M52217.wav | He may well be called the father of the breed in england for when he gave up exhibiting a great deal of his best blood got into the kennels of mister h j ludlow who as everyone knows has done such a tremendous amount of good in popularising the breed |
1,148 | train/M12568.wav | बसबस गरन मनषयहरक I confessed to having read something about such an incident in high society well said henriette this would have thrown that little episode wholly in the shade आठमधय छ दवर अमरसहक रजनतक परट धर वषल चयउहरम |
1,149 | train/M28383.wav | To fit out an expedition down the great river which he thought was the columbia and in the spring of eighteen o seven two canoes under jules quesnel were sent out with goods ३० दनपछ एमजएमल |
1,150 | train/M65322.wav | Applied for the good of all of course they have great advantages hospitals for instance but then remember we breed the sickly people who fill them in a savage land they do not exist गमनक वष छल यसत परकरल ढकक हनछ |
1,151 | train/M8399.wav | ककरलई भरवक Of the nearer portions began to grow clear then in a moment almost the light died away and the vision if vision it were faded and was gone suddenly i became conscious that i was no longer in the chair instead |
1,152 | train/M84634.wav | And made his living by cutting grass in the jungle and selling it as fodder for horses he only earned by this five halfpence a day but he was a simple old man and needed so little out of it that he saved up one halfpenny daily |
1,153 | train/M84829.wav | Studiously conventional unremittingly proper inevitably a little priggish she was the right person in the right place she had the supreme good fortune to be in accord with her environment |
1,154 | train/M83760.wav | १९४९ एक सपन Above all we can strengthen the criticism against our dream interpretation still further that its conclusions are so unpleasant and unpalatable is perhaps of secondary importance a stronger argument |
1,155 | train/M88881.wav | Fins and bones the leavings of his feast the spears were used in aid of the dogs when an otter is wounded he makes directly to land where he maintains an obstinate defence |
1,156 | train/M67034.wav | And have just as much to be rediscovered as if it had never been seen mathematical astronomers tried to calculate a possible orbit for the body from the observations of piazzi but the observed places were so desperately few and close together |
1,157 | train/M49035.wav | मख मथन And although ignorant of the game which he had never played he accepted not knowing what to do with his time from nine oclock in the morning as it then scarcely was till twelve the two musketeers were already there and were playing together उतकरषक बल वदश |
1,158 | train/M816.wav | Or any other shape which might suggest itself to you you see you are responsible for our having lost our champion so we really feel that we have a claim upon you give me a moment gentlemen it is very unexpected गरएक मनगह पन |
1,159 | train/M5928.wav | As if to know how the work was advancing during these calm intervals i replenished my fire sometimes without leaving the nest for fire and woodpile were so near this could easily be done or busied myself with my notebook पञचतनतरक शवदक अरथ हनछ पच सदधनतम आधरत कथ हर घनमटर परत सकनड नपल टलभजन |
1,160 | train/M69935.wav | Hell get lost or stolen if i take him and its too far to carry him home if you are in a hurry began ben persuading himself that this was the true reason of his delay let cy take him back hell do it for a cent wont you cy proposed billy |
1,161 | train/M73064.wav | Chapter eight the honeyed word master maloneys statement that about steen visitors had arrived one would think he was easy enough to understand he was a very natural simple sort of person who had only all his life asked for peace and quiet it wasnt much to ask vera who is vera asked lucy my wife |
1,162 | train/M13641.wav | As the law has been sometimes administered it lays us open to wounds because it is imagined to have the power of healing to punish fraud when it is detected अब य नमलई बढ करवर गरछ |
1,163 | train/M87609.wav | Lets go out rynason said and the two of them broke from behind the altar the hirlaji stood completely still several of those that rynason had dropped with his stunner had recovered consciousness but they made no move either |
1,164 | train/M73768.wav | I returned to my fixed seat behind the teachers desk which gave him the lower place of a scholar you ought to have the place of honor captain littlepage i said a happy rural seat of various views आवशयक परन बरद |
1,165 | train/M55481.wav | करण मओवद धनष Your refusal wounds my pride i must believe you think my offer unworthy your acceptance let me shew you the way i have no doubt my landlady can accommodate this young lady also |
1,166 | train/M53237.wav | मछहरक ससर कत य जतहरम घट A lot of water in it makes ones arms ache and he went on with his work singing softly to himself the nights are very damp in digging things out of the ground which you probably do now and then the professor began in a loud voice |
1,167 | train/M52030.wav | For invariably they spoke of grants surprisingly successful performance and when they did so something like a sickening poison seemed to bubble within the jealous youth who told himself that he could not long continue to join in this praise |
1,168 | train/M49196.wav | नगरपलक भएक यस पक प ह बब कनक वदशहरल बझनपरछ परतषठनक एक सममलनम And whereas in this instance property in improvements ought to give a title to the principal |
1,169 | train/M57082.wav | Even the frogs who are afraid of cranes crept quietly near to look on it was not long before another young crane began to skip and hop and circle around drooping his wings and whooping as he went पहल वयकत बन परशरमल पतक आजञ |
1,170 | train/M17817.wav | And i said to her in my iciest voice you know how icy i can be when occasion demands it the second old lady nodded an ungrudging assent as if perfectly prepared to admit her friends rare gift of iciness |
1,171 | train/M38296.wav | I dont wonder he was pleased and proud i spoilt my gloves clapping and quite forgot my dislike of seeing women on platforms she was so earnest and unconscious and sweet after the first moment has he said anything to you dear no आफन भयक करण |
1,172 | train/M13276.wav | Later like douglas given a title for his services to the empire had as we have seen first come out under direct appointment by the crown and when parliamentary government was organized in british columbia his position was confirmed as chief justice चचरहर चढ र अझ परतशतल वदध |
1,173 | train/M37046.wav | The shock of her brief interview with her brother over reflection assured her knowing all she did that stanleys wooing would prosper and so this cause of quarrel had really nothing in it यस गरन मलदन मनवजञनक अनतर ह भइसकक छ भन कन जव छनन |
1,174 | train/M65470.wav | परपत हनछ भनएक छ Following the etiquette of dramatic authors on first nights he remained discreetly in the background while the procession with extreme diffidence and the goat wound its way lugubriously towards the village आफन अङगसमत |
1,175 | train/M16445.wav | Often lead him to engage in wars not sanctified by justice or the voice and interests of his people but independent of these inducements to war which are more prevalent in absolute monarchies but which well deserve our attention |
1,176 | train/M40682.wav | And the moccasined feet of a man and woman had scurried down the bluff from the hospital window to meet them west of fosters shanty then there had been confusion trouble of some kind one pony pursued a short distance had broken away |
1,177 | train/M84548.wav | With only a small opening through which food was shoved in the day her baby was born and when the americans came they found her and her sixteen year old child in this dark room |
1,178 | train/M36307.wav | Poor brandon usually so ready had nothing to say to that but sat in helpless silence was this the sum total of all his wise determinations made at the cost of so much pain and effort |
1,179 | train/M63506.wav | गमनत परमख छन घषणपतर पन पदरथ सबसटस बल There was an air of primitive simplicity about its inhabitants not to be found in the villages which lie on the great coach roads i determined to pass the night there and having taken an early dinner |
1,180 | train/M3450.wav | बरव पइन यस खड गरछन Colonel blaylock said the little elderly lady shaking her gray curl and smiling indulgent explanation at j pinkney bloom is so devoted to businesss he has such a talent for financiering and markets and investments and कर त कवरल |
1,181 | train/M19413.wav | She was in my opinion the most superb of creatures clodagh that haughty neck which seemed always scorning something just behind her left shoulder superb american gentlemen are no longer dependent on english tailors or on english fashions as they were some years ago the american type of physique is a distinct one |
1,182 | train/M56753.wav | Rynch went flat on the stream bank made a worms progress up the slope to crouch behind a bush and survey the land immediately ahead there stood an off world spacer fins down nose skyward |
1,183 | train/M30681.wav | How great is natures diligence to secure universal propagation by multiplying seed who does not know all these to be contrivances not only for the present maintenance of a species but for its lasting continuance छ तर शरषक |
1,184 | train/M25161.wav | Ill tell a thing incredible but true one entered the small circuit by a gate which from the della pera took its name each one that bears the beautiful escutcheon of the great baron whose renown and name the festival of thomas keepeth fresh |
1,185 | train/M85624.wav | And then commenced a systematic rifling of the vessel this operation required several hours during which time a number of the chariots were requisitioned to transport the loot which consisted in arms ammunition silks furs jewels strangely carved stone vessels |
1,186 | train/M17943.wav | य आइयसएनक रत We cant get anyone amongst us to complain of his not always having his own way in the teeth of the community when it is clear that everybody cannot have that indulgence what is to be done well said i i dont know said he |
1,187 | train/M48436.wav | यगदनल गरद यत अखल भरत चकतस For i loved nothing in the world better than fine clothes i told him i must housewife the money he had lent me or else i should not be able to pay him again he then told me in a few words that as he had a sincere respect for me and knew my circumstances |
1,188 | train/M45200.wav | Been said about the election of a colleague so little seemed to fall to the duty of the churchwarden that i regarded the neglect as a trifle and was remiss in setting it right i had therefore to suffer as was just indeed mister brownrigg was not the man to have power in his hands unchecked धरल यस दनदख |
1,189 | train/M64197.wav | Good morning missus shimerda can you tell me where i will find ambrosch which field he with the sod corn she pointed toward the north still standing in front of the cow as if she hoped to conceal it |
1,190 | train/M74891.wav | परकशन गरक छन भगवत भनन जलललई पच परमख From the lifted throat came a low a vibrant cry harmonious weirdly disquieting golden and sweet and laden with the eery minor wailings of the blue valleys night the dragoned chamber |
1,191 | train/M63423.wav | He shippd as green hand boy and saild away took some sudden vehement notion since twenty years and more have circled round and round while he the globe was circling round and round and now returns how changed the place |
1,192 | train/M65609.wav | The horrible glowing tool disappeared into the night whirling as it flew and fell far away on the snow the prisoner resumed do what you please with me he was disarmed भन पहल न |
1,193 | train/M60614.wav | मसन लयइएक अधयकष Meantime the wise woman was busy as she always was and her business now was with the child of the shepherd and shepherdess away in the north her name was agnes her father and mother were poor and could not give her many things |
1,194 | train/M59559.wav | करनटम जडछ तब Who was the first to shed light on the longstanding mystery surrounding the disappearance of ships under the count de la perouse this bay repeatedly dredged furnished a huge supply of excellent oysters |
1,195 | train/M27245.wav | कपय हककत क पचथर जललम अवसथत भभग परवतरफ फरकक परभव परन करयकरमहर सञचलन गरन |
1,196 | train/M73989.wav | You must ride he said briskly what in asked the shaggy man in a sand boat which has runners like a sled and sails like a ship the wind will blow you swiftly across the desert |
1,197 | train/M43226.wav | Why said jonathan i know mister savareen as well as i know my right hand and then didnt he tell me about his row with shuttleworth and that he had the four hundred pounds in his pocket why dark as it was i noticed the scar on his cheek when he was talking about it |
1,198 | train/M64595.wav | Said the duke you would have known the said knight don quixote of la mancha for you have him here before you for it is certain that heyward who possessed a true eye for the merits of a horse was unable with his utmost ingenuity to decide by what sort of movement his pursuer worked his sinuous way on his footsteps |
1,199 | train/M21873.wav | जबर छडउन वयकत मडल तथ बयपर हन Just as it boils stir in a thickening of milk and flour put in the oysters and stir them till they are sufficiently stewed then take them off and put in the yelks of two eggs well beaten do not put this in while it is boiling or it will curdle |
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