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1,000 | train/M31706.wav | By means of individuating principles so that knowledge of the nature of a thing in general will be impossible but if the species be abstracted from the conditions of individual matter |
1,001 | train/M11442.wav | कषतरक रपम छर गहनदर शमशरल Like nancy and borrowing the poor girls own words she would say softly to herself he once was here but all along she believed in her heart he would come back again to her though it touched her strangely to imagine the agonies of forsaken love ज यवसय समक |
1,002 | train/M38465.wav | In the rest of the volume where mister catty does not take himself quite so seriously there are some rather pleasing things the sonnet on shelleys room at university college would be admirable बहलह जयमर लगयत भएन कठमडबट आएक |
1,003 | train/M41245.wav | Because the chief engineer had enough imagination to keep his desk locked his wife relished his style greatly they were a childless couple and missus rout a big high bosomed jolly woman of forty ककरक ननदर |
1,004 | train/M55970.wav | Which maybe you sort of gather that he had to keep on performin because the tenderfoot was still in the saddle he was an he never pulled leather no sir he never touched the buckin strap but jest sat there with his teeth set अरथत तम वदर |
1,005 | train/M64428.wav | Where the people who have been writing a few letters after breakfast may when they have finished meet those who have no intention of writing any and arrange plans with them for the morning and take the city of carthagena these two crews of pirates being now joined were infinitely glad at the presence and society of one another |
1,006 | train/M45146.wav | By every saint in the calendar that the girl had saved him from a frightful death and he would devote his future life to her service it is wonderful murmured ferralti |
1,007 | train/M41515.wav | महशवरतरक अवसरम परतयक न दखय It certainly does look as if it might clear up said belle to nora as they walked along yes indeed answered nora मजदर आनदलनक एक परयटकय गनतवय कव र उसक परय |
1,008 | train/M19401.wav | आतम छ नमर As he drove through the streets past the houses that had been burned down he was surprised by the beauty of those ruins the picturesqueness of the chimney stacks and tumble down walls of the burned out quarters of the town |
1,009 | train/M50915.wav | दमनक लग लड Of antipater who although he had not only had great benefits bestowed on him by his father enough to tame his reason yet could not be more tamed than the most envenomed serpents whereas even those creatures admit of some mitigation and will not bite their benefactors |
1,010 | train/M58762.wav | A long and musing pause succeeded the chief consulted apart with his companions and messengers despatched to collect certain others of the most distinguished men of the tribe as warrior after warrior dropped in मतर पचपछ थइन उन भरत तथ |
1,011 | train/M12123.wav | The darlington and stockton times in eighteen fifty six recorded the death on december tenth at wallbury in the north riding of yorkshire the career of eighty six at west point was in many respects remarkable there were no cliques no dissensions and personal prejudices or selfishness if any existed never came to the surface परवरतन गरक थए गरन सकनछ |
1,012 | train/M15356.wav | Waiting for the return of them who got away only to their great misfortune hearing no news of their captain nor companions at last embarked on the ship of a certain pirate who happened to pass that way i will only sum up my evidence i will only take an occasion to express एक परययम हन |
1,013 | train/M49984.wav | Because a stray bullet might pierce the gas bag and damage the ship thats so agreed mister jenks well i guess if we go at it the right way we can capture him without any shooting but we must talk more quietly but now they could tell the whole world for jesus wanted everyone to know they were glad that they did not have to be quiet any longer |
1,014 | train/M54410.wav | गरएक र यसक And running races to stretch our limbs on shore so they danced there and ran races the jolly merchant kings till the night fell and all went in and then they ate and drank and comforted their weary souls |
1,015 | train/M52919.wav | Haemorrhoidal patients continue to swallow sulphur from day to day almost every body from the child up to the old man who is affected with catarrh swallows the so termed pulmonary powders which contain sulphur and of which relief is expected |
1,016 | train/M27123.wav | When one looks at the few specimens still remaining of coach building in the last century it strikes one that the chief object of the builders must have been to combine the greatest possible weight with the least possible amount of accommodation |
1,017 | train/M32329.wav | Ill walk up to farmer hendrys and see if they will take us in i think we might be fairly comfortable can aunt celia have apollinaris and black coffee after her morning bath i asked i hope katharine य कसक बनइएक छ उपनदर यदव मधस |
1,018 | train/M82295.wav | मनसहर आफन धरमक But little altered except having grown taller and more rounded and perfect in her figure and her court dress displayed proportions which her humble costume at the new forest had concealed or which time had not matured |
1,019 | train/M80218.wav | I wish you could dance my dear i wish you could get a partner for some time her young friend felt obliged to her for these wishes but they were repeated so often तजम सनजदवर |
1,020 | train/M89956.wav | A morning call literally in the dewy morning why ive had the vicar here already on his way to the school how much the desire of giving our hostess a teetotal lecture for the benefit of the haymakers had to do with his earliness i dont know |
1,021 | train/M1525.wav | I will pay you as much as you want the miller replied why not what shall i do with them then the hunter said that to the old donkey which was the witch three beatings and one meal to the younger one which was the servant दशकसमम आउदआउद असटरलयल |
1,022 | train/M5448.wav | In hiera the people in those parts believe that hephaestus has his forge from the quantity of flame which they see it send out by night and of smoke by day these islands lie off the coast of the sicels and messinese and were allies of the syracusans भगपर नगरम अनक |
1,023 | train/M71808.wav | Over which eugenists raise such a pother are surely not the worst curses that mankind has to bear some of the greatest men in history have had them whole nations have had them and survived the truth about them |
1,024 | train/M80572.wav | For as it is evident that these have a regular conjunction with motives and circumstances and characters and as we always draw inferences from one to the other we must be obliged to acknowledge in words that necessity which we have already avowed in every deliberation of our lives |
1,025 | train/M27885.wav | यसक उपयग भषशकषणक Felt that i had a right to conceal nothing from her confiding affection encouraged by her candor upon the delicate point of her age i entered with perfect frankness not only into a detail of my many minor vices |
1,026 | train/M53034.wav | He hoped also to see from above something of the result of the strange aerial bombardment of which his father had spoken in their flight which had been to them a flight through the glories of a super heavenly universe they had lost all count of time |
1,027 | train/M55468.wav | The whiteness of the teeth is not that of ivory but of the snowiest and most gleaming of china against the dark background of their olive skins their tusks stand out in a most striking manner |
1,028 | train/M13529.wav | To forbid second marriages in such cases would be to expose the parties not only to stronger hardships and strong temptation but to church censure for acting in obedience to their masters who cannot be expected to acquiesce in a regulation at variance with justice to the slaves |
1,029 | train/M36642.wav | The subject and the objects together are called the constituents of the judgement it will be observed that the relation of judging has what is called a sense or direction we may say metaphorically that it puts its objects in a certain order भएकल य टलकनछ |
1,030 | train/M28586.wav | १५९१ दख १६११ खलम उनक उपलबध य चकतसक तथ दउमई नद इलम जललक चर परमख नदमधय एक ह When leslie and allison began to realize that professor armitage came to see their cloudy jewel धरमलई एउट यसत |
1,031 | train/M21524.wav | Whereby the superior makes use of his subjects for their own benefit and good and this kind of subjection existed even before sin for good order would have been wanting in the human family if some were not governed by others wiser than themselves |
1,032 | train/M4835.wav | य दई जललहरक And away he ran from the shower of sharp beech nuts which didnt hurt uncle wiggily at all because he raised his umbrella and kept them off then he thanked the tree for having saved him from the bear and went safely home she opened the door of the top oven out came a rich steamy flavour of veal and ham and there stood a fine brown pie परवहलई नयनतरण गर छरक वयग |
1,033 | train/M66986.wav | १९०० दख न Millowners and manufacturers build hospitals schools savings banks asylums and dwellings for their workpeople some of them form co operative associations in which they have shares on the same terms as the others ड फ चनय |
1,034 | train/M64279.wav | छ जसमरफत उनल Ten thousand faces were upturned toward the heavens ten thousand pipes descended simultaneously from the corners of ten thousand mouths and a shout which could be compared to nothing but the roaring of niagara |
1,035 | train/M66662.wav | When the pony paused at the big brook brought his four legs steadily down on the brink as though he were going to bathe then with a bend of his back leaped to the other side dropping his hind legs in and instantly recovering them |
1,036 | train/M50860.wav | Both of them so vague yet both of them noble i know not how to decide it seems to me that it is eminently a case for facts to testify facts i think are yet lacking to prove spirit return बलक लग आफन फल परपत हन तमलनडम सथत नरदशक मनमहन दसईल |
1,037 | train/M63526.wav | Can either of you tell me what the wife of a prince of chitakov would call herself princess of chitakov of course said sophy its the princess of wales but it isnt the princess of christian nor yet the princess of teck nor the princess of england |
1,038 | train/M57667.wav | Was written in a similar competition he now concentrated his powers upon literature producing two novels मनदरक अहलक सवरप नय समय जरमन घटनहर घटरहनछन नबनधक सब परकरहर |
1,039 | train/M39090.wav | At the top they halted and reconnoitred the black chateau lay in front of them the moon had shone out between two rain clouds and threw the old house into silver and shadow |
1,040 | train/M38840.wav | And wiped the warm blood off his hand onto his coat perhaps the jackals scent them and with dissatisfied faces go off in another direction above me |
1,041 | train/M23611.wav | And diverted into the larders of the hostile camps for some time this war of the cupboard was carried on to the great festivity and jollification of the swedes while the warriors of fort casimir found their hearts or rather their stomachs नपलक परचय झलकन |
1,042 | train/M11373.wav | झपम रजन गर Of the extent to which cigarette smoking is indulged in now by women is a question quite unanswerable yet queen victoria once received a present of pipes and tobacco फर चतर अभलख परवमनतर थए मनव बसत |
1,043 | train/M59972.wav | २०१३ क अगसट अवध समपत भइसकक गरन सतर य Her eyes round and wondering then she interrupted herself ah yes there is in a vault near that of kilors there is a great spool of it |
1,044 | train/M9327.wav | जसम भरतय परव Why did he refrain from giving a narration of that garden scene to which he had been witness was it that he feared humiliation by disclosing the part he had himself played whatever was the reason the truth was shunned कठमड वशववदयलय नमन |
1,045 | train/M87207.wav | Graham heard the song of the revolt during his long unpleasant research in these places and once he saw a confused struggle down a passage and learnt that a number of these serfs had seized their bread before their work was done graham was ascending towards the ways again |
1,046 | train/M85311.wav | The first sound tito heard was the short laugh of piero di cosimo who stood close by him and was the only person that could see his face ha ha i know what a ghost should be now this is another escaped prisoner said lorenzo tornabuoni who is he i wonder some madman surely said tito |
1,047 | train/M49095.wav | And a little mace cook this gently for ten minutes and add a cup of milk thickened with flour and butter the juice of a lemon and one teaspoonful of sugar cook a few minutes |
1,048 | train/M60701.wav | उपतयकबट बनप हद Not merely to dolls but to the more heroic enjoyments of infancy nursing a dormouse feeding a canary bird or watering a rose bush indeed she had no taste for a garden अत न कषट |
1,049 | train/M12673.wav | परजनन कनदर सथपन अनकट कभरपलनचक दवरकट हथलटव नपलक Sometimes in spite of great difficulties sent to the neighbouring towns for the decorations and then arranged them all with such pious care even on the graves of those of whom little was known and of those poor men few in number whose very names have perished |
1,050 | train/M25169.wav | कह मनछ बसबस अटरकस रकस एव Uncertain light he muttered gone no i see you still it is it is over भय हन त |
1,051 | train/M67141.wav | If we can stick it out here we must hit the trail ive got another bit of evidence i have solved harry bullivants third puzzle sandys eyes were very bright and i had an audience on wires did you say that in the tale of kasredin a woman is the ally of the prophet |
1,052 | train/M26296.wav | गरबट सकन पइनन घरएक घन जङगलहर ऊरज हनछ And arrange yourselves a nest for life pardi to love to be loved what a fine miracle when one is young यह तनतर ह |
1,053 | train/M28260.wav | पउन खरचक सम पछ वकसत हद By laws to operate upon them in their collective capacities and to be executed by a coercion applicable to them in the same capacities a project of this kind is little less romantic than the monster taming spirit which is attributed to the fabulous heroes and demi gods of antiquity मणकमल छतरलगयतक पलपम भएक ह |
1,054 | train/M11362.wav | Jubilant as ever her song went bubbling on and death in life and again life in death were its alternate burdens and looking round and seeing the sheep nibbled heels of turnips that dotted the ground their hearts eaten out of them in frost bound days now over and done पउन थय |
1,055 | train/M1040.wav | पन सरजन गरदछन नक रमर छ The characters of othello iago cassio emilia according to shakespeare are much less natural and lifelike than in the italian romance shakespeares othello suffers from epilepsy of which he has an attack on the stage |
1,056 | train/M20346.wav | यस जतल हतयएक It would not make them one jot less agreeable but it must very materially lessen their chance of marrying men of any consideration in the world replied darcy to this speech bingley made no answer |
1,057 | train/M77039.wav | And astounded the general court of massachusetts on january twenty first seventeen forty five by first inducing the members to swear secrecy and then asking them to consider a plan for a colonial expedition against louisbourg |
1,058 | train/M22988.wav | नपल रषटर बङकक पवतर सनन गर जन दमपतक छर छन Her imagination helped her to make everything rather like a story and she managed this matter so well that miss saint john gained more information from her books than she would have gained if she had read them three times over by her poor stupid little self तय बलदख अहलसमम |
1,059 | train/M43465.wav | And who is carlo he is the guide who owns them beppo looked momentarily guilty the answer had slipped out before he thought oh indeed but if tony is a guide why doesnt he have donkeys of his own जठसमम ककर |
1,060 | train/M70300.wav | A photographic collection of heavily bearded shaggy celebrities tolstoi whitman carpenter and others arent they wonderful amory tried politely to appreciate them and gave up laughingly burne and the only solution offered by geologists was unlimited time given unlimited time they could of course be formed no matter how slowly the process went on |
1,061 | train/M90078.wav | That he has done what he could for the emancipation and elevation of his kind in eighteen fifty five he again visited europe and four years later california where he was received with great demonstrations of honor and respect |
1,062 | train/M90535.wav | Bernards proposal should be carried in the pocket of all future swains he decides whilst imbibing his morning tea beneath the pink silken quilt that to propose in london would not be the correct idear |
1,063 | train/M39839.wav | पन वयवसथ गरनपरदछ But upon two young men in the class it made a powerful impression it crystallized within them certain vague conceptions and brought them to a conscious focus enabling the young men to turn formless dreams into concrete acts |
1,064 | train/M48258.wav | Wouldnt know them if i did any other agreeable surprises about the resort no oh yes i nearly forgot theres a little friend of gloria greenes girl tired out अकषर समबनधत हनछन जन रजनतक रपल |
1,065 | train/M75822.wav | मसमम जमम ७२ John knightley only was in mute astonishment that a man who might have spent his evening quietly at home after a day of business in london should set off again and walk half a mile to another mans house for the sake of being in mixed company till bed time |
1,066 | train/M27607.wav | नटक दखइनछ यसत उपय सवकर आम समदयम पगछ Our fears must have been prophetic for on that same evening the wildwood discharged upon us millys preordained confiscator our fee to adjustment and order but alaska and not wisconsin bore the burden of the visitation |
1,067 | train/M88687.wav | What have you never heard the story of the man in the moon then i must surely tell it for it is very amusing and there is not a word of truth in it |
1,068 | train/M70604.wav | They seem to have constituted an actual majority of the population and bitterly resented the endeavours of heraclius to enforce orthodoxy in the reconquered provinces their discontent was so bitter |
1,069 | train/M33631.wav | चस र ठस छ And by the time he had discovered mister perkers laundress who lived with a married daughter who had bestowed her hand upon a non resident waiter who occupied the one pair of some number in some street closely adjoining to some brewery somewhere मननत भएक थए |
1,070 | train/M26561.wav | परकरम गरद लगन नरयत गरन चमल छनमख भजपर जललम His having moved his troops there is only a ruse he will probably pass round to the right of the moskva but wherever it may be many a man will be missing tomorrow he remarked |
1,071 | train/M40501.wav | पन सललह दइनछ त दशक हत पयगड शलम आफभनद सनहरलई परणम बसन मक जरछ It is highly probable that of all the terrier tribe the scottie taken as a whole is the best companion he makes a most excellent house dog is not too big does not leave white hairs about all over the place loves only his master and his masters household |
1,072 | train/M59646.wav | द नसमनत रहनन Did master get bitten no my boy but id gladly have sacrificed a finger for such a find what find this shell i said displaying the subject of my triumph but thats simply an olive shell of the tent olive species जनमन मनछल रदरकष |
1,073 | train/M70409.wav | आफतरफ आकरषत गर Secondly the captain a surly and silent man had brought hither perhaps by force a young woman as his wife who was so unhappy that she pined away and died who was this woman पन मनक सरचनहर |
1,074 | train/M56422.wav | At the thoughts of leaving you with this dreadful beast you had better go back and let me stay in your place no said beauty boldly i will never agree to that you must go home to morrow morning the sheaths of their swords knives and other such things being almost ravenous and eager to meet some indians |
1,075 | train/M3147.wav | जन ईसक जनमबट पशचम भरतक दवरकसथत He had not heard she stole nearer and nearer and the fire crackled and he heard nothing she stopped a moment unable to breathe she was afraid suppose he |
1,076 | train/M61334.wav | The long nose of the old woman appeared at the grating but the moment she caught sight of his face she nearly fainted from fright as she thought it was the ghost of the youth whose bones were lying in the dungeon of the castle lady of all the ages |
1,077 | train/M77627.wav | तर हमर जनम क Said he was six feet in height quite thin and had long limbs he was then thirty one years old you will see by what i have told you just how wash ing ton spent much of his time for at least five years |
1,078 | train/M61117.wav | And its a big thing said handy solomon to me for theys not only gold but altar jewels and diamonds of whom what could he less expect than glory and benediction that is thanks the slightest easiest readiest recompense from them who could return him nothing else and not returning that |
1,079 | train/M29478.wav | But m laboulaye rightly says it did not change the condition of men in a moment any more than that of things between slavery and liberty there was an abyss which could not be filled in a day the transitional step टएरक सथन |
1,080 | train/M64862.wav | The crayfish stuck his tail into the mud he often did this when he was surprised it seemed to help him think when he had thought for a while he waved his big pinching claws and said |
1,081 | train/M87766.wav | I could not jest thus were i not coming shortly to your aid how maddening it is and you so priceless but most men are either fools or blind and one is both trust me to prove it to him to my own satisfaction and his if i get the chance |
1,082 | train/M66789.wav | But this is a thing more ardently to be wished than seriously to be expected the plan offered to our deliberations affects too many particular interests innovates upon too many local institutions |
1,083 | train/M58102.wav | And that the thenardier would beat her this anguish was mingled with her terror at being alone in the woods at night she was worn out with fatigue and had not yet emerged from the forest |
1,084 | train/M35482.wav | And she returned the less the better poor man he has got but little by his openness making missus jewkes his confidant as she bragged what a fool i had been to ask for long leave and come ashore like this to curry favour with a set of stubborn dunderheads who cared nothing for me or polly |
1,085 | train/M18891.wav | पखर फइननस लमटड We dont care what price we might have to pay for a foxs liver pray buy one for us at any expense so they pressed him to exert himself on their behalf and he having promised faithfully to execute the commission went his way जडन गरएक छ परकलपन बरहमणडक पटक सफल आरहण नपल सहतयक आदकव |
1,086 | train/M3426.wav | An explanation of how the fugitive had escaped injury was found in a heaped up basket of clothes under the chute the basket had been overturned but that was all mister jamieson examined the windows one was unlocked and offered an easy escape तथ नपलक कह |
1,087 | train/M83796.wav | And which were generally known as the cours des miracles these houses or rather resorts had been so called if we are to believe a writer of the early part of the seventeenth century मधयम एक समपरभसतत |
1,088 | train/M75542.wav | पइन गरदछ And yet there is within me the lust for action and battle it is the primitive man in me i suppose but sobered and enlightened by civilization i would do everything in my power to avert war and the suffering it entails fate |
1,089 | train/M29441.wav | उन सयकत रजय दकषणपटट भततम एउट What about the babys speech the hearing baby babbles because he gets some pleasure from the sounds and also because he desires to imitate the sounds of speech he hears around him he has his attention called constantly to sound |
1,090 | train/M32099.wav | As you left the choice of your costumes to me said the count to the two friends i have had these brought as they will be the most worn this year and they are most suitable on account of the confetti sweetmeats as they do not show the flour |
1,091 | train/M20143.wav | In which distortion is either entirely absent or of trifling importance if there are such but here again we digress from the history of the evolution of our knowledge for as a matter of fact भरमणक लग आउन |
1,092 | train/M57675.wav | Anybody with money she sobbed and you thought we were so so desperate you believed that i had no he said quickly i didnt believe youd done one kind thing for me for that no no no |
1,093 | train/M3165.wav | परत अगध आसथ Was a short smooth faced voluble overgrown boy sort of man the mother was dumpy coarse and good natured they had a greasy easy tempered daughter of eighteen with a frowsy head and a face like a full moon |
1,094 | train/M51384.wav | Or pashas in egypt with him was his brother in law lately come from canada a big and rather boisterous young gentleman farmer with a yellow beard by name james blount कलपन गरङ नपल बकर जर |
1,095 | train/M27356.wav | बलन रई भष औषधपचर सहयग गरनछ We shall not have to wait for our childrens time nor our childrens children we shall ourselves see and largely determine the adventure of the yellow and the brown feng wang cheng manchuria फल परपत हनछ |
1,096 | train/M34873.wav | गडबड हन तथ जञन दइएक थय Dont be uneasy i shall not die on the road while speaking thus it could be seen that the poor boy had called up all his energy and by the energy of a powerful will had collected his failing strength उपसथत नभएपछ अमरकल |
1,097 | train/M61795.wav | Thats three times aint it hes got a temper like angels aint supposed to have so i have observed agreed tad with a laugh and thats why we call him the angel well get the old gentleman this time or break every cinch strap in the outfit कशरवसथम न उनल २०३२ सलदख सकरय |
1,098 | train/M75906.wav | Arthur listened in sullen silence though his rapidly changing color showed that he felt the cutting rebuke keenly at one time he had resolved to confess everything throw himself upon the mercy of his father and brother the women of the other group strive consciously by drastic means to protect themselves and the children already born our examinations says doctor max hirsch an authority on the subject |
1,099 | train/M56583.wav | To hug the land and go blundering about what you so aptly call this pestilent archipelago is for us to court disaster as you can perhaps conceive and so it comes to this |
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