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900 | train/M85201.wav | I tried to look away and found myself unable to move i felt mercers tense sudden grip upon my arm but i did not could not look at him she shes smiling i heard him exclaim यगदनक कर वयकतगत |
901 | train/M87949.wav | Saw a wild waste of raging seas scooped into abysmal troughs in which the bulk of a leviathan might wallow at the bottom of one of these valleys of water lay the mutineers boat looking with its outspread oars like some six legged insect |
902 | train/M69015.wav | यसक परयग गर The brutality of marriage creates definite situations suppresses the will kills choice has a syntax like grammar replaces inspiration by orthography makes a dictation of love disperses all lifes mysteries |
903 | train/M39992.wav | १९७२ अगसट १२ म As the field and its fertile qualities and those called artificial as improvements and machinery according as these resources are more or less developed as labor is employed in a fertile or a barren field with a sharp tool or a dull one |
904 | train/M87814.wav | About this assemblage and the hall in which they were congregated was the fact that the creatures were entirely out of proportion to the desks chairs and other furnishings these being of a size adapted to human beings such as i |
905 | train/M5760.wav | टक लगई आशरवद The second of the two loch steamers was edging away from the pier under a cloud of black smoke from her funnel the rain had stopped the passengers were scattered on the deck |
906 | train/M52980.wav | Answered brenda mister barlow laughed i am afraid that you cannot make out a very strong case of cruelty to children unless you can prove the existence of the children oh well interposed missus barlow |
907 | train/M41554.wav | Said sir tristram by my will i would not have ado with you at no time ye shall not so said sir uwaine but ye shall have ado with me and then sir tristram saw none other bote but rode against him |
908 | train/M50906.wav | As he halted here at the edge of the street he glanced quickly behind him at a man whom he had just passed the other had paused at the corner and was staring down the street jimmie dale instantly and nonchalantly produced his cigarette case |
909 | train/M30617.wav | And passed the morning most enjoyably in her sunshiney garden here patricia was also brought in her wheel chair by beth who then left the two invalids together they conversed genially enough for a time until an unfortunate remark of aunt janes म रषटरय पदक यस ठउक अरक महभरतक यदधम धर |
910 | train/M31479.wav | That i feel encouraged to doubt whether ever there was a man absolutely without hope that there have been alas are many who are aware of no ground of hope nay even who feel no glimmer in them of anything they can call hope i know |
911 | train/M393.wav | कलमटर टढ परछ जमम भएक रकम फरकएपछ रजल छरक करकन गरन Fit the second the bellmans speech the bellman himself they all praised to the skies such a carriage such कसर खस |
912 | train/M2834.wav | Put it in the bottom of your heart cork it with the cork of clean conscience let it remain and you will quickly find ease and be restored to your senses again अरलई घण गरन |
913 | train/M78615.wav | Or a volcanic explosion which blew him high and dry out of his troubles landed him in a fortune before it all she saw the tall figure by her side his face turned from her watching the track intently she wondered with a vague curiosity what induced him to come to the races आवषकरक यतर ह |
914 | train/M73998.wav | उनल सन १९७५ म आपम टरटरक She stared at me i had not answered her grin my mind was too busy with queer fancies halseys words things are not always what they seem were these passengers masqueraders were they put here by george prince |
915 | train/M31733.wav | Now we have no queen what shall we do what shall we do in despair they crawled about the hive and did not know which way to turn but the oldest and cleverest sat in a corner and held a council गठयरहर मल भरवक |
916 | train/M74779.wav | Though the untasted coffee sufficiently proved that by none of his relatives was his absence disregarded i think i did much better he cried taking a chair between his sisters and receiving their offered salutes यसत जनतक भषहरम पन मलक थय |
917 | train/M16601.wav | There would have been two guns less for defense if an attack was made on the road would they not on the contrary by employing the cart leave every arm free |
918 | train/M20230.wav | थए क उनल मनन सकन छ दरघ सवरहरक पछ The princess who knew not the value of this lamp and the interest that aladdin had to keep it safe entered into the pleasantry and commanded a slave to take it and make the exchange the slave obeyed went out of the hall and no sooner got to the palace gates |
919 | train/M22893.wav | जनमन फलम टलभजन परकम परदरशन गर तयसमधय उपतयकक हरक पशक सङग आकरक य बज यसम परङगत थरल मतर बजउन सकदछन |
920 | train/M62952.wav | Yet louis is lovable his temper is wonderfully even and he performs as a matter of course acts on which most men would plume themselves in short if i do not love him i shall find no difficulty in being good to him |
921 | train/M57656.wav | But this is only a figure true but is the reality intended less or more than the figure does not the rust and the moth mean more than disease घटनपछ उनक |
922 | train/M17473.wav | Records the fall and says that there were thousands of them the usual whirlwind explanation is given but in what locality snakes exist in such abundance is yet a mystery this matter of enormousness of numbers यबट अधकश रचनहर पयर दशबसहर करत एक भनस |
923 | train/M33375.wav | मनरल जन परतक नमत That the principle of equality of conditions not being demonstrated the ideas of the author were nothing more than hypotheses finally gentlemen पन अपनय र |
924 | train/M43579.wav | And i dont doubt that they will be right but living things and living emotions demand something to cling to a measuring stick grim hagen tried to give them something substantial back there |
925 | train/M84488.wav | Well mister raddle said missus bardell im sure you ought to feel very much honoured at you and tommy being the only gentlemen to escort so many ladies all the way to the spaniards at hampstead dont you think he ought missus rogers maam एकल परतसपरध |
926 | train/M42231.wav | With the aid of a little aquafortis others imposed by means of nails half iron and half gold or silver they pretended that they really transmuted the precious half from iron by dipping it in a strong alcohol |
927 | train/M32236.wav | Are called the pointers because an imaginary line drawn northward through them indicates the pole star or useless condemnation and anger directed against people accused of actions no one could possibly be guilty of in historic events the rule forbidding us to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge is specially applicable ज समपनन तथ गरक कथन छ करब एक सयक |
928 | train/M71329.wav | उनल पहड टपप पन बनद हनछ To whom they were referring the allusion to a parliamentary candidature settled that what could robert bludward have done what manner of man could he be that people should speak of him with such obvious reprobation |
929 | train/M59443.wav | Clear through the noisy clamour shrilled a womans cry ah i have dropped my scorecard a man in front of her turned i have an extra one madame will you accept it |
930 | train/M58854.wav | It does not feel very warm observed the man at last when he had borne all this patiently for a long time that is because it is so fine answered she you do not want it to be as thick as the rough clothes you wear every day |
931 | train/M70053.wav | उतपरवरतनहरक महततवक नमनलखत १५ नभमबर १९६७ Most bitterly did she cry it was not only with herself that she was sunk but with henry her folly which now seemed even criminal was all exposed to him and he must despise her forever |
932 | train/M6313.wav | Patrick deasey described himself as a philosopher psychologist and humorist it was partly because patrick delighted in long words and partly to excuse himself नदक घटम पद परयनत भन सन २००६ म |
933 | train/M61370.wav | Big brother gnawed away now try it said he the bachelor backed carefully out through the opening and stood there looking tired and hungry and very much rumpled you are a fine young mink said he |
934 | train/M33116.wav | Do not constitute as they did in former days the elite of society on the contrary they are inferior to the middle class in russia and turkey as in america and france |
935 | train/M28118.wav | To the prison of the inquisition at rome he was too much of an impostor to be deeply tinged with fanaticism and was not unwilling to make a public recantation of his heresies evening that herbert crane tried to make friends with me who is he my dear inquired missus hurstwood oh no one said jessica pursing her pretty lips hes just a student there he hasnt anything |
936 | train/M12713.wav | तयसक उततर परव Now such an intimate part of human natures daily food that the average american to day pays more for his electrical service than he does for bread with the first year of the new century came voltas invention of the chemical battery |
937 | train/M72803.wav | Shall cease to dart upon it any light more than in an eclipse or in the night so that at once its favour shall be gone and liberty with it be left alone and yet before it come to ruin thus |
938 | train/M24235.wav | भद १३ गत भएक छनद सहत न चदसग परतकरय गरन उनक बबक हस पन ठक लगल दसर जयमबर परकतक परयटकय भरमणबट नम करणल नद भएक यस नरवचनम |
939 | train/M50097.wav | And the temples and the foundations of the public buildings were left that as time went on there would be a strong disposition with posterity to refuse to accept her fame as a true exponent of her power and yet they occupy two fifths of peloponnese |
940 | train/M82143.wav | Thirty five degrees in some places made any kind of progress fatiguing while small avalanches were being constantly set in motion in the steepest places but the bracing air and the sublime beauty of the snowy expanse |
941 | train/M33783.wav | I well i do trust you really i do but the whole thing isnt mine to tell the somber pools of her eyes were shining यतर पप दख जन चलचतर He a civilian was wise enough not to take the advice i would like to see a test established that would oblige officers to take sufficient exercise to pass it without inconvenience |
942 | train/M89629.wav | I hated the way in which he used to talk of his future conquests of women he did not venture to begin his attack upon women until he had the epaulettes of an officer and was looking forward to them with impatience and boasted of the duels he would constantly be fighting |
943 | train/M24072.wav | When i expected or wished for the sacrifice it was not for my own sake i told you so then but it was not made and the childs inheritance is that of sin and shame there he lies sir francis half turned to where she pointed |
944 | train/M38256.wav | गरक दखनछन He knew his answer thats different ive been away ten years dad never had such a long spell and it was more than thirty years ago she was the first person to whom he opened his lips after receiving the news of his fathers death |
945 | train/M59851.wav | मरर बनइएक हनछ Ah madam said he by what miracle he could say no more such a sudden transport of joy seized him that he fainted away fetnah and the syndic did all they could to bring him to himself |
946 | train/M16125.wav | पतजल भननभएक थय All purpose pieces and took a piece then moved again now look whose kings threatened he crowed yes i see blount brought a piece clockwise around the board and took the threatening piece then moved again i hope you see whose kings threatened now दशरथ चनद |
947 | train/M14402.wav | That she loved them for all they had used her so ill and forgave them with all her heart when the three months were past the merchant and beauty got ready to set out for the palace of the beast upon this भए पन तपईहरलई परयजन २०११ म गरर य लखलई उनमष एउट नपल |
948 | train/M37492.wav | अन तनक अरथहरक Had been fairly dressed for christmas by spirit hands when mister dudley reached his home after the wonder had in part spent itself he found that an enormous christmas pie |
949 | train/M64586.wav | We could lead em no end of a dance and then give em the slip aterwards when we was tired of the fun so my advice is to luff up as close as you can not too close ye know lad let her go through it but spring your luff all as you can get and lets try what our friend yonder is made of कमल पत गल |
950 | train/M26712.wav | To give you the hardest part first that is to begin with the great fundamental questions what is life and how does it come to be what does it mean and what have we to do with it |
951 | train/M61696.wav | Ere i fixed upon exacting from you a compliance which i am convinced will be most painful to you but i can satisfy myself in none this will at least be safe जर गरएक नयमवल |
952 | train/M85590.wav | The mamelukes also dressed them selves and kissed judars hands and he and his brothers arrayed themselves in the robes the jinni had brought them and i banished from my mind every thought that could lead to a different conclusion between two and three in the morning the moon rose and i then putting my basket aboard a little skiff |
953 | train/M56963.wav | तततव बढउन गरदछ At the sixth he began to reflect that the search was rather dubious dartagnan had appointed six oclock in the morning for his lackey and wherever he might be he was right besides |
954 | train/M69806.wav | The big country road ran just back of the heights cold branch had nothing in common with the frisky ambition of okochee with its impertinent lake mac |
955 | train/M85313.wav | And so to admire the double baseness of the bargain old pump and aldgate buys the article and pays the money the sale of the girls person is blessed by a bishop at saint georges hanover square and next year you read |
956 | train/M33221.wav | Was rapping desperately upon that pipe and in the long and short dashes of the international code that someone was repeating a single word help help help in another instant using the heavy end of his jackknife as a crude transmitter slim was tapping off the reply |
957 | train/M24691.wav | कसलई धक हन यसक परथम परकशन If we take it in the widest meaning this would evidently include every possible medical task from filling a painful tooth to operating on a painful appendix as in every case where pain results the mental equilibrium is disturbed by it and the normal mental life of the patient reduced in its efficiency |
958 | train/M29595.wav | And that those who have been so much to each other for ten days can melt away into space and disappear as though the brief intimacy had never existed four wheeler or hansom maam said a porter to missus ashe which katy oh |
959 | train/M30093.wav | नतरकत चहन एक अतयनत कतरनक Having renounced all idea of finding in marriage those transports of love on which our minds used so often and with such perilous rapture to dwell i found a gentle calm settling over me if debarred from love |
960 | train/M17089.wav | यसक सरजक गरन महल अथव She had never told her husband about him never let osmond know of his visits to her in florence a reserve not dictated in the early period by a want of confidence in osmond |
961 | train/M37387.wav | No sooner was our plan decided upon than friends of the administration besought us to abandon the habeas corpus proceedings one member of the administration sent an emissary to our headquarters with the following appeal जनक करहर मबइल भटटउन सकक छनन |
962 | train/M51349.wav | I am convinced that it is as natural for a human being to swim as it is for a duck and yet in civilized communities how many able bodied individuals die like so many drowning kittens from the occurrence of the most trivial accidents झगटल छइएक छ |
963 | train/M33079.wav | गपय रपम पनटगनलई यसम फरहनल पस मतर लगएक छनन सवद पन लखक हन Once or twice the professor gave me a warning gesture but he did not speak he had evidently some definite goal and i was conscious of excitement as i followed him for an hour or more he turned this way and that exploring every little ravine he could discover |
964 | train/M31805.wav | And the hague were fast drawing to a close on the fourth of april fourteen seventeen the dauphin john died by poisoning in his fathers castle at compiegne भन थएनन यस उददशयक परतक |
965 | train/M80914.wav | For nothing is wasted at the morgue however lecoq was too occupied with his own thoughts to remark the horrors of the scene he scarcely bestowed a glance on the three victims |
966 | train/M33932.wav | परषल नषठपरवक पवतर करमचर समकष I hated the abrupt self confident tone of his voice his admiration of his own witticisms and when i made port at last it was too late to delay in those northern waters with such a vessel and such a crew as i had |
967 | train/M87133.wav | Sufficient for five or six persons seasonable at any time baked batter pudding with dried or fresh fruit twelve forty seven ingredients |
968 | train/M55351.wav | And right that i should marry at nightfall and divorce in the morning then kiss the kazis hand and give him a present and in like manner kiss the assessors hands and give each of them ten gold pieces पन उनल म |
969 | train/M17042.wav | His timid and absorbed blue eyes poring over his memorandum book which was full of pencilled notes he had a slightly unkempt brief beard and whiskers his cheek bones pinkish his linen a little frayed there was something strangely pathetic about him यसअघ न परकशत |
970 | train/M52789.wav | कसमस डभलपमनट इतहसकर रसल वरडदवर एकतर चर परवत He was shrewd enough to find an agent who gave him private instructions and to whom he indicated a desire to travel north on said road on examination he was deemed reliable |
971 | train/M37556.wav | पनहर समपदन गरनहनछ Though none so big as this one do not look for me until i make my appearance on the river bank never mind me you will remember that we had a surprising experience when we began to apply our technique of free association we then began to feel that some sort of a resistance blocked our efforts to proceed from the dream element to the unconscious element for which the former is the substitute |
972 | train/M7899.wav | Should he retreat after going so far should he flee from danger after having approached it should he slip away after having come and peeped into the barricade slip away all in a tremble saying after all i have had enough of it as it is |
973 | train/M50650.wav | नपलक नमन मधयमक And showed him all the incorrectness of his view as for your dislike of it excuse my saying so thats simply our russian sloth and old serf owners ways and im convinced that in you its a temporary error and will pass konstantin was silent |
974 | train/M6664.wav | पन आवशयकतनसर टस गरउन रफरक From the great dipper we turn to a constellation hardly less conspicuous and situated at an equal distance from the pole on the other side cassiopeia |
975 | train/M60637.wav | Religious who have the family spirit wish to know everything which concerns the well being of the different houses they willingly take their pens to contribute to the edification |
976 | train/M75436.wav | To be equally well cared for in proportion to our more complex wants do not our common forms of prayer prove our desire for like attention is not the assertion of our need of divine love |
977 | train/M1381.wav | त उसपछ सबभनद ईसक नव शतबदपछ २०१० क गरमहरक Love can he love if he hadnt heard there was such a thing as love he would never have used the word he doesnt even know what love is alexey alexandrovitch really i dont understand she said define what it is you find |
978 | train/M32213.wav | आयतकर आधरयकत एउट फस वज गरन महललई सनतन Has not been able to find any man to wed her who can tell the despair which seized the poor maiden when she heard this news नयनतरण गरन ह भनन बरम |
979 | train/M2298.wav | दहरयई आएक छ पन आमरण टकयम आउछन चलचतरहरम यसक You have cut off all the end of the story the whole conclusion is gone the readers cant possibly tell i smiled at him with something approaching kindness my dear sir i said |
980 | train/M64448.wav | She looked at him consciously expecting something else ill have to leave you behind this time all right she replied but he could see that she was thinking that it was a curious thing before he went |
981 | train/M35716.wav | परमख गयक हन But though desirable and essential for the work it was a severe tax upon the powers of the man there is in fact no doubt that newtons brain suffered temporary aberration after this effort for a short time the attack was slight and it has been denied |
982 | train/M50955.wav | So i promised him and he paid the price in good cheechako coin which the same i blowed in that very night down in the tenderloin then i painted a three foot slab of pine |
983 | train/M7828.wav | I do not wonder i doubt very much whether i dwell with pleasure on the considerations i earnestly maintain smiled as she met his eye with that curious slow dipping of her dimples which had more than once confounded the coroner and rendered her at once the admiration and abhorrence of the crowd |
984 | train/M35675.wav | A material invented for chewing purposes rake a man about town after he gets shop worn rare the way you get roast beef when you order it well done reform the fair but guilty occasion of so much slaughter on the fall of troy |
985 | train/M36372.wav | तरकबट तनहर However chichikov slipped past the mazurka dancers and almost treading on their heels made his way towards the spot where madame and her daughter were seated yet he approached them with great diffidence and none of his late mincing and prancing |
986 | train/M70533.wav | एभलन मससग Do whatever your duty is to caesar and his government you will have to decide about that for yourselves and also do your duty to god it was such a clever answer that no one had a word to say |
987 | train/M41495.wav | एक सपनदनशल नगरक He could not make up his mind to jump overboard he heard the men in the water shouting to one another make for the light that course led them away from the nearest land which they could not see at length a great sea swept the boy among the breakers |
988 | train/M87501.wav | मलयङकनम नजहर उन भरतलई अनतरकष फरम भरर सरनहल Something that the people will like and feel an interest in but i dont want any refuges or havens or rests or homes about it it is a home but not the kind that begins with a capital letter it is just one of the mill houses |
989 | train/M42867.wav | She hasnt got a penny nor any one belonging to her the man who marries her will have to find the money for the smock she stands up in whos mercenary now mister cheesacre do you go home and think of it |
990 | train/M1336.wav | तयसक धवनक डत सथत अडडम आरथक र ससकतक He was in the habit of coming over when the light had faded to smoke a cigarette and discuss art and literature with me i was glad of a chat after a hard days work at my writing table but his companionship had one drawback |
991 | train/M22311.wav | दषटल भएक परचन उपकरण ह Far to the right he saw cavalry galloping back and forth and to the left he saw infantry drilling from somewhere in front came the strains of a regimental band playing एउट इलकटरन हनछ If you will come i will show you show me what will you show me its a letter uncle michel come up stairs and you shall see it |
992 | train/M73325.wav | छन अथव लख परचर समभवन य On the side of the enemies of france since then she had heard nothing from chauvelin she had concluded that he had failed and yet she had not felt anxious about armand because her husband had promised her that armand would be safe |
993 | train/M74158.wav | Of all the steps unsuccessful as well as successful by which he travelled he maps out his route like a traveller in fact he compares himself to columbus or magellan |
994 | train/M53238.wav | Bless the boy he is as horsey as his old grandfather but do look at his mouth grandpapa and ask the price i am sure he would grow young in our meadows |
995 | train/M60650.wav | यस लडईम कमसकम यनक शसनकलम परधनमनतर करम य वचनबट How far is the nearest village from here on the road which the englishman took miquelon is the nearest village not two leagues from here अनसनधनहरक मरगदरशन गरय |
996 | train/M7651.wav | But when he stirred it up the eggshells flew into his eyes and almost blinded him bless me said he all the world seems to have a design against my head this morning |
997 | train/M53396.wav | That he should never again feel quite alone but after a moment the sense of waste and ruin overcame him there they were close together and safe and shut in गणडक अञचलक सयङज |
998 | train/M61232.wav | And then they got them to hold their tongues and lie still and rest but the little grub lay awake thinking over what had happened she longed so much for some honey that she began to shake the door again give me some honey i cant stand it any longer further discussion was precluded by the appearance of a station carriage which turned in at the gate and stopped before them two officers descended and saluted |
999 | train/M35515.wav | And gradually little by little the whole worth of life seemed to lie in the faint far chance of his being able to undo the one triumphantly impulsive and unreasoning action of his life उन पकषपतसग नयकत |
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