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700 | train/M60012.wav | In that case there might be no sudden plunge after all the stream might run on for many thousand miles through this terrific cavern gloom in accordance with natural laws and i might thus live and drift on in this darkness until i should die a lingering death of horror and despair डगर सलसयस तपकरम |
701 | train/M84225.wav | Without realizing how much wrong and misery was caused by the law which made it possible to throw a man into prison for debt nor can one read bleak house without seeing that the legal system which robbed quaint miss flite of her mind |
702 | train/M72394.wav | एनड अ गरल Like young lovers whom youth and love make dear lingering like an unloved guest lithe as a panther little white hands like pearls |
703 | train/M73564.wav | कलसरपयगक फलक तयसलई गतक जञन It seems absurd to inquire for a general cause or first author how can any thing that exists from eternity have a cause since that relation implies a priority in time and a beginning of existence |
704 | train/M34197.wav | आधरवनददख ४ दशमलव तयगर गउहरम गरबहर मडर अमरह पगन सकनछ They were accustomed to such an absence now and then and were not at first frightened but when it grew dark and she did not appear the husband set out with his dogs in one direction and the wife in another to seek their child १० सम पन |
705 | train/M68841.wav | करय परसतत पहच हन सकस Yet she had the prudence to conceal those vague hopes from his child lest a disappointment might prove fatal and assuming a behaviour neither too much elated or depressed she advised that they should hope for the best but yet as usual expect and prepare for the worst |
706 | train/M77573.wav | बय तर आयजन A graceful style still prevalent among the warriors of our day and which is in conformity to the custom of ancient heroes who scorned to defend themselves in rear |
707 | train/M69397.wav | So you can judge pretty well for yourself guess he had a pretty good birds eye view of the whole thing said joe as they passed on to meet again before mess except for spasmodic outbursts here and there the trench duel had almost entirely subsided पन परचत गर |
708 | train/M14204.wav | अनटरकटक एउट ठल गरन पउदनन हम नल न छ बरम आतमकथहर He soon came to be publicly known by his virtue through which he acquired the esteem of many people as well of the commonalty as of the chief of the city in short he was much honoured and courted by all ranks |
709 | train/M6569.wav | Unable to compare values of different kinds he is satisfied to judge approximately according to his passion and caprice and he engages in dishonest commerce which always results in wealth and poverty thus the greatest evils which man suffers arise from the misuse of his social nature त छमक सध महनयकल भन य |
710 | train/M32762.wav | His hands raised above his head like a divers pointing directly in the opposite ive taken a notion into my old numbskull observed silver heres the compass theres the tip जन परयटल आफन |
711 | train/M80790.wav | Partly through his marriage with a hindoo lady by whom he had one child a boy some three years younger than helen when he died he left his fortune equally divided between the two children फरकल लगभग अणडकर |
712 | train/M42070.wav | Is to be in that degree stupid or partially intelligent if we recur to the case where mind is not concerned with the physical manipulation of the instruments but with |
713 | train/M15973.wav | तम ज गरछ Oh said miss peasmarsh radiantly dont bother about the carpet ive sold even that missus biddle gave me ten shillings for it |
714 | train/M28196.wav | And do you know why she carries herself the way she does i think about such things now though i never used to think about them and i am beginning to understand much but why does she she has worked long hours for years at machines |
715 | train/M4113.wav | मखय लखम गरएक छ But quite right for antelopes and other big game all the grouse and ptarmigan of montana need a five year close season the splendid sage grouse is now extinct in many parts of its previous range fifty eight thousand licensed gunners are too many for them |
716 | train/M19415.wav | Therell be no need o that murmured sylvia she was too dizzy with happiness to have attended much to his details of his worldly prospects but at the sound of his tender words of love her eager heart was ready to listen i dont know भरतम परचलत |
717 | train/M77527.wav | Go and collect all the dew that lies on the leaves and let us swim in it then lay us in the sun भएक अवसथम And struck it a sharp blow with the axe in an instant there poured forth such a stream of milk that it ran like a river into the hut |
718 | train/M78740.wav | मथल भषक लग I believe he hasnt brains enough to enjoy kicking up a row i dont take advantage of him i would scorn it outside the routine of duty he doesnt seem to understand more than half of what you tell him we get a laugh out of this at times |
719 | train/M60754.wav | तथ नपलक कह And as all essential distinction was denied between the laity and the clergy no ceremony no institution no vocation no imposition of hands was as in all other churches supposed requisite to convey a right to holy orders मनदरहर छन घर हस र दनक |
720 | train/M64099.wav | परमपरगत रपबट कषतररकषण नपल वकपडयम परयग गरन यगय बनउन कम पहल यकशबट भएक ह आगम दनम यसलई Ever since opening we have had an immense crowd if i were master here on days like this i would charge an admission fee of two sous a head |
721 | train/M32671.wav | मजद थय A simple maiden to laura the belle of society the flare of the gas jets the open trunks suggestive of travel and display the scattered contents of the make up box rouge pearl powder whiting |
722 | train/M38668.wav | उत परवञचल गरमण थव सथत दरग परजतक मछ चस I was now utterly amazed at his behavior and firmly resolved that we should not part until i had satisfied myself in some measure respecting him a loud toned clock struck eleven and the company were fast deserting the bazaar |
723 | train/M13344.wav | But said fortunatus you have not told us what the story is to be about as that of the discovery of neptune wherein then lies the difference how comes it that some classes of prediction |
724 | train/M62355.wav | परदरशन गरपछ जर न थय That there can be no longer a doubt of the plague having been introduced at leghorn genoa and marseilles no word of comment followed |
725 | train/M60948.wav | बनध शबदक वयतपदन Sergeant theodore c glazier was a graduate of trinity in the class of eighteen sixty and was a tutor there when he enlisted he was later made colonel of a colored regiment and served with credit in that capacity उनल १४ जनवर उन दवत हन ततउन भडक टसएक |
726 | train/M84758.wav | Wheres the folks he asked mas sick a little and didnt get up to day pas down to the corral cussing mad but i can cook you up some chow all right son i got a dollar here thatll buy you a pretty good store knife |
727 | train/M68632.wav | अलग बनदहरम धर जनम इलम जललम भए तय झमकबलक ह भए पन उहक |
728 | train/M11659.wav | Who vanished like smoke from the white rubber boards the platforms were continually crowded and as continually emptied and it was not until half an hour before midnight that the block began to move outwards again well |
729 | train/M13436.wav | We kept wolf sewed up his side and throat tamed him and to morrow night you will see how mukoki has taught him to get even with his people it was two hours later when rod and wabigoon extinguished the candles and returned to their blankets ४० औ वरषक |
730 | train/M3967.wav | Away flew the fiddler like a bullet and there was ill luck carrying him by the belt again away they sped nor on some occasions has he repressed that power of sophistry which he possessed in so eminent a degree अर कह नभएर परणम घषत गरनछ |
731 | train/M11583.wav | भकमपक अधषठतर एउट परतसथपन नयम पन Add the currants and moisten with the eggs which should be well beaten when all the ingredients are well stirred and mixed butter a mould that will hold the mixture exactly tie it down with a cloth put the pudding into boiling water and boil for five hours |
732 | train/M3151.wav | पसतकलय मनसल हमलक भनर रख Cayenne and a little mace stir in four ounces of flour and add boiling milk |
733 | train/M16882.wav | And found that a strange man was standing before him a man so curious in appearance that the boy stared with round eyes he was a big man with shaggy whiskers shaggy eyebrows shaggy hair उसक वयकतगत नतगत परकतक रपल भनडरकर र अनपम खरसमत |
734 | train/M78773.wav | Two boys twins each with a golden star on his forehead as bright as those in the sky and though they spoke low the young men heard and turned their horses heads did they even catch the murmur of voices issuing from the guardroom below so muffled was the sound that crispin guessed how matters stood even before he had looked over the balusters into the hall beneath |
735 | train/M35979.wav | अनतरवयवसथपक सङघक डवट वलल जनम August riots imprisoning women had met with considerable public disapproval and attendant political embarrassment to the administration that the presidential pardon would end this embarrassment was doubtless the hope of the administration |
736 | train/M18549.wav | मयनचसटर सहरम And this is a sufficiently troublesome piece of work to make one disinclined to undo it again until one is turning in they cannot be seen in the course of the day and one has to depend entirely on feeling but feeling in this case often plays curious tricks चतवनक टकलसथत |
737 | train/M54739.wav | पजन थलय He stood on this spot and searched for her again and searched in vain others were looking idly down at the desolate activity on the wilderness of the iron rails but she was not among them the captain glanced doubtfully at the darkening sky |
738 | train/M66700.wav | The other room was six and a half feet long and was to be lindstroems kitchen from the kitchen a double trap door led to the loft where we intended to keep a quantity of provisions and outfit the walls consisted of three inch planks |
739 | train/M36733.wav | पपर भननछ चकल अययर कह Was still forming the order for toinon to be removed from the room when he found the door closed again whose only defect is that they have not two hundred thousand francs a year i need not tell you of those who cheat at play |
740 | train/M37578.wav | She gave five rupees to the villagers and they made the headman give them ten rupees for having deceived them and they bought pigs and had a feast in the course of time the boy grew up and his mother urged him to marry he asked her |
741 | train/M38409.wav | यकशज मल एउट आदम उपयग गरनछ Although the soundings had been carried to a depth of fifteen hundred or even of two thousand feet and when james starr had retired it was with the full conviction that even the smallest vein had been completely exhausted |
742 | train/M47214.wav | २०४६ क जनआनदलनक The rabble pressed impetuously upon us harrassing us with their spears and overwhelming us with flights of arrows these latter were very remarkable and resembled in some respects the writhing creese of the malay |
743 | train/M22862.wav | Ion was the son of creusa the beauteous daughter of erechtheus king of athens and the sun god phoebus apollo to whom she was united without the knowledge of her father |
744 | train/M39575.wav | Ralph took an inward resolution that she shouldnt leave him without his letting her know that he knew everything it seemed too great an opportunity to lose do you know what his interest will make him say he asked as he took her hand कवनसलयणड कनटर |
745 | train/M17730.wav | Edward remained in conversation with the intendant for about an hour and then was conducted by him to his room which had already been shown to him by patience edward did not sleep much that night the novelty of his situation the novelty of his prospects |
746 | train/M52706.wav | Her heart instantaneously at ease on this point she resolved to lose no time in particular examination of anything as she greatly dreaded disobliging the general by any delay कन नय कर थएन It was new chainless with as little as possible to catch in hurried riding and in every way the best of its kind freckles went skimming around the trail on it on a preliminary trip |
747 | train/M15560.wav | कम गरछ भनन नब भनन करम Reverend father do not you with the purpose of removing me from temptation be yourself the instrument for tempting me into a rebellion against the church do not you weave snares about my steps snares there are already and but too many |
748 | train/M44309.wav | Thus she understood excellently well the importance and duties of religion she would listen with approval in the evening when he said the lords prayer and was rigid in her observance of the sabbath कगबन सथनम Surgeon being anxious for his removal those who had torches or lanterns prepared to go in front of the litter |
749 | train/M52761.wav | कड हन परदछ Here the poorest can pay and enter from the glaring afternoon into the twilight of an ali babas cave the dime is the single open sesame required the half light wherein the audience is seated by which they can read in an emergency यस शभभतर खरर |
750 | train/M85774.wav | Which had just been considered again has the moon been inhabited he asked the answer was unanimously in the affirmative but during this discussion fruitful in somewhat hazardous theories |
751 | train/M47904.wav | She was pushed and pulled and hugged and among it all she managed to whisper to jane oh wont matthew and marilla be pleased i must write the news home right away commencement was the next important happening the exercises were held in the big assembly hall of the academy |
752 | train/M54674.wav | अधक जनकर ईप ८७५ क अनसर कमक नधनपछ कवल एक नरसक But i with mournful tread walk the deck my captain lies fallen cold and dead hushd be the camps to day may fourth eighteen sixty five hushd be the camps to day and soldiers let us drape our war worn |
753 | train/M68231.wav | And very likely a day or so to spend here till im found if i ever am chris said yell if you want us much good that would do now ill try though and getting up on his weary legs corny shouted till he was hoarse पतक टपप |
754 | train/M1464.wav | पन यह थय परस सवतनतरत र यव A tall somewhat lazy looking figure he was sitting at a table face to face with the citizen deputy on a chair beside him lay a heavy caped coat covered with the dust and the splashings of a long journey but he himself was attired in clothes that suggested the most fastidious taste |
755 | train/M68926.wav | परन गर रख Was honestly alarmed lest he should never in the world be able to get it straightened out again darn her exploded davy oh davy dont swear gasped dora in dismay परवञचल वकस कषतर |
756 | train/M13455.wav | परवश परत उनक धर परकरक रतनहर परणरपल सहयग In urticaria and pemphigus apis will likewise afford speedy and certain help many symptoms in the american provings confirm this statement more particularly eleven ninety eight to twelve ten and twelve thirty two to thirty five |
757 | train/M13604.wav | बचचहरक बल समयम Might not reach the planets here then we have on a relatively small scale explosions and without my leave he unnames her as he has the right to do were the prince a common man according to custom he should pay a fine of cattle to be held by me in trust for her whom he discards दश दखनछ |
758 | train/M69607.wav | For a week he hasnt let rosy step outside the door with me if it wasnt for losin a boarder theyd have bounced me long ago im makin twenty dollars a week and shell never regret flyin the coop with chunk mc gowan you will excuse me chunk said ikey and he showed her a large loaf and a piece of cheese she seemed pleased and went into the garden for some roots and plants which she placed in water and then upon the fire |
759 | train/M77459.wav | Told me well coroner busby will git to the bottom of it putty quick he told lem hansom and piano playing isnt very nice when youve got to stick your toes under it to keep your shoes on well then grumbled polly |
760 | train/M40704.wav | There was something so peculiar in the expression of his face well he thought if he does any mischief hell soon get tied up again the poor devil shall have a chance at least you are afraid of me he said again in an undertone you dont want to tell me anything about yourself नगरम छन |
761 | train/M5435.wav | अभनतर क परसकर She may say how lovely you are while her fingers are still moist with your blood tell me will this be kindness it may be your fate to be imprisoned in the hair of one whom you know to be heartless or to be thrust into the buttonhole of one गएक हनछ |
762 | train/M11168.wav | But it is transparent to that particular portion which affects our eyes with the sensation of red अनजन छन तर Billy changed color and bit her lip she looked plainly distressed billy cried the man still more reproachfully but bertram i cant forget quite yet faltered billy |
763 | train/M76643.wav | To assure him that the explanation offered was of the fullest the most honorable and the most unequivocally satisfactory nature somewhat amazed at all this i made my retreat to the baron |
764 | train/M71408.wav | The crew of the arabella practised reticence with their brethren in tortuga during those two days before wolverstones arrival but they were not reticent enough to prevent the circulation of certain uneasy rumours |
765 | train/M59917.wav | मलई खन खवउन मतदतहरक समरथन परपत थप ३००० तबबत सनक The fruit of vast and heroic labors the general effect was of extraordinary lavish profusion the give and take was delicious the gloom of the afternoon deepened |
766 | train/M34939.wav | उपधयकष पन हन भवनक जनसङखय छ दवरज इनदर For us as connected with the idea of summer it had a singular charm and we watched its progress with excited feelings until nearly sunset पगक उन वदशम पङगन नपल भरत बनउन भय भन |
767 | train/M51917.wav | उरद फरस तथ The silent worker is imagination which decrees reality out of chaos without imagination what a poor thing my world would be |
768 | train/M78244.wav | आधनक फटबलक Oh devil take them all an outer show elaborated through centuries and nothing but charlatanism and nonsense underneath flashed through miuesovs mind heres the hermitage weve arrived cried fyodor pavlovitch the gates are shut जनटकसक परथम अधययन |
769 | train/M83171.wav | परव दकषणपरव एसयक In want of help i said we sometimes find it nearer than we had ventured to expect at our own doors the ancient miller rose at that hint like a fish at a fly gloody he cried find him at once mister toller पटन नम पटनदवदख |
770 | train/M74915.wav | It shows an affection for her sister that is very pleasing said bingley i am afraid mister darcy observed miss bingley in a half whisper that this adventure has rather affected your admiration of her fine eyes |
771 | train/M3474.wav | जमम लगएक थए The virtue of prosperity is temperance the virtue of adversity is fortitude which in morals is the more heroical virtue prosperity is the blessing of the old testament adversity is the blessing of the new ज ज जसक आरमभक चल पहल |
772 | train/M51983.wav | So that they believed that the great river of babylon was flowing through the hall and that they must swim for their lives so leaving them to plunge and leap like frogs and fishes virgilius took the princess in his arms |
773 | train/M33878.wav | पणडत पतमबर शरण But marvellous to behold being fresh and bright as at the first the brothers seeing this were struck with a great dread and hastened to tell the bishop what they had found he being then alone in a place remote from the church |
774 | train/M5260.wav | Whom they waylaid in a wood hiding by day and travelling by night they had got as far into france as remilly and were within a mile a single mile captain two indeed of blakes horses were crippled and it was high time to be going |
775 | train/M62615.wav | बकर गरनछ झड हरय To his own people making a calculation of the direction and remembering that one might wander in a curve in the darkness he set off down the stream he meant to keep close to the banks of the rappahannock and if he persisted he would surely come in time to popes army the rain did not abate ईप १००२ व वरष |
776 | train/M16323.wav | Laura will you do as i ask you said the brother then lady laura went it was not that i feared you would harm me lord chiltern said violet no i know it was not but what i say is always said awkwardly अञचलक कठमड जललम |
777 | train/M3711.wav | From which missus grumbleton gathers that he had not took a order from mister dunbar major vernon whistled softly to himself when missus manders retired after having imparted this piece of information |
778 | train/M10981.wav | मड लगयतम घलनछ The first leaf he cut down released scraps and on seeing her the shaggy man threw back his shaggy head opened wide his mouth and laughed so shaggily and yet so merrily that scraps liked him at once |
779 | train/M90278.wav | Mercer some may have gone back i dont get it mercer shook his head but made no other reply until we stood again on the edge of the pool the girl was standing where we had left her and as she looked up into my face she smiled again |
780 | train/M55197.wav | After these remarks concerning the effects of the dream censor let us now turn to their dynamics i hope you will not consider the expression too anthropomorphically and picture the dream censor as a severe little manikin who lives in a little brain chamber and there performs his duties गरबकसक छ महदवक मनदर सथपनपरव एस एगलसटन बरसल |
781 | train/M13999.wav | पन अधकश वमन कशलतक परचय जनम ३ अपरल १९७५ And stood by me and to whose suggestions i owe it that i was able at the first to sally out and destroy the french camp while they were attacking the walls and so greatly hindered their measures against the town and now sir will you follow me कम स कम |
782 | train/M54681.wav | परटनक सथ मलर The time passed quickly on the mongolia the best of fare was spread upon the cabin tables at breakfast lunch dinner and the eight oclock supper and the ladies मनतरलयल रषटरय यव |
783 | train/M61025.wav | And the eyes which met mine from that shadowy blood curdling something were those of the grave and meant a grave for you or for me oh i know what i say there was no mistaking their look as it burned into and through me तनह जललक अतरकत |
784 | train/M40920.wav | And holding the reins of the other two he whistled shrilly zayigo and pedro gonzalez appeared out of the darkness not speaking for each knew exactly what he must do they mounted the two bridled horses |
785 | train/M60533.wav | A worship at once the most powerful yet most devoid of formalism that i ever met with but in practice things worked better than might have been expected and the conflicting claims of ydgrun and the gods एक अहम वषय हनछ |
786 | train/M36043.wav | तथ खनज लवणहरक ४० म य क यसक करण पन रहक करण |
787 | train/M44713.wav | धल लपर लकए पठइएक सब नबहरक And it cost me three thousand francs let us hear the history said franz motioning signor pastrini to seat himself |
788 | train/M52552.wav | And even ventured to lay out her own pocket money in little ornaments or in ribbons that she thought would add to the appearance of the hat in the same way she was able too to make slight alterations in the appearance of her gowns and sometimes the changes were improvements |
789 | train/M20510.wav | तयत टकनन In spite of the brilliant sunset of the previous evening the loch lay dark and still its surface wore an oily treacherous look every detail of the inverashiels tub like shape was reflected and beautifully distorted in the water |
790 | train/M74233.wav | There was also much old glass which we removed and reglazed all the windows tight against the wind so that what with a high pulpit reading desk and seat for master clerk and new commandment boards each side of the holy table |
791 | train/M87188.wav | This patriarchs unfavorable opinion as to the prospects of the colored people was shared by my hopeful young widower before mentioned who expressed himself quite as emphatically he was brought up among white people |
792 | train/M61731.wav | And of saying afterwards when introduced i am happy sir to hear that you are in good health custom forbids a lady to make these inquiries of a gentleman unless he is ill or very aged to put a corrective upon this mark of regard य फइलहरलई म |
793 | train/M35454.wav | His chin sank slowly upon his chest and the ten candles gleamed upon the broad white scalp suddenly a slight noise brought him to his feet for an instant it seemed to his dazed senses परमख चडपरव मलक |
794 | train/M66286.wav | आरथक इतहसम यद अनय गरहहरम And they began to think how they might best secure the monstrous horse and the favorable auguries connected with it when suddenly a prodigy occurred which left no room to doubt |
795 | train/M6808.wav | जयलई यसक सधर परन एक दशक चरतर छन भष भएक समगरलई करण करतहर नग A structure equal to the other in age and dimensions but differing in all other respects as much as neglect and misuse could make it gray and forbidding |
796 | train/M79653.wav | The boy was off like a shot he must have had a steady hand at a trigger who could have got a shot off half as fast ill send it to bob cratchits whispered scrooge rubbing his hands and splitting with a laugh he shant know who sends it |
797 | train/M4810.wav | Simeon sat there with bowed head and drew the folds of his single garment a black robe over his face another season passed the sun again grew warm then hot oh if i were not married if i were but myself in the world how easy it would be जनमक वशवस गरनछ |
798 | train/M40193.wav | As he somewhat incoherently explained and amy the dignified tumbled over a stool and never stopping to get up hugged and cried over her fathers boots in the most touching manner missus march was the first to recover herself |
799 | train/M63760.wav | Sweet to his heart was the writing for the lady wrote that without him there was no joy in her life and since it was his desire to hear by the swan it would be her pleasure also for twenty years the swan was made the messenger of these two lovers कसल सघक छन यनहर धर तततवहरक |
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