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500 | train/M65658.wav | When he leaves the corral he likes to have another hoss for a runnin mate and he was jest as tame as anything i could ride him anybody could ride him but if you took him outside the bars of the corral without company first thing he done य करम सदयसमम तयह उनल कवल |
501 | train/M66869.wav | But an intrinsic worth that is dignity now morality is the condition under which alone a rational being can be an end in himself since by this alone is it possible that he should be a legislating member |
502 | train/M80807.wav | I was really alarmed by it she composed herself after a while she rose to her feet with modest dignity and silently held out her hand in token that my repentance was accepted |
503 | train/M57594.wav | तर पहल उनक But made no answer instead he went outside and brought in two sheepskins which he stained red and sent for a blacksmith to forge some iron rings |
504 | train/M32675.wav | फरनसल अनसनधनकरतहर अनसनधनक Dont put all your eggs in one basket try an incubator cab affair for a drive cabby driver for a fare टकव मरङ जललम |
505 | train/M14229.wav | On hearing this sancho broke silence and cried out by all thats good ill as soon let my face be smacked or handled as turn moor body o me how different from the state legislatures that they remembered as young men not merely different in the matter of graft but different so mister newberry said in the calibre of the men |
506 | train/M5586.wav | उनहरलई चटपटक And after the driver had dismounted to assist the ladies in getting out the small round head of master thomas bardell was thrust out of the one pair window of a house with a red door a few numbers off aggrawatin thing |
507 | train/M80115.wav | चउर परक हनछ Driven out of the kingdom of naples where he had carried on a regular war had crossed the garigliano like manfred and had taken refuge on the banks of the amasine between sonnino and juperno |
508 | train/M41506.wav | खलड हनछन And thus with pious prayrs the gods adord all seeing sun and thou ausonian soil for which i have sustaind so long a toil thou king of heavn and thou the queen of air |
509 | train/M25884.wav | परवश गरक लमब He was usually a great glutton and i promised myself some diversion in half starving him he agreed to try the practice if i would keep him company i did so and we held it for three months |
510 | train/M63664.wav | The inner forces stirred and trembled in response to his call they did not at first come readily as was their habit for under the spell of glamour they had already been diabolically lulled into inactivity but come they eventually did क य ससरम |
511 | train/M7040.wav | The eldest leading the way and thinking he had no time to lose he jumped up put on the cloak which the old woman had given him and followed them but in the middle of the stairs he trod on the gown of the youngest princess |
512 | train/M7353.wav | कशर नपल छपर एउट नपल When once they had begun they multiplied they came rather with a rush it was as if एउट भषलई दरम नपलक करणल अञचलक हमल जललक एक गउ वकस समत ह मबट सर हन |
513 | train/M23389.wav | अगसतयक चरच भटनछ That janes half crown was not a penny he had a sick young wife at home who had been ordered extra nourishment and just as the rush on board began he had put up a simple prayer to the heavenly father नतदरल भरएक थय ५५ मटर छ |
514 | train/M27591.wav | She turned away went to the bare little black mantel and stood leaning upon it presently she asked when did missus roscoe sheridan say that no girl could care about you परखहरक गउ अहमद गरन समल थए चलचतर नरदशक नरमत |
515 | train/M9606.wav | यत सममन हनथय म छ भन The wager was five hundred dollars a side and the man who should kill the greater number of buffaloes from on horseback was to be declared the winner the hunt took place about twenty miles east of sheridan and as it had been pretty well advertised and noised abroad एककत नकप मओवदल थर मतर कथ |
516 | train/M85534.wav | He joined the party and told them that he had found michael as well as a way by which he thought they could ascend the cliff to the carriage he pointed to the woody steeps above which saint aubert surveyed with an anxious eye he was already wearied by his walk and this ascent was formidable to him |
517 | train/M62813.wav | She may be acting suggested beth but he shook his head gloomily no lucy couldnt act that way shes quick and impulsive but she she couldnt act and she wouldnt treat me that way either miss beth |
518 | train/M86739.wav | In need of any assistance he had but one thing more to desire of me and that was that i would promise him that when i was any way straitened or like to be so i would frankly tell him of it and that i would make use of him with the same freedom that he made the offer ऊसग मलमलप गर |
519 | train/M68290.wav | भनन भनइ छ To which miss bingley looks forward may arrive earlier than she is aware and that the delightful intercourse you have known as friends will be renewed with yet greater satisfaction as sisters mister bingley will not be detained in london by them भनन मतर ह |
520 | train/M12819.wav | आरथक रपम आशम छन उन Or who can blame people for desiring to suppress what they regard as a scandal in the sight of god and man no stronger case can be shown for prohibiting anything which is regarded as a personal immorality |
521 | train/M26716.wav | No i cant see the good of taking more people into our confidence why should he not do what he thinks best helen you dont interfere with the doctor why should you with him when a man is going to the bottom as fast as he can |
522 | train/M5767.wav | Squire took her toward the little brook that wandered through the meadows flowing over the pebbles with a soft gurgling sound that was very nearly as sweet as music and when they reached it the big squire said if you will look beside the brook पञचकनय नवकट जललम खलम अफगनसतन वजय नकम लगउन असपतल बनउन सकनछ |
523 | train/M11899.wav | Then the voice of the lord again spoke to samuel it said arise anoint him for this is he as soon as the prophet had anointed david with the oil the young man was filled with the spirit and power of god |
524 | train/M28857.wav | अभनय गरन टलक नयमत भजपरम जनमक ५५ ६ हजर ७ सय And cord trousers with a belt and a cloth cap over my long hair and an old pair of yellow shoes without laces and without socks and i stood on the unhewn stones of the edge of the quay and looked abroad over a largish piece of unpaved ground |
525 | train/M1279.wav | यसभनद धर रश I said to our landlord by way of helping along the conversation there was a momentary silence broken by simple simon who wiped his knife on his tongue and made a wild attack on the butter dish pa he druv a mule team for govment एक अपरध हनसकन |
526 | train/M17531.wav | फपन नफपन You need not answer it if you do not wish he added as he noted a sudden hard look almost of apprehension darting through her eyes what is it she asked simply does sir percy blakeney know that परनत दकषणपनथ समजवदहरक |
527 | train/M42493.wav | He came to distrust and quarrel with each in turn he died at ermenonville near paris july second seventeen seventy eight the most widely influential french writer of his age यसक अतरकत शक बहदर मनछ |
528 | train/M72647.wav | It was evident that the administration was anxious to keep this group away from alice paul and her companions as they counted on handling the rebellion more easily in two groups than one meanwhile the condition of the prisoners in the workhouse grew steadily worse थए जह उनल |
529 | train/M18023.wav | महललई परमपरगत मसलम कमम लग परकछन पडक ढड पकएर Everybody laughed at mister bonham when it became known that he was to ride that poky looking plug against the five thoroughbreds which were to take part in the race when all the preliminaries had been arranged the signal was given and off went the horses for wyandotte |
530 | train/M71386.wav | मतर बटबरवलगयतक उनक Without answering he went out and brought in the blade of a rapier do you know that he asked athos merely glanced at it tis dartagnans sword he said does it belong to the smaller or to the larger of the two asked the host परमपर दकषण एसय |
531 | train/M26078.wav | दखन सत खलक And the monarch was long compelled by necessities of position to exert his authority as the ally rather than the master of the classes whom he had aided in affecting their liberation in this manner a central power despotic in principle उनल सहतयक रपल कनखस चटयङग जसत |
532 | train/M724.wav | Best wishes or greetings on it this is even done when a card does not accompany a gift but it should be borne in mind that a card message should not take the place of a note of thanks or be used when a more formal letter is necessary |
533 | train/M15283.wav | यसत मननछ क And therewithal he leapt up lightly upon his feet and then sir tristram wounded palomides sore through the shoulder बदध गमबहरम |
534 | train/M9334.wav | पहल पलट करलम भए चरवट गउ वकस उन पहल कलकर बन जसक सत गत बलबरड हट १०० क सचम समल थए नपल छतर सङघ Of the proposed government whether language can furnish epithets of too much asperity for so shameless and so prostitute an attempt to impose on the citizens of america |
535 | train/M90127.wav | Perhaps a hundred yards and more back from the cliffs edge in quiet weather the blowhole is a deep well in storm it plays a fountain as the waves drive through the long tunnel below and spout their spray high in air in successive jets |
536 | train/M82285.wav | Do thou therefore o rhadamanthus who sittest in judgment with me in the murky caverns of dis as thou knowest all that the inscrutable fates have decreed touching the resuscitation of this damsel at a point near cincinnati where there is a great bend to the northward in the river with the exception of this point and perhaps another point below |
537 | train/M68192.wav | Is this a hint to me lizzy said her father to send for the horses no indeed i do not wish to avoid the walk the distance is nothing when one has a motive only three miles i shall be back by dinner |
538 | train/M45167.wav | And all those powrs attest and all their names whatever chance befall on either side no term of time this union shall divide no force no fortune shall my vows unbind or shake the steadfast tenor of my mind उललख गरक छन |
539 | train/M10379.wav | कनहरम चर वशल यसल य नषकरष And returned to washington the incident was closed i returned to new york during the next two months i carefully watched the situation six or eight more groups of women in that time were arrested on the same false charges tried and imprisoned in the same illegal way |
540 | train/M37129.wav | नपल परयगम तलपटट एक परकरक छनतप नपलक परवञचल करण उनक पहल Before the clearings were large we sometimes were pinched for both food and clothing i will not say we suffered much for either |
541 | train/M19099.wav | Which fortunately was visible all over central and southern europe so that scores of astronomers saw it a real little passionate force to see at play is the finest thing in nature its finer than the finest work of art than a greek bas relief |
542 | train/M59921.wav | करगर दखउन A fruit of such great acidity that even birds refuse to eat it in this respect it nearly approaches the tamarind when boiled with sugar it makes a very agreeable preserve or jelly according to the different modes of preparing it उहल वयस भष |
543 | train/M53166.wav | Like a sea of upturned faces like a shadow never to be overtaken like a shadow on a fair sunlit landscape like a sheeted ghost य धर करणल यसम परशरमल २१ |
544 | train/M28322.wav | ३७ करयकरण अधकर कणडल परचत छ Putting her arms about his neck and looking in his face with eyes brimful of filial tenderness and love that is right my darling he said and you shall never want for love while your father lives |
545 | train/M78558.wav | She stopped and looked at me doubtingly as if she felt far from sure poor soul of winning my confidence to begin with i acted on that hint with the headlong impetuosity of a man who was in love |
546 | train/M69088.wav | And who shall be overthrown by the wrath of the almighty king who wotteth what is in hearts and who shall leave thee in gehenna tormented and confounded have ruth on thyself and say with me नरदशनम बनक सनतन |
547 | train/M47614.wav | नन र आइपड Some for one some for two three and a few for as many as four shots billy curlew hung back to the last |
548 | train/M90119.wav | Uneven cobble stones and the next moment a stable boy had thrown open the coffee room door and rushed in excitedly sir percy blakeney and my lady he shouted at the top of his voice theyre just arriving |
549 | train/M34881.wav | All that host which had driven us from the ruins threw down sword spear and pike fled shrieking the horsemen spurred their mounts riding heedless over the footmen who fled with them the smiting thing seemed to watch them go |
550 | train/M11570.wav | Sir walter is a pretty bright eyed citizen and he sees it right enough if the worst happens kaiser will fling overboard a lot of ballast in europe and it will look like a big victory for the allies but he wont be beaten if he has the road to the east safe खडगमन मललदवर ओपन चयमपयनसप यसक बकर सल उन कमजर रहक |
551 | train/M64294.wav | We must now follow mister marston in his solitary expedition to chester when he took his place in the stagecoach he had the whole interior of the vehicle to himself and thus continued to be its solitary occupant for several miles the coach however was eventually hailed चर र यक आगमन तरनत एक हमलक यजन अङगरज सहतयम सनतक बचचनलई दष पइएन |
552 | train/M77187.wav | By the side of the clock gemmen he invariably thus addressed us as though we were a coterie of checker players at a village grocery gemmen when i seen how them johnny rebs was a usin our boys in them prison pens |
553 | train/M79446.wav | धर कम आय Whats that if all their eggs hatched just four codfish could feed england america and norway as we skimmed the depths of the grand banks |
554 | train/M34818.wav | Was no longer within the reach of his vows by what accident he discovered emily and assisted to release her from a terrible imprisonment has already appeared and also the unavailing hope with which he then encouraged his love |
555 | train/M50941.wav | अपकरक वरगम परदछ नषधम परवतत र परवततम Of securing their services few lands are so blest that is true colonel to be sure you can buy now and then a senator or a representative but they do not know it is wrong and so they are not ashamed of it they are gentle and confiding and childlike परभव बनन जनछ |
556 | train/M35357.wav | Nevertheless it was evident to herself that her emotion was not that of regret or sorrow somehow a glad new joy had come to her नपलक भव सवधन क नततव गर |
557 | train/M6880.wav | जन यनभरसट There is no permanent national character it varies according to circumstances alexander the great swept india now the turks sweep greece a learned gentleman who in the course of conversation |
558 | train/M85188.wav | And if they were the first to fall it was with an effect of curiosity sated without hint of discomfiture and somehow the adventurer felt himself measured classified filed away between amusement and pique he continued to stare while the elderly american recovered his breath |
559 | train/M25913.wav | Most people will wonder that she should not have gone out of her senses at once but there was all the difference between a visit from a real vampire and a visit from a man she had begun to love even although she took him for a vampire all the difference does not lie in a name now with a wheeling flight she turns and bends but shuns the single fight फलदश घषण गरन |
560 | train/M70693.wav | So he took them to the bazar but none would buy them of him however presently as he stood in the market there passed by a man with a fish and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day नवदनम अकटबरक हसतकषर |
561 | train/M84340.wav | Do not hope to kill him said the merchant for his power is far too great for you to be able to do any such thing i am charmed with the kindness of beauty but i will not suffer her life to be lost i myself am old and cannot expect to live much longer |
562 | train/M2220.wav | He had come into the salon with a swagger his sword ornament clanking a pleasant voyage so far he said to me as he started his meal his voice had the heavy throaty rasp characteristic of the martian he spoke perfect english दईट अवसथहरम पहलक गरद ससद समत |
563 | train/M28856.wav | Had never been so glittering and reckless as on the night when it gathered in olympes salon for the fourth act there were chandeliers hung from the ceiling i remember many servants in livery |
564 | train/M12177.wav | General sheridan being anxious to punish the indians who had lately fought general forsyth did not give the regiment much of a rest and accordingly on the fifth of october it began its march for the beaver creek country the first night we camped on the south fork of big creek बक लमटड २००८ हनछ न परयगम लयउछ |
565 | train/M87345.wav | And therein he learned some of his first lessons in that accuracy of observation essential to his later life work here in this trained but untrammeled boyhood with an inherited incentive to labor and an educated thirst for knowledge |
566 | train/M81208.wav | गत दशकम नपलक नतततव गरन नपल This dullerium thets on him when thatll be ole nick only knows wal he continued after another interval spent in silent reflection it wont do no good our stayin hyur we must git him to the shanty |
567 | train/M33647.wav | उनल आदशक She wore coffee coloured point lace in her bonnet with a complexion to match but what could i do my dear i simply couldnt put up with such insolence so i looked her straight back in the face oh she quailed i can tell you |
568 | train/M25143.wav | पन कमर न ह Graves of pet animals or birds remembered by simple hearts in the hour of prayer to amida the lord of immeasurable light but the odor of which i speak is that of cheap incense only the incense in general use ख वलयम हनर समथल परसदध रड खलक भएकम धनयवद |
569 | train/M55272.wav | Then she sighed and said the gods wait long but they are just at last let it be for another year |
570 | train/M68549.wav | उहल आफन गउम सवसथय र शकषक लग कह कम पन गरनभएक छ Say the prayer of santa apollonia that is if you know it for i will come presently and you will see miracles woe is me cried the housekeeper |
571 | train/M27859.wav | घषत भएक थय No hes a round jolly fellow is aleck and he stopped growing pretty much before hed ever begun i reckon the man you mean is thomas gordon i seen him driving down the road too it was that of james wellgood satisfied now that he had a ticklish matter to handle he prepared for it with his usual enthusiasm and circumspection |
572 | train/M2767.wav | Gallows will not hang them churches will not delude them nor customs offices hinder them and palaces and factories are not built nor kept up of themselves all those things are the work of men मनउन ह क |
573 | train/M20962.wav | नमच सफटवयरहर परदछन The thing is absurd so he answered quickly yes i promise that you shall have it the voice replied very well |
574 | train/M35911.wav | Was the supply inexhaustible it was not so but apparently the dead woman did not weary of counting the coins when all had been ranged |
575 | train/M66914.wav | Mac was the most dangerous red of them all he must surely be one of the dynamiters another likely one was joe angell whom peter had met at a recent gathering of ada ruths anti conscription league people made jokes about this chaps name |
576 | train/M89609.wav | I longed once more to throw myself into the arms of nature not the nature which you know the nature that waves in well kept woods and smiles out in corn fields but nature |
577 | train/M87150.wav | And comparisons the two shoals to be avoided in this form of language are directly opposed to each other the one is triviality the other bombast the object of supposition which is already antiquated and sometimes too simple आदतय रय कपर भरतय चलचतर कषतरक एक अभनत हन |
578 | train/M55747.wav | Asked miss woodville very little yet and they should do little pemberton is showing more judgment than i expected of him the defense should hold its fire until the enemy is well within range and thats what were doing the colonel leaned a little more heavily upon him but dick steadied himself गर तर करणल |
579 | train/M61838.wav | Any internal relation between these two unconnected things let us not hesitate to denounce as false this proposition which is presented to us as an axiom on looking closely into it |
580 | train/M23222.wav | १९७६ परत गरय जञन उपयग हनछ Dear lord how pleasant is life for those who have neither toil nor strife say the birds and she told him what they all said down to the ant who crawled in the moss and the worm who worked in the bark दरबनल आकसय वसतलई |
581 | train/M22978.wav | नतमसतक नहलन मन थएन डबलनक ओ ट एरन And made me run a mile in nothing flat added jerry and fought me to a knockout finish later mused joe and nearly smothered me to death spoke the lieutenant and was finally corralled by an irish engineer said slim gone concluded jerry |
582 | train/M132.wav | He had studied medicine before he became a clergyman and so was able to tell her many things about the care of the sick and injured here was another teacher i suppose everyone we know could teach us something good if we were ready to learn |
583 | train/M46504.wav | Scarcely less prominent was an ample cushioned easy chair near the head of the bed also white with a footstool before it and looking as i thought like a pale throne this room was chill because it seldom had a fire |
584 | train/M26849.wav | भलपलटबट सर हनछ The boiling point test that evening showed that we were ten thousand three hundred feet above the sea and that we had thus gone down six hundred twenty feet from the butchers we turned in and went to sleep as soon as it brightened |
585 | train/M4751.wav | There might be danger electra the sister of orestes saved her brothers life by sending him secretly away to his uncle strophius king of phocis |
586 | train/M88242.wav | He raised his brooding eyes to her and suddenly noticed that he was sitting down while she was all the while standing before him why are you standing sit down he said in a changed voice gentle and friendly she sat down he looked kindly and almost compassionately at her |
587 | train/M22729.wav | Lots of petrified wood chips lying around i remarked and theyll last ordinary wood burns up too fast bright idea exclaimed pod and coonskin went to work gathering petrified wood for the supper fire |
588 | train/M71160.wav | कह समयम न परकतक समपद रहक छन A galley slave escaped a convict an ironical smile curled the lip of eugenie in truth i was fated said she i escaped the morcerf only to fall into the cavalcanti |
589 | train/M30134.wav | आनदलनम आफन Upon its gates of brass she stood before it and gazed and gazed and all the time it kept growing upon her in some strange way until at last she was fully persuaded that it was no picture but a real city चरन खजद रस चनयहर तथ दकषण |
590 | train/M45050.wav | Somebody gave me a push that has hurt it i am afraid no indeed it looks very nice but laws preventing the adulteration of food products which laws were equally valuable to the consumer and laws helping the dairyman in addition to labor legislation i was able to do a good deal for forest preservation and the protection of our wild life |
591 | train/M78904.wav | We might have all been bitten or hugged to death but grandmother begged malcolm he isnt dangerous let me bring him into the light and show you what a kind old pet he is there was a scattering to the other end of the hall |
592 | train/M50044.wav | The enterprises to be undertaken will be on a much vaster scale than anything you could attempt on your own account so that the one tenth in this case may be equal to more than the whole in the other captain blood considered नगर छ जसक परमण धम कटहम मईधम महततवपरण यग दएक छ |
593 | train/M21722.wav | Wich hevin his papers all destroyed made settlin with the government a easy matter wuz so feroshus that i felt called upon to check him दर कम छ He was conscious of a very real and a very decided one an irritation that was directed against himself against billy and against this man arkwright but chiefly against music per se he hated music |
594 | train/M72990.wav | इरकनसलएबल डफरनससम Biscuits three whole ones and a generous handful of crumbs and fragments i got them this morning cook and id quite forgotten he explained as he divided them with scrupulous fairness into four heaps |
595 | train/M12537.wav | He said placidly and i have no doubt i should have been if i hadnt happened to be born in that nice house next door i cant see any harm in it anyhow पहल दललदख आउद समय |
596 | train/M5480.wav | He opened his sack and gave her the bad one the witch suspected no evil and her mouth watered to taste the new dish so that she went into the kitchen to prepare it herself when it was ready she could not wait till it was served at the table घरम सथनय परकर |
597 | train/M64705.wav | Lois cayley you say any relation of a madcap captain cayley whom i used once to know in the forty second highlanders his daughter i answered flushing |
598 | train/M35488.wav | On the contrary everything generated is first imperfect but in the state of innocence children would have been begotten by generation and crowded with people whom his eye versed in the dress and manners of our forefathers recognized as the church goers of a century and a half ago the singers gallery was filled by a choir of girls and boys |
599 | train/M77899.wav | जललक भतक परवधर The chinese thief catcher went about his work in a scientific fashion first he fastened and threaded a length of silk rope through one of the rails of the bed and into the slack of this he lifted milburghs head so that he could not struggle except at the risk of being strangled |
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