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600 | train/M4755.wav | बनउन क गरन परल Their treaties of limitation wouldnt have let them get into the plasmoid pie until the others had been at it a decade or so they would have been quite eager there was a little pause then trigger said lordy |
601 | train/M15193.wav | उततर करयक मनवअधकर ऋषमन मधय १८ अरब १८० तबबतक दकषणतरक जलल कम गरन यसक |
602 | train/M88908.wav | Proposed the wizard so glinda beckoned the diamond swan which swam gracefully to a position near them before anyone could speak coo ee oh called to them in a rasping voice |
603 | train/M67548.wav | On hearing this word felix came up hastily to the lady who when she saw him threw up her veil i was wondering what could be the significance of this purse with the paper at one end and the large diamond at the other count replied maximilian with an air of gravity those are our most precious family treasures the stone seems very brilliant answered the count |
604 | train/M79919.wav | One day she gave birth to her kittens in an out house and at once leaving them to shift for themselves she entered the dwelling house and insisted on giving suck to the dog of her first adoption as he was now a full grown dog |
605 | train/M2507.wav | Was considered a good one three days later in crossing over a lonely region near the nebraska national forest farley munson which was one of the names the spy went by जनवरदख डरउन परय आफन लख अर कसल समपदन गरय भनदम रसउन उहक गलत ह जसत मलई लगछ |
606 | train/M38609.wav | In this country it is not the custom for young children to wear mourning and with men the wearing of a black band about the hat or on the left arm is all that is deemed necessary ऐतहसक धरमक सथल ढकटप ढकक कपडबट |
607 | train/M19856.wav | It was almost impossible for him to believe it the good news of the death of lolonnois had come from campeachy to havana and the people of the latter town also rejoiced greatly to be now told that this scourge of the west indies was alive यसलई डलघसक परणल भगक रपम गनस आद भएम |
608 | train/M52382.wav | दई कस चडइक आरथक दषटकणबट हरद Hundreds in crowded city quarters have no facilities of their own for baking women doing their share in factories and workshops cannot get up earlier to make corn bread for breakfast victory bread must be saved for them |
609 | train/M14163.wav | भनर वशवसत छ १९ म बन अकसजन परयग गरर यत धर मह छ पढर सनए And went to the neighbouring townships where he preached the way of truth to such as had gone astray which boisil also in his time had been wont to do it was then the custom of the english people that when a clerk or priest came to a township |
610 | train/M17876.wav | जनकनगर नपलक सगरमथ Not very broad strip of cultured ground with an alley bordered by enormous old fruit trees down the middle there was a sort of lawn a parterre of rose trees some flower borders and on the far side |
611 | train/M27785.wav | It was a narrative that painted red and white by turns the spaniards countenance he put a hand to the back of his head and there discovered in confirmation of the story a lump as large as a pigeons egg |
612 | train/M73221.wav | Beverages of the simplest kind not fermented two beverages consisting of water containing a considerable quantity of carbonic acid three beverages composed partly of fermented liquors |
613 | train/M33279.wav | दसरक सधय मननछ But a strong gigantic wicked witch bent on deceiving him under a beautiful shape he confided to her that he had travelled all the way from his own country for her sake having fallen in love with the accounts he had heard of her beauty |
614 | train/M65463.wav | Is this then unconsecrated ground said lawford havent you noticed drawled the other how green the grass grows down here and how very sharp are poor old sabathiers thorns |
615 | train/M1448.wav | जएल शमकरक चलचतर And would at once be fired with virtuous indignation when they heard of a case of vice or seduction nay even to mere frailty they would award the lash without mercy on the other hand should any instance of what they called third personism पहल आउछ |
616 | train/M32657.wav | Arbela imgurbel and dur balat as well as some of the dependencies shalmaneser retained kalkhi and the provinces of northern mesopotamia and it appears that the greater part of the army also remained loyal to him |
617 | train/M15133.wav | आफन गत Plunging wildly down the steep sides and merging into the underlying ground in fearful confusion but the most remarkable of them all was mount helmer hanssen its top was as round as the bottom of a bowl भमकबट गर |
618 | train/M72182.wav | So he got the princess to wife but when he went down into the stable where his horse was on the day the wedding was to be there it stood so dull and heavy and hung its ears down भएक भरपख एव |
619 | train/M66580.wav | She could see an angle of the long latticed window that was to have been cosy with curtains and gay with bowls of flowers into her mind came the thought that for months perhaps for years long after she had been utterly forgotten |
620 | train/M39650.wav | Nut shells and straws down on him from above as they climbed about the perches or swung by their tails one poor little chap had lost the curly end of his tail im afraid the gray one bit it off |
621 | train/M33273.wav | गरक थइन Dont dont he pleaded ill go away i meant no harm ill take it with me no you dont i interrupted none of your sharp tricks with this magazine |
622 | train/M33439.wav | तपईहर ऋण भनपछ जसक परभव र चतनबट गरनक मखय उददशय एक झलक गतहरलई दश तथ बनन जनछ |
623 | train/M8707.wav | By showing him the presidents order and then used him to entice or to compel we know not his motive power eight indians including the governor to take us to santa rosa we paid them about twenty four yards of lienzo भन मलई व |
624 | train/M69267.wav | Till my locks of ruddy gold now astray and hanging down be combed and plaited in a crown then a gust of wind came and blew curdkens hat away so that he had to fly over hill and dale after it and the girl in the meantime quietly combed and plaited her hair |
625 | train/M11895.wav | उनक रचक परव पहडम बसवस But as to the greater misery of the victims i do not know where it lies but i only mean to say that there are advertising offices and that by applying to them i should have no doubt of very soon meeting with something that would do something that would do repeated missus elton |
626 | train/M57531.wav | Gazed at barbara halloo what brings you out at this time of night young lady i went down to the gate to look for you she panted and had had strolled over to the side path did you not see me |
627 | train/M26355.wav | Tripping by in canvas sneakers and a large red hair ribbon shouted at her and charlie martindale of the first national bank nodded to her but these exquisites were too young for her कङगरसक यव चरइत चटमस पदमचलन |
628 | train/M38947.wav | य एकदम यस जललहरक कल कषतरफल The scene was on the high road from shap to vavasor and as she was still dressed in all the sombre habiliments of early widowhood and as neither he nor his sweetheart were under forty perhaps it was as well that they were not caught toying |
629 | train/M8495.wav | तथ पचपच ओभरहरक So as to keep open a retreat at length an opening in the trees allowed the sea horizon to be seen but the cart continued its progress for not one of its defenders thought of abandoning it |
630 | train/M43327.wav | जन गरक छ यसक बवजद असटरलयक You speak of guilty persons he said am i to understand that one of those guilty persons is my brother missus linley advanced a step and took the parasol from the table कन पन भगम पन हलर |
631 | train/M32827.wav | When the brighton age toold and horsed by the late mister stevenson used to dash round the square as the fifth hour was striking having stopped at the half way house while his servant handed a sandwich and a glass of sherry to his passengers उकत जतर हरन |
632 | train/M86248.wav | With us below the real sun because the place was far away above beyond our homely day neighbouring close the frozen clime where out of all the woods of time amid the frightful seraphim |
633 | train/M85373.wav | And the various seasons as the breath the spirit of god as god himself so in the mosaic record of creation it is said a mighty wind passed over the formless sea and brought forth the world i have certainly meant well through the whole affair my object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself |
634 | train/M15257.wav | Which were adorned with delicate tentacles some newly in bloom others barely opened while nimble fish with fluttering fins brushed past them like flocks of birds but if my hands came near the moving flowers of these sensitive lively creatures |
635 | train/M2037.wav | खलतम अडकइदनछ अरब मधययगन यतरहरल नरमण भरहक छ मलयक रपम सवकर |
636 | train/M62370.wav | Yes added elsie so will i when she gets well it never occurred to either of them that perhaps aunt izzie might not get well little people are apt to feel as if grown folks are so strong and so big that nothing can possibly happen to them |
637 | train/M75383.wav | However this may have been the affection seemed to increase as he grew older and as the attacks of it were most decided and violent when he was in a passion यद ड मटर छ |
638 | train/M27979.wav | Come come what then patience patience i am patient but go on and collections of insects telling him those delightful old german folk lore tales and putting him to sleep every night to the music of his violin what a child lover he is and what a delightful old man in every way |
639 | train/M75852.wav | And who had been drawn into the quarrel to avenge his brothers wrongs not his own was not so fortunate in the issue during his absence his wife clytemnestra |
640 | train/M17075.wav | We must not confound this chancellor with his namesake and contemporary william cowper the anatomist and commentator on bidloo who published a treatise on muscles in england ख गई यसलई लम समयसमम |
641 | train/M41910.wav | It is very hard having only one son to lose him thus but gods will be done who am i that i should complain the great wheel of fate पटक जक मरनछन |
642 | train/M275.wav | अगड बढ तयसगर And now he should not see her any more only three days ago she had been sitting in that basket chair how well he remembered her words her laughter |
643 | train/M42900.wav | When sense from spirit files away and subterfuge is done when that which is and that which was apart intrinsic stand and this brief tragedy of flesh is shifted like a sand when figures show their royal front चधर परवरल नयरड जन १९९५ म |
644 | train/M17222.wav | Abide said merlin here in a strait way ye shall meet with him and therewith he showed balin and his brother where he rode anon balin and his brother met with the king and smote him down and wounded him fiercely and laid him to the ground |
645 | train/M8469.wav | The slavers had placed a slow match in connection with the magazine and had blown in one instant of time that entire and beautiful fabric into ten thousand atoms even maud with all her hatred and passion quailed at the shock |
646 | train/M1054.wav | नपलम पन हमल गढ रसयनशसतर थए परयगक हसबल य There were no lounging men smoking long pipes and chattering the previous day the russians had been there a bloody battle had been fought and to day the japanese were there but what was that to talk about everybody was busy |
647 | train/M25622.wav | गरहर हमर दशम आए आएक थए जनबल No wonder the old war chief backed him with abundant food ammunition and eager warriors sent from home but it was after eleven when kennedy drove his still wearied horse through the platte and far to the north saw the dun dust cloud |
648 | train/M4769.wav | कन वशल आधक तमल कहलय पन आफन गउ आफ बनऔ They were all talking so earnestly that they did not notice the surprised little girl standing in the doorway and sylvia heard mister waite say i shall be glad to protect your interests here mister fulton |
649 | train/M3903.wav | Followed by another that made every one down stairs turn pale with fright two voices were uttering piercing shrieks one after another so loud and frantic that even the servants in the back part of the house came running छल एउट नपल उनम परवचनहरक |
650 | train/M65579.wav | तय कटतक चतरपटट तथ नपलक एकमतर To deal with her in strict reciprocity he carried out his resolve with a great deal of tact and the young lady found in renewed contact with him no obstacle to the exercise of her genius for unshrinking enquiry |
651 | train/M1337.wav | यसल छउरहरलई आफन जततक ककर उपयग कनन अवधरण अवधनक Early apples ladies early pears and apricots and all cheap come buy buy as he cried an old woman came across the market place she looked very torn and ragged पञचकशक उतपनन बर |
652 | train/M80380.wav | But ajax fiercest of the three took no notice of the lad straight across his comrades he looked to where scarce a rod behind the daring lad came another figure a light and graceful form खनल जल परक थए |
653 | train/M29848.wav | मतर गरनन बकक And if you add to this the observation that the wind and rain are not ceasing and being replaced by a still and heavy atmosphere then you may affirm that no eruption is preparing but no more that is sufficient |
654 | train/M5151.wav | इसलमक सवरण यग Equally brilliant feats since that date it is quite true that each astounding achievement has been attended by an equally stupendous accident but that is accepted as a mere incidental detail by the faithful teutonic nation and buddha its emblems and symbols have been found in the catacombs of paris and rome on the stones of the parthenon |
655 | train/M29647.wav | Ah its a fine dance im with you there and looks mighty like a hornpipe in a ropes end at execution dock by london town it does but who done it why it was anderson and hands and you george merry पगल भनद एउट करणल इसम रजयल |
656 | train/M68236.wav | मल हनछ Or it could stand the reaction which was bound to come from imprisoning them and so the forty one women returned to the white house gates to resume their picketing they stood guard several minutes before the police taken unawares could summon sufficient force to arrest them |
657 | train/M88192.wav | The conflict between the first two brothers of our race it is of undoubted native origin and venerable antiquity the version given by the tuscarora chief cusic in eighteen twenty five |
658 | train/M42466.wav | And sara would carry them to her garret and devour them and after she had read each volume she would return it and tell ermengarde about it in a way of her own she had a gift for making things interesting कषतरक नम गकरण यसक परकशन दरजलङम पन भग दइनछ करण असटरलयल कनतपर १२ पज |
659 | train/M79362.wav | भनन ओलक धरण छ For they cannot fight against vice or do they knowingly and wilfully forsake the good and turn aside to vice why at this rate they not only cease to have power but cease to be at all for they who forsake the common end of all things that are |
660 | train/M1698.wav | मरछ त उसपछक आसथक कनदर पन ह तयसक दवपटट छल धरण गरन सकथ Whence he was able to obtain a conveyance to detroit here he took a passage in a trading boat and made his way by water to montreal thence down through lake champlain and the hudson river to new york and thence to boston |
661 | train/M85442.wav | She almost felt the rush of foliage in the wind it stood between them there are things some things she faltered we are not intended to know i think the words expressed her general attitude to life not alone to this particular incident |
662 | train/M81565.wav | The figure in white could be seen hurrying back up the mountain trail evidently the electrical storm with lightning bolts discharging so close was too much for the ghost |
663 | train/M70584.wav | Of self indulgence no one could accuse him our table was poorer i think than that of the bailiff who still hung on to our shattered fortunes the furniture was mean and scanty तय भएक छ कलमटर कनचनपरबट ३९ |
664 | train/M77892.wav | The first english sparrow was brought to the united states in eighteen fifty but it was not until eighteen seventy that the species can be said to have firmly established itself |
665 | train/M35388.wav | आजञ लए She knew her mother too well to be caught by the change in her tone i had not hitherto interrupted her once when she took the answer upon herself for she was not one to be checked when she chose to speak but now she answered nothing only looked at me and i understood her of course परचन कलम पङ |
666 | train/M14343.wav | I find to be marshalled in one of these five ranks children fools women cowards sick or black melancholic discomposed wits many hundreds of poor old women and many a cat करण नपलम बसबस |
667 | train/M70190.wav | तमलई भटसकपछ मतर भकटर भरसटर जलबट They appeared so near that we judged them to be among the timber of some of the neighboring ridges but having them constantly in view day after day and night after night we afterwards found them to be fires that had been kindled by the indians among the tulares |
668 | train/M8566.wav | Chapter thirty five she tried to be content which was a contradiction in terms she fanatically cleaned house all april she knitted a sweater for hugh she was diligent at red cross work |
669 | train/M910.wav | परम हतकर Many cases indisputably illustrate this a bohemian girl who in order to earn money for pressing family needs first ruined her voice in a six months constant vaudeville engagement returned to her trade working overtime |
670 | train/M76896.wav | मललटर रहक दखनछ Are of an old and honourable line many hundreds of years ago their forefathers lived in england and later on in wales later still in the fifteenth century before america was discovered they were living in ireland wolfes father however |
671 | train/M80307.wav | थय र तयसलई एक कङगरस कनदरय करयसमतक Wading and falling he made his way to firmer land sitting down heavily as soon as he found something that would support him behind him the lifeboat burbled and sank under the water bubbles of trapped air kept rising for a while then stopped यसक २३ वट गरन चहन भएकल |
672 | train/M22883.wav | उसल आमलई बब And accepted a seat on the locker under the stem windows you have a good force here under your command my captain said he some eight hundred men and i understand they grow restive in idleness they may go to the devil when they please परयस पन गरक थए कवल पच गउ |
673 | train/M36373.wav | We are all overjoyed said she at your return but you alarm us by your lamentations pray tell us the cause of your sorrow alas replied the husband i have but a year to live ११ चमच पनसग आदम दमह जसत |
674 | train/M46107.wav | Have you ever known me to catch cold through wearing thin clothes or going without a hat i asked i am tired of being indoors there have been people here all the afternoon उनल इनकर |
675 | train/M47686.wav | भएकम धनयवद Nesvitski went up to pierre i should not be doing my duty count he said in timid tones and should not justify your confidence and the honor you have done me in choosing me for your second if at this grave this very grave |
676 | train/M6579.wav | आदवसक परभषभतर That there were heavenly paths by which to steal into another existence and into happiness then they contrived for themselves their by paths and bloody draughts beyond the sphere of their body and this earth भरवक पज हनछ गरएक हन |
677 | train/M69489.wav | And then back to him to lick his hand and so on and appeared delighted at taking exercise and though they startled two or three rabbits and a hare in the course of their walk she never attempted to go after them only giving them a look and then looking back to him laughing at him as it were for his warning cry of |
678 | train/M33217.wav | Not a word i said to her that day about clarks invitation yet i asked myself repeatedly did she not know of it had she not listened and heard |
679 | train/M20818.wav | पर भएक पटसलई I promised him to come up soon but i continued on for some hours with the drunken crowd when i did come up to our apartment i found donald on his knees by his bed with his testament and an old hymn book of my mother in laws खलड पन मननछ धरतबट लपत हन उन बसन थलक |
680 | train/M62754.wav | पदल यतर गरनपरछ For the most part save incidentally we have hitherto been concerned with education as it may exist in any social group we have now to make explicit the differences in the spirit material and method of education as it operates in different types of community life |
681 | train/M10631.wav | Then they rose up and opened their drawers and boxes and took out all their fine clothes and dressed themselves at the glass तर टरय Not to act against the will of his nearest relation and friend i myself am too hasty continued lord elmwood and unhappily too much determined upon what i have once though perhaps rashly said |
682 | train/M81527.wav | At its close he relapsed into stupidity murmuring she throwed me down well sneered sadness you see drunken men tell the truth and you dont seem to get much guilt out of our young friend दन गरएक थय |
683 | train/M31011.wav | नकसन परशसनदवर टमपलटम परवरतन गरन टमम मलन खलक अहल उकत मनदर And developed in department stores on mondays symptoms loud talk pushing and shoving a combination prize fight and foot ball scrimmage old spelling bark gain baseball गरन सकदन तर नरतक एसल |
684 | train/M5495.wav | As pale as though he had issued from his tomb instead of his carriage madame danglars threw a rapid and inquiring glance which could only be interpreted by monte cristo around the court yard over the peristyle महल मरय शरइवरल |
685 | train/M56694.wav | Shortly after breakfast henry left them for woodston where business required and would keep him two or three days they all attended in the hall to see him mount his horse and immediately on re entering the breakfast room catherine walked to a window in the hope of catching another glimpse of his figure |
686 | train/M25171.wav | भनछन भन पव But winter with all its grimness and sternness in the great cold stone walled castles of those days the only fire and almost the only light were those from the huge blazing logs that roared and crackled in the great open stone fireplace |
687 | train/M52328.wav | पतरल तयस सकलक अन दमन शषणल कठमडम रहक छ They were brownish kind of and shed a spanking hat on with feathers and things in it her hair was shining under it all purply black and she looked sweet enough to eat |
688 | train/M14703.wav | ठल परदम ज ज And daddys anxious about it and the lambs cough he hasnt coughed since saturday the lambs eldest sister interrupted i wish i could think so mother replied and daddys got to go to scotland i do hope youll be good children |
689 | train/M56960.wav | As the time drew near to make an effort to reach camp we became concerned to know what strength was left us and whether or no we could walk for we had lain flat all this time without once rising to our feet |
690 | train/M11500.wav | जयतष वजञन करय गरनहरम पन आफन सकरयत पररमभ भएक ह जञनक आवशयकत हनछ घतक हन सकछ महदवक मनदर छ |
691 | train/M43903.wav | That the crowd loves to behold that monstrous living pile of tinsel rags half dung half light roll by on four wheels howling and laughing that they should clap their hands at this glory composed of all shames |
692 | train/M31438.wav | १ सय वरषभनद जयषठ शकल पणरमक भद २९ गत गउ पञचयत समङकन तयसल उनलई नपल जतक हनहनछ |
693 | train/M80667.wav | आधयतमक जगतक चरचत And a love of pleasure that had not as yet infringed upon his duties whatever they were he came in and went out pursuing his own plans and fancies addressing a few words to his mother occasionally relating some little incident to his father |
694 | train/M80907.wav | As the case stands the balance of probabilities may be stated thus john hornby undoubtedly had access to the diamonds and therefore might have stolen them but if the thumb mark was made after he closed the safe and before he opened it again तपसयम बसक ऋषमनक |
695 | train/M51338.wav | भरषट भए कठ बलकषण सम जसत If they never mend if habit is too powerful still their nobler nature will not have been addressed in vain they will not forget the counsels they have not strength to follow and never looked at me in a pleasant way you know what i mean if i had been treated in that forbidding sort of way |
696 | train/M74224.wav | In which case i should have proved myself mad because as you perceive for yourselves the mans a monster he took me by the shoulder and turned my face round to the light and said after a sharp scrutiny but madam mina told me you were ill that you had had a shock |
697 | train/M57059.wav | In hopes that someone out of pity might come to her rescue so when ameer ali questioned her she replied ah kind sir it is my poor son who hangs upon that gallows help me to get him down and i will bless you for ever |
698 | train/M70473.wav | Put out from sumter and quickly landed at the battery it contained three commissioners prominent men of charleston who had been sent to treat with major anderson and his answer was quickly known to all the crowd sumter was the property of the united states not of south carolina |
699 | train/M69756.wav | Who is his ancient friend and necessary to his very existence and would place her under the authority of the other when she is brought under the same roof with her or that under like circumstances he would do the same to his withered old father तयहक जनतक आवशयकतहरक महनम सथपत भएक |
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