{ "brx": "दुलियान रावसा जायखौ लुसै होननानैबो मिथिनाय जायो, बियो मिज'रामनि गिबि रावमोन जायखौ मिज' राव होनना मिथिजाबाय।", "eng": "The Duhlian dialect, also known as the Lusei, was the first language of Mizoram and has come to be known as the Mizo language." }
{ "brx": "गाहायाव होनाय दैमाफोरा गावनि जिबमण्डलाव बाङाइ गोहोम खोख्लैना दैयारि मावथांखिफोरनि थाखाय गाहाम: तुईबाई, तुईबाल, त्लंग, टुट, सेरलुई, तुईरियाल, कल'डाइन, तुईचां, तुईपुई, तियाव आरो मेट।", "eng": "The following rivers are suited for hydel projects with minimal impact on its biosphere – Tuivai, Tuivawl, Tlawng, Tut, Serlui, Tuirial, Kolodyne, Tuichang, Tuipui, Tiau and Mat." }
{ "brx": "1832 मायथाइयाव हाजोफोराव हाबजेन्नाय गिबिसिन इउरपारिफोरा केप्टेन जेनकिन्स आरो पेम्बार्टनमोन।", "eng": "The first Europeans to enter the hills were Captains Jenkins and Pemberton in 1832." }
{ "brx": "बै दावहानि उनाव, इंराजफोरा नागा हारिसाफोरजों सांग्रांथि आरो आखाय होयिनि खान्थि आजावदोंमोन।", "eng": "After that war, the British adopted a policy of caution and non-interference with Naga tribes." }
{ "brx": "बिदि जासेयावबो, ब्रिटिश फामुवारिफोरा नागा सुबुंफोरनि ओनसोलाव गाग्लोब्बाय थादोंमोन।", "eng": "Despite this, British colonizers continued to invade Naga peoples' territory." }
{ "brx": "हाबा जानाय हौवायाल' बे बायदि जानाय-लोंनायखौ होनो हायो, आरो बिथांनि बिसिया आसार-खान्थिनि समाव मोनसे मुंदांखा आरो सनमान गोनां जायगा लायो जाय हौवा हिनजावनि हेफाजाब होलायनाय आरो सोनारलायनायखौ नारसिन्नानै बुङो।", "eng": "Only married men could give such Feasts, and his wife took a prominent and honored place during the ritual which emphasized male-female co-operation and interdependence." }
{ "brx": "फिज'जों दैदेनजानाय नागा नेशनेल काउनसिला गावसोरनि आजै-आजौ आरो थागिबि हानजाफोरनि मोनसे राजखानथियारि गौथुम बिदोंमोन।", "eng": "Phizo-led Naga National Council demanded a political union of their ancestral and native groups." }
{ "brx": "दावहा-जिरायथनायनि बाथ्रा फोसावनाय जादोंमोन आरो सावरायनाया सोलिबाय थादोंमोन, नाथाय बेयो हिंसाखौ होबथानो हायाखैमोन।", "eng": "Cease-fires were announced and negotiations continued, but this did little to stop the violence." }
{ "brx": "आमेरिकान बेप्टिस्ट नागा मिशना 1836 मायथाइयाव आसाम मिशननिफ्राय जौगादोंमोन।", "eng": "The American Baptist Naga mission grew out of the Assam mission in 1836." }
{ "brx": "रायजो बेंगिरिया रायजोनि संबिजिदारि गाहाय आरो भारतनि हादोरगिरिनि थान्दै।", "eng": "The governor is the constitutional head of state, representative of the President of India." }
{ "brx": "हाजोआरि ओनसोलाव प्रीमियाम क'फी, एलासि आरो साहा आबाद बांहोनायनि गोबां खाबु दंब्लाबो, नाथाय एसेल' बिबाङाव बेफोरखौ गायनाय जायो।", "eng": "Plantation crops such as premium coffee, cardamom, and tea are grown in hilly areas in small quantities with large growth potential." }
{ "brx": "बांसिन सुबुंफ्रानो माइनि आबाद मावो मानोना बेनो बिसोरनि गुबै जाग्रा।", "eng": "Most people cultivate rice as it is the main staple diet of the people." }
{ "brx": "बेवहाय आहार सोबग्रानि 60 फोलेरफोर दं, बेनि गेजेराव मुंख'जाथाव किं कब्रा, बेन्डेड क्रेट आरो ट्राइकारिनेट हिल खासेव।", "eng": "It also has 60 species of reptiles, notable among which are the king cobra, banded krait, and tricarinate hill turtle." }
{ "brx": "चान्दाका मैदेर सेंक्सुयेरिआ राजथावनि भुभनेश्वरनि साखाथिनि 190 बर्ग कि.मि. रैखाथि होजानाय ओनसोल।", "eng": "The Chandaka Elephant Sanctuary is a 190 km2 protected area near the capital city, Bhubaneswar." }
{ "brx": "बबेखानि, नोगोरारि फेहेरनाय आरो बांद्राय मोसौ-मैसो गुमनाया अरनफोरखौ बाङाइ खालामबाय आरो मैदेरनि फालोफोरखौ गुबुन थावनियाव खारलांनो थुलुंगा होगासिनो।", "eng": "However, urban expansion and over-grazing have reduced the forests and are driving herds of elephants to migrate." }
{ "brx": "नाथाय 2012 सिमाव बेसोरनि अनजिमाया बाङाइ जानानै 20 जाबायमोन।", "eng": "But by 2012, their numbers had been reduced to 20." }
{ "brx": "राइजोनि गासै न'खरारि दिहुन्थाइयाव बाख्नायथाव बांनायखौ मिनिस्ट्रि अफ स्टेटिस्टिक्स एन्ड प्र'ग्राम इम्प्लिमेनटेशना फोरमायदोंमोन।", "eng": "The impressive growth in the gross domestic product of the state has been reported by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation." }
{ "brx": "गोबां जिब जुनारफोरा बारबरा रिजार्भ फरेस्ट, चिल्का, नयागढ़ जिल्ला आरो आठागड़थिंजाय खारलांबाय।", "eng": "Many of the animals have migrated toward the Barbara reserve forest, Chilika, Nayagarh district, and Athagad." }
{ "brx": "माखासे मैदेरफोरा गामिनि सुबुंफोरजों हेंथा-हेंथिजों थैबाय, बबेखानि माखासेआ मोब्लिब गोहोनि थाराव नांना मोब्लिबजों बोजानानै एबा ट्रेनजों सौजाना थैबाय।", "eng": "Some elephants have died in conflicts with villagers, while some have died during migration from being electrocuted by power lines or hit by trains." }
{ "brx": "आयेन आफादखौ समगान्थि जोबनायनि सिगां फोजोबाब्ला, बे बिबाननि समगान्थिआ बोसोरबानि जायो।", "eng": "The term of the office is for five years unless the Assembly is dissolved before the completion of the term." }
{ "brx": "मोनफ्रोमबो खोन्दोआव मोन जि जिल्ला आरो बेनि खुंथाइयारि गाहाय महरै सासे खोन्दोआरि खाजोना आयुक्त आय'गगिरि (आर.डी.सी.) थायो।", "eng": "Each division consists of ten districts and has as its administrative head a Revenue Divisional Commissioner (RDC)." }
{ "brx": "मोनफ्रोमबो जिल्लाखौ दालाइ खोन्दोआव रान्नाय जायो, आरो मोनफ्रोमखौबो सासे दालाइ-कालेक्टर आरो दालाइ-खोन्दोआरि मेजिस्ट्रेटा खुंफुङो।", "eng": "Each district is separated into sub-divisions, each governed by a sub-collector and sub-divisional magistrate." }
{ "brx": "भुबनेशवराव थानाय लिंगराजा मन्दिराव 150 फुट (46 मि.) गोजौनि देवला दं बेराफार्से पुरिनि जगन्नाथ थानसालिआ 200सो नि फुटनि गोजौ आरो अख्रांनि सिनखौ गोहोम खालामो।", "eng": "The Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneswar has a 150-foot (46 m) high deula while the Jagannath Temple, Puri is about 200 feet (61 m) high and dominates the skyline." }
{ "brx": "हुमानि लेमनाय मन्दिरा सम्बलपुरनि खाथियाव दङ।", "eng": "The Leaning Temple of Huma is located near Sambalpur." }
{ "brx": "गोबांथार अन्जिमानि मानसिफोरा जायगा सोलायनांदोंमोन आरो हारि हारिसाफोरनि गेजेराव जोबोद गाज्रियै बुलाय-सोलाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Huge numbers of people were displaced, and there was much intercommunal violence." }
{ "brx": "पानजाबा साहा-सोनाब भारताव दं आरो बेवहाय गासै 50,362 वर्ग किल' मीटारनि हालाम दं।", "eng": "Punjab is in northwestern India and has a total area of 50,362 square kilometers." }
{ "brx": "पानजाबनि सिमाफोराव सोनाबथिं पाकिस्ताननि उदां रायजो पानजाब, साहाथिं जम्मु आरो काश्मीर, सा-सानजाथिं हिमाचल प्रदेस आरो खोलायाव हारियाना आरो राजस्थान दं।", "eng": "Punjab is bordered by Pakistan's Punjab province on the west, Jammu and Kashmir on the north, Himachal Pradesh on the northeast and Haryana and Rajasthan on the south." }
{ "brx": "बे ओनसोलनि बाङायथार जौसिन दुंथाया जानुवारि आरो फेब्रुआरि दानाव साननि बांसिन दुंथायनिख्रुइ गोबांसिन जायो।", "eng": "The highest minimum temperature of these regions in June is more than the daytime maximum temperatures experienced in January and February." }
{ "brx": "उवाइल्डलाइफ सेंक्सुयेरिफोराव मथाम, हाग्रानि अमा, हाग्रानि मावजि, फिथाइ जाग्रा बादामालि, हग मै, फ्लाइं फक्स, मानदाब आरो नेवलाइ बायदि गोबां फोलेरनि अरनारि जिब जुनारफोर मोन्नाय जायो।", "eng": "Wildlife sanctuaries have many more species of wild animals like the otter, wild boar, wildcat, fruit bat, hog deer, flying fox, squirrel, and mongoose." }
{ "brx": "बे रायजो आयेन आफादआ, बिधान सभा, मोनसे मासियारि बियाबफोरजों सायख'जानाय 117 सोद्रोमाफोर थानाय से सदनारि पान्जाब आयेन आफाद।", "eng": "The state legislature, the Vidhan Sabha, is the unicameral Punjab Legislative Assembly, with 117 members elected from single-seat constituencies." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन गोनांथार आबादफोरा माय, खुन, खुसेर, बज्रा, जुखाम, बार्लि आरो फिथाइ-सामथाइ।", "eng": "Other important crops are rice, cotton, sugarcane, pearl millet, maize, barley and fruit." }
{ "brx": "पान्जाबनि 80% -95% सो आबाद मावग्रा हाफोरा जाट सिख हारिफोरनि, रायजोनि सुबुं अनजिमायाव 21 जौखोन्दोल'ब्लाबो।", "eng": "About 80%-95% of Punjab's agricultural land is owned by its Jat Sikh community despite it only forming 21% of the state's population." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन मोनसे जिंगाया जाबाय गोख्रैनो दैनि थाखोआ गाहाय जालांनाय, जायनि सायाव 90 जौखोन्दोसो आबादफोरा सोनारो; जायखौ बावैसो बोसोरफोराव गिथावना हायलांनाय नुनो मोन्दों।", "eng": "Another worry is the rapidly falling water table on which almost 90% of the agriculture depends; alarming drops have been witnessed in recent years." }
{ "brx": "माखासे अनुमानफोरनि बायदिब्ला हा सिंनि दैआ बोसोराव से मिटार एबा बेनि बांसिन हायलांगासिनो दं।", "eng": "By some estimates, groundwater is falling by a meter or more per year." }
{ "brx": "भारतारि रेलवेनि सा रेलवे लाइना रायजोनि बांसिन गाहाय नोगोर आरो नोगोरमाफोरखौ फोनांजाबो।", "eng": "The Indian Railways' Northern Railway line runs through the state connecting most of the major towns and cities." }
{ "brx": "शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस, भारतनि बयनिख्रुइ गोख्रैसिन ट्रेननि सारि, जाय अमृतसरखौ गोदान दिल्लीजों फोनांजाबो आरो जायनि गासै जानथायआ 449 कि.मि.।", "eng": "The Shatabdi Express, India's fastest series of train connects Amritsar to New Delhi covering total distance of 449 km." }
{ "brx": "पाञ्जाबनि गाहाय रेलवे स्टेशनफोरा अमृतसर जंक्शन (ए.एस.आर.), लुधियाना जंक्शन (एल.डी.एच), जालन्धर केन्टनमेन्ट (जे.आर.सी), फिरजपुर केन्टनमेन्ट(एफ.जेड.आर), जालन्धर सिटी जंक्शन (जे,इउ.सी), पठानकट जंक्शन (पी.टी.के.) आरो पटियाला रेलवे स्टेशन (पी.टी.ए.)।", "eng": "Punjab's major railway stations are Amritsar Junction (ASR), Ludhiana Junction (LDH), Jalandhar Cantonment (JRC), Firozpur Cantonment (FZR), Jalandhar City Junction (JUC), Pathankot Junction (PTK) and Patiala railway station (PTA)." }
{ "brx": "बिसोरनो मोनसे मोगथां चेक दिन्थि आरो फोरों बेवहाय माबोरै खालार, जायनो होगोन बिनि मुं, रांनि बिबां आरो मुंसाय खालामो जायो।", "eng": "Show them a physical check and explain how to fill in the date, payee, payment amount, and signature fields." }
{ "brx": "अमृतसरनि सनानि मन्दिरा पान्जाब आरो थारैनो भारतनि मैखोम दावबाय थावनिनि मादाव गंसे, जाय ताजमहलनिख्रुयबो बांसिन दावबायारिफोर बोगथाबो।", "eng": "The Golden Temple in Amritsar is one of the major tourist destinations of Punjab and indeed India, attracting more visitors than the Taj Mahal." }
{ "brx": "लन्लि प्लेनेट ब्लु फारिलाइ 2008आ हरमन्दिर साहिबखौ मुलुगनि साबसिन इसोरारि थावनिनि मादाव गंसे होन्ना सायख'दों।", "eng": "Lonely Planet Blue list 2008 has voted the Harmandir Sahib as one of the world's best spiritual sites." }
{ "brx": "बिनि सिमायाव गुबुन आरो गंबा भारतारि रयजोफोर जेरै - साहाथिं पानजाब, सा-सानजाथिं हारियाना आरो उत्तर प्रदेश, खोला-सानजाथिं मध्य प्रदेश आरो खोला-सोनाबथिं गुजरात रायजोआ दं।", "eng": "It is bordered by five other Indian states: Punjab to the north, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to the northeast, Madhya Pradesh to the southeast, and Gujarat to the southwest." }
{ "brx": "10थि जौथाय सि. इ सिम साहायारि भारतनि प्राय गासै भारतानो कान'जाव गावसोरनि राजफोलेरारि प्रातिहाराफोरनि सामरायजोनि देरसिनथायखौ गनायना लादोंमोन।", "eng": "Up to the 10th century CE, almost all of North India acknowledged the supremacy of the Imperial Pratiharas, with their seat of power at Kannauj." }
{ "brx": "बै समाव देक्कानाव थानाय सेथि बाहादुर शाहया राजपूत राजाफोरजों गोरोबथा खालामनो गोनां जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Bahadur Shah I, then in the Deccan was forced to patch up a truce with the Rajput Rajas." }
{ "brx": "आरवली हाजो थाखोआ राइजोनाङैनो 1,722 मिटार (5,650 फुट)नि जौथाइयाव थानाय खोला-सोनाब हाजो थिखिनि गुरु शिखर (माउन्ट आबू)निफ्राय सा-सानजायाव खेत्रीसिम थाङो।", "eng": "The Aravalli Range runs across the state from the southwest peak Guru Shikhar (Mount Abu), which is 1,722 metres (5,650 ft) in height, to Khetri in the northeast." }
{ "brx": "खोलायाव मेवाड़नि हाजोआरि ओनसोल दङ।", "eng": "In the south lies the hilly tract of Mewar." }
{ "brx": "खोला-सानजायाव कटा आरो बून्दी जिल्ला सिङाव मोनसे गेदेर ओनसोला जौयेन हाखौ महर होदों।", "eng": "In the southeast, a large area within the districts of Kota and Bundi forms a tableland." }
{ "brx": "राजस्थानाव जयपुर, कटा, अजमेर, जधपुर, भरतपुर, बीकानेर, अलवर, अबु रड आरो उदयपुरा गाहाय रेलवे स्टेशन।", "eng": "Jaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Abu Road, and Udaipur are the principal railway stations in Rajasthan." }
{ "brx": "कटा नोगोरमाया भारतनि गासिबो गाहाय नोगोरमानि थाखाय गंथाम राजधानी एक्सप्रेस आरो ट्रेनफोरजों सिबिथाय होग्रा मोनसेल' मोब्लिबारि खोन्दो।", "eng": "Kota City is the only electrified section served by three Rajdhani Expresses and trains to all major cities of India." }
{ "brx": "2003 मायथाइनि फोरमायथि बायदिब्ला, आउटलुकनि बायदियै ब्राह्मणफोरा राजस्थाननि सुबुं अनजिमानि 8% निफ्राय 10% दं, नाथाय 2007 मायथाइनि फोरमायथियाव 7% ल'।", "eng": "Brahmins, according to Outlook constituted 8% to 10% of the population of Rajasthan as per a 2003 report, but only 7% in a 2007 report." }
{ "brx": "2007 मायथाइनि डि.एन.ए. इन्डिया फोरमायथिनि बायदिब्ला रायजोआव 12.5 जौखोन्दो ब्राह्मणफोर दं।", "eng": "According to a 2007 DNA India report, 12.5% of the state are Brahmins." }
{ "brx": "2019 मायथाइनि मोनसे हिन्दुस्तान टाइम्सनि फोरमायथियाबो 13% नि गासै एस.टी. सुबुं अनजिमाखौ गनायो, जेराव मीणाफोरा 7 जौखोन्दोजों बयनिख्रुइ बांसिन हानजा।", "eng": "A Hindustan Times report from 2019 also agrees to the total ST population of 13%, of which Meenas constitute the biggest group at 7%." }
{ "brx": "राजस्थाननि रावफ्रा गिबि महरै इन्द'-आरियान रावनि राजस्थानी हान्जाजों सोमोन्दो दङ, जायखौ बांसिन मानसिफ्रानो गाव-गावनि राव होन्ना गनायो।", "eng": "The languages of Rajasthan primarily belong to the Rajasthani group of Indo-Aryan languages, which most people regard as their own language." }
{ "brx": "सा-सानजायाव शेखावती आरो धुन्डारी रायज्लायनाय जायो, जाय लासै-लासै हारियानवीजों लोगो जाफैयो।", "eng": "In the northeast is spoken Shekhawati and Dhundari which gradually merge with Haryanvi." }
{ "brx": "सानजानि मेवात ओनसोलाव मेवात राव रायज्लायो, आरो गोजान सानजायाव ब्रज राव रायज्लायो।", "eng": "In the east is spoken Mewati in the Mewat region, while in the far east is spoken Braj." }
{ "brx": "बांंसिन मुस्लिमफ्रानो राजस्थानी रावफोरनि मादाव मोनसेखौ गावसोरनि सेथि राव महरै रायज्लायोब्लाबो, नोगोरफ्राव उर्दुआबो सरासनस्रा।", "eng": "Urdu is also common in cities, although the vast majority of Muslims speak one of the Rajasthani languages as their first language." }
{ "brx": "जाय जामुङा गोबाव जोरो आरो फुदुङाजासै जाजायो, बेफोर बायदि जामुंखौ बिसोर साबजायोमोन।", "eng": "Food that could last for several days and could be eaten without heating was preferred." }
{ "brx": "दै आरो थाजिम मैगं-मैला गैबाङैनि जाहोनाव जामुं संनायाव गोहोम गोग्लैदों।", "eng": "The scarcity of water and fresh green vegetables have all had their effect on cooking." }
{ "brx": "बांसिन राजस्थानी जामुंफ्राव घीआ मोनसे गोनांथार बेसाद आरो आलासिखौ बरायनो थाखाय जामुंनि सायाव खोस्लिसे-खोस्लिसे घी लुना होनाय जायो।", "eng": "Ghee is an essential ingredient in most Rajasthani cuisines, and dollops of ghee are poured over food as a welcoming gesture for guests." }
{ "brx": "राजस्थानाव दावबायथाय दारिमिना बोसोरफ्रोमबो मेखोमै देरगासिनो आरो बे राइजो सोरखारनि थाखाय आयनि मोनसे गिबि फुंखा जानो हमगासिनो दं।", "eng": "The tourism industry in Rajasthan is growing effectively each year and is becoming one of the major income sources for the state government." }
{ "brx": "राजस्थाना गावनि आसार-खान्थि, हारिमु, गाब, मैखोम खरं आरो राजमहलफोर, सुबुं मोसानाय आरो दामजु, जायगानि फोरबोफोर, जायगानि जामुं, बाला हाफाव, दानख'नाय थानसालिफोर आरो समायना हाबेलिफोरनि थाखाय मिन्थिजायो।", "eng": "Rajasthan is known for its customs, culture, colours, majestic forts, and palaces, folk dances and music, local festivals, local food, sand dunes, carved temples and beautiful Havelis." }
{ "brx": "बेबादि बुंनाय जायोदि गुरुआ रायजोखौ बोर होलांदोंमोन, बौद्ध धोरोमखौ सिनायथि होदोंमोन, आरो जौथाइनि उनाव सिक्किमाव फैनो नागिरनाय राजानि खुंथाइनि मुगाखौ इयुनबुंथि होदोंमोन।", "eng": "The Guru is reported to have blessed the land, introduced Buddhism, and foretold the era of monarchy that would arrive in Sikkim centuries later." }
{ "brx": "बे बोसोरनि एप्रिलाव भारतारि रौनियाफोरा गेंटक नोगोरमाखौ दखल खालामदोंमोन आरो चग्यालनि रैखाथि होग्रानि हाथियारखौ सेना लादोंमोन।", "eng": "In April of that year, the Indian Army took over the city of Gangtok and disarmed the Chogyal's palace guards." }
{ "brx": "1700 मायथाइयाव चग्यालनि बिनानाव बाथुलनि मददजों भुटियाफोरा सिक्किमखौ गाग्लोबदोंमोन, जायखौ राज उलाफादनिफ्राय बोख्लायनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "In 1700, Sikkim was invaded by the Bhutanese with the help of the half-sister of the Chogyal, who had been denied the throne." }
{ "brx": "भुटियाफोरा तिब्बतारि सुबुंफोरजों होसो हरजादोंमोन, जायफोरा जि बोसोरनि उनाव चग्यालनो राजउलाफादखौ होफिन्दोंमोन।", "eng": "The Bhutanese were driven away by the Tibetan people, who restored the throne to the Chogyal ten years later." }
{ "brx": "नसुङारि भारतआव ब्रिटिश खुंथाइ जागायजेन्नायनि उनाव, सिक्किमआ गावसिनि सरासनस्रा सुथुर नेपालनि बेरेखायै ब्रिटेनजों लोगो जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Following the beginning of British rule in neighboring India, Sikkim allied with Britain against their common adversary, Nepal." }
{ "brx": "बे समावनो, भारतारि उदांस्रि आरो सुबुं खुंथाइनि थाखाय बेनि आगाना सिक्किमाव मोनसे गांसुनाय राजखान्थियारि सोमावसारनायखौ थुलुंगा होयो, जायजों सिक्किम रायजो कंग्रेसआ जोनोम जादोंमोन, जाय मोनसे राजआफादआव गाखोनायखौ हेफाजाब होग्रा राजखान्थि दोलो।", "eng": "Meanwhile, Indian independence and its move to democracy spurred a fledgling political movement in Sikkim, giving rise to the formation of Sikkim State Congress , a pro-accession political party." }
{ "brx": "चग्याल पाल्डेन थन्डुप नामग्यालआ सोमावसारनायखौ दबथायनो भारतनियाव मदद बिदोंमोन, जायखौ फिसा रौनिया पुलिस हानजा आरो मोनसे भारतारि दीवान महरै हरनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "The Chogyal Palden Thondup Namgyal asked India for help in quelling the movement, which was offered in the form of a small military police force and an Indian Dewan." }
{ "brx": "गिबियाव 35थि सोदांनायाव माखासे नेमखान्थिखौ थि खालामदोंमोन, जाय सिक्किमखौ मोनसे 'एस'सिएट स्टेट' खालामदोंमोन,मोनसे जर'खा थाखो जायखौ मोनसेबो गुबुन रायजोआ बाहायनाय जायाखैमोन।", "eng": "First, the 35th Amendment laid down a set of conditions that made Sikkim an 'Associate State', a special designation not used by any other state." }
{ "brx": "6 जुलाई 2006 मायथाइयाव नाथु लानि सिक्किमनि हिमालयारि पासखौ सिमा-बारनाय फालांगिनि थाखाय खुलिदोंमोन, जाय भारत आरो चिननि गेजेराव गिबि गेवलां सिमा जादोंमोन।", "eng": "On 6 July 2006, the Sikkimese Himalayan pass of Nathu La was opened to cross-border trade, becoming the first open border between India and China." }
{ "brx": "सा-सोनाब सिक्किमाव, हाजो थिखिनिफ्रा बोसोरनाङैनो सुहाबना थायो; गोजौ जौथायनि जाहोनाव मेसेङाव हाजोनि बिदुङा लाथिख'निफ्राय 40 डिग्री सेलसियास एबा 40 डिग्री फारेनहाइट गाहायसिम गोगलैनो हागौ।", "eng": "In north-western Sikkim, the peaks are frozen year-round; because of the high altitude, temperatures in the mountains can drop to as low as −40 °C or −40 °F in winter." }
{ "brx": "1979 मायथाइयाव मोनसे बेलेबेजे सम खोन्दोनि उनाव, सिक्किम संग्राम परिषद पार्टिनि दैदेनगिरि नर बाहादुर भान्डारीनि दैदेन्नायाव मोनसे सुबुं-मिरुआरि मन्थ्रि बिफान फसंनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "In 1979, after a period of instability, a popular ministry headed by Nar Bahadur Bhandari, leader of the Sikkim Sangram Parishad Party, was sworn in." }
{ "brx": "सिक्किमाव मोन द' जिल्ला दङ - गेंटक जिल्ला, मांगन जिल्ला, नामची जिल्ला, पाकयं जिल्ला, गेजिं जिल्ला आरो सरें जिल्ला।", "eng": "Sikkim has six districts – Gangtok District, Mangan District, Namchi District, Pakyong District, Geyzing District and Soreng District." }
{ "brx": "सिक्किमनि गाहाय जौथायाव थानाय हिमालयनि दुङा-सुवा गुवार बिलाइनि अरनाव अर्किड, दुम्रु, लौरेल, थालिर, साल बिफां आरो औवा रज'यो।", "eng": "Orchids, figs, laurel, bananas, Sal trees, and bamboo grow in the Himalayan subtropical broadleaf forests of the lower altitudes of Sikkim." }
{ "brx": "खाथिसिन रेलवे स्टेशनफोरा जाबाय न'सुंसेआव थानाय सोनाब बेंगलनि सिलिगुरि जंशन आरो न्यु जलपाइगुरि।", "eng": "The closest major railway stations are Siliguri Junction and New Jalpaiguri in neighbouring West Bengal." }
{ "brx": "बिनि अनगायै, रेलवे मन्थ्रि बिफाना 2010 माइथायाव रेलवे लाइनआ सोनाब बेंगलनि मिरिकनिफ्राय नामचि, दारामदिन, रानिपुल आरो गेंटकखौ सरजाबनाय बिथांखि आजावदोंमोन।", "eng": "In addition, the Ministry of Railways proposed plans in 2010 for railway lines linking Mirik in West Bengal to Namchi, Daramdin, Ranipool, and Gangtok." }
{ "brx": "बेनि अनगायैबो, रायजोआ हायुङारि इंराजि खौरां बिलाइफोर जेरै दि स्टेट्समेन, दि टेलिग्राफ, दि हिन्दु आरो दि टाइम्स अफ इन्डियानि ओनसोलारि दिहुन्थाइखौ मोन्नाय जायो।", "eng": "Furthermore, the state receives regional editions of national English newspapers such as The Statesman, The Telegraph, The Hindu, and The Times of India." }
{ "brx": "पेरियारआ तामिलनादुनि हारिमु आरो जिउनि सायाव आर्यफोरनि दबथायनायखौ नुना बेखौ फोजोबस्रांनो सोमावसारदोंमोन।", "eng": "Periyar campaigned for an end to what he saw as Aryan domination of culture and life in Tamil Nadu." }
{ "brx": "सिलीगुड़ीआव फोसावजानाय मोनसे नेपालि सानसेयारि दैनिक हिमालया दर्पना बे ओनसोलनि दावगाफुनाय नेपालि सानसेयारि खौरां बिलाइ।", "eng": "Himalaya Darpan, a Nepali daily published in Siliguri, is one of the leading Nepali daily newspapers in the region." }
{ "brx": "ए.टि.टि.सि. आ बरडां, सिंगतामाव आरो सि.सि.सि.टि. आ चिस'पानी, नामचिआव दं।", "eng": "ATTC is situated at Bardang, Singtam, and CCCT at Chisopani, Namchi." }
{ "brx": "तमिलनाडु अरथाइनि महराव जिथि बइनिख्रुइ देरसिन भारतनि रायजो आरो सुबुं अनजिमायै दथि बयनिख्रुइ देरसिन रायजो।", "eng": "Tamil Nadu is the tenth largest Indian state by area and the sixth largest by population." }
{ "brx": "1969 मायथाइयाव रायजोनि मुंखौ सोलायनानै तमिलनाडु दोन्नाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "The state was renamed Tamil Nadu in 1969." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनादुआव मायिलादुथुराइ खाथिनि सेम्बियान-कान्दियुराव सिन्धु हांखोआव लिरनाय मोनसे गोदान मुगानि अन्थाइ गोफार मोननाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "A Neolithic stone celt with the Indus script on it was discovered at Sembian-Kandiyur near Mayiladuthurai in Tamil Nadu." }
{ "brx": "खायफाया बेनि मानखौ कल'भ्रफोरनि सायाव होयो, जाय बै सम खोन्दोआव तामिलकामनि बांंसिन ओनसोलखौनो देरहानो हानाय मोनसे राजाफोलेरमोन।", "eng": "Some have attributed this to the Kalabhras, a dynasty that conquered much of Tamilkam during that time." }
{ "brx": "बे बिजाबखौ दिनैसिमबो जोबोद सन्मानजों गनायनाय जायो।", "eng": "This text is still treated with great reverence by those in the present day." }
{ "brx": "8थि जौथाइनि समाव पल्लवफोरा ममल्लापुरमाव लुनाय शर मन्दिरा दा युनेस्क'नि बुहुम नेरसोनारि दोरोंथि थावनि जाबाय।", "eng": "Shore Temple built by the Pallavas at Mamallapuram during the 8th century, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site" }
{ "brx": "पान्दियाफोरनि राजथावनि मादुराया लैथो सेरनिफ्राय खोलाहा गोजानथारावमोन।", "eng": "The Pandyan capital Madurai was in the deep south away from the coast." }
{ "brx": "13थि जौथाइयाव मार्क' पल'आ पान्दियाफोरखौ बे समनि माहाजोनसिन साम्रायजो होन्ना बुंदोंमोन।", "eng": "During the 13th century, Marco Polo mentioned the Pandyas as the richest empire in existence." }
{ "brx": "बेखौ फोजोबनो थांखि लानानै, बियो सासे बानगोनांथिनि दाराथिया जादोंमोन आरो जाथि खान्थि, धोरोम आरो गोसोम फोथायनायनि बेरेखायै सोमावसारदोंमोन।", "eng": "To this end, he became an advocate of rationalism, and campaigned against the caste system, religion, and superstition." }
{ "brx": "सेथि आदित्य आरो बिनि फिसाज्ला सेथि परान्तकाया जोबथा पल्लव राजा अपराजिता बर्मनखौ फेजेन्ना गावसोरनि रायजोखौ तामिलनाडुनि साहा बाहागोसिम फुवारदोंमोन।", "eng": "Aditya I and his son Parantaka I expanded the kingdom to the northern parts of Tamil Nadu by defeating the last Pallava king, Aparajitavarman." }
{ "brx": "बे समाव चला सम्रायजोआ बेंगल आरो श्रीलंकासिम गोसारदोंमोन।", "eng": "Now the Chola Empire stretched as far as Bengal and Sri Lanka." }
{ "brx": "बिथाङा बेंगलनि राजा महिपालखौ फेजेन्दोंमोन आरो गावनि देरहानायनि गोसोखां नेरसोन महरै गोदान राजथावनि लुनानै बेनि मुंखौ गंगाइक'न्डा च'लापुरम दोन्दोंमोन।", "eng": "He defeated Mahipala, the king of Bengal, and to commemorate his victory he built a new capital and named it Gangaikonda Cholapuram." }
{ "brx": "बिथांनि फिसाज्ला सेथि आदित्यआ कान्ची आरो कुम्बक'नाम ओनसोलनि खाथि-खाला गोबां मन्दिर लुदोंमोन।", "eng": "His son Aditya I built several temples around the Kanchi and Kumbakonam regions." }
{ "brx": "गोजौनि मोनब्रै मन्दिरफोरनि मादाव गिबि मोनथामखौनो युनेस्क'नि बुहुम नेरसोनारि दोरोंथि थावनिनि मादाव मैखोम जिउनां चला मन्दिरनि बिमुं होनाय जादों।", "eng": "The first three of the above four temples are titled Great Living Chola Temples among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites." }
{ "brx": "खोला भारतनि मुस्लिमफोरनि गाग्लोबनाया आथिखालनि कर्नाटकआव थानाय बिजयनोगोरखौ राजथावनि खालामना हिन्दु बिजयनगर साम्रायजोखौ फसंनो थुलुंगा होदोंमोन।", "eng": "The Muslim invasions of southern India triggered the establishment of the Hindu Vijayanagara Empire with Vijayanagara in modern Karnataka as its capital." }
{ "brx": "बिनि उनाव, 16थि जौथाइनि गेजेरनि उनाव बिजयनगर सम्रायजोआ गोग्लैसोनो हमदोंमोन, अब्ला जायगानि गोबां खुंगिरि, जायफोरखौ नायक होनना मिन्थिनाय जायो, उदांस्रि मोन्नो खाबु मोन्दोंमोन।", "eng": "Subsequently, as the Vijayanagara Empire went into decline after the mid-16th century, many local rulers, called Nayaks, succeeded in gaining the trappings of independence." }
{ "brx": "भारतारि आफादफोरनि आयेन 1861 आरो 1909 मिन्ट'-मर्लि फोसाबनायनि सिङाव आयेननि गोहोखौ रायजो बेंगिरि आफादनो होनाय जादों, जायनि थाखाय लासैनो माद्रास आयेननि आफादखौ गायसननाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Legislative powers are given to the Governor's council under the Indian Councils Act 1861 and 1909 Minto-Morley Reforms eventually led to the establishment of the Madras Legislative Council." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुआ भारताव ई-गबर्नेन्सनि हाबाफारिआव गिबिसिन रायजो जानानै दं।", "eng": "Tamil Nadu has been a pioneering state of E-Governance initiatives in India." }
{ "brx": "तामिलनाडुनि पुलिस फर्सआ 140 बोसोर गोजाम।", "eng": "The Tamil Nadu Police Force is over 140 years old." }
{ "brx": "नोंथांनि कार बिमाया जाब्रबथायफोरनि थाखाय गोबां देना फोलोमनाय जानांगोन आरो नोंथाङा बेखौ रोखा खालामनांगोन दि न' बिगोमानि बिमाया सोलायनाय बेसेननि थाखाय बिमा खालामजानाय जानांगोन।", "eng": "Your car insurance should offer high liability coverage for accidents, and you should make sure the homeowner's insurance is insured to replacement value." }
{ "brx": "नैथि लावसिन लैथो रुगुं थानाय भारतआ 2006 माइथायाव, बाहेराव हरनाय ना आरो नानि दिहुनथायफोरनि 27.54 जौखोन्दोखौ तामिलनादुनिफ्राय हरनाय जादोंमोन।", "eng": "With the second-longest coastline in India, Tamil Nadu represented 27.54 per cent of the total value of fish and fishery products exported by India in 2006." }