16 values
Poor countries import almost no EGs, which points to the need for environment-related technical assistance projects to focus on poor countries, especially in Africa. Nevertheless, trade in almost all categories of EGs is found to be highly sensitive to growth in GDP and FDI as well as with the presence of technical assistance projects. For instance, policies to promote viable domestic consumer markets for EGs as well as policies to improve the general competitiveness of exports may have a more crucial role to play in enhancing trade in EGs.
Nonetheless, there are several ways in which public infrastructure spending can be more directly employment-generating and can have higher multiplier effects within local economies. Infrastructure works are doubly blessed, in that they create and sustain employment while at the same time improving living conditions and laying the foundation for long-term growth. Indeed, there is much greater scope than is generally recognized for developing infrastructure by using available surplus labour in LDCs. In urban areas, for example, labour-intensive techniques can be used for such works as improving streets and access ways, water supply, sewerage, sanitation and waste management, flood protection measures, and repair and maintenance of a range of public infrastructure.
No specific data are available on the impact of UV on the health of the Mongolian population. Despite traffic jams observed in Ulaanbaatar and noise around mining activities, this environmental factor is not taken into account, though its negative impact on public health is well known. In January 2017, alcohol selling and distribution was temporary banned in response to one death and four hospitalizations due to methanol poisoning.
Recent analysis has shown, for example, that the economic cost of outdoor air pollution, in terms of the value of lives lost and ill health, is much higher than previously thought. While costs were estimated at 4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in OECD countries on average in 2010, China faced costs that were estimated at the equivalent of 12% of GDP. Further work is underway to assess the economic consequences of risks posed by climate change, air pollution and the link between land, water and energy. Cost-benefit analysis that includes economic valuation of environmental externalities is a key tool available to comprehensively consider both the economic and environmental consequences of policies. Securing sources of finance to support green growth is even more challenging in developing countries (2014c).
Investments in physical ICT infrastructure are mostly undertaken by the private sector once the regulatory framework is in place and operating effectively. Regional and global programmes received USD 970 million (Figure 11.15). The UMICs were the largest recipient group, with a share of 29.3% of total disbursements during the period 2002-15, the LDCs share stood at 24.6%, OLICs at 2.0%, and LMICs at 21.2%.
For planning purposes, regions will pursue integrated planning and broad economic development strategies, departements will focus on providing social development and related services, and communes will focus on land use plans and local public services. The argument for consolidations follows both a cost-savings approach (eliminating about half the regional governments) and a scale approach (creating bigger regions that can be more efficient providers of services and investments). However, it is a contentious project and, as the map below indicates, some former regional capitals will lose their status along with the attendant public sector employment, services and other associated advantages (a point returned to in Chapter 2 in the case study of Clermont-Ferrand).
For instance, the realization of sustainable integrated intermodal transport connectivity will contribute directly to target 2.a, to increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation in rural infrastructure, target 3.6, by 2020, halve the number of road traffic deaths, target 7.3, by 2030, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency, target 9.a, facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure, and target 11.2, by 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all. It will also contribute indirectly to Goal 1, reducing poverty. Physical connectivity and operational connectivity are required to achieve seamless transport connectivity that allows goods and people to travel efficiently across modes and national borders.
The second analysis introduces additional operational constraints such as a minimum load level and limits on the speed of the power ramp rates. Of course, this exercise only applies to the highly volatile day-ahead spot price. Prices in the electricity forward markets, in which a substantial share of electricity is traded, include some measure of capital costs, display much more stable price curves and do not offer any scope for economic load following.
The safety of medicines is increasingly becoming an issue of public concern, and calls for more transparency and public involvement abound. However, the notion of “public” is inherently ambiguous and loaded with values and normative expectations, which may have significant consequences for communicators involved with medicines safety. This chapter illustrates how methods and insights from two disciplines, rhetoric and science and technology studies (STS), can elucidate issues related to the publicity of medicines safety communication. In the first of two case studies a rhetorical analysis of a public hearing is presented and subsequently related to existing discussions of public hearings in STS scholarship. In the second case study an STS-driven analysis of a medicines safety controversy in the media is presented, and afterwards rhetorical insights are leveraged to discuss the meaning and implications of the controversy in medicines safety communication.
Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector identifies where the energy efficiency potential lies in the public sector, and how governments can capture it. Policy measures are described for public buildings, transportation, utilities ranging from public lighting to heat providers, and other facilities. The Policies and Instruments section covers crosscutting energy efficiency programmes, procurement, facilities construction and retrofitting, operations and maintenance, utility management, and capacity development programmes. It covers six municipal sectors: passenger transport, municipal buildings, water and wastewater, public lighting, solid waste, and power and heat in three modules: an energy benchmarking module which compares key performance indicators (KPIs) among peer cities, a sector prioritization module which identifies sectors that offer the greatest potential with respect to energy-cost savings, and an intervention selection module which functions like a "playbook" of tried-and-tested measures and helps select locally appropriate interventions.
The Arab population is characterised by diversity consisting of Muslims (majority), Bedouins, Druze and Christians. Most of the population in the Galilee lives in rural settlements. In 2005, the percentage of the population participating in the civilian labour force in the Northern District was 59.7%, compared with the national average of 67.1% (Paltiel, 2007).
Algorithmic selection understood as a process that assigns relevance to information elements of a data set by an automated, statistical assessment of decentralized generated data signals, plays an increasingly important role in communication primarily through social media. The number of goals and tasks filled by different types of functional algorithms significantly impedes the assessment of their impact and importance on individuals and society. The economic benefits of using them are related to threats to basic civil rights, including the right to privacy.
From sixty-nine varieties of local rice landraces, after a participatory varietals selection, they came up with eight improved varieties that are expected to be adapted to several climatic impacts, such as rainfall and long droughts. However, this also puts farmers in a situation of risk as they have fewer choices and they become dependent upon companies for provision of the improved varieties. Awareness, knowledge and dependence on a broader range of agricultural techniques reduces the risk of climate related losses from farms and increases the capacity to adapt income generating activities to changing weather conditions. Farmers have to adapt to changing situations in order to be able to survive and compete with others. They often have to shift from land-use practices based upon organic subsistence farming towards modernization and intensification. These modern systems can raise productivity of crops, but at the same time they are costly for local communities and expose them to risks of disruption of supplies of inputs or failures to access markets.
There are theories to suggest that worsening economic conditions can have deleterious impacts on health outcomes but, equally, there are many hypotheses that predict the opposite. These mechanisms are termed: (1) stress, (2) effect budgeting, and (3) frustration-aggression. Increased stress may arise due to greater employment uncertainty which, in turn, induces depression or anxiety (OECD, 2012).
This shows the existence of ethnic and gender inequalities, but on a different level. It is important to note that the coefficients remain unchanged when the regression is not controlled for time effects, which means that despite the reduction in the level of multidimensional poverty, the level of inequality did not change between 2006 and 2010. One additional point on the household dependency ratio is associated with a multidimensional poverty level that is 0.6 points higher. A single-parent household has, on average, a level of multidimensional poverty 0.7 points higher than that of a household with two parents.
The Penang State Government has a reputation for its proactivity and entrepreneurial strength, effective administration, innovative policy-making, strategic liaison and communications with international investors, and development planning. One of its most successful agencies is the semi-autonomous Penang Development Corporation (PDC) established in 1971 as the government’s implementation arm, charged with overseeing economic growth and spearheading industrialisation. In the 1970s and 1980s, PDC monthly meetings included USM-related activities as a regular item on its agenda, giving its research activities a high profile. After significant restructuring in 2004, the Penang State government downsized PDC, creating InvestPenang which is the chief agency currently facilitating investment and fostering industrial development for the state.
The advantage of a cap-and-trade system versus priced-based mechanisms, such as a carbon tax, lies in the fact that a cap puts a legal limit on pollution, while the tax sets a price under the assumption that quantity will adjust, based on the higher price. A carbon tax has the advantage of raising revenue for the government. The 2007-2008 financial crisis revealed the ease with which financial markets could be manipulated, even in the most advanced markets, hence, the risk of manipulation, market failures and distorted incentives would be extremely high in most developing countries. Moreover, with respect to getting prices right, it is likely that both carbon taxes and cap-and-trade programmes would have to be so large as to be politically infeasible (Mowery, Nelson and Martin, 2010).
The result of these land-use changes is that significant quantities of C02 stored in the soil are released. Certification systems also emerge to promote sustainability of both first- and second-generation biofuels. A key advantage of second-generation biofuels is that energy yields are much higher, particularly outside the tropical regions.
The Nordic countries are part of the IPBES specified sub-region Central and Western Europe, in the IPBES-specified Region Europe and Central Asia. The Nordic region includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Aland, see Figures 6 and 7. The Arctic portal16 has interesting material and maps of the Arctic region.
They include the federal corporate income tax for the United States. Assuming that the incidence of the US federal corporate income tax falls entirely on capital income, they find that the corporate income tax is progressive. Roach (2003) reaches the same conclusion but notes that if 25% of corporate taxes are allocated to consumers and another 25% to workers, then the progressivity of corporate taxes virtually disappears. Duncan and Sabirianova Peter (2008) focus on the personal income tax only. Unweighted average excluding Chile, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
About 10 000 people live in the reserve, where crab harvesting is the main economic activity. The inefficient transport of crabs results in the deaths of many crabs, which ordinarily are sold alive. Uma modelagem financeira para as Unidades de Conservagao do Arpa [How much does the Amazon Protected Areas Programme cost? Financial modelling for the ARPA protected areas], Brazilian Biodiversity Fund, Rio de Janeiro.
The emphasis is on the provision of schooling, and it is incumbent upon governments and educational institutions to ensure that schools are available locally and that educational policies do not create barriers for attending school. In practical terms, however, access is gauged simply by measures of school attendance (e.g. UIS, 2006). This approach takes into account not only the supply of schooling, but also the cultural, social, religious, political and economic factors that affect the demand for schooling.
India's priority partner countries are its neighbours in South Asia. Between 2009 and 2015, Bhutan received 61% of India's bilateral development co operation, followed by Afghanistan (9%), Sri Lanka (7%), Nepal (5%), Bangladesh (3%), Myanmar (2%) and the Maldives (2%).Co operation with Africa has increased, with the majority of new lines of credit being allocated to Africa in 2014. The main sectors of India's development co-operation are health, education, energy (hydropower) and information technology.
The south and south-east of the country is dominated by small-scale farming with mixed agriculture. This is where most of the country’s horticultural production is concentrated, and all of the country’s cultivation of cotton and rice. The long-term trend in employment is less clear due to a change in the definition of employment which has substantially increased the number of employed in agriculture since the 2000s.
A major challenge ahead both for UNIDO and the Montreal Protocol is the implementation of national or sectoral Hydrochlorofluorocarbon Phase-out Management Plans (HPMPs), which approach the development of elimination plans holistically. So firm goals and legally binding targets might more appropriately fall to national energy programmes. But a wide variety of international actors can encourage those at the national level to set and meet such targets.
The first aspect has to do with the variety of private sector participation modes and their conditions for success. The second relates to the financial viability and fiscal sustainability of private sector participation in the water sector. The third concerns ways of improving the mechanisms for transparency and stakeholders' engagement.
It could also shed light on the quality of small primary schools, and ensure that learning considerations are at the forefront in the rationalisation of the school network (see Policy Issue 3.2). A school census assessment could also provide a more reliable indicator of student learning for supervisors to prioritise their interventions, and assess the progress of school. An example is Mexico's new National Plan to Evaluate Learning (Plan Nacional de Evaluacion de los Aprendizajes, PLANEA), which alternates full cohort with school and national sample assessments in different years and grades to provide useful, timely and reliable data for national and school needs (see Table 3.3).
On a pro-rata basis, funds from the sale of biodiversity credits are paid into the BioBanking Trust Fund to cover land management costs in the future and any additional proceeds from the sale of credits are paid to the landowner as a lump sum. The landowner receives annual management payments from the Trust Fund to implement the management actions, and submits an annual report detailing the management actions undertaken and monitoring of site conditions. Annual payments from the BioBanking Trust Fund are withheld from a landowner until the regulator assesses the landowner’s annual report.
At the early stage, the central government stipulated a minimum participation fee of CNY 10 per person (CNY 30 in some rich coastal counties), which is subject to a CNY 20 match from various local governments (CNY 40 in rich coastal counties) and CNY 20 from the central government (restricted to poorer provinces). The government input to NCMS has been increasing over time. The Suggestions on Consolidating and Developing NCMS issued by the Ministry of Health in 2009 requires that financing for each person should reach CNY 100 in 2009 and CNY 150 in 2010.
The subsidies were categorized with an intuitive traffic-light system, which helped directing corrective measures toward those which are the most harmful (Finnish Ministry of Finance, 2016). In Norway, electric vehicles are exempted from VAT, which (among other incentives) has made Norway a global leader in electric car use - electric vehicles now have a 23 per cent market share of all new cars sold in Norway (IEA, 2016b). The country has operated a feed-in tariff system for wind power ever since the 1990 (International Renewable Energy Agency [IRENA], 2013), lifting the share of wind power from 3 per cent to 42 percent in electricity production (IEA, 2016a).
Operational activities related to formal and non-formal vocational education fall under the responsibility of district or municipal governments. Ideally, a district could amalgamate vocational provision into one “super” SMK offering a range of subjects. However, nearly all of the SMK schools reviewed by the team remained largely focused on their historical subject offerings. Given the high capital investment required for vocational education, many schools have been constrained in the courses they can offer by their inherited facilities and equipment. A further innovation adopted by the ministry in 2014 was to introduce the Vocational Model School Initiative which establishes a “super” SMK school as a model school, with more resources, which can act as a centre for satellite schools. Currently there are 90 such schools but the intention is to create 1 650 by 2020.
Consequently, the WWS market is characterised by a low level of competition and important restrictions on the entrance of new players. Regulation is justified on the ground that it ought to prevent market power issues arising from a natural monopoly and to protect customers. In the absence of regulation, water operators can be tempted to neglect the quality of services and to apply water tariffs which are unreasonably high compared to the production costs.
However, the actions needed to reduce non-technical losses, representing a financial loss to the company, are different and require capital investment, as well as efficient and effective management of the utility’s commercial activities, such as metering, billing and collection. Reduction of non-technical losses is a priority for the Government and a number of steps have already been initiated. Since 2005, the World Bank and the EBRD have been financing the installation of retail (end user) meters in the two largest load centres, Dushanbe and Khujand. Installation of electricity meters helped reduce commercial losses, although technical losses increased due to increased power consumption, above the normal operating range of the power sector infrastructure in Dushanbe.
Data validated and updated by MESRK for the purposes of the OECD review. Data validated and updated by MESRK for the purposes of the OECD review. Although these numbers indicate improvement, data from a MESRK report on the qualitative composition of the teaching workforce in 2010-11 suggest that in 2010 there were still 13% of teachers who have not completed higher (tertiary) education (MESRK, 2010a).
Source: IPCC, 2007b. Following the Pigouvian paradigm presented in Chapter 1, such a carbon price would be most straightforwardly administered in the form of a carbon tax imposed on the emitting producers. The carbon tax would then render carbon-intensive technology more expensive, would lead to a reduction of fossil fuel-based electricity in the power mix and, ultimately, to a reduction of carbon emissions themselves. In all fairness, it must be added that the costs for gas-fired power generation are hugely dependent on the location and that its LCOE can fall as low as USD 60 per MWh in the United States.
Furthermore, without ever having been president or prime minister, Ms Aung San Suu Kyi has played a leading role in politics in Myanmar for many decades. On average, the share of women in parliament in the Asia/Pacific region increased by around 5 percentage points. In some countries this can be attributed to a quota system, which reserves a percentage of seats for women. Countries which have adopted quotas as a tool to advance women’s participation include Australia, Maldives, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan (McCann, 2013).
This will increase accessibility, usability and comfort in the public space and prolong general mobility. Older car drivers especially need support, in view of their abilities and deficiencies in certain situations, as well as information on how to compensate for cognitive and sensory limitations. In Korea, the prevailing view was that lowering speed limits is an inconvenience to drivers, and that reductions without a clear reason would be seen as unfair and lead to increased social costs.
N Engl J Med 348, 1556-1564. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016.
Overall, monitoring and evaluation is still not in place in most economies, with little evidence of system-based approaches. Paying more attention to exchange of experience and good practice, both in local/national contexts and at a multi-country/regional level, will bring value not only to the education and training community but also to the policy environment. While partnership arrangements take different forms, a common factor is that key ministries and agencies, the business world, and other civic stakeholders come together to advance entrepreneurial learning in the economy.
Students are fully engaged with their learning and contribute to the planning and evaluation of lessons. Teachers provide differentiated learning experiences and high-quality feedback. Over time, students learn to assess their own progress and take greater control of their own learning, establishing strong foundations for lifelong learning (OECD, 2013d).
The PNAEE relies on this same combination of measures to deliver the greatest energy savings in the transport sector (Table 5.3). It was restricted to cars with low C02 emissions levels in 2009-10 and has been restricted to electric vehicles as of 2011. Vehicle scrapping incentives (and other types of subsidisation of environment-friendly vehicles) are generally less efficient than charges based on pollution by road transport and represent government expenditure.
For example, the study of the Ministry of Employment and Professional Insertion of Youth and the World Bank (2009) based on longitudinal data (tracer study from the 2004 cohort) show's the existence of imbalances between supply and demand for skills at the post-secondary level. Some qualifications and fields of studies are characterised by long duration unemployment and withdrawal from activities. They find that unemployment rates are particularly high among BTS graduates of agriculture, commerce and administration (Ministry of Employment and Professional Insertion of Youth and the World Bank, 2009).
A new tax regime applied to the LP will further constrain the limited opportunities from this source. Private foresters have opportunities to access financing for afforestation within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy. An assessment should be prepared of measures applied in agriculture, forestry and other sectors that may adversely affect biodiversity, with a view to reforming them.
While there may be the endorsement of MoEs for such initiatives, they tend to survive as ‘squatters’ in the formal education system. More promising approaches are emerging in a number of countries, in which MoEs are more directly incorporating ESD into their core thinking on education. With a clear prioritisation of ESD, there is a chance for extra- and co-curricular activities to become a more influential aspect of students’ daily experiences.
Thus, poverty measurement is fundamental for monitoring public policies and, since these initiatives do not just provide monetary transfers but also educational, health, labour and social protection services, the monetary indicators provide insufficient information for capturing the impact of policies. For example, it has been pointed out that procedures for adding information may result in information losses and that the choice of an aggregation mechanism for handling information in a system of indicators may be arbitrary (Maurizio, 2010). However, a system of indicators does not solve the problem of identification, that is, of selecting those that may be classified as poor and those that may not. Moreover, a synthetic index facilitates the joint analysis of shortcomings, allowing for a comprehensive system (Santos, 2013), fosters communication by summing up a high number of dimensions and, consequently, facilitates decision-making (Maurizio, 2010, Santos, 2013).
Nevertheless, the possibility of large scale animal disease outbreaks, such as foot and mouth (FMD) and BSE diseases, are viewed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of New Zealand2 among risks with the largest potential production and revenue loss. A study on the macroeconomic impacts of an FMD outbreak estimated possible damage at up to NZD 6 billion in the first year and NZD 10 billion after two years from losses in export volumes, and price and exchange rate shocks. This study by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and Treasury underscores the fact that possible disease outbreaks are perceived as a threat with serious macro-economic implications (RB, 2003).
Discussion of externalities and comparisons with international tax benchmarks is excluded from the scope of this study, given the challenges of benchmarking and other methodological disagreements among the key expert organisations. This fourth “nesting doll” can, however, be subject to follow-up activities. The most commonly used approach distinguishes subsidies that benefit consumers from those benefitting producers of energy.
It depends on the development of relationships of trust built on successful partnerships with project developers, which are repeated where there is a steady pipeline of projects let as PPPs by the public sector (Sharma 2013). In addition they will be assessed for their risks, levels of return, volatility and whether there may be an element of natural monopoly (e.g. toll bridges or tunnels). This usually includes an undertaking from the government to refrain from investing in competing infrastructure or compensating the concession holder if it does make this kind of investment.
Between 1960 and 2008, the percentage of the total health bill spent on hospitals in most OECD countries increased initially as the acute care era became predominant and later decreased as the prevalence of chronic disease increased. For example, in Australia, the 40.4% of all health care spending was for hospital services in 1960, the percentage peaked at 52.7% in 1977, and by 2007 it had declined to 39.9%. France showed a similar pattern - 30.9% in 1960, a peak of 51.9% in 1980 and down to 35.0% in 2008.
Dr. Haakon Saethre was a leader of Norwegian neurology and psychiatry. He was resourceful, compassionate and had immense pride in his independent homeland. He described Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (acrocephalosyndactyly type III). When Nazi Germany occupied Norway during World War II, Saethre fearlessly and actively resisted, from revoking his medical association membership, to hiding persecuted Jews as patients in his psychiatric ward and aiding in their escape to Sweden, to managing the largest "illegal" food warehouse in Oslo with Danish humanitarian aid. As a prominent and noticeable citizen, he was arrested and executed by the Nazis in reprisal for the resistance's assassination of a hated Norwegian Nazi. His legacy lives on in Norway, where he was honored by a scholarship fund, a portrait and multiple plaques at Ulleval Hospital, and a street and memorial statue in his hometown. He was a hero and should be remembered by all who practice neurology.
The currently-pending trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership has generated considerable controversy, in part due to the secrecy with which it has been negotiated. A perceived lack of transparency has created a threshold perception of a democratic deficit and has invited questions about the balance of legislative and executive power, industry capture, and freedom of information. This paper looks at the practices of the United States Trade Representative and selected international treaty-making bodies to explore the origins of the current conflict over information access in trade diplomacy and to identify what these trends may portend for information access regarding future agreements.
Moreover, the performance of labour productivity in LDCs stands in sharp contrast to that of developed countries, where it has tripled over the same period. This is reflected in the divergence of agricultural labour productivity between the two groups of countries, shown in Chart 2.3. The sluggish performance of the LDC aggregate is heavily influenced by developments in African LDCs and Haiti and, to a lesser extent, island LDCs.
In addition to road and transport infrastructure, Kim et al. ( Using data for 2010 and a variety of econometric techniques, including oidinaiy least squares and spatial error models, they consider factors that affect the total number of the accidents in a TAZ. In additioa they consider separately factors that are associated with accidents that caused severe injuries (requiring more than three weeks of hospitalisation) or deaths, and factors associated with accidents that resulted in light injuries (three or fewer weeks of hospitalisation).
Within those states, water is withdrawn and delivered for irrigation by both private and public purveyors. Many landowners withdraw groundwater from private wells and irrigate without restrictions on pumping rates or volumes. Some states have groundwater management programs in which withdrawals are limited and new wells cannot be constructed without permits, while other states do not impose restrictions. Many private and public irrigation entities also withdraw groundwater, often for supplementing surface water supplies. Boards of directors comprised of landowners in the district hire managers who are responsible for hiring staff members to operate and maintain canals, and deliver water to farmers at reasonable cost and with good reliability. These companies and districts must charge prices for water and service that enable them to recover their costs of securing water, operating, maintaining, and repairing their systems, and also generate capital replacement and reserve accounts.
National parks attract by far the most visitors. Iguaqu and Tijuca national parks alone accounted for nearly 60% of visitors in 2013. Public investment in infrastructure and services, under programmes such as Parks of the World Cup and Tourism in the Parks, and concessions to private operators have helped increase tourist arrivals (ICMbio, 2012b).
De multiples sources ont ete utilisees : bases de donnees, sites web des gouvemements, parties prenantes (voir les references). La deuxieme partie de ce rapport propose une analyse complementaire de ces resultats en discutant d'abord de certaines limites liees a la classification initiale des pays dans ces categories et en presentant ensuite les principaux elements de comparaison afin d'estimer le niveau de coherence de ces politiques. Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Chili, Republique Tcheque, Danemark, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Grece, Hongrie, Islande, Italie, Japon, Coree, Luxembourg, Mexique, Pays-Bas, Nouvelle-Zelande, Norvege, Pologne, Portugal, Republique d’Irlande, Slovaquie, Spain, Suede, Suisse, Turquie, Royaume Uni, et Etats-Unis.
Studies indicate that street children who use drugs were more likely to have been abused by their parents, have a history of arrests and engage in sex work, exposing them to sexually transmitted diseases. Drug abuse also affects children in conflict areas. In some regions, drugs are used as an instrument to engage and retain children and young people as child soldiers in civil wars, armed conflicts and regional conflicts and in terrorist activities.
A recent EU Lifelong Learning Survey, which was carried out as an ad hoc module to the EU Labour Force Survey, places German workers in the lower middle range of EU countries in participation in formal and informal continuing learning activities. As in most countries, it is the more qualified workers who are the most active participants, raising a concern about depreciation of skills in a rapidly changing labour market. Also, those who do know that they have basic skill problems may be reluctant to admit it (Basic Skills Agency, 1997).
This implies a reversal of the sequencing suggested by the financing gap approach. Instead of starting with the identification of gaps between actual and needed investment for infrastructure, followed by rigid assumptions of government expenditure capacity, estimating private financing required and ending with project design strategies to attract private capital to fill in the gap, the start should be with a national development strategy. This would then be followed by a consideration of the infrastructure development needed to support this strategy, how government planning can support this process, how fiscal space may be expanded and what public-private investment mix could achieve these goals. For instance, to what extent will a “favourable” international investment framework, understood as a condition to make a project “bankable”, rob a national government of precious space to pursue its policy goals?
Systematic gender-responsive analysis should be carried out, including information on decision-making, gender perceptions and actual gender differences in interests, as well as needs for effective engagement of women and men in REDD+ implementation in local contexts (Larson etal. At the same time, in non-conflict settings the approach to more inclusive food production, through agricultural livelihoods, has been found wanting in the context of equal distribution and inclusion. The focus on increased productivity has not proven equally beneficial to women and men. Postharvest management initiatives in different countries also highlight the need for institutional frameworks and implementation approaches that consider not only gender equality but its localized nuances.
The second section then offers six operating guidelines or benchmarks for developing an agenda for action at the individual country level and for measuring the pace of change and eventual success. Four broad strategic pathways are highlighted in figure 8.1 and briefly summarized below. Women’s and girls’ lives are improved when countries formulate and then fully implement a combination of laws and regulations, policies and programmes that provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of sex, and promote gender - going beyond legal equality to substantive gender equality. There is a clear need for African governments to move beyond small-scale initiatives and silo approaches to gender equality, and invest considerably in building national and local capacities to ensure that women's empowerment is addressed in a much more systematic manner.
AbstractCorruption, political scandals, and the spreading adoption of management practices in the public sector contribute to a decline in public trust. Worldwide initiatives promoting good governance can be observed. At an organizational level, management of ethics has gained in importance as codes of conduct and ethical leadership are promoted. However, public management research has hardly analysed the impacts of these measures. To address this research gap, we conduct a between-subjects experiment among public administration employees. Our results reveal that only ethical leadership has a positive effect on employees’ organization-related attitudes. Our findings suggest avenues for further research.
The overall mission is for the Ghanaian counterpart to understudy the person and learn the skills that the person brings. Which means in the long run we will have new skill set .We will haue Ghanaians performing some of these roles (Administrator, Unique mill). In addition, some problems such as environmental issues are attributed to the activities of foreigners.
In the long term, private sector should have the primary role in the nexus. Ten years later (2009-2011), it reached on average 8.8 per cent of GDP. The World Bank data show that public gross fixed capital formation (public investment) for the group of 38 LDCs6 on average stood at 7.2 per cent of GDP over the period 1999-2001.
The paper concludes with a brief note on the way forward. For the OECD as a whole, the tax to GDP ratio rose from 28.6% of GDP in 1975 to 34% in 2015. The tax mix also varies, reflecting a host of determinants, including among others the structure and openness of the economy, inter-governmental arrangements (e.g. unitary versus federal structure) (Box 2), the institutional capacities of the national and sub-national government administrations, and collective attitudes toward income redistribution and the use of progressive taxation. Sub-central entities generate their own revenues, to varying degrees.
Efficient mechanisms will be needed to ensure that transport and development projects effectively follow the plans developed. In Paris, only projects included in the PDU (see Box 3.3) are subject to financing. In London, all development projects that do not conform with the development plan are automatically required to produce a transport assessment (which is normally only required for large projects considered to have major transport implications).
Drugs included in a positive list are reimbursed at three different rates (100%, 80% and 40%), using criteria such as severity of illness, availability of substitutes, the importance in the therapeutic process and financial burden. The contribution from the central budget to the CNS is legally determined at 40% of its total resources (with no budget cap). Given the resilience of public finances and the favourable labour market situation, the financial resources for health care are expected to be stable in the medium term However, a major health reform in 2010 introduced a number of cost-containment measures to prevent shortfalls in the health insurance budget that had been projected (Box 3). Despite this, Luxembourg's economy weathered the financial crisis quite well and revenue from health insurance contributions increased more than expected.
In the third quarter of 2012 real house prices started to show signs of rebounding again and in 2013 price-to-income ratios were above their long-term average in many countries (Andre 2010, BIS Quarterly Review 2014), suggesting that housing affordability might be starting to decline once again (Appendix Figure B.7). These trends hide important variations across countries. In 2013 price-to-income ratios exceeded their long-term average by over 10 % and were still rising in Australia, Austria, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom (OECD Housing Prices Database 2014', IMF Global Housing Watch 2014).
The geographical distance between residential areas and job centres results in long commute times, traffic congestion and damage to public health due to air pollution. Encouraging proximity and connectivity between jobs and homes would help reduce these negative externalities and improve economic competitiveness, while improving the quality of life. Urban development needs to ensure that job centres have sufficient housing nearby, under the city master plan.
According to Rocha (2006), although poverty in Brazil has persisted for decades, it was only after the inflation problem was solved that social problems started to be treated as a priority, the reduction of inequality being an example. This may account for the small output of articles studying the poverty-growth-inequality triangle in Brazil. Therefore, the implementation of public policies aimed at the reduction of inequality, besides solving this problem, may also indirectly help towards other economic policy goals such as increased growth rates and poverty reduction.
In addition, schools can become more segregated simply through other discriminatory practices at the school-level: some schools circumvent mandated school choice practices (such as ■first-come-first-serve’ acceptance) by only advertising to certain groups of high-achieving students and placing schools in areas that are typically homogenous and high-achieving. Furthermore, many researchers conclude that native parents/guardians select schools on the basis of race, ethnicity and class in addition to rational, objective measures of school quality, whereas immigrant parents tend to choose schools for different reasons, such as location of the school or the presence of students from same ethnic groups. Lightly-controlled choice schemes that use quotas or reserves to give a slight priority to disadvantaged students can establish a balanced compromise between providing an equitable education for all and allowing parents complete freedom of choice. Experiences from other countries show that lightly controlled choice programmes can provide choices for students and parents, while at the same time control the compositional balance of the student body often in terms of socioeconomic status.
Both priorities will require supply co-ordination: vertically - in order to ensure that individuals are not left behind, falling through the cracks between educational progression and job market entry, and horizontally - to ensure that the private sector is able to interact with the disparate training and education service providers - both public and private - to ensure that their skills needs are being met on an ongoing basis. Even the green jobs at the lower end of the skills spectrum will require specific training, calling for an engagement by both the public and private sectors. It is important that workforce incentives be built into new environmental policies and green industries are taken into account in workforce development services.
Attendance of a special school requires a recommendation from an appropriate authority and parental consent. The 2005 Education Act puts emphasis on increased integration of students with special needs in mainstream schools. Pre-primary and basic schools are administered by municipalities while secondary schools are administered by regions.
New Zealand has ratified many of the same international instruments instructing resettled refugees' rights as other resettlement countries. However, New Zealand has adopted broad strategies with little policy specificity or funding to ensure settling refugees' rights are upheld. In examining selected rights, this article demonstrates that New Zealand refugee policy remains aspirational yet precarious in two main ways. First, refugee pathways to protection, via the UN quota system or as Convention refugees, significantly affect both settlement support and family reunification. Second, policy implementation is often inconsistent and, at times, discriminatory, because economic, social and cultural rights are inadequately embedded into New Zealand's human rights framework. It is thus difficult to claim that New Zealand consistently and sufficiently meets its international obligations, despite the aspirations articulated within New Zealand's recently developed Refugee Resettlement Strategy.
This confusion is fed by a lack of differentiation between 'resilience' as a political agenda, as described above, versus 'resilience' as a technical approach that offers added value on top of existing risk management approaches. They are not the same thing, yet both are necessary to ensure that resilience is successfully implemented, and that it complements, rather than replaces, proven best practices. The 'agenda' should provide the vehicle to implement the ‘technical approach'. The great obstacles for realising the potential of resilience result from the multitude of interpretations of what resilience is, and lack of agreement in how to go about building resilience that addresses the risk attached to the full range of shocks and stresses, and the uncertainty of these, that people, communities and nations face. Demonstrating the interconnectedness of different risks and how these may differ between individual, community and national 'layers', in order to provide a rationale for approaching resilience as a truly holistic methodology.
This category also includes carbon sequestration-related afforestation projects in the context of the Kyoto Protocol. Recreational services not exchanged via market transactions are not reported (but are covered, to some extent, by Indicator 6.10). A number of countries reported difficulties in identifying and quantifying marketed services value (most services are non-market services).
Hummels (2001) finds that inefficiencies at African ports add a cost of 8.1 per cent to the value of transactions. More efficient customs procedures are found to cause trade flows to increase by as much as 30 per cent in developing countries (Wilson et al. Similarly, cutting the number of days required to clear customs in Ethiopia by half could cause total factor productivity to increase by 18 per cent. While most NTMs are meant to address public policy concerns - both economic (such as market failures) and non-economic (e.g. to protect health, animal and plant life) - they may actually serve a protectionist purpose, whether intended or incidental. For example, the WTO registered a sharp increase in the number of countervailing measures and safeguards initiated in 2008 and 2009 as crisis-hit economies took emergency’ measures to limit the spread of systemic damage.
Given the prospect of continuing globalisation in its many facets, possible new financial and economic crises figure prominently on many an expert’s list of the main global risks of the next decades. Equally prominent are concerns about the twin nexus of climate change and tensions around natural resources such as food, energy, water and minerals. These, in turn, may be compounded by further tensions linked to urbanisation, migration and global inequalities.
The other prime considerations in communications in support of reform are transparency (the messages and measures must be clearly related to the purpose of the reform) and consistency (the messages and measures must be seen to be complementary and mutually supportive). During the implementation phase, adequate ex post analysis will only be possible if the criteria and indicators against which the reform will be evaluated have been defined ex ante. This requires foresight and budgets projected into the future at the time of the reform, which are often not forthcoming.
As regards specific sectors, primary care is generally judged to be exemplary, but hospital care, although good, is seen as requiring some attention, with notable worries about overcrowding (OECD, 2012). In addition, there are concerns about whether the current system of long-term care is capable of dealing with the expansion in demand from population aging. Training, recruitment and retention of professionals are among the most immediate issues. On other fronts, pressures for savings in public spending on health care are unlikely to lessen in the coming years, and neither will cost pressures from ageing and technological development. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was performed with one output (life expectancy at birth for 2010 and 2005) and two inputs (a composite indicator of the socio-economic environment and lifestyle factors for 2010 or 2005 and healthcare spending).
These new practices are intended to improve the provision of education in one way or another, and therefore should be regarded as improvements. The perception of improvement depends on the perspective of the stakeholders, who may wear several hats: consumer, citizen and taxpayer. Assessing the success of companies in the private sector by profit, sales or growth is widely accepted: ultimately they have a single bottom line which prevails over any other objectives.
As for the public works programme, the study shows that the majority of South Africans are unaware of the programme and only modest amounts of income are transferred to a few households via this scheme. Thus, the initiative does not seem to be fulfilling its stated objectives and meeting its targets of employment creation and poverty alleviation. Chapter 3 deals predominantly with social assistance grants, and shows that consolidated expenditure on welfare and social assistance has increased substantially in the post-Apartheid period.
Nonetheless, even when this relative line falls below the absolute line, it provides valuable information about the distribution of welfare among the poor. This proposal follows the spirit of Atkinson and Bourguignon's (2002) proposal to operationalise poverty measures that combine absolute and relative measures. It builds on the idea that absolute and relative poverty reflect failings in different capabilities, respectively linked to survival and integration. While the development agenda has largely focused on the first in the past decades, the second should be given its rightful place.
The authors estimate the value of the induced transfer to renewable energy producers, based on the weighted average “green" tariff for production of electricity from renewable energy sources (biogas, solar, wind energy), using data provided in the ANRE Annual Reports. According to ANRE, tariff methodologies specify the formula and all components included in the formula (including the sources where all the components can be found) and it is clear to all regulated utilities what level of rate of return they can expect during the regulatory period. In other words, electricity reference prices were set to account for the cost of production, transmission and distribution, but no other costs, such as allowances for building new capacity. They were determined using reference prices for fossil fuels and annual average fuel efficiencies for power generation.
Among these provisions, it is likely that the change in the right to bargain collectively, which after the reform will be restricted only to union members, and the change in the extension of benefits, which now will occur only under the agreement of unions and employer, will increase union membership. The reform proposes that unions have the priority for collective negotiations in the companies where they exist. Non-union members will only be able to bargain collectively by affiliating to the union in firms where unions exist. In firm where there are no unions, groups will still be allowed to exist. The reform proposes that the union and the employer should agree whether the benefits are extended, and in order to benefit nonunion members will have to pay the full union member fee.
This situation exposes 10 500 people to acute intestinal infectious diseases. The Water User Association (WUA) often closes the outlet of the wastewater collector, resulting in wastewater discharge into the village areas. Conflicts arise not only between neighbouring villages, but also between the village administration and the WUA.
The 2008 strategy is judged to have failed mainly due to problems with its design, and for providing insufficient evidence for the benefits that the significant institutional changes in water management could bring (OECD, 2011b). Other OECD countries have successfully established river basin organisations and pursued watershed management, while recognising the challenge of managing the multiple actors and interests involved in such co-ordination efforts (see Box 2.18). Examples of river basin organisations can be found in Australia (Murray-Darling Basin Authority), France (6 Agences de l’Eau), Mexico (25 organismos de cuenca), Portugal (5 Administragoes de Regiao Hidrogra/ica), the Netherlands (Water Boards) and Spain (9 confederadones hidrograficas).
Brisbane: School of Population Health, University of Queensland. The first version of this model was developed to study the impact of type 2 diabetes on the Australian population including health, health expenditures and broader economic impacts, such as changes in employment and productivity. The model was used to test the potential future impact of various policy interventions to reduce the future burden of diabetes for the purpose of improved decision-making regarding population health investment, work-force participation and productivity.
Such investment should address public transport and telecommunication, childcare and education as well as social services. In the medium to long term, strengthen the higher education system in the Northern District to build the basis for a university. High birth rates prevail among ultra-Orthodox Jewish and Arab populations.
Teams of technical experts elaborate and validate these plans in collaboration with the local communities, which ensures that the specific needs of the targeted community and the actual financial and technical opportunities are adequately identified. • Potential entrepreneurs are then identified, trained and provided with support to launch their micro-enterprises in those sectors. The teams help them structure proposals (which have to be evaluated and accepted by the national government) and execute projects.
Increasing food availability leads to more robust diets and decreasing numbers of malnourished children. However, the price changes that we see in the adaptation scenarios are fairly modest and lead only to small increases in food availability globally (less than a 0.5% increase), with a correspondingly small improvement in the rate of malnourishment (which decreases by less than 0.5%). Thus, while these scenarios help mitigate some of the effects of climate change, they do not fully mitigate potential food insecurity in developing countries.
A zero waste city requires combining social, political, economic and technical interventions in targeted urban areas that complement one another. Options for policy makers include user-pays waste charges, the demarcation of space for recycling, bio-digesters, upcycling and composting. It is made up of two parts: “mergers and acquisitions” and “greenfield investments”.
Sharma (2012) highlights the positives with his case study of Auckland International Airport, where a relational form3 of light-handed regulatory contract was used, and the Government was able to play a central role in bringing about investment and create the conditions for wider economic benefits from this major asset. This process was based on trust between the different agencies as well as addressing the hard financial imperatives. Conventionally, “green investment” would cover both the technologies and the infrastructure itself, and this would include the role of government in facilitating change through providing incentives and a positive regulatory environment.
In Chile, the scheme accounts for only about 20% of the amount due by the employer upon fair dismissal. In Brazil, dismissal can be with or without justified reason (com justa causa or sem justa causa). The latter covers all possible grounds for dismissal (including no reason) except misconduct and force majeure, and typically accounts for an overwhelming share of all dismissals (see e.g. DIEESE, 2011). The balance in their individual account scheme can be accessed by workers in the case of unjustified dismissal but employers must top it up by an additional 40%.
Their work maps the distribution of the world’s population with respect to relative water demand that is measured as the ratio of water withdrawals from industry, domestic use, and irrigated agriculture (DIA) to the mean annual surface and subsurface (shallow aquifer) runoff (Q) on an annual basis. Their results indicate that in many areas, water stress is a serious concern. Their study also highlights the fact that water stress is not limited to poor counties or those nations with severely limited water resources, but is also a serious concern in a number of OECD countries such as Australia, Spain and the United States. These studies consistently predict that some regions of the world will face water crises: India, northern China, north and sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Eastern Europe.
In spite of this difficult climate, there was a significant improvement in the management of public finances thanks in particular to the substantial efforts undertaken by the transition authorities and the support of the technical and financial partners (TFP). Most of the quantitative targets of the budget were achieved, with a progressive return to the normal procedure for public expenditure and greater transparency in the management of public resources. Touadera previously served as prime minister during Francois Bozize’s presidency.
After seven years of litigation, including four trips to the English Court of Appeal, an admissibility decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has finally ended Mr Pay's hopes of a successful claim for unfair dismissal. The legal significance of these proceedings concerns the interpretation of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), the right to respect for private life, in the context of an employment dispute. We shall argue that the decision of the ECtHR casts considerable doubt on the correctness of the interpretation that has been placed on the right to privacy by the Court of Appeal in the context of claims for unfair dismissal. The correct interpretation of the provision leads, on our view, to a standard of protection in dismissal higher than the current test of reasonableness that courts and tribunals employ.
Health interventions are unlikely to succeed if they are not embedded in broader efforts to respect the rights of their citizens and serve their basic needs. In the case of access to a skilled professional at birth, for example, reaching the projected value for MDG 5 has been estimated at $8 billion for the region, though if the off-track countries are to close their gaps they would need a further $13 billion. Similarly, closing the gap for safe water supplies would cost an additional $2 billion and for safe sanitation an additional $8 billion.
The area of overlap has been increasing over time. This is to be expected, as initial views from the climate community on climate finance (e.g. as it relates to the GEF) were elaborated in 1998 - well before the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness was agreed in 2005. However, there remain some issues that are of more importance for only one or two of these communities.
"This again places mitigation and adaptation side by side, though many technology choices could have both mitigation and adaptation benefits, including infrastructure, irrigation systems, and energy technology. It reads: "in the implementation ofthe Agreement, financial resources provided to developing country Parties should enhance the implementation of their policies, strategies, regulations and action plans and their climate change actions with respect to both mitigation and adaptation to contribute to the achievement ofthe purpose ofthe Agreement as defined in its Article 2." This suggests that mutual consideration of both M and A is envisaged. While this does not necessarily mean integration of the two, it does indicate that the adaptation and mitigation should be considered at the same time in the policy and financing planning process. As such, under finance and technology transfer, the Paris Agreement seems to suggest exploration of M&A synergies (i.e. ADM, as actions in other sectors can deliver adaptation and/or mitigation benefits). "This synergistic approach, where sustainable development, environmental integrity and M&A goes hand in hand to ensure that 2+2 equals 5.