16 values
Maternal mortality plunged from around 90 deaths per 100 000 live births in 1990 to around 13 deaths in 2015, while infant mortality declined from 45 deaths per 1 000 live births to 9 deaths over the same period. However, as with other indicators, national level data on infant and maternal mortality belie marked regional disparities. In some regions of the country maternal mortality has actually been increasing over the past ten years, by nearly 40% since 2005 in the Akmola and Karaganda regions, and in Kyzylorda region by more than 30% between 2010 and 20152. However after several waves of reforms most regulatory and financing functions have again been centralised.
Available from www.ebrd.com/ what-we-do/economic-research-and-data/data/forecasts-macro-data-transition-indicators.html, Transition Report 2015-16 and Transition Report 2015: Rebalancing Finance (London, EBRD, 2015). Available from www.ebrd.com/ documents/oce/pdf-transition-report-201516-english.pdf, and www.ebrd.com/news/events/transition-report-2015-rebalancing-finance-.html, respectively. The area devoted to cultivation of the opium poppy fell in 2015 for the first time since 2009.
Although primary care sector is well developed (see above in Section 1), most EBAIS only offer appointments in the morning and early afternoon, closing at around 3pm. Patients reportedly get up very early to start queueing for an appointment. Such difficulties make many patients go directly to hospital emergency departments for primary care.
A speech given to the Oxford University Society of Luxembourg to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. Looking at Magna Carta - how it came about, what it was, what it achieved, and what it came to represent - it argues that the myth of Magna Carta has been much more powerful than the reality. It concludes that invocations of Magna Carta can be double-edged. One the one hand, they extol the rule of law, but on the other they eulogize English exceptionalism. So it is no surprise that the British Government has seen no contradiction in celebrating 800 years of Magna Carta whilst exploring the possibility of denouncing the European Convention on Human Rights in favour of a British Bill of rights and responsibilities.
There is no extraction of water from the lake in Turkey, nor does Georgia use the lake water for industrial or household needs. The lake is a breeding site for White Pelican and the Dalmatian Pelican, as well as for a variety of other bird species. Most are connected by rivers, although groundwater interchange is also notable, and all together they represent an ecological entity.
De Vries and Muller-Salo begin with an interpretation of my view on the need for adequate secular reasons in supporting coercion in politics—specifically, in law-making and establishing public policies. Most laws and public policies are coercive. A public policy, for instance, may be established by a governmental or quasi-governmental institution such as a public university, and it may be enforced using sanctions that include fines and possible imprisonment. Even temporary policies established by agencies of government as opposed to legislative bodies may have the authority to impose serious penalties for non-compliance. Muller-Salo and De Vries consider various problems my approach raises and conclude by offering a principle weaker than my principle of secular rationale but aimed at making a similar contribution to formulating an ethics of citizenship—a set of standards applicable both to individual citizens and to government officials.
In this context, productive use is not merely additional to domestic use, but often complementary, as it helps smooth the time profile of electricity consumption: while the peak period for domestic use is the evening (for lighting and entertainment), productive use occurs primarily during the day. Accordingly, the expansion of productive uses of energy may also be conducive to supporting the penetration of variable renewable technologies, especially in the case of solar energy. In line with box 6.1, tackling supply-side constraints within a context of strong demand growth and investment dynamism is thus a key factor in successful development strategies.
New nonconventional and asymmetric security threats posed a great challenge to all national or collective security systems. Among them is question of energy security. Growing energy consumption on one side and lacking resources for energy production leads more and more into energy dependence. Energy is vital for normal economic production and consequently well-being of nations and has enormous consequences on many other fields of national security like food security, environmental security and sustainable development.
However, differences in definitions, sources and methods could blur international comparisons. In addition, data for many of these indicators are still lacking for a third or more OECD countries. As an illustration, data on survival rates for selected cancers are available for the same year for, at best, 11 countries.
The Peruvian case shows that, when agricultural programmes aim to reach the poor, the targets of these interventions could overlap with social protection programme targets (Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusion Social, Gobiemo del Peru, 2012). The synergies created by the targeting system in Peru allow for implementation of a more cost-effective targeting strategy and also for improved monitoring of the coverage of social protection and agricultural programmes (Cirillo, Gyorgi and Soares, 2014). The options range from stand-alone, sector-specific, social protection or agricultural programmes, to integrated interventions that combine social protection and agriculture, to sectoral interventions that are aligned to maximize complementarities. In certain circumstances, categorical targeting can be cost-effective for selecting programme beneficiaries based on easily observable characteristics.
Policy action can play a crucial role by helping women access collateral and build solid credit-records, by closing gender gaps in financial literacy and business skills, and by strengthening anti-discrimination legislation. Moreover, in most countries analysed there exist laws or customary, traditional or religious practices that prevent women from having the same access to land, non-land assets or financial services as men (SIGI Database). This problem is often exacerbated by family codes and social norms granting more control over family assets to men, and inheritance law that favours men over women.
Early assessments concluded that school choice increased inequalities, benefiting independent-school students only. More recent studies tend to argue that it spurred competition and improved results slightly across the school system. The overall effect on results from students’ socio-economic backgrounds has not changed (Holmlund et al., Bohlmark and Lindahl (2015) find that more private schools within municipalities are associated with reduced overall education expenditure, while other studies reach the opposite conclusion (Antelius, 2007). Only 5% of Swedish teachers report that their profession is valued in society, as against 60% in Finland.
This chapter presents the historical development, issues, reasons, and consequences of the migration crisis in Slovenia and opens the discussion about what crime prevention education geared toward sustainable development is supposed to achieve and how academic teachers can help students in developing skills that might be needed in order to support a sustainable future in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4—ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all for the 2016–2030 period. It stresses the importance of education for achieving sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity, as well as contributions to sustainable development.
Quality reports should be based on data available from a national data warehouse (more on this below) and refer to a number of indicators such as the number of teachers with teaching competencies in the subjects they teach, results regarding academic performance and wellbeing in relation to the indicators set in the 2014 Folkeskole reform, average marks correlated for socio-economic background, transition rates to upper secondary education and inclusion rates for students with special educational needs. For monitoring purposes, the quality reports can, however, disclose information whether the municipality or individual schools meet their performance targets and how performance develops over time. The six municipalities visited by the OECD review team all reported having procedures in place to ensure the quality control of their schools. This typically involves annual meetings with school leaders to discuss student results, based on national and municipal assessments and surveys of students and/or school staff.
For example, drought and heat-resistant seeds can help increase farm productivity in drought-prone regions. Seed varieties that are tolerant to heat and dry spells have been developed for a range of major food crops, including maize, rice and wheat. Other seed varieties have been developed that can improve the resilience of crops affected by flooding, including intrusion by saline water, which could become more frequent with climate change.
Successful completion of upper secondary programmes is vital to address equity issues (see Indicator A9 in Education at a Glance 2017 [OECD, 2017(1]]), but graduation rates still vary widely among OECD countries (see Indicator B3). Developing and strengthening both general and vocational education (see Definitions section at the end of this indicator) at upper secondary level can make education more inclusive and appealing to individuals with different preferences and inclinations. In addition, VET programmes are often chosen by students who found it difficult to progress through earlier levels of education and are thus more at risk of not completing upper secondary education (OECD, 2017(h).
Similarly, staff members from Universiti Sains Malaysia and other higher education institutions work on advisory capacity in many committees at the regional level. It provides training in technical and engineering skills in particular. Graduates from PSDC are directly engaged by the companies that need the skills developed by the centre. While the contribution of BJIM, USAINS Holdings Sdn.
A comprehensive regulatory framework defines the parameters within which the university can function. Incorporated universities would operate as independent, efficient, transparent and financially able entities. In the Malaysian context, public universities which have been corporatized 4 are incorporated entities expected to adopt management systems similar to those of the corporate sector while at the same time accepting the fact that the government will retain explicit control’ (Morshidi, 2008).
The government tries to reduce the number of fatal road traffic accidents by awareness-raising campaigns in public places and a national day of road safety. The vaccination coverage rate against DTP3, measles and Hepatitis B for infants stood at 99% in 2015, while vaccination coverage for influenza among people above 65 years stood at only 41%, but this is comparable to rates in neighbouring countries. However, there seems to be room for improvement regarding care of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), as the 30-day case fatality rate is above the average. The DSP enables patients and professionals to access all relevant medical data It is currently in a pilot phase involving patients with multimorbidity and chronic diseases before being extended to all insured people (see also Box 3 below).
The final section takes account of the staying power of Africa’s rural economy. The share of urban residents has increased from 14% in 1950 to 40% today. By the mid-2030s, 50% of Africans are expected to become urban dwellers (Figure 6.1).' Urbanisation is likely to continue and level off at about 56% around 2050.
These projected impacts appear large over such a short time frame, but do point to factors which may aggravate yield fluctuations and thereby influence food security levels (Shetty et al. This Outlook assumes that current legislation will remain in place, and it is appropriate to outline what influence they may have in affecting outcomes over the next decade. This policy set is diverse and pervasive, and following the experience of growth following the National Food Security Mission of 2007-08, the policy environment potentially stimulates both the demand and supply sides in certain sectors, particularly for food grains. Three important policy considerations concern i) market support prices, especially for rice and wheat, ii) input programmes, especially for fertiliser and iii) the new National Food Security Act of 2013. The Outlook assumes no change in India’s trade policy. Figure 2.15 below provides the projection for MSPs in USD, relative to the international reference prices projected in this Outlook.
In the Wallonia region, the Environment administration (ex-DGRNE) and the Agriculture administration (ex-DGA) were merged into a single directorate (DG03). This necessarily implies more synergies between environment and agricultural policies. An equivalent step was taken in Spain, when in 2008 the ex-Ministry of Environment (which had authority over water policy) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, merged to form the current Ministry of Environment, Rural and Maritime Affairs. Rural development plans integrate policies related to this field, including water, agriculture and other areas.
Broadly, the income share of the four poorest deciles averages less than 15% of total income. Average income received by the wealthiest 20% of the population is 19.3 times more than for the poorest quintile (see figure 1.6). In the countries with less inequality (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Uruguay), the four poorest deciles receive some 20% of total income. The wealthiest decile receives approximately 25%, average income for the wealthiest quintile does not exceed 10 times that for the poorest quintile.
Consumer education with respect to sustainability issues and the content of different certification schemes is key to supporting price premia. The public sector can play a role by providing public information on stock status and other sustainability issues in fisheries and aquaculture. Certification should help consumers to make informed choices and producers to respond to consumer demands.
While there have been many achievements since then, several pledges remain unfulfilled, Africa Renewal's Zipporah Musau spoke to the Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, on Africa's accomplishments and remaining challenges. Again, we have only two female presidents in Africa’s 54 countries. But there is still room to do more.
The Budget Policy Department within the MNE is responsible for managing the inter-budget relationship between the national budget and the oblast budgets. It decides on the general transfers (non-earmarked) from national to regional budgets to satisfy the needs of the region. General transfers are decided through a formula that projects revenues and expenses. The level of expenditure is largely calculated on the basis of the previous year’s data, with adjustment for inflation.
In many common law jurisdictions, some or all instances of invasion of privacy constitute a privacy-specific wrong either at common law (including equity) or under statute. A remedy invariably available for such a wrong is compensation for loss. However, the plaintiff may instead seek to claim the profit the defendant has made from the invasion. This article examines when a plaintiff is, and should be, entitled to claim that profit, provided that invasion of privacy is actionable as such. After a brief overview of the relevant law in major common law jurisdictions, the article investigates how invasion of privacy fits into a general concept of what is called ‘restitution for wrongs’. It will be argued that the right to privacy is a right against the whole world and as such forms a proper basis of awarding gain-based relief for the unauthorized use of that right.
Part-time work to help pay for food may be an indication of serious food insecurity for a young child, but an indication of appropriate transitioning into adult responsibilities toward the end of childhood. Is it the experience itself, or the meaning it holds for a specific child in a specific situation that, conceptually, we wish to capture as child food insecurity? In the United States, children's economic and social dependence on parents generally extends at least until age 18 years and in many instances through age 22 or 23 with the completion of college.
To predict economic success and failure, academics and policymakers alike are interested in the differences in institutional structures across natural resource-based economies. This paper uses a political economy framework to examine the effect of institutional variables on per capita Gross-Domestic-Product in resource-rich economies. After controlling for institutions, natural resource rents cease to have a negative impact on long-term growth. Institutions in resource-based economies foster economic growth when voice and accountability are in place, broad-based rule of law is enforced with secure property rights, and control of corruption, and when government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and political stability are positively perceived.
Benefit levels are often too low to provide women with financial independence or a greater say in household decision-making. Evaluations of Ghana's Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme, for example, found that, in spite of transfers being directed to women, decisionmaking remained with husbands, brothers and sons.50 In this case, the low level of benefits was compounded by irregular and inconsistent payments. The risk of stigmatization is greatest where gender inequalities intersect with other axes of disadvantage such as class, ethnicity, disability, location or race.
Hydropower for electricity generation and biofuels for industrial and transport uses are the main renewable sources. As a result, biofuels accounted for 17% of fuels used in road transport in 2012, by far the highest share in the world and well above the OECD average of 4% (IEA, 2014a, also see Annex l. Other renewables play a minor but growing role. Brazil imports a significant share of its petroleum supply, but exploitation of pre-salt reserves discovered in 2006 could triple oil production (IEA, 2013).4 Other fossil fuels and nuclear energy play minor roles (Figure 1.5).
This article analyses the making of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights as an example of European treaty-making. Using a structural constructivist approach, the article examines the treaty negotiation process as both a long-term and short-term process. In terms of a short-term process, the analysis highlights the efforts made at establishing a new framework of bargaining in the form of a Convention. In respect to the charter in the longue duree, the article emphasizes two preexisting social and political structures: the already existing field of human rights and the established practices of EU treaty negotiation. The article generally argues that these pre-existing structures and practices had considerable impact on both the proceedings and the outcomes.
Subsequently, basic education may become popularized, so that even an unskilled worker may have to have some basic education. Similarly, it might have required someone to acquire only a basic education by today’s standards to be a skilled worker in the early phases of development, but subsequently it would require a person to receive a lot more education—often tertiary—in order to qualify as a skilled worker. First, earlier literature on development (Lewis, 1954, Sen, 1966) stressed the importance of rural surplus labour, meaning labour that produces a zero or close-to-zero agricultural marginal product.
Vulnerability refers to the propensity of exposed elements such as human beings, their livelihoods, and assets to suffer adverse effects when impacted by hazard events (IPCC, 2012). These include the lack of a single common metric, the long timeframes over which the effects of adaptation measures may be felt, or the degree of uncertainty inherent to our understanding of the climate system, particularly when projecting localised climate impacts (Bours et al., Mindful of those challenges, the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice states “it is essential that adaptation be designed as a continuous and flexible process and subjected to periodic review” (SBSTA, 2010). The specificities of national-level monitoring and evaluation systems lie in its potentially broader scope in terms of the sectors, climate hazards, geographic area and adaptation measures considered.
This article analyzes the influence of the media on the central Norwegian immigration administration. Through behind-the-scenes ethnographic methods, it explores how key bureaucratic values such as impartiality, neutrality and loyalty are challenged and modified by the impact of the news media. A key question is to what extent this process of mediatization overlaps with a more general trend of politicization of the civil service. The article first documents that media pressure generates comprehensive strategies aimed at servicing the press, but also different types of information control and internal steering. Second, it describes how media management has become an important concern within public administration, which identifies strongly with the bureaucratic system and its values, and protects and defends it in the media. The article introduces the term ‘administrative loyalty’ to describe these practices and standards that go beyond the imperative to loyally serve the media-related needs of political superiors.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is now operational. What is the meaning of this innovation in global governance? Most concretely, the ICC will mean prosecution and jail time for some individuals who commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide, as defined in international law. In a larger sense, though, what role will this institution play in bringing to bear the rule of law in the context of war? The answer depends not just on the details and limitations of the first few cases that will be heard by the new court, but on the long-term institutionalization of this supranational institution with the power to punish some of the world’s most abhorrent crimes.
This paper provides a contextualised and critical policy analysis of the Rudd government's national schooling agenda in Australia. The specific focus is on the introduction of national literacy and numeracy testing and the recent creation by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority of the website ‘My School’, which lists the results of these tests for all Australian schools, including school performance against averages and against the performance of 60 other socio-economically ‘like-schools’ across the nation. It is argued that we are seeing the emergence of a national system of schooling (including national curriculum) as part of the reconstitution of the nation in the face of globalization and related economisation of education policy. This is the case despite Australia's federal political structure with the States holding the ostensible Constitutional responsibility for schooling. The analysis locates these and associated developments (a national schooling policy ensemble) within ...
Here, the risks are associated with access to services, whereas, for undesired events, the risk is two-fold: the event itself and the ability to deal with it. It would therefore be unwise to target only the poor as a way of keeping costs down. Nor can there be any certainty about how much the needed care will cost or how great the other associated costs will be. A compulsory financing mechanism should therefore be used, and young people should be included in order to differentiate risk levels, as is done in the case of health insurance.
Between 2004 and 2015 the number of teachers increased in the 3 largest sectors and most notably in the private-subsidised sector (rise of 74.8%), followed by the municipal sector (growth of 17.4%) and the private non-subsidised sector (rise of 9.4%) (see Figure 5.1). Data exclude provision by JUNJ1, Integra Foundation and private providers with no official recognition. Data include classroom teachers, staff with technical-pedagogical duties, staff in senior management, school directors, teachers with other duties at the school, teachers with other duties outside the school (work for respective education provider on service commission), heads of technical-pedagogical units, general inspectors and counsellors.
This article brings two black intellectual traditions to bear on the question of charter schools: black Marxism and black nationalism. The authors examine the theoretical and rhetorical devices used to talk about charters schools by focusing on how notions of ‘black liberation’ are deployed by the charter movement, and to what end. The authors first use a black Marxism lens to illustrate the character of the racial and economic relationships facilitated by charter schools. Next, the authors use historical methods to contextualize the liberation discourse of school choice proponents within a black nationalist history of school reform. The authors conclude that ‘choice’ rhetoric makes claim to the black freedom struggle without addressing its most enduring commitments to social justice and self-determination, ultimately perpetuating dependency by oppressed people upon their oppressors. The study identifies the limitations of contemporary critical theory to excavate several dimensions of racism in educationa...
For example, in India a large gap exists between the price of diesel and gasoline due to fuel subsidies on diesel. This has lead to substantial increases in the sale and production of diesel vehicles, which now make up to 40 per cent of the Indian vehicle market. Initiatives can include the development of electric vehicle infrastructure (see Box 4.9), or the conversion of transport fleets to cleaner fuels (see Box 4.10).
Other important elements of this pillar are policies to promote and increase access to public services. This concerns services such as high-quality education or access to health. Such measures smooth inequality stemming from cash incomes immediately, but they furthermore constitute a longer-term social investment to foster upward mobility and create greater equality of opportunities in the long run.
Some climate change impacts were explored in previous work by the OECD (2007). As a country with an advanced economy, an educated workforce and strong public services, Austria is in a strong position to deal with the effects of a changing climate. The potential for taking action to minimise costs and exploit opportunities arising from a changing climate can be seen in the effective system of natural hazard management that has developed over the past decades.
This paper reviews some major works of Thee Kian Wie, one of Indonesia’s most distinguished economic historians, that spans from the Colonial period until the post-New Order period. His works emphasize that economic history can guide future economic policy. Current problems in Indonesia were resulted from past policy failures. Indonesia needs to consistently embark on open economic policies, free itself from "colonial period mentality". Investment should be made in rebuilding crumbling infrastructure, improving the quality of health and education services, and addressing poor law enforcement. If current corruption persists, Indonesia could not hope to become a dynamic and prosperous country.
Although these factors differ per country, state, region and even programme, high-quality, well-implemented ECEC curricula provide developmental^ appropriate support and cognitive challenges that can lead to positive child outcomes (Frede, 1998). A common framework can help ensure an even level of quality across different forms of provision and for different groups of children, while allowing for adaptation to local needs and circumstances.
Inevitably, this failure to own up to the consequences of previous policy recommendations will impair the credibility of IG, as well as dilute the differences between IG, the PWC and the original WC. In these cases, the poor need not be listened to.” Although the World Bank does not currently claim the laurels in every case of success (it is merely happy to welcome the relevant “leaders” in the CGD), the Bank continues to devolve responsibility for failure to the poor and transition countries: apparently, if some have succeeded, those who haven’t only have themselves to blame (see, for example, Besley and Cord, 2007, p. 20). Unless the World Bank accepts its share of responsibility for the economic underperformance of the poor, middle-income and transition countries, its claims to have—finally—nailed down the “correct” economic policies will ring hollow (see Cling and others, 2002, p. 9).
Policy predictability is important to enable investors to evaluate the risk of policy changes on potential investments. A National Agency of Energy Efficiency was established in May 2010. They also included energy requirements for new buildings (50 kWh/m2/year) and energy efficiency assessment and renovation of state-owned buildings.
Enabling the Digital Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Role for Policy Reforms? World Bank, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/822981493749732711/ Enabling-the-digital-revolution-in-Sub-Saharan-Africa-what-role-for-policy-reforms. By 2016, all LDCs had launched 3G mobile broadband networks (Figure 2.4, left).
Data gathered from drone mission outputs such as high-resolution maps of flood affected areas (Orthophotographs, Digital Terrain Models and Digital Surface Models) helped FAO and government experts strengthen beneficiary identification/selection approaches and effective disaster impact assessment in flood-affected areas and further support the multihazard risks analysis. Flood-affected areas are better understood and validation of affected areas can be carried out together with the community. Agriculture lands are also validated soon after the hazard occurrence to identify whether or not the land is already planted. Identification of beneficiaries is more reliable and effective and the highly reliable nature of the drone-derived data also helps address beneficiary prioritization issues at the field level.
Despite this strong increase in production, the energy consumption associated with the production of pulp and paper will only be 6.1 to 15 times higher in the BLUE Scenario in 2050 than in 2007 (Table ES.5). In 2007, India was the eighth-largest producer of primary aluminium world wide. The strong growth in production between 2007 and 2050 (Table ES.6) will mostly be driven by the growth in aluminium used in transportation, building and power sectors.
But as countries adopt more energy efficiency technologies and energy conservation measures their energy intensity tends to fall (as it has in the US over the past 20 years). It is reasonable that as a country develops its economy it will need to supply more energy to its citizens to raise their standards of living. In this regard countries with very large populations have much further to go to deliver economic growth, China and India may have moved far up the development scale in recent decades, but they still have very low consumption of energy per capita.
The Belgian fleet counted 72 vessels in 2016, four less than in the previous year and a decrease from 100 vessels in 2008. Investment and increases in selectivity drive the core strategy for fisheries. For aquaculture, increased investments in production capacity combined with greater exchange of knowledge and research aim to increase production. The ‘Transfers to SECTOR’ numbers reported here include estimations for management and enforcement expenditures, where missing.
What is happening now in her home, community and nation will determine the trajectory for the rest of her life. At this age, everything is about to change. In some parts of the world, she is old enough to be forced into marriage. She might be forced to stop attending school. Later in adolescence, it is likely that her first sexual experience will be coerced. In a couple of years, she might be a mother.
Land-use policy must be applied across the entire BMA, as risks are also incurred by a lack of inter-governmental co-ordination on hazard mitigation planning. Although a general master plan for the BMA has been prepared by the provincial government, no effective land-use plan has been set up. The delivery of building permits in different local government areas in north of Bandung, for example, is at cross purposes with hazard reduction efforts at a metropolitan scale (Hudalah et al., The BMA should draw up a metropolitan spatial land use plan binding the local governments. The formation of the metropolitan institution will be a good opportunity to advance this idea (see Chapter 4). Up to now, the BMA has not prepared and disclosed natural hazard maps, implying that the BMA is by and large underprepared.
The two women are determined to stay and work in Lebanon for as long as they can without sacrificing the education of their children, and then they plan to go back to Ethiopia, where they want to continue to live together as a family. She first worked on a contract in a household for seven years. Nine years ago, she met and married Saeed, a Sudanese man who was working in a supermarket near where she worked.
When appropriately set, w'ater tariffs and abstraction charges can inform abstractors about the value of w'ater and provide incentives to use water efficiently, including in episodes of droughts. They can also provide incentives to direct economic and urban developments in regions where water is more abundant, avoiding creating additional liabilities as regards water security (See Box 3.5). Well-designed water tariffs and abstraction charges can also stimulate innovation and private sector investments (in water-saving technologies and practices or in water storage) and allocate water where it creates more (social, environmental and economic) value.
In this section research supporting the importance of each subdomain is presented in turn although intersections between the domains are highlighted. It is expressed in the units of standard deviations where an effect of 0.1 is relatively weak, one of 0.40 is moderately strong, and an effect of 0.70 is strong. Family structure (e.g. parents’ marital status, presence of extended family in the home, number of children) contributes to early learning in myriad ways. For instance, the presence of multiple adults in the household who can provide care for young children may mean that children have more opportunities to engage wdth an adult in a range of stimulating activities.
In addressing this policy challenge, OER can work against “silos of knowledge” (Plotkin, 2010:5), regardless of whether these stem from differences between educational institutions, countries, or formal, informal and non-formal learning settings. In each case, the sharing of resources made possible by OER is most valuable when the resources are released as full OER that allow not only reuse but also remixing and repurposing.
Additionally, heating costs have fallen by at least 30 percent. Overall, the biomass production increased 10 times, raising to 160,000 tons of fuel production per year, http://www.eurasia.undp.org/content/rbec/en/home/library/environment_energy/ Development_stories_from_Europe_and_Central_Asia_Volume_lll.html. Health benefits in programmes at up to 4:1 benefit-cost ratio significantly exceed energy cost reductions providing strong returns to government.
This and other pressures on the clinics in the Korean health care system have resulted in an increase in the closure rate, up from around 7% in 2006 to 8% in 2008, this is compared to a 1% closure rate among hospitals and underscores the additional level of financial difficulty faced by clinics (Cho, 2009). These statistics exclude dentistry and oriental medicine clinics. These challenges are only likely to be compounded as demographics drive older and poorer patients to present at Korea’s health services with more than one health condition, and requiring care that straddles multiple health services and specialists.
Rafael Di Telia, Sebastian Edwards and Emesto Schargrodsky), University of Chicago Press. M. Bergsmo, C. Rodriguez-Garavito, P. Kalmanovitz and M.P. Saffon), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Oslo. Income Redistribution via Taxes and Transfers across Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No.
Epidemics such as measles and poliomyelitis and the limited response by the health care system are worsening the situation. Health indicators even improved during the 1980s, the infant mortality declined from 80 per 1,000 live births in 1979 to 40 in 1989, and the under-5 mortality rate fell from 120 to 60 per 1,000 live births.21 International sanctions imposed during the 1980s and the consequent economic development rollback, however, took a toll on the health system and health outcomes. Life expectancy at birth and health-adjusted life expectancy did not improve among young people between 1990 and 2010.
The effects of treaties on human rights performance may depend in part on how domestic legal systems articulate with international law. The idea motivating this study is that constitutional law can make a difference not necessarily by including rights but by acknowledging and connecting to treaty law. This study is a first attempt to explore the interrelated effects of treaties, constitutions, and courts on human rights performance. The key proposition is that human rights treaties may have a greater influence on rights in countries whose constitutions incorporate treaty law and whose courts are independent of the political branches of government. The analysis tests that proposition using data from about 150 countries across 20 or more years. The results offer evidence that treaties, constitutions, and courts do combine, at times, to improve human rights performance, with judicial independence playing the key role.
The technical methods to provide ancillary services will have to be developed beyond today's approach, as the European electricity system is moving towards high shares of variable renewable generation. In this situation, the price pattern is almost the opposite of the winter week. Electricity prices are low during the day as a results of high solar PV generation in the European market.
Virtually universal healthcare, pension and primary education systems have led to relatively low' infant mortality, long life expectancy (close to 80 years), a high literacy rate and low poverty by Latin American standards. Costa Rica has also built a world-renowned green trademark and a strong eco-tourism industry based on good management of natural resources focusing on the protection of biodiversity and renewable energy sources. These successes are reflected in well-being indicators for Costa Rica, w'hich are comparable or even above the OECD average in several dimensions. Inequality is rising, economic growth is slowing and burdens on public finance have been growing. Budgetary pressures are more persistent and have particularly worsened since the global financial crisis.
These statistics should also be interpreted with caution, as expenditure is also influenced by the extent to which these indicators cover private settings and private expenditure, by the decision of some countries to consider some ECEC programmes outside the scope of the ISCED 2011 classification, or by the impossibility of providing reliable statistics to international organisations. For example, the absence of data on private expenditure and private institutions in Brazil and Switzerland is likely to understate the true level of expenditure and enrolment in early childhood education programmes (ISCED 0), and may affect the comparability of the data with other countries. Inferences on access to and quality of ECEC should therefore be made with caution. Consequently, early childhood educational development programmes (ISCED 01) are not reported in some OECD countries, namely Belgium (French Community), the Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, and Switzerland, or data are missing in some countries, such as the Flemish community of Belgium and the United States.
For cities operating older buses, they should evaluate the impact of the cost savings on fuels versus increased leasing costs for new buses. Accessibilityforall neighbourhoods to public transport is an essential factor of social inclusion. Therefore, more investments are needed to improve accessibility.
Strengthened regional cooperation dealing with behind-the-border measures (e.g. technical regulations), ensuring improved connectivity (e.g. transport infrastructure) and triggering structural transformation (e.g. regional value chains) should be given the highest consideration. These range from sectoral agreements aimed at improving cooperation and connectivity, such as the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Motor Vehicles Agreement14 and the one-stop border posts between some SSA countries, to free trade agreements (FTAs) that liberalise goods, services and investment. The scope and coverage of the latter agreements differ widely, as reflected in recent landmark trade agreements involving Commonwealth countries: North-North trade deals (e.g. EU-Canada CETA), North-South trade arrangements (e.g. SADC-EU EPA, EU-Singapore FTA, PACER-Plus) and South-South integration schemes (e.g. CSME, PICTA, Tripartite FTA in Eastern and Southern Africa).
In addition, indicators need to be developed that can effectively track the institutional and behavioural changes that are the focus of biodiversity mainstreaming. Possible indicators may include poverty alleviation, changes to legislation, government staffing, consumer awareness, private sector partnerships, training or commodity market indicators (Huntley & Redford, 2014). Biodiversity mainstreaming needs to be founded on established relationships and institutional partnerships, which take time to mature.
However, Fiji is expected to come close to meeting this goal by 2030, achieving it by 2033 instead. Fiji’s poverty rates have declined in the last decade, on account of a concerted effort by the government on poverty alleviation schemes (PIFS, 2015a). If this trend continues, Fiji is likely to achieve this goal by 2050. Although the proportion of the population living below the national poverty line is declining for PNG and Vanuatu, the decline is outpaced by the projected population growth rates,6 resulting in more people in poverty/hardship towards 2030 and 2050.
Their results show regional stocks to be more efficient than the sum of national stocks without co-operation. Among developing country regions, more than half of Asia’s agricultural exports go to other Asian countries, but the intra-regional shares drop to 17% in South and Central America and 20% in Africa (WTO, International Trade Statistics for 2011). However, food trade is largely informal in a number of regions, which means that the importance of regional trade may be significantly underestimated.
It represented 39.2% of export value in 1997, increasing over time to reach 65.5% in 2008. The 2007 ISA outbreak had serious consequences on the Chilean salmon aquaculture sector. The negotiation process was completed in November 2009 and ratification is expected to be processed by the Chilean Parliament.
In Mexico, there is the Pension and Retirement Regime (RPJ) (Mexican Social Security Institute, 2009). In the case of health, women are often at a disadvantage compared with men in terms of the length of time they are covered by health insurance schemes, having lost coverage during the years they spent outside the labour market to undertake care work, while health coverage as dependents of their male spouse is often indirect and, in some countries, impartial and likely to be forfeited in the event of a divorce or abandonment (Mesa-Lago, 2009). The costs of private health services are higher for women and, in the public system, women and their children have to pay higher user fees because they use the services more often.
Considering collectively the selected indicators presented in Figure 1.6.2, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Hong Kong (China) and Macao (China) stand out by achieving both high performance and high equity in education opportunities. As shown in Chapter 2, countries with higher national incomes are at a relative advantage in performance comparisons. However, the relationship between national income and mean performance is not deterministic, and countries and economies of similar wealth show very different mean performance in PISA 2015.
While scholars have begun to debate the meaning of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Medellin v. Texas for the domestic status of treaties, the decision’s import for other significant questions of foreign relations law has been ignored in the literature. This Article fills that void by exploring Medellin’s significance (a) for treaty and customary international law (CIL) based claims under the Alien Tort Statute, (b) for the hotly debated issue of CIL’s domestic legal status, and (c) for the recent claim that a uniform doctrine governing the domestic status of both treaties and CIL is developing in U.S. foreign relations law.
It first presents the policy landscape, describing the range of interventions related to self-sufficiency targets, trade policies, public stockholding programmes and various interventions in domestic markets. Second, it provides a review of findings from existing research on the effectiveness and efficiency of these policies. Third and finally, a brief review of regional interventions for food security is presented.
Such tracking of inflows could also be used to report information to the UNFCCC. Given the variety of national systems and circumstances, it will be difficult to report in a standardised manner, but guidance could help countries determine what information is useful for other Parties and stakeholders. In the past, nonmandatory reporting requirements have been vague and therefore less helpful to reporting Parties (Ellis and Moarif, 2015).
The small sample size also exacerbates the estimation concerns arising because, in GMM, the number of instruments can easily become “too large” relative to the number of observations (Roodman, 2009). Among other things, this required focusing on a parsimonious set of control variables. Indeed, extending the baseline specification (for example, to look for non-linearity or heterogeneity of the effects) provided inconclusive results (see below). All these caveats suggest that quantifying the inequality-growth nexus remains a daunting task and that the coefficients estimated and discussed below are to be taken as indicative.
Germany, the EU and Switzerland, also major providers of climate-related development finance, have committed to finance a relatively large number of projects, notably on adaptation for water resource management, agriculture and forestry, but also on mitigation. Bilateral donors also provide climate-related development finance through MDBs and climate funds, whose amount is included in the figures on the multilateral channels. The channels to deliver climate finance have also become more diverse than ever.
Safe and adequate shelter, health and counselling services should be made available. Prevent trafficking through strategies taking into account its root causes, including demand, and for instance awareness campaigns, based on accurate information. Special measures for child victims of trafficking are necessary given their vulnerability and the physical and psychosocial harm they suffer.
The impact analysis found that members of the health insurance system were more likely to seek treatment in health facilities rather than to self-treat (Jowett, 2001). And the Early Intervention Programme of Belarus is one of the best practices for children with special needs in the CEE/CIS region. Due to this programme, access for children with special needs to quality early intervention health services has increased. Between 2003 and 2008 the programme produced a 20 per cent increase in the number of children under 8 years benefiting from appropriate care and feeding practices for their survival, growth and development, including early identification of children with special needs (UNICEF, 2011b).
In addition, when public resources are not allocated on the basis of evidence pointing to the greatest need, education systems can entrench inequities rather than dismantle them. To overcome these challenges, countries will be best served if they offer comprehensive early childhood care and learning opportunities, and if they focus on making the fastest progress for the children left furthest behind. This approach has the potential to narrow the gaps in educational outcomes between the richest and poorest children by 2030.
Luxembourg depends on imports for more than half of its electricity supply. Electricity-linked emissions are imputed to the producing country, and consequently production in the country replaces power imports that did not affect domestic emission levels. Its target is a 21% reduction in GHG emissions in the EU’s energy and industrial sectors by 2020, compared to 2005.
In this article, we argue that critical and revolutionary educational praxis is increasingly shaped by and through ecological politics and imaginaries. Indeed, given the pervasiveness of environmental crisis in our everyday lives and vocabularies, we argue that critical educators can no longer ignore questions of ecojustice. In keeping with a growing interdisciplinary field of green Marxist scholarship, we argue that "greening" critical pedagogy ought not diminish its radical intent or its goal of transforming oppressive social and economic conditions. Drawing on the field of political ecology, we argue for critical revolutionary pedagogy to be informed by a dialectics of ecological and environmental justice that highlights the situatedness of environmental conflict and injustice toward nonhuman nature without obscuring its historical production under capitalist value forms. In particular, we explore schooling as one site of environmental injustice before embarking on a broader discussion of how justice t...
Monetary policy directly affects the resources available for the realization of economic and social rights, especially the right to work, by influencing interest rates, exchange rates and the amount of credit available in the economy. However, central banks are rarely held accountable for human rights obligations. Central banks typically are expected to keep inflation as low as possible in line with policies of price stability. The trade-offs between maintaining inflation targets, the realization of rights and gender equality are rarely considered.
The potential of these already fragile economies to produce, allocate, distribute and regenerate is significantly compromised in the presence of HIV/AIDS. The literature and the experience of other countries which have previously walked this path paint a very grim picture for the Caribbean. Not only do high prevalence rates hurt the economy but economic stagnation provides an ideal breeding ground for the spread of the disease. Research into the effects of HIV/ AIDS reveals that its impact in terms of its social, human and economic costs is perhaps much more significant than previously thought (Bell et al.,
As input price increases outpaced output price rises and farmers had limited freedom to change their behaviour, many farms simply went into debt, but the government continued to provide credits (Gray, 2000). By 1996, three-quarters of agricultural enterprises were unprofitable and many workers were paid in-kind (e.g. engineers received farm equipment in lieu of wages). Between 1998 and 2003, reforms of farm ownership were in part targeted at writing off debts and allowing farms to re-start with a clean sheet.
As in other EU countries, there are large disparities in self-rated health by socioeconomic status: 80% of people in the highest income quintile population report being in good health compared with 48% of the population in the lowest income quintile (Figure 4). These include the living and working conditions of people, the physical environment in which people live, and a range of behavioural risk factors. In fact, more than 35% of the overall burden of disease in the Czech Republic in 2015 (measured in terms of OALYs) could be attributed to behavioural risk factors, including dietary risks (contributing 18%), smoking (13%), alcohol use (4%) and physical inactivity (3%) (IHME, 2016).
When renting a house in the informal market, tenants can be denied access to public services such as health and education, which is particularly damaging to migrants. While a number of possible strategies to boost the rental housing market could be proposed, it will be important for Kazakhstan to begin with broad measures targeting the fiscal, regulator}' and legal framework, to ensure a more balanced treatment between rental housing and home ownership. These efforts should be prioritised in a coherent national policy for rental housing. Authorities should proceed with caution. Peppercorn and Taffin (2013) suggest that the introduction of a more robust rental policy component to housing policy should be properly sequenced: first, assessment, second, legal, third, tax, fourth, finance, and fifth, subsidies. Kazakhstan needs to define a rental housing policy approach.
Other metals include chromium and arsenic from copper, lead and steel alloying. There are no substantial differences in emissions between different kinds of PV technology, such as single- or multi-crystalline silicon (Fthenakis et al., Studies also point to the waste from worn-out solar panels as a matter of concern. Air emissions from these wastes are minimal but toxic chemicals may leach into water and soil.
There is also a European Landscape Convention (2000) and Italy has incorporated its provisions in the National Code for Cultural Heritage, which requires all regions to prepare landscape plans. Tuscany's forests and trees are valued for their cultural and ecological value as well as for their role in traditional rural landscapes, which are important for tourism. The trees are mostly broadleaved, were traditionally coppiced and can serve as important links within ecological networks.
Resources should be allocated across the system to maximise the value-for-money and impact of social protection through a constant process of reprioritisation. This is a way to safeguard the overall allocation to social protection. In contexts where reprioritisation does not happen in a regular and timely manner, ministries of finance are apt to shift funds from non-performing programmes to whatever aspect of public spending needs additional support, social protection or otherwise.
A standards development process has been initiated in Cameroon (PEFC, 2014c). At the 19th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ("UNFCCC COP 19"), held in Warsaw, Poland, governments took steps towards a new universal agreement to limit global temperature rise to 2 °C. Thirty-nine national and 23 subnational jurisdictions now have carbon-pricing instruments, emissions trading schemes or taxes, either enacted or in process.
Examples of such initiatives are the CST initiative (Box 7), the Lake Chad Sustainable Development Support Program (PRODEBALT) (Appendix B), and the GGWSSI (Box 6). The CST initiative includes management of ecosystems and ecosystem services, as well as equitable use of natural resources and agrobiodiversity, while PRODEBALT aims to restore the productivity of the Lake Chad's ecosystems (CATIE, n.d., Working across forestry and agriculture ensures that ecosystem functions are taken into account and that practices related to protection, restoration, and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services and processes are taken into account (Munang et al. However, in relation to agriculture, EbA is the implementation of agricultural management practices that use biodiversity, ecosystem services or ecological processes (at field, farm or landscape level) to build robust food systems and reduce and adapt to the impacts of climate change and climate variability (Vignola etal.,
Ensuring that everyone in the world has access to enough nutritious food should be at the forefront of the post-2015 development discussions. The public sector should typically finance infrastructural needs as well as research and development, while introducing adequate incentives for private investments, such as risk protection and better access to credit markets. In addition, Governments need to design a regulatory framework that ensures inclusive and sustainable private investments. For further information see http://www.un.org/en/zerohunger/challenge.shtml. Individuals may have an intake of enough calories for daily subsistence, and still suffer from “hidden hunger”, with low levels of micronutrients due to low diversification of diets. This is a problem in both developing and developed countries, affecting 30 per cent of the worlds population.
In all these cases, LDCs participate in the research efforts and derive benefits from research results. Knowledge flows and technical cooperation have become major components of South-South economic relations, diversifying the sources of knowledge transfer and partnership for LDCs (UNCTAD, 2010: chaps. South-South technology transfer is complementary to North-South knowledge flows, the two sometimes being combined in triangular cooperation, whereby South-South knowledge flows are facilitated and boosted by developed country donors (UNDP, 2009). Achieving the Goals and the objectives of the IPoA will require a major increase in ODA to LDCs, to meet the international target of 0.15-0.2 per cent of donor country gross national income.
The UN Law of the Sea governs some aspects such as the 200-mile zones around coasts and the right to exploit the continental shelf, but in theory, anyone can travel the rest of the world’s seas and exploit their resources relatively unhindered. Governing a shared, global resource like fish poses special problems. Conservation efforts by one group can be worthless if the only result is to allow another a bigger share of the catch.
So, all in all, regulating and cultural services are not part of the framework and the SEEA Central Framework is not suitable for monitoring most ecosystem service flows to different types of end-users (sectors, households, etc). The sectoral classification and more specifically the functional accounts which register environmental activities and related flows can help develop an improved understanding of the number of jobs associated with nature and ecosystems to the extent to which certain sectors depend more or less directly on nature or on improving environmental quality (e.g. environmental goods and services sector). While the focus of the accounts is on the national level, such targets can also be set at the regional level, provided the data is available.
Further north, the section of road leading to Kamba has been in an advanced state of deterioration for several years. Better road conditions would allow people to travel to the urban region of Sokoto and to the Nigerian towns in the Niger River valley in under three hours using the new paved road linking Malanville to Illo. This driving time could also allow access to Niamey, the capital of Niger situated 300 kilometres to the northwest. The paved Malanville-Illo axis should improve the accessibility of the Beninois bank and reconcile two territorial logics that have for a long time been disconnected: those of north-south international flows and the east-west flows of local production. This should reinforce the centrality of Malanville, whose role is precisely to serve as an anchor for these two dynamics.
The complete isolation of crops grown on a commercial scale, either GM or non-GM, is not currently practical although gene flow can be minimized, as it currently is between oilseed rape varieties grown for food, feed or industrial oils (GM Science Review Panel). Management strategies include avoiding the planting of transgenic crops in their centres of biodiversity or where wild relatives are present, or using buffer zones to isolate transgenic varieties from conventional or organic varieties. Genetic engineering can be used to alter flowering periods to prevent cross-pollination or to ensure that the transgenes are not incorporated in pollen and developing sterile transgenic varieties (ICSU and Nuffield Council).