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This implies a target 300 MtC02e lower than current targets. Net (2017), Law on Mandatory Installation of Heat and Water Meters in Residential Buildings Comes into Force, 2 August 2017, Censor. Net, Kyiv, https:// cn.ccnsor.net.ua/ncws/450036/law on mandatory installation of heat and water meters in residential buildings comes into force. A Review of Climate Change Legislation in 99 Countries, Climate Change Legislation in Ukraine, Grantham Institute, London. | sdg7 |
There has been a gradual move towards recognising more diverse security issues as posing security threats to more diverse actors in broader frontiers. While the multidimensionality of security is now widely acknowledged in the discourse of security, its impacts on and challenges to international law are yet to be fully examined. Particularly, the expanded conception of security has posed challenges to the UN collective security system. This article considers the challenges posed to collective security, with respect to four different objects of security: national security, international security, human security, and regime security. It discusses the limits of collective security in effectively responding to the expanded conception of security within the existing framework of international law, and revisits alternative security approaches, evaluating their potential to complement collective security in dealing with diverse security objects and threats. | sdg16 |
It is widely believed that international cooperation can arise through strategies of reciprocity. In this paper, we investigate whether citizens in the United States and 25 other countries support reciprocity to deal with climate change. We find little public enthusiasm for intrinsic reciprocity, in which countries restrain their consumption of fossil fuels if and only if other countries do the same. In contrast, we find significant support for extrinsic reciprocity, in which countries enforce cooperation by linking issues. Citizens support economic sanctions against polluters and are willing to shame them in international forums, especially when the polluters are violating a treaty. Cooperation could, therefore, emerge from efforts to link climate with other issues and to embed climate commitments in international law. | sdg16 |
This chapter describes the recent conjuncture and the centrality given to law and the judiciary in the ‘good governance’ paradigm as promoted by International Financial Institutions in postcolonial societies. It suggests the inability of this paradigm to implement democratization and equitable social change. The reason for this is the institutionalist-functionalist focus of liberal legal project and managerial solutions of the good governance paradigm. As opposed to this, the framework in this book suggests the use of Gramsci’s idea of hegemony as a political practice of state formation to analyse the discourse of the judiciary as well as to grasp the structural inequalities in the society. This chapter argues that the Pakistani state should rather be viewed through a class structural lens, and the judiciary should be seen as part of the juridico-bureaucratic structure of the state. | sdg16 |
The BBS manages the Burundi backbone and ensures access to the landing stations of sub-marine fibre optic cables via Tanzania and through Rwanda onward to Kenya through Uganda. It leases fibre-optic connections to operators and member companies. It also connects a Government network known as Comgov to the Internet and BBS is the main network provider for the Burundi Research and Education Network (BERNet). | sdg9 |
All African countries are prone to desertification, with the Sahelian countries on the southern fringes of the Sahara Desert being particularly vulnerable. Rapid population growth, rapid urbanization, unsustainable land-use systems and climate variation, coupled with a dearth of clear policy and legislative frameworks, weak institutional capacities and limited funding are all-important contributing factors to the rapid degradation of the continent's ecosystems and loss of important habitats. Habitat and ecosystem degradation in effect jeopardizes the provision of basic services, such as health and education, as well as water, agricultural production and productivity, economic growth and job creation, and ultimately, the quality of human life. | sdg15 |
Some Member States (for instance, Estonia and Hungary) even require sending copies of all Annex VII documents to the competent authorities, but the countries considered in this project-Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden - do not. Because the companies arrange the shipments between themselves and the authorities are not automatically involved, it can be stated that the control of shipments of green-listed waste is not very strict. On account of this low level of control, the fact that interpreting the regulations requires some experience, and the fact that several kinds of operators are active in the waste business, there is a risk that not all shipments described as shipments of green-listed waste take place "by the book". It might be that some waste requiring a notification is shipped as green-listed or that waste is shipped in contravention of an export ban. | sdg12 |
Value capture taxes have been used to finance transport infrastructure in cities as different as Hong Kong, Miami, Milan and Bogota. Manhattan is also considering a similar tax, on new construction, only to fund the Subway line 7 extension. A value capture tax can only be applied when the property value increase can be unambiguously attributed to infrastructure investment. Value capture taxes are less useful when property taxes are assessed on a yearly or regular basis, since the annual assessment captures any increases in the property value that might result from public infrastructure investment, this does however not take place in most OECD countries (Hammer, S., et al., | sdg7 |
Eight actions (about 8.5 per cent of all actions) and about US$ 721,000 (approximately 0.13 per cent of all environmental investments) were earmarked for biodiversity conservation. These investments equaled 23 per cent of the absolute minimum estimated funding needs for biodiversity management over approximately the same period, as indicated in BSAP. The biodiversity actions listed in NEAP appeared selective: for instance, two of eight actions focused on the conservation of one species (Macrovipera lebedirta) that is of little conservation concern. It was developed with the participation of a wide range of national experts and the support of the international NGO FFT, based on an in-depth country study of the biodiversity of Turkmenistan. | sdg15 |
Also, Birdsall and Londono (1997) claimed that, given asset inequality, income inequality does not improve growth outcomes (see World Bank, 2009, p. 6). On the other hand, Dollar and Kraay (2004, originally published in 2002) famously suggested that growth is, on average, distribution-neutral: “growth-enhancing policies and institutions tend to benefit the poor—and everyone else in society—equi-propordonately” (p. 30, for a similar claim, see Ravallion and Chen, 1997). Consequently, attempts to shift the income distribution are largely a diversion, and conventional policies (“private property rights, stability, and openness”, p. 57) lead to optimal outcomes both for the rich and for the poor. Although Dollar and Kraay’s and Raos arguments depart from very different ends of the policy spectrum, they suggest that significant shifts in distribution must be pursued deliberately through public policy, and that a more equal distribution of income does not necessarily impair growth performance. | sdg1 |
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic poses a threat not only to public health and human life, but also to civil rights and freedoms. Such a claim applies not only to authoritarian states, but also to democratic political structures. Significant restrictions on civil liberties were introduced under the pretext of ensuring security in at least several member states of the European Union. One of them is Poland. The main purpose of this paper is to examine causes, developments, and consequences of the limitations to the right to freedom of assembly in Poland influencing the activities of the social protest movement Women's Strike (Strajk Kobiet) during the ongoing pandemic. The text concludes recommendations both for the Women's Strike social movement and for the government. Their implementation should reduce the current tensions in Poland and enable the opening of constructive social dialogue. | sdg16 |
A key task of the NTF was to review and assess gaps of previous action plans, set targets, develop indicators, outreach to other stakeholders (local government, private sector etc.) In response to this finding, special attention was given towards communicating with other MEA NFPs. Members of the NTF liaised with NFPs in their respective departments, ensuring that the synergies between the different MEAs were captured. To ensure that implementation of the NBSAP is also harmonised, the NBSAP recommended that a coordination platform for different MEAs should be set up. | sdg15 |
Often they are ostracized by their own families, friends and community. First, judicial practice does not grant them redress for rape as long as graphic evidence is not brought out into the open. When the conflict was over, these women were abandoned by the militia. Because of the social stigma, their families and communities did not accept them back. In Guatemala, Mayan women who witnessed violence or lost family members have suffered from psychological and physical ailments (tristeza) such as “chronic headaches, gastritis, chest pains, visual problems, respiratory infections, and psychological manifestations such as recurring dreams and nightmares, sadness, and depression”. | sdg5 |
It is fundamental for survival of normal society. These changes reflect in new institutional norms and discourse, sea changes in the lives of women previously excluded from the corridors of power, and in the 'new men' emerging to champion gender causes. They also reflect in the lives of 'ordinary women' now claiming access to land, mineral resources, finance and other means of production with which to enhance their livelihoods and those of their families. Even so, women remain the majority of the poor, the dispossessed, those living with HIV and AIDS, and daily violated as a result of high levels of gender violence. | sdg5 |
According to the battery specification, the voltage is 3.3 V and capacity is 0.8 Ah, which implies Cphone = 2.96 [12]. The final parameter is calculated as F = 0.375, derived from the average monthly charging expenses of $2.25 and the average price per charge of $0.20 [3]. Consequently, Ephone = 24.5. | sdg7 |
Each investment option must be characterised by its technical data (used fuel, net installed capacity, energy efficiency, etc.) When mixed-integer programming is applied, investment decisions can only be made in entire power plants, which means that the installation of partial capacities is not allowed. The requirements for reserves primarily depend on the generation structure of the supply system. | sdg7 |
The paper presents a political economy model linking terror and governments' respect for human rights. Using panel data for 111 countries over the period 1973-2002, we then empirically analyze whether and to what extent terror affects human rights - measured by three indices covering a wide variety of human rights aspects. According to our results, terror substantially diminishes governments' respect for basic human rights such as absence of extrajudicial killings, political imprisonment, and torture. To some extent, civil rights are also restricted as a consequence of terrorism, while we find no effect of terrorism on empowerment rights. | sdg16 |
In Western Australia, for example, thorough modelling was undertaken to assess the resources needed for police, road engineers and other sectors to achieve the government’s targets (Corben et al., In the Netherlands, the independent road safety data and analysis agency SWOV is charged with reviewing the national road safety programme each time it is revised, modelling the potential for measures announced to meet the targets adopted and proposing complementary measures when targets appear impossible to meet (Aarts et al., It is recommended to review the modelling techniques used in other OECD countries, and how their results impact the decision making process, budget allocation and communication with the public, and to develop a similar approach in Korea. | sdg11 |
Estimates show that just correcting for tax evasion makes a significant difference on the share of the income distribution (Lopez et al., In particular, the average participation of the top 1% on GDP over the period 2005-2009 decreases by 2.5 percentage points of GDP. This reform will increase revenues and has the potential to reduce inequality (Lopez et al., The reform could negatively affect investment and growth because it reduces after-tax returns on investment, , however this could be compensated by a positive effect on long run growth through education, if the funding is used successfully in reforming the school system. Furthermore, there is some uncertainty about the revenue yield of the tax reform, stemming from how the private sector will adapt. The envisaged gradualism of implementation is thus welcome. | sdg5 |
During the hyperinflation period of 1992-94, agricultural input prices increased by at least twice as much as output prices. However, the state order system remained in place until 1994, at which time it was replaced by a more flexible system of purchases for the state’s needs. The Food Contract Corporation (FCC) was established in 1995 as a state grain purchasing agency. State purchases continued to dominate marketing channels, but as procurement prices remained low, most agricultural enterprises became insolvent. | sdg2 |
Rebuilding outcomes were found to vary considerably with the type of technology employed (as proxied by changing the catchability coefficient) and the presence of cost and biological interactions. In particular, consideration of biological interactions drastically increased the ambiguity of the outcome, and different combinations of interactions and technologies were found to further deplete the stock rather than rebuild it. They conclude that the failure to consider such interdependencies may negatively affect rebuilding efforts. An age-structured dynamic bioeconomic model was developed to account for the different cohorts. Net benefits were calculated using price and variable cost functions that were inversely proportional to landings and spawning biomass, respectively. | sdg14 |
And when will Country A realize that the stock will leave its EEZ for good and that its days with a major interest in the stock are numbered? It is possible to think of a “twilight” period in which Country B has not yet realized that it has acquired a permanent, major interest in the stock while Country A will realize that it has no long term interest in the stock any more. Country A may therefore decide that it serves no purpose to preserve the stock for future use and so neglect to leave any of it behind, while Country B has not yet realized that it would be in its interest to do so. No stock seems to have undergone such radical permanent shifts, but there are stocks which have experienced major shifts as a result of depletion or climate change and possibly a combination of both. | sdg14 |
In the London area, road safety is directly ensured by TfL if the road in question is part of the TfL road network and by the boroughs and the City of London for roads on their territories. Vision Zero emphasises preventive measures that promote safe speeds, street design, vehicles and behaviours on roads, as well as measures that reduce the severity of injuries post collision. Such interpolations are essential to support the computation of a five year average denominator (e.g. population, traffic, trips), as survey data can be missing between survey years. | sdg11 |
Policies that constrain competition and innovation in non-ICT sectors can be particularly detrimental, indirectly limiting and distorting demand for ICT solutions: thus preventing the most efficient use of ICTs. In many countries, and across most non-ICT sectors, existing regulatory regimes are frozen in time. General reforms of non-ICT markets will thus be complementary or synergistic with reforms that are directly ICT-related, and vice versa. | sdg9 |
In Portugal, for instance, P4P was introduced to newly created primary care models. P4P was not introduced as an additional component to an existing payment model, but rather was part of a broader organisational change to primary care, and a shift from facility-level payment based on salaries to mixed payment including salary, capitation and P4P. This holds also true for Ontario, Canada where the P4P schemes introduced for primary care physicians were been tied closely to organisational changes, notably requirements that physicians work in group models, and that after-hours care be provided. In Norway there was broad involvement of key stakeholders, while in Portugal the initiative started as a pilot in 2005 where the Family Medicine Association and Medical Trade Unions were involved from the beginning as part of a broader primary' care reform and improvement efforts before being scaled up. | sdg3 |
If the capacity of national data centers is limited, storage and cloud computing applications will be located abroad, adding to the need and subsequent costs of international bandwidth as well as increasing dependency on external networks over which there is no control. See: Alaerds et al. This section reviews domain name developments among LDCs. It explores the important benefit that can accrue for LDCs by bundling domain names with local web hosting to build up the national Internet ecosystem, develop skills and generate employment. | sdg9 |
Drawing on the core commitments of Critical Terrorism Studies, and mostly, the ethic of emancipation, this article focuses on the Boko Haram insurgency to investigate recurring violent conflict in Nigeria. It identifies a governance gap not adverted to in the official narrative which has led to gross discontent at the lower levels of the society. The governance gap has created fertile breeding grounds for the recruitment of disillusioned youths who are easily mobilised to violence and lately, insurgency. There are normative and pragmatic reasons to adopt and prioritise social welfare through the implementation of economic, social and cultural obligations and due-process rights as a viable approach to at least reducing the spate of violence in the country. The discussion has relevance for resolving situations of violence and conflict in sub-Sahara Africa in particular and elsewhere in the developing world. | sdg16 |
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)2 adopted at the same conference, however, is a legally binding multilateral agreement aimed at achieving a triad of objectives: conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components, and fair and equitable sharing of benefits. Another legally binding MEA of relevance to this goal is the 1994 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Plants provide 80 per cent of the human diet, and agricultural production, in addition to providing the necessary nutrition and food security, is also an important means of livelihood, especially for rural agrarian communities in Africa. | sdg15 |
This flow of e-waste further complicates problems associated with waste management.61 It is difficult to estimate the quantum of trans-border e-waste streams, as this trade in e-waste is camouflaged and conducted under the pretext of obtaining 'reusable' equipment or 'donations' from developed nations. Some exporters may deliberately leave difficult-to-spot obsolete or non-working equipment mixed in loads of working equipment through ignorance or to avoid more costly treatment processes. Consequently, this e-waste, which is hazardous, is being discarded and routinely burned in what environmentalists call "a cyber-age nightmare now landing on the shores of developing countries. It is one of Ghana's largest e-waste dumps, with mountains of abandoned motherboards, computer monitors, and hard drives littering the landscape. | sdg12 |
A few small economies such as Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay also spend less than 2 per cent of GDP on infrastructure. In contrast, Andean countries such as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru spend above 6 per cent, followed closely by smaller economies such as Nicaragua, with expenditure of nearly 6 per cent in 2015. At the other extreme, South-East Asia spent just 2.1 per cent, as the economies hit by the East Asian financial crisis of 1997 (such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) experienced significant declines in public spending as a proportion of GDP that have not fully recovered thereafter (ADB, 2017:28-30). In Africa, the biggest infrastructure deficit is thought to be in the energy sector (AfDB, 2013: 3, 2018), although even here, transport stands out as the sector with the largest financing needs over the coming decades (see figure 4.3). | sdg9 |
These WTP values are compared to 1992-values of another Thuenen-study, which is also cited in national policy documents (Elsasser 1996). Intertemporal comparison revealed that since 1992 WTP has decreased from about 50 EUR per person per year to about 30 EUR per person per year, aggregated values decreased from 2.5 Bn. Thus willingness to pay for forest-based recreation exists. | sdg15 |
Natural catastrophes impose the largest toll in terms of human fatalities and economic consequences. If only human-made accidents are considered, the energy sector is the second-largest contributor, with transportation causing about 60% of all mortalities (EC, 1995). Risks of severe accidents in all energy chains should not be neglected, however, as they have the potential to cause large-scale and long-term impacts to human health, to the environment and to the whole of society. Severe accidents also tend to have broad media coverage and to attract the attention of the population and different stakeholders. | sdg7 |
However, all textiles eventually become worn out and must be handled as waste. Material recycling of textile waste back into new textile products, is environmentally advantageous compared to incineration or landfill, but is currently limited in extent. One of its objectives is to "promote business modelsthat stimulate recycling of fibres into new textile products". The case wallet is intended to inspire other brands both in the Nordic countries and elsewhere. A reliable supply of recyclable used textiles needs to be secured, and the demand for recycled-content fibres and yarns needs to be increased. Eleven such brands and some of their key partners were interviewed to identify their motivation, challenges they've experienced, how they overcame these and perspectives for the industry as a whole. | sdg12 |
This application differs according to the national context, but may also be affected by the sector or technology concerned, and by the specific objectives of innovation. Chapter 7 first discusses the national agenda for innovation (Section 7.1), and then turns to a number of specific policy challenges, namely the role of innovation for inclusive growth (Section 7.2), health innovation (Section 7.3), and the role of innovation in the green growth agenda (Section 7.4.). Particular attention will also be paid to innovation in the public sector (Section 7.5), which is important to improve effectiveness and efficiency within the public sector, but which can also help support innovation throughout the economy. | sdg9 |
In 2010 and 2011, climate-related aid commitments3 reported to the OECD DAC4 ranged on average from USD 12.8-21.1 bn per year (based on lower and upper bound estimates), representing up to 16% of total ODA. Going forward, climate-related ODA is expected to remain both significant and substantial given its potential to mobilise other sources of climate finance and given the internationally-agreed target of devoting 0.7% GNI to ODA). Going forward the definition of public climate finance and consistency with OECD DAC Rio markers is to be determined. | sdg13 |
Prior to this change, healthcare in some secure accommodation was commissioned by other government bodies: NOMS for some contracted prisons, the UK Borders Agency for Immigration Removal Centres, the Youth Justice Board for Secure Children’s Homes and Secure Training Centres and Police Authorities for Police Custody Suites and Sexual Assault Referral Centres). All prison and secure estate healthcare is now NHS England-commissioned, although the transfer of healthcare commissioning in police custody and in Secure Children’s Homes with Welfare-Only Beds to NHS England is still in progress. As of 5 September 2014, there were 85,385 prisoners in England and Wales (male and female, all ages including young offenders aged 15-17 held in Young Offender Institutions). The Department of Health has not surveyed the incidence of prisoner mental health but considers the Office of National Statistics (ONS) 1998 survey Psychiatric Morbidity among Prisoners in England and Wales to be the most reliable data currently available. | sdg3 |
If investments in provision for mild-to-moderate disorders will reduce sickness absence and presenteeism (see subsections above) it makes good economic sense. Some large Japanese firms are already getting involved in promoting wellbeing and preventing ill-health. The National Federation of Health Insurance Societies also carries out activities such as information sharing and awareness raising making efforts to help identify mental distress amongst their employees, and advice around encouraging employees to seek help for mental distress. | sdg3 |
The first VisitDenmark campaign with Airbnb took place at the beginning of 2016. It was a co-branding campaign centred on the movie “The Danish Girl”, and performed over benchmark on all parameters. Another initiative was collaboration on an event for Danish Airbnb hosts. The main purpose of the event was to share knowledge about the tourists using the services in the sharing economy among the partners involved (including SnappCar, Cook With a Local, and selected local Danish brands). | sdg11 |
So teachers know that the easiest approach for them may be simply to wait out attempts at reform. Most significantly, there is a substantial gap between the time at which the initial cost of reform is incurred, and the time when it is evident whether the benefits of reform will actually materialise. While timing complicates the politics of reform in many domains, it seems to have a greater impact on education reform, where the lags often involve many years. It is a long way to successful reform implementation, failure is often just one small step away. As a result, the political cycle may have a direct impact on the timing, scope and content of education reform. Education reform becomes a thankless task when elections take place before the benefits of reform are realised. | sdg4 |
In Ethiopia the government piloted a programme in 2014 to provide agricultural extension services via mobile phones (Ethiopia ATA 2014). Programmes for disseminating advice and best-practices knowledge also exist in other countries. Nevertheless, using mobile technology may exacerbate gender differences in access to information. | sdg2 |
The CRPD also includes a provision for access to a range of in-home, residential and in community support services (article 19, paragraph (b)), and the equal availability of services and facilities for general populations on an equal basis to persons with disabilities (article 19, paragraph (c)). Article 30 further adds that States Parties shall take measures to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to sporting and recreational venues. Target 11.7 calls for universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public spaces, in particular for persons with disabilities. | sdg11 |
However, seasonally adjusted quarterly data were used in order to attain a sufficient degree of variability relative to the macro variables. These results were used to derive a 32-period panel database for each country corresponding to the quarters comprising the period 2003-2010. The trend for 2003-2009 shows a rise of two points, on average, in the female labour force participation rate for Brazil, Ecuador and Uruguay and a comparable decline in Argentina and Peru. | sdg5 |
The Promise and Reality of Decentralization in Asia (R Bahl) Reality of Decentralization Issues in Japan (T Hatta) Political Decentralization: Political Decentralization and Fiscal Reform in Japan (T Ihori) China's Urbanization and Fiscal Decentralization (W Zuo) Fiscal Federalism in India: Trends and Reform (G Rao) Administrative Reform in Taiwan (J N Shih) Decentralization in the Philippines (B E Diokno) Thailand's Decentralization (D Weist) Administrative Decentralization in Vietnam (U K Hung) Indonesia's Rapid Decentralization (B Hofman & W Fingler) The Reform of Local Public Finance: The Reform of Japanese Local Governments (Shin Saito) Local Public Finance in Taiwan (Tseng & Lee) Revenues of Malaysian Local Governments (Setapa & Lin) Balancing Autonomy and Accountability in the Philippines (R G Manasan). | sdg16 |
The HeForShe Champions are finding different and creative ways to break the cycle of harm. They are not just highlighting the problem and challenging attitudes. They are also exploring how established processes and structures can be adapted to reduce violence and to bring more women to the table when it comes to the peace and security agenda. The international community has recognized that women’s participation is vital to achieving and sustaining peace. | sdg5 |
Barkey found that settled Turkana men reported severe complaints and higher rates of infectious diseases than the nomads, including a significantly higher frequency of cold with cough, eye infection, and chest infection than the nomads. They also had higher body mass index. Comparing settled and nomadic Rendille children in Kenya and Nathan found that sedentary children under six years had significantly higher levels of malnutrition and anaemia than nomadic children.57 This was attributed to the consumption of three times more milk by the nomadic children. Indigenous peoples need to be made aware of the consequences of change in lifestyle and what they need to do to mitigate the negative effects. | sdg3 |
Non-attributional evaluations are often used in performance measurement, strategic management, and budgeting practices (U.S. OMB, 2010, p. 83). They typically compare current measurements of performance with one or more of the benchmarks highlighted in Box 1.1 (Coglianese, 2012). Of the total, 14 percent examined natural resource management relevant interventions, defined as those that sought to improve farmer knowledge and adoption of new technologies and conservation techniques. | sdg15 |
It can also help ECEC staff and management reflect on their own practice and aspects such as the design of indoor and outdoor spaces (Pramling Samuelsson and Asplund Carlsson, 2008). Research found that child-initiated activities are important expressions of children’s perspectives and to understand their opinions and views. Bae (2009) indicated that when it comes to supporting children in expressing their views and securing their right to freedom of expression in practice, their right to participate is threatened if this is reduced to formal routines emphasising individual choice. Some of the suggested methods are to observe which activities or materials children prefer and incorporate this in the curriculum plan, have children draw their preferences, or let parents inform ECEC workers of what their child likes to do or play with (Save the Children, 2000). | sdg4 |
In contrast, Free State and the Northern Cape are ranked first and second respectively on provincial HIV/AIDS spending per capita, whilst their HIV/AIDS prevalence were only the fourth and eighth highest amongst the nine provinces. For the Northern Cape, this reflects in part its relative geographic inaccessibility and low population density. Refers to HIV prevalence (%) (total population), 2015. Refers to provincial expenditure on the sub programme “HIV and AIDS" per capita, 2014/15. | sdg3 |
Finally, a decomposition exercise shows that composition effects are able to explain a very limited amount of the observed cross-country differences in wage inequality. This suggests that economic institutions, by shaping the way personal characteristics are rewarded in the labour market, are the main determinants of wage inequality. Aprfes la presentation de statistiques descriptives sur le degre de dispersion des distributions des niveaux de competence et des revenus, le document montre que la correlation internationale entre ces deux dimensions d’inegalite est ties faible et, le cas echeant, negative. | sdg10 |
In addition to classifying environmental protection and resource management expenditures according to their purpose, an important distinction should be made between those who bear the expenditures. They may be the general government, corporations, non-profit institutions and households. The economic statistics of the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS)83 are closely linked to the CEA. | sdg6 |
Moreover, the sewage system is being rehabilitated in different cities and towns of Absheron peninsula. The problem of rainwater collectors in Baku City that used to mix some faecal waters and drain into Baku Bay has been addressed, and sewage mixing w as discontinued w ith a consequent decrease in contamination loads at the bay. As a result of all the above measures, the bathing w'ater quality of the Caspian Sea is improving, but much work remains to be done both in Baku City (4 other WWTP) and on the Absheron peninsula. | sdg6 |
A large presence of indirect taxes and a relatively small share of direct taxes could further aggravate the inequality problem, especially when pro-poor public spending in the region is already far from sufficient and optimal. Although many countries of the region have made substantial progress, it is not uniform. Unweighted average of 36 economies in the region for which recent data is available. While taxes on property are not all direct taxes, these taxes are generally very small in Asia-Pacific developing countries. | sdg10 |
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) constitute two prominent international courts. However, there exists considerable variation in states' support for these two institutions. The Rome Statute, which recognizes the jurisdiction of the ICC has been ratified by over half the states in the world, only a third of states accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ. How are we to understand this variation in state support for these two courts? I argue that there is an inherent link between the quality of a state's domestic legal system (rule of law) and perceived legitimacy of an international court. Empirical analyses of states' support for the ICJ and the ICC show that rule-of-law states lend support to the ICC, a court perceived by the international community as legitimate. Alleged bias of the ICJ has, on the other hand, substantially weakened support for this court among rule-of-law states. | sdg16 |
While most foreign investment in hydropower, oil and gas projects in these areas goes through formal channels as these sectors are controlled by the state and entail massive investment, the remaining foreign investment is largely informal. Given this lack of data and the reluctance of businesses to disclose information, the extent of such informal investment is difficult to ascertain but may be particularly high. In fact, large investment, much of it foreign direct investment (FDI), seems to have targeted not only mining and hydropower but also logging and most recently rubber, maize, paddy, sugarcane, jatropha and palm oil in resource-rich ethnic states, such as Kachin and Shan states. | sdg2 |
The industrial safety standard of risk analysis for technological systems (IEC 60300-3-9, 2000) was chosen to provide a structure for the desired risk analysis process since it is already widely applied, for instance, in the process industry. A structured risk analysis process is general in its nature so it may be exploited across many industries and applied to many types of systems. An overview of the general risk assessment procedure is presented in Figure 11.1. | sdg7 |
Countries that lack a workforce that is able to utilise IT instruments will find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the requirements for international trade. Better connectivity can, in turn, help LDCs increase education levels. A study by Schumann, R. and M. Kende (2013), found that large amounts of locally hosted content—such as educational and e-government services—are correlated with lower average costs of Internet service, improved quality of the user experience and increased demand. | sdg9 |
The high rate of transmission of educational capital between parents and children and, hence, job opportunities, is one of the greatest influences on the glaring socioeconomic inequality and high levels of absolute poverty prevailing in most Latin American countries. In high-education households, on the other hand, both in higher and in lower per capita income countries, the incidence of extreme poverty is no greater than 10%. This shows that household educational capital is an appropriate dimension for identifying population strata with different probabilities of being extremely poor. | sdg1 |
Subsequentlysection three reviews the objectives and instruments of alternative pension systems and the gender gaps that are currently found both in pension coverage and in the incidence of poverty in old age. Building on that, section four identifies the key sources of gender inequality in pension entitlements in a context of gendered labour markets and section five deals with gender gaps in defined contribution pension systems. Section six then briefly addresses the main reform directions afterthe global crisis and their likely impact on women’s pensions. Section seven is dedicated to non-contributory pensions, reviewing the development of these benefits around the world and the potential they have to address existing gaps in access to old age protection. Section eight discusses some of the most relevant components built into contributory pension systems to protect women in the family, including pension rights for widows, divorcees and caregivers. Finally, section nine summarizes the main findings and concludes. | sdg5 |
These day junior secondary schools are run by community groups and churches and assisted by government grants (WB, 2006c: 3). Almost 99 per cent of primary schools and 90 per cent of secondary and technical vocational schools in the country are in the NGO sector. Nearly 70 per cent of the schools in Fiji are committee-run. | sdg1 |
Yet, the distance of the Gender Equality Unit from the apex of decision making has significantly curtailed its influence. It has been transferred to the Presidential Office of the Court to increase its leverage, but its influence on decision making is still uneven and depends on the personality of the President of the Court. Its task is to assess gender equality in the activities of the three branches of the judiciary (the Supreme Court, the Federal Judicial Council and Electoral Court) and play a co-ordinating role among the three branches of the judiciary. Parliament uses such gender-sensitive practices as flexible working arrangements and teleworking. | sdg5 |
This project aims to protect vulnerable and important ecosystems and species living in the areas beyond national jurisdiction including the high seas and areas of the seabed beyond the continental shelf of coastal states. The area accounts for 40% of surface of planet, and 64% of the surface of the oceans, and nearly 95% of oceans’ volume. There are four sub-projects namely: (1) Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in ABNJ, (2) Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-sea Living Resources and Ecosystems in ABNJ, (3) Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation-Models for Innovation and Reform, and (4) Strengthening Global Capacity to Effectively Manage ABNJ. | sdg14 |
However, the crisis has also resulted in a global push for sustainability frameworks for biomass production and use, a push for 2nd generation biofiiels and other advanced options that use lingo-cellulosic resources (residues from agriculture, forestry, marginal/degraded lands). Many market players now follow this development. The fact that several countries (e.g. Scandinavia) have demonstrated that forest supplies can be used sustainably and (cost)effectively for energy production is a key experience. | sdg15 |
Sometimes secrecy in law is required to protect vulnerable witnesses or suppress sensitive evidence. However, particularly since the terror attacks of 11 September 2001, governments in liberal democratic societies have increased secrecy and the use of clandestine procedures under the pretext of safeguarding national security. In many instances, these developments have eroded civil liberties, infringed upon constitutional guarantees, and had negative effects on due process rights. In Australia, where individual rights and freedoms have only limited constitutional expression, it is hoped the doctrine of representative and responsible government will act as sufficient protection for human rights. Conversely, drawing on examples ranging from the regulation of immigration to the control of serious organised crime, this article proposes that escalating secrecy in the current era has a corrupting effect on democratic principles and the rule of law. | sdg16 |
Importantly, the results are robust to accounting for the country's level of development as a potential confounding factor (this is obtained in column 3, augmenting the specification by the interaction between PEB and the log of GDP in the country), and to accounting for possible underlying country-specific trends in inequality and educational achievements (col. Marginal effects obtained using estimates in col.1 of Table 3. Low PEB: neither parent has attained upper secondary education, Medium PEB: at least one parent has attained secondary and post-secondary, non-tertiary education, High PEB: at least one parent has attained tertiary education. The bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. | sdg10 |
A recent study by Casey ef al. ( Concerns about the health effects of fracking on women can be evaluated against the general understanding that health problems related to chemicals are frequently gender-differentiated, and that gender-differentiated data on these exposures is therefore badly needed (Labreche etal. The number of people without access to safe sanitation is unrecorded, but is likely to be several orders of magnitude higher. | sdg6 |
For comparison, the land requirements of today’s global fossil fuel infrastructure are less than 30,000 km2, which is about the size of Belgium (Smil, 2010b). Solar power reaches spatial power densities that are two orders of magnitude higher than for wind and three orders of magnitude higher than for photosynthesis. Solar power can in principle reach power densities commensurate with demand densities in houses and some smaller cities. However, industry, high-rise buildings and megacities (in which the majority of the worlds population will live) require even higher power densities than solar could offer. | sdg7 |
Therefore, further analyses were undertaken using indexes of inequalities which overcome, at least in part, the problems just described. Disparities in drinking patterns related to education level and the socioeconomic status are assessed and gauged using the concentration index (Cl). This study uses the corrected Cl proposed by Wagstaff (2005) in order to take into account the bounded nature of the health outcome (e.g. probability of being alcohol consumer). The Cl is bounded between -1 and 1, with the sign indicating the direction of inequality -a positive index indicates that the well-off are less likely to be alcohol consumers (or hazardous or heavy episodic drinkers)9, a zero value indicates no inequality, and a negative index indicates that the well-off are more likely to be alcohol consumers (or hazardous or heavy episodic drinkers)10. | sdg3 |
Another example is energy or water efficiency measures that provide short-term financial benefits for firms and households but also build systemic resilience to energy shortages (e.g. in the event of a disaster and ensuing power outages) (Pasquier, 2011, OECD et al., Additionally, inclusive economic growth itself will help to make countries more resilient, as increasing wealth and household income should improve people’s ability to cope with climate change impacts. Green growth policies need to take the reality of climate change into account in order to decrease the vulnerability of the economy, design growth policies that are sustainable in the long term, and offer alternative options to those who are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. As climate change makes it harder to achieve the economic, social and environmental benefits of green growth, adaptation to climate change and policies to manage the risks from natural disasters and extreme weather have a key role to play in safeguarding economic growth and development, and in achieving the economic, environmental and social benefits of green growth. | sdg6 |
The Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) manages water resources and provides bulk water in the Jordan Valley in addition to its other non-water responsibilities, such as tourism development in its geographic domain. The Ministry of Planning and International Co-operation (MOPIC) plays a role in facilitating the submission of project proposals to donors and in every aspect of donor funding to the sector. As in many countries, overall investment procurement takes place in co-operation between the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance under the supervision of the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet. | sdg6 |
Along with expanding “new economy and green industries” through investments in renewable energy and in energy efficient technologies, addressing ecological imbalances of growth would also contribute substantially to reducing poverty in the LDCs. A key to addressing the LDCs’ ecological imbalances will be the implementation of technological innovations to reduce the adverse impacts of production and consumption activities on the environment and unsustainable pressures on natural resources. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCQ recognizes these constraints and stresses that developed countries need to provide support to LDCs based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. | sdg1 |
Alternatively, the country may follow and adapt other ecosystem categories used internationally, such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment reporting categories. The broadest reporting categories used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment32 are forest, cultivated, dryland, coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island and mountain. As recognized by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, these ecosystem reporting categories can and do overlap, so countries may wish to decide as to the exact composition, inclusions and exclusions of the main ecosystems in accordance with national or existing international definitions. Ecosystem categories are complicated to describe because of considerations of scale. Ecosystems may be grouped alternatively into biomes, biogeographical regions, habitats or river basins/sub-basins. A biome is a distinct community of plants, animals or fungi that occupy a distinct region. | sdg6 |
Importantly, it also looks at the role of specific health system characteristics and policies to determine their importance in explaining cross-country variation in the quality of CVD acute care. It examines cross-country variation in recommended heart failure practice and analyses whether the degree of adherence can be explained by health system characteristics and policies. These data provide a comprehensive picture of health care expenditure, health care use and resources, lifestyles and risk factors, health care quality and health outcomes. The statistics that relate directly to CVD and diabetes care and outcomes provide the basis for the statistical analysis presented in this report. | sdg3 |
This declining trend is observed in all OECD countries, reflecting the shrinking importance of the agricultural sector in the overall economy. Turkey and Korea stand apart with the weight of agricultural support, at 2.1% in 2011-13, more than double the OECD average despite the fact that these shares have substantially decreased since the 1995-97 period. For Tlirkey, this mostly reflects the share that agriculture occupies in the overall economy, which was 9% of GDP in 2012. | sdg2 |
Odds ratios range between 1.34 in the UK and 2.14 in France. In other words, the proportion of overlap in itself does not provide a solid indication of risks towards double deprivation in any given country. Finally, deprivation of access to basic services appears to be least associated with deprivation in other domains. Only in the case of the UK, children are consistently at higher odds of experiencing housing or neighbourhood problems or financial strain when being deprived of access to basic services. | sdg1 |
By contrast, the attendance rate (net) for the 3-to-6-year age bracket is much higher, although only in Cuba and Mexico does it approach universal. In Argentina, Colombia, Panama, Peru and Uruguay the range is 60% to 75%. At the lower end are, again, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (ECLAC, 2011) (see figure 111.12). | sdg1 |
Two weeks later, I heard from members of the Messawet group that Rubka was in the detention centre. Yafit was staying with Tete Mona, who now had another Ethiopian MDW working for her and looking after the day care. Rubka could be in detention for a while before she can return to Ethiopia with Yafit, as the time it will take to process her case is entirely unpredictable and contingent on the support of the Ethiopian Embassy in Lebanon. She is hoping that the Ethiopian Embassy will accept her claim that Yafit’s father has left the country and support ‘laissez passez’ papers for Yafit, so that he can leave with her once her deportation orders come through. | sdg5 |
For example, the introduction of new taxes and charges or increases in existing ones in the presence of a trading scheme would simply reduce demand for permits and push down the equilibrium price for permits and leave the total level of emissions unchanged. This calls for relevant taxes and other measures to be designed in a manner that provides consistent incentives for pollution mitigation. A higher carbon price would thus be needed to meet the policy goal of substantially reducing carbon intensity over the coming years. The results also highlight that as with any other reform that causes a change in relative prices, carbon pricing would lead to a reallocation of resources across the economy with relatively carbon-intensive sectors contracting and others expanding. It would also help promote further domestic and external rebalancing, thereby supporting broader policy objectives. | sdg6 |
Despite the slight recovery of biomass due to good recruitment in recent years, stocks were still below the limit laid down in the recovery plan. Over the previous few years fishing mortality levels among the main langoustine stocks (functional units 28 and 29, South and South-West of Portugal) had declined as a result of reduced fishing. Recruitment and reproductive biomass had been restored to the levels recorded in the eighties. | sdg14 |
Depending on the blockchain protocol’s design, transactions can be made visible only to the related parties, and in addition, parties can interact pseudonymously on the network. Pseudonymity assures an integral data trail and book of records, without revealing a transacting party’s identity to the wider network or public. Building on a blockchain layer, smart contracts can further improve transaction efficiency by automating standardised business processes and payments. | sdg9 |
Close interaction and responsibility help them to gain a deeper understanding of the growing environment, particularly soil and its interaction with rainfall. Women have greater knowledge than men about soil texture, fertility status and suitability for millet cultivation, though men do the ploughing. A quote from one of the Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with men and women farmers “Often men plough but it is women who touch, feel and work in the soil” further supports this fact. Women’s intimate relationship with the soil is reflected through their statements made in FGDs. Local category pallakadu (black clay soil) retains moisture for seven to ten days after the first rain, but the sudumannkadu (red gravelly soil) absolutely lacks any moisture holding capacity after the first rain. | sdg2 |
An estimated 30 million children — one in eight — living in the world's richest countries are growing up poor (UNICEF, 2014). It is generally lowest in Europe and highest in the Middle East (Figure 21) (Alvaredo et al., We show that since 1980, very large transfers of public to private wealth occurred in nearly all countries, whether rich or emerging. | sdg6 |
The evaluation is based on the OECD Committee for Agriculture’s approach that agriculture policy should be evidence-based and carefully designed and implemented to support productivity, competitiveness and sustainability, while avoiding unnecessary distortions to production decisions and to trade. Conducted in partnership with the OECD Investment Committee, the Review comprises a special chapter highlighting key challenges to be addressed to improve the investment climate in agriculture, drawing from the OECD Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture. Its population of 90 million makes it the 13th most populous country in the world. | sdg2 |
They somewhat felt like‘goodwill ambassadors’for their country. As shared in the focus group discussions: “We are teaching Nepali language, culture, food to people who have never heard about them before. Women in the Gulf live a very restricted life. So, it is an opportunity for them to learn about different cultures and food, and we feel proud to have introduced them to all of this!" | sdg5 |
The Committee was also briefed by international organizations on a number of international environmental initiatives and activities. The European Union provided an update of its voluntary environmental footprint project being developed under the EU Single Market for Green Products Initiative. The three-year pilot phase of the project, covering a broad range of industrial and agriculture products, tests the development of environmental footprint methodologies for products and organizations and examines related verification and communication methods. One of the objectives is to reduce consumer confusion over the proliferation of national 'green' labels and methods used to demonstrate the green credentials of a product or organization. | sdg13 |
In addition, w'omen’s economic independence increases their autonomy and ability to make decisions over critical areas of their lives, and enhances their economic and social status. The data also suggest, however, that these advances have not yet translated into closing the gender gap in employment or entrepreneurship. A lack of gender-disaggregated data makes it difficult to provide a precise picture of women’s and men’s economic contributions. | sdg5 |
One of the four ‘advisory committees' that provide advice and recommendations to ICANN is composed of governments and international treaty organizations. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a technical professional organization that develops standards in information technology and robotics, telecommunication and home automation, transportation, nanotechnology and other industries. Consequently, once an organization has chosen a cloud provider, it is locked in.183 Likewise, users can become vulnerable to price increases by IT infrastructure providers.184 Private sector actors are developing a significant number of interoperability standards, making it difficult for a single standard to gain widespread acceptance. | sdg9 |
The most promising avenue, it would seem, is exploring the negotiating approaches enshrined in GATS, which affords Members a degree of flexibility to pursue transfer of technology policies. Thus, Members may design their GATS commitments in a way that facilitates technology transfer by specifying limitations and conditions in their schedules with a view to supporting such policies. They may also choose to liberalize types of services and define a sectoral coverage in such a way as to maximize the potential for technology diffusion. | sdg7 |
They said even relatives, and especially in-laws, found it difficult to accept the idea of women going into parliament. They complained that marriages were breaking up, friends and children feeling abandoned. One woman had separated from her husband after he started to abuse her physically, and accuse her of having extra marital relations in Cape Town (Mtintso 1999a). It's just a reality'. | sdg5 |
A new target was introduced, relating to “Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people." Four official indicators were defined for that purpose, involving measurement of the rate of productivity growth per worker, the percentage of the population employed, the percentage of extremely poor workers and the proportion of workers that have unstable and insecure jobs (“vulnerable workers”). In addition, the recommendation to monitor poverty trends by using national poverty lines was made explicit. The previous indicator was replaced by one measuring survival to the last grade of primary education (Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary). | sdg1 |
According to DIW estimates, the consumer price should increase only by 1.5% in 2011 and by 5% with the complete phase out of nuclear power (DIW, 2011). The main uncertainty comes from the cost of the investment needed to ensure a secure energy supply, which is difficult to assess. The government plans to accelerate the expansion of RES and to foster energy efficiency gains. | sdg7 |
More than half of national students in first degree programmes in tertiary-type A education (54%), benefit from scholarships and/or grants. The reform aims to improve the quality and impact of polytechnics, and operating licenses of polytechnics will be revised, with emphasis on quality and impact. The reform is expected to take effect in 2014. Reform of the student financial aid system will be introduced (effective 2014) to accelerate completion of studies and strengthen incentives in financial aid to students. | sdg4 |
Across the OECD, such families pay the government net transfers of about 17.6% on average while - at a gross income of 133% of the average wage - single-earner couple families transfer 21.5%. Across the OECD, a household where both partners contribute equally enjoys, on average, a 5.4% higher net income than a single-earner couple family (see the indicator on proportional gains and losses at the bottom of Figure 3.3). In France and Germany, by contrast, single-earner couples pay less tax than dual earners. The overall effect of tax-benefit systems on financial incentives to share paid work varies across the income ranges and associated levels of taxation. | sdg5 |
The Latvian Ministry of Health has developed an action plan to reduce the risk of contracting a communicable disease, promoting early intervention and diagnosis, which was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval in 2017. Latvian men tend to perceive their health as being better than women with 51% reporting to be in good health compared to only 42% of women. There are also large disparities by income group: only about one in three Latvians in low-income households report to be in good health, compared to two in three in high-income households. | sdg3 |
With this in mind, the School Resource Review' advised the Ministry and the wider education community to complete work on the 2014 draft ‘Teacher Competency Framework”. This framew'ork, it proposed, could serve as a common basis “to guide initial teacher education, regular teacher appraisal, certification processes, teacher professional development and career advancement.” However, the review identified the “lack of strategic oversight” provided by the Ministry to this process, and, while noting wide stakeholder consultation, it also pointed to “lack of debate or common understanding across the system regarding w hat constitutes good teaching” (Shewbridge et al., | sdg4 |
The most suitable areas for wind power plants (WPPs) in Georgia are in the Caucasus high mountain zone, the highlands of southern Georgia (in the Javakheti region) and the southern section of the Black Sea coast. Areas and sites for wind farms of 30-630 MW have been identified. Many of these sites have a seasonal wind pattern yielding maximum output in winter. | sdg7 |
If the change in the EPR indicator is further included, the estimated coefficient of the change in the EPT indicator becomes -1.11 (with t-stat equal to 2.18). Although one needs to be cautious in interpreting these results, which cannot rigorously be interpreted as causality, there is also some limited evidence from cross-country/time-series regressions that, conditional on employment protection for regular workers, relaxing restrictions on temporary contracts led to a greater share of temporary workers in new jobs (Lepage-Saucier et al., For employers, costly, complex or time-consuming legal processes can add significantly to the cost of hiring and especially dismissing workers. | sdg10 |
However, this system of tax exempt interest is uncommon in other countries. In particular, USAID has promoted the creation of bond banks to act as a financial intermediary that accesses the private capital market, sells its own securities and on-lends the proceeds to participating local governments. The Federal Government capitalizes these state-owned funds and the state government must match the contribution. | sdg6 |
The benefits of membership in the OECD programme would arise from expanding trade coverage to all registered seed provenances, as well as sharing information and best practices related to forest genetic resources and certification. This implies an increase in forest habitat protection from the estimated 7% in 2012 to 36% of Polish forests (38% of LP forests). This does not necessarily mean that nature conservation should replace other forest functions, habitat and biodiversity protection objectives can coexist with other forest objectives. | sdg15 |
Apart from these immediate and short-term outcomes, several studies have also documented long-term adverse consequences of unintended pregnancies such as stunting among children (for example, Marston and Cleland, 2003). Joyce, Kaestner and Korenman (2000), using a longitudinal survey of youth, documented an association between unwanted pregnancy and prenatal and postpartum maternal behaviours, but little association between unwanted pregnancy and birth weight and child cognitive outcomes. Meanwhile, Eggleston, Tsui and Kotelchuck (2001) found contrasting patterns between categories of unintended pregnancies and adverse outcomes. | sdg5 |
Forests provide many significant resources and functions including wood products and non-wood products, recreational opportunities, habitat for wildlife, conservation of biological diversity, water and soil, and play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. They support employment and traditional uses. Primary forests are usually associated with high levels of biological diversity, particularly in tropical regions. The area of primary forest is an important indicator of the status of the forest ecosystem as a whole. | sdg15 |