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Median number of months of post-partum amenorrhea, postpartum abstinence, and post-partum insusceptibility by residence in VNDHS 1997 and VNDHS 2002. The People's Health Law (1989) stresses the fact that "a woman has the right to undertake induced abortion at her request, to access health-care services for checking and treating gynaecological diseases, to take prenatal and delivery care and to serve as an assistant at delivery care in health services". Abortion services, including menstrual regulation are readily available both in public and private facilities. | sdg5 |
Deprivation is a largely local issue, since 56% of local authorities include at least one lower-layer super-output area amongst the 10% most deprived in England. These include all domestic regeneration programmes of the 2000 Spending Review, the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, the Single Regeneration Budget, Neighbourhood Management and programmes to attract businesses in disadvantaged areas. The IMD also guided the location of Sure Start centres and Children’s Centres, as well as funding for the Neighbourhood Nurseries initiative and other programmes intended to support vulnerable children and families. | sdg11 |
AbstractProfessor Ladeur argues that administrative law's postmodernism (and by extension Global Administrative Law) necessitates that we move beyond relying on ideas of delegation, accountability and legitimacy. Global Governance, particularly Global Administrative Law and Global Constitutionalism, should try to adapt and experiment with the changing nature of the postmodern legality and support the creation of norms that will adapt to the complexities of globalisation. Ladeur's contestation, similar to GAL's propositions, can be challenged. By taking the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, a significant contributor to the field of international criminal law, as an example, it is suggested that the creation of networks that Ladeur makes visible may not account for ‘regulatory capture’. This paper will argue that from the outside, the proliferation of networks may suggest that spontaneous accountability is possible. A closer look, however, drawing on anthropological insights from the ICTR, reveals... | sdg16 |
The second National Environmental Action Programme 2012-2016 (NEAP-2) underlines the impact of environmental degradation on health, but no specific actions are given to better understand the health impact. The main goal of the action plan and governmental programme is the promotion of health quality in the Georgian population by reducing tobacco consumption and protecting the population from passive smoking. The NCDCPH develops national standards and guidelines, promotes the improvement of public health, participates in the development of public health policy, carries out epidemiological surveillance, the immunization programme, laboratory diagnostic and surveillance activities, responds to public health emergencies, and produces health statistics. | sdg3 |
In such cases, ecosystem services and external costs decline. While the total area covered by forests and wooded land has remained roughly stable in OECD countries over the last 50 years, forest cover continues to decrease at a global level because of persistent deforestation. Worryingly, this concerns in particular the world’s most sophisticated ecosystems, tropical rainforests. | sdg7 |
In particular, the provision of child care services is far more developed in France where, since the mid-1990s, preschool and after-school care services frequently cover - albeit imperfectly - the needs of full-time workers. Longer school days, combined with a comprehensive provision of out-of-school care services, make balancing full-time w'ork with family life much easier for many French families with school-aged children (Chapter 3). By contrast, in Germany most all-day primary schools provide no more than seven or eight hours of education and care, so most parents have to pick up their children in mid-afternoon. | sdg5 |
At the same time, Table 1.1 also shows that agriculture accounts for a very large share of total withdrawals, amounting to an estimated 70% in 2010. This aggregate estimate, however, combines very different rates across countries and equally variable rates at subnational levels (Margat and van der Gun, 2013). As shown in Figure 1.1, agriculture use represents a significant portion of groundwater use (more than 45%) in at least nine OECD countries: Israel, Chile, Korea, Turkey, Australia, the United Sates, Spain, Mexico and Portugal. | sdg6 |
The frequency and intensity of school-based professional development opportunities in Kazakhstan seems to be significant. School-based teacher professional development enables the improvement of teaching practices in view of meeting the school’s needs. Teachers are aware of the learning goals pursued by their colleagues and potential areas for collaboration (through joint work in methodological associations), and such joint efforts can contribute to establishing professional learning communities in schools. Teachers must develop competencies to work as a group, adding to the social asset of schools. | sdg4 |
Latin America and the Caribbean: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Costa Rica. The infrastructure plans are then assessed with respect to their vision of the country’s infrastructure into the next 20-30 years, whether the plans are comprehensive or focused, which sectors are covered, and if the links to other policy objectives such as industrialization and economic diversification are clearly stated. Other aspects covered include these questions: Is there a clearly designated centralized decision-making unit or agency? | sdg9 |
This approach could be adopted at low cost by using existing datasets to reveal new or confirm existing insights. Build on relational mapping of poverty, environment and agriculture in the collaborative management of landscapes and territories. Capacity development is considered to be a continuous cycle that includes accepting the need for change, diagnosing capacity needs, setting targets, designing and implementing capacity development strategies, and monitoring and evaluating outcomes to adjust the strategy (OECD, 2009). This cycle requires the fostering of collaboration, teamwork, and consensus among stakeholders, and ongoing assessments to glean learning from experiences to more rapidly achieve learning outcomes. | sdg2 |
This effect is not seen in any of the other regions or countries included in this analysis. Also to be borne in mind is how well-being can be negatively impacted by the need to take on the role of provider and caregiver at a very early age without adequate support for shouldering these responsibilities. This is seen in the low levels of life satisfaction among 17-to-29-year-olds in Latin America with children and without a partner. | sdg1 |
In an article on Max Horkheimer entitled ‘Critical Theory and Political Economy’, Moishe Postone and Barbara Brick argue that: In Marx’s mature theory, the notion that labor constitutes the social world and is the source of all wealth refers to capitalist or modern society alone, and not to society in general. Moreover, his analysis does not refer to labor as it is generally and transhistorically conceived: a goal directed social activity that mediates between humans and nature, transforming material in a determinate manner. Rather Marx analyzes a peculiar role that labor purportedly plays in capitalist society alone: it mediates a new form of social interdependence… that is abstract, quasi-objective, and historically dynamic. In other words, labor in capitalism constitutes a historically specific form of social mediation that is the ultimate social ground of the basic features of modernity. (Postone and Brick 1993, pp. 247–8) | sdg16 |
Korea has also introduced various regulatory policy instruments, including reinforced building codes, mandatory estimation of energy consumption and the submission of an energy savings plan when applying for a building permit. The government has also introduced the Eco-Friendly Building Certificate and Energy Efficiency Grading instruments to provide the housing market with information about energy efficiency. However, challenges remain in determining how to efficiently regulate energy consumption in residences. | sdg11 |
As in other countries with fund choice, switching declines with age. As of 2013, the overall switching rate was 1.6%, but the rate was 2.0% among 15 to 24 year-olds, and only 0.3% among those aged 65 and over. In addition, switching is more prevalent among low-income households, the same study found that the average income of those switching accounts was some 20% below that of those who did not. Indeed, it is interesting that, according to one survey (Gross et al., | sdg3 |
In 2004, it established a joint master’s programme in hospitality management with Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Launched in 2006, the Cornell-Nanyang Institute educates up to 50 students per class who split their time between NTU’s campus and Cornell’s campus in Ithaca, N.Y. The programme is the first joint degree programme for both institutions. The gift, the largest single gift ever made to the school and one of the largest ever in hospitality education, supports the Leland C. and Mary M. Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship. | sdg4 |
As to studies conducted in the region, Berlinsky and Galiani (2007) analysed the effect of providing free preschool centres in Argentina and concluded that this led to a significant increase in the labour supply of mothers. By contrast, studies conducted in Chile (Encina and Martinez, 2009, Medrano, 2009, Aguirre, 2011) found that expanding childcare services had no significant impact on the number of mothers in the labour force. The authors argue that various factors, including cultural aspects, as well as the characteristics of the care supply in terms of the hours it is available and application procedures, may explain this lack of impact. | sdg5 |
The criteria include safeguards for indigenous peoples, gender mainstreaming and environmental and social safeguards. For example, a project just commenced in Namibia is on building resilience of communities living in landscapes threatened under climate change through an ecosystems-based adaptation approach (Project SAP006). It is hoped that this clear move towards integrated risk governance by GCF will encourage integrated project proposals from countries where disaster and climate risk have significant overlaps, either generally or in specific regions or sectors. | sdg13 |
The goal is to leave in place the flexibility of a diffused governmental organization, while maintaining a central coordinating body. Given that a G-NIS is a complex system, a coordinating body is likely to play an important role in designing policy. However, in a G-NIS framework, it is important to include all key stakeholders in the design process, including the private sector and civil society. | sdg7 |
The indicator may be calculated separately for each relevant prominent hazard. The risk of death in a disaster caused by natural hazards is a function of physical exposure to a hazardous event and vulnerability to the hazard. The indicator measures the risk at sub-national scale by using historical and other data on hazards and on vulnerability. | sdg15 |
The third proposal assumes that health systems are exposed to common drivers and should move together. Finally the two econometric models take into account the potential influence of income and inflation on expenditure growth. They require long-term time series of aggregate data with clear and undisturbed trends. | sdg3 |
Some of these policy instruments have already been adopted, others are at pilot stages, and still others are under review and consultation. The current policy tool kit is in accord with those observed in other OECD countries and endorsed in the OECD’s Green Growth and Biodiuersity report (OECD, 2011). This is not necessarily a limitation, as biodiversity conservation and sustainable use inevitably cut across different sectors and cannot be adequately covered by a single piece of legislation. | sdg15 |
Specialisation enhances the quality of the produced goods through process and product standardisation. Increased demand due to higher quality can lead to the massification of products, which in turn results in a price reduction. Both effects lead to stimulation of demand, thus triggering the expansion of manufacturing capacities. | sdg9 |
Both RBC and CSR (beyond philanthropy ) aim to promote the same idea - that businesses should consider the impact of their activities not just on the company itself. The OECD-FAO have also developed Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and the OECD is currently working on RBC in the financial sector and developing guidance on Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector. Accessed 20 June 2016). Accessed 20 June 2016). | sdg8 |
Thus, all agro-food products entering the country are subjected to rigid sanitary and phyto-sanitary requirements and strict import controls. There is also a range of postborder activities, many based on partnerships involving the central government, private stakeholders, and local governments. One such activity is the National Bovine Tuberculosis Pest Management Strategy, with an annual budget of NZD 82 million, of which one-third is financed by the central government and the rest by private partners and regional councils. In terms of cost, this is one of the largest MAF programmes (Table 9). | sdg2 |
It is noteworthy that the most successful examples seem to be based on the type of community engagement that adheres to the principles of social and solidarity economy, but political leadership and supportive public policies are also key (chapters 4 and 7). International networks and initiatives such as ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability or the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities foster learning and exchange between municipalities at very different stages of development to promote resilience to a variety of environmental, social and economic challenges (chapter 7). They recognize the importance of communities and make use of shared learning to promote local resilience strategies and innovative approaches for sustainability. A multifaceted approach is often key. | sdg13 |
For many this has long-lasting consequences, including loss of their home. The unemployed are increasingly required to participate in community and voluntary programmes and this helps reduce long-term unemployment by improving employability. For those who are unwilling or unable to comply with these requirements, sanctions are increasingly harsh and many disappear from state records and rely increasingly on income from the black market. | sdg1 |
Although both kinds of benefits are frequently regulated through labour law and collective agreements, they are nevertheless included under the dimension Income and benefits from employment. This is also justified by the fact that there might be a trade-off between direct wages and salaries and non-wage pecuniary benefits, for example, in countries in which employees can choose an increased salary in lieu of entitlements to paid leave. According to the ILO Holidays with Pay Convention (No. The indicators currently measure both the entitlement of leave and the leave actually taken. | sdg8 |
To obtain registration at a given address within a city, internal migrants must provide evidence of ownership (property title to real estate) or a tenancy agreement and the consent of the real estate owner in written form. In practice, landowners most often do not want to be involved in the formal registration of their tenants (the rental market in Kazakhstan’s cities is largely informal). Migrants living in informal housing units (i.e. homes not included in the state real estate registry) are also not able to register because they cannot provide a valid address. Sometimes they remain registered in their previous place of residence (usually small cities in the countryside). | sdg11 |
It undertakes research on emerging or current issues in order to inform the strategic directions, policies and programmes of UNICEF and its partners, shape global debates on child rights and development, and inform the global research and policy agenda for all children, and particularly for the most vulnerable. The views expressed are those of the authors. The aim is to encourage reflection and stimulate wide-ranging discussion. | sdg5 |
For these countries, a ‘softer’ version of the ‘right to development’ and ‘right to trade’ may be appropriate, whereby such a country (or a group of countries or groups within a country) may bring an action, asking for a declaratory judgment that the practices of a given country (or group of countries) has an adverse effect on trade or development, perhaps with a suggestion concerning alternatives that might have less adverse effects. Hopefully, such judgements would put pressure on the offending parties to change their policies or practices. At the very least, an accumulation of such findings should spark discussion within the WTO for the need for reform of existing disciplines and rules - and Aid for Trade - so that the multilateral regime can be pro-development and pro-trade. | sdg10 |
Donors should also relax conditionalities that bar a country from implementing its own macroeconomic policies. Countries that act as tax havens, maintaining low tax rates, facilitate tax avoidance and evasion. Since the mid-1990s, over 200 regional trade agreements (RTAs) have been signed, with provisions covering trade in services and foreign investment that typically set limits on regulatory actions by governments and create barriers to the expansion of public services. | sdg5 |
The government sets annual objectives in a Statement of Intent for its central education agencies, and the Ministry of Education develops a national policy framework. Funding aims to support free schooling, and, while tertiary study involves cost to the student, significant financial support is available. Moreover, Maori and Pasifika students represent more than one-third of the student population, and diversity of the student population is increasing, while they face lower outcomes and may be less likely to complete their secondary education. | sdg4 |
ABSTRACT This paper presents findings from an ongoing study of the integration of African American perspectives into criminology and criminal justice courses. Content analysis is used to examine the African American presence in the leading juvenile delinquency textbooks published between 1997 and 2000. We examine the inclusion of African American scholarship, the portrayal of African Americans, and interpretations of African American youth involvement in delinquency. While some African American scholarship was present in all the texts, many of the contributions of criminologists were excluded. In most texts, portrayals of African Americans were more negative than positive. In some of the texts a wide variety of explanations were presented in discussions of African American delinquency. The authors conclude that, in the future, authors of juvenile delinquency textbooks should consider more closely the depictions of African American youth in their texts and augment the inclusion of African American perspect... | sdg16 |
The study involved 70,000 students from 328 primary schools and looked at the effectiveness of these interventions on childbearing, seen by the study’s authors as a proxy for risky behaviours that may result in pregnancy. The condom debates and essays were found to increase practical knowledge and self-reported use of condoms, but yielded no concrete data related to pregnancy and childbearing. However, the reduction in the cost of education—by providing free school uniforms for students in the sixth grade—reduced dropout rates and adolescent childbearing. Since then, the main financial barrier to accessing primary education has been the cost of school uniforms, which cost about $6 each. | sdg5 |
As a category, Developmental States (DS) in the world political economy express a distinctive set of ideological practices that give them specific incentives to host sporting mega-events. Asian DSs, or ‘late(r) developers’, in particular offer interesting case studies by which to explore the symbolic value such states attach to hosting Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, and other major sporting events. This paper examines five Asian examples (Tokyo Olympic Games 1964, Seoul Olympic Games 1988, Beijing Olympic Games 2008, Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games 1998, and Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010) from the past half century which, despite their variations, illustrate the role of mega-event hosting among DSs and, specifically, the effect these events are intended to have in signalling conceptions of modernity and legitimacy to the international community and world society on behalf of their host cities/countries. Despite thenearly ubiquitous claims to economic growth and development, which accompany the bidding... | sdg16 |
The union movement in Chile was persecuted during the military dictatorship and never regained its influence after the return to democracy in 1990: unionisation levels are currently below 10% (Solimano, 2011). It is recognition of that fact that is behind the current attempts to establish a working collective bargaining process in China and tripartite committees for social dialogue in Korea. Moreover, the mounting body of evidence from labour institutions has generally toned down the view (based on perfectly competitive labour market models) that labour regulations were the source of many woes, from informality to rigidity. | sdg10 |
Available from https://www.zawva.com/ar/storv/ij i A'1 lj«Ji 13 qL jjijL. jjUo, -ZAWYA20140822070302/ (accessed 30 March 2015). To mitigate these losses, AOAD identified several measures that need to be implemented, among which are the development of storage and transport infrastructure, such as refrigerated warehouses, silos and refrigerated transport means, and the improvement of marketing services and information systems. An example of the last is the establishment of the “Egyptian Food Bank” in 2006 aimed at ending hunger by 2020 by limiting food waste and distributing saved food to the needy. It is logical and fruitful to think of the marriage between natural resources (land and water) that are available in some countries, such as Mauritania, Sudan and the Syrian Arab Republic, and the economic capacity of the GCC countries. | sdg2 |
Their responsibilities and rights include forest restoration, timber and firewood harvesting and issuing concessions for such, collection of NTFPs and the grazing of animals for rural family needs. They establish villages’ forest and pasture commissions which decide on delimiting the boundaries, appointing the users and defining uses, and implementing the protection and improvement plans of communal forests. These are grouped under a regional federation and represented at the national level by the National Association of Communal Forest and Pastures (NACFP), all these bottom-up initiatives institutionalize communal forestry, represent the interests of local stakeholders and have a countervailing role in dealings with the governmental structures. | sdg15 |
Platforms rewarding, penalising or automating specific behaviours could be developed based on blockchain technology and, because of the required standardisation, would be highly interoperable. In conjunction with today’s discussions on restricting combustion engine vehicles in urban city centres, or implementing special tolls, the integration of sensor data (e.g. pollution measurement stations, virtual toll area screening, etc.) Each municipality could design an appropriate traffic control system and implement it as a real-time application on the blockchain layer. | sdg9 |
Over the past few months, the fundamental right to privacy has started to clash with the fundamental right to health in manners never previously contemplated in Brazilian legal system. The covid-19 pandemic forced public administrators to seek effective and nimble solutions to the public health crisis. The technology for monitoring and tracking personal data has proven to be the most effective solution to achieve this goal. This article, through the study of comparative law and existing monitoring and tracking techniques, aims to propose a method of action that helps government officials to contain the spread of covid-19, without forgetting the relevance of the right to privacy. | sdg16 |
Additionally, their stocks are difficult to define accurately, except for biomass. Even so, it would make sense to measure only those resources with slow replenishment rates (such as wood). Thus, stocks of renewable energy resources are not included in the FDES. However, the consumption of renewable energy resources can be measured in terms of energy produced (e.g., hydroelectric power, solar energy generation and wind energy production) and is included in the FDES under Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy. | sdg6 |
As elsewhere in Central Asia, the rapid population growth in cities (especially large and medium-size) since 2001 has led to a shortage of affordable housing for low-income residents, incoming migrants and even middle-class households. It shows the percentage of people replying “satisfied” to the question: “In the city or area where you live, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the availability of good, affordable housing?” Initial Assessment, Chapter 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.l787/9789264246768-en. | sdg11 |
Such spatially explicit data may become available through the new multisource forest inventories including remote sensing data. These feedbacks should be taken into account but will lead to great complexity if local realism is to be maintained. The weighing of costs and benefits associated with these often conflicting climate effects is essentially a normative issue. | sdg15 |
A lack of general skills, in particular literacy and numeracy, can be an issue for employability in the longer term as it makes it more difficult to retrain to adapt to changing labour market needs. Delaying the tracking of students would contribute to tackle this lack of general skills. Tracking into general, vocational secondary and vocational training schools (the latter giving the most emphasis to practical skills and regrouping a quarter of students, Figure 12) currently takes place at age 14, as against 15-16 in most OECD countries. | sdg4 |
This project is financed by the Sava River District Water Agency' with €2 million and implemented by the Institute for Water Management in Bijeljina. Identification of impacts and vulnerability models could be very useful to inform future strategies and management plans, as a way of directing or managing changes in the landscape so that forestry activities will be in line with landscape management. Various non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are extensively used by the local population and private companies who hire local people in the rural areas to collect mushrooms, medicinal plants, berries, etc. There are no clear statistics on the collection of NWFPs. Private owners do not have the right to execute clear logging without a special permit that is very' difficult to obtain. | sdg15 |
The form and nature of the incentive to be introduced is the subject of instrument choice, which is discussed in the next section. These instruments aim to affect incentives and interests directly. Sometimes, as with emissions trading schemes, these instruments also require new institutions. These instruments impose penalties on actors who fail to meet the standards, and therefore also affect incentives, though less directly than market-based instruments. They also normally require new institutions to administer and enforce the regulations. | sdg6 |
Abstract International discussion of Somali piracy is now largely conducted in the language of law enforcement, not war or terrorism. The aim of this paper is to explain in a brief and practical way to non-lawyers the relevant legal categories and controversies surrounding Somali piracy and to suggest why the response to piracy has remained in the law enforcement ‘box’. It does this by considering piracy through the lens of four legal ‘paradigms’: the law of armed conflict, the international law of piracy, the law of terrorism (including terrorist financing), and the law applicable to transnational organised crime. The contention will be that the law enforcement paradigm is not only legally justifiable but also highly pragmatic and that the other categories may hold fewer benefits than observers might assume. | sdg16 |
Legal changes that allow the use of movable assets as collateral and of leasing and factoring, creation of credit bureaux, and fiscal incentives that encourage group lending and more timely bankruptcy procedures would all contribute to increasing the supply of conventional bank credits to the poor, thereby creating an inclusive financial system. First of all, employment opportunities, despite their expansion, may not be sufficient to employ all those who are willing to work. Support for the unemployed therefore proves to be important. | sdg1 |
This composition can provide dividends in the form of a more entrepreneurial business culture and by empowering young women. As fertility rates decrease women can break away from their traditionally ascribed roles and join the labour force. Such an increase in female labour participation would also play itself out in terms of human development and enhanced domestic demand. | sdg8 |
Extra-judicial unilateral repudiation by the husband is no longer allowed. Besides, both husband and wife can get a judicial divorce without fault against compensation: “If the husband grants his wife the right to file for divorce, then she can enjoy this right by submitting to the court a request in accordance with provisions 79 and 80. The court ensures the share of assets agreed on between the spouses and tries to reconcile them in accordance with the provisions of Articles 81 and 82. If reconciliation fails, the court grants permission to the wife to proceed with divorce, when ruling the entitlement of the wife and children when/as necessary in accordance with provisions 84 and 85. In addition, Article 39 of the same law stipulates: “The registrar accepts the divorce and records it, if there is consent by both parties. The court will declare the divorce: (1) at the request of the husband, (2) at the request of the wife on the basis of the damage which was done to her, and (3) at the request of the wife on the basis of khuFu According to these provisions, although the legislation in Djibouti retains differences between spouses in seeking a divorce, it enables the wife to do so in a full capacity. | sdg5 |
Both the United Nations and the World Health Organisation have made serious efforts to address violence against women as a public health and a human rights issue worldwide. Drawing on international scholarship primarily from Western industrialized countries, this chapter critically discusses perspectives on women’s experiences of partner violence (PV) as both victims and perpetrators. It emphasizes that partner violence is a dynamic, complex, and multidimensional phenomenon. Researching it needs the examination of its interactional and situational aspects. Integrating attention to the violent dynamics of partner violence with elements of the “violence against women” framework would allow global research to recognize and give voice to women’s diverse experiences of partner violence, help reveal its intrinsic, interactional nature, and, as a result, promote a transformational change for crime prevention at the international and domestic level. | sdg16 |
Many migrants return to their places of origin after years of residence abroad. In some cases, returning migrants aremotivated by a desire to live closer to family members who can care for them in old age or to seek affordable institutional care. Some studies suggest that migrants from some Central and Eastern European countries who had returned to their country of origin within 10 years of emigrating represented between 6 and 8 per cent of the adult population of those countries. | sdg11 |
Through these integrated services, national policies and programmes can achieve a greater coherence to the gender empowerment principle, with an increased potential to streamline the gender impact of such policies. In addition, improved coordination and monitoring may lead to greater organizational changes across the government and further in the society, aligning organizational setup with new capacities and integrating the operations and infrastructure. The website is interconnected with the national e-Government portal which includes key participatory features such as online petition, citizen proposal and information disclosure request. In the application of e-Government initiatives for women, such a multi-stakeholder approach is essential to coordinate the communication gap between gender and ICT ministries alongside their respective policies. On one hand, in emerging level countries, the role of political leadership is critical to make a head start. | sdg5 |
Even though water use and nutrient pollution are increasing at much faster pace outside the OECD area, particularly in the BRIICS, diffuse sources of pollution, seasonal or local water shortage and floods remain an issue in most OECD countries, as is financing to replace ageing infrastructure and meet increasingly stringent environmental and health standards. The problem will be greatest in non-OECD countries that, as a group, are expected to have much larger rates of population growth. This is particularly so in large developing countries, such as India, where the rate of increase in incomes is also expected to exceed the OECD average. | sdg6 |
In addition to central gender institutions, good practices from OECD member countries highlight the critical role played by the central government. Cabinet offices and ministries of finance verify and ensure that line ministries and agencies undertake gender impact assessments in designing their policies, initiatives and budgets. Identification of gender focal points (i.e. permanent staff members dealing with gender issues) across the government at all levels who are responsible for administering laws or regulations related to gender equality, collecting data, developing sectorial plans, developing gender-sensitive personnel policies and training staff on these policies would facilitate the realisation of national gender equality objectives. These co-ordination mechanisms should also provide for engaging with non-governmental stakeholders and citizens. | sdg5 |
In Chile the question about the certification of teachers was adapted as "authorised or enabled by the Ministry of Education". The timing of the PISA data collection can have an impact on principals' responses to this question. For example, if most teachers in a country or economy had participated in professional development programmes during summer holidays and the PISA data collection was conducted before the summer break in this country/economy, the reported proportion would be an underestimate of the reality. The index of equity in resource allocation (staff) is the percentage of the variation on the index of shortage of educational staff explained by the school PISA index of economic, social and cultural status of the school multiplied by a negative or positive sign, depending on the sign of the relationship. | sdg4 |
Examples include severe and widespread drought or outbreaks of a highly contagious and damaging disease. The third category is marketable risk, which falls between normal and catastrophic risks. Normal price fluctuations and hail damage are examples of this type of risk. Farmers can deal with these intermediaiy risks through market instruments such as insurance, futures markets or co-operative arrangements. | sdg2 |
Likewise for the transport sector, grid problems are reflected in mean time between failures (MTBF). In order to calculate the blackout probability for a huge number of different situations, probabilities have been attached to input factors in two ways, either deterministic or probabilistic. In a first step, a low, base or high value can be chosen for each input parameter. By using a special macro, one variable is changed at a time in a deterministic sense. This results in a Tornado diagram that ranks the results of the preceding singlefactor sensitivity analysis. In a next step, using the Excel-based Palisades @RISK programme, a Monte Carlo value is drawn ffom a triangular distribution with low, base and high values having a 10%, 50% and 90% probability. | sdg7 |
In the new technological landscape, there is a need for generic, core or fundamental skills, such as literacy, numeracy and basb academic skills, together with basic financial and entrepreneurial skills and, increasingly, basic digital and even coding skills. Indeed, the predominance of digital technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolutbn makes mastering digital skills ever more relevant (see UNCTAD, 2017a). Access to the Internet is also an important influence, providing an enabling environment for innovatbn (see box 2.1). | sdg9 |
As a main rule ordinary food businesses may not supply food to food businesses in the group retail with wholesale or to wholesale food businesses. However, it has been accepted that retail food business operators may supply to a food bank. The Danish food bank collects and redistributes food from both wholesale and retail and delivers to charity organizations. | sdg2 |
Consumption and production patterns that are more sustainable than is currently the case would result in a reduction in adverse environmental impacts and contribute towards poverty eradication without undermining the basis of human development through opportunities such as creation of new markets, green and decent jobs, and more efficient management of natural resources. Over the past several decades, economic development has enabled millions of people to get out of poverty. However, corresponding increases in the consumption of resources have led to an increase in pollution and waste, which has harmed the environment and eroded ecosystems. | sdg12 |
The Energy Action Plan for its implementation of was updated in June 2007. The primary objective of the Strategy is restructuring of energy sector based on market economy principles and developing a modem energy policy. The main goals of the Law are the reduction of transmission and distribution losses, enhanced enforcement of the energy provisions of the Building Code (2002), greater use of solar power for water heating, improved use of decentralized heating and hot water systems, and the promotion of public transport. This law stipulates that the designing and construction of buildings should meet necessary technical parameters for conservation, saving and efficient use of energy. | sdg7 |
However, much will depend on implementation, and stimulating effective co-operation will require DRG payments and the recent specific small-hospital payment scheme to be modified. Additional independent econometric research using hospital-level data would also help identify best practices and potential efficiency gains. The retail price indices (national definition) include reimbursements by the statutory insurance schemes. Drees (2016), Les depenses de sante en 2015 - Resultats des comptes de la sant&, Comite economique des produits de sante (2015), Rapport d'activite du CEPS 2015. However, the financing of expensive treatments has not prevented the sustained increase in volume of use (Panel B). | sdg3 |
For example, the widespread gender gap in STEM disciplines can be particularly relevant for innovative entrepreneurship.5 Moreover, experienced entrepreneurs are more likely to succeed in their next ventures than first-time entrepreneurs (Gompers et al., Additional mechanisms that can contribute to the observed differences in funding may include gender differences in network formation, or other innate differences between women and men (i.e. risk preferences, aptitude for negotiation etc.). While it is impossible to control for all innate abilities and individual preferences, the analyses presented in this section make it possible to disentangle some important mechanisms - including propensity to hold a STEM degree and past professional experience - that may drive gender gap. | sdg5 |
Depending on their priorities and availability of resources, rather than estimate the total amount of waste generation, countries may prefer to focus on certain waste types that are important to them. Such types of waste may be selected either because they are recyclable or reusable and thus constitute a resource (e.g., paper, glass or metal waste), or because their volume or hazard level creates a specific problem for treatment and disposal. An important aspect of data collection on waste (by type of waste) is food waste. Approximately one-third of food produced globally is lost or wasted.65 This represents a large portion of the environmental costs of agriculture production. | sdg6 |
The first section reviews the main trends regarding child income poverty, and it also it reports on changes in the standard of living of children from low-income families from the pre-crisis period in 2007 to 2014 (section 2). The third section describes the material deprivations of the families where children live, whether or not they are income poor. Several groups of children are identified according to whether or not they are deprived in one or several dimensions. The analysis of material deprivation profiles of children enables identifying what policies are needed to complement financial assistance, such as improving access to basic resources for nutrition, clothing, education, housing and promoting access to leisure activities for all children. The fourth section examines the situation in Canada relative to other OECD countries with respect to indicators reflecting different dimensions of child well-being. Finally, the last section describes the context of family support and suggests policy directions that can contribute to a national strategy to combat child poverty. | sdg1 |
For cocaine seizures, the most significant countries of departure for shipments to Europe in 2014 were, in descending order of volume seized, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Argentina. For individual cocaine seizure cases reported in Europe in 2014, the list of countries of departure in the greatest number of cases was headed by Brazil, followed by Colombia and Argentina. Trafficked drugs enter Argentina through the country’s northern provinces, which are vulnerable due to their remote areas and geographical proximity to the Plurinational State of Bolivia and, to a lesser extent, Peru. | sdg3 |
A review of the charts suggests that the distributions are asymmetrical and most of the population is concentrated in the lower segments of the distribution, especially in the case of the informal sector. This finding supports the use of the quantile regressions, especially for consideration of issues related to glass ceilings at the top of the wage distribution and sticky floors, i.e., wage penalties at the bottom. Significant at 10%. ** | sdg5 |
For example, many countries have introduced or reinforced anti-harassment laws. Others are conducting awareness-raising campaigns about definitions of sexual harassment, ways to prevent sexual harassment and legal rights (for victims) and obligations (for employers) when harassment occurs. To ensure that women are represented in decision making, many OECD and developing countries have initiated some form of affirmative action to increase female representation in politics (Chapter 14). | sdg5 |
The efficiency encompasses for example the charging efficiency and the self-discharge rate, durability includes cycle-life, shelf-life, and robustness against misuse. Among them, battery storage systems are popular and are found with a wide range of chemistries. Due to these different chemistries, the efficiency, durability, bulkiness and cost of batteries vary a lot. Batteries can be further categorised in normal (atmospheric temperature) batteries, e.g. lead-acid (Pb-acid), lithium-ion (Li-ion), nickel metal hydride (NiMH), high temperature batteries, e.g. Na-NiCl2 or NaS, and flow batteries, e.g. polysulfurs sodium bromide (PSB), vanadium redox battery (VRB), or zinc-brome (ZnBr). | sdg7 |
I, resolution 1, annex II, para. These issues were also identified as key to the realization of women's right to development by UNDP in the Human Development Report 1995: Gender and Human Development. See also the statement adopted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on poverty and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/C. 12/2001/10). | sdg5 |
In combination, they have therefore also produced relatively small changes in overall redistribution in most of the countries shown. Exceptions to this pattern are Australia and Finland, where both progressivity and average tax rates declined (resulting in a less redistributive income tax). In Demark (between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s) and Germany (after the mid-1990s), the income tax became significantly more redistributive. | sdg10 |
The gap is also found to grow slightly more sensitive with the length of the leave period (Figure 8). It stops increasing for periods longer than one year, as also confirmed by the piecewise linear model. The explanation for such a profile might be due to the fact that women who work full-time were selected from a group with a higher earnings potential, whose earnings drop sharply (and below those of men) after a break from work of one year and more. | sdg5 |
Even more is produced during primary and secondary wood processing. All these by-products can be used as biofuel to replace more polluting fossil fuels, thus creating a more environmentally friendly energy alternative. The CO2 emitted during direct combustion of sustainably produced biofuel is largely balanced by CO2 uptake in renewing forests (Macqueen et al, 2004, Sathre & O'Connor, 2010). Many studies indicate that the recovery and combustion of the biomass by-products associated with the lifecycle of wood-based products is the single most significant contributor to the lifecycle GHG benefits of wood-based product use (Gustavsson et al, 2006, Sathre & O'Connor, 2010). | sdg7 |
Questions about violence by any other previous intimate partner (before the current or most recent partner) should be asked only once in order to avoid placing an excessive burden on respondents who have had more than two partners. In addition to the content and structure of the questionnaire, consideration should also be given to the format of the questionnaire in order to improve the flow of questions. For example, in the case of paper questionnaires, it is known that the use of graphics, such as arrows, or coloured or bold text, aids in the accurate flow of questions, particularly where skip and filter questions are used. | sdg5 |
Two features distinguish its emission profile from those of most OECD or BRIICS economies. First, the large share of renewables results in relatively low emissions in the energy sector, which accounts for the bulk of GHG emissions in most OECD countries. Second, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF),6 mainly deforestation, has been a key driver of GHG emissions in Brazil. | sdg15 |
The upshot is that the energy security perspective should probably be downplayed and the climate part takes a more prominent place as upward pressure on the prices of fossil fuels will be reduced as more supply surfaces in coming decades. Reducing energy related C02 emissions requires low carbon solutions to energy production in the form of energy savings, deployment of (close to) zero carbon technologies such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), atomic power and renewable energy such as wind power, biomass etc. From a broader perspective, it requires a more general shift towards the use of primary energy sources, produced "at home", or at the very least, in stable and friendly regions. When energy technologies are ranked in this way, most renewable energy technologies come out top while coal is better than gas and gas is better than oil. The relation between objectives, implications, and technologies is illustrated in Figure 6. | sdg7 |
Perhaps the most influential passage on the rule of law in international law comes from chapter 13 of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan. In the course of describing the miserable condition of mankind in the state of nature, Hobbes remarks to readers who might be skeptical that such a state ever existed that they need only look to international relations—the relations between independent states—to observe one:But though there had never been any time, wherein particular men were in a condition of warre one against another, yet in all times, Kings, and Persons of Soveraigne authority, because of their Independency, are in continuall jealousies, and in the state and posture of Gladiators, having their weapons pointing, and their eyes fixed on one another, that is, their Forts, Garrisons, and Guns upon the Frontiers of their Kingdomes, and continuall Spyes upon their neighbours, which is a posture of War. | sdg16 |
Information provided by policy makers is only a small part of the consumers' information environment and it competes for consumers' attention with several other sources of information (Aspegren 2002). Advertising, media communications and the information gained from daily interactions and the physical environment are much more influential and visible to consumers than any individual public information campaign. Consumers are also overloaded with information, and hence, the impact of public campaigns is limited from the outset Some studies demonstrate that people in consumer societies can be exposed to up to 3,000 advertisements per day (de Graaf, Wann etal. Some behaviour, such as large investments, involve more information processing, whereas most daily behaviours, such as driving to work or using energy at home, are habitual. | sdg12 |
What are the main barriers facing enterprises and other stakeholders involved in the national software system? The UNCTAD-WITSA Survey of IT/Software Associations (box V.2) conducted for this report found that most such associations actively contribute to the process of national policymaking (figure V.1). All responding associations support national policy formulation and engage in policy advocacy and lobbying. | sdg9 |
In Viet Nam, access to maternal health care services ranges from 90 per cent in urban areas to as low as 20 per cent in remote areas of the Central Highland and Northern Uplands regions inhabited by indigenous peoples".35 Similar trends have been recorded throughout Latin America36 as well as in the richer developed countries. However, between the 1980s and the end of the century, a slowing or stalling of indigenous health improvements measured by life expectancy meant that the gap failed to close significantly (Canada) or even widened (New Zealand and the United States). In fact, because indigenous peoples are essentially invisible in the data collection of many international agencies and in most national censuses, the disparities in their health situation as compared to other groups continue to be obscured. Similarly, even when indigenous peoples appear in health data, they are often conceived of as a percentage of a national population, which UNICEF has noted "can be misleading in as much as the distribution of certain indigenous peoples does not correspond to national boundaries. | sdg3 |
This chapter addresses the phenomenon of cross-border healthcare in the European Union (EU) in light of the constitutional framework of the Lisbon Treaty. The analysis focuses on the latest developments in the case law of the Court of Justice and the recently adopted Directive 2011/24/EU. The solutions envisaged therein are assessed against the binding nature of the Charter of fundamental rights, the fundamental status of EU citizenship, and the general principle of solidarity. | sdg16 |
Sensational jurisprudence is a new branch of sociolegal studies that deals with the five senses and public policy. Because the law privileges the visual, this essay examines social science research about images of suffering and the implications of these findings. The interdisciplinary scholarship about visual culture emphasizes the negative aspects of humanitarian appeals for funding to aid the distant sufferer, and it suggests that bombarding the public with graphic depictions of pitiable individuals is counterproductive. Instead, researchers ought to develop methodologies to ascertain which emotions motivate individuals to engage in global civic action. Keywords: human rights, humanitarianism, images of suffering, mobilization of shame, politics and emotions, visual culture, empathy, “compassion fatigue” (or “demand fatigue”), “distant sufferer”, NGOs, photography | sdg16 |
The energy intensity of water supplies depends on the structure of the water resource, the water demand as well as the need to rebalance regional demand and supply by transporting water over long distances (KAPSARC, 2015). Surface water typically requires little energy to be extracted. Also groundwater generally needs barely any intensive treatment before making it usable In contrast, extraction can be very energy intensive when deeper aquifers are used. | sdg6 |
Garcia Molla’s results suggest that traditional districts supported by state projects combined with ‘two-part tariff systems’ exhibit the lowest consumption levels. They also suggest that all districts using groundwater exclusively or in combination with surface water tend to consume more than those that rely exclusively on surface water resources, indicating perhaps unsustainable use. Rieu (2005) shows that, although demand in Charente is elastic, local authorities have established quotas to avoid the negative effects on farm income. | sdg6 |
This is an issue well recognized in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, which includes a provision on guaranteeing citizens’ rights to information, participation and environmental justice (principle 10) (see box IV. In the context of climate change, new tools for engaging stakeholders in the design of climate impact assessments and consideration of policy options are emerging, including at the local level as discussed in chapter III. At the national level, each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment that is held by public authorities, including information on hazardous materials and activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes. States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available. | sdg13 |
Ce cadre de transparence jouera un role important en permettant de suivre les progrfes accomplis au regard des objectifs individuels et collectifs convenus lors de la COP21, et en permettant la comprehension des contributions determinees au niveau national des Parties au title de 1’Accord de Paris. Le present document eclairci les dispositions de cet accord et de la decision 1/CP.21 en matiere de transparence des mesures d’attenuation et de l’appui. This enhanced transparency framework will play an important role in tracking progress towards individual and collective goals, and in understanding achievement of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. | sdg13 |
Article 36 of the 2005 Algerian Family Law. Thus in Tunisia, both spouses must fulfil their conjugal duties “in accordance with custom and usual practices” and “the husband, as head of the family, must support the needs of the spouse and the children within his capabilities and in accordance with their status in the context of maintenance payments. The wife must contribute to family expenses if she has the means. While the woman should have a certain autonomy in her decision making and ability to work, the change may not immediately affect social behaviours (Box 3.3). | sdg5 |
Public administration has undergone a fundamental change in China since Deng Xiaoping initiated a process of openness and reform in the late 1970s. While reform is widespread in Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau), only limited scholarship has been conducted to theorize these changes and empirically document them. This is somewhat surprising given the growing international prominence of China as a major powerhouse in the world economy and a political leader. This symposium seeks to contribute towards building knowledge and evidence on the changing nature of public administration in Greater China. In this article, key themes unique to Greater China are drawn out, the emergent status of public administration scholarship in China is discussed, and the key ingredients of a research agenda are presented. | sdg16 |
An indicator such as educational attainment might track this. Indeed this is critical since while some LDCs have reached a high level of accomplishment in the supply side indicators, they lag in Internet use, suggesting other factors are at play besides just broadband coverage and affordability. One challenge is a limited number of Internet use surveys carried out in the LDCs necessitating a certain degree of estimation. It is estimated that by end 2017, out of the close to 1 billion people living in the LDCs, only 172 million will be using the Internet, corresponding to a usage rate of 17.5% (Figure 2.3, left). This was growth compared to 2010, when Internet penetration was just 4%. However, progression is very slow, up less than two percentage points between 2016 and 2017. | sdg9 |
Such schemes can complement mandatory standards by providing an incentive for property developers to respond to market demands for higher energy and environmental standards. In the same way, industry-based standards can also help encourage further energy-enhancing retrofitting. Governments can also play a facilitating role by filling information gaps through the initiation of building energy audits which can be used as the basis for energy management contracts. | sdg6 |
The NIDFF laboratories (departments) most relevant to biodiversity management are the Laboratories of Invertebrate Biology, Vertebrate Biology and Special Protected Areas. There are working groups for individual conventions which meet more frequently (Chapter 4). Several international development cooperation bodies and conservation organizations have been active on biodiversity conservation and PA system development in Turkmenistan, including GEF, UNDP, WWF, BirdLife International and its UK partner the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), GIZ and the Michael Succow Foundation. | sdg15 |
On balance, OECD analysis concluded that most developing countries would gain from OECD country liberalisation, although the gains were small relative to the benefits of reforming their own policies. Moreover, a large share of the gains were concentrated among a few emerging economy exporters, in particular Brazil (OECD, 2006). Those price changes exceeded by an order of magnitude the price changes that models such as Aglink suggested would flow from OECD country reforms. | sdg2 |
This paper considers an alternative teacher certification pathway known as Teach for Australia (TFA) that is currently operating in the Australian state of Victoria. A discursive approach informed by critical theory is used in the paper to critically examine the specific case of TFA as an alternative teacher certification pathway charged with improving student learning outcomes and reducing educational disadvantage. The problematization of educational programmes such as TFA, including specific terms and statements found in TFA documentation, features prominently in the paper alongside the political and economic policy context of public education. The argument and central contention of the paper is that TFA will not overcome educational disadvantage, nor will it over time improve student learning outcomes. | sdg16 |
Patent owners are “pushing” for their own technology, within a SSO, seeking royalty payments and licensing revenues for the use of their technology, when it is essential to the implementation of an industry standard. When IPRs are involved, the SSOs seek assurances from the owners that they will license the technology to any interested standards implementer, on FRAND terms. These results in legal confrontations, as for example a recent (2013) case between Microsoft and Google-owned Motorola. Motorola’s SEPs-portfolio based demands have been over-ruled by the Court (2013/4/25/4267830). | sdg3 |
That is to say that the Gini does not allow one to capture whether the inequality is driven at the top or the bottom of the distribution which may be relevant for policy. The more disperse the distribution, the higher the sum of the differences from the mean, therefore the higher the index. More precisely the Theil index is a weighted sum of the log ratios of each observation. | sdg10 |
This challenge was highlighted during the roll-out of the stimulus package during the global downturn in 2008 when normal procedures for assessing environmental aspects of new development proposals were bypassed to expedite spending (Liu and Raven, 2010). Strong central government oversight has been essential for progress, notably reductions in S02 emissions, and a continued effort is needed going forward. A further weakness in the environmental enforcement framework has been the very low fines for polluting which in the past has led some firms to choose to pay a fine rather than undertake costly mitigation. In response, the government has taken steps to strengthen penalties by raising fines and targeting individuals responsible in order to improve accountability. | sdg6 |
However, no clear definition exists and this newer term is more used presently in discussions of policy and practice than in research. However, there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts: and that is, the emphasis on the group context. Whereas in individualised instruction students may be working mainly or entirely on their own (e.g. at a computer), the goal of adaptive teaching is to use the classroom as the group context from which students learn as much as possible. | sdg4 |
Awarding a qualification is thus an official recognition of a student’s achievements by a competent body. In a further step, certification assures the documentation of students’ skills which allows them to communicate their competencies to others (OECD, 2007). As the end of upper secondary education represents an important point of decision for a student’s career progression in most OECD countries, assessment for qualification and certification at this stage of education carries high stakes, which leads to several particularities for its design and implementation. | sdg4 |
The chapter also looks at some public finance aspects related to urban public transport in Kazakhstan. All these issues are discussed in the context of the extent to which existing policies and regulations create demand for green investments in the public transport sector. Buses and minibuses must comply with the requirements of national standards. | sdg9 |
Subsets and Splits