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0 | doc: tophus. 1. chalki deposit sodium urat occur gout; tophi form often around joint cartilage, bone, bursae, subcutan tissu extern ear, produc chronic, foreign-bodi inflammatori response. 2. dental calculus. |
1 | doc: tophi: illustr refer guide. tophi lump uric acid crystals. tophi plural tophus, mean stone. start small jelly-lik lump gout patient skin. left untreated, grow harden form disfigur tumors. eventually, tophi burst skin destroy joints. also damag kidneys, heart organ |
2 | doc: tophus: nodular mass uric acid crystals. tophi characterist deposit differ soft tissu area bodi chronic (tophaceous) gout. |
3 | doc: introduction. gouti tophi nodular mass monosodium urat crystal deposit soft tissu body. late complic hyperuricaemia develop half patient untreat gout |
4 | doc: tophi plural tophus. singl small tophu easi miss, grow clump together, form larg lump mani tophi. usual pain burst skin. eventu grow worse, destroy joint damag organs. tophu (from latin stone) deposit crystal uric acid normal found skin. commonly, occur ear, finger toe around ankl elbow. small alway obvious, appear movabl lumps. |
5 | doc: tophi gout. tophi gout mistaken normal gout, actual form complic gout. fact, almost similar manifest symptom caus almost same. tophi gout anoth form gout itself. |
6 | doc: wikipedia, free encyclopedia. tophu (latin: stone, plural tophi) deposit uric acid crystals, form monosodium urat crystals, peopl longstand hyperuricemia (high level uric acid blood). tophi pathognomon diseas gout. uric acid level gout symptom cannot control standard gout medicin decreas product uric acid (e.g., allopurinol, febuxostat) increas uric acid elimin bodi kidney (e.g., probenecid), refer refractori chronic gout (rcg). |
7 | doc: gout often result nodul call tophi; imag show affect elbow. gout, also call gouti arthritis, diseas bodi process nutrient (metabolism) crystal uric acid deposit joints, tendons, skin. |
8 | doc: higher indian rupe us dollar exchang rate last 12 month compar averag rate last 10 year serv indic long term trend inr/usd (strengthen us dollar indian rupee).th highest currenc rate inr/usd last 12 month 63.65. rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term. |
9 | doc: forex rate give free currenc convert calcul indian rupe (inr) usd dollars, eur euros, gbp pounds. 12th octob 2015 16:59. |
10 | doc: forex rate give up-to-d exchang rate forecast chart convert us dollar indian rupee, (calcul usd inr). 16th octob 2015 02:03. want use currenc converter, checkout today' foreign currenc exchang rate calcul us dollar indian rupe calculation, calcul us dollar indian rupe converter, calcul us dollar indian rupe forecast calcul us dollar indian rupe quotes. 16th octob 2015 02:03. |
11 | doc: euro rupe forecast 2015, 2016 2017. dollar indian rupe exchang rate forecast decemb 2016. forecast begin decemb 69.35. rate end 69.71. maximum rate 71.1, minimum 68.32. expect averag usd/inr exchang rate 69.53 decemb 2016. expect averag usd/inr exchang rate 65.28 decemb 2015. usd inr forecast januari 2016. forecast begin januari 65.92. rate end 66.05. |
12 | doc: forecast currenc exchang rate indian rupe target month indicated, shown rupe per us dollar (inr/usd). rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term. |
13 | doc: market low achiev may, 2014.forecast-chart.com' histor research cover indian rupe data back january, 1973. averag exchang valu period histori 28.63 inr/usd. highest rate 63.65. rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term. |
14 | doc: usd inr chart let see pair' currenc rate histori 10 years! xe use highli accurate, live mid-market rates. |
15 | doc: market commentari 16964august, 2014 data:th 12 month forecast indian rupe tabl top page. forecast-chart.com forecast exchang rate indian rupe roughli 64.59 indian rupe usd. rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term. |
16 | doc: forecast averag dollar exchang rate 65.99 januari 2016. dollar rupe forecast week. dollar indian rupe forecast september, octob novemb 2015. expect averag usd/inr exchang rate 65.28 decemb 2015. usd inr forecast januari 2016. forecast begin januari 65.92. rate end 66.05. |
8 | query: forex forecast inr vs usd |
17 | doc: child pornographi law australia prohibit sexual depict children age 18 (or 16 states). law also cover depict sexual act involv peopl age 18 simul otherwis allud underage, even involv legal age. furthermore, zero-toler polici place, cover pure fiction children well real children |
18 | doc: new zealand law, minor person 18 year age well, right adulthood assum lower ages: example, enter contract legal possibl age 15. italy, law nr. 39 march 8, 1975, state minor person age 18. citizen age 18 may vote (to vote senators, 25), elected, obtain drive licens automobil issu sign legal instruments. |
19 | doc: tasmania defenc child 15 year age accus person year older child, child 12 year age accus person year older child. detail state found tabl 2. legal age consensu sex vari across australian state territori jurisdict (see tabl 1). age consent 16 year age australian capit territory, new south wales, northern territory, victoria western australia. tasmania south australia age consent 17 year age. |
20 | doc: law, minor person certain age—usu age major —which legal demarc childhood adulthood. age major depend upon jurisdict application, gener 18. italy, law nr. 39 march 8, 1975, state minor person age 18. citizen age 18 may vote (to vote senators, 25), elected, obtain drive licens automobil issu sign legal instruments. |
21 | doc: child may will engag sexual behaviour; however, psycholog capac give consent accord law, sexual interact adult person age consent consid abus (barbare marshall, 2006). legal age consensu sex vari across australian state territori jurisdict (see tabl 1). age consent 16 year age australian capit territory, new south wales, northern territory, victoria western australia. tasmania south australia age consent 17 year age. |
22 | doc: person 16 year age depend child legal responsibility, either alon jointli anoth person, day-to-day care, welfar develop child child care care previou period claim for. |
23 | doc: england wale northern ireland minor person age 18; scotland, age 16. age crimin respons england wale northern ireland 10; 12 scotland, formerli 8, lowest age europe. italy, law nr. 39 march 8, 1975, state minor person age 18. citizen age 18 may vote (to vote senators, 25), elected, obtain drive licens automobil issu sign legal instruments. |
24 | doc: sexual behaviour child age consent adult abus (the age consent 16 year australian states; see age consent law detail discussion). therefore, australia, consensu sexual activ 20-year-old 15-year-old consid abusive, jurisdict activ 20-year-old 17-year-old consid abusive. |
25 | doc: juli 2005 victoria, age jurisdict crimin divis children' court increas 17 18 years. queensland, purpos juvenil justic act 1992 child person turn 17 years. doli incapax mean presumpt child incap crime legisl common law. |
17 | query: what age is considered a child in australia |
26 | doc: polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) genet disord character growth numer cyst kidneys. kidney two organs, size fist, locat upper part person' abdomen, toward back. kidney filter wast extra fluid blood form urine. |
27 | doc: polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) inherit disord cluster cyst develop primarili within kidneys. cyst noncancer round sac contain water-lik fluid. cyst vari size and, accumul fluid, grow large. |
28 | doc: polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) one common life-threaten human genet disorders. incur genet disord character format fluid-fil cyst kidney affect individuals. cyst multipli time. |
29 | doc: polycyst kidney diseas disord affect kidney organs. cluster fluid-fil sacs, call cysts, develop kidney interfer abil filter wast product blood. growth cyst caus kidney becom enlarg lead kidney failure. |
30 | doc: polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) inherit kidney disorder. caus fluid-fil cyst form kidneys. pkd may impair kidney function caus kidney failure. accord univers chicago medicin (ucm), pkd fourth lead caus |
31 | doc: polycyst kidney diseas (also call pkd) caus numer cyst grow kidneys. cyst fill fluid. mani cyst grow get big, kidney becom damaged. pkd cyst slowli replac much kidneys, reduc kidney function lead kidney failure. |
32 | doc: one-half peopl common type pkd progress kidney failure, also call end-stag renal diseas (esrd). pkd also caus cyst liver problem organs, blood vessel brain heart. |
26 | query: what is pkd |
33 | doc: intuit peak livingston island south shetland islands, antarctica name appreci role scientif intuit advanc human knowledge. book medit first philosophy, descart refer intuit preexist knowledg gain ration reason discov truth thing think it, definit commonli refer ration intuition. |
34 | doc: right brain popularli associ intuit process aesthet gener creativ abilities. scientist contend intuit associ innov scientif discovery. book medit first philosophy, descart refer intuit preexist knowledg gain ration reason discov truth thing think it, definit commonli refer ration intuition. |
35 | doc: intuit right brain process tap subconsci inform provid guidanc everyday life. use intuition, make better decis consist improv life. peopl often experi intuit as: |
36 | doc: seem greater natur abil use intuition. i'm suggest part natur strategi heighten awar what' go system. folk easi observ mind sport people. first group answer use similar, relat also vagu term hunches, sixth sense, instinct insight. second group point answer describ not. consciou process. |
37 | doc: above! possibl intuit combin contradictori things. natural, improv learning. someth born with, unless use practis access power intuition. first group answer use similar, relat also vagu term hunches, sixth sense, instinct insight. second group point answer describ not. consciou process. |
38 | doc: site find intuition-what is, come from, whether magical, mystical, human capac like iq. site design use differ age group level understanding. |
39 | doc: intuition, phenomenon mind, describ abil acquir knowledg without infer use reason. book medit first philosophy, descart refer intuit preexist knowledg gain ration reason discov truth thing think it, definit commonli refer ration intuition. |
40 | doc: intuit know someth without abl explain came conclus rationally. mysteri gut feel instinct often turn right, retrospect. whittl option stuck crossroads, get touch intuit help. |
41 | doc: answer question ye no. purest intuit alway right ting thought emot may partial correct even complet wrong. practice, learn assess intuit experi identifi like right. tune respons intuition. peopl describ feel follow true intuition: openness; relaxation; joy; sens connect belonging; lack doubt; clarity; surprise; awe; excitement; fulfillment; inspiration; brightness. naturally, curios heightened. |
42 | doc: like mani people, may alreadi good idea intuit role play life. perhap experi like these: intuit experienc certain gift people. actually, intuit normal human experi report cultur throughout world. howev peopl learn intuit use it, awar work life. |
39 | query: what is intuition |
43 | doc: evid (his) play perform shakespear wrote (possibl one written before). lot written before; almost noth shakespeare’ life seem written down. also, there’ evid shakespear improv play former condit wrote them. |
44 | doc: elizabethan document support claim shakespeare' play poem written someon else, actor shakespear author shakespeare. also evid suggest name use man craft plays, sonnets, poem pseudonym. |
45 | doc: it’ especi interest note span two centuri death, one even suggest shakespear stratford author plays. |
46 | doc: believ written wm. shakespeare, actor stratford avon. oh, write two differ version plays. print version play often done peopl tri copi play performed. |
47 | doc: marlow wrote edward ii, shakespear wrote play king john, henri iv, henri v, henri vi, richard iii, henri viii. first play henri vi popular wrote sequel prequel. tragedi told unhappi tale often end deaths, like shakespeare’ romeo juliet. |
48 | doc: number theori surround authorship shakespeare’ plays, base one follow three ideas: william shakespear stratford-upon-avon william shakespear work london two separ people. fals connect historians. |
49 | doc: contemporari evid document life william shakespear stratford link plays, anti-stratfordian posit shakespear front secret author. |
50 | doc: william shakespear stratford-upon-avon william shakespear work london two separ people. fals connect historians. someon call william shakespear work burbage’ theater compani globe, write plays. |
44 | query: could someone else have written the shakespeare plays? |
51 | doc: cost. cost file dba vari base citi counti clerk busi operates. busi file dba may expect pay anywher $10 $100, accord entrepreneur website. cost file format document llc vari state state. example, cost $500 file articl organ illinoi $125 file articl organ ohio, 2010 |
52 | doc: counti file fee regist dba texa vari depend county, case $16 brazo counti (a august 2012). keep mind dba regist busi llc corpor need file first texa secretari state counti clerk county. |
53 | doc: locat cost file depend upon location. example, texas, sole proprietorship may need file county, corpor may need file number counties. read find creat dba texas. |
54 | doc: much dba cost texa llc onlin book store. llc help avoid person liabil debt wrong commit busi transactions. onlin book store onlin book store busi (includ home, mobile, onlin businesses) need a(n) spring businesses, must obtain a(n) busi licens busi permit. 77388. harri counti much dba cost texa llc small new business. |
55 | doc: warnings. texa dba certif good 10 years. busi still function time, sure re-apply. busi legal structur corporation, llc, llp limit partnership must submit differ assum name certif texa secretari state. regist dba name allow use name would infring someon else’ legal right name. search online, visit state texas’ so direct websit request account. search run cost $1. |
56 | doc: dba short busi as.. texas, often call assum name.. dba legal declar conduct busi name differ legal, person name. regist dba name allow use name would infring someon else’ legal right name. search online, visit state texas’ so direct websit request account. search run cost $1. |
57 | doc: conduct busi county, also contact texa secretari state conduct avail busi name search. also submit written request form counti search assum busi name alreadi filed. cost usual $5 $10. example, texas, sole proprietorship may need file county, corpor may need file number counties. read find creat dba texas. |
58 | doc: texa file dba (aka trade name, assum name fictiti busi name) local counti clerk' office. or, use legal document servic legalzoom handl entir process you. legalzoom charg $99.00 (plu state file fees) texa dba's. |
59 | doc: warnings. texa dba certif good 10 years. busi legal structur corporation, llc, llp limit partnership must submit differ assum name certif texa secretari state. regist dba name allow use name would infring someon else’ legal right name. search online, visit state texas’ so direct websit request account. search run cost $1. |
60 | doc: cost file assum busi name certif counti level approxim $15 texa counties. also print sign form front notari public. cost file author form less, approxim $8 $10. notari public like charg fee service. example, texas, sole proprietorship may need file county, corpor may need file number counties. read find creat dba texas. |
60 | query: texas dba cost |
61 | doc: introduction. previou chapter mention differ type microorgan interact human bodi regular basis. harmless, harm beneficial. harm microorganim also call pathogenic. chapter look disease-caus bacteria viruses. bioterror deliber use microorganisms, toxins, caus death disease. biolog chemic agent could use includ anthrax, small pox, west nile viru cholera. |
62 | doc: pathogen bacteria caus diseas certain conditions, entri skin via cut, sexual activ compromis immun function. streptococcu staphylococcu part normal skin microbiota typic resid healthi skin nasopharang region. pathogen speci usual distinct usual harmless bacteria normal gut flora. differ strain speci may pathogenic. |
63 | doc: pathogen organisms. come food supply, pathogen organ introduc number differ ways. common vector includ water, soil, wast fecal matter, human animals. ubiqu pathogen organ leav us open develop foodborn illness, chronic condit deadli diseases. reasons, studi control pathogen organ compris larg part food safeti systems. |
64 | doc: harm bacteria caus bacteri infect diseas call pathogen bacteria. bacteri diseas occur pathogen bacteria get bodi begin reproduc crowd healthi bacteria, grow tissu normal sterile. harm bacteria may also emit toxin damag body. common pathogen bacteria type bacteri diseas caus include: escherichia coli salmonella caus food poisoning. helicobact pylori caus gastriti ulcers. neisseria gonorrhoea caus sexual transmit diseas gonorrhea. |
65 | doc: microorgan be, accord characteristics, divid sever groups: bacteria, viruses, certain fungi parasites. pathogen (capabl caus disease), non-pathogenic, opportunist (caus diseas opportunity, like peopl low immun system). exampl bacteria pathogen human are: staphylococcu aureus, caus skin infections, pneumonia, infect heart valves, etc. streptococcu pyogenes, caus “strep throat”, cellulitis, etc. neisseria gonorrheae, caus gonorrhea. |
66 | doc: although bacteria harmless often beneficial, sever pathogenic. one bacteri diseas highest diseas burden tuberculosis, caus bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis, kill million peopl year, mostli sub-saharan africa. pathogen speci usual distinct usual harmless bacteria normal gut flora. differ strain speci may |
67 | doc: invas multipl pathogen microorgan bodi call infection. infect pathogen becom sick, mean bodi stop function properly. infecti agents, bacteria, virus, fungi protozoa caus communic diseases. bioterror deliber use microorganisms, toxins, caus death disease. biolog chemic agent could use includ anthrax, small pox, west nile viru cholera. |
68 | doc: definit pathogen organ organ capabl caus diseas host. human pathogen capabl caus ill humans. common exampl pathogen organ includ specif strain bacteria like salmonella, listeria e. coli, virus cryptosporidium. common vector includ water, soil, wast fecal matter, human animals. ubiqu pathogen organ leav us open develop foodborn illness, chronic condit deadli diseases. reasons, studi control pathogen organ compris larg part food safeti systems. |
69 | doc: although vast major bacteria harmless beneficial, pathogen bacteria caus infecti diseases. sever substrat includ pathway pathogen invad host. princip pathway differ episod time frames, soil contamin longest persist potenti harbor pathogen. diseas caus organ human known pathogen diseases. |
70 | doc: microorganisms, like certain bacteria yeasts, live human skin nose, mouth, throat, small larg intestin vagina, part normal human flora; prevent overgrowth harm microorganisms. microbes, overgrow, may becom pathogenic, though. exampl bacteria pathogen human are: staphylococcu aureus, caus skin infections, pneumonia, infect heart valves, etc. streptococcu pyogenes, caus “strep throat”, cellulitis, etc. neisseria gonorrheae, caus gonorrhea. |
64 | query: what are the pathogenic microorganisms |
71 | doc: at-risk. adj. endangered, exposur diseas lack parent famili guidanc proper health care: effort make vaccin avail at-risk group children. |
72 | doc: risk, state individu popul vulner particular diseas event. factor determin risk may environmental, psychosocial, psychologic, physiologic. exampl environment factor exposur harm substanc organisms. |
73 | doc: at-risk student law legal definition. at-risk student student experienc success school potenti dropouts. usually, low academ achiev exhibit low self-esteem. gener low socioeconom statu families. |
74 | doc: at-risk-invest financ definition. expos danger loss. concept risk use limit partnership investor deduct loss must prove intern revenu servic chanc never realiz profit invest may lost well. |
75 | doc: definit 'at risk rules'. tax law limit amount loss investor (usual limit partner) claim. amount actual risk deducted. break 'at risk rules'. example, $20,000 risk invest gener $5000 tax loss year, loss may use year (or investor put money in). |
76 | doc: rel risk disease, death, outcome, ratio incid rate among individu given risk factor incid rate among without it. (risk), idiomat english one risk of, for, disease, injury, untoward event. risk, possibl peril relat particular condit treatment. risk may come directli condit indirectli process method involv treatment application. |
77 | doc: law allow polic stop peopl believ seriou risk violence. 2. use verb. someon risk something, may happen result someth els do. risk break leg jumped. e. type loss polici drawn. 3. expos chanc injuri loss; hazard: risk one' life. 4. ventur upon; take chanc of: risk fall. risk, immin danger injury, damage, loss: home risk flooding. |
78 | doc: risk. risk noun verb. 1. use noun. risk someth unpleasant, possibl happen. littl risk infection. e. type loss polici drawn. 3. expos chanc injuri loss; hazard: risk one' life. 4. ventur upon; take chanc of: risk fall. risk, immin danger injury, damage, loss: home risk flooding. |
79 | doc: jugg softcor pornographi adult magazin publish unit state special photograph women extrem larg breasts. call magazin choic breast men.. publish maveti media group, origin known publish gay pornographi magazin unit states, distribut larri flynt publications. magazin readership mostli blue-collar men american south midwest. jugg publish review artist john currin' exhibit 1998, magazine' approv still use defin artist' work 11 year later. 1986 2001, jugg helm dian hanson edit multipl pornograph magazin sinc 1977. |
80 | doc: full definit jug. 1. chiefli british: small pitcher (1) larg deep usual earthenwar glass contain narrow mouth handl (2) content container: jugful. 2. jail, prison. see jug defin english-languag learners. |
81 | doc: upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. |
82 | doc: upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. |
83 | doc: hypernym (jug kind of...): bottl (a glass plastic vessel use store drink liquids; typic cylindr without handl narrow neck plug capped). hyponym (each follow kind jug): bellarmine; greybeard; long-beard; longbeard (a stonewar drink jug long neck; decor caricatur cardin bellarmin (17th century)). water jug (a jug hold water). |
84 | doc: link slang definition. link term web page blog, insert following. link term wiki wikipedia, insert following. wiki use differ format links, sure check documentation. |
85 | doc: bussin jugg juggin sell drugs, trappin, make plays, make money ect.... nigka! juggin lastnite. man phone stay juggin da time. |
86 | doc: 1. larg bottl narrow mouth. 2. quantiti contain jug. familiar information: jug use noun rare. jug (verb). verb jug senses: 1. lock confine, jail. 2. stew earthenwar jug. familiar information: jug use verb rare. hyponym (each follow kind jug): bellarmine; greybeard; long-beard; longbeard (a stonewar drink jug long neck; decor caricatur cardin bellarmin (17th century)). water jug (a jug hold water). |
87 | doc: dian hanson, magazine' editor 15 years, describ epitom bad taste... humor magazine, sexual sideshow.. magazin title, slang term breasts, becom perenni punch line joke requir pornograph magazine. jugg publish review artist john currin' exhibit 1998, magazine' approv still use defin artist' work 11 year later. 1986 2001, jugg helm dian hanson edit multipl pornograph magazin sinc 1977. |
79 | query: what does jugg mean |
88 | doc: endothelium type epithelium line interior surfac blood vessel lymphat vessels, form interfac circul blood lymph lumen rest vessel wall. thin layer simpl squamou cell call endotheli cells. endotheli cell direct contact blood call vascular endotheli cells, wherea direct contact lymph known lymphat endotheli cells. vascular endotheli cell line entir circulatori system, heart smallest capillaries. |
89 | doc: keratin 20: ck20 found predominantli gastrointestin epithelium tumors. ck 20 posit tumor cell found vast major adenocarcinoma colon, mucin ovarian tumors, transitional-cel merkel cell carcinoma also adenocarcinoma stomach, bile system pancreas. |
90 | doc: two type cytokeratins: acid type cytokeratin basic neutral type ii cytokeratins. cytokeratin usual found pair compris type cytokeratin type ii cytokeratin. basic neutral cytokeratin includ ck1, ck2, ck3, ck4, ck5, ck6, ck7, ck8. acid cytokeratin ck9, ck10, ck12, ck13, ck14, ck16, ck17, ck18, ck19 ck20. subset cytokeratin epitheli cell express depend mainli type epithelium, moment cours termin differenti stage development. thu specif cytokeratin fingerprint allow classif epithelia upon cytokeratin express profile. |
91 | doc: term cytokeratin began use late 1970 (for example, see intermediate-s filament human endotheli cell franke, schmid, osborn weber) protein subunit keratin intermedi filament insid cell first identifi characterized. subset cytokeratin epitheli cell express depend mainli type epithelium, moment cours termin differenti stage development. thu specif cytokeratin fingerprint allow classif epithelia upon cytokeratin express profile. |
Subsets and Splits