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92 | doc: keratin cocktail-posit tumors, 8/61 case (13%) focal posit k7 (figur 5). mani cases, contribut perivascular smooth muscl element cell could definit rule out. k1 detect 24/39 (62%) cases, usual focally. peripher schwannomas, three 22 posit gfap neg ae1/ae3 keratin cocktail, cytokeratin evalu tumors. retroperiton schwannomas, 104/115 case (90%) posit gfap (14+) (figur 3). |
93 | doc: high endotheli venul posit cd31, cd34, vwf. lymph node capsule, reticular pattern stain also seen cd34, probabl correspond cd34-posit mesenchym cells. sinu histiocyt posit cd31 neg cd34 vwf. cd31, member immunoglobulin superfamily, 130-kda transmembran glycoprotein also design pecam-1 (platelet endotheli cell adhes molecul 1). present surfac platelets, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophil constitu endotheli intercellular junction. |
94 | doc: (a) cd31 express lymph node show posit margin (subcapsular) sinuses, high endotheli venul (hev), capillaries. contrast, margin sinus neg cd34 (b) vwf (c). (d) cell present lymph node includ ec capillari hev stain fli-1. cd31, member immunoglobulin superfamily, 130-kda transmembran glycoprotein also design pecam-1 (platelet endotheli cell adhes molecul 1). present surfac platelets, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophil constitu endotheli intercellular junction. |
95 | doc: note epithelium endotheli cell negative. find vessel non-stain endothelium. figur 4. vimentin. stain vimentin, present cytoplasm filaments, also strongli posit tumor cells. presenc vimentin specif tumor: cell bodi stain it. note endotheli cell stromal cell also positive. further, stain collagen iv basement membran posit around tumor cell. stain s100 (neural marker) negative. vessel non-stain endothelium. return. diagnosi malign glomu tumor. predominantli round cell central nuclei, vascular component, posit stain smooth muscl actin, vimentin, pericellular collagen iv (neg stain keratin chromogranin) featur glomu tumor. |
96 | doc: figur 4. total, 62% retroperiton schwannoma (and none peripher schwannomas) posit ae1/ae3 (1–4+); similar distribut gfap, keratin cocktail concentr adjac capsule, myxoid degen areas, perivascular distribut (a, b). peripher schwannomas, three 22 posit gfap neg ae1/ae3 keratin cocktail, cytokeratin evalu tumors. retroperiton schwannomas, 104/115 case (90%) posit gfap (14+) (figur 3). |
94 | query: are endothelial cells keratin positive |
97 | doc: symptom hypothyroid usual appear slowli month years. symptom sign may include: coars thin hair. dri skin. brittl nails. yellowish tint skin. slow bodi movements. cold skin. inabl toler cold. feel tired, sluggish, weak. |
98 | doc: symptom sign hypothyroid may subtl nonspecific, may alway clearli signal thyroid problem. sometimes, patient may notic specif symptom relat hypothyroidism. common symptom hypothyroid includ fatigue, depression, mild weight gain, cold intolerance, sleepiness, constipation. symptom includ dri coars hair, dri skin, muscl cramps. |
99 | doc: type sever symptom hypothyroid vari individuals. onset disease, symptom vagu develop slowly. may includ weakness, weight gain, cold sensitivity, cold hand feet, fatigue, dri skin, brittl nails, thinning, brittl hair. |
100 | doc: hypothyroid symptoms. symptom hypothyroid mild severe, often subtle. peopl mild form condit may symptom all. seriou form hypothyroid call myxedema, lead coma even death. |
97 | query: signs of hypothyroidism |
101 | doc: social worker special children famili welfar made median salari $42,120 2013, accord bls. best-paid 10 percent field earn around $72,350, lowest-paid made approxim $27,420. |
102 | doc: (unit states). averag pay famili support worker $30,758 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year field. highest pay skill associ job data entri spanish language. $24,799 $40,567. |
103 | doc: averag pay famili support worker $30,758 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year field. highest pay skill associ job data entri spanish language. $24,799 $40,567. |
104 | doc: famili support worker salary. famili support worker averag salari $30,470, median salari $30,160 salari rang $25,397 $36,358. famili support worker salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. famili support worker salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly. |
105 | doc: averag salari $46,060 per year, child famili social worker earn slightli mental health counselor ($43,700) substanc abus behavior disord counselor ($41,090). however, earn less professionals. |
106 | doc: averag famili support worker salari job post nationwid 14% lower averag salari job post nationwide. |
103 | query: family support worker starting salary |
107 | doc: drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl 125 miles. drive time would approxim hour drive non-stop good conditions. (the driv ing time take consider condit weather, road work rush hour traffic urban areas.) 123.60 mile accord mapquest. person found useful. |
108 | doc: drive miami naples. distance: 110 miles. drive time: hours, 10 minutes. west coast florida bring lap luxury. naples' opul relax great way escap hustl bustl life miami, especi off-season crowd light. drive miami key west. distance: 160 miles. drive time: hours, 30 minutes. slow drive caus 160 mile trip take four hours, scenic drive part pleasur keys! |
109 | doc: long take drive miami airport napl florida? accord googl maps, three possibl rout time vari hour minut hour 15 minutes. drive time would approxim hour drive non-stop good conditions. (the driv ing time take consider condit weather, road work rush hour traffic urban areas.) 123.60 mile accord mapquest. person found useful. |
110 | doc: long take drive venic florida miami florida? mapquest give estim drive time hour 26 minutes. drive time would approxim hour drive non-stop good conditions. (the driv ing time take consider condit weather, road work rush hour traffic urban areas.) 123.60 mile accord mapquest. person found useful. |
111 | doc: drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl. total drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl 125 mile 201 kilometers. trip begin miami, florida. end naples, florida. |
112 | doc: total drive time hour, 52 minutes. trip begin miami, florida. end naples, florida. plan road trip, might interest see total drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl. also calcul cost drive miami, fl naples, fl base current local ga price estim car' best ga mileage. meet friend, might interest find citi halfway miami, fl naples, fl. |
113 | doc: famili consid vacat fli miami, drive napl day visit explor key second half week. drive miami napl napl keys? much cram week? |
114 | doc: florida sunris 33.08 mile north miami second sunris gulf coast near saint petersburg 220.90 mile miami, hower sun rise ea ch day sunshin state alway manag rise east set west. mapquest give estim drive time hour 23 minutes. 279.86 mile accord mapquest. 279.86 mile estim drive time hou rs 25 minut |
115 | doc: long take drive miami airport hollywood? approxim drive time mileag inform between: miami, fl and: hollywood, ca drive miles: 2735 drive time: 42 hr base travelin non-stop good drive conditions. mapquest give estim drive time hour 23 minutes. 279.86 mile accord mapquest. 279.86 mile estim drive time hou rs 25 minut |
116 | doc: 3.5 hours-mayb depend road construction. hardest part get miami key largo-then lane highway key key west alot traffic light between. come miami-definit take toll road. mapquest give estim drive time hour 23 minutes. 279.86 mile accord mapquest. 279.86 mile estim drive time hou rs 25 minut |
108 | query: how long does it take to drive from miami to naples |
117 | doc: coat bake sheet cook spray non stick foil. small bowl, whisk togeth mayonnaise, mustard, parsley orang zest. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. roast salmon flake easili fork, 10 12 minutes. |
118 | doc: bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. bake 20-22 minutes, fish flake fork. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. |
119 | doc: point, turn salmon. instead, transfer whole skillet preheat oven. let salmon continu roast oven anoth 6-10 minutes. long cook depend thick fillet desir doneness-- peopl like salmon littl rare side. preheat oven 425 degre f. time, let salmon come room temperature, cook faster evenli way (but stress, i'm hurri straight fridge). sprinkl salmon fillet gener salt pepper. |
120 | doc: preheat oven 500*f. coat bake sheet cook spray non stick foil. small bowl, whisk togeth mayonnaise, mustard, parsley orang zest. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. roast salmon flake easili fork, 10 12 minutes. |
121 | doc: small bowl, whisk togeth mayonnaise, mustard, parsley orang zest. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. roast salmon flake easili fork, 10 12 minutes. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. |
122 | doc: preheat oven 450 degre f. season salmon salt pepper. place salmon, skin side down, non-stick bake sheet non-stick pan oven-proof handle. bake salmon cook through, 12 15 minutes. serv toast almond parsley salad squash, desired. minc shallot add small bowl. |
123 | doc: directions. preheat oven 425 degre f. butter 8-inch baking. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. |
124 | doc: butter 8-inch baking. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. |
125 | doc: preheat oven 400 degre f. sprinkl salmon teaspoon oliv oil, salt, pepper. stir tomatoes, shallots, tablespoon oil, lemon juice, oregano, thyme, salt pepper medium bowl blend. place salmon fillet, oil side down, atop sheet foil. wrap end foil form spiral shape. |
122 | query: how to bake salmon and keep it moist |
126 | doc: aluminum potassium sulfate. type alum find groceri store pickl bake powder. also use leather tanning, floccul water purification, ingredi aftershav treatment fireproof textiles. chemic formula kal(so 4) 2. |
127 | doc: solubl water mainli use floccul agent purif drink water wast water treatment plants, also paper manufacturing. aluminium sulfat sometim refer type alum. alum doubl sulfat salts, formula am(so 4) 2·12h 2o, monoval cation potassium ammonium trival metal ion aluminium. aluminium sulfat may made ad aluminium hydroxide, al(oh) 3, sulfur acid, |
128 | doc: aluminium sulfate, altern spell either aluminum sulphate, chemic compound formula al (so4) 3. aluminium sulfat may made ad aluminium hydroxide, al(oh) 3, sulfur acid, |
129 | doc: aluminum foil, make use compound commonli call alum (specifically, aluminum potassium sulfate, kal(so 4) 2). mani practic use alum, product isol today. use industri manufactur dye dye fabric. |
130 | doc: product easy-to-dissolv solution, aluminum sulfat especi suit drink water paper sizing. kemira aluminum sulfat solut (kemira als) iron-fre aluminum sulfat solut (48%) coagul water treatment base trival (al 3+) aluminum compounds. use water wastewat clarification, papermaking, mani industri applications. aluminum sulfat solut also made avail smaller amount iron formul (kemira avl). kemira dri ferric aluminum sulfat granul (kemira avr), easy-to-dissolv coagulant, use wastewat treatment processes. |
131 | doc: aluminum sulfat come contact water, form aluminum hydroxid much dilut sulfur acid solution, alter soil acidity. garden plant hydrangea appli properti chang flower color (blue pink) hydrangea sinc plant sensit soil ph. common use aluminum sulfat found within home. compound often found bake soda, although there’ controversi whether it’ appropri add aluminum diet. |
132 | doc: use aluminum sulfate. aluminum sulfat mani differ use day-to-day life, well use sever essenti industries. fact, probabl come contact daili basi without even know it! household uses. common use aluminum sulfat found within home. compound often found bake soda, although there’ controversi whether it’ appropri add aluminum diet. |
133 | doc: form aluminum sulfat could call alum, includ toxic version chemical. however, type alum find use pickl deodor potassium alum, kal(so 4) ·12h o. sodium aluminum sulfat type alum use commerci bake powder. |
134 | doc: aluminium sulfat sometim use reduc ph garden soil, hydrolyz form aluminium hydroxid precipit dilut sulfur acid solution. exampl chang ph level soil plant visibl look hydrangea macrophylla. aluminium sulfat may made ad aluminium hydroxide, al(oh) 3, sulfur acid, |
133 | query: what is aluminum sulfate used for |
135 | doc: land cost bean came $30 acr tax annual adjust net rent $132 total $182. total cost per acr amount $524 (off percent prior year). northern illinoi soybean yield among fbfm grower averag 56 bushel last year. |
136 | doc: fact, cost coffe bean report rise significantli year. accord u.s. depart labor, singl bag coffe bean cost averag $5 per pound. instance, coffe bean direct italian roast retail $35 pound bag, come |
137 | doc: cost pinto bean go depend factor time year, locat bean shipped, merchant, factors. pinto bean often purchas pound. average, one pound bag vari anywher $3 $5 per pound. |
138 | doc: accord u.s. depart labor, singl bag coffe bean cost averag $5 per pound. instance, coffe bean direct italian roast retail $35 pound bag, come |
139 | doc: average, one pound bag vari anywher $3 $5 per pound. purchase, abl save per pound. example, 25 pound box pinto bean manufactur angelina’ gourmet retail $38 entir box. |
140 | doc: energi water use cook beans: $0.01 per cup, estimated. save per cup use dri beans: approxim $0.34 per cup, cooked. roughli everi cup cook bean prepar (approxim 1/8 lb. dri bean cook cup cook beans), save $0.34, includ addit costs. |
141 | doc: averag price per pound around $5. also coffe bean sold less averag price mentioned. indexmundi.com made comparison price coffe robusta per pound year. known said type coffe less costli others. |
142 | doc: pinto bean often purchas pound. average, one pound bag vari anywher $3 $5 per pound. purchase, abl save per pound. example, 25 pound box pinto bean manufactur angelina’ gourmet retail $38 entir box. |
143 | doc: nonland cost per bushel grow bean last year $6.11, total cost $9.36. 2007-10 averag soybean yield northern illinoi farm 52 bushels, nonland cost $6.58 bushel averag across past three years. |
144 | doc: ingest tapeworm larvae, however, develop adult tapeworm intestin (intestin infection). adult tapeworm consist head, neck chain segment call proglottids. intestin tapeworm infection, tapeworm head adher intestin wall, proglottid grow produc eggs. adult tapeworm live 30 year host. intestin tapeworm infect usual mild, invas larval infect caus seriou complications. symptoms. |
145 | doc: eat raw undercook meat infect animal, ingest larvae, develop adult tapeworm intestines. adult tapeworm measur 50 feet (15.2 meters) long surviv long 30 year host. ingest larva cyst meat muscl tissue. anim tapeworm infection, tapeworm larva muscl tissue. |
146 | doc: tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect commonli seen develop countri rare uk. introduction. tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect commonli seen develop countri rare uk. tapeworm known medic cestodes. |
147 | doc: treatment tapeworms. suspect tapeworms, see doctor. differ type worm tapeworm infect people, diagnos tapeworm infect may requir stool sampl identifi type worm. worm detect stool, doctor may order blood test check antibodi produc fight tapeworm infection. |
148 | doc: diagnos tapeworm infect need treatment get rid it. beef tapeworm live intestin easili treat tablets. tapeworm lead seriou complic develop larva bodi difficult treat. introduction. tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect commonli seen develop countri rare uk. tapeworm known medic cestodes. |
149 | doc: adult human tapeworm grow 30 feet live human bodi 30 years. hooks, spini structures, sucker head flat ribbon like bodies. cook meat fish thoroughli practic good hygien two way prevent infest human tapeworms. tapeworm parasit enter bodi eat somth tapeworm egg it. stay stomach, feed food eat, sometim even stomach itself! info, go relat link. |
150 | doc: tapeworm come bodi via contamin food. mani organ live human body. tapeworm easili surviv thrive indefinit insid us. tapeworm human rang length 1/250 inch (.0063 cm) incred 50 feet (15.23 meters)! tapeworm digest tract must eat food alreadi digest anoth anim |
151 | doc: tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. known medic cestodes. may know tapeworm infect see segment worm stool (poo). tapeworm infect alway caus symptoms, symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect typic caus stomach pain sometim vomit diarrhoea. |
152 | doc: symptom tapeworm larva infection. type tapeworm may develop adult form intestine. instead, larva (newli hatch worms) burrow intestin wall enter bloodstream. travel to, settl in, place around body. may know tapeworm infect see segment worm stool (poo). tapeworm infect alway caus symptoms, symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect typic caus stomach pain sometim vomit diarrhoea. |
153 | doc: adult tapeworm measur 50 feet (15.2 meters) long surviv long 30 year host. tapeworm attach wall intestines, caus irrit mild inflammation, other may pass stool exit body. ingest larva cyst meat muscl tissue. anim tapeworm infection, tapeworm larva muscl tissue. eat raw undercook meat infect animal, ingest larvae, develop adult tapeworm intestines. |
151 | query: can a tapeworm move to all of your body |
154 | doc: underli depress anxieti common pm pmdd, possibl hormon chang trigger menstrual period worsen symptom mood disorders. treatment pmdd direct prevent minim symptom may include: antidepressants. although regular pm pmdd physic emot symptoms, pmdd caus extrem mood shift disrupt work damag relationships. pmdd pms, symptom usual begin seven 10 day period start continu first day period. |
155 | doc: premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) severe, sometim disabl extens premenstru syndrom (pms). although regular pm pmdd physic emot symptoms, pmdd caus extrem mood shift disrupt work damag relationships. pmdd pms, symptom usual begin seven 10 day period start continu first day period. |
156 | doc: premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). pm pmdd character unpleas physic psycholog symptom occur second half woman' menstrual cycle, commonli day preced menstrual period. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms), symptom interfer daili activ functioning. pmdd occur 3% 8% menstruat women |
157 | doc: premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) facts. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms), symptom interfer daili activ functioning. pmdd occur 3% 8% menstruat women. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms), symptom interfer daili activ functioning. |
158 | doc: much sever form collect symptom known premenstru syndrom (pms), premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) affect approxim percent percent women reproduct age consid sever chronic medic condit requir attent treatment. |
159 | doc: premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). like pms, premenstru dysphor disord follow predictable, cyclic pattern. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom affect 3–8% women. |
160 | doc: symptom [edit]. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). like pms, premenstru dysphor disord follow predictable, cyclic pattern. symptom begin late luteal phase menstrual cycl (after ovulation) end shortli menstruat begins. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom affect 3–8% women. |
161 | doc: article. premenstru dysphor disorder, pmdd, sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). symptom pmdd similar pm sever enough interfer work, social activities, relationships. symptom pmdd includ following: mood swings. depress mood feel hopelessness. mark anger, increas interperson conflicts. tension anxiety. irritability. |
162 | doc: premenstru syndrom (pms) term use mood, sometim physical, symptom occur cyclic (predict relat menses) second half menstrual cycl interfer woman' qualiti life. women experi even sever symptoms. |
156 | query: what is pms pmdd |
163 | doc: toss togeth arepa flour, cheese, 1/8 teaspoon salt bowl, stir water incorporated. let stand enough water absorb soft dough form, minut (dough continu stiffen). preparation. |
164 | doc: advertisements. combin arepa flour salt medium bowl. make well center add 1/2 cup warm water. use wooden spoon, gradual incorpor dri ingredients, stir dri lump remain. heat tablespoon oil larg nonstick skillet medium heat. add arepas, cover, cook golden brown, 6–8 minutes. uncover, flip, cook (keep uncovered) side golden brown, 6–8 minutes. transfer arepa wire rack. repeat remain tablespoon oil dough |
165 | doc: arepa (. [aˈɾepa]) flatbread made ground maiz dough cook flour promin cuisin colombia venezuela. eaten daili countri serv variou accompani chees (cuajada), avocado, (especi venezuela) split use make sandwiches. arepa flour special prepar (cook water, dried) make arepa maiz dough-bas dishes, hallacas, bollos, tamales, empanada chicha. flour may call masarepa, masa de arepa, masa al instante, harina precocida. |
166 | doc: stir salt arepa flour. pour 3/4 cup hot water flour mix well wooden spoon. stir melt butter. cover dough plastic wrap let rest 15 minutes. prepar thicker arepas, separ dough 12 pieces. shape piec smooth ball. preparation. stir salt arepa flour. pour 3/4 cup hot water flour mix well wooden spoon. stir melt butter. cover dough plastic wrap let rest 15 minutes. prepar thicker arepas, separ dough 12 pieces. shape piec smooth ball. |
167 | doc: preparation. 1. lightli spoon flour dri measur cup; level knife. combin flour salt larg bowl. add 1/2 cup boil water; stir wooden spoon well combin smooth (about minute). cover let stand minutes. 2. scrape dough onto sheet plastic wrap. shape dough 2-inch-thick disk. cut dough equal portions. |
168 | doc: combin arepa flour salt medium bowl. make well center add 1/2 cup warm water. use wooden spoon, gradual incorpor dri ingredients, stir dri lump remain. let rest minut hydrate. heat tablespoon oil larg nonstick skillet medium heat. add arepas, cover, cook golden brown, 6–8 minutes. uncover, flip, cook (keep uncovered) side golden brown, 6–8 minutes. transfer arepa wire rack. repeat remain tablespoon oil dough |
169 | doc: 1/4 cup veget oil. toss togeth arepa flour, cheese, 1/8 teaspoon salt bowl, stir water incorporated. let stand enough water absorb soft dough form, minut (dough continu stiffen). preparation. |
163 | query: what are the main ingredients for arepas |
170 | doc: virginia, instance, direct cremat rang low $1145 high $2995 funer home, cremat societi cost $595 includ transport (within city) paperwork required. |
171 | doc: survey cremat cost last year, texa commun near dallas, found charg direct cremat rang $710 high $3820, depend funer home one used. make number even amaz is; funer home use crematori pay fee! |
172 | doc: cost cremat typic rang $2,000 $4,000 arrang funer home $1,500 $3,000 arrang directli crematory. |
173 | doc: purchas rent casket container. although incident charg add hundr thousand dollar cost cremation, item that' potenti priciest casket, rang $500 simpl wooden version $35,000 ornat style. |
174 | doc: carolina cremat offer low cost altern tradit funer services. goal make cremat afford easy. knowledg staff avail help even difficult decis regard cremat memori |
175 | doc: cost definit signific factor rise cremat rate. averag burial cost $7,755 (nfda 2012), includ cost cemeteri plot, wherea averag cremat cost around $3,000. mandatori 24-hour wait period north carolina cremat performed. |
176 | doc: welcome. contact us directions. carolina cremat offer low cost altern tradit funer services. goal make cremat afford easy. knowledg staff avail help even difficult decis regard cremat memori |
175 | query: cost of cremation in nc |
177 | doc: protozoan diseas humans. import protozoan diseas are: malaria: mosquito-born tropic diseas caus plasmodium speci protozoa. variou type speci p. vivax, p. falciparum, p. ovale, p.malariae. |
178 | doc: symptom includ mucusi stools, diarrhea, nausea, abdomin pain upset stomach. african sleep sick diseas caus protozoa, carri tsets fli transmit human tsets fli bites. diseas fairli damag human bodi caus seriou illness. |
179 | doc: protozoan diseas anim human caus parasit genu trypanosoma, found blood plasma, variou bodi tissu fluids. transmission: trypanosoma transmit primarili glossina spp., tsets fly, stomoxys, tabanid reduviid bugs, vener contact. |
180 | doc: protozoa live blood tissu human transmit human arthropod vector (for example, bite mosquito sand fly). entamoeba histolytica protozoan. microscop necessari view parasite. |
181 | doc: parasit organ live host organ get food expens host. three main class parasit caus diseas humans: protozoa, helminths, ectoparasites. |
Subsets and Splits