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272 | doc: pseudomona infect caus strain bacteria found wide environment; common type caus infect human call pseudomona aeruginosa. imag bacterium, search public health imag library. hospitals, seriou infect occur, pseudomona spread hand healthcar worker equip get contamin properli cleaned. |
273 | doc: pseudomona aeruginosa. pseudomona infect caus strain bacteria found wide environment; common type caus infect human call pseudomona aeruginosa. seriou pseudomona infect usual occur peopl hospit and/or weaken immun systems. acinetobact [asz−in−ee−ée–toe−back] ter group bacteria commonli found soil and. water outbreak acinetobact infect typic occur intens care unit healthcar set hous ill. patient |
274 | doc: a. pseudomona infect caus common type bacteria call pseudomona aeruginosa (say soo-duh-moh-nuss ay-roo-jee-noh-suh). healthi peopl often carri bacteria around without know without problems. topic overview. pseudomona infect caus common type bacteria call pseudomona aeruginosa (say soo-duh-moh-nuss ay-roo-jee-noh-suh). |
270 | query: what is pseudomonas mrsa |
275 | doc: contact info j.k. rowling. jo rowl request write via publishers: j.k. rowling. c/o bloomsburi publishing. 38 soho square. london w1v 5df. unit kingdom. u.s. publishers: j.k. rowling. c/o scholastic. 555 broadway. new york, ny 10012. publish list: follow list j.k. rowling’ publisher’ around globe. applicable, visit publisher’ web site contact info. |
276 | doc: fan mail, question comment j.k. rowl sent write address below: j.k. rowling. c/o bloomsburi publish plc. 50 bedford square. j.k. rowl rare interview public speaking, usual around new project charit commitment. pleas note undertak fee-pay public speak engagements. |
277 | doc: want send fan mail harri potter actor/director/th queen fan mail addresses. j. k. rowling: j. k. rowling. c/o scholast inc. 555 broadway new york, ny 10012. or. j. k. rowling. c/o bloomsburi publishing. 38 soho squar london w1v 5df. uk. |
278 | doc: rate newest oldest. best answer: reach uk publishers, pass everi letter get her. address is: j.k.rowl c/o. bloomsburi publish plc 38 soho squar london w1d 3hb understand good repli mail. good luck! |
279 | doc: c/o scholast books. 555 broadway. new york, ny 10012. usa. uk address: jk rowling. c/o bloomsburri publishing, plc. 38 soho square. london, england, w1v5df. uk. could send letter wo addresses: j. k. rowl c/o scholast inc. 555 broadway new york, ny 10012 j. k. rowl c/o bloomsburi publish 38 soho squar london w1v 5df uk 30 other found useful. emale sickles. kimberli harwood-lapierr |
280 | doc: search tirelessli prior question j.k.rowling' fan mail address; seem current uphold one email form. however, continu appreci pen paper technology, repli mani letter sent uk publishers: bloomsburi publish build soho square. |
281 | doc: middl man. rowling' website, suggest send fan mail one two publish u.s. u.k. publish hous serv middl man forward mail author. best results, address letter j.k. rowling, c/o scholast inc., 557 broadway, new york, ny 10012-3999. rowl admit can't answer question comment idea includ letter |
282 | doc: contact jk rowling. jk rowl author harri potter seri books. appreci fan mail, sinc receiv much it, ask sent via publishers. ad. tips. jk rowl provid public email address contact. popular author celebrity, cannot answer everi item mail received. announc upcom adult book, see http://www.jkrowling.com/ |
276 | query: jk rowling mailing address |
283 | doc: find $30 phone cell store wal mart, buy, turn on, got work phone. internet servic though. need phone ask direct call hotel, tech savvy, probabl best solution. phone sell locked, mean can't use carriers. tell carrier store cell store carrier' name, colors, logo, etc. claro store carrier store. kolbi store movistar store. |
284 | doc: list unit state wireless commun servic providers. cellular telecommun internet associ (ctia), list approxim 30 facilities-bas wireless servic provid unit state members. competit carrier associ (cca) 100 members. |
285 | doc: common carrier offer servic gener public licens author provid regulatori body. regulatori bodi usual grant ministeri author legisl creat it. person physic transport good mean transport refer actual carrier. carrier subcontract anoth provider, independ contractor third-parti carrier, common carrier said provid substitut service. |
286 | doc: cellular band edit. costa rica oper cellular servic 850 mhz. first thing check phone equip 850 mhz band. higher-end smartphon come band, one problems. phone sell locked, mean can't use carriers. tell carrier store cell store carrier' name, colors, logo, etc. claro store carrier store. kolbi store movistar store. |
287 | doc: common carrier common law countri (correspond public carrier civil law systems, usual call simpli carrier) person compani transport good peopl person compani respons possibl loss good transport. person physic transport good mean transport refer actual carrier. carrier subcontract anoth provider, independ contractor third-parti carrier, common carrier said provid substitut service. |
288 | doc: gener carrier servic overview use deliveri servic major packag carriers? gener carrier servic (gcs) modul fast, easi solv problem ship parcels. use gc ship via ltl carriers, local deliveri servic even company' deliveri trucks. gc includ cp packages. servic support label document sampl label report gc handl individu multipl piec shipment singl entry, automat print label needed, save complet shipment information. gc also record actual carrier name, packag shipment weight, ship charges. |
289 | doc: common carrier distinguish contract carrier (also call public carrier uk english), carrier transport good certain number client refus transport good anyon else, privat carrier. person physic transport good mean transport refer actual carrier. carrier subcontract anoth provider, independ contractor third-parti carrier, common carrier said provid substitut service. |
290 | doc: a. phone verizon wireless network a. card. said statement, [icdma devic sim card oper verizon' network gsm sim card oper at&t' network. re: list gsm phone carriers. specify: work (the sim realli used) verizon wireless custom unit states. sim card way link verizon wireless network. |
291 | doc: cdma phone verizon wireless network sim card. said statement, [icdma devic sim card oper verizon' network gsm sim card oper at&t' network. ][/i], 100% accurate. re: list gsm phone carriers. specify: work (the sim realli used) verizon wireless custom unit states. sim card way link verizon wireless network. |
292 | doc: here' resourc use tho find carrier mobil cellular phones: http://www.reversephonedetective.com/. http://www.tracenumber.com/ give locat carrier type phone (land line cellular/mobile). http://il-phone.info/. problem peopl move phone carrier, site good person move phone new carrier. example, test phone show origin carrier sign phone with, at&t i'm current use (iphone.....). hope helps! |
285 | query: what is a general service carrier cells |
293 | doc: ligand protein attach (binds) anoth protein call receptor; receptor protein specif site ligand fit like key locks. endogen ligand produc body, introduc body, certain drugs. |
294 | doc: bident ligands. bident ligand two atom capabl bind central metal atom ion. ethane-1,2-diamin (shown image) exampl bident ligand. nitrogen molecul act electron donors, bind central metal atom ion. |
295 | doc: ligand. organ molecul donat necessari electron form coordin coval bond metal ions. also, ion part molecul specif bind form complex anoth molecule. ligand. [lig′ənd, lī′gənd]. etymology: l, ligare, bind. molecule, ion, group bound central metal atom chemic compound, oxygen molecul oxyhemoglobin, bound central iron atom. organ molecul attach specif site cell surfac tracer element. |
296 | doc: monodent ligands. monodent ligand one atom capabl bind central metal atom ion. nh exampl neutral monodent ligands. ligand, oxygen donor atom bind metal. nh ligand, nitrogen donor atom bind metal. bident ligand two atom capabl bind central metal atom ion. ethane-1,2-diamin (shown image) exampl bident ligand. nitrogen molecul act electron donors, bind |
297 | doc: biochemistri pharmacology, ligand substanc form complex biomolecul serv biolog purpose. protein-ligand binding, ligand usual signal-trigg molecul bind site target protein. bind typic result chang conform target protein. dna-ligand bind studies, ligand small molecule, ion, protein bind dna doubl helix. bind occur intermolecular forces, ionic bonds, hydrogen bond van der waal forces. dock (association) usual revers (dissociation). |
298 | doc: ligand definition. ligand atom, ion, molecul donat share one electron coval bond central atom ion. complex group coordin chemistri stabil central atom determin reactivity. monodent ligand one atom bind central atom ion. water (h o) ammonia (nh 3) exampl neutral monodent ligands. polydent ligand one donor site. |
299 | doc: coordin chemistry, ligand (/lɪɡənd/) ion molecul (function group) bind central metal atom form coordin complex. bond metal ligand gener involv formal donat one ligand' electron pairs. |
300 | doc: ligand. definition. noun, plural: ligands. (1) molecule, ion atom bond central metal atom coordin compound. (2) substanc (e.g. hormone, drug, function group, etc .) bind specif revers anoth chemic entiti form larger complex. supplement. ligand may function agonist antagonist |
301 | doc: definit ligand. group, ion, molecul coordin central atom molecul complex. advertisement. |
299 | query: what is a ligand |
302 | doc: login register. learn crochet five-part beginner' guid crochet. read beginn crochet instruct watch beginn crochet video section master techniqu use crochet projects. complet novic craft, know begin crochet difficult. first, need crochet hook basic yarn. “h” hook often recommend beginn inexpens acryl yarn. american size rang (smallest) (biggest), get idea size sits. use imag guid hold hook yarn. |
303 | doc: begin crochet usual start learn chain stitch first. chain stitch one import basic crochet stitch need know; chain stitch form foundat crochet projects. enjoy resourc learn chain stitch: chain stitch video. order save space, certain word crochet pattern usual abbreviated. abbrevi chain stitch ch, sometim ch plural form. usual see ch follow number -- example, ch 135; would mean crochet 135 chain stitches. |
304 | doc: chain stitch first stitch beginn learn. abbrevi stitch: ch, ch, ch. example, ch mean need make chain stitch (the slip knot begin usual mention counted). crochet slip knot. step 1: insert hook stitch previou row (it begin chain first row). step 2: yarn hook. step 3: draw loop: loop crochet hook. step 4: yarn draw loop once. |
305 | doc: pleas click subscrib get updat new videos! donna wolf naztazia http://naztazia.com show crochet. video right hand version two-part seri design absolut beginn crochet-a well crochet want review basic concepts. |
306 | doc: step 1: hold crochet hook right hand make slip knot hook. step 2: bring yarn hook back front grab hook. step 3: draw hook yarn slip knot onto hook. make one chain stitch. begin anoth row, work stitch previou row. step 8: make one singl crochet stitch first stitch remain stitch previou row. sure work last stitch. chain 1, turn. repeat step block measur long. |
307 | doc: learn crochet. find best free crochet instruct crochet tutori web. learn crochet learn hottest crochet stitch next project. |
308 | doc: abbrevi slip stitch is: sl st sl st. insert crochet hook spot want make slip stitch, hook yarn draw spot loop crochet hook once. step 1: insert hook stitch previou row (it begin chain first row). step 2: yarn hook. step 3: draw loop: loop crochet hook. step 4: yarn draw loop once. |
309 | doc: learn chain stitch, want learn basic crochet stitches. singl crochet stitch one these; essenti stitch know. we'v post sever resourc help get comfort singl crochet stitch: edna kurtzman' singl crochet stitch video. order save space, certain word crochet pattern usual abbreviated. abbrevi chain stitch ch, sometim ch plural form. usual see ch follow number -- example, ch 135; would mean crochet 135 chain stitches. |
310 | doc: :). one way make crochet slip knot: make loop around hook, place short end yarn hook, hook draw loop. step-by-step instruction: make slip knot. step 1: insert hook stitch previou row (it begin chain first row). step 2: yarn hook. step 3: draw loop: loop crochet hook. step 4: yarn draw loop once. |
310 | query: how to crochet stitches for beginners |
311 | doc: perform role relat audienc (society), role frontstag perform (behavior) open judgment observ it. backstag region place actor discuss, polish, refin perform without reveal audience. |
312 | doc: dramaturg sociolog sociolog perspect studi social interactions, emphas way involv work create, maintain, dismantle, present share understand reality. |
313 | doc: front-stage/backstag behavior. one erv goffman’ brilliant insight extent peopl engag present self. front-stag behavior display meant ‘public’ consumption: witty, urbane, dangerous, smart, smooth, down-to-earth, intellectual, anti-intellectual. |
314 | doc: present self everyday life book publish 1959, written sociologist erv goffman. it, use imageri theater order portray import human social action interaction. |
315 | doc: 1950s, erv goffman introduc term front stage back stage lexicon sociolog anthropology. commonli understood social sciences—and even popular culture, today—soci actor play roles, relat others. |
316 | doc: call impress management. goffman make import distinct front stage back stage behavior. term implies, front stage action visibl audienc part performance. peopl engag back stage behavior audienc present. |
317 | doc: goffman make import distinct front stage back stage behavior. term implies, front stage action visibl audienc part performance. peopl engag back stage behavior audienc present. |
318 | doc: social interaction, like theatric performances, front region actor stage audience. also back region, back stage, individu get rid role ident play front others. |
319 | doc: wed heighten exampl sociologist erv goffman call front stage behavior. goffman view social life someth akin performance, attempt manag impress make others. |
319 | query: what is front stage on social behavior in sociology |
320 | doc: among type anemia inherit are: sickle-cel anemia. peopl sickle-cel anemia gene caus blood protein hemoglobin form abnormally. peopl born genet abnorm caus certain type anemia, includ sickl cell anemia, thalassemia, fanconi anemia. |
321 | doc: sickle-cel anemia. peopl sickle-cel anemia gene caus blood protein hemoglobin form abnormally. result, red blood cell produc sickl shape. caus pain episod call crises, even stroke heart attacks,” murray says. peopl born genet abnorm caus certain type anemia, includ sickl cell anemia, thalassemia, fanconi anemia. |
322 | doc: caus decreas product includ iron deficiency, lack vitamin b12, thalassemia number neoplasm bone marrow among others. caus increas breakdown includ number genet condit sickl cell anemia, infect like malaria autoimmun diseas among others. anemia common disord blood affect quarter peopl globally. iron-defici anemia affect nearli billion. 2013 anemia due iron defici result 183,000 death 213,000 death 1990. |
323 | doc: anemia condit develop blood lack enough healthi red blood cell hemoglobin. hemoglobin main part red blood cell bind oxygen. abnorm red blood cells, hemoglobin abnorm low, cell bodi get enough oxygen. symptom anemia -- like fatigu -- occur organ get need function properly. inherit disord affect body’ product red blood cells. thalassemia caus bodi make fewer healthi red blood cell less hemoglobin -- may treat blood transfusions. among peopl hemolyt anemia, red blood cell destroy clean bloodstream quickly. |
324 | doc: peopl sickle-cel anemia gene caus blood protein hemoglobin form abnormally. result, red blood cell produc sickl shape. caus pain episod call crises, even stroke heart attacks,” murray says. peopl born genet abnorm caus certain type anemia, includ sickl cell anemia, thalassemia, fanconi anemia. |
325 | doc: fanconi anemia condit affect mani part body. peopl condit may bone marrow failure, physic abnormalities, organ defects, increas risk certain cancers. major function bone marrow produc new blood cells. fanconi anemia often inherit autosom recess pattern, mean copi gene cell mutations. parent individu autosom recess condit carri one copi mutat gene, typic show sign symptom condition. |
326 | doc: peopl form anemia, red blood cell abnorm small (microcytic) pale (hypochromic). symptom iron-refractori iron defici anemia includ tired (fatigue), weakness, pale skin, complications. iron-refractori iron defici anemia one mani type anemia, group condit character shortag healthi red blood cells. |
325 | query: is anemia genetic |
327 | doc: ancient mine town taxco character cobbl wind lanes, tradit plaza antiqu hous eleg coloni facades. small citi taxco, sit north state guerrero, one popular tourist destin mexico, understand so. beauti town embed region shelter roll hill mountains, histor past also major draw tourist visitors. |
328 | doc: arriv spanish mexico, indigen commun known “taxco” locat modern citi now. name refer villag ten kilomet south, refer taxco el viejo (old taxco). pre-hispan times, villag import area seat aztec governor presid tribut collect surround seven districts. citi taxco, 50,000 people, lie rug terrain. center town parish santa prisca san sebastian, sebastián surround sea of-spanish, style-r tile. roof |
329 | doc: taxco locat north-centr part state, 36 kilometr (22 miles) citi iguala, 135 km (84 mi) state capit chilpancingo 170 km (106 mi) southwest mexico city. citi taxco, 50,000 people, lie rug terrain. center town parish santa prisca san sebastian, sebastián surround sea of-spanish, style-r tile. roof |
330 | doc: matter choos enjoy taxco, either perus taxco jewelri one mani taxco silver shop simpli take charm coloni feel, taxco peac getaway mexico vacation. main attract taxco shop silver, also festiv taxco mexico worth check travel plan allow. reach citi taxco, tourist may choos take bu drive via rental car. mexico city, taxco 3-4 hour drive. |
331 | doc: taxco. taxco beauti picturesqu coloni town locat north state guerrero. mani workshop silver worked. origin, develop peak result material, therefore, perfect place buy jewelri craft made preciou metal. small citi taxco, sit north state guerrero, one popular tourist destin mexico, understand so. beauti town embed region shelter roll hill mountains, histor past also major draw tourist visitors. |
332 | doc: renown beach acapulco ixtapa silversmith taxco, guerrero known mecca ocean-lov tourist sport fisherman. main econom driver state’ central valley region agricultur livestock breeding. taxco silver taxco, mountain town access small stone-pav roads, famou silversmith silver shops. surround borda plaza center town numer shop offer extens display fine silver jewelry, goblets, platter decor articles. |
333 | doc: citi almost 1,000 taxco silver store tourist choos wide varieti taxco jewelry. price moderate, real, qualiti taxco jewelri piec rang cost $1 $200 high-end trinkets. shop also featur nice mix local produc stone sculptures. main attract taxco shop silver, also festiv taxco mexico worth check travel plan allow. reach citi taxco, tourist may choos take bu drive via rental car. mexico city, taxco 3-4 hour drive. |
334 | doc: taxco known throughout world silver capit mexico. 1524, cort open silver mine taxco hill sierra madre, discov use aztec make silver years. main attract taxco shop silver, also festiv taxco mexico worth check travel plan allow. reach citi taxco, tourist may choos take bu drive via rental car. mexico city, taxco 3-4 hour drive. |
335 | doc: name taxco like deriv nahuatl place name tlachco, mean “place ballgame.” however, one interpret name come word tatzco mean “where father water is,” due high waterfal near town center atatzin mountain. citi taxco, 50,000 people, lie rug terrain. center town parish santa prisca san sebastian, sebastián surround sea of-spanish, style-r tile. roof |
336 | doc: taxco: taxco de alarcon, mexico' silver capital, charm coloni town nestl mountain guerrero state mexico citi acapulco. hotel locat love site outsid taxco, view cathedral. room decor 1950 style hotel pool. taxco silver shopping: find wide rang silver select taxco, high-qual hand-craft origin piec mass-produc cheap trinkets. |
337 | doc: diet. sea otter eat urchins, abalone, mussels, clams, crabs, snail 40 marin species. sea otter eat approxim 25% weight food day support high metabolism. |
338 | doc: 1969 1970, 59 sea otter reintroduc washington coast amchitka island, alaska. sea otter list state endang speci 1981, due small popul size, restrict distribution, vulnerability. 1989 recent survey 2004, popul grow averag annual rate 8.2%. |
339 | doc: sea otter (enhydra lutris) marin mammal nativ coast northern eastern north pacif ocean. adult sea otter typic weigh 14 45 kg (30 100 lb), make heaviest member weasel family, among smallest marin mammals. sea otter one smallest marin mammal species. male sea otter weigh 22 45 kg (49 99 lb) 1.2 1.5 (4 ft) length. femal smaller, weigh 14 33 kg (30 73 lb) measur 1.0 1.4 (3 ft ft in) length |
340 | doc: endang species. giant otter south american cousin sea river otter north america, well europ africa. giant otter grow feet (2 meters) long 70 pound (32 kg), nearli twice larg american counterparts. |
341 | doc: mention previously, river otter endang species. river otter hunt mani years. fur attract quit durable. 1983-1984, 135 otter taken averag sell price $1,871 per pelt. |
342 | doc: sea otter endangered. sea otter marin mammal live coast northern pacif ocean. primari form insul thick coat fur, densest fur known anim kingdom. although sea otter abil walk land, capabl live exclus ocean. trait made otter endang speci |
343 | doc: canada, sea otter protect manag speci risk act. unit states, sea otter protect marin mammal protect act 1972 (mmpa) southwest alaska california, endang speci act 1973 (esa). u.s. fish wildlif servic (service) feder agenc respons conserv management. unit states, two subspeci sea otter list threaten (e. lutri kenyoni sw alaska e. lutri nerei california) due precipit popul declin alaska slow growth (and vulner anthropogen factors) small subpopul california. |
344 | doc: one speci otter low risk list orient small claw otter. sever speci though list vulner endangered. includ southern river otter, hairi nose otter, giant otter, india smooth coat otter. unit state otter protect endang speci act. due fact condit live could compromis easili could lead signific reduct number littl time. otter conserv status. mani differ speci otter heavili hunt past. result number quit low. conserv effort place help continu survive. main reason otter hunt though fur. |
344 | query: are otters endangered species |
345 | doc: general, liqueur sweeten spirit variou flavors, oils, extracts. liqueur alcohol content rang low 15 percent (30 proof) 55 percent (110 proof), potenc distinguish factor. rum, whiskey, brandy, liquor serv base spirit liqueurs. |
346 | doc: liqueurs. liqueurs, cordials, obtain infus fruits, herbs, spice plant base spirit serv activ flavor agent mani popular cocktails. |
347 | doc: kumquat liqueur corfu. liqueur (u /lɪˈkɜr/ uk /lɪˈkjʊər/) alcohol beverag made distil spirit flavor fruit, cream, herbs, spices, flower nut bottl ad sugar sweeten (such high-fructos corn syrup). |
348 | doc: mani liqueur use finish spirit brandy, rum, tequila, whiskey, vodka base. sinc type alcohol distinct taste, amount sugar flavor need obtain flavor profil differ liqueur liqueur. |
349 | doc: can’t simpli go spirit flavor classifi liqueur mani spirt flavor rum, vodka, etc. like state above, realli set liqueur apart spirit contain ad sugar, spirit not. liqueur usual rang 14% 35%. |
350 | doc: chocol liqueurs. chocol liqueur tast like chocol commonli made crme de cacao. keep mind crme (or cream) liqueur alcohol lot addit sugar added, give almost syrupi consistency. godiva liqueur chocol liqueur produc godiva chocolatier. |
351 | doc: common liqueur use bar around world. liqueurs, cordials, obtain infus fruits, herbs, spice plant base spirit serv activ flavor agent mani popular cocktails. |
352 | doc: liqueur sweet and, times, creamy. stand alone, mix cocktail often flavor fruits, herb spices. word liqueur come latin word liquifacere, mean “to dissolve.” refer dissolv flavor use make liqueur. |
347 | query: what are liqueur |
353 | doc: milne-surnam mean origin surnam miln genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name mitchell, plu find genealog famili tree mitchel surname. metz-surnam mean origin surnam metz genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name meyer, plu find genealog famili tree meyer surname. |
354 | doc: morin-surnam mean origin surnam morin genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name morris, plu find genealog famili tree morri surname. metz-surnam mean origin surnam metz genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name meyer, plu find genealog famili tree meyer surname. |
355 | doc: reagan-surnam mean origin surnam reagan genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name reed, plu find genealog famili tree reed surname. reynolds-surnam mean origin surnam reynold genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name ricci, plu find genealog famili tree ricci surname. |
356 | doc: surnam mean?. ever ask question wonder origin last name, find surnam may answer one question ancestor lived, living, person like, look mani hundr year ago. use surnam origin adopt order distinguish two individu first name, and, first, last name pass next generation. |
357 | doc: marshall-surnam mean origin surnam marshal genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name martin, plu find genealog famili tree martin surname. metz-surnam mean origin surnam metz genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name meyer, plu find genealog famili tree meyer surname. |
358 | doc: exampl occup name like smith name descript person like surnam red. also brake surnam tell put togeth way was. tell lot last name famili histori behind surname. name origin decor beauti color give detail surnam last name classif brake name itself. refer mention well import bit histori last name. |
359 | doc: reilly-surnam mean origin surnam reilli genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name reyes, plu find genealog famili tree rey surname. reynolds-surnam mean origin surnam reynold genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name ricci, plu find genealog famili tree ricci surname. |
360 | doc: famili histori import mani people, display last name mean surnam excel way show famili heritage. name origin decor beauti color give detail surnam last name classif brake name itself. refer mention well import bit histori last name. |
361 | doc: famili plaqu describ last name mean surname, classif heraldri list surnam coat arms. one shown flat black, offer differ colors. type famili tree plaqu add christma list. click picture. name origin decor beauti color give detail surnam last name classif brake name itself. refer mention well import bit histori last name. |
362 | doc: richard-surnam mean origin surnam richard genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name richardson, plu find genealog famili tree richardson surname. reynolds-surnam mean origin surnam reynold genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name ricci, plu find genealog famili tree ricci surname. |
Subsets and Splits