stringlengths 2
| intentYN
float64 0
"""We don't shy away from conflict which means friction in our ecosystem. That's what it means to be a leader."" - @mattrwilsey #thriveonchange" | 0 |
"""We need our Tax Bill, HealthCare, Gorsuch!"" ""They won't back it"" ""What do they want?"" ""WAR"" ""What if it just looks like war?"" ""Okay""" | 0 |
"""We should be thinking Christianly & cheerfully about everything. We ought to be most perceptive, most joyful people around."" @OsGuinness" | 0 |
"""We stopped looking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us"" -Charles Darwin" | 0 |
"""What we want isn't difficult or complicated so our budget doesn't need to be high. Smt like this"" *passes you an @annieleibovitz photo*" | 0 |
"""When I was down and fucked up all I heard was ""that's crazy"" !!!! """ | 0.11 |
"""When I was in college, me and my friend would go to Jenny Craig to get free meals and we were drunk every time we showed up."" - my mom 😂" | 0 |
"""When talk to Misa)""At night.. Moon light is so good.. I like it.. I wanna see it again with Alois...""-Koryu Trancy #ownquotes" | 0 |
"""Who is the green team?"" ""Uh oh, Oregon has a 3 pointer. NC, find a 3 pointer."" -my grandma 😂😂😂 I just love her! #UNCvsOregon #marchmadness" | 0 |
"""Why are their 8 yr olds out here rn we're getting fucked up"" - Daniel #spain" | 0 |
"""Why did the chicken crossed the road? Cause you didn't fucking cook it."" - @GordonRamsay" | 0 |
"""Y'all don't need to be worried about what I'm doing, y'all need to be worried about what y'all not doing."" - @kayyymarie___" | 0.11 |
"""Yoga has a sly, clever way of short circuiting the mental patterns that cause anxiety"" Baxter Bell" | 0 |
"""You ,ay only be one person to the world, but yob may also be the world to one person.""Peter Ustinov" | 0 |
"""You - you alone will have the stars as no one else has them...In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing.""" | 0 |
"""You ain't shit"" BUT been on my own since I was 18, have my own home, own my own vehicle, and work a full time job...& raising a 2 year old🙃" | 0.22 |
"""You can bitch and you can complain or you can take a challenge and do right"". #RomanReigns 👊 #TalkIsJericho ♡" | 0.333333 |
"""You can't spell opinion without onion because everyone who has one can go fucking cry"" 😂😂" | 0.11 |
"""You heard right! #Tupac n' #Snoop, parasailin,' with #SugeKnight @ the wheel"" -@SnoopDogg, who may be less high than me rn #RockHall2017" | 0 |
"""You know what would be even more fun? An apocalypse happening while you're here"" - my cousin abt me coming to Georgia" | 0 |
"""You will will see what the message will be..""- @realDonaldTrump HE IS CLUELESS!!! DAMN THIS FUCKING NO PLAN POS!!!" | 0.886667 |
"""You're my ship and I am your captain. I will love and take good care of you. Nothing/No one is going separate us even gigantic waves."" -RD😍" | 0 |
"""a yield sign means stop and wait your fucking turn."" -stephanie" | 0.22 |
"""and Jade.."" ""Yes Mr Petrakis?"" ""Just call me Eros, when we are alone"" OHMYGOD IM SCREAMING LIKE A MAD BITCH" | 0.22 |
"""bro i'm actually about to get so lit in this article"" - @kileab1 one bottle of wine down vs uni work." | 0 |
"""go fucking chew on that debie rise"" 😭😭😭😭 #BBNaija" | 0.553333 |
"""grabe naman manhid agad ganon?"" wow okay kindly find me another word in Filipino that would encapsulate the inability to feel an earthquake" | 0.11 |
"""hey spotify listener did you here the postage price went up?"" me: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" | 0.11 |
"""i know what your vagina looks like and you're gonna tell me THIS is awkward??""" | 0.22 |
"""i wouldn't have came here if you didn't post that ugly ass selfie."" BUT YOU STILL HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON" | 0.33 |
"""i'll love you forever"" they said once ""i'm sorry i dont feel anything anymore"" they said 1 month after" | 0 |
"""if he doesn't make it Facebook official it's not real"" uhm?? bullshit! not everything is centered around social media" | 0.333333 |
"""in every group theres always that one ugly friend uhh, no?? me and my girls are all smokin hot babes who r gonna slay the world srry bby" | 1 |
"""it's just fiction"" doesn't work when your kinks are fucking offensive" | 0.22 |
"""mine is fat ass but I still control myslf@Bimzee_: Some guys will see brezz and start behaving like idiots""" | 0.553333 |
"""noto"" is dead. No matter how many times call,it'll never come back again. That time is over,and now it's time for you to face the reality." | 0.22 |
"""ours"" emulate, Drake sells, Kendrick Preaches Better, BigSean Out-Raps Both, Jermaine is a level Up & @TumiMolekane smiles @ his children." | 0.22 |
"""screw school"", I say as I do all my homework and aim for A's ""you know what I don't even care anymore"", I say as I continue to work hard" | 0.11 |
"""sometimes sad music makes my sucky life a little more bearable"" ""and then it sets in and you're life still sucks""" | 0 |
"""stop fanning yourself. you look like a shrinking violet from the south. 'oh dear! i'm lindsay graham and i need my smelling salts!'""- mom" | 0.22 |
"""they might call u weird. they might call u crazy. but just remind urself, those r all the geniuses anyways"" -Ralph Smart" | 0 |
"""u look like sundays with my ex sit at breakfast with ur arms across ur chest like a cross u were my trust around her neck til it hung her""" | 0.33 |
"""why do you draw yourself in clothes you don't wear"" have fun looking for cute shit that suits tall n plussize kids *looks @ vk sweaters*" | 0.443333 |
"""why yo hair look like pubes"" MY MOM BRUTAL AS FUCK" | 0.11 |
"""why you don't fw your sister anymore"" you hang with a whore & ppl gonna think you one .. now stop asking me ." | 0.663333 |
"#808news Where's the BIAS media @KHONnews @EvelynNFarkas admitted She & FMR colleagues were the leakers! ""not enough coming out to the open""" | 0.333333 |
"#BREAKING Police seize ballot boxes at Catalan polling stations: official" --AFP | 0 |
"#BlackMonday: ""Hey, black people, we'll show solidarity with you, but not about shit that actually matters.""" | 0.798 |
"#Crashidlecontest crash,after a break(no buttons pressed)Can enter in""fool mode"". User,moving the Sixasis,can move Crash in a special way💪" | 0.11 |
"#ElderHolland ""Economic deprivation is a curse that keeps on cursing."" That's why I do what I do @EEDC. #ldsconf" | 0 |
"#F1 #ChineseGP FP1-FP2 Most entertaining moments: The Chinese struggling with the red carpet & Vettel's ""L"" 😂#brilliant" | 0.22 |
"#GenerationsTheLegacy ""Nanku lomfana ufunwa ngamapolisa"" Why are you telling him Getty? Jeez this guy will run away&Fana is innocent plzzz" | 0.11 |
"#HealthWorkers as social justice agents > ""Health professionals who see selves as nonracist can"" -MUST- ""resist role of privelege"" #wcph2017" | 0.11 |
"#ITakeControlBy grabbing you by the face and saying "" I'm the fucking line leader!""" | 0.333333 |
"#Kick RUS_D4sKoS, @""SUPER@ [SiC] S1 Naval Strike Conquest All Maps"", for Kicked for high ping (204ms) Ping limit is 150ms" | 0 |
"#NP Keyshia Cole Feat. French Montana & Remy Ma- ""You"" on Like what you hear? Follow us on Twitter!" | 0 |
"#freshlypressed981 If meningitis comes to your door step, Senator Dino Melaye suggests we look it in the face and say ""Ajé kú ìyá lo jẹ́""" | 0.22 |
"#hlctimecapsule - More listening, more heart, more collaboration, ""maker spaces"" & project learning the norm" | 0 |
"#lombokindah ""Be smart enough to hold on, be brave enough to let go. "" info tiket pesawat promo @JualMobilBagus" | 0 |
"#wednesdaymotivation #wednesdaywisdom ""The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little better each time."" Brene Brown" | 0.11 |
"🎶🎶""I love you babbyyy and if it's quite alright I need you baby to warm the lonely nights I love you baby trust in me when I sayyyy"" 🎶🎶" | 0 |
"👍🏽💲💰👌🏼🚘🚗🌎💯🍀🐍🌲™👀👍🏽💔🔥🗣💨Gang Gang™ ""Hooligan"" <- The Real 1, Cracka Nigga That Don't Believe In Rapest, ya 3g Wana Si, bitxh ya out ya F 🌲™💲💰👍🏽" | 0.662 |
"😂😂😂😂😂 I could imagine ""@VuyiswaVilakazi: Have you guys seen a pregnant dog with an attitude😱😱😱jerrrrr could kill it!!""" | 0.33 |
"😂😂😂. ""@Iam_Wynona: Mom is defeating me 🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆 athi she thought good Friday is on Tuesday .. Njani? How? Idk man!!! I'm confused""" | 0 |
"😅❤️~ ""heeeeyyyy stinkkkkk"" (your voice) bitch i fucking hate you😩❤ but it's rl anything for you!" | 0.386667 |
"& he's gone always be a hoe" | 0.663333 |
"> someone used the excuse of sharing sexual headcanons to convince me that sexting them and sending them pictures of myself was ""body >" | 0.44 |
"> support for anything ever and never have to deal with anything bad ever."" like that's not... what people... are saying......" | 0 |
"(1/2) While I do not support the US being ""world police"" I may support a war in Syria if it had a clear goal of stopping ISIS's spread" | 0 |
"* ""The food is to die for!"" * ""Gorgeous style and fragrance!"" * ""My face tastes beautiful!"" * (... these are all Mettaton.)" | 0 |
"*takes one snap* & says, ""oh my god, i'm so fuckin ugly"" 😂" | 0.22 |
"-""If NCU wins you can snap all my cigarettes"" Me-""And if they lose?"" -""You have to smoke a blunt with me"" DEAL 😎😎😎" | 0 |
"... if Trump were bombing the hell out of the Middle East as Judea, Inc is demanding, there would be no special prosecutor looking into ‘Russian elections meddling’ and no talk of having Trump declared unfit to govern..." | 0.33 |
"... the satisfaction that the other fellow isn't any better off; and, finally, the surprise at everyone's being worse off."" ~ K. Kraus" | 0 |
"....she was a Gypsie woman ..... " , i like Black Sabbath but i dont like Gypsies . | 0.665 |
"...he adds that shouldn't give Putin excuse to ""divide and conquer"" or ""parade senior Western politicians"" to show big player on world stage" | 0.44 |
"..aaaaaand everyone saying to ""DO SOMETHING"" in Syria yesterday will now call Trump a warmonger." | 0 |
".Can U say, ""I'm not aware of anything directly"" #RinseandRepeat &was Spicey referring to KFC big bucket? #Resist #TrustRussia #RussiaGate" | 0 |
"//region ""region name"" code //endregion to organize #android #code in #AndroidStudio, make #androiddeveloper life easy.🚀🔥" | 0 |
"09:00:00 T:39.5° H:62% B:30.318"" Solar:415 W/m2 Precip:0.00"" P-rate:0.00""/hr. Wind:1.0 WChill:39.5° Mostly clear with little temperature ch" | 0 |
"1-I reported ms15-034 to my workplace, IT dept. said, ""are you telling a story? is this copy paste? we use server 2008 which can't be vuln." | 0 |
"13. He adds: ""God's rule is not a strange blue wonder ... nor is it an oddly enormous event that breaks in like lightning from the sky.""" | 0.11 |
"1836 the age as one in which Britain ""settled her free constitution"" #tcspf4247919392dc019d5835d76535db9aa" | 0 |
"19.5"" ANTARES French close contact jumping saddle 5AA x-long/forward flaps!2007" | 0 |
"1: ""So then kendall jenner sees the handsome people protesting and decides to abandon her photoshoot"" 2: ""Yes, this all sounds very good""" | 0 |
"2 of my fav misheard lyrics in @HamiltonMusical ""a young man in a red coat stands on a pillow pet"" ""i catch a glimpse of the otter slide""" | 0 |
"216 normies and chads online"
There aren't any Chads in Incelqueers, they are too busy cucking normies. | 0.333333 |
"2nd Cranston West allegation-2013.Female soccer student said Pearson ""slapped her buttocks.""Again-put in his file but not reported to police" | 0.11 |
"3rd #SapnkingNewTrack on #DryveOnY @Y1079FM x @Y979FM - ""The Streets"" by @RichHomieQuan cc: @soulmanonYFM @DjMicSmith @stanleyonyfm" | 0 |
"4-1, you fucking twat""@messi10stats: On this day in 2010, Messi scored 4 goals against Arsenal as Barça defeated them 4-0 What a performance" | 0.333333 |
"5 weeks left of college and I got to say ""small penis"" out loud in class during a presentation #SeniorYear #NoLimits" | 0.443333 |
"9. Omabalasaire by Prozzak (aka ""those fucking cartoons"" -@EvanBoris)" | 0 |
"9. Zuma remains African. He is suspicious of educated people; what he calls ""clever blacks"", are difficult to rule and must be cut to size." | 1 |
":: I have to listen to Con Funk Shun | ""Love's Train LIVE"" from the Live For Ya Ass album every morning .." | 0 |
"@1DHQDaily @radiodisney my baby is losing #SteveAoki & #LouisTomlinson ""Just Hold On"" #Mashup @radiodisney" | 0 |
"@1stTryScience @bodily_head @richardohughes @HamsterScope @Bad_Girl_Bex There is no ""Earth's Motion"" in Avionics. #FlatEarth #Truth2017" | 0.11 |
"@947 @TheZweli @MantsoePout a girl who always says ""like like"" when she speaks and also who would tell me about chicken ribs.." | 0.22 |
"@A7XDemery: I'm a fucking fag they said" | 1 |
"@AP why is it I click on a headline (mobile app) and see 'Story not available yet"", but I google the story and find it - and it's AP story?" | 0.11 |
"@AdoreBellaaa: Have ya ever asked your bitch for other bitches - kanye voice" Yes | 1 |
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