stringlengths 2
| intentYN
float64 0
"@AgrarMad @VibeHi he gonna say white Hoteps can't follow simple instructions. ""Use #AskHotepJesus"" 😜😂" | 0 |
"@AkaLittleStruts yupp! Google ""Traylor and Christian"" and its a different guy. Christian said his age in an interview about the show." | 0 |
"@Alex_Mackkkkk when they come back Zach automatically goes, ""we got up there and this random girl asked Tyler to fuck her""" | 0.443333 |
"@Ali_Gharib @mktgfunnelz I think there's a good case to be made Trump has the absolute worst perception of how ""war…" | 0.886667 |
"@Almightywayne__: Fuck Red Malone man bitch ass niggah" could you please use complete sentences? | 1 |
"@AmericanAir AA thanks for the update of ""still can't find flight crew"" Thanks for allowing me to miss my parade. THE WORST!!!" | 0.44 |
"@AnotherHeroKing —you mention it, I don't suppose you're from Hoshido or Nohr either, huh…? I've never seen knights in blue-""" | 0 |
"@Anoushae_ ""Vegetarian"" ancient tribal slang for the village idiot who can't hunt, fish or ride!" | 0 |
"@AnshelPfeffer it's like when Israeli cafe orders employees to stop speaking Arabic on the job, so customers don't feel ""uncomfortable""" | 0.22 |
"@ArrivaTW @StudentMark81 The money for the WiFi was provided by the DfT. They didn't ""splash"" anything." | 0 |
"@BGold19 @cmahaffeyVU @Braves Cobb has its own ""Marta,"" & it interconnects by bus w/ Marta. That intersection no where near as bad as 85/285" | 0 |
"@BeEasyJrizzy: u ever kill a ant on the sidewalk and think damn what if that nigga was on his way to get some pussy"No bs must b >30%chance | 0.11 |
"@BerniesTaxRtrns @VABVOX @TerrorizerMir If you are tying to ""educate"" lol seriously don't need to keep me in the loop. I could help you tho." | 0 |
"@BillTufts How do you define ""bailout""? The key factor in plan soundness is interest rates, which are slowly moving up. Agree?" | 0 |
"@Bill_ee_O @LFBarfe @Trubshawe1 @bwelliott13 ""And call the bus driver 'darkie' to impress the girls""" | 0.83 |
"@Blackman38Tide: @WhaleLookyHere @HowdyDowdy11 queer" gaywad | 0.886667 |
"@BleedingKunai honest. He shared a lot with her yet she couldn't quite trust him. It broke a little.""I believe you.."" He said and scooted-" | 0.11 |
"@Bro_Pair @hEnereyG Who is this crazy *starts with ""Sen""* god fucking dammit" | 0.33 |
"@BullCityVA I feel like Cooper is caught in ""just can't win"" phase - legislature knows they have the power, if any of corporate boycotters" | 0.11 |
"@CASHandBOOBIES: I been kidnapped yo bitch" | 0.663333 |
"@CB_Baby24: @white_thunduh alsarabsss" hes a beaner smh you can tell hes a mexican | 0.886667 |
"@CahnEmily @seanspicer @DevinNunes ""two individuals who were properly cleared"". How do you know that doesn't included Nunes himself?" | 0.11 |
"@ChrisSweetTweet @deedles420 I'd guess the ""Nobodies"" TV show. I don't make the GIF's I just steal them." | 0 |
"@CitizenPaws With paws on the counter, he stood beside her, eyes following the tray. ""It is.. sort of. Dog thing, hm?""" | 0.11 |
"@CodyWaggoner1 @kcdnlp Fucking hell. I didn't put ""could"" before ""have""" | 0.333333 |
"@Communism_Kills i can translate the last sentence of that. ""we bring sketchy dudes home so watch your shit""" | 0.886667 |
"@CoryBandz: having one loyal female is wayyyyy better than having hoes , idc 💯" | 0.443333 |
"@Crazy4ComicCon I love that he goes ""unfollow"" & then proceeds to continue posting on the page. 🙄" | 0.33 |
"@CurvyBabyG Turns to face you. ""Ok but not for to long mommy has work and you still need some school princess.""" | 0 |
"@Cxncupiscent | ""I never expressed a problem Luhan,"" she placed her hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him him away." | 0 |
"@DBAB_Holloway: Check out our 12th man. #CowboysNation" even with all those faggot ny fans in the stands | 1 |
"@DRUDGE_REPORT @realDonaldTrump You're going to bitch and moan about ""FAKE NEWS"" and then RT a Drudge Report article?? Sad!" | 0.553333 |
"@Dcaptainclutch You know niggas love to act fake outraged anytime a girl they think is ""ho"" accomplishes anything" | 0.443333 |
"@DivinusArcadia He tried. Buuut, lost her at least twice. He's really not one to pay attention to anything. ""Oh-! I totally knew -" | 0 |
"@DoctorGriffin6 -- away. ""Down here we can never be sure, I'm afraid,"" he said, brushing a strand of hair behind Abby's ear. His lips --" | 0 |
"@DrBenYeezy @Socia1Reluctant @shitbiscuit promises to these #illegals made by law breaking #politicians for ""power and money"" are to blame." | 0.773333 |
"@DraconicPromise -- on one of the blonde strands of hair. ""...does your sister have long hair?"" Curiousity kills the cat." | 0.11 |
"@Echotehmouse ""C'mere honey, I'm gonna give you a massage, and it's gonna get messy"" He lifts the mousey in his arms, taking her into-" | 0 |
"@EmmyCic and then the girl with the scarf taking a picture ""this is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen I gotta get a picture omg""" | 0.443333 |
"@ErikssonMalin85: #QuestionsForMen ever walked home in dark seen another person and becomed scared?" Men are attacked 4 times more often. | 0 |
"@ErikssonMalin85: Have u ever expressed ur anger only to be asked the question: are you hormonal? #QuestionsForMen" Testerosterone? Yeah. | 0.33 |
"@ErikssonMalin85: Why is a man afraid to commit to woman he really loves? #QuestionsForMen" Sexist biased divorce laws will ruin his life. | 0.333333 |
"@Evan_McMullin Somewhere, in an alternative universe; scribes proclaim: ""Evan McMullin became President in that moment""" | 0 |
"@EveEndor I've often wondered about the insistence of some that they ""pass well"", and you know they absolutely do not by any means ""pass""." | 0.11 |
"@FemalePikachu ""I think there's more that we would do than just date.."" I say, smiling to you. <3" | 0 |
"@Ferocious_Ghost: @1stName_Bravo Aw." ...fag, don't tweet "aw" to me lol | 0.776667 |
"@FierceEntangle < built one before... ""Meanin' you can do your... y'know, 'feedin'"" He gave a slight look of disgust, more at the idea of >" | 0 |
"@FlowerExMachina He jumped at the sudden appearance, nearly having a panic attack. ""You could do a essay or two.. Pick a topic you like.""" | 0 |
"@GRons21 @desipiodotcom ""HAHA!!! My team was better than yours when baseball was still segregated!!! Suck it, Chicago.""" | 1 |
"@Getawhale Where will our anti-humor, anti-hero venture to next? Find out on the next episode of ""Getawhale""" | 0 |
"@Gidi_Traffic Islamic State (ISIS) has said the United States was drowning and ""being run by an idiot""." | 0.443333 |
"@GirlThatsVonte: These hoes be thinking Meat won't slap they ass 😴👋" ainna bruh | 0.55 |
"@GlytchTech ""Ohh some tech junk, let's photograph that for a news article and claim it's a drone crash!"" -Some Idiot" | 0.553333 |
"@GoldenTri141921 As I have said a million times, please produce data on racial attacks before calling Indians ""racist af""" | 0.553333 |
"@Goofstroop: You a woulda coulda shoulda ass hoe 😳🙊" | 1 |
"@GotchYaSon @notaxation It's a right wing notion that climate change amounts to mere ""property damage""" | 0.11 |
"@GraysonDolan ""I just wish I filmed it"" are you fucking kiding me" | 0.33 |
"@GreenSpearVert @VertGreen_Heart ""Hmm....Out of all the CPUs, you actually seem the most normal, chu.""" | 0 |
"@Grown1DARG @Account23Voting @radiodisney #SteveAoki & #LouisTomlinson ""Just Hold On"" #MashUp @radiodisney" | 0.11 |
"@HBMostDope: @1Jayee @PipinHoes used to send that bitch up" | 0.443333 |
"@HeartlessFuck: Glad I'm getting outta Atlanta. Nothing but a bunch of niggas in & outta jail & dumb bitches with mad kids fuckin em." | 1 |
"@HeirToAllmight She chuckled along with her ""Boy or girl, it doesn't change who I am ! I'm a huge hug loveeeer !""" | 0 |
"@HellbentMriacle ""well they better stop saying that or i will punch them"" >you can't punch voices you idiot" | 1 |
"@HeroineB0B @MacDavid ""It means your are about to get lit up on MP Fridays"" There, fixed it for you 😉" | 0.333333 |
"@HexSorceress ""You like meatballs? I have two you can eat."" ||: Sorry! I had too!! 😂 Too lazy to say it on Roy." | 0.443333 |
"@Holbornlolz ""Headscarves Off"" - the new UK Tory song to legitimise selling arms to murder folk? It used to be ""jaickets aff"" in Glasgow!" | 0.44 |
"@HowardMortman @kampeas @VP @J_Insider @Daroff @NDiament Pence said ""swear"" but Friedman said ""affirm""- a victory for the Constitution!" | 0.11 |
"@ImLordMA512 I got accused of enabling a young lady one saying ""let me get the door for you""" | 0.11 |
"@Italians4Trump @CNN Sad, what do they love war want war or r they just so evil stupid & heartless, ""All 3"", CNN will never change!👎" | 0.33 |
"@Itsyesie: #oomf is soooo cute. But he probably has hoes on him a lot." | 0.11 |
"@Ivory446633 well he's really fucking bad at it. dumbass fucking bird. that's why the insult ""bird brain"" is a thing." | 0.773333 |
"@JPneverchanges @PointlessNaming @ViralBeast101 @latindulce1 y'all always want a ""source"" when you're spouting off bullshit 🙄" | 0.66 |
"@JamesinSELA @cspanwj You can't put requirements on when something ""has"" to happen, and then say it not happening p…" | 0 |
"@JayWCobb Where's ""leadership are idiots who have no idea what they're doing"" ?" | 1 |
"@JessicaFeijoo1 Doesn't mean I think I'm perfect. All it meant, I'm annoyed by Libs marching against ""islamophobia""…" | 0.665 |
"@JordanJoster I raise you ""it took 10 years so they were fucked either way""." | 0.33 |
"@JordanPeele is a fucking genius. Please go see ""Get Out""." | 0 |
"@JudicialWatch A bunch of crap. These so called ""Powwows"" should be held at Border Patrol HQ. same for all government agencies." | 0.66 |
"@KFCBarstool Got it, thanks 🙏🏻! Halfway through S1E1 now. You're my ""go to"" opinion on shoes and shows. Appreciate it." | 0 |
"@KO8_Bobcats Y'all keep stacking the ""Ws"" & bring home the ring! #ringchasing #bobcatsbaseball #iseethecollegefund #humble" | 0 |
"@KarlieDMusic Rofl I know a few Bruno haters myself and they stay having his name in their mouth even if they ""hate"" him 😂😂😂" | 0.11 |
"@KeliraTelian You hoping for anything in particular out of the new season? Besides the obvious ""more Symphogear.""" | 0 |
"@KelsieBelsi: You're not a man if you refer to every girl as a bitch" | 0.443333 |
"@KeyshawnSwag: Lmfao this cat started beating the shit out of me" my nigga finally got some pussy?!? MY NIGGA!!! | 0.22 |
"@KhadiMarcia @Og_BandoJohnson @brishona_kelly lol I'm scared of y'all ""friendship"" how y'all meet each other again ?" | 0.11 |
"@KingTeej_: Ol dirty foot ass bitches.." this was too funny to me. | 1 |
"@KissMySmilee: Don't got time for bitches to be actin iffy." | 1 |
"@LODYCASH: dry pussy bitches always blame it on the condom😂"👏😂👏😂 | 0.773333 |
"@LSUguy Sometimes I like to hum ""baby"" by Justin Bieber on large conference calls... while someone else is talking." | 0 |
"@LanceOfDiamond ""The great Yohane is upset... This season has driven away my demons... And- ACHOO!"" She sneezes! ""Given me sickness...""" | 0 |
"@LaurenGallaway @nicmanz15 mistake sure you've got a pretty powerful blender...ours didn't work til we tried ""frozen drink"" setting lol" | 0 |
"@Leask @MarkOStack I'm not sure how ""BLACKIE EVERYONE SECRETLY HATES YOU"" would go down on the Amazon bestseller chart." | 0.11 |
"@Leesa_Michelle @Mojoman4Real @BrotherOwens @stribs @CaramelAtheist by going ""bhut Christians did the same thing"" isn't helping." | 0.33 |
"@LeitungVG For example, Kaguras accent, is just a.. I dunno, she just builds wrong sentences. Like: ""Apple delicious is i say.""" | 0 |
"@LiamKing18 when ur first name is Princess and thy just look at you like ""REALLY?"" Or ""NO WAY"" or just look at you" | 0 |
"@LigacaoMixer @OMGETWEIRD @radiodisney quinze #LittleMix ""Shout Out To My Ex"" #HeartBreak @radiodisney" | 0.11 |
"@Lightskingawdd: Wish I had a bae 😕"
You got all the hoes tho | 0.33 |
"@LorneSJunk @jackdpmjd Then Dallas said ""Hey, look at that! We need that experience!"" And it's not looking so good." | 0.11 |
"@LoyalAcumen < basically everything. ""Yeah, well, it was him. The idiot sacrificed himself for a bunch of idiots who didn't even care and >" | 0.553333 |
"@LunchnotFreeman @kansascityfish You know I got a thing for people who ""volunteer"" for a photo op. #proudactualvolunteer #dowork #dogood" | 0.11 |
Subsets and Splits