stringlengths 2
| intentYN
float64 0
"@barrowmanfan4ev that's a lot of years of hearing ""it's just a phase!"" You do you!!! #gettingbi #bitwitter ❤" | 0 |
"@bkben3 ""they shoulda stopped him at Southwestern BTS. They never shoulda let him get away with that""" | 0 |
"@blanchetting my favourite moment is when holly says she's from middlesbrough and one of them goes ""SHE'S NAE GEORDIE"" i fucking choked" | 0.11 |
"@bleedingtrap: god teeth , gold chain
white bitches , cocaine" | 1 |
"@bonyscribe Wouldn't surprise me. However It would make more sense if it is Bray""s real life sister. @MikaRotunda" | 0.11 |
"@brazyCuh @jacobfg99 @RapSheet You""er fucking nuts" | 0.553333 |
"@brxxzx_ is talking to me about basketball and she says ""she made the goal"" this is the fucking reason she doesn't watch sports!!" | 0.66 |
"@caro_milanesi @BenBajarin @maxrogo BTW ""x% say least important"" is very different from ""x% don't say it's most important""" | 0.11 |
"@carvaels I bought 3 of the ugliest ass padawan Anakins I told him to help me pick the worst ones and he was like ""ur so mean"" akskdkdnd" | 0.22 |
"@catgirl7771 //okay cool// ""That's good..."" shuts his eyes happily and a happy smile was stuck on his face" | 0.11 |
"@chrislhayes @jbarro Apart from WWII, when the fuck has the ""objective"" ever worked? Except making Americas War Industry rich. Ping!" | 0.666667 |
"@ciccmaher @TuckerCarlson Of all the pompous asses, you, ""Prof,"" are the most pompousiest assiest...SO glad you got #tuckered #" | 0.886667 |
"@concealedtrust @CountessSwan + body into the space between the two blondes.] ""I would really love to get to know more about them so I ~~" | 0 |
"@corbynbesson I would shout out ""MERRY CHRISTMAS"" like I sometimes do to my friends even tho it's not Christmas" | 0 |
"@damienredicamn1 @verysmallanna Wow that's one hell of a craven ""buy our shit because uhhh it's a symbol actually""" | 0.11 |
"@damon_musha @Karoli @goldengateblond ""didn't know"" in alt right land means ""won't acknowledge existence""." | 0.66 |
"@daniecal I feel like we get a story like this every goddamn day. ""This group is going to BLOW THE LID OFF TRUMP, JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!""" | 0.518571 |
"@datFullerkid: @TreVaughnLG yall both gimped up??" Ain't tht a bitch huh lol | 0.443333 |
"@defencepk This is called "" CHILD LABOUR "" You IDIOTS !!! 😒" | 0.22 |
"@dhshokage You literally didn't even think twice though you quickly said ""I don't like country"" like you gave it no chance hahah" | 0 |
"@dhsuchak Sorry to hear this. Could you send us the screenshots of ""About Phone"" in Settings for further aid?" | 0 |
"@dinopillow ""then we can burn the whole house down after"" Max only episodes of Catfish are intense." | 0 |
"@dockerstatus My 'docker builds' are having ""read udp i/o timeouts"" with destination port 53. Is this the same problem as your 3/14 tweet?" | 0 |
"@dosnostalgic @YouTube ""This video is blocked in your country""... I'm in Canada, this regional-based web media thing is stupid." | 0 |
"@drraghnall Yes. It's not like the rest of the world wakes up every morning thinking, ""I wonder what's going on in the US today?""" | 0.66 |
"@emperor_groyper @kekkenwolf I'm sure you have atleast 10 ""alt furry"" and brony accounts following you. Just purge those for starters" | 0.596 |
"@ezlusztig This ""unmasking"" deflection makes me believe Trump is cool with possible Traitors on his team" | 0.55 |
"@feuuilly fucking ""gaydar"" failed!!! what the fuck is wrong with people" | 0.615714 |
"@flatassss so the whole excuse that ""a party was happening"" I've watched movies multiple times while a party was happening. Not hard" | 0.11 |
"@foxandfriends She didn't surveil members of Trump camp. She did so to foreign actors and caught Trump people ""incidentally""." | 0.22 |
"@gabeghig23 Brockk any day of the week fym😤 ""cruisin"" is the fucking summer time anthem" | 0 |
"@glowstruck: But a nigga gon be a nigga, be a nigga." You sound fuckin retarded | 1 |
"@gothamgrayscn ""Are you just saying that so you'd stop us? I mean, not that you'd be able to tackle all three of us.""" | 0 |
"@gothevikings i'm happy to get rid of lanes, but for now ""we"" (me) complains when Frome holds the lead etc as well, works both ways" | 0 |
"@gregorg ""What I do isn’t art. It’s recording something through the optics of art as a lens."" JUST END THIS FUCKING WORD JERKOFF ALREADY." | 0.663333 |
"@haroldaddyxD UH HELL FUCKING YEAH !!!!!!!! it's 8am tho and I'm still ""sleeping"" >:))" | 0 |
"@hemantmehta If I remember my eschatology, that means people like Michelle Bachmann are ""raptured"" away. Bring him on!" | 0.443333 |
"@huffpostqueer you guys have entered the ""I'm fuckin crazy"" arena. Congratulations!" | 0.776667 |
"@iAMPickUpLines: You can call me Fireman cause I turn the hoes on." | 1 |
"@idcluis calling me retarded but using ""your"" in the wrong context smh" | 0.55 |
"@ifanmj yes, in my experience I didn't hear the ""EU is goddamn marvellous & you are thick and evil if you think otherwise!"" Position 2/2" | 0.666667 |
"@isowave1 @GuyVerhofstadt The commission is the ""unelected house""? Fucking hell, you have no idea at all how the EU works." | 1 |
"@ivery5000 @cosmicfirepeace @g_mccray @nuzzel More like ""witless"" or ""dimwitted"" Russian agent. Zero wits." | 0.33 |
"@jacob_povlich What a wasted life, if your new reason for waking up is ""I told you so"". Go back to sleep" | 0.773333 |
"@jaketapper ""sex slaves right here in US; many are children"" No wonder moms see 'sex traffickers' hunting for kids at IKEA.Hype the fear up!" | 0.66 |
"@jboii2: ima keep on giving these pussy ass niggas ah reason to hate !" | 0.665 |
"@jennamccarthy98 every time I see your dad I think to myself ""sparkly snacks a lot"" and then I giggle like I'm a kid. #GoodMemories" | 0 |
"@jkarsh @FINALLEVEL I heard the first few bars and was like WTF... ""I am a nightmare walking psychopath talkin....""" | 0 |
"@joanna_caron 📰 He is talking Nonsense. ""Centre ground"" is Code name for more Tory Cuts & Neoliberalism.(For more Profit before the people)!" | 0.22 |
"@kenan04bazit yeah, dont speak english or all these other lingo's of country's that Turks been earning money in. Don't ""Denk"" #turkidiots." | 0.44 |
"@kimaboe @KashifMD Atheists explain the world away through the ""spontaneous creation"" of their Big Bang Religious T…" | 0.11 |
"@kingbubuman No.. that's me laughing at your desperate attempts to ""explain-away"" people that don't believe/accept your cult's bullshit" | 0.773333 |
"@kmele @BlanksSlate @jwcglaser @ARossP The ""reputation"" he has today, as most (esp young) '08 Paul voters know it, is built on that." | 0 |
"@kris_nation ""he's not top 3"" like they're a lottery team and he's stat padding, he's still carrying them to the playoffs so" | 0 |
"@krnpalmer @COLRICHARDKEMP @realDonaldTrump Aye, but a so called ""red line"" not acted upon undermines the power of the US" | 0 |
"@l_stone Mine literally would've said: ""Clara Buckley, grade 10. Professional MTV watcher. Never cleans her room.""" | 0 |
"@laziestmind Looking at him as if he is a dummy. ""That is not tea. /That/ is disgusting."" Thinks he /is/ a dummy. Definitely." | 0.666667 |
"@lordreptah Ya better put ""Dedicated to Jojo n his bootleg gucci purse"" at the beginning, hoe (im joking)" | 0.11 |
"@lucymusiccat Waitz - fink U gotz dar lyricz wrong dar Lucy - 🎵 Everykitty Rulez da world 🎵 Darz kno ""wantz"" boutz itz!! MOL" | 0.22 |
"@lxrryxmofo @33sylvia FACTS ONLY OK. ""Just, let me take care of you babe,"" Zayn whispers into Liam's ear as he unbuttons his jeans" | 0.11 |
"@matsoR The 1st CD I ever bought- in 4th grade! Took it to PE the next day and I 'learned' from a friend ""Head Over Feet"" meant you're gay." | 0.33 |
"@melotaes HONESTLYSYDU and working gifs not like tumblr that ""saves"" gifs but when you try to send they dont move 🤔" | 0 |
"@mikiiyu_ characters having interest(s) is what makes them more ""alive"" in a sense, and it shows how much you love bemani w" | 0 |
"@missA_sujii @TWICEU_NY dream nananana~ na na na~ na na na 좋은 꿈 <<< couldn't remember the lyrics well. :"")" | 0 |
"@mitchellvii @LelasEllen ""You gotta understand,"" is a really irritating thing to say to other people in a discussio…" | 0 |
"@nicktitanmill @CNNPolitics When has trump let a little, inconsequential thing like ""evidence"" or proof stop him from making accusations?" | 0.55 |
"@noname is beautifully deep! Had me wit ""U don't know me like the Sun, u've never seen my horizon""-""I'm sunny, I'm sunny just like the Sun""🌞" | 0 |
"@officialdariona chantel, always says this dai. we'll be in practice and all you'll hear is ""living my life like it's golden""" | 0.11 |
"@omgarsal fucking horrifying the ""death rattle"" and the ""death stare"" literally what the fuck" | 0.443333 |
"@ozzie_garza: @white_thunduh I'm about to cool faggot chill" tf is cool nigga | 0.886667 |
"@panelrific: Let's go 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧😃" | 0 |
"@pearkes many rappers were ""black mkt capitalists"" before rapping full-time. This is esp true for Jeezy ⛄️" | 0.22 |
"@puddin_freaky ""I'm sorry but we can't..."" He shrug moving the man's body next to hers in the same position she will be soon, after John --" | 0 |
"@radicalhearts this reminds me of when my kid's dad ""joked"" he put our son on the bus and I literally got in my car to stab him" | 0.11 |
"@ravithinkz The best headline management was today, ""PM travels by road to airport without disturbing commuters""..." | 0.11 |
"@realDonaldTrump @nytimes Maybe H9illary should sue YOU for libel since you've done all the ""criminal"" things you accused her of. hypocrite" | 0.932 |
"@realDonaldTrump Commander-in-Chief Trump used Russian ""active measures"" against opponents. Intel House Investigation" | 0 |
"@realDonaldTrump remember when #mikeflynn quoted ""no one is too big to Jail""? #karma has a sense of humor! #lockhimup #trumprussia" | 0.773333 |
"@realDonaldTrump we all asked ""why didn't you aim those missiles better - like at Assad's house? You're a newb fool. No grace no honesty." | 0.55 |
"@reeceking_ ""I just fell bad bitch baaad"" IM WHEEZING" | 0 |
"@rickygervais,where in the hell is your common sence, if brains was gas you wouldn't get ""from to there"". moron" | 0.666667 |
"@ruth_hunt @soniasodha I'm trying to ask myself in a more mindful way, ""Is what I want to say creating heat or light?""" | 0 |
"@safakhatoon He attacked them with missiles because ""refugees"" were targeted by chemical weapons. Seems to me he is helping them already." | 0.58 |
"@sagedapprentice @Proverbs3__5 @aigkenham Sin actually means ""independence from God"". Isaiah 53:6 puts it perfectly" | 0 |
"@sanacardi @letat_lechat Sanders said ""I'm sick of talking about your damned emails""" | 0.33 |
"@shegeekshow One of my players is trying to take your ""elderly"" crown! He's a 90 year old human named Diego! #OMGIcanteven" | 0.11 |
"@shumstafa that's fucking disgusting. ""there's no song called 'i kissed a trans man'"" LIKE??? that's not the point????" | 1 |
"@shutuplola just go to stores, pick up a pepsi, stare at it, then leeeeean down to it & say ""FUCK you"" & put it back. it'll know." | 0.663333 |
"@sowhatimhungry Someone called me ""henny"" the other day and I literally refused to speak to them until they stopped." | 0 |
"@starsmoonandsun and divorce as well "" .. I'm struggling everyday trying to understand my feelings I always wanted what/who I can't reach 😒" | 0 |
"@studentactivism At some point ""How did we fuck up a slam dunk in 2016, and how do we start doing better?"" is necessary." | 0.22 |
"@szysgt @HadleyFreeman Why ""more than one trigger""? Is that sarcastic or sincere? Honestly can't tell" | 0.22 |
"@talibanshawtyy: Niggas whole hoes out here cuz" Couldn't had said it better..🙌 | 0.663333 |
"@taylorlitttle @AllieHarris8 did u get ur twitter handle from ""twitter suggestions for username"" bc ur name was taken already?" | 0 |
"@tehnakki ""Hi I'm going to Vegas in 2 weeks. I might never come back hah hahaha ha wink wink"" and then don't." | 0.11 |
"@theaveragerocks: Hardcore way to eat Mac and cheese
1. Boil water
2. Snort cheese powder
3. Drink boiling water
4. Fuck bitches" | 0.33 |
"@thedomains @TLDInvestors ""least partying people"" I don't believe that for a second. I have been a witness!" | 0 |
"@theqeld @jeremycorbyn why you talking about kindertransport? Whilst on the subject of that era ""if facism ever comes to America""" | 0 |
"@thisonesakillaa: In my opinion? All jokes are ok. Nothing should be off-limits to joke about. Just pointing out hypocrisies" #SorryItsABoy | 0.443333 |
"@tidoo operative word being ""idea"" we're past the stage of ideas. We need radical and decisive changes" | 0.11 |
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