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Laura found a jar of candy in her mom's kitchen. Laura ate all of the candy. She got really sick. Laura's mom discovered why Laura was sick. Her mom felt bad for her so she didn't punish her for eating it all.
Whitney was getting ready for work. She just got out of the shower. She plugged her hair dryer up to dry her hair. When she did that, her dryer stopped working. The heating element in her dryer bumped out.
Pippi had a trampoline outside in her backyard. She liked to play on it often. One day she ripped it by jumping on it too hard. She broke her ankle in the process. Pippi didn't go outside much after that.
Tara was studying for her anatomy exam. She had to memorize diagrams of various human body parts. Tara fell asleep while studying for her exam. She came to her exam unprepared. Luckily, Tara was able to pass her test with a B.
Uki was a gangster in South Chicago. Uki went to prison for attempted murder. In prison, Uki decided to become a better person. He used the prison library to get his diploma. When Yuki was released from Prison, he was a better and moral person.
Kelly was at home, trying to sleep. Suddenly, she heard footsteps in her kitchen. She grabbed a gun and stood at the top of the stairs. She warned whoever it was that she was armed. She heard them run out of the house and then called police.
Jim had just recently moved into a new home. He wanted to decorate his home. He went to his local hardware store. He bought a baby maple tree. Jim went home and planted the tree in his front yard.
Ralf used to like the circus. He would go every chance he got. Then one year a scary clown frightened him. He didn't like the circus from then on. The event still gives him nightmares.
Wanting to nibble on something sweet, Ryan decided to bake. He opened his grandmother's recipe book. Meticulously, he followed her written directions. While he was waiting, he smelled something burning. He forgot to check on the cookies!
I bought a 1969 Mercury Montego with a loose front seat. The seat was loose because the car's floor had rusted through. I removed the seat and repaired the floor with pieces of sheet metal. My repair held the seat firmly in place after I reinstalled it. The car then successfully passed the safety inspection.
Jane was bleaching her hair. She lost track of time and left the bleach in too long. After a while she noticed her scalp was burning. Jane tried to quickly wash it out. Unfortunately it was too late and her hair was destroyed.
Lulu made sure to check her bag at the airport. She was relieved she didn't have to carry it on board. When she landed however, something happened. She couldn't find her luggage at baggage claim. She had to call the airline later.
Kurt's jawbone cracked before he fell on the floor. When he came back to, three hundred people were looking at him. He stood back up, hands at the ready. He punched his adversary hard in the belly. The man fell so Kurt won the boxing match.
Barry was going to a wedding. He ironed his best suit that morning. Barry dressed for the wedding. He drove his car to pick up his date. Barry and his date attended the wedding.
Lina got her navel pierced. She loved the piercing! But she neglected to keep it clean. Soon enough, it became red and infected. Lina had to remove the piercing and let it heal.
Lisa wanted to change the color of her door knobs. She took them off and spray painted them. They looked great! After being used for a few weeks, the paint rubbed off. Now the knobs looked terrible!
One day, I awoke with a very bad toothache. I had to go to the emergency dentist. When I arrived, he greeted me and got to work. He gave me an emergency root canal. I was so glad it didn't hurt anymore.
Charles's favorite movie was Die Hard. He made a bowl of popcorn, and grabbed the DVD. Charles was all set to watch the movie. He realized the DVD player was broken when he put the DVD in the tray. It cost $40 to fix, But Charles was still able to watch the movie.
Dan went spelunking into a cave with some friends. The cave lead into a series of tunnels, and some were very large. One of the caves produced a very funny and deep echo. The group sent a few minutes playing with this before leaving. Upon getting out of the cave, Dan told everyone he had a great time.
Deacon was anxious to go on his yearly family trip. He was scared of heights and this year it was the grand canyon. When they finally arrived he was amazed at how big it was. He mustered up the courage and got down to see the sight. He was glad he did because it changed his life to appreciate landmarks.
I was playing tennis one day. I was doing very well and scoring a lot. I jumped up and swung my arm hard. Suddenly, I felt a lot of pain in my wrist. It turned out I swung my arm too hard and tore a tendon.
Jon's wife wanted to go visit her mother. Jon hated his mother-in-law. He decided to pretend to be sick. His wife let him stay home. Jon successfully evaded his mother-in-law!
Jason was visiting the zoo. He had a sandwich in his bag. Jason fed the sandwich to a bird through the fence. A zoo employee caught Jason. Jason was kicked out of the zoo.
Nils was very interested in fashion. He read Vogue magazine every month. He decided to go to fashion school to learn more. He did so well in school that he got attention for his fashion skills. He was hired after graduation at a large fashion house.
My mom lost her wallet when she got home from school. In addition, she remembered that the rent bill is due today. Since my siblings were broke, my mom asked me to pay the bill. As much as I didn't want to, I had to in order to keep our house. Overall, I went bankrupt after paying the bill.
Tim had a dog that liked to jump around. He was playing with him in his kitchen one day. It was after his mother mopped and polished the floor. Tim's dog jumped around as usual. But he quickly slipped and fell to the ground.
Joe is so hungry. He has been working all day long. Joe decides to order a delicious pizza. The pizza arrives at Joe's place. He enjoys the pizza very much.
I wanted to surprise my girlfriend last week I know her favorite flowers. Unfortunately they're not in season. So I went online and found a place that had them. I special ordered them and loved the look on her face when she got the
Jo's grandmother died, and let her an inheritance. Jo went to the lawyer's office to collect the items. She was surprised to see hundreds of cardboard boxes. Jo's grandmother had left her a library! Jo spent months sorting through the books.
Jamie took a plane to Australia. It was a long flight and he was bored. He tried to talk to his neighbor, but they fell asleep. He then watched a few movies on his tablet to pass the time. When the plane landed, he was happy, but restless.
Jake always hated spiders. Jake's roommate Derek knew about this fear. Derek sprinkled Jake's entire bed with little plastic spiders. Jake screamed out in terror when he saw his bed. Derek caught the whole incident on video and plays it every day.
Tom was playing games in his room. His mother told him to do homework. He wanted to play games more. The next day his teacher yelled at him for not doing homework. Tom never neglected his homework again.
Melvin did not have electricity where he lived. Candles were used to illuminate the dark. Melvin ran out of matches however. He couldn't go into town this dark out. The darkness overcame him.
Kia was shopping for a used car. She found a promising one in the paper. But when she took it for a test drive, she got a surprise. The car clearly needed a new transmission and other parts. Kia decided the car wasn't good enough.
The kid got a new video game for his birthday. It was a game where the players shot zombies. His parents said it was too scary for him. They took the game away before he could play. The kid was so mad!
Neil took a ferry to the island of Tasmania. There he admired the beautiful beaches. The sands were white and lovely. But try as he might, Neil missed seeing one thing. He could not find any Tasmanian devils!
Clara was leaving home for her job interview. While she was on her way, Clara helped a stranger. When Clara arrived at her interview, she was surprised. The stranger she helped and the interviewer were the same person! Since Clara had already made a good impression, she got the job.
Matt has been working hard at his job. He worked so hard he became the top person in his work place. The workplace decided it was time to reward Matt for his hard work. The company gave him his very own car. He was very happy with it.
I thought I would send my son to kill the wasps by the mail box. I sent him up to the box with a full can of spray. He came back with a totally empty can. I was a bit annoyed and became more so when I went to the box. He did not kill a single wasp.
Tiffany loved shredded cheese and crackers in her soup. She asked her boyfriend to buy some at the store. When he got home, she dug through the bags. Disappointed, she asked him where the crackers and cheese was. Her boyfriend handed her cheese crackers with a big smile on his face.
He had a lot of work with spanish in it. He wanted to get into the mood. He ate mexican food for breakfast. He also played spanish music. He worked on it all day long.
Grace loved tulips. Her husband wanted to surprise her. One day in the fall he planted a bunch of tulip bulbs. Finally in the spring they all bloomed. He showed Grace her surprise and she loved them!
Jane got a new haircut. It was a short pixie cut. After she noticed a lot of people confused her for a boy. She would especially get called that from behind. Jane eventually grew her hair out.
Jill watched the merry go round as she waited to get on. She couldn't decide what animal she would ride. She thought maybe the white horse with a pink saddle. But the bunny was adorable. She rode it twice so she could try out both of them!
Edward was a professional football player. He was well-liked and very good at his position. Unfortunately during one game, he was struck very hard and passed out. The doctor told him he had nearly broken his neck and might have died. Edward was glad to have survived, but scared it might happen again.
Jill was hungry and decided to eat a sandwich. She made a peanut butter sandwich. Jill did not, however, check the expiration date on the bread. She ate the sandwich and became ill soon after. Jill went to the hospital and was diagnosed with salmonella.
Paul decided to try out for the school musical. He couldn't really sing, but danced fairly well. Paul was surprised when he was cast as one of the leads. He worked very hard and the play was a success. Paul even won an award at the drama banquet.
Kole's new girlfriend is Japanese. On their first date, her parents invite him to dinner. Kole has never had Japanese food. His girlfriend shows him how to use the chopsticks. Sushi is Kole's new favorite food.
My son watched Stranger Things on Netflix. He got interested in paranormal shows. He started watching X-Files. I gave him a book on the X-Files. He was happy.
Tom was walking around his apartment. It was night and dark. He stubbed his toe on an end table. Tom yelled so loud it woke his neighbors up. Luckily he wasn't seriously injured.
She knew she was a failure. Her parents always told her so. She tried hard sometimes, but it did no good. They continued to berate and judge her. She gave up, knowing it was what they wanted.
Tim tried to remember a melody he once heard. He sat at his electric keyboard and idly banged some tunes out. A better song took shape, that Tim went with. The tune he couldn't remember still tugged at his brain. Tim kept playing to try to figure out what it was.
The delivery man was riding a skateboard today. He threw several newspapers in the front of several houses. However, he hit a pipe on the ground and sled on his feet. He was unable to get up due to his injuries. His friend in the neighbor helped him get up and checked his wounds.
Some kids were playing with a talking doll. One of them got too rough with it and dropped it. The toy was damaged and its words were no longer intelligible. The kids decided to pretend the doll was speaking another language. They had fun translating the "words" to each other.
Carl and I've decided to go to the drive in. They packed the car and up drove to it. Once inside, they found a spot and parked. The movie was scary and Ivy felt afraid. They cuddled up and finished the movie til the end.
I eat way too much food on a daily basis. I consume about five thousand calories per day. It's becoming extremely unhealthy for me. My buddy has me on a diet plan to cut down my calorie intake. I've been on it for two weeks and I feel good.
Travis started an internship at a company 1,000 miles away from home. He enjoyed working there a lot. He made plenty of new friends. However, he was home sick to the core. He decided to quit his internship and head back home.
Lisa went laptop shopping yesterday. She went from store to store but couldn't find anything. Finally she found something at Apple. When she went home, it worked perfectly. She was thankful she bought it.
Tina was taking a science test. She was not prepared. She hardly studied. She kept it blank. She ended up failing.
Joanne loves to bake cookies with her grandmother. Every Christmas they bake dozens together. This year they are making chocolate chip, sugar and gingerbread. One Friday after Joanne got out of school they got to work. They baked cookies all afternoon.
I saw the new Star Wars movie this month. My four year old neighbor Joe is a big fan. He hasn't seen the movies but knows all about them. I told him I saw the new movie. He surprised me by saying he knew Hans Solo was killed.
Bob has been allergic to bananas all his life. He had avoided a major reaction for years. His new girlfriend forgot about Bob's allergy. She made Bob a dish that had a small amount of bananas in it. Bob ate the dish and ended up taking a trip to the emergency room.
Dan was walking home one night. As he pulled his hand out of his pocket, he dropped his keys. The keys fell into a storm drain. Dan immediately kneeled down to grab his keys. Luckily, they were still in arm's reach and he was able to grab them.
Alexis was an only child. One day, her mother had to go to the hospital. Alexis was a little afraid. Her mother was gone for a whole day. When she came home, she brought a brand new baby!
Lily hated mosquitoes! They flew around her room all night bothering her and keeping her up. Then she thought of a solution. She bought a big bug bomb, shut her door, and set it off in her room. Within an hour every mosquito was dead!
Fiona was driving her car one wintry day. She hit a patch of black ice. Her car started spinning uncontrollably. She had never felt so scared in her life. Her car stopped on a flat median.
Jane went to see an action superhero movie. There was a little boy sitting behind her. The boy kept kicking her chair and snickering. Jane finally turned around and swore at the boy. She was kicked out of the movie theater.
Reggie walked in on a group of people who were cutting themselves. He had never been in such a situation but wanted to seem ok with it. Hanging out with them he decided to try it for himself. He couldn't get the razor to cut and was told that it was upside down. He used it correctly but pushed too hard and a deep cut opened!
Robert was very concerned about the final grade in his class. He had not done as well as expected on the tests. The professor said he would not curve the grades. The final was especially hard and would not help his grade. Robert worried for nothing, since the grade ended up being curved.
Kathy decided to cook poppy seed chicken. She had never used her grandmother's recipe before. She bought all the ingredients and followed the recipe. She was excited when her kitchen began to smell good. Kathy tried the dish and it was great.
Sam was looking for his glasses. He couldn't see well without them. After a while he took a break and sat down. Same heard a crunching sound and felt something on his butt. He had sat on and broken his glasses.
I was unsure of where to go with my career. So, I decided to go back to school for Massage Therapy. I got great grades in school, and excelled in my studies. Toward the end of my schooling, my school shutdown. I was devastated, but decided to do massage therapy on my own.
Ross felt ready to have a cat. He went to the animal shelter and looked around. He saw a tiny kitten with big green eyes. He pet him slowly and the cat hissed. Ross went back home traumatized and saw he wasn't ready to have a cat.
Kia was terrified of her first plane ride. As the plane took off she almost fainted. But then she glanced out the window in awe. She realized how beautiful everything was! Kia decided plane rides weren't so bad after all.
Jane bought a new pair of pumps. She had only worn them out once. When she got home she noticed they were really scuffed up. Jane wasn't able to fully clean them. She decided not to buy that brand again.
It was James' wife's birthday. James wanted her to wake up happy. He slipped out of bed early and went to the kitchen. He made her a fresh breakfast of bacon and eggs. James' wife overslept and had to leave for work without eating.
I just finished reading Brighton, a murder mystery. The novel featured a lot of local stores and landmarks. I loved the novel, as I lived in Brighton for thirty years. After I read the book I toured the area to see the locations. Now I got excited by the news they might make a movie.
My wife retired last week. Her boss hired a replacement. She was to start work Monday. Yesterday my wife texted her old boss to see how things were going. Her boss said the replacement never showed up.
I went for a hike in the canyon yesterday morning. It was a warm, sunny morning so I only wore a flannel shirt. By noon, the weather changed to a nasty, windy, icy storm. I had to take shelter under a rock ledge for four hours! Finally reaching home, I vowed to never go hiking unprepared.
I wanted a poster of a famous movie star. However it was one hundred dollars. I could not afford such an expensive poster. I got on the computer. I was able to design a great poster that I could print for my room.
Two friends, Katie and Jon decided to rent an apartment together. Katy friend had wanted another kitten all her life. She asked her roommate to get a kitten. Jon said no, because he was allergic. Katy was sad, but understanding.
Ken lived with his dad. His first mom had disappeared years ago. Ken's dad fell in love again. He wanted to get married to the new woman. Ken hated the idea of a new mom but went along with it.
Tim got a new cat. The cat always ran from Tim. Tim bought a bright ball of yarn. The cat was curious. Then Tim and the cat played with the yarn together.
A boy grew up with all girls. He had a mother and 3 sisters. He did not get along with his sisters. One day he fell off his bike and broke his arm. His sisters brought him to the hospital and he liked them from then on
I have to exercise tomorrow. I need to get a good sleep tonight. I'm not sleeping well. That's making me stressed. I'm thinking about cancelling my workout.
Simon had just lost a tooth that day. He was very proud and put it under his pillow. At night, he faked to be asleep to catch the tooth fairy. When he saw his mom slip money under his pillow, he smiled. So the mystery was solved: his mother was the tooth fairy!
My wife's iPhone was running out of memory. Our son went with her yesterday to get a new iPhone. He backed up the old phone onto my computer. When they came home he put the old phone's data into the new one. She complained some of her songs did not get backed up.
Tom was walking around his neighborhood. A dog he didn't recognize popped up. Tom noticed it was growling and ravenous looking. He slowly walked away while he was far enough. After that he ran into safety.
Suzy was thrilled to be getting her first ipad today. She opened the box and immediately plugged it in. As it turned on, she felt elated. For the next three hours Suzy could not stop playing with it. She immediately thanked her boyfriend for buying it for her.
Sally's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sally heard about a run to support breast cancer. Sally trained hard for weeks before the run. Sally completed the run with her mom cheering her on from the sideline. Sally hugged her mom at the end of the run.
Rose wanted to learn to knit. She asked her grandma to teach her. Her grandma helped her start making a simple scarf. Rose knit on the scarf until she was all out of yarn. Unfortunately, by then it was over 16 feet long!
Hel was an excellent runner during his high school years. He would run with the best and beat the best with ease. He was drafted to fight the Vietnam war and fight he did. During a great battle he ran to save 50 wounded soldiers. He was awarded the medal of honor for his braved and selfless deeds.
The Oakland Raiders will be back this season. They have a solid offensive line and a star quarterback. With Denver taking a step back, Oakland should win their division. They have an easy schedule and face no real challenges. With pro football a month away, this is the Raider's year.
Hannah was assigned a group project with some of her classmates. Once she met with them, she realized that they were very lazy. Hannah was forced to do all of the work for the project. She decided she was going to tell her professor what happened. The professor decided to not give her classmates credit for her work.
I found a job offering online and decided to submit an application. I spent nearly an hour filling out my application. After it was all completed I submitted the application. I went back and noticed that they were not hiring in my area. I was very upset that I spent all that time for nothing.
Bonnie wanted to look amazing for prom. She did her makeup very carefully, including fake eyelashes. Halfway through the prom she went into the ladies room. She noticed right away that one of her lashes had fallen off. She looked very odd with mis-matched eyelashes.
Ben came home one day and found a huge mess. His plants were knocked over and newspaper was everywhere, shredded. Ben called for his dog sternly. But his dog was hiding and did not come to him. It knew it had done something bad!
Alexia was nervous for her soccer tournament. She played goalie and she was afraid her team would lose. However much to her surprise the team did very well. She made sure to block every goal from the other team. As a reality
Jeff learned guitar. He practiced for years. He formed a band at last. They got really popular. He made his own signature guitars.
Steve dared his friend Dave to jump into a very dirty river. Dave didn't want Steve to think he was a wimp. Right away he jumped right in. Later he found he'd contracted a bad illness from the dirty water. Dave regretted caring so much about what people thought of him.
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