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Samantha was having trouble with her math homework. No matter what she did she couldn't figure it out. Tomorrow she also had a math test! Seeing her upset, her dad came in to help. She finished her homework and got an A on the test! |
Ray entered his dog in a dog show but didn't think he would win. He took one of the judges aside and tried to plead with him. The judge told him he could not be moved by his words. Ray took out his wallet and made his case again. The grinned and told Ray he understood his problem better now. |
One day, Alexis saw a bunny in her yard. She ran outside to see the bunny more closely. The bunny hopped away. The next time Alice saw the bunny, she was very still. She was able to watch the bunny for a long time. |
Mary couldn't fall asleep. She knew if she didn't sleep she'd be groggy tomorrow. She took a sleep pill. It worked! But the next day, the sleep pill made her so groggy. |
Lisa loved turkey. She saw some new kind of turkey at the grocery store. She was curious as to what it was. Lisa saw it was herbed. When she tried it she loved it. |
Allie lost her leg in an accident. She had to get it removed. It was painful. But luckily she got a prosthetic. It worked great. |
I was walking in the park when I saw a very attractive guy. I was so captivated by him that I tripped and fell on the ground. The guy immediately came over and helped me up. My heart pounded as our eyes met. He smiled at me and invited me out to dinner. |
Abby learned to swim at the local YMCA. Her friend Carl invited her to swim at his house. Abby and Carl had a great time in the pool but they forgot sunscreen. Both of them looked like lobsters when they got out of the pool. The next day they missed school because they were hurting so bad. |
Rachel was going camping with her family. She wanted to invite some friends but couldn't! Her parents were being very strict about it. When they were going her parents said she could invite one person. She invited Laura and they had a great time. |
Nancy's friends expected her to swim since she's an adult. Nancy felt too embarrassed to tell anyone. Sam and Earl picked her up. They threw her in the pool. Everyone became alert when she started to splash the water. |
Bernie had no family and no friends. He was a very sad and lonely man. He spent most of his time alone in his apartment. One day he decided to learn the guitar. Now Bernie plays blues songs and wallows in his self-pity daily. |
I was feeling pretty hungry. I took a trip to the grocery store to figure out what I wanted to eat. Right in the front of the store they had already made pizza dough. I bought some dough, and got the other ingredients as well. I went home and made a delicious pepperoni pizza! |
The dog walked up happily. She wagged her little tail. The couple started to pet her. She suddenly growled and nipped their hands. The couple jumped back in shock. |
Sara was getting married. She needed a bouquet, fast! Her neighbor offered Sara roses from his garden. Sara picked them gratefully. She had a lovely fresh rose bouquet for her wedding! |
Ziggy the dog sits on the floor near the table during meals. One time my husband got up before the meal was over. He forgot to push his chair all the way in. Ziggy jumped up onto the chair. He ran off with a piece of chicken from the plate. |
Late one night, Tom heard a noise coming from the kitchen. He crept through the house quietly. When he turned the corner to the kitchen, he saw a cat! A cat had come through an open window and was eating leftover cake. Tom shooed the cat away and closed the window. |
Jesse was a middle age man with 2 kids. He was going through some kind of mid life crisis. He went out and bought a motorcycle to feel young again. While out riding he had an accident. He returned the bike and his wild ways were over for good. |
Howard had just moved to Germany from the US. He did not speak very much German. This caused him some amount of trouble. He committed himself to studying the German language every day. After a few months, he could satisfactorily carry on a conversation. |
Andrew really wanted to go surfing. He couldn't wait to get out of school. The school bell rung. He ran quickly to the beach. He had the time of his life. |
Rick already worked a full-time job. But he wanted to make more money. So he enrolled in school. There, he earned a certificate for metal working. Then he got a $4 raise at his job! |
Jack thought his car looked too boring. He decided that it needed more accessories. Jack went to a car accessories store. He bought new rims and a spoiler. Now jack is more satisfied with how his car works. |
Alex was five Year's old. Today was the first day of September. Alex woke up and dressed in a new and carefully selected outfit. Alex and the whole family walked out to the bus stop. When the bus came Alex boarded it and then waved to the family. |
Alison hates turtles. Allison's class went on a field trip to a zoo. They saw many turtles. Alison almost threw up from looking at the turtles. She was very glad when they left the zoo. |
Alicia had her first gymnastics competition. She was rather nervous. As she went on the balance beam she started shifting. She lost her balance and fell off. She ended up spraining her ankle |
Linda was busy studying for a long test. She did not have time to eat. Her stomach began growling during the exam. But her kind teacher tossed her a granola bar. Afterwards, Linda never forgot to eat before class. |
Dave is an extremely loud person. He likes to listen to Selena Gomez late into the night. Damian is fed up with having to live with Dave. He uses earplugs and white noise to cope, but it isn't enough. Damian decides he would rather be homeless. |
Bryan was bored during the summer and watched videos on youtube. Bryan saw a woodcarving video and decided to try it. Bryan wasn't very good, but he decided to practice hard. He watched a lot of videos and read books. By the end of the summer, he was a competent woodcarver. |
My sister dropped my nephew off at 9 AM. I took him out to breakfast at his favorite breakfast spot. After eating we went to the playground. He slid down the slide for two hours. We walked home and took a nap. |
Tammy and her family wanted to take a vacation this year. They looked around and decided to go to the mountains. It was very nice there and everyone enjoyed it. They had a great time at the cabin. The end of their trip came and they were all so glad to have come. |
Chad was traveling to Florida for the weekend. Chad wanted a unique experience, so he rented a guest house. When Chad arrived at the house, he felt welcomed. He had a breakfast basket waiting, and various treats. Chad was glad he choose to stay in a guest house. |
I am in another state doing a job, sleeping on an air mattress. I never realized air mattresses were so good. I slept great in it every night. One day, it felt as if it were losing air. I soon discovered all it had a self pumping mechanism that I used. |
My autistic son refused to sleep in his own bed. He told me he needed to be covered better. I bought him a bunk bed hoping it would help. Instead, he saw a pop up tent that would zip around his bed. We put it on and he slept like a baby. |
Tom always wanted to be a dancer. He joined a local competition. He quickly realized he was out of his element. He didn't do too well. Tom decided to train harder. |
Tommy was pitching in the big game. His coach told him to throw a lot of curve balls. The other team had an amazing batter who never misses. Tommy threw three curve balls and struck him out. Tommy's coach was beyond proud of him. |
Randy was at an Indian restaurant. But he wasn't sure what to order. He remembered that saag paneer was a popular dish. So he ordered that with naan. Randy had never eaten anything so good before. |
Jane need to get something from the store. But she was late for an appointment. She grabbed her things quickly and headed to checkout. She thought it would be quick. Unfortunately the lines were all the way back to the aisles. |
On July 11th, the management sent electricians into our apartment. They replaced the hall ceiling lights with led bulbs. The procedure took only ten minutes. The hallway was much lighter, and not as pleasant. We did not argue with the energy efficiency approach, however. |
The weather was nice outside. Tom knew of a perfect place to go picking apples. He invited friends and they carried baskets. They got dozens of fresh apples. Tom ate apples for weeks. |
Neil wanted to shop for his family. He flew to Singapore, where he had heard great deals abounded. He found tons of clothes and jewelry at great prices. He shipped them all home to his family. He could not wait for them to receive his gifts! |
Alex had homework due tomorrow. Alex had procrastinated all week and had to pull an all-nighter. Alex went to class uplifted that he managed to finish on time. After checking the homework page, Alex realized he did the wrong set. Alex stormed out to re-do his homework at home. |
Isabella was outside blowing bubbles. Her mom told her it was time to come in. Isabella blew a few more bubbles. Then she had to go in and get washed up. It was time for dinner. |
Aria went out with her friends, dancing and drinking. She had lots and lots of drinks during the night. The next morning, she awoke feeling awful. Aria was suffering a severe hangover! She vowed never to drink that much again. |
Gina lived on a corner with 2 churches across the street. One day a fence was put up around one of the churches. Gina walked over to read the sign on the fence. The church was going to be demolished. Gina hated the church bells, but she was still sad to see it go. |
Jim packed all of his things and planned for his camping trip. He loaded everything into the car and was sure he had everything. As he unpacked he realized that he had forgotten his sleeping bag! He asked all around and a man had an extra bag. Jim now has a sleeping bag and is snuggled up by the fire. |
Sam wanted to be an artist. He drew portraits of his friends all the time. He later on started putting it online. He started getting a lot of exposure and people wanted to pay him. Now he makes a legitimate living off art. |
Tom used his phone's alarm to wake up. One morning he realized the alarm never went off. Tom's phone had died even though he had it plugged in. Tom realized the charger was broken. He replaced it as soon as possible. |
Henry made fun of his sister for walking on the basketball court. He told her that she has no reason for coming. His sister became frustrated and challenged him to a game. They competed to see who can score 21 points first. Before Henry got to 10 points, his sister won the match. |
Holly always wanted a turtle. She asked her parents for a turtle one day. Her parents said she needed to work for it. Holly did a lot of chores to earn money. She bought a turtle the next day. |
Evelyn had been delivering cookies all week. Something was wrong because she was short a few boxes. She searched everywhere and was truly baffled. Finally she remembered that they had been moved inside. She finished up her deliveries as planned. |
The room was orange and dirty. Linda picked out new paint for the walls. She first had to patch the holes and paint the trim. She painted the walls a bright new pale yellow. With pictures hung on the freshly painted walls, it looked like home. |
Tom wanted to treat his wife to something special. Tom bought tickets to a Broadway show. Tom also paid for hotel accommodations in New York City. When he told his wife they were going she nearly fainted. They both had a blast in the Big Apple. |
Lulu got in a cab to go to meet her friend. There was a ton of traffic. Quickly, she felt a slight jolt. The cab crashed into the car in front of them. Thankfully she was okay though. |
Sue was having one of those mornings where nothing looked good. She tried on 11 different outfits. A mountain of clothes accumulated on her bed. She realized she was late for work when she looked at the clock. Sue ended up just wearing the first outfit she tried on. |
Joni was making a cake. She realized she was out of eggs. Joni called her husband. She asked him to bring home eggs. Joni made the cake later that night. |
Marvin called a repairman to his house. His air conditioner seemed to be struggling. It was almost 80 degrees in his house. The repairman replaced a part. By that evening, the house was a cool 72 degrees. |
My family decided to try something new for Christmas. They decided we would draw names out of a hat and buy one gift. I drew my crazy uncle Jim's name out of the hat. The only thing I knew that he loved was the show Cops and beer. So I bought him too much beer and he ended up on Cops season 27. |
Sienna was trying to lose weight. She went on a strict diet. Sienna lost ten pounds in the first month. She was inspired to do even better. She continued to diet for five more months. |
Cody had really nice skin until he was about 8 years old. Shortly after his 8th birthday his skin began to itch. As time went on his skin began to peel and it would cause him pain. He went to the Doctor who ordered tests which showed he had eczema. He was then prescribed special lotions and now his skin is better. |
Stan was driving to Florida from Michigan by himself. He was going to Florida to attend his daughter's soccer games. He was worried about driving that far on his own but knew he had to. Stan fell asleep at the wheel and got into a bad accident. He passed away two days after the accident. |
Shawn graduated high school in 1988. He took a year off before he returned to school in the fall of 1989. That fall, he was a freshman at Delaware State University. He took core classes but said they were all too easy. One semester later, he dropped out of school and joined the workforce. |
The snow had begun falling. Winter had finally arrived in the sleepy town. A layer of fine snow covered the roads and sidewalks. It felt cozy and like home to everyone. Winter was a beautiful time in the small town. |
I was walking with Rich around the woods. Winter was just ending. We crunched through the snow to a pond. Rich stepped out onto the ice. It gave way when I did and I ended up soaked. |
Sue ordered coffee. She knew it would be hot. She went to take a sip and forgot it was hot. Sue burned her tongue. She decided to be more careful. |
I was invited to go on a hike. It was fun. However it was very long. Not to mention strenuous. I could hardly go through it. |
It was the day of Shannon's wedding. She was terrified, but excited. She waited in the dressing room until the wedding planner called her. She walked down the aisle with her father. When it was time, she said her I do. |
I came to school mad since I barely got sleep last night. My friend greeted me and I gave her a mean look. The next day, she began to ignore me. However, I told her what happened during the day I was mad. She understood because she thought that I was mad at her. |
Felix wanted to go to disney world. One day he won two tickets for entry. He invited his friend Alissa. Alissa hated disney. He ended up going alone. |
Belle lost her keys. She arrived home from work but she couldn't get in. She checked her windows, but they were all locked. She had to call a locksmith for help. The locksmith let Bella into her house. |
The principal decided to take a trip to Ms.Diana's class. When he looked inside, the kids were playing video games. Ms.Diana was resting on her desk with her head down. The principal was furious and pulled her out of class. She received a short suspension. |
Johnny sat at his desk staring at his book desolate. He wracks his brain for any idea but nothing comes. He begins his story with a boy much like himself. Minding his punctuation he makes quick work of it. Now tired from the work he rests knowing he has finished his homework. |
Nicole had a boyfriend. She ended up pregnant. She didn't know what to do. She told her family. Everyone was very supportive! |
Kim was visiting Florida. She was driving along and saw a thicket of coconut trees! She pulled over and picked one for herself. But then she encountered a problem: it was impossible to open! Finally Kim gave up and just bought a coconut at the local market! |
Michelle was always so negative. She had a boyfriend, but they were shaky due to her attitude. One day, they got into a huge fight. Her boyfriend was fed up, and he left her. She finally decided to improve her attitude after this. |
My son started school yesterday. He was starting kindergarten. He was really nervous but excited. He made a lot of new friends! He came home very happy! |
Jim had no air conditioner in his house. The summer day was very hot. Jim found an old fan to cool him off. He put the fan right on him. He kept cool all summer. |
Sam was DJ at a wedding last week. They kept asking him to play the same songs over and over again. He got frustrated and told them he wouldn't anymore. The people requesting them got equally upset. Sam didn't budge and played other music instead. |
Terry was addicted to painkiller medication provided by her boyfriend. She loved the man but at the same time knew his poisonous love. She decided to cut him off and try to get off the pills. Instead of offering help he felt betrayed and left on his way. She caved in and was back with him within the day, an addict to love. |
The puppy had a frisbee. It loved to play chase in the grass. It played with it's owner every day. One day the frisbee got stuck. The puppy pouted until a new frisbee was bought. |
Matt and Brittany went camping one day. They packed their car and drove up north to a campsite. They set up their tent and cooked food by a fire. Later, they made smores! The next day, they drove back home. |
Cal was chosen to give the speech for the graduating class. He spent months polishing it. He started off by saying something controversial. Before he could resolve the tension the mic's power cut out. Everyone thought Cal was a real jerk for what they'd heard him say. |
I bought a can of almonds to snack on at work. I put them under my desk so no one would see them. When I went to go find them, they were gone. I screamed at everyone because i could not find them. I felt bad when I saw them still under my desk behind a book. |
Tom had two cats. He ran out of cat food one day. Tom tried feeding them human food. They didn't like anything he gave them. Tom eventually just bought cat food. |
At magic kingdom I went on splash mountain. The ride was very scary. At first the ride was slow. But when we had the drops I was screaming. I didn't want to go back on it. |
Jane loved to read. Her mother gave her a book for her birthday. She spent the whole day reading. She fell in love with the story. When she finally finished, she felt sad it was over. |
The kids were making a fun snack. They made Jello and then cut shapes out of it. They jiggled it around while they ate. It was cold and yummy! They were proud that they'd made it on their own. |
Tina was quite a strong connection with her dog. She claimed to always know what he was thinking. Once, she demonstrated this to me. She stared at him for 2 minutes then said to me that he was hungry. I couldn't disagree with that however I don't think she was psychic. |
Maggie and her friends headed over to Qdoba to eat lunch. The girls loved that restaurant very much. They always got nachos and filled them up. The food was delicious. They had so much left over they had to take it home. |
Carol woke up in the middle of the night. A loud noise jolted her awake. She went to investigate. She noticed a cat had dropped a potted plant. It broke and made the cat screech. |
Alex slumped her way into the courtroom. She'd used household cleaner instead of lemon peels to make lemonade. She now found herself being sued by a lot of angry people. She faced all of the ones who'd come to the courtroom. Alex surprised them all by faking a very sincere sounding apology. |
Lydia was wearing white pants one day at work. She was eating spaghetti for lunch. She spilt tomato sauce on her pants. Lydia shrugged it off. She told everyone that the stains were a fashion statement. |
Tom was hungry for a snack. It was late and he didn't want to cook. He decided on cheese and crackers. Unfortunately Tom found the cheese had grown hard. He gave up and went to sleep instead. |
Tom had a cat. One day he found a mouse in the house. Tom tried to save the mouse from the cat. Unfortunately he was too slow. Tom's cat took the mouse out. |
Will had very bad teeth. He was very embarrassed of them. He went to the dentist. The dentist fixed his teeth. Will has a great smile. |
The kids were placed with Janie. She took care of them for weeks. Then their paternal grandmother wanted them. She went to court to fight for them. The grandmother lost due to abuse. |
Jill decided that she wasn't going to do homework anymore. She felt that it was not productive. Jill's parents intervened and told Jill she had to do it anyway. Jill tried to show them research about homework's effectiveness. Jill's parents were unswayed, and Jill had to do the work she missed. |
Susan wanted some coffee. She went into the kitchen and looked at the pot. She filled the pot with water and put in coffee grounds. Then she turned it on. Soon there was coffee. |
Will's dream was to own a pizza shop in his neighborhood. He decided to quit his insurance job, and bought a small restaurant. He spent months perfecting his pizza recipe. He opened his restaurant for business, and people flooded in! It was best decision of his life. |
Kylie was moving to a brand new state. When she first left home she was devastated to go. In the middle of the trip she felt more bittersweet and bored. But as they neared their new home she felt excited. She could tell right away that the move was a good thing. |
Kate was driving to school. She was running a bit late. She was low on gas. She decided not to stop to get more. She barely made it to school before stalling out. |
Jim took a long road trip. He stopped at a restaurant in the middle of nowhere. When Jim got back into his car, he realized the battery died. He tried and tried to start the car. With his last try, he was able to get the car started again. |
Subsets and Splits