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Pat went out for a jog on a sunny day. He went through a large field of grass. Up ahead of Pat was a fence in the field. Pat sped up and tried to jump over it. His foot caught the top of the fence and Pat fell on his face. |
Ross was on a trip to the beach. It was still early morning but he couldn't sleep. He decided he should get up to see the sunrise. He walked over to the beach and waited. The sunrise was bright and beautiful on the shore. |
Betty had a huge crush on Ben, a boy in her science class. She hoped he'd be paired with her in their upcoming lab project. But to her dismay, the teacher said they could choose their partners! She was wondering glumly who might agree to partner with her. Then, hesitantly, Ben asked her to partner with him! |
Harry left his house for work. Harry did not realize that someone was stalking the place. The person robbed Harry's house. Harry went home. Harry saw that he had been robbed and had contacted the police. |
Billy loved collecting postage stamps. His grandpa got him into it. Billy went to visit his Grandpa yesterday. They had a great time looking at all the old stamps. Billy and his Grandpa enjoyed spending time together. |
Sue has a Spanish test at the end of the week. She has studied for days. She was still nervous. When she got to class, she reviewed her notes again. Sue knew she passed her test. |
Rene was getting mad at her neighbors. They were far too loud. Rene wanted to complain. She called them up. They told her they were sorry. |
Karen had been trying to get pregnant for over a year. She finally made an appointment with the doctor. While waiting to go in, she had a special feeling in her belly. When the doctor finished his check up, he gave her a big smile. He told her the news that she was indeed pregnant! |
Carl loved to hike. His favorite hiking spot was in the Smoky Mountains. Carl spotted a mountain lion while hiking the mountains. He was scared stiff and didn't move. The lion passed him by and Carl ran back to his camp. |
Sarah loved horses a lot. She had four of her own horses. One day Sarah wanted to ride her horses. She decided to saddle the horses. After watching videos, Sarah rode her horses. |
Todd had a special pillow that he loved sleeping with. He went on vacation and forgot to pack his pillow. Todd tried sleeping with the pillow at the hotel. He had trouble falling asleep. The next day, Todd had to go to the store to find a better pillow. |
The students lined up in their graduation caps. They entered the gym as Pomp and Circumstance played. They assembled in a line beside the stage. The principal called out the students' names. Each child received their diploma and shook the principal's hand. |
Tim was driving. It had been raining for days. ONe of the roads had deep water. Tim tried to drive through but failed. His car stalled out half way. |
Keri was brought in as a panelist on a talkshow. She was told that she would be discussing French history. She studied it for weeks in preparation. On the show she was only asked one question. She forgot the answer to it because of nervousness. |
My father had intense squeezing in his chest. He was having a heart attack. He woke up on the ground next to his truck. He had no idea what had happened. He didn't even go to a doctor. |
Kelsey was planning on moving cross country in a few days. She was all packed up and ready to go, despite needing more boxes. Suddenly, UHaul was out of trucks, and she had no options. Her car also was broke down, and she was highly worried. She was so mad, she canceled the trip and unpacked. |
Ana hated doing laundry. She put it off as long as she could. When all her clothes were dirty, she went to the laundromat. She sat there for hours doing the wash. Ana was relieved when she finally finished. |
Greg was starting his new job today. He didn't know what to expect of the experience. Greg was really nervous about his new position. He started and had a really great first day. Greg learned not to be so nervous. |
Sarah was reading a book one evening. She decided to take a break from reading. Sarah set her book on her living room table. The book caught on fire from being close to a lit candle. Sarah had to put the fire out with a bucket of water. |
Maria wanted to buy her mother something special. She looked at the necklaces in the jeweler's case. She settled on a beautiful ruby necklace. The jeweler wrapped it up for her. She couldn't wait to give it to her mother. |
Alex stood at the base of the tree and looked up into the branches. He reached for one limb and started to climb. Halfway up the tree, he inched out onto one particular limb. The kite dangled on the end and he dragged it closer. His friends cheered when Alex safely retrieved the kite. |
Dan needed to get rid of things. He decided to have a garage sale. He was able to sell lots of things. He made a bit of money. Dan decided to have another yard sale next week. |
Sam woke up early for school. He had a test early in the morning. He studied all night for the test. He just barely missed the school bus as it passed his house. Sam missed his test because he got to school late. |
Tonya is the best kickball player in my gym class. The boys didn't believe her when she said she could kick a home run. When she stepped up to the plate, she was ready. She kicked the ball so far that everyone on the bases made it home! Next time, I want Tanya to be on my team. |
I was trying to get some sleep as a little girl. But all of the sudden I was awaken to flashing lights in my room. Apparently the neighbor's house was on fire. The entire house was in flames. Thankfully the fire department was trying to keep it down. |
Lila felt really alone. She had just switched schools. She didn't know anyone. She decided to join the school paper. She made a lot of new friends there. |
Tim closed down his laptop after finally typing the last word. He stretched for a long time, massaging aches and pains away. Finally, he pushed away from the desk, his old steady companion. Smiling to himself, he realized he was a free man. The book was finished he thought as he walked out of the room. |
I lost use of my left hand in 2011. I had trouble opening jars and bottles. I used my feet with limited success. I found a device that sits on the counter and lets me open jars. This device has proven to be very helpful to me. |
Judy always liked to wear her hair in curls. One morning before school she woke up way too late. With no time to do her hair she needed a quick solution. She put her hair into one tie and curled it all in one strand. Luckily this somehow worked and the curls looked great. |
My boss gave me a company phone. It was brand new so I was excited to use it. I realized that the phone had terrible service. I tried to ask for a new phone but my boss told me no. I got angry and smashed the phone on the floor. |
Tom decided that he wanted to get a dog. He went to his local animal shelter. Walking in he saw a shy scared dog in a corner. He told the worker that was the one he wanted. With a wagging tail the dog smothered him in kisses as a thank you. |
Alicia was sitting in her apartment by herself. All of the sudden her friends told her they were downstairs. Alicia was frantic. She didn't know what to do because she had not cleaned up. She quickly had to put stuff together and she was nervous. |
Marvin was a very lonely guy. All he did in his spare time was watch birds with his binoculars. He worried he'd never meet a girl. One day at the park, a woman showed up with binoculars. She asked if they could watch birds together and they held hands. |
Lauren was taking photos of her son outside. It was his first birthday and she wanted some nice pictures. Suddenly, the camera shut off. When she turned it on, she got an error message and it wouldn't work. She tried her best to fix it but it appeared to be permanently broken. |
Jamie was riding her horse in the woods one day. A snack came out of the brush and scared the horse. The horse threw Jamie from the saddle and she broke her arm. Jamie had to wait for her arm to heal and was unable to ride. After several weeks Jamie was back to riding her horse. |
Sam wanted a painting for his apartment. He went to some art galleries to look around. He couldn't figure out what to get. He asked someone working for help. They were able to pick out a painting that fit Sam's needs. |
Bob got a phone call. He'd forgotten to pay his water bill. He rushed to the water department to give them the money. Without it, they'd shut his water off. Bob got there just in time. |
My wife used to beat me with sticks. I was embarrassed because I'm a man. I suffered the beatings in silence. Finally I had my wife arrested for beating me. I learned that my wife is a Domestic Terrorist. |
Kim had trouble sleeping one night. She closed her eyes. But she kept hearing an owl. She fell asleep at 4 AM. And saw an owl at her window when she woke up at noon. |
Joss Whedon had created two hit movies. He signed into his Twitter account and had dozens of mean messages. One tweet said he was going to die, another said his movies suck. Whedon closed his Twitter account and stopped using social media. At a panel about his films, a fan begged him to come back to Twitter. |
Derek made macaroni and wants to spice it up a little. He tried a little garlic but it wasn't the right spice. He tried Onions but the macaroni didn't mix well. He eventually added a little pepper and he loved it. Derek now puts pepper on the macaroni every time. |
Janet was trying to watch a movie with her boyfriend. He decided to eat some chips. The loud crunching sounds were annoying her. She asked him to be quiet. He couldn't chew quieter so he just stopped eating. |
Jenny has been very hot all summer. She has an air conditioner, but it's a window unit. It doesn't put out enough power to cool her whole house. Jenny bought another window unit for the kitchen. Now her whole house is cool this summer. |
Louis noticed a homeless person in his building lobby. He tried to awaken the man, but had no luck. They had no choice but to call the police. The cops came and they forced the guy out of the lobby. Louis felt bad for the guy, but relieved he was gone. |
Jeb was hungry so he decided to make a pizza. He bought the dough, sauce and cheese. He then realized he did not have an oven! He cried to himself. Then he decided to order from a pizza parlor! |
I lost my job. I had difficulty buying healthy food because of a lack of money. I contacted a local service agency for help. They agency referred me to a food bank. I registered at the bank and received nutrition food. |
My building sponsors a high school art fair every year. One year I read that a student had died in a car accident. She was listed as one of the exhibitors. I found her artwork and prayed before it. It was a sad moment. |
Ben is on a camping trip with his family. Ben starts to wander off the campsite away from the tent. Ben notices he has wandered off too far. Panic sets in but then he remembers his compass and he uses it. He gets back to the campsite to be with his family. |
Candace was trying to put her toddler to bed. He wouldn't sleep without his special blanket. They couldn't find it, despite looking everywhere. Then, the tot had an idea. He looked in the car and found his blanket there. |
Bobby hated vegetables with a passion. Over the summer his mom had him grow a little garden. He tended to his plants every day. Finally there were vegetables ready. Beans, broccoli and carrots tasted better when you grew them! |
It was so hot outside! Bobby wanted to stay in the air conditioning. But his mother insisted he go outside. She set up his slip and slide for him and his friends. It was dinner time before they knew it! |
Sam was leaving to surprise his girlfriend in China tomorrow. He had his plane ticket for months. In the middle of packing he gets a knock at his door. His girlfriend showed up to surprise him. He would have been a bit more excited if his ticket was refundable. |
Shawn is out shopping one day. He needed a good pair of jeans at the Mall. After buying his jeans he walks by an animal shop and sees a dog. Shawn falls in love with the dog at the store. Shawn buys the dog and the two become best friends. |
Lucas took out a cigarette and lit it. He flicked it into the trash. As he walked away, the trash caught on fire. Lucas tried to put it out but the flames rose and burned an awning. As the building started going up in flames, Lucas fled the scene. |
John examined the body. It bore traces of arsenic in the blood. John concluded that the cadaver had been poisoned. He told the chief his findings. The chief said it was a suicide and not to look into it. |
Tommy's laptop was too slow to even run Minecraft. Tommy's mom suggested he earn money to buy a new computer. Tommy opened a lemonade stand in front of his house. Because Tommy's lemonade was delicious, his stand was a huge success. Within a week, he had earned enough money to buy a better computer. |
Tony walked up to Sandra in the hallway. He had always had a crush on Sandra. Today Tony got up the nerve to ask her out. He asked her out and she said yes. Tony couldn't believe it. |
Sam was feeling pretty sluggish during the day. He felt like he had no energy and needed something. He went to the store to find something that might help. Sam saw a display for energy drinks and decided to try one. During the day he started feeling better and had more energy. |
James was getting gas at the gas station. He suddenly noticed he was locked out of his car. He called the police for help. An officer came to help him get access to his car. The police officer was able to reach his keys with a clothes hanger. |
Ben was training to become a police officer. He had to take tests about crime scene investigations. On one test, Ben noticed a shoe print at the crime scene. He investigated this clue thoroughly. After the results, it dawned on him that it was his own footprint. |
Terry aspired to be a chef. His father is one. He decided he would continue the business. He soaked up all the info from his dad. He took over the business. |
Neil was traveling in Morocco. He decided to send his family a postcard. He visited a souvenir shop and picked a lovely one. Then he filled it out and dropped it in the mail. He couldn't wait for his family to read his happy message! |
Judy didn't like her hair. Everyone of her girl friend said it looked nasty and damaged. Judy was too poor to get a hairdo. A man with lots of money told Judy he would pay for her haircut. Judy gets a new hairdo with the help of the generous man. |
Maria was on a trip in Hawaii. She really wanted to swim with a dolphin. She looked all over but was having trouble finding a place. Finally she found a place to do it. She was able to fulfill her wish. |
Susy had never gotten a manicure done before. So she decided she was going to get it done. Her friend Tina took her. When they got to the salon they worked on her nails. Susy had never seen such pretty nails in her life. |
Tim was going grocery shopping. He wrote down a list of what he needed. Tim forgot the list at home. Tim picked up everything he remembered. Tim forgot a few items on his list. |
I was late for school everyday. I liked to walk slowly to enjoy the scenery. My teacher said if I was late again, I would fail the class. I decided to walk fast everyday. I was never late again. |
Kim wanted to buy a car. Her parents gave her an allowance but not enough to save for a car. Kim decided to look for a job to earn money. She looked on-line at many employers. Kim was hired to a job and saved enough money for her car. |
My sister in law had an elderly friend, Vera. Vera had bought a tram for her husband. A tram is a special medical unit for the disabled. Vera's husband could not use it, and wanted to sell it. I was able to sell it on ebay for $1000. |
Paula loved how peaceful her neighborhood was at night. One night, she awoke to blue lights flashing outside her windows. She went outside to see what had happened. A policeman told her a man had died when he crashed into her tree. Paula's neighborhood never seemed as peaceful after that. |
Jerry was going to the mall. He was about ready to park. He then accidentally hit another car. He got nervous. He ran away. |
Sam and Don were arguing because their computer would not turn on. Sam blamed Don because Don used it last. Don asserted himself by slamming his hand on the computer. The computer turned on. And Sam apologized to Don. |
I was at the dog park yesterday. I saw all these people with dogs that looked like their kin. I was thinking how weird it is that people look so much like dogs. I'm scratching my head I look down to see my dog with a similar itch. I now realize I too am one of those dog people. |
Abby got a new doll for her Birthday. She named her doll Susie. Abby carried her Susie everywhere. One morning she woke and her doll was gone. She jump up looked down Susie just rolled out of bed. |
Nell was searching her whole school frantically looking for her book. She couldn't remember which classroom she had left it in! Her friends and teachers helped her look, but no one found it. Finally she had to give up and walk sadly home. And there, waiting on her bed, she discovered her lost book! |
I once walked into a small Paris shop and asked for soap for hair. The shopkeeper looked at me strangely and wrote down an address. I traveled halfway across the city to the store. This time when I asked, I was given a bottle with a horse on it. Turns out I had confused the French words for horse and hair. |
Marcus has been dreading going to his job at the coffee shop. He puts off getting out of bed as long as he can. Finally he gets out of bed and goes to work. When he gets to the coffee shop, he finds it is not that bad. He wonders why he dreaded going to work so much. |
Caleb was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. He was freaking out over sensory items and sounds. He fell to his knees at the loud roar of a motorcycle, covering ears. He ran to me for comfort afterward. I held him until he felt better. |
Clara missed eighty days of work during 2015 due to a chronic illness. She received a termination of employment letter from her employer. Fearing discrimination, she never told her employer about her illness. Clara went to her workplace and told her boss that she had an illness. Her boss understood and gave Clara her job back. |
Sam wanted to bake a cake for his friend's birthday. He checked his ingredients and saw he had no milk. Sam decided to just use water instead. When the cake was finished he presented it to his friend. She said it looked good and tasted okay. |
A family went camping in the woods. They saw a bear in the camp area. They took a picture of the bear with a cell phone. They showed the picture of the bear to the park ranger. The ranger went immediately to look for the bear. |
Oliver didn't know what size pot he needed for the roast. He shopped around and eventually decided to buy three. The first pot was very big and the second was very small. The third pot was just right. Unfortunately, he spent all his money on pots. |
Kim had taken down her hair. Her mother had warned her to leave her hair alone. When her mom saw she was very angry. Kim knew she was in trouble. Kim was sent to her room without dessert. |
John was just about done with the installation. It had taken him nearly two days to install the skylight. He was on the roof with a water hose in his hand. He turned on the hose as he crossed his fingers for luck. A smile spread on his face as the kitchen remained dry. |
I stupidly decided to bleach my hair yesterday. I wants to dye it blonde so I bleached it first. I kept the bleach on for too long unfortunately. My scalp started to burn and my hair was falling out in clumps. I definitely learned my lesson. |
Jack has lost his cellphone. He has searched the entire house multiple times. Jack was beginning to worry that he might never find it. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to call the phone to find it. Jack suddenly realized what an idiot he had been. |
The man breathed in. He exhaled slowly. His wife commented on his breath. The man incorporated her advice. The man breathed better. |
Mike Jones was a substitute teacher. He loved his job and the thrill of teaching young people. He longed for a permanent teaching job. The students petitioned for Mike Jones to have a permanent position. Mike Jones is now teaching classes as a full on teacher. |
Shari was a Vegan. She wanted to bake a cake, but not use eggs in it. She found a recipe that substituted applesauce for eggs. Following the recipe, Shari baked the cake. It turned out to be delicious. |
Frank let his cat roam around outside. One day, his cat didn't come back at the usual time. He went out looking but couldn't find him anywhere. Frank was really upset, and put up some missing posters. Luckily, a woman found his cat in a different neighborhood. |
Gina needed to go to the library downtown. But her parents wouldn't take her. She needed to find a way to obtain books about dolphins. Her only other option was to ask the local library to order them. Gina grabbed her backpack, and headed to the library. |
John needed ice. John did not own an icemaker. John visited the gas station. John purchased ice. John brought the ice home. |
Ellie lived on a potato farm. One year she decided to farm lettuce too. The potatoes grew very well. The lettuce did not grow at all. Ellie decided to stick to potato farming in the future. |
I got dressed for the upcoming party tonight. My friend told me that I look amazing. However, a lot of people were making fun of my looks at the party. One pointed out that my zipper was unzipped. I decided to leave immediately. |
Our friend R is 45. She married young and had 4 kids. Her husband was a grad student who took 7 years to get his PhD. She neglected her teeth to pay bills. She had gum disease at 44 and needed treatment. |
I skipped high school. I drove to the library. I wandered there and downtown. When I got back to my car, I saw I locked my keys in. I had to pay for someone to open the door. |
John always wanted to live in a log cabin. He bought a piece of property in the woods. His brother and John worked hard to build it. They built a nice cabin in the woods. The cabin burned down a month later. |
I had to take a test today. I studied very hard. I took my test very fast. I completed my test. I made a good grade on my test. |
Ryan wanted to give Darcy a massage. Darcy decided to let him. She sat on the floor in front of his chair. Ryan rubbed her neck, shoulders, and back. Darcy was nice to Ryan after that. |
She still ate fast food. She made choices that had low calories. She picked a kid's meal most of the time. She ate half and gave the rest to the dog. She started feeling very weak. |
Subsets and Splits