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Recall can be governed by expectations, not by reality |
Hypothesis for memory errors |
Memory in the brain is modality-specific – we keep sensory information separate from one another (one representation for what we saw stored in brain areas devoted to visual processing and one for what we heard stored in brain areas specialized for auditory processing) – which comprise a network of interconnected nodes |
But in the network, there are no boundaries keeping the elements of one episode separate from elements of other episodes |
Episodes are held together through the extent of their connections; connections serve as retrieval paths |
As you add more connections between the features of one episode and another, they begin to knit together and you can lose track of which information was contained within which event |
Transplant errors: information encountered in one context is transplanted into another context |
Understanding helps and hurts memory |
Memory connections help recollections because they serve as retrieval paths and allow you to locate information in memory |
Memory connections hurt memory because they sometimes make it difficult to see where the remembered episode stops and other, related knowledge begins |
Intrusion errors: errors in which other knowledge intrudes into the remembered event |
We can reduce intrusion errors by providing meaningful context, which helps understanding and promotes recall |
The DRM procedure – when recalling word lists, people are just as likely to recall thematic words as they are the actual words in the list |
Schematic knowledge |
Schemata: the broad pattern of what’s normal in a situation |
Help fill in gaps in memory when we can’t remember |
Schemata also focus our attention and what we remember based on what we expect/what is typical |
You’ll supplement what you remember with a plausible reconstruction based on your schematic knowledge |
Schemata, however, can hurt memory because they “regularize” the past |
The cost of memory errors |
Eyewitness errors |
Planting false memories |
Just a change of wording – or other misleading suggestions – can have a significant effect on the likelihood of memory error |
It’s easier to plant plausible memories rather than implausible memories |
Errors are more likely if the post-event information supplements what the person remembers rather than contradicting it (easier to add a memory than replace one) |
False memories are more easily planted if people don’t just hear about the false event but are urged to imagine the event |
False memories are more easily planted when accompanied by evidence |
Misinformation effect: errors that result from misinformation received after an event was experienced |
Avoiding memory errors |
Memory confidence |
People trust memories that are expressed with confidence and are more cautious about memories that are hesitant |
A person’s degree of certainty is an unreliable indicator of whether a memory is trustworthy |
A person’s confidence in a memory is often influenced by factors that have no impact on memory accuracy – ie. feedback or frequency of recall |
There are no indicators that can reliably guide us in deciding which memories to trust and which ones not to trust |
Forgetting |
Causes of forgetting |
Failure in acquisition |
Passage of time |
Retention interval: the amount of time that elapses between the initial learning and subsequent retrieval; as this interval grows, you’re likely to forget more and more of the event |
Hypotheses (all are correct in some part) |
Decay theory of forgetting: memories fade with the passage of time |
Relevant brain cells die off or the connections among memories need to get refreshed or else they weaken |
Interference theory: the passage of time creates the opportunity for new learning, and new learning disrupts older memories |
Forgetting dependent on the number of intervening events |
Newly arriving information gets interwoven with older information, producing confusion about which bits are old and which are new |
New information sometimes replaces old information |
Retrieval failure: the forgotten memory is still in long-term storage but the person trying to retrieve the memory can’t locate it |
Retrieval is more likely if your perspective at the time of retrieval matches the perspective in place at the time of learning |
The greater the retention interval, the greater the likelihood that your perspective has changed, and therefore the greater the likelihood of retrieval failure |
Tip of the tongue (TOT) phenomenon: when you’re trying to think of a word but can’t come up with it |
An instance of partial retrieval failure |
Undoing forgetting |
Hypnosis |
Under hypnosis, a person can return to an earlier event and remember everything about the event; in reality, hypnotized patients are just willing to say more to comply with the hypnotist's instructions, and their memories are a mix of recollection, guesses, and inferences |
Cognitive interview |
Context reinstatement: steps that put witnesses back into the mindset they were in at the time of the crime |
Offers a diverse set of retrieval cues in hopes that one triggers the target memory |
Avoiding forgetting |
Revisit a memory periodically |
The testing effect |
Memory: overall assessment |
Memory errors are the result of mechanisms that otherwise help you locate memories, be efficient in your contact with the world, and form general knowledge |
Autobiographical memory: memory that each person has for the episodes and events of our lives |
This memory shapes how we think about ourselves and how we behave |
Influenced by three factors |
Involvement in the remembered event |
Emotion |
Long delay |
Memory and self |
Self-reference effect: information relevant to the self is better remembered than information that’s not self-relevant |
Self-schema: the set of interwoven beliefs and memories that constitute people’s knowledge about themselves |
Memory errors still exist here because our memory of our own life is a mix of genuine recall and schema-based reconstruction |
People will reconstruct their history in a biased way, one that maximized the apparent stability of their lives and makes the past look more like the present than it really was |
We also attempt to make our pasts more positive than it really was |
Memory and emotion |
Memory consolidation: the process through which memories are biologically cemented in place |
Memory begins as fragile as just a pattern of activation, but is stabilized over the next few hours |
Emotion enhances consolidation – emotional events trigger a response in the amygdala, and the amygdala increases activity in the hippocampus, which is crucial for establishing memories |
An emotional event is likely important to you and thus you’ll pay close attention as it unfolds, helping promote memory; you will also rehearse that event after it unfolds, further promoting memory |
Emotion can also influence what you remember – produces a narrowing of attention, so all that attention is focused on a few aspects of the scene |
Different emotions lead you to set different goals |
Flashbulb memories: memories of extraordinary clarity for highly emotional events |
Memory of these influenced by how, how often, and with whom someone discusses the flashbulb event |
Influenced by social aspects of remembering |
People may polish up their memories based on who they’re talking to for better conversation or pick up on new information |
Traumatic memories |
Traumatic events are often remembered with cruel enhancement of memory |
Traumatic memories are consolidated because of the extreme emotional arousal |
Why do some people remember everything about a traumatic event and some remember very little? |
Traumatic events induce stress, which can undermine aspects of memory for peripheral information about an event |
Stress experienced during memory retrieval interferes with memory |
Repression and recovered memories |
Memory repression: people defend themselves from painful memories by pushing them out of awareness; those painful memories won’t be consciously available but will still exist in a person’s long-term storage and can be recovered with proper cues |
This idea is not well-supported |
Painful events are often well remembered |
“Recovered” memories were often never lost, people just refused to discuss them |
When memories are lost, it’s generally just a result of retrieval failure – memories are lost until the proper retrieval cue is in place |
Recovered memories can be false memories |
Long-term remembering |
How much the retention interval matters depends on how well established the memories are in the first place |
Subsets and Splits