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May it happen to me according to your declaration . ” — Luke 1 : 26 - 38 . | Ka o mee dị ka i kwuru . ” — Luk 1 : 26 - 38 . |
Why is Mary’s faith remarkable ? | Gịnị mere okwukwe Meri ji pụọ iche ? |
Mary’s faith is truly outstanding ! | Meri nwere okwukwe pụrụ iche . |
She was ready to do whatever was asked of her , just like a slave girl . | O kwetara ime ihe ọ bụla Chineke chọrọ ka o mee , otú ohu nwaanyị na - eme . |
She trusted that Jehovah would take care of her and protect her . | Ọ tụkwasịrị Jehova obi na ọ ga - elekọta ya ma chebe ya . |
How could Mary have such strong faith ? | Olee otú Meri si nwee okwukwe siri ike otú ahụ ? |
We are not born with faith . | Anyị anaghị ebu okwukwe apụta ụwa . |
But we can have faith if we cultivate it and ask God to bless our efforts . | Ma , anyị nwere ike inwe okwukwe ma ọ bụrụ na anyị ana - agba mbọ ka anyị nwee ya , na - arịọkwa Chineke ka ọ gọzie mbọ anyị na - agba . |
Mary worked hard to strengthen her faith . | Meri gbalịsiri ike mee ka okwukwe ya sie ike . |
How do we know ? | Olee otú anyị si mara ? |
Let us consider how she listened and what she spoke about . | Ka anyị leba anya n’otú o si gee ntị nakwa n’ihe ndị o kwuru . |
What shows that Mary was a good listener ? | Olee ihe gosiri na Meri na - ege ntị nke ọma ? |
How Mary listened . | Otú Meri si gee ntị . |
The Bible says that we “ must be quick to listen , slow to speak . ” | Baịbụl gwara anyị ka anyị “ na - anụ ihe ngwa ngwa , ” gharakwa ‘ ịna - ekwu okwu ngwa ngwa . ’ |
Mary was a good listener . | Meri gere ntị nke ọma . |
The Bible shows that she carefully listened to the things she heard , especially the things she learned about Jehovah . | Ihe Baịbụl kwuru gosiri na o mere otú ahụ , nke ka nke , n’ihe ndị a gwara ya banyere Jehova . |
She took time to meditate on such important things . | O wepụtara oge tụgharịa uche n’ihe ndị ahụ dị́ mkpa . |
One example of this was at Jesus ’ birth when shepherds told Mary about a message from an angel . | Otu n’ime oge Meri mere otú ahụ bụ mgbe a mụrụ Jizọs , ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ agwa ya ihe mmụọ ozi gwara ha . |
Later , when Jesus was 12 years old , he said something that amazed Mary . | Oge ọzọ bụ mgbe Jizọs dị afọ iri na abụọ . O kwuru ihe juru Meri anya . |
In both cases , Mary listened , remembered , and thought carefully about what she had heard . — Read Luke 2 : 16 - 19 , 49 , 51 . | N’oge abụọ ahụ , Meri gere ntị , cheta ihe ndị a gwara ya ma chebara ha echiche nke ọma . — Gụọ Luk 2 : 16 - 19 , 49 , 51 . |
What can we learn about Mary from the way she spoke ? | Olee ihe anyị nwere ike ịmụta banyere Meri n’ihe ndị o kwuru ? |
What Mary spoke about . | Ihe ndị Meri kwuru . |
The Bible does not tell us much about what Mary said . | Baịbụl agwaghị anyị ọtụtụ n’ime ihe ndị Meri kwuru . |
Her longest speech is found at Luke 1 : 46 - 55 . | Okwu kacha ogologo o kwuru dị na Luk 1 : 46 - 55 . |
These words show that Mary knew the Hebrew Scriptures very well . | Ihe ndị ahụ Meri kwuru gosiri na ọ ma Akwụkwọ Nsọ Hibru nke ọma . |
How so ? | Olee otú anyị si mara ? |
Mary’s words were similar to the words of the prayer of Hannah , the mother of Samuel . | Ihe Meri kwuru yiri ihe Hana nne Samuel kwuru n’ekpere o kpere . |
It seems that Mary quoted the Scriptures about 20 times in her speech . | Ọ dị ka Meri ò kwuru ihe e dere n’Akwụkwọ Nsọ ihe dị́ ka ugboro iri abụọ n’ihe ahụ o kwuru . |
It is clear that she liked to speak about the truths she had learned from her greatest Friend , Jehovah . | O doro anya na ọ na - amasị ya ikwu banyere eziokwu ọ mụtara n’aka Enyi ya kachanụ , bụ́ Jehova . |
In what ways can we imitate Mary’s faith ? | Olee ụzọ ndị anyị ga - esi ṅomie okwukwe Meri ? |
Like Mary , we may at times receive assignments from Jehovah that we think are too difficult for us . | Jehova nwere ike inye anyị ọrụ mgbe ụfọdụ , ya adị anyị ka ànyị agaghị arụli ya otú ahụ ọ dị Meri . |
Let us imitate her example , humbly accept the assignment , and trust that Jehovah will help us . | Ka anyị ṅomie Meri ma jiri obi umeala kweta ịrụ ọrụ e nyere anyị , tụkwasịkwa Jehova obi na ọ ga - enyere anyị aka . |
We can also imitate Mary’s faith when we carefully listen to Jehovah and meditate on what we have learned about him and his purposes . | Anyị ga - eṅomikwa okwukwe Meri ma ọ bụrụ na anyị na - ege Jehova ntị nke ọma ma na - atụgharị uche n’ihe ndị anyị mụtara banyere ya na nzube ya . |
We then can joyfully tell others what we have learned . — Psalm 77 : 11 , 12 ; Luke 8 : 18 ; Romans 10 : 15 . | Anyị mee otú ahụ , anyị ga na - eji ọṅụ agwa ndị ọzọ ihe ndị anyị mụtara . — Abụ Ọma 77 : 11 , 12 ; Luk 8 : 18 ; Ndị Rom 10 : 15 . |
As we imitate the Bible’s outstanding examples of faith , of what may we be assured ? | Olee obi ike anyị kwesịrị inwe ma ọ bụrụ na anyị na - eṅomi ndị Baịbụl kwuru na ha nwere okwukwe pụrụ iche ? |
It is clear that Ruth , Hezekiah , and Mary were Jehovah’s friends , just as Abraham was . | O doro anya na Rut , Hezekaya , na Meri bụ ndị enyi Jehova otú ahụ Ebreham bụ . |
They were part of the “ great cloud of witnesses ” who also had the privilege of becoming God’s friends . | Ha so ‘ n’oké ìgwè ndị àmà , ’ ndị nwere ihe ùgwù ịbụ ndị enyi Chineke . |
May we continue to imitate such outstanding examples of faith . | Ka anyị na - eṅomi ndị ahụ nwere okwukwe pụrụ iche . |
If we do so , we can look forward to the reward of being Jehovah’s friends forever ! | Ọ bụrụ na anyị na - eme otú ahụ , obi ga - esi anyị ike na Jehova ga - agọzi anyị , mee ka anyị bụrụ enyi ya ruo mgbe ebighị ebi . |
THINK about the happiest day of your life . | CHEGODỊ echiche . |
Was it when you got married or when your first child was born ? | Olee ụbọchị ị kacha nwee obi ụtọ ? |
Ọ̀ bụ ụbọchị ị gbara akwụkwọ , ka ọ̀ bụ ụbọchị a mụrụ nwa mbụ gị ? |
Or was it the day you got baptized ? | Ì chere na ọ bụ ụbọchị e mere gị baptizim ? |
That was likely the most important and joyful day of your life . | O nwere ike ịbụ ya bụ ụbọchị ị na - agaghị echefu echefu na ụbọchị ị kacha nwee obi ụtọ . |
And on that day , how glad your brothers and sisters were to see you prove that you love God with your whole heart , soul , mind , and strength ! — Mark 12 : 30 . | Obi tọrọ ụmụnna gị niile ụtọ ụbọchị ahụ ịhụ otú i si gosi na i ji obi gị dum , mkpụrụ obi gị dum , uche gị dum nakwa ike gị dum hụ Chineke n’anya . — Mak 12 : 30 . |
Very likely , you have experienced much joy in serving Jehovah since your baptism . | Ọ ga - abụ na kemgbe ahụ e mechara gị baptizim , i ji ezigbo ọṅụ na - ejere Jehova ozi . |
However , a number of publishers have lost some of the joy they once had . | Ma , ụfọdụ ndị nkwusa anaghịzi enwe ọṅụ otú ha na - enwebu . |
Why has this happened ? | N’ihi gịnị ? |
What reasons do we have for continuing to serve Jehovah with joy ? | Gịnị mere anyị kwesịrị iji na - enwe ọṅụ n’ozi anyị na - ejere Jehova ? |
The Kingdom message brings us a lot of joy . | Ozi ọma Alaeze Chineke na - eme ka anyị na - enwe ezigbo ọṅụ . |
Why ? | N’ihi gịnị ? |
Because Jehovah promises that the Kingdom will soon put an end to this wicked world and bring in God’s new world . | Ọ bụ n’ihi na Jehova kwere nkwa na Alaeze ya ga - ebibi ụwa ochie a n’oge na - adịghị anya ma weta ụwa ọhụrụ ya . |
Zephaniah 1 : 14 tells us : “ The great day of Jehovah is near ! | Zefanaya 1 : 14 gwara anyị , sị : “ Oké ụbọchị Jehova dị nso . |
It is near and it is approaching very quickly ! ” | Ọ dị nso , o jikwa oké ọsọ na - abịa . ” |
But if we feel that we have to wait longer than expected , we could lose the joy we once had . | Ma ọ bụrụ na ọ dị anyị ka ànyị ga - echere ogologo oge karịa otú anyị tụrụ anya ya , e nwere ike anyị agaghịzi na - enwe ọṅụ otú anyị na - enwebu . |
This could cause us to slow down in our service to God . — Proverbs 13 : 12 . | O nwere ike ime ka anyị selata aka n’ozi anyị na - ejere Chineke . — Ilu 13 : 12 . |
When we spend time with our brothers and sisters , we feel encouraged to keep on serving Jehovah with joy . | Ọ bụrụ na anyị na ụmụnna anyị na - anọrị , ọ ga - eme ka anyị jiri ọṅụ na - ejere Jehova ozi . |
The good conduct of Jehovah’s people may have attracted us to true worship and helped us to begin serving God joyfully . | O nwere ike ịbụ àgwà ọma ndị na - efe Jehova na - akpa mere ka anyị bata n’ọgbakọ , meekwa ka anyị jiri ọṅụ malite ijere Chineke ozi . |
However , what could happen if one of our brothers or sisters was disciplined because he or she did not obey God’s commands ? | Ma , olee ihe nwere ike ime ma á dọọ nwanna aka ná ntị n’ọgbakọ n’ihi na ọ dara iwu Chineke ? |
This may discourage some in the congregation and cause them to lose their joy . | O nwere ike ime ka ụfọdụ ụmụnna dawa mbà , ha agaghịzi enwe ọṅụ otú ha na - enwebu . |
Materialism could also cause us to lose our joy . | Ịchụ ego ọnwụ ọnwụ nwekwara ike ime ka anyị ghara ịna - enwe ọṅụ otú anyị na - enwebu . |
How so ? | Olee otú o nwere ike isi mee ? |
Satan’s world tries to convince us that we should buy things that we really do not need . | Ụwa Setan na - agbalị ime ka anyị kweta na anyị kwesịrị ịzụ ihe na - adịghị anyị mkpa . |
So may we remember Jesus ’ words : “ No one can slave for two masters ; for either he will hate the one and love the other , or he will stick to the one and despise the other . | N’ihi ya , ka anyị na - echeta na Jizọs kwuru , sị : “ Ọ dịghị onye pụrụ ịbụ ohu nke nna ukwu abụọ ; n’ihi na , ma ọ́ bụghị na ọ ga - akpọ otu asị ma hụ onye nke ọzọ n’anya , ya abụrụ na ọ ga - arapara n’otu ma leda onye nke ọzọ anya . |
You cannot slave for God and for Riches . ” | Unu apụghị ịbụ ndị ohu Chineke na nke Akụnụba . ” |
We cannot serve Jehovah with joy and at the same time try to get all that we can from this world . | Anyị agaghị ejili ọṅụ na - ejere Jehova ozi , na - agbalịsikwa ike ka anyị nweta ihe niile anyị nwere ike inweta n’ụwa a . |
Serving Jehovah is not a heavy load for those who love him . | Ijere Jehova ozi anaghị abụrụ ndị hụrụ Jehova n’anya ibu arọ . |
Remember that Jesus said : “ Come to me , all you who are toiling and loaded down , and I will refresh you . | Cheta na Jizọs sịrị : “ Bịakwutenụ m , unu niile ndị na - adọgbu onwe unu n’ọrụ na ndị e boro ibu dị arọ , m ga - emekwa ka unu nweta ume . |
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me , for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart , and you will find refreshment for yourselves . | Nyaranụ yok m , mụtakwanụ ihe n’aka m , n’ihi na m dị nwayọọ , dịkwa umeala n’obi , mkpụrụ obi unu ga - enweta ume . |
For my yoke is kindly , and my load is light . ” | N’ihi na yok m adịghị egbu mgbu , ibu m dịkwa mfe . ” |
Being a true Christian is refreshing and brings us joy . | Ịbụ ezigbo Ndị Kraịst na - eme ka ahụ́ ruo anyị ala , na - emekwa ka anyị nwee ọṅụ . |
We certainly have good reasons for being joyful in Jehovah’s service . | Nke bụ́ eziokwu bụ na e nwere ezigbo ihe mere anyị ji kwesị ịna - enwe ọṅụ n’ozi Jehova . |
Let us now consider three of them . — Habakkuk 3 : 18 . | Ka anyị leba anya n’atọ n’ime ha . — Habakọk 3 : 18 . |
We serve our Life - Giver , the happy God . | Anyị na - efe Onye nyere anyị ndụ , bụ́ Chineke obi ụtọ . |
We realize that we owe our lives to our Creator . | Anyị ghọtara na ọ bụ Onye kere anyị nyere anyị ndụ . |
So let us continue to serve him with joy , regardless of how many years have gone by since we got baptized . | N’ihi ya , ka anyị jiri ọṅụ na - ejere ya ozi n’agbanyeghị afọ ole gaferela kemgbe e mere anyị baptizim . |
Héctor keeps his joy by remembering his Kingdom hope and staying active | Otú Héctor si eme ka ọ ghara ịkwụsị ịna - enwe ọṅụ bụ ịna - echeta ihe Alaeze Chineke ga - emere anyị nakwa ịna - ekwusasi ozi ọma ike |
Consider Héctor , who served Jehovah as a traveling overseer for 40 years . | E nwere otu nwanna aha ya bụ Héctor . Ọ bụ onye nlekọta sekit ruo afọ iri anọ . |
“ Even in old age , ” he still enjoys serving Jehovah . | Ruokwa ugbu a ọ karala nká , ijere Jehova ozi ka na - eme ya obi ụtọ . |
His wife’s illness has limited his activity in God’s service , but Héctor has not lost his joy . | Ọrịa nwunye ya emeela ka ọ ghara ịna - eme ihe niile ọ chọrọ ime n’ozi Chineke , ma ọ ka na - enwe ọṅụ . |
He says : “ Although it is sad to see my wife’s health gradually deteriorate and it has been challenging to care for her , I have not allowed this to rob me of my joy in serving the true God . | Ọ sịrị : “ Ọ bụ eziokwu na ọ na - ewute m ịhụ ka ọrịa nwunye m ji nwayọọ nwayọọ na - aka njọ , ya ana - esikwara m ike ilekọta ya , ekwebeghị m ka o mee ka m ghara ịna - enwe obi ụtọ n’ozi Chineke . |
Knowing that I owe my life to Jehovah , who created man for a purpose , is reason enough to love him deeply and serve him wholeheartedly . | M kwesịrị ịhụ Jehova n’anya ma jiri obi m niile na - ejere ya ozi n’ihi na m ma na ọ bụ ya nyere m ndụ , e nwekwara ihe o bu n’obi kee mmadụ . |
I strive to stay active in the preaching work , and I try to keep the Kingdom hope foremost in my mind so as not to lose my joy . ” | M na - agba mbọ ịna - ekwusasi ozi ọma ike , na - agbalịsikwa ike ịna - echekarị ihe Alaeze Chineke ga - emere anyị ka m ghara ịkwụsị ịna - enwe ọṅụ . ” |
Jehovah has provided the ransom sacrifice , making it possible for us to have a joyful life . | Jehova nyere ihe mgbapụta , nke mere ka anyị nwee ike ịna - enwe ọṅụ . |
Indeed , “ God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son , so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life . ” | N’eziokwu , “ Chineke hụrụ ụwa n’anya nke ukwuu nke na o nyere Ọkpara ọ mụrụ naanị ya , ka e wee ghara ibibi onye ọ bụla nke nwere okwukwe na ya , kama ka o nwee ndụ ebighị ebi . ” |
Yes , our sins can be forgiven and we can have everlasting life when we show faith in God’s loving gift of the ransom . | Chineke nwere ike ịgbaghara mmehie anyị , anyị enwetakwa ndụ ebighị ebi , ma ọ bụrụ na anyị enwee okwukwe n’ihe mgbapụta ahụ Chineke nyere maka na ọ hụrụ anyị n’anya . |
This is truly an excellent reason to be grateful ! | N’eziokwu , nke a kwesịrị ime ka anyị na - ekele ya . |
And our gratitude for the ransom will motivate us to serve Jehovah joyfully . | Obi ụtọ anyị na - enwe n’ihi ihe mgbapụta ahụ ga - eme ka anyị jiri ọṅụ na - ejere Jehova ozi . |
Jesús kwụsịrị ọrụ na - eri ya oge , jirikwa obi ụtọ na - ejere Jehova ozi kemgbe ọtụtụ afọ |
Jesús simplified his life and served Jehovah joyfully for years | Otu nwanna bibụ na Meksiko aha ya bụ Jesús sịrị : “ M na - agbaburu ọrụ m ohu . |
A brother named Jesús , who lived in Mexico , said : “ I was a slave to my job , at times working five consecutive shifts even though it was not obligatory to do so . | Mgbe ụfọdụ , m na - arụ ọrụ ọtụtụ awa kwa ụbọchị karịa otú m kwesịrị , n’agbanyeghị na ọ bụghị iwu na m ga - eme otú ahụ . |
I did it just to make more money . | Naanị ihe mere m ji na - eme ya bụ ka m nwetakwuo ego . |
Then I learned about Jehovah and how he had given his dear Son for mankind . | M mechara mụta banyere Jehova nakwa otú o si jiri Ọkpara ya ọ hụrụ n’anya chụọ àjà maka ụmụ mmadụ . M chọsiri ike ịna - ejere ya ozi . |
I had an intense desire to serve him . | N’ihi ya , m nyefere Jehova onwe m . |
So I dedicated my life to Jehovah , and after having worked for the company for 28 years , I decided to quit and take up the full - time ministry . ” | Mgbe m rụchaara ụlọ ọrụ anyị ọrụ afọ iri abụọ na asatọ , m kpebiri ịgba arụkwaghịm ma malite ije ozi oge niile . ” |
That is how Jesús started serving Jehovah with joy . | Ọ bụ otú a ka Jesús si malite iji ọṅụ na - ejere Chineke ozi . |
We live a morally clean life , which brings us happiness . | Anyị na - enwe obi ụtọ maka na anyị na - eme omume ọma . |
Do you remember what your life was like before you came to know Jehovah ? | Ì chetara ụdị ndụ ị na - ebi tupu gị amata Jehova ? |
The apostle Paul reminded Christians in Rome that they “ were once the slaves of sin ” but had become “ slaves to righteousness . ” | Pọl onyeozi chetaara Ndị Kraịst nọ́ na Rom na ha ‘ bụbu ndị ohu mmehie , ’ ma ha ghọrọ “ ndị ohu nke ezi omume . ” |
Because they were living a clean life , they could look forward to everlasting life . | Ebe ọ bụ na ha na - eme omume ọma , ha nwere olileanya ịdị ndụ ebighị ebi . |
Subsets and Splits