#ThrowbackThursday https://t.co/LClbjpqm8e
AURS park bench in #HiddenHills offering money for anti-vaxers names. What do you think about this? #COVID19 #COVID #CovidVaccine https://t.co/8qlmOyZmMd @DonaldJTrumpJr @GovRonDeSantis @GovAbbott https://t.co/xXpKTkftEk
@starkverse @pauloMDtweets Discontinued na, pero sana they bring it back. Nurses and frontliners need support more than ever. https://t.co/xONR4YFxHR
The Wordle you do NOT want. COVID19 Ag ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ C🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ T 🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ S 🔘
@afterall_net Sorry wrong link here you go https://t.co/CdAwPq39rP
"Mr Foley said 700,000 of the 44 million RATs Victoria has ordered are expected to arrive in the next day or so”. 7 RATs per person👌 https://t.co/xHULQyM2h9
Give $2000/month to every American #moneyforthepeople #covid19 - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/TWYvEI63TQ via @Change
Fellow healthcare workers: brace for impact. https://t.co/MMBD9sGYCk #Omicron #COVID19 https://t.co/DIqZlmynWk
Give $2000/month to every American #moneyforthepeople #covid19 - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/ASrNTNog2n via @Change
COVID-19 testing event with 60 percent positive results extends Marlin ISD's winter break https://t.co/zhRR5vL9w2 via @KCENNews
Why https://t.co/lWQ2Dh7f43 https://t.co/XvwUWfaRQU
@JessicaVosk Many recent 🛳 are trying to dock w/ alot of + cruisers. Europe just cut most 🛳 ➡️April. We are at record #’s again w/🏥 rationing care.The next month is going to be brutal on healthcare workers.Make sure they have enough supplemental oxygen on the 🛳 and I will 🙏 for you 💚 https://t.co/tF12ibQW2u
https://t.co/8D6G5D1bqm Don’t freak out about Omicron Freak out over the threat to democracy through Trump
Good riddance https://t.co/GUx9NXDknG
@GridMasterHeat My license application is in. If Covid-19 doesn’t mess things up, I’ll be on from 6Y in July.
Hey @GovInslee save the Washingtonian's their hard earned money on "free COVID-19 testing and masks." This is the only test you need to know if you have COVID. @thehoffather https://t.co/bvI7prxUtw
“Students, faculty and staff who test positive will be required to quarantine off campus. The university will not provide quarantine space for students during the spring semester.” so what’s the plan for all the freshman from out of state? https://t.co/8UR75sgJUp
Gave away all my Delta 8. I want to be sober for the apocalypse. I’d rather not numb myself to the existential dread of the moment. Stare into the abyss with 100% of my brain and feel around the dark with my heart. So many lost souls to reach, COVID-19 forces us into our psyches.
I'm getting tired of all this winning https://t.co/b33UPZqjru
Murica https://t.co/NzQO00eU56
Which is why I am not voting for any Republicans anytime soon. The party that pretends Coronavirus is a hoax, the vaccines don't work, and that Jan 6th was something less than a coup sparked by the President of the United States is not a party I will support. https://t.co/AKp1DGAmTU
@DeaconBlues0 @PoellingerCathy In the mist of fast rising COVID-19 cases, Trump stated that he "told his people to stop testing so there will be less cases". From Forrest Gump: Stupid is as Stupid does.
Day 659: #COVID19 cases keep rising! The #DeltaVariant and #OmicronVarient cases keeps rising! #WearAMask   #GetVaccinated #GetBoosterShot Global: Cases: 297,651,728 Deaths: 5,464,859 US: Cases: 57,702,377 Deaths: 832,118
San Francisco:: UPDATE: Fremont Unified School District Apologizes For Long Waits To Distribute COVID-19 Test Kits https://t.co/t8VBqrppwj
I’m tired……. https://t.co/Mz6KjG3dJI https://t.co/1afkYjcXo4
Somebody in UT making good decisions finally https://t.co/wjavsMAdT6
Agreed. Those that public admires could lead by example & help bring along doubters & naysayers. Our global community is in this together & the earth is circular. #COVID19 is like PAC Man. It keeps on going looking for targets. Safe #vaccines that were developed over years have https://t.co/l0u9roLybT
Let's put it in simple terms, you work in a building that is specifically there to treat sick people. You should do everything in your power to make sure you do not bring any contagious diseases into the building. If you don't like that, go work someplace else. End of discussion. https://t.co/3x7XLk3CRE
#InThisTogether @911covidtesting #911covidtesting https://t.co/3O9HKKvFAz
@MarshaBlackburn They absolutely do. But when their teachers are unable to work because they have COVID-19 then who do you propose to teach them? You know, since you don't wanna do anything to help end a pandemic. But thanks for your words of wisdom.
I started the Petition, although its a small drop of water in front of ocean, but please sign it https://t.co/g2dqqNi7aP #COVID19 #OmicronVirus #USA #childrens #coronavirus #Covid_19 #Testing #CoronaUpdate #kids
What I’ve learned from my colleagues: People are testing negative multiple times until they turn positive 🥺 and you really need to swab the throat! I’ve heard so many negative to positive stories after 5 days. Retest! #COVID19 #losangeles #CovidTesting #PCRtest #abbottbinaxnow https://t.co/tjvx6mW7OF
@jkk4782 @esd714 @RhondaLBrown2 @Jim_Jordan List of articles prior to Covid-19 calling the flu shot what it is, an influenza vaccine. https://t.co/ipiLgh460E
I’ve heard this multiple times and it’s still shocking https://t.co/oazlop3LQV
We are living in opposite world. https://t.co/cMpvou1XYV
American exceptionalism continues to lead the way… Sadly where all in this hand-basket together and you *know* where we’re going, right? https://t.co/5cRtg5gyqR
Good sports debate. https://t.co/BFansUH9Pi
@Polit_eurOpines @unfunnysongs @NateSilver538 Ha ha! Right. So you agree with me, that this is a dangerous, AVOIDABLE, situation. Regardless of your unsubstantiated claims unvaccinated people experiencing COVID-19 infections CAN AND DOES have the risk of causing a potentially life long disability.
1.State of Texas has received $159,000,000 from Federal Gov’t @fema to bury 24,836 DEAD TEXANS since Pandemic began 2. #GregAbbott & #GQP #txlege WON’T expand Medicaid with Federal Gov’t funds for LIVING TEXANS 3.FFS: Abbott supports Dead Texans first? https://t.co/u5BTGDbGVy
It only took #COVID19 three weeks to shut down the entire state judicial system after opening the flood gates #Tasmania ❤️‍🩹 https://t.co/WAFg8xrAOH
@Tponaroll @ENirenberg It was the most feasible yet explanation for a zombie apocalypse though... Coronavirus and rabies mating :-)
Every day I see these numbers and gasp...and then I realize it's a significant undercount because of home tests, and people who are sick but can't find a test. https://t.co/mmtysOf8cU
We must lead by example during this pandemic. Vax, Boost & Mask up. Fight back against the COVID-19 risk factors impacting many people of color that disproportionately have caused serious illness & death. Crowded housing/Limited access to health care/underlying bad health & more. https://t.co/FccAQvZQJI
Bruh we got a hybrid now like it’s a weed strain 😫 https://t.co/YzHREIlHLM
@CoriBush a functioning health care might take longer than thet if it told what we actualy need to know .they are screwing us to tell if we have been exposed to covid recently .wedntk.if you need a test to tell if you have covid19 count yourself lucky.WeNeedToKnow mT-Cell immunities
makes sense https://t.co/PdYTXQ9QlO
2019 - COVID-19 2020 - Laid off my entire staff and then got laid off myself (dicks) 2021 - Started watching the market closer & learned the bullshit the Hedgefunds were pulling (dicks x2) 2022 - I'm coming for my tendies We're ripping faces off in 2022 #AMC $AMC #MOASS2022 https://t.co/cD3BYQqoLt
Hold on. Now there is something called FLURONA??? That’s it. I’m done. I don’t want to play anymore. https://t.co/X9EVrejEgm https://t.co/8AwwbOp69W
Apparently @LAFD @LAPDHQ @LASDHQ didn’t get the memo. https://t.co/40SfG3PLop
@LostToCovid @Cleavon_MD Wow, I know that area. Sounds like an amazing person. Just sad. #COVID19
Sickening https://t.co/IVI6CyCjQn
lawd if you coming just say that 😭😭 https://t.co/0PajEIQ4uK
I'm gonna ask the obvious question here. Where is the National Guard? Doesn't this fall under their scope of work? Seems it would right? https://t.co/cMpvou1XYV
Well I now have two friends, ages 19 and 43 who have tested covid-19 positive. Keep them in your prayers, they're both pretty healthy so I don't think it'd be an issue
Wow https://t.co/2MUhZKNE7L
"How this COVID-19 surge in hospitalizations is different from last winter" https://t.co/HCioMC0S6Z
I was overwhelmed with anxiety during my non-pandemic pregnancy & can’t imagine the extra stress of COVID. I don’t presume to know how I would have evaluated the risk of vaccine vs the virus, But I do encourage you to talk to your dr about the research on the vaccine. https://t.co/Y9ejEHbcFu
Homes/Apartments, Airbnb, Offices, Businesses & more! (702)984-3272 #HomeCleaning #Airbnb #AirbnbCleaning #OfficeCleaning #CovidSafe #COVID19 https://t.co/VT9kRXOl9W
@EduCannotWait @RepBrianFitz @RepSaraJacobs @UNICEF @GPforEducation @BMZ_Bund @NorwayMFA @MFAIceland @DanishMFA @SweMFA @DutchMFA @IcelandDevCoop @CanadaDev @SwissDevCoop @YasmineSherif1 #Covid19 #EducationCannotWait
#AbbottFailedTexas #BetoForGovernor https://t.co/THBZqZAmqY
Arizona has the fourth-highest COVID-19 death rate among U.S. states, with 334 deaths per 100,000 of population, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://t.co/b18clES1cZ
#COVID19 #schools https://t.co/gozSMJudQB
Love to fear monger https://t.co/dsfqJgaSKK
@bballspiller66 @shack7 @PepperellEddie There has not been a single verified case of someone getting the covid-19 flu twice. Show me a source that shows someone getting covid a second time, because that will be a groundbreaking case and we can break that story to cnn and make a boatload of 💸
@KentPage @unicefireland @UNICEFEthiopia #Covid19
Prior to this week my school saw just a handful of COVID positives among students each week. Today I watched the count go from 8 before lunch to 11 by the afternoon to 16 now before bed. #COVID19
Sickening what we are doing to our children. https://t.co/0qVWNuSdkZ
@DrLindaMD @JoyHenningsenMD @mitchjackson @WendyHassonMD @JillGrimesMD @drninashapiro @DrTanyaAltmann @ChrisCarrollMD @heysirimd @PedsMamaDoc A Starbucks near our house shut down because they couldn’t staff it due to most of the employees having COVID19…😢
How did kids do with #COVID19 at the end of 2021? Here is some data from @AmerAcadPeds and @hospitals4kids #pandemic #children #hospitalizations @snarkypeds @thepedipals @DocEMurray @WendyHassonMD @DrPatrickRoss @Dr_ScottK @JillGrimesMD @DrLindaMD @physicianswkly @criley_md https://t.co/F7aYE3Ellg
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ https://t.co/xMkmm2pyI5
Groundbreaking for less privileged nations #COVID19 https://t.co/zUJhq5OPhj
Kapoy naman 🥲 https://t.co/30dHZ12bGd
https://t.co/F9CYMYx83B https://t.co/nwosaVdA5W
Give $2000/month to every American #moneyforthepeople #covid19 - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/1cUGNRkHid via @Change
Give $2000/month to every American #moneyforthepeople #covid19 - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/G1OffJkACH via @Change
#Politica #covid19 Scuola, in Sicilia ritorno in presenza dal 10 gennaio. Le novità del decreto Draghi https://t.co/701dLoHs6R https://t.co/WWbiThgzzO
Fresh Galaxie witnessed STRUGGLING NEW YORKERS FORCED TO GET VACCINE TO FEED $100 for everyone taking the Covid Vaccine. #NYC #NewYorkCity #COVID19 #VaccineSideEffects #VaccinePassports https://t.co/rBPrr82Jvv
Flurona 20min from me https://t.co/t1V5tbGj9f
This thread is terrifying https://t.co/Ga287GRn0F
@HeadsUpSI … told ya. 🦠 https://t.co/yCOjgdP9V3
Oh. My. God! Now imagine that plus all the one's we're missing. I know Iowa only counts you once no matter how many times you actually get Covid. https://t.co/nMpUrc5Zk2
💀💀💀😂🤣 https://t.co/RAdh1x6704
Who else knows someone with the Covid-19 Virus?? I know I do! #OmicronVirus #IHUvariant #COVID19 #COVID #coronavirus
#schools #Teachers #Covid_19 #coronavirus #Omicron #Djokovic #UnitedStates #vaccine #children https://t.co/EEEe09zfac
I laughed for days over this one #Medical #MedicalHumor #ComputerScience #coder #Software #Doctor #funny #COVID19 https://t.co/kOvQcrDqd0
I’m so confused.. https://t.co/WoK39ndewC
Finally https://t.co/P6euYtY8OF
Yes. Yes you can. I do. https://t.co/2DskCoMYFu https://t.co/r1XxwXy0d6
Thank god https://t.co/ECljutXJQm
I’m over this babble BS with this Covid-19 and all new names and new variants. Don’t talk to me about no Corona unless we unless it’s in a bottle and comes lemon wedges @ Scottsdale, Arizona https://t.co/6xbEa8O1Gc
That’s it, folks. It’s over. Everyone has given up. I hope you’re happy, this is what you wanted. https://t.co/gvUVtHBYgV
@InsideSportJP Where are you getting your numbers from? https://t.co/KStwWn7i4y does not support this
Good riddance https://t.co/OOFjc8iQFg
@TheHerbalT @LoveLubbock_biz @justin_neal @MikeLeslieWFAA First of all, the topic you were responding to was COVID-19 restrictions in California that could potentially create problems with playing the game in LA (an extremely politicized issue). Secondly, sport doesn’t exist independently of politics. Have you heard of Kaepernick?
@trump4_america @MarciaSessler @DAYUNITEDSTATES @BeachCity55 @BrendaA24168120 @NewaiGreen @TiwannaRN42 @TRUMP_WPA @dhiggins63 @AnonPS2341 @MsAvaArmstrong @ALSRealtor @ToscaAusten @AndyBolar @rog43305701 @grandoldmemes @fantasticlegs It’s not working! https://t.co/WhGddQedeh
Next up…. #SuperBowl https://t.co/BkmTVxCUyc