From his home in Florida ? Not a shocker https://t.co/gM8izRtQ5P
@VukRoman https://t.co/zeOqkqcuSb
Government Data Reveals Over 946K People Suffered Injuries Or Death From COVID-19 Vaccinations. https://t.co/OmVsdm3mgV
Captialism baby. https://t.co/N64WuKSRVF
Hey @pennbgs let’s keep it up and keep all friends and family safe; boost now #ScienceSense #pennBGS4u https://t.co/IhPgmVNWD7
We’re #1!!! https://t.co/xhxdxw72zq
Corpse Tsunami, 2018 Original oil pastel painting on cotton paper. This #nft video captures the feeling of overflowing hospital beds & bodies during the #Covid #covid19 #pandemic #art #ArtistOnTwitter #NFTs #NFTCommunity https://t.co/H13w52gUoo
..@CDCgov rationale for dropping #isolation/personal #quarantinelife if #COVID19 becomes apparent. It's about the #science behind #infection transmission. https://t.co/UsZPuLJx5h
They were warned. Inactions have consequences. https://t.co/FfUYvkzz1T
@flyboyrun @m40dotcom @ByronBolts Coronavirus is a virus. It causes the disease, Covid-19
If you need a test in Louisville —> https://t.co/uVSTVbsBA0
Información importante sobre el covid en la ciudad de Cuenca 🔴🟡 https://t.co/wYtyT4ZfJU
#ESPAÑA #GENERAL CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIA – La sexta ola sigue imparable, con nuevos récords de positivos por covid https://t.co/rJNyAJQUBV https://t.co/iL0KHcW96s
This is certainly not the case anymore, especially in southwest Virginia. https://t.co/tJHa0RsWtc
14 MUERTES..... ESTO SE SALIÓ DE CONTROL HACE TIEMPO El Departamento de Salud reporta 14 muertes adicionales por COVID-19 - via @elnuevodia https://t.co/TxgaOuw6QU
The irony is real https://t.co/go2rMiQ9Kb
Kids with #obesity and #covid19 have longer hospital stays than kids who don’t have obesity https://t.co/SNlJiqfxOL
Fulton, do you need a COVID-19 vaccine? Fulton county Vaccine sites are open six days per week. #VaxUpFulton https://t.co/iRoaTRINRG
Antiviral 💊 pills ! Don’t miss this . #clinicaltrials #Clinical #Advocate #clinicalresearch #Medtweet #sciencetwitter #RVA https://t.co/gLzyl2ClAl
Out of 92 counties in Indiana, 48 are red due to such high Coronavirus cases. So what are we doing about it Eric? @GovHolcomb
👀👀👀 https://t.co/Y7eDo8Dm0Q
How dare you on this solemn day of historical tragedy? https://t.co/Bxasdmr6u3
An honest and nuanced discussion of vaccines #COVID19 https://t.co/fExT4NZj8a
Praying everybody is safe and Covid-free. https://t.co/wO7AaRz6wz
🥺😢 https://t.co/u9WpM9UuKY
#RemoveRon https://t.co/dha82Zh0Oi
@pblegere @_DCHealth @MayorBowser Yes https://t.co/Xtt61pGoy5
We are a country who is still struggling with COVID-19 but we rather talk about the former President still. #Priorities
Amazing!🤔 https://t.co/qtedMbBtiN
So over this #done #COVID19 #begone https://t.co/uLQFyYMFDR
Safety includes a safe distance and double mask wearing 😷 https://t.co/Nh2rxK2Dai
Most Democrats understand this; most Republicans don’t. The reason for this discrepancy is that Democrats are more likely to care about what happens to those outside their circle of family and friends. https://t.co/h5lAm8rdsL
👀 https://t.co/S6wTtMPVPk
@tarahaelle @KrugAlli Wait, the argument is that the flawed VAERS preprint aimed to deter people from vaccinating children or its ilk are social science pieces? They’re not. COVID-19 minimizing is not social science or interdisciplinary work. An article describing it and its harms would be.
Proud to support my former colleagues @BTUBaltimore! Let's all chip in. #baltimore #COVID19 https://t.co/X3s5D3cjO9 https://t.co/kT7uQvaYrY
Florida’s Freedom Miracle (made it impossible to even detect COVID so it seemed like there was no COVID) https://t.co/ia339LLHHB
The MRNA vaccines don't stop you from getting Covid-19 or from transmitting it to the vulnerable. It also doesn't keep you out of the hospital. And sometimes it kills you. When it does kill a person, they aren't allowed to sue. Yet some companies still force this on employees.
This is ridiculous if the people of Florida think this is acceptable leadership I feel sorry for them https://t.co/VKN4qWaA0P
I don’t understand why #JoeBiden has to still remind people to get vaccinated. Why those people have a hard time to understand how viruses are transmitted and the importance to get vaccinated? Are they selecting death and chaos, & we all have to pay for their stupidity? https://t.co/Lwy2Ci0JwO
Amazing what a mask & #CovidVaccine can do! I'm still #COVID19 free! #WearAMask😷 #WearADamnMask😷 #GetVaccinated 💉 https://t.co/4Rs9U83XQy
Covid said: https://t.co/kpQ65xIffG https://t.co/caC0LT1rPi
Vote @RonDeSantisFL out! This is inexcusable and reckless. https://t.co/WmiVaxTfv8
Journalist @tarahaelle reminded people that social science has insights about misinformation. https://t.co/96PLfytcVl An author of a bad preprint on vaccines suggested Tara’s idea to write about #covid19 minimizers would hurt instead of contribute to that, missing the point. https://t.co/cJUiw6jNxq
People are making millions off of COVID-19 but it’s not you nor I .
@POTUS U had almost a year to stock pile Covid tests for this winter when even my 6 year old knew Covid-19 would get worse. You restrict travel from some countries here to the USA 🇺🇸 but leave the border wide open for 2 million illegal immigrants to cross. At least 1/3 had Covid-19 also
New coronavirus variant identified in France https://t.co/vNXZKdOAbp🤬🤬
Key update from Dr. @BannedMD . We urgently need to address indoor air quality. #COVIDisAirborne https://t.co/x4o8QjqOI4 https://t.co/Z2Cibv0KJW
Interesting perspective and research questions from Dr. @BannedMD. https://t.co/4lBu2NWdmL
"Once again @people / @TODAYshow and the rest of media! #COVID19 vaccine is not a cure! It is a layer of protection the virus is very much alive!" #COVID #COVID19 Hoda Kotb Tests Positive for Breakthrough Case of COVID-19: 'Feeling Good' https://t.co/XtilChrtmt
Big shoutout to @CambridgeMAFire for conducting COVID-19 tests this morning. Thanks for keeping our community safe! https://t.co/CpljuscJfn
@Laurie_Garrett Vermont is doing great! Please stay home out of staters and stop gathering here. Please get vaccinated. Keep your distance. And wear your d*mn mask. Almost every town has a mask mandate now. https://t.co/lTq5khuQGE
sick https://t.co/XozNG4FkT5
“The attack of the clones” Episode Infinity What is 'flurona?' Coronavirus and influenza co-infections reported as omicron surges. https://t.co/kKxtST6P2S via @Yahoo
That difference between 12/17 and yesterday eye opening. Yesterday’s PC was a good depiction of the hell COVID or bronchitis can do to one’s lungs. https://t.co/fO2ip29cIF
#EdFact: this is how @lappsga celebrates 1/6… by building our communities 🎈 UP… 📰: opinions do not supercede our experiences💡❣️ #LAPPSGA x #Equity4ALL☀️🌱 https://t.co/LAHDfShi9E
뉴욕시 무료 자가 격리 호텔 프로그램: COVID-19 양성 진단을 받으셨거나 확진자와 접촉을 하셨다면 같이 생활하는 사람들을 보호하기 위해 따로 지내실 수 있도록 최장 14일까지 호텔 객실을 이용하여 자가 격리를 하실 수 있습니다. https://t.co/hb3E5ANPKA
@DanaPerino @FoxNews you all should read Jacobson v Massachusetts and OSHA regulations. RN unions nationwide have been trying to get the mandate on influenza vaccines to be stopped 🛑 every year they don't win. It's been going on for decades. Stop whining https://t.co/UOjyemkHrk
This a very good and important thread. Yes, it’s long (for Twitter). Please take a second to read it anyway. https://t.co/BlFYuomAC2
The southeast Minnesota region is approaching 40% positivity rates for #COVID19
@kayleighmcenany @FreeBeacon @BrentScher https://t.co/mBCxtHFqzY
New year, new shot Happy to finally be #boosted against COVID-19 https://t.co/kSYG4AkQnj https://t.co/6AMvMPXs7A
@ErikE8098 @RepThomasMassie @ThatLawGuyKev My liberty and your liberty should not be in second place to "less severe," as in describing the intent of medical fascists and corporate 'woke.' All this bullying for a 99.5% Covid-19 infection survival rate. And, 6/1000 of 1% infection fatality rate in kids. Evil marxism grows.
A must-read. https://t.co/K8wJWoOpnW
From face masks to zoom court, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the Louisville court system. With all these changes, we must remember that the pandemic is not yet over. Protect yourself and others by continuing to wear your mask and social distance when possible. https://t.co/DrvCmcTad4
He never should've made it out of that boat alive. Can't trust the courts to do the right thing and give him the sentence he deserved. Hopefully the Supreme Court gives the victims justice!!! https://t.co/lZ9JwyNTXS
Boston Marathon bomber ordered to return $1,400 coronavirus relief payment to victims for restitution https://t.co/GiNkq2UCeI 💂🙌📯💨HELLO JOE BIDEN & KAMALA HARRIS ADMINISTRATION 👹😈HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN A TERRORIST GETTING A $1400 COVID-19 CHECK 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
How many isolating for @Official_STFC ? If they don’t have any shouldn’t they be awarded victory by default for tomorrow’s FA cup fixture? https://t.co/EovHVqU9No
Of course he did.remember when @SenBlumenthal, Da Nang Dick, and @SenSchumer said criminals wouldn't get these checks? Fucktards! Boston Marathon bomber ordered to return $1,400 coronavirus relief payment to victims for restitution https://t.co/QlDoRNqhTe #FoxNews
Did l tell you guys today that I hate it here ?? https://t.co/kLEnsJocj0
Looking for a Covid-19 test? Sto-Rox Family Health Center and Hilltop Community Health Center are partnering to provide free Covid-19 testing events throughout the winter. Registration is recommended, but walk-ups are welcome. See below for dates! https://t.co/CgqJAe62kE
This new surge of covid variants is eerily similar to the Dem primary election when Biden didn't really believe that COVID-19 was real & encouraged people to in person vote. Except this time he knows it's real, doesn't care & wants people to ⚰ so he can eat ice cream
HAPPENING NOW: Things are going smoothly this morning at the old Dave & Buster’s on Richmond Avenue. Covid-19 testing is open here Mon-Sat. this month from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Appointments are not required and the line is moving along pretty nicely here folks @KHOU https://t.co/K9BgrpLb45
💊🦠 Oral COVID-19 Antiviral Drug Candidate Pentarlandir from SyneuRx Is Showing Effectiveness Against Both The Omicron And Delta COVID-19 Variants https://t.co/R8yvGOa6rm #COVID19
Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise Cancel Multiple Planned Voyages Citing COVID-19 Pandemic, Travel Restrictions https://t.co/FOzqfVQbA3 Download our app to read more at https://t.co/bn1q5xuIvm
and they opened the country for tourists. what are they thinking? https://t.co/U3GmJy3I2K
Ireland to Drop COVID-19 Test Requirement for Vaccinated Arrivals https://t.co/oSnInozQWF Download our app to read more at https://t.co/bn1q5xuIvm
@LindseyGrahamSC 'It is what it is': Trump in interview on COVID-19 death toll in U.S. https://t.co/eAB5GZNVDG
CDC Recommends Children 12 to 17 Get a COVID-19 Booster Shot https://t.co/JcBO1F0uPp Download our app to read more at https://t.co/bn1q5xuIvm
Welsh Government’s COVID-19 Measures ‘Throttling Recovery’: UK Minister https://t.co/v3Up6VYNvv Download our app to read more at https://t.co/bn1q5xuIvm
@LindseyGrahamSC "It's one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It's going to be just fine." https://t.co/6l0tjnNWlE
Northern Territory Locks Out Unvaccinated Residents, as COVID-19 Cases Grow https://t.co/OxFw0mlFd1 Download our app to read more at https://t.co/bn1q5xuIvm
Federal Judge Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Navy SEALs with Religious Objections. https://t.co/NhnF2pTdRz
But reminder @ChuckECheese will be packed all weekend. https://t.co/Z8dBfOyd8T
COVID-19 Spreading in East China, Tens of Thousands in Quarantine https://t.co/AAxSOshAxn Download our app to read more at https://t.co/bn1q5xuIvm
"[... immunity conferred may also not protect against other mutations of coronavirus. "infection with this particular variant doesn’t guarantee protection against future variants,”... as long as COVID-19 is able to [transmit &] mutate, lasting immunity is likely off the table.]" https://t.co/IbYITZDv8n
@TitoBarce_ @GpachecoR17 Vacunados la sociedad los trata como escoria humana y eso es lo que no está bien. Muchos casos de gente fallecida del COVID-19 después de tener las dos dosis, y sin vacunar también. Este virus no mira sexo, color, olor, religión, clase social. Nos da a todos, a seguir cuidándose!
.@PATHTrain, what is the #OmicronVarient #COVID19 situation with your staff? I'm concerned about my son, a @SetonHall undergrad booked to fly back to @EWRairport a week from Monday. https://t.co/SjTiFRxq0d
It’s the fact that he’s fully vaccinated but strongly pushed cops to be anti-vaxx! Cops are in our schools, in our hoods, stop & frisk Black & Latinx teens, arrest people & sends them to the county that has high COVID19 numbers! CPD has weaponized #Covid_19 #GetVaccinatedNow https://t.co/ZjnDiMBdCJ
Notify NYC: If you received your second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 5 months ago, you can now receive a booster: https://t.co/113Jh2SBgm
Jim was great dude. I only met him a couple times but felt like I knew him for years. Special man gone way too soon. RIP Mad-Dog https://t.co/mnZnnTLEV6
@nihilists4jesus there’s no coronaviryou, it’s just coronavirus
it’s so wild to me this is still up & the footer has been updated for 2022 https://t.co/aSPDyPFiBA
Covid is everywhere. https://t.co/P3PvwWfW9r
@AOutlander40 I know he had Covid19 before and his immune system kicks into high gear.. it might be a week or two of misery! Thank you 🙏
Pues con 6 mil o 20 mil casos diarios, iremos a votar el 6 de febrero. Dejen de meter miedo. https://t.co/GboydPJ9Sc
https://t.co/dJuI8U6OBz https://t.co/2B6Ynt6AHU
@LAfromLINY It’s hard times for Vamps! COVID-19 has desolated the fresh virgin blood supply! Luckily the neighborhood young adults are gamers and live in their moms basement! Fresh Virginia blood with hint of Energy drink for me it’s like V but a lot cheaper! LMFAO
It sucks to be sick with COVID 🤮🤒🥴 #COVID19
@FGrampia We don’t need sturgeon telling us what we can do. Common sense prevails. It’s a cold. *Data from the four nations may not be directly comparable as data about COVID-19 patients in hospitals are collected differently.
Breaking #Florida #Covid19 #testing https://t.co/SPxsj1f7dN